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Many are the examples of the great odds between numbers and courage, so that a man may truly make a judgment, that the principal point of greatness in any State is to have a race of military men. Neither is money the sinews of war (as it is trivially said) where the sinews of men's arms, in base and effeminate people, are failing. For Solon said well to Croesus, (when in ostentation he showed him his gold,) Sir, if any other come that Whh better iron than you, he wll be master of all this gold. Therefore, let any prinee or State think soberly of his forces, except his militia of natives be of good and valiant soldiers.-LoRD BACoo VOL. I. HARRISBURG: B. SINGELRLY, STATE PBINTER. 1869. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1869, by SAMUEL P. BATES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania PREFACE. So long as differences arise among nations, which cannot be settled by peaceful conference, and appeals are made to the arbitrament of the sword, the only safety that remains to a government is in the courage of its soldiery. In the late sanguinary struggle, the national unity was preserved, and the perpetuity of democratic institutions secured, by the men who bore the musket, and who led in the deadly conflict. Argument and moral sentiment were at fault, diplomacy was powerless, and courage proved the only peacemaker. In recognition of their services, and as a mark of the appreciation in which their valor is held, the Legislature of Pennsylvania autorized the preparation of a record of each of the military organizations in the field since 1861. By the act of May 4th, 1864, it was provided that there should be prepared "a military history of the organization of Pennsylvania volunteers and militia, who have been, or may be in the field." By the act of April 17th, 1867, it is more explicitly set forth, "'that the military history of the Pennsylvania volunteers shall embrace an account of the organization, and services in the field, of each regiment, together with a roll giving the name, age, and residence of each officer and soldier, the Ate and term of enlistment, the promotions, the discharges, and casualties, and the places of burial of those who died in the service." Though the first act bears date of May, 1864, nothing was done towards the execution of its provisions until June 1st, 1866. At that date, His Excellency, Governor CURTIS, appointed and commissioned me to commence the work. There was, at that time, no material in hand, except a partial file of muster rolls in the Adjutant General's Office, from which to compile the proposed history. Not even the post-office addresses of officers were known, who after the conclusion of the war had become widely scattered. Application was made to the War Office at Washington for access to the books and records of Pennsylvania regiments; but this, fiom first to last, was stubbornly refused, as were the applications from all the other States of the Union. iv -PREFACE. The only recourse, therefore, for the information necessary to prepare the required histories of regiments, was to the officers who commanded them; and as these were often changed during the war, the work of collecting it was thereby greatly multiplied. I immediately addressed myself to the task of soliciting reports, by circulars, and by an extensive correspondence, and for upwards of a year, without any aid, was employed seeking the necessary material. To one inexperienced in a work of this kind, little conception can be formed of the difficulties that were encountered. Often the ascertainment, or verification of a single fact, involved a long correspondence, and a laborious research. On the 1st of July, 1867, I was commissioned by His Excellency, Governor GEARY, to continue and complete the work in accordance with the further provisions of the.act of the April previous, and three clerks were appointed to assist me. Up to this tiae nothing whatever had been done i the preparation of the regimental narratives for publication; but tlireports had been so far collected as to warrant its commencement. In general the material furnished was very voluminous, and its mastery involved patient toil. In addition to the reports of regimental officers, the reports of battles and campaigns made by General officers, the evidence elicited by the Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, and numerous histories and serial records, have been consulted. In the composition of the work I have aimed to give a plain, faithful statement of facts, awarding to each organization full credit for whatever of importance it accomplished, according to the best information at my command, omitting- trivial and unimportant details. No statement has been made that did not seem to rest upon authentic information, and where any serious doubt of the reliability of a fact has existed, it has been rejected. The history of each organization, through its entire career, is given by itself. This method enables one better to understand the operations of an army in its entirety than any other. Indeed, the veritable history of a battle can only be well known by seeking it in detail. It must be sought as'Mr. BATCHELDER has sought the information for his great map of the Battle-field of Gettysburg, by separate organizations, and which enables him to post each regiment, and show when and where it fought. "Men present in a battle," says THUCIDIDES, "are not able to see all that passeth: each single combatant can barely relate what happened about his own person.' PREFAGCE V But while the regiment is the unit of an army, and preserves its identity in battle, it also sustains intimate relations to the brigade, the division, the corps, and the army. While, therefore, the particular narrative has been confined, in the main, to the operations of the regiment, so much of the operations of the higher organizations has been given as to illustrate its relations with them, and to preserve the thread of the general narrative. The rolls have been so prepared as to show the main items of the record of each individual soldier. This record has been collated from the muster-in rolls, special muster-in rolls, muster-out rolls, special muster-out rolls, provost marshal rolls, veteran rolls, special and general orders of the War Department, and regimental and company books. In the collation of these papers great diligence has been exercised to secure accuracy; but the manner in which the rolls were kept by the various company officers was very unequal-the details upon many of them being full and complete, while upon others they were very meagre. These inequalities must, consequently, extend to the published records, as only partial remedies for the defects existed. The date of death, place of burial, and number of grave, of those who fell or died while in rebel prisons,' and are buried in the National Cemeteries, have also been incorporated. These facts have been carefully drawn from the burial records prepared and published by the National Government, under the direction of the Quartermaster General. This information will be found, in some particulars, to be incomplete, inasmuch as the government has been unable to obtain the records of some of the rebel prisons, and the graves of many soldiers were unmarked and unknown. A large reward has been offered by the National authorities for the burial record of the prison at Florence, South Carolina, one of the most horrible of its class, and in which many Pennsylvanians yielded up their lives; but, as yet, no trace of it has been discovered. The names of a large number of the dead, known to be Pennsylvanians, but the organization to which they belonged unknown, have been preserved, and will be published together in the concluding volume. The burial records of a few which have been ascertained since the printing has been completed, are given at the close of this volume. Notwithstanding great care has been exercised to avoid them, it is possible that some errors may appear. If any are discovered, it is earnestly requested that information concerning them be promptly given, that they may be corrected in future issues. The records of a few men vi PREFACE. have been changed by orders of the War Department since the print ing was done. These, together with a few errors discovered, are cor rected in the "Errata." The maps which accompany this volume have been drawn under my direction by Mr. L. R. BOGGS, compiled from the most authentic sources, in general from the official war maps, and have been lithographed especially for this work. Maps to illustrate other campaigns will follow, so that together they will cover the whole ground where Pennsylvania troops fought. For the purpose of ready reference, the year in which the events treated occurred, is given at the head of the page, and the particular dates are freely interwoven in the narrative. History is but an answer to three questions, when? where? and what? Indeed, geography and chronology, which have been declared to be the two eyes of history, are so intimately interwoven with it, that they have come to be regarded as a part of its substance, and no historical work is now considered complete that is not provided with maps, and a full system of dates. I take great pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness to Governor GEARY, under whose direction, by provision of law, the work has been prepared, and who, amidst the cares of the chief magistracy of this great Commonwealth, has found time to patiently and critically examine the sheets as they came from the press; to Doctor JOHN H. GIHON, the Governor's private secretary, who has read the proof sheets, and who, from his practical knowledge of Book-making, has given valuable advice in regard to its mechanical execution; to Mr. R. E. ASHELBY, chief clerk. who has had charge of the rolls, has read the proofs of them, and has assisted me in digesting the material for the regimental narratives; to Messrs. S. ROATH, L. R. BOGGS, F. H. CoUSE, and J. V. FENN, clerks, for their care and fidelity in' copying the rolls; to the Adjutant General, for access to the records of his office; to Mr. J. R. SYPHER, for his History of the Reserve Corps, which has been freely consulted; to Messrs. E. M. WOODWARD, A. F.i HILL, and W. P. LLOYD, for regimental histories; and to the officers who have promptly reported the operations of their commands, and have extended to me their countenance and sympathy, without which the execution of the work would have been impossible. S. P. B. CAPITOL, HARRISBURG, October 13, 1868. Trst fi-om 6reei M7 go-'OM' Dal, Yin Nin. ha Illon, entM17;M 00'le VeivJ7bam oWn, "le IAMIRINM Ile Crab Orrh a 0 Orrem we'-rtage af, oudcn IV ve,J adrid P -Bristol' z A UN71LLE -F-anklin. corn, C'V iaw J,-clcson Smith S herford lorco A ifoh 7yLaw&ng 0'Wrtajlblll 1AT".Ro(j Sit. Gerald Cireeavilk Jrkuddph,.' 1. O -Wings-ffin -Nto wah A71 47sto. 0 Vi7le 0 Aber Daild) ta, -k inglZon Vast. Co7umb M'Infl cc tofm Letringif. doom 4 6ra e rel-'-Popt lia 4-1 Q id H 17 m us d-6alf Haiti e le nd' /it ero Wv elievIri Fo H "S, A C' area -Wairsboro Rrujwiivk _nvinosvillp 0 -IIATQ-';N RolT(I EE 0 cifopo;; mom CONTENTS. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. PAQB.FIRST FIVE COMPANIES, - - - 3 FIRST REGIMENT, - - - 13 SECOND REGIMENT,. - - - - 23 THIRD REGIMENT,.. * 32 FOURTH REOIMENT, - - - - 40 FIFTH REGIMENT,.- -.- - - 50 SIXTH REGIMENT, - - - -. - 58 SEVENTH REGIMENT, - - - - - 68 EIGHTH REGIMENT, -. - - - - 7 NINTH REGIMENT, - -.-. 86. TENTH REGIMENT - - - - - 96 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, - - 106 TWELFTH REGIMENT, - -. - - - 1 11 THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, - - - 125 FOURTEENTH REGIMENT, - - 134 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT,.- - 142 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT,.- * - 151 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, - - -. 159 EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT, -. - 168 NINETEENTH REGIMENT, -.. ~ - 176 TWENTIETH REGIMENT,.. --,. 185 TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, 193 TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, *.. - - 201 TWENTY-THID REGIMENT, -. 209 TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, - 218 TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, - 2 221 THE ERIE REGIMENT,. -. 232 PHILADELPHIA CITY TRooP, 2 - - 241 viii CONTENTS. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. PAGQ. ELEVENTH REGIMENT, - - 247 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, - 307 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT - 344 TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, - - - 382 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, - - 418 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT7, -. - - 484 INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO THE RESERVE CORPS, - - 539 THIRTIETH REGIMENT, FIRST RESERVE, - - 545 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT, SECOND RESERVE, - - - - 575 THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT, THIRD RESERVE, - - - - 609 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT, FOURTH RESERVE - 636 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, FIFTH RESERVE, 665 T.HIRTY-FIFTH1 REGIMENT, SITXH RESERVE, - - 692 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, SEVENTH RESERVE, - - - 20 -THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, EIGHTH RESERVE, - - - 56:THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NINTH RESERVE, - - - 84 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT, TENTH RESERVE, - - - 813'FORTIETH REGIMENT, ELEVENTH RESERVE, - - - 845 EORTY-FIRST REGIMENT, TWELFTH RESERVE, 8 - 876 (FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT, BUOKTAIL,. - - " 907 iFORTY-THIRD REGIMENT, FIRST ARTILLERY, - - 944 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, FIRST CAVALRY, Y- 1014 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, - - - 1057 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, - - - 1111 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, - -: 1 1150 O.0ATY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, - -, - 1191!FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, - M- 1236 JFj'TIETH REGIMENT, - - 127%' BUXIAL RECORD,:-.- -. - 1316 INDEX TO MAP. CdORPs BADGES, - -Frontispiece, IMAIP OF EwTRE FIELD OF OPERATIONS, - - Opposite vii MAP OF PATTERSON'S CAMPAIGN IN THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY, " 1 MAP OF THE CHATTANOOGA CAMPAIGN, - - - 485 MAP OF THE PENINSULA CAMPAIGN, - - - " 538 MAP OF THE PETERSBURG MINE, - - " 1199 E\ Kf s~ Y L V ANA~~ # 8mit/t t~b,tI7,7_~ -~r t ~.. *.:.,C',' o~~~~~~~~~~~~~ld *.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dOwd ib~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4..7 *'A~~~trn~',,,, PATTERSONS Campaigni inithe axCT1 IffE0n~ru~l~ 10 Jf 20 01? Akx zndr.to — * ** * * - **..'II~~~~~`C OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, FOR THREE MONTHS' SERVICE, Under the Call of the President of April 15, 1861, for Seventy-five Thousand Men. Proclamation of the President of the United States, issued April 15, 1861. WHEREAS, The laws of the United States have been for some time past, and now are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law; now, therefore, I, ABRAHA I LINCOLN, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of 75,000, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. The details for this object will be immediately communicated to the State authorities through the War Department. I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate, and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and existence of our national Union, and the perpetuity of popular government, and to redress wrongs already long enough endured. I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the forces hereby called forth, will probably be to re-possess the forts, places, and property which have been seized from the Union; and in every event the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens of any part of the country; and I hereby command the persons composing the combinations aforesaid, to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes, within twenty days from this date. Deeming that the present condition of public affairs presents an extraordinary occasion, I do, hereby, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress. The Senators and Representatives are, therefore, summoned to assemble at their respective chambers at twelve o'clock, noon, on Thursday, the fourth day of July next, then and there to consider and determine such measures as, in their wisdom, the public safety and interest may seem to demand. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DoN: at the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States the eightyfifth. BY THE PRESIDENT: ABRAHAM LINCOLN. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of Statc. FIRST FIVE COMPANIES. pTHE people of Pennsylvania, reluctant to believe that the political leaders I of the South intended to inaugurate civil war, were gradually led, by the formal secession of several of the Southern States, to think that such an event was possible. The subsequent vigorous and imposing preparations made by the military forces of South Carolina, under the leadership of General Beauregard, to besiege and capture a starving garrison of sixty effective men, under Major Anderson, at Fort Sumter, had finally prepared the public mind for an attack, which promised so safe and successful a result to the besiegers. On the morning of the 12th of April, 1861, the Executive of Pennsylvania received a telegram in these words: "The war is commenced. The batteries began firing at four o'clock this morning. Major Anderson replied, and a brisk cannonading commenced. This is reliable and has just come to the Associated Press. The vessels were not in sight."* This startling intelligence, flashed along the lines of telegraph, across the Alleghenies, was soon heard in the remote corners of the Commonwealth. Threatnings and defiance, from Southern leaders, had long since ceased to intimidate; but when they fired upon the Flag, its import could not be mistaken. It meant war, and the appeal to arms was at once accepted by the masses of the North, however much they deprecated the alternative. Three days later, on the 15th of April, the President of the United States issued his proclamation calling out the militia of the several States to the number of seventy-five thousand men. On the afternoon of the same day, the Secretary of War telegraphed to the Executive, that a call had been made on Pennsylvania for sixteen regiments. Two regiments were wanted within three days. A sudden dash upon the Capital was already strongly threatened. The city was entirely unprotected, and at the mercy of the assailants. The President's call, accompanied by an appeal from the Executive, was telegraphed to every part of the Commonwealth, urging men to come forward, in companies and squads, with all possible dispatch, to the defence of the imperilled Capital. Aside from the city of Philadelphia, there were few militia companies fully armed and equipped; and of these, few contained even,:the minimum number of (32) men. As the intelligence, of the appeal for ken, spread through the towns and villages of the interior, the officers of the few organized companies, hastily called their men together, and tendered their ser-. vices to the Governor. * Telegram, addressed to Gov. Curtin, from Philadelphia, by J. Morris Harding. Telegrams received MS., Vol. 1, p. 1. 4 FIRST FIVE COMPANIES, Among the first thus promptly to respond, were the Ringgold Light Artillery, Captain MlKnight, of Reading; the Logan Guards, Captain Selheimer, of Lewistown; the Washington Artillery, Captain Wren, and the National Light Infantry, Captain M'Donald, of Pottsville; and the Allen Rifles, Captain Yeager, of Allentown. Early in January, 1861, the late Major General William H. Keim, with characteristic sagacity, had advised Captain M'Knight that the services of his company* would probably soon be needed, and had counselled him to hold them in readiness for immediate service. Hence, from that time forward, frequent and almost daily drills were practiced. The dispatch, announcing the attack on Fort Sumter, found the company at drill at some distance from the city. The effect was electrical. All were impatient to move to the defence of the Flag. The company was held in readiness, and, on the 16th of April, marching orders were received from Governor Curtin. On the afternoon of the same day, it moved by the Reading railroad to Harrisburg, where it arrived at eight o'clock in the evening. The company numbered one hundred and two men, flly armed and equipped as light artillery. On reporting at the Executive office, the Governor being absent in Washington, orders were sought from the Secretary of War, who telegraphed to push the company forward by the earliest train. This order, for prudential reasons, was almost immediately countermanded by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. t The Logan Guards,$ of Lewistown, could muster but twenty-six members; but, on receipt of a telegram from Governor Curtin, dated April 16, accepting their services, and urging them to lose no time in moving, the drum-call was soon heard along the streets, and in less than an hour, one hundred and six *THE RINGGOLD LIGHT ARTILLERY of Reading, a volunteer company, was organized and equipped in 1850, under James M' Knight, Captain. It was armed with four six-pounder brass field pieces and caissons, with full equipments of artillerists, including sabres, and mustered over two hundred men. It was composed of good material, was well drilled, and was the pride of the city of Reading. It had participated in several volunteer encampments; one at Easton of a week's duration, where it was entertained by ex-Governor Reeder, and other leading citizens. t HARRISBURG, April 16, 1861. Captain James M'Knight: DEAR SIR:-You will please delay your march to Washington until ordered by the Governor. Respectfully yours, ELI SLIFER. i THE LOGAN GUARDS, a volunteer company, was organized by Major Daniel Eisenbise, inspector of the 2d brigade, 14th division, Pennsylvania militia. In the month of July, 1858, John B.Selheimer was elected Captain, and commissioned on the 7th of August. The company met for parade and drill about once a month, and participated in volunteer encampments at Lewistown in the fall of 1859, and at Huntingdon in 1860, both under command of Major General Win. H. Kein. It participated in the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of Governor Curtin in January, 1861, and in the reception of Mr. Lincoln, President elect, on the 22d of February following. At the close of the three months' service it was re-organized under Captain J. A. Mathews, and re-entered the service in the 46th regiment, Colonel 1nipe, for three years, remaining as veterans to the close of the war, and participating in the campaigns of Banks, M'Clellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, and Sherman. The losses of the company, from all causes, during the war, were one hundred and eleven men; but so well did recruits come forward from the home neighborhood, as they were wanted, that at the close of the war, sixty-eight men and officers were mustered out as veteran volunteers, the rolls showing an aggregate membership of two hundred and forty-seven. The survivors of the organization participated in the flag reception, at Philadelphia, on the 4th of July, 1866, and were assigned to the right of the procession, by Major General Hancockl, commanding officer of the day. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 5 men, including the twenty-six original members, were in line and ready to march. At ten o'clock P. M., of the same day, the company moved to the station on the opposite bank of the Juniata river; but, owing to a lack of transportation, it did not reach Harrisburg till the morning of the 17th. The officers of the National Light Infantry,* of Pottsville had, as early as the 11th of April, by a resolution of the company, tendered its services to the Secretary of War, and were notified, on the 13th, of their acceptance. The Washington Artillery, f also of Pottsville, with like patriotic ardor, anticipating the wants of the government, had, on the 13th of April, tendered their services to, and been accepted by the Government. The two companies, under marching orders, left Pottsville on the 17th, and arrived in Harrisburg, at eight o'clock in the evening. Simultaneously with these, came, also, the Allen Guard from Allentown, a company efficiently organized and well drilled, under Captain Yeager. On the morning of the 18th of April, a detachment of Regulars of company "H,"1 4th Artillery, consisting of some forty or fifty men, arrived in Harrisburg from the West, in command of Lieutenant Pemberton, afterward a Lieutenant General of the rebel army, and chief in the fruitless defence of'Vicksburg. The five volunteer companies having been mustered into the service of the United States by Captain Seneca G. Simmons, of the 7th Infantry, the regulars and these volunteers, departed on the same train, at nine o'clock A. M., of the 18th, the former for Fort M'Henry, near Baltimore, the latter for Washington, and arrived at Baltimore at one P. M. The volunteers were under the necessity of marching some two miles through the city, from Bolton to Camden station. On leaving the cars, a battalion was formed in the following order: Pemberton, with his regulars, on the right; Selheimer, with the Logan Guards, next; and Yeager, Wren and M'Donald following, M'Knight, with the Ringgold Artillery, bringing up the rear. As the column was forming near Bolton station, the police of Baltimore appeared in large force, headed by Marshal Kane, and followed by a mob, who at once commenced an attack upon the volunteers, countenanced by a portion of the police, sent to give safe conduct through the city. Orders were given to the men to preserve their temper, and to make no reply to anything that should be said to them. At the command "forward," *THE NATIONAIL LIGHT INFANTRY was organized in the summer of 1831, and was commanded, successively, by Captains Dean, Shoenfelter, Beard, Bland, Pott, and M'Donald. The interest in the organization, which had, for a time, been impaired, was revived under the skillful management of Captain Frank Pott, and the outbreak of the rebellion found the company in efficient training under Captain M'Donald. Its organization was continued after the three months' term of service had expired, and became company "A" of the 96th veteran regiment. f THE WASHINGTON ARTILLERY was organized at Pottsville, in July, 1842, under Captain (since Brigadier General) James Nagle. At the breaking out of the Mexican war, its services were tendered to the Governor, and accepted. Its ranks being immediately recruited to the maximum number, it was, on the 15th of December, 1846, mustered into the service of the United States at Pittsburg, as company " B," 1st regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. Francis M. Wynkoop, hitherto a private in the ranks of the Artillerists, was elected Colonel of the regiment. Retiring from Mexico with thinned ranks, the company was mustered out, at Philadelphia, on the 27th of July, 1848, and the scarred veterans were received at Pottsville with honors befitting the brave. Cherishing V'esprit du corps, and proud of their history, the organization and drill of the company was studiously maintained, their ranks being continually recruited from the young men desirous of emulating their valor. On several occasions the company was called outto assist in quelling disturbances, which the civil authorities were unable to repress, and always performed this disagreeable dutyin a manner to command the confidence and gratitude of all law abiding citizens. 6 FIRST FIVE COMPANIES, the mob commenced hooting, jeering, and yelling, and proclaimed with oaths, that the troops should not pass through their city to fight the South. Arriving near the centre of the city, Pemberton, with his regulars, filed off towards Fort M'Henry, leaving the volunteers to pursue their way through the city as best they could. At this juncture the mob were excited to a perfect frenzy, breaking the line of the police, and pushing through the files of men, in an attempt to break the column. Every insult, that could be heaped upon the troops, was offered, but no word of reply was elicited, the officers and men marching steadily on towards Camden station. At every step the mob increased, until it numbered thousands of the most determined and desperate rebels of the war. The Logan Guards were armed with thirty-four Springfield muskets, which had been drawn from the National armory, on a requisition from the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, at the time of its organization in 1858, and thirty-four of their number carrying them, were uniformedprecisely like theregulars. The officers and some of the men wore revolvers at their sides, well loaded. Aside from these, there was not a charge of powder in the five companies; but one of the men of the Logan Guards, happening to have a box of percussion caps in his pocket, had previously distributed them to his comrades, and the thirtyfour muskets of the Guards were capped, and carried, half cocked, at a support arms, creating the impression in the mob, that these muskets were loaded, and would be used against them, if they attempted an assault. This feint was believed to have saved that little band of volunteers from the bloody and brutal attack which awaited the Massachusetts 6th on the following day. As the volunteers were boarding the train at the station, the angry mob hurled a shower of bricks, clubs, and stones into their disorganized ranks, fortunately, however, inflicting only slight injuries. In the midst of the confusion, an attempt was made to detach the engine from the train and run it away. This was only prevented by the determined character of the engineer and his assistants, who drew revolvers, and threatened to shoot any who dared to make the attempt. At length, amidst the demoniac yells of the crowd, the train moved off, carrying the volunteers safely beyond the reach of their desperate assailants. In the meantime, great solicitude was felt by the State officials at Harrisburg, for the safety of these unarmed and defenceless men, pioneers, pushing forward, amidst threatening and discordant elements, to the rescue of an imperilled and helpless government. The previous, demonstrations of the disorderly element in Baltimore had created alarm, and solicitude was felt, lest an attack should be made upon the volunteers, and they would need arms-and ammunition for their own defence; but so great was the demand for men, and so loud the call from Washington to hasten their march, that the necessary equipments, which were not in hand, could not be procured. Upon the arrival of the volunteers at Baltimore, the Governor and his executive and staff officers, repaired to the telegraph office in Harrisburg, and awaited, in almost breathless anxiety, for the first intelligence of these pioneer soldiers. When, at length, the announcement was made of their successful march through the city, and of the safe departure of the train bearing them on to Washington, he raised his arm, and pledged in his own characteristic manner, that not another Pennsylvania soldier should leave the State unarmed, if the capital should be razed to the ground. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 7 At seven o'clock P. M., of the 18thb, these five companies, the head of the grand column of two millions of men, who were afterwards mustered and marched in their footprints, arrived in Washington. Major (since Major General) Irwin M'Dowell assumed command, and ordered them to quarters in the Capitol. Arms, ammunition, and equipments were furnished, and the work was immediately commenced of barricading the Capitol, fronting the Potomac. with barrels of cement, and large sheets of boiler iron. The timely arrival of these troops was the occasion of much joy. On the opposite side of the Potomac, on the Virginia shore, squads of rebel soldiers were drilling in full view of the Capitol, and, but for this accession of strength, the city might have fallen an easy prey. The night of the 18th passed quietly away, and at day-break of the 19th, the morning report of the Logan Guards, officially signed, was handed, by the First Sergeant of the company, to Adjutant General Thomas, that officer remarking, that it was the first official volunteer report received. On Tuesday, the 23d, it was ascertained that an attempt would be made to capture Washington by way of the Arsenal and the Navy Yard. The Ringgold Artillerists were, accordingly, ordered to report to Captain (since Admiral) Dahlgren, at the Navy Yard. Three twelve-pound howitzers were assigned to the company, with which to defend the place. With the exception of a detachment of twelve men, detailed to guard the Short bridge, the entire command was required to man these guns. On the 25th, a Sergeant and six men were detailed from the company to servea as guard on the Steamer Powhatan, dispatched to make a reconnoissance -down the Potomac, to search for obstructions, and to ascertain if forts were being erected along the river. On Friday, the 26th of April, the company was ordered, by Major WMDowell, to duty at the Capitol. Remaining.there till.,the 15th of May, it was ordered to report for duty to Major:(since Major -General) Ramsey, at the Washington Arsenal, who assigned it to quarters in the penitentiary. When the company left Harrisburg, on the 18th of April, it was ordered.to leave behind its field pieces, and equipments, with the exception of sabres. This order was exceedingly distasteful to the men, as their guns, which they kept beautifuilly burnished, and designated by pet names, had come to be.regarded with an attachment which only soldiers know. On the 16tbh & y, to the greatjoy of the men, their pieces were restored to them, and toi ere ordered to discontinue all other duty, to put their guns and caissons in proper condi-.tion, and to -commence, at once, gun and sabre drill. On the 18th the company was inspected by the Secretary of War, Mr. Cameron. With the exception of a short interval, when detailed to mount guns in the forts about Washington, the company remained on duty at the Arsenal till the expiration of its term of service, never having performed duty with the regiment to which it was nominally attached. The jLogan Guards and Washington Artillery, after remaining in the Capitol some.ten days, were ordered to garrison duty at Fort Washington, then in command of Brevet Major J. A. Haskins, of the RIeglar army, These two companies having an excess of men, a new company was formed from the surplus, and First Lieutenant David A. Smith, of the Washington Artillery, was commissioned Captain thereof. *The Massachsetts 6th arrived at the Capital at nine o'clock P. M., of April 19, and the New York 7th-which was the next to arrivye-April 259 8 FIJRST FIVE COMPANIES, These pioneer companies, which had promptly marched to the Capital on the first alarm, and had been assigned to duty for its safety and protection, amidst the great uprising of the people which ensued, seem to have been lost sight of, and forgotten by the State authorities. For, not until two hundred and forty other companies, that succeeded them in the service, had been organized into regiments, brigades and divisions, were they remembered as a part of Pennsylvania troops. After twenty-four other regiments were organized and fully equipped, these first companies, which were justly entitled to the first place in the 1st regiment, were organized as a part of the 25th and last regiment for the three months' service. Henry L. Cake, of Pottsville was elected Colonel, and Captain Selheimer, of the Logan Guards, Lieutenant Colonel. Colonel Selheimer was ordered to join the regiment; but the companies serving in Fort Washington never saw the regiment or its Colonel; indeed, only knew that they belonged to a regiment from the fact that one of their Captains had been transferred by promotion. Nearly two months, of the three for which they had enlisted, had passed, before these companies received adequate clothing or camp equipage, from either the State or National Government, and many of the men were excused from duty because of their partial nakedness. Major Haskins, and the efficient officers under him at the Fort, worked zealously and kindly with these troops, in perfecting them in their duties as soldiers, and so well did they succeed, that in the single company of Logan Guards, one-half of the number became commissioned officers in various Pennsylvania regiments, four of the number being Brevet Brigadier Generals, four Colonels, four Lieutenant Colonels, six Majors, eighteen Captains, and thirtytwo Lieutenants. Among the privates in the ranks of tlis company, in their march through Baltimore, was Brigadier General Wim. H. Irwin, who commanded a brigade of General Franklin's corps at Antietam; Brevet Brigadier General Wm. G. Mitchell, chief of General Hancock's staff; Brevet Brigadier General J. A. Mathews, who commanded the second brigade of General Hartranft's division, in the 9th corps; and Brigadier General Thomas M. Hulings, who was killed while gallantly leading his regiment into the thickest of the Wilderness fight. In the progress of the gigantic struggle which ensued, of which the most farsighted had then no conception, so many and such brilliant services have been rendered by the soldiers of the National armies, that the timely march of these companies has been little noted. But the value of their presence in the Capital at this critical juncture, can not be overlooked, in any fair estimate of the causes which led to our triumph; and it must ever be regarded as one of the links in that chain of great events, seemingly planned by Providence, for our deliverance. The President and other officers of the Government felt, and repeatedly expressed gratitude for their timely presence, and the thanks of the House of Representatives, which are rarely tendered, and only for great and most signal services to the State, were expressed in the following terms: 37TH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, July 22, 1861. Resolved, That the thanks of this House are due, and are hereby tendered to the five hundred and thirty soldiers from Pennsylvania, who passed through the mob of Baltimore, and reached Washington on the eighteenth of April last, for the defence of the National Capital. GALUSHA A. GROW, Speaker of the House of Representatives, THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 9 LOGAN GUARDS. RECRUITED AT [LEWISTOWN. MUSTERED INTO SERVICE, AT HARRISBURG, APRIL 18, 1861. John B. Selheimert...........Captain. Loff, George J..............Private. Thomas M. Huling.........First Lieutenant. Langton, John S..............do. Robert W. Patton............Second Lieutenant. Laub, Charles E...............do.. Joseph A. Mathews.........First Sergeant. Link, Elias W.................do. Joseph S. Waream..........Second Sergeant. M'Ewen, William, T........do. Henry A. Eisenbise..........Third Sergeant. Mitchell, William G........do. William B. Weber...........Fourth Sergeant. M'Cay, William F.............do. Elias W. Eisenbise.........First Corporal. Marks, Samuel B.............do. Porter P. Butts................Second Corporal. Miller, John S..................do. John Nolte............. Third Corporal. Miller, Joseph A..............do. Frederick Hart............,.Fourth Corporal. M'Knew, William............do. Samuel G. M'Laughlin....Musician. Mathews, Robert A...........do. Joseph W. Postlethwait......do. M'Kee, John A................do. William Hopper.................do. Morton, Robert D............do. Alexander, Jesse J...........Private. M'Laughlin, Samuel G.....do. Burns, James D..................do. Nelson, William A............do. Bowsum, William H........do. Nelson, Robert..................do. Benner, William E.............do. Nurse, Thomas A..............do. Betts, Robert......................do. Nail, John A...................do. Cooper, William R............do. Price, James............. do. Cowden, William...............do. Printz, Henry...............do. Cole, Emanuel....................do. Postlethwait, John M.........do. Comfort, Henry..................do. Rothrock, Bronsen..........do. Cogley, Jeremiah..............do. Rager, James N............._..do. Comfort, Samuel................do. Sterrett, Francis R...........do. D'Armit, Franklin.............do. Sterrett, James X............do. Dewees, Thomas W...........do. Sherwood, Willia...........do. Elberty, George W...........do. Shull, Chauncey M............do. Eckebarger, James B.........do. Smith, E. Augustus.........do. Elberty, W. Asbury...........do. Smith, Theodore B....... do, Freeborn, William H.........do. Scott, Nathaniel W...........do. Fichthorn, Joseph A..........do. Smith, James P......... do. Files, Abraham..................do. Stahl, Charles W..............do. Ferrer, Joseph Bingham....do. Snyder, George A..............do. Freeborn, George M...........do. Snyder, Lucien T...............do. Fessler, Daniel..................do. Tice, Gideon M..................do. Fowler, Owen M................do. Uttly, Thomas M.............do. Hart, George......................do. Wasson, David.............do. Hughes, John.................do. Wentz, Franklin H...........do. Hunter, John T................do. Waters, Gilbert................do. Henry, James W...............do. Weber, David B................do. Irwin, William H...............do. Walters, Henry G............do. Jones, John W..................do. Wertz, David....................do. Jackson, James M.............do. White, George...D...........do. Kauffman, John S..............do. Winterod, Philip............do. Kinkade, Thomas..............do. Zeigler, Edwin l............... Kaiser, Henry F.................do. ALLEN G(UARD. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN. MUSTERED INTO SERVICE, AT HARRISBURG, APRIL 18, 1861. Thomas Yeager............ Captain. Cole, Norman H............. Private. James M. Wilson............First Lieutenant. Deitrich, Charles...............do. Joseph T. Wilt................Second Lieutenant. Derr, Henry Wilson..........do. Joseph T. Wilt..............First Sergeant. Dunlap, Milton H............do. Solomon Goeble............Second Sergeant. Early, William...............do. William Wolf........... First Corporal. Frederick, Gideon........,. do. John E. Webster..............Second Corporal. Fuller, Matthew R...........do. Ignitz Cressor................Third Corporal. Frame, William G..........do. IDaniel Kramer................Fourth Corporal. Gross, Eidwin.......;......r ~...dQo 2 10 FIRST FITE COMPANIRES, Geidner, James........Private. Rothman, Ernst............ Private. Henry, George F................d. Rhoads, George W..........do. Houck, John.......................do. Roig, John................... do Hillegos, Nathaniel...........do. SchncCk, Samuel....... do. Hettinger, Joseph.....d........do. Storch, Henry..................do. Hoxworth, George........do. Shiffert, Charles A............do. H-ittle, Edwin M...............do. Sigman, M. 1I...............do. Jacob, David....................do. Seip, Lewis G................. do' Kress, William..................do. Sheidler, Adolphu.......... Keiper, George 7V.............do. Sheidler, Envill.........o. Leisenring, Martin W.........do. Uhler, John E................ do. Leh, Franklin..................d Wetherhold, Allon...........do. Miller, Edwin H...............do. iss, Dvid....................do M'Nulty, Henry................do. Wagner, William............do, Pfeffer, Charles A.,.............do. Veiss, Joseph..................do. Reber, Jonathan W............do. Woogandt, Bonneville......do, Rhue, William................do. WASHINGTON ARTILLERY. RECTRUITED AT POTTSVILLE. MUSTERED INTO SERVICE, AT HARRISBURG, APRIL 18, 1861. James Wren,..................Captain. Fyant, Joseph............. Private, David A. Smith.............. First Lientenant. Frailey, Peter H....... —....do. Francis B. Wallace.........Second Lieutenant. Feger, William J...............do. Henry C. Russell............First Sergeant. Fisher, Peter.................do. Joseph A. Gilmour..........Second Sergeant. Glenn, CharleA...............doCyrus Sheetz...................Third Sergeant. Grow, Peter....................doWilliam J. M'Quade........Fourth Sergeant. Hill, George H...............do. Delaplain J. Ridgway...... First Corporal. Hetherington, James R.....do. Samuel R. Russel...........Second Corporal. Hardell, William H.. d......d Charles Hinkle...............Third Corporal. Heffner, William..............do. Reuben Snyder...............Fourth Corporal. Huntzinger, Alfred...........do. Gressang, G. H................. M. Sergt. Hesser, Charles A.............do. Albert F. Bowen..........Musician. Hoffa, John.....................do. Thomas Severn...................do. effner, Benjamin F.........dow Auman, William............Private. Hartman, George H..........do. Alspach, Henry L...............do. Hammer, Thomas F. B.....do. Bannan Frank................ do. Hanley, Patrick..............do. Bates, William'...............do. Hill, Henry H................ do. Bratton, G. Wilson.............do. Hause, Charles.................do. Betz, Joel H.......................do. lause, Frank.................do. Brobst, Henry....................do. llodgson, Richard M.........do. Beck, Charles E.......... do. Hetherington, John J.......do. Bobbs, Henry.................... do. Irwin, Thomas................do. Bartolett, Richard..............do. Jones, Thomas................do. Brandt, Jeremiah B............do. Johnson, Thomas.............do. Brown, David B................do. Jones, Benjamin F...........do. Barth, J. F.....................do. Jones, John.....................do. Burns, Anthony.,...............do, Kear, Joseph....................do. Bowen, Alexander S...........do. Loeser, Charles P..............do. Brown, William...............do. Lesher, William...............do. Bosbyshell, Oliver C...........do. Leonard, Godfrey..............do. Beard, Samuel...................do. Leib, Edward J.................do. Boyer, David.....................do. Moser, Daniel....................do. Clemens, William W.........do. Meyers, George.................do. Cole, William.....................do. Major, Nelson W..............do. Curry, John....................... do. Maize, William F..............do. Corby, Thomas..................do. Maurer, Charles..............do. Christian, Daniel...............do. Myers, Franklin...............do. Christian, Benjamin C.........do. Nagle,. Edward..........do, Christian, John C...............do. Nagle, John.......................do. Christ, Frederick...............do. Noble, John.....................do. Degan, William..................do. Potts, Charles P..............do. Dentzer, Philip T...............do. Pass, John........................do. Dentzer, Henry..................do. Price, Richard..................do. Drake, Nelson..................do. Petherick, Thomas, Jr......do. Dewees, Francis P..............do. Potter, Robert F...............do. Douglas, Lewis................do. Pott, Richard....................do. Downing, Henry K............do. Potts, William Ramsey.....do. Eagan, William..................do. Patterson, Theodore H......do. Engle, John......................do. Pollock, Curtis C..............do. Evans, Charles..................do. Reed, Joseph................do. THREE MONTH~3' SEPRVICE. 11 Reese, Augustus,.............Private. Stevenson, Hugh...........Private. Rice, George.......................do. Snyder, Lewis T..............do. Rice, Richard Snyer,.............. Syder, ube..... Riley, William E...............do. Spence, William...............do. Shoener, Samuel.................do. Thomson, Heber S............do. Silliman, James S............ do. Thoson, Alba C............do. Smith, Robert...................do. Titus, Ambrose H.......... do. Seltzer, Francis A.............do. Van Horn, Charles..........do. Slingluff, Charles...............do. Wernert, Victor...............do. Severn, Isaac E.................do. Weaver, John C...............do. Severn, Edward L.............do. Williams, Eli....................do. Sticher, Valentine..............do. Whitfield, Albert G...........do. Shippen, Edward J............do. Williams David.......d.....do. NATIONAL LIGHT INFANTRY. RECRUIED AT POTTSVILLE. MUSTERED INTO SERVICE, AT HARRISBURG, APRIL 189 1861. Edmund M'Donald.........Captain. t Hat.man, John..............Private. James Russell.............. First Lieutenant. Hodgson, William H.......do. Henry L. Cake..............Second Lieutenant. Howell, John M...............do. Louis J. Martin..............Second Lieutenant. Irving, William...............do. Lamar S. Hay............. First Sergeant. Johnson, Joseph.......... do. Abram M'Intyre............ Second Sergeant. Lambert, Enoch............do. William F. Huntzinger... Third Sergeant. Lashorn, William M........do. George G. Boyer..............Fourth Sergeant. Lipman, Anthony.........do. Ernst A. Sauerbrey........First Corporal. Lerch, George A.......... do. Charles C. Russell..........Second Corporal. Larkin, Michael.............do. Edward Moran'...............Third Corporal. Manayan, Lawrence.........do. Frederick W. Conrad......Fourth Corporal. Marshall, James.............do. Downey, D. D..........;......Q M Serg. M'Donald, James E..........do. Bull, Thomas G...............Private. M'Cabe, Edward....,........do. Buckley, William.............do. M'Cool, J. Addison......do. Burrows, John..................do. M'Ginnes, James P.........do. Bast, Jacob.............do. Madara, William........do. Barlett, B. F.............do. Mennig, George W........do. Benedict, John E..............do. Neis, Henry C............. do. Bodafield, John................ do Parker, Th^mas H;.........do. Beidleman, William A... do. Pugh, William................do. Becker, William................ Quinn, Henry..........do. Britton, Williamt............ do. Ranch, John.................do. Carroll, William.d................ Rich, Jonas M.......... do. Curtin, Patrick.................do. Redkey, Charles, J., Jr....do. Christian, William A..... do. Richards, M. Edgar..........do. Dampman, J. J...............do Roberts, William R.........do. Deiner, John P............do. Simpson, JohnT.......... do. Dooley, John..............do. Shoemaker, Charles J.......do. De Coursey, George...........d. Seltzer, Frederick............ do. Deitrich, Jeremiah............do. Stager, Samuel...............do. Donegan, John.......... d...... Sammon, James...............do. Donegan, James..............do. Simpson, F. W................do. Evans, James.......... do. Smith, James R...............do. Eppinger, John,.............do. Shoey, Jacob................ do. Ellrich, Ernst T...........do. Stodd, John..............do. Eberle, David.....................do. Schmidt, John.............do. Forseman, Amos.............. Smith, Alexander..........do. Foren, Michael.............do. Schoener, Franklin A......do. Foley, Edmund.............do. Smith, Terrence..............do. Garrett, William F............do. Saylor, Emanuel...........do. Garber, George W............do. Schertle, George...............do. Garrett, Charles F..............do. Thomas, Edward..............do. Good, Uriah.......................do. Troy, Ira................do. Gehring, Henry..............do. Trifoos, Elias B..............do. Gloss, Levi.....................do. Umberhauer, C. F.............do. Goodyear, M................... do. Walker, Mark..............do. Hughes, James M.............do. Wenrich, Frank...............do. Houck, Thomas G............... do. Weber, Louis........... do. Hoffman, Charles F...........do. Weber, Charles................do. Hauser, Herman...............do. Weller, William..............do. Hanley, Frank..................d. Womelsdorf, John P.........do. Howard, David.............,d Yerger, Henry...........'d, 12 FIIST FIVE COMPAIES, RINGGOLD LIGHT ARTILLERY. RECRUITED AT READING. MUSTERED INTO S.ERVICE, AT HARRISBURG, APRIL 18, 1861. James MM'Knight............Captain. Haberacker, William.....Private. Henry Nagle..............i....rst Lieutenant. Hessler, Jacob J..............do. William Graeff...............Second Lieutenant. Housel, Franklin.............do. George W. Durell...........First Sergeant. Kennedy John L...............do Daniel Kreisler...............Second Sergeant. Knabb, George W.............do. Henry Rush..................Third Sergeant. Koch, John D..................do. Jeremiah Seiders...........Fourth Sergeant. Leeds, Jacob..................do. Levi J. Homan...............First Corporal. Lutz, Harrison..................do. F. W. Folkman................Second Corporal. Lantz, Peter A................. do Jacob Womert................Third Corporal. Levan, Daniel J................d Horatio Leader...............Fourth Corporal. Leaf, George D.................do. John A. Hook................Musician. Levan, Aaron H...............do. George B. Eckert...............do. Leoser, Christopher..........do. Ash, Solomon D............ Private. Lauman, George S.............do. Anthony, James M............do. Leeds, Isaac S...............do. Ammon, Anthony..............do. Levan, Charles... do. Ansart, Charles B.e iel............do. Berger, Augustus............do. Muhlenberg, Charles P...do. Bickley, George S...............do. M'Knight, Joseph H.........do. Burkhert Reuben R...........do. Miller, William M...........do. Bouse, Harrison G.............do. Mock, William-P.............do. Bowers, William W...........do. Mast, James L............do. Bechtel, David..................do. M'Ilvaine, Howard.........do. Bechtel, Aaron...................do. M'Lenegan, John H..........do. Bitting, Charles A.............do. Neihart, Henry.................do. Coleman, Henry.................do. Pearson, Edward P., Jr.....do. Christ, William F............do. Pfleger, James.................do. Drenkel, Amos........ do. Peck, Frederick................do. Dlckinson, Daniel M...........do Phillippi, Frederick H.....do. Ebling, Edward G.............do. Ritter, Ferdinand S...........do. Ermentrout, Benjamin F.....do.a Rush, Henry.................do. Eisenbeis, Henry E.........do. Rapp, William, Jr...........do. Eben, William C..............do. Rambo, Francis...............do. Evans, Samuel.............do. Rambo, Isaiah............... o Eltz, Robert............... do. Rhoades, George B..........do. Fleck, Henry................do. Sherman, Jackson............do. Frees, Adam............ do. Shaeffer, Franklin...... d....do. Frees, John, Jr..................do. Smith, Edward L.............do. Fox, Harrison...............do. Smeck, Franklin................do. Frantz, Christian C........do. Silvis, George W...............do. Faust, Adam............ do. Scull, Edward...............do. Fix, William T..... do. Spangler, Charles..............do. Fox, James A.......... do. Shearer, Jonathan.............do. Gehry, Addison..................do. Smith, William H.........do. Gebhart, Charles W..........do. Shirey, Albert H...............do. Geiger, Henry................ o. Sauerbier, William............do. Gries, Lemuel....................do. Seyfert, Albert H..............do. Gentzler, James H..... d........ d Witman, Daniel.................do. Hamilton, Samuel.............do. Whiteside, Henry..........do. Huyett, Amos......... do. Yohn, Daniel S..................do. Hill, Nathaniel B. do. Yohn, John L................do. Helms, Andrew S..........i. YeageqF, Frederick M.........o, FIRST REGIMENT. N the 13th day of April, 1861, two days previous to the call of the President for troops, citizens of Northampton county called a public meeting at Easton, to consider the posture of affairs. and to take measures for the support of the National Government. A great concourse gathered in the public square, composed of men,'omen and children, all filled with anxiety and fearful apprehension as they discussed the result of the popular outbreak. Eloquent speeches were made, which stirred the feelings of patriotism, and the call for volunteers was answered by the cheers of young and old. At this, and subsequent meetings, four volunteer companies were organized by Captains Yohe, Bell, Heckman, and )achradt. On the 15th of April, two days after the first meeting, and on the day of the President's call, the services of these companies were offered to, and accepted by the Governor. On the 18th, the volunteers left their homes and families, unarmed and without uniforms or equipments, and proceeded to Harrisburg. On the 20th of April the First Pennsylvania regiment of volunteer militia for the service of the National Government was organized by the choiceof the following officers: Samuel Yohe, of Easton, from Captain of company C, Colonel; Tilghman H. Good, of Allentown, Lieutenant Colonel; Thomas W. Lynn, Major; James Miltimore was designated, by Colonel Yohe, as Adjutant. The regiment, thus organized, consisted of companies lettered, recruited, and mustered into service, as indicated at the head of the several company rolls. An excellent band of music, from Lancaster city, numbering sixteen pieces, under the leadership of Daniel Clemens, was also attached to the regiment. Previous to the receipt of marching orders, the men were furnished with muskets and muslin haversacks, and provided with hard tack and bacon, and about twelve rounds of ball cartridge, which, for want of cartridge boxes, were carried in their pockets. On the night of the 20th of April, the regiment, under the command of Brigadier General George C. Wynkoop, left Harrisburg, and proceeded to a point near Cockeysville, on the Northern Central railroad. This movement was made with the design of protecting the bridges on this road, and eventually of opening communication with Washington, which, since the passage of the Massachusetts troops, had been broken. But, upon the representation of leading public men of Maryland, that a military occupation, and a resort to violent measures, at this time, might precipitate a collision, and lead to the secession of the State, the authorities ordered* a retrograde movement, and on the following Monday evening, the command retired to Camp Scott, near the town of York. *This order was the result of a conference between Mayor Brown and three of his friends, of Baltimore, and the President and General Scott, wherein it was agreed, by the latter, that these troops should be withdrawn, and was issued accordingly. 14 FIRST REGIMENT, After several days' delay, clothing and equipments, including cooking utensils, were received. The regiment remained here, drilling in anticipation of immediate service in the field, until the 14th of May, when it was detailed to guard the Northern Central railroad from the Pennsylvania line to Druid Park, near Baltimore. On the 25th of May, having been relieved by the 12th Pennsylvania regiment, Colonel Campbell, it was ordered to move to Catonsville, Maryland, to guard the roads leading to Frederick city and Harper's Ferry. Tents and camp equipage were here supplied, which had hitherto been wanting, all efforts to obtain them having proved fruitless. On the 29th, it was ordered to advance about five miles to the village of Franklintown, where it was posted, and remained guarding the same avenues as before. On the 3d of June, the regiment was ordered to Chambersburg, to join the forces there concentrating. It was placed in camp, remaining several days, engaged in drill and field discipline. It was assigned to the 2d Brigade,* 2d Division, of General Patterson's army. The Brigade was soon after ordered to Hagerstown, and advanced to, and encamped near the village of Funkstown. While at this place, upon one occasion the whole encampment was aroused at midnight, in anticipation of a movement of the enemy, and hurriedly marched to Williamsport, on the Potomac, which was reached at day-break. Remaining until the following evening, no enemy being discovered, it was ordered to return to camp, reaching it about midnight. The regiment was here supplied with new uniforms. Previous to this time the men had suffered for the want of adequate clothing, though the destitution had been greatly relieved by a partial supply sent by kind friends at Easton. A few days later, on the 21st of June, orders were received from the commanding General, to prepare three days' cooked rations, and taking transportation and ten days' rations, to move with all possible dispatch, and occupy Frederick, Maryland. In obedience to this order the regiment struck tents the same evening, and on the 22d arrived at Frederick, and reported to Governor Hicks. The regiment remained here about two weeks, constantly improving in field exercises and military discipline It was next ordered to Martinsburg, Virginia. Returning through Boonsboro' it encamped the same night on Kennedy's farm, and on the following day arrived at Williamsport. Fording the Potomac, it advanced to Falling Waters. Next day, resuming the march, it arrived at Martinsburg, meeting the whole division commanded by General Patterson. On the 8th of July, the following order was received: HEAD-QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Martinsbzurg, Va. July 8, 1861. To Colonel SAMUEL YOHE, Commanding 1st Pennsylvania Volunteers: SIR:-I am instructed by the commanding General to say that your regiment has been selected to garrison this important post, on account of the confidence reposed in the administrative qualities of the commander and the heretofore good conduct of the regiment, which give assurance of the safety of the * Organization of 2d Brigade, Brigadier General George C. Wynkoop, 2d Division, Major General W. H. Keim. 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Samuel Yohe; 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh; 3d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Francis P. Minier. THIREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 15 depot, and that the inhabitants will be protected, and many now opposed to us made fiiends of, while the luke-warm will be strengthened in their feelings. I am sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, (Signed) F. J. PORTER, A. A. G. When, on the 14th of July, the division under General Patterson moved towards Bunker Hill, the 1st Regiment, in obedience to this order, remained at MLartinsburg, which had now become the base of supply. Two days later, the regiment was ordered to Charlestown, where it again met and rejoined the division. Here, on the 17th of July, an order was received to have the men prepared with ten days' cooked rations in haversacks, and be ready to move without baggage. On this day it had been. arranged that a battle should be fought by the army under MI'Dowell, but was delayed till four days later. The plan of campaign, as disclosed by the orders of the General-in-Chief, contemplated that the army under Patterson should keep in front of the enemy and prevent his advance into Maryland or Pennsylvania, and make demonstrations in favor of the army operating under MVDowell in front of Washington, with a conditional purpose of striking the enemy a damaging blow, if a favoiable opportunity offered. These demonstrations were continued till it was supposed that the contemplated battle before Washington had been fought. General Scott* had given notice to General Patterson that the movement wo'ld commence on the 16th, again that it had been commenced on the 17th, and iinaly that the decisive battle would be fought on the 18th. On the 21st, the regiment was ordered to move to Harper's Ferry, from whence, on the 23d, it marched to Sandy Hook, and on the same evening took the train for Harrisburg, where the men were honorably discharged and mustered out of service. During the time that the regiment was in service, it did not participate in any battles; but its timely arrival in the field accomplished much good by checking any rash movement on the part of Rebels in arms along our borders. The duties it was called upon to perform were faithfully done, and its good conduct, under all circumstances, was appreciated and acknowledged by its superior officers.. * General PATTERSON to General SCOTT, July 9. X* * * "His (enemy's) design evidently is to draw this force on as far as possible from its base, and then to cut my line, or to attack with large reinforcements from Manassas. As I have already stated, I cannot advance far, and if I could, I think the movement very imprudent. When you make your attack, I expect to advance and offer battle. If the enemy retires, shall not pursue. I am very desirous to know when the General-in-Chief wishes me to approach Winchester. If the notice does not come in any other way, I wish you would indicate the day by telegraph, thus:'Let me hear from you on -." General SCOTT to General PATTERSON, July 12. * * *- "Let me hear from you on Tuesday, (July 16.) Write often when en route." General SCOTT to General PATTERSON, July 17. * * * "M'Dowell's first day's work has driven the enemy beyond Fairfax Court House. The Junction will probably be carried to-morrow (July 18.)? [The battle of Bull Run was fought July 21.] 16 FIRST REGIMENT. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Samuel Yohe..................Colonel. Frederick S. Pyfer.........Quartermaster. T. H. Good.......................Lieutenant Colonel. Jacob R. Ludlow...........Surgeon. Thomas W. Lynn............Major. W. H. H. Michler..........Assistant Surgeon. James Miltimore.............Adjutant. REGIMENTAL BAND. Daniel Clemens...............Musician. George F. Rote...............Musician. Joseph M. Cogley...............do. Jacob HI. Norbeck.............do. George P. Bruederly............do. Jacob Adams....................do. Herman Newmyer.............do. Charles Streich.................do. Joseph A. Bruederly..........do. John P. Shindle...............do. Charles Hepting................ do. Frederick Wettig............. do. John Chambers..................do. Henry Shenck.................o. George G. Myers.................do. Benjamin F. Adams.......do. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT BETHLEHEM, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. James L. Selfridge..........Captain. Hauser, Samuel............Private John F. Freauff...............First Lieutenant. Kock, William..................do. Richard Molton Goundie, Second Lieutenant. Kampman, Albert............do. Thomas B. Gorman........First Sergeant. Kuechner, John...............do. Charles B. M'Carty.........econd Sergeant. Kiess, Lewis..................do. Aaron Getter.................Third Sergeant. Lynn, Aaron...................do. Benjamin Weaver...........Fourth Sergeant. Luckenbach, Andrew.......do. William H. Fritz............First Corporal. Luckenbach, Augustus....do. Augustus Boehm............Second Corporal. Levers, Henry R..............do. William W. Yohe............Third Corporal. Lamol, Jacob..................do. John C. Schropp..............Fourth Corporal. Mill, Tilghman.................do. Charles Hower................Musician. M'Carty, Daniel........... do. Samuel Antrim.................do. Michler, Clarence..............do. Albright, John..............Private. Olp, John............do. Benner, Thomas................do. Pfeifer, James N.............do. Bodder, Darius.................do. Rice, Daniel G..................do. Benner, Levi.....................do. Remig, Henry.................do. Burman, John.................do. Rickell, Adolph................do. Bealer, Julius....................do. Romig, James..................do. Benner, Abraham, 1st........do. Sigley, Owen.............. do. Brooks, William.................do. Stolzenbach, William H...do. Bell, James..................do. Shively, William H........do. Barnet, Moses................do. Scholl, DeWitt C.............do. Benner, Abraham, 2d.........do. Schropp, Abraham S..... do. Corkery, John....................do. Sigley, Charles H..............do. Derr, Martin................. do. Sigfried, James W...........do. Dentry, Robert.................do. Stahl, John.......................do. Donever, Oliver................do. Sherry, Ira C....................do. Davenport, Valentine.........do. Taylor,'John....................do. Dougherty, Thomas............do. Trumbauer, Joseph S....... do. Fetter, John C............... do. Tice, Levi.........................do. Fitzgibbons, Minhael.........do. Transue, Aaron.................do. Fahs, William H................do. Wilhelm, Benjamin..........do. Frey, Stephen.................. do. Weist, Levi......................do. Groman, Samuel................do. Wolf, rederick..............do. (rider, Orville...................do. White, George D..............do. Groman, Jacob..................do. Wambold, Tilghma.......do. Haus, William II...............do. Young, Tilghman...........do. Hoffner, John....................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 17 COMPANY B REORUITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Jacob Dachradt............. Captain. Hetzell, John................Private. Godfrey Mutchler............First Lieutenant. Huble, Frederick W.........do. Charles Eichman...........Second Lieutenant. Haln, George II...............do. James F. Meyers............First Sergeant. Hartzell, William..........do. Jacob F. Rafferty............Second Sergeant. Imick, Charles..................do. Andrew Burt..................Third Sergeant. Kromcr, William II.........do. Samuel H. Barnes...........Fourth Sergeant. Kromer, Lewis F.............do. Edward Cook..................First Corporal. Kemmerer, Edgar............do. Max Weeks............. Second Corporal. Lerch, John S..................do. G. William Barrow.........Third Corporal. Lynn, F...........................do. John II. Burch...............Fourth Corporal. Levers, Joseph................do. Samuel Burch................Musician. Moser, James P...............do. William H. Ginnerd...........do. Moritz, William H............do. Bixler, John A...............Private. Michler, Peter S...............do. Bigley, Solomon................do. Myers, Joseph S............... do. Bittenbender, John W........do. Purser, John.....................do Benner, John....................do. Rodgers, Andrew.............do. Bassett, Jacob...................do. Rinker, Franklin............do. Barnes, Gideon A...............do. Rinek, Jacob...................do. Bloeckley, Edwin D..........do. Ricker, John W...............do. Bitzner, Lawrence.............do. Shetter, Charles P.......,.lo Church, Pulaski M............do. Smith, Maximilian..........do. Dachrodt, John A...............do. Schortz, Charles...............do. Darmer, Paul.....................do. Schweb, Frederick............do. Dittler, Jacob N..................do. Schaffer, Samuel...............do. Davis, William D...............do. Schook, Amandes.............do. -Everetts, John...................do. Savitz, Joseph WV............do. Eichman, William..............do. Singer, J. Lewis........ do. Frountfelter, Richard.........do. Smi., William................do. Frankenfield, Leonard.......do. Schmitzer, William.........do. Frountfelter, Levi..............do. Smith, Edward O..............do. Fargo, James G.................do. Schlubach, Reuben...........do. Ginnerd, Joseph A............do. Smith, Valentin..............do. Gardner, Abraham............do. Snyder, William F...........do. I-lay, Andrew I..................do. Steer, William..................do. Hay, John Q....................do. Templin, William A........do. flinoline, Daniel E.............do. Troxell, William E...........do. Hill, Hennan.....................do. Ziegenfuss, William I.....do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William H. Armstrong...Captain. Cyphers, George E.........Private. Robert Ramsden............. First Lieutenant. Cook, John...d..................do. Charles H. Yard............S...Scnd Lieutenant. Diehl, George A...............do. Lawrence Bonstein......... First Sergeant. Drew, Samuel W..............do. William H. Weaver........Second Sergeant. Freyant, George H...........do. Samuel Stewart............... Third Sergeant. Gross, Stephen..................do. WV banus Weisbach.........Fourth Sergeant. Green, John S..............do. William B. Mctler...........First Corporal. Gans, Owen......................do. Emanuel R. Shelling......Second Corporal. Gephart, Edwin...............do. Edward Wortley.............Third Corporal. HIeath, David....................do. Daniel Laubach............... Fourth Corporal. Hafford, Alvin......... do. William A. Hickman......Musician. Hubor, Henry..................do. Josoph Young....................do. Ihrie, James..................do. Arndt, George WM............ Private. Kichlino, Martin.........do. Arnold, Charles..................do. Knauss, Martin 13.............do. Barnet, Charles..................do. Kilkerry, Thomas........do. Broadbach, John................do. Ki ino, William I.............do. Bitters, Richard Ney.........do. Lesher, Charles II............do. Iull, Jclnthan...................do. Lynd, John.......................do. Billings, John P................do. Moser, Lawrence...... do. Colbath, George..................do. Myers, Isaac M................do. Carey, Daniel J................. do. Moyer Henry................... do. Callahan, John...................do. Moyer, Benjamin F...........do. Colbath, Williamm...........do. oser, Philip........... 3 18 l'R rT:FIRST REGIMENT, Mowry, Francis.............. Private. Shelling, Augustus.......Private. Murray, John.....................do. Stiles, Isaac............ do. Merwartb, Bernard.............do. Troxell, Daniel.................do. Miller, Henry.....................do. Tilton, James P................do. Paxson, Samuel..................do. Van Campen, James..........do. Pharo, William................... do. Vogel, Joseph.d.............. do. Rustay, Jacob....................do. Weidel, Owen John.........do. Rongay, Joseph.................do. Weller, John D................do. Sigman, George W..............do. Weiss, Augustus.............do. Snyder. John G..................do. Wyker, William...............do Stultz, Willianm H..............do. Weber, Josiah..................do. Smith, Peter......................do. Wagener, George W.........do. Simons, Perry...................do. Wolfrau, William............do. Schlegel, Charles................do. Wolfrau, John..................do. Shelling, Richard................do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Charles n. Heckman...... Captain. Hammer, Christian........Private. James F. Thompson........First Lieutenant. Hulsizer, Silas..................do. William H. Able.............Second Lieutenant. Hagerman, Wilson I.........do. Joseph Oliver................. First Sergeant. Hixson, William C...........do. Henry Arndt..................Second Sergeant. Horn, Luther....................do. William A. Bachman......Third Sergeant. Innes, Henry....................do. Calvin Pardee.................Fourth Sergeant. Ihrie, Joseph...................do. Edward S. Carrell..........First Corporal. Kichline, David E............do. Flavius G. Arrowsmith... Second Corporal. Lane, Adam H.................do. Augustus Stewart...........Third Corporal. Levers, John I..................do. Benjamin H. Hillman.....Fourth Corporal. Levers, Charles P............do. Erwin Hartsell.............. Musician Meldrum, James B.........do. Adams, Samuel...............Private. Mattes, Frederick C..........do. Attel, Amandus.................do. Meyer, Charles......d........do. Alsover, Jabez..................do. M'Dlonald, Patrick............do. Andrews, John..................do. Morrell, Lewis..................do. Bowman, John W..............do. Oberly, George M..............do. Blane, William.................do. Pace, William H...............do. Bowers, Joseph.................do. Phillips, Robert R............do. Boyd, Thomas....................do. Raub, Abraham A...........do. Brodie, James I..................do. Reese. Robert...................do. Cooper, Jeremiah.............do. Richard, Philip.................do. Clymer, Isaac C................do. Ricketts, Thomas P...........do. Diehl, George E..................do. Reese, George.................o. Delaney, Matthew-..............do. Smith, William A............do. Emmons, Samuel I............do. Sloan, John P. B...............do. Finster, Edward.................do. Seip, William H...............do. Finster, Alfred...................do. Shouse, Edward A............do. Ferguson, James...............do. Shaffer, George H.............do. Gallaghan, James G...........do. Seip, Henry N..................do. Gallaghan, Edward B.........do. Stele, Albert....................do. Gangwer, John I.............do. Snyder, Thomas............do. Heintzelman, Samuel I......do. Simons, James..................do. Hubbell, Frank A..............do. Troxell, Theo dore............. do. Huber, David W...............do. Troxell, Davil.............do. Hoyt, Alexander W............do. Wagner, Thol.s........ do. Hawk, Jacob A..................do. Young, Abraham K.........do. Hulsizer, James E.............do. COMPANY E, RECRUITED AT HARRISBURG, DAUPHIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 18, 1861. Jacob M. Eyster..............Captain. James A. Carman...........Second Corporal. George W. P. Davis.........First Lieutenant. Levi Weaver, Jr.............Third Corporal. J. Wesley Awl................ Second Lieutenant. Daniel Barr....................Fourth Corporal. Isaac R. Dunkleberger...;First Sergeant. John William Bush.......Musician. Charles A. Stoner............Second Sergeant. David Hummel.................do. Samuel Eberly................Third Sergeant. Black, Thomas J...........Private. Valentine B. Hummel.....Fourth Sergeant. Boughter, John................do. George W. M'Allister......First Corporal. Blady, John C..................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 19 Bell, Robert F.................Private. Miller, Conrad...............Private. Carman, Franklin H..........do. M'Connell, Henry O........do. Child, Sullivan S...............do. Mager, Allen C.............. do. Draker, John.................... do. M'Collum, John.............do. Drumers, John K...............do. Mish, Henry A................ do. Eck, Ellis L.......................do. Miles, Harrison W............do. Ehrman, Robert F..............do. M'Coy, William F.............do. Embick, Elijah S...............do. M'Allum, Thomas............do Grey, William Henry........do. M'Cune. Thomas......... do. Geety, William W..............do. Nellie, Thomas................do. Galbraith, John F...............do. Parkhill, William A.........do. Grier, Robert D..................do. Pennirman, Robert...........do. Gardner, Thomas A...........do. Pipher, Henry................do. Heikel, Henry.................do. Roat, John.......................do. Ilicks, Josiah B............. do. Raymond, Jacob H..........do. Hummel, W. H. H..........do. Rutherford, Samuel.........do. Haas, Jerome.....................do. Ringler, William A............do. Hooper, Penbrooke...........do. Rapp, William R..........do. Hynicka, John M...............do. Reynolds, George.............do. Housechilt, Henry..............do. Roth, John E. L..............do. Hoppy, Emanuel..............do. Suydam, Charles A..........do. Hummel, Jacob................do. Sullivan, John H.............do. Knepley, Edward C...........do. Shaeffer, Theodore K........do. Kune, James B...................do. Swartz, Henry A. M.........do. Kuhn, Amos R..................do. Tunis, Edwin T................do. Kirkpatrick, William.........do. Weirman, Samuel F...... do. Longnecker, Andrew J.......do. Waterhouse, Harper C....do. Longnecker, William..........do. Weichel, Jacob S.............do. Leib, Sobriski.....................do. Wilt, Jacob................... do. Ludwig, Peter...................do. Winters, Amos.................do. M'Comus, John............. do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Emlen Franldin..............Captain. Hubley, Chester S..........Private. Michael H. Locher.......... First Lieutenant. Haldeman, Clifford C........do. James P. Dysart..............Second Lieutenant. Hayes, Charles E..............doDavid Miles...................First Sergeant. Hogendobler, John...........do. John Druckamiller.........Second Sergeant. Holbrook, Samuel S.........do. Charles Heitshu..............Third Sergeant. Jack, George W...............do. John J. Hartman............Fourth Sergeant. Kuhn, William.................do. George Musser................First Corporal. Leibley, Andrew..............do. Andrew M'Ginnis,...........Second Corporal. Markley, Samuel B...........do. John P. Deiker..............Third Corporal. Murphy, William W.......do. William W. Hess............Fourth Corporal. Meyers, Edward...............do. Atlee, WilliamA............ Private. Miller, David J................do. Altick, Joseph....................do. M'Gonigal, John T............do. Ball, Ambrose....................do. Musselman, Samuel.........do. Baer, Samuel C..................do. Madden, John, Jr.............do. Baer, Andrew...................do. M'Caskey, William S........do. Biggs, Henry C.d.................do. Ober, Benjamin H............do. Bowman, Joseph............ Powell, John....................do. Boring, Edward................ Pesterly, George...............do. Bair, David, Jr..................do Rowe, Samuel W..............do. Blickensderfer, William.....do. Rote, William T.............do. Chamberlain, John B.........do. Redsecker, James F..........do. Conn, Benjamin.................do. Rote, Henry D..................de. Connor, John................. do. Rote, John......................do. Cross, John F................... do. Rife, William P............... do. Coyle, Michael...................do. Strine, James B...............do. Duncan, William...............do. Stevens, Thaddeus, Jr......do. Dustman, William............do. Schenk, Rudolph W........do. Duchman, Jacob S..............do. Swentzel, Henry F...........do. Derby, George W............. do. Steigerwalt, Samuel......do. Eicholtz, Andrew...............do. Snyder, Jacob K..............do. Eberman, Edward.............do. Strickler, Wilson.............do. Felter, Hannan................do. Springer, John A..............do. Greiner, Michael................do. Stubbs, John T................doi Gundaker, Emanuel...........do. Tredwell, James B............do. Gerke, Herman L...............do. Tumey, James..................do. Hager, Edward.................do. Witmer, Henry C.......do. Hartman, William H.........do. 20 FIRST1 REGIMENT, CoMPANY G. BRERUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY, MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George W. Alexander......Captain. Golden, Charles A., Jr...Private, William A. H. Lewis.....First Lieutenant, Gay, Nathaniel.................do. Thomas M. Richards.......Second Lieutenant. Gabriel, Jacob................do. William M'Nael..............First Sergeant. Gossler, Henry.................do. William Eisenhower.......Second Sergeant. Hasson, Michael...............do. Patrick Bloomfield..........Third Sergeant. Harper, J. Brooke............do. Samuel G. Boone............ Fourth Sergeant. Holland, Patrick............ do. Diller B. Groff................ First Corporal. Heckler, Charles A...........do. Daniel Kelly..................Second Corporal. Hafer, Daniel E................do. George Ashenfelter.........Third Corporal. Krause, William D.........do. Henry Beckhart..............Fourth Corporal. Leedom, George W...........do. Richard H. Fisher...........Musician. Leran, Wellington............do. Daniel H. Snyder...............do. Linderman, George F.......do. Andrews, William H......Private. Miller, Isaiah....................do. Acker, David L..................do. Morris, DeWitt Clinton.....do. Boyle, Charles...................do. Muhlenberg, Frank P.....do.Boland, John..................do. M'Michael, George W......do. Bechtel, Allen.................do. Miller, William................do. Becker, Henry...................do. Nagle,CharlesD...............dor Becker, Jacob K.................do. Nagle, Albert..............d.....do Briner, Charles A...............do. Row, William G...............dO: Boyer, Jacob N..................do. Reeser, Henry S...............do. Boger, George W...............do. Reigel, Jacob R.................do. Benson, Philip.................do. Reilly, William.................do, Body, Elijah F..................do. Rhoads, Percival...............do; Clark, James A.................do. Reed, James H.................do. Connelly, John.................. doR. ummel, George..............do. Coxell, William.................do. Strawbridge, William......do Clark, William H...............do. Stieff, John D.................. do's Clark, Samuel K................do. Sheridan, Albert...............do. Davis, Charles H.......d......do. Summons, Henry A........do. Dougherty, William F........do. Setley, Joel...................do. Eisenhower, James............do. Shine, John...............do. Eyrich, Thomas T..............o. Strahle, Conrad................do. Eisenhower, Charles...........do. Teed, James E.................do. Fix, Harrison.....................do. Toole, Robert....................do. Fox, William S.................do. Van Reed, Mabry...........do. Goodhart, Henry................do Witman, John F...............do. Graff, George................ do. Yeager, George F............do. COMPANY H. RECORUITEJD AT EASTON, NORTAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Ferdinand W. Bell........Captain. Bittner, John............ Private. Jacob G. Barnett......... First Lieutenant. Bulmen, Edard.............do. George L. Fried..............Second Lieutenant. Ballentine, James.............do. John V. Fried............ First Sergeant. Clifton, John L................do. James M'Gloin.................Second Sergeant. Daley, Henry A.................do. Robert Burrell......... T.... Third Sergeant. Dew, Benjamin...............do. Augustus Heller.............Fourth Sergeant. Dinger, John..................do. Robert Ballentine... F........irst Corporal. Elliot, Charles.................do. William Osterstock.........Second Corporal. Fraunfelder, Samuel........do. Daniel Phillipe................Third Corporal. Freyberger, Jacob............do. William Dieh..............Fourth Corporal. Frey, George.....................do. Arnold, Charles...............Private. Ginginger,Frank..............do. Buck, John H.............. do. Gosner, Charles A...........do. Buckley, Samuel..........do. Haines, John B.................do. Batey, Benjamin......do. Hutton, George...............do. Beers, Silas.....................do. Hutton, David.............do. Barnett, James..................do. Harmeny, Joseph...........do. Barnett, John S.................do. Hoit, James M..................do. Buck, James P................ do. Kinsey, Charles..............do. Buller, George...................do. King, Peter.......................do. Bender, Edward...............do. Levan, Charles A........do. Bryson, James......... do. Moor, Samuel...............do. Burel, George................ do. Moor, Johnl..................doo THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 21 Meeker, John W..............Private. Snyder, Frank...............Private. Moser, Alexander...............do. Saunt, Samuel.................do. Mellich, William S..............do. Sunderland, George...........do. M'Glaughlin, Joseph...........do. Seals, Eaw.......................do. Miller, John S....................do. Tronzo, Samuel................do. Miller, Ervin.....................do. Unaugst, William H.........do. Neigh, Samuel....................do. Williams, Richard.........do. Nicholas, George.................do. Wilking, William...... do. Nicholas, Daniel................do. West, John C................. do. Pittinger, Henry..............do. Ward, Adam........ do. Phillippe, Solomon..............do. Weaver, Thomas......... do. Randolph, John..................do. Weiss, Reuben............... do. Snyder, William L.............do. Wilson, John B........... do. Seip, Richard................. do. Wykoff, Charles..............do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William H. Gansler.........Captain. Koeler, Lewis............. ivate. E. P. Rhoads.............. First Lieutenant. Kramer, Solomon..............do. Benjamin C. Roth...........Second Lieutenant. Keck, Franklin.................do. Albeile Heilman..............First Sergeant. Kleckner, William............do. Edwin G. Muench...........Second Sergeant. Konold, Melcher...............do. Henry Fried....................Third Sergeant. Kramer, Henry.................do Noah Trulnm or............Fourth Sergeant. Kuhns, Alonzo...... do. Henry Trumbor..............First Corporal. Keiper, Henry.................do. Mahlon Fried................Second Corporal. Kleckner, Benjamin.........do. Daniel C. Miller...............Third Corporal. Laubach, Thomas............do. Charles Mertz..................Fourth Corporal. Leiser, James...................do. Julius Benkert................Musician. Miller, Tilghman.......... do. Augustus Ebert..................do. Miller, Henry..................do. Albright, Tilghman.........Private. Mohr, Henry............... do. Albright, James................do. Miller, Charles............ do. Blumer, Henry A...............do. Moyer, William J..........do. Blank, Wellington J..........do. M'Crystal, James..............do. Bechtel, Daniel..................do. Nonnermaker, John........do. Behlen, Anthony............do. Nonnermaker, Daniel.......do. Bergenstock, David............do. Nagel, Andrew.............do. Crist, Nelson......................do. Ochs, Jesse.......................do. Dech, William....................do. Remmel, Peter.................do. Dennis, Tilghman..............do. Roth, Edwin.....................do. Eichel, John.......................do. Ritz, Tilghman.................do. Egge, Perry......................do. Rehr, Lewis...................do. Ginginger, William............do. Remmel, Edward.............do. Guth, Henry.......................do. Seip, James M..................do. Gaumer, Willoughby.........do. Saeger, Richard M............do. Haldeman, William H........do. Stahley, Christian............do. Hiiskey, Oliver...................do. Schwenk, Charles............do, eldt, Jonas....................do. Steele, Joseph.................do. Harris, William P..............do. Stuber, James................do. Huber, Peter.....................do. Smith, Joseph.................do. Hammersley, Ellis.............do. Trexler, Franklin.............d Hilliard, William...............do. Trexler, Henry.................do. Hackman, Martin...............do. Van Dyke, Walter............do. Hainse, Charles..................do. Wenner, George...............do. Hackman, Charles.............do. Worman, Abraham...........do. Hardner, David.................do. Wagner, Henry................do. Haldeman, Henry..............do. Wasser, Franklin..............do. Keck, Thomas....................do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT LANOASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Henry A. Hambright......Captain. William Garvin.............Fourth Sergfeait. Mitchel J. Weaver...........First Lieutenant. Samuel Shroat...............First Corporal. John Reese..................Second Lieutenant. James Benson................Second Corporal. Lyman G. Bodie..............First Sergeant. George W. Beck............Third Corporal. William Gable................ Second Sergeant. John C. Shroad.............Fourth Corporal. William Sheets............Third Sergeant.. George A. Huber........Musician. 22 FIRST REGIMENT, Robert Huey................... Musician. Killinger, John..............Private. Albright, Amos...............Private. Kendig, John....................do. Allen, John M..................do. Kempher, Frederick C......do. Barton, George W..............do. Langan, Thomas...............do Biechler, Jacob H...............do. Lutz, William..................do. Benedict, Edgar H.............d. Long, Henry....................do. Boone, Samuel S................do. M'Caffrey, Edward...........do. Buckius, Henry H............do. Marion, ames R...............do. Bernard, John....................do. Miller, IHenry....................do. Christ, Francis.................do. Metzgar, Philip.................do. Christ, Charles................. do. Myers, Thomas T..............do. Carr, George............... do. Miller, John R............... do. Dean, John..................do. Nagley, John....................d Dianan, Thomas...............do. Powell, William..............do. Druckenmiller, C. E.........do. Pyfer, Frederick S............do. Dorwart, Emanuel..............do. Reed, Henry..................do. Dewert, Amos D............... do. Rinehart Amos.................do. Forrest, Joseph..................do. Shaum, William..............do. Frecht, Joseph..................do. Shirk, Jacob R................. do. Fisher, Wilson..................do. Sylvius, John....................do. Groff, Amos C...................do. Sturges, William..............do. Gast, William.................do. Springer, David R............do. Groff, Charles M.................do. Shultz, David, Jr..............do. Greiner, Jacob..................do. Showers, William H.........do. Gunion, William L.............do. Swenk, Samuel................do. Gable, Jacob.....................do. Shaub,Francis..................do. Gable, Ambrose.................do. Strasbach, Frederick........do. Huffnagle, Michael............do. Schauers, Samuel W.......do. Huffnagle, George W..........do. Trisler, John A.................do Huber, Joseph H................do. Troast, Albert H...............do. Haas, James A...................do. Taylor, George W..............do. Huffnagie, John W.............do. Waltz, William M............do Kendig, Charles H..............do. Waltz, Frederick..............do Kautz, John.....................do. Weaver,, William..............do. SECOND REGIMENT. THE Second regiment was formed from companies hastily recruited in obedience to the call for volunteers. Recruiting commenced on the 15th of Aprii, 1861, and as fast as companies and squads were accepted they reported at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg. On the 21st of April, the officers of ten companies were ordered to hold an election for field officers of a regiment, at which the following were chosen and duly commissioned: Frederick S. Stumbaugh, of Chambersburg, Colonel; Thomas Welsh, of Columbia, Lieutenant Colonel; James Given, from Captain of company G, of West Chester, Major. Isaac S. Waterbury was appointed Adjutant. On the evening of Saturday, April 21st, the same day on which the regi-, ment was organized, it left Harrisburg by rail for Washington; but halted at Cockeysville, Maryland, at daylight on Sunday morning, the railroad bridge at this point having been destroyed. After remaining in bivouac, and under arms for about forty-eight hours, the regiment was ordered back to York, Pennsylvania, where it remained in camp of instruction till the first day of June, when the command was ordered to Chambersburg. In the army organization which here ensued, the 2d Regiment was assigned to the 2d Brigade of the 2d Division.* General Robert Patterson had been assigned by Governor Curtin, on the 16th of April, to the command of Pennsylvania troops, anda few days thereafter, while busily engaged in organizing and sending them forward to points threat ened, he was, by the order of Lieutenant General Scott, placed in command of the " Department of Washington," embracing the States of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, with head-quarters at Philadelphia. The quota of Pennsylvania troops, with an excess of some ten regiments, having been organized and placed in the field, and all the lines of commnunication leading to Washington having been opened, and securely guarded, General Patterson proceeded, on the 2d of June, to Chambersburg, where a camp had been formed under Major General William H. Keim, and assumed command with the design of operating against the Rebel army in the Shenandoah valley, which was now threatening the contiguous parts of Maryland and Pennsylvania. As early as the 20th of June, General Scott had requested General Patterson to propose to him a plan of operations. On the 21st, the latter submitted one, which, in substance, proposed to occupy Maryland Heights with a brigade, and to fortify and arm with hea'vy artillery; to make Frederick, Maryland, the base of supply, with a guard which should act as a sustaining force to the command on Maryland Heights; to send all other available force, horse, foot, and artillery, across the Potomac, to unite with Colonel Stone, at Leesburg, to operate, from Organization of the 2d Brigade, Colonel George C. Wynkoop, 2d Division, Major General William H. Keim. 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Samuel Yohe; 2d Regimen' Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel F. S. Stumbaugh; 3d Regiment Pennsylvania VoliUteers, Colonel Francis P. Minier. 24 SECOND REGIMENT, that point, as circumstances should demand.* This plan was not approved by General Scott, and on the 25th of June, he gave peremptory orders to General Patterson to keep in front of the enemy while he remained in force between Winchester and the Potomac. The army having been ordered to move to Williamsport, the 2d regiment broke camp at Chambersburg on the 16th of June, and moving by rail to Hagerstown, went into camp at the village of Funkstown. Remaining here until the 23d, it was ordered forward towards the Potomac, and encamped about four miles from the river. Crossing the Potomac, with General Patterson's combined army, on the 2d of July, it advanced to Martinsburg. The enemy having been pushed back from point to point, had finally established himself in an entrenched camp at Winchester.' On the 15th of July, leaving two regiments at Martinsburg to guard his supplies, General Patterson marched with the remainder of his force to Bunker Hill, driving Johnston's advanced guard from the place, and on the 16th of July, the day on which, according to the telegrams of General Scott, Beauregard was to be attacked at Manassas, he made a demonstration in force, driving the enemy's pickets in upon his main line. On the 17th of June, General Patterson transferred his whole command by a rapid movement to Charlestown. The term of service of the 2d regiment, having already expired, it moved, on the 23d of July, from Charlestown, and marching to Harper's Ferry, was taken by rail to Harrisburg, where, on the 26th of July, it was mustered out of service. A HEAD-QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF PNNNSYLVANIA, e Iagerstown, Md., TJune 21, 1861. COLONEL:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the telegram of the General-inChief, calling for a plan of operations. The following is my reply: To carry out the views of the General-in-Chief, I proposeFirst.-To occupy the Maryland Heights, with a brigade, (2,100) men; fortify and arm with Doubleday's artillery; provision for twenty days, to secure against investment. Second.-To move all supplies to Frederick, and, immediately thereafter, abandon this line of operations, threatening with a force to open a route through Harper's Ferry, this force to be the sustaining one for the command on Maryland Heights. Third. —To send every thing else available, horse, foot, and artillery, to cross the Potomac near Point of Rocks, and unite with Colonel Stone at Leesburg. From that point I can operate as circumstances shall demand and your orders require. If no blow is to be struck here, I think this change of position important to keep alive the ardor of the men, as well as to force an enemy. The reasons for this change of depot will be so apparent to the General-in-Chief, that I need not refer to them. By the employment of the local transportation of the country, I can soon make the necessary changes, and will hasten to carry out your orders. I have many reports in regard to movements of the force opposite us in Virginia, and have reason to believe that when the regulars were withdrawn, General Johnston, with thirteen thousand men and twenty-two pieces of artillery, was marching to the attack, that night posted his forces, expecting an attack the following morning. I regret we did not meet the enemy, so confident am I that with this well appointed force, the result would have been favorable to us, and that this portion of Virginia would now be peaceably occupied. Reports of the enemy having returned to Harper's Ferry, and driven the occupants to this shore, reached me yesterday. I immediately dispatched a strong force to take the position in the vicinity of Sharpsburg, and protect all parties on this side of the river, and drive back any force which may attempt to cross. I am, Colonel, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. PATTERSON, HMajor General Comnmanding. Colonel E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Army, Waslhington, D. C. THRE R MONTHS' SERVICE. 25 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICE RS. Frederick S. Stumbaugh, Colonel. George P. Smith............Quartermaster. Thomas Welsh...............Lieutenant Colonel. James H. Dobbins.........Surgeon. James Given.............. MaOor. John S. King........... Assistant Surgeon Isaac S. Waterbury A.........Adjutant... COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Peter B. Housum............Captain. Hardin, Richard............Private. George Stitzel.............. irst Lieutenant. Hullinger, John N............d K. Shannon Tay lor........Second Lieutenant. Hullinger, J. Courtney....do. Thomas G. Cochran.........First Sergeant. Huber, Abraham A........do. Samuel M. M'Dowell.......Second Sergeant. Harmony, William.... do. Adam Smith....................Third Sergeant. Huntsberger, John B.......do. Bruce Lambert...............Fourth Sergeant. Jones, John W................. do. Allison M'Dowell.............First Corporal. Johnston, John B..............do. Thomas Myers.................Second Corporal. King, John.........do. John F. Snyder...............Third Corporal. Ludwig, George J...........do. John F. Pensinger...........Fourth Corporal. Ludwig, George...............do. Frederick Shinefield........Musician. Lutz, Jacob.............do Francis Donavan.......... do. M'Guigan, Justinus........do. Aughinbaugh, James......Private. Metz, John F................. do. Batner, Frederick...............do. Miles, Jacob W............... do. Burkholder, Jeremiah........do. Merklein, Thomas W.......do. Crawford, Walton B..........do. M'Curdy, Robert C...........do. Cobaugh, William D......do. Myers, Peter....................do. Cansler, Ernest.........d Monatto, Louis.................do. Cook, James B.... d. Newman, David W...........do. iitzler, Franklin D........... do. Neely, John................. do. Darmer, Peter..................do. Over, William D..............do. Dunborrow, Thomas...........do. Price, William A..............do. Eyster, George S..:...........do. Peiffer, John F..................do. Ecenrode, James E...........do. Senseny, Josephus............do. Flanagan, Henry A...........do. Sample, John C.................do. Flack, George W...............do. Stevens, Alanson J............do. Fisher, Robert B............do. Shartzer, David.................do. Fisher, Lewis.............do. Shuman, James................do. Finefrock, Ephraim............do. Stouffer, Samuel A............do. Fairbrother, Edward.......do. Seiders, John A.............. do. Fortescue, Fracis...........do. Weldy, Samuel A.............do. Fortescue, Henry C............do. Walker, John C...............do. Ferry, Edmund................do. Wagoner, John P.............do. Gaff, Joh.............. do. Wallace, David..............do. Gairick, John D..............do. Whitstone, Allison............do. Goetman, Georg...............do. Washabaugh, Edgar.........do. Hoke, David.................do. Yeager, Franklin...........do. Houser, George S..............do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John Doebler..................Captain. D. L. Hoffman..............Second Corporal. George Miles................First Lieutenant. Harry M'Cauley.............Third Corporal George W. Welsh............Second Lieutenant. Porter J. Brown............Fourth Corporal. Benjamin Rodes..............First Sergeant. Peter Ackerman............Musician. Alexander C. Landis......Second Sergeant. John Stoner....................do. Joseph Thomas...............Third Sergeant. Aker, William..............Private. George Cook.................. Fourth Sergeant. Borland, James...........do. Harry Mcrlvin.................First Corporal. Brotherton, H. R........'..;. do. 4 26 SECOND R1EGIMENT, Baker, Ge'orge W............Private. Moore, Robert M............Private, Bryson, John W................ do. M'Curdy, Alexander........do. Cordes, Harry................. do. M'Laughlin, Edward G....,do. Coleman, Lawson..............do. Monath, Edward;..............do. Dorty, Peter......................do. M'Guigan, A...............do. Dailey, George W...............do. Prosser, Alexander...........do. Elser, John........................do. Perrie, Jeremiah...............do. Fisher, John.......................do. Pence, William H.............do. Forney, Emanuel H..........do. Pence, John......................do. Flack, Alexander...............do. Riley, Dennis................do. Fentiman, William............do. Ridgeley, John.............. do. Frederick, John N..............do. Spence, Hamilton.,............do. Gipe, Franklin....................do Seabrooks, George............do. Hardy, Samuel.................do. Stratton, Theophilus.........do. Hardy, Isaac...............,do. Swuninska, John...........do. Harmony, Michael.............do. Smith, Jeremiah...............do. Hicks, John.......................do. Seabrooks, Henry.............do. Hershberger, John.............do. Snively, Lark..................do. Hazelett, William T...........do. Smith, Robert.......... do. Heneberger, William.........do. Shanebrook, Charles.........do. Hutton, Harrison...............do. Shearer, Walker...............do. Jones, Charles................do. Smith, John W.................do. Jones, John......................do. Snider, Peter A. I............do. Kline, Frank.....................do. Smith, William T.............do. King, John.....................do. Snider, Peter.....................do. Ladd, Julius C................ do. Shoemaker, Samuel..........do. Lowman, Martin...............do. Uglow, Samuel................do. Martin, I. H.......................do. White, John S..................do. M'Geehan, James.............. do. COMPANY C. REORUITED AT ST. THOMAS, FRANKLIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. James G. Elder..............Captain. Little, George................Private. Joseph B. Strickler.........First Lieutenant. Long, John H..................do. Jacob West...................Second Lieutenant. Miller, Christian...............do. William H. Shorb............First Sergeant. Missavey, George F...........do. George H. Miller.............Second Sergeant. M'Elwea, James...............do. Jacob Snider....................Third Sergeant. Mickley, John............... do. George A. Pool.............Fourth Sergeant. Marshal, John A............do. Theodore Koons.............. First Corporal. Morehead, David........... do. Thaddeus S. Riley...........Second Corporal. Martin, Morgan.................do. Thomas Hill....................Third Corporal. Martin, Jeremiah.............do. David C. Shafer..............Fourth Corporal. Norris, Jesse R..................do. Joel Happle.....................Musician. Pensinger, William H.......do. Edwin Byers......................do. Prather, Samuel H............do. Antrim, Samuel............Private. Pool, John E.................... do. Bence, George.....................do. Rennecker, Samuel...........do. Byers, Charles....................do. Rowe, John G.................do. Barnhisel, Cornelius...........do. Riley, Dennis.................do. Byers, John B....................do. Rupert, Simon............... do. Byers, William.................do. Shatzer, John....................do. Bush, George W................. do. Stoner, Joseph..................do. Butts, George....................do. Shealey, Abraham............do. Burkholder, Christian........do. Sullivan, George............... do. Cummins, James R............do. Spear, Alexander..............do. Carpenter, Emanuel...........do. Shatzer, Emanuel F..........do, Cassatt, William A............do. Stickel, John R.................do. Daley, Thomas..................do. Shorts, William...............do, Doubleman, John..............do. Snow, William H..............do, Detrich, Jacob...................do. Spidle, Henry M...............do. Ferry, John........................do. Tracy, David.....................do, Funk, Jacob H..................do. Unger, John H.................do. Gaff, James........................do. Vories, George..................do, Gossert, Cyrus....................do. Wason, Jacob....................do. Grabill, Henry..................do. Wilders, William A........do. Hosler, William A..............do. Wilders, Joseph........... do. Hays, David............ do. Weyant, William H.........do. Hess, David.............. do. Zook, Leander K............... do. Koons, John T.d...................do THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 27 COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT BLOOMFIELD, PERRY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Henry D. Woodruff..........Captain. Hostetter, William S......Private. John H. Crist..................First Lieutenant. Holt, Frank M.................do. Christian K. Brenneman..Second Lieutenant. Heany, Thomas J.............do. Joseph Fry....................First Sergeant. Hartzell, Adam J...............do. Jacob Stump.................. Second Sergeant. Howell, John W............do. James Hahn...................Third Sergeant. Heany, James M.............do. George Stroop.................Fourth Sergeant. HIol alan, Daniel.............do. George W. Topley...........First Corporal. Idal, Comly..................do. William H. Troup...........Second Corporal. Jumper, Conrad... d........do. DeWitt C. O'Bryan.........Third Corporal. Lynch, Michael C..... do. George Koser.................Fourth Corporal. Lutman, Daniel W............do. Daniel Howard...............Musician. Leiby, Benjamin F...........do. Charles Weber................do. Maxwell, David............do. Albright, Henry A..........Private. Mastha, Lewis................ do. Arnold, John H..................do. Mysel, George..................do. Allwood, William H...........do. Moore, George............do. Bergstresser, Jacob............do. M'Donald, Thomas...........do. Best, J. Edwin.................do. M'Clintock, John.......... do. Barnes, William H............do. Orwan, George W.............do. Bent, Charles C..................do. Orwan, Samuel B...........do. Becker, Philip....................do. Orwan, Martin V. B.........do. Baldwin, Isaac...................do. Power, Washington A.....do. Clouser, William................do. Rumbaugh, Horatio S.....do. Clouser, Isaiah W...............do. Robison, Amos.......... do. Clay, Samuel.....................do. Rider, Thaddeus C............do. Campbell, John W..............do. Rider, Oliver P..............do. Charles, Eli B....................do. Rody, Lewis.....................do. Dial, George...................do. Swartz, John M.................do. Debray, George Smith........do. Sanno, George.................do. Duncan, William C............do. Swartz, Daniel, Jr............do. Eby, James B....................do. Shively, David P..............do Egolf, John F.....................do. Sullenberger, Jacob..........do. Etter, Isaac........................do. Shultz, Van Buren............do. Elliott, John B..................do. Smith, Joseph F...............do. Ernest, Wesley H..............do. Watts, Andrew J..............do. Ferguson, John F...............do. Wallace, William M.........do. Fertig, William R..............do. Weilly, William C............do. Fertig, John H........... do. Wright, Thomas...............do. Gardner, Reuben S............do. Wright, Charles J............do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT GETTYSBURG, ADAMS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Charles H. Buehler.........Captain. Codori, Nicholas J.........Private. Edward G. Fahnestock....First Lieutenant, Danner, Clinton................do. John Culp.......................Second Lieutenant. Duphorn, Franklin D........do. Jacob Cress.....................First Sergeant. Ferree, Lake B.................do. John T. M'Ilhenny..........SecondSergeant. Ford, John W...................do. Theodore Norris..............Third Serg nt. Frey, Henry J.................do. James Adair....................Fourth Sergeant. Frey, John G., Jr..............do. Adam Doersom, Jr.........First Corporal. Galligher, Charles M.........do. William E. Culp..............Second Corporal. George, Samuel.................do. Jerome Martin.................Third Corporal. Greaves, Francis N............do. Jacob Grove.................. Fourth Corporal. Gwinn, William...............do. Perry J. Tate..................Musician. Gwinn, George W.............do. William Little....................do. Hughes, Henry.................do. Arendt, John, Sr.............Private. Kitzmiller, Jacob.............do. Arendt, George..................do. Lashell, James A.............do. Arendt, John, Jr...............do. Little, Duncan M..............do. Baker, William F...............do. M'Clain, Isaac N.............do. Bennett, Joseph A.............do. M'Clellan, J. Lewis...........do. Bittinger, Howard N...........do. M'Gonigal, William...........do. Bollinger, Adam P.............do. M'Knight, David S...........do. Bushey, Charles R............do. M'Millan, Oscar..............do. Camp, Clarence M.............do. M'Nair, Hiram S................do. Chritzman, Henry..............do. Miller, Joseph M...............do. Coble, Maxwell............... do. Miller, John W................do. 28 SECOND REGIMIENT, Morrson, Washington.....Private. Taney, Van Buren.........Privato Myers, George W..............do. Tate, Theodore T...............do. Naylor, enry A................do. Tate, Alexander...............do. Pierce, Villiam.................do Terrell, Henry..................do. Reary, William..................do. Vandersloot, Samuel J.....do. Reesman, David...............do. Walter, James H..............do. Saylor, Joseph................do. Warren, Thaddeus............do. Shick, Andrew.................. do. Warren, Peter.................do. Scott, Abraham 0....... d.....do. Weikert, William F........do. ShOads, John.....................do. Welsh, Leander W...........do. Sheads, John HII................do Welsh, Augustus..............do. Sheads, Elias, Jr...............do. Weltz, Edward............do. Skelly, Johnston H., Jr......do. Welty, Thaddeus L...........do Steiger, Frederick..............do. CoMPANY F. RECRUITED AT COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Thomas Welsh................Captain. Hogentogler, Samuel J...Privatv. Ezekiel Y. Rambo...........First Lieutenant. Hogentogler, Joseph.........do. Edward A. Kelsey............Second Lieutenant. Hogentogler, George.........do. William H. H. Welsh......First Sergeant. Heck, Israel L.................do. Charles R. Hambright.....Second Sergeant. Hinkle, S'aruel.............do. Amos Mullon.................Third Sergeant. Jones, William................do. C'yrus Bruner..................Fourth Sergeant. Kline, Frederick C............do. Albert B. Brown..............First Corporal. Kline, George A...............do. George A. Souders...........Second Corporal. Koch, Charles H...............do. John Peart....................Third Corporal. Lightenberger, Baltzer......do. James M'Can...............Fourth Corporal. Long, Charles................do. William Mintzer.............Musician. Lowring, Charles............do. Eli T. Derrick.............. do. Lanigan, Cornelius V........do. Anwerter, Jerome...........Private. Miller, Edward F.............do. Anwerter, Hiram..............do. Morgan, David................do. Bartel, Robert....................do. M'Cracken, Theodore........do. Bruner, John W................do. Quin, Richard................ do. Beverson, Jacob.................do Richard, Samuel B...........do. Denny, Barclay M..............do, Sheets, Jeremiah..............do. Davis, William L..............do. Sourbeer, Jacob.................do. Dunn, Edward..............do. Smith, Henry W..............do. Davis, William.................do. Sourbeer, Joseph...............do. Duck, Washington............do. Sullivan, Timothy............do. English, William..............do. Sauger, Jacob...................do. Eshleman, David...............do. Small, Lary M...............do. Fisher, David...............do. Thaler, Henry.................do. Fullerton, George...............do. Thomas, John.................do. Gault, Joshua J..................do. Tyler, Jacob W.................do Griffin, Henry................do. Tyler, John E................do. Grubb, John L.................. d Updegraff, Julius..............do. Harris, Samuel..............do. Worley, Lewis........... do. Haines, John.................do. Wright, Joseph S.............do. Humble, enry................o. Wike, Henry....................do. Harmon, Jac.b..............do Wolfe, James...................do. Hammaker, Geoge..............o. Wolfe, Jacob.................do Hoine, SamuelE..............do. Werner, George............... d Hippe, Henry.....................do. Wilson, William..............do. Hogentogler, William A.....do. Wergant, William H.......do. Harris, Robert................. do. Zackley, Andrew...........do. Hardneil, George..........do. Zell, Jo........................do. C 3OMPANY G. RECRUITED AT tWET CHESTER, CHESTER OOUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Benjamin H. Sweney.......Captain. Gorg Marshall............Fort Serg t. Christian Wyck............. First Lieutenant. John.. I-Iopes...............First Corpora l. John H. Babb.............. Second Lieutenant. Franklin Eachus............Second Corpoi, Charles H. Arisn...........First Sergeant. John Schlegel..............Third Corporal. Charles T. Sweney...........Second Sergeant. Joseph Sweney.............Fourth Coiporal Charles Kerry.............-.Third Sergeant. George Brown...............Musician. THREE MONTHS' SEr~VICE. 29 Austin Fithean..............Musician. Kirk, William...............Private. Burns, George.................Private. Lucas, Joseph...............do. Bennett, Jesse J................do. Marshall, John G.............. do. Birdsell, Edwin..................do. Marshall, Abraham...........do. Baker, Harry.....................do. M'Williams, James...........do. Bucher, Jacob.....................do. Mulligan,.James...............do. Cosgriff, Thomas................do. M'Castney, Abner............do. Committe, Joseph...............do. M'Williams, Edward........do. Clark, Townsend...............do. Miles, William................do. Carter, Patrick..................do. Moriarty, William............do. Carr, William................. do. M'Castney, Patrick...........do. Conghlin, James.................do. Preston, Thomas..............do. Cummins, Dominick.........do. Rodebach, John..............do. Crawford, William.............do. Smith, Mahlon................. do. Davidson, Edward D........do. Snyder, William B.......... do. Dolly, Thomas............. do. Smith, William F.............do. Dawney, Nathan................do. Serverd, Samuel...............do. Dritton, Smith...................do. Steel, Joseph.....................do. Entriken, Henry................do. Sullivan, John..................do. Ferrill, Daniel....................do. Springer, John..................do. Fisk, Russel P....................o. Steddem, Joseph........... do. Flynn, John.......................do. Taylor, Milton..................do. Graul, Jacob.................. do. Taylor, Joseph H..............do. Gillespi, John....................do. Williams, Robert...........do. Holmes, Samuel.................do. Windle, Joseph M............do. Hennesey, William H.....do. Wickersham, Casper.........do. Harry, Amos................do. Warmought, John............do. Hanlon, James................do. Whiting, Charles...........dot Hoopes, Franklin...............do. Watts, James....................do. Harp, William.do............ do. West, James.....................do. Hendrickson, Joseph.........do. Walton, Joseph H............do. Hibbard, Walter...............do. Watters, William..............do. Illingsworth, Walter..........do. Yough, Jacob....................do. James, William W...........do. Young, Alfred..................do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John B. Mitchell.............Captain. Lingle, Harvey S...........Private. James Adams Beaver......First Lieutenant. Lucas, James G................do. Charles Huston Hale.......Second Lieutenant. Lucas, John M..................do. Monroe Armor................First Sergeant. M'Cauley, William C.......do. Charles R. Bullock.........Second Sergeant. M'Narmy, Bartholemew...do. John Andrew Bazard......Third Sergeant. M'Coy, William A...........do. H. Harrison Montgomery,Fourth Sergeant. M'Guire, William W.........do. Cyrus Strickland............First Corporal. Miller, Abraham...............do. Thomas C. Crawford........Second Corporal. Neff, Andrew G...............do. John L. Johnston............Third Corporal. Nichauls, Samuel I...........do. John Harris.....................Fourth Corporal. O'Leary, Jeremiah........... do.. George A. Bazard............Musician. Orner, William................do. George H. Burkert..............do. Pennington, Henry C........do. Adams, Franklin B.........Private. Pifer, George D................do. Armstrong, George W........do. Robb, Charles.................do. Beale, Joshua W...............d.o. Rosensteel, James M.........do. Butler, Samuel..................do. Roush, Simon.................do. Calhoun, Henry.................do. Rowen, George..................do. Cheesman, Rowland C........do. Stone, Henry H................do. Cortner, Albert H...............do. Stoneroad, Curtin P........do. Curtin, John Irvin..............do. Schnell, Joseph, Jr............do. Dinges, Jacob..,.....d.. do. Schlem, Joseph W............do. Dixon, Hezekiah................do. Showalter, William...........do. Fulton, James....................do. Smith, William J..............do. Fulton, Joseph H............... do. Spangler, George W.........do. Harris, James.................do. Steward, Josiah.................do. Harris, Henry,P............... doi Tate, Foster........... do. Harrold, Cornelius............do. Tate, John R................ do. Hart, William J................do. Tate, John........................do. Haupt, Allison...................do Tate, William..................do. Hays, Martz......................do. Thomas, Isaac.................do. Heverly, James.................do. Thomas, Joseph D............do. Hicks, Alfred.................. do. Valentine, Abram S., Jr.....do. Hughes, James.................do. Vanvalin, Waldo C...........do. Jack, John T................. do. Waddle, James C..............do. Johnston, Walten S...........do. Ward, William............. do. Johnson, Matt.ew.............. do. Wilson, Francis..............do. Kelley, Thomas F..............do. Yeager, Henry C........ do. 30 SECOND REGIMENT, COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT HARRISBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20 1861. William B. Sipes.............Captain. Hoover, William H........Private. HEenry Davis................First Lieutenant. Hoyer, Joseph F...............do. Charles C. Davis..............Second Lieutenant. HIoffman, Henry..............do. Robert S. Boyd.............First Sergeant. Johnson, Frederick...........do. Joel Landam................Second Sergeant. Kline, George W...............do. Lewis Kurtz....................Third Sergeant. Loyer, Jacob....................do. Henry H. Lutz........... Fourth Sergeant. Long, Jerome...................do. Samuel S. Davis.............First Corporal. Lucas, George W..............do. Samuel Bernheisel...........Second Corporal. M'Cormick, Levi..............do. James A. Johnson..........Third Corporal. M'Ginley, Edward L.........do. John D. Black...............Fourth Corporal. M'Ginley, Daniel...............do. John Fox........................Musician. M'Kinley Joseph R...........do. John Davis........................do. M'Carroll, Hugh.............do. Allen, Lot B................Private. Mara, Michael..................do. Barringer, Jacob P............do. Mocherman, Solomon........do. Bates, Martin G...............do. Mocherman, William........do. Bates, John............. do. Martin, David..................do. Brestle, Henry............ do. Matzbaugher, William......do. Curry, Thomas.................do. Mullin, John....................do. Crabb, George W., Jr.........do. Mish, Simon Cameron......do. Crist, Addison...................do. Miller, Alexander S..........do. Carichner, William............do. Miller Porter...................do. Carichner, Godfrey.............do. Mack, John......................do. Colie, Edward....................do. Murry, John....................do. Davis, James....................do. Mountz, John G..............do. Dinwiddie, John................do. Milligan, Joseph..............do. Daly, Benjamin............. Myers, William................do. Eitelbush, Peter F..........do. Nixon, Robert..................do. Faugel, Frederick..............do. Neff, Henry...................... do. Fauvil, James...................do. Paulis, George..................do. Forgy, John F...................do. Rickard, David................do. Finnegan, Patrick..............do. Robinson, William............ do. Frost, William...................do. Starry, George W..............do. Geety, Frederick H...........do. Spayd, William F............do. Gilroy, William..................do. Tierney, Felix..................do. Henderson, William...........do. Walton, Frank..................do. Harvey, James.................do. Wynings, Hiram J...........do. Hippel, Charles F......... do, COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT YORK, YORK COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George Hay.....................Captain. Foust, Ambrose...........Private. John W. Schall............First Lieutenant. Foose, Matthew.................do. Jacob Emmett, Jr............Second Lieutenant. Greysley, George...............do. John Albright.................First Sergeant. Gotwald, Andrew J...........do. Philip Peiffer..................Second Sergeant. Ginter, Frederick..............do. Oliver P. Stair.................Third Sergeant. Hoffman, Lewis................do. Emanuel Smith...............Fourth Sergeant. Haugh, Solomon R............do. Edward F. Smith............First Corporal. Houghes, Joseph W.........do. Charles W. Stubbins....... Second Corporal. Hubert, Peter..................do. William C. Getz..............Third Corporal..Hauck, Charles F...........do. Albert A. Welsh............Fourth Corporal. Harkins, Charles...............do. Samuel Simons...............Musician. Harman, Joseph...............do. Zachariah Zimmerman......do. Heidler, Joseph A...........do. Bush, John.....................Private. Kise, John.......................do. Buckingham, Ferdinand....do. Keech, Robert W..............do. Barnitz, George N..............do. Landis, Daniel..................do. Bein, Adam................ do. Laucks, Augustus............do. Busey, Charles..................do.. Lehr, Jacob.......................do. Clapper, William.............. do. Morgan, Franklin.............do. Cooks, Daniel....................do. M'Illvaine, John, (M.D.)...do. Dennes, John.....................do. Myers, Peter K.................do. Epply, John A...................do. Marks, Henry...........do. Feistell, George W.............do. Oliver, Jeremiah.............do. Fox, David..................do. Reese, David.....................do. Foust, Emanuel...............do. Ruth, Samuel.................do. THREE MONTIHS SElEVTCi(I 3 Ranson, William.... P........Pivate. Seyfert. William.............Private. Rudisell, George................do. Seipe, Henry.................do. Reisinger, William A.........do. Taylor, John N................do. Smith, Jacob.....................do. Tomes, William H............ do. Smith, Robert....................do. Wolf, Charles....................do. Spangler, Daniel.................do. Ward, Alexander C..........do. Stroman, Charles F............do. Williams, John F.............. do. Smyser, William H............do. WVeist, Harrison C............do. Selack, Martin....................do. Willy, John.....................do. Shetler, Charles A..............do. Young, Henry.................do. Smyser, Jacob....................do. Zellers, Daniel..................do. Smallbrook, Henry............do. I Zeudlick, Joseph...............do. Simmon, Isaac C................ do. Zerger, Franklin...............do St roman. George C..............do. THIRD REGIMENT. THIE Third regiment was composed of independent volunteer companies, existing prior to the breaking out of the war, and as such, responded to the first call of the Governor for troops. Company G arrived in Harrisburg, early on the morning of the 18th of April, 1861, and was the first company to enter Camp Curtin. Company K arrived on the same day, and the two companies alone occupied the camp during the day and night of the 18th. Other companies arrived on the 19th and 20th. The regiment was organized on the 20th of April, by the choice of the following officers: Francis P. Minier, of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Colonel; John M. Power, of Johnstown, Cambria county, Lieutenant Colonel; Oliver M. Irvine, of Pittsburg, Major. James C. Noon, Second Lieutenant of company F, was appointed Adjutant. On the same day the men were mustered into the service of the United States. The regiment was ordered from Camp Curtin, on the evening of April 20th, and immediately started by the Northern Central railroad for Baltimore. Arriving at Cockeysville, Maryland, further advance by rail was found to be cut off, by reason of the destruction of the bridge at that point. Orders were received from General Scott, directing the regiment to remain, and not attempt, from considerations of policy, to pass through Baltimore. Encamping near the village, the regiment remained till the night of the 22d of April, when it returned to York, and went into camp. Regimental and company drill was at once commenced, and was continued daily when the weather would permit. The hospitality of the citizens of York, in voluntarily contributing food, until the commissary department was fully organized, proved not only a relief to officers, but a great source of comfort to the men. Raw recruits hastily transferred from private life, accustomed to a varied and generous diet, to the camp with its simple regimen of uncooked rations, feel the change most sensibly. Added to this, is the difficulty of immediately perfecting a system of supply for large bodies of men suddenly thrown together. Hence, these supplemental contributions proved highly acceptable and timely. On the 27th of May, the regiment proceeded by rail to Chambersburg, and went into camp at Camp Chambers, about three miles from the town. It was assigned to the 2d Brigade,* of the 2d Division, and continued its regular drill, acquiring marked proficiency. On the 7th of June, the regiment proceeded by rail to Hagerstown, and thence marched on the same day to Funkstown, in position to operate against * Organization of 2d Brigade, Brigadier General George C. Wynkoop, 2d Division, Major General William H. Keim. 1st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Samuel Yohe; 2d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh; 3d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Francis P. Minier. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 33 Harperrs Ferry, where the enemy had taken position under General Joseph E. Johnston. Drill and camp duty was little varied during the three succeeding weeks which were passed in this encampment. On the 1st of July, the command proceeded to Williamsport, and on the following day crossed the Potomac. Advancing with Patterson's column, it arrived at Martinsburgon the 3d, and encamped to the north of the town. Almost the entire supplies of the army were transported by wagon train from Williamsport, where the main depot was established. To guard this, and the communications leading thereto, the 3d regiment was detached from the Brigade, and ordered back to Williamsport. Remaining on duty in this position till the 26th of July, the term of enlistment having expired, it was ordered to Hagerstown, and from thence moved by rail to Harrisburg, where it arrived on the 27th, and on the 29th was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Francis P. Minier............Colonel. Jacob M. Campbell........Quartermaster. John M. Power...............Lieutenant Colonel. L. S. M. Jackson......... Surgeon. Oliver M. Irvine.............Major. William C. Roller..........Assistant Surgeoan James C. Noon............Adjutant. COMPANY A.'RGRUITEI AT HOLLIDAYSBURG, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861 John R. M'Farlane........ Captain. Helwig, John G.............Private. John M'Eeage............. First Lieutenant. Hoffman, Anthony..........do. Thomas M'Farlane..........Second Lieutenant. Jones, Ja....................do. Jonathan Demo...............First Sergeant. Johnson, James M..........do. Henry Keely..................Second Sergeant. Kephart, Calvin M...........do. David Stitler.................Third Sergeant. King, William H....,...,.,,do. John Barr....................Fourth Sergeant. Lyons, Michael............... do. Andrew Leap..............First Corporal. Ledger, Joseph J...........do. Joseph Eckle.................Second Corporal. Mufty, John.................do Henry Barr.....................Third Corporal. Martin, Robert N.............do. Joseph Zouker.................Fourth Corporal. M'Cormick, James J.........do. John Weighaman............ Musician. M'Keehan, James A.........do. William Weighaman........ do. M'Ginnis, William.........d Albert, Francis...............Private. Michaels, John H.............do. Albaugh, Henry A...........do. M Falls, Benjamin PF......... Ainsworth, James W.........do. M'Intire, Eli..............do Barr, Samuel C.................do. Murray, John H...............do. Boggs, Alexander o.............do. Meintle, Henry........do. Clauss, George,F...............do. rr, William L... do Charles, Samuel W............do. Orr, James A........d..do* Cochran, John................do. Piper, George.............do. Cahoe, John......................do Peight, Emanuel S.........do. Crum, William................do. Redding, John J......... do. Dunn, Joseph M............... Reighard, Julius............do. Davis, Amos D........... do. Richter, George S..............do. Elder, William S..............do. Rodgers, James...............do. Eastman, William H..........do. Sanders, Albert.................do. Evans, Charles.................do. Smith, John.....................do. Fox, John F.......................do. Thompson, William F...... do. Fortney, Matthias...............do. Tierman, Thomas..............do. Filie, George............... do. Varnes, Louis H...............do. Ferry, Joseph..............do. Wiggan, Henry..............do. Garrett, William L............do. Weaver, George W..........do. Gibson, David...................do. Watson, George M............do. Graft, William P.............do. Weaver, Albert J..............do. Hunter, Matthew S............do. Young, Petlr...................do, 5 34 THIRD REGIMENT, COMPANY B, RECRUITED AT ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY. IMUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Henry Wayne..............Captain. Fink, Frederick............Private. Joseph W. Gardner..........First Lieutenant. Ferguson, William...........do. John M. Clarke...............Second Lieutenant, Funk, David...................do. John S. Calvert...............First Sergeant. Gusher, David..................do Levi M'Glathery..............Second Sergeant. Gwinn, George H..............do. Joseph Lafferty.............Third Sergeant. Gwinn, Alexander C.........do. William Wilkes..............Fourth Sergeant. Greer, Adam J.................do. Thomas C. Yingling........First Corporal. Gaylord, George.............do. Henry Shatts..................Second Corporal. Hamilton, George.............do. William Hook.................Third Corporal. Houseman, Andrew........do. William W. Reed............Fourth Corporal. Hall, Adolphus............... do. Thomas Coleman............Musician. Hempfield, George............do. William Rees................do. Johnson, Samuel... do. Arble, James..................Private. James, Jesse................ do. Boyles, Martin.................do. Kelly, Leonard.................do. Bartlebaugh, David........Private. Leehr, John.....................do. Barker, Samuel..................do. Miller, Henry...................do. Boyle, William..................do. Matthews, James..............do. Boyle, George.........d......... do, Miller, John.....................do. Bowers, Abraham..............do. Morgan, Thomas......... do. Brown, Joseph............. do. Messimer, George..............do. Burkett, Ephraim..............do. Moore, David A................do Brown, James.................do. Moore, Warren H............do. BToyle, John A....................do,. Nixon, Albert H...............do. Charters, William M..........do. PIummer, Henry E...........do. Cassiday, Solomon...............do. Reed, William, Jr............do Cahoe, David......................do. Rinehart, Samuel W........do. Cashier, Adolphus..............do. Read, Alonzo..............do. Clark, Robert.....................do. Simelton, Thomas............do. Cayatt, Lewis P..................do. Staub, John...............do. Cannon, John Fl................do, Staub, Stephen.................da. Detwiler, George.............do. Stevens, William.......... do Davis, William.........d....... do. Sheloe, William................do, Dougherty, John................do. Trout, James.............. do. Delaney, Daniel.................do. Tipton, George................do. Emheiser, George W.........do. Thompson, David..............do Esterline, John..................do. Thompson, William.........do. Eckley, Joseph.................do. Trees, James C................do. Yritz, William D................ do. Templeton, Roland..........do COMPANY C. EiCRUITED AT WILLIAMSBURG, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William L. Neff................ aptain. Estep, Elijah................Private. Jacob. Yngling...........First Lieutenant. Frederick, Benjamin F.....do. Robert Johnston...........Second Lieutenant. Fluke, William...............do. Daniel P. Irvine............. First Sergeant. Garland, Moses K...........do. George W. Patterson....... Second Sergeant. Guiser, George J..........do. Albert B. Flood...............Third Sergeant. Griffin, John.................do. John C. Wilson..............Fourth Sergeants Garret, Alexander A.........do. Isaac N. Brenneman........ First Corporal. Guiser, James..................do. Garain Shellenberger......Second Corporal. Hewitt, Calvin C.............do. David Fay......................Third Corporal. Houck, James H...............do. David C. Yingling...........Fourth Corporal. Hinds, Joseph S...............do. James C. Roller...............Musician. Huyett, Ulysses S...........do. John A. M'Kamy.................. o. Harnish, John................do. Allender, James D,,.........Private. Houck, Dorsey B............do Bell, William H...............do. Hoffman, William J.........do. Brenneman, Michael..........do. Hicks, Alexander C.........do. Bittle, Charles..................do. Johnston, Robert M..........do. Baker, Samuel G..............do. Jones, William W...........do. Cooper, James M...............do. Kane, John......................do, Craig, John.......................do. Kelly, John.................. do. Gary, James.....................do. Kidd, Joseph L.................do. D)ell, Henry H....................do. Lower, Isaiah P..............do. b$e, VWillm m.:..............do. Lang, Robert H.........do...i.cht.... He.irjy S............ do Lucas, Abraham............do. THREE MONTIS' SERVICE. 35 uis, Peter....................Private. Parks, Amos...................do. Metz, George M d................. do Riley, William A............do. Morgan, George W..........do. Riley, James.......... do. Miller, James....................do Slonaker, Lemuel A........do. Myers, Henry W...............do. I Smith, Benjamin F...........do. Mantell, Joseph...............do, Sies, Joseph....................do. M'Cahan, John...............do Stineman, Albert A..........do. M'Elwee, William.............do. Smith, Patrick..................do. M'Donald, James.............. do. Sheller, James S...............do. Nunnemacker, Samuel.......do. Shaffer, Samuel B............do. Neville, John H.................do. Taylor, Alexander...........do. Neff, Albert J...................do. Temple, James.................do. Noel, Daniel F..................do. Taylor, George W.......do. Noland, Thomas..............do. Wolf, John......................do. Powell, Milton P...............do. Yerger, George...............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT TYRONE, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. James Bell.....................Captain. Ligo, Martin W.............Private. William B. Darlington.... First Lieutenant. Lightner, John................do. Francis M. Bell..............Second Lieutenant. Mattern, Sanford D...........do. Caleb R. Burley..............First Sergeant. Mattern, Taning S............do. John L. Burley...............Second Sergeant. Merryman, John..............do. George W. Burley...........Third Sergeant. Miles, Joseph A...............do. Jeremiah Ganoe.............Fourth Sergeant. Madison, Joseph W..........do. David M. Jones...............First Corporal. Mulberry, William H........do. Thomas C. Henshey........Second Corporal. Miller, William................do. John W. Manning...........Third Corporal. M'llvain, Castleton B......do. John M. Berlin...............Fourth Corporal. Maxwell, Martin............... do. Franklin B. Stewart........Musician. M'Intyre, John A..............do. Jonathan Ginter.................do. M'Cahen, Thomas C.........do. Burley, Francis M..........Private. Myers, Joseph R...............do. Bell, James C.....................do. M'Kinney, Daniel............do. Beatty, Oscar.....................do. Owens, James T..............do. Bressler, Mahlon W.......do. Owens, James H.............do. Barnes, John A....................do. Owens, William J............do. Barnicle, John..................do Pruner, Joseph D..............do. Clark, David....................do. Price, Albert H................do. Cunningham, Wm. F.........do. Quinn, Jacob....................do. Deters, William.................do. Roach, Robert A...............do. Denny, John.......................do. Stewart, John P...............do. Denny, Joseph...................do. Shive, William C..............do. Davison, John A., Jr........do. Schmidt, John..................do. Davison, Rees J.................do.'Straithoof, Henry H.........do. Falkender, John L............do. Smith, Oliver G...............do. Funk, William...........do.; Scoffield, William............ do. Gilhousen, Albert E...........do. Sneath, Robert.................do. Goss, Joseph.......................do. Stonebraker, Sanford M....do. Gates, David H...............do. Stonebraker, Sanford.......do. Irvin, William...................do, chell, Alfred.................do. Kupp, Joseph................do. Thompson, James E.........do. Kinney, Perry..............do. Watson, Jeremiah S........do. Kinney, John P................do. Watson, Samuel A....do. Kern, Peter............... doWurtz, James................... do. Kuhn, George.......d...... do. Wilson, Joseph L..... do. Kaltrider, George W.........do. Youtz, John.....................do. Kistler, John S................. do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT ALTOONA, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Jacob Szink....................Captain. Jacob J. Smith..............Fourth Sergeant. Richard J. Crozier...........First Lieutenant. John Flanagan..............First Corporal. Frederick Shillinger........Second Lieutenant. William B. Bartley........Second Corporal. Robert M. Messimer........First Sergeant. Washington Foust..........Third Corporal. David Counsman............Second Sergeant. Joseph Noel.....F............Fourth CorporaL Alexander H. Stewart...... Third Sergeant Charles Inher........ Musician. 36 TfY FHIRPD REGIMENT, James D. Snyder............Private. Isett, WVashington..........Private. Anderson, Samuel T............lo.. Kelley, John A............... do. Anderson, Henry N..dKile, George H......... do. Akin, Matthew................do. King, Hezekiah. do. Attick, James H.............. do. Loudon, David M.............do. Bush, John H....................do Lynde, Elihu S................ do. Beatty, Franklin M........do. Laughlin, John M. C........do. Barker, Gilbert A. R........... I M'Fadden, John E............do. Beals, Jacob R........M......... do. Myers, Joseph..................do. Bearns, John................. do. Marshall, Alexander W...do. Baer, Harrison D............... do. M'Mahan, Mordecai.........do. Bartow, Thomas................. do. Montgomery, Robert B.....do. Boyles, William T..............do. Marshall, William H........dco Brickner, Frederick..........o. d Miller, Gabriel................... do. Cutler, William B......' do. M:ore, James T................. do. Cruse, George W...........do. Marshall, Winfield S........do. Clark, John A..................do. Miller, Samuel H..............do. Divine, John N.............. do. Nightwine, James............do. Duffy, Francis.............do. O'Rourke, Richard...........do. Fechter, Ignatius................do. Price, William H..............do. Fichel, Paul...................... do. Parker, Joseph L..............do. Fry, Robert.d.............. dao Parker, Samuel D.............do. Fay, Andrew J............do. Quinlan, Patrick...............do. Finney, Francis................do Reeves, George.............. do. Glenn, William F................ do Rook, Joseph H............... do. Ginter, David M............. do. Stoddard, Thormas............do. Garden, Robert B..............do. Shandlemeyer, Jacob........do. Griffith, Napoleoi B...........do. Stocksleger, Peter W......do. Gunkle, Joseph...........do. Schiednagle, Anthony....do. Hubert, John.......................d Smith, William C..........do. Hammond, James............. do | Sisler, William... do. Hogentogler, Nath'l F........do. Tipton, Samuel B.............. do. Isenburg,, Daniel1 Jr...........de. COPANY F. ItECRUITED AT JOHNSTOWN, CAMRRIA COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John P. Linton..............aCptain. Helstein, Joseph............ Private. Hugh Bradley...........F.....First Lieutenant, Holman, Charles...............do. James C. Noon............. Second Lieutenant. Kelly, John..............do. William B. Bonaker...... First Sergeant. Kearney, Zephaniah.........do. Michael Woods............... Second Sergeant. Kunke), Christian...........do. CharlesKelly............... Third Sergeant. Keiflin, Vincent..............do. Hugh Daily....................Fourth Seligeant. Lightner, James...............do. Edward Connery............ First Corporal. M'Cann, James.................do. Michael Burns.................Second Corporal. M'Keirnan, Bernard... do. Lewis Beamer........ Third Corporal. M'Coy, Augustus........... do. David D. Watt...... F..........Fourth Corporal. M'Grory, Hugh.........do. Morgan M'Donald...........Musician. Moran, Miles.................do. eoge W. Crissinger.........do. M'Devitt, James........... do. Albaugh, Peter............Private. Myers, Christian................do. Boyle, Mannus............... do. M'Culloch, John...............do. Bannan, John....... do M'Goulrich, James...........do. Breman, John...................d. Mullin, Patrick.......... do Conway, Michae.............do. Munzert, Frederick...........do Cain, James......... do. Murphy, James.......... do. Cogan, George................,.do. M'Glaughlin, Neal...........do Cradle, John....................do. Nary, Thomas..................do. Cradle, Jacob...............do. Ott, Henry........................do Camp, George W............do. O'Donnell, James............do. Clark, Patrick................. do, Russell, Luke...............do. Dibert, Samuel...... d............do Rabb, Henry....................do. Deininger, Ulrichl...............d o, Rowan, Peter.................. do. Erline, William doW..........do, Smith, Henry...................do. Fitzpatrick, Daniel.............do. Seitz, George...................dow ]Fite, Jobn B........................do. Steinheiser, Philip............do. Fisher, Levi...................... dox Shearer, George.................do. Fhinn, James.....................do. Straus, David.;..................do. G:oughenauer, Daniel D..... do. Strenger, Frederick.........do. Gafliher, John...................do. Stermer, Peter.................. do. Griit, James............ do. Smith, Albert...........d. Griffi D6 niS................. do. Tighe, Patrick..................doc iHagan, Ienry.......d o. Wentroth, Jo hn................ d lIHartman,:Albert.................do. Hamnilton,James.... THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 37 C OMPANY G. RECRUITED AT JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Thomas H. Lapsley.........Captain. Kimmel, Milton............Private. Jacob M. Campbell.........First Lieutenant. Lewis, Thomas.................do. Robert P. Robinson.........Second Lieutenant. Lane, Alexander...............do. James Moore...............First Sergeant. Lane, Thomas..................do. John J. Mills..................Second Sergeant. Livingston, Frederick......do. George W. Gageby,.......... Third Sergeant. M'Clelland, James............do. Adam Gamble................Fourth Sergeant. M'Geehan, Samuel C.........do. Jonathan Wolford........... lirst Corporal. Murphy, Michael..............do. Abram Dougherty...........Second Corporal. Marsh, Simon...................do. Peter Beamish.................Third Corporal. Maharg, Samuel...............do. James Ellis......................Fourth Corporal. Macarahar, Coleman.........do. Martin Fix.......................M sician. Metzabaugh, George W.....do. Michael Byer....................do. M Guire, Bernard.............do. Armstrong, Robert...........Private. Moore, Samuel H......... do. Attig, Nathaniel................do. Mensel, Henry..................do. Bee, David.........................do. M'Coy, James...................do. Bingner, Henry G..............do. Noble, John........... do. Border, Peter....................do. Nevergold, John...............do. Barnhart, Henry...............do. OQttinger, Jacob...............do. Barclay, William...............do. Pickworth, Robert............do. Brandenburg, August........do. Powers, Patrick...............do. Cooper, John.....................do. Riley, Bernard C..............do. Cooper, William.................do. Ream, Jacob.....................do. Edwards, William..............do. Roy, Michael..............do. Emde, Frederick...............do. Ream, Conrad...............do. Ford, John.........................do. St. Clair, Stewart D...........do. Fritchie, William..............do. Sheehan, George...............do. Goughenour, David..........do. Sheehan, Coyer.................do. Grant, Charles..................do. Shearer, John.................do. Glass, Andrew....................do. Shaffer, Henry B...............do. Glass, George..............do. Siter, Edward..............do. Helsel, Ienry.................do. Stork, Edward D..............o. Hough, John.....................do. Sleeth, Samuel D..............do. Hughes, Stephen..............do. Smith, Martin................do. Hogan, Patrick................do. Smith, Michael............do. Hassey, Robert..................do. Ullery, Joseph.................do. Haines, Thomas F..............do. Weigart, George...............do. Howe, Thomas................... o. Workman, Frederick......do. Kern, Henry I..................do. Watkins, James................do. Krant, Christian................do. COM-PANY IH. RECRUITED AT HOLLIDAYSBURG, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTEED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Alexander M. Lloyd.,..... Captain. Bryan, Harry.................Private, Christian N. Snyder........First'Lieutenant. Craig, James....................do. Stephen C. Potts.............Second Lieutenant. Curry, Charles..................do, Augustus Batton............ First Sergeant. Cruse, Charles W..............do. Frank Vogle....................Second Sergeant. Curry, John....................do. Simon B. Barr.................Third Sergeant. Cooper, Benjamin..............do. Nicholas Stephens...........Fourth Sergeant. Clark, John......................do. David K. Yoder...............First Corporal. Dorsey, William C............o. Caleb M. Kephart............ Second Corporal, Frank, Christian............... do. James T. Pendergast.......Third Corporal. Fenton, Charles M............do. David Barr.....................Fourth Corporal. Green, Thomas.................do. George Weighaman......... Musician. Grafflus, Abraham............do. John Miller, Jr.................do. Garden, John...............do. Barr, Thomas M.............Private. Gates, Joseph....................do. Beales, John T..................do. Gates, John.......................do. Boell, Harry.....................do. Garber, George C...............do. Boell, William...................do. Griffin, Russell.................do. Byers, Walter P...............do. Henshey, John B.,............do. Black, George W., Z...........do. Henshey, Thomas............do. Bradley, William J............do. Hicks, William.................do. Blain, William..............do. Hughes, Joseph...............do. Blaclkstone, Dill...............do. Hileman, William............do. Barr, James......................do. Hallowry, Michael........... do. 38 TIllR)D REGIIMENTT, Howe, James M...............Private. M'Ilvaine, William.......Private. Hawksworth, George W.....do. Plack, George...................do. Huff, Harry.......................do. Ream, Charles................do. Keech, Joseph....................do. Russ, Joseph C.................do. Keogh, Edward..................do. Roush, George.................do. Krees, George G................do. Shrader, Frederick........... do. Kinkead, David P..............do. Sellers, George..................do. Loesh, John W...................do. Spade, George...................do. Long, John D......................do. Thompson, James E.........do. Lear, William....................do. Tipton, Caleb................do. Lane, John........................do. Ullery, Daniel..................do. Lane, George..................... do. Vogle, Jacob.....................do. Mason, Robert....................do. White, Benjamin.............do. Maloy, Thomas..................do. Wildes, Tillinghast...........do. Miller, George................do. White, Edward.................do. M'Clure, Alexander..........do. Wingate, J. Russell..........do. Murray, John............. do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT EAST LIBERTY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Josiah J. Lawson............Captain. Himbelright, David A...Private. John W. Hicks...............First Lieutenant. Irvine, David...................do. George F. Weitzel...........Second Lieutenant. Krebs, Philip H................do. Philip S. Baer.................First Sergeant.' Kauffman, eorge D.........do. Jonathan Woolslayer.....Second Sergeant. Karykesler, John..............do. Joseph Anderson............Third Sergeant. Loveridge, Joel.................do. Gotlieb Asbury...............Fourth Sergeant. Long, William E...............do. Charles M'Farlane........... First Corporal. Lipp, Frederick.................do. Henry Woolslayer...........Second Corporal. Mohler, John H...............do. Conrad Fix................T...Third Corporal. Marks, William S.............do. Andrew Mitchell.............Fourth Corporal. M'Kee, Isaac...................do. James Wool layer...........Musician Morris, Jesse M.................do. Marcus Millinger...............do. Mixner, Jacob..................do. Bryson, David.................Private. Merley, Walter...............do. Bear, Adam........................do. M7Nultz, Robert..............do. Baum, Henry.....................do. M'Munn, William............do. Bryant, George W..............do. Negley, Daniel F..............do. Bauer, Eugene L..............do. Negley, Ross.....................do. Crawford, Scott R...............do. O'Niel, John.....................do. Connelly, Patrick...............do. Price, William P..............do. Colhocker, John.................do. Riddle, Augustus.............do. Dewees, Dilworth..............do. Roberts, John...................do. Delaware, Adam.................do. Russell, Cary A................do. Diamond, Patrick...............do. Reese, John R..................do. Forsythe, James................do. Shannon, John..................do. Florin, Frederick...............do. Schabenstein, Joseph.....;..do. Green, Norris L..................do. Stark, Henry..................do, Grist, John W....................do. Sitzler, Charles.................do. Gaunster, William..............do. Shuck, Jacob....................do. Gettys, Samuel A.............do. Tapper, William...............do. Gorrill, William.................do. Tuttle, Joseph W.............do. Hughey, Annanias R.........do. Thompson, William A......do. Hamilton, George..............do. Winkler, John B...............do. Hartman, Hery...............do. Wilson, Charles A............do. Heller, John.....................do. Young, Walter F..............do. Hartwick, Bernard.............do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John Suter................. Captain. James H. Gageby.............Fourth Sergeant. Allen K. Babcock...........First Lieutenant. Thomas F. Gordon...........First Corporal. John Downey...............Second Lieutenant. Powell, Stackhouse.........Second Corporal., Daniel N. Jones..............First Sergeant. Hiram Layton................Third Corporal. John Frey.......................Second Sergeant. Emory Fisher.................Fourth Corporal. George F. Randolph........Third Sergeant. James F. Allen..............Musician. THRIEE MONTHS' SERVICE. 39 James A. Kinley............ Musician. Lenhart, Henry.............Private. Andrews, Richard...........Private.' Lain, William...............do. Barnett, Thaddeus..............do. M'Cullough, Felix........... do. Barclay, George..................do. Mitchell, illiam D...... do. Baker, Phineas M...............do. Mooney, Matthew.............do. Bennett, Robert.................do. Matthews, James..............do. Brien, David..................... do. Miller, Alexander.............do. Butler, John.....................do. O'Neil. John.....................do. Cobey, Frank M................do,'O'Clark, John.................. do. Confer, Frank F...............do. Orum, Albert...................do. Decker, John.....................do. Orr, James S.....................do. Duncan, James................do. Petriken, Henry B............do. Dyvart, Frederick S............do. Peterson, John C...............do. Dysart, William E..............do. Price, William..................do. Easly, (:asper V.................do. Quinn, James....................do. Eldridge, William..............do. Quirk, Michael.................do. Gathe'gn, Charles R...........do. Robb, Samuel I...............o. Glass, Jcqb A....................do. Stern, William..................do. Grimsley, Thompson D.......do. Shoemaker, John C...........do. GO lden, Philip F.................do. Sabitz, Henr H................do. Huff, William....................do. Slater, William H.............do. Harrod, Harry.................. do. Smith, James...................do. Heaverne, Michael..............do. Sherman, Thomas R.........do. Hoerle, Henry...................do. Thomas, William M.........do. Hite, Henry J.....................do. Thomas, E. C..................do. Ingles, James.....................do. Thomas, Evan..................do. Kane, Bartley....................do. Thomas, Joseph G............do. Kelly, Thomas S.................do. Watkins, Reese................do. Kooken, Samuel.................do. Watkins, James I.............do. Kauffman, John H..............do. Walker, William..............do. Litz, Ebenezer....................do. Young, Wesley M............do. Lowman, Webster B......... do. Zimmerman, Jacob...........do FOURTH REGIMENT. TPHE Fourth volunteer regiment originated in the First regiment, 2d Brigade, 2d Division, of the State militia, organized under the militia act of 1858. It consisted of six companies, and had a full regimental organization, the officers holding State commissions. In response to the call of the President, a public meeting was held at Norristown, Montgomery county, on the 16th of April, at which, the feeling of patriotic devotion to the cause of the Government was emphatically displayed, and resolutions were passed pledging assistance to the families of such as volunteered. On the following day, the services of the militia regiment were tendered to the Governor, for the term of three months, and were accepted, on condition that the command would report in Harrisburg within four days. The officers immediately commenced the enrolment of recruits, and at the expiration of the time appointed, some six hundred men, from Montgomery county and vicinity, were ready to move. The excitement and gloom incident to their departure, can only be felt by a people unused to war. All business was suspended, and the whole population appeared upon the streets. Flags were provided by the ladies of Norristown, which were presented with appropriate ceremonies. On Saturday, April 20th, the command proceeded by rail to Harrisburg, and reached Camp Curtin at two o'clock P. M. It was the intention to have remained in camp, till a sufficient number of men could have been procured from Montgomery county, to fill the regiment to its maximum number; but the urgent necessities of the Government rendered this purpose impracticable, and orders were issued to form a regiment, immediately, from such companies as were in camp. This order had the effect to change the command, from a militia, to a volunteer organization. An election was, accordingly, held, which resulted in the choice of the same field officers, as those holding the militia commissions, which were as follows: John F. Hartranft, of Norristown, Colonel; Edward Schall, of Norristown, Lieutenant Colonel; Edwin Schall, of Norristown, Major. Charles Hunsicker was appointed Adjutant. Scarcely was the organization completed, when marching orders were received. Leaving Camp Curtin, on the evening of the 21st of April, the regiment proceeded by rail to Philadelphia, where it was ordered by General Patterson, to report to Colonel Dare, of the Twenty-third. Taking one company of his own, and the Fourth regiment, Colonel Dare proceeded by rail to Perryville, Maryland, and took possession of the town, making such disposition of the troops, as would prevent a surprise. On the following day, General Patterson ordered the regiment to proceed without delay to Washington. Immediate application was made to Colonei Dare, for transportation by steamer to Annapolis, the route by Baltimore being THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 41 then closed. Not feeling secure from capture, Colonel Dare only gave transportation for one wing of the regiment, which embarked under command of Colonel Hartranft. Arriving at Annapolis, the troops were disembarked, and quartered in the buildings belonging to the Naval Academy, by order of Major General Butler, then in command of the town. The left wing, under command of Major Schall, was detained several days at Perryville, for the security of the port. It was expected, that the men would be fully clothed, armed, and equipped at Harrisburg, before marching. But when the urgent appeals came from Washington for troops, it was not the time for the patriotic citizen-soldier to hesitate, and the regiment marched without uniforms or equipments, the men being armed with muskets, and provided with ammunition, which they were obliged to carry in their pockets. Clothing was sent to the regiment on the 28th of April, but not until sometime in June, were proper uniforms supplied. In pursuance of orders, the regiment proceeded, on the 8th of May, to Washington, and was quartered in the Assembly buildings, and in a church near by. Transportation, and camp and garrison equipage not having been supplied by the State, or the National Government, the regiment was prevented from going into camp. The close confinement of the men in crowded quarters, soon produced its legitimate results. Sickness, which, up to this time, had been scarcely known in the regiment, now began to prevail to a considerable extent. As soon as tents were received, it was at once established in camp, about two miles from the city, toward Bladensburg. When the necessary equipage was furnished, regimental drills and inspections were commenced, and vigorous measures taken to make the regiment effective. On the 24th of June, it was ordered to Alexandria, in anticipation of an attack by the enemy, and was, soon after, placed in camp on Shuter's Hill, where the regular drills and inspections were resumed. On Sunday, June 30th, at two o'clock in the morning, the pickets of the reginent, stationed-on the old Fairfax road, under command of Lieutenant M. R. M'Clennan, were attacked by about thirty of the enemy. They were repulsed by our pickets, only three in number, who killed Sergeant Haines, previously a clerk in the Treasury Department, at Washington. Three other of our pickets on the outer post, intending to go to the rescue of their comrades, came in contact with the enemy's force, in which Thomas Murray was killed, and Llewelyn Rhumer was severely wounded. The third, dropping upon the ground, escaped without injury, the enemy, in the excitement and darkness, passing over him. The trails of blood, discovered in the morning, showed that they had likewise suffered in the encounter. The evidences, on every hand, pointed unmistakably to an early advance of the army. Inspections were careful and minute. All surplus baggage was sent to the rear, together with knapsacks and overcoats, the men retaining only their blankets. The Fourth regiment was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 3d Division* of M'Dowell's army. The Division moved from camp, by the Fairfax road, Organization of 1st Brigade, Colonel W. B. Franklin, 3d Division, Colonel S. P. Heintzleman. (The three Brigades of the Division were commanded respectively by Colonels W. B. Franklin, O. O. Howard, and 0. B. Wilcox.) Ricket's Battery of the 1st U. S. Artillery. Fifth regiment Massachusetts volunteers, Colonel Lawrence. Eleventh regiment Massachusetts volunteers, Colonel Clark. First regiment Minnesota volunteers, Colonel Gorman. Fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Hartranft. 6 42 FOURTH REGIMENT, reaching Sangster's station on Thursday evening. The enemy set fire to his stores and retreated, as the column advanced. Firing was heard in the direction of Blackburn's Ford, occasioned by Colonel Richardson's reconnoissance in that direction. On Friday the division moved to Centreville, where the entire army of M'Dowell lay encamped. On Saturday, the 20th of July, the question of muster out was freely agitated, the term of enlistment expiring on the following day. Desirous of retaining the regiment in his command till the anticipated battle should be fought, General M'Dowell issued an order, making the following appeal: "The General commanding has learned with regret that the time of service of the Fourth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, is about to expire. The services of the regiment have been so important, its good conduct so general, its patience under privation so constant, its state of efficiency so good, that its departure, at this time, can only be considered an important loss to the army. Fully recognizing the right of the regiment to its discharge and payment, at the time agreed upon, when it was mustered into service, and determined to carry out, literally, the agreement of the government in this respect, the General commanding, nevertheless, requests the regiment to continue in service for a few days longer, pledging that the time of muster out of service shall not exceed two weeks. Such members of the regiment, as do not accede to this request, will be placed under the command of proper officers, to be marched to the rear, mustered out of service, and paid, as soon as possible, after the expiration of the term of service." Differences of opinion prevailed in the regiment upon the question of compliance with this request. While many were willing to re-enlist for two weeks longer, some were desirous of being mustered out in accordance with their contract with the government. When it was ascertained that unanimity of sentiment was not likely to be secured, it was decided by the commanding General, that to break up the organization, and to take a fragment of the regiment into battle would not be prudent orders were accordingly issued for its muster out of service. Several causes conspired to create an aversion to remaining. The regiment had been subject, during its service, to hardships which are, perhaps, inseparable from new and hasty organization, but which bore somewhat heavily upon the men, a detail of which, it is unnecessary here to give. It was at a time, too, when great activity prevailed in the organization of new regiments for the three years' service, the officers of this regiment having already taken steps for making new organizations, in which considerable strife was manifested to get the trained men. Their decision was, accordingly, made more with reference to their own advantage, and that of their officers, than to any ulterior results. General M'Dowell, when he found himself defeated in the battle which ensued, looking about for some causes to which he could attribute his failure, towards the close of his official report, drags in this regiment for a share of blame, to whose service he had no more rightful claim, and whose conduct he could not more justly censure, than that of the regiment a week or a month earlier discharged. The subsequent history of the men composing this regiment dispels any doubt, that may, at the time, have been raised of the rectitude of their intentions. Under the command of the Lieutenant Colonel, it marched to Washington, from whence. it was taken by rail to Harrisburg, where it was soon After THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 43 mustered out of service. But measures were immediately taken for the organization of new regiments, in which the men immediately enlisted for the war, and fully attested on the bloody fields of Fredericksburg and Antietam, and in numberless hard fought battles of the war, their patriotism and their valor. The Colonel of the regiment, (since Major General,) John F. Hartranft, desiring to remain with the army of M'Dowell, offered his services, and was assigned to duty on the staff of Colonel Franklin, commanding the 1st Brigade. In the terrible ordeal to which the division of Heintzelman was exposed, and when the regiments were broken and disorganized by the heat of the enemy's fire, Colonel Hartranft rendered invaluable aid in holding the men to their duty, and in rallying the regiments which had been thrown into confusion. Captain Cook, of company K, also remained, serving on the staff of Colonel David Hunter, and was officially commended for his gallantry. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. John F. Hartranft............Colonel. Charles W. Rodgers......Assistant Surgeon. Edward Schall...............Lieutenant Colonel. T. W. M'Daniels............. Chaplain. Edwin Schall.................Major. Martin Malony..............Sergeant Major. Charles Hunsicker..........Adjutant. William M. Mintzer......Q. Master Sergeant. W. H. Yerkes.................uartermaster. George W. Arnold,...... Drum Major. James B. Dunlap............Surgeon. BEGIMENTAL BAND. D. H. Stubblebine, leader, Musician. James Longa...............Mus n. Edmund Smith.................do. Jacob F. Gauger.............. do. Alfred Calwell............. do. Alpheus Mixell.................do. Samuel Weis.....................do. John Peterman^..............do. George Evans.....................do. Andrew Peterman............do. Daniel Ruch.............. dHammond Winters...........do. Ephraim Hale....................do. William Gibson................do. COMPANY A. RBIRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William J. Bltn..........Captain. William A. Lambert......Musician. Joseph K. Bolton........... First Lieutenant. Samuel G. Doud...............do. William S. Etsley.......Second Lieutenant. Aikens, Samuel............Private. Abraham L. Ortlip...........Third Lieutenant. Brookes, John..................do. George W. Guss............First Sergeant. Boyer, Edwin..................do. John A. Wills..................Second Sergeant. Bath, David D..................do. Thomas B. Garner..........Third Sergeant. Banks, Benjamin..............do. William T. Roberts.........Fourth Sergeant. Carpenter, George T.........do. Samuel S. Fries...............First Corporal. Culp, George...................do. George Keen............Second Corporal. Deem, John....................do. C.;Jones Iredell..............Third Corporal. Doud, James M................do. Charles A. Yost...t.........^.Fourth Corporal. Dehaven, George W.........do. 44 FOURTH REGIMENT, Ensley, William C...........Private. M'Cartney, James........Private. Earle, William P...............do. Nungesser, William B.....do. Ely, Jonathan T................do. Pugh, Reese....................do. Ellis, Jonathan B..............do. Richards, John...............do. Feather, Augustus..............do. Roberts, Robert................o. Fitzgerald, John P..............do. Randall, George M...........do. Fitzgerald, Charles H........do. Reiff, Thomas J................do. Garner, Sylvester................do. Robbens, Jacob.................do. Gilbert, Theodore............... do Shoffner, John.................. do. Hartranft, Abraham...........dc Shoffner, George W...........do. Holt, Joseph................do. Shainline, John Y.............do. Jordan, John......................do. Smedley, Miffin...............do. Johnson, John M...............do. Saylor, James C................do. Jenkins, Major L...............do. Saylor, Josiah..................do. Jones, John........................do. Sutch, Charles..................do. Knipe, Benjamin F...........do. Shainline, Henry H..........do. Kelley,. Henry S.................do Sutch, Abraham B............do. Kelley, John S...............do. Stephens, Jacob R............do. Kelley, Thomas.................do. Spencer, James.................do. Kirkbride, Abraham H......... Smith, Henry S.................do. Kanause, John..................do. Slemmer, Adam R............do. Kulp, George H..................do. Selah, Theodore................ do. Lewis, Elijah.....................do. Smedley, Isaiah...............do. Lightcap, Michael...............do. Schrack, Valentine............do. Moore, John S....................do. Server, Mathias T............do. Mather, William L..........do. Shainline, William H........do. Moyer, Joseph R...............do. Thompson, Benjamin........do. M'Coy, William..............do. Tippen, Henry..................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Robert E. Taylor.............Captain. Heebner, James B.........Private. Thomas Magee................First Lieutenant. Heenan, John...................do. M. Robert M'Clennan......Second Lieutenant. Hart, Frank A................. do. Lane S. Hart...................First Sergeant. Hocker, Edward..............do. William H. Griffith.........Second Sergeant. Hughes, Henry C..............do. Lorenzo D. Shearer.........Third Sergeant. Hunsicker, Davis........... do. George M. Coler..............Fourth Sergeant. Henderson, George W.....do. Joseph C. Reed.............................................. Jacobs, John R..................do. David W. Roberts............First Corporal. Jacobs, Henry............. do. Thomas C. Simpson.........Second Corporal. Kirkbride, Ferdinand P...do. John H. Kirkbride..........Third Corporal. Kugler, Samuel A............do. Israel WT. Hart................Fourth Corporal. Keyser, Charles A..........do. Altemus, George F..........Private. Linker, Daniel..................do. Alker, Jacob......................do. Mowder, Enos.................do. Ashburn, James..................do. Markley, Samuel..............do. Bruce, Howard................do. Miller, Samuel.................do. Buck, Jeremiah W.............do. Major, J. Benton...............do. Buck, Isaiah B...................d Montgomery, William......do. Buzby, Egbert B...............do. M'Carte, Courtland...........do. Boyer, John M...................do. M'Carte, Marshall............h Bickle, Harrison.................do M'Combs, Samuel C.......do. Clemer, Daniel W..............do. Neiman, William............ da. Coulston, John H...............do, Owens, William W...........do. Corson, George N...............do Rodenbaugh, John............do. Detweiler, Samuel H.........do. Reiff, George A.................do. Earls, Charles..................do. Reif Charles A...............do Essick, John E..................do. Rapine, William S............ d Evans, Charles B..............do. Stephens, Samuel P...........do, Ewing, Thomas S..............do. Spencer, John...................do. Fillman, Allen H...............do, Schrack, Adam J..............do Freedley, J. Isett..........do. Shupe, Samuel R............do. Prease, Charles E...............do. Syckle, Lewis J...............do. Fitzwater, Jacob................ do. Shearer, Samuel J............do. Grimes, Robert.................do. Smith, Paul A...................do. Griffith, Ellridge G............do. Thomas, Barclay.............do. Hahn, James W.................do. Tomlinson, John M. H......do. Hahn, Philip, Jr.................do. Wilson, James H..............do. Hansell, Ivens'R......;:.... do. Young, Benjamin..............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 45 COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT POTTSTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John R. Brooke...............Captain. Hoffman, Enos..............Private. William S. Hobert...........First Lieutenant. Hunsicker, William.........do. Joseph Umstead..............Second Lieutenant. Kirkpatrick, William.......do. Charles Malsberger......... First Sergeant. Kirst, Abraham................do. William B. Stanford....... Second Sergeant. Kupp, John L...................do. Mahlon S. Ludwig..... T...Third Sergeant. Lessig, Adam....................do. Henry F. Butz.............Fourth Sergeant. Lacey, Samuel.................do. Benjamin F. Guest..........First Corporal. Lesher, William G..........do. John H. Root.............. Second Corporal. Lachman, Washing'nH....do. George Sheets..................Third Corporal. Mauger, Thomas...............do. William M. Rankin......... Fourth Corporal. Missimer, Andrew............do. Edmund Guest...............Musician. Neiman, Jonah M........ do. William Antrim.................do. Potts, Nathaniel...............do. Auchey, John.................Private. Potts, William S...............d o. Butz, George W................do. Potts, John T...................do. Bickle, Lewis H................do. Phillips, David M..............do. Bull, Octavius S..................do. Reinard, John..................do. Beadencup, John A............do. Roberts, Dewees W..........do. Bower, Jacob...................do. Scholl, John J..................do. Buckwalter, Samuel..........do. Skean, Peter E..............do. Corbett, John....................do. Simpkins, Charles............do. Dawson, Esler G................do. Spong, Joseph................do. Dehart, Samuel.................do. Schanely, Jacob................do. Dearoff, Abraham...............do. Seigfried, George W.........do. Daily, Myers.....................do. Smith, Charles C...............do. Dechant, Jacob W...............do. Sample, John R.................do. Engle, James M................do. Thompson, Rees B............do. Fitz, Jacob L................ do. Vandersyde, George..........do. Fryer, Michael F...............do. Walters, James................do. Fryer, Evan.......................do. Weir, Abraham H............do. Fair, Frank............... do. Wamback, Henry............do. Frick, Paul.......................do. Willauer, WilliamH........do. Geiger, David I................ do. Wells, William S..............do. Geiger, Charles L..............do. Weand, Daniel B..............do. Hobart, William M........do. Yergey, Isaac L................do. Hesser, Abrahamd.............do. Yergey, William...............do. Hendricks, John................do. Yergey, Thomas..............do. Heft, John..........................do. Yohn, Leidy J.................do. Hoffman, Albert..............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Reuben T. Schall.......... Captain. Davis, Freeman............. Private. Charles Hansell.............First Lieutenant. Dehaven, Isaac.............,do. David Schall....................Second Lieutenant. Dougherty, John...............do. Hiram Lysinger..............First Sergeant. Earl, John.......................do. Samuel Painter..............Second Sergeant. Fleck, John R...................do. Samuel Fair..................Third Sergeant. Griffith, James M..............do. John Fair........... Fourth Sergeant. Gauss, Jacob.....................do. Jesse S. Batchelder.........First Corporal. Garess, Joseph.................do. Andrew Fair....................Second Corporal. Geist, William..................do. Joseph Bell............... Third Corporal. Griffith, James R..............do. Henry Foreman...........Fourth Corporal. Gratz, Theodore.................do. A. D. Earl.............. Musician. Griffith, Charles..............do. Adam Zinnel....................do. Geyer, John....................do. Bond, John IH................Private. Hollowell, Joshua............do. Boaz, John....................do. Jenkins, William..............do. Brant, John........................do. Keeler, Jesse.................... do. Beal, John.......................do. Kay, Samuel....................do. Burk, Francis............. do. Kelly, Thomas A..............do. Cloward, Samuel...............do. Kulp, James....................do. Conway, James...............do. Lougherty, David.......do. Cumming, Patrick..............do. Lightcap, George..............do. Craighton, Irvin................do. Leedom, Andrew.............do. Custer, A. P.................. do. Markley, David B............do. 46 FOUIRTH REGIMENT, M'Duefus, Thomas..........Private. Sutch, William..............Private, M'Coy, John.......................do. Stewart, Charles...............do. M'Crea, Alexander............. do. Shine, William................. do. Mills, Samuel................... do. T ompkins, Owen...............do. M'Vaugh, Harry...............do. Tolan, Isaac...................do. Nail, Levi B.................. do. Tompkins, Jacob..............do. Nail, Harry.........................do.! Tippen, George..................do. Orner, Nathan..................do. Vanfossen, Arnold, Jr....... o. Parker, John F.............. do. Williamson, Mills............do. Peters, Samuel................do. VVampold, Philip..............do. Smith, Thomas..................do. I Wildsmith, John...............do. Shuck, Thomas..................do. White, Henry...................do. Sherdin, Bernard..............do. Wentz, Charles A..............do. Schall, Calvin....................do. Wagner, J. E....................do. Stitler, Henry.................do. Wright, A. G...................do. Seaman, James.................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George Amey..................Captain. Henan, David................Private. Richard T. Stewart.........First Lieutenant. Hollinger, James..............do. James P. Butler.............Second Lieutenant. Johnson, Benjamin...........do. David Knipe....................First Sergeant. Lear, Owen......................do. Henry Nuss.....................Second Sergeant. Lysinger, Daniel...............do. William Eastwood...........Third Sergeant. Larrison, Joseph...............do. John Giligan....................Fourth Sergeant. Lockard, Thomas..............do. William R. Wager...........First Corporal. List, Albert.....................do. William Biggs.................Second Corporal. Lookens, Charles K..........do. George F. Fisher............. Third Corporal. M'Daid, John...................do. Charles Jones..................Fourth Corporal. M'Daid, William...............do. Thomas Lounck..............Musician. M'Fadden, F....................do. John Childs.......................do. M'Ewen, Thomas..............do. Augge, Samuel...............Private. Miller, George W..............do. Baker, George W...............do. Moore, Aaron....................do. Barnes, Charles.................do. Mooney, Michael...............do. Bright, George....................do. Murray, Thomas...............do. Basin, Jacob.......................o. Master, Antrim................do. Carey, William................ do. Moyer, Jonas....................do. Carroll, John F.................do. O'Neele, Charles..............do. Custard, Edwin C..............do. Powers, James..................do. Crady, Josep....................do. Quinn, John.....................do. Docherdy, Robert...............do. Quinn, William..............do. Delany, Michael.o.......... do. Reily, David.....................do. Doud, Thomas....................do. Ruch, Francis..................do. Dimond, Denny..................do. Rhumer, Llewelyn...........do. Enos, William....................do. Rhumer, Charles H...........do. Fisher, John F...................do. Shoemaker, Mathias.........do. Ford, Charles...................do. Smith, John..................do. Fisher, Jacob F..................do. Springer, Elias.................. do. Fisher, Hiram C.................do. Steward, Robert...............do. Furlong, Henry.......... do. Tomany, Francis..............do. Grew, William..................do. Uncuffer, William............do. Grew, Nathan.....................do. Vaghn, Patrick................do. Gardner, Thomas...............do. Varny, Isaac....................do. Gardner, John....................do. Workiser, George...........do. Hendricks, Joseph P..........do. Welsh, John.....................do. Hucheron, Isaac.................do. Williams, John...............do. Hallman, William.............do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT MEDIA, DELAWARE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George Dunn................. Captain. Thomas J. M'Millan......Third Sergeant. Thomas V. Cooper........... First Lieutenant. John L. Woodcock.........Fourth Sergeant. Archibald, M'Munn........Second Lieutenant. Caleb Hoopes................First Corporal. William Callun..............First Sergeant. James Mulholand..........Second Corporal. Richard Stiles...............Second Sergeant. John B. Sully............... Third Corporal. THREE rMONTHS' SERVICE. 47 William Durell............... Fourth Corporal. Hollingworth, John.......Private. William Quail..............Musician. Ilughs, Patrick................do. Henry Carney....................do. Harigan, Daniel.............. do. Baker, Henry J..............Private. Johnson, Robert.............. do. Broomall, Thomas.............do. Johnson, Stephen..............do. Baggs, John................. do. Ketzler, Jeremiah............do. Brantz, Peter.................do. Kelly, Thomas..................do. Baggs, William.............. do. Laden, Thomas.................do. Britton, John..................do. Magee, Joseph D...............do. Blair, Matthew................do. M'Donald, Benjamin H.....do. Coppock, Robert................do. Monahan, Michael............do. Cottingham, John..............do. Martin, Minchal.............do. Clowney, YJhn.................do. M'Guen, John................do. Coulter, Thomas...............do. M'Ginnes, William...........do. Conner, James...................do. Nuttle, Richard J..............do. Davis, John B............... do. Palmer, John..................do. Dyson, Thomas..................do. Potts, John P....................do. Davis, John M.................do. Parker, Joseph................do. Eckil, William................do. Roberts, William..............do. Evans, James................do. Rap, Amos R....................do. Ford, Able......................do. Redmond, Franklin.........do. Ford, Allen................. do. Redmond, Antrim............do. Farra, Lorenzo D..............do. Stirk, Ephraim................do. Farra, William..............do. Stikes, George..................do. Grubb, David..................do. Techton, Samuel N...........do. Griffin, Thomas...............do. Townsend, William..........do. Gorman, James................do. Techton, John.................do. Glen, John W.....................do. Wright, Baker C...............do. Graden, Benjamin.............do. Weaver, James W. G........do. Glen, George W.................do. Watters, James...............do. Greenwood, Henry.............do. Wasson, James.................do. Gillon, Hamilton..............do. Worrell, James.................do. Henderson, George............do. Willans, John..................do. Henderson, Robert............do. I Yarnall, Lee L..................do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT LEWISBURG, UNION COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John W. Chamberlin.....C aptain. Housewerth, Benj. F.....Private. George H. Hassenplug.....First Lieutenant. Housel, Seth J..................do. James M. Linn............... Second Lieutenant. Kersterer, Isaac S.............do. James Chamberlin...........First Sergeant. Klechner, Samuel F.........do. Thomas Donachy............Second Sergeant. Lenhart, John................. do. John N. Wilson...............Third Sergeant. Lenhart, Benjamin............do. Peter Koser.....................Fourth Sergeant. Martlett, William A.........do. Samuel Cuskaden............First Corporal. Mackey, James R............do. Charles H. Trainer...........Second Corporal. M'Gregor, Samuel............do. Jeremiah Snyder............ Third Corporal. M'Gregor, Daniel.............do. William Frymire............Fourth Corporal. M'Pherson, John.............do. William Wise..................Musician. Moody, Charles.................do. Ammon, Levi..................Private. Moyer, Jacob N.................do. Bell, A. James....................do. Nesbitt, David B........... do. Brown, Henry....................do. Norris, John A................. do. Buoy, Charles S..................do. Orwig, Joseph R............do. Campbell, Jacob.................do. Prass, James H.................do. Davis, David................do. Pursell, Joseph.................do. Davis, Thoma....................do. Potter, Lemuel.................do. Derr, John H.....................do. Reed, Martin G.............. do. Dye, Richard........... do. Reed, Thomas D...............do. Edwards, Richard..............do. Sasaman, Emanuel...........do. Everett, William..............do. Sanford, James H.............do. Evans, Charles R...............do. Smaltzried, Gottlieb.........do. Foote, George W.................do. Smith, Michael.................do. Frey, Henry......................do. Snively, Charles H...........do. Funk, Louis H...................do. Snyder, Henry..................do. Gibbony, Jacob.................do. ~ Stoughton, Aaron..............do. Gilham, William............. do. Switzer, William M..........do. Grant, William..............do. ~ Stoughton, Roland............do. Gunter, William.................do. Schoch, Martin L..............do. Houtz, Adam S..................do. Tetlow, Ashton.................do. Hann, Nathan M................do. Tovey, Daniel....................do. Harvey, John.....................do. Tovey, William.................do. Haus, William H...............do. Ulrich, William................do. Heightsman, Henry..........do. Vandine, Matthew..........do. Henry, Robert....................do. Walsh, Robert..................do. Hutchison, Henry..............do. Wertz, John............ do. 48 FOURTH REGTMENT, COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT IBELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 10, 1861. Austin B. Snyder............Captain. Hamilton, Thomas B......Private. William H. Blair...........First Lieutenant. Hayes, James...................do. William L. Raphile.........Second Lieutenant. Holt, Thomas....................do. James Hughes.......... First Sergeant. Henry, John C..................do. Evan R. Goodfellow.........Second Sergeant. Harshberger, Abraham.....do. John S. Boell..................Third Sergeant. Keyes, Stanley..................do. Joseph A. Clark...............Fourth Sergeant. Kniceley, George H...........do. William C. Davis............First Corporal. Knoll, Ira.........................do. James Dowling...............Second Corporal. Kulp, James.....................do. Charles Glenn..................Third Corporal. Kenngott, Henry..............do. Lemuel B. Holt...............Fourth Corporal. Lehr, Jacob.................do. George Young.................Musician. Laughlin, Michael............do. Emory Hutton.................do. Miles, Richard..................do. Antes, Frederick T..........Private. Miller, Samuel L...............do. Anderson, James G............do. Martin, HEugh...................do. Ammerman, Thomas.........do. Mackey, William I...........do. Barger, James...................do. Mullin, Frank..................do. Beadley, Philip..................do. M'Cartney, James E.........do. Barger, Constance..............do. M'Lenahan, William........do. Bowers, Levi...................do. Paisons, David H..............do. Barger, John......................do. Powers, Daniel.................do. Bland, Edward..................do. Powers, James...................do. Barthurst, Simeon..............do. Sweyers, Daniel...............do. Cox, George........................do. Sands, Henry....................do. Curtin, James B.................do. Swiler, John...................do. Clark, William..................do. Schnell, Augustus T.........do. Drawker, Alexander..........do. Shultz, William H............do. Doyle, Andrew..................do. Shirk, William................do. Dowling, Edward...............do. Swerd, Windell..............do. Eminheiser, Abram E........do. Steel, Commodore P.........do. Funk, George.....................do. Spears, Edward...............do. Fink, John........................do. Shelby, Joseph..................do. Fell, Charles.......................do. Twitmire, Henry...............do. Funk, Joseph.....................do. Waltz, Calvin....................do. Garner, George W..............do. Wilson, John A.................do. Hinton, Robert..................do. Wilson, William...............do. Hollahan, John F...............do. Wyland, George E............do. Huey, Samuel...................do. Wetsler, William W.........do. Hollabaugh, Roland C.........do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William Allabaugh.........Captain. Dehaven, George............Private. Lewis Ramsey................First Lieutenant. Dehaven, Henry...............do. Charles S. M'Glathary.....Second Lieutenant. Dillon, Michael.................do. Joseph Rylands...............First Sergeant. Dougherty, John...............do. Thomas Jones.................Second Sergeant. Emory, George..................do. Daniel Streper.................Third Sergeant. Eckhorn, George J............do. George Y. Hansell...........Fourth Sergeant. Erney, Jacob.....................do. George H. Smith..............First Corporal. Fornwalt, Nathan..............do. Charles Durham..............Second Corporal. Fulner, Jacob...................do. John H. White................ Thlrd Corporal. Geicel, Christian................do. Benjamin Uelele.............. Fourth Corporal. Geiger, Jacob W..............do. William Hinkle...............Musician. Geiger, William M............do. Edwin R. W. Sickles.........do. Gilbert, William R............do. Badman, John.................Private. Gancer, Christian..............do. Barry, William..................do. Gotwalt, Alexander...........do. Bennet, John................... do. Graham, John.................do. Bonter, Edward................do. Hallman, Samuel..............do. Buck, James H.................do. Hoover, Jacob L...............do. Cam, Charles......................do. Jones, Edward C...............do. Carter, James....................do. Kane, David.....................do. Chilling, Thomas...............do. Keven, Patrick.................do. Cox, William R..................do. Lar sbach, John W..........do. Clinberger, Simon...............do. Lath, William..................do. Davis, Harry....................do. Lowry, George..................do. Deen, Samuel....................do. Makens, Sylvester...........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 49 Martin, Allen..................Private. Rodebaugh, Charles......Private. Martin, William H............do. Rodebaugh, George...........do. Mercer, George..................do. Rodebaugh, Samuel.........do. Meris, John.....................do. Roberts, George K............do. M'Clane, Hugh.................do. Robinson, William............do. M'Colly, Nathan.................do. Rogan, Patrick.................do. M'Cool, Joshua..................do. Schrack, David...............do. M'Dade, Patrick... d....... do. Shuttleworth, J. W..........do. Mushower, Jones.................do. Slingluff, Samuel....... do. Nichols, William B............do. Still, Benjamin R.............do. Philips, James....................do. Thomas, William F..........do. Printz, Abraham................do. Vanfossen, Thomas B........do. Ramsey, Nathan H............do. Whishlar, George W.........do..Reed, Andrew J................do. White, George W..............do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT NORRISTOWN, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Walter H. Cook.............. Captain. Mar, Thomas...............Private. Henry K. Weand.........First Lieutenant. M'Corkle, Archibald.........do. Charles Y. Fisher..............Second Lieutenant. M'Closkey, Stephen..........do. David R. Connard........... First Sergeant. M' Glathery, William........do. Noah B. Brown.............. Second Sergeant. M' Gowen, John................. do. Peter A. Brown............. Third Sergeant. M' Main, William...............do. Sidney Brown............... Fourth Sergeant Maiden, James..................do. Frank L. Wagner............First Corporal. Miller, John...................do. Joseph K. Corson.......... Second Corporal. Moore, John.....................do. Frank Hart....................Third Corporal. Magee, Thomas...............do. Daniel M. Yost..............Fourth Corporal. Nuss, John S..................do. William M. M'Gowen......Musician. Ogden William................do. Samuel Moore....................do. Oneil; John.......................do. Badman, Philip...............Private. Palmer, Joseph................do. Baker, Silas........................do. Phipps, Hirz............... do. Beckwith, Jonas.... d.......... o. Phipps, Stephen...............do. Bush, George W.................do. Pierce, James.................. do. Canney, Bernard...............do. Potts, William W..............do. Carr, John A.....................do. Quarmby, Alien...............do. Carr, Thomas M.................do. Rambo, Ivens...................do. Chadwick, George E...........do. Rhoads, Nathaniel............do. Conway, Isaac...................do. Scarlett, Robert W............do. Corner, William................do. Sehmearer, Tobias............do. Dager, Charles T................do. Scott, Walter....................do. Dehaven, Reuben............do. Sheetz, John....................do. Edwards, Henry................do. Sidders, Charles...............do. Fye, Augustus..................do. Signet, David....................do. lrlanigan, Francis..............do. Street, Richard...............do. Gilmer, James..............,,.do.'Styer, Charles...................do. Grundy, John................. do. Styer, John.....................do. Harkins, George.................do. Swallow, Jonathan............do. Hart, Samuel.....................do. Ward,-John.....................d High, Joseph H.................do. Weaver, William B...........do. Kelly, Richard...................do. Weland, Charles A...........do. Kirby, Enoch B..................do. Wills, Clarence W............do. Kutz, George................... do. Wills, William W., Jr......do. Landy, Terance..................do. Wood, Abraham...............do. Marple, John........... do. Wood, James....................do. 7 FIFTH REGIMENT. THE Fifth regiment was organized at Camp Curtin, on the 21st of April, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: R. P. M'Dowell, of Pittsburg, Colonel; Benjamin C. Christ, of Minersville, Schuylkill county, Lieutenant Colonel; R. Bruce Petriken, of Huntingdon, Major. William Spencer was designated by Colonel M'Dowell as Adjutant. The companies, of which the regiment was composed, were hastily recruited in various sections of the State, and were the result of that outburst of patriotism which was everywhere manifested. At Lebanon, a public meeting was held at the Court House, at which, after some brief speaking, a company was enrolled under Captain John Ulrich, which became company G, and a liberal fund subscribed for the aid of the families of the men who volunteered. A similar spirit was manifested in nearly every county of the State, where companies were organized, and in a similar manner was our whole volunteer force recruited. With no opportunity for drill or company exercise of any kind, the raw recruits were marched to the State Arsenal, where they drew their arms, the old regulation musket, and twenty rounds of cartridge, which, for want of accoutrements, were carried in their pockets. On the evening of the same day, April 21st, the regiment was placed on board a, train of box cars, and moved down the Northern Central railway in the direction of Baltimore; but, during the night, the course of travel was reversed, and the next morning found the command again in Harrisburg. The train then moved to Philadelphia, where it arrived at four o'clock on the afternoon of the 22d. Two companies were here detailed to guard some steamboats in their passage through the Chesapeake and Delaware canal to Perryville. The remaining companies moved, on the following morning, by rail, for the same destination. In the evening of the same day the regiment embarked on three steamers and proceeded to Annapolis, where it was quarteredin the battery and boat houses. Remaining on duty here till April 26th, it was ordered to march on the railway towards Annapolis Junction, with the expectation that the column would be met by a train, on which it would be taken forward. But the train was found on the way off an embankment, where it had been precipitated by the malicious displacement ot a rail. Arriving at the Junction, foot sore and weary, it was placed in position to repel an attack, which, it was rumored, would be made during the night from Baltimore. The men slept on their arms, prepared for any emergency. On the following day, April 27th, it moved by rail to Washington, and was quartered in a building just back of the City Hall. Here it was visited by President Lincoln and Secretary Seward, each of whom spoke briefly, to the great gratification of the men. The regiment remained quartered in the city, engaged in drill and guard THREE MIONTHS SERVC CE. 51 duty. On the 7th of May, uniforms were received from the State of Pennsylvania. On Wednesday, the 29th, the command marched out about a mile east of the city of Washington, when, for the first time, it was placed in camp. In this camp, which was called Camp Washington, the regiment remained, engaged in drill, till the 28th, when it was ordered to Alexandria, Virginia, where upon its arrival it was quartered in the city. On the 3d of June, it again went into camp near the foot of Shuter's Hill, where it was assigned to the Brigade * of Brigadier General Irwin MWDowell. A portion of the Brigade was daily assigned to duty in Alexandria, as city police, and the remainder detailed for labor on Fort Ellsworth, then in process of construction. While stationed at Camp M'Dowell, the Fifth regiment had a printing press in camp, where several numbers of a large and well executed newspaper were issued. It was headed " THE PENNSYIVANIA FIFTH." It was edited by John P. Ely, First Lieutenant of company G, and was principally executed by members of that company. The original articles, and the communications from members of other regiments, were, for the most part, spirited, and were interlarded with wit and humor, well suited to the leisure of the camp. The Fifth regiment was transferred to the Brigade commanded by Colonel W. B. Franklin, previous to the advance of the army upon the enemy at Bull Run, but was ordered to remain on duty at Alexandria. Consequently it did not participate in the battle which ensued, and which resulted so disastrously to our arms. On the expiration of the term of service, the regiment was ordered to Harrisburg, where, on the 25th of July, the men were paid and honorably discharged. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. R. P. MDowell.........oonel. John I. titter..........Quartermaster. Benjamin C. Chrit........Lieutenant Colonel. E.. Scha...............Surgeon. R. Bruce Petriken......Major. Franklin Huster...........Assstant Surgeon. William Spencer......... Adjutant. CO-MPANY A. RECRUITED AT ALLEGHENY CITY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George W. Dawson........Captain. John C. Ridgway Fourth Sergeant. Tosephus Hepseley.........First Lieutenant. John J. Weis.........First Corporal. Washington Swein..........Second Lieutenant. Samuel F. Bitts.......Second Corporal Jackson Scott..............First Sergeant. JosephHuck...........Third Corporal Jacob J. Grubbs.............Second Sergeant. Herman Ohember........Fourth Corporal. Lee W. Stevens...............Third Sergeant. Mathew R. Jeffries.........Musician. * Organization of Brigade under command of Brigadier General Irwin M'Dowell. Fifth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel R. P. M'Dowell; Fifth regiment Massachusetts volunteers, Colonel Samuel C. Lawrence; First regiment Michigan volunteers; Regiment Fire Zouaves, New York vounteers. 52 FIFTH REGIMENT, John Kane.....................Musician. Myers, John C...............Private. Aundt, Albert................Private. Manson, Frederick............do. Ahling, William H............do. Mellerous, Michael...........do. Assue, Charles.................do. Milligan, James.................do. Aughenbaugh, John............do. Martin, Thomas..............do. Buchanan, David..............do. Mullin, David M...............do. Belle, David................... do. M'Dowell, James..............do. Becktel, William..............do. M'Dermouth, Thomas.......do. Bennett, Peter...............do. M'Henry, Daniel...............do. Cremmer, Eli................... do.'Norton, Thomas...............do. Chess, John A................do. Nevergold, Henry J..........do. Cupps, Samuel................do. Newsbeum, Valentine.......do. Cruchbough, John..............do. Nicholas, John.................do. Deimer, Aaron................do. Oliphand, Thomas............do. Debzidt, Joseph..................do.' Oliphand, John..............do. Dyer, Cyrus................. do. Peters, John E................. do. Dougherty, George W........do. Parker, Thomas.................do. Eckey, August..................do. Reader, Albert................ do. Flag, Thomas E...............do. Rush, George...................do. Flag, Charles S................do. Stein, William..................do. Freeborn, Taylor...............do. Shawbridge, George W.....do. Field, Thomas D...............do. Stern, Israel B..................do. Feedee, John...................do. Snyder, Michael...............do. Fosnought, John..............do. Spaniel, Edward.............do. Fox, John H....................do. Swindells, David..............do. Foltz,. Henry F...................do. Sigmon, Theodore.... do. Good, Henry H................do. Small, John................ do. Harper, William...............do. Steinberger, James...........do. Hyde, Rudolph...............do. Ulrich, Andrew...............'do. Hen, Hubbard..................do. Williams, John..............do. Johnison, John L...............do. Walshe, A. James...........Jdo. Klous, Frederick...............do. Winaler, John..................do. Lithgrow, George W........... do. Winegardner, Joseph......do. Lawhead, John B.............do. Wiley, W. Ennors............do. COMPANY'B. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Henry Amlung...............Captain. Haupt, Carl...................Private. Martin Heckelman.........First Lieutenant. Heinle, Fritz..............do. Charles Rebele................Second Lieutenant. Haas, Carl..................... o. Christopher Shelhardt.....First Sergeant. Holzapple, Christian........do. Christian Finn.................Second Sergeant. Henninger, Adolph..........do. John Gaiser.....................Third Sergeant. Hoedle, John............... do. Frederick Haupt............. Fourth Sergeant. Hesserick, Henry...............o. Robert Deitrick............... First Corporal. Hoehn, William...............do. JosepI Hammel..............Second Corporal. Jungbluts, Jacob............do. Arnold Meckelburg.........Third Corporal. Kochler, David.................do. Charles Richspfarr...........Fourth Corporal. Kramer, Lewis.................do. John Brann.....................Musician. Kauff, Adam.................do. Edward Fiatkowski...........do. Kutscher, William............do. Arnold, Frederick...........Private. Kochenderfer, Karl...........do. Anterwaerth, Henry...........do. Knoebel, Cornelius...........do. Anscheutz, Henry..............do. Knoer, Nicholas...............do. Berberick. Frederick.........do. Klenker, Fritz.................do. Bolland, George..................do. Loefstroem, Henry............do. Benz, Henry.......................do. Lennig, Frederick............do. Blume, Herrman...............do. Lantz, George.................do. Bey, Albert........................do. Lantz, John.................. do. Balz, Christian..................do. Luchm, Conrad............... do. Deitrick, Lewis..................do. Miekelburg, Henry...........do. Epple, Robert......................d. Miller, Henry................do. Frasch, Charles..................do. Nan, George..................do. Frank, Jacob.....................do. Pflumm, Joseph...............do. Foelbel, Christian..............do. Preller, Carl................. do. Fisher, Charles.................do. Pulvermiller, Philip.........do. Faerber, William............do. Rath, August................do. Fackel, John.............. do. Ross, John.....................do. Goebz, Christian.................do. Schade, Frederick............do. Geissler, Frank..................do. Straub, Theodore.............do. Gusindi, Carl.....................do. Salzmann, George.............do. Groebe, Lewis.....................do. Stuckhart, Otto..do. Qoettman,, Philip............do. Stoelzing, Frank............. do. Horn; John'.^:.g.'.....:do.'.. eibls, Samuel.............!. THREE MIONTHS' SERVICE. 53 Schmidt, Henry..............Private. Weigant, George............Private. Schmidt, Jacob.................do. Wettack, William.............do. Simon, Frederick..............do. Winter. Michael................do. Theurer, Adam..................do. Wuethrick, John..............do. Voght, Ienry....................do. Zedal, Herman................do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT GLEN CARBON, SHEUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. James Brennan...............Captain. Dooling, Patrick............Private. John Keating..................irst Lieutenant. Daley, William.................do. Michael Curry................Second Lieutenant. Foley, Michael..................do. Thomas Lawler..............First Sergeant. Grant, James....................do. Daniel Lawler............Second Sergeant. Keating, Michael..............do. Patrick Brennan..............Third Sergeant. Keating, Michael..............do. Michael Daley.................Fourth Sergeant. Keating, Edward..............do. James Keating................First Corporal. Keating, Michael.............do. George Lawler.................Second Corporal. Lee, Eli............................do. Michael O'Brien............. Third Corporal. Muldowny, James............do. Patrick Wade..................Fourth Corporal. Moran, Richard.................do. Brennan, Michael............Private. Moran, James...................do. Berger, James....................do. M'Donald, William...........do. Brennan, Patrick...............do. Murphy, John..................do. Brennan, James................do. M'Murtrie, Alexander......do. Brennan, Patrick...............dc. Maley, Mathew.................do. Boyle, James....................do. Mulhall, John.................do. Brennan, Edward...............do. Moran, John.................... do. Brennan, Laughlin............do. M'Kerns, Patrick..............do. Brennan, William..............do. M'Crackin, William.........do. Brennan, James.................do. Purcell, Nicholas..............do. Carroll, John...................do. Ryan, William.................do. Carter, Daniel...................do. Ryan, Edward........... do. Curry, Daniel.....................do. Simmons, William............do. Carty, William.............do. Tobin, James................ do. Clary, William..................do. Tobin, Lawrence...............do. Curran, William...............do. Tobin, Patrick..................do. Delany, Nicholas...............do. Tobin, Thomas..................do. Dullard, Patrick................do. Whalin, John, 1st.............do. Dullard, William..............do. Whalin, John, 2d.............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT HUNTINGDON. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Benjamin F. Miller.........Captain. Donahoo, John...............Private. George F. M'Cabe............Fl st Lieutenant. Deeter, John A.................do. James D. Campbell.........Second Lieutenant. Dean, George W.............do, Addison J. Moore............First Sergeant. Estep, William.................do. John S. Campbell...........Second Sergeant. Fink, John.......................do. William H. Fleuner........Third Sergeant. Fleck, Augustus...............do. George W. Simpson.........FourthSergeant. Forshey, Henry................do. James M'Cahans.............First Corporal. Gibb. John.......................do. Robert B. Smith..............Second Corporal. Glazier, William H...........do. William S. Westbrook.....Third Corporal. Gilliland, John W............do. George W. Cypher...........Fourth Corporal. Gilliland, William D.........do. A. Buoy Kinney.............Musician. Harvey, George W............do. Edwin W. Thomas.............do. Hoffman, Theophilus........do. Barrick, Jacob.................Private. Heffner, David J...............do. Black, George A............. do. Hoffman, John............... do. Bradley, John W............. do. Keegan, Thomas...............do. Cannan, John....................do. Lytle, John M..................do. Coder, William B..............do. Long, William H..............do. Clark, Jacob S...............do. Montgomery, George W....do. Couch, W. A. B................do. M'Farland, Theodore........do. Clark, Alfred.....................do. Miller, W. A.....................do. Cullison, John...................do. M"Cabe, Edward.............do. Cunningham, J. D..............do. M'Murtrie, Samuel M.......do. Deffenbach, Samuel S.........do. M'Murtrie, James............do. De Armet, John..............do. M'Goe, Charles W............do. 54 FIFTH REGIMENT, Mangle, Adam................Private. Steel, Jacob...................Private. M'Call, Jacob.................do. Shaffer, Peter....................do. M'Kean, James..................do. Sneath, George..................do. M'Allister, Alfred.............do. Souder, John.................do. Miller, Adam P..................do. Sneath, Richard..............do. Nash, E. K.......................do. Thompson, Robert E.........do. Prim, William H............do. Tobias, Calvin............do. Rinard, Samuel..................do. Thompson, Joseph H........do. Ronlett, James...................do. Vandevender, M. M........do. Staubs, Nathaniel...............do. Williams, B. Franklin......do. Shaw, William H...............da. Wagoner, William H........do. Stammn, John....................do. White, Anthony..............do. Stevens, William...............do. Wise, Wiliiam H...............do. Sturtsman, William............do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT MINERSYILLE, SCHULKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. William Hower...............Captain. Kline, Frederick............Private. George W. Brumm..........First Lieutenant. Kenady, William..............do. Daniel Freiler..................Second I. eutenant. Laubach, Mathias.............do. Franklin C. Bender.........First Sergeant. Levens, William...............do. Daniel P. M'Elroy...........Second Sergeant. Levens, Thomas...............do. Condy Fury..................Third Sergeant. Leitenberger, Henry.........do. Philip Wernest..............Fourth Sergeant. M'Glinn, Patrick..............do. William Wensel.............First Corporal. Morgan, Michael...............do. Jacob Pauley...............Second Corporal. M'Govern, Patrick...........do. John Carr.......................Third Corporal. M'Manamen, James.........do. Michael Foley................Fourth Corporal. Maingay, Robert A...........do. Samuel Achebach............Musician. Murphy, Thomas..............do. James H. Devan.................do. Murphy, William.............do. Andrews, Elispa.............Private. Mohan, Philip...................do. Bamarick, Michael.............do. Megee, John.....................do. Bissicommer, John............do. Martin, Daniel..................do. Brannee, John L...............do. M'Guire, Patrick...............do. Brennan, Thomas...............do. M'Gee, Patrick................. do. Brown, Thomas S...............do. M'Donach, Patrick............do. Berger, John Henry..........do. Nixon, Thomas................do. Carroll, John....................do. O'Donald, James...............do. Condran, Michael...............do. Porter, James..................do. Devlin, Michael..................do. Pugh, Morgan..................do. Donahoe, John....................do. Reed, Edward A..............do. Diehl, William...................do. Ridley, George................do. Duff, John........................do. Reamer, George................do. Ehni, Adam................ do. Reed, John.......................do. Falls, Charles F.................do. Reese, Thomas.................do. Foley, John........................do. Smith, Henry....................do. Ferguson, Edward.............do. Smith, Joseph..................do. Grover, Sebastian.......... do. Seiber, Frederick..............do. Gearhart, Charles...............do. Stokes, William C............do. Gier, Jacob......................do. Tunkinson, Joseph............do. Godshall, Adam................do. Weaver, Thomas J............do. Gullung, Philip..................do. Weitzenigger, Charles.....do. Gehver, John..............do. Welsh, William J............do. Haas, Jacob........................do. Welsh, William.............do. Hummel, Daniel................do. Williams, Thomas..........do. Holze, William.................. do. COMPANY F. RECRI0ITED AT SCHUYLKILL IHAVEN, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Francis B. Medler...........Captain. William Hendricks.......Second Corporal. Thomas K. Mills.............First Lieutenant. John W. Bassler...........Third CorporaL Dnaiel F. Burkert...........Second Lieutenant. Joseph Morgan..............Fourth Corporal U. Henry Bast.................First Sergeant. Henry Drey...................Musician. B. Franklin Quinn..........Second Sergeant. George Schreck.................do. Charles R. Guerther........Third Sergeant. Anman, Reuben............Private. Frank D. Koch...............Fourth Sergeant. Armbrister, Samuel.........do. John K. Worts.................First Corporal. Becker, Lafayette............do. THREEB MONTIS' SERVICE. 55 Betsler, Clement..............Private. Miller, George.............Private. Boyer, Michael..................do. Martz, Samuel................ do. Blanche, Edward...............do. Mattson, David.................do. Bowers, Joseph.................do. Mennig, Jacob L...............do. Burns, Valentine...............do. Masser, George W............do. Bickley, Charles................do. Moroney, William............do. Christ, Jacob.....................do. Martz, John B.................do. Conway, William...............do. Mennig, Edward W..........do. Cross, Noah........................do. Mennig, William H..........do. Coho, John W....................do. M'Laird, James................do. Coller, Edward...............do. Muttle, Oliver.................do. Dampman, John.................do. Oswalt, Charles................do. Errick, Benjamin..............do. Polley, John...................do. Freshley, Jacob...............do. Randenbush, Charles.......do. jiray, Samuel.....................do. Rupp, Joseph...............do. Hoffman, Daniel.................do. Reber, Jonathan..............do. Heffner, Henry................do. Renard, Daniel................do. Huntzinger, John..............do. Reed, George....................do. Hair, William....................do. Sheriff, Jacob.............do. Hehn, Hiram....................do. Sheck, Paul......................do. Hehn, Jacob......................do. Sheck, Frederick.............do. Hoffe, Daniel.....................do. Saylor, John F..................do. Heiny, William..................do. Snauble, John................do. Johnson, Michael...............do. Shadle, William.............do. Rrisel, John.....................do. Strasser, J......................do. Krahberger, Frederick......do. Urner, Henry P...............do. Kissinger, Adam..............do. Wright, John B........ do. Klock, William..................do. Wise, Franklin..............do. Knarr, Henry..................do. Wenthing, John...............do. Knarr, Charles...................do. Weber, John L.................do. Logan, Patrick.................. do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT LEBANON, LEBANON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. John Ulrich..................Captain. Hummel, Frederick......Private. John P. Ely....................First Lieutenant. Hornafuss, Cyrus.............do. William M. Misseman.....Second Lieutenant. Holsberg, Daniel B...........do. Henry S. Roebuck........... FirstSergeant. Heisey, John H.................do. Jacob L. Ely....................Second Sergeant. Knier, Henry L................do. Lorenzo L. Darr.............. Third Sergeant. Kennedy, Patrick............do. John B. Embich.............Fourth Sergeant. Keppley, Levi..................do. Henry Schwartz............First Corporal. Koch, William..................do. George K. Hess...............Second Corporal. Long, John.......................do. John C. Lascomb............Third Corporal. Lascomb, Samuel W.........do. Jacob Embick.................Fourth Corporal. Leisey, John H.................do. Abner W. Hartman.........Musician. M'Michael, James A...do. W. li. H. Embick..............do. M'Connel, Casper..............do. Allevein, Frank P...........Private. M'Knight, Adam............do. Boyer, Benjamin...............do. Mellinger, George W........do. Bechtold, Thomas..............do. M'Lain, Thomas...............do. Beddinger, Joseph.............do. M'Knight, Philip..............do. Boyer, Jacob.....................do. M'Nair, Milton.................do. Bolton, Amos S.................do. Marguart, John A.............do. Beamander'er, John H.......do. Robison, Peter..................do. Brower, Jacob....................do. Rosenberger, Cyrus........do. Bowman, Joseph.............do. Rogers, John E.................do. Bowman, Levi S................do. Ramsey, Uriah................do. Brooks, John C..................do. Rogers, Edmund R..........do. Bealitz, Russel W..............do. Ramsey, William H......do. Chinworth, George M........do. Rise, John....................do. Carpenter, Aaron S............do. Rise, Henry G..................do. Carpenter, Frank...............do. Steiner, Edwin..................do. Corl, Abraham...................do. Shoop, Joseph...................do. Donavan, Michael...............do. Snyder, Andrew...............do. Doederline, August............do. Strohm, Joseph J. B.........do. Dubb, John........................do. Seabolt, John H................do. Daugherty, Joseph U.........do. Shindle, John........d...........o. Focht, John A....................do. Shay, Isaac E...................do. Focht, George W..............do. Schnott, William...........do. Gilbert, Samuel W.............do. Urich, William.......... do. Garret, Levi.......................do. Whitmoyer, Frederick.....do. Gerhard, John P.................do. Wagner, William..............do. Hughes, Samuel L..............do. 56 FIFTH REGIMENT, COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Franklin M. Cooly...........Captain. Kessinger, James W......Private. Thomas S. Brenholtz.......First Lieutenant. Killner, George J.............do. Charles Parker...............Secon.d Lieutenant. Killner, Aaron E...............do. Henry A. Flickinger....... First Sergeant. Lottz, Henry A.................do. James R. Boyer.............Second Sergeant. Lott, Henry......................do. William D. Clemens.......Third Sergeant. Lancaster, John................do. Howard Potts..................Fourth Sergeant. Lottz, Michael E...............do. John R. Stettler...............First Corporal. Lutz, John...................do. Joseph Goodhad.............. Second Corporal. M'Donough, Charles..........do. Madison Sutlade.............Third Corporal. Morris, Isaac D................do. William E. Van Reed......Fourth Corporal. M'Knable, Samuel G.........do. John Reed......................Musician. Meck, John....................do. Theodore Hertman.............do. Moore, Daniel...................do. Andy, Jacob...................Private. Neider, Harrison...............do. Aker, Theodore..................do. Nagle, Joseph...................do. Anthony, Henry.................do. Noll, Peter.......................do. Baxter, Matthew................do. O'Reilly, John.................do. Banon, William.................do. Phillips, William............. do. Clouser, Peter....................do. Quigg, William................do. Cleaveland, Henry.............do. Rambo, John W...............do. Do6bler, Aaron..................do. Rapp, Henry..................do. Devin, Robert.....................do. Reifsnyder, Frank E.........do. Eisenbise, John B...............do. Shafer, Elias.....................do. Ely, James........................do. Seiders, John W...............do. Engleman, Julius A...........do. Smith, John....................do. Finkbone, Peter.................do. Stttler, Henry...............do. Fox, Elias..........................do. Shaeffer, George...............do. Homan, Reuben............... do. Stoltz, John.......................do. Haines, George..................do. Saunders, Charles............do. Homan, Hiram B...............do. Schroffler, Henry..............do. Hogan, Daniel...................do. Uh'ich, William...............do. Hell, Jacob.......................do. Vergees, William..............do. High, William..................do. Weidner, John..................do. Hetrick, John.....................do. Weidner, William...........do. Hummel, Lewis..............do. Weidner, Daniel M...........do. Hebit, Richard...................do. Wright, Aaron S...............do. Johnson, John H............ do. Wright, John K..............do. Keen, John A..................do. Young, Edward........... do. Korfkowoski, Julius W.....do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT MINERSVILLE, SCHUYLKILT COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Goorge J. Lawrence.........Captain. Christian, Daniel...........Private. Charles N. Brumm.........First Lieutenant. Cholar, Charles................do. Samuel Richards............Second Lieutenant. Crawford, John................do. Thomas D. Griffiths.........First Sergeant. Dennis, Lewis................do. Frederick Gunther..........Second Sergeant. Dewalt, Reuben................do. John L. Williams............Third Sergeant. Dier, William..................do. Thomas Robertson...........Fourth Sergeant. Eby, Peter D............... do. William H. Jones............First Corporal. Forney, Alfred C..............do. George Parry.................. Second Corporal. Forney, Richard...............do. Joseph Forney................Third Corporal. Geiger, John.....................do. John Evans.....................Fourth Corporal. Goodfellow, John............. do. Richard K. Levan...........Musician. Haines, Benjamin.............do. Neil S. Maclay....................do. Haines, Charles W............do. Allen, George..................Private. Hesser, William...............do. Allen, Samuel...................do. Hindson, George B............do. Auld, David.......................do. Howells, Watkins............ do. Ball, William.....................do. Hopkins, William............do. Beadle, Joseph...................do. Jefferson, John............... do. Benseman, Henry C...........do. Jenkins, Raymond A........do Benseman, Winfield...........do. Jones, Davia J..................do. Bower, David...................do. Joy, Thomas...............do. Burgert, Jacob..................do. Keller, Charles.............do. Chalfant, Isaac P...............do. Lawrence, James D..........do. Chester, Daniel..................do. Lee, Lewis........ clo. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 57 Lev-ens,'James Pi.......... Pivate Shilthorn, Michael.........Private. Levy, David................ do. Silver, John S................... do. Lovett, John......................do. Snyder, Henry E...........do. Manning, James.................do Sterner, Albert W............do. Maggison, William............do. Smith, Joseph.................do. Markert, Amor..................do. Taylor, William E...........do. Mason, William D. H.........do. Taylor, William H...........do. Morgans, Joseph...............do. Thirlwell, John W............do. M'Neil, George.................do. Trayer, Theodore P...........do. Owens, Henry....................do. Watkins, Frederick.........do. Parry, John........................do. Webster, William............do. Peel, William S.................. do. Wigmore, Sampson...........do. Redner, William................do. Witman, Jacob.................do. Reese, George....................do. Wythes, George W..........do. ~Reese, Henry...............do. Wythes, Joseph H............do. Reese, Stephen...................do. Zimmerman, Jacob..........do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. George Seigrist...............Captain. I Kracht, Herman..........Private. Peter Hill............ First Lieutenant. Marx, William.................Co. William Leitz......... Second Lieutenant. Meyer, William...............do. Francis Briam.................First Sergeant. Miller, William................do. Louis Lacher................ SecondSergeant. Myer, August..................do. Bartholomew Galbrath....Third Sergeant. Mike, Charles...................do. Charles H. Sweeny.........Fourth Sergeant. Meifaith, Gotleib...............do. Martin Hit....................First Corporal. Malt, Michael....................do. Sigismond Stalder...........Second Corporal. Nerdhart, Charles............do. Michael Klein............. Third Corporal. Neroman, Henry...............do. Philip Hilry....................Fourth Corporal. Oswald, Morach..............do. Tonny Fennings.............Musician. Paulus, Jacob..................do. John Zaeh.........................do. Pfeffer, Joseph................do. Auth, Constantine........... Private. Pearson, Alfred.................do. Arhort, Thomas..................do. Paulus, Bernhard.............do. Bedner, William................do. Rendtling, Henry.............do. Beidner, Rudolph..............do. Smitz, Christian.............do. ~Bretthaner, Frederick........do. Sintenis, Frederick..........do. Brown, Samuel F...............do. Scheideman, Anton...........do. Clark, Richard..................do. Steinbach, John.............do. Demitt, Henry....................do. Stinger, Oscar N...............do. Eberley, Charles...............do. Smitz, Peter.....................do. Eberly, Max.....................do. Stamm, Herman............do. Fisher, Adolph..................do. Smith, John W.................do. Friesel, William H............do. Schirmer, Casper..............do. Fisher, Robert....................do. Storg, Valentine..............do. Frederick, Henry...............do. Stelz, Henry.....................d Gabriel, Anton...................do. Seibert, Joseph.................db. Goldstrom, Leopold............do. Schneider, Henry.............do. Gegal, George L................do. Scheille, Charles...............do. Hoffman, Charles...............do. Stalder, Sigismond............do. Heid, Augustus..................do. Stooker, Albrecht............do. Herber, Marous.................do. Trube, Henry....................do. Kauffman, Adam.................. Ungeroth, Henry..............do. Kleis, Jacob o.....................do. Weber, John.................. do. Kreiner, Henry...................do Young, John............ do. Krauss, Henry. do.................'Anr Krauss, Henr...................do. Zang, Peter.................... o. ~Kaltenbach, John... P....-.... do.' "Zrg nce e ~.....^..r. —.d o. Kimble, Ovar ies':^.... ~i....d.do SIXTH REGIMENT. THE patriotic ardor, incident to the commencement of hostilities, among the loyal masses of Schuylkill county, was not exceeded in any part of the Commonwealth. A military spirit had long been preserved among its people, and the discipline of its citizen militia had been well maintained. Two of its organized companies had gone in the First battalion, the first volunteer troops at the capital. Additional companies were hastily recruited in response to the President's call, and on Sunday, the 21st of April, a large detachment moved by rail to Harrisburg, followed on the next morning by a second. An immense throng gathered at the station in Pottsville to utter the "good bye." The enthusiasm, along the whole line of march, was unbounded; farm houses were decorated with flags, and the farmers' wives and daughters waved their hats and kerchiefs, with a zeal worthy of the inspiring cause. Rendezvousing at Camp Curtin, the men were mustered, by companies, into the service of the United States, and on the 22d of April, the regiment was organized by the choice of the following officers: James Nagle, of Pottsville, Colonel; James J. Seibert, of Pottsville, Lieutenant Colonel; John E. Wynkoop, of Pottsville, Major. John D. Bertolette was appointed Adjutant. At nine o'clock of the 22d, the day on which it was organized, the regiment proceeded by rail to Philadelphia. The men here had their first experience of government rations, consisting of hard biscuit and salt pork; the former so hard, and the latter so well preserved, that it gave rise to the report among the men, that these provisions were branded "Vera Cruz" and were a relic of the Mexican war. The regiment was stationed at the Baltimore depot, a portion of the command occupying the large tent of the Young Men's Christian association. The kindness of the citizens of Philadelphia, in providing for the comfort and convenience of the men, was very marked and gratifying. Company drill was commenced, and regimental parade was regularly held, morning and evening, on Broad street. On the 7th of May, the regiment was ordered to move and take position on the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore railroad; one company at Newark, one at Chesapeake City, one at North East, one at Charlestown, three at Elkton, and three at Perryville. After three weeks separation, doing guard duty in these positions, tae companies were ordered to rendezvous at Perryville, and encamped on the hills overlooking the Susquehanna river. On the following day, May 28th, orders were received to strike tents and move, via Baltimore and the Northern Central railroad, to Chambersburg. Here the regiment was reviewed by General Patterson, and assigned to the Brigade* of Col. George H. Thomas, since Major *Organization of 1st Brigade, Colonel George H. Thomas, 1st Division, Major General Cadwalader. 3 companies 2d Regiment Cavalry, U. S. A., (now 5th Regiment;) 1 company Philadelphia City Troop, (cavalry,) Captain James; 1 Battery Heavy Artillery, (Captain Abner Doubleday, (since Major General;) 23d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Charles P. Dare; 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel James Nagle; 21st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John F. Ballier. Named in the order of seniority of commanders. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 59 General in the regular army. On Thursday, the 5th of June, orders were received to prepare two days cooked rations, and march on the following day to Greencastle. The entire Brigade moved at six o'clock in the morning, and on its arrival was ordered into camp. On the 13th of June, the Brigade was reviewed by Major General Cadwalader, commander of the Division, and was ordered to Williamsport, Maryland. The weather was intensely hot, the men fainting on the march, and falling out by hundreds along the road. General Patterson, in command of the Department of Pennsylvania, having organized an army of some twelve thousand men, at Chambersburg, had submitted to General Scott a plan of operations for the reduction of Harper's Ferry, now held by the enemy. This plan had been approved,* and General Patterson had ordered his column across the Potomac. The brigade of Colonel Thomas, which formed the right of the column, advanced to the river on the morning of Sunday, June the 15th, and fording the stream, which was here breast deep, had proceeded some four miles on the Martinsburg road. At this stage of the campaign, and the army well across the river, General Scott became apprehensive that a plan had been formed for the attack and capture of Washington, before the meeting of Congress. He accordingly ordered all of the Regulars, infantry, cavalry, and artillery, and Burnside's regiment and battery of volunteers, from Patterson's column, to Washington, leaving his army destitute of the two latter arms of the service. Without these, it was madness to advance inte face of an enemy with a well appointed force of al arms. General Patterson was, accordingly, obliged to give the ordert to countermarch, and return to the Maryland side. The Sixth regiment went into camp near the town of Williamsport, from whence, the enemy's cavalry was visible on the opposite shore. On the folowing day, the eney planted cannon along the heights. The Rhode Islair. battery returned on the afternoon of the 17th of June, and planted their cannon in the bed of the canal, the water having been drawn off for that purpose. HiEAD-QUARTERB OF THE ARuMY, WASHINGTON, Jwne 8, 1861,: Suin:.-I think your expedition agatnt Harper's Ferry well projected, and that success in It would: be: n important-step in the war. But there must be no reverse. Hence, I have given you the best reinforcements within my reach, and have just ordered Colonel Burnside's fine ithode Island regiment of infantry, with its battery, (about twelve hundred strong,) to proceed to Carlisle, and there receive your orders. A company of the Fourth Artillery, (to receive its horses and battery at Carlisle,) with the battalion of the Third Infantry, took the same route, and with the same instructions, yesterday. * * * I have said that we must sustain no reverse; but this is not enough: a check or a drawn battle would be a victory to the enemy, filling his heart with joy, his ranks with men, and his magazines with voluntary contributions. Take your measures, therefore, circumspectly; make a good use of your engineers, and other experienced staff officers and generals, and attempt nothing without a clear prospect of success, as you will find the enemy strongly posted, and not inferior to you in numbers, With entire confidence in your valor and judgment, I remain, your brother soldier, WINFIELD SCOTT. Major General PATTERSON, United States Forces. t I was mortified and humiliated at having to re-cross the river without striking a blow. I knew that my reputation would be grievously damaged by it, the country could not understand the meaning of this crossing and re-crossing, this marching and countermarching in the face of the foe, and that I would be censured without stint for such apparent vascilation and want of purpose. General Patterson's narrative of the campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah, page 36. 60 SIXTH REGIMENT, On the following day Captain Doubleday also returned with his battery, consisting of one eight inch howitzer and one twenty-four pounder smooth bore gun, and commenced planting them on a hill commanding the approaches to the fords from the Virginia shore. While the regiment remained in camp, it was principally employed on picket and guard duty. On the 24th of June, it was ordered to break camp, and move to Downsville. Returning to Williamsport on the 1st of July, the army was again ordered to cross into Virginia. Moving to the vicinity of Falling Waters, the advance fell in with the enemy, and a sharp skirmish ensued. A brisk fire was kept up, and after a hot chase of about four miles, over hills and valleys, driving the enemy, the regiment was ordered to halt. After an hour's rest, word came that General Negley's brigade was cut off, and the Sixth regiment, with a part of Wynkoop's brigade, was sent to his assistance; but, after a march of about two miles, it was ascertained that Negley was safe; whereupon the column countermarched to Hainesville, and occupied a camp just vacated by the enemy. On the following morning the column again took up the line of march for Martinsburg, which it reached without opposition, the enemy having retreated in the direction of Winchester. The Sixth regiment went into the town on the double quick, and was among the first to enter it. The destruction of property here, by the enemy, was immense; fifty-four locomotives, belonging to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, were entirely destroyed, and whole trains of cars burned. On the 15th of July, the 1st brigade was sent in pursuit of a body of rebel cavalry, which was. extended some two miles beyond Bunker Hill, to which place it returned and there encamped. Remaining till the 17th, the brigade was ordered to Charlestown, where the Sixth regiment arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon, and encamped near the spot where John Brown was hung. The term of service of the regiment having expired, it was marched to the Head-Quarters of General Patterson, who spoke in complimentary and flattering terms of its services, and ordered its discharge. A guide was furnished, and the regiment marched towards Shepherdstown, intending to ford the river at that place; but missing the way, it was compelled to cross far below, opposite the mouth of Antietam creek. Advancing to Hagerstown the regiment encamped and remained three days, resting from its fatiguing marches. Taking rail' transportation, it proceeded to Harrisburg, where, after nearly a week's delay, it was paid, and mustered out of service. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 61 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. James Nagle............. Colonel. James Ellis..................Quartermaster. James J. Seibert............Lieutenant Colonel. D. J. M'Kibben..............Surgeon. John E. Wynkoop........Major. A. A. Ziegenfus............Assistant Surgeon. John D. Bertolette.......... Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT MAUCH CHUNK, CARBON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Eli T. Conner..............Captain. Leffler, Nathan..........Private. Wm. J. Conner.............First Lieutenant. Lines, Jesse......................do. John D. Bertolette..........Second Lieutenant. Lentz, Alexander..............do. Edward Tombler............ First Sergeant. Langkamer, Charles.........do. John T. Simpson.............Second.Bergeant. Loney, Francis.................do. David Ginder................Third Sergeant. Lindsay, John................do. Charles Simons..............Fourth Sergeant. Leesman, Ernst................do. Alfred Knecht................ First Corporal. Miner, Franklin C.............do. Oliver R. Pryor...............Second Corporal. Millheim, John................do. Delances Geddes..............Third Corporal. Miller, Jacob....................do. Samuel D. Conner...........Fourth Corporal. Moss, George W..............do. Edward Wilson...............Musician. M'Intosh, Wallace............do. Aquila J. Marsh.............do. Moser, Aaron................;:..do. Andrews, Joseph............Private. Mank, Joel.......................do. Angle, Abraham C............ do. Oxrider, Aaron.................do. Arooman, John................do. Ormrod, William..............do. Brelsford, Henry...............do. Patterson, James..............do. Brelsford, Nathan..............do. Peltz, Charles H...............do. Brelsford, Geo. W..............do. Patton, John....................do. Bond, John L.................do. Peters, Samuel.................do. Beiber, Newton H.............do. Painter, George F............do. Briggs, Hiram...................do. Row, Albert G. H..............do. Briggs, William J.............do. Reinheimer, Daniel A......do. Briggs, Israel K............... do. Richards, Charles..............do. Conner, Thomas G............. do. Schadel, Joseph................do. Ebert, Thomas W..............do. Scoffield, John M..............do. Edwards, Richard..........do. Strittmatter, Frantz.........do. Ely, Ezra B.......................do. Schreiber, Lewis J............do. Foster, Henry............. do. Simpson, William............do. Grandison Lewis B...........do. Smith, William................do. Hawk, Sidney N............. do. Taite, Robert.....................do. Hawk, Samuel S.......... do. Taggart, Stephen...............do. Horn, Edwin................do. Tanner, Robert.................do. Hanlan, Thomas......... do. Winters, Libon.................do. Henry, Aaron............. do. Walton, Alfred.......... do. Hellmuth, William...........do. Wisner, Jacob.................do. Isler, John.......................do. Will, Henry.....................do. Johnson, Andrew...............do. Youker, Benjamin S.........do. Lynn, Nathan..................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PORT CLINTON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Daniel B. Kauffman.......Captain. James M. Elliott............Musician. George F. Shillinger........ First Lieutenant. James Sterner...................do. Oliver C. Hatch.............Second Lieutenant. Bridegam, Peter............Private. Erastus W. S. Kintzel.....First Sergeant. Bridegam, Joseph............do. William Clark.................Second Sergeant. Boyer, Aaron............d.....o.'Elijah Miller................Third Sergeant. Beaurerle, Charles........... do. Arthur P. Hatch.............Fourth Sergeant. Bock, Frederick.............do. William J. Elliott............First Corporal. Cribben, James.................do. Oliver M'Clean................Second Corporal. Confer, Nathaniel..............do. John Taylor....................Third Corporal. IDillinger, John H..............do.'J. M. M'Allister............:Fourth Coorporal. I Dearinlg, Theodore..:........do. 62 SIXTH REGIMENT, Elliott, John A................Private. M'Grath, John...............Private. Fabian, Franklin...............do. M'Nealy, George...............do. Fox, Daniel........................do. Maurer, Joseph.................do. Farly, Owen.......................do. Moyer, John H................do. Garrett, Justice..................do. Nice, Valentine................do. Harrison, William H.........do. o Nolen, Moses....................do. Hyneman, Henry...............do. Nolen, Franklin..............do. Hendricks, George.............do. Otto, Benjami. G.............do. Hyneman, Henry, Jr.........do. O'Connelff Henry J., Jr....do. HIeartline, William S.........do. Richards) Joseoh..............do. Honsberger, William.........do. Robinson, Benjamin.........do. Kling, John................... do. Roby, Thomas P. S.... do. Keller, Mihael................do. Snyder, John H................do. Lins, Franklin..................do. Shenk, John.....................do. Long, Joseph.....................do. Sitler, Alfred....................do. Long, Lewis....................do. Simons, Nelson...............do. Laker, Herman..................do. Simons, Franklin..............do. Lessig, William S................do. Smith, Thomas P..............do. Little, John.......................do. Seamon, John................do. Leonard, Richard............... do. Stahlnecker, Obediah........do. Lindsay, George................ do. Stager, John H.................do. M'Callister. David..............do. Snyder, Henry............... do. Murray, John.....................do. Sleager, Augustus............do. Moyer, Samuel S................do. Thompson, M. R...............do. Moyer, John A....................do. Wentzel, Franklin............do. M'Combs, Thomas..............do. Wallace, Samuel..............do. Mackeson, Edward.............do. Weathorn, Adam..............do. Merkle, William.................do. Walters, John..................do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PORT CARBON, SCHUYLKILI COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. James K. Seigfreid..........Captain. Lloyd, William..............Private. M. D. Weand..................First Lieutenant. Lloyd, John.....................do. George W. Snyder..........Second Lieutenant. Mackey, William........... do. Philip Garris....................First Sergeant. Mullen, John....................do. John Gillespie.................Second Sergeant. May, Philip.................... do. James Teasell..................Third Sergeant. M'Quade, Samuel.............do. Thomas Hilton................Fourth Sergeant. Martin, William..............do. George W. Holder........... First Corporal. M'Cord, John P.................do. Charles Hilbert...............Second Corporal. Mitchell, David B.............do. James Gillespie..............Third Corporal. Oliver, James.................. do. James Kane.................. Fourth Corporal. Price, David J..................do. Henry Swartz.............. Musician. Pletz, Theodore.................do. Stephen Jones....................do. Pursell, Patrick................do. Aregood, Samuel............Private. Paul, Charles....................do. Allison, Alexander............. do. Reed, Francis W..............do. Ahley, Abraham.................do. Rudge, Henry..................do. Bauchman, Jacob...............do. Shields, Patrick................do. Boyd, James......................do. Shappel, J. W.............. ddo. Bechtel, Emanuel...............do. Silyman, Joseph A............do. Beadle, Joseph....................do. Stout, George.................,do. Bour, David.....................do. Stout, James....................do. Burton, George.................do. Smith, William.............do. Courtright, Isaiah...............do. Stelwagon, George W........do. Chillsom, C. L....................do. Stanton, John.....................do. Davidheiser, Moses.............do, Smith, John........d............do. Ferry, John...................... do. Stephenson, William........do. Garris, William..................do. Seitzinger, Samuel............do. Garber, Phenis...................do. Smith, Alexander.............do. Huntzinger, Robert M........do. Seward, John........ do. Hignor, Henry..................do. Shilthouse, August...........do. Henderson, James..............do. Thunson, George W........do. Hummel, Abraham............do. Templin, Jesse..................do. Hilton, Ashton....d.......... do. Umbehower, John............do. Kane, William B...............do. Williams, Thomas...........do. Kane, Robert....................do. Watts, Perry...................do. Kline, John.......................do. Werth, David...................do. Klingals, Anthony..............do. Waters, Watkins...............do. Keply, Joseph.....................do. Williams, William............do, Laing, John W,..................do, THREE MON THSI SERVICE. 63 COMPANY D. tEOlUIJTED AT POTTSVILLE, SCAUtjxttLt COtUTr. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Daniel Nagle...................Captain. Hodge, Archibald..........Private. David P. Brown............. irst tieutenant. Hough, Silas C.................do. William W. Potts............ Second Lieutenant. Hanly, Thornton B...........do. Frederick A. Bonavitz.....First Sergeant. Johnston, John..................do. George W. Garrett..........Second Sergeant. Johnston, William............do. Jacob Douty..................Third Sergeant. Kramer, Samuel..............do. Nicholas Wynkoop.........Fourth Sergeant. Knittle, Wesley.................do. Isaac F. Brannan............First Corporal. Kline, Jacob..................do. James Sands...................Second Corporal. Knowles, George...............do.'Nathaniel M. Stout..........Third Corporal. Laurens, William J.......... do. David Hodge..................Fourth Corporal. Lucas, Charles.................do. George Snyder................. Musician. Morris, Edward.................do. Ayrgood, George.............Private. Martin, Thomas...............do. Aurand, George..................do. Mathews, Charles G..........do. Bambrick, William............do. Norgan, Charles................do. Berger, William.................do. Norgan, Anthony..............do. Baker, David P..................do. Price, Thomas D...............do. Boyer, George M...............do. Rahn, Charles F..............do. Behler, Jacob K................ do. Reid, Thomas....................do. Biggs, David......................do. Ryan, Thomas................do. Brown, William H H........do. Shappall, Edward F..........do. Bowler, John.............. do. Sands, Michael..................do. Cheney, Alpheus..............do. Sands, David...................do. Clarkson, Matthew...........do. Shrishun, Leonard F......... do.,Carrell, Peter........... do. Seitinger, Franklin.........do. Cochran, James..................do. Seitzinger, Henry...............do. Cake, Wallace..............do. Small, William F..............do. Chadwick, Thomas........... do. Shreck, DanielE...............do. Dreibelbes, Jacob E...........do. Shade, Jacob................... do. Ebert, George W...............do. Seymour, Jacob................do. Fegely, George...............do. Timnmons, William............ do. Fisher, Samuel.................do. Vancannon, Israel............ do. Griffith, William.................do. Wilson, Henry..................do. Harris, Henry....................do. Winters, James..................do. louck, William.................do. Werty, William..............do.'Helms, James K...............do. Whalan, Patrick...........do. Hendley, Adam.................do. Ward, John....................do. Hendley, Israel..............do. Warfield, James H. B.......do. Hinchcliff, John d0..............do. COMPANY E. RECRUJITED AT ASHLAND, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Israel Seitzinger..............Captain. Davis, John O..................Private. Levi C. Leib..................First Lieutenant. Davis, Isaac F...............do. John C. Garner..............Second Lieutenant. Easton, James A..............do. Richard F. Moson............First Sergeant. Evans, Evan.....................do. Howard Edmonds...........Second Sergeant. Fertig, Jacob A. A............do. John Cleaver...................Third Sergeant. Focht, Lawrence..............do. Frederick Hopkins..........Fourth Sergeant. Fetterman, George H........do. Francis Garner..............First Corporal. Fetterman, Lafayette........do. Andrew Arnold.............Second Corporal. Ferree, Jacob F.................do. Franklin Kleese.............Third Corporal. Gillespie, James................do. Wilson T. Hartz..............Fourth Corporal. Gamels, John C.................do. Joseph Keeler, Jr............Musician. Henrich, Charles B...........do. Henry Barndt...................do. Himmelright, Wm. A......do. Bolich, Emanuel H.........Private. Herman, George B............do. Bergen, Josiah....................do. Hartz, Frank.................do. Brennan, Thomas...............do. Houck, Peter..................do. Billman, Barnabas..............do. Hetherington, James.........do.'Carmitchell, Daniel...........do. Jones, Richard..................do. Collohan, Patrick, Jr..........do. Knabb, James..................do.'Connor, Thomas, Jr............do. Klock, John F.................do. Crow, Gabriel............. do. Levy, Abraham................do. Cooper, William.................do. Louden, John....................do. Dengler, Henry F............ do. dLangdon, John.................do. 64 SIXTH REGIMENT, Moyer, Nathan J.............Private. Schneider, Peter............Private. M'Guire, Condy.................do. Spho, Anthony..................do. Mann, Joseph.....................do. Shindler, Calvin..............do. Murray, Martin V...............do Shurman, Erastus............do. May, Benjamin F................do Simpson, George N............do. Owens, Thomas...................do. Smith, Thomas..................do. Oswald, Jacob....................do. Shutt, Edward..................do. Phillippi, Samuel R............do. Slaterback, John...............do. Price, George...............Tadovis, Travis..................do. Platt, Thomas.....................do. Von Hollen, John.............do. Rherig, Christian...............do. Wentzel, Edward..............do. Rahn, Oscar.......................do. Wilson, Joseph E............. do. Rhorback, John............. do. Witman, Tobias B..........do. Rahn, Richard....................do. Wilson, John A.................do. Shelly, Jacob K................do. Wagner, John Z..............do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. H. J. Hendler...............Captain. Koehler, William...........Private. Theodore Mueller............First Lieutenant. Lang, Henry....................do. Nicholas Michael............Second Lieutenant. Luckowitz, Charles F.......do. John Liebner................First Sergeant. Montgomery, William......do. Christian Schlitzer...........Second Sergeant. Murphy, Charles T...........do. George Broschar..............Third Sergeant. Mott, Cunibert..................do. William Landelfeld.........Fourth Sergeant. Meager, Adam............do. Bernard Becker...............First Corporal. Messner, Michael.............do. Michael Friedrich............Second Corporal. Nabholtz, Gotlieb..............do. John Landelfeld..............Third Corporal. Oswald, Henry.................do. Philip Lambruschini.......Fourth Corporal. Prong, Christian..............do. Andrew J. Snyder.......... Musician. Quigley, L. C................... do. John Ziegler......................do. Rossiler, Preston...............do. Bathe, Julius..................Private. Riegel, Jacob....................do. Burch, Reuben............ do. Reinhardt, Charles............do. Brown, Joseph.............do. Ross, Joseph....................do. Broschar, Peter..................do. Rebhan, Peter..............do. Barnes, George..................do. Renner, Francis..............do. Brennan, Richard.............do. Sailer, Jacob.....................do. Calligan, William.............do. Seltzer, Louis....................do. Drabill, Thomas....... do. Stoffriegen, Conrad...........do. Dockweiler, Joseph............do. Stehly, Henry...............do. Eberle, Charles..................do. Seifert, William...............do. Eick, Joseph.....................do. Sturm, Joseph..............do. Foss, Ignatius....................do. Schneider, John...............do. Gross, George.....................do. Schwanner, Ernst............do. Gutman, Lawrence....... do. Schwartz, George..............do. Gluntz, Charles..................do. Seip, Martin....................do; Gessler, Charles..................do. Stoltz, George...................do. Gessler, Eberhard.............do. Scheibelhut, Jacob............do. Heim, Adam..................... do. Thumm, F. J...................do. Hohman, Joseph...............do. Volkert, F. A....................do. Hen'y, Casper....................do. Wageek, Anthony............do. Hammer, August...............do. Weitzel, Frederick......... do. Hummel, George...............do. Wischuh, Gotlieb............do. Jaeger, Hen,-y..................do. Wollsum, Peter...............do. Kimmel, Valentine............do. Wandress, George...........do. Kuentzler, Charles F.........do. Zapf, Charles................ do. Klein, John........................do. Zeppenfeldt, Frederick.....do. Kleindienst, John...............do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT LLEWELLYN, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Hiram Chance................Captain. William Davis...............Fourth Sergeant. Edward G. Robsom.........First Lieutenant. David J. Alspach.......... First Corporal. Albert P. Shoffstall.........Second Lieutenant Benjamin J. Focht.........Second Corporal. Joseph Delcamp...............First Sergeant. Daniel Trautman...........Third Corporal. Thomas Partridge..........Second Sergeant. John J. Hopkins............Fourth Corporal. Philip Fitzpatrick............Third Sergeant. William H. Downing.....Musician. THREE'WCONTHS' SERVICE. 65 Butler Downing...............Musician. Johnson, John...............Private Angus, Thomas........P..... Priv ate. Jones, Daniel................ do. Arthey, John..................... Kutz, Charles...............do. Bush, John A....................do. Kutzer, Gotlieb...............do. Burlee, John.......................do. Labenburg, William... do. Bernhart, Franklin H.........do. Labenburg, Lewis.........do. Burk, William...................do. Manning, Daniel.............do. Brennan, Michael...............do. Miller, Andrew......... do. Bonavitz, Daniel................ do. Moran, John..................do. Cole, Richard......................do. M'Nulty, Cornelius...........do. Clauser, William S.............do. Maurer, Charles.............do. Clauser, Simon................. do.;Murray, Michael...............do Colihan, Thomas...............do. IMulhall, James-.......... do. gurren, William...............do. Maley, John................... do Dolan, Thomas............... do. Minnig, Jacob................. do. Delcamp, Augustus............do. Rhodes, Peter................ d English, William..............do. Runyan, Harrison............do. English, George.................do. Roney, John....................do. Fisher, Joseph....................do. Ranklin, George...............do. Green, William...............do. Straw, William................do. Green, James................ do. Shoftstall, Joseph A...........do. Gallagher, James.............do. Thirwell, Robert S............do. Gee, Joseph.................... do. Updngrove, Henry...........do. Greenawalt, Joshua............do. Wilson, George.................do. Grant, Thomas............... do. Wilson, James.......... do. Gallagher, Francis.............do. Wesner, Samuel........ do. Griffith, Edward................. do. Weary, Benjamin......... do. Grant, Patrick................. do. Weary, Israel............... do. Hilbert, Daniel................ do. Young, George..................do. Horn, John A................. do. Zimmerman, Peter............do. Hendrickson, Joseph,.......do. Zimmerman, John H......do. Jones, Francis............... do, COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILILE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Charlemagne Tower..........Captain. Hazzard, Charles...........Private. James Ellis.....................First Lieutenant, Hower, John....................do. Henry Pleasants..............Second Lieutenant. H-ood, James....................do. William J. Hinkle.......... First Sergeant. Jones, Zachariah...............do. Henry Fisher..................Second Sergeant. Kauffman, Jonas H...........do. Edward C. Baird.............Third Sergeant. Kibler, Henry Z...............do. John J. Huntzinger.........Fourth Sergeant. Krauth, Herman.............do. samuel M. Ruch..............First Corporal. Krebs, Frank....................do. David B. Hoffman...........Second Corporal. Laubenstein, Samuel B.....do. Daniel H. Leib............... Third Corporal. Lavenberg, John.............do. Hugh Mullin...............Fourth Corporal. Leech, George............... do. Abraham Nagle.............. Musician. Leonard, Frank...............do. Cornelius Trout.................do. Lebengood, Frank............do. Acorn, Martin.................Private. Lee, Luke........................do. Bailey, John................ do. Lilley, Oliver W..............do. Batdorf, John H.................do. Lynch, IHugh............... do. Burluchy, Charles..............do. Martz, John.....................do. Bolich, John.......................do. Matz, George W................do. Bowman, William..............do. M'Elrath, John............. do. Boyer, Jacob......................do. M'Shier, John..................do. Brown, James B.................do. Mervine, Jacob.................do. Buch, Joseph.....................do. Overbeck, George W.........do. Campbell, Thomas..............do. Parvin, Frank J., Jr.........do. Christian, Charles...............do. Paul, John........................do. Coller, Mahlon..................do. Rinker, Robert M..............do. Conyngham, John R...........do. Root, David Y.................do. Cowley, Samuel................do. Rose, Thomas J...............do. Cooper, John.....................do. Shollenberger, Gabriel.......do. Crosland, Charles............. do. Seigfried, Daniel..............do. Crlikshank, John..............do. Snyder, John....................do. Davis, Frederick W............do. Spotts, Jacob.....................do. Davis, Thomas N...............do. Stone, Elisha................. do. Dillman, Daniel D..............do. Titus, Edgar R.................do. Douty, William..................do. Weaver, George J.............do. Edwards, Richard..............do. Weinman, Andrew...........do. Fitzsimmons, Thomas J......do. Weir, Allen.....................do. Foltz, George W................. dO. Williamson, Henry...........do. Garber, Andrew..................do. Wren, William.................d. Hefinor, Samuel.............;..do. Yerger, Eliasm..,. d.....t..do. 9 66 SIXTH REGIMENT, COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT MAUCH CHUNK, CARBON COUNTY. MUSTERBD IN, APRIL 22, 1861. John Craig.......p..ta.............Captn. Kindlin, John...............Private. Samuel Shurlock'............. irst Lieutenant. iner, William..............do. William Belford..............Second Lieutenant. Knorr, Francis.................do. Thomas B. Kalbfus.........First Sergeant. Lewis, John.....................do. Nicholas Glace.................Second Sergeant. Lee, Joseph.......................do. William DeWitt..............Third Sergeant. Leisenring, Thomas R......do. Washington L. Stiles,.....Fourth Sergeant. Lindsay, Joseph..............do. Samuel S. Smith..............First Corporal. Long, Abraham............... do. C. E. Hoover..................Second Corporal. M'Crautz, John.................do. George Brown................Third Corporal. M'Donald, Robert...........do. Wayne Winters...............Fourth Corporal. Miller, William, 1st........do. Charles L. Eberly, Jr......Musician. Miller, William, 2d...........do. Charles Sigman...............do. Martin, Daniel.................do. Andes, Peter................Private. Monte, Adam...................do Bloomey, Henn,.................do. Nagle, Jacob....................do. Baltentine, John..............do. Neinmire, A. C. B............do. Boyd, William J.................do. Overhout, Charles W........do. Bert, Andrew.....................do. Overhout, Simeon K......... do. Bauer, Leonard................do. Pettit, John....;........ do. Bristlin, John..................do. Pierson, Otto...........d......do. Bryne, David.....................do. Peppercorn, Henry..........do. Boyle, Peter......................do, Petry, Alexander.............do. Buck, Nathan....................do. Rothwell, Joseph..............do. Boston, Robert............. do. Reinmiller, Peter..............do. Beers, Wilson..................d;o Rutledge, John.................do. Bellis, Andrew R.............dom Smith, Josiah W....... do. Cafferty, James..................do Setzer, Washington...........do. Dougherty, Peter...............do, Shiner, Andrew J..............do. Day, William.....................do. Saylor, Lewis...................do. Dietrick, Henry.................do. Stout, William..............do. Funk, George W..............do. Shellhamer, Isaac W........do. Fink, Lewis................do. Smith, Charles D...............do. Gilmore, Archy..................do. Smith, James R.............. do. Goodman, Charles...........do. Sewell, John R......... do. Green, John........................do. Thomas, James B.............. do. Gabreed, Joseph E............ do. Thompson, Samuel.......... do. Graham, John..................do. Yost, John......................do. Horning, Frederick...........do. York, James.................do. Horn, Thomas....................do Zer, George......... do Heaton, Jame...................do. COMPANY K. REROUITED AT IAUC1H CHUNK, C^RBON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Thonras Wilhelm............Captain. Bruner, Lewis...............Private. Patrick J. Hughes...........First Lieutenant. Buelow, Charles..............do. Jacob Arndt....................Second Lieutenant. Conaty, Thomas..........-do. Charles J. Cooper............First Sergeant. Conly, Joseph..... d...do. James Warner................Second Sergeant. Chandler, David L............do. Daniel C. Tubbs..............Third Sergeant. Call, William J.................do. Franklin Siegfried...........Fourth Sergeant, Dodson, Edward E............do. Robert Depuy.................. First Corporal. Dunbar, James................do. John B. Wasser...............Second Corporal. Downey, James................do. Henry F. Brown..............Third Corporal. Dugan, Daniel................do. Peter S. G. Ege...............Fourth Corporal. Fritz, John.................do. George E. Williams.........Musician. Fiddler, John....................do. George H. Williams............do. Fladd, Frederick...............do. Arrowman, John............Private. Geary, William................do. Acker, Cornelius................do, Glace, Henry R.................do. Austin, Samuel R..............do. Garri, illiam........... do. Brighton, John.................do. Gettas, Jonas................ do. Bergenstock, Tilghman...... (o Heenry, Jonas................,.dq, Billings, Jasper..................do. Harts, David..............do, Bowerfoot, Martin............do. Haines, William...............do. Burritt, John................... do. Hoffman, Henry..............do. Bower, Joseph.............,.... do. Hand, James K............ do. THREF MONTHS SERVICE. 67 Kint;, John................Private. Parks, Samuel...............Private. Ke':aber, Philip..................do. Pascoe, Robert P..............do. Kleckner, Charles...............do. Shultz, John....................do. Lower, Josiah....................do. Shultz, Frederick.............do. Meggis, John....................do. Schrunk, William............do. M'Gowan, Owen................do. Staples, Jarrard L...........do. Manninger, Charles............do. Sondalia, Anthony...........do. Miller, Thomas J...............do. Sourwine, Tilghman......... dO. Moore, Philip.....................do. Shiner, Anthony J............do. Miller, Henry S.................do. Slacker, William.............do. Mechan, Andrew................do. Slater, George..................do. M'Gewhan, Daniel..............do. Shadle, Frederick.............do. Miller, George.................... dS; Smith, Joseph..................do. Morris, Joseph....................do. Thomas, William............do; Mumps, Henry..................d. Whartford, Henry............do. O'Connor, John..................do Wharren, John................ do. Pursell, Hiram W..............do Young, Edward D............do. Park er, Pete;........ Zimmerm i..a ie1..;.do. SEVENTH PREGIMENT. THIE Seventh regiment was recruited under the order of Governor Curtin, in obedience to the proclamation of the President. The companies rendezvoused at Camp Curting and the regiment was organized by Adjutant General Biddle, on the 22d of April. The following were the field officers electedand commissioned: Wm. I. Irwin~ of Lewistown, (then at Washington. a private in the ranks of the Logan Guards,) ColoneL Oliver H. Rippey, of Pittsburg, Lieutenant Colonel F. P. Robinson, of Pittsburg, Major. Henry R. Myers was appointed Adjutant. The regiment, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Rippey, proceeded by rail to Chambersburg, on the 23d of April, and encamped near the town, where it was joined soon after by Colonel Irwin, who assumed command. Regular drills were ordered, and continued while the weather would permit, but were seriously interrupted on the 28th, when it rained and snowed heavily. Some difficulty having been experienced in securing good and sufficient rations, Colonel Irwin requested that they should be supplied in bulk, and caused vegetables to be purchased and issued, and the bread baked by contract. On the 8th of May, shoes and clothing were issued by the regimental Quartermaster. Strict discipline was enforced and regular battalion drills and dress-parade were held, the quarters were thoroughly policed, and close attention paid to the cleanliness and health of the men. On the 15th of May the regiment left camp and marched to Chambersburg, where, on being drawn up on the public square, it was presented by the ladies of the town with a national flag, which was received on behalf of the regiment by Lieutenant Colonel Rippey in an appropriate speech. This ceremony over; the regiment marched some four miles into the country to accustom the troops to the march. These marches were frequent and very useful. The utmost kindness was shown to both officers and men, by the people of Chambersburg. and vicinity. During the last days of May, several regiments of infantry, and' on the first of June a battalion of cavalry, reached Chambersburg. Soon after, Major General Robert Patterson and Major General George Cadwalader and' staffs arrived, followed by artillery and a large wagon train, all indicating that' an active campaign up the Shenandoah valley was soon to open. [he Seventh regiment was assigned to the 3d Brigade of the 1st Division.* The Brigade struck tents on the 8th of June. and commenced the forward move* Organization of the 3d Brigade, Brigadier General E. C. Williams, 1st Division, Major General George Cadwalader; Seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel William IH. Irwin; Eighth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel A. H. Emley; Tenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Sullivan A. Meredith Twentieth regiment (Scott Legion) Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel William H. Gray. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 69 ment, long looked for and earnestly desired, and occupied a position on the first night near the town of Greencastle. Resuming the march on the following morning, it moved to Camp Williams, where the regular drill was resumed, and the Seventh regiment was taught to form square against cavalry. Remaining until the 14th, the Brigade again struck tents, and moving through HEagerstown, again went into camp near St. James' College, and soon after advanced to Williamsport. Late in the evening of the 19th of June, an alarm was raised, and the long roll called the whole Brigade to arms, the line of battle being quickly and quietly formed; but beyond distant picket firing nothing further was heard. On the 25th, the rebel cavalry attacked some. union soldiers who had ventured across the river, but were repulsed, loosing six men and three horses. General Scott had directed General Patterson, if equal or superior in number, to cross the river and attack the enemy. As yet, the command was unprovided with artillery; but as more explicit orders* were received to advance, at early,dawn.on the 2d of July, the troops commenced fording the Potomac, and by eight o'clock the whole army was in motion, the air ringing with the exultant shouts of the men. The march was continued to Martinsburg. Private property was respected, but the contents of an extensive flouring mill, containing a large amount of grain and flour, the owner thereof being a captain in the rebel army, were, by general order, confiscated for the use of the army. There was also captured, and staved, one hundred and fifty barrels of whiskey. The cheering news, of the successes of General M'Clellanin West Virginia, reached the army of the Shenandoah on the 4th of July, the anniversary of Independence. A national salute was fired, which served the double purpose of celebrating the ancient renown, and the latest triumph. On the 7th, Captain Gerard and Lieutenant Enright, with fifteen men, advanced about a mile beyond our picket line and captured and brought in three of the enemy's pickets, with rifles, revolvers, sabres, and three horses. The regiment moved with the brigade to Bunker Hill, and thence to Charlestown, where it went into camp near the town. Six companies, under command of Colonel Irwin and Major Robinson, were detached from the regiment, and ordered to make a reconnoissance in the direction of Winchester. Leaving camp at midnight, they advanced about six miles, and came to a point where a rebel vidette had been posted the * General PATTERSON to General SCOTT, June 28. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a telegram from the General-in-Chief, dated 27, saying: "I had expected your cross. ing the river to-day." I infer from this that orders have been sent me to cross and attack the enemy. If so, I have not received them. Captain Newton, of the Engineers, returned at midnight, after two days' absence in the direction of Sharpsburg and Dam No. 4,. and reports, on information he considers reliable, five thousand men from Falling Waters to Dam No. 4, four thousand five hundred men in the vicinity of Shepherdstown under General Jackson, and a reserve of five thousand five hundred men, under General Johnston, near Bunker Hill. He also reports twenty to twenty-four guns, and a large cavalry force with General Jackson, and thinks General Negley, whose brigade is on my left, near Sharpsburg, will be attacked, the river being fordable at almost every point. * * X * The.artillery horses are untrained, and we are still without harness for the battery. I have repeatedly asked for batteries, and ought to have one for each Brigade, but have none. The only one fit for service sent me was the Rhode Island battery, and that the General-in-Chief was compelled, by the necessities of his own position, to take from me, when most wanted, and witllin a week after it joined me. * * * Officers ard men are anxious to be led against the insurgents, and if the General-inChief will give me.a regiment of regulars and an adequate force of field artillery, I will cross the river and attack the enemy, unless their forces are ascertained to be more than two to one. Conduct of the War, p. 126, No. 21. 70 SEVENTH REGIMENT, day previous, but was then withdrawn. Returning to camp, Colonel Irwin reported the enemy's videttes withdrawn, and expressed the opinion that the enemy were falling back towards Winchester, which opinion, subsequent events proved to be correct. Marching to Keyes' ford, on the Shenandoah river, where an attack upon our rear was feared, General Williams sent out a scouting party, which crossed the ford and examined the right bank of the river for a considerable distance, and reported that there was no sign of any enemy in that direction. The term of service being about to expire, the Seventh was ordered by Gen. eral Patterson to march to Hagerstown, and thence go by rail to Harrisburg to be mustered out of service. At two o'clock A. M., of the 22d, the regiment, about seven hundred strong, with eleven heavily loaded wagons, left camp for Shepherdstown, where it crossed the Potomac at a new ford, the roads leading to it being constructed under the supervision of Major Robinson, and over which the heavily laden wagons were taken with great difficulty. Marching by way of Sharpsburg to Hagerstown, the regiment moved thence to Harrisburg, where the companies were ordered to their original rendezvous for pay and muster out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. William H. Irwin............Colonel. George Geist, Jr............. Quartermaster. Oliver H. Rippey............ Lieutenant Colonel. Charles R. Foster..........Surgeon. F. P. Robinson...............Major. James M. Thompson......Assistant Surgeon. Henry R. Myers..............Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN APRIL 23, 1861. Maurice Wallace.............Captain. Carson, John H............Private. Morgan R. Bryan............First Lieutenant. Casey, Timothy.................do. Henry W. Horbach.........Second Lieutenant. Casiday, Michael...............do. John Reynolds.............. First Sergeant. Clark, James....................do. James Calhoun............. Second Sergeant. Claire, John.....................do. Daniel C. Collins.............Third Sergeant. Connelly, Daniel..............do. William B. Kauffman.....Fourth Sergeant. Davis, Arthur..................do. John Yalleby.................First Corporal. Davis, John................ do. James Wormine..............Second Corporal. Davis, William A. R........do. William H. Jeffries........Third Corporal. Dunn, Michael.................do. John Longstaff................Fourth Corporal. Eschenbaum, Joseph........do. Edward S. Magee............ Musician. Finfrock, Robert...............do. Patrick Donahoe.................do. Fisher, Patrick................do. Ackerman, Henry......... Private. Glunt, Henry...................do. Algoe, Charles..................do. Gross, Jacob.....................do. Baker, Christopher............do. Hemphill, George.............do. Boyd, Samue...................do. Holmes, Jamesi R...............do. Brenard, Edward E............do. Johnson, John................do. Brown, John H................ do. Jones, John H..................do. Brown, Joshua..................do. Jones, James................do. Buck, William.................do. Kiggins, John...................do. Byerly, Wii................ do.!Kipp, Edward.................do. THREE MOUNTHS' SERVICE. 71 Kress, Anthony...............Private. Richards, William.........Private. M'Annich, Elias.................do. Rippey, Wilt.....................do. M'Closkey, Charles............do. Rhodes, Charles H............do. M'Clung, 0. C....................do. Rowe, Richard..................do. M'Gee, James.....................do. Ruch, Conrad..................do. MI'Ginness, Edward...........do. Silverthorn, David R........do. M'Laughlin, Patrick...........do. Shields, William...............do. M'Millen, Samuel C..........do. Smullin, Owen..................do. M'Mahon, Charles..............do. Stevenson, John H............do. Marshall, William H.........do. Stone, Cyrus H.............do. Mason, Patrick..................do. Weeks, Charles H...........do. Mitchell, Daniel W............do. Weeks, William W...........do. Morris, John......................do. Whiteside, William..........do. Neilie, Robert, Jr...............do. Wiggens, James...............do. ~ Norminie, Thomas..............do. Wheelan, James............do. Perkins, Charles.................do. Wise, Elisha.....................do. Prince, William..................do. Co MPANY B. RECRUITED A.T ALLEGHENY, ALLEGHENY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Casper Gang...................Captain. Leckrien, Peter.............Private George Gerst, Jr..............First Lieutenant. Lininger, Frederick..........do. Charles Geeb..................Second Lieutenant. Lantz, Joseph..................do. Louis Ridenbach............First Sergeant. Langner, George W. W.....do. Mechor Shilling..............Second Sergeant. Minehart, John.................do. Henry Rise.....................Third Sergeant. Michael, Adam.................do. William Lentz.................Fourth Sergeant. Neighar, Henry................do. John Mohr.......................First Corporal. Ochnrler, Oscar.................do.'Louis Buchter.................Second Corporal. Pool, Michael....................do. Charles Klein..................Third Corporal. Petereins, Henry...............do. George Schneider.............Fourth Corporal. Roehrog, Charles..............do. Charles Rose..................Musician. Roth, Melchor...................do. Philip Feth.......................do. liemsschnider, Conrad.....do. Abel, Conrad.................Private. Reiner, William................do. Bechours, Charles..............do. Reiner, Herman F............do. Bentel, George..................do. Reis, Christian................. do. Breller, George..................do. Reuswig, George.............do. Betz, Christian..................do. Seifritz, Mathias...............do. Braum, Charles.................do. Schwab, Frank...............do. Brecht, Michael.................do. Seip, John................. do. Eckert, George................do. Schultz, John...................do. Eiber, John........................do. Stemler, Valentine............do. Eichler, Joseph..................do. Schmidt, John..................do. Faber, Christian................do. Schilling, Anton...............do. Fries, John A................... do. Schaber, Conrad...............do. Granlich, Joseph................do. Schell, Frederick.............do. Gruennagel, Philip.............do. Schaefer, John..................do. Goehring, John.............. do. Steiger, Emanuel..............do. Goetling, Conrad...............do. Traup, Charles............. do. Herron, John....................do. Vonmoas, John.................do. Hickman, John H..............do. Voalp, Philip....................do. Hiller, William..................do. Wilhem, William.............do. Hollinger, John................ do. Wilhelm, Frederick........do. Jacob, Henry...................do. Wagner, John.................do. Koppell, Henry.................do. Williams, Louis...............do. Krachenbuhl, John............do. Wolf, John.......................do. Kunddell, Adam...............do. Waldneyer, William.........do. Koerner, Eugene...............do. Zender, John G. F............do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT FREDONIA, BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Isaac Schreoder...............Captain. William C. Baker..........Third Sergeant. Henry R. Myers..............First Lieutenant. Reuben Kauffman.........Fourth Sergeant. Peter Y. Edelman........ Second Lieutenant. Isaac Pott......................First Corporal. Franklin B. Lancks........First Sergeant. George Foos, Jr.............Second Corporal. Henry S. Boyer...............Second Sergeant. Jeremiah H. Hauck......Third Corporal. 72 SEVENTH REGIMENT. John C. Steckline............Fourth Corporal.; Loucks, Henry R...........Private. Peter H. Hauck...............Musician. Link, Jacob......................do. George A. Eltz...................do. Lindenmouth, Nathaniel...do. Adam, Enoch..................Private. Lotz, Jeremiah.................do. Angstat, Benneville............do. Meek, Daniel....................do. Bear, Edwin S................do. Moyer, Aaron..................do. Bright, Aaron.....................do. Mohle, Frederick..............do. Best, Thomas.....................do. Melot, Seyer.....................do Brown, William D..............do. Madary, John..................do Bock, Edmond Y...............do. Maurer, Peter..................do. Bigger, Alexander..............do. M'Noldy, Mahlon A.........do. Clemmins, John H............do. Poorman, William............do. Dengler, Washington G......do. Rothermel, Charles...........do. Dengler, John G.................do. Rank, Ginder....................do. Draher, Edward........... do. Rothenberger, Daniel........do. Egel, Wellington....... do. Sheaffer, Henry...............do. Ebberhart, Joseph.............do. Schild, Jacob F.............do. Fiese, John........................do. Schreoder; Henry..............do. Ginser, Joel.......................do. Swavely, Zachariah..........do. Good, Celestial..................do. Sider, Isaac.......................do. Gallagher, Caleb.................do. Schmeck, Henry...............do. Gochter, Harrison.............. do. Shultz, Michael R............ do. Hafer, Charles................. do. Sener, Frederick H...........do: Hafer, Israel.......................do. Trexell, Jacob..................do, Hunter, Daniel..................do. Tool, Albert S..................do. Harner, James H..............do. Voyt, William..................do. Hauck, Henry....................do. Wentzel, Amos.................do. Holm, Jacob......................do. Wentzel, Jonathan............do. Harbold, Henry H..............do. WVeidner, John..................do. Jones, Samuel B.................do. Wentzel, Daniel...............do. Kindly, Frederick..............do. Williams, John.................do. Keller, David......................do. Yoder, Aaron....................do. Lell, Ebenezer C.................do. Yeakel, Solomon...............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PLEASANTVILLE, BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. George S. Herbst............Captain. Harris, Joseph...............Private. Samuel Baus..................First Lieutenant. Hungerford, George F......do. Joel,Ruppert.................. Second Lieutenant. Hummel, George..............do. Charles G. Kline.............First Sergeant. Harper, Edward...............do. Abraham Ruppert...........Second Sergeant. Hatner, Charles................do. Peter Shafer...................Third Sergeant. Kash, Henry....................do. Edward F. Reed..............Fourth Sergeant. Kemp, George..................do. John J. Nash..................First Corporal. List, John........................do. William Hassler.............. Second Corporal. Leeds, John S..................do. Jacob Shafer...................Third Corporal. Lins, Franklin..................do. Lenhard Swizhard...........Fourth Corporal. Moyer, Daniel...............do. Joel Frederick................Musician. Moore, George...............do. Elias A ngstead.................do. Miller, Michael................do. Angstead, Benjamin........Private. Murron, James A.............do. Brutzman, Abner...............do. Mitchell, John..................do. Bobb, Henry....................do. Mathew, C. Henry...........do. Beck, Henry......................do. Paul, David......................do. Bobb, Abraham..................do. Reidenauger, Franklin.....do. Bean, Marcus...................do. Reimer, John....................do. Burns, Franklin.................do. Roland, Tilliam...............do. Boyer, Henry....................do. Rotenberger, Francis........do. Bouchat, William............... do. Richards, George..............do. Clouser, Simon.................do. Shafer, Julius...................do. Clouser, Levi.....................do. Spocht, Franklin.............. do. Caver, William..................do. Sylor, Amos......................do. Crackens, Daniel...............do. Staufer, Daniel.................do. Drezer, Jacob.....................do. Sellers, D. George............do. Dilcamb, David H..............do. Simon, Paul.....................do. Dreyer, William.................do. Stout, Simon.....................do. Eck, Peter..........................do. Sowers, H. John..............do. Eckert, Samuel................. do. Sulvier, Michael..............do. Engel, Robert....................do. Souder, William...............do. Fisher, Francis.................do. Stewart, Albert.................do. Foreman, William............do. Sides, Albert....................do. Goodwin, Benjamin............do. Strunk, Levi................. do. Hewett. George..................do. Updegrove, Ephraim........ do. Hassler. WVilliam...............do. Wibel, Joseph................. do. Hassler, Jonas....................do. Yoder, Daniel...............do. H ourman, Joel R..............do. Yoder. Peter................. do. THREE M1ONTHWS SERVICE. 73 COMPANY E. REOCRTITED AT ALLEGHENY, ALLEGHBENY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Frank J. Robinson.........Captain. Kaufman, Casper..........Private. Horatio Tyler..................First Lieutenant. Kirkpatrick, William.......do. Gustavus Braun.............Second Lieutenant. Kirsh,.Tacob.....................do. William Harris...............First Sergeant. Lillie, Sylvester...............do. Samuel Glass..................Second Sergeant. Lingerfelter, Charles.........do..David Dill.....................Third Sergeant. Lentz, John A.................do. Peter Kennedy...............Fourth Sergeant. M'Clelland, Reed............do. Loyd Simpson...........i......Fist Corporal. Marshall, George..............do. James Grenet..................Second Corporal. Maisaick, Michael............do. Alfred Masonheimer....... Third Corporal. Medder, Gregory........ do. William Quinn............... Fourth Corporal. Mercer, Alonzo................do. Isaac Richey....................M sician. Murdock, John............... do. James Dickson.................do. M'New, John W...............do. Bonner, Thomas..............Private. M'Kain, Simon..................do. Brown, Robert P................do. M'Celland, John...............do. Beale. Adam......................do. M'Vicher,. William...........do. Burke, Williamn H..............do. Meyers, Conrad.................do. Boyd, Samuel....................do. Moss, Frederick................do. Crooks, William C............do. Nellis, Andrew................do. Coates, Charles P...............do. Ruper, Cornelius D...........do. Cowell, William................do. Sarver, William...............do. Coleman, George W.....d.....do. Stackhouse, Frank............do. Cinnamon, Thomas............do. Smith, Jerry.....................do. Cailor, John.......................do. Sill, Joseph.....................do. Dennison, James................ do. Sorberey. George..............do. Dyal, Harrison. d.....,...........do. Saller, Michael.................do. Drane, David...................do. Scoot, Andrew J...............do. Eelkins, John.................... Shiel, Jacob......................do. Fritz, George.....................do. Slapleton, Patrick.............do. Grissell, Adam..................do. Topper, William H............do. Grinnell, Christian............do. Tompkins, John W...........do. Green John C....................do. Tonance, John..................do. Hanna, William.................do. Walker, Robert................do. Hutchinson, Amos,......... o. Walker, John J...... do. Hughey, Mortimer............do. Wadlow, Alexander.........do. Heough, Joseph.................do. Warnock, William..........do. Heanchy, Arnold...............do. Wasson, Joseph...............do. Johnston, John...............do. Zimmer, Jacob.............. do. Kelages, William.............. do. COM PANY F. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Joseph Gerard................ aptain. Davis, Howell.;............Private. Anderson Faith.............. First Lieutenant. Donahoe, Michael............do. William C. Enright......... Second Lieutenant. Detrick, John........... do. Alexander Johnston........First Sergeant. Delker, Crist..........do. Bartholomew Scanlon......Second Sergeant. Evans, William..............do. William Keenan..............Third Sergeant. Eckart, Frederick.........do. Michael Russel............... Fourth Sergeant. Fillman, Ernest...............do. Charles Levi....................First Corporal. Fisher, Jacob....................do. William H. Lewis...........Second Corporal. Fox, John W...................do. John W. Bell.................Third Corporal. Graham, William..............do. Jacob Linderwick...........Fourth Corporal. Geddis, William.............do. Randolph Curry..............Musician. Geiser, John B................do. Asron, Powell.................Private. Guiney, Jacob..................do. Amer, Josoph..................do. Hunter, Alexander S. B...do. Butcher, Gotlieb................do. Hart, Thomas..................do. Bamford, Benjamin B.........do. IIeilpenbug, John.............do. Belser, Frank................... do. Hall, oseph....................do. Beardman, Frank..............do. Jones, William..............do. Brosey, John...................do.. Kettenberg, Henry..... do. Browm, Robert....................do. Kaul, Adam.....................do. Bothwell, Alexander..........do. Koch, William.................do. Brueston, John................ do. Laindiger, John...............do. Craig, Neal.......................do. Lally, Patrick.................do. Camp bell, William C.........do. Littner, John....................do. Conrad, Peter........... do. Lensingburg, Franklin S...do. 10 74 SEVENTH REGIMENT, Morgan, Thomas.............Private. Rogers, David...............Private. Mathews, Thomas..............do. Staaf, John.......................do. Moricke, Charles................do. Stein, Charles B...............do. Murphy, Jerry.................do. Shaw, Andrew..................do. Morin, Daniel.....................do. Stone, Charles................do. M'Elrary, William............do. Stulin, Wendelin..............do. M'Kinney, Lewis...............do. Sparman, J,,hn.................do. M'Lain, James C...............do. Snell, Augustus...............do. M'Cullough, Michael.........do. Sullivan, Philip...............do. M'Gram, Barnard...............do. Stailey, August.................do. Nagle, John........................do. Thomas, Joseph...............do. Parsons, George W.............do. Till, Henry G.................do. Platt, William..................do. Wilbert, Adam...............do. Reagan, John.....................do. Wilbert, Christian............do. Ruddick, Edward...............do. Zion, August....................do. COMPANY G. 1tECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Albert F. Rightmyer.......Captain. Hauck, Augustus..........Private. Cornelius Wise...............First Lieutenant. Jones, Samuel H...............do. Jacob H. Worth............Second Lieutenant. Knupp, George L..............do. John G. Ulrich................First Sergeant. Kline, William.................do. Anthony Heller..............Second Sergeant. Kissinger, Samuel............do. Abraham Latshaw..........Third Sergeant. Kribbs, John C.................do. William Runyeon........... Fourth Sergeant. Ludwig, John S...............do. Jacob Ege.....................First Corporal. Lewis, William A............do. William H. Dehart..........Second Corporal. Mohr, William..................do. Thomas Craton...............Third Corporal. Miller, George..................do. George Hart.................. Fourth Corporal. Mergert, John..................do. Gideon Ginder.................Musician. Murphy, William.............do. Henry Binneville...............do. Miller, Russel..................do. Antheny, John C............ Private. Obenhauser, George........ do. Bachman, Charles.............do. Priestley, Obediah R.........do. Bechtill, Marks.................do. Penrose, Henry J..............do. Bank, Sidney.....................do. Rauck, Maridon...............do. Brown, William E..............do. Rush, Simon M................ do. Boyer, James....................do. Robinson, Isaac E.............do. Burkert, Augustus............do. Steuben, Damon...............do. Boone, William..................do. Simon, Albert A...............do. Breniser, William.............do. Sands, William...............do. Berkert, Fillermachus........ do. Shultz, Damon.................do. Baker, Daniel D..................do. Spotz, Jacob....................do. Berstler, James.................do. St. Clair, John R...............do. Baker, Samuel T................do. Seigfried, Henry...............do. Clymer, William................do. Stout, AlfredJ................. do. Deem, Aaron....................do. Stout, James E..................do. Dyer, Edward....................do. Taylor, John.....................do. Denhart, John................ do, Thomas, Francis...............do. Dougherty, George............do. Vandeever, James H.........do. Edgat, Stephen.............. do. Whitman, James D...........do. Freas, Raiben..................... do. Wunder, George...............do. Goodhart, Martin S............do. Wilson, Oliver B...............do. Grant, George W............. - do. Wilson, Frank B...............do. Graul, William............. do. Weiler, Godfrey................do. Hildebrand, Levi...............do. Walker, John A...............do. Haak, Henry A..................do. Witman, John.;................do. Heifert, William............... do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT BOALSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Robert M'Farland..........Captain. George Cronm ll.............First Corporal. John Boal......................First Lieutenant. William Shoop............... Second Corporal. William N. Reiley..........Second Lieutenant. John BeckT..................Third Corport]. George A. Jacobs...........FiTst Sergeant. Henry Forbes..............Fourth Corporal. A. Boyd Hutchison........Second Sergeant. John C. Faber............. Musician. C. L. Greenaugh........... Third Sergeant. Wiiam arpter............. do. Adam Hess.................F ourth Sergeant, Blair, Jermm h H..........P vate. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 75 Beck, John.................. Private. Johns, David H.............Private. Benjamin, James......... do. I Jacobs, John H.................do. Burchfield, Penrose J.......do. Kepheart, William P.......do. Burchfield, Aaron......... do. Kerbern, George...............do. Barts, Jacob.......................o. I Koons, William T............do. Brown, George W..............do. Lytle, Isaac.....................do. Brown, Jerry..................do. Lytle, Griffith..................d. Cornmesser, William B......do. Lyle, Robert..................do. Campbell, David S.............. do. Musser, William H..........do. Cramer, Andrew...............do. M'Coole, Jacob..................do. Dennis, Samuel B...............do. Miller, John.....................do. Dale, Alfred.................. do. Martz, John.................do. Duffie, George....................do. Moore, David...................do. Daughenbaugh, Jacob........do. Maloney, Harvey.............do. Delaney, John..................do. Mays, James F.................do. Eckenroth, Henry.............do. Minick, Benjamin F.........do. Eckenroth, Charles...........do. M'Ready, Daniel...............do. Evey, Henry......................do. Ozman, Georgedo. Forbes, Henry....................do. O'Brien, Daniel................do. Fox, Joseph................... do. Parker, Daniel S...............do. Fulton, John.....................do. Parsons, David..................do. Farber, John H.................. (o. Roop, Samuel...................do. Garner, Daniel....................do. Reed, William..................do. Gray, William I................do. Rote, Michael....................do. Harrison, Michael D..........do. Shorthill, James...............do. Haughenberg, Hiram.........do. Shoop, James P.................do. Haughenberg, Harrison......do. Singleton, George............do. Harpster, John H...............do. Stewart, James T..............do. Harman, Charles...............do. Williams, Samuel H.........do. Hoy, John H..................... do. Wort, Philip.....................do. Hook, John.........................do. Yarnell, Harvey..............do. Johnsburgh, Alfred................do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Henry A. Zollinger.........Captain. Irvin, William M...........Private. William H. M'Clelland...First Lieutenant. Jenkins, David.................do. Jamos Couch..................Second Lieutenant. Klinefelter, Aaron............do. Amos W. Wakefield........First Sergeant. Klinefelter, John...............do. Thompson Wiece............Second Sergeant. Kunes, John W................do. Michael Dillon.................Third Sergeant. Karl, Daniel.....................do. Samuel Esinbise..............Fourth Sergeant. Kelley, George W............do. Jackson D. Stoneroad...... First Corporal. Krise, John l..................do. William A. Troxal...........Second Corporal. Landis, Jacob..................do. James P. M'Clintic.........Third Corporal. Leator, William...............do. John W. Nelson..............Fourth Corporal. Morton John.....................do. William L. Harding....... Musician. Martin, John D.............do. Henry H. Fortnoy..............do. Moran, William R............do. Barcus, Steel...................Private. M'Nalley, Henry..............do. Brimmer, John................do. Maser, Henry...................do. Black, George V................do. M'Cram, Daniel A...........do. Bringman, Andrew............do. Myers, Samuel..................do. Broom, George...................do. Olinger, Isaac...................do. Beisel, Franklin.................do. Price, Lewis....................do. Blumenlodor, Lewis.........do. Peffer, Philip....................do. Cambell, James..................do. Reniner, Frederick.........do. Collins, Samuel..................do. Rosenborough, Robert......do. Cherry, John..................do Ross, James B...............do. Corkell, Jackson...............do. Rodgers, Patrick...............do. Crothers, William II..........do. Ruble, John.....................do. Corseck, Jeremiah..............do. Ruse, William...............do. Dillon, Thomas..................do. Rutherford, James............do. Devore, John.....................do. Satcher, Amos................do. Donnan, Charles................do. Sanford, James.................do. Funk, James H..................do. Shilling, Matthias.............do. Ginaphan, John..................do. Sperry, William................do. Gro, Austin.......................do. Skelley, John M................d oGndor, Abram.................do. Shafer, David....................do. Hiltebarn, Thomas B.........do, Vanzant, James................do. Hart, William..................do. Walters, Benjamin...........do. Hackenburgh, John R........do. Wolfkill, Thomas............do. Houser, Joseph...................do. Wilson, James.................do. Harice, John F................ do. Wdhite, Charles..................do. Henry, John.......................do. Yeamon, Jamcr;..............do. iHofler, John.......................do. 76 SEVENTH REGIMENT. CoMPANY K. RECRiUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. William Trovillo.............Captain. Hunter, David...............Private. William Graham.............First Lieutenant. Hilston, Edward...............do. William L. Foulk...........Second Lieutenant. Johnston, John...............do. Isaac Wright.................First Sergeant. Johnston, Alexander.........do. Richard Splain................Second Sergeant. Kurtz, Henry...................do. William Fitzmorris.........Third Sergeant. Kelley, Peter....................do. lEdward Flinn................Fourth Sergeant. Krunilah, Chas. Williamn...do. George Bills....................First Corporal. Kaufield, Ernest...............do. lIatthew Frazier..............Second Corporal. Lentner, Andrew..............do. Henry Greatrake............Third Corporal. M'Masters, Jacob..............do. (corge Gazzaml...............Fourth Corporal. Mooney, John H...............do. John Walby....................Musician. Massy, George.................do. Samuel Winthrow..............do. Miller, Peter..................do. Anthony, W. James........ Private. Metz, Conrad...................do. Adams, Ralph...................do. Martin, John.....................do. Bostwick, William.......... do. Myers, William................do. Barker, James....................do. Martin, Fritz.....................do. Baiter, Frederick...............do. Montgomery, Robert.........do. Bender, Andrew................do. Nelson, John....................do. Bechtel, Lewis...................do. Platt, Henry.....................do. Brown, James....................do. Irwin, James....................do. Briggs, James W.............. do. Rodgers, Andrew............. do. Bills, George....................do. Ridgley, Charles...............do. Clary, James.....................do. Steel, Matthew..................do. Conrad, William D............do. Smith, Augustus..............do. Cupps, Andrew J...............do. Sturdy, Henry..................do. Couch, George...................do. Silk, Thomas....................do. Clark, James....................do. Stump, George..................do. Crevison, David.................do. Thursby, Samuel............do. Darly, Charles....................do. Taylor, John.....................do. Eberhart, Adam.................do. Taylor, Charles..............do. Edgar, Matthew.................do. Thompson, John...............do. France, John....................do. Waters, David V..............do. Ford, James.......................do. Weber, William..............do. Grane, Ezekiel..................do. Whalon, James B..............do. Griffith, Abraham..............do. Whitmore, Christopher.....do. Hewitt, George............do. Walters, William..............do. Herbert, David..................do. Winters, James...............do. Hume, Charles G...............do. EIGHTH REGIMENT. THE Eighth regiment was composed, in part, of companies which had held a previous militia organization, and were now filled up to the maximum number by new recruits, and in part of new companies, made up of men suddenly called together by the exigencies of the times. The Wyoming Artillerists, of Wilkesbarre, known in the regiment as company F, had been under the command of Captain Emley, who was afterwards made Colonel. It was the first company from Luzerne county, leaving on the 17th of April, 1861, and was inured to some degree of hardship from the first, being obliged to cut its way, a distance of over a mile, to the Kingston depot, through an immense field of drift ice. Company C had been a cavalry company at Wilkesbarre, commanded in turn by Captains Hoyt and Brisbane. Company G, in its militia organization, was known as the Wyoming Yeagers, and was joined by the remnants of a militia company from Pittston. The several companies assembled at Camp Curtin, where company officers were formally elected, and the regiment was organized on the 22d of April, 1861, by the choice of the following field officers: A. H. Emley, of Wilkesbarre, from Captain of company F, Colonel; Samuel Bowman, of Wilkesbarre, Lieu tenant Colonel; Joseph Phillips, of Pittston, Major; Joseph Wright, of Wilkesbarre, from Lieutenant of company C, was appointed Adjutant. Most of the officers had acquired considerable knowledge of military duty in various militia organizations. On the same day in which the organization was perfected, the regiment was ordered to Camp Slifer, in the neighborhood of Chambersburg. Here, on the 25th of April, it was assigned to the 3d Brigade, 1st Division.* Hardee's Tactics, which had previously been introduced in the drill of company F, was made the authority for the instruction of the regiment. The drill was continued, daily, from eight to ten hours, in which a marked proficiency was attained, so much so, that many of the members, and especially of Colonel Eiley's company, became drill-masters in the several organizations to which they were subsequently attached. On the 7th of June, the regiment moved from Chambersburg to Greencastle, where it again went into camp, and during its stay, was exercised in battalion drill. Remaining but a few days, it moved to the Potomac, in the neighborhood of Williamsport, where it was posted along the shore to guard the fords. Here affairs began to assume a warlike aspect. The enemy was on the opposite shore, and the music of a stray bullet from his rifles occasionally * Organization of the 3d Brigade, Brigadier General E. C. Williams, 1st Division, Major General George Cadwalader. Seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel William H. Irwin; Eighth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel A. H. Emley; Tenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Sullivan A. Meredith; Twentieth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, (Scott Legion) Colonel William H. Gray.. 78 EiIGHT' IREGIMENT, salited the ears of the men. While in this position, Lieutenant Colonel Bowman, having crossed the river, unattended, to reconnoitre, was suddenly seized by rebel scouts, and borne away a prisoner. He was a valuab1le officer, and his capture proved a serious loss. Upon the advance of the army into Virginia, on the 2d of July, the Eighth regiment, with Captain Doubleday's battery, was left to hold the fords, and to guard the stores at Williamsport. But soon after the arrival of the army at Martinsburg, Doubleday's battery was ordered forward, and companies A and B, Captains Strous and Travis, were detailed as guard. The battery consisted of three heavy pieces, one eight inch howitzer, one twenty-four pounder, and one thirty pounder. The horses had but just been placed in harness, and were unaccustomed to the draft. On emerging from the ford, the banks proved difficult of ascent, and the pieces could only be moved by the assistance of the men. The march to Martinsburg and return, by the escorting companies, was made without rest, and was very exhausting. On the 6th of July, the regiment was ordered to rejoin the brigade, now at Martinsburg. Until the 17th it participated in occasional skirmishing, and joined in the advance on Bunker Hill. In conformity with the explicit orders of General Scott, to keep in front of the enemy, so long as he should remain between Winchester and the Potomac, General Patterson had proposed an advance into Virginia and the Initiation of an offensive campaign.* The General-in-Chief permitted this advance, but enjoined, that, should the enemy retire upon his resources at Winchester, the Union forces should not press him. Remaining in the neighborhood of Bunker Hill, until the 17th of July, General Patterson commenced a flank movement on Charlestown. The enemy's cavalry, in force, under Stuart, watched these movements. Fearing that the enemy might advance, and cross the Shenandoah river by Keyes' Ford, the 3d Brigade was pushed forward during the night of the 20th, and occupied a position commanding the ford. The term of service having now nearly expired, the regiment was ordered to march to Harper's Ferry, and turn over its camp equipage, and thence move byway of Hagerstown to Harrisburg, where, on the 29th of July, the men were paid, and mustered out of service. * General PATTIERSO toGeneral SCOTT, June 23. * * * The force under Jackson controls the people of Berkeley county, whom, I believe, are sorely oppressed, and would welcome our approach. That force has become some little encouraged from our not advancing, and may soon annoy us. If so, I shall not avoid the contest they may invite; indeed, if it meets the approval of the General-in-Chief, I would march my whole force, as soon as the batteries receive harness, upon the enemy, and drive him, step by step, to Winchester. I believe this force can, in ten days, rid the adjoining portion of Virginia of its oppressors. I may be forced to this course. My fear is, that I may interfere with the plan of the General-in-Chief, and drive the enemy to the aid of the main body. ( REPLY.) HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY, Washington, June 25, 1861. I write by mail, in substance. Remain in front of the enemy while he continues in force, between Winchester and the Potomac. If you are in superior, or equal force, you may cross and attack him. If the enemy should retire upon his resources at Winchester, it is not enjoined that you should pursue him to that distance from your base of operations, without a well grounded confidence in your continued superiority. * * WINFIELD SCOTT. Major General PATTERSON. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 79 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. A. BH. Emley...................Colonel. Butler Dilley.................Quartermaster Samuel Bowman........... Lieutenant Colonel. Benjamin H. Throop......Surgeon. Joseph Phillips..............Major. HI. Carey Parry.............Assistant Surgeon. Joseph Wright.................Adjutant. T. P. Hunt...................Chaplain. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT SHAMOKIN, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Cyrs Strouse.................Captain. Holshoe, Henry............. Private. William J. Allen.............irst Lieutenant. Holshoe, Joel....................do. George B. Cadwalader.....Second Lieutenant. Heilner, John M...............do. John Harris...................First Sergeant. Hancock, John..................do. Andrew Kreiger..............Second Sergeant. Holister, James.................do. John B. Snyder...............Third Sergeant. Irich, Henry.....................do. Ferdinand Rhoads...........Fourth Sergeant. Irich, Jacob W..................do. Jacob Rhoads................. First Corporal. John, Jefferson M.............do. Jacob Muchler................Second Corporal. Jones, Thomas R............... do. Israel Stambach..............Third Corporal. Kreiger, Charles...............do. Jacob B. Getter...............Fourth Corporal. Klase, George W...............do. William P. Caldwell......Musician. Lake, John R....................do. Henry Starchal.................do. Miceberger, Michael.........do. Bevan, Lewis L...............Private. Maize, Jeremiah...............do. Booth, William................do. Medara, Charles...............do. Brennan, John....................do.. Meehan, John...................do. Bird, Ziba..........................do. Neifer, John.....................do. Bowen, William.................do. Osmond, William B..........do. Blanksley, George..............do. Peifer, Jacob.....................do. Boyd, Hugh.......................do. Phillips, John W..............do. Culp, Benjamin F..............do. Raup, Josiah.....................do. Culp, William...................do. Raup, George....................do. Colyer, Patrick...............do. Ragan, Michael................do. Colyer, William................do. Sterrit, James..................do. Caldwell, Thomas.............do. Sherman, Godfried..........do. Caldwell, Alexander...........do. Shuck, William................do. Conrad, Charles...............do. Salter, Michael.................do. Cramer, George..................do. Shield, Jacob...................do. Downey, John...................do. Shaual, August.................do. Dibner, Frederick..............do. Stilwagoner, William........do. Dindorf, Jacob....................do. Shipp, David S.................do. Eaton, Joseph B.................do. Van Gasken, Wesley.........do. Ephlin, David...................do. Wentz, Peter.....................do. Eisenhart, John E..............do. Weir, John......................do. Fulk, Ephraim P..............do. Woodley, Daniel J............do. Gilger, Darius S...............do. Weaver, George W...........do. Haas, Charles L. V............do. Williams, Thomas R.........do. Hass, James H..................do. Zehnder, John B..............do. Harris) Thomas..................do. COMPANY B. IIECRUITED AT MOSCOW, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Hiram S. Travis.............Captain. Benjamin J. Stephens.....First Corporal. Frank Wambacker.........First Lieutenant. David Weldy.................Second Corporal. Sanford G. Coglizer.........Second Lieutenant. George Weldy................Third Corporal. Jacob Swartz...................First Sergeant. Warren Breemer...........Fourth Corporal John F. Sayers.............Second Sergeant. Paul Debler..................Musician. John W. Fike.............Third Sergeant. William Miller.................do. Delton F. Miller...........Fourth Sergeant, Albro, William..............Private. 80 EIGHTTH REGTVIENT, Austin, Shadrach G.........Private. M'Doherty, James S.......Private. Austin, Richard................. Nole, Herbert M..............do. Aten, James R...............do. Powell, Levi.................. do. Bird, John.........................do. Robinson, David...............do. Bender, Adolph...............do. Rhodes, Thomas P............do. Brennan, Thomas..............do. Roach, James A................do. Barclay, Matthias...............do. Rhodes, Morris H..............do. Barnes, George...............do. Rockwell, William R.......do. Benson, Thomas L..............do. Rodgers, Benjamin F........do. Cooper, Nicholas.................do. Ryan, G. William.............do. Curtis, Nodiah................do. Rease, William....... do. Chrisman, George..............do. Scott,.Richard H...............do. Clouse, Charles..................do. Smith, Freeman...............do. Colvin, I-oratio V...............do. Switer, Francis.................do. Conner, Thomas R...............do. Smith, Robert..................do. Davenport, Henry L...........do. Stalbert, Merrit................do. Davenport, James T...........do. Swan, Nelson...................do. Felts, Horatio P.................do. Sterling, David C..............do. Gilchrist, Samuel................do. Sherwood, Obediah...........do. Hoover, Lorenzo D.............do. Scott, Jerome....................do. Hinds, Henry M.................do. Shaffer, John....................do. Hurley, Michael W............do. Sayers, Vincent J..............do. John, Frederick................do. Smith, John.....................do. Kiser, Abraham.................do. Sylich, Milton................do. Kilpatrick, Samuel............do. Tanfield, John A...............do. Knapp, Joseph...................do. Tompkins, Levi B............do. La France, William............do. Wallace, Joseph W...........do. La France, Joseph..............do. Wilber, Chester.............. do. Le Compt, Benjamin..........do. Wood, Patrick.................do. Murring, Westbrook...........do. Yarrington, Dorman A.....do. Martin, Ezra B................do. Yeager, Spencer...............do. M'Guigan, James.............do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT WILKESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. William Brisbane............Captain. M'Williams, Charles......Private. Joseph Wright................First Lieutenant. M'Gee, Daniel W...............do. John B. Conyngham.......Second Lieutenant. M'Neil, Norman.............do. Lyman R. Nicholson........ First Sergeant. M'Cormick, John..............do. William J. Fell...............Second Sergeant. M'Farlane, Roderick.........do. Beriah S. Bowers............Third Sergeant. Powell, John.....................do. William C. Rohn............. Fourth Sergeant Piper, John......................do. Treat B. Camp................First Corporal. Patten, Joseph W..............do. Samuel B. Hibler............Second Corporal. Puterbaugh, Alex'r..........do. Albert M. Bailey.............Third Corporal. Partington, William A......do. Edwin S. Osborne............Fourth Corporal. Puterbaugh, Samuel H.....do.b Thomas J. Schleppy.........Musician. Prideaux, Richard............do. Joseph W. Collings............do. Reymer, John.................. do. Crusan, Andrew J...........Private. Robbins, Stephen D...........do. Chase, Edward H................do. Robbins, Adam.................do. Cook, William H...............do. Reel, Miles........................do. Clossen, Daniel..................do. Reese, George A...............do. Clossen, Andrew................do. Rittenhouse, Wesley.........do. Carey, George B..............do. Rohn, David L.................do. Deitrick, Orlando..............do. Rennard, Charles..............do. Downs, William G..............do. Remmel, Jacob.................do. Dailey, Elisha A................do. Raub, James A.................do. Everett, Joseph H..............do. Rines, William W............do. Gray, Peter.......................do. Stevens, Giles E...............do Gregory, Jacob................. do. Schoonover, Nathan.......... do. Gorham, Willett E..............do. Stevens. Charles F............do. Harvey, James..................do. Stroh, Henry................. do; Humble, John....................do. Smith, Frank.................do. Hughey, Andrew J............do. Stookey, Samuel..............do. Hoover, George.................do. Tripp, Isaac.....................do. Harris, James D.................do. Taylor, Preserve..............do. Irvin, Burtis.......................do. Vanscoten, William I......do. Jumper, George W............do. Waring, George E............do. Keller, Charles...................do. Ward, William H., Jr......do. Kearney, Patrick............... Wood, Daniel....................do. Kelley, George W..............do. Walker, Lazarus S...........do. Kelley, James....................do. Watson, William W.........do. Kizer, Isaiah.....................o. Youngst, Alexander.........do. Moser, William..................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 81 COMPANY D.'RJVC'UITED AT WILEESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Jacob Bertels..................Captain. Gallagher, Patrick, lst...Private. Richard Fitzgerald.......... First Lieutenant. Gallagher, Patrick, 2d.......do. Patrick Lenihan............. Second Lieutenant. Heley, Thomas..................do. Michael Reily..................First Sergeant..ouston, Patrick...............do. John C. Reily.................Second Sergeant. Killroy, Edward..............do. Michael Gilligan............ Third Sergeant. Keeghran, Michael............do. Joseph P. Byrne.............Fourth Sergeant. Lynch, James...................do. Daniel M'Bride.............First Corporal. Levey, Patrick..................do. Daniel Shoolin.............Second Corporal. Looby, John......................do. Thomas Devaney............ Third Corporal. Lisk, John.......................do. John Ryan.......................Fourth Corporal. Lynch, Bernard................do. Bartholomew Lynch.......Musician. Lahey, Thomas.................do. John Batterton................ do. Lebar, Peter.....................do. Boyle, Philip....................Private. Lawler, John...................do. Baney, John.......................do. M'Dowell, John.................do. Biglin, Patrick....................do. M'Coy, Thomas................do. Brennan, Patrick, st......... do. M'Cluskey, Thomas..........do. Birmingham, Thomas.........do. M'Conelogue, John...........do. Boran, Thomas..................do. Merghan, William............do. Boylan, James....................do. M'Maniman, Thomas........do. Brennan, Patrick, 2d..........do. Morris, Michael.................do. Coyle, Matthew.................do. Mulvey, Michael...............do. Caffrey, John.....................do. M'Tigue, Patrick...............do. Clark, John........................do. M'Cool, John..................do. Cunningham, Daniel..........do. M'Reenelly, John............do. Cosgrove, John..................do. M'Ginness, Michael...........do. Collins, John......................do. M'Cormick, Daniel............do. Curran, Michael................do. O'Donnell, Thomas..........do. Cull, Frank.......................do. Plnm, James..................... do. Coggles, Michael.................do. Paul, Patrick...................d Collins, Patrick..................do. Ryan, Martin....................do. Delaney, John..................do. Reily, Lawrence...............do. Dolton, James....................do. Ruddy, Michael..............do. Davis, Evan.......................do. Sullivan, John..................do. Dougher, James.................do. Sullivan, Timothy............do. Dougherty, James..............do. Sherron, Edward..............do. Evans, John......................do. Scott, John...................... o. Fogarty, Patrick...............do. Totton, Dalton W.............do. Graham, John...................do. Welsh, Martin.................do. Griffith, Patrick................do. Ward, John......................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT SCRANTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. John M'Casey.................Captain. Cusick, Michael............Private. John O'Grady...............First Lieutenant. Corden, John R................do. Michael O'Hara..............Second Lieutenant. Corden, William..............do. Anthony Lofters............. First Sergeant. Colburn, Joseph F............do. James Howley................Second Sergeant. Churchill, John................do. ]Francis Mahon...............Third Sergeant. Crist, Benjamin................do. Morris O'Brien...............Fourth Sergeant. Decker, Lewis..................do. John Lanagan...............First Corporal. Dorson, Michael...............do. Richard Lanagan............ Second Corporal. Davis, David H................do. Richard Fitzgerald.........Third Corporal. Fleming, James...............do. John Gerry.....................Fourth Corporal. Forrester, James...............do. Peter Pennypacker.........Musician. Fleevellen, George............do. John Hartline....................do. Fitzpatrick, John..............do. Blackman, Joseph...........Private. Fox, Thomas...................do. Burk, Mark.......................do. Foy, Thomas....................do. Brand, Charles.................do. Grass, Michael..................do. Baronosky, Francis............do. Gallagher, Charles............do. Buckley, Thomas...............do. Gillespie, Anthony............do. Cannavan, John................do. Handley, John.................do. Clouser, Samuel.................do. Jackson, John F...............do. Cannavan, Henry...............do. Kelley, Dennis................do. Cannavan, James..............do. Kirk, Michael............... do. Cawley, Matthew..............do.' Lenihan, Patrick..............do. x l11 382 EIGHTH REGIMENT, Lanagan, Thomas.........Private. Shannon, William.........Private. Lynn, Edward................do. Saxton, Patrick H............do. M'Lane, Alen....................do. Shibblehood, John............do. Mullison, John H..............do. Sinclair, Theodore............do. M'Grael, James.................do. Smith, William.................do. Mullin, Patrick..................do. Tindle, Samuel.................do. Munford, Delos................do. Taylor, John H.................do. M'Manus, John................do. Tigue, Michael..................do. Murray, John J.................do. Urfrels, Jeremiah..............do. Mullen, Reuben................do. Vankirk, Peter.................do. M'Cracken, Daniel..............do. Walsh, Michael................d. Manning, Michael..............do. Williams, Reuben............do. Pearce, David..................do. Wright, Joseph................do. Rourke, Francis...............do Whiting, William............do. Ross, Joseph..................... Willias, John................do. Ruddy, John.....................do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT WILKESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY..MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Edwin W. Finch............Captain. Jenkins, John..............Private. Butler billey.............F...First Lieutenant. Krupp, John C..................do. Isaiah M. Leach..............Second Lieutenant. Killian, Philip..................do. Alpheus C. Montauge.....First Sergeant. Lobach, Andrew J.........do. Charles B. Metzgar.........Second Sergeant. Leach, Isaiah M...............do. Charles B. Stout..............Third Sergeant, M'Laughlin, Robert..........do. Oliver A. Parsons............Fourth Sergeant. Minick, John H................do. Benjamin F. Louder........First Corporal. M'Guire, Rufus.................do. John J. M'Dermott.........Second Corporal. Manville, Ozro..................do. William H. Rowntree......Third Corporal. Myers, Judson W............. do. Paschal L. Hoover.........Fourth Corporal. Neuer, John...................do. Charles H. Hay...............Musician. Newsbiggle, Joseph...........do. David C. Connor.................do. Post, Charles B................do. Albert, Joseph.................Private. Riley, Alfred....................do. Atherton, J. Casey.............. o. Riley, Bernard.................do. Briggs, Emory..................do. Rhodes, Sylvester.............do. Breese, Martin...................do. Rankins, William............do. Culver, James.................do. Randolph, Alfred..............do. Collins, Hugh...................do. Root, Henry J................do. Cyphers, Charles M.............do. Root, Chauncy B........ do. Detrick, Emanuel. do. Russell, James............do. Doobar, Abraham.............do. Russell, James..................do. Doobar, Abraham do................o. Shepherd, James H...........do. Elliott, Charles H............... do. Stookey, Charles B...........do. Ellis, William W...............do. Swan, William A..............do. Finch, Irvin E o............... do. Shutt, David R...............do. Fordham, John N...............do. Severn, John..................do. Flickinger, Peter...............do. Severn, James................do. Frase, John........................do. Tucker, Theodore A.........do. Fritz, Nathan....................do. Tucker, Thomas O...... do. Frantz, Henry....................do. Troub, Gotlieb................do. Fell, Samuel C.................do. Turner, James C..............do. Groff, John E....................do. Taylor, David J...............do. Gruver, Lee D...................do. Uplinger, James...............do. Gordon, Henry M...............do. Valentine, William H......do. Gorman, Allen................ do Wood, Horton..................do. Hughes, George..................do. Waters, Reuben H............do. Haney, Ebert....................do. Weaver, Newton T...........do. Hay, Peter H.....................do. Young, Jacob.................do. Johnson, William.............do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT WILKESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. George N. Reichard.........Captain. Jacob Goeby................ Fourth Sergeant. John N. Treffeisen........... First Lieutenant. Christian Treffeisen........First Corporal. Gustavus E. IHahn...........Second Lieutenant. Andreas Haussam.........Second Corporal. George W. Smith............First Sergeant. Henry Katzenbacker.....Third Corporal. Joseph Harold............. Second Sergeant. John Marr.....................Fourth Corporal. Christopher Walther.......Third Sergeant. William Kaiser..............Musician. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. Frederick Andrie.............Musician. Joachim, Anton.............Private. Adrien, Christian............Private. Jayne, Thomas.................do. Burkhardt, Max...............do. Klinghammer, Anton........do, Braehl, Henry.................. do. Korff, Rudolph.................do. Boehm, Benedict..............do. Killian, John....................do. Bohne, Peter.................. do. Loomis, C. F.....................do. Bauman, John....................do. Long, Charles...................do. Bach, Frederick...............do. Loeffler, Fritz...............do. Blair, Michael................do. Luckhardt, Jacob.............do. Brandt, Maurice...............do. Mowery, John....d..........do. Bickle, Matthew.................do. Mahler, Jacob...................do. Dieffenbach, Lewis............do. Mathews, John..................do. Easterle, Jacob..................do. Mehlmann, Morto.......... do. Farly, Franklin...............do. Mitz, Florian.............do. Engel, Charles.................do. Oppel, John......................do. Frauenthal, Abraham.........do. Peter, John..................... do. Firestine, Charles..............do. Riester, William...............do. Futtrer, Conrad................do. Russ, Henry.....................do. Fritz, George.................. do. Ruebenach, Matthew........do. Frey, Zeno..................do. Sengfelder John...............do. Glessner, Philip............. do. Schmitt, Frederick............do. Goebz, Jacob.....................do. Shearer, Frederick............do. Gersting, Frederick........... do. Schmalst. Ernst...............do. Gerlitz, Nicholas...............do. Schaule, William............. do. Grapp, Jones.................do. Sittig, Joseph....................do. Hansam, Andrew..............do. Snyder, Michael...............do. Harfman, Henry...............do. Woolbert, Albert C...........do. Haiwish, John...............do. Weiss, Christian...............do. Hartman, Joseph...............do. Wench, Jacob...................do. Haugg, Emile...................do. Wern, Conrad..................do. Hess, Philip..............do. Wassmuth, Justus............do. Helfrick, Nicholas....... do. Zibb Conrad.............. do. Ittel, Lorenzo................do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT SCRANTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Henry W. Derby........... Captain. Hastings, John, let....... Private. Beaton Smith, Jr.............First Lieutenant. Hastings, John, 2d............do. William D. Snyder.........Second Lieutenant. Hardy, Robert..................do. Thomas Edmonds............FirstSergeant. Henson, Henry B..............do. Henry Derris..................Second Sergeant. Houser, Harry..................do. Charles Knerr.................Third Sergeant. Hopkins, John..................do. Joseph R. Shultz.......... Fourth Sergeant. Jamison, William.............do. Israel Ruth.....................First Corporal. Kind, Hudson D...............do. William Bryden............Second Corporal. Kirlin, Hiram P...............do. Monroe Koch..................Third Corporal. Long, Anthony.................do. William Booth.................FourthCorporal. Miller, William.................do. Adams, Charles G...........Private. Mullihan, Thomas....... do. Bradford, Miles N...............do. Palmer, John M..............do. Benjamin, Lyman T..........do. Peters, George W............. do. Bloom, Thomas B..............do. Palmer, George C.............do. Bloff, William F.............. do. Rhodes, Simon..................do. Bouten, Samuel A..............do. Rex, Henry......................do. Bound, Abram L...............do. Robbing, Nicholas...........do. Brown, James O................do. Richards, Joshua..............do. Buckland, Warren.............do. Shiffer, Joseph S.............do. Cherry, Theodore...............do. Silkman, Mead S.......do. Conklin, George W............do. Shafer, Chrles.................do. Cobb, Samuel.....................do. Shively, Peter.................do. Coon, John.................. do. Smith, Peter,J..................do. Crawford, Hugh R..............do. Stark, William................do. Decker, Martin...................do. Stephens, Roland N...........do. Diehl, Hugh M.................do. Swartz, John..............do. Drake, Andrew J...............do. Staples, William A...........do. Ennis, Henry................. do. Thomas, William H.........do. Etting, Frederick M...........do. Wigton, David.................do Fleming, Alexander L........do Wittingham, Joh............do. Gabrio, Peter S.................do. Wilson, Edwin B..............do. Gregory Nfathan C.............do. Ward, Charles E........do. Galloway, Jacob W............do. Williams, William H........do. Habe, Dinsmore.................do. Woolley, James...............do. Haines, John.................. do. Yapel, Fletcher D.............do. Haley, Stephen H...,.........do. 84 EIGHTH REGIMENT, COMPANY I. RECKUIITED AT BROOKVILLE, JEFFERSON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Amor A. M'Knight......... Captain. Hibler, Samuel............. Private. John Hastings................First Lieutenant. Hall, James................. do. Herman Kretz................Second Lieutenant. Hall, Thomas L..............do. William J. Clyde............First Sergeant. Hart, Randall..................do. Albert C. Thompson........Second Sergeant. Hetrick, Paul...............do. A branm M. Hall...............Third Sergeant. Henry, Robert A............. do. Winfield Barr..................Fourth Sergeant. Henderson, Joseph B........do. Steele S. Williams...........First Corporal. Jones, Jared....................do. Richard J. Espy.............Second Corporal. Johnston, Wellington........do. Augustus C. Craig...........Third Corporal. Kinley, Daniel.................do. William J. Bair...............Fourth Corporal. Lon,, Thomas..................do. James L. Holliday...........Musician. Matson, Wilmarth............do. George Bowdish.................do. Moore, James H...............do. Anderson, Samuel...........Private. Murphy, Joseph K............do. Black, Albert.................do. M'Cauley, Robert T..........do. Bryant, Fernando C............do. M'Cullough, David R........do. Bryant, Milo L...................do. NMorehead, James..............do. Benner, Samuel................do. M'Fadden, Levi................do. Bowdish, Joseph.................do. M'Fadden, Shannon.........do. Covil, Sylvanus T...............do. M'Aninch, Elijah..............do. Clingensmith, Josiah.........do. Ohls, George....................do. Craig, Alfred......................do. Osman, William...............do. Craig, Joseph.....................do. Prevo, John.......................do. Chittester, Niman...............do. Pierce, William N...........do. Coe, Daniel L.....................do. Persall, John W...............do. Clark, William T...............do. Robinson, Robert J...........do. Cravner, Simon P..............do. Stivers, John..................do. Depp, Samuel W................do. Steck, Francis H..............do. Darrow, John....................do. Spottswood, Thaddeus T...do. Dolphin, John....................do. Toye, William..................do. Elliott, John.......................do. Taylor, Alexander............do. Fox, Henry B....................do. Verbeck, Gustavus...........do. Fails, Horace.....................do. Warner, Robert................do. Gilbert, John L.................do. Walkup, Joseph N............do. Garrison, Lorenzo S............do. Weaver, Amos............ do. Groover, Leonard A.............do. Williams, Mark H............do. Gallagher, John S...............do. White, Alexander C.........do. Gilmore, Robert.................do. Warner, Hiram.................do. IHet.rik, George W............do. COMPANY K. RECOUITED AT BROOKVILLE,.JEFFERSON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. William W. Wise............Captain. Clark, Asa M.................Private. John C. Dowling.............. First Lieutenant. Clark, Franklin W...........do. Wilson Keys................. Second Lieutenant. Christie, Andrew..............do. Samuel C. Arthurs..........First Sergeant. Coon, Samuel H...............do. John Coon.......................SecondSergeant. Coon, Charles B................do. Benjamin Lerch..............Third Sergeant. Crosby, George W............do. Orlando H. Brown...........Fourth Sergeant. Confer, William P............do. John M. Cummins...........First Corporal. Currier, Isaac..................do. Potter J. Miller..............Second Corporal. Dibler, Lewis....................do. Charles Wilson..............Third Corporal. Dibler, Benjamin.............do. Franklin Reas................Fourth Corporal. Dowling, James C............do. David Dickey..................Musician. Deacon, John B.................do. James Campbell................do. Fleck, Christopher D.........do. Adams, William............Private. Gaupp, Lewis...................do. Armstrong, Sydney............do. George, William...............do. Bates, David......................do. Gaffield, Wort..................do. Bell, Rowlin M...............do. Hawthorn, Henry.............do. Burge, Lafayette...............do. Hawthorn, George............do. Baum, Edward H...............do. Hadden, Archibald...........do. Baldwin, James..................do. Hawley, Benjamin............do. Baird, Thomas.................do. Keck, Peter......................do. Baldwin, David..................do. Love, Andrew.................do. B]ose, Darius..................do. Logan, JamesW............. do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 85 May, Samuel..................Private. Shugert, Addis M..........Private. M'Aninch, Hiram..............do. Swineford, Salumnnia......... do. M'Aninch, Harvey.............do. Swineford, David..............do. Mitchell, Alexander H.......do. Sheets, William W............do. Mitchell, Samuel H............do. Shaffer, Chauncey.............do. Neil, William.....................do. Taylor, David L................do. Parsons, Judson J..............do. Taylor, Philip P................do. Porter, David.....................do. Van Overbeck, Franklin...do. Porter, George....................do. Welden, Barton B............do. Page, Henry.......................do. Wilson, Samuel................do. Riggs, Burdell....................do. Watson, James H.............do. Rhodes, Daniel..................do. Whiteman, Franklin M.....do. Rumberger, Franklin.........do. Woods, Oliver..................do. Robinson, James.................do. Young, William E............do. Rankin, Adam A...............do. Young, Stephen R............do. Smathers, William.............do. NINTH IREGIMENT. THE Ninth regiment was formed from companies, assembled at Camp Curtin, from widely separated sections of the State. These companies were recruited by the men who afterwards became their officers, and arrived in camp from the 20th to the 23d of April, 1861. Without any previous concert of action, with a view to a regimental organization, ten companies were brought together, and the regiment was organized by the choice of the following officers: Henry C. Longnecker, of Allentown, Lehigh county, Colonel; W. H. R. Hangen, of Allentown, Lehigh county, Lieutenant Colonel; Charles Glantz, of Easton, Northampton county, Major. Thomas S. Bell, of West Chester, was appointed Adjutant. At the time of the choice of officers Colonel Longnecker was in New York city, but immediately on being informed of his election, hastened to Harrisburg, and joined his regiment. From the date of its organization, April 22d, to May 4th, it remained at Camp Curtin, during which time it received arms and accoutrements, and was subjected to daily drill. On the 4th of May, the regiment proceeded by rail to West Chester, arriving about nine o'clock in the evening, in the midst of a severe storm of snow and sleet. No provision had been made by the government for food or quarters for the troops; but they were cordially welcomed by the citizens, and provided with every thing necessary for their comfort; and so long as they remained in the vicinity of the town, they received frequent and substantial tokens of kindness. The court house, and a commodious public school building, were thrown open for their reception. A healthy and beautiful location was selected for a camp, which was designated by Colonel Longnecker, the commandant, Camp Wayne, in honor of General Anthony Wayne, this being the immediate neighborhood of his revolutionary exploits. The regiment practiced company and battalion drill with great assiduity. A few days later, the Eleventh regiment, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Coulter, joined the Ninth, at Camp Wayne, where Colonel Longnecker had erected permanent quarters of lumber, the government not having furnished tents. It was some time before clothing was provided, and, when received, it proved to be of inferior quality. The Ninth regiment moved by rail on the 26th of May, via Philadelphia, to Wilmington, Delaware. It was ascertained that bands of disloyal citizens were in camps of instruction, preparing to join the rebels, and this regiment was thrown into the State to encourage and strengthen the loyal sentiment, and to prevent the sending of troops to the rebel army. A camp was formed at Hare's Corners, at the intersection of the road leading from Wilmington to New Castle, and the great highway running parallel to the Delaware river, some three or four miles from New Castle. Remaining here until the 6th of June, the regiment was ordered to join General Patterson's command, at Chambersburg, to which place it proceeded by the Northern Central and Cumberland Valley roads. The Ninth was attached to the 4th Brigade, of the 1st Division, commanded by Colonel Dixon S. Miles, of the Regular army, who was subse THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 87 quently killed at Harper's Ferry.* On Thursday, the 13th of June, the Brigade moved from Chambersburg on the road to Greencastle, and encamped near the Rhode Island command of Governor Sprague, and the regiment of Colonel Burnside. Advancing to the Potomac, on Sunday, the 16th of June, Miles' Brigade crossed the river, the Ninth holding the right of the column, and encamped about three miles from the stream, on the road from Williamsport to Martinsburg. The ferry at Williamsport had been destroyed by the rebels, and the troops were obliged to wade, the water reaching to the arm pits of the smaller men of the command. On the 17th of June, Colonel Miles, with his detachments of the Second, Third, and Eighth regiments of U. S. infantry, was ordered to Washington. He accordingly turned over the command of the balance of the Brigade to Colonel Longnecker, the ranking officer, and ordered him to return to Williamsport with the three volunteer regiments, and report in person to the commanding General of the Division, Major General Cadwalader. Recrossing the river, the Brigade encamped near the ford, which it was commanded to hold. In this camp the regiment remained, drilling, performing picket duty, and experiencing the varied alarms incident to an inexperienced soldiery, until July 1st, when the whole army, in and about Williamsport, began to move across the river, in the direction of Martinsburg. The enemy under Jackson having been driven back in the engagement at Falling Waters, the Ninth encamped on the following night on a portion of the battle ground. Advancing on the following day to Martinsburg, it went into camp, where it remained till the 15th of July, when the 4th Brigade moved out on the Winchester pike, to Bunker Hill. As early as the 8th of July, a general forward movement had been decided on by the commanding General, with the design of giving battle to the enemy concentrated at Winchester and Bunker Hill, and the order had been issued for the army to move in two columns, led by the Brigades of Thomas and Stone. But before the movement had commenced, General Patterson was induced to hold a conference with his principal officers, at which the opposition t to an at* Organization of 4th Brigade, Colonel Dixon S. Miles; 1st Division, Major General George Cadwalader. Detachments of 2d and 3d U. S. infantry, Major Sheppard, commanding; Ninth Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel H. C. Longnecker, commanding; Thirteenth Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Thomas A Rowley, commanding; Sixteenth Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Thomas A. Zeigle, commanding. t MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF WAR, HELD JULY 9, 1861, AT MARTINSBURG, VIRGINIA. — Captain Simpson, Topographical Engineers. The difficulty of our present position arises from the great facility the enemy has to concentrate troops at Winchester from Manassas Junction. By the railroad, twelve thousand men could be sent there in a day, and again sent back to Manassas. Our forces should combine with the forces at Washington. Captain Newton, Engineers. Our present positionis avery exposed one. General Johnston can keep us where we are as long as he pleases, and at any time make a demonstration on our rear. Our wholelineis a false one. Wehave no business here, except for the purpose of making a demonstration. He threatens us now. We should be in a position to threaten him. We should go to Charlestown, Harper's Ferry, Shepherdstown, and flank him. Colonel Stone. It is mainly a question for the staff. Our enemy has great facility of movement, and to extend our line would be accompanied with great danger. Johnston should be threatened from some other point. * * * General Negley, ditto to Captain Newton. Colonel George H. Thomas, approves of a flank movement to Charlestown. Colonel Abercrombie, the same. General Keim, the same. General Cadwalader, opposed to a forward movement. Conduct of the War, Vol. IIT p 85. 88 NINTH REGIBENT, tack was so decided that the order for the advance was countermanded. The means of transporting supplies were inadequate, and the difficulty of guarding the line was increasing with every day's advance. The tenacity with which the enemy held his position at Winchester, and fortified himself against all approaches from Bunker Hill, indicated a confidence in his ability to successfully hold it. In an entrenched camp, miles in extent, and well provided with artillery and cavalry, the rebel leader, with every advantage in his favor, was evidently willing to give battle. Subsequent experience has abundantly shown the hazard of attacking fortified positions with even superior forces. A communication,* forwarded from the War Department three days later, showed that the intentions of the enemy were correctly interpreted by this Council of War. On the 17th of July, Colonel Longnecker's Brigade moved from Bunker Hill towards Charlestown, and encamped that evening in the vicinity of the town. Remaining here until the 21st, it moved to Harper's Ferry, where it crossed the Potomac, fording the river near the ruins of the National armory, and encamped about a mile back on the Maryland side. On the 22d of July the Ninth regiment, Colonel Longnecker, and the Thirteenth, Colonel Rowley, were ordered to march the same day for Hagerstown, and thence by rail to Harrisburg, the period of enlistment having expired. Arriving at Harrisburg on the 24th, the men were paid, and mustered out of service. This regiment was well drilled, and under excellent discipline, and had opportunity offered, would doubtless have shown good soldierly qualities in battle. The health of the men throughout the term of service was good, no serious sickness prevailing, and the regiment suffered no loss by death or desertion. *WAR DEPARTMENT, MWashington, July 11, 1861. Major General PATTERSON, Martinsburg, Virginia: The author of the following is known, and he believes it authentic: WASHINGTON, July 9, 1861. The plan of operations of the Secession army in Virginia contemplates the reverse of the proceedings and movements announced in the "Express" of yesterday and Saturday. A schedule that has come to light, meditates a stand, and an engagement by Johnston, when he shall have drawn Patterson sufficiently far back from the river to render impossible his retreat across it on being vanquished, and an advance then, by Johnston and Wise conjointly upon M'Clellan, and, after the conquest of him, a march in this direction, to unite in one attack upon the Federal forces across the Potomac, with the army under Beauregard at Manassas Junction, and the wing of that army, the South Carolina regiments chiefly, now nine (9) miles from Alexandria. Success in each of these three several movements is anticipated, and thereby not only the possession of the Capital is thought to be assured, but an advance of the Federal troops upon Richmond prevented. * * * Real retreats, which have been anticipated, it will be seen, are, by this plan, altogether ignored. According to it, fighting and conquest are the orders. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Conduct of the War, Vol. II, p. 86. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 89 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. H. C. Longnecker...........Colonel. Henry M. H- ouse............Quartermaster. Wm. H. H. Hangen.........Lieutenant Colonel. Wm. H. Worthington....Surgeon. Charles Glantz...............Major. Claus Seimans...............Assistant Surgeon. Thomas S. Bell...............Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT WEST CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY, MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Henry R. Guss............ Captain. lawkins, George...........Private. Francis M. Guss.......F.......irst Lieutenant. Hutchinson, David,...........do. Richard D. Townsend......Second Lieutenant. Hall, Robert J..................do. Lewis Y. Evans...............First Sergeant. Hamill, Robert A..............do. John C. M'Kay......... Second Sergeant. Hopkins, Matthew M........do. James Powell..............Third Sergeant. Jenkins, Mahlon P.......... do. Thomas J. Townsend......Fourth Sergeant. Johnson, T. Rhoads...........do. Ephraim E. Black...........First Corporal. Jenkins, George.............do. Thomas E. Weber...........Second Corporal. Keech, William K............do. Thomas M'Kay...............Third Corporal. Kennedy, John.................do. Abel Griffith...................Fourth Corporal. Keech, James G...............do. James St. John...............Musician. Linton, James...................do. William S. St. John............do. Lovell, William................do. Abel, William S..............Private. Lupold, John...................do. Baldwin, Johnson C...........do. Lewis, Phineas................. do. Birney, David.....................do. M'Kay, William...............do. Bickings, Albanus..............do. Morris, John....................do. Caruthers, Henry W...........do. Morgan, Elwood...............do. Dock, William H...............do. Massey, Jefferson..............do. Daubman, Jacob.................do. Middleton, Elisha W.........do. Donley, John.....................do. Martin, William H............do. Davis, George..................do. M'Dermott, Bernard.........do. Dailey, Bayard..................do. Meteer, William...............do. Davis, Reese..............do. M'Namel, John.................do. Dutton, Alfred L................do. Pearce, William H. H......do. Dutton, Reese R................. do. Perry, Aaron B:................do. Donley, James P................do. Peace, Alfred....................do. Davis, John E.....................do. Peace, Samuel S...............do. Fithian, R. Powell..............do. Pearson, William..............do. Ferrell, William C..............do. Richardson, Taylor...........do. Finch, Isaac.......................do. Rudolph, Jervis J.............do. Ferrell, Morgan..................do. Rogers, John.....................do. Frame, Franklin................do. Strickland, 0. E...............do. Floyd, William..................do. Stone, Charles..................do. Fawkes, Isaac.................... do. Stackhouse, Benjamin......do. Gardner, William...............do. Stott, Sylvester.................do. George, William.................do. Taylor, Isaac B.................do. Gill, Taylor........................do. Wright, Andrew K...........do. Hickman, F. Sharpless......do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT KITTANNING, ARMSTRONG COUNTY MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. William Sirwell.............. Captain. Henry Grazier...............Second Corporal. Norwood G. Penny..........First Lieutenant. Henry Glauts...................Third Corporal. Samuel Robinson............Second Lieutenant. Matthias Freese...............Fourth Corporal. James L. M'Cain............First Sergeant. William W. W. Wallace,Musician. James Hillberry..............Second Sergeant. Thomas C. Wilson............do. James Lowther...............Third Sergeant. Armstrong, George........Private. James Gates...................Fourth Sergeant. Bell, William....................do. Darwin Phelps.................First Corporal. Beggs, Joseph P............do. 12 90 NINTH REGIMENT, Brown, Joseph...............Private. M'Mett, Robert..............Private. Benner, William................do. M'Cormick, Milton...........do. Boyd, Francis.....................do. M'Manus, Charles............do. Davis, Alexander S............do. M'Elunin, John L............do. Dugan, James.................do. M'Mullin, Archibald....... do. Davis, George W...............do. M'Garvey, James..............do. Edwards, Philip.................do. Mathews, George..............do. Fluke, Alfred L..................do. Oswald, Randolph............do. Frederick, John................do. Phelps, Henry F...............do. Frederick, August..............do. Premkard, Harrison.........do. Fishter, Michael.................do. Price, Isaac A...................do. Frailey, George S...............do. Porter, James...................do. Frailey, William...............do. Reynold, Jefferson............do. Gates, Joseph................... do. Robinson, Albert...............do. Garver, Joseph................... do. Rhoads, James................do. Hill, William...................do. Ross, Orlando W..............do. Hobaugh, Jacob................do. Stevenson, James H.........do. Hoaks, Henry W...............do. Smith, Charles W.............do. Hetherington, James.........do. Singer, August..................do. Henry, Hiram.................do. Shoup, Francis................do. Henry, Aldin.....................do. Sintser, George..................do. King, Charles M...............do. Serene, George.................do. Kerr, Valentine..................do. Truby, John H..................do. Keiner, Samuel F...............do. Trew, Charles.................do. Logan, William A.............do. Truit, Jefferson.................do. Mott, John........................do. Walker, Samuel..............do. Mackey, George W...........do. Welty, James B...............do. M'Millen, George W...........do. Wasson, Samuel...............do. M'Masters, James...............do. Wygant, Henry................do. M'Candless, George.............do. Wagoner, Frederick.........do. M'Vey, David L................do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Christian Kuhns.............. Captain. Lippart, William............Private Augustus Zag.................. irst Lieutenant. Lobach, Albert T..............do. John B. Alexander.........Second Lieutenant. Long, Andrew K..............do. John S. Lyne..................First Sergeant. Low, Jacob M..................do. Barnet Shafer.................Second Sergeant. Lisman, Casper.................do. John W. Keeney.......... Third Sergeant. M'Gibbens, Patrick...........do. John Low....................... Fourth Sergeant. M'Gown, William.............do. Charles Sanno..............First Corporal. Martin, Robert A..............do. Charles H. Foulk...........Second Corporal. Noble, James.............. do. Thomas Colwell............. Third Corporal. Noble, Jackens W. J.........do. John W. Shafer............. Fourth Corporal. Noble, James H................do. John M'Master...............Musician. Nealy, William............. do. John S. Cole.....................do. Peatus, David............... do. Armstrong, Calives......... Private. Peatus, Alexander............do. Alguier, Samuel................do. Rodgers, Alexander..........do. Bailey, David................. do. Robinson, John................do. Blaine, William S...............do. Ramsey, Wiliam............do. Curn, Henry.............. do. Swartz, John.....................do. Caufman, John H..............do. Swartz, Andrew...............do. Cornman, Augustus..........do. Snodgrass, William M......do. Deamer, Alexander T........do. Sitts, Samuel....................do. Durnin, Matthew W...........do. Smith, Alfred B.............do. Demole, Edward................do. Shuserman, John C...........do. Ebright, H.........................do. Spottswood, Edward.........do. Erick, George...................do. Sanno, Edward B..............do. Elliott, Samuel................. do. Sterrett, James.................do. Engelberger, William..........do. Stinmyer, Harman............do. Egolf, Lemuel.............. do. Sadler, Samuel G..............do. Fink, John C.....................do. Stouf, Michael B...............do. Gregg, William B...............do. Spong, John.....................do. Gilmore, Peter..................do. Thompson, David.............do. Grier, Samuel.....................do. Vansant, John.................,do. Gregg, John M.............. do. Vanard, Wilson.................do. Gauld, George W...............do. Watts, William M............ do, Hipple, Benjamin............do. Winnans, Jackson W......do Heavinger, George W......do. Wolf, Alexander...............do. Keller, Henry.............. do. Wert, Henry P...............do. Keeserman, William..........do. Weally,,J.1lc s G............ do, Kuntz, Philip....................do, THREE ITMONTHS SERVICE. 91 C OMPANY D. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. G. D. Hand.................... Captain. Kick, Lorentz................Privat,?. C. A. G. Keck..................First Lieutenant. Keiser, Edwin..................do. Enoch Phillips................Second Lieutenant. Keiser, William................do. Levi Stubler....................First Sergeant. Leister, Tilghman.............do. William Semmer.............Second Sergeant. Lockwood, Samuel...........do. Tilghman Miller..............Third Sergeant. Leister, Peter..................do. Morgan Richards............Fourth Sergeant. Lewellyn, Thomas............do. Charles Nolf, Jr..............First Corporal. Meyers, William H...........do. Richard Wilson............... Second Corporal. Morrison, John.................do. William Williams............Third Corporal. Michael; Charles H..........do. Granville Hangams.........Fourth Corporal. Manley, Lewis..................do. Henry Sttressen..............Musician. M'Clasky, John................do. William Miller...................do. M'Gee, Cornelius...............do. Arthur, Samuel...............Private. M'Hecker, John...............do. Barrow, Samuel C..............do. 1M'Hoes, Joshua...............do. Baumeister, William C......do. Patrick, John...................do. Clement, Hugh..................do. Panly, William H.............do. Craft, Levi..........................do. Paul, William..................do. Crogan, Richard................do. Reese, David...............do. Cooney, Michael.................do. Rohn, Wilson.................do. Dettwiler, Henry...............do. Ritter, Augustus..............do. Davis, Isaac........................ do. Schwab, Joshua...............do. Daniel, Daniel..................do. Snyder, William T............do. Edwards, Evan..................do. Snyder, James R..............do. Elliott, James................... do. Sattenfuse, William H......do. Eckenberger, Henry.........do. Schlosser, William............do. Fondran, Benedict..............do. Smith, Samuel..................do. Graham, John.................do. Smith, Stephen.................do. Grate, John........................do. Steinberger, Henry...........do. Hopkins, William...............do. Tombler, David A.............do. Hopkins, John..................do. Vansychell, James............do. Hughes, James.................do. Vreeland, Charles.............do. Henry, Francis..................do. Wilson, Frank I..............do. Hetthenson, James............do. William, Robert...............do. Hammerly, Roberts...........do. Werly, William................do. Hacker, Jacob...................do. W.olf, Abraham................. do. Jones, Joseph....................do. Xandres, Francis..............o. Kramsic, Edwards.............do. Young, James.................do. Kane, John........................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT WEST CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. James F. Andress............Captain. Chandler, James L.......,Private. DeWitt C. Lewis..............First Lieutenant. Dunn, Martin H...............do. W.Montgomery Hinkson,Second Lieutenant. Fimple, William..............do. William M'Connell.........First Sergeant. Ferguson, Robert............do. Davis E. Townsend.........Second Sergeant. Futhey, Samuel D............do. Samuel Burns, Jr............Third Sergeant. Friel, James....................do. Thomas L. Lewis............Fourth Sergeant. Ferry, William............... do. Samuel J. Thompson......First Corporal. Gould, P. Atwood.............do. Cyrus D. Hoopes.............Second Corporal. Gammel, James...............do. Hampton S. Thomas........Third Corporal. Glending, William............do. William W. Stott............Fourth Corporal. Hoopes, Jacob...................do. Casper Fahnestock..........Musician. Hale, Hugh.......................do. John W. Way....................do. Hadley, James..................do. Burns, William H...........Private. Haines, Joseph................do. Buckley, Edmund..............do. Huntsman, John...........do. Baker, Henry C..................do. Kirk, Lovi........................do. Baker, William...................do. Kennedy, William............do. Boyles, John M..................do. Kirk, Chandler................do. Bennett, Edward C............do. Lapp, Tsaac.............. do. Brubaker, John.................do. Maxton, James L..............do. Bride, Robert N.................do. Maxton, Martin V. B.........do. Chandler, David A.............do. M'Cormick, William.........do. Conhell, Patrick..................do. Moulder, Wilmer..............do. 92 NINTH EGILENT, Milbourn, Mark............P.rivate. Smith, George L............Private. M'Cullough, James............do. Smith, William.................do. M'Cue, John................. do. Smedley, Abiah T............do. Meredith, Lewis.................do. Smedley, Isaac.................do M'Dowell, Clarkson...........do. Taggart, Jesse................do M'Corkle, John D...............do. Taylor, Charles E............do. Miles, George....................do. Valentine, Henry C...........do. Moore, James.....................do. Vernon, Isaac................do. Otley, William...................do. Vandever, Elwood............do O'Brien, William.........do Wilson, George D..............do. Phipps, Aaron J............. o. Wilson, Samuel.................do. Rockey, Benjamin B..........do. Wilson, Lewis.................do. Riley, James..................do. West, William W.............do. Strickland, William B........do. Walton, James B..............do. Springer, Charles D............do. Wright, William H.........d Smith, Samuel D................do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT WEST CHESTER, CHESTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Samuel Huffty, Jr...........Captain. Hickman, Daniel...........Private. David Jones....................First Lieutenant. Henry, Jacob C.................do. Joseph T. Burnett............Second Lieutenant. Hayes, Job, Jr..................do. Josiah Burnett, Jr...........First Sergeant. Howard, William H. H.....do. Don Juan Wallings.........Second Sergeant, Irwin, George W...............do. Elijah B. Thomas............Third Sergeant. Jeffries, William D...........do. Ellwood P. Baldwin........Fourth Sergeant. Kern, Patrick................d George D. Townsend........First Corporal. Kickham, Thomas............do. Joseph F. Townsend........Second Corporal. Lewis, Joel....................do. George F. Bailey.............Third Corporal. Mills, John.......................do. Benjamin H. Downing.....Fourth Corporal. Mathews, George P...........do. Henry G. Yocum............Musician. Miles, William C...............do. Arthur B. Yeager..............do. Minster, John H...............do. Alan, Edwin T............... Private. M'Cafferty, Enos..............do. Ahn, Benjamin F.............. do. M'Clure, John.................do. Bailey, Thomas V...............do Miles, Christian.................do. Bear, William W...........d.. M'Afee, William D............do. Bittle, William L...............do. O'Neil, Edward.................do. Baldwin, Robert..............do. Potts, David.....................do. Brown, Francis A..............do. Pinkerton, Lewis J..........do. Brown, Elliot..................do. Packingham, Samuel H....do. Bonfield, George.................do. Pinkerton, John W...........do. Bailey, Joshua.............. do. Paltzgrobe, Henry...........do. Black, Robert L...............do. Robinson, David..............do. Clark, Jeptha.....................d Riley, Benjamin...............do. Clark, William H...............do. Russell, Joseph.................do. Carberry, John L...............do. Rhodwalt, John H............do. Caruthers, David P............do. Skeen, Benjamin F..........do. Downing, Dennis W...........do. Short, Thomas H..............do. Drummond, Kersey H....... do. Skeen, Robert, Jr.............do. Darlington, Hilbern............do. Smith, Cooper...do. Ford, Lewis J................do. Smith, Columbus...........do. Ford, John P....................do. Wesley, George W......do. Ford, John.............do. Wynn, Coleman........ do. Freas, Daniel H............ Wilson, Henry C...........do Guest, Thomas B............. do. Worrall, Le s.............do. Greiner, Frederick..............dc Webster, William D........do. Harvey, William.............do. Willard, Philip, J...,.......do Hickman, John............,...do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Richard A. Graeffe.........Captain. Joseph Hoefler..............Fourth Sergeant. Charles Goepp...............First Lieutenant. Francis Pleffer..............First Corporal. Frank A. Hetrick............Second Lieutenant. Francis Ries..................Second Corporal. Francis Mittenberger......First Sergeant. George Wahler..............Third Corporal. John Cooneyer...............Second Sergeant. Otto Hersh.....................Fourth Corporal. Martin Goth.................Third Sergeant, Joseph Flad.............Musician. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 9 William Weber................Musician. Loeffelmann, Augustus.Private. Adler, John.....................Private. Loeffler, David.................do. Beck, Jacob.......................do. Lutz, Godfrey..................do. Biermann, George..............do. Meyer, Frederick.............. do. Dennig, Adolphus..............do. Meyer, John.....................do. Ecker, Jacob......................do. Messinger, Peter...............do. Elhard, George..................do. Miller, Charles.................do. Epple, Frederick................do. Miller, Dr. George............do. Eppler, Martin....................do. Mock, Anthony................do. Franklin, Charles...............do. Moll, Pius........................do. Friedewald, Daniel............do. Palmer, George.................do. Froehler, Bernhard...........do. Pfisterer, Herrmann.........do. Froelich, Henry Elias.........do. Pfleger, John....................do. Gehr, Anthony.................do. Ries, Augustus...........do. Genther, Henry..................do. Ries, Conrad.....................do. Geauz, Otto.d................ do. Ries, Joseph.....................do. Haernmerlein, John...........do. Roesler, Frederick............do. Herrmann, Christian G......do. Rogers, Aaron..................do. Hetzler, Joseph.................do. Rapp, Rudolph.................do. Huber, Charles.................do. Roth, Frederick...............do. Hunter, John................do. Schaler, Julius.............do. Hutmacher, John...............do. Schrog, George..................do. Kaiser, Charles..............do. Schwarz, Jacob................do. Kaiser, Godfrey.................do. Stein, John Henry............do. Kaltenbach, William...........do. Strauss, David F...............do. Kemmerer, Gustavus.........do. Sturm, Henry..................do. Kiefer, Ignace...................do. Snomann, Andrew............do. Klette, Henry.....................do. Swaddell, George..............do. Kern, John.......................do. Weber, Clement...............do. Klump, Andrew................do. Weidknecht, Charles........do. Laetius, Maurice................do. Wendenburg, Lewis........do. Long, Joseph.................do. Wettlaenfer, Jacob........ do. Liebermann, Anthony........do. White, John.....................do. Lingeman, Henry..............do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT ST. CLAIR, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Edward Fame.................Captain. Johnson, William..........Private. John D. Jones..................First Lieutenant. Karbey, Joseph................do. Frederick A. Herwig...... Second Lieutenant. Karbey, Ralph..................do. Thomas Ray...................First Sergeant. Krebs, Pharaoh W............do. Henry Krebs, Jr..............Second Sergeant. King, James.....................do. John Mard......................Third Sergeant. Kreiges, Peter C...............do. John Carl........................Fourth Sergeant. Kern, Nicholas..................do. William J. M'Carthy.......First Corporal. Kaiss, Charles..................do. Edward F. Smith............Second Corporal. Kendall, Samuel...............do. William G. DeFunk........Third Corporal. Kelly, Peter.....................do. Thomas Torbett...............Fourth Corporal. Lewis, Thomas.................do. John Butterwick.............Musician. Lewis, Evan.....................do. Jacob Bumnersbach...........do. Lerman, John..................do. Atkinson, James.............Private. Mattler, Samuel...............do. Bumnersbach, Adam.........do. Mahoney, Jeremiah..........do. Bemne, Augustus,..............do. M'Gowen, John................do. Britt, Jacob..................do. Morgan, William..............do. Brewer, Lloyd T.................do. Martin, James..................do. Breman, William..............do. M'Hugh, -Michael..............do. Beamont, George...............do. Mahley, Peter................do. Blue, Charles H...............do. M'Lafferty, Franklin........do. Barnes, John W.............do. Neargart, Jacob...............do. Chadwick, Benjamin.........do. Nielos, Amos A............... do. Chilson, Luke W.E...........do. O'Niel, Morris..................do. Cope, William H................do. Parvin, Jacob, Jr..............do. Denning, Joseph H............do. Palmer, Thomas...............do. Donner, James.................do. Paul, Daniel...................do. Donal, William..................do. Reily, James....................do. Dress, Charles....................do. Rees, John W...................do. Freeman, Daniel W............do. Roorbach, Charles L.........do. Grum, Frederick................do. Steel, John B....................do. Hetherington, George.........do. Sedgwick, Michael............do. Howels, John......................do. Slenker, William H..........do. Humphreys, John..............do. Taggert, John..................do. Humes, William H............do. Wurne, Henry..................do. Harrison, John.................do. Welsh, Nicholas...............do. Haron, Samuel..................do. Wolf, Augustus................do. Hensel, EdwinF............... do. Zimmerman, Henry W.....do. Hannum, Hatton...............do. 94 NINTH REEGC IMENT, COMiP AN Y I. ItECRUITED AT C'HESTER, DELAWARE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Henry B. Edwards.........Ca ptain. Huff, William P............ Private..James G. Stacy..............First Lieutenant. Hughes, Williamn..............do. William Blackely............econd Lieutenant. Helmes, Goerge...............do. William B. Stevenson......First Sergeant. Jester, William F..............do. John Beck........... Scondl Sergeant. Kelley, James P................do. James Williams..............T' ird Sergeant. Kay, Edward....................do. William Eves..................Fourth Sergeant. Kershaw, John..................do. Isaac Weave..................First Corporal. Lilley, Edward.................do. William R. Thatcher....... Second Corporal. Lyons, Edward................do. Charles Story................... hird Corporal. M'Namel, Thomas............do. Jesse Cummins..............Fourth Corporal. M'Neil, William..............do. Ezra Dransfield................Musician. Marshall, John................do. Alexander King...............do. Marlon, William...............do. Booth, John.....................Private. M' Daniel, Samuel..............do. Barker, Joseph..................do. M'Aftee, George...............do. Brewster, Joseph..............do. Morton, John ut................ do. Benner, Lewis..................do. Phillips, John....................o. Barranclan, John C...........do. Pithey, Daniel..............do. Blythe, Thomas.................do. Pierce, Thomas F..............do. Baddin, Isaac F.................do. Quinn, Anthony...............do. Brown, William H.............do. Rodrigas, Francis..............do. Burke, David.....................do. Reaney, Robert.................do. 3Booth, George.................do. Shepherd, Samuel............do. Bruner, Thomas V............do. Scott, Francis....................do. Crothen, Edward...............do. Stevenson, Edgar..............do. Collisson, Joseph............... do. Skellinger, William K.....do. Cross, Samuel.....................do. Smith, John......................do. Crowther, Daniel................do. Smith, Samuel....... d..........o. Cliff, James........................do. Toy, Thomas.....................do. Carr, Allen........................do. Taylor, Joseph, Jr............do. Cutler, Frederick...............do. Turner, Richard...............do. Crider, Frederick...............do. Wilson, George W............do. Davis, Simeon................do. Wilson, Joshua L..............do. Doyle, John.....................do. Wagner, John................do. Elliott, William..................do. Wright, Robert.................do. Etennie, Theodore..............do. Woodhead, Alfred...........do. Fogg, Robert.....................do. Wigan, George..................do. Farmday, John...............do. Weaver, Reese L.............do. Groves, Joseph..................do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PORT CARBON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Matthew Byrnes.............Captain. Casley, James.,..............Private. William Cusack..............First Lieutenant. Coyle, Edward.................do. Thomas Brennan.............Second Lieutenant. Cannon, Michael...............do. John Mullen....................First Sergeant. Curren, Patrick.................do. John Moore.....................Second Sergeant. Curren, Edward...............do. Michael Dougherty........Third Sergeant. Curlin, Thomas.................do. Bernard Duffy.............Fourth Sergeant. Carr, Francis....................do. John Leamen..................First Corporal. Daily, James................ do. William Gaynor..............Second Corporal. Doggett, Peter................do. James Slattery................Third Corporal. Doregan, John............. do. James Burke.............Fourth Corporal. Flannery, William............do. Thomas Fegan...............Musician. Foyle, Martin....................do. Edward Cunningham.........do. Fitzsimmons, John...........do. Allison, James.................Private. Fitzgerald, William..........do. Agnew, James....................do. Gaven, Patrick.................do. Bowsman, Henry...............do. Gallaher, James................do. Baker, Martin.................do. Gleason, Patrick..............do. Brennan, John...................do. Florey, Edward................do. Brennan, Michael...............do. Hailey, Bryan..................do. Burns, Frank..................do. Harrison, Daniel...............do. Cawley, Patrick.................do. Hailey, John...................do. Condon, Richard................do. Hayes, Samuel.................do. Crandell, Ethan..................do. Jefferson, William............do. Creamer, James.................do. Keveney, Andrew............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 95.Kent, Daniel.................... Private. Prichard, George............Private. Kelly, Patrick.................... o. Parks, James..................d o. Katon, W illiam.................do. Ruddy, Hugh..................do. Little, George................... do. Reno,. John.......................do. M' Donnell, W illiam............do. Roe, Thomas.....................do. Mullin, Edward.................do. Ryan, James....................do. M'Vay, Edward..................do. Ryan, John, Sr.................do. M'Laughlin, James.............do. Ryan, John, Jr............do. M'Laughlin, Michael..........do. Sullivan, Michael..............do. Manough, Jeremiah...........do. Shannon, Patrick..............do. M'Cabe, Daniel............... o. Smith, Patrick............... do. Martin, John.................. o. Sullivan, James................do. Mooney, Daniel..................do. W hite, W illiam.......,........do. O'Brien, W illiam...............do. W alker, Patrick...............do. b'Brien; James..................do. TENTH REGIMENT. THE Tenth regiment was organized at Camp Curtin, on the 26th of April, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: Sullivan A. Meredith, of Philadelphia, Colonel; Oliver J. Dickey, of Lancaster, Lieutenant Colonel; Richard White, of Indiana, Major. Daniel H. Heitshue was appointed Adjutant. On the afternoon of the 1st of May, the regiment was ordered to move by rail to Chambersburg. Arriving late at night, it proceeded to Camp Slifer, where barracks, well provided with straw, had been prepared for its reception. With the exception of being too much crowded for new troops, the quarters were very comfortable. The following morning was cold and dreary, the earth being covered with snow. No provision had been made for the issue of rations, and men fresh from home, accustomed to a regular diet, became clamorous. Before evening, however, the farmers of the neighborhood, hearing of the wants of the men, came into camp with wagon loads of excellent bread, meat, pies, cakes and pickles, making the hearts of the soldiers glad, not more by satisfying the cravings of hunger than by the spirit of sympathy and kindness which prompted the act. While in Camp Slifer the men received clothing, and were daily drilled. The camping ground, though in the main a healthy one, was exposed to the malarious influence of a swamp in the rear, which occasioned considerable sickness, and two men from company B, privates Charles H. Winters and Samuel Armbister, died. The regiment was assigned to the 3d Brigade* of the 1st Division, and on the 8th of June received orders to march to Greencastle. Upon its arrival it encamped in a beautiful grove of oak and cedar, of some thirty acres in extent, about a mile north of the town, known as Camp Meredith. Remaining here, engaged in company and battalion drill, till the 25th of June, it was ordered to join in the general forward movement of General Patterson's army. Passing through Middleburg, about midday, the regiment was halted, the citizens placing barrels and buckets of cool water upon the pavement, by which the men, now on their first march, foot-sore and dusty, were much refreshed. As the columns moved on, the smoke was discernable, hanging like a pall over Harper's Ferry, from the ruins of the magnificent railroad bridge across the Potomac, fired by the order of the rebel General Johnston. After a fatiguing march of some twenty miles, the regiment went into camp near St. James College, about four miles from Williamsport. The ground occupied by the 3d Brigade * Organization of the 3d Brigade, Brigadier General E. C. Wfil'ams; 2d Division, General Cadwalader. 7th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Wm. II. Irwin; 8th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel A. H. Emley; 10th regiment Pennsylvania volunteer?, Colonel Sullivan A. Meredith; 20th regiment Pennsylvania volunteero, (Scott Legion,) Colonel William H. Gray. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 97 was contiguous to the field where Major Ringgold organized and drilled his famous battery for the Mexican war, and where rest the remains of that gallant officer. The authorities of the college, being destitute of a United States flag, the members of the regiment furnished one, just previous to their departure, and unfurled it upon the buildings. On the 16th of June, the Brigade broke camp and moved to Williamsport, where, on the 18th, the regiment was sent out in two battalions, one under command of Lieutenant Colonel Dickey, the other under Colonel Meredith and Major White, in anticipation that parties of rebels, following up the retreat of bColonel Thomas' Brigade, which had advanced into Virginia two days before, and was now falling back, would attempt to cross the river at the many fords in this vicinity; but no enemy being discovered it returned to camp. On Monday, the 24th of June, Captain, Doubleday having completed an earth work, placed in battery one smooth bore twenty-four pounder gun and one eight-inch howitzer, and opened on the toll' house, a stone building situated about one mile from the river on the Martinsburg pike, and occupied by rebel scouts. The first shot struck the corner of the building, driving out a party of about twenty of the enemy, who were just then preparing to partake of a bountiful supper. Unwilling to leave the savory dishes, prepared with much care, the party halted at some distance from the house to consider the situation, but a well timed shell from the howitzer brought the conference to a sudden conclusion, scattering the party in all directions, amidst the cheers of thousands of Union soldiers who witnessed the scene from the Maryland shore. On entering the house on the following day the supper was found undisturbed. An order was issued on the 1st of July, for the whole army to advance into Virginia on the following morning. It was received by the soldiers with hearty: cheers. They were impatient of delay, and desired to be led to victory. On -that night there was little sleep in camp. Many were writing letters to their friends at home, while around the great camp fires, boiling, roasting, and frying were in full progress, in preparation for the march. During the Aight, a small train of wagons arrived from Hagerstown, with clothing for the Tenth regiment, which was greatly needed, the uniforms of many of the men being badly tattered. They were sometimes taunted by the well-dressed soldiers for their shabby appearance; but beneath their rags they carried hearts as stout and brave as any who kept step to the music of the Union! Crossing the river on the 2d, the regiment advanced by the main pike towards Martinsburg. On the line of march, the traces of war were soon visible. Large fields of wheat, which had belonged to Union men, had been destroyed by the enemy's cavalry. These loyal Virginians had fled from their homes for safety, and were now returning with the National columns to behold their homes pillaged, and their substance wasted. On the morning of the 3d of July, company B was sent forward to support the City Troop of cavalry. In the neighborhood of the Berkeley county school house a slight skirmish ensued, in which one of the enemy's cavalry was killed and two wounded. In the afternoon the whole column marched into Martinsburg, amid demonstrations of joy and welcome from the citizens. The order to march on Winchester and give battle to the enemy having been countermanded, General Patterson, on the 9th of July, renewed his application to transfer his army to Leesburg, and to make that his base of opera13 98 TENTH REGIMENT, tions. General Scott gave permission, by telegram* of the 12th, to make the change of base desired, but ordered that demonstrations should be continued in front of Winchester until after the battle of Manassas, which, it was expected, would be fought on the 16th. At dress parade on the evening of Sunday, the 14th, the regiment was ordered to be prepared to move at daylight on the following morning with five days rations in haversacks. Taking the road to Bunker Hill, it soon became evident from the numerous camp grounds, that the enemy was in large force in front. The camps were located with. great care on high and sunny ground, convenient to shady groves and large springs of excellent water. Remaining in the vicinity of Bunker Hill until the 17th of July, the regiment was ordered to march to Charlestown. Arriving at four o'clock, P. M., it encamped on an eminence to the west of the town. Union soldiers! received little sympathy from the people of this strong hold' of secession. Moving out during the night of the 20th about two miles on the road leading to Harper's; Ferry, where a considerable body of infantry and artillery was drawn up in line of battle, the Tenth was placed in position facing to the north, with the right wing resting. on a thick wood, and the left on the river. Remaining encamped in position until the 23d, the disheartening news of our defeat at Bull Run was received. The campaign in Virginia was at an end. Marching on the 23d to Harper's Ferry, the regiment was drawn up in close column to receive General. Patterson and staff. Thanking the men for their soldierly conduct and strict attention to duty, the General said that he had advanced and offered the enemy battle in a fair field, which they had declined; that in the fight at Falling Waters they had been beaten by inferior numbers actually engaged; that, as the time of the three months' men had expired, they were now to return to their homes. Three cheers were given for the General. Oh the 24th the regiment moved to s point opposite Antietam creek, where it forded the river and took up the line of march to Hagerstown. Thither it was taken by rail to Harrisburg, where, on the 31st of July, the men received their pay and were mustered out of service. * General PATTERSON to General SCOTT, July 9th. * * * * Under these circumstances, I respectfully present tothe General-in-Chief the following plan, which, with my present views, I desire to carry into operation so soon as I can do so with safety, and the necessity for following Johnston ceases. I propose to move this force to Charlestown, from which point I can more easily strike Winchester, march to Leesburg when necessary, open communication to a depot to be established at Harper's Ferry, and occupy the main avenue of supply to the enemy. My base will then be some seven miles nearer, more easily reached by road, and my line of communication rendered more secure than at present. I can establish communication with the Maryland shore by a bridge of boats. In this way I can more easily approach you; and the movement, I think, will tend to relieve Leesburg and vicinity of some of its oppressors. My present location is a very bad one, in a military point of view, and from it I cannot move a portion of the force without exposing what remains to be cut off. * X * General SCOTT to General PATTERSON, July 12. Go where you propose in your letter of the 9th inst. Should that movement cause the enemy to retreat upon Manassas via Strasburg, to follow him at this distance would seem hazardous, whereas the route from Charlesto-wn via Keyes' Ferry, Hillsboro', and Leesburg, towards Alexandria, with the use of the canal on the ether side of the river for heavy transportation, may be practicable. * * * General SCOTT to General PATTERSON, July 13th. I telegraphed you yesterday, if not strong enough to beat the enemy early next week, make demonstrations so as to detain him in the valley of Winchester; but if he retreats in force towards Manassas, and it be hazardous to o.ils Nhim, then consider the route via Keyes' Ferry, Leesburg, &c. Conduct of the War, Vol II, Id 13Qo, NoS. 27, 28, 29. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 99 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Sullivan A. Meredith...... Colonel. Alexander M. White...... Quartermaster. Oliver J. Dickey..............Lieutenant Colonel. William H. Taggart....... Surgeon. Richard White...............Major. John I. Marks...............Assistant Surgeon. Daniel JH. Heitshue.........Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Henry A. Haines............Captain. Hinkle, William............Private. Henry S. Book................First Lieutenant. Haines, George B..............do. Abr'm N. Breneman........Second Lieutenant. Howard, Daniel..............do. Walter D. Carpenter.......First Sergeant. Hoff, Isaiah...................do. John Brown................... Second Sergeant. Lightner, Charles.............do. John M. Kline...............Third Sergeant. Myers, Emanuel...............do. John Fritz...................... Fourth Sergeant..Mather, Frederick I.........do. George M. Book..............First Corporal. Morton, Aaron..................do. John A. Eagle.................Second Corporal. M'Adams, John................do. William Bowers..............Third Corporal. Mullen, Moses S...............do. George A. Klugh............Fourth Corporal. Muller, Archibald...........do. John L. Jacobs................Musician. Nye, Henry..................do. Abraham Reiff..................do. Nixon, William.................do. Armstrong, William F....Private. Ness, James A..................do. Albright, Peter V.............. do. Nophsker, Samuel M........do. Baclkman, Joseph...............do. Paules, John A................do. Buller, William W........... do. Rumbaugh, Benjamin......do. Bostick, Samuel R.............do. Rhodes, Abraham W........do. Bonjey, Daniel...................do. Roth, Harrison..................do. Bowers, George W............ do. Roth, Albert M.................do. Breneman, George W.........do. Rinehold, John H........... do. Brenner, Joseph................ do. Shirman, Henry B............do. Carroll, Robert, Jr..............do. Seifred, George H.............do. Cassel, Abraham...............do. Stephens, Henry C...... do. Clodfetter, Martin.............do. Stilgen, William...............do. Carlton, William D........... do. Sprow, William................do. Dibeler, John B................. do. Seitz, Jacob.......................do. Drabenstadt, Samuel........ do. Snavely, Andrew W.........do. Dany, Frederick................ do. Shroll, John....................do. Fields, James.................... do. Trout, John F...................do. Filbert, Isaac S.................do. Wolfensberger, Isaac........do. Fettenberger, Jacob D.......do. Weitmer, William C.........do, Finley, John...................do. Wilgus, Samuel............do. Finley, James....................do. Welty, George.................do. Galbrath, Jefferson...........do. Weyer, Adam.................do. Green, Edward H..............do. Wisner, Sigmond E........... Gorner, Jacob....................do. Young, Joseph.............do Hipple, John............ do. Zohn, John Calyvii..... Hipple, Henry..............do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John H. Stover.............. Captain. Sidney T. Muffley........Second Corporal. John A. Rodgers.."'.....Fi'rst Lieutenant. Mark M'Kean...............Third Corporal. James P. Gregg............Second Lieutenant. Alfred Diehl................Fourth Corporal. George H. Stover.............First Sergeant. John Williams...............Musician. Jacob H. Myers...............Second Sergeant. Joseph Frochamiller.........do. Thomas B. Quay..............Third Sergeant. Armbister, Samuel........Private. Jesse Lucas....................Fourth Sergeant. Alerd, John.....................do. James F. Riddle............First Corporal. Anderson, John.................do. 100 TENTH REGIMENT, Bell, Walker I...............Private. Lirnbert, John...............Private. Bell, William R..................do. Lucas, William.................do. Barringer, Andrew............do. Lucas, Harrison...............do. Benner, A. Harvey............do. Myers, Theodore...............do. Beck, Henry.....................do. Myers, James..................do. Brocker, Samuel................do. M'Bride, James E............do. Blessing, Lewis..................do. Metzgar, Philip.................do. Burket, Erastus.................do. Otto, Samuel ).................do. Biddleman, Sylvanus.........do. Peters, Joseph J...............do. Bell, William S................ do. Patterson, James S...........do. Cook, Henry C..................do. Pruner, Daniel D.............do. Cook, Lindsey W...............do. Rodgers, George D............do. Cook, Christopher..............do. Rothrick, Thomas......... do. Childs, John....................do. Rohrback, John W...........do. Campbell, George..............do. Reyleman, John............do. Dixon, Samuel G..............do. Seil, Augustus..................do. F'ulmer, Levi H................do. Shearer, Henry H.............do. Finkle, John......................do. Showers, William.............do. Frazier, Alfred C...............do. Spangler, Simon..............do. Giffer, Oliver D.................do. Spence, John...................do. Gunsallas, John..................do. Stone, Joseph G................do. Huntzleman, Michael.........do. Schwann, Nicholas............do. Hannan, Daniel J...............do. Thomas, Francis...............do. Hamlin, Milton W............do. Trochamiller, Joseph........do. Houtz, John......................do. Updegrove, Ellis..............do. Hendershot, David............do. Ulrich, George.................do. Hinton, Joseph L...............do. Walter, David..................do. Hinton, Charles.................do. Walter, George...............do. Hudson, John.....................do. Williams, John...............do. Johnston, Charles..............do. Winters, Charles H...........do. Keys, Curtin.................... do. White, David..................do. COMPANY 0. REChUI'IED AT TAMAQUA, SCL[UYLKILL COUNTY'. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. William B. Lebo.............Captain. Krechmer, Elisha..........rivate. Solomon H. Lutz............irst Lieutenant. Kepley, Israel..................do. William Depue...............Second Lieutenant. Kehl, Samuel F................do. Edward Davis................First Sergeant. King, William.................do. Samuel B. Graeff..............Second Sergeant. Kitchen, Richard..............do. Daniel W. Davis.............Third Sergeant. Keistler, George.............. do. William M. Miller...........Fourth Sergeant. Kershner, John...............do. Charles Freidenberger.....First Corporal. Kolb, Charles.................. do. Edward P. Jones.............Second Corporal. Luch, Nicholas................do. John Southam...............Third Corporal. Lane, William.................do. David Nahf.F.... o....... ourth Corporal. Landig, John....................do. John Dunn................ Musician. M'Manimer, Patrick........do. Albert Moyer.....................do. Murry, Joseph..................do. Allen, William...............Private. Macord, Elias....................do. Bropst, Samuel.................do. Markle, Abraham............do. Burkey, David R...............do. Messersmith, Jeremiah.....do. Braise, Daniel G.................do Moyer, James M...............do. Bartin, James...................do. March, Thomas...............do. Barr, Martin.....................d. Moser, Ephraim...............do. Casey, Theodore........ do. Minnier, John...................do. Casey, Robert L.................do. March, George W..............do. Chester, Isaac................ do. Moyer, William K............do. Delay, Jeremiah....... do. Rinehart, John M.............do. Delamon, William..............do. Richardson, John.............do. Davis, David E...............do. Reese, David....................do. Fatzinger, Elias,................do. Richard, Thomas T...........do. Fairchild, John..................do. Scheiffly, James K............do. Greathead, John.................do. Snyder, Henry H..............do. Griffus, Thomas W............do. Shoemaker, William.........do. Hein, Joseph.....................do. Shlasser, Peter................do. Hauser, Barnard A...........do. Schwartz, William............do. Housberger, Charles C........do. Thomas, Edward B...........do. Haker, John, Jr.................do. Treichler, Oliver...............do. Heilman, Philip..................do. Trout, Jeremiah...............do. Higgens, William................do. Thomas, William T.......... do. Hughes, George E..............do. Vardy, George................do. Henrie, George W..............do. William, Beneville...........do. Jones, Edward J..............do. Williams, William J........ do. Klechner, Antanis............do. Zimmerman, Henry.........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 1 0 COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PINEGROVE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Henry A. Bechtel............ Captain.! Harrigan, David............Private. John W. Barr.................First Lieutenant. I Hammer, Frederick.......do. Peter A. Filbert...............Second Lieutenant. IKrise, Henry G.................do. Ezra W. Mathews...........First Sergeant. I alinger, Benhart...........do. Philip Keely................Second Sergeant. Kile, eorge.....................do. Caleb Wheeler.......... Third Sergeant. Lehman, Samuel..............do. ^ewis Lookingbill..........Fourth Sergeant. Loesier, Erwin.................do. Jacob P. Kreider.............irst Corporal. Muttard, Franklin C.........do. William Bonawitz...........Second Corporal. Moorheiser, Joseph...........do. Jerome Ley.....................Third Corporal. Miller. Samuel G...........do. Peter Rump.....................Fourth Corporal. Manville, Harrison............do. William Lehman............ Musician. Moore, Franklin...............do. Israel Spancake...............do. Manville, James...............do. Allison, Joseph...............Private. Rothmend, Gregory..........do. Barr, Paul HI.....................do. Reinochl, Henry...............do. Brook, Bennard.................do. Reader, David................do. Bright, William W............do. Spangler, David.............. do. Byers, Robert....................do. Schrope, Ephraim.............do. Bretz, Daniel................... do. Smeltzer, Peter...............do. Bretz, George..............do. Schwartz, Thomas............do. Britzagum, Henry..............do. Seibert, Thomas...............do. Brenner, William..............do. Stees, Aaron....................do. Brown, Daniel..................do. Schrope, Frederick...........do. Dray, Marcus....................do. Snyder, Jacob.................do. Dritter, Frederick............... do. Stine, Amos....................do. Filbert, William.................do. Schnepp, George..............do. Fry, Henry........................do. Sherrer, John...................do. Fritz, George.....................do. Schindler, Gotleib.............do. Fox, John...........................do. Shuler, John.....................do. Feger, Ienry....................do. Sick, William...................do. Grove, William.................do. Wetzle, William...............do. Greenawalt, Aaron..............do. Wegline, Frederick...........do. Goodman, George...............do. Weaver, Peter.................do. Heckman, Edward............do. Wolveston, William WV.....do. Ieisler, Edward.................do. Weiler, Samuel...............do. Huber, Jacob....................do. Yeager, Henry..............do. Harvey, John....................do. Zelliff, Peter C..................do. Iand, Adam............... do. Zimmerman, Andrew.......do. larman, Joseph................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. David W. Patterson.........Captain. Connelly, Barnard.........Private. Daniel H. Heitshue.........First Lieutenant. Carpenter, John C............do. William M. Whiteside.....Second Lieutenant. Dummell, Adam...............do. Waller G. Evans.............First Sergeant. Dummell, Peter...............do. Charles M. Van Tassel.....Second Sergeant. Dean, James.....................do. Jacob Simpson................ Third Sergeant. Doderick. Jacob................do. Uriah E. Frank............... Fourth Sergeant. Daily, William H..............do. William P. Leonard........First Corporal. Dennis, Henry..................do. William D. Steigewalt....Second Corporal. Engle, Frederick..............do. George D. Cornell............Third Corporal. Foesick, Franklin J..........do. Isaac H. Keith...............Fourth Corporal. Fisher, Henry..................do. John Glazier....................Musician. Frick, John J....................do. William Reim....................do. Gable, John B.................do. Anne, Alonzo C...............Private. Gumph, John J..............do. Bender, Daniel..................do. Gish, Addison..............do. Bair, Israel........................do. Grosh, Israel....................do. Bohle, Albert J..................do. Good, Isaac......................do. Brock, John R....................do. Harrison, George R...........do. Balmer, William H............do. Hess, Clinton...................do. Bowman, William.............do. Houser, Peter..................do. Bowman, George............... do. Hamilton, George.............do. Carney, Thomas................do. Killian, John D................do. Carney, John.....................do. Long, John H.................do. Curry, John.....................do. Leonard, George...............do. Curry, Albert.....................do. Metzger, Amos................do. Clark, Samuel....................do. M'Evoy, John.................do. 102 TE-NTi l REGIMENT, Miller, George...............Private. Seiber, Peter A..............Private. Meeke, William..................do. Sanney, Lawrence............do. Morrisey, Charles...............do. Spindler, James...............do. Mulholland, Joseph............do. Smith, George..................do. Paster, Peter......................do. Smith, Charles..................do. Phillips, William...............do. Shat, John..................do. Redy, Michael..................do. Shearer, Benjamin............do. Rote, George S.................... do. Sturges, Nathan...............do. Suiter, Joh F.............do. Shertz, John...................do. Soulber, Conrad..................do. Tumlow, Samuel........ d.....do. Suydam, Jacob..................do. Toles, George S.................do. Suydam, William...............do. Weidle, William...............do. Sherwood, Benjamin..........do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT LYKENSTOWN, DAUPHIN COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Edward G. Savage...........Captain. Harper, Willard G........Private. Jacob Alvord..................First Lieutenant. Israel, Daniel....................do. George Hain..................Second Lieutenant Jeneskey, Joseph.............do. Robert Bainbridge...........First Sergeant. Keiser, Alexander............do. Samuel Thompson........ Second Sergeant. Long, John L...................do. Franklin Douden...........Third Sergeant. Lucas, Peter.....................do. Henry Keiser..................Fourth Sergeant. Matter, John L.................doWilliam Keiser............... First Corporal. Miller, David....................do. John Davis....................Second Corporal. Matter, Henry C..............do. Joel Myers..................Third Corporal. Myers, George.................do. Benjamin Rissler............Fourth Corporal. M'Carty, John..................do. George V. Clark.........; Mnsician. Mumma, Samuel..............do. Jonathan Hoffman..............do. Matter, Emanuel...............do. Bordner, Jacob.............. Private. Niblo, Theophilus.............do. Bowman, John A..............do. Porter, John.....................do. Buchen, John.....................do. Polin, Michael..................do. Bailey, William..................do. Roberts, Joseph..............do. Brown, Edward.................do. Rumberger, John..............do. Brown, Isaiah,.... d............do. Renner, Michael..............do. Bossler, Jacob F..............do. Rudisill, Solomon.............do. Bickley, John.....................do. Robinson, David...............do. Carpenter, Thomas B........do. Shindler, Frederick..........do. Dietrick, Henry.................do. Spangler, John H.............do. Deitrick, Thomas E............do. Spangler, Cyrus.........do. Eby, William...................do. dShell, Jacob......................do. Fox, Henry W................. do. Smith, Jacob R.................do. Fox, David......................do. Saylor, David...................do. Ferree, James M................do. Sieger, Cyrus................ do. Forney, John W.................do. Stuart, Cornelius.............do. Fortman, Edward J...........do. Smink, Reuben................do. Feindt, Henry...... d.......... o. Sparks, John..............do. Gratz, John C....................do. Sohll, Sa ell, m............ do. Gable, Levi.......................do. Workman, David..............do. Grahn, Samuel...................do. Wagner, George H............do. Hoffman, Michael, Jr.........do. Witman, Joseph.............do. Hoober, Daniel..................do. Weaver, John J.....d.........do. Hart, James M...................do. Walter, William...............do. Hawk, Jeremiah...............do. Yeager, John H.do.......do. Hoffman, Michael, Sr.........do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT WILMORE, CAMBRIA COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Richard White..............Captain. Henry Martz..................Third Corporal. James Corroll................First Lieutenant. IIenry Parrish...............Fourth Cdrporal. John W. Short................. Second Lieutenant. John D. Moreland......... usician. John Wilkins................. irst Sergeant. Joseph Young................do. Porter W. Fox...............eond Sergeant. Angel, Henry..............Private. Samuel Shipp.................Third Sergeant. Brindle,.Samuel...............do. John Lynch.....................Fourth Sergeant. Bitting, Joseph..................do. Morrison M Cartney........First Corporal. Butler, Albert............. do. George W. Brown............Second Corporal. Cunningham, James........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 103 Crosley, Jacob...............Private. Mooney, Thomas............Private. Carrol, Francis...................do. Martin, John................... do. Curtis, John....................do. M'Kinney, David.............do. Clay, Philip..................... do. M'Hugh, James..............do. Cunningham, Edward........do. Miller, Lewis...............do. Dasher, James.............. do. M'inney, Lewis..............do. Daley, John......................do. Miloy, John.................do. Davis, John R.............. do. Omer, John.......................do. Dyer, William R............... do. Pilkington, James............do. Devor, Daniel B..............do. Patterson, John H...........do. Flenner, John.....................do. Peiffer, George..................do. Farheach, Anslean.............do. Peple, John.......................do. Freithoof, Henry................do. Skeely, David...................do. Foght, John.......................do. Sharp, Richard..................do. Gorenflow, John.................do. Sanders, Anthony............do. Gorden, David....................do. Shipley, William..............do. Haslen, John.....................do. Schroth, John..................do. Hoffman, Henry.................do. Skeely, John....................do. Hallmeyer, Joseph.............do. Scamon, ThomasJ............ do. Hay, Martin.......................do. Stewart, John................do. Helsel, Daniel...................do. Smay, Michael.................do. Irvine, John......................do. Short, Michael...............do. Jones, William..................do. Sharp, Henry...............do. Kelsey, John.......................do. Shannon, Henry...............do. Lingle, John.....................do. Tully, Thomas.................do. Lose, Nicholas....................do. Trost, John.......................do. Larrebee, Truman G..........do. Wilson, Jacob..................do. Lane, Henry.......................do. Whiteman, John G...........do. Moreland, William F.........do. Wiseman, Lewis.............. do. M Dowell, John..................do. Wildy, Henry..................do. Maguire, Peter...................do. COMPANY H. REROUITED AT JOTNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY. MUSTERED I, APRIL 26, 1861. George W. Eastley.... a.....Captain. Grubb, William R.........Private. Charles Butland.............. First Lieutenant. Glass, John.....................do. David Hamilton..............Second Lieutenant. Herdman, John...............do. Levi B. Cohick...............First Sergeant. Hamilton, Joseph............ do. Robert F. Hamilton.........Second Sergeant. Herron, Thomas..............do. Thompson R. Kimmell...Third Sergeant. Highland, Thomas............do. John B. Fromald............Fourth Sergeant. Henahan, Patrick...........do. John Parker...................First Corporal. Henahan, John................do. Hiram Smith..................Second Corporal. Hogan, Patrick.................do. Charles Luther...............Third Corporal. Harnick, John.................do. Edward Quinn................Fourth Corporal. Jones, Isaac.....................do. Abraham Jones.............. Musician. Judge, Thomas................do. Daniel Young.....................do. Little, John.......................do. Ambler, Charles............. Private. Murray, Patrick...............do. Burns, Edward..................do. Murrin, Thomas...............do. Black, Samuel....................do. Miller, John....................do. Byers, Thomas R..............do. M'Garrigan, Patrick.........do. Byers, Samuel....................do. M'Bride, John.................do. Burns, John.......................do. Markle, George A.............do. Barnett, Solomon............do. Mullen, Samuel.................do. Callahan, Samuel,..............do. Markle, Conrad G.............do. Comfort, Edwin................do. Marrion, Bernard.............do. Cooney, John F................do. Owens, Noah.................do. Confield, William..............do. Owens, William............do. Cobaugh, Phythian............do. Powell, John.....................do. Davis, Benjamin...............do. Plitt, Charles...................do. Dolan, John........................do. Roberts, Robert................do. Durkin, Bernard................do. Roberts, William........... do. Edmunds, William...........do. Smith, Valentine...............do. Ford, Patrick........ do. Sharrett, Jacob R.............do. Fredericks, William H...do. Sawyer, Lewis..................do. Farrele, Patrick..................do. Stauffer, Daniel.................do. Fendler, Jacob.............do. Thompson, Robert G.......do. Fowler, George W..............do. Taylor, Thomas...............do. Fleming, James...............do. Wineland, Daniel..............do. Fulton, David.....................do. Walker, Philip W............do. Gore, John........................do. Wineland, George............do. Grunsley, Levi...............do. Wiles, David.....................do. Gallaher,W ll. 104 TENTH REGIMENT, COMPA.NY I. RECRtITIED AT HUNTINGDON, HUNTINGDON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Henry L. M'Connell........Captain. Martin, Solomon............Private. William Linton............... irst Lieutenant. Meynard, Peter.............do. Martin V. B. Harding......Second Lieutenant. Martin, Henry.................do. Henry Dunbauch............First Sergeant. M'Manivay, Patrick........ do. George W. Speese............Second Sergeant. M'Reere, Edward...........do. John E. Bryant............... Third Sergeant. M'Intire, John...............do. Andrew E. Ingersole..... Fourth Sergeant. M'Ellray, John................do. George W. Trite...............First Corporal. M'Ellray, John.................do. John Hoffer...................Second Corporal. Neff, Jacob H.............. do. Thomas Ellis................. Third Corporal. Neal, David....................do. George D. Mengher.........Fourth Corporal. Neal, Daniel.................. do. George W. Bandy............Musician. O'Harra, Thomas.............do. John Dawson.....................do. O'Hemenay, John............do. Baily, John.....................Private. Paughett, Charles.............do. Bish, Henry......................do. Patch, William........... do. Bald, Henry.......................do. Patch, Thomas..................do. Beatty, John.......................do. Paulsen. John..................do. Bouchter, Charles...............do. Rusk, Thomas..................do. Boswell, William...............do. Rettoun, Joseph..............do. Cultin, Edwin F.................do. Rutter, John J.................do. Crane, Nathaniel..............do. Rogers, William...............do. Crauch, Andrew.................do. Repple, John...................do. Cruman, John...............do. Ramsey, Benjamin........do. Conrad, James M...............do. Smith, Joseph I..............do. Cohoe, John......................do. Sander, Andrew..............do. Davis, John........................do. Smith, John W...............do. Dawson, Henry N...............do. Smith, Thomas................do. English, Michael...............do. Solomon, John..................do. Foulk, John.......................do. Treadgold, Vehera............do. Faulkner, William............do. Turtnean, Thomas............do. Finit, John........................do. Vocht, Leonard................do. Finn, Patrick.....................do. Vocht, John............... do. Gallagher, Daniel...............do. Vull, Edward W...............do. Heberson, Jacob............ do, Wilson, Andrew...............do. Hobson, Thomas.................do. Wilson, Frederick............do. Heckly, Allen.....................do. Wert, Alpha...................do. Hevin, Thomas..................do. Wetherill, William............do. Keller, William.................do. Young, William...............do. Kiner, Matthias..................do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Adolphus W. Bolemus...Captain. Guildner, Charles...........Private. James P. Schooley...........First Lieutenant. Hochrain, Joseph..............do. Benjamin Lichty............. Second Lieutenant. Hoffman, Michael.............do. Henry Weber.................First Sergeant. Herman, Christian............do. Rudolph Kuhn...............Second Sergeant. Hatz, George....................do. Charles Sponholtz............Third Sergeant. Kollman, Henry...............do. Henry Becker................Fourth Sergeant. Kirch, Wendell.................do. Henry Schwenk..............First Corporal. Konig, Charles..................do. Christian Fueler............Second Corporal. Kasey, Jacob.................do. Lewis Heidecher.............Third Corporal. Kaiser, Francis I...............do. Alexander Getz................Fourth Corporal. Luther, John....................do. Frederick Conrad............Musician. Lanich, Henry..................do. James M'Cue..................do. Leppich, Martin..............do. Bovenz, Lorenz...............Private. Max, Andrew.................do. Brugger, John...................do. Miller, Frederick W.......do. Dietzel, John H..................do. Muhlheim, Abraham........do. Dunges, George.................do. Meiknecht, Conrad............do. Doman, Peter....................do. Minnich, John R........ do. Elliott, Jacob.....................do. Minnich, Michael...........do. Fort, Charles....................do. Milley, Edward...............do. Fuehrer, Andrew...............do. Norman, Anton............do. Fetter, Jacob......................do. Oks, Jonathan.................do. Fetter, Isaac............... do. Person, Christian..............do. Groff, Henry......................do. Reiman, Wendell.............do. Goss, Simon B...................do. Roth, John............. do. Goss, Martin.......................do. Rhode, Jacob.......... do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 105 Roth, Thaddeus............ Private. Smith, Gerhard.............Private. Schneider, Andrew.......... do. Stautzenberger, Jerem'h...do. Schwaner, August............do. Shute, Andrew................do. Shaz, Martin....................do. Spindler, Nathaniel..........do. Shoemaker, Henry............do. Thies, Ernest....................do. Schnauffer, George............do. Wiseman, Henry..............do. Schulz, Charles..................do. Weber, John.....................do. Smith, Henry....................do. Wunderlin, Francis......... do. Stewart, David.................. do. Westerman, Adolph.........do. Shaller, Jacob.....................do. Weekesser, Henry............do. Stutter, Peter.......... do. Wolf, Anton................do. Schupp, George..................do. Wunderlich, Gustav.........do. Smith, Joseph....................do. 14 ELEVENTH REGIMENT. DETACHED companies, formed of men hastily summoned from farm and workshop, rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, and were organized into the Eleventh regiment, April 26th, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: Phaon Jarrett, of Lock Haven, Clinton county, from Captain of company B, Colonel; Richard Coulter, of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, from Captain of company I, Lieutenant Colonel; Wm. D. Earnest, of Harrisburg; Major; F. Asbury Awl was appointed Adjutant. Five of these companies were recruited on the West Branch* of the Susquehanna, three on the East Branch, and two in Westmoreland county. A band of music, comprising sixteen pieces, under the leadership of Daniel Repass, was attached to the regiment. Soon after its organization, Colonel Jarrett, by order of the Governor, was placed in command of Camp Wilkins, near Pittsburg. On the 4th of May, by order of General Patterson, the regiment was transferred by rail, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Coulter, from Camp Curtin to Camp Wayne, near West Chester. Colonel Jarrett, having satisfactorily accomplished the duty assigned to him, turned over the command of Camp Wilkins to Colonel M'Lane and rejoined his regiment. Here it remained about three weeks, and during this time was systematically and regularly drilled in Scott's tactics. Railroad communication between the North and Washington, since the 19th of April, had been broken, the bridges upon the Northern Central, and the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore roads, having been destroyed. It was necessary that these avenues of approach to the Capital should be kept open, and, to this end, that they should be strongly guarded. On the 27th, of May, the regiment having been partially mniformed and equipped, was ordered by the commanding General to move and take position on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore road. At Philadelphia, the command received forty thousand rounds of fixed ammunition, and the following disposition of the force was made: company K, Captain William B. Coulter, was stationed at Newark, Delaware; companies I and H, Captains Terry and M'Clure, at Elkton, Maryland; company G, Captain Bowman, for guard to the Delaware and Chesapeake canal, at Chesapeake city, the whole under command of Lieutenent Colonel Richard Coulter; company F, Captain Bruner, was stationed at North East; company E, Captain Johnson, at Charlestown; companies D and C, Captains Shaut and Bossert, under command of Major Earnest, at Perryville; companies B and A, Captains Jackson-and Dodge, at Havre-de-Grace, where the Headquarters of the regiment were established. The Surgeon took post at Havre-de-Grace, the Assistant Surgeon at Elkton. While stationed at Elk* A few moments before the cars started, and while the soldiers were bidding adieu to their friends, a splendid American eagle flew directly over them, halting momentarily and flapping his wings as though he comprehended the scene below, and then moved on majestically southward amidst the cheers of the crowd. Clinton County Democrat, April, 1861. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 107 ton, private Maguire, of company H, was killed by the accidental discharge of a musket in the hands of a comrade. At the end of three weeks, the regiment was relieved by the First Delaware volunteers? Colonel Lockwood, and was ordered to concentrate at Havre-deGrace. Tents were funished, and the men were supplied with overcoats, belts, and cartridge-boxes, which to this time had been wanting. On the 18th of June, orders were received to march, via Baltimore and Harrisburg, to Chambersburg, and join General Patterson's column. It was rumored at Havre-deGrace, that it would be attacked in its passage through Baltimore, but no demonstration was made. Remaining a few days at Chambersburg, it was ordered to Hagerstown, Maryland, where it was attached to General Negley's Brigade of General Keim's Division. By careful drill and instruction, and the devoted attention of its officers, the regiment had been brought to as good a state of discipline as could be expected of men to whom the camp was new, and who had been but a few weeks under military pupilage. On the night of June 18th, the long roll was beaten, and being quickly in column, it was hurriedly marched to Williamsport, where an attack was apprehended; but, as a large force was concentrated by daylight, the enemy deemed it prudent to retire, and late in the day it marched back to the camp at Hagerstown. On the 20th of June; the regiment was transferred to the 6th Brigade,* to the command of which Colonel (since General) J. J. Abercrombie, of the Seventh U. S. infantry, was assigned. On the 28th of June, it moved to Downstown, where a detachment, under Lieutenant Colonel Coulter, was ordered to proceed to the Potomac, in the neighborhood of dam No. 4, and select a suitable ford for the passage of the army. After a fruitless night's labor Colonel Coulter reported that no safe fording, with the present stage of water, could be found. On the following day the regiment moved to Williamsport, where the army had principally concentrated, and where preparations were made for crossing the river. At two o'clock on the morning of the 2d of July, a scouting party, consisting of one hundred and fifty men of the Eleventh, and Captain M'Mullen's company of Rangers, the whole under command of Lieutenant Colonel Coulter, forded the river and pushed forward into the enemy's country. Colonel Abercrombie, with the remainder of his Brigade, advanced to its support, followed by the whole army. As the head of the column approached the ford, firing was heard on the Virginia side, Coulter's detachment having come in contact with a body of rebel scouts, who were quickly put to flight. Abercrombie, having crossed, immediately put his Brigade in motion, and proceeded about two miles in the direction of Hoke's Run, better known as Falling Waters, when day began to dawn, and the detachment rejoined the Brigade. It was reported that a strong force of the rebel army was posted at Falling Waters. Advancing to within a mile of this point, being several hours in advance of the main column, the Brigade halted, and a detachment was again sent forward to reconnoitre; but no enemy was encountered. On arriving at the stream, the troops refreshed themselves, and filled their canteens. The march was resumed; but before proceeding far the enemy was discovered, posted in a wood. The Eleventh immediately formed on the right of the road, * Organization of the 6th Brigade, Colonel J. J. Abercrombie; 2d Division, Major General William H. Keim. First Wisconsin volunteers, (3 months,) Colonel Starkweather; Fourth Connecticut volunteers, (3 years,) Colonel Woodhouse; Eleventh Pennsylvania volunteers, (3 months,) Colonel Jarrett; Philadelphia Independent Rangers, CaptainM'Mullen. 108 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, in the edge of the wood, and awaited his advance. At this time, a section of Captain Perkins' battery, consisting of three pieces, under command of Lieutenant Hudson, moved up the pike; and immediately after, General Patterson and staff arrived and moved to the front. The Eleventh was ordered back from its first position, and advanced on the pike. A heavy fire was opened by the enemy in front of the First Wisconsin, which was immediately formed in line of battle, and skirmishers were thrown out. The Eleventh was ordered to move by a road leading to the north, and to form on the right of the First Wisconsin. The enemy,* under command of Colonel (Stonewall) Jackson, were strongly posted behind fences, and concealed in grain fields, while one regiment was sheltered by Porterfield's house and out-buildings, and a pile of cord wood along the turnpike. As soon as the Eleventh emerged from the wood, it encountered a heavy fire of musketry and artillery, which did little execution, the shot generally passing overhead. The men were ordered to withhold their fire, as the enemy were concealed from view. The line now advanced to within two hundred yards of Jackson's front. At this juncture, the Battery opened with shells on Porterfield's barn, and the buildings were soon wrapt in flames.The enemy being thus driven from their shelter, were for the first time exposed to view, and extended their line. The Eleventh now opened, and the engagement became general. The enemy's guns were soon silenced, and his line began to fall back, at first in good order, but soon in great confusion. After the action commenced, and before advancing, Colonel Jarrett detached three companies, A, B, and C, leaving the regiment under command of Lieutenant Colonel Coulter, with a view of outflanking the enemy, whose cavalry were making a demonstration in that direction, and moved forward, maintaining an effective fire, until it reached the point where it rejoined the left of the regiment. Abercrombie's Brigade, with Perkins' battery, and the First City Troop of cavalry, pursued the enemy about two miles, some of their dead and wounded being left upon the field. In this engagement the Eleventh regiment lost one killed and ten wounded. t On the 3d of July, the Brigade resumed the march and proceeded to Martinsburg, where it went into camp. On the following day the Eleventh, with the First Wisconsin, was detached to escort a wagon train from Williamsport to Martinsburg. The sick and wounded who were able to be moved, had been sent to Hagerstown. While preparations were being made at Williamsport for the movement of the train, Colonels Starkweather and Jarrett visited Hagerstown, where they found that the court house had been converted into a hospital, in which the sick and wounded were comfortably quartered, and that they were receiving the kind attention of the patriotic ladies of the place. The train, of eight hundred wagons, was safely brought in, though the enemy's cavalry was watchful, and ready to make havoc if opportunity offered. While stationed at Martinsburg, a stand of National colors was presented by the Union ladies of the place, at the hands of Miss Miller. The regiment, * This force consisted of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Twenty-seventh Virginia regiments, J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry regiment, and Captain Pendleton's battery of four guns, afterwards celebrated as the Stonewall Brigade. t In the engagement at Falling Waters, Amos Suppinger, private of company H was killed, and Marion F. Hamaker, of company B, James Morgan, DanielR. Stiles, andNelsonHeaden, of company E, Christian Schall, of company F, John De Hass and Russel Levan, of company G, John E. Reed, and William H. Kuhns, of company K, were wounded. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 109 prior to this, had carried no colors. This flag was subsequently borne in the three years' service, in the battles of Cedar Mountain, the operations on Rappahannock river, and at Thoroughfare Gap. In the second battle of Bull Run, where the command was warmly engaged, the color-bearer, William Feightner, was severely wounded, and, with the flag, fell into the hands of the enemy. On the 15th of July, the regiment moved to Bunker Hill, and occupied the rebel camps, which had been hastily abandoned, and in which some beeves were found, partially dressed. On the 17th of July, Abercrombie's Brigade inarched to Charlestown, where it encamped and remained several days. The term of service of the three months' men had now nearly expired, and, as yet, their places were unsupplied by other troops. General Patterson made an earnest appeal to these regiments, to remain a week or ten days beyond the period of their enlistment, to enable him to maintain his position until new troops should come forward. The Eleventh was drawn up in front of the General and his staff for its decision. He proposed that those who were willing to stay with him should bring their arms to a shoulder. At the command "shoulder arms," every musket went up with a will, to the great satisfaction of the General, who rode forward, and exclaimed, "With you, my brave Blue Jackets, I can hold the place alone." On the 21st of July, the regiment moved to Harper's Ferry, and on the 24th, forded the Potomac, and marched to Sandy Hook. On the 26th, the following order was received: HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Harper's Ferry, Va., July 24, 1861. } (Special order No. 127.) 1. The Eleventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Jarrett commanding, will, to-day, take rail transportation from this place to Baltimore, en route for Harrisburg, where they will be mustered out of service. It gives the Commanding General great satisfaction to say, that the conduct of the regiment has merited his highest approbation. It had the fortune to be in the advance at the affair at Hoke's Run, (Falling Waters,) where the steadiness and gallantry of both officers and men, came under his personal observation. They have well merited his thanks. By order of Major General Patterson. F. J. PORTER, Assistant Adjutant General. On the 19th of July, prior to the muster out of the regiment, the necessary measures were taken, with the approval of the Commander of the Department, to have it re-mustered for three years' service, and on the 25th, it was, by an order of the Secretary of War, accepted. It was permitted, by a general order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, to retain its original number. Hence, the Eleventh became the frst regiment for three years' service. 110 ELE VENTH REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Phaon Jarrett................Colonel. William H. Hay............Quartermaster. Richard Coulter............ Lieutenant Colonel. William T. Babb............Surgeon. William D. Earnest.........Maj or. H. B. Buehler................Assistant Surgeon. F. Asbury Awl.......... Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT WVILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John C. Dodge.................Captain. Huling, William B.........Private. William B. Beck........First Lieutenant. HIinkle, Aaron.................do. Frederick E. Embeck......Second Lieutenant. Hilt, Edward....................do. Thomas E. Elliott............First Sergeant. Hoffman, Philip H............do. Amos P. Rhoads..............Second Sergeant. IHooper, James B..............do. John C. Fields................Third Sergeant. Hoffman, Jacob................do. Henry C. Parsons............Fourth Sergeant. Higgle, John.....................do. George P. Carman...........First Corporal. Hamilton, William............do. Robert P. Allen...............Second Corporal. Lloyd, Joseph P...............do. William Norris..............Third Corporal. Lynn, Eli C................ do. David L. Montgomery.....Fourth Corporal. Lynch, John R.................do. Jacob K. Schneck............Musician. Lafo, Franklin..................do. Hianas Rothrock................do. M'Fadden, Mongomery S... do. Agold, William...............Private. Moon, Edward..................do. Averill, Talma F................do. Mussina, Sylvester............do. Beck, Samuel M.................do. MI':ler, Philip....................do. Bryan, ChaTles..................do. Mooney, John H...............do. Cayell, Charles H.............. do. Moyer, Henry C...............do. Campbell, Alfred...............do. Myers, Thomas L............do. Chillette, Cornelius M...... do. Nalinger, Warren...........do. Casner, John W..................do. Oakes, Nelson L..............do. Collins, George W..............do. Page, Alfred...................do. Coolse, Philip...........do. Page, Ephraim................ do. Conkle, Thomas B..............do. Ripel, William F...............do. Carey, Henry................do. Stack, William..................d Cronk, George P.................do. Sands, William L.............do. Deity, Leonard...................do. Smith, Harrison C...........do. Depuy, George M................do. Smith, Joseph J.... do. DeWitt, Thomas H............do. Sloan, John.......................do. Davidson, Wi.iam S..........do. Snyder, John J......... do. Eveland, Lewis B...............do. Snediker, Charles E....:.do. Elliott, WViliam G..............do. Serbrit, James.................do. Emphoff, Robert................do. Scott, Ebenezer G..............do. Fulmer, Jesse.....................do. Taylor, James...................do. Fritz, Henry....................do. Tucker, Ralph E...............do. Fribley, Charles W............do. Ulman, Edwin S...............do. Fritz, Daniel..................... do. Ulman, Leon A................do. Holder, Henry L...............do. Watson, Henry W.............do. Hayes, James G.................do. Young, James W..............do. Harris, Porter..................do. C OMPANY B. RECRUITED AT LOCK HIAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Benjamin K. Jackman....Captain. Anthony W. Saltzman...First Corporal. William Shanks..............First Lieutenant. Henry F. Tammany......Second Corporal. Thomas C. Lebo..............Second Lieutenant. Alexander S. Ennis........Third Corporal. Edward D. Williams.......First Sergeant Joseph Meredith............Fourth Corporal. John H. Davis............. Second Sergeant. Charles W. Housell........Musician. George M. Dickinson.......Third Sergeant. George M. Repass..............do. Flavius J. Cro...............Fourth Sergeant. iAdams, Charles W........Private. THIBE MONTIHS'I SERVICE. l11 Agnew, Thomas..............Private. Lebo, John G.................Private. Bisbing, Thomas B.............do. Logue, James...................do. Butterbaugh,- eorge W.....do. Lane, Gilbert H................do. Burse, Joseph M................do. Miller, Charles F............... do. Bisel, George W................. do. Morrison, William............do. Becker, James F.................do. Medary, Benjamin F.........do. Blackburn, Alexander........do. M'Mahon, Francis............do. Canfield, James A..............do. M'Mahon, Peter................do. Cammans,iMichael.............do. Morris, Horace P..............do. Clark, Benjamin F..............do. Moyer, Mifflin R..............do. Condon, Patrick...................do. Manier, George E..............do. Dubbs, Hiram N.................do. Newbury, George WV.........do. Davis, William A...............do. Polinger, William P..........do. Dewees, Ambrose B...........do. Poorman, Thomas A.........do. ainney, William H-...........do. Peters, Henry W...............do. Furl, William....................do. Parsons, George W............do. Fargus, Henry D................do. Ruell, Joseph....................do. Fleming, William A...........do. Rowland, William H........do. Gibbs, Calvin F..................do. Scott, James H.................do. Gray, Isaiah.....................do. Sayers, Charles H.............do. Goodwin, Samuel C............do. Shaffer, John P.................do. Graham, William H...........do. Tobin, Charles..................do. Huston, Charles F. M.........do. Thibault, Maglory............do. Hamaker, Marion F............do. Tracey, John....................do. Houghtaling, Joel............do. Tapp, George....................do. Haines, Benjamin F..........do. Truesdell, Harrison...........do. Hanna, David P................do. Thompson, Alexander......do. Johnson, DeWitt C..............do. Winter, Frederick B.........do. Jodon, Flavel G................ Wheelock, Albert t H.........do. Kinne, Robert L................do. Walters, Clement.............do. Kint, Henry J...................do. Williams, John................do. Lind, Charles...................do. White, Beverly W............do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT MiILL HALL, CLINTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Henry M. Bossert............Captain. Ferry, John..................Private. William F. Crispin.........First Lieutenant. Gross, Daniel.......... do. Daniel Wolf.....................Second Lieutenant. Grove, William P..............do. John G. Wesner.............. First Sergeant. Ghear, David A.................do. John Curran...................Second Sergeant. Hunter, Albert H............ do. John S. Snodgrass...........Third Sergeant. Hutchinson, James W......do. John J. Bressler..............Fourth Sergeant. Hollingsworth, William.... do. John T. Hunter..............First Corporal. Jones, William P..............do. Solomon S. Brown...........Second Corporal. Jones, William................do. James E. Caldewood........Third Corporal. Kessinger, DeWitt C........do. William A Caldewood.....Fourth Corporal. Kessinger, Francis M.......do. Joseph M. Liner..............Musician. Kahler, Henry..................do. Ammerman, John E........Private. Kessinger, Jacob..............do. Bottorf, Irwin........ d..........do. Lee, Andrew.................do. Bartholomew, Enos............do. M'Cormick, William.........do. Bottorf, Henry.......d............do. Mincer, Mark................do. Brewer, Andrew J...............do. Mahen, Samuel...............do. Bowers, Andrew J.............do. Miller, Thomas A.............do. Brown, Jacob.....d.............. do. M'Cann, William..............do. Brewer, Greenbury B.........do. Martin, Albert.................. do. Butcher, William G..........do. Pickering, John...............do. Bartholomew, Aquila.........do. Richardson, William N.....do. Boylen, Michael D............. Repass, Jerome...............do. Crispen, John W.................do. Sollars, William...............do. Callahan, William..............do. Stover, Philip D............ do. Carter, John W..................do. Swartz, Joseph C..............do. Chatham, Alexander.........do. Shook, Joseph................do. Castlebury, John F.............do. Shiley, Adam............. do. Cridler, William................do. Smith, Matthew.............do. Cridler, Abraham................o. Stewart, Andrew P...........do. Clay, Jacob B..................do. Shirk, James..............do. Dehaas, James....................do. Toby, Oscar.................do. Dunlap, Charles......d.........d. Taylor, Samuel M.............do. Danah, William D..............do. Vennatta, Robert...........do. Elder, Wilson...................do. Wagner, David.............do. Flanaghan, James...........do. Watkins, John................do. Flanaghan, John S...........do. Wilson, John H.............do. 112 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY D. RUECRUITED AT WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. William B. Shaut............Captain. Layman, Alfred A.........Private. F. Asbury Awl..............First Lieutenant. Martin, John H.................do. John H. Price...........S.... Second Lieutenant. M'Laughlin, James...........do. William Fitzgerald.........First Sergeant. Millspaugh, Thomas.........do. Woodrow Spein...............Second Sergeant. Morris, Frank..................do. Henry C. Gage.................Third Sergeant. Mulhall, James.................do. William H. Gosline.........Fourth Sergeant. Marley, John....................do. Lewis G. Titus...............First Corporal. Milliken, Charles..............do. Wilson Miller.................Second Corporal. Miller, George R...............do. Isaac A. Simpler..............Third Corporal. Misenbaugh, Anthony......do. George Karcher...............Fourth Corporal. M'Neal, Samuel.................do. James B. Welchanner......Musician. Parsons, James W. P........do. Adam Stine.................. do. Pearce, Thomas C.............do. Ault, Peter..................Private. Pott, Lorenzo D.................do. Andrews, Joseph...............do. Pearce, William................do. Bailden,-George..................do. Prettylief, Henry..............do. Barr, William M............... do. Pearce, Charles M.............do. Brennan, Frank.................do. Page, George....................do. Brennan, John............... do. Runyon, Thomas..............do. Beard, Christian S..............do. Rorabaugh, S. Edwin....... do. Cornell, John B..................do. Rakes, Benjamin E...........do. Carnochan, William...........do. Simon, Conrad..................do. Coolbaugh, Edwin..............do. Slade, Edwin E.................do. Colb, Charles.....................do. Snyder, Jesse D................do. Driscoll, John....................do. Stephens, Charles.............do. Deal Alfred.......................... Shuler, Peter......... do. DeWitt, William................do. Showers, Alexander S.......do. Espenschade, Joseph T...... do. Strine, Thomas..................do. Forseman, Seth T...............do. Thompson, John M...........do. Fisher, William S..............do. Taylor, Thomas S..............do. Green, Luther W..............do. Thatcher, John W............do. Gage, Arthur.....................do. Tanner, Benjamin T.........do. Grimes, Robert H...............do. Van Horn, William..........do. Hanner, Frederick..............do. Wilkinson, Christopher.....do. Hartman, Jacob R..............do. Whipple, Spencer..............do. Keen, Thomas E.................do. White, George W.............do. Kimble, Smith W...............do. Wise, Elan L.................do. Long, Joshua A..................do. Young, Abram.................do. Longan, Boyd C.................do. C OMPANY E. BECRUITED AT PITTSTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. John B. Johnson..............Captain. Coggins, Bartholomew...Private. John B. Fish;..................First Lieutenant. Curry, Patrick D..............do. Thomas DeKetta..............Second Lieutenant. Cummings, Jeffrey...........do. William E. Sees..............FirstSergeant. Carlin, Asa J...................do. Samuel Hodgdon............Second Sergeant. Crawford, William H........do. William C. Blair..............Third Sergeant. Davis, John.......................do. Francis C. Woodhouse.....Fourth Sergeant. Dunkley, James...............do. Jacob Fell........................First Corporal. Decker, Charles.............do. George Cleaver...............Second Corporal. Elbridge, Henry W...........do. Cornelius Vanscoy...........Third Corporal. Fausnaught, William........do. Charles F. Stewart...........Fourth Corporal. Ferris, William B............do. James D. Giddings...........Musician. Gilmore, Thomas F...........do. Thomas Helm....................do. Hoffman, Thomas.............do. Aulbert, Henry..............Private. Hedden, Nelson................do. Bird, Charles.....................do. Hampton, Joseph D..........do. Beard, Samuel...................do. Hunter, James P...............do. Barnes, Ervin S.................. do. High, Robert...................do. Benedick, John S..............do. Hamilton, Charles............do. Bradley, Alfred B...............do. Humphreys, John W.........do. Blair, John.........................do. Jones, Joseph....................do. Berry, Edward H...............do. Jarrett, John..................do. Creamer, Abraham............do. Kelley, John B.................do. Creamer, David.................do. Lamberson Aaron............do. Chamberlain, George..........do. Lowder, Frank................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICEL. 113 Leader, Henry............Private. Smith, Martin M........,..Private. IMackey, John..................do. Snyder, John....................do. Morgan, James..................do. Stiles, Daniel R.................do. Miller, James............... do. Small, William H............do. Nevhard, David.............. Taylor, Daniel..................do. Plant, William....................do. Thomlinson, John.............do. Perkins, John...............;..do. Vanderbergh, Charles......do. Powers, James...................do. Wagoner, Lewis............do. fBussell, William L.............do. Williams, Daniel...... do. Russell, Thomas................do. Williamson, David H......do. Repass, Milton B............... do. Williams, William............do. Robinson, Thomas..............do. Wagoner, James..............do. Schooley, Edward i...........do. Wiley, David B...............do. Smith, James E............... do. Welsh, Edward.................do. Shepherd, John A.........do. Ward, Harrison B...........do. Shannon, John...............do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Charles J. Bruner...........Captain. Hopper, Harris.............Private. J. P. Shindle Gobin.........First Lieutenant. Haas, Albert.....................do. Joseph H. M'Carty..........Second Lieutenant. Hunter, Allen.................do. John E. M'Carty.............. First Sergeant. Heddings, Elias...............do. Charles J. Pleasants........Second Sergeant. Irwin, Jared C.................do. S. Herman Helper...........Third Sergeant. Keihl, George...................do. Jacob Rohrbach..............Fourth Sergeant. Michael, Daniel...............do. Samuel P. Bright............First Corporal. M'Farland, Charles...........do. Charles D. Wharton........Second Corporal. Myers, Sylvester..............do. Daniel Oyster.......... Third Corporal. Martin, William...............do. William Byers............... Fourth Corporal.: M'Clusky, John................do. Henry D. Wharton........Musician. Metz, Ephraim..................do. Jacob Weiser.................do. Martin, Robert.................do. Alwiser, Henry...............Private. Messner, John.................do. Arbiter, Julius.................do. Millhouse, William H......do. Brosious, Jared..................do. Myres, Mahlon................. do. Bucher, Henry...................do. Newbaker, Philip...........do. Brooks, Robert.................do. Oyster, George..................do. Bartscher, Samuel............do. Pill, Frederick..................do. Brisbon, William M............do. Quitschliber, Henry.........do. Bright, Joseph...................do. Robins, Albert.................do. Beckley, Alfred.............. do. Ramsey, Reuben...............do. Bright, Benjamin F............do. Roderigue, Aristides.........do Carr, Francis.....................do. Rohrback, Lloyd T...........do. Covert, Wilson J..............do. Reiser, Eugene..................do. Christ, William..................do. Schrank, Frederick...........do. Drisel, Henry...................do. Smith, Hugh d..............do. Dome, Lewis................. do. Snyder, John....................do. Druckamiller, David..........do. Stewart, Charles W..........do. Driselinger, Joseph............do.' Seidel, John E................do. Edge, William...................do. Smith, Joseph.......... do. Eyster, Samuel..................do. Starkloff, Earnest............do. Feight, Jacob................do. Schall, Christian...............do. Golding, Stephen.............do. Stedman, William............do. Giddes, Benjamin W..........do. Swoop, Charles.................do. Gussler, Peter S.................do. Tucker, George.................do. Hass, William D.................do. Voike, William...........do. Hildebrand, Joseph............do. Weitzel, Lot B..................do. Harp, Charles.....................do. Weyman, George............do, COMPANY G. tRECRUITED AT MUNCY, LYCOMING COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John N. Bowman.........Captain. Samuel Hartranft..........Fourth Sergeant, William A. Buner...........First Lieutenant. John V. Reader.............First Corporal. Joseph Cartlege..............Second Lieutenant. George W. Webb..........Second Corporal. Benjamin F. Keefer.........First Sergeant. Robert B. Burrows........Third Corporal. Williaml J. Wood...........Second Sergeant. Ellis Betts....................Fourth Corporal. Henry Stulen.-..............Third Sergeant. Allen Watson.'.............Musician. 15 11 4 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, George H. Wykoff...........Musician. Kisner, Thomas f.........Private. Albright, Hubley...........Private. Levan, Russel.....,.......... do. Baker, David H.................do. M'Cune, Robert H............do Baker, Elner H................do. Messinger, Isaac.............do. Bechtel, George W.........do. Metzager, George W..........do. Bowman, Charles M........do. Miller, William B. C....,....do. Buskirk, William H..........do. MIoore, John F..................do. Bly, William S................do. Moyer, John H................do. Bly, David.................... do. M'Carty, William.............do. Cares, William M.............do. M'Cae, Bernard.do. Corson, Edward G.............do. M'Intyre, John..........do Cummings, William A.......do. Painter, Joseph D.............do. Cummings, Janes.............do. Peterman, Jacob..............do. -DeHass, John...................do. Richards, Benjamin F......do. Dentler, Charles A............do. Risk, William H..............do. Dinious, Henry.................do. Reeser, James..................do. Doctor, George W..............do. Renz, Jacob....................do. Eltringhani, Marks............do. Sevison, Harmon A...........do. Feister, Daniel....................do Shoemaker, William H.....do. Fegler, David....................do Shoemaker, Charles P......do. Flack, William................do. Smith, Joseph A........ do. Frederick, James W..........do. Stadler, Tilghman............do. Geer, Francis M...........do. Troxel, Benjamin F..........do. Green, Isaiah............... do. Updegraff, Daniel..... do. Haas, William...............do.dyke, Wiiamdo. Heiny, Edward..................do. Walton, James, Jr.........do. Hess, Jacob............. do. Webb, Edmund E............do. Hill, Israel L...................do. Webb, Jacob S......... do. Hines, James...................do. Wells, Theodore C............do. Horlocker, Daniel...............do, Whitlock, William K........do. Jarrett, James..................do. Westly, Daniel......... do. Johnson, Sanford................do. Wilson, William..........do. Krisler, Simon M.............do. CoMPANY H.] RORUxITED AT DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. William M. M'Clure......Captain. Goodrich, William C......Privatej Samuel Hibler...............First Lieutenant. Galligan, Thomas.............do. Thomas Maxwell.........Second Lieutenant. Gibbs, Moses M......... do. John Doyle............ First Sergeant. Gibbons, Moses..............do. Jonathan Waters....... Second Sergeant. Green, Patrick................do. Lawson Carroll......T..... hird Sergeant. Harper, Samuel................do. Seth Freeze...................Fourth Sergeant. Howell, Thomas..............do. William Roberts..............First Corporal. Jenkins, Charles...............do. Jerome A. Harder...........Second Corporal. Kulp, Elias.......................do. William E. Susholtz........ Third Corporal. Kelly, William.................do. Philip Renn................ Fourth Corporal. Lee, John......................do. Frank Lewis................Musician. Moore, James G.................do. Charles Mumma................do. Mellen, Isaac............ do. Aggry, Henry................Private. Millen, William H........do. Arter, William O.............do. Murray, Matthias............do. Bonnshleger, Frederick......do. M'Carty, Clarence...........do. Beaumont, Charles.............do M'Guire, Andrew.....,........do. Burns, John..................do... M'Gor, William.............do. Burns, James....................do. M'Ardle, James...............do. Cuthbert, Edward..............do. M'Cann, James........ do. Cuthbert, William R..........do. Oakes, Peter M................do. Crdssley, Daniel P.............do. Paugh, John............ do. Clare, John......................do Petrusky, Herman............do. Cain, James................... do. Quick, John G......... do. Coup, Petor M...............do. Ridgeway, Edwin O..,.....do. Clar Jse C..............do. Rishel, Daniel.................do. Deshay, William................do. Reid, John C.....................do. Deshay, John......... do. Reily, Martindo. Davis, Thomas C..........o. eo-lY, Mrin...,,.. Davis, Thomas C......do. Rodgers, Charles...............do. Day, Andrew.....................do. Roberts, Caleb.................do. Devers, James....................do. Riddle, Richard................do. Devers, Isaiah..................do. Stoddent, Thomas..........do. Everdale, George.............do. Suppinger, Amos...........do. Elliott, James.,...............do. Sherr, Adolph..................do. Frick, Augustus G.............do. Toole, Thomas..................do. Farren, William J............do. Taylor, Martin.... do. Fairhild, George...... eidle, Joseph................do. Field, Robert................do. atkins, Edwin.......... do. Goodrich, Maxwell............de. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 115 COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Richard Coulter.............C.aptain. Hawk, Norval...............Private. William R. Terry............First Lieutenant. Holtz, John H..................do..acob W. Greenawalt......Second Lieutenant. Hosack, John.................do. James W. Goodlin............First Sergeant. Jackson, John................do. Walter J. Jones..............Second Sergeant. Kellering, Daniel.............do. James M'Bride...............Third Sergeant. Kuhns, Henry Byers........do. Robert T. Story...............Fourth Sergeant. Longhner, Aaron............do. Benjamin Keighley.........First Corporal. Long, Josiah...................do. Robert Anderson............Second Corporal. Low, Michael..................do. Jacob N. Thomas...........Third Corporal. Lensebigler, Israel...........do. Edward H. Gay...............Fourth Corporal. Leopold, Augustus............do. Augustus Smith..............Musician. Mellinger, George.............do. Mosheim G. Steck.............do. M'Clelland, Richard.........do. Bennett, John..................Private. M'Connell, Charles............do. Biggert, James...................do. Mechling, William.............do. Bear, William H.............do. Mechling, Benjamin F.......do. Bryant, William C.............do. M'Donald, Robert.............do. Bear, Henry...............do. Painter, Tobias G..............do. Burker, Amos................do. Pratt, Ralph.....................do. Bovard, Joseph...............do. Repass, Daniel..................do. Casterwiller, William.........do. Reinhardt, Henry.............do. Caldwell, Marcus H............do. Schaney, Michael..............do. Cook, David R....................do. Sirnous, Henry................do. Cook, James T..................do. Screur, Philip...................do. Cribbs, George R...............do. Stayer, Joseph..................do. Cribbs, William C..............do. Smeltzer, John M..............do. Caushey; Lebbeus B..........do. Sarver, John M................do. Crowell, Isaac.....................do. Story, William M.............do. Crowell, Daniel B..............do. Story, John.......................do. Coulen, Peter.....................do. Seton,Monroe B...............do. Eicher, Daniel H................do. Shipley, Albert................do. Frable, Augustus F............do. Todd, James....................do. Feightner, William............ do. Temple, Henry B..............do. Grier, William T................ do. Willyard, David...............do. Gant, William....................do. Williams, Henry H...........do. Honell, Napoleon J............do. Weaver, Francis A...........do. Hartman, Daniel H............do. Woodcoek, William..........do. Hilty, Samuel....................do. Weigley, Isaac.................do. Harwick, Charles A...........do. COMPANY K. R1ECRUITED AT GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. William B. Coulter.........Captain. Baker, Enos..................Private. Henry L. Donnelly.........First Lieutenant. Coulter, Joseph................do. Jacob 0. Lowry...............Second Lieutenant. Chambers, Eli.................do. Nicholas Bridenthall......First Sergeant. Campbell, Noah...............do. John D. Weaver..............Second Sergeant. Cannon, Alexander...........do. James White..................Third Sergeant. Douglass, John S...............do. James M'Kinney............Fourth Sergeant. Everett, Peter...................do. Daniel M'Carty..............First Corporal. Foster, William G............do. Andrew J. Schall............ Second Corporal. Foster, James W..............do. Alexander T. Fulton........Third Corporal. Fulton, Henry W............. do. Charles F. Smith.............Fourth Corporal. Gebhart, John W.............do. Robert M'Cart y..............Musician. Graham, Paul F...............do. Patrick A. Williams..........do. Hinckley, Abel H.............do. Anderson, George C........Private. Hughes, Jacob.................do. Brinker, Cyrus..................do. Hostler, Gabriel..............do. Beatty, Oliver....................do. Hoon, George................do. Beebe, Ezra R...................do. Johnston, George K........do. Brinker, Jeremiah..............do. Kelta, Anthony.................do. Brubaker, Benjamin..........do. Keltz, Alexander...............do. Bitner, Henry...................do. Kuhns, William............do. Brinker, Christopher C......do. Kerr, John A................do. Baker, Jacob S...................do. Knox, William C..............do. Barger, John J.................do. wry, Benjamin.............do. Baker, John A...................do. Landis. George................ do. 116 ELEVENTH REGIMENT. Lander, Charles..............Private. Nichols, John................Private. Moore, Joseph H............... do. Oursler, John....................do. M'Nutt, John E................do. Peiper, Henry B...............do. M'Chesney, William B.......do. Roberts, Robert IR...........do. M'Gough, Thomas..............do. Ross, Lewis......................do Mickey, John A.................do. Reed, John E...................do. Mitchell, James..................do. Strickler, William C.........do. M'Curdy, James C.............do. Schall, Absalom..............do. M'Curdy, John P...............do. Skelly, Philip S................do. M'Wherter, Samael G......do. Stump, Anthony...............do. Murdock, Samuel..........do. Steel, Andrew..................do. Newcomer, John H...........do. Swartz, Joshua.................do. Newcomer, Joshua...........do. Smith, aban.................do. Nicely, Alexander.............do. Vennata, John C...............do. Nicewonger, Jacob T..........do. TWELFTH REGIMENT. T HE Twelfth regiment was recruited and organized at Pittsburg, under the supervisionof Brigadier GeneralJames S. Negley. The Duquesne Greys, and the Independent Blues, the oldest and among the best drilled companies in the city, many of whose members were veterans of the Mexican war, formed the basis of the organization. The Zouave Cadets, a company composed of young men, was formed at Pittsburg in 1860, during the prevalence of the military furore, occasioned by the visit of the Chicago Zouaves, under Captain Ellsworth. The City Guards had been but a short time organized, and had never made their appearance on public parade. The remaining companies were formed de novo. An election of field officers was held on the 22d of April, which resulted in the choice of the following: David Campbell, of Pittsburg, Colonel; Norton M'Giffin, of Washington, Lieutenant Colonel; Alexander Hays, of Pittsburg, Major. Daniel Leasure, from Captain of company H, was appointed Adjutant, and subsequently also acted as Adjutant General to General Negley. The regiment left Pittsburg on the 24th of April, and arrived in Harrisburg on the 25th, where it was quartered in churches, and in the Capitol. On the afternoon of the same day, the Twelfth, together with the Thirteenth, was reviewed in the public grounds, by Governor Curtin, and was mustered into the service of the United States. Immediately afterwards, the Twelfth departed, by the Northern Central railroad, for Camp Scott, near the town of York. Here it remained for several weeks, engaged in drill. The camp was not a comfortable one, being at this season a field of mud. The men soon became impatient for active service. On the 19th of May, the regiment was clothed, equipped, and furnished with camp equipage. The bridges on the Northern Central railroad, which were destroyed immediately after its abandonment, had been re-built, and trains commenced running regularly, between Harrisburg and Baltimore, on the 9th of May. On the 25th, the regiment was ordered to move and take position on this road, from the State line to the city of Baltimore, relieving the First Pennsylvania, Colonel Yohe. The order was hailed with delight, opening to the men a prospect of activity. It was posted along the road, with Headquarters at Cockeysville, where two companes, I and K, were stationed. The guard duty was very heavy, and soon became irksome. But no attempt, byforce or stealth, was ever made to interfere with the line. The companies were so much scattered that no opportunity was afforded forregimental drill after leaving Camp Scott. The two companies at Cockeysville were, however, regularly and thoroughly instructed, and soon acquired the proficiency of veterans. In the manual they were daily exercised by Sergeant Major Bonnafon, an experienced soldier, and in the school of the company by their officers. The men were impatient to be 118 TWELFTH REGIMENT, with the advancing column, but were obliged to remain to the end of their term of enlistment in this position. The service rendered by this regiment, was devoid of stirring incident, but was, nevertheless, exceedingly laborious, was faithfully performed, and was of great moment to the government. The, highest expectations were entertained of its heroic conduct in the face of the enemy; but no enemy was seen, and no occasion presented for firing a gun. It was a noiseless and inglorious campaign, but a highly useful one. For not only was an important and vital line of communication with the National Capital preserved and protected, but a fine body of men was thoroughly drilled and perfected in the school of arms, and many, who here received their first instruction, afterwards led, with great skill, in the most deadly encounters. The field officers had all received a military training, Major (afterwards Brigadier General) Hays, who was killed while gallantly leading his Brigade in the battle of the Wilderness, was a graduate of the United States Military Academy. The regiment was mustered out of service at Harrisburg, August 5th, 1861. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. David Campbell..............Colonel. James A. Ekin..............Quartermaster. Norton M'Giffin...............Lieutenant Colonel. Alexander M. Speer......Surgeon. Alexander Hays.............Major. R. M. Tindle.................Assistant Surgeon. Daniel Leasure...............Adjutant. J. J. Marks............... Chaplain. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Samuel A. M'Kee..........Captain. Gillespie, Elias L..........Private. James Chalfant.............. First Lieutenant. Glenn, David.................... do. Samuel Dobbins........... Second Lieutenant. Hagan, John.....................do. Andrew Wayt........... First Sergeant. Harkins, Patrick..............do. David Spence.... S....... Second Sergeant. Hensell, William, Jr.........do. Geo. Holmes.............. Third Sergeant. Hershman, John C..........do. Martin Campe............. Fourth Sergeant. Heckman, Francis N.......do. George Hughes...............First Corporal. Hackwelder, David...........do. Alexander Butler............Second Corporal. Harper, George F...........do. John Black...................Third Corporal. Irwin, Thomas................do. Charles L. Donohue.........Fourth Corporal. Jones, Thomas...........do. David A. Jones............. Musician. Kinkerly, Jacob............do. Victor Keller, Jr...............do. Knarr, Philip............... do. Atkinson, Peter..............Private. Kerr, Jackson............... do. Bussne, Philip....................do. Little, Joseph C.............do. Benner, Henry Z...............do. Lerris, John W..............do Byrer, Henry J.................do. Leofcross, Charles W......do. Baird, John.................... do. Laughlin, John...............do. ~Bennett, William...............do. Laughlin, Washington... do. Campbell, Alfred.............. d. Lynch, James....... do. -kClark, James Y.................do. Miller, Thomas...............do. Craige, David K................do. Montgomery, Stewart.....do. Carl, Conrad......................do. Manhinney, William......do. Deibel, George.................. do. Might, John...................do Dennison. William J..........do. Myers, Joseph................do. Foster, Eaward...............do. Moreland, John...............do. Fulton, Hugl................. do. Marriner, Charles J..........d Green, Ch.ales................. do. Morrow, James M...... do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 119 MIurphy, John H...........Private. Stewart,William...........Private. -Ioore, Thomas J..............do. Smith, George A..............do. M'Collin, Hugh..................do. Spurrier, Alexander.........do. M'Kee, George.................do. Seaman, Edwin M...........do. M'Millan, William............do. Saul, George C................. do. Osborne, Aaron J.............do. Staubs, William W...........do Osborne, Albert G..............do. Tafel, Henry C.d............. do. Poland, John W................do. Thomas, Aaron R.............do, Potter, Henry.....do. Tatem, Thomas M............do. Robinson, John B.............do. Wing, Joseph E..............do Sims, YWilliam....................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John S. Iennedy.........Captain. Little, John R., Jr.........rivate. William Bennett........F..irst Lieutenant. Little, Robert R...............do. Robert L. Coltart............Second Lieutenant. Marthens, Charles............do. William B. Neeper..........First Sergeant...Miller, Samuel W.........do. James Petrie.............Second Sergeant. Martin, John P...............do. Robert A. Loomis............Third Sergeant. Mowry, Philip..................do. Clement P. Caughey........Fourth Sergeant. lMurray, John S...............do. John G. Woods. F......... First Corporal. M'Laughllin, William........do. Walter H. Beeson.........Second Corporal. M'Clarren, Newton L........do. Frederick H. Kennedy....Third Corporal. M'Corkle, Alexander H....do. Henry Mitchell............... Fourth Corporal. M'Lain, Arthur..............do. Charles Debando............. Musician. M'Gill, James D..............do. Robert Dill.........................o. M'Cabe, John....................do. Albeitz,.Jhn J., Jr.........Private. M'Henry, Charles W.......do. Borton, Nicholas................do. Nicholson, William R......do. Brady, George K...............do. Robitzer, John P........ do. Boyd, Solomon...................do. Rutherford, John S..........do. Burker, Samuel.................do. Reams, William S.........;.do. Braddock, John..........do. Richards, Joseph D........do. Becker, John.....................do. Rowan, John C.................do. Cassels, John.....................do. Rodgers, William.............do. Campbell, Mark................do. Richey, Hugh E.............do. Caskey, Alexander............do. Seibert, Frederick............do. Childs, Harvey G...............do. Shenke, Abraham............do. Donaghly, John...................do. Sample, Joseph M............do. Dain, Thomas..................... do. Simpson, William, Jr.......do. Davis, Joseph H..............do. Stevenson, James...........do. Fleming, Oliver G..............do. Scott, John P..................do. Flock, Alexander...............do. Smucker, Frederick A.....do. Gould, William L...............do. Snodgrass, John...............do. Gould, John S.....................do. Thompson, Robert............do. Goodwin, Frank................do. Turbit, Henry B...............do. Gazzam, William F............do. Turbett, Frank.................do. Harbours, Albert N............do. Vick, Charles....................do. Haehnlen, John F., Sr........do. Vierheller, Henry.........do. Kerr, Thomas R.................do. Walkinshaw, James C.....do. Kremer, Charles C.............do. Ward, Frank...................do. Knowles, Edward.............do. Ward, George H......do. Kinkead, Robert M............do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John H. Stewart..............Captain. Francis Vanswarton.......Musician. Charles F. Porter.............First Lieutenant. Atkinson, John..............Private. William S. Collier..........Second Lieutenant. Bell, Robert.....................do. William Thompson........First Sergeant. Bell, Bazil....................do. Thomas Little, Jr............Second Sergeant. Boomer, Patrick..............do. William C. Shaffer..........Third Sergeant. Collins, Patrick..............do. James Fowler................ Fourth Sergeant. Carothers, Thomas............do. Peter Delaney.................First Corporal. Coates, John B..............do. Evan Jones.....................Second Corporal. Clowes, William..............do. John C. Vandergrift........Thlird Corporal. Clark, William H.............do. James Kirkpatrick.........Fourth Corporal. Clerie, Milton.................do.;Edward F. Saint.............. Musician. Dierst, Frederick..............do. 120 TWELFTIH REGIMENT, Dickson, James R............Private. I Latimer, William..........Private. Dasher, William J............do. Miller, Charles W...........do. Davis, Joseph.................do. M'Kinley, George C..........do. Ensell, William..................do. MClay, John W...............do. Ellis, John.........................do. M'Creary, David...............do. Fertling, Lewis.................do. M'Adams, Robert...........do. Fulton, David................. do. M'Elfresh, Francis............do. Fowler, John.....................do. M'Conkey, Alexander......do. Grove, Samuel....................do M'Michael, Robert...........do. Gillespie, Robert.................do. M'Michael, Moses.............do. Glass, Thomas..d..............do. M'Gowan, Ja es...........do. Grismer, Charles W............do. M'Elory, William J.........do. Hogan, Lyman..................do. Nible, George...................do. Harvey, John.....................do. Neillie, Robert..................do Hill, David........................do. Parker, Samuel................ do. Hall, George J...............do. Reitz, Lawrence..............do. Hemphill, John.................do. Robinson, William J.........do. Hollis, Artemus...............do. Reed, James.....................do. Henry, Joseph G.............. do. Steel, William..................do. Knox, John G..................do. Smith, James............ do. Knox, Joseph A..............do. Sarazen, Norbert...............do. Kemp, John................. do. Watt, Thomas H...............do. Kirkpatrick, John.............do. Worden, William H.........do. Kroesen, James............do. Werling, John J...............do. Lafferty, William..............do. Wittiker, Thomas...........do. Lewis, Richard................do. Yost, Jacob...............do. Lands, Robert M..............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. William L. Tomlinson.....Captain. Lane, Jackson...............Privat Matthew Gruff............ First Lieutenant. Leech, Elijah..................do. William F. Furguson.....Second Lieutenant. Leech, Frank....................do. Samuel Furguson............ First Sergeant. Morehead, Edward..........do. Daniel Ryan...................Second Sergeant. Morse, David............... do. Arthur Millen................Third Sergeant. Murray, Martin........ do. Jerome Lutz............... Fourth Sergeant. Mundy, Cornelius..........do. Charles Lorenz..............First Corporal. M'Donald, Samuel........... do. John Willock............. Second Corporal. M'Elroy, James........... do, James E. Ledlie.......T......Third Corporal. M'Afee, John M..............do. George Tomlinson............Fourth Corporal. M'Clelland, William........do. John Dingeldein.............Musician M'Glone, Thomas............do. Nicholas Young................do. Oliver, Thomas F............do Berlin, David............... Private. Pryor, John....................do. Blair, John.......................do. Robinson, John...............do. Brady, Nicholas.................do. Roese, Charles.............do. Burke, Thomas............do. Reams, Samuel................do Cavanagh, James.............do. Rigby, Isaac.....................do. Cauckins, Charles..............do. Smith, Charles J............do. Cuckler, Clarke.................o. Stevens, John G.........do. Cramer, Edward................... Stewart, Robert............ do Cain, John................... do Sims, David......... do. Cramer, Robert..................do. Schubart, John W............do. Carle, James I....................do. Sharpe, Henry A............do. Fulton, Andrew.................do. Schnlidt, Charles.............do. Fuller, Albert C.................do. Schaffer, Frank...............do. Furguson, James...............do. Schumann, Albert...........do Frederick, Lewis...............do. Schuchinan, Christian......do. Galbraith, William J........ Teore, George.............. do. Greenough, Joseph.............do. Teorge, Nicholas...............do. Graham, John..................do. Thorne, James W.............do. Gordin, James...... d...........do Westerman, Thomas.........do. Howe, William..................do. Westerman, John.............do. Helper, [Henry....................do. Weaver, Peter.d...............do Hassa, Edward..................do. Wilson, William J...........do. Hendrick, George T............do. Winnersly, John............ do. Imbrie, Lewis...................do. Weiss, Balthaser..............do. Kinsola, Matthew..............do. Zimmerman, Henry.......do. Kernal, Randall,...............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 121 CaOMlPANY E. RECBeITED AT WASHINGTON, WASHINGtON COINTY MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. James Armstrong............ Captain. Kendall, John...........Private. William F. Templeton.....First Lieutenant. Kuntz, Philip P..............do. Samuel F. Griffith.........Seoond Lieutenant. Lanton, John.................do. Oliver R. M'Nary.............First Sergeant. Lane, Joseph....................do. David Brady.................Second Sergeant. Leine, Matthew P.............do. John Q. A. Boyd,.............Third Sergeant. Linton, Charles L............do. David Acheson...............Fourth Sergeant. Laughlin, John.................do. John D. Wikahan............First Corporal. M'Farland, Taylor...........do. Henry Brown.................Second Corporal. M'Keever, Thomas M.......do. Robert B. Elliott.............Third Corporal. M'Keever, John...............do. George B. Caldwell.........Fourth Corporal. M'Nulty, Caleb I..............do. William A. M'Coy:.......... Musician. Montford, James.............dot Simon W. Lewis................do. Morrison, William M.........do. AcheSon, John W............Private. Odenbaugh, Henry C........do. Alter, Henry H...............do. Perrett, George A,............do. Barr, James................. do. Phillips, Rollin 0..............do. Bausman, Edwin W..........do. Purviance, Henry A.........do. Blonberg, Peter..............do. Rawkin, Alexander...........do. Boon, Hugh P................do. Reed, George B................do. Brobst, John V........... do. Rickey, Samuel B.............do. Byers, John A...................do. Ritner, John B..................do. Cook, John L..................do. Scott, Alexander W.........do. Dougan, Henry M...........do. Sharp, Cephas D..............do. Durant, Horace B...............do. Shepherd, David...............do. Durant, TertiusA..............do. Stocking, James..............do. Erdman, Henry..................do. Swart, Andrew J..............do. Gantz, Hardman................d. Sweeny, John R...............do. Gettys, John L...................do. Templeton, Samuel...........do. Grier, James................. do. Templeton, Joseph H.......do. Griffith, John M................do. Thompson, Robert............do. Hallam, Charles................do. Thompson, Robert L........do. Hamilton, William T.........do. Underwood, William H.....do. Hamilton, Alexander C......do. Vance, Isaac.....................do. Hart, William............... do. Walker, George I............do. Hess, Eli................... do. Wilson, Andrew W...........do. Horn, William H.............do. Wilson, James B................do. Hughes, Robert P...........do. Wishart, Robert T...........do. Hyde, Andrew J.... d........do. Wolf, Wesley...................do. Kennedy, James.......,.....,.,do. COMPANY F. RECRtMITED;AT NEW CASTLE, LAWRENCE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Edward O'Brien............. ptain. Clifton, Warren...........Prtiate. James R. Shaw...............First Lieutenant. Clifton, Joseph.................do. John P. Blair..........Second Lietenant. Clark, William H..............do. Squire Hiller.................First Sergeant. Cox, Scott.............. do. Thomas F. Jackson.........Second Sergeant. Cameron, Robert...............do. James R. Miller..............Third Sergeant. Dickson, John N..............,do. James W. Warnock.........Fourth Sergeant. Davids, David.................do. Leonard Dobbins............First Corporal. Dobbins, William..............do. Robert S. Gibbon.............Second Corporal. Ernest, Abraham..............do. Felix Morgan.................Third Corporal. Edwards, Henry S............do. Alexander Haskins.........Fourth Corporal. Emery, Joseph H..............do. Lot Watson.....................Musician. Falls, Thomas H..............do. Robert Van Horn..............do. Freeman, David W. D......do. Ashton, William G.........Private. Fulkerson, John C............do. Aken, David W...............do. Fulkerson, Richard...........do. Adler, Robert.....................do. Farren, Edward...............do. Bellows, Sylvester..............do. Gillfilen, David J...............do. Bishop George................. do. Gibson, Andrew B...........do. Bay, ilory N..................do. Gaston, Robert L..............do. Barnet, Robert T...............do. Harden, Jasper................do. Bradin, Thomas..................do. Housman, John..............do. Brown Clifford................do. Kerr, John 0....................do. Banks, James................. do. Long, James M.................do. (talmeron, Melancthon S......do. Lusk, Robert....................do. 16 122 TWELFTH REGIMENT, M'Connell, William H.....Private. Robinson, Henry...........Private. M'Clairn, John D................do. Robinson, David C...........do. M'Gittigan, Alford..............do. Robinson, Josiah...............do. Mapes, John C...................do. Reed, Andrew R..............do. Mapes, Carson....................do. Sankey, Joseph D.............do. Miller, Irvin.....................do. Sly, Thomas..................do. M'Connell, Socrates A........do. Shurtz, John.................do. Montgomery, Samuel L......do. Sherman, Scott.................do. Miller, James M.................do. Ship, Jacob..................do. Monroe, Joel................. do. Trimble, John................do. Morrow, Samuel G...............o. Trimble, Robinson...........do. Nelson, Nicholas................do. Wallace, William..............do. Peas, James............... do. Wishart, Robert T............do. Pyle, Isaac................. do.. Wolf, Wesley................do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT MONONGAHELA CITY, WASHINGTON COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Robert F. Cooper............Captain. Kearney, David.............Private. John S. M'Bride..............First Lieutenant. King, Henry B.................do. Jesse C. Taylor...............Second Lieutenant. Kennedy, William G.........do. William W. Thompson...First Sergeant. Long, James L..................do. John Myers..................Second Sergeant. Louderback, Andrew........do. Owen Bullard..................Third Sergeant. Lilley, Ellis N.................do. John S. Slanger...............Fourth Sergeant. Leighty, George C............do. Rees Boyd....................First Corporal. Moreton, David.................do. Benjamin F. Scott............Second Corporal. Mehaffey, James...............do. John II. Woodward.........Third Corporal. M'Cain, Charles................do. Alex'r 0. D. O'Donovan...Fourth Corporal. Meredith, William T.........do. Frederick Layman..........Musician. Morgan, Thomas...............do. James S. Scott....................do. Mack, Thomas..................do. Allen, Francis..................Private. Mack, William.................do. Beazell, Isaac R........... do. Mockbee, Daniel..........do. Bennington, Harrison.........do. Miller, Jacob S...............do. Boyd, John......................do. Miller, Augustus J...........do. Brooks, WilliamB..............do. Miller, Hillery..................do. Bellas, John......................do. Merrick, John.............do, Baxter, William, Jr...........do. Ong, William............ do. Beazell, Samuel W.............do. Oliver, Charles.................do. Barry, Michael..................do. Oliver, William................do. Collins, Patrick.............do. Potts, George W...............do. Collins, Sylvester..............do. Paxton, SamuelB 3............do. Cooper, William S..............do. Pritchard,-Samuel............do. Dickey, Benjamin G...........do. Reager, Joseph G..............do. iougherty, John C.............do. Rinard, John.....................do. Elliott, Andrew..................do. Sutton, Reuben.................do. Eberhart, William H. H.....do. Stewart, George................do. Grant, Andrew...................do. Sickman, Alfred M...........do. Gregg, Alexander...............do. Vangilder, Jefferson G......do. Gibbs, John M...................do. Vankirk, Theophilus.........do. Hazzard, Joseph D. V.........do. Wilson, Robert S..............do. owe, S. Bentley..............do. Woodward, William.........do. Howe, William H...............do. Wickersham, Wm. H. H...do. Harris, James S..............do. White, James S................do. Heath, William H............do. Young, Samuel.................do. Hoffman, William J...........do. Yates, Daniel D................do Haney, Alexander................do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT NEW CASTLE, LAWRENS COUNTTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Daniel Leasure........... Captain. Oscar 0. Sutherland.......Second Corporal. James J. Cook................First Lieutenant. Crawford W. Stewart.....Third Corporal. John S. King...............Second Lieutenant. James M. Owrey...........F.ourth Corporal. James S. Book.............First Sergeant. John Nickli..................Musician. Adam Moore...................Second Sergeant. George B. Woodworth......do. John Shoemaker............Third Sergeant. Applegate, Henry..........Private. James A. Ray..................Fourth Sergeant. Allen, Frank...................do. John B. Rhineholdt.........First Corporal. Book, William P...............do. THREE: NOQNTaS1' SERVICE. 123 Bowden, James G..........Private. Miller, Joseph L............Private. Breckenridge, Robert S......do. Mitchell, Samuel W.........do. Cannon, John M................. Morrow, LeanderC.. do. Christy, James...............do. M'illan, James M.... do. Christy, Robert G...............do. M'Millan, James F............do. Clarke, Walter D..............do. MI(illip, James..........do. Clow, Milton A.................do. M'Creary, John C..............do. Cochran, William D...........do. Qigley, James.................do. Cook, William M...............do. Rhodes, Henry G..............do. Craven, Richard................do. Randolph, Alexander M...do. Donaldson, William T.......do. Ray, Cyrus H................do. Emory, James M........... o. Ioss, Robert J..................do. Emory, John N.................do. amsey, Oliver P............do. Euwer, John C..................do. Sankey, Charles C............do. *Euwer, John A...............do. Sankey, Ira D...................do. Everhart, John J...............do. Spence, E. J. R.................do. Ferguson, Henry A............do. Stevenson, William E.......do. Gaily, Henry M.......... do. Sharp, William J..............do. Gilliland, Joseph H............do. Sharp, John J....................do. Huzen, Aaron L.................do. Shields, William J............do. Henderson, James..............do. Tidball, Harvey................do. Holton, Noble............... do. Vanrienkle, Charles.........do. Houston, James.... do. Vangorder. James S.........do. Hawk, William W.......do. Watson, Charles P............(o. Justice, Jefferson................do. Wallace, John 0...............do. Jay, John...........................do. Watson, William II,......... do. King, Newton W.............do. dWhite, Chester L.............. o. King, William P..............do. Wilson, Charles...............do. Leasure, Samuel G..............do. Wilkinson, Jonathan........do. Mayne, William A.............do. Young, Philip...............do. Miller, David M. C.,............do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. George W. Tanner...........Captain. Fehl, John V.... Private Henry 0. Ormsbee.......... First Lieutenant. Forsythe, John N............do. William G. M'Creary......Second Lieutenant., Foley, Patrick J..............do. Thomas J. Armstrong.....First Sergeant Gamble, Samuel P............do. George W. Gillespie........Second Sergeant. Garrison, George W...........do. Charles Shaler................Third Sergeant. Gross, Emanuel J..............do. Albert G. Lucas...............Fourth Sergeant. Gipner, Frederick M........do John M'Clintock..............First Corporal. Hodkinson, Thomas D......do. Charles Carpenter............Second Corporal. Hunsicker, Samuel...........do. Charles J. Long...............Third Corporal. Hazlett, Joseph M............do. William Whitesides........ Fourth Corporal. Hubley, William...............do. Henry J. Miller...............MIusician. Kleet, Robert...................do. Lucien Gray.......................do. Loomis, Orlando M...........do. Agnew, James C..............Private. Lowry, David................... do. Anderson, Walter F...........do. Myers, Joseph..................do, Ayers, William H............do. Moody, Samuel.................do. Alexander, William H........do. Marquis, William V..........do. Armour, Thomas............... do. Maguire, Daniel...............do, Boyle, Alfred B..................do. Mason, Frederick.............do. Boulton, John...................do. M'Gratty, John M.............do. Brown, Orlando C...............do. M'Bride, Samuel F...........do. Boggs, Samuel R...............do. M'Cusker, Daniel..............do. Bayne, John S....................do. O'Neil, William H...........do. Ballentine, George W.........do. Parsons, Alfred J..........do. Brinher, Andrew J............do. Peters, William W............do. Benitz, John J....................do. Rose, Thomas E...............do. Bell, Henry H....................do. Sutherland, James............do. Barker, William W............do. Sterling, Hugh................do. Bell, William S..................do. Slaysman, George L.........do. Coates, Henry.....................do. Slentz, Alexander H........do. Chamber, Samuel A..........do. Spence, Robert..................do. Cooley, Jacob C..................do. Shanafelt, George H.........do. Campbell, William B.........do. Smith, H. King................do. Craig, James M................ do. Scott, Charles S..............do. Clarke, Henry W...............do. Stockton, William E.........do. Cochran, Richard B............do. Williamson, James G.......do. Cooke, Charles C................do. Williams, Frank B.........do. Dunn, Francis A.................do. Wh^, Cyrus B..............do. Fleeson, Reese E............do. 124 TWELFTHB REGIMENT. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. William C. Denny..........Captain. jHusk, Henry W............Private. James H. Childs..............irst Lieutenant. Holliday, David................do. A. Sydney M. Morgan.....Second, Lieutenant. Hanna, George.................do. Benjamin Bakewell.........First Sergeant. lIarlin, William...............do. Charles W. Chapmanl......Second Sergeant. Irwin, John.....................do. John 0. Phillips.............Third Sergeant. Johns, David....................do. Augustus B. Bonaffon..... Fourth Sergeant. Jones, George WV................do. Weston Roan.................. First Corporal. Kingsland, George............do. George Miltenberger........Second Corporal. Kelly, Edward..................do. John S. Denniston............Third Corporal. Kiddoo, James B...............do. George P. Cortes..............Fourth Corporal. Lefevre, John............... do. William C. Jones............Musician. Logan, William................do. John Speer........................do. Mowry, Robert G........... do. Atwell, Charles A............Private. Moots, Augustus J..........do. Adams, Benjamin C...........do. Madiria, William D........... d Anderson, Thomas.............do. Mackey, David............,,do. Anderson, Henry L............do. Mallow, John..... do. Anderson, Henry H............do. Morland, Joseph.......... do. Bagaley, Theodore..............do. M'Kie, Alexander..........do. Black, Andrew P..............do. M'Clintock, Walter S........do. Brown, James J................do. M'Knight, William...,.....d Brown, Samuel E...............do. M'Clure, William G........... do. Cummings, Jacob M...........do. M'Candless, William........do. Crummie, John..................do. M'Manus, Alexander.......do. Chalmers, George..............do. Oliver, Henry, Jr..............do. Cain, John H.....................do. Parke, Frank H..............do. Creighton, James................do. Robinson, Robert A..........do. Cook, Grant F..................do. Sinclair, William H...........do. Dalzell, Alexander F.........do. Stanford:, Robert...............do. Dyer, William H................do. Sprung, Charles................do. Dilworth, George...............do. Speer, William H..............do. Dickson, James..................do. Scott, William..................do. Fleming, James P............do. Temple, Robert.................do. Fritz, George S....................do Vaught, Henry................. d.d. Grace, James.....................do. Whitesides, Isaa, P.........do. Gray, Alexander................. do. Walker, Alexandr......... Eerron, David R.................do. Weisel, Afred............... do. Hughey, Julian H..............do. Young, Samuel B. M.........do Hurley, Patrick..'........... do.. THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. THE call of the Governor for troops was nowhere received with a more hearty, or immediate response, than in the city of Pittsburg. The Washington Infantry, a militia company, under the command of Captain Thomas A. Rowley, was rapidly recruited to more than two hundred members, all desirous of serving in a body. To satisfy this desire, on its arrival at Camp Curtin, it was organized in three companies, from which, with two other companies already in camp, a Battalion was formed, to be commanded by Captain Rowley as:Major. Other companies fiom Pittsburg and vicinity arriving soon after, sharing in the same local pride, were incorporated with the Battalion, and a regimental organization effected, by the choice of the following officers: Thomas A. Rowley; of Pittsburg, Colonel; John N. Purviance of Butler, Lieutenant Colonel; W. S, Mellinger, of Monongahela City, Major. Joseph M. Kinkead, of; Pittsburg, was appointed Adjutant. The: regiment wasmusteredinto the service of the United States on the 25th of April, by Captain Seneca (. Simmons, and on the following morning moved to Camp' Scott, near the town of York. Only three of the officers, the Colonel, Adjutant, and one Captain-members of the First Pennsylvania regiment in the army of Occupation in Mexico-hahadad any previous military experience. But the alacrity withwhich every order was obeyed, and the ardent desire manifested by both officers and men to acquire a complete knowledge of their duties, rendered the instruction both easy and pleasant. The result of the six weeks training: at Camp Scott, though the weather during a considerable portion of the time was stormy, was most satisfactory. On the 4th of June, the regiment moved to Chambersburg, and on the 11th to Camp Brady, south of the town, reporting to Colonel Dixon S. Miles, commanding the 4th Brigade,* st: Division of Patterson's corps. On the 14th, the column began to move, the Thirteenth: reaching Greencastle the same night. This was the first actual march under arms and full equipments. On the following day it was continued to Camp Reily, near Williamsport. On Sunday the 16th of June, the Thirteenth was assigned to the advance of the column, and passing through Williamsport about noon-just as the worshiping congregations were dismissed-forded the Potomac, and were the first volunteers from the North to reach Virginia on this line. Advancing a few miles, the division encamped in a position well selected for defence, which was designated Camp Hitchcock. Remaining until the 18th, the command was or* Organization of the 4th Brigade, Colonel Dixon S Miles, 1st Division, Major General Geo. Cadwalader. Detachments of Second and Third UT S. infantry, Major Sheppard; Ninth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Henry C. Longneeker; Thirteenth regiment Pennsylvania:volunteers, Colonel Thomas. A. Rowley; Sixteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel;Thomas A. Zeig1e. 126 THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, dered back to the Maryland shore, all the regulars belonging to the corps, with the cavalry and artillery, having been ordered to Washington. On the return march, the Thirteenth was again assigned the post of honor, that of rear guard to the column. Returning to the neighborhood of Williamsport, it encamped in a position to command the principal ford. Details were furnished, chiefly from this regiment, for fatigue duty in constructing a permanent field work, or redan, for the use of Captain Doubleday's battery. hen completed, three siege guns of heavy calibre were placed in position, and their range tested by a shot from each, which, ricochetting on the hard turnpike on the opposite side of the river, caused sundry rebel horsemen, who were intently watching the operations, to beat a hasty retreat. When Patterson's army again advanced on the 2d of July, the Thirteenth and the Eighth Pennsylvania regiments were detailed to garrison Williamsport, and to protect communications with the base of supply. Cut off, thus, from the position at the front which they coveted, the men were determined to show their prowess, if not in arms, with the pen. Procuring the use of the "Williamsport Ledger" office, they commenced the publication of the "Pennsylvania Thirteenth," devoted to the patriotic sentiment of the camp, and to the more elevated tone of wit and humor prevalent in the ranks. The first number was issued on the 4th of July, 1861, and was continued, at intervals, until after the battle of Antietam, in September, 1862, a portable printing-press and materials having been purchased, and moved with the regiment. The establishment was finally lost amidst the confusion on that hotly contested field. Early on the morning of July 4th, the regiment was ordered to escort the Rhode Island battery, belonging to Colonel Burnside's command, to Martinsburg. The pieces were moved with difficulty across the ford, but were safely reported to the commander early in the evening. Engaged in picket and fatigue duty, until the 16th, it moved to Bunker Hill, and occupied the camps just vacated by the rebels, taking possession of their forage and their camp fires, still alive. On:the 17th, a forced march was made to Charlestown. Nearly the whole distance, over dusty roads, was performed at a "double quick." At a cross roads, called Smithfield, a halt was made, by order of General Patterson, a line of battle formed, the artillery placed in battery, and every thing put in readiness for action. This manceuvre was executed with the design of protecting the column against a sudden dash of the enemy's cavalry, which hung upon the flank and rear of the army in considerable force. The regiment remained in camp at Charlestown until the 21st, when it was ordered to Harper's Ferry. Starting without guides, and mistaking the way, it made a wide detour of some half dozen miles, and arriving at the Potomac late at night, was obliged to ford the river in the darkness, leaving some of the wagons in the middle of the stream until morning. On the evening of the 22d, it again struck tents,' and marched to Hagerstown, whence, on the 25th, it moved by the Cumberland Valley railroad to Harrisburg. Here, for the first time since their organization, the men began to exhibit impatience. Their campaign had been a bloodless one. Demagogues endear vored to convince them that they were no longer under obligations-their term of enlistment having expired-to obey the orders of their officers. This state of affairs might have resulted disastrously, had not the previous good discipline created a feeling of confidence in their officers, and made their expressed THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 127 wish, equivalent to an order.* As soon as transportation could be furnished, the regiment moved to Pittsburgh where an ovation awaited it. On the 6th of August it was paid and mustered out of service. Previous to this it had been determined to organize a new regiment for three years or the war, and within two weeks from the disbandment, Colonel Rowley with five companies departed for Washington, and before the end of the month had ten full companies in camp. Recruits still continued to arrive, until the organization embraced twelve hundred men. Reporting directly to the War office, the regiment was not recognized by the State authorities, nor its officers commissioned, until a large number of three years'regiments had been placed in the service. Hence it was numbered the One Hundred and Second, although it was among the first recruited. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Thomas A. Rowley........Colonel. M. K. Morehead............Quartermaster. John N. Purviance........ Lieutenant Colonel. James Robinson............Surgeon. W. S. Mellinger.............Major. George S. Foster............Assistant Surgeon. Joseph M. Kinkead........Adjutant. A. M. Stewart...............Chaplain. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. David B. Morris.............. Captain. Edstrom, Charles G.......Private. Heron Foster................First Lieutenant. Easton, William....... do. William M'Ilwaine.........Second Lieutenant. Fox, Thomas........... do. Zenas Fish.............. First Sergeant. Gaches, Joseph L........ do. Isaac Brown.......... Second Sergeant. Gross, David W.............do. Alward Forster...............Third Sergeant. Glean, Henry.................do. William H. Craumer......Fourth Sergeant. Greenawalt, William G.....do. Samuel Brozine, Jr.........First Corporal. Hanna, William............. do. John H. Elliott................Second Corporal. Hart, Frank..................do. Thomas S. Perkins...........Third Corporal. Hirth, August.......... do George W. Keifer............Fourth Corporal. Hoon, James M.............do. Joseph M'Laughlin.........Musician. Hunezeker, Rudolph.........do. John Andrew....................do. Hunezeker, William T......do. Adlington, John B...........Private. King, Benjamin F...........do. Allison, William P.............do. Kyle, Robert.....................do. Alderson, John..................do. Lang, William G...............do. Berry, John.......................do. Leet, John B.....................do. Baer, Peter P......................do. Linn, Thomas S..............do. Barker, Marcus.................do. Loomis, Simeon R............do. Brown, John A................do. Morland, Andrew............do. Bird, William....................do. Martin, William L............do. Cooper, St. Clair.................do. Miller, Samuel B..............do. Coyle, Daniel..................do. May, Trovillo....................do. Colebaugh, Henry...........do. Myers, Frank A...............do. Curry, Maurice L..............do. M'Gowen, Benjamin F......do. Davitt, Alfred B.................do. M'Kenna, Vincent............do. Duncan, James D..............do. O'Mayla, George...............do. * The Thirteenth regiment, when upon the point of taking the cars, homeward bound, were called on to repress a disturbance occurring near the Headquarters of the Division commander, at one of the principal hotels in Harrisburg, and arrived so promptly, in such good order, exhibiting such complete discipline, that further action was unnecessary. 128 THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, Peterman, Henry............Private. Stright, Albert...............Private. Printer, Isaac................. do. Thompson, George F.........do. Perry, Thomas...................do. Truby, Samuel................. do. Paul, Robert A.................do. Turner, William F...........do. Ruth, John B.....................do. Verner, Melchor...............do. Roberts, David...................do. Vogely, Thomas...............do. Shaw, John........................do. Woods, Thomas.......... do. Sarber, John B...................do. Woods, George..................do. Steimmeyer, Augustus......do. Wefing, Henry O..............do. Shiver, Robert..................do. Young, John S.................do. COMPANY B. ftECRUITED AT BIRMINGHAM. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John W. Patterson..........Captain. Knaba, Frederick..........Private. William F. M'Kee...........First Lieutenant. Lipps, Louis...................do. Shepley R. Holmes.........Second Lieutenant. Melhorn, Jerome J............do. Joseph Bishop, Jr........F. rst Sergeant. Metz, Henry J.................do. James M'Donald.............Second Sergeant. Moody, Peter....................do. Martin Shafer..................Third Sergeant. Morgan, James W............do. Abner M. Bedell.............Fourth Sergeant. Morgan, Thomas J.,...........do. William Hammett...........First Corporal. Moyen, Adam..................do. John Mathers..................Second Corporal. Murdock, Ezekiel............do. Joseph Banks..................Third Corporal..M'Allister, William F......do. Augustus Heisey............Fourth Corporal. M'Coy, Thomas F.............do. Albert Flowers...............Musician. M'Intire, James................do. Bancroft, John P.............Private. Newmoyer, Joseph. d...........do. Baldis, Peter......................do. Orth, George....................do. Bankerd, James, Jr............do. Page, Robert S................do. Banks, William H,...............o. Parsons, James D.............do. Berry, Frank...................do. Perif, John..................do. Blockinger, Joseph............do. Redmond, James...............do. Blockinger, Reinhard.........do. Rich, Jacob.......................do. Brindle, Peter, Jr............. do. Richards, John L............do. Brown, William S...........do. Roberts, William L........... do. Bonshire, Henry.................do. Romig, Emanuel..............do. Burt, Hamilton...................do. Shawhan, Joseph, Jr.........do. Caldwell, George W...........do. Shook, Henry..................do. Cashdiller, John H.............do. Slocum, Henry..............do. Cole, Joseph......................do. Snellsauer, Florient..........do. Conway, James..................do. Somerville, Alexander.....do. Davis, Abednego................do. Stemler, Peter.................do. Duff, George W............,...do. Stewart, David.................do. Evans, John................do. Thomas, Reese J.............ado. Fisher, Evan..................o hurby, John........ do:Flory, Jacob................ do. Tarr, David.....................o Grantz, Deitrick.................do. Ungst, George.................do. Harris, Milford...............do. Ungst, Thomas L...........do. Howard, Samue J..........do. Urban, John................do, Kane, George W..............do. Wenemore, David.........do. Kerchner, Benard....... do. Wochle, John.............. (1o. Korr, Alfred............... do. Young, Nicholas, Jr.........o. Kim, Melchoir...............,....do. COMPANY C. RBECRUITF.D AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Joseph Browne...............Captain. Robert Watderson........... Fourth Corporal. Charles W. Lewis............First Lieutenant. James H. Quartz............ lusician. Alexander P. M'Kee......Second Lieutenant. i John B. Cordell............. do. Arthur Lemon.............. First Sergeant. Burham, John H..........Private. Lewis H. Mayer.............. Second Sergeant. Barker, William H..........do. John K. Wightman..........Third Sergeant. Brown, Lewis F................ Lewis Aurbacker............Fourth Sergeant Brown, Henry H..............do. William I. F. White........First Corporal. Bridenthal, John...............do. Thomas I. Blackmoze......Second Corporal. Bassore, William W........do. Howard Kerr..................Third Corporal, Crawford, David L............. THREEB MONTHS' SMRVICE. 129 Curry, Isaac B.............Private. Megown, John A............Private. Carothers, Charles d............do. Myers, Worthington W.....do. Cramers, Joseph..............do. Ml'Ginness, Silas I............do. Callow, Alexander P......... do. IM'Clure, Mortle..............do. Carroll, William G.............do.'Neglev, William B............do. Silveria, John J........... o. Potz, (ustavus..................do. Dysert, Charles................do. Peebles, John..................do. Dripps, William P...J..........do. Robb, William J..............do. Davis,, John..............do. Robinso, Jam............do. Davidson, James............do. Rollings, Robert............do. Ehman, Jacob A.............d.d Struble, Philip............ do. Eichstein, Matthew.,........do. Shim, Charles P..............do. Ekin, James A...................do. Speer, Alexander M........do. Forsythe, Alexander.........do.' Snodgrass, James H.........do, Flenniken, Henry B.......do. Sahl, Leopold, Jr.........do. Grant, Edward..... ii........do. Tillolson, Harry H.......do. Grant, Francis............. do. Tindle, Robert M.............do. Gawley, John....................do..Thoden, Theodore H......do. Gross, Ferdinand H...........do. Turner, Edward..............d. Hartzell, William M.:.......do. Tobin, Michael.................do. Henshall, Charles...........do. Thomas, Joseph........ do. Johnston, Robert..............do. Taylor, Charles C............do. Kane, William I.......... do. Van Voorhis, Abraham.....do. Kane, James,................do. Williams, William, Jr.....do. Karracker, George........... do. Williams, William.........do. Lowrie, James A...............do. Williams, Patrick.... do. Millinger, William S.........do. Wilson, John C................do. Miersch, Charles H............do. Wilson, Oregon............do. Matting, Henry.................do. Walker, Samuel J..........d Matting, Frederick............do. Walker, Samuel, Jr.........do. Morhead, Maxwell K.......do. Zeiger, Charles..................do CoMPANY D. IltRORtTTED AT PITTSBUUR MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25i, 1861. William Mays.............Captain. Kaye, Joshua...........Private. Luke Loomis, Jr...........First Lieutenant. Myers, Augustus..............do Albert Fahnestock...........Second Lieutenant. Moltz, Cyrus.......... do, Thomas Maxwell...........First Sergeant. Mackey, Hugh...............do, James Patchell............Second Sergeant. Miller, Henry..................do. Francis DeMay..............Third Sergeant. Morange, John A.............do. William Grant.................Fourth Sergeant. Maddox, Thomas...............do. Alexander Wilson..........First Corporal. Murdock, William J.........do. David Scaram................ Second Corporal. M'Clelland, Thomas.........do. Joseph Bartel................Third Corporal. M'Lane, William.............do. Henry Monath..............Fourth Corporal. M'Kibben, Samuel...........do. James H. Vance..............Musician. Neely, James J.................do. Robert C. Alexander............do. Orr, William J.................do. Anderson, William, Jr,...Private. Poll, Andrew.......do. Boyce, Matthew...............do. Parker, James............do. Brady, Patrick...................do. Patterson, James.......... do. Cougher, Charles H........do. Paisly, Hugh.................'do. Cleary, Edward............do. Peters, William J............ Cochran, Richard H........do. Reno, Socrates........ do. Comfort, George A.......do Ragan, Alexander...........do. Durfe, Thomas..................do. Rodemore, Columbus......do. Devaux, John B.............do. oseburg, Peter B........do. Drenning, Henry G............do. Reed, Perry L.................o. De Zelley, John...............do. Smith, William D.............do. England, James T.............do. Sommerville, John..........do. Evans, John....................do. Smith, James...............do. Elliott, William................do. Smith, Thomas............do. Faulkner, Francis S..........do. Seabold, Lewis....do. Furman, Charles M...........do. Thompson, Luther J.....do. Freeman, George P...........do. Thompson, Thomas..~.......do. Foreman, Samuel P..........do Taylor, Samuel J............do. Griffith, Edward P............do. Taylor, James H..............do. Iemmerle, Lawrence P.......do. Wickham, George H.........do. Higgins, Bernard...........do.' Worthington, Henry........do. Heenan, John H.................do. Wise, John Lewis.............do. Hart, John T.................do. Woods, Thomas S...........do. Jones, Reese................. do. 17 130 THIRTEENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. William A. Charleton.......aptain. Gesey, John................Private. Hamlet Towe..................First Lieutenant. Green, William...............do. R. Bruce Young.............. Second Lieutenant. Givens, Bernard...............do. William L. Loyd.........First Sergeant. Herleman, Edward W......do. William B. Jones........Second Sergeant. Hagan, William...............do. Lewis H. Cochran............Third Sergeant. Harsha, James................do. John J. IHersh........... F.....ourth Sergeant. Hitchins, William............do. Charles L. T. Dabney......First Corporal. Heifer, Peter.....................do. William Perry................Second Corporal. Jewell, John...................do. Augustus Cochran...........Third Corporal. Kimberly, Benjamin F......do. John Drum.....................ourth Corporal. Kaner, Henry.......... do. Abner Adams..................Musician. King, Spencer..............do. Samuel Armor...................do. Lee, John......................do. Alberger, Charles...........Private. Lyle, Charles.................do. Amey, Jacob............. do. Mangan, Daniel..............do. Andrews, William.... do. Mangan, John P.............do. Butler, George.........'...... do. Merithew, Fitch..............do. Black, William J............do. Montgomery, John............do. Bennett, Stephen...............do. M'Clelland, James............ do. Burk, Henry................... do. M'Kim, John.................do. Baldaugh, Peter.............do. Miller, Xavier....;...... do. Boston, Shepley H.............do. Pratt, Charles..................do. Brosey, Christopher............-do. Price, David.......... do. Barnett, William...............do. Peedon, John F..............do. Bust, John L.....................do. Ryan, Samuel..................do. Conner, George W..............do. Shaffer, Alexander...........do. Crider, Daniel....................do. Sarrick, Ambrose..............do. Chamberlain, Cal.............do. Smith, James..................do. Crookhorn, John................do. Sence, Clemens.................do. Crider, William..................do. Spicy, John............... do. Carson, Charles W..............do. Slaymaker, Charles........do. Coyle, Bernard..................do. Smith,.Lyman...............do. Campbell, John..................do. Seybold, Christian............do. Cooper, Joseph.................do. Vance, James....................do. Carey, Samuel...............do. Ward, Daniel S......... do. Dixon, Henry S............. do. Williams, Charles............ do. Easton, David M..............do. Wilmot, Thomas............do Early, Alonza............. do. Wood, Charles L..............do. Ferris, Patrick................... do. Young, Jhn.......... do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PITTSBUR.. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John D. M'Farland......C.aptain. Craig, William.....Private. James H. Coleman.........First Lieutenant. Cummins, Georg A.......do. George W. Bowers...........Second Lieutenant. Day, William S................. do. John C. Marrow..........First Sergeant. Day, Allen C..................... do. Samuel H. Hay..............Seond Sergeant. Dunden, John................do. George Perkins..............Third Sergeant Deerstein, Charles............do. William Y. Adlington:.... Fourth Sergeant. Donthel, James........... do. William A. Hoak............First Corporal. Fulton, James......... do. John W. Dunlap..............Second Corporal. Fitzpatrick, John.............do. James Larimer...............Third Corporal. Frazey, Benjamin F.........do. Adam Weaver.................Fouth Corporal. Fortt, Philip H................. do. John Kessler................Musician. Forrester, James D...........do. James S. Black........... do. Graham, James.................do. Anderson, John A...........Private. Graham, Thomas..............do. Brown, Edward L:...........do. Griffin, Robert L............. do. Brennan, Michael;.......do. Hagan, Allen...................do. Beck, Washington...........do. Hays, Lew..................do. Boggs, Thomas W................do.. Hughes, John...............do. Byers, William H.............do. Handberry, George H.......do. Bryson,Daniel.......do. Hottinger, Charles........do. Bowen, James A......d..... o. Heiser, Henry.................do. Booth, George.............do. Hoffman, George C...........do, Breckinridge, Linwood......d. Hunt, James C..................do. Sondon, John...............do. Johnston, Perry..............o. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 131 Krosser, William P........Private. Perkins, David I...........Private. King, Henry......................do, Payne, Reynolds..............do. Kennedy, Robert.............do. Piper, John R................. do. Kaynes, Andrew..............do. \ Reddick, George..............do. Leyburn, George...............do. Reed, Peter W............ do. Landers, Jacob..................do. Reese, John................ do. Lord, Horace M..................do. Richards, William...........do. Lingham, William............do. Schuck, Joseph................do. LMartin, Joseph..................do. Silk, Charles W............ do. Morgan, George F.............do. Silk, Joseph H.............. do. sIaguire, James......... do. Silk, George..............o.'Knight, George..............do. Snowden, William..........do. M Cord, Frank....................do. Vanhorn, James D............do. M'Cloury, Thomas...........do. Vanhorn, William A........do. Pittman, George..............do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT BEDFORD, BEDFORD COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John H. Filler................Captain. Kreiger, John...............Privat, Edward S. Mopps........... First Lieutenant. Kegg, Jacob.....................do. William Barndollar.'..... Second Lieutenant. Karder, William..............do. John B. Ielm.................First Sergeant. Kelly, John T..................do. Alexander C. Mower......Second Sergeant. Kay, Ezra.................. do. William Bowman............Third Sergeant. Lowry, Samuel.................do. William H. Nulton.........Fourth Sergeant. Lightningstar, August's...do. Harry H. C. Kay............Fist Corporal. Munshower, George W.....do. Oliver C. Ramsey............Second Corporal. Miller, Clement R............do. John W. Barndollar.........Third Corporal. Miller, John H..................do. George W. Wentling.......Fourth Corporal. Mellan, Thomas R............do. Armstrong, Thomas......Private. Mullen, Washington.........do. Bowers, John....................do. Moore, John.....................do. Bochm, John W.................do. Medley, William...............do. Bartholomew, Borchiel......do. M'Quillen, Hiram.............do. Boor, William A................do. M'Girr, Matthias...............do. Brown, Jeremiah...............do. Mohn, Frederick...............do. Bradley, Alexander............do. Pilkington, Richard..........do. Borland, Zachariah............do. Pilkington, James............d. Cook, John F....................do. Peck, Jacob B..................do. Davis, James W.................do. Poorman, Franklin H.......do. Davis, Richard..................do. Penn, William J..............do. Defibaugh, Harrison..........do. Ramsey, Eli B.................do. Elliott, David S..................do. Rabe, Frederick WV............ o. Elder, Samuel....................do. Saupp, James...................do. Filler, William T...............do. Steel, David S...................do. Gates, Theophilus...............do. Slack, Francis M...............do. Guy, Robert.......................do. Shellar, William...............do. Golipher, Justice................do. Statler, William...............do. Hornig, Frederick..............do. Tate, Samuel B.................do. Hissong, Josiah...............do. Tobias, Samuel.................do. Hafer, William..................do Washabaugh, William......do. Hafer, Alexander H............do. Williams, Richard...........do. Hill, Aaron.....................do. Wilson, William...............do. Hildebrand, Alexander......do. Wilson, Hugh.............. do. Jacoby, Edward.................. do. Wonech, MichaeL..............do. Karchner, David.............. do. C O..PANY H. RECRUITED AT BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Alexander Gillespie.......Captain. John P. Orr.................Third Corporal. George W. Smith............First Lieutenant. Joseph B. Mechling.......Fourth Corporal John G. Vandyle............Second Lieutenant. Thos. A. Cunningham...Musician. John B. M'Quiston..........First Sergeant. William S. Dickson.........do. Edwin Lyon..................Second Sergeant. Ayres, Alfred...............Private. Oliver C. Redic................Third Sergeant. Allen, John.......................do. Samuel Muckel................Fourth Sergeant. Allen, Jefferson.............do. Thompson Campbell, Jr..First Corporal. Barclay, Shaler C.........do. Andrew Carns Jr............Second Corporal. Brown, Peterson............. do. 132 TEHBTEENTH PRGIMENT, Bedillion, Robert.............Private. Moore, Alexandur W.....Private Banks, Andrew M..........do. Marshall, Dunwoody........do. Bonder, Jacob.................do. M'Quiston, William W...do. Cratty, Eli G............ do. Moore, William J............. do. Crooks, Williai................do. M'Clung, Charles H.........do. Crozier, Robert W............do. M'Lary, James..............do. Caldwell, John...... do. Moore, George................do. Carnahan, Thomas J...........do. M'Michael, Ethan S..........do. Davis, John........................do. Nixon, Simeon.................do. Daub, George...............do. Otto, Christian M............do. Dunn, William........ do. Potts, James.......d...........do. Fleming, Hudson J............do. Pearce, Robert C...... do. Fitzimmons, John............do. Reed, Alfred G.................do. Frick, Wallace..................do. Ruch, Lawrence............. do. Glenn, John L................. do. Smith, George H..............do. Graham, Samuel................do. Step, William H. H.......do. Greer, Joseph B..................do. Schindler, Adam.............do.'Gregory, John....................do. Sykes, Thomas M. C.........do Harbison, John D...............do. Stewart, Isaac C...............do. Hagerty, Demosthenes.....do. Shannon, James H............do. Jamison, William J...........do. Singer, Augustus I..........do. Jack, William S................d. Schleppy, Milton I..........do. Kennedy, David R............do. Shakely, Frederick R.......do. Kennedy, William............do. Thompson, Robert I.........do. Lyon, Robert W...............do. Teaby, Oliver....................do. Lyon, Howe D....................do. Wise, Oliver I.................do. Lson, Daniel H.................d. Walker, Samuel...............do. Mackrel, James...................do. Wolf, George.....................do. Miller, Isaac M................do. Weisenstine, Peter.......... do. Millford, Thomas J..........do. Wallace, George F............do. Milford, James P...............do. Ziegler, Andrew S..........do. C OMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. William G. Gallagher......Captain. Houston, John..............Private. James M'Gregor.............First Lieutenant. Higgens, Francis............do. Thomas A. Hinton...........Second Lieutenant. Hopkins, John.................do. George E. Leach..............First Sergeant. Holmes, John..................do. Daniel Burkely...............Second Sergeant. Kelly, Michael.................do. George W. Grubb............Third Sergeant. Kelly, Patrick, 1st............do. James Adams................Fourth Sergeant..Kelly, Patrick, 2d.............do. James Carn....................First Corporal. Lennix, John............... do. Bylmai Bayard...............Second Corporal. Lindsey, John..................do. Charles P. Dills...............Third Corporal. Lyons, John....................do. John Thomas..................Fourth Corporal. Marbles, George...............do. William O'Brian..............Musician. Moody, William..............do. James Hughs.....................do. Morrow, John...................do. Atkins, Lawrence............Private. Milligan, John.................do. Burns, W. H....................do. Mulholland, John............do. Briggs, Sabinus.............. do.'Donald, Bernard....... do. Bole, John................. do. M'Gainer, James...............do. Beech, Roswell R...............do. M'Carty, William..............do. Burk, James......................do. M'Shane, Paul..................do. Bletz, Jacob......................do.. M'Kinney, Daniel...........do. Baker, Jacob.....,.............dc M'Cammon, John............do. Cam, Matthew..................do. Nelson, Thomas...............do. Conrad, George W..............do. -.. Nichols, John....................do. Caldwell, James.................do. Newton, William...........do. Campbell, John..................do. O'Connell, Michael.......... do. Clark, Joseph...................do. Olin, David.......................do. Christ, Grass..................do. Robinson, George..............do. Davis, Thomas D...............do.. Rock, Patrick.................do. Dean, James......................do. Ryan, James..................do. Dougherty, Francis............do. Snell, Edward.................do. Dll, Henry.....................do. Stewart, William H......... do. Doak, S eldo T Samuel.....do Taylor, Samuel...............do. Dean, Thomas...................do. Walker, Peter...............do. Edmonds, George..............do. Weeks, Joseph H.............do. Elkins, William.......... do. Whalin, Peter..................do. Freeborn, Thomas B..........do. Walters, William...........do. Fletcher, Walter................do. Wilks, John....................do. Fleteher, Charles...............do. THREB MONTHSi SB~VIGO. 13$ COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PITTSBUBG. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. John Poland.................. Captain. Grine, John....................Private. John D. Quinn.............First Lieutenant. Hang, William.................do. Thomas Mooney........... Second Lieutenant. Holmes, John C...............do. Henry Hudson.............. First Sergeant. Harper, John...................do. Charles Wilkinson.........Second Sergeant. Harmon, James...............do. John P. Leonard............Third Sergeant. Henessy, James..............do. Benton F. Brown........... Fourth Sergeant, Hubbard, Charles P.........do. Abner pdograft........... First Corporal. olbecker, Frank J........do. Samuel Alexander......... Second Corporal. Kelsey, John M.................do. John L. Fowler..............Third Corporal. Louden, John..................do. William B. M'Laughlin...Fourth Corporal. Langklin, William L........do. Michael O'Brien.............Musician. Leonard, Charles.........do. Frank Milstein................do. Laughlin, Joseph M.........do. Allen, John R................Private. Lighthill, David...............do. Anderson, Edwin..............do. Lane, Washington............do. Bright, William J.......... M'do.Cormae, James R.........do. Bernhard, Nathan...........do. Multenberger, Stephen......do. Bogart, David.............do. M'Chesney, George...........do. Bradberry, Thomas J.......do. M'Donald, David..............do. Burns, Arthur............do. M'Gratty, William J.........do. Buckley, John..................do. Nixon, Thomas L.............do. Carline, James W............do. Porter, Thomas................do. Clayes, Henry M..............do. Quartz, Joseph.................do. Olark, Samuel C............... do. Rice, Michael................do. Chantler, William........ do. Ridge, William A.............do. Carroll, Patrick................do. Shriver, Henry...............do. Crone, James..................do. Stewart, David A.............do. Carroll, Matthew............. do. Smithson, Daniel W,..........do. Cleaver, Lewis.............. do. Sweeney, John C..............do. Clark, Alexander...........do. Taylor, Samuel B..............do. Davis, James C...............do. Van Pool, George...........do. Davis, Samuel H............. do. White, John E................. do. Donnison, John H.............do. Whiler, Ephraim............. do. Fischer, Lewis.................do. Wells, James........... do. Fleming, James B............do. Wigley, Wilam...............do. Greem, James............ do. Wicklim James A.........do. Green, James P.................do. Watt,John...................do. Graham, William............. do. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT. THEI Fourteenth regiment was formed at Camp Curtin, of companies from various sections of the State. The men had been recruited, or rather accepted-for the outpouring everywhere was at the flood tide-at periods varying from the 15th to the 30th of April. The line officers, becoming impatient at the delay in effecting regimental organizations, selected ten companies, and calling them together held an election, at which the following field officers were chosen: John W. Johnston, of Youngstown, Westmoreland county, from Captain of company F, and who had been a Captain of volunteers in the Mexican war, Colonel. Richard M'Michael, of Reading, Berks county, who had been a Major in the Mexican war, Lieutenant Colonel; Charles N. Watts, of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Major Joseph A. M'Lean, of Reading, was appointed Adjutant. This organization was recognized and approved at Headquarters, and the. men were mustered into the service of the United States by Captain Simmons, on the 30th of April, 1861. Many of the men, also, had seen service in the war with Mexico and were familiar with a soldier's life.Clothing, arms, and accoutrements were received at Camp Curtin. On the 9th of May, the Fourteenth, in company with the Fifteenth regiment, was ordered to Lancaster, where it went into camp upon the Fair ground, which was designated Camp Johnston. The post was under the command of Brigadier General James S. Negley, of Pittsburg, an experienced officer, who commanded the Brigade to which the Fourteenth and Fifteenth regiments were subsequently attached. The men were drilled in Scott's tactics, and were soon brought to a good understanding of the principles and practice of that system. Much attention was bestowed upon the troops by the citizens, and the whole camp was entertained with a sumptuous dinner by the ladies, by whom havelocks and Bibles were liberally distributed. On the 3d of June, the regiment was ordered to move to Chambersburg, where it arrived on the same day and went into camp about five miles from the town. The Brigade organization was here completed, and the Fourteenth was assigned to the 5th of the 2d Division.* On the 1.6th of June, the Brigade advanced to Hagerstown, and on the 20th was marched-to the neighborhood of Sharpsburg. Here the Fourteenth remained, doing picket and guard duty, and was thoroughly disciplined in anticipation of active service. At early dawn on the morning of the 2d of July, the whole force under * Organization of the 5th Brigade, Brigadier General James S. Negley, 2d Division, Major General William I. Keim. Fourteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel John W. Johnston; Fifteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel R. A, Oakford; Twenty-fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Joshua T. Owen. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 135 General Patterson commenced crossing the Potomac. The column took the main road to Martinsburg, except the Brigade under General Negley, which, at a point about one mile from the ford, diverged to the right, to meet the enemy should he come from Hedgesville, to guard the right, and to rejoin at Hainsville.* On the following day the Fourteenth arrived at Martinsburg, and encamped near the town. Several expeditions were made into the country, but in every instance failed to meet the enemy. Before leaving Martinsburg, a beautiful flag was presented to the regiment by the citizens of the place, as an expression of their sympathy in the Union cause, and as an acknowledgment'of the good conduct of officers and men while doing provost duty in the town. When, subsequently, the place fell under rebel rule, many of, those who were instrumental in securing and presenting the flag, were subjected to bitter persecution. The enemy being reported in force at Bunker Hill, about seven miles distant, on Monday, the 15th of July, the whole army moved to that place. But the enemy had fled, leaving his camping grounds as the only vestiges of his presence. On Thursday following, the regiment marched toCharlestown, and on Sunday to Harper's Ferry, where the first intelligence of the battle of Bull Run was received. The term of enlistment having expired, it was ordered to Harrisburg.Marching to Hagerstown it was dispatched by the Cumberland Valley road. On arriving at Chambersburg, a telegram was received from Governor Curtin, directing it to go into camp at some convenient place and await further orders, Harrisburg being already full of returning troops. It was accordingly moved to Carlisle, where it encamped and remained about two weeks. Here the men were paid and mustered out of service by Captain Hastings. A large proportion of officers and men re-entered the service in various Pennsylvania organizations. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. John W. Johnston...........Colonel. Daniel W. Syler............Quarteri:aster Richard M'Michael'.........Lieutenant Colonel. R. S. Symington............Surgeon. Charles N. Watts............Major. Washington L. Nugent..Asslstant Surgeon. Joseph A. M' Lean............ u. Adjutant.......MCarter...............Chaplain. COMPANY A. BRECRITED'AT READING, BERKS COUNTY..MUSTERED IN, APRIL 27, 1861. D. A. Griffith.................Captain. F. W. Berg......... ourthSergeant. J. A. MLean...First Lieutenant. Thomas Gabriel........... First Corporal. E. J. auch... Second Lieutenant. G. W. Rapp.................Second Corporal. J.'Phillippi.....First Sergeant S. Dainpman................Third Corporal. Amos Arnold.d... So......... n;ecold Sensrgeanlt.....Bently Smith.:...............Fourth Corporal. H. Missimer...........hird Sergeant.. Goodhart............. Musician. * General Patterson's official report. (onduct of the War, Vfob. Ti, p. 133, No. 34. 136 FOURTEENTH REGIMBELT, Francis Bauer.................Musician. Lawrence, William......Private, Armstrong, John............Private. Lawrence, Joseph.............do. Burns, Moses....................do. Miller, Levi.....................do. Bauman, Joseph................do. Miron, Charles.................do. Bosler, Daniel....................do. May, Joel..........................do. Brookins, John H...............do. Noland, Charles................do. Bell, Matthias...................do. Pollam, George.................do. Bell, Nelson....................... Quimby, Henry................do. Chalfant, Joseph................do. Reigel, Charles..................do. Cook, William........... do. Roy, Milton.......................do. DeVoute, Bartholomew..... do. Reheufuss, Henry............do. Deihm, Charles M............. do. Smeck, Ephraim..............do. Finkbone, Jacob................do. Steife, Harrison.................do. Fawl, Augustus................do. Simon, Robert..................do. Finkbone, Daniel...............do. Smith, Charles..................do. Fix, Samuel......................do. Smith, Nicholas.................do. Getrost, Henry.................. do. Shalters, F. B., Jr...........do. Getz, Leonard....................do. Seaman, A. S....................do. Goodman, Aaron............... do. Sailor, Henry.................do. Gottschall, Emanuel.......... do. Sample, Henderson..........do. Hiller, Gotlieb................... do. Shultz, James A...............do. Hindman, John S..............do. Trout, Cyrus.....................do. Hassinger, John H............do. Traite, Urias....................do. Hayes, George M..............do. Toole, James....................do. Houder, Jacob...................do. Thompson, James M.........do. High, James...................... do. Tassel, Van.....................do. Husk, Samuel................... do. Ulmer, Frederick..............do. Hummel, Benjamin............do. dUxly, Cornelius...............do. Klemmer, Benjamin.......... do. Wolf, Peter......................do. Kramer, Nicholas...............do. Whitman, Edwin..............do. Kerper, Daniel................do. Weidner, Philip................do. Lewis, William R..............do. Zellers, Samuel...............do Large, William................. do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT ST. CLAIR, SOHUYLILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. William H. Jennings......Captain. HIumphries, Evan.........Private. William G. Burwel........First Lieutenant. Harrison, Marshall............do. Joseph Enniss.................Second Lieutenant. Hancock, George...............do. Charles Blacker..............First Sergeant. Highten, James................do. Thomas M'Prim..............Second Sergeant. Jenkins, David................ do. William F. Guyther.........Third Sergeant. Jones, Isaac B..................do. Nicholas Schmeltzer........Fourth Sergeant. Jeremiah, David...............do. Michael A. Welsh............First Corporal. Koch, Theodore................do. David Reese....................Second Corporal. Kelley, John................do. James Blacker.................Third Corporal. Lockett, George................do. Edward R. Breckon.........Fourth Corporal. Mason, John...............do. William Birt..................Musician. Mason, Edward............ do. Michael Clark.................do. Murray, Patrick..............do. Anspach, William...........Private. Morgan, John L...............do. Blacker, William............. do. Price, William.............. do. Brown, William............ do. Pusey, James.................do. Brinnan, William..............do. Richardson, Frank W......do. Blakely, John.................. do. Reese, Reese.................do. Childs, William................do. Rogus, Robert................do. Cresswell, Thomas.............do. Snbwden, John................do. Clase, Benneville...............do. Smith, John W.................do. Cooper, James J...............do. Smith, George..................do. Crow, John..................do. Steel, William M.............do. Cather, John...............................do. Sedgwick, Edward.........do. Dudley, William................do. Stevens, John.................do. Davis, William........... do. Taylor, John...............do. Dougherty, John...............do Taylor, Charles.................do. Davis, Jonah......................do. Thomas, George................do. Donley, John...................do. Thomas, John T...............do. Dolan, John.....................do. Thompson, John...............do. Dixon, Joseph....................do. Van Horn, Adgate C.........do. Evans, George............do. Vincent, John...................do. Francis, John....................do. Walker, Daniel D..............do. Farnie, Georgo.....o...........do. Walker, Daniel..............do. Gettius, William.................do. Wilson, Thomas...............do. Guyther, Thomas..............do. Wood, John......................do. Green, Robert......................d. Wonders, George............... do. Green, John.................. Zimmerman, Adam..........do. Gable, William...............do. THIRJEE MONTHe' SERVICE. 137 COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT, MONTOUR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Oscar Ephlin................Captain. Jones, Edward...............Private. John A. Winner..............First Lieutenant. Jones, James.....................do. Clinton W. Pursell..........Second Lieutenant. Jones, Matthe..............do. Henry M. Trumbower.....First Sergeant. Jordan, John...............do. Arthur Amandus............Second.Sergeant. Kelly, Patrick............... do. Freeze M'Williams.......^Third Sergeant. Keliy, Martin...............do. *John C. Perrin...............Fourth Sergeant. dKesler, Michael............. do. Jacob Miller...................First Corporal. Loudan, Thomas............do. George W. Vangilder......Second Corporal. Lewis, John 0.........,;i:..do. Adolphus Bookheister.....Third Corporal. Mencer, John.................do. Reese Flanigan...............Feurth Corporal. Mowrer, Charles.........:...do. Henry Metz..................... Musician. M'Ninch, Samuel...........do. William Milliner...............do. Markel, William...........do. Alcorn, John...................Private. Miller, Jacob C.......... do. Alward, John....................do. Ogden, Andrew F.....,...do. Blue, Samuel.....................do. Patton, Alfred B..............do. Brown, Benton B...............do. Pursel, John.................do. Barnhart, William..............do. Phillips, James M............do. Boush, Montgomery........do. Robbe, Joseph................d Billmeyer, William H........do. Rank, Ellis H..............:do. Caldwell, Samuel W...........do. Roderick, Edward W.;..-.do. Javis, Lewis L.............do. Rush, Stephen L...............d;o Dani s, George............ do. Rollin, Harris G................do. Davis, Richard............. do. Small, Charles... d........d Deiss, Reese.....................do. Stall, Samuel.................d Everhart, Nathaniel...........do. Snyder, John C..............do. Fields, Elijah............... do. Spade, Hiram M..............do. Fenstermacher, Joseph H...do. Sigler, Robert............ do. Foin, John A.....................do.,Thomas, James.............d Gaskins, Harbit..................do. Thomas, William J........ Handley, William.............do. iTerry, Charles.................do. Huntingdon, John.............do. Tusman, Casper..............do. Houser, James.................do.. Thorp, James..d..............do Iowe, John T.................. do. Thacher, Edward.........do. Hopkins, Richard...............do.'Wise, Mark W..................do Handshaw, Peter...............do. Watts, William M............do. Houser, John J................do. illiams, David...............do. Johnson, Stephen............. do. Woods, John....................do. Jenkins, John R.............do. Young, William........d o. Johnson, Joseph H...... do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT SMITH'S MILL, OLEARFIELD COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. James Crowther...............Captain. Connell, William H.......Private. John S. M'Kiernan..........First Lieutenant. Connelly, Thomas T..........do. William Stoke.................Second Lieutenant. Connelly, Patrick.............do. John G. Cain................ First Sergeant. Cresswell, Thomas......... do. William Round...............Second Sergeant. Cresswell, Samuel....... do. Andrew M'Clure............. Third Sergeant. Crowel, Hiram............... do. Daniel Hoover................FourthSergeant. Denny, Peter....................do. Samuel Hoover..............First Corporal. Druckamiller, Charles......do. Martin Burley.................Second Corporal. Dunlap Geo e W............do. William Conrad...............Third Corporal. Fink, John W..................do. William M'Kiernan.........Fourth Corporal. Fink, Reuben...................do. Irwin W. Bell..................Musician. Fox, James.....................do. Abraham H. Brady............do. Gibbs, David I................do. Ball, John.................. Private. Gillen, William.................do. Beckweth, Thomas...........do. Glant, Henry..................do. Bourk, John.......................do. l w........... oyer, Peter....do...............do. ll, nam.........do. Brady, Patrick................do. Halderman. Jacob............do. Brady, William J...............do. Helsel, John............... do. Brewer, Thomas HI....do. Hill, John L.....................do. Carson, Ja.n es............ do. IHollen, William S....... do Carr, Wililiam. id. - Hollen, Thomas J............do. 18 138 FOUITEENTH REGIMENT, Hollen, Thomas W.........Private. Robbins, Jacob M..........Private. Henderson, John A...........do. Robbins, John H.............. do. Hunter, Allen M...............do. Root, Truman...................do. Hoffman, John A..............do. Root, Lanson....................do. Johnston, Nicodemus..........do. Stephens, Joseph..........do. Kinney, James E...............do. Stephens, John W............do. Longcoy, Oscar.................do. tetler, Hiram..................do. Lytle, William..................do. Snyder, Simon.................do. Malone, John.....................do. Stoddard, James..............do. Meredith, William B.........do. Straightiff, Andrew F.......do. Miller, John W................. d Troxall, George W...........do. Monuhen, Patrick............ Walker, William E...........do. Mulveny, Patric................do. Warrick, Isaiah............ do. M'Cune, Samuel...............do. Warefel, John................do. Myers, James..................do. Weston, Alfred................ do. Rath, Robert.................... Wiley, James..............do. Richards, George B........... COMPANY E. ROBTUITED AT,BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John C. Shearer.............Captain. Rlahr, Samuel................rivate. John T. Schoener........Fixst Leutenant. Koch, Israel...................do. William G. Moore.............Sedond Lieutenant Kuhns, George W,.........do. George N. Steach............FirstSergeant Kautz, Henry'P...............do. Cyrus Oberly.................Second ergeant. Kohler, Henry.............do. Henry Weighman...........Third Sergeant. Lash, William...............do. William Weinhold..........Fourth Sergeant. Liveringhouse, John H.....do. James Gaul......... First Corporail.. Lash, Benjamin...............do. Henry Gutwalp............Seond Corpral. Meek, Lawrence............ 40. Levi Bennethem............,Third Corporal. Moyer, Elias................ do. Eli Daugherty...............urth Coporl. adary, William............do. John Daniels..................Musician. Mathen, Samuel............. do. Cyrus Heffelfinger.............do. M'Guire, Thomas...........d Ayres, James....... Pri.vate. Milligsock, Augustus........do Arnold, Henry............o.... Muskness, Peter............do. Arnold, Samuel................ do. Nice, Milton Bd............ do. Barket, Samuel.................do. Owens, Blue.................do Bennethem, William..........o. Parson, Samue........... Bennethem, Charles............do. Putt, Frederik.......... do. Brechbill, John.................d. Pollum, James........,.. d. Bennethem, Jonathan........do. Reinhart, James..............do. Clouser, John.....................do. Rosenberger, tenry....... do. Capp, Peter.......................do. Russell, Jeremiah..........do. Deppen, Jacob...................do. Rose, Isaac.......................do. Dissinger, David................do. Scholl, Isaac.....................do. Dehart, Levi..................do. Stout, Emanuel................do. Fiddle, Isaac.....................do. Smith, Zadoc....................do. Fink, William................... do. Shaffer, Michael...............do. Fosk, Charles.................do. Seidel, William W...........do. Fry, William....................do. Strouse, William..............do. Gast, William.....................do. Seidel, James....................do. Haywood, Henry...............do. Spotz, Daniel....................do. Harp, Henry..................do. Ulrich, Cyrus....................do. Honies, Willi.........o.....d. dWise, Peter.................... do. Hawk, Mando........... Wenrich, William H........do Hendricks, Reuben...........do. Wie,evi...do. Hampton, Johi.............. Weiser, George.... do Hoffnan, Fred'ok'........do. Well, WlliamH.............do. Himmelrich, Wllam.......do. Whitaker, Samuel............do. Haas, John............... do. Zeehma.n, Percival............ do. John.,.... C.OMPANY F. MCMBUITED AT GREENSBURO, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. p S. Marchand............. Captain. John B. Bair..................Second Sergeant, #mphrey Caon...........First Lieutenant. Steward Carroll.........T...Thi'rd Sergeant. cdJreW Bava.r....'e........,nd: ieutant. Josiah B. Laufer...........Fouth ergeant. i:., w ^o w....F....'f t Sergeant. I James D. Tharp...........,.irsi C oral. THREE MONTHS' ERVICE. 139 William WeiTIe............. S.cond Coa. Keeler, Sam i...........Pvate Thomas William s;..........Third, C:oir. Kennedy, JerenAh.....do. James A. Painterf..........Foirth l lri. Kennedy, Newt6n.,..;..... do Jesse Geiger.......;......... M ica. Keeebert, Daniel.;............do. John Tantlinger....,..........d. Keltz, Alexander'......... do. Ayres, Samuel.....;.r..... lrV t t Kreider, E. W..... do. Brown, George W............. do. Keltz, Anthony................do. Bankert, Robert F.............do. Ludwig, William..........do. Bonsel, J. C.....................do. Jefferson.............do. Bramon, Patrick.............do. el, William...........do. Billey, Thomas..................do. M'Allister, T. A...............do. Banks, Robert E................do. Miliron, Simon.........do Casterwiler, John..............do. Marchand, Daniel............do. Cochran, John................do. WMCormick, Samuel.,,..do. Charles, Thomas...............do. lhf, William...............do. Cups, David.......................do. M'Kelvey, John...............do. Donald, John............. do. Nail, H. B........................do. Dull, George H.............. do; Brien,John S................do. Decker, William............ do. O'Gara, John do. Dcker, William.,.............do". OIGara, John........................do. Davis, T. T......d....... o.......d. Patton, Jaies.................do. Eakin, William.........d.... do. Parks, David...................do. Gisal, Samuel.............d... o. Robinson, G. W...............do. Gebhart, John..............do. Richards, Thomas........... do. Grier, Leander................do. Smith, Samuel................do. Green, John W.................do. Staugh, John A..............do Hush, Lebbeus B..............do. Smith, Samuel A.............do. Hyte, Henry E..................do. Stott, Joseph........ do Howl, Jonathan..............do. Smith, John G.........d.........do Howl, Albert.....................do. Scholl, Absalom.............do. Howl, J. K....................do. Thompson, J...............do Heisten, Lewis..............do. Taylor, James H...............do. Huey, John............. do. ritchman, Irvin..............do. Huey, Washington............do. Teuthers, David 8............do. Huslaey, Lewis.................do. Whitaker, Bradbury........do. Herten, George............. oWands, William. d............ do. Hood, Joseph........W...........do. Woods, Henry.................do Irvin, John...................... do. Wilson, Henry A.............do, Johnston, John N...... d......do Zandel, Albert..........do. COMXPANY G. REOBCI'ITD-AT -, W91^STMORBEtAD Ot MtlSTERED IN, APRIL 27, 1861. John B. Keenan...............Captain.... Hill, Jacob..............Private. Joseph West...................First Iieutenant. H1ll, John....................d James Carnahan.............Second Lieutenant. Hood, Geqrge W..............do. Joseph W. Churns F.........F. rst Sergeant. Hughes, Isaac.................do. Harmon Burd.................SecondSergeant. Irwin, Elias....................do. James Mullen................Third Sergeant. Jelly, George W.............do. WesleyTaylor.................Fourth Sergeant. Keiffer, John................ do. Thomas C. M'Guire.........First Corporal. Kelly, Joseph..................do. Henry Stickle..............Second Corporal. Kelly, M. A.....................do. Robert Knox..................Third Corporal. Kiennedy, Henry..........do. John Nicely...................Fourth Corporal. Larinr, John..............do. Wilson J. Aikens............Musician. Lauffenberger, Fred'k......do. William Kells.......... Leap, Mi a.'el,............ do. Aman, Edward..............Private. Long, Jacob................ do. Artist, William.................do. w, W am............do. Baird, William........... do. Mart. i, At..............do. Beck, George...............do. Miller, Tenedore............. do. Beck, John................ do. Mitchell, W............do. Berlin, Joseph..................do. Mooro orbtiihi.........do. Berry, John..............More, eoi W......... o. Blackburn, John... d...............doy, Baird, Simeon.................do. Noel: EBmng l:,........ d Caten, John...................do. Noel, Joh;............... do. Craig, John B.................do. Parlej oh............do. Culbertson, Thomas...........do. Peden, Williar:.............odo. Dougherty, William...........do. Penn;,Robrt,............. do Fink, Jacob.................. Ream, Johfi;...d........... do. Flint, Samuel.................do. Randolph, Ja.............o. Fritz, Alexander.............do. Reising, John.............. do. Fritz, Jeremiah............do. Seigfried, David.............do. George, Peter.............. do. Shirey, Hiram;............ do. Gibson, William...............do. Showers, Benjam:i.........dO. Geiger, Benjamin.............do. Short, Tarn......................do. 140 FOTRTEENTH REGIMfENT, Stephenson, William......Private. Taylor, Wesley..............Private. Stickle, Peter............... do. Thomas, James.................do. Smith, John................. do. Walker, John S................ do. Stoot, Joseph.....d................do. auhaman, John...........do. Smith, George W............do. Wallace, Peter G.............do. Taylor, Jonathan.,....d....do. Wittemberger, Joseph.....do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT, BLAIR COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Thomas Holland..............Captain. Hammond, Edward......Private. William M'Graw.............First Lieutenant. Hodge, Patrick F..............do. Samuel A. Andrews....... Second Lieutenant. Hammars, James J.........do. David Gildea.................. First Sergeant. Hammond, Greenbury......do. John H. Robertson............Second Sergeant. Hughes, John...................do. Joseph Mauk..................Third Sergeant. Hall, George...................do. George S. Hoover............Fourth Sergeant. Ickis, Adam..................do. David Ligenfeldt.............First Corporal, Isett, Aaron B...............do. Jacob W. Andrews.......Second Corporal. Keith, William................do. Mahlon B. Hamilton.........Third Corporal. Laise, John H...................do. John H. Black.................Fourth Corporal. Mowrey, William R..........do. Daniel B. Hicks..............Musician. Miller, Edward B............do. Thomas Lloyd.................. do. Miller, Henry.................do. Breeze, Samuel..........Private. Mangus, Abraham...........do. Boring, Henry J..............do. Mountain, William..........do. Burkey, Aaron..................do. lMyers, Peter....................do. Brubaker, Emanuel...........do. M'Connell, William J........do. Burke, Patrick................. do. M'Inay, John.....do Bartlobaugh, Philip...........do. M'Kenzie, Robert....... do. Christian John G...............do. M'Cartney, James.............do. Dallas, John......................do. Malone, Christian............do. Dibert, Michael H...............do. Nofsker, William..............do. Davis, George W...............do. Osner, George A...............do. Davis, Joshua.....................do. Perkins, George W............do. Donahay, David A..............do. Robinson, James...............do. Dillman, Simon P...............do. Rotherick, Davis B...........do. Dougherty, Michael............do. Robinson, William............do. Engle, Henry.....................do. Reffner, James..................do. Emeigh, Charles...............do. Rough, Andrew................do. Fleck, John........................do. Ruggles, Joseph...............do. Fry, Solomon W.................do. Smith, William.................do. Flinn, Samuel...................,do. Smith, John......... do. Fether, Michael.................do. Smith, David............... do. Gibboney, James H.......... do Stiffer, William.............do. Gibboney, Luther M..........do. Shanck, Joshua..............do. Gates, Martin.....................do. Vaughn, George.............do. Grooms, David...................do. Wilt, Joseph.....................do. Hainsey, George.................do. Williams, James..............do Henderson, William............. do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT --—, - COUNT'Y. MUSTERED IN, MAY 2, 1861. Alexander Bobb............ Captain. Bartlebaugh, M............Private. J.. Saunders................ First Lieutenant. Bird, George....................do. John H. Typher........... Second Lieutenant. Bartlebaugh, Silas...........do. William Knee...............First Sergeant. Brown, Jacob...................do. David Brenneman..........Second Sergeant. Barr, Reuben............... do. James M'Fadden...........Third Sergeant. Burket, George............ do. David M'Kee..................Fourth Sergeant. Bosler, Henry.............do. Johnson C. Akers.........First Corporal. Brenner, Amos.............do George Strayer...........Second Corporal. Coleman, James.... do. John Grimes.................Third Corporal. Campbell, Lawrence.......do. Peter Barley................Fourth Corporal. Cook, Charles................do. Thomas Campbell..........Musiciran. Carman, Henry................do. H. Boner............................do. Conrad, Isaac.............,do. Brenizer, John..................Private. Dunlap, John................... do. Brown, Washington,............do. Dilser, Lawrence.............do. Brown, William.................. Daniels, Edward..............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 141 Fore, Yost.......... Private. Loose, Samuel...............Private. Fink, Jacob.......................do. Miller, Edward................do. Firth, John......................do. M'Ginloy, Thomas...........do. Fight, William..................do. Muckler, George..............do. Fighter, Clemens................do. Mordus, Samuel............do. Firth, Jacob......................do. Mausaus, George............do. Fite, Abraham................... do. M'Chesne, John................do. Funk, David...................do. Moore, George................do. Geitly, Jacob...................do. Metzgar, John..............do. Guilard, George.................do. Mortis, Samuel..............do. Greenleaf, Buiner...............do. Miller, Samuel.................do. Grove, Amos............... do. Moore, Lewis....................do. Himes, John..................... do. Motzer, Samuel............... do. Hoover, George.................do. Moss, Edwin...............do. Houck, Joseph..................do. Nickeson, Charles..............do. Henry, Frederick..............do Ruggles, John.................do. Himes, John......................do. Roberts, William............do. Hoover, George..................do. Rhodes, Christian............do. Herrington, Horace............do. Ross, Jacob..................do. Kuehall, Richard...............do. Rice, Joseph.....................do. Kemmerer, Samuel............do. Sheffler, Emanual............do. Kiehl, Theodore..................do. Spencer, James................do. Kolb, Henry.......................do. Shoeman, David...............do. Kurtz, George....................do. Solida, John.................do. Kurr, William....................do. Tuter, John......................do. Kissler, John..............do. Williams, John.................do. Lyman, Charles.................do. Wykoff, Samuel...............do. Lingle, Jerome..................do. Washing, James..............do. Leidig, Daniel....................do. Winn, Henry................do. Lytle, John....................do. Winn, William................ do.,*. J1 mes.p.. s................. do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT M'KEESPORT, ALLEGHiENY COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Christian Snyder...........Captain. Kobert, A. D..............Private. Frederick Shaum...........First Lieutenant. Learch, John...............do. George Hast...................Second Lieutenant. Long, Henry....................do. John Mishell...............First Sergeant. Ludwig, George..............do. Peter Altmyer................. Second Sergeant. Meizer, George............ do. G. M. Bacon........... Third Sergeant. M'Laughlin, James.........do. Thomas J. Dunlevy........Fourth Sergeant M'Graw, Alexander........do. Leo Haas.......................First Corporal. Miller, Philip...................do. Henry Lickert.................Second Corporal. Martin, Frederick............do. William Behm..............Third Corporal. Means, W. C.............do. Frank Blessing...............Fourth Corporal. Mansfield, G. W............do. Matthias Mumoyer.........Musician. Morelock, William...........do. John Hughes....................do. Merkall, Charles..............do. Backhouse, William.......Private. Pritchard, John.............do. Bennett, Matthew............do. Radgeber, John...............do. Bach, Nicholas..................do. Robinson, Francis..........do. Bishop, Adam...................do. Reichley, Christian..........do. Carr, William....................do. Rouch, John.............. do. Culbert, Aaron.................do. Rempp, John.................do. Crawford, David C..............do. Steinmetz, Rhinehart.......do. Cooling, Joseph..................do. Stephens, James W...........do. Cooper, Thomas................do. Slane, William.................do. Dougherty, Henry.............do. Speidel, Conrad..............do. Dougherty, Jamison...........do. Shepherd, Nicholas..........do. Davis, John.....................do. Saybold, John...............do. Evans, Joseph....................do. Stein, Peter............... do. Fastman, Rhinehart...........do. Shaffer, John.................do. Flore, George.....................do. Tish, F. J................do. Gillchrist, James...............do. Ulmer, Matthias...............do. Gochnauer, John A............do. Verner, Jacob.................do. Griffith, Franklin...............do. Woods, Thomas..............do. Haas, Stephen...................do. Walker, Theodore C.........do. Heasley, David...............do. Woods, George W............do. Harrison, Robert...............do. Weitzel, Robert................do. Hensel, Henry.................do. Welsbev, John.................do. Hall, George.......................do. Wolf, John S.,..................do. Krinchline, John...............do. Weitzel, John.................do. Kristman, Peter C.............do. Walters, George L...........do. King, Henry d.............. do. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. THE Fifteenth regiment was organized on the 1st day of May, 1861, at Camp Curtin, by the choice of the following officers: Richard A. Oakford, of Scranton, Luzerne county, Colonel; Thomas Biddle, of Philadelphia, Lieutenant Colonel; Stephen N. Bradford, of Scranton, Luzerne county, Major. John R. Lynch, of Wilkesbarre, was appointed Adjutant. While the regiment remained at Camp Curtin, the post was under the command of Colonel Oakford. Here the men were armed and partially supplied with clothing and equipments. An excellent brass band was attached to the regiment. On the 9th of May it was ordered to Camp Johnston, near the city of Lancaster, where the men were comfortably quartered in barracks, tents not having been provided. The Camp was under the command of Brigadier General James S. Negley, by whose excellent discipline the troops became very proficient in the duties of the soldier. They received many kind attentions from the people of Lancaster, by which camp life was relieved of many of its harsh and repulsive features. On the 3d of June, the regiment moved via Harrisburg, to Camp Patterson, near Chambersburg, where it was assigned to the 5th Brigade,* 2d Division. On the 16th of June, the brigade marched to Camp Negley, in the neighborhood of Hagerstown, and two days thereafter made a rapid movement to Williamsport, under the apprehension of an advance of the enemy, but were obliged to return without having been gratified with the sight of a rebel. On the 21st, the brigade marched to Camp Porter, where it was joined by the Twenty-fourth Pennsylvania, under command of Colonel Owen. While here, a general court-martial was convened for the'Division of Major General Keim. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Biddle, of the Fifteenth regiment, was detailed as president, and Lieutenant H. C. Alleman, of company E, as judge advocate. This court-martial moved with the army, and was in session uninterruptedly during the remainder of the term of service. On the morning of the 2d of July, the army crossed the Potomac, the 5th Brigade having the right of the 2d Division and passing Major General Patterson in review. About one mile from the ford Negley's Brigade diverged from the line of march of the main column, and moved by a road leading to the right, having company A of the Fourteenth regiment, and company I of the Fifteenth thrown forward to right and left as skirmishers. Scarcely expecting to meet the enemy, the skirmishers, about three hundred yards in advance of the column, were suddenly confronted by a battalion of Colonel Ashby's cavalry, dressed in blue blouses, and having the general appearance of Union: Organization of 5th Brigade, Brigadier General James S. Negley, 2d Division, Major General William H. Keim. Fourteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel John W. Johnston; Fifteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Richard A.Oalkford; Twenty-fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Joshul T. Owen. THREE M.ONTHS SERVICE. 143 troops. Emerging from a thick wood in the direction of Falling Waters, they rode leisurely forward and halted at a fence. The skirmishers, mistaking them for our own cavalry, obeyed the order of Colonel Ashby to "let down the fence." No sooner was this done, than the rebel leader, followed by some forty of his men, rode into the field, surrounded the unsuspecting party, shot down the First Sergeant, and demanded the surrender of the entire body, consisting of the Second Lieutenant, John B. Hutchinson, and thirty-four men. Before they had time to fire, or hardly to comprehend their situation, they found themselves in the clutches of the enemy, and were quickly'hulr:" away. The skirmishers on the left were prevented from firing, for fear of shooting their captive comrades. The column was at once thrown into line, and marched in pursuit of Ashby; but, having no cavalry, the pursuit was vain. Ashby escaped with his prisoners, and the result of his strategy was heralded through the South as a brilliant affair. But among honorable men, stealing up to an enemy in the disguise of companions in arms, has always been regarded as an act of cowardice. The prisoners were taken to Richmond on foot, and being the first captures of the war, after the fall of Sumter, were subjected to every species of insult by the exultant populace. After being kept awhile at Richmond, they were sent further South, for a spectacle, and were finally lodged in the New Orleans Penitentiary, where they remained until General Butler and Admiral Farragut came thundering at the defences of the city, in April, 1862, when they were hurried away to Salisbury, and were soon after exchanged. Six of their number died in Southern prisons from harsh treatment and exposure. The army marched to Martinsburg on July 3d, and the following day, the anniversary of our National Independence, was celebrated by hoisting the stars and stripes on the Martinsburg court house, with appropriate ceremonies.Remaining until the 15th of July, the Brigade moved to Bunker Hill, and two. days later to Charlestown. On the 25th, the regiment was ordered to Hagerstown, which place it reached on the 26th. On the following day the Fourteenth and Fifteenth regiments encamped at Carlisle, where they remained until the 7th of August, and were musered out of service. 144 FIFTEENH REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Richard A. Oakford.......Colonel. Jacob Rice.....................Quart erter. Thomas Biddle...............Lieutenant Colonel. A. P. Meylert................. Surgeon. Stephen N. Bradford.......Major.. H. Little...................Assistant Surgeon. John R. Lynch..........A.djutant. COMPANY A. RlICRUITTED AT SCRANTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. John Bradley...............Captain. Hall, Preserved S...........Private. Sylvester Shively....,.....First Lieutenant. Hinckley, James..............do. John E. Force.......... Second Lieutenant. Hetherby, John.............do. Freeman J. Coiser.,........ Sergeant. Haly, Stephen................do. Charles Russell............... Second Sergeant. Hutchinson, Ulysses W...do. William H. Miller..........Third Sergeant. Haggarty, Nelson.............do. Joseph A. Dixon.............Fourth Sergeant. Hopkins, Walter R...........do. William H. Dixon..........First Corporal. Hinckley, Sylvester.........do. Edward G. Kichline.......Second Corporal. Knoor, Harry L...............do. Philip W. Cool...............Third Corporal. Kater, George N..............do. Norman R. Coo...............Fourth Corporal. Leteer, Alfred W..............o. Rufus Walten...........,...Musician. Line, Fletcher....... do. Bernard Elbert................do. M'Daniel, Joseph..............do. Bittender, Abraham.......Private. M'Mustrio, Irvin..............do. Bitzenberger, Charles W....do. M'Cormick, John.............. do. Betron, Nelson................do. M'Carty, Dennis..............do. Burke, William.............do. Malone, Patrick..............do. Bennett, Chauncey............ do. Marshall, John W............do. Brink, George...................do. Miller, Conrad...........do. Briggs, Jeremiah...............do. Miller, Nicholas........ do. Burr, Edwin J................do. Neely, Alexander.............do. Cornell, Isaac.....................do. Pierce, Isaac.....................do. Cunningham, Murt............do. Phillips, Owen...............do. Combs, Theodore B............do. Parker, George.................do. Croll, Mark.................... do. Powell, Watkins..............do. Cassiday, Patrick..............do. Parker, Noel B.................do. Connor, Michael F....... do. Patter, Willam.................do. Carey, David........ do. Ross, Oliver R............. do. Cornwall, Johnson A.........do. Remaly, Stephen..............do. Day, Samuel......................do. Remaly, Wesley...............do. Delacy, John...................do. Roushy, Levi................ do. Derr, William....................do Stetler, Charles......... do. Decker, John.................do. Stetler, Samuel................do. Dyer, Andrew..................do. Senbnrg, Barton........ do. Detrick, Elijah...................do. Shafer, George E...............do Ellis, Walter H..................do. Westfall, Levi D...............do. Evans, Jacob W.................do. Wolcott, George A...........do. Fell, George W...................do. White, Hiram................... do. Hanyon, John R............. do. Walters, Rufus...............do. COMPANY B. RECRUtITED AT PITTSTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Anthony Brown..............Captain. Albert Foist.............. First Corporal. Andreas Frey.................. irst Lieutenant. Joseph Steuor................Second Corporal. George Dick...................econd Lieutenant. John Kolb...................Third Corporal. Itenry Toefel.............-First Sergeant. Herman Kaspar............ourth Corporal. Charles Aicher................Second Sergeant. Anthony Wollinger........Musician Joseph Kaiser................Tird Sergeant. William Eshe an...........do. Leo Sfeuer..............Fourt Sergeant. Barry, Samuel..............Prvate. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 145 hausher, Lewis..............Private. Klingler, Valentine.......Private. Clauser, Ephraim...............do. Kiefier, William...............do. Dowde, Robert...................do. Louse, Joseph...................do Durve, Ferdinand...............do. Merehenter, Israel............do. Dresde, Frederick...............do. Marsh, Christian................do Dames, Edward..................do Morton, Irvin....................do. Eisenstein. Joseph..............do. Matter, Jacob....................do. Egensen, William..............do. Matter, Samuel...............do. Engraff, Ada..................do. Morse, Nicholas...............do. Fass, John N....................do. Mishlish, Philip...............do. Fritz, John Martin..............do. Marshall, Joseph H...........do. Faethr, William H.............do. Massholdex, Adam............do. Feist, Rudolph....................do. Neils, Henry S. O0.............do. Fernekees, Adam............. do. Ott, Lewis........................do. Flad, Michael....................do. Parks, Noah.....................do. Filling, John......................do. Parsons, George B.............do. Fisher, Jacob.....................do. Roser, Frederick...............do. Fullmer, Henry.................do. Rader, John....................do. Gerald, Elbridge.................do. Rupple, Joseph.................do. Gruneberg, Frederick......... do. Reizel, Jacob.......... do. Grab, Conrad...................do. Shanz, Daniel................. do. Gobel, John........................do. Shazle, Jacob....................do. Gambel, Peter....................do. Shmidt, John..................do. Hilbert, Andreas...............do. Stark, John......................do. Holman, Frederick............do. Shell, Frederick..............do. Hummel, Reinhold............do. Shmidt, Jacob M..............do. Kienzle, Jacob....................do. Sholl, John........................do. Kaiser, Otto.......................do. Shmidt, James R...........do. Kessler, Charles.................do. Wolf, Jacob..................do. Kunzelman, George............do. Wedle, Edward.................do. Keller, John.......................do. Willard, David..................do. Kelber, Tobias....................do. Wolf, Felix.......................do. Kretz, Peter.....................do. COMPANY C. BEORUITED AT PITTSTON, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 27, 1861. Christian Robinson.........Captain. KRammer, John..............Private Frederick Weichel..........First Lieutenant. Kleinman, Philip.......... do. Charles Robinson............First Lieutenant. Kapp, Delos P.......... do. WilliamStein..............Second Lieutenant. Korr, William.................do. John R. Jones, Jr............Second Lieutenant. Kunzelman, Frederick.....do. Anthony Ferres..............Second Sergeant. Lennich, Charles..............do. Charles Croner...............Third Sergeant. Lewis, Frederick..............do. Adam Pantle..................Fourth Sergeant. Miller, Charles.................do. Lewis J. Gratz................First Corporal. Miller, Nicholas...............do. Joseph MehIbaum........... Second Corporal. Moser, George..................do. William Locher..............Third Corporal. Morris, Griffith................do. Frederick Wagner...........Fourth Corporal. Neuffer, Charles...............do. Frederick Berger............Musician. Nessle, Charles.................do. Jacob Engel...............do. Niemayer, John...............do. Breithaupt. Matthew......Private. Newcomer, Casper............do. Bechtold, William..............do. Pontius, Charles...............do. Birkel, George....................do. Reipert, Jacob................do. Biel, Frederick.................do. Rosar, Jacob....................do. Bon, Adam..................do. Roehm, William, 1st........do. Campbell, Robert..............do. Roehm, William, 2d.........do. Duvrick, Michael...............do. Reper, Jacob..................do. Erhard, Charles...........d...d o. Rifford, Gustavus......do. Elm, Charles............... do. Schuter, Christian.......... do. Emrich, Frederick............do. Schneider, Philip.............do. Emrich, Christian............ do. Schweitzer, Philip...........do. Faller, Henry....................do. Schremsen, Joseph...........do. Frantz, William............... do. Stahl, Henry..............do. Frasch, Henry................do. Schmitt, William..............do. Futtere, Ellis............. do. Schneider, Peter............do. Ganther, Barnabas.............do. Schneider, Matthew........do. Goehrs, Frederick..............do. Schmitt, Francis...........do. Gimnich, Peter........... do. Teufel, Frederick:............. do. Hatchen, John................. do. Thomas, Patrick................do. Hartman, Philip........... do. Weinig, Daniel.................do. Hartman, Charles............do. Worth, Charles..............do. Hess, Peter..................... Wagner, Frederickl...........do. Hoffman, John...............do. Wachtle George...............do. Hancock, Owen...............do. Weisgarbor, Charles.........do. Houseman, Charles............do. Zwic, Morris........... do. Harrman, Sylvester...........do. Zang, Charles........... do. Koch, Adam........... do. 19 146 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT WILKESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 22, 1861. Solomon Struner............Captain. Hess, Ferdinand............Private. Daniel Dobra..................First Lieutenant. Hither, Godfried..............do. Jacob C. Holm............... Second Lieutenant. Kratch, Peter....................do. Marcus K. Bishop...........First Sergeant. Konrad, John..................do. John Gebhart...............Second Sergeant. Lobshicr, Nicholas............do. George Schaffer............Third Sergeant. Lifer, Michael.................do. Nicholas Smith...............Fourth Sergeant. Leebrick, George T...........do. Rudolph Smaltz..............First Corporal. Murray, Cyreneus............do. Theophilus H. Stees........Second Corporal. Miller, David P............... do. James Evans..................Third Corporal. Mindendorfer, Anthony... do. Frantz Gebhart..............Fourth Corporal. M'Donald, William...........do. William Fuegline............Musician. Nevels, George W............do. Charles Richter..................do. Oswald, Stephen..............do. Anderson, Alexander..... Private. Phafley, Charles...............do. Brand, Lewis.....................do. Reman, Edward......... do. Boyer, Amos.....................do. Rubeck, Charles...............do. Borer, Peter........................do. Rhote, Julius....................do. Berry, Irving....................do. Ryeon, James...................do. Berner, George..................do. Schmuck, Christian..........do. Badenstelt, Frederick.........do. Silks, Jacob................ do. Bfund, John.......................do. Specht, George................do. Cluss, Charles................ do. Spalinger, Ulrich..............do. Capp, Christian..................do. Schibel, Frantz.................do. Chatham, John.................do. Scholl, Edward................do. Chubb, Daniel....................do. Smith, James....................do. Chubb, Philip.....................do. Schweitzer, Lewis............do. Dorsh, Michael..............do. Steiner, John.....................do. Dippre, John......................do. Steiner, Dr. John..............do. Drum, Jacob......................do. Souter, Conrad..................do. Dick, Alexander.................do. Tritchler, John.................do. Engert, Philip....................do. Vollman, Nebmuke.........do. Engelman, John.................do. Weigner, Melton...............do. Fisher, Anthony............. do. Weeke, Herman...............do. Ferguson, Charles..............do. Wolf, Jacob.......................do. Fenner, William.................do. Will, John E....................do. Gobert, Henry......... do. Wentzel, Paul.................do. Glace, Sydney W.. do. Young, Thomas................do. Hushback, Peter...............do. Zimmmerman, Jacob........do. Hushback, Henry..............do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT HARRISBURG. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. John Nevin..................Captain. Brumbaugh, James......Private. H. C. Alleman..............First Lieutenant. Campbell, Patrick............do. Henry Lyne...................Second Lieutenant. Connelly, Thomas............do. Samuel Wolf...............Second Lieutenant. Carter, Lewis....................do. Isaac G. Black..............First Sergeant. Deibler, Levi....................do. Daniel J. Gruver.............Second Sergeant. Derstine, George A...........do. Daniel Basehore.............Third Sergeant. Dunkle, Peter..................do. Christopher Gould...........Fourth Sergeant. Elliott, James..................do. Anthony W. Black.........First Corporal. Ettien, Philip...................do. James M'Leer.............. Second Corporal. Foster, Daniel..................do. Benjamin F. Bowman.....Third Corporal. Grubb, John H.................do. George B Egle,................Fourth Corporal. Givler, Benjamin..............do. William Ehler.................Musician. Gibson, William L...........do. George W. Monroe..............do. Gross, Samuel.................do. Agle, Jacob.....................Private. Hetrick, Jacob D..............do. Ayres, Charles................ do. Hackett, James J..............do. Alleman, Frederick........do. Harrison, John G..............do. Black, David......................do. Hendrickson, Ellis S........do. Black, George F................ do. Jackson, Cyrus................do. Buchanan, Porter................do. Knipe, John....................do. Brooks, Henry...................do. Kuhn, Albert J.................do. Bratton, Albert P................do. Kilburn, Michael..............do. Blesh, David................... do. Killing, John....................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 147 Lechler, Anthony............Private. Reiss, John Baltzer...........do. Lessick, Samuel.................do. Rush, Christian................do. Lowe, Jacob...................do. Rees, James..................do. M'Grath, Patrick..............do. Rice, Edward...................do. Martin, Jacob.....................do. Reuter, Martin..............do. M'Laughlin, Peter..............do. Shaner, Jacob V...............do. Menges, Michael................do. Shindle, Isaac......... do. M'Nlff, Patrick...................do. Snyder, Simon...............do. M'Knight, John A..............do. Stahler, John R................do. Mott, Joseph..................do. Swineford, Oscar...............do. Marshall, John R................do. Stechley, William H.........do. Mumma, David H..............do. Stine, John N.................... do. Price, John.........................do. Tearney, John................do. Powell, Edward.................do. Thomas, Lorenzo..............do. Patton, William.................do. Weaver, George...............do. Pratt, Samuel.....................do. Winters, Joseph..............do. Rupley, James....................do. Wills, William C..............do. Roberts, Peter T................do. Wyant, Jeremiah............do. COMPANY F. REORUITED AT MOUNT JOY, LANOASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL -, 1861. Jacob K. Waltman.........Captain. Herr, John M........... Private. Andrew Eigenrode.........First Lieutenant. Irving, Thomas.............do. David H. Nissley............Second Lieutenant. Kaylor, Abraham.............do. James H. Raymond........First Sergeant. Kling, Jacob W................do. Michael Drabenstodt.......Second Sergeant. Keller, John....................do. Lewis Hahlen................Third Sergeant. Kapp, John.......................do. George Tshudy...............Fourth Sergeant. Lenox, Samuel H.............do. George Stiffler................First Corporal. Lawrence, William J........do. Jeremiah Gettle...............Second Corporal, Layton, Samuel...............do. Leonard P. Heiligh.........Third Corporal. Lutz, George.....................do. Joseph Dunlap...............Fourth Corporal. Lynch, Patrick.................do. Lewis Hoke....................Musician. M'Donald, Frank Y..........do. Barlow, James.................Private. Mace, Augustus.............do. Beam, John.......................do. Maloney, Thomas..............do. Brandt, Abraham R............do. Musser, John............ do. Barnes, Joseph..................do. Mitchell, James.......... do. Blaney, Emanuel..............do Martin, Andrew..............do. Boyer, Samuel...................do. Naylor, Levi...................do. Blake, John......................do. Nelson, Peter....................do. Beam, Joel.................... do. Phillips, John T...............do. Buckius, William.............do. Peroy, Daniel....................do. Bane, A.mer................. do. Rose, Henry.....................do. Bowersack, George...........do. Reed, John................ do. Cover, John.....................do. Rife, Abraham................do. Collins, James.......... do. Stoner, Amos....................do. Caracber, David.................do. Seaman, William.............do. Eberman, George D............do. Slaymaker, James A.........do. Eby, Peter L.....................do. Swoads, William...............do. Funk, Henry....................do. Smead, Joseph.................do. Fry, David................... do. Shriner, George................do. Frank, Penrose......... do. Souders, Cornelius............do Forrest, William B............do. Trayer, David.................do. Grow, Philip.......................do. Tall, Joseph.....................do. Green, Jesse.......................do. Walten, William..............do. Gunter, Charles..................do. Walmer, Israel.................do, Hoffman, Christian B.........do. Wambaugh, Levi..............do. Hartman, Herman............do. Wine, John......................do. Hamilton, Albert...............do. Waltondorf, William........do, Hess, Jacob.......................do. 148 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT WILKESBARRE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL -, 1861. Thomas Magovern.......Captain. Hantz, Abraham...........Private Thomas A. Nichols.........First Lieutenant. Hollern, Edward...............do. Alexander Phillips..........Second Lieutenant. Hontz, Isaac......................do. John Eskings.................First Sergeant. Jones, Ebenezer...............do. Richard W. Jackson........Second Sergeant. Jones, Dwight...............do. George S. Kilhorn............Third Sergeant. Jones, John................ do. David Garbet.................FourthSergeant. Jones, Isaiah.....................do. John Magar.....................First Corporal. Jenkins, William..............do. James Phillips.................Second Corporal. Kiterick, Edward............do. Jesse B. Scott..................Third Corporal. Kaufman, Samuel M.........do. Lewis Woodruff..............Fourth Corporal. Lloyd, Enoch...............do. Warner W. Pins..............Musician. Lynch, William...............do. Hiram Foster.................. do. Lucas, Asbury.................do. Astings, William............Private. Mooney, Michael...............do. Blos, Josiah.......................do. Morgan, William..............do. Bronson, Leonard...............do. Morgan, Edward...............do. Barber, Peter.....................do. Mickle, James..................do. Burke, Patrick..................do. M'Dermot, Anthony........do. Brown, Albert....................do. M'Gee, John.....................do. Bopst, Henry C..................do. Miller, Henry............do. Cunningham, John.............do. M'Gahen, David...............do. Clave, William.................do. Palmatory, Alexander......do. Cool, Paul......................do. Reese, William.................do. Oompton, Halley................ do. Rimple, Paul....................do. Chamberlain, George.........do. Roberts John...................do. Cahill, Patrick....................do. Smith, Edward.................do. Cassidy, Allen...................do. Smith, John.....................do. Carannagh, Dennis.............do. Scott, Andrew................do. Carroll, William................do. Smith, James....................do. Davenport, Nelson M.........do. Sheldon, Edwin.............. do. Dairs, Richard...................do. Simes, Stephen.................do. Deckins, George.................do. Shangey, John................do. Davis, David Jr.................do. Thomas, Jeremiah............do. Evan, Evans.................... do. Taylor, Dilton..................do. Gram, Luke.......................do. Wagner, Thaddous............do. Gratton, John............... do. Welsh, George.................do. Griffiths, William...............do. Walker, Charles...............do. Griffiths, David..................do. Wolff, George...................do. Given, George............ do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Joseph Johnson..............Captain. Dixon, William.............Private. Michael M'Nally............First Lieutenant. Davis, William H............do. William H. Simpson........Second Lieutenant. Davis, Henry..................do. George W. Barkley.........,. F st Sergean.. Dorland, William.............do. Andrew M'Alwane.........Second Sergeant. Elliott, Benjamin M.........do. David Wilson................. ThirdSergeant. Estep, James...................do. Patrick M'Ateer..............Fourth Sergeant. Emmet, James..............do. John P. Murphy.............. First Corporal. Firebaugh, Jacob..............do. William Wharton............ Second Corporal. Harvey, Samuel..............do. Arthur Jones.................Third Corporal. Hanly, Levi......... do. Adam Graber...............Fourth Corporal. Hagans. John...................do. George Jenkins...............Musician. Heckedon, Henry............do. Denseth Cooper................. do. Heidler, James................do. Altman, Gustavus........... Private. Heidler, William............do. Brewster, M'Ginley............do. Heidler, Thomas...............do. Baird, William..................do. Hoffman, Daniel...............do. Barnicle, Timothy..............do. Hefright, Henry..............do. Breninger, George...............do. Koch, Leo.......................do. Bodaly, Mark...................do. Kinsel, Thomas.............do. Benson, William...............do. Kinsel, Henry M..............do. Baldwin, Alexander T........do. Kaige, Joseph..................do. Cornelly, Thomas................do. Lego, Abraham................do. Duffy, Austin.....................do. ewis, William G.............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 149 Myers, John A...............Private. Stevens, Isaac.............Private. Murphy, S. A................. do. Turman, Grier.................do. Mulvany, Hugh................. do. Temple, Thomas...............do. Martin, John.....................do. Temple, Isaac H...............do. Miller, William..................do. Turman, Royer.................do. M'Cook, John.....................do. Vanorman, William........do. M'Dowell, Matthew............do. White, Thomas.................do. Nelson, William.................do. Worley, William M.........do. Port, Henry......................do. Wilson, Alfred.............. do. Richerson, George..............do. Wilson, Samuel...............do. Randolph, George..............do. Weight, John E...............do. Steinman, Matthew............do. Welsh, John....................do. Stehley, Henry..................do. Weight, John..................do. Stanly, Joseph B...............do. Watson, Eugene..............do. QShrivei, Frederick.......... do. Withington, William.....do. Sellers, Jacob....................do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Frank W. Hess...............Captain. Hughes, Thomas............Private. Joseph B. Hoskins...........First Lieutenant. Hoffman, Samuel..............do. John B. Hutchinson........Second Lieutenant. Jenkins, John.................do. John M. Fichthorn.........First Sergeant. Jenkins, Henry............... do. John C. Hoskins..............Second Sergeant. Ketner, George................ do. Matthew Heit..................Third Sergeant. Kreider, William..............do. Augustus Rank.............Fourth Sergeant. Marks, Isaac W....... do. Hiram Edmundson.........First Corporal. M'Gay, Patrick................do. Wilson P. Palmer............Second Corporal. Morgan, Enoch.................do. Isaac T. Cross.................Third Corporal. Morgan, John....................do. Claudius Hess................Fourth Corporal. Murphy, artin..............do. John B. Crawford............Musician. Peters, Reuben.................do. George Swinheart...............do. Rott, Frank.......................do. Adams, Richard..............Private. Robson, John M...............do. Ashleman, Jacob...............do. Roush, William................do. Beard, David....................do. Reynolds, John W............do. Burrows, Frank.................do. Shirk, Joseph....................do. Blenney, Charles H............do. Sankey, Henry P..............do. Bettleyoung, Amos............do. Schlaterbaugh, Conrad.....do. Boyer, William I...............do. Shuey, Anson B...............do. Burns, James Owen...........do. Saylor, Adam.............. do. Colehearse, John................do. Saye, John........................do. Crosthwait, Lot.................do. Seibert, Benjamin F..... do. Conahan, Menace..............do. Seibert, David S...............do. Carver, William.................do. Tice, Samuel...................do. Clink, Frederick.................do. Thomas, Joseph...............do. Carey, Justice....................do. ThreJkeed, George W......do. Dupes, John.....................do. Went, George W...............do. Day, Samuel.................. do. Wicks,.fames...................do. Dougherty, Richard............do. Williams, David...............do. Deitrick, Jacob..................do. Woolly, John....................do. Decker, Thomas...............do. Williams, Henry...............do. Dice, William.....................do. Wilson, Josiah..................do. Edward, Alexander H........do. Williams, John.................do. Ernst, Christian.................do. Walters, George W...........do. Farner, Thomas..................do. Yeager, William...............do. Fauntz, Jacob.....................do. Youts, William.................do. Cares, Jeremiah.................do. Zettle, James A...............do. Glenen, Patrick..................do. COMPANY K. REoRUITED AT MARIETTA, LANCASTER COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. James A. Congdon.........Captain. George W. Caracher......Second Sergeant. H. H. Sawyer..................First Lieutenant. Andrew J. Mills............ Third Sergeant. John L. Jacobs................First Lieutenant. David Coble...................Fourth Sergeant. Scott J. Patterson............Second Lieutenant. John M'Farlane............First Corporal. Abraham Alstead..........First Sergeant. John Jalebough..............Second Corporal. 150 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. Israel Hanlen.................Third Corporal. Langdon, John N.,.........Private. Jacob Dale................ Fourth Corporal. Leader, Lewis A...............do. James Sanders.................Musician. Leahy, Thomas.................do. Potter D. Rapp..................do. Mast, John.......................do. Charles T. Whitcomb........do. Murphy, Benjamin...........do. Adkins, Henry D............ Private. Michael, Cyrus..................do. Allison, W.........................do. Moss, Madison..................do. Brown, James................ do. Mickey, Christopher H,.....do. Baker, John................ do. Martin, Lewis..................do. Bink, Frederick..............do. Michael, Henry................do. Bowman, Henry................do. Maloney, Stephen............do. Campbell, James..............do. Naylor, James..................do. Cummings, Eli............... do. Overland, D. W................ do. Cochran, Martin............... do. Omit, Christopher.............do. Caracher, Edward...............do. Pierce, Jonathan...............do. Crumb, Austin................. do. Rhul, H. A......................do. Dale, William T................ do. Richard, Henry................do. Dale, George W.................do. Rowan, Ephraim..............do. Darman, George, 1st...........do. Rumner, William T.........do. Dingman, Dennis...............do. Stein, Frederick...............do. Defrance, Charles.............. do. Shilt, Lorenzo..................do. Drake, Henry.....................do. Shields, Leonard...............do. Darman, George, 2d.......... do. Shriner, George.................do. Evans, John......................do. Stein, George.....................do. Eiker, John......................do. Sanders, Simon.................do. Eisenberger, Martin.......... do. Sinmers, Stephen D..........do. Ford, Charles W................ do. Shields, Martin.................do. Fellinger, Adam................ do. Stein, Frederick..............do. Fisher, George..................do. Stratton, Jackson..............do. Grove, Daniel W................do. Spang, Franklin..............do. Hart, Harly W.................do. Tebo, Lewis......................do. Henice, A. A..................do. Vanlace, Peter..............do. Haden, Peter....................do. Vanhouser, George..........do. Hair, Stran Augustus..........do. Wiseman, John................do. Hass, John W.................do. Wilson, Alvin H.............. do. Hildebrand, Franklin.........do. Wiseman, Andrew............ do. Haughey, Patrick..............do. Welsh, Louis.................. do. Jones, William........... do. Whitcomb, Charles T....... do John, Cyrus................. do. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. THE Sixteenth regiment was organized at Camp Curtin on the 3d of May 1861, by the choice of the following officers: Thomas A. Ziegle, of York from Captain of company A, Colonel; George J. Higgins, of Tamaqua, from Captain of company D, Lieutenant Colonel; Frank T. Bennett, of Minersville, from Captain of company K, Major; William Brown was appointed Adjutant. Five of the companies were from Schuylkill county, and had held a previous organization in the uniformed militia, forming part of the 1st Brigade, 6th Division. Company C was recruited at Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, by Captain Jacob Dorsheimer, and was mustered into the United States service on the 20th of April, for three years or the war. This was the first company of Pennsylvanians that volunteered for the long term. The remaining companies were recruited in York county. Immediately after its organization, it was ordered to Camp Scott, near the town of York, where the men were clothed and regularly drilled. Upon the inauguration of the campaign in the Shenandoah valley, the Sixteenth was ordered to Chambersburg, where camp equipage was supplied, and it was assigned to the 4th Brigade* of the 1st Division. Joining in the general forward movement, which commenced about the middle of June, the regiment proceeded to the Potomac, and on the 16th, crossed with the advance Division; but soon after returned and remained encamped near the river until the 2d of July. On the return of the Brigade, its commander, Colonel Miles, was ordered to Washington, where he was assigned to the command of the 5th Division, of M'Dowell's army, which held the left of the line in the battle of Bull Run, and Colonel Longnecker, of the Ninth Pennsylvania, succeeded him. Upon the initiation of a second forward movement, two regiments of infantry and a battery of three heavy guns were left forthe defence of Williamsport and the line of supply. The advancing force consisted of about eleven thousand men, and one battery of six smooth-bore guns. The enemy were encountered on the way, but quickly put to flight, and the army moved rapidly to Martinsburg. Here a halt was ordred which continued several days, for the purpose of bring. ing up a sufficient store of supplies t to warrant a further advance. * Organization of the 4th Brigade, Colonel Dixon S. Miles, 1st Division, Major General Geo. Cadwalader. Detachments of the Second and Third United States infantry, Major Sheppard commanding; Ninth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel H. C. Longnecker; Thirteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Thomas A. Rowley; Sixteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Thomas A. Zeigle. t Since I last addressed you I have made no movements, in fact have been prevented by the necessity of sending all my wagons to the rear, to obtain provisions for a few days in advance, and to bring up troops. * * Though the Quartermaster has spared no exertions, and his agents have been very active, he has not, as yet, been able to provide a supply train for the 152 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT, On the 15th of July, the regiment moved to Bunker Hill, and on the 17th made a forced march towards Harper's Ferry. At Smithfield the Brigade halted and was placed in position to repel an attack* from the right flank. After the passage of the main column, the Brigade resumed the march, and encamped that night at Charlestown. Remaining here till near the expiration of its term of service, the regiment proceeded to Harrisburg, where, on the 30th of July, it was mustered out. FTELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Thomas A. Ziegle............ Colonel. A. H. Glatz................. Quarterma'e. George J. Higgins...........Lieutonant Colonel. Wm. W. M'Guigen........Surgeon. Frank T. Bennett............Major. James K. Rogers...........Assistant Surgeon. William Brown............Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT YORK, YORE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Thomas A. Ziegle.........C.aptain. Gardner, Charles E........Private. John Hays......................First Lieutenant. Glessner, George W.........do. Solomon Myers..............Second Lieutenant. Grubb, H. E. F................. do John M. Deitch...............First Sergeant. Harris, Oscar K................do. Jacob Stough..................Second Sergeant. Haslup, John....................do. Elias Spangler.................Third Sergeant. Hemple, Henry.................do. William F. Frank...........Fourth Sergeant. Hoelle, John....................do Jacob I. Young..............First Corporal. Ilgenfritz, Joseph..............do. William H. Albright......Second Corporal. Ilgenfritz, David F............do. Lewis Small....................Third Corporal. Kraber, Edward...............do Zachariah Knaub............Fourth Corporal. Klinedinst, John..............do. George H. Brierman........Musician. King, Benjamin I..............do. Henry Zorger.................do. Marks, Gabriel..................do. Baum, William........ Private. Miller, Christian...............do. Baum, John W................ do. Moore, George...............do. Brannon, Charles M...........do. Moorehead, William F...... do, Banstean, Frederick.........do. Nickel, Peter................do. Breidling, Frederick...........do. Rabine, George.................do. Birnstock, Henry...............do. Reinhart, Frederick.........do. Craver, William H. H........do. Reisinger, William...........do. Cross, Murray I..........do. Ropp, George H................do. Crull, Samuel S................do. Ropp, Charles F...............do. Crull, William R...............do. Rupert, Alexander H........do. Doll, Leonard..................do. Rudy, Samuel..................do. Duncan, Edwin C.............do. Stair, Harrison..................do. Everhart, David.............. do. Stair, George C.................do. Ensign, Joseph H..............do. Spangler, Samuel H........do. Frey, George S..................do. Spangler, George I.............do. Frick, John......................do. Spangler, William A.........do. Fox, Charles J................ do. Strack, Charles A.............do. Ford, Albert......................do. Stahlman, Charles H.........do. Funk, Samuel....................do. Swartz, William...............do. command. I am, therefore, much restricted in my movements, being compelled, after three days' advance, to send back for provisions. The difficulty will increase as I advance; indeed I am now almost at a stand. Conduct of the War, Vol. II, p. 130, No. 27. *On the morning of our march to Charlestown, Stuart's cavalry, which figured so vigorously at Bull Rim, was upon my flank all day. They were apparently about eight hundred strong. I saw them constantly on my flank for a number of miles; I could distinguish them with my glass with great ease. Conduct of the War, Vol. II, p. 61. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 153 Sirp, David....................Private. Schroeder, Edward L.....Private. Smeltzer, John.................do. Test, Henry I....................do. Shirey, Jolm......................do. Thomas, Lewis.................do. Strickler, John..................do. Welsh, Daniel L..............do. Strickler, Alexander H......do. Welsh, I Franklin............do. Shive, Philip M..................do. Yenser, Christian.............do. Smith, Lewis M..................do. COMPANY B. BEORUITED AT TAMAQUA, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1361. Philip Genther................Captain. Hartman, Christopher....Private. Henry Eigenbrade...........First Lieutenant. Hess, Valentine.................do. John Gepfort..................Second Lieutenant. Hess, George.....................do. John Horn....................First Sergeant. Heider, Justus..................do. Andrew Hartwick...........Second Sergeant. Homan, Jacob..................do. John Hoffman................Third Sergeant. Heiman, Aaron................do. William Sondrag............Fourth Sergeant. Heidler, Israel..................do. Thomas Flemming..........First Corporal. Herwig, Conrad..............do. Christopher Erbe............Second Corporal. Hilden, George............ do. Frederick Groll...............Third Corporal. Israel, George.................do. Christopher Schade.........Fourth Corporal. Keilman, Herman............do. Franklin Gross................Musician. Keich, Conrad..............do. William Matteran...............do. Knirien, John.............. do. Albright, John G.............Private. Keidel, Christopher...........do. Aegen, Joseph................. do. Klenck, Edward..............do. Anderson, Augustus..........do. Kotting, Edward..............do. Aedling, William...............do. Koch, Philip....................do. Aeshback, William............do. Kline, Martin....................do. Amboldt, John...................do. Kellner, John..................do. Boetcher, Christopher.........do. Linnenburg, John............do. Baerlet, Lorenby............... do. Lindermouth, Daniel........do. Buckman, John................do. Miller, George..................do. Benikes, Daniel.............. do. Major, Joseph...................do. Bohner, Joseph.............. ddo. Meyer, Jacob H.................do. Backman, Gustus.............do. Pochner, Heinrich...........do. Bishop, Adam...................do. Rabe, Balthaser.................do. Bendle, Philip.................do. Rembach, Jacob........ do. Deebin, Patrick............do. Redinger, August..............do. Dahnhof, Falm................do. Rusback, George..............o. Dotryen, John....................do. Schneider, John................do. Dellan, John.......................do. Seipp, Jacob.....................do. Engel, Heinrick..................do. Schloeser, Peter...............do. Eimbrad, Frederick............do. Schlacter, Israel................do. Ebendorf, George..............do. Schmidt, William.............do. Filger, John................... o. Storck, Adam..................do. Flelger, John.....................do. Schaen, John,................do. Gross, Christopher..............do. Wallene r, Philip............d Gassback, Adam..............do. Walker, James..............do. Hartwick, Adam...............,do. Zimmerman, Peter...........do. COMPANY 0. REORUITED AT MECTANICSBURG, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 20, 1861. Jacob Dorsheimer..........Captain. Bruner, George.............Private, David H. Kimmel.........First Lieutenant. Bruner, William........... do. Isaac B. Kauffman........... SecondLieutenant. Barnes, Alexander............d George M. Parsons...........First Sergeant. Briggs, Job.......................do. Benjamin Dull..............,.Second Sergeant. Brady, Atkinson M..........do Samuel F. Schwartz.......Third Sergeant. Butler, Hensell............,..do. David R. Mell.................Fourth Sergeant. Coble, Ephraim................. do. Theopholis Mountz.........First Corporal. Cook, Richard..................do. William H. Crandall.......Second Corporal. Coover, John W...............do. John G. Bobb.........T........Third Corporal. Cover, Seth V...................do. Levi M. Coover...............Fourth Corporal. Coney, Thomas.................do. John Reiy......................Musician. Conner, Thomas...............do. Charles E. Bahl................do. Chamberlin, Isadore F......do. Behne, Oscar H..............Private. Dougherty, Charles..........do. 20 154 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT, Dougherty, George..........Private. Miller, Hiram...............Private. Detrick, Daniel P....Nesbit, Samuel.................do. French, Michael WV...........do. Price, Wesley R...............do. Fink, John.......................do. Rupley. Abraham............do. Fowler, Lyman H..............do. Riter, Michael................do. Garrett, Harrison...............do. Raphan, John H.............do. Guyer, William................do. Reiff, Jacob.......................do. Glowner, Matthias.............do. Slaubach, Thomas M........do. Gross, George 1..................do. Smith, Henry H.............do. Gibney, Joseph V..............do. Smith, William................ do. Goodwin, Martin J............do. Shriver, D. H....................do. Hopple, Edward.................do. ides, Emanuel................do Huber, Charles.............do. Smith, Joseph S...............do. Hertz, Jere iah F..............do. Seely, Andrew D..............do. Hull, William C..............do. Smith, James B.................do. Kline, Henry.....................do. Stackhouse, Thomas M.....do. Knisley, Abram................do. Swank, Harrison...............do. Keller, John W..................do. Tromble, Solomon............do. Kunkel, Henry..............do. Thompson, Clark..............do. Koser, John.......................do. Thompson, W. C.............do. Kinsey, Abraham S............do. Wilson, Jacob S.............do. Lake, Fernandez.............do. Webster, Robert...............do. Lochard, Alonzo.................do. Yount, John A..............do. Mohler, John.....................do. Zell, Samuel...................do. Meekins, William.............do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT TAMAQUA, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. George J. Higgins............Captain. Gouldir, Martin.............Private. Condy Boyle................. First Lieutenant. Harkins, Charles..............do. Cornelius M. Donovan.....Second Lieutenant. Higgins, Cormick.............do. Patrick M'Guigar............First Sergeant. Hagerty, Patrick..............do. Martin Ryan..................Second Sergeant. Hooven, James................do Edward M'Nealous........ Third Sergeant. Long, Matthew.................do. Owen Boyle.....................Fourth Sergeant. Mulhevon, James.............do. James O'Donald.............. First Corporal. Mundy, Daniel................do. Joseph Early...................Second Corporal. Morrissey, Edward...........do. Patrick M'Kelvey............Third Corporal. Melly, Patrick.................do. Stephen M'Sheffrey.........Fourth Corporal. Maloy, Michael................do. John Higgins..................Musian. Maloy, Stephen.................do. Richard Dunn.................do. Mason, Isaac............ do. Boyle, Hugh...................Private. Mooney, John...................do. Boner, Patrick............... do. Martin, Michael...............do. Brodrick, Patrick...............do. Mulhart, Patrick...............do. Boyle, Robert....................do. Mullhevon, Thomas........do. Brenner, Peter...................do. M'Cakill, Charles.............do. Cavney, Michael................do. M'Manus, Alexander....... do. Cunnahan, Patrick............do. I'Guir, John......do. Cannon, Condy................ do. M'Gee, Patrick.................do. Campbell, Patrick..............do. M'Hugh, John.................do. Campbell, John..................do. M'Nally, Henry................do. Cannon, James..................do. M'Devitt, Edward............do. Cannon, Francis.................do. M'Sheffrey, William.........do. Caston, Patrick................do. M'Gin y, James.............do. Cavanaugh, Michael...........do. Padden, James................do. Chapman, John.................do. Powers, Patrick....... do. Delany, Thomas.................do. Reardon, Michael..............do. Deacon, James....................do. Rooney, Percy C. H..........do. Fitzgerald, James.............. do. Stapleton, Michael............do. Flannigan, Michael............do. Shovelin, Patrick..............do. Farrell, Patrick.................do. Tobin, Richard..................do. Fisher, Condy..........do. Tual, Patrick.....................do. Foster, William.................do. Wirkle, Patrick............do. Gorvick, Patrick......... do. Walley, Samuel...............do. Galagher, Condy................do. Whitaker, Francis A.........do. Galagher, Anthony rT.;'.-.....do. Whalin, William...... do. THIRE MONTHS' SERVICE. 155 COMPANY- E. RECRUITED AT SILVER CREEK, SCHUYLKILL CQU$TY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 27, 1861. William Winlack............Captain. Haas, John S.................Private. Patrick M'Quail..............First Lieutenant. Irving, James............... do. Lawrence Ennis.............. Second Lieutenant. Jones, Daniel.................do. William Cullen..............First Sergeant. King, M in Martin....................do. Robert Wasson..............Second Sergeant. M'Allister, David..............do. James Callery................Third Sergeant. Miller, Thomas................do. William Trainor..............Fourth Sergeant. Miller, William.................do. Stafford Johnson..............First Corporal. Morrison, Charles.............do. John Cartey....................Second Corporal. M'Kinney, James..............do. Charles Murry................Third Corporal. Meighan, James...............do. Thomas Feely................. Fourth Corporal. M'Gonagle, Peter..............do. James M'Allister...........Musician. M'Grw, John..............do. Michael Martin.................do. M'Fadden, Charles...........do. Berger, Solomon..............Private. Moore, Thomas.................do. Brennin, James..................do. O'Brian, Michael...............do. Crommey, Stephen.............do. O'Brian, Thomas.............do. Corby, William...............do. Platt, Jonah.....................do. Clements, Samuel...............do. Rogers, Andrew...............do. Cramer, Francis...............do. Rogers, George.................do. Corkran, Thomas,..............do. Rouke, John.....................do. Coogan. Richard................do. Rosser, John.....................do. Dinsmore, John............do. Sneddin, John..................do? Dawson, Robert...............do. Shields, James................do. Dumm, Charles.................do. Soesby, James...... do. Delaney, Patrick..;.............do. Snyder, William..............do. Davis, Evan................. do. Scott, John.......................do. Dooling, Francis.................do. Slowey, John....................do. Dunevan, Patrick...............do. Sponsler, Andrew.............do. Davis, David G...............do. Tosh, Thomas...................do. Elliott, John.......................do. Trainer, William..............do. Foley, Michael....................do. Thompson, John..............do. Fuller, Dennis....................do. Taylor, William...............do. Fitzpatrick, William...........do. Thomas, John................do. Fairchild, Samuel...............do. Williams, John S..............do. Geary, John......................do. Wingard, John L..............do. Higgins, John.....................do. Welsh, Edward...............do. Higgins, Patrick...............do. Waters, Richard S............do. Hill, Jacob.........................do. Young, Henry C..............do. Harp, Albanis...................do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT YORK, YORK COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Horatio Gates Myers........Captain. Cline, Lewis.................Private. Joseph Renaut.................First Lieutenant. Colbeg, George...............- do. Jacob W. Bender............Second Lieutenant. Doll, Jacob........................do. Alfred M'Kinney............First Sergeant. Deihl, Martin....................do. William Troup................Second Sergeant. Eckenrode, Henry A........do. George Kochler...............Third Sergeant. Fiscus, Charles.................do. Henry Houser................ Fourth Sergeant. Gross, John.......................do. Adam Klink....................First Corporal. Gipe, Franklin..................do. *Abraham Becher.........Second Corporal. Grimes, James.................do. Henry Trone............... Third Corporal. Guinlittle, William...........do. Andrew Miller..............Fourth Corporal. Grim, Hamilton S.............do. Silas Gengling............. Musician. Grim, Joseph..................do. Lewis Renaut....................do. Hahm, Nicholas...............do. Allwood, William...........Private. Jones, George....................do. Adams, Jerome.................do. Klunk, William............do. Brown, Thomas..................do. Keesey, Daniel..................do. Bittenger, Henry P............do. Klunk, Anthony...............do. Bair, William......................do. Low, William..................do. Boblitz, Israel..................do. Low, John................... do. Carr, Henry......................do. Lookabaugh, Daniel........do. Constine, Henry F..............do. M'Kinney, Adam..............do. Carbaugh, Jeremiah...........do. M'Elroy, John..................do. 156 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT, M'Farland, William........Private. Staman, William............Privates Mulgrew, Michael..............do. Soule, John.......................do. M'Williams, Jerome...........do. Stonesifer, Reuben............do. Martin, John.....................do. Simpson, Calvin..............do. Neiderer, Jacob D..............do. Schuck, Peter.................do. Neiderer, Pius....................do. Stewart, James.................do. Parr, Alexander.................do.. Weaver, Daniel.................do. Roland, Rolandus...............do. White, William................do. Robling, Adam.................do. Warner, George................do. Rhinedollar, William.........do. Wheeler, John..................do. Reiling, Adam.................do. Wintrode, Jackson...........do. rcinn^ A"oTd. d................. Witmyer, Daniel............... ( COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT HANOVER, YORK COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Cyrus Diller................Captain. Luttenberger, George....Private. Henry Morningstar..........First Lieutenant. Long, George....................do; Joseph S. Jenkins...........Second Lieutenant. Mowery, Charles..............do. Michael Harmon..............First Sergeant. Myers, Charles................do. Isaac Wagner........... Second Sergeant. M'Kinsey, Joseph............do. John Shanesy.................Third Sergeant. Mann, Matthias................ do. Joel Henry.....................Fourth Sergeant. Metzer, Henry C..............do. Adam Morningstar.........First Corporal. Newman, William............do. William Shuman............Second Corporal. Petry, John....................do. Geoige E. Yingling.........Third Corpora]. Parr, Rufius................. do. Joseph A. Slagle.............Fourth Corporal. Reaver, Peter..................do. Simon J. Diller............... Musician. Ritzel, George....... do. Thomas L. Wirt................do. Runk, John............. do. Bair, Theodore................Private. Spence, John....................do. Beard, William A.............do. Shull, David.....................do. Beard, Walter F...........do Sickel, William..............do. Butt, Peter...................do. Sickel, George..............do. Buehler, Martin................do. Stine, Henry.....................do Bupp, William.................do. Shull, Andrew G...........do. Boyer, FrederickM........... do. Stair, Daniel F.............. do. Collins, William............ do. Shriver, Jacob H.............do. Chrum, Michael..............do. Steininger, Franklin.........do. Divine, John..................do. Schrall, Henry............... do. Dillei,- Samuel.................. do. Simpson, John................do. Eline, John A...................do. Sayers, Thomas...............do. Forest, John S....................do. Sharp, Franklin...............do. Fleming, Henry.................do. Snyder, Edward H...........do. Gleason, Leo.......................do. Snyder, Conrad...............do. Grimm, Sebastian...............do. Trone, Gustavus.............do. Hubley, Henry..................do. Test, Abraham................do. Herman, Michael...............do. Walker, George W............do. Kouck, John..................do. Wise, Michael.................do. Krook, John H do. Witter, Samuel............ do. Kneidler, Daniel...............do. Wagner, John................do. King, Levi........................do. Wolf, Andrew.............do. King, Adan.......................do. Welsh, George W...... do. Livingston, George............do. Wagner, Christian......... - IOw' 1................ do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT YORK, YORK COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Theodore D. Cochran......Captain. Andrew J. Fulton.........Third Corporal. Michael Gallagher, Jr......First Lieutenant. John W. Carey..............Fourth Corporal. Andrew D. Yocum........Second Lieutenant. Isaac Rudisil...............Musician. John A. Ettinger............First Sergeant. Andrew Z. Frey............do. Jacob Sheets..................Second Sergeant. Bair. Samuel B..............Private. William E. Patterson......Third Sergeant. Barnitz, James F..............do. Charles D. Henry............ Fourth Sergeant. Barnmiller, John.............do. Henry Buckingham........First Corporal. Beck, Jesse.......................do. Jacob Buckmurster.........Second Corporal. Beers, John.................d.... o. THREE MONTHS' — SERVICE. Blake, Oram G.................Private. Miller, Henry C............Private. Bevise, ThomasZ..............do. Miller, John....................do. Bloom, Matthlas................do. Myers, Abraham..............do. Cooks, Jacob....................do. Myers, Sigmond...............do. Coleman, Emanuel C.........do. Motter, Joseph.................do. Deitz. George.....................do. M Guire, James C............do. Deckling, Johannas............do. M'Cauly, William H.........do. Evans, Samuel..................do. Michael, John..................do. Engles, John...................do. Montgomery, Thomas J.....do. Giroy, William............ do. Neoin, Samuel F..............do. Hagan, John, 1st.................do. Ness, Edward..................do. Hagan, John, 2d..................do. Owens, Edward.................do. Heubner, Henry.................do. Owens, William...............do. Heidler, Jerome.................do. Parvell, Morris.............. do. Hauck, Jacob.....................do. Rapp, John.....................do. Herman, Paul,.................do. Riley, Henry H.............do. Ilgenfritz, William.............do. Richard, Martin...............do. Kersey, Jonathan...............do. Ream, Eli........................do. Keesey, John II..................do. Reary, Jeremiah T..........do. Keesey, Daniel G...............do. Stough, John..................do. Keesey, Oliver....................do. Snyder, Charles................do. Kendig, John....................do. Saylor, Samuel.................do. Klinefelter, Frederick........do. Stallman, Franklin.........do. Kettles, Frantz...................do. Schellenberger, John........do. Kettling, Frank............... o. Schriver, William............do. Knodle, George.................do. Thompson, Nathaniel........do. Keesey, Harrison..............do. Weidner, Henry..............do. Leber, Benjamin................do. Whaling, Patrick..............do. Leibenight, Henry........... do. Yost, Peter K...................do. Marver, Jacob...................do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Joseph Anthony..............Captain. Farrell, Lawrence.........Private. John P. Powers.............First Lieutenant. Flin, Thomas W...............do. John Dougherty..............Second Lieutenant. Ford, Edward..................do. Thomas Quirk...............First Sergeant. Goolan, James..................do. John Shortall.................Second Sergeant. Gleason, John..................do. John M'Banen, Jr...........Third Sergeant. Gallagher, Patrick............do. Michael Hillon................Fourth Sergeant. Hussy, Thomas.................do. James Fogarty................First Corporal. Hamberg, Martin.............do. John Ryan............ Second Corporal. Kerns, James....................do. Thomas Doorly...............Third Corporal. Kenedy, Thomas...............do. Patrick Curry.................Fourth Corporal. Kelly, Michael..................do. Thomas Smith.................Musician. Lanigan, Michael S...........do. William Perry..................do. Lyna, John..................do. Brady, James................Private. M'Can, Frank..................do. Bolana, Michael..................do. Moore, Edward................do. Branagan, Arthur............do. Maguire, William............do. Brennan, William...............do. M'Gowen, John...............do. Bret, Edward....................do. Murray, John.................do. Bohanan, Michael...............do. M'Cay, Daniel...............do. Coney, Francis..................do. Plunket, Bernard..............do. Carroll, Dennis..................do. Quin, John......................do. Cowy, Thomas...................do. Riley, Philip...................do. Cowy, William, Jr..............do. Regan, John............... do. Cole, Daniel........................do. Savage, Patrick...............do. Cook, Patrick.....................do. Sexton, James.................do. Cullen, Thomas..................do. Shields, Edward..............do. Clancy, William................do. Sullivan, Timothy......do. Calhoun, Robert.................do. Scott, Thomas............ do. Drummond, Hugh.............do. Stanton, Peter................do. Derman, Jeremiah..............do. Troy, Robert....................do. Devine, Peter.....................do. Tracy, Thomas..................do. Dougherty, Thomas............do. Tye, James.................do. Doraban, Patrick................do. Tobin, John......................do. Doogan, Daniel..................do. White, Peter................do. Devine, Robert..................do. Williams, Aaron...............do. Davis, Francis..................do. Walsh, Richard...............do. Davis, James.....................do. Walsh, John................do. Dolan, Joseph....................do. Williams, Dubois..............do. Egan, Thomas....................do. 1.58 SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT MINERSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Frank T. Bennett............Captain. Hughes, Daniel..............Private. Horace C. Bennett........... First Lieutenant. Hinch, Frederick.............do. William E. Kline............Second Lieutenant. Hoar, John......................do. Andrew Liddle...............First Sergeant. Heffner, John...................do. Edward Jones.................Second Sergeant. Johnson, James................do. Thomas Steel................. Third Sergeant. Judge, John.....................do. John M'Gurle..................Fourth Sergeant. Johnson, John H..............do. Michael Comerford.........First Corporal. Kerran, James................do. Isaac Reed....................Second Corporal. Killraue, James................do. Daniel Schollenberger.....Third Corporal. Kautner, George...............do. John Murray................. Fourth Corporal. Landy, Michael.................do. John Jones................. Musician. Mathews, John...............do. Robert N. Furguson...........do. Morgan, David W............do. Brereton, William...........Private. Morris, George.................do. Berger, John.....................do. Minuis, George.................do. Bennan, William...............do. M'Donald, John...............do. Brennan, Patrick...............do. M'Cullock, James..........do. Black, Joel..................do. Nixon, William I.............do. Conner, James, 1st..............do. Nolin, John......................do. Chalenger, William...........do. Pace, Robert................ do. Cantwell, James...............do. Prosser, Joseph.................do. Cooper, William.................do. Rhodes, Thomas..............do. Connor, James, 2d..............do. Robertson, William..........do. Dunlap, Thomas.................do. Rice, Frederick................do. Davis, John B..................do. Simpson, Thomas..............do. Davidson, John.................do. Schofield, James..............do. Fitschler, Carl....................do. Snody, James...................do. Foley, William..................do. Sutton, John.....................do. Foust, Nicholas..................do. Spencer, Joseph................do. Fowler, William.............do. Slocum, Samuel...............do. Forbes, James..................do. Stonehouse, John..............do. Ford, Jacob........................do. Taylor, Charles N.............do. Faster, George..................do. Thomas, Thomas M..........do. Grant, Andrew.................do. Waters, Benjamin A.........do. Garrett, John.................... do. Wormel, John.................do. Hughes, Michael................do. Welsh, James H...............do. Hay, William.....................do. Williams, John................do. Henry, John......................do. Zimmerman, Joseph.........do. Hutchison, Robert..............do. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT. THE Seventeenth regiment, known in the State militia as the First Regiment Pennsylvania Artillery, was originally formed as a battalion, on the 16th of September, 1814, at Camp Dupont, under the command of Major Andrew M. Prevost. On the 14th of November, of that year, it was organized as a regiment, when Major Prevost was chosen Lieutenant Colonel, Cornelius Stevenson, First Major, and Thomas W. Duffield, Second Major. Colonel A. J. Pleasanton succeeded Colonel Prevost in the command, and upon his resignation Colonel Henry Bohlen was elected. This regiment was always relied on by the civil authorities, to respond promptly at their call in case of disturbance which they were unable to suppress, and in 1844, under Colonel Pleasanton, it rendered efficient service in preventing the destruction of public and private property by a mob. On the 6th of June, 1859, an election of field officers was held, and under this organization it was mustered into the service of the United States by Major Charles F. Ruff, on the 25th day of April, 1861. The following were field officers: Francis E. Patterson, Colonel; Robert O. Tyler, Lieutenant Colonel; William A. Leech, Major. Gideon Clark was appointed Adjutant. Recruiting. was commenced on the 15th of April, and it was ready with the maximum number for muster in on the 18th. The companies had armories where they were quartered, and the new recruits drilled, rendering it unnecessary to go into a general camp of rendezvous. The officers served under their old commissions, and the regiment was known in the service as the First Pennsylvania Artillery, until the order of Governor Curtin, dated May 15th, 1861, changed its designation to that of the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Infantry. For many years previous to the rebellion the First Artillery had been well drilled in infantry as well as artillery tactics. There was, therefore, little difficulty in drilling the new recruits, which was kept up day and night at the armories, from the time its services were offered, until it left the city. Aid was promptly furnished by the citizens of Philadelphia for the subsistence of the recruits until they were mustered into the service of the United States, and the merchants supplied stockings and under-clothing for the men in even greater quantities than were needed. On the 6th of June, the entire regiment was, by the liberality of a few patriotic citizens, presented with drab felt hats, and thenceforward the drab hats became the insignia of the QuAxEB REGIMENT. Since the 19th of April, when the Massachusetts Sixth was fiercely assailed in the streets of Baltimore, no troops had passed through the city, and no attempt had been made to force a passage. Troops which had reached the Capital from the north, had proceeded via Annapolis. The necessity of holding the direct route had become imperative, and General Patterson determined, at all hazards, to open it. He accordingly ordered Colonel Patterson to proceed with 1.60 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, the Seventeenth regiment, on the 8th of May, to Perryville, there to be joined by Captain (since General) T. W. Sherman's light battery, and five companies of the Third Regular Infantry, all well armed and supplied with ammunition, and thence to embark on transports for Baltimore. Landing at Locust Point, Colonel Patterson made such disposition of his force as to enable him most successfully to repel attack, and commenced his march through the city, which for nearly three weeks had been subject to mob rule. Without molestation, or any symptoms of a hostile demonstration, it arrived at Camden Station on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Five days later, on the 13th of May, General Butler took permanent military possession of the city, through which the tide.of volunteers soon began to flow, not again to be disturbed. On the 10th of May the regiment proceeded to Washington, and was quartered in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Two days later it was ordered into camp on Kalorama Heights, about two miles from the city, which was designated Camp Cadwalader. The Pennsylvania Cornet band, fourteen pieces, reported for duty to Colonel Patterson, having been employed at the expense of citizens of Philadelphia. Previous to this, the regiment had had no opportunity for battalion drill; but it was commenced on the second day after its arrival. Scott's tactics was used until the 15th of May, when an order was issued from the War Department to substitute light infantry tactics for the drill of the entire army. This was commenced by the companies on the following day, and in less than a week they were sufficiently instructed to drill by battalion. On the 10th of June, the Seventeenth was attached to the force sent on the Rockville expedition, which consisted of three regiments of infantry, with cavalry and artillery, all under the command of Colonel Charles P. Stone of the Regular army.* Proceeding to Rockville, the force encamped and remained:ntil the 14th, when it again advanced by way of Darnestown to Poolsville.Companies B and C of the Seventeenth, a platoon of Magruder's cavalry, and a twelve-pound howitzer were detached to proceed to Edwards' Ferry, on the Potomac, to prevent the enemy from crossing. On the 18th, a large force of the rebels appeared on the opposite bank, but were dispersed by a few well directed shells from the howitzer, and the fire of the rifled muskets of the infantry. This detachment was re-inforced by company I of the same regiment on the 18th, and by company D on the 29th, the whole being under the command of Captain D. F. Foley, of company B. On the 18th of June, Captain Gardner, of company E, with twenty sharp. shooters selected from the regiment, was ordered to Conrad's Ferry, to silence a rebel battery that was firing on the First New Hampshire, stationed there, and armed with smooth-bore muskets, of insufficient range to harm the gunners.Companies I and D having rejoined the regiment, it left Poolsville on the 1st of July, and fording the Monocacy creek, marched to Point of Rocks, where it was rejoined by companies B and G. Resuming the march on the 3d, it crossed the Catoctin mountain near Jefferson, and proceeded to Knoxville, Maryland. At Petersville the Seventeenth halted to raise the flag-staff that had been cut down by the enemy, and hoisted the National colors. * Organization of force sent on the Rockville expedition. First regiment New Hampshire volunteers, ColonelTappan; Ninth regiment New York volunteers, Colonel Rush C. Hawkins; Seventeenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Francis E. Patterson; Detachments of District Columbia volunteers, Captain Smead; Troop of United States cavalry, Captain Magruder; Section United States artillery, Lieutenant Alex. Piper; President's Mounted Guard, Captain Owens. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 161 At Point of Rocks it had been decided by Colonels Stone and Patterson, to cross the Potomac with the entire command, and occupy Leesburg, and from thence make a raid on and destroy the Manassas Gap railroad. This was only prevented by peremptory orders to join the army under General Patterson. Proceeding to Williamsport, they forded the Potomac on the 7th of July, and on the following day joined the main column at Martinsburg. Here the Seventeenth regiment was assigned to the 7th Brigade of the 3d Division, the brigade remaining as previously organized, under Colonel Stone. On the 15th of July the whole army marched to Bunker Hill, the Seventeenth forming the adwnced guard of General Sanford's column, with company A deployed as skirmishers, and on the 17th made arapid march to Charlestown, in which it formed part of the advanced guard, with companies B, G, and F as skirmishers. The term of service for which it was mustered having nearly expired, General Patterson appealed to the men to remain with him after the expiration of their period of enlistment, if their services were needed, which was acceded to with great unanimity. On the 21st of July the regiment was presented, at the hands of Captain Parry, of company A, with a beautiful suite of colors, consisting of the United States and State flags, the gift of ladies of Philadelphia. On the same day the army moved to Harper's Ferry, Stone's Brigade encamping on Bolivar Heights. When the news of the defeat of our arms at Bull Run was received, a general willingness was expressed to remain a month longer if needed, and to proceed at once to Washington. Fording the Potomac on the 23d, it marched to Sandy Hook, where, no call having been made from the Capital, it was ordered to Philadelphia, and was received by animposing civic and military display. On the 2d of August it was mustered out of Service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Francis E. Patterson......Colonel. William Fling...............Quartermaster. Robert 0. Tyler..............Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas H. Bache..........Surgeon. William A. Lerch............Major. Edward Shippen...........Assistant Surgeon. Gideon Clark..................Adjutant. REGIMENTAL BAND. J. Moosbruger, leader......Musician. Henry Fehing..............Musician. Henry Gebhart..................do. Louis Mueller.......do. Albert Willard...................do. Conrad'Lang.............do. William B. Coleman...........do. Charles A. Brann.............do. Jacob C. Heim..................do. Henry Bush............ do. John A. Ristine................do. Henry Keen...............do. Thomas C. Wagstaff............do. CarlLeutz......................do. Gilbert R. Jordan..............do. 21. 162 SEVENTNTENH REGIMENT, COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Thomas P. Parry............Captain. Marston, Frank W...... Private. Charles Ross Smith.........First Lieutenant. Matlack, Henry S............do. George L. Senat...............Second Lieutenant. Mergan, William C., Jr.....do. Andrew C. Suplee...........First Sergeant. Moss, William.................do. William C. Ward............Second Sergeant. Nassau, William B...........do. John W. Williams..........Third Sergeant. Neall, John E....................do. George N. Shower...........Fourth Sergeant. Ohl, Adolphus..................do. Charles L. Kneass...........First Corporal. Orton, James F.................do. Thomas C. Tripler...........Second Corporal. Paschall, Harry................do. John H. Guiesinger.........Third Corporal. Pierie, George G.............do. Thomas B. Alexander..'..Fourth Corporal. Pritchard, Edward S.........do. Harry C. Blake...... M........Musician. Redmond, Robert C.........do. Samuel Oakford.................do. Riley, Nathan P...............do. Anderson, Henry T.........Private. Rowland, William N........do. Bache, Albert D.................do. Russell, Henry......... do. Biddle,.James C.................do. Russell, Timothy P...........do. Caldwell, Frank M............do. Scott, Walter...................do. Childs, John Henry............do. Seal, John F....................do. Conn, Joseph D.................do. Sentz, Charles H...............do. Crawford, John S...............do. Shelcup, George H............do. Crawford Joseph U............do. Sheridan, Owen, Jr...........do. Croll, Edwin M................. do. Sill, William J................do. Dowgon, William M...........do. Smith, Purnell W............do. Fagan, Louis C.................do. Snvrler, John C. C............do. Garrett, Robert M.............do. Sin', -s, Samuel, Jr...........do. Goodwin, Benjamin F.........do. Tar.;'. George E..............do. Grover, Edwin W...............do. Ta'r, r i nk................. do. Heyl, William G................do. Tier. W'illiam H.............do. Hood, John G do................do Va:., Alexander S......do. Hood, William H..............do. Wna'l,'i ght, Charles B.....do. Hutehinson, Samuel P.....do. W.1ker, Albert C..............do. Kelly, Robert...................do. Wallen, George.................do. Keyser, Albert..................do. White, John Chester.........do. Kirk, Hiram G..................do. Willingmyre, Chas. W.....do. Kaupp, Charles L...............do. Wilson, John A...............do. Knight, Charles C..............do. Wilson, Thomas J............do. Knight, Samuel W.............do. Yeaton, William H...........do. Lawrie, Alexander...........do. Zane, John P................. do. Marker, John.....................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. David P. Foley...............Captain. Danfield, Lewis H.........Private. Gideon Clark...................First Lieutenant. Deuckla, Charles R...........do. Peter W. Rogers.............Second Lieutenant. Dobleman John C.............do. Jacob S. Painter.............. First Sergeant. Dougherty, William H......do. Frederick Smith..............Second Sergeant. Eakins, WilliU m H...........do. Theodore H. M'Calla........Third Sergeant. Fackney, Wi.liam M.........do. Maurice C. Moore............Fourth Sergeant. Gibson, James N...............do. William Porter...............First Corporal. Gifford, Anthony A...........do. Edwin B. Whiticar.........Second Corporal. Greiner, Louis B...............do. James R. Thorne.............Third Corporal. Hauley, Peter................. do. Edwin Nelson..................Fourth Corporal. Harwood, Lilburn, Jr........do. James Wilt.....................Musician. Hassinger, David T...........do. John W. Leech............do. Hoeffliger, Alexander I.....do. Arnold, Benjamin..........Private. Horse, George................do. Bardsley, William.............do. Hill, Richard...................do. Barnholt, Frederick............do. Homer, William P..........do. Blight, Charles F...............do. Hufty, Charles........... do. Bovd, Alexander...............do. Ingram, Oliver..................do. Brown, George B................do. Johnson, William H.........do. Byrnes, Timothy A............do. Joyce, Clarence E.............do. Butcher, Edward U........... do. Kagel, William.................do. Butcher, Pierce A..............do. Lacey, John, Jr................do. Clopp, Frederick...............do. Lapeley, Albert B.............do. Culbertson, William M.....do' Leech, Daniel....................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 163 Logo, Albert J................Private. Pritchie, George A.........Private. Maginnis, Charles J............do. Preston, Henry...............do. Martin, Joseph M...............do. Prickett, Arthur...............do. Maxwell, John F................do. Porter, Alexander............do. Muger, Christian...............do. Sage, Theodore.................do. Miller, John F...................do. Searl, John......................do. Moore, Charles C.................do. Serges, Christian L............do. Moore, William Q...............do, Smith, Ralph....................do. Mulock, George G...............do. Sorver, John.....................do. Neilson, Henry B...............do. Stevens, William..............do. Newman, Adam................do. Swoyer, Jacob K..............do. Noble, John.......................do. Wiegard, Eugene.............do. Nudd, Charles B................do, Wood, George P................do. Odell, Morgan....................do. Yarger, Samuel J.............do. Pennebaker, Amos.............do. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. John H. Gardiner............Captain. Hamilton, George B......Private. John Chase................First Lieutenant. Hawkins, Wesley.............do. George Curtis..............Second Lieutenant. Harlin, George W............do. Charles B. Davis..............First Sergeant. Hedges, Charles...............do. Joseph B. Kite.................Second Sergeant. Heston, Jonathan............do. Jacob Conrad................Third Sergeant. Hemmel, Henry..............do. Samuel Smith................Fourth Sergeant Hill, Samuel.....................do. William Ephline..............First Corporal. Korndoerfer, John G.........do. George W. Freas.............Second Corporal. Kite, George T..................do. John Ottey.............. Third Corporal. Jefferies, Joseph C............do. William H. Moore...........Fourth Corporal. Latch, George.................do. William M. Chase...........Musician. Louden, George W............do. Samuel Amen...................do. Milson, Harlin................do. Atkinson, Franklin.........Private. Murray, George W............do. Barrett, Matthew...............do. Milligan, Samuel.............do. Bingham, Frank D...........do. M'Cullough, Michael.........do. Boon, Joseph P..................do. Parks, John......................do. Burr, William..................do. Pugh, Job T....................do. Butler, Josiah....................do. Pugh, Charles F.............do. Caldwell, Alfred D. W........do. Pyle, Levi B.....................do. Clossin, Alexander N.........do. Powell, Henry................. do. Colehower, George W.........do. Pfeiffer, John....................do. Cree, Alexander................do. Robinson, James N...........do. Conner, Henry................. Roe, Jesse R...................do. Conner, Benjamin F...........do. Sellers, John W................do. Coonan, John....................do. Sullaway, Samuel...........do. Clegg, James....................do. Simpson, Thomas..........do. Crout, Thomas....................do. Sturges, Israel..................do. Clopp, Tobias S..................do. Sturges, William H.........do. Coates, William..................do. Sturges, John....................do. Daly, John................. do. Stratton, George...............do. Deany, Ambrose.................do. Taylor, Lewis....................do. Dowdell, John.................do. Worster, Davis N..............do. Ellingsworth, Robert........do. Walton, James.................do. Ford, John W................ do. Wilson, James L...............do. Ford, Joseph A..................do Waugh, Geore............do. Fite, Henry..................do. Young, Josep J............do. Fulton, William M............do. Vessels, Lewisdo. Guthrie, James.ds............. do. COMPANY D. R]ERUITED AT PHILADEILPBIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Joseph H. Sinex...........Captain. John W. 0. Daniels I......Fi'st Corporal. Warren L. Young...........First Lieutenant. Edward Mountaney......Second Corporal. George H. Armstrong......Second Lieutenant. George M'Mullen...........Third Corporal. Edgar H. Klemratte........First Sergeant. Montgomery P. Young..Fourth Corporal. Charles C. Smith............Second Sergeant. Robert B. Beers............Musician. Isaac I. Lanber..............Third Sergeant. Albert S. Girard..............do. Edward A. Goodes..........Fourth Sergeant. Auld, William..............Private. 164 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, Algio, John................... Private. King, George.................Private. Barnes, William H.............do. Kyle, Frederick...............do. Burnes, Samuel.................do. Kyle, Richard..................do. Bates, James.......................do. Logan, David C................do. Beers, Samuel E................do. Lee, Henry.......................do. Barnnett, William..............do. Lee, Henry T................. do. Creeney, Edward.d...............do. Lockhard, Alexander......do. Clark, Timothy.................. do. Laird, John......................do. Conrad, Samuel..................do. Mathews, Charles............do. Carpenter, William H........do. Markley, Francis..............do. Campbell, John................do. M'Clane, William I...........do. Counce, Alexander.............do. M'Afee, Robert................do. Cunningham, William........do. M'Combs, Thomas............do. Clark, Francis H...............do. Nepperd, George H...........do. Clendenning, Samuel..........do. Nichols, William I............do. Douglass, John...................do. Nillis, Samuel..................do. Dunlap, James....................do. NTeely, Thomas..................do. Davis, Evan.......................do. Patchell, John H...............do. Ent, Alyemon S. L..............do. Quinn, John....................do. Envine, Leslie....................do. Riddle, William...............do. Forsythe, David..................do. Roberts, John F...............do. Fury, Thomas....................do. Rey, William..................do. Flood, Samuel................ do. Sinex, Robert................do. Hays, Henry P..................do. Stewart, William..............do. Hamill, John.....................do. Simler, William B............do. Hayle, Henry............... do. Sterling, Isaac.................do. Hannale, William..............do. Sterling, John..................do. Irwin, David......................do. Tomlin, James L..............do. Jamison, Stewart................do. Wilson, William...............do. Jackson, Theodore..............do. Wilson, William I...........do. Johnson, Thomas................do. Williams, Simky..............do. Jordon, Jacob.................do. Young, Peter H............ do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Robert Thompson............Captain. Joy, James R............... Private. Montgomery Martin........First Lieutenant. Jardine, Alexander...........do. Hugh Rankin..................Second Lieutenant. Jeffries, John L...............do. Charles H. Lavis.............First Sergeant. Kerns, George W............. do. William G. Smith............Second Sergeant. Kearns, John..................do. Alexander T. Smith.........Third Sergeant. Keller, John A..................do. Edgmont D. Green..........Fourth Sergeant. Lavis, David...................do. William H. Gordon.........First Corporal. Lavis, John D..................do. Samuel S. Pearson..........Second Corporal. Lodge, Charles..................do. William F. Wilkins.........Third Corporal. Mills, William E.............do. George W. Eachus..........Fourth Corporal. Markley, William P.........do. Andrew Fife...................Musician. Murphy, George...............do. James Anderson.................do. Markley, William.......,....do. Armitage, Shewbart B.....Private. Maguire, John..........do. Anderson William..............do. Norbeck, Philip.............do. Buckley, Charles C............do. Nuty, William.................. do. Bonsall, Joseph S............do. Palmer, George W., Jr......do. Bunting, William, t........... do. Pollock, Joseph................do. Bradley, Hugh...................do. Pugh, Joseph E...............do. Bowles, Charles..................do. Perkins, George W...........do. Barbier, Perrie M...............do. Price, James R..................do. Courtney, William F........do. Raynor, William..............do. Clarck, Thomas................do. Riley, Hartley............ do. Cummings, Joseph............do. Steele, David S................do. Cochran, Matthew..............do. Simmons, John W...........do. Decon, Charles H.............do. Spear, Charles W.............do. Delavan, James..................do. Spear, William D..............do. Downey, Patrick.................do. Stone, Thomas.................do. Foley, Thomas...................do. Shimer, George W............do. Frees, Samuel...................do. Sailor, Lewis..............do. Frity, Francis.....................do. Tallman, George L........... do. Graham, Richard H............do. Topham, Joseph H............do. Goodman, Vincent L..........do. Tucker, Joseph L.............do. Higle, Adam................. do. Voorhees, John A.............do. Hickey, Patrick..................do. Walker, John.................do. Hanna, Robert...................do. White, Samuel..............do. Hanna, George...................do. Watt, James M..............do. Hornby, John C..................do. Young, Henry...............do. Johnston, Benjamin F........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 165 COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MAUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Alexander Murphy........Captain. Hoffman, Jacob T..........Private. Henry C. Whelan............First Lieutenant. Holme, John....................do. Alfred Roberts.............. Second Lieutenant. Irwin, John R..................do. Joseph S. Chandler.........First Sergeant. Jackson, Oswald...............do. Henry Neil.........S........... Second Sergeant. Jones, James Harris.........do. Alfred L. Hongh...........Third Sergeant. Jones, John H.................do. Harry K. Riele............. Fourth Sergeant. Kayser, Morris................do. Henry C. Jewell..............First Corporal. Knox, George....................do. Robert L. Burnett...........Second Corporal. Lloyd, Samuel T...............do. Robert W. Downing........Third Corporal. Marshall, Joseph F...........do. Robert Y. Chase..............Fourth Corporal. M'Cellan, Arthur............do. Harry E. Wrigley...........Musician. Moore, George W..............do. Benjamin F. Wrigley.........do. Nassau, William Henry....do. Airey, Washington.........Private. Patterson, Thomas B........do. Airey, William.................. do. Pennington, Law., Jr.......do. Allen, John B. A., Jr.........do. Pidgeon, Theodore F.........do. Andress, Michael B............do. Pollock, William K...........do. Backus, William R............do. Randolph, Wallace...........do. Bowen, George K................do. Reed, Montgomery S........do. Bowen, William................do. Roney, James B..............do. Brinley, Godfrey M............do. Reese, Frederick L..........do. Broom, James M...............do. Sinnott, Joseph F.............do. Campbell, Anth'y H., Jr....do. Somerset, Arthur H.........do. Candidus, William, Jr........do. Starr, James....................do. Cassedy, Richard...............do. Steele, Anson................do. Chase, Edward E............do. Sterling, Joseph Frank.....do. Clark, John F...............do. Stokes, Joseph..................do. Clifton, John C.................do. Taylor, Lawrence P..........do. Davis, Daniel.....................do. Thompson, John C............do. Dito, John M.....................do. Toland, George W., Jr......do. Engle, Archibald H...........do. Vanzant, Isaac P...............do. Farciott, Charles O............do. Wagner, William.............do. Freeman, Edward..............do. Wainwright, John W........do. Guither, Joseph..................do. Wetherill, Charles C.........do. Hamilton, John..............do. White, William...............do. Hand, Charles H................do. Williams, Edward............do. Hart, Richard B...........do. Winsor, William D...........do. Hawking, George W...........do. Yeager, Horatio D............do. Heron, John H..d............ do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. William Pritner...............Captain. Carver, Benjamin..........Private. Charles Laning...............First Lieutenant. Daily, John L...................do. Stephen B. Poulterer......Second Lieutenant. Davis, Isaiah...................do. Thomas M. Haimett...... First Sergeant. Dempsey, William H........do. James Hargesheimer......Second Sergeant. Edgar, William................do. Joseph Young.................Third Sergeant. Freed, George W..............do. William H. Stewart.........Fourth Sergeant. Forbes, William L............do. William D. Rank.........First Corporal. Gwinn, Malcom................do. Frank Martin.................Second Corporal. Hubb, Frederick..............do. John R. Griffith.............Third Corporal. Hess, Philip J.............do. Elijah C. Allen...............Fourth Corporal. Henny, John S..........do. James B. Thomas............Musician. Haines, Chalkley S...........do. Henry Bennett...............do. Haslett, James.................do. Bonsall, Albert G............Private. Harper, John....................do. Baymont, William..............do. Johnston, David...............do. Beans, Timothy S...............do. Johnson, John..................do. Beans, Howard.................do. Keller, George W..............do. Boyd, John, Jr..................do. Luckenback. Owen A........do. Bonsall, John....................do. Laib, Frederick.................do. Beach, Waldron.............do. Munyon, Samuel..............do. Brown, Kobert..................do. Malcorm, James.................do. Clark, Frederick................do. Murphy, Arthur E............do. Carver, Smith...............do.- Moore, William P............do. 166 SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT, Mervine, Isaac............... Private. Schreiner, James S........Private. M Carty, James F.............do. Smethurst, Richard, Jr.....do. M'Night, John.............do. Stoops, Randolph T..........do. M'Hugh, John.................do. Soby, Nicholas..................do. M'Kee, Bernard.......... do. Stackey, Samual W..........do. M'Cabe, Enoch..................do. Smith, Milton...................do. Nicholson, Thomas... d......do. Stuart, David....................do. Nagle, Simon S..................do. Shuff, Andrew, Jr.............do. Omer, Peter.......................do. Sharpe, George..................do. Ott, Cornelius....................do. Wheeler, John A..............do. Page, Henry M.................do. Weert, George.................do. Palmer, Andrew J..............do. Wonderly, William..........do. Penrose, George..................do. Welsh, David....................do. Suttle, George C.............do. Wharton, Theodore..........do. Sparks, John S.................do. Young, Christian.............do. Scott, Archibald...............do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Isaac C. Bassett...............Captain. Howell, William E........Private. John T. Doyle................First Lieutenant. Hachatt, John...................do. Francis W. Franklin.......Second Lieutenant. Haas, Adam....................do. William C. Albright........ First Sergeant. Hill, Stephen F................do. Andrew G. Roper............Second Sergeant. Helmick, George R..........do. Alfred Hollenbeck...........Third Sergeant. Hagan, George F.............. do. James K. Carrigan..........Fourth Sergeant. Hamilton, Richard............do. Charles R. Hight.............First Corporal. Hamilton, Washington.....do. John M'Feeters...............Second Corporal. Howshall, William...........do. Edward Lowry.............. Third Corporal. Kughler, George W..........do. Jacob Hays.....................Fourth Corporal. Lee, Robert.......................do. Thomas B. Davis.............Musician. Mohn, Henry..................do. George Mirkle............d...do. Meyers, Cornelius K.........do. Adams, James.............Private. Maddock, William A......do. Belrose, William.................do. Middleton, Charles H........do. Burns, Edward..................do. Montgomery, James C......do. Buckman, George W..........do. M'Donaldj James..............do. Botto, Augustus.................ck). Noble, David G................do. Blee, Francis......................do. Nichols, John....................do. Belsterling, William B.......do. O'Brien, John T...............do. Cooper, Evan J.................do. Palmer, Richard........ do. Crawford, William B.........do. Ruff, William H..............do. Crandol, Randolph............do. Smith, Huston, Jr............do. Dodson, John A.................do. Smith, Philip C...............do. Desmond, Patrick J...........do. Sheridan, Frank............do. Davis, Thomas A...............do. Shannon, John H..............do. Daly, Francis.....................do. Shell, John.....................do. Epley, Charles.............. do. Silverthorne, Charles.......do. Ennis, Samuel....................do. Sears, Joseph....................do. Elliott, William P..............do. Shuman, John T...............do. Elliott, Henry.................... do. Starr, Henry...................do. Forbes, Charles H..............do. Sanders, Henry................do. Fox, Michael.....................do. Toncus, SamuelC............do. Grusenmeyer, Francis N....do. Weis, Charles................ do. Grusenmeyer, Theodore.....do. Williamson, Charles.........do. Gallen, Henry.....................do. Williamson, Lewis........do. Gormley, John...................do. Walton, Charles B............do. Hutchinson, James............do. Wolf, Charles..................do. Harberger, Charles............do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. William J. J. Braceland...Captain. John Bok....................Fourth Sergeant. Robert L. Orr..................First Lieutenant. Archib'd Hiushillwood, First Corporal. Washington R. DoYoung,Second Lieutenant. Charles Clausen...........Second Corporal. Charles M'Gonigle...........First Sergeant. Charles J. Ambler........Third Corporal. George W. Wilson...........Second Sergeant. Harry Irvine..............Fourth Corporal. George D. Morean............Third Sergeant. Herman Grasley............Musician. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 167 Thomas J. Perkins:..........Musician. M'Leister, John.............Private. Abbott, Henry.........Privat. Mauger, Martin................do. Alexander, Andrew...........do. M'Kee, Henry E...............do. Alexander, Thomas...........do. M'Mullin, George 0..........do. Able, Henry......................do. Morean, Joseph H...........do. Brown, Anthony T............do. Mowlds, George W...........do. Blakemore, Isaac...............do. Meyers, Oscar R.............do. Bryan, John..................do. M'Cullough, James P......do. Bell, Thomas M................. do. Miller, Jacob....................do. Born, Peter........................do. Mitchell, Thomas..............do. Bringhurst, William..........do. Maquin, George R............do. Cavill, Martin F.................do. Mintyer, Andrew T..........de. Cavenaugh, Michael J........do. Orsborne, Hugh...............do. Carpenter, Charles G.........do. Peddrick, Charles..........do. Coleman, George R............do. Pratt, Joseph T.................do. Clement, William P...........do. Quinn, Thomas.................do. Duborg, Robert S...............do. Ryan, John W..................do. Eibell, Ferdinand...............do. Roberts, Harry S..............do. Edwards, Francis...............do. Smith, Harry....................do. Fisher, Henry....................do. Smith, Charles W.............do. Farrell, Edward A............do. Sparks, Samuel M............do. Gibson, Jacob....................do. Street, Charles..................do. Granger, Charles P............do. Shepard, Adam................do. Hazzard, William S............ do. Sterling, Jesse D. E.........do. Hiushillwood, Thomas K...do. Smith, Matthew H............do. Hahn, Thomas B................do. White, Clement A............do. Hoffman, John A...............do. Windle, William, Jr........do. Hutchins, Theodore............do. Warren, Joseph................do. Hoey, Thomas....................do. Whipple, Clement R.........do. Jones, Sutton....................do. Williamson, Henry B........do. Johnson, Thaddeus R..........do. Wagner, Joseph...............do. Kennedy, Charles F...........do. Zebley, William B...........do. Lee, James A., Jr...............do. COMPANY K. ECORUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Charles M. Tapper...........Captain. Harney, George W......P.rivate. Robert M. Lee, Jr...........First Lieutenant. Hurley, James.................do. Levin S. Tarr..................Second Lieutenant. Joyce, Patrick H..............do. Justin E. Bird................First Sergeant. Kiernan, James D............do. Albert P. Morrow............Second Sergeant. Lyon, John...................do. Edwin H. Godshalk........Third Sergeant. Ludwig, Henry................do. John Pollock..................Fourth Sergeant. M'Kerman, James C.........do. William G. Drinkhouse... First Corporal. M'Gowan, James.........do. Henry G. Dodge.............Second Corporal. M'Bride, William P.........do. DavidR. Ackerman.......Third Corporal. M'Feeters, Robert...........do. John H. Johnson............Fourth Corporal. New, Richard....................do. George W. Estlow............Musician. Paschal, Harry.................do. James Sipplee....................do. Parsons, William H........do. Barrett, John..................Private. Powell, Edward...............do. Bannen, Albert J...............do. Roche, David...................do. Byrnes, Joseph T..............do. Richee, Francis..............do. Coons, William................do. Snyder, John B...........do. Clayton, Conrad................do. Shuff, Andrew..................do. Church, James H..............do. Stroup, Peter.:.............. do. Carberry, William..............do. Simon, Frederick...........do. Dunn, Joseph...................do. Snyder, John J.......... do. De Lacey, George W...........do. Snyder, Henry H.............do. Drew, Isaac N............ do. Specht, Augustus F.......do. Davis, Henry..................do. Schank, Alonzo................do. Drew, David A............do. Thomas, David.................do. Donnelly, David F..............do. Tietjen, William M..........do. Devine, Daniel..................do. Tattersill, James.............do. Ery, John.........................do. Thomas, Charles J............do. Ennis, William W.......... do. Taylor, George.................do. Ennis, Robert M................do. Van Winkle, Samuel........do. Felters, Samuel H..............do. Vaughan, Henry...............do. Foster, Marmaduke............do. Winhultz, Henry.............do. Frame, Edwin P.................do. Weaver, John H...............do. Flood. Benjamin.................do. Weaver, Albert J..............do. Galloway, John.................do. Walker, Edwin J.............do. Hardman, James W..........do. Whitehead, Thomas S.......do. Hall, William D...............do. Whitehead, Caleb.............do. Henderson, William...........do. Ware, Frank....................do. Haley, George R..............do. EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT. ON the 9th of April, 1861, three days previous to the attack on Fort Sumter, Captain Peter Fritz, commanding the National Greys, a venerable organization dating back to the Revolution, in obedience to a resolution of the company, tendered its services to Governor Curtin. On the 15th the services of the First Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Division of the State militia, to which this company belonged, were tendered to, and accepted by the Governor, and recruiting immediately commenced. Officers were elected in 1858, who were commissioned for a period of five years, and upon the re-organization in April, 1861, the same officers were mustered into the service of the United States.William D. Lewis, Jr., of Philadelphia, Colonel; Charles Wilhelm, of Philadelphia, Lieutenant Colonel; Alexander E. Newbold, of Philadelphia, Major; Thomas F. G. Cooper, Adjutant. The regiment went into camp at Washington Square, where it was drilled as light infantry. The discipline was good, and the men soon acquired a commendable degree of proficiency in military duty. They were bountifully supplied by their friends with all articles necessary for their immediate subsist^nce and comfort. On the 14th of May, orders were received to move to Perryville, Maryland, where it arrived at two o'clock on the morning of the 15th, and immediately embarked on steamer for Locust Point. On its arrival it proceeded to the neighborhood of Fort M'tHenry and encamped, where it remained engaged in drill and guard duty until the 22d of May, when it marched to Fed. eral Hill, in the city of Baltimore. The monotony of camp life was little varied during the remainder of its term of service. The line of duty was of such a character, thut guard and military police were the chief of the services rendered. On the 12th of June, companies B and K, under the command of Captain Peter Fritz, were detached from the regiment, and ordered to garrison the National Arsenal at Pikesville. Making a hurried march of sixteen miles, they reached the Arsenal at eleven o'clock P. M. the same day, and for three weeks were constantly employed in packing and removing to Fort M'Henry all the government property there stored. Remaining at the Arsenal until the 23d of July, they rejoined the regiment. At the expiration of the term of service, Major General Banks, then in command at Baltimore, requested the men to re-enlist for a period of ten days.Companies B, C, D,, G, H, K, and a part of company I complied, and were re-mustered into the United States service by Captain Miller on the 24th of July. On the 29th the regiment was relieved by the Fifth New York, and proceeded to Philadelphia, where, on the 7th of August, it was mustered out of service. THEEr MONT1HS' SERVIC,. 169 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS William D. Lewis, Jr......Colonel... Marshall.u.................Quartrmaster Charles Wilhelm.............Lieutenant Colonel. J. Wiley Mitchell...........Surgeon. Alexander E. Newbold...Major. A. 0. Stelle...................Assistant Surgeon. Thomas F, G. Cooper......Adjutant. COMPANY A. REORUITED AT PHILADELPHA. ITUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John M. Gosline....C.........Captain. Jamison, James K.........Private Gustavus W. Town.........First Lieutenant. Knause, Charles..............do. Thomas J. Town..............Second Lieutenant. Linton, Josiah.................do. John HE enry Delap......... First Sergeant. Levering, Aaron M.......do. James Dealy.................Second Sergeant. Lewis, Jamas...................do. John B. Bradley.............Third Sergeant. Lawrence, Henry..........do. James H. Sargent............FourthSergeant. Martin, Robert R.......,.....do. DoBenneville B. Shewell, First Corporal. M' Donald, Alexander...... do. Franklin M. Harris.........Second Corporal. Middleton, Tho's K., Jr.....do. John W. Thompson.........Third Corporal. M'Cann, Hugh.............do. William A. Roilly............Fourth Corporal. Martin, James J..............do. James B. Alexander........Musician. Moore, Thomas................do. David Gordon..................do. Makin, John.....................do. Allen, George W..............Private. M'Carthy, Hugh.............do. Anier, John........................do. Magowan, Sloan..............do. lurke, Lewis......................d. Neison, John..................do. Capell. William L...............do. Nelson, William...............do. Crozier, James................. do. Pierce, Willia S.............do. Campbeil, William J..........do. Phillips, James...............do. Dunn, Robert......................do. Parker, William G............do. Day, James S...................do Quirk, Henry M...............do. oougherty, Hugh...............do. Robinson, Croasdaile.........do. Danenhower; Charles H.....do. Reynolds, Hiram..............do. Dealy, Edward....................do. Robinson, John W............do. Davis, John Hdo............ do. Rementer, Peter...............do. F'reas, Jacob F............... do. Sherrerd, Adam......... do. Fulmer, William.............. do. Stief, Charles....................do. Fitzgerald, Michael..... d.....do.' Steelman, Henry H...........do. Ginugnani, Peter............. do. Shields, George................do. rilmore, John.................do. Spencer, John............. do. Galbraith, Thomas. S...........do. Souder, Daniel.................do. Houseman, Charles B.........do. Spooner, William B...........do. Hoffman, John...................do. Steward, Charles H..........do. Hull, Aaron W..................do. Stivers, William............do. Houston, James H..............do. Tracy, Joseph....do. Holt, Robert J...................do. Waldren, William H......... Harmer, Newland M..........do. Wood, Charles E...............do Holt, John..................... do. Weeks, Wm. W., Jr.........do. Hailer, David.....................do.'COMPANY B. EORUITEfD AT PIILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Peter Ftz.................. aptain. e M. N. Hieskell.en.. S.... 8econ d Corporali J. M. R. DeBeust............First Lieutenant. Casper Cooper...........,... Third Corporal. William F. Schrieber......Second Lieutenant. L. B. Manypenny.........Fourth Corporal. Peter Frite, 2d................irt Sergeant Charles H. Willams......Musician Samuel Kinsley...............Second Sergeant. J. Dudley Wormant.,..... do. William Kain................Third Sergeant, Addils Isaac.,..,,........^Pvate, James Barrett..................Fourth Sergeant Addis, Charltes,,..^... d..r.....do. Robert I. Nutter.............. First Corporal, Lotrose F. M...,........ bt^.ldo. 22 170 EIGHITEENTH REGIMENT, Bowers, George...............Private. Lain, Joseph R..............Private. Bowers, Jesse...................do. Larkin, Francis...............do. Bond, Charles T................do. Mifflin, Charles H............do. Bonney, T. S.....................do. Mceser, A. A............... do. Bonney, I. T......................do. Murray, John.................do. Blanford, William..............do. Merrick, S. S...................do. Blum, Jacob.......................do. Morgan, Frank S..............do. Cooper, Morris.............do. Menns, George W............do. Cooper, Charles..................do. M'Carty, Henry...............do. Cunningham,'Andrew........do. M'Clenaghan, Hugh.........do. Compton, Joseph H...........do. M'Gowen, Daniel..............do. Coates, W. H. H.................do. Priestly, William R.........do. Dexter, William H............do. Price, Thomas W. C.........do. Dumell, John S............ do. Roe, William RR................do. Dearry, Charles B..............do. Rutherford, John..............do. Dolan, William G...............do. Reynolds, Oliver..............do. Eddy, H. M...................... do. Rogers, John...............do. Fair, Thomas J...................do. Stinson, Henry..................do. Fearon, James J.................do. Snyder, Daniel W............do. Force, George W...............do. Snyder, Theodore A..........do. Gordon, George C...............do Seward, Asahel..............do. Glass, Thomas....................do. Schofield, John S..............do. Griffith, Jethro J................do. Sandford, Richard L.........do. Hocker, C. M.....................do. Tricker, John A...............do. Hessell, W. F.....................dod. Tricker, Albert J.............do. Hessell, Henry..................do. Winters, William V.........do. Hutton, Thomas H..............do. Winters, John H...............do. Kavanagh, I. L..................do. Weeks, Eugene J..............do. Little, William W..............do. Widdis, Albert A..............do. Lane, James H..................do. Weaver, John P...............do. Lain, Joseph T.................do. COMPANY C. ECBRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA, MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Joseph Archambault......Captain. Geist, Frederick............Private, Edward Grossjean...........First Lieutenant. Grisel, Louis...................do. Constant Pequignot.........Second Lieutenant. Glinand, Virgil................o. Augustus Bourguard......First Sergeant. Heimach, George............do. Louis Aloncle................Second Sergeant. Jackson, William B..........do. Michael Celerier.............Third Sergeant. Jouan, Julien..................do. Francois Fix...................Fourth Sergeant. Kachelle, Charles..............do. Charles Fidelin...............First Corporal. Klirigrian, Henry...........do. Charles Goll....................Second Corporal. KrootZ, Francis................do Augustus Pequignot........Third Corporal. Kohler, Abraham............do. Louis Prenot...................Fourth Corporal. Lewis, George W..............do. Ernest Kachelle..............Musician. M'Closkey, Sylvester........do. Peter Marquis....................do. Margery, J. B...................do. Albrecht, Joseph.............Private. Maigrot, Francis...............do. Alloway, Samuel...............do. Mathis, Michael................do. Alsino, Antonio..................do. Maurice, Louis.................do. Brandt, Joseph.......... do. Meyer, Gustavus...............do. Baker, Jacob......................do. Mugnier, Francis..............do. Bailey, James.....................do. Pequignot, Adonis.........do. Berget, Albert....................do. Perrenoud, Alfred............do. Bouclet, Francis................do. Prenot, Henry..................do. Bon, Charles......................do. Prenot, Jules...................do. Bazin, Casimer...................do. Rais, Francois...............do. Bauman, Christian............do. Ricouard, Eugene............do. Bertrand, Eugene Peter.....do. Renaud, Peter.......... do. Bourquin, Henry...........do. Roussel, Edward G............do. Brossart, Eugene...............do. Schwartz, George I............do. Berger, Cesar.....................do. Saint Esprit, Hyppolite.....do. Clade, Didier.....................do. Schermer, Benjamin.........do. Cuillot, Henry...................do. Steinbach, Gustavus C......do. Chabot, Vital....................do. Simon, Charles.................do., Dawson, William R............do. Schoch, Peter....................do. Diffenbach, Adam C..........do. Vallat, Francis.................do. Elvert, Louis.....................do. Verlaine, Emile................do.. Frochet, J. M....................do. Walker, William..............do. Flaherty, P. I....................do. Wakely, Robert................do, Ferut, Charles....................do. Walzer, Celn.....................do. Ford, Henry De...............do. Weber, Augustus..............do, Foliot, Eugene................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 171 COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 25, 1861. Edmond N. Baudin..,*o.Captain. Issaurat, Louis..............Private. A. Jules Jollivet..............First Lieutenant. Kitt. Jacob...................do. Amedse L. Hudome.......Second Lieutenant Keller, Adam..................do. A. Severin Barthoulot.....First Sergeant. Knoll, Michael.................do.'D. Nicholas Baron...........Second Sergeant. Lengel, Adam.................do. William Cargill...............Third Sergeant. Lambrecht, Guillaume.....do. A. Mederick Tarratre......Fourth Sergeant. Lovinfosse, A. Joseph......do. Frederick Doriot..............First Corporal. Luchert, J. Adam............do. Nicholas Marechal..........Second Corporal. Lecount, Lewis.................do. Peter Nellas....................Third Corporal. Magnin, Arthur................do. F. Charles Rigoulot.........Fourth Corporal. Maillardet, Augustin........do. Andrew M'Collin.............Musician. Maurice, Charles...............do. James Reaney..................do. Metzgar, James.................do. Alff, John........................Private. Pate, Louis.......................do. Bureau, Achilles................do. Pellerin, L. Augustus.......do. Bourdel, Leon....................do. Paquin James.............do. Bruntz, John......................do. Pichara, L. Firmin.......... do. Burkart, Samuel...............do. Quidort, P. Frederick........do. Bodaine, Eugene...............do. Rhem, Philip...................do. Bee, Francios.....................do. Reidinger, George............do. Cochard, Alexander...........do. Richard, F. Constant........do. Claude, J. Pierre................do. Romain, Christian............do. Cleaver, William..............do. Roquet, Ernest.................do. Campbell, Abraham...........do. Spengler, Jacob................do. Chobert, Felix...................do. Simon, Vincent.................do. Dreux, Pierre.....................do. Schumuck, Bernard........do. D'Orsolini, Adriand............do. Speiser, Bernard...............do. Detreux, Frederick...........do. Sturney. Joseph...............d6. Drayer, Charles.................do. Sperandio, A. Frederick...do. Delaval, Francis.................do. Urbin, Joseph..................do. Doriot, George............... do. Walter, Alexander............do. Fontaine, Augustus............do. Weigel, Simon..................do Golly, Emile....................do. Wanzel, Francois..............do. Goetz, Adolph....................do. Woelker, Jacob...............do. Faentzler, George...............do. Woelker, John.................do. Girard, Henry....................do. Zajotti, Attilio................ do. Hennet, Lewis..................do. Ziegler, Antoine...............do. Hergott, Charles.................do. Ziegler, Joseph.................do. Hergott, Pierre..................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John Miller............Captain. Doyden, Christopher C...Private, David T. Stretch............First Lieutenant. Dodd, Charles L............do, Andrew J. Knorr............Second Lieutenant. Diker, Frederick C...........do, E. Forrest Koehler.........First Sergeant. I Derickson, Sauel.........do. Charles F. fauter............Second Sergeant. Dale, WilliamB...........do. Andrew J. fisher............Third Sergeant. Donnelly, Vincent P.......do. Henry A. Cook...............Fourth Sergeant. Dunn, Christopher............do. Edward W. Smith...........First Corporal. David, Louis N......... do. William H. Hopkins.......Second Corporal. Evans, William D............do. Samuel Davies.................Third Corporal. Elliott, William................do. James E. Audenreid........Fourth Corporal. Gilmour, Richard.............do. John M'Connell...............Musician. Hutton, A. S.....................do. Miranus Bancker...............do. Hutton, Samuel.................do. Andrews, David W.........Private. Hawkins, John T...........do. Binder, Peter.................... do. Heidrick, Herman............do. Bisbing, John M.................do. Hass, John H...................do. Brooks, William H.............do. Hunter, William................do. Baurs, Henry...................do. Huddell, John S...............do. Blackman, E. T................ do. Hickman, John R..............do. Beck, Theodore C..............do. Halman, Peter Fritz..........do. Covington, William A........do. Hart, William.................do. Carnes, Joseph...................do. Hanse, Reuben................do. Carver, Charles R..............do. Jones, Benjamin F............do. Dickson, William.............do. Loper, Palmer..................do. 172 EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT, M'Kinley, John.............. Private. Roesch, George L...........Private. M'Fadden, David...............do. Smith, W. K................ do. VM'Caffrey, William............do, Sprigman, Edmund...........do. Michnor, Mahlon S..........do. Sharswood, Edward.........do. Miller, Joseph....................do Simpso, James L............do. Muldoon, Thomas...............do. Shane, Francis.................. d. Muims, Henry...................da Taylor, Philip J..................do. Miller, William J...............do. Tschudy, Martin.............do. Magee, Thomas..................do.''oomey, Dennis................do. North, Hampton................do. Wolf, D. P........................do. Packer, Charles T............do. Wilson, Fisher..............do. Potter, John E.............. Williams, Harry E...........do. Pancoast, John R................do. Wilson, Ambrose.............do. Packer, Edward E o............do. Willingmyre, George........ do Questa, James F........... do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Jacob H. Beattes............ Captain. Gellston, William J........ Private Enos Baldwin................ First Lieutenant. Gower, George W..............do. Elisha Hall..................Second Lieutenant. Handle, John H...............do. Francis. J. Randall...........First Sergeant. Hess, John H................do. Thomas D. G. Chapman... Second Sergeant. Hoey, William.................do. Patrick Egan.............Third Sergeant. Kane, James.....................do. Thomas J. Whitmore......Fourth Sergeant Knorr, Jacob F.................do. Frank J. Stewart............ First Corporal. Krause, John A................do. Parry T. M'Curdy............Second Corporal. Miller, Conrad.................do. William Palmatary.........Third Corporal. Manderfield, Harry A...... do. Henry C. O'Donnell.........Fourth Corporal. Martin, William J............doe John Cassiday.................Musician. Mahaffy, John W............do. William, H. Lee.................do. Mitchell, Alexander T......do. Atkinson, John...............Private. Milnor, Jonathan..............do. Alton, Ralph............... do. Norton, William A...........do. Asch, AugustusJ...............do. Nell, Francis C.................do. Bisbing, Jacob A...............do. Nelson, William..............do. Barnes, Earles...................do. O'Brien, Daniel.................do. Barrett, Samuel.R..............do. Peterman, William R.......do, Brown, Randolph..............do. Picton, John.....................do. Boyle, James.....................do. Sarsfield, Michael P.........do. Bush, Charles R................do. Shinn, Charles T...............do. Byers, Richard.................. Smith, Robert.............d ]Buck, William F...............do Smith, Jacob M................. do Butler, William................do. Smith, William H............do. Carr, Edward Ho.................do. Stewart, John...................do. Campbell, John, Jr............do. Taylor, John S..................do. Campbell, John L.............do..Thompson, John B...........do. Clewell, Joseph R.............do. Tolin, William............do. Coxe, Andrew H................do. Walton, Mahlon...............do. Clark, Thomas F................do. Wacd,, John.....................do. Cresse, William HI..............do. Ward, John A..................do. Calvert, Hudso0n B.............do. Watermeyers, George.......do. Eagle, John EEH.............do. Wear, William..........do. Endress, Zachariah............do. Walker, Joseph E...........d. Everley, Miller N., Jr.........do. Weber, Jaob.................do Fry, Joshua G........d........ do. Wilkinson, Henry.........do. Field, Thomas M d.............do Werner, Gustavas......,...dan Gardner, HenryS......... do. COMPANY GY. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John S. Dull...................aptai. William G. Campbell....Fourth Sergeat Isaiah Bryan.............First Lieutenant. Morris Hirsh................First Corporal. Jacob Hirsh.....................Second Lieutenant. Alexander Lindsay........Second Corporal. Benjamin A Plifer..........First Sergeant. Freder'k V. Kretchmar,Tiird Corporal. Edward B. Burroughs......Second Sergeant. Benjamin F. Huber........Fourth Corporal. Isacher attis........Tid Sergeant. Henry S. Agim.,............ MusiciiaR, THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 173 John Guinness.................Musician. Halfman, Herbert W.....Private. Anderson, Charles...........Private. Hitchins, Thomas H.........do. Alien, Sa uel....................do. Harmstead, Charles S.......do. Allen, Albert.....................do. Jones, Samuel P...............do. Brown, William H.............do. Jones, William H.............do. Bartram, John....................do. Lowdenslager, Rich'dH...do. Benner, Thomas S..............do. Myers, Lewis................. do. Butler, William H..............do. Matthews, George............do. Blundin, Richard A...........do. M'Cuen, Alexander........do. Bayle, John........................do. M'Kenzie, Lewis............do. Colehower, Peter...............do. Morse, James H.............do. Cline, George W................do. Napier, James A...............do. Curl, Nelson.......................do. O'Donnell, Henry.........do. Cassel, John C.....................do. Parsons, Theodore H........do. Campbell, Patrick L...........do. Palmer, William A...........do. Colbain, William................do. Philson, Alexander E........do. Cannon, William...............do. Painter, Charles V..........do. Calverley, Lewis H............do. Quigg William.................do. Chester, William H............do. Rittenhouse, Miles............do. Cox, Sylvester....................do. Russell, De Witt W. C......do. Donnell, Charles 0.............do. Robinson, James G...........do. Dunn, John....................do. Rickards, William J........do. Duke, Anthony A..............do. Stilley, Alfred H...............do. Elliott, Robert...................do. Sill, Theodore..................do. Frease, Henry S.................do. Stelle, William M..............do. Ferguson, Alexander........do. Snyder, Henry J..............do. Fitch, John A.....................do. Swank, Theodore..............do. Fitch, Charles....................do. Thomas, Joseph E............do. Gray, Thomas....................do. Vankirk, Alonzo...............do. Gaul, William..................do. Williams, Cranmer S........do. Giese, Lewis D...................do. Wood, William H............do. Gillaway, William..............do. Wilson, William F............do. Henderson, George W........ do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. John Maxwell................. aptain. Hutchinson, George.......Private. Peter B. Chadwick.........First Lieutenant. H addock, Henry..............do. Jesse Simcox................Second Lieutenant. Hanna, William..............do. John G. Boyd................. FrstSergeant. Hoffman, Thomas.............do. Louis H. M'Claskey........Second Sergeant. Harbenson, Bolton...........do. Louis T. Matlack............Third Sergeant. Hopkins, Francis..............do. William T. J. Moore........Fourth Sergeant. Johnson, Robert...............do. William M. B. White......First Corporal. Kanes, Benton H..............do. John P. Frowert.............Second Corporal. Lowry, James E..............do. James House..................Third Corporal. Lowdenslager, Adam........do. Hall Lane........................Fourth Corporal. Lindsay, Abraham J.........do. William B. Gordon.........Musician. Meeser, John F...............do. Jacob M'Ilhenney..............do.. Mills, Alexander L........do. Appleton, Daniel R.........Private. Mills, John.................do. Boggs, Joseph.....................do. Martin, William D............do. Brady, James.....................do. Mackenson, George M.......do. Britton, James.................do. Milligan, Thomas............do. Bracken, William..............do. Manion, Edward...............do. Barclay, William C............do. Martin, Charles............do. Boyd, Andrew..................do. M'Coy, William...............do. Blee, Charles A..............do. Nathans, Oscar S...............do. Bates, George A..................do. Nathans, Theodore............d.o. Caldwell, Samulel..............do. Platt, Charles S.................do. Campbell, Hugh.................do. Parkhill, William D....... do. Carrigan, John H...............do. Robinson, Lewis J............do. Cunningham, John...........do. Rohlfing, Christian..........do. Cunningham, Charles.........do. Shields, Albert.................do. Duswold, Samuel D............do. Spelman, John J..............do. Donohoe, Charles D............do. Stehr, Herman.................do. Davis, Hezekiah.................do. Smith, Henry C...............do. Dunseith, Charles...............do. Weaver, Isaac S..............do. Dougherty, James..............do. Williamson, John.............do. Deninger, Edward.............do. Wilgus, Josiah.................do. Deal, William B................do. Wonell, William...............do. Flanigan, George................do. Wagner, William H.........do. Fair, Robert............... do. Wallace, George J............do. Gilmore, Henry E..............do. White, Clifford S..............do. Gillchrist, Robert...............do. Way, Joseph L...............do. BIays, John........................do. 174 EIGHTEENTH REGIMBNT, COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Gustavus S. Kintzing......Captain. Hickman, Charles E......Private. John J. Sperry...............First Lieutenant. Hewlett, Charles H...........do. Oliver 0. G. Robinson.....Second Lieutenant. Higgins, Charles...............do. William S. White............First Sergeant. Isaacs, Henry...................do. William S. Benedict........Second Sergeant. Justin, William...............do. Edwin E. Marston...........Third Sergeant. Keely, Jacob M.................do. Josiah Dobson.................Fourth Sergeant. Kite, Joseph S..................do. John H. Shoemaker........First Corporal. Kochersperger, John A.....do. Henry Jacoby.................Second Corporal. Kepler, William S. T........do. George Gill.....................Third Corporal. Lippincott, Henry...........do. Michael F. O'Keefe........Fourth Corporal. Lee, Archibald..................do. George W. Paul...............Musician. Lindsay, Joseph...............do. G. W. Parker...........o........do. M'Intosh, Joseph L. B......do. Aspen, Thomas..............Private. Miller, Richard...............do. Atwood, Elijah..............do. Moore, Jacob R................do. Alexander, William...........do. Mahoney, Edward J........do. Burger, David F.................do. Martin, Samuel.................do. Bartle, George H.................do. M'Vey, Edward...............do. Baugh, JacobL..................do. Minster, Edward B.........do. Bradley, Henry L..............do. Norgon, Joseph L..............do. Bowman, Isaac..................do. O'Neil, Daniel..................do. Clough, Franklin G............do. Prall, Edward R...............do. Crewe, Charles H...............do. Pollock, Andrew.............do. Chadderton, Thomas..........do. Reed, John.......................do. Crothers, L......................do. Ransom, George W...........do. Courtney, Frederick...........do. Rooke, Maxillus...............do. Dove, Joseph S.................do. Slavin, Hugh.................do. Dole, George A..................do. Smith, Peter....................do. Davis, Thomas................do. Statler, John....................do. Damell, William............do. Sheaffer, Francis A...........do. Dwyer, James....................do. Smith, John W. D...........do. Denney, John R..................do. Sprigman, Henry A. M....do. Ewell, George W...............do. Scholes, Samuel................do. Etchells, Samuel................do. Thatcher, George W.........do. Forman, Isaac E.................do. Tatem, Joseph H...............do. Gillespie, Edward...............do. Van Orden, Horace...........do. Gallagher, John H...........do. Vanzyle, John..............do. Gracey, Charles.................do. White, William A............do. Hess, David H................ do. Worrall, David...............do. Harp, Henry B..................do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA, MUSTERED IN, APRIL 24, 1861. Theodore Hesser..............Captain. Campbell, Thomas H.....Private. Thomas H. Marston.........First Lieutenant. Collins, William W...........do. Lewis H. Plum..............Second Lieutenant. Croume, John J...............do. William K. Colburn........First Sergeant. Cook, George W...............do. Joseph S. Rudolph.........Second Sergeant. Davis, Charles M............do. James H. Anderson.........Third Sergeant. Dunkell, Aaron............... do. James C. Biggs...............Fourth Sergeant. Downing, John................do. Albert Booz.....................First Corporal. Emanuel, Joseph N.........do. Uriah Reazer.................Second Corporal. Estell, Henry C................do. William Thomas.............Third Corporal. Edwards, Richard............do. Samuel B. M'Cahen.........Fourth Corporal. Ford, Samuel S.................do. William Elliott. 1...........Musician. Feaster, Joseph.................do. Edward Allman................do. Funston, George............do. Billings, Joseph L...........Private. Grantling, Charles............do. Bennett, Henry.................do. Grover, Thomas O............do. Breckenridge, John............do. Hill, John J................. do. Brophy, Patrick..................do. Horn, Charles H...............do. Burns, John J....................do. Harp, John.......................do. Brown, Alexander H.........do. Hallowell, William B........do. Claaze, John......................do. Hood, Lewis H.................do. Collins, James P.................do. Hargins, Theodore G........do. Coward, Joseph..................do. Koehler, John G...............do. Condon, William M............do. Kelly, William H.............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 175 Lex, William................Private Stephens, George L........Private. Locke, Joseph C.................do. Stephens, Harry..............do. Myrtellus, Asa V...............do. Specht, Michael..............do. Menns, Henry K...............do. Shearer, Richard..............do. Marker, Jacob.................do. Smith, Charles J.............do. Murdock, Charles K...........do. Stoye, James P...............do. Morton, Robert.................do. Steen, John A..................do. M'Glathery, Thomas B.......do. Sees, Emanuel...............do. M'Ginley, William..........do. Tamer, George.................do. Naglee, William.................do. Teese, Charles B...........do. Naglee, Frank M..............do. Teal, William H..............do. Paul, David R..................do. White, John R..................do. Poyne, Thomas J...............do. Waterhouse, George W.....do. Raudrauff, William............do. Williams, William S.........do. Rodgers, John H...............do. Ware, William..................do. Renshard, Andrew............do. IINETEENTH REGIMENT. THE Nineteenth regiment originated in the National Guards, of Philadelphia, a uniformed regiment of the State militia. It was originally a single company, organized on the 11th of December, 1840, under Captain Thomas Tustin, succeeded in 1844 by Captain Stephen B. Kingston, and the latter in 1847 by Captain Peter Lyle. It was recruited for the Mexican war; but more troops volunteering than were needed, its services were not accepted. The company held a volunteer encampment of eight days' duration in July, 1856, near the city of Lancaster, and again the year following at Bethlehem. NON SIBI, SED PATRIW, was adopted as its motto. In 1858, it had so increased in numbers-having one hundred and twenty members-as to be unwieldy on parade with other companies of only the minimum strength. It was accordingly divided and a battalion of four companies formed from it. Still maintaining a steady growth, on the 11th of December, 1860, a full regimental organization, with eight companies, was effected. Experiencing much inconvenience for the want of suitable Headquarters, the National Guards' Hall was erected on Race street, Philadelphia, at an expense of one hundred and ten thousand dollars. The Guards were in line at Harrisburg on the 22d of February, 1861, on the occasion of the reception of Abraham Lincoln, President elect, on his way to the National Capital. Upon the outbreak of the rebellion, the regiment was held in readiness, and on the 16th of April, 1861, its services were tendered to the Governor. On being accepted, recruiting immediately commenced, and on the 27th of April, with full ranks, it was mustered into the service of the United States, as the Nineteenth Pennsylvania volunteers, and the same field officers, who had commanded the Guards, were commissioned: Peter Lyle, Colonel; D. W. C. Baxter, Lieutenant Colonel; J. W. Fritz, Major; H. A. B. Brown became Adjutant. Upon opening the books for recruits, men flocked to its standard, largely in excess of the number which the government would accept, and consequently many were rejected. So great was the desire to belong to this organization, that it was regarded as a personal favor to be accepted. On the 10th of May, the regiment was ordered to Baltimore. Landing at Locust Point, it marched to the neighborhood of Fort M'Henry, and encamped just outside the Fort, in Camp Pennsylvania. The thorough drill to which the National Guards from their first organization had been subjected, and the large experience of its officers, rendered the discipline of the recruited regiment easy, and it was soon brought to a high state of proficiency. There were few better drilled organizations, at this time, in the service. The command of the Department of Annapolis, with Headquarters at Baltimore, had been given to General Cadwalader; but upon being assigned to the command of a division in General Patterson's army, he was succeeded by THtEE MONTHS' SERVICEO 177 General Banks. The latter soon discovered that unlawful combinations of men existed for the purpose of thwarting the operations of the government in its attempts to subdue armed rebellion, and that Marshal Kane, chief of police, was not only aware of their existence, but in contravention of his duty, and in violation of law, was both witness and protector to the transactions and parties engaged therein. It was rumored that these hostile organizations were ~soon to assume the offensive, and seize the Custom-House, Post-office, Telegraph,:and a large amount of coin in transiti. Acting under instructions from his government, he determined to arrest the Marshal.* This delicate and possibly difficult duty was assigned to the Nineteenth regiment. Leaving two companies in camp, Colonel Lyle made the following disposition of the remainder of his force: selecting from each company five of the most judicious men and skillful marksmen, he placed them upon the sidew.alks, with orders to *keep abreast of their respective companies which were formed in platoons of ten in the street. A little after midnight, the command moved quietly into the city, and in order to prevent any disturbance, and to cut off the possibility of an alarm being given, the troops were ordered to seize all persons found on the line of march, whether policeman or civilians, place them in the centre of the column and compel them to march noiselessly along. Arriving at the residence of the Marshal, he was found and taken in custody, having had no suspicion of a purpose to capture him. He was taken to the Fort and placed in safe keeping, and the captives found upon the streets were dismissed. For several days succeeding this event, a portion of the regiment was on duty in the city, and upon its return, the regular routine of drill and camp life was resumed. While stationed at Camp Pennsylvania the command received many favors from friends in Philadelphia, among others, a printing press and materials.In the ranks were not only printers and literary men, but skilled designers and engravers, and the publication of a camp newspaper, the NATIONAL GUARD, was commenced. It had an elaborately designed and neatly engraved head, with the words "NATIONAL GUARD" in scroll, with groups of flags displayed at either end, the regimental coat of arms with the motto NON SIBI, SED PATRIL entwined, the whole having been executed in camp. The first number was marked Volume II, Number 1, the first volume having been issued in the encampment at Lancaster in 1858. One number was profusely illustrated, delineating many ludicrous scenes in camp life, in which a pair of dilapidated army shoes and breeches came in for a share of ridicule. General Banks was succeeded in the command of the Department by General Dix. As the expiration of the term of service of the three months' troops * I deem it proper at this, the moment of arrest, to make formal and public declaration of the motive by which I have been governed in this proceeding. It is not my purpose, neither is it in consonance with may instructions, to interfere in any manner whatever with the legitimate government of the people of Baltimore or Maryland. I desire to support the public authorities in all appropriate duties; in preserving peace, protecting property and; the rights of persons, in obeying and upholding every municipal regulation. and public statute, consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States and of Maryland. But unlawful combinations of men, organized for resistance to such laws, that provide hidden deposits of arms and ammunition, encourage contraband traffic with: men at war with the government, and while enjoying its protection andprivileges, steal hily wait opportunity to combine theirmeans and forces with those in rebellion against its authority, are not among tho recognized or legal rights of any class of men, and cannot be permiateB under any form of government whatever. XM'ooGe'es tebellion Recorod Vol. 11 p. 176. Does. 23 178 NINETEENTH1 REGIMBNT; drew near, he was in danger of being left without a command. He accordingly made an earnest appeal to the several regiments to stay with him until their places could be filled by other troops. When he came to the camp of the Guards they were massed in his front, and he urged his suit in a few well timed and eloquent remarks. It was a time to try the feelings of the officers. Anxious as they were, that their men should remain, they were still uncertain of the temper which would prevail. At the signal for a decision, there was not a dissenting voice, a result which excited the pride and satisfaction of every member of the regiment and elicited the compliments of the General. They were, however, detained only four days beyond their term of enlistment, and were mustered out at Philadelphia, on the 29th of August, 1861. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Peter Lyle.......................Colonel. John O'Brien...............Quartermaster. D. W. C. Baxter............. ieutenant Colonel. John Shreve.............Surgeon.. W. Fritz................... Maor. W.W. Hanby...............Assistant Surgeon. H. A, B. Brown...............Adjutant. J. P. Hammond............Chaplain. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. John T. Durang...............Captain. Finn, John G................Privato. Emanuel M. Hager.........First Lieutenant. Faries, Charles D..............do. William P. Davis............Second Lieutenant. Gause, Bernard W...........do. William C. Rush............First Sergeant. Gebhard, Lewis..............do. James Chambers............Second Sergeant. Goebel, Christian H..........do. Charles W. Duke............Third Sergeant. Gillespie, Joseph S...........do: G. S. Beck......................Fourth Sergeant. Gurren, John V...............do. Albert Barnes..................First Corporal. Gallagher, Francis P........do. George W. Watson.........Second Corporal. Gallagher, Daniel E.........do. William J. Rose.............. Third Corporal. Gallagher, Peter A...........do. William H. Severn.........Fourth Corporal. Hewes, Joseph W............do. Perry 0. Prosser..............Musician. Hoffman, George W.........do. Adolph Senberd.................do. Hopping, Jacob D...........do. Barbier, Stephen.............Private. Halyill, George C..............do. Byen, Hillany..................do. Homeyard, Robert..........do. Berg, William Henry.........do. Jones, William S..............do. Beck, Theodore F.................do. Jones, William H......do. Buchanan, Thaddeus..........do. Jones, Isaac............. do. Bradway, John P...............do. Kelly, William I...........do. Byrne, James Henry.........do. Keen, Thomas..................do Bringhurst, William W......do. Lutry, John A..................do Comfort, Winchester..........do. Lentz, William.............do. Childs, James D.................do. Lower, Richard.............do. Corty, Henry.....................do. Morgan, William H...........do. Cook, William Henry.........do. Mayberry, William W.....do. Clary, Richard R...............do. Miller, James G...............do. Celleskey, Joseph...............do. Matthews, Lawrence I......do. Dessire, John.................do. M'Kinley, Charles............do., Dull, John..........................do. Ottenheimer, Solomon......do. Dawson, Charles W...........do. O'Conner, Patrick............do. Eckstein, Edwin............do. Pluck, Henry...................do. Francis, James..................do. Peddle, William A............do. Freed, James....................do. Palmer, John C.................do. Fin!ly, WiimTn John.........do. Phillips, Charles G...........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 179 Ruth, Samuel................Private. Uhler, George H. S........Private. Stanton, Michael W...........do. Woodward, David M........do. Strang, William B..............do. Woodburn, Robert J.......do. Tiltermary, Jcseph..............do. Young, Henry J.............do. Turner, J. H,........,........do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. Alfred J. Sellers...........C.aptain. Griffith, James..............Private. Jacob M. Davi...............First Lieutenant. Gaw, Gilbert C................. do. John S. Warner...............Second Lieutenant. Helm, Charles..................do. William H. Warner........First Sergeant. Houck, John................ do. John Jackson..................Second Sergeant. Hallowell, William T........do. William Beggs...............Third'Sergeant. Immendoffer, Theodore.....do. William H. Mann............Fourth Sergeant. Kensil, Edwin F.............do. George W. Hankinson..... First Corporal. King, John.....................do. Thomas C. Thompson...... Second Corporal. Kalehoff, Edwin...............do. Charles A. Major............Third Corporal. Lowry, Albert W..............do. Henry Sellers.................Fourth Corporal. Little, William R..............do. Jacob Stine.....................Musician. Lehr, John P..................do. John Perkenpine...............do. Lewis, Grenville..............do. Anderson, Albanus.........Private. Murdock, George..............do. Ashmead, Charles..............do. Mulholland, Robert..........do. Bartholomew, Valentine.....do. M'Donald, James.............do. Bartolett, Thomas H., Jr....do. Myers, Joseph W.............do. Bartram, George H............do. Mathias, Thomas G...........do. Beale, Collin...................... do. Peck, Matthew..................do. Beale, Charles E.............do. Pruyor, Francis................do. Bowman, John M..............do. Price, Hyland*...................do. Bonnafon, Christopher........do. Pierson, George W............do. Brice, William.................do. Roberts, Charles..............do. Burns, Charles H..............do. Roberts, George................do. Coryell, Thomas F.............do. Roberts, Richard..............do. Carroll, Edward...............do. Riley, De Witt Clinton......do. Crawford, Samuel..............do. Souders, Joseph R............do. Congar, John Y................. do. Sherick, Charles.........do. Collins, James A..............do. Sexton, Charles M.............do. Day, George M..................do. Snyder, William H...........do. Eager, Charles.................do. Swank, Matthias.............do. Ernest, William S., Jr........do. Tracy, George L...............do. Eisenhartt, Christopher..... do. Watson, Henry C..............do. Eary, Valentine..................do. Wood, Richard................do. Freed, Isaac.......................do. Wale, David L..................do. Fetters, Robert S.................do. White, William............do. Gessler, JohnM.d Webb, William.................do. Gregg, John D.................do. Wilkinson, John.............o. Goery, Lewis..................do....OMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. Harmanus Neff....,........Captain. Banks, David...............Private Frank S. Johnson.........F.irst Lieutenant. Boyd, William..................do. Henry C. Paxson............Second Lieutenant. Bloodgood, Frank C.........do. John A. Gorgas.............First Sergeant Bellis, John O..................do. John A. Hollahan............Second Sergeant. Buck, Howard.................do. John G. Butler.............Third Sergeant. Byram, James E.............do. Payson A. Marshall........Fourth Sergeant. Bratton, George W............do. Joseph M. Myers..........First Corporal. Bayer, George W..............do. Theodore G. Gauss..........Second Corporal. Baker, James Mifflin........do. Bethuel M. Hulings........Third Corporal. Conover, William P., Jr...do. John A. Whelan..............Fourth Corporal. Claghorn, John W., Jr.....do. Augustus Smith..............Musician. Claghorn, Jas. Raymond...do. John W. Garvin................do. Custer, Bethel Moore.......do. Anderson, John W..........Private. Dever, John H..................do. 180 NINETEENTH REGIMENT, Dunn, James,W.............Pr vate. Murphy, James...:.......... Pravs.a Donohue, Francis P............ do. Molone, John M............ d. Dewees, John H.................do. Pontius, Henry.................do Dorff, Canfield...................do. Ricketts, Charles.............do. Dausch, Andrew...............do. Ristine, William..............do. Edwards, Joseph H............ do. Reed, Jacob, Jr.................do. France, Shirley H..............do. Robertson, William.........do. Good, George H.................do. Shreve, Richard L. R........do. Goodman, William E.........do. Schell, Frederick B...........do. Griffiths, James................do. Shields, Frederick H........do. Hamilton, James...............do. Skinner, Charles N...........do. Hatch, Charles H................do. Stull, Joseph....................do. Hulings, William H...........do. Smith, William T..............do. Howard, Edward A...........do. Stevens, William..............do. Hess, Robert H.................do. Stahl, George....................do. Hess, George L...................do. Todd, John, Jr.................do. lulings, Abraham..............do. Vodges, William, Jr.........do. King, Robert P., Jr.............do. Wilhelm, August.............do. Kochersperger,' William.....do. Wood, John S...................do. La Blanc, Thomas..............do. Whildey, Edmund..........do. Le Marchant, Henry A......do. Warner, George..............do. Myers, William............. do. Wartman, Charles C.........do. Morgan, William................do. Whildey, William............do. Mead, James..................do. Zell, Peter H............. do. Monyer, John................ do. COMPANY D. BECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. Joseph Ellis....................Captain. Knupp, Joseph.............lPrivate. Charles M. Bacon............First Lieutenant. Lutton, Benjamin.............do. James B. Smith...............Second Lieutenant. Lockhart, John.................do. Elias W. Shorty..............First Sergeant. Luzenberg, Charles J........do. Anthony Monie.............. Second Sergeant. Luzenberg, Edward.........do. William J. Gilbert...........Third Sergeant. Mudge, Henry T...............do. Michael M. Myers............Fourth Sergeant. Mather, William...............do. Jacob R. Gilbert.............First Corporal. Myerle, Ezra....................do. John G. Kelley...............Second Corporal. M'Ilhenney, Joseph W......do. Joseph Carr............... Third Corporal. M'Dowell, Thomas............do. Edward Marshall............Fourth Corporal. M'Namer, Wilson.........do. William E. Brill..............Musician. Nebley, George W...........do. Louis Weber..................... do. Odiorne, David W............do. Ames, John....................Private. Odiorne, Henry..............do. Bassonett, William............do. Patterson, James G..........do. Boland, Frederick..............do. Park, Robert J..................do. Barnard, William..............do. Pegley, John S..................do. Barnard, John J......... o.....do. Rueipp, Charleso.........do. Bain, James........................do. Rodgers, Lewis.............. do. Beattie, James......d.......... o.do. Rului, Job........................do. Campbell, George W..........do. Reed, Joseph.................... do. Campbell, William H.........do. Sailor, Robert....................do. Clayton, Reese B...............do. Shelmerdine, Joseph B.....do. Carter, Thomas E...............do. Smith, John B.................do. Carter, Edward W............do Sherer, Jacob W..............do. Cook, Henry M................do. Strock, Andrew F............do. Curtis, Edward.................do.. Smith, William P..............do. Childs, William W............do. Smith, Charles P..............do. Coyle, Edward...................do. Staas, William..................do. Dickey, William M............do. Scofield, Joseph K...........do. Day, Andrew.....................do. Terry, Albert...................do. Dowell, William B.............do. Thompson, William..........do. Doerr, John.......................do. Tiedemann, Frederick......do. Elliott, George................do. Volty, John M..................do. Gibson, James F.................do. Widerman, William H.....do. Goldsmith, Thomas 0........do. West, Charles W...............do. Hartlevan, Augustus.........do. Winpenny, John...............do. Jewell, George..................do. Wright, Joseph...............do Kappes, Charles.............do THEREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 181 COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. James Monroe Leddy......Captain. Holman, Ebenezer P......Private. John Walls Barnes.........First Lieutenant. Hamilton, Hause..............do. Alfred Stimmel...............Second Lieutenant. Harris, Geo. Washington..do. Peter Henry Jacobus.......First Sergeant. Harrison, Thomas............do. Samuel Hall...................Second Sergeant. Hellings, William B.........do Henry Casper Yeager......Third Sergeant. Jeffries, Wm. C. Mitchel...do. Charles Simon...............Fourth Sergeant. King, James Alexander....do. John Charles-Gallagher...First Corporal. Kintyel, Frederick E........do. John Thompson Reiley...Second Corporal. Lewis, Geo. Washington....do, Henry Eggley..................Third Corporal. Luckenback, Samuel........do. Solomon May..................Fourth Corporal. Lengel, Elijah..................do-. Charles Schusline............Musician. Lindsley, Wm. Edgar.......do. Frederick King.................do. Letherberg, Henry M.......do. Bates, Daniel Spencer...... Private. Mason, Matthew M...........do. Barton, George..................do. Maggi, John Bartram........do. Ball, Samuel Lithgow.........do. M'Abee, John...................do. Brendlinger, John...........do. Munsshower, John R........do. Clark, Joseph A..................do. Magany, Edward M..........do, Clark, Edward Wirts.........do. M'Devitt, Daniel..............do. Clearman, Albert B............do. Norris, John....................do. Cassidy, James.................do. O'Neal, Francis Patrick....do. Carney, John.....................do. Pollone, William Acoff.....do. Corgie, Arthur Forbes........do. Presser, John...................do. Dennis, Geo. Washington...do. Rementer, Jacob D...........do. Dott, Charles.....................do. Robson, Thomas...............do. Donahue, Francis................do. Schoneman, Abram P...... do. Finley, William..................do. Spayd, Henry Miller.........do. Funk, Wert...................do. Savage, Alexander E........do. Fenlin, William..................do. Smith, William A............do. Finch, James Taylor..........do. Schwaab, John I...............do. French, John B..............'...do. Struhar, George Gustave...do. Furners, William S........... do. Steruberger, Charles.........do. Gibson, Alexander Hyer.....do. Scott, Walter....................do. Gillerd, Ernest...................do. Thomas, Samuel C............do. Guild, Henry Melvine........do. Taylor, Geo. Washington...do. Honyelout, Waghington..... do. Wilson, Lambert T...........do. Harb, Thomas F..................do. Welch, Walter..................do. Harman, Duckett..............do. Watson, Thomas G............do, Huey, James Thomas........do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. Wm. Alexander Gray;.....Captain. Berger, William Henry..Private. Ellis Stokes....................First Lieutenant. Barry, David.....................do. Nathan Raymond............Second Lieutenant. Besselieore, John.............do. Fred'k Louis Gimber......First Sergeant. Curtis, Samuel York.........do. Richard Henry Chapman,Second Sergeant. Clark, James Wilson.........do. George W. Gillingham.....Third Sergeant. Christopher, John...........do. Allain Roland Benner......Fourth Sergeant. Calladay, Samuel R..........do. G. Anderson Thompson... First Corporal. Deal, Alfred.....................do. G. Deneale Patten, Jr.......Second Corporal. Deal, William, Jr..............do. Win. Henry Ladner........Third Corporal. Dixon, Edwin Francis......do. Andrew M'Bride............. Fourth Corporal. Dinan, Joseph Philip.........do. Benjamin F. Walton........Musician. Dutton, Joshua Moore......do. George Harvey..................do. Drew, James Henry.........do. Andress, Samuel.............Private. Deban, Alfred..................do. Allen, Theodore Dwight.....do. Englebert, Cornelius J......do. Burnside, George W...........do. Ennis, Sayre.....................do. Brown, John Ellegore.........do. Estline, John S.................do. Blair, Willard Church........do. Evans, Frank....................do. Brown, Samuel Brown........do. Freeman, Alexander H.....do. Byrnes, Thomas Henry......do. Frost, George F.................do. Baker, Issacher..................do. Grear, Randolph Evans.....do. Beck, Harry...................do. Hoopes, B. Tevis...............do. Bundick, John Satchel.......do. Hamm, Charles Henry......do. 182 NINETEENTH REGIMEBNT, Hugeman, Victor............Private. Scull, Jacob Ridgway....Private. Hazzard, David Crockett....do. Schwarz, Junius...............do. Hickman, Baynton James...do. Simonton, William H........do. Josephs, Aaron..................do. Sutherland, Robert...........do. Jones, [David Williams.......do. Spangler, Edward............do. Kendrick, Wm. David........do. Stanmere, Philip........do. Kane, Edward Julius........do. Throckmorton,Edmund..do. MIay, Edmund...................do. Taylor, Charles Howard...do. Miller, Samuel Morris........do. Totten, Wesley.................do. M'Bride, Frank..................do. Watson, George W............do. M'Bride, Robert.................do. Washington, Robert S......do. M'Nulty, Joseph.............do. Welton, Joseph T............do. Rulon, Henry Ephraim......do. Wimpfheimer, Max..........do. Rainnie, William John........do. Wilson, James..................do. Rainey, Charles Joseph......do. Zane, William Curry........do. Richie, Robert.................a.do COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. William K. M'Ferran.....Captain. Jenkins, Charles A........Private. John H. Megee................First Lieutenant. Jacob, Robert...................do. Arthur Maginis.............SecondLieutenant. Johnson, Charles:H.........do. Charles W. Bender.........First Sergeant. Korn, Henry W..............do. Daniel F. Linn................Second Sergeant. Kelly, Joseph M...............do. Henry C. Williams.........Third Sergeant. Laws, William..............do. Joseph Grimmn.................Fourth Sergeant. Lawson, William.............do. Abram E. Stern...............First Corporal. Lisk, Joseph K..........do. Albert Ripka................Second Corporal. Longaker, Thos. F............do. William Palmer..............Third Corporal. Martin, Stephen W...........do. William Imhoff...............Fourth Corporal. Migratte. John W............do. Adam Mitchell...............Musician. Martin, William R............do. Frederick Mayer............... do. M' Laughlin, George W.....do. Ashton, Joseph...............Private. M'Mahon, John................do. Buddy, Peter B..................do. Mack, William F..............do. Bonvier, John V...............do. Moore, James M...............do. Bentz, William H...............do. M'Clennan, Samuel..........do. Banford, Thomas................do. Morton, John...................do. Baker, Ambrose.................do* Mitcheson, Robert............do. Bozarth, Samuel.................do. Newell, Theodore..............do. Conway, Patrick.................do. O'Neil, Maurice.................do. Carr, Morgan.....................do. Paxson, Joseph G..........do. Crawford, John..................do. Richardson, A. H. G.........do. Condy, John S...................do. Rambo, Lewis E...............do. Class, George W..............do. Spear, James R.................do. Craig, Thomas H................do. Sproule, William.............do. Edwards, Richard F...........do. Stoddart, Armand..........do. Gillen, NeaL......................do. Slaven, Thomas...............do. Griffith, James.................do. Stiles, Charles W..............do. Haumings, Alfred..............do Schock, John G................do. Hill, John F......................do. Symington, Tohn.............. do. Hay, John..........................do. Shoemaker, George L........do. HIoffner, Samuel.................do. Tarper, Carl L................do. Hacker, James...................do. Whiteside, John...............do. Hadfield, Joseph................do. Wood, William A.............do. Herman, Theobold,............do. Wilgus, William...............do. Innes, Thomas A...............do. Walbert, John.................do. Inngerick, William............do. Wolf, Adolph,,................do. Jones, Alfred P..................do. CoMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. William A. Thorp............Captain. Henry Weigand...........Fourth Sergeant. Alexander Given.............First Lieutenant. Stewart Lyle.................First Corporal. William.S. Ellis..............Second Lieutenant. Jacob Wolf...................econd Corporal. Samuel Moon..................First Sergeant. Edward Tilburn............Third Corporal. Nathan Pettit..................Second Sergeant. George W. Potts............Fourth Corporal. Albert Bender.........r.....Third Sergeant. Eugene Seubert............Musician. THIEE MONTHS' SERVICE. 183 Charles Pred'k Heston...Musician. Horner, William............Private. Agg, Henry...................Private. Hagenhick, Jacob.............do. Bender, Thomas M..............do. Harris, John W................do. Buckman, George..............do. Hauser, Barnett............. do. Berks, Archibald W...........do. Kennedy, Patrick.............do. Bruner, Daniel A...............do. Kelly, John C...................do. Buscher, Henry..................do. Knowles, Robert...............do. Brown, Joseph W..............do. Lindsay, William..............do. Bacon, Lewis.....................do. Lower, Abraham, Sr.........do. Bisling, John.....................do. Lower, Abraham, Jr.........do. Breden, John............. do. Lindsay, Charles E...........do. Congers, Walter.................do. Landerberger, Louis.........do. Clawson, John V.................do. Murry, Jeremiah...............do. Chardu, Robert..................do. M'Kay, John....................do. Criblier, William...............do. Manly, James............... do. Cochran, John C.................do. M'Keever, William P.......do. Conard, William.................do. O'Neil, Michael.................do. Colhower, Conrad.............. do. Place, William..................do. Catterson, James H............do. Page, William H...............do. Davis, William..................do. Perkenpine, David M........do. Eastburn, William H.........do. Roney, Samuel B..............do. Ferris, Daniel....................do. Reed, Alexander..............do. Farrel, James.....................do. Smith, James...................do. Fox, John...........................do. Shearman, William H......do. Fletcher, Stephen I............do. Semelroth, Augustus........do. Fry, Jacob................. do. Shannon, Hugh C..............do. Griffin, John A................do. Sloan, Joseph G...............do. Gloskiski, Joseph..............do. Turner, John C.................do. Goodman, John R...............do. Thayer, Alvin E.............do. Gentner, Edward...............do. Tilburn, William C...........do. Harris, John A..................do. Warterhaise, Henry..........do. Hatz, William H................do. Young, George T..............do. Hoffman, Philip.................do. COMPANY I. REORUITED AT PHILADIELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18,.1861. Charles F. Magnire.......Captain. M'Farland, Samuel........Private. William A. Delaney......First Lieutenant. M'Cullough, Charles.........do. Francis M'Bride.............Second Lieutenant. Myers, Frederick V.........do. John S. Soby..................First Sergeant. Mannas, Frederick............do. John D. Shoemaker.........Second Sergeant. Martin, James T..............do. Joseph Miles....................Third Sergeant. Maxey, Alfred.................do. Jacob A. Zimmerman.....Fourth Sergeant. M'Cally, James, Jr...........do. William Wood................First Corporal. Mulocy, Edward...............do. Albert B. Coleman..........Second Corporal. Moore, Samuel L...............do. Vincent Mooney..............Third Corporal. Moore, Enoch H...............do. Louis Muller..................Fourth Corporal. Moore, Joel A..................do. Mitchell Dausch..............Musician. Martin, Robert..................do. Frederick Myers................do. Myers, Charles F..............d. Arnold, Dacre T..............Private. Myers, Frederick, Jr........do. Brooker, William H...........do. Morgan, Edward J............do. Burkhart, Isaac R.............do. Newbert, Edmund C.........do. Callenden, James T............do. Phillips, Edwin J.............do. Coupland, Rignald H.........do. Pusser, Valentine, Jr........do. Cummings, Cornelius.........do. Reinhart, James P............do. Clark, William H..............do. Shoemaker, Edward.........do. Campbell, Alexander.........do. Stubbs, William C............do. Duboice, Albert.................do. Stilwright, Adolph G........do. Diamond, Hugh G.............do. Stokes, Robert..................do. Eno, Byron E................ do. Stanley, James R..............do. Hempshire, William H......do. Stinger, Joseph.................do. Findlay, Joseph R..............do. Smith, Thomas P..............do. Gumpper, Joseph E............do. Simmington, John............do. Hubbs, William.................do. Strine, Charles C...............do. Jardan, William H............do. Tiltermary, Jesse.............. do. Ketler, Charles C...............do. Williams, William N........do. Keefe, Owen......................do. Winterbottom, Joseph.....do. Kruzen, Joseph Y..............do. Winner, Edwin................do. Lammey, John S...............do. Wills, Edward J...............do. Mackney, Theodore............do. Williams, Anthony M......do. Lovalt, William................do. White, William A............do. Lester, Thomas W..............do. Witterwiler, Michael........do. Lee, Major........................do. Wiles, Daniel....................do. Lang, Richard................do. Young, George W............do. Lager, Jacob........... do. 18-4 NINETEENTH REGIMENT. COMPANY KE REoRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 18, 1861. George Magee, Jr............Captain. Johnston, James.............rivate. Philip Bellsinger.............First Lieutenant. Jones, Kennard...............do. William J. Hoffman..S....Second Lieutenant. Johnston, Joseph H.........do. Francis A. Chadwick......First Sergeant. Kitz, William.................do. Edward J. Gergas............Second Sergeant. Lauman, John.................do. William F. Scheible........Third Sergeant. M'Lean, Charles K..........do. Richard W. Davis............Fourth Sergeant. Mathews, John.................do. William Spangler...........First Corporal. Maize, William R..........do. Martin Reese............. Second Corporal. Monteith, John...............do. Thomas W. Bonsall..........Third Corporal. Mahoney, John...............do. David F. Ward...............Fourth Corporal. Marston, Richard........... do. William A. Drinkhouse...Musician. Miller, Samuel............... do. Philip Fengel.....................do. Miller, Moses.................do. Albright, William...........Private. Male, William H.............do. Allman, Edward................do. Martin, Thomas J............ do. Allen, Lambert.................do. Martin, Horace P.............do. Able, William....................do. Noble, John W.............. do. Bird, William.....................do. Phillips, William H.........do. Bemmeass, William...........do. Plucker, James B..............do. Bonsall, James S..............do. Pierson, George W.......... do. Brockensha, Thomas R......do. Pancoast, Josiah............ do. Biddle, Jonathan................do. Quig, Edwin................. do. Bond, Benjamin...............do. Steinmetz, John...............do. Bowers, George W..............d. Sebold, John H................do. Carpenter, James B........... do. Simmons, Charles F.........d. Crouse, Geo. Washington...do. Saliday, Reuben..............do. Carroll, John.............. d....do. Sunderland, James W.....do. Grolius, William E............do.... Smith, John H................ do. Conyers John, Jr...............do. Traub, William.................do. Davis, Jamres...................do. Taylor, Edward..............do. Dougherty, Joseph E.........do. Wilson, William...............do. Frank, George F................do. Wagner, George W............do. Fisher, John.....................do. Wise, Benj. Franklin........do. Granley, Christopher..........do. Webb, John C...................d. Hoyt, Henry 0..................do Walter, George Myers.....do. Hessenstale, Charles..........do. Watt, George J............... do. Heinicke, Lewis.......... doWagenbruner, Phili.....do. Hagerty, Thomas..;..........do. Zane, George............do. Ireland, George'W............ do. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. SOON after the close of the war with Mexico, a number of returned soldiers K who had served under General Scott, formed an association called the "Scott Legion," which, without having any legal status, preserved its organi zation for purposes of friendly intercourse. It was handsomely uniformed and well drilled, and was accustomed upon the death of any of its members to bury them with military honors. William H. Gray had held the rank of Captain from the date of its organization, and at a meeting held on the evening of Thursday, April 25th, 1861, a resolution was passed instructing him, in conjunction with other members of the company, to raise a regiment for the national service. In obedience to this resolution, on the following morning, April 26th Captain Gray commenced recruiting at Fifth and Chestnut streets, in what has since become the Post Office, and when, on Saturday evening, the office was closed, the ranks were full. Men continued to report, however, during Sunday and Monday, and when the enrollment was finally concluded, there was an excess of six hundred men over the number that could be accepted. The election of company officers took place on the Monday following, and that of regimental officers on Tuesday, both being conducted according to militia law by Brigade Inspector, Major Weaver. The field officers were William H. Gray, Colonel; George Moore, Lieutenant Colonel; Andrew H. Tippin, Major; Edwin lE. Biles, Adjutant. Its services were then regularly tendered to the Executive of the State and accepted, and it was mustered into the service of the United States as the Twentieth regiment by Captain Neill of the regular army. Of the thirty-seven officers chosen nearly all were elected unanimously, and thirty-one of this number were members of the Legion. It was hence inspired by that organization, and very naturally took its name, though never used in any official paper. The three months' servic~ in which it was engaged was not fruitful in stirring events nor apparent results, but the readiness manifested to enlist, and the promptness with which the regiment was filled, are not without merit, and the character of the troops and the discipline to which they attained, gave assurance, had the opportunity been given, that they would have displayed nerve and steadiness in the face of the enemy, and won signal honor on the battle field. It remained quartered at the Post Office about two weeks, dIuxiig which time it was drilled by companies in Scott's tactics at first, and afterwards in Hardee's. Dress parades were regularly held, and occasional battalion drills conducted in the State House yard. The first arms issued wre unserviceable, and were subsequently exchanged for rifled muskets. T, neagfment was clothed in the old United States blue jacket and pants, of A qR1enat a quality that 24 186 TWENTIETH REGIMENT the men did not require re-clothing during their term of service. This uniform was secured by the personal exertions of General Patterson, for which he had a great partiality, being the pattern worn in Mexico. From the Post Office the regiment moved to Suffolk Park, some six miles out of the city, where drill and discipline were rigidly enforced, and where excellent progress was made in the school of arms. It remained here about two weeks, when it was ordered to move to Chambersburg to join Patterson's column, and was there assigned to the 3d Brigade* of the 1st Division. On the 8th of June, it advanced with the Brigade and encamped first at Greencastle, then near St. James College, and finally on the banks of the Potomac, at Williamsport, where it remained until the whole armyo commenced a forward movement on the 2d of July. In the campaign to Martinsburg and Bunker Hill the services of the regiment were little varied from the usual life of troops on the march, in bivouac, and in camp. From Bunker Hill to Charlestown, the Twentieth was thrown out at intervals for the protection of the main column, and on its arrival was pushed forward to Keyes' Ford. This was seized and securely held, thus ensuring the safety of the army from an attack in the rear; though, as was subsequently ascertained, the enemy had withdrawn and were now hastening in the opposite direction to join Beauregard. The term of service having nearly expired, it was, on the 24th of July, ordered to Philadelphia, where it was soon after mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. William H. Gray............Colonel. Charles A. Jones............Quartermaster. George Moore..................Lieutenant Colonel. A. B. Campbell..............Surgeon. Andrew H. Tippin...........Major. Samuel H. Horer.........Assistant Surgeon. Edwin R. Biles.............. Adjutant. William Fulton..............Chaplain. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. A. S. Tourison.............Captain. Joseph H. Cox................Musician. Enoch Thomas................First; Lieutenant. Ash, Norman C..............Private. William J. Mackey.........Second Lieutenant. Akroyd, William A..........do. William H. Tourison......First Sergeant. Beck, Anthony............... do. George Beck..................SecondSergeant. Beck, Jacob H..................do. John M. Alien.................Third Sergeant. Beck, Antrim C.............. do. Samuel Price..................Fourth Sergeant. Botton, William..............do. George Scheifley..............First Corporal. Brooks, Joseph.............. do. John Furguson...............Second Corporal. Byrnes, William..............do. John D. Brown...............Third Corporal. Buniss, Samuel............... do. Charles H. Myers............ Fourth Corporal. Baitzell, John J............... do. E. G. Webb.....................Musician. Carver, Thomas J.............do. * Organization of 3d Brigade, Brigadier General E. C. Williams, 1st Division, Major Gen. eral Cadwalader. Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel William H. Irwin; Eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel A. H. Emley; Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Sullivan A. Meredith; Twentieth Regiment (Scott Legion) Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel William H. Gray. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 187 Cook, Zephaniah..............Private. M'Nabb, William..........Private. Coleman, William..............do. M'Cauley, John F............do. Coleman, Henry...............do. Mecker, Daniel.................do. Daisey, George W.............do. Orth, Samuel....................do. Delaney, Patrick II............do. Orth, Philip..................... do. Donohue, Joseph N............do. Powell, James B...............do. Friend, Andrew J...............do. Quien, Charles..................do.'Fisher, Charles H................do. Russell, George P.............do. Farry, John H................do. Rittenhouse, Jacob...........do. Gallagher, John C...............do. Rapp, Michael C...............do. Gallagher, Robert H..........do. Randall, Joseph...............do. Gray, Robert.....................do. Rogers, David A...............do. Gregg, Alfred W........... do. Rementer, Francis....'...'...do. Graves, John W............. do. Robinson, William. do. Herkness, Bernard' H........do. Shaw, George W.......... do. Hamm, Albert................ do. Scott, Cooper.............. do. Huff, John.......................do. Scott, Robert.....................do. Harris, Joseph.............. do. Tittle, George W.............do. Hausborry, William...........do. Thomas, Henry................do. Irwin, William..................do. Tyson, Joseph F...............do. Ingram, James..................do. Tietgen, Francis N............do. Jacoby, Edward.................do. Tietgen, George W.........do. Lynch, Lewis............... do. Towell, William F..,.....do. Miller, Charles...................do. Wise, Francis.................. o. Maylan, Joseph.............. do. Wait, John.................. do. M'Donough, John.............do. Wallin, Joseph W............do. Marshall, William..............do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. Edward E. Wallace......... Captain. Hiller, John.................Privat6. Lafayette Thomas............First Lieutenant. Henry, Frederick H.........do. Isaac Williams................Second Lieutenant. Henry, Charles P..............do. William H. Forbes..........First Sergeant. Hopkins, Henry...............do. Henry High................!..Second Sergeant. Hopkins, John H..............do. James Cox....................'...Third Sergeant. Hoffman, Andrew.............do. Thomas Lindsey..............Fourth Sergeant. Hagerty, Thomas..............do. William Gorman............. First Corporal. Hoy, Bernard W..............do. William P. Hufty...........S.econd Corporal. Holt, Joseph.....................do. Henry Fenstermacher.....Third Corporal. Jackson, Levi F............... do. William H. Wallace........Fourth Corporal. Kenney. Henry E............do. George L. M'Cully...........Musician. Kalback, Charles..............do. John West..........................do. Little, Thomas.................do. Babe, Charles..................Private. Lull, Evander C...............do. Baker, Edward F...............do. Logan, Ephraim...............do. Barber, Charles..................do. Malone, Albert..................do. Bartle, Rudolph E..............do. Madison, Charles..............do. Bell, Samuel...................do. Marker, George.................do. Bell, William...................do. Miller, Joseph G...............do. Bush, John........................do.. Murphy, Jeremiah A........do. Berge, John.................. do. M'Devitt, Matthew............do. Blewitt, Berkley P.............do. M'Elroy, George H...........do. Currin, James W..............do. MLane, David...................do. Crothers, James................do. Nugent, James................. do.,Dickson, George R...............do. Naylor, James B..............do.,Dyke, William..................do. O'Connell, Daniel..............do. Dick, Albert R................. do. Parker, William H..........do. Evans, William.................do. Sweeney, James H...........do. Edgar, John, Jr...............do. Sicius, Henry...................do. Eckfield, Graff............. do. Springer, Lewis R............do. Gearhart, Arthur J...........do. Stewart, Arthur................do. Gilkey, Jacob.....................do. Tomey, James..................do. Gladding, Edward F.......do. Vanhorn, Joseph........... do. Gillingham, Henry D.........do. Vinson, George H............do. Given, William H..............do. Wild, Isaac E...................do. Hoag, William W...............do. West, Samuel P...............do. Horner, Robert N..............do. Young, Joseph J...............do. Hallowell, William W........do. Young, George M.............do. Hoffner, Charles.............do, 1.88 TWENTIETH REGIMENT, COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHIILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. John Spear... C............,Captain. Harmer, Lewis...........Private. Thomas G. Funston...... irst Lieutenant. Irwin, Richard.............do. Edward L. Poalk..... Second Lieutenant. Jones, Hugh R...............do. John B. Buck...............First Sergeant. Jones, George....................do. ElishaWarne..,...........Second Sergeant. Johnson, Richard M.......do. James Stewart.................Third Sergeant. Kelso, John.....................do. John Montgom iery...........Fourth Sergeant. Leister, Jacob S...............do. William F. Fleming....... First Corporal. Moore, John, 1st........ do. Daniel Scull...............Second Corporal. Maurice, John.................do. Andrew Drummond........Third Corporal. Myers, Henry...................do. George G. Murgatroyd.....Fourth Corporal. Moore, John, 2d..............do. William M. Rush............Musian. Maguire, Robert T............do. George A. Singerly............do. Murphy, Michael..............do. Dennis Moon...... do. M'Cain, John..................do. John R. Reynolds.............. do. M'Gonigel, John M...........do. Armstrong, Hugh..........Private. M'Michael, John..............do. Axe, Peter....................do. Parker, Henry L.............do. Bigert, Henry...................do. Pittinger, Jacob.................do. Bence, Jacob.......................do. Pritchard, Willia.......do. Beckman, James...............do. Porter, John.....................do. Bates, William,.................do. Porter, Robert...............do. Bannar, William..........do. Quandrill, William...........do. Burns, Charles T..............do, Robertson, Benjamin F......do. Bornman, Lewis................. do Rice, Michael.................do. Borman, Sigismund........... do. Roberts, Theodore............do. Cummings, Patrick R........do. Race, George W........ do. Clark, John W..................do. Swallow, Nelson...............do. Callahan, John C,,......do Stewart, John.............do Deitz, George L..................do, Slater, Henry....................do. Daugherty, Andrew..........do, Sobbe, Walter.............do. Eckstein, Theodore............do. Schweppenheiser, F. C......do. Etter, James M.................o. Smith, Andrew.........,......do. Eager, Lafayette................do. Schofield, Richard R.........do. Foster, Isaac.....................do. Tozier, John W.................do. Fox, William................... do Taylor, Charles H...........do. George, John,....................do. Winstanly, Charles...........do. Hazlett, John M................do. Whittill, Joseph..............do. Hill, Thomas....................do. Walker, John...................do. Hill, Samuel..................do. Young, John....................do Huddel, Wiliam........Yu.do. COMPANY D. B RCItUITED AT PHILADELPrHIA, MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. Anthony H. Reynolds....Captain. Choate, George D...........Private. Alexander Lorilliard..... First Lieutenant, Carpenter, William H......do. Charles J. Bates............Second tieutenant. I Donaldson, Washington....do. Francis H. Casey...........First Sergeant. i Duey, William.......... do. JamesM'Allion..............Second Sergeant. Duey, Edward.................do. Albanus, rass...............Third Sergeant. Epright, Rudolph.......... do. John Roake................Fourth Sergeant. Elliott, Edward.d.............do. Joseph Weir................: First Corporal. Fairlamb, William H........do. Thomas Kerr...............Second Corporal. Ferguson, Bobert S..........do. John Hause.....................Third Corporal. Ford, Thomas lH...........do. Thomas E. Connell.........Fourth Corporal. Frees, Thomas............do. Charles A. Porter............Musician. Green, Joseph.................do. Andrew Black..:.............do. Gibson, William...............do. Antrim, Thomas M.........Private. Harnnel, Joseph,..............do. Aldrick, Charles W............d' Hodges, Theodore C.........do. Bornman, Edward.............do. Hamilton, Thomas S......do. Cole, George................. do. Henzy, John P............ do Cressey, John J.............. do. Hawry, Augustus............do. Cressey, William H. H......do. Jarretson, Furman...........do. Chambers, William.......... do. JarretSon, Aaron............... Causey, John...................do. Kurtz, Allen............ do,:Cannavin, Joseph......... do. Lasselle, Charles.......... do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 189 Murray, Issacher.............Private. Smith, Joseph R...........Private. Murray, George B..............do Soly, Charles F.................do. Murrow, Edmund............do. Smith, Joseph R...............do. May, Leonard............... do. Stagers, Charles G............do. Morgan, JosephE..............do Sipe, Henry......................do. M'Annally, William...........do. Sullivan, Henry A............do. M'Curdy, James.................do. Swartz, Henry..................do. Norma, Henry C................do. Smith, John W................do. Ominseter, Henry B..........do. Spears, William...............do. Pope, Alfred W................do. Stevenson, Aaron..............do. Pope, Joseph S................do. Wagner, George E...........do. Pedriek, John...................do. Whaley, Thomas..............do. Portinhemer, John C.........do. Williams, William R.......do. Quindlin,.Tames P..............do. Williams, Thomas S........do. Ruse, Benjamin.................do. Warren, Charles E............do. Roberts, Algernon S.........do. Williams, George.............do. Roberts, Mark H................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. Thomas Hawksworth......Captain. Hyzer, James N......Private. William Stiff.................First Lieutenant. Harvey, James.................do. James A. Sawyer............Second Lieutenant. Hallowell, John N............do. Robert Pollard.................First Sergeant. Hunter, William..............do. B. D. Bernard................. Second Sergeant. Johnson, James M......do. William Franklin............Third Sergeant. Jardine, George..........o. Charles Hawksworth......Fourth Sergeant. Keesey, Charles A...........do. Edward Dougherty.........First Corporal. Kenniff, Cornelius J.........do. Levi Lancaster................Second Corporal. Kemble, Samuel...............do. Christopher Frostel.........Third Corporal. Lewis, Isaac....................do. Jacob C. Shuler...............Fourth Corporal. Lewis, George W..............do. Thomas H. Weaver.........Musician. Moran, John....................do. Laurence Tobin.................do. M'Laughlin, Jeremiah......do. Acuff, William................Private. M'Cormick, Charles C......do. Arensfeldt, Henry..............do. M'Cormack, Allen...........do. Barlow, James....................do. M'Coy, Joseph................do. Burns, Isaac......................do. M'Ginnis, Hugh...............do. Behring, George C............do. Mason, Thos. Jefferson......do. Carlin, Jonathan....d............do. Morrow, William...........do. Chemin, Louis F...............do. Moyer, William Thomas...do. Claiborne, James N............do. Murgatoid, George............do. Chappel,'John...................do. Mallen, Patrick J.............do. Crow, Hugh N...................do Morris, Joseph.................do. Curry, John.............. do. Murray, James..................do. Colmire, Frederick...........do. Pallatt, William...............do. Dodge, Sylvester................do. Pitman, George J..............do. Dunlap, Charles.................do. Richards, William S.........do. Dunlap, Alexander............do. Rush, Andrew J..............do. Doyle, James.....,...............do Stewart. Samuel...............do. Doyle, Patrick J..................do. Scott, William H..............do. Dickhart, Joseph............do. Scott, William...............do. Drum, Henry....................do. Torrence, David..............do. Donnally, Thomas Kelso....do. Thompson, William H......do. Evans, James.........d............do. Tyson, V. Dennis............do. Fedirheller, William H......do. Venable, Samuel...............do. Finacy, William................do. White, Joseph.................do. Ferguson, Robert..............do. West, Charles..................do. Geyer, Charles A............do. Yeager, Henry.................do Hopes, William.,,...., i,.,,do, COMPANY F. REORUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. John P. Carieo.......... Captain. John D. Culin..........Fourth Sergeant. Milton S. Davis.............First Lieutenant. Charles S. Swain............ First Corporal. Garrett B. Culin........... Second Lieutenant. Charles Stewart..............Second Corporal. T. Vincent Bonsal............First Sergeant. William L. Colehower....Third Corporal. Joseph M'Gowan.............Second Sergeant. Andrew Mallock........... Fourth Corporal. John H. Park.................Third Sergeant. Francis Reiley..............Musician. 190 TWENTIETH REGIMENT, Henry Globiz..................Musician. Murray, William J........Private. Armstrong, George........rivate. Morton, Annerley W........ do. Aitken, Joseph............... do. Murphy, Park...............do. Allen, Joshua B d..............do. Mitchell, Fernando W......do. Brown, John C...................do. M'Millan, James............... do. Buchman, Henry...............do. Nelson, Albert................ do. Bell, William H.................do. Ottenwelder, Casper.......do. Broderick, Virgil...............do. Oliphant, Charles.........do. Bernard, Anthony............do. Pentland, William............do. Crommie, A. G..................do. Parkhill, Charles H...... do. Campbell, John.d.............. do Rainier, William............do. Cattell, Henry P................do. Russell, George.................do. Chappell, William.............do. Reevey, James........... do. Collins, John................. do. Rohrman, Theo.................do. Crawford, W. A......... do. Reiley, Samuel...............do. Davis, William K..............do. Robinson, Clemson..........do. Dennihower, G................. do. Robinson, William............do. Foley, William..................do. Rottenbury,' James.............do. Gamble, Charles B..............do. Smith, Penrose..................do. Gentry, William.................do. Sales, Thomas..................do. Humphreys, Morris...........do. Server, John H.................do. Hayes, Samuel.................do. Skeltinzeth, Joseph...........do. Hayes, John.......................do. Stevens, Frederick H........do. Haman, James................... do. Sales, John......................do. Holdin, Nicholas................do. Walker, Joseph H............do. Ireland, Edward P..............do. Wood, Franklin................do. Johnson, David..................do. Williamson, John..............do. Jahrauer, Charles.............do. Webster, Fred. Thomas...do. Kane, Edward T................do. Walker, William H..........do. Kline, John M...................do. Yeager, Theo. H..............do. Lewis, Joseph................do. Yates, William............. do. M'Kinley, Alexander.........do. Young, R. S.....................do. Marlborough, John F......do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPTIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. Hiram B. Yeager............Captain. Haney, Sylvester...........Private. Theo. B. Dunham............ First Lieutenant. Hallman, Henry M...........do. Cephas M. Hodgson........Second Lieutenant. Herritage, John F............do. Lewis Passmore..............First Sergeant. Hesser, George..................do. Lewis T. Jackson...........Second Sergeant. Harvey, George W.........do. Joseph D. Boyd...............Third Sergeant. Johnson, George................do. William S. Irvin.............Fourth Sergeant. Kemp, John............... do. George W. Irvin.............. First Corporal. Kock, John.......................do. George Glutzback...........Second Corporal. Lawrence, John G...........do. Suwarro Backus............. Third Corporal. Lackey, John..................do. Michael Andress.............Fourth Corporal. Linn, Israel......................do. William J. Donold........... Musician. Logan, Joseph................do. Park Caslin........................do.. Murhy, Martin...............do. Andress, Casper..............Private. Middleton, Henry M.........do. Ailes, John.................. do. Madigan, Thomas.............do. Baker, Elias H.,.........do. Mayberry, George............do. Bellville, James.............. do. M'Curdy, Samuel............ do. Boyer, Cornelius.................do. Michner, Reuben.............do. Brogan, Frank...................do. Nugent, John....................do. Bell, John........................do. O'Neal, Patrick W........ do. Bell, George.....................do. Pulte, Herman.................do. Berthleback, David............do. Roney, William...............do. Corbitt, Samuel.................do. Russell, Robert................do, Corbin, James....................do. Roberts, Richard..............do. Campbell, Matthew............do. Richardson, Samuel.........do. Curren, Thomas.................do. Smith, William H............do. Clark, Charles M...............do. Shaffer, George, Jr............do. Davis, Ephraim C..............do. Tacy, Theodore.............do. Donally, James..................do. Thomas, George W...........do. Fell, John E.......................do. Thompson, James.............do. Finn, Richard....................do. Thackery, William...........do. Fenlin, John, Jr................do. Vanscover, Peter F..... do. Fell, John W.....................do. Van Horn, William W......do. Fenlin, Thomas................do. Wood, John.,....................do Gibb, David..................do. Wood, Clement.............do. Goldy, Martin...................do.. Woodward, Alfred............do. Hill, Richard.......... do. Wallace, William..........do. Hoffner, Joshua.................do. Wayson, James A............do. Houston, Alexander.... do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 191 COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. James Crosson...............Captain. Hanna, William............ Private Robert Winslow............ First Lieutenant. Henry, Thomas Y............do. John Arrtson............ First Lieutenant. Heppard, Thomas H.........do. Alfred Moylan................Second Lieutenant. Henofer, Ellis.............. do. Charles W. Myers..........First Sergeant. Hill, Robert A.................do. Edward Ferguson...........Second Sergeant. Howe, William L., Jr.......do. William Streoton............Third Sergeant. Johnson, William.............do. Joseph C. Rhodes...........Fourth Sergeant. Kiernan, James A............do. William-N. Ohler...........First Corporal. Leich, Richard..................do. Henry Vickers................Second Corporal. Maloney, William............do. NWilliam S. Wright..........Third Corporal. Magee, John B................do. Charles Moore.................Fourth Corporal. Magee, Charles.................do. Edward J. Ormsby.........Musician. Martin, Richard...............do. Abbott, Joseph E...............do. Martin, Jacob....................do. Ahern, William F...........Private. Matlack, Robert K............do. Alien, Robert.................. do. Millard, John G................do. Altemus, Augustus............do. Moreton, Thomas.............do. Anthony, Charles...............do. M'Comb, Samuel..............do. Ashton, John T..................do. M'Connell, James............do. Barnholt, William..............do. M'Dowell, William........do. Barry, John J.....................do. M'Guigan, Francis......... do. Bendernagle, Frederick.....do. M'Keever, James..............do. Blair, Henry J..................do. Ninesteel, Jacob...............do. Brownly, George F............do. Pollock, James M............do. Brunner, Joseph S..............do. Reading, Henry E...... do. Calorasa, Constantine.........do. Reynolds, Charles A.........do. Campbell, James............. do. Ropel, George W................do. Cope, Charles.....................do. Schwickerath, Francis......do. Cranston, Albert L.............do. Sharp, James F.................do. Dallas, Joseph H...............do. Sloan, Peter.....................do. Davis, JohnS...................do. Smith, Edward J.............do. Davis, Joseph S..................do. Tomlin, Daniel G..............do. Devine, Bernard J..............do. Toms, Joseph H................do. Donaghue, Peter F.............do. Tyson, Andrew................do. Fuller, Milton H...............do. Venal, John J.............. do. Gwin, John............do. Walker, James.................do. Halbert, Robert.................do. White, John A................ do. Hardy, Carlton S..............do. Wiley, John M.................do. Hardy, George H..............do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. George W. Todd.............Captain. Conner, Patrick..............Private. Edward Y. Buchanan......First Lieutenant. Cresson, Jonathan............do. Richard M. Jones............Second Lieutenant. Davenport, Edward L......do. James B. Venai.............First Sergeant. Dunn, William.................do. John Daley....................Second Sergeant. Dilks, Joseph W...............do. Stiles E. Boyles...............Third Sergeant. Evans, John L..................do. James B. Thomas...........Fourth Sergeant. Fisher, Theodore P............do. Alexander Laird.............First Corporal. Forsythe, William H........do. John Vickery...............Second Corporal. Finnigan, John.................do. Wm. J. Harkisheimer.....Third Corporal. Flick, Andrew................do. Percival M. Potts............Fourth Corporal. Gibson, George..................do. Robert Barker................Musician. Gibson, John..................do. Thomas M'Kean.................do. Gibson, John J.................do. Blummer, John...............Private. Hickman, Isaac.................do. Bewley, Thomas J..............do. Hayes, William................do. Beidleman, Daniel, Jr........do. Ingraham, Alexander.......do. Brotz, Robert....................do. Ingraham, Hugh...............do. Buchanan, James...............do. Lutz, George W................do. Barr, Bernard J.................do. Lewis, John...........do. Bradley, James..................do. Leason, John................. do. Clark, Oran.................do. M'Gonigle, James.............d Clendenin, Henry W........do. M'Michael, John...............do. Crugler, Benjamin..............do. M'Dermitt, Michael...........do. Cobb, William T.................do. M'Lane, William......... (...do. 192 TWENTIETH REGIMEINT. Miclkle, Adin................Private. Shipley, Howard W.......Private. Miller, Stephen.................do. Stine, James.....................do. Mallen, John.....................do. Speedy, Benjamin F.........do. Matlack, William..............do. Stotesenburg, Philip.........do. Mackin, Peter.....................do. Trotter, Hamilton..............do. Myers, Charles..................do. Thomas, George...............do. Orrell, Thomas J................do. Thomas, Nathaniel B........do. Pilling, William................do. Van Trump, Edwin A........do. Pike, Theodore..................do. Vickery, Joseph...............do. Quinn, James....................do. Walto, Joseph H...............do. Riley, Jacob L................do. Wilson, William..............do. Stewart, James..................do, Williams, John.................do. Stewart, John................ do, White, George W.............do. Stewart, William...............do. Waldron, George............. do. Swire, William H............do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 30, 1861. William H. Sickels.........Captain. Huot, Isidore.................Private. Jediah Rumble................First Lieutenant. Hackett, William W.........do. George W. Gampher........Second Lieutenant. Hungerford, William.......do. Anthony W. Thompson...First Sergeant. King, Charles.................. do. James W. Barrett............Second Sergeant. Keen, Thomas R............do. Philip Dwyer..................Third Sergeant. Keyser, Samuel............ do. Samuel Richardson.........Fourth Sergeant. Langham, John, Jr..........do. James B. Kennedy..........First Corporal. Ledger, William...............do. John T. Hardcastle.........Second Corporal. Liberton, Robert...............do. William Davison.............Third Corporal. Levering, Thomas H.........do. William A. Ginther.........Fourth Corporal. Moore, Jeremiah S............do. William H. M'Coy..........Musician. Mercer, John Q.......... do. Thomas Carberry............. do. M'Donough, Francis E.....do. Adams, Williamn F..........Private. M'Gee, James...................do. BerryMoor, John.....................do. Bowers, Harmon...............do. Molinaux, James L...........do. Boone, James.....................do. M'Carty, Daniel S............do. Barker, John.................. do. Murphy, James J.............do. Culbertson, Andrew..........do. Magee, William...............do. Dickson, William..............do. M'Macken, James...........do. Davis, Charles C...............do. Norcross, Samuel.............do. Dowell, Thomas................do. Oneal, Edward............do. Donnell, John H..............do. Roberts, George W............do. Dunn, John M...................do. Reives, Thomas B............do. Elliott, William A.............do. Reiley, John B..................do. Egan, William, Jr..............do. Starrett, John W..............do. Evans, John......................do. Sloan, George W...............do. Foster, John......................do. Snell, Reuben...................do. Frame, William W............do. Simns, George W............do. Flagg, Henry............... do. Shannon, Hugh.......... do. Fleetwood, Charles............d.. Starke, Johii.....................do. Green, Edwin.....................do. Tearney, James.................d. Grieves, Samuel F.............do. White, Joseph H..............do. Grier, Samuel............... do. Williamson, Isaac D......do. Gifford, Henry............. do. Wright John.............. do. Grant, Archibald.............. do. Winer, Georg W............do. Huston, David.................do. Wagner, John................do. Haas, Charles J..................do. Wright, Samuel...............do. Hardiker, William............do. TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. TfHIE Twenty-first regiment originated in a. rifle battalion attached to the J 1st Brigade, 1st Division of the State militia cnommanded by Major John F. Ballier. It consisted of the Lafayette, Washington, Sarsfield, and Philadelphia rifle companies, of the city of Philadelphia, and the Jackson rifle company of Manayunk. The services of the Battalion were tendered to the President on the 15th of April, 1861, and were ccepted, on condition that a full regiment should be ready for muster within ten days. Headquarters were established on North Third street, Philadelphia, where the whole regiment was recruited. Most of the men were Germans, and all Philadelphians. It was mustered into the service of the United States on the 29th of April, 1861i, by Captain Neill, of the Fifth infantry, and the regimental organization was perfected on the 21st of April, by the choice of the following officers: John F. Ballier, Colonel; Charles Ernenwein, Lieutenant Colonel; Adolph Mehler, Major. George Wynkoop was appointed Adjutant. Drill, by company and squad, was commenced immediately on the receipt of orders to recruit, and was continued day and evening while the force remained in the city. The vigor displayed on every hand in organizing troops, produced the conviction that an early forward movement was to take place, and the men of the Twenty-first confidently expected, when theyenlisted, to be at once led into active service. On the 20th of May, it was ordered to Suffolk Park, where regu lar instruction and camp and guard duty were continued during its stay. Drill was frequently practiced under the eye of Major General Patterson, the commander of the Department, which elicited his hearty comendation. Voluntary contributions of food and clothing by the people of Philadelphia, and especially by the Germans, were freely supplied, and before leaving Suffolk Park the men were generally priovided with an outfit of minor articles necessary for their convenience and comfort while in active service. On the 28th of May, the regiment struck tents, and, marching to Philadelphia, proceeded to Chambersburg where it was assigned to the-st Brigade,* lst Division of Patterson's army. Moving to the Potomac, it was frequently engaged in skinmishing along the river, the enemy holding the opposite bank. On the 17th of June, the Brigade crossed into Virginia, but soon after returned to the Maryland side. The rebels, who had retreated as our army advanced, now returned in large numbers. A body of three hundred of their cavalry re-visited * Organization of lst Brigade, Colonel George 1. Thomas, 1st Division, Major General Geo. Cadwalader. Three companies of Second Regiment Regular Cavalry, (afterwards Fifth regi. ment;) one company, the Philadelphia City Troop, (cavalry,) Captain James; one Battery, Heavy Artillery, Captain Abner Doubleday; Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Charles P. Dare; Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Jameb Nagle; Twenty-first Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John F. Ballier. 25 194 TWENTY-FIRST R]tIMBNT, Harper's Ferry to complete the destruction which they had previously begun, and the whole country along the Virginia shore was again infested with their troops. Union men were seized and hurried away within their lines, and the destruction of property which ensued, marked the beginning of the misfortunes which for four long years were visited upon the inhabitants of the Shenandoah valley. Remainiug encamped on the Maryland side, engaged in drill and guard duty until the 2d of July, the regiment moved with the Brigade to Martinsburg, participating in the skirmishing which ensued on the way. Encamping near the town it remained nearly two weeks,. and while here waspresented with a stand of colors by the Union Germans of Martinsburg. After participating in the demonstrations made upon Bunker Hills and the approaches leading to Winchester, it marched to Charlestown, where it remained several days in camp, and from thence was ordered to Harper's Ferry. The regiment was solicited by the commanding General to remain beyond the period of its enlistment, and a general willingness was expressed to comply with this request; but its services not being needed, an order was issued for its discharge. Obtaining rail transportation it moved via- Baltimore to Philadelphia, where, on the 8th of August, it wasmustered out of service. The Twenty-first had no opportunity to show its fighting qualities, but it was well disciplined, and for its soldierly bearing frequently received complimentary notices from its commanders. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. John F. Ballier...............Colonel. j Lewts John. Ladher....... Quartermaster. Charles Ernenweia..........Lieutenant Colonel. Emil Schoeing...........urgeon. Adolph Mehler............Major. ichoa Pfeiffer............Assistant Surgeon. George Wynkoop........Adjutant. REGIMENTAL BAND. Conrad Hoffman..............Musician. Henry Weidner......M.......Musician. Frederick Schneider.........do. Valentine Wirth............do. Joseph Young.................do. Frederick Bailey..............do. John Wenzell.....................do. Joseph Knoth....................do. John L. Tenny...............do. Martin Schrumm.............do Charles Ruhlender..............do. William Rothongatter.......do. Francis Muchlock...............do. Christian Braun................do. COMPANY A. RECBUUITED AT PHILADELPHIA,. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Arthur Shields............. Captain. James Mason...............Third Sergeant. Jacob L. Hoffman............First Lieutenant, Anthony Stymler........Fourth Sergeant, Dennis Mullin.............Second Lieutenant. James Donohough........First Corporal. Alexander Frazier...........First Sergeant. Peter M'Adams..............Second Corporal. Patrick Mullin.................Second Sergeant. William Coleman...........Third Corporal. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 195 Daniel F. Reilly..............Fourth Corporal. Hough, Edward..........Private, John L. Tenney...............Musician. Hopkins, Francis.............do. John entzel.....................o. Keenar, John...................do. Beatty, James Pr.v...........Private. Kern, John M...................do. Byrne, James....................do. Kern, Jacob N................do. Britton, William E. W.......do. Kennedy, John.................do. Brink, Samuel....................do. Killy, John......................do. Bechtel, Jacob M................do. Lush, Philip P..................do. Bart, John.......................do. Long, Sextus..................do. Bleany, Daniel...................do. M'Gonigle, James............do. Cain, John.......................do.'Neil, Daniel.................do. Cain, James.................do. M'Neil, Charles.................do. Connell, Andrew............do. M'Lister, Randall.............do. Conlin, Matthew..............do. M'Call, John....................do.,Conlow, John...,...............do. M'Neas, Andrew,......... do. Carr, John................ do. M'Cormick, John............do. Cunningham, Patrick.........do. M Guire, John.................do. Currin, John....................do. M' Hale, Martin..............do. Carlin, Cornelius.......... do. Mower, John...................do. Carlin, Patrick.......... do. Morehead, George...........do. Clemens, William F..........do. Martin, John...................do. Crevan, Matthew...............do. Mulhollan, John H...........do. Dorsey, Thomas.................do. Mulhollan, Alexander......do. Dawsey, Christopher..........do. Morn, James....................do. Dillon, John.................do. O'Donnell, Robert...........do. Dougherty, Patrick............do. O'Henesy, Augustine......do. Donohough, Patrick............do. Peel, Turgus...............,.... do. Elliott, Timothy................do. Sweeney, James...........do. Elem, Jacob....................do, Sheridan, John..................do.'oley, John........................do. Torpey, Daniel...............do. Facoone, Samuel...............do. Thompson, Robert B........do. Ganley, Patrick...............do. Thompson, Alexander......do. Gehegan, Bartholomew..,....do. Wenc, Joseph..............do. Hassett, Thomas..........do. COMPANY B. BIEORIRUED AT PHIInDBLPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Alvin Matzdorf.............Captain. Kinderman, Lewis....'.Private. Gottlieb Muller...............First Iieutenant. Kubler, Christian..............do. Charles Zeitz..................SecondLiieutenant. Klosterman, Henry..........do. Christopher Meyer..........First Sergeant. Kehlhofer, Lewis..............do. William Froehlich...........Second Sergeant. Lombe, A dolph.................do. Jacob Fleck.....................Third Sergeant. Loechner, John................do. Edward Schnatlo............Fourth Sergeant. Mund, Henry...................do. Augustus Kinderman.....First Corporal. Maurer, Jacob.................. do. Michael Graff................ Second Corporal. Mahler, Lewis.................do. Jacob Stein....................Third Corporal. Muller, Augustus.............do. Godfried Birkenstock......Fourth Corporal. Marquart, George..............do. Louis Betz......................Musician. Mahris, Lewis................do. Valentine Wurth...............do. Maehler, William.............do. Bader, Charles................Private. Navy, John............... do. Becker, William................do. Ott, John................. do. Bausch, Louis...................do. Peters, Charles.................do. Brown, Christian..............do. Rahm, Frederick..............do. Bluckle, Charles............ do. Rauschelbach, Edward.....do. Doering, Herman...............do. Schame!, Paul..................do. Daiber, John.....................do. Seib, AUgustus............. do. Damran, Julius.d............... do. Schutt John............. do. Engelhard, Albert..............do. Schhiidt, Martin............do. Epple, Max.......................do. Schroff, Charles.............. do. Eschenfelder, George.........do. Schmidt, Sebastian..........do. Falk, John.......................do. Schaefer, Albert..............do. Freund, Edward..............do. Schneider, Julius.............do. Glahn, Henry........I.... do. Schaefer, Frederick...........do. Geiger, William.................do, Strohmaier, Frederick......do. Gunkel, Christian.............. Sd chmidt, John......... do. Geier, Frederick........,... do. Schuchman, Alexander....do. Graff, John............. do. Siegrist, Lewis...............do. Hassman, Francis..........do. Tbierauch, George..........do. Hettinger, Albert..............do. Witthorn, Bernard..........do. Henn, John..................do. Weidling, Christian..........do. Hensler, Gottlieb...............d. Wuest, Rudolph...............do. Hornickel, William....,......do Zettel, Frederic...........do. Kellerman, Francis..........o.. d. Zettle, Charles................do. Kunkle, John........... do. Zuenglein, Frederick......do. Kugel, Frederick.......... d o.. 16G TWEiNTY-FIRlST REGEtENT, COMPANY C. BECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861.John Aitmeier........;...Captain. Kammerer, John.........Private. Christian Renner....F...._.First Lieutenant.. Koch, Jacob....,.........do. Valentine Schroeder......eeond Lieutenant. Kelly, John..................do. Anthony Hauck............First Sergeant. Keller, Jacob.............. do. Henry Fuehs............ Second Sergeant. Kager, John..................do. Lewis Hasenbuhler.......Third Sergeanit..' Krickel, Michael...........do. Balthaser Snyder;.............Fourth Sergeant. Kist, Charles.................... do. Michael Tonson....... irst Corporal. Kuhnle, Tobias.................do. Jacob Gabriel.................Second Corporal. Lump, William..............do. George Rick............Third Corporal. Landherr, Theobald........do. Otto(Fisoher................. urth Corporal. M'Peak, Henry..............do. JacobHickel.................Musiciali. Mixner, Henry...............do. Frederick Bailey,.............do. Marquart, Martin.............. do. Appele, Charles..............rivate, Martin, Julius..................do. Bauer, Ferdinand..............do. Rassler, George................. do. Bauer, Stephen................do. Robert, Ignatz..................do. Baumgart, Francis.............o. Reily, F...........................do. Beetz, Fredericlk................do. Roth, Cornelius.............,do. Brecht, Max.........d....... Schweigert, John..............do. Becker, Georg Adam.......d.d. Schuehie, Jacob.................do. Braeker, Nicholas.........do. Spring, John Christian......do. Brough, Charles................do. Schuhmacher, Jacob.........do. Blassie, John.....................dco Schweitzer, John.............do. Ehrman, Nicholas............do. Selby,Henry......... do. Eberenz, Francis............ do. Schreiner, Ferdinand...... do. Franz, Henry......................dao Stubenrauch, Christian.....do. Fuss, John..........................do. Schneider, Joseph.............do. Franz, William ~..........do.'Sauerlander, John............do. Fox, Adam............... do.....do. Volk, Franz......................do. Graeff, Charles.....................do. Veth, Jacob......................do Geisberger, John................do. Werner, Michael...............do. Geisser, Christian...............do. Werlein, Joseph...............do. Gallmeier, Charles..............do. Werz, Sebald.................do. Hallor, Gebhard.................do. Wanner, Gottlieb..............do. Hauck, John......................do. Wild, George.....................do. Heppting, Charles..d Wunder, Andreas.............do. Heifer, Elignis.............d Youn, Charles.................do. Hein, George.......,..........do. Yeager, Joseph..............do. Heppting, Bernhard..., do.... I COlvAN-Y D.. R0IUUTED AT PHILADELPRIE. MUSTEIRED.IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Nicholas Brandon...C...'..Captain. Fudrs, Charles...........Private. Lewis Walter............. First.ii4eutenant. Fudrs, John.................do. Philip Goebler.......,...Second Lieutenant. Goebel, John.......,^............do. John Moser.... First Sergeant. Hiemer, John................do. George Frasch..S.........;Second'rgeant" Hofius, George.............,do.: George Bambrg.. ThirdSe rgeant. Harms, Charles........,. do. Godfried Bauer.......... Fourth Sergeant Haag, Anthony.......,..-.. do. Jesse Shmled.................First iCorporal. Hirshlinger, John...........do John George Bossert..;..Second;Corprai Kauber, George..;.......... do. Augustus Frey..........Third:Corpral. Kugler, Charles.;.'...........do. John Danner.........,......Fourth Corpora Koop, Jacob.........d........o., William Rothgarterer...Musician. Kuemel, Christi.an;...........do,. Samuel Schroa.d....... do..^ i.~. Kretschman, Gustavus.....do. Adam, Frata.......;....... rivat Langner, John H. do. Bentz, John........do. Lindcr, John............ tBrenz, Henry....... ee, Nichola...... Baesler, Gottlieb............ CI.do,' Miller, Jacob.....do.... Batz~ar, Jacob.....................do. Menger, CharlesaL.i..........do.:;. BatUr% AnPdrpe~fn...4...as. ~.~..;. do. Marbhimoeg, Frederick...d...do. )eis, M.artin.......... do......... Messener, Gottlieb.,.........do.. DI)oerplinger, Con.:...... Myliusd George.......,..,..do Doerpner, AuguStUs.......ao Miller, Charles........ Eberly, Crsta...'d.... Nonaman, Jo',.d.... isnu th, Chri U........ " Otto, Frederick..,,,-,, a. Imis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nnhuth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 197 Righton, Henry...............Private. Trostle, Jacob................Private. Ramstein, Samuel.............do. Vetter, Theodore...............do. Roth, Charles................ do. Vollmer, Valentine...........do. Raeder, George..................do. Wotfram, Martin............do. Schaab, Jacob....................do. Wetzstein, Joseph............do. Schoober, Charles...............do. Winter, John...................do. Shiele, Anthony..............do. Walder, John..................do. Schmied, Sigmund............do. West, John.......................do. Shum, John George............do. Wolf, William.................do. Schmidt, Joseph,............do. Weingarthner, Adam.......do. Stewald, John............. do. Werle, Jacob..................do. Sell, George.....................do. Yost, Gebhardt................do. Sterr, Jacob..............do. Yost, John........................do. Shmied, Lucas............. do. Yost, George.............do. Thomas, Ferdinand...........do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Bernhard Gessler............C.aptain. Kurtz, John........... Private. Casper Geiss...................First Lieutenant. Lautenbacher, Joseph.......do. Charles Schuehler...........Second Lieutenant. Leidtke, Fred'k W. A.....do. Gustavus Borst............. First Sergeant. Maier, Raimund...............do. John Rees....................Second Sergeant. Mark, Peter......................do. Joseph Maichle...............Third Sergeant. Mergenthal, John..............do. Theodore F. Bertram.......Fourth Sergeant. Myers, Henry...................do. Charles H. Dittrich........First Corporal. Merkert, Magnus.............do. Francis Reiner................Second Corporal. Nagler, Lewis................do. Charles Kahler................Third Corporal. Neugebauer, Joseph.........do. Nicholas Hartman...........Fourth Corporal. Niebling, Francis..............do. Matthew Birk.................Musician. Orgs, Henry Herman........do. Christian Braun.................do. Opperman, Daniel............do. Anderson, John C............Private. Peterson, John..................do. Ahrndt, Ferdinand............do. Phander, Frederick...........do. Bach, John Christian.........do. Reichert, Theodore............do. Bassing, John.....................do. Repp, William............... do. Becker, JohnJoseph..........do Reed, Francis*...............do. Bentelspacher, Gottlieb......do. Reithmayer, Christopher,..do. Birkenaouer, Philip...........do. Ringeissen, William........do. Brandt, John George..........dq Schat, John............. do. Brechler, Adolph.............do. Schaefer, Frederick..d.......o. Defiber, William................ do, Schloetterer, Lewis...........do. Engel, Christian................do. Schmitt, George Joseph.....do. Engel, John...............do. Schmitt, William..............do. Feiger, Sebastian.............do.' Schneider, Frederick.......do. Fisher, John Leonard......... d. Schoenleber, William......do. Freyhoff, Frederick W........do. Sontag, William..............do. Fries, Frederick.................do. Stengsle, John...............do. Gerstly, Gottlieb............do. Stoeber, Rudolph..............do. Hager, Francis Joseph..d......dO. Stoll, Gottlieb.................do. Hackel, Charles.............. do. Thomas, Jonathan S......do. Herrmann, Ludwig..:.......,do. Unger, John George.........do. Hermes, Reinhard...........do Wagner, Jacob.,;...............do. Herrmann, John Jacob.....do. Waker, George.............do. Herzig, Leopold............do. Willie, Jordan.. do. Hinkel, Philip................do. Zinke, Julius..................do. Hoffman, Gottlieb............do. Zuerkula, AugustusF.....do. Horkheimer, Frederick......do.. CO.MPANY F. BERBUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. George Adolph M hekk..Captain.. Joseph Fries...............First Corporal. Augustus H. Garson.........First Lieutenant t. George Biedermann......Second Corporal. Frank Becker............ Second Lieutenant. Otto Schoenbein...........Third Corporal. Gustavns Elser............FirstSergeant. Matthew Becker:.,.......,Fourth Corporal. George Wensler.............Second Sergeant. Henry Rodria......... Musician. Christian Gallus.............Third Sergeant. Henry Wiedmer,............do. William Wannewitsch...Fourth Sergeant. Anders, Joseph,........... Private. 198 TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, Brosius, Carl..................Private. Nerlinger, Frederick......Private. Beiswanger, Jacob..............do. Ott, Lewis.......................do. Beatty, John.....................do. Ortstadt, Charles...............do. Coindre, Edward............do. Pelzer, Henry.................do. Dittes, Adam...................do. Preusch, Carl................... do. Eckert, Frederick.............do. Reiner, William...............do. Froehlich, John..................do. Reuter, Martin..................do. Gebhard, Henry........ do. Renzmann, John...........do. Gartner, John...................do. Soenchen, Henry..............do. Gubler, Frank....................do. Soistmann, Lewis......... do. Hoff, John.........................do. Schmitt, Anthony...........do. Heak, John........................do. Schmidt, Charles..............do Hollitscheck, Charles.........do. Schaefer, Henry..............do. Hener, Jacob....................do. Schleher, Matthew........... do. Hesse, William..................do. Simpson, James..............do. Hoist, Henry.....................do. Schraub, Casper...............do. Hohloch, George................do. Siebott, Henry................do. Himmelmann, Martin........do. Schreiner, Franz..............do. Hill, Charles......................do. Schneider, George...........do. Jaeck, Charles...................do. Schwarzpaal, Henry.........do. Jahn, Charles...................do. Trippel, Adolph...............do. Jaeger, Augustus..............do. Ungar, Vidal...................do. Krumner, Frederick...........do. Vaughan, Joseph..............do. Klein, Henry.....................do. Weyhand, John................do. Kraft, George...................do. Weber, Charles.................do. Kaiser, George...................do. Walter, Charles...............do. Lichtstern, Lewis...............do. Weizmann, Joseph...........do. Muller, Charles.................do. Wunsch, Ludwig..............do. Muller, George..............do. Wust, Anthony..............do. Moore, Philip.................do. Wurster Frederick..........do. Mund, Julius.................. do. Wollbold, John.............. do. Melcher, Frederick...........do. Young, Frederick.............do. Moser, David...................do. Zick, Jacob.............. do. Mayer, George...................do. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. John W. Beamish.............Captain. Lutz, Jacob...................Private. Mitchel M'Murray...........First Lieutenant. Malley, George O............do. Emanuel Masters............Second Lieutenant. Mansfield, Edward............do. George P. Finney............First Sergeant. Merrill, Ezra W..............do. Arthur B. Beamish........Second Sergeant. Martin, Edward................do. Robert D. Hyde.............Third Sergeant. Mullen, James..................do. James F. Carroll...........Fourth Sergeant. Morford, Joseph..............do. William Tutem... F......... irst Corporal. Miller, Hiram..................do. James Nagle...........Second Corporal. M'Mullen, Daniel.............do. Almon Smith..............Third Corporal. Macken, Owen W.............do. Edward H. Cavanaugh...Fourth Corporal. Oliver, James............. do. Martin Schramm.............Musician. O'Neil, Harry...................do. Charles Rulander......,......do. Phillips, Samuel...............do, Agnew, Angus...........Private. Pierce, Tompins.............do Boyles, George W.............do. Rose, William...................do. Basby, John.............,.do. Rose, Henry...................do. Becket, Daniel C....... do. Smith, Thomas.................do. Crozier, Thomas......... do. Smith, George W............do. Cox, William Hi............... do. Smith, William S.......... do. Carroll, James............... do. Sloan, Thomas............do. Carr, James W............do. Somers, John W............ do. Desher, William H...,....do. Stratton, Enos.................do. Deininger, Jacob...........do. Stratton, Isaac...............do. Detweiler, Thomas.............do Solomon, John.................do. Doble, Evan................do Schreiner, Joseph H.....do. Davis, William C...............do. Taylor, William G........do. Devinney, John..................do. Toone, Charles..................do. Engle, Charles....................do. Timbers, Charles..............do. Fisher, Henry....................do. Thompson, James.............do. Grunner, William.............do. Vennaman, Charles.........do. Gross, James B..................do. Vennaman, David.............do. Hoffnagle, John..................do. Wilson, William.............do. Hyde, George H.................do. Wise, George..................do. Hillyard, Henry................do. Wolfinger, Henry...........do. Jacobs, Charles..................do. Wilson, JohnH................do. James, Samuel...............do. Walling, George W..........do. Johnson, William....... do. Webster, Phineas.............do. Kelly, Henry...............do. Young, Benjamin.............do. Kelly, Joseph T............do. Young, John D.....,... do Lee, Washington.........do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 199 COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Augustus Ledig..............Captain. Hartmann, Anthony......Private. Louis Menges.................First Lieutenant. Koch, Bernard..................do. Gustavus Futterknecht...Second Lieutenant. Krauss, Albert..................do. Christian Kuhn...............irst Sergeant. Krauss, Herman...............do Richard Ledig................Second Sergeant. Kallmann, Charles............do. Adolphus Seynald...........Third Sergeant. Kassel, Peter....................do. Eugene Kiebele...............Fourth Sergeant Klaiber, Theodore............do. Henry Messer.................First Corporal. Ledig, Rudolph...............do. Henry Leinweber...........Second Corporal. Lotz, Adam.....................do. Herman Frisch.............. Third Corporal. Lindner, William.............do. Christian Reuter...o........... urth Corporal. Lenz, Frederick...............do. Adam Schroth................Musician. Lenz, Jacob......................do. Joseph Knoth.....................do. Lampert, William............do. Assmann, Augustus.......Private. Mehl, Gottlieb..................do. Armbrusser, Anthony........do. Mudler, Frederick...........do. Bremme, Charles...............do. Mudler, John....................do. Busch, Paul....................do. Mudler, Joseph.................do. Busch, Charles............do. Mudler, Richard...............do. Bunz, Martin.............. do. Neumaier, Moritz.............do. Brodbeck, Samuel..............do. Pfruender, Joseph............do. Beck, Martin..................do. Resch, John....................do. Brocklet, Conrad...............do. Ruhl, Francis..................do. Bauer, William..................do. Semling, Augustus...........do. Birkenhauer, Adolphus......do. Steininger, Charles....... do. Elser, Joseph.....................do. Schmidt, Charles.............do. Fleig, John............ do. Streib, Jacob...................,.do. Federle, Paul.....................do. Sterckart, Bernard............do. Fischer, Otto...................do. Schneider, Charles...........do. Fritz, Peter B...................do. Spirl, Henry........ d.do. Fuchs, Franz....................do. Schaeffer, John............ do. Flick, Anthony..................do. Schneider, Sebastian.........do. Federer, Gottlieb................do. Schuhmacher, Frederick...do. Gronbach, Frederick..........do. Staehle, Christian....... do. Haegner, Christian.............do. Saeger, John;................ do. Haag, John.......................do. Vayhinger, Henry..........do. Huertle, John.....................do. Witt, Christian.............. do. Hamburger, Loebel...........do Wittmer, Theodore..........do. Hessemer, Philip.............do. Witthuhn, George............do. Hooke, Clemens..-............do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPIt.A* MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. Louis Voltaire.................Captain. Dooley, Edward............Private. Henry Hohenstein............First Lieutenant. Decker, Augustus............do. George Brill.....................Second Lieutenant. Dembly, Alexander...........do. Henry DeCrauzat............First Sergeant. Engel, Frederick...............do. George Bush...................Second Sergeant.:Einselen, Christian...........do. Gottlieb Siegel.................Third Sergeant. Flackenzicher, Henry.......do. Adam Nahm....................Fourth Sergeant. Fleshut, John...................do. Edward Spring...............First Corporal. Fee, John..........................do. Rudolph Meyer...............Second Corporal. Grau, Ernest.....................do. Charles Sauerland...........Third Corporal. Gross, Conrad...................do. William Walter............... Fourth Corporal. Hafer, John.......................do. Christian Leibly..............Musician. Hoffmann, Frederick........do. Freder'k Augustus Foin.....do. Hildebrand, William........do. Assum, George...............Private. Haubernertel, William......do. Ade, Gottlieb...................do. Hess, William..................do. Aberle, William.................do. Klag, Nicholas..................do. Bart, Anthony................do. Klostermann, Frederick...do. Brewster, Enoch Carroll......do. Krog, Andrew...............:..do. Brude, Henry.....................do. Lehning, Henry................do. Bendolo, Michael................do. Matz, James.....................do. Brehler, Louis...................do. Meyer, Frantz..................do. Christianson, Charles........do. dMeyer, John....................do. Doneley, Hugh.................do Mehrer, David.......... ddo. Dubois, John..... do. Miller, Conrad...............do. 200 TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Mohr, Peter.................Private. Shmitt, Jacob..............Private. Nitshke, Paul................do. Trimbourg, John..............do. Naher, Charles do............... do Trapp, George...................do. Oeser, Henry....................do. Uhl, Adolphus.................do. Oswald, Gottlieb................ do. Vetsh, Andrew..................do. Porter, David....................do. Vey, Henry.......................do. Pfeifer, Adam...............do. Weber, Christian..............do. Paar, Augustus.................do. Weyand, George...............do. Renglet, Joseph.................do. Wall, Christian..............do. Ramm, Herman.............do. Westerfield, John............do. Shuler, George...............do. Wollenberg, John..........do. Stierly, John............ do. Wilde, Charles................do. Shell, George.......... do. Weiss, Charles..................do. Sperlein, Stephen..............do. Wilson, John....................do. Shmitt, James..................do. York, Edward................do. Shmitt, Casper............. do. COMPANY K. BBECRUITED-AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 29, 1861. John Benedict Kohler.....Captain. Harmen, William........Private. Francis Brurein...............First Lieutenant. Hott, John William.......do. Jacob Greisheimer...........Second Lieutenant. Huhn, John.....................do. Leonard Benkert.............FirstSergeant. Hoohyeatt, Matthias......do. John Shuster................Second Sergeant. James, Joseph Doran........do. Charles Goepel................Third Sergeant. Kelly, Patrick.................do. Charles Baker................F.ourth Sergeant. Kiggins, James................do. Ellis Mast..................... First Corporal. Kelly, Dennis...................do. Herman Lucke............Second Corporal. Kachelle, Robert...............do. William Buckley............Third Corporal. Linz, Charles...................do. George Henry Lewis.......Fourth Corporal. Leonard, David...............do. Franz Muhleck............Musician. Lucke, Julius............ do. Frederick Fuchs.................do. Mai, Siber.......................do. Bucknell, William..........Private. Menkey, Frank................do. Blake, William............do. Musnhausen, Theodore.....do. Biedel, John.......................do. Murray, William........... do. Bunting, George Henry......do. Murray, Henry William...do. Brady, Thomas..................do. Ochnir, Charles.................do. Buckley, John...................do. Riley, George Mifflin.........do. Bahls, Augustus...............do. Schmitt, Gottlieb...............do. Brian, Robert.....................do. Schonawolf, Christian.......do. Clemens, Joseph................do. Stockton, William D........do. Connell, John.....................do. Shearer, Henry................do. Connelly, Daniel................do. Smith, Jacob..................do. Carney, William................do. Smith, Victor...................do. Drexler, John Frederick.....do. Spix John.......................do. Devlin, Joseph...................do. Smith, Peter.....................do. pigney, John....................do. Shoener, Frederick...........do. Erb, John.....................do. Storts, Francis.................. do. Eddinger, George W...........do. Trost, Louis Paul..............do. Ella, George.................... do. Vogt, William..................do. Eslinger, John...................do. Verner, Anthony..............do. Field, William................... do. Wenzel, Conrad...............do. Guggenheimer, Emanuel...do. White, John.....................do. Gentzsch, Edward..............do. Wagner, Henry Clay.......do. Greer, Robert.................do. Wager, Geo. Washington...do. Hayer, Frederick...........do. Wirz, George....................do. Hasher, Leonard.............do. Zaimer, Chas. Anthony......do. Heis, John.........,......... do. TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT. PREVIOUS to the rebellion, the Philadelphia Light Guard was a uniformed militia regiment, and held, in the State organization, the place of First regiment 3d Brigade of the 1st Division. It was formed in the summer of 1857, with seven companies, three hundred strong, by the choice of the following officers: Turner G. Morehead, Colonel; William L. Curry, Lieutenant Colonel; John M'Manus, Major; Asher S. Leidy, Adjutant. A vacancy, oceasioned by the death of Major M'Manus, was filled by the election of A. J. M'Neil, and upon his resignation, by the election of George P. M'Lean. On the 14th of April, 1861, the regiment, or battalion, then consisting of the original companies, with two hundred and fifty men, was accepted by the Governor, and ordered to recruit, which immediately commenced at the Arsenal, Sixteenth and Filbert streets, and in a few days ten companies were fully organized, and filled to the maximum strength. The regiment had no single camp of rendezvous, but was quartered, until it left Philadelphia, one company at the Arsenal, Filbert street; three at the regimental Headquarters, Commonwealth building, Chestnut street; one at the corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets; three in the church in Crown street, above Race; one at the Fairmount Engine house, Ridge avenue; and one in the vicinity of Eleventh and Girard avenue. In the new organization, the field officers were continued in the rank which they had severally held in the militia. The regiment was daily drilled in heavy infantry tactics at Logan Square, and was soon brought under excellent discipline. About the middle of May it was ordered to Baltimore, where, upon its arrival, it reported to Major General George Cadwalader, then in command of the city, with Headquarters at Fort M'Henry, and was placed in camp at Locust Point. Remaining but a short time, it removed to Patterson's Park, and finally to Mount Clare, where it remained until the end of its term of service. Soon after its arrival in Baltimore, General Cadwalader was superseded in command of the Department by Major General N. P. Banks. On the 1st of July, General Banks caused the members of the Board of Police Commissioners * to be arrested, and in anticipation of trouble from a portion of the populace, sympathizing with secession, five companies of the Twenty-second were *HBADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT O1 ANNAPOLIS, I Fort M'Henry/, July 1st, 1861. In pursuance of orders issued from the Headquarters of the army at Washington, for the preservation of public peace in this Department, I have arrested and do now detain in custody of the United States) the late members of the board of police, Messrs. Charles Howard, William Gatchell, Charles Hinks, and John W. Davis. The incidents of the past week afforded full justification for this order. The Headquarters under the charge of the board, wtAen abandoned by the ofcers, resembled in some respects a concealedarsenal. ** i'htve plaoeIt 26 202 TTWETY-SECOND GEuIsNT, detailed for duty in the central part of the city, where they were kept about ten days. One company was also detailed to guard a magazine in the city, where it was continued until the close of its term of service. On several occasions, detachments of the regiment were employed in seizing large quantities of arms and ammunition secreted in different parts of the city in the pos. session of suspected parties. In the discharge of these duties, the command was not molested, and during the remainder of its term was not called into more active service.' It was mustered out at Philadelphia on the 7th of August, 1861. A large proportion of its members re-enlisted for the war in the Ninety-ninth, One Hundred and Sixth and other Pennsylvania regiments. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Turner G. Morehead.........Colonel. Henry Camblos.........Quartermaster. William L. Curry...........Lieutenant Colonel. J. Howard Taylor........Surgeon. George P. M'Lean...........Major. J. Allen Ramsey............Assistant Surgeon. Asher S. Leidy...............Adjutant. COMPANY A. ECRUTITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Charles L. Minster.........Captain. Bachelor, Charles..........Private. Isdor Hirsch................ First Lieutenant. Crowmel, William...........do. John P. Charlton............Second Lieutenant. Conrad, William S...........do. Thomas F. Brown..........First Sergeant. Crafts Samuel...................do. Jacob M. Seads.............. Second Sergeant. Dampman, James F....... do. Harrison M'Manus.........Third Sergeant. Darragh, William.......... do. John P. Miller.............. Fourth Sergeant. Dempsey, John.............. do. Doren Quick.................. First Corporal. Downs, John M.................do. John C. Collins.............. Second Corporal. Donnelly, Bernhard..... do. George Schell.................Third Corporal. Esher, Conrad................do. Archibald Camenre.........Fourth Corporal. Eggleton, John C........... do. Charles W. Armitage......Musician. Fisher, William H.........do. Joseph Webber................do. Graham, Thomas............do. Almond, Thomas............Private. IHumphrey, James H.... do. Aldnad, William..............do. Hayes, Arthur.............do. Buddy, Jacob.................do. Himes, James......... do. Bartman, William........do. Hulngs, Samuel............. do. Billingsfelt, Thomas...........do. Henis, George W............do. Blaylie, Thomas................do. Hudson, David.............do. Bennett, Benjamin S..........do. Jones, Andrew...............do. Birnbaum, Francis M.........do. Kelly, John.....................do. Boyer, Henry..................do. Kerns, William H............do. temporarily, a portion of the force under my command within the city. I disclaim on the part of the government which I represent, all desire, intention and purpose to interfere in any manner whatever with the ordinary municipal affairs of the city of Baltimore. Whenever a loyal citizen can be named who will execute its police laws with impartiality and in good faith to the United States, the military force will be withdrawn from the central parts of the municipality at once. * * * NATHANIEL P. BANKS, Major General Commanding. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 203 Knourse, Samuel S.........Private. Rezer, Taylor B............Private. Ketcham, Robert B............do. Rest, William M...............do. Lamb, Reuben J..............do. Ridle, Josiah...................do. Larroson, William...........do. Regner, James B..............do. Marshall, Thomas..............do. Rinehart, Samuel C..........do. Moore, Joseph....................do. Steward, David N.............do. Morris, William H............do. Sullivan, James..............do. Martin, Charles H..............do. Stretch, Jacob................do. M'Kee, Willian.................do. Stavzell, Albert.................do. M'Namee, Johm M...........do. Sheppard, Henry..............do. M'Mahon, Charles L..........do. Shevzline, John............... do. M'Manus, Timothy............do. Stretch, George.................do. Mooney, John.......... do. Taylor, John M................do. Mellor, James.......... do. Urwiller, Charles A..........do. Miller, William.................do. Wuin, James..................do. Patterson, William...........do. Wick ire, Novis............do. Picken, Thomas................do. COMPANY B. RCBRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Lewis Bartleson..............Captain. Hyde, William............Private. Paul J. Hallowell............First Lieutenant. Haray, William..............do. John B. C. Thompson......Second Lieutenant. H arrington, William........do. Lynford D. C. Tyler.........First Sergeant. Harman, George H..........do. William Barnett..............Second Sergeant. Hassett, John F...............do. John W. Shepherd...........Third Sergeant. Kinkade, John.................do. Robert Lyndsay............Fourth Sergeant. Kane, Peter......................do. Charles Lanster...............First Corporal. Lainpord, Manis L............do. James Walker.................Second Corporal. Ludwig, Calvin D............do. Reese Campbell...............Third Corporal. Lindsey, Robert H...........do. L. Whilden Hoffman......Fourth Corporal. Little, Noah.............. do. Joseph P. Hinkle............Musician. Louderback, Harry A......do. Sylvester B. Cameron........do. Louderback, Elias............ do. Anderson, William.........Private. Lafferty, William K.........do. Arlman, Jabez................do. M'Comb, William..........do. Ball, Martin W.................do. M'Intire, Thomas.............do. Beal, William P...............do. M'Giltigan, James............do Brown, William A............ do, MAvoy, William..............do. Baustead, Thomas D..........do. MGuire, John................do. Baird, Robert....................do. Morris, Charles H.............do. Blessington, James...........do Meuch, George................do. Blessing, Michael...............do. Morris, Richard W...........do. Bride, Robert.................. do. Mayhood, William............do. Clark, Thomas..................do. Martin, Jhn..................do. Catern, John.....................do. Nailer, James R...............do. Cox, Isaac H....................do, Patterson, George............do. Coyle, John............,.~....do, Rutherford, James...........do. Dorsay, Peter....d............. do. Roundtree, James............do. Edeland, Edward J...........do. Seville, George W............do. Evans, Thomas W.............do. Stewart, Benjamin F.........do. Foy, James.............,.....do. Tapper, William.............do. Fues, Jackson.............do. Test, John H............. do. Foxhill, Thomas H............do. Test, John.......................do. Gardner, Samuel C..........do. Tompkins, Theodore.........do., Gray, Philip.....................do. Thatcher, Edward B........do. Gwynn, Joseph.......... do. Walkup, John..............do. Glackens, William, Jr.......do. Wells, Jacob H................do. Hulfman, Whildon D......do. Wilson, Robert D............do. Huggard, James.............. do. COMPANY C. BEORIJTED AT PHIIADEILPHA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Henry J. Stainrook........Captain. John M'Farland.. F........Fourth Sergeant. Charles M. Harris..........First Lieutenant. George W. Clark.........First Corporal. William G. Beck.......... Second Lieutenant.* Charles Buckley, Jr......Second Corporal. Thomas Robson, Jr.........First Sergeant. John H. Millers.............Third Corporal. William Arnold, Jr.........Second Sergeant.: Robert R. Johnson.........Fourth Corporal, Theodore L. Lockman.....Third Sergeant. B. F. Sloanaker..............Musician. 204 TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, James J. Skemtt, Jr........Musician. Lecture, Emanuel L......Private. Ash, Edward................ Private.. Leorard, James J.............do. Alexander, Wiliam...........do. Loan, James....................do. Ash, William.d............. do. Mather, Samuel G............do Borgard, Gustavus A..........do.' Mason, Ambrose..............do. Beardslee, Arnzey..............do. Munday, John.................do. Brady, James...................do. Monaghan, James J..........do. Bechiel, David.................do Murphy, William J...........do. Blackburn, Charles...........do. May, John W.................do. Berutt, Jacob....................do. Morgan, Michael..............do. Black, George W..............do. M'Keonan, John H...........do. Brig, William.............. do. M'Veigh, Henry............do. Cloak, William H..............do. M'Guire, Dennis..........do. Collins, Charles..................do. M'Allister, John........... do. Dillon, Richard P..............do. M'Grath, Charles............do. Ellison, John P.................do. Nailon, William H............do. Emmons,, John H...............do. Price, James H.................do. Falby, George...................do. Quigley, Bernard J...........do. Griner, Joseph H...............do. Riley, John H.......... do. Geverd, Henry.........,.....de. Reiner, Henry..................do. Gabril, William H.............do. Smith, James.................do. Garwood,. William H.........do. Speakman, Lewis J...........do. Hillsman, GeorgeW...........do. Shultz, Charles A.............do. Huckett, William..............do. Smith, Edward York........do. Huntley, Lewis.................do. Smith, Samuel P..............do. Hazell, Edward.................do. Tipton, Charles E..............do. Harkness,. Williamn Jr.......do. Turner, William A............do. Hagerty, John H...............do. Warner, Stephen B..........do. Hamilton, Albert N...........do. Wilson, Thomas G............do. Johnson, James C..............d. Wikel, Orlando............... do. Jack, Robert...................do. Wilson, Harry......... do. Kline, Alfred, Jr............do. Ward, John W......... do. Kerns, Samuel F................do, COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PIILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Henry W. Graeff.............Captain. Land, Jacob...................Private. George W. Gile.............First Lieutenant. Lee, Benjamin B.............do. James Doyle...................Second Lieutenant. Lynch, Thomas................do. William May.................First Sergeant. Lindsay, John...................do. Alexander Hallowell.......Second Sergeant. M'Ilhenny, George...........do Francis W. Barbier........Third Sergeant. M'Cann, John H.............do. James B. Frazier............Fourth Sergeant. Miller, Frederick..............do. Thomas C. Entriken........First Corporal. Morris, Henry C...............do. George Whiteman........... Second Corporal. M'Mannis, John..............do. George W Hallowell, Sr., Third Corporal. Merger, William...............do. Levi Bartle....................Fourth Corporal. M'Mulles, Hugh..............do. Robert Wallace..............Musician. Moore, George................do. George Dunbar..................do. Moore, John D........... do. Auner, Joseph G..........Private... Mitchel, Thomas...............do. Benton, Samuel..................do. Murphy, Patrick...............do. Baily, Charles..................do. Myers, George................do. Callahan, Peter'................do. M'Intosh, Alexander.........do. Chambers, Samuel..............do. Michael, William.............do. Caxgil, John....................do. M'Donald, David.............do. Clapper, John...................do. O'Neil, James...................do. Cameron, Alexander..........do Prince, Edward................do. Culbertson, Samuel...........do. Roland, Joseph.............do. Car, John C........................do. yall, William................do. Cox, Albrt.......................do Riddle, Charles M...........do. Cargil, Thomas..................do. Riddle, Albert..................do. Drummell, Theodore.........do. Ritchie, Ezekiel................do. Donahugb Robert H..........do. Shirlock, Samuel.............do. Fulton, Adam..................do. Smith, Samuel C...............do. Guyger, Joseph..................do, Spinek, Valentine.............. d. Gray, Roert H..................do. Stern, Edward..................do. Gabel, John........................do Sanders, John.................do. HutchinsonJohn..............do. Shearer, Conrad W..........do. Hopple, William.................do Simpson, George..............do. Hilt, George.......................do. Trainer, Joseph A............do. Hodge, William.............do. Taylor, Ananias................do. Henk, David....................do. Tryon, Harrison.............do. Johnson, James..................do. Wince, John...,................do. Kilpatrick, Alexander........do. Wilkins, James.................do Kee, William................d THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 205 COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. John Belsterling.............Captain. Lackey, Thomas............Private. Samuel Wrigley..............First Lieutenant. Laymore, Martin..............do. John L. Staples...............Second Lieutenant. Maxwell, David................do. Jacob Heidenger............ First Sergeant. Meeney, Charles.............do. Thomas Palmer............ e Second Srgeant. Mitchel, George P...........do. Frederick Wolf..............Third Sergeant. M'Allister, Matthew........do. Peter Walfong................Fourth Sergeant. M'Allister, Robert...........do. Hugo Theinhart..............First Corporal. M'Knight, Robert............do. Thomas Morris...............Second Corporal. M'Fadden, James............do. John W. Waters.............Third Corporal. Neil, William....................do. Timothy Clegg.................Fourth Corporal. Newton, Charles...............do. Phineas Lewis............Musician. Oakley, James................do. Robert White...................do. Pugh, John...................do. Albany, Andrew J..........Private. Peterman, Joseph V.........do. Anderson, Jonathan C........do. Plumley, Henry F............do. Brash, Elien.......................do. Rutherford, Samuel..........do. Barlow, Charles.................do. Rowend, William..............do. Beinsderfer, John..............do. Shuster, John F.............do. Clereuyer, Richard............. do. Shaw, Thomas................do. Clereuyer, Benjamin......... do. Strawhoffer, James..........do. Cullingworth, John............do. Stanley, Thomas..............do. Durell, Isaac.................do. Scoffield, Joseph B............do. Evans, Evan......................do. Seabert, Leonard..............do. Ellam, George..................do. Smith, George.................do. Fulton, George H.............do. Swan, Lewis C.................do. Fisher, Henry............... do. Topsham, Samuel..............do. Green, Joseph.....................do. Thwait, Robert..................do. Hutchinson, Joshua............do. Thwait, Alfred.................do. Hanson, John N.................do. Thompson, W. L...........do. Hudson, Harry..............do. Thompson, Samuel.....d.,.do. Howard, Henry.................do. Vaughan, George.............do. Hollingwood, John...........do. Wilfong, Henry C.............do. Jeffries, Charles.................do. Wamsley, Andrew............do. James, Charles P...............do. Winkler, Joseph...............do. Hall, James........................do. Winn, Thomas..................do. Kirkpatrick, Frank............do. Winn, Anthony.................do. Kay, Benjamin..................do. Wallace, William.............do. Kelly, William.................do. Young, Griffith............do. Kellum, John.............do. COMPANY F. BECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. William B. Hubbs.........Captain. Crout, William B..........Private. Francis H. Achuff.........First Lieutenant. Chancellor, William.........do. Edmund T. Tiers...........Second Lieutenant. Chatburn, Joseph..............do. Robert Bingleam.......... First Sergeant Cleaver, John............... do. Jacob G. Bockins........Second Sergeant. Doan, Thomas B........do. George W. Jones............Third Sergeant. Dunlap, Hugh...............do. Salathiel R. Townsend.....Fourth Sergeant. Dick, Valentine................do. Wyndham H. Stokes......First Corporal. Dransfield, John...............do. Jacob Roop.S..............Second Corporal. Eicherman, Michael........do. John B. Maxwell............Third Corporal. Gant, Thomas H..............do. Jacob Miller.................... Fourth Corporal. Gillin, Thomas..................do. John Bender................Musician. Grouler, John M.............do. Lewis Bender....................do. Goodfellow, Robert..........do. Ancott, Aaron...............Private. Haiviland, Thomas...........do. Adams, George............ do. Hamilton, James............do. Abrahams, illiamT........do. art Charles S.................do. Bamgarth, Charles............do. Handsbury, William........do. Bolton, Oscar.....................do. Harp, John......................do. Bolton, Charles W.............do. Haig, Anthony.................do. Bussinger, John.............- do. Jack, Josiah.....................do. Buckley, Francis..............do. Johnson, Richard M.........do. Cooley Henry...................do. Keyser, Charles P..........do. Coward,'William..........o....do. Loeb, Samuel............ do. 206 TWENTY-SECONID REGIMENT, Lackman, Samuel...........Private. Stroup, Thomas M.........Private. M'Dougall, William...........do. Stokes, John O..................do. Mehl, William M...............do. Steinmetz, Joseph.............do. Miller, Casper, Jr...............do. Steyer, Henry..................do. Nieman, Frederick............do. Stafford, Thomas..............do. Nester, John.....................do. Schaer, Theodore..............do. Pengelly, John...................do. Smith, Benjamin...............do. Parker, Thomas................do. Topham, William.............do. Rodgers, James..................do. Uncleson, John.................do. Rorer, Ellwood.................do. Wilson, Thomas...............do. Rittenhouse, Samuel..........do. Widdis, Cornelius C.........do. Rittenhouse, Theodore........do. Wright, Edward..............do. Robson, Henry.................do. Wakefield, William........ do. Richardson, John...............do. Yeomanson, Francis........ do. Righter, Charles M............do. Young, Matthias.........do. Stokes, Patrick...............do. COMPAINY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Josiah Danfield..............Captain. Hensler, George..........Private. Samuel Arrison........ First Lieutenant. Hedborg, John..................do. Ferdinand M. Pleis.........Second Lieutenant. Hymer, John............ do. Benjamin Pippet.............. First Sergeant. Hibbs, Samuel L..............do. Allen A. Pancoast............Second Sergeant. Hennis, Joseph E..............do. Benjamin F. Tomlinson...Third Sergeant. Hiltner, Henry..................do. Francis W. Mead............Fourth Sergeant. Hill, Charles.....................do. Isaac Graham............. First Corporal. Keyser, Byron...................do. Herman Demme.............Second Corporal. Kilpatrick, Thomas..........do. Jacob Apple................. Third Corporal. Lucia, Albert W...............do. William B. Rose.............Fourth Corporal. Meeker, Wesley A...........do. Henry Markward............Musician. Markward, Wilson............do. Robert Whitely................ do. Markward, Bernard W......do. Anderson, James R.........Private. Markward, Harvey...........do. Anderson, James L............do. M'Devitt, James..............do. Anderson, Charles W.........do. M'Gowen, William............do. Allen, Jacob B....................do. M'Namee, Jackson............do. Anderson, William...........do. Nack, Charles E...............do. Butterworth, John............. do. Nally, James.....................do. Barkley, Francis...............do. Pruitt, James T.................do. Buzby, Herman................do. Press, William.............. do. Buzby, John M.................do. Robinson, Robert.............do. Burkhardt, George.............do. Robinson, Andrew J.........do. Barclay, John...................do. Rose, Joseph....................do. Coppes, William..............do. Scott, Francis....................do. Coppes, Frederick..............do. Stotzenburg, Martin.........do. Clark, Richard....................do. Sparks, Richard A............do. Culbertson, James..............do. Shields, Robert M.............do. Culbertson, Samuel............do. Stotzenburg, William........do. Charlton, George W............do. Stotzenburg, Henry..........do. Collins, Aaron..................do. Stewart, Robert................do. DeBow, Theodore.............do. Sowers, Theophilus...........do. Davis, Levi.................. do. Schaffer, Philip.................do. Ellick, Philip............... do. Shields, Thomas...............do. Erskine, John W..............do. Straline, William..............do. Eagan, Andrew.................do. Sloan, William..................do. Flanigan, Richard..............do, Walker, James................do. Guiger, Benjamin S...........do. Woodhouse,Benjamin F...do. Eensler, Jacob................do. OMPANY H. BRECIUITED AT PHILADELPHIA.: MUSTERED INO, APRIL 23, 1861. William T. Doyle.............Captain. Overton Howard............Third Sergeant. Thomas Ford.................First Lieutenant.; Peter Brady.................Fourth Sergeant. Samuel D. Allen,..........Second Lieutenant. George I. Henry............First Crorpoal Charles H. Hinley...........First:ergeant. Daniel Pierce...............-Second Corporal. Amos Warren...,.......... Second:Sergeant. John Laughlin..............Third Corporal THltEE iMOTHS' SERVICE. 207 Charles P. Goodwin.........Fourth Corporal. M'Cullough, Joseph.......Private. William Baker...............Musician. M'Dowell, Joseph C.........do. George Scott.......................do. Morrell, David..................do. Ambler, John..................Private. Mide, William..................do. Bodenhoper, William H.....do. Perry, George R...............do. Buveltinghouse, Geo. W.....do. Peak, James................. do. B]iederheiser, Andrew J....do. Prawl, Harry................. do. Bird, William....................do. Parker, Samuel.................do. Chappel, John....................do. Rice, Harry......................do. Coster, Michael..................do. Rich, Isaac H.....do. Creamer, Robert................do. Ruth, Henry.....................do. Cohen, Lewis....................do. Rainier, Samuel S.............do. Curren, David........... do. Robinson, John F.............do. Charleston, John................do. Scott, Samuel B................do. Cophard, William.............do. Street, William F............. do. Creighton, Robert G...........do. Smith, John.....................do. Dunn, Robert.....................do. Shulz, Samuel.......... do. Fry, Alexander H.............do. Snyder, William M......do. Farrell, Eiclen E...............do. Stratton, Theodore............do. Hutchinson, Enoch............do. Stone, George...................do. Hutchinson, Joseph...........do. Solley, Cornelius............do. Harlley, Theophilus...........do. Trainor, James.................do. Hess, Charles................. do. Northline, Isaac K........ do. Hoover, Francis L...............do. Wilson, William H...........do. Jones, Charles P.................do. Wills, Daniel............... do. Jeandell, Robert................ do. Wiederman, Frederick.....do. Jones, Charles, Jr.................do. Worthington, Francis........do. Kelly, Henry C............ do. Wickwin, Joseph..............do. Lancaster, William H........do. Winchester, John.............do. Lefferts, Frank...............do. Watson, Thomas...............do. Maze, John...................... do. Wilson, Robert.................do. Mather, Charles...............do. Wilson, Benjamin............do. Myers, William W............do. Yarnull, Albin..............do. Moore, Robert.................do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861 Edward Carroll...............Captain. Louderback, Abram......Private. William R. Murphy.........First Lieutenant. Leavy, James..................do. Robert P. M'Kibben........Second Lieutenant. Lee, James........................do. John D. Germon...............First Sergeant. Levi, John J....................do. Charles Shughrue............Second Sergeant. Mongle, Adam W..............do. William L. Street............Third Sergeant. M'Gonigal, John...............do. Henry Matthews.............Fourth Sergeant. M'Eurie, Edwin...............do. James Powers.................First Corporal. M'Eurie, Judson...............do. John Jacoby................... Second Corporal. M'Carty, James.................do. Richard Street.................Third Corporal. M'Kinney, John W..........do. Louis Snyder..................Fourth Corporal. M'Mullen, Patsey.............do. William J. Chandler........Musician. Mills, James.....................do. William Williams..............do. M'Henry, Con.................do. Brady, John C................Private. Martin, John L..................do. Birnbaum, Charles.............do. M'Donald, William..........do. Broadfield, Eli....................do. Newton, Alexander...........do. Bryson, John B.................do. Ott, Charles.......................do. Bales, Charles................do. Pickering, Esaias..............do. Brown, William J..............do. Ripley, Edwin................do. Burns, Thomas.................do. Regtine, Frederick............do. Callahan, John..................do. Stewart, Frank E..............do. Cunningham, William.......do. Stalk, Frederick...............do. Caskaden, Robert E............do. Smith, John N.................do. Coleman, William H...........do. Sanderson, William..........do. Crothers, Hans..................do. Tanner, John....................do. Curnan, John.....................do. Tyson, Jesse.....................do. Deets, George................do. Thibauld, Adrian............do. Delaney, John....................do. Thibauld, Eugene H.........do. Edgar, William H..............do. Tracy, Lewis C.................do. Edgar, Alexander...............do. Wiggins, William H.........do. Freese, Albert....................do. Woods, Benjamin...........do. Feeley, Francis H...............do. Wood, Alfred....................do. Fallon, Michael R...............do. Williams, Frederick.........do. Foster, George................do. Wilds, Joseph..................do. Goldsmith, Anthony...........do. Wright, George................do. Hoffner, Charles................do. Williams, George E...........do. Hynerman, George.............do. Wirst, John.....................do. Hunt, William...................do. Warner, Christian............do. Lehman, Joseph.................do. 208 TWENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 23, 1861. Joseph P. Elliott..............Captain. Harvey, Robert..............Private. Stephen F. Hanson.....,... First Lieutenant. Jones, Thomas D..............do. William L. Curry.........Second Lieutenant. Johnson, William E..........do. David Chattrie.................First Sergeant. Krick, Michael............ do. Robert W. Keene............Second Sergeant. Lawson, David..................do. Joseph Magill................Third Sergeant. Lerniu, William...............do. James Kerr....................Fourth Sergeant. M'Cormick, Felix.............do. Philip Simpler................First Corporal. M'Cabe, Philip.................do. Thomas B. Cave............Second Corporal. M'Calla, George................do. William Breasley............Third Corporal. Mooney, John.............do. William James...............Fourth Corporal. Mooney, James.............do. Thomas J. Morris...........Musician. Mills, James....................do. Philip C. Smith...............do. Malone, James................do. Andrews, Joseph............Private. Nagle, Thomas................do. Andrews, John.............,.do. Noble, James H.............do. Andrews, Robert......... do. icholson, Alexander.......do. Barnes, William..............do. O'Neall, John.................do. Beaumount, Henry...........do. Pike, William H..............do. Campbell, Samuel.............do. Pedrick, Albert.................do. Clark, Jacob R................ do. Patterson, Alexander........do. Carter, Andrew I............do. Reed, Henry................do. Chandler, William H.......do. Rudolph, William............do. Cheenery, William L........ do. Robinson, Morris......... do. Cox, William...................do. Stratton, George W..........do. Uarlin, Bernard............... do. Stodler, John...................do. Durham, Thomas..............do. Smith, George................do. Drake, Isaac.......................do. Swinney, John..................do. Dorsey, William................ do. Silver, Theodore E.........do. Davis, Benjamin................do. Spence, William...............do. Dehaven, Abraham............do. Tapper, JosephT...............do. Erskine, George W............do. Tuston, Isaac....................do. Ewell, Riley.......................do. Talbert, Samuel S.............do. Elliott, Washington.........do. Taggart, John................do Foulkrod, Joseph...............do. Walters, Samuel S............do. Farman, William...............do. Wolverton, Mahlon...........do. Fletcher, Edwin.............do. Walton,Jesse..................do. Galbraith, Samuel.............do. Williams, William...........do. Gardiner, John............... do. Yeager, Andrew J............do. Houer, Henry............., do. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. T HE First regiment, 3d Brigade, 1st Division of Penisylvani militia, was I oTrgzed under act of Assembly of 1858, and belonged exclusively to?Philadelphia. Immediately after the first call for troops to serve for three tinoths Colonel Charles P. Dare, in behalf of the regiment, offered its services to the Executive of the Commonwealth, which were at once accepted.Reertuing commenced at the Arsenal, corner of Sixteenth and Filbert, streets, on the ftth of April, 1861 and three days thereafter, the regiment left for active duty, having been mustered into the service of the United States on Sanday, April 21st, by Major 0. F. Ruff, of the U. S. A., as the Twenty-third regiwent Pennsylvania volunteers. The offieers were all active in recruiting, and received important aid, bolt material and moral, from a committee of citizens. The organization of the regiment was substantially preserved, the officers Servaig nmder their militia commissions. Colonel Charles P. Dare, Lieutenant Oolonel David B. Birney, aid Adjutant Casper S. Gillingham remained in the positions which they had ir several years held. George C. Spear was elected Ma}or on the 16th of Apri, from Captain of company A. Th regiment had no eamp of rendezvous, having been ordered into active service on the day of its muster. The officers were all well versed in the school -of the soldier, and were able to bring their men at once under discipline, and to impart t them skill in the practice of arms. It moved on the evening of April 21st, to Perryville, on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore railroad, where Colonel Dare was placed in command of the post, and the regimnent'as stationed, four companies at Perryville, two at Havre-de-Grace, two at Elkton, one at Bush river, and one at Gunpowder river, with intermediate guards along the road. The post and troops at Elkton were under the comanandtof Major T. W. Sherman U. S. A., afterwards Major General of volunteers, who had been ordered to report with his light battery for duty to Colonel Dare. There were also at Perryville, under Colonel Dare's orders, a fleet of gunbcoats and transports, together with a marine battery, stationed on the whiarves, and served by U. S. seamen. These were under the immediate commnand of Lieutenants Steadman and Watmough, U. S. N. On the 28th of May, the regiment was relieved by the Eleventh Pennsylvania, Coloel Jarrett,: and proceeded by rail to Chambersburg, where it was assigned to the 1st Brigade,* 1st Division of Patterson's army. At this place * Organization of 1st Brigde, Colonel George H. Thomas, 1st Division, Major Geperal Geo. Cadwalader. Three companiesSecond Regiment, cavalry, U. S. A., (now Fifth R.eaent;) one company Philadelphia City Troop, cavalry; one Battery Heavy Artillery, Captai Doubleday, U. S. A; Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Chales P1 Dare; Sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel James Nagle; Twenty-fir Regiment Pennsylvaia Volunteers, Colonel Joba 3. Ballier. 27 210 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, the Adjutant of the regiment, C. S. Gillingham, was ordered to the staff of Colonel Thomas, as Acting Assistant Adjutant General, and so continued to the close of its term of service. From Chambersburg the Brigade marched to Greencastle, where it encamped, remaining about a week, and from thence to Williamsport, where it was employed in guarding the fords of the Potomac.The enemy, at this time, were posted at Harper's Ferry, under command of General Joseph E. Johnston. When he perceived that General Patterson's army, which had been organized at Chambersburg, was about to cross the Potomac, he evacuated that post and retreated to Bunker Hill. On the 17th of June, Colonel Thomas' Brigade crossed the river, and advanced to Falling Waters in pursuit of the enemy, Cadwalader's entire Division being ordered to follow. At this juncture the regular cavalry and all the artillery, together with Colonel Thomas, were, by the command of General Scott,* ordered away, and re-crossed the river, leaving the three regiments and City Troop under command of Colonel Dare, with orders to follow the next day. At daylight the retreat commenced, with a large body of rebel cavalry hanging on the flanks and rear, but re-crossed the river without an engagement, and encamped on the old ground at Williamsport. Two days later, the cavalry and artillery which had been ordered away returned, and Colonel Thomas again assumed command of the Brigade. The Twenty-third remained at Williamsport until the 2d of July, when it again crossed the Potomac, with the entire army of General Patterson. Advancing to Falling Waters fire was opened upon the head of the column by a body of rebels concealed in a wheat field and wood. During the skirmish which ensued, the Twenty-third supported Captain Perkins' battery, and although some few were killed and wounded in other regiments, it had no casualities.Advancing on the following day to Martinsburg, four companies were selected for provost duty, Major Spear, by order of Colonel Thomas, assuming command in the town. On the 4th of July, at twelve o'clock M., the troops of the Brigade were drawn up on dress parade, while Captain Perkins' battery fired a salute, the regimental bands playing National airs. The column again advanced to Bunker Hill, where the Twenty-third was sent out on three occasions, in conjunction with the cavalry, for reconnoissances. On the 17th of June, the entire column moved to Charlestown, and encamped around the town, when the provost guard was again taken from the Twentythird. Its term of service having expired, it was ordered to Philadelphia, where it arrived on the 29th of July, and on the 31st was mustered out of service. * TELEGRAMS FROM GBENERAL SCOTT TO GENERBA PATTERSON. WASHINGTON, JTne 16, 1861. To Major General PATTERSON: The regulars withyou are most neededhere; send them and the Rhode Island regiment (Colonel Burnside) as fast as disengaged. WINFIELD SCOTT. WASHINGTON, June 17, 1861. To Major General PATTERSON: We are pressed here. Sendthe troops I have twice called for without delay. WINFIELD SCOTT. Testimony of General Cadwalader before the Congressional Committee on Conduct of War — My division, as a part of General Patterson's column, was in the advance. I crossed the Potomac from Williamsport, and when Johnston retreated, as we advanced upon Harper's Ferry, we went down as far as Falling Waters, on the Virginia side. I was there met by an order to send to Washington all my regular troops-they were all under my command. * * General Patterson was compelled, or rather induced, to give me the order to fall back. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 211 The discipline and soldierly conduct of the regiment throughout its entire term was excellent, receiving the commendation of the commanding General. Nearly the entire regiment. re-enlisted for three years, and was permitted to retain its old number, the Twenty-third Pennsylvania volunteers. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Charles P. Dare..............Colonel. Edwin, Palmer.............Quartermaster. David B. Birney..............Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel W. Gross...........Surgeon. George C. Spear.............Major. C. F. H. Campbell........Assistant Surgeon. C. S. Gillingham.............Adjutant. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPrIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. George C. Spear...............Captain. Hansell, Thomas............Private. George W. Sheets...........First Lieutenant. Hoyt, William A..............do. John G. Divine...............Second Lieutenant. Hunzen, Charles...............do. William F. Powell...........First Sergeant. Husbands, Henry M.........do. Samuel R. Poulson.........Second Sergeant. Johnston, Adam B.........do. Joseph B. Slaughter.......Third Sergeant. Johnston, James I............do. William Cunningham.....Fourth Sergeant, Johnston, Robert..............do. William M. M'Grath.......First Corporal. Jones, John......................do. Thomas Madigan..........Second Corporal. Keene, Robert M...............do. Jonathan Neal...........Third Corporal. Keene, Arthur F..............do. Robert K. Selkirk........Fourth Corporal. Kendrick, Samuel............do. James C. Andrews.........Musician. Kinsley, Daniel.................do. James B. Camac.................do. Kinsley, William H........do. Aldrick, George W.........Private. Kiker, William.................do. Blanck, William................do. Loughery, Edward P......do. Barford, Richard S.............do. Long, Andrew.................do. Barford, Thomas P............do. Long, Samuel.............. do. Blair, Andrew...............do* M'Carter, William............do. Barford, Jacob P........... do. M'Ilhenny, Bernard.........do. Boyd, John........................do. M'Gowan, Edward............do. Bolton, John A.................do. M'Gouigal, John...............do. Bolton, William P..............do. M'Neil, David................do. Camac, William T..............do. M'Grath, Isaac G.............do. Campbell, John..................do. M'Manus, Henry..............do. Cheesman, George.............do. M'Elwee, John................do. Cornwall, Josep........do. Martin, Sylvester H.........do. Donaghy, Willim..............do. Miller, William.................do. Devine, Samuel..............do. North, George W..............do. Edwards, Willi I..........do. Rodgers, Andrew I...........do. Ewing, William.................do. Surplice, Thomas..............do. Ford, Henry....................do. Stokes, Isaac F................do. Gouldy, Harry..............., do. Stevenson, Walter...........do. Gouldy, JosephC..............do. Sanderson, Robert............do. Gilligan, Charles.........do. Tarbett, Henry..................do. Gallagher, Andrew F.........do. Vandyke, Albert...............do. Govett, Lewis W................do. Willoeby, George.............do. Graham, Christopher,.......do. Wright, James M..............do. Green, James.....................do. Wagner, Adam...............do. Hansell, Amos..,....W... do. 212 STWVJTY-THRIBB EGI1MSt. COOPA-Y B. REORUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTESED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. John F. Glenn................Captain. Hyer, Jacob...................Private. Chasles W. Matthews......First iieutenant. Hennesey, Alfred J...........do. J. P. W. Neill................Second Lieutenant. Hilton, William F............do. George W. Nagie...........First Sergeant. Hahn, Joh K..................do. Henry G. Fritz...............Second'Sergeant. Johnson, Hy.................do. Reuben B. Thomas.........Third Sergeant. Jacoby, Jne. B..................do. J. Dorsey Ash..................Fourth Sergeant. Kater, Samuel.................do. William B. Foster...........First Corporal. Kawson, William.............do. W. G. Roberts................Second Corporal. M'Cormiclk, Michael.........do. Solomon Forebaugh.........Third Corporal. M'Clelland, Robert............do. George W. Sloanaker......Fourth Corporal. Murray, Charles...............do. Harper Smith.................Musician. M'Cully, Hugh................do. Hamilton Smith.................do. Morgan, Daniel P.............do. Albertsoq, Levi B...........Private. Maguegen, Francis J.........do. Atkinson, Roberi................do, Moore, George W.............do. Berg, John D.........,^.,..do. Morris, Frederick..............do. Barnes, Reuben..................do. Martin, James.................do. Brisbing, Theodore...........do. Noble, James..................do. Brabender, E. A................do. Nichols, Talbot N..............do. Bates, George....................do. Newberg, R. C..............do. Brickham, Caleb.............do. Osborne, J. G., Jr...........do. Burt, Franklin................do. Pyle, Samuel H.................do. Couden, R. C,........... do. Parker, Cyrus..................do. Clark, Allen..................do. Patterson, H....................do. Collins, James...........,..do. Redifer, Ben................do. Cook, Harry................do Ruths, Fred..............do. Canell, Ed.....................do. Rague, Thomas.................do. Campbell,?eter F............ do. Smith, Henry L................do. Costello, John..................do. Stackhouse, Charles..........do. Caldwell, John..............do. Schen, Charles..................do. DeGroot, John..................do. Schutretter, Charles.........do. Depee, Albert.....................do. Stingier, Philip................do. Davenport, Robert A..........do. Sullivan, F.....................do. Davis, John W................do. Tinsman, John L..........do. Eastwick, R............... do. Turner, William H...........do. Fitzinger, George W,.........do. Tobin, Francis.................do Fowler, W. A.................do. Will, Samuel................do. Gwynn, Dav..............do, Wakfield, Charles H........do, Hasson, Jno. F,.................do. COMPANY 0. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. William Barr..........C.....Captain. Colton, Charles............ Private. Edward S. Redstreake.....First Lieutenant. Cozens, Smith D...............do. Daniel N. Malseed............Second Lieutenant. Collins, Joseph.................. do. Charles Smith............First Sergeant. Crap, Robert M...............do. Andrew Malseed..............econd Sergeant. Dickson, Charles W.......do. Edward Cheeseman..,.,,...Third Sergeant.: Devitt, Charles H.............do. Jbob T. Hickman............ourthSergeant. Davis, JohnT..................do. Thomas C. Wright........... First Corporal. Dyer, Francis..................do. Alexander Gardner....S....Second Corporal. Ervien, Robert C..............do. John H. Landon............Third Corporal. Flanigan, John................do. Michael Woods.............Fourth Coporal. Foarty, William H.........do. John Woods............. Musician. Frank, John.......... do. James Woods.............. do. Garrisson, Samuel..........do. Arbuckle, John...............Private. Howard, Russell...............d. Bonner, James................do. Hooper, James E.............do. Brown, Abner....................do. Hawkins, Joshua.B.........do. Bastion, Jacob...................do. THugg, George H...............do. Beatty, William................do. Hamilton, John.................do. Ball, Israel Y....................do. Huggs, Andrew C.............do. Ball- Israel R...............do. Jones, Thomas.................do. Berriman, Richard.............do. Jeffers, John..................do. Carrow, Louis F...............do. Johnson, John G............ do. Cooper, James F................do. Lorother, John G.......do. Callen, Samuel............ do. Laws, Charles A................ THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 213 Lents, August...........Private...Quinn, Bernard..............Private, Kepler, Charles................do. Quinn, James..................do. Mann, William................. do. Richardson, William.........do. Morton, Oscar G................ do. Robinson, John............do. Myers, Thomas.................do. Smith, Kember.................do. Mulligan, Patrick Henry....do. Sohaffer, Anthony............do. Mehaffey, George.............. d. Sigman, Jacob.................do. Mann, Charles..............do. Sigman, John...................do. Marsh, Henry...........do. Stephens, George K...........do. Martin, Charles............do. Sigman, Houston.............do. Ogilby, Edward F..............do. Tallafield, Charles...........do. O'Niel, Peter....................do. Thompson, Richard S........do. Patrick, Samuel.................do. Till, Charles....................do. Patton, Charles..................do. Wells, John M............ do. Palmore, Stephen...........da. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA* MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Hiram Kirk Spear...........Captain. Kelly, William............Private. Wm. P. M. Pennington...First Lieutenant. Kendrick, William...........do. John W. Crosby..............Second Lieutenant. Layer, Henry...............do. John Wallace.................First Sergeant. Lindsay, Andrew J...........do. William Marfelius...........Second Sergeant. Long, Andrew..................do Edmund Patterson.........Third Sergeant. M'Anally, James..............do. John M. Watt.................Fourth Sergeant. M'Calister, John...............do. Henry Schaffer...............First Corporal. M'Cauley, Daniel.............do. John R. Hampton..........Second Corporal. M'Cauley, Thomas...........do. John G. Brass.................Third Corporal. M'Ginnis, James............... do. Francis Clark................Fourth Corporal. M'Ginnis, John.................do. Henry Duerford.............. Musician. M'Kain, James.................do. Matthew Black..................do M'Cready, John...............do. Adams, John..................Private. M'Coll, John.....................do. Action, Nathaniel...............do. M'Connell, William..........do. Barnes, John.....................do. Mackin, Henry................do. Bothwell, Jamesa...............do. Moran, Kane.....................do. Burk, Edward D...............do. Morris, Charles.................do. Clemens, William..............do. Moore, John.....................do. Clark, Samuel....................do. Nutt, James.....................do. Cooper, William B.............do. O'Neill, Harry..........,ddo. Donegan, Augustine F.. d....do. Paulein, Jacob L...............do. Erwin, William................ do. Pitts, Alexander..............do. Ennis, John............... do. Schaffer, Benjamin...........do. Fields, John......................do. Schaffer, Henry...............do. Fry, Thomas.................do. Shane, Edward...............do. Gablance, Willim.............do. Spencer, John H.............do. Gallagher, Thomas.............do. Stewart, John...................do. Gamble, James...... d.....d. Swenk, Charles................do. Gorman, Thomas............. do. Slanter, Daniel..............do. Green, Jacob....................do. Tripner, George C............do. Gross, Chandler..............do. Tully, Joseph M..............do. Haines, John............ do, Wardlow, Samuel..... do. Hemple, James...............d Watts David............. do. Hethington, James R.........do. Wells, John................ do. Herbey, Daniel B..............do. Wilson, John.............. do. Huoly, Joseph;...................do. Wallace, Thomas.............do. Hogan, John J.................do. Yarnall, Benjamin............do. Kane, John......................do. CO-PANY E. EOCRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21,1861. John William Hofmann..Captain.:SamutlA. M'Falls.........ourth Sergeant. William Wallace........... First Lieutenant..William Kearney..........First Corporal. Andrew Brown.............Second Lieutenant. Lewis A. Blair...............Second Corporal. Martin B. Hillier.............First Sergeant.. Joshua Harrison............Third Corporal. Francis Dougherty........ Second Sergeant. Robert M'Millan............Fourth Corporal. George Robertson.........Third Sergeant. George Kernick..............Musician. 214 TWENTY-THTiD REGIMENT, Samuel M'Clelland.........Musician. Miller, John..................Private. Alexander, James...........Private. Morgan, John...................do. Arbushunt, James............do. Marshall, F...................df' Black, William D.............do. M'Nally, Thomas..............d(. Biggot, John......................do. M'Neil, John...............d( Burk, John.....................do. M'Congle, Robert.............. d., Brown, William................do. M'Clung, James...............d( Briggs, Amos...........,do. M'Fall, William...............d(. Brooks, Joseph...............do. MVey, Hugh................dc. Burke, John, 2d.................do. M'Clung, John.............d Bardle, I............................do. M'Caneck, Neil.................d(c Cornwall, John.................do. M'Kinney, Hugh.............d(! Clark, William........... do. M'Connell, Charles..........d(c, Doak, Robert.....................do. M'Keoun, Thomas............dc Duddy, James..................do. M'Michael, Hugh..............dc'. Fleming, William..............do. M'Clelland, John..............d(, Fagan, Edward..................do. Purser, Spencer.................d(. Fow, Daniel......................do. Quinn, John...............d(. Goodwin, Thomas J............do. Rankin, Alexander...........dcGordan, Robert..................do. Ralston, Joseph................dGlenn, William...............do. Rumford, Samuel............ Hance, George................. do. Redmin, William..............do. Higgins, Charles................do. Scholes, John................ Harris, Thomas..................do. Simpkins, Buford.............do. Harrison, Stephen..............do. Simpkins, Edwin T..........dc. Hazlett, John....................do. Stuart, John.....................dc, Hazlett, Matthew...............do. Sanderson, James.............do, Hayes, Robert....................do. Taylor, James..................dc. Johnson, Robert................do. Tate, Hugh.d.......... c...d Kearney, John.............. do. Tate, Henry.....................d, Kain, Samuel.................do. Waters, John.................doa Leeby, William.................do. Wilson, Samuel........... dc. Moore, John.................do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. J. Keenside White...........Captain. Garret, George..............Private. George P. Anderson........First Lieutenant. Grelsinger, Jacob..............do. Edward W. M'Donald.....Second Lieutenant. Gorman, Joseph...............do. John Hunterson...............First Sergeant. Gentle, Henry........... do. Henry Copestick..............Second Sergeant. Haslan, Charles.................do. William Langdon..........:Thirnd Sergeant. Hotz, John.................. do. John Parks....................Fourth Sergeant. Harp, Jacob......................do. Alexander Powell..........First Corporal. Hoofnagle, Frederick........do. Morris Idell...............Second Corporal. Howard, John.................do. George Savius.:.........: Third Corporal. Illson, Richard..................do. Charles Nunneille..........Fourth Corporal. Kipple, Jacob...................do. James Smith............ Musician. Kelly, John.....................do. Joseph Bradwix...............do. Lightcap, Charles..............do. Aker, Charles............Private. M'Crully, Lawrence.........do. Bickings, John..................do. Maguire, Joseph..............do. Bolton, David....................do. Malin, Wilson.................. do Brisburn, James.................do. Morly, Thomas.................do. Border, Frederick W.........do. Moore, Charles D..............do. Brown, John.......................do. Minnick, Henry..............do. Bishop, William.................do. Montgomery, Hugh..........do. Butcher, John.............do M'Closky, Charles G.........do. Cooper, Joseph..................do. M'Cool, John....................do. Cuthburt, William.............do. M'Dougal, Alexander......do. Clark, William...................do. Masland, Charles H..........do. Collopy, Patrick.................do. Masland, James W...........do. Cortete, James...................do. Nunneville, George...........do. Campbell, James................do. Oliver, William................do. Charlton, Frederick............do. O'Neil, James...................do, Devlin, Arthur..................do. Purvis, Hugh....................doo Danenhower, George B.......do. Poulterer, Stephen............do, Deal, Samuel................. do. Rohrer, Joseph..............d....d, Endy, Frank.....................do. Siedt, Adolph................... do. Edwards, Joseph..............do. Umstead, Thomas............. do Evans, Lewis.................... do. Vogel, Lewis d............. d Fogle, Charles....................do. Wartman, eorge W.........do. Freas, George W.................do. Watson, John.................... dc Fulton, William.................do. Whiteman, William.........d( Farley, Edward.................do. Young, Charles W............d Gerhart, Charles................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 215 COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHIIADEIPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. James Gwyn.................Captain. Hoops, Francis E. D......Private. Louis D. Baugh..............First Lieutenant. Henry, James........... do. George Wood................Second Lieutenant. Harvey, Edward B...........do. Charles W. Carnes.........First Sergeant. Hart, Samuel C................do. George Howard...............Second Sergeant. Hollows, Hinson................do. Edward H. M'Mullen.....Third Sergeant. Helpin, James.................do. Mark Anthony...............Fourth Sergeant. Harrigan, James...............do. Richard A. M'Mullen......First Corporal. Hecht, Gottleib................do. Robert B. Beath..............Second Corporal. Kenworthy, Thomas.........do. Andrew C. White............Third Corporal. Kirkpatrick, John H........do. John P. Anthony............ Fourth Corporal. M'Laughlin, Michael........do. William H. Adams.........Musician. MCoy, Henry................do. William Anderson..............do. Meighan, William............do. Atkinson, Benjamin........Private. Matthews, James..............do. Anthony, WilliamH..........do. M'Kinsey, John................do. Alexander, Hugh..............do. M'Fadden, James.............do. Addey, Matthew...............do. O'Colligan John...............do. Boullen, Frederick S......... do. Pilkinton, George..............do. Ball, Henry T...................do. Richardson, John.............do. Burnes, George W..............do. Reilly, Charles F..............do. Barr, William...................do. Ryan, Robert................... do. Bodkin, Robert................do. Reem, John..................... do. Butz, Jacob.......................do. Steele, William................do. Campbell, John.................do. Steen, Andrew.................do. Cunningham, James T......do. Speer, Morris....................do. Cridlend, John..................do. Snyder, Amos................. do. Collins, William H...........do. Shaw, William.................do. Collins, Robert...................do. Spellman, James..............do Coughlan, Michael J..........do. Schoen, David..................do. Cline, John.....................do. Stump, John...................do. Campbell, William...........do. Salmon, William...............do. Dunnecleppe, Edward........do. Simmons, Samuel...........do. Davin, Joseph..................do. Tharp, Frank............... do. Dougherty, Hugh..............do. Taylor, John....................do. Earl, James......................do. Thompson, L. R............do. Ellingsworth, Samuel.......do. Vonfleet, John................do. Fisher, Joseph................ do. Wiley, Samuel................do. Gowan, Edward................do. Wolf, Thomas M..............do. Galloway, Henry............ do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. J. Joseph Vaughan.........Captain. Ettinger, Martin Hi.......Private. William Blanck..............First Lieutenant. Farrell, Alexander............do. Thomas K. Boggs............Second Lieutenant. Fisher, James.................do. George Reynolds............First Sergeant. Feeney, John..................do. Thomas W. Griffin...........Second Sergeant. Frederick, George B.........do. J. Don Carlisle.................Third Sergeant. Forman, John W..............do. James Nethery..............Fourth Sergeant Field, W. H......................do. Samuel Humes...............First Corporal. Gallen, James F.............do. Henry Maser.................Second Corporal. Hunter, David..................do. John H. Chambers..........Third Corporal. Hess, William..................do. Edwin Garvin................Fourth Corporal, Hill, John H...................do. George Blank..................Musician. Howe, John I....................do. William J. Kern................do. Knox, Joseph.................do. Arrowson, Jacob............ Private. Kole, James......................do. Brown, Charles..................do. Keene, Henry...............do. Beeler, Evan......................do. Lindsay, William H.........do. Bowers, Valentine.............do. Lundback, Silas P............do. Brown, Thomas B.............do Lippincott, George W........do. Bayne, Edward B...............do. Lindsay, I. M...................do. Clark, Clement.................do. Mathews, James A...........do. Campbell, James...............do. Montgomery, William......do. Cook, Joseph................ do. Musgrave, James..............do. Dace, Ed. P.......................do. Moore, Thomas................do. Davis, Isaac...................do. Morad, Peter.............. do. 216 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, M'Guire, James...............Private. Shneck, Reuben............Private. M'Carty, Patrick...............do. Savage, George W............do. M'Crossin, John.................do. Sexton, John E...............do. M'Graw, Michael................do. Tompkins, I. T.................do. Naugle, Morris T...............do. Thompson, Francis W......do. Pedrick, Daniel H..............do. Tacy, Jacob P.................do. Philbert, Alexander...........do. Thompson, John...............do. Renninger, Daniel A..........do. Vickers, W. K..............do. Rea, Francis D.............. do. Winters, James..............do. Rudolph, Samuel T............do. Wittaker, James D............do. Richards, Andrew I........... do. Wolfe, George............... do. Stanly, Elhaman B............do. Williamson, Robert J........do. Stewart, Robert.................do. Woodruff, Edward S.........do. Stetson, Kennell................do. Waterman, John W.........do. Storms, A. J................. do. Young, William.............do. COXPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHEIADFL;PHIA. MUSTERE IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Thomas S. Martin.........Captain. Hesson, Bernard............Private. Joseph K. Parker...........First Lieutenant. Holmes, Edwin................do. Jas. T. Kirkpatrick, Jr...Second Lieutenant. Holmes, Reuben..............do. Edward I. Maguigan......First Sergeant. Hough, Peter D................do. William I. Carey............Second Sergeant. Jobbins, Joseph................do. John P. Dougherty.........Third Sergeant. Johnson, John T..............do. Benjamin F. Taylor........Fourth Sergeant. Kaesch, Herman..............do. John O'Conner................First Corporal. Kennedy, John................do. Robert Brown..............Second Corporal. Lafferty, James.................do. Lewis Ludg..................Third Corporal. Laurer, William H...........do. Thomas B. Neill..............Fourth Corporal. Laux, Henry................do. Samuel Barr....................Mnsician. Lukins, Cornelius............do. Henry Bartels............... do. Levan, Eldridge...............do. Beringer, William..........Private. M'Kinley, Henry..............do. Bond, Lewis.....................do. M'Farland, Andrew.........do. Boyd, John................. do. M'Laughlin, James...........do. Branigan, Patrick...............do. M'Neish, John..................do. Brazier, William.-..............do. M'Sherry, James............do. Brown, James C.......... do. Maginley, Joseph E..........do. Callan, Henry...................do. Michal, Joseph............do. Clayton, Franklin..............do. Michal, Thomas H............do. Courtney, John..................do. Miller, Wilson..................do. Cripps, William I...............do. Meyer, Christopher...........do. Donahey, John..................do. Parker, Joseph D..............do. Dick, John.....................do. Petenlan, Charles............do. Dougherty, William...........do. Peirson, Joseph W............do. Dull, Jacob S.....................do. Pommer, Adolph.............do. Emmons, Charles..............do. Reese, Henry....................do. Ennis, Isaac H...................do. Rittenhouse, Thomas P.....do. Finney, John D...................do. Roth, Lewis B.................do. Fox, Thomas........... do. Rotthaupt, Godfrey...........do. Frederick, Thomas............do. Ryder, John.....................do. Gifford, Alfred H...............do. Sibee, Tobias....................do. Gilbert, Albert....................do. Smith, George F...............do. Gould, William.................do. Schmitt, Joseph................do. Greswold, Edwin.............. do. Thomas, John D...............do. Gunn, William................do. Williams, John.................do. Hullam, Jesse....................do. Winters, Enos..................do. Hay, William I..................do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Oscar F. Betson...............Captain. Charles W. Norris........Third Sergeant. Augustus H. Wilson....... First Lieutenant. Michael Fulmer............Fourth Sergeant. Edmund Hopper.............Second Lieutenant. Michael Maher.............First Corporal. Theodore Black............... First Sergeant. Charles WV. Bcwley....... econd Corporal. Benjamin A. Coppuck.....Second Sergeant. William AM'llvain......... Third Corporal. THREE MONTHilS' SERVICE. 217 Thomas Kelly................Fourth Corporal, Lemmen, William.........Private. John H. Williams............Musician. Lybrund, Montraville........do. William Williams..............do. Lasky, John.................do. Antrim, John............. P...Private. Lewis, Leon................ do..Brown, James.................do. M'Clusky, David...............do. i3relsfrd, George............... do. M'-Arthur, William.......... do. lpalIahan, Albert............... do. Meta, John..................do whatam, George W....~.....do. M'Girr, Peter....................do. Cline, DanieL...................do. M'Connell, John...............do. Cook, William....................d M'Fetridge, James............do. Clark, John........................o. MNamara, James............do. Carpenter, Charles F..........do. Moan, John....................do. Cassidy, Nichiolas..............do. Mills, John.......................do. Donelly, James..................do. M'David, Thomas............... Donelly. Daniel..................do. Moore, Robert....do. Felt, John.........................do. M'Williams, James.... do. Fulton, Abraham.............. do. Mamn, Thomas..................do Gorman, Daniel..............do. Peters, John H..................do. Graham, Thomas..............do. Phillips, William............do. Granlers, John H............... o. Robson, Claude H..........do. Grevis, Charles..................do. Riley, Henry................. Graham, Philip..................do. Remanter, John..............do. Huber, Charles S...............do. Roberts, Henry.................do. [Iedinger, John.............. do. Rodgers, Samuel............. do. Hendricks, William...........do. Riley, Michael...............do. Howard, John................do. Swigley, William............do. Hearst, George..................do. Smith, Thomas................do. Haines, John.....................do. Spencer, George W............do. Highland, John................do. Thomas, Thompson...........do. Jewell, James R................do. Thorpe, John....................do. Jordan, Francis M..............do. Williams, John.................do. Kelly, William...................do. Walker, Nicholas..........do. Kingsley, James..................do. Weisner, Caleb,..........,.,do. Krumshal, John............~.. do. 28 TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. ELE Twenty-fourth regiment was principally recruited in Philadelphia, the nucleus of its organization being the Second Regiment, 2d Brigade, 1st Division of Pennsylvania militia, existing under the act of 1858. One company was recruited in Wilmington, Delaware, by Captain Thomas A. Smyth, afterwards Colonel of the Second Delaware regiment, promoted to Brevet-Major General of volunteers, and killed in the engagement at Appomattox Court House, the last battle of the war. Recruiting commenced on the 23d of April, and was prosecuted with vigor by the company officers, in which they were greatly aided by the indefatigable exertions of Major Dennis O'Kane. It was completed, and the men were mustered into the. service of the United States on the 7th of May, by Captain Thomas Neill, of the regular army. They were principally of Irish birth or descent. The regiment was organized by the choice of the following officers: Joshua T. Owen, Colonel; Dennis Heenan, Lieutenant Colonel; Dennis O'Kane, Major. With the exception of the latter, who had held the position of Major under the old militia organization, they were new officers, John Devereux, Jr., was appointed Adjutant. The first camp of rendezvous was at Hestonville, near the city of Philadelphia, where the men were engaged in the various duties of the camp, and in squad and company drill. Subsequently, the command was removed to Suffolk Park, where instruction was continued. The regiment received frequent and substantial tokens of kindness from the citizens of Philadelphia, comprising liberal supplies of woollen stockings and underclothing, which contributed not a little to the health and comfort of the men in their subsequent exposures in a changeable climate, making their first campaign. Early in June, the regiment broke camp at Suffolk Park, and moved to Chambersburg, where it was stationed a short distance from the town.On the 21st of June, it marched to Hagerstown, and from thence, on the following day, to Camp Porter, where it was assigned to the 5th Brigade* of the 2d Division. The counter-march of Cadwalader's Division, on the 17th of June, had the effect to draw the enemy in considerable force towards the Potomac. Colonel (Stonewall) Jackson, with a Brigade, occupied the valley, with reserves distributed along all the approaches. Reinforcements from the army under Beauregard had been sent to Winchester with a well appointed train of artillery, for the purpose of holding the place,t and making it secure against any * Organization of the 5th Brigade, Brigadier General James S. Negley, 2d Division, Major General William H. Keim. Fourteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John W. Johnston; Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, ColonelRichard A. Oakford; Twenty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Joshua T. Owen. t A gentleman of Berkeley county, of high respectability, serving under Johnston as an unwilling Virginia volunteer, subsequently gave the following statement, which was taken down by General Negley, and given to General Patterson: "General Jackson retreated with his Brigade, consisting then of four regiments and four THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 219 approaches from the direction of the Potomac, north of the Shenandoah river. Consequently, when the army advanced, it almost immediately encountered the enemy's forces. The command under General Negley, of which the Twen. ty-fourth regiment was a part, formed the right wing of the advancing coblmn, and moved by a road leading to Hedgeville, encountering the enemy's cavalry under Ashby. Rejoining the main column at Hainesville, it moved to Martinsburg, and subsequently to Bunker Hill. While stationed at Bunker Hill, reconnoissances were made by all the ways leading to Winchester, which were found to be impeded by felled timber, and other obstructions. On the 17th of July, the column turned to the left, and marched to Charlestown. The Twenty.fourth, after remaining a few days at the latter place, moved to Harper's Ferry. The original term of service had now nearly expired, and preparations were made for a return home. But the commanding General, finding that the rapid disbandment of his three monthe' regiments was likely to leave him without an adequate force to hold his position, made an earnest appeal to this regiment to remain in service until its place could be supplied by other troops. To this request it acceded, and volunteered to remain two weeks beyond the original period of enlistment. At the expiration of this time, it was ordered to move by rail, v/ia Baltimore, to Pila. delphia, where it arrived on the 9th of August, and was soon after mustered out of serviee. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. Joshua T. Owen..............Colonel. D. C. Brennan............Quartermaster. Dennis Heenan................Lieutenant Colonel, D. P. Boyer....................Surgeon. Dennis O'Kane...............Major. F.. Gilbert..................Assistant Surgeon, John Devereux, Jr.........c..djutant. COMPANY A. BECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 186L James IDuffy...................Captain. James Dunn.................Third Sergeant. George C. Thompson........First Lieutenant. Michael Coyne...............ourth Sergeant. John T. O'Brien...............Second Lieutenant. Neil M'Bride...............First Corporal. John M'Hugh.............Firt Sergeant. Edward Bushell.........Second Corporal. Eugene Gallagher............Second Sergeant. John Kelly...................Third Corporal. pieces of artillery (Captain Pendleton) to Big Spring, three and a half miles south of Martinsburg. General Johnston arrived at Darkesville the same night with about fourteen thousand men. He was then reinforced by one regiment and one battery (four guns) flying artillery.General Jackson retreated to that point. The army made a stand there for four days; they then retreated to Winchester. When we arrived there we found fortifications commenced by the militia. All the army then assisted, and in two days the city was fortified all around, within two miles of the suburbs, with intrenchments. Reinforcements commenced pouring in. Ten forty-two pounders were placed, masked, around the fortifications; also artificial thickets planted for riflemen. The force consisted of forty-two thousand, including four thoiu sand militia." * * C*onduet of tie War, Vol. II, p. 94-5. 220 WEBNTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, Edward Flemming.........Fourth Corporal. Keogh, Peter W...........Private. Michael A. Brannen........Musician. Kirk, Michael..................do. Matthew Greely.................do. Keenan, Arthur...............d Barrat, JameS................Private. Kane, Thomas.................do. Byns, Michael....................do. Mulholland, George..........do. Byrne, John....................do. Murphy, Philip.................do. Byrne, James I..............do. Maloy, William............... do. Cahil, John.....................do. Morrison, Robert.........o....do Coady, John.................... do Mahoney, Timothy............do. Conway, Bartly.............do. Mealy, William.................do. -eoleran, William.. do............do. Monagahn, Patrick.do. Devine, Thomas............... do. Murphy, Archibald...........do. Dodwell, Charles......... do. M'Cormc k, Patrick F......do. Dunn, Thomas...... d........ do. M'Call, Daniel...... do........do. Denny, Daniel.................do. M'Donald, George H........doo Dougherty, Daniel..............do M'Lauglin, Arthur........ do. Dooley, Stephen...............do.. MAleer, Hugh................do. Vennard, Samuel.............do, M'Collum, William...........do. Dickey, David................do. M'Glynn, Bartly........ do. Fernon, Emanuel..............do. M'Mullin, James............do. Few, Georga...,...............do. M'Taggart^John..............do. Farr,.William.......d....... M'Bryan, John............. do. Flioin, Patrick.................do. O'Neile, Daniel..............do. Grimes, John.....................do. O'Meary, William............do Gallagher, Hugh................ do O'Donnell, John...............do. Gregg, John.......................do. Quigley, John.................do. Holmes, Edward I.............do. Reilly, Thomas................do. Hamilton, James...............do. Reilly, Michael.................do Harkins, William............do. Roycroft, Gilbert S............do. Haws, Georg H.................do. Robinson, Bernard............do. Healy, Martin.................do. Rickaby, Ralph................do, Harvey, John...................do. Stol]es, Alexances......... Hersh, Henry....................do. Seery, William.............do. icvl 4 William 1.................d COMPANY B. BECRTUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MASTERED IN,. MAY 1. 1861. James M'Gtgh............. ptin. Gunane, Philip.............. Privst Thomas Furey.................First Lietenant. Hagan, Arthur..................do. Richard Dillon.................Second Lieutenant. Higgins, James.................do. Eneas Dougherty............First Sergeant. Haines, Albert J...............do William B. M'Caine.........Second Sergeant. H.ammr ill, Henry.............do. Mchiae Cassidy..............Third Sergeant. Hester, Patrick..........do. Dennis Driscoll..............Fourth Sergeant., Hamilton, Joseph.............do. James,M'Donald..............First Corporal. Johnson, James...............do. Charles Ledge..............Second Corporal. King, PatricK....................do. St. John Doris.................Third Corporal. Kelly, Thomas..........o...,do Daniel M'Nickel.............Fourth, Corporal Kelly, Christopher............ do Charles P. Smith.............Musician. Kelly, Peter......................do. Hugh Ward............... do. Keenan, Robert................do. Britt. John C................. Private, Kearney, T mas.............do. Boyle, Cornelius.................o. Long, George........ d..........do. Boyle, John......................do Lenahan, William........... do. Burke, Charles................do, Lamb, James....................do. Carter, John......................do. Mulrain, Patrick...............do. Carney, Patrick.................do. M'Laughlin, Thomas........do. Callahan, Patrick...............do.. M'Ca.be, Joh J..................do. Clarken, Hugh...................do. M'Cambridge, Daniel........do Campbell, Murdock............do. M'Grath, Thomas............. do. Cotterv Ednaund,.................do. M'Anally, Patrick..........do, Cannon, Henr...................ddo, M'Call, ugh....... do D)ougherty, John, 1st..........do. M'Allister, John..............do. Dougherty, John, 2d......... do. M'Gougle, Peter................do. Doon, Hugh................... do. Morris, Patrick.................do. Dunster, Richard................ d. 0Reilley, Thomas, st.....do. De Flin, Francis..................do O'Reilley, Thomas, 2d...... do Dorrington, James..............do. O'Neile, James................do, Dougherty, Janmes...d............. do. Dorrington, Charles............do. O'Brien, Michael..............do, Doyle, John.............., do. Riordon, Thomas............. do, Finley, Patrick...................do. Ryan, Edward..................do. Farrel, Nicholas................do. Rowe, Arrau.....................d Fitzpatrick, Mark...............do. Reynolds, James..............do, Flynn, Patrick H..............do. Sullivan, Patrick................do, Gannon, Edward.............do. SulvanMichael.................. d.earg, lobert....................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 221 COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHIILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. James O'Reilly...............Captain. Hughes, John.............. Private. Joseph 0. Flynn..............First Lieutenant. Jarvis, William...............do. Hugh Flood..................Second Lieutenant Loughery, Patrick............do. John O'Cannon...............First Sergeant. Lynch, Timothy...............do. John Murray................Second Sergeant. Lynn, Patrick..................do. Peter Hagan..................Third Sergeant. M'Hugh, Joseph...............do. Robert 0. Keefe...............Fourth Sergeant. M'Laughlin, James...........do. Bernard Waters.............First Corporal. M'Fales, Francis...............do. John Hagan...................Second Corporal. M'Henry, Gerald.............do. Patrick O'Brien...............Third Corporal. M'Coy, John....................do. David Kinirg..................Fourth Corporal. M'Cabe, James...............do. Bernard Devine..............Musician. M'Laughlin, William........do, Jacob Dallas.....................do. M'Glynn, Patrick.............. do. Boylen, James.................Private. M'Managle, Peter.............do. Bartlemas, Valentine.........do. M'Vay, Henry................do. Breen, John......................do. M'Chrystal, Thomas.........do. Bradley, Dennis.................do. Meakim, Edward..............do. Bloomer, Charles...............do. M'Kenna, James...............do. Blakely, James.................do. M'Kenna, Michael............do. Collins, Philip....................do. Moore, John.....................do Collins, William...... d.......do. Mahoney, Thomas............do. Corgan, William.................do. Meynes, John................. do. Cahil, John....................do. Mullin. John.....................do. Campbell, William............do. O'Brien, Charles..............do. Courtney, Michael........... do. O'Sullivan, Matthew.........do. Cauly, Henry....................do. O'Brien, John..................do. Coyle, Edward..................do. O'Brien, Timothy............ do. Carter, William......... do. O'Leary, John..................do. Dorsey, Thomas.................do. Russell, Edward..............do. Dorsey, Nicholas,...............do. Reilly, Michael.................do, Duffy, James.....................do, Ray, James.....................do, Funk, Frederick...............do. Stinson, David...............do, Green, John......................do. Savage, Thomas...............do Grant, Henry....................do. Scott, William.................do. Hand, John........................do. Shannan, John.................do, Hart, Patrick.....................do. Shea, John........................do. Hanrahan, Peter................do, Taner, William................do. Hand, James.....................do. Waters, Michael..............do. Hattan, Owen.................do. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Patrick O'Conner............Captain. Casey, Joseph................Private. Michael Kennedy............First Lieutenant. Coghlan, John...............do. Patrick Tinen..................Second Lieutenant. Carr, Michael................ do. Timothy 0. Conner.........First Sergeant. Curry, Patrick..................do. Hugh Fullony.................Second Sergeant. Chapman, Thomas............do. Patrick Taggert...............Third Sergeant. Curry, Gilbert..................do. Patrick Bushell...............Fourth Sergeant. Crossin, Thomas...............do. Daniel Downey...............First Corporal. Connerton, John..............do. Patrick Early.................Second Corporal. Crawford, Timothy....... o. Michael Fay..................Third Corporal. Dugan, Daniel..................do. John Hogg.....................Fourth Corporal. Dougherty, Joseph...........do. Patrick Sulivan.............. Musician. Downing, John.................do. Joseph Thunder.................do. Doulan, Michael V............do. Adams, Joseph...............Private. Duffy, Patrick.................do. Burke, David....................do. Dick, James....................do. Beaty, Patrick B.................do. Donohue, Bernard............do. Bushell, Michael...............do. Dever, Thomas................do. Brady, Michael................do. Digmon, Matthew.............do. Bears, James.....................d. Fitzgerald, Michael...........do. Burns, Michael..................do. Finnigan, Thomas............do. Brannan, Miehael......... d...do. Guy, Edward...................do Chambers, George..............do. Garey, William.................do. Cusack, John...............do. Good, John.......................do. Coyle, Hugh................... do. Greer, James....................do. 222 TWENTY-FOURTH PEGIMENT, Hance, Thomas.............. Private. Luts, Stinnel..................Private. Hearny, William...............do. Mitchell, Charles C...........do. Here, Thomas...................do. Murphy, John..................do. Heumsey, Patrick..............do. M'Donnell, Michael C........do. Hughes, Patrick................do. M'Quigan, Hugh...............do. Hagerty, Patrick................do. Newell, Thomas...............do. Hickey, George W..............do. Nestor, John.....................do. Hanrody, John..................do. Owen, Even F..................do. Hagerty. David.................do. Parker, John C.................do. Jones, Charles................. do. Reynolds, Richard............do. Kennedy, Dennis...............do. Scully, Michael................do. Kane, John........................do. Thunder, Thomas.............do. Lynch, Hugh J..................do. Taggert, John J................do. Lee, Maurice....................do. Walsh, John...................do. Lafferty, James................do. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Patrick 0. Murphy.........Captain. Gaffney, James..............Private. John P. Dunn..................First Lieutenant. Grimes, Charles...............do. Patrick O'Conner............Second Lieutenant. Gallagher, John................do. John Flynn.....................First Sergeant. Hagerty, Patrick...............do. Edward G. Gallagher......Second Sergeant. Knox, William...............do. Edward J. Devlin............Third Sergeant. Kelly, Michael..................do. Thomas H. Grady...........Fourth Sergeant. Kelly, James....................do. Philip Hagan...................First Corporal. Leacock, George..............do. Patrick Costello..............Second Corporal. Montgomery, James.........do. Francis P. Farrell.......... Third Corporal. Martin, Michael.................do. William H. Doyle........... Fourth Corporal. M'Quaid, Owen P..............do. Joseph O'Mullan..............Musician. M'Nay, John....................do. Farrell J. White.................do. M'Dermott, George..........do. Anderson, John...............Private. M'Guigan, David..............do. Bradey, David..................do. M'Knight, James..............do. Barrett, Timothy...............do. M'Pherson, Theodore........do. Blank, Thomas.................do. M'Gowan, Patrick.........,,do. Boyle, Peter.....................do. M'Cann, James.................do. Casey, John.................. do. M'Call, Charles.................do. Callaghan, John................do. Nathans, John..................do. Clarke, Charles E...............do. Owen, William G..............do. Currey, Robert...................do. O'Brien, Patrick...............do. Cummings, Henry..............do. O'Connor, Charles............do. Carmonay, John.................do. Peuteney, Michael............do. Curran, John......................do. Patterson, James......... do. Donnelly, Daniel................do. Patterson, William...........do. Dougherty, Thomas J.........do. Riddle, John.....................do. Doran, Michael..................do. Smith, Patrick..................do. Devlin, James, 1st..............do. Sweeney, Michael..............do. Doyle, Matthew..................do. Shannon, Maurice.............do. Devlin, James, 2d...............do. Smith, James...................do. Doyle, John...................do. Stillwell, Joseph...............do. Devlin, John......................do. Smith, William H...........do. Dougherty, Charles J.........do. Tracey, Michael................do. Dunn, William...................do. Torrey, John.....................do. Flynn, John W.....W...........do. Walton, William..............do. Fox, Peter.........................do. Walters, James I..............do. Gallagher, Edward............do. Winters, John...............do. Goodwin, James................do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Hugh Rodgers...............Captain. John Doyle................... ourLut ergeant. Christopher LaStrange......First Lieutenant. Cornelius A. Farrin.......First Corporal. Hugh Kelly.................... Second Lieutenant. John Quinn.................. Second Corporal. Paul M'Cullin.................First Sergeant. John Calman..................Third Corporal. Hugh Logan....................Second Sergeant. Robert Donnely.............Fourth Corporal. Thomas Hagarty............ Third Sergeant. Richard Hunt................Musician. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 223 Patrick Madden...............Musician. Healy, Joseph...............Private. Breen, John.....................Private. Hamilton, Robert..............do. Boyle, John........................do. Haurahan, Michael...........do. Boyle, Robert.....................do. Hacket, Philip F............... do. Brannan, Hugh..................do. Holiday, James.................do. Butler, i'eter...................do. Hanlon, Henry.................do. Burk, Michael..................do. Henry, Patrick..................do. Burk, Thomas..................do. Howard, Thomas..............do. Blain, Alexander..............do. Kelly, Michael L...............do. Blain, John.......................do. Kirlin, John.....................do. Brady, Michael................. do. Lynch, Hugh.................... do. Bumgardner, Henry...........do. Lynch, Simeon..................do. Brazell, Patrick..................do. Loughry, Edward............do. Cavanagh, Walter..............do. Loughery, John................do. Cannon, James...................do. Lacon, Edward.................do. Callaghan, William............do. Maddin, Daniel.................do. Carrigan, Timothy.............. do. M'Dermot, Edward..........do. Cannon, William.................do. Morgan, Andrew J............do. Cannon, Philip....................do. M'Ginley, James...............do. Curvin, Francis..................do. M'Ginley. Edward............do. Collins, John C................do. M'Bride, Robert..............do. Devine, Thomas M..............do. M'Laughlin, Cornelius.......do. Devine, Neil.......................do. Maguire, James...............do. Drein, James....................do. Maguire, Patrick...............do. Deimer, John....................do. M'Garvy, Joseph...............do. Donnelly, James.................do. M'Glinchy, Connell...........do. Duffy, James................ do. O'Harra, Patrick..............do. Flynn, James..................do. Parkhill, Joseph..............do. Fariey, James.....................do. Pinkerton, George............do. Furlong, John...................do. Quigley, James................ do. Graham, John.....................do. Spence, Robert.................do. Gillfoyl, Daniel...................do. Wherty, Michael...........do. Garvin, Thomas...............do. COMPANY G. _RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA, MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. George Cromley...............aptdin.. -M'Kenna, James.......... Private. William J. Ashe.............First Lieutenant. Monaghan, John...............do. Michael Connelly........... Second Lieutenant. M'Kee, John....................do. James Doyle..................First Sergeant. M'Namara, Matthew.........do. Patrick Walsh................Second Sergeant. M'Keeva, Patrick............do. John Byrnes....................Third Sergeant. M'Cartley, Charles............do. James Quinn..................Fourth Sergeant. M'Connell, Patrick...........do. George Gillen.................First Corporal. M'Monaghal, John T.........do. Charles Gallagher, Jr......Second Corporal. Mooney, John R...............do. Philip Kelley................Third Corporal. Mooney, James................ do. Lemuel Grant..................Fourth Corporal. Moran, Patrick...............do. Roland J. Armstrong......Musician. May, William................do..Thomas Butters.................do. Murrow, Henry................do. Ashton, Joseph S............Private. Miller, George E............... do. Archer, Charles E...............do. Monk, Andrew W............do. Barr, William....................do. Mack, John.......................do. Brown, John......................do. Nolen, John...................do. Borbridge, Christopher......do. O'Connell, James..............do. Crown, Thomas..................do. O'Shaughnessy, Robert.....do. Carroll, Richard S..............do. Priestly, James.................do. Chandler, John..................do. Richardson, William J......do. Carroll, Richard................do. Regard, Joseph...............do. Carlow, Charles................do. Riordon, Henry..............do. Convery, Charles...............do. Regan, John.................do. Donahoe, James.............. do. Rooney, Owen..................do. Doran, Patrick...................do. Romans, Francis...........do. Dowd, Thomas..................do. Sweeney, Francis..............do. Foster, Isaac.......................do. Slatten, Thomas...............do. Fallure, Thomas J..............do. Sheenan, Patrick..............do. Gordon, Stephen...............do. Samuels, Henry..............do. Gregg, William..................do. Schlinka, Joseph J............do. Gallin, John.......................do. Stack, Michael B..............do. Gallagher, James..............do. Shane, William................do. Humphreys, James M........do. Sloan, Charles...............do. Hassett, Thomas................do. Scott, Walter....................do. Hore, Jeremiah.................do. Tolan, Anthony...............do. Kelley, Edward............ do. Wistar, Thomas...............do. Kelley, Henry...................do. Young, William...............do. M'Laughlin, Barney..:.......do. 224 TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Thomas A. Smyth...........Captain. Galvin, John................Private. Francis M'Closky............First Lieutenant. Getty, Samuel..................do. Neil Ward......................Second Lieutenant. Gillett, Charles.................do. Michael Kerwin.............. First Sergeant. Kennedy, John..................do. Daniel O'Neil..................Second Sergeant. Layer, William W............do. Daniel Meany................. Third Sergeant. Lockwood, Alfred.............do. William Murphy.............Fourth Sergeant. Little, John.....................do. Christopher Bechtell........First Corporal. M'Monagall, Francis.........do. David G. Smyth...............Second Corporal. M'Knight, Francis...........do. James Richards...............Third Corporal. Mason, David...................do. John Canning.................Fourth Corporal. M'Guire, William............do. Francis Murphy..............Musician. Mullen, James..................do. Edward Gillett................... do. M'Carren, Charles............do. Artman, Samuel.............Private. Martin, Patrick................do. Bernard, John....................do. Mulvay, Edward..............do. Butler, Jackson.................do. M'Carren, Bernard............do. Bates, Oliver W................. do. Mason, Joseph..................do. Bradley, John.....................do. Mougher, Daniel..............do. Baily, Abner....................do. M'Kee, James..................do. Cummings, Alexander.......do. Maddy, Samuel................do. Collins, Michael.................do. Noble, William................do. Curry, Henry...................do. O'Brian, Michael..............do. Connor, George..............do. O'Neil, John....................do. Caughlin, James.................do. Owens, William................do. Carr, William.....................do. Pickett, James R...............do. Cookey, Alexander............do. Phillips, Joseph.................do. Collins, Charles S..............do. Paxon, Samuel W............do. Caffery, John.....................do. Platt, Charles....................do. Cobbins, Thomas................do. Rambo, Charles.................do. Dichler, George P..............do. Reddy, John.....................do. Donohugh, Edward............do. Reynolds, Edward............do. Dougherty, Hugh................do. Shephard, Samuel............do. Delany, William............... do. Sexton, William.............. do. Flynn, Thomas..................do. Springbit, John............... do. Flynn, James...................do. Trump, John............... do. Freeney, John...................do. Trump, Edward...............do. Fisher, Richard W.............do. Wall, Andrew...............do. Galvin, James....................do. Whealon, Johdo. Gettings, Michael..............do. COMPANY 1. REOBRUTED AT PHILADELPHIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Thomas Kelly................Captain. Doyle, Matthew.............Private. Edward Thompson.........First Lieutenant. Donovan, Cornelius...........do. Bernard Shannon...........Second Lieutenant, Daulan, Martin................do. John M'Laughlin............ First Sergeant. Dolan, John.....................do. James Johnson................Second Sergeant. Dougherty, Michael..........do. Patrick 0. Reagan...........Third Sergeant. Dunn, John.......................do. James Mooney................. Fourth Sergeant. Dugan, John.....................do. Michael Gaynor...............First Corporal. Evans, James................. do. Thomas E. Farrell..........Second Corporal. Frazer, Daniel..................do. Reuben Weiser...............Third Corporal. Fernando, Anthony..........do. Charles P. Young............Fourth Corporal. Fitzpatrick, Francis.........do. Charles Crozet.................Musician. Gallagher, Hugh..............do, Robert Hunt......................do. Gallagher, Charles............do. Burns, William...............Private. Gilligan, William............ do. Boyle, Jeremiah...............do. Hughes, James...............do. Bardolph, William.............do. Higgins, Patrick...............do. Crawford, Lancliff.............do. Henry, William..............do. Collins, John.................do. Hutchinson, William.......do. Cole, Henry................... do. Higgins, Matthew............do. Costello, Thomas..............;do. Hill, James............. do. Cook, Michael.................do. Kane, Lewis..................do. a^mpbell, ames..........e. m...do.!Lehman, Frederick...........do. ]ODaiareX...._...do. ll.,.ougheray, %Dennis..........do. TEREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 225 Linney, Michael............Private. M'Grovy, Williamn..........Private. Lawson, John, Ist..............do. Punch, Garrett..................do. Lawson, John, 2d................do. Powers, Michael...............do. Lynch, John............. do. Quinn, Arthur..................do. Marles, John......................do. Quinn, Terrence.............. do. M'Mahan, Patrick..............do. Rafferty, Michael..............do. M'Laughlin, Patrick..........do. Richardson, John.............do. M'Devitt, John.................do. Salmon, David..................do. Murray, Edward...............do. Sherwin, James...............do. M'Elroy, James..................do. Tovey, Michael.................do. M'Gonnell, John...............do. Thompson, Robert............do. M'Donald, David...............do. Toy, William....................do. M'Nerney, John................do. Weir, William..................do. M'Menameir, John............do. Williams, Charles............do. Moran, William T..............do. Young, William............... do M'Hugh, William.............. do. COMPANY K. RECOUITED AT PHILADELPTIA. MUSTERED IN, MAY 1, 1861. Andrew M'Manus..........Captain. Hodger, George....P.........Pivate. Patrick Casey.................First Lieutenant. Johnson, James................do. Alexander Lovett............Second Lieutenant. Lovitt, Terence.................do. John Cushen...................First Sergeant. M'Clintock, Thomas.........do. Jeremiah Mahoney.........Second Sergeant. M'Cullough, Peter...........do. Thomas Woods...............Third Sergeant. M'Guinnes, James............do. Alexander M'Neill..........Fourth Sergeant. M'Carty, Dennis..............do. John Brady..................First Corporal. M'Cullough, Hugh............do. Jerret Hurst....................Second Corporal. M'Elroy, John.................do. John Sweeney.................Third Corporal. M'Cullough, Michael........do. John Kelly.....................Fourth Corporal. M'Guire, Dennis................do. James Lee.......................Musician. Marsden, John.................do. William Flynn................do. Murphy, John.................do. Allen, Henry..................Private. Millor, Matthew..............do. Armstrong, William..........do. Mount, Charles C..............do. Bradey, John....................do. Mooney, Thomas..............do. Bradley, Patrick.................do. Morris, John.....................do. Bradley, Peter...................do. Middleton, Charles H........do. Bennett, Nathaniel............do. Melloney, Michael............do. Bussinger, John.................do. Peters, Thomas.................do. Costillon, James.................do. Quigley, Michael..............do. Carbry, Patrick................do. Russell, John..................do. Curren, John P.................do. Russell, Robert.............do. Coulon, Francis..................do. Rodgers, Michael.............do. Camwell, Francis...............do. Smith, John......................do. Cnnningham, Thomas.......do. Simon, Robert.................do. Condon, Thomas................do. Shearman, John................do. Dunkins, William..............do. Seymour, Joseph...........,.do. Donnelly, Arthur...............do. Simpson, John..................do. Duffy, John.......................do. Swire, Ellis..................... do. Dolin, Christopher..............do. Tigart, John...................do. Eagen, Michael.................do. Taylor, William...............do. Foley, John........................do. Tolin, John.......................do. Hanley, Thomas.................do. Usher, Edward W............do. Hamilton, Edward.............do. Vaughan, Beverly K........do. Harvey, Henry...................do. Woods, Peter....................do. Hagarty, Timothy..............do. Williams, Joseph.............do. Hemphey, Edward............do. Walker, William....... do. Hamilton, John...............do. 29 T WENTY-I'I'IH LRETIMENT. THE first five companies of Pennsylvania volunteers, and the first volunteer troops to report at Washington, were, for a considerable portion of their term of service, kept on duty in the neighborhood of the Capital, as independent companies. By special order of the Secretary of War, they were permitted to recruit their ranks largely in excess of the number prescribed by the regulations of the service. Subsequently, however, they were reduced by division, and new companies formed. From the surplus men of the Ringgold Light Artillery of Reading, Captain M'Knight, and the National Light Infantry of Pottsviile, Captain ViDonald, a new company was organized and the command given to Henry Nagle, First Lieutenant of the Artillery. From those of the Washington Artillery of Pottsville, Captain Wren, and the Logan Guards of Lewistown, Captain Selheimer. another company was formed and the command given to Captain Wren. To these five original companies, thus increased to seven, three new companies were joined, and a regimental organization effected by the choice of the following officers: Henry L. Cake, of Pottsville, Colonel; John B. Selheimer, of Lewistown, from Captain of the Logan Guards, Lieutenant Colonel; James H. Campbell, of Pottsville, Major. Edward P. Pearson, Jr., 9f Reading, was made Adjutant; but having been appointed a Lieutenant in the regular army on the 24th of June, 1861, he was succeeded by M. E. Richards, of Pottsville. The five original companies were engaged in barricading and guarding the Capitol, until the arrival of the Massachusetts Sixth and the New York Seventh, a period of some ten days. The Logan Guards and Washington Artillery, companies E and H, were then ordered to garrison duty at Fort Washington, where they were drilled by their officers and by Major J. A. Haskins, of the regular army, then in command of the Fort, at first in heavy and afterwards in light infantry tactics. These, with company B, remained on duty at the Fort until the close of their term of service, without having reported to the commander of the regiment to which they were nominally attached. The Ringgold Artillery, company A, and company C which was principally formed from it, were ordered to duty at the Washington Arsenal, where were stored seventy thousand stand of arms and other war material, and subsequently at the Navy Yard. On the 8th of June they were ordered to report to Major (since'Major General) J. G. Barnard, at the fort located at the west end of Long Bridge, and were engaged there and at Georgetown Heights, in unloading and mounting heavy guns. With the exception of a few days during the last of May, when they reported to Colonel Cake, at the regimental camp, they never formed part of the command. On the 15th of June, they were ordered to the Washington Arsenal, where they remained on guard until the close of their term of service. The- remaining five companies were encamped from the date of their ar THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 27 rival at the Capital, until the 28th of June, near the Arsenal, where they were instructed and drilled. At this date, an order was received from the War Department, directing the regiment to march, with fifteen days' rations and sixty rounds of ammunition, and join Colonel Charles P. Stone, then at Rockville, Maryland. When the regimental organization was formed, it was the intention to consolidate the entire force; but when the order for the march was issued, it was deemed unwise to remove the companies stationed at the Arsenal and at Fort Washington, and hence the order only included five companies, D, F, G, I, and K, Captains M'Donald, I'Cormick, Yeager, Davis and Dart. The battalion marched on the 29th, under Lieutenant Colonel Selheimer, and reached Rockville on the 30th. Here Colonel Cake rejoined it and assumed command, and Major Campbell, who was then a member of Congress, returned to Washington, to attend the special session, called to convene on the 4th of July. On the 1st of July, the battalion reached Poolesville and reported to Colonel Stone, commanding the Rockville expedition. Moving via Point of Rocks to Sandy Hook, it encamped opposite Harper's Ferry, on Maryland Heights. At this time, Harper's Ferry was occupied by the enemy, and considerable skirmishing occurred. To obtain possession of the place, it was arranged to storm it on the morning of the 6th, but just before the movement commenced, orders were received to march rapidly to Wiiliamsport, and thence across the Potomac to Martinsburg. Arriving on the 8th, after a fatiguing march through clouds of dust, under a broiling sun, it went into camp in a little valley outside the town, which, in consonance with the feelings of the men, was called Camp Misery. Here the battalion was assigned to the 7th Brigade,* 3d Division of General Patterson's army. On the 15th, it marched, with the Brigade, to Bunker Hill, where it went into camp. From this point, it was the general expectation that an immediate movement against the enemy would take place. But on the 17th the whole command marched to Charlestown, and on the following day the battalion moved to Harper's Ferry and encamped. Remaining until the 23d, an order was received from the commanding General, conveying his thanks for its patriotic tender of service after the expiration of its term, and directing it to move by way of Baltimore to Harrisburg. The battalion, together with the companies serving in the neighborhood of Washington, assembled in Harrisburg, and were mustered out of service on the 26th of July. On the 27th of May, 1861, previous to the departure of the Battalion from Washington, a beautiful stand of colors was presented to the regiment by Joseph W. Cake, of Pottsville. The presentation took place in the square east of the Capitol, in the presence of the Secretary of War. In the absence of the donor, the presentation was made by Colonel John W. Forney, and was received on behalf of the regiment by Major Campbell. The speeches were unusually eloquent and patriotic. Upon its disbandment, Colonel Cake, with other-officers, returned to Pottsvllle, and immediately commenced the formation of a regiment for three years, which was intended to be a re-organization of the Twenty-fifth, but which subsequently received the designation of the Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania volunteers. * Organization of the 7th Brigade, Colonel Charles P. Stone, 3d Division, Major General Sanford. Seventeenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Francis E. Patterson; First Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, Colonel Tappan; Ninth New York State Militia, Colonel Styles; Twenty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, (five companies,) Colonel HIenry L. Cake; Detached District Columbia Volunteers. 228 TWENTY-FIFTH. REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS Henry L. Cake..............C.olonel. John Sheifley................Quartermaster. John B. Selheimer...........Lieutenant Colonel. Joshua Owen..................Surgeon. James H. Campbell.........Major. Luther L. RQwalt...........Assistant Surgeon. Edward P. Pearson, Jr....Adjutant. REGIMENTAL BAND. John A. Hoch, leader......Musician. Sebastian Behnlien.......Musician. A. C. Greath...................do. Charles Rothenberger......do. Isaac L. Leeds...................do. Ernst Firepfeil...............do. William C. Eben.............. do Peter L. Benson..............do. William Mohring..............do. Henry Redmond............ do. Edward Greath.. do. Tho s................d h as..do John Wagner................ do. Charles Ritner................do. James Y. Hill.................do. Howard D. Potts............ do. Valentine C. Kleckher......do. Joseph Lacey................. COMPANY B.* EOCBUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 18, 1861. James Wren................... Captain. Hammer, Thomas..........Private. Joseph A. Gilmour..........First Lieutenant. Hause, Charles...............do. Cyrus Sheetz...................Second Lieutenant. Henry, James W..............do. William J. M'Quade........Second Lieutenant. Hunter, John T............ ^.do. George H. Gressang..........First Sergeant. Hill, Henry...........do. Thomas Johnson..............Second Sergeant. Jones, John...................o. William Heffner..............Third Sergeant. Kauffman, John S...........do. John Engle....................Fourth Sergeant. Kaiser, Henry F..............do. Henry K. Downing.........First Corporal. Lesher, William..............do. Francis Hause...............Second Corporal. Laub, Charles E...............do. John Noble.................Third Corporal. Marks, Samuel B.............do. William Feger.................Fourth Corporal. Morton, Robert D.............do Alspach, William...........Private. Moser, Daniel..................do. Agin, William.................. do. Maurer, Charles............. do Boats, Wlliam............a M'Knew, William............do. Brobst, Henry................do. Nail, John A................... do. Bertolet, Richard..............do. Nelson, Robert.................do. Brandt, Jeremiah...............do. Pass, John...................do. Barth, Frank.....................do. Price, Richard.............do. Brown, William.................do. Pott, Richard................. do. Boyer, David.....................do. Reed, Joseph................ do. Bowsum, William H...........do. Reese, August...............do. Betts, Robert......................do. Steahlin, George F.........do. Cole, William....................do Shoener, Samuel.............do Corby, Thomas..................do. Silliman, James.............do. Christ, Frederick...............do. Spence, William..o.......... d Curry, John........................do. Titus, Ambrose..............do. Douglas, Lewis......d........do. Wernent, Victor............ do. Dougan, William...............do. Weaver, John C...............do. Drako, Nelson...................do. Williams, Eli.................o Elberty, W. Asbury...........do. Williams, David..............do. Frailey, Peter H................. do. Whitfield. Albert.............do. Fisher, Peter............d.....do. Waters, Gilbert.............do. Gaynor, Edward J.............do. Wortz, David...................do. Grove, Peter......................o. Wenterod, Phlip........ do. Hesser, Charles.................do. * For roll of company A, Ringgold Light Artillery, see page 12. Company D, National Light Infantry, page 11. Company E, Logan Guards, page 9. Compaiy G, Allen Guards' page 9. Company H,, Washington Artillery, page 10. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 229 COMPANY U. RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 18, 1861. Henry Nagle..................Captain. Housel, I'......................Private. E. L. Smith..................... First Lieutenant. Howard, David.................do. A. H. Seyfert..................Second Lieutenant. Henderson, John...............do. Charles B. Ansart............Second Lieutenant. Irving, William................do. George W. Knabb........... First Sergeant. Koch, Orlando..................do. James Gentzler...............Second Sergeant. Levan, A. H....................do. Henry Whitesido............Third Sergeant. Lantz, P. A............. do. Jonathan Sherer............. Fourth Sergeant. Lambert, Enoch...............do. J. L. Kennedy................First Corporal. Lashorn, Maurice.............do. E. T. Weist....................Second Corporal. Mack, W. P.......................do. J. D. Koch.......................Third Corporal. Morton, Lawrence............do. R. R. Burkett.................Fourth Corporal. M'Donald, James E........do. Michael Moss..................Musician. M'Cabe, Edward.............do. Ash, Solomon..................Private. Madara, William............do. Becker, Joseph..................do. Nagle, John F...............do. Becker, J. P.............. do. Paul, John........................do. Boyer, H. T........................do. Polte, Augustus................do. Bechtel, Aaron...................do. Pugh, William.............do. Burrows, John....................do.... Parvin, Samuel................do. Bast, Jacob.......................do. Roy, Thomas C........d........do Britton, William................do. Redcay, Charles J.............do. Carroll, William.................do. Roberts, William R...........do. Curtin, Patrick.................do. Reider, John.................do. Donnigan, James...............do. Spangler, Charles..............do. Dooley, John......................do. Smith, William H............do. Dickinson, Daniel...............do. Seitzinger, Charles........... do. Ebbling, E. G.....................do. Sheerey, George..............do. Evans, Samuel................ do. Sheerey, Albert...............do. Eltz, Robert........................do. Saurbier, William.............do. Eppinger, John.................do. Strunk, H. C..................do. Fox, H. T......................... do. Sanders, H......................do. Frantz, C. C.......................do. Smeck, Frank.................do, Fricker, Henry..................do. Sammon, James..............do. Foren, Michael...................do. Shalter, Richard..............do. Foley, Edmund..................do. Seltzer, J. G....................do, Geiger, Henry..................do. Seltzer, Frederick.............do. Herbst, William..............do. Watkins, Andrew............do. Haberacker, William.........da Yeager, E. S..................do, COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT HARRISBURG, MUSTERED IN, MAY 2, 1861. Henry M'Cormick...........Captain. Elder, John....................Private. William W. Jennings...... First Lieutenant. Ensminger, John T..........do. George Fisher.................Second Lieutenant. Foster, Andrew J..............do. James R. emble...........First Sergeant. Fry, John W....................do. George William Boyd......Second Sergeant. Fuller, George W..............do. Henry Potts, Jr................Third Sergeant. Gotshall, John..................do. George A. Brooks............Fourth Sergeant. Greenawalt, Theodore D....do. Eugene Snyder...............First Corporal. Humphries, Guy C............do. Henry C. Doll.................Second Corporal. Hickok, Edmund H.........do. Joshua W. Muench.........Third Corporal. Humes, Thomas J............do. John M. Major.................Fourth Corporal. Houston, William F.........do. Alricks, William K.........Private. Hyers, Willia. H............do. Armstrong, William W......do. Hill, Richard....................do. Andrews, Zachary T...........do. Horning, George...............do. Bigler, John A...................do. Henderson, Samuel J........do. Brooke, Jacob P.................do. Hallock, William D. P......do. Bolmer, Benjamin F...........do. Jones, Ephraim N...........do. Boyd, Jacob M...................do. Mager, John C.................do. Cathcart, Thomas L., Jr......do. Myers, George................do. Care, John.........................do. Myers, William A............do. Carson, William H............do. Mitchell, Joseph J............do. Conrad, James...................do. Mather, Edm nd..............do. Corl, George V..................do. Martin, Thomas A............do. DeHavan, William H.........do. Pollock, Edwin.................do. Doan, Aaron.......................do. Platt, Charles N..............do. 230 TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, Pilkay, Joseph J..............Private. Small, Arthur F............Private. Parke, John B...................do. Sample, Thomas...............do. Pickering, Henry Y...........do. Stewart, James.................do. Rohrer, Jacob....................do. Smith, Albert....................do. Rice, George......................do. Troupe, John R.................do. Royer, John W...................do. Worrall, Isaac J...............do. Boat, Abraham..................do. Woodley, William W........do. Rawn, Charles C., Jr...........do. Winebrenner, Albert M....do. Rhodes, John......................do. Witman, Edward L..........do. Robinson, Peter..................do. Witman, Luther R..........do. Santo, Andrew...................do. Ward, Albert C...............do. Simmons, Oliver B.............do. Weir, James W...............do. Swartz, Jacob A.................do. COMPANY I. RIEORUITED AT DOYLESTOWN, BUCKS COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 28, 1861. William W. H. Davis......Captain. Hendric, James D..........Private. Jacob Swartzlander.........First Lieutenant. Hinkle, Philip.................do. George T. Harvey............Second Lieutenant. Hargrave, Henry............ do. James Reed Orum...........First Sergeant. Haney, Henry W..............do. Moses Kulp.................... Second Sergeant. Haney, William P............do. Edward L. Rodgers.........Third Sergeant. Iart, George......................do. William Stavely, Jr.........Fourth Sergeant. Hart, Samuel, Jr...............do. William W. Marple.........First Corporal. Hart, Thomas........... do. Theophilus Kephart........Second.Corporal. Harvey, Joseph II...........do. Julius Kuster.................Third Corporal. Hoffman, Charles W........do. William H. Anglemyer...Fourth Corporal. Hogeland, John S..............do. William K. Shearer.........Musician. Hough, John S..................do. John Hargrave...................do. Hofford, Eli......................do. Andress, Lazarus C.........Private. Jenks, Michael E.............do. Beal, Eleazer..................... do. Jordon, William H..........do. Berkelback, William.........do. Kaehline, William............do. Brunner, Thomas, Jr........do. Kibby, Edgar....................do. Croasdale, Samuel..............do. Laughlan, J. AM'Donald.....do Carver, James M................do, Lewis, John M.................do. Clemens, Jacob.................do. Markley, Levi K..............do Crouthamel, Emanuel K....do. Magill, Eugene.................do. Coar, Francis.....................do. Marley, Frederick............do. Clossen, John W.................o. M'Coy, John....................do, Darling, Edwin...............do. Mellis, Edward S.............do. Dyer, Cephas W.................do. M'Dowell, William H.......do. Emery, George W..............do. M'Carty, William..............do. Everhart, George A............do. Pierce, Andrew.................do. Fretz, Edwin.....................do. Peters, William...............do Fries, Jacob......................do. Rogers, James M..............do. Follis, William.................do. Rush, Lawrence............... do. Frankinfield, Charles.........do. Shearer, William A...........do, Frankinfield, Christian K...do. Service, Henry S...............do Frankinfield, Lawrence......do. Sunderland, George...........do. Fussman, Samuel C...........do. Townsend, Stephen.........do. Firman, David...................do. Tomlinson, Thomas P.......do. Gensel, Ira F.....................do. Tomlinson, Enos F............do. Glase, Jacob W...................do. Widdifield Henry A.........do. Green, H. Augustus...........do. Walker, William............ do. Garren, Samuel N..............do. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT CARBONDALE, LUZERNE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 26, 1861. Alfred Dart................. Captain. William Cole.................Fourth Corporal. Alfred Dart, Jr...............First Lieutenant. Henry Brown................Musician. Jacob B. Floyd................Second Lieutenant. Frederick Berge...............do. Warren F. Smirell...........First Sergeant Brown, Hamilton...........Private. Sedgwick R. Ketcham.....Second Sergeant. Buchanan, George............do. Charles A. Hathaway......Third Sergeant. Burdick, Almon M...........do. Charles E. Britton...........Fourth Sergeant. Burns, Owen....................do. Enos Snyder....................First Corporal. Brainard, Samuel.............do. Milton W. Snyder............Second Corporal. Berigin, Patrick...............do. William Hampton...........Third Corporal. Burge, Frederick.............do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 231., o uStus........O.........PrivaLe. Nicholas, John...............Private. Campbell, Robert...............do. Narry, John............ do. Cole, Nathan.......................do. Oclonole, Anthony...........do. Charles, Thomas...............do. Payne, IrwinC.................do. Duffee, James....................do. Phillips, George................do. Dilts, Elisha.....................do.. Philbin, Patrick..............do. Engle, AlmoL.....................do. Quinn, John.....................do. Farrell, Joseph..................do. Stone, George....................do. Farroll, Philip...................do. Scull, Reese.....................do. Flanagan, James................do. Smith, Oscar C..................do. Farris, John.......................do. Skilton, James R..............do. Grattan, James.................do. Snyder, Adam.................do. Glenan, Patrick..................do. Shields, James..................do. Handson, Martin...............do. Shannon, Franklin W.......do. Hipple, James............... do. Smith, Thomas...............do. Hartsall, William...............do. Thompson, David..............do. Horn, Levi B............... do. Thacher, Edward..............do. Jenkins, Robert..................do. Ulrico, Thomas................do. Knowle, John..................;.do. Vail, Wilmot....................do. Kelly, James...............do. Vail, David.......................do. Loftis, Henry.....................do. Wells, Henry....................do. Lane, John........................do. Walker, John..................do. Murphy, Martin...............do. Williams, Reese...............do. M'Cann, Patrick.................do. Welsh, William.................do. M'Stran, Robert............ o. Whiting, George.....d........do. Montgomery, William A....do. Welbezy, James E..........do. Lasky, James............ o. Yarns, Willia.............do. Mehl, Charles......,-...... do..Yarns, James............;.-.do. ERIE REGIMENT. N the 21st of April, 1861, John W. M'Lane, a citizen of Erie, issued a call for volunteers for immediate service in the National army. A few days previous, he had been summoned to Harrisburg by the Governor, and tendered the position of Commissary General of the State. This he declined, saying that a lame man could perform the duties of that office, that he was well, and would go to the field. In four days from the issue of the call, twelve hundred men, from the contiguous portions of the counties of Erie, Crawford and Warren, had assembled at the city of Erie. Application was made to the Governor for the acceptance of the whole body, but orders were received to take but ten companies of seventy-seven men each. Consequently, about four hundred of these patriotic young men were obliged to return to their homes, embracing among others the companies led by Captain Ferguson, of Fairview, and Captain Whitney, of Warren. The Wayne Guard, a volunteer company organized by Captain M'Lane in 1859, was the nucleus of the regiment. This company took part on the 10th of September, 1860, in the ceremonies incident to the inauguration of the monament erected at Cleveland, Ohio, to the memory of Commodore Perry, the hero of Lake Erie, on which occasion Captain M'Lane was the officer of the day. From the recruits received into this company, three new ones were formed. Excellent camping ground was selected to the east of the city, which was designated Camp Wayne. "Here," says Captain Judson, who afterwards chronicled the heroic deeds of the Eighty-third, " we learned the rudiments in the rugged and arduous duties of a soldier life; here we took our first lesson in the school of the company, hled our first dress parades, learned to live upon hard fare, and to lie upon the cold ground." Farmers, from the country round about, sharing in the general enthusiasm, came, bringing wagon loads of provisions, a free offering to the soldier. As yet, no measures had been adopted to provide uniforms. The men appeared in camp in the dress in which the call found them, at the plough, the anvil, and the counter. It was determined that the men should not leave the city in such attire. Money was freely contributed and material purchased with which to uniform the entire regiment. Day and night busy fingers plied the needle to complete the outfit. Before the time for their departure arrived, the uniforms, which consisted of a jacket and pants of blue, and shirt of yellow flannel, were finished, and when the men appeared on parade for the last time, their friends beheld them with pride in their new and attractive dress. On the 27th of April, an election of field officers was held, at which John W. M'Lane, of Erie, was chosen Colonel; Benjamin Grant, of Erie, Lieutenant Colonel; Matthias Schlaudecker, of Erie, Major; Strong Vincent, a private in the Wayne Guards, was appointed Adjutant. On the 28th, in pursuance of THREE iMOTHS' SERVICE. 233 orders, the regiment proceeded by rail to Pittsburg, where it arrived on the following morning, and was ordered into camp on the fair grounds, a short distance above the city, on the Allegheny river, which received the designation of Camp Wilkins. This was the first organized regiment that had arrived in the city, and, as it marched up Penn street in its picturesque uniform with banners flying, preceded by its fine band, (Mehl's,) the curiosityand admiration of the people were greatly excited, Their interest in the welfare of the men was soon manifest. Loads of provisions'and liberal supplies of blankets, stockings and underclothes, were freely contributed. Camp Wilkins was made a general camp of rendezvous for volunteers from the western portion of the State, and Colonel M'Lane was appointed commander. Orders were issued regulating the hours of mounting guard, and company and regimental drill, which were strictly enforced, and the camp soon presented the busy appearance of a school of military tactics. By the frequent accession of new troops the camp finally became so much crowded that it was found necessary to secure;other camping grounds Accordingly, a new site was selected, twelve miles farther up the Allegheny river, near Hulton station, on the Allegheny Valley railroad, which was called Camp Wright. Thither the Erie regiment moved, after having spent six weeks very profitably at Camp Wilkins About two weeks after the removal, the men were supplied with muskets, and drill was commenced in the manual of arms. Target firing was also practiced, but was of little benefit for want of suitable ammunition. Having enlisted to fight, murmurs began to be heard among the men that they were not led to the field. As yet, they had received no pay, nor had they been mustered into the service of the United States. Orders issued to march) with all the stir and turmoil in preparation for the expected move, were as often countermanded. At length, the complaints of the more clamorous grew so high, that Colonel M'Lane found it necessary to check them. His method of doing this is best told by Captain Judson. "Having ordered the regiment," he says, 4out upon battalion drill one hot morning in July, he formed it in hollow square, and taking his stand on the inside, delivered a short energetic speech, in which he gave them to understand that he intended to command the regiment and, as for himself, if the State of Pennsylvania was too poor to pay him, he would make a free and voluntary gift of his services to her. So saying, he reduced square and deployed column, and then put us through about three hours of the most animated and perspiring drill, that we have ever had before or since. The speech and the drill produced their desired effect, for, at the end of the three hours, the starch had been so completely taken out of the malcontents, that not a word of complaint was ever heard from one of them afterwards" The term of service for which the regiment had been called to the field had now expired. A fine body of men, drilled and disciplined by a three months' encampment, well officered and skillfully led, at the expiration of their term of service, broke camp, and moving by rail, arrived at the city of Erie, whence they had gone forth to do battle, without having seen the enemy. But the service was not lost. The drill of Camps Wilkins and Wright was the school in which they learned the rudiments, and became well grounded in the art, which they subsequently practiced with so great advantage to the service, and honor to themselves, in the Eighty-third, One Hundred and Eleventh, One Hundred and Forty-fifthand other Pennsylvania regiments. 30 234 ERIE REGIMENT, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. John W. M'Lane.............Colonel. Strong Vincent.............Adjutant. Benjamin Grant................Lieutenant Colonel. S. B. Benson.................Quartermaster. M. Schlaudecker.............Major. J. L. Stewart..............Surgeon. COM.PANY A. BEORUITED AT ERIEo MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. T. M. Austin..................Captain. Jacobs, George...............Private. A. M'D. Lyon..................First Lieutenant. Jones, J. W......................do. Strong Vincent................Second Lieutenant. Johnson, A. J.......... do. William E. Bates............. econd Lieutenant. Jarvis, S. W.....................do Sydney Booth..................First Sergeant. Kues, W.......................... do. James Tuohy..................First Sergeant. Keeton, W. B...................do. E. D. Hulbert..................First Sergeant. Kent, Daniel............. do. William B. Murray..........Second Sergeant. Ladoo, George...............do. G C. Marvin...................Third Sergeant. Lewis, C. P......................do. D. B. Derby.............. FourthSergeant. Lehman, G......................do. W. E. Haldeman.............First Corporal. Lozier, L.................. do. E. C. Sterrett.............. Second Corporal. Mlzen, J. A......................do. M. K. Sturgeon..............Third Corporal. Mason, B........................do. John Hechtman.............. Fourth Corporal. Mizen, Henry...................do. John E. Eisentraut.........Musici Morgan.....................do. HE. W. Holman................ do. Munson, H. J....................do. Aubry, H. C...................Private. Sewell, N........................do. Austin, H..........................do. Osborn, J. J......................do. Allen, Charles..................do. Owens, J. C................. do. Bagley, J. C...................do. Oakley, J................ do. Bulson, H. R......................do. Pearce, A. S...............d Bates, C. S....................do. Peck, E.............................do. Blethen, A........................do. Simmons, Daniel S............do. Ball, L. W..........................do. Scott, C. G........................do. Ball, J. D..................... do. Scribner, F........................do. Cooper, John....................do Squires, C.......................do. Cobb, W. C........................do. Shadduck, Asa..................do. Connell, E..........................do Schafer, Charles...............do. Cobb, E............. d..... do. Snyder, Jacob...................do. Eung, Jacob..................do. Sterrett, E C...................do. Fleming, Andrew..............do. Terrel, N. L................. do. French, G. W....................do. Vincent, R......................do. Fitch, T.............................do. Van Reuth, Floris............do. Fuller, Charles................do. Wade, Sylvanus................do. Gifford, M. V...................do. White, L. M.............. do. Heintz, F.............. do. Welch, F. B.....................do. Hill, M. A.....................do. Wellington, E. R.............do. Hamlin, James H................do. Wright, H.......................do. Haldeman, W. F..............do. Young, H........................do. Hirt, H..................... do. Young, William...............do. Haldeman, W. E...............do. Young, Joseph..................do. Jackson, H. B...................do. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT ERIE. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Hiram L. Brown..............Captain. David F. Snell................Third Sergeant. James F. Wittich.............First Lieutenant. William M'Allister.......Fourth Sergeant David B. M'Creary..........First Lieutenant. Otis N. Gray..................Fifth Sergeant. John M. Clark............... Second Lieutenant. George C. Bennett........First Corporal. Joseph Deschryver..........First Sergeant. Henry E. Mayer..........Second Corporal James M. Hunter.............Second Sergeant. Richard Butterfield..:..'..Third Corporal. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 235 A. J. Thomas...............Fourth Corporal. Lyon, W, W.............. Private. Charles F. Miller............Musician. Link, F. S.......................do. Ernst Urbann... do. Lewis, William IHI............do. Brown, R.M...............Private. Miller, Charles W.............do, Banyard, Waltero..............do. Moore, George W..............do. Burnett, Charles H........ do. Mehaffey, Robert R...........do. Caldwell, M. A..................do. Magill, Thomas................do. Curtis, Adam..................do. M'Clelland, Robert............do. Chester, Walter M............do. Mott, William...................do, Crook, James....................do. M'Guire, T. B................do. Conkey, Albert............. do. Price, John.......................do. Caughey, Robert C..:...........do. Rutherford, Jesse.............do. Clark, George R.................do. Russell, E. L............... do. Constable, John, Jr............do. Rees, Thomas H..............do. Cotter, M. L....................do. Reed, George.................do. Cummings, A. R................do. Ross, James D................do. Derby, William W......... do. Roberts, S, A...........do. Dippo, Conrad................do. Reinger, John...,............do. Dippo, Henry.........;do. Spafford, C. J.............do. Elliott, T. J........;.... do. Smith, George W...............do. Fellows, William H............do. Sprague, Horace B....... do. Glover, B. F. M................do. Sampson, E. W..............do. Hilton, William.............. do. Simons, M. J............ do.'Hunter, C. J...........;... do Skinner, W. H.........do. Hill, Thomas J.......... do. Teel, John C., Jr............ do. Honeker, P. B.............. do. Van Sicklin, John...... do. Henry, John.......... do. Van Sicklin, James A.......do Hubbard, William.......... do. Wittich, F. C.................do. Harrison, A. D................do. Wittich, William J...........do. Kelsy, E. M................. do. Wilson, Thomas.............do. Kennedy, Robert...............do. White, P. A;............... o. Kuchler, John................do. Warner, Wallace B...........do. Liddell, H. C................do. Wentworth, W4tso iR,..do0 Lull,. K...........................do COMPANY C, BRCRUITED AT ERIE. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. John Graham......... C......Captain. Glenn, J. W..............Private. A. E. Yale...................... First Lieutenant. Grove, G................do. C. P. Rogers........... Second Lieutenant. Henderson H...............do. B. J. Goff.......................First Sergeant. Hoffman,.......do. T. H. Bates.....................Second Sergeant. Hansom, O. W................. do. D. Proudfit................Third Sergeant. Hart, C...........................do. R. W. Duggan...............Fourth Sergeant. Haner, Jacob...................do. John Hickey............... Fifth Sergeant. Hoyt, Edward J...............do. J. W. Duggan................ First Corporal. Jackson, D..........do. E. E. Proud..........,....,..Second Corporal. Jackson, W. H.................do. J. A. Lewis................. Third Corporal. Kintzle, Michael.............. do. J. W. Vannatta...............Fourth Corporal. Lenihan, E. G..................do. Charles Banschard..........Musician. Laughery, William..........do. B. W. Dickinson................do. Lewis, D. B......................do. Aubry, H. W.................Private. M'Laughlin, James...........do. Allen, Benjamin................do. M'Gahen, Ransom............do. Burchfield, S. M.................do. M'Cord, G........................do. Boyd, Andrew..................do. M'Gill, A. M.,.................do. Bly, William H................ do. M'Gill, James..................do. Culbertson, Edwin G........do. Northrup, S. W................do Culbertson, Sylvester.........do Nesbitt, F.......... do. Corrigan, John..................do. Nesbitt, William...... do. Corrigan, A.......................do. Nesbitt, A....................do Claycomb, H. D.................do Osburn, James.................do. Clark, A. J..................do. Orr, H. C..........................do. Cook, A............................do. Proudfit, R. H...................do. Cole, G. H.........................do. Parshall, William.............d. Dighton, William.............do. Perry H.......................... Donnell, William..............do. Perry, J. R...do.............. Doing, F...........................do. Pifer, William.............. do. Ethridge, K........... do. Rittenhouse, Frank H....do, Edick, Abel....................do. Robinson, E....................do. Forster, Thomas H.............do. Ruoff, F...................... do Fry, S. H........................do. Rice, R. J..........................do. Gi]llllen, T.............. do. Stafford, Erastus..............do. Grimler, J.G..........,.. do. Snyder, C................... do. German, M........... do. Shane, A. W......... do. 236 ERIE REGIMENT, Smith, C.N.............. Private. Woodward, O. S........Private Thorn, Augustus..............do. Wood, A. N................,.do. Vandorn, S. J........... do. Yaple, George...............do. White, Zeao.......................do. COMPANY D. RZORUITEDI AT CONNEAUTVILLE, CRAWFORD COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. J. L. Dunn........... Captain. Holman, H. R..............Private J. W. Patton........... First Lieutenant. Henrietta, James..............do. I. S. Krick.......................Second Lieutenant. Holcomb, D. F................. do. De Los Walker...............First Sergeant. Hynes, R. B.....................do. Burnham Greenfield........Second Sergeant. Hammon, George W........do. W. A. Rupert.................Third Sergeant. Hammon, Marsh A..........do. J. W. Foster.,.............Fourth Sergeant. Hall, O. L................ d........do. G. L. Eberhart...............Fifth Sergeant. Hope, Barras....................do H. L. Stahl.....................First Corporal. Hathaway, M. B...............do. Michael M'Grath............Second Corporal. Hotchkiss, L. W............do. A. J. Whitington............Third Corporal. Heard, A. B....................do. H. V. Rifenburg..............Fourth CorporaL. Harned, S. F.................do. Marcus Hammion............Musician. Ingols, D. C.....................do. HTiram Hyde.........do. Judson, C............do. Allen, Elijah..............Privat Kelly, L........................do Briggs, C. W............ Kolb, H. P.............. do. Broughton, P. B.................do. Krick, S. G.....................do. Broughton, T. D.................do. KEimball, L. W..................do. Byers, Dunham.,......... do. Leeper, D.........................do. Boyd, Hiram P.............do. Lake, Orange Z...............do. Beels, T. J.................. do. M'Guire, L. William.........do. Coons, C. E..................do. M'Millen, J. W.............do. Crozier, Orlando................do. Myers, George L.............. do. Derickson, D. V................do. Mosier, John B................do. Dougherty,William............ do. Mackay, W. L................. do. Degroodt, 0. W..................do. Miller J. H.......................do. Dibble, Arzy D................do. Minium, Lewis...............do. De Wolf, G. G..................do. Odell, Luther....................do. De Wolf,. Mortimer............do. P.arks, G. G...................do. Davis, Hiram.....................do. Powell, James.................do. Dunn, Jehial J...........do~ Rogers, J. L.....................do. Dodge, Lewis.....................do. Reniff, Wilson C............... do. Everdon, C. A....................do. ice, Calvin M.................do. Freeman, W. T..................do Simons, 1. M....................do. Freeman, Asa...................do. Thickstun, Israel.............do. Foster, J. A..................do. Thickstun, Gilbert...........do. Ferris, F. L........................do.' Tonsley, R. C....................do. Gates, George H.............do. Tanner, J. E............... do. Griswold, G. G..............d. West, A. T.................. do. Gibson, Henry.................do. Wood, W. S.............. do. Graves, D............. do COMPANY E. REOSIITED AT WATERFORD, ERIE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21 1861. J. A. Austin..................Captain. Barnott, A.....................Private A. M. Judson.................First Lieutenant. Barnett, J. H........... do. J. W. M'Kay......... Second Lieutenant. Brown, Henry..................do. T. P. Babcock.................First Sergeant. Briggs, John F................do. Elisha Bradish............. Second Sergeant. Boyd, C B.........................do. Gardner Dean..................Third Sergeant. Brink, A. M....................do. J. W. King............... Fourth Sergeant. Borland, Joseph R............do. F. J. Benson...................First Corporal. Coyle, C. D.................. do. Willard Stanclif............Second Corporal. Cummings, Edward C......do. Reuben Sharpe..............Third Corporal. Colt, W. S......................do. W. 0. Colt.......................Fourth Corporal. Cross, J. H.......................do. C. R. H. Lynn.................Musician. Comer, Chester M............do. Bradbury, William M.....Private. Chapin, B W....................do. Banker, John W.................do. Chase, Abner....................do Baxter, C. J....................do. Dyke, L J...................do. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 237 Donnel, R.................... Private. Olson, Peter..................Private. Ellis, M. E.........................do. Preston, Daniel V..............do. Fenton, Samuel L..............do. Preston, E. L....................do. Gleason, Albert.................do. Robertson, R. A...............do. Grant, W. H.......................do. Riblet, D. M.....................do. Gardener, H. M...............do. Riblet, T. C.......................do. Gross, Lafayette.................do. Sedgwick, Eugene............do. Gillam, D. B.......................do. Stafford, A. W.................do. Higgins, William..............do. Scott, Willis....................do. Himrod, William...............do. Smith, R. R......................do. Hazelton, G. W.................do. Smith, J. N..................do. Hurd, Charles....................do. Smith, J. H..................... do. Hawkins, V..................... do. Smith, Nelson B...............do. Johnson, D. C...................do. Seidler, F.........................do. Kerr, F. M.....................do. Sherman, Charles............ do. Kerr, E. S.........................do. Skinner, S. J....................do. Lowry, A. P.......................d. Squier, J. I..................do. Lippitt, W. E.................. do. Sherra, James.................do. Lytle, George.....................do. Thomas, Charles..............do. Mitchell, Wallace..............do. Trask, F. J......................do. Mahan, David B.................do. Way, M. 0....................do. Mee, William....................do. Warner, S........................do. M'Kinley, J. C...................do. Wilson, Robert J.............do. Moore, Ralph.............. do. Waterhouse, George J......do. M'Williams, J. L.............do. Willard, Daniel................do. Mulvin, D. S......................do. Whittlesey, H. R..............do. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT TITUSVILLE, CRAWFORD COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Charles B. Morgan..........Captain. Jones, David P............ Private. James Farrell..................First Lieutenant. Lilley, William D...........do. David P. Sigler..............Second Lieutenant. M'Cray, Thomas B............do. Franklin Parks..............First Sergeant. M'Cray, Wilson C............da. Murray Nash.................Second Sergeant. M'Cray, Horace...............do. Loren Benton.................Third Sergeant. Morris, James...............do. William Wilhelm............Fourth Sergeant. M'Farland, James F......... do. Absalom M. M'Cray.......First Corporal. Morey, Nathan.................do. Marshall H. Metler.........Second Corporal. M'Clintock, James R........do. George A. Quillin.............Third Corporal. Marsh, Abel L..................do. David W. Winings.........Fourth Corporal. Mack, John......................do. Alderman, Alviras..........Private. Mansfield, Stephen H. P...do. Allen, William J...............do. Moore, Frederick F........... do. Andrews, Samuel J............do. M'Quillen, Russell J.........do. Blank, Aurelius.................do. Mathews, Morris E...........do. Blank, Albert.....................do. Maxwell, Henry C...........do. Bishop, Alfred............... do. Pond, William M..............do. Bradley, Adam..................do. Prescott, Edwin................do. Bentley, John D...............do. Picket, Manhattan............do. Blood, Fayette...................do. Robinson, George W.........do. Burrows, William T...........do. Richardson, Selra..............do. Balch, Elon G..................do. Reynolds, Charles S.........do. Blanchard, De Witt C.........do. Rhodes, Andrew J............do. Beardsley, Edmund S........do. Riehl, Louis......,,......... do, Cope, Frederick R..............do. Ross, Julien F..................do. Crowell, Almeron G...........do. Roe, Fletcher....................do. Cross, Alonzo W................do. Ralph, Harrison...............do. Evans, Charles H...............do. Smith, William.................do. Foster, Elias B................do. Stewart, Archibald...........do. Foster, Joseph..*.................do. Steele, William................do. Farrand, Godfrey S..........do. Shorts, Jefferson...............do. Gray, John N.....................do. Story, Romulus A............do. Gruaz, Frank.....................do. Stackpole, Henry H........do. Greene, Eliphalet S............do. Triscuit, Jefferson...........do. Hotchkiss, David B............do. Valentine, Henry S..........do. Hatch, Adrian F.................do. Wilson, James K..............do. Hoop, Alfred T..................do. Williston, Edward B.........do. Hughey, John..................do. Woods, Henry G...............do. Hammond, William O.......do. Wellman, William............do. Hill, Dempster.................do. Yeager, John...................do. Isham, Anson G................do. Yeager, George..............do. Joselyn, Reuben S..........do 238 ERIE REGIMENT, COMPANY G. REORUITED AT GIRARD, ERIE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. D. W. Hutchinson..........Captain. Hall, A.................. Private. J. Godfrey.......................First Lieutenant. Hartshorn, O...................do. C. A. Pettibone..............Second Lieutenant. Harris, S. A.....................do. J. E. Pettibone................Second Lieutenant. Kellogg, L...................do. C. L. Randall...........F.....FirstSergeant. Keley, S......................do. William Hopkins............SecondSergeant. Kimmel, G..................,do. William T. Ward............Third Sergeant. Lamfear, R. C...................do. J. C. Rockwell................ Fourth Sergeant. M'Clure, Daniel...............do. A. J. M'Kee.....,........ First Corporal. Miller, S. R............do. M. N. Cutler................ SecondCorporal. Norton,. Wilcox............do. A. D. Hillman...............Third Corporal. Oliphant, M............... do. M. H. Gould................... Fourth Corporal. Oakley, E. F............... do. V. Renner........... Musician. Osborn, H. A.................do. William Rambo........ do. Phillips, J. H...............do. Barlow, W.......................Private. Pond, H. E............... do. Bender, Peter................do. Peters, N......... do. Billings, C. L....................do. Platt, William H............do. Bird, A. H.........................do. Richey, W. F............ do. Brown, H.................inson, L.......... do. Robinson. Tdo. Brott, P. A.........................do. Roberts, G.............. do. Billings, O. D.....................do. Sherman, J. W..............do. Barber, C. F...................do. Squier, E. A....................do. Bennett, M. S....................do. Smith, J.............. do. Campbell, E. N.................do. Shepard, J....................do. Custard, H. B....................do. Stearns, M. A.................do. Calkins, S....................... do. Sneer, H................... do. Calder, Robert...................do. Simmons, C. S.............do. Coon, J. H.........................do. Sweet, B F................ do. Deyo, N.............................do. Teller, J. C............ do. Edy, B. F......................do. Teller, A. M............. do. Evans, J. D....................do. Thompson, T. C................do. Eger, Reinhart.............do. Van Camp, J..................do. Fogg, J. C.....................do. Van Camp, A. W.............do. Ferguson, J. P...................do. Ware, P..............do. Gerber, J............................do. Wheeler, T......................do. Gill, E. F.........do. Wheeler, S. A.................do. Godfrey, L. A....................do. Williams, C............... do. Gould, W. P.................do. Wheaton, I....................do. Giddings, S. F....................do. Wolverton, A. J...........do. Godfrey, V. R...................do. Wicks, Oscar....................do. Godfrey, M. L...................do. Williams, H.....................do. Godfrey, O. M...................do. Waidley, N.................do. Holden, D..........................do. Ward, J. P...... do. Hall, A. B...................... do. Williams, W. H...............do. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT UNION MILLS, ERIE COUNTY. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. John Landsrath...............Captain. Covirt, Alvin A...........Private John M. Sell..................First Lieutenant. Clark, E. A.....d.......do. W. W. Gould................Second Lieutenant. Cumming, N. P.............do< H. C. Maxwell...............First Sergeant. Carroll, M. William.........do. Charles S. Carroll........... First Sergeant. Dick, Henry.................do. Pierce Hanrahan............Second Sergeant. Dick, Levi.......................do. Wesley Smith.................Third Sergeant. Dillon, William................do. Charles Horstmann.........Fourth Sergeant. Davids, Andrew..............do. Eri Black............. First Corporal. Dibble, John.....................do. I. W. Godard...............Second Corporal. Downey, Edward.............do. H. P. Root...................Third Corporal. De Wolf, Elbert.........do. Simeon Putnam...............Fourth Corporal. Dow, C. A........................do. John Blanc...................Musician. Edson, A. B.....................do. Charles F. Mehl..............do. Finn, John.......... do. Brooks, George...............Private. Gerrard, G. W............ do. Bossett, John................. do. Gibbs, Samuel E...............do. Black, John D...................do. Gillett, A......... do. Baker, Myron...................do. Hamilton, H.....................do. Coventry, Henry L............do. Hanraban, Pierce..............do. Capple, Charles G.............. do. Huffman, James W..........do. Crouch, A..........................do. Hastings, James............... o. THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. 239 Hutchins, Joseph.............Private. Shay, John....................Private. House, William F..............do. Scovill, B. P............ do. Hawkins, Jacob...............do. Sacket, Mark..................do. Jones, Samuel..................do. Stafford, Martin V............do. Kinnear, Orlando S............do. Stafford, O. W..................do. Lee, E. M.....................do. Stewart, James...............do. Murray, P. W..................do. Tyler, M. L.....................do. M'Guire, Patrick...............do. Thomson, F.............. do. Needham, John.................do. Temple, E. L.............. do. Nickerson, Allen...............do. Tarnon, John....................do. Northrop, Hiram..............do. Todd, M. H.......................do. Riley, John.................. do. Tanner, J. L........... do. Rodgers, David..................do. Warney, C. P....................do. Rush, Louis.......................do. Weed, Silas S....................do. Ritchie, William............. do. Woodworth, George..........do. Rafferty, Patrick O............do. Wood, A. H.....................do. Ross, William................do. Wood, H. P....................do. Sexton, John.....................do. Wheeler, B. E............do. Stilson, Sylvanus............... do Wright, Henry................do. Sweet, John H...................do. Webster, A. D..................do. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT ERIE. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. Frank Wagner................Captain. Kinzle, John..................Private. Peter Liebel..................First Lieutenant. Kessler, Charles...............do. Peter Schlaudecker.........Second Lieutenant. Kelg, Charles...................do. Jacob Ziegler................ First Sergeant. Kaltenbacher, John...........do. Peter Emling..................Second Sergeant. Kroder, Martin.................do. Frederick Kramer...........Third Sergeant. Loose, Joseph................ do. Otto Kammerer...............Fourth Sergeant. Lechner, Lorenz..............do. Frank Diesterdick...........First Corporal. Moritz, George.................do. Michael Emling...............Second Corporal. Miller, Charles..............do. Philip Muller..................Third Corporal. Miller, Frederick.............do. John Fries.......................Fourth Corporal. Merz, John................ do. Michael Mehl, Jr.............Musician. Miller, John............ do. William Lutze................ do. Miller, Leo........................do. Alexander, William.........Private. Nuber, Adam....................do. Baumgartner, Martin.........do- Phister, Samuel.................do. Benitz, John......................do. Phister, William................do. Brodt, Gottlieb J.................do. Rapp, John.......................do. Burnes, JamesV................do. Rice, Charles....................do. Cartis, John........................do. Roth, Peter.......................do. Chawplaoski, Stephen........do. Roth, Frederick...............do. Clemens, Martin.................do. Rembe, Philip..................do. Cliff, George......................do. Roder, Jacob.....................do. Dutenhofer, Frank.............do. Reichert, Christian............do. Eldridge, Richard...............do. Schonfeld, Conrad.............do. Eldridge, L....................do. Sifert, Jacob.....................do. Fehr, Jacob....................... do. Sifert, Valentine...............do. Firch, Paul........................do. Schnorr, Ferdinand...........do. Gulcher, Christian..............do. Seidler, Henry..................do. Gross, Frederick.................do. Seechrist, John..................do. Gutting, John....................do. Sommer, George..............do. Haussler, Findal................. do. Schurz, Nicholas...............do. Henderson, James..............do. Sherman, William.........do. Honecker, Jacob.................do. Sprigman, Frank..............do. Hedrich, Charles................do. Uller, Clemens..................do. Johnson, Peter..................do Villacky, Louis..............do. Kohl, Charles.....................do. Wust, Frank..................do. Korrell, Godfried...............do. Wagner, Andrew..............do. Kessel, Frank T.................do. Walter, William..............do. Krebs, John.................... do. Zurn, George....................do. COM PANY K. REORUITED AT ERIE. MUSTERED IN, APRIL 21, 1861. John Kilpatrick.............Captain. Thomas Gannon.............Second Sergeant. Thomas C. M'Lean..........First Lieutenant. Felix M'Cann...I...........Third Sergeant. Edward Caughli............. Second Lieutenant. Edward Prentiss............Fourth Sergeant. James O'Brien................First Sergeant. Simeon M'Cord..............First Corporal. 240 ERIE REGIMENT Wesley Brindle..............First Corporal. Lewis, H. W.................Private. William J. Miles............Second Corporal. Lewis, L. HI......... d..........d Abel Wilkinson..............Third Corporal. M'Clelland, William J......do. Josiah Brown..................Fourth Corporal. Matteson, C. W................do. James A. Dumars............Musician. M'Mahan, John.................do. Samuel P. Delo.............. do. M'Cord, W. A..................do. Alien, S. G......................Privato. Miller, Henry............ do. Bradley, J. G.....................do. Munger, C........................do. Bennett, J. T.....................do. Metler, B. M................ do. Bohan, Timothy.................do. Maany, J......do. Bowen, Ira..........................do. Peck, Zalmon E................do. Blodgett, F. F..................do. Pearce, L................ do. Blodgett, H. L...................do. Parker, E. A....................do. Bemis, W. L.......................do. Phoenix, J. A..................do. Calvert, James P..............do. Palmer, G. B....................do. Cobb, Oliver P....................do. Quinn, John J..................do. Carey, Patrick...................do. Rounds, John A...............do. Cummings, J. W..............do. Ricker, Joseph..................do. Cornish, Albert.................do. Royer, J. B.................... do. Downey, Charles...............do. Roles, Clemens.............do. Edmunds, William G.........do. Seay, Richard...................do. Edmonds, George L............do. Shaw, Chester, R..............do. Fagan, J. C.................. do. Stuart, W. F.............. do. Farnham, John A...............do. Salmon, John A., Jr........do. Farr, F. E..........................do. Sweet, Stephen R..............do. Falconer, R.......................do. Stanford, M. M.................do. Gourley, James A...............do. Salmon, G. W...................do. Gourley, James D...............do. Stewart, J. A....................do. Gough, Robert...................do. Sharpe, George..................do. Gowen, N. P......................do. Tate, Samuel.................do. Hill, James.......................do. Tefft, Charles....................do. Hurlburt, D. E................ do. Upham, N. J.....................do. Hamlin, J. F......... d... o.... dc Webber, F. J.....................do. Ketcham, A.......................do. Whiteside, J. G.................do. King, G. W....................... do. Young, G. W....................do. Kimball, Wilbur................do. Young, J..........................do. Leitner, John A.................do, Yost, J. W.......................do. Love, Charles.....................do. THE FIRST TROOP PHILA-DEhLPHIAI CITY CAVAILRY. IN September, 17747 the first General Continental Congress met at Philadelphia, and troops from Europe arrived in America to enforce the arbitrary measures of the mother country, to erect fortifications, and seize and secure the military stores of her Colonies. In this alarming crisis, when the storm was about to burst and rage with violence in the Revolutionary war, the following named twenty-eight gentlemen, of the highest respectability and fortunes, voluntarily associated on the 17th day of November, 1774, and constituted The Philadelphia Troop of Light Horse, now The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry: Abraham Markoe.......Captain Henry Hil............ Private. Andrew Allen...............First Lieutenant. John Boyle.......................do. Samuel Morris..... S......Second Lieutenant. John Mitchell..................do. James Mease................ Cornet. Samuel Caldwell...............do. Thomas Mease............. First Sergeant. Blair M. Clenechan..........do. William Hall...............Second Sergeant. Benjamin Randolph........do. Samuel Penrose..............Third Sergeant. George Fullerton............do Samuel Howell............. First Corporal. William Todd..........do. James Hunter.................Second Corporal. George Campbell.............do. Thomas Leiper............Private. Levi Hollingsworth........do. John Dunlap...................do. George Groff....................do. William Pollard................do. Thomas Peters..................do. James Budden..................do. Andrew Caldwell..............do. Robert Hare.....................do. William West, Jr............do. They equipped at their own expense, volunteered their services to the Continental Congress, and served during the entire Revolutionary war. While General Washington was in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, in 1776 and 1777, the Troop were his body guard. They served also with distinction m the war 1812. On the 15th of April, 1861, the day of the President's call for seventy-five thousand men, the Troop tendered their services to Governor Curtin; but the government not requiring cavalry, it was only after great difficulty that they obtained, through the influence of Major General Patterson, a special order from the War Department in their favor, and were mustered into service on the 13th day of May, 1861, for three months. The following constituted the company: Thomas C. James............Captain. Angier, W. R............Private. Richard B. Price.............First Lieutenant. Ashhurst, H..............do. William Camac..............Second Lieutenant. Bell, S, Jr.......................do. F. Rogers........................First Sergeant. Bickley, R.................do. W. D. Smith,..................Second Sergeant. lanchard,..................do. S. J. Randall...............Third Sergeant. Borthwick, J...................do. R. Morris. Jr...................Fourth Sergeant. Brown, J. A., Jr.............do. M. E. Rogers..................First Corporal. Brinton, J. P....................do. C. F. Lening.......... Second Corporal. Budd, T. M.......................do. R. E. Randall..................Third Corporal. Burk, J. R.................d...... E. A. Lewis...................Fourth Corporal. Butler, W. H............. do. G. Dunn.............F..........irst Bugler. Cadwalader, C. E.............do. J. Nosher................ Second Bugler. Caswell, J. H.............. ^do. F. D. Wood..................Farrier. Conover, A. M..^........,,do. Agen. John.............P.Private. Carpenter, E, N.,...... do. 31 242 THE FIRST TROOP, Cochran, G......................Private. Mitchell, H. P...............Private. Cooper, E. S....................do. Paxton, J. R....................do. Davis, W. S......................do. Pemberton, A. J..............do. Devereux, R. G......d......do.... Pemberton, C....................do. Ellis, R.................. do. Potter, W. H..............do. Evans, G. G.................do. Reakirt, E. L....................do. Evans, H. Y.................do. Relf, J. D..........................do. Fassitt, J.B.......................do. Richard, C. E..................do. Frazier, N., Jr....................do. Riddle, D. H.....................do. Gilpin, G...................... do. Rivinus, D. C. F..............do. Goddard, H. B...................do. Seitzinger, F. S.................do. Gray, R. E., Jr..................do. Sloan, A. V......................do. Grigg, J. W................ do. Sloan, B. H......................do. Harper, J. H.............. do. Smith, Cooper..................do. Haseltine, J. H................do. Smith, E. W................do. Haven, N. P.................do. Smith, S. E.......................do. Hensley, A........................do. Taggart, C. F....................do. Horner, A., TJr.................do. Tevis, E. L......................do. Howell, W.H............... do. Thompson, J........... do. Jacobs, S. H.....................do. Tucker, H.......................do. Kane, R. P........................do. W est, J., Jr................. do. Kuhn, H.........................do. Wetherill, F. D.................do. Kuhn, J H.......................do. White, E. W.................... do. Keyser, C. S............. do. Whitehead, G. I...............do. Lieper, C. L.................do. Whilling, C. M................do. Lowber, E., Jr..................do. Wilson, R. P..................do. M{'Makin, L......................do. Wood, J. P.......................do. Merritt, W. H...................do. Wood, W. W....................do. Middleton, G....................do. Wurts, W. N...................do. As soon as they could be furnished with equipments, they were ordered to Carlisle. Leaving Philadelphia on the 29th of May, they reached the latter place on the night of the 30th, and were attached to the command of Colonel George H. Thomas. On the morning of the 31st, they moved, remaining over night at Shippensburg, where they were handsomely entertained by the ladies of that place, and reaching Chambersburg the next day, went into Camp M'Clure. For. four days it rained incessantly, and the material composing the troop was fully tested, receiving unqualified praise from Colonel Thomas, who stated " that they had set an example to the Regulars, and one which he was pleased to say, had had very happy results." On the 7th of June, they moved from Chambersburg to Greencastle, where they remained five days, and thence to Williamsport. On the 17th, General Cadwalader being ordered to cross the Potomac, his command advanced as far as Falling Waters, where a slight skirmish took place, and the confederates retreated. In the evening the division was ordered back to the river, but owing to some error in the orders, the troop and Colonel Dare's regiment remained out until the next day. Major General Patterson here joined, and took personal command of the column, and on the 2d of July, the entire army re-crossed the river. Proceeding about four miles, the enemy's out-posts were encountered; a section of Captain Perkins' battery under Lieutenant Hudson, was brought promptly into action, and was supported by the troop. Early in the morning, the advance came suddenly upon the confederate lines, which opened with a heavy and destructive fire; at this moment General Patterson rode to the front, and gave an example that enspirited and nerved his troops, it being the first time they had been under fire of either artillery or musketry. The next day, July 3d, Martinsburg was taken without opposition. The army remained there until three o'clock on the morning of the 16th, when they advanced to Bunker Hill, the Troop being this day in their saddles over fifteen hours. At two o'clock A. M. of the 17th, the advance was continued, and about noon they occupied Charlestown. On the 21st July, the entire command moved to Harper's Ferry, and on the 3d of September the Troop crossed the river to Sandy Hook, where they remained until ordered to Philadelplia. While at this point, they guarded Keily's and An PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY. 243 tietam fords and Charlestown road, and with Captain William M'Mullin's Rangers, were the only three months' troops remaining. The Troop were mustered out of service on the 17th day of August, 1861, with the strongest and kindest encomiums paid by their commander, Colonel Thomas, for military capacity, strict attention to duty, promptness and bravery. On this, as on every previous occasion, they were mounted and equipped at their own cost. Sixty-three of their number returned as officers in the National army, all of whom served with distinction in the different positions which they occupied, from Lieutenants to Generals. Many sacrificed their lives to save their country and put down rebellion, among whom were Captain Thomas C. James, Colonel of the Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, General David B. Birney, Majors Taggart and Morris, and Captains Ash and Kuhn. The Troop promptly tendered their services in May, 1862, under the requisition of the President for more troops, and the, call of the Governor of Pennsylvania, following close upon the disasters in the second battle of Bull Run, which, however, were not accepted. No sooner had the news of the second invasion of Pennsylvania by Lee, in June, 1863, reached the city, than the Troop proceeded promptly to Harrisburg, and tendered their services on the 16th of June; they were accepted on the 18th, and ordered by Major General Couch to Gettysburg, to impede and observe the movements of the approaching enemy. They were driven from South Mountain and Gettysburg on the 26th, and the next day from York to Wrightsville. After a slight skirmish, they retreated across the Susquehanna river to Columbia. On the same day, Captain Samuel J. Randall was appointed Provost Marshal of Columbia, where the Troop remained on duty until the 4th of July, when they proceeded to Harrisburg. On the 2d of July Sergeant Robert E. Randall was ordered to cross the river with thirty men, and to follow and watch the movements of the retreating rebels, which was continued until they reached Gettysburg on the night of the 3d of July. They did not, however, take part in the battle. On the 31st of July, 1863, they were, by order of General Cadwalader, relieved from duty. The following are the names of those who constituted the Troop during this term of service: Samuel J. Randall.........Captain. Driscol, D. J.................Private. Zantzinger............Surgeon. Eastrick, W....................do. M. E. Rogers..................First Sergeant. Field, Francis...................do. J. Francis Maher............Second Sergeant. Frame, N. G.....................do. Robert E. Randall...........Third Sergeant. Frazier, P.........................do. E. L. Reckirt.................Fourth Sergeant. Gray, R. B.......................do. John W. Grigg................Fifth Sergeant. Harrison, A..................do. James West, Jr...............Sixth Sergeant. Hayes, R. S.....................do. J. A. Brown, Jr...............First Corporal. Howell, W. H..................do. Alexander Hensley.........Second Corporal. Hubbell,..................do. H. B. Goddard.................Third Corporal. Jennison, J. M.................do. J. P. Wood.....................Fourth Corporal. Jessup, A. D....................do. A. C. Cattell...................Fifth Corporal. Johnson, J. L....................do. F. W. Guist.....................Trumpeter. Kempton, J. C.................do. Ashhurst, H....................Private. Martrie, F. M...................do. Allen, H. W.......................do. Mason, R. S.....................do. Barclay, A. C....................do. Mellor, A..........................do. Barton, F.........................do. Mercer, H. W...................do. Bishop, C. B......................do. Merritt, W. H..................do. Brothwick, W. A...............do. Mitchell, T........................do. Brooke, C. W....................do. Morris, George..................do. Brown, P. A......................do. Neff,........................do. Canby, W. H....................do. Newhall, George H..........do. Colkert, George..................do. Newhall, G. M..................do. Conover, A. M....................do. Oakman, George...............do. Davis, W. S........................do. Oakman, T. C.................do. Devereux, R. G..................do. Passmore, G. Y................do. Diehl, H. C....................do. Reckirt, Theodore...........do. Diehl, Thomas C.............do. Rhodes, C. M...................do. 244 PHILADELPHIA CITY CAVALRY. Roberts, A...............Private. Wagner, J. D............... Private. Rogers, W. E....................do. Watts, H. M..................do. Sharr, E. H..................do. Welsh, J. L............... do. Smith, C. S...............do. White, E. W...............do. Smith, H. G............... do. Wilkins, J., Jr.................do. Snowden, A. L........ do. Wistar, Jones..................do. Stevenson, C..............do. Wood, W. W.................do. Tevis, A.............................do. Wright, Theodore........... Thompson, A. L......... Wdo. Their services were again tendered and accepted on the 11th of July, 1864, and were continued until the 17th, during another threatened invasion of the State. Appreciating the great importance of cavalry, and proper instruction in this branch of service, they, at their own expense, and without any assistance from either the City or the State government, built an Armory and riding school, at a cost of upwards of thirty thousand dollars, The Troop is the oldest military organization in the United States, except the Ancient Artillerists of Boston. Aside from the Mexican war, they have always been in active duty when either the General, State, or City government required military aid. 'S{DIAZISHS cS C, — a.l - % -- _3;:3:1..~,q,~,~~oA.:~gas~ ~0'a~o o~aa ELEVENTH REGIMENT. T HE Eleventh regiment, having tasted victory at Falling Waters, in the J three months' service, and won the commendation of its superior officers for discipline and good soldierly qualities, became an object of pride and gratulation to all its members. The feeling generally prevailed, that so fine an organization should not be broken up, and its services lost to the government at atime when they were greatly needed, and when, by a three months' campaign, the men had become inured to the duties and deprivations of the soldiers' life. Application was accordingly made to the War Department, for permission to continue the regiment in the service. This application was warmly seconded by the commander of the department of the Shenandoah, in which it was then serving, and on the 25th of July, 1861, notice was given by the Secretary of War, that it would be accepted for a period of three years, provided it was ready to march in twenty-one days. At the conclusion of its three months' service, on the 31st of July, the regiment was mustered out, and early in August, the men commenced re-assembling at Harrisburg. Upon the recommendation of Colonel Jarrett, its first commander, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Coulter was commissioned Colonel. Subsequently Thomas S. Martin was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, and Henry A. Frink, Major. During the autumn months the regiment remained at Camp Curtin, engaged in drill, where considerable sickness prevailed and eleven deaths occurred. Efforts were made to have it removed, but without success. On the 27th of November, in pursuance of orders from Governor Curtin, it proceeded by the Northern Central railroad to Baltimore, and was reported to Major General Dix, then in command of the department, by whom it was ordered to Annapolis, Maryland, to relieve the 21st Massachusetts, where, upon its arrival, it was quartered in the buildings of St. John's college. Its strength was nine companies, comprising thirty-one officers, and seven hundred and forty-three enlisted men present, and two officers and thirty-eight enlisted men absent, an aggregate of eight hundred and thirteen. The weather being very inclement, much suffering ensued, especially among the sick, of whom there were about one hundred and twenty. General Foster, in command at Annapolis, objected to the regiment with only nine companies; but an order having been procured from Governor Curtin, assigning to it an additional company, it was accepted as a satisfactory solution of the difficulty, though the company never reported. Field and staff officers, regimental band, and detachments of companies D, F and H, which had not been mustered previous to leaving Harrisburg, were, on the 11th of December, mustered in, to date from November 27, 1861. Lieutenant Israel Uncapher was appointed Provost Marshal of Annapolis, and was succeeded by Captain J. J. Bierer. While stationed here, the sickness which 248 ELEVENTH -REGIMENT. 1862 had prevailed in Camp Curtin continued, and seventeen more of the number died. The reports of an unusual amount of sickness induced the Governor of Pennsylvania to order an examination by the Surgeon General, and upon his report to the War Department, an inspection by the Assistant Inspector General of the United States Army was ordered. The result of this last inspection,* which seems to have been thoroughly made and impartially reported, showed that the hospital accommodations and supply were ample, the quarters of the men good, and that no unusual cause of sickness existed. On Sunday, the 9th of March, while the men were at divine service, orders were received from General Hatch, commandant of the post, to detach a company from the Eleventh, to proceed by boat, and act as a look-out party, it being rumored that the rebel iron-clad Merrimac, which had that day encountered the Monitor, had escaped, and was on its way up the bay. Great consternation prevailed at Annapolis; the citizens removed their valuables; the shipping was sent out of the harbor, and measures were taken to destroy the government stores. Company A, Captain Kuhn, was detailed for this duty. But the good services of the valiant little Monitor, robbed the monster of its terrors, and relieved the apprehensions of those in, and about the threatened waters. On the 9th of April, the regiment received orders to proceed to Washington. During its stay at Annapolis, the duty had been arduous. It furnished guard for the branch railroad; provost guard for the city; a greater part of the time, guard for the naval academy, and large details for fatigue duty. Soon after arriving at Annapolis, Chaplain Lo6ke made arrangements with the authorities of the Methodist Episcopal church, for the use of their edifice each Sunday afternoon, and the regiment, in consequence, attended upon divine worship, very generally and regularly. On the 10th of April, upon its arrival in Washington, it reported to General Wadsworth, and was quartered at the Soldier's. Rest.. New uniforms were received on the 13th, and on the 15th it marched to the Executive Mansion, where it was reviewed by President Lincoln. In pursuance of orders from General Wadsworth, it proceeded, two days later, by boat, to Alexandria, and thence by rail to Manassas Junction, where it reported to General M'Call, and INSPECTOR GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., February 14, 1862. $ GENERAL:-I have the honor to report the result of my inspection of the Eleventh (11th) Pennsylvania volunteers, stationed at Annapolis, Maryland, made in conjunction with Surgeon C. F. H. Campbell, volunteer service, from the 11th to 13th instant, inclusive. * * * The examination of this regiment, with regard to the physical and sanitary condition of the men has been quite satisfactory. Generally, they are young and physically a fine body of men. On the 1.3th instant, there were reported in hospitals, but twenty-eight, (28,) many of whom were convalescents and nearly fit for duty. The hospital accommodations are most ample, many rooms being unoccupied, and the supply of stores and bedding adequate to the wants of the sick. The police and vent ilation of the wards of the sick were very fair, although the former, in some respects, was not quite what it should have been in some parts of the hospital building. One of the buildings of the United States navalschool is used for the hospital of this regiment. * * * The records and books of the Adjutant's office were systematically and well kept and posted. * * * Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, N. H. DAVIS, Assistant Inspector General. General S. WILLIAMS, Adjutant General, Headquarters Arsy Po:omac, Waslisngton, D. C. 1862 MARfCH- TO THE SHENANDOAHR ALLEY. 241 was ordered by him to relieve the Fourth regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, which was posted along the Manassas Gap railroad, and of which he was then in command. Regimental Headquarters were established at the Junction; company A was posted about three miles down the road; company F at Gainesville; company H at iHaymarket; -company I about two miles beyond; company K at Thoronlghfare Gap; company E at Broad Run station; and companies B, C, and D, under Major Frink, at White Plains. On the 3d of May, two soldiers belonging to a Wisconsin regiment, who had previously been taken prisoners and had escaped, came to a farm house'w.ithin the lines. Being encountered by an armed party belonging to the neighborhood, Robert E. Scott, a noted Virginian, and another prominent citizen were killed. One of the soldiers in attempting to flee, was shot down, the other escaped without injury. On the 10th of May, on being relieved by the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Colonel Geary, it was ordered to move to Catlett's station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, and report to General Hartsuff. Concentrating at the Junction, the regiment marched on the 12th, and arrived at the station at midmight. General Hartsufls brigade* having gone to Falmouth, the.march was continued, arriving two days later. Much difficulty was experienced in moving the trains on the marchb the frequent rains rendering the roads next to impassable. On the 23d of May, the Division was reviewed by President Lincoln, accompanied by General M'Dowell and staff and the French minister. Stonewall Jackson having entered the Shenandoah valley via Gordonsville, was menacing the army of General Banks. Ord's Division was ordered to.join Shields and proceedto his relief. Moving to Acquia Creek, the Brigade proceeded by steamer to Alexandria, and from thence by rail to Manassas Junction, endcamping near the former Headquarters of General Beauregard. Proceeding mia Haymarket, White Plains, and Salem to Piedmont, the regiment drew three days' rations and stripped to light marching order. From thence it proceeded to the neighborhood of Front Royal, where the divisions of Generals Ord and'Shields were concentrated. On the lstof June, cannonading was heard in the direction of Strasburg, occasioned by the skirmishing of Fremont's advance with the rear guard of Jackson, now returning from his discomfiture and route of Banks.. HartsuPff brigade moved at noon of the 2d in the direction of Strasburg, and crossed the Shenandoah river; but, after proceeding about four miles, was halted by order of General MIDowell, who was directing the movements of the army. The mareh was resumed, crossing a second fork of the river and camping at Water ick station. During the afternoon and nigh t rained almost incessantly, and the command was -destitute of provisions, with the exception of beef. Fortunately, twelve barrels of flour, found in a mill on the line of march, were seized and distributed to the brigade, affording temporary relief. On the 4th of June, the brigade was ordered to return to Front Royal. The streams were so swollen that thefords had become impassable, and the bridges were endangered. Great difficulty was experienced n crinthe baggage trains, * Organization of 3d Brigade, Brigadier General George S Hlartsuff, 2d Division, Major General E. 0. C. Ord. Eighty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, (Ninth militia,) Colonel J. W. Stiles; Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Fletcher Webster; Thirteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel S. W. Leonard; Eleventh Regiment Pennsvlvania Volunteers, ColonelRichard Coulter., Colonels ranked in the above order, 32o 250 ELEVENTH REGIMENT. 1862 cattle herds, and artillery. Colonel Coulter, with a portion of the Eleventh regiment, was left behind to secure their safe passage. The only way left for withdrawing them, was by the railroad bridge, the ford by which it had advanced being now a raging torrent. The bridge consisted of trestle-work without floorings With the necessary material taken from,an old mill in the vicinity, Colonel Coulter prepared the bridge for crossing, and during the night the trains, artillery, and herds, together with the trains of General Bayard's cavalry brigade, were brought off safely. Scarcely was the last of the detachmnent over, when the turnpike and railroad bridges were both swept away. From Front Royal the brigade, with the exception of company F of the Eleventh, detailed as guard to the train, moved by rail to Manassas Junction. M'Clellan's Chickahominy campaign having proved abortive, the scattered corps of Fremont, Banks, and M'Dowell were concentrated, being designated respectively 1st, 2d, and 3d corps of the army of Virginia, and placed under the command of Major General John Pope, to meet the enemy now advancing from Richmond. The Eleventh regiment thus became a part of the 3d Brigade, 2d Division of the 3d corps. From Manassas Junction, the brigade marched via Gainesville to Warrenton, and thence moved to the neighborhood of Culpepper Court House. The battle of Cedar Mountain opened on the afternoon of the 9th of August, the forces of Stonewall Jackson encountering those of Banks. The 3d Division arrived about dark, and in taking position was exposed to a severe artillery fire, and remained under arms during the night. On the following day, the positions were several times changed, in anticipation of a renewal of the fight. Neither party manifesting a disposition to attack, on the 12th both engaged in burying their dead, and on the 13th the enemy fell back across the Rapidan. In this engagement the Eleventh had three wounded. Learning from his scouts that Lee's army was assembling in fall strength in his front, Pope commenced on the 18th, a retrogade movement from the line of the Rapidan. At tattoo, that night, all the drum corps and bands were brought into requisition, with a view to deceive the enemy as to the movements in progress. Proceeding through Culpepper, the brigade took position on the 19th, on the left or north bank of the Rappahannock, and the enemy, following up the retreat, soon appeared and commenced skirmishing with the cavalry. About noon of the 20th, the Eleventh, with a section of Matthews' battery, (F, First Pennsylvania artillery,) under Lieutenant Casey, crossed the river and took position on Graveyard Hill, about five hundred yards beyond the bridge. During the succeeding night, an additional bridge was built. The detachment being hotly shelled by the enemy, the Twelfth Massachusetts and Thompson's Independent Pennsylvania battery of four guns, were sent to its support, and the remainder of the brigade was pushed across. Entrenchments were commenced on the hill, at which the men worked vigorously during the day and night of the 22d. A sudden rise in the river swept away the newly constructed bridge, and the brigade was ordered to retire to the north bank, which was done under a heavy fire in safety, and the railroad bridge destroyed. The loss of the Eleventh in this engagement was one killed, three wounded, and one missing, Major Frink and Adjutant. Uncapher having their horses shot under them. On the 27th of August, Lieutenant Andrew G. Happer, with a detachment of fifty-one men for company G, arrived in camp. Authority had at length been given to Captain John B. M)Grew, of Allegheny county, to recruit the 1862. DEFENCE OF THOROUGHFARE GAP. 251 company needed to complete the organization of the regiment, and this was the first detachment. Marching through Warrenton to Haymarket, the comnmand was joined by the cavalry brigade of General Bayard. Stonewall Jackson had already passed through Thoroughfare Gap, and taken position in the rear of Pope, and Longstreet was preparing to follow him. To stop the advance of the latter until a decisive battle could be fought with Jackson, Rickett's (formerly Ord's) division of M'Dowell's corps, was ordered to seize and hold Thoroughfare Gap. On account of its familiarity with the ground, gained during the previous summer months, the Eleventh was ordered to take the advance. At three o'clock in the afternoon of the 28th, it formed and advanced in line on the north side of the turnpike, company H of the Twelfth Massachusetts being deployed as skirmishers. At the same time, the Twelfth and Thirteenth Massachusetts, with company A, Captain Kuhn of the Eleventh, deployed as skirmishers, advanced on the south side of the turnpike. The enemy's skirmishers, after slight resistance-gave way, ten of whom were taken prisoners. On reaching the summit of the hill to the right of the Gap, the column met a heavy fire, but succeeded in establishing a line a little beyond, the left resting near the road leading through the Gap. Owing to the nature of the ground, it was impossible to advance farther. Repeated attempts were made to force the position, but in each case the enemy was repulsed with evident loss. An attempt to turn the right flank was met and prevented by the Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania, Colonel Bowman. The enemy, having gained a sheltered position in Chapman's stone mill, and on the hill in its rear, kept up a galling fire, inflicting severe loss, which fell heavily upon the left wing, composed of companies B, D E, and G, of the Eleventh. After holding the position under a hot fire with great steadiness for upwards of an hour, the force was withdrawn. The loss of the regiment inthis engagement was two officers and sixteen enlisted men killed, and three officers and thirty-seveln enlisted men wounded, with two missing, one of whom was thought to have been killed, Company G, composed entirely of recruits, having joined the regiment only the day previous, although suffering severely, behaved with great gallantry. While the engagement was in progress at Thoroughfare Gap, General King's division of MDowell's corps was fighting Jackson at Groveton. Early on the morning of the 29th, Rickett's division took up the march for Bristoe station, arriving in the afternoon upon the field where Hooker, the day previous, had defeated the enemy, and where the dead lay scattered over the ground as they fell. Continuing the march, it passed Manassas Junction, and arriving on the first Bull Run battle-field, late at night, took position in line early on the following morning. At noon the brigade, with Captain Thompson's Pennsyl. vania battery, was sent to the right with orders from M'Dowell to pursue the enemy; but, soon encountering him firmly posted, the brigade was withdrawn and being temporarily attached to. General Tower's (2d) Brigade, was sent to the left. With the Twelfth Massachusetts on the right, the Thirteenth on the left, and the Eleventh Pennsylvania in centre, the brigade advanced to the attack. The action soon became very warm, the Union lines being thrown into considerable confusion, and, in about an hour, al the troops of M'Dowell's corps engaged at this point, were in retreat, In the heat of the action, Colonel Fletcher Webster, of the Twelfth Massachusetts, was killed, leaving Colonel Coulter in command of the brigade. General Tower, being soon after severely wounded, the command devolved on Colonel Coulter, who b'-? his po 252 BLEVEsNT RairIt. I86 sition until overpowered by the masses of the enemy hurled upon him when he was forced to yield; reinforcements arriving from SigeFs corps, he renewed the engagement, but the weight and impetuosity of the enemy's attack was so overwhelming, that they soon melted before it. Retiring to. the neighborhood of Cub Run, the fragments of these shattered brigades bivouacked for the. night. On this hotly contested field, the Eleventh regiment lostfifty-twokilledr sixty-seven wounded, and seventy-five-taken prisoners; of thelatterthe greater portion were wounded. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S. Martin was killed early in the action, and Major Henry A. Frink, after having his horse shot under him, was severely wounded, and fell into the enemy's hands. Colonel Coulter's horse was also struck by a musket ball in the neck. Several color-bearers were. shot down, but the State flag. was saved. Sergeant Fightner,, bearing the flag presented to the regiment while in the three months' service by the Union ladies of Martinsburg, was wounded and fell with that flag. into the hands of the enemy. The struggle was. short the reiment beingbut about an hour under fire, but the losses it sustained attest the terrible ordeal to which. it was subjected, and the nature of the onset by which it was overpowered. Proceeding to Centreville on the morning of the 30th, Colonel Stilesrejoined and assumed command of the brigade. Ammunition was distributed, and preparations were made to muster the brigade, which was prevented by orders, to march. On the following day General Kearney's division was iotly engaged. at Chantilly, and the 3d Division was. ordered to move, at two o'clock, P. M., to his support. Forming in the. rear of Kearney, the line was. exposed to the enemy's fire without the opportunity of returning it. The enemy were at length repulsed and withdrew during the night.. Tn this engagement two. brave Union. Generals, Kearney and Stevens, were killed. The Eleventh had.one: wounded. Retiring to Hall's Hill,, near Washington, the; regiment encamped, and, in pursuance of an act of Congress dispensing with regimental bands, the band of the Eleventh was mustered out of service. The well modulated blasts of these masters of the horn had cheered the heart of the soldier and lightened his steps on many a weary march, and it was with sincere regret that they parted company; but the rough campaigning of the last few weeks doubtless rendered the order a welcome one. On the night of the 6th of September, the regiment, marched through Georgetown and Washington, and bivouacked at Silver Spring, Maryland. In the campaign now opening, which terminated in the battle of Antietam, General M'Clellan was placed in command of the consolidated Union army, and General Hooker was assigned to the corps heretofore commanded by General M'Dowell, which, in the re-organization, became the 1st. Moving by rapid marches to the vicinity of Turner's Gap, in South Mountain,. where the. enemy were posted to dispute the passage, the action to dislodge them commenced. Rickett's division had rested the night previous in the neighborhood of Frederick City. Reveille was sounded at three, A. M., and at five the troops were in motion. Arriving in the vicinity of the battle-ground, knapsacks were deposited on the old Braddock road, and the line formed with the 1st Brigade on the right, the 3d in centre, and the 2d on the left. At about four P. M, the division moved forward up the mountain on the right of the turnpike, to the support of General Meade's division. The action at this time was very severe, but the enemy's fire was principally concentrated on the Pennsylvania Reserves. Rushing up over very rugged and precipitous ground, the crest of the moun 1862 BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. 253 tain was carried, and the command remained on the field in front of, and very near to the enemy during the night. The loss during the day in the Eleventh was two wounded. At daylight on the 15th, the line moved forward over the mountain with skirmishers advanced; but the enemy had retired, leaving many prisoners, mostly stragglers, in our hands. Halting on the west side of the Gap long enough to receive a fresh supply of hard bread, the march was resumed, passing through Boonsboro' and encamping at midnight on Antietam creek, one mile from Keedysville. As soon as the two armies began to confront each other, Hooker was ordered to move on our extreme right, and flank and attack the enemy's left. The division broke camp at three o'clock on the afternoon of the 16th, crossed Antietam creek, moved towards Sha-rpsburg, and at dusk took position under a heavy artillery fire. During the night the men remained under arms, the Eleventh resting in a corn field, the fire of the enemy's artillery being kept up through the early part, and a brisk musketry fire nearly the entire night. At daylight on the 17th, the brigade moved forward in line, with two companies of each regiment deployed as skirmishers, companies E and K skirmishing in front of the Eleventh. The enemy were soon encountered in a commanding position, well covered. General Hartsuff, who had gone forward to examine the ground, was severely wounded and taken from the field, early in the engagement. Upon his fall, the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Coulter, and that of the Eleventh regiment upon Captain Cook, of company F. Moving steadily forward, the left was made to connect with Seymour's brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves, when the engagement became general. The enemy were driven back, contesting every inch of ground with great firmness, until re-inforceed, when our line was compelled to retire, losing a part of the ground already gained. A position was finally taken, and held by the brigade, until re-inforced by a part of General Sumner's corps, when the enemy were again compelled to give way. At nine o'clock in the morning, the brigade was relieved, and retiring a short distance re-formed, and received a fresh supply of ammunition.* Going into action at about five o'clock in the morning, and retiring at nine, it was, during two hours of that time, subjected to a most galling and destructive fire. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the division moved to the right near Sharpsburg pike, to the support of batteries there engaged, where it remained under arms through the following evening and night. On the 18th, the enemy placed batteries in position to command the Union guns, with the design of compelling the abandonment of the position, but were forced by the precision and accuracy of the fire, to abandon the attempt. As soon as the firing ceased, details were sent out to bury the dead, and the enemy began sullenly to retire. In this battle, the Eleventh lost one officer and twenty-six * The morning of the 17th, your orders to advance and occupythe works in front were being carried out, when Brigadier General Hartsuff, who was examining the ground, was severely wounded, and the services of this valuable officer were lost, when the brigade moved forward, supported by the Second Brigade on the left, and First Brigade on the right, all advancing with the Artillery Battery F, First Pennsylvania Artillery, under Captain Mathews, and Captain Thompson's Independent Pennsylvania Battery, each consisting of four three inch rifled guns. Taking advantage of the ground, both batteries opened with destructive effect; officers and men displaying great coolness while exposed to a severe fire of artillery and infantry. The Division gained the outer edge of the woods and kept up a fearful fire for a few hours, until the ammunition being exhausted, and the supports coming up, was compelled to retire to re-fill boxes, after which the division joined the rest of the corps on the right, near the turnpike. * * * Offcial eport of General Rictctts. 254 ELEVENTH REGIMENT. 1862 men killed, four officers and eighty-five men wounded, and two men taken prisoners. Adjutant Uncapher also had his horse killed under him. Moving towards the Potomac, the rebel army having re-crossed, the brigade was reviewed on the 3d of October, by President Lincoln, accompalied by Generals M'CIellan and Reynolds. On the 11th, three regiments of the brigade, the Eleventh Pennsylvania, and Twelfth and Thirteenth Massachusetts, were detailed under Colonel Coulter, for picket duty on roads leading to Hagerstown and Sharpsburg, on the occasion of Stuart's raid through Maryland to Chambersburg, around the rear of the army. On the 20th, and again on the 29th of October, clothing and shelter tents were issued, comprising a complete outfit, of which the regiment was in great need. On the 26th, an order was received for the division to leave its baggage in camp under guard, and to march at once into Virginia. Moving through Crampton's Pass, and crossing the Potomac on a pontoon bridge at a point nearly opposite Berlin, the division passed through Lovettsvile, Bloomfield, and Salem, to the neighborhood of Warrenton. On the 8th of November, General M'Clellan was relieved, and General Burnside was ordered to assume command of the army of the Potomac. Three days previous, General Gibbon assumed command of the division in place of General Ricketts, and on the 7th of October, Brigadier General Nelson Taylor was assigned to the command of the brigade, relieving Colonel Coulter. Soon afterwards the brigades of the division were re-organized, the Third* receiving and parting with two regiments. At midnight of the 7th of November, after a hard march in a heavy snow storm, orders were received to prepare two days' rations, and be ready to move at a moment's notice to support General Bayard upon the Rappahannock. The brigade moved on the following afternoon, and took position near the railroad bridge in support of the cavalry, the enemy's forces being on the opposite side of the river, and his pickets in sight. It remained on duty, occasionally skirmishing with the enemy, until the 18th, when the whole command was relieved by General Pleasanton, and the bridge across the Rappahannock was burned. The cavalry took the river roads, and the infantry that by Bealton's Station, and marched to Acquia landing, where the Eleventh was detailed for fatigue duty at the wharf. Here the regiment received pay, clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and, in pursuance of recent general orders requiring officers to be mustered in for every new grade filled, those of the Eleventh to whom it applied were mustered. On the 10th of December, taking three days' cooked rations, and sixty-six rounds of ammunition, the regiment marched in the direction of Fredericksburg, where preparations were in progress for a general engagement, and bivouacked on the night of the 11th, near the river. Heavy cannonading had been kept up during the entire day, Fredericksburg being bombarded and at times on fire. Crossing the Rappahannock on a pontoon bridge two miles below Fredericksburg, on the morning of the 12th, the division gained a position at two P. M., about two hundred and fifty yards from the Bowling Green road, where it lay in line, under arms, during the night. On the following morning, * Organization of Third Brigade, General Taylor. Eighty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, (Ninth Militia,) Colonel Stiles; ThirteenthRegiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Leonard; Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Coulter; Ninety-seventh Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Wheelock; Eighty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Wagner. 1862 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 255 as soon as the fog had risen sufficiently, the division moved forward by brigades, the Third having the advance, and crossed the Bowling Green road. About two hundred yards beyond, the skirmishers met the enemy and were soon engaged. The position of the Eleventh was on the extreme left of the brigade, where, from the nature of the ground, it was much exposed to the enemy's artillery. After some time, it went forward about fifty yards, where it found better cover. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the line was again advanced and the engagement became general. The Third, still holding the advance, and receiving the first onset of the ememy, suffered fearfully, but was well supported by the First and Second Brigades. The colors of the Eleventh were three times shot down, but as often re-placed and borne triumphantly forward. In the heat of the engagement, Colonel Coulter was severely wounded, and the command devolved upon Captain Kuhn. The ammunition having been exhausted, the regiment re-formed on the Bowling Green road, where a fresh supply was obtained, and subsequently the brigade took up a position to the left of that occupied on the night of the 12th, where it remained in line of battle during the night and the following day. At daylight on the 15th, the regiment retired about one hundred yards under cover of rising ground, whence it was ordered on picket duty at Cross Roads, continuing until three A. M., of the 16th, when it crossed to the left bank of the Rappahannock, and encamped near Falmouth. In this battle, the Eleventh lost one commissioned officer and fourteen men killed, five commissioned officers and sixty-one men wounded, and five taken prisoners. Colonel Coulter was sent to the general hospital, at Washington, and Lieutenant Colonel N. W. Batchelder, of the Thirteenth Massachusetts, was, by special order, placed in command of the regiment. General Gibbon was also wounded in the action, and was succeeded by General Taylor. On the 31st, Brigadier General John A. Robinson was assigned to the command of the division, and on the 2d of January, Lieutenant Colonel Henry A. Frink, who had been severely wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, returned and assumed command; but unable to endure the hardships of the camp, he was, a few days later, sent to Georgetown hospital. On the 2d of January, all the arms of calibre'57 and'58, were exchanged for rifled muskets of calibre'69. Colonel Coulter re-joined the regiment on the 19th, but, being still unfit for duty, did not assume command. On the 20th of January, opened that celebrated campaign under Burnside, known as the " Mud March," in which the Eleventh held a distinguished part. Purposing to cross the Rappahannock and again offer battle, General Burnside put his columns in motion; but scarcely were they out of camp when the rains began to descend, and the mud to deepen. The division moved out to Stoneman's Switch, on the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac railroad, where it bivouacked for the night. Colonel Coulter accompanied in an ambulance, but, being unable to bear the march, was taken back to Falmouth. The division moved above Falmouth and encamped on the 21st, where it remained during the 22d and 23d, it being utterly impossible to move either trains or artillery, the infantry marching with the greatest difficulty. Yielding to an imperious necessity, further advance was abandoned, and the troops were ordered back, the Eleventh occupying its old camp at Fletcher's Chapel. On the 26th of January, General Burnside was relieved, and Major General Joseph Hooker was placed in command of the army of the Potomac. Dispirited by its re 256 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, 1863 peated failures, the troops were suffered to rest in camp, while its commander was busily engaged in re-organizing its ranks. Early in April great activity prevailed throughout the army. Inspections were critically made, reviews were frequent, and every indication pointed to the early opening of a campaign. Colonel Coulter having resumed command of the regiment, Colonel Leonard of the brigade, and General Robinson of the division, it was reviewed on the 2d of April by General Hooker, and a few days thereafter by President Lincoln. On the 14th of April all surplus clothing and baggage were sent to Belle Plains. In acknowledgment of his many services, and in anticipation of an active campaign, Chaplain William H. Locke was presented with a horse by the line officers of the regiment. To obviate the many difficulties arising from a lack of ready recognition of the members of the different corps and divisions of the army, General Hooker invented a system of badges, by which to designate them, and the Chief Quartermaster was ordered to furnish them to all officers and enlisted men. These badges were fastened on the centre of the top of the cap, and inspectors were directed to see that they were worn. -By this system, the badge for the 2d Division of the 1st army corps, to which the Eleventh regiment belonged, was a white globe or disc. General Hooker, having made the necessary preparations for a general engagement, desired to mask his real design of crossing above Fredericksburg, by making a great show of crossing below. He accordingly sent the 1st, 3d, and 6th corps with immense pontoon trains down the stream to cross and make a demonstration on the right wing of the rebel army. The 3d Brigade marched at five A. M. of the 29th, and halting in a field till afternoon, it approached the Bappahannock at the pontoons of the 1st corps, where the left grand division under Franklin had effected a passage on the 12th of December previous. Merrill's brigade, after a spirited engagement, had gained possession of the right bank early in the day, and in the afternoon the balance of the division joined it. For two days, 30th of April and 1st of May, the forces remained in nearly the same position, with three pontoon bridges stretched across the stream, the division upon the south bank throwing up breast-works and planting pieces, while a vigorous cannonading and some picket firing was kept up from both sides of the river. On the morning of the 2d of May, a heavy fire was opened upon the enemy's batteries, who seemed to have been reinforced, and at eleven A. M. the division marched away to the United States ford, twelve miles above Falmouth, and crossing the stream took position at midnight on the right of the line, near Chancellorsville. The 3d Brigade occupied the centre of the division, and was engaged during the remainder of the night in digging rifle pits and erecting breast-works. The day had been warm, and the march of twenty miles, concluded with intrenching, had completely exhausted the men. On the 3d, the breast-works were strengthened, and Ramseur's (5th U. S.) and Hall's (2d Maine) batteries were placed in position on the right, where a furious attack was made by the enemy, which was repulsed, and a large number of prisoners brought in. On the 4th, fighting continued at intervals on the left, and at four P. M., the Eleventh was placed on the skirmish line in front of the division, where it continued until tlhe morning of May 6th. During the night of the 5th, the army retired, and at dawn on the following day, the regiment withdrew to the intrenchments and found them abandoned. Here it was joined by the One Hundred and Seventh Pennsylvania, and deploying skirmishers upon the 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBTRG. 257 flank and rear, the two regiments retired to United States Ford, being the last troops to leave the field. Re-crossing the river, the Eleventh marched to Falmouth, where it re-joined the division. Not arriving upon the field until the second day of the battle, and not being actively engaged, it had no casualties. In consequence of the reported movement of the enemy's artillery down the river, it was held in readiness from May 13th to 15th for immediate action, but was not called on to move. In the re-organization of the:army, after the battle of Chancellorsville, the Eleventh was assigned to the Second Brigade,* Second Division, First Army Corps. In anticipation of an active campaign, an order was issued from Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, on the 11th of June, requiring all surplus baggage to be sent to the rear, all persons not having a recognized position in the army to be excluded from its lines, and the troops prepared for the greatest possible mobility. Starting on a race which culminated at Gettysburg, the two armies went forward by the Shenandoah and Potomac valleys, the commanders watchful:and eager to seize every advantage. Pleasanton with the cavalry displayed great activity, and gained a signal advantage over his antagonist at Brandy Station, and again at Upperville and Ashby's Gap. Leaving Falmouth on the 12th of June, the Second Brigade moved via Warrenton Junction, Centreville, Herndon and Guilford Stations, to Edward's Ferry, where it crossed the Potomac on the 25th, and continuing the march through Barnsville, Middletown and Emmittsburg, halted for the night, at Wol. ford's farm, on the Pennsylvania State line, where the Eleventh was inspected and mustered for pay. Notice of the order relieving General Hooker, and placing General Meade in command of the army, was here first communicated to the troops. Resuming the march, three cheers were given by the Eleventh and Ninetieth regiments as they crossed the line, then hastened forward, determined to strike for their native State a deadlier blow. Cannonading was soon heard in the direction of Gettysburg, and the column was pushed forward with all possible dispatch. On the march, the Eleventh formed the rear of the rear brigade of the division. Arriving in the neighborhood of Gettysburg at about eleven o'clock A. M., the brigade was massed on the north side and near the railroad embankment, andjust in rear of Seminary Ridge. Scarcely had it halted, when General Baxter received an order from General Robinson to send forward two regiments. The Eleventh Pennsylvania and the Ninetyseventh New York, under the command of Colonel Coulter, were detached for this purpose, and proceeding about -a quarter of a mile to the right, formed on the right of General Cutler, of the First Division. A few minutes later, General Baxter moved with the balance and formed on the right of the detachment, assuming commandof the entire brigade. The skirmishers were quickly engaged, and at about half-past twelve P. M., the firing became general. The enemy were soon observed advancing, when the brigade opened a heavy fire, causing them to recoil After several attempts, ineach with fresh troops, finding it impossible to force the position, they commenced moving to the left under a galling Organization of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General Henry Baxter, Second Division, Brigadier General John C. Robinson, First Corps, Major General John F. Reynolds, Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Richard Coulter; Ninety-seventh Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Charles Wheelock; Ninetieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Peter Lyle; Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel James L. Bates; Eighty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Williamsmo E ighty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Major Foust. 33 258 ELEVENTRH EGITENTd 1863 fire, when a part of the brigade, including the Eleventh, made a sally which resulted in the capture of about five hundred of the enemy, comprising three regiments of Iverson's North Carolina brigade, The line was steadily maintained under a heavy pressure until after three o'clock, when the Second was relieved by a portion of the First Brigadeand the Eleventh was moved to the railroad embankment to the support of Stewart's battery. Both flanks of the Rtion army having been turned, it was ordered to fall back to the town of Gettysburg, the Eleventh retiring with the brigade along the railroad, and suffering severely from a fire of musketry and artillery. The division immediately took position on Cemetery Hill. Here, an order was received, transferring the Eleventh regiment from the Second to the First Brigade, and directing Colonel Coulter to assume command in place of General Paul, who had been severely wounded and taken from the field. At about five o'clock it moved from the Cemetery to the left, and formed near, and parallel with the Emmittsburg rad, the division connecting with the left of the Eleventh Corps. Having formed in line of battle, and erected temporary breast-works, it remained in position supporting batteries, until about noon of the following day, July 2d, when it was relieved by General Hays' division of the Second Corps, and retired a short distance. At seven o'clock in the evening, the brigade moved further to the left to the support of the Third Corps, and was subjected to artillery fire which resulted in considerable loss At about ten o'clock P. M., the brigade was again ordered into position on the Emmittsburg road, in front of the Cemetery, in support of a portion of the Eleventh Corps, from which it was relieved at daylight on the morning of the 3d. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the artillery fire becoming general and heavy along the entire line, the brigade was moved quickly to the support of Captain Ricketts' and other batteries, on the right and front of Cemetery Hill, where it remained about an hour, exposed to both front and rear fire of artillery, and a skirmish fire in front. When, upon the point of moving, Colonel Coulter was severely wounded in the arm, and temporarily disabled, but remained with the brigade, and soon after resumed command. At about three o'clock P. M., it moved rapidly under a severe fire to the support of the Second Corps, upon which the enemy had massed his forces for a last desperate attack, and took position on the right of the Third Division in support of a battery, where brisk skirmishing was kept up with considerable loss on both sides, until nine o'clock P. M. Two hours later, it being ascertained that the enemy were removing fences, either for the purpose of making defence against attack, or of opening the way, the breast-works were much strengthened by the addition of stone and timber, the brigade working nearly the entire night. On the following day, July 4th, the position remained unchanged, skirmishing continuing with some loss. Immediately after the failure of the grand charge on the afternoon of the 3d, the rebel leader began to withdraw his forces. But, in order to mask his designs, he strengthened all his picket lines and fell to fortifying. Beyond slight encounters, there was little activity during the 4th. On the morning of the 5th, the last of the rebel host had disappeared; the ground was yielded; the victory won I Upon being assigned to the command of the brigade, Colonel Coulter turned over the command of the regiment to Captain Benjamin F. Haines, who was wounded on the afternoon of the 3d of Julyy and was succeeded by Captain John B. Overmyer, who remained in command until noon of July 4, when he t863 THE MINE RUN CAMPAIGN. 259 was relieved by Captain J. J. Bierer, his senior officer, just then returned from an absence occasioned by sickness. The losses of the Eleventh regiment during the four days of fighting, were fifteen killed, fifty-nine wounded, and sixty-four taken prisoners. Adjutant Small had his horse shot in the action on the first instant. Pursuit of the retreating rebel army was commenced on the morning of the 5th of July, and on the 6th, the Union army was in full motion. Following up the direct line on the Chambersburg road, with Sedgwick's corps subsequeitly re-inforced by the Fifth, as far as Fairfield Pass, where the enemy was found in some force, Meade decided to debouch to the left, and moved through Emmitts. burg to Middletown, the army remaining one day to rest and refit. At daylight on the 8th, the Eleventh moved with the brigade and bivouacked that night on the north side of South Mountain, throwing up breast-works. Moving on July 10th, through Boonsboro' to Beaver creek, it was again engaged in throwing ip breast-works, where an attack was anticipated. Crossing Antietam creek at noon on the 12th, it formed in line of battle and entrenched, with the enemy in its immediate front, in strong position well fortified. On the night of the 13th, the enemy escaped across the Potomac, and further pursuit was given over. Returning to Berlin, the regiment crossed the river on pontoons, and encamped on the night of the 18th, at Waterford, Virginia. Here the Eleventh, which had been transferred on the field of the first day at Gettysburg, to the First Brigade, was returned'by order of General Robinson to its place in the Second. In the forward movement of the army to the Rapidan and retrograde to Centreville, the regiment participated, but did not become actively engaged On the 8th of October, while on the picket line in the neighborhood of Ger. mania ford, Colonel Coulter, division officer of the day, had occasion to conimunicate with the officer of the enemy's pickets. The substance of the communication was signalled from the nearest station to rebel Headquarters. But this was not the conclusion of the matter. The Union signal officers supposing themselves in possession of the enemy's system of signals, read the communication and reported it to corps Headquarters, so that a trivial act transpiring on the remote picket line was immediately known throughout both armies. Colonel Coulter was summoned to the tent of Generol Newton to give an explanation, and was requested to make a detailed report of the facts. The event though of little moment in itself, proved of great consequence to the army;, for the rebel signal system was thereby verified. As the army again moved forward on the Mine Run expedition, the Eleventh took the Warrenton road, crossing Bull Run at Stone Bridge, and thence moved through Haymarket to Thoroughfare Gap, where a slight skimish enined; Crossing the Rappahannock river on the 9th of November, Colonel Coulter was placed in command of a detachment consisting of the Sixteenth Maine, Eighty-third and One Hundred and Fourth New York, and Eleventh Penn. sylvania regiments, with a section of a New York battery, and stationed at Liberty, where erere established G0neral Richardson's division Headquarters, the Eleventh under the commandof Major Keenan. An attack upon an outpost, by Mosby's cavalry in the garb of Union soldiers, was repulsed, but tot until one Union soldier was wounded, five taken prisoners and a number of hordes and mules driven away. The assumed uniform protected the party until tooJate for the picket g"uard to make a successful resistance. 260 ELEVENTH? REOGI'ENT. 1864 The regiments of this detachment having been ordered to their several bri. gades, at daylight on the morning of the 27th of November, the division crossed the Rappahannock at the station, and the Rapidan at Culpepper Mines ford, encamped at Culpepper gold mines and on the following day marched to, Rob.inson's Tavern, where the Second Corps was already in line. Colonel Coulter assumed command of division reserve, consisting of the Ninetieth and Eleventh Pennsylvania, Sixteenth Maine, and Twelfth Massachusetts, and moving forward in three lines, took position on Mine Run. The Eleventh was placed on picket duty and had one man wounded. On the 30th, the division moved to the right in two lines, the reserve under Colonel Coulter, covering the rear of both brigades, and took position on the right of the Fredericksburg and Orange Court House turnpike. At nine o'clock in the, morning, General Sedgwick opened on the right, but the enemy only answered with a few shells. Remaining, and suffering intensely from cold, until the evening of December 1st, the division withdrew, and moved to Germania ford,: where it covered the crossing of the Fifth and Sixth,, and the picketdetails of the First, Third, Fifth and Sixth Corps, when it was withdrawn,. with the exception of one hundred men, who remained till the bridges were taken ups. and then crossed in boats. Returning to the right bank of the Rappahannock, and again crossing to the left, it went into winter quarters. On the 5th of January, in conformity with provisions of' an order from the War Department, two hundred and four men of the Eleventh regiment re-enlisted as veteran volunteers, and were mustered in, to date from January 1st. As this number exceeded three-fourths of the whole, it insured the continuance of the organization and a veteran furlough. On the 20th of January, a communication was received from the Headquarters of the First Army Corps, proposing a plan to. raise a fund for the erection of a monument to the memory of Major General John F. Reynolds, former commander of the corps, upon which a regimental order* was issued, commending the virtues of that illustrious soldier, and urging a hearty co-operation. The full amount, allowed by the conditions fixed by the committee, was immediately subscribed; one.hundred and ten dollars by commissioned officers, and one hundred and fifty-five dollars by enlisted men. On the 2d of February, an order was issued from the Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, granting a furlough of thirty-five days to the re-enlisted *HEIADQUABTERS, ELEVENTH REGIMENT, Oamp on Cedar, Mountain, Virginia, January 10, 1864. BEGIMENTAIw ORDERS No. 1, (Extracts.) 2. The following communication has been received from Headquarters.ofFirst Army Corps: i SIP:-You are informed that at a meeting of the officers of the First Army Corps, held in this town, January 5, 1864, you, with your Adjutant and senior medical officer, were appointed a committee for your regiment, to collect funds for the purpose of erecting a monument over the remains of the late Major General John F. Reynolds. The meeting limited the subscriptions so that no officer should subscribe more than five dollars, and no soldier more than fifty cents. The principal committee as selected by the meeting, is composed of the following officers: Colonel Hoffman, for the 1st division, General Baxter for the 2d^ Colonel Dana, for the 3d, Dr. Heard, Medical Director, Treasurer, and Captain M'Clure, Secretary. Beso good as to inform the other members of the committee for your regiment, and at your earliest conventonce commence the subscription." In compliance therewith, Major John B. Keenan, Surgeon James W. Anawalt, and acting Adjutant, Lieutenant James T. Chalfant, are announced as the Reynolds' monument commit* tee for this regiment. The high esteem in which our late commander was held by the entire 1864 BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. 261 men, in conformity with conditions tendered by the Government, and attaching temporarily, the men not re-enlisting to the Ninetieth Pennsylvania. On the 5th, the regiment proceeded to Alexandria, and was quartered at the Soldiers' Rest, receiving pay and new clothing, and thence to Harrisburg, where it was disbanded. Recruiting stations were opened at Pittsburg, Greensburg, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Carlisle, and Mauch Chunk. On the 20th of March, the regiment re-assembled at Harrisburg, and on the 28th, proceeded to Washington with three hundred and fourteen recruits, and two hundred and seventysix furloughed men, an aggregate of five hundred and ninety. On the 3d of April, the regiment re-joined the brigade at Culpepper, and until the opening of the campaign in the Wilderness, was employed in re-organizing and drilling. Upon the establishment of the Headquarters of Lieutenant General Grant with the Army of the Potomac, that army was consolidated into three corps, Second, Fifth and Sixth, commanded respectively by Hancock, Warren and Sedgwick. In this organization, the First Corps was merged in the Fifth, the united force forming four divisions, commanded by Wadsworth, Robinson, Crawford and Griffin. At midnight on the 3d of May, the army began to move; the Fifth Corps leading the way, and crossing the Rapidan at Germania ford. Griffin's division encountered the enemy on the Orange and Fredericksburg turnpike, at three P. M. on the 5th, the second division being within supporting distance, but not actively engaged. At sjx P. M., the division was marched to the left, to the support of Hancock's right, and in assuming position, the Eleventh became very warmly engaged, the battle raging with great fury, until darkness put a period to the contest. The loss during the engagement, was about fifty killed and wounded. Captain Chalfant, while establishing a line during the night, became bewildered, and taking a wrong direction, fell into the hands of the enemy. Colonel Coulter had his horse shot. The action opened early on the following morning, the line being advanced rapidly across the plank road. In this advance, leading with his accustomed bravery and skill, General Baxter fell severely wounded, and the command of the brigade devolved on Colonel Coulter; that of the regiment on Major Keenan. The battle soon grew warm, and, owing to the difficult nature of the ground, the brigade became broken. The rebels fought with great obstinacy, and the loss in the command was heavy. Major Keenan had his horse killed, and Colonel Coulter another horse wounded. Being relieved by a portion of Hancock's corps, the brigade was ordered to the extreme left, in anticipation of an attack, where it remained strengthening the position until about five P. M., corps, cannot be more befittingly expressed than in the manner proposed, and it is hoped that the name of every officer and enlisted man in the regiment will appear upon the subscription roll. By order of Major JOHN B. KEENAN. The committee have decided to erect the monument of bronze, on the field where their commander fell. The Pennsylvania Legislature, at its last session, passed the following act: Be it enacted, &c., That the Governor be and is hereby authorized to transfer, at his discretion, to the committee of the First Army Corps, for the erection of a monument to the memory of Major General John F. Reynolds, deceased, any unserviceable or condemned ordnance: Provided, That the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania shall first have such ordnance properly inspected, by a competent person, and make report thereof to the Governor, specifying in his report, the articles of ordnance found unserviceable and condemned; which articles so specified, the Governor is authorized by this act, to turn over as aforesaid. Pa-mph. Laws, 1867, p, 364, 262 ELEVENTII REGIMENT. 1864 when it was ordered to the right, and posted at ten P. M. near army Headquarters, the enemy's efforts being at that time directed against the right of the Sixth Corps. The loss during the day, was one hundred and fifty-seven killed and wounded. On the evening of the 7th, the brigade was united near the Lacy House, and at ten P. M., took the advance in the flank movement of the army to the left, passing the Second Corps, and taking the Brock road to Spottsylvania Court House. All night the march was continued, with the design of seizing the high and commanding grounds at that point, but the enemy having the advantage of a shorter road, had already arrived and posted his skirmishers along the river Ny, where the brigade, at about five o'clock on the morning of the 8th, went into line, the Twelfth Massachusetts, and the right wing of the Eleventh being deployed as skirmishers. Without pausing for rest, it was pushed rapidly forward for nearly a mile and a half, with some loss. It had been given out that the enemy in front were " dismounted cavalry,'7 but one of the men having obtained through the thick undergrowth a view of them, re. ported " dismounted cavalry, carrying knapsacks." It was Hood's veteran division. At this point, the lines which had become somewhat disordered, were re-formed by General Robinson, the Second brigade on the left, and the First and Third on the right of the road. From this point the ground was open, the enemy having taken a strong position in the edge of the woods and strengthened himself by felling trees. The line was pushed forward till within about seventy-five yards of the enemy's breast-work, when his fire becoming very severe, and the left flank and front being entirely unprotected, it was checked and compelled to retire, taking up a position near Alsop's house, where temporary defences were thrown up and the division rested. During the advance General Robinson was severely wounded and taken from the field. Major Keenan gallantly leading the Eleventh, was shot dead in the very act of cheering on his men. A brave man, always at the post of duty, his loss to the regiment was sorely felt. The fatigue and fighting to which the division had been subjected, had terribly thinned its ranks. During the last three days, it had lost its division, all three brigade commanders, and an aggregate of not less than two thousand officers and men. It was, in consequence, temporarily broken up; the First Brigade, Colonel Lyle, being transferred to the Fourth Division; the Second Brigade, Colonel Coulter, to the Third Division, General Crawford; the Third Brigade, Colonel Bowman was retained by General Warren, under his own supervision. Busily employed strengthening the defences near Alsop's house during the entire night, at eight o'clock on the evening of the 8th, the regiment was ordered further to the right, where it again spent the night throwing up breastworks. At noon on the following day, it reported now under Captain B. F. Haines, with the brigade, to General Crawford, and was immediately placed on the right of the line. On the morning of the 10th, an order was issued for a general assault along the whole front of the Fifth and Sixth corps. Advancing under a deadly fire of musketry up the slope of Laurel Hill, a line of rifle pits on its summitwas gallantly carried; but beyond,'earth-works well supplied with artillery, supported by infantry, were disclosed. Advancing to within a hundred yards of the intrenchments, it was compelled to halt, but held the ground gained. In the faoe of a severe fire, the brave men clung to their position for 1864 BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA. 263 five hours, when they were relieved by Gibbons' Division. Out of nine hundred men who formed the brigade, as it marched out in the morning, two hundred and twenty-nine, mangled and bleeding, were struck down inthe narrow space in front. Another attempt was made to carry the heights on the 12th, by the Pennsylvania Reserves, in which Coulter's brigade was ordered to their support, but was alike unsuccessful. The supporting brigade gained a position a little in advance of the charging column, protecting themselves by the formation of the ground, which was held until they were relieved. Finding it impossible to carry the strong position occupied by the enemy, a movement by the left flank was ordered, and the Eleventh remaining on the picket line until the division was well away, followed, and joining the brigade, took position near the Anderson House, and subsequently crossing the river Ny, moved up nearer Spottsylvania, in support of Cooper's First Pennsylvania battery. All night long, the work of intrenching was vigorously pushed, and morning disclosed to the enemy a formidable line of earth-works, into which his shells fell harmless. During the following day, 18th, timber was felled in front, and pickets were established in close proximity to the enemy's works, one of his most formidable batteries being silenced by their unerring aim. Stung by the troublesome fire of the riflemen, several attempts were made to dislodge them, one of which proved partially successfal, the line being driven in nearly one hundred yards. Colonel Coulter immediately led the Eightyeighth Pennsylvania to its support, and while disposing the men for an advance, was wounded in the left breast by one of the enemy's pickets, and was borne fom the field. Participating with its accustomed valor, in the manceuvres and desperate fighting to gain Richmond, by the way of the North Anna, Bethesda Church, and Cold Harbor, the regiment was finally established in the lines before Petersburg, its right connecting with the Ninth Corps, and the enemy in well constructed breast-works just in front. During the night of the 17th of June, preparations were made for a general assault at daylight; but as the skirmishers advanced, they found that the enemy had withdrawn, and taken up a position nearer the city, more easily defended than the outer line. Changing the tactics from a general, to an assault by column at different points, an ineffectual attempt was made to storm their works, when the line was re-formed and intrenched. Finding that the direct attack would not prove effectual, the lines were gradually extended to the left, until, about the middle of August, the camp of the Eleventh was within three miles of the Weldon railroad, one of the enemy's chief lines of supply. On the 18th of August, masking the movement by some activity on the north side of the James, the Fifth Corps moved for the purpose of occupying and destroying that road. The division marched with the First and Second brigades in line, the Third supporting, formed in column of regiments. The skirmishers soon became engaged, and the brigade was deployed with the Eleventh on the right. At six o'clock P. M., the line was established and breast-works were erected which, on the following day were extended to the right. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy having massed aheavy force, broke through the line and took some prisoners. The loss in the Eleventh fell principally upon companies D, E and G, occupying the skirmish line, under command of Captain John B. Overmeyer, who was himself twice taken prisoner, but escaped; two men were killed and several wounded by the fire of 264 ELEVENTtH REGIMENT, 1865 our own batteries. Remaining in line until the morning of the 20th, it was relieved, and moved to a position near the Yellow House. In the action of the following day it was present, but did not become actively engaged. Captain Noble, of company A, re-captured the colors of the Ninety-fourth New York, which had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and private George W. Reed, of company E, captured the colors of the Twenty-fourth North Carolina, afterwards receiving a medal of honor by order of the War Department, as a mark of distinction for the heroic act. The loss in this engagement was two killed, ten wounded, and seventy-four taken prisoners. The expedition to Hatcher's Run, on the 27th of October, proved fruitless, and the command returned to its old position, after six days of marching and fighting. In September a number of promotions were recommended by Colonel Coulter, now appointed Brevet Brigadier General, and the regiment was thoroughly re-organized. Since the opening of the Wilderness campaign, it had lost over five hundred men; but recruits came forward, so that its number never fell below two hundred. By special order of the War Department, dated November 16, the veterans and other enlisted men of the Ninetieth Pennsylvania, remaining in service, were transferred to, and consolidated with the Eleventh regiment. Notwithstanding the occupation of the Weldon railroad, it was still used by the enemy for the transportation of his supplies. On the 7th of December, the Fifth Corps was ordered to effect its more complete destruction. Encamping on the night of the 7th, at Sussex Court House, the regiment arrived on the evening of the 8th, struck the road about four miles south of the Notaway bridge, and commenced burning cross-ties, heating and bending the rails, and, proceeding in direction of.Hickford station, encamped at night on the Halifax road. About twenty miles of the road having been destroyed, the countermarch was commenced on the morning of the 10th, the brigade acting as rear guard to the column. The enemy's cavalry hung on the flanks of the brigade, and five miles from the place of starting, made a dash upon a squadron of Union cavalry, but were quickly checked by the infantry. Still following up with the evident design of giving trouble, the Eleventh and Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania, and Ninety-seventh New York were formed in ambush. Our cavalry having made a show of resistance, rapidly retreated, followed by the enemy, who received a deadly volley, emptying saddles and convincing the survivors of the necessity of keeping at a more respectful distance. Crossing the Notaway river at Jerusalem plank road, the regiment arrived on the 12th in its camp before Petersburg. The loss was one wounded and two missing in this expedition. During the two succeeding months, little activity prevailed. The time was employed in filling up the ranks, re-organizing and drilling. General Coulter having been assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, and Major B. F. Haines-who had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in place of Henry A. Frink, promoted to Colonel of the One Hundred and Eighty-sixth Regimentbeing assigned to command of the Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania volunteers, the command of the regiment devolved upon John B. Overmeyer, who had been commissioned Major. Leaving camp at early dawn on the 5th of February, the Eleventh marched in the rear of the brigade, and bivouacking for the night on Grand Creek plantation, crossed Hatcher's Bun where the Division was massed, remaining until 1865.E EB'INWI CAMPAIGN. 2'9 two P. M., when the brigade re-crossed the stream, and marching about threequarters of a mile in a north-westerly direction, formed in line of battle. Moving forward a quarer of a mile furter, it was hotly engaged with the enemy, the rebel General Pegram being oklled by the first volley. The Eleventh moving a short -distance by the right flank, erected temporary breast-works, and held the position with the exception of a short interval when its flanks were uncovered, until its ammm ition was exhausted and thegiving way of the whole line left no alternative but to withdraw. Retiring o the breast-works thrown nap at llatchers Bun, it'was re-formed and remained there during the night. On the morning of the 7th, it was moved along the workf a mile to the right of the Vaughan road, where debouching from the intrenchments, it formed in support of the Thirty-ninth Massachusetts, and was soon engaged with the enemy's skirmishers,, pushing them steadily back, capturing one of his temporary earth-works, and advancing to within one hundred yards of a strong line of his fortifications. Relieved by a portion of the Sixth Corps, it bivouacked for the night on the field, and on the following morning was again placed upon the skirmish line. On the 10th, it moved with the brigade back to camp, having lost in the series of engagements, nine killed, sixty-nine wounded, and nine anissing.*. Hatcher's Run was securely held, and two days later, the military road was extended to its right bank. Lieutenant Colonel Haines was severely wounded in this action, while in command of the Eighty-eighth. Little anticipated by the rank and file of the army of the Potomac their last campaign was fast approaching. On the morning of the 29th of March, the regiment broke camp at Hatcher's Run, and moving by the Halifax road, formed in line of battle near the Speer House, with the Ninety-seventh Iew York on the right and Sixteenth Maine on the left, and advanced about a mie, when, after manoeuvring for position it bivouacked for the night, near the Boydton plank road. On the following morning, it moved a mile to the right, and threw up breast-works, whence it was pushed forward about two miles, where a line of battle was formed in the woods About noon of the 31st, the enemy attacked in heavy force, and turning the flank of the brigade, forced the line back to near the plank road. But the advantage was only temporary; for, immediately reforming, it re-gained the lost ground, and advanced about half a mile further and threw up rifle-pits. April 1st, moving in line of battle in the direction of the White Oak road, at three o'clock P. M., company D was deployed as skirmishers, and the line advanced about two miles, gradually bearing to the left, when the enemy were driven from their works and the battle-flag of the Thirty-second Virginia was captured by Sergeant H. A. Delavie, of company I. Marching by the White Oak road, it bivouacked near Five Forks for the night. On the 2d, the enemy's left having been broken and dispersed, the brigade moved in the direction of Petersburg, on the South Side railroad, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, leaving the road, crossed Chandler's Run and formed in line of battle at ten P. M., north of Sutherland station, the enemy occupying strong works just in froht, and opening a heavy fire. During the night, they stole away from their works, and while the troops were preparing to fall into line for the march, on the following morning, a prolonged cheer * A notable example of the attachment of men for a dumb brute, was afforded during this engagement. A faithful dog, which had followed the regiment through all its campaigns, al-ways taking its place beneath the flagin battle, was hit and instantly killed. Though in the mnidst of a desperate engagement, and under a murderous fire, the men paused and gave the body a burial where it fell 34 266 ELEVENTH BE GIMENT, 1865 rolling along the Union lines, told that Petersburg and Richmond had fallen. On the 4th, the corps moved and bivouacked at night near Jettersville station, on the Danville railroad and passing through Drainesville, bivouacked on the night of the 6th, near High Bridge on the South Side railroad. Crossing the Appomattox on the 7th, it encamped at night near Prince Edward's Court House, During the 8th, its march was broken by frequent halts, the trains blocking the way, but finally rested at eleven P. M. On the following morning it moved by a circuitous route, crossing and re-crossing the railroad, and halted at nine o'clock A. M., near Appomattox Court House, where the ENEMY SURRENDERED. Among the first regiments in the service in 1861, fighting its first battle at Falling Waters in the three months' campaign, through all the varying fortunes of the Army of the Potomac, with which it was from the first incorpofated, down to the last grand struggle, when the old antagonist was held in an unyielding grasp, it had never lost its identity and never failed to respond in the hour of battle. ACCOUNT OF TrHe STATE FLAG —The State flag was presented to the regiment by Governor Curtin, November 20th, 1861, and placed in the hands of Sergeant Charles H. Foulke, of Company A, who carried it until August 11th, 1862, at Cedar Mountain, where he was accidentally wounded in the foot, when it was delivered to Sergeant Robert H. Knox, of Company C, who carried it August 21st to 24th, at Rappahannock station, August 28th, at Thoroughfare Gap, and August 30th, at Bull Run, where he was severely wounded, losing his right leg, the flag passing on the field, into the hands of First Sergeant Samuel S. Bierer, Company C, who was immediately wounded; it was then taken by Second Lieutenant Absalom Schall, Company C, who was severely wounded, when it was again taken by Sergeant Samuel S. Bierer, Company C, who carried it to Centreville. Daniel Mathews carried it September 1st, at Chantilly, September 14th, at South Mountain, September 16th and 17th, at Antietam, where he was severely wounded, and it was taken by Private William Welty, of Company C, who was almost immediately killed; it then passed into the hands of Corporal Frederick Welty, of Company C, who was soon severely wounded, and obliged to leave it on the field, where it remained some time, all of the men near it having been killed or wounded. It was next carried by Second Lieutenant Edward H. Gay, of Company F, who received two gun-shot wounds, and passed the flag to Sergeant Henry Bitner, of Company E, who retained it until the close of the action. December 12th, and 13th, 1862, at the battle of Fredericksburg, it was carried by Corporal John V. Kuhns, of Company (0, until he was three times severely wounded, losing his left leg. It was then borne by Cyrus W. Chambers, of Company C, who was killed, when it was taken by Corporal John W. Thomas, of Company C, who was also severely wounded. It was brought off the field by Captain Benjamin F. Haines, of Company B. Corporal John H. M'Kalip, of Company C, was next made color bearer, who carried it April 30th, to May 5th, 1863, at Chancellorsville, and July 1st, at Gettysburg, where he was severely wounded in a charge upon Iverson's North Carolina Brigade, the flag falling amongst some bushes where it was afterwards discovered by Private Michael Kepler, of Company D, who carried it during the remainder of the engagements July 1st, 2d and 3d, and also at Mine Run, December 1st, 1863; in April, 1864, he being absent, sick, it was delivered to Corporal J. J. Lehman, of Company D, who carried it May 5th and 6th in the Wilderness, and May 8th at Spottsylvania, where he was killed, and the flag was brought off the field by Second Lieutenant M'Cutchen of Company F. The next color bearer, whose name has not been ascertained, was severely wounded in the foot, May 12th, at Spottsylvania. Corporal Wm. Mathews, of Company C, carried it during the remainder of the engagement at Spottsylvania, and at North Anna, Cold Harbor, Bethesda Church, in front of Petersburg, Weldon railroad, and until December 3d, 1864, when he was relieved by Sergeant Albert Carter, of Company A, who bore it in the Hickford raid, December, 1864; February 6th and 7th, 1865, at Hatcher's Run and Dabnoy's Mills; March 28th, Quaker Road; March 80th, White Oak Ridge; April 1st, livo Porks; April 9th, Appomattox Court House and until May 28th, 1865, when he was hon. orably discharged. John C. Scheurman, of Company A, then carried it until the regiment was mustered out of service. July 7th, 1865, it was delivered to the State authorities at Harrisburg, and July 4th, 1866, it was formally returned to the Governor, at Philadelphia, upon the occasion of the public return of all the State flags THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 267 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. DATE OF MUSTER EMA IA. NTO SERVICB. 4E Richard Coulter...... Col..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg and Spottsylvania-Pr. Bv. Brig. Gen., Aug. 1,'64to By. Maj. Gen., Apr. 1,'65 —Mus. out with reg., July 1, 1865. Thomas S. Martin... Lt. Col. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Henry A. Frink.......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 W'd at2d Bull Run-Pr. fr. Maj. toLt. Col., Sept. 1,'62-to Col. 186th reg., May 30, 1864. Benj. F. Haines........do.... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. B, to Maj., Nov. 1,'64-to Lt. Col. Dec. 26,'64-to By. Col. Mar. 13,'65-wounded at 2d Bull Run, Gettysburg and Hatcher's Run -mus. out with reg., July 1,'65. John B. Keenan,..... Maj..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap-Pr. fr. Capt. Co. K, to Maj., Sept. 1,'62-Killed at Spottsylvama, 3 May 8, 1864. John B. Overmeyer...do.... Oct. 4 1, Pr. fr. Capt. Co. D, to Maj., Dec. 26,'4-to By. Lt. Col. Mar. 13.'65-By. Col., and wounded, Apr. 1, 1865-mustered out with reg., July 1, 1865. Israel Uncapher.... Adj.. Oct. 25,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. F, Mar. 10,'62-res. Nov. 28,'62. Arthur F. Small...,....do..... April 7,'62, 3 Pr. fr. Priv. Co. D, to Sgt. Major, June 15,'62-to Adj., Mar. 1,'63-dis.by G.'O., Sept. 27, 1863. John A. Stevenson.....do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. C, Nov. 1,'64-w'd Apr. i,'65 — mus. out with reg., July 1, 1865-Vet. George W. Thorn... Q. M... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. B, Sept. 30,'61-disch. on.Surg. certificate, May 30, 1863. Allen S. Jacobs........do.... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Priv. Co. A, to Corn. Sgt., Oct. 18,'61-to 2d Lt. Co. A, Mar. 1,'63-to Q. M., June 3, 1863died October 18, 1863. Robert Anderson......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt.. Co. F, to Q. M., Dec. 5,'64 —to Capt. Co. G, May 15, 1865. Rob. M. S. Jackson.. Surg... Nov. 4,'61, 3 Resigned Apr. 1,'63-pr. Surg. U. S. Vols.-died in service, at Chattanooga, January 18, 1865. James W. Anawalt,...do... Nov. 4,'61, Pr. fr. Asst. Surg. 11th, to Surg. 132d, Sept. 12,'62 -toSurg. 11th, May 27,'63 —mus. out with regiment, July 1, 1865. Thomas G. Morris.. As. Sur. Sept. 17,'62, 3 Resigned November 25, 1862. William C. Phelps.....do...,. Aug. 4,'62, 3 Pr. to Surg. 22d reg. Penn'a Cav., Apr. 7, 1864. William F. Osborne...do..... Mar. 24,'63, 3 Pr. to Surg. 13th reg. Penn'a Cav., Feb. 3, 1865. John M. Rankin........do. Jan. 27,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865. Charles D. Fortney,...do...Mar. 8,'65, 3 Pr. fr. Hos. Stew., Mar. 14,'65-mus.outwithreg., July 1,'65. William IL Locke.. Chap'n Nov. 27,'61, 3 Resigned Dec. 19,'63. Edward H. Gay..... r. Maj. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Priv. Co. K, to Sgt. Maj., Jan. 15, 1862-to 2d Lt. Company-F, March 10, 1862. John Ingram............do July 3,'62, 3 Discharged March 30, 1865. Wm. J. Willyard.......do..Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Co. K, May 30,'65 —mus. out withreg, July 1, 1865-Vet. William R. Huber.. Q M. Sr Oct. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. lst Sgt. Co. E,Oct. 18, 1861-disch. on Surg. certificate, Mar. 15, 1863. Sam'l W. Phillips......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Priv. Co. D to Corn. Sgt., Mar. 1,'63-to Q. M. Sgt., April 1,'63-to 2d Lt. Co. B, April 18, 1864 —et.: Sam'l P. Aightcap......do... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Priv. Co. H, Oct. 1,1864-Cor. Rgt. Q. M., June 30,'65, not muls.-mus. out with regiment, July 1,'65-Vet. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Cor. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Ba. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Riem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Sorv. service. Wds. wounds 268 EJLBVENTF REtGIME.DT, NAMllZ. RA-EE. DATE OP MDSTER nE AEM M,.. 10 SViLC. B _____harl __s H. ClfforFlCom_ Si, Oct. 4,_61, 3 Pr. f_. Priv. Co. _ Dec. 1__ — dq__ h Oct. __ 18 Charles H. Clifford, Corn. Si' Oct. 4,'6, 3 Pr. fhr Priv. Co. 1, Dec. 1'63~disch Oct. 3,1864. Natha'l B. Dilharn...do - Nv. 26,'1 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Co. A, to Corn. Sgt., Dec. 24, 186J4- > 2d LLt Co. H, May 20, 1865-Vet. Lewis P. Eays.. I..da -Oct..1, C'! 3 Promoted from Corporal Co. K,May30,'65-mustered out with Tegiment, July 1, 1865-Vet. Pulaski F. Hyatt,...'os. St. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Ilos. Stew. U. S. A., Jan. 23, 186t. James J. Briggs........do Oct. 4,'I1,. 3S Promoted to Hospital Steward, March- 1, 1863to 2c Lt. Company B,. Mar. 28, 1864-Vet. Ed. S. Stephenson... do..... Mar. 1'65, MMustered out with regiment, July 1,1865. RE GIMENTAL kRAD. Mosheim G. Steck.. P'l Muc Oct. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Dec. 16, 1861transferred as Private, to Co. K, June 5, 1862. John P. Straw.........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promotedto Principal Musician, June 6, 1862-to( 2d Lt. Co. B, August 28, 1862. Chas. F. Anthony..... Oct. 23,'61, 3 Promoted ftoramMusician, Co. B, June 14, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 1,. 1865-Vet. Lewis Bernart............ Nov. 8,'61, 3 Promoted fromrPrivate, Co. H, May 10,'65 —mustered out with regiment, July 1,1865-Vet. George A. Miller..... L'd.Bd. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,.'62. John Fuehrer......... eg.Bd. Nov. 27'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. John Gleam, Sr.............do Nov. 27 6, 6 3 Disch. by order of War',Department,e ept. 3,.'62. John Gleam, Jr do....... ov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department,,Sept. 3,'62. Simeon Gleam.......... do..... Nov. 27,'61,. 3 isch. by order of War-Department,.Sept.. 3,'62. Justice Altmiller...do..... Nov. 27'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Charles Altmiller.. Cor.Bd. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62Tho's B. Tweedle....d..;.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by orderof War Department, Sept. 3,. 62. Rich'd B. Tweedle........... Nov 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. William Minich,............. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch by orderof War DepartmentSept. 3'62. George Krell...........do..... Nov. 27, 61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department,Sept. 3,'62. Bitner, John.........Pri. Bd. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department,Sept. 3,'62. Bitner, William.....do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Dintlinger, Henry,.....do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Etling, William......do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Farrow, Levi...........do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Lapp, Charles............do...Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disc. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Robel, John............do.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by orderof War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Schutter, John.........do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Sept. 3,'62. Schutter,.Wiiam....d..d.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War DepartmentSept. 3,'62. COMPANY.A. RECRUITED, AT OARLISLE^ CUMIBERLAND COUNTY, AND AT HARRISBURG.. Christian Kuln...... Captain Sept. 30, T61, 3 Disch. by G. 0. No. 36, A. of P. April 2, 1863. James Noble......do..... Sept. 30,'61, a Pr. fr. 1st Lieut. June 3, 1863-mus. out with Co. July J1 1865. Joseph Armstrong.. lst Lt. Sept. 30, 61, & Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 1,'2-to 1st Sgt., Dece 13,'62-to 1st Lt. Mar. 28, 1864-disch. by S.. 0. July 1, 1865, Adam Weaverling.. 2d. Lt. Sept. 30,'61, a Discharged Jan. 23, 1863, for woundsreceived at Bull Run,. August 30, 1862. Allen S. Jacobs.........do... Oct. 15,'61, & Promoted from Corn. Sgt. to 2d Lieut. March 1. 1863-to 1st Lt. and Quartermaster,June 3, 1863. David Weaverling.d...d...... Sep 30,'61, t Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Apr. 1,'64-to 2d Lt., Dec. 14, 1864-wounded Sept. 17 1862, and; May 23,'64disharged by- special orderi. June. 10, 1865-Vet. WilsonVanard..... Ist Sgt. Sept. 30,'61, 3 KIled at Bull Run,. August 30, 1862. Philip U. Kuhn.......d.. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. c. 2d Lieut. June 30, 1865,.not mustered-mus.. out with Co., July 1,'65-Vet. J. C. Schuerman..:. Serg't Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1,'64-to Sergeant, Feb.. 27, i865 —mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. William Carnall.....do.... Sept. 30, T61 a Pr. to- Cor., April 1, 1864 —t Sgt., June 14,1865absent on furlough at muster out-Veteran. James Gluie............do Sept. 30,',' 3 Wounded Dec. 13,'62-captured May 8,'64-pr. to Cor-to-Sgt., June 14,'6 —mustered out with Company, July 1, l1865-Veteran. THREIB YEARS' SERVIC-E 269. NS AMB. R AK DATE OF MUSER. BE M& SS. AMB. A INTO SERVICE. Oliver Vanasdall....S erg t. Oct, 15,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-pr. to Cor. April 1,'64 -to Sergeant, June 14,'64-absent on furlough at muster out-Veteran. Albert H. Cotter........do....May 6, 62, 3 Discharged May 5, 1865. Charles H. Foulke.....do..... Sept. 30,'6, 3 Accidentallywounded Aug. 12,1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 15, 1862. James J. Hassan.......do..... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Discharged March 4, 1865. James H. Noble.........do..... Sept. 30, 61, 3 Wounded and captured at 2d Bull Run-discharged November 4, 1864. James Heitter............do..... Mar. 28,'62, 3 Discharged April 22, 1865. James S. Sterret........do....Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3, 1863. Francis W. Pee.........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg-pr. to Cor., May 1, 1862-to Sergeant, Jan. 1,1863-tr. to V. B. C, Jan. 15, 1864. Nath'l B. Dilhorn......do..... Nov. 26,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor. Sgt. 11th reg., Dec. 24, 186 —Vet. James F. Warden......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 W'd at Thoroughfare Gap-pr. to Cor., Sept. 1,'62-to Sgt., Dec. 1,'63-died Feb. 15,'64-Vet. Moses Boose..............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., April 1,'64 —died in rebel hands June 11,'64, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-buried at Lynchburg-Veteran. Henry P. Frazie..... Corp. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Pr. toCor., Apr. 1,'64-w'dat Dabney's Mill,Feb. 6, 1865-absent in hospital at muster out-Vet. Isaac Lanehart. d...d...... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Veteran. James M. Smyth.......do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Veteran. Alfred B. Smith.........do... Sept. 30,'61, 3 W'd and captured at Gettysburg-pr. to for. Feb. 5,'65-mus. out with co., July 1,'65-Vet. John B. Sites..........do Dec. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. Lewis Maxwell........ do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Wm. Englesbe' ger.....do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October, 8, 1863. John M'Master........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded Dec. 13, 1862-discharged Sept. 30,'65. [lenry Parker........... do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Wounded-disch. on Surg. cert., Jan 12,'65-Vet. James A. Scott.........do..... Feb. 7,'62, 3 Wounded-disch. onSurg. cert., May24,'65-Vet. Michael Smyth.......do... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 25, 1861-wd. at Antietan -captured at Gettysburg-disch. Sept. 30, 1864. George L. Reighter,...do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. John Spong..............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at Gettysburg-died at Belle Isle, February 14, 1865 —Vet. Ed. G. Spottswood,...do..... Sept, 30,'61, 3 Reduced to ranks, Jan. 10,'62-wounded at Fredericksburg and Wilderness-disch. Oct. 21,'64. John T. Smith........ Mus'an Sept. 30,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg-musteredoutwithcompany, July 1, 1865-Vet. John A. Hatton....d........ Sept. 30,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Anderson, Jacob G.. Private. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Transferred from Company C, Jan. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Albright, Josiah G.....do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to March 1,1865discharged March 6, 1865. Armstrong, Wm.......do.....Sept 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Armstrong, Sam'l.....d.... Sept. 20,'64,. Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Albright, John W...do...... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., July 1, 1863. Arenze, Charles.........do........................... Died, Nov. 29,'62-bu. at Alexandria, grave 526. Barney, Martin...o.........Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-discharged July 11, 1865. Boord, Miles............do.... Oct. 1,'64, I Sub.-wounded Mar. 31, 1865-ab. at mus. out. Beardsley, H. M........do....Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered outwith company, July 1,'65. Baker, Lawrence.......do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-disch Sept. 30, 1864. Bratton, Edward........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged by writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 18,'64. Bittorf, George C......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Disch. by G. O. No. 162, A. of P. Oct. 30, 1862. Braddegan, Edw'd,...do..... Jan. 13,'62, 3 Discharged, January 12, 1865. Braddock, Mich. C........ Sept. 20,'64, Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Barger, Chris'r..........do Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-dish. by General Order, May 15,1865. Barger, Philip L........do...Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Bowers, Richard F....do..... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9,'65-Vet. Brollier, Reuben.......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, February 8, 1862. Bates, Isaac J.........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Captured at 2d Bull Run-deserted Sept. 12,'62. Bowen, John C..........do... Feb. 10,'62, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,1864-discharged June 21, 1865. Conrey, Thomas........do..... Nov. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run, Antietam and Wilderness-absent at muster out-Vet. Clark, Clement.........do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Drafted-absent. sick at muster out. Cramer, George......... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at North Anna, May 23,'64discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25, 1865-Vet. 270 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RA|NK. INTO SERVICE. Rti W Cornman, Nich'sH. Private. Sept. 30, 61, 3 Deserted Sept. 14, 1862-arrested May 4, 1864discharged Jan. 20, 1865. Crale, William.........do.... Jan. 13,'62, 3 Discharged January 12, 1865. Chess, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Crossley, Charles......do.................... Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Christman,Jeffer'n,...do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died Sept. 19, 1862, of wounds rec'd at Antietam. Coulter, John M........do.... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Died November 10, 1864. Doyle, Patrick...........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert. April 11, 1862. Daily, William..........do... Nov. 9,'61, 3 Discharged January 31, 1865. Davis, Amberson......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Early, Courtney H.....do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Disch. by writ of habeas corpus, Oct. 18, 1861. Frantz, Reuben.........do..... Sept. 26,'63, 3 Drafted-woun'd-disch. by Gen. Or. Aug. 7,'65. Frazie, Fred'k L...do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 18,'63, for wounds rec'd at Antietam. Fesler, William....... do..... Sept. 30, J61,3 Disch. Mar. 27,'63, for wounds rec'd atAntietam. Fair, Michael............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'63. Fry, Isaac...... do.....Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged May 31, 1865. Fesler, John.............do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 9th Reg. Cavalry, Nov. 23, 1861. Fielding, William........ Sept. 30, 61, 3 Wounded June 12, 1862-killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Funk, Enoch A.........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Killed at North Anna, May 23, 1864. Fry, Nicholas N.............. Sept. 20,'64, 1 Died March 24, 1865-buried at National Cemetery, Arlington. Grimes, George........ do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Absent-sick at muster out-Vet. Gibson, Joseph..........do... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 5, 1865. Gousz, John.............do... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert. March 1, 1862. Greer, James..........do..... Feb. 11,'62, 3 Discharged February 12, 1865. Gaw, Flemming........do..... Feb. 19,'62, 3 Discharged February 12, 1865. Genaria, Jerome........do... eb. Feb 1'6, 3 Discharged February 12, 1865. Gribbons, John K......do....Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Gillett, Enos..............do... Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 30, 1865. Gunn, Samuel...........do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 27, 1865. Gussens, William......do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted October 21, 1861. Geltner, John............do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-disch. Nov. 30,'64. Hixon, Henry H.......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg and Petersburg-captured at Gettysburg-absent at muster out-Vet. Homes, Wm. H.........do..... Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, July 3, 1865. Hoffad, John.............do.....Sept. 8,'62, 3 Wounded-absent at muster out. Highland, John.........do.... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-absent sick, at muster out. Henderson, Wm.......do..... Mar. 28,'62,;3 Wounded at Wilderness-ab. at muster out-Vet. Hohn, John...............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9, 1862. Homes, Alex'r...........do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Orders, May 31, 1865. Houston, Wm. C.......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert. Oct. 11, 1862. Hicks, Samuel...........do............................ Tr. fr 167th Reg-disch. for wounds, Jan 4,'64. Hoover, David H......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1862. Hennesy, John......... do.... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted February 20, 1865. Jacobs, Allen S.........do...Oct. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Con. Sergeant, 11th Regiment. Kirkpatrick, Jas. N...do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Discharged February 4, 1865. Knox, George............do... Sept. 26,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Kuhs, Conrad.............. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-transferred to Company G, 5th United States Car., Nov. 25, 1862. Kosht, David............do.....Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted October 3, 1861. Keller, George W......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 23,'62-dishonorably discharged, June 10, 1867. Keltner, Edward......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Deserted September 17, 1861. Labar, Lewis T.........do..... Jan. 11,'62, 3 Discharged January 10, 1865. Lazear, George..........do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 31, 1865. Louster, George.......do..... Sept. 21,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 30, 1865. Manspeaker, John.....do..... Sept.30,'61, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19, 1864-discharged July 24, 1865. Mahoney, John.........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. M'Cann, Hugh........do.....Sept. 30,'64, 3 Absent-sick at muster out —Vet. Mushiltz, William,...do... Dec. 14,'63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent at muster out. Minnick. John P........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1863-returned April 3, 1864 discharged January 20,1865. Meagher, Thomas......do....Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-captured at Wilderness, May 5, 1864discharged June 9, 1865. Maine, William G.d......do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 30, 1865. Morris, George W......do.... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Miller, David P.........do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged November 8, 1862, for wounds received at second Bull Run. Morgan, Thomas.......do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died Sept. 21, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried in M. A. cemetery, D. C. Melott. Cornelius......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 271 NAME. RAR. DATE OF MUSTER RES. INTO SERVICE. Melott, John........... Private Sept. 30,61, 3 Died December 31, 1864-Vet. Morse, David............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died Jan. 3,'63-bu. atMt.Olivet cem.,Frederick. M'Feeters, WVilson.....do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. Manspeaker, Geo......do.....Sept. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Mason, William H.,...do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged October 23, 1862. Mooney, Daniel.........do.... Sept. 0,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'63. M'Gowan, William,...do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 23, 1862. Moore, Robert...........do.....Sept. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 18, 1864. Northrop, Rufus P.,...do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Discharged February 22, 1865. Norton, John..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Nelson, Peter......... o..... Oct. 15'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-captured at Chambersburgtransferred to V. R. C., September 30, 1863. Newton, George.........do.... Nov. 14,'61, 3 Deserted November 23, 1861. O'Neil, Patrick.........do....Aug. 11,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged May 31, 1865. Prior, Jacob..............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11, 1862. Philson, Tho's R......do.....Jan 14,'62, 3 Discharged January 13, 1865. Polen, Thomas........... do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Paul, Charles...........do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 7, 1865. Royal, John C..........do..... Jan. 13, 62, 3 Deserted Sept. 18, 1862-arrested Nov. 24, 1864mustered out wiih company, July 1, 1865. Reppert, Benj. F........do.... Sept 21,'63, 3 I)rafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Rohn, Jacob.............do....Oct. 15,'61, 3 Wd. at White Oak Swamp, June 14, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Reed, William H......do.... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Absent-sick at muster out-Vet. Iexroad, Fred'k......... do.. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Riley, Benjamin F.,...do..... Sept. 30,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Riley, William...do Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 14, 1863. - Roll, William......... do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 19,'63, for wds. rec. at 2d Bull Run. Rummer, Wm. T......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 6, 1863. Reed, Augustus........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged September 29, 1864. Robinson, Armst'g....do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Disch. by writ of habeas corpus, Nov. 7, 1861. Stoutenour, Sam'l......do.. Mar. 21,'64, 3 Tr. to 49th co., 2d battalion, V. R. C,,'64 — Vet. Swartz, Abraham......do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Stroupe, William......do... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Salmond, John.........do... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-absent-sick at muster out. Steward, David N......do..... Apr. 16,'62, 3 Discharged April 20,1865. Smith, John..............do..... Jan. 27,'62, 3 Absent-sick at muster out. Seigel, Ralph........ do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'62. Seigel, Stephen.....d.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. Sept. 28, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8, 1863. Snow, Thomas...........do.. Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by G. O., May 30, 1865. Streight, John...........do....Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted Oct. 19, 1862-returned April 21, 1863discharged September 30, 1864. Sites, Augustus.........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-disch. on Surgeon's certicate, October 1, 1864. Searcy, Lafayette......do... Nov. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., Nov. 28, 1864-Vet. Sutton, George W......do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Wd.-tr. to 49th company, 2d battalion, V. R. C., December 27, 1864. Sandersont R. L........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg-deserted May 4, 1864. Simmons, Stephen.....do... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Stephens, C. P...........do......................... Died at Andersonville, Oct. 17,'64-grave, 11,069. Talman, Geo. 1......... do.....Mar. 31,'62, 3 Discharged May 30, 1865. Transue, Uriah.........do.....Jan. 11,'62, 3 Discharged January 10, 1865. Teatch, John..............do......................... Discharged Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Tansant, John...........do...................... Discharged Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Thorpe, William........do.... Sept. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865.'Thompson, Samuel,...do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Deserted September 25, 1861. Vansant, John..........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run, Antietam and Fredericksburg-transferred to V. R. C., March 15, 1864. Veatch, John............do..Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged September 30, 1864. Wareham, Henry......do..........................Transferred to V. R. C., Sept. 30, 1863. Wilkins, William......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died at Fairfax, July 12, 1862. Wtalton, William......d..... dSept. 30,'61, 3 Dish. Dec. 23, 1862, for wds. received at 2d Bull Run-re-enlisted Feb. 23,'64 —wd. May 6,'64, and Aug.-,'64-mus. out wich co., July 1,'65-Vet. Wessen, Lewis..........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted Sept. 20, 1864-arrested Oct. 14, 1864-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Walton, William.......do..3......... Wd. at 2d Bull Run-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 6, 1863. Wolf. Alexander.....do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. Wallace, Francis A....do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Walley, Thos B......do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. 272 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, NAM~r RiAitK~ DATE OF MUSTER 0 -ARS XIffAB R~AS. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Williams, Josh. H.. Private, Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 15, 1865. Williams, Marcus......do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted'discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. White, Vachel..............' Sept. 21, 64, 11 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 10, 1865. Weaverling, Jacob,...do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Wilkins, Josephus do.. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1862. Wise, Henry......... do.3 Died Nov. 28, 1861-buried in M. A. Cf'y D. C Youngs, George d.........d. Mar. 26,'65, I1 Not on muster-out roll. Zafall, Charles...........do...I April 7,'63,'3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. William Shanks.... Captain Oct. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Benj. F. Haines........do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 2d to 1st Lt., Mar. 10, 1862-to Capt., Aug. 28,'62-to Major 11th reg't, Nov. 1, 1864wd. at 2d Bull Run and Gettysburg. John S. Davis............ do.... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Tansferred from Co. C, 90th regiment-dischargby S. O., January 18, 1865. Harrison Truesdale...do.....Sept. 13,'61; 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 1,'63-to 1st Lt., Nov. 1, 1864-to Capt., May 15,'65-wd. July 1,'63, and June 22,'64-disch. by G. O., June 22, 1865-Vet. George W. Thorn... 1st Lt. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Q. M., 11th regiment, September 30, 1861. George Tapp............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Mar. 10,'62-to 1st Lt., Aug. 28,'62-wd. Aug. 28,'62-disch. Nov. 19, 1863, for wounds received at Gettysburg, John P. Straw..........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Mar. 15,'62-to PI. Muc., 11th rog., June 6,'62-to 2d Lt., Aug. 28,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 28, 1864-wd. at Gettysburg-killed June 3, 1864, at Cold Harbor. Robert R. Bittner......do..... Sept 13,'61, 3 Pr, to Cor., May 1,'64-to Sgt., Oct. 1,'64-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-to 2d Lt., Nov. 24,'64-to 1st Lt., May 19,'65-disch. by S. O., June 14,'65Vet. Samuel W. Phillips 2d Lt.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Q. M. Sgt., 11th reg., April 18,'64-disch. on Surg. cert., July 29, 1864-Vet. George W. Bisel.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'63-to 1st Sergeantto 2d Lt., May 19, 1865-wounded at Wilderness -com. Capt., June 30,'65-not mus.-mus. out with company July 1, 1865-Vet. Stephen F. Smith... 1st Sgt. Dec. 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to 1st Sgt., May 31,'65-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. William W. Moore Serg't.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Con. 1st Lt., June 30,'65-not mus.-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Jonathan Confer........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-promoted to Corporal-to Sgt., May 31,'65-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. James L. White.......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 31,'65-com. 2d Lt., June 30,'65 -not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 1,'65. Florence M'Carty.. do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Wounded-absent at muster out-Vet. Philip D. Stover.......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged by G. 0.-date unknown-Vet. Levi Henninger........do..... Sept 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal-disch. by G. O.-date unknown — et. John M. Haines.........d.... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-disch. Sept. 15, 1864. Benj. F. Walker.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865-Vet. Fred'k B. Winter....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1863. John P. Shafer..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Deserted January 20. 1863. John Logue..............do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Pris. fr. Aug. 19,'64, to Feb. 28,'65-disch. April 25, 1865., Chris'r C. Crouch....do..... Feb. 21,'62, 3 Pris. fr. Aug. 19,'64, to Feb. 27,'65-disch. April 14, 1865. Robert C. Clair....... Corp.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Muc.-wd. April 1,'65-disch. June 22,'65-Vet. William M'Kissick...do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Harvey Fravel..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 31,'65-mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. William Briekley....... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 31,'65-mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865. Eli Henninger...........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor.,.May 31,'65-mus. out with Co., July I 1,865, THlBIRE YBEAItS SERVICE. 273 AINTO SERVICE. AR Benj. F. Madara.... Corp.... Aug. 8,'61 3 Wounded at Antietam -prisoner from Aug. 19,'64, to March 13,'65-disch. June 21,'65-Vet. Frederick J. Able.....do...... 8,'62,:3 Discharged at expiration of term. Robert Karstetter......do..... Sept. 10,'61 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-disch. by General Order —date unknown-Vet. A. Bartholomew........do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-disch. by General Ordbr —date unknown —Vet. Orange Shortleff.......do ~... Sept. 19'61, 3; DischargedonSurgeonr s certificate, July 7, 1862. Hiram Spangler.......do..... Aug. 27'61, 3 Discharged on Surg's cert., date unknown-Vetc Levi Tompkis......... Sept. 1,'61, 3: Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'62 Joseph M. Burse.....do...do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died October 5, 1862, of wounds received at Thoroughfare Gap. Patrick Condon.........do... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., Jan. 1865-Vet. William H. Tapp......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3, Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 13, 1862. Henry Peters. 4..... do,.,,. Sept. 19,'1, 3' Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 13, 1862. Joseph Rourse,.........do,................Died Oct. 7, 1862-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 338. William:L Roland Muc.... Mar. 28'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. Ohas. F. Anthony......do..... Oct. 22,61, 3 Tr. to N.. staff, 11th Reg., June 14,'65-Vet. 4 Armintage, Henry Private....................... Discharged on-Suigeon's certificate, Sept. 1, 1863. Z3ennage, Calvin D....do....Oct. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —prisoner gfrom Aug. 19, 1864, to Feb. 28, 1865-disch. March 5, 1865. 3ates, William..do...... Aug. 29,61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 46,'65 —Vet. Barner, John............do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9, 1862. Barner, Jeremiah J...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 14,'62. Bottorf, John..... d..... Sept. 13, 61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap-discharged on' iSurgeon's certificate, November 10; 1862. Bent, George W......do.... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Discharged-on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Berry, Aquilla W.....o.... Sept. 19,'61, Wouded at Fredericksburg-disah. on Surg.. ertificate-date unknown. Buckius, Christop'r...do.... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Discharged at expiration of term. Berry, John.............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Briggs, John..........:...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Brown, George W..;...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Brown, Josiah.......do..... Septo 20, 64, 1 Died of wounds received at Five Forks Brick, Christian.........do... ~..... Died of wounds received at Five Forks. Blush, David. o..........do....Sept. 13, 61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap-Traasferred to V. R. C., July;1, 1863. Blush, Jacob............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted July 19, 1862. Burns, James...... do..... Sept. 27,'64, 3: Substitute-deserted October 26, 1864. Bowser, J. F.............do.., Oct. 3,'64, 1 Died May 21,1865-buried in N. Cem. Arlingtom Birtsch, Christian J...do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Died April 28, 1865-bu. in N. Cem. Arlington. Coney, John............do..... Oct.,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Crook, David R........do..... Sept. 3,'64, 8 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Crawford, Sam'l T.....do.... Feb. 4,'62, 8 Wounded July 1, 1863-discharged February;27, 1865, by General Order. ritz, John H.........,d.... Sept. 10;'61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap —discharged by -General Order, date unknown-Vet. Conser, William F.;...do..... Sept. 19, 61, 3 Discharged by GeneralOrder-date unknown Cochran, Abr'm W....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3, 1863.'Chandler, Charles.....do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General'Order, May 31,'65. Coulter, Alfred L......do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute —diseh. by GeneralOrder, May 31,'65. Clark, Lemuel...........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3u Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Cole, Humphrey M...do..... July 25,'63, 3; Wounded May 5, 1864-discharged May 15, 1865. Confer, Valentine.......do.... Sept. 10, 61, 3 Died at Andersonville., Nov. 1, 1864-Vet.'Calderwood, Geo. B..do...... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown. Carmitchell, Edwin...do.. Aug. 1,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted. Dickey, Robert L.....do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Dehaas, James........do..... Mar. 11'64, 3' Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Doolan, Patrick......do... Aug. 7,'63, 3: Wounded May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Dunn, Allison B.......do... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Davis, Jacob..............do. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died Oct. 5,'62, of wounds received at Antietam. Delong, Jonathan......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died July 7, 1864 —bu. in N. Cem'y, Arlington. Dentz, Peter...............do... Apr. 1,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Doyle, John............. do.....Sept. 13,'61, 8 Deserted April 13, 1862. Dehass, Horatio G......do..... Mar 1,'64, 3 Died August 18, 1864-bu. at Alexandria, grave, 2,593. Elder, James............do..... Apr. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Englebert, John........do.... July 23,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Eldred, William D...do.... Sept. 13,'63, 3 Sentenced for desertion, May 3, 1864-discharged June 7, 1865. Edwins, George........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Emert, John..............do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Emert, Josiah............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-.date unknown. Eldred, Charles D...,...do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Died at City Point, July 20, 1864. 35 274 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, n AM. R. N....DATE OF MUgTER R. INTO SERVICE REMARKS. Elder, Samuel....... Private, Aug. 2S,'61, 3 Died Mar. 17,'65-bu. in U. S. Gen. Hosp. C'yG, Annapolis-Vet. Edger, John............. do... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness. Edger, Samuel......d..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Died of wds r. near Ft. Warren, Va., June 13, 1864. Edger, Samuel K......do.... ar. 1,'64, Deserted March 1-5, 1864, Ferry, John...............do..... Sept. 13,'61, Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 11, 1862. Fiester, Reuben......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged'on Surg. certificate, October 15, 1862. Fiddler, John H........do..... Mar 11, 64, 3 Discharged by GeneralOrder-date unknown. Parster, Henry..........do..... Oct. 1,64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Fredinbaugh,Jul's...do..... Oct. 1, 64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Plinn, Patrick...........do.... Jan. 22, 62, 3 Discharged January 22, 1865. Fisher, John B..........do................... Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Frame, John H.........do........................3 Died at Harrisburg, September 15, 1861. Force, Philip............do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, December 20, 1861. Garland, James.........do.... April 12,'64, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out. Gill, William F.........do... Aug. 9'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Grant, James B.........do..... Aug. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Gilbreth, David.........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 1, 1863. Grissins, Charles...do...............Died May 21,'65, ofwds. rec. at Gravelly Runburied in N. Cemetery, Arlington. Gross, George M....... do.....Mar. 6,'62, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Higbee, illegus..62 3Pris fr. Aug. 19,64, to Feb. 28,'65-disch. June 29, 1865-Vet. Howe, Jonathan S.....do....... Mar. 17,64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Henninger, Isaac......do... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Howell, John...........do.... Feb. 13,'62, 3 Discharged March 1, 1865. nninger, Joseph..do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Hall, John..... Sept.. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 28, 1862. Hoover, William H...do..... Sept. 13, 61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 6, 1863. Hunt, Francis W......do..... ct,'64, Substitutedischarged by G. O., May 31,1865. Hinton, James H......do.... Ot. 1,'64,.1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Hawks, John............do.. Sept. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865.:Harley, Henry..........do...Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Henry, John H.........do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Horton, Caleb............do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, November 21, 1861. Hitchcock, Wi. O....do.... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Haun, Merit.............do...Mar. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. ienry, Thomas L......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Johnston, Edward.....do..... Oct. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Jenkins, G. W.C......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, February 3, 1862. Jones, James J. B......do.... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Disch. by General Order-date unknown-Vet. Johnston, Val. J........do.... Feb. 10,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Jenkins, Edward......do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged at expiration of term. Kunes, James A.......do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Kaine, Patriok......... do. Aug., 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1,1865. Kessinger, D. W.....do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Knarr, John..............do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 5, 1862. Knarr, enry..........do.. Sept. 8,'61, 3 Disch. by General Order-date unknown-Vet. Knarr, Solomon........do.... Mar. 11, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order~-date unknown. lillingeri John........do... Sept. 10,'61, 8 Disch. by General Order-date unknown-Vet. Karstetter, Samuel...do.... Sept. 10,'61 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, June 3, 1864-Vet. Kooper, George W.....do...Feb, 27,'(4, Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Lyle, Robert V.........do.. Aug. 13, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Long, George W........... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Lewis, Henry............. Sept. 13, 61, 3Discharged September 15, 1864. La France, Joseph d........ Aug. 25,'61, 3 Dsch. by General Order-date unknown-Vet. Lucas, Job M..........do.. Mar. 11,'64 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Lonman, Samuel...do........ 3 Died August 8, 1862-buried at Philadelphia. Motler, John H........ do. Mar. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Moore, John R...d.......do. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-discharged Sept. 13, 1864. Muller, Christian.....do.. Oct. 1, 64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. RMilligan, William.....do.... Sept. 13, 61,3 Died March 16, 1863-buried at Philadelphia. Marcy, John J......... do...Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died April 25, 65, of wds. rec. at Gravelly Runburied in N. Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. Moyer, George W......do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Thorougfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Moore, Joseph...........do... Sept. 19, 61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, December 1, 1861. M'Closkey, Jos. C.....do..... Mar. L1,'64, 3 Died at City Point, September 9, 1864. Moyer, Mifflin R....S....... Sept. 19,'61,3 Deserted January 24, 1863. Myers, John H.........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted September 17, 1861. Myers, John C........... Sept. 13'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1862. M'Ilwain, Charles.... do. Sept. 14,'63, 3 Wd. May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Nye, Hiram............do.... Sept. 13,'61, Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. ye, Joseph............ do Sept. 1'61, 3Desrtcd December 8, 1862. THREE YEABS SERVICE. 275 IIVAMPE, PERAN.K. DATE OF MUSTER EMAS INTO SERVICE. > O-Neil, John H...... Private. Jan. 27, 62, 3 Discharged by General Order, Feb. 2, 1865. Overton, Ezra W...l..do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Parker, Wash. W...d..o..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Packer,.William M...do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865.',ol, William W.......do.....Sept. 30,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order. Pontius, David A......do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 31,'65. Powell, Levi.............do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gaop-discharged on Surgeon's ertificate, October 14, 1862. Robenalt, Jacob.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wa. at Fredericksburg-discharged on Surg.'.d: s 1'41.certificate, February 7, 1863. BLamsey, Moses.......do.....d Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 31,'65. Robar, Mitchell.........do.... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May'31,'65. lieed, Samuel...........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. liley, Cornelius........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 15,'62. Reeder, George W.,...do..................... Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Rloss.. Charles J.........do...Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown.-Vet, Snith, Henry H....l.do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Sirncox, Joseph..........do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. tStrayer, Daniel I......do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865, Shankland, Wm.P.,...do.... Oct. 4, 64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865.. Stout, Richard C........do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wounded March 31 1865-ab, at mus. out-~Vet. Shbearer..Jhhn D.,....do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31 1865. -Smith, William HI.,...do.. Dec. 17, 61, 3 Discharged at expiration of term. Shadel, David WV.......do.... Sept. 19,'61 3 Wounded at Antietam-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 5, 1863. Sharp, John...........J...do,.... Sept. 13,'61,.3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5, 1862. Sands, Fredk F.....do.., Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8, 1862. Shearer, Hugh........do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'61. Stover, George W.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged October 17, 1862, for wounds received at second Bull Run. Shilling, And'w J......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864discharged by.General Order, June 3, 1865. Stabley, Henry.........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Discharged by General. Order-date unknown,.Smith, Win. H........do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862, Stover, Peterr...........do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted September 30, 1861, Steinmetz, Ed. W......do.... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to. Feb. 28, 1865discharged June 27, 1865. enyder, Frank........'...do.... July 2,'63, 3 Prisoner Aug. 19,'64 —discharged June 17, 1865. Tapp, James.............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 3,'62. Thompson, Geo.W.,...do.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Wounded at:Thoroughfare Gap- discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, July 1, 1863. Turner, James.........do..... Jan. 21,'62, 3 Deserted April 14, 1862,. Vore, Ira C...............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Wise, John E...........do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1i 186. Walker, William......do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wagner, John W...o....o.,.. Aug. 27,'61, 3 WoundedatFredericksburg-mustered outwith company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Wilson, Samuel.........do... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order May 31, 1864. Warner, Martin.........do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Substitute-disc.h. by General Order, May 31,'65. Wilder, James B.......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Wantz,Hezekiah P....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Winn, Thomas..........do..... Mar. 1),'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May6, 1864. Weaver, Jacob,..........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 4 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28,'62deserted Janurry 15, - 863.' Wilson, Honry......d...d. Mar. 16,'64,.3 Wounded at Spottsylvania-died July 5, 1864-:- ""..; -...; buried in Portsmouth Grove Cemetery, R. I. Young, Joseph G.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to April 12,'65discharged July:7, 1865.-Yet. COMPANY C. RECRITTED AT LATROBE, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Jacob J. Bierer...... Capt.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d.Bull Run-disch. April 2, 1864. Absalom Schall.........d.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. from 2d Lieut. March 28, 1864-discharged July 5,1864, for wounds received at Wilderness. William S. Ellis........do..... Dec. 20,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, 90th reg.-disch. Dec. 19, 1864, John M'Clintock.... st Lt. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at 2d Bull Run-disch. May 21, 1863, for wounds received in action. W. H. M'Laughlin,...do.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt. April 1,'64-to 2d 4ieut. Nov. 1,'64to 1st Lieut. Dec. 5,'64-com, Capt. June 30,'65, not mus.-mus. out with Co.,uply $'6.5-Vet. 2T^ EBLETJVENTH RaiREGIMEN V~A=tUI BANK~ DATE OP MUSTER INKTO-SERVIGB. BA. Henry D. Weller.... 2d Lt. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-promoted fr. private to. Sergt. April 1, 1864-to 1st Sergt. —*. 2d( Lieut. i; Dec. 17. 1864-resigned, June 21, lbbI —Vet. Samuel S. Blerer-.. lst Sgt. Sept.. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam and 2d Bull Run-disch. September228, 1864. David P. Bricker......do..... Sept. 9,'61, S Pr. to 1st Sergeant-corn. lit Liet. June 30, 1865 -not mus-mus. out with Co., July 1,65-Vet. Wm. D. Patterson.. Serg't.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 17, 1863. Robert F. Knox........do.. Sept. 9,'61, S Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, August 14, 1863. Benjamin Johnson...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to V. B. C., April 10, 1864. Amos A. Brinker;.....do... Sept.. 9,'61, 3 Disch. by General Order,. June 9,1865-Vet. John iodder..........do Sept. 9'61 3, rt. to Sergeant-com. 2d Lieut. June 30,1865not mus-mus. out with Co.,Juily 1,'65-Vet. Daniel Dunlap...........do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 14, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 1,1865. Daniel Thomas. d.......do.-.. Mar. 17,'64,. 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 14,1865 —mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. James M'Dowel......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-promoted-to Sergt. June 14, 1865 —mus.. out with company, July 1,'65-Vet. Patrick M'lenna,.....do...Mar. 26,'62, 3 Discharged March 25 1865. Daniel Rodgers........do,..... Feb.. 8,'62, 3 Discharged February 7,. 1865. Geo. E. Andersom. Corp... Sept.. 9,'61. 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30 1862. John H. Johnson....do..... Sept. 9.'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 2,. 1863. James M. Thomas......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mus. out as private, with Co.,. July 1,'65-Vet. George A., Parks.......do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged en Surgeon's certificateFeb. 7, 1863. John R. Nichols........do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted January 18, 1863. William Mathews.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-died March 4,1865, of wounds received at Hatcher's Run-Vet. Fred'k B. Welty..;.....do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 13,'62, forwds. received at Antietam Jas. A. M'.uown...d..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31,1865. John P. Noell............do..... Mar. 17,'64 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14,1865 —mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. WilliamE. Fritz...d...d..o.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Jos. M. Mitchell........... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1,1865. Rieh'd R. Madden.....do..... Oct. 8,'62, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg-pr. to Cor. June 14,'65. -mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Geo. W. Kelly..........d..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. John H. M'Kai.....do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam and Gettysburg-discharged e,, December 9 1864. John Carnes..........d...do..... Feb. 1,'62; 3 Discharged January 31, 1865. Henry Barton......... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 1,'62, for wds. rec. at 2d Bull Run. Elijah S. Dennis....d..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Discharged February 16, 1865. Geo. W. Bentley........do.....Feb. 17,'62, 3 Discharged February 16, 1865. John W. Wardell... do.... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged January 21,1865. David Galloway........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted January 18,. 1863. Robert M'Cartney... Muc.... Sept. 23,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'62. John R. Hull..........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged September 10, 1864. Akens, Wilson J..... Private, Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company,. July 1, 1865. Adams, John............do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Absent, in hospital at muster out. Aukerman, Wmi......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 17, 1863. Auvley, John.........do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Anderson, JacobG.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brinker, Henry........do....ept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-transferred to V. R. C., February 15, 1864. Bush, George............d.... July 18,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Blackston, Jacob.......do.... Sept. 9;'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Byers, James W........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 19, 1863. Bowman, Cyrus........do.... Sept. 64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 31,'65. Blinker, Simon.......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865-Vet. Byron, Sylvester H...do......... Discharged Feb. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Bair, Frank...............do.... Aug. 11,'64, Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 5,'65. Bell, Alexander..........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'62. Brady, Samuel A......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4, 1862. Bolliiger, Henry......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Fredericksburg and Getburg-disch. on Surg's cert., June 1,'65-Vet. Brinker, Henry A......d.._.. Feb-. 29,'64, 3 Died June 5, 1864-bu. at Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 277 AXE, AE. EBANS. DATE OF MUSTER R EARS. INTO SERVICE. Bodder, Henry....... Private. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., November 15, 1863. Bailey, David..........do...................... Died July 6, 1864, of w'ds received at Bethesda Church-buried in National Cem'y, Arlington. Barr, Ralston J.... d..... do Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died Sept. 3, 1864-buried at Point Lookout. Brinker, David.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died November 15, 1861. Bates, Andrew J..... 11'61, Died Oct. 17, 1862, of w'ds reo. at 2d Bull Run. Bricker, WilliamH...do..... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Deserted December 20, 1862. Black, Robert..........do........................... Died Sept. 18, 1864-buried at Philadelphia. Byrne, Sylvester H...do,.... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Cost, George.............do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Chambers, Cyrus......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 14, 1862. Chamberlain, Jos. B...do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Curry, Geerge W......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam and Gettysburg-died at Cedar Mountain, Va., January 2, 1864. Conny, John............do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-absent at muster out, sick. Campbell, CarsonA...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, October 26, 1864-grave, 11,477-Vet. Connell, Peter...........do..... Aug. 9,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company July 1, 1865. Correll, Leonard B.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April29,'62. Campbell, Amos........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Cole, Joseph..............do..., Sept. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O.. May 31, 1865. Conners, James........do..... Sept. 6,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Chambers, William...do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 7, 1865. Cole, James...............do..... Aug. 5,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'64. Cooper, Abraham......do.... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Cain, John................do.... Aug. 13,'64, 2 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Cannon, Uriah...........do....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died May 27,1864-buried in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington-Vet. Cannon, Hugh..........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Clutter, L.s............... do...................... Died at Andersonville, Sept. 13,'64-grave, 8,665. Doan, Joseph..........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6,'64 — ab. at mus. out Dessinger, Israel......do..... Sept. 8, 63, 6 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Dunkel, David P.......do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-tr. to V. R. C., Sept. 1, 1863. Dullinger, William...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Daily, Andrew........do.. Aug. 15,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Farwell, James M.....do..... July 13,63, 3 Drafted-absent at muster out. Fry, John.............. do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Antsetam and Gettysburg-discharged December 15, 1864. Green, James.....d......... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865. Grey, Edward............do.tAug. 11,'64, 3 Sub.-wounded at Five Forks, April 1, 1865 absent at muster out. Groft, George............do.. July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-absent,, sick, at muster out. Griffith, Willam...do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Gibson, Joseph..........do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 12, 1862. Gibson, John............do... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., January 1, 1865. Griffith, Nathaniel.....do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, June 3, 1862. Giffin, Thomas E......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hester, Daniel..........do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Huffman, Jacob.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wd.atFredericksburg-mus. outwith company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Henderson, John......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Hacox, Warner........do..... Sept. 9,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Harper, John............d.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. -offman, Philip....... do.... Jan. 12,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Handshe, George..... do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Halby, David....,......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864absent at muster out. Huffman, Michael.. do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-musterd out with company, July1, 1,1865-Vet. Hughes, Reuben.......do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 12, 1862. Hooker, Henry........ do.....Sept. 9,'61, 8 Wd. at 2dBull Run-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 30, 1863. Hall, James..............do..Sept 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 14, 1863. Hope, Samuel...........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, October 13, 1861. Huffman, David C....do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, October 17, 1862. Herbison, James.......d..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, October 16, 1864. Hiltebidde, George...do.. Aug. 13,'64, 1 Killed at Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865. Hice, John S......... do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Dec. 6, 1864-buried at Hilton Head, S. C. Hutchinson, James...do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hayes, Cyrus............do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-Deserted Jan. 18, 1863. Hughes, David B.....do..... Jan. 21,'62, 3 Prisoner from August 19,1864, to March 3, 1865discharged April 22,1865. Johnston, James A....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run and Antietam-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 20, 1863. 278, ELEVENTH REGIMENT'. NAME. RANK. DATI OF MUSTER ( A NAIME.... MAS. INTO SERVICE. Johnston, Geo. W...Private, Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 18, 1864-Vet. King, Michael...........do.... July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Kuhns, John V.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg-disch. on Surg. cert., January 24, 1863. Kuhns, Reuben........... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died Aug. 23,'64-buried at Alexandria-grave, 2,600. Kerns, John............do.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Kreegher, G. J..........do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted December 22, 1863. Loudon, John P............. Sept. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Leslie, William......... Sept. 9,'61, 8 Discharged December 15, 1864-Vet. Loughery, Jas. F........... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'62. Lissinger, William...do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 16, 1863. Locus, William.........do..... Aug. 3,'63, 8 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Mowry, Albert H......do.. Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died at City Point, June 28, 1864. Mooreland, Jas. A....do.. Feb. 16,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, October 7, 1864. Mitchell, William....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Dowell, Israel B....do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Sept. 17,'62, of wds. rec. at 2d Bull Runburied in M. A. Cemetery, D. C. Mathews, Jonathan...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Sept. 25,'62, of wds. rec. at Thoroughfare Gap-buried at Alexandria, grave, 319. Myers, Samuel C.......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Myers, Christian........d.....Aug. 12,'64, 1 Sub.-wd. at Hatcher's Run, Feb. 7, 1865-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865. M'Burney, Robert.....d... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Martin, Joseph W......do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Moore, Charles Lee...do..... July 22,'63, 3 Drafted-absent at muster out. Martin, John............do..... July 5,'63, 3 Drafted-absent at muster out. Marsh, Morris D. C...do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Absent at muster out. M'Henry, Levi.........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19, 1864-ab. at muster out. Merriman, Jacob C....do..... July 27,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Mathews. William....do.....Sept. 23,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate March 17, 1862. Manges, William....l..do..... Sept. 3,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22, 1864. Malay, David............do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Matteson, Gee. W......do..... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Moore, Alexander......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 1 Wd. at Thoroughfare Gap, Aug. 28, 1862-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865-Vet. Miller, John H.........do..... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 25, 1863. M'Dowell, Robert.......do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28, 1863. Marshall, John..........do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 17, 1863. Miller, Jacob.............do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 12, 1865. Mickey, Clay...........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. toV. R. C., January 10, 1865-Vet. Mathews, Daniel.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred. M'Kartney, John A...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Tr. to V. R. C., January 24, 1865. Miller, Israel.............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to 2d U. S. Cavalry, November 29, 1862. M'Kelvey, Cephas.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-tr. to V. R. C., Nov. 15,'63. M'Laughlin, C. L....do..... Feb. 22 62,6 3 Tr. to V. R. C., March 15, 1864. Mickey, Robert M.....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died at City Point, January 24, 1865. M'Millan, John A......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd.'at Gettysburg —died Nov. 10, 1864-buried inU. S. General H:ospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Mewherter, Wm. F....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Old Church, Virginia, June 1, 1864. Noel, Jonas...............do..... Sept. 9,.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Newcomer, Obadi'h...do..... Sept. 9,'61,.3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Nicely, William H....do..... Sept. 9,'61,, 6 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Pilgrim, George........do..... Aug..8,'64,; Substitute-discharged by G.'O.,'May 26, 1865. Platt, Frederick.......... July 19,'64,:Drafted-disch.by General Order, July 11, 1865. Perrigo, Jolin C........do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Patterson, Jos. S........do..... Sept 9,'61, Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 19, 1863, Parks, Daniel............do..... Sept, 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'63. Perkins, Charles Q.....do......Mar. 13,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Parks, Joseph C......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, January 4, 1862. Reighard, Thos. W...do.... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Rislinger, Joseph.......do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-deserted Dec. 4, 1863-ret. April 26, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 1,'65. Rose, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Riley, James F.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Rock, William.........do.....Aug. 19,'62, 8 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20, 1863. Ramsey, Wm. H.....do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Tr. to V. R. C., February 15, 1863. Reiter, Abraham.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 tilled at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Rough, Matthew P....do. Sept. 9,'61 3 Died October 9, 1862, of wounds rec. at 2d Bull, ie Rubah. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 279 NA9M9. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS XAM. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Rocche, Angello..... Private, July 27,'63, 3 Drafted —prisoner from May 6, 1864, to Nov. 27, 1864-discharged October 2, 1865. Saxer, George W...d..... do Feb. 28,'62, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to Sept. 24,'64 — discharged April 8, 1865. Smith, Robert M........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out-Vet. Smith, Henry M........do..Sept. 9,'61, Wounded at Antietam-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Sevans, John............do.... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Sentenced by general court martial for desertion; discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Shroup, Anthony......do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Wounded at Five Forks, April 2, 1865-disch. by General Order, June 22, 1865. Shw, Lewis W............. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 6,1864, to December 13,'64discharged December 19, 1864. Sheiry, Francis P...... do.... Aug. 1,, 64,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'65. Scott, George W.......do...Sept. 3,'61, 3 Deserted Dec. 20, 1862-returned Sept. 15, 1862tried and sentenced by general court martial September 23, 1863-discharged May 31, 1865. Stark, William......... do.... Sept. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-captured Aug. 19, 1864-escaped April 20, 1865-discharged June 1, 1865. Snyder, Archibald.....do..... July 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Snyder, Augustus.. d............. Transferred to 87th Regiment, June 22, 1865. Stresler, Jacob...........do.... ar. 16,'64',... Died at Salisbury, November 27, 1864. Shields, Allison.........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 4 Died at Salisbury, November 29, 1864. Scott, John A. J.........do.....Mar. 17,'64, 3 illed at Laurel Hill, May 10, 1864. Shedron, Austin S......do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Warrenton, Va., July 30, 1862. Stickle, John.. de.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died at Catlett's station, Va., August 28, 1862. Shanefelt, James........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 illed at Antieta, September18, 1862. Stebbins, John...........do.....Aug. 9,'64, 3 Deserted October 29, 1864. Stickle, Armstrong...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted December 20, 1862. Silvan, John.............. do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Dropped from rolls as a deserter, Dec. 1, 1862. Shephard, Chas. N.....do....eb. 2,'64, 3 Wounded while charging rebel works at PetersSmith, F. M..........do.............3............. 3 Died Nov. 29,'61-buried in M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Thomas, has. W......do..... Jan. 30,'62, 3 Wounded atWeldon railroad, August 19, 1864absent at at muster out-Vet. Towson, Henry........do.....Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Wilderness, May 5, 1864absent at muster out. Thomas, Jos. W........... 9'61, 3 Discharged September 9, 1864. Topper, Wilson J......do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'64. Trauger, Sam'l B......do......Apr. 7,'62, X3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Ward, Thomas..........do....Dec. 16,'61, 3 Discharged January 4, 1865. Woods, Aaron...........do.... Aug. 29, 63, 3 Draftedabsent, sick, at muster out. Williams, James....... do...Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Wear, Emanuel...... do..... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'64. Walters, George......... do.....Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Wilson, Joseph B..... do..... Oct. 22, 62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Wadsworth, Jer'ah....do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 11,'61. Welty, Samuel M......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged onugeon'scertificate, May 80, 1862. White, Robert...........do..... Aug. 9, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Welty, William B.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Weaver, Francis C.....do.......................... Deserted January 18, 1863. COMPANY D. RECRITED AT JERSEY SHORE, LYCOMING COUNTY. John H. Knox......Capt.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died at Jersey Shore, Pa., Feb. 28, 1862. William E. Sees...........do. Mar. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept, 25,'62. Jno. B. Overmeyer,.do.... t.,4'61, 3 Promoted to Serg't Jan 24, 1862-to Capt. Nov. 1, 1862-to Major 11th regiment, December26,'64. James Moore.......... do..... Oct.,'61, 3 Promotedto Cor. May 3, 1862-toSerg'tNo. 1,'64. to 2d Lieut. March 28,1864to 1st Lieut. Oct. 30,'64-to Capt. Dec. 26, 1864wd. at Wildernessmus. out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Jeremiah T. Saxton 1st Lt. Oct. 4,'61, 8 Klled at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. James T. Chalfant......do. Nov. 1,'62, 3 Pr. from priv. company A, 38th reg. to 1st Lieut. Nov. 1,'62-to Capt. company F, Mar. 28, 1864. Enos S. Hall...............do..... t 4,'61, Pr. to Cor. Jan. 24, 62-to Serg't Nov. 1, 1862.to let Sergpt Jan. 1,'64-to 1st Lieut. Mar. 28,'64died May 26,'64, of wds. received Mat Spottsylvania-buried in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington-Vet. 280 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, NAME.. DATE O MUSTER INTO SERVICE. E S. James R. Brown..... lst... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wd. Aug. 30, 1862, and June 19, 1864-pr. to Cor. Mar. 19,1862-to Sgt. Dec. 1, 1863-to 1st Sgt. April 6, 1864-to 2d Lt. Dec. 6, 1864-to 1st Lt. Dec. 26,'64-mus. out with Co. July 1,'65-Vet. Edmund T. Tiers... 2d Lt... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. B, 157th regiment, Oct. 11, 1862. Flavius J. Cross........do Oct. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to gt. March 19, 1862-to 2d Lt. Nov. 1,'62resigned April 15, 1863. George W. Keihl... stSgt.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. James H. Kyle.........do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 19,'64, to Feb. 21,'65-pr. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt. March 1, 1865 —disch. May 17, 1865-Vet. Charles W. Harmer...do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt. June 4, 1865 —com. 2d Lt. June 30,'65 —not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. John M. Knox....... Serg't.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Thoroughfare Gap-transferred to V. R. C., November 15, 1863. Solo'n W. Shadle.......do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. to Cor.-to Sgt.-wd. May 5, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. James Kemery... do...... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. A. A. Ausburn...........do... Jan. 12,'65, 1 Promoted from private June 14, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Franklin T. Sharp.....do.... Nov. 27, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant June 15,'65mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Lewis Cahn................do.....Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-disch. by G. 0., June 9, 1865-Vet. Hugh Sterling..........do.....Feb. 16,'62, 3 Wounded April 30, 1863-discharged Mar. 7,1865. Charles Breier..........do..... Dec. 10,'61, 3 Discharged December 9, 1864. Isaac S. Taylor...........do..Nov. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Henry F. Bonfield.....do.. Nov. 29,'61, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to Feb. 27,1865-discharged April 15, 1865. Willard B. Walters Corp.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. as priv. on Surg. cert., Feb. 25, 1863. Charles H. Wolf.......do..Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. George M. Hughes...do.. Jan. 31,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Abraham Landis......do.... Nov. 5, 61, 3 Wd. Feb. 6,'65-absent at muster out-Vet. William Adams........do.. Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1,1865. Ross G. M'Millen......do.. Aug. 5,'64, 2 Substitute-promotedtoCorporal, Junel4, 1865 mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. James H. Worth.......do Dec. 4,'61, 3 Deserted-returnedFeb. 4, 1865-pr. to Cor. June 15, 1865 —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Charles P. Talley......do.... Oct. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 15, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Jacob R. Menges.......do... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Prisoner from August 19,1864, to March 2,1865-~ discharged June 6, 1865-Vet. Hiram Manier...........do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865-Vet. Charles E. Slade.......do....Mar. 3,'62, 3 Discharged March 3, 1865. Hespert Nicholas...d....................... Discharged May 5, 1865-expiration of term. James Mahoney........do....Jan. 11,'62, 3 Discharged January 11, 1865. Robert B. Taylor.......do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Israel Chamberlin.....do.. Oct. 4,'61, 3 Diedat Annapolis, December 26, 1861. John J. Laman...d......... Oct. 4, 61, 3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Charles J. Lewis.......do... Oct. 4, 61, 3Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Jacob Lehman ~....... do... Feb. 7,'62, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 8, 1864-Vet. John J. Crouse..........do... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, March 30, 1865-Vet. Wm. Cunningham.....do.... Dec. 13,'61, 3 Discharged January 28, 1865. Obadiah Moore.... Mus'an Mar. 29, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Altemus, David......Private Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wounded May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Barger, George R......do.. Oct. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Best, Jefferson...........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Best, George F..........do... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865. Bubb, William.........do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to March 1,1865discharged June 29, 1865. Brady, Richard.........do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wounded May 10, 1864-absent at muster out. Burt, James..............do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded August 28,1862-absent at muster out. Bickle, John G.........do..Oct. 4,'61, 3 Disoh. on Surgeon's certificate, February 3, 1863. Billman, Wim. S........do.... Nov. 26'61, 3 Discharged November 25, 1864. Best, Daniel D...........do..... Oct. 4'61, 3 Transferred by General Order, Feb. 23, 1863. Bowers, Daniel.........do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., September 12, 1863. Betts, Charles............do.... Oct. 4, 61, 3 Died Sept. 4,'62, of wds. rec. at 2d Bull Run. Burkbolder, Mich'l...do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded August 28, 1862-killed at Frericksburg, December 13, 1862. Best, Oliver A...........do....Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died Nov. 11, 1864-buried at Point Lookout. Bronnish, Bernard.....do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, June 2, 1864. Brotzmann, Wm.......do.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. lurke, James..........do... Feb. 7,'62, 3 Deserted April 17, 1862. THSt'EYEARS' S-EBVI-C. 21I AB'&S]B, P.K 3,AST OF MiESTES IXTO SE.VIVE. Beers, Samuel....... Private................ Transferred to V. R. C., November 15, 1863. Cain, William............do..... Aug.'8, 63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. 0.:, August 19, 1865. Chamberlain, C.S....do..... Ot. 4,'61, 3 Wounded Aug. 28, 1862-discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865-Vet. Carbaugh, Christ'n...do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865.,Campbell, H. B.........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14,'65-Vet. Campbell, Thomas.....do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. byGeneral Order, June 8, 1865. Clemens, John P.....do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.'utchlon, Adam W...do....... 3 DiedOctober 2, 1862. Dias, William........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864absent at muster out. Denworth, Hugh.... do......... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 14,1862, for wounds received at'fhoroughfare Gap. nIas, Thoma D.....do,... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Daufield, Conrad...... do..... July 15,'63,> 3 Drafted~-disch. by'General Order, June 12, 1865. Derr, John F............do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Died March24, 1865 —Vet. Dias, George........do.... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, November 6, 1864 Elias, tHenry G........do..... July 16, 63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, i865. Ebbert, Robert M......do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 28, 1865. Furgerson, James......do.... Oct. 1'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 6, 1865. Finley, Richard E.....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Frymire, Sarmuel......do...... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 23,'63 —returned April 22, 1864mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Farley, Edward P....:do Nov. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. ^ry, Joshua C..'.........do.....Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wd. at Weldon railroad-discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Fergerson, Edward...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted —disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Fisher, Jonathan S....do..... Oct. 4,'61 -3 Discharged September 27, 1864. Fagely, Gottlieb.........d... Dec. 7,'61, 3 Discharged December 7, 1864. Flynn, Patrick..... d..d..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged January 21, 1865. Farnwalt, Isaac..........do... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, February 1-2, 1865. Farman, James A................3...... 3 Died April 5, 1864-buried at Harrisburg. Fowler, William.....do.... Feb 25,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, January 6, 1865. 3erfstemacker, J........d Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-deserted July —, 1863. Grumbling, Jonatn...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. eeiger, William B.....do Jan. 11,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-.Vet. Gutling, Anthony......do.. April 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Gettig, Christopher...do.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 15, 1863. Gray, Samuel J........d..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded August 30, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 29, 1862. Gandner, Jacob........do.. Oct. 4,'61, 3 Diseh. on Surgeon's certificate) October 27, 1862.'Gast, George W.......do... Oct. 4,'61, 3' Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 11, 1863. George, James......... do... Ma. 17,'64, 8 Died Feb. 19, 1865 —bu. in National Cemetery, Arlington. Gettig, John........... do.... Oct. 4,'61 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862deserted May 1, I864. Gibson, J.............l.do............ Died at Andersonville, Sept. 26,'64-grave, 9,776. Greer, James A.......do................... Transferred to V. R. C., December 15, 1863. Harris, Thomas......'...do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3; Mustered'out with company, July 1, 1865. Hawk, William^......o..... Nov. 27,'61, 3' Wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, and Wilderness, May 5, 1864-ab. at muster out-Vet. Hileman, Samuel......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Wd. Feb. 6, 1865-absent at muster'oult —Ve Hill, John............do.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 7, 1862. IHill, John...............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Wounded May 5, 1864-absent at muster out iHummel, Benj......d...o...d. Jan. 23,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. HIileman, Joseph.......do.. Ma. 16,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 12, 1865. EHawk, Jeremiah......do.... Oct. 4 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 17, 1863. Hyatt, Pulaski F......do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. by Special'Order, January 22, 1863. Hoffman, Frederick...do...... Nov 27,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 5, 1863. llarmer, Albanas A...:do.. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-disch. by G. O., June 12,'65. Haupt, Jeremiah. o......o.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Hepburn, Wm. M.......... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Harris, John E.........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, October 19, 1864. HJIawk, Henry...........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, February 14, 1865. -Hannah, Hugh.........do... Mar. 17, 64, 3 Killed at Hatcher's Run, February 6,1865. Heisly, Fred. P.........do.... Nov. 27;'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jewell, Henry............do.... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, February 24,'65 Jones, James.........do.... Nov 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Johnson, David.........do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., November 2, 1864 —Vet. Jarrett, James...........do.... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Died August 9, 1862. Kearney, Wm. J.....do... Feob 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1,. 1]865. Kepler, Mlichael J.......do..... Dec. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. TKruger, George A......do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1 1865. Koester, Frederick...do.... April 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with coimp-i: July 1, 1865. 36 282 L]NTVE1NTH RBEGI1EVlT, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE REMARKS. tsane, Stephen L.... Private. Jan. 20,'62, 3 Prisoner from Dec. 10, 1864, to Feb. 15,1865 —discharged May 30, 1865. Kissel, James............ do..... Feb. 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'64. Keyser, Chas. W......do..... April 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19,'62. King,,Charles.......do.... May 30, 62, 3 Discharged May 31, 1865.'Kirkpatrick, Wmi.....do,..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1862. Lemmon, Jacob G......do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July, 1865. _lange, Henry............do.... Sept. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Lennox, John A........do......Jan. 20,'62, 3 Discharged January 19, 1865. Luker, John..........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Wounded atWilderness-transferred to 16th reg. V. R. C., May 12, 1865. Lewis, Lemuel.........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died at City Point, July 14, 1864. tilley, William........do.... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Majorette, Samuel.....do..... Sept. 26,'63, 3 Drafted-imus. out with.company, July 1. 1865. Martin, John.............do..... Jan. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Moorehead, David......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Wounded Feb. 6, 1865-absent at muster out. Miller, Harrison........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864absent at muster out. Murphy, SamuelC.....do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-dischb. by General Order, July 17, 1865. _M'Call, William.........do..... July 21,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. M'Cullough,Jack'n....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864 — absent at muster out. M'Queston, Jno. H.....do..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Substitu/te-captured at Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865-~absent at muster out. Moore, Lewis F.........do...... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged for.wounds, April 29, 1862. Mtulener, Peter........do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 18,'62. aMoore, Samuel W......do..... April 2,'64, 3 Discharged for wounds, September 5, 1864. Murray, James.........do.....Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. May, Daniel J..........do..May 12,'62, 3 Discharged May 14, 1865.. Moyer, Henry........l..do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 186 M'Cormick, Mich'1...do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 28, 1862. M'Closkey, Fred'k...do............................. Captured October 10,1863-absent at muster out. Maneval, Jacob......do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Gow, William.......do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Died Sept. 29,1862,of wds. received at Antietaxm. eff, Jeremiah...........do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Nipp, Adam.............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died at Salisbury, February 15, 1865. Obenheizer, F. W......do.....Sept. 21,!63, 3 Drafted- -disch. by General Order, June 12, 1865. Pentz, Luther........do.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at musteri out-Vet. Poff, Jacob H,.........do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietamprisoner at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —absent at muster out —et. Pratt, Osman A.........do..... Oct. 4, 61, 3 Discharged for wounds, Npvember 20, 1862. Philips, Sam'l W......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, March 1,'63. Price, John W.........do.... Aug. 11,'64, 3 Deserted to enemy, near Petersburg, Nov. 1864. Quinn, Andrew.........do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted —muns. out with company, July 1, 1865. Reynolds, Oliver.....do..... Dec. 12,'61, 3 Wounded-absent at muster out. Robbins, Theodore...do..,.. Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded December ig, 1862 —discharged on Sur-....,........ geon's certificate, June 14, 1863 —Vet. Rieed, George W.......do..... Sept. 28,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Randolph, Wmin. C...do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. 0., December i, 1864. Rohn, Joab..............do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded August 28,'62, and September 17,'62-:died November 20, 1862. Reader, John V.........do..... Mar. 10,'62,3 DesertedJanuary 18, 1863. Smouser, Adam*.......do.....Oct. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July i, 1865-Vet, Sensebaugh, Ge.....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out withcmpany, July 1, 1865. Sensabaugh, Jas. L...do.....Jan. 11,'65, 1 Wounded:eb. 6, 1865-absent at muster out. Stiles, John... d............do Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wounded-4disch. by General Order, June 12,'65. Schrack, Benj.........do.. Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Southard, Jos T.........do...,. Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'63. Small, Arthur F....do. April 7,'62, 3 Promoted to Serg. Major!!th Reg., June 15,'62. Shadle, James P........do....Mar. 11,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9,1865. Sephens, Jas. W.......do. Aug. 12,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19.'65. Slippy, Isaac.............do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged on Surge0on'scertificate, Feb. 11,'65. Snyder, Henry..........do....Mar. 3,'62, 8 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Shaffer, George H.....do.:... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died July 21, 1864-buried at City Point, Va. Sproul, John.............do...,,Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died April 6, 1864-buried at Harrisburg. Suderlin, Eli............. do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died at Andersonville, Oct. 26,'64-grave 11,488. Sharp, Andrew........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died of wounds, June 26, 1864. Smith, John......... do.... Aug. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-died of wounds, Feb. 7,1865-buried at City Point... Smith, George W......do..... Jan. 10,'65, 1 Killed at Hatcbher's Run, February 6, 1865. Tyson, Harmon RB......do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865. Taylor, James............do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Underwood, Elmer...do.... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order,.May 31,'65. Veatch, Joel...............do....Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wd. atntietam-disch. onSurg. cert.,Feb. 6,'63. Wolf, Daniel.............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. THIREE YEARS SERVICE. 283 X"H.[I qABANK. DATE OP MMATRU ISTO SERVICE. Wolf, Addison...Private. Aug. 12, 64, 2 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Wright, WilliamS......... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded February 6, 1865-absent at mus. out. Wilson, Henry........do..... Mar. 15,'64 3 Wounded May6, 1864-absent at musterout. Wilson, John F,........do..... Aug. 12,'64, Substitute-capturedatHatcher'sRunFebruary 16, 1865-absent at muster out. Widdig, Henr y......do..... Noov 27'61, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to February 28, 185 — discharged June.22, 1865-Vet. White, William.........do.Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Worth, EranklinT.....do. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Discharged by GeneralOrder. Dec. 19, 1864. Weir, Andrew J........do Oct. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, October 14, 1862. Weaver, Daniel R......do Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by GeneraltOrder, June 7, 1865. Warner, Albert.........do...Jan. 20, 62, 3 Discharged January 15, 1865. Witatch, Joseph... do.. Sept. 20,'64, Dratted —discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Wells, Charles........... do. Dec. 6,'61, 3 Diseharged June 14, 1865. Williams, Amos........do..... Ot. 4,'61, 3 Deserted August —, 1862. Williams, Thomas.....do........................ Deserted to enemy, December 1, 1864. Willday, Edward A...do... May 3,'62, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to February 28, 1865- discharged April 27, 1865. Yates, Daniel D........ o.... Nov. 27, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. COMPANY E, REGCRUITED AT LATROBE AND LIGONIER, WESTMORELAND -COUJNTY. James C. M'Curdy Capt.... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 7, 1863. Hlenry B. iper.....do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam and Gettysburg-pr. fr. 2d Lt, to 1st Lt. Aug. 30, 1862-to Capt. June 30,.1863-,I''S L disch. on Surg. cert., Nov. 25, 1864. James J. Brigg.......do..... Oet. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Hos. Stew 11th reg, to 2d Lt., Mar. 28,'64o lstLt. LOct. 30, 64-toCapt. Dee.26, 64 —wd. a Wilderness-mus. outwith Co., July 1,'65 —Vet. M. A. Ceme% tery, D. C. Irwin, Timothy W....... Sept.'6,'64, 1 Died April 2,1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Jefferson, Alex.........do.... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Wounded April 1, 1865-absent at muster out. Jones, Hiram..........do.... July 18,'62 3 Deserted December 16, 1862. Kaller, Richard.........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered outwith company, July 1, 1865. Kelly, Joseph W........do... July 22,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29, 1864. Kiesge, Joseph..........do......................... Deserted November 31, 1864. King, Francis......... do..... June 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. LernAdam............do.... Dec. 14,'63, I Drafted-captured at Weldon railroad August. 19, 1864-absent at muster out. THEIREE YEARS' SERVICE. 293. I'. NAME. SERVICE. REMARS..ou,...ITo...maRK. Logue, Thomas...... Private Sept. 16, 63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 8, 64 —absent at muster out. La France, George.....do..... July 10,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged Dec. 13,'62. La France, John.,.... do.... July 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12,'63. Link, Joseph.........do..... April 18,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865. Lucas, James..........do..... July 10,'62, 3 Wd. Aug. 28,'62-tr. to V. R. C., July 25, 1864. La France, John........do................... 3 Died of wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62, Long, Edward...........do.....June 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, Washington...do..... Dec. 14,'63, Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Myers, William........do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Mackey, Franklin....do... July 3,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Mayhugh, Daniel.....do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Michael, Reuben...do..... July 3,'62, 3 Deserted April 11, 1864-arrested February 20, 1865 — ustered out with company July 1,'65. M'Mahon, John, Sr...do..... Sept. 24, 61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. M'Neil, John.......... do..... July 20,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. July 27,'64-absent at muster out. Meires, John.........do..... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 10,'64-absent at muster out. Moyer, Patrick.........do..... Aug. 6,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, July 11, 1865. Martin, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'62. M'Lees, Archibald...do..... July 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'63. M'Laughlin, Win.....do..... July 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. M'Laughlin, Mich'l...do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. MIimm, Peter....do.......... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. M'Gowen, Joseph.......do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. M'Allister, James......do...., April 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865. M'Kay, Charles.........do..... July 31,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged Feb. 28,'63. Moyer, Sanford........do..... April 23,'62,.. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'63. M'Ferren, Robert......do.... July 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Sept. 2,'63. Miller, Peter.............do..... July 3,'62, 3 Prisoner-disch. by General Order, June 3, 1865. Mackey, And'w G....do..... Sept. 30,'64, Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Masterson, George...do.....ug. 28,'63, 33 Wd. at Antietam-tr. to V. R. C., Dec. 15,'63. M'Vay, John............do.... July 3,'62 3 Died of wounds received at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. M'Lees, Joseph........do..... July 10,'62, 3 Died of sun stroke, in action at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Martin, Alexander.....do....July 3,'62, 3 Died September, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Murray, Thomas.......do.... July 10,'62, 3 Deserted, February 14, 1863. M'Allister, Alpha.......do... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Melone, Thomas........do..... May 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mullen, James..........do.....June 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murray, James........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Kinney, Thos........do..... Dec. 7,'61, 3 Prisoner from August 19, 1864, to March 2, 1865 -discharged April 14, 1865. Napier, Robert...........do.... July 9,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865. Neal, John................do.... May. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. O'Donnel, James.......do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Ogle, Isaac.............do.... July 12,'62, 3 Wd. at Antietam-discharged Nov. 17, 1863. Oxly, John..............do... July 31,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-died at Pittsburg, Pa., February 15, 1862. Pratt, William..........do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Price, David..............do.... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Wounded March 31,1865-discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865. Plyben, John..........do....Aug. 20,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Percival, John O........do.....July 3,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Porter, Jacob...........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Palmer, William.......do.....Mar. 8,'64, 3 Missing in action, at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Proutz, Samuel.........do... May 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ruth, William........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,'64-absent at muster out. Robb, Isaac............do.....Aug. 25,'62, 3 Discharged December 5, 1862. Reppard, William.....do.......................... 3 Discharged Sept. 13, 1864-expiration of term. Reilly, Francis.........do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Rodgers, David........do...July 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. Reilly, John...........do... July 18,'62, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Rodgers, John............do... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Died of wds. rec. at Gravelly Run, April 1, 1865. Reed, Francis...........do..... July 21,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-died at Washington, May 22, 1864. Rogers, William........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reed, Charles..........do..... July 24,'63, 3 Drafted-prisoner from August 19,1864, to March 2, 1865-disch. by General Order, June 29, 1865. Shugarts, Chris'r......do... July 3,'62, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 -paroled —absent at muster out. Sullivan, Cornelius...do..... May 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865. Savage, John..........do.. Sent. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Schribner, Martin......do Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,'64-absent at muster out. Sourwalt, Ambrose..do.....Feb. 4,'62, 3 Discharged March 3, 1865. 294 ELEVENTH REGIMENT,.:.._.............................. wAlME RAMZ 3 DATE OP MUSTER I UXAM fMTO SERVICE. Swartz, Matthias... Private July 1,'62, 3 Discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Shultz, Henry H.......do.... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died Jan. 25, 1865-~bu. in Nat. Cem.,Arlington. Struthers, John.........do.....April 7,'62, 3 Deserted December 16, 1862. Sowers, John..........do... July 20,'62, 3 Wounded December 13, 1862-deserted at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Thomson, Wmm.........do.. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Sent to hospital, May 8, 1864-ab. at mus. out. Teiche, Charles.........do....................... Deserted September 18, 1862. Wilson, Wm. H........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Welsh, John..............do Apr. 7,'64, 3 Wounded May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Warren, William......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Williams, Richard.....do....... July 29,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded May 8, 1864-absent at muster out. Wishart, Napolean.....do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 31, 1865. Williams, Linford.....do..................... Discharged Oct. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Weatherby, David......do.... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged June 21, 1865. Wilcox, Wm. M........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C-date unknown. Warren, Joseph.........do.. Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864-buried on the field-Vet. Watson, William...... do....Mar. 8,'64, 3 Deserted March 23, 1864. Werts, John.............do.... July 21,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 7, 1865. Williams, James.......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wolf, David.............do.......................... Died December 24, 1864-buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Wisner, Wm. S..........do.. July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-prisoner from Aug. 19, 1864, to Mar. 2, 1865-discharged by G. O., June 29, 1865. Wilson, James...........do.. June 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT MAUCH CHUNK, CARBON COUNTY. Edward H. Rauch.. Capt.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 24, 1863. Daniel C. Tubbs........do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt. Aug. 30, 1862-to Capt, Nov. 7, 1863-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Henry Williamson.. lst Lt... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded August 28, and December 13, 1862disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 19, 1863. Richard W. Davis.....do.... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Discharged March 7, 1865. Richard W. Morris...do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 26, 1864-to 1st Lt. May 19, 1865-discharged by S. O., June 6, 1865-Vet. James Hyndman... 2d Lt.. Nov. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Nath'l B. Dilhorn......do....No. 26,'61, 3 Pr. from Comn. Sgt., 11th reg., to 2d Lt. May 20, 1865-com. 1st Lt. June 30, 1865-not musteredmustered out with company; July 1, 1865-Vet. Levi Miner.......... 1st Sgt. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. from Sgt.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 4, 1863. Eli Weihnmeyer........do... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Reduced May 1, 1865-wounded-absent at muster out-Vet. Josiah W. Freese......do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt.-com. 2d Lt. June 30, 1865-not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. Thomas W. Ebert... Serg't.. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Silas Solomon...........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run and Fredericksburgdisch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 5, 1863. James Dougherty......do... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Discharged February 17,1865. Thos. W. Richards...do..Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5, 1864-died May 13, 1865, of wds. rec. at Gravelly Run, March 31, 1865-bu. in National Cemetery, Arlington. John S. French.........do.... Dec. 23,'1, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,1864-discharged by General Order, June 11, 1865-Vet. John Piecce...;........do.... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Discharged by G. O., June 13, 1865 —et. Samuel A. Wehr......do.. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded Dec. 13,'62-pr. to Corporal-to Sgt.mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. John Seip............... Corp.. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certficate, March 5, 1862. Wi lliam Kane...........do.....Nov. 8,'61, 3 Deserted December 1, 1862. Herman H. Pryor.......do..Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 9, 1863. L. B. randeson............do Nov. 27,'61, 3 Died Jan. 13, 1863, of wds. rec. at 2d Bull Runburied in M. A. Cemetery, D. C. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 295 NSAMB. B.~INTOSERVICE. 4RiMARKS A. W. Raudenbush Corp.,... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run and Fredericksburgdischarged on Surgeon's cert., Mar. 27, 1863. Samuel Miller........,.do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Runand Gettysburg —tr. to V. C., March 15, 1864. Daniel Houser..........d6..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Discharged November 8, 1864. Wm. H. Simpson......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to December 11, 1864discharged December 16,1864. Delanson Gaddes......do...... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-prisoner August 19, 1864-died at Salisbury, February 12, 1865-Vet. Francis H. Casey...do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., March 4, 1865, for wounds received in action. G. W. Hunterson.......do.....June 4,y'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. John Rau..................do..... Jan. - 14,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 165 —Vet. B. L. Kauffman.........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Robert Bonfield.........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded-discharged by General Order, July 3, 1865. David F. Osburn.......do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. William Aubrey..... Muc.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Irwin Miner..............do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 5, 1862. Griffith Peters......;...do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mutered out with company, July 1, 1865. Aulick, Ernest.......Private Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Arner, Thomas..........do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disch, on Surgeon's certificate, May 26, 1862. Allen, William..........do..... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Discharged March 12, 1865. Allabaugh, H. S........do.... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Discharged March 4, 1865. Adams, James C........do..... July 29,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Anthony, MortimI'r...do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 31, 1862. Audenreitch, Ad'm...do.....Sept. 24, 63, 3 Drafted-captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864~ —disch. by General Order, June 10,'65. Adams, David...........do.....; Dec. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. B6bst, Thotast..... a....do.... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Battman, Emanuel...do...... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 10, 1863. Burke, Thom'as........do:Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O.,. June 9, 1865. Boye-r, Solomon.........do... Apr 7,'62, 3 Wd. t Fredericksbrg-ldisch. June 16,'i65-Vet. Blair. John.....d... N......... Nov. 8,'61, 3 D1isCh. oniSurgeon's Certificate, June 1;5,'65-Vet. Bradly, Patrick6......do.....' Spt. 15,'63, 3 DrafTted-discharged by G. 0..,. June 9, 1865. Bol], Le' is...o.......'.d N'ov. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, aiugust $0, 1862. Black, James............do. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded' at Anti6tam —pritoner froabm Aug. 19, 1864,: to March 2, 1865 —disch. Aug. 1, 1865. Bernhart, Lewis.....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —promoted to Prineipal ~Mlusician,, May:10,!1865 — Vet.. Campbell, Edward...do...Sept. 14,'63, 3 Dralfted —mus. out with company, July I, 1865. Cartney, Jam~es........... do..Arug~. 8,'63,'.; Drafted —mius. out with company, July 1, 1865. Clark, James...........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted —nus. out with company, July 1, 1865. C cunn:ingham, T.....do.....Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wcunded-absent alt muster o ut-Vet. Cunningham) John...do,....- Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with conpany, July 1, 1865 Colton, John H.........do...... Apr. 9,'62, 3 Discharged April 9, 1865. Craig, Robert...........'.do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63 Collins, John H.........do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 13, 1862. Cummings, Isaac K...do...'June 5,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Carroll, James...........do July 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Cregle, ilghman.d....do Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15, 1863. Cunniang, Joh n...... ]...do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded:at.Artietam —killed. at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Corpion, Francis:.i...do. Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted —died April 7, 1865, of wounds received at Gravelly Run —bu. in Nat. Cemi., Arlington. Chester, i-tolden........d o..... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to V. R. C., July 1, 1863. Delaney, Michael F...do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by Genetal Order, July 14,'65.. Devine, Michael..........do Feb. 8,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Day, John..................do Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Davis, Martin V.. do.... Aug. 14,'62,3 Detailed as clerk in Quartermaster General's Office, Washington. Dennis, Franklin......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11, 1862. Ditty, Robert............do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Deitrich, Josiah.........do..... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Died December 19, 1862, of wounds received at ~ FrederiCksburg. Davis, Isaac.............do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., May 1, 1864. Delay, John..........d..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wd.:at Antietam —dropped as de: erter, Dec. 1,'63. Ellis, Joseph B..........do.. Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Erwin, Thomas.........do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9, 1864. Erreck, Edward................. 3 Deserted August'18, 1864. Fisher, Bernhard......do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted — mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. 296 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVI C E. MARKS. Flemming, Samuel Private Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d BUll Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 18, 1863. Folk, Charles............do....Nov. 8,'61, 3 Woundedat Fredericksburg-discharged onSur. geon's certificate, October 24, 1863. Feth, Jacob................... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded-discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865. Flannegan, Joseph.....do..... July 15,'63 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cort., June 14, 1865. Folkmer, Edward......do.... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Fitzgibbons, Wm......do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Foley, John...............do.... July 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted January 16, 1865. Gleim, Christopher..do..... Sept. 15,'63, Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Gillmore, Geo. W.....do.... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Discharged March 12, 1865. Gillespie, Jos. S......do.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Discharged to accept commission in 215th regi. ment, April 28, 1865. Gilham, Frank..........do.... Feb. 29'64, 3 Captured August 19, 1864-died at Salisbury, December 19, 1864. Gibbons, William.. do............................. Died at Andersonville, August 9, 1864-grave, 5,118. Holl, Charles............do.... July 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Hines, Samuel M......do... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Hudson, John W......do.... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Haines, Jacob.....d.... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Haldeman,Christ'n...do... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23, 1863. Herring, Joseph........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Discharged November 8, 1864. Hurme, Robert...........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 13, 1865. Hoffman, Jeremiah...do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, November 13, 1862. Houser, Charles.........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, October 2, 1862. Holdren, Francis......do..... Sept. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Horoser, Charles... o...d....................... Died November 8, 1862-buried in Camp Parole Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Jones, George W...do..... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Johnson, I. K., Sr......do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate March 5, 1862. James, James E........do.... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate March 13, 1862. Johnson, Matthew.....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Jtnkins, Fred'k C......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died June 22, 1864, of wounds received June 4, 1864-buried at Alexandria, grave, 2,216. Johnson, I. K., Jr......do Nov. 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 17, 1862. Kauffman, Aug.........do.... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Killion, Uriah...........do July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Keeler, Henry...........do....Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Koch, Adam..............do. Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. Krumm, Noah..........do... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Sent to hospital August 4, 1862-absent at muster out. Kline, Charles F........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Knell, Joseph............do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 5, 1862. Koch, John.............do.....Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865-Vet. Kistler, Daniel........ do..... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Discharged June 16, 1865. Kennedy, MorrisW...do..... Sept. 2,'13, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 8) 1865. Keef, John................ do... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Died November 29, 1861. Loch, Jonas.:........do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 25,1862. Lyons, Samuel.........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 13, 1863. Levick, John C...... do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 81, 1865. Lewis, John J...........do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Lightcap, Sam'l P.....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant 11th regiment, October 1, 1864-Vet. Lees, Benjamin..... do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Died October 9, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried at Alexandria, grave, 1,524. Moser, Joseph......... do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Moyer, Lewis......... do..... De. 19,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-sen. by G. C. M. for desertionmustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Morris, William......do..... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted Dec. 1, 1863-returned April 12, 1864-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Mulligan, Thomas.....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 8 Absent, sick, at muster out. Martin, Charles......d... July 27,'63,. Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1, 1865. M'Ginty, Bernard....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Disoh. on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18, 1861. Miller, Henry J...... do..... April 7,'62, 3 Wounded August 28, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 28, 1862. Murphy, George...... do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Diseh. on Surgeon's certificate, March 11, 1863. M'Geehan, Thomas... do... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 11, 1864. Markey, John........... do..... Mar. 29,'62, 3 Discharged March 29, 1865. M'Colgan, Chas.... do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged March 3, 1865. Miles, Joseph.....:...... do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 297 Mi l.. r, Wiam _._....do..... Sept. 15,.63, 3 Drafted —killed, G ravelly u, Mar. 31, 1865. Nlklll[B. BANS. INTO SERVICE. 4 RERKS. M'Murtrie, Alex..... Private........ Discharged June 14, 1865~expiration of terms NusR, John............. Ado. ug. 10,'63, 3 Draftod-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Neith, Josiah,............do..... Nov. 8,'63, 8 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Newhard, Benj. F...... do..... Nov. 17,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 15,'65 —Vet. ewmiller, Charles...do...... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Died October 13, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam. O'Neil, Alexander.....do.....July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-died June 19,'65-bu. at Philadelphia. Poh, Henry M..........d..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-prisoner from Aug. 19 1864, to March 5, 1865-discharged by Genercl Order, July 1, 1865-Ve:. Poh, Josiah..............do. Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Reeso, John............ do.... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Rickert, John B........do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded December 13,1862-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Rohs, George............do Dec. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'62. Ray, William....... Nov. o8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certifiate, December 28, 1862. Radcliff, Lawrence...do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Discharged November 27, 1864. Reicht, George........... do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-discharged by General Order, June 10,'65. Ross, Wfiliam......... do April 7,'62, 3 Died Sept. 19,'62, of wds. received at Antietam. Smith, D................................ Died at Andersonville, June 19,'64-grave, 1,963. Styer, Daniel.........do....Dec. 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Steinbecker, Mich'l...do..... July 95,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Smith, Joseph......... do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Smith, Kline........ Nov. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Smith, Win. H........do..... Dec, 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Smith, Oliver P.........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Scott, Hugh.... do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Sendell, William......do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Absent; sick, at muster out. Shoemaker, Edw'd...do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Sentenced by general court martial-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Shellenberger, F. B...do..... July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Sproll, George..........do..... June 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. Schneck, Elijah.........do.....Dec. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Strance, D......... do............................. Died at Andersonville, July 22,'64-grave, 3,775. Stewart, James........do............................. Discharged August 14, 1864-expiration of term. Seibert, Rich'd B.......do..... Mar. 27,'62 3 Discharged March 27, 1865. Schofield, James.......do..... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged February 12, 1865. Smith, John..............do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 16, 1865. Sourman Augus. H...do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Snyder, Charles..... do..June 7,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Stouter, Jacob..... do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 7,1865. Schnike, Gabriel.......do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Prisoner August 19,1864-died at Salisbury, Jan. 3 22, 1865. Snedden, Robert.......do.... Nov. 8,'61, Wd. at Antietam-tr. to V. R. C., July 1, 1863. Stevens, John.........do..... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted March 28, 1865. Treager, William J...do..... Feb. 10,'62, 3 Mastered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Vanhorn, Benj. F......do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-prisoner August 19, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865. Work, Charles...... do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Williams, Isaac..........do.....Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 13, 1862. Wolf, William...........do.....Nov. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged'on Surgeon's certificate, February 11, 1863. Willday, Geo. W.......do..... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Discharged March 12, 1865. Walters, Martin........do May 14,'62, 3 Discharged May 13, 1865. Wilson, Joseph E...... do.......................... 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Wiggs, Deitrich.........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865. Winterstein, G. W.....do.... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Discharged November 8, 1864. Waters, Peter............ do..... Nov. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Wallace, Alfred.............. Feb. 16,'64, 2 Killed June 4, 1864, at Cold Harbor, Va. Wingard, Benj. W....do Nov. 20,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. ieglerFrancis.....do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. 38 298 ELEVENTH REGIME' T, COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT GREENSBURG, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. INTO. SERVCIE. EA George A. Cribbs... Capt.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died September 20, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Jacob N. Thomas......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Sept. 20, 1862-disch. by S. 0., Jan. 17, 1863. Andrew G. Happer...do...... July 16,'62, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. Co. G, to Capt., March 28, 1864wounded at Wilderness-prisoner from May 6, to Oct. 7, 1864-Brevet Major March 13, 1865discharged October 20, 1865. Jas. W. Goodlin...... 1st Lt.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died December 14, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg. Tobias G. Painter......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run and Fredericksburg-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., June 6, 1862-to 1st Lt. Mar. 11, 1863-disch. on Surg. cert., Jan. 25, 1864. Wm. A. Shrum........ do..... Oct. 1,'61,3 Pr. from Sgt. Co. K, to 2d Lt. March 1, 1863-to to 1st Lt. March 28, 1864-wd. at Tolopotomy and Norfolk railroad-discharged for wounds, by Special Order, October 20, 1864. John L. Kyle............do..... Feb. 22,'62,3 Pr. from Sgt. Co. K, Nov. 24, 1864-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Arnold Lobaugh..... 2d Lt.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. Sept. 20,'62-died Sept. 26,'62, of wounds received at Antietam. Lewis Mechling.........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-pr. from priv. to Sgt. Sept. 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt. March 7, 1863-to 2d Lt. Nov. 24, 1864-disch. by S. O., June 14, 1865-Vet. Hiram A. Delavie... Ist Sgt. Jan. 1, 64, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. from Sgt. June 14, 65corn. 2d Lt. June 30, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. John W. Goodlin... Serg't. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 22, 1862. William C. Cribbs.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Richard 1M'Clellan.....do...Sept. 20, 61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 7, 1863. Wm. Feightner.......do..... Sept 20, 61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-transferred to V. R. C., November 2, 1863. Win. H. Gallop.........do..... Mar. 5,'62,3 Wd. in action May 10, 1864-ab. at muster out. John V. Smith..........do..... Sept. 20,'61,3 Wounded at Antietam-tr. to V. R. C.-Vet. Jos. S. Shirley...............Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburgkilled at Five Forks, April 1, 1865-Vet. W. W. Walthour.......do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-transferred to V. R. C., June 12, 1865-Vet. James M'Keever.......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 13,'65-Vet. Jno. Zimmerman......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. to Cor,-to Sgt. June 14, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. Henry Feightner......do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-pr. to Sgt., June 14, 1865mustered out with company, July 1,1865-Vet. William Stout.........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Promoted from ranks, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Reuben J. Henry... Corp.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. John A. Stough.........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Joseph M. Miller. d..do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Robert F. Robinson...do.....'Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at 2d Bull Run-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Joseph Baughman.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. William M'Quaid......do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 8, 1864-Vet. Henry G. Reamer......do..... Sept. 20,'61,3 Died at Baltimore, July 13, 1864-Vet. Albert A. Altman.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Prisonerfrom August 19, 1864, to March 30,1865discharged by G. O., Aug. 8, 1865-Vet. George W. Beck.......do.... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 7, 1865. Augustus G. Frable...do..... Sept. 20,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 8,'65-Vet. John R. Henry........ do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run and Antietam-discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865-Vet. Wm. Cunningham.......do Dec. 13,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. David B. Wentzel.....do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. John Baughman....d...... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Eezekiah Spindler.....do.... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 299 ^~NAME. RANK* DATE OF MUSTER UEMAURS. NAME. RANK, INTO SERVICE. BEMAES. Daniel Laughery... Corp... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-promoted to Cor. June 14,'65 i-mus. out with company, July 1,'65-Vet. John Hannerly.........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865-discharged March 5, 1865. Jacob G. Steiner..... Muc..... Nov. 19,'61, 3 Sent to hospital, sick, September 14, 1862-absent at muster out. George W. Burges.....do............................ Discharged June 9, 1865-expiration of term. Altman, David A... Private Mar. 14,'64, 3 Wounded in action, May 8, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Ambrose, Geo. W......do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Altman, Benjamin....do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Oct, 22,'62. Altman, Wm. H..........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 20, 1863. Armbrust, John S.....do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 31, 1863. Armbrust, Daniel......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20, 62. Armbrust, John G.....do...,, Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865. Armbrust,Henry R...do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Armbrust, Cyrus.......d..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Discharged April 6, 1863. Armbrust, Reuben...do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., June 10, 1865. Armbrust, Wm. R...do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Thoroughfare Gap, August 28, 1862. Altman, Joseph........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-Vet. Baker, George W......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Beck, Joseph............do.... Sept. 20,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Beard, Amos.......... do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Beard, Sanford...........do..... April 12,'65, Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Bear, Jacob.............do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged Sept. 23,'64. Black, Jesse...........do..... July 28,'64, 3 Drafted-missing in action at Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865. Bear, John G............do,.Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Bosh, John............. do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 23, 1862. Beard, Solomon........do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 8, 1862. Butler, Joseph R......do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Beard, Peter.............do. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg-tr. toV. R. C., Mar.15, 1864. Bosh, David..............do..Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died November 6, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam-buried in M. A. Cemetery, D. C. Butler, Abraham.......do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, March 5, 1862. Beck, David..............do April 7,'62, 3 Died April 19, 1862-bu. in M. A. Cem'y, D.. Brabaugh, Matthew..do..d............... Died September 21, 1862-bu. at Philadelphia. Custard, William......do...Mar 3,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at musterout. Crusan, Benj. F. o.........do Aug. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 31,'65 Cash, Joseph............do.... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Discharged February 17, 1865. Cramer, William A...do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, 11th regiment-Vet. Carns, Wilson............................... Transferred to company E, 11th regiment. Croch, Jacob......... do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Cribbs, George R....do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died May 28, 1864, of wounds, received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Caldwell, Samuel......do.... Sept. 21,'64, I Died at City Point, March 8, 1865. Dillon, James............do..... July 15,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Feb. 1, 1865, Errett, Jacob S.......do..... Mar. 16,'64,3 Mustered outwith company, July 1, 1865. Errett, Henry........Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-discharged onSur. geon's certificate, April 6, 1863. Esamar, Jeremiah...do..... Sept. 20,'61,. 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17,'65-Vot. Everett, Alexander...do...' April 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 23,'62. Errett, Michael........do.....Set. 20,'61, 3 Died April 16, 1862-buried at M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Einhart, John...........do.... Sept. 23,'64, Killed at Hatcher's Run, February 7, 1865. Fithian, Aex'r H......do..... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Fry, George A.........do.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'61, Fox, David E........do. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged August 28, 1864. Farlow, James W.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Gress, Frederick........ do....Sept. 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet, Gilmore, Isaac..........do Aug. 12,'64,. Subrtitute-disch. by General Order, May 31,'65, Gibson, George..........do.... Sept. 20, 61, 3 Died December 17, 1861-bu. in Citizen's grave. yard, Annapolis. Good, John..............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Hatcher's Run, February, 7, 1865. Gothey, Augustus.....do.. Sept. 20,'61, 3Deserted September 14, 1861. Graham, Robert........do....Feb. 19, 64, 3 Not on muster-ont-roll. Huffman, William.....do..... Sept. 18,'64, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Huffman, Lucas...... do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-sent to Insane Asylum, Washingtonabsent at muster out. Haines, Reuben...........o Sept. 20,'61, 3Wounded at 2d Bull Run-mustered -out with company, July 1, 1865.-Vet. Houston, John......do.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged November 4, 1862. 300 ELEVINTIH REGIMENT, NAMB. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Hile, Josiah............ Pivate Oct. 2'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-disch. August 13, I863, Henderson, Hugh......do..... Sept. 20(, 1, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged January 31, 1863. Hays, Thomas........do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Henry, Paul.............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., January 17, 1865. Hoops, Milton G........do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, December27, 1861. Henry, Frederick.....do..... Mar. 16,'64,3 Prisoner-died at Salisbury, September t8 1864. HIenry, Joseph H......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died May 16, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-buried in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington. Harrold, Jacob..........do..Oct. 25,'61, 3 Deserted November 8, 1861. Herbieon, James..... do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Horton, S..............d......................... Died at Andersonville, October 18, 1864-grave, 11,113. Hammond, Robert.....d...do. July 29,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, to Nov. 30, 1864-disch. December 6, 1864. Kelly, Jacob.............do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Kennedy, Michael....do.... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-sent to hospital, sick, June 6, 1864-discharged. Kiutner, William......do......... Di)scharged March 4, 1865-expiration of term. Kepple, Saruel S...do.....Oct. 2, 61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon' certificate, December 22, 1862. Kepple, Aaron...........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19, 1864. Keister, James D...... do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 11, 1865. Kay, William............do..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by G. O., May 31, 1865. Kennedy, Albert.......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Keister, John L........d..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died May 30, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Klingensmith, Levi...do..... Mar. 31,'64, S Died at City Point, August 1, 1864. Klingensmith, C........do..Feb. 16,'64, 3 Deserted April 20, 1865. Klingensmith, C't....do.... Aug. 3,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, William.........do..... Sept. 20,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Longwell, James...do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1,1865-Vet. Loughnore, Israel......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded August 28, and September 17, 1862discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Leisure, Mark G_.......do.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged November 4,1862. Linch, John..............do...Sept. 20,'64, 1 Discharged May 19, 1865. Linn, Harrison.........do..... Aug. 12, 64, 1 Substitute-disch. by G. O., May 31, 1865. Long, William......... do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 8, 1864. Miller, Simon P. d......do Oct. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1,1865-Vet. Miller, John M........do... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Myer, Francis P.......do.. July 26,'64, 3 Stlbstitute-mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Martin, Charles........do..July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Milliron, David........do... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 6, 1864Vet. Miller, Josiah....do........do Oct. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 7, 1862. Miller, George P.......do... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at AntietaI-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 6, 1863. Milliron, Simon.......do...d Feb.,22,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 30, 1864-Vet. M'Call, John...........do Nov. 12,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'63. Mayhorn, Elisha...do........ Aug. 12,'64,.1 Substitute-disch. by G. O., May 31, 1865. Mann, James............do.. Sept. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by G. O., May 31, 1865. Miller, Henry............do... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 12, 1865. Miller, Philip J.........do..... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Died at City Point, August 1, 1864-Vet. Mechling, Philip,..... do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died September 21, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried in M. A. Cemetery, D. C. M'Kenna, James. o..... Sept. 20,'61 3 Died September 18, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried in M. A. Cemetery, D. C. Nutting, Joseph....d..... Aug. 13, ^64, 1 Substitute-disch. by G. O., July 14, 1865. Needham, John.......do...d July 31,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Osterweis, Solomon....... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Osterweis, Michael...do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22, 1864. 0sterweis, Lewis......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-transferred to V. R. C., February 15, 1864. Pinkham, Frank L..do...... Aug. 9,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Phillips, John P.. d......do... Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-disch. by G. O., June 22, 1865. Pellissier, Herman...do...Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wounded-absent at muster out-Vet. Painter, Samuel.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged May 20, 1862. Portzer, Jacob S....... o.....Oct. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Portzer, Jeremiah.....do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Deserted October 3, 1862. Rosensteel, Jacob......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded Aug. 21, 1862, at Rappahannock Station-mus. out with company, July 1,'65 —Vet Ross, Cornelius.....d....do July 28,'64, 3 Drafted-wounded-absent at muster out. THREE Y IAkS' SERVICE. 301 D& bi, _l-'......S ITAMB BASK. MU^S^MTETR I uBMAK3. INTO SERVICE t4. Rumbaugh, J. M... Private Sept. 20,'61, 3 W6oudided at 1i DiOii Run-discharged on Sur. geon's certificate, November 11, 1862. Row, William J.........do.... Sept. 20, 6... Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15, 1863, Roose, John L...........do Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged October 4, 1864. Robinson, John W.....do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-disdharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 1, 1864. Regar, Henry...........do Sept. 30,'64, 1 Discharged June 7, 1865. Rumbaugh, Mat'w...do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died September 21, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Row, Jacob............... do.....Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Sanders, Adam F.......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 186i. Simpson, Jas. L........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Sentenced by General Court Martial, February 6, 1865-absent, without leave, at muster out. Sanner, Adam...........do..... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Shrader, Daniel......do..... 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Steward, John...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Shaner, Geo. L..........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Stouffer, Wm. H.......do. Mar. 16,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sincely, William......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-mustefed out With company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. Smith, Henry...........do... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Sheffler, Noah..........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Prisoner from March 30, to May 5, 1865-dischi by General Order, May 18, 1865. Stough, John G.........do.................. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct.'8,'62. Smith, David...o...... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull. Run, August 30, 1862-discharged June 1, 1863. Strable, Henry..........do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 11, 1863. Steward, Samuel........ do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 WoundedatFredericksburg-discharged onSurgeon's certificate, March 11, 1863. Sullivan, Patrick.....do'..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Oct. 29,'62. Sarver, George........... do... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General'Order, June 13, 1865. Shook, Jonas A.........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died near Greensburg, Pa., December 6, 1861. Shrum, Washing'n...do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Steiner, Jacob............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Died May 10, 1865-buried in National Ceinetery, Arlington. Steiner, Simon P........do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died May 9,'65, of wounds received at Gravelly Run-buried in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Sheffier, Daniel K......do.....Feb. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner-died Junel1, 1864, of wounds recdived at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Shook, Henry D........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died near Greensburg, Pa., November 19, 1861. Strable, Jacob......... do... Sept. 20, 61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-died July 5, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Story, Alexander......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Deserted October 27, 1862. Smith, Hiram............ do..... Sept. 20, 61, 3 Deserted July 22, 1862. Turney, Franklin B...do..... Sept. 20, 61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —Vet. Wentzel, Isaac W.......do.... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Wible, Daniel K......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company July 1, 1865. Weaver, John L........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Weister, James...... do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5,1865. Weaver, William........ April 10,'62, 3 Discharged April 10, 1865. Weaver, John D.......do.... Sept. 19, 61 3 Wounded atThoroughfareGapandGe't'tysurgdischarged September 8, 1864. Williams, Henry H...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Sentenced by General Court Martial toe b'eshti, sentence commuted-sent to Dry Toftugas. Willard, Wm. H........do.... Feb. 11,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wood, William A...... do....Dec. 14,'61, 3 Wounded-discharged December 20, 1864. Wible, John..............do..... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Discharged December 15, 1864-Vet. Weaver, Jacob H......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dc. 1:8,'62. Whirlow, Henry T...do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 15,'65-Vet. Welty, Edward.........do..... Mar. 16, 64, 3 Transferred toV. R. C., January 2, 1865. Wigle, Simon L.........do Mar. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Wentzel, Sam'l B...... do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died June 30, 1862, at Fairfax, Va. Webster, George........do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Deserted August 9, 1862. Wilson, John F.........do Aug. 12,'64, 1 Sub.-prisoner from Feb. 6, to Feb. 15,.,865discharged by General Order, Jiine 20, 1865. Yerger, Reuben........ do.. Sept. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Rappahannock Station, 2d Bull Run and Antietam-discharged April'27, 1863. Zanders, John I...:..;do.......$ jSept. 20,,'61.3 Silled at Rappahannock Station,. Aug. 21, 1862. 302 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT YOUNGSTOWN, WESTMORELAND COUNTY. AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERR INTO SERVICE. EMAR John B. Keenan..... Capt.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wd. at Thoroughfare Gap-captured Aug. 31,'62 -promoted to Major 11th regiment, Sept. 1,'62. John Reed...........do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. August 30, 1862-died Oct. 2, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam. Josiah B. Lauffer......do..... April 6,'64, 3 Wounded at Five Forks-mus. out with company, July 1, 1865. Walter J. Jones...... lst Lt... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned August 3, 1862. William A. Kuhns...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam and Wilderness-pr. to Cor. Dec. 20,'61-to 2d Lt. Aug. 30,'62-to 1st Lt. Nov. 1,'62-mus. out with Co., July 1,'65. Freeman C. Gay......2d Lt... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt. Nov. 1, 1862-wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburg- captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-discharged by Special Order, April 28, 1865. Frederick R. Cope 1st Sgt. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wd. June 24, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Henery B. Temple.....do... Oct. 1,61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburgpromoted from Cor.com. 2d Lt. June 30, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. John S. Walker......Serg't Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-discharged as private on Surgeon's certificate, March 12, 1864. James Mullen..........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30,1862. Robert Anderson.....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt. Co. F, 11th regiment, Nov. 1, 1g62. Thos. T. Simpson........ Oct. 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick. at muster out-Vet. William A. Shrum...do..... Oct 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 1, 1862to 2d Lieutenant company I, March 1, 1863. Joseph C. West.........do... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-transferred to V. R. C., February 26, 1864. John L. Kyle............do.... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. company I, November 24,'64-Vet. Robert W. Penn........do..... Ot 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Five Forks, April 1, 1865-died May 25, 1865-buried in N. Cemetery, Arlington. WWm. J. Willyard......do..O. O. 1,'61, 3 Wounded August 28, 1862-pr. to Sergeant Maj. 11th regiment, May 30, 1865-Vet. George F. Ludwick...do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded Aug. 21, and Sept 17, 1862-pr. to Cor. -to Sergeant-disch. by G. O., June 1,'65-Vet. Wm. Stevenson.........o.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wd. Aug. 28, and Sept. 17,'62-pr. to Sgt., May 30,'65-mus. out with Co., July 1,'65-Vet. Jeremiah M'Munn...do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded August 28, 1862, and at Gettysburgpr. to Sergeant, May 30,'65-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. David Robinson..... Corp.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died at Camp Curtin, November 19, 1861. Chas. M'Connell.......do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. David Seigfried.......... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted. Lewis P. Hays..........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Con. Sgt. 11th reg., May 30, 1865-Vet. George Beck...........do..Jan. 11,'62, 3 Wd. April 30, 1863-absent at muster out-Vet. 3Jas. M'Williams........do.... Mar. 31,'64. 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out.-Vet. Jacob Jacobs............ do... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Discharged February 20, 1865. Charles Toon.........do.. Mar. 5,'62, 3 Discharged March 4, 1865. Bernard Leonard. do...... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Discharged March 12, 1865. Charles Ely..............do... Mar. 12.'62, 3 Discharged March 12, 1865. Martin Root.............do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Wounded May 8, 1864-transferred to V. R. C.'Lewis Getyweller....do... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9,'65-Vet. Francis Penier...........do.. Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19, 1864-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865. Alexander Sady.........do.... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19, 1864-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865. Henry Kelly.......... do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Samuel O. Lowry......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. John Keslar............. do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. William F. Hays.....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. S. C. Hollingsworth...do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. James Rosborough..do.. Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promotedto CorporalMay 1,1865-musteredout with company, July 1, 1865. THREE YEARS'; SERVICE. 303 N. ARN. DATE OF MUSTER NAMB. A INTO SERVICE. 4 MAKS. J. Borad..............Co.p.............. Died March 22,'63-buried in United States Gen. Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Cyrus Gross.Mu......Oct...., 61, 3 Desertd. Anderson,Theodore Private Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted. Bitner, John..........o...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Sentenced by general court martial-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Daily, Joshua............do..... Oct. 6,'64, Substitute —mus. out with company, July 1,'65. Berry, John...............do.....Jan. 8,62, 3 Discharged June 8, 1865. Bleackey, John C......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-disch. Sept. 8, 1864. Berlin, Joseph.........do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull.Run and Fredericksburgdischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. Blackburn Jno. H.....d.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at 2dBull Run-deserted Sept. 14,'62. Blair, Joseph............ do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted April 13, 1862. Cox, Lemuel B.........do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,1864-absent at muster out. Cassiday, James F...do..... Oct. 1, 61, 3 Wd. May 10, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Cruthers, Rich' E... Sdo...... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-wd. Feb. 6,'65-absent at muster out. Cope, Henry F...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'62. Conner, William........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'61. Chessuer, Frank J...do..... Mar. 28,'64. 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10,'65. Cune, Franklin.........do..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, 1865. Cochran, William......do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865. Calcwell, William.....do..... Sept. 31,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Caldwell, Sam'l S.......do..... Sept. 31,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1863. Corwell, Hiram.........do... Aug, 8,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, May 16, 1865. Churns, Joseph W.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862transferred by Special Order to Signal Corps. Cole, William H........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Jan. 31, 1863-buried in M. Al. Cem'y, D. C. Calwity, William.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 27, 1862. Carnahon, Henry......d.....o Feb. 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Covey, Robert C.......do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Not on muster-out toll. Dunn, David...........do..... Aug. 10,'64,3 Substitute-wounded February 6,'65absent at muster out. Dunmire, Joseph........ Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'64. Eicher, George M......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vg. Eckman, Joshua.......do..... Sept. 21,'64, I Discharged by General Order, May 25, 1865. Ewing, Robert J.....3...d... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Apr. 22,'64-bu. at Alexandria-grave,1,812. Faust, George............do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,'64-absent at muster ou. Fritz, Jeremiah...d......... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with:company, July 1, 1865. Freeble, Thomas........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'6. Fillmore, Jeremiah...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wd. atFredericksburg-disch. October 18, 1864. Fritz, Samuel...........do.....Oct. 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19, 61, Finnell, Patrick........do..... Sept. 12,'64, I Substitute-~disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, 1865. Getty, Henry W.....do..... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 8,'64-absent at muster out. Gardener, James H...do..... Aug. 17, 63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 8,'64-absent at muster out. Gibson, Henry...........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865B Gordon, Samuel.........do... Aug. 9,'64, 2 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Garber, David............do.......................... Dicharged December 4, 1864-expiration of term. Green, Jones P.........do..... Sept. 27,'64,' 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, May 11, 1865f Gay, Edward H..........do..... Nov. 27,'61, 3 Pr. to SergeantMajor l1th regiment, Jan. 15,'62. Gay, Peter H.............do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Feb. 1,'63, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg. Hinkle, William........do Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded August 18, 1864, and March 31, 1865-absent at muster out. Houser, Horace B......do..... Jan. 18,'62, 3 Discharged January 28, 1865. Hutchinson, John......do.... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Deserted May 26, 1862-returned October 28, 1864 -mustered out with company, July 1, 1864. Horner, David......... do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Hoopes, Hiram...d.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 28, 1863. Hood, Edward B.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Sur. geon's certificate, June 22, 1863. Huber, Lewis............do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Department, December 14,1864 —Vet. Hicks, Francis...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 24, 1863. Handlin, James.........do.... Oct. 1, 64 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, 1865. Hull, George M.........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865. Howell, JonathanD...do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by Special Order, Sept. 28, 1864. Harkelroad, Philip...do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 31,'65. Hutchinson, Jas. A...do.... April 16,'62, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Hart, M................... do............. Died at Andersonville, Nov. 7,'64-grave,11,897. Irwin, James..........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Jones, William.......do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,'64-absent at muster out. Jackaway, Samuel...do..... Feb. 24,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Jackson, Stephens...do.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Disch.-:on Surgeon's certificate, June 15, 1865. Kennedy, Henry.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-absent at muster out. Kuhns, Byers H........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 15,'65 —et. ~304 ELEVENTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE O MSTER INTO..SERVICE. ~.EMAR. Kelly, Edward....... Private Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19,'62. Kennedy. Sam'l B.... do..... Oct. 1,'1,3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865-Vet. Kesler, William H...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Kiefer, Anthony.......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June24, 62. ennedy, Hez'h B...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Keifer, Joseph..... do..... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. King, Michael A.......do....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Diedat Andersonville, Oct. 11,'64-grave, 10,698. Kregle, H...............do..................... 3 Died at Andersonville, Aug. 23,'64-grave, 6,638. Large, William G.......do.... Oct. 25,'61, 3 Wounded April 30, 1863-discharged December 10, 1864. Lunders, Herman......do.....Sept. 9,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Laycock, John...........do..... Oct. 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1864. Loor, William C do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24, 1863. Loucks, Wesley A.....do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Lowry, James W.......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. M'Laughlin, Wm.....do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-wounded and missing, March 31, 1865. Mills, John..........do. Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. May 5,'64-absent at muster out. M'Lean,Cornelius J...do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet, M'Closkey, John B...do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Mathews, John G.......... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Miller, William..........d..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, November 26, 1863. M'Anulty, John do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg —dicharged Oct. 4,'64. M'Keever, Philip......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 31, 1862. Miller, John D...........do.. Mar. 11,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 25, 1865. Morehead, James S...do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 31,'65. Miller, Andrew... do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded May 5, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 17, 1864. Millen, Robert H....do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. -C., February 26, 1864. M'Anulty, John, Sr...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died October 28, 1862. Marshall, larri' S...do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died of wounds January 15, 1863-buried at Alexandria-grave, 683. Murphy, Robert M...do..... Apr. 16,'62, 3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Montgomery, David...do Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mickles, J...... do..................... Died Sept. 25, 1864-bu. in N. Cem'y, Arlington. Nightengale,Jno. H...do...July 15,'63, Drafted-prisoner from Oct. 13, 1863, to April 29, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 15,'65. Noel, Emanuel J..d........ Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, July 1, 1865 —Vet. Noel, Sylvester J.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Diseh. on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27, 1863. Nesbit, Samuel.........do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Newingham, H. S.....,.do..... Mar. 21, 62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1863. Nichols, Edward.......do.... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May26, 1865. Nichols, John, Sr......do..... Mar. 24, 64, 3 Died at Washington, March 12, 1865. Newingham, Dan'l...do.... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Deserted December 10, 1:862. Powell, Jesse........... do...Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged October 1, 1864. Peters, Albert...........do.... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Price, F. James.........do.... Nov. 23,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Reed, John C...........do....Oct. 1, 61, 3 Wounded at Hatcher's Run, February 6, 1865absent at muster out-Vet. Roberts, John............do...Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Randolph, Wm. J. d......do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Prisoner Aug. 19, 1864-paroled-absent at muster out-Vet. Reed, Robert A.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'62. Roof, William....... do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Ringer, John..........do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died May 28, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania-bu. in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington-Vet. Russel, James H......do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Died at City Point, September 15, 1864. Robb, Richard J.........do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Deserted September 19.1862. Robb, Solomon..........do.... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Rolling, James..........do......................... 3 Deserted Nov. 28, 1861. Sutton, James..........do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865-Vet. Showers,ReubenW...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Stone, Henry.........do..... Sept 19,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 22, 1865. Savidge, George.....do..... Nov 26,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Simon, John.......... d Dec. 2,'61, 3 Wounded August 30, 1862, and August 18, 1864absent at muster out. Smith, Sebastian.......do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with company, July 1,'65. Scott, George.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 24, 1862. Shaum, Martin...... l..do..,.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865-Vet. Star, William G.....do... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 7, 1863. THREE YEAIS' SERVICE. 305.. A.. I I ________ _ _"1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Steel, Andrew M.... Private Mar. 7, 64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 18, 1865. Stoops, Thomas W... do..... Sept. 21,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Shreckengost, Levi...do..... Sept. 21,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Southworth,And. D...do..... ept. 21, 64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Smith, William D...I...do..... July 18,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865. Stewart, Leman R.....do.....Mar. 17'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., 1864. Stevens, Jacob..........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died September 27, 1862-Buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick. Stout, James........ do..... Oct.'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Shannon, William....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Steck, Mosheim G.......do..... Oct. 25,'61, 3 Prisoner August 19,1864 —died at Salisbury, June I 1 5,1865. Shrum, Reuben........do.....Aug. 19,'62, 3 Died at Greensburg, Pa., October 14, 1862, of wds. received at Antietam. Shipman, Isaac.........do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Died at Washington, March 4, 1865. Smail, John................do..... Oct. 1,61 3 Deserted October 27, 1862. Templeton, Finley... do... Sept. 21,'64, I Drafted-prisoner from February 7, to February 15, 1865-disch. by General Order, May 20, 1865. Tll James........... Oct. 1'61, 3 Discharged October 3, 1864. Tisue, Newlin.......do...... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Tedrow, Henry........do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 6, 1864. Thomas, Emanuel.'..do..... Oct, 1,'64, 1 Died at City Point, December 25, 1864. Tarry, Robert..........do... Sept. 21,'63, 3 Prisoner from Oct 14, 1863, to Nov. 20, 1864-discharged by General Order, July 18, 1865. Weaver, George.oS....e..... Sept. 25, 63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Walters, Joseph......... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Walter, Jchn............do.. July 23,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded August 18, 1864-discharged ~~~OI Mby General Order, June 29, 1865. Walker, Robert......'...do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 7, 1863. Walker, John.......do.. Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865 Wolf, William H_.i...do..Mar. 17,'64, 3 Sentenced by general court martial-discharged Jereiah.do.Oct. 1,n'64, I by General Order, June 9, 1865. Welsh, Jeremiah....d.....c. 1.1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, 1865. Williams, CurtisM...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Wissinger, Jona'n..'...do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died November 2, 1862-buried at Philadelphia. West, William Ie......do Feb. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. West, John G...........do..Feb. 1,'62, 3 Deserted October 10, 1862. UNASSIGNED MEN. Brenaman, Samuel Private Mar. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Butt, William............do....Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Burns, Morris...........do..... June 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Blair, James H.........do..... Feb. 25'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Consor, Franklin.......do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Cox, David.........o.. Aug. 22'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Doherty, Daniel........do.. Mar. 19'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Delomey, Jonathan...do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Davis, David X......do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Drakrus, Philip..........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Ernest, Josiah............do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Everhart, Frank........ do Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Fillery, James E......do..... July 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Griffith, Peters.........do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Hartman, Francis......do..Sept. 21 63, 3 Drafted-not on muster-out rolls. James, John............do.....Aug. 30,'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Kennedy, Patrick.......do... June 29, 64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Kelly, William..........do... July 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. M'Gee, Arthur...........do... June 29,64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Madden, John H........do...Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Moore, Frederick...... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Miller, William A......do..Mar. 21,'64, 3 Not an muster-out rolls. Riley, Peter..............do.....June 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Reeder, George W......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Rosser, George..........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Reilly, William......... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Reed, Joseph.............do. Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Stewart, James..........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Sheppard, Joseph......do Oct. 7,'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Shilling, And'w J......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Sullivan, Michael......do.....June 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out'rolls. 39 306 E EVENTH REGIIENT.. K. X ^^ NAME. RANK. DATE OF DUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Snyder, William R Private Aug. 18,'64, 3 Substitute-not on muster-out rolls, Sanford, Baird...........do... Apr. 12,'65, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Smith, John B... do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Sullivan, John..........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Wilson, John............do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Wilson, George.........do.....Jan. 21, 65, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Walters, William....d...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rolls. Wilson, Samuel........do..... Sept 3,'64, 1 Not on muster-out rolls. Welch, Thomas........d.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not bn muster-out rolls.. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. THE campaign in the Shenandoah Valley had scarcely terminated, when the Twenty-third Regiment was re-organized for three years or the war. In the three months' service it formed part of the Brigade commanded by Colonel Thomas, and was a well drilled and efficient body. Lieutenant Colonel David B. Birney, with the approval of Colonel Dare, then suffering from a disease from which he soon after died, had received authority from the Secretary of War to recruit its ranks, and the Governor had given permission to retain its former number. The old regiment was mustered out on the 31st of July, and two days thereafter three companies were mustered in for three years. By the 14th of August it was filled to the maxim-um number, and went into camp near the Falls of Schuylkill. David B. Birney was commissioned Colonel, Charles Wilhelm, Lieutenant Colonel, George C. Spear, Major, and John Ely, Junior Major; James E. Collins was made Adjutant. Remainingbuta few days in camp, it was ordered to Washington, and reported to General Burnside, in command of troops stationed in the neighborhood of the Capital not brigaded. On the 8th of September the regiment was transferred to Camp Graham, on Queen's farm, four miles north of Washington. Here, by authority of the War Department, it was recruited to fifteen companies, twelve of which were fom Philadelphia, one from Pittsburg, one from Wilkesbarre and one from Columbia. Its first colors were presented by friends in Philadelphia, before proceeding to the field in the three months' service. The State flag was presented on the 14th of December, on behalf of Gov. Curtin, by Hon. Galusha A. Grow, Speaker of the lower House of Congress, and was responded to by Hon. Wm. D. Kelley, of the same body, from Philadelphia, and by Col. Birney. Extensive preparations had been made for this ceremony, the camp having been elaborately decorated with evergreens, an elegant dinner provided, and the occasion was honored by the presence of the Secretary of War, distinguished members of Congress, and influential citizens of Philadelphia. The Twenty-third was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Fourth Corps, and received careful instruction and discipline from Colonel Birney. The Division was drilled in evolutions of the line once a week by Gen. Buell, while he remained in command. In these exercises the regiment always paraded as two battalions, each battalion numbering as many men as any other single regiment in the Brigade. In addition to regular drill, the men were em*Organization of First Brigade, Brigadier General L. P. Graham, First Division, Brigadier General Don Carlos Buell, Fourth Corps, Major General E. D. Keyes. Sixty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers, (First Chasseurs,) Colonel John Cochrane; Twenty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel David B. Birney; Sixty-seventh Regiment New York Vclunteers, (First Long Island,) Colonel Julius W. Adams; Eighty-second Regiment Peunsylvania Volunteers, Colonel David H. Wiiiiams. 308 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 1862 ployed in building fortifications, cutting timber, and doing picket and guard duty. Forts Lincoln, Totten, Stevens and Cedar Hill, are witnesses of their industry. About the middle of December typhoid fever prevailed, and one officer and fifty men died. Subsequently the camp was moved to high and airy ground, near Bladensburg, and the disease disappeared. A large number oi blankets and stockings, and fifteen hundred pairs of woolen mittens were presented to the men by their friends in Philadelphia. On the 17th of February, 1862, Colonel Birney was appointed a Brigadier General, and Captain Thomas H. Neill, of the Fifth Infantry, succeeded him as Colonel. He assumed command on the 20th, and almost immediately after, was ordered to detach five companies, and to transfer four of them, L, 0, P and R, with Major Spear as Lieutenant Colonel, to the Sixty-first Pennsylvania, Colonel Rippey, and to disband company M, distributing the men among the remaiinig ten companies, and mustering the officers out of service. This order was obeyed with much reluctance and under protest. On the 10th of March the regiment made its first march, in the direction of Vienna, with the intention of turning the enemy's left flank at Manassas; but after proceeding as far as Lewensville, it was ascertained that he had fallen back, and the command returned to camp. On the 26th it marched to Alexandria, where it embarked on the steamer Vanderbilt for Fortress Monroe. In the advance of the army on the Peninsula, the enemy were first encountered at Warwick river, where the Twenty-third had one man shot-its first loss. The command was engaged until the 4th of May, on picket, and fatigue duty on rifle pits and roads, when orders were received to storm a rebel fort on the south side of the river, The charge was made, but the line after floundering a while in the mud, ascertained that the enemy had retreated. The loss during the operations before Yorktown was eight wounded. The Division made a forced march to Williamsburg, on the 5th of May, and arrived upon the battle ground late in the afternoon. The Twenty-third (lid not become engaged, but was under a heavy artillery fire, in which it had five men wounded. On the following day the enemy retreated, and the regiment skirmished with his rear guard and formed in line of battle on the south side of the tawn. On the 10th it advanced and was engaged with the enemy, losing five men wounded. Proceeding through New Kent Court House and New Baltimore to Bottom's bridge, the enemy were found in force on the south side of the Chickahomony, with artillery so posted that the column was obliged to fall back about two miles, the Twenty-third losing four men, and encamped on the farm of the rebel General Garnett. On the 23d, a detachment consisting of the 7th Massachusetts, Twenty-third Pennsylvania, and the Eighth Pennsylvania cavalry, was ordered to proceed on a reconnoissance towards Richmond. Four miles out, the enemy were met and driven, and the position thus gained was held during the night. On the following day the detachment had heavy skirmishing to the left of the Richmond road, which was continued till late at night. The object of the reconnoissance having been attained, the command retired to Seven Pines, and threw up breast-works. On the 28th it moved with the brigade, now under command of Brigadier General Abercrombie, to the Richmond and York River railroad. The battle of Fair Oaks commenced on the 31st of May, the enemy attacking General Casey's Division holding the advance of the Union army, in overpowering force. Unable to withstand the storm, it broke, and Couch's Division, which was sent to its relief, 1862 BATTLE OF FAIR OAKS. 309 soon became engaged. The Twenty-third was separated from the rest of the Brigade, and directed to take position on the Nine Mile road, west of the railroad. At two o'clock in the afternoon it met the enemy, and drove him back to, and quite through a piece of wood in front. The ground was difficult, the woods swarmed with the enemy, and this the first engagement in which it was under heavy infantry fire; but several charges were successfully made, in which three color bearers were shot and many brave men lost. Late in the afternoon it was hotly attacked, in position beyond the road, and barely escaped capture by a column of the enemy which swept down in the rear. Colonel Neill had his horse shot under him, but fortunately succeeded in retiring to the line of the First Long Island, Colonel Adams, and formed on his right. In this engagement,* the loss in killed and wounded was seven officers and one hundred and thirty-six men. On the 1st of June the battle was renewed, but the regiment was ordered to march with General Palmer's command, on a reconnoissance to White Oak Swamp. On the following day it returned to find its camp destroyed and all articles of value lost. The picket line was re-established, and for several days the men were under arms, exposed to the bullets of the enemy's sharp-shooters by day and his shells by night, surrounded by a battle-field where the dead, exposed to the intense heat of the season, still lay unburied, and greatly harassed by the incessant rains and constant watching. On the 16th it was relieved by fresh troops, and was ordered to camp at Seven Pines. The severity of the duty to which it had been subjected produced considerable sickness, and so many officers, sick and wounded, were sent to hospitals, as to leave the regiment in a crippled condition. On the 25th it was detached, and sent by itself on a reconnoissance towards White Oak Swamp. At the commencement of the seven days' battle, one wing of the Twentythird, consisting of v-e companies, A, C, H, I and K, under command of Colonel Neill, was posted on the eastern edge of the White Oak Swamp, to prevent the enemy from crossing and turning the left flank of the retreating army. The duty was successfully accomplished, with a loss of nine men. The other wing, under Captain John F. Glenn, was ordered to support a battery during the night, and on the following morning participated in the battle of Charles City Cross Roads, losing five men. Marching all night through the dismal shades of the swamp, it arrived on the morning of the 30th, at Haxall's Plantation, on the James river, where the two wings united and marched to Turkey Bridge. From day break, until two o'clock in the afternoon, it was exposed to heavy artillery fire, when Colonel NeiU was detached and ordered to support a battery, and report to General Howe. Colonel Neill at once sent out a party of skirmishers to the front, to drive away the enemy's sharp-shooters, who had been engaged in picking off the cannoneers and battery horses; but was soon after re-called, reporting again to General Abercrombie, and immedi*EXTRACT FROM GENERAL KEYES' OFFICIAL REPORT.-At a little past two o'clock I ordered Neill's Twenty-third and Rippey's Sixty-first Pennsylvania regiments to move to the support of Casey's right. Neill attacked the enemy twice with great gallantry. In the first attack the enemy were driven back. In thesecond attack, and under the immediate command of General Couch, these two regiments assailed a vastly superior force of the enemy and fought with extraordinary bravery; though compelled at last to retire, they brought in thirty-five prisoners. Both regiments were badly cut up. After this attack the Twenty-third took part in the hard fighting which closed the day, near the Seven Pines.-lMoore's Rebellion Record, Vol. 5, p. 77, Docs. 310 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 1862 ately went into action, relieving two regiments in line of battle and opening fire at five o'clock, P. M. With great coolness the men held their position, rapidly loading and firing with fearful effect. Instead of returning their rammers to the pipes, they stuck them in the ground by their sides. The left of the regiment was here in a trying position; it overlapped a battery which was obliged to fire over the heads of the men, and several were lost by the premature explosion of our own shells; but the position was a vital one and the exposure was necessary to its retention. After being under fire for thirteen hours, its ammunition spent, it was relieved by the Excelsior Brigade. The importance of the service rendered was officially acknowledged by General Couch. The loss in this engagement, owing to the sheltered position which it occupied, considering the heat of the action and the loss inflicted on the enemy, was slight, being only two killed and thirty wounded. Taking up the line of march on the following morning, it moved, in the midst of a pelting rain, to Harrison's Landing, and to add to the discomfort of the men, they were, at the end of the march, halted in a ploughed field. Moving to better ground the regiment encamped and commenced fortifying. It was rumored that the enemy had returned to Malvern Hill, and a part of the army under General Hooker, was sent to drive them back. The Twenty-third under Major Glenn, Colonel Neill being in command of a brigade, formed part of the expedition, and on the return was with the rear guard. The Peninsula campaign ended, the army of the Potomac was ordered to the support of Pope on the Bappahannock. The Twenty-third left Harrison's Landing on the morning of the 16th of July, and, passing through Charles City, crossed the Chickahomony on a pontoon bridge, and, after a fatiguing march of seventy miles, in clouds of dust, and beneath a burning sun, arrived at Yorktown. Resting until the 28th, amusing themselves in fishing, bathing, and destroying fortifications, the regiment embarked on the City of Richmond, with a transport containing the Sixty-first Pennsylvania in tow, and arrived at Alexandria on the 31st. On the following day it made a hurried march to Chantilly, and arrived in time to participate in the action, losing five men. On the 2d of September it was posted in support of a battery until three o'clock P. M., when the Division was detailed under General Hooker, to cover the retreat on the main road, the enemy following as far as Fairfax. At Alexandria the Division rested but a few hours, and then started on the Maryland campaign. Crossing the Potomac on the chain bridge, it proceeded by the river road towards Harper's Ferry. At Poolsville, on the 11th, the. Twenty-third and the Thirty-sixth New York were detached, temporarily, forming an independent brigade, under the command of Colonel Neill, and ordered to guardthe Potomac from White's to Nolen's ferry. Hence, it formed the extreme left of the army in the battles at South Mountain and Antietam, and was, in consequence, prevented from taking an active part, though it had the misfortune to lose one officer and twenty-four men captured by the enemy. Information had been received that a quantity of arums was secreted in a barn across the Potomac, and Lieutenant Garsed, of company B, with twenty-four men, and nine of the Second Rhode Island Cavalry, crossed for the purpose of bringing them in; but a, band of the enemy, divining the purpose, laid in wait for them and captured the entire party. On the 20th General Stoneman, with one brigade of the Third Corps, arrived and assumed command. Two companies of the Twenty-third, A and E, Captains Wood and Wallace, were detailed to pro 1:863 BATTLE OF FREDEP.ICKSBURG. 311 ceed to }Harpers Ferry on a reconnoissance. Fording the river, they soon ascertained that the enemy had left, and having obtained other valuable information, returned the same night, bringing in a few prisoners. On the 24th the regiment marched to Downsville, where it rejoined the brigade, now in command of General Cochrane, which was transferred to the Third Division, Brigadier General John Newton; Sixth Corps, Major General William B. Franklin. On the 22d Lieutenant Colonel John Ely returned, having been absent since the battle of Fair Oaks, where he was severely wounded. A new stand of colors, including guidons, was received, the gift of ladies of Philadelphia. After the battle of Antietam the regiment remained on picket duty on the Potomac, near Hancock, until the 1st of November, when, with the Sixth Corps, it re-crossed the river at Sandy Run Ford, near Harper's Ferry, and proceeded to Stafford Court House, skirmishing daily with the enemy. Remaining until the 5th of December, its camp was removed to a point within three miles of Belle Plains, as uncomfortable a location for mid-winter as the country afforded. On the night of the 10th, it was ordered forward to take part in the impending battle of Fredericksburg. Under cover of the artillery, the pontoons were successfully laid, in the face of the rebel sharp-shooters, and a crossing effected by the left Grand Division, composed of the First, Sixth, and a part of the Fifth Corps. The Twenty-third was placed in the advance, under the immediate command of Major Glenn, who was ordered to seize the Stone House at Franklin's Ford, and feel the enemy, which was adroitly executed. The enemy fell back as the line advanced, and the pickets were established without loss. On the morning of the 13th, the Third Division was massed for a charge; but at twelve o'clock, M., the order was countermanded and the Twenty-third was placed in support of a battery, remaining till evening, with the loss of but two men. Early in the day, General Vinton, of the Second Brigade, Second Division, was shot, and Colonel Neill, who had some days previously received the commission of a Brigadier General, was ordered to its command, On the night of the 13th, the regiment removed to the extreme right of the left Grand Division, holding this position until the night of the 15th, when it re-crossed the river. Lieutenant Colonel Ely, who had been temporarily absent, here assumed command and was subsequently commissioned Colonel, to date from December 13th. The regiment went into winter quarters at a point about three miles south of Falmouth, near the Headquarters of the Sixth Army Corps, where it remained until the 18th of January, 1863, when it moved to United States Ford, in the expectation of a bloody campaign, on the right bank of the Rappahannock; but, owing to the inclemency of the weather and state of the roads, ended in a "mud march." The regiment returned to its camp on the 22d, more fortunate than many others that were employed nearly a week in escaping from the mud. So long were the troops in counter-marching, that the rebel pickets, in derision, offered to cross and lend a helping hand. Upon the initiation of the Chancellorsville campaign, the brigade was detailed to assist in carrying the pontoon boats down the river. The boats were carried nearly two miles on the backs of the men, lest the rumbling of the. pontoon trucks, along the river bank, would give the enemy notice of the intended movement. It was accomplished with great fatigue; but the precaution was wisely planned, the enemy being taken by surprise, and a landing effected with but small loss. The army did not cross until the morning of the 2d of May, 312 TWENTY-THIRD REGIIENT. 1863 when the brigade was ordered to take the advance. Moving by the river road it passed through the enemy's lines at midnight, and under cover of darkness arrived without opposition in front of the stone wall in the rear of Fredericksburg. At daylight of the 3d, the regiment, under command of Colonel Ely, was detached from the brigade and ordered to make a feint towards the enemy's entrenched position, on Marye's Heights. The right wing, consisting of five companies, was deployed under Lieutenant Colonel Glenn-the left wing being held in reserve-and advanced to within ten yards of the stone wall, the enemy opening with musketry and artillery from the sides and summits of the hills along his whole line, and thus developing his position. The purpose of the manoeuvre having been attained, the command returned under cover, in good order, with a loss of sixteen men, and held the ground, with the aid of the batteries, until the final charge. The Sixty-first and Eighty-second Pennnsylvania, and Fortythird and Sixty-seventh New York, were formed in column of companies to charge over the bridge and up the hill, on the left of the town, while the Sixth Maine, Fifth Wisconsin and Thirty-first New York were to charge over the stone wall in front. At eleven o'clock, A. M., the movement commenced. The Twenty-third Regiment was not of the storming party, having already done its work; but seeing a regiment, whose term of service had expired, break at the moment of extreme peril, the men of the Twenty-third, without orders, giving one grand huzza, started upon the run for the opening in the broken line, and entered the works with the triumphant column. Its loss in this charge was six killed and twenty-seven wounded. At half-past two, P. M., orders were received to advance in the direction of Chancellorsville, and occupy the plank road; but before reaching it, the enemy were encountered at Salem Church, where a severe engagement ensued, in which the regiment supported Maxhammer's Battery, sustaining but small loss. On the night of the 3d it was ordered to the front, where it remained until near the close of the day, when the enemy attacked in strong force and the corps was forced to retire towards Bank's Ford, leaving most of the pickets to be taken prisoners. The ford was reached at dark; but the enemy made so hot a pursuit that another line of battle had to be formed to check his advance, and the regiment finally re-crossed the river at about two o'clock on the morning of the 5th, proceeding to its old camp, near Falmouth. The loss in this campaign was seventy-one killed and wounded, and two taken prisoners. Remaining in camp, engaged in drill and picket duty until the 6th of June, the Sixth Corps for the third time, crossed to the south side of the river at Deep Run, and the Twenty-third was at once placed on the skirmish line, close up to the enemy's front. Until the 13th, heavy skirmishing, with considerable loss, was kept up from behind breast-works and rifle pits, shot and shell being freely used and the sharp-shooters on both sides unusually active. Recrossing the river, the regiment started on the Gettysburg campaign, and was repeatedly engaged in picket duty while on the march. The weather intensely hot, and the movements at times forced, told heavily upon the endurance of the men, and in a march of eighteen miles on the 16th, twenty-two of the division suffered sun-stroke, from the effects of which six died. Crossing the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry, Sedgwick's Corps marched via Poolesville, New Market and Manchester to Westminster, where it arrived on the 30th of June. Here it re-. mained in camp until the evening of the 1st of July, when, at eight o'clock, orders to march were received, with intelligence that a battle was in progress 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 313. at Gettysburg, thirty miles away, and that Reynolds had fallen..The corps was at once put in motion, the men in high spirits, cheering andsinging as they went. Without pausing for a moment's rest, the column hastened on over the weary miles, and arriving on the battle-field at foulr o'clock on the evening of the 2d, was immediately ordered to the support of the Fifth Corps, which had been desperately engaged during the day. Forming in mass it started at a double qmick, every man cheering to the full capacity of his lungs' The enemy dispirited by the appearance of fresh troops soon fell back, and only one brigade of the Sixth became engaged. On the morning of the 3d, the Twenty-'third was ordered to reinforce General Geary's Division of the Twelfth Corps, at Culp's Hill, on the extreme right. At ten o'clock, A. M., Lieutenant Colonel Glenn, commanding in the absence of Colonel Ely, was ordered to detail two hundred men and eight officers to advance as skirmishers and test the significance of the lull in the enemy's fire. Colonel Glenn, detaching the right wing, companies A, D,, G, and F, leaving the left under command of Major Wallace, advanced about fifteen paces beyond the breast-works, when they were met by so terrific a fire that they were compelled to lie down under protection of the line occupying the works. Soon afterwards, an order was received from General Geary to return, which was executed in good order and with small loss. The regiment remained in line, firing at short range, until relieved by an Ohio regiment, when it retired about one hundred yards under shelter of a small ravine. Soon after, the enemy opened with all his artillery-prelude to his last grand charge-when it was ordered to re-inforce the left centre, upon which the whole rebel fire was concentrated. In executing this order, it was compelled to cross an open plain, under as heavy a fire of artillery as ever rocked a battle field. The Twenty-third suffered little, though the balance of the brigade lost heavily. After marching from point to point during the day, it finally rested for the night on the line where the First Division of the Second Corps grappled with the foe in his last desperate struggle. The 4th was spent in skirmishing with the enemy, bringing in the wounded, and burying the dead. The loss during the battle was two officers and twenty-nine men, killed and wounded. Discovering on the morning of the 5th, that the enemy were retreating, the Sixth Corps was ordered in pursuit, and coming up with his rear guard on the Chambersburg pike, five miles from Gettysburg, commenced skirmishing. The corps encamped near the town of Fairfield, and the Twenty-third was detailed for picket duty during the night, capturing and bringing in eighty-three prisoners. Abandoning the direct line of pursuit, the corps moved to the left, through Emmittsburg, and attempted to cross the mountains with artillery to iMiddletown but the road being a difficult one, the night very dark and the rain descending in torrents, the heavy pieces were soon fast in the mud, and had to be taken apart before they could be turned about, and got back upon the main road through Frederick. A fragment of the corps reached the summit at midnight, while the greater portion were resting on the road, or were lost on their march up. At daylight on the morning of the 9th, the regiment moved to the support of the cavalry, and was at once placed on the skirmish line. On the 10th it fell in with the enemy near Funkstown, where a spirited engagement ensued. It remained in line during the entire day of the 11th, and in attempting to push forward, the skirmishers lost heavily. On the 12th, it was ascertained that the enemy had fallen back during the previous night to a strong position, and was entrenched. The Union lines were at once formed in front 40 314 iWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 1863 of it, and orders were issued to build breast-works, and be in readiness to attack,at daylight. Morning found the works completed, and the army in line ready for the onset, but at eight o'clock the order to attack was countermanded, and the troops remained inactive during the entire day. On the following night the enemy escaped across the river, and further pursuit was abandoned. An examination of his position, showed it to have been another Malvern Hill, and had the Union army attacked, it would doubtless have shared the fate of the rebels on that memorable field. Marching back to Berlin, the regiment halted for rest, and was there inspected and supplied with clothing. On the 19th, the corps crossed the Potomac, and proceeding to Manassas Gap, supported the Third and Fifth Corps in their passage, and moved on to Chester Gap, and thence to Warrenton, where it went into camp, laying out and decorating the grounds in an elaborate and tasteful mannerinthehopeof permanent occupation. Butonthe 15th of August, the regiment was ordered to the mouth of the north fork of the Rappahannock. Leaving five companies at the cross roads of the Orleans and Waterloo pike, the remaining five were placed to guard the bridges and ford E of the river. On the 17th of August it was relieved from picket duty, and ordered back to its old camp, where it was re-inforced by one hundred and forty-six drafted men, and the brigade was detached from the Third Division, and joined to the Second under General Howell. Division drill was ordered for every day in the week, and inspection and review on Sunday, a severe ordeal for dog-days. Sunstroke was not uncommon, making it necessary for the officers to establish hospitals on the drill ground, the same as if going into action. Colonel Ely re-joined the regiment on the second of September, and assumed command, and on the 16th it broke camp and moved to the neighborhood of Culpepper. Remaining till the 1st of October, it again struck tents and made a forced march, in a furious rain-storm, to Catlett's station, and, with the corps, was posted as guard to the Orange and Alexandria railroad, the army still at Culpepper. Here the regiment remained doing fatigue duty upon breast-works, and picketing the lines,, till the 12th, when all the rolling stock of the road, filled with government property, arrived at Warrenton Junction, and four companies under command of Captain Rees, were sent to guard them. Late in the evening a report was received that the enemy was advancing, when the balance of the regiment, and one company of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, were ordered to re-inforce the guard, and during the night the rest of the brigade, under General Shaler, was sent to its succor. At daylight, the army began to arrive and the stores were safe. On the morning of the 15th the brigade marched to Centreville, and formed in line of battle, at the same time that the Second Corps was engaged at Bristoe Station. Remaining until three o'clock on the following morning, it moved to Chantilly and again formed in line. The rebel army refusing to accept the wager of battle offered, and, beginning to retire, the Union army was ordered forward, the Sixth Corps reaching Warrenton on the 21st, after considerable skirmishing, the regiment going into camp in its old quarters. On the morning of November 7th it again struck tents, and marching to Rappahannock station, was in line during the brilliant engagement of the Sixth Corps at that place, resulting in the capture of two thousand prisoners with all their small arms, several colors and four pieces of artillery. On the 8th it moved to Kelly's ford, and crossing the river on the following day, was detailed to destroy rebel forti 1864 STATIONED AT JOHNSON'S ISLAND. 315 fiations. One of these forts had a checkered history. It was first built by General Pope and faced to the south. When Lee approached the right bank of the river, he changed it to face to the north. Upon the advance of Meade to Culpepper, about face" was the order, and it again looked to the south. As Lee advanced: on the retreat of the Union army to Centreville it was elaborately reconstructed andnmade to frown upon the north; and now, for the fifth time, spade and pick are busy on its surface, and it again faces with the advancing column. Proceeding to Brandy station on the 13th it remained in camp till the 27th, when it started on the Mine Run expedition, crossing the Rapidan at Germania ford. At half a mile from the river it formed in line, where French's troops had already engaged the enemy. On the following day it marched to Robinson's tavern and took positioon on the right of the line, and Sunday morning, 29,th, was ordered to support General Gregg!s Cavalry. On the 30th it was assigned to the extreme left of the army, with orders to prepare for a charge, which was to be made at eight o'clock. The charge was never made, and lying exposed to intense cold without fire until the night of December 1st, the whole army fell back, the regiment re-crossing the river at Ely's ford, and proceeding to its old camp. The loss in the campaign was one killed and seven wounded. On the 6th of December Colonel Ely resigned, on account of wounds and sickness contracted in the line of duty, and was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel John F. Glenn, who was commissioned Colonel. Major William Wallace received the commission of Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Henry Rees that of Major. Brigadier General Alexander Shaler commanded the brigade. The friends,of the regiment in Philadelphia gave a ball for its benefit, and with the proceeds, six hundred pairs of woollen gloves and a beautiful stand of colors, bearing the names of the battles in which the regiment had been engaged were procured. A short time previous ear-comforters for the men had been provided by patriotic ladies in Bucks county. As an incentive to heroism, Colonel' Ely had distributed in September previous, one hundred silver medals for that number of enlisted men who were designated by their company officers as most deserving of merit in the bayonet charge at Marye's Heights, May 3d, 1863. On the 30th of December, in compliance with the proposition of the government, two hundred of the regiment re-enlisted as veteran volunteers, and proceeded under command of Colonel Glenn, to Philadelphia, on a veteran furlough. The balance of the regiment, under Major Wallace, remained in camp at Brandy Station until the 6th of January, when, with the brigade, it was ordered to Johnson's island, Lake Erie, and proceeded thither via Wheeling and Sandusky. From the latter place, the troops marched across the lake to the island on the ice. Here they remained guarding prisoners-consisting of four thousand two hundred rebel officers-and enjoyed a period of repose, having comfo rtable quarters and bundant rations. On the 11th of February they were joined by the veterans under Colonel Glenn. On the 9th of May, the Twenty-third and Eighty-second Pennsylvania regiments were ordered to the front, and arriving at Washington on the 13th, proceeded on the following day to Belle Plain. The gampaign in the Wilderness had already opened, and, as the first fruts of the desperate encounters, seven thousand rebel prisoners were gathered in At this point. The newly arrived regiments were ordered to report to General Abercrombie, in command ot prisoners, and, were assigned to guaxd them. Colonel Isaac C. Bassett, of the Eighty-second, was placed in command of both regiments, and Colonel Glenn 316 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 1864 was made commissary of prisoners. The prisoners were formed into companies of one hundred each, men from the same State being kept together and separate from the others. Rolls were made and the companies were sent to Point Lookout, Fort Delaware, and other depots. After completing this work, the regiment was ordered to join the brigade, which, since the breaking up of the Third Division, had become the Fourth Brigade, First Division of the Sixth Corps. It marched to Fredericksburg, and was detailed to guard a supply train of five hundred wagons on the way to the front. Delivering the train near Bowling Green, it crossed the North Anna river and joined the brigade. Moving with the division for the destruction of the Virginia Central railroad, it reached its destination after a hard march, and the work of burning ties, heating and twisting rails, and demolishing bridges, was commenced. In the midst of a heavy storm, the division bivouacked, but at ten o'clock was ordered out to throw up breast-works, toiling nearly the entire night. On the morning of the 26th, the division returned, and re-crossing the North Anna, after a march of forty miles, reached the Pamunky, and on the 29th proceeded to Hanover Court House, where the Twenty-third was immediately placed on the skirmish line, remaining out all night and losing two men wounded. Marching and entrenching by the way, it arrived on the 1st of June at Cold Harbor, a name suggestive at this season of agreeable sensations, but one ever to be associated with,bitter memories in the history of this regiment. Upon its arrival, it was at once formed in line of battle on the left of the Richmond and Gaines' Mills cross-roads, and was selected to storm the enemy's works in its front. The Eighty-second was ordered to its support. At four o'clock, P. M., the advance was begun, the enemy's skirmishers falling back, and firing the woods as they did so, the charging column passing through the flame. The wood was about one hundred and fifty yards in width, and on arriving at the skirt, a full view was presented of the desperate work before it. In front was an open field, and about five hundred yards away on a little hill, were the enemy's works. The open space between must be crossed without shelter, except an old brick house situated mid-way. Preparations were made for the final charge; the Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania being posted on the right, but the left unprotected by either infantry or artillery. At five o'clock orders were given to advance, and at the word " forward," the men brought their muskets to a charge, and moved on the double quick, until the enemy opened a heavy fire, when they dashed away upon the run, and gained the hill. A part leaped the breast-works and held possession, but the right of the line had become separated, and the left was exposed to a flanking fire of grape and canister from the enemy's artillery. The Eighty-second came up nobly to their support, but after fighting twenty-five minutes without re-inforcements, they were obliged to retire about fifty yards, when the balance of the Sixth Corps coming up on the right, and the Second Corps on the left, by hard fighting the position was held and intrenched. But the charge across that open field, and the twenty-five minutes of hand-to-hand fighting in the enemy's works, left few of the Twenty-third to return to their places in the line. Nine officers and one hundred and eighty-eight men were killed and wounded, and three men not wounded taken prisoners. Of these, Captain Henry Marchant, Lieutenant James Johnson, John D. Boyd and James G. Williamson, among the officers and seventy-one men, nearly onehalf of the entire loss, were killed. On the morning of the 2d, the lines of the two armies hugged closely their 1864 ENGAGEMENT AT COLD HARBOR. 317 breast-works, the sharp-shooters being in close proximity and very active. A heavy rain set in during the afternoon, which lasted the entire night. On the 3d, a hot fire was opened early, and continued all day, in which Major Wallace and six men were wounded and three killed. In the evening one company was deployed to advance about ten yards and dig rifle pits. The night was very dark, and unperceived by the enemy, the men crawled cautiously out, and by daylight of the 4th, they had thrown up a safe cover, where they remained during the day, under a terrific fire. At three o'clock on the morning of the 5th, they were relieved from the first, and ordered to the second line, remaining under a brisk fire until eight o'clock, P. M., when the regiment was ordered back to the third line, where the men, after cooking a supper, for the first time for five days, laid down and had a good night's sleep. Heavy firing was continued, and on the 7th, the Twenty-third was detailed to dig and construct a covered way to the front. On the evening of the 8th, it was again ordered to the front line and remained there, under a heavy fire, until the following evening, when it returned to the second line, and, on the night of the 12th, the attempt to break through the enemy's works having been abandoned, a movement towards the left was again resumed. Marching and counter-marching, held in line of battle, and laboring day and night on intrenchments while on the way, the regiment finally arrived on the 16th at the James river, and halted on the farm of ex-President Tyler. Here it was embarked on the steamer Cauliflower for Bermuda Hundred where it landed, marched to the right of General Butler's head-quarters, and was immediately ordered into line of battle. Crossing the Appomattox on the morning of the 19th, it marched and formed in front of Petersburg under a heavy artillery fire. In the afternoon an attempt was made to push the line forward in the face of a murderous fire of infantry, the Twenty-third losing ten men wounded. The regiment was afterwards ordered on the skirmish line with its right resting on the Appomattox, where it remained until the evening of the 20th, losing one man killed and three wounded. On the 21st the Sixth Corps being relieved by the Eighteenth Corps, was ordered to the extreme left of the line, about four miles south-east of Petersburg, where.it formed on the left of the Second Corps. Advancing about four hundred yards in the face of very hard skirmishing, the line halted and threw up intrenchments. On the following day the line again advanced, and now through a wood with thick underbrush where it met strong resistance and again threw up breast-works. Subsequently the rear was fortified and the position made secure. At four o'clock on the afternoon of the 29th, orders were received to move at once, and, taking the Jerusalem plank roaed, the Twenty-third marched to Ream's station on the Weldon railroad, where it was immediately placed on the picket line, and on the 30th skirmished with the enemy, driving them through the wood. Returning to its place in the brigade, it was, on the 1st of July, employed in destroying the railroad and in throwing up fortifications. On the 2d it returned with the Brigade to its old position in front of Petersburg. These advances by the left were beginning to be very troublesome to the rebel leader. To divert attention from that direction, and, if possible, to change the theatre of war to the old battle ground, in front of Washington, he had dispatched General Early, with a heavy column to meet Hunter, now threatening Lynchburg and the James River Canal, and eventually to menace 318. TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. 1864 W ashington. Hmuter was quickly sent flying across the mountains into West. Virginia, and Early, advancing into Maryland, replenished his failing commissary and began demonstrations in the direction of Baltimore and Washington. To meet the threatened danger, General Grant sent the Sixth Corps from his own army, and the Nineteenth Corps, just arrived from New Orleans, the whole under command of General Wright, to Washington. The Twenty-third leaving the trenches on the evening of the 9th, and marching to City Point, embarked on the Steamer Eastern States, and arrived at Arsenal wharf, Washington, at twelve o'clock on the 11th. Marching immediately to Fort Stevens it was ordered to the front in support of the skirmish line now confronting Early's advance. Early had succeeded in creating much consternation and had pushed up within a few miles of the Capital, but, finding the battle begrimed veterans from Petersburg across his path, decided to withdraw into Virginia. Wright followed up the retreat, but without decided results. Marching via Poolesville, the Twenty-third crossed the Potomac at White's ford, and after a heavy skirmish, was thrown upon the picket line four miles south of Leesburg, where it remained until the morning of the 18th, and then started forward to rejoin the division, which had preceded it. Passing through Snicker's Gap, it went into line of battle on the mountains near the Shenandoah river, but it being an exposed position and having several wounded by the enemy's shells, it moved to the right, and fording the river marched out on the Winchester pike. At this juncture, Wright was ordered to return to Washington, and thence proceed to join the army before Petersburg, under the supposition that Early was on his way to join Lee. The retrograde commenced on the 20th, the army passing through Leesburg and re-crossing the Potomac at Chain bridge. But Early remained in the Shenandoah valley, and soon after turned upon Crook, who had been left in command of a small force, and drove him precipitately into Maryland. Wright was accordingly ordered again to turn his face towards Harper's Ferry. Starting on the 26th, the Twenty-third proceeded via Rockville, Centreville, Knoxville and Sandy Hook, and arrived at Harper's Ferry on the 29th, the same day that the rebel cavalry under M'Causland wantonly fired and destroyed Chambersburg. Here the forces of Crook, and a part of Hunter's-arrived from their long detour-were met. The Twenty-third crossed the Potomac on the 29th, at the Ferry, and marched to Halltown; but on the following day returned to the Maryland shore and proceeded to Frederick. The heat was intense, and the men were worn out with marching and counter-marching, large numbers suffering from sun-stroke. On the 7th of August, the regiment with the division, again crossed the Potomac, and marched through Halltown, Berryville and Winchester to Cedar Creek, where it remained.until the 17th, occasionally indulging in a skirmish and in throwing up breast-works, when another retrograde movement commenced which continued to Charlestown. Here the picket line was surprised on the 21st, and driven in, and only after much trouble and considerable loss, was the ground re-gained. A short time previous, Major Gen. Philip H. Sheridan had been placed in command of this Department, and a brighter day was about to dawn for the Union arms in the Shenandoah valley. But the term of service of the Twenty-third had now expired, and bidding adieu to their companions in arms, and transferring the veterans to the Eighty-second Pennsylvania, it proceeded to Philadelphia, where, on the 8th of September, it was mustered out. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 319 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. AE^.. DATE. MUSTE REARS. __ __ __...._, RN. INTO SERVICE.... David B. Birney..... Col...... Aug. 2,'61 3 Pr. to Brig. Gen. Feb. 17, 1862-to Major General May 23, 1863-died at Philahiladelphia, Oct. 18,'64. Thomas H. Neill........ do..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Promoted to Brigadier General Dec. 13, 1862. John Ely..................do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 P. from Major to Lt. Col. July 20, 1862-to Col. Dec. 13, 1862resigned Dec. 6, 1863-Bv. Brig. General, April 15, 1865. John F. Glenn..........do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A, to Major July 20, 1862-to Lt. Col. Dec. 13, 62-to Col. Jan. 19,'64-mus. out with regt., Sept. 8, 1864. Charles Wilhelm.... Lt. Col. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Resigned July 20, 1862. George C. Spear...... Maj...... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Resigned March 11, 1862, to accept Lieutenant Colonelcy of 61st regiment P. V. William J. Wallace...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pr. from Captain Co. E, Dec. 13,1862-wd. at Cold Iarbor, June 3,'63-com. Lt. Col. Dec. 7,'63not mus.-mus. out with reg., Sept. 8, 1864. John E. Collns....Adj...... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Tr. as 1st Lt., to Co. H, Sept. 25, 1861. John B. Fassett........do....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from cmpany to Adjutant, Sept., 1861 tr. to company C, as 1st Lt., March 1, 1862. Thomas K. Boggs......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant company C, March 1, 1862-mustered out with regt., Sept. 8, 1864. J. D. Chandler..... Q. M.... Sept. 2, 61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant, October 26, 1861mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1864. C. F. H. Campbell.. Surg... Oct. 29, 1,3 Resigned November 14, 1861. A. Owen Stille...........do..... Aug. 3, 61,3 Disch. byorder of War Dept., Nov. 1, 1861-reappointed Mar. 25, 1862-died at Fortress Monroe, June 22, 1862. John MGrath...........do....Nov. 20, 61 3 Discharged January 11, 1862. G. B. Fundenburg.....do.....Jan. 23'62, 3 Discharged March 26, 1862. Wm. C. Roller....d..... do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, June 24,'62mustered out with regiment, Sept 8, 1864. Robert Tusting......As.Sur. Aug. 4,'62, 3 Dismissed August 2, 1863, by order War Department, for absence without leave. George Yeomans........ Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'63. Anson T. Clark.........do.... May 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1864. James G. Shinn...... Chap'n Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1864. Frank M'Guigan.... Sr. Maj. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1864. Edward B. Wilson...do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major June 1, 1862-to 2d Lieutenant company K, August 31, 1862. Vinc't P. Donnelly.....do.................... Transferred to company K, September 3, 1861. Tobias W. Jones........ddo.....Aug 8,'61, 3 Promotedfrom Q. M. Sergeant, September 3,'61transferred as private to Co. R, Nov. 3, 1861. B. Frank Paris..........do....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from company R, November 3, 1861transferred to company K, May 3, 1862. Wm. Vogdes, Jr........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. toSgt. Maj., May3,'62-tr. to Co. F, June 1,'62. Ira Webster.......... do..Aug. 6,'31, 3 Pr. from Sergeant company K, August 31, 1862killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Wm... Albertson Q.M. Sr Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from company A, July 12, 1862-mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1865. Arthur F.. Keene......d.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lieutenant Co. B, July 15, 1862. Oliver T..Eckert.... Co. Sr Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted from company B, March 11, 1862-mustered out with regiment, September 8, 1864. Isaac M'Grath.....do....................... Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 26,'62. James Orton....... o..... oug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to company P, December 14, 1861. Wm. R. Jones........ Hos. St............... Pr. to 2d Lt. Co. R, 23d reg. P. V., Nov. 15, 1861. F. A. Neville... do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. PI. principal. Burg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adju.ant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Blis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 320 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, REGIMENTAL BAND. A NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE, E REARS. 50 Theobald Herman..L'd Bd. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Asch, Charless......M.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Braun, Francis.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Bach, John.............. do..... May 31,'62, 3 Deserted June 19, 1862. Cobbin, Thomas.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. I)ausch, Michael........do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Farrow, James C....... do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 31,1862. Freeman, John..........do.....Aug. 31, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Furness, William S...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Grass, William.........do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Goeber, Frank............do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Deserted March 4, 1862. Hock, John...............do....Feb. 4, 62 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 31, 1862. Herman, Theo'd, Jr...do...... Aug. 31, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Landenberger, Frs....do..Aug. 31, 61.. 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Mulyh, Conrad..........do..... Aug. 3,61, 3 Deserted March 4, 1862. Nicholson, James.....do..... Aug. 31, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Parker, Henry H......do.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Peffeffer, Charles.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Deserted March 4, 1862. oth, John.................do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Rothenberger,Chas....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Sharp, Joseph............do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Tr. as private to company B, March 11, 1862. Schmidt, George........ do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Deserted March 4, 1862. Wagoner, John.........do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. Walton, Benjamin.....do..... dAug. 31, 61, 3 Died August 10, 1862. Wiley, Benjamin......do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Deserted June 19, 1862. Wright, W. H...........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 4, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. John F. Glenn........ Capt...Aug. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Major, 23d regiment P. V., July 20, 1862. George Wood............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, July 22, 1862-transferred as Captain to Co. E, March 1, 1863. William B. Foster......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., July 12,'62-to Captain, March 1,'63-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 22, 1863. Jacob Heyer.....o......do Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 2, 1861-to 2d Lt., July 14, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 1,'63to Capt.,Nov. 22,1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. John W. Crosby..... 1st Lt... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company P, 23d reg., P. V., Sept. 31, 1861. Fitzhugh Birney.........Dec. d,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, January, 1862. Henry G. Fritsch.......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863-to 1st Lt., Nov. 22, 1863-to Captain company B, August 8, 1864. George W. Nagle.... 2d Lt... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Resigned October 20, 1861. Rob't M'Clelland...... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., March 1, 1863-to 2d Lt., January 1, 1864,-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Theodore Bisbing... Serg't.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, December, 1861. James Colwell...........do.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Aug. 25, 1864-transferred to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Michael M'Graw...........Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Nov. 22, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. James Collins......... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Nov. 22, 1863-mustered out l......... with company, September 8, 1864. Frank M'Guigan.........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt. Major, 23d regiment, P.V., June 1,'64. Chas. Schtruller.......do Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14. 1864-Vet. Philip Stengle............do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Nov. 22, 1863-mustered out I, with company, September 8, 1864. WilliamWilliams.......do. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Nov. 22, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Wm. H. Albertson Corp.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Q. M. Sgt., 23d reg., P. V., July 12, 1862. Ed. A. Bradender....do. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability, at Philadelphia, June, 1863. William Cuthbert.....do. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. THREE YEABRS' SERVICE. 321 A RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INAURS. INTO SEEVICE. R4 li John Dunn............ Corp.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 22, 1863-mus. out with company, September 8, 1864. John W. Davis.d.........do..... Aug. 8, 961, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 22, 1863 —mus. out with company, September 8, 1864. Sol. Forebaugh.........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Charles F. Huber,.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. James Martin.......... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., Septembet 14, 1864-Vet. Thomas Meyers......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 23d reg. P. V., Aug 23, 1861. John M'Kernon.........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Hugh Patterson.........d Aug. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 5, 1863. George W. Moore.......d6..., Aug. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 27, 1862. John H. Metcalf..........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to'Corporal, November.22, 1863 —mus. tered out with company, September 8, 1864. Win. J. Quigley...........do.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to'Corporal, November 22, 1863 —mustered out with company, September 8, 1864.'Caleb Brickman.........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 30, 1861. Chas. H. Wakefield...do..... Aug. 8, 61, 3 Deserted October 18, 1862. George Lindsay...... Muc.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Lewis Sibley...........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Anderson, George... Private Aug. 11, 63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Andrews, James N...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. H 23d regiment P. V., Sept., 1861. Andrews, Edw. C;.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Johnson's Island, Ohio, February, 1864. Beck, H. R...............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Burt, Franklin..........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Absent at mus. out, on detached service, with 8th New York artillery. Bateman, Joseph J....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Barry, Albert B.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Berg, John 0............do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, 23d regiment, P. V Sept., 1861. Branigan, Patrick......d.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Septembe 14, 1864 —Vet. Brighton, Ephraim...do..... July 17, 63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Branson, Edward...do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864. Barnes, Reuben....... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C. Born, Feter..............do.....Aug. 8, 61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Bartley, William......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864. Boyd, William........do.....Aug. 8,'61 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Bond, Lewis...........do.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Bishop, Samuel.........do..... Aug. 6,'6, 3 Transferred to company K, 23d regiment, P. V. Brown, James...........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, 23d regiment, P. V. Carney, William J.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864, Carpenter, John'C...do..... Sept. 1, 61, 3Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Claflin, Orlando.......do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Condon, Richard;.....do.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Conlin, Peter............do..... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Deserted August 16, 1863. Davenport, Robert....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Davis, Elias..........do...... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Dougherty, John......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. H, 23d reg. P. V., Sept., 1861. Dunton, Michael A...do..... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to 82d reg., P. V-, September 14, 1864. Davenport, H. M-......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Degroot, John..........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Dec. 24, 1861. Davis; Daniel..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1862. Davis, Benjamin......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted June 3, 1862. Dawson, William.....do..... Jan. 21,'63, 3 Deserted April 20,.1863. Dougherty, Wm......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Endress, Harry P......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Forebaugh, W. W......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Foreman, John W....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Dissh. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1, 1862. Farley, Edward....d.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V, Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Fox, William............do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted —tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Fowler, William.......do..... Mar. 4, "62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. Gasson, Lewis F....-do..... ept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Gibbs, John W....'....do..... Sept. 1'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 27, 1864. Gwynne, David.......do..Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted Agust, 1861. Green, Philip,........do..... Aug. 8,'61,'3 Deserted June, 1863. Hanlon, James........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Havens, Joseph........'do..... Aug. 11, 61, 3' Absent at muster out, on detached service with 1st Pennsylvania artillery. Hilton, William F.....do..... Aug. 8, 61' 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1834. Hastings, Jacob R.....do..... Aug. 8, "61, 3 Disharged on Surgeon's certiate, April 29,'62. Hanler, Daniel........do... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Harris, James...........do..... Aug. 11,'63,' 3 Drafted —tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Holmes, Reuben......d.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V.,, Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. 41 322 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, E. R DATE OF MUSTER REMARES. NAME. i RANK. NTO SEtVICE, g iennessey, Alf. J.. Private Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Hutton, John....... Aug. 61, 3Deserted August, Jump, Henry.........do..... Aug, 61, 3 Absent, sick, atmuster out. Jones, Francis.......A...do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Tr. to United States Navy, February, 1864. Jones, Tobias W....... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Q. M. Sgt., 23d regiment, P. V., Sept. 1861. Johnson, Stephen....do...Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Jacoby, John B.........do..... Aug. 8, 61, 3 Deserted November, 1861. Jones, Thomas.. do... Aug. 11, 63, 3Deserted August 16, 1863. Kearnes, Patrick........... 8,'61, 3Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Refferlier, Louis........do..... Aug. 8,'61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19, 1862. Kates, John W........ do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V. Sept, 14,'64. Kasch, Hermanr...... do. ug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 23d reg. P. 8V., ept., 1861. Kavannagh, Peter.....do..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P.V., Sept. 14, 1864-et. Kresey, William........... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Kilpatrick, James...... do..... Sept. 13,'62, 31 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Knocke, Frederick...do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 19, 1861 Kidney, Wm. J.........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1862. Knox, Joseph...... d...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 DesertedDecember 14, 1861. Kelly John........ do..... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16 1863. Kelly, James.........do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted 1863. Kenny, Martin................ Aug. 12,^ 63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. Little, Noah............ do Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Lawson, William.d........ Aug 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company M, 23d reg. P. V., August, 1861. Lence, Augustus.......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 23d reg. P. V., Sept., 1861. Leonard, Henry......do... Aug. 11'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. I'Lanlin, J. C....................... Died at Philadelphia, August 20, 1862. Moore, Thomas........do..... Aug. 8,'61 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8,1864. Murray, Charles........do....Aug. 8,'61,3 Mustered out with companyt Sept. 8, 1864. Malone, James M......do...... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg.certificate, February 24, 1863. Morgan, Daniel P......do..... Aug. 8,'61 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,. 1864-Vet. Miller, James.......,..do..... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted, date unknown. M'Cormick, Mich'I...do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Kinley, Henry......do.... Aug. 8,'61, Tr. to company H, 23d reg. P. V.,. Sept., 1861. M'Donough, Edw'd...do....., Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 26, 1862. M'Graw, John...........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. M'Manus, Michael.....do... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16P 1863. M'Cully, Hugh......... do...... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted Jan. 1, 1864-returned-deserted again April, 1864. Nichols, Tolbert W...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Newcamp, John........do.....i Sept. 4,'62, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Orton, James..........,.do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Corn. Sgt. 23d regiment P. V., Sept., 1861. Patton, John..............do...... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Patterson, James......do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Powell, George H......do.... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Phillips, John K........do. Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. Riley, John..............do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rodgers, Charles...... do..... Aug. 8,'61, Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rittenhouse,Thos.P...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Riley, James............do..... Jan. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 27, 1863. Reeves, Joseph L......do..... Aug. 12,'63,.3 Drafted-tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Repshare, Jacob.......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1861. Slemmnings, John K...do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Schtruller, William...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Snyder, Theodore......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Speakman, Lewis J..do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Saxton, John E........do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 1863. Steel, Paul.........i......do...... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 864,. Smith, Joseph L..d......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Sheridan, Peter......A..do..... Aug. 10,'63, 31 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. Sullivan, Francis...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted November 16, 1861. Stacy, William.........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1864-Vet. Smith, John..........do. Aug. l2,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted, date unknown. Turner, William J.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Tustin, Abraham..... do. A ug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Tappen, William.......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Thomas, Benj. T........... Aug'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Tully, Joseph M........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Tobin, Frank...........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Turner, Alexander...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 1, 1863. Thomas, Charles............ Aug. 11,:'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. Tustir, Isaac.............. do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'63. Van Valenbur ~g,W do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 9, 1864-Vet. Winters, Enos.......... ldo Aug. 8,'61, 3 l.Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Wills, Samuel... 1...do Aug. 8,'61, I Disch. on Surgeon's certific ate, March, 1863. Wills,........do.. Aug 8,'61, 3 1 lled at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864-Vet.' 'THRE R YEARS' SERVICEJ 32$3 COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. _ _ _. _ e n..... DATE OF MUSTER REMARI. ~NAB. ^ RA^K. REMARKS'. *NT4 SERVICE. Louis Hildebrand... Capt.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Resigned August 1, 1862. Jesse Simcox............do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant of company G, August 31, 1862-dismissed January 11, 1864. Henry G. Fritsch............. Aug. 8,'616 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant company A, Aug. -,:~' "-['"~ ~8, 1864-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. George W. Mindil... 1st Lt... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred as Capt. to Co. R, 23d regiment, P. -7~m, H, Coulseo....!s I V., October 5, 186L. Wm. H. Coulston.......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., October 20, 1861-resigned i July 12, 1862. Joshua S. Garsed...!...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Corp. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Oct. 20, 1861-to 1st Lt., July 12, 1862-killed at Gettysburg, July 3,-1863. Arthur F. Keene......do.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. Ml. Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 15,'62 -to 1st Lt., July 3, 1863-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864. Edw,. W. Lawrence 1stSgt.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Reduced to ranks-deserted October, 1862. Wm. R. Peddle,....'do....... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to First Lieutenant company A, 157thxeg., P. V., Aug., 1862. Henry Crease...........do..... Aug., 61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant —mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Wim. Justice, Jr..... Serg't.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. as private, on Surg. cert., Dec., 1861. James M. Stewart.......do. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. Arthur E. Clover.......d... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1862. B. Frank Paris.......... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor.-tr. to Co. R, 23d reg., P. V. CharlesL.I Snively.....do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Promoted from the ranks —mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Joseph B. Shaw.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from the ranks-absent, sick, at muster out. Frank A. Connelly...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from the ranks-tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet, David Lewis................ Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from the ranks-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Edward Howell...... Corp..,. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1862. David Gardner.......do. A..Aug, 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 1862.'Thomas M'Knigt....do......Aug. 2, 61, 3 Deserted December, 1862. orace B. Fraquair...do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, as private, with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. William S. Wilkins..do...... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-deserted August,'62. Max Lakemeyer.......do..do.. Aug. 2'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-killed at Cold,Harbor, June 1, 1864. George F. Peifer........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp.-mus. out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. Eugene Bently. do..... Aug. 2,'61,'3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. Daniel Graeber........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor. —mus. out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864.. Habbermaker........d... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promotedto Cor.-transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Henry Ml'Connell....do.....Aug. 2, 61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Jacob Mayer..............do..... Aug. 2, "61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-transferred -to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Louis Strenner.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-discharged on Surgeon's cer. tificate, April, 1863. Bernard Simon...... Muc.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, as private; with Co., Sept. 8, 1864, Benj. F. Jenkins.......d..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred, as private, to 82d regiment, P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Henry K'Kim..... do.....Jan. 28, 62, 3 Transferred'to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Adam Mitchel..........do..... Sept. 1, 61, 3 Discharged onSrgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. George W. Blank......do.S... Sept. 1'61, 3 Prisoner from September 21, 1863, to December..~6 ~~.. [ t ~10, 1864-discharged March 15, 1865. Bignall Attilla G... Private. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Boyer, Samuel...........do... Aug. 10'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg., P...' Sept. 14, 1864. Bedfordf Thomas......do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 irafted-tr. to 82d reg., P..., Sept. 14, 1864. Beiger, John..............do..... Aug. 8,63, 3 Drafted-4r. to 82d reg., P V., Sept. 14, 1864. Bohn, John..............do.Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Barbour, James H....do... Mar, 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d reg., P. V. Sept. 14, 1864. Boyd, David...........do..Aug..2, 61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Booy, John.......do.......do Aug. 2, "61, 3 Deserted March, 1862. Bell, David............ do....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Coatee, Henry C........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. iCwty, Henry..........do....... Sept. 3'62, 3 Transferred to 82d reglment P. V., September 14 1864. 324 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER iMAR INTO SERVICE. S Cohnhoff, Louis...... Private Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Castle, James...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Drew, Henry G........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Doherty, James J...d...d....... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Dorn, Theodore......d...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C. Dickson, Joseph.......do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb, 1862. Devine, Michael........do. ug. 2,'61, 3 Injured by railroad collision, August, 1862-died at Philadelphia, September 9, 1862. Ely, Samuel L....do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Eckstein, James........do..... Aug 2,'61, 3 Dischargedon Shrgeon's certificate, Aug. 1862. Eckert, Oliver J........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Corn. Sgt. of 23d reg. P. V., Mar. 11, 1862 Fow, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Ferguson, Wm o a..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Fisher, Howard Y......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. George, Alexander..do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Grouse, Michael........do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Gifford, Edward....o..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy-date unknown. Gamble, Joseph W....o... Sept. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. Gillepie, James.........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1862. Gaw, Robert P..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Graham, Thos. J........... Aug. 2, 61 3 Died while prisoner at Harrisonburg, Va., September, 1862. aw, Charles.............. Aug. 2, 61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Hanifen, Wim. H1.......do..... Aug. 2,'6, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Holworth, Henry......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. olzer, Jacob V...........Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8,1864. Habbard, Thomas......do..... Aug. 11, 3,3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hahmon, John..........do..... Aug. 10,'63,3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Harris, WMo. J.........do..... Aug. 9,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hibberd, George......do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hough, Wn. J.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864-Vet. Ialhn, Frank.... do... Aug. 2,'1 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Hillebrand, G....... do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Hart, Mortime....do....Aug. 2,'G, Deserted September, 1862. Hasenack, Peter..d...d..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1862. Hoffman, Chas. A.....do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. oJones, William E.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. James, William........o. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Johnson, W. P.....do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'certificate, Oct., 1862. Keyser, Byron E....A.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Feb., 1862. Kilpatrick, Wi. J.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. ey, John C..............do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Desertec August, 1862. ineese, Jacob...........do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted. Leibrick, John...........do.... Aug. 2,'1, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Lang, Andrew.......... do... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept.. 14, 1864. Leary, John..............do...... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to V. R. C. Lampter, Luis......do.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March, 1863. Mooney, John............ do..... Aug2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Morris, Frit..........Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Martin, Samuel W....do,.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1861. Martin, Crawford.....do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Moltzie, Philip...........do.... Aug. 7,63, 3 Drafted-killed at Mine Run, Nov. 31, 1863. Monell,RandolphS...do....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Molt, George............... Aug. 26'62, 3 Deserted May, 1864. Miller, George..........do,.... Aug. 8,'6, 3 Drafted-deserted August, 1863. Miller, Gottlieb..do Aug. 7,'63 3 Drafted-deserted August, 1863. Miller, John....... do.... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted. Miller, William.........do..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Deserted January, 1864. Mattice, Leon.......do.... July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted. Mahern, Peter..........do..... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October, 1863. Megee, John S...... do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Millan, Robert.... do.. Aug. 2, 6, 3.1 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Can, Thos..d.... Aug. 2,'6, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. M'Connell, John........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Oct., 1861. M'Neal, Samuel F......do...... Aug. 2'61, 3 Deserted February, 1862. i M'Donough, A............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1861. M'Gowan, George......do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Deserted April 1, 1864. O'Neil, Dennis...........do.......Aug. 10, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted. Peacock,. Henry C...do.. Aug. 2,'61,; Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Paul, James...............do..... Aug. 2,'61, a Transferred to V. R. C. Poe, Charles A...........do..... April 12,'64, Not on muster-out roll. Quein, Jacob C..........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Ridgay, WTm. d............... Aug. 2,'61, a Transferred to Provost Guard, Philadelphia, Pa. Robinett, Allen M. do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Rehn, Eduwin J... do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 l)ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. -' 325 NAMB. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Ruoff, Henry......... Private Sept. 3,'62, 3 Died at Falmouth, Va., February 15, 1863. Roessler, Henry........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Sewell, James............do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Snowden, Thos. W....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Sproul, James J........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Sharp, Joseph............do..... Aug. 9,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Sooy, John A............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Smith, Geo. W...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Dec., 1861. Smith, John C...........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Selvin, John A...........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August, 1863. Shaw, Charles L.......do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Stout, Cornelius M.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. Tompkins, John C....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to Adjutant General's Office. Thompson, Samuel...do..... Aug. 2,'61,3 Transferred to Adjutant General's Office. Thompson, Sam'l C....do.... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Taber, Jos. S. C.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Thacher, Henry G......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Thayer, Alvin E........do... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Thompson, Chas........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged by civil authority, February, 1863. Tudor, John F..........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Thalheimer, Albert...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 1, 1864, to March 27, 1865discharged June 10, 1865. Ulrich, John B.........do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Von Linden, Anton...do..... July 15, 63 3 Drafted-deserted-date unknown. Weber, George...........do..... Au. 2, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Wilkins, Alex. P.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Williams, John.........do..... Aug. 2, 61 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wagner, Benjamin...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps. Weber, Henry...........do.....Aug. 2, 61, 3 Died at Washington, D.C., December, 1861. Weaver, John F.......do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Died at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 1862. Weaver, Chas. F........do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Deserted October, 1862. Wartenberg, Louis........ Aug. 11,'63 3 Drafted-deserted August, 1863. Williams, Rich'd B...do..... Aug. 2,'61,3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Watson, George.........do...,. Mar. 18,'64, 3 Deserted April 1, 1864. Wilson, Edward B.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 1, 1862. Waters, Albert H......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lieutenant, Co. D, 118th reg. P. V. Woodward, E. W.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Zimmerman, H. C...do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Adolph F. Cavada.. Capt.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Detached July, 1862, on Gen. Humphrey's staffappointed Bv. Maj. and Bv. Lt. Col., Mar. 13,'65. John R. Johnston... 1st Lt.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, July 18, 1862-detached on Gen. Shaler's staff, April 11, 1863. Thomas K. Boggs.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, March 1, 1862. John B. Fassett.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. F, July 18, 1865. Frank A. Lynch.....2d Lt..Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. Co. D, July 18, 1862-detached Commissary Hospital Department, June 7,1864. Sebastian Fischler.. 1st Sgt. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept, 14, 1864-Vet. Charles Fogle............do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,1864-Vet. John C. Ames....... erg.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor-grave, 2,172. John Don Carlisle......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died at Portsmouth, June 26, 1862. James P. Collins........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted Sergeant, August 2, 1862-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Win. R. Little........ do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 18, 1864-mus. out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Joseph 1-I. White......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1861-to Serg't, Sept. 1, 1862-mustered out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. Charles H. Brown... Corp.... Dec. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. John E. Little............do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 8, 1861-missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. James Lesage..........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 18, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. John Lapp..................... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1861-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. John M'Cabe............. d Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 8, -'61-prisoner at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-mus. out, Oct 7,'64. Q326 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, NAME. i^AWk- lDATE O5 MUSTER ~~NAl'E. Me~NTO 8ERtCI5. I.REMARKS..,.',*.P /~BYVINTOS. RVARK. m. Jos. A. Matharson.. Corp.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864-Vet. Albert G. Russell......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864-Vet. Gottlieb Stagger........ do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Matthew Spence...;...... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Samuel Weeks........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 10, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. William Thomas.... Muc..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Richard M'Cabe........d..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Ascough, John B... Private Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Ackley, George B......do.... Sept, 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30, 1862. Ayers, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Blumb, John F.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Brown, John...........do..... Feb. 2,'61, 3 Transferred. Bowers, John....... do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Transferred. Baxter, Edward.........do..... Dec. 15,'64, 3 Killed at arye's Heights, May 3, 1863. Brooks, Henry..........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Branan, Michael........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Bruner, John H..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Callahan, John..........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Chadwick, Thomas...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Cassaday, Nicholas..do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Craig, Charles............do..... Dec. 15,'62, 3 Transferred. Campbell, Levi.......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Donell, Ezekiel.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Dorsey, Thomas........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Dorsey, Nicholas.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Dorsey, William........do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Dubois, Henry..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Dunlevy, Louis.........do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Elliott, Washington...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Elliott, Robert..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Everhardt, William...do... Sept.,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-in hospital at muster out. Ellinger, Charles.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged August 20, 1862, for wounds received at Malvern H.ill. Earner, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., January, 1862. Ebling, August.......do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-drowned at Johnson's Island, Ohio, March, 1864. Ellwanger, David..... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Fell, Thomas...........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Flood, William.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Forbes, William........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted October 13, 1862. Fowler, Charles.....d..do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Ford, William.......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Garrigan, James......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Gardner, John.........d..... Sept. 1,'61 3 Prisoner from June 1, 1864, to February 26,'65mustered out March 30, 1865. Gallagher, Thomas...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Gamphell, John.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Galloway, Geo. W.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Gallagher, James.......do....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1862. Harrison, Wilson....... do..... Mar. 19, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Henry, Daniel..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hahn, John............. ug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Henry, James............do.... Feb. 643 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hanson, Robert.........do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Henry, Patrick.........do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Hays, Charles F........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Camp Graham, January, 1862. Hagerty, Dem. J........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted April 25, 1864-Vet. Housner, John..........do.... Nov. 15,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Jenners, J. W. B.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Johnson, Thomas......do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Kilrain, John.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Detached as teamster. Kelly, Peter.............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Detached to Ambulance Corps. Kock, John.......... do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Prisonerat Cold Harbor, June 1,'64-mustered out February 25, 1865. Kimmey, Henry........do... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1861. Keith, Jacob..............do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Latch, Robert...........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Long, Andrew...........do.. Sept.,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Losch, Charles F....d'...do.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Lame, Asa............... do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Love, Thomas R......... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 327 NAME.S AN'. INTO SERVICE REMABKS. Lawrence, Milton.. Private Sept. 1'61, 3 Deserted November, 1802. Miller, William H......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Malloy, John........... do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Monckton, Stephen...do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Discharged September, 1862, for wounds received at Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. Miller, John............do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Mullen, James............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. M'Fadden, Neal........ do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Comb, Alexan'r..... do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Detached to Ambulance Corps. M'Clintock, Hugh......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, SeDt. 8, 1864. M'Feterage, John...... do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'62. M'Coughel, Thos.......do..................... 3 Died Jane 9,'62-buried in Cypress Cem'y, L. I. M'Cusker, John........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., December 15, 1862. M'Bride, Dennis........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861-sentence, three years at Dry Tortugas-sentence remitted and honorably discharged July, 1, 1865. M'Cabe, Thomas........o..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 25,1862. M'Ilvany, Patrick...do.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1862. Maguire, William..... do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. M'Donald, R..............do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-captured at Mine Run-died at Andersonville, April 28, 1864-grave, 773. Niblower, Fred'k......do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1861. Nutt, James..............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. O'Neal, John.............do. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.,'62. Orr, John........... do Aug. 2, 61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Orr, James......do... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Orterman, August...do. Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Pollock, James.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Pringle, James.......... do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Marye's Heights, May 3, 1863. Price, Hyland............ do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted March 17, 1863. Segar, Samuel.......... do.....Aug. 2, 61, 3 Absent at muster out. Spratt, Thomas.........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24, 1862. Sayer, William W.....Sdo. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Dicharged July, 1862, for wounds received at Mal-;:, a vern Hill, July 1, 1862. Storm, Otto...............do.... July 12,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Smith, Robert........do.... Mar. 14, 64, 3Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Stewart, Robert.........do...Jan. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Shehan, Michael.......do.. Sept. 1, 61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Starry, William.........do..Sept. 1, 61, 3 Deserted January, 1864-aYet. Stewart, Charles.... d.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Spencer, William...... do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thompson, James.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Thompson, Wm.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Thompson, John........ do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Tipton, Charles E...o...o.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,' 64-Vet. Thompson, Geo. W...do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Urban. Jacob............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 14, 1861buried in Military Asy. Cemetery. Van Brunt, T. W.......... do Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted August 2,1864-Vet. White, Henry C........do.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Walworth, James.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Warner, Martin......... do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Wilhelm, August...... do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. White, Alfred... do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 5, 1862. Wilson, Thomas M...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December, 186X. Zimmerman, John.....do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-.Vet. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Edwin Palmer....... Capt..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Detached as Pro. Mar., 2d Dist., Pa., July 1,'62. Richard A. Griffith 1st Lt.. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. companyG, to 1st Lt. company D, July 15,'62-wd. at Cold Harbor, June 1,'64mustered out with company, September 8,'64. George Wood............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company A, July 22, 1862. Mark Anthony....... 12d Lt... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1862. Benj. S. Thomas........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died February 9, 1862, at Washington, D. C. John G. Boyd...... do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. Co. G, to 2d Lt. Co. D, Sept. 11,'62-killed at Cold Harbor, June 1,'64. 328 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, NAME. BRaN K. INTO SERVICE. EMARKS. Frank A. Lynch..... Ist Sgt. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company C, July 18, 1862. Cram'r S. Williams...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to st Sgt. July 15, 1862-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. John Bratton.......... Sergt... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April, 1864-wd. at Cold Harbor-mus. out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Wm. E. Campbell........ Aug. 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1863. Patrick Holland.........do..... Dec. 26,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Martin Lamon........do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June, 1863-absent, sick, at, muster out. Thomas J. Perkins...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. C, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 1861. George P. Mitchell.....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Thos. J. Milliken.... Corp.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb., 1862-wd. at Cold Harbor, June 1,'64-mus. out with Co., Sept. 8,'64. Thomas Gibson........do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov., 1863-mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. William Edwards......do....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Isaac Wright............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, February, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Hinson Hollis............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. Patrick Farren..........do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Michael Sweeney......do..... Aug, 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. James Kelly.............do....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. James M'Cune...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. William G. Grow......do...,. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March, 1862-killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Wm. Montgomery.....do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec., 1861-killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864-Vet. Charles Brown...... Muc..... Feb. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. John M'Fadden.........do..... Nov. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Anthony, John P... Private Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Anthony, Wmn. H......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Anderson, John.........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March, 1862. Albany, Andrew J...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Allender, Wm. J......do..... Jan. 28,'63, 3 Died at Sandusky, Ohio, January 18, 1864. Allison, Robert........do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Burnett, Charles F.....do................... 3 Died Jan. 3, 1863-buried at M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Barr, Samuel.............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Berry, Lewis............do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Buchanan, James......do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Barnes, George W.....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. received at Fair Oaks, May 31,'62. Bardsley, William......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Bradley, John F.........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan., 1864. Barr, William..........d..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Boyd, John...............do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Burton, Joseph..........do.....Jan. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Biles, George M. W....do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Bennett, William.......d..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted August, 1863. Boyle, John..............do.....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1862. Campbell, Alex'r.....do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Crawford, George......do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Cargill, John............do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Caskey, William G...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 7, 1864-absent at muster out. Collings, Wm. H.......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Campbell, James.......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged, 1862. Colligan, John............do.....Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1864. Campbell, John M.....do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Curry, John.............. do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Crole, Robert.............do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d.regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Carnahan, Charles.....do..... July 27,'63, 3 Deserted September 18, 1863. Currin, John..............do...Nov. 1,'63, 3 Deserted November 29, 1863. Donnelly, Hugh........ do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Dougherty, George....do...... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Donahue, Edward.....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Fair Oaks, May 31,'62. Donnelly, Daniel.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 16, 1861. Fisher, Henry..........do.....'Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Finley, William........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. K, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 18'61. Fisher, James...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 364. Fox, John...............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 16, 1861. Gebhart, Wm. J........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Galbraith, John.........do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept, 14,'64. Gorman, James.........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Gallagher, Charles.....do... Nov. 1,'63, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Goulding, John.........do.... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Deserted September 14, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 329 NAME. aA~UYISrn IDATE OF MUSTER = RARRS ^NJlE. R N. INTO SERVICE. A1S Gallagher, William Private Sept. 5,'61, 3 Deserted May 8, 1864-Vet. Holt, William............... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Harvey, Henry.........do...... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 1861. Hughes, James.........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Hughes, Edward...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Oct., 1863. Harvey, James D.......do..... Sept. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Hogg, Charles............do..... Aug. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64, Hattersly, Joseph......do..... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Harmer, Edward.. d.....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Hutchinson, Joshua...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. James, John..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged by order of President of U. S. James, William......do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Kirkpatrick, John.....do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Knight, John..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov.. 1861. Kelley, Samuel.........do.... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Kennedy, John......do..... Dec. 26,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Kiem, Andrew..........do.... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1865. Tiple, Lewis.............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Kates, Samuel..........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1862. Kelley, William......do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Not on musterout roll. Lafferty, John...........do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Deserted May 8, 1864. Lawrence, Charles....do..... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Deserted April 1, 1864. Moore, Wash'g O.......do..... Aug. 26'61, 3 Mustered out, August 21, 1864. Earache, Cha's C.......d..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, 1864. Magrus, Frederick.....do.... Aug. 1063, 33 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Mason, HamiltonP...do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Mullin, John..............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3'Deserted November, 1862. M'Gee, Thomas.....d..o... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps,Oct.,l 863. M'Coy, Henry.............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V~, Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. M'CClung, John...........do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Glinchy, James.....do..... Feb. 23, 62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Corkill, Arch'd......do..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P.V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Cartney, Samuel.,.do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. MI'Devitt, Edward.....do.....Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Clane, Samuel......do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. A1'Henry, Gerald..... d. ].do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1864, of wds. received at Cold Harbor-buried at National Cemetery, Arlington. M'Cloud, William......do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Deserted August, 1863. M'Cormick, John.....do... July 18,'63, 3 Deserted April, 1864. M' Falls, Francis.......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1862. M'Fall, William......do.. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neely, Samuel A........do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864, Noble, William.........do.. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Percy, Frederick.........do.... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted August 8, 1863. Powers, Michael J....do Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted February 7, 1864. Rumney, John..........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Riley, Michael......... o...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. Richardson, John...l...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Rose, James............do.... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, May, 1864. Riebel, Jeremiah.......do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Riley, Benjamin S......do... Jan. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Ryan, John............ do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Deserted November 1, 1863. Russell, Peter............. do Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted February, 1864. Shaw, William.........do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Steen, Andrew E......do.,... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Smith, William J...o....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Simons, Samuel........do Aug. 21,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 1,'62. Sweeney, John..........do.. Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Sterling, Thomas......do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Stephenson, George...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, May 18, 1862. Stewart, James.......do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted August 18, 1863. Spallman, James.......do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted October, 1862. Toland, Neill............ do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Thwaite, Alfred...... do...Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Tippen, George..........do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Toner, Michael...........do... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Deserted March 8, 1862. Tapper, Joseph..........do..... Nov. 26,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1863. Taylor, John..........do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted August 20, 1863. Winters, James.........do.... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. White, John.......... do... July 13,'63, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, 1864. Wiley, Samuel........ do. Aug, 21,'61, 3 Trasferred to 82t reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. 42 a: 330 TWENTY-THIRD IEGITMENT, NA.ME... DATE OF IPU'E R I R. INTO SERVICE. E. Wallace, Alexander Private Sept. 5,'1, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,64-Vet. Winters, Hugli............. S:. 8ep. 4,'61 3 Transferred to 82c regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. Wein, John T..... do... 10. 1'62, ITransferred to 82d regiment P. V.,Sept. 14,1864. WVhite, Joseph..........do... Sept. 3,'61 3 Transferred to82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864.;Wilson Charles BH.'....do.. July 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. inn, AnthOnr....d....... Aug.. 24 6,, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks,Va. May 31, 1862. Warren, William.......do...Aug. 10,?63,.3 Deserted August 20, 1863. Wilson, Jolhn......d......., 3 Dee... ed Augu.st 20, 1863. Young, Joseph............d Juiy 27,'63, Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. ~COM;PANY E. REECRUIT:ED A T PHILADELPHIA. William J. Wallace Capt.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, December 13, 1862. George Wood........... do... Aug. 21,'61, 3' Promoted to Captain, March 1, 1863-resigned l..... A. 1:March 17, 1864. William Cla4rk...o.........o.A.g. 14,'61 3 Pr. fromr or. to Sgt.-to 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 29,. 1862-to Captain, Aug. 09, 64-transferred to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. tenry Reese, Jr..... st Lt.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. C. K, 23d:reg. P. V., July 20, 1862. Win. J M'Fa........do..... Aug. 14, 61,'3 Pr. from 1st Srt. to 2d Lieut., Feb. 11, 1862-to 1st Lieut., July 20, 1862 —resigned onaccount of..:',~.'wounds, Decemiber 29, 1862. JamesJ ohnston....:...o......, Akug. 14,'61, 3 Promotedto2dll.ieut.,July 20,'62-tolst Lieut., I Dee. 29,'63 —kiled at Cold Hbor, June 1,'64. Martin.V. B.BH... lle d Lt. 14'61 3 Resigned November 6, 1861..Wiliamn;Karney'..:.st gt. bug. 14,'61,d 3P from o edfrm rgeant, Dec. 29, 1862-mustered......... out with company, September 8,1864. Henry Torbtt........Seg't. Aug. 14,'6l, 3 Pr. to Corporal-toSereant, ec. 29,1862-musteied out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hugh M'K-iney....o.... A Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pr.e itCorporal —to Sergeant, February 28. 1863mustered: ott with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Edward S.:M.organ....... Aug. 14,'61,.3 Pr. to Corporal-to Sergeant, March 1, 1864-.,'... mus. out with copany, Sept. 8, 864. John Marshall.......... do..... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Pr. to.Sgt., June 1, 1864-transferred to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. Robert Gordon.............. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pied at Philadelphia, Jan. 8, 1862. John M'Neill........d....A g. 1g 4,'61, p3 Pr.;from Corporal Marc 1, 1864-missig inac tion at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. George Robinmq...........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted March 3, 1863. George Hause.............do.... ug. 14,'61,. 3 Tras private.to 82d reg. P.V. Sept. 14,'64-Vet John Miller..............Corp... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died at Washington, lD. C., Deeember27,1861. James: MClung........... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 2, 1861. John Stewa.rt........ ug. 4,'61, 3.Transferred to'82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864 —'Vet. William Miller.:,.....o.... Aug. 14,'61,:DiedAug. 16,'62,ofwds. received at Malvern Hill. Robert Hayes..............., Aug. 14,'61, S Tr. asprivateto Co. R, 23d reg. P V., Nov. 10,'62. Jas. Arbuthnot........ do.... Aug. 14,'61, S Mus. out,as private, With company, ept. 8,1864. John Waters.............do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted' to' Corporal,:July 20, 1864 —mustered out with company, September -8, 1864. William Dougherty...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, December 29,'62-mustered...'.. out with.ompany, September 8, 1864. John Biggot............. Aug. 14'1, 3 Promoted to Corpoal, Feb 28, 1862-musterd;..... Q out with company, September 8, 1864. William J. Baker....do....do.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Febriiary 28, 1862-mustered out with company, September 8 1864. James Brown.......... Ag. 14,'g, 3 Prrpoted to Corporal, March 1864~-imustered.out -W~ithl:company, September 8, 1864. John Morgan..d........... d..... 4 14,'61, 3 romoted to' orporal, June 1, 864-transferred to82; regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. George W. Fow.........do.. Aug. 14,61,'61.3. ProbmPtd to Corporal June 1, 1864-transferred:..; to 82d regiment P. V, Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Hugh M'Michael........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 186:4transferred. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1A64 —Vet. John Dougherty........do..... Aiug. 1,'61, 3 iromoted:to Corporal, December27, 1861-killed.at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. William S. Davis.......do..... A ug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted,to Corporal, August-20, 1862-killed at: Cold Harbor, June 1,1864. Wiia+m Keey..... do ~.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1,1864-nmis g in..action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864.~ THREE YEARS' SEERPVO. O31.DATE. F MU TER MER IiS.. R', INTO SERVICE. rI. > Deine'S. Agnew...... Muc.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted August,l 1864-Vet. James Tate..........do... Aug. 14,'61, 3. Mustered out with company, September 8 1864Acton, James B;... Private Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Buchanan, James......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 31 Mustered out withi company, September 8, 1864, Boyd, John.....do... Aug. 14,'61, 3i Musteredout with company, September 8, 1864, Blessington, Jaes...lo..... Aug. 14,'61, 1 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Boyd, Hughi.........,. do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Brooks, Joseph......... do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Braceland, Patrick..do.... Aug. 14, 61, 3 Discharged'on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 186L Buchanan, William...do.... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 26,,'63 Brown, Thomas......do.....Nov. 1 62, 3 Tr. to 82d' rgiment P. V., September 14, 1864. Biowin James.......... do..... Feb. 24,'64, Tr. to 82d regiment P. V.,.Sept. 14, 1864. Boals, John........... o. Feb. 26,'64 3 Tr. to 82d reg., P. V., September 14, 1864, Burk, John C............do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. H, Ist U. S. Artillery, June 15, 1863. Bendle, Jonahl...........d.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died at:Washington, D. C., February 23, 1862. Brown, Thonas........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died at Bottom Bridge, Va., May' 3, 1862. Burk, John A............. do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold:Harbor, June 1, 1864. Collins, Robert.......J...do... Aug. 14, 61, 3' Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. larkl, JohnE.............do.. Aug. 14, 61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, i864 —absent at muster out. Corn, LaWrence.......... o.... Aug. 14, 161, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'62. Carr, Charles...........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. lark, George...........do..... Aug. 14,'1,3 Killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862-buried at'Seven Pines, Va. Carroll, John..........do....... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Doak, Robert...........do..... Aug. 14'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll.. Disart, Robert...........do....Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Dudcdy, James.......... do.....:Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Dougherty, Henry......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Davis, Andrew...........do.....Sept. 18, 62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Donnelly, DanieL......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Tr. to company F, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 13, 186L Donahue, Rlbert.......do..... Aug. 14, 161, 3 Died June 8, 1864, of. wounds received at Cold..A I. Harbor, June 1, 1864. Egner, Robert..............Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Fleming, William......do.... Aug. 14, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864 Furnace, William....do..... Aug. 14, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Mar. 24,-'62. Fow, Daniel.............d....... ug. 14,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14; 1864 —Vet. Fow, William. d.............. Aug. 1, 62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,i 1864-Vet. Finley, William............ Oct. 28,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Gibson, James........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864 Gilbert, John..........do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hanna, Robert.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hance, Charles.........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3.custered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hannan, John.*..........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Disiharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2 1863. Hennessey, John......do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by writof habeas corpus, Aug. 20,'6L Henderson, John......do..... Oct. 13,'62,. 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Holman, George........do..... Oct. 17,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Helfridge, George......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Tr. tocompany H, 23d regiment P. V., Oct. 13,'61 Hamilton, Robert......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Killed in frontof Petersburg, Va., June, 1864. Humes, John........ o..... d Oct 13'62, 3 Missingin'action at Cold Harbor, Ji'ne 1, 1864, Higgins, Charles.....do Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted September 21, 1861. Higgins, John...........do.....Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted February 22, 1862. Hogan, John..............do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted September'21 1,861. Hasset, Edward........do.....Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deseited Jaiiinuar y 30; 1862. Hennessey, Wm........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jordan, James..........do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered ot with' company, Sept 8. 184. Johnston, Adam B...do.... Aug. 14,'61 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864 —Vet. Johnston, William...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold. Harbor, June 1, 1864. Keisle, John............do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-ti to 82d reg; P. V., Set 14 1864. Lindsey, Wm. H......do..... Aug. 14, 61, 3. Mustered out with company, Sept 8, 1864. Long, George............do..... Aug. 14, 161, 3 Killed'at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Milan, James..........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3: Tr. to 82d regiinent P V., Sept. 14,:1864 —Vet Moore, David......,do... Aug. 27'62,' 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V, Sept. 14, 1864. Moore, George........do _.... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Moore, John...........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Killed in front of Petersburg, Va., June 5, 1864. Milan, Bernard........do..... Oct. 13,'62, 3' DesertedJune 5, 1865. M'Vey, Hugh...........d..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Musteked out with company, September 8, 1864. M'Connell, Charles'..do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery G, 2d United States Artillery, April 10, 1863. M'Clelland, Rieh'd...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. M'Intyre, Peter......-...do.. Aug. 14,'61, 3' Mustered out with compaly, Septiriber 8; 1864. M'Kenzie, John........do..... Aug. 14,'1 1 3, Mustered out with company, S0eptember 8,. 1864. M'Kinney, Joseph.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3.Mustered out witli company, Sepember 1864. M'Kinney,Wm.......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged ofiSurgeoni's certificate, April 1,'62. M'Nally, Thomas...J.. do.... Aug. 14,'61, 1 3 Dischaag^doa oSurgeon's certificateDec 10, 1863. 332 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, NZAME RANK. DAE MUSTER INTO SERVI C E. 4 M'Clung, John.......Private Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. M'Manus, John.........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. M'Guiness, James......do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Neil, James.........do..... Oct. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Cafferty, James,....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 13, 1861. M'Guiness, John..do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died June 27, 1864, of wds. received at Cold Har. bor, June 1, 1864-Vet. M'Vey, John............do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died June 8, 1862, of wds. received at Fair Oaks~ May 31, 1862-buried at Fortress Monroe. M'Knight, J. W......do.....Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted July 9, 1862. M'Keown, Thomas...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. O'Neil, Daniel.........do.....Oct. 7,'62, 3 Deserted February 27, 1863. Pitts, Alexander......do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Prisoner at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-mustered out Jan. 31, 1865. Perry, John T....,,, do..Aug 4,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 30, 1863. Quinn, John.............d...d.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Redmond, William...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rankin, Alexander...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rankin, James.......... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Robinson, John T..... do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Sweeney, Archibald...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Sweeney, James...d..do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Simpkins, Belford.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, -3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Scrowl, James..........d................3. Died Dec. 3, 1861-buried in M. A.. Cem'y, D. C. Sproul, Robert........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Stewart, Charles.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Shindel, Peter W......do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Smith, Archibald.......do..... Oct. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Scholas, James.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 3, 1861. Shellady, John..... do..... Jan. 10,'63, 3 Died June 19, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor-buried at Philadelphia. Shea, William...;.....eo..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1,'64 Smith, Thomas..........do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1862. Tate, John...............do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'62. Tate, Hugh.......... do... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Taylor, James......... Feb 1,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Tate, Henry.............. do Aug. 14, ^61, 3 Missing in action at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31,'62. Wilson, William J.........do.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1862. Warner, Samuel......!...do.....I Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Wallace, George.........do.....I Oct. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Young, John...........do..I. Aug. 20,'62, 3 Missing in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1,'64, COMPANTY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. James Gwyn.C...... a...... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Resigned July 22, 1862. John B. Fassett........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lieut. company C, and AdJutant, July 18, 1862-on detached service as A. A. D. C. John B. Hunterson 1st Lt....R............... esigned July 22, 1862. Dion Birney............do...................... Resigned July 22, 1862. Henry A Marchant..do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Pr. to Captain company I, January 1, 1863. John B. Van Cleve..do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. company K, to 2d Lient. com. pany IJan. 24,'62-to 1st Lieut. Co. F, Jan. 1, 1863 —mus. out with company Sent. 8, 1864. William Vodges-..... 2d Lt.. Aug. 2, "61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lieut., Dec. 15,'62-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Chas. W. Anderson Serg"t. Aug. 2, "61, 3 Died February 7, 1862. David olviille........do. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergeant May 18,1863 —mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. William Green.. d..... Aug. 2....,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Frederick lHuber.......do.... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Died of wounds, May 31, 1862.'James Masland...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. toCor., Dec. 1, 1863-to Sgt., March 26, 1864mustered out with company, September 8,'64. Casper Miller...........do.... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt. Ca E, Aug. 27, 1864-transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Henry Robson............. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergeant, February 3, 1862-mustered out' with company, September 8, 1864. CharlesM. Young......d... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Dee. 1, 1861-to2d Lt., 118threg. P. V. Benj, F. Atkinson... Corp.... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1863-mustered. 1., out with company, September 8, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 333 1-3 eryM. arnA.DATE r MUSTER NfWAMEB. RANCK. INTO SERVICE. R EARKS. Henry Barnholdt... Corp.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1862-mustered ont with company, September 8, 1864. Henry H. Cuzier........do.... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Francis L. Ellis....... do.... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, )864. William M. Garvey...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, October 15, 1863:-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. James H. Graham.....do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Mav 1, 1864-transferred to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. Alexander Johnson...do..... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864. John Kelly...............do..... Aug. 2', 61,3 Promoted to Corporal, March 26, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. George Graham...... Muc.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Andrew White.........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1862. Atkinson, Joseph... Private Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Boyle, John..............do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Benson, George A......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Bodkin, Robert.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Brewer, Joseph.......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Brady, Thomas........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Bothwell, James.......do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Brestler, Wm. S........do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Died June 1, 1864, of wounds received in action. Bechman, Adolph...do..... Dec. ],'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1863. Connelly, John, Sr....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Connelly, John, Jr......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Cole, Stanley F.........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 7,'62. Carrigan, John.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Campbell, David.......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1861. Craig, William..........do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 7, 1863.'Donnelly, Dan', Sr...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Doyle, John.............do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Dunn, Edward.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Donnelly, Dan'l, Jr...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. DoughertyJames......do....... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1861. Duncan, William......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 23d reg. P. V.-Vet. Evans, Lewis............do.... Aug. 2,'61 3 Mustered out, December 1, 1864. Earle, James.............do..... Aug. 2,'61 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864 —Vet. Eminons, Reading.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Edwards, William.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1861. Fisher, Julius...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Fullerton, William...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on. Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8, 1862. Flanigan, William.....do....Sept. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Fee, Samuel.........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died October 16. 1862-buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland. Gowan, Edward..d...do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 19, 1862. Graham, Geo. W.......do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 2d Penn'a Cavalry, Nov. 2, 1862. Graham, Daniel.........do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died January 25, 1864. Glaze, John..............do.....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1861. Garin, Austin......... do..... Dec. 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 5, 1862. Gorman, Thos. B......d............................ Deserted March 16, 1862. Harris, Charles.........d..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hickey, Patrick.......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hemphill, William...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Henry, James.............. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hastern, Charles........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mus. out by S. O., to enlist as Hos. Stew. Hamilton, James......d..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., and died at Philadeiphia, August 21, 1864. Henry, Peter.............do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Hunterbock, C.......do....................... Deserted March 16, 1862. Harp, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. K, 23d reg. P. V., Dec. 26, 1863-Vet. Keesey, William H...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Keesey, James W......do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Kilpatrick, Wm........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1862, of wounds rec. in action.'Kennedy, Michael..........Oct. 8,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1862, of wounds rec. in action. Kennedy, Peter........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted January 16, 1862. Lukens, Chas. P....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Loane, Abraham......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Sept. 12, 1862. Lewison, David.. do...Sept. 15,'62, 3 Discnarged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'63. L0ong, Andrew........Aug. 2, 61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Love, Robert............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 7, 1862. Love, James............do.....Sept. 15,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Lukins, Thos. S........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Lewis, Jacob.............. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died February 23, 1863. Long, John....... do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1861. Lynn, Henry......... do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Deserted July 11, 1863. Moffit, John....... do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. 334 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, rAW. 1RANK, DATE OF MUSTER TAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. l REMARKS. Moore, Joseph........ Private Jan. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Morley, Thomas....... do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted February 25, 1862. Mathews, James........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted March 1, 1862. Maxweli, William....do............................ Deserted March 16, 1862. M'Cabe, Peter............do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Garvey, anies......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Elroy, Wiiliam......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sent. 8, 1864. M'Clusky, Ohas. B...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 3, 1863. M'Hughs, Patrick.....do... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Fadden, James......do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. M'Corkle, Thomas.....do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 l)ied June 12, 1862. M'Kissick, John........do............................ Died at Andersonville, April 18'64-grave, 605. Neely, George W......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted March 1, 1862. Parker, James........... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Prentiss, John...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1, 1862. Purnell, John............do.... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12,'62. Powell, Alexander.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 1, 1864, to March 1,1865-mustered out April 12, 1865. Peter, Henry............do.... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rodgers, Andrew J...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Russell, William....... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rodgers, William......o..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Roney, Thomas......... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1862, of wounds received in action. Rosenthall, Aug.......do..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Deserted September 18, 1862. Robinson, Lucius... do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Robinson, John T......do..... Aug. 1,'1, 3 Tr. to company E, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Stafford, George.........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 28, 1862. Stetzell, Albert.........do... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 58th regiment P. V., April 1, 1862. Singer, Augustus......do..... Dec. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 58th regiment P. V., April 1,1862. Shaw, Zachariah J.....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va.. June 1, 1864-Vet. Snell, Owen...............do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted October 10, 1862. Stanley, John............do.......................... Deserted March 16, 1862. Stanley, George W.....do.......................... Deserted March 16, 1862. Tarbott, James..........do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted Jhly 4, 1863. Taylor, William........do.................... Deserted March 16, 1862. Thomas, E............. do................... D ied at Andersonville, Aug. 30,'64-grave, 7,250. Valentine, Henry......do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Deserted May 10, 1863. Wray, William J......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wert, William A......do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. William, Charles A...do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1, 1863. Whitman, Jacob M...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1, 1863. Weaver, William A...do.....Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62. Weise, Elias........ do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died December 1, 1861. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. John Maxwell........ Capt.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1, 1863. James M. Linnard....do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, Jan. 1, 1863-~detached to General Detreaubriand's Staff, Aug. 15, 1864. Jesse Simcox......... 1st Lt... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company B, Aug. 31, 1862. Thos. J. Armstrong...do..Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company M, Sept. 2, 1861-to Lt. company G, August 31, 1862-detached on General Shaler's Staff-died January 2, 1864. Frank Taylor............do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. Co. I, to 2d Lt. Co. G, July 22, 186 —to 1st Lt., March 3, 1864-to Capt. Co. I, Sept. 9, 1864. James House............do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Aug. 11,'64-tr. to 82d regiment P. V., September 14, 1864-Vet. Richard A. Griffith 2d Lt... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. Company D, July 15, 1862. John G. Boyd:......... 1stSgt.. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company D, Sept. 11, 1862. L. H. M'Claskey....A...do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar 20,'63. James Culbertson.. Serg't.. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. William C. Barclay...do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Mar. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Benton H. Kames.....do..... do Aug. 24,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va.. June 1, 1864. John Reen..............do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. David Applegate.... Corp... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Iarbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Thomas H. Boyd.......do.. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Samuel C. Duswald...do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 335 EAM.E BARSK. DATE OF MUSTER REAS INTO SERVICE. R.. Frederick Fisher... Corp.... Aug. 27,?61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863-mustered ~.... out with company, September 8, 1864. John Gibson............. do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 16, 1862. John Hays................do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died February, 1862. George W. Johnson...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 12, 1862-mnstered out with company, September 8, 1864. Geo. M. Mackinson...do...do Aug. 24,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1864. JohnMills...............do... Aug.:24,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. William Muschert.....do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3:Killed at FairOaks, Va., May31, 1862.:William-R. Roe.......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regimentP. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. John Stevenson.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 7, 1863. Henry S. Winner... Muc.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1863. Allibone, Thomas... Private Sept. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Anthony, Harry D..l...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company R, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 31,1861. Artman, Samuel.d......o.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Boyd, Andrew...........do....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Backius, William......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Brown, James S.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. tocnrmpany E, 23d reg. P. V., Jan. 1, 1863. Bantem, William..........Aug. 30,'62, 3 Tr. to s2d regiment, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Black, Robert........ Sept..d18,'62, 3 Tranferred to.82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 64 Brinker, Alfred.........do.....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Bantam, Henry W.....do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Died January 27, 1864. Black, James..........do.....Aug. 7, 61, 3 Died June 26, 1862. Boddy, George W......do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Connelly, Martin......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Connelly, Edmund...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'61. Culbertson, Ed. A.....do..... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 16, 1862. Chadwick, Wm. B....do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Cuskaden, James......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died of wounds, August 15, 1862. Clair, William H.......do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, Ya., May 31, 1862. Cavender, Philip........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted November 19, 1862. Cassady, Joseph........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted May 3, 1863, Crawford, George......do..... 22,61 3 Transferred to company D, 23d regiment P. V. Donahue, Charles.....do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Davis, John..............do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeons certificate, Jan. 16, 1862. Dankle, Alfred J.......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862. Donahue, Thos......d.......... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted September 27, 1862. Davenport, James......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died August 1, 1862. Dunn, Francis A.......do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22, 1862, Ernst, Henr............do... Aug.'27,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Ewell. George W......do....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Edward, John..........do..Aug. Aug30, 61 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Flenard, Wn. H........ do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Fraley, Geo. W.........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Falby, George W.....do....Sept. 1,61 3 Mustered out with co.mpany, Sept. 8, 1864. Fisher, Henry........do.... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Fitzpatrick, John.....do.... Aug.,'6 3 Deserted April 10, 1862. q Grant, Edward J..do..... Aug. 24,'61 3 Transferred to company R, 23d.regiment P. V. Graham, Wiiam....do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Haddock, Henry.......do..... Aug. 24, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Hilsee, Robert C......do...... Aug. 24, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Huber, Peter..........do..... Sept. 26,'62, 3 Tr. to82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864.:Harev, Patrick.........do'..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Halett, Matthew......do.... Sept. -.1'61, 3 Died of wounds, May 31, 1862..Howard, Wm. H......do... Sept. 1,\'61, 3 Deserted December 1, 1862. Highly, William.....l' do.... Sept. 1,'61, Deserted June 1, 1862. Kreason, James C,:.do...... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kerr, George...........o. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 9,'63. Kerr, George W........do....Sept. 1, 61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Lithgen, William......do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'61. Lindsay, Adrian G....do..... Sept.16, 61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Mackelhany, Jacob...do....Sept.,61, 3 Mustered out with compaiy, Sept. 8, 1864.:Milligan, George.......... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864.,Maholland, Wm.......o.... Aug. 24, 61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Miller, Richard J.....do..... Sept. 1,'61F On detached service in Philadelphia-transferred to 82d regiment P. V. September 14, 1864-Vet. Mande.field, John...do Sept. 1, 61 3 Deserted July 1, 1862. Morely, John F.........do....Aug. 25,'61, 3 Deserted January 10, 1862. M'Kneass, Thomas...do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out withcompany, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Bride, Peter do........ Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Carty, George............. Sept,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Afee, John W............ Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. M'Ginnis, James........do.. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died August 25, 1864. M'Nickel, Alfred......do..... Sept 1, 61 3 Deserted November 15, 1861..M'Bride, Wm. J......do i Sept..,'61, 3 Deserted September 18, 1802. 336 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MIUSTER REHAVS. INTO SERVICE. E M'Kinney, Rob't J.. Private Oct. 31, 61 3 Deserted September 29, 1862. Norris, Charles H........do. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Nacey, James............do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Absent, wounded at muster out. Nagle, Louis H.........do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Neloon, George W......do Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'61. Nathans, John............do Aug. 24,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'62. Peile, Frank C...........do Sept. ],'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1861. Painter, John...........do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Patterson, Robert...'...do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Poole, Jefferson.... d......... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 19,'62. Robinson, James........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Robb, Robert....... do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Rutherford...G...do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 25, 1862. Roe, Jesse B..............do.... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Rleynolds, Edw'd A...do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 20, 1862. Roward, Henry.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted November 26, 1861. Rea, Francis D...do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted January 22, 1861. Rush, William E.....do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Robinson, Lucius J...do.....Aug. 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company F, 23d regiment P. V. Smith, Edward J......do..Dec. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10, 1862. Smallwood, Chas. E...do Sept. 6,'61, 3Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept 14, 1864-Vet. Sewell, Reuben..........do.....Sept. 6 61 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P, V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Sperry, Samuel R... do... Nov. 1'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14. 1864-.Vet. Stokly, Joseph...........do Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Sarch, John.........do.... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Summers, Fred'k......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died November 3, 1861. Stevens, Harry...... do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died January 20, 1862. Spencer, John H.........do.....Aug. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863. Smith, James...........o... Apr. 30,'63, 3 Deserted May 3, 1863. Stewart, Samuel P..'...do Aug. 24,'61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Way, Joseph d.............do Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8. 1864. Willie, Theodore.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Way, Thomas L.........do..... Aug. 24,, 613 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March20, 1863. Wilson, John T........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1861. Yocum, Jacob H.......do Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Yeager, John............do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. COMPANY H.. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Francis Keyser...... Capt.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, Sept. 28, 1863. James M. Craig...... do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., Jan. 1, 1863-to Captain, Nov. 1,'63-mus. out with company, Sept. 8,'64. Job T. Hickman...... 1st Lt.. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lieut., Jan. 1, 1863-to 1st Lieut., Jan. 1, 1864-mus. out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Fred'k P. Backus......do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Resigned March 18, 1862. John E. Collins.......do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Resigned October 31, 1861. Henry A. Marchant...do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, May 1, 1862. James M. Linnard......do. Aug. 2,'61,... Promoted to Captain company G, January 1,'63. Alexander D. Bailie 2d Lt... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Resigned May 1, 1862. James Spence......... Serg't.. Aug. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Aug. 1,'64mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. John S. Linton...........do............................. Pr. to Corporal, July 1, 1863 —o Sgt., Aug. 1,'64mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Francis M. Worth......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Prisoner of war-wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Stephen Palmore........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lieut. company E, 23d regiment P. V., August 9, 1864-Vet. Thos. H. Michals.......do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Cornelius Lukens......do..... 3 Tr. to Co., 2d reg. P. V., Aug. 10,'1864-Vet. Samuel F. Bolton......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Killed at battle of Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Anthony Schaffer... Corp.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, May 1, 1863-wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-in hospital at muster out. James Fullerton.........do..... Aug. 15,'61t 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864. Geo. S. Slaysman.......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864. David H. Uber...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864. John Gallagher.......... do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, 22d regiment P. V., August 23, 1864-Vet. William L. Uber........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 1, 1864. George W. Palmer......do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 1, 1864-Vet. John Boyle................do. Nov. 1,'61, 3 Killed in battle of Malvern Hill, Va., July 1,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 33T NAME. RANK. DATB OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Wm. H. Garwood... Corp.... Aug. 13,'61, 8 Deserted November 17, 1861. William Beatty.........do..... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Deserted November 17,1861. George Howell,.......Muc... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Andrews, James C Private Aug. 10,'61, 3 Deserted at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1862. Bothwell, John..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Brinker, Henry P......do.... Aug. 24, 61 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out. Bell, George R...........do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864 —Vet. Brown, James C.......do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Barry, Samuel.,........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Black, Charles...........do..... Jan. 23,'64,... Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Bastian, William........do..... Aug. 5, 61,... Deserted November 17, 1861. Berringer, Wm........do.. Sept. 24, 61,... Deserted Jan. 20, 1863-returned and deserted again, July 21, 1863. Cavanagh, Wm. H.....do..... Aug. 18,'61, Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Campbell, James........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'61. Crear, Henry H.,...do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Coates, Henry..........do..... Aug. 24,'61,... Tr. to Co. B, 23d reg. P. V., March 15, 1862. Craig, David R..........do..... Aug. 24,'61,... Tr. to Co. K, 23d reg. P. V., Oct. 31, 1862. Canning, John.......do.. Aug. 20,'61,... Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Childs, Stephen.........do.... Aug. 10,'61,... Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Cronin, John............do....Aug. 6,'61,... Killed by accident, October 20, 1862. Dufford, James.........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Delaney, Michael F...do..... Aug. 6, 61 3 Disch on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28, 1863. Davis, Theodore.....,...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Dewald, Reuben......do... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23,1864-Vet. Dyer, Francis............do..... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Dubarry, Rob. S..do.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. K, 23d reg. P. V., Dec. 1, 1861. Dougherty, Wm.......do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1863. Earle, James C.......do..... Aug, 14'63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Farrell, William......do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1861. Forsyth, Colin..........do.....Sept. 3, 61, 3 Mustered out September 24, 1864. Glenn, John L...........do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Griffith, John............do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 15, 1863. Granger, William......do.... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Deserted February, 1864. Hough, William........do.....Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 3, 1863. Iarris, William.......... d.... Aug. 10,61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1862. Haviland, John.........do.. Sept. 1,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Hagan, Barnett.........do.... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Hughes, Patrick.......do..... Jan. 24,'64, 3 Tr. to Co. F, 23d reg. P. V., Feb. 1, 1864. Haley, Patrick...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed at battle of Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Ieiler, Frank...........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1863. Helfitch, George........do..... Aug. 1561, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Hardcastle, James.....do..... Aug. 20'61,. Deserted May, 1862. JohnsoJohnohn G.......do..... Aug. 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Jenkins, Benjamin...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Tones, Benjamin......do...... Sept 1,'62, 3 Tr. to Cb. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Kelly, John...............do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 15, 1863. Kelley, William......do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Kane, Thomas..........do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Deserted May 1, 1864. Landis, John............do..................... Died Dec. 18, 1864-buried at Hampton, Va. Lant, John A............ do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Linton, William........do..... Sept, 1, 61, 3 Killed at battle of Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862. Lewis, Edward.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. M'Crossin, David......... Aug. 11,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1863. M'Carty, Patrick.......do..... Aug, 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., July 17, 1864 —reduced August 1, 1864. Mickle, Adin B.......do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Michals, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12, 1862. Michals, Wm. B......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12, 1862. Milford, W. W..........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Morris, Henry W.....do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., September 12, 1863. Munday, Cornelius...do...Sept. 6,'61, 3 ied Aug. 19, 1862, of wds. rec. at Fair Oaks.'.Myers, Thomas.....d....... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Killed at battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 1. 1864-Vet. Mack, George W.......do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 10, 1863. M'Cafferty, James........ Aug. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Dermott, Philip.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. M'Kenna, James....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. M'Guire, Charles......do..... 6,'1, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15, 1862. M'Grey, William......do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. M'Kinley, Henry.....do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. M'Ewen, Lawrence...do..... Aug. 15, 61, 3 Deserted January, 1863. Mann, Thomas.........o Aug. 20,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Pommer, G. A.......do... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Palmer, De Witt:...do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr to Co.., 23d reg. P. V; Aug. 23, 1864.Vet. 43 338 TWENTY-THIRD) REGIMENT, NAME. RANH. DATE OF IUSTER NAME~ RANK. INTO SERVICE 4 B. Robinson, William Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Ruby, William......... do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26,'62. Roach, hn............do.....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864-Vet. Riley, Benjamin S......do..... July 28,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. R, 23d regiment P. V., Dec. 1, 1861. eeves, Howell.......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Washigton, February 4, 1862-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery, D. C. Risley, Annanias......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted May 27, 1864. Staismore, William...do.....Sept. 1, 61, 3 Deserted September 10, 1863 —returned January 1, 1864-mus. out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Smith,-James N........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 DIischarged on Surgeon'S certificate, Jan. 23,'63. Smith, Sherwood B... do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, August 23, 1864. SlaySman, Chas. R....do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to company E, August 23, 1864. Steele, Washington...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company EB, August 23, 1864-sentenced to Dry Tortugas. Schall, Anthony........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, August 23,1864-Vet. Stillwell, Cyrus.........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Transferred to company E, August 23, 1864. Stutzeribach Emil.....do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Transferred to company E, August 23, 1864. Schenck, Adam.......... July 15,'63, 3 Killed at battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864. Smith, William H... do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Died June 28,1864, of wds. received at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1,'64-bu. in N. Cem, Arlington. Smith, Charles.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1863. Sands, David...........do...Sept. 20,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Sodan, Robert............do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 3, 1863. Smith, Frederick......do.. Jan. 23,'64, 3 Deserted February 15, 1864. Sweeney, John..........do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Deserted February 15, 1864. Tripner, George C......d..... oAug. 10, 261, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'63. Truxall, George.. d...do.....Jan. 13,'63, 3 Tr. to company E, 23d reg. P. V., Aug. 23, 1864. Urnstead, William....do......Aug. 10,'61, 3 Died July, 1862, of wounds received at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Wallace, James.........do. Aug. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 23d reg. P. V., Dec. 1, 1861. Young, G9orge,.......do.. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted December 28, 1862. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Frank Granello.... Capt..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Resigned Jauuary 23, 1862. Chas. C. Haldeman...do.....Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt., Jan. 23,'62-resigned Jan. 1,'63, Henry A. Marchant..do....Aug. 2, 61, 3 Tr. from company F, 23d regiment P. V., Jan. 1, 1863-killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1862. Gilbert Adams........ st Lt... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Absent-detached on Gen. L. P. Graham's staff February, 1862. Jesse S. Witihams... 2d Lt... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergeant, July 1,1862-to 2d Lieut., Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, Sept. 8,'64. Frank Taylor........ st Sgt. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. company G, 23d regiment P. V., July 22, 1862. Russell P. HoWard...do......................... 3Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. William Morast...... Serg't.. Atlg. 13, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William R. Hall...... do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. James M. Smith......... do....Atig, 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. John Reen...............do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company Gf, 23d regiment P. V. Robert G. Bartel........ do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. from ranks-mus. out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. William Stephens.......do..... Ang. 13'61, 3 Pr. from ranks-mus. out with Co., Sept. 8, 1864. William D. Sloan......do.... Aug. 28'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. William H. Myers......do..... Sept. 4,'61 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. John B. BoWers........do...... Aug. 13,'61 3 Promoted from ranks -died of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Va. EdwardM'Mahon... Colpi... Aig. 13, i61, 3 Not On muster-out roll. James M'Comb.....d...do..... Aug. 13,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stephen Palmer........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to compariy H, 23d regiment P. V. Daniel H. Pedrick.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Jacob F. Albright......do...... Sept. 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Charles Voigt............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 9 Mustered out with company, Sepiember 8, 1864. Oliver M'Fadden.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with companyi, September 8, 1864. Elias Lomax..........,do.... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V.i Sept. 14, 1864. John G. Franklin....do...... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. John S. Ohmit.......... do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P, V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Henry Zimmerman...do..... Sept.. 4,'61, 3 B1illed at Cold Harbor, Va, June 1 1864; John L. Grubb..........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3Transfetred to 82d rega P.,Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Frank Murphy..... Muc..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Henry Laing.............do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Albertson. Saim'l WIPrivate Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERlVICE. 339 AE. R n.DATE OF MU.STE...............................: - -I -............. FTO SERVICE... ~^ ^ _____., Aston, Isaa.......... Private July 1, 63, 3 Drafted —tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Bayley, James C....A...... g... o. Atig.l:,'61,3 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Browni John E............do... Aug. 13,'61, Wounded at Cold. Harbor, June 1, 1864 —abset in hospital...:. Beck, John......d..do.. Se.pt. 4'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept.4, 14,864-Vet. Butcher, Alex'r'M....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Butcher, Robt. A.I:....do.... Mar. 19,'63, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P.:V., Sept. 14,1864. Berger, Abram......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Butler, Joseph.......d...do...d Aug. 13,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept..14,1864-Vet. Berg, John D............. do..Aug. 8, 61, 3Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,.1864-Vet. Booth, Thomas........1..d...Aug. 3,'61, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg., P. V., Sept. 14, 1864 Boyd, Robert.......;..do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Blair, Wilum P......do... Aug 13, 61, 3 Died July 31, 1862, of wounds received at Fair Oaks-buried at Portsmouth, Va. Brown, Edwin C.........do. Aug. 13,'61, 3 K-Iled at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-Vet. Brooks, Geo. W........do... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1863. Barrett, John.......do..... July 15,'63, 3 Deserted August,24, 1863. Burns, James............do.... Feb. 18,'63, 3 Deserted December, 1863. Boas, Jacob R.....do..... Aug. 1,63, 3 Drafted-deserted March 14, 1864. Burns, John............d..... Aug. 12, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted March 18, 1864. Bulner, Edward.........do'..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 23d regiment P. V. Christy, John............... Sept. 1,61,' 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June l,1 864-absent. in hospital. Coakley, John......do.....' Aug. 13, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date un-'inel Frank:. "do..... July 3' known. Cline, FrankI............. do... July 28, 63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Crandell, Charles.......do....Aug. 12,'63, 3 Deserted August 24,; 1864.. Cooley, Joseph-.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to.82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Carpeiter, Wmi.......d.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Capturedat Cold Harbor, June 1,1864-died Feb. 21, 1865-buried in First Division United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Coles, James M. D....d.. Aug. 13,'41, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crear, Harry HE.....o.....d. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Dunbar, Robert S......do.... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Detrick, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Daily, James.............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Dunbar, Thomas......do..... Sept. 4,'1 3 Musteredout with' company, Sept. 8 1864. Dickey, Wm. M.......do...... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dean, Joseph..l....do....ept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Dome, Frederick......do.... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Deserted August 24, 1863. Dunkle, John............... July:11,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg, P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Duffy, William.......do....A. ug 13, 61, 31 Transferred to company P, 23d regiment P. V. Dick, JohnMM..........do. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred tocompany H, 23d regiment P. V. Dinsmore John......do...... Aug. 13,'61 3 Transferred to company K,.23d regiment P. V. Eisenberger, Mart.,:...do.... Sept. 1'61, 3 Absent, sick, at musterout.. Foster, William A.....do....d Aig.' 13, 61, 3Transferred to.conpany H,.23d.regiment P. V. Francis, Henry P;......do.;..! Aug'. 13,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll.. Fry, David.............do'i. Sept. 1,'61 3 Absent, on detached service in 1st Penn'a Art. Fallon, John..........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Fry, Jacob B........ do Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted March 1, 1863. Fisher, William........ do..... Feb. 8, 64 3Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Fullerton, J..............do. Aug. 17,'64, 1 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Gormley, John...........do.... Aug. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Grubb, Jacob A.....do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. Goodsmith, Frank...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Green, William........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 18, 1864-Vet. Goodwin, John.........do..... Aug. 13,?61, 3 Died-date unknown. Gibbs, Charles..........do A. g 12, 63, 3 Deserted August 24, 1863. Hambright, Chas. K...do...... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Discharged by order of Secretary of War. Harris, Samuel.........do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Henderson, Jacob......do..... July 10,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Harrington, Jacob......do.. July 6,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hoes, Gottlieb.............d... Aug. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Hernley, Abram H...do..... Aug. 13,'61, *3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V. Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Harrie, Emil........ do...J... July 11'63, 3 Drafted-deserted March 11, 1864. Holmhes, John...........do Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d.regiment P. V. Irwin, William......do Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. Kline, George H........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Died January 1, 1863-buried at Alexandriagrave, 653.' Kerr, John........do..... Aug. 20, 61, 3 Tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864-Vet. King, John.... do..... Aug. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Lee, John........ do...Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr.to 82d reg. P. V. Sept., 14, 1864-Vet. Lewenberg, Jos......... do. Aug. 13, 61, 3 Discharged by order of Maj. Gen. Heintzelman. Lewis, IIenry C.......do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged December, 1862. Markley, Samuel......do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 8, 1864. 340 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT,.naM. oDATE OF MUSTER _ NA. INTO SERVIOB. Moss, Madison B.... Private Aug. 20, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown. Mialoney, Wm. M......do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown. Mitchell, Thomas.... do..... Sept. 1,'61, Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Miller, Robert...........do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Murry, John............ do..... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Morrison, Geo. E. L...do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1,'64. Meyers, William....do.... Feb. 10,'63, 3 Deserted August 24, 1863. Maholland, Thos......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal-deserted March 12, 1864-Vet. Mahoney, Dennis.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miles, William......... do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. K, 23d regiment P. V. M'Misk, John...........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. M'Coffee, Robert....... do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. M'Meekin, Robert...do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. M'Guckin, Andrew..do..... Nov. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. M'Cullen, Henry......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted March 29, 1864-Vet. Nolen, Patrick.......d....... Sept. 4,'81, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14, 1864. Nargrave, Wood'd....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1861. Osborn, Isaac E.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, 23d regiment P. V. —mus. out with company, September 8,'64. Rodgers, John B........do..... Sept. 4'61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Rolin, John A..........do..... Feb. 1,'63, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Raphund, John H......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V.,Sept. 14,1864 —Vet. Rodgers. John.............do Aug. 12,'63,3 Drafted-tr. to 82d regiment P. V. Sept. 14, 1864. Reed, Abner H.........do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 9,'64. Rakes, James H.......do... Oct. 8,'62, 3 Deserted January 31, 1863. Richards, Thomas...o..... July 17,'63, 3 Draited-deserted March 9, 1864. Rhoades, Henry........do..... Aug. 13,'63, 3 Deserted March 9, 1864. Ruth, Beneville S.....do July 10,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Andersonville, November 16, 1864-grave, 12,048. Shue, George.............do... Sept. l,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Spence, Samuel.........d..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Stull, Edward L........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mtstered out with company, September 8, 1864. Siple, Benjamin.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Stauffer, Abraham...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Seifred, George H.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Shaffer, Jacob...........do July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-Tr. to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,'64. Sherick, John............do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Sent to hospital, wounded, June, 1862-not reported since. Staub, John...............do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Drowned August 18, 1861. Stoub, Peter..............do Aug. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smeck, Franklin......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 23d regiment P. V. Todd, Jacob...............do..... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Thedford, Thomas.....do....Oct. 8, 62, 3 Transferred to 82d reg., P. V. Sept.14,'64. Tinestin, Charles.....do...Aug. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Updegroff, Julius......do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Will, Norman S........ Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wallis, Charles...........do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged by order of Maj. Gen. Heintzelan. Wike, George W........do.... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. Wagoner, William.....do..Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Welding, James......do.. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted MIarch 9,1864-Vet. Yentzer, Christian.....do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 82d reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64-Vet. Yinger, Abraham......do... July 12,'63, 13 Transferred to 82d regiment P. V., Sept. 14,1864. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Fred'k F. Cavada... Capt.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Resigned July 20, 1862. Henry Rees, Jr.........do.... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company K, July 20,'62-. mustered out with company Sept., 8, 1864. Louis J. Howard.... 1st Lt... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Resigned June 5, 1863. Edward B. Wilson...do.. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut., August 31, 1862-to 1st Lieut., September 1, 1863-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. James M. Linnard.. 2d Lt... Aug, 2,'61, 3 Appointed 2d Lieut., August 2, 1861 —promoted to 1st Lieut. company H, August 25, 1862. Jas. G. Williamson..de..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, July 1, 1863-died of wounds, June 2, 1864. Wilm H. lliam H. N eae.. st Sgt. ug. 6,'61. 3 Discharged for wounds, July 17, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 341 NAME. ARANK. DE0NUSTERK. INTO SBERVICE. 4D Alfred H. ifford.... Serg't.. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 1,1862-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. George E. Webb.......do..... Aug. 6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25, 62. Abram Fink.............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Iischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'62. Ira Webster............do... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, August 31, 1862. John Dinsmore........do.... Aug. 11, 61, Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Frederick P. Simon...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Franklin Smeck........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Jno. C. M'Laughlin...do.,... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died August 6, 1862. Jas. J. Bolestridge.. Corp.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October, 1862-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. JesseH. Cornell........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September, 1863-mus. tered out with company, September 8, 1864. AlonzoEngleman.....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died May, 1863. John Gorman.......... do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864-mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. John J. Howe............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 1,1864, to April 9,1865 —mustered out June 20, 1865-Vet. John F. Hild.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died of wounds, August 1, 1864. Wm. H. Lancashir...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'61. Maurice L. Spear......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3'r. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. G. W. Woodhouse........do. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62. John Zaun.............do....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864. H. G. Edmundson.. Muc.... Aug. 13,'1, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. James K.iMi lman.....do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Daniel Williams........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Armstrong, H. J...Private Sept. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Albertson, Levi B......do...., Aug. 6, 61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Allen, John..............do:.Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died March 10, 1862-baried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Armstrong, Chas. E...do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted April 28, 1864-Vet. Borland, Jas. W........do..... Aug. 6'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Bishop, Edward........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. September 8, 1864. Bagley, Richard....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 10,'62. Bulmer, Edward.......do.. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Brown, Joseph C.......do... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company M, 23d regiment P. V. Bishop, Samuel S......do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Bower, George.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Died November 21, 1861. Beardmore, Thos....do.... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Died of wounds, June 6, 1864. Bryon, Charles H.....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864. Boyle, Isaac............do Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted April 28, 1864-Vet. Boyd, James............do....................... Deserted, date unknown. Barger, Jacob.........do..................... Died April 27,1865-buried at Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island. Badger, Augustine...do..Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 5, 1864. Brown, John..............do..... Aug. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 20, 1863. Brenan, Angus.....do....... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted January 5, 1864. Bohnel, John..d...... uly 28, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863. Bennett, Henry........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Cooney, James G......do..... Aug. 6, 61, 3 Died of wounds, June 2, 1862. Colgan, James...........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Craig, David K.........Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1863. Carmines, Thos........do....Aug.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20. 1862. Carstaire, Robert L...do.....Sept. 18, 61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Costello, William....do.... Dec. 24,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Carnahan, Robert...... Sept..6,'61 3 Mustered out September 13, 1864. Clay, Frank..............do.... Aug. 10, 63, 3 Drafted-transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Caldwell, Andrew.....do.....Aug. 6,'63, 3 Died of wounds, May 31, 1862. Collins, James...........do.... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Cummings, Thos.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Davis, William A...d..... Sept. 15, 61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Dearon, Howard....... do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 23d regiment P. V. Donnelly, James.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Donahey, John.......do...Aug. 6, 61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Duncan, William......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Davis, Arthur.........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Davis, Dennis...... Sept. 5, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, to serve time lost by desertion. Dougherty, Patrick.do.... Aug. 10, 63, 3 Drafted-transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V. Dougherty, John...d..... Aug. 10, 63, 3 Dfted-traf nsferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V. Dugan, James.......... do Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 15, 1862. Daily, Hiram............do...Aug. 30,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Eisenbarth, Edwd...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864-Vet. Ellis, George F......d....do.Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 26, 1861. Ennis, Isaac H........do... Aug. 66, 61,3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. 342 TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, NAME. RANK, REMARKS. RARE. 1 DATE O. M INTO SERVICE. PFarran, Wm. J...... Private Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Finley, William........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d reg. P. V. —Vet. Fox, George F...........do.... Aug 6,'61, 3 Died June 25, 1862. Farron, George W...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1864-Vet. Grindrod, John.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 1,'62. Graham, Thomas....do....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1864-Vet. Granello, Geo. W...... do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Hall, William H.......do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'62. Havens, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 23d regiment P. V. Hicks, Thomas........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Hamilton, Wilson......do.....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Died of wounds, May 31, 1862. Harp, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864Vet. Hankins, Geo. J........do...... Feb. 8,'64 3 Drafted-deserted July 30, 1864. Hoffman, John F.....d...... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1864. Harty, Michael.........do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Hamilton, William...do..... July 22,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 9, 1864. Hollock, Thomas......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Illson, Richard..........do....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died June 15, 1862. Jones, William......do.... Sept. 12, 61 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Jaynes, Richmond.....do.... Aug. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Kreppe, Peter............do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Kelly, James..........do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Kelly, John...............do.... Aug. 10'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to company I, 23dreg. P. V. Krunnshield, J. H.....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1864-Vet. 1Raesch, Herman.......do....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1863. Kelly, John T......... do...... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 9,1864. Safer, Pierson...........do..... July 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 1, 1864. Kardner, George........do.... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 16, 1863, Lane, Joseph.............do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Lewis, Samuel S.......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Lelarge, William...d...d.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 17, 1861. Lane, Daniel..........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Murgatroyd, John.....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Murphy, Richard........do.... Jan. 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Maxwell, Charles A...do... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company M, 23d regiment P. V. Meehan, John S.........do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Meehan, Thomas.......do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Mergenthaler, Chas...do..... Aug. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to company 1, 23d reg. P. V. Matlack, Wm. H.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to.company R, 23d regiment P. V. Mason, Daniel...........do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-died of wounds, June 1, 1864. Miller, William J......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. M'Byrne, Charles......do.....Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. M'Knight. John.......do. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged Qn Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 4,'62. M'Minn, Harry H......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30,'61. M'uire, Charles F...do..... Aug. 6,'61i 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. M'Kim, Henry.........do..... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 23d regiment P. V. M'Combs, Thomas...do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to company I, 23d reg. P. V. M'Kim, William.......do...... Aug. 6, 61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. M'Kim, Charles.......do...... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. M'Cleary, William...do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 6, 1864. M'Clune, Hugh.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. M'Chestney, Wm......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Deserted April 28, 1863. Neill, John...............do.... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to company I, 23d reg. P. V. Nelson, William........ do.... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 9,1864. Oeschger, Gustavus....do... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died February 1, 1862. O'Donnell, Thomas...do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 9, 1864. Owens, Henry............. July 27,'61, 3 Drafted-deserted August 24, 1863. Priest, Charles...........do..Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Powers, Richard........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Platt, John J.............do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Pierce, John..............do... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d reg. P. V.-Vet. Pierson, Joseph.........do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted September 10, 1862. Pommer, Adolph......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 8 Not on muster-out roll-transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Riley, Benjamin F......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 22d regiment P. V. Rodgers, Reading......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 6, 1862 —buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery, D. C. Robinson, Hampton...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Simpson, George L...do...Aug. 6,'61 3 Deserted April 20, 1862. Spear, David............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Simon, Chris'n G.......do..... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. St. Clair, John...........do Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'63. Shultz, Henry...........do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'62. Stanford, James G.....do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'62. Schreiner, John J....do..... Aug. 6, 61, 3 Discharged August 8. 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 343 DATE OF MUSTER I C E. INTO SER _VICE. Starsmore, Willia's Private Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 23d regiment P. V. Sherman, Franklin...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Sterling, Hugh.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Simon, Jacob F.... do..daF..... Feb. 3,'64,'3 Transferred to company I, 23d regiment P. V. Schmitz, Charles.......do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864. Stull, Sidney B.........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 14, 1861. Smith, Charles........d.....I Aug. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 20, 1864. Sanderson, Wm.........do.... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 24, 1863. Stull, John..............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted October.31, 1862. Umstead, Thomas...do...... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died July 23, 1862. Vaughn, William......do...... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62. Van Fleet, Aaron......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, June 1, 1864. Williamson, Jos. M...do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 8, 1864. Wagner, Wm. H......do..... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6, 1862. Walters, Chas. P......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3: Transferred to United States Navy. Weir, Henry W........do..... Sept. 10,'61,: 3i Transferred to company R, 23d regiment P. V. Watson, John H........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Wells, John M...........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V. —Vet. Wright, Chas. H.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 23d regiment P. V.-Vet. Williamson, Alex......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died of wounds, June 1,1864. West, John F............do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1863. Walker, Samuel J....do. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Walker, Joseph E....do..... Aug. 6, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. UNASSIGNED MEN.* Benson Smith... Muc..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Devine, James H... Private April 21,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Granville, John.........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hanlon, Michael.........do.... Jan.5,'64, 3 Vet.-not on muster-out roll. Johns, Andy..............do.... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Donald, Philip...... do.....Feb. 19.'64, 3 Deserted March 1, 1864. M'Garbey, James......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Deserted March 1, 1864. * These men were sent to the front while the regiment was on duty at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and were attached to the Sixty-fifth Regiment New York Volunteers. TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. THE Twenty-sixth Regiment was organized soon after the election of Mr. Lincoln to the Presidency in 1860, and together with the Twenty-seventh, formed the Washington Brigade. In the latter part of January, 1861, Colonel Wm. F. Small, its commander, tendered its services to President Buchanan, through the agency of Hon. Simon Cameron. Believing that pacific counsels would prevail, the President declined the offer, but complimented the patriotism and zeal thus promptly displayed. When intelligence was received that the " Star of the West" had been fired upon in Charleston harbor, a tender was again made to the Government. Mr. Cameron was then Secretary of War, by whom it was immediately accepted, and Colonel Small was ordered to report, with his command, in Washington. On the evening of the 18th of April, he started from Philadelphia with his brigade, under orders requiring it to be taken through Baltimore " at or before daylight;" but through the negligence or treachery of the railroad employees, it was detained until noon of the 19th. Upon its arrival it was attacked by a mob. A Massachusetts regiment accompanying the brigade, fully armed and supplied with ammunition, though desperately opposed, fought its way through the city. The mob, returning from its encounter with the Massachusetts men, attacked Colonel Small's command with great fury. Being entirely defenceless and unable to cope with its assailants, it was withdrawn and returned to Philadelphia; but not until one of its number was killed and several wounded. This regiment was then offered to Governor Curtin for the three months' service, and was accepted, but not mustered in at that time. The men were not, however, disbanded, but were maintained by the private resources of the officers and their friends, from April 20th, to May 25th, when they were mustered for three years, by direct order of the Secretary of War, under the call of May 3d, 1861, their muster being dated back to May 5th. Very few of the men of the original organization, or who had been in the Baltimore expedition, were finally enrolled. In company H, not one of the eighty-six who marched with Captain Tilghman on the 19th of April, remained with the company upon its final organization. Captain John B. Adams, in 1860, commanded a militia company known as the "American True Blues," the name being subsequently changed to the "* Anderson Guard." This company, upon the call of the President, was rapidly recruited until it formed a batallion, but was absorbed in the formation of the regiment, Captain Adams' company becoming company B. The men composing the regiment were nearly all from Philadelphia or its immediate vicinity, except company K, which was chiefly from Chester, Delaware county. In general, the enlisted men were destitute of military experience. The regiment was finally organized on the first of May by the choice of the following officers: Wm. F. Small, of Philadelphia, Colonel; Rush Van Dyke, 1862 ORGANIZATION AND DRILL, 345 of Philadelphia, Lieutenant Colonel; Caspar M. Berry, of Philadelphia, Major. Arms and clothing were received during the first week in June. On the 15th it was ordered to Washington, and, upon its arrival encamped near Kalorama Heights, north of the Capitol, renmaming there about six weeks. Company B, Captain Adams, was detached by order of General Mansfield, in command of the department, to guard the depot of quartermaster and commissary stores, situated at the foot of G street. This was the general depot for the supply of the entire army of the Potomac. It was made an independent post, and Captain Adams was assigned to it as commandant, with orders to report directly to the head-quarters of General M(Clellan, then in command of the army, thus entirely severing its connection, for the time, with the regiment. The company had been under the instruction of a drill-master of twenty-six years' experience in the regular army. The duty to which it was assigned was a very important one, having stores to guard, which, at times, amounted in value to sixty millions of dollars, requiring the utmost vigilence of officers and men. Company H was also temporarily detached to guard the Flying bridge at Georgetown, D. C., and company A, Captain Moffitt, for duty at the United States Arsenal. Early in August, 1861, the Twenty-sixth was assigned to a brigade commanded by General Joseph Hooker, and encamped near Bladensburg. It remained here until about the 1st of October,and during this time improved greatly in drill and discipline. The officers were several times called together for -instruction by Colonel Small, but no regular school was held. On the 20th of October, this brigade,* together with Sickles' Excelsior, and the Second New Jersey Brigades, forming Hooker's Division, marched to Budd's ferry, Maryland, where it encamped and remained until the 1st of April, 1862. From the date of its organization to the 1st of January, 1862, the brigade was commanded by Colonel Cowden of the First Massachusetts, and subsequently by Brigadier General Nagle. The only duty performed while here consisted in picketing the bank of the Potomac opposite the rebel batteries, and drilling when the weather would permit. During a temporary inability of the field officers, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Fisk of the Second New Hampshire, by special assignment. In the month of February a beautiful silk fag t was received, which was made and presented by Mrs. Frederick M'Crellish and Mrs. Wm. A. Woodward of San Francisco, wives of the editors of the Alta Californtia, formerly Philadelphians. It was formally presented, on behalf of the ladies, in an eloquent speech, by Robert M. Foust, Esq., and was responded to by Lieutenant Colonel Rush Van Dyke, in a feeling manner, pledging the honor of the regiment to its protection. About the 1st of April Hooker's Division embarked for the Peninsula, and took part in the operations before Yorktown. As soon as active service commenced the moralo of all the troops was greatly improved. The Twenty-sixth Organization of Brigadier General Grover's Brigade, General Hookr's Division, General Heintzelman's Corps, (Third.) First Regiment Masachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Cowden; Twenty-six olter onl Sl leenth Regime Pensyaa Volteeh nt Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Blaisdell; Seeond Regiment New Hampshire Volunteer, Colonel Marston. t A singular fact is connected with the fate of this flag. After having been carried two years, on its return, bloodstained and tttered, to its fir donors, it was on board the Ariel when that vessel was captured by the lrbel privateer Alabama The flag was secreted in the bosom of % passenger and escaped detecioon Thoe vsel wasbonded, and arrived safely in San Francisco. 44 346 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. 1862 was assigned to duty in the trenches on the right centre of the line, in front of General Heintzelnan's head-quarters. Upon the evacuation of Yorktown, Hooker's Division marched in pursuit; but for want of orders from the headquarters of the army, necessary to give precedence, its march was cut off by other divisions, under senior officers, crossing the road, and, after waiting many hours it was forced to make a long detour. It was nearly midnight when the Twenty-sixth reached the bivouac in front of the redoubts near Williamsburg. The division moved at early dawn on the 5th of May, and the engagement commenced at 7 o'clock, A. M. Colonel Small was ordered by General Hooker to occupy the Yorktown and Williamsburg turnpike, and open communication with Sumner's Corps. The road was found clear of the enemy, who had, however, skirmishers in a line of rifle-pits in front of Fort Magruder. Colonel Small deployed five companies as skirmishers, and drove the enemy back into the fort, but was himself severely wounded and carried from the field. The command devolved upon Major Berry, and the regiment remained in the road at the edge of the slashing, about eight hundred yards from the fort, until four o'clock, P. M., when it was relieved by fresh troops, and a complete victory was achieved. The loss in the Twenty-sixth in this engagement was eight killed, twenty-three wounded, and three taken prisoners-a loss but slight compared to that of the remainder of the division, owing to its position on the extreme right, while the main attack of the enemy was on the left. It afterwards appeared that General Hooker had sent orders to move the regiment to the left, which had never reached the officer in command. The division remained at Williamsburg about two weeks after the battle, the Twenty-sixth being detailed to take charge of rebel prisoners and to do provost guard duty in the town. When the army of the Potomac marched upon Richmond, the Twenty-sixth moved and crossed the Chickahominy in support of a brigade of Casey's division. While on the march, Lieutenant Colonel Wells of the First Massachusetts was assigned to the command by General Grover. At the battle of Fair Oaks it occupied a position on the extreme left of the army, towards White Oak Swamp, and did good service in preventing the enemy from operating on that flank. Immediately after the battle it marched to Seven Pines and occupied a position in the front line, between the Williamsburg turnpike and the railroad, where it was engaged in intrenching and in picket and skirmish duty, until the evacuation of that place. On the Twenty-sixth of June, Heintzelman's Corps, consisting of Kearneyes and Hooker's divisions, advanced along the Williamsburg turnpike to a point about three miles from Richmond, meeting but a moderate resistance, when they were halted by orders from General M'CIellan. On the following day the ground was abandoned and the intrenched line re-occupied. On the 28th, orders were received to destroy all extra stores, tents, and baggage, and to retreat at day-break. The division was engaged at Savage Station until about four o'clock, P. M., and then marched through White Oak Swamp. On the following day it was engaged from noon until night, and at a little before dusk the Twenty-sixth was ordered to make a bayonet charge, which was executed with good effect, the enemy breaking and offering no further resistance. The regiment remained in line of battle during most of the night, but before day-break fell back to Malvern Hill. At about two o'clock, P. M., it was again engaged, supporting batteries and exposed to a heavy artilleryfire, but suffered little, the men lying down and being under partial shelter. It remained in position 1862 SECOND BATTLE OF BULL BUN. 347 diring the night and at early dawn marched to Harrison's Landing. Owing to the entire want of orders from the commanding general to regulate the march of the different corps, the whole army was moving by the same road at the same time; consequently the troops were huddled, together, the officers were utterly unable to find their men, and for several hours the army was little better than a mob. While the army was encamped at Harrison's Landing, near the end of July, General Hooker returned to Malvern Hill and re-occupied that stronghold. In this movement the Twenty-sixth had the advance and was actively engaged. The losses in the several engagements before Richmond, in which the regiment participated, was twenty killed and forty-five wounded. Eleven died of disease contracted in the miasmatic swamps of the 9hickahominy. The moral and religious interests of the men were studiously cared for by the chaplain, Rev. Charles A. Beck. In July, 1862, a few patriotic ladies in Philadelphia presented the regiment with a chapel tent. This was regularly pitched in the camp while in winter quarters, and was kept well supplied with books, magazines, papers and writing materials, making it a favorite place of resort. Preaching twice on Sunday, with prayer meetings twice in the week, singing class and temperance meetings during week day evenings, exerted an excellent influence, the tent being regularly filled with a quiet, attentive audience. About the middle of July, Lieutenant Colonel Wells left the regiment and was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel Bush Van Dyke, and upon his resignation, Major Tripp, of the Eleventh Massachusetts, was temporarily assigned to the command. Captain Bodine, of company K, was soon after commissioned Major, relieving Major Tripp. On the 16th of August, 1862, the regiment left Harrison's Landing with the main body of the army, and on the 20th embarked at Yorktown, on the steamer Baltic, for Alexandria Virginia. Heintzelman's Corps was immediately pushed out to Warrenton Junction to the support of General Pope, now facing the rebels on the line of the Rappahannock. Scarcely had it arrived when intelligence was received that Stonewall Jackson, with a heavy column, had struck the railroad at Bristoe Station, thus cutting off all communication between Pope's army and his base of supply. Kearney's division was immediately ordered to Gainesville, and Hooker's to march upon the railroad towards Manassas Junction. The regiment was now under the command of Major Bodine, and took the advance of the brigade. A sharp engagement ensued at Bristoe Station, wherein the rebels were defeated and driven back. Bivouacking for the night, it pushed forward on the following morning and re-established communication with the base of supplies. In this movement the Twenty-sixth lost all its baggage and books by the burning of the train of cars upon which they were deposited, rendered necessary by the destruction of the bridge over Kettle creek. After a tiresome march through Centreville the regiment reached the Bull Run battle-field on the 29th, and at once went into the fight, taking position on the right of the turnpike leading from Centreville to Groveton. The brigade was manceuvered with little skill. Thrown into a dense wood without skirmishers or support, with both flanks exposed, it was marched directly up to an old railroad embankment, where it received a sudden and destructive fire from the enemy lying in heavy masses behind it. In less than an hour two officers were killed,.nd sixty-three, men.killed and wounded. It bivouacked upon the field, and on the following day was held in support of three different 348 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT 1863 batteries, rapidly moving from point to point, where most needed. In the evening it retired with the main army, in good order, to Centreville. On the afternoon of the 1st of September it was sent to the support of Kearney, whose division was hotly engaged at Chantilly, and where that heroic officer was killed. On the 2d the brigade marched to the vicinity of Alexandria and encamped at Fort Lyon. Since leaving Alexandria on the 23d of August, preceding, the regiment had lost two officers killed and three wounded, twenty-one enlisted men killed, forty-seven wounded and sixtaken prisoners. The Twenty-sixth did not take part in the battle of Antietam, being at that time ordered to duty in front of Washington. While encamped at Fort Lyon about forty recruits were received, and the Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers was added to the brigade, to the command of which Brigadier General Joseph B. Carr was assigned, and Brigadier General Daniel E. Sickles to the command of the division. On the 5th of October, Major Bodine was ordered to report with the Twentysixth to Colonel Sharp, of the Onle Hundred and Twentieth New York Volunteers, at Upton's Hill, and, in conjunction with that regiment, to hold and picket that position.. Soon afterwards Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin C. Tilghman re-joined the regiment, after a severe illness, assuming command, and on the 2d of November marched to Fairfax Court House, and on the 3d proceeded tia Centreville to Union Mills, to hold the Orange and Alexandriarailroad, and the bridge across Bull Run at that place. Two companies were detached under command of Captain S. Go Moffitt, to guard the bridge at Blackburn's ford. Early in December the army was concentrated in the neighborhood of Fredericksburg, under General Burnside, in preparation for a general engagement. The Twenty-sixth marched in that direction, but was detained on the way nearly a week, in guarding ordnance stores near the Occoquan. Arriving at Falmouth it returned to its brigade, and on the morning of the 12th of December was posted in the rear of batteries showering shot and shell into Fredericksburg. Late in the day the Third Corps, under General Stoneman, embracing the Twenty-sixth, was sent from Hooker's Grand Division in the centre, to reinforce Franklin on the left, and reached the pontoon bridges at about eight o'clock, P. M. At noon of the next day it crossed to the right bank of the river, and was moved at once to the front. The regient was briskly engaged with the enemy's skirmishers during the afternoon and under fire from his batteries. — For thirty hours, with only a brief interval, it was in the front line of battle continuously, and up to the time of re-crossing the river. The total loss in this engagement in killed and wounded was seventeen. Returning to its former camp it remained till the first of January, General Carr commanding the brigade, General Berry the division, and General Sickles the corps. The regiment was then moved to a grove near corps headquarters, where it was placed in permanent winter quarters. Iurnside's second attempt to cross the Rappahannock was suddenly arrested while in full progress and with every prospect of success, by the sudden breaking up of the toads. The Twenty-sixth participated in the advance, hut its principal service consisted in building corduroy roads, and assisting in extricating teams and artillery from the mud. During the month of January it was detailed to support a cavalry raid on the Upper Rappahannock, which resulted successfully, the railroad bridge across the rivet, which had been re-built by the enemy, being destroyed,.and the incursions so frequently indulged in ly his cavalry and 1863 BATTLE OF. CHANCELLORSVILLE. 349 scouts broken up. The march lasted three days, during two of which the rain and snow fell without cessation, causing much suffering. While in this camp, a school of instruction for officers was established, and placed in charge of Major Boding, and another for non-commissioned)officers, under Lieutenant Henry Jacques, of company G. The elementary principles of military science and army regulations were studied and discussed, and intricate manceavers illustrated. In February its active strength was sensibly increased by the return to its ranks of a full and well disciplined company, under Captain Adams. This company had been detached to guard commissary stores in Washington, soon after entering the service, and notwithstanding the repeated applications from the successive commanders of the regiment, approved by the superior officers, to have it ordered to the field, and the desire of Captain Adams himself: to have it relieved and placed on active duty, every application had been returned with the endorsement "not granted.' Its long retention is its best certificate of good soldierly conduct. In March, 1863, Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin C. Tilghman was commissioned Colonel, and Captain John B. Adams, Lieutenant Colonel. Upon the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Adams, soon after, Major Bodine was promoted to fill the vacancy. The battle of Chancellorsville commenced on the 29th of April. Preparations had been for a considerable time in progress. The regiment broke camp and moved with the Third Corps, about fifteen miles down the Rappahannock to divert the attention of the enemy, while the principal part of the army was crossing about twelve miles above the town. On the 1st of May it returned, and crossing at United States ford rejoined the main body, in position near Chancellorsville. On the morning of the 2d of May, the Twenty-sixth was ordered to advance up the road in front of General Hooker's head-quarters, to drive back the enemy's skirmishers who occupied the wood, and ascertain whether the road was held in force. This order was successfully executed, but involved a brisk skirmish and some loss; several prisoners were taken, and the enemy were found in line of battle with artillery well posted on the road. The result was reported to General Hooker in person, who expressed his satisfaction, At about four o'clock, P. M. the division marched to cover the retreat of the Eleventh Corps, and at dusk formed line a of battle in the woods. Colonel Tilghman, finding his right entirely uncovered, reconnoitered the ground, and found, about six hundred yards distant, an intrenched line, held by Griffin's Division, with several batteries. The scouts reported the woods in front clear of the enemy, but that about three-fourths of a mile beyond they could hear troops marching, apparently in force, towards our left. This intelligence was promptly reported to an officer of General Berry's staff. Diring the night several attacks were made on the left of the division and repulsed, none of them reaching the position held by the Twenty-sixth. At day-break a heavy artillery fire was opened on the left, followed by musketry, which rolled steadily nearer. The skirmishers in front were attacked, and the Seventy-second New York, soon after giving way, left the flank uncovered. Colonel Tilghman endeavored to change front, but being under a heavy fire and in a thick wood, it was imperfectly done, and in making the attempt, was himself severely wounded. The fire, though irregular, was well sustained for some minutes, when, judging from the increasing numbers and direction of the enemy, that the division had been broken and its position lost, 350 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. 1863 an order was given to retreat to General Griffins intrenchments, which was effected in good order, the men keeping up a steady fire so long as the enemy followed. Taking position in rear of batteries, it remained in support while the army held the field, and upon its withdrawal returned to its camp near Falmouth. The loss in the engagement/was four officers wounded, eighteen enlisted men killed, sixty-four wounded and ten taken prisoners. The severity of Colonel Tilghman's wound rendered it necessary for him to retire from the field, and he did not again rejoin the regiment. Upon his recovery his resignation was accepted to enable him to take command of the Third United States colored troops, to which he had been appointed. Lieutenant Colonel Bodine succeeded to the command, and was soon after commissioned Colonel. New camping ground was soon after selected on a beautiful knoll, and the men labored zealously in laying out streets with proper drainage, building bowers of green foliage over and in front of their tents, and vieing with each other in cleanliness and good order. Early in June the regiment was detailed to accompany the wagon train of the Third Corps to Morrisville, a tedious march of twenty-nine miles through dust and heat, re-joining the brigade at Beverly ford. This was the initiation of the march to Gettysburg, which was continued through Centreville and Gum Springs, crossing the Potomac at Edwards' ferry. Moving up the South Mountain and guarding its passes to prevent the incursion of rebel cavalry, it proceeded through Middletown valley to Frederick, Maryland, and thence to Emmittsburg. Here General Sickles received an order from General Meade, now in command of the army, to march to the neighborhood of Middleburg and soon after a message from Howard, advising him of the fall of Reynolds, and calling loudly for help. Perplexed as to his duty, he decided to follow the Napoleanic precept, to march to the sound of the enemy's guns, and arrived in the vicinity of Gettysburg on the evening of July 1st. The Third, Corps bivouacked for the night near the battle-field, and early on the morning of the 2d the regiment was detailed to tear down the fences along and near the Emmittsburg road, to facilitate the movement of artillery and troops. The lines were then formed with the Twentysixth on the extreme right of the corps and on the Emmittsburg road. The advantage of position in this part of the line was in favor of the enemy, as it was exposed in the open field and liable to be swept by artillery from the ridges beyond. Late in the day the regiment changed front while undcv severe fire, in order to receive the charge of a Florida brigade, advancing in mvs obliquely from the left front. No sooner was it checked than the Twenty-shir;h in turn charged the enemy and drove him in confusion across the road, making tlumerous captures. The day proved disasterous to the corps, but it fought wth determined bravery, and inflicted severe losses upon the enemy. On the 3d the brigade was principally occupied in supporting batteries, and was marched to the weakest and mostthreatened points. The Twenty-sixthwent into battle with three hundred and sixty-four enlisted men, of whom two hundred and thirteen were killed and wounded; out of eighteen officers two were killed and nine severely wounded; two of the nine died of their wounds, and five were disabled from further service and made cripples for life; three color bearers were killed The severity of the loss was owing to the faulty position of the line, and the entire absence of shelter, either natural or constructed; but it inflicted as well as suffered great slaughter. On the 5th of July it moved with the army in pursuit of the enemy, pass 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 351 ing through Emmittsburg and Frederick, crossed the South Mountain, and proceeded to the neighborhood of Williamsport. After the successful escape of the rebel army into Virginia the regiment marched to Harper's Ferry, where necessary supplies were received. Again taking up the line of march, passing Snicker's Gap and Upperville, to Manassas Gap, with orders to intercept any force of the enemy retreating up the Shenandoah Valley, it succeeded in striking his rear guard at Wapping Heights, where a sharp action ensued. At this place Colonel Bodine was ordered to lead his own, with a section of artillery, to a commanding position on the extreme right, for the purpose of checking the rebel cavalry operating in that direction. The force was withdrawn on the following day towards Warrenton. General Sickles having been severely wounded at Gettysburg, and no longer in the field, the command of the corps was assigned to Major General W. B. French, and that of the division to Brigadier General Henry Prince. At Warrenton the regiment halted for a few days for rest and much needed supplies. On the 20th of August it marched at daylight in advance of the army, to picket the Rappahannock from Freeman's to Beverly ford, and on being relieved on the following day rejoined the brigade near the latter place. A camp was laid out and the routine of drill, parade and picket duty resumed. While here one hundred and ninety-two recruits were received and distributed to the companies, and their drill and discipline commenced. On the 15th of September it marched from camp, and, on the following morning crossing the Rappahannock at Freeman's ford, proceeded to Culpepper Court House. Here the regiment was detailed to guard the approaches from the south, and protect the wagon trains parked near the town. The ladies in California who had manifested their regard for this regiment, and their desire for the success of the national cause, by presenting it on its entrance into service with a beautiful stand of colors, had, with never-failing interest, watched it in its many campaigns, and believing that the fiery scourge of battle, to which it had been so frequently subjected, had rendered the first flag useless, sent a new one, a counterpart of the first, which was received with every manifestation of gladness. Upon the occasion of its presentation the regiment was drawn up in hollow square, in the centre of which were the generals commanding the division and brigade, with their respective staffs, and other invited guests. The flag was presented by Major Charles Hamlin, son of Vice President Hamlin, and was received in behalfof the regiment by Colonel Bodine; an appropriate prayer was offered, and the band played patriotic airs, after which the invited guests sat down to a collation. General Meade, having ascertained that Lee had dispatched Longstreet to East Tennessee, pushed forward to the line of the Rapidan, and was preparing to cross, when orders were received from Washington to detach the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, under command of General Hooker, for the relief of Rosecrans, at Chattanooga. Meade, accordingly, found it necessary to retire.When the movement commenced, the Twenty-sixth was ordered to escort the wagon train of the corps. At Bealton station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, it was called by General Owen to the support of a battery in position to prevent an attack upon the supply trains. At Beverly ford it was again placed to defend the approaches, and was detailed on the flank of the army on the march to Centreville. Encamping at Union Mills it remained doing guard duty and engaged in drill until the army again commenced a forward move 352 TWENTY-SIXTEH REGIMENT. 1864 ment, along the Orange and Alexandria railroad, when it was employed in re-laying the track upon that road, which, upon its abandonment, had been destroyed by the enemy. When it was finished, the army again passed the Rappahannock, the Twenty-sixth crossing at Kelly's ford, where it was actively engaged in pushing back the enemy. At Brandy station, November 19th, the regiment went into winter quarters; but as the sequel proved for only a brief period. Upon the heels of the success at Rappahannock station was initiated the Mine Run campaign. On the 26th of November the regiment marched to Jacob's ford on the Rapidan, and was immediately deployed as skirmishers. Moving to the attack, it drove the enemy steadily about two miles through the wood leading the Union column. On the following day it was again engaged near the Orange Court House road, where it held the left of the line, the affair resulting in a brisk fight lasting from two o'clock, P. M., until dark. Having moved by a wrong road too far to the right of the army, it was ordered to withdraw to Robinson's tavern, and arrived on the afternoon of the 28th. On the following day it was sent on a reconnoissance to ascertain the exact position of the enemy, now holding a line of works along Mine Run.* Preparations were made for an assault, the Twenty-sixth holding a position on the right of the Second Corps, the extreme left of the army. On account of the severity of the weather and the strength of the enemy's works, it was deemed advisable not to attack, and further operations were abandoned. The regiment was then ordered to report to General Gregg at Parker's store, on the plank road leading from Fredericksburg to Orange Court House, where it arrived at one o'clock, P. M., and was immediately placed in position to repel an attack of the enemy following up the line of retreat. At daylight on the 2d of December it resumed the march, bringing up the rear of the army, crossing the Rapidan at Culpeppel Mine ford, and returned on the 3d to camp at Brandy station, with a loss in the expedition of one officer and five men killed, and one officer and twentythree men wounded. During the ensuing winter the command was engaged in constructing roads, indrill and picket duty, and in the general routine of camp life. More than half of the men re-enlisted in conformity to the terms of the government, receiving the tendered bounty and a thirty days' furlough. Thirty-five recruits were received and distributed among the several companies. In March: 1864, by the order of General Meade, the Third Corps was broken up, and the brigade to which the Twenty-sixth had, from the first, been attached, was re-organized by taking from it the Eleventh Massachusetts and Eightyfourth Pennsylvania, and by adding the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth New Jersey and the One Hundred and Fifteenth Pennsylvania. General Mott was assigned to its command, and General Carr to that of the division; but subsequently General Mott was placed in command of the division, and Colonel Robert M'Allister, of the Eleventh New Jersey, to that of the brigade. t In * During the operations at Mine Run, an officer of another regiment was wounded, and the bearers of a stretcher belonging to the Twenty-sixth started to carry him from the field. They had not gone far when a round shot from the enemy's battery struck the bearers, taking off the head of one and the ear of the other; the stretcher dropped, and the ludicrous part of the story is, that the officer jumped up and ran away towards the rear at a high rate of speed, to the surprise of those around.;t Organization of the Second Brigade, Colonel Robert M'Allister, Third Division, General G. Mott, Second Corps, Major General W. S. Hancock. First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1864 BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA COURT HOUSE. 353 the meantime General Grant having been placed in command of all the National forces, had fixed his head-quarters with the army of the Potomac, and in connection with General Meade, was directing its operations. On the 4th of May, 1864, the regiment, under command of Major Samuel G. Moffitt, took up the line of march for Ely's ford, and crossing upon the pontoons reached the old battle-ground at Chancellorsville late in the afternoon) bivouacking upon the same field where it had fought just a year before. On the following day it moved with the corps towards the Wilderness, and was deployed as skirmishers on the extreme left of the army, where the enemy was soon met in force and the engagement became general. Remaining on the left through the entire battle it steadily held its position against every attempt to turn it. The loss * was twelve killed and twenty-seven wounded. On the morning of the 8th the regiment was detailed with the Eighth New Jersey and Sixteenth Massachusetts, as a provisional brigade, under Colonel Ramsey, to guard the ammunition train, en route for Todd's tavern. It rejoined the brigade on the 10th and marched with the corps to Spottsylvania Court House, when it was formed in line of battle on the extreme left of the army, where it was engaged in constructing rifle-pits. In the afternoon a charge was made upon the rebel works, but without success. On the 12th the regiment participated in the grand charge of the Second Corps. Advancing in two lines, Barlow's and Birney's divisions forming the first, and Gibbon's and Mott's the second, under cover of a dense fog, Hancock swept over the earth works held by Edward Johnson's Division, of Ewells Corps, completely routing it, taking five thousand prisoners, fortyguns, and capturing GeneralsJohnson and Stewart. The regiment took two Napoleon guns, which they turned upon the enemy, with good effect. The captured works were held during the continuance of the battle, from the 10th to the 15th. In this engagement, known as the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, the loss in the Twenty-sixth was twenty killed and forty-five wounded. In the advance of the army, the regiment, while posted to defend the left flank was attacked by Rosser's cavalry. The shock was sudden and severe. Nine men were killed and two wounded by a single discharge from his light battery, but he was repulsed with slight additional loss. On the 21st it moved at dawn, crossing the railroad near Guinea station, and, passing through Bowling Green and Guilford, it encamped on the west side of the Mattapony creek. The next day it was engaged in building breastworks near Carolina county poor. house, and on the 23d marched near to the North Anna river, where it was exposed to heavy shelling from the enemy, but succeeded in pushing him across. On the 24th it crossed under heavy fire and immediately deployed as skirmishers to the right of the bridge, and continued in active duty in all the operations at this place. On the 27th it moved towards the Pamunky river, and crossed at Nelson's ford. Advancing about two miles, it was employed in throwing up breastworks. ColonelM'Laughlin; Twenty-sixthRegimentPennsylvaniaVolunteers, Colonel Bodine; Second Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, Coloiel Patterson; One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Dunne Fifth Regiment New Jersy Volunteers, Colonel Willian; Sixth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Colonel Burling; Seventh Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Colonel Sewell Eighth Regiment Now Jersey Volunteers, Colonel Ramsey. Private Christian Snyder, of company F, was shot through the back in this engagement; the spinal column being fractured. His last words were, " I do not care to die, but the Flag, the Flag." 45 354 TWENTY-SIXTH RIEGITENT, 1864 Here, the term of service having expired, it was relieved from duty. The re-enlisted men and those whose time had not expired were transferred to the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania, belonging to the First Brigade, Third Division of the Second Corps. Marching to White House landing, it embarked upon a propeller for Washington, where it arrived on the 4th of June and was quartered at the Soldiers' Rest. On the following day it proceeded to Philadelphia where it was escorted, by the Henry Guards, to the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, thence to Independence Hall, where it was disbanded. On the 18th the men were paid and formally mustered out of service. From its first entrance into service, it was almost constantly engaged in active duty; though never, but for a brief period, out of Virginia, long and fatiguing marches were frequent, repeatedly crossing its own track, and often marching and fighting over the same ground. Its ciampaignings opened upon the Peninsula and ended midway in the Wilderness. Its first experience was in the trenches before Yorktown, its last, by a few hardened veterans-the remnants of a once full ranked and stalwart body-amid the bursting of shells in the breast-works of the Pamunky. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MWTER INTO SERVIC. S. William F. Small... Col...... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Williamsburg-disch. June 30,'62. Benj. C. Tilghman.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. at Chancellorsville —disch. July 26, 1863, to accept Colonelcy of 3d U. S. C. T.-Bv. Brigadier General, March 13, 1865. Rush Van Dyke..... Lt. Col June 1,'61, 3 Discharged April 10, 1862. Robert L. Bodine.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from priv. to Com. Sgt., June 4, 1861-to 2d Lt. Co. K, Aug. 21, 1861-to Capt., Jan, 14,'62to Major, July 15,'62-to Lt. Col., Oet 12,'63to Col., Feb. 20, 1864-to By. Brig. Gen., March 14, 1864-mus. out with reg., June 18, 1864, Casper M. Berry..... Maj.... Jun 1I,'61, 3 Discharged July 7, 1862. Sam'l G. Moffltt.........do..... May 27'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A, to Major, Nov. 12,'63-tWd at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. Joseph Dickinson... Adj...... June 1, 61, 3 Transferred to Staff of Gen. Hooker, Aug., 1861. Peter P. G. Hall........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, February 16, 1863. John S. Riehl...........do.....June 1,'61, 3 P. from 1st Lt. Co. D, to Adj., Feb. 10,1863-wd. at Mite Run, November 27, 1863-mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. John Adler............ Q. M.... May 31'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt. Co. I, May 31,'61-died July 31,'62. Geo. W. Dickinson.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. Co. I, to R. Q. M., Aug. 1, 1862mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. St. Jno. W. Mentzer Srg... June 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Assistant Surgeon U. S, Volun. teers, March 25, 1863. Solomon S. Shultz.....do..... Aug.'63, 3 Res. Sept. 18,'63- appointed Asst, Sarg. U. S. V. Lewis R. Kirk.......do..... Nov. 3,'62, 3 Pr. from Asst. Surg. 112th reg. P. V., Nov. 3,'63mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1865. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Cor. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adj.ut~a. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried, Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Etew. steward. By. brevet, Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned, Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captaiai Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplai, Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. THREE YEPARS SERVICE. 355 RAMB. RARE ^ ^DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS NAME. RA BK. INTO SERVICE. - Samuel Hopkins..... As.Sur. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged, 1861. Jules B. Cohen..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged, 1861. T. W. Alexander........do..... Feb.'62, 3 Pr. to Surgeon 160th reg. P. V., Oct. 20, 1862. David Newcomer......do... June 21, 62, 3 Resigned August, 1862. T. A. F. Magnin........do..... July 20,'62, 3 Resigned December 29, 1862. Isaiah P. Dewling.....do...... July 20,'62, 3 Discharged November 19, 1863. H. S. Gross.............do.... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Resigned October 17, 1863. William Craig.............. Apr. 1,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. Charles A. Beck..... Chapn June 1,'61, 3 Resigned July 12,'62-re-commissioned Sept. 15, 1862 —mustered out with regiment, June 18,'64. Robert E. Parker...Sr. Maj May 27, 61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. of company A,Aug. 1, 1863mustered out with regiment, June 1, 1864. John W.Woodward...do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut. company I, Jan. 1, 1863. Sam'l G. Wregner......do..... May 27,'67, 3 Died of wds. received at Gettysburg, July 2,'63. Chas. W. Vanzant... Com. Sr May 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private of company A, Dec. 1, 1861-mustered out with regiment, June 18,'64. Wm. Sonerbier...... Q. M. Sr May 28, 61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg, P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Jacob C. Hamilton....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. company I, June 1, 1863. Charles Gass........... os. St. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted fr. private company E, March 8,'64mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. Luther Gerhard........do... May 27, 61, 3 Promoted Hospital Steward, U. States Army, February 16, 1863. Charles G. Marshall Muc.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted principal musician Sept. 30, 1862mustered out with regiment, June 18, 1864. JosephSteiner.... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64 -Vet COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Samuel 0: Mofftt... Capt.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, November 12, 1863. Robert Bruce............do.... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., Feb. 28, 1863-to Capt., Nov. 12, 1863-mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. John D. Sloan......... 1st Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company I, Jan. 1, 1863. William B. Fish........do... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Sergeant to 1st Lieut., Nov. 17, 1863 — mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Benj. R. Wright..... 2d Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lielpt., February 28, 1863-killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Peter-J. Donnley.... Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1,'64imustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John Hankey...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, June 23, 1863-to Sergeant, Dec. 13, 1864 —mus. out with company, June 18,'64. Norman Ackley........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, May 1, 1862-to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, March 21, 1864. Harrison G. Clifton...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Robert Ashton........ do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. y., June 1, 1864-Vet. Jno. W. Woodward...do...May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, November 1, 1862. Robert E. Parker......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Aug. 12, 18Q2 —to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862-to Sergeant Major, August 1, 1863. Joseph Neil.............do.... Sept.,'62, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1863-to Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1864-tr. to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. John H. Beck...do.......do May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, May 23, 1862-to Sergeant, Nov. 10, 1862-killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Samuel J. Wallace.....do....May 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 16,'1862. John P. Boyd.............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted October 4; 1862. William Wier...........do....May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August25, 1862. John H. Garity...... Corp... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 13, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John Russell..........do..May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 13, 1863-mustered.out with company, June 18, 1864. John Bailey.;..............do May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 13, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Joseph M. Walter......do May 27,'61, Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. John H. Kern........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Daniel Fillen............ do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. John R. Kern............do Aitg. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 30, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment, P. V., June 1, 1864. Joseph S. Davis.........d...o May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 9, 1861-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 11, 1864. 356 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, PATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE.. REMARKS. x. Rich'd C. Maxwell.. Corp... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1862-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. John Wagner............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed by accident at Cp. Union, Md., Aug. 1,'61. Richard Curtis...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 18, 1862-killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Geo. A. Cogswell.......do..... May 27, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 18,1862-killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Edward Murray'........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted October 27, 1861. Henry H. Smith........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Lemuel Benfer.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 27, 1862. Joseph P. Hasten.... Muc.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Joseph Steiner......... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Jan. 1, 1864. Frederick Pohlman...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Oct. 18, 1861. Allen, Samuel........ Private May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Arbuckle, William...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 27, 1864. Bumbaugh, Geo........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Bayne, William R....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Bale, Henry............:.do..... May 27,'61, 3 Woundedat Fair Qaks —dischargedon Surgeonas certificate-date unknown. Bonitz, Charles.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Brewster, James.,......do..... May 27,'61,3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Burns, John........d..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred toVeteranReserve Corps, Aug. 1,'63. Bentz, Jacob..............do.....Sept. 5,'62, 3 TransferredtoVeteranReserve Corps, Aug. 1,'63. Baldwin, James....... do...Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Blithe, Joseph.........do.... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Balance, Thomas....o...d..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 23, 1861. Blaker, Ulysses......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1862. Brewster, George....d...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Conrad, Edward........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cooper, Leon...........do... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run August 29, 1862 —discharged December 10, 1862. Clark, John..............do.....Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 6, 1863. Classeday, Michael...do..... Aug. 21,'61,... Deserted October 6, 1863. Crystle, James..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Diehl, William H......do..... May 27,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Daugherty, Geo.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe-date unknown. Dillon, John W........do..... May 27'61, 3 Died at Camp Union, Md., November 14, 1861. Duffey, Francis J.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1861. Diamond, Edward.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Tr to Co. C, 26th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Deblin, Peter............ do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 28, 1861. Fair, Philip............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Finnegan, John.....d...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Fairbanks,Sylvan's..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 30, 1861. Frickle, Charles........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 10 1861. Fawfer, Henry M......do... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown. Ferguson, James.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. H, 26th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Foster, Adam...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. H, 26th reg. P. V. —date unknown. Frazine, Henry M.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died August 17, 1862. Foster, William.........do..... May 27'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gentnor, Henry........do..May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'62. Gilpin, Charles........ do..... Sept 5'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July2, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 10, 1863. Gordon, Wm. 1st......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Gordon, Wm. 2d.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. C, 26th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Gordon, Samuel.........do.. May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to company C-date unknown. Groah, John..............do... April 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Gideon, William.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Grant, Alexander.....do.,.. Sept. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Gibson, John.............do...M.ay 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 27, 1862. Hill, Warren C.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Henry, James RB.......do.... May 27, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hannaberry, Wm......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded atGettysburg, July2, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 7, 1864. Highfield, Wm..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'62. Haines, Reuben........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Hoover, William.......do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Hayden, William......do... Aug. 31,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864, Haney, William.......do.. Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., August 1, 1863. Hayman, Josh...........do... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Hoyle, Joseph...........do... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa.-date unknown. Hagan, Henry..........d..... May 2761,'613 Deserted October 21, 1862. Hutton, William........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 7, 1864-Vet. Jordan, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 TransferredtoVeteranReserve Corps, Aug. 1,'63. Jennings, Thomas.....do.... April 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1,1864. Johson, William..J...do. May 27'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 357 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MRSTER I REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. R Krusen,Gustavus B Private May 27,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, Aug. 9,1862 —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 1, 1863. Kuhn, Charles...........do.....Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Kline, Benjamin........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. tocompany C, 26threg. P. V.-dateunknown. Kennedy, Wmin. C.......do..... May 27, 61, 3 Deserted Mey 28, 1861. Keffer, Frederick......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 27, 1862. Kulp, John F............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1862. Love, Charles.......... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Litzenburg, James...do..... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Died at Philadelphia, January 23, 1863. Levy, Aaron..............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps —date unknown. Longue, Patrick........do..... Aug. 2,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Lipsey, Thomas.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Lees, Charles E.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1862, of wounds received at Glen. dale, June 30, 1862. Lyman, Edmurv.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 27, 1861. Lamont, Richard......do.....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 6, 1863. Long, James..............do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Logue, S...................do........................ Died at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 9,085. Murray, George W...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Morrell, William.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'61. Merrick, Ferdinand...do..... May 27'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62. Maffett, Noah, Jr......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'62. Morris, Edward........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Camp Stiles, Md., December 15, 1861. Magargee, Andrew...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. Maxwell, Richard.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Namee, John......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Clune, Geo. W......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Mullin, Samuel.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Mahan, Michael...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Cabe, Francis.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62discharged August 21, 1863. M'Nabb, Samuel.......do..... Aug. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. M'Kinzie, William...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. M'Glucker, John......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 28, 1861. Naglor, George F.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Nippes, Charles.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Nexsser, Henry C......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. O'Donald, John........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Preston, William C...do,.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 29, 1862. Price, William........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 28, 1861. Quinn, Patrick..........do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21, 1864. Ripley, George.... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Rinehart, Hiram V..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 5, 1861. Ridgley, Charles D...do. May 27'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Robinson, John........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Rodgers, Michael......do..... May 27, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. C, 26th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Ripple, James...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Schooley, Wm.M. P...do..... May 27,61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Shaffer, Henry...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'61. Shlitenger, John........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 30, 1863. Sinex, Charles...........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Woundedat Gettysburg-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Sloan, Jacob...........do..... Dec. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Smith, Charles, 1st...do..... Aug. 30,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Stocker, Joseph M......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted October 4, 1862. Sullivan, James..... l..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted October 4, 1862. Smith, Charles, 2d.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, May 24,'64-grave, 1,349. Taylor, John T..........do Aug. 30,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 22, 1863. Van Horn, William...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, April 1, 1862 —.discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1862. Van Kirk, Pen'ton..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Woundedat Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 27, 1864. Vansant, Charles.......do. May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Willingmeyer, D......do.. Sept. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Wood, Basil...............do... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Winfield, Samuel......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,1862. Wilson, William........do... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Whitfield, Henry......do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Wilfong, Joseph.....[...do.... Sept, 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1,1864. Wilson, Jesse.............do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Williams, John....do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Woods, Robert...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wilson, John...........do.....Sept. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. 358 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RAN. DATE OF MUSTER RFRS. INTO SERVICE. R K A ug. 30,' 62, Wilson as.. Private, Chas.'62, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 27, 1863. Weir, Caleb.......... do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Weir, John........... do.. May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Weightman, Thos...do.. Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Young, John W...... do.... May 27,'61, Transferred to 99th reg. Jun I, Ju1864-Vet. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. John B. Adams. C...... Cap May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Lt. CoL., April 18, 1863-not musteredresigned June 3, 1863. Robert Gillespie.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr.toSgt.,July25, 61-to stLt., July 22, 62-to Capt., July 1, 63-mus.out with Co.,June 18,'64. John Brown...........1st Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Resigned July 1, 1862. James M'Elwee....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., July 3,'62-to 1st Lt., July 1,'63wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. William Morrison... 2d Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Dismissed July 5, 1862. John Newsome.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wonded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-pro moted to 2d Lieut., April 23,'64-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864-Vet. Andrew Hoss........ Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 5, 1862-wd. at Gettysburg, July 2, o with Co., June 18mustered out with Co., June 18, 1864. Samuel Smyth...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1862-to Sergeant, Dec. 31, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18,'64. Archibald Hayes.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 4, 1862-to Sergeant, April 24, 1864-mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. Clotworthy Evans.....d..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cer tificate, Sept. 7,1861. James Holliday......do... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John M'Cain..... d........do... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Jones Bradberry.......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. James Williamson.. Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. with loss of leg at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18,'64, Hugh Hemphill.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, Juno 18, 1864. Daniel Barr...............do.. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 4, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Chre arles Brger......do... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 4, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Anthony Bechter......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Edward Boyd.........do. Aug. 9,'613 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64Vet, Henry Boles...... d..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 0,'64-Vet. Wm. Anderson.......do.. May 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-VQt. William Dunn........ Muc...May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. George Parker....... do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Charles H. Cook...do. Mar. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Anderson, Wm...... Private May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Armstrong, John.....do..May 27,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Archer, Robert.......do..... Jan. 20'6,... Mustered out with company, June 18,1864.. Anderson, Isaac... d..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's ertificate, Dec. 22, 1862.. Archer, Thomas.......... Jan. 20,'62,... Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Abrams, Benj. H......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted November 21, 1861. Anderson, Matthew...do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Brown, Joseph...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Brown, Kennedy...... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, J une 18, 1864. Brown, Thomas........ May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Black, Hugh. d....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Broadbent, Dan'W.. do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Buchanan, Moses......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Buchanan Win. G.....do. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20,'61. Burt, John M............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, January 8, 1863. Batty, Henry............do. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged August25,1863, for wounds,with loss of arm,received at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63. Boyd, John........ do May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. THREE TEAnS' SERVICE. 359 NAME. BANK. DATE OF MUSTER E KS INTO SERVICE.. Bunting, John....... Private Sept. 13,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19, 1863. Bleyler, James L.......do..... Jan. 21,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Barger, Jacob...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 18, 1864. Cathers, William......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Clark, Wilson............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Culbertson, Alex......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cunningham; Rob't...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Clements, Geo. M......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 29, 1861. Culbertson, Robert...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, April 16,1862. Collins, John.............do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Collins, Charles........do..... Jan. 18, 64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Carson, Thomas.......do..... May 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64 —Vet. Carfrey, David...........do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Charlton, Charles......do..... May 27, 61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 13, 1862. Crawford, Thomas.....do..... Sept. 26,'62, 3 Killed at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27, 1864. Cunningham, John...do.... May 27,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Dripps, Alexander.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Deens, David...........do..... Sept. 28,'61,... Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Douglas, George.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 2,'62. Downie, Lewis C...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. C, 26th reg. P. V., Aug. 3,'61. Dingos, William........do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., April 20,'63. Dudgeon, Rich'd E...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Daisley, Robert......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died May 15, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Ewing, Thomas......l...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Elliott, Hamilton..do..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12,'62. Ervin, Joseph............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1863, Ervin, Samuel.........do.....May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1863. Eddy, Andrew........do.... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fleming, John..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, January 2, 1862. Fitzpatrick, Wmi.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1862. Gillespie, Thomas.....do..... Aug. 20, 61,... Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. George, William H...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Griffith, Thomas........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Gordon, Edward.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. Gillingham, Alex......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19,'61. Gamble, Robert........do..... Oct.'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. George, John.............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Humphreys, Henry...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hamil, James............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Hillman, Thomas......do..... May 27,9'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 10,'62. Hlardcastle, Edw'd.....do..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hunter, Robert.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died May 18, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Inch, Robert..............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Jordan, William:......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Knight, William.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Kefferly, Christop'r...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Kennedy, Robert......do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Keays, William.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Lake, John 8..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered' out with company, June 18, 1864. Leech, William.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Lesher, Joseph..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Leech, Thomas........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Little, John.....,do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Moore, George...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Locust Grove, Va., November 27, 1863mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Moore, Solomon........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,1863, and Spotti sylvania, May 10,'64-ab., in hos., at mus. out; Montgomery, Rob't...do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Maxwell, Joseph.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Martin, Edward.........o..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,'61. Maxwell, Robert..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'63. Maguire, John...........do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Murphy, John...........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Moran, John............do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Mack, Edwin...........do... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Mitchell. Samuel.......do..... Jan. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864, 360 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, INTO SERVICE. REMARKS BANK. _ _.... Mackey, Edward... Private Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted February 20, 1864. Mullin, Walter.........do......Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted February 20, 1864. M'Dowell, Wm.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Cullough, John.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Hanover Junction, Va., May 25, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. M'Clay, James.......d.... Dec. 21, 61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. M'Colgen, James.......do.... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. M'Keown, George......do..... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. M'Ginley, James......d......Dec. 30,'3, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Nixon, Joseph...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Nixon, Robert........ do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63-and at Wilderness, May6,'64-ab.,in hospital, at mus. out. Pallot, William.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 9, 1862. Rafferty, William......do. May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Robinson, Alex'r.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Roberts, Henry.......do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to United States Army, Nov. 2,'62. Russell, William.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Sloan, Samuel. d........o..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Hanover Junction, Va., May 25, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Salmon, Thomas........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Shaffer, Charles P......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Shean, Michael........do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Stephenson, John......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 26th reg. P. V., Sept. 22, 1861. Stewart, James.........do..Jan. 12, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Smithers, Henry.......d.... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 26th reg. P. V., Jan. 5, 1862. Sanderson, Robert.....do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Smyth, Matthew........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 11, 1864. Steel, Paul F..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted January 11, 1862. Sloan, James.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1863. Sterrit, John..............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Stockman, John.........do..,.. May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1862. Thornton, James.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 18, 1864. Trouland, Robert......d..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Thompson, Wm. J...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17, 1861. Trader, Edward........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Thompson, Edward...do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted August 23, 1863. Woodside, James......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Wrigley, William......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Wood, Thomas..........do..... May.27,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, June 13, 1862. Wright, Charles.......do..... Apr., 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Whitworth, John......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 2, 1862. Yetters, Henry........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 11, 1861. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Henry F. Young.... Capt..... May 28,'61, 3 Resigned May 29, 1862. Edward C. Thomas...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieut. company G, to 1st Lieut. company C, Feb. 19, 1862-to Captain, June 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18,'64. William C. Haines.. 1st Lt.. May 28,'61, 3 Resigned December 1, 1861. Samuel W. Taylor....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private company F, to 2d Lieut. company C, August 27, 1861-to 1st Lieut., June 1,'62-toCapt. andA. D. C. on Gen.Hooker's Staff -mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Geo. H. Roberts, Jr 2d Lt.. May 28,'61, 3 Resigned June 5, 1861-app'd on Gen. Hooker's Staff as Brigade Commissary Subsistence. Stephen Mitchell....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1861-to 2d Lieut., June 1, 1862-mus. out with company, June 18, 1864. William Foster...... Serg't. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Dec. 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Henry Smithers.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Dec. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Edward Barthy.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March, 1862. George EHaines..........d..... M. ay 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19,'62. Orlando Chatfield.,....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. James Kenney..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Franklin O'Brien...... do'... May 28,'61,3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. YTHREE: YEARS' SERVICE. 361 -A,' RA. DATE OF MUSTER M RS. NAME, RANX. 1NTO SERVICE. M Samuel B. Wiegner Serg't. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 1, 1862. Robert L. Thomas......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Brandy Station, Va., Nov. 22, 1863. James Sherman........d..... May 28,'61, 3 Missing in action at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63. William Haines...... do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted November 5,1862. Joseph Stevenson... Corp... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 29,'62-wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Thos. H. Goodman...do.. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 29,'62-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John A. Smith...........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. John Judd.................do..May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Thomas Linehan......do... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Henry Scullion............May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3,'62-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. James Dougherty.....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, March 31, 1864-Vet. Franklin Wise........ jMuc.. May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. James Nagle.......... May 28,'61 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Adams, James....... Private May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Bradley, Geo. W....... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Bales, John............ do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1861. Bellomere, Wm.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Brown, Henry........... do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'63. Blair, William...........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Benton, Joseph.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Brown, Michael........do.... ug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64. Bitters, LorenzoC......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Burns, John..........d....... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Brown, George W.....do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md.-date unknown. Bryson, Andrew.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Bond, John.......,....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Bryant, Samuel.........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Branigan, Peter............. do. Oct. 23, 62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Carr, George C........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Connelly, James. o......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Conahey, George W..d..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Qettysburg, July 2,1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Coyn, William............do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Conover, John........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Carr, Thomas A........do.... Sept. 19,'64, 3 Transferredto 99th regiment, P. V., May 30, 1864. Campbell, Neal...... do... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30'64-Vet. Cooper, George E......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Cooper, Thomas N.....do.. July 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Carr, John.........M....do. May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July2, 1863-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Clark, Daniel.........d..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 23, 1864. Coyn, Abraham.......d..... Map 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cooper, Henry E..... do........................ Not on muster-out roll. Downie, Lewis C.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, August 1, 1861mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Dorsey, William H..do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Darragh, William.....do.....Ma 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Dailey, Charles.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Dougherty, William...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1861. Dormon, John............do.. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Diamond, Edward.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged-onSurgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Dawson, John C........do..... May 28,'61 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Dickenson, Geo. W...do May.28,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, May 29, 1861. Delaney, Charles.....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 18,'63. Dytch, Henry............do.. Ma y 28, 61, 3 Deserted November 5, 1862. England, Henry..d....o.....I May 28,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8, 1863. Ferguson, James......do.... May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Foster, George C.......do..... May 28,'61,1 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Fairbanks,Syl'us Mi].do... May 28,'61 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. Fulton, Robert..........do... May 28,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Gordon, William,......do..... May 27,'61, Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, i863 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Greenlee, James B....... May 28,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 5,'62. Gordon, Samuel.. o... do May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. 46 362 TWENTY-SIXTH EREGIMNT, NAMRE.A DATE OF MUSTER RMAR INTOSERVICE. REMAR Gallouppie, Henry.. Private Aug. 20,'63, 3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Gerhard, Luther...... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Army-date unknown. Geiger, William C.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted November 5, 1862. Green, William H.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Hayes, Dennis.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Harvey, Samuel........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862-tr. to V. R. C. H:agan, Samuel.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 10, 1862. Houghton, George.....do..... May 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 18, 1863. Hoffman, Charles......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Hassenprat, Mark......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 20, 1862Johnson, W. J. C.......do....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 1, 1863. Johnson, Samuel......do..... May 28, 61, 3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Jones, William........do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Drafted-captured atBroadRun,Va.,Nov.27,'63, diedatAndersonville, June 11,'64-grave, 1,840. Kline, Alfred J. o..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. mps, Antonia........do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July2, 1863-tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Kennedy, James.......do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Kerns, John............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Kerr, Charles J.........do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Lemon, Stephen.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 4, 1862. Lewis, William.........do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Tr. to 99th regimentP. V., May 30,1864. Miller, Henry............do....May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Moore, Henry...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 4,'62, by order of War Department. Montz, John..............do.....May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 25,'63. Moritz, Joseph.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Morris, Woodman.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Mayers, John A........do... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Martin, Robert..........do. July 21,'62, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., Jan. 15, 1864. Menices, Thomas.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Murphy, John...........do Aug. 21,'63, 3 Killed at Broad Run, Va., November 27, 1863. Martin, Benjamin.....do Jan. 25,'62, 3 Missing in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Miller, Robert G.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1862. Morgan, Mark..........do.May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. M'Bride, Lewis C......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Manus, Philip......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-mus. out with company June 18, 1864. MIntyre, John.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 5 1863. M'Donald, John..........d.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. M'Carron, Edward...do....May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. M'Avoy, James...d.......Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Mesler, G. T...................................... 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 4, 1862buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Newman, Thomas.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered 3 out with company, June 18, 1864. Nonemaker, Chas...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Nixon, Matthew......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. O'Neill, James...........do.....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Price, William.........do..... Mar. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Porter, John A..........do Jan. -,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Prickett, Joel....do......................... Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Phillips, James....d..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Prosser, George L....do April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Potts, Andrew..........do.................... Not on muster-out roll. Quinn, Martin...........do May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Rodgers, Michael......do.....May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-at Spottsylvania, May 16, 1864 —mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. Ralston, Andrew.....do.....May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 16, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Riley, Daniel...........do.....Aug. 20,'6 3, Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Rettherser, Wm......do..... Aug. 20,'63,'3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Roach, John..............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Reeves, Alfred J........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., January 15, 1864. Royer, Samuel..........do.....Aug. 20,'63, 3 Missing in action at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64. Rodondurg, James...do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Ryeday, Francis.......do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September, 1863. Smith, George R........do.May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Slim, George B........do.. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Stanton, Patrick........do.. Aug. 20, 63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 363 NAME R DATE OF MUSTER NAME, RAY K. REM RIf.... NAX. R ANK. INTO SERVICE. EMAR I2 Sullivan, John........ Private July 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Spencer, George..........do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64, Simkins, William......do. May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Sullivan, James.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. Thornley, Alfred J...do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1863. Thomas, Reese D......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Timnins, Michael......do. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861 Vandler, Jacob........do.... July 29,'62, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63-transferred to V. R. C., August 18, 1863. Wilkner, George...... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Williams, Thomas.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Sept. 21, 1862. Winters, Hugh.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Whirlow, Joseph......do.. Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64. Webster, Charles......do.. May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Young, Joseph P......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Young, Charles........do.., May 28,'61, 3 Died June 9, 1862, ofwounds received in front of _________ Yorktown. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Wm. W. Swenk...... Capt.... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John S. Rieh.........st Lt.. June. 1'61, 3 Promoted to Adj. 26th reg. P. V., Feb. 10, 1863. Jeremiah J. Heilig...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., May 10, 1863-to 1st Lt., Nov. 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John S. Donnell..... 2d Lt.. June 1,'61, 3 Resigned August, 1861. John M'Grath............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1,'61-dismissed Feb. 10,'63. Charles Raisner..... Serg't.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Mar. 10, 1863-mus. out with company, June 18, 1864. Samuel Radcliff........June 61, 3 Promoted to Cor. Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 18, 1864. A. W. Eldridge......d...d...... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Ot. 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1864-mus. out with company, June 18, 1864. Fled. Dithman..........do.....June 1,61, 13 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 12, 1861. Wm. Parlaman.........do.. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg.. certificate, Sept. 26, 1862. John W. Wright.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg.. certificate, July 12, 1861. Albert Magnin...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Dec. 25, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. John Dickson.;............do....June: 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 1, 1861-killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. John F. Flannery......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died June 15, 1864, oiwounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Nathan Rosenfelt......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died Oct. 30, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Samu'l F. Williams...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed Feb. 24, 1864, by accidental discharge of rifle-Vet. William Congdon......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-deserted Aug. 20, 1862. Theodore Moffitt....Corp... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 19, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Bernard Donnelly..do...... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted toCorporal, Oct. 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 18,1864. George W. Henry..do. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted toCorporal, Dec. 1,1863Z-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. David Farren............... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug. 20, 1862. Morris Hylent...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Mar. 8, 1863. Robert W. Martin.....do...J.une 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 1, 1862. Lemuel W. Blair......do..... June 1,'61, 3; Promoted to Corporal, February 22, 1864-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. George P. Gregg......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 22, 1864-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Peter Ritchie.............do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Samuel Lynch.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863-killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Daniel M'Gonigle......do..... June 1,'6 3 Deserted January 1, 1862. Francis Donahue.. Muc... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Emanuel Johnsoi.,...do..... Sept.. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Sept. 29, 1862. 364 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Andrews, David..... Private Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Austin, Franklin.....do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Brodie, John.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Barger, John............do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged January 1, 1863, for wounds received at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Bodine, Robert L......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted Com. Sgt., June 3, 1861. Baird, James.......... do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Bohrert, Adam..........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Boyle, John..............do....June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Becker, Henry..........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Brechter, Frederick...do.....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Caves, Edward..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Conroy, James.........do...June 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Cavanaugh, Philip...d..... June 1, 61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's ertificate, Aug. 12,'61. Cobb, Thomas......... do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Comfort, Philip.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged October 1, 1862, for wounds received at Fair Oaks, June 25, 1862. Connelly,Thomas J...do..... June 1,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,61. Crossley, Josiah.........do..June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'63. Connor, Daniel..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Connor, Michael........do.. June 1, ^61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, "64-Vet. Cloud, Francis.......... do.... Nov. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 18,'63. Casper, Ferdinand.....do....Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted August 22, 1863. Cossgrove, John........do... Sept. 26,'61 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Donnelly, John.........d..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Durnell, James........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Detweiler, Joseph.... do..... June 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'63. Dickson, Henry........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Dorethy, Thomas......do.....June 1,'61, 3 transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64 —Vet. Dougherty, And'w.....do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Enniver, Lawrence...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Eagan, James............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Eddis, Isaac..........d..... June 1, 61 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Everham, Albert.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Fowler, William........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Faunce, George.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Gorman, Charles.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. QGriffith, Lewis.........d.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Ganno, Bernard........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered tout with company, June 18, 1864. eohrdis, Frederick...do....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dee. 14,'63. Green, Thomas.........do. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Green, Joshua............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61, Geiger, John W.........do,... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Harkinson, John........do..June 1,'61, 3 Pr. toCorp.,July 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 1,'62-red. Jan. 1,'64 —mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. Hart, John...............do.... ne J 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hood, Alonzo...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Holsworth, Wm.........d..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Heft, Charles...........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, July 12,'61. Hill, Christopher.......do.... Aug. 26,2,'6, 3 Transferred to99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Harris, James.........do....June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1864. Henkenston, Frank...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 17, 1861. Horn, William...........do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 14, 1863. Hoopes, John M.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Johnson, Charles......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, July 1,'61-to Sgt., May 19,'62red. Sept. 1,'62-mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. Jamison, Pryor.........do.... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Jones, John..............do.....June- 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1861. Jones, George............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1861. Katzenburg, Lewis...do..... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 23, 1863. Kiker, Joseph...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 30, 1863. Kannangresser, U......do... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Kenderdine. Thos......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 24, 1863. Klinker, Ferdinand...do... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted November 27, 1863. Kane, John..............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 6,'61, by Special Order, War Depar't. Kulby, August..........do...Aug. 19,'63, 33 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30. 1864. Lafferty, John D........do... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18,1864. Lanason, Thomas......do June 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, 1861. Lee, Robert...............do... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., July 10, 1862. Lyons, Joel C............ do... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, June 25, 1862. Morrison, William...do. June 1, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Maguire, Franklin...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Marchl 12, 1862. Murphy, Timothy.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, 1861. Mickle, Robert......... do June 1, 61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, 1861. Miller, Wiliam B....do. June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 365 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. RES. Montgomery, Chas. Private Sept. 16,'62, Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Meeker, Daniel......... do.. June 1,'61, Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Mitchell, James.........do..... Sept. 19, 62, Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. M'Connell, James....do..... June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Gran, John......... do..... June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Nally, George........ d Aug. 22,'61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1, 1862. M'Annany, Micha'l...do.. June 1,'61, Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. M'Connell, Wm........do..... Juue 1, 61, Deserted June 25, 1863. M'Cormick, James...do..... June 1, 61, Deserted June 17, 1861. M'Dern, John..........do..... June 1,'61, Deserted June 17, 1861. M'Cauley, Alex......... do.... June 1,'61, Discharged March 8, 1863, forwounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Williams, Alex..... do............................. Died at Philadelphia, April 10, 1864. Newburg, William...do.....Aug. 20,'63, Deserted September 20, 1863. Percival, John..........do..... June 1, 61, Absent at muster out of company. Peters, Henry........ do... June 1,'61, Transferred to 99th reg P. V., May 30, 64-Vet. Powers, John............do.....Oct. 8, 62, Transferred to99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Prifold, George.......... do..... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V.. May 30,'64-Vet. Powell, William........do. June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Quinn, Cornelius..do.... June 1,'61, Deserted June 17, 1861. Ryan, Thomas W.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Reed, James..............do...June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Rhodes, William.......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Rowan, Charles......do.....Sp'96 3 Rowan, John.......do. June 1,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'64. Rose, Charles........do.... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 18,'63. Rosenthal, Max.........do. Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Rodgers, Samuel.......do..... June 1,'61, Died December 25, 1861. Riegal, John......do......do Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 20, 1863. Roper, Andrew.......do.....Aug. 27,'62, 3 Deserted November 2, 1862. Ross, John................. do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted November 27, 1863. Stackhouse, Amos..... do...June 1,'61, 3 Reduced from Sergeant, September 1,'61-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Savage, Henry J..... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Spencer, William......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 21,'62. Sowers, Daniel......do.....June 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'62. Squibb, David C...... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Stone, John.......... do.. Nov. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64. Salters, Casper.........do... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 11, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Smith, William.........do.. June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Schmidt, Christian...do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 22, 1863. Smith, James...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 17, 1861. Silcox, Joseph.......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted January 10,1862. Stevenson, James......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Steele, William.......do. Aug. 20'61, 3 Deserted March 1, 1862. Shane, George.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Tomkins, Charles......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Tolan, John....... do. June.. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Thompson, John... do.... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Thompson, John B...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. Thompson, John........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 17, 1861. Underkofler, Wm...... do.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Vernon, George........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Locust Grove, Va., November 27, 1863. Worknot, John F...... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Weldon, Alexand'r...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged March 8, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30,1862. Williams, Robert... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Winner, Charles........do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Wilds, Richard....... do... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 25, 1863. Willson, August.......do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 14, 1863. White, Robert.........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 6, 1864, to February 26,'65mustered out, May 18, 1865. Willman, Valentine...do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Missing in action at Bristoe Station, Va., October 14, 1863. Wolf, Nathaniel.......do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. S. S. Rankin.......... Capt.... May 28,'61, 3 Dis. by sen. of general court martial, Oct. 31,'61. William E. Scherr.....do.......................... 3 Promoted toCaptainFeb. 14,1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 12, 1863. Jacob Giller............... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. toCapt. Feb. 25,'63-absentatmus. outof Co. 366 TWENTY-STXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OFMUSTERI REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. I Henry C. Allen..... 2(1 Lt... May 28,'61, 3 Resigned September, 1861. Thomas M. Allen.......do..... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut., February 1,'62-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Charles Ross.......... st Sgt. May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville and at Gettysburg, with loss of leg-cor. 1st Lieut-not musteredmustered out with company, June 18, 1864. William J. Hare........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Richard Simpson......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 25, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 31, 1864. Jacob C. Iamilton....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Quartermaster Sergeant, June 3, 1861. Robert Potts.............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64.-Vet. Robert Anderson.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. John Brazil...............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Dec.,'63-died at Philadelphia, April 4, 1864-Vet. Robert Johnson..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died July 19, 1864, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Lewis Shepperd...... Corp.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Jonathan Smith.........do..... May 28,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Samuel O'Brien.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John Campbell.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Williamt Hanna.........do..... May 28,'61, 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Otis Shaw..................do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disoharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Mar'n Cunningham...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Charles M'Pherson...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Peter M'Mahon..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Winfield S. Perkins Muc.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Andrew Hamilton......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Arbuckle, Henry...Private Sept. 19, 62, 3Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Aikens, George.........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Adams, Dexter........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 1, 1863. Burk, John E......... do.... May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Bromall, David........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Bell, Robert..............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'62. Burk, John...............do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Buchanan, David......do..... May 28'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Berry, Lewis............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 16, 1863. Connelly, Bernard.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 DischargedonSurgeon's certificate, July 12, 1861. Craton, Robert..........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon'scertificate, July 12, 1861. Carr, Charles..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, withloss of leg, received at 2d Bull Run. Craig, Hamilton.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Cassidy, Hugh..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Chinn, Carl..............do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Cully, Conrad...........do..,.. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, May 28, 1861. Cummings, Wm........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, June 8, 1861. Callan William.........d..... May 28,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1863, of woundsreceived at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Carmichael, Joseph...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Brandy Station, Va., November 17,'63. Cronin, John F...........do.... May 28,'61; 3 Deserted January 1, 1862. Dougherty, Charles...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to099th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Dougherty, Joseph...do..... May 28,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. English, John........... do May 22,'61, 3Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Ewart, James............do.. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred tVet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Ferguson Samuel.....do..... May 28,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Fisher, arles B.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Ferguson, John..........do... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 99thregiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Fitz, John.................do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Godfrey, William......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., May 5,'62-discharged May 24, 1862. Glass, Matthew.......do..... May 28,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. George, James L........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at FairOaks, June 25,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 8, 1863. Green, Joshua...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'S certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Gray, John................do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Gardessier, Joseph.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Gass, Charles......... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, March 8, 1864. Gaitons, Hugh..........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died July 21, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Gray, Robert............do.....May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 24, 1862. Green, Morris...........do..... July 22,'63, 3 Died at Andorsonville, July 12,'64-grave, 3,230. Henderson, Wmi. G...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to Co.K, 26th regimentP. V.-date unknown. Hanner, Sylvester.....do...... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hann, Augustus.......do..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hazell, Henry...... do May 28,'61, 3 Died July 18, 1862, of wounds received at Fair Oaks, June 26,1862; THIRE YEARs'. SERVICE. 367 I l NAMB. B^MK. liNTO- SERVICE. Johnston, Charles... Private May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Jamison, Thomas......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Johnston Thomas.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99threg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Johnson, William.. do.....May 28,'61, 3 Die'd Noveber 5, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August;29, 1862. Johnson, William......do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 DiedatAlexandria, Va., Apr. 21,'64-grave 1,768. Kirkwood, William...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Kelly, William........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged, on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'63. R err, John, 1st.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Kerr, John, 2d....... do. Nov. 13,'62, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Lister, Patrick......o.....M. May 28,'6i, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. wton, Albert.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Loughrey, John..........do... ay 28,'61,3 Died July 19, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Lowery, Samuel R...do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted October, 1863. Logan, Robert...........do.. May 2, 61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Moore, Samuel........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Mahoney, Michael......do..... ay 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Miller, Jamnes..........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Monroe, Carlos.,.....do... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Martell, Martin......do..... Aug.21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Martin Samuel.......... May 28, 61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,1864-Vet. Mackey, John...........do..May 28,'61, 3 Died.Oct.9,'62,ofwds. rec. atBullRun,Aug. 29,'62. Murphy, Jeremiah.....do. May 28,'61, 3 Killed'at Frdericksburg, December 14, 1863. MFadden, Alexr......do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Intyre, Charles.....do..May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Kee, Thomas.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. MCullen, Thomas....do..... May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Cully, John........do..... May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Ananney, Peter......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgen's certificate, July 12,'61. M'Neil, Matthew......do...May 2~, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'63. M'Guire, James..........ug..21, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. M'Quiston, Robert....do..... May 81, 61,3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 14, 1862. Moss, John..............do May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. M'Devit, Charles... do.....May 28,'61, Deserted' Jue 17, 1861. M'Ginnelly, John... do. May 28,'61, 3 Deserted.June 17 1861. M'IIntyre, John. do... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Nicholl, Joseph... do..... May 28,'1, 3 Mustered out with cormpany, June 18, 1864. Nelson, James.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 illed at' Frederickburg, Va., Dec. 14,1863. Orr, John.................do....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. O'Connell, William..do.....May 28,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1863. Patterson, Robert......do..... May 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Patterson, William...do.....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11'62. Patterson, Andrew...do..... 28, 61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Park, James........... do ay 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Potts, Adam............. do.... ay 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Perry, Albert...do....July 17, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64. Pearson, Mark.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Preso, Thomas.........do..Aug. 21, 63, 3 Died at Andersonville, June 9,'64-grave, 1,780. Royer, Joseph.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out With company, June 18, 1864. Reed, Thomas......... do.....May 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Srgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Robb, William........do.....May 28,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Rowan, William....do o... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'61. Robbins, John..........do... April 14,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Rodrigner, Francis...do.. Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Ralston, James......... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 14, 1863. Sexton, James.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Stewart, Joseph......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30,'62. Spelty, William........do... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Stevenson, James..... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Scott, John...............do..... Feb. 4,'63, 3 Prisoner from October 14, 1863, to March 8,'65mustered out July 17, 1865. Stump, Michael.........do.....Aug. 19,'63, 3 Deserted October 4, 1863. Tiernay, John..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Talilor, Francis...... do.....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted November 4, 1863. Thompson, Rob't L...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29,. 1861. Thomas, William.......do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted November 4, 1863. Vance, William.......do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Williams, Hayes.......do....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Whittle, Hug...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Wallace, William......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Captured at Williamsburg, Va., May 5,'62-discharged by order qf War Dep't-date unknown. Wilson, John...........do... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to'.th regiment P. T., May 30,'64. Weeks, Henry........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Wendall, Charles J...do............................. Died at Philadelphia, August 2, 1863. 368 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. DATU OF MUSTER NANM. RAN. A. PRT KS. INTO SERVIC E. 4 Richard A. Thomas Capt....May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11, 1863. Thomas J. Carnan... 1st Lt... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11, 1863. M.V. B. Hutchinson...do... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., Feb. 16, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. James R. Hadley... 2d Lt... May 28,'61, 3 Resigned December 29, 1862. James S. Caldwell.....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Prombted to 2d Lieut., Feb. 27, 1863-wounded at.Gettysburg-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 1, 1863. William T. Lea...... 1st Sgt. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8, 1863. William Clark........ Serg't.. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Samuel Wood...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 5, 1863. William Heyer..........do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. William B. Mallory...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. George F. Wood..... Corp... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug., 1863-mustered out with.company, June 18, 1864. John Sydenham.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp., Aug., 1863-capturedNov. 27,1863mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Oby King................ do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. William A. Leslie......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Charles A. Morris......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on'Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'63. John Huffnagle.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Michael Eagle...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chanceilorsville, May 3, 1863. Charles Wendell........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, August 2, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Frederick Mattetal...do....May 28,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, January 19,1864, of wounds received at Mine Run, November 27, 1863. William F. Phillips...do.. May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-Vet. Wm. E. Eldridge.,. Muc.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'63." Ahern, Edward..... Private May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Alexander, George..do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Albert, George...........do.... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 11, 1863. Brady, Thomas H.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Barquett, Frederick...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Beasly, Abraham......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Brown, John M.... d..d....... May 28,'61, 3 T r. to company I, 26th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Bunting, Robert........do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 26th reg. P. V., 1862. Brunhue, Christ'n.....do.... July 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Bush, William...........do..... July 21,'63, 8 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Brigal, Augustus......do..... Aug. 31,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment'. V., May 30,'64. Burton, Edward........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., July, 1861. Broadent, Joseph........ May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Brooks, John............... July 22,'63, 3 Deserted November 26, 1863. Chute, Francis B.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Collins, Michael.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Coleman, James........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cully, Conrad............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Carney, Joseph.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4, 1864. Conlin, John............do..... May 28,'61, 3 TransferredtoVeteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 5,'64. Campbell, Michael...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 26th regiment P. V. Castillo, Ferdinand...do... Aug. 12,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Coryell, Joseph B......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 5, 1863. Carberry, John......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Cummings, John.. d...do.... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted December 11, 1863. Cullighan, Arthur....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Delaney, John F.......do..... May 28'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Donnelly, Edw'd P...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Derlin, Peter.............do.....May 28, 61, 3 Disharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6, 1864. Davis, James............do.... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Davis, David.............do.... May 28,'61, 8 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Devine, James...........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 5, 1863. Devon, John.............do May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Davidson, Joseph......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 27, 1862. Daily, Michael..........o May 28, 61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Everstein, William..do....:Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Enright, Timothy.....do..... July 27,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., TMay 30,'64. Fletcher, Augustus...do.., May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 8,18 4;. THREE YEARS' SERVICE, 369 DATE OF MUSTERT REtARBs. INTO SERVICE. ~4 ~'. I. Frame, John, Jr.... Private May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1862. Gantt, George............do.. May 28,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg July, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Goldsmith, James.....do.. May 28,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Gault, William F.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29,'62. Gallagher, George......... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 5, 1864. Geibel, Adam...........do.... Aug. 20% 62, 3 1Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Gibbons, James.........do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 64. Grey, George............do..Aug. 20,'63, Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Griffith, Charles........do..... May 28, 61, 3 Deserted September 27, 1862. Gaynor, Augustus... do..... May 28, 61, 3 Deserted June 11, 1861. eintzelberger,J. R...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hannen, Patrick.......do.... May 28,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hiot, Crowther.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon ertificate, Oct. 28, 1862. Hays, Richard...........do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertifcate, Nov. 16, 63. Hilt, William.......... d...... May 28u, 161, sertenced by general court martial-tr. to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Henry, Charles.........do...... Aug. 19, 63, 3 Died December 7, 1863, of wounds received at Mine Run, November 27, 1863-buried at Alexandria-grave, 1,111. Hopkins, James H.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, December, 1863-Vet. Henry, Richard........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Johnson, Thomas.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. King, William........do........ ay 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Krepps, Frederick....do..... May 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22, 63 Kennedy, John.....do..... ept. 15, "62, 3 Transferred to compay B, 26th reg. P. V., 1862. Kirkpatrick, Henry...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Kenney, James.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. Lejoy, Fank............do....July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Laughlin, Peter.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 23, 1833, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Lutes, Joseph............do..... Aug. 20,63, 3 Deserted October 11, 1863. Maines, Patrick.........do..... May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Mooney, John.........do...... May 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Mitchell, Joseph........do..... Sept. 15, 62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 18, 1862. Morris. Patrick..........do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Moore, William H......do..... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Mason, Moses............do....May 28 61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Malrtin, Patrick.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1862. Maloney, Jamfs........do..... May 28,'61, l3 Prisoner July 1,1862-deserted December, 1862. M'Kewn, Michael......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Mi'tKewn, George.........d..., Sept. 15,'62, Transferred to company s1, 26th reg. P. V., 1862 M'Grath, Michael.......do.....Sept. 15, 62, 3- Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. M'Ginty, Michael......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. M'Graw, John...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. M'i owan, Arthur......do..... May 28'61, 3 Deserted July 23, 1861. Nolen, John..........do.. May 28,'61, s Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 161, Norris, Daniel.........do..;.. May 28,'6, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. ihelson, William..do..... May 28, 61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. O'Brien, Patrick........do... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, August 18, 1862. Powell, Augustus......do...May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Proud, Henry............d....o May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Powell, David H.. d........d May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg- P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Pike, William.......do May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Pulley, Theodore....d...... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Painter, J. G...........do.......................... Died at Andersonville, July 11,'64-grave, 3,179. Quinn, Michael........do.... Sept. 16, 62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P.V., May 30'64. Roberts, Thomas............. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6.'64. Rice, William 8.........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Rosenstein, Wm........do.... July 10,63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V. May 30,'64. oberts, Daniel.......do..... May 28, 61, 3 3Deserted July,'62-sentenced by court martialtransferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Riley, John...............do....Feb. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 64. Rick, William..........do.. Aug. 21, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64. Roberts, Henry........d.d...... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Died in Charles county, Md., December, 1861. Rowe, George.......d....o May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Steinmetz, Samuel.do...... May 28,61, 31 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Stryke, CharleR V..... do. May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. SweetmatiJ -ohn.............May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Stewar,'Joseph........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, 26th regiment P. V. Shurey, Albrt..d......o..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. -Stack, James.........do...Aug. 21,'63, 8 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Seligman, Marcus.d........... Aug. 21,'63,8 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Strdback, Gottlieb..do..... July 22'6 8 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. oeGog.....|.d..5ay2,'6~'" e r e u g s 9,I6.1.. 370 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS NAMT. O SERVICE. REMARKS..m> M -mih, ____'.. A g Smith, John E....,... Private Aug. 30, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Smith, John S..........do.. Sept. 8,'62, 3 i Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Scott, George W.......do..... Aug. 29'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Straney, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 19, 63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,1864. Shriver, Andrew H...do..... Aug. 19,'63 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Sweeney, Michael....do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Snyder, Christian......do.... ug. 20, 63, 31 Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Smith, John F..........do..... July 25,'63, 3 Deserted April 19, 1864. Stone, Samuel........... do....Aug. 21,'63,3 1 Died at Andersonville, June 1,'64 —grave,. 1,535. Thomas, Benj. F.... do..May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, 2d Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Mine Run-mustered out with company, June 18,'64. Turnbull, Joseph.......o..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Timony, John.......do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1862. Teate, William.......do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Thompson, Chas........do..May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Vangoux, Joseph....do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Williams, Win. M......do.....May 28,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Walters, Adam........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Whitaker, Wm.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Williams, Roger.......do..... May 28,'61,3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Watts, Alexander......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Williams, Griffith...d....o M.. ay 28,'61, 3 Deserted. July 23, 1861. Wick, Benedict......... do. Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 11, 1863. Watts, Thomas........do.. May 28,'61, 3 Died December 9, 1863, of wounds received at M_________ine Run, November 27, 1863. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Henry Goodfellow.. Capt.... May 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Judge Advocate from July 1, 1863, to March 28, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. William T. Baum... Ist Lt.. May 28,'61, 3 Captured-exchanged October 1,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 9, 1863. Henry Jacques..........do... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Mar. 15,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 9,'63wd. at 2d Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancel lorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run and Wilder ness-mustered out with company, June 18,'64 Edward C. Thomas 2d Lt. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. C, Feb. 19, 1862. Thomas P. Morris......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to 2d Lt.,Mar. 9,'63killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. John H. Morris.e.... Serg t.. May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Robert Tricker...........do.. May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1862-wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. Wm. H. Smith..........do...May 28,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 21, 1862-by order of War Dept. P. J. Bodenhoffer......do. May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'62. MarkSilcox..............do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Abraham Lister.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. A. J. Woodington.......do....Dec. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Thomas Maginnis......do... Aug. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Charles Rodabaugh Corp.... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 1,'62-wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-mus. out with company, June 18, 1864. Edward Mooney........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 1,'63-wd. at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63-mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. George W. Fisher......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 4, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. John Richards...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 15, 1862. Adam Shrivers.........do.....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 16,'63. David Thorn.............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Henry Wells.........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Robert L. Thomas..... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. C, 26th reg. P. V., Mar. 1,'62. ohn. Jacobs.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., November 15, 1863. Charles Sori.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died June 1, 1863, of wounds received at Chancollorsville, May 3, 1863. OGel, B. Willilams... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died July 24, 1862, at Harrison's Landing, Va. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 371 NAKB. |I ~ BA.DATE 0F MUSTER | Pi K.INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. James Wallace....... Corp.... May 28, 61, 3 Wd. and mis. in action at Gettysburg, July 2,'63. Samuel Pike.......... c...u.... May 28,'61, 3Promoted musician, June 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. George Dougherty.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Agin, William M... Private May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. Auner, William........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Doncaster, Md., January 15, 1862. Biddle, George W...... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out.with company, June 18, 1864. Burke, Henry. dM.........d..... May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U.,S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. Brown, James...........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Barker, William........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Baker, Samuel W......do May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bowen, Peter..........do.... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 4, 1864. Bolkhart, John.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1862. Bush, William...........do........................ Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864-to serve time lost by desertion. Brodie, James............do...................... Killed at ChancellorSville, May 3, 1863. Boyer, William........ do.........................3 Deserted December 1,1862. Bero, Gustave...........do....May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 3, 1862. Boyle, James............do..... Aug. 31,'63, 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Barr, Enos................do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 15, 1862. Campbell, Jas. W.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cummings,Michael...do May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Carpenter, Charles...do May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery I, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. Caterson, Williams....do....May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent at muster out. Cline, Charles...........do...May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cannon, John........do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. Childs, Stephen........do...May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Callahan, Peter........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 29, 1862. Chantry, Peter..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Falmouth, Va., June 1, 1863. Croft, Robert.............do..May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 15, 1861. Davis, David...........do May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3,1863-reduced from Sergeant, February 18, 1864 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Doldie, Jacob F.......do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Deckel, Anthony.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg P. V, May 30,'64-Vet. Donaldson, Alex'r...do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P V., May 30,'64. Diebler, Peter J.......do.....May 28,'61, 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., May 6,'62, of wounds received in action. Doldie, Christian........................... Deserted January 1, 1862. Esich, Judah............do.....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted September 20, 1863. Fields, Charles H.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Fagenbush, Jacob......do..... Aug. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Frey, John.......... do..Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Flyght, Levi...........do Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-?: iygu v......u^....., transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'q4 Forbes, Daniel M.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 18'63. Flag, L....................do....................... Died at Andersonville, June 25,'64-graye, 2,477. Gould, Morgan R.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Green, James HI........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Grisley, Annanias.....do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Gentner, Henry........do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to 99thiregiment, P. V., May 30,'64. Goodier, William.....do... Sept, 18,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Glow, Henry........... do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Gardner, Philip.......do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 11, 1864-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Greib, Otho............. do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 14, 1863, to April 28, 1865mustered out with company, July 14, 1865. Hook, George W........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July'2,1863-mustered but with company, June 18, 1864. Hughes, Edward......do..... May 28,'1, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-mustered 6ut with company, June 18, 1864. Hand, Jonathan E.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hudson, Wm. W d......do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14, 1862. Harner, Jesse J........do.,... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 10, 1863. Hutchinson, Thos......do...,. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863, Hoffman, David.......do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64 Hartleib, Chas. F.....do.... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64, Keaton, Jacob L.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62 Kilpatrick, John.......do....May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unkioiiwn. Knauss, Christian.....do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,?'64, Laird, William H...do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with copany, June 18, 1864. Lamb, Samuel..do.... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certifice-datea unknown. 372 TWENTYSJI C.X it REGIM'ENT,.-:> I _A __. RAN..KLaughlin, John..... Privte..................... Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. ii,'62. Livezey, John...........do.... May 28, "1, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 26, 1863. Lamb, John..............do..... May 28, 61, 3 Deserted November 11, 1862. Lacompte, Thomas...do.....May 28,'(1, 3 Deserted December 19, 1862. Mitchell, William......do..... May 28,'61 3 Wounded at Fair Oaks, June 25,1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Metzgar, Augustus...do.... May 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 11, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Murray, Patrick......dod.... May 28,'1, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62, Maginnis, Benj,.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Maginnis, Timothy...do..... May 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb28,'63. Milier, Robert...........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Sureon's certificate- atenknown. Martin, John M.........do... July 17,'63, 3 d. at Spottsy1vania C, I-I., May 11, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Martin, WilliamT....do.....May 28,'61, 3 Died at Poplar Hill hospital, Va., May 30, 1862. Meiwig, Philip..........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Died at Culpepper, Va., September 28, 1863. Murray, Peter........,do.... May 28'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Moff, John...............do.... AMay 28, 61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1863. M'Donald, Charles..d..do...... May 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Elwrath, Stewart...do..,.. Sept; 12,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,1863. M'Govern, James......do.... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Nevins, John M.........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Sirgeon's certificate-date unknown. O'Garra, Michael.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 lustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Pfliderer, John.......do..;.. May 28'6, 6 3 Maustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Pratt, James..............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Dischirged on Surgeoo's certificate, Jnly 15,'62. Pritchard, James......do....:. Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Polk, Alexander........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Pfia, Lewis..............do.... Aug. 21,'63, 3 eserted October 14, 1863, Plumi, Francis........do..... Auag. 21,'63 3 Deserted October 14, 1863. Richardson, George...do....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Reed, Samuel............do.......................... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'62. Rheinfelder Fred'k...do.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Robinson, William...do..... May' 28,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 Rothermel, Nich's.....do.....May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 28, 1861. Snyder, Herman.......do... May 28,'1, 3Prisoner from May 3, to October 8, 1863 —mus tered out with company, June 18, 1864.'Sagie, Andrew,.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out'with company, June 18, 1864. Senderling, Jacob.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63-mus tered out with company, June 18, 1864. Smith, Henry H........do.... May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery HI, st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. Smith, James............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Iisch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Shomaker, Joseph....do....' May 28,'61, 3 Disch on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. tSteel, William.........do....; Sept. 29,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864.;Schitzly, Jacob.........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 11,'64-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Shultz, Jacob...........,do....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Wounded at Mine Run, November 26, 1863transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Steelman, Wm. H.....do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Deserted-returned -transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Schell, Uriah...........do.. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Deserted-returned-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Smith, Gideon.r.........do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Deserted-returned-ransferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Strong, Joseph..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Stackhouse, Joshua...do... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Stackhouse, Abr. L...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Stiefel,Henry...........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Deserted September 15, 1863. Tully, Thomas..'.........do.:... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'63. Tuftner, Henry.........do... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 26,'64. Thompson, Gideon.....do... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Tobin, Lawrence.......do..... May 28, 61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Turner, Nicholas,.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1861. Wright, William.......do.... May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U.S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. Winnemore, Wm......do.. May 28,'61, 3 Tr. to battery H, 1st U. S. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. tWilson, Edward....do..... Aug. 19, 63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'63. Walsh, Richard........do........................ 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863. Wilt, Emanuel......,..,.d Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th eg. P. V., May 30, 1864. Wineberg, Peter......do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64-.'; ~ ~ absent, without leave, since May 4, 1864. Walsh, James...........do...., Aug. 21,'63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-transfer* red to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Whitelock,Frank'n..do... May 28,'61, 3s Killed at Cbancellorsville, May 3,1863. Widmair, John.........do.... Sept. 29,'2, 3 Deserted July 15, 1863.. Walton, Thomas.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 1&, f863. THIREE YEARS' SER.VICE73 COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA....^ VAVK DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. DAT OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE.. Benj. C. Tilghman.. Capt..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Col. 26th regiment, Aug. 5, 1862. Geo. W. Tomlinson....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Jos. Dickinson........ 1st Lt.. May 31,'61, 3 Pr. to Adjutant 26th reg. P. V., May 31, 1861. Mark Geisenberger...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Resigned November 13, 1861. Charles W. Keen....d...... May 31,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 15, 1861-to 1st lit., Aug. 5,'62-mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. Ifrank B. Bird........ 2d Lt... May 31,'61, 3 Died July 31, 1863, of wds. rec. at Gettysburg. Francis R. Birtue... 1st Sgt. May 31,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Nov.l,'61-to 1st Sgt., May 25, 1862-mus. out with Co., June 18, 1864. Samuel Crouther... Serg't... May 31,'61, 3 Promotedfrom Corporalto Sergeant, Nov. l,'63mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Michael Coleman......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Pronoted from Corporal to Sergeant, Jan. 4,'64mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. James Goodwin....... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 1, 1863. John Jones,..............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporalto Sergeant, Nov. 1,'63mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Robert C. Miller.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 1, 1863. Levi Robinson..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. James M. Slemmer...do..May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'62. Wm. H. Wright.......do.... June 2,'61, 3 Discharged March 12,1864, to accept commission in United States Colored Regiment. William Ainsworth Corp.... May 31,'61, 3 Died May 15,'63, ofwds. rec. at Chancellorsville. George Gilfrey...........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Casper Hecker..........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 12, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Robert Jarvis......... do.. Miy 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March i, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Richard 0. Donnell...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 5, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. George W. Smith.......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Charles Johnson..... Muc.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, 26th regiment P. V. 4Cooper J. Kensil.....d...do..... Dec. 25,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Atkinson, John......Private May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Ackernecht, Jno. F...do.... Juno 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28, 1864. Allen, Squire J........do..... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 31,'65. Ashworth, Nicholas...do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28, 1864. Axe, Conrad..............do.... June 7,'61, 3 Pris.-died at Richmond, Va.-date unknown. Anderson, William...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 20, 1862. Allen, Augustus M...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 8, 1863. Arrison, Chas. M.......do.. May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Bennett, John W......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out of company. Braddock, William...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to Bat. H, 1st U. S. Art.-date unknown. Bartell, Hiram..........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Boylan, John...........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 26th regiment P. V. Burke, Francis R......do..... une 3, 1, 3 Deserted November 26, 1862. Bofpbar, Joseph.......do.... June 7, 62 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. Burke, Frank...........do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Deserted October 20, 1863. Clark, John.............do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cannon, David..........do..May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. -Clancey, Peter........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Cliff, John W..........do.. May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate; Sept. 15,'62. Chatham, Geo. W......do... May 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Creighton, Robert......do.... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Transferred to99th regiment P. V., May 28; 1864. Curley, John............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P.V., May 28i 1864. Colton, William........do..... April 19, 64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28, 1864. Conway, Patrick..do...... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 26th regiment P. V. Cole, Frank C............do.. May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, 26th regiment P. V. Conner, Robert......do May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 26th regiment P. V. Curran, William.......do.... June 2,'61, 3 Died' at Gettysburg, August 4, 1863. Culbertson, Robert...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 23, 1863. Conway, Robert... d.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Carroll, Henry...........do. Sept. 6,'62, 3 Deserted March 6, 1864. Clayville, James H..do. June 2, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, 1861. Duff, William D............ ay 81,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Decker, William H...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Dawson, William D...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Donlan, Patrfc,........d. May 3],'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'6-Vet. -374 TWENTY-S IXTIH- GIIMENT,,AME. RANK. DATE OF MUTER K. NTO SERVICE REMARKS. Day, Andrew J..... Private Aug. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeoon's certificate, May 15,'65. Doran, Patrick..........do.... Aug. 19, 6, Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Drain, John 0...........do....: May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 26th regiment P. V. Donnal, Patrick.........do..... May 31, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Forsyth, James........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Felmy, Albert...........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'62. Free, Alfred.............do..... May 3!,'61, j3 Transferred to company K, 26th regiment P. V. Fitzgerald, Wmi.........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Deserted October 8, 1863. Foley, John...............do..... April 8,'64 3 Deserted May 3, 1864. Grinnell, William......do..... July 10,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Greenlee, JohnK......do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Geegan, Patrick.........do.........................3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May, 1864. Griffith, Edmund......do May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 24, 1862. Geisse, Robert...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. Gordon, Isaac P........ do..... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Gready, Joseph.........do Aug. 19,'63, 3 Deserted January 24, 1864. Gore, Nathan C.............. Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted March 6, 1864. Ginther, Charles........do..... June 24,'62, 3 Deserted June 28, 1863. Grinnell, John...........do......... 3 Died at Andersonville, Jan. 11,'65-grave, 12,432. Hardy, Thomas D......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Hurst, James C.........do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'62. Hazlett, David...d.......'June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 1, 1863. Honnitt, George........do.... Aug. 19,'6 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Harvey, Samuel.......do.... May 31.'61, 3 Transferred to company G, 26th regiment P. V. Hassenpat, Mark......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, 26th regiment P. V. Hock, Harry............do..... May 31, 61, Transferred to company D, 26th regiment P. V. Hughes, Foster.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Harvey, James..........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 9, 1862. Johnson, Emerson....do..... Aug. 28.'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Kennedy, James......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Knopp, William.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 ustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Kitchen, Thomas......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Kichener, John............ May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Krider, Peter do.....do June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Kirk, George W.......do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'62. King, Thomas..........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2,'62. Kee, George...........do.. June 3,'61,. 3 Died July 2,'63, ofwds. received at Gettysburg. Keen, Joseph R........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 6, 1863. Lee, George W........do..... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Lee, James...............do.....May 31,'61, Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'64-Vet. Lewis, John............. do.' Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Laughran, John........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died Aug. 10,'63, of wds. received at Gettysburg. Lewis, George W......do....... 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May, 1864. Lyons, Henry A........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1862. Lyons, Stephen......... do.....June 7,'62, 3 Deserted November 20, 1862. Lemla, William E.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 26, 1862-arrested and sentenced by court martial-absent at muster out. Lentz, Charles...........do..... June 3,'62, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. Moore, Charles G......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Myers, George...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Monell,Randolph E...do..... June 9, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Murray, John...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery H, 1st U. S. Artillery. Mark, Isaac P............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99threg. P. V., May 28, 1864-Vet. Maxwell, James.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'64-Vet. Magee, John............do.....May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, 26th regiment P. V. Moore, David S........do..... May 31,'61,. 3 Transferred to.company C, 26th regiment P. V. Meaney, Cornelius.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 26th regiment P. V. Megarry, Robert.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, 26th regiment P. V. Michael, Nathan.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 26th regiment P. V. Miller, Charles.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Died July 19,'63, of wds. received at Gettysburg. Miller, William........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1861. Muir, James.............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. Mason, William S......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 26, 1862. Murray, Frank.........do..... Aug. 15,'61,. 3 Deserted October 8, 1863. Michael, William B...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Intosh, Robert.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Bride, Michael......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. MV'Bride, James.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 26,'63. M'Cormick, Daniel...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 6,'61. M'Callister, Fred'k..do.... May 31'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. M'Grngen, Edward..do...... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 26th regiment P. V. Nugent, Edward.......do... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 1 1862. Null, Joseph............. do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 163. Nace,John................do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 26th regiment P. V. O'Neill, James.:....... do May 31,'61! 3 Discharged on Surgeons' ttcerficate Juy 1'1. THREE YEARS' SERVICE..375 -Ott, Samuel............. Private Ma 1,61, 3Discho'. July, 181. ~MAM. RANK.. DATE OF MUSTER I REMA.i-.. TAME. R ANK. INTO SERVICE.,..... Ott, Samuel............ Private May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 1, 1861. O'Donnell, James......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. O'Rorke, John.......... do..... April 19,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. Pughi Frank M..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Perkins, Charles........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, July 16, 1861-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Prell, John F............do..... June 26,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'62. Quinn, John...........]...do..... June 20,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12, 1862. Quinn, James..........do..... Dec, 18,'62, 3 Deserted June 28. 1863. Ross, George E........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Rodgers, Samuel.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Reilly, William......l...do.....Dec. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. Russell, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. Rork, John...............do..... April 19, 64, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. Rogers, Samuel.......do..... May. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, 26th regiment P. V. Rutlidge, Michael......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died January 21, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va. Russell, Joseph......[...do..... May 21,'61, 3I Deserted January 24, 1862. Smith, Simon.............do..... June 8,'61, 31 Died Augcust 8, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va. Smith, Jacob..........do..... June 7,'61, 31 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Strang, Thomas.........do..... May 31,'61, 31 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28, 1864. Scull. Mark J...........do..... Dec. 23,'683,'3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'64-Vet. Smith, George'....;.......do..... May 31,'61, 31 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'64 —Vet. Stone, James.............do..... July 28,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Stratton, Isaac......:...do..... May 31,'61, 3i Killed at Locust Grove, Va., November 27, 1863. Stillwell, Cornelius...do..... May 31,'61! 3 Deserted August 25, 1863. Steel, James..............do.....June 7,'61, 3 Deserted August 11, 1861. Smith, Charles...........do....I Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-died ]:June 19, 1864, at Philadelphia. Tomer, Winfield S.....do..... June 7,'61, 3[ Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Trout, William....../...do..... May 31,'61, 31 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Tooker, Thomas........do..:.. May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 28,'64-Vet. Wilkinson, Edwin......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Woodruff, Thos....do..... Mav 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Wonderly, Jas. N......do:.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Wethem, Edward......do..... May 31,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Ward, Thoms..........do..... Dec. 27,'62, 3 [Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 28,'64. Walker, Samuel.....J...do..... June 1,'61, [3 Died at Philadelphia, January 28, 1863. Walters, Henry.........do.... June 6,'61, 3 Died August 9, 1863, of wounds received at Get-'"'sn e T'I.~-..tysburg Wilson, JTames T.......dc.... May 31,'61,;9 Deserted July 22, 1861. Wilde, William........do..... June 10"6'1, 3! Deserted June 11, 1862. Wilkinson, nm. W'...do..... May 31,'61, i' Deserted November 20, 1862. Wrfiht, William.......do.....i Oct. 10,'62,' 3 Deserted June 28, 1863.'Young; Thomag.........do......i May 31,'',' Transferred to Co. I, 20th reg. P. V., May 28,'61. Yeager, Lewis...........do.....i May 31,'61, 30 Deserted September 1, 1861. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Newton L. Webb... Capt..... May 31,'61, 3 Resigned January, 1862. John D. Sloan..........do... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Mine Run, November 28, 1863. James D. Head.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.,'62 —to 1st Sgt., June,'62-to 1st Lt., Dec. 24,'63-to Capt., Jan. 6,'64-wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. William B. Snow.... Ist Lt.. May 31,'61, 3 Resigned January, 1862. Geo. W. Dickenson...do..... May 30,'61, 3' Promoted to Regimental Quartermaster,May,'62. Jno. W. Woodward...do..... ay 30,'6, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Maj., Jan. 1, 1863 —wd. at Chancellorsville, May 4,'63 —tr. to V. R. C., Nov. 9,'63. John Clare................do.... May 31,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.,'62 —to 1st Sgt., Jan. 6,'64-to 1st Lt., Feb. 28, 1864 —mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. John L. Adler.... 2d Lt.. May 31,'61, 3 Pr. to Regimental Quartermaster, May 31, 1861. David Potts.............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Jacob C. Hamilton.....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Q. M. Sgt.,.Tan. 1,'63-wd. at Chancellorsville, May 4,'63-tr. to V. R, C., Aug. 17,'63. Thos. C. Finley...... 1st Sgt. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April, 1862-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. John B. Kellv......... Serg't. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan., 1862-to Sgt., Sept., 1863-transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 29,'64. i. Montgomery. do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cerificate, February29, 1864 —arnm amputated. 376 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT,. I. I Aaal. RApK. INOB O........ Isaao Murphy........ Serg't.. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January,'62-toSergeant, Sept. 1863-tr. to 99th reg. P. V., May 29, 1864. Albert G. Rowland...do..... May 81,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Thomas Roberts........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. William S. Small......do.... May 29,'61,3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. company K, 26th regi. ment P. V., February 6, 1862. James Scanlon...........do... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. James Wallace..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29,1862-pr. to Sgt., Jan.6,'64-mus. out with Co., Jine18, 1864. S. P. Whartenby...d..... May 31,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. John Whartenby......do.... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Thomas Young............ May 31,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1861. Robert Anderson... Corp... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Mine Run, November 28, 1863. John Craig.................do May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. William Dresser........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September,'63-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Edw'd Farrington.....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September,'63-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. William Gordon.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Charles Holden........... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept., 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. William Hardy........... May 31,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, Sept., 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. George Rice..............do....May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept., 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Manning Rue......... Muc... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Clayton Richardson...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22, 1862. Alwine, William.... Private May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1862. Archibald, James......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Armstrong, John......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1864. Anderson, Henry.,.....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Bolles, Andrew.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Burd, Frederick........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Benjamin, Wm. B.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Brown, George L.......do..... Aug. 16,'63, 3 Wounded May 28, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Brown, John M.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 19,'63. Bentley, Ludwick.....do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Bartlett, William......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Bradley, Henry.........do... May 31,'61, 3Deserted September 24, 1862. Booth, James............do..... May 31,61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Clay, William H........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Cork, John..............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'62. Coleman, Edward......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Campbell, Mich'l H...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Callahan, Edward.....do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Cranston, Joseph.....do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Craig, Edward.........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Crohan, Cornelius......do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment, P. V., May 29, 1864. Collim, John........... do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-.transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Connelly, John.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Campbell, John.....do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted September 14, 1863. Duboyce, Sylves;er...do..... May 31,'61, 3Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Deardon, William...d...o......May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Dugan, Philip........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Deverieau, Wm..........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Dresser, Henry.......do....... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Dalton, Jobhn...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died July 24,'63, of wds. received at Gettysburg. Deacon, Joseph........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Discoll, H. 0(..............do..................... Died at Andersonville, Sept. 18,'64-grave, 9,146. Ellenger, Jamob........do.... May 31,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Ellenger, William.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Eisengart, Gwrge......do..... May 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Ehrenfishter, John...do..... May 31,'61, 3Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Funk, William........... May 31,'61 3 Absent at Camp Parole, Md., at muster out. Funk, John..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Fairhurst, William...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Garlich, Johna...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wd. with loss of leg, at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, JUne 18,'64. Gilbert, Daniel............. May 31,'61, 3 WV. at Williamsburg, May 5,'62, and at Gettysburg, July 2,'63 —ius. outwith Co., June 18,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 377. REARK. NAMIs BAN K. INTO SERVICE.S. Guerin, Joseph.......Private May 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Malver Hill, July 1,2, and at Wilderness, May 6,'64-mus. out with Co., June 18,'64. Gill, John..............do..... Jan. 30,'62, Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Guthrie, Adam........do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Griffith, Charles G.....do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Gilligan, Patrick.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Grundy, James.........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Gladding, Charles.....do..... May 31'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Haughey, Patrick....do... May 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29'62 —ab. at mus. out. Iaggerty, James......do... May 31,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Hayes, Michael.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62-ab. at mus. out. Hope, John..............do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Wounded May 10, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Hayer, James............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Holland, John.......do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Heller, John............do May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Harkins, Tos....do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1862. Hook, Daniel B.........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 6, 1862. Hines, John...............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Hart, William.......do...- May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Howard, Edward..... do.....Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted February 20, 1864. Innes, John.........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Jackson, William.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Glendale, June 30, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Jones, Charles F.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. King, William H.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Mine Run, November 28, 1863mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Kennedy, John.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to cavalry, December, 1862. Kelly, Bernard........do.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Kelly, John P..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Lynn, Michael.......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Lockhart, Geo. W.....do....May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Longenberger, L.......do.... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Lamb, William.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 5, 1862. Leflinger, Isaac.........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted April 5, 1862. Logan, John.............do..May 31'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Millard, Andrew.......do May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Moore, John......... d....do May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Moore, Peter.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Morgan, Ed. S. F.......do..... May 31,'61 3 Disch. to accept pr. in U. S. A.-date unknown. Meyer, Joseph...........do... May 31, 61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Morgan, Michael......do...Mav., 3 1,'61, Died at Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1864. Magnin, Albert.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. M'Michael, Solom'n...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Farland, Geo.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Williams, John.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Fair Oaks, June 16, 1862-at Gettysburg,.July 2, 18(33-ab., sick, at muster out. M'Cabe, William.....do..... May 31,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. M,'Guigan, Lawr'ce...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Sept. 15, 1862. M'Clure, John......... do.... Aug. 21 63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. M'Cully, James.........do..... May 31, 61, K3 illed at Williamsburg, Va.. May 5, 1862. M'Bride, John........... do.... July 15, 63, 3 Killed at Mine Run, November 28, 1863. Nelson, Thomas....... do..... May 31'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Neal, William...........do....May 31'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. O'Madden, Peter.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Pilling, William........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Patterson, James......o.... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Powell, John..........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Parker, John...... do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Powers, J...........do..............,.... Died June 2,'64, at Andersonville-grave, 1,556. Quinn, Charles.......do... May 81,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Quinn, aames............do...Aug. 21,'63, 3 Wounded May29, 1864-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Reynolds, Wn. E....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Reynolds, James......do..... Aug. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Robinson, James......do.....Aug. 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 261. Riggs, Levi......... do.... May 31,'61, Died at Fortress Monroe, August 6, 1862. Rice, James........l........do............ Not on muster-out roll. Shaw, John E...........do.. May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V, May 29,'64. Sedgwick, John....do. Aug. 20,Jj3, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. 48 378 TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK.: DATE OF MUSTER R INTO SERVICE. Schmidt, William..l.Private Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Singlas, Roland........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May29, 1864. Smith, Francis...........do... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Simpson, JohnN......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Thompson, Robert..'...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Thompson, Rich. N...do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, August,'62. Talbott, William....i...do... Feb. 6,'64, 3 ransferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29,'64. Taylor, Henry A.......do..... May 31,'61 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Vandegrift, Wm.....'...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Wells, Richard........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Worrell, Charles S.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Winters, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Glendale, June 30, 1862-arrested as deserter, December 14, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Wine, Benjamin D...do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Waltzer, Randolph...do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Wagner, Charles....'...do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Winston, Williai.......do.... July 24,'63, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 29, 1864. Winterbotham, Jno...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1861. Weldon, Alex'r........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Ward, James............ do.... July 22,'63, 3 Deserted October 20, 1863. Walker, George......'...do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 eserted October 8, 1863. Young, Allen............. do.... Aug. 20'6, 63 Deserted October 20, 1863. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. William L. Grubb.. Capt.... May 31,'61, 3 Resigned December 30, 1861. Robert L. Bodine......do. June 1J'61, 3 Pr. fr Corn. Sgt. to 2d Lieut. of Co. K, Aug. 21,'61-to Capt., Jan. 14,'62,-to Major, July 15,'62. John F. Meekins... do May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., Feb. 6, 1862-to Captain, Aug. 1862-killed at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. William S. Small......do..... May 29, 61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company I, to 2d Lieut., Feb. 6, 1862-to 1st Lieut., July 15, 1862-to Captain, Sept. 1,'62-died at Philadelphia, Feb. 1864. James F. Seary.........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st. Lieut. 1,April 1,'63-to Capt., April 13, 1!64-mustered out with company, June 18,'64. Wm. F. Robinson... 1st Lt... May 31,'61, 3 Resigned January 17,1862. Thomas Haslan...... 2d... May 31,'61, 3 Promotecr to 2d Lieut., May 5, 1863-mustered out i':h company, June 18, 1864. Peter P. G. Hall.......do..... May 31'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, August 10, 1861. Christopher Beatty Serg t.. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted fiom Corporal to Sergeant-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. William H. Phillips...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-mustered out witn company, June 18, 1864. Geo. W. Roswelt........do.... May 31, 161, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct.'62-wd. with loss of leg, at Gettysburg —disch. on Sur. certificate, Mar. 14,'64. Wm w. Groundsell.......o..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Samuel P. Morris.....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Gettysburg, July 2,'63. John S Wetter...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. George W. Robb...... Corp... May 31'61, 3 Promoted Corporal-wounded at Fair Oaks- mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Isaac Ford..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal- mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. James Shofield............... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-muustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Isaac Brown............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Capturedat Williamsburg,Va.,May5,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Nathan Larikin........do..... May 31,'61f 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 19,'63. James Ford...........do.....May 31,'6l, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Wm. 11. M'Ginnis.......... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg.-P. V., May 30,'64 —Vet. N athan R.Van Horn...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. James L-. Geistbn......do.... June 12,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Isaac Bird................. do... ay 31,'61, 3 Promoted Corpoial, August 15,1863-diedofwds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H, May 15,'64-Vet. John 0. Drain............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1863-captured at Wilderness, May 51 1864-'mustered out January 15, 1865. AlexanderGraydon Muc.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Jtine 18, 1864. Frank S. Eldridge..... do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30j'64-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 379 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. ARKS. _________________ _________________ -a ___.____ _____________________ Abbott, Henry........Private May 31,'61, 3 Discharged November 4, 1862, for wounds received at Bull 1nun, August 29, 1862. Agnew, William........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Bail, Lewis..............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 15, 1864-absent at muster out, Boylan, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Brown, Thomas.........do.... May 31'61, 3 Asent, sick, at muster out. Bail, Mark...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Brannon, George.......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged November 4, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Blizzard, Thomas......do.... May 31,'61, 3 T ransferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Brown, Win. H.........do.... Augo 29, 61, 3 Trausferred to 99^h reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Barger, William........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted —returned —transferred tothe 99thregiuent P. V., May 30, 1864. Ball, Lewis......... do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Drafted —tr. to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-died June 19, 1864, at Andersonville, grave, 2,180. Brant, William F......do..... April 14,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Brown, Eliakim.......do.... June 13,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Bell, James T do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died of wds. ree. at Spottsylvania, May 15, 1864. Boyle, John.............do... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Boyce, John..............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Coleman, Nathan......do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Culin, Jacob............do.... May 31,'61,3 Reduced. from Sergeant, October 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1862. Clark, William......... do..... May 31,'61, 3 ReducedfromSergeant, March, 1863-transferred to company F, 26th regiment P. V., April 1,'63. Cloud, James...........Mdo..... May 31,'1, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown. Connor, Joseph.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.- date unknown. Cleniff, William.........do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Transferredto 99th. regiment P. V., May 30, i864. Carlton, Lewis...........do..... Aug. 19,'63,3 Drafted-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Caves, Edward..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Dugan, Isaac............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-absent at muster out. Dicks, Joseph............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Detweiler, John.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V.. May 30,'64-Vet. Derr, Jacob...............do... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Detweiler, Joseph......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. D, 26th reg. P. V., June 1,'61. Dobbins, Wm. K......do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Derlin, John.............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Dickinson, Henry......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Evans, Jacob............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Edmondson, Horat....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 21, 1861. Furgeson, Wm. H.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Friger, Constantine...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Freeman, John.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 5, 1862. Ford, Daniel C...........do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 2, 1863. Fryer, Brinton..........do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Wcunded at Fair Oaks, June 23, 1862-dischanged-date unknown. Fagen, William.........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Tra.sferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,,'64. Free, Alfred.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 15, 1864-Vet. Force, Isaac. d.......... o May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Goodwin, Henry........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Grubb, John..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Grubb, James..... d......... do May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt.-reduced Oct. 1,'62-A discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 17, 1862. Gleason, James.........do..A.. Aug. 19, 61, 3 Drafted —died of wounds received at Spottsylva-i nia C. H., May 15, 1864. Grubb, Joseph...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Hayes, William..........do..;.. May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-mug - tered out August 12, 1864. Helms, George..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Hunter, John S.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'62. Hergesheimer, B.......do.... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hammitt, John........do..... Sept. 20, 62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 80,'64. Hammitt, John K.....d.... Sept. 16, 62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hogarth, Maxwell.....do.. Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Hogarth, Joseph........do..... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Higgens, James.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Henderson, Wm G.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Missing in action at Mine Run, Nov. 27, 1863. Hill, Levi........... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Johnson, Henry........do....May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864 Jordan, John......... do... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. 380 TWENTY-SIXTH RIEGJMIENT NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER E KS A INTO SERVIC. REAR. Kersey, Matthew... Private May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Kreuson, Charles......do.... June 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville-transferred to ~.*~~~~~ ~ ~99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864-Vet. Lowe, Thurston.........do.... Aug. 29,','6 3 Traisferrec to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Latch, Samuel...........do..... Ray 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Long, John 0............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th rog. P, V., May 30,'64 — Vet. Lindsey, Norton........do... M.. ay 31,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1862. Miller, George............... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, William H......do.. June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to battery D, 4th N. Y. Artillery, May,'62mustered out March 18, 1865. Michael. Wm. B........do.... Ma 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Means, Cornelius...... do.... May 31,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Moore, David S. do........... ay 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 2, 1863. Morris, James......do......... May 31,'61 3' Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64.-Vet. Marshall, And'w J.....do... June 13,'61, 3 Transtrred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Miller, Francis...........do.. Aug. 19,'63, 3) Drafi.ed-deserted September 16, 1863. M'Grath, Robert........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. M'Grugan, Edward...do... May 31,'61, 3 ounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864 —absent at muster out of company. M'Neill, Archibald...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. M'Clem, John............do.....June 12,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., April 21, 1862. M'Garry, Robert........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted J une, 1861. O'Winner, John..........do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'62. Pullen, Samuel......... do... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62absent at muster out of company. Phillips, William......do.... ay 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-absent at muster out of company. Porter, William.........do.'i May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Phillips, Andrew.......do.. May 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 15, 1864-Vet. Pine, Benjamin........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Robb, Benjamin F.....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 9,'62, forwds. received in action. Rambo, William........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 — absent at muster out of company. Robinson, GeQ.. W...do.....Apr. 14,'64, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Rogers, Andrew.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died July 23, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2,1863. Roan, George..........do..... Aug. 10, 61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Radcliff, Samuel.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Rodgers, Stephen......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Rodgers, Samuel.......do... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Sample, Andrew........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th re. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Smith, Godfrey.......do..... Sept. 16,'62, 8 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Smith, John..............do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Drafted -transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Swain, William T......do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Shut, Charles.........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 23, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Starr, James............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Sutch, Benj............do... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 15, 1864-absent at muster out of company. Simpson, Alvis.........do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3'Drafted-transferred to U. S. Navy, April 18,'64. Sowers, Daniel.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Shields, Edward..... do...... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Scott, Francis..........do.....Aug. 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October, 1863. Smith, William......do... May 31,'61, Deserted June, 1861. Senior, Thomas.........do... June 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 25, 1862. Studer, William........do... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 16, 1863. Sailor, William...... do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted February 26, 1864. Smith, Henry..........do.... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Drafted -died August 20, 1864, at Andersonville-grave, 6,289. Smith, Joseph,.............. Aug. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 13, 1863. Toner, George......... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Mine Run, November 27,'63-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. West, Samuel...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'62. Wilson, William.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Walraven, Malachi...do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. Wood, George......... do....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Welsh, James.-............do May 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Chancellorsville, IMay 3, 1863. Wolfert, John.......... do Aug. 20, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 4, 1863. Yett, Seth................ do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate,-date unknown. Zinner, Casper....... do..... Aug. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 99th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 381 UNASSIGNED MEN. NAM1. RANK. DATE OF IUST1;. EEMAtRKS. iNTO SERVICE. ~ Coffee, John............ Private Feb. 22,'65, I Not on muster-out roll. Iudson Henry..........do..... Apr. 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ray, George W..........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3i Mustored out,.Septemnber 15,- 1865. TWENTY-SEVENTH PREGIMENT. HE Twenty-seventh Regiment, a part of the "Washington Brigade," commanded by Colonel William F. Small, was organized as a volunteer militia regiment, early in January, 1861. Charles Angeroth was among th( most active in promoting its formation. On the night of the 1.8th of April Colonel Small, acting in compliance with orders fiom the Secretary of War. started with five companies, consisting of about five hundred men, for Washnmgton, and proceeded in company with the Sixth Massachusetts, Colonel Jones, by the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore railroad, occupying seventeen passenger cars. On their arrival at the President Street station, horses were attached to the five foremost cars, containing seven companies of the Massachusetts regiment, and were drawn rapidly through the city to the Washington depot. After the passage of these, the track was barricaded by the mob. The remaining companies of the Massachusetts regiment, being well armed, forced their way through, joined their comrades and were hurried away by rail to Washington. The mob returning commenced an attack upon Colonel Small's command, which, being unarmed, was forced to retire, losing several killed and wounded. After the return of the companies to Philadelphia, the regiment was re-organized as light artillery, and MIax Einstein was chosen Colonel, Charles Angeroth, Lieutenant Colonel, and William Schoenleber, Major. Its services were then offered to the Governor, with a view to its being mustered into the three months' service, as a part of the Pennsylvania quota, but without success. Colonel Einstein then proceeded to Washington and offered its services to the United States Government, which were accepted under the call for eighty thousand additional volunteers for a period of three years, its service to date from the 5th of May, 1861, and to be atrmed and instructed as light infantry. It was not, however, mustered in until the 30th and 31st of May. A few days thereafter it received arms and accoutrements, and went into camp near Camden, N. J. The entire regiment was recruited in Philadelphia, in the districts of Northern Liberties and Kensington, and at least one-half of its members were German. A number of both officers and men had seen service in this country and in Europe. On the 17th of June the regiment again received orders to proceed to Washington. Arriving at the Capital on the 18th, it was placed in camp on Kalarama heights, was subjected to strict military discipline, and was instructed in company and battalion drill, and in picket duty. Early in July the forces assembled in and about Washington were organized under General PM'Dowell, and the Twenty-seventh Regiment was assigned to 1862 ORGANIZATION AND DRILL, 383 Blenker's Brigade* of the Fifth Division, encamped at Hunter's creek, near Alexandria, which it was ordered to join. On the 15th the general forward movement of the army towards Centreville commenced. In the battle which ensued at Bull Run, the Fifth Division was held in reserve on the Centreville heights, and did not become actively engaged. It remained in position until past midnight of the 21st, and until all the army had retired, when it marched to Alexandria, arriving on the afternoon of the 22d, bringing in abandoned horses and baggage wagons in considerable numbers, and one caisson. A few days later, the Twenty-seventh moved to Arlington Heights, where it encamped, and received pay from the date of its acceptance by the government, on the 5th of May. From Arlington it was transferred to Roach's mill, Virginia, where, early in the month of August, company F, commanded by Captain Spering, was detached and posted at the Washington arsenal, where it remained during its entire term of service. Early in September Lieutenant Colonel Angeroth and Major Shoenleber resigned, and Adolph Bushbeck and Lorenz Cantador, both of Philadelphia, were appointed by General MiClellan to fill the vacancies. Subsequently, upon the muster out of Colonel Einstein, these gentlemen were appointed respectively Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain John N. Lang, of company I, Major. In the latter part of September, by order of the War Department, company G, Captain Bierwirth, was transferred to the Sixty-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment. During the summner months and the early fall the regiment was engaged under the direction of the engineers, in building forts, clearing woods, and making roads; Forts Scott, Cameroln Blenker, and Barnard-elaborate and substantial structdres-attesting the devotion and patriotism of the men of the Twenty-seventh, not less than the stern bravery which they afterwards exhibited on the battle-field. On the 8th of October it was ordered to Hunter's chapel, Virginia, where it went into winter quarters. While off fatigue duty it was instructed in brigade and battalion drill, and for two months was engaged in out-post duty at Annandale. An attack was here made upon the pickets by rebel cavalry and artillery, but, finding the men on the alert, they withdrew to a distance and contented tlemselves with shelling the Union line. In the month of December, 1861, the officers received their commissions from the Governor of Pennsylvania, bearing date of the 5th May, preceding, and in February, 1862, the regiment was provided with the State colors. In the organization of the army under M'Clellan, the Twenty-seventh was assigned to Stahel's Brigadef Blenker's Division, Sumner's Corps. On the 10th of March, 1862, orders were received to march with three days' rations, leaving knapsacks, tents, and all surplus baggage in camp, and taking only overcoats and blankets. Advancing through Fairfax to Centreville, the regiment was ordered to halt, while the remainder of the corps proceeded in the * Organization cf the First Brigade, Cclonel Louis Blenker, Fifth Division, Colonel Dixon S. Miles. Eighth Regiment New York Volur-teers, Lieutenant Colonel Stahel; Twenty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Von Steinwehi; (Garabadi Guard, New York Volunteers, Colonel D'Utassy; Twenty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer-, Colonel Mi'x Enstein. t Organizati:n of Stahel's Brigade, Blenker's Division, Sumner's Corps. Twenty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Bushbeck; Eighth Regimen; New York Voluntee s, Colonel Wutschel; Thirty-ninth Regimert New York Volunteers, Colonel D'Utassey; Fortieth Reginment New York Volunteers, (Do Kalb,) Colonel Von Gilsa. 384 TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. 1862 direction of Manassas. After a delay of some two weeks, it re-joined the command at Salem, Virginia. Here the men suffered much from the effects of the severe weather, a snow storm prevailing, which lasted three days, the men being without shelter, and obliged to encamp in the open field. Blenker's Division, having been transferred fiom the army of the Potomac to Fremonts command, in the mountain department, marched to Paris' ferry on the Shenandoah river, with the design of joining it. The rebels had destroyed the ferry, and a considerable delay ensued, during which the troops suffered greatly for want of food. The supply train had been ordered forward, but was unable to find the division, and had returned to Washington, leaving the command to eke out a scanty subsistance by foraging. Rafts were constructed for the purpose of crossing; but the sinking of the first that was freighted, and the drowning of eighty men of the Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania, caused the design of crossing upon rafts to be abandoned. The command then moved down to Snicker's ferry, where it passed over in safety, and proceeding via Berryville, went into camp at Wood's mills, in the neighborhood of. Winchester, where it rested for a few days, and the regiment received two months' pay. Advancing through Winchester, it crossed the mountains, and halted for two days at Romney, where the men received new clothing. Resuming the march, the division passed through Petersburg and joined Fremont's army at Franklin. With the exception of fresh beef, provisions were scarce, and salt was not to be had. But one and a half days' rations of bread were issued in ten days. While in camp at Franklin intelligence was received of the defeat of Banks, and of his retreat down the valley pursued by Stonewall Jackson. Fremont was ordered to hasten forward and endeavor to cut of the latter's retreat. For a week the army moved without cessation, passing through Petersburg, Moorefield, and Wardensville, several times fording deep and rapid streams, endeavoring by forced marches to gain the valley in advance of the enemy. Failing in this, his rear guard was encountered at Strasburg, and the race up the valley, through Edenburg, New Market, Woodstock, Mount Jackson and Harrisonburg, was an exciting one. At Mount Jackson the enemy had destroyed the bridge over the Shenandoah as he retreated, and the pursuit was delayed till the pontoon train could come up. On the night of the 4th of June, the Twenty-seventh Regiment was ordered to cross the river. Passing fifteen men at a time, they were, on landing, deployed as skirmishers and moved forward, the enemy's cavalry retiring nearly a mile and taking position on a hill. At noon on the following day-the bridge was completed, and a part of the New York mounted rifles crossed; but they were scarcely over when the bridge suddenly parted, severing the detachment from the rest of the army, companies A and B of the Twenty-seventh, sent out as skirmishers, having already met and engaged the enemy. The continual rain which prevailed caused a freshet, and, to increase the volume of water, the enemy had cut a dam above. Soon the entire country around was flooded, cutting off the skirmrishers, who had to be brought in by the cavalry. Fortunately the ground occupied by the regiment was high; still the men were obliged to stand during the night in water several inches in depth. At noon next day the bridge was repaired and the army moved forward. At Harrisonburg, Bayard's cavalry and the Bucktails, from M'Dowell's command, had a severe skirmish with the enemy, in which the rebel General Ashby was killed. On Stucday, June 8th, Jackson took up a position at Cross Keys, five miles 1862 BATTLL OrP ucPtOS KEYs: 385 beyond HlarrisonbuTig and prepared to give battle to Fr-mont. Fo-rming his line with the division of Schenek on the right, Ml roy in the centre, and Blenker on the left, Fremont advanced to the attack. The Twenty-seventh IRegiment held the right of General Stahel2s Brigade. Companies LB and KI Captinms Jatho. and MAloon were ordered forward as skirmishers, and were soon exchanging shots with the enemy. Advancing some distance through a wood to a hill where a battery was being posted, the regiment was ordered to take position for its support. For four hours the men lay under the heavy fire of the enemy's guns, the shot and shell flying thick and fast, killing and wounding at almost every discharge, and though this was their first real engagement, they held the position with the steadiness of veterans. Towards evening it was discovered that Fremont had re-called his forces and that the army had fallen back; but as the regiment had received no orders to retire, it remained until the enemy had outflanked it, and had gained a position in its rear, which, during the day, had been occupied by the Forty-fifth New York as reserves, thus completely cutting it off from the main body. Soon the rebels were seen advancing. At this juncture, Colonel Bushbeck, discovering the state of affairs., faced the regiment about, and sending forward skirmishers, tuder Captain Jatho, commanded the men to charge bayonets. Attached to the reghient was the remnant of the Bucktails, about one hundred men., The Colonel gallantly leading, they advanced to the charge with cheers, driving the enemy from the woods and holding one of his entire brigades in check, until the battery was safe, when they retired unmolested taking with them nearly all their'wounded. While marching to re-join their command they were mistaken for the enemy, and fired upon by one of our own batteries, the belief prevailing that they had all been captured. As the column approached the point where the army was stationed it was met by Colonel Pilson, aid to General Fremont, who had been sent to thank the regiment, in the name of the General, for its gallant behavior in saving its battery, and in cutting its way out when surrounded. The total strength in this engagemdent was six hundred. The loss was one officer and fourteen men killed, three officers and eighty-seven men wounded. On the following day the army followed the retreating enemy towards Port Republic; but, finding the bridge destroyed and Jackson escaped, General Fremont commenced a retrograde movement down the valley. At Mount Jackson a halt was made for a few days; but, hearing that the enemy were again advancing, the movement was continued to Middletown, near Winchester. General Fremont was here superceded in the command of the Mountain Department by Major General Franz Sigel. In the re-organization of the army which ensued, the Twenty-seventh was attached to the First Brigade, General Stahel, First Division, General Schenck, First Corps of the army of Virginia, commanded by General Pope. On the 7th of July, General Pope having ordered his scattered commands to concentrate for the purpose of meeting Lee's army, now releasel from the vicinity of Richmond by the withdrawal of M'Clelan, Sigel's column marched through Front Royal, up the Luray Valley to Milford, and thence across the Blue Ridge to Sperryville. The men suffered severely on the march from the effects of the intense heatp and several were prostrated by sun-stroke, from the effects of which one, a private in company I, died. In the absence of' Colonel Bushbeck, occasioned by sickness, the commancd devolved on Lieutenant Colonel 49 VW6 ENTY-SEVENTH RGIMENT, 1862 Cantador. Remaning at Sperryville till the 28th, the regiment moved to Madison Court House, where it was joined by the Forty-fifth New York and the Miountain Battery, the whole under command of Colonel Cluseret, forming the extreme out-post of the army. On account of the exposed position here occupied, it was deemed prudent to fall back, and taking up a strong position the command encamped, from whence foraging parties were frequently sent out into the country occupied by the enemy but without meeting any resistance. On the 9th of August the regiment was ordered back to the division, then mnarching to Culpepper Court House, and rejoined it on the 11th, the day on which the battle of Cedar Mountain was fought. Colonel Bushbeck having returned, resumed command, and the regiment marched on the 13th to Crooked River chapel, where it remained until the 18th. Shelter tents were here received, the command, since the 10th of March, having been almost constantly on the move, fording streams, crossing rmoutains, and camping out in the most variable climate without shelter. On the 18th Pope commenced his retreat, the Twenty-seventh forming part of the rear guard, being almost continually under fire during the day, and at night obliged to make forced marches to re-join the retiring column. At hlappahannock station and at Freeman's ford, the regiment lay for two days exposed to a heavy artillery fire from across the Rappahannock, and was again under a hot fire at White Sulphur Springs. The columns of Lee, after spending several days in fruitless attempts to force a crossing on the lower Rappahannock, commenced to move further north. At Waterloo bridge the Twenty-seventh stubbornly and successfully resisted the vigorous demonstrations of the enemy, and, late at night, after the whole army was at Warrenton, fell back, reaching the main body at early dawn. The enemy followed close upon the retreat and were soon throwing their shells into the Union ranks. From Warrenton the command moved to Gainesville. On the night of the 27th of August, companies A, B, C and D were ordered out on picket duty, and on the following day captured a number of rebel stragglers. Jackson, followed by Longstreet, having passed around via Thoroughfare Gap, was now between Pope's army and Centreville. At eight o'clock on the morning of the 28th the regiment moved in the direction of Manassas Junction; but, before proceeding far, turned in the direction of Centreville. Arriving at Groveton, near Bull Run, the regiment was met by General Sigel, who led it off the road and personally posted it on a high hill, ordering the men to lie down and keep quiets Scarcely had they gained their position when the enemy were heard marching up through the woods in front. They were allowed to approach unsuspecting until quite near, whenthe order was given, and infantry and artillery opened a murderous fire at short range. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that the survivors seemed completely bewildered, and were only able to fire a straggling volley. Moving to the right and advancing a. short distance, the line was re-formed on the old battle ground of Bull Run. The First Division of SigeFs Corps was posted on the left, and the Twenty-seventh Regiment was on the left of the division. The batteries were early engaged, and the infantry was ordered forward, companies I and K, Captains Ackley and MIAloon, being thrown out as ski.r mishers. Though encountering severe opposition, the line continued to advance and steadily drove the enemy, the batteries following up and shelling the hostile ranks whenever an opportunity presented. Having driven the enemy back 1862 ~.ECOND BATTLU OF BULL RUN..387 somne three miles from the first position, and pushed forward too far in advance of the rest of the corps, the regiment was re-called; but by some mistake Captain Ackley, of company I, not being notified of the withdrawal, continued to advance with his company, steadily driving the enemy's skirmishers. In the meantime, General Milroy being hard pressed, Stahel's Brigade was ordered to his support. By mistake of some staff officer, the column was led -between the fires of our own and the enemy's batteries. The sight of the brigade in this perilous position, quickened the energies of the rebel gunners who -plied the ranks furiously with shot and shell,-our own guns, before which it was passing, being vigorously worked to silence them. The passage,of this gauntlet of batteries was performed on the double quick, and fortunately with lbut small loss. For half a mile the brigade was exposed to the enemy's fire, and it seems almost incredible that it should have escaped without utter annihilation. But the rebel gunners were too much excited to fire with precision, using principally solid shot, apparently short of shells, and entirely destitute of canister. Finding Milroy, with his brigade of loyal Virginians, able to hold his own, the column was ordered to return to its former position on the left, and was there met by Captain Ackley,, with his company. The Captain had advanced until the enemy discovered how insignificant a force was driving them, when they in turn assumed the offensive, and soon forced the company to retire, which was done in good order, but narrowly escaped capture. The brigade now took position in line of battle in a wood, with companies A and B of the Twenty-seventh thrown forward as skirmishers. In front was an open field, and the rebels occupied a wood several hundred yards beyond. The skirmishers soon became engaged, but were unable to drive the enemy from their cover. While the skirmish was in progress, two pieces of a light battery were procured, charged with grape and canister, run out on the skirmish line and rapidly fired. These pieces, though twelve-pounders, could be easily worked by two men, and were very effective at short range. A few discharges were sufficient to clear the woods, and the line was again advancing. Soon after, the victorious column was relieved by General M'Dowell's Corps. Retiring a short distance to the right rear, the command encamped for the night, well satified with tle events of the day. On the 30th of August, the First Corps took position in the centre, with Porter's Corps on the right, which soon became engaged. The conflict in the centre did not commence till afternoon, when, Porter having been driven back, the enemy attempted to pass in front to re-inforce their right, now pressing -heavily upon our left. For three hours the centre stood firm, holding its position on a high hill and successfully hurling back every onset of the enemy. But towards evening, by the withdrawal of Porter's Corps, he was enabled to flank it on the right and to plant batteries to irke the position, at the same time attacking it in front. At this juncture companies I and K, Captains Ackley and M'Aloon, were at the extreme front, supporting battery B, Second TUnited States Artillery. A great number of the artillery men having been wounded and killed, infantry men from these companies took their, places at the guns. The battle had now reached its height. The entire artillery of the First Corps, admirably planted and served, had concentrated its fire on the -advancing rebel masses. Our left and right had been driven back; the centre alone stood tirm, the enemy straining every nerve to force it from the strong 388 TWENTY-SEVENTH RIMENTH RT. 1862 position it occupied. His batteries on our right having obtained the exact range, planted shot and shell in qzick succession in the very midst of the line, one shell bursting among the color guard, killing one and wounding several, At the most critical moment of the battle General Schenck was wounded, when General Stahel assumed command of the division, and Colonel Bushbeck, of the brigade. Notwithstanding the desperate efforts made by the enemy to gain the centre, the ground was held until dark, and then, yielding to overwhelming odds, it retired in good order, crossing Bull Run bridge at midnight, and with the exception of a few of the Bucktails, the Twenty-seventh Regiment, was the last to cross. The bridge was then destroyed. On the following day the command fell back to Centreville, in the midst of a drizzling rain, and from thence through Vienna to Langley, the enemy following closely, and shelling the retiring column whenever an opportunity presented. At Langley, the regiment was for several days engaged in picket duty, when it fell back still further to the vicinity of Fort De Kalb. Captain Ackley, and twenty-five men of company C, were ordered to Washington on special duty, where they were kept several months. The regiment remained in the vicinity of Chain Bridge, several times shifting camp, and engaged in picket duty at Falls. Church, until the 21st of September, when it was. ordered to Centreville. On the 24th, the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania and Seventy-third Ohio, a section of artillery and a squadron of cavalry, all unrder Colonel Bushbeck, were ordered on a reconnoissance. At Bristoe Station, the rebel guard was captured. Finding a notice posted ordering rebel conscripts to assemble in a neighboring village on that evening, companies A and B were detailed to receive them; but only succeeded in capturing eight, the rest failing to appear. The next morning the rebel train approached within a quarter mile of the station, but the engineer perceiving that the place had fallen into other hands, hastily returned. On the 26th of October the Twenty-seventh was attached to the First Brigade* of the Second Division, Colonel Bushbeck being placed in command. For two years it had shared the fate. of this brigade, to which it was originally attached. Upon its departure General Stahel expressed his regret for its loss, and paid a flattering tribute to its conduct in field and camp while under his command, and on leaving Centreville the whole brigade was drawn up in line, cheering heartily as the regiment passed by. Joining the Second Division, at Fairfax Court House, after a few days delay, it marched through Centreville, New Baltimore, Haymarket, Gainesville, to Thoroughfare Gap, where it encamped. Here an election was held for Major, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John N. Lang, resulting in the choice of Captain Peter A. M'Aloon, of company K. In the meantime General Burnside had assumed command of the army of the Potomac, and in the re-organization which ensued, the Twenty-seventh was attached to the Eleventh Corps. General Sigel was appointed to the command of the reserve division, consisting of the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, and General Stahel to the command of the Eleventh Corps. Remaining at Thoroughfare Gap until November 17th, the regiment fell back to the neighborhood Organization, of the First Brigade. Twenty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, ColonelCantador; Seventy-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Moore; Twentyninth Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Soest; One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Jones. 1863 BATTLE OF CHANICELLORSVILLE. 389 of Germantown, where it went into winter quarters, but on the 5th of December it was ordered to move to Hibernia Hill, beyond Fairfax Court House. Here details were made from the regiment to build corduroy roads, which were continued till the 8th, when it marched in the direction of Fredericksburg. Passing through Dumfries and Stafford Court House, it arrived on the evening of the 15th at Falmouth. Remaining in this vicinity, drilling and doing picket duty until the 13th of January, it was ordered to United States ford, where it was detailed to build a road above the ford, and to clear away the neighboring hills for planting batteries. Engaged in this duty until the 17th, it was, on that day, ordered to accompany the pontoon train to Bank's ford; but rain and night both setting in, and the road being obstructed by the artillery, advancing from an opposite direction, the column was unable to reach its destination, and morning found pontoon train, artillery and troops ingloriously stuck in the mud. For two days, in the midst of driving snow and rain, without shelter and with scarcely any fire, the men toiled in extricating the pontoons. During the first night no fire was allowed, and the clothing of the men, which had become thoroughly drenched, was frozen stiff. Returning again to Falmouth on the 23d, the regiment went into winter quarters, but only remained till the 5th of February, when it was ordered to Stafford Court House, where the corps was encamped. In the meantime General Burnside had been superceded in the command of the army of the Potomac by General Hooker, and by the middle of April, was opening the campaign of Chancellorsville. ~ On the 15th the brigade was ordered to Kelly's ford, where it arrived on the following day and encamped in the woods near by. Here it remained gmarding the ford till the 28th, when the Fifth, Eleventh and Twelfth Corps arrived. On the night of the 29th, the Twenty-seventh and the Seventy-third Pennsylvania Regiments crossed the river on pontoons, routed the enemy stationed on the opposite bank, advanced some distance and remained out all night on the skirmish line. During the night and following day the rest of the army crossed, the two regiments first over remaining at the ford till all had passed, and following up and joining the army at Germania mills. Here the Twenty-seventh crossed the Rapidan, and, after a brief respite, continued the march, reaching Dodd's tavern, near the Wilderness, late at night. Taking position early in the morning the men were ordered to throw up breast-works. On the 1st of May the enemy felt the line heavily, but did not succeed in breaking it. The regiment remained out during the following night on the skirmish line, and was relieved in the morning by the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York. The Second Brigade was, on the 2d of May, detached and ordered to the support of the Third Corps, under Sickles. In the afternoon the enemy succeeded in turning the right flank of the First and Third Divisions of the corps, and attacked in overwhelming numbers under Stonewall Jackson, driving them in the direction of Colonel Bushbeck's brigade, now numbering but fifteen hundred muskets. Immediately on discovering the condition of affairs, he ordered the Twenty-ninth New York and the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania to advance. Both went forward in gallant style and heroically endeavored to check the enemy's fierce onset, but in vain.* * During the time occupied in the dispersion of Deven's and Schurz's Divisions, Steinwehr had rapidly changed front and thrown Bushbeck's Brigade into these works. The otherbrigade of his division had been sent to support Sickles. Some of Schurz's men rally on Bushbeck, and for a short time the Confederate advance is arrested.-The Battle-fields of Virginid, (rebel,) p. 50. 390 TWENTY-SEVENTE REGIMENT. 1863 The enemy literally swarmed on every side. After losing half their number, the two regiments were forced to retire, but contested every step of ground till they reached the Chancellor House,* where the corps re-formed and remained for the night. At ten o'clock on the same night the rebels made another furious assault upon the position held by Sickles and Pleasanton, and for nearly two hours made desperate attempts to break their lines, but were repeatedly repulsed with great slaughter and shortly before midnight sullenly retired. On the following morning, Sunday, May 3d, tho Twenty-seventh took position along a line of breast-works, leading to United States ford; but beyond an occasionali skirmish it was not engaged, though the battle. raged heavily on the right throughout the entire day. On the 6th the retreat of Hooker's army commenced, and on the 7th the regiment arrived at its old camp ground, near Stafford Court House. The rebel leader, now rejoicing in his strength, determined to assume the offensive, and commenced, early in June, his movement on Pennsylvania. On the 12th of June the Eleventh Corps marched through Virginia tQ Edwards' Ferry, where it crossed the Potomac and moved through Maryland to Emmittsburg, halting for a day. During the march the Eleventh Corps had been in the advance, but at this point the First Corps pushed ahead. The entire movement had been rapid, the men suffering greatly from heat, many of them foot-sore. On the 1st of July the corps was ordered to march in quick time to Gettysburg. On the way the sad intelligence of the fall of General Reynolds, then in chief command at the front, was received. Pushing forward more rapidly, it arrived in the village shortly after noon, and the Twenty-seventh Regiment was ordered to take possession of the jail, church, and school building at one end of the town and make preparations to defend the entrance from that direction. The First and Third Divisions, in position to the north of the town, being engaged and already hard pressed, the First Brigade, now under command of Colonel Costar, of the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York, was ordered forward to their support. Hastening through the town at a double quick, the Twentyseventh went into position near a brick kiln, with the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth New York on the left. In deploying the latter regiment moved too far to the right, leaving a gap between it and the next regiment to the left, the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York. On perceiving this, Lieutenant Colonel Cantador ordered the second battalion of the Twenty-seventh to be thrown into the gap, but, owing to the din and confusion of the battle, the * EXTRACT FROM GENERAL VON STEINWEHRB' report, dated Head-quarters Second Division, Eleventh Corps, May 8, 1863. * - * Soon I heard heavy firing in that direction which showed that a strong attack was made upon our corps. When I arrived upon the field I found Colonel Bushbeck, with three regiments of his brigade, the Twenty-seventh and Seventy-third Pennsylvania and One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York, still occupying the same ground near the tavern, and defending this position with great firmness and gallantry. The attack of the enemy was very powerful, they emerged from the woods in close column and had throwi the First and Third Divisions, which retired towards Chancellorsville, in great confusion. Colonel Bushbeck succeeded to check the progress of the enemy, and I directed him to hold his position as long as possible. His men fought with great determination and courage; soon, however, the enemy gained both wings of the brigade and the enfilading fire which was now opened upon the small force, and which killed and wounded nearly one-third of its whole strength, soon forced them to retire. Colonel Bushbeck then withdrew his small brigade in perfect order towards the woods, the enemy closely pressing on. Twice he halted, faced around, and at last reached the rear of General Sickles' Corps, which had been drawn up in position near Chancellorsville. 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBUR4G. 391 order was only partially executed, and but about fifty men under Lieutenant Vogelbach reached the position. In moving they were obliged to cross an open field that was swept by the fire of Early's advancing troops, from which they suffered severely. These three small regiments fought desperately to hold their line, and until both flanks were turned, when they slowly retired, fighting their way to Cemetery Hill. Lieutenant Vogelbach, with a part of the Twentyseventh and the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth New York entire, failing to perceive, until too late, that the brigade had fallen back, attempted to re-join it, but found themselves entirely cut off, the rebels being in advance of them pursuing our retreating column into town. This fragment of the Twentyseventh, however, attempted to cut its way through, when Lieutenant Vogelbach was shot down, and the men, being without a leader, and entirely surrounded, were forced to submit to be taken prisoners. The remainder of the regiment had forced its way back to Cemetery Hill, and was posted behind the stone walls to the left of the Baltimore pike. On the evening of the 2d, the enemy made a desperate assault on that part of the line, and attempted to take the battery which it was supporting. As the rebels were advancing to the attack, a mounted man in the national uniform, representing himself as a staff officer, rode up and ordered the regiment to fall back some distance to a wall in the rear. The order was given, but the greater part of the men refused to retire. The pretended officer discovering that his order was not obeyed, leaped the wall and galloped away towards Gettysburg, evidently a rebel in disguise. On seeing this, the men who had obeyed the order and fallen back, advanced again to their old position, where their comrades were engaged. The enemy, in heavy force, rushed forward with the confidence of assured victory, and succeeded in crossing the wall, but could not drive our men from it. The conflict here was a desperate hand to hand encounter, the men clubbing their muskets, and the artillerymen their rammers. The rebels were at length forced back, leaving two regimental colors, and a nmumber of prisoners. Here the brave Lieutenant Briggs, the Adjutant of the regiment, while in the very act of cheering on the men, was killed. On the 3d of July the regiment continued in position on Cemetery Hill, with the exception of a short time, when ordered to the assistance of a corps momentarily overpowered, and was for three hours exposed to a terrific artillery fire. During the night, Lieutenant Hlannappel, of company K, pushed into the outskirts of the town, and on the morning of the 4th, the Twenty seventh was among the first to enter Gettysburg, to the great joy of the inhabitants. What a morning was that for the people of this beleaguered town! For three wearisome days of battle had they with bated breath awaited the issue of the conflict. In the grey dawn, they beheld with uncontrollable gladness the soldiers of the national army advancing on all their streets! Following up the enemy in his retreat, skirmishing ensued with his rear at Hagerstown and Funkstown. The loss of the regiment in this battle was two officers and twenty-two men killed, three officers and sixty-five men wounded, and one officer and forty-four men missing. The rebels having made good their retreat across the Potomac, hastened up the Shenandoah valley, while Meade retraced his steps through Lovettsville, Union, UTpperville, and Salem, to Warrenton, holding the old line of the iRappahannock.' Two months succeeding tkhe battle of Gettysburg was a period of great activity with the cavalry, the infantry being little engaged. On the 14th of 392 TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. 1863 September, while encamped at Greenwich, Virginia, one hundred and seventy conscripts were sent to the regiment. In the absence of Lieutenant Colonel Cantador, it was at this time commanded by Major M'Aloon. Moving from Greenwich to Catlett's Station, it remained till near the close of September, when it was ordered to Washington, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, under command of General Hooker, were dispatched by rail to Nashville, to the support of Rosecrans, occupying a precarious position at Chattanooga. An army of twenty thousand men with all its trains and material, was taken up at Washington, and in eight days set down at Nashville, in condition for effective service. On the 24th of October, 1863, the regiment was stationed at Bridgeport, Alabama. On the 28th, in pursuance of orders, it marched along the Cumberland river towards Chattanooga. On the 29th, the enemy was encountered in the vicinity of Wauhatchie creek, and soon driven back across the stream. As the column passed Lookout Mountain, it was continually fired upon by the rebels posted on its summit, but without effect. The command encamped for the night near the river, having opened communication with Chattanooga. Shortly after midnight, it was aroused by the sound of heavy firing in the rear, and was ordered to the support of General Geary, who had been attacked. Moving at double quick time, the enemy was soon encountered, posted on a high, steep hill. The Seventy-third Ohio, and Thirty-third Massachusetts were ordered to storm the heights, and after three unsuccessful attempts, they at last succeeded in driving the enemy from his position. As the final charge was made, the Twenty-seventh advanced on their left and captured some prisoners. In the morning, breast-works were thrown, up, which were shelled by the rebels on Lookout Mountain. The line was gradually pushed forward towards the mountain, till it reached to the creek, and was daily shelled by the rebels, but with little effect. Notice of the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Cantador was received while here, and Major M'Aloon was appointed to succeed lhim, Captain Reidt, of company C, being promoted to the Majority. Taking up the line of march on the 22d of November, and crossing the river twice on the way, the brigade arrived at Chattanooga the same evening, and encamped for the night. On the following day, leaving knapsacks and tents in camp, and taking o)>,y overcoats and haversacks, it marched a short dis. tance beyond the town and took position in line of battle, already formed. The skirmishers soon became engaged, and drove the enemy, capturing a number of prisoners. The Thirty-third New York having been driven back, a part of the Twenty-seventh Regiment was ordered to its support, relieving it, and remaining out all night on the skirmish line. In the morning, as the skirmishers were being relieved, the rebels opened fire on them. Immediately re-forming, they again advanced, and out-flanking the assailants, took some prisoners. On the same evening, the regiment moved to the left, along the river, and joined Sherman's forces, then advancing towards Mission RBidge. The Seventy-third Pennsylvania held the right of the brigade facing the ridge, the Twenty-seventh the left. The entire ridge was covered with breast-works, well supplied with guns. Sherman, away to the left, was attempting to storm the mounta in his front. Shortly after noon, the Seventy-third advanced from the wood where it had been stationed, to the foot of the ridge and took possession of two blockhouses. It was soon actively engaged, the rebels attempting to dislodge it. Companies A and B, of the Twenty-seventh, were ordered to its support, and ad i863.'BAITLE O MISSION mIIDOG 39b vanced gallantly. The rest of the regiment led by Lieutenant Colonel MPAloon, follow'd, charging uip the ridge to the left of the Sevetnty-third, and werejoined on the way by the two detached ccmpanicte In the face of a hot fire of irfantry and artllery, the column mu shed forvwalrd and without firing a shot drove the enemy behind hais last line of breast-works and to within a few paces ..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Sampson Goldberg...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Chas. Koechstettor...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. J'acob Luescher............ May 31'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 31, 1862 —musterbcd out with company, June 11, 1864. Anthony Michael.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Henry Mumbauer...do....May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1864-mustered out withl company, June 11, 1864. Michael Rauth.~........ May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Oct. 17, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Rausher...............May 3161, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 9, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 11;, 1864. George Vogel.......do.. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March20, 1864-mustered out with company, — une 11, 1864. Peter English......... Corp... Aug. 15'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. George Gammel......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October6, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Hochmrein.....o..... May 81, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October6, 1862-mustered out with company Jmune 11, 1864. F-rank Herman.........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company C, 27th reg. P. V. Hugo Jacoby...........do... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Henry Kosengarten...do. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant company K, 27th reg. P. V. Henry Mauk....d....... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jannary 31, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frederick Nehis.......d May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 23, 1864 —insutered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frederick Willard....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 23, 1861 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. HugoHoserodt........Mic..Jan. 20,'62, 3 Deserted June 30, 1863. Robert Kirsh............... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Wm. Schoenleber...... do.... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,1861. Albert Seifarth........... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Bonifacius Steiner......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. William Wolf............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, June, 1861. Arnold, Corge... Private May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albrecht, Ch'istian...do.. May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Armhold, Max.......... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate,Nov. 30, 1861. Bizzard, Isaac...........do... May 31,. 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1862. Blmenthal, Simon.do..d.. May 31,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificateNov. 10,1862. THREE YEARS' SrRVICI. 397 tI NR. BA NK. DATE OF MUSTER P.RES _A.,.RA.' INTO SERVICE. Borst, George......... Private May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1, 1862. Bachman, Fridolin...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Boer, Mathias............ do Aug. 17,'63, Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864, Brayer, Peter.........d..... June 3,'l, 3 Died at Hunter's Chapel, Va., Nov. 10, 1861. Bendel, Charle.........do......May 31,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1862. Baubean, William.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1861. Brauer, John...........o..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Baner, Tobias............do....................... Died t Philadelphia, January 23, 1865. Corbit, William HI.....do..... Aug. 5,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Davis, Else........... do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 2, 1863. Debering, Adolph...do...... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted September 29, 1862. Erion, Charles..........do..... June 3'61, 6 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ellinger, Charles.......do...A. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Fischer, Nicholas......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frankel, Meyer.... M......... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Jan. 30,'62 Fortenbacher, Fred...do....... ay 3,, 61 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., August 11, 1861. Findling, David.........do...... Oct. 20,'62, 3 Deserted July 15, 1863. Flodman, Andrew.......do.... Aug. 5,'63, 3 Transferred to U S..Navy, April 9, 1864. George, Felix.............. May 31,'61, 3 Corporal-promoted toSergeant —reduced Oct. 17,'61 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Grotz, John..............do..... May 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'61. Gardner, James......l...o.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 9, 1864. Glenn, John.......... do... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Gross, Leopold.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Died of wds.rec. at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Guntman, Casper.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died June 7, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Hummell, Charles.....do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Huber, Peter.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Herman William......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Habisrittinger, Aug...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Corporal-reduced-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hornstein, George.....do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harlfinger, Gustav...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hausman, William...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hembold, James L...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8, 1862. Heyman, Herman.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Haas, Frank.............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt., Jan. 9, 1862. Haimpel, John.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, January 9, 1862. Hool, William..........do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Hoffman, Charles......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Rilled at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Habisrittinger,Wm...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died June 12, 1862, of wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Jacobson, August.......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 9, 1864. Jordan, Charles.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died July, 1862, on the march to Sperryville. Kirchner, Jacob........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Koppe, Charles.........do.... May 31, 1, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kuhn, Magnus.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Knecht, John.... o........... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kaiser, Charles.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keller, Charles.....do....... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2, 63. Krauth, Gottlieb.....do....... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'63. Kuhn, Edmund........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 186L Kaufman, Albert......do..... Oct. 6'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Kurth, Edward.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Kaufman, Henry......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, October, 1861. norr, Peter............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., September 8, 1862. Kleber, Charles.........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Krng, August......... do.... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. G, Sept. 1, 1861-re-transferred to Co. A, June 6,'64-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Knoer,Theodore........do................... Died Sept. 8, 1862-buried at M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Lenhard, John...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lang, Philip........... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lay, Gottfried........... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to artillery, September 4, 1861. Lohman, Charles......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Muller, Jacob...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Muller, Conrad..........do....May 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, Nov. 1, 1861mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. May, Louis.............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Meyer, John.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Meyer, Jacob........ do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Moegle, Louis............do May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 29, 1863. Mueller, George.......do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Maurer, John...........do.... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Mueller, Louis.........do...May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Meyer, Max...............do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. 398 TWENTY-SEVENTHI EGIMENT, NMB. BAN. ~DATE OF MUSTER NAME. EA INTO SERVICE. RE RAEMN. Miller, John...........Private Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 7, 1863. Meyers, John............ do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted December 10, 1863. Nolan, Michael.......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Neter, David........... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Orff, Casper....... do.....Aug. 17, 63, 3 Died March 13, 1864, at Jeffersonville, Ind. Peter, Charles..........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pfaff, William............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pilf, Felix............. do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Ringetstein, Jacob.....do..... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Roth, Lewis..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'63. Rosenheim, Bern'd...do..... May 31, 61, 3 I )isch. on, Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Richter, Charles.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Rempfer, Edward...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on $urgeon's certificate-date unknown. Rapp, Joseph..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 29, 1863. Rechtenbach, Gust....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 19, 1864. Rippman, August......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Rommel, Fred'k.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Schaad, Adam..........do..... ay 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Steier, John...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schlecht, John...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sturm, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scholder, Christian...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, August, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Steinhauer, Robert.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schloss, Abraham......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stiefel, Charles. o........ May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sontag, Peter...... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Schuetze, Charles... do..... May 31,'61,.3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Schreiner, Louis.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, July 15,'61. Scholz, Reinhard........do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June, 1864. Schneider, John.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died June 12, 1862, of wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Siel, Charles............do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Died December 17, 1863, of wounds received at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Schmith, Anthony.....do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 4, 1863. Schirmer, Adolph......do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 16, 1863. Schlesselberg, Wm...do...... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 30, 1863. Stroh, William.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Todt, John.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,'63. Unser,-Belthaser........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Volz, Jacob..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1862, Veit, Christian..........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to artillery, September 4, 1861. Wenzel, Christian.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walker, Christian..do..... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wolff, Anthony..........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Winter, Charles......do May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Well, Conrad....................................... Died December 17, 1863, at Chattanooga. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. William Jatho........ Capt.... May 31,'61, 3 Resigned January 18, 1863. Ignatz Cohn..........do.. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. C, to Ist Lt. Co. A, Nov. 1,'62-to Capt., Jan. 1, 1864-resigned April 26,'64. A. F. Vogelbach........do... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Dec. 13,'63-to Capt., April27,'64wounded at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Kuehn....... 1st Lt.. May 31,'61, 3 Resigned November 15, 1862. Helman Meiser........do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, November 1, 1861. Chas. Westhoff...... 2d Lt.. May 31,'61, 3 Resigned January 1, 1862. Benj. B. Goodman.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant-to 2d Lieutenant, Jan..1, 1862-resigned October 23, 1862. J. Adelsheimer..... Ist Sgt. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company A, November 1, 1862. Frederick Luders......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant and tr. to company K. John Ehrenburg........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged September 14, 1861. William Reisch.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 10, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Stoehr........ Serg't.. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Ordnance Sergeant, June 27, 1861. Anton Constantine.....do.. May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARBS SERVICE. 899 RA DATE OF MUSTER NAi. RtANH. INTO SERVICE 1 Nicholas Erhard... Sergt.. May 31,61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant,November 1,1861-muster ed out with company, June 11, 1864. Chas Heiligmann.. o.......... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Julius Heimburg......do... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, Sept. 1, 1861-to 2d Lt. company A, Nov. 1, 1861. John Simons.............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died August 17, 1862, at Winchester, Va., of wds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Henry Spaeth...........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Joseph Williams..........do May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 6, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Blythe...... Corp,.. May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peter Kiefer............ do....May 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28, 62. John Kiessel............. do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 8, 1862. Christian Leister.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ludwig Lambrecht...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Godfrey Mueller........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Reduced November 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry Meier..............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Bernard Volmer......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Kaufholz....... Muc.... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Kalarama Heights, near Washington, D. C., June, 1861. Adler, Noah...........Private May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andles, Nicholas.....do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, September 1, 1861re-transferred to company B-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andres, Lewis........ July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 23, 1864. Alien, George............do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted August 30, 1863. Adler, Jacob N.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bratton, Charles........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Braunschweiger, E...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brenner, John..........do..... May 31,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Buder, William........do...... May 31,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11,-1864. Baumeister, Harer...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Bodenstein, Fred'k...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Brurein, Charles........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'61, Berns, Frederick.......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Binger, William........do... July 30,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Darm, Jacob..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Doebel, George........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dauer, Adam............do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Drover, Chandler......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Died at Bridgeport, Ala., October 16, 1863. Ernst, Henry...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ehrenberg, Peter.......do... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28, 1861. Fuchs, Jacob.............do.....'Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 23, 1864. Fischer, Philip.........do..... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 23, 1864. Genter, Nathan.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Woundedin action-date unknown-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Ga.nster, Jacob........... do....Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 23, 1864 Geiger, Mathias.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,'63-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 220. Gadell, Simon............do...... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Gnau, Alfred............do.....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 26, 1862. Grossnear, Peter.......d..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hinsel, Joseph........do......................... Died at Chattanooga, Jan. 5, 1864-grave, 671. Henkel, William......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,F1864. Hartman, August.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'61. Hennig, Michael......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 31,'62. Hagman, Adolph......do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 8,'62. Hildner, Adam........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'62. Herrigel, Freaki.....do..... July 21,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Hicks, Charles...........do..... July 17,'63 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Haefele, Theophilus...do..... May 31,'61 3 Promoted to Corn. Sgt., January 1, 1862 Hagenauer, Charles...do.... May 31,'61 3K illed at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863..ianson, John II.......do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Haug, Peter............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Israel, Jacob............ do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, Charles..........do..... Aug. 4,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, April 9, 1864. Jones, William E......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 19, 1864grave, 6,200. Johnson, Nicholas.....do.... May 31.'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Ja.ob, John.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Missing in action at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Jones, A.......................................... Died at Andersonville, Oct. 16,'64-grave, 10,987. Kammerer, Charles...do....M.. ay 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 400 TWENTY-SEVENTH i REGIMENT, t' INAME. ERAE DATE O MUSTER REMARK AMB. RAK. ~INTO SERVICE. H REMARES. Rechringer, Jacob.. Private May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Krieg, William.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 -Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kuelmer, Christo'r.. do.....May 31,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kaun, William.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28, i61 Krefenreister, Geo....do.... May 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Kligge, Charles.........do..... May 31,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6,'62. Kuhn, Abraham........do..... May 31', 613 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19,'62. Kilemme, Lewis.......do... May 31,'61, Transferred to light artillery, September 5, 1861. Kligge, William........do... May 31,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., September 30, 1861. Leber, ]Frederick......do..... May 31, 61 3 Transferred to heavy artillery, Sept, 28, 1861. Link, Mathais..........do..... Aug. 18, 63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64, Leidell, Frederick.....do..... May 31,'61 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., September 30, 1861. Lendower, Gottlieb o...do... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. May, John................do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864* Mathais, William......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Meyer, Frederick......do..... May 31,'61 3 _M1ustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Muehlbauer, Anton...do..... May 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'61. Muhlick, Julius.......do..... Aug. 18'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Mehleisen, Chas.......do..... Aug, 19'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64, Mueller, Lewis........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863, Meyer, George...........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 28, 1863. Mihm, Christian........do.... May 31, 61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1863. M'Elroy, James...... do..... do Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Nicholas, Thomas......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64 Nabholtz, Freak........do..... Aug. 18, 63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Ooelson, Ferdinand...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 14,'64, Ott, Frederick..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to light artillery, Sept. 5, 1861. Ostins, Ludwig...... M........ May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Planger, Paul............ do..... May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Pross, John............do..... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rossling, Bernhard...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reibrecht, Lewis.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Reinhard, Francis.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'61. Rich, Michael............do.....May 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'6. Roth, William...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'61 Remde, Gustav.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. Rios, John............... do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Schott, Philip............do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Steittler, Joseph........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schmid, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Staake, August.........do..... May 31,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Setleman, Fred'k...... do... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Schweitzer, Chas......do..... May 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'61. Schmedding, Franz...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61 Schenk, Simon.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Schoenman, Ema'l...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4,'63, Schiffner, August......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63, Schwartz, Philip..... do.....May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 24,'63, Strauss, Jonas.... Mdo....... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Smith, James Y.........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Schneider, William...do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23, 64. Schmid, John, Sr.......do.... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to Clay General Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky, May 23, 1864. Tafel, Adolph............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Sept. 30, 1861. Tschudi, Anton.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864* Thom, Otto...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Waterman, Chas........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weber, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Walter, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'61. Winter, Sebastian......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Webb, Joseph............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Dischirged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28,'61. Wittle, Jacob.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'62. Winterhalter, John...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'61. Walty, Frederick.....do..... July 15, 63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 23,'64. Weir, Henry.............do..... Aug18'63, 3 Tr. to U. S. Navy, S. O., No. 9, WV. D., Apr. 9,'64. Weinberger, Paul.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 29th reg. N. Y. V., Sept. 1, 1861. Werner, John............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died September'12, 1862, at Washington, D. C.buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Weigner, Carl........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Wilson, Thomas........do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 25, 1863. Wier, Charles F........do...... 18,'63. 3 Deserted October 31, 1863. "Young, John.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted September 19, 1863. Yost, August............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Chancellorsille, May 2, 1863. Z1ilt, Sebastian.............May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THIf3E TEABIS SERVITiS 41S. COMPANY C% REICRITED AT PHILADELPRIA.. WINE. aA.N O SEE. IcE. A August eidt...... apt... a JuNe 1, "61, 3 Promoted to Major, December 13, 1863. Emil Mey.er.........Sept. 61 3. as st Lt. from Co. G, No 1.'62-pr. to Capt., Dec. 13, 1863 —-m s. out with Co., June 11, 1864. tacaked to Staff of General Williams-transferred to company K. January 21, 1862. Fran cis X._-IHrrai...do.. JInre, 61, S Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4, 1862 Adolph Schaeffer...d..... ov. 14, 61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company Gc, Nov 15, 1862to 1st Lt. company C, Dec. 13, 1863 —.munstered'out with comrpany, June 11. 1864. Ignates Ooln...... 2 Lt... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, December 18& 1861to 1st Lieutenant cmpany A, Novemhber 1,'62. Lewis A. Saunders....do'Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1A LkeI tenant'co3apDany G, January 1, 1864. John Ilanappe..... lt Sgt June 1, 01, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company K, September, 1862. Charles Kuehn......M...do.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutemaant co'nany K, October 7, 1861. Maurice Roseberg...do.... June 1,'61, Promoted to 1st Sergeant, Septeinber 1, 1862 — mustered out with company, J3ine 11, 1864. Arnold S. Angeroth Sergt.. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, August 28, 1861.. Ohristian Albert.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Dischaigd on Surgeon's certificate. Nov. 26,'62. Rand'ph Beresford...d.....June 1, 61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Jan. 21, 1862 —wd, at 2d Baul Runmustered out with compaiy,, June 11. 1864. Charles Bauer............d... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, May 1, 1863. Adolph Dinklage......do.... July 28,'63, 3 Transfered to 109th regiment P. V, June 1,'64. L;eo Moser................d d.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Deo. 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hienry Massorrg..........d.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'62. fHemry Millet.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25,'63. George Walter...-......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert Wagner......1..do...,. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. Charles Bregler......Corp... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Bieswanger............ June I,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1. 1863 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Be.................do.... June 1,'61, Died June, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa. Bernard Fallbuck.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Hunter'saChapel, Va., Januar 30, 1862. John Kumpel...........do....June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company H., September 1, 1861. Charles Kern...........d..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to V:. R. C., March 31, 1864. Charles Lerielle......do...... June 1,, 861, 3Killed at tIissionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25,'6&. Wm'. Pffeisberer...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 29 1861. Thielman Rein....,..o....... June 1,'61 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept., 1863-mustered out with coampany, June 11, 1864. Christ'n Schlatterer...do.... June 1,'61 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept., 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. EdwardSteinbruck......... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, May 1, 1863S Wnm. Shoenleber.... Mu...... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, June 0, 1861. John Werner..........do.....June 1, 61, Deserted July 29, 1861. Andres, Christian... Private June 1, 61 3 1 eserted June 6, 1861. Arner, Albert............do..... June 1'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1863. Anderhalten, Arn'...do.... Aug. 15,'63,3 Deserted September 28, 1863. Armbruster, John..;,A..do...July 24,'63, 3 Deserted September 28) 1863. Bleimer, George.........do..... June 1,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 18644 runer, Adam..........do..... June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Beierle, Lewis...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., January 14, 1864. Bregler, Adolph........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64~John.ca ptured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863- died at Andersonville, April 5, 1864, grave, 427. Becker, Ge. Wm...do....Aug. 15, 63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Burgess, Henry.........do..... July 28,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-died at Andersonville, Oct. 4, 1864, grave, 10,357. Brawn, Bernhard.....do..... June 1)'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Berner, Joseph...... do..... June 1,'61 3 Deserted March 13, 1863. Bower, George...........do.... Aug. 18,'63, s Deserted September 28, 1863. Buechtel, William,....o...... Aug. 15,'63, D ieserted September 28, 1863. 51 402 TWENTT-SIVENHi RE'GIMENTI ~AMS. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER. 1EMAf INTO SERVICE. E. Conrad, Frederick.. Private June 1,'01, 3 Captured —died at Richmond, Va., December 24,1863. Dieroff, William........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'61. i)eetzen, John..........do...June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant —transferred to company G, November 1, 1862. Dusch, Abrahatma......do..... june 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Sept. 1, 1863. Driesde, Fred'k E.....do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. )amin, Eberhart.......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. afiley, Charles........do...., July 27,'63, 3 Deserted September 6, 1863. tmhardt, John.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, Sept. 1, 1861 —mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Ellinger, Emanuel I...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28,'61 Eidinger, John".......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'62. ]!hl).wanger, Charles...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Eiding J..................do..................... Died Dec. 26, 1862-buried at M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Fethagen, Joseph,.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. hische', Daniel........do..,.. June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 6, 186. Franck, Otto..........do...do June 1,'d1, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Frev, James M.........do..... July 27,'63, 3 Deserted August 26, 1863. Fischer, Anton..........do.....July 27,'63, 3 Deserted September 28, 1863. Pritz, Frederick........do..... May 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gling, Jacob....,,do..,.. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Groh, Henry.......... do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Gotbub, John.......[...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., September 8, 186.1 Glombitza, John........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haag, John............do..... June 1'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hagler, Charles........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Heller, David............do..... June 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hausermann, Johni...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, November 1, 1863. aminmerschmidt, J...do.....June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, August 12, 1861. Hohmaia, Xavier...d...do..Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Mar. 31,'64. Hess4 Robert.............do June 1, 1,'6 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Harris,John L..........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 16, 1863. Hlummel, John......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 26, 1862. g, Tobias..................do..... June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-died at Agndersonville, May 27, 1864-grave, 1,401. Johnson, Richard......do..... July 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. lKahn, Louis............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kiess, Jacob........... do. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Krauss, Paul............do.....June 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kimmel, George.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kaser, John.....do.......do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kupke, William....... do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1862. Kiess, Anthony.........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, July 21, 1861. Kunwarof, Chas. F..do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Kelly, James........do Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 16, 1863. Lather, John...........o..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Linderman, Wm.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lorenz, William.... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'64. Leibling, Christian....do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Leibbrand, David......do..... Oct. 1,'62, 3 Deserted September 28, 1863. Leitcker, August.....do..... July 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 30, 1863. Marsteller, William...do.. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Menke, Henry..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Metzger, John...........do..... June 1'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Markert, John......... do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Martins, Frederick o...do.. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'61. Martins, John............do.. June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, July 2, 1862. Marguard, Peter......do..... Jan. 19'63, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Moehlheinrich, L....do.....June 1,'61, 3 Died at Roach's Mills, Va., August 26, 1861. Marshall, James. d... ug. 18,'63 3 Deserted eptember 16,Aug. 1863. Miller, Edward A;.....do....Aug. 12,'63, 3 Deserted August 26, 1863. May, HI. M.........do.............. Died Oct. 13. 1863 — buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Otto, Tobias................. June 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. oss, Jacob..............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 11, 1864. Reiter, Bernard......i...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, Nov. 1,'61. Reiter, Frederick.-j......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Roach's Mills, Va., August 2, 1861. Rineel. Alfred........I...do.....I Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted November 22, 1863. oss. Bernard.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Schumaker,Conrad...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schick, John, 1st.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sproesser. Reinholdi...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schechinger, Chas..i...d.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THR1E YEARS' SERVICE. 4)3 DATE OF XV.$STE, NAME. RA. DATE O MLSSR R EMIARKS. INTO SERVICE. Silberzahn, John... Private June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on 7Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19/,'62. Schneider, Fred'k..f..do..... June 1,'61, 3 Disharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Steirle, Frederick.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Leb. 23,'63. Schmallzreid, Chas..do..... June 1,i1, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October 10, 1863. Schaeffer, William.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25,1863. Smith, Charles.. d o.ne 1,'6,~ Smithc, Charles.........do.. Aug. 13,'6, 3 Deserted September 28, 1.863. 8ehick, John, 2d........do..... June 1, 61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Speiss, Philip.....do.......do June 1, 61 3 Deserted October 15, 1862. Scheider, Charles......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Tasseman, John........do.....Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., Jane 1,'64. Tilseck, Nicholas......do.. July 17,'633 Deserted September 28, 1863. Veiwager, Ernst........do... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wesener, Franz......do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1, 1,864. Weller, Frederick....... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, J-une 11, 1864. We', John............ June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Jue 11, 1864. Wolf, William...........do.. June 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weidmeyer, Fred'k.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weckerly, Fred'k......do June 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifieate, Jly 80,'61 Weisman, Conrad.....d...... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, August 12, 1861. Wagner, Charles-......do.. Ang, 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P.'V., June 1,'64. Wright, William.......do.....' July 22,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Werthe r, Oscar........ sdo,.. June 1,'61, 3 Died at Mt. Jackson, Va., June 15,'62, of wounds received at Cross Keys, June 8, 1862. Zangenberg, Henry...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'2. Zimmerman, Jacobl...do.. June 1,'61 3 Transferred to ArtilLery, Aug.ust 12. 1861. -COMPANY DI SRECRTJITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Jacob Kieffer.......... Capt.... June 1,'61, 3 Resigned August 31, 186L 1 Her'n A. Vogelbach...do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred as Capt. to company A, Nov. 1, 1861. Louis Weiderihold......o..... Spt. 1,'61, 3 Resigned January 1, 1862. Louis Bullinger..........d -Spt...e 1 61, " 3 Resigned September 24, 1862. Charlos Kreuder......... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, November 27, 1862. astrow Alexander...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, January 1, 1863. Erich Bartels........do..... June 1,'61, 3 PromotedtoCor., May 1,'62-toSgt., Nov. 1,'62to 2d Lt., Nov. 27,'62-to 1st It., Dec. 18,'63s.e I~ ~r-,to Capt., March 19, 1864-mustered out with ~ company, June 11, 1864. Peter Dreyer.......... 1st Lt...June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt.- resigned Aug. 31, 1862. Paniel Epsteim.........do... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt, Jan. 20, 1862-resigned Mar. 8,'63. Max Hoefler................ June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., March 17,'62-1st lt., March 20, "64-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. John lman........... lstSgt.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., March 20, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacob Gable........ -Serg't.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted toSergeant,'February 20,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William. Lyons......do.... June 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., November 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John H e. Lenny........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Sept. 14,'61. Frederick Miller......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 39th reg. N. Y. V., Aug. 1, 1861. Frederick Stultz.......do..... June 1'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., November 1, 1861-mustered I out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph Villinger........ June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., November 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Emil Weirich.........do...... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863. Nicholas Beck......... o.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal. April 12, 1862-mustered |,C..Jn out with company, June 11, 1864. Christopher Craule...do..... June 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1861-mustered |j'61, [ out with company, June 11, 1864. Jos. Eshencrenner.d..'.... June 1,'61,, 3 Muastered out with company, June 11, 1864. Michael Faist.........I...do... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1861 —mus1rederic Fisher....d I e, tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frederick Fisher....'.....do..June, 1, 61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863. George Heldmayer i.do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. George Marrer........ do..... June 1,'61, 3 D1ischarged on Surgeon's certifiecte, Nov. 6, 1861. Christopher Retter..'...do. l.. June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, September 29. 1861. John.Shuster...........do.....I June 1,'6, 131 Promoted to Corporal, February 20, 1862-musI I j1 r rtered out with corifpany, June 11, 1864. 4 [0 TWENTY-SEVENTH R'EGIfIEi T I.TO. SE.WT C.c, Joseph Shepperla... Corp.... June 1,'61 3 Promoted to( Corporal, Sept. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June l1, 1864. Philip Strebler.........-... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 20, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albert W.nmch.....,... do.... June 1,'61,. 3 Promoted to Corpora, October 1,. 1863 —m.ustered out with company, June l1, 1861. Auberle, Gottfried.. Private June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 14, 61. Agen, Thomas...........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P.V., June 1,'64. Aysslinger, John......do...,. June 1, 61, 3 Died at Strasburg Va.,. June 20, 1862. Andrew, John........u...do'.....I July 15,'63 3 Deserted August 31, 1863. Bishoff, William........do..... June 1,'6, Mustered out with company, June II, 1864. Blankenhorn, Wm...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Britt, Edward.......d...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bach, Louis...........do...June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1861. Brurein, Charles........do..... June I, "61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1861. Barbick, Jacob..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unka o'wn. Brown, William......do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknowi. Becker, Edward....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bornett, William F...do.... Aug. 18'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1.'64, Berg, Clemens...........do...June 1,'6I, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, Jusly 1, 1863. Bertram, Ernst.........do.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 186& Berg Rudolph......d.....d June 1, 63, 3 Deserted May 9, 1862. Badel, Francis.........do'..... June 1, 61, 3 Deserted July 7 1863& Blair, John................do.. June I, "6,. 3 Deserted August 4, 1861. Brien, John...............do.... Aug. 8, T63, 3 Deserted September 27, 1863. Brown, Charles.............. Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 28 1863, Brurein, Martin.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Not on nuster-out roll. Carrey, Edward........do..... June 1,'6, Mustered, out with company, June 11,1864 Christ, Joseph.......... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Cahn, Edward......I...do..... June 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Carle, Ludwig...........do..... June 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon'seertificate, Nov. 6, 1861. Carey, John...............do.... June 1'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Augrst,1861. Delfer Henry...........do.....June 1,'61, 3- Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Dupont, Charles......do.....Oct. 31,'62, 3 Prisoner-died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 3, 1863. Dunn, John...............do..Aug. 18, 63, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Enzinger, Xavier......do..... June 1,'61, 3Mustered out with eompany, June 11, 1864. Erb, Henry............do June 1,'61, 3 1ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Ernst, Christopher..I....do.. Jue 1,'61 3s Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Emil, Charles............do June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, September 29, 1861. Froeb, Christian....!...do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, 1861. Fleishaus, Joseph......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifieate, Sept. 11,'61. FroehlingerhAnth'y..do,.. June 1'61 3 Transferred toVet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Grier, Jacob...............do June,'61, 3 Wounded at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863absent, sick, at muster out of company. assenheimer, G......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Greiner, John........do..... June 1, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gottwals, Abram.....do..... June 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Srg. ee'tificate-date unknown. Godman, Edward...... Jan. 1, 62, 3 Died, date unknown, at Washington, D.C., of 3 wounds received at Chancellorsville. Grahams, William.....do..... Aug. 18,'63, Deserted September 29,1863. Henderer, Louis.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June, 1, 864. Herman, John...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Musteredout with company, June 11, 1864. Husted, George.......do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hirt, Adam...............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered. out with company, June 11, 1864. Hoffman, Erest....... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's eertificate, Sept. 12,'61. Housman, Jacob.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Henkel, Jacob...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hughes, John..........de....do Aug. 17, 63, Deserted September 1, 1863. Johnson, Samuel.......do..... July 15,'63, 3 Transferred to T. S. Navy, September 14, 1863. Johnson, Charles...do....d Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, September 14, 1863. Klump, Ignatz...........do..... June 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 14,'61. Koch, Adolph..........do.... Junoe 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Sbpt. 15,'61. Krausse, Peter..........do..... June 1,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 11, 61.. Kane, James..............do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Deserted September 6, 1863. Kelly, Tlomas......... do.. Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Lawhler, Martin...........June 1,'61^ Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lynn, Alexander......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Matrony, Florence....o..... June 1,'61, 3 Captured, July 2, 1863-discharged by general order, January 21, 1865. Miller, Ottma......do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Myroden, Willam.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. MilIer, Herman......I...do.....June 1,6 1, S Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'62. May, Mayer,...............d.. June 1, 61, 3 Disclharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 12,'62. Mayer, Hermann......do June 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. SMeller, Joseph.............do June 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown, TIIREE YEARS' SERVICE. 405 A DATE OF MUSTER RE. ~~~~NAME. RANK. IN..TO SERVICE. I Mittzler, Gottfried.. Private June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 27, 1863. Mayfield, Charles......do..... Aug. 8,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Muller, Conrad.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, November 1, 1861. Milleck, Louis........... do..... June 1, 61, Killed at Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863. Mery, Henry............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 1, 1863. Miller, John....... do.... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 6, 1863. Otterbach, Fred'k.....do.....June 1, 61 3 Transferred to Artillery, September 29, 1861. O'Connell, James......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 6, 1863. Parker, John...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Roeser, Joseph........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Jan. 15, 1862mus. out as private with company, June 11,'64. Regen, Charles..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20, 1861. Rastetter, Leopold.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 25,'63. Rein, Frederick.............do.. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10'62. Rodgers, William....do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Roos, Ludwig. do.......... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Roefler, Gottlieb........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Ranaschler, David..!...do..... June 1'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862. Raab, Charles...... do.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 27, 1863. Stein, Lois..............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Selka, Magnus........do.. June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shoemaker, Jacob.....do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mistered out with company, June 11, 1864. Staehl, Charles.........do..June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Staehlen, Fred'k.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'62. Smith, George...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Shmidt, John.........do.... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, September 29, 1863. Shardon, Frank A.....do..... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, September 29, 1863. Suron, John H..........do... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Shneyder, Christ'n...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 30,'63.. Schmidt, James......d...do... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Strepler, Jacob............. June 1,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., July 14, 1862. Schroth, Gottlieb.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Franklin, Va., May 28, 1862. Schmitt, Charles.......do..June 1,'61, 3 Died at Hunter's Chapel, Va., Nov. 15, 1861. Schmitt, James........do..... Aug. 14, 63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Simon, Charles..........d... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Toutwein, William...do.. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Towsand, Samuel......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company J e, June I, 1864. Thies, Jacob.............do..June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1, 1861. Tschopeck, Joseph.....do... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. Taylor, Charles.........do.. Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 1, 1863. Vogel, John............. do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'63. Vogelbach, Adol. F...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, September 8, 1861. Wetzel, Heronimus...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wieland, William.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weinstock, Bern'd... do....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, J 1864. Warburg, Sigmund...do. June 1,'61, 3 Captured July 2, 1863-mustered out, Jan. 23,'65. Winidele,Valentinel...do.. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wedekind, Julius..... do.. June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Walker, John........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Hunter's Chapel, Va., Nov. 28, 1861. Williams, M'Frank...do.... Aug. 14,'63, 31 Deserted September 6, 1863. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Hugo Rotho......... Capt..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Sept. 14, 1861i............... resigned December 11, 1861. Max Stohr.................do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Resigned November 27, 1862. Charles Kreuder.... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Sept. 1,'61-to 1st Lt., Jan. 14, 1862-transferred from company D, Nov. 27, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, March 8, 1863. Jastrow Alexander...do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, Jan. 1, 1863-rej signed June 19, 1863. Herman Meiser...... 1st Lt.. June 30,'61, 3 Resigned October 31, 1862. John Kumpel............do.....I Nov. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Alexander Keist....... do... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. company H, to 2d Lt. company E, Oct. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. Francis Bierwirth 2d Lt.. June 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Captain Co. G, 69th reg. P. V., Oct. 4, 1861. J. H. Kuhn...........do..... Oct. 21,'61, 3, Promoted to 1st Lt. Co. G, 27th regiment P. V. 406 TWENTY-SEVENTH RBEGIMENT, NAME RANK, DAT OF MUSTE REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Harford E. Fraley... 2d Lt... Nov. 1,'63, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Nov. 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrew Albrecht... 1st Sgt. June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1862-to Ist Sgt., Jan. 1, 1864-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles B. Wagner...do J.. Tune 3,'1, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company I. Henry Beer............ Serg't. June 3,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. George Douglas......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 18, 1861-to Sgt., March I~~ i~~1, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, May 8, 1863. Benj. B. Goodman.....do.. May 31,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lieutenant company B, Jan. 11, 1862. George HEubler...........do... June 3,'61, Promoted to Cor., Sept. 28, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1861 —mnstered out with company, June 11,'64. William Preiser.....o.... June 3,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Lawrence Reif...........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Mare_ 19, 1864 —mus. out with company, June 11ll864. Theodore Sander.....d..... do June 1,'61, Transferred from Sgt. Major, and appointed 1st,, t., June 8, 1863-reduced to Sergeant Jan. 1, 1864 —mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. John Appel.............do.. June 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20, 1863. William Fingerlee.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted December 25, 1861. Thos. W. Ackley... Corp.... Tune 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1863 —mustered.~I out with company, June 11, 1864. John T. Carse_,.....do..... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March James Fd J,'1, 20, 1864. fJames Ferres,................June,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1862-mustered out with companv, June 11, 1864. Christian Fink...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, Sept. 15, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. George Gress............do..... June 3,'61, 3 Died ofVoundsreceived at Cross Keys, Va, June 8, 1862.. Emil Preiser..............d..... June 3,'63, 3 Died at Baltimore, August 21, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. John Stoll................do..June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Toener.............do.... June 3, 61, 3 Reduced fron Sergeant-promoted to Cor., Sept. 1, 1863 —mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. William Triesel.........do.....une 3,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,1861. John Vichman.............do.....June 3, 61, 3' Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's battery, Sept. 5, 1861. A. H. Vanderslice......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Died July 8, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Christ'r Wallace........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Died June 18, 1862, of wounds received at Cross ZKeys, Va., June 8, 1862. Aricl, George......... Private June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Allen, Joseph..........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 21,'64. Ammerson, James..'..do.....June 3,'61, 3 Killed in action, at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,'63. Allen, William.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1861.'Bauer, Adam...........do.....June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Barwick, Jacob... do..... June 3, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8, 1863. Bigwell, John..do.....do June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, March 1, 1862. Brogenschutz, John'...do.....M ay 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 21,'64-Vet. Brophy, Joseph........do.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 21, 64. Brown, Charles.........do..... Aug. 17,63, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, April 10,...do 3,'61, 3 1864. Barg, Simon..............do June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's battery, Sept. 5, 1861. Burk, Jchn H...........do..... July 15,'63, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, April 10, 1864. Buchanan, John..........do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., May 21, 1864. Borie, Charles............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Rocky Face Ridge, March 8, 1864. Brown, Robert....!...do.... une 3,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md.-date unknown. Barth, William........do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted February 20, 1862. Brown, William I do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861. Bell, John................do 1June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1861. Bemmer, Charles...'...do. Juno 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1861. Bennett, John.......do.... June 3, I'61, Deserted June 12, 1861. Coleman, Frederick'...do..... June 3,'61, 3 M ustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Collom, Jonathan G...do..... une 3,'61 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, April 30,'62. Chromelien, Wash.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 1, 1861. Cassidy, Joseph.........do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109thregiment P. V., May 21,'64. Crawfodrd, Edwrd..'...o...June 3, 61, Deserted July 2,1861 Clay, James.........do.. June 3,'6, 3 Deserted July 15, 1861. Coyle, James..........do...June 3, 61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1861. Doud, Patrick.........do.... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment Pa. Volunteers, ~I Iy I ~ May 21, 1864. Drenan, Felix... oA...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 22, 1864. Donohuo, Hugh......... do... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1861. TH.REE' YEARS' SERVICE. 407 TNAME. BANK. 1TODATE OF MUSTER R ARKS. KAME. KAN_. _ S _ R S. INTO SERVICE Denny, John........... Private June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Day, George S..........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 29, 1863. Debus, Francis........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'62. Dressing, Charles......do...:. June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'61. Derine, Andrew........ do..... July 17,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Englehart, George......do... June 3,'61. 3 Deserted January 10, 1861. Edginond, Chris'n.....o..... June 3,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6, 1862. Ernest, Christopher...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Prisoner from Nov. 25,'63, to April 29,'65-mustered out by general order, June 14, 1865. Fingerlee, Fred'k......do..... June 3,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Falgier,Christopher...do... June 3, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6,'62. Flood, Joseph N.........do..... June 3,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14,'62. Fox, Thomas.............do..... Aug. 14,'3, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 21,'64. Flowers, William..... do..... Aug. 15, 63, 3 Deserted October, 1863. Frank, John ElI..........do.....June 3.'61, 3 Deserted June 11, 1861. Forsyth, James........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1861. Grawe, Anton...........do..... June 3,'1, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Glanden, George........do..... June 3,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gronosley, Robert.....do June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'63. Gotwals, Abraham.....do.....June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 20, 1864..-Hannold, Ernst........do...... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with cormany, June 11, 1864. Hinkel, Jacob............do..... June 3.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hassan, George.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Housman, Jacob........do.....June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 22,'62. Hersh, Henry S.........do..... Aug. 1,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 6,'62. Harding, Alexan'r.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'63. Heist, E3manuel.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'62. Hassan, John M.........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company I, December 25, 1862. Hickman, Philip.......do.... June 3,'61, Deserted June 1, 1861. Hathaway, George.....do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Deserted August 29. 1863. Haggan, James.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 13, 1861. Hillinger, Philip........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 24, 1861. Henry, John..............do..... June 3,'6!, 3 Deserted July 1, 1861. Ireland, Hubard........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. roomer, George.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kraus, Peter..............do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 16, 1861. Kearney, Peter.........do.....June 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 6. 1861. Leschell, August......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11; 1864. Link, Conrad...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Nov. 6, 1863. Laracy, James...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1861. Lee, Richard.............do...July 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 30, 1863. Lee, William............do..... Aug. 17,'65, 3 Deserted August 30, 1863. Langan, Matthew......do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted May 2, 1862. Laughlin, James........do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Miller, John..............do.....June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Carl.............do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25,'61. Meyer, Charles........ do.....Sept. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, April 10, 1863. Meyer, Moses............do...... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's battery, Sept. 5, 1861. Moore, James.......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 21,'64. Maguire, Philip......do..... July 17,'63, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., May 21,'64. 2Mayall, William.......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Died August 26, 1862, of wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Meyers, Herman........do..... June 3, 61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1862. Madden, James.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1861. Macasker. Bernard...do.. June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1862. Miner, Albert............do..... July 15,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. M'Dade, Andrew C...do.. Juno 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. M'Kelvy, Alex'r......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 15, 1864. M'Kelvy, John.........do..... June 3,'1, 3 Died November 30, 1861. M'Devit, John........... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. M'Cauly, James........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1861. M'Crea, Michael....... do... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 16, 1861. M'Ginnis, Vasey........do... Jun 3,'1, 3 Deserted June 10, 1861. M'Cullough, Wm......do..... Aug. 463,' 3 Deserted August 1, 1863. M'Grome, James........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 23, 1861. M'Kelvy, Thomas......do.... June 3, 61, 3 Deserted December 7, 1861. M'Mann, John.........do... July 17,'63, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Nauer, Joseph................ June 3,'61, 3 Deserted-arrested, December 7, 1863-absent in. arrest, at muster out of company. Nice, Albert...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1861. Nelson, James........A... do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Deserted August 31. 1863. O'Neill, John.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861 Petri, William.......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out of company, 408 TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, hNAME. RANK. DATEO FnUSTER REnARKS. INTO SERVICE. rt................. _',.. Patterson, Garrett... Private June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 24, 1861. Rothe, Joseph............do... Juno 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Renshler, David.......do..... June 3,'61. 3 Deserted June 16, 1861. Ranger, Franklin....do..... July 15,'63, 31 Deserted August 29, 1863. Rosenthal, Abra'm...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted December 25, 1861. Stinebrenner, John..do.... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sniteman, Christian!..do..... June 3, 1,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schneider, Francis...do..... June 3, 61, 3 Tr, to colmpan G, and re-transferred, June 5, 1864-must ered out with company, June 11,'64. Stellman, John..........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 29, 1863. Sauer, Matthew.........do.....Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted August 29, 1863. Seider, Jacob............do..... June 3,'6, 13 Deserted June 10, 1861. Simpson, Joseph........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'61. Steuber, John C.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'63. Scott, Archibald........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Smith, Peter V..........do.....June 3,'G1. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. Swayne, Jcsse...........do.....June 3, 61 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknowr. Saier, John........ do..... June 3'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Schanty, Alise........... do.....June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Smith, Jacob.......do..... June 3, 61, 3 Deserted June 6, 1861. Smiley, William........do.... June,'61 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Thorp, Thomas.........do..... June 3,'6, 3 Deserted June 10, 1861. Toy, Robert S. d..n.....3do.....o June 3, 61, 3 Deserted June 6. 1861. Toerz, Leopold...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's battery, Sept. 5, 1861. Unsini. Joseph........... do.....une 361 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8,'63. Weigand, Frederick...do.....June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wallace, William......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th regiment, United States Cavalry, December 3, 1862. Weisenborn, Franz...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's battery, Sept. 7, 1861, Wagner, Charles.......do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company I, September 27, 1861. Walsh, James...........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 3, 1861. VWyman, Henry.........do...,. June 3,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861. Williams, George......do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted August 31, 1863. Whitfield, James....do...... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 9, 1863. Warren, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Deserted September 9, 1863. Wright, Peter............do.....June 3,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Yard, George............do.... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Yuntd, Nicholas.......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Missingin action at Cross Keys, Va., June 8,'62. Zelzer, Herman.........do... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. COMPANY F.RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Chauncey Spering.. Capt.... June 1,'61, 3 Dismissed March 12, 1863. John M. Carson.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., April, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chas. S. Harrington 1st Lt.. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mat'wC.Woodburn 2d Lt. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, April 18, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Aug. W. Donaldson lst Sgt. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George J. Ker....d.....o June 1,'61, 3 Discharged March 20, 1862, to accept promotion as 1st Lt. 65th regiment P. V. George S. Davis......... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 8, 1862, to accept promotion as let Lt., 157th regiment P. V. William W. Ker........do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, 73d regiment P. V., September, 1864-Vet. John Leech............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mutered out with company, July 11, 1864. Edmund W. Street...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, 73d regiment P. V., September, 1864 — et. James Whittington...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James H. Brown.... Corp.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas Carbry.........do... une 1,'61 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 186I4-Vet, Henry Grant.............do...June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry Hangliter........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864 —et. Edward M'Cov.........do... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C,73d reg. P.V.. Sept., 1864-1T et. Edwin L. Osler........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June I1, 1864. Nathan F. Reinhart...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'62. G. W. Whittington..do. June 1,'61, 3 Mnstered out with company, June 11, 1864. George r. Wales.....do..Jue 1,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, September 17. 1861. Tff Rn-E YEARS8 SERVICE. 499 5JLMA^ atsr. ~DATE OF MUSTER'NM31N. kAXK1 INTO.SERVICE.R George W. Wiley... Corp... June 1, 61 3 Tr. to company C, 73d e.V Sept.,1864-et. John Butcher.....,.... do.... Nov. II, 161, 3 Dischargedton Surgeon's certifiate. Feb. 1,'63. Wmi Schoenleber... Mut.... April 9, 62. Tr. to company V, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Bethell, Benj.. B....Private June 1'61, Mustered out with comIpany, June 1, 1864. Blastian, Henry......do.....June 6, 6 3 Mustered out with colmpilnv, Juno 11, 1864. Bruff, Richard........... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Dt)ischarged on Surgon's certificate, Jan. 4, 1863. ]urner, George F.....do June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to comanv(,.73dreg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Bach, Lewis F....'o. June 1,' 36, Tr. to comp)any C, 73d reog P V.. Sept., 1864-Vet. Bilger, Isaiah............do June,'61, 3 Tr. tocompmv C, 7 re. P.V.. Se:t.,1864-Vet. Branson, Samuel........do. Nov. 12,'62, 3 Tr. to conpan C, 73d regP. V ept.,1864. Bowen, William S.....do Jan. 28,'64, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Byron, John.......do. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Tr. to conipanv U' 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Butcher, Ebenezer.....do... June 1,'61, 3 Drowned at Washington, D. C., May 22, 1863. Blrown, Samuel.......do..... Dec. 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 16. 1862. Collins, Francis.......do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Jane 11, 1864. Crusmire, Joseph...........do.June 1,'61, 3 M'tered out with comnipany, June 11, 1864. Crossley, Samuel.....do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clark, Samuel.......do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cook, Peter..............do.. June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Juno II, 186-1.?Connill, Matthew......do. June 5,'61, 3 Tr. tocompanvyC, 73dreg. V., Sept.. 1864-Vet Cox, Abel............... do..... June 5, 61, 3 T. to company C, 73d reg. PV.. Sept., 1864-Vet. Cress, Samuel S......Ado..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr to company C, 73d reg. PV., Sept., 1864 —Vet. Cooper, Franklin.......do..... Aug. 20,'(63, 3 Tr. to compasiy C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Cleave, William....,....do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Tr. tocompany C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864, Doran, Hugh............do.. June 161, 3 Mustered out vith couimpany, June I1I, 1864. Deaner, Joseph....... do...- June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davis, WVilliam.. o-... do...June 1,'61, 3r Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864 —Vet. Dessinger, Levi....do..... July 9,'63, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Deisinger, Joseph......do....; June 1,'61, 3 Tr. tocotipanyC, 73d reg. P~V: Sept., 1864-Vet. Ellis, Jesse...............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ehier, Christian........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 5,'61. Edinger, Wm. W......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 8,'61. Enward, John............do,.... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company 0,73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Ehleas, Augustus......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Ellison, Hend'k H..... do.....Nov. 19,'62, 3 Deserted May 15, 1863.' Eckert, Adam......do..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. tocompany C, 73d reg. P.V.. Sept., 1864-Vet. Fees, William.......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Flinn, James M.......do...., June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Fetters, Michael.... -do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C. 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864~ —Vet. Gillen, Daniel......,...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surigeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1862 Gibson, George.........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Tr. to company 0, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Gaun, Charles...... do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. OGeary, Winfield S......do..... Feb. 20.'64, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Gorman, William......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1861. Gillen, John.........'..do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1862. Gumberg, Fred'k......do..... Jan. 20,'63, 3 Deserted July 10, 1863. Gibson, Jamnes........do..... Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted May 3, 1864. Hammiel, Charles.....do.....June 1,'6i, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hales, Edward.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29,'61. Harvey, James W...do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29,'61. Huff, George W.........do.....June 1, 61,'S Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'61. Hoch, William........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Hanes, William........do.....Oct. 6,'62,3 Tr. to company C. 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Hamilton, John.........do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 1r. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Hunter, Abraham.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted Julv 28, 1861. Haines, John P.......do.....June 1'61, 3 Deserted April 4, 1864-Vet. Haines, Samuel.......do..... Dec. 1,'62, 3 Deserted August 18, 1863. Johnson, Samuel H..do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Josephs, Abraham..,...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, John...............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to comipany C, 73d reg. PR V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Klein, Charles......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kerper, William........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Dishonorably disch. by special order No. 182, Headquarters Army of Potomac, Dec. 12, 1861. Keyser, Aaron..........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 15, 1861. Keenan, Michael F.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C. 73d reg. P.V.) Sept., 1864-Vet. Kenney, James.........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Tr. tocompanyC,73dreg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Kensil, Joseph A.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V.; Sept., 1864 —Vet. Kitterman, Robert.....do..... July 15,'63, 3 Tr. to Company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept. 1864. Kell; Samuel....... do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 8. 1861. Larnkin, John....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Yet. Leech, John W.......do..... Nov. 15,'62, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Leress, Thomas.......do..... Nov. 18,'62, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Mansfield, Thos. H...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Marhage, John..........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Myers, John H.........do.... June 1.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 52 410 TWENTY-SEVENTH IREG-INMNT AMB. RANK. DATE OFP MSTER INTO SERVICE. REMAS. Morehouse, Walter Private June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Myers, William........d..... June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Maxwell, Win. W.....do.... Nov.'11, 3 Tr. to company C. 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1863.,Molloy, Patrick......J........ June 1,'61, 3 rr. to company C, 73d reg. PV., Sept, 1864 —Vet. Morris, Frederick I...do..... June 1,'1, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., March 1, 1863. Mnurphy, Dennis......o...... June 1'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, December 12, 1861. Murphy, Richard....d...... June 1,'6, 3 Dishonorably discharged, December 12, 1861. M'Donald, Joseph......do...June 1,'61, 3Dishnorablv discharged, December 12, 1861 M'Ilhenney, Geo Wl...do.... Nov. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P, V., Sept., 1864-Vet. MIlhenney, Jno.HIi...do.. Nov. 11,'61, 3 Deserted Noveimber 14, 1863. Neff, ~Andrew...........do.- June 1, 61 Discharged on Surg^on's certificate, June 18,'61. Niell, Sanuel A....d....d...... Jne, G1, Tr tocompany C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Obetz, Aaron H.........do..... July 18, 63, 3 Deserted February 15, 1864. Powers, Michael.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Peters, Henry............do..... Nov. 21, 62, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Piper, John..............do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Tr. to company C. 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Percy, Henry..........o.. DSept. 19,'63, 3 Deserted August 25, 186c. Park, James............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 9, 1861. Peters, George...........do.....June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Quinn, James.........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V. Sept., 1864-Vet. Richardson, Chas.H.. do.. June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rudd, Michael....do....... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ithinehart, W. L...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept.,'64-Vet. Rogers, Charles F d......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 13, 1863, Smith, William d........do..... June 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stow, Abraham......d.... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Small, Francis.............. June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Showaker, William...do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smedley, John F.......do..... June 1 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schaffer, Joseph.......d.....June 1, 1, 3, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'61. Stackhouse Charles!..do... June 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec, 14,'61. Stockton. Chas. H......do.. June 1 61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P.V., Sept., 1864-Vet. Schel, Thomas J..... do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Stutts, Peter.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Schworer, Ambrose.. do.. June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 20, 1862. St. Clair, Louis..........do.. Aug. 20, 63, 3 Deserted February 17, 1864. Timme, Robert........do..... June 1,'61, Deserted July 12, 1862. Towers, John............do.. Aug. 20,'63, 3 Deserted December 24, 1863. Voight, Joseph L........do... June 1,'63, 1 Deserted June 14, 1861. Williams, J.acob........do..... June,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Williams, John.........do.. June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walton, Edwin F.......do.... June,'61, 3 g Mstered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weller, John............do..June 1 61, 3 ustered out with copany June.11 1864. Wafer, Richard.........do.... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Williams, Edwin F...do..... Aug. 21, 61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864. Wilson, Charles......... do.. Dec. 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept., 1864c Wild, John............. Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted August 2, 1863. Young, George W.......do... Aug. 21 61, 3 Tr. to company C, 73d reg. P. V., Sept,, 1864, COMPANY G.* RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA, Dagobert I3ujus......Capt..... Aug. 161, 3 Besigned January 11, 1863. Jas.HamiltonKuhnl 1st Lt... Oct. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., Dec. 1,'61-killed at New Market Cross Roads, Va., June 30, 1862. Alex'r H. White........do... Mar. 16,, 63, 3 Captured at Gettysburg —disch. Dcc 13, 1864. Adolph Shaeffer..... 2d Lt.. Nov. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company C, Dec. 13, 1863. Emil Meyer,.......... do.. Sept. 1, 61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt.. Jan. 14, 1862-t0 lst'Lt, company C. November 1, 1862. Lewis A. Saunders...d..... Sept. 1, 61, 3 Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, January 14, 18611 not mustered-discharged May 18, 1864. Anton Schmidt... IstSgt.~ Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiraiion of term. Lewis B. Gaul......... Serg't.. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Charies Schwartz......do.... Aug. 1, 761, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. No muster-out roll of this company is on file in the Adjutant General's Office of the State. The names and remarks were taken from the regimental descriptive book, which dates only from 1863, therefore, the names of those members who were killed, discharged or deserted prior to 1863, do not appear. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 411 ~ 1 AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. John W. Detjen...... Serg't.. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Joseph Houser........ do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'63 John Seitz.............. Corp... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Frank Zink............. do...A Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Andreas, Nicholas.. Private Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Beck, Charles...........do..... Nov. 1, 61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Berger, Martin..... do..... Auo g. 1'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Brenn, Frederick.......do..... A. ug. 1, 61, 3 Dircharged-expirationof term. Britting, George........do.... Aug. 2, 61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Barnitz, John............ Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September9, 1863. Brinkman,.........do..Aug. 18,'63, 3I Deserted September 17, 1863. Burns, Philip...........do... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Deserted October 2, 1861. Cutrins, Max............do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 D)ischarged-expiration of term. Calvert, Thomas........... July 14,'62, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 1 1864. Curran, William..d.......... Aug. 17,'63 3 Deserted September 17, 1863. Christy, William....d.. Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 2, 1863, Ernest, Henry........d..... July 14,'62, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Fischer, Chrisian..l...do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Dischargel-expiration of term. Gunteman, Michael...do...... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Goetz, Gottlieb..........do...Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Greenfield, James...o....... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 2, 1863. Haller, Jacob............do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Houser, John........... do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Hermann, Trangott...do... Aug. 1, 61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Kircheimer, Jos.......... ug. 1,'61, S Discharged-expiration of term. King, August........do.... May,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Kessler, George.........do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14, 63. Knecht, John...........do.. Aug. 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8,'63. Knelland, Elisha.....do... Aug. 17'63, 3 Deserted October2, 1863. Locker, Frederick...d... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Lorenz, Mathias..... d.... do Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Laird, Richard.......do..... Aug. 18,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Landsey, John........do..... Auge 1.'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Laman, James........do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted October 2, 1863. Lewis, George H.......do....Aug. 18,'63, 3 Deserted September 2, 1863. Marx, David............do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Muller, John.........d..Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Muller, Oscar.............do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Moore, Frisland..........Aug. 17,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Mossner, Gottlieb......d..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. M'Cluskey, Wm.....do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 3. 1863. M'Nally, James........do.... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Norton, Patrick.........do..Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted September 3, 1863 Pitz, Ulrich.............. do.., Aug. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Roetsch, Edward......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Rowan, John W........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Sauer, Christian........ do Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration ofterm. Schneider, Francis....... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. E, 27th reg. P. V., June 5,'64. Schoen, David................... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Scott, William.......do... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Smith, George K.....d.... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Stranger, Jacob........do Aug 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Thomas, Emanuel.....do Aug. 17,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Veith, Martin............ Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Vetter, John........d..... July 14, 62, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Voelker, Jacob........ do..... Aug. 1,'1, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Werner, Frank.........do.....Nov.,'61 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Wallace, Francis........do... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Winter, John, 1st......... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Winter, John, f2d.....do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Weigel, John........... do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Wiltinger, Christ'n...do. Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Weaver, George.........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted October 2, 1863. Zimmerman, Fred....do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Zuefle, George............... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Missionary Ridge, November 25 1863. 412 TWENTY-SEVEN-TH RIEGIMINT, COMPANY HE. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. X it{AIn5. iRANK SATF 1 3SET NTO S C. tober 1, 182. Albert HeibbeeL..... Capt..... June 1,'61, 3 Resigned March 8, 1863. enryouis F Resaner......st.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company A, Jan. 14, 1862. HugoV. Seiditzern........ De,l'61 3 Piromoted from Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 21,1862Antoe Captain company K, Nov. 1, 1862. hales. Linder...do..... Aug. 1do'61, 3 KilledPr. to 1sat Cross Keys,'62to 2d L., ov 1, 62 to 1st Lieutenant, March 19, 1864-m1, ustered out acob Briel...............with company, June 11, 1864. James C. Biddle.......do....Nov. 61, 3 Promoted to ajor and transferred to MaSurgen Meade's Staff NovemberAuu 25 1863. Charles Leo.... 2d. Lt.., Dec. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, December 18, 181. John Kunipel.........do June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to2d Lieutenant, December 1, 181-to, hst, Lieutenant company E, November 1, 1862. Adolph Tafe.......do. May 31, 61, 3 Resigned September 8, 1863. Francis Mayers.........stSgt. June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-died at Charlet Draeger.......do..June'61, 6 3 Pr. to Comp, June 1, 62-toSgt., June 8, 62-to Is Sgt., Fear. 1,'64ius. outith Coi., June 1i,'64. Geo. Grunenwald... Serg't.. June 1,'61, 3 Captured November 25, 1863-died in prisondate unknowni. Frank Henry.........do June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Aug. 2o7 1863-transferred -to Co. Candre-transferredto Co. H,June 8,'64Buckenberger.......do June 1, 61 ustered out with company, June 11, 1804. Alex.tz, aenhard........ do. June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August,with m1861. Alex............do June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Second Lieutenant company E, October 1, 1862. William Pfeifferles........do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 9, 61. Henry ReJaer...... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Julius dolph..........do, June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifiomate Sept.'61. AbrmScheuringer...do..... June 1'61, 3 DMusterteddate unknown. AntonZimmchs Fredermick...do..... June 1, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dee. 28, 1863. Theoabi, Mar tin........do....June 1'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Daniel Breede......Corp.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacob Briel.ha.............. June I;'61, 3 Mus.te ou t with Co.,June11, 64bu. record-died at Andersonville, April 14, 1804, grave, 543. Frederick Doterer.....do..... June 1, 61, 3 MuDischargedon Surgeon's certificate, June 13,61 Robert Dietrick.........o... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1861. Ferdinand Feidler......do....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1R64. Thoemann, Chas e......do June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cate,Aug. 15,61 Christian, Gross.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's c Chris,tian Kull..........do June 1,'61, 3 Musteredont ith company, June 11, 1864. John Meyer........do.June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1862. eter Reith....do..June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albert, Ferdinand., Private. June 10,'1, 31 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Appel, Francis.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Junell, 1864. Appel, Henry............do..... June 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Buckenberger,.F......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Betz, Reinhard.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Baier, George..........do. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Sept. 16,'61. Diener, Charles.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Dawson, Charles.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'61,. Eisenman, Jacob......do..... June 1,'6,l 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fallab, Adolph.........do-..~ June 1, "61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Feurstein,-Joseph...j...do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fuchs, Frederick. do. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,1861. Faubil, Martin......do..June 1,'61, 3 Deserted April 29, 1862. Fleck, Christopher...do. June 1, "6f, 3 Deserted October 13, 1862. Glauss, Gottfried........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June II, 1864.'Gruber, John....do. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Heim Michael.........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June I1, 1864. Hock, Charles....do. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hermann, Philip....do..... June 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hasner, Frederick.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Juno 11, 1864. Harris, Samuel....... June 1,'01, 3 Reducedfrom Corporal, Aug. 1, 1861-discharged':' on Surgeon's, certificate, November 22, 1862. Hagemana, Chas......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, 1861. Hoffman, Leonard.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, 18{I2. Hinsel, Joseph.. do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, March 20, 1.62. Hettel, Joseph...... do-..... June l'61 3 Deserted August 2, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 413 ~nAMS. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER J R INTO SERVICE 4 1? Jacoby, Herman..... Private June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jaeger, Ferdinand......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Kless, George John...do..... June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kiug, Francis Chas...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kamfoff, Peter.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Kerper, Mathias.do.... June 1,'iI, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 14,'61. Koch, Henry.............do..... June 1,'61, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 25, 1863. Kamigan, Adolph......do... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1862. Kuebler, Charles....d...do..... June,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1861. Lehman, Henry.........do.. June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lehman, Charles...l...do..... June ],'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Laubenheimrer, W.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lernor, George..........do.,... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morenz, Philip...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Maier, Jacob..............do..... June 1,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,1862. Mergenthaler, John..do..... June 1,'(61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June15, 1861. Meish, Lorenz...........do.....June 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,June25, 1862. Muller, John............do.....June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'61. Moser, David............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., April 27, 1862. Miller, August..........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., August 27, 1861. M'Cartney, Michael...do..... June 1;'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 15,'61. Ochlert, Charles.........do.... June 1, 61, 3 l)eserted August 27, 1861. Rahm, Martin...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rapp, Michael...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rupp. August...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'61. Ileitz, Frederick........do..... June 1,'61, Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-reduced Dec. 1, 1861dischargea on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'63. Rauscher, William...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va, June 8, 1862. Rupp, Adolph...........do... June 1,'61, 3 eserted January 28, 1862. Reinhart, John.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted January 28, 1862. Schwindinger, Jos......do.....une 10,'61, 3 ustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scheuringer, David...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sattler, Gustav.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9, 1863. Schmidt, Otto............do... une 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1862. Schenkel, Gottfried...do..... June 1,'63 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24, 1862. Steinlein, Charles......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April2, 1863. Schulze, August H...... June. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, November 28, 1861. Scheuringer, Lud'g..... June 1'61 3 Transferred to 73d regiment P. V., May 23, 1864. Stark, Frederic..... do..... J une 1,'61, 3 Die at Petersburg, Va., May 28, 1862. Schlegel, John........ o.... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted March 10, 1863. Schlandt, George.......d..... June 1,'61 3 Deserted-date unknown. Tremer, Charles........... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, September 2, 1861. Theisz, George.............. June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Uthardt, Christ'r..... o...June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Vollmer, George........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Vollmer, Gottlieb......d..d June 1'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Weil, Jacobh.... do.. June 1,61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weigele, John M....... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'61. Woebbeking, Louisdo.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2, 61, Walz, Freceric........o..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Zernickow,. do June,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Zehrlaut, Conrad........June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Zeh,'Theodore...........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged at Philadelphia, March 10, 1864. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. John N. Lang......... Capt.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, October 2, 1861. Shreve Ackley..........do... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Adj. to Capt., October 2, 1861resigned March 20, 1863. Charles B. Wagner...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. company E, to 2d Lt.to 1st Lt., May 12, 1862-to Captain, March 20, 1863-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Jastrow Alexander 1st Lt.. June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., August, 186 —to Adj., May12,'62. John M. Hassan........do...'.. June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from private company E, to 2d Lt.. Dec. 25, 1862-to 1st Lt., May 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walter S.Briggs..... 2d Lt... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor.' to 2d Lt., Feb. 1, 1862-to Adjutant, September 20, 1862. Andrew Bodenstein 1st Sgt. June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-cied at. Richmond, Va.-date unknown. 414 TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIM ENT, A. I NAE. RK. DATE OF MUSTER REARKS. INTO SERVICE. R Loepold Burjaur..... Serg't.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, January 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Francis Bassman...'...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-died at hichmond, Va.-datounlknown. Adrian Gerber............... d June 1, 61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, August 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. TJames M'Mullin.......do June Jun 16, 3 Deserted June, 1861. Jacob Spear.....do.uno 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62, John R. Bignell...... Corp... June,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 20, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. CharlesDaugh y do.. June 1,61, Dishe...pr. 3,'63, forvds. rec. at Cross Keys, Va. Albert A, Duncan....... o Oct. 2,'62, 3 Disc!. Sept. 19,'63, for wds. rec. at Gettysburg. William Fetters........do..... lune 1,'61, 3 esertec July, 1861. Jacob Heileman........do.....June,'61, 3 Deserted March 28, 1862. James James..........do..... Jun 1,'61,' I)eserted Novelmber 3, 1862. Charles Pfeifer..........do... June 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. George. Ramsen........ June 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Oct. 3, 1861. Casper Streiwick.......do..... June,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 11, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peter Schwarz..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg. July 1, 1863-died at Andersonvilie, August 7, 1864, grave, 4,945. Lewis A. Saunders...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. C, Nov. 1, 1862. Maxmillian Scherer...o..... June 1,'61, 3 1Deserted Jliy, 1861. Jacob Wil.......... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 9, 1863. George M. Emery... uc.... June'61, 3 iischarg:ed on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, 1861. Altermass, Willia Private June 1,'61, 3 iDischarged on Surgeon'q certificate, Jan. 20, 1863. Brown, John.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Austerad out with company, June 11, 1864. BarrQt, Adam..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Musterei out witl company, June 11, 1864. Brown, Samuel........do.... June 161, 13 Mis. in action at MissionaryjRidge, Nov. 25,'63. Bradley, J ames.........do..... Juno 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Birkinmier, John......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Burine, Henry........ o...do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiticate, Jan. 6, 1863. Bender, Peter............do... une 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1862. Brown, William F....do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June, 1864.-Vet. Boggee, Joseph.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Charles, John S........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with, company, June 11, 1864. Caripenter, John.......do....June 1,'61, 3 lischarged on, Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Collier, James...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, 1). C., September 16, 1862buried in Military Asylum Cem'y, Arlington. Carson, Thomas......do..... une 1,'61, 3 Died Feb. 28,'64, of wds. received at Missionary Eidge-buried at Chattanooga, grave, 413. Deitz, Charles............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Darnesq, John......do.. June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Capt. Shirmer's Battery, Oct. 1,'61. Daniel, James 1.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Emery, George W.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged August 3, 1863, for wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Frank, Charles.,.............. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Oct. 31, 1861. Fall, Francis.........o... do... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fizone, Charles.........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. France, Alexander...do..... June l,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Fritz, Charles............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1862. Fauling, Franz.........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19, 1862. Ganz, John...............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gill, John................do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Missionary Ridge, Nov. 25,'63. Goodman, Henry......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-died at Andersonville, May 13, 1864, grave, 1,063. Giles, George.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'61. Gordan, Timothy......do....Oct. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64mustered out May 22, 1865. Genoskie, Robert......do..... June,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, March 1, 1862. Guenther, Louis........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., July 14, 1861. Gnein, Louis.......... do..... June,61, 1,3 Died at Alexandria, Va., August 1, 1861. Geisel, Frederick......do.....une 1,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at'Richmond, Va., Nov. 18, 1863. Hess, Peter............ do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hughes, William..... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, July 3, 1861-reduced Feb. 22,'64-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hess, Philip.............do...June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 6,'61. Hummel, Jacob.........do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged October 23. 1863, for wounds received rt Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Hildebrand, John......do..... June J,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Hetter, Gottliebl........o..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to Captain Shirmer's Battery, Sept. 1, 1861. Horn, John..............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Hahn, John...............do... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Jones, Benjamin....!..do. June J,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEAR.S' SERVICE. 41 INAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. Kinkner, Jesse F... Private June 1,'61., 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Krig, Heinrich.........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9.1861. Leigtz, Constantine...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leibhag, George........do..... June 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1864. Ladner, John...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1862. Ledduer, John........... do..... June 3,';1, 3'Not on muster-out roll. Morris, William H.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Montz, John..............do.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. -.Meier, Charles..........do.....June 1,'61, i 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1861. Marferd, George.........do..... Oct. 6,'62, 3 Prisoner-died at fichmnond, Va.., Nov. 28, 1863. Mintzer, Chris'r........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1862. Meier, Albert............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. M'Collum, Richard...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pfeifer, William d........d June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Quante, John............do.... June 1,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1861. Quillien, John M.......do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Q.uante, Theodore......do..June 3,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rosenstein, David....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1861.'Ray, John.................do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P.-V., June 1,'64-Vet. Seawazi, Peter...........do.....June,, 3 ith June 11, 1864. Schaffer, Matthew.....d....... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Singer, John............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to.109th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Strobel, Andrew.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died of sun stroke at Front Royal,Va., July 1,'62. Smith, Jacob........ do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Smith, Henry............ June 1,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Tape, Bernard..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thuring, Frederick...do.....June 1,'61, 3 Dischargedn Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, 1862. Tintel, George..........d... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to Capt. Shirmer's Battery, June, 1862. Walker, William C...do..... June,61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wunch, Domiinoe......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weaver, Henry-............do..June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19, 1862 Wilson, Edmund......do.. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18, 1862. unch, Ignatz.........do..... June 1, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wright, John............do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V.. June 1, 64. Wunch, Joseph.........do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Wunch, Raymond.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August, 1861. Withrock, Fred'k......... June 1 illed at Cross eys, Va. June 8, 1862. Wassenburg, John...do.... June 1,'61, 8 Died March 18, 1864, of woumds received at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. Wilson, Thomas......do..... June 1.'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Henry Menninger.. Capt.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., June 17, 1861-reIl~~ signed July 29, 1861. Peter A'Aloon...... do.....May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt.-to 1st Lt., June 17, 1861-to Captain, August 1, 1861-to Major, November 1, 1862. Hugo V. Seidlitz........do..... Dec. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. company H, November 1,'62jo1 ti~transferred to company A, January 1, 1863. John Hannappel......do... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company K, Sept. 21, 1862to 1st Lt., Nov. 1, 1862-to Capt. Dec. 13, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Kuehn....... Ist iJt... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, November 1, 1861. John H. Rehren....d.....do.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Resigned January 21, 1862. James C. Biddle.......do.....! Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, November 1, 1862. Joseph Grimm...........do.....! Jan. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to company D, January 1, 1863. Adol'-h F.Vogelbach...do..... June J, 61, 3 Transferred from company B, as 2d Lt., Jan. 1, jI. 1 1863-promoted to 1st Lt. Co. B, Dec. 13, 1863. Adolph Tafel..,........do.. May 31, 61,'3 Promoted from Hospital Steward to 2d Lt., Nov. j 1, 1862-transferred to company I-, Jan. 1, 1863. Charles Bauer.........do.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant Major, to 1st Lt., March'! 220. 18364-mustered out, June 22, 1864. Charles Stortzer....... 2d Lt..I June 1,'61, 3 Resigned March 7, 1862. Frederick Luders.,....do. May 31,'61,.3 Tr. fr. Co. B-killed at Cross Keys,Va., June 8,'62. Gottlieb Bendel...... lst SgIt.' Jnne 4,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Jesse Fulmer............do...J.June 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct. 21, 1861-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1,'62i ~j 0 mustered out with complanv, June 11, 1864. Theodore Sander........do...e.. J 1ne 1, 3 Promoted to Cor.., July 1, lil61-to 1st Sgt., Feb. ~ 13, 1862-to Sgt. Majcf, November 1, 1862. 416 TWEINTY- EVENTHT REGISMENT, DA'IE OF MUtTER RAR NAME. RANK. os I F RFMARKS. IN.TO SP.V ICE, Andrew Kreiser..... Se'rzt.. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, November 1. 1862-mustered out with comp-ny, June 11, 1861. John H. Norton........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Deserted October 6, 186L. Peter Orth................. do. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 5, 161 - mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. I U'.y Patters-on!...o...do... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V.. June 1,'64-Vet. IHer;v rl sengartenl...do..... May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company,-June 11, 1864. Heinrich Yagei........do. June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8,'61. Ano. Blankenhorn.. Corp.... Sept. 1,'61, 31 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. iJohn Bentzing...........do...June 4,'61, j3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V., June 1,'61 —Vet. Robt. A. Hennessey...do..... Aug. 23,'62,I 3 Discharged by General Order. July 26, 1865. Sixtus L-ana.:.. do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 1 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V.. June 11,'64. Jacob Oerterle... do...... Juine 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 186'2 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Rempler... do.........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1861. Charles Scihuler.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Schenfele.....do June 4, 61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1861.,Jo.,. Tomlinson. d.... o......do June 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Art\ur Waterson......do.....June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P. V.. June 1,'64 —Vet..John Apfel...............do. June 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 11,'61. Thomas Donnelly......do June 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Edward Harris.....do..... Jan. 1, 62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Benj. F. M'Daniels...do.....June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1861. Michael Trainer... o..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Deserted March 30, 1864 —Vet. Adruff, Howard......Private June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Artold, Theodore.......o.... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted.June 15, 1861. Aiman, Gottlieb.........do..... June -4,'61, 3 Deserted August 31, 1862. Bart, Ferdinand... do...do....[ June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bradly, Michael........do.....I June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bauer, Martin........d...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Brown, Max.............do....June 4'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Beeh, John................do.....June 4'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Black, William.........do..... June 4,'61 3 Transferred to 109th reg P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bond, Alexander......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died Oct. 1,'63, of wds. received at Gettysburg. Bitz. Heinrich............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861. Bradly, Michael.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861. Gunninghanm, Thos...do.....June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, John.........do....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Casselberry, S. S......do..... May 31, 61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, June, 1861. Convery, Francis... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Cross Keys,Va., June 8,'62. Cunningham,Hugh...do...do.. June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1861. Dolan, Patrick...........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Donahue, Daniel.....d...do.....}June 4,'61, 3. Mustered out with c)mpany, June 11, 1864. Disney, William B...do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 109th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Disney, Thomas B.....do... Jan. 23,'63, 3 Paroled prisoner-absent at muster out. Dycb, Nicholas..........do..... Sept. 28,'62, 3 Paroled prisoner-absent at muster out. Danelsauer, Chris'n...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Light Artillery, Sept. 27, 1861. Dean, Richard...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 16, 1861. Downs, Thomas.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 9, 1861. Dressino, Charles......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1861. Dugan, Dennis.......do.....{June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1861. Delaney, Patrick........do...... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Chattanooga, NoVember 25, 1863. Easby, William.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1861. Gannon, Patrick........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Green, William.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 11, 1864. Greaves, Robert.........do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Paroled prisoner —absent at muster out. Hoffman, Jacob......... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hand, Henry............do..... June 4, 61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg —absent at muster out. Hassenauer, Jacob.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Absent. sick, at muster out. Hummel, Sebastian...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Hongerford, James...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 11, 1864. Jaus, Jacob..............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Johnson, Edwin.........do..... June 4 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2,'62. Kattschmidt, Dan'l...do..... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. irk, John...........do June 41 3 Pr. to Cor.,'6eb. 1, 1862-reduced July, 1862~ mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kane, William H......do..... June 4,'61, ) Deserted June 12, 1861. Klump, Christian......do.....June 4,'61, 3 Desorted June 9, 1861. Kiebler, Michael.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1861. oester, Herman......do... June 4,, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ceritificate, April 2,'63. Lichtenhahn, Geo......do..... June 4,'61 3 Mustere~d out with company, June II, 1864. Lannan, Michael.......do.....June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lentz, John............l...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Lindenmeyer, Geo d.....do.....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1'63. Light, William I-I...1...do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 109th reg. P.V.. June 1,'64-Vet. ~R [EVE YEAKS' SERVICE. 417 ~NTO i.AIC. Lennan, ~Ecwawd.. Private Juno 4,'61, I Missing iln action at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Lillich, John.........do....... une 4,'61 131 Deserted July 4, 1863 Meier, John....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out wvith company, June 11., 1864. iTviller, Willit......do.... June 4,'61, 3!Msteiedt with crnpany, June 11, 1864. Mumbauer, Abr'm..do. June. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's t'ertificate, April 2,'63. Munniek, John.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discarged on Surgeons certificate, April 2,'63. Mitchell, Wifliam.......o..... nb,'61, 13 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, i862. MIiller, James............do.... June 4, 61, 3 Deserted Jule 5, 1861. iMoore, lhenry.............do... June 4, 61., 3 ested June'2, 861.. M'iAlar, Owenia...... do..... June 4,'61, 1 3 Mustered out with company, June II, 1864. M'Ginnis, oenty.........d. Aug. 2,'6, 3 Paledpison-tthnsferedto 109th regiment P. V., June 1,1864. M['Laughlin, Pattk...do.....June 4, 61, 3 Died June 12, 1862, of wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., Juneo8, 1862.'GwerP, HEugh.......do..... June 4, 61, 3 tilled.at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. MI'Cav-, ames..o.......:....... June 4,1'61, 3 Deserted Juno 11, 181. M'Cann, John............do.....June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 11, 186L M'Dowell, William...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Desrted AugUt t2, 1861. M'Cafferty, Jno. G..i......do...Dec. 13,'62, 3 Deserted April 6, 1864. ugent,.Neil.. do......, June 4,'61 3 Deserted August 2, 1861.. 1iver, William...do... June -4,'61, 3Died Duecember 12, 1863, of wounds Teceved at Chattanooga, Tenn., November 25, 1863. Orth, Michael...do. une 4, -61, 3 Missing in action at Gettysburg, J uly 1, 1863. Orthi, JacobHug........do...... 6,61, Missing in tion at ettysburg, Ju ly 1, 1863. O'Brien, Henry............ 3 Deserted June 4,61,1861.. Otto, AugustJ.............. do June 4,'1, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861 owens, James...do.... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Reinhard, John.........do..... June 4,'61, s Died November 1, 1863, at Annapolis, Md., of diseas -contracted in rebel prisons. Ratnage, Charles..........do...... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted Julyne, 1861. Schloss, Moses............ do. June 4,'61, 3 Mastered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schnreider, Jacob............ June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1, 1864. Schott, Ludwig..... do....June 4,'61, 3 Pr. toe orporal, Nov. 22,-'6-reduted Jun. 73'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. wenith, hales...........do..... June 4'61 3 Mustered out with omnpany, June 11, 1864. Saner, hFran cis... do..... June 4,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiicate, Aug. 12,'6nknown Sweets,. John............ dJune 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 11,'61. hener, Charltoes........d o..... June 4'61, 3 Dseharged on Surgeoiis certificate, 18. 11 61 Schmidt, Christian udo.Jane 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. chools, ses..........do....... June 4,'61, 3 Captured aout Getysburg, Julyne 1, 1863-died at Andersonville, June 27, 1864, grave, 2,259 chneider, Capeob..... do.. June 4, 61, 3 Deserted June 5, 186164. Schwart, Wiliam........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted January. 29, 1863 Shields, Felix...........do....June 4,'061 3 Deserted ouly 5,withompany, June 1864. Smiter, John.............do June..4, 61, 3 Discharged Jun Surgeon's certificate16, 1861. 8haw, John.do.June.......61, 3 Deserted A ust 2 1861. Truxleer, John.........do Fb. June 621, 3 Discharged January 2, 1864, of waunds reci ved a6 d> ~Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863. WalSchmidt, ohristian...do. June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to artillery, Sep -dater 27 186nknown. cWyatt, William.........do.. Jaun. 3,'64, 3 Absent, in arre st, at muGet ster ou V1863diedt Wahi, John Casper........do June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1861. Yard, WilliaGeorge.....do. June 4,'61, 3 Dserted Jane 5, 1861. mipfel, Tidolh n...............do. June 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 4, 1861. Yard, George............do Jno'61, Deserted Jane 5, 1861. TWENTY-EIGHTH PEGIMENT. ABRLY in June Ifi, Co181, lJohn W, Geary obtained penrission from President Lincoln to raise, in Pennsylvania, a regiment of volmteers to serve for three yeurs; He accrmdingly estabished a camp at Oxford Park, in PhikJdelphia, and on the 28th of that month the Twenty-eighth Eegiment, which was uniformed and equipped at his own expense, wis being' mustered in-to the service of the United States. The regimeinu when completed, cnsisted of fifteen companies, nnabering fifteen hundred and fifty-one officers' and mei.broight together fro=' various sections of the State; companies A and N having been organized in Luzerne county; B, i Westmorelandi C., I, KM and P, in Philadelphia; E, iD Carbon; F, in CGambia and Allegheny i G, tH and I, in Allheny, and o, in Huntingdon. The field and staff offcers were JEohn.. Geary, Golan nl Gabriel De! Korponay, Lieutenant Colonel; HectorTyndale, Maor; John Flynn, Adjutantv Benjamin F. Lee, Qartermast^ H. Earnest Goodman Sargeon; Samuel Logan, Assistant Surgeon, and Charles W. Reifsley Chaplainm From surplus recruits a battery was formed and attached to the regiment, which was known as.Knap's Battery of the Tw'enty-eighth Penasylvania Vol unteers. Mr. Charles Knap, of Pittsburg, presented this company with four steel guns, which were subsequently exchanged bythe government for six tenpounder Parrotts. Also connected with the regiment was Beck's celebrated Philadelphia Brass Band. The uniform was of gray cloth, manufactured in the vicimity of Oxford Park, and furnished to the several companies as they were nmustered in. This sbsequently gave place to the blue regulation uniform. The arms were the Enfield rifle with the formidable sword bayonet. These were obtained of a firm in Philadelphia, who fortunately had them for sale, else the regint ould have. been armed with the or dinry musket, altered from the flinmto persion lock1 many of which were in possession of the government. Whilst Colonel Geary was actively engaged in forming, equipping and drilling his regiment, events were transpiring which demanded prompt and energetic action on the part of the Government relative to raising additional troops and hastening them to the field. On the 21st of July the disastrous battle of Bull Run was fought; and the panic which seized upon and disorganized a great portion of the army, spread its terrifying influence through all parts of the Northern States, and had the effect to arouse the heads of the national departments to a realizing sense of the danger with which the country was threatened. Re-infor.eeents were consequently ordered forward to join, as rapidly as possible, the defeated army at' the front; and hence, in obedience to orders from General Scott, the Colonel, on the 27th, moved with ten com 1861 o.-OANIZATION AND DRIEL. 419 panies of Muis command —leaving the other fie, which were not yeLm readiness for the field, in charge of Major Hector Tyndale, with orders to follow as soon as possible-and proceeded directly, by way of Baltimore, to Harper's Ferry Teaching there on the evening of the following day. Here he reported to Major'General Banks, to whose command the regiment had been assigned, and was attached to the brigade commanded by ColoDael Thlomas, now a Major Genera] of the United States army. The regiment encamped at Sandy Hook, opposite Harpers Ferry, until the iight of August 13th, when it marched to Point of Rocks, a distance of sixteen miles, arriving at ten o'clock on the following morning, the roads being bad and the night dark and stormy. The duty here assigned it was to guard the frontier from Nolan's ferry to the Antietam aqueduct, embracing numerous mnountami gaps and roads, the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, the Potomac river and its opposite banks, and the many islands with which it is.studded, ttogether with a nimber of ferries and fords The telegraph and post offices, being in the hands of suspected persons were als. taken in charge. To perform this duty, picket posts were established at every four hundred yards along a line of over twenty-five miles. The utmost vigilance was strictly enjoined and enforced Scouting and reconnoitering parties of guerrillas and rebel cavalry prowled among the hills in the rear and on the opposita side of the river, who daily fired upon the pickets. Slight skirmishes were of constant occurrence. Rebel sympathizers, emissaries and spies existed among the residents, and a systematizedplan of signalling wascarried on between $them and the Confederate troops; whilst, under various pretences, passes were ~ obtained from officers at Washington City, by women a lls men, by means of which communication was kept up between the two shores of the Potomac, with the rebel troops and their sympathizing friends. All this required special -watchfulness, and the whole system, with those engaged in it, was soon discovered and communication entirely broken up. Many arrests were made and the prisoners forwarded, with detailed accounts of their offenees, to the headquarters of the army. During this time large forces of the enemy were quartered in Loudon county, Virginia, and distributed at various points in the ineighborhood. who made frequent threatening demonstrations. On September 15th, a body of these troops attacked the pickets above Harper's Ferry, t -Pitcher's Mills, where a spirited engagement.took place, lsting two hours, in which the rebels were routed, after a loss, acknowledged by them, of eighteen killed, seventy-three wounded, and several prisoners. Two unmounted iron twelve-pounder cannon and two small brass mortars, with other effects, were 4captured. On September 24th, about five hundred rebels attacked Point of Rlocks tfom the Virginia side, whereanoter animated figlit of two hours oc-.curred, in which.artillery and small arms were used. The enemy was driven with loss in killed and wounded, and the houses in which he took shelter were destroyed. Afew days afterwards he was also driven, with some loss, from a fortified position opposite Berlin. A similar affair took place at KnoxSille on the 2d of October. Early in October secret organizations, regularly officered andprepared with arms and equipments, for-rebellious purposes, were discovered in Frederick and adjoining counties in Maryland. The names of the parties were obtained and their premises searched. Their arms and accoutrements were found hidden in larns and oit-honses, and baried in the ground, at some distance from the 42w0 TMWXNTYB-ETGHIEET 11 iIE'nTr 1861 homes of their owners. Two hundred sabres, four hundred, pistols and full, eavalry equipments for at least two hundred men,, and about fourteen, hundred muskets were captured. A detachment, of the' command having been ordered to seize a quantity of wheat intended for the rebel army,: at a, mill near Haxper' Ferry,, in Virginia? Colonel Gexay crossed the. Potomac with three companies and a piece of artillery to assist in removing it, and to protect the operations. This:labor, though pushed forwardwith great activity, occ.pied several days. It being completed, the Colonel had. determined to re-cross. the river on ther 16th.: ut: t seven o'clock in the. morning his pickets. stationed on Bolivar Heights, west of Harper's Ferry,. were driven into the town of Bolivar by the, enemy who approached from the west in three columns, consisting; of one: regiment of infantry, one of cavalry, and three pieces of artillery, commanded by General Ashby. His advanced guard of'cvalry charged gallantlytowards the-upper part of the town,, and his infantry and artillery took position on the heights- from which the pickets had been driven. At the same time General Evans, with four regiments of infantry and four pieces; of artillery appeared on London Heightsb Sharp-shootes. were. stationed at eligible points to annoy our troops, at the, crossing of the Potomac, near the railroad bridge at Harper's Ferry. Having detached a portion of' his command to defend the fords on. the Shenandoalh, the Colonel remained with about five hundred men with whom he resisted the enemy's charge. A second and third were, made, each increasing in impetcuouisity, during which,, in addition to artillery, the rebels werer supported by their infantry on Bolivar Heights. They were each time repulsed. Under this concentrated fie the troops held their position until eleven o'clock, when,. having brought up a rifled cannon, companies A and G pushed forward, turned the enemy's, left flank, and gained a portion of the heights. A few well directed shots. from, this gun at the same time silenced two; of their pieces, and soon after they were in full retreat towards Charlestown. The standard of the regiment was then planted on Bolivar Heights. The victory over Ashby was complete. The rebels stated their loss to be one. hundred and fifty killed and wounded. Eleven prisoners, one thirty-five-pounder Columbiad, a wagon used for a caisson, with a large quantity of ammunition, and twenty-one thousand bushels of wheat were taken, besides which, one af their small guns. was disabled; Three companies of the Third Wisconsin, and two companies of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, acted under Colonel Geary's command in this battle, and were at the time complimented by him for their gallantry. After disposing of Ashhy, attention was turned' to General Evans, on Loudon Heights. His sharp-shooters were soon driven from the east bank of the Shenandoah by the expert marksmen of the Twenty-eighth, and two of his guns were disabled, by a fire from the artillery. A number of his men were killedd an wounded, and finding that nothing could be accomplished, lie returned to Leesburg. This was the first victory after the Bull R un distaster, Before quitting the field the Colonel forwarded a dispatch to the Secretary of War, saying: —"I write upon the butt of a cannon captured from the enemy to inform you that we have gained a complete victory over the combined forces of Ashby and Evans;" to which the Secretary facetiously replied,, that. it wa, "far more desirable to receive dispatches. from the. butts than from the mr'z.les of the cannon of the enemy." For this achievement the command received the thanks of the President, the Secretary of War, and the commander of the corps. 1861 BATTLE OF BOLIVAR. 421 General Banks wrote:-" You and your regiment receive commendations from all quarters." On October 21st, under orders from Major General Banks, Colonel Geary reported at Edwards' Ferry with one thousand men, to participate in the battle of Ball's Bluff, and on the 23d returned to the camp at Point of Rocks. The Maryland Legislature being in session at Frederick, and about to pass an ordinance of secession, a column of four thousand of the enemy attempted, on the 30th, to cross the Potomac for the purpose of sustaining them in thei. rebellious act; but were met at Nolan's ferry by the troops of Colonel Geary's command and driven back, thus effecting a vastly important event in the history of the war. Under date of October 21st, in a letter to Colonel Geary, Governor Andrew G. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, says:-' The standard for your regiment is ready, and if I can leave Harrisburg, I will come and present it in person, as it wotld afford me much pleasure to express to you and the brave men you command, my gratification and pride in all you have done since you left Pennsylvania.." Pressing official business prevented the Governor from carrying out the intention expressed in this letter; but in the month of March following, he dispatched a messenger with the standard, who' delivered it to the Regimental Quartermaster, Captain B. F. Lee, at Harper's Ferry, by whom it was conveyed to Upperville, Virginia, and presented to the regiment, then stationed at that point. On the 31st a committee, consisting of Messrs. Jas. B. Nicholson, Samuel B. Hilt and Gilbert S. Parker, presented the regiment with an elegant suite of colors, State and National, the gift of a number of citizens of Philadelphia. The ceremonies attending the presentation were exceedingly interesting and impressive. The regiment was formed in hollow square. Mr. Nicholson made an eloquent and patriotic speech, to which Colonel Geary responded with much feeling and loyal enthusiasm. In the course of his remarks he assured the donors that he regarded the colors as a sacred trust, for whose preservation he would answer through every trial; that his command would protect them with their lives, and though they might be tattered and torn, would return them to be deposited among the archives of the State. Beck's Philadelphia Brass Band performed several national and soul-stirring airs, and Chaplain Heisley closed the imposing ceremonies with a fervent prayer. On November 10th an attack was made upon the pickets at Berlin, which was successfully resisted, the enemy suffering materially. On December 19th shells were thrown from the Virginia side into the camp at Point of Rocks, when a section of Knap's Battery opened fire upon the rebels, who were in possession of four guns, with such effect as to scatter them and to cause considerable loss. An action occurred at Harper's Ferry during the latter part of this month, which lasted two hours. The enemy was defeated and a large portion of the town was burned. During the months of January and February, 1862, many prisoners were sent to the Provost Marshal. These were chiefly civilians, captured as spies, or caught in the act of communicating intelligence to the enemy. On January 31st, a rebel flag, seized at Point of Rocks, was forwarded as a present fiom the regiment to the State of Pennsylvania. In pursuance of orders for the army to cross the Potomac, Colonel Geary concentrated his command at Sandy Hook on the 24th of February. In endeavoring to stretch a rope over the river, a boat was upset by a sudden storm of wind, and six men of company P were drowned. The command crossed 422 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. 1862 on the two following days on large fatbboats and drove the enemy from Bolivar Heights. On the 28th, the regimetit and battery, with four companies of the First Michigan Cavalry, crossed the Shenandoah by a rope ferry, and, at the point of the bayonet, took possession of London Heights. Leaving five companies with Lieutenant Colonel De Korponay, to garrison the heights, Colonel Geary, with the main body, pushed forward, and on the morning of March 1st reached Lovettsville; T he enemy stationed there, after a sharp skirmish, fled with great precipitation. Nineteen of his cavalry were captured, with horses and arms, and a large quantity of oth er property. Ding the three succeeding days General A. P. Hill, with a force of four thousand men and thirteen pieces of artile —y, was held in check. On the 3d Lieutenant Colonel De Korponay, with his detachment, being relieved at London Heights, re-joined the command. Information being received on the 7th of March that a force of fifteen hundred rebel infantry, artillery and cavairy, were at Waterford, determined upon destroying that town and Wheatland, and also the railroad, Colone; Geary immediately put his cavalry and artillery in motion, laving instructions for the infantry to follow, and entered Wheatland in time to frustrate these incendiary designs. The rebels stationed at Wheatland fled to Waterford, creating such a panic that the troops quartered there instantly decamped and hastened to join General Hill, at Leesburg. At eleven o'clock at night Colonel Geary followed in pursuit to Waterford, and after resting three hours, pushed forward for Leesburg. Having an exaggerated idea of the strength of the advancing forces, General Hill, after burning his baracks and much valuable property, hastily evacuated the town and fled towards Middleburg, and at about sunrise on the morning of the 8th, Hill's retreating forces still in sight, Colonel Geary's command, after a forced march of sixteen miles over muddy roads, entered Leesburg without opposition, planting the Union flag upon Forts Johnson, Beauregard and Evans, and taking possession of all the public buildings. Ninety prisoners, seventy horses and a train of wagons containing officers' baggage and sutlers' stores were captured. The line of the eneniy's retreat was marked with devastations hastily committed. Bridges were destroyed and mills, fences, granaries, barns, stacks of gr.i and hay, and the buildings upon the fair grounds were burned. In regard to this movement, General Banks, on the 9th, telegraphed to Colonel Geary, saying:-" I congratulate you on the occupation of Leesburg. It indicates the overthrow of the left wing of the rebel army on the Potomac, and will give joy to the country." And on the 11th he closed a congratulatory letter with the remark: —"I am greatly gratified with your occupation of the town so promptly." Leaving a garrison to guard the town, the main body of the command moved forward on the morning of the 12th, sixteen miles to Snickersville, having a spirited skirmish oi the way. After reconnoitering the mountains and country in this vicinity, it proceeded to Upperville on the 14th, driving off Ashby's and the Sixth Virginia Cavalry, killing one officer and capturing twenty prisoners and a number of horses and equipments. The order preserved by the troops, their respect for persons and property, and their general praiseworthy deportment so commended them to the citizens, that a lively Union sentiment sprang up in all these villages and towns. Many came forward and took the oath of allegiance and desired the protection of the Union forces. A force of rebel cavalry was driven, on the 15th, from Ashby's Gap, to hold 1862 OCCUPATION OF LEESBURG. 423 which and Snicker's Gap, was of essential importance to the troops operating against Winchester in the valley westward. At the same time a flank movement was made towards Thoroughfare Gap, and the enemy, fearing an attack, burned an immense quantity of bacon there, and five thousand barrels of flout at Gainesville. The regiment was actively engaged for several successive days, and by the 20th it had taken possession of Rectortown, Piedmont, Markham, Linden and Front Royal, after much skirmishing, and taking many prisoners. Deeming Leesburg to be safe without a garrison, Lieutenant Colonel De Korponay, who had been left there with three companies, was ordered to join the main command, which he did at Snickersville on the morning of the 25th, Colonel Geary having reached that point the day previous on his return from Aldie, where he had proceeded in obedience to an order of the 21st from Division Head-quarters. At noon of the 25th the line of march was resumed and the command reached Philemont, and encamped at sunset. On the morning of the 26th it proceeded to Middleburg, where it encountered and repulsed about three hundred of the enemy's cavalry, with a reserve of infantry, who had approached from the direction of Upperville. They retreated in great disorder to the mountains. An engagement also took place at Salem with rebel cavalry and infantry, who were driven with much loss in killed and wounded, and thirty prisoners. The command lost three killed, ten wounded and nine prisoners. Remaining here a day and a half, in consequence of the existence of violent secession feeling, for the purpose of adopting means for the preserVation of order, it left on the morning of the 29th, and reached White Plains, on the Manassas railroad, at two o'clock in the afternoon, driving the rebel cavalry towards Warrenton. At White Plains, on the 1st of April, the command was menaced by several thousand rebel cavalry, who were approaching from the direction of Flint Hill. The position being difficult to defend, the camp was moved to Thoroughfare Gap, about five miles distant, where the enemy was unwilling to risk an attack. The next day Colonel Geary resumed the offensive. On the 3d, he moved ten miles to Greenwich, and on the 4th reached Catlett's station, on the road to Warrenton Junction. The countrywas reconnoitred for a considerable distance, and parties of rebel cavalry were encountered and defeated. Proceeding toward Warrenton at sunriseon the 6th, he encamped about noon nearthetown. During the morning's march about eight hundred rebel cavalry were driven from Warrenton across the Rappahannock, who burned thebridge at Waterloo to escape pursuit. Formal possession was taken of the town on the same day, where the flag of the Forty-sixth Virginia Regiment was captured. On the morning of the 7th the line of march was resumed, but the progress was arrested by a severe snow storm, which continued four days with unabated violence, compelling the command to remain encamped during that time about five miles from Warrenton, after which it proceeded, agreeably to orders, to White Plains, reaching its former position there on the 11th. On the 14th it encamped in the vicinity of Rectortown. On that day, in a skirmish near Piedmont, with rebel cavalry, two of the advance guard of the regiment were killed. Upon its return to White Plains the command proceeded to examine the lines of the Manassas railroad and to make needed repairs; also to re-construct the telegraph lines and re-build sundry bridges that had been burned or otherwise destroyed. Detachments were placed upon the railrovd from Salem to Linden, a distance of more than thirty miles, to guard the workmen employed 424 TWENTY-ErGHTH REBEGITIENT. 1862 in making repairs. The labor was extremely arduous. Bridges of considerable length were to be re-built much of the requisite timber being cut in the neighborhood. The road is tortuous, winding along a broken country among deep ravines and wooded hills. The mountains are well adapted for the concealment of guerrillas and rebel cavalry with which they were infested, and always on the alert to destroy the work as it progressed, and annoy the operatives and their guards. A severe storm, which lasted from the 18th to the 22d, also contributed to retard the operations. The streams were greatly swollen, and bridges that had been re-built over Goose Creek, Bull Run and other places, were again swept away. Means of communication were very limited, supplies difficult to obtain, and to a great extent the troops were compelled to forage on an impoverished country. Still the workme-ipersevered with unremitting toil, and by the 1st of May the telegraph lines were in operation and the railroad in working order. It is here worthy of remark, that notwithstanding the extraordinary services required of this command, so acknowledged by the Commanding General, comparatively little sickness occurred. and the labors of the efficient Surgeons, than whom none could have been more attentive to their duties, were by no means onerous. This was not only attributable to the rigid physical examination of the men before their admission into the several companies comprising the regiment, but also to the order and cleanliness of their camps and persons, and other sanitary measures adopted and observed after the regiment was organized. On April 25th Colonel Geary received from the War Department the commission of Brigadier General of Volunteers. Gratifying as was this wellmerited promotion to the Colonel and the officers and men of the Twentyeighth, it was not more so than the fact, that by his and their earnest entreaty the regiment, of which he was so justly proud, was permitted to remain attached to his command; and so intimately inter-woven and blended together were their subsequent operations, that it is impossible to give a comprehensive account of the doings of the regiment independent of those of the brigades and divisions to which it was attached. A history of the one lecomes necessarily a part and parcel of the others. Colonel Geary was succeeded in command of the Twenty-eighth by Lieutenant Colonel De Korponay, whose promotion to the rank of Colonel bears date of April 25th, and who remained in command until the 30th of September following, when he was honorably discharged the service.* Major Tyndale was promoted to the Lieutenant Colonelcy, who was succeeded by Ario Pardee, Jr., as Major of the regiment. Upon his taking leave as commanding officer, the regiment complimented their late Colonel with an elegant and costly sword, sash, epaulettes, and a full and splendid set of horse equipments. The ceremonies on the occasion of the presentation were unusually interesting and impressive. A congratulatory letter from Major General Banks was read, in which he says:-" I congratulate you on your late promotion, and In taking command Colonel De Korponay addressed the regiment as follows: "SOLDIERS OF THE TWENTY-EIGHTH::-H aving, by Divine Providence, assumed the command of such noble material, composed cf the finest men of the army, I promise you sincerely that I will endeavor t- do ample justice to the position which is entrusted to my hand-. May God Almighty guide and strengthen me in all my undertakings in which I may have to lead you, and may He never leave me to falter in guiding you to assured victory. "I-Having had a noble example before me in my predecessor, our beloved Brigadier General, and having been carefully trained under him, I hope that I will meet your cordial support at al times, whether in peaceful or warlike associations." 1862 BATTLE OF FRONT ROYA L 425 regret only that your brigade is not to join us again. Our connection has been long, and to me most pleasant, and I shall be glad at all times to acknowledge the efficiency, alacrity and unsurpassed energy and ability with which you and your command have discharged all your duties." At the time of his promotion the line of railroad beemg gaarded by General Geary extended to Manassas, maing a distance in all of fifty-two miles. His head-quarters were one mile and a half from iectortown, the troops occupying rront Royal, Shenandoah, Happy Creek. Linden, Markham, Piedmont, Blectortown, Salem, White Plains, Thoroughfare Gap, Manassas, and intermediate points. For their protection all available means were employed in the erection of block-houses, abattis and other necessary defences On the 15th of May, compaiy 0 was ordered to Linden. A detachment of seventeen.men guarding the company wagon, reached there before the main body, which was on a train. They were attacked by rebel cavalry, who came, uIpon them suddenly from different directions. The men resisted bravely but after a stout defence, were overpowered, one being killed and fourteen taken prisoners, three of whom were wounded. The balance of the company coming up the rebels fled under their fne with loss. On the 17th of May the command was re-atached to the division of General Banks, in telegraphing which fact he expressed his " very great gratification." About this time the enemy was actively engaged in making preparations to eapture the commands of Generals Banks and Geary. His troops were gathered in overwhelming force at Swift Run Gap, and moving down the valley by way of Luray, made a fierce attack at Front Royal, in which engagement a section of Knap's Battery took a conspicuous part. Rebel scouting parties were constantly seen along the entire line, and skirmishes between these and the pickets and seouts, at various points, were of daily occurrence. On the 24th overwhelming forces of the enemy, approaching from the north, south and west, the command was ordered to fall back to Manassas, whence, on the 28th, it advanced to Ashby's and other gaps in the Blue Ridge, to assist in expelling Jackson from the upper valley, and preventing his return through the gaps Position was resumed on the Mansas Gap railhoad on the 5th of June. The transportation and railroad property west of Rectortown, having all been removed east by order of General MDowell, and General Geary having, 0on the 23d, received orders to report with his whole command, to General Banks, at Middletown, the detachments were directed to join him at Snickersville; from which point they moved at one o'clock, P.., on the 26th, fording the Shenandoah at Snicker's ferry, and passing through Winchester on the 27th, reached Middletown at four o'clock on the afternoon of the 29th. Here orders were received on the 30th to march at daylight on the following morning, July 1st, with the whole command to a suitable position opposite Passage Creek near Buck's ford, which order was promptly executed, the distance marched being four miles. By order of General Banks the post ati B3ck's ford was broken up on the morning of July 6th, at five o'clock, and the command of General Geary proceeded to report to Brigadier Geerral A. S. Williams, at his camp beyond Front Royal, reaching there at three o'clock, P. M, maTChing thirteen miles, the weather being extremely warm. At 11 o'clock, A. M., of the 7th it proceeded eight miles further through a heavy storm of hail and rain. Starting again at six o'clock on the morning of the 8th, it marched ten miles, ^.' 426 T WENTY-BEIGHTH ReGrIM1 T. 1862 passing through Flint Hill and encamping at Gaines? Gross Roads. The weather was so warm that three men died of sun-stroke. Remained in camp all day of the 9th. At 3 oclock, A. M., of the 10th an attack was threatened by the enemy, when the 28th was formed in line of battley in which position it remained for several hours. On this day an order was issued by General Williams to the effect that "the Twenty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers and Knapp s Saftery, together with such other troops as might thereafter beadded to General Geary's command, would henceforth be known and designated as the Second Brigade of the First Division Second Corps." The brigade left Gaines' Cross Roads on the norning of the 11fth and marched ten miles, passing through Amissville and Blackwell, and encamping one mile beyond Hedgeman river. On the 12th it proceeded five miles farther and encamped near Warrenton. At this date General Pope took command of the Army of Virginia, embracing the commands of Generals Banks, Fremont and Sigel, and issued stringent orders relative to the conduct and movements of the corpsThe ofieers twere restricted to the smallest possible amomtt of baggage, and the Sibley tents gave place to simple shelter tents. The line of march was resumed on the 16thn and the corps, passing Blackwell, reached Little Washington the same day, a distance of twenty-three miles, marching through a storm of rain, and wading several heavily swolen creeks, Here it encamped on the side of the Blue Ridge, and in the adjacent fields, where it remained till the close of the month with daily company, battalion and brigade drill. On the 28th the troops of the command were reviewed by General Banks, the review occupying five hours. Five thousand men and fifty pieces of artillery were in line. On this occasion the Twentyeighth Regiment made so fine an appearance as to attract the special attention of the reviewing General, and receive from him the most flattering commendation. On the 1st of August the entire corps participated in appropriate ceremonies on the occasion of the death of ex-President Van Buren, and on the 3d was reviewed by Major General Pope. On the 6th the Second Brigade struck camp at Little Washington and moved towards Culpepper Court House, arriving there on the evening of the 8th, the brigade consisting of the Twentyeighth Regiment, Knap's Battery, the Fifth, Seventh, Twenty-ninth and Sixtysixth Ohio Infantry, and one company of the First Virginia Cavalry, numbering in all about two thousand one hundred effective men. It was here changed by order of General Banks, commanding Second Corps, to the First Brigade of the Second Division, under command of General Augur. On the 9th of August it marched for Orange Court House, the heat being so intense that several deaths occurred from sun-stroke. When four miles from Culpepper, the Twenty-eighth, Lieutenant Colonel Tyndale commanding, was detached and ordered to re-take and hold at all hazards, the signal station on Thoroughfare mountain, from which the signal officers had been driven. This order was successfully executed, and the signal station re-established, at. that time a matter of vast importance. The remainder of the brigade under General Geary proceeded a few miles further, where the advance troops had taken position in line of battle near and beyond Cedar creek. They were immediately put in line and did good service in the fierce struggle that ensued. Knap's Battery gained fresh laurels for the splendid manner in which its guns were handled. In this battle General Geary was slightly wounded in the left foot and severely in the left arm, but remained on the field until nin e o'clock 1862 SECOND BATTLE OF BULL RUN. 427 in the evening, when he was compelled to retire from exhaustion produced by pain and loss of blood. The battle ranged furiously from two o'clock, P. M., until midnight, and w.as partiall visible to t he main body of the Twenty-eighth, who saw the bursting shells and heard the rattle of musketry and roar of ~cannon, without being permitted to take part in the strife. A number of their men, however, who were on guard duty with ammunition and other trains, rushed to the field and shared the glory of the fight. Two of these were killed and two wounded. Knap's Battery lost seven wounded and one killed. At seven o0clock, P. M., on the 10th, the regiment re-joined the brigade, which, in consequence of the wounds of General Geary unfitting him for service, was then commanded by Colonel Candy of the Sixty-sixth Ohio Volunteers. Colonel De Korponay was in command of the regiment. On the 13th, six companies, under command of Major Pardee, were dispatched to the Rappahannock bridge to guard its approaches. Here they remained until the 19fh, when, after Generals Pope and Banks, with their commands, had crossed the bridge, they rejoined their brigade and passed the river early in the evening. During the remainder of the month the regiment was constantly in motion and was engaged in frequent skirmishes, some of them of considerable importance, -in all of which it supported Knap's Battery. On the 30th it reached Bristoe Station and was the only regiment there. Themenemy being reported as advancing, orders were given on the morning of the 31st to destroy the trains of cars at that place, which were promptly executed by the speedy destruction by ifire and otherwise, of five first-class engines and one hundred and forty-eight cars, containing a large amount of government pr6perty. At noon it marched towards Bull -Run and reached the bridge at.six o'clock, P. M., having been attacked several times on the march by rebel cavahly. On September Ist, eleven non-commissioned officers and two privates were detailed, by order of Major General Banks, to go on a scouting expedition in the direction of Leesburg, to ascertain the movements of the enemy. These men were carefully selected, as the expedition was one of great responsibility and danger. During the march they were several times pursued by parties of the enemy's cavalry, and near (Chantilly were fired upon. Having accomplished their object they proceeded to the Potomac, and crossed upon a raft which they hastily constructed, when, meeting a canal boat, they started upon it for Washington City, where they arrived on the 7th, taking with them sixteen rebel prisoners whom they had captured on their expedition. One of the party, a private, was captured by the enemy. So admirably was this difficult duty per: formed, that the men were complimented -by Brigadier General A. S. Williams in the following General Order:' The General commanding takes great pleasure in commending the conduct of Sergeant Bonsali and twelve men of the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, who being detailed on important special duty beyond the lines of the army, discharged that duty promptly and faithfully, and, on their return, captured nineteen armed confederates, sixteen of whom they brought safely to camp. This act is deemed worthy of special commendation as an example to their comrades." At four o'clock, A.M., September 2d, the regiment left Bull Tun bridge, and commenced a long and toilsome march on the Antietam campaign, arriving at Antietam creek and crossing at eleven o'clock on the night of the 16th, The men were so overcome with fatigue and loss of sleep that they s.acjked arms and 42' TWENTY-EIGHTH REGINE. 186W threw themselves down upon the plowed fields to seek the repose they so greatly needed. During this tedious march of about one hundred and twenty-five miles, in the hottest season of the year, they passed through Centreville, Alex andria, Long B]ridge, Georgetown, rTenallytown, Rockvialle Middlebrook, Dam ascus, Ijamsville, Frederick and Boonsboron. They also crossed the Cotoctli and South mountains, and waded the Monocacy and other streams. At daylight on the morning of the 17th the battle ofAntietam began, and scarcely had the wearied troops time to partake of a hastily prepared meal, when they were ordered forward to take part in one of the fiercest contlicts of the war. The regiment got into position under a murderous fire of grape and canister just as the exultant enemy, having driven back the main army, was rapidly advancing in large force, when Lieutenant Colonel Tyndale, in charge of the brigade, Major Pardee commanding the regiment, charged with fixed bayonets and checked his advance, and the Twenty-eighth, instantly pouring in a destructive fire caused. him to waver and fall back. The fight continued until late in the afternoon, the regiment being under fire about eight hours. It captured two gnus and five flags. Its loss in killed and wounded was two hundred and sixty-six. Among the latter was Lieutenant Colonel Tyndale, who was struck on the head with a Minie-ball. The wound was considered mortal but he subsequently recovered. On the 18th the enemy, under a flag of truce, retreated across the Potomac, and the division moved a short distance to the right of Antietam. On the. 19th of September the Second Divfson again moved in advance, and on the 23d the Twenty-eighth Regiment, being the first to cross the river at Harper's Ferry, took position on London Heights, which the division held while the main body of the army encamped in Pleasant Valley, north of the Potomac. On the 25th, General Geary, who had been absent, on leave, in consequence of the wounds received at Cedar Mountain, returned with his arm still in bandage, and was enthusiastically received by his command. Hie at once took charge of his brigade, and being senior officer present, under orders from General Sumner, he assumed command of the Second Division, Twelfth Army Corps. On October 21st, under orders from General MClelian, the division made a reconnoissance in the direction of Leesburg, and encountered and defeated rebel cavalry near Wheatland, capturing a large number of prisoners and horses with cavalry equipments. In this, the Twenty-eighth bore a conspicuous part, and upon its result the movement of General MICieilan to the south of the Potomacwasdetermined. On the 28th, companies L, M, N, 0 and P, with another company that had been temporarily attached, were withdrawn from the regiment to form the One Hundred and Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, of which Major Pardee was promoted to the Colonelcy. General Mansfield, commanding the Second Corps, was killed at the battle of Antietam, and the corps, its number being subsequently changed to the Twelfth. was placed under command of Major General Slocum, General Geary taking command of the Second Division, his old brigade being placed in charge of Colonel Ruger, to which was attached the Twenty-eighth. General MCClellanhaving advanced with the army, the Twelfth Corps was left to garrison Harper's Ferry, the Second Division encamping on Bolivar Heights. Frequent reconnoissances were made by it in advance in which heavy skirmishing occurred. December 2d a reconnoissance was made to Winchester, where the rebel General Jones, with superior numbers, after five engagements' continuing 1.863 BATTLE OF CHAIBOELLORSVILLE. 429 through three successive days, was defeated, and on the 5th the place was captured with one hundred and twenty-nine prisoners. On the 7th, the division returned to Bolivar Heights, having been absent five days and travelled sixtyfive miles. The Twenty-eighth accompanied this expedition. Two days later the Twelfth Corps was relieved at Harper's Ferry and ordered to join the army of General Burnside, to participate in the battle of Fredericksburg. The corps was afterwards ordered to Fair.fax Station, the Twenty-eighth Regiment, with its brigade, being left to garrison lumfries. On the 17th of December, this brigade was attacked by Steuart's cavalry, twelve thousand strong, and eight pieces of artillery. After a desperate struggle the rebels withdrew, intending to renew the attack, but General Geary, attracted by the firing upon this portion of his command, hastened at night to its relief with the rest of his division, and encountered them at Occoquan, while marching to attack his camp, routing them and inflicting serious loss. In January, 1863, the division moved to Acquia, and remained there until the latter part of April, principally engaged in fortifying the place, slashing the timber around it, and reconnoitering the surrounding country. Leaving there on the 27th of April, it made the famous forced march by way of Stafford Court House, to Kelly's Ferry, on the Rappahannock, and Germania ford on the Rapidan, to Chancellorsville, during which the Twenty-eighth distinguished itself in skirmishing with and defeating the rebel cavalry upon the right flank, in the latter part of the movement. May 1st, General Hooker gave battle to General Lee, at Chancellorsville, and the bloody three days' fight at that place ensued. In these terrific actions the Twenty-eighth Regiment took a prominent part and added new laurels to\ those already earned on other sanguinary fields. When the command was ordered to fall back it remained with its division and did not quit the field until two hours after the other troops had retired. Its loss during these three days was over one hundred killed and wounded, out of three hundred engaged, it being one-fifth of the entire loss of the brigade. Among the killed was Major L. F. Chapman, who was then in command of the regiment, and who was one of the most heroic and efficient officers in the army. After the promotion of Colonel Geary, Major Chapman took great interest in keeping up the character the regiment had acquired for its admirable drill and discipline, and to his untiring exertions in this regard is owing much of its subsequent fame. First Lieutenant William C. Shields fell in this engagement and several other officers were wounded. The division captured five battle-flags. Its loss was one thousand two hundred and nine men killed, wounded and missing. At the battle of Chancellorsville the men of the Twenty-eighth Regiment performed a herculean task in the construction of their temporary breast-works. They were without spades, shovels or axes; but with an energy which signalized them during the war, they applied themselves to the arduous task with the only tools they could command, consisting of bayonets, tin cups and plates. With these alone their fortifications were constructed. Another incident occurred illustrative of their indomitable courage and heroic ardor. During the first day's fight they were designated to lead a charge against a column of the advancing enemy who poured in upon them a perfect tornado of balls, dealing frightful destruction along their ranks. They were under a new commander who had never led them in the fight. As they faced the fearful volcano of death, they, for the first time, halted and wavered. General Geary, then com 430 TWENTY-EIGHT-I REGIMENT. 1863 man ding the division, witnessed their indecision, when he suddenly sprang from his horse, and brandishing his sword, leaped the breast-works, crying aloud, "Men of the Twenty-eighth, follow your old comnder. His appearance and words operated like an electric shock. A tremendous shout ran along the line, and simultaneously the men dashed forward with such impetuosity as to instantly stop the progress of and soon repulse the enemy. At dawn on the morning of May 5th the army re-crossed the Rappahannock at United Statees ford, below its junction with the Bapidan, and the regiment marched with its division to its former position and duties at Acquia. On June 3d, Colonel De 1Korponay hai-vi resigned, Captain Thomas J. Ah, of company H, was commissioned Colonel of the regiment; and on the 5th the Enfield rifles with sword bayonets, with which it started from Philadelphia, were exchanged for Springfield muskets. The camp at Acquia was broken up on the 13th of June, and the division inarched tlirough Stafford Court House, Dumfries, Drainesville, Leesbiur-g, Poo!esville, Point of Rocks, Petersville, Knoxville, Frederick an. d Littletown, reaching Gettysburg in time to participate in and share the glorious achievements of July 1st 2d and 3d. In these brilliant engagements the Twenty-eighth again distinguished itself for its bravery and intrepidity. In consequence of heavy breast-works thrown up by order of General Geary, its loss was only twenty-five in killed, womuded and missing. Two hundred prisoners and four' thousand small arms were captured by the Second Division. The regiment, on the 4th, assisted to bury the enemy's dead, (twelve hundred of whom lay in front of General Geary's lines,) and gathered up five hundred of his muskets before its own works. / The Twenty-eighth left the breast-works at Gettysburg on July 5th, and [ marched to Littletown in pursuit of the retreating enemy; thence on the 8th marched thirty miles to Jefferson, on the 9th to Rohersville, 10th to Hagerstown, and 11th to Fair Play. Many of the men were barefooted and suffered considerably during this march of more than seventy-five miles. On the 13th the rebels crossed the Potomac, and on the 18th, the march being continued, the division encamped near Sandy IHook, where the regiment was provided with shoes and clothing. From this time the Twenty-eighth moved with its division southward across the Potomac, along the Blue Mountains, in pursuit of the retreating forces of General Lee, and marched thirty-five miles in one day to be present at an engagement with Lee's troops at Manassas Gap. Afterwards it proceeded, by way of Catlet's station, to the Rappahannock at Kelly's ferry, and was engaged in guarding the line of that river, near Ellis' ford, during the month of August. In September there was a general forward movement of the army to the Rapidan, where the rebels were again met. The regiment remained at Raccoon ford, daily skirmishing mntil the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were detailed from the Army of the Potomac, and ordered, under command of General Hooker, to join the Army of the Cumberland, to aid in repairing the fearful disaster to our army at the battle of Chickamauga. The regiment took cars at Bealeton station and proceeded via Washington and the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to the Ohio river at Bell Air, thence through Columbus, Indianapolis, Loaisville and Nashville, to Murfreesboro, where it was engaged in a fight with the rebel cavalry under General Wheeler, in which he was repulsed with heavy loss, and the railhoad to Bridgeport was saved from destruction. It remained two weeks guarding the road fromMurfreesboro' to Tullahoma. 1863 LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. 431 The Second Division of the Twelfth Corps, being selected by General Hooker for his advance movements towards Chattanooga, was relieved from guard duty by the First Division, and proceeded to the front at Bridgeport, Alabama. On the arrival of the Twenty-eighth, October 27th, (it having been detained by obstructions thrown by rebels upon the track,) General Geary, with the advance, had crossed the Tennessee river, and was one day's march ahead. On October 28th, the regiment made a forced march of twenty-eight miles and reached Wauhatchie on the morning of the 29th, after the battle at that place had been fought and won by a portion of the Second Division not numbering over fifteen hundred men, against a division of Longstreet's Corps, at least six thousand strong. After desparate fighting against such frightful odds for nearly four hours, the enemy was repulsed and fled in confusion, leaving his dead and many wounded on the field. One hundred and twenty-five prisoners were taken. This was a highly important victory, as upon it depended the subsistence of the Union army then at Chattanooga. Among the casualties none were more lamented or cast a deeper gloom over the triumphant forces, than the death of a brave young officer, a youth of eighteen years, of brightest promise and universally beloved, Captain E. R. Geary, of Knap's Battery, and son of the General, who fell, whilst sighting his gun, pierced by a rifle-ball through his forehead. After the battle Generals Grant, Hooker, Thomas, Howard, and other distinguished officers, rode upon the field to personally congratulate General Geary and his command for this unsurpassed achievement, and subsequently General Slocum wrote:- I wish you and your command to know that I feel deeply grateful for their gallant conduct, and for the new laurels they have brought to our corps." To secure the advantages gained, it was necessary to fortify, cover and corduroy the road from Kelly7s ford to Brown's ferry, on the Tennessee. The Twenty-eighth, in conjunction with detachments of other regiments, labored industriously at this work under a bombardment of the enemy's artillery on Lookout Mountain. On the 19th of November Colonel Ahl, who had been on detached duty for some time at Division Head-quarters, returned and took command of the regiment, which on the 24th, joined the division at Lookout creek, near Wauhatchie, and with it crossed the creek about three miles above the point of Lookout Mountain. On the 24th, the Second Division having been selected to storm the rebel stronghold on the mountain, a line of battle was formed and the troops moved gallantly forward to the assault, which, after a terrible struggle, was entirely successful. Besides heavy loss in killed and wounded on the part of the enemy, one thousand nine hundred and forty prisoners were captured, together with nine battle flags, two pieces of artillery, forty thousand rations, two thousand stand of small arms and camp and garrison equipage sufficient for two divisions. Among his killed was General J. H. Lane. This was the famous "Battle above the Clouds." Firing was kept up all night, during which the enemy fled from the mountain, and when, on the following morning, the smoke, mist and clouds arose above its summit, and it was gilded by the rays of the rising sun, the stars and stripes with the beautiful and well known flag of the White Star Division, were seen floating in the breeze from the beetling cliff of Point Lookout, by the Union forces at Chattanooga, they simultaneously sent up loud and repeated shouts that reverberated over the hlills and through the valleys for miles around. General Hooker hastened to compliment the %v uarixed troops for their gallant and glorious work. 432 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. 1864 November 25th, the battle of Missionary Ridge-was. fought, the enemy defeated, and a large number of prisoners and three battle flags were captured by the Second Division. On the 26th the enemy was pursued through Chickamauga and Pea Vine valleys, losing many prisoners, with cannon and wagons; and on the 27th was again defeated at the battle of Ringgold, where the division captured three battle flags. In this latter conflict the regiment lost seven killed and twenty-seven wounded. Among the latter was First Lieutenant Peter Kahlor, of company F, a brave and gallant soldier, who had served in the Mexican war, and whose body bore mails of wounds received in several previous battles. He died soon after the fight, mourned by all his comrades. In his official report of these recent engagements, General Hooker says:-" It has never been my fortune to serve with more zealous and devoted troops." On the 29th, General Grant, declaring that he wished to see the troops that fought the battle of Lookout Mountain, reviewed General Geary's Division in Wauhatchie valley, where it remained several days. He was accompianied by the members of his staff, and all the Generals of the combined armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee. No troops could have been more highly complimented than were those of the Second Division on this occasion. The campaign ended, the division went into winter quarters at Bridgeport. In December the Twenty-eighth, with many other regiments, re-enlisted for three more years, and soon aftertook their departure, on veteran furlough, for their distant homes. Upon the expiration of this time the command again concentrated at Bridgeport, whence it proceeded on that long and toilsome march and unparalleled career of military brilliancy which terminated only with the overthrow of the rebel army and annihilation of the Southern Confederacy. On the 18th of March, 1864, Colonel Ahl resigned and was mustered out of the service, and on the following day Lieutenant Colonel John Flynn was commissioned Colonel. In April the Twenty-eighth formed part of an excursion down the Tennessee river in the steamboat Chickamauga, of which General Geary took charge in person, his force consisting of eight hundred men, with eight pieces of artillery. The rebels were met at Guntersville, where a contest took place, during which the town was partially burned and finally captured, the enemy retreating in confusion. The next day superior numbers were en countered and defeated near Triano, and after destroying forty-seven scows with which the rebel troops purposed to cross the river, the expedition returned to camp with but few and trifling casualties. On the 4th of May the division marched twenty-two miles, the weather hot and sultry, through Whiteside and Lookout valleys and over LookoutMountain, encamping in Lookout valley. On the 5th the march was resumed and continued to the 8th, when it reached Mill Creek and Snake Creek gaps at the foot of the Chattoogata ridge. Here the skirmishers came upon the rebel cavahry pickets, and drove them from the mountain crest by the Dalton road. The enemy was in sight in large force and strongly fortified on Chattoogata, otherwise known as Rocky Face Mountain. He was immediately attacked and the battle that ensued resulted in the capture of Snake Creek gap, a formidable mountain barrier through which the entire Union army passed. He was again encountered on the 15th, strongly fortified on the Dalton road, near Resaca, and after a hard day's fight, was defeated, though his numbers and advantages were vastly superior. Four pieces of artillery were captured by the division. On the 16th it pressed vigorously forward towards Atlanta, marching d.i y 1864 BATTLE OF P EIAC THEE CIEEK. 433 until the 25th, when Pumpkin Vine creek was reached just in time to extinguish the burning timbers of the bridtge which the enemy had fired. The bridge was immediately repaired, and the Twenty-eighth, being deployed as skirmishers, pushed forward on the double quick and entountered the enemy in strong force, who was driven, after a hard fight, from his position which was immediately occupied by the triumphant troops. On the same day an action commenced at New Hope Church, which continued for seven consecutive days, when the enemy was completely routed with heavy loss. DBiring -all this time the troops were under fire night and day, without an hour's relief. The contending lines were in close proximity, which fact, together with the uneven' nature of the ground, demanded incessant watchfulness, no opportunity being afforded for proper shelter, rest or subsistence. On the 14th of June the division, stillt advancing participated in the fiercely contested battles of Pine Knob, Pine Hill and Lost Mountain, at the commencement of which the rebel General Polk was killed by a shell from one ofi the guns of Knap's Battery. Constant skirmishes occurred throwgh the following day, and on the 16th the battle of Muddy Creek was fought, on the 19th that of Noses Creek, 22d Kolb"s Farm, 27th Kenesaw ifountain, July 3d, IViarietta, all of which resulted in defeat and loss to the enemy. In the interim skirmishes and slight battles occurred until the close of the month. In all these engagements the Twenty-eighth Regiment bore a distinguished part. Still pursuing, our troops passed over a succession of works, elaborate and strong. consisting of breast-works., bastions, rifle-pits, abattis and palisades, from which the enemy was driven, and on the 5th of July, came in sight of Atlanta, to the speedy possession -of which the troops looked forward with confidence. On the 19th of July preparations were quietly and quickly made at Peach Tree Creek, to surprise the enemy -and drive him ftom -a prominent hill on the opposite side, which he held in force, being well protected with rifle-pits and breast-works. The creek was bridged and crossed by the Second Division, which threw up an extended Tete-de-Pont and rested for the nights The day followig, the furious battle of Peach Tree Creek occurred) commencing with a ferce charge upon the front of the division, continuing with unusual violence for several hours, and ending with the enemy's defeat. In tis brilliant engagement another brave young officer fell —-Captain Thomas H.. Elliott, Adjutant General on the staff of General Geary. He entered the service in the Twentyeighth Regiment as First Lieutenant of company H, and was promoted for -neritorious conduclt. e was a young man of fine literary attainments, a great favorite with his fellow-soldiers, fearless and courageous even to a fault. In his official report of this battle General Geary says:-" The appearance of the enemy as they charged upon our font across the cleared field was m-agnificent. Rarely has such a sight been presented in battle. Pouring out from the woods they advanced in immense gray masses, (not lines,) with flags and banners, maVy of them new and beautiful, while the General and Staff officers were in plain view, with drawn sabres flashing in the light galloping here and there as they urged their troops on to the charge. The rebel troops also seemed to rush forward with more than eustomary nerve and heartiness to the attack. This grand charge was Hoods inaumural, and his army came upon us that day full of high hope, confident that the small force in their front could not withstand them, but their ardor and confidence were soon shaken," From this period until the 25th of August, when an engagement at Paces 55 434 TWENTY-EIGHT1H ZEGIENTG, 18&64 ferry resulted in another victory, and from that day to their victorious entry into Atlanta, the troops lay before that town, strengenthing their defences, extending and advancing their pickets, receiving and returning the fire of the enemy's artillery, and punishing him severely in numerous battles and skirmishes, On September 2d, completely exhausted and thoroughly beaten and disheartened1 the enemy sullenly evacuated Atlanta, and the conquering forces took possession, marching joyfully in, with colors flying, to the inspiriting strains of patriotic music, the White Star Division having the advance. A brilliant summary of the " hundred days' fight" of this eventful campaign is given in the following extract from General Geary's official report: —" Thus gloriously ended the campaign, unequalled for brilliant victories, over seemingly insurmountable difficulties, and unsurpassed in history-a campaign which will stand forever a monument of the valor, endurance and patriotism of the American soldier; four months of hard, constant labor, under the hot sun of a southern summer, scarce a day of which was passed out of the sound of the crash of musketry and roar of artillery; two hundred miles travelled through a country, in every mile of which nature and art seemed leagued for defence — mountains, rivers, lines of works-a campaign in which every march was a fight, in which battles followed in such rapid succession, and were so intimately connected by an unremitting series of skirmishes, that it may properly be regarded as one grand battle, which crowned with grander victory, attests the skill and patience of the hero who matured its plans and directed their execution." From the date of its occupation until the 15th of November, the regiment remained at Atlanta, performing guard and fatigue duty, assisting to make reconnoissances, and taking part in foraging expeditions, the latter, not only feeding the garrison of Atlanta, but demonstrating the important fact that an army could move and subsist upon the resources of the country. On the 14th of November the troops under General Iverson, supposing Atlanta to have been evacuated, made an attack upon the Union lines, near the Whitehall road, (where the Twenty-eighth was stationed,) and was repulsed with severe loss in killed and wounded and some prisoners. November 15th, the camp was broken up and Sherman's famous "March to the Sea' commenced. This bold undertaking was of such stupendous magnitude, and encircled with so many and such tremendous obstacles, as to astonish the entire country and to strike terror into the heart of the confederacy. Many regarded it as an act of madness, whilst few dared contemplate its successful termination. Unincumbered with any superfluity of tents, baggage or provision trains, the brave and well-tried army marched day after day, scarcely halting for needed rest and nutriment, through sunshine and storm, heat and cold, over hills, streams, swamps and morasses, bivouacking at night along the roads, and subsisting man and beast from the lands over which they passed, laying waste plantations of notorious rebel leaders and destroying immense depots of provisions intended for Lee's army, cotton, grain, cotton gins and mills and other rebel property, together with numerous bridges and many miles of railroad. Guerrilla bands and detachments of rebel cavalry that hovered about, were attacked and if not driven off, either captured or killed. The troops pushed forward with the utmost alacrity, enjoying the march as a grand triumphant passage through an enemy's country, rather than a severe and toilsome journey, full of privations, dangers and disasters. Onward they pressed 1864 MTARCH TO THE SEA.. 435 regardless of labor, and in defiance of every obstacle, nmtil, on the 10th of Deeember, they approached the outer works of the enemy at Savannah, and en —. mped at a distance of three miles from the city, which was at once besieged. During the succeeding ten days the time was chiefly occupied in throwing up breast-works and erecting fortifications, the troops being under fire from the enemy's batteries and a number of gun boats stationed in the river. Shot and shell were poured in upon them from sixty-four and thirty-pounder siege guns and many pieces of light artillery. Still the work progressed steadily, the men laboring earnestly and with cheerfulness On the night of the 20th, General Geary discovered that the enemy was evacuating Savannah, and at one o'clock in the morning of the 21st, he pushed forward to intercept the retiring forces and take possession of the town. Just outside of the city limits, he was met at two o'clock, by the Mayor and a delegation of the Board of Aldermen, bearing a flag of truce, who formally surrendered to him the place, presenting him with the following document: " SAVANNAH_ Deeember 21, 1864. To General Joir W. GREABY Commanding US. S. Military Forces near Savannah: SI: —The city of Savannah is being evacuated by the Confederate military and is now entirely defenceless. As Chief Magistrate of the city, I respectfully request your protection of the lives and private property of the citizens, and of our women and children. Trusting that this appeal to your generosity and humanity may favorably influence your action, I have the honor to be your obedient servant, R. D. ARNOLD, Mayor of Savannah.t General Geary accordingly entered the city with his command, and just as the sun first gilded the morning clouds, the national colors, side by side with the White Star standard, were unfurled from the dome of the Exchange, and over the United States Custom House. The part assigned the Twenty-eighth, was the capture and occupancy of Fort Jackson. In the afternoon, other troops began to enter the town. Immense piles of cotton and other property, as well as.several gun-boats in the river, had been set on fire by the retreating rebels, to the extinguishment of which the troops early and industriously applied themselves. Millions of dollars worth of property and seven vessels were saved to the Government, by their persevering exertions, pursued whilst under continued fire from the rebel gun-boat Savannah, which was subsequently driven ashore and blown up. In consideration of the services of his division on this occasion, General Geary was appointed Military Governor of Savannah. Being relieved by General Grover's division, General Geary, on the 19th of January, 1865, received orders to join, with his command, the other divisions of Sherman's army, which had crossed the Savannah river and advanced to Perrysburg; but in consequence of a severe storm which overflowed the country, and rendered the roads impassable, he was detained in Savannah until the 27th, when, leaving the city at eight o'clock in the morning, by the Augusta turn pike, be started upon the "war path through the Carolinas." Innumerable obstacles, both natural and artificial, were hourly encountered and overcome. Streams and swamps were waded or bridged, and niles of indescribably bad roads corduroyed, before the troops could pass, whilst at every 436 TW ENTY-ETiariT 1EGIMTE. 1865 available point they were annoyed by the desaltory firing and obstructions thrown in the way by sq.uads of the enraged and now desperate enemy. Frequent skirmishes occarred. Severe ones took place at the crossings of the North and South Edisto, and at Congaree and Black rivers, at all of which places the Twenty-eighth Regiment as among the first to cross. At >North Edisto, Colonel Flynn and several of his men were wounded, General Geary in his official report says:-"-4This campaign, although in its general features of the same nature as that from Atlanta to Savannah, was one of much greater labor and tested most thoroughly the power of endurance and elasticity of spirits among American soldiers. The distance marched was much farther, through regions presenting gTeater natural obstacles, and where a vindictive enemy might naturally be expected in force, sufficient to, harass our troops and interfere frequently with otr trains. The season was one of unusual inclemency, during which the roads were in the worst condition. Yet my command marched from Savannah to Goldsboro, without very serious opposition and without a single attack uponthetrai.nsunder my charge. The spirit ofmytroopsthroughout was confident and buoyant, expressive of that implicit trust in the- Commander-in-chief and belief in themselves, which are always the presages of military success. It was their common experience to march at dawn or earlier, eorduroy miles of road, exposed to drenching rains, or standing waist deep often in swamps, lifting wagons out of mire and quicksand, where mules could not obtain a foot-holda; and when the day's work was through, encamp late at night, only to repeat the process with the next day. Through this all they evinced a determination and cheerfulness which has added greatly to my former high appreciation of the same qualities shown by them upon so many battlefields of the past four years;-' Upon reaching Baleigh, negotiations were entered into between Generals Sherman and Johnson, which resulted, on the 26th of April, in the surrender of the, latter with his: army, General Lee had already surrendered to General Grant, and soon after, Generals Kirby Smith and Dick Taylor laid down their arms, and the rebellion was crushed. Peace. soon followed, and the troops of the Twentieth Corps tohich General Geer earyfs division wassthen attached, were marched to Washington by way of Richmond, and disbanded. During the four years' service of the Twenty-eighth Regiment, its casualties were about equal to the number of its original muster and, although in its organized condition it served in twelve different States of the Union, and was engaged in as many skirmishes and battles as any regiment in the United States, army, it never lost a single wagon or ambulance or any other description of property, by allowing it to fall into the hands of the enemy. The officers were frequently changed in consequence of deaths, resignations and promotions, the regiment having had four Colonelsfour Lieutenant Colonels and nine Majors. It also produced one Major General and three Brigadiers; viz: —Hector Tyndcale, Ario Pardee, Jr, and John Flynn. The members of the regiment who remained at the e os of the war were mustered out of the service on the 18th of July, 1865, and were heartily welcomned home, their privations, sufferigs, labors and gallant services having endeared them in the warmest affections of the highly gratified and truly grateful loyal people of the country. Their soiled, torn and tattered flags, carried triumphantly through so many bloody battle-fields, attesting the un — failing courage of the men who bore them, have received a hallowed place in THREE YEARS' SERVICE 437 the archives of the Commonwealth, whilst the brave and noble soldiers who fought beneath and around them, have returned to the peaceful pursuits of life and the enjoyment of the multiform blessings their struggles and triumphs have secured to their country and the world. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. M NAME. RANK. DATEOF MUSTER REMARES. INTO SERVICE. John W. Geary..... Col...... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Brig. Gen. U. S. V., April 25,'62wounded at Bolivar, Cedar Mountain and Chancellorsvile-promoted to Maj. Gen., Jan. 12,'65. Gab'l De Korponay...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Lt. Col. to Col., April 25, 1862disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 26, 1863. Thomas J. Ahl......... do... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Capt. company H, to Colonel, Mar. 5, 1863- resigned March 18, 1864. John Flynn.............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and at North Edisto river, S. C.. Feb. 12,'65-promotedto Lt. Col., Dec. 12, 1863-to Col., June 9, 1864-to Bv. Brig. General, May 13, 1865-discharged Nov. 3, 1865-Vet. Hector Tyndale.....Lt. Col. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Col., April 25, 1862-wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-promoted to Brig. Gen. Vols., Nov. 29, 1862-disch. March 18, 1863. James Fitzpatrick..do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, Mar. 27,'64-to Lt. Col.,Aug. 9, 1864-wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, at Mill Creek Gap, May 8, 1864-mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. Ario Pardee, Jr...... Major.. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, Nov. 1, 1861-to Lt. Colonel 147th regiment P. V., October 9, 1862. William Raphail........ July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 1, 1862-resigned January 15, 1863. Robert Warden..... do.....June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, April 25, 1862-died at Winchester, Va., Juide 30, 1862. Lans'dF. Chapman...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Maj., Jan. 22, 1863-killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Jacob D. Arner.......do.....July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June 1, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. Samuel Goodman... Adj...... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, Nov. 13,1861-discharged Aug. 3, 1864-Brevet Capt., Maj., Lt. Col. and Col., March 13, 1865. Henry Cheesman......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, July28, 1864-discharged February 8, 1865. William S. Witham...do..... July 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, June 1, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. Benjamin F. Lee...... M.... June 28,'61, 3 Resigned Sept. 10, 1862, to accept commission as Captain and A. C. S. John P. Nicholson.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Corn. Sgt. to Quartermaster, Sept. 10, 1862-mustered out with reg., July 18,1865Brev. Capt., Maj. and Lt. Col., Mar. 13, 1865. H. Ern'st Goodman Surg... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. V., as Assistant Surgeon, to date Feb. 26, 1864-Brevet Colonel and Surgeon in Chief, Army of Ga. William Altman........do..... Dec. 17,'62, 3 Promoted to Surgeon, May 8, 1864-mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865 Samuel Logan........As.Sur. June 28,'61, 3 Resigned October 3, 1862. Wmn. M. Dorland.........do Aug. 1,'62, 3 Resigned November 27, 1862. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Cor. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered, Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Sorv. service. Wds. wounds. 438 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT,..AM~ R _ _. REMR* NAME. RNIC. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE ____ ____ _ _ _ John H. Mullin...... As. Sr. Oct. 15,'62, 3 Resigned April 17, 1863. William F. Smith......... June 5,'63, 3 Promoted to Sureon, Dec. 23, 1864, and transferred to 73d regiment P. V. Abin H. TLiht.........do..... May 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. Chas. W. Heisley... Chap... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Resigned July 18, 1863. N. B. Critchfield.........d... av 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. James C. Smith...... Sr. Maj. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 1, 1865-to 1st Lieutenant Co. C, 28th reg. P. V., July 8, 1865. Thomas Monroe... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, August 1, 1864-to Ist Lieutenant company C, July 7, 1865. Samuel F. M'ee...... do.... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major. July 20, 1861-to Adjutant 147th regiment P. V., Dec. 1, 1862. Thomas M'Cune.....dodo..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, September 10,'61discharged onl Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Michael B. Devine.....do.... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Feb. 26, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 14, 1863. Edward D. Foulke...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promotedto Sergeant Major, Dec. 1,'63-reduced to ranks and transferred to Co. D, Aug. 1,'64. R. A. Kerrihard.........do.. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, August 15, 1863killed at Taylor Ridge, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. Wesley Hamilton... Q. M. Sr July 1,'61, 3 ProrotedtoQuartermasterSergeant, Apr. 8,'65mustered out with regiment, July 18,'65-Vet. David B. ilt...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, July 20, 1861-disch. on Surg. certificate, Aug. 17, 1862. Albert J. Watt........ Co. Sr July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Sept. 1,'63mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. J. H. Lippincott........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to CommissarySergeant, Sept. 10,'62transferred to company B, September 1, 1863. P. S. C. Hough...... Hos. St. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 24, 1883mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. James Kemble...........do... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, July 24,'61-discharged November 24, 1862, and promoted to Hospital Steward U. S. A. REGIM ENTAL BAND. Win. F. Simpson.... P1. Muc July 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, March 1,1864discharged-date unknown. Michael I. Rahn....... do..... July 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, April 1, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. William Whitcomb...do.. July 20,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Fredoe: ck Spohn....."..do... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted toprincipal muc., September 14,1862mustered out with regiment, July 18, 1865. James L. Warwick L'd.Bd. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Boltz, "rankliun....... Aug. 80,'6 1 3 Died July 15, 1862, at Winchester, Va. Beck, Jacob H.......... do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Beck, Anthony...... do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Beck, Antrim.......... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Beck, George............do..... Dec. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, byGeneral Order. Bender, Godfrey........ do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9,1862, by General Order. Burr, William H....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Burke, Geo. H. CG......do..... Sept. 7, 61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Conover, Jos. C.......do..... Dec. 24.'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, byGeneral Order. Cousins, Geo. R.......do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. De Hart, William Hl...do... Dec. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out Sppt. 9, 1862, by General Order. Farrington, Thos.... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Feb. 5, 1862, by General Order. Fenner, Geo. W...... do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Geary, Edward R...!...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. to accept commission as 2d Lieutenant in Knap's Pennsylvania battery, October 5, 1861. Geary, William L.J....do.. July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Haines, William R I..do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Heisley, Chas. C........do..... Sept. 9'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Labar, Jesse..............do.. Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out Sent. 9, 1862, by General Order. Levan, Robert W...K...do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Markley, Beneville...do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Murray, Samuel.....'...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Sinmerman, J. S...... do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Stauffer, Alfred F.....do.....Sept. 6'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Waltz, Peter... d........do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 9, 1862, by General Order. Zane, Walter H.....'...do I. Sept. 26,'61 3 Mustered out Sept 9, 1862, by General Order. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 439 COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. 1.1 WNAME. EAN. DATE OF MUSTER rA REMIARKCB ~AMB. B ANK~.,,INTO SERVICE. EMARS Ario Pardee, Jr..... Capt.... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Major 28th reg. P.V., Nov. 1, 1861. Jas. Fitzpatrick.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain. January 1, 1862-to Major March 27, 1864-Vet. James Silliman, Jr...do.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 1st Sgt., July 1,'61-to 2d Lt., Jan. 1,'62-to 1st Tit., July 1,'62-to Capt., Aug. 16, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 18. 1865. George Marr......... st Lt.. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., July 12, 1863-to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 184 4-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. John Gorman......... 2d Lt.. June 28,'61, 3 Resigned December 31, 1861. Isaiah B. Robinson...do..... June 28,'61, Promoted from Sergeant, January 1,'62-killed July 20, 1S64, at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.. William Airey.........do..,.. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 1.'63-to Sgt., July 12,'63-to 1st Sgt., Oct. 1, 1864-to 2d Lt., June 1, 1865mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. Smith Durst.......... 1st Sgt. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 1,'63-to Sgt., July 12, 1863-to 1st Sergeant, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Samuel F. M'Kee.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Serg't Major 28th reg. P. V., July 20,'61. Geo. W. Eddinger.. Serg't.. June 28,'61, 3 Wd.-pr. to Cor., Feb. 1, 1863-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 18,'65-Vet. Patrick M'Shay..........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 1, 1863-to Sgt., Oct. 1. 1864mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. William H. Wolf...do..d...... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Feb. 1, 1865mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. George Burt.............d June 28,'61, 3 Wounded-promoted to Sergeant, June 1,'65mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. Wm. M'Donald.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. 11ob't A. Kerrihard...do... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Serg't Major 28th reg. P. V., Aug. 15,'63. Thomas Monroe......d...do.... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville-promoted to Sergeant Major 28th reg. P. V., Aug. 1,'64-Vet. John B. Lockhart......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Harper's Ferry, Va., December 11, 1862. Robert I. Carter.........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1863, at Philadelphia, of wounds received at Chancellorsville. William Wylie..........do.....June 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, November 26. 1862. ArchibaldNesbit.... d....... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 30, 1862-mustered out July 2. 1864. Dennis Laughlin.... Corp... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1,1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Joseph H. Cornet...d...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —et. WilliamH. Doak.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1. 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. James Shirey............do... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Thomas Karley.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Henry Hembach........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 11865 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Alex'r W. Selfridge...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 2S, 1862, to receive commission as 2d Lieutenant company H, 46th reg. P. V. Beniah Pratt..............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, November 29, 1862. William W. James...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7, 1862. ~Wm. P. Cortright......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. William Horn....... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 19, 1863, for.wds. rec. at Antietam. James C. Smith.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 1, 1865-Vet. Frank Harkins..... Muc.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with-company, July 18, 1865. red'k Spohn............do..... June 28, 61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Sept. 14, 1862. Wnm.F. Simpson......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Principal Musician, Mar. 1, 1864. John R. Young.........do..... Feb. 14,'65, Deserted June 20. 1865. Anderson, John...... Private Jan. 26,'64, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Albert, Henry............do.....Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Ash, Phineas W-.....do..... June 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62. Armpriester, Sam'l...do A...Aug. 29, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. A(huff, Joseph..........do..... Mar. 3,'65, I Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Alwell, James........ do... Nov. 7,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Al bert, Anthony........do.... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Arlfield, Edwin M...do.... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Discharged by General Oridci, May 23, 1865. Tlzzard, Amos.........do.. Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. 440 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. NI SOFiCTEE REfMARKS..INTO SRVICE. Buzzard, Isaac........ Private Feb. 14,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Bachman, George......do...... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Black, Jacob R........do..... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Brong, Charles F.....do...Mar. 9,'5, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Barringer, John........do.... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-lmus, out with company, July 18, 1865. Barringer, Isaac.........do... Dec. 22,'64, 1Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Buzzard, Josiah.........do..... Feb., 65,' Musered out August 9, 1865. Bender, Christ'n F...do....... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered, out July 14, 1865. Beers, Henry W........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Brennan, John.....do...... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Brown, Henry E.......do... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Beahm, Jesse...........do..June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Barker, Francis........d..... Aug. 11,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Boyle, Patrick.......d...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1862. Burwell, Burton........do.... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Behrens, John...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out-Vet. Conklin, Jos. N.........do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Collins, Henry..........do..... Feb. 17,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Cunningham, Thos...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Campbell, John........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Claywell, Reuben......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Campbell, Daniel......do... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 29, 1863-returned April 11,'65mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Dolan, Hugh............. do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company,. July 18, 1865-Vet. Durst, Eugene.........do... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Derr, Paul........ d....Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Decker, John F.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. Depue, Abraham......d.. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Dout, Eli...............do.....June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Dunham, Geo. H....... do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'65. Deam, John................do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died May 18, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville. Drake, William H.....do... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Eike, George..........o..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Fox, Peter................do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Fagan, Christopher...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Fagen, Peter........... do..... June 28,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'63. Furry, Charles..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Disch. March 4, 1863, for wds. rec. at Antietam. Fowler, James...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Faichter, Nicholas.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Fatkins, John..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th reg. U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 1,'62. Funk, John W..........do... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Furlong, James.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Deserted-date unknown. Godshalk, Benj. F.....do..... Mar. 11,'65, Absent, sick, at muster out. raur, Jacob............do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 11,'65. Givens, James...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Grow, Henry............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Girard, John..............do....June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Gensil, John W........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Grum, Charles..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded-mustered out August 8, 1864. Grum, Henry...........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Godley, Charles.........do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Deserted June 20. 1865. Heater, John.................. June 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Herman, VWm. H......do..... Jan. 26,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hess, Henry C..o............ Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Houck, George W.....do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hogland, Christian...do..... Feb. 14,'65, Absent, sick, at muster out. Holler, John............. do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hill, Harrison........ do.....June 28,'61, Discharged July 20, 1864. Hehr, Jacob.............do..... June 28,'61, Discharged July 20, 1864. Hay, John P..............do..... Feb. 14,'65, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 8, 1865. Hartzell, Wm. H....do...... Feb. 13,'6, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Innes, Wi. P......do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Innes, John A..........do.....Feb. 14,'65, Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Knauss, Aaron F......do..... Feb. 17,'65. 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Karns, Joseph..........do.... Dec. 22,'64 1 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Kale, Edward...........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Kortz, William.....d..... c June 28,'1, Discharged July 20 1864, Kindred, Ezra H.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865. Kunkle. Andrew......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Laughin, James......do..... Feb.. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Lerch, John E..........do..... Feb. 18,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Little, Joseph...........do..... June 28,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'62. Littleton, Edward.....do..... July 17,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14'64. Lambert, Jacob...........une 23,'61, 3 Discha.rged July 20, 1864. mTR-mE YEAKS' SERVICE. 441 PI NAIVE.t.DT F MNSTEOS ~1 B REMARTSS. Ljanghaim, George... Private Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-dischar'ged for *ounds, Dec. 3, 1864. Liabar, Theodore...d...do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Deserted June 17, 1865. Labar, Isaac..............do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Deserted June 18, 1865. ehmr, Adam........ Feb. 16,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Mowrie, George............ Jugne 28,'61, Mustered out with company, July 18,'65 —Vet. Maloy, Barney.........do..... Feb. 12 62, Mustered out wvith company, July 18,'65 —Vet. Monroe, Robert.... do....Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Magee John..............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Martin, Patrick.......... June 28,'64, 3 Wd, at Chancellorsville —diis6h. July 20. 1864. Moyer, William H.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-disch arged July 20, 1864. Mowrie, Josiah.....J...do..... June'28,'61, /3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Myers, Stephen..... Feb. 20, ~65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'65. Minig, Samuel............. June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 16th U. S. Inifantry, Jan. 23,'62. Maloney, John........do...... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. AMarx, Nicholas.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died at Bridgeport, Ala.. May 1, 1864. Morgan, William...do.....Jan. 29'64, 3 Killed at Pine Hill, Ga., June 15, 1864. M'Geichan, Daniel.....do.....Feb. 12,'62, 3 Wd.~-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. M'Dan'iels, William...do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Kechney, Alex.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam-discharged July 20, 1864. M'DoKnald, Henry... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Curlev, James D...do..... June 28,'61 3 Wd, at Antietam- difscharged July 20, 1864. M'Hoes, John...........d.o...... Feb. 16,'65, I Deserted June 20; 1865. ~Nuss, Joseph...........'do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Nixon, Josepfh............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Nixon, William H......do..... Feb. 20,'65, I Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. O'Donnell, Patrick.....do..... May 1,'64, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Penrose, John B........do,... Jane 28,'61., 3 )ischarged July 20, 1864. Petrie, James.,....... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Pysher, Martin...........do...... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, J.une 17, 1865. Petrie, Jhn........... Jue 28, 61, 3 Died June 12, 1863, of wounds -received at Chan. nellorsville,'Quinn, Patrick...........do..... June 28,'61', 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Rlough, Isaac.~...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. ioaseberry, William...do..... FIeb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with'company, July.18, 1865. Rieichardt, John G......do..... Feb. 14,'65, -1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Rightnour, Jeffer'n...d....... Sept., 63, 3 Drafted —mnus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Rough, Jacob............do... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28,'63. Rosenstock, Jacob..... do... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville —disch. July 20,'64.!Roling, Robert........do..... Feb 14,'65,. 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. lRodenbaug3, JasM... do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Smith, Washing'nH...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered:out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Shaver, William P.....do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3: Mustered'out with company, July 18, 1865. Salmon, William H...do.....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Smith, Edward N......do..... Feb. 18,'165, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Serfass, Aaron...........do..... Mar. 1,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Seiple, Harrison D.....do..... Mar. 1'6b, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Schlenzing, Bern'd.....d....Jan. 26, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Stocker, Jackson E...do. Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Seip, William.......do.......Feb. 14, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Shank, Samuel..........do..:... ov. 18,'64, 1 Drafted —mustered'out with Co.,'July 18, 1865. Smith', Solomon.......do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Smith, Joseph._...., _...do..... Nov. 4,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out July 14, 1865. Shafer Jacob.*............do..J...Jan. 10,'65, 2 Drafted —mustered out Jutly 27, 1865. Shriver, John........do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out June 9, 1865. Smith, John...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds —date unknown. Sitler, Daniel........d June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sonn, Joseph...........do..... June 28, "'61, 3 Wd at Antietam —discharged July 20, 1864. Smith, John D.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Staub, Paul...........do......June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Shugart, John.,.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sprague, Oscar.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged for wounds, May 18, 1865. Sprague, Wi-. E.n...do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Discharged for wounds, February 28, 1865. Smith, Levi L.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, December 13, 1862. Steel, Charles...do.......do..... Feb. 18, 64, iled at Dalton, Ga., August 18, 1864. Spatzer, Emanuel.....do..... Jan. 26,'65 1 Deserted June 17, 1865. Stetler, Emanuel......do.... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Smith, Jam-es W.....do..... June 28,'61. 3 Discharged J uy 20, 1864. Tarn, Thomas.............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged September 16, 1864. Tweedle, James B3......... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Transue, Anthony.....do..... Feb. 20,-'65, I Discharged by General Order, May 23, 188{i. VJltz, Jacob T............do..... Feb. 28,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wildman, Jacob.....o.....o J.an. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out wvith company, July 18, 1865. Wier, Alexa-.nder...... do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Walters, Jacob L.........o.... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. 442 TWENTY-EIGHTTH REGIMENT, NAIME.fwI~P RCANWK. DATE OF MUSTER IRTHgARS. NAME. RANK. R INTO SERVICE. REM S. Worg, Prosper........ Private Feb. 14,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Williams, Thomas..... do... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Weaver, Henry.........do.....June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Washburn, Reuben...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Whitbread, W. I......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6, 65. Walters, Herman...do...... Sept. 21,'64, 1 )Drafted-deserted June 7, 1865. Wilhelm, Lewis......Feb. 14,'65, I Deserted June 20, 1865. Wilson, Andrew.......do.....Mar. 13,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Yost, Samuel R......:...do June 28,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 19, 1863, for wds. rec. at Antietam. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Robert Warden..... Capt... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Major 28th regiment P. V., April 25, 1862. Wm. M. Jordan..........do... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., May 1, 1862-wounded at Antietam and Cha.ncellorsville-resigned June 13.- 1863. Geo. W.Newmeyer...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., May 1, 1862-to Capt., July 27, 1863-resigned January 17, 1865. Wm. C. Armor.d.....do,,..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 23, 1864-detached as Aid to Gen. Geary, July 1, 1864-pr. to Capt., March 28. 1865-to Brevet Maj., March 13,'65-wounded at Antietam and Chancellorsville-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. Benj. F. Mechling.. lst Lt... June 28, 61.- 3 -Pr. to S t., Feb., 1863 —to 2d Lt., March 23,'64to-st sLt., Mar. 29,'65-.wounded at Antietammustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Alfred Robertson...2d Lt... June 28,'61, 3 Resigned June 5, 1862. Joseph C. Markle.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., June-5, 1862-killed at Antietam, Soptenbcr 7, 1862. - John S. Ghrist...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1, 1862-wounded at Antietam-resigned Decei-ber 8, 1863. Charles H. Walker...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Jan. 14.'64-to 2d Lt., March 29,'65wd. at Antietamn-mustered out with company July 18, 1865 —et. Lester W. Boyd..... 1st Sgt. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-mus. out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Sylvester Steiner... Serg't. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —mus. out with company, July 18, 18I65-Vet. L. C. Livengood........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Martin L. Finch........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. David F. Ghrist........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Prisoner from March 27, to May 5, 1865-mustered out June 22, 1865-Vet. George Eicher..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 )ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24, 1862. Joseph Storey............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. G. A. M'Ilvain...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Ezra 1. Welty...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Matthias P. King.... Corp.... June 28,'61, 3 Wd. at New Hope Church, Ga., May 29, 1864mn s. out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. James Metzler..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 d. at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62, and Chancellorsville, May,. 1863 —mustered out with company,. uly 18, i865-Vet. Jonas B. Mum aw......do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Henry L. Iare........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Samuel Byerly........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Smith..............do.... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —mustered out with conmpany, July 18, 1865-Vet. George Harmon.........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Joseph W. Hough..do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. John Brier...............do.... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged onl Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Geo. W. Mechling.....do..... June 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Jan. 5,'63. Henrv W. Kurtz......do.... June 28,'6, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 28,'61. Thomas -I. Lemon.....do..... June 28,'61, 8 Wounded at Antietan —mus. out July 2, 1864. Cyrus W. Swartz... Muc..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. James S. Carpenter...do..... ar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. James Milbee.............do..... June 28,'61, 3, rr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. George W. Gibb........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company II, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. Arnold, i'eter K...Private Sept. 3,'36, 3 IDrafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1855. Anderson, Jackson...do.....Mar. 2,'64, 3 Prisoner frolm March 28, to May 5, 1865 —mustered out June 5, 1865. THiUEE YEARS' SERPVICE. 443 NAME^-rN ~~~~oNT SERVICE, REMARKS. Armstrong, Daniel Private June 28,'61, Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Ackerman, C. S.........do..... June 29,'61, 3'r. to company) 1, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Boohlr, J ohn S......o........ une 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 1 18, 1865 —Vet. Butler, ]Robert R.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with compan.my, July 18, 1865-Vet. Beck, William...........do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, i ul 18, 1865. Biilhimer, Ab'haml...do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Julv 18, 1865. Billhimer, David...M...do..... Mar. 2,'64, M3 1Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Butler, Solomon.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with cornpany, July 18, 1865. Bare, Josiah M..........do..,.. ar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Bare, )avid...............do..... Mar. 2,'64 3 Mustered out with cornpany, July 18, 1865. -Bashiouln, Alex r.....do..... ar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with comnanv, July 18, 1865. Bashioum, Co!lin...i... do. Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with comnany, July 18, 1865. Brant, William S.....[Co...do. Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with cornany, July 18, 1865. Bitts, Simon............... do... ar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with comrrany, July 18, 1865. Beistel, Manoah.....do. Mar. 2,'64, 8 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Beistel, William..do..... April 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Beckner, i)avict R...... Aug. 17,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Bobbs, James..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26, 1862. Brown, Stanley S......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Prisoner March, 1865 —disch. by General Order, June i2, 1865. Borlin, Albert...........do. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to company G(, 28th regiment, P. V., April 29, 1864. Barrone, Jonathan.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. Brier, Franklin.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. Burgess, Jordan....do..... ieb. 2,'64, 3 Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 11, 1864. Butiler, Samuel........do..... June 28,'61, 3 )ied at York, Pa., March 18, 1863. Beltz, Conrad.............do..... July 20,'61, 3 -Died at Alexandria, Va., May 22, 1862. lBurrougrhs, Isaac......do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Brown John.........do....... June 28,'61, 3. Wounded at Antietain-transferred to company G, 28th regiment P. V., April 29, 1864. Cunningham,. A..do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, l uly 18, 1865. Cunninham, J. W...do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Carns, William I do......o..... April 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Coiffman, Samuel.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Coffinan, Abraham...do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. CofFinan, Isaac S.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Wounded at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Cronemay, Simon.....do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's'certificate, January 18, 1863. Crise, Franklin.........do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Cravens, John C........do.....June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Ciair,'Jesse..............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died September 18, 1862, of wounds received at Antietain, September 17, 1862,. Cunningham, Jos......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Cloud, Solomon.........do..... Oct. 18,'64, 3 Deserted June 29, 1865. Cobb, William...........do.....Oct. 18, 64, 3 Deserted June 29, 1865. Deeds, James A.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Davis, Nicholas...do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Dillinger, John.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Dischargel, on Surg. certificate, June 30, 1862. Dunnsmore, John........do..... June 29;'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 27, 1862. Deeds, George H......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Dougherty, Benj......do.....Oct. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Doss, George............do.... Oct. 18,'64, 3 Deserted June 29, 1865. Ebert, Levi..............do... Aug. 29,'64, I Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Eicher, Jacob M........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 19, 1863. Eicher, William.......... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Elder, John.............do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3'Pr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Evans, Walter...........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died Oct. 6, 1862, of wds. received at Antietam. Frazer, Lentillus L...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Fulkrith, Henry S.....do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Fry, William Ht.........do.... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Finfrock, Jeremiah...do...., June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 28th reg. P. V., July 21, 1861. Fitzsimmons, Dan'l...do.....Sept. 2, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 18, 1863. Grim, John C.............do.... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Howard, Abra'm L...dLo Jan. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hooper, Jacob.........do Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Hurst, Thomas B....do. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. Hohenshell, Josiah...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Hughes, William. d.. do June 28,'61, 3 Discbharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Hough, William G...do.... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-disch.-date unknown. Hohenshell, Levi......do.....Mar. 2,'64, 3 Died of wounds, Feb. 3,'65, at Tunnel Hill, Ga. Hodge, Thomas G. o.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Johnston, Uriah S......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24,'62. 444 T'WETY-E:IGHTH BEGIMEN.T, ______.. A. DATE OF Mr. E______USTERE __:AE. AN. I.NT(O SERVICE. Jordan,.Charles C... Private June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Kough, Arch'd M......e do.... Oct. 30,'61, Wounted at. Antietam-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Kessler, Andrew J...do... June 28, 61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-nmustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. King, David M.........do..,.. June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Keister, Daniel W.....do.... April 1564, 3 Wounded at Resaca,. a., May 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kilpatrick, Jackson...do,.... June 28,'61, Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. Kettering, Jacob........do..... June 28,'61 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. King Eli W...........do.... June 28,'61, Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Low, Jeremiah.........do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Leonard, James.........o..... June 28,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Long, Uriah..............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Long, Nicholas...........do...... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Lohr, A. J. R............ edo>.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Lemon, TilmTan F.....do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Pisoner from Mar. 28toMay 5, 1865-discharged June 22, 1865, Long, Peter...............do... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 30, 1863. Longlsuf, David J...do.. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to U. S. cavalry, November 25, 1862. Lippincott, Jesse H...do.... June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 28th regiment P. V., April 29, 1864. Lisbon, John............do. June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap Pa.. Battery, t. 2,'61 Long, Thad. C. S......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died December 7, 1861, at Connellsville, Pa. Miller, Franklin..do........ July 20,'61,. Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Miller, Thomas........do..... Sept., 63, 3 3 Drapted-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Meyer, Charles.. do....do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Meyean, Louis...........d...... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Martin, Henry..........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Prisoner from March 28th to May 5, 1865-mustered out June 5, 1865. Morrow, Jeremiah.....do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, John L...........do....June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, De. 19,'62. Minehunt, David......do.... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-prisoner from October 28, 1863; to December 13, 1864-discharged June 19, 1865. Meyers, Isaiah......d..... Sept. 26,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Martin, Abraham....do..June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to company H, 28th regiment P. V., April 29, 1864. Morrison, Austin......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Died November 2, 1862, at Hagerstown, Md. Mumaw, John H.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Died September 10, 1862, at Alexandria, Va. Meyers, Jacob...........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. M'Kelvy, Henry T...do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Conkey, John........do... July 11'61, 3 Transferred to Knap'sPa. Battery, Oct. 28,1861. M'Arther, Thomas...do........................... Died March 1, 1862-buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. Null, Samuel................ June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'61. Null, Cyrus...............do. June 28,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'63. Newmeyer J. J........do..... Aug. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Nelson, Hiram..........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., April 29,'64. Overholt, George W...do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Obley, John.........do Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Overholt, John J.... do..... Ma. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Osburn, Ales. A,....do.....Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-mnus. out with company, July 18, 1865 Overholt, A. F.........do July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietanz discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 28, 1863. Peterman, Smithe..... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865 —et. Peterson, Samuel L...do.... Jan. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Patterson, Samuel.....do.... July 21,'6, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Powers, Robert S........ Mar. 2,'64, 3 Tr. to company D, 28th reg. P. V., April 30,'65. Pete, Thomas........... do.... Oct. 1864, 3 Deserted June 29, 1865. Robertson, Walter.....do...June 28,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Rumbaugh, Isaac....do... June 28,'61, 3 Died January 5, 183, at Washington, D. C., of wounds received at Antietam. Rigger, Amos............ do... May 3,'64, 3 Died September 28, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. Reese, Henry............. do June 28'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-died-date unknown. Root, George B............... July 11,'61 3 Died September 18, 1861, at Point of Rocks, Md. Stauffer, James S.....l..do June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-VeL Shontz, George........ do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Shoaf, Frederick.......do..... Mar. 2,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Sias, William HI.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Stineman, am'l L...do Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Stull, Peter............do.. Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. THREE, YEARS' SERVICE. 445 XAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Stern, John............ Private Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, June 18, 1865. Smith, James...........do..... Feb. 2,'64, Absent, sick, at muster out. Snyder, William S...do.....June 28,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 18, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Stauffer, Martin N.....do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Stauffer, Isaac...........do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Studebaker, Jacob.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietarn-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 19, 1863. Slonicar, David.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Snyder, James........do..... June 28,'61, I3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to U. S. cavalry, November 18, 1862. Shuler, Jacob R.........do.. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to company G, 28th regiment P. V., April 29, 1864. Stock, Samuel R...d...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-transferred to company G, 28th regiment P. V., April 29, 1864. Seibert, Adam...........do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Draftedd-died July 27, 1864, of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Tarr, John B.............do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Thomas, Win. R........do.... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Tarr, Daniel B...........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Tarr, Alexander........o..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Thomas, Shadrach.....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Thomas, John P........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Thompson, Mat'wJ...do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Tarr, Melker S...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V.,April 29, 1864. Tetten, Joseph...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batt'y, Oct. 28, 1861. Thomas, Levi.......o...d.. June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. Taylor, William H.....do.....................3 Died July 20, 1862-buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. Vavelman, Aug't D...do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted June 30, 1865. White, Amos............do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 l)rafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Weaver, Theo.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batt'y, October 28,'61. Wright, William....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam and Chancellorsville-tr. to company G, 28th reg. P. V., April 29, 1864. White, Harrison........d..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Whinnery, Wm.............. Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 8, 1863. White, Jacob.......... June 28,6,'61, 3 Tr. to company G, 28threg. P. V., April29, 1863. Yeager, August.......do.. Sept. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 11, 1864. Zundel, John M........do..... ar.2,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Zuck, Jacob R...........do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 22, 1863. COM-PANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. William Raphail..... Capt.... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 1, 1862. Peter F. Laws... do....... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., July 1, 1862 —killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Chas. W. Borbridge...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., Dec. 8, 1862-wounded at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863-discharged Sept. 22,'64, to receive commission in Vet. Reserve Corps. Henry A. Koch.........do.... July 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 10, 1863-to Sgt., Apri 11, 1863to 1st Sgt., August 20, 1863-to Capt., March 29,'65-mus. out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. William Coons........ Ist Lt... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., July 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28, 1862. John S. Donal...........do.....July 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt., Dec. 18, 1862-discharged for wounds, January 18, 1863. William S. Witham...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt., April 6,'65- to Adj. 28th regiment, June 1, 1865. Thomas Monroe.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj., July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. William M'Dowell.. 2d Lt.. July 3,'61, 3 Dismissed August 14, 1864. John E. Littleton...do..... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., April 30, 1864- discharged for wounds, February 1, 1865. George Sloan.......... IstSgt. July 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 20, 1863-to Sgt., Feb. 1, 1864to 1st Sgt. April 1, 1865-wd. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. 446 T1WECTY-EI h7IG- IEGIIMENT, NAMER. l1A~ DATE OF iUSTER INTO SERVIOCE. RK. Thomas J. Donal... Serg't.. July 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 1, 186~ —to Sgt., April 1, 1865I m usteretdt out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Fernandus Steam.,,...do.... July 3, 061,'i Pr. fr. priv., April 1,'05-wd. at Chancellorsville,,' lay'63 — mas. ont with Co., July 18,'65 —Vet. John Uhler...............do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Drafctd-promoted from private, April 1, 1365. wx n ded at lesaca,,., a., May 15,'64 —mustered. out with coinpaiIv, July 1S,!8;35. Herman Anker.......... July 3,'61, 3 VTd. at Pumplin Vine Creek, May 25,'64-mns. out w ith coinpanv, July 18, 1865~Vet. Charles Hicke.........do..... July 3,'l1, 3 Disha.rged Julv 20, 1864. John Read............... do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to jV. R. (., August 1, 1863. Samiuel Clark........ do.....July 3, 1, 3 Tr. to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. George A. Koebel.....do..... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1863-killed at Chance~lorsville, May 2, 1863. Robert M. Dore...... Corp.... July 3,'61, 3 Promnoted to Corporal, April 1, 1805 —mustered. out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Christopher Suben....do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Promnoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Michael Fitzpatrick...do..... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, J.uly 18, 1865 —- et. Samuel Alien............do Dec. 27'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. William Sohwigert...do..... July 3,;'6l, Discharged by Geaeral Order, July 20, 1864. James K. Lloyd.........do..... July 3,'61, Discharged by' General Order, Juiy 20, 1864. Alfred Scott...............do... July 3,'1, 3 Disc-harged by General Order, July 20, 1864. Joseph B. Stiuson...!...do.....Sept. 16'62, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., March 15, 1865. Jacob off.............1...do..... July 3,'6i, 3 Pronoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863-killed at Crieor~ "~zoo...........j.o Chanc il0orsville, May 2, 1863, George Gano.............do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 185. Wm.'. Corning.......do..... July 3,'61, 3 -c.t on i nuster-out roll. David R. Garrison.. Muc....Feb. eb,'6,' 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. John Brewer.,........!...do.... Feb. 5,'64, Absent, sick,- at muster out. Winfi'ld Scott Gore {...do..... July 3, 61 3, Died at Alexandria, May 13, 1852. Peter Boose...............do.." uly, DesertedJuly5,1861 Brewer, William..... Private July 3,', 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Biclile, Freciericl......do.....July 3, 3', Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Bittlemian. Wim. R....do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Sub.-mus. out with company, July 18, 18t65. Brown, George.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-discharged July 17, 1865. Bulah, Joseph.......do.....Sept. 17, 63, 3 Drafted-~absent, in arrest, at muster out. Bigler, John.............o.... ept. 17,'63, Drafted —absent, sick, at muster out. Bamford, Hienry........do.... Jan. 20,'05, 65 Substitute-discharged July 12, 1865. Blackledge, John......do...... Feb. 6,'65, I Substitute-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Bowler, ohn............do..... July 3,'1, I Discharged July 20, 1864. Bilundine, Lewis......do July 21,'61, I Discharged Julv 20, 1864. Bender, Jacob.........do..... July 3,', 1 Discharged July 20, 1864. Burley, hn............do.....July 6, 1,1 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Boeckle, Richard do.....July 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 26, 1863. Burger, George.........do Aug. 11,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 26, 1863. Bruce, Norman........do Dec. 5,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Brown, Gilbert.........do. Dec. 24,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Biers, Silas C............do.... Nov. 16,'64, I Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Barring, George........do..... Aug. 25,'64, Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Boats, John A........l...do..... Aug. 11, 64, 3 Substitute —discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Black, William.............. Aug. 23,'64, Substitute —discharged by G. 0., May 23, 1865. Blackmore, John.......do.. Oct. 7,'64, 1 Substitute-~discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Bottger, Gustave:.....do.. Mar. 8,'65, Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Beyer, Gustave..........do..... Mar. 9,'05, Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Butcher, Thomas......do..... July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., August 1, 1863. Burger, Erasmus........... July 3,'6 1, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., February 15, 1864. Bickle, John A........... do.....ul 3,'31, Killed at Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. Bennett. Daniel......... do.....July 3,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, October 4, 1861. Ba(xendine, Wm........do..... July 6,'61 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., May 28, 1862. Ballou, Lawrence.....do.... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Drafted —deserted October 28, 1863. Brett, Joseph............do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Brian, Joseph............do..... Feb. 9'65 3 Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Beggs, George...........do..... Feb. 10'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 19, 1865. Conlogue, Bernard...do.... Julvy 6'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Castline, Charles.......do...... 27'6, 06 3 4Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Coken, Henry...........do..... Feb. 16,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Casey, Johu..............do Jan. 9,'65, I. Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'6,5. Cole, James..................Feb. 0,'5, 3 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 18,'65, Cullinworth,......do.....Feb. 3,'64, 3 Wounded at Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864absent at muster out. Coles, William........ do..... Jan. 20,'65, I Substitute —absent, sick, at muster out. Carter, James...... do..... Juiy 3,'61, 3 ischarged July 20, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 447 DATE OP MUSTRI NAME RN. TO SER. REMARKS. XNTO SERVICE.. Callihan, James..... Private July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged July 20, 1864. Carroll, James...........do... July 3,'61, 3: Discharged July 20, 1864. Clevenger, Thomas...do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Connell, Thomas...do....... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1,'65. Conlan, James...........do Sept. 17,'64, 1 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, June 1,'65. Carney, Rupert..........do..... July 3,'61, 3, Died at Nashville, Tenn., June 22, 1864, of wds. Ireceived at New HEope Church, Ga. Carr, John.............do... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Deserted MIarch, 1865. Dingler, Robert........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65.-Vet. Davis, George............do..... Jan. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged June 9, 1865. Denney, Frederick...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Donnely, William....do...... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1862. Dickens, Solomon......do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-disharged June 9, 1865. Dickson, John.........do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Deserted June 24, 1865. Dolan, Thomas......... do... Jan. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 22, 1865. Dougherty, Patrick...do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 D Ieserted March 17. 1865. Donnelly, James......do............................ Died at Philadelphia, April 16, 1864. Edmunds, Levi..........(o Feb. 25,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Edwards, George K...do July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batt'y, October 5,'61. Evans, Wilson C......do Jan. 26,'65, 1 )eserted March 10, 1865. Elliot, James...........do..... Jan. 31,'65, L Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Finler, Octavius.......do..... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Fulmer, Joseph.........do.... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Fitzgerald, Michael.......Fb. 7,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Fraley, Peter B........do..... July 3,'6, 3 iischarged July 20, 1764. Farlon, John............do.... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, June 3, 1864. French, John..........do.... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Culp's Farm,Ga., June 23,'64. Flemming,William..do.... July 3,'61, 3 Deserted September 21, 1863. Fisher, James...........do....July 5,'64, 3 lDrafted-deserted June 19, 1865. Fowler, James...do..... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Green, illiam.........do.... July 3,'61, 3 WVounded at Antietanm, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Ganley, James...........do.... Jan. 20,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Goodwin, Thomas.....do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-nmus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Gamble, Leander.......do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Gamble, George.........do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Graber, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Dec. 14,'63. Gray, James....d......... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Gabriel, William H...do....Oct. 20, 61, 3Discharged December 28, 1864. Gilbert, Thomas.......do July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batt'y, October 5,'61. Glanding, Archi'd.....do.. July 3,'61, 3 Transferred toVet. Res. Corps, Mar. 15,'64-Vet. Grant, John.................. July 3,'61, 3 Accidentally killed near Nolan's Ferry, Md., Sept 23, 1861. Harrold, Lewis.........do Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hacking. James........do..... Feb. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hutchinson, James...do..... Feb. 14,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865.. Hoolman, Henry......do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Harvey, Thomas.......do..... July 17,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hagan, John.............do.... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hendren, J.Toseph T...do. July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hackling, Jamlaes........ do July 3'6,'1, Discharged July 20, 1864. Hannan, Thomas......do...... I July 3'6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'63. Harrington, Jacob......do.... July 3,'61, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. Huber, Herman.........do..... Feb. 1,'65, 3 Substitute-died May 31, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Hersey, Cyrus.........do..... July,'61, 3 Died at Point of Rocks, Md., October 16, 1861. l1arman, John...........do..... Juiy 3,'61,3 Deserted July 1, 1865 —~Vet. Hanwell, John...........do.. Jan 19,'65, 1 Substitute —deserte: June 7, 1865. Harlan, \William.......do...... Feb. 18,'65, 3 Subsitute-deserted June 8, 1865. Johnson. T)avid...do..... July 3'61 3 Discharged.July 20, 1864. Jacobs, Adamr............ dlo I Feb. 10,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1864. Jones, William..........do... Nov. 16,'64, 13 Deserted-date unknown. Kern, Wiiloughby.....do..... Feb. 18,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kaufman, H1enry.......do..... Mi ar. 18,'65, 1 ustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kershaw, John.........do.. iMar. 1, 65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Koons, Samuel..........do..... Feb. 16,'5, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kirk, Gilbert....d.......do 3July,'61, 3 Discharfige uly 20, 1864. Kaufman, Henry...... do,.. July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Knox, Samuel...........do... July 3,'61, Died Aug. 22,'64-, of wvds. received at Peach Tree reek,Ga. bu. tt Chat ti:inooya, grave.479-Vet. Keefe, Owen...... do J.uly 3.'6 I, 3.illed at Antietaml. Md., S, e -. 1/, 1.862. Krone, John.........do.....ug. 29,'63, Drafted-deserted September 29, 1863. Kiker, John..:.....do..... FeIb. 3,'64, Deserted June 8, 18G5.:Kaufmnan, Chris'n..i...do.....j Feb. 11,'65, Substitute-deserted June 20, 18';5. 448 TWENTY-EIGHTHE REGITMEENT, NAME. RANE. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SE IVIC E. Keilig, Frederic...... Private July 3, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lee, Jared B.............do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Lantz, Benjamin A...do..... Feb. 18,'65, 1 Discharged JLme 28, 1865. Mahler, Christian......do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Moore, Lewis............do.. July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Murphy, Dennis.....J...do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Major, James A........do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 6, 1863. Matheson, Andrew...do..... Nov. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug. 27, 1862. Myers, Franklin J.....do.... July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Macaully, Chas. B..l...do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 illed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Malloy, Peter..........do.... July 3,'61, 3 Killed at Baltimore by railroad accident, December 26, 1862. Murray, Stephen.....do..... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 7, 1865. Morris, David J.........do.... June 14,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted June 21, 1865. M'Call, John..............do... July 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 186l4mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. M'Grath, George........do....July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. M'Cool, Owen...........do.... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. M'Dowell, Alex.... do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Gee, Theodore.....do.... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out withcompany, July 18,'65. M'Namara, James... do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. M'Bride, John F.......do.. Jan. 27,'64, 3 Deserted July 29, 1864. M'Cartv, Edward....do... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 22, 1865. M'Quaid, Peter.........do... Sept. 5,'63, 3 rafted-deserted May 15, 1864. M'Devit, James.........do... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Deserted June 24, 1865. M'Dowell, William...do.. Jan. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 29, 1864. Mavo, J. B...................... Died February 25, 1862-buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. Neff, Andrew J........ do... July 3,'61, 3 illed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. O'Dell, Elijah D........do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. O'Brian, John............do. Jan. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 22, 1865. Old, John..............do..... July 3,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Price, Charles............do.. July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Peacock, William... do..... July 3, 61, 3 Discharged July 9, 1864. Peacock, Robert..o......do.... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Deserted February 16, 1864-Vet. Paurdy, William......do... Jan. 19,'65, Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Peck, Joseph..........I...do....Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 8, 1865. Robb, David...........F...do... Feb. 14.'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Rlohenback, John...F...do..... Feb. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Reed, George W........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Absent at muster out. Richmond, David......do.... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Refior, Henry........d...do... July 3,'61, 3 KTled at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Reynolds, Emnmor.....do..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Killed at AntietamL Md., September 17, 1862. Rider, John...............do.... Feb. 18,'65, 1 Deserted June 18, 1865. Rogan, John............do....Jan. 3,'65, 1 Deserted June 18, 1865. Redisel, John B........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May3,'63. Roney, William......J...do.... July 3,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Steele, Ira...............do.... Dec. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Scott, John;... d............do....July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sinclair, John............do....July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sinclair, James.........do... July 1,0,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sharpley, John H....do.. July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 29, 1864. Slike, William...........do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged June 14, 1865. Sheridan, Thomas.....do... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, February 6, 1863. Smith, George...........d.... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted —ischarged for wounds, Junle 16, 1865. Schwickey, John.......do... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Killed at Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. South, James............do.... Sept. 19,'64, Died at Blair's Landing, S. C., March 19, 1865. Shea, John................do.... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 31, 1863. Scott, William..........do... Jan. 7,'65, Substitute-deserted June 7, 1865. Sharp, Henry........ do.... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Deserted June 8. 1865. Thompson, Boyd.......do.... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, March 6, 1863. Tinney, William.. do....do July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Tyler, Henry P........do....July 3,'61, 3 Deserted February 16, 1864z-Vet. Thomas, Augustus...do..... Nov. 14,'64, Drafted-deserted June 8, 1865. Twigg, Francis...... do..... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Drafted —eserted June 8, 1865. Townsend, George.....do... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, Aug. 24. 1865. Valentine. Alfred......do..... Feb. 14,'65, 3 Substitutc — us. out with compan-, July 18,'f. Vargishum, George..do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-died June 26, 1865. at'\Washingtonlburied in National Cemetery, Arlington. Van Ncida. Thomas...do.....July 3,'61, 3 Deserted November 25, i862. Watkinls. Thomas.....do..... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Webb, John S.........do July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18.'65-Vet. Welge, Adolph..........do..... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute —ins. out with companiy, July 18,'65 Wilt, Jacob............. do...July 3,'l1, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Wright, Charles A...do.... July 3,'lI, 31 )Dischar'ged July 20, 18(64. ~,nE YEARS' SERVICE. 449 ~^ I-I FAMiB~ AM INTOSERVICE. P BETARKB. Wodlmer, John H..IPrivate July 3,'1, 3 Discharged December 6, 1864. VWoodward, Charles...do..... July 3,'61, B Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28.'62 Watt, Thomas...........do... July 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864, and Pine Knob, June 15, 1864-discharged Oct, 8, 1864. Wright, JThomas.....do...,.July 3, 61,' Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 4, 1863. Waird, John.............. do..... July 3,,'61, 3 Discharged-on Surg. certificate, April 1, 1863. Walters, James...... d...d.... July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Wonderly, Chas. H...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Arntietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Wilcox, Benjamin..I..:do....Feb. 24,'65, 1 Deserted March 12, 1865. Washburn, G-eo. T.....do.....Jan., 65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865.,Witmer, Martin B.....do. Feb. 2, 65 3 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Williams, R...do.................................... Died Oct. 4, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemty, D. C. COMPANY D. ECRUITED AT PHT1LADELPHmA. George D. Hammer Capt..... July 6,'61, 3 Resigned March 22, 1863. Jos. W. Hamme6r....d l.... Jily 6,'61, 3 Promnoted fromn2d Lt. toCapt., April 1, 1863-resigned May 14 1863. James C. Devine......o..... July 6o'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., December 8,'62to 2d Lt., March 27, 1863-to lft Lieut., May 22. 1863 —to Capt., April 4,1864 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet, Gilbert L. Parker.., Ist IA... July,'61, 1 3 Pr. to Capt. and A. Q. M., T. S. Vol., April.7.,:'~~ ~ 1863-Bv. Maj.:and Bv. Ltb Col., March 13,'65....do...July 6,'61, Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1863-to Aaron Lazarus........'2d Lt., May 22, 1863-to 1st Lt., April 9, 1864. mustered otut July 20, 1864. John 0. BFering........... Juily 6, 61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 24,'3-to 1st Sgt., July 1,'64-to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 1864-Bv. Capt., March 13,'65-wd. near Kenesaw Mountain, Ua., June 27,'64-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865S-Vet. James Morrison....... 1st Sgt July 6, 61, -3 Promoted to Cor., July 15, 1863-to Sgt. Nov. 1, 1864 —to 1st Sgt., AXpril 1, 1865-com. 2d Lt.) June 1 1865 —not mustered-wd. at Chancellors ville, Va., May3, 1863, and at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 8, 184'm-ustered out with company J.ul,' July 18, 18i5-Vet. Amib. H. Hayward....do..... Juy q 161,'. Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1862-to lst Sgt., Jan. 1) 864-died June 19, 1864,of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864 —bun'at Chattanooga-grave, 231-Vet. Cyrus J. Shenkle.... e.. July 6'61, -3 Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1864 —to Sgt., Oct. 1, 64~-wounded at Gettysburg, July 3,'63-mus Se'..]y' tered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Cardiff...............July 20,'61) 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1865-to Sgt., June 1> 1865 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. James Quinn..........d.... d Jan. 28, )65) I Promoted to Cor., June 1, 1865-to Sgt., July 1, 1865 —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Bernard Brady.... o....... Sept. 2)'63, 3 Substitute-pr. to Cor., Feb. 1,'65 —to Sgt., April 1, 1865 —mus. out with tompany July 18, 1865. Edward Pepper...... d........ July 6 6, 61) Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. JacobS. Johnston......d.....do July 6,'61)3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'61. George T. 3arnes.......do.. July 6,'61) 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 28,'l —to 1st Sgt., May 24,'63-com. 2d Lt., May 14, 1863 — nt 3ustered —wounded at Chanced iotsville, May 3) 1863-dischl. Jan. 4, 1865. Jacob G. Orth..........do.. July 6, 61 3 Promoted to Cor.) Oct. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dee. 8, 1862-wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63 — captured a rebel flag at Antietam, for which he received a medal from Congress-discharg-ed July 6, 1864 Henry Shadel...............do July 6,'8, 3 PromotedL to Cor., Dec 8, 1862-to Sgt., July 15, 1864-wd. at Middleburg, Va., March 29, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-discharged July 20, 864. William H. Hile...do July,'61, Promoted from Cor. to Sgt) April 1, 1863-died May V, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsx I leI May ^ 186 3 lis 450. TWENTY-rIGHTTH 1tEGIMmE/, NAME. ~ RAWK. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. MARK Chas. Longworth.... Serg't.. Jtily 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to- Sgt., 1My 8, 186 — died July 14, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg~ July 3, 1863. Jolhn Tho.......... Corp. July &'&1I, 3 iPomoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Win. M'CAlister.......... Jly 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb, 1 1865-mustered out with company, July 18; 1865-~Vet. JOlin H. Eagan.......do.. July 6, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal. June 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 8, 1865,-Vet. Benjamin Bunker......do,..... Sept,,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865wounded at Culp'sl Farmi, Ga., June 28, 1864-~ mustered out With company, July 18, 1865. William..amnplbelL..'..........I. 6uly 6, 1, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862-sdisebargse ori Surgeonws certificate, April 3, 1863'. iPilip F. Wofsley.. J.do.... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 186- -wounded at Bolivar Heights, Va., Oct. 16, 1861, and at Chancellorsville, May 1,'63-disch. July 6,'64. Joseph S Foucht.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.,April 1, 1863-disch. July 20, 1864. tdwin T. Porter.......do..... July 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 9, 1863-disch. July 21, 1864. Obhn AsYitoif..........do...... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. May 16, 1863-wounded near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864-disdiarged August 16, 1864. William Atkinson.....do... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1865-wounded at Pine Knob, GaM, June 15,'64-disch. June 1, 65 Cornelius J. Brown...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Henry C. Fithian......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Taylor's Ridge, Ga,, Nov. 27, 1863buried at Chattanooga —grave, 329. Jame.D, B4utcher........... Jan, 8'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862-killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. John N. Moyer.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1864-died Sept. 19, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864-Vet. Henry Stanwood.... Muc.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,.'65-Vet, Agnew, James........ Private Jan. 31,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Aitken, Charles C.....do... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., April 22, 1863. Adler, Ambrose S.....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Ashton, Wm. H..........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Agnew, Francis........ do.....July 6,'61, 3 Deserted February 5, 1863. Barnett, James 0......do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Belsinger, Lazarus..do..... July 27,'63 3 Drafted-imus. out with company, July 18, 1865. 19rady, Patrick.........do..... Feb. 3,'65 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Book, John F.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Bitting, Lewis C........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged by G.., Feb. 28, 1863-pr. Hospital Steward U. S. A., ad acting Ass't Surg. U. S. A. Baker, Peter..............do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. titzer, Lawrence......do....Feb. 17,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Baxter, James..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th regiment, July 11, 1861. Bingley, Richard......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died May4, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va. Boyce, Lewis K.........do.... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Brandt, Francis........do,.. Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Barry, Edward........do..... Feb. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Brennan, James......do..... Dec. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted April 25, 1865. Boston, John..........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 23,1865. Callahan, Daniel.....o....... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. Curley, James........do..... Oct, 26,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Coughlin, Robert....do..... Feb. 1,'65. 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Carlson, Peter N.....d........ Feb. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Corrigan, Joseph......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 12, 1863. Crofts, Marriott.........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged Jan. 1, 1865, to accept commission in 82d New York Vols. Cunningham, E. L..do....Aug. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Coulter, William......do..... July 20,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., May 3, 1865. Cretar, Cornelius......do.... NoV. 10,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 3, 1865. Collins, Magnes J....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Carter, William........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Bolivar Heights, Va., Nov. 18, 1862, Corrigan, Hugh....d...do.... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Carr, Thomas..........do..... Jan. 10,'65 3 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Cheadle, Walter... do.... Feb. 9,'65 1 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Degan, David.........do... Sept, 7,'63 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. Denter, Edward............. Feb. 2,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. Drake, George W.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Mar. 28, 1863. Davis, Robert G......do... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14, 1863. Doyle, Peter.....,,. s.,do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb, 17, 18S3. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 451. INTO SERVICE. K N Devine, Hugh........ Private July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'62. Dewitsch, Charles....do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Substitute — disch. by General Order, May 3,'65 Donnelly, John........d..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Donovan, John..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Dailey, Edward.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted February5, 1863. IEibe, Frederick.........do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 3,'65. Ellenbaum, George...do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Substitute-disch. by General Order, July-5,'65. Foulke, Edward D.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 25, 1863-to Sgt. Major, December 5, 1863-reduced Aug. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Foel, Joseph.............do.... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15,'64 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Fuller, Orlando.........do..... Feb. 24,'6, 1 i-ustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Ferguson, John A......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Absent, on detached service, at nus. -out-Vet. Flinn, Thomas........... do..... Jan. 10,'65,3 Prisoner from July 3, 1864, to April 29,'65-mustered out, June 27, 1865. File, Edwin G............ uly.6,'61, 3 Wounded at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 24, 1864discharged July 20, 1864.. Foreman, William.....do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865, Fox, Peter................do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 3,'65. Foley, James W........do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 3,'65. Foreman, Stew't A...do......Sept. 26,'64, 1 Substitute —diseh. by General Order, May 8,'65. Fry, Martin..............do... Nov. 14, 964, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 3,'65. Falls, Charles F.........do..... Feb.;21,'65, I Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 3,'65. Finey, William........do.....July 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 28th reg. P. V., July 8, 1861. Frederick, George.......do.....July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 28th reg. P. V., July 29, 1861, Fitzpatrick, Edw'd...do.....July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1,'63. Fitzsimmons, P. M...do....July 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Fork, John..............do.... Sept. 7, 63,: 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863,,GoodwCin, Chas. R.....d......July 6,'61, 3 iMustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet.,Glenon, Nicholas.......do. S.ept. 5,3,'6a, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Gillespie, Arch'd.......do..... Sept..5,'63,:3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65, Goldsmith, Godfrey........ July 20,'61, 3 Wd. in three places, and prisoner at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863-disch. Sept. 16, 1864. Gilbert, Charles N.......do..July 20,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, March 19,'64-grave, 1,548. Glennan, Patrick........do..... Oct. 5,'64, 2 Discharged by General Order, May 3, 1865. Gouliart, John B.......,do....J.Hly 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1863. Hudley, Jonas..........do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hodencamp, Daniel...do..... Jan. 4,'65,' 2 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65, Higham, Thomas......do... Jan. 26,'65, Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Ieckman, Henr.y......do..... Jan. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, sick-died after muster out of regiment, at Washington, D. C. H-ull, Cortland...........do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'61. HEarritt, William........d..... July 6'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 26, 1864, HEemsher, Edward.....do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20 1864. Hemsher, Freder'k...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiicate, Oct. 23,'62..Hammer, Wrm....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862-.reduced May 15, 1863-disch. on Surg. certificate April 9, 1863, Holdoffer, Andrew....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V.,July 11, 1861. fHaverstock, Wm. J...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Knap's Pa. Battery,;October 5, 1861. Hayward, Rich. W...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Knap's Pa. Battery,0ctober 5, 1861. HEill, Jo~hnl....... do..... Sept. 4, 63,.3 Substitute-diedDec. 23, 163, of wds.receiyed at Taylor's Ridge, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863 buried at Chattanooga-grave, 839. Henris, Loui...........do.... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Substitute —deserted July 13, 1865. Henry, Joseph F,.....do.....:Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863 Hasset, John................... Feb. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Henry, Joseph..........do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865, Hand, Henry..............do... Feb. 20,'i5.3 Deserted June 24,1865. Harrison, Henry T.....do..... July 6, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ivans, Michael............... b.5'65,,3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Jones, John A...........do..... Jan. 20, 62, l3 Discharged January 25, 1865. Johnson, William......do.... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute —disch.. onSurg. certificateMay 16,64. Johnson, William......do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Jones, Thaddeus......do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 ischarged by General Order, June2, 1865. Jollivet, Louis...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 30, 1863. Jones, John................do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Substitute —died.March 22, 1865, at 2d Div., 20th Corps Field Hospital, near Neuse river, N. C. Kilpatrick, Jackson o....,. Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July.18, 1865. Keating, George B.....do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Substittte-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Kennedy Martin.......do..... July 17, 63, 3:S'ibstltute-wounded near Kenesaw mountain? Ga., June 27, 1864-absent at muster out. Kemble, James........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, July 17, 1861, Kline, David...........do.... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Kelly, Michael...........do..;,. Sept. 4,'63, 3'Substitute-.deserted OctQber 1, 1863. 452 TWENTY-EIGHT-H REGBICENT9 W. RAK.. DATE OP MUSTE. R MA -^Bm WBAJK. ^ITO SEYI CBs:. EMAR^. Kallman, Peter....Private Jar. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Lantz, Samuel L... do.....Feb. 1,'65,b 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Luithlin, Ludwig -B do..... July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Ludford, William......do...., July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 19, 1861. Lafever, John............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., July 11, 61.. Leonard, John...........do.....July 17, 63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Laner, Alen.............do.... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1863. Minster, Lewis.........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Mahony, James.........do..... Sept.'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Mullin, Patricka.......... d.... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Murray, Michael...d.. o.... Feb. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Montague, Henry J..do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged by writ of habeas corpus, Dec. 15,'62. Murphy, Wiiam S...do.....July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3,'63-discharged July 20, 1864, Mantel, Henry..........do: Sept. 26,'64,: Discharged by General Order, June-2, 1865. Meisel, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 19,'64, Drafted-discharged by G. O., June2,. 1865* Moningar, John C.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 -Transferred to V. R. C., July 1, 1863. Murphy, Charles T...dao... July 6'61, 3 Prisoner at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-killed at Taylor's Ridge, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863-buried at Chattanooga —grave, 224. M-urphy, Patrick........do... Aug. 22, ^63, 3 Substitute-died. June 17, 1864, of-wounds ree. at Pine-Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Manly, David R........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Point of Rooks, Md., October 1, 1861. Mekeel, Edward........do..... July 20,'64, 3 Drafted-died at Savannah, Ga., Feb. 10, 1865. Mills, Joseph...........do... Jan. 6, 65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Moore, Henry E.....d..... Jan. 21,'65, I Deserted June 23, 1865. M'Veigh, Hugh D....do.....Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Donald, Charles.....do.... Feb. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster-out. M'Vey, Joseph.........do..... July 20, 61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, March 20, 1863. M'Cool, John S.....d....o.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged September 2, 1864. M'Cuteheon, Frank...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batteryi Oct. 5, 1861mustered out September 13, 1862. M'Closkey, Hugh......d A..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. M'Crown, William...do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June-23,. 1865* M'Donald, John.........do..... Feb. 2,'65,. 3 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. M'Carthy, Jerem'h...do.....Feb. 24,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Nawn, Hugh............o.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Nunwiler, John R...d..do..... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-absent at muster out. Ottinger, Henry........do.... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. O'Brien, Alexand'r...da..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. O'Brien, Martin.............. Feb. 2,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Prindle, John............do.... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Peth, Ervin.......... d..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Popps, John............do... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Powers, Robert S......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Paul, Edwin F..........d..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., July 6, 1861-prisoner-paroled Dec. 5, 1862-reduced Dee. 5, 1862-pro, moted to Lospital Steward U. S. A., Oct. 5,'63. Phillips, John.........d.... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, April 1,'65~~. ~'.deserted June 23, 1865. Parkinson, William...do..... Mar. 8 6,'6, Deserted June 23, 1865. Raub, James.............do. Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Raub, Michael.........do.... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865-returned July 10, 1865-.'' mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Ribble, John, Jr........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Robertson, John H...d.. St. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-wounded at Taylor's Ridge, Ga.,;-....... Nov. 27, 1863-absent at muster out. Rhody, Augustus.d......d July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Raines, Edward... d.. o..do. July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,1862-discharged.-.~~. July 20, 1864. Roberts, Wm., Jr......do..... July 6, D61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Rudollph, George.......do. July 11, 61, 3 Tr. to company H, 28th reg. P. V., July 11,'61. Ritter, George J........do.. July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Rickert, Arnold,........do Sept. 4, 63, 3 Substitute-wd. at Mill Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864 —died at Washington, November 7,1864. Ridgeway, Francis...do... July 17,'63, 3 Substitute-killed at North Edisto River, S. C., February 12, 1865. Roberts, Samu el...d..... July 17, 63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863W Ramsey, John..........do.... Mar. -7,'65, I Deserted June 23, 1865. Sharp, James P.........do..... July 20,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Cor., Feb. 1, 1865-to Sgt., April 1, 1865-reduced June, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Stevenson, Henry........ Feb. 6,'65, 2 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65, Scott, Robert.............do Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute~-absent, sick, at muster outShay, Robert............,.....do Ja 31 "65, 3 $ubatitute- absent, sick, at muster out, ~ THREE YEARS' SERVICE..453 Stein, Wiliam............do..... July 6,.61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Steele, Samuel J......... ~July 6, 61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Steffeullivan, EdChard Hles....Private Feb. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-absentd July 20, 1864.at muster out. Stewart, ChJamrles N...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon certificate, Feb.April 3, 18 63. Sodytein, WillJames.............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Sweele, JoSamue l J...........do..... July 620,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate20, 1864Dec. 20,62. Sweet, Joseph....do.July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Swope, Samuel P......do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Sinclair, Rayond H...do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged January 9, 1865, to accept commission in 122d reg. U. S. Colored Troops. Stewart, William.......do..... Aug. 25,'64, I Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Schuck, Jacob.......do.....April 3,'65, i Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Steele, Samuel A.......do.....July 20,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., May 15, 1862. Seymour, Wm. S....... do.....July 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1861. Schmidt, Andrew D...do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Schmidt, Henry S...do.....Jan. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Smith, James P........ do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Templing, Henry...... do.....Jan. 10,'65, i Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Thorne, Powel R........ do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'63. Till, Henry...............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Taylor's Ridge, Ga., November 27, 1863-discharged September 10, 1864. Thompson, Geo. H.....do..... Dec. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'63. Vreeland, Charles......do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-wd. at Taylor's Ridge, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863-discharged May 21, 1864. Volk, Frederick.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Von Berg, Charles.....do.....Sept. 4'6,' 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Widner, William J...do... Feb. 18,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Worrell, Goodwin...... do..... Sept. 7,'63,3 Substitute-imus. out with company, July 18,'65. Werner, Augustus.....do..... July 12,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wigton, Thomas B...do..... May 2,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Watt, Joseph.............do...... Nov. 18,'64, I Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Wright, Joseph S...... do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Willing, Joseph........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'61. Williams, Geo. W......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Woundedat Gettysburg, July 3,'63-discharged July 20, 1864. Walton, John............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Wallace, Robert... do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Whipple, Abraham...do.....Feb. 2,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Woodring, Joseph.....do.....Feb. 20,'65, I Deserted June 23, 1865. Wagner, Reuben F...do....Feb. 18,'65, I Deserted June 23, 1865. Wayne, Harry........d...... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 8, 1862. Wildanger, John....... do..... Feb. 20,'65, i Deserted June 23, 1865. Wilson, John............ do.....Feb. 9,'65, 3 Deserted June 23, 1865. Young, Joseph M...... do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Yeager, Gustavus......do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 1, 1863. Zellar, George F........do..... July 20,'61, 8Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1,1863. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN CARBON COUNTY. Lans'd F. Chapman Capt.... July 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Major 28th regiment P. V., Jan. 22, 1863. Jacob D. Arner........ do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, June 10, 1863-to Major, June 1, 1865-Vet. Chas. W. Chapman 1st Lt... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Feb. 1, 1863 —mustered out July 30, 1864. Francis M'Fall...... 2d Lt... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., June 2, 1863-absent without leave at muster out. Simon F. Laurish.... 1st Sgt. July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-pr. to Sgt. Feb. 23,1862-to 1st Sgt., May 1, 1863-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Douglas M'Lean.....Serg't.. July 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 18,'62-wd. at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-comn. 1st Lt., June 1, 1861-not mus.mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Henry E. Grover...... do..... July 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 1,'63-comn. 2d Lt., June 1,'65not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 18,'65-Vet. Bernard Lynch........ do.....July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 18, 1863-to Sgt., May 4,'63-mus. out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Aaron Bennehoff.......do.....July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 16, 1863-to Sgt., April 1,..863-mus. out with company, July 18,'65-Vet, 454 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS NAMTO SERVICE. REMARKS > Francis M'Fall...... Serg't.. July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Moses Rehrig...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 18, 1863. James Lynch............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Aaron Moser... do..... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Died May 9, 1864, of wounds received at Mill Spring Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. Gustavus Hartley.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 8, 1864. George Harlos........ Corp... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1863-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Herbert Weston....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1863-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Gideon Moser............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Ringgold, Nov. 27, 1863-pr. to Cor., Jan 1,'64-mnus. out with Co., July 18,'65-Vet. Samuel Kunkle.........do... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Herman Ernest.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1,'64-wd. at Mill Spring Gap, Ga., May 8,1864 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Jacob D. Fries..........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-pr. to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Jacob Beers, Sr.........do.... July 9,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Jacob Beers, Jr.........do.... July 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 16, 1863. Oscar D. Case............do.... July 6,'61, 3 DischargedonSurgeon'scertificate, June 30, 1862. David B. Shafer.......do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18, 1863. A. Whittingham.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 31, 1862, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Jesse Gangiver..........do.... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 18, 1865. Casper S. Myers........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Jacob Bobst..............do.... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. William Laird......... Muc.... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Michael M'Callister....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Amig, David........ Private July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Ackerman, John......do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 4, 1862. Brennan, Richard......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Boyle, Edward.............. July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Brindle, John............do... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Blowers, Hiram.........do Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Burie, John J. d........... 23,'65 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Burns, John............do....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Burns, Patrick..........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Brown, James...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died at Sandy Hook, Md., Aug. 6, 1861. Brownwell, Taylor...do..... Feb. 9,'65, 3 Substitute —deserted June 30, 1865. Blay, Richard................ July 15,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Connerty, James.......... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Colbath, Oram...........do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Campton, Thomas....... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Cartright, John P......do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Curley, Thomas........do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Camsie, Thomas........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 28, 1863. Campbell, John........ do....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Crilly, Francis.......... do....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Conover, John C........o... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Disch. by order of Gen. Banks, Sept. 10, 1862. Carey, William........ do... July 6,'61, 3 Died May22,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 1. Callaghen, Charles....do. Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Conaway, John......... do..... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 20, 1862. Cassidy, John................ Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 25, 1865. Curtis, George.........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 3 Prisoner from April 1 to May 5, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Cheeseman, G. W.....do...... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Clark, William..........do.. Jan. 30,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 14, 1865. Curran, Patrick........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 23, 1862. Davis, David B.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Dunbar, Elisha.........do.... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Dixon, Silas N.........do...d Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Desmond, John.......... do... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 4, 1862. Eny, John..............do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 185. Eisenbray, F. A........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 5, 1862. Evans, William HE.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864.,Eveland. Edward.....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Died at Acquia Creek, Va., May 10, 1863. Fox, John...............do.. July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Fahey, John.......... do... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 20, 1865. TijREE YEARSA SERVIOC. 455 NAME RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS NAME BAJTK. INTO SERVICE B Flammery, Martin Private Feb. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 1, 1865. Grover, Jacob W.......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Gangiver, William...do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Greaff, Isaac...........do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Gohn, George T........do..... Aug. 16,'64, 2 Substitute-discharged by G. O., April 28, 1865. Good, Emanuel........do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Substitute —discharged by G. 0., April 28, 1865. Gratitn, William.........do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., April 28, 1865. Garber, aGodfrey....d...do.....Oct. 14,'64, 1 Substitute —discharged by G. O., April 28, 1865. Gaumer, Franklin.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died at Rectortown, Va., May 10, 1862. Geddis, Elias............do.... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. itenry, James............do.....July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-YVet. Hartz, David...........do...... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hane, James W.........do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hamilton, Thomas.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'62. Hunter, James..........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Sub. —disch. on Surg. certificate, Feb. 28, 1864. Hummel, John H......do..... Aug. 16,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., April 28, 1865. Hartman, Gottlieb.....do..... Aug. 25,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., April 28, 1865. Hawthorne, Geo. W...do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., April 28, 1865. Howe, Francis...........do..... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., April 28, 1865. Hahn, Hiram...........do.... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., April 28, 1865. Harris, Henry...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 27, 1863. Hertzog, Daniel........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsvile, May 3, 1863, Hartz, Jacob..............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died May 22, 1864, of wds. received at Mill Spring Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864 —Vet. Haugenbauch, Wm...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864 —Vet. Hand, Benjamin F.....do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Hall, William............do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 22, 1865. Hess, Franklin.........do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Johnson, William......do..... July 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 65 —Vet. Johnson, Solomon......do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Jenkins, John..........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Johnson, James.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Knecht, Thomas.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Kneener, Leonard.....do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Koons, Charles M......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Kinney, Peter C.........do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Keegan, Stephen......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 12, 1862. Kline, Jacob..............do..... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Kline, Jeremiah........do.....Feb. 28,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Kitchen, Charles F...do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Leinbach, William...do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Lentz, Henry......[...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Labar, Jeremiah........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged by order of Gen. Banks, Sept. 29,'62. Morris, Charles N......do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Monroe, Robert S......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Moody, William H...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Murphy, Patrick.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 13,'63. Milham, Charles........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Moore, Robert....do..... Aug. 31,'63, 1 Substitute-died August 31,'64-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 605. Mitchell, Thomas......do............... Deserted June 30, 1865. Major, Alexander......do.....Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865. Monahan, Thomas.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted May 3, 1868. M'Coy, William.... do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Wounded at Marietta, Ga., June 20, 1864 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Geady, Edward.....do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Cue, Cornelius.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 18,'63. M'Geady, John.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1865. M'Keiver, Isaac...... do. Feb. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 21,'65. M'Kenna, Patrick...t...do..... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Drowned at Bank's Ford, Va., July 5, 1862. Neith, Washing'n G..do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Nuss, Jacob............ July 6,'61, 3 Died September 21, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Neale, Charles...........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-prisoner from March 31, to May 5, 1865 — discharged by General Order, June 27,'65. O'Brien, Thomas....L..do. July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Odenkirchen, Peter'...do. July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. O'Brien, Michael....1...do. Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 1, 1865. O'Brien, Morris......i...do.....July 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 23, 1863. O'Donnell, Matthew...do..July 6, 61, 3 Deserted August 13, 1861. Pettit, Robert...........do...July 6,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Peter, William H...)...do.....Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company. July 18, 1865. Powels, James..........do..J..uly 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Powels, Charles........do July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Pratt, George W.....L...do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. 456 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OP MUSTERi REMARES. INTO SERVICE. AR. Rudolph, Wm. P... Private Oct. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug. 9, 1864. Rawley, Caleb..........do... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Roth, Oliver W.........do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Rawley, Harrison......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Ryan. John...............do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Schaffer, Henry.,...d..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Smith, William.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Smith, Charles F......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Shoemaker, Wm......do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered ont with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Smith, David...........do..... Feb. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Scott, Robert.......do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Wounded at Marietta, Ga., June 20, 1864 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Shoemaker, Jacob.....do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Strohl, Thomas........do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Shaffer, David B........do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Schrom, Hiram.........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Stutsman, Jacob A...do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Suthermer, George...do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Shelling, John...........do..... Feb. 6,'65, I Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Smith, Henry E.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, July 22,'63. Sterling, Henry.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 18, 1863. Shutt, William B......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate. Feb. 24, 1863. Senn, Henry.............do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 4, 1862. Saner, John........-... i. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-died Aug. 22, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Selby, Joseph............do..... Jan. 30,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 23, 1865. Smith, William H....do... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Trout, Mabry............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out vith company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Thomas, Wm. H.......do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out June 9, 1865. Teters, William.....do........................ Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Toner, John.......... do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., Oct. 14, 1863. Thomas, Thomas G...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 29, 1862. Thomas, Richard......do... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Van Horn, David.,.....do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Weidaw, William......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Wagner, Wesley....do..... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wagner, William......do..... Feb. 28,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Weaver, Clinton F...do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Weidaw, Aaron.........do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 31, 1862. Ward, Edward......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Walker, John J.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, and prisoner at Chancellorsville-deserted June 29, 1863-arrested June, 2, 1864discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Weiss, William.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died July 10,'64. of wounds received at Marietta, Ga., June 24,'64 —bu. at Chattanooga, grave, 668. Walsh, John............do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-pris. from April 1, to May 5. 1865discharged by General Order, June 28, 1865. Young, Charles.........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Yehl, Samuel............do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Young, Thomas.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged onSurg. certificate, May 16,'65-Vet. Yoste, Gideon.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15,'63. Young, Samuel.........do.....Feb. 27,'65, Deserted June 9, 1865. Zehner, Joseph J...do....d..dJuly 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Zimmerman, A.........do.....July 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 12, 1862. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Jos. B. Copeland.... Capt.... July 6,'61, 3 Resigned March 24, 1863. Caleb Greenawalt...... do..... July 6,'61 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Dec. 17, 1862-to Capt., May 18, 1863-discharged July 12, 1864. James F. Knight.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., June 10, 1864-to Captain, April 21, 1865-discharged June 29, 1865. David Mills...........1st Lt. July 6,'61, 3 Resigned December 17, 1862. Peter Kaylor.............. July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Feb. 1863-to 1st Lt., May 18, 1863 —died Dec. 5, 1863, of wounds received at Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. 'T)I~TEE YEA1RS SERVIOC1 457'DATE OF'MUSTER ~ NA i. a I-NTO SERVICE, 3Zachariah Knight.. st t...... July 6'61, 3 P.to2d Lt., April22,'65-to let Lt., June 13,65corn, Capt., June:30, 1865, not mus.-~-mts.,ouxt with company, July 18, 1860 —2Vt. Matthew Relly......2d Lt.., July 0,61 Pr. to2d Lt.,8Sept. 18, 1863 —com. let Lt., Dec. a, 1863, and Captain, July 13. 1864, not mustered — ~discharged October 17, 1864.:Samuel A, ~iset(.....o.... July 6,, J 61 Pr. to 2d Lt., June 13,'65 —com., 1st Lt., June 3, 1865, not mustered —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vdt. John V. Mortuirer... lst'Sg.t Jul,'-61, Pr-. to lstSgt., June 13, 65-co 2d Lt., une 30, 1865, not mustered —mustered out with compaay, July 18, 186 —Vet. Jonathan Rupert....'Serg'.. July 6,'61, 3 Mastered out with company', July 18,'-5-Vet. Jas. P. Winterson.. _.do...-.. July 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65 —Vet Jacob Dewalt..........o..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered ut with company, July 18,'65 — Vet. Abifaham Sharra.._..-..do... July,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 13, 1865-mustered out withcompany, July 18, 1865-Vet. Thomas W~ MICune -..do.... JuXly 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, September 10) 186L!Michael B. Devine.....do..._ July 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, February 26, 1863.'Thomas MCIkoskey......do J....July 0,'61, 3 Rilled at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Joseph W. Stephens..do.....July 6,'1, 3 Killed at Ringgoid, Ga., November 27, 1863 —buried at Chattanooga —grave, 225.'James'B. Gallowiay...o..... J.ly 6'61, -3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oet. 17,'61 John Mills.........d....de.,,, Disarged July 26, 61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1364. James A. Watt..........1o.... July 6'61, 3 Mustered-out withcompany, Jutly 18,'65 —Vet. William Milliga...do..... July 6,_ 61, 3S Mustered-out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Joseph Shupe....do.............Feb. 6,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65 — et. Jacob F. IKiehl......... -d...... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Mustered-out with company, July 18,'65 —Vet. IPatter-son Rupert.......do..... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65 —Vet. Vese Shaner.......o.... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vetv William Fox.......... d...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet.'Theodore Murphy......d..... July 6,'61, 3Mustered out-August 5,; 1865-Vet. AlbertJ. Watt.......... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sgt., Sept. 1, 1863. S. W. M'Closey......do..... July 6'1, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct.,'61,'Thomas A, Conrad.....do.... Jly 6,'61, 3Promoted to Corploral, November 1, 1861 —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24, 1863. John Bradley...........do.....July, 61 3 Pr to Corpora, Nov. 1 1861-disch. July20, 1864. James P. Kennedy -..... July 6,'61, 3Pr to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1862-di 1864 -George'Sybets....do..... July 4,'61, 8 Pr. to Corporal, Feb. 6, 1863 —disch. July 20, 1864. IS. W. M'-Closkey... Muc....Q Feb.y,'64, 3 Promoted to musician, May 1, 1865 —mustered'out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Charles A. Mills.........do....July 661, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ertificate-, Nov. 2,'62. Alex'r aD Mills...o...M M.... Mr. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Black, Henry M.... Private Mar. 9,'6, 1I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 Berkey, teorge....... do...... Aug. 2,'63, 3 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 18765. Beer, Thomas......... July 6,'61, 3 Dischaaged July 20, 1864. Bradley, Francls........ July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. lBehe, Luke............o..July,61, 3 Discharged July 20,1864. Bumgardner, Edw.-...d o..July 6,'61 3 3Discharged -on Surgeon's certificate, FPe. 18,'63 Bean, Charles F........do.... July 12, 61, 3 Discharged July20, 1864. Barkafelt, Geo. C.......do.... July 0,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknowmn B3utler, Sohn........ do.....i Aug. 16,' I64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865. Blose, Lafayette.....do.....Feb. 28,'65, Deiserted June 19, 1865. Blak, Ei......... do.... Ma. 9,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Boose, Nathan-..... do...do..... oeb. 28,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Baldi, Antonio..........do.....Jan. 2,'65, 3 Deserted —date unknown'Cochran, Robert........d Feb. 8, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 65 —Vet. Carland, Henry........do Feb. 16,'64 3.Maustered out with company, July 18 65~-Veto,Cramer, George I...L..o....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Carpenter, Samuel...do..... Feb. 24, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Campbell, John S.....do..,.. Feb. 0,'64, 3i Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. onrad, Frederiichk.do...-..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865.'Cartwright, George..oo..d July 17,'63, 3 Dafted-mus. out byteneral Order, June%)'65. Clair, Janies........do.... uly 6, 61, 3 Transferred to l[nap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861 Cunningham-, Chas..do.... July, 61) Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862, Coulter, Albert J-... o....... July'61 3 Discharged July 20 1864.'Cunningham, Isaac..do.,,. -uiy 12,'61, 3 DIscharged July'20, 1864.'Cooley, Firman...do J.. July 6,'61 Discharged JXu:ly 0, 1864. Crise, Franklin.......do.. Feb. 65, 3 Deserted-d-ate unknown-. Craft, John-.............do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Sbstituete-deserted September 1, 1863. Davis, Frederick-.....doJ July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet, Donougha, Robert..do.... Feb. 18, 64 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. )Dallas, Wil.liam.......do.... July 24,'63 3' ubstitute-miaus. out with company, July 18,'65& Doughertzy, J-ohn....do.. July 6,' 61 3lTrasferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861 Deitrick, Alfredd....-....Fb. Fe.] b. F 7'6 - )ied a1 Ralegh, N. C., Apri 23, 1865 458 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER RMARS N.ME. IM _RS_ ___ E INTO SERVICE. Deharpert, Lude'us Private July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Deitrick, Jesse...........do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 17, 1865. Dunbar, Joseph.........do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Deiter, Franklin H...do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 19, 1865. Dunner, John............do..... Jan. 30, 65, 3 Substitute-deserted-date unknown. Elder, James.............do.... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 15, 1861. Pulse, Isaac...............do..... Feb. 27,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Pry, John M........... do Mar. 8,'65, I Deserted June 19, 1865. Fee, Henry...............d..... Feb. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted-date unknown. Gilmer, James T........do..... Feb. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Gilbert, Phineas H.....do...Mar. 7,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Gasley, Joseph........... do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Garris, John.............. do... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-died January 13, 1864-bu. at Stone River-grave, 455. Garn, Benjamin F......do... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864, Gooderham Abm. B...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Glass, Augustine......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 164.. Glass, Augustine.......do.... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Galespie, John W......do..-. Jan. 21,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Green, Alfred.............do....- Feb. 28,'65, 1 Deserted June 19, 1865. Grill, John............ do.... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 19, 1865. Geddis, George.......do....Mar. 8,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Haney, John...........do....July 6,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65.-Vet, Husband, Jesse.......do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Harlan, George......d..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861, Hart, David I..........do... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-Vet. Harlan, John.............do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Died June 15,'64, of wds. rec'dat Pine Knob, Ga, HIawkins, Wash. T...do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Sept. 17,'64. Hill, John.................do..... Oct. 14,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Hartsley, Michael....do.... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May23,.1865. lsagan, Hery O........ July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. HendershotIsaac.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Harnbeck, George......do....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hawsen, Joseph........do... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. IHower, John B........d...... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Haldaman, Joseph.....do.....Mar. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 19, 1865. Inscht, William E....do..... Nov. 18,'64,1 Drafted-discharged July 3, 1865. Jones, Watkins.........do.:.. July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Johnston, Philip J...do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Died May 31,'65-bu. in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Jackson, William......do..... Jan. 21,'62, 3 Discharged October 13, 1862. Jeffreys, Howard.....do.....July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. Jason, James............do..... Aug. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Jason, Lewis..........do.... Aug. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Jacobs, Henry........do....July 10,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Kiehl, John P..........do..'.. Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Keating, Francis.....do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with conipany, July 18, 1865. Kitchen, Joseph........do.... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kane, James S.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Kerr, George..........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died at Elizabeth, Pa., January 17, 1863. Keister, Alfred L.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Kiehl, Daniel...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, June2, 1862. Kelly, John............ do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged February, 1863, for wounds received eiiy,.......at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Klinefelter, Geo. J...do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865. Kerrigan, Thomas.....do.... Feb. 3,'65, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Lugar, James.........do..Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Long, Samuel...........do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Lithgrow, Jos. W.....do.....July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Lance, Joseph W.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Drowned at Sandy Hook, Md., Nov. 1, 1861. Lane, John................do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died Dec. 9,'63, of wds. receivedatRinggold, Ga., Nov. 27,'63-bu. at Chattanooga-grave, 110. Long, John F..........do..... June 27,'63, 3 Drafted-died Juue 29, 1864, of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 434. Loughlin, Matthew...do... July 6,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. Lance, Stephen A......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 14,'65-Vet. Lowman, Harrison...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Lawrence, G.Gilder..do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Morris, James.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificato, Nov. 7,?s862. Mailey, William.....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Moran, Patrick.........do..... July 6'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'ehaffey, Geo. W......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Millet, James......... do..... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Maston, Samuel.....do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Deserted June 23,1865. Mack, Samuel........do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. THREE YEARSI SERVICE. 459 INTO SERVICE. NAME. RANK.D E OF MUSTERIS 1 REMARKS. P. M'Phillips, Patrick Private July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. M'Grew, John S........do.. Feb. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Clelland, R............do... April 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Cauly, Robert....d....do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18. 1865. M'Millen, John.........do.... Feb. 15,'64,3 Wounded June 15, 1864-absent at muster out. M'Entire, John........do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 7, 1862. M'Cune, John...........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 21, 1863, for wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. M'Cann, John..........do... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Kee, Elias............do..... July 6, 61,3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Dade, Thomas.......do...July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Canna, Thomas.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Williams, Thos.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, August 20, 1861. M'Tamany, F..........do..... July 6,'61,3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. M'Mullin, Alex. J.....do... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Elhany, John........do..... July 6,'61,3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. M'Clintock, Wm.......do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 1, 1862. M'Cune, Robert........do..... July 11,'61, 3Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 31, 1862. M'Caffrey, James......do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 6, 1864. M'Mullin, Albert......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. O'Hara, John............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 31, 1864. Opringer, Jacob.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, Deserted June 19, 1865. O'Brien, William......do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Deserted-date unknown. Ober, John...............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Proudlock, James.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Putnam, Samuel.......do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. darker, John A.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Pendergrast, Jas........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died November 2, 1861. Pendergrast, Ed'w...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rocumb, Bernard.....do.... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged July 10, 1865. Reed, Charles D.......do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Renner, John........... do.... Sept. 2,'63,3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Reagan, James..........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out July 27, 1865. Rugg, Gabriel W.......do..... Aug. 29,'64, Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Ray, James.............do.... July 6, 61, 3 Tr. to company K, 28th P. V., Sept. 1, 1861. Russel, Albert..........do... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 19, 1865. Swink, John S...........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Spratt, Wm. H.........do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Seanor, Noah............do... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Smith, Reuben N..... do..... Feb. 18,'65, 1 Mustered.out with company, July 18, 1865. Swisher, James M.....do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Sub.-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Stouffer, Andrew......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sethman, John.........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. Stewart, Thomas L...do... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. Sarver, William........do.... July 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Mar. 12, 1863. Stier, Charles K........do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Seely, John.............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug. 18, 1863. Smith, Michael.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Sickles, Charles W...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died July 5, 1864, of wounds received at Pine Knob, June 15, 1864-buried at Chattanoogagrave, 521-Vet. Simpson, John..........do..... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Died November 30,1862-buried at Alexandriagrave, 544. Starner, Solomon.......do..... Feb. 28,'65, Deserted June 23, 1865. Smith, Conrad.........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Stevens, Franklin.....,do..... July 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tetters, David..........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Tintle, George...........do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Taylor, William........do..... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Substitute —mus. out with company,'July 18,'65. Turnbull, George......do..... Jan. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Taylor, M'Knight......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 8, 1863. Troy, Robert J...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Thomas, John P........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., Oct. 1, 1864. Veatch, Josiah W......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug. 18, 1863. Watson, James.........do... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Watt, John M...........do..... Feb. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wise, James.............do.... Dee. 22,'64, 1 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Wadsworth, Sam'l...do..... Aug. 16,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Weddel, Thomas P...do..... July 6, "61, 3 Discharged On Surg., certificate, May 18, 1862. Wilhelm, Moses........do..... July 6,'61, 3'Discharged July 20, 1864. Ward, Owen.............do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Watt, Edward F........do..... July 6,'61,.3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. White, Martin H......do.... Dec. 5,:'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Walton, John............dob.. Feb. 9,'65, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Wilson, George.......,do.... Sept. 7'63, 3 Substitute-deserted Oct. 1, 1863. 4,60 aTWENTY-ErGHTH REGIMENT, COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHLLAEDELPHIA.... AME. RaAN.DATE OP MUSTER E INTO SERVICE.' Conrad W. Meyer.. Capt... July 11,'61, Resigned June 2, 1863. Nicholas Way........do....July 11, 61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., June 12, 1863 —to Captain, August 5, 1863-discharged Nov. 16, 1864. Thos J. Hamilton.....do..... July 11,'61, Promoted to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863-to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1863-to 1st Lt. Aug. 25, 1863-to Capt., Mar. 29, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 18,.1865-Veto William C. Shields 1st Lt.. July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. JamesG. Cooper........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863-to 1st Sgt., Aug. 1, 1863-to 2d Lt., June 27,'64-to 1st Lt., Mar. 30, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. Win. A. M'Gahan... 2d Lt.. July 11,'61, Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1, 1861to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863-to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1864-to 2d Lt. June 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865-Vet. John G. Nevin....do... Ju II, ^61, 3 Taken prisoner Feb. 29, 1862-released-pr. to Capt. Ind. battery H, Pa. Artillery, Oct. 25,'62. James O'Rourke.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. ReserveCorps June 11, 1863. Luther N. Guy....... 1st Sgt.. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Mar. 22,1863-to 1st Sgt., Juno 1, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 1, 1865-Vet. James H NugeL.. SQrg't..S.. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corl,July, 1863 —to Sgt., Feb. 1, 1865 —wounded atRinggold, Ga.-mustered ouft with, conpany, July 18, 1865-Vet. Jacob Sherman.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted toCor., Aug. 25,1863-to Sgt., April 8, 1865 —mus. out with Co.,. July 18, 1865 —Vet. James Hard............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1864-to Sgt., June 1, 65-wd. atAntietam,Ringgold and Pine Knob-. mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet Joseph Vogler.......... d.. July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Dallas, Ga, May 25, 1864-absent, at muster-out-Vet. George Grady....d...... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded atAntietam,Sept. 17,1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate,. Dec. 27, 1862. Robert Irvin.............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged onL Surg. certificate, Dec. 27, 1862. H. H. Cheesman........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, July 28, 1864-Vet. Wesley Hamilton......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Q M. Sgt., April 8, 1865. Wim. M'Clintock.,......... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted March 12, 1863. WiUliam Caplihawn.. Corp,.....July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-musteredE out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Albert Person,...d........ July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Barnard Connolly......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-mustered out with company,. July 18, 1865-Vet. Eanual Hanna.....do.....Feb. 11,'4, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865 —mustered out. with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Josiah Nicodemus......do...,. Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, April 1,'65mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Josiah S. Raub.........do.....Feb. 20,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Geo. G. Hutmnan.....do..... Jan. 24, 65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Le Gleaso..........do.....Jan. 24, 65, I Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. John B. Conover............... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged September 5, 1864. John. Gervig.......... d..... July I, 11,' 3 Discharged September 5, 1864. Samuel M'Keown.... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged or Surg. certificate, Dec. 10, 1861. John D. Tracy.........do..... July 11,'61, a Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. James B. Traville......do..... July 11,'61^ 3, Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862, James S. Grady........do... July 11,'61, 3 Died,date unknown, of wds. re. atRinggold, Ga Alexander Ingrand. Mue..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John S. Grady..........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Abraham M'Cray......do.....July l1,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Arndt, George W... Private Jan. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Armstrong, Daniel..do...June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Brown, Reuben S.......... Aug. 26,'63, 3 Drafted-pris. r. June 1, 1864, to April 6, 1865discharged June 17, 1865, Buzzard, Aaron............ Jan, 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Bell, Abraham..........do... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Barr, William L....do. Mar. 2,'65, 1 Discharged July 3, 1865. Boyle, John T............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Mar. 12, 1863. Boyle, William KE.....do. July 11,'61 &3 Discharged ou Surg. certifcate, April 12,186s THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 461 AMze RARE. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. M~E. RANK.INTO SERVICE.Boyle, DeWitt C....Private Feb. 23,'65, Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865. Bryan, Benjamin....do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Brown, John.............do.... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Berlin, Albert.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Brier, Frank.........I.do.... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Belsner, John...........do..Dec. 22,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 9, 1865. Ball, Joseph W.........do.,... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 28,'65-Vet. Bernsberg, Ewald.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Berwig, John......... do....Sept. 1'63 3 Substitute-deserted September 22, 1863. Brown, John........... Sept. 5,'63, 3Substitute-deserted October 31, 1863. Bubb, George.............do.... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Deserted June 21, 1865. Cochran, John B........do.... July 11,'61, 3Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —et. Compton, James H d...do.. Feb. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Cofflin, Dennis...........do... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Crouse, Andrew J...... do.... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Connor, John...d........do Jan. 1,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Cornwell, Stephen.....do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. Cornway, Peter R.S...do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20, 1861. Carson, George.........do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Cameron, William..do....do July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. Cashis, Dennis...........do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'63. Cravens, John.....do........ June 28, 61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Davis, Henry.........do... Feb. 13,'4,3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. DeWitt, William......do.... Feb. 25,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Dorman, Fred'k W...do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Downs, William........do..... Nov. 14,'64, 1 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Doyle, Henry H.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Dickson, John S........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Donauhea, John........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Dalzell, James.........do... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga.-discharged July 20, 1864. Davis, George............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Deeds, George H........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Iischarged July 20, 1864. Dougherty, Benj........do.... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Discharged November 1, 1864. Dugdale, William......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Dalton, Matthias M...do..... Feb. 24,'65, Discharged by General Order, June 25, 1865. Donnell, Edward....do..... Feb. 15,'65, I Deserted June 21, 1865. Donnell, James........ do.... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Deserted June 21, 1865. Dunn, James.............do..... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April, 1865. Emmert, Philip........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Erving, William........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 19, 1865. Earle, Albert............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Edwards, Nelson.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1862. Fessler, William H...do.... Feb. 23, 65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Fluke, Levi S............ do.... Sept. 4,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Friel, Bernard...........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Frederick, Henry....do..... Feb. 18,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 22, 1863. Fry, John..................do... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Deserted June 21, 1865. Franthy, John.......do... July 11, 61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1861. Frank, John L.......... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gross, Edward T.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Gamble, Elias......... do..... Jan. 13,'65, Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Grimes, Benjamin..... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Gibson, William R.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Grimes, James..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died May 13, 1865, of wounds received at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga-Vet. Gray, Andrew J.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Point of Rocks, Va., January 6, 1862. Gonyo, Lewis............do... Feb. 18,'65, I Deserted June 21, 1865. Haney, John.............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hornbeck, George......do.... July 11,'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hill, William..........do..... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Hollenbacker,Chris...do..... Dec. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Hoffelfinger, John.....do..... Jan. 13,'65, Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Henderson, John L...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Henderson, Jas. R.....do....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Hutson, William......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'63. Hacket, Lawrence.....do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hill, Alexander........do...... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Hough, Philip S. C.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 24, 1862. Henry, Frederick......do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 31, 1863. Hushman, Joseph......do..... Feb. 21,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Jackson, Joseph......do..... Sept. 8,'63,3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Johnston, Oliver.......do.....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Johnston, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Jordan, Charles C......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20. 1864. 462 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, AM. RANK.DATE OF USITER W INTO SERVICE. Johnston, Robert... Private July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Jones, Thomas..........do Jan. 23,'63, 3 Substitte-deserted April, 1865. Johnston, Joseph.......do.....d Feb. 24,'65, Deserted June 21, 1865. Johnston, Thomas......do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Deserted June 21, 1865. Kleese, William........do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Kuhn, Conrad............do..... Feb. 23'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kilpatrick, Jackson...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Kolb,.Leonard...........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Kerstsel, Jacob.........do.... July 4,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged-date unknown. Kreter, Henry W......do..... Oct. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged-date unknown. Retner, John............do..... Feb. 23,'65, Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Kelly, Robert..........do..... July 11,'61, Transferred to Knap's Pa. Batt'y, October 5,'61. King, James.............do..... Feb. 6, 65, 3 Substitute-discharged November 28, 1865. Lentz, John A...........do..... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Sub.-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Love, William...........do..... Jan. 12,'65, Sub.-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Lyons, Michael.........do..... Feb. 9,'65, Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Lucas, William.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Linn. Thomas A........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Loyd, James..............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wd. at Pine Knob, Ga.-disch. March 28, 1865. Lefler, Cyrus............do..... Jan. 13,'65, 1 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 12, 1865. Lenhart, Jacob..........do.....Feb. 21,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged-date unknown. Levine, Martin O......do..... Mar. 24, 65, 1 Substitute-discharged-date unknown. Lynch, William........do.....July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Michael, Josiah.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Musteredout with company, June 18, 1865. Miller, Michael.........do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Sub.-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. May, August................ Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, Peter......... to..... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Meyer, William H.....do..... Nov. 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Moore, John.............do....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. Moore, Albert............do... July 11,'61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Meyer, Henry...........do.... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, Dec. 13, 1863. Marlatt, John............do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Miller, Peter W.........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Milbee. James...........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Meyers, Charles........do..... Aug. 31,'64, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Malony, Patrick........do..... July 11,'613 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Moore, Joseph............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., March 11, 1863. Myers, Simon P........do.. Feb. 13,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Meyers, Isaiah...........do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Deserted April 18, 1865. May, Henry..............do....Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 31, 1863. Muller, WilliamI.......do... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 31, 1863. Murphy, Theodore...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Pherson, John.......do.... Feb. 24'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Donough, John......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Fadden, Arthur.....do..... July 11,'61, 3Discharged August 18, 1864. M'Gilley, Patrick......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Kindley, Wm.....'..do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864, M'Elva- Gustavus...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. MFl'-IX1nney, John.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Neil, Amos.............. do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Norris, Daniel...........do July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. O'Neil, James...........do.....Sept. 8,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Oaks, Adam..............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. O'Connor, John.........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,'63. Proctor, Charles.......do... Feb. 25,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Parks, John J............do.. July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'63. Painter, William......do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863. Pendegrass, James....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1861. Piles, John................do... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted June 20, 1865. Reese, George S.........do... Feb. 8,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Roll, William.............do... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Ramkin, John B.......do... July 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, 1862. Richey, James...........do... July 11,'61,3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Rodgers, Isaac B.......do.... July 24,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, May 28, 1865. Rhodes, HenryM..M... do.... July 11,'61. 3 Died Dec. 28, 1863, of wds. rec. at Ringgold, Ga. Richey, Wm. C.........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Ralston, Hugh...........do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Deserted April, 1865. Richey, Charles............ July 11,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Shoulder, Samuel....do..... Feb. 15,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Schmittenberg, P......do.... April 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Sayres, Francis....... do... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Smith, James F.......... July 21,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Shaffarmeyer, Chas...do..... Sept. 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Sherborne, Fr. G......do..... July 11,'3 (,ischarged on Surgeon's.certificate, April 18,'63, Smith, Patrick........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. -463 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Shuler, Jacob......... Private June 28,'61, j Discharged by General Order, Aug. 11,-1864. Steck, Samuel R........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Disoharged July 20, 1864. Slonican, David.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Shanton, Daniel.........do..... Fb. 16, 65, Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Smith, William.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 18, 1863. Stokes, William R.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Sherman, Moses.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died October 5, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Smith, Thomas B......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Smith Charles..........do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 11, 1864, of wounds received at Kolb's Farm, Ga.-buried at Chatta~nooga-grave, 599. Snell, Franklin B......do..,.. Feb. 16,'64, 3 Died August 26, 1864, of wounds received at Marietta, Ga. Smith, William.......do....Sept. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 22, 1863. Smith, John R........do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 30, 1863. Stewart Charles.........do..... Jan. 13,'65, Substitute-deserted June 21, 1865. Stephens, Richard.....do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April, 1865. Solliday, Nathan...j...do....Feb. 24, 65,3 Deserted June 21, 1865. Tracy, Peter..............do..... Feb. 9,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Thrasher, Charles......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Taylor, William.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Thornburg, George...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Trunick, John..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Tarr, Melker S........do..... June 28,'61,3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Taylor, George W.....do..... 15, 65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865. Thompson, John....do. Jan. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, May 26,'65. Thomas, Levi...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Nashville, July 11, 1864. Thompson,Amari'h...do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Thompson, William...d.. Jan. 7,'65,3 Substitute-deserted April, 1865. Ulig, Augustus.......do..... Sept. 3,'63,3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Vansant, John...........do..... Jan. 25'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wiggington, John......d....F. 15,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Wagoner, Amariah...do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Weiz, Julius............do..... April 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wilmot, Thomas.......do..... Dec. 27,'63, 31 Mustered out with company, July18, 1865-Vet. Weaver, Adam.....d..... Feb. 7,'65 1 Substitute-mns. out with company, July 18,'65. White, Emory..........do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Wise, Moses..............do..... Feb. 15,'65, Discharged July 10, 1865. Wright, Elias............do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. Wilson, William H...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Walbert, Jacob.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Wardrap, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Welty, Ezra J...............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Wright, illia.......do...June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. White, J.cob......d..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Wharton Archy.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Welsh, J ohn............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve CorDs, Sept. 18, 1863. Warren, William....do.... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April, 1865. Wilson, George.........do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April, 1865. Welchonce, John B...do.....Feb. 15,'65, 1 Deserted June 21, 1865. Wharton, William.....do.....July 11,'65, 3 Died of wounds received at Wauhatchie, November 1, 1863. Yates, Jacob..............do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Thomas J. Ahl....... Capt.... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Colonel, November, 14, 1863. Warren W. Wattles..do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d it.-to 1st Lt. Aug., 1,'62-to Capt., Aug. 1,'62-resigned Feb. 11,'63. George B. U. Martin...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st. Lt., Mar. 8,'63-to Captain, Dec. 16,'63-died March 24, 1864, at Bridgeport, Ala. Frank B. M. Bonsal...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., March 9, 1863-to 1st Lt., March 16, 1863-to Captain, June 8,'64-wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet.. Thomas H. Elliott... 1st Lt... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Captain and A. A. G., and assigned to staff of General Geary, June 8, 1803. A464d TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT,.......................... N!AMREIS. |K. IN l, DATE OF MUSTER REMABKS....A_..._ _...._ _______.. __ _ _____ I_, INTO SERVICE. I William M. Linton 1st Lt... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., March 12,'62-to 2d Lt., April 18, 1864-to st Lt., June 9,1864-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. John H. Hoffer......2d Lt.. July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt.,April 8, 64to 2d Lt.,June 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 18,'65 —Vet. Charles Yoest...... st Sgt. July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietamn, Sept. 17, 1862-promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1864-to 1st Sgt., June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Merriman... Serg't. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Feb. 1, 1865-wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-.mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Leonard Smith........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 18, 1864-to Sgt., Feb. 1,'65-wd. at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 8,'64mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. James Baxter............... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1865-to Sgt., April 1,'65-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Kelly............... do.... July 11,'61, 3 PromotedtoCor., Jan. 1,'65 —to Sgt., June 1,'65mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. James L. Dawson....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Mar. 12, 1863. Robert Sands........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Edward Tague..........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20 1864. John M'Comb............do.. July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 18, 1864. Conrad Strain....... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. William A. Rea...... Corp July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Sheible............do July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Griffith.....do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Charles Clark........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Dallas, Ga., June 25, 1864promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Edward Chapman....do.... Jan. 7, 65,.3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 18, 1865, James Laran..s.......do..... Feb. 3,'65, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. John Glunt...............do... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Captured May 3,1863-woundedat Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863-promoted to Cor., June 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 18,1865 —Vet. Milton Ingrami....d.....do.... July 11,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Aug.' 5, 1862. John Lefever............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 16, 1863. James Marshall.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Robert Robinson......do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 30, 1863. Isaac I. Tolan............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, April 3, 1863. Ja nes R. Vance......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Is ac Jones.............. do.... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 186L 0] ver P. Adams......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Jc hn Raycraft...........do... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Edward Smith......... do. July 11,'61, 3 Died June 28, 1864, of wounds received at Kenesaw Mountain. James Wilt...............do.....July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. John Craddock..... Muc.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Henry Gayde..........do.... July 1 1,'61, Discharged July 20, 1864. Adams, Williamn.... Private Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Anderson, Frank......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Atkinson, Wm. J......do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Drafted-ab., on detached service, at muster out. Amer, Thomas..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 16, 1862, to accept promotion in Telegraph Corps. Allender, Samuel C...do.....July 11'61, 3 Discharged March 16, 1863-minor. Ackerman, Cyrus S...do.. June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Amig, David........... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861, Barrick, William A...do.... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Berlin, Samuel.,........do Mar. 27, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Bennet, Samuel.........do....; July 23,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Burkey, Victor.... d..... Jan. 10,'64, 1 Deserted June 30, 1865-arrested July 2, 1865absent, in arrest, at muster out. Beckley, William......do..... Sept, 4,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864promoted to Cor., April 1, 1865-reduced July 1, 1865-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Brooks, John W. H...do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 8, 1864-discharged August 3, 1865. Brinkner, Henry......do..Sept. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Barry, John..............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Disciarged July 20, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 465 DATE OF MUSTER HAMMEE. RANK. INTO-SERVICE. racey, Ljeander..... Private July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 20, 1864, Barrone, Jonathan.....do.....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Button, Harlow.........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 27, 1865. Bradley, Philip.........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Boyd, James.............do..... Sept.. 1,'61, 3 Deserted August 20. 1862. Barnes, William P...do......Jan. 12,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 8, 1865. Byrick, William R...do.... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted January 17, 1865. Clitz, Solomon...........do..... Sept. 21,'64, I Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. rCofies, Wm. H.......do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Discharged July 2, 1865. 4Jlark, John...............do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Drafted-discharged July 2, 1865. Clowes, Ezra A......!...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged onSurg. certificate, Jan. 31, 1863. Calmus, Daniel.. do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Cronin, Andrew........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Collins, Michael........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Church, John B-........do..... July 11', 61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company I, 28th regiment P. rV., July 12, 1861. Corns, Robert............. July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Coble, John R.'C......do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Drafted-died June 2, 1865. De Mass, Lewis.......do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Dougherty, Charles..do..... Jan. 28,'65, 3 Drafted-discharged August 5, 1865. Damney, Francis......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 186L Dawson, Willi am....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th I. S. Cavalry, Oct. 25, 1862. Dalzell, Robert.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 18, 1864. Davis, Wiliam.........do..... July 11, 61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1861. Dickerson, Jesse........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 3. Drafted-deserted June 19, 1865. Dingham, David.......do.....Jan. 10,65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. Dailey, John A........do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted April 18, 1865. Evans, Charles W.... do..... Nov. 22,'64,... Drafted —mus..out with company, July 18, 1865. Ensell, Albert L........do.....July 11, 61, 3! Discharged -n Surg. certificate, Dec. 5, 1862. Eberly, Henry.......do..... Aug. 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 20, 1864. Eicher, William.......do.....June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Elder, John..............do......June 29,,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Elder, James......d..o......July 6,'61,:3 Tr. to company F, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Fleming, Charles'...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Foley, Patrick......do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted April, 1865. Frank, Frederick........ July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 28, 1863. Funke, Ernest....do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3i Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863..Gross, Berghes F.......... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Ringgold, Nov. 27, 1863, and Rocky Face Ridge-prisoner from May 8,.1864, to May 6, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865.'Grier, William...........do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out.'Gibbs., George W....do...do l July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864.:GallagherJohn.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, 28th regiment P. V., July 12, 1861. Harbaugh, Henry.....do.. Mar. 17,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Harvey, Philip..........do.....Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. THertzog, Frederick...do..... Sept. 3,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. IHull, Thomas................. Aug. 15,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Aug, 20,'64, Hiemple, George;......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 15, 1863. Hartman, David S.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged September 7, 1864. Harris, James M.......do....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Haldopher, Henry.....do,... July II1, 1,'613 Dischared July 20, 1864 Hastings, Hamilton..,do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Harrison, Wm. H,....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Dischargei July 20, 1864, Heazlett, John C....do. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company L, 28th regiment, P. V., July 12, 1861, Hottell, Nicholas....do..... July 11,'64, 3 Died at Catlett's Station, Va., April 4, 1862. Hart, Samuel............do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Died at David's Island, N. Y., April 23, 1865. YH:emphill, James......do.... Sept. 7, 63, 3 Drafted-died at Alexandria, July 2, 1865. Homan, Reuben......do..... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-_deserted Nov, 20, 1863. usk, Samuel.......... do.....Feb. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 8, 1865. -lJill, Charles............do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 1 Drafted-deserted June 23, 1865. Hays, John...............do..,,. Feb, 2,'65, I1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Hunt, John.............. Jan, 30,'65; 3 Drafted-deserted June 19, 1865. ull; Samuel S.........do.....Jan. 11,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. HIughes, John... do....... Dec, 23,'64, 1 Drafted —discharged by G. O., June 10, 1865. Hartman, Geo. H..do...,.Jan, 12,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. Ittle, Francis............do. Dec, 22,'64, Drafted-~discharged July 1, 1865. Jackson, Thomas-.....do,,... Sept. 4,'63, 3i Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Johnson, William...,do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted —nns. out with company, July 18, 1865. Jones, Charles..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 26, 1863. Jones, William F,...dQ... ly 1'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Jones, Thomas...... do..July 11,'61 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1865. Kay, Benjamin...do...: July 22,'3, 31 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865, 466 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAI. A DATE OF MUSTER REMARKM. INTO SERVICE. REARS. Keely, Peter........... Private Sept. 8,'63, 3 Drafted-prisoner at Sister's Feruy, Ga. —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kern, John W..........do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865.. Klinod, Rudolph........do..... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Raylor, Richard.......do..... Sent. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Kettering, Jacob........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Klinefelter,Judge S...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 8,'65-Vet. Kleine, George.......do.... Feb. 7,'65, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 16,'65. Knipp, Philip............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1862-bu. in Mt. Olivet Cem'y, Md. Kerney, Thomas........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1861. Kelley, Patrick.......do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted June 18, 1865. Lysle, William H......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Leonard, James........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Lysle, John M. D......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged September 1, 1864. Lippincott, Jesse.......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Lemon, Thomas H.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Ludford, William......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 28th reg. P. V., July 16, 1861 Lynch, James........do..... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted April 15, 1865. Lynch, Philip............do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. Mellender, John L...do..... Mar. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Morrissey, John........do..... Jan. 23,'65, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Maldin, Labar............. do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Martin, Abram.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Mack, Francis...........do..... Oct. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Miller, James H........do..... Oct. 10,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Miller, Matthew........do..... Mar. 26,'65, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Markley, James C......do..... July I1,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Merriman, John........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Morrison, Austin......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Miller, Joseph............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 25, 1862. Motts, Philip.............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 25, 1862. Martigney, Leon IY...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded in action-died N6v. 11, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Maiden, Columbus...do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Died at Beaufort, S. C., April 1, 1865. Morrell, William...... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted October 25, 1862. Morse, Charles........do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 24, 1863. M'Clellan, James......do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Dougal, James......do..... Jan. 10,'65, 1 Drafted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. M'Elrarey, Wm.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'61. M'Kay, Alex'r A......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Hale, Michael.......do..... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. M'Cune, Robert.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company F, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. M'Conkey, John.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. M'Call, John...........do..... July 3,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. M'Elroy, 3John......... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1861. M'Quiston, Samuel l..do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted February 4, 1863. M'Kenna, Stephen....do.... July 11,61, 3 Deserted May 10, 1863. M'Mullen, Joseph.,.do..,.. Sept. 1, 61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. M'Gee, John........ do....Feb. 8,65, 3 Drafted-deserted April 15, 1865. M'Afer, Joseph..........do.,.,. Feb. 9,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. M'Nulty, Charles...do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. M'Cracken, Joh.....do... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Nelson, Hiram.........d9.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Niblock, James.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Nelson, James.........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted —disch. on Surg. certificate, May 28,'65. Neiman, Benj. F...d.. d..... Nov. 10,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Noltie, William H....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, April 30, 1864. Onstadt, Matthias....do..... Nov. 14,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Ott, Frank.................do.....July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Ochs, George H........do..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-disdh. by General Order, May 22, 1865. O'Neale, Henry......do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 11, 1865. O'Brien, Patrick......do..... Feb. 12,'65, i Drafted —deserted June 23, 1865. Olmstead, Nelson......do..... Oct. 13,'64, 1 Drafted.-deserted July 17, 1865. Powell, William..do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Payne, William.......do...-.. July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Paton, John............do..... Sept. 29; 64; 1 Driafted —disch. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Procksch, Lewis......do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Drafted-discW. by General Order, May 22, 1865. Parker, John...........do.. July 6, 61 3 Tr. to company F, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Price, Charles...........do.....Feb. 7, 65 3 Drafted-deserted June 18, 1865. Powell, Benj. F.........do..... Feb. 1,'65, I eserted June 23, 1865, Phillips, John A........do..... Jan. 11,65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. Rudolph, George........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with cpmpany, July 18,'65 —Vet. Rector, Allen E.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Reichender, Peter.....do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Wd. at PeaclI Tree Creek, Qa., July 20, 1864absent at muster.?i... THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 467 NAE. BANK." DATE OF MUSTER RABs NAME. RANK. NAME. BA. INTO SERVICE. S. Rhodes, Charles..... Private Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged October 1, 1861-minor. Roberts, John P.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Robinson, VWm. H....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Reining, George H...do.....Oct. 7, 64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G.., May 25, 1865. Rinker, Robert M......o..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G.., May 25, 1865. Ross, Andrew........... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Root, George B..........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Rupert, Matthias.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Reed, James..............do..... July 11,61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1861. Smith, William.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Swegar, Lewis...........do..Mar. 9,'65, Mustered out with company July 18, 1865. Shearer, Emanuel...do.....Feb. 28,'65, Mustered out ith company, July 18, 1865. Stevens, Thomas.......o.....Jan. 10,'65, Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Segar, Samuel.........do... Jan. 9,'65, Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Shunk, William.......do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Ringgold, Nov. 27,1863 mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Smith, Henry.......... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July, 1862. Swain, Cyrus.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged onSurg. certificate, March 25, 1863. Sutham, John..........do..... July 11 61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Schall, Thomas.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Slavan, John............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Shutt, William B......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Sinclair, James......... do..... July 10,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861. Shaw, Adam...........do..... July 11,'61 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5 1861. -Sickles, William G...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., August 20, 1862.'Stribig, Joseph......... do.....July 11'61 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Speer, James........... do. July 11,'61, 3 Died May 5, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Sprague, Wm. R..... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted October 25, 1862. Smith, Charles B......do..... Sept. 5, 63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 29, 1863. Sanders, Henry....... do..... Feb. 1,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted June 8, 1865. Simons, Morris.......do.....Jan. 10,'65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Steele, Ernest.............do..... Dec. 15,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted Mar., 1865. Smith, Jacob F......... do..... Sept. 21,'64 1 Drafted-died at Willett's Pt., N. Y., May 19,'65. Shearer, Jacob..........do...Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Telfer, Lancelot.........do..... July 11,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-.Vet. Trees, David............. do. Dec. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18,- 1865. Tobin, Michael....... d...... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 12, 1865. Wilson, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865Vet. Walton, Thomas.........do.... Jan. 23,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Waring, John.........do..... Oct. 30,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G..,July 29, 1865. Wilson, Joseph...... do. Jan. 10,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., August 7, 1865. Walker, Stephen...... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. White, Harrison........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 28th reg. P. V., July 12, 1861 Watt, John.............. do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Walsh, Thomas.........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 30, 1863. Williams, Henry...... do.....Sept, 11,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 2, 1863. White, Philip............do..., Jan. 10,'65, 1 Deserted June 10, 1865. Williams, John.........do..... Jan. 9,'65, 1 Deserted June 10, 1865. Woods, John............do Feb. 4,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted June 18, 1865. Ward, Henry........... do Jan. 7,'65, 3 Drafted-deserted March, 1865. Young, James........... do. July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg, certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Thos. M'Donough.. Capt..... July 4,'61, 3 Resigned November 19, 1861. John Flynn.............do..... July 1'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. and Adj. to Capt., Nov. 12, 1861-to Lt. CoI., Dec, 12, 1863. Alfred E. Colgan......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted from Private to Sgt., July 5, 1861-to 1st Sgt., Sept., 1862 —to 1st Lt., March 9, 1863to Capt., March 12, 1864-wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and Pine Knob, June 15, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28, 1864-Vet. Patrick F. Rourke.....do..... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 4, 1861-to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1861-to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1863-to 2d Lt., June 27, 1864-to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 1864-to Capt., April 2, 1865- mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. 468 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGTMENT9 RAwN T;A.V&r DATE OF MUSTER )SA F MUATE SAKEB. RAM'. INTO SERVICE. j REBMAKS. C.i > C. W. Borbridge..... 1st Lt... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company C, 28th regiment P. V., December 8, 1862. Chas. P. Kennedy....do..... July 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., April 4, 1864-disch. July 20, 1864, for wds. rec. at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Arnold B. Spink.....d...... July 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 1,'62-to Sgt., Mar. 14,'63-to 1st Sgt., Sept. 1, 1864-to 1st Lt., April 22,'65.wounded at Rlesaca, Ga., May 15. 1864 —mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Peter Conlin......... 2d Lt... July 4,'61, 3 Resigned July 15, 1861. John B. Church........do..... July 11,'61,. 3 Pr. fr. priv. Co. H, July 12,'61-res. Feb. 14,'63. Martin J. Rupp... 1st Sgt. July 4,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., June 1, 1865 —com. 2d Lt., June 1. 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Andrew Ross......... Srg't.. July 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-toSergeant, April 1,'65mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Andrew Hackett.... do...do... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted toCorporal-toSergeant, April 1,'65I* i woundec at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862 —mustered out with company, July 18,. 1865-Vet. Wmi. M. Hamilton...do.... July 4, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, April 1,.'65 — mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. John H. Guistwite.....do..... July. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, June 1,'65wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 8,'64mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. James Dailey............do... July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 1,'65-Vet. Joseph Davidson.....do. July 4,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergean —to 1st Sergeant-killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Edward Foley........d..... d July 4,'61,3 Killed at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27,'64Vet. Patrick Long...........do.....July 4,'61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1862. S. Hamilton........ do........................ Died at Chattanooga-grave 330. John Wardc...........Corp.... July 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. James Harris............do.. Jan. 23, 164, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. L. W. Callaghan........do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. George 0. Faris.......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Smith..............do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Sub.-wd. at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 8; 1864-promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Peter Kotzmoyer......do.... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal April 1, 1865-,i:'~ ~ mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Chas. Y. Speakman...d.. July 18,61, 3 Discharged ly 18,20, 1864. H. D. Eisoalbcrger......do.... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. John Wickorsham..d...do... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged August 1, 1864. William S. Witham...do..... July 4,'61, 3 PromotedtoCorporal, July 5, 1861-to Quartermaster Sergeant, September 1, 1862. Charles M'Gettigan...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted January 4, 1863. William M'Garey.....do.....July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 4, 1861. John A. Doyle....... Muc..... July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C. April 1, 1865-Vet. Michael H. Rahl......do..... July 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, 28th regiment P. V., April 1, 1865-Vet. Ackerman, David... Private Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Alexandra, Robert.....do.... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, June 25,'62. Anthony, John W...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged August 10, 1864. Atkinson, John C.....do..... July 4,'61,'3 Died September 27, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. Broadhurst, John....do..... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65 —Vet. Baird, John D.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Boyce, Tomas..........do..... Mar. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Bryson, James H.....do..... Feb. 8, 65,'Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Broadhurst, James.. do..... Feb.'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Baker, James S........do..... Feb. 1,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Bradley, Henry S......do.... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Blakley, John...........do..... July 17, 63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 18, 1865. Bugless, Phineas P...do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Bradley, Philip.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Brown, Daniel S....d..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Bothwick, Alex.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Buchanan, Edward...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'62 Beamish, John G.....do........ Feb. 15,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Burns, James,.. d......do..... July 17,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Butler, William H...do..... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 17, 1865. Baldie, Gusippie......do..... Jan. 28,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 30, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 469 NAME. I I:1 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARIS. NAME.. A SE. INTO SERVICE. RERS. Burns, Patrick....... Private Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 27, 1865. Bitner, John............. do... Feb. 23,'5,1 Deserted June 27, 1865. Bradley, James.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted February 27, 1864-Vet. Conlin, Peter.............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Canfield, Patrick......do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Creamer, Lot S.........do..... Feb. 16,'65, Absent, sick, at muster out. Casey, Dennis...........do..... July 4,'6,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'62. Cameron, William.....do..... July 4'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 25,'62. Cowan, William............ July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Clough, John............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged September 6, 1864. Crawford, David....d...do..... July 18,'61, 3 ischarged July 20, 1864. Coffee, William.......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1865. Cusey, Hugh............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Cannon, John............do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 30, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 119. Coile, Peter...............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Callaghan, Patrick.....do..... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Cleary, Thomas.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Douglass, James.......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Douglass, William.....do..... Cors, July 6, 1863 Dougherty, John.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1864. Damon, William........do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 27, 1863. Darcy, James............do..... July 17,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Dixon, William........... do Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 27, 1865. Depass, Emanuel J..do..... July 4,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 28th reg. P. V., Sept. 1, 1861. Ensworth, John........do... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Eck, David..............do..... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Eckard, August.......do..... Feb. 28'63, 3 Substitute-mus. outwith company, July 18, 65. Eckard, John A.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Chancellorsvile-disch. July 20, 1864. Eisenberger,Benj F...do..... Ja.. 23,'64, 3 Died June 16, 1864, of wounds received at Lost Mountain, Ga., June 15, 1864. Ellsesor, Alexander...do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 16, 1863. Edwards, Samuel......do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Easterbrook, Wm.....do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 30, 1865. Evans, Thomas..........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ferris, Michael........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Forbes, James...........do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Flynn, Bernard.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11, 1861. Fagan, Terance.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27, 1862. Fallter, Nicholas.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Knap's Pa. Battery, October 26, 1861. Foster, August..........do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 16, 1863. Gerrigan, John..........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Gillmore, Michael....do....Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Gumnivan, Daniel....do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Substitute —nns. out with company, July 18,'65. Gunwinger, Lewis.....do..... July 4,'61, Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 26, 1861. Gillen, Henry...........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 26, 1861. Grant, George............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 26, 1861. Gallagher, Lewis......do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 8, 1864. Gorman, James.........do..... July 4, 61, 3 Died July 15, 1864, of wounds received May 25, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 4 —et. Gilbert, Charles.........do.....July 4,'61, 3 Deserted December 25, 1861. Harman, Paris R.......do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Havens, Richard C...do..... Jan. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Hoffman, Jacob N......do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Henry, Daniel...........do..... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Hicks, Henry...........do..... Sept. 17,'63, 2 Substitute —nus. out with company, July 18,'65. Hollinger, Frank......do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Hess, George............do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Higgins, James.........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23, 1862. Hoovan, Benj. F........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 27, 1863. Horricks, Henry.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 10, 1863. Hicks, Lawrence......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate. March 12, 1863. Hammil, Edward......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Tr. to company K, 28th reg. P. V., Aug. 1, 1861.i Hensill, Samuel.........do.....July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 26, 1861. Havans, Thomas.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 23, 1863. Hartman, John R....d...... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Deserted November 14, 1862. Henry, William........do..... July 27,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Hutchinson, W'm......doo.... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted February 17, 1864-Vet. Harrison, Rob't S......do..... Feb. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 17, 1865. Hone, Levi...............do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Jones, Thomas...........do.. Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Joline, Anthony....... O....do. July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 20, 1862. Kieffer, Stephen........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Kitchen, Edward Y...do.... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Kitchen, Benj. F........do..... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. 470 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER A ARKS. INTO SERVICE. Keeper, Henry....... Private Jan. 30,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Kitchen, Charles.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. Kenney, Thomas.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 8, 1864. Kelley, Edward.......do... d July 4,'61, 3 Deserted October 6, 1862. Kane, William..........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 15, 1865-Vet. Lafferty, Edward......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Lansing, John...........do..... June 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Lane, Thomas............do... June 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Muller, Win. B.........do..... Feb. 24,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Motic, Augustus.......do... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 18,'65. Moore, Lewis............do... Aug. 31,'63, 3 Sub. — ustered out with company, July 18,'65. Mitchell, Samuel M....do..... ar. 17,'623 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20, 1862. Morris, Charles.........do....July 18'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Mills, John...............do...July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 1861. Mullin, James....d...... July 4,'61, 3 Killedat PeachTreeCreek, Ga., July20,'64 —Vet. Mantin, James...........do....July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1861. Morgan, Henry.........do..... July 4,'61, Deserted July 8, 1861. Maguire, Charles......do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 7, 1863. Mullvine, Patrick......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted November 20, 1862. M'Anany, Michael....do.... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. M'Hugh, Michael......d..... Feb. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Devitt, James........do... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. M'Call, Charles.........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Ai'Kenney, Thos........do.....July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Cartney, Michael..do..... July 4,'61, Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 8, 1864. M'Voy, Michael.........do...July 4,'61, Died October 17, 1863-buried at Stone Rivergrave, 24. M'Goldrick, James...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Accidentally killed August 2, 1861. M'Guire, John...........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1861. M'Carty, Lawrence...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. M'Donald, George...... do..... July 4,'61. 3 Deserted February 14, 1864 —Vet. M'Alvoy, James.......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted May 21, 1863. M'Mahon, Michael.....do... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 27, 1865. M'Colough, James.....do..... Jan. 23,'65, 3 Deserted June 30, 1865. M'Donald, William...do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Prisoner from April 1, to May 5, 1865-discharged June 29, 1865. M'Ginnis, William...do.... July 4,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nagle, Stephen D......do.... Feb. 8,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Nicholas, Wm. A......do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Prisoner from April 9, to April 29, 1865-mustered out June 22, 1865. Neal, Thomas J.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 23,'63. Neil, William R........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Opperman, Ernest.....do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 22, 1865. O'Harra, Peter...........do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 27, 1865. O'Mealy, Michael......do.......................... Deserted June 22, 1865. Plumbley, John.........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Paul, Robert S...........do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 18,'65. Petit, Warner............do..... July 4,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. Pascoe, William........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. Patterson, William...do..July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Quinn, John..........do.....o July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Rhodes, William D...do.....Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,1865-Vet. Rhoads, Geo. W........do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Roderbach, B. F........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Renger, William........do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Ross, John, 1st...........do..... Feb. 7,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 18,'65. Ragen, John.............do.... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17, 61. Robertson, Wmn.........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Rofe, William........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 27, 1862. Reed, William.........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Reed, Edward..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville-discharged July 20, 1864. Reany, George..........do..... July 20,'1, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864.. Reamond, Geo. W.....do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Reed, Joseph............do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Ranshagen, Lewis.....do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Rothenberg, Ernest...do..... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Ross, John, 2d...........do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 22, 1865. Riley, Peter...............do.... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Schultz, Elijah L......do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Shaffer, William........do..... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Sheppard, John.........do..Jan. 31, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Shaffer, John....... do.. Feb. 2,'65, 3Sub.-mustered out with company, July 18,'65. Snider, James..........do..... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Subs-mustered out with company, July 18,'65. THREE YEARS7 SERVICE. 471 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER N~C~E. BANK. ^ TE^T ^ F3 IhNTO SERVICE. Snyder, Moses........ Private Jan. 30,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Stanline, Charles.....do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Silver, David.........do............................. Absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, Charles, 2d.....do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Small, James............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, April 10, 1863. Smith, John.............do.....Oct. 7,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Seitz, Henry..............do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Stappleford, Amos.....do..... Aug. 20,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Shoals, Stephen K....do..... Aug. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Shaffer, William........do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-transferred to V. R. C., Nov. 5, 1864. Stradling, Thos. W...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, March 4, 1863. Simenson, John....... do..... July 4,'61, 3 Died July 14, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Scott, Walter..........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted April 27, 1863. Shin, Charles............ do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 17, 1863. Shields, Richard........do..... July 17,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. Smith, Charles, 1st...do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 27, 1863. Smith, William W.....do..... Feb. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 30, 1865. Smith, John, 2d....do..... Jan. 30,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Sterling, John..........do....Feb. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Shaffermire, George...do.....Feb. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Smith, John, 1st.......do..... Jan. 30,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Scott, Anthony.........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thompson, John E...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Trainer, Barnard......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Thompson, Wm. H...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 28, 1861. Witzel, Henry..........do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Wolf, John...............do..... Feb. 28,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Wagner, Henry.........do.... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Wickenhouser, F.....do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Winterbottom, H......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Walton, Joseph.........do.... July 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Waters, Patrick....... do... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1861. Walker, Richard........do.... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted May 5, 1865. Walker, Charles........do.... Feb. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 17, 1865. Waldroff, Levi......do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 9, 1865. White, Charles.........do.....Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 30, 1865. White, Robert S........do.... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Walker, Wm. C........do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1861. Young, Richard........do..... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 6, 1865. Zeller, Henry............ do.. Sept. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 2, 1863. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. W. H. Woodward.. Capt.... July 20,'61, 3 Resigned May 14, 1863. Calvin S. Hartley.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 1863-to Capt., Aug. 5,'63-mus. out with Co.. July 18,'65-Vet. John M. Wolf........ st Lt... July 20,'61, 3 Resigned November 23, 1862. Wm. Reynolds.........do..... April 1,'64, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., April 1, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 12, 1865-Vet. R. R. Hollowell...... 2d Lt... July 20,'61, 3 Resigned September 13, 1863. Charles B. Conn........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Mar. 14, 1863-resigned May 14,'63. James M'Menamin Serg't.. July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Francis Burke..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. John Shawley..........do.... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Wm. H. Harrison...d...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. George W. Lees.........do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 22, 1865. Henry B. Hollowell...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferredto U. S. Marines, Feb. 2, 1863. Allen Rutherford......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. George R. Stevens.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Samuel Hamilton.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 330. Daniel M'Call............do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. John A. Walton.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wn. -. Burke...... Corp.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Francis Remey.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. lBenj. Crosby..........do... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Alex. M. Gilchrist.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. 472 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAIrE, RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE REMARKS. Benj. M'Kinney...Corp.... Nov. 20,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. John Hays.................do.....July 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,J 865-Vet. Michael Levoney...... do.....July 20,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. William Sill.......... do....Feb. 9, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. James Martin............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20. 1864. John Chapman..... [..do July 20, 61, 3 Transferred to V. R.C., Sept. 1, 1863-Vet. James Caskey............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15,'64. Almon Smith...........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Frankford, Pa., February 6, 1863. Wm. Morrison..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Missing in action at Chancellorsville, May 3,'63. Geo. M'Fetridge..... Muc..... July 20,.'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 31,'65-Yet. Alexander, Joseph Private July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 4, 1863. Ager, James..............do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Discharged December 19, 1864. Ash, Thompson M.....do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Austin, James........... do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted September 1, 1864. Annis, George...........do..... Sent. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Arvitt, John..............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1864. Boyer, Josiah...........do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 — Vet. Boyd, Thomas...........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Bergin, Albert.............do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865 —Vet. Barndoff, Adam........do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Braison, William......do..... Feb. 9,'.64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Boyer, John...............do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Barnett, John............do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, Aug. 5, 1865. Brewer, Nicholas...... do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'62. Bomgardner, Wm.....do.....Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'61. Boyd, Thomas M......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Books, Israel....do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Bastin, John.............do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Discharged November 19, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Beath, David..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Regular Army, November 5, 1862. Barkey, George.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Berry, John S... do o... July 20,'61, 3 Died April 7, 1862-buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick. Brady, James A.........doo..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Died July 27, 1864, ofwoundSreceived at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Baker, Daniel............do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 lrafted-deserted January 1, 1864. Beltman, Wm. R......do..... Jan. 3,'65, 3 Substitute —deserted June 12, 1865. Bates, George W........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1864. Borden, Stephen D...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1864. Bercan, Henry...........do..... Feb. 11,'65, 1 Deserted June 27, 1865. Crosby, Solomon........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Carr, Augustus......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Christman, Charles...do..... Sept. 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Clarey, Joseph...........do.... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Sub.-assigned to company, but never reported. Christy, Josiah M......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 22, 1863. Casselburg, Ellis.......do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Cartey, Francis.........do..... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865. Castor, Lewis F.........do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged September 10, 1864. Clark, Thomas........do..... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-disch.. by General Order, June 5, 1864. Carder, Augustin J...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Harper's Ferry, Va., December 22, 1862. Carey, Amos E........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Died May 22, 1865. Crawley, William......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Catlett's Station, Va., April 6, 1862. Casey, Michael..........do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Carroll, William H...do..... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Cargill, David............do..... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Cass, John.................ddo..... April 3,'65, 1 Deserted June 7, 1865. Collins, James..........do..... April 3,'65, 1 Deserted June 7, 1865. Chorpenning,David...do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1864. Connelly, Jos. HI-I......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted January 2, 1864. Clarke, John H.........do..... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 7, 1865. Conway, Peter.............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted March 2, 1864-Vet. Doyle, Daniel............do..... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Sub.-assigned to company, but never reported. Daniels, Joseph.........do..... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Sub.-assigned to company, but never reported. Digney, William.......do..do July 8,'61, 3 Discharged September 10, 1864. DeWitt, William H...do.. July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 31, 1861. Dunn, James...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Ringgold, Ga., November 27, 1863 —buried at Chattanooga-grave, 226. Dolan, William........do..... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 12, 1865. Dunbar, John............do....' Feb. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 12, 1865. Diamond James........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 26, 1861. Dopass, Emanuel J...do..... July 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1863. Edwards, Evan.........do.....Sept. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 22,1865. Eckel, Lewis..... do.....July 20'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Frost, Joseph WV........do. Jan. 20,'65, 3 Sub.-assigned to company, but never reported. Fredcricks, Gco. B.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, July 4, 1862. NA~^. ~' ^ ~'ITO SER-V1o. ~ ___________________, _____o _____________ I _ _________ ____........ _._._.[ _______________'erry, 3ohn R....... Private July 20,'61, 8 Discharged on Surgeon's certificat% Dec. 8,'62. gilbert, George..........do.... July 20,'61,'3 Discharged July 20, 1864. infrock, Jereniah.A.do._.. July 20,'61, 8 Discharged July 20, 1864. 1'ulton- Edward.,...... do...., Feb. 6G, I Dschhargedon SurgeoI's certificate, Oct. 2b,'63, roley, John...............-do.... July 1I, 63, 3 Drtaed —died at Washington, Nov. 15,.1863. Tullerton, James 3...d,...... July -20'61, 3 Captured April 4, 1862 —-discharged May-24 1862 Faulkner-, Jdhn...,...do,. 1d, I 8, 8 Deserted Ju'teo 1, 186e. tinman, Williara... do..... July 20,,'61, 3Not 0o11n Inte1 0out roll. Goodwin, George,.... do..... Feb. 5,'65, I Mustered out With company, July 18, 1865. xGregory, WmH I...d..... Feb.'9,'65 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 18,'65. Uxoodw4n, George,.......d,..... -Juy 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. allagher, Jon........do..... July 20, Discarged -n Surgeons certificate, NxoV% 18, 6h1, Goodwin, Charles....d..o.... Nov. 14,'61 3; D'schargedon.Surgeon' s certificate, Nov. 25,'62. ood, John H...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 ischargedonSurgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1853. VGordon, Wm. T.........do.,... July 20'61., 3 Disciaged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, 1862. Graham, John.-...2.....o... July 20, )61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificat6e Dec. 1, 1861.'allagh 11 enry.-..;...do.... Sepl. 1,'61 3, Transferred to Vet fRes,'Corps) Jane 1i,'65 —Vdt,'Gallagher, John.........do..... April 8, 65, DesertedJune7 186 l&lamill, Edward...,..do..... July 20,'61, 31 Musteredout With company, July 18, 1865 —Vet IHawn, Gabrtiel.........do.... eb. 9, 64, 8 Mustered out with company. July 18, 1865. lHarding, Jamso.....d o... 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. -21,'68 HIanlon, George........ o...d.. July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'63..umes, H-. A. IB3.....dI...... Aug. 6 1 2, 362, Dlscharged-on Surgeon"s certificate April 5,'63. Helviestoa, iAlex.,....-do-... OJuly 20,'61 3: Discharged-on Surgeon':s certificate Dec, 17.,'62 Jess, Frederick W d...So.... Sept, -5, 63, 3' Drafted —-discharged by G:O., May 29, 1865. }Iickey, John,.......o.....d Jly 27,'6, Drafed-discharged by.., M 22 186. Hilt, David B..........do.... July'20, 61, 31 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, July 21, 1861. iTazard, Jam'e.J........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died July 16, 1864, of wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864 —Vet. REainu-es, George.. do.....- N-ov. 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam) September 17, 1862 Illarrasgon, James.....do..... July 20,'61, 3; Died-at Frankfcrd, Pa., Die ember 1, 1862-. HIoover, Ludwig.....d...d.. Sept. 7,'3, 3 Drafted-died at Wauhatchie, Tenn November 22, 1863. Huffman, Peter..... do. Feb. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 27, 1865. I-lanley,J n.J.o. do............do. u, uly 20, )61, 31 Not on muster-out roll. Hartley, Michael.....do......I Mar, 4,'65, 1' Deserted June 7, 1865.:inglesbyl,'Thomas..... do. July 20, 61, 3 Discha~rged on Surg. certificate, May'9,'6 — Vet Johnson, James........do..... Feb. 7, 65, 3i Sub. —assigned to company, but never reported, Jones, John J.u.........o... July 20, 1, 3? Tr. to company D, 28th reg. P. V., Jan. 25, 1862, Jackspie, -John........... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted —died at Tullahoma, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1863. Johnson, George.......do....! July 1 6, 3 Drafted —deerted October 1, 1863. Kelley, George........d. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out With company; Ju.ly 18i 1865. Iling, Solomon....... do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 MuStered out with compahy, July 18, 1865. Xelley, Edward......do.... o Feb 85,'6,' 3: Sub.-assigned to company, but,never reported. (eilig, F'ederick..tio,..... July 20), 61 3 Dischargedo n Surgeon'scertificate, Nov, 18,'61. Keller,'George W.....do..... Jul 2 61 3. Discharged July 20, 1864. ~ephart, Wilia.m.....do... July 20'61, 3 Itilled at Mill Spring Gap, Ga., May 8'64 —Vet, lKuhn, Charles........do..,.. Jan. 22, )62, 3 Died January 9, 1863-'-bur-ied at Military Asylum Cemetery, ID) C, Raliback-, Danniel,,...do...... Ja.. 2,'62, 3 Deserted March 7, 1864 err, Orange G.......... Ag. 18 64) - 3Discharged by General Order, Sept. 19, 1865.'King, Thomas.............. Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out With company) July 18, 1865. IKaliback, David...do... JuIly 20, 1, 3 Deserted September 17. 1863. Licker, 0Solo0on..,,, 1. do.. -No.v. 28 o'64, 1 AsIgned to company but never reported..Laukhuiff, E sas.a.....do...i Feb; 1,'6 1 Sub,-assigned to company, but ne'ver reported. Lyons, John...,,......,do.... Feb. 4,'6,~ 3 Sub. —asgig ed to compaahy, but never reported. Lutier. John................ Spt 20,'61 3 Discharged on Surgen's certificate) Dec. 8,'63. Laconia, Wade.,....... July 2,'61, 3 Discharged en Surgeon's certificate, June 11,'64. Lott, George..... do... July 20,'61,: 3t Dicharged on SurgeonA certificate, NoV. 18,'61, Lemon) Stephen D ii...d6...,. Sept. 4, 8 3 Drai'ted —-disch. on Surg. certificate, Dec. 14,'63. Loudenschlayer, J...,.do..... Feb. 8'6, 38 Drafteti —disoharged by G, O.~ JUne 24, 1865 Lawrence, Geo. HI.....(d.... Feb. 1%'65, 3, Substitute —del.erted July 13, 1865. MIonaghana, Peter,...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Middl-eton, James....,.d...... Feb. 1)'65, 1 iMustered out with compahy, July 18 1865, -Mellinger, Joseph.....do..... 164eb 3 Discharged by General Order, May 27, 1865 -Miller, Wesley A.... d.....,, Feb., 64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out.:Mifflin, Win. L.... do.... Jan 16, 6, 3. Sui-b. —asigaed to compsny, but e:eVer reported. Martin,!William.....'.do..., Feb. 6,'65, 3 SUb.-assigned to coinpany, but never reported. 3Viartin, Elias.....d...,,.... July 20,'61, 8: Dicharged oh Surgeon's certificate, Mar, 9,'63. Myher, Joseph........d..... 2 Oct. 22'1, 3 Discharged on Suargeon's ctificate, June 1,'62. Miller, Robert......do.....- eb. B', 8 iseharged on Surgeon's certificate-, Mar. 18,'65, -Milligan, James 8...do. Feb. 1,', i I)sharged by General Order, July 6, 1865. Moaghati, Thos....do..... Feb. I.' 1.Discharged by Goneral Order, June 28, 1865. Madden) Jamies....do.... v Aug.'1 S 1_illd at Aitletafm) Md., September 17) 18C6 Marks, inEmanuel.,....do -......v, W'0. 1, l ed at Rectorftwn V.a. June 23, 1i842 Mak,.... 474 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, ~NAME. vHKi. DATE OF MUSTER EM INTO SERVICE. 1 EM. PI Murr__________ -___.__ _.__._._.__.. -____ —.. Murray, David....... Private Mar. 4,'65, 1 Deserted June 7, 1865. Murphy, John...........do.....Sept. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Moore, William........do..... Feb. 8,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Martin, Leon............do.... July 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mullin, William.......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Neil, Archibald.....do... Aug. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. M'Cann, John............do..Feb. 2,'65,3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. M'Devitt, Patrick......do..... Feb. 1,'65, 3Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. M'Kanna, James......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. M'Cully, John...........do..... July 20,'61,3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 31, 1861, M'Cleary, Hugh........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Connell, Wm........do..... do Mar. 1,'65,3 Deserted June 7, 1865. M'Ginley, James.......do.... Mar. 2,'65, Deserted June 7, 1865. M'Nee, Thomas.........do... Mar. 2,'65, Deserted June 7, 1865. M'Glinchey, Thos......do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Deserted July 13, 1865. M'Conn, Richard......do..... Mar. 1,'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Naylor, Benjamin......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'61 Nelson, Charles R.....do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged April 6, 1865. Nicholson, Jno. P......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, July 21,'61, Norris, Thomas........do..... Feb. 1,'65, Not on muster-out roll. Oultin, Joseph...........do.. Nov.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. Orr, James.............. do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 23, 1861. O'Donnell, William....do..... April 5,'651 Discharged June 20, 1865. Pomeroy, Isaac.........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Plotts, Wheeler H.....do.... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Powell, John...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62, rice, Patrick F......do..... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Deserted June 7, 1865. Rhoads, Adam.......... do.....Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Russum, Thomas.. d..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'61. Roney, William...'.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'62. Reese, Martin V........do..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Robinson, William...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Raganf John..............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died June 1, 1865-buried in National CemeteryArlington-Vet. Ray, James...............do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek,Ga.,July20,'64 —Vet Shanley, Abraham...do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sinkler, Geo........ do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Smitley, Joseph........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company,: July 18, 1865. Sincely, George........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Shivier, Jaqob S........do..... Feb. 8,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Scully, Patrick H......do,.... Jan 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. Smith, John..............do..... Feb. 4,'65, 3 Sub-assigned to company, but never reported. Schmidt, Chas. H......do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8, 1862. Stafford, John............do..... July 20,'61, 3Discharged July 20, 1864. Swope, George E.......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3Discharged September 10, 1864. Smith, Augaustus.... do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Discharged December 10, 1864. Shaw, John............do..... June 364 Discharged by General Order,'Jun 9, 1865. Spitzer, William.....do.... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June21,'65. Shelling, Enan'l R..do....Mar. 9,'65, Sub.-discharged by General Order, June21,'65 Smith, Michael.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, July 21, 1861. Scott, John...............do.... Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Smith, John L..........do.... Feb. 1,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 12, 1865. Smith, George...........do.... eb. 5'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Stewart, Henry.......do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Desorted July 13, 1865. Tyler, Henry G........do..... July 20,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov, 10,'61. Thomas, Richard......do... Oct. 14,'64, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Taylor, Robert...........do... Nov. 14, 64, 1 Sub. —discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Turner, Thomas........do..... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65 Trice, Joseph A.........do.... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Treinan, Richard......do... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Trieux, Richard.........do. Mar. 9,'65, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Thomas, John..........do... Sept. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-died May 6,'65, at David's Island, N. Y. Teills, Henry............do.... July 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Upham, Warren A...do... Aug. 9,'64, 1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. Vandegrift, Jesse...... do..... July 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Vandegrift, Wm.......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Vandegrift, Levi........do d.. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'61. Vandegrift, James.....do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Wright, John..........do.... July 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18,'65-Vet. Williamson, Wm......do.., Feb. 8,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 18, 1865. Williams, John........do.....Feb. 4,'65. 3 Sub.-discharged by General Order, May 24,'65. Wilson, John............do..Feb. 9,'65, 3 Sub.-assigned to company, but never reported. Welsh, William.......do..July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'61. Wallace, James do............ Nov. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'63. Walker, George W...do.... Oct. 7,'64,1 Sub.-discharged by General Order, June 21,'65. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 475 NAME. RANK. DATE OFUSERVCE REMARKS. INTOSERVICE.. Wolf, Austin M...... Private July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Louisville, Ky., Jan. 2, 1864-Vet. White, James..........do.....Sept. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted October 1, 1863. Woodberry, Wm.....c..... Feb. 10, 65, Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Welsh, Harrison........do....Feb. 12, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order. May 24, 1865. Young, Montreville...do..... 4,'65, 1 Prisoner from April 9, to April 29, 1865ji~~~ ~discharged June 27, 1865. ~Ziline, Henry.........o...d.. No. 20,'61, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet..ZimnmermanNiclh's..do..... Sept. 6,'63, Deserted September 15, 1863. 1COMPANY L. RECRUITED IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY. James Barr............ Capt.... July 20,'61, 3 Resigned July 20, 1862. Joseph M. Knap..... 1st Lt.. July 20,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 1, 1861, to accept Captaincy of Independent BatteryE, Pa. Artillery. John C. Heazlett.... 2d Lt.. July 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. George Seip............ 1st Sgt.. July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'62. Alex'rA. Black..... Serg't.. July 20,'61, 3Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862..Robert R. Smith.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1832. Hiram F. Ely............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Jesse M'Haffie................ July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.'Benjamin S. Conkle Corp.... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John Strain...............do.....Aug. 5,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Leander A. Robb......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Wd. with loss of leg, at'Antietam, Sept. 17,'62tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862..George Penn.............d..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Henry B. Comer........ July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 John M'Caffrey........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 Wm. G. Anderson.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Mahlon Ewing.........do..... July 20,'61, 3.Tr. to companyA, 147thireg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Jenry Hanna....... Muc..... July 20,'61, 3Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Anderson, William Private July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.:Aiken, David............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Andre, Charles.........do... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., O.t. 28, 1862. Baine, George............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Blackhead, Adam......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Bailey, Alvin M...do... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Brooks, Edward........do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll.' Buchanan, George.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. 3enner, Henry Z.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Burns, John.............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bastian, Henry........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll. BrinkermanHenry...do..... July 20,'61 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cunliffe, John-......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Coe, Boyd.........do..... do July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cronan, Patrick F......do.....July 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Copeland, George B...do.... July 20,'61 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Cautlin, Willia H...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Coil, John F.............do..... July 20,'61,3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Davis, John.............do..... July 20,'61 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Di, Robert W..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Divine, John............do.... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Dibel, George T........do..... Aug. 22, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dalby, Mark..... do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company M, 28th reg. P.V.-dateunknown. Eccles, Samuel........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V.., Oct. 28, 1862. Emme, DanielH.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Evans, Benjamin.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Forsyth, Thomas.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Friend, Conrad.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Fickling, Michael......do..... July 20,61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fickling, Henry.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Fillmuth, Christian...do... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V. Oct. 28, 1862. Graham, Joseph.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gibson, Edward.......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Heckel, Adam.......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hill, Richard..........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Horback, Jas. B.O...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hellerman, Thomas..do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to companyA, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Helverson, Jacob...do. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henry, Richard...... do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861 476B TWENTYT-IGTHTl REGIIMET,. DAM'r OrF TJUSTER'AMSIt. a;E I iTO SERVI F.: i!,,.,' _. __~ Hart, Joh............. Private July 20, 061, 3 Tr. to company A,, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Johnson, WiIliam.....o.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones. WiVritam-~ L......... July 20,% 6 1 3a T r.;to company A, 147th reg. P.. V., Oet. 28, I862. Jones, Andrew W.. do F..... July 20,'61, 6 t L'r. to eompany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kesler. John.......... do.. July 20, 61, a3 TI. tocompany A,, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, Kennedy, Joseph........d.. July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to eompany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, Kair, Charles..... do..... July 20,'61, T Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Laughlin, Chas. B......do.. July 20,, 61, S Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V.,Oct. 28 1862. Lehmartn, Gottlieb...do... Jul 20,'61, 3' Tr. tocompany-, 147th reg. P V., Oct. 28, 1862. LowryThTboas........ July 20, 61, S Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1862-transferre....',: ~ eompany A,. to 147thl reg. P. V., Oct 28, 1862. Lewis, Francis......... Aug. 5,'61, Not on uuster-out rpll. Lucas J es......... July 20, J.61, 3.'r.. taocompany A, 147th reg. P. V, Oct. 28, 1862. Lutz, George..,..do...... July 20,'61, Tr. to conmpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Miley,. Samuel............ X. July 20,'61, 3 Tr. tto company A. 147th reg. P. V.., Oct.. 28,1862, Maloney, Willia.....do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. BatteryF Oct. 5 1861.. MarshaPl.John............do.. July 27,'61, Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862.. Mattsor. Wiliam.......do..... July 30, 61, 3 Trans-eirrec,to tL., S Army, Aug. 27, 1862. Malone,. Geo. T............. July 20,,61. 3P T. to.coInpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct; 28, 1862. Madde, Joseph.........do... Aug. 3,'1, S Tr. to company IK,28th reg.r P. V., Sept. 10,1861. Machall, James..........do... July 20,'61, 3 Tr, to. company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct.2S, 1862. M'Hafife, Hiram............... July 20, 1 T.r toecomnpalny A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. M'Kenney, Tho s........................... Not on muster-out roll. iM'Laughhtin, W......do..... July 20p'61, 3 Tr. to omnpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862; Newton, Robert....,...do..... July 20, 61, a61 3 Tr to eorpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Parks, Haugh.............do.....July (20,' 1r Tr. tocompa-ny A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Peppard, Rich'd W...do.... July 24,'61, 3 Tr; to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Peak,. Edwuard r I....do..... July -20,'61 3 Not, on muster-out roll. Pott^, Alfred.........do..... July 20,'61, Tr. to eoInpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 Ra.mbo, Samuel..........do. July 20'6, 3 Not, on muster-out roll. Reeves, Christia..do.... July 20, "61, 3 r. to company A, 147th reg. P. V.,. Oct. 2, 1862. Stedman, Wm,. do...... July 201, 31 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P.. V. Oct,28, 1862. Slatter, Frederick.....do..... July 23'61 3 Tr. to eompany A, 147th reg. P. V. Oct. 28, 1862. Simpson, Leon'd C...do.....July 20'61, Tr. to campany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Smith, Robert C........do..... July 20,'061, 3Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P.- V.., Oct. 28,1862. Seville, Chas.. R. do..... July 20, 1. Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Short, Charles E -... d....... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Sands, William..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V.,t Oct. 28, 1862. Shultz, Wmi. H.........do..... Aug. 5,'61, Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Shephard, William,...da..... July 20,.'61, Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Saylor, Geo. W.........do..... July 20,'61, Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V. Oct. 28, 1862. Salsburg, And'w J...do,..... July 20(,'61, Tr. to cotmpany D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Shatt, Jacob.............. do.... July 20, 61, 3Tr. to, company A, 147th reg.. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Seip, Henry......do.... July 20, "1,; T'r. to company A 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, Peter H...do...... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr.. to company A 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, Thos. R.........do.... July 20,,'61, Tr. to comlpany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, George W.....do..... July 20, "61, 3 Tr. to. company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 Thomas, Nath'l B....do.....July 20,'61, 3 Tr. tocompanyA, 147th reg. P. V.,Oct.28,1862. Thornton, John do........do Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V.,Oct.. 28, 1862. Tatem, Thos. M..........d...A.. u Ag. 22,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ulmer, Nathan H......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Van Kirk, And. G.....do.....July 30, 61, 3 Tr. to eompany A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Wolf, Milton..........do.'July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg.. V.,. 281862. Ward, Thomas;..........do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P, V. Oct. 28, 1862Waterman, Wm. B...do...... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company A; 147th reg. P. V.,, Oct. 28,1862. COMPANY M. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Henry H. Wilson... Capt.... Sept. 61, 61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Clem't Tingley, Jr.. 1st Lt. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Win. E. Goodman.....do.... Sept. 6, 61, Sa Promoted from 2d to 1st LieutenantNov. 1,'61tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. James R. Stanley... 2d Lt... Aug. 23, t'61, Pr. from 1st Sgt.. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1, 1861-tr. to company D, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wm. H Hughes...... lstSgt. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 1,'61-to Sgt., Nov. 1,'61-tr. to company D, 147th, reg. P. V, Oct. 28, 1862. Joseph Goodman.... Serg't.. Dee. 13,'61, 3. Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wm. H. H.'Fithian do.... Aug. 23,'61, Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-to Sgt., April 1, 1862tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V.. Oct. 28, 1862Z THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 477 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. 1 John Heller............ Serg't.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wim. H. Black........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to cQompany D, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henry Carse.............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to company D, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. David Rnambo.. Co......... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'61. Frank Stanley..........d.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Alfred G. Corbit.....'...do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John W. Miles.............. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V_. Oct. 28, 1862. John Harkenroad......do...Aug. A.23,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862-transferred to ij)~~ | company B, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Joel J. Hertzog.......'.do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Daniel M'Namara.......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 30, 1862-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. James Barr.......'...do... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Reduced November 1, 1861-transferred to comjoa. Br.o.u2',pany D, 147th regiment P. V., October 28, 1862. Thoas C. Baker......do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to company D, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Charles E. Parker..l Muc.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Willianl Costello....'..do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Amey, Abr'm B.... Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company 1), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bartle, George,.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Baker, Jacob F.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bakenkamp, Chas..'...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Reduced from Cor., Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to I(! tl.company D, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bunting, Lewis........do... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bayard, Edwin.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to conpany D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bruce, Charles K...l...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Corbit, WVm. S........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1865. Cook, Frank..... d.... o.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1861. Crawford, Chas C..'...do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Casner, Wm. F......'...do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 r. to company ), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Clark, Amos..............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Charlton, Lemuel...'...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Copeland, George B...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Drumel, Theodore-.... do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dalby, Mark..............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dormon, George.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Davis, Levi............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dumock, Zadoc.........do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Derr, George.......... do..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1861. Divine, John...........do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Elliot, Henry.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Evans, Benjamin....1...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28 1862. Feyh], Wilia.. do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V. Oct. 28, 1862. Fisher, Jeremiah......do... Aug. 23, 61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ferguson, Alex.........do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gore, Thomas J.........do Aug.23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Goodwin, Theodore..do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gibson, Wm. H..........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Hickey, Henry......1...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henry, Charles P......do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hilt, Isaac................do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henry, George..........do..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hilber, Andrew........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Idell, William K......do..:.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kline, Christian.....I...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Keys, William.......1...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Leitch, Charles.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lewis, John..............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Leech, Henry..........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Loback, Andrew J...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Locke, Edward F... I...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1861. Locke, Hildeburn...i...do.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lawson, John.. do....... do Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Elroy, Hugh......I do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Curdy, James.......do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Vaugh, James....1...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. l'Carty, Daniel.....1...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Myers, John.............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 3d U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Mehaney, James....1...do.....Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Morningstar, John.....do.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Morgan, Thomas....I..do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Morgan, Wm. H.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Myer, Charles A.....'...do..... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1861. 478 TWENTY-EIGHTH REBGIMENT, NAME. AN REMARKS. ~NAM. | |N. INTO SERIVIC'E. j RARKS. _1 _-I Maloney, Sam'l C... Private Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Maxwell, Curtis P..y........ Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V.. Oct. 28, 1862. Nice. Henry..............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Oliver, Aaron R.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company I), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Pratt, John W....o........o Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Peacock, James.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Potts, Alfred............lo..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Pierce, Lewis D do Aug. 2' Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. ~Piaerse, T.eis H........ do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Patterson, Willi...... do.... S. 3,'61, 31 Tr. to company ), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Randall, William......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Riley, EdwaLrd....... I do...d... Sept. 6,9-61 13 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ring, Michael...........do..... Spt. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 1-7th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. tRanch, D)aniel..........do... Sept. 6,'61, 131 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Roberts, William LI...o..... Sept. 6, 1, 31 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Stephens, Geo. L. F...do Aug. 23, 61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Sharpley, Israel R... do.... Aug. 23, 61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Schaffer, Lewis.........do..... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Missing in action at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-tr. I*| ~ ~ ~ ~ to company 1), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Shaw, George W.....!...do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, mWiiam - F.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3! Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, ~Smith, Charles W...I....do..... Sept. 6, 6,3' Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Summers, George...d.....do Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg.. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Salsburg,Andrew J..do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3: Tr. to company 1), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Tinley, -I h l..........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Tyson, Joseph..........'.do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Torode, John H.........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Weston, John............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. tocompany 1), 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Webster, William.....do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ward, James F.............. Sept. 6, 61, Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Wheeler, Edward...!... |do..... Sept. 6,'61 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Woodrow, Benj.........do. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Winter, Thomas E.....do Aug. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg.. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wheeland, Conrad.....do... Aug. 23,'61 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Watson, Rud'h J. S...do Aug. 23, 61, 3: Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Weaver, John............do Aug. 23,'61, 3, Died at Frederick, Md., February 26, 1862.'Zepler, George H......do Sept. 6.'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.' COMPANY N. RECRUITED IN LUZERNE COUNTY. John Craig............. Capt..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Patrick J. Hughes.. 1st Lt... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Resigned December 16, 1861. Calvin Pardee............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Dec. 20,'61-transferred to company C, 147th reg. P.V., Oct. 28,'62. Hugh Hyndman..... 2d Lt.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., December 20, 1861-died February 14, 1862. -Nicholas lace........ do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., February 17, 1862 —tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. David Bryan.......... Serg't. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., February 16, 1862 —transferred [ to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John Kindland.........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Reduced January 1, 1862-transferred to company C, 147th regiment, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.'John I. Kentz.......do.....Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Alexander Youngst...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Samuel Henry..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., February 14, 1862-tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John Grubb........... Corp.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Joseph Linsey..........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Owen M'Govern.........do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John O'Connor.....do Aug. 20,'61, 33 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Alfred Reiley...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.'Villiam T. West.......do Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Emmnett Sayres.....'...do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted.to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1862-transferred to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.'New'n F. Dunham.. Muc.... Aug. 0,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Austin, Samuel K.. Private Aug. 20,'61, 2 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.'Altmiller, John.........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. ~Burns, John..... do....... Aug. 20,'61, 3. Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bloomey, Henry.....o..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Brown, Peter..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, Tr. to company C, 147th reg, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 479 RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. Ndl$, nNAME. INTO SERVICE. I, Bennett, Eugene.... Private Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 Bishop, Peter............do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Black, Thomas B......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Butler, William.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bahr, David............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Carpenter, Jesse B.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dolan, Bryan...........do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Drum, Charles,.....o... Aug. 26, 61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. De Roemer, Russell...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Drumheller, Jacob...do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dowda, Robert O...do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Edgar, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Edwards, Chas....d.....do Aug. 20.'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Eddinger, Wm. A.....do. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Farrow, William......... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Farmer, William......do.. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Faux, Cyrus B.......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Frede rick, Lands.....do..... Aug. 26, 61, 36 Deserted February 15, 1862. Greea, Aaron............do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Glace, Sidney W.......do..... Aug. 26,'61, Tr. to dompany C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Green, Andrew Y......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferredto Knap's. Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Hamilton, James......do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Harris, Aaron...........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hughes, George.........do...Aug. 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hartman, Henry.......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hoover, John........... do... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Jacobs, John.............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Knopenberger, C......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kuntzman, Jacob......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kentz, Warner.........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kemberling, Gus......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kresze, Andrew...do...... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kresze, Paulin.........do... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kern, William.........do... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12,'62. King, Josiah E.........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kemeron, Geo. W.....do...Aug. S0,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lewis, John..............do Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. M'Donald, Hugh.......do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1832. M'Kinley, John........ do.. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Cormick, John......do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Laughlin, Patr'k...do.. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Murtrie, Obed.......do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. May, Samuel F.......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Martin, Daniel..........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Moy, John................do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'61. Major, William.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Miller, Hiram S........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Mellick, Nelson....o...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Machessut, Israel......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Oberander, Edward...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Pryor, Jesse..............do.. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1882. Powell, John............do. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ruty, Lewis...........do Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 29, 1861. Rough, Samuel.........do. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Reese, Shadrack........do...Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Rutledge, John.........do.....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Root, James H.........do. Aeg. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Stookey, Samuel........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Smith, Owen.............do.....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, James............do.....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Spader, George........d..... d Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Smith, Archibed W...do..... Aug. 20'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 29, 1861. Schnar, Lewis...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Sebias, Philip.........do Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sower, John...............do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Swank, Daniel........... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Died at Point of Rocks, Md., October 14, 1861. Steinmetz, William...do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Searles, George..do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Schooley, Edward....do.Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Treble, Edward....;..do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Tanner, William........do..... ug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. I'. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Van Sickle, JosephL....do Aug. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeor's certificate, Jan. 20,'62. Wittick, Willia......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged April 24, 1862, for wounds received at Berlin, Md., December 14, 1861. 480 TWENTY-EIGHTIH REGIMENT NKAME~ ~ RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMAR BLANK. AgINTO SERVICE. T REMARKS. WN Winget, James...... Private Aug. 20, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'61. Warren, John........d....... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Webster, Robert........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Williams, August......do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Youngst, Johnl......... Aug. 0,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Zacharias, William...do..... Aug. 26, 61, 3 Tr. to company C, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. COMPANY 0. RECRUITED AT HUNTINGDON. Geo. F. M'Cabe....... Capt.... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. J. Addison Moore...... Ist Lt... Aug. 17,'6, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. A. H. W. Creigh..... 2d Lt. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wi. W. Willett..... 1st Sgt Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. R. E. Thompson.... Serg't.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. S. S. De; enlbaugh...do...Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862.. M. M. Vandevander..do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wmin..Gtazier........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Edwin M'Cabe........do. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., January 1, 1862-transferred to company B, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. James Moore.......... Corp.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. David Heffner...........d.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Thomas Keegan........do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Wilkins Briggs...........do Aug. 17,'61, 3 Reduced October 17, 1861-transferred to comr pany B, 147th regiment P. V., October 28, 1862. Jo'?n Withercrpoon........do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Samuel Rirard............ do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Reduced February 28, 1862-transferred to company B, 147th regiment P. V., October 28, 1862. John Donohue..........do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John Shoemaker........d..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 28, 1862-transferred to company B, 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Jacob M'Call......... Muc..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Josiah M. Funk.....do......... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Barber, Alex. H..... Private Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Barr, John.............. do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'61. Brown, Asel..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bowersox, Geo. W.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Black, William H......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Bruce, Charles...........d... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Baker, Ephraim........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Brown, Washingt'n...do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28,1862. Bard, Thomas...........do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Clark, Benj. F........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cannon, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-transferred to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cane, William...........do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cronan, Dennis......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Copeland, W. P.........do..Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Crossart, Win. H......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Cedars, Joseph......do...... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Clark, Amos A.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Corbin, Matthew.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Corbin, Washingt'n...do...Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr to company 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dambuskey, H........do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Davis, James W........do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wd., witn loss of leg, at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62tr. to company B, 147th rcg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Dufly, John P......... do.. Aug. 17,'61, Wd., with loss of leg, at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 23, 1862. Dittus, George W......do..... Aug. 17,'51, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Farraday, Thomas..:..do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Griffin, Thomas...... do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gibson, William H...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Green, James A........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B3, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Herskey, Frederick..do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hoffman, John..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hinchman, Isaac......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hughes, W. H.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1861o", O tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henkleroad, J. Wa...do...... Aug. 17,'61, 1 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 481 DATE OF MUSTER RMAKS. NAMIE. RANK.INTO SERVICE. 4 Hughes, James......Private Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Jones, Richard..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1.862. Jones, David M........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Johnson, Thomas......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 10, 1862-reduced May 10, 1862tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Johns, Jesse.............. do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Septemiber 17, 1862. Kearney, Michael......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Klepser, Andrew J...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Lowery, Samuel......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P, V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lowery, David..........do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lamp, David.....do.....do Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Leighty, George........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1861. Long, William H......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th. reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Murtin, John H.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company-, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Marks, Benjamin F...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862..Mogle,: Adam.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V,, Oct. 28, 1862. Miles, Albert............do..... Aug; 17, 61 3 Tr. to companyB, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Morgan, Adam......... do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Maxwell, Curtis........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Maloney, Sam'l C......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, Murphy, James.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 8 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 23, 1862, Mehan, Matthew.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V.', Oct. 28, 1862. Miorgan, Thcmas.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Morningstar, John.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-tr. to com-r pany B, 147th regiment P. V., October 28, 1862. M'Ray, Jacob............do,.... Aug, 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Laughlin, Neal..... do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Cullen,.Alex......... do..... Aug, 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, MV'Av7t, William......do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. M'Carron, Edwin......do.,... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1861. Neally, David............do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company-, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. O'lNeal, James.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Phillips, James........do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Knap's Pa. Battery, Oct. 5, 1861. Patterson, Wmin. H.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Paulding, Worth'n...do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Richards, T. H,.......do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Roupe, Thomas........do..,.. Aug, 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Riley, John............... do,.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Rankin, William.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct, 28, 1862. Robinson, Edward.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'~ certificate, June 30,'62. Smiley, Wm. A.......do,.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V.,'Oct, 28, 1862. Sutherland, James..... do,.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company 1, 147th reg. P. V., Oct, 28, 1862. Scott, Adam..............do.... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V,, Oct. 28, 1862. Sneath, George C......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Linden,:Va., May 15, 1862. Shinn, William.................. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th'reg. P. V.,Oct. 28, 1862. Snyder, John............do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Snyder, Geo..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Tillotson, John.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26,'61. Taylor, Solomoen S,....do.. Aug. 17,'61, 8 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Teeter, Samuel..... do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B,' 147th.reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Thorance, Joseph......do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Thompson, Wm. fM...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company 3, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Thomas, Jacob...........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1861. Turley, Hugh............do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Tobias, Calvin.......do...;.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, Tolan, James.............do..... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'61, Witherspoon, Wm.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Williams, Richard....do.:... Aug. i7,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-tr. tocom. pany B, 147th regiment P. V., October 28,'1862.'WVilson, Hugh...........do. A-pg. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wineburg, John H...do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct, 28, 1862, Weav'er,.ohn V........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., February 26, 186.'' ---- -.^. -.... ~~" ~~ ~....... COMPANY P. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Ashton, Tourison Cgpt.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Win. J. Mackey.... lst tI... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Samuel Goodman... 2dLt... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. and Adj. 28th reg.P. V., Nov. 13,'61. Wm. H. T(urison....:.d. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Nov. 11, 1861-tr. to 61. "'........... company E, 147th regiment P, V,, Oct. 28, 1862. 61' 482 TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. W John S. Larenberg.. Ist Sgt. Oct. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Nov. 11, 1861-transferred to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John Q. Mercer....... Serg't.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Henry M. Quirk........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John W. Parks..........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. William Batton.........do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 11, 1861-transferred to company E, 146th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. John W. Davidson.. Corp.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. William Ferry...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. William F. Chappel...do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Samuel C. Reily........do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Elmer A.Haines.......do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Geo. F. Baughman...do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P, V., Oct. 28,1862. Chas. E. Wilkinson..do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Francis E. Riley... Muc.... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. William C. Taylor.....do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., July 19, 1862. Ayres, Geo. W., Jr Private Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862 Artlip, GeorgeM........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Arnold, Jacob.........do.... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Ayres, William........do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Babcock, Peter J......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Barlow, WilliamJ.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted September 23, 1861. Broadlix, George.......do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 30, 1862. Barnard, Charles 1...do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Costello, Charles....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died September 19, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Clark, Evan T...........do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Clark, William M....do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Coggins, EdwardH...do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Died September 21, 1862. of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Carey, Michael..........do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Curran, James W.....do..... Oct. 10,'61, Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. -Davis, Thomas..........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Didier, Henry M........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Erwin, Charles..........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted September 13, 1861. Evans, WilliamM......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Flood, Edward..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Ford, Jesse B...........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V, Oct. 28, 1862. Fisher, Daniel...........do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P.'V., Oct. 28, 1862. Fetters, Henry..........do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Forbes, John........do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Fetters, David...........do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Greaves, Carulus......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Garlick, George........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gilbert, Mifflin...d..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Gordon, John............do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 7, 1861. Hart, Samuel J........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Hansberry, Wm........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Helverson, Alex'r......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Hoffman, Gustavus...do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862.. Hart, Thomas..........do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Irwin, Robert............do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Deserted October 12, 1861. Irwin, George W......do..... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Jones, John..............do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg, P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Kiple, Jacob..............do.... Sept. 13,'61 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. King, Samuel...........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Killmartin, James...do..... Oct. 12, 61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct 28, 1862. Long, Philip............. do.... Sept. 23, 61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Lee, James L...........do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct, 28, 1862. Ledger, William.........O.... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Layton, George..........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, Leler, William.......do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Mullen, Robert -M......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antictam, Sept. 17, 1862. Mullen, Samuel P.......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. fiorris, John. d............do..Oct. 8,'61, -3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862, JMorgan, John....,,.do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. iMyers, -Willia"m M. do..... Oct, 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. -tArthur, Thomas..:do... Sept, 20'61 3 Died at Frederick, Md., February 28, 1862. M'Gucken, Andrew...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted September 23. 1861. Prince, Albeit T........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died near Culpepper, Va., August 9, 1862. Purvis, Hugli............do Sept. 20,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 147th reg. P. V., Oct.. 28, 1862. Pickel, JohnM...........d..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Quigley, Henry W..;.do.....I Oct. 11,'61, Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Roe, Edward.........do..... Sept. 13,'61,'3 Discharged December 28, 1861. Rianhard, John.........do.... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Died at Harper's Ferry, Va. March 27, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 483 DATE OF MUSTER EE S. INTO SERVICE..I Rianhard, Edward Private Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ramson, Derrick.......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Rymond, William.....do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Ramsden, John W.....do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Scott, John B., Jr......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Salsberry, Abrah'm...do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. 8chaffer, Edward......do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Spicer, Abraham......do..... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Smith, George B...... do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Died at Milford, Delaware, 1862. 8loanacker, G. W....d..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Died Sept. 19, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Tlrwiler, Benjamin...do........................ Transferred to 147th regiment P. V., Oct. 28,'62. Wood, James............do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Drowned at Harper's Ferry, Va., Feb. 24, 1862. Wolf, Jacob H...........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wildey, George.........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. Wonderley, F. B......do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9,'62. Welch, Edward.... do..... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company E, 147th reg. P. V., Oct. 28, 1862. UNASSIGNED MEN. Bordean, Joseph..... Private Mar. 2,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Bailey, George...........do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll., Bancroft, George...... do... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fisher, Joseph...........do... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Fa7iell, Thomas........do. Aug. 16,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hondle, Jonas..........do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hurstuman, Jos... d..... Feb. 21,'65, Not on muster-out roll. Herman, Louis........do.....Jan. 26,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hanna, George.........do...Feb. 6,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Junnel, Silas......... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Edward.........do... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll Knopsnider, Sam'l...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll Koon, Herman.........do....Sept. 17,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, James............do..... June 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, John.............do.... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Govern, James. do...do..... Feb. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., May 23, 1865. Sullivan, James.........do.. June 14,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll.-' Stuart, John..............do..Feb. 7,'65 1 Not on muster-out roll. Sawyer, Anthony......do..... Nov. 2,'61, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Sefler, Cyrus.............do..Mar. 2,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865..~~ _ -7' ",... _.-...... TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. UTNDER the call of the President of the 3d of May, 1861, for forty additional regiments, authority was given to John K. Murphy, by the Secretary of War, to raise and organize a regiment for three years' service. The order to recruit was given on the 15th of May, and the work was commenced and vigorously prosecuted at the building then standing on the site of the present post office in the city of Philadelphia. On the 29th of June, Major C. F. Ruff, of the regular army, received authority to muster the regiment into the service of the United States, and commenced July 1st, mustering' the companies as fast as filled and fully organized, the last being mustered July 29th. The regiment was recruited, uniformed and rationed, previous to its muster, by the labor and at the expense of the officers, without any assistance from the government. The uniforms, including caps, were of gray. It was at first known as the Jackson Regiment, but upon its organization was designated the Twentyninth of the line, and the following gentlemen were commissioned field officers: John K. Murphy, Colonel; Charles A. Parham, Lieutenant Colonel; Michael Scott, Major. On the 16th of July the regiment went into camp at Hestonville near the city, where it was equipped and received military instruction. On the 3d of August, it broke camp and proceeded to Harper's Ferry, where it was attached to the command of General Banks, and was at first assigned to the Third Brigade,* General Hamilton commanding, subsequently Colonel Gordon. It encamped in Pleasant Valley, where by careful instruction and drill, it was brought to a high state of discipline, and during the autumn and winter performed a great amount of marching between Darnstown, Dam No. 4, Ball's Bluff, and Frederick. Near the latter place it went into winter quarters, at Camp Carmel, on the 25th of February, 1862. But winter quarters in modern warfare means a shelter for one night or longer, according to circumstances. In this instance it meant the short period, for one night. On the 26th, breaking camp and crossing the Potomac on a pontoon bridge, at Harper's Ferry, it proceeded with the brigade to Winchester, where it arrived on the 12th of March, driving out Jackson and taking possession of the place. On the 1st of April, Banks' army advanced, pushing the enemy up the valley, until it arrived at Edenburgh, where both the railroad and turnpike bridges were found destroyed. A skirmishing party was sent across the creek to dislodge a body of the enemy, so posted as to be very annoying to the troops as they approached the stream. In the skirmish which ensued, the Twenty-ninth lost two killed, James Martin, of company G, and *Organization of the Third Brigade, Colonel George H. Gordon, First Division, Brigadier General A. S. Williams, Army of Major General N. P. Banks. Second Regiment MassachusettsVolunteers, Lieutenant ColonelAndrews; Third Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Colonel Ruger; Twenty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Colonel Colgrove; Twenty-ninth Regi. ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Murphy. challa~noogor' mii a~~~~~~~~~~~~~al R 14 ""_~ 2~~~~ -F~~~~~~~5Al" - ~'g a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~al ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I OI -.1 Tvap~~~~~~~~` OF THE -B ATI~~~~~~~~~~~~NB of~;*~;~1-,,\~,/il Looko-at Mountain oo~oq~iu iii i/~~~~~~~~~~!~~ P~~~~~~~~g Zfo"FP-f,,ji7&n'Sig 1862 SKIRMrISt AT WlClHESTEiR. 485 Gottlieb Spear, of company I, the first casualties in Aetion. As the command advanced in pursuit of Jacksoi oh the 19th, the Twenty-ninth, with the brigade, made a detour to the right, to flank the enemy who had taken position on Road's Hill. But discovering the movement in season he sought safety in flight. Marching to Harrisonburg, the army remained about two weeks, when it returned to Strasburg and commenced fortifying. Companies B and G of the Twenty-ninth, together with the First Maryland Regiment, under Colonel Kenly, had been detached and stationed at Front Royal. Jackson, having been re-inforced by Ewell and Edward Johnson, had attacked and worsted the advance divisions of Fremont's command under Milroy and Schenck, at M'Dowell, and, by a rapid march masked by his cavalry, approached Front Royal unexpectedly, quickly overpowered Kenly, after a brave resistance, scattering and capturing a large part of his command, and appeared upon the flank of Banks, threatening his communication with a force of twenty thousand men. At midnight of the 23d, Banks having been apprised of the defeat of Kenly, commenced a retreat in the direction of Winchester, with the enemy in full pursuit, flushed with success on every hand. At three o'clock on the morning of the 24th, the Twenty-ninth reached Middletown, and turning to the right on the road to Front Royal, met the fugitives of Kenly's command about five miles out, who reported the enemy advancing in great force. Falling back to Middletown, it again joined the retreating column. An attack on the head of the train, threw it into confusion, causing considerable delay and the loss of some wagons; these were destroyed to keep them from falling into the hands of the enemy, who hovered on the right flank, keeping the, column constantly engaged. The Twenty-ninth reached the hill near Winchester at seven P. M., the men lying on their arms during the night. At day-break on the 25th, the pickets reported the enemy advancing in force. The Second Brigade, under Colonel Gordon, occupied the ground on the right of the Strasburg road. A large body of the enemy having moved off to turn its right flank, the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania and the Twenty-seventh Indiana, Colonel Colgrove, were ordered to change position from the left to the right of the line, to meet and check them. The flanking party consisted of the Louisiana Brigade, headed by the Tigers, and commanded by General Dick Taylor. As they came into the open field they were received with a destructive fire of musketry which checked their advance for a few minutes; but soon rallying, they deployed regiments to turn the flank of our weak line, which was at length compelled to retire. On reaching the rising ground it was found that the rest of the- line had been forced back. Moving towards the town a stand was made behind a stone wall by the Colonel, together with what men remained, but they were soon surrounded and compelled to surrender. The remainder of the regiment, under Major Scott, withdrew with the brigade. This engagement held the enemy in check five hours, giving time for the train of nearly five hundred wagons to get well on the way towards the Potomac. The enemy made a vigorous pursuit, but the troops moving in three parallel columns, with an efficient rear guard for each, arrived at the river at nightfall and crossed in safety. Colonel Murphy, and others of the Twenty-ninth who were taken prisoners, were sent to the rear, and on their way had a full view of the rebel forces as they rushed on, whooping and shouting, in pursuit of the national troops. Major Wheat, in whose charge the prisoners were placed, took Colonel Murphy 486 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1862 and Captain Rickards of company I, to the Taylor House in Winchester, for breakfast, where he introduced them to Generals Ashby and Stonewall Jackson. Jackson appeared quiet and taciturn; but Ashby was choleric and gave vent to much bitter feeling against the North, saying that he would never be satisfied until he had them THERE! at the same time stamping his foot upon the floor with great emphasis, illustrating in his person the sentiment which inspired the rebellion, and which has been so aptly expressed by Horace: * "-ira, quse procudit enses Et miseras inimicat urbes." The prisoners from Front Royal were brought in during the day. Of the Twenty-ninth, there were, including those of the two companies captured at that place, seven officers and one hundred and forty-eight non-commissioned officers and privates. The men were organized into squads for drawing rations, and were placed under the charge of Sergeant Brown, of company F. On the 30th the prisoners arrived at Harrisonburg, having marched seventy-six miles and received but four crackers per man during the four days march. Here the officers were paroled to report at Staunton on the 6th. At Waynesboro' the dead body of Ashby, killed at the battle of Cross Keys, was brought in. Here also, Colonel Kane of the Bucktails, wounded in the same battle, was added to the company of captive officers. The Twenty-ninth, under command of Major Scott, remained with General Banks, and upon, the incorporation of his army with that of Fremont and M'Dowell, it moved from Winchester to the valley of the Rappahannock, and was present at the battle of Cedar Mountain, though not actively engaged, and suffered no losses. Early in September the regiment was on duty at Williamsport, Maryland, and on the approach of the enemy in the Antietam campaign, fell back to Hagerstown, and from thence to Chambersburg. On the 12th of September, Colonel Murphy, and the other officers who had been prisoners of war with him, rejoined the regiment and advanced under orders from Colonel Wright, an aid to Governor Curtin, to Greencastle. Two days later the returned officers were notified by Governor Curtin, that they were not exchanged, but only paroled, and ordered to report at Camp Parole, near Annapolis. On the 17th of September, at the battle of Antietam, the Twenty-ninth was on provost and rear guard duty, and not actively engaged. After the battle it was stationed at Boonsboro', Maryland, in charge of the hospital and property collected from the battle-field. October 22d, Colonel Murphy and other paroled officers, having been regularly exchanged, returned to the command. Greatly crippled by its losses, the scattered fragments were now gathered up and put once more in a condition of efficiency. On the 31st of October it marched to Hagerstown, where it was detailed for provost and guard duty. On the 10th of December it struck tents and moving via Boonsboro' and Pleasant Valley, crossed tlfe Potomac and Shenandoah rivers on pontoon bridges, and joined the brigade near Leesburg. Colonel Murphy, being the senior officer, assumed command of the brigade. The battle of Fredericksburg was fought on the same day. Marching via Gum Springs to Fairfax station, tents and all extra baggage were turned in, and all who were unable to walk were sent to Alexandria in cars. On the 28th the corps marched in pursuit of the enemy's cavalry, which retreated rapidly, and crossed the Occoquan at Wolf's ford, eluding pursuit. *Hatred, which forges swords and sets at variance unhappy states. 1863 MARCH TO FREDERICKSBURG. 487 On the 19th of January, 1863, the regiment was ordered to march with the brigade, with all possible dispatch, towards Fredericksburg, as Burnside was. concentrating his forces for a second advance. The weather was clear and cold, the ground frozen, the marching good, except that the artillery and heavy loaded wagons occasionally cut through the frost and sank in the mud. Crossing the Occoquan, it marched via Dumfries to the Quintico, now swollen by the incessant rains and filled with floating ice, which was, in conesquence, passed with great difficulty, and reached Stafford Court House on the 25th. The mud had by this time so deepened that the roads were impassable, and the prospect that all further forward movements would be suspended was clear. On the 3d of February the troops were ordered to build tents and put their camping ground in proper condition for winter quarters. On the same day Wm. Rickards, Jr., Captain of company I, was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, to date from October 4th, and, in the absence of Colonel Murphy, at once assumed command. The camp was enlarged and improved, and details of men were kept daily at work to put it in good condition for-health and comfort. On the 19th Captain Zulich was appointed to bring in from Camps Convalescent and Distribution all men tit for duty belonging to the corps. During the months of February and March little activity prevailed in the army other than that of organizing, drilling and perfecting the discipline of the troops. In the camp of the Twenty-ninth great improvement was exhibited in the appearance and condition of the men, who manifested a pride in preserving a soldierly bearing, and in presenting to the eye of the inspector faultless arms and equipments. On the 19th of March the division was reviewed by General Hooker, now in command of the army, who met the commanders of regiments at the head-quarters of General Slocum, and was personally introduced. He spoke of the necessity of using all possible means for crushing the rebellion, and expressed a confidence in the efficiency of his troops, and a hope that the next movement of the Army of the Potomac would be a successful one. On the 21st of March an order was received transferring the Twenty-ninth to the Second Brigade,* Second I5ivision of the Twelfth Corps. On the 10th of April this corps was reviewed by President Lincoln, accompanied by Generals Hooker and Slocum. The corps was drawn up in two lines of battalions by divisions closed in mass. The President rode up and down, when the lines were broken into columns and passed in review. Previous to the movement General Slocum called the field officers together and explained the manner in which the battalions would change direction by a flank to form column, and, fearing that all might not understand the explanation without a visible representation, called for a regiment to volunteer to illustrate it. The Twenty-ninth was offered and immediately put in motion, executing the manoeuvre to the entire satisfaction of the General, and illustrating at the same time the efficiency in drill to which it had attained. The necessary preparations were made, and on the 26th of April, orders were received to march on the Chancellorsville campaign. With three days' Organization of Second Brigade, Brigadier General Thomas L. Kane, Second Division, Major General John W. Geary, Twelfth Army Corps, Major General Slocum. Twenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Liautenant Colonel William Rickards, Jr.; One Hundred and Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Colonel Steinrook; One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel George A. Cobham; One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Hawley; One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Higgins. 488 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1863 rations in haversacks and five in Inapsacks, baggage reduced to the lowest limit, sixty rounds of ammunition in cartridge boxes and eighty per man in wagons, and of the four hundred and eighty-seven present for duty, leaving twenty sick in hospital, the march commenced. Passing through Stafford Court House and Hartwood, and crossing the Rappahannock at Kelly's ford, and the Rapidan at Germania Mills, the regiment reached Chancellorsville on the evening of the 30th. This route was pursued by Howard's Eleventh, Slocum's Twelfth, and Meade's Fifth Corps; Couch's Second Corps crossing at Banks' and United States fords, shielded by the advancing column on the right bank. At nine A. M. the regiment, with the brigade, marched on the right of the Fredericksburg road, and soon met the enemy, who had a battery posted which opened heavily. Remaining in position about an hour, the brigade was ordered back to its former camp, which it immediately commenced to fortify. Intrenching tools could not be procured, and most of the work was done with bayonets and tin plates. At three P. M. the regiment was again ordered forward on the Fredericksburg road to take a battery posted in an annoying position. Arriving within charging distance, it was deemed inexpedient to make the attempt, and the regiment was ordered back with a loss of three men killed and five wounded. The pressure of the enemy under Jackson on the right of the Union line, at about five P. M., became so heavy that it was forced to give way, leaving the flank of the Twelfth Corps exposed. Geary's Division was immediately wheeled into position to check the enemy, swarming forth almost in the rear of General Hooker's Head-quarters. The firing was very heavy, and continued till eleven P. M., the men laying on their arms all night. On Sunday, May 3d, the battle opened early, and at seven A. M.the enemy had turned our right flank, and commenced a cross-fire which was very severe. The position being untenable, the division was ordered to retire by the United States ford road, and take up a new position; but it was vigorously shelled, losing many while carrying the wounded from the hospitals which had been set on fire by the enemy's shells. At ten P. M. the regiment was ordered into positionpn a hill commanding the road, which was immediately intrenched. On the following morning the enemy attacked on the right, but was repulsed. Rations and ammunition (on account of the nature of the ground) had to be distributed on pack mules. At day. break on the 6th, the Twenty-ninth crossed the river and marched to Potomac creek, Hooker having decided to withdraw, leaving the dead on the field and the wounded unable to be moved, in the hands of the enemy. The loss in the engagement was six killed and thirteen wounded. An examination was made of the ground at Acquia creek by Colonel Cob. ham, in command of the brigade, to determine the dispositions to be made in case of attack. It was decided that Fort No. I should be occupied by the Twenty-ninth and that the One Hundred and Ninth and One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania should take position in the rifle-pits. Colonel Murphy, who had been absent sick for more than two months, now resigned on account of disease contracted while a prisoner of war, and the regiment was notified of the fact May 8th. The time of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiments of nine months' men having expired on the 11th of May, they left the brigade. On the 4th of June, the regiment being stationed at Acquia creek, a beautiful flag prepared by ladies of Philadelphia, was presented, on their behalf, by H. M. Dichert, Esq., of that city, and was received for the regiment by General Geary. 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 489 On the 11th of June, the regiment stripped to light marching order and commenced to move on the Gettysburg campaign. Passing through Stafford, Dumfries and Fairfax, it arrived at Leesburg on the 17th, and taking possession of a rebel fortification, was employed in extending and strengthening it. At dawn of the 26th it moved to the Potomac and crossed at Edwards' ferry. The river is here four hundred and forty yards in width, and was spanned by two bridges of sixty-six boats each. Lee's main body, under Longstreet and Hill, had crossed on the 24th and 25th and had pushed on in the path of Ewell, who moved a week earlier and was now at Carlisle and York. Hooker crossed with his army on the 25th and 26th, but one day later than Lee, designing to concentrate his main body at Frederick, while the Twelfth Corps with the division of General French, then at Harper's Ferry, was to strike at the rebel communications at Williamsport. With the 28th came the change of commanders, and a change of plans in so far as to abandon the movement to Williamsport, and to follow up the advancing rebel column by a line bearing further to the right. Moving on the 29th through Frederick and Braceville, the Twelfth Corps arrived on the 30th at Littletown, where the cavalry had a skirmish with a marauding.party of the enemy, in which a few prisoners were taken. On the 1st of July, General Geary's Division pushed on in advance of the rest of the corps, and at about two miles from the battle-ground, Kane's Brigade was detached and posted to prevent the enemy from turning the right flank of the army, while the remaining brigades hastened to the front and took position on the extreme left of the line, on and about Round Top. On the morning of the 2d, the Twenty-ninth with Kane's Brigade moved to the right and took position in a wood to the right of the Baltimore pike, on Culp's Hill, where breast-works were thrown up across the head of a ravine which spreads to a large plateau on Bock creek, covered with a heavy growth of timber. At seven o'clock P. M., the brigade was ordered by General Geary to move rapidly to the left, to reinforce the Third Corps. Fording the creek in the face of the enemy's shells, by which Sergeant Major Charles Latford was killed, and proceeding rapidly about two miles in the direction of Round Top, the column was halted and ordered to return to the breast-works just vacated, the enemy in front of the Third Corps having been repulsed and the line made secure by fresh troops. The incidents of the return are best told in the words of Colonel BRickards' report; "We returned by the pike (Baltimore) and were about to enter the wood in which our breast-works were, when we were fired on, receiving a heavy volley from behind a stone-wall at twenty-five paces distance, killing Lieutenant Harvey and three men, and wounding ten. Believing that we had been mistaken for the enemy by the Third Brigade of our own division, which had been left to hold a part of the line, I ordered my men not to fire, and gathering up our dead and wounded, I moved to the rear about one hundred paes, when I returned again to the wall and called to those behind it, telling -them who I was, but was answered by another volley, I now received orders to join the brigade on the pike, and we moved to the woods on the left of our trenches, when we found that the enemy had occupied them in our absence, had advanced half a mile beyond our works, and were now confronting us. A party of skirmishers under Captain Johnson of company B, was immediatly sent out by order of General Kane. The Captain and five of his men were captured." As soon as the position of the enemy was ascertained, a line of battle was 62 490.TWENTY-NINIT REEfBENT. 1863 formed at right angles with the original breast-works, and the men laid on their arms, the enemy keeping up occasional firing during the night, by which one man, a private of company K, was severely woundedt, bAt three A. M1., of the 3d," says Colonel Rickards, "observing objects moving about the enemy's position, I went to the centre of the brigade and met Colonel Cobham; while consalting we received a fire from the enemy, which extended across our front, fortunately doing no harm, but knocking the eagle from my right shoulder, and showing them to be in force. The fire was returned with spirit, but soon died away and all was again quiet" The Twenty-ninth occupied a part of the line which extended through a hollow, and was somewhat protected by a ledge of rocks. At half past three A. M., the contest opened, the enemy firing from behind rocks and trees. The action soon became general and raged with unabated fury, the troops being relieved as their ammunition was exhausted, and, when replenished, again returning to the line. The Twenty-ninth was relieved for this purpose, and was absent forty-five minutes, the men taking from sixty to eighty rounds each. At half past ten A. M., the enemy advanced to the charge, led by Stewart's Brigade moving at battalion front. It was a trying moment for the Twentyninth, but the men stood manfully to their ground, firing with great rapidity and doing fearful execution. The rebel line came steadily on, though their ranks were perceptibly thinned, until within ten paces, when their column began to waver, and soon after fled in confusion, leaving their dead and wounded in frightful numbers on the field. Preparations were soon made to follow up this advantage, and General Geary's Division charged over the ground lately held by the enemy, routing and driving them out and regaining the original breast-works. The fight still continued, the enemy taking refuge behind rocks and trees in front of the intrenchments, and keeping up a rapid fire. The Twenty-ninth, having exhausted its last supply of ammunition, was relieved by the First /Maryland, Colonel Maulsby, and moved out to replenish it, being heavily shelled while passing through an open field and losing one man wounded. At half past two the regiment returned to the trenches, where the men were much annoyed by sharp-shooters. At nine P. M., the enemy made another attack, which was promptly repulsed, and the firing ceased with the exception of an occasional shot. Precautions were taken to guard against surprise, and the men rested in the trenches upon their arms. Much speculation was indulged in by the officers during the night respecting the events of the coming day, many believing that the fighting would be more sanguinary than on any previous one. With the dawn of July 4th came hope that the struggle was over, for silence continued to prevail. General Kane ordered Colonel lRickards to send out a party of skirmishers to ascertain if the enemy was still in front. Company E was accordingly detached for the purpose, and proceeded to examine the woods, where the enemy had been posted; but he had stealthily departed, leaving the ground strewn with his dead and wounded. Five hundred rebel dead were found and buried infront of General Geary's Division alone. The Twenty-ninth lost during the three days in which it was engaged, fifteen killed, forty-five wounded and fourteen missing.* *General Thomas L. Kane, who led the brigade in this battle, having been disabled by wounds and sickness, had been absent since the battle of Chancellorsville, and only re-joined it on the evening of the 1st of July. He was obliged again to leave at the conclusion of the battle, and issued the following order, full of feeling and pathos 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 491 Following up the retreat of the rebel army the regiment arrived at Littletown on the 6th and Walkersville on the 8th. At Frederick, the brigade turned on the road leading to Middletown, and at a point about two miles out crossed the fields to the Harper's Ferry road, passing on the way a spy hanging on a locust tree. In the neighborhood of Bakersville some of the enemy's pickets were encountered, and the rebels were reported in force at Downsville. Arriving within two miles of that place, a line of battle was formed, the Second Corps on the right of the Twelfth, and breast-works were thrown up. On the 11th, the troops were.again formed in lineof battle, the Second Brigade being posted on the extreme left. On the 14th, the Second Division was ordered to support the First in the neighborhood of St. James College, and moved on up the bill expecting to receive the enemy's fire; but reconnoissances soon developed the fact that the rebel army had escaped across the river and was now in full retreat up the Shenandoah valley. Passing Maryland Heights and Pleasant Valley, where the Twenty-ninth had its firstcamp on taking the field, it crossed the Potomnac on pontoons at Harper's Ferry, and the Shenandoah on a wire bridge, and passing around London Heights halted at Hill's Lookout. On.the 20th of July the division moved by forced marches via Snickersville and Markham to Manassas Gap for the purpose of cutting off portions of the retreating army. A;spiritedartillery duel occurred with the enemy's rear guard, but the main column.had already passed and was hastening on towards Gordonsville. The brigade was immediately ordered back to take another road by which to still overtake the foe, and marched twenty-five miles on the 24th; proceeding on the following day through Rectortown and White Plains, it arrived at the entrance of Thoroughfare Gap. A detail was here made of two non-commissioned officers and four-privates to bring in conscripts Proceeding through the gap, the command moved hastily to Catlett's Station, and from thence to Kelly's ford, on the Rappahannock. During the month-of August, the first three daysof which were remarkable for extreme heat, and during which the men suffered much, the regiment was kept actively engaged guarding the fords of the river. On the 16th of September the regiment marched at 4 o'clock A. M., and rossed at Kelly's ford. The weather was excessively hot and the ambulances were filled withthe sick and exhausted men. The Twenty-ninth formed the rear guard;of the division, and bivouacked at night on high ground about four miles east,of Culpepper Court House. The cavalry was already at Raccoon ford on the Bapidan, engaging the enemy, the bursting of shells breaking thedarkness with their lurid light. On the 21st General Slocum visited the.camp of the Twentyninth, and expressed his satisfaction with the condition in which he found it; he soon after issued a special order complimenting the regiment for its excellent discipline and the soldierly bearing.of the men.:HEAD-QUA;RTvERS,;SECOND IBRIGADE, SECOND DIVISION, TWELFTH ARIrY CORPS, Near Littletown, July 6, 1863. fficers and Soldiers of the Seeond Brigade: The hard fighting seems over. If there is to:be more of it soon I will be with you. If not, farewell, and may God bless and reward you for your noble conduct, but for which, neither I, nor any of the thousands of this army would have home, country, pride or honor to return to. If you should not see me again in the brigade I hope you will remember long and affectionaely your friend and commanler, THOMAS L. KANE, - Bruiadier General oJ Vol rnteers. 492 TWENTY-NJ rTH 1GIMENT. 1863 On the 23d of September, the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were detached from the Army of the Potomac, and ordered, under General Hooker, to Middle Tennessee, to re-inforee Roseerans, lately worsted at Chickamauga. On the 26th the regiment marched to Brandy Station, whence it proceeded by rail to Washington, and immediately moved by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Bell Air, where it crossed the Ohio river, and proceeded through Columbus, Indianapolis, Louisville and Nashville to Murfreesboro' arriving on the 5th of October. Here the regiment reported to General Ward, commanding the post, who directed Colonel Rickards to take charge of the troops of the Twelfth Corps then arrived. These consisted of the Twenty-ninth and One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania, Fifth Ohio and Seventy-eighth and One Hundred and Forty-ninth New York. On the day previous the rebels had burnt a bridge on the railroad two miles below the town, capturing the guard, consisting of forty men, but were deterred from making a further advance by the timely arrival of the Twelfth Corps troops. On the 9th, the command marched to Christiana, arriving in the evening of the same day, and on the following morning, leaving the One Hundred and Eleventh, the Twenty-ninth and One Hundred and Ninth proceeded to Fostersville, a village on the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad, thirteen miles south of Murfreesboro' which they were ordered to fortify. The place is not easy of defence, the hills around over. looking the town, near enough for long rifle range, and very convenient for shells. Wheeler's rebel cavalry, four thousand strong, had passed through the place but a few days previous. On the 14th, General Geary and Colonel Cobham commanding the brigade, were in consultation with Colonel Rickards respecting the location and form of the fort. A pentagonal work, the sides thirty yards long and seven and a half feet high, with a ditch to correspond, was agreed upon. Five houses which had been damaged by the enemy had to be removed to make room for it. The ground was hard and obstructed by large stones, which very much impeded the work. The men labored with a hearty good will. To hasten its completion a requisition for negro labor and for ox and mule teams was made upon the proprietors of neighboring estates, which were promptly furnished. When three sides of the fort were finished and the whole in prospect of speedy completion, the command was ordered to move by rail to Stephenson, Alabama, much to the disappointment of the men, who had cherished a pride in having, when finished, a piece of work to be pointed to with satisfaction. The Twenty-ninth. left in two detachments, the first under command of Lieutenant Colonel Zulick. At Wartrace the trains halted, to let an express train pass, bearing General Grant to the front. After considerable delay in ascendg the mountain, from the slipping of wheels and want of motive power, e trains passed the tunnel three and one-fourth miles long and were nearly dwn the long grade on the other side, when they were met by Colonel Innes, superintendent of military railways, who ordered the engineers to back, the trains to the summit again to let four freight trains pass. Without taking advantage of the back ride, the Twenty-ninth alighted and marched down to the foot of the mountain. At Stephenson, Alabama, a little muddy village of a score of habitations, the Twenty-ninth reported to General Hooker and encamped near corps head-quarters. On the 26th theregiment marched to Bridgeport, where General Geary and hi3 brigade commanders had already arrived. Drawing three days' rations and sixty ra!ids of ammunition the regiment 1863 BATTLE OF WAUHATCHIE. 493 crossed the Tennessee river on pontoons, and proceeded to Shellmound, where is located the celebrated Nick Jack cave, from which the rebels procured large quantities of saltpetre for the manufacture of gunpowder. Lieutenant Colonel Zulick was here detailed to superintend the working party laying a pontoon bridge, and constructing a road leading to it. The line of march from Shellmound lay through mountain passes, and along the bank of the Tennessee river, the rocky bluffs rising like a wall, to a height varying from ten to three hundred feet for many miles. Passing along, beneath the shadow of Lookout Mountain, the command* halted at Wauhatchie Junction. The Twenty-ninth was immediately ordered on picket duty. General Geary had designated Wauhatchie Junction as an important point, and three companies, E, B and K, under command of Captain Rickards, were posted there with orders to throw up rifle-pits; two companies, I and H, under Captain Stork, were sent out three miles on the Kelly's ferry road; two companies, A and F, under Lieutenant Coursault, were posted to cover the ground between the camp and Lookout creek; two companies, C and G, were pushed out a half mile on the Brown's ferry road, and company D was ordered to the left, between Stork and Rickards, completing a continuous line around the camp. General Geary, ever on the alert, had ordered this faithful picketing of his camp, knowing that his single division was isolated from the rest of the corps, but believing the enemy notto benearer than Lookout Mountain; this impression was confirmed by the testimony of citizens. The man most relied on for the correctness of this report was a Mr. Bouden, a magistrate living at the junction of the rail and the Kelly's ferry road. Colonel Rickards, after posting his regiment, went to the house of this man, under the pretense of getting bread baked, but for the purpose of ascertaining more definitely the exact location of the enemy; and while in casual conversation with a woman, learned that Longstreet's men had been on that ground the day before. Rouden was immediately taken in custody and brought to the tent of General Geary, who soon drew out the important information that there was a bridge over the creek, and that Longstreet's men were at that moment lying just beyond it not more than a mile and a quarter from his camp. Precautions were immediately taken to prevent a surprise. Colonel Rickards was dispatched as officer of the day for this purpose, found the road leading to the bridge, and posted his men on it three-fourths of a mile from camp, with instructions to be especially watchful. He ordered Captain Millison, in charge of the reserve, to hold them in readiness to deploy as skirmishers on the least alarm. Proceeding on his rounds, he had visited the post at the junction, and was returning, when a rapid firing was heard which seemed to be in the direction of the bridge, where the enemy lay. Riding forward, he soon ascertained that the firing, which soon ceased, was bey d his pickets. Returning to head-quarters to report, he found the com* wenty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, three hundred and eighty-three men, Colonel William Rickards, Jr.; One Hundred and Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, one hundred and twenty-five men, Lieutenant Colonel Lewis W. Ralston; One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, three hundred and seventy-five men, Major Thos. M. Walker; Seventy-eighth Regiment N. York Volunteers, one hundred and fifty men; One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Regiment New York Volunteers, two hundred men; One Hundred andSecond Regiment New York Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Lane; One Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers, three hundred and eighty men, Lieutenant Colonel Charles B. Randall; Sixtieth Regiment New York Volunteers, Major Abel Godard. 494 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1863 mand under arms and in line. All soon becoming quiet, after a half hour, the men were sent to their quarters. They were scarcely in, when firing again commenced and now in earnest; for the rebels, having watched from the secure heights of Lookout Mountain the movements of General Geary, thought to surprise and crush him by a night attack, and were now advancing in strong force without skirmishers. Colonel Rickards rode quickly to the out-post, and met his men falling back, but in good order, contesting the ground with great firmness and excellent effect, giving time for the main column to get into position. The One Hundred and Thirty-seventh New York was formed on the extreme left One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania on the right, One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania in the centre, and the One Hundred and Forty-ninth New York on the railroad bank at right angles with the right of the One Hundred and Ninth. The two companies, C and G of the Twenty-ninth, which had been driven in from the bridge, were posted to support the battery, and when the enemy made a strong demonstration on the right, were moved to the railroad bank. The attack was made with rebel impetuosity, and the men were falling rapidly, especially in the battery; the loss in horses was also very great, thirtyfive being killed out of forty-eight. The sixty rounds of ammunition with which the men started was nearly exhausted, when the enemy made a fresh demonstration on the right, and gained possession of the railroad bank, from which they delivered a galling fire, all efforts to dislodge them proving fruitless. At this juncture a piece of the artillery was taken outside the railroad bank, at a crossing in the rear, which enfiladed the portion occupied by the enemy. In the absence of horses to move it, companies C and G of the Twenty-ninth grasped the prolongs and soon had it posted, when a few well directed shots sent the ene-my from the sheltered position to which he had clung with such desperate pertinacity. This had a depressing effect upon him, for his fire soon slackened, and the White Stars remained masters of the field.* Companies A and F, under Lieutenant Coursault, held the wood on the right of the railroad, and prevented the enemy from gaining the rear, behaving with much discretion and bravery. The enemy had already turned our left flank and captured the wagon train. But this instead of a disaster was accounted a gain; for the enemy fell to plundering and was slaughtered in great numbers by the artillery which was immediately turned upon him. Lieutenant Colonel Zulick of the Twenty-ninth, coming up soon after with a small force which he had collected, re-captured it and brought it to the rear. From the fact that the Twenty-ninth Regiment was distributed around the camp on the picket line, the loss was comparatively light, and was principally in the two companies, C and G, picketing the road on which the enemy advanced. The loss was one killed, five wounded and one missing. *Geary, meanwhile, had been fighting for three hours, without assistance, and, although at ne time almost enveloped on three sides, finally succeeded in completely repelling the assault n his front. The moon shone fitfully into the valley, and the commands could often distinguish each other only bythe flashes of their firearms. The strange echoes of the cannon among the hills, and the muttering of musketry from every quarter, alarmed the teamsters of Geary's wagon train, who deserted their mules, and in the darkness and noise, the animals became more frightened than their drivers; they soon broke loose, and with their tackle dangling and rattling about their heels, rushed in a body directly towards the enemy. This augmented the confusion of the rebels, who supposed it to be an attack of cavalry, and their rout was rendered inglorious by the assistance of a pack of mules.-Military History of Grant, Badeau, pages 449 and 450. 1863 BATTLE OF WAUHATCHIE. 495 The conduct of this handful of men, struggling in the darkness, in tangled -wiles, on unknown ground, against a powerful, veteran division of LongstreetVs army, familiar with every foot of ground and rejoicing in a knowledge of the weakness of its foe, was most heroic. The personal bravery and skill of the commander was everywhere manifest, and his presence felt in every part of the line. Often amidst the darkness was his voice heard ordering up fresh troops, which never came; but at every order the men cheered the voice of their General most lustily, the deception producing the same effect upon the imaginations of foe as though the solid columns were actually moving forward and taking their places in the shattered lines. The battery, posted on a little knoll in the midst of the camp, did signal service, and was the special object of the enemy's fire, the rebel officers being repeatedly heard ordering their men to concentrate their fire upon it. 4 The men and officers of Knap's Battery," says Colonel Rickards, acted nobly. Lieutenant Geary, son of our General, was killed at my side, shot through the brain at the instant he commenced fire after aiming his gun. His was a serious loss to the service; Captain Atwell was badly wounded in the hip and spine; most of the sergeants were killed or wounded. The infantry had sixty rounds of ammunition and none in the train. When this was expended the killed and wounded were searched for a supply." The attack was made by General Bratton of Longstreet's Corps, who on the evening previous, in company with Generals Polk, Longstreet, Breckenridge, Hood, Cheatham and Cleburne, from a lofty station on Lookout Mountain, had watched the progress of Geary's troops, and had planned a surprise which it was confidently anticipated would annihilate it. None but White Stars were engaged who proved themselves equal in this firey ordeal to thrice their number of the enemy's best troops. The first firing of the pickets conimenced at half past eleven P. M., and the struggle ended at half past two A. M. The firing ceased and the command immediately commenced fortifying their position.* *The rebel authorities were greatly chagrined at this achievement, and their newspapers were full of lamentations. Mr. Jefferson Davis had visited Lookout Mountain only a week before, and feasted his eyes with the sight of ths national army, shut up among the hills, like an animal ready for slaughter; and now, at a single stroke the prey had been snatched from his grasp. The door for relief was opened, and from a besieged and isolated army, the force in Chattanooga had suddenly become the assailant. It was Bragg who was now on the defensive.-Military History of Grant, Badeau, page 451. The army felt as if it had been miraculously relieved. Its spirit revived at once, the depression of Chickamauga was shaken off, and the.unshackled giant stood erect.-Military History of Grant, Badeau, page 452. EXTRACT FROM MAJOR G-ENERAL HOKERS'S REIPORT. HEAD-QUARTERS, ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH CORPS, j ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND, LooKOUT VALLEY, TENNESSEE, Novenber 6, 1863. * - % During these operations, a heavy musketry fire, with occasional discharges of artillery, continued to reach us from Geary. It was evident that a formidable adversary had gathered around him, and that he was battering him with all his might. For almost three hours, without assistance he repelled the repeated attacks of vastly superior numbers, and in the end drove them ingloriously from the field. At one time they had enveloped him on three sides, under circumstances that would have dismayed any officer except one endowed with an iron will and the most exalted courage. Such is the character of General Geary. Withthis ended the fight. We had repelled every attack, carried every point assaulted, thrown th3 enemy headlong over the river, and more than all, secured our new communications for the time being, peradventure. * * * The force opposed to us consisted of two of Longstreet's Divisions, and corresponded in number to our corps. From the prisoners we learn that 496 TWENTY-NINTH BEGIMENT. 1863 General Howard and staff soon after rode in, and at five o'clock Heclers Brigade of Howard's Corps arrived. General Hooker came at nine, expressing much surprise at the evidences of the hard fighting. The rebel killed left on the field were one hundred and fifty-seven, and one hundred and thirty-five prisoners were taken, most of whom were wounded. Estimating the rebel wounded according to the usual ratio of killed to wounded, and their total loss could not have fallen much short of one thoausand. The rebel forces engaged numbered five thousand strong, while the Union strength was only fourteen hundred and sixty-three, or little exceeding thirteen hundred muskets, a number not much above the loss of the enemy. On the afternoon of the 29th, the regiment was relieved and marched to Wauhatchie Junction, being vigorously shelled on the way by the rebels on Lookout Mountain, but without effect except in the wounding of two mules. The shelling was continued until the 31st, when the brigade was ordered to take position and fortify a hill at the foot of Raccoon Mountain, on the right of the Kelly's ferry road facing Lookout. Lookout Mountain was still well fortified and firmly held by the enemy. Its summit was only accessible for a distance of twenty miles up the valley, by two or three trails admitting the passage of but one man at a time, and these were securly held. Its palisaded crest and steep, rugged, rocky and deeply furrowed slopes seemed of themselves to present insurmountable obstacles to the advance of an assaulting column; to these were added almost interminable, well-planned and well-constructed defenses. But a demonstration was to be made upon it. On the 24th of November, the Twenty-ninth Reghnent was ordered to report at division head-quarters, without knapsacks and with one day's rations, for the purpose of joining in the assault. The Second Division marched to Wauhatchie Junction at five in the morning, where the troops, to form the party, were drawn up between the railroad and the creek, the Second Brigade, composed of the Twenty-ninth and One hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania, (the One Hun. dred and Ninth being left to guard the camp,) on the right, the Third Brigade in the centre and the First Brigade on the left. The pioneers and a detail from the Twenty-ninth built a bridge across the creek, and the movement commenced at seven and a half o'clock A. M. The column advanced up the side of the mountain until the Twenty-ninth reached the wall of rocks which surmounts the slope, when it fronted and advanced in line of battle extending from the crest to the flat near Lookout creek; Whitaker's Brigade of the Fourth Corps followed as a second supporting line, at a distance of three or four hundred they had watched the column as it descended the valley, and confidently counted on its annihilation. X X * JOSEPH HOOKER, Major General commanding. Moore's Rebellion Becord, Fol. 7, Does., p. 584. EXTRACT FROM MAJOR GENERAL THOMAS' REPORT. HEAD-QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND, CHATTANOOGA, October 30, 1863. % * * * The repulse by Geary's Division of greatly superior numbers, who attempted to surpise him, will rank among the most distinguished feats of arms of this war. GEORGE H. THOMAS, Major General commanding. Aoore's.Rebellion ecord, Vol. 7, Does., p. 588. 1863 BATTLE OF LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. 497 yards.* The side of the mountain is cut in deep ravines impeded by huge rocks; but the march was conducted in excellent order, the men scrambling over the obstructions and keeping their places in the line with an muabated ardor. Colonel Rickards deployed companies C and E, Captains Millison and Sorber, as skirmishers, and soon met the skirmishers of the enemy, who became: very troublesome, firing from their coverts behind rocks and hedges. After advancing about a mile, the reserve of the enemy's first line was met and the firing became continuous. At this point, leading on his men with determined bravery, Captain Millison was wounded in the arm and side, and was carried from the field. The enemy now appeared on the right of the line firing through a gorge, and soon after a large body passed down a slope leading to the flank. The Twenty-ninth was immediately ordered to change front to rear on left company, which was executed with skill and steadiness, the enemy meeting, a fall front when he expected to fall upon our unprotected rear. Their first volley was fortunately too high, when, finding a force unterrified and ready to receive them, they threw down their arms and held up their hands in token of surrender. The line was ordered to withhold its fire, when two hundred and seventy, including many officers, were sent to the rear. The left wing, changing front forward, and the right moving by the left flank, parallel to the crest of the mountain, the regiment again advanced. The enemy, secreted in the gorges and behind rocks, now began to surrender in squads of from five to fifty. The captures becoming so numerous as to require too many men to send sufficient guards with them, they were sent back to General Whitaker's command for safe transfer to the rear. The line continued to advancet with surprising steadiness, and soon came in sight of the enemy's breast-works. The trees had been cut down with the expectation that they would form an insurmountable obstacle to further progress to an advancing column; but in the zeal and impetuousity of the troops, the obstruction was scarcely noticed, crawling beneath or clambering over as best they could, and clinging close to the White Star line. The ravine in the side of the mountain, which, from the opposite side of Lookout creek seemed an insignificant indentation, proved to be from fifty to one hundred feet, with precipitous sides. While the Third Brigade was attacking the enemy in the breast-works, the Second, which was far above them, pushed on to the point of the mountain where-in the turn which it made it had the shortest line and arrived first, the colors of the Twenty-ninth being planted on the highest attainable point of the mountain, and from which the enemy was completely outflanked. They had thought their position unapproachable, and were holding in fancied security their stronghold in the clouds, when the White Star Division broke in to their rear, compelling the abandonment of their works and securing the virtual capture of the mountain. The Second Brigade halted here, but skirmishers were sent out, who, with those of the Third Brigade, captured two pieces of artillery which the enemy had posted on the hill east of the *Geary's Division supported by Whitaker's Brigade of Cruft's Division, was ordered to proceed up the valley, cross the creek near Wauhatchie, and then march down, sweeping the rebels from the right bank of the stream.-Military History of Grant, Badeau, page 488. t Simultaneously with these operations, the troops of Geary were pushing up the mountain; his right passed directly under the muzzles of the enemy's guns on the summit, climbing over ledges and boulders, up hill and down, dislodging the enemy wherever he attempted to make a stand. —Military History of Grant, Badeau, page 499. 63 498 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 6 point. The Second Brigade was ordered to move on around the mountain, but found the hill too steep to move in line. Searching in vain for some pass by which to reach the heights above, it was met by a body of the enemy's skirmishers who were driven back and several captured. Advancing nearly half a mile, a heavy line of the enemy was discovered and dispositions were immediately made to attack upon the flank, while another line advancing from below, attacked in front; but heavy clouds settling down aroundthe mountain so dense as to shut out the light of the midday, rendered it impossible to distinguish friend from foe.* Though much annoyed by sharp-shooters from the opposite side and from the summit of the mountain, the command was ordered to cease firing and to fortify wherever space could be found for one stone to lay upon another. The friendly clouds so shielded the men that only one was hit. The Twenty-ninth remained in this position until nine o'clock, P. MV, when it was relieved, and moving to the slope of the mountain the men sat down to their first meal for the day. The loss was three killed and six wounded. The enemy evacuated his works which had now become untenable, and fled during the night. On the following morning a ladder was discovered which the enemy had used in climbing to the summit. Several parties from different regiments were dispatched, by direction of General Geary, to ascend, who carried a flag with them and unfurled it upon the topmost height. As it floated out upon the pure air of the mid-heavens, a cheer was sent up from the troops encamped below, awakening the echoes along all the hills. a fitting climax to the BATTLE ABOVE THEE CLOUDS.t * At two o'clock operations were arrested by darkness. The clouds which had moved over and enveloped the summit, and favored the movements of Hooker, had been gradually settling, lower and lower, and from the moment that the peak of the mountain was rounded, it was only from the rattle of musketry and the flashes of fire through the clouds, or the occasional glimpses of lines or standards, as the fog rose or fell, that those in the valley could trace the progress of the battle. At four, Hooker informed his immediate superior that his line was impregnable, and commanded the enemy's defenses with an enfilading fire. Lookout Mountain was carried, —Miliary History of Grant, Badeau, page 500. t EXTRACT FROM GENERAL HOOKER'S OFFICIAL REPORT. * * * During the night the enemy had quietly abandoned the mountain, leaving behind twenty thousand rations, the camp and garrison equipage of three brigades, and other material, * * JOSEPH HOOKER, Major General commanding. Moore's Rebellion Record, Vol. 8, Doesp, 213. EXTRACT FROM GENERAL THOMAS' OFFICIAL REPORT. * * * By four o'clock on the morning of-the 24th, General Hooker reported his troops in position and ready to advance. Finding Lookout creek so much swollen as to be impassable, he sent Geary's Division, supported by Cruft's two brigades to cross the creek at Wauhatchie and work down on the right bank, while he.employed the remainder of his force in constructing temporary bridges across the creek on the mai road. The enemy being attracted by the force on the road until his column was directly on their left and threatened their rear. Hooker's movements were facilitated by the heavy -mist which overhung the mountain, enabling Geary to get into position without attracting attention. Finding himself vigorously pushed by a strong column on his left and rear, the enemy began -to fall back with rapidity; but his resistance was obstinate, and the entire point of the mountain was not carried until about two P. M., when General Hooker reported by telegraph that he had carried the mountain as far as the road from Chattanooga valley to White House. Soon after his main column coming up, his line was extended to the foot of the mountain, near the mouth of Chattanooga creek. * * * Continuous and heavy skirmishing was kept up in Hqoker's front until'ten at night, after which there was an unusual quietness along our whole front, * * 1863 BATTLE OF RINGGOLD. 499 On the morning of the 25th the brigade advanced diagonally across the Chattanooga valley to ossville pass. The enemy was posted on Missionary Ridge, with artillery, resisting the advance of Thomas and Sherman. Moving north along the foot of the ridge, the brigade foriaed in line and advanced up the mountain till it had reached a point in the rear of the rebels, when, finding themselves surrounded they began to throw down their arms and surrender.* An entire brigade was here captured and its vacated quarters were occupied by the victorious column. On the following morning the command returned to the Rossville pass, moving through, crossed Chicamauga creek at dark, attacking the rear of the enemy. At nine P. M., a heavy picket force of the enemy was met and captured with three brass pieces and several caissons. Remaining in line of battle during the night, at early dawn the pursuit was resumed. The roads were very heavy, and several caissons of Furguson's rebel battery, broken down and left by the way, were picked up. Heavy firing was heard in the direction of Ringgold, and the infantry was hurried forward, the artillery being detained for the building of the bridge across the Chickamauga. At the pass through Taylor's ridge, near Ringgold, the enemy had made a stand, and was strongly posted in the gap in the form of the sides of an acute angle, and on the hills overlooking the town. The troops of the Fourth Corps were already engaged and had suffered severely. The First Brigade was ordered up the hill to the support of the regiments that had been driven back, but the enemy soon flanked their position and delivered a destructive fire, killing Colonel Creighton, Lieutenant Colonel Crane and many other officers and men. The Second Brigade was then ordered by General Hooker to position in a small chaparral in front of, and to therightof the railroad depot, with instructions to lie down, not to fire till the enemy came within short range, and to hold the position to the last extremity. The Twenty-ninth Iowa, occupying the right of the line, having lost its Colonel and being hard pressed, gave way, exposing the right flank; but at this juncture the Third Brigade came up, and following close, the artillery, which was soon brought into position, ended the fight by a few well directed shells The attack had been made with infantry alone, as the bridge across Chicamauga creek could not be completed in time to bring up the artillery. The enemy made this stand for the purpose of gaining time for his trains to escape. On the 29th Colonel Rickards was ordered to proceed with his own regiment, Knap's Battery, and a train of twelve wagons to Chattanooga. A detail had been sent to take the severely wounded, by cars found standing upon the road, to Chickamauga station. Having proceeded several miles over bad roads, an order was received to return with the battery, arriving again at Ringgold at Instructions were sent to General Hooker to be ready to advance, on the morning of the 25th, from his position on the point of Lookout Mountain to the Summertown road, and endeavol to intercept the enemy's retreat, if he had not already withdrawn, which he was to ascertain by pushing a reconnoissance to the top of Lookout Mountain. The reconnoissance was made as directed and was ascertained that the enemyhad evacuated during the night. * * * GEORGE H. THOMAS, Major General commanding. Moore's Rebellion Record, Vol. 8, Does., p. 208. But such was the impetuosity of Hooker's advance that their front line was routed before an opportunity was allowed even to prepare a determined resistance. The bulk of the rebel left now sought refuge behind a second line, and thence was driven out, till the flight became almost a running one — Military HJistory of Grant, Badeau, page 513. 500 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, 1864 dark after a hard and fruitless day's march The regiment was quartered in the court house, the offices being occupied by the officers. By order of General Hooker, the engines of a mill in the vicinity of Ringgold were taken down and sent to Chattanooga, the work being performed by details from the Twentyninth. From Ringgold Geary's Division returned around the foot of Lookout Mountain to its old camp in Lookout valley, having been absent eleven days, fighting and marching over difficult roads, the men without blankets, and many without shoes. The proposition of the government for veteran volunteers was published early in December, and measures were immediately taken by the officers of the Twenty-ninth to have it mustered as a veteran organization. On the 9th of December it was drawn up in line to receive the agents of the State of Pennsylvania, Dr. King, Surgeon General, Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Francis, sent by Governor Curtin, to look after the welfare of her soldiers. Eloquent speeches were made by each of them, which were responded to in behalf of the soldiers by General Geary. On the following day two hundred and ninety members of the regiment re-enlisted and were mustered for a second term as veterans, a number considerably in excess of that required to secure the continuance of the organization. The prompt action of the men secured to them the honor of forming the first veteran regiment in the service of the United States. On the 12th, the division was drawn up in line to give the regiment a parting salute, when the General expressed his high appreciation of its past services, and his regrets at parting with it, but commended their determination to become veterans. On the 13th of December the regiment moved by rail from Bridgeport, Alabama, and arrived in Philadelphia on the 27th. A committee of citizens met the train at White Hall, and upon its arrival in the city a salute was fired, and the military were out in large numbers for its escort to the National Guards Hall, where it was received in an address of welcome delivered by J. Price Wetherell, Esq. The streets were hung with evergreens and in many places where the procession was to pass, arches were erected and wreaths inclosing patriotic mottoes were suspended from prominent points, showing that the services of the soldiers had not failed of appreciation. After partaking of a fine collation at the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon, the men dispersed. The members of the regiment who had not been in the service three years and who had been left in the field, arrived on the 31st, having agreed to re-enlist after being two years in the service, and were given the same furloughs as veterans. During the veteran furlough the organization received many attentions from the people of Philadelphia. Bountiful entertainments were prepared for them on several occasions, and amidst the feasts and rejoicings of those days, alas! too short, they forgot their hard marches and their supperless nights. Recruiting stations were opened in Philadelphia, and on the 29th of February theregiment rendezvoused at Chester, where recruits were sent as fast as procured. On the 31st of March the regiment, consisting of twenty-one officers and five hundred and eighty-eight men, moved by rail to Louisville, Kentucky, and thence to Sherman's army, preparing to move on Atlanta and destined to attract the attention of the civilized world by the brilliancy of its achievements. The first sound that greeted the ears of the men on emerging from the cars, was the booming of cannon in the direction of Talahoma. On the 2d of April the command drew three thousand rounds of ammunition and eight days' rations 1864 BATTLE OF RESACA. 501 The holidays were over and earnest work was to begin. On the 9th of April the command reached Bridgeport, Alabama, and reported to General Geary. It was assigned with the One Hundred and Eleventh Pennsylvania, to the Third Brigade, Second Division, Twentieth Corps, composed of the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps consolidated, and commanded by General Hooker. Taking up the line of March on the 4th of May, over the old ground through Lookout Valley and across Lookout Mountain where the national banner was triumphantly planted a few weeks before, amidst a storm of battle rarely equalled, it encountered the enemy in force at Buzzard's Roost. At Rocky Face Ridge the regiment joined the division, where our troops had engaged the enemy with heavy loss. On the 9th the division was placed in line and breast-works erected, the Twenty-ninth being thrown forward as skirmishers. Heavy firing was at this time heard on the left of the line towards Tunnel Hill. Marching and fortifying by the way, and almost daily engaging the enemy, Geary's Division reached a point on the Dalton and Resaca road on the 14th, and was formed in line of battle. The Twenty-ninth took position on the extreme left of the army, and built strong breast-works facing north and east. On the following day it moved to the right of the Fourth Corps, and was pushed forward to a hill in front of a strong breast-work of the enemy, where he had made a decided stand. General Geary ordered these works to be charged. Colonel Rickards pushed forward with the Twenty-ninth for this purpose and was met with a most deadly fire, killing and wounding over sixty of his men. Finding it impossible to carry the works, the men were ordered to lie down and pick off the enemy as they showed themselves above their fortifications. But it was impossible to gain cover, and after a short time they were directed to fall back. This they did crawling on their hands and knees. At four P. M. the enemy assumed the offensive, Stephenson's Division charging on our front, but were handsomely repulsed. Soon after Colonel Ireland, then in command of the brigade, was wounded by a fragment of a shell, and Colonel Rickards, of the Twentyninth succeeded him. The breast-works were strengthened and the undergrowth in front cleared. Heavy firing continued for some time on the right, but at length died away. Hooker's Corps had taken four guns and some prisoners and compelled the enemy to abandon Resaca. The enemy continued to fall back behind fortified positions, and was steadily turned out of them by the manoeuvres of Sherman, until he reached a point in the rear of Pumpkin Vine creek, which he stubbornly contested. Geary's Division of Hooker's Corps was the first to cross, reaching the burning bridge just in time to save it from entire destruction and causing it to be quickly repaired. The Twenty-ninth, with the brigade, was ordered to advance at six P. M., on the 25th of May, upon the enemy's lines, and relieve the Fifth Ohio, which had been briskly engaged. The enemy's breast-works were within musket range, but it was dark and the men could only fire by the flash of his guns. The Twenty-ninth had two men killed and thirteen wounded. On the following morningsthe regiment rejoined the brigade, which had failed to get into position on the previous evening, and moved to the right where it was engaged in fortifying. On the 27th, Sherman ordered all the batteries of the Fourth, Twentieth and Twenty-third Corps to open at seven in the morning, and continue their fire until nine. In the meantime General Thomas was ordered to wheel to the right and take the heights commanding the Marietta road, the Twenty-third Corps to support the Fourth, General M'Pherson joining the divi 502 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1864 sion of General Jeff. C. Davis, to connect with FHooker, while the latter was to assault and gain such paints in his immediate front as he should deem advisable. The part of the line which he occupied being opposite the enemy's strongest works, it was not deemed prudent to assault, but to hold firmly his position. The skirmishers of the Twenty-ninth alone expended ten thousand rounds of ammunition. On the 28th, the regiment was relieved from the front by the One Hundred and Eleventh, having been four days under fire, and moved thirty paces to the rear, where it was engaged in constructing breastworks to resist the shots which came thick and fast from the enemy's line. Several attacks were made during the day by his skirmishers, but were in every case repulsed. On the 1st of June the division was relieved by the Fifteenth Corps, and moved to the left, having been eight days under fire, losing daily, the strain and excitement telling heavily upon the men. At noon of the 2d it was ordered to move across the Acworth road, through thick woods, and take position in line where a battle was raging with great violence. While moving a terrific thunder storm prevailed, attended with a deluging rain. In the midst of the storm the Twenty-third Corps charged the enemy and drove him from his breast-works, occupying a hill which commanded a ravine in front. The position of the Twenty-ninth was here on the extreme left of the line. The enemy finding himself out-flanked, fell back from his strong works at New Hope Church to others between Pine Hill and Lost Mountain, and again awaited the onward march of the national army. On the 13th of June the Twenty-ninth came into position in front of Pine Hill, where breast-works were thrown up and pickets posted. At noon of the 14th, the works having been completed, the batteries were brought into position, and soon silenced and drove away the enemy's guns on the hill. Knap's Battery, now commanded by Captain MI'Gill, did excellent service. General Sherman was present in the works watching the effect of the shells on the enemy, who, as the batteries opened, scattered in a manner which did great credit to their capacity for locomotion. On the night of the 15th, the enemy evacuated Pine Hill, but immediately took a strong position to the right, on Kenesaw Mountain. The brigade was moved to a field on the right and front of Pine Knob, where it was formed in two lines and moved forward, driving the enemy's skirmishers. While charging the rebel lines in this position, Colonel Rickards received a severe wound from an enemy's sharp-shooter, supposed at the time to be mortal, and was borne from the field. The command of the Twenty-ninth then devolved on Major Millison, in the absence of Lieutenant Colonel Zulick. Upon his return the latter assumed command, and subsequently upon the discharge of Colonel Rickards on account of his wounds, he was commissioned Colonel; Major George E. Johnson was promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Robert P. Dechert, of company C, to be Major. The position at Kenesaw proved to be one of great strength, the enemy repelling every assault with great slaughter; but another flank movement by General M'Phersons command brought him out of it in a single night. The Twenty-ninth lost two killed and a number wounded in the operations in front of Kenesaw. On the 22d of July, Sherman's army arrived in front of Atlanta. His left wing was heavily attacked by) Hood, who had now succeeded Johnson in command of the rebel army, but was repulsed with fearful loss. By skillful manceuvering and hard fighting Sherman succeeded in so reducing the rebel force as to cause it to flee before him, and on the morning of September 1st, 1865 rATTLE OF Kr.VEAW MAOUNTAIN. 503 his triumphant columns entered the city of Atlanta, the prize for which during a hundred days he had marched and fought. In the battles before Atlanta the Twenty-ninth had three killed. The heavy fighting was now ended. On the 11th of November, commenced the memorable march to the sea. It is unnecessary to detail the part which the Twenty-ninth had in this great movement-the long, wearisome marches, the frequent skirmishes, the hardships endured in crossing swamps and numerous and rapid streams, and the constant watching to prevent surprise from an enemy ever vigilant, and smarting under the shame of being trampled beneath the feet of that triumphant army which he had rebelled against and defied. On the 20th of December, the army arrived at Savannah, which, after a feeble resistance, was captured. Turning to the north, it pursued its triumphant course to Goldsboro', North Carolina, where it arrived on the 20th of March, 1865. Here the weary columns were allowed rest, and were supplied with clothing, of which nearly all were in the most urgent need. On the 17th of July, the regiment was mustered out of service, near Alexandria, Virginia. At a time when the success of the National cause seemed dubious, and the ranks of its army were being rapidly depleted by expiration of term of service of large numbers of its forces, upon the urgent plea of the government for a renewal of their terms of service, the Twenty-ninth, first in the United States service, enrolled itself as a Veteran Volunteer regiment. During the four years and one month it was in the field, it had a total membership of two thousand five hundred and seventeen, of which number seven hundred and seventy-eight were discharged at the expiration of their term of service, and one hundred and forty-seven were killed or died of wounds received in action. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. John K. Murphy.... Col...... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'63. Wm. Rickards,Jr... do..... July 9,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 25, to Aug. 18, 1862-pr. from l~~~ ~ ~Capt. company I, to Lt. Col., Oct. 4, 1862-to Col., May 1, 1863-discharged November 2, 1864, for wounds received at Kenesaw mountain. Samuel M. Zulick.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company E, to Maj., March 3, 1863-to Lt. Col., May 1, 1863-to Col., March 25, 1865-Bv. Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865 —mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Charles Parham..'.. Lt. Col. July 1,'61, 3 Resigned July 19, 1862. George E. Johnson.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company B, to Maj., Jan. 12, 1865-to Lt. Col., March 25, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Cor. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. Veterau volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Son. sentenced. Wd. wouudcd. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration Pr. promoted, Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 504 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, 5 NAME. RANK. DATE OFMUSTER RI BARKS. INTO SERVICE.. Michael Scott......... Major.. July 1,'61, 3 Resigned February 11, 1863. Jesse R. Millison.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. company C, to Maj., Apr. 16,'64 mus. out at expiration of term, July 15, 1864. Robert P. Dechert......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company C, to Maj., March 26, 1865-Bv. Lt Col., March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. William Letford Ad.... d July 1, 61, 3 Resigned November 12, 1863. John A. Moore...........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Albert S. Ashmead Q. M... July 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. and A. G. M., U. S. Vol., Jan. 9,'64. John M. D. Huntley...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Joseph A. Wolf..... Su.... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Joseph H. Duffee......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Resigned November 25, 1861. Geo. W. Jackson..... As.Sur. July 1'61, 3 Pr. to Surg. 53d reg. Pa. Volunteers, Mar. 2,1863. James P. Dowlin.......do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Pr. to Surg U S Volunteers, Nov. 11, 1865. Jacob S. Bender.......do..... May 1,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Benj. F. Sewall..... Chap'n July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Chas. H. HIelmbold Sr. Maj Dec. 21,'63, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 25, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Ezek'lG.Tomlinson...do... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged August27, 1863, to accept commission as 2d Lieutenant in 54th Massachusetts Vols. Robert P. Dechert.....do... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Co. C, Jan. 16, 1862. John D. Wilson..........o June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 1, 1862-to 2d Lieutenant company I, February 22, 1863. Sykes Beaumont......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Sept. 16, 1863-to 1st Lieutenant company E, March 15, 1864. James Warnock........do.... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 4, 1863-to 2d Lieutenant company A, July 26, 1863. Theo. S. S. Baker.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 15, 1864-to 1st Lieutenant company F, June 9, 1864. William H. Trites......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 9, 1864-to 1st Lieutenant company D, November 9, 1864. Elias Cade................do... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Nov. 9, 1864-to 1st Lieutenant company D, March 25, 1865. Charles Letford........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, February 22,'63Ch. iter... killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Chas. J. Mintzer.....Q. M. Sr July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Conrad Huggins..... Con. Sr July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fred'k. W. Mintzer...do.... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, September 7, 1861. Samuel H. Leeds...d.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged August 28, 1863. Charles H. Baker... Hos. St. N ov..29,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Eli B. Ganwood....I...do..... July 1,'61, Transferred to Regular Army, August 8, 1862. REGIMENTAL BAND. Henry Sheppard.....P'1 Muc Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. James Cannon...........do... Dec. 9'63 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17,1865-Vet. Daniel Repass......... Leader. Sept. 21, 61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Milton B. Repass.... Sgt. Bd Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. John R. Taylor..........do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Martin M.Weyburn...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. George M. Repass......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Geo. E. Bliven........ Cor.Bd. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Jerome Repass..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. George W. Wilcox..'...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Charles Rundle...........do..... Sept. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. James Cornelison.;....do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. William H. Randall Pri. Bd. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. John Reed................do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Thomas E. Depue...'...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Wmn.. Hamilton..'...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. James A. Pennoyer...do..... Sept. 21, 61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Marshall M. Bliven...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. George H. Kelly.....'...do.... Oct. 17,'61, 13 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. Albert Martin.........i..do..... Oct. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. George E, Harris.......do..... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862. THREE YEARS' SEIVlIC.E 0 COMP ANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. AX. RANK. DATE OF MSTER EIAR INTO SERVICE. SEA Samuel App........... apt.... July 1,'61, 3 Resigned July 11, 1862. Andrew Johtiston.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, January 9, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Louis R. Fortescue Ist Lt... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged from Signal service by order of War Department, March 12, 1865. Theo. G. Coursault...do... July 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., July 27,'62-resigned April 9,'64 Edward S. Jamison...do... July 1,'61, 3 P:r to 2d Lt., June 8, 1864~-to 1st Lt., April 7, 1865-mus. out with oompany,July 17,.'65-Vet. George Higgins...... 2d Lt July 1,'61, 3 Resigned May 11, 1862. John J. M'Keever,^...do.... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. James Warnock..d....... July 1, 61, 3 Resigned April 9, 1864. Sam'l K. Stever, Jr..do.... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 23, 1865-mustered out withcompany, July 17, 1865-Vet. Theodore Dubosq... 1st Sgt July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt,, May 23, 1865-mustered out with corpany, July 17~ 1865 —et. Henry Snyder........ Serg't.. July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nlov. 1, 1864- mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Daniel Guinen.......... d. Dec. 9,'3, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 8, 1865-mustered out with company) July 17, 1865-Vet. John J. Crotty........do..... July 1,'61 3 Promoted toSergeant, Jan. 85 1865-musteredout with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wmn. B. Buchanan...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 23, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Robert M. Smith........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1. 1864. Wm. Culbertson........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. William H. Horner...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Atlanta, Ga., October 20, 1864-Vet. William J. Rowan... Corp... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George Steinmet.....do.....July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1865-musteredout with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John B. Buchanan.....do.... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted toCorporal, Feb. 1,1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph. Logan.......... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 25, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William H. Ryder.....do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 25, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. William J. Cline......... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 23, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Dennis O'Kane........do July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 30, 1863-wounded May 15, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. John J. Toomey........do..... July 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-wounded May 15, 1864-absent at muster out-VTet George Horner...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't., Feb. 18,'62. Miles C. Burk...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April28,'63. John T. Spitall........do...July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. William L, Steven......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. George W. Rambo.....do..... July 1,'61, S Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-Vet. Thos. H. Cosgrove....do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted April 24, 1865-Vet. Patrick Gallaher........do.... July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. James N. Hall........ Muc.... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles Frefz............ do.. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. James Cannon...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 7, 1863. Henry Sheppard........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 7, 1863. Arthur, Edward..... Private Dec. 23,'64 1 Discharged by General Order, July 1, 1865. Allen, James....do.......July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Bowers, Thomas........do.. Jan. 5'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Burns, Charles............. Dec. 19, 64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Boyle, Christ'r B.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Beaver, Samuel........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Bimmer, Jacob C......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Bitsch, Sebastian.....do..... Dec. 8,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 12, 1865. Bradbury, James....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Bennett, Henry.........do.....Mar. 8,'62, 3 Deserted June 22, 1862. Brown, Charles H.....do..... July 1, 961, 3 Deserted April 24, 1865-Vet. Bussey, James E.....do..... Feb. 19, 964, 3 Deserted May 9, 1865. Bevens, Thomas F.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyle, John..............do..... Nov. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Colburn, Camb'ge.....do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 64 506 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT,.ATUT. RAWS. DATE OF MUSTER NAME.AN. R. INTO SERVIC. BEMA. Cramer, Thomas..... Private Dec. 9, 64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Clark, Charles...........do..... Nov. 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Clark, James............do Dec. 8,.'64, 2 Recruit-never joined company. Campbell, Daniel..... do..... Jan. 18,'65, Deserted July 9, 1865, Cole, Patrick.............do..... Dec. 13,'62, 3 Deserted Apri 24, 1865. Corness, James......d......e. 25,'64, 3 Deserted May 9, 1865. Dubosq, Peter.......o..... do.. July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Ve Doyle, Thomas..........do... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Deaver, Jesse A.........do.....Sept. 26,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865, Diver, Patrick...........do...July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Dormer, Matthew......do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Dnefey, John...........do..... Nov. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dolen, Peter............. do.. Nov. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eckert, John H.........do....Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865, Enos, Alexander.......do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Eckert, John............do;..... Jan. 21,'64, 3 Deserted May 9, 1865. Frazer, John...........do..... Jan. 10,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fanner, William.......do... Nov. 12,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Feitig, John.P........do.... Feb. 10, 64, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Gilchrist, John R.......do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gault, James............ do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gibson, Thomas.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Gibson, Jerome W..............June 29,'61, 3 Discharged September 6, 1864. Gleney, John.............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19,'63. Grames,i Lucius.........do..... Nov. 12,'64, I Discharged by Special Order, April 20, 1865. Gumper, VWilliam......do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Griffith, William H....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Drowned at Philadelphia, Pa., July 12, 1863. Guyger, Joseph.........do.... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Deserted April 24, 1865. Grummet, Charles.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Hawley, William.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Houzelot, Edward.....do.... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Hudson, John...........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hemple, Henry C......do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out wlth company, July 17, 1865. Henry, John.............do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Mustered.out with company, July 17, 1865. Hession, J. Thomas...do..... Nov. 23,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Halbert, John S.........do..... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hall, Joseph..............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Hall, William A........do....J July 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. Hardy, George...........do....July 29, 61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Hogan, Morris...........do....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27,'63. Heimbold, Chas. H...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Mar. 25, 1865-Vet. Hanna, David............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died July 7, 1863, of wds. received at Gettysburg. Ireland, William,.....do.... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Jones, Caleb.............do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865. Kane, Thomas...........do..July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1864-reduced Jan. 31, 1865 —mus. out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Kavenaugh,Peter......do..... Nov. 18,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Kay, Samuel...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Keller, William.........do.....Jan. 3,'63, 3 Discharged by Special Order, April 1, 1863. Kellam, James..........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15,'64. Lambert, David.........do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lambert, Edward......do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lenhart, Peter J.......do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lithgow, George W...do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Letour, Henry S........do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Larne, William B......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864, Lafferty, John...........do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Died June 5, 1864, of wounds received at Burt Hickory, Ga., May 25, 1864. Linis, Lawrence........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Deserted April 24, 1865. Lipsett, Andrew........do..... July 1'61, 3 Deserted July 4, 1861. Little, William.........do..... Dec. 6,'64, 1 Deserted July 9, 1865. Madden, John..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. Mealy, John.............do..... Dec. 8,'63, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Maull, Robert F........do..... Dec. 9,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Miller, John..............do.... Nov. 12,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Malone, Daniel K......do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Massamore, Theo......do..... Nov. 22,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Maloon, Barney..........do...:. Dec. 10,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Marks, Augustus......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Miller, Abraham........do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865. Moore, Joseph...........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, February 17, 1865. Muschert, James...............,...........Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1865. Morford, Jacob..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died August 16, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Mosley, Richard.......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted May 9, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVIC1. 507 NAME. RANK. DATE O M|USTER. REMAKS. RAK.'^ ^ ^ 1^. INTO SEBVICE. Madden, James...... Private July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Montgomery, Thos....do..... Oct. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Closkey, David.....do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Arthur, Edwin D...do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. M'Guigan, Patrick.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-absent at muster out. M'Manaman, Wm.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, April 1, 1863. M'Cracken, Robert...do.....Feb. 5,'65, 1 Deserted July 9, 1865. M'Gin, Francis........do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Deserted July 9, 1865. Noel, John I............do... Dec. 9,'64, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nagle, James...........o... c.. Dec. 10, 64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Neville, James..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, February 4, 1863. Nash, Albert...........d... Feb. 6.'65, Deserted July 9, 1865. O'Donnell, Thomas...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged September 1, 1863. Porterfield, John.......do..... June 29.'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Porterfield, Robert.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Park, Elam.............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted January 15, 1862. Robb, William...........do..... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ruth, James...............do.... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Renker, Conrad.........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Rothe, Joseph............do..... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Robey, John W.........do....July 1,'61, 3 Died at Jeffersonville, Ind., Oct. 26, 1864-Vet. Rose, eter................ do..... April 8, 65, 1 Discharged May 15, 1865, at Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Smith, Albert...........do..... Feb. 18,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Selby, George E......do.... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stevens, John............do....lan. a 19,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Martin...........do..... Nov. 22,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Spring, Samuel.........do..... Dec. 9,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Sandy, Benjamin F...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Shaver, James B........d.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Shields, Williamn.......do...... July 1, 61 3 Discharged by Special Order, March 17, 1863. Shoemaker, Elijah.....do..... Nov. 26,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865. Smith,- ewbold.......do..... Jan 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Smith, William R.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. Spillbeck, Charles......do.......an. 26,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Stanback, Michael......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Statzel, Peter M.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Sullivan, Dennis........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Steever, Edward G.....do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Sweitzer, Jesse C.......do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865. Shaffer, Daniel..........do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Died at Washington, D. C., June 24, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Sharp, William.........do......................... Died July 29, 1864, of wounds received at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 20, 1864. Shaffer, Louis R.........do..... Dee, 30,'63, 3 Deserted July 9, 1865. Stinebeck, George......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 6, 1862. Shiver, William W...do.....July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet.'Schlafer, Herman......do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tooley, William........do..... Dec. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tominey, Philip.........do.....Nov. 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Taylor, Robert S........do.............. Disch. by writ of habeas corpus July 22,1861. Von Brinker, Geo.....do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Recruit-never- joined company. Walsh, Thos P...........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wambauqh, Jacob.....do..... Nov. 15, 64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Waugh, James R.......do..... Nov. 15'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wilt, Josiah..............do..... Nov. 15,'63, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Watt, Joseph............d..... Nov. 18,'64, 1 Recruit-never joined company. TVilliams, David R.....do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. WVilson, John............do....Dec. 11,'62, 3 Dischargdd-date unknown. Wilson; Joseph..........do..... Jul 1,'61, Disch:rged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'63. Whittaker, Wm........do..... Aug. 17,'1, 3 Deserted May 26, 1862. White, William.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. TWVhite, Alfred....d.. do.. July 26,'64, 1 Not on -muster-out roll COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Davis M. Lane........ Capt... July 5,'61, 3 Resigned September 12, 1862. eo. E. Johnston...........do July 5,'61, Wounded at Ringgold, Nov.27,1863-promoted to Captain, Feb. 22,'63-to Major, Jan. 12,'65. William P. Brown....do.. July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., June 9,'64-to Capt., Jan. 12,'65-.1 mustered out with company, July 17,'65-rVet. SO8 TWENTY-NINTH REGIRMENT2 NA.' ERANE. DATE OP MUSTER REMARKS. 1NTO SERVICE. EMAR William Letford..... 1st Lt.. July 1,'61, 3 Pmromoted to Adjutant- date unknown. Joseph Maguigan......do..... July 5, 61, 3 Dismissed July 8, 1864. Eber T. Mercer........... July 5, 61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Wm. Harrington.... 2d Lt... July 5, 61, 3 Killed by railroad accident, March 4, 1864. Charles F. Muller......do..,. July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, January 18, 1864wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864 — mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Tet. Charles B. Shubert 1st Sgt. July,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant., October 21, "64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865i-Vet. John B. Eckert...... Serg't.. July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15,'64 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm.. M. Maihn,......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 9, 1864-mustered'~.'y out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jacoh W. Hardy......do..... Dee. 9'63, S Promoted to Sergeant, October 21,'64-mustered out with company,. July 17, 1865-Vet. Walt'rS, Bvrnwood'.d..do.... Dec.9,'63, 3 Pr. to Cor., June9, 1864-to Sgt., Jan. 18, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 65-Vet. Edwin 1. Lewis........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'63. William Geddes...... Corp.... July,'61, 3 Wounded at Resaca, Ga., May 15,'64-mustered out with company, July 17,. 1865-Vet. Richard W. Parsons...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. Joseph Foster......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John A, J. Johnston...do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George Free........... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Levi P. M'NeHy.......... uly 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 186-Vet. John. J. Dougherty..do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865 —mutered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. John Dougherty.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Edward Colton..........do...Feb. 1, 62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 26, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. George W. Custins.......... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Fred'k N. Kollock.....do.... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Oliver K. Wood.........d..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 13, 1864. John Cavanaugh........do...l July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-killed near Atlanta, August 3, 1864 —Vet. Joseph J. Mercer......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died November 22, 1863. Jacob Fetters...........do.. July 5,'61, 3 Died February 23, 1862. IsaacB.Weightman....d...A Aug. 23,'62, 3- Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Israel R. Bullock... Muc...- July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Adam Motsirger.......do... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Atherholt, Henry... Private July 8'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Addleton, Thomas.....do...... June 9,'62, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-ab. at muster out. Atkins,Washington...do... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'62. Acton, Thomas.......do..... June 16,'63, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Adams, James......do.. Oct. 31'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Beam, Jesse B........do Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beam, Alchiades.........do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Byrnes, Joseph.........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brown, George M......do.... Jan, 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Baker, Charles...........do..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Byers, James F......do.... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Broomall,Wellingn...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'61. Beckwith, Silas C......do.....Jan. 5,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'64. Boyce, Daniel...........do... July 5, 61, 3 Discharged July J1, 1864. Boker, George W,......do.... June 16,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1864. Bakeover,Augustus...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 31, 1863. Ball, John WO..............do... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Deserted February 10, 1864. Collins, George......... do... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Craig, John H...........do.... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cavanaugh, Nich's...do.....Jan. 15,'64, 3 Wounded at Savannah, December 6, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17,1864-Vet. Cassiday, Wm. D......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, Aug. 7, 1865-Vet. Cotherman, Nathl...do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. Cook, George............do..July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Oct. 16, 1861. Campbell, Robert......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Feb. 11, 1863. Casner, James............do July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3,18,63-discharged July 15, 1864. Canu, Henry............do..., Feb. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 16,1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 509 fAME. RAwK. DATE OF MUSTER )AR INTO SERVICE. X REMARKS. Coonan, James........ Private July 5,'61, 3 Died October 28, 1862. Craig, illiam H.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted February 28, 1862. Davis, Joseph...........do... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dager, JohnO'Brien...do.....Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Davis, George.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Doyle, Thomas...........do... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dixon, William E......do... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dorsey, William........do..Jan. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Derry, George W.......o..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Duffey, Charles.........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Daymon, John........... o.. July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, September 1, 1861. Elsley, Joseph........do.... July 3,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'65. Edwards, Alex'r M...do..... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Eckel, William.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died August, 1862. Edwards, Robert........do Oct. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Faukner, James....... do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Francks, George W...do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Franklin, George.......o J.....July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, October 1, 1861. Fell, Jacob...............do.....Feb. 10,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Fitzgerald, Edward..do..... Nov. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gaul, William S.........do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Gibson, Lewis S......... do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gutbub, Philip...........do..... Feb. 1, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Griffiths, Edwin C......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Discharged August 5, 1865.' Gray, William...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'63. Gillen, David..........do..... July 5,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. Grier, Israel R..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Belle Isle, Va., Sept. 5, 1862. Gallaher, Francis P...do....Aug. 27,'62,3 Died at Chester, Pa., December 7, 1863. Hunter, Israel R........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 31, 1864-reduced Jan. 26,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Haskins, John H......do... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hardy, Daniel.........do.... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hitchcock, Henry......do..... Jan. 30,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harper, David.......do..... May 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865. Hobbert, James........do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864, at Resaca, Ga., with loss of arm-discharged July 4, 1865. Hawkins, W. E......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Haskins, John H......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Hofman, William.......d... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Holloway, Thos S d......... July,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Harps, David S.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Lynchburg, Va., July 13,'62. Holland, Henry........do Feb. 5,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Hooper, Henry.........do..Dec. 21,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hinkle, Henry..........do.....Jan. 16,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Howe, George F.......do.... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Irwin, John..............do... Nov. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17) 1865. Irwin, Joseph..........do... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Isely, Joseph..........do... July 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Johnson, WilliamS...do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863-absent at muster out. Jardene, John...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died April 13, 1863. Jones, William..........do Dec. 28,'63, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Kramer, John A....d...do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Keegan, Andrew.......do July 5,'61, 3 Died December 27, 1861. Kifferty, Christ'r........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged July 25, 1864. Litenger, Rufus W...do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lemmon, Thos. L......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —et. Lynch, Joseph C.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Sur-eon's certificate, Dec. 29,'61. ILemmon, John 0..d......Jan. 16,'64, 3 Wounded at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Lewis, James P........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Ludenberg, Joseph...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Lafferty, Charles........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, Dec. 9,'62. Leibeck,:John..........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Letford, Charles........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Feb. 22, 1863. Letford, Robert M......do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Died March 19, 1864. Lynch, Patrick.........do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Deserted February 28, 1862. Magarahan, Sylves...do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moore, Robert............do. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mack, Edwin-A........d..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murray, John............do.....Jan. 21,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Metzel,.James............do...Dec. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 20, 1865. Meadows, Francis.....do.... Dec. 26,'63,3 Discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865. Mullin, Howard.......do.... July 5'61, 3 Killed at Front Royal, Va., May 23, 1862. 510 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, W DATE OF MUSTER NAME. BANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARS. Mahoney, Michael.. Private Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Marshall, Henry S.....do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Killed at Atlanta, Ga., June 24, 1864. Martin, John............do..... July 13,'64, 3 Recruit-neverjoined company. Martin, James............do..Aug. 1,'62, 3 Deserted July, 1864. M'Crea, William.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. M'Laughlin, Wnm..... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Coombs, Wm. H...do.. Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Crea, John...........d..... July 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. M'Gowan, Michael....do.....July 5 61 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. M'Gowen, Patrick.....do.....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. M'Avoy, Thomas....... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company.C, October 11, 1861. M'Donal, William.......do.....July 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 31, 1863. M'Dermot, John.....J...d..... July 16,'61, Deserted February 28, 1862. M'Kee, Henry............do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Nelly, William......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Norback, David.........do.....Jan. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to company E, April 30, 1864. Owen, William...........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Olmsteed, Philip........do..... Sept. 19,'64, Recruit-neverjoined company. Olmstead, Wm. E.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Olmstead, David B.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Resaca, May 15, 1864-discharged by General Order, September 26, 1864. Ottey, Thomas P........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Owen, Evan F...........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Died Feb. 8, of wounds received Feb. 5, 1865buried in Cypress Hospital Cemetery, L. I. Omara, Patrick.........do..... July 16,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Paul, John H...........do... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Paul, Thomas............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Phelan, William J.......do.... Dec. 23,'633 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Philips, Daniel..........do.....Jan. 19,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order July 5, 1865. Parker, William H......do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Palmer, Phineas.........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Reeves, Nelson..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Rodell, John G.........do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Robinson, James H...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1864. Rice, Henry..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-Vet. Shannon, Wm. H......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864-muso tered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Stratton, George.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Simpson, Richard..... do..... Dec. 30,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Cerantus........do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Springfield, John....... do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shenner, Benj. F........do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sanford, Michael........do.... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stauffer, George.........do.... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Small, Edward...........do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Deserted February 2, 1865. Secongus, Adam........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Smith, Jacob.............do.... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Steine, David.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Sellers, William............. July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 29,'64-Vet. Shaffer, George..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Sloan, William I.......do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged July 8, 1864. Sewell, William K.....do.....Mar. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18, 63. Sickels, John.............do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Sullivan, John...........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 3, 1863. Sheppard, John.........do..... Dec. 24, 63, 3 Deserted August 4, 1864. Smith, Andrew.........do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Recruit-never joined company. St. James, Henry....... do....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Smith, Walter...........do..... Oct. 31,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Benjamin........do..... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Prisoner from February 20 to May 5, 1865-discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865. Toy, Thomas..............do.... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thorton, John H........do..... July 24,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thomas, David J........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tennehill, Zach. L.....do..... Dec. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865. Tuttle, Charles.........do.... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-absent at muster out. Toy, Thomas..............do.... Mar. 16,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Trout, William...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Thorn, Joseph.......... do.... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, Nov. 1, 1861. Taylor, Abel..............do..... July 5, 61, 3 Deserted January 31,.1863. Trimble, John L.......do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Tobias, Edward J.....do..... Aug. 26,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Talmadge, Chas B......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted May 30 1863. Wilsey, John............l. Jan. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 511 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Ward, John A.... Private Feb. 23, 4, 3 Prisoner May 25, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865. Weiderman, W.........do..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Absent, without leave, at muster out. White, Richard G........... do........................ Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21, 1862. Wonderly, F B..........do..... Sept. 13,'62, 31 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and at Reseca, May 15,. 1864-dischargedby G. O., June 3, 1865. Wynn, Joseph...I.......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Weightman, John...'...do..... Feb. 14,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Wylie, Francis R........do.... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Williams, Henry...do..... Jan. 16, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 16, 1865. Weber, Ferdinand...... do..... July 5, 61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Warner, Casper H.....do.....July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Watson, Samuel D......do..... Jan. 18,'65, Died June 3,'65-bu. at Alexandria-grave,3,195. White, Charles........do..... Sept. 26, 61, 3 Deserted February 28, 1862. Williams, Patrick A...do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Zinger, Jacob...d.......do.....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Jesse R. Millison.... Capt.... July 1,'61, 13 Promoted to Major 29th reg. P. V., April 16,'64. Robert P. Dechert......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt.,Jan. 16,'62to Capt., Feb. 23, 1864-to Major 29th regiment P. V., March 26, 1865. William H. Trites. do...... d July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt. company D, Nov. 9, 1864-to Capt. company C, Mar. 25,'65mustered out with company, J uly 17, 1865-Vet. William F. Stine..... 1st Lt... July 1,'61, 3 Resigned December 1, 1861. Allen T. Mertz....d.... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, March 25, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Jacobs....... 2d Lt.,. July 1,'61, 3 Resigned December 23, 1861. Samuel J. Oliver.......d..... Dec. 24,'61, 3 Com. 1st Lt., April23,1863-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Ledent...... 1st Sgt. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Kilbe............ Serg't.. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Samuel L Russell.....do..... July 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Matthew Fulton........do..... July 1,'61, M3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles Stillwell........do....July 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Austin Long..............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. William H. Trites.....do... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 9, 1864. Theo. S. F. Baker......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 15, 1864. Elias Cade.............. do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Nov. 9, 1864. William C. Green......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Samuel Parkhill.......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 21; 1861. Edward C. Baker... Corp.. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Charles WV. Ford........do.... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 65-Vet. Patrick Cannon....... do..... July 1'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Fiernay............do.... July,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Money............do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas Courtney......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. H. H. Tilley......do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company July 17, 1865-Vet.i Albert Maskings....d...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas Grant............do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Eli Boyle................do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Nicholas T. Gilbert...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Matthew Doyle.........do.....July 1'61 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. lames W. Johnson.....do..... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged July 28, 1864. Alex'r P. Greiner......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate, June 26, 1865-Vet. John Clarey...............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died October 3, 1864, of wounds received July 20, 1864-Vet. Louis Metz................do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Muddy Branch, Md., Nov. 8, 1861. John Gernmon............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Sandy Hook, Md., October 19, 1862. William Parkhill......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted October 21, 1861. Aaron Brown...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Godfrey Fringo........do....July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William Springfield Muc.....July 28,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-discharged July 28,'64. Samuel Pollock.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 29,'65-Vet. Allington, Thomas Private July 1,61, 3 Musteredoutwithcompany, July 7,1865-Vet. Ashenfelter, Martin...do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Anderson, Samuel....do.... Jan. 5,'65, 3 Prisoner of war since-March 1, 1865. Adams, John...........do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Deserted-date unknown. 512 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RERKS. 1NTO SERVICE NAMT. RANK. S^ gERViofi ^ REMARKS. Baker, John M....... Private Jan. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out.with company, July 17, 1865. Brown, Joseph..........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Burns, Thomas.........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Blank, John..............do.... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Byng, William..........do.... Jan. 9,'65, 1 Prisoner of war since March 1, 1865. Baker, William H.....do....Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Beattie, Robert J.......do..... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Buckis, Robert..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus. July 27,'61. Boone, WilliamnL......do..... July 1,'61, 3 ischargedonSurg. certificate, June 26,'65-Vet. Bradley, William.....do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3Deserted March 31, 1865. Byrnes, James....d.......... Feb. 5,'64,3 Deserted April 7, 1864. Batless, William......d....... Jan. 7,'65,3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Barlow, Peter..........do..... Nov. 14,'64,3 Not on muster-out roll. Carney, Thompson...do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Camac, John......... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged December 3, 1864. Connerton, James......do... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Coleman, George........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, July 1, 1865. Christy. James..........do....Jan 13,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Collwell, George.......do....Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Conway, Francis.......do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Carison John............ do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Donohue, William.....do.... Jan 2,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'65. Danfield, David P......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Dight, Wesley...........do... Feb. 1,'65,3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Dougherty, Jas. C......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to company H, May 3, 1864. Donaldson, Joseph.....do.... June 29,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, February 20. 1864-Vet. Donnelly, Oliver P.....do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Deserted April 7, 1864. Devine, John..........do.....Oct. 20,'64, Deserted July 8, 1865. Everitt, Robert........do.... Jan. 18,'65,2 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Erhart, Nicholas.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., March 10, 1862-buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Eroud, Enos..............do... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Deserted July 8, 1865. Folwell, William.......do.... July 1,'61, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fenton, John............do.... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ferns, John..............do.... Mar. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fisher, John..............do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fischer, Francis.......do.... Jan. 9,'65, 3Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865. Flanigan, WVm. M.....do..... Oct. 13,'63, 3 Deserted-arrested-prisoner March 1, 1865. Flood, John..............do..... July 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'63. Foxhill, George.........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Free, George..............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, November 1, 1861. Feaster, William.......do..... Jan. 13,'65,3 Deserted March 21, 1865. Fletcher, Hugh......do.... Jan 12,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Fisher, William........ do....Sept. 26,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 5, 1865. Garitz, James............do.... Jan. 13,'63, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Graham, John E........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'62. Garson, Thomas.....do..... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Dishonorably discharged August 9, 1863. Gutsgezel, Ray'nd..do......July 1,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged April 10, 1862. Heage, John.............. do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Helm, Frederick........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered ont with company, July 17, 1865. Hickey, John...........do..... Dec. 9,'62, 3 Paroled pris., March, 1865 —absent at muster out. Holtsman, Joseph......do.... June 9,'64, 3 Deserted June 9, 1864-arrested October 8, 1864absent, sick, at muster out. Huggins, Conrad.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Sept. 1,'63. Hockney, Benj.........do............................ Died at Nashville, Tenn., July 11, 1864. Hall, William J.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1863. Henderson,Mat'w J...do......July 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 4, 1862. Herron, Matthew......do..........................Deserted July 3, 1863. Hahn, William.........do..... June 22,'64, 3 Deserted April 7, 1864. Howard, Oscar...........do.... Jan -12,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Hennessy, William.d..do..... Jan 10,'65, 3 Deserted April 19, 1865. Howey, Louis...d........ do..... Jan. 7,'65,... Deserted April 19, 1865. Hoffman, Geo. WV......do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster- oit roll. Harbon, John............do........................ Died April 17,'65 —bu. in Cypress Hill C'y, L. I. Irwin, Jacob..............do..... Jan. 20,'65, 2 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James, Charles..........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jarvis, Henry........... do..... Feb. 15,'65, Deserted July 8, 1865. King, August......... o..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kelly, William......... do..... Jan. 27,'63, 3 Deserted June 30, 1865. Knorr, Charles...... do.... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Deserted July 10, 1865. Kinslow, Joseph....do..... Nov. 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lynch, Alexander....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Lynch, Anthony.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Lehman, Wash'n...... o... July 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'62. Litzenberg, W. B........ July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, September 1, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 513.. ME, - _ t3-..^..'3 INTO BERVICE. P4 W Laughlin, Michael.. Private Jan. 14,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Lynch, John.............. do... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Murray, John M.......do...out with company, July 117,1865-Vet. Mitchell, James..........do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Mallon, Robert...........do.... Jan. 10, 65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Malloy, John........d...do....Jan. 14,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mellott, David R........do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, Joseph...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864.. Mathews, George W...do.,... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to company G, May 3, 1864. Miley, Andrew J.......do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company G, May 3, 1864. Mitchell, Thomas...-...do........................... Transferred. to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 2, 1865. Maceliag, Thomas......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Martin, Michael.........do.... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Magee, Edward.........do... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Mulatt, William........do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Miller, Louis.............do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Mangin, John............do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Noton muster-outroll. Marsh, George.......... do... Nov. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Carter, James........do... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. M'Colgan, James.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Bridgeport, Ala., April 1, 1864-Vet. M'Fadden, John........do..... July 1,'61, 8 Killed at Wauhatchie, Tenn., October 28, 1863. M'Gowan, Andrew...do..... Jan. 13,'65,3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Neipt, Ludwir...........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Norbeck. Jacob...........do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out. Nagle, Henry............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 28, 1864. Naylor, George..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted April, 1864. Nelson, Peter...........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. O'Neill, Hugh................. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. O'Neill, Edward........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. O'Donnell, Hugh.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Wounded in action July 20, 1864-died at Philadelphia, August 30, 1864-Vet. Pepper, George..........do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Pifer, John E. A......do... Feb. 22,'65. Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Parkhill,:Charles......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by writ of habeas corpus, Aug. 3,'61. Philip, James S....d.....do Jul 28 Discharged July 28,'611864. Plirden, James..........do... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 28, 1864, Punch, Michael.........do....July 1.'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Paden, Thomas........do.. Jan. 12,'65, 1 Deserted July 10, 1865. Quigley, Peter..........do.. Jan 5,'65, 1 iustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Rodgers, Michael......do...Oct. 18,'64 1 Discharged by General Order, May 22, 1865. Rogers, Henry..........do....Jan. 10,'65, 3 Prisoner of war since March 1, 1865. Richardson, Alb't E...do... July 1,'1, 3Discharged July 1, 1864. Robinson, Robert......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Russell, George E......do.... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Wounded in action Dec. 17, 1864-died at Savannah, Ga,, January 9, 1865. Ryan, James.............do..... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Ross, John...............do.....Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 10, 1865. Riley, John....d........ ado. 9','643 Not on muster-out roll. Rogers, John............do..... Nov. 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sloan. James................. Jan. 12,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stehlin, James........ do..... Jan. iQ,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stratton, Harve......do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Prisoner of war since March 1, 1865. Schuyler Wm.......do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to company G, May 3, 1864. Sellers, William..... do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, October 1, 1861. Steine, David...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, December 1, 1861. Strang, Joseph...........do....July 1,'61, 3 Wounded inactionOctober 28,1863-died at Wauhatchie, Tenn,, October 29, 1863. Sullivan, Patrick.......do..... Jan. 10'65, 3 Deserted June 5, 1865. Spatzer, Emanuel......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Sullivan, Henrv.....do.... July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sullivan, Barth'w......do..... Nov, 12,'64, 3 Not on muster out-roll. Thomas, Henry......J...d..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tobler, Carl............... o Jan. 7,'65, Absent, sick, at muster out. Thompson. James.....do Jan, 12,'65, 3 Prisoner of war since March 1, 1865. Tilton, Abrahan.....do.. July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,'62, Thorn, Joseph. do......... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 1, 1864. Tigner, James..........d.... Jan. 12,'65, 1 Deserted.Tune 5, 1865. T'hompson, JaLres......do..... July 5.'61 3 Deserted November 27, 1861. Vandegrift, Win. H...do..J..uly 1,'61, 3Transferred to company E, November 1, 1861. Valentine, Henry..do... July 1,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll, \ontaiue, Eugene...do.... July,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll, VWood, James........... do... Julv 1.'61, 3 Mustered out wish company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Whaley, Hugh....... do.. I Jan". 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. W\atson, Frank........do.... Feb. 3. 65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865. Wagoner, Adarn..,...do.... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Mustered out July 11, 1865, 65: 514 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT.,. P-3 W NAME. RANK. INTO MUSTERV REMARKS. Watson, Joseph....Private July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas orpus. July 17,'61. Welsh, Michael.........do..... July,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. White, Samuel.........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 13,'62. Williams, Wm. W....do..... July 5, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'6g Wiley, V'. Resteen.....do..... July 28,'61, 3 Tranferred to company B, October 1, 1861. Wilson, Edward........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863. Wilson, George.........do... Jan. 11, 65, 3 Deserted March 31, 1865. Willingmire, Sam'...do.. July 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wheeler, Thomas...... do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ward, George............do..... Jan. 12, 65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Young, Jos. A. F......do July 1,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., December 20, 1861. Younkin, John..........do.....Dec. 3, 64 Deserted April, 1865. Zugenfuss, Joseph.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1863. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Wm. J. Byrnes...... Capt.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 8, 1864. George W. Shuster...do.... July 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., July 30,'62-to Capt., Nov. 9,'64-mus. out with company, July 17,'65. Edward C. Burr..... 1st Lt.. July 8,'61, 3 Resigned March 18, 1862. William H. Trites......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 29th reg. P. V., March 24,'65. Elias Cade............... do.. July 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. F, 29th reg. P. V., June 7, 1865. John Burns........... 2d Lt... July 8,'61, 3 Resigned September 1, 1861. William H. Page.......do...Sept. 19,'61, 3 Dismissed June 23, 1862. I. A. D. Blake...........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Resigned April 12, 1864. Arthur, Gourley........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 23, 1865corn. 1st Lt., March 15, 1865-not mustered — mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John H. Byrnes.........do.....July 8,'61, 3 Resigned September 1, 1861-not. commissioned. David M. Black...... lst Sgt. July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May 23, 1865com. 2d Lt., March 15, 1865-not musteredmustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Leonard Stewart.... Serg't.. July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 23, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John M'Cabe.............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. toSgt., May23,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. T. Greeman...... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., June 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Steven D. Smith........do..... Dec. 8,'63, 3 Wounded Jnlv 20, 1864-absent at muster out. Wm. Einwechter.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged oi Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. John H. H. Wilson...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 22, 1865. William Rowan....... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Edward C. Kerr...... do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died at Nashville, Tenn., June 7, 1864. William D. Shuster...do..... July 27,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Samuel Fleming..... Corp.... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 22, 1865-mustered out with company July 17, 1865-Vet. John I. Hughes.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Geo. W. Bosswell......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Daniel Stobel............ do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James Donnelly.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Taylor........... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Peterson..........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph E. Bell...........do.... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 15, 1863, Benj. Filbrook...........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Joseph Calverley.......do.... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Died June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Culp's Farm, Ga.-Vet. John, Slaven.............do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Robert Wilson......... do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted February 25, 1863-parolled prisoner. John C. Conway.......do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Michael Gillis........ Muc.... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Stephen Ashford........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 15, 1862. Andrew, Lowrey.... Private Jan. 12,'64 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Austin, Charles.... do.. Juy 8'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62, THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 515 NAME. RANK. DATE O ETER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. R Amos, Washington. Private July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Anderson, Robert......do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Anderson, Wm..........o..... J Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Braisley, Emanuel.....do... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Brooks, Albert WX......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boston, Beverly P......do.... Oct. 19,'64, 1Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Burnham, George......do..... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bauhm, William........do Jan. 6,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bird, George.............do Aug. 29,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Barr, John................do... Jan. 26,'65, Absent, sick, at muster out. Basset, James............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9,'61L Bolin, Charles.......d..... July 8,'61, 3 Disch. by sentence of court martial, Sept. 1,'61 Bacon, Joseph A........do. July 8,'61, 3 Discharged September 12, 1864. Burns, Thomas F......do.. July 8,'61,3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Burton, John............ o....Dec. 1,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865.' Bowers, Herman......do...Jan. 3,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865. Brown, George W......do....July 8,'61, 3 Disch. February 7, 1864, for wounds received at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864-Vet. Barger, John..............do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, June 1, 1863. Brophy, William.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Bridgeport, Ala, April 22, 1864. Burns, Joseph S.......do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 De-erted December 16, 1864. Brady, James............do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Black, John.............. Jan. 6,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Baker, John..............do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Culpetzer, John.........do.....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Conway, Stephen......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged September 13, 1863, for wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, 1883. Coliins, Charles A......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 2, 1864. Council, Charles.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'62. Cooney, Patrick.........do....Dec. 10,'64, 3 Deserted May 2, 1864. Cassiday, John..........do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3Deserted March 7, 1865. eitrick, John..........Dec. 22,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, Aug. 9, 1865. iawson, Isaac F..... do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1861. Davidson, James.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'61. Denny, William.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 21, 1865, of wounds received at Re acca, May 15, 1864-Vet. Doran, John..............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 30, 1865. Diamond, James........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted March 15, 1865. Daniels, Henry......do..... Oct. 16,'64, 1 Deserted March 15, 1865. Davis Samuel...........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Dageman, Frank......do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Donohue, Michael.....do... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Deserted May 11, 1865. Dolan, John............'..do...... Jan 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Dawson, James........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster out roll. Emory, George M......do.... Jan. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Eppinger, Charles.....do July 8,'61, 3 Discharged August 1, 1864, of wounds received at Lookout Mountain, November 24, 1863. Eldridge, Thomas......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Deserted May 2, 1864. Ellis, William....... Jn...d... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Foos, Daniel.............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Falls, James..............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Fister, Lewis............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fennimore, Jacob......do..... Dec. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Foster, Lewis............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'62. Gibson, John.............do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Green, George.. do...... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gibson, William H...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1,'62. Griffith, Matthew......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted December 25, 1862. Gray, William H......do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Deserted December 25, 1862. Gates, Henry.............do _... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hill, Franklin...........do... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Holt, John.................do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hughes, James.......do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hansom, Charles.......do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Herschoff, Augus's..do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Henline, William......do..... Nov. 12,'64, I Absent, sick, at muster out. Hunter, James..........do.... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Detached August 9, 1862, for duty in Adjutant. General's Office, Harrisburg. Haus, Edwin...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'63. Houck, Jacob D.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Henline, Hiram.............. Sept. 22,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 3, 1865. Higgins, William...... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'61. Ianigan, Bernard......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Higbee, Martin C.....do..... Dec. 26,'61, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Hoare, Louis..........do..... July 8,'1, i3 Died of wounds received at Resaca, May 15,'64 516 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMIENT. INAME. R. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. ^~. x oT ~c~~ i.' Hoag, Cardinal B... Private Oct. 31,'64, 1 Died at Nashville, February 22, 1865-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 463. Haus, William.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Camp Carmel, Md., February 19, 1862 Herron, William.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted January 31, 1862. Harrington, John......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted April 11, 1862. Hood, Andrew..........do..Ja. 18,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Hicks, Abraham.......... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Holt, John............. o.....o an. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Hyett, Thomas.........do..Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit —never joined company. Herron, James.........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ireland, Thomas.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., February 2, 1862. Jones, William.........do.. Jan. 14,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Johnson, Thomas......do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865..Johnston, John..........do..... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Kerr, James..........do July 8,61, Mustered ot with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kress, Frederick......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'62. Krouse, Jacob............do.. Jan. 11,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Keever, Edward........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Lee, Jacob...............do... July 1,61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Lee, John...............-.do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Leonard, Levi...........do..... Jan. 1],'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 — et. Lewis, Charles..........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted July 15, 1863. Leonard, Charles.......do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Mainor, Isaac............do.....July 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Moreland, George......do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Munday, William......do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Martin, David...........do.....Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1,1862. Martin, James...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Mooney, Thomas.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted October 11, 1862. Monigan, Patrick......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 2, 1864-Vet. M'Fadden, Samuel...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Peak, William.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. M'Gee, James............do..... July 1'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. M'Merney. Thomas...do..... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. M'Elrath, Stuart........do.... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Deserted May 2, 1864. M'Gee, James.........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Carty, James.........do..... Nov. 11,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Nable, Francis........... do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nichols, Alexander...do..... July 8,'61 3 Discharged October 31, 1864, for wounds received ~ at Resaca, Ga.-Vet. O'Neill, James.........do..... Jan. 13, 65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Orr, Samuel............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred Nov. 10, 1862, to 2d Mass. Vol. Peckman, John.........do..... July 11,'64, 3 Detached April 29, 1865, to Ordnance Departm't. Poet, Michael.............do... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Quain, John.............do.....Jan. 10,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Roi, Charles.............do.....Jan. 12,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reynolds, Wm. H.....do..... Sept. 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. Runey, John.............do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Prisoner from January 28 to May 5, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Rodet, John R..... do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1862. Ryan, Thomas...........d..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 6, 1862. Reidge, Thomas........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted August 22, 1862. Rasebrook, L. D....d....do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Deserted May 2, 1864. Ryan, Daniel............do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Shields, Wm. L.......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Springer, A. J...........do.... Feb. 2,'64,. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Benj. S.........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Scott, William.........................3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus, at Philadelphia. Shultz, Frederick.......do.... July 8, 61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Stevenson, James.....do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Simpson, Steven D...do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 15, 1862. Stringer, Henry.........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, December 24, 1865. Smith, Cervantus.......do..... Dec. 29,'62, 3 Deserted May 6, 1864. Simpson, Walter.......do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Sanders, John........do.....Jan. 14,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Sutherland, G. W......do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Smith, James............do.... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Smith, Joseph...........do....Jan. 16,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Sullivan, John...........do.....Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Toy, Cornelius...........d..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet, Thompson, Robert..... do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Tonolia, Antonia.......do..... Jan. 13,'65, 3 Deserted March 10, 1865. Wynant, Peter L......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Whartenby, Thos......do..... Feb. 20,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Walters, Charles.......do.....Jan. 12,'65,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 517 I NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Wallums, Charles... Private Jan. 13,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. West, Adam C...........do..... Sept. 14,'62, Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865. Wallace, Patrick.......do...Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted July 11, 1865. Wilson, James...........do... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted November 25, 1861. Wilson, Frank.............do..... Nov. 12,.'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Webb, William............do Jn. 18,'65,3 3 Recruitnever joined company. Zimmerman, John..'...do..... ee. 23,'64, M ustered out with company, July 17, 1865. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Samuel M. Zulick... Capt.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, March 3, 1863. William P. O'Bryon...do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, March 16, 1863 —resigned 1March 20, 1863. Fred'k J. Sorber.......do..... d July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, March 24, 1863-resigned April 9, 1864. Sykes Beaumont........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, June 9, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thomas T. Seal...... Ist Lt.. July 8,'61, 3 Dismissed June 23, 1862. John H. Moore.............. July 8,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt.. April 24,'63-to Adj., Jan. 1, 1864. Alfred Childs............do..... July 8, 61, 13 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. WTm. D. Rickards... 2d Lt.. July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. company K, 29thregiment Pa. Volunteers, May 6, 1862. Chas. R. Simpson..do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt.. April 24, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. William E. Barras.. 1st Sgt.. July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., April 24,'63-to 1st Sgt., Sept. 29, 1864 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William H. Moore.. Serg't.. July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner fron May 25, to Sept. 17,'62,-promoted to Sgt., April 24, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Robt.J. Brookmyre...do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 8gt., Sept. 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Ibaugh..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John H. Hadden.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. 29, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Cromley.....do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Wallace Hoffner..... Corp.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 4,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Coulson...........do.....July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 4,'64-mustered out with company. July 17. 1865-Vet. William H. Esling.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 14,'61-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William H. Boehm...do.....July 8,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, May 14,'61-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Geo. Kochersperger... do... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-VetWilliam F. Binmer... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 24,'63-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Robert Callahan........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 29,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. William Dunn...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 11, 1863 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fred'k Barnwood......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hugh Riddle...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 9, 1864. James Dunn........ do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. William Ash..............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Charles H. Baker......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Savannah, December 17, 1864-Vet. John T. Ash........... Muc..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Egner....... do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Allen, John............ Private June 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick-recruit-never joined company. Ashman, Peter.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Atherholt, Henry......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 29th reg. P.V.-date unknown. Arnold, William S.....do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Deserted June 29, 1865. Brown, Robert...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Braudt, William........do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bibighaus, Charles...do..... April 18,'63, 3 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out. Burrows, John S.......do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 14,'63. Barras, Charles F.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22, 1862. 518 TWENTY-NINTIE REGIMENT. IN NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. ]AE.. INTO SERVICE. I Bickler, Christian... Private July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apri 2,'63. Boyle, William...do...... l July 8, 61, 3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus-date unknown. Branson, Joseph......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 12, 1862. Branson, Peter...........do.. Feb. 9,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Burke, Francis.........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Barnhardt, Jacob......do Feb. 7,'65, 1 Deserted July 1, 1865. Bradshaw, James.....do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Missing in action at Pumpkin Vine creek, Ga., May 25, 1864. Bates, John............do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bliss, John..............do..... 26,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Butler, Joseph...........do..... April 10,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Clarey, Jacob...........do..... July 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Callan, William F......do..... Jan. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cullen, Baniel L........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Campbell, Daniel.....do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Castle, Thomas..........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Cozzens, Benj. P.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, January 22, 1863. Coons, Peter..............do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12,'65., Colguhoun, John......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Coleman, George.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, June 21, 1865. Crouch, James..........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted February 26, 1862. Corwin, James...........do..... July 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Cane, James.............do..... Nov. 14,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Collins, John............ do..... Nov. 19,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Clark, Michael...........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Clark, Joseph............do.....Jan. 31,'65, Mustered out November 16, 1865. Dilks, Josiah.............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet, Dougan, William.....do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Daymon, John...........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6, 1863. Dulfield, Samuel.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Dougherty, John....... do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 7, 1865. Doran, James............do..... Dec. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Devlin, James...........do.....Feb. 9,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Edgo, William...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1.'63. Elliot, John..............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Eggleton, John.........do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. French, James...........do.....Dec. 29,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Feeney, William J.....do... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cerificate, Jan. 23, 1863. Forsyth, Thomas......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864-Vet. Goodex, Louis...........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4, 1865. Gerritt, John............do.....Aug. 22,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Getty, Joseph K........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died June 21,'64, of wds. received at Resaca, May 15,'64-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 102.-Vet. Humes, John............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 25, to September 17, 1862mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hudson, Joseph.........do.... Dec. 29,63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hertzog, Joseph........do..... Jan. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Homrer, Andrew........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hautenberry, Wm.....do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harlin, Charles.........Jan. 18,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Herbstritt, Peter.......do..... Jan. 18,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hoagland, John Y......do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. Hertig, Jacob............do..... July 12,'61, 3 Sentenced for desertion, December 27, 1864-discharged July 1, 1865. Hartrine, Daniel........do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Hinckle, George........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Hertig, Henry........... do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December 1862. Harris, John..............do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Deserted August 4, 1864. Hunter, Israel S......do..... Dec. 9, 63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Hutchins, Peter.... d....do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Haupt, Henry.........d...do..... Feb. 4,'64, 1 Deserted July 2, 1865. I Jackson, Lewis W.....do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Johnson,Leonard M...d.....Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Johns, Joseph......... do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jones, George W.......do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Jones, Edward............. Nov. 16,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Kelly, Mathias..........d..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Kelly, James V.... o........ July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kessler, Charles........do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kroeson, Thomas......do..... Nov. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kelly, Patrick F........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out-Vet. Kirlin, William.............July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Kennedy, John do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12,1864. Klinger, Frederick...do.... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'65. Kelly, James............ Feb. 9,'64, 3 Recruit never joined company. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 519 ~1~ M -nnAME. a. D __ TD_ _I. FAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. RE MARKS. L~ennix, James....... Private July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Lithgrow, Robert.....do... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ludwig, Joseph........ do.....Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865..Long, Ellwood..........do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Leidy, William...... "'do.... July 8,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 29th regiment, P. V, Lannen, Dennis........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Lynchburg, Va., July 12, 1862. Logue, John..............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Miller, Henry............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Matthews, John........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Meyers, Adam........d...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with cornpany, July 17, 1865. Miller, William H......do..... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morrison, Charles......o.... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mersearau, Henry.....do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mansfield. Thomas...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-absent, sick, at muster out. Metzger, Philip.........do.... Jan. 2,'65,3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Maloney, Michael.....do..... Jan. 21,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Mulligan, John.........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Recruit —never joined company. Matthews, Edwin........... Jan. 20,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Matthews, Edwin......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Mack, Michael..........-do..... Dec. 8,'62, 3 Deserted December 27, 1862. Miller, Henry.......d.....do..Jan. 31,'65, Deserted June 29,'65-dishon. diseh., Oct. 5,'65. Murphy, Henry........ do..... July 15,'61, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Moore, John..............do.....July 15,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Mahr, John.............. do..... Nov. 16,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Murphy, Casius.......do..... Jan. 30,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Monahan, Patrick......do.....Jan. 18,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Ilhany, John.........do... July 8,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. M'Donald,Dennis F...do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Clunney, Hugh......do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Laughlin, E..........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, 29th regiment, P. V. M'Laughlin, Chas......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Culpepper Court House, Va., Aug. 11,'62. M'.Connell, Robert......do... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave 149. M'Ilroy, George.........do... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862. M'Laughlin, Geo.......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. M'Snoddy, Samuel...do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Carthy, John.........do..... July 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Guire, Joseph........do....Feb. 4,'65, 1 Deserted July 1, 1865. M'Loon, John............do... July 8,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out-Vet. Norback, William.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Norback, David.........do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 7, 1865. Neal, Eugene...........do..... Sept. 23,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Northy, Thomas.......do..... July 28,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. O'Grady, Michael....do.....Nov. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. O'Bryon, Benj. F.......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged September 16, 1864. Owens, William E....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 9, 1864. Polsgrove, William...do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Preston, Joseph.......do..... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Pepper, Henry...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 25, to Sept. 17, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Pomroy, Charles.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 16, 1864 —et. Pirsol, Daniel...........do.....Feb. 11,'65, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., May 7, 1865. Quinn, John..........do.... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Deserted June 29, 1865. Quinn, James........... do..... July 15,'64, 3 Recruited-never joined company. Rickman, Francis....do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Rickards, Win. J....do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. Ross, Harmon............do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out wvith company, Jully 17, 1865. Rice, William............do.....Jan. 20,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Robinson, Andrew....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Richmond, George.....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Rutzel, George HI.......do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Discharged by Special Order, June 7, 1865. Renenter,H-en'y,Sr..do.... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 13, 1865. tRementer, Hen'y,Jr...do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Iemnenter, John.........do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. RIcby, William E....do..... Dec. 18,'62, 3 Deserted July 26, 1863. SwvlT Thomas..........do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Prisoner from March 17, to March 30, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Smith, Daniel...........d.... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Saxton, Oliver.........do..... July 24,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Smedlley, William....... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Sample, James.........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, 29th regiment P. V. Stewart, Alexander...d..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863 Shlzline, David........do....Aug. 22,'62, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Savidge, Harvey G... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Jeffersonville Ind., Dec. 29, 1864-Vet, 520 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NTO SERVICE. REMAR Sheeran, Thomas... Private July 8,'61, 3 Deserted June 6, 1862. Shapcott, Mark......... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'63. Stewart, Robert.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, John J...........do.....Feb. 27,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Tatin, William R.....do'..... Feb. 14,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thompson, Thomas...do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Toner, James............do.....Feb. 4,'64, 3 Killed at New Hope Church, Ga., May 27, 1864. Taylor, John.............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died while prisoner of war-date unknown. Tomeney, Philip........do..... Nov. 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Vose, Frederick.........do... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 25 to Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Vautier, Wm. J.......do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Vautier, Charles........do..... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Vandegrift, Wm.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, Novem. her 24, 1863. Vicany, Richard........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864-Vet. Vanderback, John.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Wallace, Thomas.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Way, Lewis P............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. White, Thomas.........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Wilson, Joseph.........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Wagner, John...........do..... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to Regular Army, February 5, 1863. Wieland, Charles A...do..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 221. Wherlin, Timothy..o.....Feb. 4,9'64, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Williams, Charles......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1862. White, Michael.........do..... July 15,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. White, Thomas.........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Woodall, John M...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Louis E. Kinsler... Capt... July 13,'61, 3 Resigned April 27, 1863. Thomas F. Brown......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Resigned December 1, 1864. Elias Cade................do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. of company D, to Capt., June 7, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. William Wood...s.. 1st Lt... July 13,'61, 3 Resigned September 1, 1861. Wm. R. Murphy.......do... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. and C. S., July 17, 1862. Theo. S. S. Baker...... do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Oct. 1,1861-to Sgt. Maj., Mar. 15, 1864-to 1st Lt. company F, June 9,1864mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Alexander Cook.... 2d Lt. July 13,'61, 3 Resigned February 25, 1862. George W. Hillary.....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Dismissed November 16, 1863. Ethan 0. Fulce..........do... June 9,'63, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., June 9, 1864-killed at Fayettville, N. C., March 14, 1865-Vet. Elisha Jones.............do.....July 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company G, to 2d Lt. company F, May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Charles H. Martin.. Ist Sgt Dec. 9,'63, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Angus Gillies......... Serg't.. July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John E. Trainer.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. David Donohue........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Isaac W. Smith...... do.. July 13,'61, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out-Vet. Patrick Kane........ Corp... July 13,'61, 3 Wounded June 15,1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George W. Bumm.....do.. July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas Gray........... do...July 13,'61, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James Hines........... do.... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Englebert.....do... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Frank Hazlett...........do.... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. John Graham............do.... July 13,'61, 3 Wd. June 15,'64-discharged June 15,1865 Vet. Harry F. Hunt..........do....July 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 4, 1862. Wm. B. Gordon...... Muc.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Allen, George W..... Private Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Allen, William..........do..... Aug. 15,'64, I Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Aked, Robert.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Ask, Charles..........do...Jan. 11,'65, 3 Deserted June 18, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 521 DATE OF MUSTER I 2IAXHE. RA5'~TK.~~ INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Allen, Robert E...... Private Feb. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Burns, James P.......do..... July 13, 1, 3 Wounded at Lookout Mountain, Nov. 24, 1863mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Brown, Frederick......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Bradley, Henry...... do... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Miustered out witth company, July 17, 1865. Brand, Enos............do..... Feb. 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bumni, Jacob............do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Benckert, Geo. F...do.....July 23,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Benkert, Robert......do.... July 23,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Brophy, Patrick........do..... July 13,`61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 3,'6L Brown, Charles.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Burwick, John........do...... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Beatty, William.t.......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1863. Bendell, Robert..........do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1862.. Bettman, Charles......do..... Jan. 18, 65, 3 Recruit-never joined company Bradley, Henry.......do..... Aug. 15,'64, Deserted September 1, 1864. Bartels, Henry..........do..... Jan. 8,'65, 3 eserted July 3, 1865. Carter, Jacob L.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Carey, Thomas.......do..... July 13,'61, 3i Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Carevaugh, Hugh......do....De. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Connelly, Joseph,.....do.... Feb. 24,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Connor, Richmond...do..... Dec. 23,'64, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Chenowith, Rexton...do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Corton, John............do....d. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-absent at muster out. Campbell, David.......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864 Culbertson, Joseph-...do.....' July 13,'61,' 3 Discharged July 13, 1864 Cannon, Barney........do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3' Discharged July 13, 1864. Cammell, Richard.....do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Disch. Sept. 13, 1864, for wounds ree. in action. Conver, John....... do..... -Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, September 1, 1861. Conn, Thomas...........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Cusick, Matthew J.....do...... July 13,'61, 3 Wounded May 25, 1864-died August 10, 1864buried at Chattanooga —grave, 425. Conway, Patrick.......do.................... Deserted June 5, 1865. Carlin, William.......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Cole, John iH..........do.....: July 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Clayton, John..........do..... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company, Carlton, Thomas......do.....' Jan. 6,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Diress, John.............do..... Sept. 5,'64, I' Discharged by General Order. June 5, 1865. Downs, Joseph............. Sept. 9,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Dodd, George A......do.....July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate., Jan. 29,'63. Donahue, Edward....do..... Aug. 9,'61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1864. Downey, Patrick.......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1864. Downey, James ".':...do.....' Aug. 19,'61, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-discharged Sept. 1, 1864. Dewit, Frank C........do..... Aug. 13,'61 3Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept., 1863 Duffeyi Harry.........do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Duffey, Francis........do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Deily, Charles S.......do....Feb. 1,'65, 1 Deserted June 10, 1864. Divine, John..........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 186L Dougherty, Wm.......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Daily, James.............do..... Feb. 17,'64,3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Eggleton, John........do..... Jan. 8,'64,.3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Engard, William.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 31 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. English, William...:...do.... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Early, James.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Eggleton, Wmin. F......do..... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'64. Ennis, Thomas D......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'62. Eayres, Joseph M. d...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged September 7, 1864. Eaton, Seth.........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted December 21, 1861. Fluck, Jeremiah S.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Wounded May 15, 1S64 —mustered out with cornpany, July 17, 1865..Franks, George F......do..... July 13,'61p 3 Discharged by Special Order, Aug. 5, 1865-Vet. Fulton, James........do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Flaik, Samuel................ July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'61. Flannigan, Fr. I......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Fadden, Patrick.......do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Freind, George........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Fulton, Frelingh'n...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Faucett, William.....do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Fulmery, Freder'k...do.....: July 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Graham, Thos. Y..o.. do...... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Prisoner from August to September, 1862-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Gray, William.......d.. July 13,'61, 3 Detached in Division Commissary, June 1, 1865, Glenn, James.......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Glenn, Patrick...... do....do..... Aug. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Garwood, Eli B......_.do..... July 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Hos. Stew., U. S. A.-date unknown. 66 522 TWENTY-NINTH EGIIMENT, NAMIE. RANKt, DATE OF MUSTERn AME. RANK. OINTO SERVICE. mEMAIs. w. Gilfry, Charles..... Private July 13,'61, 3 illed accidentally at Warrenton Junction, Va. August 28, 1862. Gould, George W......do.... Jan. 18,'65, Deserted June 17, 1865. Gordon, Henry..........do.... July 5,'64, 3 Deserted June 17, 1865. Grant, Thomas..........do.... Feb. 24,'64. 3 eserted March 16, 1864. Griffen, Michael.......o..... Feb. 1,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Hughes, enry.........do.... July 13, 61, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hines, John..............do.... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet Henderson, John M...do.....Feb. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company July 17, 1865. Henry, Daniel...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Howarth, Thomas......do..... Jan. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harris, William.....do... Dec. 9,'64,1 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865. Harris, William S.....do..... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Haeffie, John D.........do..... Jan.,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Hawthorn, Samuel...do.....July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Howe, George.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, 1863. Harris, Henry J........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, 1863. Hunter, Hugh H........od... d Aug. 12,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23, 1863. Hindermeyer,Jacob..do..... July 23,'61, 3 Discharged July 23, 1864. Hopple, William.......do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Wounded July 3, 1863-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, September 1, 1863. Hansberry,Edward...do.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Died at Stafford C. H., Va., March 14, 1863. Hensler, Jacob...........d..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Wounded June 20,'64-died at Nashville, Tenn.. July 9, 1864. Herbert, Jules........... do.... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Deserted June 18, 1865. Harmon, George J.....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Hamilton George...d o... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Recruit-never joined compay. Irwin, Samuel..........d..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Jacobs, John, Jr........do...July 13,'1, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Kane, James........... do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kiefreider,Nicholas...-do July 13,'61, 3 Wounded July 3, 1864-discharged July 13, 1864. King, William........do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, 1863. Kates, Jacob............do.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Discharged July 137 1864. Kyle, Robert............do..... Juy 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25,'61. Kay, Thomas...........do...July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Kellar, John.............do..... Jan. 3,'6 Recruit-never joined company. Kelly, George...........do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Becruit-never joined company. Knowles, John..........do.....Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Kane, James...........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Lamb, John.............do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Laws, Samuel..........do..... Aug 13,'61, 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Lesher, William.......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1864. Livingston, Charles.do..... July 13,'61 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July 30,'61 Lhulier, Cassimer......do... ly 13,'61, 3 Wounded May 25, 1864-discharged July 13, 1864. Lamaister, Thomas'...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, August 1, 1861. Loughery, John.........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Lents, Jacob..............do..... July 23,'61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1862. Lynch, Thomas........do....Jan. 20,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Lynch, Thomas.........do............................. Deserted June 1, 1865. Le Grand, Peirre........do.....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out October 18, 1865. Moran, Thomas.........do.... July 13,'61, 3 Wounded May 25, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. eleier, Henry............do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Musered out with company, July 17, 1865. lMorris, James........o.... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mallon, John.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged September 2, 1864. Miller, John C...........do...Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6, 1863. Miller, William.........do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Disch. by order of Gen. Martindale, March 16,'63. Mountain, William...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, August 3, 1861. Major, Alexander......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Wounded May 25,'64-Died at Nashville, Tenn., 1864. ~ Moore, James A........do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Deserted March 16,. 1864-Vet. Mforgan, John.....d... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Mitchel, John H-.......do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Murray, James.............. Jan. 11,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Miller, Jacob.............do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Myer, Adam...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Marks, John............. do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Murphy, Robert........do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Deserted January 19, 1864. M'ofee, William........... uly 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Cormick, John....do..Sept. 18,'62, 3 Disch. by order of Maj. Gen. Schenck, Mar. 16,'63. M'Clintock, Samue...do..... July 13,'61,3 Deserted November 5, 1861. M'Ginn, David........do..... July 13,'61, 3Deserted 1861. M'rath, Mark. do.....Aug. 12'61, 3 Deserted December 27, 1861.'IDermott, Micha'l...do....Jan. 18,'64, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864-absent at muster out. THREE YEA&RS' SERVICE. 523 I NAME. RAN. DTO SERVISER. 1 REMARIKSCE. O'Neill, Henry....... Private July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Oakley, Richard........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Porter, George W......do.... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Powell, Thomas W...do..... Feb. 23, 65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Prall, Sutton.............do..... Jan. 18, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Peak, Sylvester.........do..... Jan. 26, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865. Patterson, Benj.........do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Recruitneve joined company. Parker, Joseph.........do.....July 29, 64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Riley, James...... do.... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Rosenbaum, M..........do..... Feb. 23, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Read, Jacob L...........do..... Jan. 19, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Rinehart, Samuel C...do..... Aug. 19, 61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1864. Read, William H......do..... July 13, 61, 3 Wounded July 3, 1863-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, December 1. 1863. Runner, John L.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 17,'63. Rezer, Taylor B...... Aug. 19,'61,3 Died at Camp Chase, Ohio, 1863, while a parolled prisoner. Rigby, John..............do.....Jan. 10, 65,1 Deserted June 1, 1865. Riley, James.............do.....Oct. 20, 64 3 Recruit-never joined company. Raymond, James.....do..... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Riley, George...........do....July 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sheppard, Wm. J... J........ uly 13,'613 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Shaw, Casper............do..... July 13,'61, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Strock, George M......do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Samuel...........do... Jan. 20'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Schrieder, Ernst........do..... Jan. 18,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sanborn, Daniel.........do..... Jan. 20,'65,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shadd, Adam............do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Stevenson, John........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'62. Shade, Israel.............do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted July 16, 1861. Shellenberger, N.......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Sullivan, Edmund.....do..... Jan. 11,'65, 3 Recruitnever joined company. Sheehan, James.........do..... Jan. 12,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Smith, William.....do...Oct. 27, 64, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Smith, Charles R........do..... Jan. 20,'65, Mustered out with company, July 14, 1865. Seelman, Joseph........do....Jan. 15,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Tilley, John P........do.Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Taney, Jacob D.........do..... Aug. 15,'64, Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Turner, William.......do..... Jan. 11, 65,1 Discharged at Beaufort, S. C., January 29, 1865. Tomlinson, Wm........do.....Aug. 1, 61, 3 Deserted February 27, 1863. Vaughan, Alex.........do.....Jan. 11, 65, 3 Recruit-neverjoined company. Williams, Daniel M...do..... July 13, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet.'Wilds, John..............do..... July 15,'61, 3 Absent, under sentence, at muster out. Williams, Theoph.....do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 23, 1864. Willits, Thomas J....do.....July 13,61 3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Ward, Thomas B......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Wethrill, Alex.........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to United States Navy, Dec. 20,'6L Wallace, Robert.......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, August 3, 186 Welsh, Thomas............Jan. 9,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Wilson, Daniel.........do.....Aug. 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 9, 1861. Williamson, John.....do..... Jan. 12, 65 3 Recruit-never joined company. Weaver, Henry......d.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Deserted December 14, 1861. Williamson, J. H..do..... July 13, 61, 3 Deserted November 30, 1862. Williamson, Thos..do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. White, James....do..... Jan. 9,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Young, Thomas....do.. July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Yeager, Alfred E.. do..... July 13,'61 3 Discharged August 30, 1864. Young, John......do..... July 13,'61,3 Discharged July 13, 1864. Young, Edward.........do..... July 13, 61, 3 Deserted December 17, 1861. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. W. D. Richardson.. Capt.... June 29,'61, 3 Dismissed June 23, 1862. John H. Goldsmith....do.....June 29,'61, 3 Dismissed July 20, 1864. Isaac B. Stout............do.... June 29,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt.., June 9,'64-to Capt., Nov. 9,'64mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet James C. Linton... 1st Lt...June 29,'61, 3 Resigned February 22, 1863. Robert H. Bonner.....do...... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 20, 1864. 524 TWEiNT-NINTH REGIMEN, IAXFd RABNK.l DATE OP' MUStTER EtA KES INTO SERVICE George H. Heck..... st Lt... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Ist Lientenant, November 9, 1864mustered out with company, July 17,'6 —Vet. D.. Richardson, Jr. 2d Lt... June 29, 1, Discharged February 22, 1862. Wm. H. White......d....... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, March 30, 1863-dis charged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24, 1863. H. Shellenberger..... do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, March 25,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Rudolph...... 1st Sgt. June 29, 61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Thomas C. Jones....do.... June 29,'61. 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, April 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George C. Breggs... Serg't.. June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, November 12, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John J. Jones............do...Dec. 10,'64, 3 Promoted to,ergeant, May 24, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Robert G. Caterson...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 13,1862. Elisha Jones.............do.....June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Co. F, May 22,'65-Vet. Wm. P. Williams......do.... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 1, 1865-absent, without leave, at muster out-Vet. Charles Collins....... Corp... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-musterbd out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. Sewell H. M'Allen.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 2, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George Shober..........do..... July 1, ^61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 12, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Bennett............do......June 29, 61, 3Promoted to Corporal, May 25, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Alex. H. M^Cauley...do.....Dec. 30, 63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mUstered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William M'Elwee...d...do..... Feb. 1I,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wm. H. Schuyler.....do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lewis Enochs....... do Feb. I,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865 —mustere out with company, July 17, 1865. Edwin A. Cress...... do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Wm. A. Sharp........do.....June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Jan. 1,'63. William King...........do.. June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Archib'd Arbuckle...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Died of woundsreceived at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864-Vet. Ge0. W. Spangler......do..... Dec. 10, 63, 3 Died July 1, 1864, of wounds received at Resaca, Ga.-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 350-Vet. AlIen C. Patterson....... June 29, 61,3 Not on muster-out roll. R. J. Richardson.... uc..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1805-Ve. ~ Henry Coleman....... d.... June 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet Armstrong, Thos... Private Jan. 16, 65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Agnew, William.......do..... do June 29, 61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Albertson, William...do..... June 29, 61, 3 Discharged July 2, 1864. Anderson, Nicholas...do..... June 29, 61, 3 Deserted November 27, 1861. Baisley, Thomas........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Burd, James.............do..... Jan. 1,'64, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Burson, Wm. H...........do.....Jan 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Blair, John............do. Feb. 10,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Benner, Benjamin.....do..... Dec. 10, 63, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet, Brown, Joseph..........do..Jan. 14,'64,3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Butler, John..............do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Brooks, George........do... Jan. 16'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. 1Erady, Thomas.........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Brown, John..............do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865. Beyer, Thomas R...do..... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Burk, Charles...........do..... June 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'& Boddy, William H...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Buchanan, Robert.....do.....June 29,'61, 3 Discharged September 29, 1864. Broderick, Henry......do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Prisoner from September 1,'64, to March 18,'65discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865.' Banker, Abraham.....do.....Feb. 4, 64, 3 Deserted May 11, 1864. Boyle, Thomas.........do..... April 2,'64, 3 Not on muster out roll. Bell, James...............do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cuthbert, William.....do.... July 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Croke, Joseph N........do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Croke, Wm. H..........do.....Jan. 18'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Corbitt, George B......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cordekie, John,.......do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cross, George W........do.....Nov. 7, 62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Coyle, Peter.........do.... Jan. 17,'65, Recruit-never joined company. Coleman, Thomas......do.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-de unknown... a.A q.!% THREE YEARS' SERVICE, 525 NAL]ME. R~ANKC. DATE OF MUSTER I REMARKS. _ANK. I ___INTO SERVICE. REMAR Canaran, Michael... Private June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 12,'63. Cassleberry, And'w...do... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Campbell, James........ do.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Conklin, David........do.. June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Conway, Patrick........do... June 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Coleman, William....do...Jan. i8, 64, 3 Deserted January 28, 1865. Dull, Joseph.............do.. Jan. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. De Chamont, Chas.....do... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Dunn, James............do... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19,'61. Derlin, Michael........do July 1,'61, 3 Disch. by sentence of court mar.-date unknown. Davis, John.............do June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Deitz, Gottlieb...........do... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Prisoner from March 28, to May 5, 1865-mustered out, June 8. 1865. Doran, Hugh............do... June 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Donnelly, James H...do Dec. 30,'63, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 22, 1865. Ewing, Morris...........do... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fisher, Henry...........do... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fitzmorris, George...do Jan. 19,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Free, Joseph.............do Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Fahn, James.........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Fisher, Charles.........do.. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 11,'62. Franks, William D...do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Died of wds. received at Resaca, Ga., June, 1864. Gladney, JohnH.W...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Gerhardt, The. M.....do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gracey, George W......do......Sept. 4,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Griffith, John...........do...June 29,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Grosskopf, Louis.......do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Gallaher, John...........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Gordon, David..........do.....Jan. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865. Graeff, John...............do.....Feb. 11, 64, 3 Died at Louisville, Ky., February 20, 1865. Gilbert, John.............do.... Sept. 23,'62, 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 1,373. Goodman, Andrew...do.....Feb. 2,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, February 16, 1864. Gravin, Josias..........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Holden, Charles.........do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hyatt, William D......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hilt, John M.............do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Henderson, Sam'l......do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haney, Patrick....do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Hackman, Morris......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Hunter, James..........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Henderson, John:...do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Haley, James............do.... June 29,'61, 3 Deserted November 27, 1861. Hamilton, John.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Deserted November 10, 1861. Horn, Patrick.......o....do Feb. 9,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, James S..........do.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Johnston, Wm. L......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Died at Jeffersonville, Ind., Jan. 24, 1865-Vet. Kiniest, Andrew......do...Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kane, James.............do..... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kane, John...............do..... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Kane, John O............do..... June 29,'61, 3 Disch. by order of Gen. Montgomery, Sept. 29,'62. ane, Daniel............do.....June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Kane, Andrew........do..... Oct. 1,'62, 3 Disch. by order of Gen. Martindale, Mar. 17,'65. Elingler, William......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Kane, Dennis............do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1862. Kile, George.............do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Deserted November 6, 1862. Knight, Charles........do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, James........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Lamb, Charles......do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Lynch, James...........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Lantais, Moses........do..... April 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miley, Andrew J....do.... Jan 19,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mathias, Joseph........do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mathews, Geo. W....do..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murphy, James C......do..... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morris, Patrick.........do..... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Machesney, George...do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Meddaugh, Wm. M...do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Maines, John...........do..... Oct. 8,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moyer, William. do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out June 14, 1865. Mealy, James..do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Montgomery, John..do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. Monat, David............do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Murphy, John J........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Martin, James........do June 29,'61, 3 Killed at Edenburg, Va., April 1, 1862. Moulet, RobertP....do. June 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 526 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. E Mahood, John.........Private April 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Laughlin, Patr'k...do.... Aug. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Kinnny, Win.......do.... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Mstered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Cue, Henry............do.. Feb. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Carty, Daniel........do.....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M' Farland, Robert...do..... Feb. 8,'64 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Cormlick, Robert...do..... Feb. 10, 65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. M'Cormick, George...do..... July 1, 61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. M'Clouskey, Chas......do..... June 29,'61, 3 ischarged-expiration of term. M'Laughlin, John.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. M'Laughlin, Patr'k....do.. June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 29, 1864. M'Canna, John.........do..... June 29.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown-Vet. M'Cauly, John..........do.... Dec. 30,'63, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. M'Collough, John......do..... Jun, 29,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. M'Reory, Barme H...do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. M'Aleer, Alexand'r...do....June 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Mendman, Wim.......do. June 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nuskey, William.......do....Sept. 16,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. O'Neill, James...........do....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. O'Connor, Patrick.....do..... April 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Pedrick, James R......do.. Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Paisley, William H....do.... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Price, Jacob P.......... do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Price, William P.......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Philips, Henry M......do..... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Powell, Joseph L.......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps. Feb. 15, 1864. Powell, Richard T...do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 18C4-Vet. Powell, Daniel...........do.... June 29,'61, 3 )eserted-date unknown. Rehn, John..............do.....Jan. 19,'65, 3 ustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Rome, William..........do.....Jan. 20,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ross, John..............do..... Jan. 14,'65, 2 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Randle, Joseph.........d.... Jan. 20,'65. 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Richardson, W. D.,...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 16, 1863. Roshong, George........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Rodgers, Terrence.....do.....June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Rice, Thomas.............do.... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Rice, James.......... do....... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Rolston. John...........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Died at Fort Delaware-date unknown. Ridgeway, Thos. S.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Killed at Savannah, Ga., December 17, 1864. Reilly, William G......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1861. Simons, William H...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Serad, Charles........... do..... Dec. 10,'63,' 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Shay, John..... do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sturgeon, John P.......do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shuler, John...........do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, John, 1st........do.................. Absent, without leave, at muster out. Smith, John, 2d.........do..... Jan. 17'65, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Smith, James............do.... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Shipley, Charles M...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Shields, Robert M......do..... Sept. 23,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4, 1865. Simpson, James.........do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'63. Sailor, Joseph P.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Sellman, Joseph........do.... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 16, 1864. Shute, Enoch............do Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Altoona Ridge, Ga., May 25, 1864. Sweaton, Wm. A..,,...do... June 29,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1862. Sullivan, John..........do..... Mar. 29,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Simons, Henry........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shay, Thomas O.....do..... April 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thompson, Peter.... do... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Captured at Chancellorsville-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thompson, George.....do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Trainer, James.........do..... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Trout, Matthias.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 8, 1864. Turner, Henry..........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. Veneman, Thomas.....do.....June 29, 61, 3 Discharged-expiration of term. White, William F......do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wallace, James.........do..... June 29, 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Wasson, James.........do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Williams, John.........do..... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Absent, without leave, at muster out. White, William J... do June 29, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'61. White, John B..d..........o:. June 29, 61, 3 Discharged, on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. Ware, Charles.......do.....June 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Yeager, Joseph.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Zane, Benjamin......... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 52 COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. M NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. W Fred'k Zarracker... Capt.... July 5,'61, 3 Resigned April 7, 1863, Benj. F. Zarracker.....do.....July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 23, 1862-to 2d Lt., May 30,'62to Captain, May 25, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17,1865. John W. Williams.. 1st Lt.. July 5,'61, 3 Resigned May 15, 1862. Jno. M. D. Huntley...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Lt., July 28, 1862-to Regimental Quartermaster, August 25, 1863. S. J. Sheffenberger...do July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 19, 1861-to 2d Lt., May 25,'63to 1st Lieutenant, August 27, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wmn. Doughton...... 2d Lt... July 5,'61, 3 Resigned May 15, 1862. Samuel J. Gillespie...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., June, 1862-to 2d Lt., March 15,'64mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. William Betzold..... 1st Sgt. July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 24, 1863-to 1st Sgt., March 15, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. John Douglass...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Lookout Mountain, November 24, 1863. Anth'y E. Thomas.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Geo. W. Jefferis..... Serg't.. July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 5, 1863-wounded at Pine Hill, Ga., June 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thos.-W. Lamaister...d... July 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Co, Dec. 9, 183-to Sgt., Feb. 15, 1864mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Hugh Glenn............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 11, 1864-to Sgt., Oct. 22, 1864mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John H. Spering........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 11,'64 —to Sgt., April 24,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Louis H. Hood...........do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'65. G. W. Klinesmith....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'62. Andrew J. Long..... Corp.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 11, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Josiah Irvine...........do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 17, 1865-muttered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. L. Goodwin......do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 11, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Michael Miller...........do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 10, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Bell............do... Jan. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, April 11, 1864-wounded June 15, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Charles Humes.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 17, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Edwin C. Kelly.........do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 22, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hugh M'Clister.........do..... May 6,'63, 3 Captured July 2, 1863-wounded July 26, 1864promoted to Corporal, April 10, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wm. H. Leonard..... d...... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'65. Charles J. Dunn....... do... July 5,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Wauhatchie, Tenn., Oct. 29,'63. Chas. S. Darning.......do..July 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jacob N. Canning... Muc..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas C. Gilles....do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ashmead, Charles.. Private July 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Albertson, William...do..... June 29, 61, 3 Transferred to company G, August 3, 1861. Alcott, Robert...........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Bailey, Charles......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bailey, William........do..... Feb. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beck, George............do.....Dec. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beans, George H........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beckford, Charles......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted-returned March 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boehm, William.......do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Wounded May 28, 1864-discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Baker, George........d...... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Browning, Edward..do.... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1855. Bovard, Thos. D........do..... Aug. 27,'62, 5 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Brockway, Chas. G,..do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Burkowitch, Mark....... July 5,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 5,'62..Burghart, Fred'k......do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died in Montgomery co., Pa., July 1, 1864. r528 TWENTY-NINTH REGIM1ENT, SAME. i RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Boyle, James......... Private July 5,'61, 3 Deserted February 25, 1863. Coster, Louis B.........do..... Jan. 14,'64,3 Prisoner from June 15, 1864, to January 20,'65mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Campbell, And. J......do... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cupler, Allen............do.... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Crogle, George...........do....Dec. 22,'64, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Carson, Michael.........do.....Jan. 20,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Cox, Thomas...........do.....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Prisoner from lar. 10 to May 5, 1865-discharged by General Order. June 27, 1865. Connelly, Luke..........do.... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Conway, James........do.....Jan. 21,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Carroll, Thomas.........do.....Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Cole, Charles............do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Cochlin, William......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25,'64. Cavannaugh, Rich......do....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 25, 1864. Callahan, Edward...do....July 5, 1, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Coots, Owen..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Cuthbert, William.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, August 1, 1861. Clark, George...........do..... Feb. 18,'64 3 Deserted February 18, 1864. Conway, Joseph......... do.....July 5,'61 3 Deserted-date unknown. Casper, James...........do.....Dec. 28,'63, 3 Deserted December 28, 1863. Carter, John..............do..... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Deserted January 13, 1864. Cunningham, M........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Deserted January 15, 1864. Chase, Robert............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1862. Cassiday, Peter........do..... April 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Doon, Laughlin........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Dougherty, Jas. C.....do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dunn, John do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Donahue, Wm. R......do..... Jan. 21,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Defree, James M.......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Donovan, John.........do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Dolle, Henry............do.....Jan. 17,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Donnelly, John.....do........................... Recruit-never joined company. Donnolley, Peter........do..... Jan. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29,'63. Davis, William H.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, Aug. 3, 1861. Dobson, William.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Winchester, Va., Donald, A. D.........do............... May 25, 1862. Died May 14,'64-bu. at Chattanooga, grave, 215. Elliott, James A........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 11,'62-to Sgt., Dec. 9,'63-detached to regimental band, Oct. 23, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ennis, Samuel R.....do..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ellis, William J...... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'61. Elter, Rufus..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Ennis, John..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died March 13, 1865, of wounds received at Resaca, Ga.-buried at Harrisburg, Pa. Eldridge, James......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. Flaherty, James.......do.... May 9,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fisher, Peter........do.....Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, July 20, 1865. Firner, Jonathan.......do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Firefile, Augustus....do....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged July 8, 1864. Fithian, Joseph B......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 12, 1864. Farley, Andrew........do....; July 5, 61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, February 18, 1862. Foley, Timothy......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1862. Fisher, Charles F......do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Deserted January 4, 1864. Flood, Charles..........do... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Griffith, Samuel....... do... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 11,'64-to Sgt., April 20,'64reduced, July 21,1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Grim, Peter.................do.... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Deserted-returned April 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Garber, Wm. H.........o..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Garber, John F.........do..... April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gehring, William......do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Groscup, William......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Dischargedby Special Order, Aug. 5, 1865-Vet. Grouse, William........do.... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Wounded Nov. 17,'64-mustered out May 29,'65. Glenn, William.......do...Jan. 12,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Ging, John.............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Oct. 4. 1S61. Gaylord, Samuel........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30, 1862. Gallaher, John...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. Hammond, Thos. B....do.... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Herr, Charles............do..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Iolcombe, Levi P.....do....Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harney, John............ do... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.,Herr, George............o... Jan. 17,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 529 ~~~NAME.~ RAN~~~ DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANS. DAT SERVI ER. A REMARKS. INTO SERVIC. *4 Harris, Charles...... Private.............. Recruit-ever joined company. Hughes, James C......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'61. Hudson, John W.......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'62. Hicks, Frederick.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Hines, Patrick...........do....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Hooper, John F. A.....do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Haas, John...............do.....Jan. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Septemnber 4, 1864-mustered out December 9, 1865. Hoover, Joseph C......do.... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Deserted February 13, 1863. Hoover, George.........do....July 5,'61, 3 Deserted February 13, 1863. Hudson, James.......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Haas, Andrew........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 18, 1864. Hair, William..........do....... Died June 7,'64-bu. at Chattanooga-grave, 19. Ibaugh, John....,,......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, September 11, 1861. Jacobs, Samuel.........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered'out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James, William D.....do.... Jan 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Justice, William........do.'.d. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Sui'geon's certificate, Jan. 30,'62. Jenkinson, John........do... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 17,'63. Jones, John..............do....Jan. 15,'64, X Deserted January 15, 1864. Johnson, William..... do.... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 9, 1862. King, Obadiah........do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kelly, Joseph.........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 8Recruit-never joined company. Kennedy, William...do.... July 5,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'62. Keefe, Jeremiah.........do.....July 5,'61,3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Kochersperger, Geo...do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Kerr, Woods..............do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died in Philadelphia, February 7, 1864-Vet. Kerr, William..........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Died of wds. received at Dallas, Ga., June 7,1864. Kelly, Charles........... do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Langworthy, Chas.....do.... Jan. 20,'65,3 Recruit-never joined company. Leidy, John..............do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, 1865. Lewis, Henry...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1865. Latham, William...... do..... Mar. 9,'65, Deserted July 1, 1865. Martin, Robert R......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Miller, Charles..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted Sept. 15, 1862-returned July 8, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, John P........do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moser, Nathaniel......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morgan, William.......do..... Jan. 30,'64, 3 Wd. June 15,'64-absent, in hospital, at mus. out. Malone, John............do.....Jan. 21,'65, 3 Recruit —never joined company. Martin, William........do..... Jan. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 14, 1864. Miller, William.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died at Camp Carmel, Md., January 14, 1862. Mallon, Dominick......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died Dec. 1,'64, of wds. rec. atPeach Tree C'k, Ga. Masters, John F........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1863. Murphy, Daniel.......do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Deserted July 1, 1865. Moore, William........d..... Jan. 18,'65, Not on muster-out roll. M'Cready, John.........do..... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Gonigal, Michael...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. M'Cuin, Felix..........do.....July 5,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'62. M'Gee, James........d....... July 5,'61, d Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'62. M'Carty, Daniel........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. M'Grail, James.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. M'Cuen, Alexander...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. M'Gowan, Robert......do..... July 5,'61,3 Transferred to Signal Ccrps, September 17, 1861. M'Grail, Lawrence...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. M'Bride, James.........do.....July 21,'64, 3 Deserted July 1, 1865. M'Elroy, James........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Deserted July 1, 1865. M'Govern, John....... do......July 5,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Nagle, Henry...........do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nolan, John.............do..... Mar. 17'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Onstadt, Philip.........do..... Jan. 19,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. O'Donnell, Andrew...do.................. Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Parker, James............................ Recruit-never joined company. Paullin, Edgar, J....do.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Paullin, William T...do.,... July 5,'61,3 Transferred to company K, 29th reg. Aug. 3, 1861. Peters, Isaac..............do.....Jan. 21,'64, 3 Deserted January 21, 1864. Pinto, John E. L.......do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Wd. July 10, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Pearson, Thomas......do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Quin, Peter.............do..... April 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Roper, James............do.....Dec. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Roach, Barnard.........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Riley, James.......do. Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Reed, Roman A.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'62. Richardson, Edwin...do.....Jly 5,61, 3Discharged July 15, 1864. Richardson, Frank...do.... June 29,'61,3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Ritter, Philip....do..... Jan. 13,'65, i Deserted July 10, 1865. 67'. 530" TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, _... NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I REMARXK. INTO SERVICE. REM S. Rogers, John......... Private Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shriver, Joseph F....do...o... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Snyder, John W....... do.....Jan. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, James H........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sickler, Francis..... do..... Oct. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sweitzer, John..........do. Jan. 16, 65, Dischargd by General Order, July 28, 1865. Smith, Benjamin......... do.....................Recruit-never joined company. Stinger, William.......do....July, 61,3 Discharged July 21, 1861-minor. Sullivan, Jeremiah...do..July 5,'61 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Stiner, Wm. H.........do..... July 5, 61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Saybolt, James F......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Smith, William H.....do. Aug. 26,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 13, 1865. Smith, Joseph H... do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Juno 9,'65. Smith, Enos.............. do.... July 5,'61 3 Tr. to companyI, 29th reg. P. V., Aug. 3, 1861. Strunck, John........... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., March 9,'64-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Shannon, James E.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va.,betweenSept. 1 and6,'62. Stillwell, Edgar........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted October 31, 1861. Sample, James..........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted November 2, 1861. Smith, Alexander......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted October 10, 1863. Shaw, Charles......... do... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Staceyon, John V...... do.....Jan. 19,'64, 3 Deserted January 19, 1864. Smith, Bethel A........ do.....Jan. 26,'64, 3 Deserted January 26,1864. Smith, Joseph........... do.... Jan. 17,'6,1 Deserted January 17,1865. Strickencost, Adam...do........................ Deserted July 1, 1864. Taylor, George W......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,' 62. Thompson, C. A....... do.. July 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 29th reg. P. V., Aug. 3, 1861. Temmi, John...d......... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted February 18, 1864. Tully, John....... do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomas, Chas. R.....do... Peb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Vance, Martin.........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Waurich, Domin'k...do.....Jan. 12, 65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Williamson. Jno.W...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Wallace, Robert........ do..... Jly 13, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Walker, Samuel......do..... Dec. 29. 63, 63 Deserted December 29, 1863. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Wm. Rickards, Jr.. Capt.....I July 9,'61, 3 Pr. to Lt. Col. 29th reg. P. V., Oct. 4, 1862. William L. Stork......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Feb. 8,'62-to Capt., Feb. 22, 1863-resigned April 8, 1864. James S. Smith........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Lt., Feb. 22, 1863to Capt., Sept. 23,'64-mus. outwithCo.,July17,'65-Vet. Lemuel C. Reeves.. 1st Lt... July 9,'61, 3 Resigned February 5, 1862. John D. Wilson.........do..... June 3, 61, 3 Pr. from priv. to Sgt. Maj., March 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Feb. 22, 1863-to 1st Lt., Nov. 9,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Theodore K. Vogal 2d Lt.. July 9,'61, 3 Resigned January 17, 1863. Richard Park......... do.....July 9,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieut., Jan. 9, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. E. G. Tomlinson..... st Sgt.. July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, August 3, 1863. lDayid Gillen......... do July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, January 10,'65-musv';... E ~~.'. tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John C. Sleher........ Serg't. Dec. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John W, Comfort..,.... o....July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, December 31, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John J. Fitzgerald...do..... Jly 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January 10, 1865-mus-'- ~ ~ ~: tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William H. Wilson...do..... Aug 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, June 5, 1865-mustered.' - out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Haydock.....do. July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, August 1, 1863. Theodore De Bow...... do.... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Regular Army, December 24,'62. E.N. Lommerkamp....do.... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Charles Potter...........do. July 9,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 3, 1865-Vet. Michael Walton.... Corp.. July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Hassall........ do.... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Theodore A. Downs...do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April, 1864-mustered out -;'.... ~ with' company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Holeroft...... do. Feb. 18,'62, 3 Pronoted to Corporal January 10, 1865-mustered out with conpany, July 17, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 531 NAME. R ANK. DATE OF MUST iER Joseph C.Cusack... Corp.... July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry C. Johnson.....do....July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. C. Torrence......do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, June 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. George C. Spoone......do.,.. July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July29,'61. James Frankland......do.....Sept. 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. William F. Fisher.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. David Wiley.................. Sept. 12,'62 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. J. B. M'Menoimy.......do..Sept. 23,'62, 3 Prisoner from December 14, 1864, to March 17, 1865-discharged by G. O., June 22, 1865. William Mountain...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 16, 1863 William Gouder.......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. William H. Gillen.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Died at Chester, Pa., May 7, 1864. Thos. B. Hickman.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Oct. 13, 1865-Vet. William Simpson... Muc.... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Haggerty........do... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July 20,'61. William E. Lalon.d...do...July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Geo. H. Higgins.......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'63. Acked, Robert.......Private Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Allhiser, Henry........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Sent to hospital at Frederick, Md., May 26,'62not heard of since. Bogart, Jacob........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brown, Joseph.......do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bush, Henry..............do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brandt, Joseph B......do....lFeb. 4,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1865. Butler, Samuel.........do..... Nov. 25,'64, 1 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Bishop, Francis.........do.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Bishop, Charles.........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Bady, William......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Tr. to company F, 29th reg. P. V., Sept. 1, 186L Baker, Charles H......do..... Nov. 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Aug. 8, 1862. Brady, John.............do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Brown, James..........do..Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined company. Bennett, Samuel-......do..... Feb. 6, 65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Bird, Francis....... do..... Oct. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Carr, Philip..........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Curley, Martin...........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Carr, Henry............ do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865. Corbon, Robert J......do... Nov. 25,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865. Clark, John............. do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1865. Conver, John........do.... Aug. 30,.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'62. Castle, Joseph........do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 11,'6L Coney, Robert.........do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Comfort, Winches'r...do.... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 9, 1865. Caul, George.............do... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Collins, John..........o.....Jan. 19,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined-company. Conway, John....d..... do Feb. 5,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Deitz, John............do... Jan. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dolan, Patrick.........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged by order of Brigadier General Mont. gomery, January 9, 1863. Donnelly, Thos. P....do.....July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Durkin, Patrick.......,do.....July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Dellinger, William.....do....Sept. 2,'63, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Dewire, John...........do.....Dec. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-never joined company. Daniels, Henry.........do..... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 24, 1865. Earley, Charles F......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet Eagen, John.........do Oct. 14,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ellis, Alexander.....do.....July 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. Eddy, John...............do. Aug. 25'62 3Missing December 12, 1862. Ennis, Patrick...........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fereey, Bernard.......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Musteredout with company, July 17, 1865. Fritz, Francis N........do... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, -1864. Franklin, Benj. E......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, 1863. Ford, William...............July 9,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1861. Foster, William G....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted February 18, 1862. Gheris, Wilson M...:...do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Glacken, Charles......do.... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Gordon, Robert.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'62. Gordon, William......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Tr. to company F, 29th reg. P. V., Nov. 6, 1864. Gatewood, Charles......do.. Sept. 10,'62, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., February 13, 1863-'buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Griffin, James..........do Dec. 13,-'64, 1 Substitute-never joined company. Gillegan, John....... do. Sept 9,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. 532 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT7, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. r4 Garegan, Peter.....;..Private Jan. 16,'65, 1 Prisoner —discharged by.. 0., July 28, 1865. Gillingham, Tim'y.....do..... Jan. 14,.'65,,3 Never joined company. Hassan, James...... do..... July 9, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865 —Vet. Holcroft, John...............July 9,'61,.3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Hill, Amos................. Nov. 28,'64, 1 -Mustered. out with company, July 17, 1865. Hill, Wesley..............do....Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hamilton, Asb'y W...do..... Jan.. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hortensten,. Philip.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order, Aug. 5, 1865-Vet,. Henry,. Charles.......do. Feb. 20 64, 3 Wounded May 15, 1864, at Resaca,.Ga.-absent,. in hospital, at muster out. Howard, Jacob.........do,..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 25, 1865. Huddleson, Jas. R.....do... July 9,'61, 3 Disch. by sen. of general court martial, Feb.,.'62Hart, William...........do..... Oct. 10,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Howard, George........do..... July 9,'6, 3 Deserted July 9, 1861. Harris, Charles.......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3'. Recruit-never joined company. Hampson, William...do..... July 9,.'61, 3 Deserted February 18, 1862. Ingram, Charles-F......do..... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, Sept. 29, 1862. Jones, Caleb..............do...... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Died July 19,'65-bu. at Alexandria, grave, 3,315. Kelch, William, F......do.....: Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered! out with company, July 17, 1865. Kopp, Martin.........I...do..... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out July 1, 1865. Kraug, Andrew......d...do..... Jan. 19'65, 3 Substitute-disch.by General OrderJuly 10,'65. Keenan, Peter............ do.....Feb. 5,'64, 3 Deserted May 26, 1864. Kimberlain,.John.......do.....Dec. 25,'64, 1 Deserted June 20, 1865. Kepler, Charles.........do..... Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined company. Keagh, Thomas.........do....... Sept. 9,'62,. 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Logan, John..............do..... Jan. 16,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 18654 Lloyd, Nathaniel.......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Lindsey, Win. H.......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864.. Lightcap, W. F. H.....do._... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted March 30, returned, December 8, 1863and again deserted Feb. 28, 1864-Vet. Morrison, John........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-VetMarker, Jacob....... do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miles, George...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17r 1865. Miller, Michael.........do-...... Feb. 19,'64r 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Myers, Charles..........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Maurrer, Edward......do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, Peter..............do..... Jan. 17, 65, 3 Mustered out with company,. July 17, 1865. Martin, George.........do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Mercer, John D.........do..... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Substitute'-disch. by General Order, July 10,'65. Moore, Robert...........do.... Dec. 13,'64, 3 Died July 10,'65-bu. at Alexandria,.grave, 3,301. Moan, Thomas..........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Morris, Thomas.......do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Marker, William.......do.....Jan. 28,'64, 3 Discharged, by General Order, May 31, 1865. Millard, Henry......... do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Mulenburg, Henry...do...... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General' Order, June 5, 1865, Myers, Henry........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Monday, Charles.......do...... July 9,'61, 3 Died March 17, 1862, at Winchester, Va. Murphy, John P........do..... July 9,'64; 3 KilledbyaccidentatStaffordC.H.,Va.,Jan. 29,'63. Morrow, James.........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Murgeroyde, David...do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-Vet. Morgan, Thomas......do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3. Died September 11, 1864,. of wounds received. att Kingston, Ga.-Vet. Mathews, Charles......do.....Feb. 18,'62, 3 Deserted July 10, 1864.. Murphy, Joseph........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Muyr, Claudius.........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Mehin, William F.....do..... Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined company._ M'Call, John..........do..... Jan. 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 18615. M'Neill, John D.........do.....: Dec. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Connell, John........do....... July 9,'61, 3. Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July 24,'61M'Keys, Patrick........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. M'Closkey, Wm........do...... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 2, 1863. M'llhenny, Robert.....do...... Feb. 12,'62, 3 Killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 1864. M' Laughlin, Ema'l...do. Oct. 3,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3,. 1863. M'Garty, Timothy......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Missing December 12, 1862. M'eil, Jaes.......do.. July 9,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. M'Nulty, John H.....do...... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted October 17, 1861. Niemran, Henry.........do.....Dec. 10,'64,. 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nicklow, Michael.....do...... Sept. 26,'64, 1: Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 5, 1865. Noles, John...............do..... July 9,'61, 3' Deserted August 19, 1861. O'Kesan, Wm. M......do..... Oct. 14,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Peoples, Theo. D.............. Jan. 11,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Peirce, Harrison........do..... Nov. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Polgard, Benjamin...do..... Nov.. 25,'64, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Potter, James....... do..... Aug. 23,'62, 33 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'6& Philips, Henry M....do.....Sept. 22,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 533.ia uAMt. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER R EMAKS. KAMB. RANK. INTO SERVICE. BEL LS..> Powell, William...........Private Sept. 29,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date uAnknown. Quinlan, James..........do..... July'6, 61, Disch. on writ of hbeas corpus, July 30, 1861. Robb, William P..............do. July 9,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, November 1, 1864-mus. tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Rutter, Willian........do. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reed, Levi C......... Dec..2do.,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ream, Henry.........do... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, Aug. 18,'65-Vet. Reed, John...............do. Jan. 18,'65, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 14, 1865. iRuney, John...........do..... Jan. 17 5, 6, Recruit-never joined company. Rose, Major...............do.....July 9,'61 3 Discharged by order of Gen. Banks, May 23,'62. Ricketts, John B........do July 9,'61, 3 Dtischarged July 16, 1863. Roth, Joseph............do..... Feb. -9,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Roach, Henry.........do July 9,'61, 3 Deserted August 19, 1861. Roach, William.........do. Jan. 17, 365 Deserted-date unknown. Ryan, John J............do..... Aug. 22,'62 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Stein, Ebenezer......... do..... July 9, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Silverthorne, Peter...do..do Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Selfridge, Whitner.....do... Jan. 19, 6, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sowers, Joseph M....'.. do..... Nov. 25, 64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 25, 1865. Stewart, John C.........do. July 9,'61, 3 Tr. to-.onrpany K, 29th reg. P. V., July 10, 1861. Spear, Gottlieb G......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Edenburg, Va., April 2, 1862. Stewart, John............do.... July 9,'61 3 Died August 16,1862, at Lynchburg, Va., while a prisoner of war. Smith, Enos............ do... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Shemold, Fred'k....do..... July 9'6, 3 Died of wounds received at Resaca, Ga.,a, May 25, 1864-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 446-Vet. Stewart, John............do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown Smith, John..............do..... Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined company Smith, John........... do..... Dec. 12,'64, 1 Substitute-never joined company. Toohey, John............do.....July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Tomlinson, Benj. A...do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 istered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thompson, Wm........do.... Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined-company. Van Kirk, And. G.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July 20,'61. Van Doran, Henry.....do... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Williams, Elw'd N...do... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Waltman, John........do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Walter, John............do... Nov. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17. 1865. Ware, Alexander..... do... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Wullany, Jackson.....do.... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1864. Wilson, John D...........do. June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 1, 1862. Williams, Wm. W......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 29th reg. P. V., Aug.-1, 1861. Watson, John............do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Wallace, Oliver........ July 9,'61, 3 Died Dec. 12,'63, of wounds received at Lookout Mountain-buried at Chattanooga-grave, 341.Walker, Henry............do.. July 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1862. Warren, Henry.........do. Sept. 5,'62, 3 Deserted April 17, 1864. Wadsworth, Chas......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861, Wheeler, John...........do. Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-never joined company. Walter, Henry B........ Sept. 10,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. White, John..............do. Oct. 14,'62, 3 Recruit-deserted-date unknown. Young, Levi..............d..... Jan. 17,'65, 03 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Yengling, Wash........do. Dec. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1865. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. James E. Wenrick.. Capt.... July 11,'61, 3 Resigned January 28,1862. Wm. D. Rickards......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., May 6,; 1862-disch. July 8, 186'. Wm. J. Augustine...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, Nov. 9,'64-Brevet Major, March 13, 1865-absent at muster out. Edward A.. Parker.. 1st Lt... July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 20,'62-to 1st Sgt., Apr. 25,'63to 2d Lt., July 26,'63-to 1st Lt., Nov. 9,'64mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Philip A. Voorhees 2d Lt... July 11,'61, 3 Resigned December 6, 1862. Edw'd J. Harvey.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, April 24, 1803-killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. John H. Hughes... do..do.. July 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., May, 1862-to Sgt., Oct., 1862-to 1st Sgt.,'63-to 2d Lt., Nov. 9,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John T. Gilligan... lst Sgt.. July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. 534 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT I N........ INTO SERVICE. REMARS. >N John M. Johnson... Serg't.. July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. S. J. Monkhouse.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Mich'l B. Erickson...do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Charles J. Reilly......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Wd. June 10, 1864-ab., sick, at mus. out-Vet. Thomas B. Beebe......do..... July 11, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'61. Jos. A. Jackson.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. John Lyle............ do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, May 25,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, August 25, 1862. John i. Brandt.......do,... July 11,'61, 3 Killed by railroad accident at Franklin, Ind., October 5, 1863. Jacob Lower..............do.... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. William Dugan.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 18, 1862. Geo. W. Parkinson Corp.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John W. Clayton......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Fallon........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July17, 1865-Vet. Robert Campbell......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Salmon............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wd. June 15, 1864-ab., sick, at mus. out-Vet. Walter L. Shultz...... do..... Dec. 10,'63-3 Mustered out with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Robert E. Hornor......ddo.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. William Richards.....do..... July 11.'61, 3 Dis6harged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'63. Charles E. Steward.do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'61-; Elihu M. Wallace......do..... Aug. 23,'62, 3 Discharged by Gereral Order, June 6, 1865. Richard Kelligan......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted August2, 1861. George Snyder........... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862 George A. Conley......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out July 27, 1865-Vet. Henry C. Phillips... Muc... July 11,'61, 3 Prisoner from April 7 to Sept. 17,'62-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John E. Stewart........ do..... July 9, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Alen, Charles........ Private Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Altemott, Henry.....do... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Armstrong, Henry...d.... Dec. 5,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Andrews, William...db..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Applegate. John..... do... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Bogan, John........... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Butler, Josiah.........do....Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Butler, James...... do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Boyde, Daniel...........do.....Jan. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brady, Patrick.........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bailey, John T........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., July 11, 1865. Burk, James............do... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Brown, George.........do..... July 11'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9,'61. Brooks, Richard.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, Pa.-discharged June 30, 1864. Beeteler, George........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Bradfield Jeremiah...do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Baird, Finley.......... do... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 15,'65-Vet. Clayton, Wm. E........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Clayton, David M......do..... Jan. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cheim, George V...... do..... Feb. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Conly, John.............. do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Cavenaugh, Peter......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Disoharged June 30, 1864. Cleckner, John.........do..... Sept. 8'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Cox, John.............. do..... Sent. 3,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Coffee, John....d.....o July 11,'61, 3 Deserted February 25, 1863. Cox, William........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 14, 1861. Crosscup, George......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 14, 1861. Cameron, William..o.....July 11,61 3 Deserted July 1, 1861,. Conklin, Isaac..........do..... April 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Davis, William H.....do.... July 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Donahue, William....do.... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Duffield, Champion...do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Wd. July 22, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Douglas, Robert....... do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., July 1, 1865. Dean, William.........do... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. Derbin, James..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Strasburg, Va., May 24, 1862. Darnell, William....o..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15, 1864. Davenport, James......do..... Aug. 16,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Eppright, Joseph.......do... Dec. 10,?63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Easterday, George.....do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Eber, Joseph E. F...do....... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 11,'64. Ellis, David...........do... Feb. 6,'64,...' Recruit-never joined company. Furlong, James.........do..... Oct. 13, 62, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Felty, Joseph.......... do.....Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Farry, Michael.........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Killed at Lookout Mountain, Nov. 24, liS3. French, Thomas....d........ July 11,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1862. Griffin, Martin J........do..... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 535 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. TE OF STER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. George, Ezekiel 0... Private Oct. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gates, Henry A.........do..... Sept. 19,'62, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gilkey, Jacob............do.....Sept. 2,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Ghnight, James.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, March 19,'65. Gilpin, Nathaniel......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus, July 16, 1861. Glen, Robert..............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon', cerificate, Jan. 15, 1863. Gorman, Thomas.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Strasburg, Va., May 21, 1862. Galbraith, Herbert.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted February 1, 1863. Gorman, Michael......do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Harbison Samp'n J...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Howarth, John........do.... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harshaw, Chas. E......do. Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hunter, Chas. E........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Hews, Robert............do.....Sept. 3,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3j 1863. Hurstman, Mathias...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 18, 1862w Hesser, Francis.........do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Deserted February 25, 1864. Holland, John...........do..... Oct. 28,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Johnson, William......do.... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Johnson, Charles........do.... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Jackson, William......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Johnson, William......do.... July 11,'64, 3 Deserted August 25, 1861. Krafft, George T.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Knight, William......do..... Oct. 21,'64, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, March 19,'65. Krafft, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'65. Leich, William.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 25, to September 17, 1862mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Lee, John E............do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Long, Alexander.......do..... Oct. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lyttle, James............do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Leith, George.........do..... Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Litzenburg, Ed. W...do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged byorderof War Dep't, March 19,'65. Lambert, Samuel......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 17,'62. Lockhart, Robert......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Leesman, Earnest.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1862. Loper, George............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Maton, Francis.........do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mann, John..............do.... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morton, James..........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Morgan, J(hn...........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Monroe, John...........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Maltman, Wm. H.......do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Mills, Edward L........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, July 12,'61. Maxwell, Thomas......do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Ilhenny, Thos........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Clain, James.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Clusky, James P...do.....Jan. 10,'65, 3 Recruit-never joined company. M'Mann, Thomas......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26,1862. M'Namara, John........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. M'Quillin, Thomas.....do..... Dec. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1865. M'Duffee, John.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted February 29, 1864. M'Culla, John...........do.... Dec. 562, 3 Deserted February 29, 1864. M'Crossan, Wm........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 18, 1862. M'Ginnis, James........do..... Oct. 21,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Nancread, William...do...Sept. 26, 62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 15, 1865. O'Neill, Richard........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Propert, William.......do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Paullin, Wm. T.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Palmer, Stillwell.......do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Payne, Thomas.:......do.....Jan. 10,'64, 3 Recruit-never joined company. Phillips, George........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, May 25,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, September 29, 1862. Pennington, Vinc't...do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'63. Phillips, Isaac W......do.... Jan. 26,'65, 3 Prisoner from Feb. 9, to March 6,'65-discharged by General Order, July 1, 1865. Quinlan, Jackson......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 18, 1862. Ryan, Richard...........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Reed, Benjamin.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Runner, Thomas.......do.... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Rowland, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Russ, Lewis...............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864. Reynolds, Oliver........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Rutter, Robert...........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 6, 1863. Rupture, Lewis.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred toVet. Res. Corps. May 2,1865-Vet. Stagg, George H.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. 536 TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. DATE O MUSTER REMAR INTO SERVICE. Semler, John......... Private July 11, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Simpson, John W......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Summers, Alex.........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Seccrest, Henry.........do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Snowberger, Elias.. "do.. Dec. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, John C..........do... Jan. 11, 65, 1 Recruit-never joined company. Shock, Frederick......do... Feb. 8, 64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Smith, Charles.........do...Aug. 6,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Shaw, Thompson.....do..... Sept. 20, 64, Absent, without leave, at muster out. Sachenheimer, F......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'63. Steel, William..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'62. Summerdyke, J........ do. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Died of wounds, March 6, 1865, at Louisville, Kentucky. Scott, Charles d...........do July 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 14, 1863. Traux, Thomas.........do.,. Dec. 23,'64, 1 Died July 22,1865-buried at Alexandria-grave, 3,318. Tucker, George.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus, July 13, 1861. Vaughan, William.....do..... Oct. 18,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Vantine, Wm. H....do..... do Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Walker, Charles........ do... July 11, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Walker, Edward A....do... July 11, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Winart, Charles W....do.. Oct. 14,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Watson, John...........do..... Feb. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. White, John.............. do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Aug 7, 1865-Vet. Woods, Edward.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Woods, Peter............do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wilson, John. do.....o.. July 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1864-expiration of term. Wagner, Jacob E.... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged July 18, 1864. Wiles, George B........ do...Sept. 1,'62,3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Woods, Thomas.. do.....Sept. 11, 62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. White, Samuel.......... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'63. Walsh, William........do..... July 11,'61 3 Killed at Kenesaw Mountain, June 25, 1864buried at Chattanooga-grave, 285. Wrenn, Thomas...... do.... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria,Nov. 24,1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Winters, James......... do... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Deserted October 5, 1862. Woods, George..........do..... April 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. UNASSIGNED MEN Altemus, A. F........ Private Jan. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., Sept. 6, 1865. Evans, John.............do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hallowell, Benj. F.....do..... do Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 21, 1865. -M'Innes, Wm. N.......do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Oswald, Benj............do.......................... Died June 25, 1864-buried at City Point, Va. Preston, George W...do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Renter, William........do..... June 5,'65, 1 Prisoner from Mar. 10, to May 5,1865-discharged by General Order, August 26, 1865. Renter, Henry M.......do..... June 5,'65, 1 Prisoner from Mar. 10, to May 5,1865-discharged by General Order, August 19, 1865. Ryan, John............do............................. Died February 4, 1865-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. ]~~~~~~~ 5 "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q tX~~~~~~~~~~s C6L~t 1181~307' ~~i~o")r ~ ~~bcis~tes: s P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P,. x'/~~~~~~3,16'I.... U71,i, 71 L_-0. __'es 4con m'Wnp RECORD OF THEE RESERVE VOLUNTEER CORPS, FOR T9HREE YEARS' S3IERVICE. Organized under the act of the Pennsylvania Legislature of May 15, 1861. 68 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. PRBEVIOUS to the breaking out of the rebellion the prediction was made that if secession resulted Sn hostilities the conflict would be on northern soi.* The possibility of this event was contemplated by the national authorities, and when a rebellious army began to assemble in northern Virginia, a camp was established at Chambersburg and an army of observation, under General Patterson, was organized to prevent the egress of hostile forces from the seceded territory. On the 16th of April, General Patterson was, by the order of Governor Curtin, placed in command of Pennsylvania troops, and soon after, by the order of Lieutenant General Scott, was assigned to the command of the Department of Washington, embracing the States of Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Convinced that the contest upon which the nation was about to enter would be much longer than was generally anticipated, and that the services of the three months' troops should not be the sole depeDi.&nce, he believed that advantage should be taken of the time to prepare for the future, lest at some critical moment it should be left without an army. By the action of the hostile element in Maryland on the 19th of April, all communication from Philadelphia, the headquarters of General Patterson, with Washington, was cut off. In the, absence of orders, he was left to rely wholly on his own judgment as commander of the Department, and, accordingly, made a requisition on Governor Curtin for twenty-five additional regiments of infantry, and one regiment of cavalry, to be mustered into the service of the United States. In compliance with this call the Governor commenced recruiting the required force, which was vigorously proseEXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM EX-PRESIDENT FRANKLIN PIERCE, JANUARY 6, 1860, TO JEFFERSON DAVIS. Without discussing the question of right, of abstract power to secede, I have never believed that actual disruption of the Union can occur without blood; and if, through the madness of northern abolitionism, that dire calamity must come, the fighting will not be along Mason's and Dixon's line merely. It will be within our own borders, in our own streets. —M P/erson's HSistory qf the Bebellio, pcge 39L *EXTRACT FROM SYNOPSIS OF SPEECIZES DELIVERED BY JEFFERSON DAVIS ON LEAVING JACKSON FOR MONTGOMERY, AND AT STEVENSON, ALABAMA,' PUBLISHED IN THE True Delta (NEW ORaEBANS) OF FEBRUARY 169 186L We have nothing to apprehend from blockade, but if they attempt invasion by land we must take tihe waw out of our territory. If war must come, it must be upon Northern and not upon Southern soil. Your border States will gladly come into the Southern Confederacy within sixty days, as we will be their only friends. England will recognize us and a glorious future is before us.The grass will grow in the northern cities, where the pavements have been worn off by the treadof commerce. We will carry war where it is easy to advance-where food for the sword.and torch await our armies in the densely populated cities; and though they may come and spoil our crops, we can raise them as before; while they cannot rear the cities which took years of industry and millions ofmoney to build.~-The American Conftict, Greeley, Vol. 1, page 415. 540 RESERVE CORPS, cuted in every part of the Commonwealth. In the meantime, the severed cornmunication with Washington was restored, and the national authorities not being prepared for the acceptance of more forces, ordered the call of General Patterson for the additional force to be countermanded. Recruiting was accordingly suspended, but many of the companies thus called together did not abandon their organizations. Recognizingthe danger to which Pennsylvania, by its long line of border on States seriously disaffected was exposed, and finding that adequate provisions did not exist by law to make the military power of the State available for its protection, Governor Curtin issued his proclamation on the 20th day of April, 1861, calling the Legislature to convene in extra session on the 30th instant. In his message, which was delivered at the opening of the session, the Governor said: " The time is past for temporizing or forbearing with this rebellion, the most causeless in history. The North has not invaded, nor has she sought to invade a single guaranteed right of the South. On the contrary, all political parties, and all administrations, have fully recognized the binding force of every provision of the great compact between the States, and regardless of our views of State policy, our peoplehave respected them. * * * The insurrection must now be met by force of arms; and to re-establish the Government upon an enduring basis, by asserting its entire supremacy, to re-possess the forts and other Government property so unlawfully seized and held, to ensure personal freedom and safety to the people and commerce of the Union, in every sece tion, the people of the loyal States demand, as with one voice, and will contend for, as with one heart, and a quarter of a million of Pennsylvania's sons will answer the call to arms, if need be, to wrest us from a reign of anarchy and plunder, and secure for themselves and their children, for ages to come, the perpetuity of this government and its beneficent institutions. * * It is impossible to predict the lengths to which the madness that rules the hour in the rebellious States shall lead us, or when the calamities which threaten our hitherto happy country shall terminate. * * * To furnish ready support to those who have gone out, and to protect our borders, we should have a well regulated military force. I, therefore, recommend the immediate organization, disciplining and arming of at least fifteen regiments of cavalry and infantry, exclusive of those called into the service of the United States. As we have already ample warning of the necessity of being prepared for any sudden exigency that may arise, I cannot too much impress this upon you." This message was immediately referred to a select committee of the House, consisting of seven members, Messrs. Ball, Sheppard, Williams, Hill, Smith, of Berks, Lawrence and Leisenring. In compliance with the recommendations of the Governor a bill was reported on the second of May, to create a loan and to provide for arming the State, which, in the usual course of legislation, became a law on the 15th. Among other provisions the act authorized and required the Commander-in-Chief to organize a military corps, to be called the "Reserve Volunteer Corps of the Commonwealth " to be composed of thirteen regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry and one regiment of light artillery; to be armed and equipped, clothed, disciplined, governed and officered, as similar troops in the service of the United States; to be enlisted in theservice of the State for a period of three years or for the war, unless sooner discharged, and to be liable to be called into the service of the State at such times asthe Commander-in-Chief should deem their services necessary for the pur INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 541 pose of suppressing insurrections or to repel invasions, and further, to be liable to be mustered into the service of the United States, at such times as requisitions should be made bythe President of the United States. The Commander-inChief was also authorized to establish camps of instruction, and the troops, when not under instruction, nor in the service of the United States, were required to hold themselves in readiness to be called into the service of the State, or upon requisition of the President, into the service of the United States; and they were required to provide and keep in repair suitable armories for the safe keeping and preservation of their arms and accoutrements. The several companies and regiments composing the corps were entitled to elect, and the Governor was directed to commission officers, similar in number and rank to those allowed like troops in the army of the United States. The Commander-in-Chief was authorized to appoint one Major General to have command of all the military forces of Pennsylvania, and two Brigadier Generals, with the proper compliment of staff officers. In compliance with the provisions of this act, Governor Curtin issued his call for men to compose the corps, and apportioned the number that would be received from each county, according to its population, in order that every section of the State and every class of its people should be duly represented in it. Great enthusiasm was everywhere manifested to enlist, and a strong desire was felt to be admitted to its ranks. Four camps of instruction were established; one at Easton, under command of Colonel William B. Mann; one at West Chester, under Captain Henry M. M'Intire; one at Pittsburg, -under Colonel John W. MWLean; and one at Harrisburg, under Colonel G. A. C. Seiler. George A. M'Call, a graduate of the West Point Military Academy, of the class of 1822, subsequently an officer in the Regular Army, and a distinguished soldier in the war with Mexico, was appointed a Major General to command the corps. General M'Call immediately organized his staff by appointing Henry J. Biddle, Assistant Adjutant General, and Henry Sheets and Eldridge M'Conkey, Aidsde-Camp. Subsequently, Professor Henry Coppee was attached to the staffi as Inspector General. An accomplished soldier, General M'Call entered with great zeal upon the duty of organizing the corps and preparing it for duty in the field. On the 22d of June, two regiments, the Fifth, under Colonel Simmons, and the Kane Rifles, Thirteenth of the corps, commanded by Colonel Biddle, were ordered to a point on the State line, opposite Cumberland, Maryland, for the protection of the border, now threatened by an organized force of rebels. Subsequently these regiments moved through Cumberland into West Virginia to the support of General Lewis Wallace. On the 18th of July, orders were received from the Secretary of War directing four regiments to be sent to Hagerstown, Maryland, and the remaining regiments of the corps, not including those in West Virginia, to be moved to Baltimore. On the following day an order was received from' the War Office directing all the regiments of the Reserve Corps, except the two in West Virginia, to be assembled at Harrisburg, where they would be mustered into the service of the United States. Measures were promptly taken by Governor Curtin to put these orders in immediate execution. On the 21st of July was fought the battle of Bull Run, which resulted disastrously to our arms, and spread terror and alarm throughout the North. The national authorities found themselves with a defeated army, with the term of service of a large proportion of its troops rapidly expiring. They imme 542 RESERVE COIWPS. diately issued urgent calls upon all the States for men. Pennsylvania was ready with an organized and disciplined force, enlisted for the long term, to march to their relief. Moving rapidly to the points designated by the commander of the national army, the several regiments remained on duty until all danger from a sudden incursion of the rebel army was passed, when the corps was assembled in camp at Tennallytown, Maryland, where it was organized in three brigades and thoroughly drilled and disciplined. The Society of Cincinnati of Pennsylvania having presented to the Executive of the State five hundred dollars, to be used towards arming and equipping the volunteers of Pennsylvania, the Legislature, by joint resolution of 16th of May, 1861, ordered that this money be expended in the purchase of regimental flags, having the coat of arms of the State and number of regiment inscribed. On the 10th of September, the flags prepared for the regiments of the Reserve Corps were presented with appropriate ceremonies. Mr. Sypher, in his History of this Corps, thus describes the scene:' The color companies were formed in line in front, with the Colonel of each regiment at the head of the company. The parade ground was surrounded by a line of guards to exclude the vast multitude of soldiers and civilians that had collected to witness the presentation. At eleven o'clock, President Lincoln, accompanied by Honorable Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, drove into the enclosure; a few minutes later, General MiClellan arrived, escorted by the M'Clellan Rifle Guards of Chicago, and accompanied by Adjutant General Lorenzo Thomas, General Butler and General Mansfield. Half an hour later, the sound of artillery, firing the appropriate salute, announced the arrival of His Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylvania. Governor Curtin, accompanied by the members of his staff, Surgeon General Henry H. Smith, Judge Maxwell, Paymaster General, and many distinguished citizens, soon appeared on the parade ground. Colonel Simmons, Fifth regiment, which had marched to Washington to escort the Governor to Tennallytown, moved into position at the right of the line, and General M'Call reported his command in readiness to receive the colors. After receiving most cordial greetings from the President, the Secretary of War, the General-in-Chief, and the General commanding, His Excellency,the Governor, proceeded to formally present the colors to the Colonels of the several regiments, at the head of their color companies. " Attended by his staff and General M'Call, he commenced at the right of the line and placed in the hands of each Colonel, the beautiful flag provided by the State of Pennsylvania, saying at the same time, that he was authorized to do so by a recent act of the Legislature. After having received the colors, the companies wheeled by platoons and marched around the right and left of the line to the rear, and took their places in the line with their new colors unfurled to the breeze. * * * Having passed along the entire line and delivered the badges of honor to the regiments, Governor Curtin returned to his carriage, and, standing upon the seat, thus addressed the soldiers: "GENERAL MVC/ALL AND MEN OF PENNSYLVANIA:-Were it not for the surroundings, one might be struck by the novelty of this scene. Large assemblages of the people of Pennsylvania, on any occasion which calls them together for deliberation on subjects touching the general welfare and the public good, are always attended with a charm that fascinates. But when I look over the thousands of Pennsylvanians away from the soil of their State, in arms, there is inspiration in the occasion. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 543 "I came here to-day on a duty enjoined by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. The remnant of the descendants of the heroes and sages of the Revolution, in the Keystone State, known as the Cincinnati Society, presented me with a sum of money to arm and equip the volunteers of Pennsylvania, who might go into public service in the present exigency. I referred the subject to the Legislature. They instructed me to make these flags and pay for them with the money of the Cincinnati Society. I have placed in the centre of the azure field the coat-of-arms of your great and glorious State, and around it a bright galaxy of stars. I give these flags to you to-day, and I know you will carry them wherever you appear, in honor, ard that the credit of your State will never suffer in your hands. "Our peaceful pursuits in Pennsylvania have been broken. Many of our people have abandoned those arts of industry which lead to development and progress, and have been forced to bear arms. They have responded to the call of the National Government, and while you are here in obedience to that call, your fellow-citizens at home are occupying the camps you have lately vacated. All our material wealth, and the life of every man in Pennsylvania, stands pledged to vindicate the right, to sustain the Government, and to restore the ascendency of law and order. You are here for that purpose, with no hope of acquisition or vengeance, nor from any desire to be enriched by the shedding of blood. God forbid! Our people are for peace. But if men lay violent hands on the sacred fabric of the Government, unjustly spill the blood of their brethren, and tear the sacred Constitution to pieces, Pennsylvania is for war-war to the death! "How is it, my friends, that we of Pennsylvania are interrupted in our progress and development How is it that workshops are closed, and that our mechanical and agricultural pursuits do not secure their merited reward? It is because folly, fanaticism, rebellion, murder, piracy, and treason prevail over a portion of this land; and we are here to-day to vindicate the right, to sustain the Government, to defend the Constitution, and to shed the blood of Pennsylvanians if it need be, to produce this result. It will do no harm to repeat here, in the presence of so many Pennsylvanians in arms, that in our State the true principles of human liberty were first promulgated to the world; and there also the Convention met that framed the Constitution; and Pennsylvania, loyal in the Revolution, now stands solidly and defiantly to arrest the treason and rebellion that would tear into pieces the sacred instrument of our Union of State s. "My friends, one might regret to see so many men of Pennsylvania here in arms to-day. But there is a pleasure in the recollection that you have been willing to volunteer your services in the defence of the great principle of human liberty. Should the wrong prevail, should treason and rebellion succeed, we have no government. Progress is stopped, civilization stands still, and Christianity in the world, for the time, must cease-cease forever. Liberty, civilization and christianity hang upon the result of this great contest. " God is for the truth and the right. Stand by your colors, my friends, this day delivered to you, and the right will prevail. I present to you to-day, as the representative of the people of Pennsylvania, these beautiful colors. I place in your hands the honor of your State. Thousands of your fellow-citizens at home look to you to vindicate the honor of your great State. If you fail, hearts and homes will be made desolate. If you succeed, thousands of Penn 544 RESERVE CORPS. sylvanians will rejoice over your success, and on your return, you will be hailed as heroes who have gone forth to battle for the right. " They follow you with their prayers. They look to you to vindicate a great Government, to sustain legitimate power, and to crush out rebellion. Thousands of your friends in Pennsylvania know of the presentation of these flags to-day; and I am sure, that I am authorized to saythat their blessing is upon you. May the God of Battles, in His wisdom, protect your lives, and may Right, Truth and Justice prevail." "General MCAall responded: GOVERNOR CURTIN:-Permit me, in the name of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, to return, through your Excellency, to the State of our birth, the thanks with which we receive the splendid banners that, in accordance with an act of the State Legislature, you have this day presented. " The bestowal of these noble banners devolves upon the regiments of this division, a responsibility they cheerfully accept; and they trust, with the aid of the God of Battles, to bear these stars and stripes proudly in the conflict, and to place the banner of our State amongst the foremost in the cause of the Constitution and the Union of our common country." By the terms of the act authorizing the organization of the Reserves, the Governor was authorized to commission such officers as the several companies and regiments should elect. In this manner the original officers were selected. As vacancies occurred, from time to time, after the corps took the field, elections were held and the commissions issued as at first. This course was pursued until sometime in July, 1862, when an order was issued through the division headquarters directing that thereafter elections should not be held, the evils of this system being looked upon as greater than the system of promotion and appointments without election, practiced in other volunteer regiments of the army. But the act of Congress under which the volunteer forces were received into the United States service, provided that vacancies should be filled by the Governors of the respective States in the same manner as the original appoint ments were made. Hence the Governor was prevented, by the positive provisions of the State Statute, from commissioning any officers of the corps so long as the order forbidding elections was in force. For nearly a year this impediment remained, all efforts to remove it proving fruitless. From this cause the efficiency of the corps was greatly crippled, many vacancies occurring which remained unfilled, and meritorious officers being debarred those promotions which their heroic conduct on many a hard fought field had fairly won. Subsequently, through the recommendation of Governor Curtin, the provisions of the State Statute, providing for elections, was repealed, and promotions and appointments were thereafter regularly made. The ordinary means for recruiting regiments in the field having languished, on the 30th of September, 1862, Governor Curtin addressed a communication to the President of the United States, proposing to receive ten skeleton regiments at a time from the front, and to recruit them in a body to the maximum standard. Inasmuch as the Reserve Corps was among the first of Pennsylvania troops to enter the service, he requested that it should be first returned for this purpose. This application, though repeatedlyrenewed and warmly seconded by the commanders of the corps, Generals Meade and Sickel, was not received with favor, and was never accorded; though the measure, had it been adopted, would doubtless have restored the corps to its pristine strength and power. THIRTIETH REGIMENT, FIRST RESERVE. THE First Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps was organized at Camp Wayne, near West Chester, on the 9th of June, 1861. Captain Henry M. M'Intire, who led the Brandywine Guards, was the first to occupy the camp, and was assigned to its temporary command. The formal organization was effected under the immediate direction and orders of Major General George A. M'Call, who had been designated as the commander of the division, and resulted as follows: R. Biddle Roberts, of Pittsburg, Colonel; Henry M. M'Intire, of West Chester, Lieutenant Colonel; Lemuel Todd, of Carlisle, Major. Soon after his election Colonel Roberts assumed command of the regiment, and of the camp, and appointed Lieutenant Charles B. Lamborn, of company A, Adjutant, and Lieutenant Joseph R. T. Coates, of company C, Quartermaster, the Army Regulations at that time in force requiring these officers to be detailed from the line officers of the regiment. In addition to his own, Colonel Roberts also proceeded to organize, arm and equip the Seventh Regiment, for which companies were daily arriving. On the fourth of July Governor Curtin reviewed the two regiments, in the town of West Chester, in the presence of an immense concourse of people, the citizens entertaining the troops at Everhart's Grove. On Saturday, July 20th, Colonel Roberts received by telegraph, an order to hold his regiment in readiness, and on the following day, one to move by rail to Harrisburg. The battle of Bull Run. having on this day terminated disastrously to the national arms, urgent calls from Washington for troops awaited his arrival. At daylight of July 22d, the regiment marched for Baltimore, and arrived at nine o'clock that evening. Having reported to General Dix, who had that morning received the command of the district from General Banks, it was ordered to Carroll Hill, in the suburbs of the city, to which point it moved on the ensuing morning, and encamped. As the regiment approached Baltimore on the 22d, the troops were warned of the danger of marehing through its limits, and on its arrival at the outer depot, Colonel Roberts was met by a body of the police, and advised, on account of the excited state of the public mind, not to attempt to pass through the city. But before reaching the depot, he had caused ammunition to be distributed to the men, and without heeding the admonitions of the police, or those met on the way, the command moved in good order and without molestation,.though the side-walks and houses were crowded with rebels, and those sympathizing with treason. On the 26th of July, while at Camp Carroll, the regiment was mustered into the service of the United States, and on Sunday, the 27th, in obedience to orders received from General Dix, it moved to Annapolis, Maryland. Headquarters were established in the naval school. Six companies 69 546 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE. 1862 were stationed in the town, and four companies were detailed to guard the railroad from Annapolis to Annapolis Junction, on the Washington and Baltimore road, with headquarters at the junction. Contraband supplies for the enemy had been constantly forwarded by rebel sympathizers at Baltimore, by means of wagons and private carriages, which were sent south from below, together with irregular mails, and communications of spies, everywhere moving about in the national camp. The agents engaged in this business were intercepted and the line of intercourse effectually broken up. The seizure of an immense amount of drugs put up for the enemy's use, called forth the special commendation of General Dix, who, in his official report of the operations on the line of the Annapolis road, commended the conduct of the officers and men of this regiment, for their care and faithfulnessin discharging this duty. Perfect order was enforced in Annapolis, and the excellent discipline of the regiment, and decorous conduct of the men, elicited the good will of the inhabitants. Remaining on duty until August 30th, it was relieved by the Twenty-first Massachusetts, and marched by rail to Washington, where it remained until the following morning, and thence marched to Tennallytown, Maryland, and encamped with other regiments of the division, under the command of Major General George A. MCall. While here, the Reserve Corps was organized in three brigades, the First Regiment being assigned to the First Brigade, Brigadier General John F. Reynolds.* On the 10th of October, it marched with the division via the Chain Bridge to Langley, Virginia, and encamped at Camp Pierpont. In December, shortly before the action at Dranesville, the regiment made an armed reconnoissance to near that point, where it remained two days. On the 20th of December, it marched to Difficult Creek, where the command halted for a few moments within sound of the engagement in progress at Dranesville. The regiment was immediately put in motion, marching to the sound of the enemy's guns, and reached the battle-field just as the action closed, the enemy having been routed and put to flight. Returning with the command, it reached camp at midnight. On the 3d of January, 1862, Colonel Roberts was assigned to duty as Assistant Provost Marshal General of the Army of the Potomac, under Brigadier General Andrew Porter, with headquarters at Washington, when the command devolved on Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. M'Intire. On the 10th of March, the regiment marched with the division via Hunter's Mills to Alexandria, through deep mud and a pelting rain, and went into camp near Fairfax Seminary. Colonel Roberts, having been relieved from duty at Washington, resumed command March 19th, and soon after the brigade moved by rail on open trucks, in a blinding snow storm, towards Manassas Junction, and halting after nightfall on the south bank of Bull Run, encamped in the huts lately occupied by the rebels. On the following morning, the command marched to Manassas Junction, where it remained until the 17th, when the First Brigade moved forward to Catlett's Station, and soon after the whole division moved towards Fredericksburg. The First Corps, under General M'Dowell, was ordered into camp at Falmouth, and the Reserves, now assigned to his command, were quartered at Fort Washington, to the rear of the town. * Organization of the First Brigade, Brigadier General John F. Reynolds; Pennsylvania Re. serve Corps, Major General George A. M'Call. Fifth (34th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Seneca G. Simmons; First (30th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel R. Biddle Roberts; Second (31st) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel William M'Candless; Eighth (37th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel George S. Hayes. 1862 BATTLE OF MECHANICSVILLE. 54 After the departure of two divisions of the First Corps for the Shenandoah Valley, the Reserves were moved to the bank of the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg. On the 26th of May, Reynolds' Brigade crossed the river, and marching through the town, encamped about a mile and a-half beyond. General Reynolds was appointed Military Governor, and his brigade performed duty as provost guard until the 31st of May when it re-crossed the river, and again encamped near Falmouth. General MClellan having been placed in chief command of the army, had decided to operate against Richmond, by way of the Peninsula, and had already opened the campaign. On Sunday, June 8th, the division left Falmouth, and proceeded along the bank of the river to Gray's Landing, reaching that place about two o'clock A. M., after a fatiguing march of ten miles. On the following morning it embarked upon the Rappahannock, and entered Chesapeake Bay about sunset on the 10th of June. Sailing southward to the mouth of York River, it reached the White House via the York.and Pamunky rivers at three P. M., on the 11th. On the morning of June 12th, it marched along the York River railroad and encamped at Dispatch Station. On the 13th, Reynolds' Brigade was ordered back to Tunstal's Station, eight miles to the rear, to assist the railroad guard at that post, who had been attacked by rebel raiders under command of Fitz Hugh Lee. It met and skirmished with the enemy through the woods on each side of the railroad, reaching the station in time to save a train of cars and a bridge from fire. The command returned to Dispatch Station on the 15th. On the 18th the division marched to Gaines' Farm, and on the 19th moved with the brigade to Beaver Dam Creek, near Mechanicsville, on the extreme right of the Army of the Potomac, and was assigned to the army corps commanded by General Fitz John Porter. On the 26th four companies of the regiment were ordered to Mechanicsville on fatigue duty, and remained till late in the day, when they were driven in by the enemy, and rejoined the rest of the regiment which was then supporting De Haven's Battery. It was soon after ordered, by General Reynolds, to the support of Cooper's Battery, which was being fiercely assaulted by large forces of the enemy. The First Regiment held the centre of the brigade, and for three hours of terrific fighting against vastly superior numbers, maintained its original position, repulsed the enemy and slept upon the ground so gallantly held. The loss in this engagement was seven killed and twenty wounded. Next morning, June 27th, an order to fall back was received with surprise, and the command reluctantly withdrew under the fire of the enemy, who at daylight opened his batteries that had been posted during the night in front of the position occupied by Cooper's guns. Resisting the attack step bystep, the brigade retired in the direction of Gaines' Mill. It had been determined, on account of the severe duty performed by the Reserves on the 25th and 26th, that they should be held in reserve during the battle about to ensue; but on the afternoon of the 27th they were again ordered into the fight. The First was sent to the relief of Duryea's Zouaves, who were engaged with a large force of the enemy on an open field. Taking position immediately in the rear of the line held by the Zouaves, the regiment met and repulsed every attack of the enemy for nearly three hours, retiring only when the last round of ammunition was exhausted, and relief was sent. The First and Eighth Regiments, marching to the rear for ammunition, were met by General Porter, who, excited by 548 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE. 1862 the breaking of our lines, exclaimed.' Colonel Roberts, can't you form a line with these two regiments and stop those flying troops n The Colonel replied that he could, but demanded a supply of ammunition that he might stop the enemy. The two regiments immediately formed in line with coolness and precision under the eye of General Porter, and elicited from him expressions of enthusiastic admiration. The position taken was held until nightfall. In this engagement the First lost seven killed and twenty-eight wounded. Among the killed was Lieutenant Stewart, of company H, who had been ordered by Colonel Roberts, on entering the field, to the command of company B, which was without a commissioned officer. He was shot through the head and instantly killed at the moment of assuming the command. Crossing to the right bank of the Chickahominy, the division remained in camp during the day, and at night marched through mud and rain as wagon guard, and reached Savage Station Sunday morning, June 29th. After a brief halt it moved forward towards New Market Cross Roads, and, after a fatiguing march of fifteen hours, the regiment was ordered on picket duty. June 30th, the First and Third Reserves were ordered to the support of the cavalry pickets an d videttes. While posting his men Colonel Roberts discovered that, through the treachery of a, guide who had been sent to him, he had led his regiment within the enemy's lines. Immediately re-forming, he withdrew to the New Market Road, and soon after placed it in support of Cooper's Battery, where it maintained its position with great steadiness for five hours, repulsing three distinct and heavy charges of the enemy,* and holding the position until relieved, after nightfall by one of the regiments of Meagher's brigade. The Reserves having retired to a road on the right of the line, the officers endeavored to re-form their shattered ranks. Generals M'Call and Reynolds having been captured, General Meade wounded, Colonel Simmons, commanding the First Brigade, killed, Colonel Roberts being the ranking officer on the field, assumed command and ordered the men to form on the road. This remnant of the division remained in position immediately in the rearof the original line of battle, until about midnight, when an order to withdraw was given, and it marched to Malvern Hill. For his gallantry in this engagement, which was one of the most desperate of the war, the Colonel received the special thanks of the General commanding the division. The loss of the regiment in this battle (variously known as Charles City Cross Roads, New Market Cross Roads, Glendale and Nelson's Farm) was eleven killed and eighty-five wounded. Captain John F. Bailey, of company K, was among the killed; Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. M'Intire, and Captain George H. Hess, of company D, were severely wounded, and the hospital to which they had been carried having been captured, they fell into the hands of the enemy. Captain Hess died from the effects of his wounds, at Richmond, on the 4th of July, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel Mtntire, after his release, endeavored to rejoin the regiment, but was proEXTBACT FROM GEBNEBRAL M'CALL'S OFFIcIAL REPORT. Cooper's and Ken's batteries, in front of the centre, were boldly charged upon, each time a regiment dashing up to within forty or fifty yards. They were then hurled back by a storm of canister and the deliberate fire of the First regiments Colonel Roberts, whom I had placed immediately in the rear of Kern's, and the Ninth, Colonel Jackson, in the rear of Cooper's. The contest was severe, and put the steadiness of these regiments to the test; both suffered heavy loss, but particularly the First Regiment, whose gallant Lieutenant Colonel - (M'Intire) was severely wounded.-Ouvr Campaigns. 1861-4. Woodward, page 140. 1862 BATTLE OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN. 549 nounced physically unfit for further duty in the field. He was accordingly mustered out of service on the 7th of January, 1863, and soon after died. Malvern Hill was reached early in the morning of July 1st, and during the action on that day the fragment of the division now remaining was held in reserve, having fought three battles, and performed severe duty and fatiguing night marches, since the 26th of June. About midnight the division marched for Harrison's Landing, and upon its arrival was ordered on picket duty in the midst of a furious storm. Soon after reaching the landing, Colonel Roberts obtained leave of absence on account of sickness, and was succeeded in command by Major Lemuel Todd, Lieutenant Colonel M'Intire being at that time wounded and a prisoner. Upon the return of Colonel Roberts, August 8th, he was ordered to the command of the First Brigade. The regiment remained in camp at Harrison's Landing until the evening of Thursday, August 14th, when it embarked upon transports, and sailed next morning to Fortress Monroe. On account of boisterous weather, it remained here until August 19th, when the steamer upon which it was embarked, sailed for Norfolk for fuel, and on the following day reachedAcquia Creek. The regiment immediately moved by rail to Falmouth and encamped. After sundown on the 21st, it marched for Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, to meet the old enemy left upon the Peninsula. On the 23d, it proceeded to Bappahannock Station, and thence to Warrenton, where the division was again attached to the First Corps, under command of General M'Dowell, now a part of Pope's army. On the 28th, the corps marched to the left towards Manassas, and subsequently moved in the direction of Centreville. At daylight on the 29th, the Reserves engaged the enemy, and for two entire days, were continually under fire, al. most constantly moving, and totally destitute of rations. The First Regiment was on picket duty during the 29th, within sight of the enemy, and but a few yards in front of his line. Its loss in the engagement was six killed and twenty-two wounded. On the 1st of September, the army was withdrawn towards Fairfax. On the evening of the following day, the division marched to Hail's Hill, Virginia, and thence to Upton's Hill, where it encamped until the 6th, when it crossed the Long Bridge, and passing through Washington, marched via Leesboro,' Brookville, New Market, Frederick and Middletown, and engaged the enemy at South Mountain on the afternoon of Sunday, the 14th. The gorge and summits of the mountain were held by Hill's Corps which was strongly posted, and determined to maintain its position. The First Brigade held the extreme right of the line opposite the troops of Longstreet's Corps, which had now come up and joined those of Hill. As the men approached the stone wall at the base of the mountain, the rebel skirmishers and sharp-shooters posted behind it, opened a destructive fire. General Seymour, commanding the brigade, called out to Colonel Roberts, " Can't your regiment take that height V" The Colonel immediately gave the command " forward," when the column rushed on with a yell, driving the enemy from the wall, and unchecked in its intrepid charge by the bullets of the foe, or the rugged acclivity of the mountain, drove every thing before it, until the summit was gained and made secure from attack. The men slept upon their arms during the night, ready to renew the contest in the morning; but the enemy finding themselves thus suddenly turned out of their fancied security in this stronghold of nature, withdrew during the night, leaving the victors in possession of the field. On the following morning, General 550 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE. 1862 Hooker came upon the ground, and amidst the relics of the struggle, in presence of most of the general officers of that portion of the army, presented in person his thanks to Colonel Roberts, for the heroic conduct of the regiment. In this engagement the loss was ten killed and thirty wounded. Captain Thos. P. Dwin, of company H, First Lieutenant John D. Sadler, of company K, and Second Lieutenant John H. Taylor, of company C, were among the killed. On the following morning, the division resumed the march, and passing through Boonsboro' and Keedysville, bivouacked for the night near the latter place. On the 16th, the division was ordered with the corps to cross the Antietam Creek, and attack the left flank of the enemy. The Bucktails, thrown forward as skirmishers, were soon engaged with a superior force, and the First Regiment, together with the brigade was ordered to their support, and succeeded in driving the enemy from his position, and in holding the ground, by keeping a strong skirmish line engaged during the night. So near were the pickets of the contending forces, that a squad of six men of the enemy were captured, having approached unawares to our line. At daylight on the 17th, the battle began, and notwithstanding the fatigue consequent upon the attack of the preceding mght, the command entered the engagement with the vigor of fresh troops, and after a fiercely contested fight was relieved about nine o'clock A. M., remaining, however, in line of battle on the field throughout the day, and sleeping on their arms at night. General Hooker having been wounded, turned over the command of his corps to General Meade, throwing General Seymour in command of the division, Colonel Roberts of the First Brigade, and Captain Talley of the regiment. These commands were assumed while on the field. The loss was five killed and twenty-three wounded. On the 18th the regiment, with the division, moved near Sharpsburg, and on the day following marched as advance guard across the battle-field of the 17th, and encamped on the banks of the Potomac. On Monday, September 22d, the command was ordered to Harper's Ferry, but before beginning the march the order was countermanded. Remaining in camp at Sharpsburg until October 26th, a movement was commenced towards Berlin. After a march of eight miles it encamped in a wood, under apelting storm, which continued through the night, rendering sleep impossible. Crossing the Potomac near Berlin, the regiment passed through Lovettsville and Waterford, and encamped near Hamilton. In the latter part of October, 1862, Governor Curtin requested General M'Clellan to accept the resignation of Colonel Roberts, that he might return to the Governor's staff. This request was granted, and the Colonel taking leave of his regiment and com-patriots in arms, on the 2d of November, departed for his new field of labor, followed by the hearty regrets of his men. The attachment felt for him was never lessened. In the spring of 1864 they sent to him from the field a corps badge in gold, with an inscription of the names of the battles in which he had led them. At the State Capital Colonel Roberts was placed in charge of the arduous and responsible duties of the Executive Military Department. Colonel Roberts was succeeded in command of the regiment by the ranking Captain, William Cooper Talley, of company F, who was subsequently commissioned Colonel, to rank from that date. Captain W. W. Stewart, of company K, was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain T. B. Kauffman, of company I, Major. The regiment continued its march up the Loudon Val 1862 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 551 ley until it encamped near Warrenton, on the evening of the 6th of November. On the following day General Burnside took command of the army of the Po. tomac, relieving General M'CIellan. The forces were immediately organized in three grand divisions of two corps each-designated as the Right, Centre and Left,* and commanded respectively by Sumner, Hooker and Franklin. The Pennsylvania Reserves, under General Meade, formed part of the First Corps commanded by General Reynolds, of the Left Grand Division. At this time, a part of Lee's army had reached Culpepper, and the remainder was scattered up and down the Shenandoah Valley, while the national army, having passed down east of the Blue Ridge and masked its movements by holding the passes, was assembled in the neighborhood of Warrenton. On the 16th of November, the movement towards Fredericksburg was commenced. On Saturday, November 224, the regiment with the division, reached Brooks' Station on the Richmond and Potomac railroad, encamping at this point until December 8th, whence it marched to White Oak Church. On Thursday, December 11th, it moved towards Fredericksburg, and on the following day crossed the Rappahannock, with Franklin's Grand Division, and taking position on the extreme left of the army, bivouacked upon the field. In the battle which ensued, the regiment occupied the right of the brigade, and moved in steady, unwavering line across an open plain under a heavy enfilading artillery fire; and when the order was given, charged the enemy with resistless energy, crossing the railroad and ditches, and driving him two hundred yards beyond his entrenchments. Colonel Talley finding his regiment out-flanked on the right, with the enemy strongly reinforced in front, and no supports coming up in rear, was compelled to retire, after having opened the way to victory.t The following day passed without a renewal of the attack, and on the evening of Monday, the 15th, the army re-crossed the river, and the Reserves encamped near Belle Plain. In this engagement Colonel Talley led the regiment with great gallantry, as* The Right Grand Division was composed of the Second Corps, under General Couch, and the Ninth Corps, under General Wilcox. The Centre Grand Division of the Third Corps, under General Stoneman, and the Fifth Corps, under General Butterfield. The Left Grand Division, of the First Corps, under General Reynolds, and the. Sixth Corps, under General W. F. Smith. t By twelve o'clock, most of the dispositions on our side were made, and General Meade began to advance with earnestness and vigor.'His division consisted of three brigades, of which the Third was on the left, the First on the right, closely followed by the Second. General Gibbon's division was ordered to hold itself ready as a support. The troops went forward with great spirit and resolution. In handsome style they charged up the road, regardless of a hot fire from the enemy, crossed the railroad, ascended the heights beyond, broke through the enemy's first line, penetrated very nearly the enemy's second line, under General Taliaferro, and gained a position near Captain Hamilton's house, capturing and sending back three hundred prisoners and more. Nothing could be better than this gallant charge. It was made in the midst of a destructive fire of musketry in front, and a severe enfilading fire of artillery, and for a time carried everything before it. Finding an interval in the enemy's line, between the brigades of Archer and Lane, General Meade took advantage of it, and wedged his advance in turning the flanks of both brigades and throwing them into confusion. He next struck Gregg's brigade and broke it to pieces, with the loss of its commanding officer. General A. P. Hill's line was then pierced, and General Meade's next duty was to break the -line of General Taliaferro. But this was not so easy. For an hour and a half had the gallant little division pushed forward in its successful career. But it was now bearing the brunt of a contest with the entire corps of General Jackson, which had been ordered to meet the audacious attack, and it could not maintain itself without continued support. * * * General Meade had come within a hair's breadth of achieving a great success. His attack had been so vigorous as to be almost a surprise. His troops had come upon the enemy, in some cases, before he had time to take the muskets from the stacks.-B-urnside and the Ninth Army Corps, page 220. 552 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE. 1863 sisted by 1is faithful Adjutant, John C. Harvey, who had but recently been promoted from the ranks. The loss in the engagement, was two killed and thirty-four wounded. Though this loss was but small, when compared with that of troops operating in the immediate front of Fredericksburg, yet the signal advantage gained in the whole battle, was gained by this part of the line; and had the successful assault here made been vigorously followed up, it would doubtless have resulted in a brilliant victory, instead of that bloody repulse which filled the land with gloom. Burnside having again determined to cross the Rappahannock and offer battle, the march commenced on Tuesday, January 20th, but a rain-storm which continued three days, rendering the roads impassable, it was found necessary to abandon the attempt, and the regiment returned on Friday, January 23d, to the camp which it left on the preceding Tuesday, after a march of twentytwo miles, the men poorly clad, and whilst on the march, entirely without protection from the weather. On the 6th of February, the regiment broke camp, and marched to Fairfax Station, whence it was deployed along the Orange and Alexandria railroad for thepurpose of guardingthe supplies of the army against the attack of Mosby and other guerrillas. Upon the assumption of chief command by General Hooker, the army was thoroughly re-organized in seven corps; the First under Reynolds, the Second under Couch, the-Third under Sickles, the Sixth under Sedgwick, the Eleventh under Howard and the Twelfth under Slocum. The Reserves in this organization, formed a part of the Fifth corps, commanded by General Meade. In the Gettysburg campaign, Meade upon being relieved to take command of the army, was succeeded by General Sykes,and the Reserves were commanded by General Crawford. On the 25th of June, the regiment broke camp at Fairfax, and joining in the general movement of the army, crossed the Potomac, and on the 27th, encamped on the Monocacy. On the 28th, it moved to Frederick, where it met the main body of the army. On the following day it took up the line of march for Gettysburg. Upon crossing the Maryland line, Colonel Talley announced to his men that they had entered Pennsylvania, and would soon meet the enemy that had invaded its soil, and threatened the safety of their homes and families; that he knew his gallant men would not rest until the bold invaders were driven from the borders of their beloved State. Though greatly fatigued in consequence of forced marches, both officers and men united in enthusiastic demonstrations of joy. Caps flew in air, swords were brandished, and the men shouted and sung National songs. Upon its arrival at Gettysburg, on the 2d of July, it was immediately formed in line of battle, where it remained nearly two hours. It wasthen moved to the left, re-formed on the right of Little Round Top, and charged the enemy with the most determined spirit, driving him back upon his reserves, and strewing the field with his dead. On the 3d, in the charge which was made by the First Brigade, the First Regiment commanded by Colonel Talley, occupied the centre. In this brilliant movement, by a sudden change of direction, the enemy was struck on the flank and driven in great confusion. One hundred prisoners, one battle flag and a large number of small arms were captured. Company K, of this regiment, was from Gettysburg, many of the men fighting within sight of their own homes, and some even struggling to drive the invaders from their own fields. On the 5th of July, the regiment marched with the division in pursuit of the enemy. 1864 CAMPAIGN OF THE WILDERNESS. 553 Upon the retreat of Lee up the Shenandoah Valley, it again crossed the Potomac, and proceeded to the neighborhood of Culpepper, where, on the 1st of September, it encamped. It participated in the battle of Bristoe Station, the fruitless campaign to Mine Run, and in the numerous skirmishes and manceuvres in which the army of the Potomac participated, till the close of the year. On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment moved to Bristoe Station, with orders to keep open the communications between the defences of Washington and the front. In this position it went into winter quarters, where it continued until the commencement of the Wilderness campaign, under Grant. In the battle which opened on the 5th of May, the First brigade, under Colonel MICandless, was thrown forward to Parker's Store, to feel the enemy. The First Regiment was deployed on the left of the line. Colonel Talley was ordered to take two companies of his command through the woods to reconnoitre the position in his front. Approaching the plank road, he was fired upon from a corps of rebel troops that was moving up the road. Quickly returning, the facts were reported to General Crawford, who ordered him to withdraw his regiment and return to the main line of the army. On the second day of the battle, the Reserves occupied a position in the centre of the line. Colonel Talley again made a reconnoissance with the regiment in the direction of Parker's Store, where the enemy was found in force, and the facts duly reported; but the undergrowth in this portion of the field was so dense that it was impossible to penetrate it in line of battle. The regiment, together with the division, was moved at different times to weak points of the line, and at eleven o'clock on the 7th, it moved by the left flank. At the opening of the battle of Spottsylvania, on the 8th of May, Colonel MICandless waswounded. Colonel Talleyaccordingly succeeded tothe command of the brigade, and Lieutenant Colonel Stewart to the command of the regiment. While charging the enemy for a third time, being on the right and front of his brigade, and riding through a dense undergrowth of pine, Colonel Talley was captured by forces of Ewell's corps. On the following day, while on his way to Richmond with three hundred and forty other Union prisoners, he was retaken near Beaver Dam Station, by Sheridan's cavalry, and re-joined the regiment at the North Anna. On the 31st of May, the last day of service for the Reserves, the regiment, commanded by Colonel Talley, participated in the battle of Bethesda Church, taking a conspicuous part and assisting to achieve a brilliant victory. On the 1st day of June, 1864, together with the division, the regiment left the army, and proceededvia White House to Washington, and thence through Harrisburg to Philadelphia, where, on the 13th of Jtune it was mustered out of service. The whole munber mustered into the regiment was one thousand and eighty-four. Of these, one hundred and thirty-nine were killed or died in the field, two hundred and thirty-three were wounded, two hundred and fifty-eight were discharged for disability contracted in the service, and one hundred and forty-eight re-enlisted as veterans. TO 554 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE, FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MOSTER REMARKS. INO SERVICE. R. Biddle Roberts... Col...... June 4,1, 3 Resigned November 1, 1862. W. Cooper Talley.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. F,Mar. 1,'63-to by. Brig. Gen., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with reg., June 13,'64. Henry M. M'Intire Lt. Col. June 4,'61, 3 Discharged January 7, 1863, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. W. Warren Stewart...do...... July 26,'1, 3 Pr, from Capt. Co. K to Lt. Col., March 1, 1863to bv. Col. and bv. Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. Lemuel Todd......... Major.. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted fromCaptain company I, June 10,'61resigned September 15, 1862. T. B. Kauffman........o.... June 10,'61 3 Pr. from Captain Co. I, March 1, 1863-to bv. Lt Col.. March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. John C. Harvey...... Adj.... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged January 26,1863, to accept promotion as Assistant Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. Alfred Rupert...........do..... June 4, 61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. and Adj., Jan. 27, 63 —to by. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with reg., June 13, 1964. John A. Waggoner Q. M.... June 8, 61, 3Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. H.,June 27,'62-to b. Capt. and brevet Major, March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. Lewis W. Read......Surg.... June 26,'61, 3 Resigned July 17, 1863, to accept promotion as Surgeon U. S. Volunteers. John Barber.............do....Sept. 17,'62, 3 Pr.from Asst. Surg., Feb. 19,64-tobv. Lt. Col., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with reg., June 13, 1864. E. D. Brenneman... As.Sur. July 26,'61, 3 Pr. toAssistant Surgeon U. S. Vols., Feb., 1862. SamuelF. Chapin......do..... Dec. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Surgeon 139th reg. P. V., Sept. 15, 1862. Stephen L. Chilson...do..... Aug. 21'62, 3 Promoted to brevet Major, March 13,1865-mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. John A. M'Ginley... Chap'n Jan. 20,'62, 3 Discharged November 0, 1862. William B. Gregg......do. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. Isaac W. Kurtz...... Sr. Maj June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. Jacob Resser........ Q. M. S. June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. David M. Myers....C. Sgt..! June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. REGIMENTAL BAND. Jacob Diffenderfer..P'1 Muc July 26, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. James Lewis.............do. May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. David T. Morgan... Leader. Dec. 6,'62, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Job B. Wetmore..... Muc.... Dec. 6.'62, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. William D. Shaw......do..... Dec. 6, 62, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. George Ansell...........do..... Dec. 6, 62, Mus. out by order of ar Dep't, June 17, 1864. Oscar P. Murdock......do..... Dec. 6,'62, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Jos. R. Patton...........do..... April 15,'63, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Win. G. M'Carter......do d... Dec. 6'62,< Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Thos. F. Witherbee...do... Dec. 6,'62, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Jas. A. Jameson........do..... April 5,'63, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Arthur F. Henrie......do..... April 5'63, Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. John Kehoe........... do Dec. 6,'62, 9 Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. Christopher Woods...do..... April 5,'63, P Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. John Moore..........do..... April 5,'63, C Mus. out by order of War Dep't, June 17, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Com. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. AdJ. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. i Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reaated. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Mac. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. THREE YEARS' SEIVICE. 555 COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN CHESTER COUNTY. W __.., Henry M. 1MIntire.. Capt.... June 4,'61, 3Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, June 4, 1861. John W. Nields...... do.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., June 9, 1861-to Lt. Colonel 104th regiment P. V., October 10, 1861. Mott Hooton............d... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., June 10, 1861to Captain, Oct. 16, 1861-to By. Major, March 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Chas. B. Lamborn... 1s Lt.. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., June 9,'61-resigned February 17, 1863, to accept Lt. Colonelcy of 15th regiment Pa. Cavalry. Cheyney W. Nields..do.... June 4,'64,3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., June 10, 1861to 2d Lt., Oct. 16, 1861-to 1st Lt., March 1,'63resigned November 2, 1863. Brinton J. Parke....-...do..... July 269, 61, 3Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 16, 1861to 2d Lt., March 1,'63-to 1st Lt., Nov. 14,'63-.brevet Captain, March 1.3, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Philip Price.......... 1st Sgt.. June 4, 61,1 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1861-to Sgt, June 10, 1862-to 1st Sgt., March 1, 1863-com. as 2d Lt., Nov. 3, 1863-not mustered-mustered out with'.'..B.~~ Eacompany, June 13, 1864. Wim. B. Hammond Serg't.. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., October 16, 1861-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph James.........do... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 17, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-mus. out -with company, June 13, 1864. Wilmer W. Miller.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61.'Thos. J. Maloney... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 10, 1861-discharged to accept promotion, March 12, 1863. Emmor B. Cope.....d..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 10, 1861-to Captain and A. D. C., on staff of Major General Warrendate unknown. James E. Mooney......d o.... July 10, 161, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. L. M. Wood-ward.......do..... June 4,'61, 31 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Benj. H. Jenkins......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Mar. 1,'63-killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30,1864. Luther Mendenhall Corp... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Frank Shellady.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. George Palmer.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864, Isaac R. Smith.......d..do. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., January 1. 1863-musteredout with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph Darlington..d.....:June 4,'61,3 Promoted to Cor., March, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wilson M. Mattook...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., November 6, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Robert Futhey............ June 4,'61, 3 Discharged October, 1862, to accept promotion as. 1st Lt. company I, 175th regiment P. V. Henry Walters.........do.... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,1863. Wm. H. Darlington...do...... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged by special order of War Department, May 6, 1863. Ralph Marsh............do.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. J. Wallace Scott....do..... June 4,'61, 3. Discharged Oct. 23, 1862, to accept promotion. Albert S Evans...... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Chas. S. Sheaff.............d.... June 4, 961, 3 Transferred to company F, November 1, 1861. George A. Mercer......do...., June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, No ember 3, 1862. John E. Gillespie.......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 5, 1863-transferred to Signal Corps, November 3, 1863. John N. Bennett............ July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 30, 1864-transferred to 190th regiment, P. V., March 31, 1864-Vet. Hanford HI. -Rigg....d..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Tlhos. S. Neilds........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Joseph W. Oswald.....d.d....June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Thos. C. Spackman...do..... Dee. 1,'61, 3Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. C. P. Cunningham.. Muc... June 4'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Blains, Edward...... Privat Jun 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Brinton, David R. P'....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Brinton, Lewis..........do..... June 4,'61., 3 Mustered out vith company, June 13, 1864. Bugless,, John K...do... June 4, 61, 3 Musteredo ut with company, June 13, 1864. 556 THIRTIETH REGIMENT —-FIRST RESERVE, AML RANK, D ET OP US5TER IEas I.TO SErVIC.:E Bugless, Thomas H Private June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Srgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. Brogan, William C...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12,'62. Bugless, John..........do.... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1862. Barker, Matthew.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Buchannan, J. W......do..... July 10, 61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Carpenter, Albert.....d.....J June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with coimpany, June 13, 1864. Chalfant, Myer S.... do...... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cochran, Win. C.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Calwell, harles.........do..... July 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Creigh,, JamesJ........do.....June 4,'61, 3Discharged Sept., 1862, to accept promotion. Catron, Eli R...........do..... June 4,'61 3 Prisoner at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-died at Richmond, Va., June 13, 1864. Deneane, Jos. W......do..... June 4,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Darlington, Chan'r...do...... June 4, 61, 3Discharged on, Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Davis, Edward........do.... June 4, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Fulton, John L'...do.. June 4, "61, 3 Mustered out with company,, June 13, 1864. Fisher, John.............do.... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ferry, Thomas R.....do..... July 26, ^61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13,. 1864. Gregg, Harman........d..... Dee. 1,'61, 3 Discb.July 16'63, for wds. rec. inac., July30,'62. Harvey, Perlee W....... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Jerico Ford, Va. May 24,1864-absent,, in hospital, at muster out. Hickman, Cbas. H...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hoopes, Pierce, Jr.,..do.....Jne 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hannum, Davis E.....do;..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, July26,'61. Hfoopes, JamesdG..... do..... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Hennessey, W. H.......do....Sept. 20,'61, 3 Tr. toCo. K, 4th reg. P. R. V. C., Feb. 1, 1862. iarlan, George W...do.....July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. eoopes, PassneW...do.....Sept 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Herrington,. J. W....do........ July 26,'61. 3 Captred nearCulpepperCourt HouseOct.11,'63. Ha.rkins, Thomas...d...do...... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted July 23,. 861. Hood, Andrew....d......d July 10, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. Hoopes, Abner.........do..... Dee. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Ingram, CharlesH...do..... June 4,'61,'3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Irwin, Wilson.........,do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jeffiries) Edward E..do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'6 Johnson Wm C.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Lamborn, Hadley...do...... June 4,'61, t Absent, sick, at nuster out. Law, John H........do... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1,. 1864. Large, George W.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mell, William G.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with. company, June 13, 1864. Mercer, Pierson:..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Madden, Andrew.....do...... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Deserted July 17, 1863. M'Allister, Jas. T......do.....June 4,'61, Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Intyre, Jos. R.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on. Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. M'Cann, Thomas..... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. M'Laughlin, Jos......... do... June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. M'Laughlin, Jas........do...... Oct, 22,'61, 3 D ied November 18, 1862. Otley, Albin P.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Parker. Dillwyn........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Proudiit, Joseph M...do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Prall, Lewis M..........do... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Paul, William R........do..... Dec. 1, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Pratt, Joseph L... d.......... Dec., 1 3 Died December 25, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Robinson, Lewis R...do...June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Russell, Enos M....-. do...June 4,'61, 3 Dischargeed November 10, 1862, for wounds received at South Mountain. September 14, 1862. Rupert, Alfred..........do.. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Adj., January 27, 1863. Rutlaven, Henry.......do..... Nov. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to.company K, 33d reg. P. V., Feb. 1, 1862. Smith, Levi...............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864-mustered outwith company, June 13,'64, Smith, Henry T........do..... July 10, "61, 3 Mustered out with, company, May 13, 1864. Smith, Samuel H.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stott, Joseph H........... July 10,'61, S Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stern, Charles S........do.. June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shellady, James B.....do.... June 4,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Snare, William S.......do. June 4,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 17, 1863, to accept promotion. Speakman, Charles...do. July 8,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Steward, Joseph L.....do. July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Scott, Joseph M......do. July 10,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Turner, William H...do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Taylor, George P.......do June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'63. Tinsley, Edw'd W.....do July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 25,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 557 NAME. RANK, DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Tinsley, Abraham.. Private July 10,'61, 3 Died Dec. 14, 1862, of wounds received at Fred. ericksburg, December 13, 1862. Way, Joseph............. do... June 4,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Walters, Win. H....I...do. July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. Welsh, ees..............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Young, Daniel...........do June 4,'61, 5 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER, LANCASTER COUNTY. Tl~omas B. Thomas B. Barton... Capt.... June 4,'61, 3 Resigned January 24, 1863. William L. Bear........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., August 23, 1862-to Capt., March 1, 1863-to brevet Major, March 13,'65-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Harry Hook........... 1st Lt.. June 4,'61, 3 Dismissed August 23, 1862. Milton Weidler........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.. Aug. 1, 1861-to 1st Sgt., July 15, 1862 —to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863-to By. Capt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. William E. Murray 2d Lt... July 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Nov. 25, 1861-mustered out March 4, 1862. Philip L. Sprecher.....do....June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Oct. 18, 1861-to 2d Lt., March 1,1863-to brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865-absent in the field at muster out. William J. Cake..... Ist Sgt. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 12, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Feb. 1, 1864-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Theodore Wenditz.. Serg't.. June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., January 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Eman'l C. Metzgar...do.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Jan. 24, 1863 —mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Peter M. Heiser.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., February 1,864-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Lewis A. Rauch.... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Feb. 1, 1864-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. John C. M'Cracken...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died July 14, 1862, of wounds received at Meohanicsville, June 26, 1862. Wmi D. Stauffer.... Corp.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John L. Nauman......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 15, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John K. Rutter..........do... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to torporal, July 15, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. George M. Bauman...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Thomas S. Black......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. George K. Swope.....do...... July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 24,1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John M. Wertz........ do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 24, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Lewis S. Hartman.... do..... July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 24, 1863-mustered out September 9, 1864. George A. Cox...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 28, 1863. John Weidle..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,1862. AugustC.Duchman...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out August 15, 1864. Thomas Judge........ Muc.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. F. D. Haines............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9, 1862. John J. M'Grann....... do..... Mar. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'62. Affiebach,William.. Private Oct. 30,'63, 3 Died of wounds received in action, May 8, 1864. Benedict, Benj F.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bitzer, Thomas J......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.Bance, George..........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bear, Abrahain E......do..... June 4,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18, 1862. Barr, Edward F........do..... Aug. 28,'62 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, June 7, 1863. Bitner, Albert H........do... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 24, 1863. Bowman, Charles...d... d..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 25, 1863. Buford, W. H. H....... do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Bear, Nathan S...... do.. June 4,'31, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bubb, Willi am H..do.....June 4,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. 558 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE, B...; t - ~ NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAE. R.INTO SERCE. ARKS..I Childs, Charles A... Private July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13. 1864. Coffey, James............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cox, William W........do... June 4,'61, 3 Died June 27, 1862, of wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Dellet, William L.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dainer, Thomas J.....do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, June 1, 1863. Davis, Charles.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 25, 1862. Engle, George......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Evarts, Strickler R...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Aug. 21, 1861disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17, 1862. Eichholtz, John C.....do..... June 4,'1, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps U. S. A., Nov. 1,1863. Friday, Frederick......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fisber. James G d........do.... Aug. 29'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 13,'63. Frankfort, Edward...do..... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Freeland, Edw'd D...do June 4,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Feller, Henry........d...d... June 4,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action, June 30.'62. Forney, Isaac H.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Greenawalt, A. B......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Gable, Jacob F............July 10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Hine, Jacob D........do..... June 4,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Heistand, Henry J...do...... June 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hoffmier, Wm. M.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Holt, Robert........ do..... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-mustered out with company, June 13, 1664. Harner, George W.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hackman, Henry......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21,'61. Hart, Mathias.............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 15,'62. Harvey, John C.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Adj., October 1. 1862. Humes, James G.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 25,'61. Hamp, William H.....do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Harman, Wim. B.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to gun-boat service, Feb. 17, 1862died at Cairo, Ill., November 12, 1862. Kendig, George W.....do.....Ju 4,61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 4, 1864. Killian, Henry M......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Keiffer, Thompson.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'62. Keller, M. V. B.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 13, 1863, for wounds received in action. Kline, Christian.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 31, 1863, for wounds received in action. JKurtz, Obediah H.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 6,'61. Leonard, William.......... July. 10,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Sept. 6, 1861. Leedars, Charles......do.... Aug. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Lutz, James A. H.....do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Died December 22, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Marshbank, R. B......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Metzgar, Henry.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Miller, George B....... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Moss, John A..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Myer, Gabriel B.........do.... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Myers, Gilbert C............ June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mishler, Henry.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Dee. 19,'62. Mohon, Jaco...........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Miller, Samuel S........do..... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 13,'63. Miller, Jacob M.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Moffit, James............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Murphy, Calvin L......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Murray, William E..do...Aug. 28, 61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. M'Caulley, H. C........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Clain, John C....... do.... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Clain, Wm. G........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20,'62. M'Cully, Thos. T.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9,'62. M'Ginnis, Peter L.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged July 26, 1861. Nyman, Ambrose F...do.. June. 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. O'Rouke, Washing'...do.. July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ochs, George H........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Aug. 12,'63. Parvin. Theo. C.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Price, Thomas P.......do.... July 10,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Pinkerton, C. R. C....do June 4,'6!, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Powers. Ambrose C...do..... Aug. 28, 62'2, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Quinn, Patrick....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. Robinson, John.........d..... July 10,'61, 31 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Renner,.ohn B.....l...d June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'63. Rock, Miles............ June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 14, 1863. Rooney, Joseph C......do...... July 10,'61,3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 15,'63. TELREE YEARS' SERVICE. 559 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER R INTO SERVICE. RE Rutter, Joseph..... Private Aug. 28,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Steers, Isaac B.........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Strachan, James E....... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Steinheiser, Geo. F.... do. June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Sanders, Daniel L......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company K, 36th regiment P. V., August 1, 1862. Strachan, Sam'l S...... do. June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'63. Seltley, Samuel.........do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Shaffer, John..... do....Oct. 31,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Speice, Frederick...do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Steers, Thomas J.......do...... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Stone, August...........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Staley, William H...l...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Thomas, Joseph R.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8, 1862. Varnes, Henry C.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Whitlock, Franklin..do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died in general hospital-date unknown. Zellers, Jacob F..........do. June 4,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN CHESTER AND DELAWARE COUNTIES. Samuel A. Dyer..... Capt..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, 175th regiment P. V., November 13, 1862. Jos. R. T. Coates.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., March 1, 1863to brevet Major, March 13, 1865-mustered out. with company, June 13, 1864. Edward Larkin...... 1st Lt... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 1,'63 — to brevet Captain, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John H. Taylor...... 2d Lt. Sept. 5,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. John M. Thompson...do.....May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863-to brevet 1st Lieut., March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. J. Keen Vaughan... 1st Sgt May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Adj. 175th reg. P. V., Jan. 16, 1863. Bernard W. Gause......do.... Dec. 28,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Arch'd Hamilton... S......May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. O. Ridgway do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25, 1863. Charles Bonney......do..... Feb. 20,'64 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Robert H. Welsh......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Thos. M'Namee.........do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. James Ashbridge... Corp.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. O. C. Armstrong........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John Jones................do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. David Lascom...........do... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. George MAffee.........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62. Edward E. Flavi........do.....May 31'61, 3 Discharged June, 1861. John H. Williams......do..... May 31,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'61. Lane Schofield..........do..... May 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John M'Donald... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Abr'm R. Vanzant.. Muc.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Alrich, William J... Private Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Ardis, Samuel.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Butler, Edward.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Booth, John...............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Brophy, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted June 4, 1861. Bamford, William.....do..... May 31, 61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Clineff, William.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged July 24, 1861. Coates, Aquilla...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died September 26, 1861. Curry, William.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1861. Dougherty, James....do..... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dougherty, Charles...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged July 24, 1861. Donelson, David........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Dutton, William........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1861-to serve sentence of general court martial. Devlin, John..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 15,'63-Vet. Edwards, George.......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet..Elliott, George...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.; May 31,'64 —Vet. Elliott, Edward........d... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 65-Vet. Everham, Thomas....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Fields, George.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't Jan. 26,'63. Farrend, Edward... do... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. 560 THIRTIETH REGIMENT — FIRST RESERVE, ATRE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RE INTO SERVICE. Grady, Michael...... Private May 31,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Helms, Isaac............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hickman, Edward...do.....May 31,61, 3 Discharged-date iinknown. Howard, William......do.....July 861, 3 Discharged July 12, 1861. Hinds. Samuel.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-minor. Huff, John...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to 190thregiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Hill, Horace...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Holsten, Luke...........do.... April 1,'64 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hobaugh, Harry.......do.... May 31, 61 3 Died October 30, 1861. Hudson, Robert.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Hurst, John..........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Jones, Ralph.............do..... Mar. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to General Hospital, July, 1862. Johnson, John...........do..... May 31, 61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Koeth, Henry............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Lusby, John.............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to western gun-boat service, February 17, 1862. Lemmon, George.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, June 10, 1861. Lammy, William......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1861. Lord, Samuel............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Miller, Peter..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Murry, John H.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30, 1862. Mills, Robert............do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1864, of wounds received in action. Mills, Thomas...........do..... May 31,'61, Deserted August 8, 1861. Martin, Joseph..........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. M'Fate, Frank..........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Coy, William........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, Juno 10, 1861. M'Cabe, Edward......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. M'Garvey, Thomas...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1864, of wounds received in action-Vet. M'Cluskey, Henry.....do..... May 31,'61. 3 Deserted August 5, 1861. Paist, William C.......do..... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Porter, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 28, 1862. Pollock, James.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died Nov. 19, 1862, of wounds received in action. Rider, William...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ross, Richard R........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Roebuck, John..........do..... May 31,'61, Not mustered into United States service. Royal, David............do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged November 21, 1861. Ruddock, Robert.......do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Roach, Matthew.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 4, 1861. Riley, James............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Rice, Thomas........d...d..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 24, 1861. Summers, David....do..... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out-with company, June 13, 1864. Stowe, William.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Suplee, Jesse............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stevenson, David.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stillwell, William......do..... May 31,'51, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stewart, James..........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Smith, Wlliam......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,1863. Shaw, Andrew...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Schofield, John T.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Sanders, James.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Saulsbury, Robert.....do.. Mar. 2,'62, 3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Smith, John...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted —date unknown. Stetsing, Anton........d...... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. Taylor, William H......do..... Aug. 13,'61 3 Discharged Nov. 30, 1862, for wounds.received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Townsend, Charles...do..... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Turner, Joseph........d...... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 8, 1861. Vanzant, Thomas......do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Williams, Samuel.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Worsley, George........do... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Walker, Collins.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1861. Wilkinson, Thomas...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Wray, Thomas.........do.... July 13,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Waters, Patrick.........do....July 9,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Wray, Robert............do..... July 25,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Webb, Alfred G........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wesler, Solomon.......do.. Feb. 10,'64,3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12,'64. Welch, George..........do....May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861 Wood, William.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1863. THREE TBABR SERVICE 561 COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN LANCASTER AND YORK COUNTIES. "'is' - ^..' - 1....B.. D-........aTQ MUSTE.... M. INTO SERVICE. 4 George H.Hess...... Capt.... June 8, 61,.3 Died at Richmond, Va.,July 4,'62, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. WYm. G. Wason....do.... June 8, 61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., Nov. 12,1861-to Captain, March 1, 1863-brevet Major, March 13, 1865\'R,.. ~ mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. alvin........ 1st Lt.. June 8,'61, 3 Discharged November 12, 1861. Wm. H. Trapnel......do..... June 8,61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., March 1'63-to Brevet Captain, March 13,'65-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. David Warfel......... 2d Lt... June 8,61, 3 Discharged October 31, 1861. Amos. Sourbeer...do.....June 8,61, 3 Resigned August 12, 1862. Samuel Pickel........ st Sgt. June 8, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Charles K. Wasson Serg'.. June 8, 61, 3 Commissioned 2d Lt.,'October 1, 1863-not mustered-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Abram J. Taylor.......... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. leo. M. D. Lemmon...do.. May 31, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Elias Funk.............do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John R. Courtney..o...do.. June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. ]Lindley MClune.... Corp.r. 8 June 8,'611,3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Franklin Sourbeer.....do June 8,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Jacob Shaub.............do..... June 8,,61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1864. John Gilbert............do..... July 1I,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg, P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. William Bruce..........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 64 —et. Jacob Finney...........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John F. Dablor..........do June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry Pickel...,..do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. William Lafferty...l...d.... June 8,'61, 3, Deserted-date unknown. Wm. Klineyoung... Muc..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jacob Diffenderfer.. do.. June.8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Allison, William.... Private July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 64 —Vet. Boyle, James.....do..... June 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Brady, Miller.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at-muster out. Beichall, John...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown Bechtold, John.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, 43dTegiment P. V., (1st Pa. Artillery,) Sept. 12, 1861. Bowers, William J.....do'.... Jaune 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Brown, William........o.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. 3Brubccker, Abra'm...do... Dec. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64-Vet. Briggles, Barzilles.....do..... Nov. 3, 63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Barbew, James.........do..... June 9,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 15, 1861. Bushorn, Amos........d..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 31, 1861. Beatty, Mark...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died August 2, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Byers, Jacob.............do.. June'8,'61, 3! Deserted November, 1862. Clark, E. M...............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not nustered into United States service. Cresswell, James......do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Txansferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864,'Campbell, Samuel.....do.... June 8,'61,; 31 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Davis, Frederick......do..... June 8,1 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864, Deitrick, Joseph.........do... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Dern, Charles...........do..... June 8,1,'1,3 Not mustered into United States service. Flick, Joseph............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg, P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Fralick, Aaron........o..... Sept. 8,'62, 5 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Ferguson, Jehn.........do.,.. June 8,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1862. Grosh, Charles R........ June8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 18641 Graham, T. L............do..,.. June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jul 1, 1861. Groff, Samuel P.:.a.;...... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to [90th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Gordon, Samuel......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Newi Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Garner, Gottlieb...do....... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. iHoffman, Valentine...do..... June 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.'Hughes, Hiram........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. ill, John..............do.....June 8'61 3 Mistered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hoak, Amos..............do..... Jun 8, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. HEeble, John B...........do..... June 8,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Iarner, Amos..........do...,. Jine 8,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. ITeiney, David.......... do.... Jtiine 8,'61; 3 Mustered out with company, June.3, 1864. 71.. --.. 562 THIRTIETH REGIMENT —FIRST RESERVE, NAM. RANK. DATE OF MUiSTER fA~ waxy.A^g' INTO SERVICE. M REMABKS. Herr, Samuel......... PrvateJune 8,'61, 3 Absent, on detached duty at Headquarters, 3d.Division, 5th Corps, at muster out. Hawthorne, Aldus.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 3isch. July 12, 1862, for wds. received in action. Hiller, Jacob.......... do.June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate —date unknown. Homberger, Chas........do. June 8,'1, 3 Discharged February 26, 1863, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Heiney, George.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon'scertificate,-Feb. 13, 1863. Hamilton, David.......do... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Haverstick, Amos.....do ~... June 8,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action, June 30,'62. Harnish, Jacob..........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Missing in action, June 30, 1862. Henninger, Chris'n...do..... June 8,'61^ 3!Deserted August 20, 1862. Jacobs, Israel...........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Johnson, Amos..........do. June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 4,'62. Johnson, Jacob.........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Rise, John W............d,.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kelborn, Francis......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged, date unknown, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Knight, Joseph.........do.. June 8,'61, 3 Discharged January 30, 1863, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Kline, Lemon............ do...June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. King, Charles B........do...June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kauffman, Daniel......do.. July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kughn, Jesse M........do. Feb. 10,'64, 3 Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Love, Uriah........... June 8,'61, 3 Absent sick, at muster. Lanning, George.......do.. June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Miller, George.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged December 21, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Musser, Isaac............do..... Sept. 8, "62 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1864. Maynard, John.........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 8, 1861. M'Farland, John.......do..... June 8,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Farland, Samuel...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. M'Coy, William.....d....... May 31,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. M'Bride, Peter..........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Cabe, Michael......da; July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Norris, William....J....do...... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,1862. Ohrnite, Samuel........do.... June 8,'61,3 Disch. for wounds rec. in action, June 30, 1862. Peek, William........ June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Powers, Freeman......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Rhoads, John............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate July 1, 1861. Reed, John...............do..... Aug. 22t'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'61 —Vet. Robinson, Samuel.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Sourbeer, John.........do..... June 8,'61, S Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shoff, Henry..............do..... June 8,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9, 1862. Smith, Franklin........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Scott, Robert.............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Trippio, Chas. D........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Tweed, William........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Urban, John W..... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Urban, Benj. F.........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Vierling, Fred'k... do..... June 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. White, Samuel,.........do.... June 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wertz, Robert.........do,.... June 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wright, William......do..... June 8,'64, 3 Disch. for wounds rec. in action, June 30, 1862. Webb, William J......do...., June 8,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 13, 1864. Will, Hiram.............do.....June 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wilhelm, Zachar'h...do...,. June 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wilson, Urie.............do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Williamson, Wm......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1862. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN LANCASTER COUNTY. Aldus J. Neff......... Capt.... June 4,'61, 3 Died August 5, 1862. Patr'k J. O'Rourke...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., March 1, 1863-to brevet Major and brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13,'65 —mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. T. M'Phail..... 1st Lt.. June 4,'61, 3, Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, Mar. 1,'63to brevet Capt. and brevet Major, Mar. 13,'65mustered out with conappy, June 13, 1864. TBHREE YEARS' SERVICE. 563 ARE. RANK.{ DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVIC. George A. Mercer.... lstSgt.. June 4,'61, 3 Com. 2d Lt., Oct6ber 1, 1863-not musteredmustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jacob Wieler......... Serg't. July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Philip B. Hanke......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ambrose Maynard.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. Wm. F. Aument.......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Geo. T. Lockwood......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Joseph Foreman..... Corp.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John Seibert............do.... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of right eye, at Spottsylvania Court House, May, 1864-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Charles O'Neill..........o... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 31, 1861, to accept promotion as 2d Lt. company C, 84th regiment P. V. David Ruth...............do.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62, John Hopwood..........do.....June 4,"61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. Samuel Rinier...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. J. D. Heighstreed......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Jasper Morrison.........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Hiram Ruth.........do.... June 4,'61, 3 KilledatSpottsylvania Court House, May12,'64. Jacob Crumel............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. Jacob Kaufman.......do........ July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. John Garber........... Muc.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'62. J. G. Eicherly...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Johnathan Styer........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Aument, Amos....... Private June 4,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'62. Albright, Adam........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Aument, Franklin....do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Armstrong, Henry.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Black, William.........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Blackburn, James.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Backet, James...........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Brighton, Daniel........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Baker, John...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam,,Septemrber 17, 1862. Brindle, Jacob...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died Dec. 15,'62-bu. at Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. Baymont, Isaac........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Deserted April 12, 1864-Vet. Cooper, Samuel I.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cunningham, I.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Cunningham, Jas......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Curley, William B..do..... July 12,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Cohick, Samuel.........do..... Feb. 18,'64 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12,'64, Coleman, Henry A.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1862. Downey, David........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'62. Dougherty, Andr'w...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Dunkle, Benj. F.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died Nov. 30,'62-bu. at Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. Elliott. John..............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Captured Nov. 27,'62-mustered out Feb. 8,'65. Eshback, Richard.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Elmyer, George.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Fraelick, Daniel C.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Tr. to western gun-boat service, Feb. 17, 1862 Foreman, Harrison...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864, Flick, Henry...........do.....July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Frecht, James...........do..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Grow, John..............do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 31, 1864. Getz, Jacob...............do.....June 4,'61, 3. Killed at Beaver Dam, June 26, 1862. Gross, Joseph...........do..... July 12,'61,3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Greenly, Andrew J...do.....Feb. 9,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Herr, Lorenzo D.......d..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hughes, David N......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hasselbach,Franc's...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hoover, Henry.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hoover, Benjamin....do..... June 25,'63 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Harman, Cyrus.........do..... Feb. 25,'6i 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hahn, George..........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hughes, William......do..... July 12,'61 3 Transferred to V. R C.-date unknown. Hardgraves, W. F..do..June 4. 61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 9, 1861. Hoover, William........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Hannum, Abel K......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Hultzhouse, Elam....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died Sept. 23, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Hughes, Edward.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 28, 1862. Jackson, John..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kline, John...............do.....June 4)'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Keene, George W.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 6, 1862, for wounds received in action, with loss of arm. King, George W.......do.... June 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. 564 THIRTIETH REGlIENT-FIRST RESERVE,?ATE OF MUSTER NAME. I. O SVI REMARKS. INTo SMR CE.;44 P Keene, Joseph......... Private June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Kech, George...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., May 20, 1862. Kaley, Jesse..........do.. June 4,'1,3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Kunkle Peter............do.... June 4, 61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 25, 1862. Lithgow, David........do..... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with conmpany, June 13, 1864. Lambert David.........do... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13,. 1864. Lefevre, Elam.......... June 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company,.June 13, 1864. Lefevre, John L.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg.:P. V., May 31,'64 —et. Lonoir, William..o........June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Morrison, John H......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mason, John M........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Manger, William.....do..... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'62. Milchsock, Augus's...do.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 27,'63. Markley, Chas A......do:..... June 4, 61, 3 Discharged Sept. 14, 1863, to accept promotion. Miller, Alfred HE........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Miller, George..........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Milton, William.......do.....July 20,'61, 3 Deserted August 28, 1862. M'Comsey, William...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Call, Franklin.......do.. June- 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Keegan, John........do..... June 4,'61, Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 15, 1863. Potts, Junius B.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.. Patton, Edwin C.........d..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Pickle, Isaac...........do..... June 4,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, June 13,'62. Phrame, Rohrer........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Plum, Ignat............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Frederick City, Md., September 23, 1862. Rettican, John............ d.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13,1864. Rinier, Jacob............ June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.. Reed, John C...........do... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Riley, John..............do..... June 4, 61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate,Dec. 23,1862. Short, Andrew........Jdo..... June 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Strickler, Jacob.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown, to accept promotion. Shanes, Joseph............ do Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stark, Charles...........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Stoner, Samuel,.........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1862. Templeton, Jacob.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred tol190th reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Winnower, George...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Werntz, George L......do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. White, John.............do... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Worth, Joseph P........... Feb. 25,'62 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March6,'63. Wherty, John A........do June 4, 61, 3 Died at Camp Washington, May 6, 1862. Wolbert, Peter.............do. June 46,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September-17, 1862.: COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT ROCKDALE, DELAWARE COUNTY. W. Cooper Talley.. Capt... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Col. 30th reg. P. V., March 1, 1863. JosephlP. DoDew..,.-........ May 30'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., March 1,1863-to Capt., Oct.......... 28, 1863 —mus. outwith company, June 13, 1864. Henry Huddleson....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Resigned August, 1861. John F. Gotmait..... 1t ALt... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., March 1, 1862-to 2 Lt., March 1, 1863-to 1st Lt. October 28, 1863-~ mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. James S. Peters..... 2d Lt.. May 30,'61, 3 Dismissed June 23, 1862. Joln M!M'DaDels.:..'.. 1Stg. May 30, "61, E3 Commissioned2d Lt., Oct. 1,'63-not mustered — -;:^: i missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-ttansferred to 190th regiment P. V,' May 31, i864-Vet.' Charles F. Sheaff....do.....June 4,'61, 3 Transferred from eompany A-promoted 1st Sgt.,:January, 1862 —did August, 1862. JamesP. Dea....... Serg't.. May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor, Aug. 30, 1862-to Sgt., March 1,: 1863-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Jacob 0. Berstler......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Dicharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Samuel Batty'......... do,... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'62. John Blair............do....July 10 61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug., 30, 1862-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1864-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet, John Blain................do.... July 10,'61, 3' Promoted to Cor., March 1,'63-to Sgt., March 1, 1864-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. G. W. Simmington...do....May 30'61, 3 Promoted to. Cor., Aug. 30,'62-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. John Fitzgerald........d....... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.,'July 21, 1861 —to.Sgt.. Aug.30, 1862-died December 22, 1863.:..~~~~~~~~~~.:'. ~ THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 56$ A DATE OF MUSTER ~AB-E. BNK, INTO SERVICE. 1RA Pratt Baldwin........ Corp.... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph S. M. Houpt...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph S. Wilson.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. Harrison Green........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. William Gray............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. John Hardy.............. do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to gun-boat service, Feb. 16, 1862. James Lewis............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. tochief musician, 30threg. P.V., March l,'64. Hayes P. Griffith.... Muc.... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'62. William B. Drake......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 — et. Alcott,*John........... Private May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Booth, Squire........... do... May 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bradley, Joseph..........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bradley, Edmund......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Burk, William.............. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Briggs, Henry........do... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged May 1, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Brophy, John.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. Butts, John..............do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 14,'64. Bradley, William......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Baker, John..............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged June 14, 1861. Budd, Isaiah....... do.... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Gettysburg, Pa., August 1, 1863. Bailey, Henry............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Barr, Washington......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Cardwell, John.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Carroll, Arthur.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Carr, Caldwell..........do... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, October, 1863.' Coyle, Edmund.........do.. July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 27, 1863. Clark, James............ do..... July 10,'61, 3 Dicharged January, 1863, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Cohen, James............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Carr, Leonard.............o... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Cheetham, Chas. W...do.... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Cook, Weslie J.........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1861. Doyle, Patrick...........do.... May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dawson, William......do.... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Dougherty, Joseph...do..... Nov. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Ferguson, John G......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fryer, John P...........do..... May 30,'61,! 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fitzgerald, Edw'd.....do...... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Foulks, William....... do..... ay 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Griffith, George.......o...... May 30,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Green, Dennis............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Glass, Thomas...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 27,'63. Gatchell, Wm. T.......do. July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Gamble, John............ do. May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1862. Guilford, William......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861 Greenlee, David.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Good, in, John.... do...... July 10,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Glass, James..........o May 30,'61, 3 Killed, accidentally, at Camp Pierpont, Va., November, 1861. Gorman, James.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Gray, Samuel............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Gilkin, Henry...........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Galloway, Thomas.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1862. Haycock, Henry....d..... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1864. tHealy, Isaac............. do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Howard, John.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. HIarner, Thomas.........do... May 30,'61,,3 Deserted December, 1862. Humphrey, George...do.. July 10,'61, 3 Deserted May, 1862. Jones, George M........do.. July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jones, John W..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Western gun-boat service, Feb. 16, 1862. Jeanes, Joshua..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Knox, Joseph C..........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kilroy, John.............do...May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Kerns, Haines J.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 13, 1862. Kvlley, Barney.........do..... May 30,61, 3 Discharged May, 1862. Lees, William........... do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Laird, George............do... May 30,'61, 3 Captured February 14,'64-mustered out March 3, 1865. Mathews, Alex'r C...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, October, 1863. Makeson, James.......d..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 27, 1863. Mott, Joseph'S...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. 566 THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRST RESERVE, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANEK. MUSTER NAME. RAK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Mills, Thomas........ Private May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 2, 1862. Maklem, Michael......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Mills, Joseph............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., July 30, 1861. M'Bride, Wesley.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Dade, Daniel W.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Dade, John............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged March, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. M'Cracken, John......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Nolan, Michael.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Neal, Jonathan R......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'64. O'Neal, Edward.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Oakes, James............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged March, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Pennypacker,Jas.F...do... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 25, 1863. Pilkington, Adam......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate Nov., 1862. Parker, George W......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 1,'63. Parker, Samuel.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Rowe, William.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Richardson, Wm.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Roberts, John C........do....May 30,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-died in prison-date unknown. Smith, Thomas........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Scott, Moses.............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Stacy, William.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Stewart, John..........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Killed acciden'yat Camp Pierpont, Va., Nov.,'61. Smith, Edward........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Mecbanicsville, June 26, 1862. Shum, James...........do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Townsend, Edward...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Timbler, Geo. W........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Turner, James W......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1862. Thomas, Oliver.........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Died August, 1862. Wilde, John........ do..... May 30'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Willis, James...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. Wyatt, James............do.....July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30.'62. Whiteman, Thomas...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Wilson, James.. d..... May 30,'64, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Walter, Frazier......... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1761. Webb, Jacob Z.........do..... July 10,'61. 3 Deserted April, 1862. Whiteman, Joseph...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Wilson, James..... do.....July 10,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PHCENIXVILLE, CHESTER COUNTY. John B. Dobson...... Capt.... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to brevet Major, March 13,1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph F. M'Cord.. 1st Lt... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1862. Joseph Taggart............June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863-to brevet Captain, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Josiah White......... 2 Lt... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863died at Washington, D, C., May 18, 1864. Wm. E. Chandler... 1stSgt.. June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt., August 14, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Charles Armitage.......do.... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., July 24, 1861-to 1st Sgt., March 21,'63-died at Rappahannock station, Va., August 14, 1863. James Phillips........ Serg't.. June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 23,'62. Wm. H. Powers.......do.....June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Wm. L. Keely...........do....June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Wm. H. Yerger.........d.... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Charles Frey............do.....June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Ham. Vanderslice........ July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31.'64-Vet. George H. Powers......do..... Jine 6,'61, 3 Died at Hestonville, Pa., October 30, 1862. Bertless Slott......... Corp.... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Geo. W. Findley........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1863-muster-! ed out with company, June 13, 1864. Franklin Harley.......do...June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 567 NAME. RANK, DATE OF MUSTER REMAS NAME. RAIN. ^^^ SERVICE. ^ REMARKS. INTO SERVICE.'4 John T. Eaches...... Corp.... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. J. Kennedy......do.....June 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Laurel Hill, May 10, 1864-muster ed out with company, June 13, 1864. David Dettra.............do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Emanuel Ewing........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. John Horton..............do..... July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wm. Denithorne....... do......June 6,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Nov. 28, 1861. James T. Nichols... Muc..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Charles Madden.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Baugh, Joseph........Private June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bell, Amos...... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bowers, John............do..... July 12, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Banon, Charles.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, 1861. Bennett, Stephen......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8, 1863. Buck, George............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. Bradley, Wmi. H.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 3, 1863, to accept promotion. Batt, Henry...............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Buck, Robert............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1863. Bradley, Joel E........do..... May 10,'62, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Conklin, Joseph.....d...de".... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Coffman, Joseph........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cook, William G........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Chantrey, William.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Clegg, William H......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 3, 1863. Clay, Isaac...............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 29, 1862. Dunbar, Maurice.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dorman, Francis.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Davis, Samuel E.........do... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 5, 1863. Dennis, Isaac............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Eisenbrey, Edward...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Friday,Washington... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fritz, Edward...........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,1862. Force, George W:.......do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864.'Fritz, Levi.................do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died at Point Lookout, Md., August, 1862. Force, Abel S............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Hunter, William.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hunter, James T.......do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb 1, 1863. Haulthausen, Wm.....do.... July 12,'61, 3 Deserted November 30, 1861. Jones, John P............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jeffers, Henry...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kurtz, Isaac W........do..... -June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 26, 1861. Keeley, Edward M...do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 10, 1863. Livingston, Hugh......do... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Lilley, Samuel C......do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Leslie, George............do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Longacker, Jerome...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13, 1862. Millington, Wm........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. March, Jacob M.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Munshower, Thos......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mills, John...............do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Miller, William.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Missing in action —transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Miller, Milton N........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., July 26, 1862. Miller, Nelson T........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Adams, Thomas...do.... June.6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Coy, William M.....do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Coy, Washington...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 28, 1862. M'Laughlin, Coch'e...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Affee, William......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Coy, Michael.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1863. M'Cracken,Edward...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 29, 1862. Neilor, John P...........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Oberholtzer, Isaac.....do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Phillips, Davis M......do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Powers, John M.........do..... June 6, 61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Raysor, Frederick.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Renshaw, Geo. W......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out September 28, 1864. Stackhouse,Nel'n E...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Spotten, Robert........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Spare, Gordon A........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Spear, Andrew.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Sloan, James.............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Schwenck, James......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Smith, Mathias.....do.....July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Showalter, Win, B..I...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'63. 568 THIRTIT:I. RBEGPIMENT-FIRST RESERVE, NTAME. R|ANK. j DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Smith, Joseph.........Private June 6.'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Shaw, Benjamin......do.... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged March 15, 1864, to accept promotion. Tencate, Fred'k A.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, July 20, 1862. Vannaman, Joseph...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,1862. Vanderslice, Jno. A...do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged September 16, 1861. Vanderslice, Nich's...do..... July 12.'61, 3 I)ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29, 1864. Vanderslice,Wm. T...do..... July 12'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Virtue, Thomas........d..... June 6,'61, 3 Killedat Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Waters, Morgan........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Woodland, Benj........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Widdicombe, W. P...do.....June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Woodland, Wm.........do June 6.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Watson, Joseph L.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. Williams, Chas......do. Oct. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Weeks, John M.........do...July 12,'61, 3 Missing in action-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Wahel, Joseph..........do.....June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 1864. Whiteman, Joseph...do.....June 6,'61, 3 Deserted November 29, 1862. Yeager, John W........do June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeofs certificate, Dec. 26,'63. COMPANY IH. RECRUITED AT CARLISLE, CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Rob't M'Cartney.....Captain June 8,'61, 3 Resigned August 21, 1861. Thomas P. Dwin........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., October 17, 1861killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Fran's M. M'Manus...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Nov. 25, 1861-to 1st Lieut., March 1, 1863-to Captain, March 7, 1863-Bv. Major, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph Stewart...... 1st Lt... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. John A. Crowl........... do.....June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 25, 1861-to Sgt., Aug. 9, 1862-to 1st Szt,, Jan. 6, 1863-to 2d Lt., March 1. 1863-to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 1863-to brevet Capt., March 13. 1865-mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. John A.Waggoner.. 2d Lt... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from ist Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct 17, 1861to Quartermaster, June 27, 1862. David P. Kissinger 1st Sgt. June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt., Nov. 25, 1861-to 1st Sergeant, May 15,1863-missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Andrew J. Reighter Serg't.. June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4, 1863. Robert M'Manus.... d..... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Abraham Heiser.......do..... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Jas. P. M'Laughlin...do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Franklin D. Hunt.......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt., May 20,'63-killed at Spottsylvania, C. H., May 10, 1864. John F. Brisbane.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1862-deserted September 17, 1862. John A. Blair......... Corp.... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 5, 1861-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. William Corbett........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. R. Hastings......do..... July 14,'61, 3 j Discharged-date unknown-for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Joseph B. Ewing............ July 14,'61, 3 Wounded May 25, 1864-transferred to 190threg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Henry A. Graham......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Frederick Deaner......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Fred'k Morrison........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 26, 1861-killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Daniel Askew............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 10, 1861-killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 1864 —Vet. Alex'r Deemer........ do..... Mar. 2,'62, 3 Dropped from rolls, November 14, 1862. James Donnelly..... uc.....May 24,'62, 3' Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Thomas P. Diven......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June, 1863-Vet. Willis Humer............do... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted August 26, 1861. Asper, Isaac.........l Private June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bernard, Aaron A...do..... July 14,'61, 3j Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 5,'61. Bretz, William H...!..do..... July 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 569 DATI ON MUSTER NAME.._NK.. EM Burkholder, Chas... Private June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 23,'61. Brown, John...............do. Dec. 30,'63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-transferred to 100th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Brown, Frederick......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Baker, Samuel S.......do... June 8,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, ofwds. received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 18, 1864. Black, John...............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Gettysburg, July 2,'63. Bidler, Henry G........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Bennett. John............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Boner, William F......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Boyd, John A............do..... July 14,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Clayton, Oswald........do..... June 8,'6 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Cree, Alexander........ do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Clouser, John............do.... July 17, 61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Chambers, George.....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Dougherty, James.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out With company, June 13, 1864. Dice, Levi................do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Donnelly, Elias.......... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Donnelly, William.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg. July 2, 1863. Donnelly, John........do..... June 8,'61 3 Not mustered into United States service. Dile, George W.......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Deserted September 5, 1862-returned April 4, 1863-again deserted July 6, 1863. Foose, Andrew I........do..... July 14,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Fritz, John P........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'62. Fair, Michael............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Finley, Hugh..... do..... July 14,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Fellows, John....... do..... July 17,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Forber, Lewis............do..... July 21,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Ginger, David.......do... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Graham, Wm. A........do..... Aug. 1,'611 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Griffin, Thomas C......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Gilbert, Thomas.......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted May 7, 1862. Hoffman, Henry........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Henwood, Theo.........do... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus,Aug. 24,'61. Hipple, Jacob.............do.... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Harding, William......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. Hipple, Henry...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Johnson, Henry.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service.. Kelley, Albert...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kelley, Henry...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded, date unknown-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Koutz, Lewis............do..... July 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Kaufman, Christian...do.....June 8,'61, 3 Died Sept. 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,798. Kelly, Harrison........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Karge, Max............. do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Lamason, Jacob.....do... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28, 1863. Lease, Henry A........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 12, 1862. Lime, Levi.............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,1862. Linekuhl, Henry......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July26, 1861. Lewis, James.............. July 17,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1862-returned April 4, 1863-again deserted, September, 1863. Lamason, John W.....do.... July 21,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Lay, Samuel M........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Miller, Henry............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Murray, Francis B.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Morton, George W.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 9, 1861. Minich, Jacob L........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted September 6, 1862. Moon, Anthony........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Michael, John.........do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. M'Feeley, George......do.....June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug 1, 1862. M'Cartney,Rob't,Jr...do.....June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. M'Donald, William...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Nonemaker, Wm......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2, 1861. Park, James...o...........June 8,'61, 3 Drowned in Potomac river, near Washington, D. C., August 10, 1863. Quigley, William......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Me. chanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Reifsnyder, Levi....do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. 72 570 THIRTIETH REGIMENT —FIRST RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. C REMAR. chey, Augustus... Private June 8,'61, 3 Wounded in action-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. eighter, Charles.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6, 63. Rodgers, Lewis.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'62. Rockey, John..... do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. Richwine, David.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Richey, William........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stringfellow, John.....do... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Stringfellow, Israel... o..... June 89'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wds. received in action. Snyder, James P.......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Sheaffer, John...........do..... Aug. 30,'61 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Smith, James...........do.. Set. 4,'S62 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Sowers, Jacob......... do...June 8,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stewart, Joseph........do..... July 2, 1, 6 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Thomas, James R......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 5,'62, for wounds received in action. Walker, William......o..... June,'61, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Widner, Jacob..........do.....June 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wolf, Samuel...........do June 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Whiteman, Conrad...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 27,'63, for wounds received in action. White, Samuele........do..... June 8, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 24, 1862. Worley, Jeremiah.....do..... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Watson, William......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at _New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Lemuel Todd......... apt.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June 10, 1861. George W. Cross........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged October 16, 1861. Tobias B. Kauffman...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor., to 2d Lt., June 27, 1861-to Capt., Nov. 14, 1861-to Major, March 1, 1863. Isaiah H. Graham......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., June 27, 1861-to Capt., Mar. 7,'63- mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Wm. D. Halbert..... 1stLt... Nov. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, March 7, 1863-discharged February 20, 1864. William B. Wolf........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt., to 2d Lt., March 7, 1863-to 1st Lt., March 14, 1864-wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-promoted to brevet Capt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with Co., June 13, 1864. George A. Keller.... 1st Sgt June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Samuel Baxter...... Sergt... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. William Mulgren......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Mar. 7,'63-wd. in action, May 8, 1864-mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Jos. Shanabrough...... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, Mar. 7,'63mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ellis Slonaker..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promotedfrom Corporal to Sergeant, Mar. 7,'63mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. James Broderick...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Robert Smiley..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 28,'62. George W. Rahn..... Corp.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John Wasson............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. H. Baxter.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died May 24, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Chas. Burnsides.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Chas. W. Linthurst...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged October 21,'62, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Edgar Lee.................do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company A, 101st regiment P. V., November 5, 1861. Levi H. Mullin.......... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'62. Philip Schugart.........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Gottleib Hildwine......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. George Baker............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Benjamin Hoffert......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. James Lutz............... do.....June 10,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862. Asher R. Teeple........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 15, 1862. Joseph Allison........ Muc.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. THREEBB-YARS' SERVICE. 571 _~n^ DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS NAMAE. RAN. INTO SERVIC REMARKS. S Thomas J. Bell;....... Muc..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted January 13, 1862. Augenbaugh, G. B.. Private June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Baker, Hiram.....do..... June 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Baer, David R........do.....: June 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bobbs, Charles..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'61. Boggs, Jacob.............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Brown, Adam............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Baker, John...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died December 10, 1861, at Georgetown, D. C-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Buttorf, Joseph.........do.... June 10,'61,'3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862. Bailey, John T.......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1862. Baker, David...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1862-returned-mustered out September 28, 1864. Baker, Jacob.......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted April 13, 1862. Corman, Henry P.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Clark, Lafayette........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Clark, William..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28, 1862. Cronover, Wilson......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged oa Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Carlan, James........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. Dehuff, John B..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Doyle, Martin E............. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Drexler, George....o....... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged January 20, 1862. Dunlap, William.......o..... June 10,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 7, 1861. Duffy, John.............. do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 26, 1861. Edwards, Jefferson...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged'June 18, 1861-minor. Frederick, John......do.....June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Gorgas, Isaac..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Gould, Charles F......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died October 21, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Gunter, Harrison......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. Hilton, Miller..... d...o..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hockley, Davis........ do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 1, 1862, of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Irvine, James............do... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 30,'64-Vet. Irvine, Theodore.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Missing at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. Jacobs, Francis V......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kintz, Jacob............ do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at SouthMountain, Sept. 14,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 21, 1863. Kennedy, Levi..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Kramer, George.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Ligntner, Peter M......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64. Lusk, John.............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Little, George......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. Lamprey, Geo. H......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Died May 15, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-buried at National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Morrison, Thos. G......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mullin, George H......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5, 1862.. Mathias, John W.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Captured at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30,'64died in rebel prison-date unknown. Meninnger, Fista......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Moudy, William........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-mustered out March 21,1865. Morsett, Eli.............d..... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 25, 1862. I'Clure, George W...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. M'Bride, William....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 3, 1862. M'Callister, Wm........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1862. M'Clay, James..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted July 4, 1863. Ritner, Henry C.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Sennett, William.......do...... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Sennett, Francis.......do....June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shoop, George W......do.....June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Spottswood, Wm.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Shissler, John............do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Swan, Thomas.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Smith, Samuel S.......do....June 10,'61, 3 Died Oct. 9, 1862-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Smith, David A.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died July 29, 1862, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Shrirer, Benj. F.........do... June 10,'61,0 Deserted April, 1862-returned-mustered out. September 28, 1864. Taylor, John T...........do..... Jue 10,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Dec. 7, 1861. Underwood, Geo........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. 572 THIRTIETH REGIMENT —FIRST RESERVE, NAME. RANK. -DATB OF MUSTEREMARKS INTOSERVICE. REMAR. > Ulricb, Terrell........ Private June 101,'61,3 Discharged June 12, 1861-minor. Underwood, Jas........do.... June 101,'61,3 Discharged July 27, 1861. Wardecker, Fred'k...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wingard, Isaac P......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4, 1862. Willson, Franklin.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died November 30, 1861. WindowmakerJ.W...do.....June 10,'61, 3 Deserted April 18, 1862. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN ADAMS COUNTY. Edward M'Pherson Capt.... June 8,'61, 3 Resigned August 24, 1861. John F. Bailey..........do... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. W. Warren Stewart...do..... July 26,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Sept. 1,'61-to Capt. August 1, 1862-to Lieut. Col., March 1, 1863. Henry N. Minnigh.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to2d Lt., Juno 30, 1862-to 1st Lt. Ma. 7,'63-to Capt, Oct. 2, 2'663-to Bv. Maj., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. John D. Sadler....... st Lt.. June 8,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Geo. E. Kitzmiller...... June 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1'62-to 2d Lt., Mar. 1,'63-to 1st Lt., Oct. 28,'63-Bv. Capt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with Co., June 13, 1864. J. J. Herron............2d Lt... June 8,'61, 3 Resigned August 14, 1861. Samuel A. Young... Serg't.. June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 26, 1861-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. John C. Brandon.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 26, 1861-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. James M'Gonigel......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Murray Miller......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Philip L. Houck........d..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 12, 1862, for wds. rec. in action. Peter H. Henry.........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 10, 1863, for wds. rec. in action. Alex. L. C. Woods...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Peter S. Harbaugh...do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry H. Beamer.. Corp.... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jas. Culbertson......do... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Geo. C. Carson.......... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John F. Mackley.....do....June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 7, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. And. A. Slagle..........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Chas. J. Tawney.......... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2, 1863. Joseph Hamilton............ Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Joseph H. Baker............. June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rob't T. M'Kinney...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Jacob Resser............. do.... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Serg't, June 15,'62. Daniel D. Bailey.......... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 41st regiment P. V., Sept. 1, 1861. Isaac M. Brandon....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 12th U. S. Regulars, Jan. 16,'62. Chas. E. Gilbert...... uc.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wilson E. Nailor.......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Arendt, Jacob W.... Private Sept. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Beales, Charles W.....do..... July 19, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bingamon, Samuel...do..... June 8,'31, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Blocher, And. H............. June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bearde, Obed M.........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bingamon, David......d.. June 8,'61, 3 Deserted October 24, 1862. Caufman, Henry W..do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cox, George W.........d..... June 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Caufman, Chas. W.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 3,'62, for wounds received in action. Chronister, Amos.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Cassatt, Samuel J......d..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Creamer, John T......... July 19,'61, 3 Died December 21, 1863, at Washington, D. C.buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Danner, H. Knox......do..June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dixon, Samuel..........d..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ditine, Bernard.........do. June 8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dixon, William...... do June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61 THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 573 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. M Duey, John J.......... Private June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Durboran, J. N.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps U. S. A., Nov. 1,1863. Eyster, Samuel.........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 19, 1863, for wounds received in action. Elden, H. W.'C........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Fanns, Hiram J...... "do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Foutz, Adam.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864, by sentence of General Court Martial. Gibbs, George W.......do. June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Gardner, Amos F......do.....July 19,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out Sept. 28,'64. Goutermuth, Paul.....do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Tr.'to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-in arrest. Gardner, Richard P...do.... July 19,'61, 3 Deserted December 16, 1863. Gibson, John............do..... June 28, 61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Hart, Levi J............ do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'62. Hollinger, Philip......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'61. Hort-kins, Henry...... do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hamilton, Calvin......do.... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1864. Harbaugh, Calvin.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Hart, Bernard...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted December 26, 1862. Hfilderbrand, J. F...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted March 3, 1863. Holtzworth, Adam....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Holtzworth, Geo.......do.... June,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Jacobs, John H. R.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Johns, David E........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jobe, William T....... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13,'1864. Jonas, Henry H........do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Keckler, Samuel J.....do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Keim, Frederick A...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Maryland-date unknown. Lady, Hiram...........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action. Leech, Elijah L.........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Little, George.......... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Mackley, Jacob..........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Megary, William R...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Myers, John J...........do... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22, 1861. Monteer, Henry R.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet Mumper, William..... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet Myers, David M........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1863. Miller, Peter..............do..... July 19,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Myers, George W......do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 3, 1861. Metcalf, Wooster B...do.. June 8,'61, 3 Deserted March 3, 1863. M.'Kinney, John W...do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va.-date unknown. M'Gren, William.......do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Died July 26, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg. Naylor, Jeremiah......do..... July 19,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Ogden, John A.......do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Pierce, J. Shaw.........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, 1863. Pittinger, John F.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Pensyl, George W.....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Robinson, D. W....do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Rouzer, James M..:....do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Riggs, William A......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Remmel, D. E. H......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Rhoads, Andrew H...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'62. Rosensteel, John H...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Rodgers, Zephani'h...do.....June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Stewart, David M......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stouffer, Jacob..........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Prisoner at Richmond, Va., since November 27, 1863-absent at muster out. Shaffer, David..........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4, 1862. Siplinger, MathiasJ...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1863. Sheaas, Robert E.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Sheets, Samuel......... do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-in arrest. Swisher, Charles E...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., Jan. 15,'64. Shank, Jesse.............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died November 24, 1861, at Camp Pierpont, Va.. Shipley, John W.......do..... Feb. 10,'65, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 18, 1864-Vet. Trimmer, William.....do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 3,'62. Woodring, David H...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Wisotzkey, Craig F...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Weber, Frank...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Zell, William..T....... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. 74 -~~THIRTIETH REGIMENT-FIRSiT RESERVYE UNASSIGNED MEN. VNAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER A AEB. |RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARS. Benjamin F. Lose... Muc.... April 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. John J. Swab....... do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Beck, Frank...........Private April 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moore, Morris.............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Malaney, Richard......do..... ar. 21,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, David M. C.....do..... July 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rockafellow, And......do..... June 15,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Weaver, Joseph.........do..... June 25,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT, SECOND RESERVE.* THE Second Reserve Regiment was principally recruited in the city of Philadelphia, under the direction of William B. Mann, and the companies were mustered into the State service during the last week in May by Captain Henry J. Biddle, Assistant Adjutant General of Militia. Most of the men were supplied with flannel shirts and other articles of clothing by the congregations of the. different churches in the city, prominent among which was that of Old Christ Church, which contributed no less than four thousand five hundred articles. On the 29th of May the Philadelphia companies marched to the residence of Colonel Mann, where they were presented with a magnificent and richly trimmed silk flag, the gift of a number of ladies, the presentation being made by Daniel Dougherty, Esq., and after the ceremonies were concluded proceeded by rail to Camp Washington, near the city of Easton. This camp was located on the Fair Ground of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Institute, comprising about thirty acres, situated on a level plateau a mile and a half west of the city, and half a mile north of the Lehigh river. The camp, under the command of Colonel Mann, was at once put in order, and stringent regulations were established for its government. The disasters at Bull Run, caused the government to call loudly upon the States for organized troops. Fortunately the Pennsylvania Reserves were ready for duty. July 24th, the Second Regiment broke camp at Easton, and moved by rail to Harrisburg where it bivouacked at Camp Curtin. Most of the Reserve regiments were mustered into the United States service before leaving the State; but as it would cause some delay to muster the Second before starting, Colonel Mann, with the consent of the Governor, proceeded to Baltimore without being properly in the United States service. Upon its arrival it was reported to General Dix, but, having no orders, he refused to receive it, and the command moved on to Sandy Hook, near Harper's Ferry, in the department then commanded by Major General Banks. The regiment at this time numbered one thousand and one, officers and men, all in neat new uniforms and presenting an unusually attractive appearance. The morning after its arrival was excessively hot, and after partaking of coffee and hard tack it moved to Pleasant Valley, a table land about a mile back from, and some four hundred feet above the Potomac. Arriving without orders, General Banks at first refused to accept them, but afterwards assigned them camping grounds and ap* An excellent History of the Second Reserves, embracing 362 octavo pages, is published by John E. Potter, of Philadelphia, prepared by the Adjutant of the regiment, Major E. M. Woodward, from which, by permission of the author, are drawn many of the facts embraced in this record. 576 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1861 plied to the War Department for orders. Still, no authority existed for drawing rations, except such as the officers would be responsible for. To add to its misfortunes, there was a lack of unity of purpose among the field officers. The minds of the men also were poisoned with the idea, that being out of the State of Pennsylvania, and not mustered into the United States service, there was no power to hold them. Discontent continued, and when, on the 1st of August, Lieutenant Colonel Fitz John Porter was sent by General Banks to muster the men into the service of the United States, nearly one-fourth of their number refused to be mustered. On the following morning the whole command was again called up, and those who had taken the oath on the preceding day were informed that they must again be sworn, when a still larger number refused, amounting to three hundred and twenty men. These were then taken to Colonel Thomas' headquarters, where they were ordered to stack arms, divest themselves'of their uniforms and accoutrements and officers were detailed to conduct them to Philadelphia. Upon the return of the officers to their regiment, they found, to their amazement, that the men whom they had left in camp, and who had twice taken the oath before, had, on that day, been called on for a third time to be sworn in. Finding it easier to get out of the service than to stay in it, many returned and entered other organizations, until there remained but about four hundred of the thousand and one who marched through Baltimore two weeks before. The saying became current in camp that it was necessary for a good soldier to carry a Bible for the purpose of taking his oath. On the 14th of August, the regiment was called out and marched hurriedly to Berlin, four miles below, where a party of rebels had been making demonstrations. An old iron twelve-pounder cannon with its muzzle knocked off, chained to the front wheels of a wagon, had been posted by the enemy on the hills to command the village, but by a dexterous movement the piece was snatched from their grasp and was stationed on a pier of the bridge so as to cover the town. Not being provided with grape shot, the braces of the bridge were cut into slugs and used instead. Remaining until the town was safe the regiment returned to camp. On the 16th it again broke camp and moved through Buckeystown and Urbana to Hyattstown. Here an order was issued by General Banks disbanding companies B, F, G and I, on the ground of their numbers being below the standard of acceptance-all the companies having been greatly reduced by the withdrawal of the disaffected men-the officers to be mustered out and the men to be transferred to other companies. This order operated unjustly upon the line officers, but it was acquiesced in, in the hope that new companies would be assigned to fill the places of those made vacant. L The officers discharged were Captains. P. M'Donough, T. Bringhurst, E. M. Woodward and William Knox; First Lieutenants John D. Shock, George W. Kite, John K. Brown and Thos. Wier; Second Lieutenants John Gill, William Edwards and John HI. Jack. One Lieutenant was not discharged, another discharged who had resigned a month before, and had. not been mustered into the United States service. Captain M'Donough raised another company, joined the regiment at Camp Pierpont, Virginia, and was subsequently promoted Lieutenant Colonel. Captain'Woodward entered the ranks, was appointed Sergeant Major of the regiment, and at the battle of Antietam was appointed Adjutant. Captain Knox was appointed Sutler, and continued with the regiment until May, 1862. Of the Lieutenants, John H, Jack returned with Captain M'Donough, was wounded at the 1861 CAMP PIERPONT. 577 battle of Bull Run, and promoted Captain for gallant conduct. John K. Brown for a year was connected with the brigade commissary. Wm. Edwards entered the Curtin Light Guard as Orderly Sergeant, and George W. Kite the Ninetyfirst Pennsylvania. Isaac J. Harvey of company K, was detailed to the Signal Corps." * On the 28th, orders were received to march to Darnestown, where it remained until the 19th of September, when it was aroused at midnight by the " long roll," and was marched to Muddy Branch to guard a supply train. On the 25th, it. moved to Tenallytown, where it joined the division of the Pennsylvania Reserves, under General M'Call. The Second Regiment was assigned to the First Brigade, f commanded by General Reynolds. About this time, Lieutenant Colonel Magilton resigned. On the 9th of October, the line of the army in Virginia was extended to the right, occupying Prospect and Miner's Hills. To hold the line thus extended the Reserves were ordered forward. Crossing Chain Bridge the Second Regiment bivouacked for the night near Langley, and on the following day tents were pitched and Camp Pierpont established. During the first ten days the long roll was beaten and the men called to arms five times. On the night of the 11th, the pickets in the neighborhood of Lewinsville were driven in, and the next day the enemy, with at least three regiments of infantry, some cavalry and a battery of six guns, was discovered in a wood near Miner's Hill, indicating that an attack was meditated. General M'Clellan. and staif, including the Comte de Paris and the Duc de Chartres, came on the ground and remained during the night. At midnight the drums and the trumpets sounded, and at two A. M., the national columns were in motion, four thousand cavalry and thirty pieces of artillery, with a proportionate force of infantry. At daylight it was ascertained that the enemy, attracted by the extension of the Union line, had sent out a reconnoissance in force, but had then withdrawn. On October 18th, a reconnoissance was ordered by General M'Clellan, in which the First Brigade led the way, supported by the Second and Third.Crossing Difficult Creek,the brigade proceeded about three miles beyond Dranesville, when it was ordered back to Thornton's house. On the following day detachments were sent out to reconnoitre and make a topographical survey of the country. On themorning of the 21stin obedience to orders of General 1PClellan, the brigade returned to camp. On the same day the disaster at Bll's Bluff occurred. Had the Reserves remained in the advance position which they had occupied, they would have been within supporting distance of the column under the lamented Colonel Baker, and would doubtless have saved that fruitless slaughter and achieved a glorious victory. On the 22d an election was held for Lieutenant Colonel, which resulted in the unanimous choice of William MCandless. On the 1st of November Colo. nel Mann resigned. On the 25th a grand review was held of a portion of the Army of the Potomac. The troops, numbering seventy-five thousand, were drawn up in line, forming three sides of a square. Upon the right were Our Campaigns; Woodward, page 60. f Organization of the First Brigade, General John F. Reynolds; Pennsylvania Reserves, General George A M'Call. First (30th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel R. Biddle Roberts; Second (31st) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel William B. Mann; Fifth (34th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Seneca G. Simmons; Eighth (37th) Regi. ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel George S, Hays., 73 578 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1862 the cavalry and artillery, and on the left the Pennsylvania Reserves. The President and his secretaries mounted, with the General and his Lieutenants, forming a cavalcade of some three hundred, dashed down the line, while the artillery thundered, the bands played, and the soldiers cheered, creating an event of thrilling interest. After passing around the entire force a position was taken up in front by the reviewing party, when the column, led by the Reserves, commenced passing in review, and then filed off to their several camping grounds. The battle of Dranesville was fought on the national side by Ord's Brigade of the Reserves, with the Bucktails and Easton's Battery of four guns. The First Brigade was at this time at Difficult Creek; but immediately upon hearing the sound of battle, General Reynolds put his column in motion, striking across the country to the left, for the purpose of intercepting the enemy as he retreated on the Alexandria and Leesburg pike; but this movement was countermanded by General M'Call, who had received positive instructions from MIClellan not to bring on a general engagement. The President, by his order, fixed the 22d of February as the day not later than which the army of the Potomac should move against the enemy, the immediate object being the seizure of the railroad south-westward of Manassas Junction. The retreat of the rebel army to Gordonsville, in anticipation of the contemplated movement, rendered a change of plan necessary, and it -was decided to move by the Potomac, and operate against Richmond from the Peninsula. The First Corps, under M'Dowell, to which the Reserves were attached, was left upon the Rappahannock, to cover Washington. Joining in the general movement upon Manassas, the regiment broke camp on the 10th of March, and proceeding in a southerly direction, arrived on the 29th of April in the neighborhood of Falmouth. On the way the fortifications and camps which had been erected and held during the winter by both armies, and, at Manassas Junction, the vast ruins of the depot and other buildings, in which had been stored an immense amount of provisions and clothing, burnt by the enemy in the haste of retreat, were passed. Smouldering ruins, wrecked cars and machinery, vast piles of flour, pork, beef, wagons, lumber, trunks, demijohns, tents, dismantled fortifications and rifle pits, presented a scene of confusion rarely witnessed, even in war. On the 2d of Aptil, Captain George A. Woodward was elected Major, and about the same time Lieutenant John M. tlark, who had been attached to the First District of Columbia Volunteers, with a company of Pennsylvanians, was nominally transferred to the regiment as company F, but was assigned by General M'Call to take charge of the extra line of caissons for the artillery battalion of the Reserves, Subsequently Dr. Edward Donnelly was transferred from the Fifth to the Second Regiment in place of Dr. Thomas B. Reed, promoted to be Brigade Surgeon, About the middle of May, General M'Dowell was instructed to advance by the route of the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, and connect with the right of M'Clellan's line, then advancing upon Richmond via Peninsula. But the movement of Stonewall Jackson into the Shenandoah Valley, with a powerful force, caused that purpose, for the time, to be abandoned, and three divisions, Shield's, King's and Ord's, with the Bucktails from the Reserves, were detached and sent to the relief of the Shenandoah Valley. On the 26th of May the regiment crossed the Rappahannock with the division, and passing through Fredericksburg, encamped qn the heights back of 1862 BATTLE OF MECHANICSVILLE. 579 the town. General Reynolds was appointed Military Governor of the city. On the same day, the advance posts of the command were eight miles beyond, and on the 29th the cavalry had advanced twenty miles, skirmishing and driving the enemy. But on the following day, it having been ascertained that the enemy had withdrawn all his forces from our front to join his army around Richmond, and burned the bridges in his rear, it was determined to re-call the forces to the north side of the river, and send re-inforcements to M'Clellan by water. The Pennsylvania Reserves were chosen for this purpose. Moving to Gray's landing on the morning of the 8th of June, the regiment embarked on the steamer Chancellor Livingston, and on the evening of the 11th arrived at White House, on the Pamunky, at the point where the Richmond and York River railroad crosses it. The base of supply for the entire army had been established at this point. On the following day the regiment moved to Dispatch Station and encamped. On the 13th an attack was made upon Tunstall's Station, eight miles to the rear, by the enemy's cavalry, under General Fitz Hugh Lee, and the second regiment was ordered into line at midnight to march to its defence. Some destruction of property was effected, ineluding the station, a car load of grain, and portions of the track; but upon the arrival of the Third Brigade the party fled. A few day's previous, the mother of Lee had visited White House, and been furnished with a pass and an escort through our lines for her safe return to Richmond. The information which she was able to give on her arrival was doubtless very useful to the raiders. The purpose of the raid was the destruction of shipping and the immense depot of supplies at White House. It was only prevented by the timely arrival of the Reserves. On the 17th the division moved in a north-westerly direction, parallel to the Chickahominy, and on the 19th arrived in the neighborhood of Beaver Dam Creek. On the 24th the regiment was sent to Mechanicsville to picket the left bank of the Chickahominy, the enemy holding the right bank. As early as the 24th, General M'Clellan had received information which convinced him that the enemy was about to make an attack upon his right and rear. The 26th was the day on which he had decided to move upon Richmond; but the enemy anticipated this action by himself attacking. Early on the morning of the 26th, the Second was relieved by the Eighth, and marching through Mechanicsville, turned to the right and moved up the river road to Shady Grove Church. Here the Eighth Illinois cavalry was met retreating before the enemy, who was advancing in heavy force by the Meadow bridge. Colonel M'Candless had previously deployed company B, Captain M'IDonough, as skirmishers, and now formed the regiment across the road in connection with the cavalry, to induce the enemy to caution in his advance, and to give time for our forces to withdraw. At Mechanicsville the line was again formed, but soon afterwards the entire force withdrew to Beaver Dam Creek, where it was determined to give battle. The position was naturally a strong one, the left of the line resting on the Chickahominy and the right extending to a dense woods which was occupied. The passage of the creek in front was difficult, except by the road at Ellerson's Mill, on the left and the upper Mechanicsville road on the right. The Second Regiment was posted on the extreme right, with a heavy wood in front and a ford near the right of it, and joining the Bucktails on the left. Companies K and H, Captain Smith and Lieutenant Kennedy, were detached, 580 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1862 under command of Major Woodward, and posted at the ford, with orders to hold it at all hazards, and company C, Captain Byrnes, was placed in a swamp to the left, connecting with the Bucktails. At three P. M., the enemy's lines were formed on the opposite side of the swamp and advanced, delivering their fire as they came. It was apparent that their main attack was to be made upon the extreme right of our line, held by the Second. Upon this they soon opened a heavy fire of shot and shell, the usual prelude to the infantry attacks, when column after column of Georgia and Louisiana troops were sent forward, who waded the stream and boldly advanced through the woods. They were received by the Second with a withering fire, which it maintained without a moment's cessation for three hours. Assault after assault was made by the enemy and three times they succeeded in forcing their way through on the left of the regiment, and gaining the cleared groutnd; but were as often driven back at the point of the bayonet, Colonel M'Candless gallantly leading in the charge. While:the storm thus raged in front, Major Woodward, with his two companies, was hotly engaged at the ford, the men delivering from behind trees, a slow but destructive fire, or pouring in rapid volleys when hard pressed. General Reynolds, whose ever watchful eye was upon the threatened points in his line, several times rode to the left, at one time exclaiming as he pointed with his sword,'Boys, look at them in the swamp there, they are as thick as flies on a ginger-bread, fire low, fire low." Just before dark, the enemy's last charge having been triumphantly repulsed, and the ammunition nearly exhausted, relief was ordered up, and Kern's Battery, of six twelve-pounder howitzers, supported by the Third, took position about three hundred yards to our right and opened a terrible fire of shell upon the confused and broken masses of the enemy on the opposite side of the swamp. Colonel M'Candless now led his regiment to the ford, held by Major Woodward, with the intention of crossing and charging the enemy; but supports failing to arrive, the purpose was abandoned, and the regiment was deployed on the edge of the swamp and again opened fire. The musketry soon after ceased, but the artillery fire was continued until nine o'clock, when the battle closed. The loss in this day's work, out of three hundred and seventy-one officers and men engaged, was fifteen killed, twenty-three wounded, and four taken prisoners, an aggregate of forty-two.* Preparations were being made during the night to renew the battle in the morning, but orders were received at a little before daybreak to withdraw to Gaies' Mill. Screening the movement by the exercise of great caution and deliberation, and by a scattering fire of infantry and artillery, it was successfully executed without loss. The enemy was now advancing in great force to cut M'Clellan's communication with White House, his base of supply. In the battle which ensued at Gaines' Mill, M'Call's Division was held in reserve, and was posted six hundred yards in rear of the first line, Reynolds' brigade holding the right and covering the approaches from Cold Harbor and *EXTRACT FROM GENERAL M'CAI L'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-In a short time the enemy, who was commanded by General Robert E. Iee in person, boldly advanced in force, under cover of a heavy artillery fire, and attacked my position from right to left. It was not long, however, before I was satisfied that his main attack was directed upon my right, and in consequence I ordered Kern's Battery thither, and supported it by advancing from the Reserve, the Third Regiment, Colonel Sickel. Here, for a long time, the battle raged with great fury. The Georgians now rushed headlong against the Second Regiment, but only to be mowed down by those gallant fellows, whose commander soon sent to the rear some seven or eight prisoners taken in the rencountero 1862 BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL. 581 Dispatch Station to Sumner's Bridge. By noon of the 27th the enemy was in position, and began to advance along our whole front. At three P. M., the engagement had become so severe that the entire second line and reserves were moved forward to sustain the first line against repeated and desperate assaults. General Reynolds soon rode up and ordered the Second to advance through the wood, clear it of the enemy, and take up a position on its extreme edge. Colonel M'Candless, knowing that the movement would bring the enemy on his right flank, asked the General's permission to move in at right angles to the position assigned to it. The General was silent for a moment, his face bearing the expression of great perplexity and dissatisfaction, when he replied,' Colonel, General Porter is fighting the battle on certain parallels, and his orders will have to be obeyed." " I would," remarked the Colonel afterward, " I had not asked him the question, but had taken my regiment Ui by mistake." The soldiers in the ranks well knew that the movement was bringing the enemy on their flank, but Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why and " forward" was the word, though the regiment soon found itself in a better position to attack our own troops than to inflict damage upon the enemy. Scarcely had it reached the point designated, when solid columns of the foe advanced upon the left, their leading lines dressed in the national uniform, showing no flag and crying out that they were friends. Not deceived by their treachery, a left oblique fire was poured into them with good effect. Line after line of the enemy delivered its fire, and falling to the ground gave range to the next behind it. Overpowered and flanked, the regiment was forced to fall back, the men fighting as they retired, delivering their fire from behind trees as best they could. Three hundred yards to the rear it came to a depressed road where a stand was made, and afterwards supported Eaton's Battery. At eight o'clock the battle ceased, and the Second was moved to the neighborhood of a field hospital. The wounded of the regiment were brought in for surgical treatment, after which they were laid upon the grass, and cared for by their comrades. During the night the troops were withdrawn across the Chickahominy, and the Reserves, waiting until near morning to cover the movement, crossed the bridge opposite Trent's Hill, at seven o'clock of the 28th, when it was blown up, and the weary troops rested. The loss in this engagement was seven killed, nineteen wounded, anid two taken prisoners, an aggregate of twenty-eight. The army was now on its march across White Oak Swamp towards Malvern Hill on the James River, with its siege artillery and trains stretching for miles on all the roads. Day after day the enemy made desperate attacks to break through the retiring lines, and sever and destroy the army. The Second Regiment was posted on the roads leading to Richmond, prepared to repel attacks from that direction, but did not become seriously engaged until the 30th of June at Charles City Cross Roads. M'Call was ordered to take position on the left of the New Market Road near its crossing with the Charles City Road, in front of the Quaker Road leading to Malvern Hill and Turkey Bridge. Meade's Brigade held the right, Seymour's the left, and Reynolds, now Simmons', in reserve. After sending forward two regiments to feel our line, the enemy made a furious attack on the left with a heavy column of infantry, under cover of a terrific artillery fire. He was met and driven back with great slaughter, over 582 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1862 two hundred being taken prisoners. The Reserves were now called out, and the Second, Colonel M'Candiess, was ordered to the left front. As it was about to move, the cannoniers of a battery which had that day been assigned to M'Call's Division having cut the traces to their pieces, came dashing through the regiment with their horses, tramping several men to the ground, and breaking the line. Recovering from the shock, the Second advanced with loud cheers, and swept across the field under a murderous fire of round shot and shell, reaching a point near Nelson's house, where it was ordered to lie down, a perfect storm of missiles passing harmless over head, and the battle raging with terrific fury. When the enemy, with a fall brigade, had arrived within fifty yards, Seymour cried out " up and at them," and rising, they poured in a murderous fire that caused the rebel line to stagger. Rushing upon the enemy with the bayonet, a desperate hand to hand struggle ensued. Already had Major Woodward, Captains Smith and Neide and Lieutenants Fletcher and Nightingale fallen. Overpowered and crushed by the masses of the enemy, the Second was at length swept back, and in retreating across the plain and up through the wood, it was exposed to a terrific fire of shells and canister. The heroic Simmons, commanding the brigade, and Adjutant General Biddle received mortal hurts, and Meade was borne bleeding from the field. The loss was twenty-one killed, nineteen wounded and six taken prisoners, the very large proportion of killed evincing the terrible ordeal to which the regiment was subjected. On the 1st of July the army of the Potomac reached Malvern Hill, where it was drawn up to receive the enemy's final attack, with the artillery, some two hundred and fifty pieces, advantageously posted. The Second Regiment being held with the division in reserve, did not become engaged. The attack, desperate and determined, was made in the afternoon of that day, with a recklessness scarcely paralleled; but the enemy received a disastrous repulse, and his columns were broken and thrown into irredeemable confusion. On the following day.MClelelan withdrew to Harrison's Landing, where the Second Regiment encamped in a dense growth of pine. On the 10th, a new company under Captain William D. Reitzel, recruited in Lancaster county, joined the command as company G. Colonel M'Candless, who had led the regimen- through all the battles of this campaign with only the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, here received his commission as Colonel, to date from November 1st, 1861. Major G. A. Woodward was promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Horace Neide, of company A, to be Major. On the 13th of July, Generals M'Ca]I and Reynolds, who had been prisoners in Richmond, arrived, and the division paraded to receive them. The former, on account of the state of his health, did not assume command, and subsequently resigned, General Reynolds succeeding him. General Meade was soon after so far recovered from his wounds as to resume command of his brigade, now the First, and General Seymour that of the Second, to which the Second Regiment now belonged. M'Clellan was ordered to evacuate the Peninsula and re-inforce Pope, now confronting Lee upon the Bappahannock. On the 14th the Second Regiment, with the division, marched to the wharf, and embarking upon steamers proceeded to Acquia Creek, arriving on the 20th, and thence moved by rail to Falmouth. Here the Second Regiment was separated from the division, the latter being ordered to join the Third Corps, under General M'Dowell, at Kelly's 1862' SECOND BULL RUN. 583 Ford. Early on the morning of the 22d, the Second moved on the Bealton road, passing through Hartwood and Grove Church, with the purpose of joining the division at Rappahannock Station; but learning that the troops had fallen back from that position, it bivouacked with General Morell's Division, encamped near Crittenden's Mills. On the following day Morell moved to the north-east and took up a strong position at the gold mines, near Morrisville. Desiring to rejoin the division, Colonel M'Candless obtained permission to move with his regiment to Warrenton, where he arrived on the 26th. The enemy's forces under Jackson, Ewell and A. P. Hill, having gained the rear of the Union army, were operating in the neighborhood of Manassas Junction. Early on the morning of the 29th, the Reserves were pushed forward and were under fire during a considerable part of the day. Towards evening the First and Third Brigades were detached and advanced for the purpose of capturing a battery of heavy guns posted on the enemy's right, and the First and Second Regiments to take a piece of woods to the left, and make a diversion in their favor; but for want of suitable rifled artillery with which to operate, were unable to secure it. At night the Second was placed on the picket line. On the following day the army was drawn up on the Warrenton pike, the Reserves on the extreme left. It was soon ascertained that the enemy were forming for an attack on our left flank. At about two P. M., the Second, which with the Bucktails, had been skirmishing with the enemy from daylight, rejoined the division and was soon after ordered to the support of a portion of Porter's Corps, which had given way. Hurrying across the field to the right under a heavy fire of shot and shell, a position was taken on a hill over-looking nearly the entire field, but soon after, by reason of the yielding of our line, it was moved to the Henry House Hill, where it was formed in column of brigade, with Ransom's Battery of Napoleon guns in front. Here the Second remained for nearly an hour, exposed to a terrific artillery fire, and many fell; but the position was a vital one to the safety of the army. Soon the enemy was seen coming on in heavy masses, when the word was give to advance. Reynolds waving aloft a standard shot from its staff, led the charge. The enemy was driven back into the woods, where, meeting his reserves and being aided by powerful batteries that had obtained the exact range, he succeeded in turning the left flank of the advancing column, and in regaining his lost ground. In the original position the line was reformed, where it held the foe at bay. After dark, having been forced back about three-quarters of a mile, but still covering the turnpike, with ammunition nearly exhausted, the division fell back and rested on the east bank of Cub Run. Out of one hundred men with which the Second entered the engagement, two were killed, sixteen wounded, and six taken prisoners. Among the wounded was Colonel M'Candless, hit in the groin while gallantly leading his men in the thickest of the fight. Just before dark on the following day, the divison was sent out to relieve General Reno, at Cub Run, and took position on a range of hills covered with heavy woods, where the men rested on their arms, undisturbed by the enemy. On the following day the command marched back to Centreville, passing long lines of ambulances and army wagons, on their way to the field for the wounded. A little before sunset of September 1st, just as the division had passed Chantilly, the enemy made a furious attack upon the rear, and the Reserves were put in position in a large open field, the shot and shell falling thick and fast amongst 584 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE 1862 them, but doing little harm. In the midst of a thunder storm tne battle was fought, but darkness soon terminated the conflict. Captain Reitzel, with company G, having been left upon the Peninsula to march down with the wagon train, rejoined the regiment on the 6th of September. On the same day the command startefd on the Maryland campaign, and crossing the Long Bridge and passing through Mechanicsville and New Market, arrived on the 15th in the neighborhood of Frederick, where M'Clellan's Army was principally concentrated. On the morning of the 14th the left wing of Reno's Corps engaged the enemy at Turner's Gap on the ShaIrpsburg road. At the same time General Hooker advanced on the Old Hagerstown road and while moving along the base of the mountains was opened upon by several pieces of artillery. General Seymour, whose brigade occupied the extreme right, deployed the Bucktails as skirmishers, with the Second Regiment about fifty yards in their rear as a support. Advancing up the first acclivities, they soon became engaged and succeeded in driving the enemy from a farm house where considerable resistance was made. Here the two regiments became mingled and were not again fully separated. The enemy was driven a considerable distance until coming. to a stone wall at the immediate base of the mountains, he clung to it with great tenacity, making a stubborn resistance; but the impetuosity and determination of these regiments carried them over it. The ground was very difficult, the mountain side being obstructed by stone walls, rocks and timber from behind which the enemy, in lines and squads, kept up an incessant fire. All order and regularity of the lines were soon destroyed. From wall and rock the enemy was driven, until the summit was reached and the loud cheer of victory rising from the crest, rolled down the mountain side carrying dismay to the hearts of the vanquished. The triumph was complete, and during the night the enemy retreated leaving his dead and wounded in the hands of the victors. The loss in the regiment was seven killed and ten wounded The enemy had now fallen back and taken up a strong position stretching across the angle formed by the Potomac and the Antietam, his flanks and rear protected by these streams. It was three o'clock in the afternoon of the 16th, when the Reserves, followed by the division of Ricketts and Doubleday, crossed the Antietiam at a ford and at the upper bridge, and advanced to attack, and if possible turn the left flank of the enemy. The artillery soon opened, and the infantry drove the enemy from the first strip of woods over the fields to the second, the battle lasting until eight o'clock in the evening, the Reserves resting upon their arms, the Second supporting-Cooper's Battery. At two o'clock on the following morning the Bucktails opened the second day's fight as they had the first. Getting short of ammunition the Second was sent to relieve them, arriving just in the grey of the morning. Deploying they crept stealthily to their position, and opened a heavy fire upon the enemy, both parties maintaining their positions. Soon after the whole corps came up, and the battle opened in earnest. Upon the repulse of Sedgwick on the right, the battle in front became more desperate. Already had Captain Mealy been taken from the field severely wounded, and Lieutenant Wimpfheimer had fallen. -The regiment to the right of the Second had given way, and the enemy pressing hard had forced back its right flank, and, notwithstanding the gallantry of officers and bravery of the men, it was finally overpowered by superior numbers and forced back after six hours of hard fighting. The batteries of the Reserves were now pushed forward and opened with case 1862 BATTLES OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN AND ANTIETAM. 585 shot and canister that swept back the advancing foe, when the Second, with the division, charged with loud cheers over the ploughed field into the cornfield and the woods beyond. With varied fortunes the battle raged in its front, when the line, after having been again for nearly four hours under a murderous fire, was forced back by the weight of the enemy's attack. The ammunition being nearly expended, the regiment took position immediately below the crest of the heights on which they had so gallantly fought. The Second entered this battle with one hundred and seventy-one rank and file. Of this number six were killed and twenty wounded. Colonel M'Candless, Lieutenant Colonel Woodward and Major Neide being absent on account of wounds, the regiment was led in the last two engagements by Captain Byrnes. On the 26th of September, the regiment broke camp, crossing the Potomac near Berlin, and passing through Middleburg and White Plains to the gap between Water and Pig Nut Mountains in the neighborhood of Warrenton, it was deployed as skirmishers, companies A, B and H, under Captain M'Donougb, to the right of the road, D, E and G, under Major Neide, to the left, C and K as a reserve, following close in the rear. Advancing rapidly through dense underbrush over the crest of the mountains, they re-ilited beyond the gap, the way being found clear of the enemy. On the 10th of November the regiment was called out to bid farewell to General M'Clellan, who had been relieved and superseded by General Burnside. On the 16th General Seymour, at his own request, was relieved of the command of the First Brigade, and was succeeded by Colonel William Sinclair, of the Sixth Reserves. Soon afterwards the regiment marched through Stafford Court House to Brooks' Station, on the Acquia Creek and Fredericksburg railroad, where it went into camp. On the 25th Major Neide resigned on account of disability, occasioned by wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads. On the morning of the 8th the regiment broke camp and moved to the neighborhood of White Oak Church, where the men received each, sixty rounds of cartridges. Preparations having been perfectedfor delivering a general battle, an attempt was made on the 11th to lay six pontoon bridges across the Rappahannock, four opposite the town of Fredericksburg, and two lower down. The enemy's sharp-shooters rendering the attempt futile, the town was bombarded and set on fire in various places; but not until the infantry crossed in boats and drove out the sharp-shooters could the bridges be completed. Of this party was Joseph Kline, a boy of sixteen, of company C, who could not resist the temptation to join it. He captured, before returning, a Mississippi rifle and accoutrements from a rebel whom he killed. Early on the 12th the regiment marched to the lower bridge, and crossing, formed in line of battle on the elevated plateau where the whole of Franklin's Grand Division was drawn up with artillery and cavalry posted. The Bucktails were ordered to the extreme left, and the Second was sent to occupy the buildings and out-houses at Smithfield, and to hold the bridge across Deep rmn. Early on the morning of the 13th, the enemy threw out foot and mounted skirmishers on our left, and Colonel M'Candless ordered companies B, Captain M'Donough, and H, Captain Mealey, to the support of the Bucktails, following hard upon with the balance of his regiment. Soon afterwards the entire division moved forward and formed the first line of battle, with Gibbon's Division on the right. Scarcely had the dispositions been made when the enemy opened with artillery. Until twelve M. the Reserves had been lying under a terrific fire 74 586. iTHIRTY-FIRST RiEGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1863 of round shot and shell, when the order to advance was given and received with loud cheers, the First Brigade, advancing over the field into the woods, and driving the enemy before them. Having passed through a severe flanking fire from a rifle pit which lined the base of the woods, the regiment crossed the railroad and drove the enemy from behind the embankments, and then making a half wheel to the left, gained the rear of the pit and poured into its occupants a most destructive fire. Hemmed in on all sides, they neither gave token of surrender nor attempted defense, while it was difficult to stop the firing of our men. At length Adjutant Woodward, sheathing his sword, with cap hi hand, advanced between the two lines and asked them if they "wished to fight or strrender." I We will surrender if you will allow us," was the reply. Over three hundred laid down their arms and surrendered, while at least one hundred lay dead or wounded in the pit. It was the Nineteenth Georgia Infantry. The brigade now pressed vigorously on and continued cdiving the enemy back, until the crest of the heights was gained, and the enemy's rear, but having no support, the foe swarming out on all sides and bearing down upon this small force, it was compelled to yield. Through the succeeding day and night there was considerable picket firing, and on Monday a flag of truce was agreed upon to bring off the wounded and bury the dead. On Monday night, soon after dark, the regiment was ordered under arms, and, leaving the camp fires brightly burning, moved slowly and noiselessly towards the liver, and crossed on muffled pontoons. Colonel Sinclair having been severely wounded, the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel M'Candless, and that of the regiment upon Captain Mealey. The regiment went into the engagement with one hundred and ninety-five muskets. The loss was seven killed, twenty-eight wounded and four taken prisoners. Charles Upjohn, of company K, captured the flag of the Nineteenth Georgia. Color Sergeant William Derr was shot on the plateau while crossing a fence, and Colonel M'Candless ordered two of his men to carry him to the rear, but he refused to permit them, telling them to " take the flag and go on." Before advancing to the charge and while the men were lying upon the ground exposed to a hot fire of artillery, the flag staff was cut in two by a round shot. Jumping to their feet the men gave three cheers and then laid down again. After the battle of Fredericksburg, the Reserves participated in the movements of the army until the 5th of February, when a telegram was received from General Doubleday, division commander, stating that in consideration of the arduous and gallant services of the Reserves, they were to be withdrawn to the neighborhood of Washington, to rest and recruit. The Second was not, therefore, engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville, but still enjoyed little rest, being constantly employed on picket and guard duty, even more arduous than before. At Union Mills, on the 8th of March, Captain John M. Clark, with sixty men, company F, which had been detailed to duty with the artillery, rejoined the regiment. Colonel Sinclair, commanding the brigade, resigned the Colonelcy of the Sixth Reserves to take command of a battery of horse artillery, and was succeeded in command of the brigade by Colonel MCandless. Lieutenant Colonel Woodward assumed command of the regiment. On the 15th, long trains of ambulances, wagons, and the reserve artillery of the Army of the Potomac, passed by the camp of the Second, and on the same day General Hooker and staff, and towards night the Twelfth Army Corps. On the 17th, the main body and the rear guard of the army arrived, and rest 1863 tATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 587 ing a night and a part of a day near by, moved on into Maryland. To see the whole army marching to meet the enemy on Pennsylvania soi, and be obliged to remain behind, was too mortifying for Pennsylvanians to bear. Officers were, accordingly, sent to Washington to intercede for marching orders, and on the 17th, the following communication, signed by the field and line officers was addressed to Colonel MiCandless, who forwarded it through the proper channels to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army. HEADQUARTERB 2D REGT, INFANTRY, P. BR. V. C.. FAIRFAX STATION, VA., June 17, 1863. To Colonel WrLLnTA M'CANDLESS, Commandling irst Brigade: We, the undersigned, officers of the Second Regiment, Infantry, Pennsylvania Reserve Volunteer Corps, having learned that our mother State has been invaded by a confederate force, respectfully ask that you will, if it be in your power, have us ordered within the borders of our State, for her defense. Under MICall, Reynolds, Meade, Seymour, Sinclair, and yourself, we have more than once met and fought the enemy, when he was at home. We now wish to meet him again when he threatens our homes, our families and our firesides. Could our wish in this behalf be realized, we feel confident that we could do some service to the State that sent us to the field, and not diminish, if we could not increase, the lustre that -attaches to our name. On the 25th, orders to march were received, and the First Brigade together with the Third was attached to the Fifth Corps, commanded by General Meade, and subsequently commanded by General Sykes. On the 2d of July the regiment reached the battle-field, and at five o'clock in the afternoon, at a critical period in the fortunes of the day, when the broken ranks of the Third Corps, and its supports, were falling back, overborne by the masses of the enemy, the First Brigade was ordered forward. Already had the advancing foe approached within fifty paces of the brow of Little Round Top. Starting forward with a shout, and delivering a solid volley as they went, they crossed the marshy open space in front, cleared the rocky face of the slope beyond:and halted not until they reached the stone wall bordering the skirt of woods, where the enemy made a last desperate rally. After the last grand charge of the enemy on. our left centre, on the afternoon of the third day, his sharp-shooters with a battery in the immediate front of the Reserves, became very troublesome. M'Candless was ordered to silence, or capture them. The Bucktails, First, Second.and Eleventh, crossed the wall and advanced through the woods to an open field, now waiving with golden grain, while Colonel Ent of the Sixth crept cautiously up to the battery which he stormed and captured. When the Sixth was fairly engaged, Colonel iM'Candless, with the balance of his brigade, which, after attracting the atteation of the enemy and drawing his fire had dropped upon the ground, now moved by the right flank, and filing left formed in line of battle in a woods at right angles with the stone wall, and deploying skirmishers to the front, right and left, charged on double quick over the field for half a mile, receiving the enemy's fire from the woods on three sides. Half wheeling to the right and pouring a few volleys into the woods, they charged up to the crest. Halting for a few moments, they faced about, wheeled the line a little to the right and charged through the woods in their rear, through the meadow, and up over the steep aclivity on the opposite side, taking the enemy in flank, driving them 588 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. 1864 in confusion, and penetrating far into their lines The trophies of this brilliant raid, besides the captures of the Sixth, were six thousand stand of arms, the flag of the Fifteenth Georgia, and three hundred prisoners, including a Colonel and many line officers. The ground of the previous day's fight was retrieved, and with it the wounded who had lain where they fell, suffering the pangs of many deaths. The Second Regiment went into battle with one hundred and forty-seven men, and lost ten killed and thirty wounded. It was led by Captain Smith of company K. Lee having retreated to the Potomac, the Fifth Corpa advanced along the South Mountain, and crossing, approached the outposts of the enemy near the Sharpsburg and Hagerstown pike, where the Second and five companies of the Fifth, all under Colonel Woodward, were sent out on picket. On the following morning, Sunday, companies C and H, Captains Byres and Mealey were sent to occupy a piece of heavy timber in advance and-to the left, in close proximity to the enemy's picket pits. Considerable firing took place but without loss to the regiment, and on the following night the rebel army made its escape across the Potomac. On the 1st of September, Lieutenant Colonel Woodward was transferred to the Invalid Corps, on account of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, and was succeeded in command of the regiment by Major M'Donough, who was soon after commissioned Lieutenant Colonel and Captain R. Ellis, Major. In the operations of the Army of the Potomac, in its advance to Warrenton, its retreat to Centreville, and its advance again to Mine Run, the regiment shared in the hardships of the campaign, losing two wounded and one prisoner at Bristoe Station; one killed at New Hope Church; one wounded and one prisoner at Mine Run; one wounded at Bristoe Station, January 24th; one killed at Bistoe Station, March 27, 1864. The Wilderness campaign, under Grant, opened on the 4th of May, the army crossing the Rapidan and moving by the right flank of the rebel army, posted at Orange Court House, ten miles away. Companies A, D, E and H, under Captain Mealey, were detailed, with a like number of the Sixth, as train and ambulance guard, and did not rejoin the main body until the 11th. In the formation of the line of the army, Sedgwick held the right. Soon after getting into position, the enemy's skirmishers were discovered in front with their main force on our right. General Crawford detached the Second, Seventh and Eleventh regiments of the brigade, and ordered M'Candless to move upon the enemy. Filing to the right, the column advanced, driving him in upon Wadsworth's Division, already hard pressed. Here a stubborn resistance was made, and M'Candless, seeing the critical position of Wadsworth, ordered a charge, heading it in person. The enemy was broken and driven from his position, but such was the impetuosity of the charge, that most of the brigade staff, Captain Byrnes, and many others were captured. The term of service of these captives had nearly expired; but for ten months they were confined in rebel prison! pens, being driven about from point to point, to elude the grasp of Sherman, and for a time, under fire at Charleston. The loss in the three days of fighting was one killed, three wounded and six taken prisoners. In the movement upon Spottsylvania Court House, the Second regiment being on picket, did not move with the main body of the army. During the afternoon of the 7th, a sprinkling fire was kept up in which Captain Smith.Was slightly wounded. During the night it quietly withdrew, and marching to the battle-field, about 1864 BATTLE OF SHADY GROVE CHURCH. 589 fifteen miles distant, was under fire at 2 P. M., of the 8th. On the morning of the 10th, the battle opened with a sharp cannonade, and the Second was engaged in constructing rifle pits, and afterwards was placed on picket. About noon the enemy in front became restive, and a spirited skirmish opened which lasted until dark. At one A. M., of the 12th, the regiment moved into rifle pits, and at daybreak a heavy artillery duel opened, in which the enemy's guns were silenced. As soon as the firing ceased, the infantry was ordered to charge, and leaping the rifle-pits they passed through the valley and up to the enemy's breast-works, but were driven back; again they returned and held their position until relieved. In the several engagements around Spottsylvania, of the 8th, 10th and 12th, the loss was nine killed, nine wounded and two taken prisoners. Of the wounded was Colonel M^Candless. At Guiney Station, on the 21st, the regiment was again under fire, but did not become engaged and had no casualties. At the North Anna, on the 23d, the enemy was met in force, and after the usual shelling, his lines advanced to the charge, but were signally repulsed, the division taking over four hundred prisoners. On the 25th the three years' term of service of the regiment expired, and General Crawford put the question to the men, whether they would go home alone or remain until the 31st, when the other regiments of the division would be relieved. They unanimously decided to remain. Re-crossing the North Anna, the regiment moved with the division, and on the 28th crossed the Pamunky. About two o'clock of the 30th, near Shady Grove Church, the enemy's skirmishers were met. It was about this hour of the day, and at this place, that the enemy were met under similar circumstances just before the battle of Mechanicsville, three years before, the first battle in which the regiment was engaged. Forming in a favorable position, breast-works were thrown up, the Second being posted to hold a wood to the left and rear of the division. The enemy advanced with confidence to the attack, but as their first line approached a fence and hedge a short distance in front of the rifle-pits of the regiment, a crashing musketry fire was opened upon them, while the artillery poured in canister and one-second-fuse shells. Those of the enemy not killed or wounded by the fire, threw themselves upon the ground and soon after surrendered. This, the last battle fought by the Reserve Corps, was participated in by the Second five days after its term of service had expired. Soon after it moved to Harrisburg, where it was honored by a public reception, and thence to Philadelphia, where similar honors awaited it, and where it was mustered out of service. 590 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMBENT-SECOND RESERVE, FTELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. William B. Mann... Col.... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned November 1, 1861. Wm. M'Candless.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Major to Lt. Col., Oct. 22, 1861-to Col., Aug. 1,'62-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62, and Wilderness, May 8, 1864 —mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Albert L. Magilton Lt. CoL June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Colonel 33d reg. P. V., Oct. 4, 1861. Geo. A. Woodward...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A to Maj., April 2,'62-to Lt. Col., Feb. 20,'63-wd. and prisoner at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-tr. to V. R. C., Aug. 24,'63-pr. to Colonel 22d reg. V. R. C. Patrick M'Donough...do....: May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. B to Major, Aug.,'62 —toLt. Col., Oct 28, 1863-to Bv Col., March 13, 1865 — mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Horace Neide......... Major.. May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A to Maj., Aug. 1,'62-disch. Nov.'25,'62, for wds. rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-Bv. Colonel, Mar. 13,'65. Richard Ellis......... do..... May 25,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. D to Maj., Oct. 28,'63-to Bv. Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Augustus T. Cross.. Adj..... May 25,'61, 3 Promotedfrom Sergeant Majorto Adjutant, April 2, 1862-killed at Antietam, Sept. 16, 1862. Evan M. Woodward...do... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt. Maj., April 2, 1862-to Adj., Sept. 18,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate Sept.22,'63. John L. Rhoads........do.... Mar. 20,'62, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. Co. G to Adj., Sept. 23, 1863-to Brevet Captain, March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Charles F. Hoyt...... Q. M... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. G to Q. M., March 17, 1862to A. Q. M., U. S. Volunteers, July 1, 1862. William A. Hoyt.... Aug.,'61, 3 Promoted from Corn. Sgt. to Q, M., Jan. 6,1863mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Thomas B. Reed..... Surg... July 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Surgeon U. S. Vols., April 20, 1862. Edward Donnelly.......do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pr. from Asst. Surg. 34th reg. P. V. to Surgeon, April 28, 1862 —captured at Wilderness, May 5,'64-mustered out with regiment, June 16,'64brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865. John W. Lodge.....As.Sur. June 6,'61, 3 Resigned December 5, 1861. John Malone.............. do..Jan. 7,'62, 3 Pr. to Surgeon 71st regiment P. V., Oct. 15, 1862. Amos G. Coleman...........Aug. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. D. W. Bashore.......... do.. Sept. 13,'62, 3 Discharged November 22, 1862. Evan O. Jackson.......d.. Dec. 17,'62, 3 Died August 4, 1863. A. M. K. Storrie..... Sr. Maj Oct. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company A, 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. John L. Benson...... Q.M.S. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company G, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Geo. W. Fernon......Com. Sr May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from private company C, July 1,'62mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Edward Norsain.....Hos. St. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged October 31, 1862. George J. Brittian......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 1,'62l__________ _mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. BEGIMENTAL BAND. Josiah Wagner...... P Muc Sept. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.-date unknown. Wm. Eo M. Pettee.....do..........................3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Blare, GlendoreM..I Muc...................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Conway, Chas............do..... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Fox, Matthias H........do.................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant.. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Ios. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Ba. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain., Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 591 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAMI.. RANK. ^^^ g^^ ^ REMARKS. INTO SERVICE l tFJohnson, Holphin V Muc......................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Longaker,-Davis...... do..................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Overholtzer, D. J,.....do.:....................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Pettee, Herbert.........do..................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Riley, Christian F......do.................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Snyder, William H...do.....................3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Todd, Charles W. B...do.......................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Todd, Samuel M....... do........... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Vanderslice,. L......do.......................... Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. Wagner, Josiah.........do....................... 3 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA. Geo. A. Woodward Capt..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, April 2, 1862. Horace Neide........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt. and Adj., Dec. 12, 1861-to Capt. April 2, 1862-to Major, Aug. 1, 1862-wounded and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Daniel H. Conners...do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 13, 1861-to 1st. Lt., April 3, 1862-to Capt., Aug. 3, 1862wounded at Mechanicsville 2d Bull Run and Mine Run-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864-brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Rob't H. Lowden... 1st Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Resigned December 12, 1861. John J. Ross........... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st.Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 13, 1861to 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862-brevet Capt., March 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. Daniel Craig...........2d Lt.. May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862, and at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-pr. to 2d Lt. May 2, 1863-brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. George F. Buchler.. 1st Sgt. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-to 1st Sgt., May 2, 1863 —mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. Joseph Van Osten... Sergt.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Dec., 1862 —mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. James Lynch.....do.... May 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. August 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec., 1862-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. George Drew.............do... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 12, 1861-to Sgt., May 2, 1863-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. Wm. F. Huplet.........d..i.. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Albert G. S. Barton...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1861-to Sgt., )ec. 12, 1862-to Hospital Steward-wd. at Antietam. Isaac C. Sharpe........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 12,'61-wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill,June 27, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November, 1862. George Fowler.......d...do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 12, 1861-wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November, 1862. William Aiken........do.. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 2, 1863-to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1863-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Geo. W. Chambers.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. William Wood.......... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted May, 1862. George Rositer........ Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 2, 1863-absent, sick, at muster out. Lambert Lonshore....... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Jacob Lugend........ May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 12, 1861-wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Charles Day..............do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 12, 1861-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Isaiah M'Cauley........d..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 12, 1861-killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Michael Brough.............o May 25,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-pr. to Cor., May 2, 1863-tr. to company B, 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Jacob M'Dougal....... do..... May 25,'61, 13 Deserted July, 1861. 592 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT —SECOND RESERVE, K.INTO SERVICE. 1 REMARKS. James F. Lewis..... Corp... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 2,'63-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. John Clingman...... Mu.... May 25,'61, 3 On detached duty at muster out. John Burns.............. do.... May 27,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Armstrong, John... Private May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-discharged to enlist in the United States Army-date unknown. Bright, Andrew J.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Brooks, James M......do..... Nov. 9,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brown, Charles.........do......................... 3 Died Jan. 31, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Callely, William.......do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Cockrell, James.........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Craig, David..............do... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'61. Drain, William J.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62-mustered out with company, June 16,'64. Drain, Samuel..........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Devine, Charles.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Ettinger, William J...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Goldey, Joseph.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 31, 1861. Gray, Leander...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March, 1862. Gray, Joseph............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Goebell, Daniel.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., April, 1862. Graham, George.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Bristoe Station, Oct. 13, 1863-trans. ferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Graham, Stuart.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Graham, Joseph........do.... July 11,'62, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 28, 1862. Gamble, Jacob E.......do.................. 3 Died July 24, 1862. Harrison, John.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Captured at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Haney, John............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Captured at Gaines' Mill, June 17,1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, November, 1862. Hoff, William.........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov., 1862. Hibbard, Freder'k....do.... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov., 1862. Holmes, William.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died at Bristoe Station, Va., April 12, 1862. Hess, William...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., September, 1861. Hay, John..........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Hill, Stephen......... do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted May, 1863. Haden, James..........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1861. Jeffries,Richard, Jr...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Jeffries,Richard, Sr...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Jamison, Williami.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1863-returned-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Kernan, John...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, Mar., 1863. Kirkwood, Robert....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan., 1864. Kemper, John........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Kenney, Raphael......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1863. Koons, Corneilus......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1861. King, William...........do.....Nov. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lukens, John......... do.... May 27,'61, 3 Drowned at Alexandria, Va., February, 1863. Large, Elmer...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Leatherberry, E......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 186 —Vet. Miller, John.............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mann, Wesley..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,1861. M'Gran, James..... M...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-mus. out with company, June 16,'64. M'Callins, John.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown, Md., September, 1862. Neide, Carroll........do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Price, James.............do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Pierce, Thomas.........do.... No;. 9,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Quiglev, Albert.........do..... May 25,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Rowbotham, Wm.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Sayers, Matthew........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Sheetz, William........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864, Shoenewall, Wm.......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862 and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Searins, Theodore......do..... May 25,'61, 3 On detached duty at muster out. Stuart, Henry............do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20,'61. Sweeney, John..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'63. Smith, Robert............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June'30,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 593 NAME. R.M ARS. RANEK. IDATE OF MUSTER IS. W. NAME. ITO SERVICE... Scott, Charles E...Private May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Trexler, David........ July 23, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Townsend, Edward...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted August 19, 1862. Wade, John...............do..... May 27, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. West, James........... dol..... May 25,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in U. S. Army-date unknown. Wolfe, Charles,.........do.....May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Williams, John........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Williams, Benj. F......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted Sept. 14,1862-returped-absent, in ar _____________rest, at muster out. COMPANY B.* RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. Patrick M'Donough Capt.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Major 31st reg. P. V., Aug. 1, 1862. John H. Jack..........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run-pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt.,'<^~~~~~ ~~~July 1,'63-tr. to Co. A, 186th regiment P. V. John D. Schock...... 1st Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. James C. Manton......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-promoted from Second Lieutenant, July 2, 1863-died January 13, 1864. John Cullin.........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Pr. toSgt.-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Dec. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., Feb. 6, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V. John J. Gill........... 2d Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. G. Henry Zeigler.... 1st Sgt.. Oct 29,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-promoted to 2d Lieutenant 22d regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. RichardP. Dillon... Serg't.. Oct. 29, 61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain-transferred to 1,ompany B, 191st regiment P. V. Thomas Stanton........do.....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'62. James M'Iale..........do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Alex. H. Brown........do..Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Dennis Maguire............ Oct. 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, Feb. 18,1862-wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62-disch. Mar.,'64. A. Louis Schultz........do.....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Promotedfrom Corporalto Sergeant-transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. John M'Donough......do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Thos. Fitzsimmons...do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Samuel H. Garvin... Corp... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Disch. Oc. 26,'62,forwds. received at2d Bull Run. John Wilson, Jr..........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Wm. M'Clintock........do.....Jan. 22,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. A. M. K. Storrie.......do.... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 18, 1862-to Sergeant Major, January 1, 1864-Vet. Samuel W. Ryan....do.... Oct 61 W. at Gettysburg and Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-tr. to Co. B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Tahomas O'Connor.......do..... Oct. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st reg. P. V. —Vet. T homas M'Fall.......O....do.Oct. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term, James Loftus........ Muc.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. 3dwin A. Snyder......do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Tr. to company-A, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Brown, James......... Private Oct. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Brown, Robert.... do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Burk, John.............do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Burns, Thomas........do.....Oct. 29'61, 3 Killedat Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Bozenhart, Jonas....do.... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'62. Barrett, Ed.....do......................Died May 28, 1863-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Bailey, J. L..............do......................... Died July 1, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Carney, Luke............do.... Oct. 29,;61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 28, 1862. Carr, John.............do.... Oct. 29,'61, 8 Discharged September 29, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill. Cox, Michael............do... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Feb. 17, 1862. Crawford, William....do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Wd.-tr. to company B, 191st reg. P. V.-Vet. Cullin, Peter........... do.... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out at expiration of term. * There being no muster-o0t rolls of companies B, F and G on file in the office of the Adjutant General of the State, thp record of these companies has been made chiefly from "Our Campaigns," compising a history of the Second Regiment, by Major E. M. Woodward. 75 594 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND PESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER. INTO SERVICE. RMAR]S. Curry, Owen.......... Private Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'62. Cox, Christopher.......do... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Crouthers, Joseph.....do... Oct. 2961, 3 Deserte-date unknown. Coleman, Wm. H.....do... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Cain, William D.......do.....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Darragh, William......do..... Jan.. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Davis, Garret R..........d..... Oct. 29,'61, 3Transferred to company B, 191st reg. P. V.-Vet. Dillon, John P...........do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,1863. Deegan, James.........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 9, 1862. Donlin, John.............do..... Oct. 39,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,1862-absent at muster out. Donnelly, John.........do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to U. S. Artillery-date unknown. Davis, Robert M.......do..... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-transferred to Co. B, 191st regiment P. V. Elliott, John.............do..Oct. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Eberle, Jacob..........do........................ Died December 16, 1861-buried in MilitaryAsy. lum Cemetery, D. C. Fitzsimmons, Jas......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Fitzsimmons, Thos...do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt. company B, 191st reg. P. V. Friel, James............. do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17, 1862. Fadden, Patrick.......do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam,September 17,1862-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Forsyth, James.........do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Gillespie, James........do.. Oct. 29,'61, 3 Died October 11, 1862-buriedin Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Gilloly, John.............do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Gillette, Ignatz.........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Hagan, John.............do... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg and captured at Mine Run. Hagan, Michael.......do.... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Harding, Charles.......do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hart, John...............do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,1862. Harton, Daniel.......do....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Johnson, Peter..........do........................ Died October 21, 1864-buried at Philadelphia. Keener, Jacob..........do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Kenny, William.......do...... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, 191streg. P. V.-Vet. Kettler, John...........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Keely, Patrick...........do..... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-no further record. Kilcher, John.........do.......................... Died August 25, 1862-bu. at Point Lookout, Md. Kneerison, E. C.........do....................... Died June 17, 1862-buried at Portsmouth, Va. Lafferty, James.........do..... Sept. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Larkins, George.......do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Laughlin, George......do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company B. 191st reg. P. V.-Vet. Lyttle, Thomas......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Montgomery,Hugh...do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. May, John P..............do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Melville, Cornelius...do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Maguire, Owen.........do..... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Molloy, George..........do.....Nov. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,1862-discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Monaghan, Corne's...do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Moore, John B..........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V. Moore, William.........do.....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Murphy, Edward.......do.. Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Mu.rphy, James.........do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 31, 1862. M'Dowell, Wm.......do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg-transferred to Co. B, 191st regiment, P. V. M'Conaghy, John......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Dermott, Patrick...do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. M'Fadden,Timothy...do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Ginley, Charles.....do.... Oct..29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,1862. M'Hugh, William......do.....Oct.:29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1863. M'Mullin, Thomp'n...do..... Oct. 29,.'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Dowell, John..... do..... Sept.30, 62, Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Meester, Anthony......do..... Sept. 14, /62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Montague, John.......do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to company H, 31st regiment P. V. M'Caffrey, Francis...do.......................... Died July 20, 1863-buried at Philadelphia. ReiUy, Hugh............do..... Oct..3,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Reed, Thomas...........do.....,ct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Rogerson, Thomas.....do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged 6n Surg. certificate-date unknown. Beed, James................ Sept. 26,?62, 3 Transferred to oomp.ay B, 191st regiment P. V. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 595 W NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Rickards,Augustus Private Jan. 22,'62, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-deserted-date unknown. Shaw, John.............do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-tr. to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Sipple, Joseph...........do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Tr. to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Smith, Peter.............do.....Oct. 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Stewart, John..........do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Toomey, William......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Died June 3, 1862-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 36. Timlin, John...........do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Walls, John..............do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Captured at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. West, Job.................do.....Oct. 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. White, Richard.........do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Died June 27, 1863 —buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Wilson, John, Sr......do..... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 191st regiment P. V. —Vet. Whartenby, W. H.....do..... June 8,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Wallace, William....do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown COMPANY 0. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. James N. Byrnes.... Capt..... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-mustered out Mar. 12, 1865-brevet Major, Mar. 13,'65. John B. Robinson... 1st Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, 2d Bull Run and Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-mus. out with Co., June 16, 1864-brevet Capt., Mar. 13, 1865. Francis Fox........... 2d Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. J. R. Nightingale...d...d... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Andrew Casey...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863-to 2d Lt., May 9, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Michael Crowley.... 1st Sgt. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-pr. to 1st Sgt., May 9, 1863-mis. at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Henry Moore......... Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill and 2d Bull Runmustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Robert Ferguson.....d..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 5, 1862-wd. at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. George C. Barton......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 20, 1862-promoted to Sgt., June, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Dennis O'Brien..........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. William M'Keegan...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Edward V. M'Kee.. Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863-mus. tered out with company, June 16, 1864. E. C. Concannon........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 5, 1862-wd. at 2d Bull Run-tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 10, 1863. Wm. H. Nolan.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 10, 1862-wd. at Gettysburg-tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Asher S. M'Cully......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 10, 1862-captured at at Charles City Cross Roads-wd. at Fredericksburg-absent, sick, at muster out. Jas. A. Thompson......do... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. John Morris...............do..July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Thomas I. Woods......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 21, 1862. Joseph G. Kline.........do.... Feb. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Archibald M'Cann.....do.... April 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. William Derr....d..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Josiah Wagner....... Muc.. Sept. 25,'62, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Feb. 1, 1863. Axe, Frederick......Private Feb. 4,'62, 3 Discharged December 10, 1862, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. Conroy, John.....do. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged December. 23, 1862, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. Caldwell, Matthew...do..... May 27,'61, 8 Discharged December 10, 1862, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. 596 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVIE NAMR. RANK DATE OF MUSTER RI B ARS. INTO SERVICE. EMARKS. Carroll, Thomas..... Private May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Cranshaw, John........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Cush, William...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Carr, James.............do..... May 27, 61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1861. Carrigan, John..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1863. Dolan, John........ o.....do July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Derlin, John.............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Dain, Thomas A.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Aug. 8,'61. DuVal, George,........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. Derlin, Charles........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Erford' Adam...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Ferguson, John.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Fredericks, Reub'n....do..... May 27,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62, Fernon, Geo. W.........do....May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Commisary Sergeant, July 1, 1862. Goffigan, John..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Gillon, Hugh...... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads and Fredericksburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Gaff, William F........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 21,'63. Goodwin, August G...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862 Green, Thomas B......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Harris,, George........do.... July 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-discharged to enlist in battery M2d United States Artillery. Hess, William....... do.... April 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864, Huber, William L...do. May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Kane, Michael.........do:..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Keefe, William.......do.... May 27, 61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Kelly, Michael........do.....May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out June 1, 1864-expiration of term. Keefe, Lawrence...do May 27,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Loage, Edward........ do..... July 16,'61, 3 Wounded at. Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Lawson, James.........do... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'63. Iathrop, Joseph......do.... July 22,'6, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross. Roads, June 30,'62 — absent, in hospital, at muster out. Miller, William.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Mack, John..... d..... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. Murphy, John.......do May 7,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill-discharged on Sur-.'Jan. - 4' geon's certificate, December-29,1862. Moore, Edward........do...Jan. 4,'64 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. M'ain, William......do..... May 27,'1, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Call, James...........do...... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. M oDowell, Edward...do May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Nightingale, Jos........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1862, at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Nickert, Win. A........do... Feb. 7,'62, 3'Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62missing at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. O'Neill, Henry........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-'~....:mustered out with company, June 13,. 1864. O'Donoughue, T.......d....... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Picket, Michael......... do..... M 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 31,'62, Powers, Martin........ do..... May 27,'61, 3' Deserted July 26, 1861. Ryan, John J.............do ay 7,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Scarlet, Howard.......do.. May 22, 61,3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Simpkins, Louis.......do..... May 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Seganthall, George...do. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged November 20, 18621 to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery. Schreares, Francis....do... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6,'62, Scanlan, Charles.......do May 27,'61, 3 Discharged January 10, 1863, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. Smith, Aaron...........do.. April 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6, 1863 Strump, Charles.......do... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Smith, John T..........do May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1863. Tooney, James........do..... May 27,'61, Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Van Hook, Ed. M.......do..May 27,.'i, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 18f1. Wright, John..........do.. April 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25.18633 Ward, Thomas.........do.,... May 22,'61, 3 Died March 19, 1863, at Philadelphia, of woutid. received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Waters, Michael........do... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 597; COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. - NAME. RANK. RE ARKBS. INTO SERVICE.'I — _______________________________________ Richard Ellis......... Captain May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, October 28, 1863. Thomas Canavan......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 8, 1861-to 1st Lt., May 9, 1863-to Capt., Nov. 11, 1863-to brevet Major, March 13, 1865-wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. John Curley........... st Lt... May 25,'61, 3 Resigned November 25, 1862. Robert R. Smith....d...do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., Feb. 18,'64-wounded at Antietam,Sept. 17, 1862-mus. out with company, June 16,'64. George Young........ 2d Lt... May 25,'61, 3 Resigned December 3, 1862. John S. Firth......... 1st Sgt. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., April 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt., May 8, 1863-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. John Grady........... Sergt.. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from private, Aug. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1862. Philip Young............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Samuel Hopkins....... do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 1, 1863-to Sgt., Feb. I, 1864-mustered out with company, June 16,'64. John Jones....... do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor, June 1, 1863-to Sgt. Feb. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 16,'64. William H. Dick........do.... May 25,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'63. David'S. Nuttall......do-... May 25,'61, 3 Died August 23, 1862. Edward Sherry.........do... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted December 8, 1862. Smith Barker......... Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1, 1862-wd. at Antietam, September 17, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. George Kendil........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 1, 1863-wd. at 2d Bull Run-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. John Sagee................do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863-musteredout with company, June 16, 1864. Jacob Kreiss..... do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mecbanicsville, June 26, 1862. William Connor...... Muc.... May 27,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, 1862. Alexander, Samuel Private May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Aitkins, George W.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Atkinson, Robert.....do..... April 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bogia, Frederick F...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Bouvier, William.....do.....May 25,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Barford, Joseph A......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Blight, Jacob S..........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27, 1862. Brines, Thomas J...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December, 1862. Brines, William.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Bassett, Samuel.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, October 15, 1862. Baker, Albert C.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, October 15, 1862. Burgoon, Andrew......do..... April 11,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Cope, Morris....... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Covert, Isaac............do..... May 25, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Clark, Gavin B.......do.....May 27,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Dec. 30, 1862. Covert, Isaac C..........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. Conklin, Henry M... do..... Aug. 8,'64, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Dooling, Jeremiah...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Dungan, Levi............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Davis, Louis............do.... Sept. 12,'62, 3Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Fisher, Joseph L.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Graham, Henry.........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Grey, Henry............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg —mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Gardner, Asa C.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'62. Glass, James......... do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, October 15, 1862. Higgins, Francis......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. 598 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMAS. IETO SEVICE. * Hamilton, William Private Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hockett, Thomas......do....July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Hughey, William......... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Harbison, James............. May 25,'61, 3 Died August 1, 1862. Haffey, Charles.........do.. July 20,'61 3 Drowned at Easton, Pa., July 23, 1861. Harberger, John........do.... May 25,'61 3 Deserted September 3, 1862. Houston, Marcus.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 3, 1862. Hilt, Aaron...............do.... April 15,'62, 3 Deserted December 8, 1862. Kelley, John.............do.... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Luckman, Edward...do... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Louer, James............do... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Laws, Anthony A......do... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1852-discharged October 24, 1862. Miller, Charles F....... do. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Mintzer, Andrew......do....Sept. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to. S. Navy-date unknown. Morgan, James D.....do. April 15,62, 3 Disch. to enlist in battery C, 5th United States Artillery, October 15, 1862. Maines, Jaes.........do...Sept. 17,'62, 3 DesertedDecember 19, 1862. M'Bride, John S........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Lean, William.....do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged November 7, 1862. M'Kinney, Sam'l L...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'62. M'Nainee, Joseph.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Cuen, Samuel........do.....July 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. Norris, Richard....... do May 27,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in battery C, 5th United States Artillery, October 15, 1862. O'Kane, James.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-deserted September 13, 1862. Palmer, John............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Sentenced by general court martial, Oct. 30,'63mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Parr, William N......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Peplow, Edward......., do..... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged January 8, 1862. Patterson, Amos............ May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Robinson, Benj.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Reily, John J...o... d...... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Smith, J. A. C. J.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Detailed as clerk in Quartermaster's Departinent, 1st Brigade, Penn'a Reserve Corps. Shubert, John........... do..... May 25,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Schoeber, Charles... do..... Feb. 22,'2,3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged December 11, 1862. Steele, Joseph.......... do... April 20,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Smith, Robert J........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Died near South Mountain, Md., Sept. 13, 1862. Tooney, James.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Thompson, William....do. May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Tozier, James............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Vorhess, Albert B......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864., Walters, Henry.........do.. May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Wence, William........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 16, 1864. Weller, William.......... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Whiteman, George...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Williams, James.......o..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 28,.1861. Whiteside, Major........ May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. White, Cyrus............do..... Aug. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA. John Orr Finie..... Capt.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-appointed Provost Marshal, Philadelphia, Oct. 6,'62-mus. out with company, June 16,'64. John B. Fletcher.... 1st Lt.. May 27,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1862, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. John Taylor.......... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st. Lt., May 9, 1863 —captured at Wilderness, May 5,1864-mustered out May 12, 1865-brevet Captain, Mar. 13, 1865. l...do....~ THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 599 NX. RANXK. DATE OF MUSTER _M. R.INTO SERVICE.. -.REMARKS Alexander Black... 2d Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Resigned October 25, 1862. Andrew M'Lean....do.... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., May 9,'63-Bv. 1st Lieutenant, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864 George H. Morrow.. 1st Sgt.. May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct., 1861-to 1st Sgt., May 9, 1863mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. James M'Cormick.. Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug., 1862-wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-nus. out with Co., June 16, 1864. John Reid...............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 18, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Wmi. Manhinney...d...do..... May 27, 61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 9, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. John Ringland.......... do May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. James Stewart..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged January 18, 1863. Robert F.erguson.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged May 24, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Michael M'Cauley.....do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. T. H. Humphries......do....; May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. William Prentice,.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died August 24, 1862, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Rob't Lensenmeyer...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died July 25, 1863, of wds. rec. at Gettysburg. James Wilson.......... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 6, 1862. James Nicholson..... Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Balthasar Steese........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-promoted to Corporal, September 1,'63mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. John C. Young.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged May 29, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Joseph Hill...............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'63. James Patton..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. William B. James.....do May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Thomas Smith.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Andrew.Beckett........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died July 21,'62, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Edward Booth..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. William M'Kechner...do.....May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. George Stewart.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died July 26, 1863, of wds. rec. at Gettysburg. John M'Laughlin... Muc.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25,'63. Aitkin, Julius C.... Private May 27,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 18, 1862, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Brown, Henry..........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged May 16, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Birini, George....j......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dee. 17,'62. Burns, William......d..d..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed atCharles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Catanach, John A......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged, to accept promotion, October 31,'62. Chandler, George......do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864. Collier, Thomas.........do... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Chandler, William..d...do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13'62deserted June 12, 1863. Cunningham, Jas.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1863. Detwiler, Leonard.....do... Sept. 20,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Dunlap, Samuel.........do... Mar. 30,'63, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Donnel, Robert......... do.... July 11,'61, 3Deserted August 12, 1861. Elder, Thomas.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Tet. Ferkler, Frank H......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Fry, Henry..............do.....Sept. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Grier, James..........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Grim, Christopher....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-disch. May 15, 1863, for wounds received in action. Graham, James.......do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Died July 4, 1862, of wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Hainiiton, Leslie W...do..... May 27,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Harvey, Cassius P.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged October 10, 1862. Howard, John......... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. HIenry, William.......do..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H.., May 12, 1864. King, Peter...............do.. Oct. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lindsay, Joseph H...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. 600 THIRTY-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE, NAE., RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. pi REMARKS. Lappin, John.......... Private May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Leight, Andrew M....do.. May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Leight, James H........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Laird, Samuel...........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28, 1862. Morrison, William.....do... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Markley, William......do... Sept. 10,'62, 1 3 Transferred to i9ist rlg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Morrison, James F.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864-Vet. Macklin, William......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Markey, Thomas.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1861. M'Adams, William...do..... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Call, Archibald.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 16, 1864. M'Farland, Wm........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded, and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June I 26, 1862-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Henry, Joseph.......do..... May 27,'61, 13 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Kinney, James......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'1862-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Michael, Wm........do.... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16,.1864. M'Allister, Arch'd.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Donald, Alex'r......do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. M'Donald, William...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1 1862-disch. on Surg. certificate, Aug. 30, 1862. M'Millan, Georger......do.... July 22,'61, 3 Disch. May 24, 1863, for wds. received in action. M'Garvey, Samuel.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Drowned in James river, August 16, 1862. M'Kelley, Gilbert...do... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. M'Cullen. Robert.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 6, 1861. Nelson, William........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Captured at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with i company, June 16, 1864. Patterson, Robert......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-captured at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863-died March 18, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 62. Potts, James.............do.....May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Query, John R...........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Died July 5, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Rodermal, Chris. A....do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Stewart, Samuel........do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,1863. Smith, Charles H.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,1863. Simpson, Joseph........do.....May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Shannon, Samuel......do.... Aug. 1, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Tweedle, John.......... do.....May 27,'61, 3 Deserted February 20, 1862. Tweedle, Edward......do..... July 22,'61, 3 Deserted August 23, 1862. Tweedle, William......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 23, 1862. Ward, Samuel...........do.... May 27,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Whelan, John............do..... July 22,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Wilson, John....d...... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Wallace, George M..do.... 27 6. 3Discharged on writ of habes corpus-minor. White, Calhoun.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Wilson, James W......do.... July 22,'61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1861. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN BLAIR AND HUNTINGDON COUNTIES. Thos. F. Bringhurst Capt.... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. John E. Barnacle....do..... May 14,'62, 3 Resigned-date unknown. John M. Clark..........do.. Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862-mustered out at expiration of term. George W. Kite..... 1st Lt... May 28,'81, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. Robert J. Clark........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Dec. 14, 1862-to 1st Lt., May 3, 1863 —wd. at Wilderness-died June 9, 1864. William Edwards.. 2d Lt... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. Isaac Mourer............ do..... May 14,'62, 3 Discharged November 24, 1862. William Ambrose.....do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt., May 1, 1863-transferred to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. James T. Moore...... 1st Sgt.. Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. William H. Wilgis.. Sergt..................... 3 Died November 16, 1862. Harrison Cressman...do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. James B. Reed..........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-transferred to company A, 191st, reg. P. V., June 6,'64. Thos. S. Coleman......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Charles'E. Laub........d..........3 Mustered out at expiration of term. THREERYEAR' SERVICE. 601 DATE OF MUSTER RMARS8 I NAMB. R ANK. John Smith;.......... Corp..'.Dec. 29,'63, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-tr., to company A, 191st regiment P.., June 6, 1864. Philip Kraft..... do.... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A,'191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. David Cassiday...do. Aug. 27,'61, 3 Wd. atSpottsylvania C.., May12,1862-tr. to company A, 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Christop'r Souders.. do Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Samuele A. Louder.....do... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at Bristoe Station, Oct. 14,'63r tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Win. B. Snyder.........do..... Aug. 27, 61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st:reg. P. V.,, June 6, 1864. Nicholas Huibert......do............3............ Mustered out at expiration of term. John Mace. Muc.................. 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Black, Samuel...... Private............ 3 Drowned in Rappahannock rivier, Sept. 3, 1863. Burns, John.............do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Bowman, Peter....do.... ug. 27, 1, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-transferred to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Bowman, Michael.,,..do..... Jan.1,'62, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Bressler, Mahlon H...do.... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864 —Vet. Brown, William........do.......................... Wounded at Gettysburg,,July 2,1863 —mustered out at expiration of term. Beatty, Oscar............do...,..................... 3 Discharged'on Surgeon's Certificate,'June 10,'62. Corf'elius, David.......do...... 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Carter, William B.....do.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Charters, Wm. i......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Cherry, Alfred....3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-bu. ~ ried on battle-field. Cornelius, Isaac....,.d..... Dec. 29,:'63, 3 Tr. to Co.'A, 191st:reg. P. V., June 6, 1864 —Vet. Curfman, Jos. C.......do..... April 4,'62, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64. Cassidy, Geo.W........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191streg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Decker, Wm. S,.....do.....Dec. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. DelanCy, Daniel........do..;.. Dec.: 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864 —Vet. Davis, JohnP...........do.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Figart, Andrew M.....do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Gehrett, Adam......do.................. 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-died May 17, 1864-bu. at Alexandria —grave, 1,891. Glunit, William C......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 8 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Green, Benjamin F,.do..... Sept. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Green, Martin...........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Hoover, John............do......................... 3 Wounded at Bristoe.Station, January 24, 1864discharged June 17,1864. Houck, Marshall.... do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-tr. to company A, 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Halsel, GeorgeJ........do.... Feb, 16,'64, 3 Captured May 10, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 1, 1864-grave, 4,488. Hollingshead, John...do...., Aug.' 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P.V.,, June 6, 1864. Hoffer,'Alexander.....do.................... 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-died July 22,'63. Hall, Adolphus.'............................. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 2,'62. f:opkins, Win. M...l...do..................... Mustered out at expiration of term. ~li~ndsay, William......do........................3 Killed at Bristoe Station, March 27, 1864. ~Labold, Joh~n...........do..3....................... 3 Captured at Mine Run, November, 1863 —mus. tered out at expiration of term. Maurer, Abraham....do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Moyer, George...,..do.................... 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-died July 26,'63. Moore, William.......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Murty, James T.......do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A, 191st reg.. P. V.,.June 6, 1864-Vet. Meadville, Joshua.....do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Phillips, Patrick.........do..........................3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Quarry, Alfred..........do..'.. Feb. 12,'64, 8 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Quarry, Levi.............do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. A, 191st reg. P.., June 6,.1864-Vet, Quarry, Michael.......do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Reid, William J.......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P, V., June 6, 1864.' ing, Charles P......do............. 3 DischargedonSurgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'6 Rutherford,: James....do..., Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Riggle, Martin A....,do...........3............ Wd. at Gettysburg, July 3,'63-died Aug. 19,'63. Riggleman, Jonath...do........................ Mustered'out at expiration of term. Shank, Nicholas........do......................... 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Stewart, Samuel B....do......................... 3 illed at Gettysburg, July 3,1863. Smith, Abraham L...do.......................3... Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10,'64. Sneath, Robert..........do..... Sept. 29, 683, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P.,V. June 6, 1864. Straitliff, John..........do.... Feb.:17,'64, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Shaner, William.......do..... Aug, 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191streg. P..V, June 6, 1864. Sherman, Robi'n T...do................. Wd. at Gettsburg, July 3, 63, and at Spottsyl vania C. H., May 12, 1864 —died June 38, 1864. Shaffer, Jonathan......doo.. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg.. P. V.,June 6, 1864. Steele, Louden........ d.. Dec.; 9,'63, 3 Tr..to Co. A, 191st'reg. P. V.,June 6, 1864-Vet. 76.. 602 TEHRITY-FIBt.G. l.-S.l.OD B. iESERVE, NrAME, RkA:NL "'~ DATE OF MUSTER i NAME. BRANKS.;.INTO SERVICE. A EMBK8. Thompson, Austin Private'Dec. ~9,'63, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania goirt House M, May1 64tr. to co. A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864Vet. Traux, Elih............do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Vanzant, Wim.,,..... i.do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, 191st reg.P. V., June 6, 1864. Wall, WilliamiS....o.......Feb'. 6,'64, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12,'64tr. to companyA, 191st reg. P. V., June 6,1864. Webb, John B......d....... A... g27 61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to comer....................... pany A, 1 91st regiment P. V., June 6,1864. Webb, Henry......:....do....'3 Drowned in Rappahannock river, May 27, 1862. Wright, John F........... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to company A 191st reg. P. V., June 6,1864. Wright, Levi............do................ 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'62'OiPPA.N Y G. RECRUITED IN L3ANCASTER AND PHILADELIPHIA... M. Woodward... Capt.... May 27,'61, 3 Diseharged August 27,1861. Wm. D.Reitzel.... do........ Nov. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-resigned Dee. 7,'63appointed Captain company K, 195th regiment P. V., July 24, 1864. Hehry A. Scheetz... Ist Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Appointed Aid-de-Camp on staff of GeneraI M'Call-date unknown. John K. Brown.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., July20, 1861-distharged August 27, 1861. JohnL. Rhoad..............do.... Mar. 20,'62, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, September 23, 1863. Charles F..Hoyt... 2d Lt... May 27,'61, Promoted to Quartermaster, March 17 1862. Max Wimpfheimer...do..... July 2,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. E. P. Woodward........do.... April 1,'62, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to st Sgt.-o 2d Lt., May 2, 1863-transferred to 191st regiment P. V. A. H. Whitmuer..........t Sgt. May 7,'62, 3 Died April, 1863. Martin Devine.............. May 7,'62, 3 Promoted rm Sgt.-killed at Wilderness, Va, Mir' May 7, 162, 3 1Pr; May 8, 1864. TFederick K. Ort... Serg't.. May 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Hiram. Hostetter...do. May 17,'62, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862promoted to Sergeant Major, July 10,1863. George L. Myers........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. George J. Brittain......do..... May 27, 61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 1,'6D. John A. Hull.........do... May 30,'62, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-w-ounded at Antietam, Sept 17, 1862-killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Rudolph M. Graeff.....do..... June 7,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-killed at Wilderness,' Va., May 8, 1864. Willam= Brightens....do..... May 7,'62,; 3 Promotedfrom Cor. —prisonerat Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, and from May5, 1864, to April 1l 1865-discharged June 22, 1865. Charles W. Stout.....Corp.... May 9,'62, 3 Desertd-date unknown. W. H. K. Bush...;....do May 9,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 62-wounded. and prisoner at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Charles Gartner.......do..... June,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. John A. Zeigler......... do June 13,'62, 3 Died Aug. 28, 1862-buriedin Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. John Lytle........do..... May 9,'62, 3 Wounded at:Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-tr. to 191st regiment P. V. Jeremiah Fritz.... do. May 7,'62, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Thomas M..Fisher.....do. May 30,'62, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company B, 190th1 regiment P. V., June: 6, 1864. Franklin E. Jones.....do..... May 30,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st-regimiont P. V Marshall Green...... Muc.... May 26,'622 8; Transferred to company B, 191st regimekt P, V. William J. Kendig...do..... May 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B,.191st regiment P. V. Alg1ier, Samuel.... Private May 7,'62, 3 Discharged September 22, 1862.'Allbright, John.............. June 14,'62, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, May 21,1863, Bauer, Jacob...do...... do June 14,'62, 3 Deserted —date unknown. Bitterman, Francis do My 30,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus tered out at expiration of term. Blankhorn, Andr'w.do.'May 9,'62, 3 Wounded at FrOdericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-trans. ferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Bloek) Hu:go.............do. July 2,'62, 3 Transferred to. battery, 5th United States Ar—:....:.~~~~ ~.:.;.- - -; tillery-.date unknown. Brower, Harry......... May 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. arter. Job.......... do..Ma... 7,'62, Wounded at:Gettysburg-tranferred to company B, 191st regiment P. y. =AE r RSRBAB; SSERVI~O 60' AXlBE. RANK. DAINTE MUSTER RMARKS. A...l~. -...,,.. 0 Cramer, Charles..... Private May 9,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Daveler, George H.....do.... May 30,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Davis, Amos............do....May 7,'62, 3 Mustered )ut at expiration of term. ily, Thomas S.... do.... May 17,'62, 3 Died-date unknown. Erline, Adam...... do.....May 7,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Enswiler, Mihael...do..... June 18,'62, 3 Captured at Ream's Station-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Eckhart, Charles...do..... June 25,'62, 3 Captured at Ream's Station-transferred to 19st regiment P. V. Oreen, Alexander.....do....:June 3,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Grab, Joseph.............do... June 18,'62, 3 Captured at Ream's Station-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Gerkhardt, John H;...do,... May 7, 62, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Harnish, Jacob......do..... May 7,'6,' 3 Captured at Ream's Station-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Hiorst, Martin......do..... May 7,'62, 3 Died October 21, 1862. Hartman, Benj....do......do May' 7,'62, 3 Captured at Ream's Station-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Hahnlan, John..... do...May,'62,.3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Hart, John...........do. June 14,'62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to compa. ny B, 191st regiment P. V. Hlarter, Joseph......... do..... May 3,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. K'ennedy, Andw P..do..May 7,'62 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Kiepler, Isaac,........... do..... May 9,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January, 1863. Kais, Sebastian.........do..... May 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,1863. Kinsey, Simon.........do....i May 7, 62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ludwig, George J.....do..... May 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeois certificate, April 20, 63. Lox, Charles.......... d...,. May 12,'62, 3- Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. gigat, Absalom,...do..... Mayt 17,'62, 3 Desered-date unknown. lheed, George W....do My 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. UTthgow, George W...do.,.May 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st reg. P. V.-Vet. [Lippold Charles........ do.... May 7'62, 3 Transferred toVet. Reserve Corps, April 4, 1864. yer, Christian.......do.... May 17,'62, 3 Transferred to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, October 20, 1862. Mull, Franklin....do..... May 9, 62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps:, Feb. 13,1864. Means, Henry W.....do...... May 3,'62, 3 Died November 28,1862. fueller, Louis..........do..... May 30, 62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nei{d, Thomas H.....do.J... June 18'62, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy, May 1, 1864. NicholS, Samuel....o............... 3 Deserted-date unknown. Neiss, John.........:..do..... May 7,'62, 3 Deserted June 25, 1862. Paine, Samuel J_......do..... May 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8, 1863. Price, Lyman S........do.. June 18,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out at expiration of term. Pierce, Davis C........ do.... June 25,'62, 3 Transferred to company B; 191st regiment P. V Reagan, Charles.....'...do... June 3,'62, 3 Wounded at Antietam-diseharged Feb. 17,1863. Rick, Charles.........d.....May 9,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Stackhouse, Park J...do.... May 7,'62, 3 Wounded at, Gettysburg-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. *V. Schmeie Agus's...do.... May 7,'62, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Sohn, Joh.......,...do..... May 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Schoen, John......... do..... May 17, 62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. 2Steinruck, John.......do..... June 14, 62 3 Transferred to company B; 191st regiment P. V. Shivers, James,.........do.. June -,'62, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Sucker, Augustus...do. June 3,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. 3chalck, John P.......doi:.- June 18, 62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg-prisoner at Wilderness, May, 1864-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Shilling, Henry............do.. May 7,'62, 3 Transferred to companyB, 191st regiment P. V. Stevenson, William...do-... May 7,'62,i 3 Discharged onSurg. eertificatb-date:unknown. Schlotte,Wn GW..i....^.. My 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13, "63. Schnaeder, Michael..i... May 7,'62, 3 Transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Shoemaker, John......do...May 30,'62, 3 Wounded at FrederickSburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to company B, 191st regiment P. V. Saalwaechter,Hen...d.... July 2, 62, 3 Deserted-date unnown White, John.............do... May 7,'62, 3:Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Weldon, James......d.. June 14,'62, 3Deserted-date unknown; Waltze, George.........do....,June 18,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknoWn. Young,. George dW^...do.. Jiine 18,'62, 3Died August 27, 1862.. 604 THIRTY-FIRST: REGImENT-SECOND RESERVE, COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. XNMB. |' R.1W. ATEOP IMUSTER | BMARK K AME. AK. INTO SBRVICE. RE MA, R.;:'.' _,. -,......_ Timothy Mealey.... Capt.... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,62, and Rappahannock-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864-promoted to brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Peter Summers...,.. 1st Lt.. May 25,'61, 3 Resigned February 14, 1862. Hugh P. Kennedy....do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., 1861-to 1st Lt., Feb. 14,'62 — prisoner June 27,'63-discharged Jan.,'63, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. William M'Glenn,...do..... May 27, 61, 3' Promoted fmomCor. to Sgt., Nov., 1861-to2d Lt., May 9, 1863-to 1st Lt., July 1, 1863-disch. on Surgeon'a certificate, September 1i, 1863. Joseph Benison.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1861-to Sgt., 1862-to 1st Lieutenant,October 26, 1863-to brevet Captain, March 13,1865-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Robert Porter...... 2d Lt... May 25,'1, 3 Discharged July 21, 1861. R. Clendenning......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt, Oct. 17, 1861-wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 17, 1862-comr. 1st Lt., Dec. 25, 1862-not mus.-resigned Mar. 17,'63. James Cook...... 1st Sgt. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to lst Sgt., May 1,1864-to 2d Lt. company B, 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Samuel W. Wallace Serg't.. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., May'9, 1863-com. 2d Lt., Sept. 11, 1863-not mus.-reduced to Sgt., May 1, 1864-imus. out with company, June 16, 1864. Francis Kanei...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'62. Wm. J. Fulton........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., 1861-'discharged Dec. 20,'62,...... ~for wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62. John Donnelly.........do.....July 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb,'63 —to Sgt., July 3,'63-.......... transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John Barnes................. Aug. 29,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Rob't Cunniingham..do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Thos. M. Savage.....do;..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1862-to'Sergeant, Junel, -....~'.... 1863 -killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 —buried in Nat. Cem., section A.-grave, 27. Thos. H. Gouldey.,; Corp.;.. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February, 1863-musterea out with company, June 16, 1864. Hugh J. Strain.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Elwood Haa.......... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal,'February, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. John Coins.. do..... May 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug.'61-disch. Jan. 10, 1863, forwds..''' rec. at Charles City'Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. George W. LIeeti..... Muc.... May' 27,'61, 3, T.ransferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 — et. Azpell, Clinton..... Private May 25,'61, Mustered out with company, June 16,1864. Allen, James.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on. Surgeon's certificate, April, 1863. Baskerville, James...do..... July 11'61, 3 Wd. at 2d Bull Run and Fredericksburg, Dec. - -.. I......... 13, 1862 —mus. out with company, June 16,'64. Blackwell, George.... do... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862dis honorably discharged, December 24, 1863. Burns, Peter............c.....May 26,'61, 3 Deserted November 24, 1862. Burns, Thomas G..-..do May 27,'61, 3 Pris. atCharles CityCrossRoads, andfrom May6,:.o u,.n...^ ^, 1864, to April 28,'65-wounded at Gettysburgdischarged May 30, 1865. Baier, A........do.....................3 Killed in the Wilderness-date unknown-buried on battle-field. Colligan, FPancis.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged November 1, 1862, for wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Clendining, San'l...do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Conner, John.........do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Cridy, Thomas.........do..... May 25, 61, 3 Wounded: at Charles City Cross Roads-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Cornhill, Wiliam.....do............................ 3 Died August 19, 1864-buried. in Prospect Hil Cemetery,. York, Pa. Dempsey, Patrick......do~..... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out wit, company, June 16, 1864. Dempsey, Charles....do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16,, 1864 Dickinson, Benj........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1 1864 TH RE YEARS' SERVICE. 005 _ M.INTO ERVICE. RARKS. Dubois, Edward.... Private May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Dempsey, John.........do.....Jan. 16,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,March3,'64. Dunn, Patrick..........do..... Dec. 1,'61, 3 KRilled at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Frazier, John........... do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. lFnegan, Bernard......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged December 23, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Fulton, Abraham......do Sept. 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, October, 1863. Farren, James J......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, November 10, 1862. Flatherty, William...do.... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted November 16, 1862. Fox, William............do..........................3 Died September 23, 1862-buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. German, Edward...... do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'61. Gillespie, James L....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged to receive a commission, July, 1862. Gormely, William......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died, in arrest, at Philadelphia-date unknown. Hackney, Ezekiel......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Hershaw, Samuel......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Haffy, Charles........ do.... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P.V., May 31,'64-Vet, Kincade, James.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged April, 1863. Kuttler, Charles........do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1863. Loan, Abraham........do... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Long, John............ do..... July 1,'62, 3 Deserted April 15, 1864. Moody, Jonathan. do. May 25s,'61, 3 Mustered out with. company, June 16, 1864. Moody, Jonathan......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Myers, George L.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Myers, Isaac............do... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged Nov., 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Murdock, Alex'r....... do..... July 12,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged January 1 16, 1863. Murphy, Charles.....do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Montague, John........do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Messmore, George.....do..... Aug. 1,'63. 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, October, 1863. Mackin, Hehry.......do. Sept. 28,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, August 20, 1863. Mount, Michael...... do.....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 20, 1863. M'Garvey, Henry......o..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with.company, June 16, 1864. M'Gonigal, Cornets.d..... May 2561, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3, 1862. M'Cormick, Edw'd...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. M'Cann, John.......... do.....May 25,'61, 3 Discharged April 21, 1864, for injuries received December, 1862. Phillips, John..... do May 25,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Patton, Dennis.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Porter, Thomas........do... May 27.'61, 3 Killed at Fairfax Station, Va., June 19, 1863. Ritchie, Jonathan......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Roe, James' P.........do. Mav 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Robb, William...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged June, 1864. Ryan, Andrew.....:.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Ritchie, Thomas......do.... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Died at Fairfax C. H., Va., March 6, 1863. Seadinger, John.......do May 25,'61, 3'Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Shaw, William......... do. May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Smith, William.........do.. May 25,'51, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Siddall, George...... do Sept. 13,'62, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps,...... October, 1863. T hompson, Robert.....do May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Taylor, Henry..........do... Died May 9, 1865-buried at Philadelphia. Waible, George......... do..... May 25,'61 3 Mustered out with company,.June 16, 1864. Weaver, Charles........do..... Sept. 28,'31, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 23, 1863. Wilson, Oliver........ do..... Aug. 25,,62, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1861. Walker, William....... do.. July 12,'61, 3 Deserted June 23, 1863. Wilkins, Wi. P........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted June 23, 1863. Weaver, Geo. E...... do.. Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted Apri 1862. T IRTY-FIRW, IhT.U T-S pQp RIESERVE, COMPANY I.* RANK DA MUTEr O MUSTE R.i" "-E-. RANK.-INTO. S l VIQ,.. REMARKS. Wi.iam;Knox....... Capt.... May. 27,'61, 3'Diseharged;Augut 27, 1861.. Thomas Weir......... lst Lt... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861. JohtmH. Jack........ 2d Lt... May 27, 61, 3 Discharged August 27, 1861-appointed 1st Lieu-,"........: ________________ tenant company B, October 29, 1861. Patrick J. Smith.... gapt.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Charles City Cross Rosds, June 30, 1862-wounded at Wilderness, May 7,'64-mustered out With company, June 16,'64~brevet Major, March 13, 1865. GIsaaoJ. Harvey...,.st Lt...: May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. inSignal Corps, Aug. 29, 1861. James C. Justus,....2d Lt...May 27,'61, 3 Captured at Jericho Ford May 24, 64-mus. out ~- March 12, 1865-brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865. Peter Gillis, Jr.. st Sgt May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st'Sgt., March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, 1, 1864. David HJ. idgeon.. S.ergt... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-mustered'out with company, June 16, 1864. tered out withcoman, JMarh, 1864. Josephaa. aweeto........o 1.. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner i atFredericksburg,. 86e. James~ C. Justs......d... l2.M~ay. ~2713, 1862, promoted tat J o Sgt., Jay 2, 864mus- out tered out with company, June 16, 1864. Joshua T. Lidgeon..e...r a...do. Julay 27,'61, 3Wounded at C arle 1862-t oss o, MJu.'862, and at Gettysburg, July 12,186-mustered 31,'64-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. George Staugiton......do,.... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded atSouthMounta, Septcer 4, 1862-duis chatered o Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 281864. Charlesphac.e.weetn... do... May 27,'61, 3 DisWoundharged and prisoner certicksrateg, Dec. 4,1862. Charles C. Upjohn...do..... May 27,'61, 31 Promoted to Sgt.,a, Ja n. 2, 1 4-und t Sottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May31, 1864-YVet. Washington Georgeorp. May 27 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. James F. Morrison.... do.... Mauy 27,'61, 3 Proundoted and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus. out with company, June 16, 1864. ThomasDtaugan.......do.... May 27,'61, 3 WoMustered at with Mountain, unept 1, 1864.-d Jeremiah Barr. o....d.......... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 2,'63-mustered out with company June 16, 1864. John H. Hart........do.., May 27,'61, 3 Promted to Corporal, May 1, 1864~-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. haenryles Ma.eaLbe..... do..[.. May 27,'61, 3 Dischargomoted to Corporaln's, eMay 1, 16must out with company, June 16, 1864. Saml' G. Eglington...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864-wo mustepred Washin George os.... y 27,'61, 3 ustered out with comp any, Jun e 16, 1864. Henry J. Dewees.,...do....May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate Feb. 19,'63. Rich'dJames C. Schreiner...do.... May 27,'61, 3 DiscWuarged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 30, 1862. George. Masseyn.... Muc.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June. 16, 1864. ufus eremiah Bar............do: May 27,'61, 3 Discharged Dec.21,1862to enlisy 2,'63-batteryed outM, 2d U. S. Artillery. Andrews, John T.... Privat May 27,'61,.3 Muster.d out with company, June 16' 1864. Asoh, Charles............do May 27,'61, 3 Discharted on wrip of ab1as, co186user June 27,.. 1861minor. Barnes, Edward....... do,..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at echaniavile, June 26, 1862 mutabsent at muster out. Bartram, Joseph J....do.....May 27,'61, 3 Musterd out with company, June 16, 1864. uck, John S.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged December 21, 1862, to enlist in battery with2d U. S. Artillery. Benson, John L......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to uartermaster Sgt., Aug. 1, 186mu861. Campbell, James.....do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Chew, H eiram F........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, oSept. 17,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 3, 1863. * Company I was disbanded, August 27, 1861. *Company I was disbanded, August 27, 1861. T11 E SEI33 EARS' $lIR'EI. - - iNAME. I abr, INTO SE.RVIC E.. Conner, Arthur A... Private May 27,'61, 3 Discharged by writ of habeas corpus, June 27, 1861 —minor. Coster, William H.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 20, 1862-discharged December 21, 1862, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. Cox,Joshua..........do... July 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862-discharged, on Surgeon's certificate, April 20, 1863. Craft, Edward L........do... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 1, 1863. Cross, Augustus T.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 21, 1861. Chamberlin, Wm.....do.....July 20,'61, 3 Deserted October 26, 1862. Deitz, William K......do.....May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Donnelly, John.........do.... July 6,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864. Elliot, Frank M.........do.....May 27,'61, 13 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Everett, John............do..... July 11, 62, -3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Errickson, Daniel......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 64 —Vet Edmonston, Thos..... do.... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Fdal, Morton S do Mt...... d..........My -27,'61, 3 DeSerted February 7, 1863. Oibson, Robert S.......do..... May 27, 61, 3 )isarged on ugeons certificate,:Mar.30,. Gougler, George...d...... d May 27,'61, 3 Discharged December 1, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Garrison, Wm. H......do... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to gun-boat service, Feb. 15, 1862. Hanf, Charles.........:...do...May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 13, 1863. Hartman, Thomas.....do.....May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged November21, 1862, to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery. Hays, Michael........do.. July 23,'61, 3 Discharged November 23, 1862, to enlist in battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery. Mingus, George W.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1864. Manning, Wm... J.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Au, Aug. 23,'63. Mendenhall,Wm.H...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged December 20, 1862, to enlist in battery M, 2d U. S. Artillery. Morslander, Rob. H...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 29, 1861. Murch, George B........... May 27,'61, 3Died August29, 1862. M'Cullough, Jos.......do.....July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Neil, Frank P.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. M'Laghlin, Joh.....do.....................3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Newberry, John S.....do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Nolen, Daniel.. do..... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'61. Poulson, Wilber'ce...do..... May 27,'61, 3 illed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Powell, Robert T.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1862. Quinn, James F........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown, Md, Md., October 17, 1862. Reed, Albert R.........do. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Sout, Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1862. Rowe, George W.......do.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'63. Snyder, Henry.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Stanley, Charles........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Shaw, Thomas......do. May 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 12, 1863. Smile, John A. J........do. May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'62. Snyder, William... do.....July 6,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864.. Supplee, Johna........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 5, 1864. Swancott, Geo. W......do..... July 20, 61, 3 Captured at 2d Bull Run-transferred toVeteran Reserve Corps, November 1, 1863. Shaw, William..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died July 28, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Simpson, Wmn.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Towell, James...........do.....May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Treadway, Henry B...do-.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Thompson, HenryC...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29,'62. Toy, Andrew J.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Antietamin, September 17, 1862. Vickers, George M...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,1862. 608 THIRT-FIRST REGIMENT-SECOND RESERVE. UNASSIGNED MEN. ARA1T. DATE OF MUSTER' MB. RANK. INTO SERVICE. Briggs, William S-. Pivate July 29, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Criege, George..........do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hunter, Henry W......do..... April 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hanson, Christian.....do..... July 28,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Morand, George.......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mim, Peter..............do..... June 25,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Gillian, James....do..... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ritter, John P..........do..... Aug. 5,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Riley, John...............do..... June 25,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shaffer, John...........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Straighthoff, John....do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Walls, William H......do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT, THIRD RESERVE. THE Third Reserve Regiment was organized principally from companies recruited in Bucks county and in the city of Philadelphia, for the three months' service, but which failed of acceptance. On the 30th of May these companies rendezvoused in Philadelphia and proceeded via the North Pennsylvania railroad to the camp near Easton, where a regimental organization was effected by the choice of the following officers: Horatio G. Sickel, of Philadelphia, Colonel; William S. Thompson, of Bucks county, Lieutenant Colonel; Richard H. Woolworth, of Philadelphia, Major. The camp was pleasantly located near the Lehigh river, and contained ample barrack room, with a fine plain, surrounded by the race course of the fair ground, for drill and parade. The company officers, for the most part unskilled in military affairs, labored diligently to acquire a knowledge of tactics and skill in-drilling their men. As soon as the regimental organization was effected, Colonel Sickel, who had held a commission in the uniformed militia of the State since August, 1841, commenced that thorough drill of his command which made it one of the most efficient of the Reserve regiments. On the 22d of July, it broke camp and moved to Harrisburg, -where, on the 27th, it was mustered into the United States service, and assigned to the Reserve Corps, as the Third Regiment. It was immediately ordered to Washington and was quartered in the city until the 2d of August, when it was ordered to Tenallytown, a village six miles north-west from the Capital. General M'Call, who had been appointed to comnnd the Reserves, had directed that a camp should be formed at this place, at which all the Reserve regiments were ordered to report. In the organization of the corps the Third was assigned to the Second Brigade, Brigadier General George G. Meade.* While in camp the regiment was drilled, and assisted in erecting Fort Pennsylvania, a most important and formidable earthwork, with a broad and deep ditch, heavy abattis, and guns mounted en barbette. On the 9th of October, the regiment moved over the Potomac and encamped with the division near Langley, in line of the army stretching nearly twenty miles along the Virginia shore. While here the reconnoissance to Dranesville on the 20th of October, the skirmish near the same place on the 26th, and the battle of Dranesville on the 20th of December occurred, which, with the usual * Organizationof the Second Brigade, Brigadier General George G. Meade; Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Major General George A. M'Call. Third (32d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Horatio G. Sickel; Fourth (33d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Albert L. Magilton; Seyenth (36th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel E. B. Harvey; Eleventh (40th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher. 77 610 THIRT —SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVE. 1862 picketing, drilling and an occasional shot with the enemy, served to break the monotony of the camp and to fit the men for the arduous campaignings upon which they were to enter. On the 10th of March, the Army of the Potomac having attained a high state of efficiency by six months of drill and discipline, broke camp and marched in search of the enemy. The Third moved along the Dranesville pike, crossed Difficult Creek, and, striking across the country, bivouacked that night in the neighborhood of Hunter's Mills, where it remained until the advance of the army reported the evacuation of the enemy's line at Manassas, when it countermarched to the vicinity of Alexandria, and remained until the Army of the Pptomac started for the Peninsula. The First Army Corps, under the command of General Irwin M'Dowell, consisting of Franklin's, M'Call's and King's Divisions, having been detached from the Army of the Potomac, was constituted the Army of the Rappahannock, and assigned to the duty of covering Washington. On the 10th of April the Third, with the brigade, was taken by rail to Manassas Junction, where it remained encamped until the 18th, when it aarched along the railroad crossing Broad and Kettle Runs, halting for several days in the neighborhood of Catlett's Station, and arrived below Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, on the 2d of May. While here, the troops were reviewed by President Lincoln, accompanied by Generals and staff officers. In the movement across the river, the occupancy of Fredericksburg, and the advance towards Richmond, the Third participated. The operations of the army upon the Peninsula were slow. M'Clellan called loudly for reinforcements, and the Reserves were ordered to his support. The order was received with rejoicings, and light was the step of the men as they marched down the banks of the Rappahannock for embarkation to a place in the ranks of the Grand Army. On the 11th the regiment arrived at White House. The attack of the enemy's cavalry at TuistalPs Station and his movement upon White House were fortunately checked by the opportune arrival of the Second Brigade. His attack upon the train of the Reserves was promptly repulsed. On the 13th the Third joined the division at Dispatch Station. The army was now lying in front of Richmond, the enemy having with: drawn as it advaniced, until it had reached ^ position within a few miles of the city. The Reserves were placed upon the extreme right and in advance of the main line. While the mass of the army was on the right bank of the Chickahominy, the right wing resting at Me.chanicsville was on the opposite bank. The rebel leader, now reinforced by Jackson from the Valley of the Shenandoah? posted his forces in the reverse orer, throwing his main body upon the left bank, and began to press heavily upon our right. The Reserves were the first to feel the weight of his blow. Drawn up in order of battle on Beaver Dam Creek with the left resting on the Chickahominy, and the right on the Mechanicsville and New Castle road, they awaited the rebel attack.. Agaiist' vastly superior numbers they held their ground, hurled back with fearful slaughter the most desperate and reckless assaults, and at night rested upon the field of their glory. Inthis battle the Third supported Kern's Battery, and at dark was liotly engaged, relieving the exhausted troops in front whose ammunition was;spent, and dealing destruction upon the confused and now broken masses of the enemy. At two o'clock on the following morning the regiment was relieved, and withdrawn from the field under a heavy fire lby which it sffered some loss, -1862 BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL. 611 Finding it impossible to carry the position by direct assault, the enemy during the night made a flank movement far to the right, and by his great superiority in numbers upon that wing, rendered the position untenable. Consequently the division fell back to Gaines' Mill, where Porter's Corps was drawn up to resist the enemy's further advance. The division was held in reserve at the opening of the battle, but the crushing force of the enemy's attack soon broke the first line, and for two hours the Third was left to bear the brunt of his fierce assaults, successfully holding him in check until its ammunition becoming exhausted it was relieved by the Eleventh Reserve and Fourth New Jersey. The conduct of the Third in this battle was highly praised by General Meade upon the field. Its loss in killed, wounded and missing was one hundred. Colonel Sickel had a horse killed under Iim. That night the wearied men who had fought for two days, many of them without food, threw themselves upon the ground and sank to rest, with cartridge boxes still strapped in place and muskets in hand. But they had short time for sleep. At two on the following morning they were aroused and were withdrawn across the Chickahominy, As early as the 18th of June General M'Clellan had decided to change his base of operations from White House on the Pamunky, to Harrison's Landing -on the James. The enemy being doubtless apprised of this purpose, determined to assume the offensive, and before the immense quantity of stores accumulated in depot could be removed, or the right wing withdrawn and joined with the main body, he attacked with great violence at Mechanicsville, and forced MlClellan to fight the battle of Gaines' Mill to save the material of his army. When the shattered right had joined the main column, and the march towards the James had commenced, it became a cherished purpose of the.enemy to break in upon the army, stretched out upon the march, at every vulnerable point. During the day of the 28th, the Reserves remained in an open field exposed to a broiling sun, and were, consequently, little refreshed. At nine o'clock that night they moved off towards White Oak Creek, taking with them the Reserve artillery consisting of thirteen batteries, which, with their own trains,. extended several miles. At daylight on the 29th they reached Savage Station, on the Bichmond and York River railroad, where were met hundreds of wagons and ambulances almost choking the roads and covering the fields for miles around, Here they found a large number of wounded of the preceding battles, and among them their own, who were subsequently taken prisoners. To these they brought water and freely distributed their money. Moving on they passed over the ground where, later in the day, the enemy was signally repulsed by the troops under General Sumner. At noon they crossed White Oak Creek bridge, which the rear guard under General French destroyed on.the following morning, and where the enemy was again gallantly repulsed. Near this point the regiment halted until four o'clock, when the Reserves moved to the Charles City Cross Roads, to cover the Turkey Bridge Road leading to the James River, along which the trains moved al night with the utmost possible celerity. After dark they arrived and took position on Nelson's farm. Their position here was very critical, the enemy being in force near by and confidently anticipating their capture. The line was formed with the artillery in front, RandalPls Regular Battery on the right, Cooper's and Kern's opposite the centre, and Deitrick's arid Kennerheim's on the left. Longstreet and Hill, accompanied by Lee and Jefferson Davis, had hastened forward to gain 612 THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVE. 1862 this point before M'Clellan's retiring columns could pass it, in order that they might tall upon the unprotected flank of the army and effect its destruction. But when arrived they found themselves confronted by a line of battle, and did not dare to attack until their forces were concentrated, which was not accomplished until afternoon. At eleven A. M. the Third was posted on picket duty towards Richmond, and at about half past two the enemy's advance drove in the cavalry outposts, when it was ordered to retire and take its position in line, the Second Brigade holding the right. Now commenced one of the most desperate actions of the Peninsula campaign, the enemy being determined to force the line and capture the right wing and the immense trains then moving to the left. Opening with a heavy fire of shell upon the centre,.he sent forward a regiment to feel the line which fell upon the Third and was received by it at fifty paces with a withering fire of musketry. Still it continued to advance in the face of a perfect sheet of flame, but finally broke and fled leaving two-thirds of its number upon the field. It was the Ninth Virginia Infantry.* The whole line soon after became engaged, and the Third performed nobly its part, until one of those unfortunate mistakes of war occurred which has so often marred the operations of armies. A supporting regiment, in the smoke of battle, mistaking the Third for the enemy, opened fire upon its ranks, throwing them into disorder and causing them to break but they took with them seven prisoners whom they had captured, the well merited evidence of their valor. The men did not, however, leave the field, but rallyingthey again returned to the conflict. At eleven o'clock at night the division was withdrawn from the field, and marched to Malvern Hill. The loss in killed, wounded and missing was eighty-six. General Meade being wounded, Colonel Sickel succeeded to the command of the brigade and Lieutenant Colonel William S. Thompson to the command of the regiment. In the battle whichensued at Malvern Hill on the following day, the enemy was repulsed with great carnage, and withdrew from the contest. The Third, being held in reserve, was not engaged and suffered no loss. On the following day the army withdrew to Harrison's Landing, where supplies awaited it and where it was suffered to enjoy much needed rest. The usual routine of camp followed until the night of the 1st of August, when it was varied by a vigorous shelling from a detachment of the enemy posted on the right bank of the James. His guns were soon silenced, and a detachment of some five hundred Reserves from different regiments, was sent over under Colonel Sickel to occupy the ground and secure the camp against future annoyance. Offensive operations having been abandoned in this direction, the Army of the Potomac was ordered to evacuate the Peninsula, and re-inforce the Army of Virginia, under Pope.- Accordingly the baggage and knapsacks of the Reserves were sent to Washington, and with nothing but their muskets and cartridge boxes they embarked upon transports, and were taken to Acquia Landing. Arriving on the morning of the 13th, the Third was transferred to cars and moved to Falmouth, where the men occupied tents left standing by * EXTRACT FROM GENERAL M'CALL's REPORT. *' * About half past two o'clock P. M., my pickets, after skirmishing, were driven in by a strong advance, but without loss on our side. At three o'clock the enemy sent forward a regiment on my left centre, and immediately afterwards another on my right centre, to feel for a weak point They were under cover of a shower of shell, and advanced boldly, but SWere both driven back, the former by the Third Regiment, Colonel Sickel, and the latter by the Seventh Regiment Colonel Harvey — Moore's Rebellion Record, page 667, Doos., Vol., CoGmp. 1862 SECOND BULL RU. 613 troops that had preceded them. Remaining here until the 21st, the regiment marched to Rappahannock Station, where it joined the Army of Virginia, the Reserves being the first troops to report from the Peninsula. On the 24th, the regiment moved to Warrenton, where it was formed in line of battle and encamped, remaining until the 26th without being engaged. The Reserves, for some days, had been on a short allowance of provisions, the men subsisting principally upon green corn; but on the 26th, three days' rations were issued, the last that they received until after the battle of Bull Run. On the 27th the regiment marched through Warrenton and bivouacked that night near Buckland's Mill. On the following morning, at three o'clock, it was again in motion, and-'upon arriving at Gainesville, the column was brought to a halt by a battery of the enemy, posted on an elevation in front. The column was quickly deployed and skirmishers advanced; but Cooper, with his rifled guns, soon got the range of the assailants, when a few well directed shots caused them to withdraw with remarkable celerity. Resuming the march, the column moved across the country towards Manassas Junction. Late in the afternoon, it having been ascertained that the enemy had removed from Manassas, the division marched to the left, on the Sudley Spring road. Soon a heavy cannonading was heard that grew into the thunder of a desperate battle. As the column hurried on, the sound of the musketry fire became distinct, the flashes of the guns were visible, and the mingled voices of the combatants were distinctly heard. But the division arrived too late to participate in the battle which had been fought between the forces of King and Stonewall Jackson, and after a march of eighteen hours, a distance of twenty-eight miles, many of the men without a morsel to eat, they stretched their wearied limbs upon the ground to rest. Early on the following morning, the 29th, the division was formed and moved to meet the enemy. After marching some distance it emerged from a piece of woods into an open plain, where was drawn up a vast mass of troops. Soon it was ordered back, and then commenced a series of marches and counter-marches through the hot sun and under a never-ceasing fire of shot and shell, until late in the afternoon, without having occasion to fire a shot. Although the object of this day's fighting was to crush a divided foe, up to four o'clock only severe skirmishing had occurred, Pope awaiting the arrival of Fitz John Porter. At this hour a general attack was opened upon the enemy posted behind an old railroad embankment. So vigorous was it that the whole left of his line was doubled back towards his centre, and the field, with his dead and wounded, remained in our hands. The Third acted as a reserve, but suffered considerable loss. The men slept on their arms that night and the next morning were in motion by daybreak, moving far to the right. Up to two o'clock everything was remarkably quiet, when the Third was moved forward to support the Second and Bucktails, acting as skirmishers, and lying upon the edge of a wood from which they had driven the enemy. It being desirable to ascertain his strength in their front, the line was advanced some distance over the field and into the wood beyond, when a heavy column was discovered to the left, which caused them toTbe ordered back to their former position. Soon after, it being ascertained that the enemy was attempting to turn the left flank, the skirmishers were withdrawn and the division took position on Hall's Hill. The battle now opened in earnest, and soon after, the First and Second Reserve Brigades were moved 614 THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVE 1862 to the extreme left to check the eiemy, who was endeavoring to force himself between the main army and Centreville. Forming in columns of brigade, they met the enemy's charge by a counter-charge, and a desperate hand to hand conflict ensued. At length the Reserves were overpowered and driven back some distance, but succeeded in staying the advance of the enemy, and held the ground until reinforced by a brigade of Regilars, and the safe retreat of the army was secured. The loss of the Third Regiment was severe, and the fall of Captain H. Clay Beatty, one of the most promising officers, was deeply felt. On the following day occurred the battle of Chantilly, in which the division was ordered up and held in reserve, and was, for a time, under artillery fire, but was not actively engaged.' The army was now put in motion to meet the rebels advancing into Maryland. They were first encountered at the passes of the South Mountain, where they were strongly posted to dispute the passage. The battle was opened at different points, while Meade, with the Reserves, marched quietly to the extreme right, when, turning to the mountains, he encountered the foe. To guard against an attack on his flank by the enemy's cavalry, while storming the heights in front, the Third was sent to an eminence far to the right, where it remained until sundown. It was then ordered to the support of Ransom's Battery, with which it remained until sunrise of the 16th. Moving on the same day, Hooker's Corps was concentrated at Keedysville, and at three in the afternoon the Reserves crossed the Antietam. They were accompanied by cavalry and Cooper's Battery, and after moving about a mile beyond the bridge, turned into the fields to the left of the road, advancing slowly, ready to form to resist cavalry, which threatened flanks and front. While moving thus, eight companies of the Third were deployed as skirmishers, and soon the enemy opened with shot and shell, to which Cooper briskly replied, and a severe contest commenced with the infantry, in which the enemy was driven back, and the Reserves occupied the ground that night which they had won. On the following morning the division moved by the right flank, deployed into line of battle, and was quickly engaged. A battery was soon brought to its aid, and for some time it held the ground unaided. At length, after hours of hard fighting, other troops were sent to its relief and it was held in reserve. The loss in killed and wounded during the battle was fifty-one. Discomfitted in the battle of Antietam, the enemy withdrew and rapidly retreated up the Shenandoah Valley. On the 26th of October, the Third broke camp and moving with the division, crossed the Potomac and marched to the neighborhood of Warrenton. While here, General Burnside assumed command of the army, and preparations were made for a campaign towards Richmond by way of Fredericksburg. Moving from Warrenton to Fayetteville, the command encamped until the 17th of November, when it moved down to Brooks' Station, on the Acquia Creek railroad, remaining until the 8th of December, the date of preparations for, and initiation of movements against Fredericksburg, where the enemy was now concentrated and entrenched. The bombardment opened on the 11th, and on the following morning the Reserves moved across the river at a point about three miles below the city. The field on which the battle was to be fought, consisted of a plateau extending from the bluffs of the river to a range of heavily wooded heights, commencing on the Rappalhannock above Fredericksburg, and extending to the valley of Massaponax, a distance of four or five miles, its greatest width being two miles. On the morning of the 13th the Reserves were in motion and advanced to within a 1863 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG 615 thousand yards of the base of the mountain, and laid down on the edge of the field behind the batteries they were to support. The Second Brigade held a position three hundred paces in rear of the first. Scarcely were the troops in battle order, before the enemy opened upon them with a number of batteries that continued to play without intermission until noon, when two of their caissons were blown up, which caused a temporary abandonment of their guns.* This moment was seized by General Meade to order the charge, and quickly springing to their feet, with loud cheers the men rushed forward through the terrible fire of infantry that was opened upon them from rifle-pits, and crossing the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, drove the enemy from behind the embankment, up through the woods, and over the crest of the heights. Pressing on, they crossed a road, levelling the fences, and entering the open ground, swept across it, passing rows of the enemy's muskets stacked, taking them by utter surprise, and reached their reserve, coming in sight of their ambulance train.t So vigorous and sudden was the attack, that the rebels in some instances had not time to get under arms before they were at the mercy of their assailants. At this point the reinforcements for the enemy came up and opened upon the front, and upon both flanks of the Union column, which, being entirely unsupported, was forced to retire. On reaching the open ground an attempt was made to rally and re-form the men. The flags were waved to the front, and a considerable body of men formed in line; but in vain: for after twenty minutes stand the enemy swept down upon them in overwhelming force, and they retired to their batteries, the enemy not following beyond the railroad. During the charge, the Third maintained its position with great firmness, and was among the very last to retire, losing in killed, wounded and missing one hundred and twenty-eight. The night passed quietly, and on the following day, though there was considerable cannonading and the regiment was several times ordered into line, it did not become engaged. On the night of the 15th, the division re-crossed the river and encamped a mile back from the stream, remaining till the 17th, when it marched to White Oak Church. On the 20th of January, the Third broke camp and marched ten miles up the river, to the vicinity of Bank's Ford. The army was moving with the design of again crossing the Rappahannock and offering battle, but was stopped in full career by the impassible nature of the roads. Returning to camp the regiment remained until the 8th of February, when it moved to the defences of Washington, where it was attached to the Twenty-second Army Corps. Here an opportunity was given to rest and recruit its ranks, having been greatly re* The light batteries of the enemy posted on Meade's left, cross-firing with those in front of Gibbons, poured such a withering fire into the advancing column it was compelled to halt and dispose of the batteries under Pelham on Meade's left. While this was being done a concentrated fire from the batteries, supported by the Sixth Corps, was opened upon the three isolated batteries thrown forward upon Lane's front, which compelled these batteries to retire with considerable loss.-Battle-field of Fredericksburg, (Rebel,) page 16. t EXTRACT FROM THE TESTIMONY OF GENERAL MEADE.-I think the attack was so vigorously made that they were taken somewhat by surprise. I did not myself reach the plateau in front of our advance. I was down at the railroad superintendiug the movements there. But I was told by some of my officers who gained the plateau, that they passed rows of the ene-ny's muskets stacked. The attack was so vigorous and sudden the enemy had not time to take up their muskets. Some of their regiments broke without forming. —Report on the Condut of the War, part 1, page 692. 616 THIRTY-SECOND riEGIMENT-TItIRD PREERVE. 1863 duced by severe fighting and by long and fatiguing marches. Here it remained with' the rest of the Second Brigade until January, 1861, when, in company with the Fourth Regiment, both under command of General Sickel, it was ordered to duty in West Virginia. Inasmuch as the two regiments were associated throughout this campaigu, their recordl being narly identical, it is given as one, and will be found in connection with the narrative of the Fourth. Upon its return from the Western Virginia campaign it proceeded to Philadelphia, where it was mustered out of service on the 17th of Jane, 1864. FIELD AND STAFF-OFFICERS. NAME. RNK. EMA.KS. ~AML. R~.NK. ~INTO SERVICE. 4REMARS. Horatio G. Sickel... Col...... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company K, to Col., June 21, 186i1-mus. out withregiment, June 17,1864. Wm. S. Thompson.. Lt. Col. July 28,'61, 3 Resigned July 9, 1862. *John Clark.............d.... May 31,'61, Promoted from Capt. company E, to Lt. Colonel, Aug. 1, 1862 —mus. out with reg., June 17, 1864. Rich. H. Woolworth Major.. June,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Col. 33d reg. P. V., June 1, 1862. William Briner;............ June 7,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company D, toMajor, Aug. 1, 1822-mus. out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Albert H. Jamison Adj..... June 11,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'62. Harry S. Jones.......d....July 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Major, to 2d Lt. company F, July 29, 1862-to Adj., October 1, 1862-mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Frank'n S. BickleylQ.M.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 13,'61. Strickland Yardley...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to A. Q. M., U. S. Vol., Aug. 10, i863. Levi S. Boyer........... do July 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sgt., October 1, 1861-to reg. Q. M., December 14, 1863-mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. James Collins......... Surg... July 28,'61, 3 Tr. to U. S. Vol., as Asst. Surg., April 14, 1864., Geo. L. Pancoast....As.Sur. July 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Surgeon U. S. Vol., Oct. 20, 1861. Henry S. Colston.......do.... Nov. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Surg. 81st reg. P. V., Aug. 19, 1862. Samuel S. Orr...d......... d..... July 13,'62, 3 Resigned March 13,1863. George J. Rice..........do... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Resigned January 17, 1863. Stanton A. Welch.....do.... Jan. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. John P. Birchfield.....do.... May 29,'63, 3 Left, at muster out, in charge of veterans from 32d and 33d regiments, P. V. James M. Hoffman:..do.... Nov. 18,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William H. Leake.. Chap'n June 5,'61, 3 Resigned February 28, 1862. George 11. Frear........do..... April 8,'62, 3 Resigned July 9, 1862. John J. Pomneroy........do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. William P. Smith.. Sr.Maj May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt. Major, March 1I 1863 —mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. George M. Rhone.....do.. July 17,'61, 3 Proumoted to Sgt. Major, August 1, 1862-to 2d'rvine.wrp~..l QM~~iM Lieutenant company B, March 1, 1863. Irvine C. Wright... Q. M.S. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Com. Sgt., November 1, 1862-to, Q.. Sgt., March 13, 1864-mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Albert Briner..........do. July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30'61. D. C. Eppeheimer... Cor. Sr June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Com. Sgt., March 1, 1864mstered out with company, June 17, 1864. Duval Doran........d....d May 29,: 61, 3 Promoted to Con. Sgt., June 1, 1861-discharged.-l~,~an___ ______________ __, __ on Surgeon's certificate, October 22, 1862. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. Pi. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. farlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bn. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. btew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Kem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced.'Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service Wds. wounds.'' THIREE YEARS' SERVICE. 6i7 NAME..RANK. DATE OF MUSTER MARK8 INTO SE.RVIE.. LemuelMitchellL.... Hos. St. May 27,'61, 3 Transferred as private to Co. K, Sept 30, 1861. Frank Niblo..........do....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 6, 1864-expiration of term. Charles K.lBechtel -P.Mc Jily 21,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Sept. 1, 1862 —. cte. J 1,'.61,' mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. M. L. Huntzberger....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, July, 1863m____________________ mustered out with regiment, June:17, 1884. COoMPANY A. RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. Jacob Lenhart, Jr... Capt....-.June 7,'61, 3 Wounded at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864-mus. tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Jacob Lehman........ lst Lt... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Aug. 19,1862. Michael Walters....d....do..... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 15,'63-now in Vet. Res. Corps. Ames N. Seitzinger....do..... June 7,'61, Promoted to2d Lt., Sept. 26, 1862 —to 1st Lt., Oct. 26,'63-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. J-eremiah A. Clouse 2d Lt.. June 7, 61, 3 Resigned February 20, 1862.: Sebastian Eckle....;...do... June 7,'61, Resigned July 18, 1862. Daniel Setley.................. June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt,,Nov. 1,'62-to 2d Lt., Oct.....1. s...... t, 24,'63-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. John S. Paiater......1st Sgt. June 18, 161, -3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1863-mustered.- O E.. ln;1 out with company, June 17, 1864. Jacob C. Esterly.... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. George Molser........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lewis Griffith.......... d Je 7, 61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.. Henr ry R. Mull....Mu..do..... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. ihas. Fredericks.....do... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Dec. 31,'62, J:in Wittich..........do..... June. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'62. ichard Yeager.......do.....July 9,'61, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Francis D. Nagle......d..... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Henry Kenler........ Corp..,. June 18,'1, Promoted to Corporal, July 1.'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Peterarter Hartnstein....do.. June 7,'61, 3 Promote to Corporal, March 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864." William J. Smith......d....... Junej 7,'01, 8 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1,'6 t-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Henry W. Esser........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1,'62.-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864, Flarialn Harbach.......... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,1863. Henry J. Rihards Mue..... June 7, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John D. Hertzog.......do.... June 7, 61, 3 Ms. out as private, with company, June 17,'64. Angstadt, Jaob D. Private June 7, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ash, James D...do...June 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bedencup, John.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Boone, Richard....... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. aroadhurst, John....do. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Brady, Benjamin........d..... Sept. 23, 62, 62 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 24,'63. Bowman, Henry........... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. oBabb, John -H.......... June 7,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Cloyd Mountain,W. V., May 9, 1864-mustered out, May 30, 1865. Calvert, J es........ d...... June 18,'61, 8 Deserted-date unknown. err, Samuel..........do...... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Degroat, William... Feb.19.2.Tr. 1,'6to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June Bowman, i-n... Je 6, and to 54th regiment P V., July 4, 1864. English, David.......d..,. July 20,'6, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Fegelv, Andrew............ June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Frey, Samuel B..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fix, James A...........do.....June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Frey, Allen M........ Feb. 1,'64, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Greaff, Daniel................ June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. GoPdinan David J....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. aniter, Jacob..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Crood, Joseph............do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. arst, Frederick........do..... July 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeons certificate-date unknown. %ieth, Albert S........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. 618 THIRTY-SECOND) REGIIMIMT-T~-RDI RESERVE, _ AM, R..,,:,,DATE OP MUISTER ( NA~M~B. BA. INTO SERVICE. 4 REARKS. e Harner, Henry A... Private -June 7, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June17, 1864.. Hodern, George..O......... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hodern, John.......... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered'out with company, June 17, 1864. Hart; Lewis....d......... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'61. Holland, Peter F.....do..... June 7,'61, & Discharged on;Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62, Haws, Marks D.......o..... do July 18,'61, 8 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., Juno 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Harbach, Harriso...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Holland, William...do.... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Henershotz, Alb't S...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Harbach, Daniel........d...... July 20,'61, 3:Died^at -Washington, June 7,1862-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Jackson, Andrew......do..... d June 7, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Koch, Christian J.....do.,... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Koch, John............,dod. June 7,'61i, 3 8Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kocher, Francis......do..... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kunsman, Jacob-S...do... Jun 7,'61, Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. eKisinger, Sam'1.....do..... July 18,'61, 3 Disctlarged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Keehn, Henry C......do...., July -14 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Kershner, Lewis........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V.,. July 4, 1864. Marquat, August...do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Oct. 28,'63. Milans, Henry G.....do.. Sept. 9,'61, r Wounded and ordered to report to the Adjutant General's office, Washington. Murphy, Patrick.,.....do....Feb. 11,'62, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. M'Donough, Wm......do..... June 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-absent in hospital, at muster out. M^Quaid, Peter.......do.... June 18, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Donough, Johni...do.... June 18,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'63. M'Gettigan, Hlugh....do.... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,'Dec. 7,'62, Neebe, Charles.........do'.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. O'Neil, John,..o...... June 7,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Cloyd Mountain, W. Va., May 9, 1864-mustered out Sept. 23, 1864. Otten, Henry..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown, Va.. Oct. 12,1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Old, JameB......... do.... July 18,'61, 3 Killed at'Cloyd Mountain,May 9, 1864. —Vet. Peters. William......do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Perry, Abraham.......do.... -Feb. 17,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 4, 1862. Richards, Levi....... do.... July 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rhein, Augustus......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.'Rhoads, Levi B.......do June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.Rork, John...............do...June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.:Rupp, Ludwig...........do.... June 18,'61, 3 iMustered ouat with company, June 17, 1864. liochards, Emanuel...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16, 1863* Ribble, Nicholas........do.. July 18,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 30,'1862. Schroth, Charles.......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Sellers, Eph'm Z....... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Smith, Henry S......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stiffenburg, Wmi......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stautler, Albert S......do... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on. Surgeon's certificate, June 2, 1862. Schofield, James A...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cerlificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Saylor, Frederick......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V.-Vet. Sallada, James.d.....Sept. Sept. 23'62 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Schaneberger, Chas...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., June 6, 1864, and to 54th regiment P. V, July, 1864. Shade, Enoch............do... July 24,'61, 3 Tr. to 3d Brigade, 2d Div. Dep. West Va., Jiqne, 6, and to 54th regiment P. V., July 6, 1864. Shafer, Daniel...........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted September 5, 1862. Warner, William......do.....June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weber, Charles........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weidenhamer, A......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. 5ouse, Jonas......... do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Yeich, John...........do.....June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864: Yohii, John [:...,..do..lo... me 7,'61,,3 Transferred to 5th reg.. V.. JuW 4. J64-Vet. ~T]R E"' YEARS SERVICEo 6. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN WAYNE COUNTY* William D. Curtis... Capt..... Jue,'61, 3 Resigned July 16, 1862.,Geo. C. Davenport......do..... June 5,'1, Promoted to 1st Lieltenant-to Captain-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 5, 1863. Warren G. Moore.....do.,. June 5,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Aug. 19,'62-toG apt., Oct. 26,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fr. G. Nicholson..... 1st Lt... June 5,'1, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Nov. 16, 1862-to 1st Lt., Aug. 19, 1862-mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. J, M. Buckingha.. 2d Lt.. 2 June 5,'61, 3 Resigned November 16, 1861. nayman-W. Hamlin....do... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Nov. 16, 1861-dis-eoe MRocharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 11, 1862. George M. Rohne..l..do..... d. July 17, 61, 3Promoted to Sergeant Major, Aug. 1, 1862-to 2d r., Nichn Lieut., March 1,'63-dismissed Nov. 13, 1863. Dudley K. Watrous 1st Sgt. June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1,'o62to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. Lester T. Adams.... Serg't.. June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John Hetzel.......do..... June 5,'61,3 Pr. to Cor., July 22, 1861 —to Sgt., Jan. 5,1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Adolphus Monnia....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Florence B. Hamlin...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'61. James W. Carrier......do. June 5,'61, 3, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25,'62. William Biesecker....do.... June,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate Aug. 1,'62. henry C. Tripp....... July 22,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 16, 1861-to Sgt., Jan. 18, 1862transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Hobart Nicholson......do.... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, November 16,'61-killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862.,Charles H. Loper...Corp....June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 22, 1861-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 36, 1863. George W. Martin......do..... June 28,'61, -3 Promoted to Corporal, January, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Michael Cobb....... do..... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January i, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John Martz.............do...June 13,'61, 3. Promoted to Corporal, August 1,'62-transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Russell P. Abby........d. Sept. 19,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1863-transferred to 54th regiment P. V. July 4,'64.Vet. Gabriel S. Brown...j...do.... June 5,'61, 3 Killedr at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Jesse R. Dickens....... do..... une 5,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. William Green.......Muc..., June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Musician, January 2 9, 1862trans ferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 30, 1863. Wim. L. Money.......do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Ames, Warner: J.... Private June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'62. Akers, William F....do,...... d June 5,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16?'62. Andrews, Daniel.....d..... June 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10, "62. 3.Salhon,. Joseph.........do.... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Barhite, Wm. H......do... June 5, 61, 3. Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bortree, Wm............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Burbank, John W....do.. June,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,1862. Bronson,...li.....Jue 5,' 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 23,'62. Bishop, David..........do.. June 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Bennet, Benjamin.....do....July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Brundage, Freeling..do..... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 30, 1863. Buckinghai, J. M...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Bropwnson,, Justus..... do...... ar. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. B.rooks, Andrew......do....Oct. e 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg.. V., July 4,'64-Vet. BuallesoaJob.. do...... r ido. June, 61, 3 Absent, in arrest, n at muster out. Bath, Oliver L,.......d.... July 9',s1, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Bidwell, Hiram.........d...., June 13,'61, 3 Died October 20, 1862. riscoe, John.......do....June 5,61 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Cornell. Sydney........do...Ag. 10, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,62. Cortright, Enily D....do...... Mar. 30,'64, Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Campbell, John.......do... July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Cogswell, William.....do..... July 17'61, 3 Died August 12, 1862. Campfield, Geo N.....do..... June 13,'61, 3 Deserted December 29, 1862. Dauborn, Nicholas...do... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'62. Dickins, Richard..d........ July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Donelson, James......do... Sept., 2, 162 3 ransferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. 620" THIRTY-SECQND, REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVEBRA~DATE OF MUSTER I A NAME. K INTO S.IUE.Uai iCkin~s, DanielS... SPrivate June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill,June 27, 1862. Eushiro, George P.....do..... June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Frisbie, George S........o Sept. 19'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6,'62. Frisbie, James P......do.. Mar. 30,'64, S Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Firth, Thomas.......do..... June 13,'61, 3 -Died July 26, 1862, of wounds received June 30, 1862-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I.'arrnai, Daniel........do..June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gibbs, Alfred............do..... Mar.. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Gillet, Oliver............do.... June 5,'61, 3 Died at Washington, May 21, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery..- Handenberger,J.: B... do.... June 28, 61, 3 Pr. to Sgt, Jan. 5, 1863-reduced from Sgt., Jan. 18,'63 —mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Hank, John.......... do.... June 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 30,'63. Hinds, Henry............do. June 5,'61,3 Mustered oat with company, June 17, 1864. Hubbard, C. W.....do..~June 13,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.Hubler, Robert........do.....June 5,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 6, 1862. Howe, Edward..........do... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-. Howe, James H........do.... Mar. 30,'64,3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Hoover, Joseph F.......do..... July 29,'61, 3Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., Juily 4, tS1 i. Hand, William J........do..... Aug. 10,'61 3 Mustered out August 18, 1864. Jones, Robert D........do..... June 5,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Johnson, Jacob.. do...... June 28,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. Johnson, Porter C..do...... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on- Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62".. Kennedy, John S......... June 5,'61, 3 Died July, 1862. Leake, William H.....do..... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Chaplain 32d reg. P. V., Aug. 1,'6T1. London, Joseph.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Little, Archibald S...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died Dec. 19-, 1862, at Richmond, Va., of wounds -', received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Marsh, John........... June 5, 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Marshall, Edwin A...do..... June 5'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mitchell, Charles tE.;.do.... June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Moore, William G.....do.....June 13,'613 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Moyer, Anthony......do..... June 5,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mitchell, Eugene B...do.....June 5,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'62. Mitchell, Michael......do..... June 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'62.. Machan, Edward......do...... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknownt. Miller, Quinters.........do...... July 29,'61 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Mitchell, Davis;.......... Oct. 1,'62,3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Marshall, Freder'k...do..... June 5, 61, 3 Died October 12, 1862. Miller, David........... do... Feb. 3,'64, Not on muster-out roll. Perry, James P........do.... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'62 Peet,Daniel N....... do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'62. Potter, Henry S........do.. Aug.10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Pinkerton, John.........do.... June 5, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg., P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Peet, DanielN....do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Missing in action at Cloyd Mountain, West.Virginia, May 9, 1864. Millard, Emil.... do... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. Riley, James do......!..do.. July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 1, 1863. Riley, John............. Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V. July 4, 1864, Sheppard, M. L.............June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'63. Swingle, William.d.. do..... Mar.- 30,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Swingle, Sharp L....'...do. Oct. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864.,Stewart, Arch'd H... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Simmonson, Asa..do..... June','61, 3 Missing in action at Cloyd Mountain, West Vir — a]terAbert....J. 186 Thomas, Joshua R....do..... April.4,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Townsend, Edward...do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out September 30, 1864. Waiter, Albert.........,do.. June 5,'61,.3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wortman, Henry.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Warner, George..... do.. July 17,'61, 3' Transferred to 33d reg. P. V. —date unknown. Wagner, Joseph G.. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Williams, Alfred....... do..... July 29, 61, 3 Died September 26, 1862, of wounds received at W - - -Antietam, September 17 1862. Whipple, Stephen F.do.... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted November 1, 1862..Wright, Eugene H......do...June 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25,'62. Young, Elliott........... d Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered Qut August 18, 1864. Young, George.........do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out Atugust 18, 1864.. THREE YEA8S' SERVIOBC 621 COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN BUCKS COUNTY.. RAE. DATE OF MUSTER, -.;^^'. ~^ INTO SERVICE. BB -''';. -'' - ~ "..-..'.. David V. Feaster.... Capt... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12, 1862. Harry W. Sutton.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., August 21, 1861-to 2d Lieut., October 28, 1862-to Captain, May 1, 1863-mus. tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Strick'd Yardley.... 1st Lt.. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain and Assistant Quartermas. ter, August 10, 1863. JohnH.:Crothers.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Oct. 28, 1862":-:::-;....... mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Joseph B. Roberts... 2d Lt... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 23, 186, for wounds received at.::. Charles City Cross Roads, Va. Zeaman Jones.........do June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt.-date unknown-to 2d Lt., May1, 1863-mus. out with Co., June 17, 1864. Daniel P. Burkit..... 1st Sgt. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt.-date unknown~st.: u 1mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. T.: Watson Bewly... Serg't.. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Thomas Adams...... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Perry H. VanhOrn....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Aaron N. Buckman...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged to receive promotion in U. S. colored troops, August 19, 1863. William F. Roberts...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged November 22, 1862, for wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Sam'l J. Griffee...... do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 18, 1862, for woundsreceived at. Charles City Cross Roads, Va. Jas. E. M'Masters......do...., June 10,'6i, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11, 1863. Thomas P. G(oheen.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Edw'd-L. Lennon......do... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Martin V. Taylor.... Corp.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 15, 1863-mus. tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Charles Y. Clark........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 21, 1864-mus~.:~::..............:: tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Benj. F. Crosedale....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Disch. May 20,'63, forwds. received at Antietam. William Gray..........,do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'63. John D. Blaker.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Matthew Mills......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed accidentally, at Wood's Mills, Va., June 6, 1864-Vet. Allen, William...... Private July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Blaker, Edw'd H......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Barker, Francis.....,;..do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Sept. 10,'62. Black d..do July 11, Edischarged on Surgeon'scertificate, July 29,'62. Bodine, John R.........do.... July 13,'6, -3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Bennett, William.....do..... Feb. 17,'62 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Brown, James Lt.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Bennett, lHenry........do... June 10,'61 3 Mustered out February 8, 1865. Caffee, William.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Corbet, Matthew......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Craver, Philip...... do....June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25,'62. Cooper, O*wen......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred tobat'yC, 5th U.S. Art.,Oct. 19,'62. Carwer, John W.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted Dec. 11, 862- eturned Jan. 25, 18642 i..-........ transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Caffee, Joseph K...'....do.....July 8,'61, 3 Died at Mill Creek, Va, September 19, 1862. Diion, AndrewJ......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out September 4, 1864. Doan, Howard..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,1864-Vet. Ditmar;, Isaac.:........do.....July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V. July 4, 1864. Dillon, Thomas do.........do.Aug. 26,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Dillon, Robert............do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Eizenbrey, Edwin..... do..... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Fitzpatrick, Joseph...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Flanagan, Albert.......do.....June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'62. Fennell, William J..d...do.....June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Featherby, Geo. W.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Fleming, James........do..... June 10,'61. 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. fer, Rchar..........do. June 10, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864 —Vet. Gordon, Swayze.........do..July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Grady, George....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged March 17, 1863, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads. 622 THIRTY-SECOND: REGIAENT-THIRD RESERVE,,,, I. NAME. BANK. DATE OP MUS8TER EEARKS, INTO SERVICE. | Graham, Adam..... Privat June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July —4'63-Vet. Harris, William H....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hibbs, Algernon.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Helly, Jonathan T.....do.....Jan. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,:July 25,'63. Hough, Calvin...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Oct. 19,'62. Hillborn, Joseph.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Harrison, Charles......do..... Oct. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Hough, George W.....do... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Hillborn, William.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862, Hammer, Joseph....do.....July 21,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862. Hitchcock, Charles...do.... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Johnson, Lyman.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kinsey, Jonathan......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kelly, Robert............do.... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864.' Longshare, Wm. G....do..... June 10,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Long, Henry.............do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. London, Joseph....... do... July 17, 61, 3 Discharged Jan. 12, 1863, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads. Lugar, James M........do.... June 10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21, 62. Lewis, Abraham.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Large, Joseph H.....do.... July 29,'61, 3 Mustered out August 20, 1864. Morris, George W.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mitchell, Jeremiah...ddo..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted April 13, 1862. Mershon, William....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1862. M'Connell, John.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Carn, Barnard....do... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Carn, James.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Phillips, Banner T.....do....... June 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Reeder, Henry P.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Ryan, James............do..... June 10,'61 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Rose, John L............do..... June 10,'61 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Roberts, George W...do.....Aug. 12,'62 3 Transferred to, 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Rose, James.............do.....June 10,'61, 3 Died at camp Pierpont, Va., February 22, 1862. Robinson, Charles.....do.... July 13,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Runk, Charles.........do... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted November 2, 1862, from battery C, Sth United States Artillery. Swartz, Larne.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Smith, Bartlett.........do.... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Smith, John.............do.... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Stevenson, Daniel......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Stone, Thomas...........do June 10,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Oct. 19,'62. Stout, Joseph...........do... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Southwick, John......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Oct. 19,'62. Steifle, John......d........ June 10,'61, 3 Killed accidentally, Mar. 26,'64, near Kerneysvile, Va.-Vet. Stewart, Henry.......do June 10,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Thornton, Charles.....do. June 18,'61, 3, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Tapp, John S.............do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Trimmer, Elwood....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Vanhorn, Joseph....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Walton, Samuel..;.....do...June 10, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wiggins, Charles...do. June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Woolman. Lewis N...do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wall, Anthony J.......d..... July 29, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Wynkoop, S. W.........do Oct. 4, 62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Wells, Charles..........do.....July 21,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Oct. 19,'62. Williamson, Levi..l...do.... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 29, 1863. Wittee, Peter W.......do... July 20,'61, i3 Died at camp Pierpont, Va., November 26, 1862. Wiggins, George W...do.. July 29, 61, i-3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. White, George W......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Young, Absolam B...do June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Young, Wesley S.......do June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V.,July 4,'64-Vet. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN BERKS COUNTY. William Briner.....Capta June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August 1, 1862. F. H. Straub....... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., November 195'61-to Capt., "'...Vd 1~ August 1, 1862-killed at Antietam, September 1.........17, 1862. THREE YEARS" SERVICE. 623 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. A. INTO SERVICE. i REMARKS. Andrew J. Stetson.. Capt.... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Nov. 19,'61-to 1st Lt., Aug. 1,'62to Captain, March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Franklin S. Bickley Ist Lt... June 7,'61, 3 Resigned ovember 13, 1861. Jacob V. Shilling......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Jan. 7, 62 —to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62to 1st Lieutenant, October 1, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Albert Briner...........do.....June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. George B. Davis;..... 2d Lt... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1, 62-to 2d Lt., Mar. 6, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Abra'm B. Yocum.. 1st Sgt June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 20,'61-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863-to 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. James Schrader.........do.. June 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Oct 1, 1862killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. David Hollenback......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, November 20, 1861deserted January 7, 1862. Wm. K. Leaman... Sergt...June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 20, 1861-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Franklin Trussel.......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Levi Boyer................do.... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, September 30, 1861. William H. Parker...do... July 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., March 20,'63-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Francis Eisenbeis......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., May 1, 1863transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864 John A. Price............do.... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, November 19,'61-killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. John N. Smith..........do... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1,'62-deserted Dec. 19, 1862. H H. Hemming.... Corp..... July 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1,'63-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Nelson G. Sheeder.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. - LewisF. Henderson...do.... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William Carlin.......... do..June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. WilliamS. Lab........d... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Peter B. Keehn........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863 -mustered out with company June 17, 1864. Adam F. Waid..........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1863-transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Ephr'm Strohecker...do...June 7,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., March 19, 1862. John G. Bland..... do... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 20,'61-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Henry Setley......... do...d. July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John S. Keever..... Muc.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Chas..K. Bechtel....o..d... July 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Sept. 1, 1862. M. L.:Huntzberger....do.. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 1, 1863. Achey, Obediah..... Private June 7, "61, 8 Died atyVan Clevesville, W. Va., March 25,'64. Allen, Edward.........do.... July 28,'61, 3Tr. from company I-deserted April 14, 1862. Barr, Henry.r........do... June 7,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864..Bishop, Clark...........d..... June 7,'61, 2 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Boone, Jeremiah......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Boone, Thomas D......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Boyer, Charles...........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Billing, Philip................ June 7,'61, 3 ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62. Bobst, Samuel.......d June 7,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'62. Broom, William....... do..... Sept. 19,'62,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1863. Barber, Charles H.....do..... July 13,'61,3 ransferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Becker, John H.........do... July 12, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Boyer, Wash'n L.....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Briner, Jefferson........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Babb, John..............do..June 7,'61,3 Killed at 2d Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Bechtel, David.......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mis. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Bechtel, Jacob..........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Wd. and mis. at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13,'62. Boyer, John H............. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Cunningham, Peter...do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17. 1864. Coller, Josiah...........do June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Caldwell, James..d.....do.. June 7,'61, 3 Deserted April 14, 1862. Davies, Samuel......do..June 7,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. DeParson,DeLozier...do Sept. 30,62 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'63. 624 THIlTY-SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVE, NATE. RANK. DAT OF MUSTER R KS. INTO,.ERVICE. _ Dehart, Peter......... Private July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Dengler, Henry.........do..... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Doty, James.............do.... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted December 9, 1862. Epphimer, David C...do.... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sgt., March 1, 1864, Ellis, William...........do..... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July, 4, 1864. Ellis, Franklin........do.....June 7,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Focht, Josiah............do,.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'62 Frill, Edward............do... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted October 30, 1862. Fisher, David...........do.... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Mustered out June 23, 1865. Geiger, Henry.........do.... June 11,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Good, William S........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gearhart, Reuben G...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. Good, Emanuel.........do...Sept. 19,'62, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July-25,'63. Good, Henry S...........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Grath, William.........do....Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P.'V., July 4, 1864. Geiger, Alexander.....do.... July 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Earner, Alfred..........do... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Harrison, Sam'l L.....do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. HEoffman, Henry.......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hobson, James L......do... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Hendley, Fred'k...... do June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hunsberger,Jer'hC...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner, at Cloyd Mountain, West Va., May 9, 1864. Helmer, Albert D......do, July 12,'61, 3 Deserted March 2, 1864. Kupp, Morgan..........d.do.... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Quartermteraster 167th reg. P.V., Dec. 11,'62. Kelchner, William,..do.... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Kellar, Adam F.........do... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. Long, James..............do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lorah, Henry A........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.' Lowrey, Patrick......do... June 7,61, 3 Mi;stered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lorah, Alexander......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out August 12, 1864. Levan, David....d......... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Lichtenfelt, Henry....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. Mann, Samuel..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862 —returned April 1,'63-mustered out'with company, June 17,'64. Miles, Nathaniel........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Miller, William........d..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,1862, Mellen, Jacob......do......d June 7,'61, 3 Killedat Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Moohn, Isaac.....do..... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Deserted December 9, 1862. M'Chalicher, Sam'l..do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 27, 1862, for wounds received at -:.. Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Cord, Heber...........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Raudenbush,Geo.A...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rank, William..d..... June 7,'61, 3 Died at Fairfax Seminary Hospital, Va., September 24, 1862. Rorke, Joseph...........do...,. July 13,'61, 3 Missing in action at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, i862. Sagee, William S.......do. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Sayboldt, Augustus....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted'from Corporal to Sergeant, Nov. 19, 1861-reduced Oct. 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Scarlet, Roland G.....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Shaner, Solomon S....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.. Slichter, Joseph.........do.....June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Schiefley, John..........o.... June 7,'61, 3 Disoharged June 22, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Steeve, Richard....... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'62. Shaffer, Harrison......do... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Simmons, Henry J.....do... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Shepherd,And'w M...do..... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Schwartz, Cyrus........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Missing in action at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Setley, George........... d.June 11,'61, 3 Died at Stafford Court House, Virginia, Novem- ber 24, 1862. Shaffer, George...d......do Sept. 9,'62, 3Deserted De Dcember 14, 1862. Thomas, James P..~....do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment. P. V., July 4, 1864. Walker, Benj. F.......do.. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wann, Henry...........do. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weigner, George O...do June 7,'61, 3 Reduced from Corporal, October 1, 1862-mustered:out with company, June 17, 1864. Wright, Charles E.....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Wounded and missing in action at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wilkins, Charles....do July 18,'61, 3 Deserted December 14, 1862. Yoder, Samuel......do June 7, 1, 3 Discharged November 28, 1862, for wounds ro-_ _____ ____ -- 7,' ceived at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. THREE YEARS' SRVICE. 625 COMPANY E.RECRUIT1MD AT PHILADELPHIA.. y.../....' DATE OF MUSTER ~ I1| a~RKSo NAME. RANK. DAMoRKE INTO SBERVICE.ES. _________ _______________ Ruhle, John........, Private June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1861. Reed, Cyrus.............do.....July 20,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862, Robrer, Andrew.,,.....do..Feb. 26,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. School, John..,,.......,...... June 1l,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Silbemnan, John...;.....do..... June 11,','13 Ddustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Schneer, Levi... d..... J.. une 11,'61, I3 Tr. to 54Ith regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-Vot. Stotz, William If........... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864 —Vet Seidere, John.o....... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 186(2. Stadler, John.. o...,..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Seidere, Joseph...........July 24,'61, 3 Deserted October 12, 1862. Sweeny, Hugh..............July 15,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Stallnecker, Jno, H...do....July 1861,' 3 Deserted December 12, 182. Tonia, Williami,.,..do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Tlacy, Michael,,.........do...July 20,'61, 3 Disch. by sen. of gen. court martial, Oct. 28, t2. Trexler, John t,.........do.... July 12,'1, 3 Tr. to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Tice, Lewis........., D June 11'61, 3 Deserved July 1, 1801. Tra-pold, Jacob,....... do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Walters, William...do June 11,' 6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Weber, Adam...........do June 27,'61, 3 Tr. to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-_Vet. Wentzel, John.... d.... July 12,'61, 3 Tr. to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Wild, Edward........ July 20,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1861. Whiteneck, Jacob.....do...June 11,'1, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Zetze, Adolph.......... do...June 11,'61, 3t Tr. to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864 —Ve. COM-IPANY G. RIECRUITED AT PHILADELPH/IA. R. H. Woolworth.... Capt.,..l June 1'61, 31 Promoted to Major, June 17, 1861. Hugh Harkins.......... do...,. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain, iune 27, 181 — discharged July 22, 1863. John Stanton...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., June 27, 1861-to Captain. Mar. 22,'64-mus. out with Co., June 17, 1864. Francis E, arrison lstLt... July 10,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Dec. 13, 1861-to 1st Lt., March 22, 1864-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. John Connolly..... Lt... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., June 27, 1861-died at Camp Pierpont, December 2, 1861. George W. Unrugh 1st Sgt. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Dec. 1, 1862-mustered out with company June 17, 1864. Jacob H. Unrugh......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Ist Sgt., April 1,'62-disch. Nor, 29,'62, for wd s. rec. at Charles cityCrossRoads, June 30,'62. James Rider.......... Serg't. June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Benj. D, Bowles.........do,. June,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17. 1864. William Moore........do..... June 61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1,'63 —mustered out. with company, June 17, 1864. l)an'l Scheuerman.. d....... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1,'63-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John K. Smith.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor. April 1, 1862-to Sgt., July 29, 1862-. transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. William Ratcliff......do.. June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. Richard Evans... Co.... Corp.. June 1,'61, S Promoted toCorporal, Aug. 1,'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wim. II. Heckroth.....do..... June 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1,'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Thomas Haran...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 29, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Thomas Stoop............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'64-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Edward Toon............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 27,'61 —disch. April 6,'63, for wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Charles A. Doster......do.. d. June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Nov. 27,'61-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 5, 1863. Michael Iickey.....do.....o June I,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 1, 1862-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Charles Carley...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1, 1862-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Alexander Park........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 1, 1863-died of wounds at New Creek, W.-V., March 16, 1864. Richard Wilson.......:do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Tennis Ploid............do..June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. THRBEE YEARS SERVIC. 629 DAT~ OF MUSTEE INTO SERVICE. _____________- -— ~___________________________________ Israel Crocket......... Muc.... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Jos. R. Crumulland... do....: June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 23, 1861. Abrams, William... Private July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Brown, Jeremiah......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bott, Joseph..............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bishop, Alfred...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Boisbrun, George....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bisbing, Samuel,.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Returned to Co. from Engineer Corps, June 8,'64 —mustered out with company, Ju.:e 17,'64. Bisbing, Manuel........do... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeo;n's certificate, Dec. 13,'62. Bingham, James........do.... June.161, 613 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1802. Beglin, John C........ o..... July 17,'61. 3 Deserted July 24, 1861. Broadnax, Joseph... o.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted January 30, 1864-Vet. Broadnax, Jerem'h...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted I)ecemnber 1, 1862. Crapp, George W......do. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17; 1864. Cowell, Samuel.........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res./Corps-returned June 8,'64 —mustered out with company, June 17,'64. Crilley, Barnard........do..... June 1.'61, 3 Tr. to V. R. Corps, July 1, 1863 —returned April 5, 1864 —mustered out with Co. June 17, 1864. Carr, Elisha A...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged October 10, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Catterson, David H...do.....April 9,'62, 3 Died August 9, 1862. Caldwell, Robert.......do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Killed at Newbern Bridge, W. Va., May 10,'64. Dodd, Williaih..........do.... June 1,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Deal, Charles............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 17, 1864. Duckworth, Sam'l....do..... June 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 10,'62. Devlin, John..............do..... July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864 —Vet. Dager, Henry.........u.do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Dunbar, Peter.......... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Duddy, James...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died December 14, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Dutton, Thomas.......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Filmore, Richard.;....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1861. Guiger, Christian B...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged April 3, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. — Heckroth,Henry W...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Howie, John............. do..... June 1,'61, 3 ustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hartley, Charles......o..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hacket, Charles....... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 14,'62. Hong, Alfred W.....do..... July 14,'61, 3 Discharged January 27,'63,for wounds received at Bull. Run, August 30, 1862. Henreatty, John........do.....Oct. 4,'62, 3 Deserted December 1, 1862. Jones, Jacob..........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1864. Jobbins, Thomas......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died at Grafton, W. Va., April 27, 1864. Kennedy, Geo. W... o........ ept. 15,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1863. Killan, Mark.........d... do..... April 1, 62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Kreer, Joseph............do.... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Gunboat Service, Feb. 15, 1862. Kelly, John... do........o...'.. July 14,'61. 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. liutz, Conrad..........do..... Sept 1, 62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'63. Iong, John............d.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Murter, Robert J......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Musteredout'with company, June 17, 1864. Margerum, Lewis...do......Juno 1,/'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Murphy, John...... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged December 30, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Murray, James......]...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged February 6;'63, for wounds received at Antietam, Sentember 17, 1862. Maguire, John..........;do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ertificate, Feb. 4,'62. Mitchel, Thomas........do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. MartzAdam.........J...do..... July 16,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 30, 186. Mitchell, It. J. B.......do.... Sept. S,'62, 3 Wounded and prisoner in action at Cloyd 1^:;tain, W, Va., May 9, 1864. M'Millbn, John.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,.., MI'Grath, Maurk..... do... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. to V. R. Corps, July 1, 1863-returned April ~5, 1864-mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. M'Devitt, Charles......do..._. July 14,'61, 3 Discharged October 31, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. M'Gittigan, Hugh......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 29, 1861. M'Donald, Stewart.....do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P.~ V., July 4, 1864. M'ClIud, David.......do..... June 161, 13 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 4, 1861. Noble, George...........do....'. Sept. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Newcamp, John.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet Ogden, Edward......J..do "... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 24, 1861. Porter, James............do..... June.'61,. 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Praul, Henry............do.....June,'61,3 Disoharged-date unknown. Piffer, David..............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with comlany, June 17, 1864. 630 THIRTY-SECOND REflGI7.fENXT-THIBRI RESERVB, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. ________ I_._..V..________________________________ Presgrave, John...., Private June 1,'61, 3i Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Pearley, John A............. Jnne 1,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 8. 1862, for wounds received at. Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Rahn, George........do. June 1,'61, 31 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Schank, Adam*.........do.June 1,'61, 3! Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stone, Thomas...........do June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Sullivan, Dennis......do. June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Sample William M...do.... Juno 1,'61. 3, Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Swift, Joseph...........do. Sept. 2,'62, 3 Killed accidently at Grafton, W. Va., Apr. 16,'64. Smith, John K...........do.. June 1,'61, 3 Died July 11, 1862, at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Smith, Peter............do....July 8,'6, 3 Deserted June 5, 1861. Trumbower, W. H......do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1862. Trumbower, S. Z.......d..... June 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'61. Ubil, William B.....1...do Aug. 26,'601, 3 Died at Sharpsburg, Md., October 12, 1862. Wallace, John......... do...June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Winton, Hamilton......do... June 1,'61, 3 Mstered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wurst, Fred'k H...I...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Walters, Wim. H......do'..... June 1,'61, 3 Mastered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wilson, John........... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R C.-disch.-date unknown. Wells, Frederiok.......... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN BUCKS COUNTY, Joseph Thomas...... Capt.... June 18,'61, 3 Resigned July 7, 1862. B. F. Fisher......... do..... June 18,'61, 3 Detached to Signal Corps, Aug. 27,'61-pr. from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, July 7, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. J. B. Bartholomew Ist Lt... June 18,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Jan. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., July 7,'62-mus. out with Co., June 17, 1864. Nelson Applebach.. 2d Lt... June 18,'61, 3 Resigned December 9, 1861. William M'Carty.....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 7,'62-detached May 30. 1864. to command 61st company Vets., 3d Brigade, 2d Divison, Dep't West Virginia. Andrew J. Adrian.. 1st Sgt. June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.'Ephraim Case....d........ June 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. J. H. F. A. Christern Serg't.. June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Jesse Keller.............do....June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Isaac E. Lewis...........do..... June 18'6, 61, Died of wounds at Alexandria, September 24 1862-grave, 1,598. George W. Vaux.........do..... June 18,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. Hugh O. Connell.... Corp.... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Augustus Neiffer.......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Marshall Darling...do..... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Dan'1 Fr~ankentield...do.., June 18,'61, 3 Discharged and re-enlisted in battery 0, Stul United States Artillery, November 29, 1862. Nathan Hauch...........do.... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Rozell M. Gaylord.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Jackson Bachman......do..... June 18,'6, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, September 21, 1862. Israel Long................ June 29,'61, 3 Died of -ws. rec. at Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. Harvey Alabao.......do....June 18,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Levi Frey.............. do...June 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 6, 1863.. Kluman............. Muc.... Jne 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864t William Burnes........do.....June 29,'61, 3 Tiansferred to company I, July 1, 1861. Albright, John......Private June 18,'61, 3 Discharged-re-enlisted in battery C, 5th United States Artillery, November 24, 1862. Brey, Adam S............... June 18,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. 3eoidlingmoyer, C..... do..... July 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Boone, Allen............. do..... Jly 8, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificato, Nov. 21,'62. Burnes, Lewis...........do..... April 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'63. Bushnell, Sam'l A.....do,.... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Barth, Frederick R...do..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864 —~Vet. Brown, Lewis............do..... June 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Beidleman, Theoe......do.... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 12, 1861. Bushnell, Sam'l A......do..... May 27,'61,.3 Deserted March 22, 1864-returned April 8,'64mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Crib, William.............do.... July 29, 161, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Crator. Jacob B...do.... June 18,'61. 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Dcug1boety, Wm....do.... Juno 29,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. THIEE YEARS SERVICE. 631.... - RANK. fDATE OF MUSTER REMARKS, 2NAMB. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMAREB. English, Emanuel.. Private July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'63. Evans; William D.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out Sept. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Flinn, Peter............. do..... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1804. Fill, John............... do.... June 29'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Foil, John G..............do.... June 18,'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1862. Gearhart, Abner C.....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Greenwood, Lewis.....do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Gerbron, Joseph........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Gerlach, Charles......do..... June 15, 61, Deserted May 26, 1863. Huff, Frederick.........do..... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Huver, James...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Houseworth, Josiah...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hertle, Michael.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hendricks, Hil'y 0....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Iischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Hager, John S...........do..... Oct. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Huff, Andrew............do..... June 29,'61 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Jones, James...........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate, Dec. 2,'62-re-enlisted Mar. 31,'64-tr. to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Keeler, Joshua...........do.... June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1864. Kerns, Joseph....do..... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Keiser, Jesse...........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., January 13, 1862. Keiser, Adamn...........do.... June 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Ladshaw. Abram......do.... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lambenstine, John...do.. June 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Long, Washington.....do..... Oct. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Longenbucher,Geo....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., January 28, 1862. Milloy, Daniel.........do...... Sept. 15,'62. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 9, 1863. Martin, John.....d.... Sept. 3, 62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Miller, Jeremiah........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1862. Miller, William.....do..... June 18'61, 3 Deserted December 22, 1862. Ohl, John W..............do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'63. Peters, Theodore C....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Pennypaoker, Jess do...Sept. 27,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Reed, James A.....d..... June 29,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Reiter, Benjamin.....do.. Jue 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Reiter, George W.. do..... June 29,'6, 3 Transferred'to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864 —Vet. Reed, Milton..........o..... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4,1864. Roberts, A. J....... do.... Junlie 18,'6. 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Reiter, George W.....do... July 29.'61. 3 Deserted December 29, 1863. Rebman, George......do.... Aug. 30,'t2, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Scheetz, Milton......do. June 18,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Small, John S...... do... o.unre 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Seifert, Charles G.....do.... June 18,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Shively, John.......... J.. uly 16,'61, 3 Diseh. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Straun, Owen M....do.... oept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 29, 1863. Shilb, Frederick....d..do....lJune 18.'61. 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Suable, Jeremiah.. do..J.... ly 20.'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Small, John..............do..... June 29,'61. 3 Tr. to western gun-boat service, Feb. 28, 1862. Schaarschmidt, E....do.... June 29,'61, 3 Deserted December 17, 1862. Stouffer, Jacol) L....do.... June 18,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Sellers, Frank.........o..... June 18,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Thomas, George.......do.....June 18,'61, 3 Died at Washington, August 24, 1861-buried-in Military Asylum Cemetery. Trumbower, John....do..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Trumbower, John.. do...... July 29,'61, 3 Deserted March 22, 1864. Walp, Charles J.......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wenkoldt, JacobF...do.....June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wile, Michael..........do.... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Willuner, Jesse........d..... June 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Welder, Wayne F.....do..... une 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Wissinger. hrist'r...do.... une 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Wissinger, Dan'l..:...do. June 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'63. Warner, Stephen.......do..... July 20, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P, V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Worthinu^ton. Goo.....d..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 27, 1861. Warner. Stephen......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Deserted March 22, 1264. Yeakel, John K.........do..... Aug. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 29, 1863. Yotter, Martin........do..... June 29,.'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64 —tet. Yeakel, Samuel K....do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Zeiner, Levi............do.....June 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 27,'62. immrerlnan, Lewis...do..... June 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Zimnmertlan, Lewis...do...July 29,'61, 1 3 Deserted March 22, 1864. 632 THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVE. COIMPANY I. RIECRUITED IN BUCKS (COUNTY. -i i ]SAME R.AN. DATE OF MUSTErR X I M EMARKf. INTO SERVICE'.. I__.. H. Clay Beatty....... Capt.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run. August 30, 1862. $amuel J. La Rue......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 1 st Lt. to Capt., Oct. 1,'62-musterod out with company, June 17, 1864. Samuel Beatty....... 1st Lt.. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Oct. 1, 1862-musterod out with company, Juno 17, 1864. J. Hutchinson........ Lt... Ma 29,.'61, 3 Prolmotod to Cor.,Oct. 1,'62-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., May 14,'63 — ustered out with company, June 17,1864. Samuel P. Banes..... IstSgt May 29,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 1,'62-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 7, 1863-nmus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Joel Chester............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Joseph M. Read...... Sergt ay 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-not on muster-out roll. Edward Richards.. do..... Maly 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 1, 1862-muttered out with company, June 17, 1864. Albert Gardner....,...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,1862. rhomas C. Leet........o.. lo..ly 17,'61, 3 T'ransferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. John Ferris...............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transfrred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Irvine C. Wright......do..... My 29, 61. 3 Promoted to Corn. Sgt, November 1, 1862. Robert Booz...........do..... mo ay 290,'). 3 lDied June 18, 1862. Roward Reeder............. May 2,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Lewis Holt............ Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1,'62-mustered out wit.l company, June 17, 1864. Simon C. Moorhea...do.... lMay 29,'6, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1,'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Nathan Harkness.....do.... ay 09,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1,'6V -mustered out with company, June 17, 1864, William H. Cooper d....o I. ay 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William L. Allen.,....do. y 9,'1, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1,'63, mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lewis W. Gilkesol.-d... d My,'61,' 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. George S..... S -ibe..... r.,. pt3 5,'62 3i Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. Charles Grovat........o.....May 9,'(1, 3 Discharged Feb. 10, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Jacob Coorbs....... do...o.. y 29,'6l, 3 Transferred to regimental band, October 1,'61 — died-date unknown. William W. Smith...do.... so pt. 25,'c6. S Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. William Whitely.. AMu,.. M:iy;',, 3 Mustered out with company July 17, 1864.William Burns... do....... July'91,'61. 3 Discharged July 21, 1861. James K P.P Barry...do P.De. D.'61. 3 Trarsferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Arrison, Jonathar..[ Priv. rivau:y C6. 3 Must-ded out with company, June 17, 1864. Anderson, WVm. B.do.. m... My 2,' 3 MusteIod out with company, June 17, 1864. A.kers, William A.....do.. M. 29.'61, 3 Dischargod on-Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'62. Andrews, Samuel.. o.... July 17'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62, Allen, Charles S.........do.. July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out July 26, 1864-expiration oC term. Allen, Edward.........do.... May 29,.'61. 3 Transferred to company D, Oct. 1, 1861. Booz, Charles..........d.... May 2'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Brelsford, William...do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bushnell, Sam'l A....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 1, 1861. Banes, Roadman......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, April 7, 1864-discharged, date unknown-re-enlisted. Bradon, Joseph.........do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Burgien, John,.........do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3.Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Benfer, John L.........do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Clark, William.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,1862. Carlin, Charles.......... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Carr, Thomas............do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 29,1863. Coppel, Joseph..........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Cummings, Wm........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, February 19, 1863. Clark. Benjamin........do... May 29, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Curran, Daniel..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 I)eserted June 10, 1863. Donkel, John............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged by sentenceof generalcourt martial, for desertion, February 6, 1862. Dorran, Duval...........do..... Mav 2,'61, 1 3 Promoted to Corn. Sergeant, June 1, 1861. Douglass, John M.I... d......., May 9,'61, 3 Desered August 30, 1862. Erich, John.d.........do... M:a.y 29,'61, i3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fennemore, Thos..ddo.....I.. uly 17,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Force, George W.....do..... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Died )ecember 12, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 633 W NAME. RANK. DATE OP MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVIC. Geathers, Mahlon... Private July 17, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Garwood, Allen L......do..... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Gibson, Tolbert.........do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Geary, Charles..........do..... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Guy, Robert E..........do.... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Gosline, Richard.......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hunter, John............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hellinps, Edward.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 17,'62, for wds. received June 30,'62. Hall, William........,... do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'62. Harkens, Albert.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Highland, Eugene.....do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Howell, F. B.............do..... Mar. 20, 62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Hare, John...............do... Feb. 23,'64, Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Jacoby, Edward C.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Johnson, Charles......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1862-returned May 5, 1863-mustered out August 23, 1864, to date June 17, 1864. Jolly, James M.........do..... Sept. 5, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Johnson, David P... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Knight, William G do...d. July 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Kennedy, George E...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted April 13, 1862. Landreth, Edward.....do..... May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Leeti, Samuel H............... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Lashels, John LI.......do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. La Rue, Manuel........do..,. July 22'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Leeson, James....... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Mackie, Hugh..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Moorehead, T. J....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Western Gunboat service-date unknown. Miles, Thomas.........do..... July 22, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Mooney, Edw'rd W...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March,'63. Miltenberger, C....J...d...... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Martin, John D.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Kenna, Michael.....do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nelson, Alexander...do..... Sept. 25,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Newcamp, John........ do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, October 1, 1861. Nelson, William Hl...d..... May 29, 61, 3 Wounded and prisoner, May 9,1864-died at Andersonville, Sept. 21, 1864-grave, 9,434. Oesterben, George.. -...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Ogelby, Isaac............do.... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Peters, Caleb............do.... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Rue, James N.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Roberts, Mahlon........do..... May 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Ryon, Charles M.......do..... July 20, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Richardson, S. V......do... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg., P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Rodamaker, Wm......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,'64 —Vet. Reading, James.........do..... Sept. 25'61, 3 Died of wounds received, June 30, 1862. Schaeffer, John.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stackhouse, Wm.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Subers, Edward.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stumsfelts, Christ'n...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged October 6, 1862, for wounds received June 30, 1862. Smith, Joseph..........do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Synnamon, H............do.... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Tr to company B, 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Synnamon, Thom's...do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company B, 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. States, Abraham.......do.... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Smith, William.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Scott, John T...........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Shock, Henry T......d...... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Severns, Allen.........do..... Sept. 25,'61 3 Died at Harrisburg-.date unknown. States, William.........do. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Terry, William.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 25,'62. Tarpy, John.......... do...do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Thomas, James.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Die4 June 3, 1864, at Washington, D. C., of wds. receivedat Cloyd Mountain, W. V., May 9,'64. Vansant, William....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Welch, Michael....... do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wilson, Ebenezer...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wofter, Frank R....do.....July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,1862. Whicher, Henry C...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'62. Wilkie, Samuel.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Welsh, John...........do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Wright, John......S...do..... Sept. 16'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V, July 4, 1864. Ward, James...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted December 4, 1862. Wilson, Henry.......do..... Mar. 11,'64,3 Not on muster-out roll. Wright, Robert E.!...do..... July 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown 80 634 THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT-THIRD RESERVEB COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN BUCKS COUNTY. NAME. RANK. DT MUSER REMARKS INTO SERVICE... Horatio G. Sickel... Capt... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Colonel, June 21, 1861. William Brian.......... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Appointed Capt. V. R. C., Sept. 15, 1863 —disch. for wounds received in action, Feb. 16, 1863. David Wonderly........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Feb. 1, 1863-to Capt., Sept. 16,'63-disch. on Surg. certificate, May 23,1864. David W. Donaghy 1st Lt.. May 27'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27, 1863. Thos. C. Spackman...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.,.March 1,1862-to Sgt., July 31,'62-to 1st Sgt., Aug. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Feb. 1, 1863-to 1st Lt., Sept. 16, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John M. James..... 2d Lt... May By' %t 8 Promoted to Sgt. March 1,'62-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 1, 1863-to 2d Lt., Sept. 16, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William Krause.... 1st Sgt. May 27, 061, 3 Promoted to Cor., August 19, 1862-to Sgt., Dec. ~~~. y 10, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1, 1863-killed accidentally, June 7, 1864. Ran'ph Williamson Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 1,'62-to Sgt., Dec. 11, 1862 —mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Gabriel L. Todd...... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. Aug. 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Edward Wood........... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 17, 1862-to Sgt., July 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Rob't D. D. Brian......do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 17, 1862-to Sgt., Dec. 26, 1863-transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4,1864. William P. Smith......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., February 28,'63-to Sgt. Maj., March 1, 1863. William H. Brian......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 1, 1862-to Sgt., Dec. 10, 1862-deserted May 25, 1863. Thomas Kane......... Corp.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 10, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. James Brooke...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 10, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Charles Morgan.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 10, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William H. Lewis.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 8, 1862-transferred to battery C, 5th U. S. Art., Dec. 9, 1862. Charles Brook...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Dec. 11,1861. Wm. Dennison.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 6, 1861-discharged Dec. 7, 1862, for wounds received in action. William Hazlett........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 2, 1862. Owen Jones...............do.... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 2, 1862. (George M. Sailor.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 10, 1862. Matthew Jordon.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 10, 1862-transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. William Brittain......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 8, 1862-killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Francis Conner...... Muc.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Aldworth, John...... Private May 27'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. kdair, Samuel M.......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Adams, Joseph.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted December 4, 1862. Boger, Henry D.............June 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bryant, Joseph..........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 2,1863. Brown, Stephen........do.... May 27'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bender, John F.........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Bechtel, John............do.....May 27,'61, 8 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'62. Brockway, John........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Black, James..........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, July 29, 1863. Buck, Isaac G.......... do..... July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Bows, Dennis.......... do..... July 17'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. Bressler, John...........do.....July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Barr, Joseph............do....May 27,'61, 3 Died November 26, 1862. Beck, Augustus........do..... July 17, 61, Deserted August 1, 1862. Beaumont, John B....do.. May 27,'61, Deserted August 22, 1862. Clayton, James W.....do... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Clayton, Henry M......do.... May 27,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. THrREE YEARS' SERVICE. 635 arr, Edwin A...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Conway, William......do.... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864-Vet. Carpenter, John B.....do..... July 16,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 181. Callahan, Hugh.........do..... May 27,'61,3 Deserted June 20, 1861. Devitt, Henry B......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.,'July 1, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 1,'61-reduced-disch. on Surg. certificate, Aug. 7,'63. Do Baufre, W'm........ do..... ly 29,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,'62. TEckard, George W. do...do.. May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Evins, Christopher...do..... May 27, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fisher, Albert D....o...do.... May 27,'61,3 Mustered out With company, June 17, 1864. Frazier, Alexander...do..... May 2, 61, 3 Deserted August 22, 1862. Ferguson, David....do...- July 16,'61, 3 Deserted July 19, 1861. Gosler, Isaiah S.....d..... May 27, 61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1863. Haynes, William H...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Helfricht, George I...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hopper, Jacob.........do..... May 27.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'63. Humison, Hiram.......do.... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 25,'61. Handerhill, Danidl...do..... July 17'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1861. Hanold, Charles.....do..... ldMay 7,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Jones, David..........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Jaquett, Joseph........do.... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Loag, James.............do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Leonard, Thomas.... do.... May 27,'61, 3 illed by gun-shot while in discharge of duty, April 2, 1862. Lenay, John........d.. do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862-arrested October 8, 1863-deserted again July 6, 1864. Lantz, Jacob............ do..... May 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Morgan. George W...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mlitchell, Lemuel......do..... May 27,'61, 8 Mis. in action at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mooney, Hugh.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1861. M'Donald, William...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Nickerson, Joshua.....do.... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Neid, John......... do.....Sept. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Painter, William......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29,'63. Phillips, Henry E......do.... May 27,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, October 11, 1862. Quick, Abraham L....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'62. Reinbotl, George F...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ramler, Leonard.l......... May 27, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rudolph, Joseph.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Sinn, Samuel H.........do..... May 27,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Swan, Thomas E......do..... May 27,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Snyder, Bonj. K........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Reduced from Sgt.-deserted Aug. 22, 1862-arrested Nov. 13, 1863 —mus. out June 17, 1864. Sample, Thomas............................. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'62. Schroyer, Wesley......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 25,'62. Shaw, Wm. H. H......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'62. Stackhouse, David..... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V. July 4,'64-Vet. Shaw, William H......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V. July 4,'64-Vet. Stern, Valentine........do..... July 13,'61, 3Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Spink, Valentine W... do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg.'P. V., July 4,'64-Vet. Stillman, Thomas......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1862-arrested December 5, 1863-deserted again January 6, 1864. Todd, James A.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Thomas, George......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Ungerbuchler, W......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1862-reduced-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Vanhorn, John.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Watson, Joseph.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wilson, Thomas........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William, Thomas......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 26, 1863. Wright, Enos L.......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Wine, George............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21,'62. Wondesland, Peter..do..... May 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. White, Thomas........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., July 4, 1864. Wright, George.........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Missing in action at Glendale, Va., June 30,'62. Young, Edward.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. UNTASSIGNED MEN. 1)urr, John............ Private Mar. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Foy, Joseph H.......'..do.'..,.. Nov. 6,'63, 3 Not onnmuster-out roll. Vbite, Thomas S.......... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT, FOURTH RESERVE. THE companies composing the Fourth Regiment were recruited, one from each of the counties of Chester, Monroe, Montgomery, Lycoming and Susquehanna, and the remaining five from the eity and county of Philadelphia. The latter were sworn into the State service before leaving Philadelphia. Most of these companies had been partially recruited under former calls, but not being accepted their organizations were preserved and the expenses borne by the officers and their friends. The companies were ordered to rendezvous at the camp at Easton, where seven, raised in Philadelphia and vicinity, arrived early in June. General M'Call, who had been appointed to command the division, visited the camp on the 14th of June, and gave orders for its voluntary organization. He again visited it on the 20th, when, finding that regimental organizations had not been effected, he prescribed regulations by which they were immediately executed. The following field officers were elected for the Fourth Regiment: Robert G. March, Colonel, John F. Gaul, Lieutenant Colonel, and Robert M. M'Clure, Major. The regiment was clothed and equipped at the camp near Easton in July. On the 16th it was ordered to Harrisburg, and proceeded thither by rail, encamping at Camp Curtin, where it remained until the 21st, when, in compliance with orders from the national authorities at Washington, it moved by rail to Baltimore, and encamped at Carroll Hill, reporting to General Dix. A few days later it moved to Stewart's mansion on Baltimore street, where it remained on duty until the last of August, when it was ordered to the general camp of rendezvous for the Reserves at Tenallytown. On the Second of September General M'Call thus reports its condition: " The Fourth Regiment, Colonel Robert G. March, with an aggregate list of eight hundred and forty-seven men, is variously armed, the flank companies have rifles; company K, has the Harper's Ferry musket; the other companies the old, altered flint-lock musket. This regiment, when encamped near Baltimore, was drilled in street firing to the neglect of the battalion drill, which is now being steadily practiced." On the 1st of October Colonel March resigned on account of disability, and was succeeded by Albert L. Magilton, Lieutenant Colonel of the Second Reserve. Upon the occasion of the presentation of flags to the division, the Fourth, being on picket duty, did not participate in the ceremonies. Colonel Magilton was well versed in military duty, and under his skillful discipline the regiment acquired marked proficiency. Upon the organization of the division, the Fourth was assigned to the Second Brigade,* commanded by General Meade. * Organization of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General George G. Meade; Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Major General George A. M'Call. Third (32d) Regiment Pensylvania Volunteers, Colonel Horatio G. Sickel; Fourth (33d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Albert L. Magilton; Seventh (36th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Elisha B. Harvey; Eleventh (40th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher. 1862 BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL. 637 On the 9th of October the division broke camp at Tenallytown, and crossing the chain bridge, encamped in line with the Army of the Potomac near Langley. The Fourth Regiment, with the exception of the First, which was on its right, held the extreme right of the line. During the month of December Colonel Magilton established a school for the instruction of the officers, which was held nightly, and at which they were critically examined in the lesson which they had been required to study, and in the daily drill they were called, in turn, to put in practice the lesson of the previous evening. By this thorough course of discipline they soon became expert in duties, which, to many of them, were entirely new. In the brilliant little victory achieved at Dranesville on the 20th of December, by the Third Brigade under General Ord, the Second Brigade was held in reserve; but, upon the opening of the fight, marched rapidly to its support, arriving upon the field, however, too late to be engaged. Joining in the general forward movement of the army towards Manassas, which commenced in March, the Fourth moved to Hunter's Mills, where the division was halted, it having been discovered that the enemy had fled. After a few days delay it returned to Alexandria, where it bivouacked and remained till ordered to Catlett's Station. Upon the departure of M'Clellan for the Peninsula, it was intended that M'Dowell, who commanded the First Corps, should join him by an overland route, covering Washington. The Reserves, constituting a part of the First Corps, were ordered to concentrate, at Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg, early in June, and orders were issued for an advance by the general route of the Richmond and Potomac railroad. The First Brigade was already across the Rappahannock, when the order for an advance by that line was countermanded, and the Reserves, being detached from M'Dowells Corps, were ordered to proceed by water to White House, on the Pamunky, and thence march and form a junction with M'Clellan's army. The Fourth regiment arrived in the neighborhood of Mechanicsville on the 20th of June, and soon confronted the enemy. On the 26th a severe battle was fought by the Reserves on the line of Beaver Dam Creek, in which the enemy was repulsed with great slaughter. In this engagement the Fourth was held in reserve, and, though under fire during the entire battle, was not actively engaged. During the night the division was withdrawn to Gaines' Mill, where, on the following day, the rebel army, sixty thousand strong, under its most trusted leaders, attacked the single corps of Fitz John Porter, isolated from the main army by the Chickahominy River. IT this engagement M'Cail's division was held in reserve until three o'clock P. M., when it was ordered in, and soon became desperately engaged. The Fourth Regiment, says Sypher,' commanded by Colonel Magilton, supported Duryea's Zouaves, and after driving the enemy from the woods the regiment moved up to support Colonel Sickel, whose regiment was engaged in a terrific contest. Before the Fourth could come up, the Third had repulsed the enemy, and Colonel Magilton was ordered to the extreme left. Soon after going into action there, his regiment was overwhelmed,* driven back, and becoming detached, was forced to cross the Chickahominy to Smith's division to escape being captured.^ *This and all our positions were held against the enormous odds, and the enemy were at times driven back by our battalions of fresh troops as they were successively thrown into action. At each repulse by us, fresh troops were thrown by the enemy upon our exhausted forces, and in such numbers and so rapidly that it appeared as if their Reserves were inex 638 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FOURTH RESERVE. 1862 Retiring from the Chickahominy, the Army of the Potomac slowly wended its way towards the James. At Charles City Cross Roads the Reserves were drawn up across the New Market road to resist any attack from the direction of Richmond. On the 30th of June the enemy having massed his forces in their immediate front, attacked at half past two P. M. in the most determined manner, and followed up his first onset with unabated fury. The Fourth was posted in the front line on the right, in support of Randall's Battery. Upon the opening of the battle the enemy struck heavily upon the left, but supports coming up quickly the force of the blow was broken and his lines were repulsed. 4Some time after this," says General M'Call in his official report, "the most determined charge of the day was made upon Randalls Battery by a full brigade, advancing in wedge shape, without order, but with a wild recklessness that I never saw equalled. Somewhat similar charges had, as I have stated, been previously made on Cooper's and Kern's Batteries by single regiments without success, the Confederates having been driven back with heavy loss. A like result appears to have been anticipated by Randall's company, and the Fourth Regiment, (as was subsequently reported to me,) was requested not to advance between the guns, as I had ordered, as it interfered with the cannoneers, but to let the battery deal with them. Its gallant commander did not doubt, I am satisfied, his ability to repel the attack, and his guns fairly opefied lanes in the advancing host." But the enemy, unchecked, closed up his shattered ranks and came on, with arms trailed, at a run to the very muzzles of the guns where he pistolled and bayonetted the cannoneers and attacked their supports with such fury and in such overwhelming numbers that they were broken and thrown into great confusion. Remnants of the regiment, however, rallied and held their ground with the most determined obstinacy. " It was here, however," says General M'Call, "my fortune to witness between those of my men who stood their ground, and rebels who advanced, one of the fiercest bayonet fights that perhaps ever occurred on this continent. Bayonets were crossed and locked in the struggle; bayonet wounds were freely given and received. I saw skulls crushed by the heavy blow of the butt of the musket, and, in short, the desperate thrusts and parries of a life and death encounter, proving indeed that Greek had met Greek, when the Alabama boys fell upon the sons of Pennsylvania."* The enemy was successfully held in check, and: during the night the Reserves retired to Malvern Hill. Here MICall's Division was held in reserve and was not called into action. The casualties in the Fourth Regiment, during the seven days of battle, were upwards of two hundred. From Malvern Hill the Reserves marched with the army to Harrison's Landing, where they remained until summoned to the support of Pope, on the Rapidan. General M'Call having resigned, the command of the division was given to General John F. Reynolds, under whom it marched to the plains of Manassas, and was engaged in the second battle of Bull Run, on the 29th and 30th of August. The Fourth Regiment was posted near the centre of the last line. Attacked with overwhelming numbers the left was obliged to yield, the troops haustible; the action now extended throughout our entire line, the brigades of M'Carl were successively thrown forward to give support to Morrell's hard pressed division. The promised reinforcements (Slocum's Division) arrived just as the last of M'Call's troops had been sent in to the relief of those of Morrell's Battalions, whose ammunition had been exhausted, or to take the place of those who had been nearly cut to pieces.-.Offcial Beport of General Porter. * Moore's Rebellion Record, Comp. Yol, page 668. 1863 ANTIETAM AND FREDERICKSBURG. 639 not being sufficiently in hand for th~ commanding General to furnish ready supports at the needed points. The Reserves fought well in this battle; but from no fault of theirs it was in vain. The loss in the Fourth was one killed and eleven wounded. The regiment next met the enemy at South Mountain. General Meade having succeeded to the command of the division, Colonel Magilton assumed command of the Second Brigade, and Major Nyce, that of the regiment, Colonel Woolworth being absent, wounded. The First Brigade, under Seymour, was ordered to advance and take a low ridge, running parallel to the mountain. The Third Brigade, under Gallagher, and the Second, under Magilton, was formed in line with that of Seymour's, but lower down in the Valley. At the foot of the mountain the enemy's infantry was met, when the action became general, and, as the line advanced, his troops, posted behind trees and rocks, were gradually dislodged until the heights were carried and the victory was complete. The Fourth lost, in this engagement, five men killed and twentytwo wounded. From South Mountain the Reserves moved through Boonsboro, and, crossing Antietam Creek, opened the battle on the evening of the 16th of September, where the Fourth was in the advance. Resting upon the ground on which they had fought, at daybreak on the following morning they renewed the battle, which raged with great fury for five hours, when the division was relieved. The Fourth lost in this engagement five killed, forty wounded and four-missing. In the battle of Fredericksburg, which was fought on the 13th of December, the Fourth participated and held the right of the second line. Advancing in the face of a severe fire of infantry and artillery, the men fought with determined bravery, and breaking through the enemy's line carried the summit, which was the key to his position; but failing of support the division was forced to retire,* and the fruits of the success were lost. The Fourth lost in this engagement two killed, thirty-four wounded and four missing. Among the wounded was Lieutenant Colonel Woolworth, commanding the regiment. Soon after the battle of Fredericksburg, Colonel Magilton resigned, and Richard H. Woolworth, Major of the Third Regiment, who had been acting as Lieutenant Colonel, was promoted to fill the vacancy. On the 8th of February, 1863, the Reserves, now greatly reduced by active service, were ordered to the defences of Washington to rest and recruit. Here the Fourth Regiment remained, engaged in various duties pertaining to the Department, until the 6th of January, 1864, when, in company with the Third, it was ordered to duty in West Virginia. On the evening of January 5th, orders were received to take transportation at Washington. Soon after midnight they left camp, marched into Washington, were loaded into box cars, and proceeded by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to Martinsburg, where they arrived on the morning of the 7th. From Wash*So sudden and unlooked for was Meade's success, that General Gregg, mistaking the advancing Federals for a body of Confederates, did what he could to prevent his men from firing and fell mortally wounded while doing so. The brigades received and poured a withering fire into the faces of Meade's men. At this moment the second line, composed of Early's and Taliaferro's Division, movedforward at a double quick and turned the tide. Meade's confused line was compelled to draw back; the enemy was closing in on either flank, and the alternative of a rapid retreat, only, was left him. —Battle-field of Fredericksburg, (rebel,) pages 16 and 17. 640 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FOURTH RESERVE. 1864 ington Junction to Martinsburg, the cars were pushed forward at their utmost speed. The 6th and 7th being the coldest days of the winter, the men suffered terribly from the sharp winter blasts as they were hurled through the gaps and ravines of this mountainous district. At Martinsburg they found General Averill's Cavalry. His command had just returned from a raid upon Salem, in Roanoke county, Virginia, an important point on the Virginia and Tennessee railroad, where they destroyed a great quantity of commissary stores which the enemy had collected there. On their return they were pursued by a heavy force of rebels. It was thought that the enemy designed pushing forward to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, perhaps into the border counties of Pennsylvania, and hence the speedy forwarding of these two regiments to the rescue. No attempt was made to execute this purpose, and there was no immediate work for the detachment upon its arrival. The Third was commanded by Major William Briner, the Fourth by Lieutenant Colonel T. F. B. Tapper, the whole under command of Colonel Woolworth of the Fourth. The detachment performed picket duty on the roads in the vicinity of Martinsburg from January 7th till the 28th. On the latter date it was ordered to take transportation on cars westward, and was halted at New Creek, a station in a wild mountainous district one hundred miles west from Martinsburg. The detachment reported to Colonel Mulligan who had command of this post. The exigency which called the Third and Fourth to this wild forlorn spot appeared to have passed, and they were ordered to pitch their tents on a flat on the north branch of the Potomac. Early in the night of January 31st, in the midst of a rainstorm, they were ordered to report at Colonel Mulligan's headquarters with two days rations. It was reported that the rebels had attacked a train of eighty wagons going from New Creek to Petersburg, in Hardy county, a point some forty miles south, an extreme out-post, garrisoned by a small federal force. Under the command of Colonel Mulligan the Third and Fourth, accompanied by several small squads of cavalry and infantry commenced the night pursuit. They were marched and counter-marched for six successive days and nights without shelter over muddy and rocky roads, compelled to ford swollen mountain streams, scour the sides of mountains, penetrate gaps on either side of the narrow valley through which they marched, for the double purpose of finding the enemy and guarding against surprise. Within five miles of Moorefield they formed a junction with AverilPs Cavalry, which had marched from Martinsburg through Winchester and Romney. The enemy moved with rapidity, and succeeded in escaping with most of the wagon train, together with about five hundred cattle stolen from the people of Hardy and Hampshire counties. Completely exhausted from constant marching, want of sleep and exposure, the two regiments returned on the evening of February 6th to their tents left standing on the banks of the Potomac. On the 10th of February, the Third Regiment was furnished with transportation to Martinsburg. The Fourth followed two or three days later. On the night of February 11th, a force of rebel brigands said to have been under the command of the "chivalrous 7 Harry Gilmore, threw a passenger train off the track eight miles east of Martinsburg, and robbed the passengers of all their valuable effects. This was represented as the advance guard of a large rebel force in the vicinity of Winchester. Early on the morning of the 12th. Colonel Rodgers who had comn mnand of the troops in and about Martinsburg, put the Third Beserve, Eigh' 1864 WEST YVIRGINIIA CAMPAIGN. 641 teenth Connecticut, One Hundred and TWenty-third Ohio and twobatteries, in motion towards Winchester. Several regiments of cavalry preceded the infantry and artillery. Winchester was reached in the afternoon, but neither robbers nor enemy in force were found. On the following day this force returned to Martinsburg. Wednesday, February 7th, the Third moved from Martinsburg to Vanclevesville, five miles east of Martinsburg on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and the Fourth to Kearneysville, nine miles east on the same road. From these two points the regiments performed picket duty on the railroad until March 27th, when the Fourth was moved to Harper's Ferry; two days after, the Third joined it. The detachment performed picket duty at Harper's Ferry till April 3d. All baggage that could possibly be dispensed with was here stored. Each man was ordered to have on his person sixty rounds of cartridge, an extra pair of shoes and four days' rations. Thus relieved of many camp comforts and having received additional burder, the Third and Fourth were again sent westward, across the Alleghenies, to Grafton, two hundred miles from Harper's Ferry; from thence, five miles on the South Branch road leading to Parkersburg, to Webster. Several loyal Virginia regiments had preceded the Reserves at this point, and two batteries followed. Averills cavalry went into camp several miles further north. Wagons, ambulances, and pontoon bridges were collected at Webster. The design of the expedition, which was to start from this point, was to advance upon the Virginia and Tennessee railroad, bymarching through Barbour and Randolph counties, and thence directly south through the mountainous districts. The continuous rains, however, made the roads impassable; in addition to this, the enemy, having some knowledge of the design and route, had dug down the mountain road in several narrow passes, and felled trees over other portions. It was eventually concluded to abandon jthe enterprise. The force that had been collected about Webster was divided and sent east and west. Several Virginia regiments marched to Martinsburg to join the command of General Sigel, about to move on Staunton and Lynchburg. The two Reserve regiments were among the infantry sent west, and, on the 22d of April, started for Parkersburg, on the Ohio river. At Parkersburg they were transferred to steamboats and went down the Ohio to the mouth of the Great Kanawha, thence up this river to Brownstown, ten miles above Charleston. Colonel Sickel, who had been retained at Alexandria to fill an important trust, was ordered, at his own request, to rejoin his old command. He received, upon his arrival, a hearty welcome from the officer~ and men of his regiment. General George Crook had command of the troops concentrating in the Kanawha Valley. He spent but four days in organizing his fragmentary commands, reducing baggage, sending off the sick and getting in order his supply and ammunition train, Immediately after landing at Brownstown, General Crook placed Colonel Sickel in command of his Third Brigade, composed of the Third and Fourth Reserve and the Eleventh and Fifteenth West Virginia regi, ments. The Third was under command of Captain Jacob Lenhart. Major William Briner, while at Webster, had received a severe injury in his right hand in extinguishing the fire that was burning his tent, and was sent to the hospital at Grafton, to the deep regret of his men. The Fourth was commanded by Colonel R. H. Woolworth. On Saturday morning, April 30th, the Third Brigade started from Brownstown, and for two days marched up the narrow Kanawha Valley. The swollen.81........... 642 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FOURTH RESERVE. 1864 tributaries of the Kanawha had no bridges and the men were obliged to ford them. On the morning of May 2d, the command started from Great Falls, at the confluence of Gauley and New rivers, (forming the Kanawha,) and climbed the heights of Cotton Mountain. The morning was bright and beautiful, quite warm, and many of the men, as they toiled up the steep rough way, became exhausted, and threw away overcoats and blankets. Before noon, dark clouds arose succeeded by a cold chilly rain, and by the time they reached the ragged village of Fayette, they were greeted with a driving snow storm. MVn divested of overcoats and blankets, wet to the skin, shivering with the cold, presented a pitiable sight. Fayette was the extreme out-post held. by the TTnion forces. The brigade of infantry and battery on duty here, were added to General Crook's command. The force was now composed of three brigades of infantry, three batteries, GeneralAverill's cavalry, and a train of one hundred and fifty wagons with about fifty ambulances. The design of the expedition was to strike the Virginia and Tennessee railroad at Wytheville and Dublin, tear up the track, burn the bridge across New river and thus co-operate with the army of the Potomac, by cutting the main artery which furnished supplies to Lee's Army. General Averill moved by Logan Court House, intending to strike at Saltville, to which point there was a branch from the main road. To deceive the enemy as to the route, General Crook sent the Fifth Virginia Infantry, under command of Colonel A. A. Tomlinson, with Lieutenant Blazer's scouts on the Lewisburg road. This feint succeeded admirably in drawing off' MCausland's Brigade in that direction. From Fayette Court House the three brigades of infantry with artillery and wagon train, marched through Raleigh county, and across the Great Flat Top Mountain, which was set on fire by our advance. The mountain was systematically fired on both sides of the road. This was done to give General Averill a signal and mark the course of the infantry. On this day the Third Reserve was acting as a guard to the wagon train. The road was lined with the trunks of dead chestnut trees which burned with great fury. Occasionally a flaming limb or top of a tree would fall across the road, terrifying both horses and men. It was by no means a pleasant duty to guard wagons loaded with ammunition, while passing through such an ordeal as this. Even veteran soldiers were in trepidation lest there should be a premature explosion from sparks that might find their way among the wooden boxes to the missiles of death. On the south side of the Great at lt Top Mountain many trees were found felled across the road-the first intimation of the presence of an enemy. On the 6th of May the advance had a lively skirmish with the Sixtieth Virginia, at Princetown, the county seat of Mercer county, Our forces came upon them suddenly. They left their tents standing, and dropped their tools in the trench of the formidable fort they were erecting. During the next two days the command made a forced march, skirmishing by the way with small detachments of the rebels, groasd East River Mountain, passed through Rocky Gap in Tazewell county, and moved through Walker's Valley. It was tfter a march of thirty miles, on the.8th, that the gap near Shannon's bridge ws gained. This gap opens up to the north-west slope of Walker or Cloyd Mountain. On the morning of the 9th, the command passed through this gap. The Second Brigade was under command of Colonel C. B. Nybite. The Third Reserve and Eleventh Virginia filed off the mountain road t the left, marched 1864 BATTLE OF CLOYD MOUNTAIN. 643 down a densely wooded ravine for half a mile, and climbed directly to the summit of the mountain. While this was being done, Colonel Sickel with the lFourth Reserve and Fifteenth Virginia proceeded up the mountain road, and the First Brigade advanced up the mountain on the right of the road. G-eneral Crook dismounted and climbed the mountain on the left with the Second Brigade and the two regiments of the Third. When the summit was gained the position of the enemy was discovered on a bold ridge running along the foot of the mountain. His artillery was placed so as to command the mountain road, rake the open fields on either side and the bridge that spanned a deep stream at the mountain's base. The rebel infantry extended on either.side of the batteries across the open space until their right and left were lost in woods on either side of the road. In this open space the rebels were well protected by a fortification of logs and rails. General Crook, from his commanding lookout, formed his plan of battle and issued his orders for the advance. The Second Brigade crept secretly along the south side of the mountain to operate upon the enemy's right. The Third Reserve and Eleventh Virginia rejoined Colonel Sickel's Regiment on the mountain road. The First and Third Brigades moved down the mountain and formed in the edge of the woods immediately in the enemy's front under a constant fire from rebel artillery. As soon as the Second Brigade had fairly engaged the enemy, the First and Third Brigades were ordered to charge across the open field, in the face of the enemy's battery and over the rail and log for. tification of his infantry. The moment they came out from the cover of the woods, the enemy opened upon them a terrific volley of grape and canister, which told frightfully on the advancing column. Colonel Sickel, who saw his men falling rapidly, ordered his command to move by the left obliques so as to secure the protection of the hill over which they were charging. This was done in good style, the ravine was gained and they plunged through the deep stream. They paused but a moment on the bank and with a cheer pressed up the steep ridge, the enemy receiving them with a withering fire, as they climbed the height. With an intrepidity that can not be overawed nor baffled, those who. survive the deadly volley, rush on and scale the enemy's breast-works. While the First and Third Brigades gain the front, the Second, with heavy loss break in on the right. The rout of the enemy both in front and on his right is simultaneous and complete. The enfilading fire that was poured into the rebels on the right, and the fire from the front, as they fled panic-stricken and in disorder, told with terrible effect. The flight of the enemy was followed up by Colonel Oley with four hundred cavalry. Morgan, who had just arrived at Dublin with six hundred men from Saltville, was coming up to the support of the rebels, when he met them discomfitted and fleeing. The advance, which pressed on to Dublin drove him before them. He soon sought refuge with his fleeing comrades. The loss in this engagement was one hundred and seven killed, five hundred wounded and twenty missing. The two Reserve regiments, numbering from five to six hundred, had from seventy-five to one hundred killed and wounded. Chaplain Pomeroy buried the remains of Colonel Woolworth, who fell, mortally wounded, at the head of his regiment, together with six private soldiers of the Third and Fourth, underneath a locust tree near by the stream over which the regiment charged. Captain Lenhart was wounded early in the engagement. The command of the Third then devolved upon 644 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FOURTH RESERVE. 1864 Captain Robert Johnson, and the Fourth, after the fall of Colonel Woolworth, on Lieutenant Colonel T. F. B. Tapper. Captain P. M. Davis died on the field from the effect of his wounds. Captain James H. Waites and Lieutenant Jacob Wheeler, of the Fourth, and Lieutenant R F. Hemming, of the Third, were among the wounded. The Third Regiment had three color bearers shot down in the charge upon the enemy's works. Owing to the lack of transportation, about two hundred of the most seriously wounded were left in the large brick mansion of James Cloyd, on the battle-field. Supplies were left with them and medical attendance provided for. In the battle of Cloyd Mountain the enemy is supposed to have had at least four-thousand men engaged. This force was under the command of General Jenkins. He was mortally wounded in the engagement, and died a few days after the battle. Over two hundred rebels were buried on the field; at least two hundred wounded were left in our hands, and two hundred and thirty were taken prisoners. After the complete rout of the rebels here, they did not make a stand a. the railroad. General Crook's force marched into Dublin without firing a gun. Here a great amount of rations and military equipments of different kinds fell into our hands. The rations were appropriated, the warehouses with military stores were destroyed. On the morning of the 10th, General Crook's command pushed on from Dublin towards the bridge across New river. When within a short distance of this point the enemy opened with artillery. The federal artillery, which was not used in the battle of Cloyd Mountain, was now brought into play and soon silenced the rebel guns. The enemy spiked his pieces and fled. The Third and Fourth regiments were on the left, supporting our batteries during this artillery duel. In the engagement the Third had one man killed and several wounded. The enemy beaten, the railroad bridge, an immense structure, was destroyed and General Crook's command commenced its return. New river was crossed on the night of the 10th at Pepper's Ferry. The troops were pushed across in a single flat-boat, and the ambulances loaded with wounded men, together with the wagons, were driven through the deep rapid stream. Several men and teams were reported as lost in this perilous crossing. On the night of the 10th, rain began to descend, making the roads horrible. On the 11th, the command marched in rain during the entire day and reached Blacksburg in the afternoon. Here comfortable quarters were found for the wounded in a large brick academy building. On the following day, the rain still continuing, the march was pursued to the summit of Salt Pond Mountain. The rebels opposed the advance at several points. Owing to the impassable nature of the roads, and the worn out and almost starved condition of the animalsit was found necessary to destroy part of the loads and in some instances the wagons. On Peters' Mountainf one cannon and ten ambulances were taken from the enemy. May 15th the command reached Union, the county seat of Monroe county, and on the evening of the 16th the Greenbrier river. The banks of the stream were full to overflowing. The ambulances and wagons were taken across in a single flat-boat. On the 19th of May, the command halted at Meadow Bluff, in the Southern extremity of Fayette county, after twenty days continuous marching. Half 1864 RETURN AND MUSTER OUT OF SERVICE. 645 this time it was skirmishing with the enemy. Every night a strong guard had to be posted around the camp to avoid surprise. On most of this expedition it had to depend on the country-most of it poverty stricken-for subsistence for both men and animals. By the time it reached Meadow Bluff some of the men were suffering terribly from hunger, and no less than three hundred were without soles to their shoes. The suffering of the wounded, riding for ten consecutive days over horrible roads, fording deep streams that frequently entered the ambulance beds, and over rugged mountains, cannot be described. From Meadow Bluff the wounded were sent to the Kanawha river, loaded on boats, and from thence taken to Glipolis, on the Ohio river. On the 22d of May, General Sickel's Brigade was ordered to Millville near Louisburg. While here, their term of service having expired, the Third and Fourth Regiments received orders to return to Pennsylvania, to be mustered out. On the 30th of May, these two regiments turned faces homeward, leaving behind the recruits that had been received into the regiments since their organization, whose term of service had not yet expired, and the men who had re-enlisted. The Third and Fourth marched from Millville to Meadow Bluff, and thence across the Great Sewell Mountain to Great Fails and down the Kanawha Valley to Camp Piatt, a point directly opposite Brownstown, on the Kanawha river. from which General Crook's expedition started April 30th. On the 4th of June they embarked upon the steamer Jonas Powell and proceeded to Pittsburg. On the way up the Ohio river, the reception at Pittsburg and transit from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, these veterans received a welcome and hearty greeting from a grateful people. The brass band of the detachment gracefully returned the greeting in the same soul-stirring strains as reverberated amid the hills and mountains of West Virginia in the daring advance and victorious return. This band has a peculiar and honorable history. Captain N. A. Pennypacker, of the Fourth, originated it while the detachment was on duty in the Department of Washington. The members were officers and privates, principally from the Fourth, several from the Third. After leaving Washington, in all the wanderings and buffettings of the West Virginia experience, this musical organization was still preserved. Bands and drum corps are usually in the rear when there is danger or fighting to be done. In this case instruments were simply sent to the rear, and Captain Pennypacker and his fellow musicians were always found in their places when the enemy was to be met in, deadly conflict. Helping to overcome the rebel foe, they were the men to sound forth the paeans of victory when the field was won. Arriving at Philadelphia on Wednesday, June 8th, they were mustered out of service, the Fourth on the 15th and the Third on the 17th days of June. After the order for muster out was received, Colonel Sickel detailed six officers, together with those remaining in the field, to command of the veterans and recruits, as follows: Lieutenants George B. Davis, Amos N. Seitzinger, John H. Crothers and William M'Carty of the Third, and J. N. Blundin and W. H. Derickson of the Fourth. The veterans and recruits formed a battalion of five companies, commanded by Captains Sweet, Davis, Blundin, Seitzinger and Moulton. The battalion was in command of Captain Sweet, Captain. Blundin acting as Adjutant and Captain Davis as Quartermaster. It participated in all the engagements from Meadow Bluff to Staunton and thence 646 THIRTY-THIRD GIMETFO REGIMENTFOURTH RESERVE, to Lynenourg, being employed as skirmishers. They were the first to break the lines of the enemy at Lynchburg, and were upon the point of entering the town when they were ordered to retire. It was afterwards consolidated with the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania, Colonel Campbell. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. INTO SERVI CE. REMARKS. Robert G. March.... Col...... July 17,'61, 3 Resigned October 1, 1861. Albert L. Magilton....do..July 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Lt. Colonel 31st regiment P. V., to Colonel 33d regiment, October 4, 1861 —resigned December 23, 1862. Rich. H.Woolworth...do.... July 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Major 32d, to Lieut. Colonel 33d regiment P. V., June 1, 1862-to Col. March 1, 1803 —killed at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. John F. Gaul......... Lt. Col. July 17,'61, 3 Discharged by special order of War Department, February 15, 1862. Thos. F. B. Tapper.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company G. to Lieut. Colonel, March 1, 1863-com. Colonel, May 10, 1864-not mustered-mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Rob't M. M'Clure... Maj.....May 25,'61, 3 Discharged by special order of War Department, May 12, 1862. John Nyce................do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Adj. to Major, June 1, 1862-to Colonel 174th Pa. Militia, November 29, 1862. Enos L. Christman...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company K, to Major March 27, 1863-resigned April 26, 1863. Fred'k A. Conrad.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company B,^to Major, July 21, 1863-mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Frank Wilson........ Adj. June 45,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal company C, to Sergeant Maj., Feb. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt. and Adj., June 2, 1862-mus. out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Ambrose A.Lechler Q. M.... July 17,'61, 3 Resigned July 22, 1862. Edw'd F. Brothers.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. to 1st Lt. and Q. M., July 24, 1862-mus. out with reg. June 17,1864. Adolphus Patze...... Surg... July 17,'61, 3 Resigned November 1, 1862. William H. Davis.....do...Dec. 20,'62, 3 Promoted from Asst. Surg. 34th reg. P. V., Dee. 20, 1862-mus. out with reg. June 17, 1864. W. T. W. Dickeson As.Sur. July 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Surg. 99th regiment P. V. July 2, 1862 Fred'k D. Ritter........do.... June 28,'62, 3 Resigned August 18, 1862, John B. Greismer......do....Aug. 2,'62, 3 Resigned February 1, 1863. Jona'n E. Bulkeley...do..... Nov. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864.. Wm. B. Brinton........do..... Mar. 23,'63, 3 Promoted to Surg, 184th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Edward S. Marks... Chap'n Nov. 1,'61, 3 Resigned March 24, 1862. Adam L. Horn...........do Dec. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. Edwin A. Probasco Sr.Maj. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company G, May 10, 1863mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. I. H. Clar Becker.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. as private to company E, Sept. 23, 1861. Roger S. Searle.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private, Oct. 1, 1861 —reduced to private and transferred to Co. HI, Jan. 31, 1862. Isaac W. Ranck.........do.... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt. Major, July 1, 1862 —to 2d Lt. company E, May 1, 1863. Jos. Pennypacker... Q.M.Sr. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from private oompany K, Jan, 1,'63mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. William J. Tate...... ComSr May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. company G, Jan. 12, 1862mustered out with regiment, June 17, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Ba. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. THREE YEARS) SERVICE. 647 NE. i K, R NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARXS. INTOSERVICE. RE T. Perry Mills.........Hos. St. July 17,'61, 3 Promoted October 1, 1861-transferred to cormpany H as Sergeant, November 28, 1861. Wm. T. Loeffler.......do.... July 17,'61, 3 Promoted from private, Jan. 1, 1862-transferred as private to company I, March 31, 1862-promoted to Hospital Steward, July 1, 1862-trans, ferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 8,'64-Vet. Chas. J. B. Smith... P'l Muc May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from company D, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Edwin E. Romig.....do..... July 17, 461, 3 Deserted June 11, 1863. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. John Schoenewald.. Capt..... June 3,'61, 3 Dismissed October 19, 1862. Andrew Riddel.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., Nov. 1, 1861-to Capt., Mar. 1, 1863-Provost Marshal 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Department West Virginia, April 1, 1864-mus. out with Co., June 17, 1864. Thos. G. O'Harra.. st Lt... June 3,'61, 3 Resigned October 26, 1861. Joseph O'Harra.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Nov. 2, 1861-to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. George Pilkington.. 2d Lt.. June 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 2, 1861-resigned September 25, 1862. Charles H. Parker.....do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 10, 1861-to Sgt., Nov. 2, 1801-to 2d Lt., Mar. 26, 1863-detached to command Veterans, May 30,'64-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. James Kane........... 1st Sgt. June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 12, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 17, 1864. Wm. S. Walker..... Serg't.. June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 18, 1861-to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 17, 1861. Edw'd F. Brothers...do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt., July 6, 1861. John L. Dotts...........do.....July 17, 61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64-Vet. Charles Feltzer........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 54th reg. P. V., June8,'64-Vet. Thomas S. Faster...do..... July 17, 61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Augustus Bates.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 12, 1862. Peter J. Phillips........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Wounded and missing at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62. Samuel Cobb..........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August 15, 1861. Henry Kephardt.... Corp.... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 4, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. James White........do..... July 17,'61, Promoted to Cor., July 4, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1864. George Brown...........do....June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 20, 1861-discharged on Surgeon s certificate, March 21, 1863. George W. Slocum.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'61. Leopold Smith........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'62. William Wray.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgtoon's certificate, Oct. 14,'61. William R. Morris...do..... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Alfred B. Mason.......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Died July 26,'62, of wounds received in actionburied in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. John L. Bryan...........do..... June 3, 61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. George Burk...........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted Augast 13, 1861. James Pallet..............do.... June 23,'61, 3 Deserted September 6, 1862. J. B. Stryker, Jr... Muc.... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 21,'62. Joshua Heaps...........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'63. Armstrong, Robert Private June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bird, George..........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Beidegheimer, C........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bauer, Nicholas........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Clymer, Levi L.........do..... June 361, 613 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10, 62. Crowers, Robert........d..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 25,'63. Creider, Alexand'r...do... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged June 3, 1863. Campbell, Daniel...... do..... June 3,'61, 3 Disch. by sentence of G. C. M., Sept. 16, 1863., Cox, Francis.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Carroll, Thomas.....do.... July 12,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Cox, Terrance..............do..... June 23,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May, 1863. Carbaugh, David....... do.... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Daily, James.....d....... d June 3,'61, 3 Deserted February 13, 1863. Dithma,r, James........do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Finley, John.......do... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,'62. 648 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FOURITH rBE ERVE, 1I NAE. R A N K. NAME. RANK. |DATE OF MUSTERK INTO SERVICE. R K lFriel, James.......... Private June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'63. Fox, Jacob.......... do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., 3 June 8, 1864-Vet. Fox, Henry.............do.,.... June 3,'61, 3 Wounded and mis. at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62. Fren, Joseph..........do....................... 3 Died October 15, 1861-buried in Military Asy3 lur Cemetery, D. C. Gahagan, Vincent......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gorman, Henry.........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Hanson, James........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Hamilton, John.........do..... June 3,'61, Discharged by order of War Department, Nov. 3 16,1862..Hunter, David........ do..... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'62. Heller, Frederick......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet.;Holmes, Joseph.........do...................... 3 Died October 14, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Heidrick, George.......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Hoffman, Frank........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Keiffer, Thomas.........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lockwood, Alex........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8,1864.,auerman, Henry.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted March 13, 1862. Longbatherro, R. d............ Aug. 14,'62, 3 Deserted September 23, 1862. Murphy, Edward....do... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, Aug. 23, 1861-minor. Mingo, Charles........... do July 23,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 13,'63. Mays, John..............do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Mills, William.......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Mathew, Michael......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. M'Mullin, Joseph......do.... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Coombs, Henry.....do.... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'62. M'Quigan, Michael...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus, Aug. 27, 1861-minor. M'Laughlin, Chas.....do..... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. M'Leer, Hugh..........do..... June 3,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. M'Gowan, George......do.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Hilled at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, M'Intyre, Patrick......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Deserted February 13, 1863. M'Carty, Patrick.......do.... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. O'Hara, James,.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864. O'Neil, Bernard........do....June 23,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Porncutt, William.....do..... June 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Pillings, William......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10;'62. Porter, Robert..........do....June 23,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Reinhardt, Charles...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rowbottom, John......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rodgers, James A....do.... June 23,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'61. Ruth, Isaac............. do..... June 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'62. Rodgers, Bernard.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, September 1,'61'discharged June 3, 1864. Ranck, Isaac W........do..... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 1, 1862. Ronigan, James........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., J une 8, 1864-Vet. Rutter, James........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Smith, James...........do.. June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Shenk, Charles.........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Steahr, Charles..........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Shock, Alonzo.........do.... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. Smith, Augustus A...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'61. Sips, Jacob.............do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out June 3, 1864-expiration of term. Senbert, Christian.,...do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged by sentence of G. C. M., Oct. 28,'62. Sneller, Peter O0.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Storer, Benjamin......do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Strandt, Jacob....... o..... June 23,'61( 3 Missing in action at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Snyder, Joseph.......do....July 17,'6, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Stoeder, William......do..... July 17, 61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Walker, Jas. K. P.....do. June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21, 6;1. White, William.......do. June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out June 3, 1864-expiration of term. Wells, James...........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out June 3, 1864-expiration of term. Waught, Gustavus...do.... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. B1. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Wetherstine, Sam'l...do. Jul 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet.: Weidenboerner, J.....do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th.reg..P. V., June 8, 1864. Zetter, Charles........do..... June 3,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. -- -.. - v..j v _.. -'..... THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 649 COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. NAME. RASK. DAATE OF MUSTER RAR INTO'SERVICE. S PI Robert M'Clure...... Capt... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June 20, 1861. Fred'k A. Conrad......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., June 21,1861-to Major, July 21, 1863. James St. John.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Pronoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 1, 1861to 1st Lt., Jan. 1, 1862-to Capt., July 21, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Edward W. Cox..... 1st Lt... May 25,'61, 3 Resigned November 30, 1861. James N. Blundin....do...... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1861-to2d Lt., Jan. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., July 21, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. George W. Cooley... 2d Lt... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-to 1st Sgt., Feb. 28, 1863 —to 2d Lt., Sept. 16, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John W. Weston.. 1st Sgt May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 21,'62. Edward W. Davis......do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 1, 1863-to 1st Sgt., August 19, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John Anderson... Sergt,.. May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 17,1861-to Sgt, Dec. 17,'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John Sherwood......... do.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 181 — mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Joseph Hawkins........... May 25,'61 3 Promoted toSergeant, August 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John W. Weeks........... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1863-to Sgt., Aug. 1,'63-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. George N. Turpin:.....do.... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 21.'62. Samuel Neely............do....May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. Enoch Wilson..........d..... May 23,'61, 3 Deserted December 26, 1862. William Warner.... Corp.... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862- wounded and prisoner at Cl'oyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. Jonathan Rogers...... do..... May 25,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1861-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William H. Scott......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 18, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Wm. H. H. Ogden.....do.. May 25,'1, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John P. Denny.........do....May 25,' 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Geo. Hollingswcrth...do....May 25,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. ~ amuel Faulkner... Muc.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Richard St. John......lo.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ashworth, Sidney.. Private May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Buckley, James........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Brinnesholtz, Jacob...do..... May 25, 61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Bradshaw, Samuel...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted May 24, 1863-returned Jan. 23, "64-tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Booth, Samuel........ do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Brown, William F.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 Buckley, Samuel......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Corbit, George H..d.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Calker, Isaac............do May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'6L Dankel, George W....o..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Daniels, Lewis F..d....... May 25,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9, 1863. Fleet, James..............o..May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Force, William........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Freeman, John.....do..... May 25,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ferguson, John.......do....May 25,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Flood, James..;..........do. May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fadden, William......d.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fithian, Josiah.....d....do... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'61'. Frech, John K........ do... Aug. 22,'61, 3Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Fletcher, William......do.. May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 28, 1862, Fenton, Charles.........do... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted September 18, 1861. Fleet, Henry........ do.. July 31,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1862. Garton, David...........do...May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Green, David R.....d...d.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Greenwood, Sam'l.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Green, James L. d...o.. Sept. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Gordon, Thomas.... do..... May 25, 61 3 Died of wds. received at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62. M 2 I'' 650 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FOURTH RESERVE, 251~1F. Er.o DATE OF MUSTER NAME. HAIoM i. o ERVICE. R |EMARK&s INTO SERVICE. Green, Michael....... Private May 25,'61,... Deserted-date unknown. Haffelfinger, Sam'I....do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hughes, John F........do.. May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's; certificate, Nov. 8,'61. Hasson, James...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Howarth, James........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Hutchinson, Wm......do... May 25,'61, Died at Falmouth. Va., August 20, 1862. Hawkins, Jos., Jr.....do..... May 25, 61, 3 Deserted August 28, 1862. Henry, Jacob.........do... Mar. 15,'63, 3 Deserted April 14, 1863. Jung, Gustavus A.....do... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64, Jackson, James.........do.... June 22,'63, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64, Jackson, Edw'd M.....do..... May 25,'61 3 Deserted June 25, 1863. King, William...........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'61. King, John.............do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 16,'64. Kemp, William.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 18, 1861. Little, John..............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Lowe, John A. J........do..... May 26,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1862. Lawrence, John W...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1861. Moorhouse, Will....... do..... May 25, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Morris,Frank.........do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mooney, John A.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Markland, John.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 14, 1863. M'Laughlin, John.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., Juue 8, 1864-Vet, Openshaw, George.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1861. Phillips, Henry.........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Patterson, Walter....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Plumley, William.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Robinson, Chas. L.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Rambo, Henry..........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted July 18, 1861. Sutcliff, William.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Spence, George W.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17,1864. Suber, Burris............do...July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'62. Snellenburger, I.......do. May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Tomlinson, Geo. A.....do... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Tolbert, William.......do... May 25,'61, 3'Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 14,'62. Woodcock, Wim. R'...do. May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Wilson, Chas. E.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Wiley, Boyd..............do.... May.25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'61. Weston, Joseph.........do.... Oct. 9,'62, 3 Wd. and mis. at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Isaiah W. Kimbell Capt.... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged November 22, 1862. William Ritchie... do..... June 5,'61, 3 Pr, from 1st Lt. to Captain, March 1, 1863-mas. tered out with company, June 17, 1864. William Lamon....Ist Lt June 5,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 14, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 1,'63-mustered out with company, June 17,'64. Frederick A. Iill... 2d Lt.. June 5,'61, 3 Resigned December 24, 1862. Jacob Wheeler........ *..do..... June 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to 2d Lt., March 1,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Henry Forbes..,..,. 1st Sgtl June 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 1,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. David S. Lukens.....d... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. I. P. Shoemaker...... do..... June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Reub'n Hunsberger Ser't.. June 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., Mar. 1,1863 —. mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Howard Dytch..........do.J... June,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Simon Shugard.......do.... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. W. H.VanDeVenter...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Abram Vanzant.......o..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,-1864~-Vet. Charles Benson........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Andrew Wall....... o... o June 5,'61, 3 Killed accidentally on Baltimore and Ohio railroad, February 12, 1864-Vet. William Redfern,,. Corp.... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. David Winkler.........do.... June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 17, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1863. John Smith............. do.....Jne 51, 3Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. F. Van De Venter......do.... June 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. THREE -YEARS' SERVICE. 651 NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER RE MARKS INTO SEVICE. REMARS II William Shew........ Corp.... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'63. Lemuel Thomas............. June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Joseph G. Selner..,, _do..... June 5,'61, 3: Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Frank Wilson..........do..... June 5,'61, 3' Promoted to Sergeant Major, February 1, 1862. Thomas Hacket......... do..... June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. J. Lewis Atkinsogn.. Muc.... June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John WV. Speering.....do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Allsworth, Philip... Private June 5,'61, S Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Atkinson, Edward..... do... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Alien, William.........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Bourns, Richard........do..... June 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Brady, William........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Burton, Thomas........do..... June 5,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Booz, Jacob...............do..... July 13,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Claypoole, Sam'1 T...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with.company, June 17, 1864. Coffman, John.......do.....June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Claffey, Patrick..........do..... June 5,'61, 1 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Cooper, Peter..........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Conley, George..........do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Collins, Jesse............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., July 15, 1862, of wounds rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Carnes, Robert.......do....................... Died Octobers5, 1861 —buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, L). C. Donohue, James......do ~... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Donohue, Thomas......do.....June 5'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Day, James F_.........do..... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V'., June 8, 1864-Vet. Dougherty, Patrick......do... June 27,61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Davis, Price P...........do..... June 5,'61 3. Deserted August 23, 1861. Edwards, John.........do.....- June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City.Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Fell, Morris......... do..... June 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ford, Henry...........'...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Fall, William............do..... June 5,'61, 3 Killed accidentally, near Alexandria, Virginia,' October 30, 1863. Gilkison, Edward..,...do.....' June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Grube, Henry..........do.....' July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,1863. Hass, Henry..............do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. erwik, ohn.........do.....June 5,'61, 3, Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. Hoops, Henry M....?......June 5,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeons certificate —date unknown. Hendricks,Chas. B...do...J July 14,'61, 3 Tr.: to company L, 54th reg.:P. V., June 8, 1864. Hallowell, Joel.........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June27, 1862. James, Judson A....,...do.....' June 561, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, 1862. Jones, Chalkey........do..... June 5,'61,! 3 Died June29, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Keller, Frank...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kerr, Henry.............do..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-~-Vet. Lake, James.... do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Morgan, Encch........do.....d June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Maddock, Henry.....do..... June 5, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, "Nov. 21,'61. Miller, Albert L........do.....: June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'61. Myers, Henry...........do.... June 5,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown,.D. C., May 31, 1862. Murphy, John...........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted August 26, 1861. M'Ulellan, Charles.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. ~M'Connaha, J........... 3 Died October 1,4, 1861-buried in Military Asy lum Cemetery, D. C. Nightlinger, Lewis...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Poole, John...............do.....I June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Reading, William......do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Remmey, Henry HE...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rittenhouse, Sam'l...do.....! June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rust, Albert...................do..... June 5,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Selner, Jacob.........'...do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Slugg, John..._.........do.....June 5,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Stover, Reuben........do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Stook, Henry........:...do.... June 5,'61, 3 Died July 1,'1862, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Strader, William....i.do.... Tuly 17,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Tomlinson, Isidore -.do...,. June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Thomas, William.....do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Thompson, L. P.....do.,.. June 5,'61, Died at Baltimore, Md., September 7, 1861. Wallace, James.. do..... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Webb, James........do...... June 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weller, William........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'61. Welch, Simon.....do...... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 24, 1863-re-enlisted February 27, 1864-transferred to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. 652 THIRTY- THIRD REGIMENT-FOURITH RESERVE, MBAN.1 REMARKS.. INTO SERVICE. REMA. Winkler, Jesse......e 56'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'63. Wilson, John............do... June 5,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Ward, William...........d... June 5, 61, 3 Deserted July 21, 1861. Zelenskei, Alex..........d..... June 5,'61, 2 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20'63. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA. MatthewJ. Taylor... Capt.... May 30,. 61, & Resigned November 5, 1861. W. C. Besselievre......d,... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-to Capt., Nov. 12, 61resigned October 17, 1862. Jas. A. J. Waites......,.. June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt.to 2d Lt., Apr. 1,'62-to Capt., Mar. 1,'63-mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. James B. Baker...... 1st Lt.., May 30,'61, 3 Discharged February 25 1862. Geo. W. Bussier........do... May 30,'61, & Pr. to 1st Lt., April 1,'62-resigned Aug. 3,'63. FrancisC. Loomis....... do...May 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Nov. 12, 1861-to Sergeant, April 6,. 1862-to 2d Lieut., March 1, 1863-to 1st Lt., Oct. 28, 1863-mus. out with Co., June 17, 1864. W. H. Derrickson... 2d Lt... May. 30, "61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 17, 1861-to Sgt., May 21, 1862to 1st Sgt., March 2, 1863-to 2d Lieut., Oct. 28, 1863-mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. Geo. W. Duffield..... 1st Sgt.. May 30,'61,,3 Pr. from private to 1st Sergeant, Oct. 28, 1863 — mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wm.. P. Wells......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, November 13, 1862died at Alexandria, April 15, 1863. John Liddy............ Serg'.. May 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, April 15, 1862mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bernard Fox..............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.,Sept. 12, 1861-to Sgt.,, March 2,'63mustered out with company,'June 17, 1864. Fred'k C. Lutz......... do.... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, August 13, 1861-dis' charged on Surgeon's certificate, July 17, 1862. John Davis..............do.....May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 18, 1862-tr. to Co. L, 54th regiment P. V. June 8, 1864-Vet. C.E.Brintzinghoffer...do..... May 30,'61,3 Died at Baltimore, Md., August 16, 1861. E. Y. Cadwalader......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Harry J. Coleriek.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, August 17, 61-killed accidentally at Alexandria, March 17, 1862. Charles Mann......... Corp... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 15, 1862-mustered out with company, June 18, 1864. Geo, W. Durand.......do..... May 30,'6,1, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Cavalry, Aug. 10,1862. Dennis M'Cready.....d.....d May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 20,'61-transferred to Western Gunboat service, Feb. 27, 1862. Joseph Warnock.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 18, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Jerome Drumm........... July 17'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Geo. W. Lafferty.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal June 21, 1863-transferred to Co. L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8,'64-Vet. George L. Watt........ do.... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 10, 1862-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Nicholqs J. Barth... Muc.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. I,'61. Chas. J. B. Smith.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, April 1, 1863. Peter Hotton............... May 30,'61, 3 Died December 4, 1864-buried in U. S. Genera) Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Anderson, Step'nP Private May 30, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'62. Auchinbeck, Wm......do.... May 30, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Army, Andrew J.....do... May 30, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Breckenridge, And...do.. May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. 1Barritt, Edwin...........do..... May 30, 61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'62. Beaty, James............do..... May 3061, 61 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'62. Barnard, Reuben F...do..... May 30,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Bennett, Wesley........do..... July 17, 61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64, Boyd, James........ do.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg.,P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Brooks, Conrad.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864.-Vet. Calhoun, John...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Callahan, Charles...do..... May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Carty, Daniel.........do...... May 30, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'61. Carr, Charles............do.... May 30,'61 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Carr, Michael.............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 653 ~NAME. R~AK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS.'. — J _K INTO SERVICE.. Cpoper, Samuel C... Private July 17'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. l.ugherty, John......o... May 30,'61, 3Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 30, 1863. Jillen, Edward.........do.....May 30,'613 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Donohue, Charles......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V June 8,'64-Vet. Durburow, Geo. W...do..... May 30, 61,3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64-Vet. Dwyer, John..............do.....May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Feeligan, John...........do... May 30,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20,'62. Flood, George F.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Gorman, Joseph.........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Hutchinson, Hugh...do.... May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hall, James.............do..... May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17 "864. Hanifer, Gregory.......d..... May 30,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Hayworth, Jolhn........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., Juno 8, 1864-Vet. Haines, William.......do.... Feb. 29, 64, 3 Tr. tocompany L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Hawkins, Win. J......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1861. Kelley, Francis.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kennedy, Sam'l R.....do.... May 30,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kenney, Patrick......do..... July 29,61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Kann, Louis..............do.....July 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 1,1862. Iloyd, William E......do..... May 30, 61, 3 Wd. and missingat Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. Moran, Thomas L......o..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'61. Mulholland, John......do.....May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, eb. 8, 1862. Mehaffey, Jos. H.......do.... May 30,'61, 3Wd. and missing at Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. M'Cormick, Jas. H...do..... May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Claskey, Wm. H...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'62. M'Poil, Patrick.........do..May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'63. M'Bride, William......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., October 24, 1861. M'Kean, William J...do..... May 30,'61, 3 KilledatCharlesCityCross Roads,Va.,June30'62. O'Neal, William........do...Feb. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Pearson, Alfred_.......do.....May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Phillips, John...........do.....May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Parker, John..............do.....May 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 23, 1863. Ryan, Patrick...........do.....I May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Russel, Daniel..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Reed, Henry P..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. Roberts, Harry S.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Roberts, William G...do.....Aug. 12, 62, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Richards, George......do..... May 30,'61,3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 20, 1861. Stoll, Jacob..............do.....! May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Smith, James F. R...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 3, 1862. Schoenewald, H.........do..... Aug. 18,'61, Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Smith, Michael........do July 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Schenkel, Christian...do..... May 30,'61 3Deserted July 18, 1862. Shuster, William......do..May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 14, 1862. Wade, William........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864 Walker, William......do... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wallace, John..........,do......May 30'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8,'62. Warn, Wesley...........do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Wearer, William.......do..May 30,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN LYCOMING COUNTY. Francis X. Burger.. Capt.... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John Moyer............ IstLt... June 12,'61, 3 Resigned January 14, 1862. Louis Bacher........... do..... June 12,61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., January 15, 1862resigned July 20, 1862. Isaac W. Ranck........do..... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lt. Co. E., May 1, 1863to 1st Lieut., Oct. 26, 1863-corn. Capt., June 18,'64-not mus.-mus. outwithLCo. June 17, 1864. Rich'd Gersbacher.. 2d Lt... June 12,'61, 3 Died April 15, 1862, at Alexandria-bu. record, Dec. 20, 1863-grave 1,204. Jacob Ray............. Ist Sgt. June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L. 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Charles Leonhardt.. Serg't.. June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant July 4,'63-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Israel H. C. Becker...do.... July 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major-date unknown. Clemmens Noll...... Serg't.. June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. John Schlifer............do.... June 14,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Ferdin'd Offerman.....do....! June 19,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Louis Welker.........orp..June 12,'61, Promotedtocorpora, June 27,'61-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. 651 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FOURTHI RESERVE, NAE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REAR INTO SERVICE John Alt................. Corp.... June 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William Melte............. do..... June 12,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, June 27,'62-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Charles Schneider.....do..... June 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 6, 1864-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Valentine Fass........... do..... June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Frederick Malinky...do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'61. Herman Fuchs..........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Anthony Baible....... do..... July 17,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Isaac Anthony........ Muc.... Feb. 12,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Bahn, Frederick...., Private June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Boyer, John..............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Breitkoph, Anth'y.....do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Borchet, William......do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Barret, Charles.........do..... June 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Bitler, Samuel...........do.......................... 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Brindle, John...........do...................... Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Belton, Daniel..........do..... Feb. 5,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Bergman, John............ do......................... Deserter from 3d regiment N. J. Vols.-returned. Baltz, Frederick........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 19, 1861. Campbell, George......do..........................' Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Diering, Louis............do..... June 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Dodrer, Frederick...d...do.... June 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'63. Danler, Michael.........do..... June 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Deitz, Jacob..............do..... June 27,'61, 3 Deserted October 23, 1862. Engle, Jacob............... June 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Egger, Samuel..........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Ehni, Daniel..............do..... July 13,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Errett, Christian........do..... May 30,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg., P. V., June 8, 1864. Eichde, Jacob............do June 14,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Flores, David............do..... June 14,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Fink, Henry.............do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Western Gunboat service, Feb. 17, 1862. Fassman, Christian...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Freitag, George.........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Francis, Joseph.........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Fox, George..................... Tr.to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Folk, Stephen............do.......................... Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Fahl, George.............do....................3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Geigher, William......do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'62. Hoffman, Peter........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Haggeman, Francis...do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hanscom, George.....do..... June 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiffcate, Oct. 31,'61. Hoyer, William.........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Henn, John...............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Herth, George...........do......................... Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Hall, Mathias............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Deserted August 27, 1862. Koch, Jacob............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Koehier, William......do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Krien, John..............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kauffman, August.....do.....July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Feb. 3,'63. Keis, George.............. do.....June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Kline, Lewis.............do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Discharged by Special Order, April 1, 1864. Keller, Peter.............do..... June 14,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Kramer, Gottlieb.......do......................... 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Kauter, Christian.....do..... June 12,'61, 3 Missing in action at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Lax, John.................do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'63. Little, William.........do..... Feb. 12,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Litz, Andrew W....do.....................3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Linn, Felix...............do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Maushag, Andrew.....do.... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Messerly, Jacob........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Marks, Lewis....... do..... June 12,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Maus, John.... do.....June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9,'63 Miller, Andrew.........do.....June 12,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Metzger, Henry........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Muldoon, Patrick......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Desetred August 30, 1862.:M'Coy, James............do.............. 3...... 3 Died October 22, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Nash, Max....................do. June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 — et. Pettit, Joseph............do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'61. Rausbach, Godfrey....do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Raff, Israel...............do....June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Railing, Charles.........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Reinhardt. John.... do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62 THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 655 -AMI R. D M Res..r" M AME. RANK. DATE OP MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. __ _,.. _.. Raible, Barnard..... Private June 12,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-et. Rosenberger, Mar'n....do............................ Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Russell, James M...do........................ Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Reis, Philip................................ Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Richner, John...........do..... June 3,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Roener, Michael........do..... June 27,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Rehfuss, Casper.........do..... June 12,'61, 3Deserted August 22, 181. Schaffer, Conrad........ do..... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Schmiely, Conrad......do..... June 27,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Seitz, Henry.......... June 142'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Smith, John..............do. June 12,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Schaup, William... do..... June 12,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Schneider, Gottlieb...do...June 12,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'63. Striner, Philip...........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. SteinhilDer,Ludwig...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Seigel, John.....d....... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Schleibner, Wm........do.......................... Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Steffan, John............do........................... Tr. to company L, 54t reg. P. V., June 8,1864 Schutz, Herman........do..... Aug. 9,'61. 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Sotler, Henry........do................... 3. Deserted October 23, 1862. Shaw, J...........do......................... Died November 7, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Tenfel, William do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Viering, George........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'63. Weaver, Frederick...do..... June 14,'61, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Weaver, Peter...........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Winterhoff, Chris'n...do..... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Woodburn, J. W......do..... June 14,'61, 3 Com. 2d Lt., July 23, 1863-not mustered~-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Welker, Michael.......do.....June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Werling, Andrew.....do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'62. Walliser, Edward.....do..... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Wiebe, Francis.........do..... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1862. Zoller, Michael.........do.. June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Zinkham, Henry.......do.......................... Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN MONROE COUNTY. George B. Keller.... Captain June 11,'61, 3 Resigned January 9, 1862. J. W. Shoemaker......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., June 22, 1862.corn. Major, May 10, 1864-not mustered-mus-.tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Enoch S. C. Horn... 1st Lt... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from private to 1st Sgt., Jan 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Jan. 22, 1862-dismissed Oct. 24, 1862. Nathan Davis...........do. June 6,'61, 3 -Promoted from 2d to st Lt., March 1, 1863-to Capt. company L, 54th reg. P. V., July 4, 1864. ohn Nyce............. 2d Lt... June 11,'61, 3Promoted to Major, June 1, 1862. John W. Burnett......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lieut., March 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. George D. Hufford.. 1st Sgt. June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 20, 1861. John S. Hufford.... do.....do June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt., May 19, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Jos. A. Fetherman.. Serg't.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Sam'l R. Bossard......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promotedto Cor., Nov. 21, 1862-to Sgt,April 11, 1863-mus. out with cempany, June 17, 1864. Anson R. Heller........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted fromCorporal, Feb. 4, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Peter J. Rupert.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Jacob Slutter......... Corp.... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 4, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Michael F. Gaffey......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 30, 1864-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Josiah Smith.............do..... June 11,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'62. J. Andrew Haney......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Tr. to company C, 5th U. S. Cav., Feb. 16, 1863. Philip Altemus.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8. 1864-Vet. Andrew A. Neal........do.....June 28,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Thomas A. H. Knox...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Sebastian P. Smith...do.... June 11.'61, 3 Deserted August 20, 1862. 656 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FOURTH RESERVE, W. ME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMAR. Jacob T. Keller...... Muc.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Edward E. Romig....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted June 27, 1863. Albert, Anthony..... Private June 11, 61, 5 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Albert, Andrew....... do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Bogart, Christopher...do....June 28,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Beltz, John H............do... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'62. Bender, Jerome.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V.,, June 8, 1864-Vet. Brock, Charles...........do.... June 11,'61,3 Deserted October 29, 1862. Coleman, F. A. D.... do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Christal, Joseph M....do... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Compton, Elias......... do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Culberson, Aaron......do. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'61. Culberson, Frank'n...do..... June 28,'61, 3' Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Christman, B. F..... do. June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Correll, Smith...........do.. June 11,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Dwyer, Jos. A. V......do.. June 11,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Gruber, Peter A.... do.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gordon, Wm. W........do. June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V. June 8, 1864-Vet. -: Harps, Titus.............do... June 11,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hille, Florian......... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7,'62. agerman, Chas........do July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,62. Johnson, Wm. H........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kester, Augustus... do. June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Krummocker, C........do. June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Kessler, George W........ July 17,'61, 3Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64. Learn, Andrew........ do..... June 11 1, Mustered out with company June 17, 1864. Myers, Paul............do... June 28, Y61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'61. Miller, Abraham B...do..... June 11,'61, 3Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 21, 1861. Miller, Emanuel.......do.....June 11,'61, 3Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Dermot, John.......do. June 11,'61, 3 KilledatCloydMountain, W.V., May9,'64-Yet. Nahr, Christian.........do....July 7,'61 3 Died at Washington, D. C., March 8, 1862. docecJul Jyn e 11,'61, Prce, David.... do. June 11,'61 3Discharged onSurgeon'scertificate, Dec. 1,'3. Price, Mathias...... do.... June 11,'1,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Renz, Ferdinand........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64. Ruth, Charles.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Reigart, Henry.........do.... June 11,'61, Deserted March 14, 1864. Schook, Alfred...... do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Schook, Steward........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Serfass, Thomas........do... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Shafer, Mathias P....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.. Shafer, Peter W........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861-returned Sept., 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Staley, John............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Setzer, Jonas............do... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'61. Sheffer, John........do..... June 11'61 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., Ju e 8, 1864-Vet. Setzer, Henry B.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V, June 8, 1864-Vet. Setzer, George W....do.. June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet.' Setzer, Jerome...........do June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. -..' Sober, John..d............. do July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64. Slutter, Charles H.i...do....June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, Jane 30, 1862. Tidd, William K.....do. June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F, 5th U. S. artillery, February 28, 1863.. Van Buskirk, Sam'l...do June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Vanaken, Alfred........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet..-... White, James S........do. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Walrath, Abel T........do. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Woodling, George....do June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Walton, William D...do. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Walrath, Henry M...do June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 10,'62. Williams, George....do. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. Wolfe, George.........do June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Wagner, W. H. A....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Warner, Wm. H.......do. June 11,'61,3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Weisse, Joseph H......do June 11,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Warner, Alfred.......do June 11,'61.. 3 Deserted October 29, 1863. -,,...do~~~ ~ Jue1,1 -HRFB YEAR SERVIOE. 657 COMPANY G,. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. PS.A)!. B RaIE oDATE OF MUSTEM ERU NM..ITO IV... ay T.F.B. Tapper.....Capt... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-promoted to Lt. Col., March 1, 1863. Joseph Kimes..M.....do. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1, 1862to 1st Lt., Mar. 1,'63to Capt., April 10,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Edw'd J. Gallagher st ILt.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged August 1, 1862. David R. Hood..... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Mar. 1,'63-to 1st Lt., April 10,'63mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. A. Lechler........ 2d Lt;.. May 29,'61, 3 Resigned July 24, 1862. W. H. H. Woodwin...do... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 17,'61-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1,'62to 2d,Lt., April 10,'63-wd. at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lewis A. Hayman.. 1st Sgt. May 29,'61, S Pr. toSgt.,June 17,61 —to 1st Sgt., April 15,'63pris. at Charles CityCross Roads, June 30,'62mustered out withcompany, June 17, 1864. Samuel Best.......... ergt.. May 29,'61 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, and Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-pr. to Sgt., April 15 1863 —mus. out with company, June 17,'64* Samuel Hines.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 1,1863-to Sgt., April10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17,'64 Henry S. Coyle.........do.. May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Rua, August 29, 1862-disch on Surgeon's certificate, July 15, 1863. Wm. H. Snyder........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May25,'62. Edwin A. Probasco...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads-prisoner from July 1, 1862, to Jan. 8, 1863-pr. to Sgt, March 30, 1863-to Sgt. Major, May 10, 1863. John Boon........... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 8, 1861. C. S. Whiteman........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., June 1, 1862-wounded and prisoner at Charles City Cross Roads-killed at Cloyd Mountain, West Virginia, May 9, 1864.:, John Case... Corp...... Corp May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. eo. W. Satterfield...do...May 29,61, 3 Wounded at CharlesCity'Cross Roads-prisoner from July 1 to Nov. 9,1862-promoted to Cor., Feb. 1,'63 —killed at CloydMountain,May9,'64. Andrew Beckman.....do...May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 15, 1863-mustered a,', out with company, June 17, 1864. Alexander Moore.......do..... July 17,'61 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 15, 1863-.mustered....:~. ~ out with company, June 17, 1804. James Dunlap........do..... May 29, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 26, 1863-mustered out'with company, June 17 1864. Beni. F. Barger.........do. May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. William J. Tate..........do May 29,'61, Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Jan. 12,'62. Amos S. Hany............. July 23,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg, P. V., June 8, 1864. James Carney.........d... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Charles Allabach.... Muc............... 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Charles S. Gamble.....do.... July 17,'61 3 Deserted March 11, 1863. Chas. W. M'Ginley...do.... May 29,'61, Deserted March 10, 1864-Vet. Austin, Charles W Private May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ashley, John N..... do.... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L; 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Bailey, William.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to western gun-boat service, Feb. 17, 1862. Bingaardt, John,..,....do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Beard, John.......*...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas corpus —date unknown-minor. lramon, George......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Dscharged on writ of habeas corpus —date un-' known-minor. Brown, Andrew...do.. May 29,?61, 3 Disharged on Surgeon's certificate, Pec. 1,'61. Bordon, Randall R...do.... May 29, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Bigger, John.............do.... May 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec.- 13, 1862-tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Cemetery, D. C. Bartlett, John.........do............... Died October 13,'61-buried in Military Asylum onr.... 9Cemetery, D.. C. onover, WilliamsT... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. 83 668 THIRRTY-TmIrDEGE REGIM-NT-FiURTH RBEsRfJ: IP1... NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER Conrad, Charles K.. Private July 17,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Carter, William R......do...May 29, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June30,1862. Chapman, William...do.......................... Died October 13, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Davis, John..............do.... May 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'62. Dorsheimer. Dennis...do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Dempsey, William....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Engleman, Alfred......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Prisoner at Snicker's Gap, Nov. 7, 1862-muster. ed out with company, June 17, 1864. Ewell, James...........do... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1862. Fletcher, Adam.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Flanagan, Joseph......do.. May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Flennor, Henry C.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Gosline, Edward H...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Captured May 9,'6 —died at Andersonville, Ga. September 3, 1864-grave, 7,679. Greenfield, James......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Holt, William A........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Hortz, Daniel............do..May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kitchen, Joseph R.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 1862, for wounds received at Gaines Mill, June 27, 1862. Keel, Charles............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Drowned at Alexandria, Va., Feb. 8, 1863. Lentz, Franklin A.....do... Feb. 14, 64, 3 Tr. to company L. 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. pstine, Samuel....do...................... Deserted August 27, 1862. Mathews, Sam'l W...do..... May 29'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Mumber, David......... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Mathews, David T.....do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 30, 1862, to Sept. 23, 1863-tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Margerum, Benj........do....May 29, 61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Mathews, George......do...... ay 29,'61 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. M'Creedy, Andrew...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Creedy Robert....,,do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Kinly, William.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killedat Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Nicholas, Alex'r F....do... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. and-captured at Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. Norris, Samuel..........do...... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4, 1862. O'Donnell, Geo. W.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Pomroy, And'w J.....do..,.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged July 21, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Rice Francis............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. and captured at CloydMountain, May 9,'64. Beily, Robert............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Shull, William H.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Smith, Jacob........do..... May 29, 6,' 3 1Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Shull, Elias D.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Schneider, Jacob........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Stewart, Joseph E......do.... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Smith, Harvey...........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Died Oct. 17, rf wds. rec. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-buried in Mil. Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Sypherheldt, John....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Died September 25, 1862, of wounds received at Antietanm, September 17, 1862. Stevens, Aaron H.....do... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted July 17, 1861. Tompkinson, Wmi....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded Septelilber 17, 1862, at Antietam-discbarged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20, 1863. Tingshrum, Chas......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted April 18, 1864. Vanhartliran, J.C......do... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864-died at Andersonville, November 25, ~.t~~ 18644grave, 12,154. Vandim, James.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,1863. Vickery, John.........do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,1862. Wakefield, Thos, F...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Whiteman, Artist S...do..... May 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads-prisoner from June 30,'1862, to January 8, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Williams, Nathan S..do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Williams, Timothy...do..... Nov. 11,'63, 3 Deserted April $8, 1864. ~Yomer, Charles......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered )ut with company, June 17, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 659 COMPANY H.*'RECRUITED IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY........AT OF...T INTO SEtVIC. Elisha B. Gates......... Capt June 20,'61, 3 Discharged October 7, 1862. Abel T. Sweet...........do... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 6, 1861-to Captain, October 8, 1862-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gieo. W. Crandall... st Lt.. June 20,'61 3 Resigned October 11, 1861. Edwin Rogers............do June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, October 14, 1861-resigned November 2, 1861. Theodore P. Mills....;...do.., June 20,'61, 3 Pronoted from Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 1862-mustered out with company, June 17,'64. W. N. Watmough.. 2d Lt... Oct. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, October, 1861-discharged November 11, 1862. James P. Gay...........do.. July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, December 1, 1862~mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. William Magee....... st Sgt. June 20, 61, 3 Horton Ellis......... Sergt.. June 20,'61, 3 Absent on detached duty at muster out. M. Vanschoton.... Corp.... June 20,'61, 3 William E. Gates......do.. June 20,'61, 3 Americus Mu ry.......do...June 20,'61, 3 Ed. L. Blaketse..do..... June 20,'61, 3 Theo. Thompson.. Muc.... June 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Anderson, John...... Private July 6,'61, 3 Bennett, Edwin'E...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Bebee, Stephen.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Brown, Bernard........do..... uly 6'61, 3 Bennett, Alex............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Corry, John W..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Chapman, Chas. M...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Cokely, Jeremiah.......do.... July 6,'61, 3 Darbv, Patrick..........do.... une 20,'61, 3 Frink, William.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Gay, (Calvin..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Gunsales, Virgil P....... June 20,'61, 3 Gatens, Daniel...........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Gattery, John S.........do...July 6,'61, 3 Gurney, Sylvester.......do.. July 6,'61, 3 Hathaway, Sam'i C'..do. June 20,'61, 3 Hollenback, E. M......do.....June 20,'61, 3 Hall, Aaron...............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Hinchman, Jas. B:....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Hickok, Thomas.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Kenyon, James A......do. July 6,'61, 3 Luce, Russell S.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Lasure, BaronEtt I.....do.. June 20,'61, 3 Paul, George R.......... do..,.. June 20,'61, 3 Perlkins, David........do,... July 6, 61, 3 Riley, Edward..............do.. June 20,'61, 3 Sherman, Perry.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Springer, Tunis.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Smith, George W......do... June 20,'61 3 Southworth, W. E.....do.... June 20,'61 3 Smith, Denmark.....do.... July 6,'61, 3 Smith, Franklin C.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Smith, John 1............do... July 6,'61, 3 Simpson,.S. G..........d....... July 6,'61. 3 Searle, Roger S............... July 0,,'3, 3 Tripple, William K...do.... June 20,'61 3 Treusdall, John W...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Woodruff, Geo. W....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Woodward, L. S........do June 20, 61 3 White, Marshall...d..... June 20,'61, 3 Died Jan. 29, 1865, at Danville, Va.-pris. of war. Warner, Benjamin...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Warner, Dennis.........do..... July 6,'61, 3;oung, John B.........do...... June 20,'61, 3 No muster-out roll on file in Adjutant General's office. 660 THIRTY-TRHIRD REGIMENT-FOURTH RESERVE, COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. NAME. RI. _,... Henry Einwechteor.. Capt.... May 29, 61, 3 Resigned July 26, 1862. Prosper M. Davis..l...do... May 2961, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., Jan. I, 1862i-to Captain, March 1, 1863-nwounded at Cloyd- Mountadir May 9, 1864 —died on the field. William A. Peet....l Ist Lt.. May 15,'61, 3 Resigned November 30, 1861. George W. Faunce..l...do.. May. 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 17, 1861-to Sgt., Oct. 31, 1862to ist Lt., March 22, 1863-wounded at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864-absent at muster out. John C. Chance...... 2d-Lto... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 4, 1861-'diseh. Oct. 1, 1862, for wounds received June 30, 1862, William Housel........do.....May 29,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Jan. 10, 1863-to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863-mus. out with Co., June 17,'64 Robert A. Moore.... lst Sgt. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., July 17,1861-to st Sgt., Sept., 1862-died Jan. 9, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 18s2. Oeorge M. Brooke....do.. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, Jan. 1,'62 —diScharge d on Surgeon's certificate, September 1, 1862. Albert Chance.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 17, 1861-to Ist Sgt., March 1, 1863 —mustered out with Co., June 17, 1864. Jacob Churchill...... Sergt.. May 29,'1, 3 Pr.to Cor., Nov. 6, 1861-to Sgt., March 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Francis M. Fiddler.....do... May 29,'61, 3Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17,1864. John G. Crowers.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, October 31, 1862 munstered out with company, June 17, 1864. James Binckes...........do.....May 29,'61,. 3 Pr.to Cor., March 1, 1863-to Sgt. Sept, 1,1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Geo. W. Sanvile......d..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Oct. 31, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6, 1863. Thomas M. Evans... Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. A. T. Rheinfelus........o.. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, 1, arc 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Joseph Fries l................ May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. James Hyde..............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11, 63 Henry Martin......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1862- discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 28, 1863. Henry Snyder......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 14, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 13 1862. Wm. Ho Gardner......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V,M June8, 1864-Vet. William Fields....... Muc.... May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Charles Fries............. do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Archibald, Geo. W.. Private May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor July 17, 1861-red. July 25, 1863mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Armgust, A. W...-.......do............................ Died October 29,1861- buriedin Military Asylum; Cemetery, D. C. Brady, John............. do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company e, Ju e 17, 1864. Baker, Philip K........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Bryming, Samuel.... do.... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 22, 1863, for wounds received June 30, 1862, re-enlisted Dec. 31, 1863- transferred to company;L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864 Billings,Wm. H......do..... May 29, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 — et. Bouch, John.,...........do...do.................... Died October 24,'61-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D, C. Brown, William H....d....O May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 20, 1862. Cramer, Isaiah H...da.... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., August 20, 1861-red. Oct. 21, 1862 — mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Cremmille, Wm.. do.... May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Crusemire, Nic...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 13, 62. Christy, Edm'd P..... do..... May 29'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Crowers, Samuel............. Jan. 26, 64, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 164. Cavenaugh, Matt'w.. do... May 29,'61, 3 Diedat Georgeton, D C,, December4,861. Churchillt Lewis.....H...do..... July 13'6, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Donnelly, John......... May 29'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62, Dildine, William.......do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9, 62^ Dye, George.............do..... May 29'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862 Everham, Charles......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864 THREE YEARS' SERVIOB 661 Sa1^. BRANK. DATE OP USTER MArS. INTO SERVICE..4 eransk Jacob......... Private July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Frederick, Jacob.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Gallipois, Ohio, June 1, 1864 —Vet. Fesmire, Joseph........do....I July 17,'61, 3 Died October 7, 1862, of wounds received at An-'tietaim, September 17, 1862. George, Edward.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gallaher, Edward......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Gilby, William F.....do..... May 29,'1, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P.'V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Hayter, Isaac...... do....... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Horseback, Albert.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'62. mill, Samuel............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Jones, George............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. and mis. at Cloyd Mountain, May 9,'64. Jackson, George.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Johnson, Robert R.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lambert, John..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 31,'64. Lutz, Charles.......... do..... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Tr. to company L, 54tbh reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. eaffy, John A.........do..... May 29,'61,) 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 80,'612. Loeffler, William T...do..... July 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, January 1, 1862. Moss, William H.......do..... May 29,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Marks, Frederick......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. vlunch, AugustusC...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Corkle, James D...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Gowan, Thomas...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Bride, John...........do..... May 29,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864.,M'Corkle, Edward...do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Cully, William.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,1863. M'Intire, Isaiah.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'63. M'Cullough, Rob'rt....... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. -M'Clary, James........do.... July 10,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Nicholson, R. N.........do....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 20, 1862. Pike, Jacob......... d........ May 29,'61, 3 Died Dec. 20,1864-bu. in United States Geheral Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Poutzler, Wm. P.......do..... May 29,'61,3 Promoted to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1862-reduced Oct. 28,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Parker, Samuel........... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Pobst, William F......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Ritterson, William...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered but with company, June 17, 1864. Riter, John N...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Eyland, Thomas........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept.. 20,'62. Ruby, Joshua C... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'63. Rogers, Bernard...do.. do May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company A, Sept. 1, 1861. Rubeg, Christian.....do................. 3 Deserted July 16, 1861. Shillingforce, Wm....do ay'29,'61, 3Pr. to Cor., Aug. 29, 1861-reduced Oct. 28,'62-'^_- mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Stockman, William...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Souders, Jacob....d... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Steinmetz, John...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Snyder,Christoph'r...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Stow, Morris..........do.. May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to western gun-boat service, Feb., 1862. Sanville, Francis......... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Shrivers, William....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Slaver, Patrick........do.....May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 27, 1862. Torbutl, Hugh........... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died July 24, 1862, of wounds received June 30, 1862-bu. in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Voltz, John M.......do..... Feb. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 17,'63. Weaver, Henry G...d...do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Wolbert, Charles D...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weaver, Edward....]..;do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Woodard, EJ. F........do.................... 3 Died January 1, 1863-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. tters, Chal....es..do.... May 20,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,1862. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN CHESTER COUNTY. William Babe....... pt June 6,'61, 3 Resigned February 18, 1862. Enos L. Christman...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, April 10, 1862-to Major, March 27, 1863. N. A. Pennyparcker...do June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, April 10, 1863-mustered out with company. June 17, 1864. 662 THIRTY-THIRD REGIMENT-~FOURTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTlRR RE K. TO SERVICE. Lewis H. Evans..... lt... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. to 2d Lieut., Feb. 18,.'62 — to 1st Lieut., April 10,'63 —wounded. at Cloyd Mountain, Mav 9, 64-ab. in hos. at muster out. Charles Nice........... It Sgt. June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 17,'61-to 1st Sgt., Jan. I,'63-com. 2d Lieut., June 18, 1864-not mustered-wounded at Cloyd Mountain May 9,'64mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Isaiah Thropp, Jr... Serg't.. June 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corp. to.Sergt., August 1, 1862mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. John W. Snyder..........do. June'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'63-conm. 2d Lt., Mar. 6,'63not mustered-wounded at Antietam, Sep. 17,'62-mustered out with company, June 17,'64. Joseph M. Conner......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergt., Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Nathan Davis............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. F, 33d regiment P. V. Jos. Louderback.......do.... June 6,'61, 3'Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. John Little..............do June 6,'61, 3 Died September 29, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Thos. W. Rowland.....do... June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Wm. D. Mooney.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died May 12, 1864, of wounds received at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. Joseph Stadden...... Corp.... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, May 28, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Samuel Smedley......do..... June' 6,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, July 18, 1861-wounded and missing at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. John K. Burnite......do..June 19,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, June 1, 1863 — woundedJune 30, 1862-mustered out with Co., June 17, 186+. George W. Rapp......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 6, 1863-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Geo. Pennypacker...o..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'62. P. Wiley Reagan.... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. John W. Schofield...d.....June 6,'61, 3 Wd.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'62. Harry S. Willauer.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1863. Charles Huffnagle......do..... Aug. 19,'61., 3 Promoted to Corporal, May, 1863-transferred to conpany L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864. B. F. Williams....... Muc.... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. B. F. Houck..............do.....June 6,'61, 3 Discharged, to date June 17, 1864. Anderson, E. N,..... Private June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Baker, James............do.....June 6,'61, 3 Discharged September 26, 1863, for wounds re3 ceived at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30j'62. Beran, Lycurgus.......do..... July 17,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April24,'63. Bixler, Benj. F..........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 2,'62. Brannan, Winm. H......do...:. June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'62. Buller, Charles........do. June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 7,'62. Buckwalter, John.....do... July 17,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 10, 1861. Bush, Uriah..............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Killed at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. Collier, James............do.... June 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Frederioksburg-musteredout with 3 company, June 17, 1864. Crager, Homer..........do..... June 6,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Collier, David...........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Wd.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 16,'62. Cachus, William.....do...... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64. Cochings, James........do..... Dec. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864. Dunahower, Geo........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Davis, John W..........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died Aug. 9, 1862,,of wounds received at Charles 3 City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Dailey, Jeremiah......do..... July 17,'61, Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Fornwalt, Isaac........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. Fredericks, Joshua...do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Fritz, John...............do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 17,'63. Fawks, Emanuel......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Foreman, William.....do..... June 6,'61, 3Died July 3, 1862, of wounds received at Charles 3 City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Fratt, David R.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, Died at Belle Island of wounds rec. at Charles 3, City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Guest, Thomas L.......do.... June 6,'61, Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Henry, William H.....do. June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Haddeman, Sam'l......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,1862. Hampton, Sam'l H...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Hill, Isaac B..E...........do... Nov. 3,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8. 1864-Vet. Hermacy, Wm. H.....do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863 Hines, Nelson F.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tenally, D. C., Sept. 21, 1861. Irvin, David.......do.... June 6,'613 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27.'61. Johnson, Emile.........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9,'63. Johnson, Samuel........do.... June 6,'61, 3 Deserted August 22, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 663 3t -ibuE B | BANE. DATE OF MUSTERI RR MARKS. AME. RANK. REMARS. I NTO SRVICE. 1 Jester, George W.. Private June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to United States Regular army, November 20, 1862. James, Joseph M.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 T'ransserred to company L, 54th regiment P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Kuglar, John...... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Kuglar, Joseph......do June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'62. Kungle, JohuB.....do.... Ji 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Clovd Mountain, May 9, 1864-tr. to.'. f X company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Kelly, James S..........do....June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to-Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June8, 1864 —Vet. Kirkner, Stephen........... Juie 6,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Lockard, William......do.... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Lacy, Joseph.............do... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19,'62. Lewis, Jonathan M....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'62. Lindsay, John..........do.....June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23, 1863. Lewis, Enos R..........do.... July 17,'61 3 Transferred to Co.L, 54th reg. P. V.,June 8,'64. Lock, William..........do.. June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Manning, Wm.......... do... July 17,'61 3 Transferred to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,'64. Mondiay, John C.......do... June 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Morgan, Joseph W...do....June 6, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. L. 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Morgan, John..............do June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864 —Vet. Murray Charles.......... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Mood, William........ June 6, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Morrison, Isaac.........do June-,'61, 31 Deserted August 22, 1861. M'Clure, Patrick......do.....June 6,'61, 3 Wd.-musteredout with company, June 17,'64. M'Cabe, Barney..........do July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Glaugtlin, Jos.......do...June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 30th reg. P. V., Feb. 3,'62. M'Glaugflin, J. A.....d...o. Oct. 21,'61,... Transferred to Co. A, 30th reg. P. V., Feb. 3,'62. M'Chesney, R. W.......do........................... Died October 13,'61-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. O'Brain, Matthew......do.... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Peck, Abraham.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Peck, Thomas T........do..... June 6,'61, 3 ounded-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, 1863. Pennypacker, Jos......do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Quartermaster Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1863. Rhoades, Preston...do..... Jne 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Regester, David........do....J ne 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Ritner, George W......do.... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Rossiter, Striker C.....do... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Regester, Daniel.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Wd.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Rossiter, B. F., lst.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. Reese, John...............do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8,1864-Vet. Rossiter, B. F., 2d...d..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Rossiter, P. K...... d......... July 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Cloyd Mountain, May 9, 1864-tr. to company L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Reaver, Jacob.............. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863. Ruthren, Henry........... Nov. 29,'61, 3 Died at Belle Plain, Va., January 12, 1863. Roberts, Benj. H......do..,. June 6,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., January 28, 1862. Signett, Wim. H.d........ June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to United States Regular army, October 9, 1862. Snyder, John............do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Speakman, Thos........do.... Nov. 21,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Springer, Isaac........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864. Smith, Elijah J.....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30.'62. Smith, William F....do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., Nov. 7, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Thomas, Isaac P........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. Townsend, Mor'n H...do..June 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Vanskite, Lewis Hi.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. Weller, B. F.............do.....June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. Williams, David B.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Williams, Edmund..do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wall, Philip..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 10, 1863, for wounds,with loss of arm, received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Walters, Reuben H..do..... June 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, 54th reg. P. V., June 8, 1864-Vet. Wise, William........do July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Fort Delaware to serve unexpired term. Wollerton, Nel'n T..do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died July 28,'62, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Wilson, William.......do..Juno 19,'61, 3 Deserted July 4, 1861. Young, Joseph G....do June 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with ompany, June 17, 1864 ~'4 THIlTY-THIRD REGIMENBT-FOUTRTH RESERVE.'UNASSIGNED MEN. Ackerman, Newlin H............... Private, Gallaher, James A........................Private. Ackerman, Stephen................do. arrett, Christian................................do. Andrews, George W................... do. Holley, Daniel............................. do. Aicker, Abraham.....................do. Howard, Henry....................................do. BuchVnan, Jackson............... do. Hall, Robert..............do. Bright, Charles............................. Hatcher, John W................do. Bretzman, George..................... do. iluffa, Joseph......................................do. Clapp, Dennis..............................do. Kline, Lewis....................... do. Carter, Charles A...................... do. Kreamer, Matthias.................... do. Corey, George......................... do. Knowles, John W.................................do Clush, William..............do. Lewis, Hanford S........................ do. Cooper, Thomas....................do. Morris, Peter........................... do. Correll, Charles...............................do. Messon, Thomas......................... do. Clark, Charles......................... do. Murphy, John............................... do. Crawford, Joseph................... do. Osterhout, Henry.................................do. Conner, Wesley....................... do. Osterhout, Philip.................................do. Darrow, James H............................ do. Swackhammer, Alden.......do. Elder, John.....................................do. Sterens, Jesse N...................................do, Frederick, Lewis......................... do. Shadduck, Thomas E.......................do. Ford, John.,................,do. Smith, Joseph........................ do. Gates, Charles S........................... do. Sitz, Andrew W..............,.......... do. Gallaher, John........................ do. Woolworth, James,.......................do. THIRTY-FOURTHI-TEGIMENT, FIFTH RESERVE. TH1 E companies comprising the Fifth Regiment were recruited in the counties of Centre, Lancaster, Hmutingdon, Lycoming, Northumberland, Clearfield, Union and Bradford. They were ordered to report at Camp Curtin, where on the 20th of June the regiment was organized by the choice of the following field officers: John L Gregg, from Captain of company E, Colonel, Joseph W. Fisher, from Captain of company K, Lieutenant Colonel, and George Dare, from Captain of company I, Major. On the following day, Colonel Gregg was appointed a Captain in the Sixth United States Cavalry, when he resigned his commission in this regiment, and Captain Seneca G. Simmons, of the Seventh United States Infantry, a soldier of long experience and great merit, was chosen to succeed him. On the same day, Governor Curtin received a telegram from Lieutenant General Scott, requesting him to send a force immediately to the relief of Colonel Lewis Wallace, commanding the Eleventh Indiana, at Cumberland, Maryland. The Fifth, together with the Bucktail rifle regiment, and Captain Easton's battery of the First Artillery, was at once dispatched, the whole under command of Colonel Biddle, of the Bucktails. Proceeding by rail to Hopewell, it marched to the neighborhood of Bedford Springs, where it was halted for a few days, whence it again marched to the State line, where it encamped, remaining until the 8th of July, when it proceeded to Cumberland, six miles distant, and relieved Colonel Wallace. On the morning of the 13th, the Fifth was ordered to move on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to bridge Number 21, about twenty miles above Cumberland, which had been burned a short time previous by the rebels. After a short delay here, the regiment moved on to New Creek, to the support of a detachment of the Bucktails which had been attacked. Lieutenant Colonel Kane, in command of this detachment, dispersed the forges of the enemy before his supports could arrive, and pursued them in the direction of Romney; but on arriving at Ridgeville, finding himself threatened by a superior force, he sent back for reinforcements, when the Fifth and the main body of the Bucktails proceeded to his relief, marching the whole distance on the double quick. On the following morning, the Fifth returned to New Creek, where the troops were quartered in deserted houses about the town. On the 22d, the regiment proceeded to Piedmont, where it was stationed to afford protection to Union people, and to foster the sentiment of patriotism. Soon after the Bull IRun disaster, fears being entertained of an attack by the enemy on Washington, the Fifth was ordered to proceed thither via Harrisburg. Bivouacking for a few days in the neighborhood of Camp Curtin, it 84 6G THIRTY-FOURTHI REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE. 1862 was hurriedly recruited and equipped, and on the 8th of Augxust taking up the line of march nine hundred and eighty-four strong, proceeded to Washingtoni and thence to the camp established for the Reserves at Tenallytown. Here the drill which had been constantly practised since its organization was resumed, and every effort was made by the accomplished soldier who commanded it, to bring it to the highest state of efficiency. On the 14th of September, it was detailed to proceed to Washington and escort Governor Curtin to camp, where in company with President Lincoln, General M'Clellan and other distinguished.civilians and soldiers, he reviewed the division and presented each regiment with a State flag. In the organization of the Reserves which ensued, the Fifth was assigned to the First Brigade,* conmmanded by Brigadier General John F. Reynolds. On the 10th of October, the whole division was ordered across the Potomac, and encamped near Langley. Schools were here opened for the instruction of commissioned officers, which were in session on two days in each week at regimental head-quarters, where they were examined and instructed in tactics, army regulations, and camp and picket duty. Company commanders were also required to hold similar schools for the instruction and discipline of non-commissioned officers. On the 19th of October, the First Brigade made a reconnoissance to the neighborhood of Dranesville, where it bivouacked for forty-eight hours, returning on the 21st with teams laden with forage. On the 20th of December the brigade again marched to Dranesville, but did not reach the field in time to participate in the handsome victory which the Third Brigade there achieved. On the 10th of March, 1862, the regiment broke camp. with a force of nine hundred and eleven strong, and joining in the general forward movement of the army, marched to Hunter's Mills, where it bivouacked until the 14th, when it was ordered to Alexandria. Here it remained until the 9th of April, when it moved to Manassas and occupied the deserted quarters of the rebels. A few days later it was detailed to guard the Orange and Alexandria railroad, from Alexandria to Catlett's Station. On the 7th of May, Colonel Simmons was ordered to report with his regiment to Falmouth, where it encamped and remained till the 25th, when the First Brigade was ordered across the Rappahannock, and occupied Fredericksburg, picketing the country in the rear of the town and along the river. General M'Clellan, with the grand army, had advanced up the Peninsula, and was confronting the rebels near Richmond. He was now calling for reinforcements, and the Reserves were ordered to his support. Embarking on'the 9th of June, it moved by transport to White House, on the Pamunky, and thence marched along the Richmond and West Point railroad to Dispatch Station, and a few days later moved to Mechanicsville, bivouacking in sight of the enemy's lines. On the morning of June 26th, the Fifth was ordered to cross Beaver Dam Creek, and to picket the line along the left bank of the Chickahominy. At one o'clock P.M. the enemy crossed the river in large numbers, when the pickets retired across the creek and took up a position *Organization of the First Brigade, Brigadier General John F. Reynolds; Pennsylvania Reserves, Major General George A. M'Call. First (30th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, ColonelR. Biddle Roberts; Second (31st) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel William B. Mann; Fifth (34th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Seneca G. Simmons; Eighth (37th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel George S. Hays. -1862 BATTLE oI MECHANICSVILLE. 667 which had been selected for the battle, along its left bank. The First Brigade -was posted on the right of the line, the Fifth occupying the left centre. Four companies, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Fisher, were thrown forward as skirmishers. Scarcely had the regiment gained its position, when the enemy opened with his artillery, which was vigorously replied to by our batteries; soon after his infantry came on in force, and the battle openedin earnest. The skirmishers fell back on the line of battle in excellent order, when a terrific fire was opened on the approaching foe, which never ceased nor slackened until he withdrew from the conflict, leaving the field strewn with his dead and wounded. -The Fifth lost in this engagement fifty killed and wounded. Early on the following morning the regiment was ordered to fall back and take position on -Gaines' Hill, the position at Beaver Dam Creek being outflanked by the enemy. This order was executed with eminent skill and success. It was the intention of the commanding general to have held this division in reserve in the ensuing battle, on account of the severe fighting in which it was engaged on the previous day; but at two o'clock P. M. of the 27th, our line was so hard pressed by the enemy that he was obliged to order in all his available force, and the Fifth advancing to the front was soon hotly engaged, maintaining its position under a most withering fire until sundown, and until its ammunition was completely -exhausted and the pieces of the men had become unserviceable.* General MICall and General Reynolds both made ineffectual efforts to get troops to relieve them, but the men nobly held their ground until ordered back to prevent capture. t General Reynolds was captured towards the closeof the day, and the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Simmons, that of the regiment upon Lieutenant Colonel Fisher. Retiring a short distance, the men slept on their arms for a few hours, when they where aroused and taken across the Chickahominy. Here the regiment lay under arms until the evening of the 28th of June, when it marched via Savage Station, and crossing the White Oak Swamp, arrived on the evening of the 29th at Charles'City Cress Roads. The Fifth and a battalion of the Bucktails were thrown forward close up to the enemy's line. Lest in the dark* Previous to the arrival of Slocum's brigade, Reynolds having repulsed the enemy in his front, and hearing the tremendous contest on his left, had, acting under a true maxim, and with the generous spirit of a soldier, moved to the sound of cannon, and led his men, regiment after regiment, where our hard pressed forces required most assistance. As each regiment entered the woods to the relief of their exhausted companions, the effect was immediately shown by the enemy being driven before them, as evidenced by the'sound of musketry growing more and more distant. Some regiments which had been withdrawn, after having exhausted their ammunition, reformed, replenished their boxes, and returned, in one case even for the third time, to this utnequal contest. For each regiment thrown into action, there seemed to be two or three fresh regiments brought up by the enemy; but our men maintained their own and successively repulsed them, until the last regiment had been advanced; as if for a final effort, just as darkness was covering everything from view, the enemy massed his fresh regiments on the right and left, and threw them with overpowering force against our thinned and wearied battalions.-Genera Porter's Official Report. tEXTRACT FROM GENERAL M'CALL'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-Here I found General Reynolds coming from the woods with the First and Eighth regiments of his brigade, he having relieved them and brought them out of action, in consequence of their ammunition being exhausted. He reported to me that the Fifth regiment had likewise nearly expended all its ammunition and ought to be relieved. On hearingthis I at once directed my Assistant Adjutant General, Captain H. J. Biddle, to ride down the line and, if possible, to bring up a regiment (of Morell's division, I think) that I had seen in reserve as I rode along the line. —Moore's'ecbellion Record, Comp. Vol., p. 666. 668 THIRTY-FOURTH RiEGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE. 1862 ness friend should be mistaken for foe, the men were directed to bare the right arm to the shoulder. The pass word was "Bucktail" and the answer "five. On the following morning, the brigade waswithdrawn, and dispositions were made for repelling an attack from the direction of Richmond, and to protect the junction of the New Market and the Quaker or Turkey Bridge road. By half-past three in the afternoon the battle had fairly began, the rebels attacking with great fury. Soon afterthe contest opened, the enemy.moved a heavy column to the right and came down with great impetuosity upon Seymour's brigade. Colonel Simmons was immediately ordered to move with the Fifth and the Eighth regiments to its support, the Fifth gallantly led by Lieutenant Colonel Fisher. This order was promptly obeyed, the men moving forward at a double quick and charge bayonet, but not a moment too soon for a furious attack with infantry and artillery was met just in time to stay and repel it. In this charge the Seventh and Seventeenth Virginia regiments were nearly annihilated, the greater portion being either killed wounded or taken prisoners. Shortly afterwards the enemy issued from the woods in front in great force, and for nearly two hours the battle raged fiercely, the enemy making desperate efforts to break our lines and gain the road, on which were passing the immense supply trains of our army; but without success. In the heat of the struggle, Colonel Simmons, leading his men with determined bravery and unequalled skill, fell mortally wounded and died in the hands of the enemy. A soldier by profession and a man of the strictest honor, a patriot from principle and brave to a fault, the Reserve Corps lost no more trusted leader, nor loved companion in arms. Here fell, too, Captain Taggart, of company B, an excellent soldier, whose loss was severely felt. In the three battles, at Mechanics. ville on the 26th, Gaines' Mil on the 27th, and Charles City Cross Roads on the 30th of June, the regiment lost eighteen killed, one hundred and fifteen wounded, and one hundred and three taken prisers. Resting upon the field until two A. M. of the 1st of July, the regiment pro. ceeded to Malvern Hill, where was fought the last grand battle before Richmond, in the Peninsula campaign. The Fifth was under fire, but not actively engaged, and on the morning of July 2d, moved with the army to Harrison's Landing, where it went into camp. The vacancy occasioned by the death of Colonel Simmons, was filled by the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Fishery Major George Dare was appointed Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Frank Zentmyer, Major. General M'Clellan's Peninsula campaign was now at an end, and General Pope, in command of the Army of Northern Virginia, was beginning to feel the weight of the enemy's force concentrating on his fronts The troops under MClellan were accordingly ordered forward to his support. Pope finding the line of the Rapidan untenable with his meagre force, withdrew to the Rappahannock, where, upon his arrival, he was joined by Rleynolds with the Reserve Corps. Finding Jackson in his rear, Pope hastened with his little army to meet, and if possible overpower him before he could be reinforced. The Reserves moved via Warrenton and Gainesville to the First Bull Run battleground, arriving on Thursday, the 28th. On the following day, the Fifth was deployed as skirmishers and was under a heavy fire of artillery during the entire day. On Saturday, August 30th, it engaged the enemy at four o'clock P. M., and the fight was maintained until six with unabated fury, when it was relieved. In this engagement the regiment, being reduced by excessive fatigue 1862 SOUTH MOUNTAIN AND ANTIETAM, 669 and heavy details, numbered but two hundred men. The loss was one killed and twelve wounded. During this campaign it was under the command of Major Zentmyer, Colonel Fisher being absent in consequence of a severe injury occasioned by the fall of his horse. During the night of August 30th, the regiment withdrew to Centreville and bivouacked until September 2d, when it fell back to Arlington Heights, encamping on Upton's Hill. On the 6th of September, it was ordered to move with the division across the Potomac and advance into Maryland to meet the enemy, now glorying in his strength and rioting on union soil. He was encountered in the passes of South Mountain, strongly posted and confident of resisting successfully any attack which should be made against him. Colonel Fisher in the meantime had so far recovered as to be able to assume command. " The Bucktail regiment" says Mr. Sypher, " commanded by Colonel M'Neil, was deployed as skirmishers in front of the division, and was closely followed by the whole line of battle; the enemy's outposts were rapidly driven in, forced from the hills, and routed from the ravines, until suddenly the regiments of the First Brigade arrived at a cornfield,'full of rebels,' protected by a stone wall at the foot of the abrupt mountain side; the Bucktails received a terrific volley of musketry, which brought them to a halt; General Seymour, who was on the ground with his men, seeing that this was the critical moment, called out to Colonel Roberts, commanding the First Regiment, to charge up the mountain, and at thesame instant, turning to Colonel Fisher, of the Fifth Regiment, whose men were coming up in well dressed lines, he exclaimed:' Colonel, put your regiment into that cornfield and hurt somebody''I will, General, and'll catch one alive for you,' was the cool reply of Colonel Fisher. The Second regiment, commanded by Captain Byrnes, and the Sixth, Colonel Sinclair, were ordered forward at the same time. The men of the Fifth leaped the stone wall, immediately captured eleven prisoners, and sent them back to the General." The regiment steadily ascended the rugged side of the mountain under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, and after a severe struggle, lasting five hours, carried the heights with the triumphant division and planted its standard upon the summit. It entered the engagement with three hundred and fifty-seven men. Its loss was one killed and nineteen wounded. On the night of the 14th, the men slept on their arms, on the rugged mountain crest. At early dawn of the 15th, finding that the enemy had fled, the regiment moved down the mountain, and passing Boonsboro7 bivouacked for the night at Keedysville. On the 16th, it crossed Antietam Creek, and moving to the right, engaged the enemy at four P. M., and was engaged at intervals during the night. The battle was renewed at daylight on the following morning, and raged with unabated fury on that part of the line where the Reserves were posted during the early part of the day, the Fifth not being relieved until one P. M. Finding his army badly crippled and unable longer to offer successful resistance, Lee withdrew across the Potomac, and on the 19th, the Fifth marched to the river, near Sharpsburg, where it encamped. The loss of the Fifth in this battle was two killed and eight wounded. After considerable delay, the army again advanced into Virginia, and by command of the President, General M'Clellan was relieved and General Burnside ordered to succeed him. The latter determined to move upon Richmond by way of Fredericksburg. On the 11th of December, General Franklin, who commanded the left grand division, to which the Reserves were attached, 670 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE. 1863 crossed the Rappahannock some distance below Fredericksburg and formed in line of battle facing the enemy's entrenched camp. A few weeks previous, the Fifth Regiment had been transferred from the First to the Third Brigade, which now consisted of the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth regiments. The Reserves, commanded by General Meade, early on the morning of the 13th, moved forward and occupied the first line of battle, with Doubleday's Division upon the left flank and Gibbon's upon the right, as.supports. The Third Brigade occupied the left of the line, with the Ninth Regiment deployed as skirmishers. The dispositions had scarcely been made, when the enemy opened from a battery posted on the Bowling Green road, to the left and rear of the line. The Third Brigade was immediately faced to the left, forming with the First nearly a right angle. Simpson's, Cooper's and Ransom's Batteries were soon brought into position, which together with the batteries of Doubleday silenced and compelled the withdrawal of the enemy's guns.* During the progress of this artillery duel, a body of rebel sharp shooters advanced along the Bowling Green road, but were soon dispersed by the marksmen of the Third Brigade, sent to meet them. The line now advanced, the Fifth Regiment occupying a position upon the left, nearest to the enemy's breast works.. The struggle became desperate, but the Reserves, unaided, advanced with determined bravery, sweeping everything before them until they had penetrated and completely broken his lines. In this advance, the Third Brigade encountered a destructive fire from a battery posted on the heights on its left. In the face of this deadly fire the troops boldly crossed the railroad and ascended the acclivity; but so terrible was the storm of battle from both infantry and artillery that they were compelled to withdraw. Here General Jackson, who commanded the brigade, was killed, and was suceeeded by Colonel Fisher, of the Fifi;h, Lieutenant Colonel Dare assuming command of the regiment. The loss of the Fifth in this engagement was twenty killed, eighty-eight wounded and sixtyone taken prisoners. Major Zentmyer and his brother, acting Adjutant, were among the killed, and Lieutenant Colonel Dare among the wounded. t - General Jackson placing General A. P. Hill on his front line supported him with the divisions of Early and Taliaferro, D. H. Hill's division being the third line in reserve. General Lee posting the major portion of his cavalry, under General J. E. B. Stuart, on his right, on the plain extending from Hamilton's Crossing towards the Massaponax, watched the movements of his antagonist. It was ten o'clock, the bugles sounded the advance, and the lifting fog revealed the left of the army, under Franklin, spread out on the plain, and showed the gleaming bayonets of a column advancing to the attack. General Jackson, in anticipation of this movement, had caused three batteries (Wooden, Braxton and Carpenter) to be thrown forward on his skirmish line in front of Lane's brigade, with instructions to hold their positions until with. drawn by order.-Battle Field of Fredericksburg, (Rebel,) pages 15, 16. T In company K, of the Fifth Regiment, there were three Sergeants, bound together by the strongest ties of friendship; they were Christian young men, who, at the beginning of their term of service, had resolved to read a portion of the Holy Scripture each night before lying down to rest; also, that no profane nor vulgar language should be tolerated from any one while in their tent. These young men pledged themselves to be ahelp to each other in times of need, and if sickness, wounds, or death fell upon eitb er, the others were pledged to administer whatever comfort was possible, and finally to transmit to friends at home a report of the fate of their comrade. But when the fierce storm of battle swept along the heights of Fredericksburg, Sergeant James Speaker fell dead upon the field, and near by his side lay Sergeants Edward M. Shreiner and Charles Hollands, both mortally wounded, yet each unconscious of the other's presence. When night came, and the rebels were on the field plundering the dead and wounded, Sergeant Slueiner was so rudely handled that he groaned aloud, and immediately in a weak, low voice, some one enquired "' Edward, is that you?' The companions recognized each other and Sergeant Hollands gave the sign of Masonic recognition, which was responded to by the 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 671 In February, 1863, the Division was ordered to the Department of Washington, for the purpose of recruiting its sadly depleted ranks. The Fifth was for a time stationed at Miner's Hill, and was afterwards assigned to duty in the city of Washington. When the army marched under Hooker on the Gettysburg campaign, the Fifth Regiment, together with the brigade now commanded by Colonel Fisher, was ordered to join it, and was assigned to the Fifth Corps, General Meade, subsequently Gbneral Sykes. Upon its arrival on the field, the brigade was for a time held in reserve in the vicinity of Little Round Top. The enemy had discovered that this eminence was the key to the Union position, and was struggling hard to gain possession of it. The Third Brigade of the First Division of the Fifth Corps, under command of Colonel Vincent, of the Eightythird Pennsylvania, had been ordered to move on the double quick and occupy it. Scarcely had Vincent reached it and taken position, when Hood's Division of Longstreet's Corps, in three lines, came rushing on, with deafening yells, determined to possess the coveted prize. With the energy of desperation they struggled to clear the rugged sides and carry the heights. Failing upon the left and front, they poured through the little valley between Round Top and Little Round Top, doubling up the left flank of Vincent, occupied by the Twentieth Maine, and threatened his rear. For some time possession seemed doubtful. At this critical juncture Colonel Fisher was ordered to advance with the Fifth, Lieutenant Colonel Dare, and the Twelfth, Colonel Hardin, to the relief of the hard pressed and well nigh crushed brigade. With a cheer that sounded above the clangor of battle, sending gladness to friend and terror to foe, the command went forward at a double quick, dashing up the hill and gaining the summit in time to share in the victory, and to render its possession secure. During the night these regiments were advanced to the summit of Round Top, and the two hills were joined by a strong line of breastworks, constructed of loose boulders, and the position made amply secure. The loss of the regiment in this engagement was two wounded. In the campaigns which ensued during the summer and fall of 1863, wearisome in execution, but in general fruitless in results, the Fifth participated. During the month of December, the Third Brigade was sent to Manassas Junction, and ordered to guard the line of the Orange and Alexandria railway, over which the supplies of the army were received. The Fifth Regiment was stationed at Alexandria to act as a train guard, and to protect the army stores from the depredations of the enemy constantly lurking along the line of the road. In February, 1864, in a skirmish with guerrillas near Brentzville, Major Larimer, who upon the death of Major Zentmyer, had succeeded to the Majority, was killed. Colonel Fisher immediately started in pursuit, ordering the cavalry which he had with him to take a full supply of extra halter straps, determined to execute summary punishment upon the dastardly foe; but the guerrillas succeeded in making good their escape. rebel bending over him, and the fainting comrades were placed side by side. In the morning they were taken to Richmond. Shreiner died and was buried in the rebel capital. Hollands lingered many.months, was paroled and sent to Annapolis. He advised the friends of his slain companions how they had fallen, and of the final disposition that had been made of the bodies of Sergeants Shreiner and Speaker, and having thus lived to discharge his last promise, he died in the hospital soon after landing from the steamer. —Iistory of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Sypher, p. 418. 672 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT —FIFTH RESERVE, 1864 During the comparative inaction of the winter and spring of 1864, the regiment was recruited and re-organized in preparation for an active campaign. Captain Smith, of company C, was promoted to the rank of Major. On being relieved at Alexandria, the Fifth was ordered to join its brigade and move to Culpepper, and on the 4th of May, with the grand army under Grant, crossed the Rapidan and was at once engaged in the Wilderness fight. Early on the morning of the 5th, the Reserves, now under Crawford, were sent forward towards Parker's Store, and formed in line near the plank road. The Fifth Regiment was held in reserve. In the progress of the battle, Crawford finding his flanks exposed, was obliged to withdraw his division. This movement was successfully executed on the part of the Fifth. In the struggle which ensued on the follo~wing day, near the Fredericksburg and Orange Pike, Lieutenant Colonel Dare, in command of the regiment, was mortally wounded and died in camp during the night. Major Smith succeeded him, and was soon after commissioned Lieutenant Colonel for gallant conduct on the field. In the series of engagements which ensued, from the 6th until the end of the month, when the sound of battle along the lines was almost perpetual, and the groans of the dying were scarcely hushed for a single hour, the Fifth participated with its accustomed gallantry. On the 31st of May, the term of service of the regiment having expired, in company with other Reserve regiments, it was relieved from duty, and bidding adieu to the veterans still facing the foe upon the banks of the Tolopotomy, it proceeded by steamer from White House to Washington, and thence by rail to Harrisburg, where on the 11th of June it was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. IDATE OF UER REMARKS.. INTO S ERVICE..Seneca G. Simmons Col....... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Joseph W. Fisher......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Lieut. Col., Aug. 1, 1862-brevet Brig. General Nov. 4, 1865-mustered out witl regiment, June 11, 1864. George Dare........... Lt. Col. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Major, Aug. 1,'62-killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Alfred M. Smith........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company C, to Major, Feb. 22, 1864-to Lt. Col., May 7,1864-to brevet Col., March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Frank Zentmyer.... Major.. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. companyI, to Maj., Aug. 1, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862bu. record, died at Richmond, Va., December 31, 1862. J.-Harvey Larimer...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company E, to Maj., May 1, 1863-killed at Bristoe Station, Feb. 14, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon Asst. assistant. Com. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. btew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Miuc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged lis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain xp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wo'nds. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 673 NAME. RANK. DATE MSTE REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. eK Jas. A. M'Pherran.. Major.. June 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company F, to Maj., May 7, 1864-to brevet Lt. Col., March 13,1865-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. A. G. Mason..........Aj.. June 21,'61, Discharged March 27,'63, to accept appointment 3 on Gen. Meade's staff-brevet Major, August 1, 1864-brevet Lt. Col., March 13, 1865. John L. Wright.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864-brevet Captain, March 13, 1865. Samuel Evans........ M.... June 21,'61, 3 Commissioned Capt., May7,'64-not musteredbrevet Capt., March 13,'65-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864.. John T. Carpenter.. Surg.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted and transferred to Western army, as Brigade Surgeon. Samuel.G. Lane.......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted Surg. of enrollment board, 16th Dist., Pennsylvania, March 10, 1864-to Asst. Surg. Gen., Pa.-to brevet Lt. Col., March 13, 1865. Henry A. Grim..........do..... April 16,'62, 3 Promoted fr. Asst. Surg., 12th reg. P. V. R. C.mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. N. F, Marsh........... As.Sur. June 21,.'61, 3 Promoted to Surgeon 4th reg. Pa. Cavalry, 64th regiment P. V. E. Donnelly...............do... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Surg. 31st reg. P. V., April 28, 1862. W. H-. Davis............do.... June 27,'62, 3 Promoted to Surg. 33d reg. P. V., Dec. 20, 1862. J. M. Groff..............do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'63. 0. C. Johnson.......... do.... Mar. 9,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28,'63. H. T. Whitman.........do.... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864-Bv. Major, March 13, 1865. S. L. M. Consor...... Chapn.......... 3 Mustered out by special order of War Department, November 1,1862. E. L. Reber.......... Sr. Maj June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. R. M. Smith.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to2d Lt., August 8, 1862-transferred to company (. G. P. Swoope.......... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., March 4, 1863-transferred to company I. Harry Mullen........... M. S June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. J. W. Harris...........Com. Sr June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. John H. Johnson.... Hos.St. July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. B. L. Scott.............. P'Muc June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. W. L. Smeadley.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. COMPANY A RECRUITED IN LYCOMING COUNTY. H. C. Ullman......... Capt.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'62. Fountain Wilson..o d..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, March 5, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. Henry Snay........ Ist Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., March 5, 1863-brevet Capt. Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. D. Hays M'Micken 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, July 31, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. J. Woods Russel.......d..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., March 5, 1863-died May 22, 1864, of wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 5,'64. W. Hayes Grier...... 1st Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, June 4, 1864-not mustered-mustered out with Co, June 11,'64. Geo. H. Blackwell.. Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harry W. Fisher......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert H. Grier........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. D, H. Campbell.........do., June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H,, May 10, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. James W. Burton......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged March 17, 1862, to accept promotion. Chas. M. Hamilton...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 24, 1863, to accept promotion. Robert Y. Knox........ do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 30, 1862, to accept promotion. John Miller, Jr.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 7,'63. Benjamin A. Royce...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15, 1863. Evan Russel.................do. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 1, 1863. Edward Dougherty...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John Laymon......... Corp.., June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 62absent, in hospital, at muster out. Henry M. Kissell....do June 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 20, 1864. Wmi. H. Kline........do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with compaly Jue 11, 1864, 85 G74 THIRTY-FOURST REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE,.~.. B~Bm~R MHAUE. RARE. DATE OF MUSTER A. INTO SERVICE. REBMARKS. W Samuel Forsyth..... Corp... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Abram L. Crist.......do... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, January 30, 1864, absent, in hospital, at muster out. Daniel L. Foster...[. do.... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, May, 18683 Henry Bilby...............do.... June 21,'61, Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., October 22, 1861. D. G. Campbell........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 26, 1861. Freeman H1. agel.....do... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James M. Smith..... Muc..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Freeman H. Mann..d...do...... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'62. Attwood,Prentice C Private June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 1, 1862. Ashley, Jedekiah D...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862, Brooks, John C.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Buzzard, John C.....l...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brown, Daniel...........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bennet, John F..........do..... June 21, 61 3 Died May 21, 1863, of wounds received at Fred. ericksburg, December 13, 1862. Beck, George............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 23,'61 Brown, George M.....do.....June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, November, 1863 Barret, Richard.........d..... June 21,'61, 3- Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Buey, Miller.............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 13, 1861. Bostian, Isaac B......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted May 26, 1862. Curtis, Samuel M......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cowden, Frank C......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Cranmer, Hiram........d...June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 1862 Clifford, William......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Canfield, Ralph.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., January 28, 1862. Carpenter, Jos. L.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Conner, Abner..........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1863. Dunn, Thomas N.do....... June 21, 61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dodge, Charles B...... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged March 17, 1863, for wounds, with lose of leg, received in action. Essig, Jacob..............do.....June 21, ^61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 17, 1862 — buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Fackenthal, John.....do...... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. FarrendsworthA.S..do.June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-musg tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Flook, James W.....d...o..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Foster, Loren............do-.... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Gray, Joseph, Jr........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gudykuntz, C. H......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garrett, Wm. H........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Grier, John H............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Ganoe, Joseph...........do'... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 6, 1861. Hamilton, Alex. K...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hughes, Alex. B.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harbock, Cyrus.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hartman, Aaron........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hetherlin, John T......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1862. Harlan, James...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged July 16, 1862, for wounds, with loss of arm, received in action. Hall, Egbert..............do...., June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Housel, David............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 17, 1864. Harlan, Nelson..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 15, 1861. Hunter, George.........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Huff, Irvin T.............do....June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., February 18, 1865. Jefferds, Alpheus......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Jacobs, Abram B.......do..... June 211, 61 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, October29,'62. Koons, Joseph...........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kline, John H...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery A, 1st Pa. Artillery-Vet. Kissel, Albert M.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Camp Tenally, Va., September 9, 1861. Kreager, Daniel B.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 3, 1862. Laylon, Samuel D.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'63. Laylon, Hiram T......d..... Feb. 27,'62, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Mitcheltree, Sol. B.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Samuel M......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery A, 1st Pa. Artillery-Vet. Mehring, Charles......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery A, 1st Pa. Artillery-Vet. Mehring, Philip.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'61. Monegan, John.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862. M'Cormnick, Geo.O....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Henry, Almond.....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Died December 29, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. M'Cloe, Robert....... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 20, 1861. Nufer, Christian......do.... d June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. THREE YBARS' SERVICE. 675 W NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMRKS. INTO SERVICE. pi Navel, Michael......Private June 21,'61, Diedat Washington, D. C., November 12, 1862buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Phillips, Edwin C...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19, 61. Pepperman, J........do June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, Va., October 14, 1863. Rodearmel, Chas. T...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. iRichards, T. A...........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reichart, Henry.........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet, Robinson, Richard'....do.... June 21,'61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill June 27, 1862. Robinson, Moses........do... June 21, 61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Smead, Wilson J......do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Daniel........... do_.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Isaac N............do. June 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,1863. Swartz, Jacob......... do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged July 26, 1864-expirationof term. Thomas, William......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'61'Vanaman, Richard...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company June11, 1864. Whetzel, James M.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilson, George.........do June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Young, Christ. C...... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 2, 1863. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. James Taggart.... Cap.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Charles CityCross Roads, June 30, 62. Charles Wells...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 26,'61 —to 1st Lt., Dec. 16,1861-to Captain, July 1, 1862killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. James D. Slater........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 16, 1861-to 1st Lieut., July 1, 1862-to Captain Dec. 13,'62 —transferredtoV. R. C., Sept., 1,'63. John A. Maus.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sergt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 8,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 5,'63 —to Capt., Jan. 1,'64-to By. Maj., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Henry A. Colt...... Ist Lt.. June 21,'61, 3 Resigned November 9, 1861. James A. Keefer......do... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, March 5, 1863-to 1st Lieutenant, January 1,1864-dismissed March 3, 1864. Peter Vandling.....d...d..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., April 2, 1864mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles C. Jones.... 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned October 8, 1861. Josiah Newbury..... 1st Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph Hogan............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at New Market Cross Roads,.~~ ^:June 30, 1862-died at Richmond, Va. Joseph Martin........ Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J..G. Dieffenbacher...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Saul R. Kreeger...... do June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Joshua C. Newbury..do.... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. nWm. H. Morgan...... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George W. Fisher..^...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-absent, at Camp Parole, at muster out. John M. Scout............. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Hawk........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James Throp..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lafayette Vandling...do.., June 31,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 10, 1862, for wounds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Joseph C. Careon......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 10, 1862, for wounds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. William B. Wallis.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. William Young........... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. James C. Voris.......do.. July 25,'61, 8 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Henry C. Standish.. Muc...June 21,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, December 10, 1861. Geo. Birkindine.....do.. June 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. Angle, Henry J...... Private July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. army, Nov. 27, 1862. Black, William.........do...June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Beddocs, David O......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct.24, 1862. Beidleman, Wm............ June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. army, Nov. 27, 1862..Barnhart, Jesse........do.Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864..Baarnhat, Edward....do. Jan. 22,'64, Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864 676 THIRTY-FOURTH EGIMENT —FIFTH RESERBVE Z!Algf RIANll, DATE OP M3USTER NA. RANK.I INTOSERVIC. REMARKS Bashore, Benj. F.... Private Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Brautigan, John H...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed atFredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Bennet, James W......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bashore, JosephF......do.....Feb. 3,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10,'64 Clark, Samuel...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cutler, William.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64. Croop, Henry...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Campbell, John.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U.S. R.eg. army, Dec. 6, 1862. Copp, Alonzo..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Cole, Jacob...............do... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Chapple, Zachariah...do... Feb 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Cample, William.....do..... June 21, 61 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., October 18, 1861. Duffy, James....o....... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,1861. Damuth, George......do...... Juxe 21, 61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Dale, Henry.......... do..... June 21, 61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 10, 1861. Erlston, Henry.........do.... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, 1861. Eckert, Willard.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Evert, Benjamin.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg.. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Fisher, Albert...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 13,'61. Fleegle, John.......d..... 8.'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Fleegle, Isaac S.... do.... do Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Garmon, Amos.......do....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Gibbons, John H......do...,. June 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. Gibbons, Simon........do.... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 11, 1861. Goranflo, John......do........ Aug. 8,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., November 26, 1862. Gibbons, Joseph...... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Hughes, Edw'd B......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Horlinger, Julius......do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Hawthorne, Geo........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'62. Henry,Foster............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Sept. 22,'63. Hood, Charles F...... do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regimentP. V., June 6, 1864. Johnson, Charles.......do... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Johnson, Samuel.......do.... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Jarrett, William........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. Johnson, John H......do.. July 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Oct. 31, 1863. Kieffer, William........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'61. Killbride, Daniel.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. army, Nov. 27, 1862. Kline, Edwin N......d...... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. army, Dec. 29, 1862. Kremer, Isaac......... do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Kapp, Amos E...........do.. July 25,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 7, 1861. Little, James R..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lloyd, John C.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifcate, Aug. 7,'61. Lyons, William........do.... June 21S'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28,'61. Morgan, James E.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Morgan, John C......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Marriot, John..........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1862. Murray, Fred. B........do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. M'Fall, James...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Pherson, Milton.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. M'Nier, John............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. M'Elrath, John.........do July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Newbury, Aug..........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Newbury, Brooks.......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet, Newcomer, Joseph.....do.. Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Newbury, Albion.......do.3 Died at Cumberland, Md., July 11, 1861. Peifer, Nicholas........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Phillips, James M......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Rake, David.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'63. Renner, Jacob.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Renner, Evan............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Rake, George............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,1864-Vet. Rake, Albert........ do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., February 29, 1864. Ripple, George Ho......d..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scholrin, John F.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Starrick, William......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, and mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seems, Tilghman....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Scout, Charles W......do..... June 21.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Steinhelper, John......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. regular army, Dec. 29, 1862, Smith, William........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1863. Snyder, John-.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June6,1864-Vet. Strawser, Theodore...do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June6,1864. Starrick, Christian.. do..Oct.'61,'3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 677, 1/ EAR. RAN ). DATE OF MUSTERS. NA. BANK. INTO SERVICE. _1 _ Slifer, George A... Private June 21,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Trumphore, Josiah..do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Trumbower, Fran's...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. regular army, Dec. 6, 1862. Travis, Landis L........do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191streg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Van Kirk, Dan'l B.....do..... June 21,'6, 3'61 3 Transferred to U. S. regular army, Nov. 27, 1862. Vincent, David.........do.... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Transferred to 151st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864 Wing, John G................ June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14,'62. Wallace, Joseph........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8,'62. Weltheiss, Wm.........do.... June 2,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. regular armyNo, Nov. 2, 1862. Winkelman,Fred'k...do.....July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June6, 1864-Vet. Williams, John..........do.... July 25,61,' 3 Transferredto 191st reg. P. V., June6,1864-Vet. Williams, Joseph......d.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191streg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Williard, Solomon.....do..... 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. COMPANY 0. RECRUITED IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY. J. Osa -oraine..... _ J. Oscar Loraine..... Capt..... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned November 7, 1861. Alfred M. Smith........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. to 1st Lt., July 25,'61-to Captain, Nov. 15, 1861-to Major, Feb. 22, 1864. David M'Gaughey.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. to 1st Lieut., November 16, 1861-to Captain March 22, 1864-brevet Major, Mar. 13, 1865-wounded at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. J.HarveytLarrimer 1st Lt... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company E, July 12, 1861. John E. Potter...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., Aug. 15, 1862-to 1st Lt., Mar. 22, 1864-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. John W. Bigler...... 2d Lt.. June 21,'61, 3 Resigned June 22, 1862. William A. Ogden.. 1st Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Commissioned Captain, June 4, 1864-not mus tered-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas H. Wilson Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James C. Miller.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jas. L. M'Pherson.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Geo. B. Hancock........ do..... June 21'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Huidekoper......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt. Co. E,150th reg. P. V., Oct. 30,'62. Martin Mullin...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wm. C. M'Gonagle Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oliver Conklin...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Smith B. Williams...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jos. W. Folmar.........d..... July 21'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edward Blingler.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Richard S. Carr........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 24,'63, for wounds received in action. Bolivar T. Bilger........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John W. Hoy.........do..... June 21, 6 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. James Leonard.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. George W. Young......do..... dJune 21,'61, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863.. S. Woolstencroft...do... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted May 4, 1862. David M'R. Betts... Muc..... July 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company E, March 5, 1863. Lyman M'C. Shaw.....do..Aug. 8, u 61, 13 Deserted July 5, 1862. Beaer, Wm. B.......Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bahans, Wm. M.......do..... June 21, 613 Discharged November 9, 1861. Baughman, Wm........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Burge, Samuel I........ do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,'63. Bailey, Solomon M.....do..... April 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Caldwell, Math. J.....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Carson, Robert E...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Curley, Daniel...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caldwell, John M.....do.. July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'61. Coyle, John A...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. May 15,'63, for wounds received in action. Carr, Alexander.....do June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,1862-bu. re. cord-died at Richmond, Va., December 31,'62. De Hass, J. H............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dalan, John..............do.. Aug. 30,'62, 3 Disch. July 31,'63, for wounds received in action. Derrick, Benj. F........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863. Evans, William.......do..... April 8,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Fisher, Henry J........do.do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. France, Hiram....... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 12,'62, for woundsreceived in action. Ford, Miles............. do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Fitchner, Henry J.....do..... July 22,'61, 3 Deserted August 12, 1862. 678 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. I REMARKS. Green, John A....... Private July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garver, Henry...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Goodfellow, Loren.....do. Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Girard, Cladius.........do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Haight, William A...do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harlan, Henry A......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hemphill, Wmin. R.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Horn, David B..........do. April 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Harris, Philo B............ June 21,'61 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Horn, David W.........do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864. Jackson, Joseph.........do June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 13,'62. Jones, William.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Kirk, John T............do. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Koons, Douglas N.....do..... June' 21,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Lingle, George W......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leightley, James I... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Larrimer, Robert C...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.' Lines, Joseph............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lingle, James...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Livergood, Geo. W...do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Lingle, Sampson B...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged April 4, 1863, for wounds received in action. Livingston, Robert...do. July 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tenally, Md., September 13, 1861. Logan, Stephen D.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., August 5, 1862. Livergood, Martin.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., September 24, 1862. Mitchell, Chas. W.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Malone, Patrick,.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Wesley B.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Merrell, Lorine.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Merrell, Henry L......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 14, 1862. Maughamer, John.....do.....June 21,'61, 3 Deserted April 4, 1863. M'Callister, Mart'n...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. M'Donald,Archib'd...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 11,'63. M'Gaughey, W. L.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. O'Leary, Michael......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Passmore, H. F.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 11, 1863, for wounds received in action. Payne, David............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Potter, Thomas L......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Robinson, William...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Mar. 26,'63-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Sweet, George H.......do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. St. George, Oliver......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to western gunboat service, Feb. 17, 1862. Smay, David............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Smay, Christian........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. Spackman, H. B.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, Penna., August 9, 1861. Shaffner, Phillip C..... do..... June 21,'61 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Smith, Henry B.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Stout, Peter F..........do..... June 2 1, 61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Stone, Martin............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Soule, George W.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Shirey, David R. P...do.. June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 9, 1862. Verner, John............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Welton, Harrison......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Deserted January 22, 1862. Ziegler, Nicholas.......do..... April 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN UNION COUNTY. Thos. Chamberlain.. Capt.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-pr. to Maj. 150th reg. P. V., Sept. 23,'62. W H li. HH. M all.....do..... June 21, 61... 3 Promoted to Capt., March 5, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chas. D. Schaffle......... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., Sept. 18, 1862wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 13, 1863Jonathan E. Wolf... st Lt.. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. company G, Jan. 17, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 679 FAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. ~NAME. B~ANK. INTO SERVICE. MAKS. Theo. H. M'Fadden 1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Jan. 20, 1862-discharged Oct. 30,'62, for wds. rec. in action, June 30,'62. Thomas B. Reed........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Is Lt., Mar. 5,'63 —By. Capt., Mar. 13,'65mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John B. Dayton...... 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., March 5, 63-Bv. 1st Lt. March 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. George C. Kelley.... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62, and wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-transferred from Vet. Reserve Corpsmustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Searles.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James Doran............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Richard H. Walk.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6,1864-Vet. Wm. W. Schwenk.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet Jas. Fichthorn...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Jas. M. Essington......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Depart. Aug. 21,'62. George M. Slifer.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. H. J. Schofield...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died November 9, 1861. John C. M'Michael...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Amos Ditsworth......Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John B. Hafer..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Geo. W. Schoch.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded accidentally, Dec. 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Eicholtz.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Babb.................do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'61. Jacob K. Mertz.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. George Harbeson.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged April 6, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, l)ecember 13, 1862. Jacob Reise..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6,1864-Vet. Effinger L. Reber....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 6, 1862. Jacob Campbell.........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. William Haskins......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Killed at.Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Jacob M. Barnhart.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 26, 1862. James Barnhart.... Muc.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,1862. John Clymer.............. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Beckley, William... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 11, 1864. Bonnell, John.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps —mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Boylan, Michael B.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 24,'63. Barnhart, Joseph......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Deserted April 8, 1862. Bennett, Sylvester.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 16, 1862. Crawford, Thomas.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Canfield, David.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Covert, Daniel...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 20, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Connell, John............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Dougherty, John.......do.... June 21, 1,,3 Deserted May 25, 1863. Ennis, John E...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Alexandria, Va., April 29, 1864-bu. record, May 3, 1864-grave, 1,863. Fravel, William.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fry, Benjamin........ do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Gaskin, Thomas........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gilbert, Daniel..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 62-mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Green, William C......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. Sept. 27,'64, toreceive promotion inU. S.A. Gilman, Albert.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Hartman, John........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 1, 1863, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Huth, Nathaniel......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, November 28, 1862. Harper, Isaac............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Irwine, George........d..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1862, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Jerns, Lewis.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joll, Joseph..............do.... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jolson, Albert E.....do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1862, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Johnson, William......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 13, 1862. Kennedy, Thomas....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Knoll, John..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 680 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE,....j _.. - -. NAME. RANK. DATE O MUSTERMA INTO SERVICE. Kyle, John............. Private Oct. 7,'61, 3 Rilled at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Kessler, John............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Landis, Harry L......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged March 14, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Moody, Charles.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Monroe, Lawrence...do...., June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Markel, Levi............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Morrison, Jas. A.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Moyer, Charles........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 17, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Meteer, William........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged April 21, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Myers, William...do....... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-Vet. Peeling, Charles.....d..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Price, John D.... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,'61. Page, Elias..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Reed, Samuel A.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reeder, Charles W...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reber, John M..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged April 8, 1862, to accept promotion as 2d Lt. in United States Marine Corps. Ripple, John.............do.... June 21, 61, 3 Discharged May 24, 1864, for wounds received at Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Ricker, Darius L.....do June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Roberts, John E......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Roberts, Patrick........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 15, 1861. Reed, John...............do... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-deserted December 16, 1862. Snyder, Charles E.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stroup, Joseph..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, William H.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20,'61. Smith, Levi...............do... June 21, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Smith, Peter............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Strahan, Harrison......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'62. Saylor, George B.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Showers, Wm. H.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Sticker, Andrew H...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-Vet. Taylor, Thomas.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 13, 1864-bu. record May 14, 1864. Theis, Henry........... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1863. Ulrich, Henry.........do...June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walsh, Robert..............June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wheeler, Luther.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wertz, Isaac..............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Wertz, Jackson.........d..... June 21,'61,' 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Washburn, Charles...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged August 3, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Woodward, York A...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged March 19, 1864, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wilson, Thomas F.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Wilkes, Newell.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died September 17, 1861. Welsh, John... d.....d..... June 21,'61, 3 Died April 13, 1862-bu. record January 6, 1864, Alexandria, Va.-grave 1,265. Woodward, O. B.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died December 6, 1862, of wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Wertz, Harrison.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Whatmore, Wnl........ June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 5, 1861. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. John I. Gregg........ Captain June 21,'61, 3 Resigned July 12, 1861, to aeeept promotion in United States regular army. J. HarveyLarrime...do.... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. company C to Capt. company E, July 12, 1861-to Major, May 1, 1863. Richard Dinslore....do..... June 21.'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Sept. 17,1862-to Capt., March 5, 1863-discharged Mar. 12, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 681 AiLE B aN. ~DATE OF MUSTER RA ~~NAKSM. RAWN.KI.INTO SERVICE. H. P. Petriken........1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 16, 1862. Joseph P. Lucas........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 17,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 5,'63-Wd. with lossof leg, at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-disch. Sept. 17, 1863. David M'K. Betts......o..... July 9,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Muc. Co. C, to 2d Lt., March 5,'63-to 1st Lt., Sept. 17,'63-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Samuel W. Askey,. 1st Pgt June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Irvin Delaney......... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martin V. Force.........do... July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Marshall Cox............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph L. Watson......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62 absent, in hospital, at muster out. Hamilton Whisler....... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Samuel Gault do...d......... July 25, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wrank M'Garvey. do..... d June 21,'61, 3 Rilled at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Wmi. W. Watson.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Feb. 11, 1863. William B. Wertz... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Richard Mu]roney...do June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Etters........do.... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Hlenry M'Causlin......do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged June 25, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. C. A. M'Glauchlin.....do.,. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 20,'62, by G. 0. 154, War Dept. John Shirely..............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 20,'62, by G. 0. 154, War Dept. William Hinton.........do... June 21,'61 3 Died October 4,'62, of wotnds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. David Fulton...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. 3Emanuel Bowes.......do. June 21,'61, 3 Died July 21, 1862, of wounds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, i862. Benjamin R. Hall... ido... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 10. 186-2.. George Smith......... Mluc... May 1,'62 3 Tr. to company D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864. James Gill......... do. June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 8, 1862. Askey, Robert...... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Askey, James............do.. Oct. 10,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 2,'62, by G. 0. 154, War Dept. Aston, Owen,...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 16,'62, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Arnold, William H...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 9, "'62, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Askey, Jacob............d.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 5, 1861. Askey, Robert M.......do..June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 16, 1862. oyle, James............do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Bullock, Parker W...do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 20,'62, by G. 0. 154, War Dept. Bowers, Jackson.......do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Wd. atSpottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 11, 1864-Vet. Bradley, James................ Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Beightol, JohnH.......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Burgh, Frederick,......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Comer, Henry S.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Comer, William........d....: June 21,'61, 3 Discharged January 21, 186(3, for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Chase, George W....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 28,'62, by G. 0. 154. War Dept. Dusenbury, Wn......do... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet.Elliot, George..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 20,'62, by G. 0. 154, War Dept. Etters, John T.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died. July 3, 1862, of wounds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 20, 1862, Eckley, Wharton......do....June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862, Ennis, Dayton...d..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner, June 30, 1862-died at New York, August 9,1862. Fleming, Thos. E....do......June 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Fisher, Franklin.......do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April24,'63. Fravel, George..........do:.,. June 21'61, 3 Discharged October 23, 1862, for wounds receiv. ed in action, Juno 30, 1862. Felmalee, Pavid.,......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner, June 26, 1862 -died in hospital, New York-date unknown. otorman, Patrick.....do..,,.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garritt, John H........do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged February 27, 1863, for wounds re. 3 ceived at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Glenn, Curtin A.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Green, Samuel...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted April 30, 1863. Hain, William.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hughes, James........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifieate, Feb. 6,'63 Hinton, Harvey........do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg, P. V., June 6 1864-Vet. Hinton, Grge...........do.... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Go. D, 191t reg.: P. V., June 6, 1864 —Vet 86' 682 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RBSVVE, W'NAMiFE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER BMARK$. INTO SERVICE. Harnish, Allen...... Private June 21,'61, 3 Died July 22, 1862, of wounds received at MeF chanicsville, June 26, 1862. Hinton, Isaac............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at-New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Halabaugh, Sam'l,......do..J. June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, January 22, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Johnson, Roderick.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 —absent, in hospital, at muster out. Kelly, Thomas..........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died December 18, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,1862. King, William H......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died Jan. 18, 1864, at Convalescent camp, Va. Lucas, Isaac Y..........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lucas, Thomas B......do.....July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62 Lucas, Henry M.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died November 23, 1861, at Camp Pierpont, Va. Musser, John........do...Sept. 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'63. Murray, Joseph S......do.... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Mullholland, D. B.....do..... Dec. 23, 63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Murray, Patrick........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Mann, Joseph............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Michael, John HI........do....July 25,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. M'Kean, James.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Carman, Wm........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Kinney, James,.....do....Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st rego P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. M'Quillan, Thomas...do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864 —Vet. Neal, David............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 9, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Osenwaltz, John........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Nov. 20, 1862. Price, David..............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parker, George E......do... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Robb, Henry...........,do..... June 21,'61, 3 Con. 2d Lt., June 10, 1864-not mustered-mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robb, George...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'61. Ross, Thomas..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Dec. 11, 1862. Runk, John B...........do..Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Reiter, Michael.........do July 25,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Feb. 16, 1862. Shower, Daniel........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 9, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Swiers, Joseph Y......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 23, 1864, to April 25, 1865mustered out June 6, 1865. Scott, Robert S.........do.....July 25,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sweetwood, Levi...... do Dec. 23,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Shifter, George W......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Nov. 20, 1862. Sarvey, John..............do June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, 761. Shaner, John...... do... July 25, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Oct. 28, 1862. Treziynlny, J. F. P...do..... June 21, 761 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Williams, David........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walter, John...........do..... June 21,'61 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weaver, John F........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 26, 1863, for wounds received White, James... do Ju.ne 21,'61, 3 in action, June 30,1862. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Williams, Herbert.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wounds received in action, June 30, 1862. Yarnell, John B.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN BRADFORD COUNTY. A. J. Trout...... apt.... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned January, 1862. R. W. Sturrock........do.....Feb. 16,'62, 3 Promoted to Capt., February 16, 1862-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, J. A. M'Pherran.......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. July 1, 1862-to Major, May 7, 1864. A. G. Mason........ 1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant-date unknown. A. Percival Shaw.....do..... Feb. 16,'62, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., July 1, 1862-disch. April 30, 1864. J. W. Means........... 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. U. S. Army, February, 1862. William Riddle.........do... Oct. 23'61, 3 Resigned May 17, 1863, to accept promotion as Major and A. D, C., staff of Gen. Reynolds John Britton........... Ist Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, DeWitt H. Dodge... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles H. Ort.......... do. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, L8.O, THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 683 AXME. RBANK t DATE OF MUSTER REMARS. INTO SERVICE.' SS Theo. W. Back.....l..st Sgt.. June 21,'61, 3 Corn. 2d Lt., ay 18, 1863-not mus.-tr- from Vet. Res. Corps —mus. out witlh Co,, June 11,'6 l James Hebe..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Josephus Campbell...do..... June 21, 61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Theodore Eckert.... Corp... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 17, 1862, for wounds received at W-hite Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Hollis Mallory...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. W. Mason Walls........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 7, 1863. Levi C. Merrill........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. George W. Cole........do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 191st re. P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Edward L. Scott.... Muc.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Jan. 1, 1864. Alloway, Jacob..... Private June 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Angle, Eli D............do..... Aug. 26,'61 3 Died at Warrenton, Va., November 10, 1862. Adams, Solomon S...do..... June 2,'61, 3 Deserted October 20, 1862. Baker, Levi C...........do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bardoe, Hiram.......do.. June 21,'61 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Bota, James..............do..... June 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bruner, Charles.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bucher, Charles.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bota, Peter..............do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18, 62 Bradley, Julian H.....do..... June 21'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Begousky, John W..do..... Aug. 26, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Brown, Henry H...... do..... June 21, 61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Brosa, Thomas.........do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Berwell, Jackson......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted May 10, 1862. Chubback, H.............do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Covert, James P......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, —1864. Clark, Daniel S..........do... June 21, 61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps —muns tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clifford, Robert.........do..., Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'61. Cranmer, Wallace.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art'y, Nov. 24, 1862. Camp, Levi B.........do June 21,'61, 3 Died July 18, 1862, of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Connelly, William.....do..... June 21,.361, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., March 8, 1863. Denton, Isaac...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 17, 1861. Deebner, Wm. S....... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 21,'63. Diltz, Daniel.............do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out Aug. 17,'64-expiration of ternL Fry, Jamess.............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fulmer, Frank..........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 8,'63. astine, James M.....do..... June 21,'61 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corpsmus tered out with company, June 17, 1864. Granger, Alex...........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet, Graham, Thomas.......do..... June 21, 61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., October 20, 1861. Hallerin, Lawrence...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harvey, J. Wesley...do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Heime, G. Meltam.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harris, Henry 0.....do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Harris, J. W................ June 21,'61, 3Promoted to Com. Sgt., January 1, 1864. Haywood, Phearon...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C.,June 2,'63, of wounds received in action. Hummel, August's...do..... June 21, 61, 3 Deserted October 10, 1861. Kebler, Anthony......do... June 21,'61, 3, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kelder, Caleb...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kelley, James H......do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keeler, Edgar.........do.A.. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out Aug. 17,'64-expiration of term. Kehler, William H...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regment P. V. June 6, 1864. Laplant, Peter J.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, James W........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lockwood, Jas. P......do.... June 21, 161, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'62. Long, George...........do..... June 21,'61,. Deserted August 20, 1862. Miller,John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mullin, Edwin C.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wd.at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-died Sept. 13, "64-bu. in Nat. C'y, Arlington, Va. M'Kean) Herrick S..do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Gill, Martin W..do...... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. M'Govern, Jerem'h...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. M'Fadden, Edward...do..... Nov. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6.1864. Nagle, Michael.........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet Ott, Win. Fred'k.......do..... June 21,'61, 3Absent, sick, at muster out. Powers, Emerson......do..... Aug. 26, 961, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Phelps, Victor N......d..... June 21,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,1864. Pitcher, Benj. R............ June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Record, Almon.........do. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reagle, Ira W.......do.. June 21,'61, 3 Tranisferred to 191stlreg. P. v., June 6,'64-Vet. 684 THIRTY-FOURTH RIEIMBENT-FIFTH RESEBRVE,.. DATH OP MUSTER RANK. INTO SBRVIOE. ARKS. Rollinson, Alonzo., Private July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 8,'64-Vet. Robinson, John........ do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'6 Rinehart, John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'63 Street, Samuel J.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sullivan, Daniel.....do.... June 21'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Small, James........... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Thompson, John B...do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thorp, Ebenezer........do. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Thorp, James............do. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Taylor, Harris B....... do. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Vincent, Wm. S.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wells, Samuel M.... do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Worth, George W........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Welsh, William.........do..... June 21, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. Po V., June 6'64-Vet. Wheaton, James....... do..... June 21,61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'6L Wells, William...... do June 24,'6. 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 64. Ward, William T.:...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 27, 1861. Wilson, Wm. H. H...do.....Sep. 26,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va. October 23, 1863-bu record, April 25, 1864-grave, 1,843. Yeadle, Michael........do...... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY, A. S. Harrison........ Capt..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 24, 1862. John E. Wolfe.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. company D, to Captain, January 12, 1862-discharged April II, 1863, for wounds rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. C. M. Hildeband......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., Aug. 25,'63-Bv. Maj., Mar. 13, 1865 —mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. George Thomas...... st Lt... June 31,'61, 3 Discharged October 24, 1862. Thos. Conpropst.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned May 15, 1862. J. A. Willoughby....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., August 25, 1863-to Adj., May 7, 1864-not mustered-to By. Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-mustered out with Co., June 11, 1864. William P. Thomas'2d Lt. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 14, 1862. JoelThompkins.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned August 15, 1863.!obert-W. Smith..... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lieut., August 8, 1862-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. fl. M'G. Alexander.,.do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., August 25, 1863-Bv. 1st Lt., Mar. 13, 1865-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. H. Stonebraker...... 1st Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Richard Meredith.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, De~. 13, 1862-died at Richmond, Va. Dec. 21 1862, Jacob Hawn........... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company June 11, 1864, Patrick Kelly....... d....d. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Shoutz............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry Eckley..........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. ThomasGiven......... do..... July 26,'61, 3 Died October 1, 1862, of wounds received at An. tietam, September 17, 1862. Alex, Shannon..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 26, 1862. David Decker......... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peter L. Posten.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Anderson Stewart.... do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert M'Carl........ do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Franklin Couts.........do..... July 26, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. John S. Henderson...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 11,'62. John C. Smith....... Muc...; June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. W.H. Wickerman...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. Allison, Steel......... Private June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'62. Brewster, James C...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brinder, David........ July 26,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 7, 1864. Cox, William............do..... June 21,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Couts, George.........do.., June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vets Cairns, John......,..do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. Corbett, Luther.......do.... July 26,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.'Couts, Henry........,,do...June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Corbin, Harrison.d6...June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Couch, Cyrus........,..do Jilne 21,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Corbin, George..........do....... 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE YEARS' SERVICE, 685 QNAME. RANK. aRcDATE OF MUSTER r INTO SERVICE. 4 Campbell, Charles.. Private......... 3Not on muster-out roll. Dean, John............... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64 —Vet bavis, John E...........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Died at Warrenton Junction, Va., Dec. 19, 1863, Ely, John..................do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'62. Edwards, Geo. W......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Everett, Walter H.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Foust, Frederick...do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fisher, Franklin........do..... June 21, 61, 3 Transferred to company E, October 10, 1861. Fowler, Samuel.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Geissenger, D. H.......do...... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garrett, Bararrd.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'63. Gilliland, William.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,'63. Green, Charles.......... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Hinkson, Jacob.........do... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hawn, Augustus......do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hite, Thomas M......o...o...June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64 —Vet. Hall, Thomas............do..... July 26, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Hoover, Joel..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 13,'62. Herbert, Michael......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted April 9, 1862. Irvin, Samuel............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Irvin, Daniel............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Johnson, John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. King, John P............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Keith, Andrew..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at New Market CrossRoads, June 30, 1862. Keith, Stillman H.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 26, 1862. Lloyd, Eleazer.......... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leightner, John........do d... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lloyd, Thomas.........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Lowther, William..do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Moyer, John............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, David H........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Moore, James.............do.... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Morgan, Franklin......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Dec. 10,'62. M'Cabe, Sam'l S........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Donald, Henry....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nash, George H........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nash, Daniel G........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. O'Brien, John........... June 21 61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Dec. 10,'62. Powell, Ephraim.......do. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. POpe, Daniel.............do....: June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pope, Edward.........do..... June 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Prough, Samuel.......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Pope, John........... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Parks, John................ July 26,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Rowland, James.......do.... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ramsey, John...........do....; June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. Rupert, George.......do..... June 21,'61, 13 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'62. Shoutz, Jonas B......do June 21,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. Shoutz, Christian......do..... June 21,'91, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 13, 1864absent, in hospital4at muster out. Stehley, Benjamin.....do... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stewart, Asbury......o...(.. June 21, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Swivell, John............do..... June 21,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Sweeney, John........do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Stewart, Joseph........do... June 21, 61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Stewart, Abrahaml.....do..... June 21,'61, Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864, Sheeder, William.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 23, 1862. Wicks, Abraham.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weston,'Simon.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wostbrook, David.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. White, Thomas.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Williamson, Sam'l..Po.d June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN LYCOMING AND NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTIES. John M'Cleery. C.... dapt.... June 21,'61, 3 Wd. in action, June 30, 1862 —res. Nov. 25, 1862. Harry B. Paxton......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., Jan. 17, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 21, 1862-to Captain, March 5, 1863 —mustered out with company, June i1, 1864. 686 THIRTY-FOURTtH REGIMENT-FIFTH. RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. A RE KS. Samuel Shadman... 1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned November 30, 1861. Thaddeus G. Bogle....do..... June 21,'62, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., December 15, 1861-resigned July 15, 1862. John M. Rhoads.......do...... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 21, 1862-to 1st Lt., Mar. 5, 1863-brevet Captain, March 13, 1865-wd. at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. John H. M'Nally.... 2d Lt.. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 5,'63brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel H. Folller Ist Sgt.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Paxton...... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Rob't A. Stoughton...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William F. Blair......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 186-1-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Joseph Hollopeter.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Britton..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ceitificate, May 4,'63. Halsey S. Nichols.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9,1861. M'Curdy Tate...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged August 26, 1861. Wm. H. Hayman... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Kohler........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Silsby Caldwell.....d...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James M. Gillespie...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and missing at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. Henry Craw...,........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 13,'62. Chas. L. Worman.....do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'61. John Divel...........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Manderville Drew.. Muc.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Aude, Charles E.... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ault, Herman R......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Achenbaw, John......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Armstrong, Jas. C...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Blair, William S.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Becher, Joseph.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded near Orange and Alexandria railroad, Feb. 17, 1864-ab., in hospital, at muster out. Bobst, Thomas S.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Barnsley, Samuel......do...June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61, Bent, Thomas.............do June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 14, 1862, for wds. rec. in action, Biggars, Abram R.....do..... June 211, 61, 3 Discharged Feb. 5, 1863, for wds. rec. in action. Bingaman, Daniel S...do.. June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61, Blue, Samuel........do. June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Burkholder, P. D......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Barker, Cyrus J........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. Bent, Charles C.......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 5, 1861. Carothers, Adam K...do.....June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 1, 1863. Caldwell, Jacob 0......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Craw, Richard.J. L....do... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Divel, Jacob.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 11, 1864. Friedberger, M. B.....do,*. June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ferroll, Michael W...do..... June 21, 61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Fiester, Edward K...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Mar. 14, 1863, for wds. rec. in action. Flanigan, Michael.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch.from westerngunboat service, Nov. 16,'63. Force, David.............do..... June 21'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 17,'61. Figgles, John............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. Griffin, Thomas S......do..:.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gossner, Frederick...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864 —et. Girhard, John A.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Gramlich, Francis J...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862, Harper, William......do....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. High, John...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harlan, Thomas........do......................3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 9,'61* Haynes, John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged May 3, 1864. Heinlen, John...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-Vet. Haynes, Jacob F.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted February 20, 1863. Kyle, William M......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Captured near Manassas Junction, Jan. 14,'64died at Andersonville, June 10,'64-grave,1,824, Kerr, John M........do....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kennedy, James I...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1863. Kyle, Lewis..........ddo..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864-Vet. Lougan, Anson.......do. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lebhard, Joseph.......do...June 21,'61,' 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Laurenson, George...do June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 19, 1861. Lebo, Charles...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 13, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 687 NAMIE. RAN\K. DATE OP MUSTER tEMARKS. NAM E. RANX. INTO SERVICE. ARKS. Murphy, John........Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morehart, David.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mytinger, Rob't E....... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moyer, Daniel V....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. May 4, 1863, for wds. received in action. Madara, lenry............ June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Mecum, William........... June 21,'61, 3 Died July 27, 1862, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-buried in Cypress Hill.Cemetery, L. I. Mecum, Jared...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1862. M'Murtrie, John W...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cleery, William....do.......................3 Discharged June, 1861, to accept promotion as Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry. M'Donald, Miles........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Dishonorably'discharged, May 3, 1864. M'Carty, Albert........do.... June 21,'61, i 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., May 18, 1862. Nesbit, Randolph......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nash, John...............do.... June 21, 61, 3 Absent, sick, in hospital, at muster out. O'Neal, Michael.........do..June 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1862. Painter, Thomas J........d.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Phillips, David C.......do.... June 21'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Paxton, JohnB B........do.... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Disch. Dec. 15, 1863, for wds. received in abtion. Ritter, William.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Renn, John P...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 26. 1862, for wds. received in action. Sattezahn, John.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seachrist, John.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Strine, Wmn., Jr........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, John H.........do...June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Simmons, Geo. W.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sones, Ellis P............do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sones, Daniel............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shoemaker, Conrad...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Strouss, Jacob..........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shaw, Joseph W........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sticker, Charles W...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Simmons, Fred'k......do June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Smith, George W...,..do..... June 21,'61, 3 Captured Jan. 14, 1864, at Manassas Junctiontransferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Smith, Franklin C...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet, Stevenson, H. M........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 3,'62, for wounds received in action. Stine, Jeremiah.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Sullivan, John...........do...Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 16,1863, from gun-boat service. Shively, John.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Nov. 30, 1861. Simmons, Isaac N.....do.. June 21,'61, 3 Died at Libby Prison, December 23, 1862, of wds. received at F'redericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Stover, George..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Stroucbecker, H. C...do...June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Mason & Dixon, July 7, 1861. Travelett, Daniel......do.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Williams, Thomas.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Waite, Alexander......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 3, 1862, for wds. received in action. Walton, William.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Warburton, John C...do...June 21,'61, 3 Died in Libby Prison, July 16,'63, of wds. received at Charles City Cross Roads-leg amputated. Yeager, Henry A......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Yeager, Ellis...........do..... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 5,1861. Zimmerman, Wm.....do.:. June 21', 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Frank Zentmyer.... Capt..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August 1, 1862. James Porter............do.... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 1, 1862-to Capt., March 5, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert B. Frazer.... st Lt... June 21,'61 3 Dismissed September 25, 1862. David Zentmyer... do...June 21, 61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, October 1, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. T688 ETHIRTIY-FOUT1TH REGFIMaNT —FIFTH RESERVE, NAME. BANK. DATE OP MUTER INTO SERVICE - M Granville P. Swope Ist Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt., Mar. 4,'63-By. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864, Jas. A. M'Pherran.. 2d Lt... June 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company F, July 1, 1862. Israel D. Kinch.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergt. to 2d Lt., Oct. 1,1862killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Thomas L. Guyer......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to 2d Lieut., March 5,'63-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. John B. M'Kean..... 1st Sgt June 21,'61, 3 Pr. Corp., Feb. 1,'62-to Sgt., Sept. 2,'62-to 1st Sgt., Oct. 1,'62-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Martin W. Funk.... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Wm. C. Patterson.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, Sept. 2, 1862-to Sgt., Oct. 1'62-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. George W. Speaker...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 7, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Gensamore.,...do...., June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jas. F. Bathurst............ June 21,'61, 3 Discharged December 19, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John J. Patterson......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, 1863. James A. Alburn.... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alexander Dickson..,do...., June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Knee.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Spangler.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'62. Napoleon H. Lee.......do..... June 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan 20,'63. John W. Ayres........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged August 17,1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Miles Moore..........do..... Jan. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. James R. Worts........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Richard H. Dare.... Muc.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Black...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V, June 6,'64-Vet. Ayres, James P...... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Aurandt, Jonathan..do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albright, David.....,.do.... June 8,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Ainsworth, James....,do..... June 8,'63, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., February 23, 1864-.bu. record, February 25, 1864-grave 1,380. Akley, John..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 26, 1862. Albright, Geo. B.......... June 8,'63, 3 Deserted April 11, 1864. Barton, John..........,do.June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64 —Vet. Bohew, John.........o.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Chamberlain, D.......do..... June 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chronister, Jacob......do..., June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Alex....... do... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1865. Cornealy, John.........ddo..... June 21,'61, 3 Detached to battery D, 5th U. S. Art., Nov. 26,'63-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Cornealy, Christ........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caldwell, David........do..... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Clark, Lewis L........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tenally, D. C., August 21, 1861. Crum, James...... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Cogan, Henry J.........do................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dickson, Samuel.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged October 20, 1862, forwounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Dixon, William........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tenally, D. C., August 27, 1861. Frank, David... do.......do.. July 19,'61, 3 Discharged, March 3, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Feltenberger, J........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1862. Giles, James E........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garland, Joseph........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gawoe, Gideon..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Geist, Martin...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Griffith, Joseph........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Griffith, Benjamin.......do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Gilland, William Y..do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Chesapeake Hospital, Va., Nov. 25, 1862. Hampton. David D...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Huey, William..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hamilton, Thomas...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hlenry, John..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. Hollman, MahlonT...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'6f2 Howard, James 1EH.do...... Aug. 24, 62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Harpster, Jacob........ do..... June 13,'63. 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Harpster, Thomas......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Plerpont, Va., January, 1862. Hastings, Joseph.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13,'62. Householder, Sam'l...do... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Huyett, Aaron........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Isenburg, Geo. W.e..do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at North Anna River, May 29, 1864mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. KeMi, Joseph.,,,.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 689.. _ _ - _ IX s ITAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Kelly, William...... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Klepper, John...........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'62. Kinch, Emminger.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Knee, Henry.............do.... June 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Laird, Milton............do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Louis, Marshall H....do..... Dec. 27,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Laporte, Samuel......do.... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'62. Leper, George..........do.... June 21, 61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Miller, Leander.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Maguire, Luke..........do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morrow, William......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. M'Coy, Joseph.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6.'64. Nash, John..............do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nash, Alexander......do..... Jan. 4, 64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Patterson, Win. H.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parks, James......... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rice, Jacob.............. do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rice, John C...............do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Raybold, Gottlieb......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reader, Daniel.........do..... June 21'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Romberger, Geo. A...do..... Dec. 27,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Romberger, B. F.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug.,'61. Shannon, William...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stewart, David D.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shannon, Peter...... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art., Nov. 21, 1862. Swisher, Henry.........do..... June 8, 63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Schuch, Benneville....do.... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Died at Windmill Point, Va., February 4, 1863. Shollenberger, C........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Simpson, Oliver.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Smith, James W........do... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Staines, William........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Stewart, William......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Strepler, Jacob..........do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Deserted October 29, 1862. Sailor, Samuel..........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tate, Edward............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thompson, John P.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Forage Station, Va., June 18, 1862. Tremberg, Peter M...do.... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Taylor, Samuel........do... June 21, 61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 11,'62. Watson, George........do... June 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Weston, Jeremiah.....do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Wills, Samuel......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'63. Wilson, George C.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 10, 1862. Worts, Thomas..... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art., Nov. 21, 1862. Wilson, Abraham.....d..... Sept. 16, 62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. White, Henry........ do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., January 21, 1862. Young, David.........do June 13,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64., Yingling, Martin.......do.. July 19, 61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. _ _..... COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN LANCASTER COUNTY. Joseph W. Fisher... Capt.... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, June 21, 1861. Arnodt D. Collins......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., June 21, 1861-Nd. at at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62-at Fredericks-'~~~~~-......burg, Dec. 13, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863-discharged Oct. 12, 1863. Thos. H. Caldwell......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., July 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 5,'63-to Capt., Sept. 21,'63-By. Major, Mar. 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. John L. Wright...... 1st Lt.. May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, July21,'61to Adjutant, May 27, 1863. John T. Baynes........ do... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., March 5, 1863-to 1st Lt., Sept. 22, 1863-dismissed March 3, 1864. William H. Carter....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, April 1, 1864-captured at Spottsylvania. Court House, May 13, 1864-discharged March 11, 1865. Samuel Evans,..... 2d Lt... June 21, 61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster, October 1, 1861. John J* Torbert..... 1st Sgt June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Jacob S. Clair......... Sergt... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,.1864. Livingston Boart.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. TV, June 6,'64 —et. 87 690 THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIFTH RESERVE, AME. RN. DATE OF MUSTER RERK. INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. Joseph E. Dasher... Serg't.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6, 64-Yet. Wel'n R. Kershner...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Robert W. Smith.....do...... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, August 8, 1862. Thomas Bennett.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died Sept. 22, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. record, Sept. 19,'62-buried at Mt. Olivet Cem., Frederick, Md. Edw'd M. Shreiner...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-died at Richmond, Dec. 18, 1862-bu. record, December 18, 1863. Peter Wells..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Charles Hollands....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died January 25, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Chas. E. Faulkner.. Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James W. Gohn........do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. John W. Albright......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Wm, F. Bostick........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. ]H. H. Berntheizel... Muc.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Abraham Hess..........do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Alien, James......... Private June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Boger, Julius............do.... June 21,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Betts, Fleming.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1861. Bailey, Jacob B........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Buchanan, Robert......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Bouffter, Jacob C......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1862. Carpenter, Dan'l L...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caley, William E....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Coles, Thomas..........do..... April 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Carney, Thomas........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged August 19, 1864. Carnes, William........d..... April 10,'62, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-tr. to 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Crusan, Isaac....d...... July 25,'61, 3 Deserted December 16, 1862. Dysinger, Michael.....do... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. May 4, 1863, for wds. received in action. Desch, Augustus......d..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62died at York, Pa., April 19, 1863. Dyer, George......... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Eisenhart, Christ'n...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killedaccidentallyat Harrisburg, Pa.,Aug. 9,'61. Finley, George W......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. Fry, Robert J............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Jan. 28,'64. Farley, James....d.....o June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Froiley, Jacob J........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Feagley, Henry.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Fackler, George.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Alexandria, Va., March 30, 1862 —bu. record, June 14, 1864-grave 1,311. Gohn, George F.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gohn, Daniel F.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gaigan, Patrick.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, September 18, 1863. Gibble, Reuben H......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Gish, Addison...........do..Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Gabriel, William C...do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'62. Gude, Lawson H.......do Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Hougendoubler, A.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hoops, Benj. F.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'62. Habecker, John........do... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Heugendoubler,JA...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. High, Michael...... do..............3.....:.....3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Gomer............d.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13,'62absent at muster out. Kercher, Herman......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Kilburn, Francis.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. to western gunboat service, Feb. 18, 1862. Linfield, Levi E........do.,... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862died at Baltimore, July 22, 1862. Lewis, David R.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 6, 1862. Moran, Michael H.....do... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Jacob D.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64 — et. Mullen, Henry..........do...June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Marsh, Joseph M.....do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, August 1, 1863. M'Laughlin, James...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Nicely, Alexander.....do....April 10,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, May 5, 1863. Omer Robert.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Poll, 5hnJ e, oh................ June 21, 6, Mustered out with comany, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 691 ^ B^. J^11 &ME. RAE~. DATE OF MSTER INTO SERVICB. B. Pitts, Daniel H.......Private July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 29, 1864. Potts, FrancisA.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62died December 18, 1862. Rothwell, John.........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reese, George V........ do...... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Roads, John..............do. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Rinehart, Jared C......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Roat, George..............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. Ressler, Daniel M......do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 6,'64. Roat, Charles G........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-died while prisoner, July 2, 1862. Roody Lewis............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechaniesville, June 26, 1862-died while prisoner, July 6, 1862..Rambo, Joseph C......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Sheridan, John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sommers, Michael....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64 —Vet. Souders, Benj. F.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. Smith, John...............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Smedley, Wm. L.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. Smith, George W...d...do..... June 21,'61, 3. Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Saylor, John..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-died while prisoner, July 6, 1862. Speaker, Joseph........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Stokes, John.............do..... June 2161, 3 Deserted November, 1863. Sommers, Patrick...... do.... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1863. Saylor, Peter W....... do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Troast Benjamin.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug 7, 1861. Torbert, William P...do..... Aug. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, January 20, 1864. Williams, Jacob.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Welsh, Whitefield....do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 6,'64-Vet. White, Eri D............do.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Missing at Spottsylvania Court House, May 13, 1864-tr. to 191st regimet P. V., June 6, 1864. Wilson, Thomas G....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Captured-died at Richmond, Va., Feb. 9, 1863. UNASSIGNED MEN. Cochran, Michael... Private Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Clarkson, William.....do..... May 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dicks, Daniel............do Feb. 19'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Feeney, Thomas........do.....May,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Loydd, Gilbert..........do May 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Madary, Robert.........do Mar. 21, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. White, John............do Jan. -22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, SIXTH RESERVE. N the 22d of April 1861, two companies, recruited in Bradford county, under the call of the President for seventy-five thousand men, left Towanda for Harrisburg, arriving on the 2d of May, and formed the nucleus of the Sixth Reserve Regiment. Upon their arrival at Camp Curtin, finding it impossible to be accepted for the three months' service, the quota being already full, they re-enlisted for the term of three years, and became companies F and I, Thirty-fifth Regiment of the line. It is a remarkable coincidence, that, although recruited in different sections of the State, six of the ten companies were organized on the same day-April 22 1861-as follows: The' Iron Guard," company A, in Columbia county; the' Northern Invincibles," company F, in Bradford county; the "J. D. Cameron Infantry," company G, in Dauphin county; the "Tioga Invincibles," company H, in Tioga county; the'Towanda Rifles, company I, in Bradford county, and the " Susquehanna Volunteers," company K, in Susquehanna county. The remaining four companies B, C, D and E were from Snyder, Wayne, Franklin and Montour counties respectively. The men, with but few exceptions, had had no previous military experience. On the 22d of June, the organization of the regiment was effected by the selection of the following field officers: W. Wallace Ricketts, of company A, Colonel; William M. Penrose, Lieutenant Colonel; Henry J. Madill, Major. Lieutenant Henry B. M'Kean, of company I, was appointed Adjutant. The Fifth Regiment and the. Kane Rifles were, on fi'same day, ordered to the western border of Maryland, leaving Colonel Ricketts, the senior officer, in command of the camp. While here the regiment did guard duty and received instruction in the manual of arms. Orders were issued on the 11th of July to be in readiness to march on the following morning to Greencastle, Pennsylvania, and the necessary equipments were received. It was armed with the Harper's Ferry musket, excepting companies A and K, which were supplied with Springfield rifles. Arriving at Greencastle on the morning of the 12th it was placed in Camp Biddle, where drill was resumed under the instructions of Major Harshbarger. On the 22d it moved by rail via Harrisburg and Baltimore to Washington. In its passage through Baltimore, a private of company E, slipped upon the pavement and fell; his musket was discharged by the concussion, and wounded Sergeant William Kriner in the leg. The men supposing that they were fired. into from the crowd gathered on the streets, and that a repetition of the scenes of the 19th of April was to be enacted, were with great difficulty kept from discharging their pieces at their supposed assailants. The command was halted and the true cause of the alarm ascertained, when the march was quietly resumed. 1862 CAMP PIERPONT. 693 Reaching Washington on the the afternoon of the 24th it encamped east of the Capitol, where the regiment was mustered into the United States service on the 27th, by Lieutenant Ellwood of the regular army. From thence it moved to Tenallytown, where General M'Call had established his headquarters, and was organizing his division of Pennsylvania Reserves. Here it was engaged in performing guard and picket duty and assisting in the construction of forts. About this time General M'Call, in his report to General M'Clellan, says of the Sixth, " the regiment is very well drilled." The hardy y eomanry composing the Sixth had thus far escaped the sickness and disease incident to camp life, but the malaria arising from the low grounds about Washington, where they first encamped, produced its effect, transforming it from a healthy regiment with no sick list, to an invalid organization with a sick roll numbering hundreds. The Sixth was assigned to the Third Brigade * of General M'Call's Division. On the 9th of October, the regiment, with the division, marched across Chain Bridge and encamped near Langley. A commendable degree of proficiency in discipline was attained, which was severely tested upon many well fought battle-fields. On the 19th, a reconnoissance was made for the double purpose of driving in the enemy's pickets and securing forage. This accomplished, it returned to camp on the 21st, but soon to go forth and confront the foe, who was reported in force near Dranesville. The order was given on the 19th of December to march at 6 A. M. of the following day, and leaving camp in buoyant spirits, the regiment proceeded to the Leesburg pike, where the column was formed and speedily moved towards the field of battle. The Ninth Reserve was posted on the right, the Sixth in the centre, the Kane Rifles on the left and the Tenth and Twelfth in reserve. While the position was being taken by the Reserves, the enemy opened fire from a battery posted on the Centreville road, which was promptly responded to by a section of Easton's Battery of the First Pennsylvania Artillery, the first discharge eliciting cheers from the entire line. Immediately after the Sixth then on the pike, with its right resting a short distance from the intersection of the pike with the Alexandria road, was ordered forward, and after crossing a field and ascending a gentle slope, entered a wood, into which it advanced a short distance, when the Ninth was met slowly retiring, having encountered the rebel force under such circumstances as to make it doubtful whether it was the enemy or the Kane Rifles. His true character was not long in being developed and volley after volley was exchanged without an attempt by either party to advance. At length a charge was ordered upon his battery. At the word "forward" the regiment bounded the fence in front, crossed the open field and in a moment had driven him from his position in confusion, capturing one caisson and some prisoners. Thus the initial victory of the Reserves was won. Privates Samuel C. Walter, of company A, and Daniel Darling, of company C, were killed. But little occurred during the next two months to vary the monotony of camp life. Constant drill and guard, picket and fatigue duty were regularly performed. On the 26th of February, 1862, Colonel Ricketts was discharged *Organization of the Third Brigade, Colonel John S. M'Calmont, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, General George A. M'Call. Sixth (35th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel W. Wallace Ricketts; Ninth (38th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel Conrad F. Jackson; Tenth (39th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel John S. M'Calmont; Twelfth (41st) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel John H. Taggart. 694 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE. 1862 on account of his continued ill health, and Lieutenant Colonel Penrose having previously resigned, Major Madill was left in command of the regiment. Remaining in Camp Pierpont until the 10th of March, when the army of the Potomac advanced upon the rebel fortifications at Centreville and Manassas, it marched sixteen miles to Hunter's Mills, remaining there until the 14th, when ordered to Alexandria, where it arrived on the 16th, after one of the most fatiguing marches, through rain and mud, shelterless and hungry, experienced during its whole term of service. On the 1st of April, Lieutenant William Sinclair, of the Third United States Artillery, and Adjutant Henry B. MIKean were elected respectively Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel. Quartermaster Sergeant A. A. Scudder was commissioned Quartermaster vice R. H. M'Coy, resigned. The regiment changed its camp on the 27th, to a beautiful grove near Bailey's Cross Roads, and had secured comfortable quarters by appropriating the tents of an unoccupied camp in the vicinity, when orders came on the 10th to march to Manassas. Moving through Fairfax Court House and Centreville, and crossing Bull Run at Blackburn's Ford, the command reached Manassas Junction on the 12th. These points were full of interest to the men, in consequence of being the winter quarters of the rebel army. On the 18th, the command marched, following the line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad, to Catlett's Station. Remaining there until the 2d of May, it advanced with the division through Hartwood to Falmouth, where it arrived on the 3d, and encamped a mile north of the town. Comfortable and pleasant quarters were constructed of lumber obtained at an adjoining mill. Here General Ord took leave of the brigade, having been promoted to Major General, and assigned to the command of a division. To the Third Brigade he was a valuable officer and friend, and the parting was full of sadness to the men who had become devotedly attached to the:Hero of Dranesville." He was succeeded by Brigadier General Truman Seymour. Extensive preparations were being made for an advance upon Richmond from Fredericksburg, the troops being clothed and equipped for the campaign in the best possible manner. But these plans were all frustrated by the advance of Stonewall Jackson down the Shenandoah Valley, and his defeat of Banks. It was then determined to send the Reserves, by water, to the support of M'Clellan's army, operating on the Peninsula. The announcement of this fact by General M'Call brought forth hearty cheers, and the General from that time grew in popularity with the men until his association with them terminated. On the 13th of June, the regiment embarked for White House, where it arrived on the following day. Here had been accumulated vast stores for the supply of M'Clellan's army. The First and Second Brigades had already arrived and had moved forward. Upon the arrival of the Third Brigade the post was in a state of considerable alarm, Stuart having on the night previous made his famous cavalry raid in M'Clellan's rear, temporarily cutting his line of supply. The Sixth Regiment was detailed to remain behind, when the brigade marched to join M'Clellan's.column, and was stationed at Tunstall's Station, four miles from White House, on the Richmond and York River railroad. On the 19th, five companies were ordered to fall back to White House, and the companies remaining at Tunstall's were set to work throwing up earthworks for their protection. The advance of the rebels on the right flank of the Union army rendered White House no longer tenable as a base of supply, and preparations were hastily made for its evacuation. On the morning of the 28th, 1862 STATIONED AT WHITE HOtISE. 695 everything wore a gloomy aspect. Railroad and telegraphic communication with the front was severed, and Dispatch Station was in possession of the enemy. Innumerable transports, laden to their fullest capacity with government stores, were moving away,, and huge piles, remaining for want of transportation, were prepared for destruction by surrounding them with hay and saturating them with whiskey. The dense clouds of black smoke grandly rolling up towards the sky, at length indicated the nature of operations at White House. At four P. M., Colonel Sinclair, in command of the companies at Tunstal's Station, received orders to march to White House without delay. On the way he was twice urged forward by orders from General Stoneman, and finally directed to throw away everything except arms and cartridge boxes, and move at double quick. The enemy followed closely, but made no demonstration. Upon its arrival at the landing, the command immediately embarked, the other five companies having already departed. The view of the shore was inexpressibly grand, and in strong contrast with the appearance it presented a few days previous. Where everything had been one busy scene of action-the whole plain a vast storehouse-was now swept by the destructive flames. Proceeding via Fortress Monroe and James River, the regiment, passing on the way the wrecks of the Congress and the Cumberland, vividly re-calling the struggle of these noble crafts with the powerful iron-clad Merrimac, arrived at Harrison's Landing on the 1st of July. During the night the wagon trains from VM'Clellan's discomfitted columns began to arrive, and towards morning brigade after brigade came pouring in. A sad spectacle was presented as the worn and thinned regiments, just from the fields of the seven days' battles, many not larger than a full company, came toiling in through the mud. The wounded, barely able to walk, yet eager to escape capture, dragged themselves along and reached the landing in a state of exhaustion well nigh to death. The meeting of the Sixth with its comrades of the division was touching indeed, their greatly reduced numbers enabling the regiment to fully realize how dreadful had been the late contest before Richmond. On the 4th, the Sixth was transferred to the First Brigade.* The regiment at this time exchanged its arms for the Springfield rifles, and did skirmish duty alternately with the Kane Rifles. The band which had hitherto been connected with it was on the 10th mustered out of service. From the Peninsula it moved by water on the night of the 14th of August, reached Acquia Creek on the morning of the 16th, and the same day was sent by rail to Falmouth. At dark on the evening of the 21st, with the division, it marched towards Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, but by attempting to take a short route, the command became detached and scattered so that nearly the whole night was spent in fruitless wanderings. The next day an unusually long and severe march was made, reaching Kelly's Ford at dark. The march was resumed on the following day in the direction of Rappahannock Station, which place was reached just in time to see a column of rebels beat a hasty retreat under a galling fire from Captain * Organization of First Brigade, Colonel William Sinclair, Reserve Division, General Truman Seymour, Fifth Corps, Major General Fitz John Porter. Sixth (35th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Lieutenant Colonel Henry B. M'Kean; First (30th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel R. Biddle Roberts; Second (31st) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Colonel William M'Candless; Fifth (34th) Regiment Pennsylvania Reserv s, ColonelrJ. W. Fisher. 696 THIRY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE. 1862 Matthew's Battery, First Pennsylvania Artillery. On the 24th, it reached War. renton and encamped on the Sulphur Springs Road, remaining several days. The regiment was sent out on the 26th, to guard a signal station on a neigh. boring mountain, but finding no trace of the signal*party, returned to camp. The contending forces were preparing for a desperate encounter upon the memorable field of Bull Run. On the 27th, the division marched on the Alexandria and Lynchburg pike, crossed the line of the enemy's march, and encamped at New Baltimore. On the morning of the 28th, as the command approached Gainesville, it was suddenly brought to a halt by a rebel battery, which opened fire from a wood some distance to the left of the Centreville pike. A line of battle was immediately formed and Captain Cooper's Rifled Battery replied with telling effect, soon silencing the enemy's guns. A portion of the Sixth was deployed as skirmishers and moved forward across the open fields. No further demonstrations were made, and the command reached the Alexandria pike, where it bivouacked for the night. On the morning of the 29th, the command was early under arms, and moving towards the enemy's position near Groveton. Advancing some distance it came upon an open plain where it took position on the extreme left of the Union line, and pushed immediately out through a piece of wood. A rebel battery which had been posted on an elevation about a half mile to the left and a little to the rear of the line of the division, now opened fire upon it. With a view of getting upon the enemy's right flank, the division was immediately faced about and marched a short distance to the rear, remaining in no single position any length of time, but making a demonstration first at one point and then at another, constantly under the enemy's fire, but not firing a single shot in return. Late in the afternoon an attack was made on the right by General King and at the same time a demonstration was made on the left by General Reynolds. Moving forward through the wood, across the cornfield in front, under a galling fire from the battery occupying a high position only a few hundred yards distant, the Reserves reached the base of the elevation upon which the rebel force was stationed. This position was so completely under the hill that the rebels could scarcely depress their guns sufficiently to effect the lines of the Reserves. The Sixth advanced up a ravine to the right flank of the battery, with orders to capture it if possible. After reconnoitering the position and becoming satisfied that the battery, which was supported by a heavy infantry force, could not be taken, the fact was reported to General Reynolds, who speedily withdrew the division to the rear and afterwards to the same ground occupied the evening before. During the night the position of the division was very imprudently disclosed by the kindling of fires in the rear for the purpose of making coffee, seeing which, the rebels opened fire from one of their batteries which became very annoying. Singularly enough one of the first shots fired struck one of the men who had been its cause and carried away his arm. On the morning of the 30th, the sun rose cloudless, and everything was quiet and calm upon that field soon to be made the scene of carnage and death. Troops began to move early, preparatory to the day's work. The Reserves marched to the left of the Warrenton pike, near Groveton, where the Sixth was ordered to the support of Cooper's Rifled Battery, of the First Pennsylvania Artillery. In the meantime the skirmishers proceeded on past Groveton, and, met the rebel skirmishers in the woods beyond. The regiment was then moved to the left and forward to a position slightly in the rear of the advanced 1862 SECOND BULL RUN. 697 line of skirmishers, covering the left flank of the division. This positioniwas held until relieved by the advance of Porter's Corps whc: the division was marched to the rear about two hundred yards, and massed on the top of a hill from which the operations of Porter's troops were plainly visible. Steadily the enemy was compelled to retire, until reinforced, when Porter was driven back with loss. The Reserve Division was ordered to form across their line of retreat, behind which they might rally and re-form. The First and Second Brigades had scarcely moved from their position, when the enemy appeared immediately to the left, and the Third Brigade, of which the Sixth was a part, was compelled to resist his advance. Gallantly did it perform its duty, but was obliged to retire before superior force. At this time, General Reynolds was ordered to take position to the right of the Henry House on the hill south of the Warrenton pike, a short distance from its junction with the Manassas road. The artillery was formed on the brow of the hill, and the division drawn up in column of brigade for its support. A brisk artillery duel lasted for some time, when the enemy in well dressed lines started forward, evidently intent on securing the road which lay between the contending forces. Immediately the word 4 forward" was given, and the Reserves swept down the hill with headlong impetuosity, reaching the bank at the upper side of the road, as the enemy was approaching the fence on the lower, and sprang down the bank into the road before them. The rebels, dismayed at the rapidity and success of the movement, turned and fled in confusion, under a terrific fire from the charging column. Thus was the enemy repulsed, and an important position retained. In this charge, the flag of the Sixth was shot from the staff, while in the hands of Major Madill. It was instantly taken by the gallant Reynolds, who, holding it aloft, dashed along the line, the wind catching it as he turned and wrapping it about his noble form. The sight inspired the men to deeds of greater valor, and for an instant they paused in the midst of battle and gave a tremendous soul-stirring cheer for their commander. Returning again to the hill, after resting an hour, night coming on, the division marched towards Centreville, and bivouacked at Cub Run. The loss in this sanguinary battle, extending through three days, was six killed, thirty wounded and eight missing. On the 31st, it moved to Centreville, where, for the first time since the 24th, full and adequate rations were issued. The regiment was placed on picket near Cub Run, and remained through the following day. At five P. M. of September 1st, it was relieved and followed the division to Fairfax Court House, rejoining it at nine. The march was resumed on the following morning, the command passing through Annandale and Bailey's Cross Roads, to Hunter's Chapel, where it encamped for the night. Subsequently it moved to Munson's Hill. On the 30th of August, Major Madill was elected Colonel of the One hundred and Forty-first Regiment, and a few days thereafter took leave of the Sixth, not without many regrets; for in the last battle at Bull Run he had displayed conspicuous daring and gallantry, and had won the confidence of all. On the evening of the 6th of September, the regiment marched with the divi. sion across Long Bridge, through Washington, Leesboro,' Poplar Springs and New Market, and shortly after noon on the 13th, encamped on the west bank of Monocacy Creek. The following morning it moved via Frederick City and Middletown to South Mountain, where the enemy was posted in large force, and took position in column of companies on the extreme right of the atrQyo 88 698 TtRTTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE. 1862 The line of battle advanced a considerable distance towards the summit, the enemy being compelled to fall back upon his supports. An attempt was made at this point by the Sixth to dash up the mountain side, with a view of getting on his flank. The movement was, however, discovered and the rebel lines again yielded without affording the regiment an opportunity to open fire. It then moved forward to a piece of woods near the mountain top. To the left of the woods was cleared land, on which the enemy hotly contested its advance. The time for earnest work had now come. The top of the mountain was only a few hundred yards distant, and when reached would end the battle on that part of the field. Night was fast approaching and the battle raged furiously for many miles to the left. Companies A and B, Captains Ent and Roush, were ordered out to seize and hold the knob of the mountain immediately in front. They marched from the wood, passed the enemy's flank and firing into it one volley, made straight for the mountain top. When within one hundred yards they received the fire of the enemy protected by a ledge of rocks which capped the summit. Immediately companies C, D and E, Captains Wright, Dixon and Lieutenant Richards were ordered to their support, and forming to the left of the first two, the line advanced at a charge. The numbers of the enemy were largely in excess of those of the Sixth, but the five companies restrained during the earlier part of the battle, dashed like a steed released from his curb against the very muzzles of their guns. The enemy staggered by the impetuosity of the charge, yielded the first ledge of rocks and retreated to the second, from behind which he delivered a most galling fire, causing the advance to reel under the shock and threatening its annihilation. The rebel line to the left, which had been passed by these companies, had in the meantime been compelled to yield to the persistent hammering of the other regiments of the Reserves. The cheers of the Brigade were distinctly heard by both, when the rebels, broken in spirit by the severity of their losses and the determined front presented by the Reserve, fled down the mountain side. These five companies had performed an important service and driven before them in confusion the Eighth Alabama Begiment. The loss was twelve men killed, two officers and thirty-nine men wounded. Remaining on the mountain until day-light, it having been ascertained that the enemy had retreated, the regiment with the brigade marched to Keedysville and encamped for the night near a mill on Antietam Creek. On the morning of the 16th, a general forward movement was made, the Sixth moving with the brigade across the creek where the enemy's line was found posted to resist further advance. The.Bucktails were ordered forward as skirmishers, with the Sixth Regiment in support. Emerging from a wood, the Bucktails soon became hotly engaged, and the Sixth, gallantly led by Colonel Sinclair, rushed to their assistance. The two regiments gained the contested ground; but it being already dark and no disposition to advance being manifest, the fire slackened and the lines were established for the night, the Sixth occupying the edge of the wood next to the cornfield. The night was very dark, and the men slept on their arms, ready at a moment's notice to repel an attack. The gray dawn at last appeared, and every man nerved himself for the conflict. The deathlike stillness was at length broken, and the enemy advanced under cover of the corn. The caution was given to "fire low," and the sharp report of musketry soon marked the commencement of this fierce battle. The position was held, notwithstanding the persistent efforts of the enemy to advance, until the troops 1862 ANTIETA1 AND FRED.ERCKSBURG. 699 which had pressed forward into the cornfield were compelled to retire, when the enemy gained the wood and subjected the Sixth to a flank as well as a front fire. The line to the right having yielded, several of the rebel batteries concentrated their fire on the wood, which, after unsuccessfal efforts to clear it, was abandoned, and, for the first time since the opening of the contest, the firing ceased. Moving to the right, the division took a position in support of artillery, where it remained the balance of the day unengaged, but subjected to the artillery fire of the enemy. In this engagement the regiment was much protected by the woods, yet sustained an aggregate loss of one hundred and thirty-two. Eight enlisted men were killed, and Captains Wright, Meeker and Carle and Adjutant Coleman were wounded. Resting on the battle-field during the following day, in which General Lee silently withdrew his forces, on the 19th it marched to the banks of the Potomac near Sharpsburg, where it remained until the 26th of October. During this period much attention was given to the discipline of the regiment and it left camp one of the best drilled of the division, which reputation it maintained ever after. It marched via Berlin and Hamilton, crossing the Potomac on the 29th, to Warrenton, where it arrived on the 6th of November, and went into camp on the ground occupied by the Reserves a few days previous to the second battle of Bull Run. The camp at Warrenton was broken on the 11th and the march resumed through Fayetteville, Bealton Station, Morrisville, Grove Church, Hartwood and Stafford Court House to Brook's Station on the Acquia Creek and Fredericksburg railroad, where a very comfortable camp was formed. Colonel Sinclair was now in command of the brigade, General Seymour having been relieved at his own request. Lieutenant Colonel M'Kean having resigned, the command of the regiment devolved upon Major Ent, and Captain Gore was detailed as field officer. The movements preliminary to the battle of Fredericksburg began December 8th, when the Sixth with the brigade marched from Brook's Station and reached the hills on the north side of the Rappahannock, overlooking Fredericksburg, on the 11th. On the morning of the 12th it crossed the river on a pontoon bridge about three miles below the city. A line of battle was formed at right angles with the river, the left of the brigade resting upon it. This position was held until daybreak of the 13th when the pickets became engaged, and the brigade, the Sixth in advance, crossing a small stream, under a dense fog, marched through a cornfield to the Bowling Green road, where the line was re-formed. The regiment advanced as skirmishers and drove the enemy from the crest of the hill and from his shelter behind fences and the railroad embankment. The battle now raged furiously. The enemy's second line proved a formidable obstacle, but soon yielded to the impetuosity of the Reserves. Moving along up the hill, followed closely by the brigade, it reached a road running along the brow of the hill near which a third line was encountered and a terrific fight ensued, ending in the discomfiture of the rebels. The regiment had now lost more than one-third of its entire number, the brigade had suffered heavily, and Colonel Sinclair had been borne from the field wounded, when the enemy was detected moving through the woods to the right in large numbers. At the same time a terrific fire of musketry was opened on the left of the brigade. The line began to waver and no supporting troops being at hand it finally yielded, and the regiment, with the brigade, fell back over the same ground on which it had advanced. In this battle, of the three hundred men 700 THIRITY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE. 1863 who went into action, ten were killed, ninety-two wounded and nineteen missing. Moving to the opposite side of the river on the 20th, the regiment went into camp near Belle Plain. After having participated in the celebrated "mud march," it returned to its old camp, and remained there until the 7th of February, 1863, when it was ordered to Alexandria to join the Twenty-second Corps. It did guard and picket duty until the 27th of March, and then moved to Fairfax Station, where it remained until the 25th of June, when it moved to join the Army of the Potomac and participate in the memorable Gettysburg campaign. Colonel Sinclair having resigned, the brigade was under the command of Colonel William MCandless of the Second Reserve. Marching via Dranesville, Edwards' Ferry and Frederick, the regiment joined the army on the 28th, and was again assigned to the Fifth Corps, which was commanded by General Sykes. Continuing the march through Uniontown and Hanover it reached Gettysburg at two o'clock P. M. of July 2d, and made a charge from Little Round Top with but small loss. Remaining in front during thenight, on the morning of the 3d skirmishing commenced which continued through the entire day. Towards evening another charge was made, capturing a number of prisoners, re-capturing one gun and five caissons and relieving a large number of Union prisoners. In this encounter the Sixth remained on the skirmish line until two P. M. ot the 4th, when it was relieved and bivouacked on Little Round Top. It sustained a loss of two men killed, and Lieutenant Rockwell and twenty-one men wounded. Pursuing the retreating rebels to Falling Waters, constantly skirmishing on the wayS it encamped on the 14th, after having captured some prisoners near Sharpsburg, when it was ascertained that the rebel army had escaped across the river. Marching and an occasional skirmish and reconnoissance occupied the time until August 18th, when the regiment arrived at Eappahannock Station, and remained until the 15th of September. In the meantime Lieutenant Colonel W. H. Ent was promoted to Colonel, Captain W. D. Dixon, of company D, to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain W. H. H. Gore, of company I, to Major. Leaving Bappahannock Station on the 15th, it reached Culpepper Court House on the 16th, and went into camp two miles beyond the town, where it remained until October 10th. Returning, it re-crossed the river on the 12th, and encountered the enemy at Bristoe Station on the 14th, having three men wounded by his shells. On the 19th, it crossed Bull Run and bivouacked on the old battle-ground. The march was continued on the next day through New Baltimore to Auburn, and from thence, on the 7th of November, to Rappahannock Station, crossing the river on the 8th, and on the 10th taking possession of rebel barracks, where it remained until the 24th. It again crossed the river on the 26th, at Wykoffs Ford, and moving out on the road towards Gordonsville, met the enemy at New Hope Church. The Sixth was deployed as skirmishers, and sent forward to the support of the cavalry, which was now engaged. Two charges of the rebels were repulsed by the left wing of the regiment, under command of Major Gore. Its loss was two killed and fourwounded. On the 5th of December, the regiment went into winter-quarters near Kettle Run, where it was engaged during the remainder of the winter on guard duty. Preparations had been carefully made for the spring campaign, and breaking camp on the 29th of April, it marched to near Culpepper, and on the 4th of May crossed the river at Germania Ford, halting at the Wilderness tavern. On the following day the Wilderness campaign opened. It was actively 1864 RETURN AND MUSTER OUT OF SERVIBE. 701 engaged on the 5th and 6th, contesting with great gallantry every inch of ground. On the 7th it had only a slight skirmish, in which Captain Allen, of company G, was wounded. At Spottsylvania, on the 8th, it was engaged in heavy fighting nearly the entire day, and on the 9th, moved to the right of the line and built rifle-pits. On the 10th it made two unsuccessful charges upon the enemy's works, and again on the 12th, in which it was led by Major Gore, Colonel Ent having command of the Third Brigade. In this engagement Captain John M. Guyer, of company I, was killed. The loss during these engagements was thirteen killed, sixty-four wounded and nine missing. Constantly upon the skirmish and picket line, the Sixth met the enemy on every field with unflinching courage. On the 22d it captured ninety men belonging to Hill's Corps. At length the final day of its service arrived, and with it the crowning success of the Reserves at Bethesda Church. The regiment was deployed as skirmishers, and had gained the Mechanicsville road, near the church, when it was attacked by an overwhelming force and compelled to retire with considerable loss. It then threw up a rifle-pit, upon which the enemy impetuously charged. Retaining its fire until the approaching foe was sufficiently near, it poured forth a volley which inflicted most terrible slaughter. Although but about one hundred and fifty strong, the Sixth captured one hundred and two prisoners, and buried seventy-two dead rebels in its immediate front. Colonel Ent and Captain Waters were wounded and nineteen men captured. After three years of service in the camp and on the march, from its initial victory at Dranesville to its final brilliant success at Bethesda Church, sharing always the privations and hardships of the Army of the Potomac as well as the glory which clusters around its name, the regiment on the 1st of June started for Harrisburg, where, with the Reserves, it was enthusiastically received on the 6th, and on the 14th was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. W. Wal'e Ricketts Col...... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'62. Win. Sinclair.;........ do..... June 27,'61, 3 Resigned May 23, 1863. Wellington H. Ent...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company A, to Maj., Sept. 21,1862-to Lt. Col., May 1,1863-to Col., July1,'63-to By. Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865-wd. at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Wm. M. Penrose..... Lt. Col. June 21,'61, 3 Resigned December 21, 1861. Henry B. M'Kean......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Adjutant to Lieutenant Colonel, April 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certifi. cate, November 25, 1862. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Com. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stow. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Ed. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Sorv. service; Wds. wounds. 702 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE, NAME RANK. DA TE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARS. W William D. Dixon.. Lt. Col. April 24,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. D to Lt. Col., Sept. 12, 1863to Bv. Col. and By. Brig. Gen., March 13,'65mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Henry J. Madill..... Ma..... June 22,'61, 3 Pr. to Colonel 141st reg. P. V., Aug. 30, 1862. Wm. H. H. Gore........do..... April22,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. I to Major, Sept. 1, 1863-to By. Lt. Col., March 13,'65-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Geo. S. Coleman..... Adj.... April22,'61, 3 Pr. from Private Co. A to Adj., Aug. 11, 1862wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Robert H. M'Coy... Q. M.... June 22,'61, 3 Resigned March 26, 1862. Aaron A. Scudder......do.... April 21,'61, 13 Pr. to Q. M., April 5, 1862-to By. Capt., March 13, 1865-captured at Brentsville, Va., Feb. 14, 1864-discharged March 12, 1865. Charles Bower........ Surg.... June 22,'61, 3 Pr. to Bv. Lt. Col. and By. Col., March 13,'65mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Z. Ring Jones.........IAs.Sur. June 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Surgeon 63d reg. P. V., Aug. 20,'62. A. J. Atkinson.........do... July 15,'62, 3 Resigned March 20, 1863. J. Leander Bishop.... do..Aug. 26,'62, 3 Promoted to Surgeon 36th reg. P. V,, Feb. 5,'63. Joseph K. Corson......do..... Mar. 14,'63, 3 Promoted to brevet Major, March 13,1865 —mus. tered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Samuel Jessup........ Chap'n June 22,'61, 3 Resigned July 30, 1862. Thos. Stevenson.........do....Oct. -6, 62, 3 Resigned April 23, 1863. Thomas HI. Abbott.. Sr.Maj. April 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. B. R. Hayhurst........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, April 11, 1863. H. Malcolm Dwyer Q.M.Sr. July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Jas. B. Goodman.... Com.Sr April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. H, April 13, 1863. Perez L. Norton.........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. John S. Stearnes........do... July 15,'61, 3 Pr. from Private Co. C to Hos. Steward, Dec. 24,'63-mustered out with regiment, June 11,'64. L. D. Montanye...... Hos. St. Oct. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'62. D. Henry Barston......do.....Aug. 21,'62, 3 Pr. to Asst. Surgeon 173d reg. P. V., June 19,'63. James S. Drake........do.....June 22,'61, 3 Died October 18, 1861. Emanuel Kurtz...... P'l Muc April 22,'61, 3 Pr. from Private Co. A to P1. Muc., Nov. 1,'62mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Jas. A. Nicholson.....do..... April 24,'61, 3 Pr. from Private Co. D to P1. Muc., Aug. 1,'63mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Henry A. Burbank...do..... April 15,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'62. Christopher Woods...do..... May 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, September 1, 1861-discharged August 11, 1862. J. W. Chamberlin..... do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, April 15, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Wm. W. Ricketts... Capt.... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Colonel, July 27, 1861. Wellington H. Ent... do.... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September 21, 1862. Samuel Waters......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., July 27,'61-to Capt., March 1,'63to brevet Major, Mar. 13,'65-wd. at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-absent at muster out. Isaac H. Seesholtz.. 1st Lt.. April 22,'61, 3 Resigned October 15, 1861. Albion B. Jamison.....do... April 22,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lieut., April 24, 1863-to brevet Captain, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Knorr........ 2d Lt... April 22,'61, 3 Resigned October 25, 1862. Harrison J. Conner...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Pr. from Serg't to 2d Lieutenant, March 1,'63to brevet 1st Lieutenant, March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James Stanley........ 1st Sgt. April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Apr. 15,'63-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. W. S. Morgerum.... Serg't.. April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George W. Mears......do... July 8,'61, 3 Wounded at New Hope Church, November 27, 1863-absent, in hospital, at muster out. George R. Gensel......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6,'62. R. W. Bowman.........do... April 22,'61, 3 Disch. March 9, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. Amos Gensel..............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Uriah R. Burkert......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. B. R. Hayhurst..... Ido.... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 22, 1862. Chas. B. Brockway...do.. April 22,'61, 3 Tr. to battery F, 43d reg. P. V. —date unknown, William H. Snyderl Corp.,.. July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 703 ltAME. RASK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAMBE. RAK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKB. Joseph R. Hess...... Corp.... April 22,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Randolph Hayman....do.... July 13,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Marks B. Hughes......do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Benj. F. Sharpless....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William M'Neal........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 6,'61. John C. Clark...........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. George Whitesides.....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chester S. Furman...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Oct. 28, 1863. Dan'l M. Patterson...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Died March 31, 1862. Geo. M. Demorest.......do... April 22,'61, 3 Died September 23, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Har'n A. Shuman.....do... April 22,'61, 3 Died March 10, 1863. Achenbach, Chas... Private April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. &chenbach, Calvin...do.... July 13,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 6, 1862, for wounds received in action. Abbott, JohnH.........do..... Nov. 30,'61, 3 Dishonorably discharged, April 10, 1863. lowman, Henry C.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bruner, Nelson.........do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Berger, Jeremiah......do... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 6, 1861. Boltz, John K............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Deserted March 21, 1863. Coleman, John..........do... April 22,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Coleman, George S...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, August 11, 1862. Chamberlin, Jas.W...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged November 21, 1862, to accept promotion as Major 178th Penna. drafted militia. Coffman, Wm. E....do...... July 8,'61, 3 Disch. July 14, 1863, for wds. received in action. Chamberlin, John.......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 21, 1861. Drinker, Francis P...do.....July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1861. Eck, Alfred.............do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eck, Joseph S...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eck, William H........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Died May 8, 1864, of wounds received in action. Fornwald, Chas. S.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Griffith, Thomas........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gottschall,, Sam'l G...do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gottschall, Henry......do... April 22,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gottschall, John Y...do..... Mar. 5,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hamlin, Peter S........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hollingshead, Wm...do...... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hause, Joseph P.......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hughes, Jonas H......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hower, Sylvester......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harman, Henry C.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Disch, Jan. 17, 1863, for wds. received in action. Hayman, Joseph S...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 12,'62. Hartman, Isaac........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. Harder, Charles S.....do.....July 8,61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'63. Hagenbuch, A. H......do..... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Disch. May 16, 1863, for wds. received in action. Hoover, Sebaldus.......do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hite, George W........do.....April 22,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., by sentence of general court martial. Howell, John............do.. Mar. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 64. Hamlin,Milton GW...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hess, John J...........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Jamison, Benj. F......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacoby, Flemons.......do.... April 22,'61, 3 Captured at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacoby, Alonzo.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kern, William...........do... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kortz, Josiah............do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, May 21,'62 Kramer, Julius C......do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'63. Kostenbander, M.V...do..July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Karns, Moses............do.... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. army, July 18, 1862. Kern, Henry..............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —V Kurtz, Emanuel.......do....April 22, 61, 3 Pr. to Principal Musician, November 1, 1862. Kline, John R............do... April 22,'61, 3 Died August 31, 1862. Lewis, Hiram B........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Linn, Henry.............do.... April 22,'61, 3 Died Mar. 1, 1863, of wounds received in action. Mendenhall, Theo.....do.... Nov. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Millard, Augustus.....do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mann, Andrew W......do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Metz, David..............do... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2,'62. Magargel, Dethic H...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Mason, Malcomb W... do.. April 22,'61, 3 Died February 22, 1864. Monroe, Robert........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Died Jan. 2, 1863, of wounds received in action. M'Bride, Isaiah.....:...do.... April 22,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Nolton, Henry...........do..... April 22,'61. 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864-Vet. Palmer, Wmn. H.......do April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 4, 1862. Price, William H...A...do.... April 22,'61, 3 Disch. June 17, 1863, for wds. received in action. 704 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT —-SIXTHI RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. RE S Quimby, Fran'k J.. Private April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Raup, William..........do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ross, David S...........do.... April 22, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Ramsey, James H...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Dec. 18, 1863. Rehr, Franklin.........do..... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Died of wounds, March 13, 1863.:Sterling, Baltis..........do.. July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shortz, Abraham.....do.. April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stineman, Leon'd S...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged March 30, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Strauser, Franklin.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged April 15,'63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Seitzinger, Ludwig...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Slater, Henry P........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Deserted September 21,1862. Schwaderer, C. F......do....April 22,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862. Smith, Ashabel W......do........................... Not on muster-out roll. Treaher, Reuben H...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received Feb. 5, 1862. * Tremble, George W...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62'Waters, George.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Whitenight, P. C......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'62. Walter, Samuel C...... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Witnan, James E......do.... July 13,'61, 3 Died September 8, 1864. Young, Jermiah S.....do April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 21, 1861. Ziegler, Alexander..do April 22,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 11, 1864. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN SNYDER COUNTY. Charles D. Roush... Capt..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged January 10, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Levi Epler...............do..... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., March 1, 1863wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-Bv. Maj. March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Harding... 1st Lt... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., May 5, 1863- brevet Capt.. March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. E. D. Lebkicher..... 2dLt... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 5, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Emmett......... Serg't.. May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert P. Calvert.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Prisoner Feb. 1, 1864 —died at Andersonville, May 11, 1864-grave, 1,832. Chas. S. Swineford...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'62. James H. Bowman...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chas. S. Bowman......do.... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry L. Stock.........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. George Everett....... Corp... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry H. Bowen......do.....July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Isaiah Fink.............do.....May 6,'61, 3 Absent, in'hospital, at muster out. Michael Cantwell.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Prisoner, Feb. 1, 1864-died at Andersonville, July 28, 1864-grave, 4,117. Benj. T. Barks..........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 25,'62. John Yergey..............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 3],'64-Vet. Samuel Ritter............do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Neven P. Gutelius.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry B. Mowry........do... May 6,'61, 3 Died Sept. 27, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Thomas Robison........do..... May 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Dan'lP. Rumberger Muc.... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,1862. Auckey, James..... Private May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Arnold, James...........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Arnold, John............do..... May 28,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. B(,tdorf, Reuben........do.....May 6,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1861. Bowersox, David......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6, 1862. Bender, Solomon.......do..... May 6'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'62. Bobb, William..........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Died Aug. 8, 1861- buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Boran, Jacob F........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Boran, Thomas.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Charles, William F...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Peter......do..... Oct'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 705 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE.. REMARKS. Campbell, Abraham Private Oct. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29, 1862. Campbell, Adam.......do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chubb, Stephen.........do...'. July 27,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Duck, Wilson........... do.... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 17,'61. Decker, Isaac......d...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Doney, John........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Daisey, Martin.......... do..... May 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Dormier, Nicholas.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Eckhart, Peter.......do..... July 24,'61,.3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862bu. record, died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 20,'62. Enig. George......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Finicle, Edwin W.....do..... May 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fink, Henry............do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Feeney, Patrick.......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Abseut, sick, at muster out. Gutsleber, Adam....do.....May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gray, Michael.........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Prisoner, Feb. 1, 1864-died at Andersonvillegrave, 1,302. Gregory, Cyrus...do..... May 27,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Gundrum, Samuel...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191streg. P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Grow, Daniel............do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864 —Vet. Haas, Levi........ do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haines, George...... do..... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Hammond, Thomas...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1862. Keeler, Nathaniel......do..... July. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Keifer, Martin L......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Kohler, John...........do...... July 27,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Keeler, Leonidas......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Long, Samuel............do..... May 6,'61, 3 Tr. to Western gunboat service, Feb. 17, 1862. Loy, John..............do..... May 27,'61, 3 Transferred to bat'y A, 1st Pa. Art'y June 1,'62. Leister, Franklin......do. July 24, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lloyd, Horace..........d May 6,'61, 3 Deserted July 6, 1361. Miller, Charles.........do..... May' 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mooney, Jacob E......do.... May 6,'61, 3 Prisoner, May 30, 1864-absent at muster out. TMowry, David C..... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Prisoner, May 8, 1864-absent at muster out. Mackey, Clinton.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Morningstar, Rein't..do.... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted June 21, 1861. M'Cormick, John......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Prisoner, May30, 1864-absent at muster out. Norwood, Joseph.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 30, 1864. Neitz, Emanuel....do....July 24, 61,.3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'62. Norwood, Edward...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, September 28, 1862. Oswalt, William.....do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'62. Pepper, Michael........do.. May 27,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Parker, David..........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. June 11, 1864. Peifer, William H......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 15,'62. Portzline, Henry.......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged- on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Peifer, Jacob F.........do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Deserted April 25, 1862. Rupp, John 0............do..... May 6,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ressler, Levi C.........do.. July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reif, Franklin...........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rorick, John B.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reigle, John.............do..... July 24,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb.:21,'62. Rogers, Samuel........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rathfan, Wilson.......do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Rathfan. Thomas....do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Reichenbach, Joel.....do..... Oct. 8,'61, Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Smith, John............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seesholtz, Samuel.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Salada, Cyrus...........do..... May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sampell, John..........do.....May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seiler, William.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Snyder, John N.........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sterick, Theo. S. F...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at.muster out. Simon, Nicholas........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Shaffer, Joel..............do..... May 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,1864 —Vet. Seachrist, John H......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Spencer, Charles........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 17,'61. Strawser, Theodore...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Shrawder, Henry......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Shultzbach, Peter......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 23,'62. Shultzbach, Henry...do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Stahl, William.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Swartz, Nathaniel.....do..... May 27,'61, 3 Died Aug. 10, 1861-buried at Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Sootts, Samuel..........do.....July 24,'61, 3 Drowned at Harrison's Landing, July 7, 1862. Sterer, John........do.. July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30 1862. 89 706 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVEB NAME. gdN~E.... uzN FUNKB. |DATE IF MUSTER INTO_ SERVICE. Shell, David........... Private May 6,'61, 3 Died at Fredercksburg October 1, 1862. Sause, Richard...... do.... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Troup, Simon...........do.May 6,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Trego, John.............do. July 10,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, October 3, 1862. Walt, William..... do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to19Ist reg. P. V.. May 31,'64-Vet. Wilmore, Rudy.......do.... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on SurgeorL's certificate, Jan. 25, 186&3 Werick, Emanuel.....do. July 27,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1863. Zartman, John F...d.. do..... May 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at mnuster out. Zimmerman, Sam'l... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Died September 4, 1861. Zechman, Jacob F...do..... May 6,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., September 16, 1862. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN VWAYNE COUNTY. John S. Wright...... Captain May 13'61, 3 Discharged January 9, 1863; forwounls received at Antietam, September 17, 1862; William Tamblyn......do..... May 13, 61, 3 Pr. fiom2d Lt. to Capt., May 18,'63-detached for duty on General Barnes' staff, Aug. 24, 1861. Robert N. Torrey... 1st Lt.. May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,. April 6,1862. Win. H. Goodman.....do.... May 13,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., April 16,'62-disZim'merman., Sam'1 missed April 6, 1863. John E. Lewis.......do.....May 13,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., May, I863-to 1S Lt., Aug. 27, 1863 -com. Capt., April 6, 1863'not mustered -mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel E. Bryant.. 1st Sgt. May 13, 161, 3 Com. 2d Lt., April 6, 1863-not mustered-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Win. H. Hurlbert.....do..... May 13,'61, 3 Died January 24, 1862. Julius C. Wright... Sergt... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1.864. Georg D. Arthur-...do.... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Russell Brink...........do... July 15,'61, Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Milton M'Farland.o.... do.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. James M. Surrine... Corp.... May 13,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 18:4. William Kellow........do....lMay 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. N. W. Elrnendorf.....o.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Yet. Geo. Almerman......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Smith A. Barker.......do.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-et6. Isaac H. Ball............do.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Nathan Thorp...........do..... May 13,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. LucienGoodnough.....do.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps Aug. 28, 1863. Calvin Pullis...........do..... May 13, 61, 3 Died November 30, 1862. Andrews, Wm. H... Private May 13,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5. 1863. Avery, Luius K.....do..... July 15'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain- discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 7, 1863. Avery, Daniel...........doo.....May 13,'61, 3 Killed at Mine Run, November 27, 1863. Bull, Samuel............do.... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bishop, Emmet........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Baillis, George H.......do.... May 13,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. Baillis, M L........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1863. Bradshaw, Aaron......d.... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6, 1861. Bishop, Harvey..........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Baker, John..............do.... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Belknap, John..........do.... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Burton, Daniel..........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-died February 15, 1863. Borches, Henry........ July 15,61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Baker, James.........d...d..... May 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1862. Canavin, John.........do... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chase, Gideon B.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Colwell, Charles.......do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,1862. Clien. Peter...........do...... May 13,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1863. Duvaall, John S........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Denn, Collin M.......do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'62. Day, Theodore...........do...... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Durshimer, Henry.....d... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-dis. charged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29, 1863. Darling, A. J......... do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 707 N~AM., R IANK. DATE OF MUSTER BRMARKS INTO -SERVICE. Darling, Daniel...... Private May 13,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861 -buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Davidson, William d...d.... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Forman, Isaac...........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, C. H.. May 8, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Fammig, Michael.....do..... July 15,, I3, Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 11, 1862. Fuller, William T.....do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. Freeman, Earl W.....do..... May 13,'61, 3Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Finegan, Hugh....d...do.... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Groner, George........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. Gerety, James..........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Greeley, Robert A.....do.... ay 13'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Grifis, Calvin M........d.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.4 May 31,'64-Vet. Groner, John H........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. Hallet, John............do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hays, Stephen M......do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hulett, William........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 11,1861. Justin, Howard T.^....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Frederieksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Jayne, William HI.....do... May 13,'61t, Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61-discharged September 1, 1862. Jayne, Squire W.....do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Katz, Jacob F...........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kimble, Philander,.do^.. July 15,'61, 3 Captured at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-discharged April 14, 1865. Karslak John.......do.... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Lavo, Mortirmer E...do...o. May 13,'61. 3 Absent at muster out of company. Labar, Nelson..........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. Lathrop, Halsey.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Lawrence, H. M... do...... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lane, Abram............do..... May 13,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1863. Mackey, Enoch.........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Melons, James...........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Farland, Frank.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Kane, Thomas......do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Farley, Michael.....do.... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 22, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Nolan, Samuel............ May 13,'61, 3' Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Niles, Augustus...........do.... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 24, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Nesle, John..... do...... May 13,'61,. 3 Discharged January 5, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Neithart, Charles......do..... May 13, 61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Nelson, James T.......do..... May 13,'61, 3 Died at Falmouth, Va., August 30, 1862. Porter, George...........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —et. Rodgers, James.........do... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rowley, George.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at musterout. Robinson, David........do.....July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 2,1862. Reed, John L....... do... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Reimer, Edmund L...do..... July 15'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Spratt, Michael........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sherwood,NathanB.. do..... May 13,'61 3 Absent at muster out of company. Stanton, Frank.........do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5, 1863. Shafer, Alvin............do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. Starbird, A. C.......do... May 13,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 10,'62. Sherwood, Henry......do.... May 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Shannon, James.......do.... May 13, 61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Shopp, George J........do..... May 13,'61, 3'Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.; May 31, 64-Vet. Stuart, Frank.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Smith, William W.....do..... Jan. 24, "62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'-64. Stearnes, John S.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Dec. 24, 63. Sampson, Oscar F......do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Stark, Archibald D..do..... May 13,'61, 3 Died Oct. 10, 1862-buried in Cypress Hill Ceme. tery, Long Island, N. Y. Thomas, Sylvester.....do... May 13, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thorp, John..........do..... Myay 13,'61, 3 Transferredto 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Torpyn, Edward........do.... May 13,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md, September 5, 1861. Torrey, David B........do...... May 13,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Tally, Thomas...........do...... May 13,'61, 3 Deserted May 10, 1863. Ward, Stephen D......do...... July 15,'61 3 Died at Fairfax Sem., March -18,'64-grave, 1,534. 708 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE. CoMPANY D. RECRUITED IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER EMARK AMEb8~o. I R.EMA RS. INTO SERVICE. E William D. Dixon... Capt... April 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, Sept. 12, 1863. Jos.A. Davison.........do.... April 24,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862to Capt., September 19, 1863-brevet Maj. and brevet Lt. Col., March 13, 1865 -mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Vance.............do..... April 24,'61, 3 Resigned July 26, 1862. William Burgess......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Promoted from2d to 1st Lt., Sept. 19,'63-brevet Captain, March 13, 1865- mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David F. Lesher.... 1st Sgt.. April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry Boley.......... Serg't.. April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Calvin M. Hassler.....do... April 24,'61, 3 Com. 2d Lt., Sept. 19, 1863-not mustered-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John W. Hart............do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July I1, 1864. Philip Bessor.............do.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John M. Lewis..........do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John P. Welsh..........do..... April 24,'61, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 27, 1863. Samuel K. Furley......do.... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1862. J. LeviRoush........ Corp... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John H. Jarrett.........do....April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John B. Hymans.......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. William Holkamb.....do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Simon H. Burns.......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Bessor...........do..... April 24,'61, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22, 1863. Phineas B. Hollar......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'61. John M'Elwee........A... do... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., iy 31,'64-Vet. William C. Ritnourl...do....Mar. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Armstrong, J. W... Private April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Allison, Rob't H........do... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 23, 1862, Barnett, Joseph.........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 6,'4-died at Andersonville, Ga., March 25,'65-grave, 12,812. Boettger, Henry........do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Barger, John.............do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'62. Barnhill, Dan'l A......do.... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 17, 1862. Brindle, Malachi.......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 3,1863. Branthafer, George...do..... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. Bolin, Peter A............do.... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 12,'63. Brumbaugh, Wm.....do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged March 24, 1863, for wounds received in action. Barger, Thomas H.....do..... April 24,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Cick, Anthony...........do.... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Crawford, William...do.... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Craig, Wm. B. B......do...... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged February 27,1863, for wounds received in action. Cramer, Jeremiah....do.... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 23, 1862. Cell, John.................do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Campbell, Thomas.....do.... April 24,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Carney, Richard......do... July 27,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., June 1, 1862. Deems, George H.....do...:. April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'62. Dunkle, Jacob..........do.... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Donithan, Alfred L...do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged December 15, 1862, for wds, received in action. Ecker, Elias W........do.... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eichelberger, Aug.....do.... April 24,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Earhart, Charles E...do.....April 24,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Fisher, Charles S......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Disch. May 12,'63, for wds. received in action. Fogt, John.........do..... Jan. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.,May 31, 1864. Fry, John.................do..... April 24,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Givler, William S.......do.... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gold, Albert............do..... July 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Huff, Isaac T........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hoover, Hiram.........do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 16,'62. Huber, Amos D........do..... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,1863. Harris, Thomas H.....do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Henninger, Jacob.....do.... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hughes, Thomas.......do... April 24,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862, THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 709 ~AME. RANK.' DATE OF MUSTER NAME. - ANK. REMARKS. EINTO SERVICE. E r e, Andrew M.Private April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Jenkins, Samuel C..)...do.. April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kridler, William H...do.. April 24,'61, Mustered out with company, June I1, 1864. Koerner, John........... do. April 21,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, Va., May 5,'64. Kissell, John W.......do..... Mar. 10,'62, Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., Mav 31, 1864. Kelly, William M......do..... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet.. R es. Corps, August 1, 1863. Kennedy, Cyrus E.....do. July 23,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1863. Lewis, David J......... do.. April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Little, Edmund.........do.. April 24 61, 63 Killed at New Hope Church, Va.,Nov. 27, 1863. Murry, Henry..........do.. April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Margut, Matthias......do.... July 23, 61, Missing inaction at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64. Miller, John A...........do... April 24,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 8, 1864, for wds. received in action. Mertz, Alexander............do. Apil 24,'61 3 Disch.-date unknown-for wds. rec. in action. Mullinnex, George.....do..... July 23,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 19, 1862, for wds. received in action. Mellon, Thomas B.....do..... Jan. 1, 62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Monn, Peter.............. o.... April 24,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1861. Minor, Henry........... do..... April 24,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1862. Moxom, Peter........... do..... April 24,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Govern, Owen...do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Namee, Patrick...do..... April 24,'613 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Laughlin,Jno. H....do. April 24,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. M'Kelvey, Benj. F...do.... April 24,'61, 3 Captured near North Anna River, Va., May 25, 1864-mustered out, December 2, 1864. Naugle, George W.....do. July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nicholson, Jas. A......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Aug. 1, 1863. Nare, William........... June 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-oit roll. Owens, George........... April 24,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, Va., May 6,'64. Peters, Michael P......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Riegle, Jacob L.......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 28, 1863, for wds. received in action. Rudolph, Martin....... do..... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sixeas, Thornton T...do.....April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shafer, Hezekiah......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scott, Robert W........ do.. April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Severs, Francis.......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'62. Smith, Henry B.......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'62. Six, John...............do April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th United States Artillery, Nov. ember 23, 1862. Severs, Francis......... do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Captured at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-trans. ferred to 191st regiment, P. V. May 31, 1864. Savage, Charles........ do..... April 24,'61, 3 Died at Catlett's Station, Va., April 22, 1862. Shafer, Jeremiah......do... April 24,'61, 3 Died at Langley, Va., December 5, 1861. Suders, George.......... do April 24,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Taylor, Robert........... do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Trout, James M.......do.. April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 23, 1862. Thomas, Charles M...do..... April 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Trout, Upton D......... do..... May 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64, Vandyke, Win. R...... do.... April 24,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, Va., Dec. 20, 1861. Walker, George A...do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Webb, John..............do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Winlan, Henry.......... do..... Feb. 15,'62, 3 Deserted September 23, 1862. COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY. Mahlon K. Manley Capt..... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 22,'63. Charles Richart.........do.... May 14,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., August 27,'63brevet Maj., March 13,'65-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Horn............. 2d Lt... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'62. Josiah Mull..........do... May 14,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 11, 1861-to 2d Lt., April 13, 1863-mustered out with company June 11, 1864. George W. Deen..... 1st Sgt. May 14,'61, 3 1Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May 15, 1863com. 2d Lt., March 21, 1863 —not mustered - mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joel Metz.............. Serg't.. May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas Levers.........do..... June 26,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 15, 1861-to Sgt., April 6, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William A. Moyer..d...... May 14,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 6, 1862-to Sgt, May 15, 1863-. mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 710 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMIENT-SIXTH RESERIVE, I NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER MA NBME' |ANE~ INTOSEIVICE. < REMARKS. Nicholas Frieze...... Serg't.. May 14,'61, 3 Mis. inaction at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13,'62. William Kriner..........do.... May 14,'61, 3 Disch. May 26,'62, for wounds rec. accidentally. William E. Ackey....do.... May 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.,May 31,'61-Vet. Abraham Wand..... Corp.... May 14,'61, 3 Woundedat Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-absent at General Hospital, Washington, D. C., at muster out. William Lezerve........d..... May 14,'61, 3 IMustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Win. E. Gillespie.........June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. H. Kustenbather..d.........July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John Leffler.............do..... July 11,'61, 3 1 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Th-iddeus S. Smith...do... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191streg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Aaron R. Gibson..........d.... May 14,'61, 3 KilledatBethesda Church,Va., May 30, 64-Vet. Edwin Lockhart..... uc..... Mu ay 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eli J. Richart............do... April 1,'62, 3Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May31, 1864. Aderholdt, Earnest Private July 27,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863-absent, in hospital, at musterout, Buttles, William......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Brown, James H.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 12,'62. Bailey, Olney.........M...do..... May 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'61. Bowman, George...d..... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Bingman, George......do..... May 14,'61, 3 Ieserted September 18, 1862. Cowden, Samuel........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Cunningham, Rob....do..... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chronister, John W..do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'62. Chaplain, Orvill........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'62. Davis, John.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 IMstered out with company, June 11, 1864. Darfus, John............do..... May 14,'61 3 Absent at muster cut of company. LFrancis, Thomas........do..... June 20,'61, 3, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Flinn, James...........do..... May 20,'62, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 19, 1862. Grill, Josiah.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Garner, Augusta......do..... July 20, 61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1862. Hare, Joseph...........do. May 14'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hilgert, Jacob...........do..... May 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hagen, Charles......do..... May 24,'61, 3 Absent at muster out or company. Heisner, Henry.........do.... May 14, 61, 3 Disch. Feb. 12,'63, for wounds received in action. HIocker, George.........do..... Aug. 9,'61, 3 Missing in action, May 30, 1864. iunt, William W......do..... May 14,'61, 3 Died at Fairfax, Va., April 1, 1863. I-ileman, Franklin...do..... May 25,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hurst, Miles.......... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Deserted September 6, 1862. IIorif, William.........do..... May 14,'61, 3Deserted May 14, 1863. Jones, Benj. A.........do..... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,'62. Johnson, M-B...........do..... May 14,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, Va., June 13, 1862. King, Richard W......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Captured May 20, 1864-died at Andersonville, Ga., October 2, 1864-grave 11,463-Vet. ~Karigher, Gottlieb.....do..... May 14,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 18,'62, for wounds received in action. Kiezer, John....... do..... d July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'62. Krelner, George....do..... May 30,'61, 1 3 Disch. Mar. 28,'63, for wounds received in action. Koons, John..........do.... May 14,'61, 3 Deserted August 28, 1862. King, James H.......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lucas, Abraham.......do..... May 25,'61, 3 Committed suicide at Camp Tenally, Maryland, October 4, 1861. Miller, Joseph..... do..... June 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, C. H. May 11, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Marchal, Carlisle..... do..... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moyer, Lewis.........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller,.Jacob....... do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Disch. Sept. 12,'63, for wounds receivedinaction. Metzgar, Sebastian..do..... May 25,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 28,'63, for wounds received in action. Miller, John............do..... May 14,'61, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30,1864. Mallon, Felix.............do May 25,'61, 3 Deserted November 23, 1862. M'Gill, George....do......... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Laughlin, B...........do..... May 25,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1862. Melson, Oscar............do.....July 27,'61, 3 Discharged by special order, August 16, 1862. Ott, Alpheus D.........d..... July 10,'61, 3 Died at Bristoe Station, Va., February 29, 1864 Pursel, Perry............d.. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged by special order, August 11, 1862. Price, Abraham........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. ]lichard, John O.......do..... May 14,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Roup, Jonas..............do..... May 25,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Rantz, Isaac.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64. Reinhardt, Edm'd.....do.....June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rose, Joseph............ do... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Shedon, John.....do.......do...May 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 12, 1864-ab. sent, in hospital, at muster out. Staub, Conrad..........do... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shultz, John d............ do... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 711 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERC REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. m Springer, Conrad... Private May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 8,'62. Singhiser, Theo.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Swartz, Gottleib.......... do June 6,'61,3 Disch. April 20, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. Steinhiser, Philip......do.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Disch. May 10, 1863, for wds. received in action. Snyder, William.......do..May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'62. Sechman, Samuel.....do..... May 14,'61, 3 Died July 15, 1863, of wounds rec. at Gettysburg. Shiffert, Jacob..........do..... May 14.'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Springer, Philip........do..... June - 1'61, 3 Deserted August,24, 1862. Traub, William,.....do.... July 27,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., Oct. 18,1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Vocht, George............do... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. VanVrankin, D. D......do..... May 25,'61 3 Missing in action, May 20, 1864-Vet. Vale, Cyrus............do... May 14,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., August 7, 1861. Wellerer, Thomas......do.... May 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wagner, Otto.............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,'64. West, Christian........do... Aug. 27,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'61. Wagner, Christian.....do.... May 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20,'63. Williams, George......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'62. Woods, Christop'r......do....May 14,'61, 3 Discharged by special order, August 11, 1862. Walten, Joseph........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., September 7, 1861. Weaver, Joseph........do...'June 1,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Walls, John...............do... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted August 14, 1862. Yordy, William T.....do... May 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Zerbe, Wilkins K......do3 Deserted June 4, 1863. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. Daniel Bradbury.... Capt.... April 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 7, 1862. W. Aug's Meeker......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lieutenant to Captain, Aug. 1, 1862to brevet Major, Mar. 13, 1865-wd. at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-ab., in hos., at muster out. Leman D. Forrest.. 1st Lt.. May 15,'61, 3 Deserted Nov. 28, 1862-dismissed April 6, 1863. William S. Briggs......do.... April 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d tolst Lt, Aug. 27,'63-Brevet Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-pris. from May 8, to May 26,'64mnus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Orlando F. Benson.. Serg't.. April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Langford...do..... July 14,'61, 3 Wd. at Gettysburg, July 3,'63-pris. fr. Sept. 17, 1863 to Nov. 20, 1864-mus. out Jan. 20, 1865. Horace W. Perkins,...do.... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,.'62. G. Frank Kenney......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9, 1862. George P. Rogers......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 3, 1863. John Flinn...............do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lorin W. Forrest......do.... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Marshall 0. Hicks....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Coin. 2d Lt., Aug. 27, 1863-not mus.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, I864-bu. at Wilderness burial grounds. John W. Shouten... Corp.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chas. E. Brigham......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Owen Finlan............ do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jeremiah French.......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. Silas J. Fritcher........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 11,'62. James E. Hall..........do..:.. July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg, P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bart. O. M'Vannan.....do..... Feb. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Orin D. S. Kinney......do..... Nov. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Ames Iarland..... Private May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster out rolls. Bloodgood, J. F.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Bristoe Station, August 13, 1863absent, in hospital, at muster out. Baker, Samuel S.......do.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 11, 1864. Bouton, William.......d..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Brown, Eben.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Brown, Charles E......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 15,'62. Brigham, Ebulens.....do... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 22,'63. Burk, Patrick...........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13,'62. Barnes, Thomas....... do..... July 14,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 162 — bu. record, died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 27, 1862. Coleman, John P.......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Fer. D.......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chapman, Wal. M.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Juno 11, 1864. Crayton, William......do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Juno 11, 1864. Cla,rke, Benj. M........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 71.2 THIRTY-FIFTH RIEGIMEBNT-SIXTH RESERVE, NAME K.DATE OF MUSTER N, INTO SERVICE. Cooper, James....... Private May 30,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. Cole, Samuel W........do..... May 15,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'62. Campbell, Nathan']...do.... IMay 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'62. Cole, Franklin M......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg.P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Crayton, Stephen......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Drunmy, Dennis........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Demorest, Edward...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31,'62. Driscoll, Cornelius......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'63. Degroff, Elijah........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Daley, Aaron A.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Densmore, Wm. H...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. French, Sheldon G.....do..... July 23,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. French, Bennett........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fox, James R............do..... July 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Fuller, Charles J.......do..... April 23,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Forrest, Orrison.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 22,'61. Forrest, Alfred H1.....do..... Dec. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. French, Truman E.....do..... Dec. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. French, Joseph.........do..... July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Finlan, Roger............do..... Oct. 16,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31, 1862. Foron, William.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Farnsworth, W.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Not on muster out roll. Gardner, Geo. L........do..... May 15,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gordon, W. Z......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Greenleaf, E. Q.........do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Died at Bristoe Station, Va., January 14, 1864. Heavener, Michael...do..... May 15,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'62. Hicks, Lewellan A...do..... July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hughes, Julius M.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-died at Alexandria, Va., Sept. 3,'62 —bu. Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Hicks, Allen B..........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Jones, Isaac..............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31,'62. Keeler, Horace W.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'62. Kinney, Simon C.....do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred-date and organization unknown. King, Richard W......do..... July 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 18.61. Kriezer, John............do..... July 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1861. Lent, Fleming T.......do.... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Lawrence, Wm. H.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Lyon, Oliver D..........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Lowe, Myron............do..... April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Lungher, William...:.do..... July 14,'6', 3 Deserted, September 12, 1861. Munn, John..............do..... April 24,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Munn, Tildoen..........do..... May, 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Alfred D. C...do.... July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery A, Ist Pa. Artillery, 1861. Moughan, Michael.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23,'62. Murray, William H...do.... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Mariott, Charles........do..... July 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Kean, David T......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Wd at Wilderness, May 8,'64-ab. at mus. out. Nolte, William..........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. O'Dell, Vincent.........do.... Feb. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Pierce, John C..........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Phelps, Jacob E........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Phelps, Diton E.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Page, George M........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rice, Isaac A.............do..... May 613 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 23,'61. Rogers, Mason E.......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Rogers, Murray M.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Schryver, John N......do..... April 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Struble, James....doo..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6, 1863. Struble, Horace......do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Spaulding, Geo. W...do...:. April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Sherman, F. M........ do..... July 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Feb. 13,'62. Stone, Aaron..............do..... May 15,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62. Smith, Harry..........do..... Jan. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Smith, David...........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 14, 1862buried at Military Asylum Cemetery. Taylor, Perry C.........do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Tanner, William. do..... May, 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Walker, William H...do..... May, 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court Iouse, May 12,'64-absent, in hospital, at muster out.'C~,Wal2dron, Wm, N...I...... Oct. 14,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. Wallace, Hezekiah 1...do.....May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April (6,'63. Wilson, James H.......do..... May 15,'61, 31 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'63. Wheaton, F. E.......do July 23,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Wright, De Witt C..]...do. April 23,'61, 3 Tr. to Bat. A, 5th U.S. Art.-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 713 COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT MIDDLETOWN, DAUPHIN COUNTY. INTO SERVICE. Jacob Rehrer Capt......... April 22,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Charles Allen.......do.......... April 18,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., April 3,'63-Bv. Maj., March 13,'65-wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62, and Wilderness, May, 1864,-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. B. F. Ashenfelter... lstLt... April 18,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., Apr. 3,'63-By. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. John Yentzer........ 2d Lt... April 1,'61, 3 Resigned November 15, 1861. John M'Williams...do........ April 18,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sergt. to 2d Lieut., April 3, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph B. Rife........ 1st Sgt. April 22,'61, 3 Discharged Aug. 5, 1861, to accept promotion as 2d Lieutenant 6th U. S. Infantry. George W. Horn......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 8, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial ground. John R. Stoner.....l Serg't.. June 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 1, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wall. W. Johnson....do.... July 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 11, 1863-mustered ~I I. ~~out with company, June 11, 1864. B. R. Hayhurst........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John A. Bonner.........do.... April 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 23,'63. James H. Stanley......do.... April 18,'61,.3 Transferred to 191streg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. George W. Gray..... Corp.... April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at North Anna, May 23, 1864-absent at muster out. Joseph A. Peters........... April 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George W. Cole.........do....April 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John 1). Books..........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lorenzo Horn..........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Thomas H. Abbott.....do..... April 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, April 11, 1863. William Fitting.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Jacob Shapley...........do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Not oi muster-out roll-Vet. Samuel Sides............do.... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Calvin M'Clung........do.... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Alleman, Benj. F... Private April 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Baskins, Geo. W...do....do... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bishop, Jacob.............do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Berst, Levi do....... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Breckbill, Pierce......do..... April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bear, nry A...........do... April 18,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Barnes, Simon...........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bomberger, Mich'l...do..Sept. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Burg, William...........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Died at Tenallytown, August 5, 1861. Bailey, Joseph...........do.... April 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Curry, William M...do..... July 15,.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chub, John.............do.... April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cole, Alonzo......... do.. April 18,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Camp, Simon C.........do.... April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Conrov, William........ do...., April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cain,'William..........do..... April 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'61. Church, George H......do..... April 18,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 20, 1863, for wds. received in action. Cover, John...............do.... July 15,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 15, 1863, for wds. received in action. Cornwell, Charles......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. Depue, James F......do..... April 18,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Dewalt, John......... do... April 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Dailey, Patrick....d..... April 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Embick, Jacob A...d...d..... April 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eichelberger, Geo......do..... April 20, 61,. 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Etter, John C............do...,. April 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'63. Eichelberger, H.........do Feb. 22,'64, 3. Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Elliott, Reuben........do.....July 15,'61, 3 SDeserted September 16, 1862. Fish, Lewis.....,......do... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Fisher, Peter H........do.... April 28,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1863. Giverren, Patrick.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gosline, James D..do....... July 22,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Graybill, Jacob........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Garrigan, James.........do... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. Gibbons, Jacob..........do May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,'62. Goss, George W.........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Ve& 90 714 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE, I NAME. TRANK. DATE OF MUSTER LETIIIAR. INTO SERVICE. R Gould, James S.... Private Feb. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63.Geist, James..........do... May 1,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Jan. 24, 1863-grave, 700. Hughes, Christian.....do..... April 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hemperly, Geo. L.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hain, Robert.......... do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Houser, Fred'k M...... July 10,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Henderson, Martin...do April 22,'61, 3 Died Dec. 14, 1862, ofwds. received in action. Jury, Adam.............do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Kough, Henry A.......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 2,'62. Kohler, Charles.........do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Linn, Jacob..............do..... April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lockard, John...........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lemon, John........... do...May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 81,'64-Vet. Leggore, William......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lloyd; John....d....... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.y May 31, 1864. Montgomery, John...do..... April 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet, Montgomery, Wm.....do..... April 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Manly, Amos..........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Martin, Jacob G......d...... April 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Marquit, Andrew B...do.... April 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknowns. Mushon, Francis....do..... April 19, 61 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 19, 1862, Murphy, Bernard......do..... Aug 29,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Orth,William H. H...do....April 19,'61, Deserted September 14,1862. Peiroe, Cyrus H........do..... April 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peirce, George W.......do.... April 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peters, John W.........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Powell, James...........do..... April 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16,'63. Peters, John M.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Penneman, Robert.....do... Sept: 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Quinsler, William...do.......May 3,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Rouse, Franklin...d.....do April 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 13,'62* Reichenbach, Peter...do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. Roburm, James........do. Mar. 8,'64, 3 Died May9,'64-bu. in Mil. Asylum Cemetery. Sullivan, Cornelius...do..... April 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 13, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Snavely, John D.......do.....July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Strauss, Aaron G..... do..... April 24,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 20, 1863, for wds. received in action, Stores, Jonas.........do... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'62. Specht, Henry D.... o..... Nov. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Simmers, Charles.......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. Stehman, Henry C.....do..... April 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 23,'63. Strickland, Wm.......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Smith, Edgar...........d May 1,'61, 3 Died May 16, 1863. Spencer, Lewis......... May 10,'61 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-bu. in burial ground at Wilderness. Smith, Daniel............do..... Feb. 22, 64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864 —buried in burial ground at Wilderness. Swigart, Aaron.........do... April 19,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Swords, John............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Townsend,W. Ford...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Commissioned 2d Lt., Dec. 4,61-notmusteredmustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Vincent, Robert W...do..... April 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4,1862. Waborn, Frank R......do... April 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Weist, Daniel............do..... April 20,'61, 3 Died Dec. 14,'62, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg. Wilson, Daniel do.........April 20,'61, 3 Deserted May 28,1862. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT WELLSBORO', TIOGA COUNTY. Julius Sherwood.....Capt..... April 22,'61, 3 Resigned September 18,1861. Jamnes Carle...............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., Dec. 1, 1861-to Colonel 191st regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. John W. Rose......... 1st Lt... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., November 24,'61resigned July 9, 1862. SilasRockwell..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promotedto 1st Lt., April 13,'63-disch. Sept. 16,'63, for wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62. James B. Goodman...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Corn. Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 13, 1863-to 1st Lt., Nov. 1, 1863-Bv. Capt., March 13, 1865 —mus. out with company, June 11,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 715 NAME. | ANK INTO SERVICE. E.BOY~II~TP~ ~._._ Marinus N. Allen... 1st Lt... April 22,'61, 3 Resigned July, 1861. John Hinman..... Lt.... April 22, 61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 18, 1861resigned January 18, 1863. Reuben M. Pratt.......do.... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from lst Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 9, 1862killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. A. S. Hussleton...... Serg't.. April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 1, 1861-to Sgt.-date unknown-nmus. out with company, June 11,'64. A. R. Vermilyea........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt,, March 6, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Calvin Ely.............. do..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., April 18, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ransford B. Webb....~do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. Hiram J. Ramsdell...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. George W. Merrick...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 13,'62. W. Frank Bailey.......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Aaron A. Scudder.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. to non-commissioned staff, July 1, 1861. Frank A. Foster........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Com. 2d Lt., Sept. 17,1863-not mustered-died May 10, 1863, of wounds received in action. Oscar J. Phillips.... Corp... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hobert Ripley..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James S. Statts..........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Yahn...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John S. Blanchard.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. P. R. Warren..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-absent at muster out. S. P. Stacey.............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged to receive promotion, Nov. 1, 1862. Abraham Lyon.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. C. C. Cone.................do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 21, 1863, to receive promotion in 8th United States Colored regiment. W. P. Christian.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wm. B. Van Horn.....do... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Atherton, Erwin R Private April 22,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 12, 1862-buried in Military Asyluni Cemetery. Blanchard, P. H.......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. to western gun-boat service, Feb. 8, 1862. Babb, Caleb...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Ballard, John............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'61. Bickel, James N........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. cavalry, Oct. 22, 1862. Brown, Patrick.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's' certificate, Dec. 29,'62. Bragg, Lucien J......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet Bacon, Morgan L......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 42d regiment P. V., June 19,'61. Coolidge, Josiah........ April 22,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Conway, Thomas......do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Carriel, Edmund.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'61. Crans, Orlando V.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'63. Curran, Ira P............do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Cole, Campbell........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Cowden, James........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Codney, Wallace........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1861. Durlacher, Simon......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dickinson, Arnold.....do... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'62. Doyle, John...............do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1863. Emmick, Geo. W......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Emmick, John L.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'62. ]Emmick, Thos. L.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. regular army, Nov. 16, 1862. Gibbony, John...........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gotchins, George H...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Grinnell, George L...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. Gibberd, John..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Gusten, Harrison C...do...,. April 22,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., Oct. 3, 1862, of wounds received in action-bu. in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Hazlett, James H.....do-.... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-absent at muster out. Harbst, George..........do..... April 22, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Holliday, Darius B.,.do... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. May 18, 1863. Harrison, John........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Died November 29, 1862. Huck, William.........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Ives, S. S...................do... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ives, BurkeP...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Jones, John D..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Artillery, July 18,'62. Jay, Hannibal..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'62. Jennings, George......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged April 19,'63, for wds. rec. in action. Jennings, Jeremiah..do.. April 22,'61,.. Died September 20, 1862, of wounds received at pi, Antieam, September 17, 1862. 716 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT-SIXTH RESERVE, NAME{. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. BANK. INTO SERVICE. BMAKS Kimble, Henry...... Private April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keeney, Henry J...do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,1864. Kriner, William........do.... July 24, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keeney, Luther J...... do.... April 22,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'62. Losinger, Sylv. J...... do April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Love, Jeremiah......... do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Longbotham,Frank...do..... April 22, 61, 3 Captured at Bull Run, Va.-paroled and deserted August 28, 1862. Maxwell, Chas. H..... do....April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 19,'63. Margraff, William.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Moore, James........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 31, 1862, of.wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. M'Clure, Thos. K......do April 22,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Comber, Michael...do July 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Nichols, Chester R.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. O'Connell, Jerry........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Palmer, C. K.......... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Peet, Harry T...........do..... April 22,'Ql, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'62. Ramsdall, Jos. D......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Bat. A, st Pa. Art., July 25,'62. Rumsey, Joseph E.....d..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. Russell, Albert J......do..... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Sando, William........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Michael....... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred fromVeteran Reserve Corps-absent at muster out. Sullivan, John.........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scheiffelin, Jacob N...do April 22,'61, 3 Discharged to receive promotion in 8th United States Colored Troops, September 18, 1863. Seamans, S. R...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'62. Seely, Benjamin.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'63. Swastwood, A. O......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'62. Taggart, John........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wilson, George R....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferredfrom Veteran Reserve Corps-absent at muster out. Warrener, Asa......... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Bat. A, 1st Pa. Art., July 25,'62. Warrener, Hiram.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Bat. A, 1st Pa. Art., July 25,'62. Wisener, Wm. H......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wingate, William.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Disch. Feb., 1862, for wounds received in action. Wetmore, Job........... do.....April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to regimental band, July 1, 1861. Wetmore, Almond...do..... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Wetherbee, D. W......do...July 24,'61, 3 Died at New York city, September 15, 1862. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. W. H. H. Gore....... Capt..... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September 1, 1863. John M. Guyer.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., Feb. 8, 1864-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Va., May 12, 1864. Peter States............ 1st Lt... April 22,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., April 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 18, 1864-brevet Captain, March 13,'65-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry B. M'Kean... 2d Lt... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, July 11, 1861. John H. Phinney... 1st Sgt. April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cyrenus F. Chase... Serg't.. April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry C. Stephens...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Commissioned 2d Lieut., Sept. 2,'63 —not mus.mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Willard D. Lane........... April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry L Adams.......... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Francis Hannan............ April 22,'61, 3 Tr. from V. R. C.-mustered out, April 22, 1864. Allen M'Kinnernay Corp... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrew J. Dull........ do... April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Hugh J. Yarrington...do.. May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Patrick Abbott..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'62. H. A. Burnham.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Norman Grist............do... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Geo. M. Thrasher......do.. April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chas. H. Stephens........... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. from V. R. C-mustered out, April 22, 1864. THREE EARS' SERVICE. 717 AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I Ar SAMEA N' ~INTO SERVICE. BA4B8. oi. Peter M'Hue..... Crp.... April 22,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg, Sep. 13,'62-died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 9,'63-bu. record, Jan. 11,'64. Clarence B. Shaw......do..... May 1562, 6,3 illed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Harrison P. Mead......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1862. A. J. Eastabrooks... Muc.... May 15,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Henry A. Burbank-. do.... April 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. Allen, Mahlon E.... Private April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. Alexander, Perry.....do.... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. from 2d U. S. Art'y-mus. out April 22, 1864. Albro, Stephen G...do..... July 27,'61, 3 Tr. from 2d U. S. Art'y-mus. out April 22,1864. Burbank, Joseph T...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Biles, George.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Bebee, Cornelius.......do.... April 22,'61,' 3 Dicharged Oct. 22, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Barnette, Jerome......do..... July 29, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Byers, John M...........do..... May 15, 62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Barstow, D. Henry.....do..... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Pr. to Ass. Surg. 173d reg. P. V., May 14, 1863. Brown, Benj. M........do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Brown, Oscar H........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Died at Tenallytown, D. C., Sept. 1, 1861. Bull, William........do... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Died at Brooks' Station, Va., Dec. 3, 1862. Cole, Daniel..............do... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chamberlain,Jos. G...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged Aug. 26, 1863, to accept clerkship in Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Coverdale, Wesley....do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. Crocker, Silas W.......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chepin, Orla C..........do.... July 29,'61, 3 Died at Brooks' Station, Va., Dec. 5, 1862. Davis, Zebulon........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David, Amasa...........do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 8th regiment U. S. Infantry. Dubois, Delos............do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Douglass, James H...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1862. Ely, Daniel........... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frost, Eleetus W......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Aug. 20, 61. Fell, Joseph G...........do... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Sureon's certificate, Feb. 22,'62. Fausey, James S......do..... Oct. 25,'61, 3 Deserted November 12, 1861. Gosline, Gilbert H......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Gorton, Charles.........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged May 11, 1863, forwoundsreceived at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Grantier, Clar'ce B...do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Gosline, AndrewJ.....do..... Mav 15,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. Holcomb, William.....do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hicks, Jesse...........do... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 26, 1861, for accidental wound. Howard, James......do..... April 22,'61, 3 Died at Tenallytown, D. C., Sept. 23, 1861. Johnson, Nicholas.....do.... Oct. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26,'62. Johnson, William......d..... Oct. 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Johnson, James.........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Johnson, Peter..........do... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Knickerbocker,D E...do..... May 15,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kellogg, Daniel........do.... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'62. Kennedy, William...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'62. Kramer, John.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kramer, Charles........do..... July 29, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Keeney, Burton L.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Knickerbocker,AH...do..... Feb. 5,'54, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Knickerbocker, Jas...do..... April 22,'62, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Apr. 22,'64-grave,1,815. Lear, Charles W........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lynch, Charles.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 18,'64. Lynch, Daniel...........d..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. from 1st U. S. Cav.-mus. out April 22, 1864. Martin, Freder'k L...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mead, Francis C........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moore, Miller C..........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mehan, Michael........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Died at Langley, Va, December 23, 1861. Mulhart, Patrick....... do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fairfax Station, Va., May 7, 1863. M'Mahan, Matthew...do..... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 21,'63. M'Cauliff, Patrick.....do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Tague, Patrick.....do... July 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17,'62-died at Washington, D. C., September 27, 1862. Noble, Charrick J......do... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to ]91st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Northrop, Thomas.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 83d reg. P. V., June 10, 1864. Northrop, Orlando.....do.... July 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 83d reg. P. V., June 10, 1864. O'Boyle, James..........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Oden, L. D...............do..... July 29,'61, 3 Captured at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862-exchanged-deserted-date unknown. Payne, Shelden...... do.. April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 13,'63. Palmetier, Albert......do....April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet..Piersoll, Enberry......do.... July 29,'61, 3 Tr. to company D, 83d reg P. V., Juno 10, 1864. 718 THIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT —SIXTH RESERVE, NAMEz. RAN. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Roberts, Samuel.P... rivate Oct. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Renschlier, Fd'k L...do.... Oct. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V.,May 31,'64-Vet. Russell, Ransom B...do... April 22,, 1, 3Tr. fr. 8threg. U. S. Infy-mus. out Apri 22,'64. Sayers, Wallace L.....do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sherman, Nelson.....do.... April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster-out. Scarville, Amasa D...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Augustus D...do..... April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scott, Thomas............do.. April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shaw, Samuel B........do-.... July 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Western gunboat service, June 20, 1862. Sweet, Franklin........do..May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. Smith, John S..........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Disch., date unknown, for wounds rec. at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862. Sleyter, P. C..d.........do.... April 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'63. Sible, King G...........do..April 22,'61, 3 Died at Langley, a., Nov. 18, 1861. Stranger, Eben'r P....do..July 29,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Oct. 30, 1862. Stephens, And'w J....do.. April 22,'61, 3 Died at Acquia Creek, Va., January 21, 1863. Shortelle Rob't E.....do.... April 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Sharp, Matthais B.....do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Captured at Bull Run, Aug. 28, 1862-exchanged-deserted-dateunknown. Thompson, Fr. W..... do...Oct. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, 1862. Tripp, Dennison........do May 15,'61, 3 Discharged May 11,'63, for wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Wilber, Charles H.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, C. H., May 10,'64absent, in hospital, at muster-out. Williams, L. O..........do..... Mar. 27,'63, 3 Transferred to i91st reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Welch, John............do...May 15,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Wilson, Josiah......... do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. Wheat, Albert T........do June 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Zaner, George B......do July 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 28, 1862. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT SUSQUEHANNA, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. John Shull............. Capt.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Mason......... Ist Lt... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'64. Jacob A. Bonawitz.. 2d Lt... April 23, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James Riordan....... Ist Sgt. April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Perez L. Norton.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Commissary Sergeant-date unknown. Jas. P. Vangorder... Serg't.. April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Aug. B. Williams......do.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Geo. W. Belcher.......do.....July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet.. Wm. F. Kresky........do..May 29,'61, 3 Wd. in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 31, 1862. Alexander IN es.........do... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 28,'64-Vet. Isaac W. Day............do... April 23,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Dec. 27,'62, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-bu. rec. Dec.26,'63. Edward Broeser........do... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 30, 1863. John Connelly........ Corp.... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Brock.........do... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William M'Keever...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's-certifiQate, Nov. 3,'62. C. J. Harrington........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Apr. 27,'62. Thos. G. Newman......do.... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. A. G. Townsend.........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Died November 21, 1861. H. E. Demander........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Died Jan. 2, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Ackerman, Newell Private April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'62. Anderson, Thos.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Allman, Isaac....... do.... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Andre, Jefferson....... do... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May31,'64. Attwood, Elijah........do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d Vermont reg., Sept. 20, 1861. Attwell, Lucius C......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Died March 13, 1862. Anthony, Stephen.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-bu. in burial grounds, Wilderness. Belcher, Oscar L.......do April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bagley, Daniel B.......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Bat. B, 1st Pa. Art., Aug. 15, 1862. Brown, John M.........do... April 23,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Belcher, Charles T.....do.... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 3,'62. Blanchard, Ferris....do.... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28, 62. Babcock, Charles F...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'62. Bronson, James M.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 3,'63. Brower, George.....do.. April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, THREE YEA:RS' SERVICE. 719 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER IREMARKS. INTO SERVICE.,'6,1 Blanding, Osman L Private April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Nashville, Tenn., April 17, 1862. Brisbing, Andrew.....do....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted November 5, 1862. Banks, Edward S.....o.... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted May 5, 1864. Callan, John.............do..... April 23, 61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Comfort, Isaac L.......do.. April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'62 Daffy, John..........;. do.. April 23,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Deming, John..........do.....April 23,'61,3 Tr.fr. V. R. C.-mus. out with Co., June 11, 64. Dubois, Richard C.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Fitzmyer, Albert.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fisher, Hiram...........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Fitzgerald, Michael...do..April 23,'61, 3 Wd. at New Hope Church, Va., Nov. 27, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4,'64. Grotevant, H. H......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gregory, Benjamin...do..... April 23,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garman, Eldridge.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Garvey, Daniel..........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Garver, Nicholas....... do..... May 29,'61, 3Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Grotevant, Geo. M......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Died Dec. 29,'62, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg Dec. 13,'62-buried in Mil. Assy. Cemetery. Holgate, Richard H...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hamilton, Jas. W......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Hawkins, Charles......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'62. Hoagland, Charles.....do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Hunt, Warren..........do.....April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Henderson, V. F......do..... July 17,'61. 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hough, Alonzo.........do.... April 23,'61 3 Deserted May 7, 1864. Illig, Alexander........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'62. Kay, George.............do..... April 23,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, Sidney...........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 26,'62. Larrabee, Melvin......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Lydon, Michael J....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted May 30, 1862. Martin, John B.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, 1864, to April 20, 1865discharged June 9, 1865. Maynard, David P.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'62. Moynahan, John A...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Regular armydate unknown-Veteran. Mathewson, Chas......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 26,'61. Millins, Lumari S......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Died March 9, 1863, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Morris, Joseph B......do..... April 23,'61 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Pope, Charles L.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Pennell, William.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parrish, William A...do..... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Purdy, Abram.........do... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 191stregiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Ritter, John..............do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'62. Remmele, John.........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Rotharmel, Jacob......do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 14,'63. Radman, Theodore...do... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Streetan, Patrick......do.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seigler, Samuel.........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Tr. fr. V. R. C.-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. St Clair, George W....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8, 1862. Shafer, Stoughton P...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 27,'62. Shunk, Jacob...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan 5, 1862. Scranton, Oliver.......do.... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'62. Sims, Robert F.........do... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sloat, Urbane..........do.... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Slawson, Henry D.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Tracy, Frank M........do..... April 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Tanner, Gaylord C.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Tinsman, Henry...d....d... April 23,'61, 3 Deserted March 4, 1863. Ulrich, Philip...........do.... April 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Underwood, A. E.....do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1862. Utter, Calvin............do.... July'17,'61, 3 Tr. to Battery C, 5th U. S. Art., Dec. 20, 1862. Vandusen, Granto.....do.... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Warner, E. D............do..... April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Walker, Charles N...do..Aug.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Webster, Isaac D.....do.....April 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Young, David......... do April 23,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, to November 19,'64-discharged November 25, 1864. UNASSIGNED MAN. Corrigan, Thos. M.. Private1 Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster out roll. Cori.n.Ls.~:~ve THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, SEVENTH: RESERVE. T HE companies composing the Seventh Regiment, recruited in several counties lying east of the Allegheny mountains, rendezvoused at Camp Wayne, near the town of West Chester, early in the month of June, 1861, and were organized on the 26th by the choice of the following field officers: Elisha B. Harvey, of Wilkesbarre, Colonel; Joseph Totten, of Mechanicsburg, Lieutenant Colonel; Chauncey A. Lyman, of Lock Haven, Major. These companies had been principally raised and organized under the call for three months' volunteers; but not being accepted, they were, at the urgent request of Governor Curtin, not disbanded, and were maintained and drilled, in many instances, at great expense to the individual members and their officers. Company A, the Carlisle Fencibles, was ready with full ranks, and its services were tendered as early as the 19th of April. When it was ascertained that the company could not be accepted for the three months' service, a hall was rented for its use, the members equipped themselves in a neat uniform, they were daily drilled, and by voluntary association it was kept intact and in readiness for service until the 6th of June, when it was accepted and received marching orders. The patriotic ardor manifested by this was shared by the other companies, and the history of one is substantially the history of all. Few of the men or officers had had any previous military experience, except Colonel Harvey, and his was limited to the traiinng of militia. He, however, proved an excellent drill-master, and under his instruction the regiment soon attained marked proficiency. While at Camp Wayne it was fully armed, equipped and clothed by the State authorities. On the 4th of July the First and Seventh regiments appeared in fall dress parade, and passed in review before Governor Curtin and Major General M'Call, commander of the Reserve Corps. On the 21st of July, the Seventh was ordered to Washington, and proceeded thence via Harrisburg and Baltimore.. Before starting it was furnished with forty rounds of ammunition per man, and, in view of the threatening attitude of affairs following the defeat at Bull Run, upon its arrival at the Pennsylvania State line, the men were ordered from the cars to load their muskets, when they proceeded on their way and marched through Baltimore without commotion or incident. On its arrival in Washington the regiment was ordered into camp at Meridian Hill, on the north side of the city. On the 27th of July, it was mustered into the United States service by Major Elwood. The arms received from the State of Pennsylvania were exchanged for muskets from the Washington Arsenal. On the 2d of August the regiment broke camp and marched to Tenallytown, the point of general rendezvous for the Pennsylvania Reserves. The division 1861 SKIBMISH AT GREAT FALLS. 721 was soon afterwards organized, and the Seventh was assigned to the Second Brigade,* commanded by General George G. Meade.t The performance of picket duty was here for the first time commenced, the picket line covering the important approaches to the seat of government on the west. The smooth bore muskets of the companies on the right and left were exchanged for the Springfield rifle, with the design of using these companies as skirmishers. In addition to the usual company and battalion drill, particular attention was now given to skirmish drill and to practice in target firing. On the 24th of August the regiment was ordered to march to Great Falls, on the Potomac, where it remained two weeks guarding the ford, which was threatened by the enemy. His pickets were in full view on the opposite shore, and on the morning of the 4th of September a considerable force suddenly appeared and opened fire from a battery of five guns, two howitzers and three rifled pieces. As Captain Cooper, who commanded the Union battery, was provided with only two smooth bore guns of short range, Colonel Harvey ordered him not to reply. A brisk fire of shot and shell was kept up for three hours from the rebel guns. Sergeant William Harper, of company A, received a flesh wound from the fragment of a shell, which was the only casualty. A few days later two rifled cannon were sent to the command, with which the Virginia shore was vigorously shelled, but without eliciting any reply. In his official report of the state of his division at this time General M1Call says: "The Seventh Regiment. which has been on picket duty at Great Falls for two weeks past, returned last night. It has rendered valuable service and is in promising condition." While in camp at Tenallytown the Seventh, with other regiments, was on two occasions formed in line of battle to meet an expected advance of the rebels, and on another marched to Chain Bridge to reinforce General Smith's Division in the event of an attack. Although the clash of.arms did not occur on either of these occasions, the resolute spirit manifested by officers and men gave ample proof of the excellent discipline and efficiency to which they had attained. On the 9th of October, under orders from General MIClellan, the Seventh, together with the division, broke camp and moved to the neighborhood of Langley, Virginia. Here the division formed the extreme right of the Army of the Potomac, resting on the south bank of the river fronting Washington. In this camp the regiment remained inactive during the winter of 1861-2, but the time was not spent in idleness. To give thorough training and secure perfect discipline in the division was the constant aim of the commanding general. Rigorous obedience to orders was strictly enjoined and enforced, the policing of camp and quarters carefully attended to, and rigorous sanitary regulations made to secure the health and comfort of the troops. Picket duty was regularly performed; dress parade and guard mount were observed in strict conformity with army regulations; periodical inspections were rigidly made; i Organization of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General George G. Meade, Pennsylvania Reserves, Major General George A. M'Call. Third (32d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Horatio G. Sickel; Fourth (33d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Albert L. Magilton; Seventh (36th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel E. B. Harvey; Eleventh (40th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher. t On the 3d of September the President of the United States, among other appointments made the following: Captain George G. Meade, of the Topographical Engineers, to be Brigadier General.-Moore's Rebellion Record, Vol. 3, p. 14, Diary. 91 722 TIIRTY-SIXTIH PEGRuMENT —SE ENTH RESERVE. 1862 battalion and brigade drill was required daily in favorable weather, and schools of instruction for officers were regularly held. The regiment was frequently exercised in long marches, and the division was on frequent occasions called out for review. Occasional foraging expeditions were sent out into the neighboring country in which the regiment participated. On the 18th of October, under orders of the commanding general, MCall's Division made a reconnoissarce in force, marching beyond Dranesvillev eleven miles distant from camp. On the 20th of December the battle of Dranesville was fought. At the first sound of the enemy's guns, the Second Brigade was put in motion and reached the battle-field, eleven miles away, in less than three hours, arriving too late, however, to participate in the engagement. On the 10th of March, the Seventh, in connection with the entire division, broke up winter quarters and proceeded to Hunter's Mills, with the expectation of joining in the attack on the enemy at Manassas. It having been ascertained that the enemy had left his works and withdrawn towards Gordonsville, a change in the plan of campaign was adopted, and farther march was stayed. The men were here supplied with the small shelter tents, which they continued to use during the remainder of the war. A furious storm prevailed, and on the 12th, in the midst of a deluge of rain, the division broke camp and marched to Alexandria. That march through mud and rain and over swollen streams, proved one of the most wearisome and painful made during the war. The Reserves were here assigned to the First Army Corps, commanded by General M'Dowell. It was expected that the regiment would embark from Alexandria with the rest of the army for the Peninsula, but in this the men were disappointed. The First Corps, with the exception of Franklin's Division, was reserved for the protection of Washington. At Fairfax Station, near Alexandria, the regiment went into camp, where it remained four weeks. On the 9th of April, it moved with the division to Manassas Junction, where it went into camp, some of the troops occupying the comfortable and commodious log huts built by the rebels during the previous winter. On the 17th, it marched to Catlett's Station, and on the 11th of May, to Falmouth. While encamped here, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Totten resigned, and in the absence of Major Lyman, who had been detailed as Division Provost Marshal since November, 1861, Henry C. Bolinger, Captain of company D, was elected to fill the vacancy. Chafing under the restraint which seemed to be imposed upon them in being withheld from the army moving upon the Peninsula, the men received with joyful acclamations the order to join it. Embarking upon transports on the 9th of June, the regiment moved to White House, on the Pamunky, and thence along the line of the West Point railroad towards the front. Halting within six miles of Richmond, on the left bank of the Chickahominy, the division was placed in position on the extreme right of the Army of the Potomac, and was attached to the Fifth Corps, under command of General Fitz John Porter. The Reserves were now face to face with the enemy, and eager for the fray. They had not long to wait. On the 26th of June, the enemy was encountered near Mechanicsville by the Bucktails, when the First and Third Brigades irmediately took up a position on the line of Beaver Dam Creek, and awaited the onset. The Second Brigade was at Gaines' Mill, but as the battle opened it marched rapidly to their support. By direction of General M'Call, the 1862 BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL. 723 Seventh Regiment was posted on the left of the line.* Three companies, A, II and (, were deployed as skirmishers, their line extending along the left slope of the hill on which Captain Easton's Battery was posted, nearly parallel with the creek below. The other companies, from their position on the hillside, could fire over the skirmishers. For six hours the regiment occupied this position, and as the enemy again and again charged the batteries, poured in an enfilading fire on his left flank. At nine o'clock in the evening, Lieutenant Colonel Bolinger was ordered to take several companies and so dispose them as to watch the enemy during the night. A part of this command was moved up so near to the rebel line, that the conversation of the men could be distinctly heard, being only separated by a small stream. All night long the wounded on the hill-side in front of the batteries, appealed with pitious moans and cries for aid, but nothing could be done for them. A little before day-break these companies were withdrawn, and joining the rest of the regiment retreated by orders from the commanding general. Retiring to Gaines' Mill, where Porter's Corps was drawn up tO receive the enemy now advancing in heavy force on the right flank of the army, the Reserves, upon their arrival, were posted in the second line as a reserve. The Seventh held the left of the line, near the open ground stretching out to the Chickahominy, and immediately in rear of the brigade commanded by General Butterfield. Its position was several times changed during the engagement, and was entirely separated from the division. Towards evening it was ordered by General Meade, at the request of General Martindale, to move to a ravine near the centre of his division line, to fill a gap between two regiments hitherto disconnected; but before reaching the point designated, it was met by General MIartindale in person-the position having been filled by a regiment from another part of the field-who directed that it be led to the left of the line, where a desperate charge was being made by the enemy. Dashing forward, and cheering lustily as they went, the men met and checked the charging column. It was then ordered to move to the centre of the line of Butterfield's brigade, where it united with the First Maine in resisting an attack directed upon Butterfields Artillery. The struggle was desperate; but the enemy in overpowering numbers was precipitated upon our weakened lines, which were obliged to yield. Falling back some distance, the regiment was twice rallied to save the artillery;* * EXTRACT FROM GENERAL M"CALL'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-Somewhat later in the day, a heavy column was launched down the road to Ellerson's Mill, where another most determined attack in force was made. I had already sent Easton's Battery to General Seymour, commanding the left wing, and I now dispatched the Seventh Regiment, Colonel Harvey, to the extreme left, apprehending that the enemy might attempt to turn that flank, by crossing the creek below the mill. Here again the Reserves maintained their position, and sustained their character for steadiness in fine style, never retiring one foot during a severe struggle with some of the very best troops of the enemy, fighting under the direction of their most distinguished general, (Lee.) For hour after hour the battle was hotly contested, and the rapid fire of our artillery, dealing death to an awful extent, was unintermitted, while the greatly superior force of the enemy enabled him to precipitate column after column of fresh troops upon my nearly exhausted lines.-Moore's Rebellion Record, Comp. Vol. p. 664, Does. * As an illustration of the nature of the contest over these guns, the following extract of a letter from Sergeant Harper, of company A, written from the field, is given:-" Hendrick's fate is not known. I am the one who saw him last. I asked him to help defend our battery, on which the enemy was strongly pressing. He was worn out and could hardly stand. I then told him to lie down by the fence and rest. I never saw him again. He probably fell asleep; 724 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTHI RESERVE. 1862 but in vain, and the efforts of the men were now directed to bringing off the caissons filled with ammunition, which, if suffered to fall into the hands of the enemy, would be used for their destruction. As our men were mounting the horses attached to one of the caissons, a rebel soldier placed his musket close to the head of the leader, a large gray horse, and fired, killing him instantly. With perfect self possession the soldiers cut away the harness, and with the remaining three horses hastened away, bringing off the ammunition in safety. Among the officers especially active in rallying the men to the support of the artillery, was Captain King, of company H. Remaining on the field to the last, he was captured with twenty of his own company and a number of others belonging to the regiment, who stood by the guns until they found the enemy in their flank and rear. Early in the engag:-rent Colonel Harvey became separated from his regiment, and the command devolved upon Lieutenant Colonel Bolinger. Falling back in the evening, the regiment halted on the hillside for the night, and on the following morning was withdrawn across the Chickahominy, taking position in the rear of General Smith's Division. The loss in this engagement was very heavy, comprising in killed, wounded and missing nearly half of its effective strength. At ten o'clock Saturday night, the entire division moved on, in a body, over the corduroyroad leadingto Savage Station. On the way, whilepassingthrough a dense forest, in the darkness, a body of rebel cavalry attempted to charge upon the column from an opening on the side of the road, but finding the Seventh ready to receive them, they quickly withdrew. At daylight the regiment passed Savage Station, and marched through White Oak Swamp towards Charles City Cross Roads, The progress of the column was slow, the Reserves beingcharged with the protection of the reserve artillery of the entire army, consisting of thirteen batteries, in command of General Hunt. In addition to the trains, a drove of twenty-five hundred beef cattle encumbered the way. The men were several times halted on the march by the road side, but were not allowed to make fires to cook their coffee, lest it should attract the notice of the enemy. The trains so blocked the way that the Reserves were not across White Oak Creek until near noon of the 29th. It was anticipated that the enemy would advance on the roads leading from Richmond, and make a determined effort to break through our lines for the purpose of cutting off and crushing a portion of the army now struggling to save its trains. General MCCall was ordered by the General-in-Chief to put his division in position to repel any attack from the direction of Richmond. At, ten o'clock P. M. the Seventh reached the Charles City Road, and was immediately placed on picket. In a short time it was withdrawn, and ordered to the support of batteries commanding the roads. In the morning it was relieved and ordered back about a mile and a half, where it lay in the open field until afternoon, the feeling beginning to prevail that the hard fighting for the present was over. This impression was confirmed by an order from General M7Call, which was read to the troops, commending in the most flattering terms the conduct of the division in the battles of Mechanicsville and Gaines' Mill, and promising a brief respite from the fierce conflicts in which it had been engaged. Hardly was the reading of the order finished when the and in ten minutes the-fight was hand to hand over the guns of the battery. We fell back, lost the guns and the ground, and he was, I suppose, awakened by Southern friends to go back with then to Richmond." 1862 CHARLES CITY CROSS ROADS. 725 picket line wasattacked and driven in by the skirmishers of Anderson's Division of the rebel army. The line was hurriedly formed to receive the attack which was not long in coming, the Seventh occupying a position on the right of the line and of the road leading to Richmond. The enemy's artillery at once opened, eliciting a prompt reply, and after a half hour's vigorous firing from either side, he sent forward a regiment which was promptly repulsed by the Seventh. Noticing a movement of the enemy in a clump of woods in his front, General Meade ordered the Third, Fourth and Seventh regiments to enclose the timber, and by sweeping over the ground, capture the party. The attempt was made; but through some misunderstanding of the officers commanding, was only partially successful, and the troops were thrown into some confusion. Some time after this, the regiment was stationed in rear of the Fourth Regiment, in support of Randall's Battery, when the enemy made a determined attack upon the latter, which resulted in a fierce hand to hand struggle, the men clubbing their muskets and freely using the bayonet. Until darkness put an end to the contest the struggle to gain the Quaker City Road, on which our trains were moving, was continued with a desperation and recklessness rarely paralleled in warfare, but without success. The material of the army was brought safely through to Malvern Hill, and during the night the troops were all withdrawn to the new battle ground. In the sanguinary contest which ensued on the following day the Seventh was not engaged, the division being held in reserve. A triumphant victory was achieved. On the following day the army was withdrawn to Harrison's Landing, where it encamped and fortified. The seven days fighting ended, upon mustering the regiment, only about two hundred out of that full ranked, well disciplined body of men who embarked upon the Rappahannock less than a month before and marched to the Peninsula with brave hearts and exultant spirits, were present to answer to their names. The loss in killed, wounded and missing, was three hundred and one. Captains R. M. Henderson, E. G. Lantz, W. W. White and S. B. King; Lieutenants L. G. M'Cauley and J. L. Zug, and Lieutenant E. Beatty, acting ordnance officer on the staff of General M'Call, were among the wounded. On the 4th of July, Colonel Harvey resigned, and Lieutenant Colonel Bolinger was promoted Colonel, Captain R. M. Henderson, of company A, Lieutenant Colonel, Major Lyman being still absent as Division Provost Marshal. A number of promotions were also made among the line officers, and several meritorious non-commissioned officers were promoted to be Lieutenants. On the 31st, the camp was shelled by the enemy from a position occupied on the opposite side of the James. Soon after, the Seventh, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Henderson, marched with the brigade to dislodge them, and to protect the camp and shipping from further annoyance. Sharp shooters taking refuge in the house of Edmund Ruffin, who boasted that he fired the first shot at Fort Sumpter, had fired upon the transports. Orders were given to take possession of the house, and to destroy it if found occupied by rebel soldiers. On the 15th of August, the purpose of the expedition having been accomplished, the brigade was relieved, and embarking upon the James, proceeded via Fortress Monroe to Acquia Landing, arriving on the 17th, and soon after marched to Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock. This movement united the Reserves now commanded by General Reynolds, with the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Pope. Remaining on the line of the Rappahannock disputing with the enemy the passage of the fords until the 22d, the division moved by 726 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTH RESERVE. 1862 devious ways to the neighborhood of Groveton, where it again confronted the enemy. The Reserves occupied the left of the line and joined the corps of Sigel on the right. On the 29th, desultory fighting, resembling a series of heavy skirmishes, was kept up during the entire day without bringing on a general engagement. This manoeuvring was continued during the early part of the following day, and finally resulted in a heavy battle, in which the Seventh, gallantly led by Lieutenant Colonel Henderson, maintained its ground with heroic bravery, eliciting the warm commendation of Generals Reynolds and M'Dowell. At the close of the day the division was ordered back to Aqueduct Bridge, and thence, two days later, to Upton's Hill. Late in the action Colonel Henderson was severely wounded and borne from the field. The loss of the regiment was very heavy. On'the 31st, a severe engagement occurred at Chantilly with the forces of Jackson, but the Seventh did not become engaged. On the same day, Colonel Bolinger returned and resumed command. At the close of Pope's campaign, the Seventh went into camp at Munson's Hill, near the Potomac, where it remained until the 7th of September, when, with the Army of the Potomac, it moved to Washington, and thence to Meridian Hill, encamping upon the same ground that it occupied in the flush of its full ranks and enthusiasm, in July, 1861. Two days later the regiment marched through Mlaryland to Frederick City, and upon its arrival was immediately ordered forward to meet the enemy, holding the passes of the South Mountain. Moving to within a mile of the base of the mountain, it struck off, by a by-road, a mile and a half -to the right of the main pike, where it was deployed on the open ground and advanced toward the enemy, driving back his skirmishers to the foot of the mountain. Here the enemy was met in force; but the impetuosity of the assault upon his like caused it to break, and he retreated up the rugged side of the mountain, closely pursued by the Reserves. Just as the line reached the summit-the enemy in full retreat, but still firing from behind rocks and trees — rebel soldier turned and deliberately fired at Colonel Bolinger, who was in the front urging on his men, the ball entering and tearing the flesh from his right arm and passing through his right breast, inflicting a severe and dangerous wound. The command then devolved upon Major LymanL; but the victory was already complete. On the following morning the division received orders to move, and on reaching the turnpike found that the entire army had passed. Proceeding to Boonsboro', and thence by the Sharpsburg pike to Keedysville, it moved a short distance to the right of the town, near Antietam Creek, and encamped for the night. On the following day, the 16th, at twelve o'clockl the division marched to the right, and took position in the skirt of woods near the Hagerstomn turnpike, on which the right rested. It was here deployed and was soon engaged, driving the enemy's pickets a half mile, and attacking his main line. It was twilight when this point was reached, and at dark our artillery was placed in position and opened a most terrific fire upon the enemy at short range. This lasted until ten o'clock. At daybreak on the following morning, the regiment moved forward with the brigade six hundred yards along the pike, towards Sharpsburg, the right still resting on the turnpike, when the enemy was ensountered in the cornfield in force. A fierce infantry contest ensued, in which the enemy was driven back a distance of fifty yards, but subsequently regained the ground. Here the line received a raking fire of musketry from the woods on the left, around Ehich the left of the division line made a curve, sustaining 1862 ANTIETAM AND FREDEIRCKSBURO. 727 a heavy loss. At this juncture a battery was brought into position on commanding ground in rear of the line, and opened a fire of canister upon the enemy that enabled the infantry to advance to the fence, which was held until nine o'clock, when the division was relieved. The Seventh, holding a position which could not for the time be filled, was retained a half hour longer in line, when it also was relieved; but as it was withdrawing, the regiment which had taken its place being new and unused to battle, fell into disorder and abandoned the ground, when the Seventh was again ordered back. At ten o'clock it was again relieved and marched back to the woods in the rear. On reaching the woods General Sumner rode up and asked,' What regiment is this. "The Seventh Reserves" was the answer. " I want you," said the General, "to again advance to the fence in your front, on the rising ground in view of the enemy." This was promptly done, though at a fearful cost. Captain Colwell, and privates John Callio, Leo Faller, David Spahr and William Culp, all of company A, being killed or mortally wounded by the explosion of a single shell. On reaching the fence, Sumner's Corps having repulsed the enemy's onset, the regiment was ordered back to the rear, and at eleven o'clock rejoined the division. On the 18th a detachment of the regiment, under Captain King, was ordered out for the burial of the dead. On the 19th it moved forward two miles to the Potomac, when it was discovered that the enemy had escaped into Virginia. On the 3d of October the division was reviewed by the President, and on the 12th the Seventh was detailed as a part of the force sent out to meet the rebel cavalry on its raid under Stuart. Clothing was soon after provided, and on the 26th it moved by way of Berlin across the Potomac to Warrenton, arriving on the 6th of November, and was immediately placed on the picket line. The regiment remained in camp here until the 16th, when it moved with the army, now in command of General Burnside, in the direction of Fredericksburg. After a three days' march the division halted at Belle Plain, near Acquia Creek, where the regiment went into camp on familiar ground. On the 10th of December demonstrations were commenced in force against the enemy, to secure the crossing of the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg. A general bombardment of the city was opened on the 11th, and on the following day the army crossed the river and took position on the right bank below Fredericksburg. Standing in line of battle for several hours, in front of the heights bristling with cannon and bayonets, the Seventh was exposed to an almost continuous enfilading fire from Stuart's Light Battery on its left,* while at the same time the enemy's guns in front were kept actively at work. During this artillery duel, which it bore with unshaken firmness, the horse of the Adjutant, Lieutenant Stout, was struck by a shell, and the Adjutant himself slightly wounded. To remain quiet under such a fire was more trying than active conflict with the foe, and it was a relief to hear the order to charge, the Seventh obeying it with alacrity. Moving forward upon the heights, leaping ditches, and disregarding every obstruction, the line penetrated deep into the woods, until it surprised in their very trenches the soldiers of Longstreet's X Shortly after nine A. M., the partial rising of the mist disclosed a large force moving in line of battle against Jackson. Dense masses appeared in front of A. P. Hill, stretching far up the river in the direction of Fredericksburg. As they advanced, Major Pelham, of Stuart's horse artillery, who was stationed near the Port Royal road with one section, opened a rapid and well directed enfilade fire which arrested their progess -Lee's Official Report, 12attle-field of Fredericksburg, (rebel,) page 28. 728 THIRTY-SIXTHI REGIMENT-~SEVE`NTH RESERVE. 1863 Corps.* The enemy's line was broken and thrown into confusion, and the Seventh alone sent over one hundred prisoners to the rear. Though the advantage gained was lost, and the final event proved the battle a failure, yet the Seventh made no more glorious record during the war than in this fight, and can point with pride to its trophies won, and prisoners captured. The enlisted men of company A, particularly, came out of the fight laden with spoils. Jacob Meloy found the sword of a rebel captain; Edward B. Rheem received the sword from a captain of the First Kentucky Regiment, and a Virginia captain delivered up his sword into the hands of Henry Hyte. But more glorious than all, the battle flag of the Nineteenth Georgia was gallantly seized from the rebel color bearer by Corporal Jacob Cart, who immediately delivered it to Captain Beatty. Upon General Meade's application, this flag was next day sent to general headquarters and officially recognized as the only trophy at Fredericksburg. The War Department afterwards awarded a medal to Corporal Cart for his gallantry. A memorable incident occurred, during the action, to private David D. Curriden, also of company A, who in advance, had become separated from the regiment, and in a counter charge of the enemy was captured. While in the hands of his captors, a lucky turn in the fight brought forward a force of union troops, and the rebels, to their surprise, suddenly found themselves transformed from captors to captives. Private Curriden not only regained his freedom, but had the honor of escorting to the union lines as prisoners, not less than three rebel officers, one of whom gave hisname as Colonel E. W. Atkinson, Twentysixth Georgia Volunteers, in command of Lawton's Brigade. In his report of the battle of Fredericksburg, General Meade says: 4 The Seventl engaged the enemy to the left, capturing many prisoners and a standard, driving them from their rifle-pits and temporary defences, and continuing the pursuit till encountering the enemy's reinforcements they were in turn driven back." The losses of the Seventh in this battle were grievous. Lieutenant Comfort was killed; Colonel Bolinger received a painful wound in the ankle; Adjutant Stout was wounded as already mentioned; Lieutenant Zug, of company H, was wounded in the arm, which was so shattered as to require amputation; Lieutenant Snyder, of company B, was severely wounded, losing a leg. The casualties among the enlisted men were six killed, seventy-two wounded and twenty-two missing. On the 14th, picket and heavy artillery firing was kept up nearly the entire day. On the following day, Captain King, with a detail from the brigade, was sent out to the truce line, for the purpose of exchanging the wounded and bringing them off the field. They had lain there since the 13th, and the hands and feet of many were frozen. On the 15th of December, the Seventh, in connection with the entire army, re-crossed the river, and next day resumed its quarters in the old camp near Belle Plain. The only notable event which transpired during the ensuing winter was the attempt to again cross the river and Hill in forming his division to receive the attack had placed the brigades of Archer, Lane and Pender from right to left in advance, with Gregg in the rear of the interval between Archer and Lane, and Thomas in rear of that between Lane and Ponder. While Field's Brigade, under command of Colonel Brockenbrough, was ordered to support the fourteen guns of Lieutenant Colonel Walker on his right. Meade continuing to push forward his line drove back Lane's right and Archer's left, and wedging his way through, crossed the railroad and reached the portion of the New Military Road held by Gregg's men, capturing, as he did so, several standards and two hundred prisoners.-Battlc-field of Frdecrieksburg, (rebel,) page 61. 1864 BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. 729 offer battle, but which ended in the "mud march." The sufferings and hardships of that march were such, that the army would, doubtless, have preferred to have been summoned to a pitched battle, than to have again endured its trials. The Reserves by this time had become so much reduced by hard fighting, that earnest efforts were made by the Governor and military authorities of the State to secure their return to Pennsylvania in a body, with a view to recruiting their ranks. This purpose was not effected; but the division was, on the 8th of February, 1863, by order of the War Department, transferred from active operations in the field to duty in the Department of Washington. Embarking at Belle Plain on the 7th of February, the regiment proceeded to Alexandria, and on the 11th marched to Upton's Hill, where it remained in camp until the 14th of April, and was then for a time on duty at Camp Convalescent. On the 18th of June it returned to Alexandria, and was assigned to duty in the command of General Slough. Various changes here took place in its organization. Lieutenant Colonel R. M. Henderson resigned his commission, to accept the office of Provost Marshal of the Fifteenth District of Pennsylvania, under the general enrollment law. Major C. A. Lyman was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain L. B. Speese, Major. Lieutenant E. Beatty, promoted to the Captaincy of company A, was ordered on special duty as A. A. A. General at the headquarters of General Martindale Military Governor of Washington. During the summer and fall of 1863, the regiment remained at Alexandria, where its duties consisted mainly of provost and guard duty, which were discharged with an efficiency that elicited the warm commendation of the commanding general. In the latter part of April, 1864, orders were received directing the regiment to prepare again for active operations in the field. On the 18th, the line of march, which for more than a year had been suspended, was again resumed, to join the grand army, which was preparing to launch forth on its campaign in the Wilderness. At Manassas it halted and remained. several days. The Reserves, now commanded by General S. W. Crawford, were attached to the Fifth Corps, under General Warren, the First Brigade, to which the Seventh belonged, being commanded by Colonel William M'Candless. On the 2d of May, the regiment broke camp and advanced along the Rapidan, crossing on the following day, and encamped at night in the wilderness, near the Chancellorsville battle ground, the Reserves occupying the centre of the line. On the following morning, quite early, it was advanced about three miles, the First Brigade resting in an open field for an hour, when it marched to the right, was deployed and advanced into the woods, where it soon met the enemy, and the battle opened. The Second Regiment was immediately deployed and advanced as skirmishers, while the Seventh and Eleventh were advanced in line of battle. Soon the skirmishers were driven in, but the enemy were met by our main force and routed, retreating into the woods in their rear. In moving forward through the dense forest in pursuit, company B on the left, and also the right of the line, became detached from the body of the regiment, and failing to receive any orders to return or change its course pushed steadily on. Fired with patriotic ardor the men paused not, until suddenly they found the enemy closing in on their rear, with every avenue of retreat cut off. At first the firing from the rear was supposed to be from our own men, but this idea was soon dissipated by the appearance of the rebels. An effort was made to break through to the left, but was met by an unyielding resistance. The right was then tried 92 730 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTH RESERVE. 1864 and a detour made through the woods, but with like ill success. Finding that he had been the victim of a skillfully laid ambuscade, and that he was completely surrounded, Colonel Bolinger was compelled to surrender, as further resistance would have involved a hopeless butchery of his men, TBut had they known the fate to which their inhuman captors were to subject them, they would, doubtless, have preferred slaughter upon the field to the endurance of the horrors of captivity which it was their lot to experience. Two hundred and seventy-two officers and men were captured, and were immediately marched to the rear of the rebel army at Orange Court hIouse, and thence to Lynchburg, Virginia. The enlisted men were speedily conveyed to the infamous rebel prison pen at Andersonville, Georgia, and the officers were sent to Macon, and were subsequently placed under fire of our guns at Charleston, for the protection of the city-a novel material for the bulwarks of a town in civilized warfare. The triumphant march of Sherman to the Sea opened the miserable prisons of the captives, after a confinement of seven months and twenty-three days; but long before relief came, many had fallen victims of cruelty and starvation. Of the privates, sixty-seven died at Andersonville, the numbers of whose graves are given in the accormpanying rolls, a much larger number, doubtless, at Florence, not ascertained, while many expired on their way home, and others have died lingering deaths, the results of exposure and privation. The sad and unlooked for event of the capture ofnearly the entire regiment, from no fault of any of its officers, but happening in the chances of war, at the very threshold of General Grant's campaign, terminated its military career. Captain Samuel B. King, of company H, who had been relieved at his own request, on the day on which the battle of the Wilderness was fought, from recruiting service in Pennsylvania, returned to the division and was assigned to the command of those who escaped capture, and the recruits, in all numbering one hundred and ten. This miniature battalion, the representative of the regiment, had its place in the brigade, and participated in the desperate fighting which ensued, up to the expiration of its term of service, when, with the division, it was ordered to proceed to Harrisburg, where on its arrival an enthusiastic welcome, from the Governor and military authorities, awaited it; Proceeding thence to Philadelphia, it was duly mustered out of the United States service on the 16th of June, 186L NoTE. —Samuel Elliot, ofCarlisle, a private in company A, kept a Diary of his prison life, and after his release published it in a neat pamphlet of seventy-five pages. The following extracts in confirmation of thestatements in the text, and as illustrative of life, or rather death at Andersonville, are here given: Sunday, May 22.-Arrived at Andersonville, sixty milesfrom Macon. Here we were drawn into line and counted off into nineties, which constituted a detachment. After we were counted off a rebel officer said, " if there is any man among you who can write his name let him step two paces to the front;" the whole ninety, with one or two exceptions, stepped to the front; he then called for a Sergeant who could write his name; after getting one, placed us in his charge; our names were taken and we were marched into a prison containing about thirteen acres of ground, surrounded by a high stockade built of heavy pine logs and closely guarded by numerous sentinels who stood on elevated boxes overlooking the camp. About eight feet from the stockade was a low, rough built railing called the "dead line," to lay a hand on or pass which was death from a guard's musket. The camp contains about fifteen thousand men, most of-whom have been prisonersfrom eight to ten months, and were once strong, able bodied men, but are now nothing more than walking skeletons, covered with filth and vermin, and can hardly be recognized as white men. The horrible sights are almost enough to make us give up in dispair-the ground is covered with filth, and, vermin can be seen crawling in the sand. In the centre of the camp is a stream of dirty water so warm and greasy we can scarcely 186i4 PRISON LIFE AT. ANDERSONVILLE, 731 drink it. The sights I saw on this, my first day in Andersonville, so filled me with horror that I can give but a poor idea of this prison den. Monday 23.-Twenty-three years old to-day-a miserable place to celebrateone's birth day. Thursday 26.-Rained all night, and as our shelter leaked we were completely soaked, besides being cold and hungry. Wirz has a squad of his men digging a deep trench inside the 4 dead line " so as to prevent further tunneling. Sunday, June 12.-Drew half a pint of mouldy rice and a small piece of pork for a day's ration. Wednesday 15.-A poor cripple shot for stepping inside the " dead line;" he said he was so miserable he wished to die, and took this means of having his wish gratified. Thursday 16.-The small rations, of such poor quality, with the rainy weather, is killing the nen off at a terrible rate-there are now over one hundred bodies at the gate to be carried to the "dead house." Friday 2.-The majority of the camp drew fresh meat which the rebel Quartermaster calls beef, but he can't fool "old soldiers" with his mule and horse flesh. It might have been pretty good had they brought it in within a week after its death, or had given us a large enough piece to allow for the maggots; we were too hungry to consider long about eating it also drew "'chicken feed," and a small piece of wormy pork-quite a variety for one day; went out for wood: the first time I have been outside the stockade since here. What a relief it is to see the outside world and get a breath of fresh air. Monday 27.-For a long time the camp has been in a great state of excitement caused by a band of wretches who term themselves "Mosby's raiders." They watch every squad of prisoners brought in and take from them everything of any value. Several men have been killed by them and others badly wounded. Sunday, July 10.-The "six raiders" found guilty of murder to be hanged to-morrow. Wednesday 27.-More prisoners from Grant's and Sherman's armies, among them a number of one hundred day men, whose term of service has almost expired. They say the rebels should release them on that account. Thursday 28.-The rebels fired a solid shot over the camp for the purpose, I suppose, of;showing us they had ammunition on hand. They are very much afraid of us making a break when the gates are opened to pass prisoners through. When the shot was fired a loud cheer was given, and cries of " lay down,'" " stand to your guns," &c., could be heard in all parts of the camp. Wednesday, August 3 —On different battle fields I have witnessed many horrible sights, but none to compare with what I saw to-day-a man lying on the bank of the stream being eaten to death by maggots. They. could be seen issuing from his eyes and mouth, and his body was eaten completely raw in several places. We could do nothing with him but let him alone to die a miserable death. Wednesday 10. —This evening we were called upon to witness the death of another of our eomrades, Van B. Eby. He bore his prison life bravely, but has at last fallen a victim to illtreatment and starvation. He was loved by all who knew him, and his loss is mourned by many friends. Saturday 20.-Heard the glorious news that the " Dutch captain," Wirz, is dangerously ill, and has been sent to Macon. Many thousand wishes have this day been made that he may never recover. Thursday 25.-Charles Jarimer, a recruit of our company, and a bunk-mate of mine, died to-day, after a long and painful illness; helped to carry his body to the " dead house"-a house built in the rear of the hospital, outside the stockade. There were about twenty-five other bodies, most of which had been stripped of all their clothing, and were so black and swollen they could not be recognized. While I was there I saw them piling the bodies one on top of the other, into the wagon, to be hauled to their graves or ditches. I passed through the hospital on my way back, and the sights I saw there were enough to make one sick: the tents were filled with what could once have been called men, but were now nothing but mere skeletons. The short time I was there I saw several die. A man is never admitted to the hospital until there is no hope of his recovery, and when once there it is seldom, if ever, he returns. Sunday, September 4.-Attended the funeral services of a member of company F, who died during the night. It is terrible to see how our regiment is thinning out; every day brings the sad news of the death of one or more of our comrades. Death! nothing but death! throughout the prison. Rations small-almost starved. Monday 12.-No transportation ready for us; had to lay at the gate all night, where we were almost eaten up by musquitoes, fleas and lice. At seven o'clock the gates were opened and we once more breathed the pure, fresh air. I have often heard of the slave traders packing the 732 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTH RESERVE. 1864 slaves in rows in vessels, but never had any idea of what it was until we were packed into the ears at the depot: one man sits down with his knees up, and another would sit with his back to him, so as to fit closely, and so on until the car was full. After a very uncomfortable ride we arrived at Macon, where we were allowed to stand up and stretch our limbs, which gave us a great deal of pain, after sitting so long in one position. Each car was supplied with a slim allowance of corn bread. Left Macon at four o'clock in the afternoon. Wednesday 14.-Passed through Charleston at day-light, but had no opportunity of seeing the city, Arrived at Florence, South Carolina; distance travelled last night and this morning two hundred and fifty-nine miles. Thursday 15.-Have had nothing to eat for two days; am so weak I can scarcely walk, and hungry enough to eat anything. Some talk of another prison at this place. Taken into a large woods where we remained until three o'clock, when we were again placed on cars and taken about two miles from the town, where we went into a large field to encamp. On our way here each man of our *bunk" took a railfrom the fence, which helped considerablyin building our shelter, besides furnishing us with fire wood. The camp is strongly guarded by boys from ten to fourteen years of age, old men and blood hounds. No rations; tired and almost starved. Sunday, October 9.-A large squad of prisoners brought in from Charleston, who report General Sherman in possession of Macon, and that he re-captured about two thousand of our sick. Tuesday 11. —A large supply of clothing from the Sanitary Commission arrived for our sick, but instead of giving it to them, the rebels picked out the best for themselves, and gave the balance to the Irish "Regulators." This is a body of men who have formed themselves into a band to preserve order throughout the camp, and they treat the poor weak prisoners a great deal worse than the rebels do. I have seen several of our men taken to the swamp and whipped until they were not able to stand. If one of the Regulators wants a tin cup or pan, all he has to do is to pick one out and go to the Judge (one of their number) and claim it; the man,who is the rightful owner is obliged to give it up, and if he says a word about it he is taken to the whipping post to receive ten or twenty lashes. Tuesday 18&-Cold, disagreeable day; a lot of sanitary blankets were brought in camp to be distributed among the men who were entirely destitute of shelter. Six blankets were to be drawn by lot, by each one hundred men, but before drawing, the following oath was administered: "You do solemnly swear that you are entirely destitute of shelter, that you do not possess a blanket, or do not bunk with any one who does." I believe there has been enough blankets sent for all the men who are without shelter, and that the rebels have kept as many as they wished for their own use. Drew meal and fresh beef; cold rain in the evening. Monday 31.-While at Andersonville I did not suppose the rebels had a worse prison in the' South, but I have now found out that they have. This den is ten times worse than that at Andersonville. Our rations are smaller and of poorer quality, wood more scarce, lice plentier, shelters worn out, and cold weather coming on. I -have stood my prison life wonderfully, but now I am commencing to feel it more sensibly, and am getting too weak to move about. To add to my misery I have the scurvy in the gums. Thursday, November 3.-Passed a miserable night; was obliged to lie down in the water, and this morning I am so stiff and sore that I am scarcely able to stand. I am soaking wet and my cold is much worse. We have a little wood, but it is so wet we cannot cook with it. Drew nothing but meal. Tuesday 8.-Great excitement over an election held in camp for Lincoln and M'Clelan, and if the votes had only been counted they would have given Lincoln a nice little help. The election was held as follows: Two bags of beans, one of white and one of black, were placed inside the dead line; an empty bag wds nailed to the stockade, and as the men marched by they took their bean and deposited it in the empty bag. Ten thousand votes were cast, and when counted they gave a majority of over two thousand for Lincoln. Men were out electioneering, and there was quite as much excitement as there would have been over an election at home, only the whisky and fighting were dispensed with. { Wednesday 23.-Rained all night, and we were obliged to take turns staying up to bail the water out of our cellar, which came in almost as fast as we could dip it out. We were obliged to huddle together to keep warm, but it was a hard matter, as we were obliged to lay in about six inches of water. This morning I am cold and wet, and I can truly say I never felt so miserable in all my life. We have not had a bite to eat for seventy hours, consequently I am almost famished. Drew a pint of meal. Friday, December 2.-We are all so weak from starvation that we have been obliged to suspend work upon our shanty. 1864 PRISON LIFE AT FLORENCE, SOUTH CAROLINA. 733 Wednesday 7.-Cold, rainy, windy morning; called out before day-light with the glorious news to fall into line to be examined for parole. Can it be possible that the day of deliverance has at last arrived?. While our hundred were marching inside the dead line I trembled with fear lest I should not be taken, but my fears were allayed when the surgeon pressed upon my arm and told me to go. I cannot say how I felt When he told me this-I trembled, not with fear, but joy. Eleven hundred and eighty of us were marched outside the stockade, where we signed the parole papers, and stood around small smoky fires until late in the afternoon. Sunday 11.-Rained nearly all night; could not sleep on account of the cold and lice. It seems as if for every one we burned two came in its place Still raining this morning. Fell into line at one o'clock and were again marched to the rebel truce boat and steamed into the harbor. Passed Fort Sumpter (now nothing but a mass of ruins) and Moultrie, when we met our boats. It would be impossible to describe the feelings of the men when our dear old flag came into view; tears of joy filled many eyes, and cheer after cheer rent the air. After we were marched on our boats we each had a pound of boiled pork, nine hard tack and a quart of coffee issued to us. It was an amusing sight to see us devour these rations-any person would have thought we had not had a bite of anything to eat for a week. Monday 26.-Arrived at Harrisburg some time in the night and took lodgings at the " White Hall." After breakfast I went to the depot and met my brother, who passed me without knowing me. It is not necessary for me to tell of the joy it gave me to meet my friends, or of the joy it gave them to see me, after so long an absence. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. AINTO SERVICE. REMAR Elisha B. Harvey... Col...... June 26,'61, 3 Resigned.July 4, 1862. HE. C. Bolinger.......... do April24,'61, 3 Pr. to Lt. Col., May 5,'62-to Col., Aug. 1 1862Bv. Brig. Gen., Mar. 13,'65-disch. Aug. 19,'64. Joseph Totten........Lt. Col. May 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Lt. Co., June 26,'61-resigned May 5,'62. R. M. Henderson...... do....April21,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A to Lieut. Col., July 4,'62brevet Colonel and brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865-resigned April 30, 1863. Chaun'y A. Lyman...do.... April 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June26, 1861-to Lt. Colonel, July 25, 1863-resigned February 21, 1864. Le Grand B. Speese Major.. June 13,'61, 3 Pr.to Maj., July25,'63-Bv. Lt. Col., March 13,'65-captured May 5,'64-disch. March 12,'65. A. Brady Sharp.....Adj..... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, July 3,'61 —resigned July 15, 1862-to General Ord's Staff. Wm. J. Harvey.............. 15,'61, 3 Pr. to Adj., Nov. 20, 61esigned Nov. 25, 1862. Charles M. Stout.......do... July 27,'61, 3 Pr. to Ad., Dec. 2,'62-dismissed Nov. 12, 1864. Sames L. Hastings.....do..... April 24,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergt. Maj., May 3 1863-to Adj., Mar. 24,'64-Bv. Capt. Mar. 13,'65-disch. Mar. 27,'65. Charles A. Lane..... Q.M... June 13,'61, 3 Pr. to R. Q. M., June 26, 1861-res. July 9, 1862. John A. Cogley.........do April 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergt., June 26, 1861-to 1st Lt. and Q. M., August 1, 1862-Bv. Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-mustered out with reg., June 16, 1864. Alfred W. Green.....Surg... June 5,'61, 3 Resigned January 18, 1863. J. Lander Bishop......do.....Aug. 26,'62, 3 Promoted Surg, Feb. 7,'63-disch. June 7, 1864. Thomas Jones....... As.Sur. June 5,'61, 3 Promoted Surgeon 37th reg. P. V., Sept. 12, 1862. R. W. Ross..............do....Aug. 2,'62, 3 Dismissed April 6, 1863. Volney Hornet..........do Sept. 12,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Thos. P. unt........Chap'n Aug. 12,'61, 3 Resigned July 16, 1862. A. Judson Furman...do..... Sept. 25,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Com. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 734 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTH RESERVE, NAtM~E, RANK. INTO SERVICE. & 4 REMARKS. E. Zin n..... Sr. Maj. Edward P. Zinn..... Sr.Maj. May 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 28,-1861-to 2d Lieutenant company I, April 7, 1862. James S. Robinson...do.... June 13,'61 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, April 1, 1862-to 2d Lieutenant company F, March 1, 1863. George W. Brown... Q.M.S. July 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, October 1, 1862mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. John C. Stover........Corn. Sr April 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Oct. 1,'62mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Ross Cummings.........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. Sergt., Nov. 28, 1861-wd. in action, June 30, 1862-taken prisoner and died. William H. Gibson Hos. St. May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, June 27, 1861mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. Nathan Kleintop.....P' Muc July 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Jan. 1, 1862mustered out with regiment, June 16, 1864. William Karslake... Muc..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Not on muster out roll. Edward Lewis..........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Not.on muster out roll. Jacob W. Palmer......do.....................3 Not on muster out roll. David K. Wagner.... do...................... Not on muster out roll. COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Rob't M.Henderson Capt.... April 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Beads, June 30, 1862, and at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862-promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, July 4, 1862. James S. Colwell...... do..... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, July 4, 1862-killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Erkurius Beatty........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., July 4, 1862-to Capt. Sept. 17,'62-By. Maj. and Bv. Lt. Col., Mar. 13, 1865-mus. out with Co., June 16, 1864. Samuel V. Ruby..... 1st Lt... April 21,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sergt., Mar. 15,'62-to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Sept. 17,'62-Bv. Capt. March -\^~~~~~ ~~13, 1865-captured at Wilderness, May 5, 1864discharged March 11, 1865. D. W. Burkholder.. 2d Lt,.. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Aug. 9, 1862-to 2d Lt., Sept. 17, 18-52-brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865-captured, May 5, 1864-disch. March 12, 1865.'William Holmes..... 1st Sgt. April 21,'61, 3 Pr. toSgt., Dec. 7,'61-tolstSgt., July 4,'62-cap tured May 5,'64-died at Annapolis, June 3,'65. Wm. M. Henderson...do.... April 21, 61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, January 1, 1862-died at Carlisle, Pa., March 12, 1862. Van Buren Eby.........do.... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergt. Dec. 7,'61-to 1st Sergt., July 4, 1862-prisoner May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 12, 1864-grave 5,392. John D. Adair......... Serg't.. April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut company G, Dec. 18, 1861. Jno. A. Burkholder...do..... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergt., Mar. 18, 1862-wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 5, 1863. W. L. Spottswood......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Jacob Cart.............do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 5,'63-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. William W. Harper...do..... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to lst Sergeant, Co. G, Mar. 5, 1862. John J. Faller..........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 3, 1862-to Sergt., September 1, 1862-prisoner from May 5, 1864, to March 5, 1865-discharged April 3, 1865. David M. M'Cune......do..... June 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp., Sept. 27,'61-to Sgt., Sept. 1,'62mis. in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-Vet. John R. Kenyon.......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 3, 1862-died at Washington, D. C., May 28. Wm. Zimmerman.....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergt., June 1,'62-died at Baltimore, Aug. 22, 1862, of wounds received in action. John S. Humer...... Corp... April 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862-pr. to Corp., Aug. 1, 1862-mus. out with Co., June 16, 1864. Edgar W. Hays.........do... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Rich. P. Henderson...do... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp.-to 2d Lt., Co. E, Mar. 1,'63. William B. Hubly.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 24, 1862. Sanm'l A. M'Beth.......do.... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., March 15,'62-wd. at Antietam-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 735 NAME. RANK.DATE OF MUSTER;MAs. AMR RANK. R..MAR INME. TO SERVICE. REMARKS. Isaac B. Parker...... Corp.... April 21,'61, 3 Transferred to cavalry regiment, July 23, 1861. Samuel Elliott.........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 1, 1862 -prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 11, 1864-disch. June 23, 1865. JohnT. arris........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. —prisoner from May 5, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865-discharged April 1, 1865. Jacob Landis, Jr.......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May, 1862-missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. John F. Morrison......do... May 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 1, 1863-prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 11, 1864-disch. March 21, 1865. Samuel Sites.......... do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 5, 1863-prisoner from May 5, 1864, to March 4,'65-disch. April 3,'65. William M. Culp.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 1, 1862-died of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. William Kistler...... Muc.... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. William A. Monyer..do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, 1862. Adams, John F...... Private Jan. 13,'64, 3 Captured May 5,1864-died at Annapolis, March 10, 1865. Bosh, Lewis..............do.... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Bratton, William......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Bixler, Andrew H....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'61. Bliss, Charles............do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'62. Barton, James..........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 14,'62. Bentz. James............do..... July 25,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Brannin, Patrick.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 23, 1864 —rave 6,551. Brechbill, Chas. W...do.....April 21,'61, 3 Died October 12, 1861. Cockley, John R.......d...... Aug. 28,'62 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Curriden, David D.....do..... May 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August 16, 1863. Constercamp, Jos......do.....July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, to December 11, 1864discharged February 24, 1865. Cuddy, John T.........do.... June 5,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Callio, John................do.... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Dixon, Wmin. T. B......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Dubessey, Joseph......do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16,'62. Elliott, Isaac.:........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Ensminger, Wm. A...do.... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Elliott, John W.........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Hos. Stew. 40th reg. P. V., Aug. 18, 1861. Eby, Harry J..........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Fries, James 0.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,1862. Fry, George............do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'63. Faller, Leo W.......do.... April 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Greason, John HE.......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Gardner, Jacob A......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'61. Goddard, Charles E..do..... April 21,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gould, Wilson H........do....June 6,'61, 3 Missing inaction at Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. Green, Henry T.........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Haverstick, Jos. B.....do... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. EIlalbert, Joseph L.....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Harkness, Chas. C...do..... April 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13.'62-tr. to 3 to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Heiser, John G........do.... April 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, December 1,'63. Hoffer, George W.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Halbert, Charles B...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'64. Haverstick, J. W......do.... April 21,'61, 3 Tr. to U. S. Marine Corps-date unknown. Hecker, Henry L......do.... July_ 8,'61, 3 Wd., with loss of right arm, and pris. at Gaines' Mill-discharged Sept. 13, 1862. Hendricks, John H...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Captured at Charles City Cross Roads-disch. on - Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12, 1862. Humer, John W.......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Deserted Sept. 4, 1861-returned Aug. 14,'63disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14, 1864. Hyte, Henry E........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Harkness, Wm. H.....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Captured May 5, 1864-discharged Feb. 9, 1865. IHefflefinger, Sam'l...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Humer, Jesse B.......do.... July 12,'61, 3 Captured May 5, 1864-discharged June 16, 1865. Haverstick, David.....do...... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. H-Iverstick, Benj...o...do Aug. 23,'61, 3 Died near Washington, D. C., Sept. 19, 1861. Jarmier, Charles.....do... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Prisoner May 5,'64-died at Andersonville, Aug. 26,1864-grave. 6,931. Kempton, Sydney.....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 30, 1863. Low, Jacob N............do July 27,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Long, And'w K, Jr...do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., 13th Tennessee cavalry. Laird, William S.......do....Jan. 21,'64, 3 Tranferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. 736 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT-SEVENTH RESERVE, Low, W i lliam..... FAME. RANK. DATE OF:YMUSTER AM. RN.INTO SERVICE.. REMARKS. Low, William A..... Private July 25,'62, 3 Died at Camp Slough, October 10, 1863. Mullin, Charles H...do... April 21,'61, 3 Disch. byorder of War Department, Aug. 10,'61. Moore, James H........do..... April21,'61, 3 Transferred to cavalry regiment, July 23, 1861. Meloy, William M.....d..... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg P. V., May 31, 1864. Meloy, Jacob L.........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, to December 11, 1864-discharged March 22, 1865. M'Cleaf, William.....do..... July 18,'61, 3 Captured May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, October 10, 1864-grave, 10,620. M'Croskey, J. H........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Miller, James A........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 24, 1862. Nevin, David R. B.....do...... April 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company K, 109th regiment P. V., November 8, 1861. Neff, Theophilus........do.... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Noble, Jacques W.....do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 3, 1863. Natcher, John A........do.... April 21,'61, 3 Missing in actionat Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. Nevel, William.........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., May 22, 1862. Otto, John................do.....April 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, 1864, to February 27,'65discharged April 12,1865. Phillips, Edw. W.....do..... April21,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Dec. 26, 1861. Patterson, August's...do.....Oct. 10,'62, 3 Deserted October 31, 1862. Rheem, Edward B.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Reynolds, John.......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dept., Oct. 11, 1861. Robinson, John............. Aug. 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Reiff, Frederick KI.....do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Rhoads, John............do.....July 25,'62, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Schuchman, J. C........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Strohm, George.......do.... April 22, 61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Dec. 1,'63. Sharpe, A. Brady......do.... April21,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. company E, July 3, 1861. Sharpe, Thomas.........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Spicer, Charles A.....do..... June 4, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16,'62. Snodgrass, William...do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Shamberger P. H......do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sipe, Marion P.......do.....April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'62. Sites, William B........do.... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept.27,'61. Spangenburg, J. G.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to United States Cav., Nov. 30,1862, Schlusser, John A.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Stoey, William W......do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Smith, Samuel E.......do..... April21,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, August 2, 1862, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Spahr, David..........do... April 21,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Spottswood,..... April21, 61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 28, 1862. Steel, Joseph W.........do.....April 21,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Thompson, Jos. B.....do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'62. Vantilburg, Geo. H...do..... April 21,'61, 3 Missinginaction at Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. Wolf, Edgar J...........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown Wyre, William.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads-disch.-date unknown. Watts, Wm. M..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. U. S. Cavalry, March, 1864. Waggoner, Jno......do.. April 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads-discharged on Surgeori's certificate, December 29, 1862. Welsh, George.........do..... April 21,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'61. Williams, George......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Wunderlick, C. A......do..... June 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Walker, Edwin T......do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Prisoner May 5,'64-died at Andersonville, July 19,'64-grave 3,605. Walker, David S......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Wilders, George J......do..... April 21,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Wise, George W.......do. July 8,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Dec. 21, 1862. of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN PERRY COUNTY. John Jameson........ Capt..... May 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 14, 1862-resigned November 11, 1862. John Q. Snyder.........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Nov. 11,'61-to Capt., Nov. 11,'62-wd., with loss of leg, at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-disch. on Surg. cert., April 9,'63. H. Clay Snyder.......do.... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Mar. Mar. 28, 1863-to Capt., July 21, 1863-discharged August 15, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 737. I NAZMB. RANK.L DATE OF MUSTERI INTO SERVICE. 4MR George K. Schall.... st Lt... May 4,'61, 3 Resigned November 11, 1861. John Deitrick.. do........do.....May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., May 11,'61-to 2d Lt., Mar. 1,'63-to 1st Lt., July20,'63-dismissed May 3,'64. W. H. Dieffenbach 2d Lt... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July, 1862-to 2d Lt., July 31, 1863-brevet 1st Lt., March 13, 1865-captured May 30, 1864-discharged March 12, 1865..Amos W. Hetrick... 1st Sgt. May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Henry H. Winters.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., June 26, 1862-discharged Oct. 25, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run. John J. Hamilton......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 1, 1862-to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Aug. 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Benjamin Huff....... Serg't.. May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., March, 1863-to Sgt. Jan. 1,'64 —capt'd May 5,'64-disch. June 13,'65 —Vet. WVm. H. Portsline......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-pr. to Sgt., Mar. 28,1863-captured at Wilderness, May 5,'64-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. J. W. Eshelman........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Samuel Haas............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., May 1,'62 — discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 21, 1863. H. M'Cracken.......;...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. John Grimes.............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., January 1, 1864 —mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. William Newkirk...Corp.... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James Hebel...........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 28, 1863-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Philip Klinger..... Muc..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. T. IKirkpatrick.........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'62. Adams, Matthew...Private May 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Oct.11, 1862-re-enlisted y Jan. 21,'64-died at Alexandria, Va., Mar. 5,'64. Bowers, Michael W...do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Bitting, Lewis..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3, 1863 Boyer, John B...........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Beaumont, Elias. d M 4'... 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Billman, William.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Blakely, Joseph C.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Bowers, Edward.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mis. in actionat Bethesda Church,Va.,May30,'64. Brown, George ~W......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Chamberlain, John.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862absent at muster-out. Cluck, John.........do... May 4,'61, 3 Wounded,' with loss of leg, at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged Dec. 10, 1863. Dewalt,William H...do.. May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Deemer, John............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1861. Derr, John.............do..... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Duffy, James C.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Deitrick, Leonard......do..... Jan. 28;'62, 3Captured May 5,'64-discharged-dateunknown. Free, William...........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Foley, George.........do... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Grissinger, George.....do..... May 4,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Glaze, John W.........do..... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gebhart, Charles-......do..... July 18,'62, 3 Tr. to Battery A, 43d reg. P. V., Jan. 23, 1862. Glaze, Stephen F....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Capt'd May 5,'64-Died at Andersonville-Vet. Griffin, Andrew H.....do..... May 4,'61, 2 Mis. in action at Wilderness, May 30,'64-Vet. Hain, John S..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Hebel, John C..........do.....May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Hassinger, John F.,...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Huggins, Jacob........do...... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Hilbert, Jonathan......do.... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet, Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Heckard, James.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, 1862. Holmes, John W.......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hebel, David............do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3, Transferred to 190th regiment P, V., May 31,'64. Harmon, Fred. H......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Wounded, with loss of arm, May 11, 1864-trans. ferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Harmon, Calvin R.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Harmon, Newton C...do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Hebel, Alfred..........do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mis. in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Holman, Jacob.........do..... Jan 28,'62, 3 Prisofler from May 30, to November 26,'64 —dis. charged February 27, 1865. Keiser, Leonard.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,'62. Keagy, William.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged September 26, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads. Keller, William T..,...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Laning. John S.....do..... May 4,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. 93 738 THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT —SEVENTH RESERVE, NAIME. BANK. DATE OF RUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVIC ER. Larzelier, James..... Private May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Liddic, Daniel...........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. Leitzel, Solomon........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Lowe, Thomas..........do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lenhart, Isaac R........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lindsey, William......do.... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Light, Jacob..............do..... Feb. 23,'4, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Liddic, Jeremiah......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. Liddic, Benj. E.........do..... Jan. 28,'62, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. Miller, William........do..... May 4, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Connell, Thos........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 16, 1864. M'Glaughlin, C......d.. o.. Jan. 2862, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Myers, Lewis..........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'62. Monroe, John............do.... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged October 10, 1862 for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads. M'Knight, John A.....do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. onSurg. cert., Mar. 3,'62-re-enlisted Jan. 28,'64-mis. in action at Wilderness, May 5,'64. Matchett, George......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5,'64-Vet. M'Glaughlin, Jas......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Maryland, October 27, 1862. Potter, Joseph...........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Preisler, Rudolph.....do..... May 25,'61, 3 Wounded May 11, 1864-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Portzline, Silas.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died at home, in Snyder county, Pa., Nov. 29,'63. Reen, Christian C......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 30, 1863. Reen, Frederick.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Wounded at 2dDATE OF MUSTER ( REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. J. R. Whitman....... Corp.... April 30,'61, 3 Discharged July 11, 1862. Jasper N. Maxwell...do.....April 30,'1. ischarged.July 11, 1862. Carson R. Crisman...do.....April 30,'61, 3 Discharged March 30, 1863, for wounds received in action. William Crooks..........do.... April 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, Mav6, 1864-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. James Greer............do....... April 30'61, 3 Musteredout with company, May 24, 1864. Anderson, Robert... Private April 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 19Dst reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Agnew, John...........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Bender, Henry........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Burns, Samuel 1'.......do..... June 24,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 14, 1863. Brua, Henry W......do..... April30,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Bovles, Irwin...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V. May 15,'64. Basim, ('alvin..........do..... April 30,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 6,'62, for wds. rec. in action. Beck, John H..........do..... April 1,'61, 3 Died August 7, 1862. Barr Danil.............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at -\ntietam, September 17, 1862. Callihan, Harvey......do..... April 30, 61, 3 Died Oct. 10,'61 —bu. in Mil. Asylum Cem., D. C Cunningham, Rob't... do.....June 14,'61, 3 Died Sept. 17,'62, from wds. rec. in action. Davis, Andrew J.......do..... June 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Dorey, Wilson M...do..... May 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg. Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Dolby, Charles........do..... April 30,'61, 3 Died October 8, 1861. Furman, W. W........do..... April 20,'6, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Frazier, George W.....do..... June 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Frazier, Philip......do.....July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Free, Benjamin........do....July 1,'61,3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Fox, Jacob D.........I...do..... April30, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Fulton, Reed W.....do..... d Mar. 4,'64. 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15, 1864. Fulton, William T.......... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regimentP. V., May 15, 1864. Goble. Albert J........do.... April 30,'61, 3 Disch. April 22,'63, for wds. received in action. Girt. David................do.... June 22,'61. 3 Deserted July 29, 1861. Hall, James.......do April 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Henderson, J. W......do..... April 30,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 7, 1863, for wds. received in action. Horton, James.d.......do.... April 30,'61, 3 Tr. to bat'y E, 4th U. S. Art'y, Sept. 1, 1862. Hepinger,Wolfgang...do..... April 30,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Hoover, Josep.........do..... April 30,'61, 3 Died Jan. 4,'63-from wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1861. Henderson, Jno.W..do..... May 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kilgore, Hugh L......do..... April 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Kell,'Thomas...... do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P.V.,May 15, 1864-Vet. Linerover James...do. 18'61 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Laughner, Nathan.....do..... June 14,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. M Nany, Daniel.....;........ June 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. M'Kibbens, John..d..do.... April 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. M'Naughton, Dun....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Maloney William....do..... June 24,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 1, 1862, for wds. rec. in action. Mortimer, John R......do.. June 24,'61, 3'rransferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Moody, Silas D......do.... June 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64Vet. M'Kendree, Hiram...do.. April 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Noll, Jacob..d.......do...:... April 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Noll, George....do........ Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. O'Brien, William....... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Potter, George.............do...April 30,'1, 3 Transferred to Regimental Band, July 12, 1861. Potter, Henry..do..... April 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November9, 1861. Pritner, Camden A...do....April30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Feb. 1, 1862. Peters, John.........do. July 1,'61, 3 Died Oct. 3, 1862, of wounds received in actionbu. in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. Ross, James....... do..Jun 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 24,'62. Ross, John M........do....June 20,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 22, 63, for wds. rec. in action. Rheese, Samuel H...L...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Sipler, William A.....do.... June 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Showers, Lewis........do... April 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, 1861. Sweeney, John H..;...do.....April 30,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 27, 1863, for wds. rec in action. Shaner, Leander.......do..... April30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Shull, John.............. do. April 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14, 63. Stroup, James........ do..April 30., 1, 3 Transferred to Co. B, 6th U. S. Cav., Sept. 1,'62. Sample, James..........do..... June 14,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Dec. 21. 1861. Showers, Wm. B.......do.....[ April 30,'61, 3 Died July 5, 1862, of wounds received in action. Stover,: Thomas..... l..do... June 14,'61, 34.,Deserted July 29, 1861. TempletonWm....do July 21, 61, 3 Prisoner from May 8, to May 12, 1864-mustered..... out with company, May 24, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 779 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. EM Vensil, John H...... Private April 30,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 20, 1863, for wounds rec. in.aetioun Wilson, Harrison B...do... April 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with o(m, paJ y, May 24, 64,. Whitehill, Warren.... do.... April 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 188i-1nustured' out with company, May 24, 1864. Walters, Daniel..... do..... dApril 30,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 15, 1863. for wounds rec. in action. Wilson, Sylvester......do..... April30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Decelllb-r 14, 1861.'Young, John..........do..... April 30,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 22, 1862, for wounlus rec. in action. Yingling, John........do... Jan. 5,'64,'3 Transferred to 191st regiment P.V., May 15, 1864. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT WAYNESBURG, GREENE COUNTY. Silas M. Baily......... Capt.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June 4, 1862. John M. Kent...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., June 16,'62-wd.-at Wilderness-mus. out with company, May 24,'64. A. H. Sellers.......... 1st Lt... June 20,'61, Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 10, 1861-to 1st Lt., August 4, 1862-wounded at Wilderness-mustered out with company, May 24,'64. Charles S. Lucas..... 2d Lt... June 20,'61 3 Detached for duty as Quartermaster, May 1,'62not mustered-resigned October 3, 1862. J. Lind. Ingraham.....do.... June 13,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., July 22,'61-to Sgt. Maj. Oct. 10,'61-to 2d Lt., Aug. 4,'62-to Adjutant, Oct. 1, 1862-not mustered-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. James A. Woods....... do... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted fromn Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 10, 1862-to 2d Lt., July 1,'63-wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862, and May 22, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. B. M. Blackley....... 1st Sgt June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Regimental Band, July 20, 1861. Joseph W. Smith.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Prooted from Sergeant, July 1, 1862-mustered out with company, May 24. 1864. Joseph C. Minor...... Serg't.. June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. George G. Crow........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Pronoted from Corporal February 4, 1863-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. 0. S. Pratt..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, August 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13, 1863. Edwin H. Minor........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor., Dec. 4,'62-wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862 —nus. out with company, May 24,'64. George W. Scott........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., July 1,'63-wd. at Wilderness-mustered out with company, May24,'64. H. J. Bowler............. do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt-tr. to 191st reg. P.V., May 15,'64-:.Vet WVm. S. Rinehart.... Corp.... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Calp Pierpont, Va., January 4, 1832. John P. Burk................ June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Deceniber 13, 1862. Adam Laughlin,..... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July, 1863. James Lucas............do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. A'. J. Bisset............do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., NMay 15,'64-Vet. WilliaLV Watson......do...dT.. June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Neil Gray................do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. William Laughlin........ June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 25, 1864. Samuel R. Estle.....Muc.... June 20,'6, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 1, 1862. Adais, Robert....Private Juno 20,'61, 3 Discharged May 27, 1863, for wounds, with loss of arm, received at Fredericksb'g, Dec. 13,'62. Anderson, Samuel.....do...... June 20.',1, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. U., October 22, 1861. Axton, Joseph M.......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killedi at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Boon, Harry...........do...... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'61. loano, Asa.................do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged January 22,'63, for wounds received at Games' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bell,.John.................do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Baily, William N......do..... Jul 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Regimental Band, July 20, 1861. Bradley, Charles R...do:.... Jly 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Regimental Band, July 20, 1861. BJurk, Tho0mas C.....do...d. June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Brown, A. B............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Beelor, Hugh.........do..... June 20,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 12,'64-Vet. -;atson, WTil bur F.....do.... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Wd.-transferred to 191st-rog. P. V., May 15,'64. Bare, Baker...............do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Wd.,-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64. IlBabitt, Harrison.....do..... Maar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Ielrd, avid..........do..... April,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Batson, Elisha........ o......! Sept. 8,'62, 3 Died at Belle Plain, Va., January 183 1863. 780. THIRTY-SEVENTTE REGIMENT- -IGHTHE RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERBMIR. INTO SERVICE. Chapman, Silas......Private July 15,'61, 3 Wounded-mus. out with company, May 24,'64. Curtis, James R.........do....June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Casner, Thomas.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Church, Henry.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Church, James M....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Carter, Charles W..... do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Chapman, Joseph.....do... July 15, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19,'62. Carson, J. H.............. do... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged March 6, 186S, for wds. rec. in action. Coleman, James A.....do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1862. Chaplin, Albert G......do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'63 Copeland, Samuel......do.... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 19,'63. Conrad, David...........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15, 1864-Vet. Clovis, Solomon R.....do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., Mly 15,'64. Cornhill, William......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Chisler, James..........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'641 Cooper,.Charles W......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., Oct. 16, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Churchill, Samuel.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1862, of wds. rec. in action. Crago, Wesley S.......do...... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.. Deems, George R......d..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Daugherty, Solo'n......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged Mar. 14,'64, for wds. rec. in action. Dutton, John W........do..... Dec. 26,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Dean, Henry...........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864, Delany, James............ Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Dean, Benjamin F....do... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Wounded-tr. to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Delany, George........do.....Sept. 8,'62, 3 Died January 10, 1863, of wds. received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Engle, Joseph.......... do... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Eisiminger,Abra'm...do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Eisiminger, Isaac......do'... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Rilled at Spottsvlvania C. H., May 10, 1864. F'ordyce, John G.........do.....July 15, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Fetters, A. J..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 3,'62. Fordyce, S. R........do...Sept 9,'62, 3 Wounded-tr. to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Franks, Eli..............do..... June 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet, Franks, Wm. M. F...do....June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-:Ve. Franks, Job...........do.....Mar. 12,'62, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864-Vet. Franks, Emanuel.....do.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Funk, William......do.... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. French, James A........ Feb. 27,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness —transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15, 1864. Grooms, William..... do...June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Gooden, James..........do... April 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Gooden, Francis.......do..... April 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Gramlee, John W.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hays, John W.......do. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Herrington, Allen.....do.... June 20,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Huston, George A...do....... June 20, 61; 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Horner, James H.....do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Disch. by general order of War Dep't, Jan. 14,'63. Hager, Abijah....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Hager, Benjamin.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64 —Vet\. Hart, John B............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Hickman, Perry........do.....Sept. 8, 62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Hoffman, Levi..........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Hains, Elijah...........do.... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, at Wilderness-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Hillen, John..............do....July 15,'61, 3 Drowned at Alexandria, Aug. 29, 1862 —buried at Alexandria-grave, 188. Headley, Erastus.....do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, 1864. Inghram, Clark.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. John, James M........do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Kees, David........... do..... Dec. 12,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Lawson, Elisha........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness -mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Leonard D. P.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Laughlin, G. W.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Long, William..........do. Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Lemley, G. W.....do..Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferredto 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Litzenburg, Alex'r...do..'.. June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Lemley, Basil........do... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness -transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,1864-Vet. Lockart, John......... do -Sept. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. lemTy, Spencer....do.... July 15,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, December 17, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 781 NAME. RANK. DATE O MUSTER, REMARKS. INTO SERVICE.. _ ____ __. ____ -____ Lindsey, H........Private June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Leonard, Asa............. do.... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Levy, Philip.............do.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 7,'63. Mildred, Albert.......do.... June 20,'61,3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. M'Clelland, J H.......do..... June 20, 61,3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Minor, W. F.............do... June 20,'61, 3 Wd.-mustered out with company, May 24,'64. Morris, Harrison.....I...do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Disch. Feb. 16, 1863, for wds. received in action. Morris, James B........do...Sept. 8,'62, 3 Wd.-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64. Morris, Francis M.....do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Morris, Richard.........do..... June 20,'61, Died Dec. 13, 1861, of wounds rec. accidentally. M'Celland, Elijah....do...June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Collough, Jos.....do... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Nugent, John..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Ogden, Perry..........do... June 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 8,'64-ab. at mus. out. Ogden, Marion.........do..... June 20,'61 3 Prisoner from May 9, 1864, to March 3, 1865-discharged April 1, 1865. Plants, George W.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Province, Joseph.......do... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 12,'63. Phillips, Allen...... d..do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged October 27,'62, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Phillips, James.........do Oct. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Phillips, G. W..........do.....Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Pethtel, Richard........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15, 1864. Phillips, F. A............do... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Parkinson, Jas. H....do... June 20,'61, 3 Died April 18, 1863-buried at Philadelphia. Rush, Silas..........do June 20,'61, 3 Prisoher from May 9, 1864, to March 3, 1865-discharged April 1, 1865. Rinehart, John.........do... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Riggs, Maxwell.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Rose, Edward J.........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Disch. March 10,'63, for wds. received in action. Rogers, H. J............do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Rice, Alfred.......do...,. June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V, May 15,'64-Vet. Renshaw, J. Li........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Roberts, Justice G..... do..... Mar. 29;'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Ritter, Joseph............do... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Rineheart, M. Dill.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Riggs, Isaac........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Died January 11, 1863, of wounds received in action-buried at Alexandria-grave, 676. Summersgill, Rob't...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Seals, James M.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wd.-tr. to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864-Vet. Smith, R. H. L d........do... June 20,'61, 3 Wd.-tr. to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864-Vet. Stewart, A. A............do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Sayres, Robert A.......do.... Nov. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill. June 27, 1862-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15, 1864. Spicer, Jehu.,...do....... ar. 29,'64, 3 Wd.-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64. Spicer, William d.......o....do Mar. 29,'64, 3 Wd.-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64. Spicer, John H.....do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Shields, John..........do.... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Stewart, Richard.,......o..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Died Dec. 28,'62, of wounds received in actionburied in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Sylvens, William.....do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Died at Annapolis, January 12, 1863. Tuttle, Amos.......... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Tuttle, William A.....do.. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Turley, John............ do.....April 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Woody, William.......do Sept. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. Alex. Wishart........ Capt.... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-resigned September 10, 1862. Sam'l S. Bulford.....do.....June 22, 61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., July 24, 1861-to Capt., March 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, May 24,'64. Alexander Hart...... 1st Lt... June 22,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1,'63mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Thomas Foster........2d Lt.. June 22,'61, 3 Resigned December 31, 1862. A. S. Eagleson...........do... June 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., March 1, 1863- I............I - - mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Peter Kennedy....... IstSgt..! June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. 782 THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT-EIGHTH RESERVE, DATE OF NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUST REMARKS. NRME. BANK. INTO SERVICE. MAR _ -. _ __.__ _ ___._ _____ Nelson R. M'Neal... lstSgt.. June 22,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt.-mus. out with Co., May 24, 1864. R. John M'Ilwaine Serg't.. June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Au g. 28, 1862-~discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 29, 1862. Boyle I. M'Clure......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Wounded Sept. 17,'62-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 20, 1862-to HospitalSteward, Jan. 12, 1864. James S. Dennison.....do.....June 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-Imustered out with Co., May 24,'64. M. L. A. M'Cracken...do... June 23,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-mustered out with Co., May 24,'64. Hugh Gettiens........... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp.-to Sergt. —detailed as Provost Guard, Philadelphia —absen t at uster out. Hugh Moore......... Corp.... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. i8,'62. Andrew J. Luellan...do. June 22,'61, 3 Diedl at Camp Pierpont, Va., January 29, 1862. Theodore J. Dye........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. D)aniel Day................do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,1863. William Loafman.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died September 24, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. John M. Griffith........do.. Mar. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Peter M'Creary........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864.: Thomas M. Steep.......do.... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. John M. Oliver......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Allen, Ephraim...... Private June 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Anderson, Al. W.....do... June 22,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Bambarger, David.....do... July,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6,'64-ab. at mus. out. Burk, William...........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'62. Brownlee, James D...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded December 14,1862-discharged on Sur-. L - u geon'scertificate, January 15, 1863. Boardman, Jas. L......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'62. Brice, George W........do..... June 22, 1', 3 Discharged by sentence G. C. M., July 27, 1863. Barnes, William:........do.... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Brotherton, John......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Bulford, John....... do..... Oct. 5'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Barnet, William H...do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, und 27, 1862. Butler, Dennis...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Butts, John L..... do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1862.Bell, Michael............do..... une 22,'61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1862. Conley, William........do....: June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Clark, Ezekiel...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with compan, May 24,1864. Cline, Amos P.........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Christy, Joseph W...do... June 25,'61, 3 DesertedMay 1, 1864. Davis, Samuel A.......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Daly, Andrew...........do.... June 2,'61, 3 Discharged on.Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Davis, George M.......do..... June 25, 61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1862. Dickinson, Samuel...do..... April 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Dye, George V......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died Sept. 1, 1861-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Durbin, Sylvester S...do..... May 8,'61 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Evans, James M.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13, 1863. Eckles, Samuel........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., August 29, 1862. Eckles, James...........do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Freeby, George W.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., August 30, 1861. French. Andrew B...do.... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December, 13, 1862. Greer, John W..........do.... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Gilnore, David.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-discharged on Surg. cert., Sept. 22, 1862. Harshman, And........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Hornish, Christian.....do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'62. I-errick, Henry A.......do.... July 22,'61, 3 iischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 23,'61. Hart, William.......do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. Heisley, Fred'k A.....do..... June 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Hoffinan. Chas. W.....do..... June 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Henderson, Henry.....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 7, 1861. Immel, William..... do..... July 10,'61, 3 Died Nov. 29,'61-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. King, William R........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted July 30, 1861. Lenk, Wm.. H H......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64 —Vet. Lennon, Joseph M.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., Maly 15,'64-Vet. Morales, Antonio......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Martin, George W.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, George V.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. Middleton, Wm. M...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22, 1863. M' reary, Joseph.....do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. M'Veehill, James......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, July 21, 1862. M'Miller, Robert.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11, 1863. M'Farland, M. T.......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Mallum, George.....do Jul 9,'61, 3 Died July 21,'62, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVIOCE. 783 ~-.. <4 NAME. RANK. ATE OF MUST ER REMARKS, INTO SERVICE. 9...:4 Marshall, Thos. H.. Private June 22,'61, Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. M'Millen, Jarnes D...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Myers, Edward A.....o...... July 8, 61, 3 Deserted April 24. 186:. Ozenbaugh, L E..... n2do.... June 2','6, X3 Not on muster-out roll. Orr, Francis W........d.........June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Oliver, Joseph W.....do..... June 25,61, 3 l)ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, July 11,'62. Ozenbaugh, 0. (.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Kiile( at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Plymier, James..... do..... June 22,'1, 3 ustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Poland, Robert M......do..... June 22,6,' 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'62. Polk, Ellis B............do..... June 19,'63, 3' t'ransferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Porter, George A....do..... April 15,'64, 1Transferred to 11st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Quinn, George A........do..... June 19,'6s, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15, 1864. Rush, Michael..........do..... June 2,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'62. Ryan, Cephas A........do.;... June 22,'61, 3 Died Nov' 29,'61 —bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemn., D. C. Rush, Randolph........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 25, 1862. Spriggs, James C......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Sprouls, Wm. A........do..... June 22, 61, 3. Wounded Dec. 14,'62-discharged Iec. 1, 1863. Scott, Robert M......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. Army, Nov. 3, 1862. Steep, Francis J. L...do..... June 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 15,'64. Sinclair, Leander......do..... July 8,'61 3 Died at. Washington, D. C., Nov. 29, 18;2. Thompson, H. H. B...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'61. Taylor, Griffith D......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Wiles, William.......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness,\May 8, 1864-mustered out with company, May 24, 1864. Webb, Theodore S.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 22, 1862-arrested Sept. 10, 1863-;~~~~~~~: - -. - - absent, in arrest, at muster out. Wilkins, Geo. W. 0...do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., May 15,'64-Vet. Wheatley, Fran.L...do...June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. T NASSIGN-ED MEN. George Penilte........ Mile..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Alexander Rankin....do.. Sept.. 6, 361,.Not on muster-out roll. Anderson, Jno. W.. Private Mar. 22.'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bane, John M.............do Dec. 23,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cowan, Samuel......... do. May 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Golden, Caleb H........do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hess, Peter.......... do. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Pethtel, Henry.........do Mar 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sleighter, John........do..April 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. lTaylor, Henry....d..;.o..... Mar. 23,'64. 3 Not on muster-out roll. THIRTY-EIGITH REGIMENT, NINTH RESERVE. THE Ninth Regiment was organized at Camp Wright, near Pittsburg, on the 28th of June, 1861, under the direction of General MWCall. Eight of the companies composing it were recruited in Allegheny county; one in Crawford, and one in Beaver. At the time of its organization there were over forty companies in camp, recruited in the western part of the State, under the call for seventy-five thousand men. The companies included in this regiment had been in camp from the early part of May, and had been studiously drilled in elementary tactics. The election for field officers resulted in the choice of Conrad F. Jackson Colonel; Robert Anderson, Lieutenant Colonel, and James M'Kinney Snodgrass, Major. The two former had seen service in the Mexican war. The latter was at the time Major General of the Eighteenth division of the State militia. The men generally had had no previous military experience. Immediately after its organization, the officers commenced a regular series of regimental and officers' drills, by which it was brought to a good degree of discipline. On the 22d of July, the regiment was ordered to Washington. Leaving Pittsburg on the 23d, it proceeded to Harrisburg, where it was supplied with arms and equipments, and from thence proceeded to its destination, arriving at daylight of the 26th. Bivouacking a half mile east of the Capitol till evening, it marched to the Seventh street road, a distance of two miles, where it established its first camp. On the 28th the regiment was mustered into the United States service. Remaining in camp until the 5th of August, it was moved to Tenallytown, where was established the general camp of rendezvous for the Reserves, under the command of General M'Call. Here was established a regular routine of camp and picket duties, and details of parties to work on the fortifications in the vicinity. Major Snodgrass was assigned to superintend the construction of what was afterwards named Fort Gaines, and continued there until the work was ready to receive its armament. From the 9th to the 16th of September the regiment was on picket duty at Great Falls, several miles up the Potomac. Here the rebels were for the first time encountered, holding the opposite bank. As opportunity offered they sent their leaden compliments across, which were promptly acknowledged. This exchange of civilities continued daily. On the 21st of September, the Harper's Ferry smooth-bore muskets and the equipments received at Harrisburg, were exchanged for new Springfield rifled muskets and complete equipments, by the entire regiment, except company A, which was armed with Sharp's rifles, the private property of the men. On the same day it was reviewed by Gen 1861 BATTLE OF DRANESVILLE 785 eral M'Clellan, accompanied by his staff, General M'Call ana staff, Governor Curtin and suite, the Secretary of War, and others. On the 9th of October, the regiment broke camp at Tenallytown, and marching by the chain bridge, crossed into Virginia, and occupied a position near Langley, in line with the army of the Potomac, on its extreme right. Here the division went into winter quarters, and the discipline was made more stringent than before, as the enemy was supposed to be in the immediate front. In the organization of the corps which was here made, the Ninth was assigned to the Third Brigade, commanded by Colonel M'Calmont.* A school for regimental officers was established for the brigade, which was regularly attended, and which, with the schools in the different regiments for company officers, was of great service in the establishment of discipline and in preparation for successfil manceuvring in the presence of the enemy. On the evening of the 19th of November orders were received from Headquarters directing Major Snodgrass to proceed, with five companies of the Ninth Regiment, to make a reconnoissance of the enemy's lines in the neighborhood of Hunter's Mills, eight miles in front of our line. Information had that day been received that the rebels were engaged in advancing their lines, and as a review was to be held on the following day, it was deemed advisable to verify the rumor. Accordingly at ten o'clock that night, taking companies A, B, D, F and G, with a guide, and two mounted orderlies, the Major proceeded-to the locality indicated and made a thorough examination of their position. Finding them unchanged, he returned and reported the result, arriving soon after daylight. Scarcely had the detachment come within our lines, when a body of rebel cavalry was discovered on its trail, but too late to do any harm. On the 20th of December, General E. 0. C. Ord, who had succeeded Colonel M'Calmont in the command of the brigade, was ordered by General M'Call to proceed with his command to Dranesville, for the double purpose of securing forage, and of driving back the enemy's pickets. At two o'clock P. M., near Dranesville, a considerable body of the enemy was met, and as the Ninth Regiment was on the right of our column, it was soon briskly engaged. When first encountered his line was concealed from view by a thick wood, and considerable doubt existed whether the troops, which were now within sixty or seventy paces, were friends or foes. The men were impatient to fire and Colonel Jackson could with difficulty restrain them; an officer of the regiment had reported that they were the Bucktails, and the Colonel, that he might avoid the fatal error of killing our own men, was determined not to attack until he knew whom he was fighting. Theimpression that the Bucktails were in frent was strengthened by one of the enemy calling out dontfire on us." Oneof our men imprudently asked,:are you Bucktails? the answer was, "yes, we are the Bucktails, don't fire. t Nor did they fire until they received a full volley from the rebel line. The order was then given to open, and the action soon became spirited. After posting the artillery General Ord gave the word to advance, "Kane at the head of his regiment leading. His and Jackson's regiments required no'Organization of the Third Brigade, Colonel John S. M'Calmont, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, General George A. M'Call. Tenth (39th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John S. M'Calmont; Sixth (35th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel W. Wallace Ricketts; Ninth (38th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Conrad F. Jackson; Twelfth (41st) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John H. Taggart. t Colonel Jaslcson's Offcial Report.-Ex. Does., H. 1R., No. 59, p. 5. 99 786 THIRTY-EIGHTH ECEGIMENT-N-I TH RESERVE. 1862 urging.' The enemy was soon routed and the victory was complete. General M'Call, who came upon the field in the midst of the engagement, says, "Here was the Ninth Infantry, Colonel Jackson, who had gallantly met the enemy at close quarters, and nobly sustained the credit of the State. * * The number of killed found in front of the position occupied by the Ninth Infantry, Colonel Jackson, is, in my estimation, proof enough of the gallantry and discipline of that fine regiment." The loss was two enlisted men killed, and two officers and eighteen enlisted men wounded. General Ord mentioned in his official report as worthy of notice for gallant conduct Colonel Jackson, and Captains Dick and Galway, and recommended a list of seventy-one officers and privates "for reward for their gallant conduct." Upon the return of the regiment to camp it was ordered to erect permanent winter quarters. The ground was unfavorable, but by thorough draining and grading the quarters were made comfortable. The winter passed with the usual routine of duty and schools of discipline, and without any further collision with the enemy-beyond occasional picket rencounters. On the 15th of March the regiment broke camp and marched to Falls Church, where it met the entire division, and thence turned back towards Alexandria, the enemy for whom the army was in search having withdrawn from its position at Manassas. It finally halted at Bailey's Cross Roads. The camping ground here was unpleasant and the water bad. The Reserves were now attached to the corps commanded by General M'Dowell, under whom they remained until they were ordered to the Peninsula. After remaining sometime at Bailey's, the regiment moved to Manassas and occupied quarters vacated by the enemy. On the 18th of April, it moved to Catlett's Station, where it encamped, the whole division being again united. Remaining until the first of May it was ordered to move in the direction of Fredericksburg, and arrived at Falmouth on the 4th. While here Colonel Jackson was ordered to take charge of the parties detailed to rebuild the bridge which the enemy had fired and destroyed, when he withdrew. Preparations were made by M'Dowell's Corps for marching overland to join the army operating in front of Richmond, and the cavalry and a portion of the Reserves were already on the way; but the appearance of a heavy force of the rebel army in the Shenandoah Valley iunder Jackson, rendered this movement impracticable. A part of MIDowells Corps was retained for the protection of the Capital, and the Reserves were ordered to proceed to the Peninsula by water. In compliance with this order the Ninth broke camp on the 10th of June, and embarking on the steamer Georgia, proceeded to White House, whence by easy, marches it moved to Mechanicsville, arriving on the 19th. Here the division was assigned to the corps commanded by General Fitz John Porter. On the morning of the 20th, the regiment was ordered on picket duty, and was posted along the Chickahominy, within speaking distance of the rebel lines. For three days it remained in position without relief, and on the 23d was under arms until one o'clock P. M., when it was ordered to Mechanicsville. The noise of the enemy at work in a thick wood, concealed from view, excited apprehension. Accordingly companies C and G were ordered to cross the creek and ascertain the purpose of their activity. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which the enemy was driven back to his reserves. The two companies then retired and rejoined the regiment with a loss of one wounded. * General Ord's Offcial Report.-Ex. Does., H. R., No. 59, p. o. 1862 MECHANICSVILLE AND GAINES' MILL. 787 On the 26th of June, the Ninth took part in the battle of Mechanicsville, and was stationed, in the early part of the battle, in support of the Third Brigade, much exposed to the enemy's fire. Later in the day he commenced massing his forces on our left, when the Ninth was marched by the flank and took position to the right and partially in support of the Twelfth, where it maintained itself with unwavering ranks under a heavy and continuous fire. During the succeeding night, it was placed on guard in position stretching from our rifle-pits to the river, and on the following morning was left to cover the withdrawal of the division to Gaines' Mill. This difficult duty was successfully executed in broad day-light, in face of an enemy stung to madness by the bitter repulse of the previous day. "In fine," says General M'Call, in his official report of this battle,' our killed had been buried, our wounded had been sent off by seven o'clock A. M. on the 27th, and not a man, nor a gun, nor a musket was left upon the field. The regiments filed past as steadily as if marching from the parade ground." Porter's Corps was drawn up in battle line at Gaines' Mill, and the division, as it arrived, was posted in rear, as a reserve. By two o'clock P. M. the enemy had attacked along the whole line, and by four o'clock the entire second line and reserves had been brought into action, and were desperately engaged. The Ninth was ordered to the support of the Sixty-second Pennsylvania and the Ninth Massachusetts regiments. With difficulty it passed a swampy ravine on its way, raked by the fire of the rebel infantry; but it reached the designated position in good order, and the three regiments were commanded to charge the enemy, now glorying in his strength, and pressing forward with confidence. The charge was successfully made; but advancing too far in pursuit of the retreating column, they were in turn counter charged, attacked in flank, and were obliged to yield the ground so gallantly won. Re-forming, they again and again returned to the onset, but were unable again to move him from his position, though they held their ground, and at night retained their place in the front line. Retiring across the Chickahominy during the night, the Reserves two days later commenced the march across White Oak Swamp towards the James River. After crossing White Oak Creek, General M'Call was ordered to take position at the junction of the New Market, Charles City and Quaker roads, to repel any advance of the enemy from the direction of Richmond. The disposition was accordingly made, facing to the right fank, with Meade's Brigade on the right, Seymourts on the left, and Reynolds', now commanded by Colonel Siminons, in reserve. In front of the line of infantry, Randall's Battery was stationeid on the right, Cooper's and Kern's opposite the centre, and two German batteries, Deitrich's and Kennerheim's, on the left. The Ninth Regiment was posted in support of Cooper's Battery. At half past two P. M. the pickets were attacked, and at three the battle opened in earnest. The left flank being exposed, the enemy sought, by attacking in heavy force, to turn it. To avert the threatened disaster, the Fifth and Eighth, under command of Colonel Simmons, were sent to support it, and by obliqueing to the left, to meet his advance. But the gTeat superiority of his numbers enabled him to mass his tioops on all points of our line, and while the attempt upon the left was in progress, attacks were simultaneously made upon the centre and right. Cooper's Battery was repeatedly charged, and at each time by fresh troops; but they were as often swept back by the deliberate fire of the artillery and the steady fire of the Ninth 788 THIRTY-EIGIHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE. 1862 During a short interval when this regiment was withdrawn to support a regular battery on the left, Kern's Battery having fired its last charge, and failing to receive a supply, was forced to withdraw. The enemy seeing this became emboldened, and made a determined charge upon Cooper's Battery, capturing it. At this juncture the Ninth returned to its place, and finding the guns lost, charged upon and re-captured them. In this charge William J. Gallagher, of company F, captured the standard of the Tenth Alabama, killing the rebel color bearer.* Earlier in the battle, when the enemy had advanced within a few feet of Cooper's guns, the Ninth charged and drove him back at the point of the bayonet to his second lire, where the fight became terrible, and one of his standard bearers fell badly wounded. On seeing it, William Tawney, of company I, rushed forward and caught up the flag, carrying it back into our lines. As the command fell back over the ground which had been held by the Seventh Regiment, and on which its flag had been dropped, seeing it, this-same William Tawney rushed forward through a storm of bullets and caught it up, carrying both flags off the field. The most desperate fighting the Ninth had yet experienced was on this hotly contested field, and though the Third Brigade was terribly shattered, the division held its ground against vastly superior numbers, successfully protected the road on which the immense trains were moving, saved the two wings of the army from being separated and destroyed in detail, and withdrew from.the field in good order and in its own good time.t Falling back to Malvern Hill, it was assigned a place in reserve and was under fire of the enemy's artillery, but not actively engaged. During the following night it moved with the entire army to Harrison's Landing, where supplies awaited its arrival, and where it enjoyed a few days of much needed rest. Here the army occupied an intrenched camp, secure from attack, and the line of supply was well assured. The enemy subsequently moved some light bat* EXTRACT FROM THE TESTIMONY OF GENERAL M'CALL, BEFORE TAE COMMITTEE ON TUE CONDUCT OF THE WAB.-Just before sunset, about seven o'clock P. M., at least two hours after Hooker reported my whole division completely routed, Cooper's Battery, in front of the centre, was, after several charges had been repulsed, finally taken by the enemy, but only to be re-taken by the Ninth Regiment in a most glorious charge, wherein the standard of the Tenth Alabama was captured by private Wm. J. Gallagher, of company F, who killed the rebel color bearer and seized the standard, which he presented to me on the ground,-Conduct of the War, part 1, page 588. t TESTIMONY OF GENERAL M'CALL. — * * I have no desire to treat lightly the reverses on both flanks of my division in this-hard fought field; they were the almost inevitable results of greatly superior numbers impelled on those points with great impetuosity. But the Reserves, AS A DIVISION, although terribly shattered, were never defeated, but maintained their ground, with these exceptions, for three hours against thrice their numbersin, I believe, the hardest fought and bloodiest battle in which they have ever been engaged and in this opinion I am sustained by most of those, if not all, with whom I have conversed. Had my division been routed, the march of the Federal army would certainly have been seriously interrupted by Lee forcing his masses into the interval. The battle being, in fact, over when I was taken prisoner, I was conducted at once to Lee's headquarters. Here Longstreet told me they had seventy thousand men bearing on that point, all of whom would probably arrive during the night. And had Lee succeeded in forcing M'Clellan's line of march, they would have been thrust in between the right and left of the Federal army. Under this very probable contingency, had I not held my position, the situation of the divisions on the north of the New Market Road would have been critical indeed. But Lee was checked; and the rear divisions, together with the Reserves and others, moved on during the night, and joined M'Clellan at Malvern Hill before daylight. What share my division had in effecting this hapoy result, let the country judge. —Conduct of the War, part 1, page 588. 1861 BATTLE OF BULL RUN. 789 teries to the right bank of the James, and succeeded in throwing a few shells into it, but were soon driven away, and a picket line established so as to completely shield it from future attempts. The Ninth, together with the Tenth and Twelfth regiments, were engaged in this duty. As the troops advanced, the enemy, together with the inhabitants, for a radius of three miles around, withdrew, leaving the district clear. Details were established to guard the new line, and the Ninth remained engaged in this duty until the 16th of August. In the meantime the Army of the Potomac had withdrawn from the Peninsula, and was proceeding to join the Army of Northern Virginia, under General Pope. The Reserves were the last to leave, and embarking upon transports moved up the Potomac to Acquia Creek, and debarking, thence marched to Falmouth Heights. Resuming the march after a brief halt, they moved via Kelly's Ford, through Rappahannock Station, Warrenton, New Baltimore and Hay Market, to meet the right wing of the rebel army under Jackson, in the vicinity of Manassas Junction. This forced march of five days without adequate supplies of provisions, with the enemy hanging on flank and rear, proved one of the most exhausting which it was ever their lot to endure. On the 29th of August, the division arrived in the neighborhood of Groveton, and on the afternoon of that day a rebel battery was discovered posted on its left, six hundred yards away. The Ninth and Tenth regiments were ordered to reconnoitre the ground and ascertain the enemy's strength and actual position. When within one hundred yards of his lines it was found that his guns were supported by a large force of infantry, which opened a murderous fire upon them, and from which they withdrew under cover of our guns. A stronger force was then sent forward, when he hastily abandoned the ground. On the 30th, the regiment was on the extreme left flank of the division and of the union line. Very soon after the battle commenced the enemy outflanked us on the left, and gave the Ninth an enfilading fire which inflicted most grievous injury; but notwithstanding this, it was the last to leave the line, and the withdrawal was executed in good order. It re-formed under cover of Cooper's Battery, where the Third Brigade was posted for its support. Orders were soon received to fall back to a point five hundred yards to the rear, and re-form, but were scarcely executed when the line in front gave way, and it was ordered to retire across Bull Run. Here the regiment reformed under command of Colonel Sickel, the senior officer of -the division then on the field, under whose orders it marched to Centreville, arriving at ten o'clock P. M. The battle was disastrous to our arms, and particularly so to this regiment, losing heavily on account of its exposed position. Not the lack of valor on the part of the brave men here engaged, but a want of harmonious composition and movement of the army, made the result of the great slaughter and the hard fighting, vain. Previous to entering upon this campaign Colonel Jackson had been promoted to be a Brigadier General, and had been assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, the command of the regiment devolving upon Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, who was subsequently commissioned Colonel, to date from 15th of July, 1862. During the battle Colonel Hardin, who was commanding the brigade, in the absence of Colonel Jackson, was wounded and carried from the field, when Colonel Kirk, of the Tenth, assumed command, who was also wounded, and Colonel Anderson succeeded him, and Major Snodgrass succeeded t tthe command of the regiment. 790 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE. 1862 On the evening of the 31st, the Third Brigade was ordered on picket, on the Cub Run Road, leading to Centreville. Marching a mile out, it was posted by regiments at short intervals, with sentinels advanced, who were enjoined to observe strict silence, as the enemy still occupied a threatening attitude. At one o'clock A. M. it was re-called, and marched to the neighborhood of Chantilly, where it halted until daylight, and was moved about during the day, without coming to an engagement, until five o'clock P. M., when the division was hastily formed in solid columns of regiments by brigades, and the battle raged furiously until dark. The regiment bivouacked on the field where it fought, and on the following morning retired to Arlington Heights. A little more than four months before, the Ninth had left this neighborhood a strong regiment, full of vigor and buoyant with hope; it was now again upon the same ground, reduced by killed, wounded and sick to near one half its former numbers, and the survivors worn and exhausted with almost constant marching and fighting; but it was here met with supplies and clothing, of which it was in great need, and after a little rest was again fresh in spirit and ready for the contest with its old foe. It was allowed but two days for rest, and on the evening of the 3d of September was again ordered under arms, and that night marched through Washington into Maryland. It proceeded to Monocacy Creek and remained until the morning of the 14th, when the division broke camp and moved in the direction of Turner's Gap, in the South Mountain, where the enemy was strongly posted, to dispute the passage. Reno had already attacked on the left before the Reserves arrived. Meade, who was now in command, was ordered to move by a by-road to the right and attack, and if possible, turn his left flank. After ascertaining the position of the enemy, and that he was occupying the fastnesses of the mountain with infantry and artillery, the proper dispositions were made, and the division advanced to the attack, the Third Brigade being led by Colonel Gallagher of the Eleventh. The ground was steep and rugged, and the enemy disputed every inch with great obstinacy; but the column swept the steep acclivity and triumphantly carried the summit, resting at night, masters of the field. In the heat of the contest, Colonel Gallagher was wounded, and the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Anderson, and that of the regiment upon Captain Samuel B. Dick, of company F, Major Snodgrass being at the time sick in hospital at Washington. In this engagement ten men were killed, and one officer and thirty-six men wounded. The battle of Antietam opened on the evening of the 16th, in which the Niinth participated, still under the command of Captain Dick. Resting on the field, in close proximity to the enemy's line, the battle was renewed at day light on the following morning. During the early part of the day, and until the ammunition was exhausted, the Ninth was hotly engaged. As the enemy was being driven back in one of the gallant charges of that day, Samuel Johnson, of company G, captured two flags belonging to the Texan Rangers and carried them off the field. He was commissioned a Lieutenant in the regular army and was presented with a medal by the Secretary of War for his gallantry. The loss was sixteen killed and sixty-eight wounded.* * A most singular fatality fell upon the color bearers of this regiment. Sergeant Henry W. Blanchard, who had carried the regimental colors through all the storms of battle in which the regiment'fought, was a most remarkable man. He had the most complete control of his feelings; in the fiercest hours of battle, was always perfectly calm, never shouted, cheered or 1862 ANTIETAM AND FREDERTRCK.SBURG. 791 After the battle of Antietam, the regiment moved with the atmy by easy stages to the neighborhood of Warrenton, where M'Clellan was relieved and Burnside ordered to its command. Masking his intentions by a demonstration in the direction of Gordonsville, he moved towards Fredericksburg, and comnmenced preparations for crossing the river and offering battle. The Reserves mnder General Meade were attached to the First Corps, commanded by General Reynolds. The left wing of the Union army, comprising nearly half of its entire strength, embraced the grand division of General Franklin, to which the Reserves belonged, and a part of the grand division of General Hooker. On the 12thlof December, the left wing crossed the river on pontoons and assumed postion in front of the rebel works. The Reserves were selected for the attacking column. The Third Brigade, under General Jackson, held the rlihof the line, the First the left, and the Second was posted in reserve.'iae Ninth regiment occupied a position on the left flank of the division, and was thrown forward on the skirmish line. As it advanced near the foot of the hill to the left of the railroad, the firing became very severe, and in compliance with orders it was marching directly by the line, when it was ascertained that its supports had obliqued to the right and were out of supporting distance. The regiment then took shelter behind an old fence and ditch, which answered the purpose of rifle-pits. Here the men did excellent service picking off the rebel sharp-shooters and the gunners from a battery commanding the left flank of the division. This battery had been inflicting terrible slaughter upon our forces, but it was completely silenced by the sure marksmen of the Ninth. This position was held until it was ascertained that the remainder of the division had fallen back to the batteries, when the order was given to retire. But as soon as the breast work was abandoned, and the men were out from cover, a terrific fire from the enemy's infantry, and from his battery, which had been held in -check, was opened upon them. In the meantime a detachment of his infantry had been moving around to the left under cover of the woods, and had gained a position within a short distance of its left flank, ready to dash out and capture it. But the withdrawal was timely and successfully made. The loss was nine killed, twenty-seven- wounded, and sixteen taken prisoners. General C. F. Jackson, commander of the brigade, who had led the regiment in its first campaign, and to whom it was indebted for its efficient organization and training, was mortally wounded while in the act of ordering his men to the charge, and about to lead the way. Shortly after Burnside's second attempt to cross the Rappahannock and give-battle to the enemy, which was arrested by the sudden breaking up of the roads, the Reserves were sent to the Department at Washington to reorganize and recruit their shattered ranks. They were assigned to duty on the Orange became enthusiastic, but steadily bore up his flag. At the battle of New Market Cross Roads, when every color bearer in the division was either killed or wounded, Sergeant Blanchard received a wound in the arm, he retired a few minutes to have his wound bandaged and then returned to his place. At Antietam he was so severely wounded that the flag fell from his hands, and he was unable to raise it; Walter Beatty, a private, seized the banner to bear it aloft, and almost immediately fell dead, pierced by rebel bullets; another private, Robert Lemmon, took the flag from the hands of his fallen comrade, a companion calling out to him, "don't touch it, Bob, or they'll kill you," the brave boy, however, bore up the banner, and in less than a minute lay dead on the ground; the colors were then taken by Edward Doran, a little Irishmlan, who lying upon his back, held up the flag till the end of the battle, and for his gallantry was made a non-commissioned officer on the field. —History of the e aservepCops, Sypher, p. 391. 792 THIRTY-EIGITH REG.TENT —- NINTH RESEIRVE. 1863 and Alexandria railroad, and in the defences of Washington, and recruiting officers were sent to Pennsylvania' for men. Consequently the regiment was not engaged in the battle of Chancellorsville. When it was ascertained that the enemy had again crossed the Potomac, in lune, 1863, and was threatening Pennsylvania, application was made both by General Reynolds, who commanded the First Corps, and by General Meade, who commanded the Fifth Corps, to have the Reserves attached to their commands. Application was also made by the officers of the division, and great impatience was manifested by the men to be sent to the field. Accordingly the First and Third Brigades, under command of Colonels M'Candless and Fisher, were ordered to join the Fifth Corps as it marched past Washington on its way to Gettysburg. General S. W. Crawford was assigned to the command of the division.. Upon the remov-l of- General Hooker, and the succession of General Meade to the command of the army, General Sykes was assigned to the command of the Fifth Corps. On the 2d of July, Sykes having arrived upon the field, was by Meade's disposition, placed in reserve in rear and to the right of Round Top, in support of Sickels, of the Third Corps. When the latter, in his advanced position, was worsted and driven back, and the enemy was about to clutch Little Round Top, which was of great strategic importance, Sykes was ordered forward to stem the torrent of the victorious foe. Having taken a part of his brigade to the summit to the support of Rice's Brigade, Colonel Fisher hastened back and sent the Ninth Regiment, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Snodgrass, to clear the ground and hold the line between Bound Top and Little Bound Top, of which the enemy had struggled hard to gain possession, and from which he was only driven by the most obstinate and determined fighting. Having gained the position designated, the line was fortified with the loose fragments of granite which lie scattered in profusion on the rugged sides of the mountain, and was made secure. against attack. This part of the line immediately fronted the "Devil's Den," in which the enemy's sharp-shooters took refuge, and from which they could not be dislodged. The loss in this battle was six wounded. The regiment joined with the army in the pursuit of Lee, as he withdrew towards Williamsport, which resulted in driving him beyond the Potomac without further contest. Receiving fresh supplies of clothing, and after resting for a few days, it again entered Virginia and took part in the manoeuvres of General Meade to again bring the rebel chieftain to battle, which finally culminated in the expedition to Mine Run, where the former wisely declined to fight, after facing and thoroughly reconnoitering his antagonist's position. During the remainder of the winter the Reserves rested in comfortable quarters, recruiting their depleted ranks and preparing for the spring campaign. On the very day that the campaign was inaugurated, and while standing in the front line in the Wilderness ready for battle, orders were unexpectedly received for the regiment to return to Washington. The term of service had expired, the first of the Reserve regiments, and quitting the field on the 4th of May, it proceeded to Harrisburg, and thence to Pittsburg, where it arrived on the 8th, and on the 13th was mustered out of service. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 793 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. INTO SERVICE. RB Conrad F. Jackson Col...... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Brig. Gen., July 15, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Robert Anderson... Lt. Col. May 3,'61, 3 Commissioned Colonel, July 15, 1862-not mustered-discharged February 10, 1863. J. M'K. Snodgrass.....do.... May 4, 61, 3 Pr. from Major, April 1,'63-res. Mar. 29, 1864. Charles Barnes...... Major.. May 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Captain Co. E to Major, April 1, 1863mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. F. B. Swearengen... Adj..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain and A. A. G. on General Meade's Staff, August 8, 1862. Robert Taggart.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company C, March 1, 1863. James S. Read...........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Co. G, Dec. 1,'62mustered out with.regiment, May 12, 1864. Jno. F. Kirkpatrick Q. M... April 22,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, January 20, 1862. Robt. M. Snodgrass...do..... July 22,'61, 3 Pr. from Hospital Stew. to Q. M., Jan. 20, 1862mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. Joseph A. Phillips.. Surg.... July 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864-brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865. Henry F. Martin.... As.Sur. July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Surgeon 123d regiment P. V., Sept. 6, 1862. Albert M. Sigmund...do..... July 15,'62, 3 Pr. to Asst. Surgeon U. S. Vols., Nov. 20, 1863. Fred. 0. Alleman......do.....Aug. 30,'62, 3 Dismissed January 23, 1863. Francis Le Moyne.....do..... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Promoted to Surgeon 161st regiment P. V., (16th Cavalry,) January 16, 1864. Benj. F. Akley.........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864.. James B. Pyatt..... Chap'n July 1,'61, 3 Resigned July 21, 1862. Jas. W. M'Farland...do..... Aug. 10, 62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, October 6, 1862. Jas. W. Ballentine.. Sr.Maj. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. K, Oct. 15, 1861. Robert Taggart.........do.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant Co. K, Aug. 1, 1862. A. P. Morrison.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal Co. A, July 5, 1862mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. Wm. G. Sergeant...Q.M.Sr. April22,'61, 3 Pr. from Drum Major-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,1862. E. P. Darlington.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to cdmpany A, September 30, 1861. Geo. F. Robinson...... do.... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, March 1, 1862. John P. Hamilton.....do.... May 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Private Co. A to Q. M. Sgt., Apr. 2,'62mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. John Chess......... Con. Sr May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, October 15, 1861. James W. M'Lees....do..... May 3,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Co. D to Corn. Sgt., Oct. 13, 1861mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. Robt. M. Snodgrass Hos. St. July 22,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut. and Q. M., Jan. 20, 1862. Michael F. Jones.......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Pr. from Priv. Co. A to Hos. Stew., Oct. 1,'62mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. A. C. Gilmore........P'1 Muc April 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, May 12, 1864. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. L. W. Smith......... Cpt.... May 1,'61, 3 Resigned June 16, 1862-commissioned Colonel 169th regiment, P. V., November 28, 1862. Chas. W. Owston......do.....Ma 1,'61 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, October 20, 1861-to 2d ~ -Lieutenant, April 7, 1862-to Captain, August 1,'62-mustered out with company, May 11,'64. E. R. Darlington....s 1st Lt.. May 1,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., October 20, 1861. James P. Beattie.......do. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., October 28, 1861killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent.. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Cor. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. It. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. B- brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 100 * 794 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTEB f REMRKS. INTO SERVICE. Reuben M. Long..... Ist Lt... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862 — killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Isaac M. Sowers.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Apr. 3,'63-lnus. out with Co., May 11,'64. Hartley Howard..... 2d Lt... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted fiom 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct. 20, 1861to Captain company I, March 3, 1862. C. F. Hinman........... do.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 1,'63mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Arthur Stewart...... 1st Sgt. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., July 27,'61-to Sgt., Sept. 9, 1862-to 1st Sgt., February 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Samuel A. Miller... Serg't.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 8, 1862-to Sgt., Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11,'64. Myrt K. Salsbury......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 8, 1862-to Sgt., Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11,'64. Jerry Copeland........do..... June 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 8, 1862-to Sgt., Feb. 25, 1863-rmustered out with company, May 11,'64. David Lloyd............do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 8, 1862-to Sgt.,. Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, r64. Wm. A. Robinson.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. Co. E, 77th reg. P. V., Nov. 30,'61. A. M'Kinney Craig...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13,1862. E. P. Darlington....... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Died ofwds. rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62. John J. Sample.......do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,'63. Wm. S. M'Elroy.... Corp.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 15, 1862-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Alex. A. Murdock.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 15, 1862-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Wm. T. N. Wallace...do.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 15, 1862-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Henry Whightman...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 15, 1862-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Joseph Croft.............do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Smith Reissinger.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Henry W. Strickler...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 25, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Benjamin B. Kerr....do..... M1ay 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. B, 155th reg. P. V., Aug. 4,'62. Levi B. Duff...... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. D, 105th reg. P. V., Feb. 8, 18624 James Collard..........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Col. 155th reg. P. V., Sept. 2,'62. Ed. D. Dithridge.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Department, Aug. 22, 1862, to accept commission. George J. Hazlett......do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Department, Oct. 16, 1862, to accept commission. A. P. Morrison...........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 5, 1862. J. M'D. Smith... do.....May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. John S. Copsley.........do..... May 1,'61 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. George W. Varner......do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1862. Allen, William....... Private May'61, 3 Killed'at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Bradshaw, Jos. F....do;... June 26, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Bailey, William K.....do..... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Beal, George R.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7,'63. Beech, Peter H..........do.... May 1,'61; 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June26,'62. Black, Samuel B.....do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Beckett, John...........do.... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Disliar:ed on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26,'62. Baker, H. N.............do.... May 1,'61, 3 Diachar-ed on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Bell, Thomas............do.... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 22,'63. Becker, Jacob D........do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 18,'62. Bussing, Thos. D.....do.... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Crisswell, Wm. I.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 186A. Corbus, Daniel......do..... June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Campbell, Thomas.....do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Chess, Good. Y.C.. do.... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Coffey, Thomas P......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Dec. 31,'61. Creieghton, Geo. H.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9,'63. Coursin, Fred'k R...do.... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Chalfant, James T......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'62. Cunningham, J. E.....do..... May 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'61. Croft, William M.....do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Cockerill, Chas. C......do..... Aug. 8,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Chamberlain, H. H...do..... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Darlington, Benj........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on'Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'62. pale, JichardC.........d.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14,1862. DeanGeorgeo W....do.. Aug. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Drane, Dav...do....' Aug. 28.'62, 3 Tr. to cqpany K, 19hreg. P. V., May 3, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 7951 INTO SERVICE. |.ANK. DAT IO. M Daniels, John......... Private May 1,'61, 3 Died September 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Ferree, William K.. do. May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Freathy, Edward A...do..... May 1, 61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. Fregoogel, John J.....do.... June 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. Forrest, William E...do..... June 26,'61, 3 Died September 19, 1862, of wounds received at 3 South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Fleeson, Reese.....do....July 11,'63, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. G13as, William A...do.... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Sept. 18,'63. Gillespie, Asa F.......do..... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'63. Henry, Thomas.........do.... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'61. Hines, Patrick...........do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Hamilton, John P......do... May 1, 61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt., April 2, 1862. Hosses, Edward J.....do... Aug. 6, 62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Irwin, Finley D.....do.... May 15, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11 1864. Irvin,' Charles H.........do... July 11, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, eb. 20,'63. Jones, Michael F.....do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Oct. 1, 1862. Johnston, Charles.....do.... May 27'63,3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Knox, J. Wallace.... do...May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Kirby, William B......do..June 26, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. King, George W........do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27, 1863. Kolbecker, F. J..... do...Aug 28, 61 3 Tr..to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Lee, William C.........do... June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with copany, May 11, 1864. Larimer, James M....do.... June 26, 61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Lenfestey, Thos. M.....do.....July 16, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Little, John E...........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1862. Lauth, J. N...............do..... July 16,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Linn, Thomas- B.......do..... June 26, 61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., March 20, 1862. Loback, Andrew....do... May 1, 61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Mann, George W.. do..... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'62. M'Cune, James H....do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. M'Donald, James C...do..... June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Milton, Henry.......do... July 9,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'64. M'Knight, Wm. M...do..... Jan. 1, 62 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'63. M'Knight, David A...do..... July 15,'62,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. Morrow. Douglas......do..... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. M'Cammon, H. A...........do July 15,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Morrison, John.........do.....May 1, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. M'Clurg, William......do.....Au. 28 61 3 Died Oct. 12, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. M'Elary, James.......do..... June 26,'61, 3 Died Oct. 12, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Morrison, Samuel....do.... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Ross, John A............do.... Aug. 28,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9, 63. Reed, George W...do.....do June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 11,'63. Robinson, Geo. F...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6, 1862. Rhoads, Thomas C.....do.... June 26,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, July 21,62. Riddle, John S..... do. Nov. 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6,'63. Rodgers, James M.....do.... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Ralston, John.........do May 1,61 3 Deserted January 1, 1863. Reed, James............... do..... May 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Rodgers, George W....do. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Spalding, John E. d.. May 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Stenemagel, Jacob.....do..... June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Scott, Hugh F............do June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Seclor, Fred. P..........do... July 1,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'63. Smith, Hugh K.........do... Aug. 28,'6,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Scanderett Wm. A...do. Aug. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate, Dec. 14,'62. Smith, William W....do. Aug. 26,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,1863. Scott, Charles...........do Feb. 20,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Smith, Alex. B.........do July 22,'61, 3 Died January 14, 1862, of wounds received at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Stoner, lavius J......do.. July 11,'63, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Torrence, Eliakim...d... June 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Thompson, T. D.......do.....June 26, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Townsend, Chas. C.....do. Aug. 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, 1862. Taylor, Edward A......doSept. 13, 62,3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Taggart, Moses R......do.....May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1864. Tomer, Lewis.........do May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. White, Albert J.........do Aug. 28,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, 1861. Whitman, Robert......do... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. White, William P......do Sept. 3, 62, 3Tr. to company K, 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Westlake, John C......do... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Zitzman, George............do May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company,'May 11, 1864. ~~~~~_.__,...........__-.........................., 796 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE, COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. NAXML1L RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RIMR INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. F. Hardtmeyer...... Capt.... May 1,'61, 3 Resigned December 24, 1861. Emil Von Sothen...d........ May- 1,'61, 3 Dismissed July 15, 1862. Henry Fuhren...........d..o May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, December 24,'61to Capt., Aug. 1,'62-to brevet Major, March 13, 1865 —mustered out with company May 12,'64. John Longbein....... st t... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt. Dec. 24,'61-to 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862-killed at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62. Charles Becker........o..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st,\i ~eh d:Lt., Apr. 2,'63 —mus. out with Co., May 12,'64, Lewis Brecht......... 2d Lt.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, April 2, 1863-detailed to command company F, Feb. 15,'64-mus. out with company, May 12, 1864. August Hareman... 1st Sgt. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Cor.,to Sgt., Dec. 20,'62-to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1863-mus. out with Co., May 12, 1864. E. Von Schendel.... Serg't.. May 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Charles Ulrich...........do..... May 1,'61, 3' Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7,'62. John Engel..............do.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 27, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Elias Becker...........do... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, December 22, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Philip Pastre.............do.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1863-to Sgt., April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12,'64. Florian Epple.........do.....May 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Alfred Kridel........ Corp.... May 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 28, 1862. Frederick Fuchse.......do May 1,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 14, 1862. Charles Langsfeld......do... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Frederick Trost.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Gottleib Brinkman...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Edward Fisher.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John Gernet........... Muc....July 20,'61) 3 Dischargedon Surgeon'scertificate,Aug. 8,'62. Christ. Helmlinger...do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'62. John Jacob..............do... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1864. Appel, John M....... Private May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Adler, George...........do....July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. Bandi, John..........do..May 1,'61, 3 Wounded atkBull Run, August 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 16, 1863. Boeing, Richard.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1862. Brockschmidt, A......do..... June 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9,'63. Behringer, George.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Breitlauch, Christ......do..May 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bauman, Ernest.......do..... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. Brudi, Christian.......do May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Batruel, Fideli..........do... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Bleidt, Peter..............do.....May 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1863. Danner, Matthias.......d.....o May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Dietz, Charles............do..May 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Elsesser, Jacob.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Elffering, Daniel........do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64. Eiffier, George........do..... Dec. 25,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64. Fischer, Adam..........do..... June 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Fischer, John............. May 1,'61, 3 Wounded in action, June 27,'2-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 19, 1862. Frasch, George..........do... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Foeller, Jacob...........do... July 18,'61, 3 Deserted May 29, 1863. Gardner, Michael.......do.... Sept. 26,'62, 3 Died at Brooks' Station, Va., Dec. 3, 1862. Geck, John...............do....June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Gesecus, C................do.... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted October 8, 1861. Hartman, Francis.....do. May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hoell, Andrew..........do.. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hoerr, John..........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 797 DATE OF MUSTER I INTO SERVI C E. REMARKS. Hassler, Christian.. Private Sept..9,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Apr. 1,'64-grave,l,710. Kleinmeyer, John.....do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kuinz, Jacob...........do May 1,'61, Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kiesel, David..........do.....May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Kauffley, Martin......do.. May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 23, 1864. Kimple, Christian..do.... Dec. 25,'63, 3 Transferred o 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Kohlman, Nicholas...d.. Dec. 25,'63, 3 Transferred'o 190th reg. P. V., May l, 1864. Kohl, William..........do..... IMar. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Roll, Andrew............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Charles *City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Krois, Christian........do... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 10, 1862. Little, John............. do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Lerch, John...........do.. Feb. 3,'62, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., Oct. 22, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Lins Peter...............do... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15, 1862.'Macnalewsky, F........do...May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Miller, Edward.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 17,'63. Manser, Adolph.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Drowned at Fortress Monroe, August 14, 1862. Marschall, Lewis......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Killed by accident at Washington, D. C. —date unknown. Morganstein, H........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Muder, August.........do.... Mar. 5,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Naw, Jacob..............do..May 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13, 1862. Ommerle, William...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Peoples, Henry........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Roab, George........... do.... July 12,'61, 3Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17, 1862. Rigger, August.........do..... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. iReinehr, Andrew......do..... Dec. 25, 63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64. -Riemenschneider,C....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Roettcher, Charles..d...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15,1863. Sand, Henry............do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Sanner, William........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. chawer, Francis.....do... May 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Schoal, Frederick......do..... May 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Schmidt, Philip.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Schreiner, Lewis...... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Schmidt, John.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, December 20,'61-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'62. Sende, VonAndrew...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus, July 24, 1863. Siebald, Paul............do.... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,.~~*~~~~~~~ 1862-disch. on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Solomon, Frederick...do.... Dec. 25,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Schofer, Conrad........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bull Run, August 30,1862reported killed. Schumacher, A.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Trost, Peter...............do... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Winzer, Joseph.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Weiss, Peter............do... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Walbruch, Henry......do.....May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiriate, Dec. 3, 1862. Weitershausen, CR...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's cert. Sept. 28, 1862. Wessel, Adolph.........do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'63. Werner, George.........do.... Dec. 25,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Workman, John P...do... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Wolf, John........... do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 16, 1863. Weber, John.............do.. Dec. 25,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Zahringer, Eng'bt..l...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-disch. Nov. 18,'62. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. James T. Shannon. Capt.... May 1,'61, 3 Died September 12, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Robert Taggart-........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, October 21, 1861to 1st Lt. Co. K, Aug. 1, 1862-to Capt., Mar. 1, 1863-to By. Maj., Mar. 13,1865-mus. out with company, May 11, 1864. 798 THIITY-BIOGHTH iREGIME1NT —NINTH R1ESERVE, AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE.REMARKS. George Pierce........ IstLt... May 1,'61, 3 Resigned October 13, 1862. Levi B. Richard... do..do..... May, 61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., April 1, 1863mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. J. F. Kirkpatrick... 2d Lt...'April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-resigned November 25, 1862. Henry Lehmer..........do:.... May:,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, April'.....''1,'63-mustered out with company, May 11,'64. Wm. L. Pettitt.......lst Sgt.. May 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. Co. K, 139th P. V., Aug. 21, 1862. - Henry S. Stotler.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, April 1,'63-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. John S. Hunter...... Serg't.. May 1,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 9,'63, for wds. received in action. Robert Mahaffey........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. John S. Snively..... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 1,'63'mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. William G. Fry.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Galbraith Mahaffey...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 1,'63 —mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Samuel England....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Aprill,'63 —mustered oat with company, May 11, 1864. Thomas C. Hunter.. Corp.... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 24,'63, for wds. received in action. Joseph G. Beale........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 12,'62, for wds. received in action. Samuel Sloan............do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch, Jan. 14,'63, for wds. received in action. Jos. L. M'Quaide......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Wm. J. Mahaffey......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Joseph Snively.......... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Emanuel S. Alter......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out- with company, May 11, 1864. Thomas Gardner.......do. May 1,'61,.3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Robert Enwer............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1,'63 —mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Adam S. Bright...d.....do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1,'63-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Peter Walker...........do.....,May 1,'61, 3 Promotedto Corporal, April 1,'63-musteredout with company, May 11, 1864. LabannaF. Portser...do..... July 20,'61, 3Promotedto Corporal, April20,'64-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Hugh Kirkwood.... Muc.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Israel S. Portser........do.....July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Adam, Elias........... Private July 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Anderson,J. C..........d..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'61. Agnew, E. St. J.......do.... Aug 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Boreland, Samuel......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Brady, Philip.............do... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Beggs, Lewis............ do..... May 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1863. Barrett, John...........do..... May 1'61, 3 -Discharged for wounds, August 1, 1863. Marker, George..........do.... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 30,'63. Brown, M'G. Geo..... do.....July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 30,'63. Cooper, William H..do..... May,1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Coover, Jacob F.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Cook, Henry D........do...:. May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Crawford, Robt.hB.....do..... May 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Conner, Thomas....G...do. July 20,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Chambers, F. S.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'63. Cook, Charles W........do.....,May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. Cox, JohnS............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 13, 1863. Carson, D...............do..... July -1, 61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Degarmo, Alvin M.....do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Dougherty, Archy..'do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'62. Dunn, Jamison C......do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64..Dunn, Thomas C......do..... Dec. 15, 63, 3 Tr'64. Dougherty, R. J.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 10, 1862. Dunn, Joseph C.........do..... June 13,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, Jan. 24, 1863. Evans, Abram A.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Ernest, William.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, May 20, 1862.. Fogle Henry. do.... July 20, 61, 3 Mustered cut with company, May 11, 1864. Faux, James............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 21,'63. Fraiser, Hugh..........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Hart, William B........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Holland, Enoch, P.....do... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Haighley, Alex........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'62. Henry, Moses B.....do.... May 1 61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va, Oct. 21,1862, of woundo received at Bull Run, Aug.30,'62-grave, 363 Jones, John S..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Johnston, William..i....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 16, 163. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 799 iNAME RANK.DATE OF MUSTER R KS'INTO SERVICE. Karnes, F. D., Jr.... Private June 1,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 9, 1862. Karnes, S. D., Jr...... do.. July 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt. Co. I, 123d reg. P. V., Aug. 23,'62. Lucas, Cassius..........do... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. ehmer, Wmn. H.......,.do.. May 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, November 13, 1862. Layton, Abram...do....July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'62. Lemmon, And. M'.."..:do.... Feb. 19,'62 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3, 1864. ogan, F. J.............. do..... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Quaide, John D...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. M'Kee, John R.....d........ May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 1, 1864. Moore, Samuel....d..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. M,'Laughlin, John....do... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. M'Clintock, James.....d..... July 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'62. M'Laughlin, Owen...do.July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. M'Quaide, Thos. G.....do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, June 24, 1862. Morgan, Wm. H..........May 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, October 24, 1862. M'Clain, Elijah S......do...May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, Dec. 17, 1863. M'Elfresh, John......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 13,'63. M'Clure, Alfred.........do...May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. MI'Gee, James....do...... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Maux, Charles...........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. rr, Samuel............do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. Ryan, Jonathan........do.. July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Robinson, R. M.........do May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Rutter, Henry...........do July 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 8, 1863. Reed, George H.........do May 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, November 6, 1862. Rodgers, John S.....do.do.... Aug. 22, 62, 3 Transferred to 190th regP.P. V May 3, 1864. Spence, Thomas........do July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Shields, William....... do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Stewart, Samuel............. July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Bnith, C. H............ do..May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16,'63. Sloan, James W........do..May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'63. Scott, Alexander......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Smith, Thomas.........do..May 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Swartzlander, A.......do.....July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17,'62. Thompson, W. E...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6,'61. hompson, J. K........do...May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Verner, Jeremiah......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Deserted March 22, 1863. Walker, William...... do. May 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9,'62. Wallace, S. H............do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'63. Wilkinson, Peter......do....May 1,761, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9, 1863. Williams, Peter.........do. July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Weills, Grafton...........do...May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 44th regiment P. V., Oct. 1, 1861. Weber, Augustus......do.. July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 26,'63. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT TPITTSBURG. Robert Galway....... Capt....May 3,'61, 3 Wd. at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61-res. June 16,'62.'John K. Barbour.......d.... -May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-pr. fr. 2d Lt. to Capt., July 5,'62-disch. Mar. 9,'63. James B. Ludwick...do May 3,'61, 3 Tr. to Sig. Corps, Aug. 20,'61-pr. to Capt., Nov. 2,'63-mus. out with company, May 12, 1864. Oliver S. M'Ilwain.. 2d Lt... May 3,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., June 28, 1861-to 2d Lt., July 5, 1862-wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-,re-. signed December 25, 1862. William N. Forgey...do May 3,'61, 3 Pr. toSgt., Dec. 13,'61-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-pr. to2d Lt., April2,'63-com. 1st Lt., Nov. 2,'63-not mus.-mus. out with Co., May 12,'64. Leop. Helmstetter.. 1st Sgt. May' 3,'61, 3 Wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-pr. to 1st Sgt., April 1,'63-com. 2d Lt., Nov. 2,'63-not mustered-mus. out with company, May 12, 1864. August Smetz........ Serg't.. May 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., July 1,'62-wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 23, 1863. James H. Gillis...... do May 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., July 1,'62-wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862 —disch. on Surg. cert., March 9, 1863. James N. M'Lees......do... May 3,'61, 8 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1,'61-to Corn. Sgt., Oct. 13,'61. John.I. Mephling......do,... May 3,. 61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., May 3, 1861-killed at Charlq City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. William A. Young.....do.... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. 1,1861-killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. 800 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE, NAME. RANKF, MUSTER DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. John Trautman...... Sergt... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1861-died Sept. 1,'62, of wounds received at Bull Run, Ang. 30, 1862. John D. Taylor........ do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 1, 1862 —killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John M. Shane.........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt,. July 1, 1862-wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862- mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Francis B. Pearsol......do.... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted- from Cor. to Sgt., Dec. 14, 1862- wd. Dec. 20, 1861, and Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John E. Young.........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt. March 9, 1863 —wonnded June 30, 1862 —mus. out with company, May 12, 1864. W. H. Sears...... do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Feb. 28, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John W. Shuster.... Corp.... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept., 1, 1862-wounded at An/ tietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 7, 1863. Andrew J. Hollis......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 13, 1861,-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Benj. M. Conner.......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.. Jan. 15, 1863- mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William T. Foley......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1863- wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William Gillis...........do.....May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1863- mustered out with company, May 12, 1862. Frederick B. Lewis...do..... July 15,'619 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1863- mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John Nightengale...... do.....May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1863- mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Neal MLafferty.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Mayl 18, 1863- mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William Nolder...... Muc..... May 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1863. Winm. H. Boslough.....do,.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to Regimental Band, July 29, 1861. Allen, Robert......... Private May 3,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 30, to Aug. 5, 1862 —mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Aunks, William..........do... July 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 7, 1863. Adams, Samuel.........do.. May 3,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Bishop, John......... do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Brown, John............do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Blockinger, Peter......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 2,'62. Cannon, Thomas..-.....do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Conoby, Jacob...........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Clement, John W......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Compte, Peter............do..... April 11,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 13,'63. Davidson, Jas., Sr.....do.. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Davidson, Jas., Jr......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 30, to Aug. 5,1862 —mustered out with company May 12, 1864. Dowden, Samuel.....do.....July 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 1, 1862. Davidson, John L.......do.... July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64 —Vet. Davidson,Jeremiah...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64-Vet. Donaldson, James......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64-Vet. Emler, Simon...........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-des. Oct. 28, 1862. Farrar, John............ do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Finicle, George W......:do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Fitzpatrick, Thos. T...do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-wd. and prisoner, Dec. 13, 1862-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3, 1864-Vet. Fallenstein, Henry...do..... May 3,'61, 3 Killed at Soqth Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Gordecke, Fred'k.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Genther, Henry........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 30, to Dec. 16,1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Harvey, Richard....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hustead, Hosea.........do.... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hodgson, Edward.....do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Henon, John T.........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861- disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 21, 1862. Johnston, Fred'k......do. May 3,'61, 3 Tr. to battery A, 43d reg. P. V., April 4, 1862. Johnston, Robert......do. July 24,'61. 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 801 NAME~D. X{d, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. Klemn, Henry...... Private May 3,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lewis, Benjamin F...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lynch, William...... do.... July 24, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Leppig, John........... do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Long, Robert B...... do... May 3,'61, 3 Tr. to batter C, 5th U.S. Artillery, June 4,'62. Lindsay, William......do.... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61-discharged on Surgeon's certificate,, March 9, 1863. Lynch, James...........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Rnn, Aug. 30,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,1863. M'Laughlin, Mich'l...do. May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. M'Michael, Samuel...do. May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. M'Lees, John............do...May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Murphy, William......do.....May 3,61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Melvin, William........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 14,'62-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. M'Master, Joshua......do... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61 —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1, 1862. Moter, George............do.. May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 18, 1862. Miller, August.........do.... May 3,'61, 3 Wd. June 30,'62-pris. from June 30 to Dec. 8,'62-disch. on Surg. certificate, Mar. 9, 1863. M'Donald, George......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 10, 1863. M'Cormick, W. F......do... May 3,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Mundell, Thomas.... do... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded-pris. June 30, 1862-died near Fortress Monroe, July 23,'62, of wounds. Marsh, Hiram...........do... May 3,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Oberthur, Wm...... do... July 22, 61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64-Vet. O'Leary, Jeremiah...do.. May 3,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Patton, C. E......... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Raymond, John..........do.....May 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61-discharged A""^"""I"'~ Ifon Surgeon's certificate, June 18, 1862. Reed, William........do.....July 16,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Rosenberger, J..........do. May 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.I11,'61. Shearer, illiam.......do May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Staude, Valentine......do..... May 3,'61,3 Wd. and pris. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Schrecongost,Alex....do.....Oct. 18,'62, 3 Discharged January 6, 1864. Sharp, Leonard.....do.... May 3,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner, June 30,'62-transferred to Veteran Reserve' Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. -Weidner,Francis M...do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Weaver, William.......do.....May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wessel, Ernest.......... do May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wilson, William C...do... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded in action, June 30, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Weigel, John............do May 3,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Yeager, Albert..........do May 3,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY.'Charles Barnes...... Capt.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, April 1, 1863. Win. H. Erwin.........o..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., April 1, 1863-to brevet Major, Mar. 13,'65-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. William N. Hope... 1st Lt... May 1,'61, 3 Resigned December 25, 1862. Jas. W. Abernethy...do... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Li., April 1, 1863mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. J. S. Hollingshead.. 2d Lt... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 1, 1863mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Thomas Welsh........ 1st Sgt May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1863mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. George W. Boggs.... Sergt... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt., April 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. James Freel.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Chas. B. Mohshaur...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., April 1, 1863-mustered out'/ with company, May 11, 1864. 101 802 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER IREMARKS NAM. RANKA. INTO SERVICE. EMA Henry Baker.........Serg't.. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, June 15,'63-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. David Aston..........Corp..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Wm. H. Fisher........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, October 10, 186 —mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Col'mb Patterson.... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Peter F. Smith..........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Wm. Thompson.........do.... July 23,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, May 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. George Grover.....d....... do...May 1,'61, 3 Promoted Corporal, June 15, 1863-mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Ralph White............do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9,'63. Samuel Bassett.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Robert S. Clark....Muc.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Alton, Joseph......... Private May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Aston, Joseph............do.....May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'6I. Ainsworth, George.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'63 Anderson, James.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Wounded aud prisoner at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Boyd, Alexander......do..... May 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Brogan, Edward.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Burgresser, Walker...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Beatty, Wm. P.........do..... May 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Burch, Henry A......do..... May 1,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Blundon, John.........do.....May 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bunn, Richard..........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 16, 1862. Brubaker, William...do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 20, 1862. Butler, Alexander.....do... Aug. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Beatty, Henry.....do..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Bond, Thomas B.......do..... May, 1, 31 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Camby, William......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Carnahan, James......do...... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Croxton, Harris F......d.. May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Croxton, David H......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Camby, Thomas........do..... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 10,'63. Clark, George W.......do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864, Carnahan, Jerome,....do.. ug. 7, 62 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Dougherty, Daniel.....do.....May 1,61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Davis, James W,........do..... May'61, 613 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Davis, Hezekiah......do... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Davis, David D.........do.....May 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 61i4. Dillon, Luke......do..... May 1, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown.,Dever, Francis.........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Davis, Robert E........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown.'Davis, Jacob..............do..... May 1,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. England, James............ July 17;'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Egleson, John.........do... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. England, William....do.....May 1,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeo's certificate-date unknown, Evans, William........do..... July 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 4,'64 —Vet, Foster, John.............do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown, Fox, Josiah......... do..... Sept. 2,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Fuller, John..........do..... June 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet. Graham, William......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Glasgow, George H...do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Grounds, Joseph........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown-re-enlisted December 22, 1863-Vet. Grounds, Samuel......do...May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet. Hindee, Joseph.l........ do... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Halloren, Michael....do.....May 1,61, 3 Mustered out with company May 11, 1864. Humphreys, Wmin....do.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Hannah, Thomas......do..May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Hepling, John.......... do... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Hughes, James W.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hopkins, Thos. D.....do..... July 11'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'62, Hughes, Thos. E......d..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet, Harvey, James A.....do... May 1, 1,,3 Died November 29, 1862, at Philadelphia. Hays, Peter..........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Died Dec. 28, 1862, of wounds received at Fred~ ericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem. H'lopkins, John........ doa..., July 2,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Jones, David L......d...... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Jenkin3, Abraham'..-o... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'63. Little, William..... lo.... May 1,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVIOE. 803 " " ~' ~ ~ ~ -........ NAME A. RANK. REMARKS.... INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Little, Isaac............ Private May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Mews, Eben........... do...................3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Donald, Wiley.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Marlatt, George.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Morgan, John............do..... July 2,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. M'Cullen, Thomas.....do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64 —et. M'Gurty, John...........do Aug. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 4,'64. M'Ginn, Joseph..........do...Aug. 8,'62, 3 Deserted December 11, 1863. M'Clelland, Thos....do...:.. May 1,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Morris, James L........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 9, 1862. Needs, Alfred......... do.... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Nelson, Thomas.........do..... May 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Needs, Jacob.............do..... July 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Nesbit, William.........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. Norris, Thomas L......do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Nelson, David...........do.....May 1, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Phillips, Patrick........do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'62. Rafter, John..............do... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Riley, John O............do.....May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Rubicon, Joseph H...do..... May 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Russell, William L...do... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Russell, John........... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Reed, John...............do..... May 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'63. Rose, William IL..,...do..... May 1, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet. Richey, John.............do...May 1,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Riley, Michael...........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Died December 5, 1863-bu. in Harm'y B'l Qrd. Rodgers, Hugh.... d........Aug. 4, 61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Rafter, Patrick........do... May. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Shields, Robert.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Shinefelt, Samuel......d..... May 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864.. Shorthill, M. G......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Sweeney, John.......... do May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'62. Stewart, Silas W.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Snyder, George.......do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet. Sexton, John........ do..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Scott, Joshua...;......do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 29, 1861. Thompson, JoLn.........do..... May 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May i1, 1864..C.OM P.AN Y, F. RECRUITED IN MEADVILLE,, CRAWFORD COUNTY. Samuel B. Dick..... Capt.... April 25,'61, 3 Resigned February 17, 1863. JoshuaT. Reynolds..do..... April 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 30, 1861-r-to Captain, ~ t' P April 2, 1863-discharged February 10, 1864. Thos. R. Kennedy.. 1st Lt.... April26,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to 1st Lt., Feb. 17,'63-dis. Dece 9,'63. George H. Bemus.....do.... April 26,'61, 3 Resigned February 17, 1863. Samuel H. Quail.... 2d Lt... April 26,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., April 2,'63-By. 1st Lt., Mar. 13,'65-detached as Asst. Pro. Mar., 3d div., 5th A. C., July 25,'63-mus. out with Co., May 11,'64. James Hamilton..... 1st Sgt. April 26,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. I, 105th reg. P. V., Mar. 18,'62. Charles H. Snyder.....do..... May 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company I, July 5, 1862. Richard H. Quail......do..... April 26,'61, 33 Mustered out with company,'May 11, 1864. William Hastings... Serg't.. April 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'62. J. Hudson Miller......do... July. 1,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 20,'63, for wounds rec. in action. Sam. Schreckengost...do July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. James R. Gibson........do.....July 1,'l, 3 TransferredtoVeteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 1,'63. Fayette H. Curtis......do..... April 26, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Jonathan C. Moyer.....do..... April 26. -61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. T. Clark Miller........do..... July 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Wm. R. M'Cutchen...do..... April 2('61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. A. C. Carroll..............do.... April'6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. John Wickham...... Corp... April 26,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 28, 1862, for wounds rec. in action. H. H. Gilmore..........do May 10,'61, 3 Disch.-date unknown-for wds. rec. in action. Garrett Davidson......do Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment, P. V. Wm. P. Housel.......do.....Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment, P. V. Jos. F. Robinson.......do.... July 17, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment, P. V.-Vet. Henry T. Denbar....do..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads-pris. fr. June' v' ~ 30 to July 30, 1862-tr. to 190th regimen t P. V. Edgar S. Osburn.....,.do....April 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 18,'63. J. E. Turk.............do... July 1,'61, 3 Died Aug. 1,'62, of wounds received at; Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862jburied in Mil. Asy, Cern. 804 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT —-INTH RESERVEB NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAM~E. RBlANKI. INTO SERVICE. MA Hastings D. Stoops Corp... June 27,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. WilliamH. Grimes...do..... April 26,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. William J. M'Gill......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Wd. Dec. 20,'61-mus. out with Co., May 11,'64. William M'Aneny.....do..... May 10,'61, 3 Mustered oub with company, May 11, 1864. T. Clark Stockdale...do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Samuel Young........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Alfred C. Cooper.... Muc..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. A. C. Gilmore............do..... April 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 28, 1861. Auten, J. L............ Private April 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'61. Allen, William F......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 20, 1862. Bartholomew, L........do.....April 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Bond, William..........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered.out with company, May 11, 1864. Baker, Cassius W......do..... April 26,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 8, 1862, for wds. received in action. Bingham, L. W.....d...do.... June 17,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 1, 1863, for wds. received in action. Burns, James.....do..... April 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'64. Bartholomew, R........do..... April 26,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Bloomfield, Lewis......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'63. Barnes, Samuel.........do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Died at Smoketown, Md., October 7, 1862. Boyd, Jamcs F..........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May, 1864. Birch, Shunk.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Tr. to Bat. C, 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 20, 1862. Crick, Solomon H......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Carter, Edward A.....do:..... July 9,'61, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. —Vet. Chapman, Herry......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Cline, David.............do..... July 6,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Cable, Jesse...............do.. July 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 59th regiment P. V., Mar. 10,'63. Conrod, Jacob...........do..... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., Dec. 26, 1862. Ditwilder, William...do..... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864 Dennis, James 0.......do..... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment, P. V. Davison, James H.....do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Died at Smoketown, Md., Nov. 17, 1862. Everett, Enos M......do..... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Transferredto 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Ecloff, Albert........do..... April 26,'62, 3 Disch. Nov. 27,'62, for wds. received in action. Floyd, Wilson.......do... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 29, 1862. Frazier, Joseph........do....: July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'62. Gallagher, Win. J.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted January 1, 1863-returned January 16, 1864 —mus. out with company, May 11, 1864. Gehr, Charles H........do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 190theregiment P. V., May, 1864. Glenn, Jacob K........do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Gable, Thomas..........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Guy, Fred.................do..... July 9,'61, 3 Tr. to Batt'y C, 5th U. S. Art.., Nov. 20, 1862. Glenn, Jacob.............do.. Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6,'62. Hosack, James R.....do..... July 7,'61,3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. H-ope, Samuel...... do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Hyskill, J. Fletcher...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Hawley, Francis.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 2, 1862, for wds. received in action. Hosack, George W.....do..... April 26,'61, 3 Disch. June 27, 1862, for wds. received in action. Henderson, J. F.......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. Aug. 10, 1862, for wds. received in action. Hinderman, Thos......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 1, 1862, for wds. received in action. Hamilton, Jeff. H......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 8, 1862, for wds. received in action. Hatch, John...........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. April 28,.1862, for wds. received in action. Honneywell, G. C......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 29, 1862. Hill, Peter.... d.........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Hads, Daniel............do..... Aug. 3,'62, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Jones, David M.........do..... April 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Joslin, Frank W........do..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Kirkpatrick, David...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg.P. V., May,'64-Vet. Kightlinger, Sam'l...do..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Kightlinger, And......do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Long, William J......do. July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Litchfield, D. M........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 10, 1862, for wds. received in action. Levins, John..........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Disch. July 16, 1862, for wds. received in action. Lam, William.......do. July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Luvng, Peter.............do.... April 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Moore, Adam............do:. July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. M'Quown, A. D.........do... July, 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Meade, Levet A.........do..... July 3,'61, 3 Disch. May 18, 1863, for wds. received in action. Maxwell, James........do..... July 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1862. Miller, Charles W.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Disch. Sept. 6, 1862, for wds. received in action. M'Clelland, Alex......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Disch. June 3, 1862, for wds, received in action. Milliron, William......do..... July 1.3,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 20,'62, for wds. received in action. M'Pherson, H. A......do..... July 15,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May,'64-Vet. M'Cumber, Geo......d... July 9,'61, 3 Tr. to Batt'y C, 5th U. S. Artillery. Nov. 20,'62. Murphy. J. C............do..... April 26,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Oct. 7, 1862.'Cormick, D. B......do... July 7,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown, Md., Oct. 7, 1862. Meade, Levant.......do.. July 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 29, 1862. M'Kee, James.....,.. do..... July 17,'61, j3 Died at Washington, D. C., August 31, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 805 NAME.r RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. _____________rN _ Nice, William F..... Private June 1,'61, 3 Disch. Aug. 11, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. Painter, Ashford.......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art'y, Nov. 20, 1862. Painter, Linns.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art'y, Nov. 20, 1862. Quail, William G.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Rust, Edward.........]...do... April 26,'61, 3 Deserted October 5, 1861. Stebbins, Fred'k W...do.... July 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Seymore, Wallace......do..... April 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Sherman, Charles......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. Sergeant, WVm. G.....do..... April 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Scott. Charles...........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Smiley, David..........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Died February 13, 1864-Vet. Stark, Thos. S............do.. -July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Skeel, Lewis..............do.....July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Stockdale, Joseph......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Travis, C. Glaston......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 20, 1862. Turner, Alfred...........do.....July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. UTrey, Thomas...........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Wood, Henry.............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9, 1861. Woodcock, Almon.....do..... Oct. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May, 1864. Wagner, William......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Tr. to battery C, 5th U. S. Art'y, Oct. 20, 1862. Wyard, Samuel.........do July 1,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., May 17, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. John B. Brookbank Capt.... May 4,'61, 3 Resigned August 19, 1863. Edmund H. Russell Ist Lt.. May 4,'61, 3 Resigned to accept promotion in Signal Corps, September 10, 1863. Win. C. Hunter.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., April 2,'63-to 1st Lt., Nov. 1,'63mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Alexander M'Cord.. 2d Lt.. May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, February 7, 1862killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. James S. Reade...... Ist Sgt.. May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut. and Adjutant, Dec. 1,'62. Isaac N. M'Munn......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., April 1, 1863 —corn. 2d Lt., Aug. 20, 1863-not mustered-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. David F. Blood....... Serg't.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to i90th regiment P. V., May 3,'64. Win. C. Torrence......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, December 1, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Andrew Mangan........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 28, 1861 —mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William J. Dunn.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 10, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John F. Smith..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15,'64. Charles H. Chaffee.. Corp.... May 4,'61, 3 Disch. April 8, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. Matthew A. Seaton...do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64. John F. Malone.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, December 17, 1863. John M'Farland.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 24, 1863. Win. L. Armstrong...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died October 14, 1861. Geo. W. Bolsinger...do..... May 4,'61, 3 DesertedAugust 27, 1862. Williston Preston......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. James Wilson...... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Henry Ledabur....... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1862-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. MXn. Altsman..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 23, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Israel T. Sheffier.... Muc..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Anderson, Wmi. R.. Private May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Anderson, Robert......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died of wounds rec. in action-date unknown. Bowen, John S.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bowen, Charles T......do..... May 22,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 4, 1862, for wounds rec. in action. Barnett, Henry B......do.... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Bott, Lewis........... do..... May 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 27,1863. Burk, Cyrus.............do.... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Blacksmith, And......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Berry, James P........do..... May 4,'61 3 Died September 12, 1863. Bizzell, George........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Clark, James.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Copeland Mortim'r...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. 806 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-~NINTH RESERVE, NME. RANK.v'DATE OF MUSTER NAME RANK.^ INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Cheney, Charles..... Private July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8,'62. Chambers, Win. W...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Crawford, Andrew.....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted November 13, 1861. Chaney, Wm. W.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Dunlap, Thomas N...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 5,'62. Deviney, Michael......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27,'62. Derner, William........do.....May 4,'61 3 Deserted June 25, 1863. Dull, Henry..............do.....July 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 22, 1861. Eckles, Adam.......... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Nov. 20, 1862-re-enlisted Feb. 24,'64-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64. Fitzsimmons, N. P...do.....May 4,'61, 3 Died September, 1862. Gift, George W.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hall, John S..............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hyde, David V........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hughey, Michael.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hornier, Simon......... do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1862. Hymers, Henry........ do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged November 11, 1862, for wounds received in action. Howenstine, George...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Hackett, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Jeffrey, William........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Johnston, Samuel......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, June 4, 1863. King, George R......... do..... May 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kells, Robert H.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Disch. April 8,'63, for wounds received in action. King, William H......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'62. Laubauch, Tighlm....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lewenthan, Sam'1....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Loy, Samuel......... do.... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged by sentence of G. C. M., Oct. 18,'62. Lewis, Matthew........do....May 4'61, 3 Died October 7, 1861. Lightner, Samuel..... do..... July 15,'61, 3 Deserted July 23, 1861. M'Kinney, Francis...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Miller, Christian........ do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. M'Guire, Samuel C...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'62. M'Ewen, Benj. F..... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Disch. Oct, 26,'62, for wounds received inaction. MontgomeryThos.....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. M'Feeley, Sam'1 R....do..... Mar. 10,'63,-3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Miller, John H-.......... do....July 27,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Nightengert, Wm......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Nicholson, William...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Nicholson, James........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died December 20, 1861. Osgood,Augustus A..do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Orth, Adam......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. Porter, John S........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Pershing, John.........do.....May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'62. Pershing, Joseph......do May 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Richey, Samuel.........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Rowen, John C......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Read, Thomas......... do... May 4,'61, 3 Died March 15, 1862. Rothermal, Peter......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died Oct. 14, 1862, of wounds received in action. Regour, George......do.....May 4,'61, 3 Deserted July 3, 1863. Rice, Charles H.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Seaton, Joseph C.......do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Summerville, Wm.....do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Shidle, James E....... do..... May 3,'61, 3 Detached on signal duty, August 22,'61-absent at muster out. Smi^, Alfred D........do..... May 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Sr.ague. John H......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864.,mith, Frank M.....,.do. July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 8,'62. Sickles, Osman T....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3,'64-Vet. Simpson, George W...do.....May 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. Sciba, Henry..............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 7,'63. Stevens, James P....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Vickerough, John.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. Vail, Charles H.........do..... July 13,'61. 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Dec. 31,'63. White, George.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wilson, William W...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. Winters, John G........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Wise, George B.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862.' Wheary, John.....do.....do July 15,'61, 3 Died April 30, 1862. Zeigler, John...........do. May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. THRBE YEAtRS' SERVICE. 807 COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN BEAVER COUNTY. E 1862 —resigned December 8, 1862. Jacob S. Winans.........do... May 24, 61, Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt.-'to Capt., Feb. 28, 1863-to brevet Major, March 13,185 —mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John F. Price......... st Lt... May 24,'61, 3 8Resigned November 8, 1861. Jab. Chamberlain....do.... May 24,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 3, 1861to 1st L88to brevet ajorarcv apt, 18 -arch 13,'65-mus. out with company, May 1 12, 1864. D. Riley awkins... 2d Lt... May 24, 61, 3Promoted to 1st Sgt., Nov. 8, 1 86t1 —to 2d iep ut., May 2, 1863-to brevet 1st Lt., March 13. 1865 — mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Thos. J. Marshall... 1st Sgt. July 9,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., May 2, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Jos. M. Devinney... Serg't.. May 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 44th reg. P. V., Sept. 1, 1861. Henry Lloyd............. May 24,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. H. W. Blanchard......do,.... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John Mitchell...........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 9, 1861 —mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Jesse M. Corbus........do.... May 24,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., April 3, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William Ashton.........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 15, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William R. King.... Corp.... May 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. Matthew H. Fulton...do..... May 24,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 21, 1862, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James B. Andrews.. do..... May 24,'61, 3 Disch. April 7,'63, for wounds received in action. George E. Smith.......do..... May 24,'61, 3 Disch. March 25,'63, for wds. received in action. Irvin Campbell........do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Wm. C. Fleming.....do.... May 24,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., October 18, 1861. Dennis Vanlier........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Samuel Forns............do.... May 24,'61, 3 Deserted November 2, 1862. Marcus C. Rose.........do.... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Edward Dorian..,.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 17, 1862 —mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Jos. Cuthbertson.....do.... May 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 1, 1863-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wm. C. Thompson......do.... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William Broad.........do.... May 24,'61, 3Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Ackleson, Mitchell Private July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Allison, James...........do... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Butler, Joseph..........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bennett, William......do.... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Blatner, Christian......do..... May 24,'61, Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Burke, William........do.... July 19,'61, Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. B3utler, John B..........do....Jnly 19,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Broad, Moses.....o...... do..... May 24,'61, 3Killed at Bristoe Station, Va., December 23, 1863, by railroad accident. Beatty, Walter L...... do..... May 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Crawford, James P...do... May 27, 61,' 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Conkle, George i.....do..... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Craig, Walter G........do.... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Conkle, Thomas.......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Deserted November 2, 1862. Davis, Edward K......do.... May 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861- disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dimond, Thomas.......do..... May 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Dunner, Lester.........do.... May 24,'61, Transferred to gunboat service, January 20, 1862. Dinwiddie, Jas. L......do.... July 19,'61,3 Deserted April 13, 1863. Eberhart, And'w E..do..... June 26,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Early Henry C.........do..... May 24,'1, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 7, 1863. Fankhouser, Mad'n..do..... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Fowler, William.......do..... May 24,'61, Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Fleming, Robert........do..... May 24,'61, 3 )ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'62. Fridiger, John...........do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Fairman, Robert........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, January 20, 1862. gardner, Jeremiah,..do..... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. slass,' John F.,......... do... May 24,'61,3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 18644..Gallaher, James W..do..... July 19,'61,3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. 808 THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT-~NINTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. INTO SE^ IC E. REMARKS. _. LVICE.. Hays, Henry A......Private May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Humell, David.......... do..... July 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hobough, Jos. V........do... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to l19thregiment P. V., May 3, 1864. Hawk, John B...........do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3, 1864. Hawk, Lewis T......... do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'61. King, Jonathan M.....do. July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kirker, Lorenzo C.....do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kirker, William........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'61. Kelso, George.........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 7, 1863. Lloyd, Joseph..........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Law, James R...........do July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Leslie, William.........do. July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lardin, William M..do..... July 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. Lanig, John...............do.....May 24,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-died at Richmond-date unknown. Lemmon, Robert W...do..... May 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Laporte, Leonidas....do..... July 19,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62. Lytlo, Robert......... do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. M'Ferren, Miller L.....do..... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. M'Camist, Prussia......do... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Musser, Jacob J.......do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Martin, George F......do.... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'62. Marquis, Albert S......do..... May 24,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 15,'63. M'Clain, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3, 1864. Murphy, John...........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Captured June 30, 1832-died at Richmond, Va. M'Clain, Andrew......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Martin, Wm. M........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Matherry, Edwin......do..... May 24,'62, 3 Died January 2, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Nye, Tobias..............do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,. Dec. 10,'62. Newell, Silas B.........do..... May 24,'61, 3 Died December 23, 1861, of wounds received at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Ness, Robert..............do..... July 9,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Osburn, Edward........do.....July 16,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 10, 1863, for wounds rec. in action. O'Neill, John.............do.....Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,'64, Palmer, Henry......... May 24,'61, 3 Prisoner Nov. 28, 1863-absent at muster out. Parris, William........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Price, George A......... July 19,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Rheinhard, Charles...do..... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Robeson, James C......do.... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Reddy, Lewis............do..... May 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Ramsay, Robert........do..... May 24'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Richards, Sam'1l D....do.....July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 21,'62. Reed, William L.......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,1864. Reed, James C........... do Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3,1864. Showalters, Stanley...do..... May 24,'61, 3 Captured at Bristoe Station, Va., October 15,'63absent at muster out. Sweeny, William......do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Smith, John W. D.......... May 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Stanyard, John J...do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3, 1864. Todd, Cornelius J......do. July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Townsend, Alfred......do. May 24,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 25,'62, to.accept commission U. S. A. Thamer, Daniel F.....do. Aug. 26,'62. 3 Transferred to 190th regiment, P. V., May 3, 1864. Vanlier, Joseph........do.... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out-with company, May 12, 1864. Vaneman. Scott..............July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Veon, Samuel............do. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged January 3, 1863, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Vangorder, Alex...do.. July 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'61. White, Isaiah......... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wimer, Joseph... do... July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Welch, Archibald...do July 9,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Gaines' Mill,June 27, 1862. Wright, James...... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 3, 1864. Walters, Alexander...do. July, 3,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 10,'62-grave, 1,523. Webb, Francis........ Aug. 26,'61, 3 Died at Windmill Point, Va., February 7, 1863. Wragg, Francis...... July 14,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Zeigler, Isaac......... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. THREE YlEARW SERVICE. SO) COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. |HAM BAr |DATE OF YMSTER | S. INTO SERVICE. 4 William Lynch......Capt.... May 6,'61, 3 Resigned March, I862... Hartley Howard......do...May 1,'61, Pr. from 2d. Lt. of Co. A. io Capt., Mach3, 62:. to brevet Major,,March 13, 1865-Wmustered out i- -.th company, May 12, 1864. J.C. Walkihaw... st Lt... May 6,'61, 3 Resined July 4, 1862. H. Snyder........do. May 3, 61, 3Pr. from 1st Sgt. Co. F to lst Lt., uly5, 1i62-,.; w a.., dish. di on Surgeo,'s certifiae, J t 31, 863,. Edward W. Micn.k...do..May 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeat.tto 1st Lieuteiant, April. 1, 1863~dismissed July 6, 1863. GustavuisA.Wenke 2d Lt... ay 6,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862... H:enry Spratt....... d.......May 6,'61,3 Promoted froi Sergeant, April 2,'63-mustred..,:...out with compay,Mayl2, 1864..... William Fasolt........ istSgt. May 6,'61, 3 Promotd tostSereant Julyi 25,'62-mustered Wila.... out with cormpany, May 12, 1864.. - Jame MiClure..... Sergt... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'2. Charles B. Y ng......do.....May 6,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in Regular Army, Nov. 26, 1862. Charles Nicholas........... May 6,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862... Edward Milliken......d.... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May, 1,, 863- -mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. WH. H.. ynch........do... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 22, 186i-nus-..:.. tered out with company, May 12, 1864. Charies Steever.........;.do.. May 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, November 1,'62-'musi tered out with company, May 12, 1864., Garrett Welsh............do... May 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1863-ustered out with company, May.12, 1864. Thomas Cariiahan... Corp.... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, Sept. 1,':. Joseph Dougherty.d.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22, 62 Henry Stewart,...........o.....May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14, 2. Jacob H. Serena..do May 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 22, 1861-mustered:,,? out with company, May 12, 1864. John S. Kount.............July9,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. George Seegar:...........do..June 14, 61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Ciarles E. Taylor.....do..... May. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Johin Tawney...........do May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lewis Snyder.......,...May 6, 61 3 Mustered out with company, May 12,1864. Oliver B. Mains...d.. a..o Ma.. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Uugh Collins,.......... 6,'61, 3 M rstered out with company, May 12, 1864. hnry Houcker do...... June 20, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5, 1863. Artl-Sd, John.~.:..... P~rivate Ma~ly'!61, Ari'ld, John. P.r. rvate May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Arthul- Williamh...... o July 5,'61,3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bean, Rb bert...........dO...... d Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,1862. Brouman, Fred'k......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in Regular Army, Dec. 4, 182. Burt, Thomas...........do.... July 9,'61, 3 Disch. toenlist in Regular Army, Dec. 4, 1862. Baker, John..............do.... June 12,'61, 3 Discharged pn Surgeon's certificate, Apil 13,'61. Bittman, Joihn. do.i...d....;:.-do-... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 7,'63. Bigley, John.............. do... Sept. 9,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 4, 1864. Baker, Samuel D......do..... July 22, 61,3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Bain, Joshua..............do..... June 18,'61, 3 Killed at Culpepper C. H., October 2, 1863. Crawford, Wmi. H......do.... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Campbell, Jacob........do.... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Casner, Abraham.......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Cole, George W..........do..... Ag. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 4,'64. Cozen, Willi-am............ May 6, 61, 3 Killed while on picket, September 25, 1861. Ferguson, James......do... May 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out.. Gardner, Robert......., do..... May 6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certiicate, July 2,'61. Oraham, James HL......do.:. July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan.; 21,'. Graham, David P.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hiarrington,.Wm... do... July 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Hurrell, John...........do. July 18, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 10,'68. Hewshold, John.........do.... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate June 5'63. Hickman, Israel G....do..... Sept. 11,'63,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May,'64. Hugerman, Thos.......do... May 6,'61, 3 Died October 6, 1861. Hencker, H..............do..... June 12, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jenkins, James.............. July 9,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in Regular Army, Dec. 4, 1862. Kirkwood, Thos........do... May 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Knubb, Albert......do...May 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. K:unkle, Jacob........,do.... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. Y., May 4, 1864. Leisure, Oeorige. do....do... ~une ^I,' lS a ot on muster-out roll.'102 810 THRTyT-EIHITH Ri3EGIMENT-NINTH RESERVE, DATE OF MUSTER N~AME. BANK. INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. _... Lope, Edward....... Private June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Laverty, James:........ do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'62. Lynch, John...........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Died August 9, 1862, of wounds received in action-buried at Philadelphia. M'Closkey, John A...do.... May 6, 61 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. M'Glaughlin, H. F...do..... July 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Merriman, Daniel.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Morgan, John S.........do.... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Morgan, Frank L..... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Melby, Robert..........do..... May 6, 61, 3 Discharged Nov. 26,'62, to enlist in Reg. Army. Milliken, S. H...........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 26,'62, to enlist in Reg. Army. Miller, John M..........do.. May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 29,'63. Milligan, George.......do..... May 6,'61 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Mahoney, William.....do..... May 6,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1863. Neal, Joseph.............do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Oyler, Isaac...........do.. July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'62. Quigley, John........... dJune 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Reiff, William........... do..May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Robinson, Andrew.....do..... June 14,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Robinson, John.........do.... June 14,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Robinson, Robert......do..... d May 6,'61 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Reiff, Jacob...............do..... Aug. 8,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Reed, Robert..... do..... June 14,'61, 3 Killed atMechanicsville, June 26,'62-bu. record died of wounds at Richmond, Va., July 2,'62. Robinson, W. H. H...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. Schoeller, Fred'k J...do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Soles, George..... do..... do May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Sexton, David..........do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged byG. C. M. for desertion, Mar. 1,'62. Shearer, William....do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'62. Spangler, George...... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,'62. Sheppard, Joseph......do.... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 4,1862, to enlist in Reg. Army. Shane, John............ do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Shearer, George; Sr...do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9,'63. Snedden, James........do.....May 6,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mills, June 27, 1862. Smith, William......... do..... May 6,'61 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Shearer, George, Jr....do... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Schoeller, John....... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Trich, William.......... do... June 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Taylor, Robert W...... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 26,'62, to enlist in Reg. Army. Taylor, George W.......do. May 6,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 26,'62, to enlist in Reg. Army. Take, William......... do... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 4, 1862, to enlist in Reg. Army. Tawney, William..... do.......................... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. Tawney, Jennings....do.. July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'62. Travers, William.....do..... July 13,'62, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Upton, George........... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Killed on gunboat at Plumb Point, Mississippi river, June 2, 1862. Woods, James....... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864.;.Whitesell, Seth W..do..... May 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. VVoy, Charles M...... do. July 9,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Webber, John H,......do..... May 6,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, April 28,'62. Wicksman, John...... do..... May 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Young, William F.....do. May 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. H. S. Fleming........ Capt.....May 4,'61, 3 Resigned June 27, 1862. Jas. W. Ballentine.....do. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, October 15, 1861-to Captain, August 1,'62-to brevet Major, March 13,'65-mus. out with company, May 12, 1864. Rich'd M'Donough 1st Lt...May 4,'61, 3 Resigned October 18, 1861. Robert Taggart........ do. May 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain of company C, Mar. 1,'63. James M'Vicker....... do Nov. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., April 2,'63-to Bv. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. John Wills............ 2dLt... May 4,'61, 3 Resigned August 7, 1862. John S. Hunter......... do.. May 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to Lt., April 13,'63-to Bv. 1st Lieut., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., May 12, 1864. Geo. W. Ballentine Sergt... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4, 1864. William Grubbs....... do May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Alex. Robinson..... do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. THREE YEABS' EBRVIOCE 811 N1AME.. IRANK, DATE OP MUSTER niuuRaCs. NAME. ^ ^ ^ ^ 1REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. H William Sprague.., Serg't.. May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Albert Hillstern.....do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. W. C. Flanegan...... Corp... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. F.W. Golmer...........do.....May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'63. James K. M'Kain......do.....May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. William Mathews......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Gottleib Masha......do,.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Alexander Haslett..l...do........................ 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Henry Brown............do... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Rush M. Shaner.......doo.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bailey, Joshua........ Private July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Bigham, Joseph....... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Brown, Charles.........do..... June 16,'61, 3 Died Oct. 17, 1862-buried Fairmount Cemetery,Newark, N. J. Balmer, John............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'62. Barton, Philander.....do..... May 4'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 23, 1862. Burkhart, Baxter......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Feb. 19, 1862. Barnett, John............do.... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Bush John..............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 5, 1863. uallipbell, Joseph.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Crawford, John.........do.....May 4,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Caldwell, Joseph.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Caldwell, Alex....... do.... May 4,'61, 3 Captured Mar. 10,'64-mustered out, May21,'64. Casey, William.........do... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Campbell, Robert......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Crawford, Robert.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Chess, John.............d..do... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 4,'64-Vet. Cheoalier, John.......do... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Chess, John A....... do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died Oct. 20, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Cochenaur, Jacob.....do.... May 4, 61, 3 Killed at.Antietam, September 17, 1862. Dill, Francis............do.... May 4, 61, 3 Disch. by Gen. Court Mar., Oct. 30, 1863. Douthitt, Joh..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'63. Dickson, Wm. S.......do... July 23, 61, 3 DiedSep.,'62, of wds. rec. at Antietam, Sep. 17,'62. Dawson, Joseph......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted April 17, 1862. Elliott, James..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Ensign, Austin.........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 23, 1862. Funk, Wendelin........do.,., May 4,'61, 3 Died Sept. 18,'62, of wounds received at 2d Bull..I..~~ Run-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Foster, Wm. T.......do.... May 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Gammel, Francis......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Gallentine, Wesley...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Tr. to Batt'y D, 5th U. S. Art., May 4,'64-Vet. Grenet, Samuel.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Glendale, June 30, 1862. Gordon, Joseph.......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862; Haslett, James...do.... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Haslett, George.......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Heckert, John.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 23, 1862. Hood, Thomas..........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 23, 1862. Hawk, Roman........do..... June 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 16, 1863. Israd, Joseph............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4, 1863. Jackson, James.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Captured Mar. 10,'64-mustered out, May21,'64. Jones, Rees............do..... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Kennedy, John.......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company; May 12, 1864. Kurtz, Sylvanus.......do.... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Kuler, John........... do.... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'63. Kennell, Anthony.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'63. Kennedy, Albert......do..... June 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'63. Kingsland, John........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died Oct. 12, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Lynch, Ambrose.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Lehman, John G.......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Logan, William.........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'62. Martin, William........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Mullen, Richard.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Marsh, Samuel....... do..... June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Martin, John.....do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,'62. Morris, Cameron........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 6,'62. M'Clellan, Joseph.....do..... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 44th regiment P. V., Oct. 6, 1861. M'Aree, Edward.....do,... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Glendale, June 30, 1862. Morris, Charles.........do..... June 6,'61, 3 Died Nov. 1,'62-bu. in Mil. Asylum Cemetery. Mullen, Jacob C......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17,1862. M'Call, Richard.........do.... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Glendale, June 20, 1862. Olbert, Jacob........do..... May 4, 61 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Pounds, Payne....do. July 10'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Palmer~-Joseph.....do:.:. May 4, 61 s 3 a Discharged on Surgeonts certificate, Nov. 61 1862. 812 THITY-iTGHiTH]lp IEN HA RESERVE, 8.1.2.... ~ Y-..~.T~,..,~,(~r~,...,:.,~~ —~,~..:.T............. ~HNAME. RAKE. BDATE OP MUSTERI INTO SERVICE. KS. Porter, Andrew...... Private May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. lO,, Pounda, Wiliam......do'. Jdl: 10,'61, 3 Deserted'uly9,182.'.':,:...' Reed, Thom'as:.....do.. May 4'61, 3 Abseit, sick, at:mster out. Rkddman, Henry......do..... May 4,'61; 3 Mustered out with'ompan'y, May 12, 1864. Relip,Wiiam.....do..MMay 4,!'61, 3'Died January 17, 1863, of wounds receited at' ~..... - -... Fredericksburg, Dcember i3,'18.':'" Sprinkle, Calvin......do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Seaberry, William..-...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Mustered out withi company, May 12, 1864. Stuckrath, John...... do..... May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Swigin' Sylvester...,.do.....May 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,-Mar. 9,;'63 Sloan, William........do:....July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar.; 10,'63. Singleton, LTWis....do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62. Shaw, Joseph.:.do......... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgdon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Shaw, An':adri ew....l...do..... July 18,'61, 3 Killed at Glendale, June 30, 1862. Trant, Philip............do..... May 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mil, June 27, 1862. Woods, Matthew... do... May 4,61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 12, 1864. Wilt, Belthazer.:......do.....June 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgebn's certificate, Dec. 19,'62. White,:Michael.....d... do..... May' 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Williams,'William...do..... May 4,'61, 3 Died January 16, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Debember 13, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Weeks, William........do..... May 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Zents, Philip....... do.... May 4,'61,: 3 Trsferred to Yet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 11,'64. THIRTYNNT REGTIMENT TEITBH RESERVE. THEE Tenth Regiment was recruited in the western section of the State, for 1 the most part in the counties of Warren, Crawford, Mercer, Venango, Lawrence, Clarion, Beaver, Washington and Somerset. Most of the companies wez organized for the three months' service. Some were accepted and went into camp, where, the quota being fll, they awaited further orders. Others remained at home, but preserved their organizations, and upon the first call for the three years' service were in readiness to move. The companies ere composed of men of but little previous military experience, but of more than usual intelligence and education. Some had been teachers, many were graduates of colleges, and a large number were students at college. when they enlisted. Company I was largely composed of the under graduates of Allegheny College at Meadville; company D of those of Jefferson College at Canonsburg; and company G comprised many of this class. The companies rendezvoused at Camp Wilkens, near Pittsburg, which was under command of Colonel Hays of the Eighth Regiment. This camp wasin a filthy condition, and much sickness prevailed in consequence. The regimen. tal organization was effected during the last days of June, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: John S. M'Calmont, of Venango county, a graduate of West Point and a regular army officer, Colonel; James T. Kirk, from Captain of company D, Lieutenant Colonel; Harrison Allen, from Captain of com- pany H, Major. Blankets of a superior quality were issued immediately afte arriving in camp, and good, wholesome rations,. plentiful in qantity, were regularly supplied. On the 1st of July the regiment moved twelve miles up the Allegheny River to camp Wright, most excellent camping ground, beautifully located. Here its organization was completed, andit was thoroughly disciplined by its experienced commander. On the 18th of July, the regiment left camp under orders to move to Cumberland, Maryland; but before reaching Bedford Springs, the order was countermanded, and it was hrried to Harrisburg, where, on the 21st of July, it was mustered into the United States service for three years. The unexpected defeat at Bull: un, the news of whic was, here first received, darkened the hopes of many who had believed that a few months at. most would end the rebellion; but none faltered. Late on the afternoon of the'22d the regiment moved:by rail to Baltimore, and bivouacked in the open square, near the depot, untl the evening o the 23d, when itmarched ith loaded arms andfixed bayonets, an encampedon the common out of he ct. On the 24th it proceeded to. Washington. While at the depotit meta regiment of Ne York troops, which had been enaged at Bull Run. A single battle had made sad havoc in its ratiks: Many were maimed, and hobbled along -s best they could; some 814 THIRTYNTIiTH BREGIMENT-TENTH BESERVE. 1861 were borne upon stretchers, and here and there one who had lost a leg or an arm. Later in the contest such things were scarcely noted, but they produced a deep impression then. Moving about a mile east of the Capitol, it encamped and remained until the 1st of August, when it proceeded to the camp at Tenallytown, where the Reserve regiments were assembled. Early in September it was detailed for picket duty at Great Falls, on the Potomac, where it remained a week. At Camp Tenally the usual routine of drill and camp duty was observed, and General M'Call, in his report of its condition, pronounced it "well drilled." Itwas assigned to the Third Brigade,* at first commanded by Colonel MlCalmont, but subsequently by Brigadier General E. 0.. Ord. On the 10th of October, the regiment moved into Virginia, and took position in line with the army, the right resting on the Potomac, and the left connecting with General Smith's Division. On the 10th of December, the enemy, under Stuart was met at Dranesville by General Ord's Brigade, both parties being out upon a foraging expedition in force. The action opened at a little -st midday by a smart firing between the skirmishers, soon followed by the artillery of the enemy, which was replied to by Easton's Battery. During the action four companies of the Tenth were posted on the left, and in support of the artillery. Colonel M'Calmont, noticing that the gunners were firing over the heads of the enemy, rode up to them and called out, " Point your pieces lower, my boys! You are firing over them, you must lower your guns2 " The suggestion was at once heeded, and the result was the blowing up of one of the enemy's ammunition boxes, the killing of several horses, and the killing and wounding of many of his men. Company B was thrown forward as skirmishers, and did good execution. The remaining five companies were with the wagon train and were not engaged. There were no casualties in the Tenth. The enemy was completely routed and driven from the field. This success greatly elated the spirit of the troops engaged, and tended to counteract the depressing effect of the Ball's Bluff disaster.t On the 14th of February Major Alen, having been for a long time in ill health, resigned, and Adjutant Sion B. Smith was elected to succeed him. Sergeant Major 0. H. Gaither was appointed Adjutant. Early in March the army commenced a general forward movement upon Manassas, and the Tenth moved with the division to Hunter's Mills. The retreat of the rebel army producing a change in the plan of campaign, the regiment made a forced march to Alexandria. While on the way a terrible storm prevailed, and on account of the destruction of a bridge, it was forced to make along detour to reach the Alexandria and Leesburg turnpike. On its arrival it encamped without tents or shelter, and suffered severely from the inclemency * Organization of the Third Brigade, Brigadier General E.. C. Ord; Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, Major General George A. M'Call. Tenth (39th) Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John S. M'Camont; Sixth (35th) Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel W. W. Ricketts; Ninth (38th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Conrad F. Jackson; Twelfth (41st) Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John H. Taggart. t "At Dranesville," says Colonel Ayer, "before the battle fairly commenced it was found by General Ord that our artillery were too far advanced. The Tenth was at the time on the pike awaiting orders. Not knowing what might happen, our Colonel was manoeuvring us for the moment in'forming square.' Just then Ord came dashing up,'make way for this artillery I' he shouted, and without slackening his speed dashed by while his'war dogs' followed close behind. The General was an old artilleryist and knew well how to value and use this arm of the service. The scene was, I think, one of the most animated that I witnessed during the war." 1862 MECHANICSVILLE AND GAINES' MILL 815 of the weather. From Alexandria it moved vma Fairfax and.entrevlle to Ma. nassas Junction, and thence to the neighborhood of Fredericksburg, where the Reserves were attached to the command of General M'Dowell, charged with the defence of Washington. While here General Ord was transferred from the command of the Third Brigade to that of a division, and was succeeded by Brigadier General Truman Seymour. On the 9th of May, Colonel M'Calmont resigned, and Lieutenant Colonel James T. Kirk was elected to succeed him. Captain A. J. Warner, of company G, was elected Lieutenant Colonel. About the middle of June, the Reserves were detached from M'Dowell's Corps, and ordered to the Peninsula, to reinforce the army of MPClellan. Proceeding by water to White House, on the Pamunky, the regiment marched to the neighborhood of Mechanicsville, where, with the division, it was attached to the Corps commanded by General Fitz John Porter, holding the left bank of the Chickahominy River, and covering the line of supply to White House. At the battle of Mechanicsville, which was fought on the 26th of June, the Tenth occupied the ground immediately to the right of the road leading to i.chanicsville, near its crossing of the Beaver Dam Creek, only a short distance above its confluence with the Chickahominy. Its left rested upon the embankment at the old mill, and connected with the right of the Ninth. On the sloping ground extending down to the creek, a line of rifle pits was dug, under the direction of Captain M'Daniels and Lieutenant Pattee, the first experience which the troops had in this line of duty, but which subsequently became as much a matter of necessity to success as the musket or the cartridgebox. A part of the regiment was posted in these pits, and a part in a piece of woods to the right of them, while companies C and I, Captain Ayer and Lieutenant Cochran, were thrown forward as skirmishers. Easton~s Battery was stationed on the brow of the hill, just in rear of the Tenth. On both sides of the creek, which is here a sluggish stream, the ground is swampy and was covered with a growth of underwood. On the Mechanicsville side the ground descends for a quarter of a mile to the creek bottom. As the enemy came down the descending ground, through the fields and along the road, Eastons Battery opened a rapid fire, andwhen within rifle range, the men posted in the pits and along the old mill-dam, poured in so destructive a fire that he was forced back with terrible slaughter. Notwithstanding this bloody repulse, again and again he renewed the attempt to reach the creek and to force a passage, his main attacks being made along the road and upon the bridge near the mill. But nothing could withstand the steady fire of the Reserves, and his columns advanced only to be broken and beaten back with most grievous slaughter. The line of the Tenth was every where preserved intact, and a joyful exultation was felt when night put an end to the battle. Its wounded were promptly cared for; but all night long the rebels left on the field, mangled and torn in the dreadful conflict, filled the air with their cries and groans. On account of the favorable position which the regiment occupied it suffered small loss. Captain M'Connell was severely wounded. At three o'clock on the morning of the 27th, an order was received to fall back in the direction of Gaines' Mill, the position at Mechanicsvile being no longer tenable. The withdrawal was skillfully and successfully executed in the face of the enemy, and the column retired in good order. In the neighborhood of Gaines' Mill, Porter's Corps had taken position with the river at its back, to resist the enemy, now moving heavily upon the right flank of the army. 816 THIRTY-NINTH RlGItMENT- TJENTH BRERVE. 1862 Gaines Run is a small stream hich has worn for itself a deep channel, and has rough wooded slopes on either side, except near its conflunce with the Chickahominy, where the ground is low and cleared. The battle on the centre and left was principally fought in the rough-wooded slope on the left bank of the stream. Behind this belt of woods were level fields. The army was drawn upin three lines, t he frti woods, and as one line was broken and driven back another was sent in to take its place. The artillery, posted in the open fields, was of little service til the enemy had driven our infantry from the woods and bega to emerge therefrom. The Tenth Regiment was posed in the second line, and was not engaged until half-past three in the afternoon. It was then moved hurriedly a half mile to the right in anticipation of an attack, but was almost immediately taken back at a double quick, and placed in support of a battery to the right, and front of the original position. At this time tii battle was raging furiously along the entire line. In its immediate front was felled timber, through which he line receded, and as reinforced, drove back the enemy. A half hour later the Tenth was ordered frther to the left, where it was brought in under aheavy fire, ready fora charge. It was here in a trying position, just upon the brow of the ravine, where it caught a heavy fire from the enemy without the possibility of returning it. Many here fell. Soon the order came to charge, and with resistless power it swept forward, crossed the ravine, and up the opposite bank, and clearing the woods of the enemy held this advanced position against every attempt to dislodgeit. It was then ordered to retire to the brow of the slope next the enemy, where it was partially under cover, and from which a. heavy and ninterrupted fire was delivered until near sundown, when* our left having been turned, it was compelled to fall back, emerging from the woods just in time to save itself from being cut off by the advancing and exultant enemy. Night soon put an end to the contest, and under cover of darkness its broken ranks were closed, and it retired across the Chickahominy. In this engagement the loss was very heavy. In a single company, I, six were killed, three missing, probably killed, and seventeen wounded.* On the 28th, the regiment was detaile to picket du4 on the Chickahominy, and at three o'clock on the morning of the 29th commenced the march towards White Oak Samp and the James River.t The march was a weary one, the trains in manyplaces blocking the way, and extended far into the night. On the morning of the 30th of June, the regiment was mustered for pay, and * Corporal Edwin B. Pier had his right am shattered, and afterwards died from the effects of the wound. * * * When thewar broke out he was one of the most promising students of Allegheny College. Of fine mind and devout and refined feelings, he was a devoted christian and an earnest patriot. He was an excellent Greek and Hebrew Scholar, and Spent much of his time when off dutyj in the reading of the reek Testament. Of modest deportment, he was as courageous as he was humble.' * * The last hours of his life have often been described to me by a kind lady Who watched over his dying bed, as being such a remarkable instance of christian triumph in the final hour, asshehad never witnessed.-Extraetfrom Colonel Ayer's Account of the Battle. t "I think," says Colonel Ayer, "I have neverseenexamples of greater endurance than ex. hibited upon the part of the wounded in this retreat. Saturday they were lying all day at the hospital with little or no attention. The weather wasx exceedingly warm. Sunday they march. ed all day through a sweltering sun, resting perhaps two hours in the middle of the day. The garments of manyof them were stiffwith blood. They had nonourishing food. Their wounds had simply been bound up without further attention, and they were already much annoyed with worms. * * * Stillthere was notamur:mur. All endured cheerfully. Towards 1862 BATTLE OF CHARLES CITY CROSS ROADS. 817 at a little after noon It was drawn up in line of battle. The left of the division was posted by General M'Call in person, in a zigzag line, the Twelfth on the left, the Tenth and Ninth next in order, with the Eighth and Second in support. A German battery occupied an elevated position near a house, partly between and in rear of the Tenth and Twelfth regiments. A heavy fire was suddenly opened upon this battery from the rebel guns just brought into position.....-L e was feebly returned, and in a few minutes the battery was deserted. The left of the Tenth, which had been extended to protect these guns from infantry, remained at its place under Lieutenant Pattee. Immediately after this the rebel lines advanced, and a charge was ordered by General M'Call. The Twelfth was posted so as to form a considerable angle with the Tenth, with which the Ninth formed nearly a right angle. An order for all to advance at the same time led to considerable confusion; but Lieutenant Colonel Warner held the left under a sharp fire until the regiment had executed a half wheel, then charged forward with the rest of the line upon the advancing foe, whose ranks were quickly broken, and his whole line driven from the open field back to the cover of the woods and to his guns. The Tenth captured sixty prisoners and a stand of colors. A sword taken from an officer of the Seventeenth Virginia, manufactured at Richmond, bearing the letters C. S. A.," was presented to Colonel Warner on the field, by General Seymour. Unfortunately the two supporting regiments were ordered forward in the same charge, and all were necessarily thrown into more or less confusion. The regiments becoming intermingled, and the men elated with the success of the charge, it was impossible, by every effort the officers could make, to restore the ranks before the enemy again came forward in increased force and unbroken columns. Colonel Warner, with a hundred men, was thrown forward to occupy a house and some temporary breastworks. The enemy advanced rapidly in heavy force and played upon our confused lines with his batteries. Warner opened a sharp fire from the breastworks, checking the rebel advance and holding him back at that point until the position was flanked in consequence of the, yielding of the troops on the left, when a number of Warner's men were captured, a part escaping with much difficulty. Here Adjutant General Biddle was mortally wounded. He very imprudently came to this point to look at the advancing line, and declared that they were our men, when he was struck by a musket ball or canister shot. The supports, at this juncture, commanded by General Seymour, and Colonels Simmons and M'Candless, had been lying close to the ground for protection from the enemiy's shots. As they rose up to charge a volley seemed to sweep them. Colonel Simmons was killed, General Seymour's horse was shot and he fell out of the column. At almost the same instant nearly every officer to whom the troops looked for support was cut down. Bewildered by the suddenness and impetuosity of the attack, they were borne back in some disorder to the woods; but so stubbornly had the field been contested by the Reserves, and by a portion of Hooker's Corps, which came opportunely to the support of the left wing, that the enemy failed to push his advan. tage, and night soon coming on the battle ended, leaving the Reserves in posevening the wounded men passed through a field in which were a number of sheep, when Ser. geant Hoilister, notwithstanding his arm was so shattered as afterwards to require amputa. tion, took his revolver, and in company with others, after a hard chase, succeeded in bringing one of them down. Having detailed one of my men to help them along, he made them a good kettle of mutton broth, of which they all- partook and Were much invigorated." 103 818 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT —TjENTH RESERVE. R1862 session of nearly the same ground which they occupied at the opening of the battle. The men were completely exhausted, and they dropped down to rest Nwhere they stood; but at the expiration of two hours they were again sum-: ed into line. It was with the utmost difficulty that they could be aroused.::-. after being awakened and ordered out, fell asleep again, even dropped d;aiwn after taking their places in the ranks, and in the darkness that prevailed, were left behind to be awakened next -morning by the enemy,. and marched to Richmond. During the night the regiment moved to Malvern Hill, and dur-.g the battle of the succeeding day was not engaged. The loss in the Tenth, i \the series of battles which commenced at Mechanicsville, was over two hundred. Captain Miller was killed; Lieutenant Gaither was mortally wounded; Captains Adams, Ayer, M'Connell and Phipps, and Lieutenants Moore, Wray and Shipler were wounded. From Malvern Hill the army withdrew to Harrison's Landing. While here L-ajor Sion B. Smith resigned, and Captain James B. Knox, of company E, succeeded him. On the night of the 31st of July, the camp was cannonaded by a party of the enemy on the opposite side of the James, and the Tenth, with others, was thrown across the river as a working party to clear away the trees and underwood, and to picket the right bank of the river. It was, accordingly, the lastto embark in the transfer of the army from the James to the Rappahannock. At Fredericksburg, Lieutenant Colonel Warner was detailed by General Burnside to take charge of a party of convalescents and stragglers left behind out of the whole army, and to follow it in its march to join General Pope; but he afterwards moved them by steamer to Alexandria. During the ten days that followed he collected and forwarded to their commands seven thousand men. From the Peninsula the regiment passed to the army of General Pope, and participated in the second Bull Run battle. On the 28th, M'Dowell's Corps was manceuvred during the greater portion of the day with the design of cutting off and capturing Jackson's Corps; but finding, towards evening, that this project was likely to prove abortive, and that its own safety was in peril, it suddenly shot off in the direction of Manassas Junction, infantry, cavalry, and artillery. Scarcely had it reached that point, when it made a sharp turn and marched rapidly back, coming to a stand near the position from which it had started a few hours before. During the 29th, several feints were made by the Reserves, with a view of drawing off the enemy from other points of attack. The Tenth was several times under fire during the day, but was withdrawn without severe loss. Late in the evening it was vigorously shelled by the enemy, but was removed and sent out on picket, Captain Ayer having charge of the line. Early on the following morning it was withdrawn and posted with the division on the extreme left-of the army. Towards the close of the day, a heavy and combined attack was made upon that part of the line, and the Tenth was hotly engaged with varying success, the men fighting bravely and suffering severe loss; but it was found impossible to withstand the superior force concentrated against it. It had been pressed back a half mile when night put an end to the engagement. The army at once began its retreat, falling back upon Centreville. The division was here under command of General Reynolds, and was handled with great skillthrqghout the three days of conflict. The loss in the Tenth was twelve 1862. SOUTH MOUNTAIN AND ANTIETAM. 819 killed, thirty-four wounded and nineteen missing. Of the killed were Captain Hindman and Lieutenant Fox, and of the wounded, Colonel Kirk, Captain Ayer, Adjutant Phelps and Lieutenant Williams. The regiment next met the enemy at South Mountain. It was at first held in reserve, but was soon ordered in, to cover the space between the First Brigade and the left of the division. At the crest of the first ridge the column was swept by a heavy fire, and many fell. Lieutenant Colonel Warner, now in command of the regiment, had his horse shot under him, and the men, dispirited bytheir defeat at Bull Run, hesitated to advance,-hesitated in the very position in vhich they were most exposed; but urged forward by their officers, they rushed on driving the enemy before them. After passing the first crest and descending into the ravine, they suffered much less, though nearly every rock and tree concealed an enemy. In ascending the rugged mountain side, his shots generally passed harmless over head, while theirs told with fearful effect. To the right of the regiment was a low gap and an open field. When half way up the mountain side a considerable body of the enemy was discovered retreating along the crest in this field. Moving to the right, the regiment rushed up the acclivity with all possible speed to cut off the party, now flying before the First Brigade. The men reached the summit in a state of complete exhaustion, but in time to intercept from two to three hundred, a portion escaping. At this point the Tenth was relieved by General Duryea, but bearing to the left to close with the Ninth and Twelfth regiments, it fought its way to the summit, where it rested* for the night, greatly elated with the victory gained. The wounded of the regiment were speedily cared for, and many a union soldier gave up his blanket to a wounded rebel. It was highly complimented on the field for its gallantry, both by General Hooker and General Meade. The loss was four killed and nineteen wounded. Following up the retreating foe, he was found drawn up in order of battle behind Antitam Creek. "On the evening of the 16th," says Colonel Warner, in his report of the battle, "Hooker's Corps moved forward and occupied a position on the Hagerstown pike, three-fourths of a mile back of the Dunkard Church. My regiment was on the extreme right of the division, with King's Division in my rear, and in moving into position was subjected to a heavy fire from a rebel battery. After gaining our position I threw out pickets along the Hagerstown pike, and to the right of it. After dark I was ordered by one of General Hooker's aids to post my regiment behind a battery stationed in our rear on high ground. I was already directly in front of the battery on ground low enough to be safe from our own shots, and well protected in front by a ledge of limestone. This position I considered enabled us better to protect the battery than we possibly could if posted behind it, on open ground without cover; for, on a hill opposite us, was stationed a rebel battery of eight or ten guns, and it was very evident that when daylight came the batteries would open: upon each other. Upon pointing out to General Hooker the advantage of our posi* "I finally lay down," says Colonel Warner,'Recollections' of the Battle, "but not to sleep. I was too much elated with joy at our victory to sleep. I never felt before as then. The skies never seemed so near or so clear. The stars looked as though they were partakers of our glory. We had been baffled on the Peninsula; had been beaten and discomfitted at Bull Run; the enemy were invading the north; yet 1 did not know that I had been dispirited; but the change was so glorious; the consciousness that we had by sheer hard fighting beaten the enemy and driven him from his strong position, filled me to overflowing, and gave me confidence that we would finally win and the country bo sa'o." 820 THIRTY-NINTE.REGIMENT-TENTH. RESERVE. 1862 tion, behind the limestone ledge in the low ground between our batteries and those of the rebels, I was ordered to re-occupy it. Picket firing in our front was kept up through the night, and as daylight came, the two opposing batteries opened with terrific thunder. The shot and shell went shrieking over our heads and crashing through the tree tops, but protected by our position we escaped with but one man slightly wounded." * * * "A report had reached General Hooker that the enemy was threatening our right flank, and I was ordered by him to move out with the Tenth Regiment to our right and front, to watch the enemy and protect our flank. My order was,'move immediately with your regiment to the right and front as far as you can get, and find out all about the rebels and report to'the General.' I started the regil~ment at double quick towards our flank, and pressing forward upon the enemy's flank, ascertained that instead of threatening our flank he was hurrying a fresh brigade to the part of the field where Hooker's Corps was most hotly engaged. I immediately threw out nearly the whole regiment into a cornfield, as skirmishers, placing the rest as a reserve under cover, and opened a sharp fire upon the enemy's moving columns. This movement had the intended effect. The enemy evidwtly expecting an attack in force, halted his columns, formed line, and threw out skirmishers to engage us. Meanwhile I sent a few chosen men further to our right, who crept up close enough to the rebel battery to kill the horses and pick off the gunners. For about twenty minutes the skirmishing was kept up sharply and the enemy's whole force was held at bay. He evidently construed it into a movement on his flank. I had ascertained and reported to General Hooker fully the enemy's movements'? Being the only mounted officer on that part of the field, Colonel Warner was a conspicuous mark for the enemy's sharp-shooters. After having his horse twice struck, his sword once, one ball graze his right side and another pass through his coat, he was at length hit by a minnie ball in the right hip which shattered the pelvis bone and entirely disabled him.* The command then devolved on Captain Smith, Colonel Kirk and Major Knox being absent on account of sickness, who led it with great skill and bravery and brought it out of the battle in good order. Lieutenant Colonel Warner's wound was thought to be mortal, but after five months' of great suffering the ball was extracted and he still survives. Soon after this battle Colonel Kirk resigned and was succeeded by Lieutenant Colonel Warner. Major Knox was promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Ayer, of company I, Major. General Burnside, with many misgivings, assumed command of the army of the Potomac on the 7th of November. The major part of it was at this time in the neighborhood of Warrenton. His plan of campaign involved the crossing of the Rappahannock near Fredericksburg. Before his pontoons arrived and his army was ready to cross, the enemy had concentratedt on the opposite bank and stood ready to contest his passage and his further advance. On the *EXTRACT FROM1 GENERAL iMEADE'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-I also wish to mention particu. tlarlythe efficiency and gallantry of Lieutenant Colonel Warner, Tenth Pennsylvania Reserves, both in the actions at South Mountain and on the Antietam. He was detached with his regiment for special service, accomplished by him in the most creditable manner, and in the latter battle was severely wounded. He is an officer whom I would be glad to see elevated to a higher position." t While these movements were going on, General Lee was losing no time. His right wing, under General Jackson, had moved bythe left flank eighteen miles, and was in positionin front of General Franklin, closing upon Hood's Division the right of Longstreet's Corps at Deep 1863 BRFLDfRIaOKSBURG AND GETTYSBURG. 821 night of the 10th of December, the Tenth left camp with the Third Brigade, under command of Brigadier General Jackson, and proceeded to the bank of the river, three miles below Fredericksburg, where two pontoon bridges were speedily laid and a crdssing was effected without loss. On the morning of the 13th, the regiment moved with the division to the point whence the attack was to be made, where it was formed, and was soon under a heavy fire of artillery; Soon the word was given to advance, and in the face of a destructive fire of musketry and artillery it swept forward and carried the enemy's intrenchments; but failing of support the division was forced back and compelled to retire with great loss. The Tenth, in this engagement, was led by Lieutenant Colonel Knox, who won great credit for his skill and bravery. The loss was severe) being eleven killed, seventy-five wounded and fifty-one captured. The regiment, incouLuin d of Major Ayer, participated in the toilsome but fruitless attemptof Burnside to again cross the Rappahannock and offer battle, and soon after, with the entire division, was ordered to the defences of Washington to rest and recruit. Some of the companies had become so much reduced by constant service as to be unable to muster more than three or four men for parade, and these without a commissioned officer or Sergeant. It was at first stationed at Halls and Upton's Hills. In April, 1863, it was ordered to Washington, where it remained until the 1st of June, when it returned to Upton's Hill. On the 26th of June, the First and Third Brigades were ordered to join the Fifth Corps in its advance into Maryland. The Tenth was now in command of Colonel Warner, who, though still suffering from his wound received at Antie: tam, moved resolutely with his men. General Reynolds, with the First Corps; met and engaged the enemy at a point a little beyond Gettysburg, on the 1st of July. The army was ordered to concentrate here with all possible dispatch. The Reserves reached the field at nine o'clock on the morning of the 2d, where they rested in rear of the heights overlooking the town, until 2 P. M., when they were ordered forward to the support of the First and Second divisions of the Fifth Corps, already engaged, and now hard pressed on the summit and to the right of Little Round Top. The Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth regiments being on the left, swept along the rear and to the left of Little Round Top, driving the enemy back-the Tenth, at sunset or a little after, occupying the hollow between Round Top and Little Round Top. It was on the brow of this spur that the First Division, and especially Vincent's Brigade, had had a fierce conflict. Early on the morning of the 3d, Colonel Warner moved his regiment; under orders of Colonel Fisher, commanding the brigade, forward so as to hold all the ground between the two mountain spurs, and immediately set to work erecting a defence. The fragments of rock scattered about were soon brought together, and in less than an hour a heavy stone wall was erected, which before midday had been extended by other regiments to the summit of Round Top. At ten o'clock, A. M., a heavy artillery fire was concentrated upon the position held by the -Tenth, doing little damage, however, and was followed soon after by an infantry attack which was easily repulsed. The regiment continued to hold this line during the day, and on the morning of the 4th, the firing having ceased, the enemy began to withdraw. The day was spent in Run. Longstreet, already at Fredericksburg, had only to break camp and occupy the lines pro viously arranged for his divisions, Anderson, M'Laws, Ransom, Pickett and Hood, from left to right as named.-Battle Field of zFredericksburg, (Rebel,) page 14. 822 THIRTY-NINTHB REGIMENT-TENTH RESEBRVE. 1864 burying the dead and in drawing supplies, and on the 5th General Meade commenced a very guarded and well ordered pursuit. The loss in the engagement was two killed and five wounded. Crossing the Potomac on the 18th of July, it proceeded to the neighborhood of Warirenton, and subsequently advanced with the army and was slightly engaged at Broad Run, near Bristoe Station, where it had one killed, Corporal Waugh, of company G. Retiring to Centreville, and thence to Fairfax Court House, Meade, on the 7th of October, again advanced upon the Rappahannock, the Tenth crossing the river at Kelly's Ford and occupying the unfinished winter quarters of the enemy. On the 26th, the regiment again moved forward, and crossing the Rapidan at the Culpepper Mine Ford, advanced by the Orange plank road to New Hope Church, where it came up with the cavalry, already engaged. It was immediately brought upon the line, the left of the regiment resting upon an abandoned railroad grade. Company B was immediately thrown forward as skirmishers, and repulsed several attempts of the enemy to drive them out. Determined to gain the position, he soon brought a battery of rifled guns into position to rake it, which were speedily silenced by our own guns, when the line advanced and he was driven nearly a mile into the broken timber ground on the head waters of Mine Run. The regiment escaped in the encounter with only one wounded. Deeming it impolitic to attack the enemy in his strong position, Meade determined to withdraw, and returned across the Rappahannock, the Fifth Corps being posted along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. The Tenth Regiment was stationed at Warrenton Junction, and subsequently at Manassas Junction, where it was charged with guarding the road from Bristoe Station to the Bull Run Bridge, under the immediate command of Captain Pattee, of company B, a brave and skillful officer. During the entire winter the enemy's cavalry and bushwhackers greatly annoyed the guard. No soldier could go beyond rifle range of the camp without danger of being shot or captured, and as many casualties occurred, a constant and untiring vigilance was necessary for the safety of the camp and the road. Upon the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Knox, Major Ayer assumed command, and was subsequently commissioned Lieutenant Colonel. Abandoning winter quarters on the 29th of April, the regiment moved to the neighborhood of Culpepper, where it joined the army under Grant, the Reserves, commanded by Crawford, being still attached to the Fifth Corps. At midnight of the 3d, the division crossed the Rapidan, and bivouacked in the Wilderness on the night of the 4th. During the following day the regiment was engaged in skirmishing with the enemy and manceuvring, and at one time, the troops ion the right having been heavily engaged and driven back, the entire division was in imminent danger of being cut off; but was withdrawn, the Tenth without loss, to the neighborhood of the.Lacy House, where the line was re-formed and intrenched. On the 6th, the regiment moved with the brigade to the right, and was pushed forward a mile or more, driving the enemy. In this advance Colonel Ayer was severely wounded, and was borne from the field, the command devolving upon Captain Valentine Phipps, of company E. The regiment suffered severe loss in wounded and had one killed. At night it was moved to the right on the double quick, to meet a night attack made on the Sixth Corps; but previous to its arrival order had been restored. Again, on the 8th, at Spott. sylvania Court House, the regiment was hotly engaged, and on the 9th, until late at night, when it was moved to the right, forming a line at the base of a 1864 RETURN AND MUSTER OUT OF SERVICE. 823 long wooded ridge which extended to the River Po. On the following morning the Tenth was deployed as skirmishers and advanced driving the enemy in upon his intrenched line. In this engagement the regiment had one killed and several wounded. Fighting its way with the division, it crossed the Pamunky on the 28th, and on the 29th moved forward to Tolopotomy Creek, skirmishing as it went. On the 30th the enemy was met in considerable force near Bethesda Church, where the Reserves were at first driven back in some disorder; but finally forming in a favorable position, a temporary breast-work of rails wasthrown up and the enemy was checked. Reforming his lines he attacked in _heavy.force, but was repeatedly repulsed and driven back in confusion, the Reserves inflicting great slaughter and taking many prisoners. This was their last battle, their time of service having expired. Many of the Tenth re-enlisted as veterans, and formed part of the One Hundred and Ninetieth and One Hundred and Ninety-first regiments. On'the 11th of June, 1864, the remnants of this brave and once strong body of men, which had fought in nearly every batfle in which the army of the Potomac had been engaged, and which was not excelled in valor by any other organization of the division, was mustured out of service at Pittsburg. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS.' MB. a R,..,~INTO SERVICE. - John S. M'Calmont Col...... June 29,'61, 3 Resigned May 9, 1862. James T. Kirk.........do..... June 19,'61, 4 Promoted from Lieut. Col. to Col., May 13, 1862resigned October 18, 1862. Adon. J. Warner......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Capt company G, to Lt. Col., May 14, 180-wounded at White Oak Swamp, and Antietam-promoted to Col., April 25, 1863-tr. to 17th reg. Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 23, 1863brevet Brig. Gen. of Volunteers, March, 1864. James B. Knox......Lt.Col. June 14,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt Co. E, to Maj, Aug. 15,'62-to Lt, Col., April 25, 1863-resigned Nov. 23, 1863. Ira Ayer, Jr.............do e..... June 20, 61, 3 Pr. from Capt. company I, to Maj., Mayl, 1863to Lt Col.,.Feb. 27, 1864-to brevet Col., March 13, 1865-wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Harrison Allen...... Major.. June 29,'61, 3 Resigned February 14, 1862. \ Sion B. Smith............do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Adj to Major, May 2, 1862 —resigned July 14, 1862. C. Miller Over..........do.....June 23,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company C. to Maj., Feb. 27, 1864-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Oswald H. Gaither Adj..... June 6,'61, 3 PromotedfromSgt. Maj to 1st Lt and Adj., Mar.'62-wd. and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads,,70 ~~~~''. ~June 30, 1862-died at Richmond, July 8, 1862. Geo. W. M'Cracken...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company G, to 1st Lt. and Adj., Feb. 22, 1863-to brevet Capt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with reg., June 11, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. PI. principal. Surg. Surgeon. NsBt. Assistant. Comr. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Ba. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disoh. discharged. Mis. missing. Ben. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 824 THIRTY-NITTH REGIMENT-TENTH RESERVE, I3 DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. 4 REMAR George Norris......... Q. M... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. and A. C. S., Nov. 26, 1862. William R. Shippen...do..... July 3,'61, 3Promoted to 1st Lt. and R. Q. M., May 1, 1863mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. 4 Benj. Rohrer.......... Surg.... Jun 26,'61, 3 Mstered out with regiment, June 11, 1864-Bv. Lieut. Colonel, March 13, 1865. David M'Kinney..... As.Sur. June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Surg. 134th reg. P. V., Sept. 1, 1862. Benjamin Barr........... July 15,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. LatshawM'Greggor Chap'nJuly 4,'61, 3 Resigned June 14, 1862. John F. M'Laren......do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Oscar D. Madge......Sr. Maj. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb 27,'62. George Ross.............do..... June 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, February 27,'64mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. James Faucett........ Q.M.Sr July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'62. Virgil Elder............do..Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P.V., June 1,'64 —Vet. Joseph W. Russell. Con. Sr June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. James R. Patton..... Hos. St. June 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Asst. Surg., 139th reg. P. V., Mar. 1, 1863. Wash. L. Atler.........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., June 1,'64. Eugene N. Petrie... P. muc June 6,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 4, 1862.William Austin......... do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dept., Feb. 28,'63. Jas. P. K. Beighley...do..... June 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 199th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864., Josiah R. Chambers...do. June 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864.: COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY. Robert P. Cummins Capt.... June 20,'61, 3 Resigned January 8, 1862. Jas. S.Hinchman......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt., Jan. 13, 1862-killed' ht Bull Run, August 30, 1862, Chaun'y F. Mitchell...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Aiugr 1,'62-to Capt., May 1,'63-resigned Sept. 3,'631 John C. Gaither..........do.... July 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., May 1,'63-to Capt., Mar. 1, 1864-to brevet Major, Mar. 13,'65~-wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62~mustered out with company, June 11, 1864:. Cyrus Elder........... 1st Lt... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt., Jan. 8,'62-resigned July 21,'62. David C. Scott.........do... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862~ promoted to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., April 26,'64A mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.;i George S. Knee.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Jan. 13, 1862to 1st Lt., Aug. 1, 1862-died Jan. 27, 1863, of.~~~, - -~ ~wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. James M. Marshall 2d Lt... June 20,'61,3 Promoted to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., May 1,'63-com.lst. Lt., Sept. 4,'63-not mus. —resigned Mar. 14,'64. Rufus C. Landis....1. st Sgt. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt., April 26, 1864mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.: Adolph Winter.....Serg't... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 46th regiment P. V., Oct., 1861. Oswald H. Gaither.....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted toSergeant Major, July, 1861. Eugene N. Petrie....do..... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 23, 1861. Herman G. Weller.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal-discharged by order of War Department, November 26, 1862. H. G. Cunningham...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Cor.-disch. May 5,'63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. August Floto....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-disch. May 24,'63, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Henry H. Kuhn.....d...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-disch. to accept promotion in U. S. C. T., April 2, 1864-Vet. Alexander Koontz.....do...... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Francis Phillippi........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-captured at Gaines' Mill-wd. at Bull Run, May 29,'62, Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62, and Wilderness, May 5, 64-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mesheck Beam.........do.... July 17,'61, 3 Promotedto Cor.-to Sgt., April 2,'64-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel R. Pile.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., April 26, 1864 —captured at Fredericksurg, Dec. 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864..Charles G. Ogle..o.. Corp.., June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Samuel P. Pearson...do.. July 17,'6l, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31,'62. William P. Huston'...do..Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 14, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Road&"'une 30 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 825 DATE OF MUSTER N INTO SERVICE. MA Chas. A. Gaither..... Corp.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 25, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Isaac M'Adams.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. George A. Keslar........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,1864. James Benford..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John G. Bricker.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64 —absent at muster out. Jacob Wiltrout.........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-absent at muster out. Samuel Seese............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William G. Stoner.....do.. June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-musout with company, June 11, 1864. Rob't E. Laughton...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, D)ec. 13,'62-missing in action at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. William Austin..... Muc.... June 6,'61, 3 Promoted Principal Musician, July, 1861. Ash, Alfred............ Private July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1861. Auman, Hugh...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, August 12, 1863. Allison, Robert.........do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Anderson, Jesse.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted October 31, 1862. Barret, Jas. W. A......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62wounded May 9, 1864-absent at muster out. Boyd, C. F. F...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged May 26, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Baldwin, David.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Benford, Fletcher....do.... Oct. 31,'63, 2 Drafted-transferred to company I, 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Bense, John.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Bricker, George W...do...... June 20,'61, 3 Died Jan. 4,'63, of wounds received at Freder. icksburg-bu. in Mil. Asylum Cem'y, D. C. Berkey, Christian.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died Sept. 18,'62, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried at Philadelphia. Cook, Solomon..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Camp, Daniel............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-wd. at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64-absent at mus. out. Countryman, E......do... July 17,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Cooper, Benj. F......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged May 5, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Custer, John..........do... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Coleman, Ephraim...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15,'64. Custer, Richard....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Critchfield, Henry.'...do..... Oct. 29, 2,3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Cable, William......do.... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Cobaugh, John E.......do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Died May 19, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Casebeer, Jacob.........do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Died March 28,'63, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-bu. at Philadelphia. Conrad, William E...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Dively, Charles.........do... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davis, Wesley W......d...... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged May 5, 1863, for wounds received in action, August 27, 1862. Durst, Dennis............do..... July 17,'61, 8 Died September 16, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Elder, Virgil.............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, May 1, 1863. Faidley, Elijah P........... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frank, Henry J.....do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Folk, Jacob.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted June 4, 1862. Glenn, Wellington....do -... June 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62ab. at mus. out. Garlitz, William H...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Gonder, John.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 9, 1863. Glotfelty, Urbanus...do..... July 17, 61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Garletts, Jonas..........do.......................... Deserted September 21, 1862. Hicks, Wilson C.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hoyle, John.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hinchman, C. M.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Bull Run, August 30,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Huston, C. F............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 17, 1863, for wounds received June 30, 1862. Hershberger, John...do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Eluston, Alex. H.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Horner, Franklin.....do.....Oct. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Hlumbert, Joseph D...do..... Oct. 29, 62,'3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Ieckart, Benj. F............ June 20,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Eteinbaugh, Cyrus.....do.... July 17, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Houpt, William F. l..do June 20,, 61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 104 826 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT-TENTH RESBVE, NAE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER R.EMRKS. INTO SERVIC. REMARKS. Kidner, Henry...... Private June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Knee, Daniel S..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 17,1863, fUr wds. rec. June 30, 1862. Kimmell, Wm. H......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Kurtz, Simon P.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'62. Koontz, Edward J.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Died September 15, 1862. Kimmell, John O......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Lenhart, SolomonA...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lowrey, Michael C...do...June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. M'Adams, F. M........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mathias, John P........ do... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Joseph.......... do..... July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Kinley, Henry C...do July 17,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Moore, Oliver............do..Oct. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Metzler, Jacob...........do... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Nedrow, Alex............do... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nedrow, John...........do.....Oct. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Penrod, Harrison H...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pile, George.............do..... July 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pugh, John.............do..do Oct. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'63. Peil, Peter...............do...Oct. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Rhodes, Frank. H.....do.. June 20,'61, 3 Missing in action at Spottsylvania, May 9, 1864. Ramage, Wm. E....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 9, 1863. Ridinger, John A......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864 —Vet. Richmire, Joshua......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Tr. to company I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Rook, Hezekiah........ do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Tr. to company T, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Saylor, Samuel......... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64 —ab. at muster out. Saylor, Alexander.....do... July 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 9,1864-ab. at muster out. Saylor, Josiah........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schockey, Jairus R...do... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Slater, Henry W........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Luther A.......do. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, William H.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shaffer, Jeremiah......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Shaulus, Levi..........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64. Sumstine, Jacob..........do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64. Stern, Alexander......do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64. Schneckenber, J. M...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died May 11, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-buried on battle-field. Stewart, Thomas.......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Tayman, Geo. H........d..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Tilson, Edward F......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Died Sept.,'62, of wds. received June 30, 1862. Walker, Frank R......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walker, Samuel........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wagner, William......do... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'62. Wimer, George W.......do..... July 17,'61, 3 Died 1862, of wounds received June 30, 1862. Walker, Wm. H........do..July 17,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Young, William........do..... July 17,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Yutzy, Jeremiah......do.. July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Yoder, Tobias D........ do..... July 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT WEST MIDDLESEX, MERCER COUNTY. Thos. M'Connell..... Capt.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10.'62. Jos. B. Pattee..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., July 21, 1861-to Capt., April 22, 1863-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Chas. N. Jackson.... 1st Lt... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 21,'61to 1st Lt., June 1, 1863, and A. D. C. to Brig. Gen. Seymour-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Farrell......... 2d Lt... June 19,'61, 8 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 24, 1863~i' I I r~mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARSB SERVICE. 827 NAMR. RANK. DATEOF MUSTER. REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. John W. Porter...... IstSgt.. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. A. H. M'Williams.. Sergt.. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wm. N. Johnson......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John B. Crawford.....do... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jefferson C. Wentz...do.,June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. David Gilleland.......;do June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'62. Irvine Miller............ do..Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. George Wareham... Corp.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wm.. Barnett.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert C. Crossman...do.. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wim. A. Edenburn...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John B. Caldwell......do...... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph Baker...........do.....June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Norman Johnson......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frazer Dillan...........do...June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10, 62. Dennison Jacobs......do.....June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. John M'Connell.........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct, 30,'62. John Brown............do.....June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 7,'62. Wm. B. Maxwell......do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Ague, Eli J............ Private Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Arbaugh, Henry M...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died June 3, 1862. Beverly, Menzon........do.....June 19'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Byers, Walter D........ do.. June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Bartholomew, S..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 29, 1862. Buckalew, Garret......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bell, Samuel M........d..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet, Beaver, George W.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Clark, Samuel B........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Clark, Charles R.......o.... June 19,'61, 3 Capt'datWilderness,May5,'64-disch. Mar. 7,'65. Clawges, Samuel B...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Case, Henry W.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. Curtis, Leonard..... do....June 19'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Clark, Samuel....o..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1862, Campman,Timothy...do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June,'64-Vet. Caldwell, Robert.......do..... June 19,.'61, 3 Died Nov. 12,'62, of wounds received in action. Dunmire, Rich'd A...do......June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dunham, Jonathan...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davis, Clark C...........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Donavan, Cornelius..do.. June 19'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27,'62. Day, Alfred C............do..June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Eaton, Isaac.................. June 19,'61, 3 Died July 2, 1862, of wounds received in action. Feather, James R....d....... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered outwith company, June 11, 1864. Faucett, James.........do..July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'62. Gardner, Wm. J.......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Greer, John H.........do... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gibson, William B..... do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Henry, William C....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 22,'62-re-enlisted Jan. 5,'64.-tr. to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Houston, WW M'B...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Wd. at SouthMountain, September 14,1862-dis charged on Surgeon's certificate, June 10, 1863. H ilkirk, Isaac,...... do..... June 19,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Heasley, Urius W.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Hogue, James............do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hunt, William..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62, Jellison, William....do..... June 19,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacobs, Lafayette.-..... do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. Kelso, George...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. King, Benjamin G.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kirkwood, James. do......... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-.Vet. Kelly, Thomas...........do.... June 19,'61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Kelly, Andrew..........do.....June 19, 3 Deserted June 2, 1863. Livermore, F. M.......do...... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leasure, John W......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lyon, John E.........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Mayberry, Alex. M..do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mathews, Alfred.......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,;1864. Madden, Morris.........do.... June 19,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June, 1864. Mallory, Wm. H......do..... July 15'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Marsteller, Lemuel..do..... Jume 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. M'Ginn, William J...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Gowen, John......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. M'Garvey, Edward...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. M'Cann, John....... do.... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. M'.Call. Alonzo.......do... July 15,'61,3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-buried in Na. I tional Cemetery-section B, grave, 82. 828 THtfITY-NINTH REGIMENT-TENTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. N M'Clusky, James...Private June 19,'61, Died May 20, 1862. M'Gonnell, Patrick...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Deserted'June 2, 1863. M'Kibben, Alex'r...do. June 19,'61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1863. Near, John.............do June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. O'Hare, James..........do June 19, 61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1863. Piper, Samuel........... do. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peters, Frank........... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Powell, John W........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 18~4. Paten, Milo............... do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Porter, Alex'r W...do.....July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. Paten, George...........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Robinson, Lyman B...do. June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-YVet. Russell, Joseph W...do June 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Sept. 1,'62. Resoner, James.........do.....June 19, 61, 3 Died September 21, 1862. Root, Fayette............ do..... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Simpson, Milton........ do.....July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stambaugh, David.....do. June i1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'62. Shearer, George W.....do. June 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 29, 1862. Smith, Robert D........do..... July 15,'61, 3 Died Oct. 21,'62, of wounds received in action. Scott, James S........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Sutley, John..............do.....Mar. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Thomas, Thomas...... do June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas, David..........do. une 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Towman, William......do June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thompson, Elijah...... do..... June 19'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. Tait, David.............. do July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62. Webster, John F....... do...June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1, 1862. White, Thomas C..... do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Walker, Orrin.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 29, 1862. Walker, John H.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. COMPANY C. RECRUITED AT FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY. C. Miller Over....... Capt.... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, February 27, 1864. Charles C. Cochran...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt., Mar. 18, 1864-dis. May 1, 1864. Charles W. Mackey 1st Lt... June 23,'61, 3 Dismissed June 27, 1863. William M. Patton...do.... July 21,'61, 3 Pr. from lstSgt. to 1st Lieutenant, April 26,'64mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel M'Kenzie.. 1st Sgt. June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Jesse L. Pryer...........do..... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64 — et. Milton S. Singleton Serg't.. June 23,'61, 3 Disch. for wounds, with loss of arm, Nov. 14,'62. John C.Kirkpatrick...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Preston M. Hill........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Lewis W. M'Quaid...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January, 1863. Jas. L. M'Cullough...do.... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, March 7, 1863. Walter B. Fogus....... do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, May 27, 1863. Noble F. Leslie........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Pr. toSgt.-tr. to 191streg.P. V., June 1,'64 — et. Gillis G. Keener........ do..... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-tr. to 191streg. P.V., June 1,'64-Vet. Wm. C. M'Elwain..do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-transferred to 191st regiment, June 1, 1864-Vet. Elihu G. Neighbor....do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 17, 1863 —woundedabsent at muster out. William Dougherty...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 15, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George G. M'Lain......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, June 17, 1862. Thomas W. Agnew...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. George W. Peters......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, March 7, 1863. Samuel Moyer..........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 11, 1863. James M. Covert.......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Captured at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Robert D. Sutton... Corp.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. F. T. Alexander........ do.... June 23,'61,3 Transferred to 19st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-et. James B. White............. Feb. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Benj. P. Addleman...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 15, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Myers Eckenberger...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 15, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John M. Wimer........do.....June 23,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 9,1864-Vet. W. H. Kirkpatrick...do June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'61 THRET YEARS' SERVICE. 829 NAMER. DATE OF ER NAM.BIE.y ns. - BINTO SERVICE. REM. Emory A. Saddler.. Muc.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Brown, Hiram....... Private June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bowman, Jos. M.......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Died at New York, July 15, 1862. Brown, Lyman........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.-30,'62. Brown, Freeling........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, February 25, 1863. Cramer, Christop'r.....do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Cross, Aaron T.........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Camp, Benj. F.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Crispan, George..........Feb. 29'64, 3. Wounded at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-trans. ferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Coulter, Robert.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Crawford, John H......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Groveton, August 29, 1862. Conver, George W...do.... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'63. Dempsey, Ephraim...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dorland, David........do... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 7,'61. Elliott, George..........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Fitzsimmons, R. H...do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1884. Fulkeson, Smith........do.... May 31,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Grable, Wm. J...........do..... une 23,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Griffin, Andrew.........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Galbraith, James B...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Griffin, John............do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20, 1862. Heigle, Frederick......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Horten, William A...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 11, 1863. Jones, Thomas J.......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Jourdon, John...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Jourdon, John..........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1862. Keith, Hiester..........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 9,'64-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Kreckle, William.d.....do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 20, 1863. Lockroat, Marcus......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leslie, Samuel...........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Lovell, David...........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Loose, William.........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'62. Morgan, Gilbert........do... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cool, George.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. May, John S...........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 64. M'Fadden, Thos. M...do..... June 23, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg.. V., June 1,'64-Vet. M'Quaid, John H......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Moore, Annis...........do... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. M'Curdy, Alex.....do.... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, March 3, 1862. M'Kenzie, Wm.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,'61. M'Millan, Dan'l B.....do.... June 23, 61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1862. Morrison, David P.....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. M'Chesney, Sam'l..do.... June 23,61, 31 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 16, 1861. Meager, George.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nellis, Robert B........do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Nellis, Isaiah........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Nickleson, James......do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Deserted February 7, 1863. Oldridge, James........... June 23, 61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Pollock, Thos. H........ do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, February 12, 1862. Powell, Wm. B........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, March 7, 1862. Ross, Thomas J......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ross, Joseph D.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Remley, William......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Ross, Samuel B........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,'61. Smith, Absalom........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stewart, Samuel.......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Showers, Anthony.....do..... e 23,61, Musteredout with company, June 11, 1864. Shattuck, Geo. S.......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scott, George W........do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Seibert, John........... do... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Sheffier, Daniel K.....do..... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1862. Sawhill, Alex. F........do..... June 23, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7, 1863. Sallinger, Alex.........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Deserted November 7, 1862. Skeel, Samuel M......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Shaw, James D........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Templeton, Thos. H...do.... June 23, 61, 3 Discharged for wounds, December 22, 1862. Tracy, Ezekiel N.. do.....do... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, October 22, 1862. Taylor, Robert........ do.... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Varner, Wm. A.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. White, Wim. P........do..... June 23, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilhelm, John H......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Welsh, William J......do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilson, Bradford.....do.... June 23,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 830 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT-TEINTH RESERVE, DATE OF MU0T]~R AME. RANK. DATEOF MUSTER RMAIs GLMB. BANK. INTO SERVICE.. REMARKS..AN. INTO SERVIC.. Widle, Henry J...... Private July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Wallace, Edward....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Died January 1, 1863, at Belle Plain Hospital. Winkleman, Wm......do.... June 23,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862. Wilson, John........... do... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'62. Wolfkill, John.........do.....June 23,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Wonzor, James S......do... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 3, 1863. Walters, John.........do June 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3, 1863. Yingling, John.............. July 21,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, April 11, 1863. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN CANONSBURG, WASHINGTON COUNTY. James T. Kirk........ Capt.... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, June 21, 1861. Chas. W. M'Daniel...do..... June'19,'61, 3 Pr. to Captain, June 21, 1861-to Bv. Maj., Mar. 13,'65 —mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Geo. H. M'Nary...... 1st Lt.. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Frank Coleman...... 2d Lt... June 19,'61, 3 Resigned August 1, 1862. Charles Davis............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1862-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Frank. C. Ritchie.... 1st Sgt. June 19,'61, 3 Discharged July 7, 1863, to receive promotion in U. S, Colored Troops. Robert Brady............do.. June 19,'61, 3 Wounded —mus. out with company, June 11,'64. Benjamin Anderson Serg't.. Juno 19,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp, June 30,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William S. Hluston.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Missing at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Shadrack Beck.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'62. Samuel G. Hodgens...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged December 2,'63, for wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30. 1862. Wm. P. M'Nary.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Adj. 123d reg. P. V., Nov. 15, 1862. William Harlin........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. John Gundy...............do.... June 19,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. James Hughes...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., of wounds received at Wilderness, May 10, 1864. Thomas Paxton............ June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. William Meggs...... Corp.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John V. Cook.........o.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James M'Cahan...d...... June 19,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Wallace Scott...d.........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. James M. Scott.......... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, "64. William Glass..... do.... June 19,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Robert N. Lang........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Robert N. M'Pake......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10,'64. James M'Pake....... Muc.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James Merriman.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 3, 1863. Josiah Chambers.....do.... June 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Muc.-date unknown. Anderson, Samuel.. Private June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Akey, Alfred..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1861. Atler, Wash. L........d...... July 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, May 1, 1863. Briceland, Garland..do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Black, James L........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Black, T. Julius......l...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 8,'64-ab. at mus. out. Brown, Samuel.........do... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 18,'62. Bradv, Joshua..........do...Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Cain, William...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caldwell, Wm. S.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cochran, Wilson........d....June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1834. Crum, David............do... June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-died at Washington-date unknown. Cain, George.............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'62. Chambers, John S...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'63. Cowan, John.............do.... June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 8, 1863. Cochran, Hugh.........do..... June 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5,'63. Culver, Joseph Z......Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged by order War Department to receive commission in colored troops. Cook, amuel..1.....,.o..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Killed at Manassas Junction, April 15, 1864. THREE YEARS'.SERVICE. 831 -' I. NAME. IRANK. DATE OF MUSTER RE As INTO SERVICE. Dickey, Nath'l E.... Private June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Deval, William......... do..... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Duff, James B...........do..... June 19, 61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, August, 1861. Donaldson, Wm.........do.... Aug. 12, 62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Evans, Benjamin.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eton, Frank B...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. First, Luther C........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Furguson, James......do..... Feb. 22,64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Ford, Thomas...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Manassas Junction, April 15, 1864. Graham, George S....do.....June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Greer, Matthew........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Wd.-died at Munson's Hill, Va., April 8, 1863. Hammond, D. V........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Captured Dec. 18, 1863-died in Libby prisondate unknown. Horn, Charles............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hollingshead,Wm.....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harlin, Matthew........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'61. Haden, George..........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Hallas, Daniel........d..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hallas, George...........do.... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hallas, William.......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Huston, Alexander...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Harsha, William........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hiles, George.......... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hunter, Williamnt......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died at Belle Plain, Va., January 31, 1863. Jackson, John.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jackson, William....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 9,'61. Jackson, Joseph......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,,'64. Jackson, Thomas.,....do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Jeffers, John,............do.. June 19,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at -' White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Lang, John E...........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Missing at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Mackey, James.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Musser, Alexander...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mackey, Samuel........do.. June 19,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Cullough, John.....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Pake, John E......do..... June 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'James, H........d......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Williams, Wm.....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Fadden, James......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cord, John P.........do... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 3,'63. M'Cluskey, John......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Perry, James............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pettit, Henry......... do... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pennell, William...... do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Patton, James..........do..... June 19,'6, 3 Discharged by order of War Department to receive promotion-date unknown. Phillips, J. Fulton.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,1862. Prout, Alexander......do... June 19,'61, 3 Deserted July 9, 1863. Quail, James...........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'61. Roberts, William.......do... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rhinehart, James......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ryan, Benjamin F..... do.....Aug. 12,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Sutton, John......do......do June 19,'61, 3 Wd. and pris. at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Strosnyder, A. J.......do... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stournend, John....... do June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sarver, John.............do June 19,'61, 3 ustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sheaff, Henry H........do. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scott, Brown......... d...d... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Tibbey, George.........do.....June 19,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1863. Thompson, John H..do.. Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Wilson, James B......do. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilson, Robert........do. June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent at muster out. Wallace, Joseph.......do.. June 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Williams, Anthony...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 64-et. Williams, William....do...June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Young, James........do June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 832 THIRTY-NINTH REGIENT —-TENTH RESERVE, COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN CLARION COUNTY. N4AJ. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. James B. Knox......Capt... June 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August 15, 1862. Valentine; Phipps........do.. July 5,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., Aug. 12, 1861-wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-pr. to Capt, Aug. 15,'62-to Bv. Maj. —mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. David R. Craig.......1st Lt.. July 5,'61, 3 Resigned August 7, 1861. James L. Wray........do. July 5,'61, 3 Wd. at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-res. Dec. 10,'62. Chas. M'Laughlin......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Wd. and pris. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-pr. from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., June 4, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. N. B. M'Williams... 2d Lt... July 5,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Chas M'Laughlin... 1st Sgt.. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Francis M. Lewis......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Pris. at Gaines' Mill-wd. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Samuel D. Grable... Serg't.. July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. J. Greenawalt........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Tolbert Dale..............do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. Smith Strickler.........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'82. Daniel Black........d..... July 5,'61,8 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'62. William H. Fetzer.....do.... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'61. John-D. Lyon.........do.. July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,1864-Vet. George F. Kapp........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'64-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. George B. Kieser.... Corp.... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Kieser..........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Waley..........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-musX':/~:, tered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Craig............do... July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862, and Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Simon Mohney........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hugh Carson..........do.... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. William Vesey.........do... July 15,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wm. R. Shippen.....do.... July 3,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., and Reg. Q. M. May 1, 1863. HarrisonWhitehill...do.....July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,1864-Vet. Samuel S. Wilson......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Allen W. Corbett......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Thomas Vausden..... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Alsbaugh, Oliver P Private Sept. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Agnew, Joshua B.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Agnew, Samuel.........do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 190thregimentP. V., May 31, 1864. Ayres, James............do.... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Allen, Isaac.......do....do. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Breneman, Fred........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mt., Sept. 14,'62, and Fredericks'g, Dec. 13, 1862 —mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Brush, George...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bole, Reynolds.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May6, 1864-mustered out, June 23, 1864. Best, William..... o...do...July 5,'61. Disch. May 4, 1864, by sen. of Gen. Court Mar. Bales, John W..........do.... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Barr, Henry C.............Aug. 20,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Black, Matthew..........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Callihan, Robert........do... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cook, Sebastian.......d...do.. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged J an. 15, 1863, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Clark, James K........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged June 3, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Cyphet, George...do.. Mar. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Craig, Adam..do........ Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Dixon, George...... do'.2Jl iexon, JGeorgeh......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Disel, John.............o..... Sept. 1.'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Davis, Silas.......... do. Aug. 20'62, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Laurel Hill, May 9, 1864. minger, John H.....do. Jult 15,'61, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Mav 31,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 833 NAME RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMfARK& A NK TO SERVICE. Eminger, Daniel B Private July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Foreman, Miles.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ferry, Patrick T.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'63. Farringer, William...do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Gates, Henry............do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ganoe, James W....do...... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'63. Grace, George........ do..... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry, Calvin B........do....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'61. Holmes, Almon B.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henderson,Thonas...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James, Jasper N........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 11, 1864, by sentence of G. C. M. Jones, Daniel V.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Keelv, John..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Kapp, Samuel S.......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62. Kieser, Amos............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Keely, Daniel............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Livingston, Wm. R...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, John A...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, Thos. E. H.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, Thomas E..... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lowe, Henry A.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lindsay, John...........do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Laughlin, John M.....do... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 103d reg. P. V., by \::...d~~o.... promotion to 2d Lieutenant, June 12, 1862. Miller, Hehry*...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, and at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morgan, William........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morris, Harvey......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1861. Magee, John A........do....July 5,,'63 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. Mills, Reed M.........d..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 9,'64-transferred to 190th regiment, P. V., May 31, 1864. M'Coy, Joseph...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Bride, Davis.........d..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. MI'Keenzie, Thomas.....do.... July 5,'61, 3 Tr. to batteryC, 5th U. S. Art., April 1,'62. M'Laughlin, Pat'ck...do.... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-ustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Laughlin, Ed'wd...do.. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1861. M'Ciure, Charles R...do.. Aug. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Ogden, James C..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parsons, Silas W.......do.. July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Phillips, John C.........do.. July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Randolph, Harmon...do. July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rankin, Adam A......do... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Raifsnider, Jacob......do... July 5, 61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Raymond, Alpheus...do. July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Reeser, Charles A.....do... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted August 12, 1862. Stiner, George.............do.. July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, and at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Spence, Ashabald......do... July 5,'61, 3 Prisoner at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, David...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 62-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Strickler, David E.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sloan, David P..........do... July 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1, 1861. Stigers, John..do.... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stover, Aquilla.........do.... Sept. 1, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Sloan, David A........do.... July 5,'61 3 Died February, 1862, at Camp Pierpont, Va. Sloan,John H..........do..... July 5, 61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Sample, James C...o......... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1862. Turney, Burton........ do. July 5,'61, 3 Pris. July 1,'62-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Trainer, James A...... do... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Travis, Samuel L......d...... July 5, 61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Trezymiling, Jas. G.,.do. July 5,61 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Whitehill, David........do... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Walter, Elliott G.......do July 5,'61 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-mustered out with company June 11,'64. Wilson, George W...do July 5'61 3 Discharged October 17, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Wilson, Clarence B...do.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. 105 834 THIRTY-NINTEH REGIIENT —TENTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTREM. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. q RE S. Wyon, James G...... Private July 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-transferred I to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Whitehill, Robert......do... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 1 13, 1862-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Wilson, Hugh...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted August 26, 1862. Yates, David.............do...July 5,61, 3 Wounded atGaines' Mill, June 27,'62, and South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-rmustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Young, Robert...........do. July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Young, William........do... July 5,'61, 3 Prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-musI tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Young, Jerome W.....do July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'63. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT ROCHESTER, BEAVER COUNTY. Milo R. Adams...... Capt..... June 29,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 25, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Abner Lacock...........do... June 29,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., May 6,'63-to Capt., March 1,'64-to By. Maj., March 13, 1865-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Matthew S. Quay1... st Lt... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Asst. Corn. Gen. of Pa., July 5,'61. John L. Moore...........do..June 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, Oct. 30, 1861. Eph'm P. Stewart.....do..... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Oct. 14, 1861resigned August 20, 1862. Joseph M. Reed.........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Lt., Aug. 20,'62dismissed May 6, 1863. George E. Lehman...do..... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 6, 1863-to 1st Lieut., March 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alfred P. Cairns..... 2d JLt... June 29,'61, 3 Resigned November 19, 1861. Thomas L. Darragh...do.... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 19, 1861-resigned August 20,1862. Rufus D. Cole......... 1st Sgt. June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Jas. M. Moorberger Serg't.. June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James M'Kee............do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Olcott..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Harri'n J. Chandler... do... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'63. Thomas S. Wray..... Corp.... June 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864- died at Fortress Monroe, Va.-date unknown. James Atkinson.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George M'Caskey.......... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alexander Dawson.. do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William D. Reno.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas G. Evans......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Disch. Feb. 14, 1863, for wds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862. George Bean........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 30, 1862, for wds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Robert H. Brown......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Ambrest, John....... Private June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Anderson, Fran's M...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5, 1863. Anderson, Jno. W.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. Anderson, Jas. E......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Beuchler, Fred'k......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Blaine, David R......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brown, James...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brown, Eli E.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Beighley, Jas. P. K...do... June 3,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Sept. 1, 1863, Beaner, James W.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet, Baker, George.........do...'. Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Batto, Daniel........do..... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Bentz, Lewis.........do..... Dec. 8,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Bevington, Mason....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,1861. Bryan, George P.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27,, 1862. Cross, John W...........do.....June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, \Robert......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered,out with company, June 11, 1864. Carr, William C.......do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Casselton, Guy........do.;. Mar. 23,'64. 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Cazey, George W.......do....June 19,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 11, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 835 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARIS. NAMBE. RANK. INTO SERVICE. MARS. Dawson, Benoni C.. Private June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Douds, Edward H.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8, 63. Donavan, John..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 17,'63, for wds. rec. in action. Edgar, Lemuel G......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Edgar, Joseph F........do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Evans, Martin S........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Trnsferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Elliott, Sylvester......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Edgar, John.............do.... Nov. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Fish, Wallace W.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gull, Casper..............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Graham, W...............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Gull,.Henry...............do.... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-burial record, died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 19, 1862. Gray, Robert..............do... June 19,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. Hamilton, Win. L......... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hays, Joseph G.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hendrickson, H........ do.... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Hutchison, Charles...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hamilton, Samuel.....do..... June 19'61, 3 Discharged April 27, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Henry, James H.......do..... Nov. 2,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Hawley, Thomas.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Holland, Christ. B.....do.....June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Handy, Chauncey......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died Sept. 26, 1862-buried at Alexandria, Va. Holder, Ralph B........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Izenour, Arthur.........do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Jordan, James D........do... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Jack, Robert............do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Jones, John J............do... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Kettlewood, Wm......do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'64. Merkle, Wash...........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moorhead, Jas. H.....do..... April 18,'63, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May8, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Might, David...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Connell, Clark.......do..... June 19,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Gahey, James P.....do.... June 19,'61,3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8,1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Afee, John...........do.... Mar. 13,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Williams, James...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. M'Laren, John P.....do..... June 1961,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'62. M'Millen1 Hugh........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Neville, Jason...... do... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Neville, Edward.......do.. June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Neville, Ira.......... do. June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Purvis, John.,............ do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transfered to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Phillis, James M........do.. June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Pfiefer, William H.....do... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 9,'63. Page, John.................do... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6,'62. Ramsay, Cochran......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reehl, John.............do... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Reehl, Robert..........do.... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Roy, Andrew...........do.. June 19,'61, 3 Discharged June 13, 1863, for wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Reno, Hiram S...........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'63. Robinson, John W...do....June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'63. Ramsay, William......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Rowe, James J...........do... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Swager, Socrates J.....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Swager, William....do... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,:1864. Sutherland, D. R........ do une 19,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Scott, James.............do..... June 19,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smart, John..............do..... June 19,'61, 3-Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Swain, John J...........do... June 19'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64, by sentence of General Court Martial. Smith, Jacob........do... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Stewart, Joseph.........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged October 6, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Scott, Theodore -W..]...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Todd, James A..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Todd, Wilbur F.........do..... Dec. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Uselton, Sam'l V.......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Wasin, George A.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilson, John P........do..June 19,'61,3 Mutered out with company, June 11,1864. Ward, Patrick...do..... June 19,'61 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P.., June 1,'64-Vet. 836 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT-TENTH RESERVE, BANK. -^ ~1. NAME ~....I T. __ITSEVC.___ Waterhouse, J. W.. Private June 19, 61, 3 Tr. to western gunboat service, Feb. 29, 1864. Wilson, James L.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Warnock, Dan'l.......... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Wray, John..............do..... June 19,'61, 3. Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT MERCER, MERCER COUNTY. A. J. Warner........ Capt..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, May 14, 1862. J. Parker Smith......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., May 10, 1862to Capt., May 17, 1862-died Jan. 6,'63, of wds. received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Peter E. Shipler........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 21,'61-to Q. M. Sergt., April 25, 1862-to 2d Lieut., May 10, 1862-to 1st Lieut., May 17, 1862-to Capt., April 28, 1863to By. Maj., March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thos. B. Rodgers... Is Lt... June 19,'61, 3 Resigned May 8, 1862. Joseph S. Marquis....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lieut., May 17, 1862to 1st Lieut., April 28, 1863-to By. Capt., Mar. 13, "65 —nus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Chas. W. Whistler.. 2d Lt... June 19,'61, 3 Resigned May 10, 1862. N. G. M'Quillan........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., July 21,'61-to Sergt., Jan.,'62-to 1st Sgt., May 10,'62-to 2d Lieut., May 9,'63-mustered out with Co., June 11, 1864. George Reznor....... 1st Sgt.. July 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., )ec., 1861-to'lst Sgt., May 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Milton J. Bean....... Serg't.. June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jno. M. Bogardus......do..... June 19.'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., May 10,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George T. Sykes.......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Sept. 1, 1862-to Sgt., May 10,'63-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. John H. Forker.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Jan. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Aug. 10,'63-nmustered out with company, June 11,'64. J. Boyd Robinson....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged December 18, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run,, August 30, 1862. Geo. W. M'Cracken...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1862-to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, February 22, 1863. Wm. H. Rowland......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1, 1862-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. John B. Emory...... Corp.... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 10, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Paden..........do.... June 19,'61 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-wounded at North Anna, May 23, 1864-died June 26,'64.buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va, Joseph H. Wright......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Thos. S. M'Laughry...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., July 21,'61-disch., Jan. 12,'63. for wds. ree. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Samuel Graham.....d...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., July 21,'61-disch. Sept. 29,'62, for wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James W. Hanna...d...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 1, 1862-dischargecd January 26. 1863, by order of Secretary of War. Isaac D. Kirk........... do... June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Oct. 1,'62-disch. March 16,'63, forwds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. John Nevin..............do.... July 15,'61, 3 Transferredto 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. Joseph Weaver.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Elias Orr...;.............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. William Galloway.....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Hamilton Houston....do...... July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. John W. Pewa......... do.....June 19,'61, 3 Died July, 1862. Hugh L. Sawhill...... do.....June 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1862-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. H. H. Henderson... Muc.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oscar D. Madge............. June 1,'61, 3 Promoted Sergeant Major, September 1, 1862. Albin, John R....... Private June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrews, John A......o..... July 15'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 18, 1862. Arnold, John h.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Alexander, John J.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Beaver, Valentine......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Boies, Henry G........do.....' June 19,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 837 N11 1.,~..INTO SIRRIOE, R E n. I EBKI IS. Bodle, William J... Private June 17,'61, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out. Bush, Aaron.............do.... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864 Bond, Joseph A.........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May U.'62. Bush, Henry H.........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64- -Vet. Brown, Sam'l M........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64 — Vet. Bloomer, Edw'd W...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died January 18, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862.. Bohen, Benj. H. E.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted August 31, 1862. Comstock, Asa.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cheny, J. Charles......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caldwell, Jos. R........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cummings, Jos.........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknolir Craig, William H......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Died June 3,'64, of wds. rec. at Wilderness, i s v 9,'64-b. inNational Cemetery, Arlington, - -. Cowan, John W........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company D-date unknown. Dentler, Charles W...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'-. Ellsworth, Wm. H...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'(,;. Forbes, William........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fruit, John W..........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged September 10, 1862, for wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Fell, Aurelius L........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged February, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Filson, Alfred B.......do..... June 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Foulk, Charles W......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Disch. Mar. 24,'64, byorder of Secretary of War. Fisher, Samuel F.......do..... Oct. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Gibson, W. Frank....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Grace, James...........do.....July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Graham, Win. D........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Graham, George R...do..... July 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George, J. Newton....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 12,'62. Goodrich, Wm. H......do.....June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Garvin, Edward L....do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged August, 1861, to accept promotion as 2d Lieutenant in 52d regiment N. Y. V. Grace, Samuel C........ do.... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 3,'62. Germer, Albert H......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st Penn'a Artillery, Sept. 1,'61. Gilbraith, Felix G.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 23,'63. Gibner, Chas. W.......do..June 19,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1861. Gardner, John...........do...June 19,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1862. Howard, Jas., Sr.......do... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Humphrey, C. P........do..... June 19 -'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Howard, James.........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Houston, Joseph.......do.... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Houston, Wm. H......do.... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Hines, Milton...........do.... Dec. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. Kirk, Baldwin C........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keck, James M.........do... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 26,'61. Kitch, David C.........do...June 19,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1862. Laferty, Geo. W........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Legore, William.......do.... July 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 13,'62. Lowry, John............ do... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Miller, Edward........do....July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mossman, Oscar A.....do... July 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 21,'61. Maguire, Walter S.....do.. June 19,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Morrison, Jos. S........do..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'63. Meals, Daniel S........do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Mahood, Jos. C.........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Meals, Christopher...do..... Feb. 27.'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Knight, Robert......do..... July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Donald, W. P....do July 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Pherran, Sam'l J...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged, date unknown, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. M'Clure, Wallace......do..... Feb. 10,'62, 3 Missing at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864. M'Cracken, R. W......do Dec. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Clain, John..........do...June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. M'Williams, S. R......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Nickum, Jos. B.........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nunamaker, Jas. G...do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Nelson, Jonas M.......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Nunamaker, Jos. H...do.... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Perry, Joseph G....... do....June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Patterson, Wm. F......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pew, James G.........do July 8, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Proudfit, Francis M...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-Vet. Pearson, Albert.......do... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. 838 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT-TENTH RESERVE, NADATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. _K. _ Pearson, Henry..... Private June 19,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Runkle, Peter E.......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rose, Henry G. C......do.... June. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 4, 1863. Roberts, George.......do..... June 19, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 8hipler, Joseph E...do...... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stranahan, Robert.....do..... June 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stull, Lester..............do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'61. Stewart, Samuel........do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged January 24,'63, for wounds received January 27, 1862. Stevenson, John M...do June 19,'61, 3 Discharged Nov., 1861, to accept promotion as 2d Lt. company M, 4th U. S. Artillery. Stevenson, Sam'1 B...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged December 6, 1861, by order of Secretary of War. Shannon,Thomps'n...do..Oct. 23,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Shoup, Joseph A.......do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Sedwick, John W......do..... June 19,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg P. V., June 30,'62-Vet. Sheehan, David.........do.... June 19,'61, 3 Killedat Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Shannon, George......do.... July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Tanner, George.........do... June 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 13,'61. Taylor, David C.........do... June 19,'61, 3 Died June 3, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Waugh, John R. E...do..... June 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT WARREN, WARREN COUNTY. Henry V. Partridge Capt.-... June 22,'61, 3 Resigned July 16, 1862. Daniel W. Mayes.....do.... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt.-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1863. Lemuel B. Norton.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., May 1, 1863-resigned June 22, 1863. William M'Cann.......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Mar. 1,'63to Capt., Mar. 1,'64-to By. Maj., Mar. 13,'65mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David Service......... 1st Lt... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor to 2d Lt., May 16, 1863-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry B. Fox........ 2d Lt.. June 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Eben M. Ford........ st Sgt.. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61promoted to Captain U. S. Signal Corps-date unknown. Ransom S. Bates.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leamon L. Bowers Serg't.. June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martilles Porter.........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. J. B. Harrington........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Nat. S. Falconer........do... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged November 30, 1863. Simeon Marsh...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Thomas 0. Rodgers...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Ira Johnson...............do.....June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Alonzo P. Barnes.... Corp.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. C. N. Burnham.........do...June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. H. F. Houghton.........do...June 22.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis B. Learn..........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George W. Brown.....do.....June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Merchant.......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. Chas. I. Nelson........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1861. I-I ry C. Dyon.........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. John Donlon.............do.... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Byron D. Tomes........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. C asper Y. Stroup.... Muc.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'63. Il. 1). Hotchkiss.........do..June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Allen, William...... Private July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'62. Aglesworth, D. C.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Brower, John G.........d.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Barber, Ira G.........do.....July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'62 Babcock, Charles.....do June 22,'61, 3 Di.sh-urged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'61. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 839 NAME. RANK. ATNE OF I MREMARKS. INTO SERVICE. P' Bowers, Daniel H... Private June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3,'62. Brown, Frank...........o..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'61. Brower, Charles........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Conner, Jesse MT...... do..... une 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Calvert, William......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 20, 1862, for wounds received at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Cameron, John.........do..June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1863. Clark, Charles..........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'61. Curtis, Nelson P........do....June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Calvert, Richard........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Crittenden, Ed. D......do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Clendenning, A.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Culbertson, Isaac......o.....June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Cowan, John M.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Chase, Victor............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Oct. 13, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Degroff, Abram G.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dennison, Ira H.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'61. Demars, Geo. W.......do... Aug. 31,'61, 3Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Demill, Irvine..........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Davis, Orlando L......do..... Aug 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, September 1, 1863. Enos, Ephraim.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Arlington. Geer, J. Burton..... do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Gilson, George S.......do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Hurley, John...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Howard, Henry.......co.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hougahton, Wm. H...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harris, Stephen G..... do.. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged October 11, 1862, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Huntley, Roland H...do.. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged September 20, 1862, for wounds received at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Jones, Samuel...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,1863. Kline, Jacob..............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kingsbury, J. M........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Kingsley, Noah R......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Lyon, Charles........d... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Lyon, Edwin A..........do... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Lesh, Andrew.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Learn, James A.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Mitchell, James R.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morton, James A......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'62. Miner, Henry D.........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62. M'Dowell, H. V.......do..... June 22,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Graw, Patrick........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Phaill, Enos W.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Osgood, Chase...........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged February 6,'63, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Palmer, Ed. J............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Parker, Hiram...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died Nov. 23, 1862, at Memphis, Tenn. Parker, Henry..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died September 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Robbins, Oliver P......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged February 26, 1864. Reynolds, Chas. E.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred'to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Robbins, L..............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Ryne, Thomas:.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Ryan, Edward..........do..... June 22,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Reeger, John............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferredto 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Robinson, D. F.........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Died September 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Stilwell, William....do. June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11. 1864. Shipman, John........do.... Aug. 31,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'61. Snyder, LeRoy.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'62. Salisbury, VW. A.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Shook, James R........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Schirk, Jacob..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Simmons, James E...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died July 3, 1862, of wds. rec. June 30, 1862. Sturdevant, Wm.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Trask, Geo. W..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company; June 11, 1864. Thompson, E. N.....d...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of arm, at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-discharged Sept. 25,'62. Tomes, Jacob.......... do. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'61. Turner, John..........do Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, April 13,-'62. 840 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMIENT-TENTH RESERVE,. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER.:NTO SERVICE REMARKS. Vannochton, D. T... Private June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12,'62. Wentworth,Charles....do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Wright, Henry C.....do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. White, Edmund........do J une 22,'61, 3 Missing at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Winchester, Wm. S...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. Young, Orsamus A...do.....l June 22,'61, 3 ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'62. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT MEADVILLE, CRAWFORD COUNTY. Ira Ayer, Jr............ Capt.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862-promoted to Maj., May 1, 1863. Henry J. Howe,........d June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept.,'61-to2d Lt., Feb.,'62to Capt., May 16, 1863-to brevet Major, March 13,'65-wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862pris. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sion B. Smith......... st Lt.. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, February, 1862. Milton M. Phelps......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct.'61-to 1st Lt., Feb., 1862-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862-resigned January, 1863..David A.. Bennett.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-pr. from Sgt. to 1st Lt., May 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oscar Henning.....2d Lt... June 20,'61, 3'Resigned October 28, 1861. Edw. H. Henderson...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862- pr. to Sgt., June, 1862-to 2d Lt., May 16, 1863-pris. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alonzo C. Pickard.. 1st Sgt. June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Hiram Kile...............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Dec.,'61-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Thomas A. Wilson.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862 —pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Dec., 1861-to lst Sgt., May, 1863-commissioned 2d Lt., 3d regiment U. S. Colored Troops, July, 1863. Matthew Merchant...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., May, 1863- to 1st Sgt., July,'63-pr. to Capt. of company K, 191st regiment P. V. June 1, 1864-Vet. George Norris......... Serg't.. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Q. M., July, 1862. Benj. O. Spaulding...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner at Wilderness, May 6, 1864- mustered out December 12, 1864. William H. Hunt......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62. B. B. Strickland.......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July, 1862-killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. George L. Beach........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted Sgt. color guard, Nov.,'62-wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July, 1863. And. J. M'Quiston.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., June,'63-wd. with loss of arm, at Spottsylvania, May 9, 1864-tr. to Co. K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. William M. Slater..do...... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., July, 1863 —tr. to Co. K, 191st regiment P. V —Vet. James G. Page........ Corp.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., April, 1864-killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial grounds-Vet. Jairus Waid............ June 20,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Benjamin M'Gill........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, November, 1863. Orrin H. Hollister......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb., 1862-wounded,with loss of arm, at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. September 12, 1862. J. Boyd Espy..........,do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb.,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12, 1862. Hiram S. Harned..,....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb., 1862-wounded at Bull Run. Aug. 30, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 12, 1862. Edwin B. Pier...:.......do..... Juine 20,'61. 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb.,'62-wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-died July 12, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 841 NAME. RANK. DATO SERVICE. REMARKS. I HA NTO SE^ICE.'S Winfield S. Rose Corp...... June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-pr. to Cor., July,'63-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Stephen Waid............do.. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alexander Ashley...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, September, 1861discharged March, 1863. Washing'n J. Cook...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April,'64-transferred to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Tyler A. Stewart.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April, 1864-wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-transferred to company K, 191st regiment P. V. June 1,'64-Vet. Edward J. Hill..do..... June 20;'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April, 1864-transferred to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Cyren'sF.Rockwell...do.. June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-promoted to Corporal, April, 1864-transferred to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. John H. Stuntz...... Muc.... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Wm. J. Mitchell........do.....Jun 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Adams, Henry....... Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. - Barrackman, P. B.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1862. Bole, Robert C..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads. June 80,'62. Benn, J. Lee............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Nov., 1863. Blanchard, Wm.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded.at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862,-and Wilderness, May 6, 1864-transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Byham, Wm. P.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Brown, George M......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner at Catlett's Station, Oct.,'63-died Oct. 4, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 10,292. Bradford, Alonzo L...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Bradford, Jos. F.......d.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Bradford, Warren......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864..Burch, John. d......d..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg P. V., June 1, 1864. Bresee, Prentiss........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Church,Zephan'hK...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Collom, Levi H.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clements, Moses........do..... June 20'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Cole, Morris...............do..... June 20'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Carroll, William S.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Chadwick, Jas. D......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Carroll, Philip C........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 3, 1863. Cathcart, Hugh.........do.... May 22,'62, 3 Captured at Spottsylvania C. H. —Vet.-(supposed to have died in rebel prison.) Courtney, Wm. C......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Chaffee, Edgar A.....do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died at Manassas Junction, April, 1863. Carr, Hiram............do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Cowden, Thom'n L...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Missing at Wilderness, May 8, 1864 —(supposed to have died in prison,) Daly, James.............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Dempsey, John F......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 1, 1863. Douglass, Edw'd E...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry Nov. 1, 1862. Davison, James E......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Accidentally wounded while on duty-tr. to Co. K, 191stregiment P. V.,, une 1, 1864. Ewing, William R.....do.... June 20,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'61. Evans, Thos. H........do June 20,'64, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 31, 1864-tr. to Co. K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Evans, ClarenceP......do.... June 20,'64, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Evans, Alfred B........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ferris, Arden B.........do... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec., 1862. Flint, Loren..........do..Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Free, Frederick.........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. George, Thomas........do..June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Gray, Samuel P........do.. July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Gehr, Edmund..........do. July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March,'63. Gleason, Thomp. H...do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harvey, Joseph........do..June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Hildebrand, Jos. A...do... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Harper, Charles.. d...... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Himebaugh, Jno. A...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan., 1863. Hotchkiss, Jason......do... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'62. Henry, William R......... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. K,\191sireg. P. V., June 1, 18G4-Vet. Hunt, Ira E.......... do... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Hawkins, Fern. K....do.....Mar. 23,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. 106 842 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMEI1T —TENTH RESEBRVE I -AE. AN. DATE OF M USTER INTO SERVICE. CEMA R -_,..___________ ______ I alfost, Williarm... Private Febt 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. IroYns, Richard C........d.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, John R..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, Thomas W..do.....June 20, 61, 3 Captured at Catlett Station, Oct.,'63-transferred to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Johnson, Ami.........do Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Keiser, Isaac S.......do June 20; 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. King, Emery B.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Long, John J........ do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, December, 1863. Lester, Solomon.......d..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Marvin, L. O.......... d.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Monroe, Wm. H.......d..... dJunee 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1861. Marvin, Oscar A..... do July 25, r61, 3 Drowned-date unknown. Martin, John W........ do.... May 22,'62, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon'scertificate, December, 1862. Miller, James F.........do..... Sept. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out-date-unknown. Mitchell, Samuel.......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Mitchell, Moses......do...Feb. 19,';64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V.,June 1,1864, Marley, Eenry P...do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Captured at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-transferred to Co. K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Mangus, Michael......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. M'Kay, Robert C. do.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 1863. M'Quiston, Josw.L.....do... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Nickelson, Robt.-G...do.. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V.^June 1, 1864, Nickelson, William..do. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864.: Palmatier, S. W.........do...June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pierce, David A.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. Pitcher. Harmon J...d..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan.,i 1862. Pearl, Horace H........d.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Presser, Lucius E.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., August, 1862. Prensser, Carl F....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Pattison, A. H....d.... Mar 1, 64 3 Not or muster-out roll. Root, Thomas, Jr..d. June 20, 61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Rhodes, James G........ Mar. 28,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 91st reg. P. V., June 1, 186-. Rumsey, C. M.,............ Mar. 28,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Rice, Eli D.......... do..,. Mar. 1,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sperry, Zealous.......do.. un 20,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Nov., 1861. Stewart, DonF............ June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862. Stewart, Charles......... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to 191st reg. P. V.-Vet. Smith, Louis B......d......... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May,'64-transferred to 191st regiment P. V.-Vet. Swift, Martin V.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown, Smith, Lewis F..........do... July 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Stimmel, James..,....do.... Nov. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Wilderness, May 8, 1864 mustered out-date unknown. Stewart, Dayid 0.......d.... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Sayre, John, Jr............ Mar. 22,'64, 3 KillednearCharlesCityCrossRoads, Junel3,'64. Sayre, James..........do.....Mar. 22,'64, 3 Missing at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-(supposed to have died in prison.) Shilling, James.......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May8, 64-transferred to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Stewart, Franklin.....d..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg, P. V., June 1,:1864, Strayer, Perry................ M ar. 29'64, 3 Tr.to company K, 191st reg. P. V.,June 1, 1864j Sweetwood, Jacob..,...do...... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Tr. to company K, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Stainbrook, Octavs...do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Tr. to companyK, 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Trace, Ami L............do... June 30,'61,3 Killedat Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Trevitt, William...do..... June 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, December, 1862. Tryon, M'lure S.....do..... June 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Thompson, Hugh C...do..... July 25,'63, Drafted-wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864mustered out-date unknown. Thompson, Chas. W...do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Thompson,Chaun'y.. do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died June 24, 1864, of wds. rec. at North Anna, May 23,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington, Va. Unthank, C. D...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Waid, Chauncey mW d...do... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Willsoxn,Richard F...do..... Jtie 20,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, De. 13,'62-tr. to Co. K, 191st reg., P. V., June 1,'64-Vet.'Wikoff, James H......do..... June 20,'6i, d 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. H MRES YEARs SERVICE. 843 Williams, Oct. Ls...PrivateJune 20, 61, 3Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-dis-..... ~~charged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29,.6.2 White, John G do.....o.. June 20, 61,.3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. White, Samuel T......Pdo.... June 2061, 1Died Aug. 18,62, for woundsed at Charles Mill Citys Cross Roads, June 30,'62bu. at Philadelphia. Wright, John W:.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Ki lled at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Willey, J ohn...........d.... M. 22, 64,3, Transferred to C K 19st reg P. V. June 1, 64. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN BEAVER COUNTY. Samuel Miller........ apt.... June 20, 61 3 Died of wounds received at Charles City Cross Ot.L....P June 20,'61, 3 Roads, June 30, 1862. A. M, Gilkery.........u.do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to2 d Lt., Aug. — 1'6 to White, Samuel T do.June 20,'61,3DiCapt., May 16, 1864-to brevet Major, March 13,. 165-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Marshall Hartshorn 1st Lt... June 27, 61, 1 3 Resigned October 21, 1861. John IA Moore...........do..... June 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. of Co. F, t 1st Lit. of Co. WrighX, oOhnWKct. 30,'61-,wounded a t Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 21, 1863. illiam J. Carsor n... t......June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to i st Lt., Aug. 1'62- discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20, 63 G. Y. Edwards..........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 16,'63 -to 1st Lt., Feb. 6,'64 mus.e out with Co., June 11, 1864. Thos. J. Carter... 12d Lt... June 20, 361 Resigned September 30,1861. John F. Powers........ 1st Sgt. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James. A. Anderson.......... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862- dis-, sent, in hospital, at muster out. Richard L. Hudson.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. -James M'Geehon.......do....,. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel T. Parks.....do J... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent in hospital, at muster out. Milton R. Young.... do June 20, 61, 3 Captured at Fred ericksburg, December 13,'62died at Richmond, Va., December 25, 1862. Stephen A. Lowry......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Geo.- D. Andrews Corp.... une 20,'61, 3 Wounded inaction, May 1 18 64 —absent, in hospital, at muster out. WRilliam Shannon......do..... June 20,'61, 3 lMustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robert Miller............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'61. James M'Clelland.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, t62 —disch. on Surgeon's certificate, ct. 27,'62. Jacob Kagarise..........o..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferredto Co. C, 5th U S. Artuyr Nov, 20,62. Samuel M. Elder......do..... June 20, 61 3 Transferred toVet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. James W. Reed.........do...... June 20,'61, 3 Txansferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 64-Vet. Wm. H. Anderson.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 164-Vet. Richard W. Baker....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Chas.: M. Crawford..do..... June 20,'61 3 Killed at Gaines" Mill, June 27, 1862. Jon. P. JMCready... Muc.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Robert J. ready.......do..... June 20, 61 3 Disch. by order of Sec'y of War, Aug. 31, 1863. Allen, Charles......... Private June 20, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 10,'63. Anderson JamesA...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. And ersonAlbert....do......June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1, 4 64. Bannon Michael......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Barnes,'uegh............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5, 186 Bartram, George W...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. C, 5th-U. S.Art'y, Nov. 20,'62. Barber, William.......do..... Feb. 25, 62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's;certificate, NoAv. 14,'62. Bush, William..........do...... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Barnes, Hugh G........do.... June 20, 61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bartram, And. J........do..... Feb 25,'62 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1 1864. Bussinger, Dan. W...do.....June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191streg. PV., June 1', 64-Vet. Boyd, John...............do..... July 10,'61, 3 illed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Calvin, Peter Y.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Courtney, Mi.W.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Davis, Thomas...........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davidson, Robert...... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1, 1864. Donaldson, Henry.....do....Feb. 27,'64, Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, -864 Fosnaught, Joseph do.....July 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 844 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT-TENTIH RESERVE. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I MARKS. INTO SERVICE. RE S. Fosnaught, Barney Private Dec. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'61. Fry, Reuben H.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Furguson, Clark........ do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died April 2, 1863. Gilkey, Francis W......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29, 1863. Hudson, Ralph E..... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hoon, Thomas J........ do.... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 18,'62. Hum, George............ do...Dec. 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Hum, Levi................ do.. Dec. 27,'61, 3 Tr. to Battery C, 5th U. S. Art., Nov. 20, 1862. Howills, Daniel H.....do.... July 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill. June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, September 12, 1862. Houston, John...........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Imbrie, David...........do... Feb. 26,'62, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862 —disch. on Surgeon's certificate, November 27, 1862. Imbrie, JeremiahR....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged February 11, 1864, by order of Secretary of Wax, to accept promotion. Irvin, James.............. do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Johnston, John A......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 6, 1863. Laughlin, Hugh........ do June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lowry, Peter Y d....... do. June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'61. Lightner, William..... do.. June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'62. Lightner, Josiah..:.....do..Oct. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 31, 1863. Lambright, Sam'1.....do Feb. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Lightner, George.... do..... Oct. 27,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Marshall, Robert.......do.. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Marks, Alfred......... do.. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Morris, George W......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.Miller, Boney............ do.. June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'61. Miller, Moses...........do. June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Miller, Andrew J...... do..... Feb. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Miller, Edward........ do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Mershimer, Sam. G...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. ^ M'Adams,'Frank'n...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cowin, Thomp'n...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Kinney, John E.....do. June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Williams, Jos.......do June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'61. M'Anlis, James F.....do June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery C, 5th United States Artillery, November 20, 1862. M'Keogh, James.......do..... Oct. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, October 11, 1862. M'Uluren, John D......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. M'Mullen, John....... do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Millen, Joseph......do..... Nov. 2,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Claren, Robert...... do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Clure, Josephus.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Nicely, Stephen......... do.... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Newgen, John........ do.... July 21,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Richmond, Va., Aug., 1862. Parks, Darius W.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 8,'64-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Park, James............ do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parrett, Richard S.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peirce, Caleb.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Powell, William........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Powers, James C.....do.... Mar. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Park, George W........ do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Perry, Robert............do. June 20,'61, 3 Accidentally killed, while on duty, Sept. 10,'61. Reed, Wm. H. H...... do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Reed, John W...........do. Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Swank, Emanuel......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Swank, Benjamin.... do..... Oct. 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5,'62. Shannon, Curtis R.....do. June 20,'61, 3 Wounded ot Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-dischl on Surgeon's certificate, January 10, 1863. Shultz, William........ do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to Battery C, 5th United States Ar.. tillery, November 20, 1862. Swaggers, Emery......do.. June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Oct. 11, 1862. Streiby, Samuel M...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'61. Vankirk, Archib'd...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Vankirk, Arthur...... do. Mar. 20,'62, 3 Captured at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-died at Richmond, Va.-date unknown. Wallace, Wm. B........ do.... Sept. 2,'63, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Weeby, William........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Wilderness, May, 1864-Vet. Young, John M.~......do. June 20,'61, 3 Deserted May 10, 1863. FORTIETH REGIMENT, -ELEVENTH RESERVE. UTHE companies comprising the Eleventh Reserve Regiment were recruited, A in the county of Cambria, B and E in Indiana, C and D in Butler, F in Fayette, G in Armstrong, H and I in Westmoreland, and K in Jefferson. Most of these companies were raised for the three months' service, but failing of acceptance still preserved their organizations, and when the call for the Beserve Corps was issued, marched to the rendezvous at Camp Wright, near Pittsburg. The men had little or no military experience save that gathered from militia trainings; but they were generally familiar with the use of the rifle, were native born, of a hardy race, above the medium size, and inured to labor on farms and in the lumber districts. Upon their entrance to camp they were mustered into the State service, and rigidly drilled by companies. On the 1st of July, the regiment was organized by the choice of the following officers: Thomas F. Gallagher, of Westmoreland county, Colonel; James R. Porter, of Indiana county, Lieutenant Colonel; and Samuel M. Jackspn, of Armstrong county, Major. Colonel Gallagher was possessed of considerable military ex. perience, and at once commenced battalion drill. The men were here furnished, by the State, with clothing and blankets of superior quality. On the 24th of June, in obedience to the order of Governor Curtin, the regiment marched to Harrisburg, where it was supplied with arms and accoutrements, and on the following day moved to Baltimore and bivouacked on Federal Hill. On the 26th, it proceeded to Washington and encamped near the Park, where, on the 29th and 30th, it was mustered, nine hundred strong, into the service of the United States. Soon afterwards the Eleventh was placed in the Reserve camp at Tenallytown, where the arms received from the State were exchanged for UTnited States muskets, and the men were industriously instructed in the manual of arms, target exercise, police, camp and picket duty. Much attention was given to skirmish drill and bayonet exercise, and the skill acquired proved of inestima-, ble value on many a contested field. Sanitary regulations were strictly enforced, and as a consequence there was little sickness. The Reverend Adam Torrence was appointed Chaplain, and held regular religious exercises on the Sabbath, which were Well attended. Details were made from this regiment to work on the forts forming a part of the cordon of defences of the Capital, and Fort Pennsylvania and others were inpart the work of their hands. A school for the instruction of officers was established, which met for recitation twice a week, and was continued until active campaigning commenced. A report of 846 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE. 1861 the proficiency of each officer, and accounting for absentees, was regularly made to division headquarters. The regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade* of the Reserve Corps. During the month of September the Eleventh was ordered to Great Falls, Maryland, sixteen miles above Washington, to picket the Potomac from a short distance below to a point six miles above. Here, in a part where the river is quite narrow and the banks precipitous and rocky, the men for the first time came face to face with the rebels. Much curiosity existed to get a view of the enemy, and it was not long before a friendly conversation was opened by the pickets from the rocks that lined either shore. A truce was agreed upon which w.s kept until a South Carolina regiment was placed on duty, when one of our pickets, going to the river to bathe, unsuspecting danger, was shot and severely wounded. This was the signal forhostilities, andcompany G was quickly placed in position and a lively skirmish ensued. In the meantime the rebels opened with a six gun battery, throwing over a hundred solid shots. The fire was rapid:and well directed, the shots entering the buildings in which the men were quartered; but none were hurt. From Tenallytown the regiment moved with the division and took position in line with the army, to the left of the Georgetown and Leesburg pike, beyond Langley and not far from Lewinsville. General M'Call, in making report of the condition of the regiment about this time, says: "This is a well drilled regiment, and with the improved arms, with which it is now supplied, would be very effective." Here the officers put forth untiring energy to perfect themselves in a knowledge of their duties, and to drill and discipline their men. Before the cold weather came, the quarters-were made comfortable; the foundations were of logs, surmounted by tents; the bunks were constructed of small poles covered with cedar boughs; and each cabin was supplied with a small sheetiron stove.'Lieutenant Colonel Porter having resigned on account of physical disability,:Major Jackson was elected to fill the vacancy, and Captain Robert iAtzinger, of company A, was elected Major. On the 6th of December, the Second Brigade, supported by the Third, the Eleventh Regiment in advance, was ordered on a foraging expedition to Gunnel's farm, near Dranesville, and captured two spies, with three of their associates, and: brought in fifty-seven wagon loads of grain, seven horses, two oxen and one wagon. This trespass upon the enemys territory brought on the battle of Dranesville. For when the Third Brigade, a few days later, went out for a similiar purpose, it was met by the enemy prepared to contest the ground. In the engagement which ensued the Second Brigade was held in reserve, and marched to the support of the Third, but before it arrived upon thefield the victory had been won. Preparatory to the opening of the spring,campaign, extra clothing and blankets were boxed and sent to Washington, and on the 10th of March, the regiment broke up winter-quarters and marched on the Georgetown and Leesburg pike, to a point where the Springdale road branches to the left, when the * Organization of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General George G. Meade; Reserve Corps, Major General George A. M'Call. Third (32d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Horatio G. Sickel; Fourth (33d) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Robert G. March; Seventh (36th) Regiment PennsylvaniaVolunteers, Colonel Elisha B. Harvey; Eleventh (40th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher; Thirteenth (42d, Bucktail) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Charles J. Biddle. 1862 BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL. 847 ram, which had been falling from the time it left camp, had rendered the marching exceedingly hard, and by the time it reached Hunter's Mills, the men were completely exhausted. Here the regiment encamped, using for the first time the small shelter tent. The enemy having evacuated his entrenched camp, and thus wholly changed the object of the campaign, the regiment proceeded by forced march to Alexandria. This march, in consequence of the heavy and almost impassable nature of the roads, and the constant falling of a cold rain, was ever remembered by the men during their three years of service, as the - severest test of their endurance to which they were called upon to submit. The regiment encamped near Fairfax Seminary, and owinfto the condition of the ground and inadequate shelter, many of the men were soon prostrated by sickness. Major Litzinger, who had for some time been absent on account of sickness, resigned on the 1st of April, 1862, and Adjutant Peter A. Johns was elected tofill the vacancy, -and Lieutenant Robert A. MCGoy, of company A appointed Adjutant. On the 9th of April, the division having been assigned to the First Corps, under General M'Dowell it moved to Catlett's Station, where it encamped for a short time, and thence moved to Falmouth. A month: later it was detached from M'Dowells Corps and ordered to the Peninsula where it was attached to the corps commanded by General Fitz John Porter, and was at once sent to the front, taking position near Mechanicsville, in the immediate presence of the enemy. Having the greatest confidence in their officers, and with a year of discipline and drill, the men were in excellent condition for field service, and longed for an opportunity to show their prowess. On the 25th of June, the entire regiment, with field and line officers, was ordered on picket duty, the line skirting the Chickahominy, with the right resting on a swamp, Which on the following day was the lef of the line of battle. the strictest vigilance was enjoined, and neither officers nor men were allowedsleep during the night. Shortly after noon of the 26th, a battery of the enemy opened fireupon our pickets, but without effect. At three o'clock P. M. the battle of Mechanicsville, which was principally fought by the First and Third brigades of the Reserve Corps, had fairly opened, and was raging with great fury. Though not actively engaged in the battle, the regiment was under fire, and company A, towards evening, at the request of General Seymour, was placed in line connecting with the left of the Seventh, and was deployed as skirmishers. It remained on picket duty until morning, when it was formed and covered the rear of the brigade in falling back to Gaines' Mill. Here the rebels, in overwhelming force, fell upon the single corps of Fits John Porter, drawn up with the Chickahominy in rear, and separated from the rest of the army by that stream. On reaching the field the Eleventh was first ordered to the support of Weed's Battery of the Fifth United States artillery, but was afterward moved forward and formed in the second line of battle. Thoroughly exhausted by want of sleep, many of the men laid down amid the roar of cannon and were soon oblivious to the terrible carnage at the front. This to many was their last sleep. The position was an admirable one for defence, and had breast-works been erected, for which there had been ample time, a terrible slaughter of brave men might have been saved, and a grievous defeat turned into joyous victory. Whilstin positionon the second line, an order was received from General Meade directing one company of the Eleventh to be detached for fatigue duty. Company B, Captain Daniel S. Porter, was immediately detailed, and late in the afternoon the rest of the regiment was ordered 848 FORTIETH REGIMENT —ELEVENTH RESERVE. 1862 into action near the centre of -the general line of battle, and under cover of a dense wood, relieving the Fourth New Jersey, which had been fighting gallantly, and had nearly exhausted its ammunition. Just before going into battle, General MCCall, who was at the front, and General Martindale, who had charge of that part of the line, both spoke encouragingly to the men and said, that, as they were going upon a part of the line which was weakest, they would be expected to hold it at all hazards. That expectation was not disappointed; for when line after line of the enemy's fresh troops bore down upon them in deadly conflict, they met such volleys from the men of the Eleventh as sent them staggering back —olleys that seemed like a continuous stream of fire. But unfortunately for the regiment the troops on both flanks were driven back by superior numbers, and it was left to contend alone in the terrible conflict. The wood in which it fought, with its dense foliage, was soon dark with the smoke of musketry and artillery, and the officers were unaware of the critical position in which they were placed, until it was discovered that the regiment was suffering from a fire on its flanks. While in this perilous situation, Major Johns proceeded to the left to ascertain if our own troops were not firing into its ranks, and was captured in the attempt. The enemy was now pressing on in front and upon both flanks, and the ammunition was nearly spent. At this crisis Colonel Gallagher ordered Adjutant M'Coy to proceed to the rear and report the condition of affairs to General Meade, but on reaching the open field he at once comprehended the situation; for nine rebel battle flags were visible on flanks and rear. He at once communicated the facts to the Colonel, assuring him that the entire Union line, with the exception of the Fourth New Jersey, seemed to have retreated. Colonel Gallagher, hoping still with the aid of the New Jersey regiment, to cut his way out by a movement to the left, at once ordered the command to fall back. No sooner was this movement commenced than the enemy, who had been fighting in froft, raised a yell and charged upoP the retreating column. But suddenly facing about the regiment poured so destructive a volley into the faces of the reb$l horde as to cool their ardor, and completely check their firey onset. Fighting and retreating until it reached the open field, it there found itself completely surrounded, with ranks sadly thinned and broken, ammunition nearly gone, and all chance of escape cut off. To contend longer was madness and the entailing of a useless slaughter. The only alternative was to surrender, and that gallant body of men became prisoners of of war.* Forty-six of their number were killed, and one hundred and nine wounded. * EXTRACT FROM GENERAL M'CALL'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-The only occurrence of this day's battle that I have cause to regret, (except the loss of many brave officers and men, whose fall I sincerely mourn,) is the capture by the enemy of a large portion of the Eleventh Regiment of the Reserves, Colonel Gallagher commanding. This regiment of Meade's Brigade had, in the course of the afternoon, relieved the Fourth New Jersey Regiment, Colonel Simpson, (Major Unitedktates Topographical Engineers,) the latter promisingto support the former in case of being hard pressed. In the heat of the action, the Eleventh Regiment becoming enveloped in the smoke of battle continued the fight after the rest of the line had retired, having been closely engaged with a rebel regiment in front; and before the Colonel was aware that he had been left alone on the field he found himself under the fire of two regiments, one on either flank, besides the one in front. Notwithstanding the peril of his position, he gallantly kept up a galling fire on the advancing foe, as he himself retiredin good order on the Fourth New Jersey. Here, to crown his ill fortune, he found that he as well as Colonel Simpson, was completelysurrounded, a strongforce having already taken position in his immediate rear. The situation of these two brave regiments, which had so nobly maintained their ground after all had retired, was 1862 BE'LLE s18L AND LIBBY PRISON. 849 It was in the dusk of the evening when the surrender was made, and though worn out with two days' of marching and fighting, the men were hurried to the rear, and many of them, including Colonel Jackson, Adjutant M'Coy and Lieutenant Coder, were compelled to march to Richmond without rest or food, where they arrived at four o'clock on the following morning, and after being marched about the city for a spectacle to the inhabitants, who at this early hour were all out to behold the fruits of victory, they were incarcerated in Libby prison. On the following day Colonel Gallagher, and the rest of the regiment who were able to travel, were brought in. A few days later the men were separated from the officers and transferred to Belle Isle, a sandy island in the James River, entirely devoid of shade trees or shelter to shield them from the burning sun. In Richmond "The Government" bore arbitrary sway and none dared question its authority or give aid or comfort to the captives. With insufficient clothing and unwholesome food this captivity was endured until August 5th, when a cartel was agreed upon and the men were sent to Aiken's Landing, and were there furnished transportation to Harrison's Landing. A week later the officers followed them. While the main body of the regiment was in the Richmond prisons, Captain Porter's company, which was on detached duty and escaped captivity, represented it in the corps. It numbered over one hundred men, and in the engagement at Charles City Cross Roads fought with determined bravery, losing nine killed and fifteen wounded. Upon assembling at Harrison's Landing, the Eleventh was greatly reduced in numbers. In consequence of the hardships of the campaign, the recent imprisonment, sand the diseases contracted in the swamps of the Chickahominy and the James, a large number were disqualified for active duty, while one hundred and thirty non-commissioned officers and privates-had been detailed from its ranks to guard the general hospital at Craney Island, near Fortress Monroe. Strenuous efforts were made by Colonel Gallagher to have this detail returned, but without success. With ranks thus depleted, the regiment proceeded to Falmouth, where Lieutenant Colonel Jackson assumed command, Colonel Gallagher, on account of sickness, having been left at Fortress Monroe. The division, now under com. mand of General Reynolds, marched by Kelly's Ford and Warrenton, to Gainesvlle, a distance of seventy miles, where it joined the main body of Pope's army now engaged in the second Bull Run campaign. Had Generals Franklin and Porter, who had a much shorter distance to march, shown the same enterprise and earnestness in moving their commands as was exhibited by the gallant Reynolds, a grievous defeat might have been averted. Here for a second time the BReserves were attached to M'Dowell's Corps. Late on the afternoon of the 29th of August, the Eleventh, now forming a part of the Third Brigade, was moved forward under a galling fire of grape, and engaged the enemy's infantry. Unable to carry the position, the troops were withdrawn, and as night had now come on laid down on their arms to rest. Their position, however, soon became very uncomfortable, for stragglers, better known in the army as the "Coffee Brigade," had kindled small fires to boil their much now hopeless; their retreat was entirely cut off by the increasing force of the enemy, who were still advancing and they.were compelled to surrender. No censure can possibly attach to either Colonel Gallagher or Colonel Simpson, or the brave men of their respective regiments, on account of this ill turn of fortune; but, on the contrary, they are entitled to the credit of having held their ground until it was tenable no longer.-Moore's Rebellion Record, Comp. Vol., p. 666. 107 850 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTTE RESERVE. 1862 / coveted beverage, by which the enemy discovered the regiment's bivouac and opened upon it with a long range battery, throwing solid shot with some effect. On the following morning the regiment was placed upon the skirmish line, though only armed with smooth-bore muskets. Fortunately it sustained little injury until withdrawn. At three o'clock P. M1. the enemy made a heavy assault upon the position held by the Reserves. The Eleventh was quickly advanced to the top of a small ridge, in an open field, and was soon at close range with the enemy. Here the smooth-bore guns were most servicable, dealing deadly volleys upon the foe, the Fifth Texas, the two lines pressing close until the prostrate dead were indiscriminately mingled. At length the enemy hav ing turned our flank, enfiladed the line with such effect that the regiment was forced toretire. The loss wasfo.arteen killed and forty-four wounded. Among the wounded were Captain Stewart, Adjutant M'Coy and Lieutenants Jones, Kennedy. Coder and Johnson. The campaign in Maryland followed hard upon the defeat of Pope. The Reserves were now commanded by General Meade, and the regiment by Lieutenant Colonel Jackson, Colonel Gallagher having succeeded to the command of the Third Brigade. The enemy was first encountered strongly posted in the passes of South Mountain. The Reserves were drawn up to the right of the road leading to Turner's Gap, held by the corps of Hill and Longstreet. The Eleventh held the left centre as the line advanced to the attack, and moved on up the steep acclivity of the mountains receiving a deadly fire from the enemy securely posted behind trees and rocks. In the midst of the engagement Colonel Gallagher fell severely wounded. Colonel Jackson, with great personal bravery, held his regiment well in hand, cheered on his men and successfully reached that deadly height. In the progress of the ascent, when the battle was raging hottest and the victory was still doubtful, Corporal Koons, (afterwards killed at Fredericksburg,) who was possessed of great powers of mimickry, crowed lustily, like a cock uttering the note of triumph. The familiar sound, heard amid the pauses of the battle, so inspirited the men that they went forward with renewed zeal to assured victory. The loss was fifteen killed and twentyeight wounded. Among the former were Captain Brady and Lieutenant Walter F. Jackson, and of the latter Colonel Gallagher, Captain Nesbit, who died from the effects of his wounds, Captain Bierer, Quartermaster Torrence and Lieutenant Kennedy. Although the regiment was reduced to a mere fragment of its original strength, having less than two hundred effective men, yet it moved promptly with the division to the field of Antietam and bore an important part in that sanguinary battle. The loss here was seven killed and seventeen wounded. After the battle the regiment went into camp, near Sharpsburg, in a condition of general destitution-blanketless, shoeless, moneyless, and in tattered uniforms. While here, Governor Curtin made a strong effort to have the corps removed to the State, promising to send it back to the field in a short time recruited and re-organized, but'without success. Crossing the Potomac with the main body of the army it reached Warrenton on the 9th of November, amidst a heavy snow storm that severely tried the endurance of the men. Soon afterwards the detail of men left at Craney Island rejoined the regiment, which, with recruits and the men returned from hospitals, made the effective force about four hundred. The army, commanded by General Burnside, was now faced towards Fred _862 BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 851 ericksburg. The Reserves, under General Meade, were attached to Reynolds' Corps of Franklin's Grand Division. Having previously moved out to a point three miles below Fredericksburg, and in rear of the Stafford Hills, the division was ordered to be in readiness to march at midnight of the 10th of December. At the appointed hour the command moved, passing camp after camp of the army wrapt in quiet slumber, and soon met. the pontoon train, which revealed the object of the midnight march. The task had been assigned the division to force a crossing of the Rappahannock, and to cover the laying of the pontoons. Before daylight the river was reached, and the Bucktails and the Tenth Reserves were deployed as skirmishers along the bank of the stream. The enemy was soon driven from the opposite shore by the unerring aim of our riflemen, and the bridge successfally laid. The division crossed on the following morning and took position near the Bernard House, where it remained until the 13th, when early in the day it was marched across an extended plain to a position near the railroad, and in front of the enemy's line of earth works. The Eleventh was posted in rear of the batteries, when a severe artillery duel ensued, in which many of the regiment were killed and terribly wounded. As soon as the cannonading ceased the order was given for the infantry to advance, and the line moved rapMly forward towards the enemy's works under a steady musketry fire from his entrenchments. The ground over which the Eleventh passed was nearly level and offered no protection, yet it rushed forward unchecked, until it reached a ditch running parallel to the line of battle then to the railroad, where a momentary halt was made, then forward again to within a hundred paces of a stone fence, behind which the enemy awaited its approach, when he opened a murderous fire which brought the regiment to a halt. Colonel Jackson immediately saw that to attempt to scale the hill in his immediate front, and to carry the works by direct assault, would cause the utter annihilation of his command. With coolness-and good judgment at this juncture of imminent peril, he at once ordered a movement by the right flank, and at double quick passed through a piece of woods to the right. By this movement the enemy was flanked and his breastwork soon reached, where many of his men were captured. The regiment then moved forward, driving the retreating foe several hundred yards; but perceiving that the line was not supported, it was not deemed prudent to advance further. Soon the second line of the enemy was seen moving forward on a double quick, when the command fell back to the line of earth works. Still no supports coming, it was again compelled to fall back, men falling at every step.* "Never," says Captain Coder, in his ac*About one P. M., the main attack on the right began by a furious cannonade, under cover of which three compact lines of infantry advanced against Hill's front. They were received as before by our batteries, by whose fire they were momentarily checked, but soon recovering they pressed forward until coming within range of our infantry, the contest became fierce and bloody. Archer and Lane repulsed those portions of the line immediately in their front, but before the interval between these commends could be closed, the enemy pressed through in overwhelming numbers and turned the left of Archer and the right of Lane. Attacked in front and flank, two regiments of the former and the brigade of the latter, after a brave and obstinate-resistance, gave way. Archer held his line with the First Tennessee and the Fifth Alabama battalion, assisted by the Forty-second Virginia regiment and the Twenty-second Virginia battalion, until the arrival of reinforcements. Thomas came gallantly to the relief of Lane, and joined by the Seventh and part of the Eighteenth North Carolina regiments of that brigade, repulsed the column that had broken Lane and drove it back to the railroad. In the meantime a large force had penetrated the wood as far as Hill's reserve, md encountered Gregg's brigade. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that Orr's rifles, mistaking the enemy for our own troops retiring, were thrown into confusion.- General Lee's Official Report. 852 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE. 1863 count of the battle, "did I look back for support with more anxiety than on that fatal day; for on seeing but a single line advance I had anticipated the result. We lost color bearer after color bearer, I know not how many. I picked up the colors at three different times myself. The flag staff was shot off and the flag perforated in nineteen different places by rebel bullets. I took thirty-one men into the engagement, only one of whom came out safe. Four were killed, three mortally wounded, twenty-two wounded and one captured. Such was the fatality of company E in the battle of Fredericksburg." Oct of the three hundred and ninety-four who entered the engagement, one hundred and twelve were either killed, wounded or missing. Captain William Stewart, of company D, a brave man and devoted soldier, was hit by a solid shot at the opening of the engagement, and though not instantly killed was mortally wounded, and died in a few hours. Knowing his fate he yet thought only of his men, and said to them that they were without a commissioned officer, but as a last request he asked them to go into the impending struggle as bravely as if he were with them, under Corporal John O'Harra Woods, a beardless youth, who was afterwards commissioned a Lieutenant for his gallantry, and gave up his life at Gettysburg. Captain Stewart was taken to the rear and died before the result of the battle was known. * Re-crossing the river, the division moved to Belle Plain Landing, where it went into camp. General Meade having been assigned to the command of the Fifth Army Corps, Colonel H. G. Sickel, of the Third Regiment, the ranking officer, assumed command. After participating in the hardships of Burnside's second campaign, the "Mud March,' the division was on the 8th df February, 1863, relieved from duty with the Army of the Potomac, and assigned to the Twenty-second Army Corps, charged with the defences of Washington. Colonel Gallagher having resigned on account of the disabling wound received at South Mountain, Lieutenant-Colonel Jackson was commissioned Colonel, Daniel S. Porter, Captain of company B, Lieutenant Colonel, and James P. Speer, Captain of company G, Major, in place of Major Johns, who had previously resigned. On arriving at Washington the Eleventh encamped for a short time at Minor's Hill, and was subsequently stationed at Vienna. On the 3d of June Brigadier General S. W. Crawford was assigned to the command of the division, and at once proceeded to put it in a condition for active service. On the 25th of June, the First and Third Brigades having been assigned to duty with the Fifth Army Corps, the regiment broke camp and marched to Frederick, where it met the main body of the army, and thence proceeded to Gettysburg, arriving on the 2d of July. The division was halted in the rear of Cemetery Hill, where the guns were examined, cleaned and loaded, and ammunition issued. The Second Division of the Fifth Corps, composed of Regulars, was already engaged, and being hard pressed, the Reserves were hastily moved to the right and front of Little Round Top, where they were massed in column of regiment, the Third Brigade in front, the Eleventh Regiment in its rear. The Third Brigade was then ordered to move to the left; but before the movement was completed, the enemy immediately in front began to press hard upon the position with a view of flanking it. General Crawford immediately arrested the movement to the left, leaving the Eleventh with, and in front of, the First Brigade, which was quickly moved forward. This brought the Eleventh within range of the enemy's musketry, but it firmly maintained its position without returning the fire. The men, who were still armed with the smooth 1864 BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. 853 bore muskets, added a number of buckshot to their charges, and the enemy now within easy range, the command was given to fire, when a terrible volley was delivered, which caused the foe to waver and turn. Instantly the order to charge was given, when, with a furious yell, the Brigade, the Eleventh leading, swept down the declivity and over the plain to the stone wall, driving the enemy and deploying as it went. Many of the men had gone beyond the waland captured a number of prisoners; but as General Crawford did not deem it prudent to take his little force further, they were withdrawn and a heavy line of skirmishers thrown out. On the following day M'Candless' command was again ordered forward to meet the forces of M'Laws. By skillful manoeuvring the enemy was routed on every hand, and a large number of prisoners, small arms, and one battery, were captured. The loss in this engagement was three killed and thirty-eight wounded. Among the latter were Lieutenant Colonel Daniel S. Porter, and Lieutenants Fulton and Jones. On Saturday morning, July 4th, the regiment was withdrawn from the front. From Gettysburg the pursuit of Lee involved rapid and fatiguing marches. At Williamsport his forces were again confronted. Upon his retreat across the river the pursuit was continued to Falling Waters, where Major Speer, riding forward in advance of the column, came upon several stragglers whom he captured and brought in. Upon its return into Virginia, the regiment encamped in the neighborhood of Rappahannock Station. Major Speer, who was still suffering from wounds which unfitted him for duty in the. field, resigned and was succeeded by Adjutant R. A. MICoy, who was soon after detailed for duty as Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of General Crawford. The command subsequently moved to Culpepper Court House, and remained in camp between that place and the Rapidan until the enemy attempted to turn the right flank of Meade's army, when it fell back to prevent Lee from seizing the heights at Centreville. At Bristoe Station, on the 14th of October, the regiment was slightly engaged, and shortly afterwards in a skirmish at Rappahannock Station. Meade having prevented the occupation of Centreville, the enemy again fell back to the Rappahannock, where he was met and routed, when he retreated to his strong-holds beyond the Rapidan. In the campaign of Mine Run, which soon followed,the Eleventh participated, and was engaged at New Hope Church; but the casualties were slight, and the results, for the great suffering endured, unimportant. Upon the abandonment of offensive operations the army was withdrawn across the Rappahannock, and the Reserves assigned to duty on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, the Eleventh being encamped at Warrenton Junction and Bristoe Station. Here it was subject to frequent attacks from guerrilla bands of the enemy, and the men were consequently required to be on guard or outpost duty every third night. Upon the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Porter, Major M'Coy was commissioned to succeed him, though still retained on staff duty, and James C. Buck, Captain of company A, Major. Before entering upon the Wilderness campaign, General Sykes was superceded in the command.of the Fifth Corps, by General G. K. Warren. The Reserves left Bristoe Station on the 29th of April, and marched to a point near Culpepper Court House, where they joined the corps, and at midnight on the 3d of May, 1864, marched to Germania Ford, and in advance of the army, crossed and encamped near the Lacy House. On the following morning, the division moved out by a country road through the Wilderness, with the view of strik. 854 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE, 1864 ing the Fredericksburg and Orange Court House plank road, near the old Verdiersville road; but before reaching the plank road a part of the division became engaged. The Eleventh was held in reserve with other regiments until three o'clock P. M., when, with the Second and Seventh, it was sent under Colonel MACandless to the support of Wadsworth's Division, now hard pressed. The Reserve regiments being fresh troops were immediately sent to the front, and soon had passed Wadsworth's line as it fell back. Not being supported they were soon outflanked, and the Seventh Regiment captured; but bT the coolness and daring of Colonel Jackson, the Eleventh succeeded, after several fruitless attempts, in cutting its way out and reaching the union lines; but not without serious loss. During the remaining two days in the Wilderness battle, and during the twenty-three succeeding days, it was under fire, and maintained its well earned reputation for gallantry on the hard fought fields of Spottsylvania Court House, North Anna and Bethesda Church. Upon the fall of Colonel M'Candless and the capture of Colonel Talley, the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Jackson, and that of the regiment upon Captain Coder. On the morning after the battle of Bethesda Church, May 30th, the term of service for which the regiment enlisted having expired, it was ordered from the front. Transferring the veterans and recruits to the One Hundred and Ninetieth Regiment, and bidding adieu to companions in arms, it proceeded via White House to Washington and thence to Harrisburg, where in common with other Reserve regiments, it was handsomely received by Goveinor Curtin and the city authorities. From Harrisburg the regiment proceeded to Pittsburg, where, on the 13th of June, it was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. M NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Thos. F. Gallagher Col......July 2,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 12, 1862, for wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1861-promoted By. Brigadier General, March 13, 1865. Samuel M. Jackson...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. G to Maj., July 2, 1861-to Lt. Col., Oct. 28, 1861-to Col., April 10, 1863-to By. Brig. Gen., March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. James R. Porter..... Lt. Col. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company B to Lt. Col., July 2, 1861-resigned October 24, 1861. Daniel S. Porter........do....June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. B to Lt. Col., May 14, 1863to By. Col., Mar. 13,1865-resigned Mar. 10,'64. Robert A. M'Coy........ June 10,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. Co. A to Adj., April 21, 1862-to o~..... Maj., Oct. 28, 1863-to Lt. Col., Mar. 21, 1864to By. Col. and By. Brig. Gen., Mar. 13, 1865 — mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. ' TEE YEARS' SERVICE. 855 DATE OF MUSTER AME. RANK. DAT O MUSTER I REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. M1 Robert Litzinger.... Major.. June 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company A to Major, Nov. 1, 1861-resigned April 1, 1862. Peter A. Johns..........do..... May 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. Co. F to Adj., July 2, 1861-to Major, May 17, 1862-resigned Mar. 30, 1863. James P. Speer.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. G to Major, May 28, 1863-to Ev.. Lt. Col., Mar. 13, 1865-discharged August 27, 1863, for wounds received in action. James C. Burke.........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A to Major, Mar. 25, 1864-to By. Lt. Col., Mar. 13, 1865-mustered out with -* regiment, June 13, 1864. Thos. D. Litzinger.. Adj...... June 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to Adj., Nov. 19, 1863to brevet Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. Hugh A. Torrence.. Q. M... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. E to Q. M., July 2, 1861-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 1863-to brevet Capt., Mar. 13, 1865 -mustered out with regiment, Juae 13,'65. J. S. De Benneville Surg.... July 12,'61, 3 Resigned Mar. 4,'63 —brevet Lieutenant Colonel, March 13, 1865. Wm. Lyons............. do.... July 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, Jan. 11,'64transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. D. W. Ballentine.... As.Sur. July 12,'61, 3 ResignedAugust 7, 1862. Samuel L. Kurtz......do.:.. Mar. 3,'62, 3 Pr. to Surgeon 85th reg. P. V., June 3, 1862. J. L. Marbourg........do.. June 25,'62, 3 Resigned November 28, 1862. Alston J Cole..........do..... Mar. 16,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864-promoted to brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Wm.'. Dixon........ Chap'n Aug. 28,'61, 3 Resigned November 28, 1862. Adam Torrence........do.....Sept. 8,'62, 3 Resigned November 16, 1863. John A. Delo...........do... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. John A. Hill.......... Sr.Maj. June 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company'I, Nov. 16, 1861killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. William Hugus.........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Discharged September, 1862. Marshall S.. mith.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from private company B, Dec. 1,'63mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. T. M. M'Candless... Q.M.Sr. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. company'B, Sept. 1,'61mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1884. George A. Black..... Con. Sr June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company C, Oct. 1, 1863mustered out with regiment, June 13, 1864. T. H. Butterfield....Hos. St. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from private company E, Nov. 1'63transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. RE GIM ENTAL BAND. Chas.' Minnemyer... P'l Muc July.6,'61, 3 Promotedfr. musician company D, Nov. 1,'63I mustered out with regiment, June 13; 1864. James F. M'Kissen Muc.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. J. Banks Hunter.....do... Oct. 11,,61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Janres Dougherty.....do..... Oct. 1'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Robert S. Davis........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Samuel S. Jack.........do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 D)ischarged by General Order, August 3, 1862. A. D, W. Ewing.......do:... Oct. 1,'61, 3' Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Joseph Muller...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Alex. P. Wagle.........do...Oct. 1,'61, 3! Discharged by General Order, August 3, 1862. Robert K. Wilson,......do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged.by General Order, August 3, 1862. CO MPANY A. RECRUITED IN CAMBRIA COUNTY. Robert Litzinger..... apt..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, November 1, 1861. Andrew Lewis..........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain. Nov. I 1, 161-l-killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. James C. Burke.......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor-to 2d Lt., Nov. 1,'6 [-to 1st Lt., May 14,'62-to Capt., Apr. 10,'63-to Maj., Mar. 25,'64. Daniel D. Jones.......do.... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May 14, 1862-to 2d Lt., April 10, 1863-to Ist Lt., Feb. 5, 1864-to Capt. April 22,'64-killed at Wilderness, May 5,'64. Robert A. M'Coy.... 1st Lt... June 10,'61. 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., November 1,'61 — to Adjutant, April 21, 1862. 856 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENIH RESERYEB DATE OF MUSTER 3a1E. RANK.. MUSTE INTO SERVICE. Rowland M. Jones 1st Lt... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., June 16, 1962-to lst LtL., April 19, 1863 —tr. to V. R. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Charles A. Fagan......do..... June 25, 61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., April 23,'64-tr. to company A, 190th reg. P. V.-Vet. Daniel W. Luke.... 1st Sgt. July 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 16,'62-to 1st Sgt., April 23, 1864-prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 11,'64discharged December 17, 1864. John E. Scanlan.... Ser>.. June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. William A. Leavy.d...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 4, 1862. William W. Evans.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.,,Nov. 1,'61-toSgt.-died tan. 28,'63, at Richmond, Va., of wds. rec. at Fredericksb'g. Thomas D. Jones.......d..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt.. April, 1863 —tr. to company A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. William H. Elder......do.... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Geo. W. Brown.........do.... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 4, 1863-transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. William Bolewine...... do..... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Apr. 21,'64-mis. in action, May 5,'64. WVm. H. Sechler..... Corp.... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'63. Evan D. James........do..... June 2,'61, 3 Died October 17, 1862-buried at Philadelphia. George J. Roberts......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1861 —red.-died July 23, 1862-bu. in Portsmouth Grove Cem., R. I. John M'Feely............. June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1861-transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. George W. Books......do.....June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23, 1862. Thos. D. Litzinger.. Muc..... June 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt. Major, January 1, 1863. Abrams, Evan.......Private July 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Bradley, S. 0. J.........do.... June 25,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Beninger, John R......do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan 5, 1864. Beninger, William.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died December 9, 1861. Brown, George K......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Brown, William-E....do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Bowers, Frederick.....do.... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Boring, Jacob S.........do.... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to ompany A, 190th reg. P. V.-Vet. Brown, Joshua R......do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th reg. P. V. Books, Samuel...........do.... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th reg. P. V. Bartman, Joseph.......do... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th reg. P. V. Bender, NathanielJ...do..., June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 190threg. P. V.-Vet. Crum, William J....do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Carbaugh, David S.-..do.... July 24,'61, 3 Prisoner from Nov. 19, 1863, to April 1, 1864-ab. sent at muster out. Camp, John L...........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Carney, Thompson......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Davis, George W.......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dumm, Thomas P..I...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'62. Davis, Edward E......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'63. Deetz, John.............do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Dempsey, William.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 21, 1861. Dillon, Michael T...... do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., May 7, 1862. Davis, William W.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Jan 26, 1863, of wounds rec. at Fredericksburg -bu. rec., Dec 27, 1862. Davis, Richard R......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Davis, Benjamin........ do.... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th reg. P. V. Dunlap, William........ do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th reg. P. V. Evans, James N........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'62. Evans, Edgar........do....June 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Evans, Edward J......do.....J June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8,'63. Evans, Griffith T......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 16, 1862. Evans, Frederick J...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Fultz, Elisha.........d...d.. July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Farabaugh,Bernard...do.... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, April 6, 1862. Foster, John J........... do...June 25, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Farbaugh, Barnard...do.... June 25,'61, 3 Died January 15, 1864-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,325. Gillespie, John........... do..... June 25,'61, 3 Captured May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 16, 1864-grave, 5,843. Gillespie, Edward......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Helman, Lawrence...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hoon, James M.........o... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Helman, Daniel.........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Jones, Philip............do.... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864..James, David T........do.. June 25,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'62. Jones, Richard E.......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 857 NAME. RANK,'DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. E. Judy, Samuel......... Private June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Keough, John..........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Krise, Henry. G.........do..June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'63. Krise, Daniel D........ do.... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V. Leff, Aaron.............do.....June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Leavy, Francis A......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 30,'62. Litzinger, Chas. B.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. -Lantzey, Philip A..do...do.. July 23,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Creary, John O...do....do June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Callister, Nason....do.....June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. Moore, John.............do June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'63. Moore, Camp............do..June 25,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'62diedkSept. 11, 1862-buried at Point Lookout. M'Creary, William...do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. Miller, William.........do.... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. M'Creary, Joshua L...do.. June 25,'61, 3 Died at Point Lookout, August 17, 1862. M'Caman, Thomas.....do.... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Clune, John..........do.... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Broome, George....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Ft. Monroe of wds. rec. at Gaines' Mill. M'Broome, Henry......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Hampton, Va., October 29, 1862. M'Creary, James S...do.... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. M'Bride, John..........do.... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. M'Creary, William...do.....Feb. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V. Makin, John A............ Aug. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V. Mardis, Jacob L.......do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to company A, 190th regiment P. V. Orr, James A............do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. O'Connell, Hilarion...do..July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Owens, Joseph........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th reg. P. V.-Vet. Powell, William K...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Pfoff, Joseph A........ do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died,at Memphis, Tenn., August 15, 1862. Patterson, Robert......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Patterson, Wm. J.....do...... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V. Patrick, Dallas........ do..Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V. Pyatt, James b.......do... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Quintan, William,.....do.. Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment, P. V. Roberts, John............do.. June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Rummell, James P,..do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Died at Windmill Point, Va., January 20, 1863. Ruth, Leonidas A......do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Died at Belle Plain, Va., November 6, 1862. Ruth, Edmund S........do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Ragar, George C.......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V. Shoffner, Casper...... do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Settlemyre, Har'sn...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Skelly, Michael A.....do...... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1,'63. Stevens, John............do... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Shoepf, John............ do.... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment, P. V. SmyerS, Philip........do.. Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to.Co. A, 190th regiment, P. V. Stevens, Com're P..do....... April 24,'63, 3 Transferred to Co. A, 190th regiment, P. V. Story, John J..........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Tr. to western gunboat service, 1862. Sheeler, A...........do............................. Died December 29, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Urban, Emanuel....... do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines's Mill, June 27, 1862. Wagoner, Wm. W.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Woodford, Andrew...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Woodford, Powers.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Williams, Thomas.....do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1,'62. Wise, John...............do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Nov. 28, 1861. Wareham, Henry H...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 30, 1863. Wissel, Henry C.......do June 25,'61, 3 Deserted July 21, 1861. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN INDIANA COUNTY. James R. Porter..... Capt..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieut. Colonel, July 2, 1861. Daniel S. Porter.............I June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., July 2, 1861-to Lieut. Colonel, May 14, 1863, Hannibal K. Sloan.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Liedu., July 2, 1861-to Capt., Aug. 17, 1863-to brevet Maj., March 13, 1865-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Arc'bd W. Stewart 1st Lt. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from private to 2d Lt., July 2, 1861to 1st Lt., Aug. 17, 1863-died May 20, 1864, of wounds received May 5, 1864. 10 108~~~....:........... 858 FORTUIETH REG(IMEN —ELEVENTH RESER1TE XAM~w R *k anDATE OF MUSTEK N.A,..M,..E.. }.. -O MSTE... RANH, OSERVIOR. i REMARKS. John S. Sutr......... 2d Lt... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 14, 1862-to 2d Lt., Sept. 22,'63-to brevet Capt., March 13, 1865-tr. to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. T. M. M'Candless... 1st Sgt,. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, Sept. 1, 1861. Ephraim Davis.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Sept. 1, 1861-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 31, 1862. Richard H. Fair.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt., May 1, 1862-died July 14,'62, of wds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62. Thos. R. Weaver....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., July 15,'62-to 2d Lt. 135th regiment P. V., Dec. 16, 1862. William D. Kuhns.....do... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt., Nov. 17, 1862-wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Hend'n C. Howard...do..... Jne 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., July 15, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Sept. 22, 1863- wounded and prisoner at 2d Bull Run-mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. James L. O'Neil..... Sergt... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 1, 1861-pris. at Wilderness, May 5, 1864 —absent at muster out. Sam'l M'Cutcheon....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., June 1, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 18, 1862. Benj. F. Laughlin.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Dec. 14, 1862- wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862- mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. JohnW. Humphrey...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp, June 1, 1862 -to Sgt., April 23, 1863-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Garvin A. M'Lain.....do...... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Sept. 22, 1863-wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Michael O'Neill.........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., February 27, 1865. John M. Johnston.~ Corp.... June 10,'61, 3 Died atPFredericksburg, Va., Dec. 14,'62, of wds. received December 13, 1862. Winm. M. Cummins.....do..... June 10,'61,'3 Promoted to Cor;, Sept. 7, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 23, 1861. Chas. Shambaugh......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 13, 1862. Geo. W. Stewart....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 24, 1863. Theo. Henderson......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Jas. W. Howearth....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, and Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 —transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, September 1, 1863. Constantine Morton...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862, Bull Run, August 29, 1862, and Antietam, Sept. 17,'62 —mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Henry Prothero..........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. George Spaulding.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-pr. to Cor., April 1, 1863-prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 11,'64-discharged December 17, 1864. John M. Shields........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 1, 1863 -mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. James J. Oatman......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-wd. at Frederieksburg, Dec. 13,'62, and at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-pr. to Cor., Oct. 81, 1863-mus. out with company, June 13,'64. Daniel Laughner.... Muc..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Adams, James N.... Private June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Alien, EleazerE...d.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Prisoner-from May 30, 1864, to Feb. 22,'65-discharged February 28, 1865. Allison, Joshua A.. do..... Oct. 5,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-tr to Vet. Reserve Corps, November 15, 1863. Atchison, William.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., March 29, 1862. Bush, Oscar...............do.... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bartlebaugh, A. F.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Berger, John..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted November 11, 1862. Campbell, John R......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Coleman, W. tH.:... do.. June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Coleman, Thos. M....do..... June'10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3, 1863. Carbaugh, Samuel.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-disch. on Surg. certificate, April 6,'63. Conner, Harrison.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Wd. and pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 9, 1863. ThiIEr YUAIRS Si~aVvICo. 859 T1 5R6DA YNAPIC, -859 NINTO SERVICE.: Chesley, Edwin...... Private June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1863. Craig, Jacob L... d.......u.. July 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 1 1863. Compton, Wmi. A...do...:... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferredto 190th regiment P. V., May 31,1864. Conner, William........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Pris. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 162died Jan. 21,'63, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Charles, Moses B......do.... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Devlin, James.,.......d...... June 10, 61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 13, 64. Devinny, E. J........ do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Dumm, Hiram N....do...... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-tmustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Davis, Johnston.........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Devlin, John R...o....o July 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Davis, James W.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862-deserted March 18, 1863-ab., in arrest, at muster out. Eakman, Alex. G......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 —mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Elliott, William B.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Empfield, Wm. H.....do... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862-disch. on Surgeoh's certificate, Oetober 20, 1862. Fyock, David.......do..... July 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fetterman, H. W.....do..... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Gibson, John T..........do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Glenn, James...... do....... June 10,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., July 14, 1862, of wounds rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Gromley, John J.......d....Sept. 9,'62, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863-returned Oct. 8, 1863transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hoffman, Joseph.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Harbison, W. MJ...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Ran, August 30, 1862, and at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-absent at mus. out. Harbisoi, Frank......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and at Bethesda Church, May 30,1864-ab. at mus. out. Harmon, Solomon.. do.... June 10,'61, 3 Captured at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Hazlett, Win. H......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 3Q, 1862-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. Harrison, Sam'l B......do... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'62. Hill, William......... do... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, January 12, 1863. Hood, Thomas...........do..... Tune 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,1863. Hall, John L..........do... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th -reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hall, Samuel B.........do..... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to I90th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Hoover, David...........do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May31,'64. Hill, Jethro W........... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Henry, William........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 8, 1864. Hazlett, Henry C......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. auser, David.......do................. 3 Died July 4, 1864-buried at City Point, Va. Johnson, Geo. W......do..... July 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'63. Kinter, William T...do..... July 11, 61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kunkle, William.....do..... July 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Kimberlin, John G...do..... June 10,'6i, 3 Died at Middletown, Md., Sept. 18, 1862, of wds. received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Lowman, Geo. W......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of arm, at Bristoe Station, Oct. 14, 63-disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 15,'64. Lowman, Allison.....do.... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Layman, Jacob N..:..d..... July 10,''61, 3 Wd. andcapt'dat Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Lowman, Samuel......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died August 8, 1862, of wds. received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Laughery, J. M......do...... June 10,'61, 3 Died September 8, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Laughery, Wm........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Lewis, John...............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Macl, W. H. H........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Curdy, John G.....do..'.. June 10,'61, 3 Capt'd at Wilderness, May 5,'64-ab. atmus. out. M'Donald, Wm. P......do...June 10,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May toDec. 6,'64-mus. out Dec. 12,'64. M'Henry, Oliver S.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. M'Curdy,Sam'l R.....do... Sept. t8,'61, 3 Discharged geonr en'sertifio ate, June: 4,'62. 860 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH BRESERVE AME-. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. RE S. M'Kelvey, Thos. H Private April 4,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Maguire, Joseph H...do..... July 10,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 10, 1862-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Mitchell, Robert M....do..... July 12,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 31, 1862. Moore, Thomas S.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Died September 18, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Powell, Henry............. Ad. ug. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, Va., October 14,1863. Ray, Hugh...........o... June 10,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7,'64. Ray, Samuel......d..... do..... July 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Richardson, Wm........do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Transferred to company D, May 1, 1862. Rosenbury, Cyrus.....do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Captured at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Smith, John L...........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862-returned March 31, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13,'64. Shick, Samuel.,.. d...... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stewart, John W.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5, 1862. Sheffler, Uriah...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 30,'62-disch. on Surg. certificate, Oct. 6, 1862. Sherman, Robert F...do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-disX, -..charged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Shadrack, William...do..... April 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7,'63. Smith, Marshall S......do June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, December 1, 1863. Smith, John A...........do July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stork, William.........do.. June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 15,'63. Stephens, James... o....... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Stuchell, Henry...... do... July 11,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain,- September 14, 1862. Trimble, George.......do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. Thomas, Wm. K....... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Wd.~at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62, and Fredericksb'g, Dec. 13,'62-tr. toV. R. C., July 1,'63. Trimble, James H....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wagoner, John.........do July 10,'61, 3 Wd.,withloss of arm,at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-disch. on Surg. cert.-date unk'n. Wineman, James... do....July 17,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., July 11, 1862, of wounds rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Young, Frank F....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company G, 67th regi___________________________________ ment P. V., November 6, 1862.COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN BUTLER COUNTY. Samuel Louden...... Capt.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'62. Wm. H. Timblin.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. to Capt., Apr. 10,'63-By. Maj., Mar. 13, 1865-imus. out with Co., May 31, 1864. Newton Redic........l stLt... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. George W. Fleeger..... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt., April11, 1863-to brevet Capt., March 13, 1863-prisoner at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-discharged March 12, 1865. John C. uhn....... 2d Lt... June 10,'61, 3 Died of wounds, September 17, 1862. John H. Sutton........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, March 5, 1863-discharged for wounds, July 3, 1863. Wm. J. Haldermman 1st Sgt.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., July 1,'62 —to 1st Sgt., Apr. 10,'63-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64. George W. Milford.. Serg't.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. James H. Christie......do'.... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Jane 27, 1862. George A. Black........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., April 10, 1863 —to Commissary Sergeant, October 1, 1863. John T.-Kely............do.. June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, April 1Q,'63-mustered out with company, June 13,'647,George W.'Eby........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, April 10,'63-mustered out with company, June 13,'64. Michael Heckart........do'..... June 23,'61, 3 Promoted from' Corporal to Sergeant, April 10,'63-mustered out with company, June 13,'64. William Prior...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., October 1, 1863-prisoner at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, November 28,'64-grave, 12,191. Hiram Black......... Corp.... June 10,'61, 3 Died of wounds, December 18, 1862. John W. Campbell......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Samuel Cook............. June 10,'61,3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. John iH.Mider......do..... une 23,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 861 DATE OF MUSTER I NAME. RANK. RVICE. EMAR Robert S. Harper... Corp.... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 10, 1863-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864..Jon S. Campbell......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., April 10,'63-prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 16, 1864-disch. Dec. 22, 1864. Robert H. Ray..........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wm. P. Black....... do.... June 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jacob M. Varnum.. Muc.... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Jackson Heckart.......do... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Allen, David S...... Private June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Adams, Homer C.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,1862. Anderson, Robt. M...do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24,'62. Birch, David.............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Black, John R...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May 5,1864-discharged December 12, 1864. Bell, Samuel M........do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, May 20, 1863. Brandap, Henry........do'... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, October 10, 1862. Beatty, Samuel R......do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged-dateunknown-forwoundsreceived at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bryan, William A.......do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Bruner, Samuel.........do..... June 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Black, Uriah J...........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died Dec. 26,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Beam, John............ do.... June 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-died August 7, 1862. Brewster, Joseph C...do.....July 10, 61, July, 6uly 23,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Borland, John W......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died May 22, 1862. Campbell, Ira..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Christy, H. F............do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cannon, John...........do... June 23,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Campbell, RobertG...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Campbell, Milton......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Gettysburg, Aug. 1,'63-bu. in National Cemetery, sec. D, grave, 39. Clark, Charles..........do................. Died May 12,'65-bu. in Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. Dobson, Jonathan.....do. June 10,'61, 3 Wd. in action, May 30,'64-ab. at muster out. Donaldson, James.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, to December 10,'64-discharged December 16, 1864. Edgar, Henry J.........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, November 3, 1862. Eshenbaugh, John.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Fleeger, Eli S.......... do June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'61. Fleeger, Jacob...........do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'62. Graham, Joseph K.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Grossman, Lewis. do... June 10,'61, 3 Wd., with loss of arm and leg, at Spottsylvania C. H., May 11,'64-died August 3, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Hindman, Robt. S......do.. June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Halstead, John..........do... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hilliard, Wash'ton.....d.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hilliard, William H...do.. June -10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'62. Henlen, Jno. D. W..do.. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'63. H:offman, Edward.....do....Mar. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Hilliard, Eli...........do.. June 10,'61, 3 Died Jan. 11, 1863, of wounds rec. at Fredericksburg-bu. record, died at Richmond, Jan. 9,'62. Hyskill, George...... do.June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hart, Samuel........do.. Mar. 4,'62, 3 Died August 10, 1862. Karnerer, William...do June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Krause, Bobert........do.. June 23,'61,3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to February 24,'65discharged March 1, 1865. Kepler, Aaron C.......do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-discharged-date unknown. Kautsch, Wolfgang...do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, December 31, 1863. Kennedy, Benj. F......do...Mar. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Lardin, Thomas P....do June 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Fredericksburg-prisoner from May 5,'64, to Mar. 9,'65-discharged March 14, 1865. Lindsay, Francis.....do June 10,'61, 3 Died Jan. 4,'63, of wds. received at Fredericksburg-buried in Mil. Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Livermore, Jerm'h...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 31,'63. Miller, Samuel....... do June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Caslin, John V......do June 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to February 27,'65discharged March 5, 1865. M'Cleary, Sam'l E.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to February 27,'65discharged March 5, 1865. M'Gill, Wm. B..........do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Malarkey, Daniel......do June 23,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,1863. Moore, William E.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for'wounds, September 1, 1862. 862 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE, NAME; RANK. TSERVICE M'Murry, Samuel.. Private June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, December 3, 1862. M'Elhany, Robert.....do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, December 29, 1862. M'Elvain, Reuben.....do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, January 15, 1863. M'Call, Alexander.....do..... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Fredericks'. burg-date unknown. Milford, James P.....do.. Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Monnie, Fred'k H.....do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64 M'Murry, Robert......do..... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. M'Camy, James........ do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 21,'63. Miller, Isaiah............do. June 10,'61, 3 Died Aug. 13, 1862-buried at Point Lookout. Martin, William.......do..Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died of wounds, September 17, 1862. M'Bride, Wm. A...... do.. June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Martin, Patrick G......do.... June 23,'61 3 Deserted March 20, 1863. Patterson, H. B.........do.. June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Pearce, James M.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, October 29, 1862. Pearce, Robert C.......do....Aug. 2u. 6'62, 3 Died December 13,'62buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Pettigrew, A. J......do..... Jne 10,'61, 3 Died July 11, 1863, of wds. rec. at Gettysburg. Porter, James R........do..... 5,'61, 3 Died Sept. 25, 1862, of wds. rec. at 2d Bull Run. Rhodes, George M.....do... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 23,'62. Rothmire, George.......do.... June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, September 12, 1862. Rinker, William....... do.....June 10,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at 2d BullRundate unknown. Russell, David H......do... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Rosenberry, John......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Died Dec. 24,'62, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburgbu. record, died at Macon, Ga., Sept. 24, 1862. Russell, 0. H.;P........do..... June 10,'62, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 31, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg. Sloan, William.......... do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Seaton, Amos............ do..... June 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shryock, Samuel P...do.... June 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865-discharged Marc_5, 1865. Say, Hamilton H.......do... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Stevenson, Jas. H......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed atSouth Mountain, September 14, 1862. Schmidt, Charles.......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Shepard, James M..... do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, February 24, 1863. Taylor, John L.......... do...June 10, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Thompson, Wm. S...do. June 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'62. Thompson, James.....do.... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. White, Alien............ do June 10,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN BUTLER COUNTY. Wm. Stewart......... Capt.... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Jacob Baiers.........do...July 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to Capt., April 13,1863-discharged for wounds, April 9, 1864. James P. Boggs........do....July 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., April 10, 1863-to Capt., May 1, 1864-to brevet Maj., March 13, 1865 -wounded twice- pris. once:mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. J. S. Kennedy....... 1st Lt.. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged June 13, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Jesse Donaldson...... 2d Lt.. July 5,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, May 15, 1862. J. O'Harra Woods......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., April 10, 1863-killed at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-buried in National Cemetery, sec. C-grave, 35. Wilson K. Potts..... 1st Sgt. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 27,'62. Wm. C. Coleman.... do.... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. —to 1st Sgt. —transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Robert Ash........... Serg't. July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on.Surgeon's certificate, June 10,'62. John Gansz..............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mus. out, as priv., with company, June 13, 1864. Samuel J. Chrisley...do. July 16,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-killed at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Jacob B. Kinsell.......do. July 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-died Jan. 20, 1863, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg-bu. at Alexandria-grave,691. Geo. W. M'Gaughey...do. July 5,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Feb. 10, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg. David C. Steen.......... do. July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. George Weber..........do July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., April 10, 1863-prisoner from May 5 to Dec. 11, 1864-discharged Dec. 17,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 863 ~MA-MV. it-KK DATE OF MUSTER { alvrt1fl. NAME. RANK. DAFINTO SERVICE. REMARKS. James M'Clelland.. Serg't.. July 29,'61, -3 Promoted to Sgt., April 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. James M. Greaves......do..... July 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., April 10, 1863 —pris. from May 5, to Dec. 11,'64 —discharged Dec. 18, 1864. John Dunbar......... Corp.... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Silas Amberson........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Rob't S. Gilleland.....d..J... uly 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. David P. Stewart.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Killed at-Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. avid S. Parks..........do.....July 6,'61, 3Killed May 30, 1862. Joseph R. Moore.......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1863. James B. Shafer.......do... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Daniel Graham..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 10, 1863-missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Jesse Fry.........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Charles Minnemyer Muc.... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Nov. 1, 1863. Alfred G. Nixon........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with.company, June 13, 1864. Addleman, Lind. H Private Feb. 24,'62, 3 Died at home,while onfurlough —date unknown. Brown, John M'C... d..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Boggs, William..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Barron, Barnabas C...do.....July 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 3,'62. Brown, Robert J..,.....do.... July 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Brunnermer, Geo......do..... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. Beers, John..............do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Burr, Jacob............do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Brennamin, Samq'.....do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Berchtold, Joseph......do..... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to U.S. Navy, November, 1862. Beggs, John.......... do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863.: Beers, Samuel........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to yet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Bedillion, Peter.......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Died January 17, 1862.: Beatty, John N1.............. July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Beltz, Charles.............do............................ Died Sept. 4,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 212. Cartwright, Linas......do.... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'64. Campbell, David........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 28,'63. Cowan, John.............do.....July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Corans, John...........do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Cress, Daniel........ do.... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Critchlow,Adam W...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died at New York, October 2, 1862. Critchlow, John W...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Cornelius, Thos. J......do... July 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Canders, John...........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Dodds, William F.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7, 1862. Deer, Jacob...............do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. Devinney, James G...do...,. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9; 1862. Dodds, Jasper P.....do..... July 12,'61, 3 Died in Richmond, Va., July 18, 1862, of wds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Elliott, John P.......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Fleming, Thorn'nH...do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Frail, Michael...........do.... July 5,'61, 3' Killed atiGaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Fry, William M........do.....July 5,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 31, 1862. Graham, Daniel W...do..... Sept. 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'62. Gilleland, Rob't S......do..... Feb. 10,'64,3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Gilleland, Wilson......do.... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Gilpatrick, Mark.......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Gibson, Israel..........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Graham, D. W..........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Greer, James A..........do.....July 5, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 9, 1863. Huselton, Geo. W......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 16,'64-discharged December 22, 1864. Haslett, SamuelF........, Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Hare, Peter......... do. July 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 64-Vet. Haslett, Joseph B.....do..... Mar. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. YHoyt, Oscar C... do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Haslett, William....do.....July 5,'61,3 Deserted July 18, 1861. Johnston, James B...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died May 30, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Johnston, Vernon......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Died July 9, 1861. Kennedy, Alex'r......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Kennedy,W. H. H....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Kalb; Eckart............do..... Mar. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. List, William............do..... July 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Lyon, Samuel A........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Leonard, James.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Deserted August 31, 1861. M'Nair, Robert A......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered-out with company, June 13, 1864. Moreland, Alex'r...do.....July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mushrush, Benj. L...do.... "July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. 864 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RBSERVE, ~_. W SAM. BANK BDATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. ERICE.MARKS. INTO SERVICE. S M'Donald, D., 2d.... Private July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Donald, D., 1st...... do... July 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 25,'63. M'Aleer, Bern'd W...do..... Feb 24 62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 64 M'Bride, Robert E.....do..... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. M'Comb, James H.....do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 64. Miller, Edward......... 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. M'Curdy, Sam'l R.....do..... Sept. 8, 613 Transferred to company B May 1, 1862. M'Knight, Joseph......do Sept. 12,'61 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 5,'64. Moreland, Chas. L.....do...... April 22, 64, 3 Subs-transferred to 191st reg. P. V., June 1,'64. M'Cullough, M......d..July 6,'61, 3Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Moore, William........do... July 16,'61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Kinney, Jos. A......do... July 5, 61 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Neal, Wm. R..... do....ept. 8,'61 3 Died Get. 25, 1862, of wounds received at 2d Bull.~, DRun-bu. in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Nixon, John E.......do. July 6,'61, 3 Discha Srgedon Surgeo's certificate, Mar. 28,'64. Overdoff, Wm. C....do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Parker, Samuel C.......do.. July 5,'61, 3 Mustered? out with company, June 13, 1864. Pisor, David W........ do July 16,'61, 3 Died November 1, 1862, buried in Camp Parole Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis. Pherson, Robert J.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Killed atBull Run, August 30, 1862. Rodgers, Henders'n...do..... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 23,'62. Richardson, Wm.......do..... Mar. 21,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Robertson, James......do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Rice, Thomas G.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64 Rosenberry, S. J.......do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Died June 3, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Rouch, Lawrence......do. Oct. 5,'61, 3 Died at home, in Butler county, Sept. 8,1863 Smith, Samuel F...do. Sept. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. Shearer, Wm. M....do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'62. Stevenson, Benj.....do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'62. Snow, Alfred M.........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Shank, Andrew......do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Shank, John.............do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Silvers, Matthias.......do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Stanley, John S.........do.... Mar. 81,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Sinott, William.........do..Sept. 8,'61, 3 Willed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Summerville, J. H.....d..... July 5,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Feb. 28, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Teets, Albert...........do.... July 5,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Thompson, R. W.......do.... July 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Thompson, R. G........do.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out withbcompany, June 13, 1864. Williamson, Hugh.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Wounded atFredericksburg, December 13,'62 absent at muster out. Woods, William.. do.... July 5,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va December 6, 1861. Young, George..........do..... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 11,'62. COMPANY E. RECRiUITED IN INDIANA COUNTY. Nathaniel Nesbit Capt.... June 21,'61, 3 Died Sept. 21, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Daniel R. Coder.............June 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr 1st Lt. to Capt., April 18,'63-to Bv.Maj., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. Rich'd M. Birkman 1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 13, 1862-to st Lt., April 10, 1863-tr. to 190th regiment P. V. Hugh A. Torrence.. 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster, July 2, 1861. J. P. R. Cummiskey 1st Sgt.. June 21, 61,3 Pr. to 1st Lt. Co. D, 105th reg. P. V., Jan. 13,'62. Chas. W. Herring......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt.-mus. out with Co., June 13,91864. Jas. C. Marshall..... Sergt... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 4,'63. James L. Hazlett.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds, December 31, 1862. TheoL. l. Marshall......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor.-disch. on Surg. cert., June 9,'63. John C. Doran...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor.-mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Edward T. Means...do....... June 21, 61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Wmi H. H. Lyons.....do... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 27, 1861-to Serg'tmustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John Uncapher.........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. Wm. H. H. ELidricks Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond,Va., Jan. 9,'63, of wds. received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Robert S. M'Call........do..une 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. James A. Short.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 27,'61-died, date unknown, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 865.'~ I NAMNE. RAN. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVIC. EMAS. NA____.________, __._ I. Samuel Spires........ Corp.,.. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 27, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. George K. Nesbitt.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, July 27, 1861-died Oct. 14, 1861. J. L. M'Farland........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Robert Maguire........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. John C. Rugh...........do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Samuel. Coon......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. James J. Fritz..........do..... June 21'61, Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. James W. M'Ginley....do.... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Win.. H. Bell... Muc....,Tune 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Rob't B. Carroll......... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with conlpany, June 13, 1864. Bell, John P....... Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Brink, John. d....u............ June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Barkley, JohnC........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'63. Butterfield, T. H.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 1, 1863. Brown, James M......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Carlisle, William......do..... une 21,'613 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent at muster out. Clawson, J. M..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17, "63. Conner, William.......do..... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Coleman, Michael.......do..... Dec. 15,'62,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Cramer, Thompson...do.... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Carson, Thomas.......do.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Cathcart, Rob't W..do........ June 21,'613 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. anada, Alfred......do.....d July 29,'61, 3 Died Sept. 29,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Doran, Martin...........do..... Feb. 10,'6', 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. Davis, Samuel W.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, Nov. 1, 1861. Dunlap, Gillis D... do..... Sept. 12,'62,3 Transferred to 193th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Doak, Wm..H......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Died, date unknown, of wounds rec. at Gaines''. - Mill, June 27, 1862. Dunkle, John.........do Sept. 12,'62, 3 Died, date unknown, of wds. received in action. Elder, Joseph WT.......do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ewing, John...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Eakman, Jos. B........do..... June 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Eshbaugh, Henry......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. English, James M.....do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Eshelman, Abra'm... do..... Dec. 9,'63, 3Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Ewing, Boyd E.........do..... June 21,'61, 3Died October 31, 1861. Ewing, William T....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died May 16, 1862. Edwards, Sol. S.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Ferguson, Aug. A.....do... June 2L,'61 3 Tr. to 10th regiment U. S. Infantry, Dec. 30,'62. Ferguson, Scott M....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Foy, William C........do..... June 21,'61,3 Died Jan. 3,'63, of wds. ree. at Fredericksburg. France, S. Wallace...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. Gray, Joshua L.............. June 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Groft, Joshua A.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'63. Gwinner, Geo. C........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Gourley, James........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'63. Garriss, Samuel M......d..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Gordon, —-Robert.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 15,'63. Griffin, David............do..... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 190thregimentP. V., June 1, 1864. Harrold, Lemuel C...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hughes, Nicholas P...do..,.. June 21,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'63. Hatch, Salathiel......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Hart, John D..........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died ofwds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Jenkins, Thos. J........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Kimple, Jacob...........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Libengood,: Jacob.....do..... June 21'61 3 Disch. Dec. 17,'62, for wounds received in action. Miller, George W......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Maken, Robert............... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Miller, Alex. C........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Keen, Robert.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Moses,.Thomas J......do..... June 21,'61,.3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865 —di~m charged March 5, 1865. Myers, John C.........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. MVaguire, James S......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Marsh,' Uriah.-......do.. June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Marshall, James J.....do..... July 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Philimy, Wm........do....July 25,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'61. M'Cullough, A. W...do.... June 21,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'62. Morehead, James S...do.... July 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Meaner, James E.....d...... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug, 23,'62. M'Elhaney, G. R...do..... July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1863. 109 866 FORTIETH REOIM1ENT-LELtE RESVEN1 NAME. RANH.TE OF 1USSR V REMRK INTO SERVICE. I REAR M'Kelvey, John N.. Private June 21,'61 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'6i. Means, John N..........do..- June 21,1, 6 3 Discharged-date unknown. M'Cormick, Nelson..do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'63, Moore, Norman L......do. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1,'63. M'Lain, Samuel A........ June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Farland, GeM.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. M'Farland, Louis...do..... July 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Mangan, Wm. H.........o June 21,'61, 3 Died March 21, 1864-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,561. Marshall, Wm. S.......do.... June 21'61, 3 Died at Point Lookout, Va., September 14, 1862. M'Ginley, David........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 25, 1862. M'Causland, W. E.....do...... June 21,'61, 3 Died July 8, 1862-buried at Philadelphia. M'Philimy, John...do.... July 25, 61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Mitchell, Andrew R...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., January 9, 1863, ofwds. received at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62. Mundshower, H........do...... June 21,'61, Deserted-date unknown. Park, Robert A.........do.. J ine 21,'6, 3 Wd. at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-ab. at mus. out. Pehel, Jacob............do...... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'61 Russell, Samuel......o......d.... Sept. 12,'62. 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Rankin, Arch. C.......do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Riddle, Cornelius B...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 Spires, Daniel S............ June 21, G61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1834. Sacket, Harrison D..do.... -Feb.. 24,;62 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'6Z Shields, Samuel M.....do.,... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 31,'62, for wds. rec. in action. Shearer. James M......do..... Jan, 13.'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. Smith, John W.........do Sept.. 9,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb, 7,'63. Simpson, John........do..... June 21, 1, 3 Discharged on Sureon's certificate, Mar. 24,'(63 Scott, Oliver H...........do,..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1,'63. Snowden, John P......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 30.'63, Sloan, Josiah............do..... Mar. 3,62, 3 Transferredto 90thregimentP.V., June 1,1864. Simpson, James N.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died September 24, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Sutor, Robert P......do.....June 21,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown,. lMd., October 19, 1862. Sieald, A........ do......................... 3 Died May 16,'64-bu. at Chattanooga-grave, 454, West, Ira G............. do June 21,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Watkins, George........'.. June 21,'61, 3 Died October 22, 1861. Wiley Armstrong A...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN FAYETTE COUNTY. Everard Bierer...... Capt... June 20, f61, g Res. Nov. 17,'62, for pr. to Col. 171st reg. P. V. John W. De Ford......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant-res. Nov. 10,'62. James A. Hayden......do..,, June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct. 1.'61-to Capt., April 10,'63 —to brevet Maj., March 13, 1863-prisoner May 5, 1864-discharged Marcbh12, 1865. Peter A. Johns........ 1st Lt.. May 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, July 2, 1861. Thos. H. Hopwood.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt., Sept. 22, 1861-res. Dec. 25, 1862. Wm. R.K. Hook......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted toCor.-to Sgt., Dec. 10,'62-to 1st. Lt., -*^~~~~. ~April 10,'63 —mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. Wm. F. Springer.... 2d Lt... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., Dec. 10,'62-to 2d Lt., Sept. 22,'63 —mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. George W. Kremer 1st Sgt. June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt.-mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. Eph. W. Robbins... Serg't.. June 20,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 20, 1861. Geo. Downer.............do.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged to accept promotion as 2d Lt., company E, 178th regiment P. V., December 6,'62. Daniel T. Smouse......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-disch. to accept promotion as lst. t. company F, 177th regiment P. V., Dec. 6, 1862. Sam'l D. Sturgis.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor.-disch. to accept promotion as Adjutant, 171st regiment P. V., Dec. 5,'62. Philip Sutton...........do... June 20, T61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt.,-discharged to accept promotion as 2d Lt., company H, 179th regiment P. V.-date unknown. John M'Cloy...........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1, 1864-Vet. Thos. B. Whaley......do..July 22,'61, 3 Promotedto Sgt.-mus. out with Co., June 13,'64. Eugenius Tibbs........do..; May 23,'61, 3 Ab., in Insane Asy., Washington, at mus. out. Daniel L. Claggett.....do... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Alfred M. Gorley... Corp.. Jun. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'62. Daniel DeFord.........do June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, U. S. A., Aug. 1, 63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 887 NAuME. RANVK-. DATE OF MUSTER RKS. NAME. RANK. SERVICE, X REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Jeremiah Youler.... Corp... June 20,'61, 3 Died July 1, 262-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Robert G. Dunn.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died June 14, 62-bu. at Alexandria -rave, 39. John F. Freeman......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 7, 1863, of wounds received in action. James M. Bute..........do..... June 20,'61, -3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Elijah W. Phillips.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64Vet James H. Yates.........do.....June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. John W. Farr....... Muc.... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 9, 1861. G. W. Coughanour......... June 20, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Austin Win. H...... Private June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Abraham, E. Hi.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Abraham, Wm. H.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died Jan. 10,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Anderson, George......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 10, 1862. Bell, Gaylord............do.....June 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Berry, William........ June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Bryerly, Thomas.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Beatty, John H.........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. Bell, Robert.... do..... June 0,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Bixler, Theodore........do.....June 20,'61, 3 Tr. tobat'y D,5thU.S. Art.-dateunknown-Vet. Bryerly, Franklin......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Childs, Samuel.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Crusen, Johu W........do.....July 16'61, 3 Discharged September 16, 1861-minor. Craner, Henry N.......do.... April 5,'62, 3 Disch on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Core, Arthur............do..... July 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Dooyar, Patrick.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13. 1864. Delphy, George.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1861-minor. Deenan, Balser H....d...d.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Fisher, Joseph I......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Frasier, William.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, to December 10, 1864discharged December 16,1864. Firestone, Asa.......... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 8, 1861. Graham, John...........do..... July 16, 61, 3 Wd. Mav 10,'64-ab., in hos., at muster out. Harvey, Robert M.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. ELies, William..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Holliday, Robert........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. REiles,- Andrew..........do June 20, r61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'63. EIostetler, Aaron........do.... Oct. 31,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Halfin, Lawrence.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died of wounds, September 10, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Ceitetery, D. C. Hackett, Simp'n W...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died of wounds, January 16,'63-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Jackson, Thomas......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. by sentence of Court Martial, Aug. 20,'61. Kefover, John M......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 13,'62. Lowry, Andrew N.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., August 16, 1862. Miller, Albert......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Miller, Isaac F........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 5, to Dec. 13,'64-disch. Dec. 19,'64. Martin, Barney.....do...... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Marshall, Jos.C.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30, 1864, to April 9, 1865-disf C;*P;~ - R Icharged May 17, 1865. I'Kerns, John F......do.... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Ginnis, John W.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stiller, Thomas F.....do.... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Morgan, Patrick........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 8,'63. N':Nerney,Timothy...do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'63. Mi'Kerns, Jas. K. P...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, U. S. A., Aug. 1,'63. M'Gee, William F.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1862. Nicholson, Lacy H.....do..... June 20, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Nicholson, Andrew...do..... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Nicholson John........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. O'Reilly, John.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Prettynan, Jacob.... o...... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Quay, William...........do.... Oct. 31,'63, Drafted-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Robbins, Madison.....do.....June 20, 61 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Rogers, Alex. J........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Rossell, Joseph.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Rossell, Henry F......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Roney, Wm. A.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted May 3, 1862. Rockwell, John F......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted May 5, 1864. Ritchey, Hiram........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, Sept. 23,'64-grave, 9,558. Ritchie, Malachi........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Smith, Daniel F..........do.... June 20'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shallenberger, J. H...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Strickler, John W......do.... July 22,'61, 3 Prisoner May 5, 1864-died at Andersonville, August 27, 1864-grave, 7,029. 868 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I INTO SERVICE. l4 REMARKS. > Sharpneck, Ellis B Private June 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Shoup, John..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Senneff, David..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Tr. to batt'y G, 5th U. S. Art'y- date unknown. Shoup, Daniel F.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Sickles, George H......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Swank, Joseph...........do June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Suttle, Thomas J.......do..... Oct. 31,'63, Drafted-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Sutton, Reuben A......do Oct. 31,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864. Stuck, Carey.............do....June 20,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, July, 1862. Suttle, Jacob..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Craney Island, September 10, 1862. Shaw, Joseph............do.. June 20,'61, 3. Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Sampsell, Geo. W.....do..... July 22,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1861. Victor, Frederick.......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Varndell, Henry........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7,'63. Whaley, Henry G......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Wilson, John............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Wimer, Benj. F.........do.....June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Yates, William......... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1861-minor. Youler, B. Franklin...do June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN ARMSTRONG COUNTY. Samuel M. Jackson Capt..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 2, 1861. James P. Speer........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-pr. to Maj., May 28,'63. James H. Mills.........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Sgt., July 2, 1861-to 1st Lt., Jan. 6, 1862-to Capt., Aug. 17, 1863-to brevet Major and brevet Lt. Col., Mar 13,'65mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph F. Cline...... st Lt... June 29,'61, 3 Resigned December 27, 1861. John F. Jackson... do..do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Sept. 22, 1863-to 1st Lt., Mar. 4, 1864-to s*~ ~ ~ brevet Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 13, 18641 Walter F. Jackson.. 2d Lt... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Samuel T. Stewart.. 1st Sgt. June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt., Jan. 1,'62-killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. And'w G. Mehaffey...do... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt.-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 26, 1863. William J. Ford........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., August 17, 1861-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Sept. 23, 1863-mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Daniel Jack........... Serg.. June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with, company, June 13, 1864. John A. Speer....d...... d June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'62. Richard P. Jack........do.. June 8,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., February 15, 1862. James Johnson..........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1864. Geo. S.Gourley........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal- killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. A. K. Vantine..........do. June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Henry C. Trout........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from private, July 1, 1863- mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Samuel Maguire........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted from private, Dec. 1, 1863 -wounded May 6, 1864-absent at muster out. Levi Shaner........ Corp.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Marine Corps-date unknown. John A. Shearer........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, June, 1862. Thomas Young.........do...June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862. Robert W. Hunter.....do..... July 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May. 1,'62. Geo. W. Maguire.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 28,'63. William Artman.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 16,'64. Hugh F. Forbes...... Muc.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. D. D. P. Alexander...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Armstrong, Rob't G Private June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Arnold, James D.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Anderson, And'w J...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1863. Artman, James J......do....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 16, 1864. Anderson, Alonzo......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., August 24, 1862. Beatty, Robert...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 869 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICR., W Brunton, James M.. Private June 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864absent at muster out. Bovard, Charles.......do.... June 8, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Brown, Johnson W.do....o June 8, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 8,'62. Bovard, Joseph O......do... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Beobout, James A....do.....June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Bentley, Frank...........o June 8,'61, 3 Killed June 30, 1862. Cups, W. D........... do June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Colver, Jacob I.....d...... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. Coulter, Thomas B.....do....June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Cline, William F...do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. -V., June 1,'64-Vet. Carney, Johnson........ do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Crofut, Charles M.....do.....June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Cunningham, W.B...do... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Duffleld, Calvin........do... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Duff, John R...........do.... June 8,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Edgar, John S.....o.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery D, 5th U. S. Artillery, February 25, 1864-Vet. Faulk, David..........do.. June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fulton, Henry S. P...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2, 1863. Fuller, John A...d..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Fry, George............ do.... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Foster, James S..... do.... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Craney Island, August 24, 1862. Gamble, John M..... do.... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. Gallagher, Graves......do.. June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Huey, Samuel..........do..... July 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'63. Hawk, David A......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 7th reg. U. S. Infantry, Oct., 1862. Harper, Washing'n...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Howell, Wm. W........do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Died Dec. 25, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemetery, D. C. Ivory, Andrew.... do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'63. Jack, John................do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 4th reg. U. S. Infantry, Oct., 1862. James, Thomas..... do.... July 10,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Jack, George E...... do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 22, 1862, of wounds 3 received at Fredericksburg. Kunkle, John S.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Klingensmith, A.......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Klingensmith, H......do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5,1864, to February 27, 1865discharged March 5, 1865. Lieblang, Wm. N......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 6,'63. Marsh, Fred'k P......do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. MlI'Ilwain, James X...do... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mann, David R. P......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Maguire, Rob't R.....do... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Maguire, James- N.....do..... June 8,'61; 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Marsh, George J........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Maguire, Wash'n......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Nolder, John.....do......do June 8,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to March 4, 1865-dis-.....'*~~~ ~charged March 10, 1865. Ogden, Thomas........do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-minor. Patterson, James A...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-ab. ~~~~*............ ~at muster out. Potter, Samuel L......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 30, to Nov. 26,'64-disch. Dec. 3,'64. Rutter, William..J......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Rutter, James............do... July 19,'61, 3 Died at.Richmond, Va., January 9, 1863, of wds. received at Fredericksburg. Scott, John W...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Stuart, David G.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shaner, Simon P.......do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Died Aug. 4, 1862-buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, Pa. Sweeney, Charles......do..... June 8,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Scott, Wmi. D..........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Sarver, Labanah.......do.... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Shaner, Peter...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Taylor, David L........do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64.-Vet. Toomey, John...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 5, to Dec. 6,'64-disch. Dec. 12,'64. Withington, W. H.......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Williamson, A. J......do..... June 8,'61, 3 -Mis. in action at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Williamson, J. D.......do.....June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V.,June 1, 1864-Vet. Withington, A. W.....do..... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to battery L, 5th U. S. Artillery, October, 1862. Whitlinger, B. F.... do.. June 20,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Young, James M..-... do June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. 870 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE, Zimrm,. o Aw DATE OF MUSTER 1962. Young, Wallace W Private June 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Young, Henry...........do July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Bristoe Station, Va., December 26,'63. Zimmerman, A. L....do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'62. Zimmerman, C. L......do.. June 20,'61, 3 Deserted October, 1862. COMPANY H. RECRUITED WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Daniel Kistler, Jr... Capt..... June 21,'61, 3 Died Sept. 28, 1862, of wounds rec. at Antietam. Lewis A. Johnston...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt., March 5,'63-disch. Oct. 5,'63. B. Alpheus Job.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-to Capt., Mar. 25,'64-to By. Maj., Mar. 13,'65-pris. May 30,'64-disch. Mar. 12,'65. Edward J. Keenan 1st Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Resigned December 30, 1862. James A. Fulton.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-to 1st Lieutenant, March 5, 1863-discharged October 3, 1863. James M'Williams 2d Lt... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-to 2d Lieutenant, April 10,'63-resigned February 1,'64. Patrick J. Hanlin... 1st Sgt. June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Henry C. Stone........do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,U64et. Cyrus H. Rankin... Serg't.. June 12,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. William J. Woods.....do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Prisoner from November 27, 1863, to November 21. 1864-discharged November 28, 1864. Joseph W. Miller...... do... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., September 16, 1862. Charles E. Hubbs......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-discharged Dec. 27, 1863. Samuel M. Reed........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-tr. to Signal Corps, U. S. A. Jacob Earnest............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-prisoner from May 5, 1864, to February 27, 1865 —discharged March 5, 1865. Sam'l A. Crawford.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor.-prisoner from May 5, to Dec. 11, 1864-discharged December 17, 1864. Alfred O'Neil............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-tr. to 190threg. P. V.,June 1,'64-Vet. John H. Reed......... Corp.... June 21,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Josiah Glnt.......do......do June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.; John Miller..............do.....June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. William Sauntman...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Daniel K. Martz...... do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Died of wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. John M. Loor..M..... uc.... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Jared Loughner..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Avery, John L.......Private June 21, 61 3 Absent without leave since May 4, 1864. Amalong, Daniel.......do..... July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Armstrong, And. J...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Ashbaugh, George.....do.... Jan. 1, 63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Allshouse, Amos........do.....June 21'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 30, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62. Bowers, John C.........do....- June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 12, 1864. Bell, John................do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6,'62. Blackson, David W...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 26,'62, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62. Bommer, John........4o..... June 21 1, 613 Died Sept. 18,'62, of wounds received at 2d Bull Run-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery, D. C. Baughman, Levi.......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bannister, Thomas...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted October 8, 1862. -Brantenburg, Jos......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Deserted June 27, 1862. Carr, Daniel.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 30,'64, to February 27,'65discharged March 5,1865. Clark, William J......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged June 23, 1862. Collins, Milton S........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Discharged May 16, 1863. Collins, Willis..........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1861-minor. Carnahan, F. M.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23, 62. Canders, Marcus A...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Devers, John S.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. Dunn, Henry..........do..... June 21 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Dunn, George...........do.... Dec. 21,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Dunham, Bernard......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Dunn, James...........do..... Dec. 27,'62, 3 Died at Bristoe Station, Va., January 18, 1864. Earhart, Samuel F.....do..... June 21,'61,.3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Earhart, Samuel F...do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Earnest, George.......do.... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Frey, Francis...........do.....June 21,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 5, to Dec. 15,'64-disch. Dec. 21,'64. -Fraas, George...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Ginter, Gideon G.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Graff, Leonard.........do.....Feb. 19,'62,3 Discharged June 19, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 871., NF~/ NAME. RANK. D MUSTER I REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. R K Hebrank, Magnus.. Private June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Haverstick, Jno. S...do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 13,'63. Haaf Vincent...........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged May 17, 1863. Herbert, Christop'r...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged October 17, 1862. Hammitt,Isaac N.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg.. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Huff,.dam.............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Henderson, Christ'r..do..... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —Vet. Heckenbaugh,Theo..... Feb. 1, 62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Haley, Erancis.........do..... June 21,'61 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. Hay, John...............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., Dec. 19, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. ouse, Josiah............ do.....June 21,'61, 3 Died near Falmouth, Va., May 20, 1862. Hoxar,.H. V.............do..... June 21,'61 3 Deserted July 4, 1861. Jones, William.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat. service-date unknown. Kline, Reuben.........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kern, Andrew.i.........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Klingensmith, -C........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Lochman, Adam.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Lane, Jared............do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 1864, to serve out sentence of General Court Martial. Loughner, Eliphaz.....do..... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Linsibigler; Daniel...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died July 28, 62-buried at Point Lookout. Loughner, Aaron..... do..... July 29,'61, 3 Deserted July 1, 1863. Lurk, Augustus........do........................ 3 Died March 5,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Lose, Cyrus J:.......do....June 21,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., June 3, 1862. Milloch, Joseph........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mallon, Christonher...do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged April 18, 1862. M'Call, Cyrus,...........do... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. M'Clintock, Jas. P.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Miller, John, 2d........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Miller, Joseph M. do......o June 21, 61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-IVet. Morgan, Jas. W..........do..... June 21,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Myers, Abraham.,...do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Deserted October 3, 1862. Minster, John..........do....July 20,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Powell, David.........do..... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Ralston, Lot. do...o... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged June 21, 1863. Smith, Gustavus........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shetler, Solomon.......do..... June 21,'61, 3 Absent, by sentence of Court Martial-at labor on public works. Smith, Thomas A...... do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged September 1, 1863. Shanefelt, John........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged December 1, 1862.' Styer, Joseph...........do..... June21,'61, 3 Discharged July 15, 1863. Spindler, George........do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Steinberg, John E......do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Theil, Anthony.......do..... Feb. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. Tomlins, Joh........do..... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Walb, Leonidas C.....do.... June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-Vet. Weil, Conrad J.........do..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., June 1,'64. West, Robert. A..........do... June 21,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. - Young, Geo. W.........do... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Youngy Henry E.......do.... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged May 17, 1863. Young, Stephen B.....do.... June 21;'61, 3 Dischared to accept promotion, Dec. 6, 1862. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED IN WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Thos. H. Spires...... Capt.... June 17,'61, 3 Resigned October 17, 1862. Eli Waugaman.........do..... June 17,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt. to Capt., Apr. 10,'63-to By. Maj.,....' Mar. 13,'65 —mus. out with Co., June 13, 1864. David Berry........... stLtJune 17'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant, April 10, 1863mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. J. D. Walkinshaw.. 2d Lt.. June 17,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, April 10,'63-mus..tered out with company, June 13, 1864. Frank Hamerly..... Ist Sgt.. July 22,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sergeant-wd. in action, May 13,'64mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Joseph D. Davis..... Serg't.. June 17,'61, 3 Discharged to accept promotion as 1st Lieut. Co. E, 177th regiment P. V., November 21, 1862. David Kinkead.......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. George W. Baird.......do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3,'62. 872 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH 1R1SEiRVE, NAME. RANK. MUSTERR INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Andrew J. Martin.. Serg't.. June 17,'61, 3 Died June 3. 1862. John A.Hill............o...J.June 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, November 16, 1861. John Grumbling........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 3, 1863.Isaac Cummings.......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal -transferred to 190th regiment, P. V.-date unknown-Vet. Wm. J. Hamilton......do... June 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-wounded in action, May 23, 1864-absent at muster out. Henry A. Harkins....do... June 17,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor.-wd. and pris:at Wilderness, May 5,'64-released Dec. 6,'64-disch. Dec. 12,'64. David Jenkins....... Corp.... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Washington Davis....do..... June 17'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 9,'62. Mitchell K. Brown...do June 17,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. David H. Reed..........do.....June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Daniel Harkins........ do..... June 17'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. William M'Clarren...do.....June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug..l9,'63 John.Hamerly.........do. Sept. 10'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P V. George Jellison........do....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Jas. W. M'Master......do.... June 17,'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.- Vet. Wm. B. Lowman...... do..... June 17,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, to December 13, 1864-discharged December 19, 1864. Lemuel Jenkins.........do.. June 17,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cyrus Eakman;.........do June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Adams, Jacob.... Private June 17,'61, 3 Detached for artillery service, April 3, 1862-absent at muster out. Anderson, Jos. A...do. July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 8,'62. Amend, Henry R......do.... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet.: Anderson, Wn. H...do.... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Died April 22,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Ce., D. C. Bruce, Alexander...do..... July 9,'61, 3 Prisoner May 30,'64 —died at Andersonville, October 23, 1864-grave, 11,329. Briny, Simon P........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'61. Bitner, Amos........do..... June 17,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Branigan, Patrick.....do..... Nov. 19,'63, z Drafted~-transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Brandon, John....do...... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Cunningham, Clark...do.... June 17, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. C(rusan, Thomas K...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 12,'62. Curry, Washington...do..... July 29,'61, 3 Discha red on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'61. Cruise, Francis.......do..... June 17,'61 3 Desertse. November 9, 1862. Crouch, Levi........... o........ Died at Andersonville, Apr. 10,'64 —grave, 466, Dell, Jacob........... do.... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Davis, Samuel W-.....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb.l10, 1863. Dickey, Samuel........do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb, 23,'63. Devinney, Peter........do,.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. Detrick, James P..-...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. —Vet. Elliott, Sargent.........do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Everhart, Alexan'r...do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Deserted February 18, 1863. Eaton, G.I.... do. Died June 15,'64 —bu. in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Flickinger, John A...do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. A., November 9, 1862. Graham, Thos. M......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 5,'64-ab. at mus. out. Gray, Israel..............do..... June.17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June.13, 1864. Gochenaur, John.......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'61. Gray, William A.......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Graham, Paul F........do..., Feb. 21,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62.,lessner, Jacob......do..... Nov. 19,'63, Drafted-transferred-to 190th regiment P. V. Griffith, George W...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Died July 12, 1862. Hamilton, Wm. S......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Henderson, Joseph...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Hammond, Robert.....do..... June 17,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Hashman, Cornel's...do..... June:17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24,'62. Harkins, William......do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'62. Hendricks, John A...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'62; Higgins, William......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 1, 1863. Hosack, mWilliam.......do.,,. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. tHarris, Williamn.........do..... Feb.. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Harris, Abraham......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Hotham, William.....do.... June 17,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1862. Ingle, John...............do..... July 29,'61, 3 )ied December 20, 1862. Jones, George...........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Jellison, Matthew......do..... Oct. 12, 61, 3 Died October 12, 1862. Kuhn, John L.......do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Kuhn, James....do..... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, February 3,'62. Kyle, William C........do.... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Kepple, George.........do..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Kelly, William..........do...do.. June 17,'61 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June'27, 1862. Kirkland, Joseph.....do.. Feb. 3,'62 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862.. Kirkland, William...do..... Feb. 3,'62,1 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 873 nAME. BANK........... INTO SERVICE..t {_______________ _____________. ___________________________________ King, John....... Private July 18,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1862. Layton, Timothy C....do.... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. Layton, John C.... do..d....... June 17,'61, 3 Deserted November 9, 1862. Layton, Thomas S.....do..... June 17,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1861. Lewis, Robert H.......do..... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mbreland, John M.....do.... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Cormick, Geo. W...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Curdy, John M....do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'61. Murray, Samuel H....do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. J3,'62. AM'luire, Edward......do..... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. M'Henry, James.......do. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 13, 63. Murray, Wm. A.....o........ June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'63. Mundshower, H.......do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. M'Nulty, Rob Roy,...do..... Sept. 10'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. M' Bride, James.........do..... Feb. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. M'Dowell, Benj. C.....do.... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th.regiment P. V. Mundorff, Henry.......do...June 17,'61 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Patterson, Thomas,...do..... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 9,'4. Pike, William........ do.... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24,'62. Palmer, Absalom.....doi.... Jan. 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 4,'62. Palmer, Peter....... do...Feb. 2, 64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Robinson, Wm. M.....do..... July 15, 61, 3Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Robertson, James....do..... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Rugh, Walter'..........do..... June 17,'61, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. —Vet. Rife, William D..... do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Reed, Jeremiah....d..d..... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Reed, James G.........do.....June 17,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Rutherford, Thos. S...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died June 9, 1862. Row, Christopher A...do..... April 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spiers, Lawson....... do.... June 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Spiers, William..... do.... June 17,'61 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Sloan, James H....'...do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'61. Stunmp, Joseph........... do.... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 25,'62. Stogden, Samuel J.....do..... June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Stump, Adam...........do..... Feb. 3,'62,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Stump, George........do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Sides, Joseph...........do.. June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15,'63. Suman, John...........do..... Nov. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Toal, William -A.....do..Jul 9,'61, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.-Vet. Uncapher, Amos.....do.... Nov. 19,'63, Drafted-transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Vanhorn, Alex..........d..... Feb. 21,'62, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Venerable, John.......... June 17,'61,3 Deserted December 11, 1862. Wright, James............ June 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. Wagle, William........o.... July 29'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'62. Wynn, James R........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Waterman, Israel.......do June 17,'61, 3 Transferred to U.'S. A., November 9, 1862. Wilkins, John...........do...... July 1'61, 3 Died Oct. 27,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 383. Wentzer, Samuel B...do................ Died Mar. 21,'64-bu. at Alexandria —grave,1,572. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. Elvanris. Brady... Capt.... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. James P. George.......do..... June 7,'61, 3' P fr.. st Lt., Apr. 10,'63-resigned Aug. 10,'63. Edward Scofield........do..... June 7,'61,3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Aug. 15, 1863-to Capt., Nov. 17,'63-to Bv. Maj., Mar. 13;'65-disch. Mar. 12,'65. Harvey H. Clover... 1st Lt... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 22,'63-to 1st Lt., Nov. 17,'63-mus. out with company, June 13, 1864. ames E. Long...... 2d Lt... May 15,'61, 3 Resigned'March 10, 1862. Cyrus Butler........ do. May 15,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 9,'62-res. Apr. 17, 1863. Andrew J. Harle... 1st Sgt May 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt.-disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 12, 1862. Arch. W. M'Killip...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt.-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863. James Elliott..........do.... June 7,'61,3 Pr. to 1st Sgt.-tr. toVet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1,'63. Wm. W. Oswandel i...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st'Sgt., Sept. 1,'63-mus. out with com.; |r' pany, June 13, 1864. )aniel L. Swarts... Serg't,. June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62. Thomas P. M'Crea.....do,,,. June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 23,'63. Jchnh H. Millerl........do... June 7,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Sept. 20,'62-mustered out -with company, June 13, 1864. Beneville Haugh......do. June 7,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-mus. out. with Co., June 13, 1864. 110 874 FORTIETH REGIMENT-ELEVENTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. MUSTER REMARKS. INTo SERVICE. David C. K. Lavan Serg't.. June 7,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, July 1,'63mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Calvin Galbraith........do...June 7,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. 1,'63-pris. May 5,'64died at Andersonville, Sept. 6,'64-grave, 8,009. Lemuel D. Dobbs... Corp... June 7, 61, 3 Transferred to 19th reg. U. S. C. T., Dec. 13,'63. Joshua Jones.............do.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 28, ^63. JohnUplinger...........do.... June 7, 61, 3 Died August 1, 1862. John Baker............ do..... July 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December13,'62absent at muster out. Thomas A. Lucas......do.... Sept. 29 6, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, Va., May 30, 1864. T. L. Hall....... do........ Dec. 25,'61, 3 Mis. May 5,'64-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64. Benj. M'Clellan.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. R. Wilson Ramsey...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Job M. Carley........... do June 7, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Alexander, Samuel Private June 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Algeo, William G......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Adams, Cornelius J...do..... Mar. 31, 64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Alt, John H...............do..... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted May 14, 1863. Bish, Elijah..............do....,. July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Brown, Albert L......do..... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Boyington, M. L.............June 7,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Bovard, Joseph S...... do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Died Mar. 23, 1863, of wounds received in action. Bryant, Milo L.........do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Blair, James A.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Deserted May 14, 1863. Briggs, Martin V......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Cornell, Enos A.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cuddy, John..........do... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cathcart, William.....do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Cravener, Jesse.........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 18,'62. Cochran, Alph. C......do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Criswell, Jackson......do..,. July 18,'61, 3 Died Nov. 7,'61-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Coulter, William.....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Died August 18, 1862. Clark, William.........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Chamberlain, Wm....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died Jan. 20, 1863, of wounds rec. in action-bu.; record, died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 18, 1864. Clough, John B.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died Jan. 21,'63-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 694. Carr, John W..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'63. Donly, Samuel.......do..... July 26, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Davis, Othaniel.........do... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to'90th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Dehaven, Davis........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Engle, John..............do.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Eisle, William.......do.... June 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Fitzgerald, Solomon...do.....June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14, 63. Foster, Perry A.......do.. June 7, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 14,'64. Gordon, Samuel A.....do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Gibson, Joseph C.......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Gruver, L. A..........do.... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gallagher, James......do.... June 7,'61, 3 Died November 20, 1862. Hoffman, William.....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13. 1864. Haven, Clark B.........do... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3, 1864. Hurst, David R.........do.... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., as absent, sick. Hughes, Thomas.......do.... July 18,'61, 3 Died May 1, 1862. Ittle, George...... do.... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864transferred to 190th regiment P. V. Johnston, Wm. A.....do.... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'62. Knapp, William D.....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 30, to Nov. 19,'64-disch. Dec. 31,'64. Kelly, William.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kirkman, Edw'd G...do..June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April2,'63. King, Michael A......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Missing May 30, and transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Love, Thomas E........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 29, 1863. Loomis, William F...do.... July 18,'61, 3 Deserted November 11, 1862. Montgomery, J. A.....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864.'Minor, Orville T........do... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. M'Millin, John..........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Myers, James H....... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Mills, William J........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Maguire, John A.o..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 25,'62. M'Killip, Ham. W.....ddo..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Morrison, William.....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. M'Killip, James H.....do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Missing at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Miller, Joseph P........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'34. Montgomery,David...do................... 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Morey, Horatio R......do....July 18,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. TfItEE YEARS' SERVIC E. 875 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE.. M'Anulty, J. D. S.. Private June 7,' 3 Died June 16, 62-bu. in Mi. Asy. Cem., D. C. Monks, Israel CG...... do.... July 18,'61, 3 Died of wounds, August 12, 1862. M'Kinley, Sylves'r...do June 7, 61, 3 Died of wounds, October 22, 1862. M'Fadden, Levi B.....do.... Sept. 29,'62,3 Died Dec. 19,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. 0. Montgomery, J......do..... June 7,61, 3 Died atRichmond, Va., December 31,'62-burial record, December 21. Miles, Samuel W.......do... July 18,'61, 3 Deserted November 11, 1862. M'Laughlin, Wm...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neal, Thomas.........do... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Nolf, Thomas..........do.... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1, 63. Newberrry, L. S..... d..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Died of wounds, Dec. 31, 1862-burial record, 3 died at Richmond, Va., December 31, 1863. Nicholson, Bart'n A...do. June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, 105th regiment P. V. Phillips, Eli...............do.. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Perrin, A. W............do..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Reigle, Henry A.....do..... June 7,'61, 3Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Robinson, John J......do..... June 7,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'62. Reigle, David J.........do... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. Rock, Thomas......... do..... June 7'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. Rush, Thomas F........do.... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Reif, John..............do..................... 3 Died Mar. 18,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Steele, Samuel...........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 5, 1864, to February 26,'65discharged March 4, 1865. Shick, George............do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Smith, Joseph..........do.... July 18,'61, 3 Prisoner fiom May 10,'64, to February 26,'65discharged March 4,'65. Surdam, George........do.. June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Skinner, Loren.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Shellebarger, J. W...do..... July 18,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Slack, George...........do.... June 27,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate. Jan. 30,'63. Steel, William............. Sept. 29,'62,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Sallada, Thomas W...do... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to l90threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Skinner, Giles........... do.... July 26,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 13, 1861. Sheesley, John..........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died September 1, 1862. Sugards, Moses l....do.... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Deserted September 10, 1863. Taylor, Winfield S.....do..... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Thorn, James A. C...do. Sept. 29'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Travis, -Madison A..... do... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Wilson, Rob't M........do.....June 7 3 Mustered out withcompany, June 13, 1864. Wise, Levi B........... do...June 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 13, 1864. Williams, Rob't N..'... do. July 18,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'62. Wesley, Thomas T..... do..... June 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1, 1862. Williams, Rob't N.....do..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Waley, Andrew.........do..... Sept. 29,'61; Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April27,'63. Wiant, Allen C........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Missing in actionat Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wiant, H. S..............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Williams, James P...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 15,'63. Weaver, Reuben........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Died June 20, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Ward, George R.......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Died July 30, 1862, of wds. received in action. Welsh, Perry A.........do..... June 7,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. UNASSIGNED MEN. Wm. D Anthony...M. Muc.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Belknap, James E.. Private Jan. 9,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Carpenter, Zerah......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gates, William......... do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Moore, Samuel M...... do..... April 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomson,. J.........do.....Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT, TWELFTH RESERVE. pHE companies composing the Twelfth Regiment, raised primarily for the three months' service, but not accepted, rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, and were organized by the choice of the following field officers: John H. Taggart, of Philadelphia, Colonel; Samuel N. Bailey, of York, Lieutenant Colonel; Peter Baldy, of Northampton county, Major. The men were mustered into the State service for three years from the date of their enlistment, as part of the Reserve Corps. They had had no previous military experience, except the M'Clure Rifles, of Franklin county, which had been attached to the volunteer militia. Before the regiment was organized, valuable instruction was given by Captain Tarbutton, military instructor at Camp Curtin, appointed by the Governor. The regiments of the Reserve Corps were ordered to the front immediately after the battle of Bull Run, on the 21st of July, except the Twelfth, which was retained at Camp Curtin until August 10, 1861, on which day it was mustered into the United States service, and marched to Baltimore with orders to join General Banks at Harper's Ferry. Previous to leaving camp, it was ordered to Harrisburg, by Governor Curtin, to protect the State Arsenal from a threatened attack by the three months' troops, disbanded there during the latter part of July. This delicate duty was performed in such a manner as to receive the approval of the Governor, and without precipitating a conflict. The regiment arrived at Baltimore on the 11th of August, when the order to march to Harper's Ferry was countermanded, and Colonel Taggart was directed to report to General M'Call, at Tenallytown, near Washington. On the 20th of August it was attached to the Third Brigade* of the Reserves. Reviews, parades, drills and picket duty, practiced at this camp under the supervision of General M'Call, were of great value, and inspired the men with professional pride. The news of occasional skirmishing between the enemy and our forces stationed across the Potomac, which from time to, time reached the camps of the Reserves, made the men impatient to join their comrades, and have a hand in the exciting game; and when, on the 10th of October, they took up the line of march for Virginia, their enthusiasm was unbounded, and they signalized their " invasion of the sacred soil" by repeated and prolonged cheers. This ardor was somewhat abated upon their arrival at their camp at Langley, as it was late at night, and they were obliged to lie out without shelter in cold *Organization of the Third Brigade, Colonel John S. M'Calmont, of M'Call's Division, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Tenth (39th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John S. M'Calmont; Sixth (35th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel W. W. Ricketts; Ninth (38th) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Conrad F. Jackson; Twelfth (41st) Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John H. Taggart. 1861 BATTLE OF DRANEBSVILIE 877 and disagreeable weather. Here they went into winter quarters, occupying the right of the line, and from time to time made reconnoissances towards Dranesville. They were only a short distance from that place on the night preceding the unfortunate engagement at Ball's Bluff, receiving orders on the morning of that day to return to camp. Could the forces on the Virginia shore have cooperated with those who crossed, the result would doubtless have been fortunate for our arms. Brigadier General E. C. COrd was assigned to the command of the Third Brigade soon after arriving in camp at Langley, when Colonel M'Calmont resumed the command of his regiment, the Tenth. Several of the commissioned officers of the Twelfth resigned, or were mustered out by general order, and their places were filled by promotions. On the 20th of December, the regiment joined in the expedition to Dranesville, which resulted in a severe skirmish and a decided victory. Marching out from camp at six o'clock in the morning, it took position on the left of the brigade and proceeded to a point about a mile west of Difficult Creek, where scouting parties reported a considerable force of the enemy posted to the left of the road. The regiment was immediately brought into line, but as the enemy seemed indisposed to attack, the march was resumed. On approaching the village our flanking parties were driven in, and the regiment was again formed in line to receive the attack on the turnpike, the right resting on a hill, and the left opposite a brick house on the left of the pike, and behind which the enemy appeared to be in force. Before it was fairly in position the enemy opened with a heavy fire of shot and shell which fell thick and fast about the left of the regiment Easton's Battery soon opened and partially silenced his guns, but the infantry could only hold their position, the enemy's infantry being still concealed from view. The steadiness with which the men held their position under a hot fire, without the possibility of returning it, is the best evidence that can beadduced of their good discipline and soldierly qualities. Soon the word was gien to advance into the woods in front, and if possible capture the enemy's battery. Before reaching it the pieces had been withdrawn, but the ground was strewn with his dead and wounded, piles of cannon balls, shells and munitions of war, and a gun carriage which the pioneers destroyed. The enemy fled precipitately, leaving the field in possession of the victors. The loss fortunately was only one wounded. On March 10, 1862, the regiment broke camp at Langley and marched to Hunter's Mills. The whole army was in motion, moving upon the rebels at Manassas. It was soon ascertained, however, that they had evacuated their strong hold, and hadretreated towards Gordonsville. A halt was accordingly ordered, and remaining until the 14th, the regiment returned to Republican Mills, on the Alexandria turnpike. The bridge over Difficult Creek having been burned by the enemy General M'Call ordered the column to march over to the Georgetown and Leesburg pike, and thence back to the main road. A terrific storm prevailed, by which the movementwas greatly delayed. On the 16th, thousands of Union troops were met returning from Manassas, when a halt was ordered and the command bivouacked, exposed to intense cold, rain and snow storms, without shelter, and only six miles from Camp Pierpont, where were tents, stoves and other' conveniences for comfort. Soon after leaving winter quarters Lieutenant Colonel Bailey was discharged, and the vacancy was filled by the election of Martin D. Hardin. While en 878 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE. 1862 camped at Alexandria the Reserves were attached to the command of General M'Dowell. On the 19th of April, the Twelfth Regiment was detached from the division, and ordered to relieve the Second Wisconsin in guarding the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Headquarters were established at Catlett's Station, and detachments were advantageously posted for defence a distance of eight miles along the road. In the meantime the division had moved to Falmouth, and on the 6th of May the Twelfth was ordered to join it. On the way a few men lingering in the rear were fired on by guerrillas, who wounded one and captured four. Upon receipt of intelligence of the attack, companies C and H were ordered back to the scene of conflict. The farm house and out-buildings where the guerrillas made their headquarters, were burned, but the guilty parties had made their escape. The men captured, after having been sent to Richmond, were exchanged, and soon after returned to the regiment. Company I, which had been stationed at Manassas Junction, marched with the Fifth and reached Falmouth on the 11th. On the 17th, General Ord, who had been promoted to be a Major General, and assigned to the command of a division, took leave of the brigade, and was succeeded by Brigadier General Truman Seymour, The campaign upon the Peninsula had now opened, and the army had already arrived within a few miles of Richmond. M'Clellan was calling loudly for help. The Reserves were, accordingly, ordered to his assistance, and on the 12th of June embarked at Belle Plain Landing, on the Rappahannock. The weather was fine and the voyage an exceedingly pleasant one. Negroes thronged the banks as the transports passed, and begged to be taken on board. At one point a colored man, woman and boy waded out up to their necks in the river, and eagerly besought Colonel Taggart to rescue them. The regiment debarked at White House on the 14th, and marched to Dis. patch Station, where the brigade awaited the arrival of General M'Clellan, who had ordered the division to be held in readiness for review. But the rebels were now urging prior claims, and were presenting themselves for review in such numbers, that the General never found time to meet the Reserves. On the 18th, the regiment marched to New Bridge, on the Chickahominy, in sight of rebel pickets, and within short range of his artillery. On the following day it moved to Ellersonas Mill, on Beaver Dam Creek, and encamped in a ravine, from an elevated position in front of which, the rebels, busily engaged upon earth works for their batteries, could be distinctly seen, and away to the right the spires of Richmond. A signal station was established within the lines ot the Twelfth, from which the movements of rebel troops were observed and reported to Generals Porter and M'Clellan. On the 20th, a balloon was sent up, from which to reconnoitre the dispositions of the enemy; but a forty-two pound shell from a rebel gun came in such uncomfortable proximity to the aeronauts, as to induce them to make a hasty descent. On the 23d, the enemy manifested great activity in front, and in the afternoon the Ninth Reserves, Colonel Jackson, marched past to Mechanicsville. The whole division was held in readiness to support the Ninth, and the enemy's works were vigorously shelled; but they maintained a dogged silence, though their batteries in earth works completely commanded our field batteries. On the morning of the 25th, the Twelfth was ordered on picket duty, and faced the enemy for a space of five miles, from Meadow Bridge to Ellerson's Mill. For two days it remained posted along the swamps bordering the Chickahominy, 1862 BATTLE OF MEClfANICSVILLE. 879 and on the evening of the 25th, indications of an attack were so strong, that General Reynolds required of Colonel Taggart hourly bulletins of everything that transpired. On the morning of the 26th, the regiment was relieved by the Bucktails and the Fifth, Colonel Simmons, and returned to Ellerson's Mill. Here, a few days before, rifle pits had been dug, in anticipation of the advance of the enemy, and trees felled on the west side of the creek in front of the works. About noon intelligence was received that Lee and Jackson, with the main body of the rebel army, were advancing. The position selected behind Beaver Dam Creek was now occupied by the Reserves, the Twelfth-Regiment, in the original formation, holding the extreme left of the line, and on either side of the road leading from Ellerson's Mill to Cold Harbor. Company C, Captain Gustin, was posted in the mill, and in the archway underneath it, where, well sheltered, the men could pick off the enemy as they appeared in sight. Company B occupied rifle pits on the right of the road; but there being a grove of fine old trees in their front, the men preferred to fight from behind them, whence poising their guns they could fire deliberately. Company A, armed with Springfield rifles, occupied the right of the line of rifle pits resting on the road. As some were better marksmen than others, a number were selected to fire, while the others loaded for them. Company K, also armed with Springfield muskets, also did excellent execution. The battle opened at three o'clock and lasted until nine at night. With reckless daring the rebel lines rushed forward to the attack, but were swept back by the steady fire of the Reserves. Early in the action the enemy attempted to out flank our left, but the Seventh Regiment, Colonel Harvey, was promptly brought up, extending our line farther to the left, and Easton's Battery was posted by General Seymour, so as to command the swamp, and thus defeat the enemy's design. A section of Cooper's Battery, consisting of two guns, posted just back of, and above the Twelfth, did fearful execution, its shells being thrown over the heads of the men in the pits, who as the smoke raised could see the effect and guide the gunners in aiming their pieces. For six hours the ground was held, though the trees, earth, and everything around were cut and hurled in the most fearful manner. Over one hundred rounds of ammunition per man were expended, and finally as darkness closed in, the troops bivouacked upon the field which their valor had won. Before daybreak the Seventh Regiment, with the artillery, moved off to the rear. Colonel Taggart was ordered to hold his position until daylight, and then to retire quietly without bringing on a renewal of the engagement. At five o'clock, the enemy, discovering that the troops in their front had nearly all been withdrawn, commenced shouting, when the men, still in the rifle pits, opened fire upon them, and soon the action became more fierce than at any time during the previous day. The regiment was soon after withdrawn by order of General Seymour, which was executed in good order and without confusion. Roger A. Pryor, of the rebel army, in his account of the Seven Days Fight," says, "Ellerson's Mill was defended with desperate obstinacy, and was only captured with desperate valor." The capture was a mere matter of occupancy, when quietly vacated by the Union'troops, after having been successfully held against the most persistent but futile assaults, and only yielded in obedience to the peremptory orders of General M'Clellan. For two days the men had had little sleep or refreshment, but with ready 880 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE. 1862 obedience they marched to Gaines' Mill, and were early in the day placed in line of battle. Lying in the hut sun until noon, they were moved to the front, and ordered to take position in advance of a skirt of woods, which was afterwards the scene of the most desperate conflict of the day. But as the regiment was moving, a staff officer of General M'Call approached with orders for it to move to the right in support of Griffin's Battery, which was now hotly engaged, and doing effective service. For three hours the men were exposed to a terrific fire, meeting the rebel skirmishers and successfully defending the guns. Towards evening the enemy advanced in overwhelming force, with the design of turning the right of the line, but were driven back with great loss. At dusk the regiment moved off towards Woodbury Bridge, and at ten o'clock that night crossed the Chickahominy, after all the wounded had been taken over who could be brought off the field. The loss was six killed and twenty-five wounded. Two men of company C, Miles M. Cooper and Newton Ford, were killed by the explosion of a single shell, and a third lost his leg, while the Colonel was knocked from his horse by the current of air as the missile passed him. Cooper never spoke after he was struck, but Ford said, as hewas raised up, " It's no use, Colonel, my time has come. Haven't I always done my duty?" These were the last words he uttered. He died almost immediately. During the following day the regiment remained under arms on Trent's Hill. At half-past nine in the evening the Third Brigade was detailed to take position at the bridges of the Chickahominy, and prevent the enemy from crossing to intercept the march of our army to the James River. Three bridges were burned, by the light of which the rebels on the opposite bank were distinctly visible, and the long lines of our own troops moving on towards Savage Station. The next morning, June 29th, the Twelfth moved off, guarding long lines of the Reserve Artillery, which filled the road for miles. The weather was intensely hot, and a march of nearly eighteen miles was performed without food or water, the springs and wells being generally dry, and the streams either dry or stagnant. At night it bivouacked in a green field at the junction of the New Market and Quaker roads. That night it was ordered on picket, and marched down the road towards the James River; but having mistaken the direction and being unable to ascertain the position to be held, it returned to the field at the forks of the road, and the men from excessive fatigue, fell upon the ground and slept soundly. The following extract from Colonel Taggart's report, conveys a vivid impression of the miseries which the soldiers endured: " The White Oak Creek, which we crossed about noon, was a complete quagmire, from the thousands of horses, teams, and artillery, which were continually passing, and water to drink was not to be had. Some of the men became almost delirious from thirst, and once, when I halted for rest a few minutes, I discovered them drinking from a stagnant puddle in which was the putrid carcass of a dead horse. Poor fellows, I pitied them, but I could not permit this, and I promised them good water at White Oak Swamp, (as I was informed there was by an engineer officer,) but as we arrived there we found it utterly unfit to drink. The disappointment was intense; but we pushed on, and at evening when we halted on the green, and General M'Call came up and told us there was plenty of good spring water in a rivulet near by, the joy of the men knew no bounds. Alas! little did they think that on that very spot, in less than twenty-four hours, many of them would pour out their life's blood, and the waters of that little brook would be reddened by the vital current. Yet so it was. 1862 BATTLE OF CHARLES CITY CROSS ROADS. 881 On the following morning, the regiment was held under arms, while the immense trains moved down the Quaker Road towards Malvern Hill. At one oclock General M'Call, in person, directed Colonel Taggart to place the Telfth in line of battle, facing the sun,' on the extreme left of the line. Soon afterwards, when in position as directed, General Seymour rode up and ordered it to be divided, and f6ur companies to erect and occupy a stockade near a farmhouse, with two companies in rear for support, and the other four companies to support a battery which had that day been left under command of General M'Cali, leaving a gap between the two wings of two hundred yards. This arrangement made the line almost perpendicular to the one pointed out by General M'Call, and made the left rest out in the open field without support, Hooker being nearly a half mile to the rear. These dispositions were hardly made, when a shrieking rifled shell from the enemy on our left was the only admonition of his approach, followed almost instantly by the well known rebel yell, and his line, closed in mass, without skirmishers, came pouring forth from the woods on the left, aiming to gain the rear of the unprotected flank of the Twelfth. The stockade afforded little protection, being not more than eighteen inches in height. The men behind it were posted in single rank, and before they could do any execution they were engaged in a hand to hand, conflict with the rebels, who pressed forward in overwhelming numbers, the whole force of their attack seeming to be concentrated on this one point. Colonel Taggart ordered the six companies composing the left wing to fall back across a little rivulet to a new line, which they obeyed; but in doing so there was considerable confusion. The four companies with the battery, held their ground for a time, but the artillerymen, instead of turning their guns upon the advancing rebels, immediately limbered up and dashed away to the rear, trampling, in their mad haste, the men of the Twelfth posted for their support. These companies suffering from an enfilading fire, and in danger of being captured, fell back to the rear, where the regiment was rallied and brought into line on the right of aMassachusetts regiment belonging to General Hooker's Division, and continued in the action till it ceased. In this engagement, which is admitted on both sides to have been one of the most hotly contested of the campaign, First Lieutenant Wm. W. Arnold, of company G, was killed, Captain Thomas D. Horn, of company D, and Captain Franklin Daniels, of company A, were wounded, and First Lieutenant Henry S. Lucas, of company C. was taken prisoner. The entire loss was six killed, thirty-six wounded, and twenty-three missing. At midnight the Twelfth moved off towards Malvern Hill, where it arrived at daybreak. * In the battle which here ensued the division was held in reserve and the *EXTRACT FROM GENERAL M'CALL'. REPORT.-Immediately after this a still heavier body of the enemy rapidly advanced. Our regiments had necessarily become somewhat disordered by the very impetuosity of the charge, and were weakened by the detachments required to take their prisoners to the rear; the enemy, greatly superior in numbers, were upon them before they had time to re-form, and they were compelled to retire. At the same time the Twelfth Regiment (which had been divided -and detached by General Seymour, of the Third Brigade, commanding the left wing of the division, after it had been established in line by General M'Call,)was cut off from the line and driven into the left and rear. The cannoneers of a section of a battery belonging to Porter's Corps, left that day with M'Call, fled with their horses and limbers at the first approach of the enemy, breaking through four companies of the Twelith, and trampling the men; these men, with six companies of the Twelfth, and the detachments from'the Fifth, Eighth, and Tenth, with the prisoners, hurried down the road between Sumner and Hooker, and in part on the latter. closely followed by the enemy.-Conduct of the War, part 1, page 587. Ill 882 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT —TWELFTH RESERVE. 1862 Twelfth was posted in front of the Malvern Mansion, at the highest point of the hill, from which was a magnificent view of the whole field, the battle commencing at six o'clock A. M., and lasting until nearly nine at night. The army was here under the shadow of the gunboats in the James River, the Galena and the i:a:Matuck, which, as the enemy approached, threw their huge shells far inland:,-,:g his advancing columns. The shells were of immense size, resembling a huge dinner-pot, and were fired by signals. One of the signal corps was posted in the rigging of the boats, another on the roof of Malvern Mansion, and a third on the outer edge of our lines, and by their signals the gunners were enabled to throw their shells with considerable precision. To those on the hill it was a novel sight. Looking towards the river would be seen, first a flash, then after a few seconds would be heard a dull, heavy sound, like rumbling thunder when all eyes would be turned heavenward, and there could be distinctly traced the course of the huge black missiles curving towards the rebel lines; then would follow the explosion with a rumbling sound almost like an earthquake. The incessant cannonading from the gunboats, the rebel batteries, and our own field artillery, almost shut out the light of the sun, and for several hours before, and after midday, it seemed as if the globe itself was convulsed. This lasted till half past six, when the crisis of the day occurred. At that hour the rebel horde under Magruder came howling and yelling over the fields towards our front line. Instinctively our whole army moved forward to meet them. Five or ten minutes had elapsed, and the rebels were half way across the fields, when, behold! a line of fire leaped from our batteries of reserve artillery of more than a hundred pieces, on that advancing host. Its effect was terrific. When the smoke lifted such a scene of carnage presented itself as had never been witnessed on this continent before. A struggling, surging mass of humanitymen, horses, and guns in inextricable confusion lay before us. A few, stunned by the shock, and apparently supposing they were supported by those in their rear, kept on in detached bodies towards our lines, on a full run. But their career was short; for scarcely had the smoke of the first discharge floated away before a second followed. This settled their fate. No human power could stand before that withering fire. At the second discharge a grand shout of triumph went up from our whole army. About midnight of July 1st, pursuant to orders, the Twelfth moved with the division to Harrison's Landing, where it arrived on the following morning. The transports were in the river with supplies, but there were no tents, and tie rain was descending in torrents. On the 2d of July the regiment was drawn up in line of battle, and the whole army was under arms, expecting another attack from the enemy. A reconnoitering party of his shelled our lines from a hill, and several of the Reserves were wounded, but none of the Twelfth. The total loss of the regiment in the Peninsula campaign was thirteen killed, sixty wounded, and thirty-six missing. On the 8th of July, 1862, Colonel Taggart resigned, and was succeeded in command by Lieutenant Colonel Martin D. Hardin, who had been elected in the April previous, but was prevetedfrom entering upon the discharge of the duties of the position on account of an army regulation forbidding the granting of leave of absence to an officer in the regular army to assume a less commission than that of Colonel of volunteers. Much sickness prevailed while at Harrison's Landing owing to depression of feeling occasioned by frequent defeat, the unwholesome water, and miasmatic influence of the climate. By a strict policing of camp, sinking deep wells, and thede 1862 POPE'S CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. 883 voted attention of surgeons and their assistants, this evil was soon corrected and the drill and discipline of its earlier days restored. The night attack of the enemy from the opposite side of the James produced a great stampede from the locality where the shells were bursting. But the men of the Twelfth held firmly their position. Soon after, the regiment was ordered across the river, to hold, with other troops, the ground against future attacks. The camp was here pleasantly located and had a beneficial effect upon the health of the troops. From the Peninsula the regiment proceeded to Falmouth, and thence by a very rapid and fatiguing march, most damaging to the health and spirits of the troops, tojoin the army of General Pope. At Rappahannock Bridge, Pope's orces were found disputing the passage of the enemy; but without halting the regiment proceeded to'Warrenton, where it bivouacked near Sigel's Corps. The march was resumed on the 28th, and towards noon some worn out, barefooted rebels, stragglers from Jackson's column, were met. In the afternoon the column was suddenly brought to a halt by a rapid discharge of rebel artillery which planted shells in its very midst. Early on the following morning:the column moved out and soon came in sight of Sigel's Corps, posted on the heights near the Henry House. His artillery was firing very rapidly, and occasionally could be heard the sharp roll of musketry. In the neighborhood of Groveton the division came into position on Sigel's left, and was under an artilleryfire by which several of the Twelfth were killed and wounded. The day:was warm, and the division was kept constantly marching and counter marchiug in face of the enemy, sustaining considerable loss; but at night the men b:ivoacked, feeling that nothing had been accomplished. At daylight on the morning of the 30th, the division moved on the Warrenton pike to the top of a hill on the right of the Henry House, and was formed in front of the timber upon its summits. Part of the Twelfth, under Captain Gustin, was sent out upon the skirmish line. At 9 o'clock A. M., the skirmishers advanced and soon developed the enemy's line stretching along the edge of the woods on both sides of the pike. The whole division formed by brigade front, with a battery on the righ of each, now advanced, and the enemy's first line of infantry fled in confision, but only to draw the division into range of a long line of artillery, which opened a terrific fire, causing it to recoil. Early in the afternoon the division was formed in front of the Henry House, making an obtuse angle with the line of the army, and covering its left flank. At three P. M, a charge was made by a division upon the right, but was repulsed with a fearful slaughter, the enemy, flowing up the advantage by a counter charge, impetuous, and with that peculiar yell once heard so well remembered. With reckless daring they iushed forward for the artillery, but were swept down by the rapid fire of the,Reseres, and broken and in disorder were soon fleeing in confusion. Later in:he day the division moved to the support of the troops on the right of the pike. Two companies of the Ninth, and the Fifth and Tenth New York, were still upon the skirmish line, under Colonel Warren. The First and Second Brigades, and the batteries, except Kern's, had passed down the slope, and Kern's Battery had already reached the pike, followed by the Third Brigade. when it was discovered that Warren's force was in full retreat. Seeing the danger that threatened him, Colonel Hardin, now commanding the brigade, ordered it to wheel with the battery and advance to the crest ofthe hill. Two regiments and the battery were quickly formed upon the heights, and two posted thirty yards in rear. As soon as the skirmishers had passed-, infantry and 884 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE. 1862 artillery joined in full chorus. The enemy was checked in front, but swinging round upon the left flank poured in a deadly enfilading fire. But the brigade held firmly its position, against vastly superior numbers, until re-inforced. At this juncture Colonel Hardin was severely wounded, and the command of the brigade devolved on Colonel Kirk, of the Tenth Reserve, who was likewise almost immediately wounded, and was succeeded by Colonel Anderson of the Ninth. Colonel Hardin," says General Reynolds in his official report of this battle, " commanding the, Twelfth regiment was here severelywounded. The brigade, under Colonel Anderson, sustained itself most gallantly, and though severely pushed on both front and flank, maintained its position until overwhelmed by numbers, when it fell back, taking up new positions wherever the aadvantages of ground permitted." p Upon the fall of Colonel Hardin, the command of the Twelfth devolved on Captain Gustin. The loss was five killed and thirty-eight wounded. With little time for rest and recuperation, the regiment marched with sadly shattered ranks to again meet the enemy, already planted in full force upon the soil of Maryland. He was first encountered upon the turnpike leading through a gap of the South Mountain. Moving with his division to the right of the pike leading from Frederick City to Hagerstown, General Meade deployed his brigades and advanced to the assault. The Twelfth occupied the centre of the line,and moved on with the most determined gallantry. The heights were triumphantly carried, and the regiment rested at night fll upon its summit. It was led in this engagement by Captain Gustin. The loss was six killed, and nineteen wounded. On the 16th and 17th, the Twelfth again met the enemy on the field of Antietam, where it displayed its accustomed gallantry, losing thirteen killed, fortyseven wounded, and four missing. On the banks of the Potomac the command rested, and was supplied with clothing and equipments, which were much needed. In the meantime the rebel army was leisurely retiring up the Shenandoah Valley, gathering supplies and replenishing his store of ammunition, which, upon his retreat across the Potomac, was well nigh exhausted. Crossing the river, the Union army followed up his retreat on the east side of the Blue Ridge, meeting and skirmishing with detached parties at the gaps. Upon the appointment of General Burnside to the command of the army, it was immediately put, in motion- towards'Fredericksburg, and after considerable delay in bringing up and laying the pontoons, an attack was ordered by the left of the line held by General Franklin. The Reserves were selected to lead. The division consisted of about four thousand five hundred men, under General Meade.:The Third Brigade was commanded by General. C Fager Jackson, and the Twelfth Regiment by Captain Gustin. Early on the morning of the 13th, the division was deployed and advanced to the attack. The Third Brigade was formed on the left of the First, and in the early part of the action suffered severely from the enemy's artillery, and from his sharpshooters, who advanced under cover of the hedges and trees on the Bowling Green road, and kept up a galling fire. Silencing these, it advanced with intrepidity, and flanking the enemy's battery and his intrenched line, reached and drove him from his strongholds on the heightse At this juncture General Jackson fell, and many of his subordinate commanders being either killed or wounded, the brigade was forced to retire, having displayed in the advance the most undaunted courage, and for the time won a signal advantage. 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 885 The contest was brief, but the slaughter in the ranks of the Twelfth was terrible. Thirteen were killed, seventy wounded, and thirty-four taken prisoners. In February, 1863, the division, now reduced to a mere skeleton, was ordered to the defences of Washington, and was there attached to the Twentysecond Army Corps. The Third Brigade had its camp near Minor's Hill, and performed picket duty. Colonel Hardin had so far recovered from his wound, received at Bull Run, that he returned and assumed command of the regiment soon after the battle of Fredericksburg, and a few weeks later assumed command of the brigade, Captain Gustin resuming command of the regiment. Upon the discharge of Lieutenant Colonel Baldy, on the 15th of February, Captain Gustin was commissioned to succeed him. While in camp at Minor's Hill, many who were absent sick and in hospital rejoined the command, drill was resumed and practiced with the strictest care, promotions among the officers secured, vaancies filled, and great improvement made in its effective condition. In April the brigade was ordered to report to General Martindale, in the city of Washington, to perform provost duty, where it remained six weeks. Upon the opening of the Gettysburg campaign in June, the regiment marched under command of Colonel Hardin, and joining the main body of thy army at Frederick, Maryland, reached the battle-field at ten A. M. on the 2d of July. The column halted in rear of Cemetery Heights, until the battle opened heavily upon the left, when it was hurriedly moved to the vicinity of Little Round Top, passing on the way many of the wounded from Sickles' Corps as they were carried back to hospitals. After considerable manceuvring it finally moved by the left flank to the right of the hill, and formed on the right of Hazlett's Battery. Here a fine view of the field was presented, and the disheartening spectacle of thousands ofour own troops retreating before an exultant enemy. Soon an order was given for the head of the column to deploy to the left, to the support of troops on the left of the battery. The Twelfth, being in front, moved off in obedience to this order, scrambling as they went over rocks,: and the dead bodies of their comrades of the First Division, who had fallen in holding this rugged eminence against the desperate assaults of the enemy. The approach -of fesh troops gave new assurance to our men, and the main battle on the left slackened as they came rapidly into position, though the fire of the rebel sharpshooters was still very deadly. The men quckly gained temporary cover by throwing up slight breastworks of stone, and the heavy body of the enemy which had been contending in the low space between the two hills, and which was still in plain view, soon sought shelter in the dense wood at the foot of Round Top. Just after dark the Third Brigade was ordered to move upon Round Top, and take position on its summit. Forming in line of battle nearly perpendicular to that just abandoned, with the Twentieth Maine, Colonel Chamberlain, in advance, and the Twelfth on the right, the column advanced. Owing to the rugged nature of the ascent, and the darknesss which prevailed, some confusion ensued, and portions of it became separated from the main body; but re-forming and moving directly by the left flank, the command reached its ppsition, encountering but afew shots from the enemy. A stone wall was immediately commenced which before morning was completed, connecting the summit of Round Top with that of Little Round Top. The enemy could be distinctly heard during the night building a wall parallel to it, near the foot of the mountain. On the morning of the 3d a heavy skirmishline was extended to theileft, down the steep side of the mountain, conecting with the Sixth Corps 886 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVe. 1864 on the plain. The regiment had no more heavy fighting in its immediate front; but the trees sheltered many sharpshooters from whose unerring aim one man from the Twelfth was killed, and several wounded. Occupying the summit of the mountain, a good view was presented of the gallant but unfortunate charge of the cavalry under Kilpatrick on the left, and the grand assault of the enemy on the left centre. On the morning of the 4th the enemy's troops were seen filing out from the foot of Round Top and moving to his rear. A skirmish line was immediately advanced, and it was soon ascertained that he had evacuated his works. But with his usual shrewdness he had placed the muskets of his dead -and wounded against his parapet, so that the bayonets were.visible. This ruse was soon detected and the muskets brought in. On the morning of the 5th thl pursuit commenced and was cautiously conducted until the enemy was overtaken near Williamsport, where some skirmishing ensued; but before the preparations were completed for a general attack he had.scaped across the river. In the campaign which ensued, the Twelfth, under command of Colonel Gustin, Colonel Hardin being in command of the brigade, was engaged at Bristoe Station on the 14th of October, —preventing the enemy from planting his artillery on the heights which it held, and the cutting off of the Second Corps from its connection with the army,-at Rappahannock Station on the 19th of November, and at Mine Run November 26th. At the close of the campaign, the regiment went into winter quarters along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, with headquarters at Catlett's Station. The Fifth and Twelfth regiments were placed under command of Colonel Hardin, with orders to guard the road from Catlett's to Broad Run. The guerrillas were very troublesome, and the greatest vigilance was required to guard against their sneaking and cowardly attacks. It was unsafe for any one to go out of sight of camp, and block houses were constructed for the protection of the picket posts. On the 13th of December, a party of officers consisting of Colonel Hardin, and Lieutenant Colonels Gustin and Dare, accompanied by an orderly, was attacked by a party of five mounted guerrillas dressed in the uniform of Union cavalry, who approached within a few feet of the unsuspecting party, and when accosted suddenly raised their pistols, which they had kept concealed, and poured in a rapid fire. Colonel Hardin was struck in the left arm, which was so badly shattered as to require amputation; his horse was killed, pierced by several bullets; and Colonel Gustin was severely wounded in the right hand. The rebel party then turned off into the woods and galloped away. The picket guard instantly turned out, but being infantry was of little avail. - -- - - — iOn the 4th of May, 1864, the spring. campaign opened, and the Twelfth, with ranks recruited, was in line under command of Lieutenant Colonel Gustin. It was hotly engaged during the three days in the Wilderness, but for-,' tznately lost but few men. Colonel Hardin, who, since the loss of his arm had been assigned to light duty, immediately upon the opening of the campaign applied for permission to join his regiment, and on the 18th of May ws placed in command of the First Brigade, in line of battle, in front of Spottsylvania Court House. The Reserves here fought with varying success, the Twelfth being engaged in constructing breast works, and in attacking the enemy's entrenched line, gaining an advantage here and losing it there. On the 21st, the division moved on to Guinea Station, and the 23d, the en 1864 THE WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN. 887 tire corps marched to Jericho Ford, which it crossed and formed in line of battle, stretching along the North Anna River and covering the bridge. The enemy held the opposite crest with a strong skirmish line, and on the following day appeared in force. While Burnside's Corps, which had now come up, was getting into position, the enemy pressed heavily upon the skirmish line. The Reserves were hotly engaged in repelling his attack, and in holding the position untilthe lines were established and intrenched. A spirited assault was made at sunset by Crittenden's Division upon the enemy's line, but without sudcess. On the 30th the Reserves again met the enemy near Bethesda Church. Encountering stern resistance and finding that he was supported by a heavy force, the First Brigade, which had been pushed forward in advance of the division, was withdrawn to a favorable position near the Mechanicsville road, and joined with the Third, here a light breastwork was thrown up and dispositions made to meet his attack. The Twelfth" occupied a position on the right of the line. tpon this the enemy made repeated and desperate assaults in heavy force, but as often suffered a bloody repulse, and finally yielded the ground, which was covered with his killed and wounded. On this day the term of service of the Twelfth Regiment expired, and marching to Harrisburg, where it was enthusiastically received, it was, on the 11th of June, mustered out. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. f /::-:::. ~:.:..... NAMB. RANK. DATN 0P MUSTBR RREMARKS. INTO SERVClOE. John H. Taggart....l Col...... July 25,'61, Resigned July 8,'62-re-commissioned Aug. 19,:-: -;: -..::...:. 1862-musteredout September 23,1862. Martin D. Hardin..d........................ Pr. to Lt. Col., April 1,'62-to Col., Aug. 1,'62-....... --........ to Brig. Gen., July 2, 1864-mus. out Jan. 15, 1866 —appointed Major 43d regiment U.S. Infantry, July 28, 1866. Samuel N. Bailey... Lt.Col. July 25,'61, 3 ischarged.March 4, 1862. Peter Baldy............... do..... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Major to Lieutenant Colonel,.August 1, 1862-discharged February 15, 1863. Richard Gustin.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. C to Lt. Col., April 6, 1863to brevet Colonel, March 13, 1865-mustered:-f::exi,f. -— out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Andrew J. Bolar..... Major.. July 24,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. H to Major, July 8, 1862-dis-........ charged for wounds rec. in action, June 30,'64. Charles W. Diven.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. G to Maj., April 19,'64 —mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Thea. M'Murtrie.... Adj'....Dec. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 18, 1863. Etinee D. Reid...... Q. M... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged and pr. to Captain and A. C. S. Vols. James T. Woodall.....do..... Sept. 22,'62, 3 Pr. from private to Q. M. Sgt.-to Capt.-ab. on H T Surg... 25'6, duty with provisional regiment in field. William H. Thome Surg... July 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Brig. Surg., Apr. 28,'62disch. May 3,'62. Isaac J. Clark.......... April 28,'62, 3 Pr. from Asst. Surg. to Surg., May 1,'62-by. Lt. Colonel, March 13, 1865-mustered out with.... "_ ___ __~ regiment, June 11, 1864. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. u rg. Surgeon. Asst. assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv.-brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteranvolunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing.. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 888- FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, M NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTERREMAR NAME. R. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. John B. Crawford... As.Sur. Feb. 18,'62, 3 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'62. William Taylor..........do..... July 26,'62, 3 Resigned December 20, 1862. James M. Shearer......do..... April 11,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'63. Henry A. Grim........do..... Oct. 6,'62, 3 Promoted to Surg. 34th reg. P. V., April 13,-'64. David R. Beaver........do..... April 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. Obadiah H. Miller.. Chap'n June 18,'62, 3 Resigned June 9, 1863. William Myers..,... Sr. Maj. July 24,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lieutenant company I, April 21, 1863. Joseph W. Eckley....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Tr. to company F, as Sergeant, Feb. 16, 1864. James Loan........... Q.M.Sr June 13,'61, 3- Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. C. W. Croasdale........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lieutenant company A, May 1, 1863. Henry Kraft...C...n.... Com. Sr May 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Private Co. D to Com. Ser-g'tmustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. John Evans........... Hos. St. July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. John C. Eckert...... P. Muc June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA Henry B. Whisner.. Capt.... May 30,'61, 3 Resigned December 4, 1861. Franklin Daniels......do... May 30,'61, 3 Pr.fr.Sgt. tolstLt.,Oct.11,'61-toCapt.,Dec.4,'61wd. June 30,'62-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Lafayette Palmer... Ist Lt... May 30,'61, 3 Resigned October 8, 1861. Charles Thompson.....do..... May 30,'61 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major-to 1st Lieutenant, December 4, 1861-resigned July 11, 1862. C. W. Croasdale...d...d.... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. from Sergt. to Q. M. Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., May 1,'63-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Geo. W. Montony... 2d Lt... May 30,'61, 3 Resigned October 8, 1861. Joseph B. Vallee........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, October 11, 1861-resigned November 13, 1862. Franklin Quantin.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lt., May 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry B. Bayne..... 1st Sgt. May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. J. H. Killingworth Serg't.. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. L. D. Middlekauff.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. James M. Allen........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V,, May 31,'64-Vet. William H. Ellis....... do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chas. Dougherty.....do...... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'61. Sam'l W. Simon.......do..... May.30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. John T. Rowlett...... Corp.... May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mat. Louderback......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Kelly............ do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wd. May 12, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Thomas Downing......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John C. Cooper........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'62. Alex'r M'Donald......do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Headley Pannett.......do... June 15,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 18,1864. Wm. C. Albright......do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. D. C. Odenheimer.....do....May 30,'61, 3Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Charles Dougherty Muc.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted December 11, 1861. Arndt, Leander..... Private June 15,'61,i 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Allison, James.........do... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Allen, Jesse K.......do..... Feb. 19,'63, 3 Trasferred to 190th regiment P V., May 31,'64 Allen, William..........do... May 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyd, John.......do..May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bridges, Robert C......do..... July 6,,61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Blair, Joseph............do.. July 9,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Barnitz, George M.....do..... June 15, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Beech, Ebenezer........ do... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Brown, Benjamin F...do.... June 15,'61, Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Boyer, John.............do Mar. 26, 63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P.., May 31,'64. Brady, Thomas........do.....July 19,'61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1861. Curren, John.............. May 30, 61, Absent at muster out. Cochran, Benj. F........do May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Cooper, Samuel F.....do..... May 30, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'62. Cunningham, Jas. I...do.....May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Cunningham, Jas.C...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferrcd to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Callahan, Anderson...do.....May 30'61? 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'63. Carr, Richard A.......do..... May 30,'61 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1862. Collins, Peter............do.....May 30, 61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1861. Duddy, Robert......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'62. Duddy, Henry....... do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. Dollaway, John.........do Jly 31,, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. D y, ohn......do..... tin 31,61, 1 Dich r THREE YEABRS SERVICE. 889 NAME, RAK. DATE OF MUSTER j REMARKS INTO SERICE. REMARKS W Davidson, Wmin. W.. Private Oct. 27,'63, 3 Deserted March 5, 1864. Doane, William.........do..... July 23,'61, 3Deserted March 5, 1863. Dougherty,Jackson...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Duffie, Thomas.........do..... May 30, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Elliott, Andrew.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Ellingworth, Jos.......do..... July 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Edwards,. Edwin E...do..... Nov. 3,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Findley, Moses.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28,'63. Fleming, Geo. W. F...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Fry, Joseph S..........do...'. June 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6, 1863. Fry, William A.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 2, 1863. Fitzsimmons,J......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gilan, Michael J........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wd. May 5, 1864-ab., in hospital, at mus. out. Gumpper, Geo. F...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Goshart, John E........do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hench, Nicholas I.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hanky, George A......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hyneman, Alfred......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wd., May 23, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Hoover, John............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. Hall, Noel I.............do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, July 20, 1862transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hankils, Chas. G......do..... May 30.'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Haney, Peter........... do..... June 15,'61, 3 ransferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Hench, Frank W.....do..... Jue 15,'61, I Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Hacking, Henry.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed ini action, June 30, 1862. Hardee, James........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1861. Jeffries, Joseph.......do..... July 23, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, Thomas..........do..... May 30, 61, 3 )eserted June 8, 1862. Kane, Daniel V........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tranlsferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lowther, Wmin. L....do..... May 30,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lane, Stanley................do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Lawrence, Henry......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Lamb, Edward..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died September 8, 1863. Leach, William A.......do..... May 30,'61. 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Macky, Ellis..............do..... May 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Carty, Daniel........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded May 9.'61-absent, sick, at mus. out. Mellott, Stephen....... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Marshall, Robert E...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Maguire, John M...... do.. May 30'61, i3 Discharged to accept promotion, Nov. 28, 1861. Moore, George S..... do. Aug. 16,'61.. 3 Disharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. M'Caigue, Sarnmuell....do... May 30,'6l, 13 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'62. TMoyer, Jacob E.........do.... Mar. 10,'63 3 Transferre.d to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. M'IMenomy, Henry...do... Aig. 7,'61;3 i ransferre.d to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64, by sentence of General Court Martial. Montony, Geo. W....:.do..... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Died of wounds received in action, June 30,'62. Mead, William A......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted March 5, 1863. Miller, John A......-..do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Malmesburg, Jos.A -..do..... May 30'61,3 Deserted August 10, 1862. Miles, Richard A....do..... May 30,'61,3 Deserted August 10, 1862. Morris, George M....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1862. M'Gettigan, John....do..... May 30,''61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Price, Daniel..... do... do May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Palmer, Lafayette...do..... Mar. 14,'62. 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1,1863. Pilkington, Wi. R... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Perry, Henry C......do..... May 30,'61, 3'Not on muster-out roll. Quinn, William H....do.. May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. Rowlett, William H do May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'62. Ross, John M..........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Ryan, John...... do...... Oct. 6,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Smith, Francis A..... do May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Sharp, George W......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Starr, Patrick.........do..... July 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'63. Sweger, Joshua.........do. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sevenson, August....do July 27,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Short, John H...... do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Strohman, Edw'd.....do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted December 7, 1862. Smith, James...........do..... May 30,'61, 3Deserted August 10, 1861. Snyder, Charles....... do... May 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Toomey, Ezra....... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Wd. Sept. 17, 1862-absent, sick, at muster out. Turnbull, Thomas..'"do."" May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,. 1864. Trayford, Robert.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, August 20, 1863. Thomson, Charles......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Valiant, Charles..... do May 30,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Votier, John........... do....3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'61. White Thomas......d.. do May 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company; June 1 1864. 112 890 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MTMARS INTO SERVICE RE K Williams, Thos. R.. Private May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Woods, Peter......... do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wallace, John........... do.....1 July 9,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Walker, William...... do. May 30, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Watson, Joseph..... do.....July 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. White, James E........do...... May 30'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'62. Weber, John............do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64 —Vet. Wilson, Thomas.......... July 27, 63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Williams, David........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Yarnall, Benjamin..do...... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 18, 1862. Yates, Washington..do....May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 18,1862. Zeigler, William P...do.....i June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN WYOMING COUNTY. D. N. Mathewson.., Capt.... May 15,'61, 3 Resigned July 31, 1862. Simon H. Briggs..... do.. May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., March 18, 1862-to Capt., July 31, 1862-to brevet Maj., March 13, 1865mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James B. Harding.. 1st Lt.. May 15,'61, 3 Discharged March 4, 1862. John F. Hoadley......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., July 31, 1862-to By. Capt., March 13, 1865-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Arthur M. Phillips 2d Lt...May 15,'61, 3 Resigned July 21, 1862. P. H. Reynolds.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., July 21, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martin N. Reynolds 1st Sgt. May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Moore......... erg't.. May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oscar H. Benjamin...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrew F. Ely.........do.....May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21, 1862. Mason Parker..........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Charles Johnson........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Samuel A. Danner.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., May 6, 1863. Charles A. Meeker.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died Oct. 30,'62, at Smoketown, Md., of wounds received in action. A. H. Wintamute... Corp... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Shingler............do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Milton.Moyer.......... do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. C. Reynolds.........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Porter Squires..;........do....May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Merrtt S. Harding.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Wd.-disch. on Surgeon'scertificate, Feb. 27,'63. George Fetzer............do..... May 15,'61, 3 Wd.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. Levi B. Knowls.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Tr. to battery A, 43d reg. P. V., April 6, 1862. Alexander Morgan.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 3, 1861. James C. Keeney......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 22, 1862. Lewis C. Miller...... Muc.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Warden Reynolds....do..... May 15,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Christian C. Eckert..do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Arnold, Christ. C.. Private May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Armstrong, L. V......do.... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrews, William....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Arnold, Samuel.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Aunrick, Silas...........do..... May 15, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Bennigan, C. C......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Barber, Warren.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Blakeslee, Robert......do.... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'61.:Bebee, Alonzo H........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,1862. Bonno, John.......... do..... Mar 3,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Bailey, James..........do...,. Nov. 13,'61, 3 Died at Acquia Creek, Va., Dec. 1, 1862. Corby, Harvey;.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Croupe, William........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6, 1862. Card, Charles L.........do..... Nov. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Cavalry, May 31, 1864prisoner from August 19, 1864, to February 22, 1865-discharged February 27, 1865. Cook, Asher..............do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Crawford, Absalom...do.... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg of wds. rec. Dec. 13,'62. Davis, John H..........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dellenger, Joseph....do... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davis, Thomas..........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Musteredout with company, June 11, 1864.'Dymond, Elihu........ do... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April21,'62. )Dressler, John...........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 891 NAME. RIANK. DATE OF MUSTER IREMARKS. INTO SERVICE. 01 Dean, Henry W..... Private May 15,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Evans, Isaiah............do. May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'63. Eckert, John C......... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, July 31, 1863. Freeman, Lyman J...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Freeman, Sidney...d...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fisk, Squire B.........do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'62. Fox, William............do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov.24, 1862. Fisk, James B..........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gillespie, James.......do..... Feb. 7,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Gannon, Patrick........ do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'62. Gardner, Edwin P.....do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, April 5, 1862. House, Edward........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hoadley, Jasper......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Harvey, Chas. F........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'62. Hinkley, Frederick...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Hadsall, Albert.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'62. Hinkley, Oran..........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Hastings, James C...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Hastings, William.....do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Hastings, John.......do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Herbert, James N.....do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Hess, Joseph........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 8,'64. Hedden, James......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Johnston, Fuller A...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jones, James............do..... Nov. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 19,'64. Jaquis, John H........do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Langley, William......do May 15, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leppo, Francis J........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'61. Labarr, George..........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Lathrop, Francis J.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Linthurst, Jas. F......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'63. Lerch, David R......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, July 20, 1862-never reported. Luckey, Theo. H.....do..... Mar. 29, 64 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Morgan, Martin.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moore, Calvin...........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cord, John.......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mullison, John H{....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —YVet. Mover, Minor........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Shorrer, Reuben...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 2, 1862. Moyer, John.... do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Moyer, Jacob...........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Maynard, Jacob.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. May, Thomas........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Deserted January 15, 1862. Noel, Harrison..........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Osterhout, Thos. J....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parker, Mason....... do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Potter, Marvin.......do..... Nov. 7,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1861. Parrish, Warren.......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., February 10, 1862. Patrick, Harrison.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Missing in action, May 9, 1864. Puckner, Fred. R.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted September 28, 1862. Ross, Ranslaer.........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rageon, Alexander... do.. May 15, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Raudenbush, Jesse...do. May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'62. Roon, Patrick............do..... May 15,'61, 3 Deserted May 12, 1863. Shotwell, Jacob R.....do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smeed, Cyrus H..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sly, John.......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stark, William E.....'do... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shumber, Daniel....do..... May 15, 61, 3 Deserted-Mar. 25, 1862-returned Sept. 24,'64-. mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Schooley, Sydney. do..... May 15,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'62. Sanders, Winm. I.....do..... May 15,'6i, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Snyder, John H........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sprague, Norman......do....: Nov. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. Shaffer, James.......do.... Mar. d31,'64, 6 3' ransferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Sprague, Floyd F..do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to!90th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Sprague, Joseph B....do..... Mar. 18.'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Stansburi-y, T.S'.......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Searle, RogerS......do... May 15, 61, 3 Transferred to 33d regiment P. V., July 21, 1861. Stonier, William.......do..... May 15, 61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 18,'61buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Stoey, William........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va.. November 21, 1861., Stager, William.........do May 15,'61, 3 Died of woundsreceived at Mechanicsville, June 27, 1862. 892 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, NAME. RAK. DATE OF MUSTERB MAT lAMB. RANK. INTO SERVICE. ^ REMARKS. Thompson, Geo. K.. Private May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 24,'62. Thompson, Wm.........do... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. Taylor, James............do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27,'62. Toomey, Morris............May 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Taylor, Perry L.......do.... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Tiffaney, Harvey....... do... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Thompson, Chas. A...do..... May 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., November 3, 1861. Terry, Charles...........do.... May 15,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Vaannauker, Ed......do..May 15,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Woods, Thomas C..do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilbur, Almuda.......do.... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wright, Orlando.......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Wilson, James.......... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, July 20, 1862-never reported. Wagoner, Geo. W......do.... May 15'6, 3 Transferred to 5th U. S. Artillery, Nov. 24, 1862. Wisemiller, Conrad...do.... June 15,'61, 3 Died December 28, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Waugh, Frederick....do..... Aug. 10,'61. 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Wanldall, Sanford......do..... May 15,'61, 3 Prisoner from April 8, to May, 1864-discharged __________________ _____ June 11, 1864. COMPANY C. REClRUITED IN BRADFORD COUNTY. Richard Gustin...... Capt.... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, April 6, 1863. Henry S. Lucas........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt., April 6,'63-to By. Maj., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Daniel R. Jewell.... st Lt... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, May 14, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oscar Templeton.... d Lt... June 11,'61, 3 Resigned August 10, 1861. Jacob B. Grantee......... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Sept. 8,'61-res. Aug. 11,'62. John G. Rohmn..........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 1,'63-to brevet 1st Lt., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. Wilde E. King..... 1st Sgt. July 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ellis A. Foster........ Serg't.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lyman Douglas........ do... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 18;4. Frank Fish..............do... June 11, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 16,'63. Joshua H. Graves......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'64. William Daggett.......do.. June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'62. John H. Snow........ Corp... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Bryan...........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller W. Barnes.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeonis certificate, Oct. 26,'61. George H. Mason...... do..June 11,'61, 3 iDischarged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Hi. M. Richardson....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Captured May 8, 1862-discharged by order of War Department, May 23, 1862. David Walter..........do... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. James Loan..............do..... June 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, May 1,'63. Cyrus J. Spencer......do... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietami, September 17, 1862. Daniel J. Mason.......do.....June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Robert E. Jacobs... Muc..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Adams, Frank....... Private June 11,'61, 3 bsent at muster out. Ayers, Lorenzo..........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted June 24, 1861. Borden, George S..... do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Black, Duncan.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Bryan, David......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bentzell, Win. H......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bossinger, John.........do... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Benedict, Edwin D...do..... May 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bush, Thomas...........do..... June 11,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'63. Barnes, Lemuel........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Boughton, Lewis.......do June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Burke, James......do..... July 17,'61 3 Captured May 8, 1862- discharged by order of War Department, May 23, 1862. Bailey, Joseph.......do.. June 11, 1, 36 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, July 8, 1862. Bennett, Henry H......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Blance, Jerome.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Barnes, James.......do Mar. 18, 62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Bailey, William........do June 11,', 3 Deserted June 24, 1861. Corzatt, William A...do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Caless, John T.........do.... July 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Comfort, George D....do... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Chapman, Cyrus D....do. June 11,'l, 3 Tr. to battery A, 43d reg. P. V., July 20, 1862. THREE YEARS) SERVICE. 893 AMB. RBAS DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS.._ RANK_. INTO SERVI CE. REMARKS. Cunningham, Mich Private................... 3 Tr. to Provost Marshal, 3d Div. 5th Corps. Cooper, Miles M........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Carnochan, Wm......do.... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Died Jan. 20,'63, of wds. received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-bu. in M. A. Cem'y, D. C. Davis, Charles...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4,'62. Davis, Lewis............ do.....June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Davis, George.. do......... June 11, 61, 3 Transferred to 2d reg. U.. Art., July 18, 1862. Davis, Calvin F.........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th reg. U. S. Cav., Nov. 10, 1862. Davis, William............do.. June 11,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Oct. 25,1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Fenton, Horance......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Fellon, Timothy........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Fenton, Ellridge.......do.... Oct. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1862. Ford, Newton............do.... July 26,'61, 3 illed at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862. Fenton, Edgar S......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Prisoner-discharged September 19, 1862. Garrison, John W......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Gerald, John F.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6,'63. Grover, Abe.............do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'64. Griffin, Samuel C......do..... June 13,'61, 3 Deserted May 4, 1863. Hardy, William........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Harris, John H.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Holly, Isaac...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haines, John............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hockersmith,Jacob...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Horton, Austin........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Humel, PeterB......do.......June 11,'61, 3 Tr. to battery A, 43d reg. P. V., July 20,'62. Hagar, Joseph...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted August 29, 1862. Howard, Frank. S.....do.....June 11,'61, 3 Deserted September 12, 1862. Inscho, Joseph W.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Jones, WilliamE....,.do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kuh, William...........do..... June 15,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kent, Lester C..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, May 11, 1864. Knox, Henry M.......do... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. King, Charles..........do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. Levalley, Volney M...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Tranferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Land, Augustus........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1862. M'Dougal, William...do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, and mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Intire, Frank........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-VetMatson, George K......do.. June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Musselman, Wash.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'63. Myers, David............do..... June 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Melott, Frederick.......do... June 13,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Mentzell, Henry J.....do.....June 13,'61, 3 Deserted September 25, 1862. Newell, Edward F.....do..... Jan. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Novitskie, Anthony...do.. June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Osler, John S............do...June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'62. O'Garra, John...........d..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Died Jan. 4,'63, ofwds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Patton, John.............do..June 13,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, July 20,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pardoe, George M.....do.... July 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Petty, Philip.............do..Aug. 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 18,'63. Poland, Peter W.......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 16,'62. Packard, Eben R......do..... June 11,'61 3 Tr. to battery A, 43d reg. P. V., July 20, 1862. Peters, James...........do....Dec. 21,'63, 3 Deserted April 8, 1864-Vet. Post, George S.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 10, 1861. Russell, William......do..... Jue 11,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Rice, Welcome A......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robbins, Nelson H...do.....June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Readcay, Isaac.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 12, 1863. Smith, Eugene.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sturdevant, James.....do..... June 11,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Snell,Edmund W......do.....June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shillen, Thomas T.....do.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stewart, Daniel.........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Smith, Frederick M...do... June 11,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 25, 1861. Short, David...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted December 1, 1862. Streeter, Luke P......do... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. Vaughan, Her'n A.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Vanard, John B.........do... June 13,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Woods, Richard.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wiant, Frisby T.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, July 20, 1862-ab. at mus. out. Witmer, Henry D...do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, July 20,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 894 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, DATE OF MUSTER RANK.h INTO SERVICE.! REMARKSWright, Charles K.. Private' June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Williams, Seeley.......do....' Aug. 1,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 17,'62. Watts, Richard J...do...d.... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wilson, Aaron...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28,'63. Williams, Abner..]... do..... June II,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Williams, Oscar......'do.....' June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Williams, John......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. COMPANY 1D. RECRUITED IN DAUPHIN COUNTY. Samuel Wilt........... Capt.... June 22,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,1861. Thomas D. Horn. d.. d....... June 22,'6L, 3 Promoted to Captain, November 5, 1861-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 10, 1863. William H. Weaver...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., Feb. 10, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry Mather....... 1st Lt.. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged November 5, 1861. Edward B. Snyder.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to 1st Lt., Feb. 10,'63-By. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-nmus. out with company, June 11,'64. Robert Neidig........st Sgt.. June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P.V., Ml:y 31,'64-Vet. Benj. Brightbill.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. R. Baughman........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wm. R. Peacock.... Serg't.. June 22,'61, 3 Cor. 2d Lt., Feb. 10, 1863-not mustered-tr. to Co. E, 190th regiment, P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Monroe B. Wenger Corp.... June 22, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John A. Walker........do... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Reimert...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rich'd Fleming........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. John Irlam............do.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 27,'62. John Good.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'62. James M. Allen........ do..... June 22,'61, 3 Drowned in Pamunkey river, June 4, 1864. Aaron L. Burke........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killedat Bull Run. August 30, 1862. Henry H. Hopple......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Charles Spickler.....Muc... June 22,'61, 3 ustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Austin, Wm. P...... Private June 22, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Anderson, William...do.....June 22, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11 1864. Brewster, Alex........do.... June 22.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bird, James..............do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bumbaugh, Isaac......do'... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'63. Black, George F........do..... June 2261,' 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'63. Barnes, William H...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 20, 1864, by sentence of G C. M. Bates, John..............do..... June 22,'61i, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'62. Beatty, John.............do..... July 22,'61, 3 illed at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Babb, John...............do..... June 22,'61, 3- Deserted June 1, 1863. Brubaker, Samuel...do....June 22,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. Boston, Lewis...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Bryan, John.............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Clunghart, John....... do.... June 22, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Daniel..',do... June 22,'61, 3 1Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Daniel.......do....... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered outwith company, June 11, 1864. Collins, Frank...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered ot with company, June 11, 1864. Carroll, Frank..........do.... June 22,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Conner, Thomas......d..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Carpenter, David H...do.....June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Curtis, James..........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Carter, George...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Donahue, John........d..... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dugan, Samuel.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. DeWolf, John A.......do.....June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Detrick, Charles........do.... June 22.'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Frankhouser, C.........d..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Fulton, William.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Died of wounds received May 13, 1864. Fetterman, George.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Fuller, Edward...... do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Garman, George.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'62. Garman, Henry.......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Department, Oct. 24,'62. Garner, Adam...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Gurtler, George.........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Garst, Samuel...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Gurtner, John..........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died May 11,'64, of wds. received May 6, 1864. Hawck, William.......do..... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hughes, Richard......do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 895 NAME. RANK. IANTO SERVI UR REMARNS. INTO SERVICE, - Holt, John........ Private July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hensler, Peter............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Hicks, John............ do..... June 22,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hudgeon, John.......do..... June 22,'61 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 29, 1861. Hall, Thomas..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 eserted July 10, 1862. Hilbert, James.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Hall, Robert.............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown Haines, Charles.........do... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Jones, John......... do.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Karnes, John....... do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'63. Krouse, Nicholas.....do.... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, July 18, 1862. Kraft, Henry.............do.....May 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Coin. Sergeant-date unknown. Kelley, Isaac..........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., December 10, 1861. Kuglen, George.........do.... July 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1862. Lepley, Samuel.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lewis, Henry G.........do.... June 22,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Long, Joseph W.......do.... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leiby, Alexander.....do.... July 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lyons, Edward.......do... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Nov. 26,'62. M'Lain, George........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Laster, John.........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mills, James.............do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Maurer, Charles........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June II, 1864. Miller, George..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Mann, Francis F........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Murphy, John..........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'62. M'Cabe, Harrison......do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regimentP. V., May 31,'64. M'Daniels, Samuel...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery, August 1, 1862. Marthin, John.......... June 22,'61 3 Captured at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-discharged June 11, 1864. M'Coy, Hugh........... do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 186o. M'Cord, Thomas........do June 22,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Sept. 18,'61-grave, 293. M'Farland, Wm......o.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Moorehead, Chris'n.d......... une 22,.61 3 Killed by accident, September 25, 1861. Miller, Edward........do.. June 2,'61, 3Died Nov. 1,'61-bu. in Mil. As. Cem., D. C. Quinn, John...........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Quenzler, Valentine...do.... June 22,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Redfern, Samuel........:do.... July l','61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ray, Thomas.........1...do..... Feb. 11,'64,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Reichart, Samuel...I..do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Stevens, Edward...I...do'.. June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to United States Signal Corps, Aug. 29,'61-rmus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Spaulding, Theo. S...do....June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'63. Shoemaker, Geo........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'62. Strauser, Adam.........do..... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dept., Oct. 24,'62. Segar, Henry...........do June 22,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14,'63. Simpson, Robert.......do..... June 22,'61, Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Shaffer, James........... do July 6,'61, Deserted-date unknown. Skidmore, Thomas..,do..... June 22,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Tell, Michael L......... do.... June 22,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Walker, George W...do..... June 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Winters, Jeremiah.....do..... June 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Woodall, Charles...I..,ldo.... June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. Weaver, Philip.........do.. June 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Weaver, Peter...........do... June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Woodall, James Tl..do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant-date unknown. Woodall, Wm. H.......do::. June 22,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 29,'61. Yohn, George.........!..do... July 6,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Army, November 25, 1862. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. John I. Horn........ Capt.. May 30,'61, 3 Resigned February 17, 1862. Francis Schelling......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., March 28,'62transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Edward Kelley...... 1st Lt... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., March 14,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 17,'63. J. C. Fackenthall.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., March 14, 1862 —to 1st Lt., May 1, 1863- to brevet Capt., March 13, 1865mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 896 FORTY-FIRST REGIiVENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. I William Lind.....2d Lt... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 1, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 23, 1863. James Johnston..1.. lst Sgt.. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,1864. Henry Hess.............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862 —to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Ruch..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. i, 1863 —wounded May 8, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Reuben L. Miller......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., January 1,1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William F. Keller.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Theodore F. Hance...do..... May 30,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 24,'62. William R. Kidd......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 15, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. John Herp..............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 30, 1862. David Campbell... Corp.... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862- mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Tolan...........do... May 30, 61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James H. Coffin.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1, 1862 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dan'l H. Lauback.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 15, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. C. F. Oestricker......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Aaron Bosler.............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Warrenton Junction, Va., Dec. 20, 1863. Geo. Darhamner........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Winm. J. Kuehner......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Nov. 1, 1861. George Ketchledge...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Todd's Tavern, Va., May 11, 1864. J. H. Missinger........do.... May 30,'61, 3 D1ied Oct. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, Aug.:0,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y,D. C. John H. Wolf......... Muc....May 30,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Dec. 27, 1863. Thomas Duffin.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Beisel, Aaron E......Private May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Feb. 19, 1864. Bertrand, Max..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Boran, John H..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, July 25, 1862mustered out with company June 11, 1864. Brounell, Daniel........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,'63. Barnes, Robert G......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P.V., May31,'64 —Vet. Beck, Lackbold.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bodley, William H...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Dec. 7, 1862. Barros, Joseph.........do.....May 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1861. Buchter, Jacob M......do..... May 30, 61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Barry, John...............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 25, 1862. Bird, Joseph.............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted October 5, 1861. Cummiskey, James...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864, Case, Ramsey..... do.....May 30,'61, 3 Absent, in Fort Delaware, at muster out. Custard. Charles........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Connor, Hoffman....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 21, 1862.' Devine, James...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Wounded, May 11, 1864-ab., sick, at mus. out. Dice, Williamrn............do.....May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Eli, Daniel...............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Ettleman, Josiah......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Everett, Landers... do..... May 30,'61,3 Died Sept. 7, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Echelstien, Casper....do May 30,'61, 3 Deserted February 9, 1863. Frederick, William..do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'63. Fisher, Adam............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to P. M., Army of Potomac-date unknown. Fischel, Paul H.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 24, 1861. Gould. Jervis............do.. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Graham, David H... do.... June 15,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Handwork, Wm. F.do.....May 30,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Haggerty, John........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lummell, John H.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haase, Matthew-....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Handwork, Wm.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Hardin, William........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Ivey, William...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 11, 1861. Joline, Warren H..do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Kuehner, Sidney.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 22,'64. Kirkendall, Josiah..]...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, February 6,'64. Klein, Jeremiah....]...do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Kimble, Edward......do.. Aug. 8,'63, 3 Deserted November 27, 1863. Leffel, John W........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Leidy, Jacob....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Leidy, Edward.........do... May 30,'61, 3 Died October 2, 1862. Moyer, Jacob............do May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE, 897 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUTER REMARKS. ~dME, I Ra~K. INTO SERVICE Maloy, Barney...... Private May 30,'61, 3 Mustered. out with company, June 11, 1864. Muffley, Jaob........... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's Certificate, Jan.l, 1862. May, ~John.i.............. d0..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged October 6, 1862, for wounds'received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. M'Cormick, Thos......do.....May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,.Dec. 6, 1862. Miller, Amands.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2, 1864. Miller, GeorgeA X........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Nuniiemacher, Jno...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Musteredout ith compay,Junel, 1864. Nolf, Robert.'...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 21,'62. Nicholas, Fort W...do...do... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864.'Otto, Savilian...........do..Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg P. V., May 31, 1864. O'Brien, Michael......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Missing in action at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Peifer, Isaac....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'63. Pilk6nton, James.........May 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 5, 1862.: Roseberry, Jesse......do.. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Retzl'er, George........do... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Roth, Lewis...........do..... May 30, 61, 3 Discharged December 15, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Raub, William.........do..;.. Jan. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to190th reg. P. V., May 31,1864. Reed, Calvin....d............. May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to batt'y B, 2d U. S. Art., Oct. 24,'62. Roth, Paul..............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Ruth' Thomas...... d..do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Todd's Tavern, Va., May 11, 1864. Rothweiler, Chas.F...do May 30,'61 3 Noton muster-out roll. Santee, William H.....do.....May 30, 61, 3'Transferred: to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Stei, Lewis............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Jue 11, 1864. Sholes, Stephen..........do.... May 30,'61, 3'Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shine, Patrick.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged~ Oct. 15, 1862, for wounds received at Mechaniicsville, June26, 1862. Surrill, Robert W...V...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged March 26, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Sassaman; Lewis H...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. S.cenk, Lewis.......... do...... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to l90threg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. SpeaglSr, Phlilip..........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to'l90th regiment P. V., May31,'64. Snyder, Joseph...:....do'....: Jan. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Sytider, Peter S........do..... Feb. 22, 64,. 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31i, 64. Smith, Christian F.....do..... May 30,'61, 3. Died June 14,1862. Sahr, Urias............do.....May 30,'61 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Schooley, William.....do..:.. May 30,'61, 3 Deserted Septemnber 5, 1862. Troxell, John P......... do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 5, 1864. Tallman, Benjamin.:do'.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg.P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Troxell, Benjamin.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 ITransferred to 190th reg. P. V., May $1,'64-Vet. Troxell,'George..........do.:... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.,-May 31,?64-Vet. Traugh, William...... do..... May 30'61, 3 Transferred to i90threg. P.., May31,'64-died; June 27, 1864-burled in Nat Cem., Arlingtonr. Traugh, Samuel.........do...,. Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V.,M ay31,'64. Teemin, Charles R.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Taylor, James..........do..... May 30,'61,: 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, june 27, 1862. ~rexler, Joseph.d.o...... dO..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted August21, 1862. Williams, John.........do.....May 30,'61, 3 Mustered outwith company, June 11, 1864. White, Robert........ do....May 0,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 15,'63-. mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Worman, John.........do.... May 30'61, 3 Transferred to gunboat service, Feb. 6, 1864. Wilson, John B........do..... May 18', 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Weaver, WmH........do...,. May 18,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Warner, Robert.........do..Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferredto 190th regiment P.V., May 31,'64. Wought, John.......do..... May 40, 61, 3 Tr. to battery B,2d. S. Artillery, Oct. 24,, 62. Walls, George.......... do...... May 30,'61,3 Killed at Bull Run, August30, 1862. Wise, Albert.............do...... May 0,'61, 3 Deserted July 26, 1862. Younkins, John.......do. Feb. 8,'64,'38 ransferredto 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. COMPANY F.. RECRUITED IN WESTMORELAND COUNTY. Andrew G. Oliver... Capt.... July 30,'61, 8 Absent at muster out on detached service. John W. Krepps..1.. lstLt... July 30,'61, 3 Resigned September 10, 1861. Chill W. Hazzard. do. July 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, September 10,'61to Captain company I, April 20, 1863. Thomas S. Linn.........do.....Aug. 23,'61,' 3 Pr. to 1it Lt., April 20, 1863 —res. July 31, 1863. Henryv i P. Bell... 2d Lt... July 30,'61, 8 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 10, 1861-res. Nov. 16,, 1862. John F. Thomas.. do..... July 30,'1, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant; April 20, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 113 898 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTFR. REMARKS. INTO SERVTCR. R Watson Muse........ st Sgt. Aug. 1,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James M. Davis..... Serg't.. July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Fox..........do..... July 30'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1862. John Carson............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'63. Joseph W. Eckley.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Augustus Hassler......do.... Julv 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John Urick..............do.. July 30,'6, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Eben G. Smith o.......d...... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. John C. Sykes....... Corp.... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William D. Jones.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Daniel Coughenour...do.... Aug. 1'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. GeorgeA. Campbell...do..... July 30'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. William A. Fox..... Muc... Aug. 23'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. William Smith....d..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Applegate, Vincent Private Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Axton, Robert...........do.. Aug. 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. Applegate, Samuel...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Applegate, Eli.........do..... Aug. 1'61, 3 Died of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30,1862. ]ayne, Alexander.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Bayne, Hugh............do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Brubaker, Jerem'h...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Billett, William........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Baldwin, Jacob........do.... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Baer, George H.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63 Baer, Calvin..............do.... July 30,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Bankhert, William...do...... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 7, 1861. Caull, James.............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 16, 1863. Cabmpbell, Allen........do..... July 30, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Collins, Samuel.........do..... July 30.'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Campbell,Theodore...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31, 64 —Vet. Chapman, James......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Carson, Humphrey...do..... Feb. 8,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Collins, James..........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Campbell, John.......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Carnaghan, Lynd'y...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 31, 1861. Cravens, Samuel.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 15, 1863. Culp, Jacob.............. do..., Aug. 23, 61 3 Deserted December 17, 1861. Culp, Oliver..............do. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1862. Cravens, John M. C...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Clarke, George W......do.... July 30, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dutton, John W......do.... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62. Eisle, Henry...........do.... Aug.- 1, 61 3 Tr. to 6th regiment U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Evans, George...........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Tr. to battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, Aug. 1,'62. Foster, Finley........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Foster, William.........do...., July 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3, 1863. Fox, John W.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Filmore, Joshua........do..... July 3,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. Gross, Abram...........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Ghems, Lewis.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 9, 1862. Hough, Theodore...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henderson, John......do.... July 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 9, 1862. Householder, Thos...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 9, 1862. Howard, James.........do... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Hurst, Alfred....... do..... July 30,'61, 3Transferred to 190th xeg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Halfin, James..........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Huber, John..........do.... July 30,'61, 3 Killed at White Oak Swamp, June30, 1862. Jones, Theopolis.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Tr. to battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, Aug. 1,'62. Jones, Charles...........do..... July 30,'61. 3Killed at Antietam, September 17,1862. Kier, David.............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kyle, John...........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, November 3, 1862. Klinesnit, George........... July 30,'51,3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Kane, John............do... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Dec. 9, 1862. Lyons, James.........do.... July 30,'31, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Dowell, John...... do..... July 30,'31, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11,1864.:Manis, Asher..........do..A..Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. - M'Cravlus, John.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 13,'62. Mattox, Clifford........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Kelvey, Adam.... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. M'Feeley, Joseph...do.... July 3061,' 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Kelvey, Robert.....do... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Malone, John D......do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 899 NAMDATE OF MSTE NAM. DRAT. INTO SERVICE. RE KS Murray, George...... Private July 30,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 30, 1862. Malone, Samuel..........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'62. Malone, William... do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at White Oak Swamp, June 30,1862 — discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. M'Intire, John.....;.....do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Mattox, John..........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Mathews, Nelson......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at White Oak Swamp, June 30, 1862. M'Quaney, Wi.........do.....July 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Dec. 14, 1861. M'Cready, Wm........do.....July 30,'61, 3 Deserted January 20, 1863. Morrow, Charles do..... 3.do.......................... Deserted July 12, 1861. Neff, Christopher.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. JNeff, Emanuel, Sr....do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Neff, John......:..........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Neff, Emanuel, Jr.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Oreley, John........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Prescott, John..........do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Paden, Thomas...d... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Painter, William......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Pennaman, Abram...do.. 3.... Committed suicide at Insane Asylum, Aug., 62. Russell, Robert.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Redmound, James.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died Oct. 6,'62, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 30,'62-buried at Point Lookout, Md. Soles, George............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'642-Vet. Shetlock, Charles.......do..... July 30,61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 64-Vet. Spidal, Jacob...........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged January 16,'63, for wounds received: at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Sloan, Samuel..........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Soles, Nelson...........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,1863. Steis, John...,........do.... Feb. 17, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31;'64. Stoneman, John......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died Feb. 12,'63, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-buried in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Strohm, George.........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Smith, Anthony.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Tipton, Benjamin..........Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vot. Tyler, John.o........ July 30,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862:. Upton, John.............do............July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 43d regiment P. V., April, 1862. Umberger, John.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Died Dec. 2762,'62, of wds. rec. at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-buried in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Unrow, John............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 8, 1861. Webster, George.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Whigham, Robert...do.... July 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., December 14, 1861. Wilson,, Eli..........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died at Richmond, Va., January 22, 1863. COMPANY 6. RECRUITED IN YORK COUNTY. Charles W. Diven... ap.. June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, April 19, 1864. Wm. W. Arnold..... st... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. George Huber...........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, May 1,.1863 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James K. Miller........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Resigned September 1, 1861. Nathan Carman...... 2d Lt... June 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, May 1, M ay 1863-mus....~~~~~~~~. ~tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Geo. W. Ebaugh..... [stSgt. June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June II, 1864. Henry Gise............ Serg't.. June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out witb company, June 11, 1864. John Conway...........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Wounded May 8, 1864-absent at muster out. Isaac D. Culmerry.....do.....June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George C. Bush..do.... June"25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. James L. M'Clure......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 9, 1862. Jere'h Waltmeyer.. Corp.... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered outwith company, June 11, 1864. Henry Balsi..............do.....June 25,'61, 3 Absent at muster out of company. George Writer........,do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ambr'eEnsminger...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacob Shannon.........do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John-D. Campbell......do..... June 25,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Charles Palmer........do... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26,'62. Augustus L. Hursh....do.... July 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. 900 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, II NAME. RANK. TERVIaCE. REMARKS. Hiram Kendig........ Corp.... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Eli Harnish..............do July 6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb.20, 63. Daniel D. Bailey.......do.... June 25,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 8, 1862. Christ'nS. Wagner..do.... July 31,'61, 3 Died of wounds, september 14,1862. Jacob Eppley....... Muc.... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. John Embeck..............June 19,'6, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'64. Daniel Repman.........do.... June 26,'61, 3 Transferred to190th reg. P.YV.,May 31,'64-Vet. Albert, George......... Private June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Akin, Levi..........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albert, Paris W........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Alexander, Wash'l...do..... June 26, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Bettinger, William...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Wounded June 30,'62-absent, sick, atmus. out, Berger, Michael.........do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bishop, John........d..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. Bongey, Frederick.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Breneman, Samuel...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Bush, Hugo L..........do.... July' 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'63. Brown, George B...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Barlin, Solomon.........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Duffield, WinfieldS...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Duffield, John A.......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Day, Amos..............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Everal, Wilson........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eaton, William.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eaton, William R......do..... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'61. Ehrman, David..........do.. June 25,'61, 3 Died Aug. 29,186 — bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y,D. C. Fox, Wilson O.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fry, John B...............do...Aug. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fulton, Anthur E......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'62. Feltenberger, Jas......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Fox, William B........do... June 25,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action, Oct. 10, 1862. Grantz, John..........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,-'62. Gibbs, William.........do....July 2, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20,'62. Gegler, Arnum.........do... July 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Grove, Lewis............do... Feb. 15,'4,. 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gable, Henry............do.... June 25,'61, 3 Died Sept. 18,'62, of wounds received in action. Gardner, Moses.......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Deserted October 21, 1862. Gegler, Henry...........do... June 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-outJroll. Heim, Nicholas B...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hampson, Sol'm C.....do... June 25,'61, 3 DDischarged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Hardy, George.........do.... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Haley, Michael.........do.... July 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hoover, Cornelius..o..... Aug. 10,'61,3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Hariman, Henry.......do... June 25,'61, 3 Died of wounds, Oct. 3, 1862-buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland. Hanafius, Jacob.........do.... July 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 10, 1861. Isenberg, James....... do.. Aug. 7,'61, 3 Died of wounds, December 13, 1862. Ingles, Frederick.....do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1863. Kinter, Andrew.......do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kaylor, Jacob............do..... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kenny, George........do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 1, 1862. Lowe, George W.......do.... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,64Vet. Leib, Christian C......do..... d June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Laird, Washington...do..... June 25,'61, 3 Died of wounds, October 28, 1862. Lowe, Ira E...............do....July 11,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1863. Lowe, Tolbert.....do........ Aug. 2,'61, 3 Deserted September 24, 1863. Marks, John A.........,do... June 25,'61, 3 ustered out with comlpny, June 11, 1864. M'Monagle, Arch'd...do.... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mackinson, Edw'd..do:.... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Leary, Wesley.....do...... July 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Myers, William........do..... June 25'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Morrison, James......do... July 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Messamore, George...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'62. Montgomery, Chas...do..... Jan. 15'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Mentzberger, m....,do..... June 25 61 3 Died Nov. 3.'61-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Moyer, Charles.........do.... July 1, 61, 3 Died July'63-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Martoe, James..........do..... Dec. 30'63, 3 Deserted December 31, 1863. Osborn, James........... do... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out-with company, June 11, 1864. Parson, Jeremiah......do.... June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rohabaugh, John.....do..... June 25,'61 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Shirk, David............ July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1I, 1864. Shaefer, Augustus.....do... June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shaefer, Joseph........do.. July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Stevenson, RQbert......do.... June 25,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stevenson', James....do..... June 25,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.,:May31,'64-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 901 NAME. 1~AIK.' DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. sipson, Orlatnd0.,.. Private] June 25,'61, Simpson, Orlando... Private June 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. $tewart, Charles.......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. Smith, Geo. W..........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Smith, Henry..........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 6,'63. Sneath, Richard...I...d..... July 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb.20,'63. Streading, Geo. F......do..... July 11,'61, 3Died of wounds, July 26, 1862. Skipper, Samuel.......do..... Aug. 3, 61, 3 Died September 23, 1862. Tennis, John.............do.... Aug. 3,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Torbit, David.........do.. July 6,'61, 3 Died of wounds, December 13, 1862. Waltemeyer, John.....do.....Aug 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 28,'63. Wetzel, William.......do... June 25, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'63. Waltemeyer,Adam..:do..... Feb. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Williams,-Wash'n.........July 6,'61,- Mis. in action at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64. Wisser, John...........do..... June 25, 61, 3 Died of wounds, December 13, 1862. Waltemreyer, Lewis...do..... Feb. 15, 64,3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. White, Thomas H.....do... June 25,'61, 3 Died January 18, 1862. Whalen, Peter...........do... June 25,'61, 3 Died Jan. 19,'63-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Zorger, Henry...........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN INDIANA COUNTY. Andrew J. Bolar.... Capt.... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-promoted to Major, July 8, 1862. SamuelM. Elder......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., Aug. 20, 1861-to Capt., July 8, 1862-to brevet Major, March 13, 1865mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. James S. Kelley..... 1st Lt... July 24,'61, 3 Resigned August 3, 1863. Wmi. H. H. Kern......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., July 8, 1862-disch. April 28, 1864. Franklin Horner.... lstSgt.. July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergt., Aug. 3, 1861-pris. from June 27, to Aug. 6,'62-com. 2d Lt., July 8,'62-not mus.-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Thotmas W. Dick.... Sergt... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to, Sgt., Dec. 14,'62-wounded May 8,'64-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. John Bills.................do... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Mar. 1,'62-to Sgt., Dec. 14,'62-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. James rvin..............do... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Evans.............do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 8, 1861. M. T. Morehead.......d...... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. W. R. Bracken.......do... July 24,'61, 3 Prisoner-died of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. John P. Griffith.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1862-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. James D. Love..... Corp.... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 30,'62-pris. from Dec. 13,'62, to May 17, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Andrew Kerr........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John H. Brown.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'63 —mustered out with company, June 11,. 1864. Samuel H. M'Nutt....do... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'63-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel Johnson........do.. July 24,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21,'64-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Sam'l Cunningham...do... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged December 26, 1862, for wounds received'at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. John C. Lardin........do... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'62. Geo. W.:Robertson.....do.. July 24,'61, 3 Discharged May 7, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Willam Hamilton.......do... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Henry W. L. Drips Muc... Mar. 8,'2,3 Transferred to 190th reg. P.V., May 31,'64-Vet. Willianm Wetzel.........do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. J. Sponenberger.......d. July 24,'61, 3 Deserted AugUst, 1861. Anigus, Benj. F..... Private July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Altimus, William......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 29, 1862, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 27, 1862. Altimus, iWm. W......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 23, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Barr, Franklin R........do.. July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bracken, William.....do.. July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bracken, Foster.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, un 20,'62. 902 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT —TWELFTH RESERVED NAME. RANK. I DATE OF MUSTER N~AME. RANK. INTO SEIRVICE. F REMARKS. W,/;MP. ~. Barr, Thomas......... Private July 24,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Barry, Valentine.......do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Barry, Joseph............do... Mar. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Benson, Enoch........do... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Smoketown, Va., Nov. 12, 1862, of wds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Barkley, David W.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Cribbs, George C.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cameron, John C......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Carpenter, John W...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Campbell, Wr. M.....do...... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Connelly, Timothy...do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Crossmire, John J.....d..... d July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 51st regiment P. V., Oct. 29, 1861. Campbell, John W...do....July 24,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tenally, Va., Aug. 22, 1861.: Dick, Thompson........do:.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 1-1, 1864. Drips, Samuel W......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Davis, Ezekiel...........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V. May 31,'64. Devlin, AlbertL.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., March 11, 1862. Duncan, Andrew J...do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Dick, George W.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Jan. 5, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Evans, Samuel W.....do'.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edlablute, Rob't C.....do.... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged Nov. 10, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Fulton, John C........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Faloon, Joseph..........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ferguson, Sam'l J.....do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Grumbling, Wmi.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ginter, David L.........do..... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Grover, Jedediah......do... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'61. Gamble, William H...do.....July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Grumbling, Jacob.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Hart, Alexander N...do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hildebrand, J. D.......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Pris. fr. Dec. 13,'62, to May 17,'63- wd. at Spott sylvania C. H., May 8,'64-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Henderson, Jos........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'62. Haddon, Wm. M.......d..... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. Hamlin, Isaac J........do.... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hildebrand, A. W.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Hogan, Thomas.........do.....July 24,'61, 3 Deserted July 15, 1863. Junkins, William.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11; 1864. Lawson, John............do.... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62absent, sick, at muster out. M'Donald, James......do..... July 24, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Mardis, James...........do.....July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Laughlin, Mich.....do.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Merritts, Henry........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Wd. May 8, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. M'Claron, Samuel.....do..... July 24, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Clune, James....... do..... Feb. 25,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Mintzor, Joseph........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. May, Benjamin.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'61. Miller, Archibald......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'62. Mintzor, William......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 12,'63. Merritts, George....do....July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Martin, Calvin....do..... June 15, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Myers, William.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, December 7, 1881. M'Mullin, Alex. R......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Mintzor, Stotler.......do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Died July 6,'62, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Martin, George.......do........ July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Merideth, Stewart....do....July 24,'61, 3 Died May 16, 1864, of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Maken, William........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Morgan, Evan..........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Overcorff, Francis....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Overdorff, Harvey.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Overdorff, David C.....do.... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Painter, Thomas........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged January 22,'63, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Painter, Henry.......do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rogers, Archib'dM....do... July 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1863. Rode, Bennet......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rhoads, Jerem'h A...do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ream, Alexander......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE.' 903 _ IIAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. m Ream, William...... Private Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Reckord, William.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, Mav 8, 1864. Stewart, Robert B......do...... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Somers, Wm. B..........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Woundedat Fredericksburg, December 13,'62absent, sick, at. muster out. Simpson, David.........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged February 20, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Stewart, James S.......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged May 16, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Stephens, Edward;....do.... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25,'62. Stoutengle, Geo. W...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sherman, Berd. B......do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stunkerd, Robert...... do..... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., October 13, 1864-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Shuman, Henry.........do.... Mar. 19,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Sproul, Oliver........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Swartz, John......l.... do... July 24,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 8, 1864-Vet. Tomb, James PF........ do.... July 24,'61, 3 Prisoner from December 13,'62, to May 17,'63mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thomas, James E...d..... July 24,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., March 21, 1862. Williams, Sanford.....do... June 15,'61, 3 Prisoner from Dec. 13,'62, to May 17,'63-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wilson, Abed. B............ July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Williams, John W..:...do....July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Waltemeyer,Henry...do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wolf, Andrew..........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. Williams, Joseph...do... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 31, 1862, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Waltemeyer, Wm.....do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to 191st regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. COMPANY I.* RECRUITED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. James C. Baker......Capt... Feb. 6,'62, 3 Died July 7, 1862. Chill W. Hazzard.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., April 20, 1863-Bv. Major, Mar. 13, 1865-mus. out with company, -June 11, 1864. Perry Etchison...... 1st Lt.. Mar. 17,'62, 3 Resigned July 18, 1862. Wm. 1. Myers..........do.... July 24,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt., April 20, 1863-Bv. Capt., Mar. 13, 1665-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Samuel J. Cloyd..... 2d Lt.. Mar. 17,'62, 3 Discharged January 7, 1863. Frank. D. Stephens...do.... Mar 17,'62, 3 Pr. from private to 1st Sgt., April 24, 1862 —to 2d Lt., April 24, 1863-pris. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-tr. to Co., D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,1864. And'w J. Demming 1st Sgt.. Mar. 17,'62, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864. Wmi. W. Woods... do...d..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thos. M. Kelly....... Serg't.. Mar. 17,'62, 3 -David Long............ do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 John C. Rinker.........do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 R. Y. Askin.............do.. Mar. 17,'62, 3 Seth Alexander..... d... April 5,'62, 3 Joseph Beers.......... Mar. 17,'62, 3 David Hancock......... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Elias B. Wilson........do... Mar. 17,'62, 3 David W. Stevens......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 John B. Chilcoat........... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Wmi. H. Harris.....do.....Mar. 17,'62, 3 Win. D. Hancock.......... ar. 17,'62, 3 Abraham D. Long.....o..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 EIenry C. Lyon i.........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Captured at Welden railroad, August 19, 1864died a prisoner —date unknown. Chas. H. Martin........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, August 19, 1864. John Harvey....... Muc... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Geo. W. Weight.......do...Mar. 17,'62, 3 Albert, Henry........ Private April 5,'62, 3 Allen, Robert J........do..... April 5,'62, 3 Barker, Geo. S...........do Mar. 17,'62, 3 Baker, Josiah.. do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 *There is no muster-out roll of this company on file in the Adjutant General's Office. 904 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE, NAME. ~RANK. |DATE OF MUSTER REMARS. INTO SERVICE. REMARS. Buts. 1','61i Butts, John F.........'Private Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company June 11, 1864. Black, John.........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Tr to Co. D, 190th reg. P.-V.,June 1,'i4-pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64died —date unknown. Briggs, John A........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Bypuss, Herman......do..... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Carother, Wn. H......do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1, 64-pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-died-date unknown. Cornelius, John.........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Copenhaven, Wm......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Cloyd, Thomas........do...April 5,'62, 3 Duffield, Joseph R....do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. De Armit, John C......do.... Mar 17,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19'64. Durboran, Isaac H...do..... Aug. 10,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Elliott, James A.......do.....Mar. 17,'62, 3 Deserted April 24, 1862. Giles, James P........do....M. Mar17,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64. Gluch, John...........do.....Mar. 17,'62, 3 Flick, George W.........do.... Mar. 17'62, 3 Hamman, Peter.........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Harvey, William....do..... Mar 17,'62, 3 Hancock, Aquilla......do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Huntsman, Jas. H....do....Mar. 17,'62, 3 Hancock, Jeremiah...do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Hicks, Thomas J,.....do..... Mar 17, 62, 3 Hudson, Augus'sB..do..... April 5,'62, 3 Johns, John SE...........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Kelley, Alfred...........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Kelley, Thomas S......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Knobb, James...........do.. Mar. 17, 62, 3 Leerd, Adam............do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Livinghouse, B. F;............ Mar. 17,'63, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64-pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-died-date unknown. Leerd, George........do..... 17,'62, 3 Locke, Jonathan..... Ma 62 3Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-died-date unknown. Locke, Daniel.................. Mar. 29,'62, 3 Livinghouse, J. C... do..... Mar. 29,'32, 3 Tr. to Co. D, 190th reg. P. V., June 1,'64 —pris. at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-died-date unknown. Linch, Michael.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Captured at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19, 1864. Madden, Oliver C....do......Mar. 17,'62, 3 Malone, William........do......Mar. 17,'62, 3 Myers, John J..........do...... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Montgomery Jacob...do Mar. 17,'62, 3 Martin, Benjamin R..do.... Mar. 29,'62, 3 M'Mullen, John.......do.. Mar. 29,'62, 3 Neff, Peter................ do....June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Need, George M.......do.. Mar. 29,'62, 3 Naugle, Isaac...d...... Mar. 29,'62, 3 O'Neil, Henry..........do..... Mar. 29,'62, 3 Deserted April 8,1862. Palmer, Lafayette.....odo.... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Rutter, Alfred........do.....Mar. 17,'62 3 Richart, William....... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Ramsey, Robert F.....do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Rutter, Elisha.......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Ramsey, Thos. Jr....do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Roberts, David.......... do..... Mar. 17,'2, 3 TransferredtoCo D., 190th reg. P.V., June 1,'64. Ramsey, Austin.......do..... April 5,'62, 3 Smith, Jesse P.......do...Mar. 17,'62, 3 Deserted April 24, 1862. Shafer, Edw'd H......do....Mar. 17,'62, 3 Snyder, Elias............d..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Speer, George W........do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Shaffer, Henry..........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Smith, Willis C........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Shaffer, George F......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Sneath, John S..........do..... April 7,'62, 3 Speaker, James A......do..... Mar. 29,'62, 3 Swartz, Daniel........... Mar. 29,'62, 3 Thomai, oseph A......... Mar. 29,'62, 3 Captured at Weldon Railroad, August 19, 1864 died a prisoner-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 905.DATE OF MUSTER.. - NAMEi. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Taylor, George B.... Private April 5,'62, 3.Vaughn, Thos. W.......do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Wright, Henry C...'...do.... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to Co., D, 190th regiment P. V., June Whitman, John A.....do.....1, 1864-pris. at Weldon Railroad, Aug. 19,'64. Whitman, JohD A..'..do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Walls, William H.......... Mar. 17,'62, 3' Young, JTacob A d.......... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Young, George..........do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 COMPANY K. * RECRUITED IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. John S. Eyster.......... apt..June 15,'61, l1 3Discharged July 20, 1862. Jesse Little............ 1st Lt.. June 15,'61, 3 Promoted from lst Sgt.-resigned July 26, 1862. Elisha D. Reed....... 2d Lt... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted toCapt. and A. C. S., Sept. 22, 1862. Joseph R. Duffield.. 1st Sgt. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, July 20, 1862. L. D. Middlekauff.. Serg't.. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. W. R. Pilkington...... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. A, July 20,'62, as private. H. D. Witmer...........do..... June 13,'61, 3Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Samuel C. Giffin........do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. John W.'Setchel...... Corp....June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Frank W. Hench...do......... June 15,'61,3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. John H. Snow............do.... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. John G. Rohm....... do.... June 15,'61,3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. John Patton...............do.... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to coinpanyC, July 20, 1862. Joseph F. Rhodes......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged December 30, 1861. William A. Fry..........do...June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862A Geo. M. Barnitz.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862..Chris'nC. Eckert... Muc.... June 15,'61, 3Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. William Sit..........do. June 15,'61 3Transferred to company F, July 20,1862. Armstrong, Wm.... Private June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Arndt, Leander......... do..... June 15, 61 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Armstrong, L., V.......... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to companyB, July 20, 1862. uentze]l;, Wm I H.......do... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Bowman, Geo. B.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Boren, John H.......... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862. Buckner, Fred. R......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Butts, John F...............do... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, July 20, 1862. Bossinger, John.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Brown, Geo. B...........do..... June 25,,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, July 20, 1862. Brownp Benj. F........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Badgley, George........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'62. Campbell, Wm. M.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, July 20, 1862. Carpenter, John W...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, July 20, 1862. Durboran, I. H..........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, July 20, 1862. Devine, James...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862. Davis, Robert C.........do....June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Duffield, W. S.......... do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, July 20, 1862. Eckart, John C.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20,1862. Flanagan, Peter F......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., March 17, 1862. Fry, Joseph S............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Fleming, G. W. F.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Fox, William R.........do.....June 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesviile, Dec. 20,'61-Died Oct. 10, 1862, of wounds received in action. Fockler, SamueL.......do....June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Fox, Wilson C...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, July 20, 1862. Graham, -David H......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862. Gill, John..................do June 15,'61, 3 Deserted July 9, 1861. Haines, John.............do. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Harden, James.........do. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Hench, Nicholas I........ June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Haney, Peter............do June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Hall, Noel I............ do. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Hockensmith, J.........do..... June 15,'61,3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Heim, Nicholas B......do June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, July 20, 1862. Harder, Warren P.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Jacobs, Robert E.......do.. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Kuh, William.........do June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862, Ligget, John C.........do....June 15.'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va.,'January 6, 1862. * This company has neither muster-in nor muster-out rolls on file in Adjutant General's Office. 114 906 FORTY-FIRST REGIMENT-TWELFTH RESERVE. INAME. RANK. DEM C E1 REARKS. INTO SERVICE. Lerch, David R...... Private June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. Linthurst, Jas. F......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. Linch, Michael..........do... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, July 20, 1862. Loan, James........do.. June 15,'61, 3 ransferredto companyC, July 20, 1862. Miller, John A...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. M'Callaster, W. A....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Marshall, Robt. E......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Melott, Stephen.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Melott, Frederick......do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. M'Dougal, William...do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Martin, Calvin...........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, July 20, 1862. Myers, David............do..... June 13,'61 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862.Mentsel, Henry J......do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Neff, George............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Neff, Peter.............. do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, July 20, 1862. O'Brien, Michael.......do..... June 15,'61; 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862. Pannett, Headley......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Ross, John M.............June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Rouse, William...... do.....June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Shillen, Thomas T.....do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company 0, July 20, 1862. Snyder, John HE........do... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company Bi July 20, 1862. Stoutengle, Geo. W...do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, July 20, 1862. Surrill, Robert W......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862. Sweger, Joshua........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Teelin, Charles R......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, July 20, 1862., Toomey, Ezra........do..... June 15, 61, 31 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. Vanard, John B........do..... June 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Vandyke, James M..d...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1861. Woods, Richard......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Wiant, Frisby T....d...-.. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, July 20, 1862. Williams, Sanford.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, July 20, 1862. Wisemiller, Conrad...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. Woods, Thomas C....do.. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. Woods, William- W..do.. June 15,'61, 3 Transferred. Wilson, James..........do..... July 5,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, July 20, 1862. Zohoo, Anthony......do July 13,'61, 3 Transferred. Zeigler, William P.do June 15,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, July 20, 1862. FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT, BUCKTAIT. oN the 13th of April, 1861, Thomas L. Kane, brother of Dr. Kane, the famous Arctic explorer, and himself schooled by extensive travel in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, applied to Governor Curtin for permission to raise a company of mounted riflemen from among the hardy yeomenry of the counties of Forest, M'Kean and Elk, popularly known as the wildcat district. Authority was immediately given as requested, andin less than a week the men began to assemble at the points of rendezvous. On the 17th it was decided to change the organization from cavalry to infantry. The men, for the mjost part lumbermen, came clad in their red flannel shirts, bearing their trusty rifles, and wearing each in his hat, a bucktail. No one was accepted who did not prove himself-a skilled marksman. All were carefully examined by a surgeon, and none but sound and hardy men taken. The idea of recruiting this class of men was suggested by Dr. Kane. He had found in his Arctic experience that ordinary sailors-web footed as he termed them-were not the men for overland exploration, and he had conceived the idea of organizing a party from among the hunters of this forest region-men quick of perception, who knew the significance of the rustle of a leaf or the snap of a twig,-and who were accustomed to a life in the woods for days and weeks together-for a second voyage of exploration. The fulfillment of this purpose was only prevented by his untimely death. When hostilities were about to open, the idea of organizing a rifle or skirmish regiment from this class of men was at once entertained, and its wisdom recognized. On the 24th of April, a hundred men had assembled at the rafting place on the Sinnemahoning, where they at once commenced constructing their transports. Two days later the entire force, three hundred and fifteen strong, embarked upon three rafts, and with a green hickory pole, surmounted by a bucktail, for a flagstaff, the stars and stripes flying, and the martial strains of fife and drums echoing through the forests, they commenced the movement for the general camp of rendezvous at the capital. Although authority had been given for recruiting this force, yet no order had been issued by the Governor for marching, and before it had proceeded far it was found at headquarters that only a limited number could be ac. cepted. A telegram was accordingly dispatched directing them to turn back upon their arrival at Lock Haven, but through the connivance of General Jack. man, of the militia, who was very desirous that these hardy men of the forest should be received, the message was never delivered, and they were borne onward by the current over the broad bosom of the Susquehanna, and upon their arrival at Harrisburg saluted the city with a volley from their rifles. 908 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL. 1861 From the insignia in their hats they were at once recognized and known as the Bucktails. Authority was given for mustering them into the service as the Seventeenth (three months') Regiment, and an organization was effected by the choice of Thomas L. Kane, Colonel. But a Seventeenth Regiment had already been organized and mustered into service in Philadelphia, and a difficulty arising as to the acceptance of so large a number from a district containing only a small population, the organization was not consummated, and Colonel Kane, declining his commission, was mustered into service on the 13th of May as a private. In the meantime, other companies had been recruited, and had assembled in camps, with like expectations, and were similarly disappointed. Roy Stone, a citizen of Warren county, had recruited a company, in April, composed of a class of men similar in occupation and experience to those led by Kane. They bore their own rifles, and dwelt principally upon the head waters of the Alle-. gheny River. Disappointed in being admitted to the three months' service, they emained for some time encamped at the Court House in Warren, and were fed by the citizens. With no authority to provide for them, Governor Curtin advised them to'disband. But this they were unwilling to do. Tiring of inactivity, they gladly acceded to a proposition from their captain to-move - down the Allegheny upon flat-boats to Pittsburg, and thence proceed-tojoin General M'Clellan:in West Virginia, as an independent corps of sharp-shooters. They were five days in making the run, being eintertained at the towns along the river, and receiving many recruits on the way. At Pittsburg they were the guests of the city, and here Captain Stone received a summons from Governor Curtin to march to Harrisburg, where the company would be assigned to;the Reserve Corps. Another company was recruited in Chester county, one in Perry, one in Clearfield, one in Carbon and two in Tioga. For some -time after the arrival of the men in camp a regimental organiiation was delayed. The officers of the companies most allied to each other in taste and trainig, out of which it was proposed to form a rifle regiment having conferred together, and tiring of the delays which still continued, finally united in presenting the following paper to General M'Call: "The under signed, captains of companies now in Camp Curtin, present their respectstoMajor General:M'Call, congratulating the army of Pennsylvania upon being; placed under such a commander. They beg not to be supposed desirous of interferring with Major General M'Call's discretion in expressing a desire tohave their companies united to form one regiment under the command of Colonel Thomas L. Kane. Theyare assured that their men are peculiarly qualified to serve efficiently in-a regiment of rifles under Colonel Kane, being, with fews exceptions, men of extremely hardy habits and trained from boyhood to the use of Erms. [Signed.] Captains Philip Holland, Julius Sherwood, GeorgeB. Overton, John A. Eldred, Wm. T. Blanchard, Hugh M'Donald, E. A. rvin, y Stone and A..:Niles.* An election was:soon ordered, which was held on the 12th of June, with the followingresult: Thomas L. Kane, Colonel; Charles J. Biddle, ieutenant Colonel, and Roy Stone, Major. Colonel Kane, accordihgly, received his commission bearing date of June 12th; but, though the firSt choice of his men, he was but a civilian, and believing that selfish ambition should be subordinated to the public weal, he yielded to a patriotic impulse,:at that time most rare, though most noble and magnanimous, and resigned his Patriot and Union, Harrisburg, June 13, 1861. -1861 909 commission as Colonel on the follho y - — _-j x,iipanying his resignation with a request that Lieutenant Colonel Biddle, who had been educated in the profession of arms, and had acquired experience on the battle-field in the war with Mexico, should be commissioned in his place.* This request was acceded to bythe men at his earnest solicitation. and a second election was held which resited in accordance with his wish. Unwilling to allow so honorable and unsIsh an act to pass without some mark of their appreciation, the captains of.the several idoap:nies passed resolutions soliciting a change of the name from the ":iRife Regiment," to that of the "Kane Rifle Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps."t In compliance with his request a special order was issued foffi headquarters, No. 95, and approved, and made of record by the War Department, making the change of name as requested, which accordingly became the official designation. The regiment therefore started into service with a variety of prenomens: The Forty-second of the line, the Thirteenth Reserve, the Rifle, the First Rifle, the Kane Rifle, and the Bucktail. The latter ws the popular name, known and read of all; it was the name it bore in the army, and was known throughout the world where the record of our great warfare was read. -On the 21st of June, the regiment, together with the Fifth, Colonel Simmons, and- Barr's Battery, was ordered to the support of Colonel Wallace, at Cumberland, Maryland. Proceeding by rail to Hopewell, Bedford county, it marched thence to Bedford Springs, a distance of twenty-three miles-its first march. On the 27th, the command proceeded to the State line, a distance of about forty mies,:where was established Camp Mason and Dixon. Two weeks later, Colonel Wallaces regiment having been ordered to Martinsburg to join the command of General Patterson, this portion of Maryland was left open to the enemy. A mounted force undertheqleadership of Colonel Angus M'Donald was destroying, unchecked, the property of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and at the earnest solicitation of the officers of the road, the command broke camp on the 7th of July, and marched to Cumberland, occupying the camp which Colonel Wallace had vacated. On the 12th, a seouting party of sixty men, under command of LieutenantColonel Kane, went forward and crossed into Virginia. At New Creek Villagethe party was surrounded by MDonald's rebel cavalry, but bythe skillful management of Kane, the rebels were worsted in a sharp skirmish that ensued, and driven away with theloss of eight killed and double the number: wounded. The scouts escaped without injury. Colonel Biddle moved with his entirecommand to their relief, and immediately dispatched Kane with two hundred men to follow the retreating enemy. Heecameup with them at-Ridge*. IETTEB OF COLONEL, KANE TO'GOVERNOR CURTIN, JUNE 13,.1861.-"SIR: I this day resign the post of Colonel of the Rifle Regiment of the Reserve Volunteer Corps of Pennsylvania, respectfllypresenting for appointment by you, to fill my place, Lieutenant Colonel Chiries J.'Biddle, of Philadelphia, whose merits as an officer and a gentlemen need no other advocacy.on my part." -'-BRESOLUoTIONS.-Resolved, That in accepting the resignation of our Colonel, and electing another officer in his place, which we do because he insists upon it-and calls on us to give proof of ur attachment and confidence in him by this sacrifice of feeling-we desire not to be forgotten Colonel Kane's self-devotion; therefore be it B:solved, That we respectfully solicit *Major General M'Call, if there is no rule in the service toprevent his doing so, to change the name of our regiment from the " Rifle Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve,"-to that of "Kane Rife Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserve." [Signed.] H.M'Donald, John Eldred, E. A. Irvin, Roy Stone, Philip Holland, Langhorn Wistar, A. E. Niles, William T. Blanchard. 910 "TATL. 1861 ville, nine miles from New uret^,...c.oul a severe skirmish succeeded in gainm ing possession of the village, posting his little force in a stone house, which was held until Colonel Biddle with his command arrived. On the morning of the 13th, the entire command fell back, and took position at New Creek and Piedmont, which were held until the 27th of July, when, in pursuance of orders, it returned to Harrisburg. On the 1st of August, the regiment was reviewed by Governor Curtin, and on the 6th, wasordered to report to General Banks at Harper's Ferry. Here it was assigned to a brigade composed of the Twenty-eighth New York, the Second and Twelfth Massachusetts, and the Second United States Cavalry, commanded by Colonel George H. Thomas. In this brigade.it served through all the marches made by the division until the 1st of October, when, in accordance with orders from the Secretary of War, it moved to Tenallytown and joined the Reserves. Here it was for a time attached to the Second Brigade, commanded by General Meade. After witnessing for the first time the drill of the regiment, the General wrote in very complimentary terms to its commander, in which he said: "The promptness and precision of the manceuvres, the spirited manner in which the movements were made, reflected great credit on yourself and the officers and men of your command. I feel satisfied that men giving such evidence of practice and good discipline can be relied on in the hour of trial." It being a rifle regiment and adapted to special service, General M'Call detached it from the Second Brigade, and ordered its commander to make his reports directly to his headquarters. Upon the advance of the division into Virginia, the Bucktails led the way. On the 20th of October, companies A, G, H, I and K, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Kane, encountered a body of the Louisiana Zouaves, (Tigers,) near Hunter's Mill. A sharp skirmish ensued, in which the Zouaves were driven with loss. On the 12th of December, Colonel Biddle resigned to take his seat in Congress, to which body he had recently been elected from Philadelphia. On the 20th of December, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Kane, it marched with Ord's Brigade to Dranesville, where the enemy was met in force. About noon, information was received that a large body of the rebels were in the vicinity, advancing uponthe Centreville road. The Bucktails were atonceposted in support of the battery, and the battle opened with an artillery duel, during which the infantry laid upon their arms. After a half hour the enemy's fire began to slacken. At this time Colonel Kane, who was on the right of the column, discovered that the rebel infantry were passing through an opening near the wood, evidently intending a flank movement, or designing to- ocupy a brick house within a hundred yards of his line. He accordingly sent a detachment of twenty men to take the house, which they did, and under shelter of its walls maintained a hot fire upon the advancing force, which consistedof three regiments and a battery of two small guns. As they approached, the Bucktails, inspired by the presence and example of their leader, kept up a steady and effective fire. Lying upon the ground as they loaded their pieces, they rose suddenly, took deliberate aim, and fired, then dropped upon the ground again. The fire becoming too hot for them, the rebels began to fall back. As the Bucktails arose to follow, Colonel Kane was shot in the face, the ball crushing through the roof of the mouth, inflicting a painful wound. But bandaging it, he continued to advance with his men. The enemy now fled in precipitation, leaving his dead and wounded upon the field, and one piece of artillery, which, 1862;BATTLE OF DRANESVIULE, 911 but for the positive orders of the Geiral in command, would have been:captured-by the Bucktails. The loss was two men killed, and two officers and twenty-si:x men wounded. On the 22d of January, 1862, an election was held for Colonel, which resuited in the choice of Hugh W. M'Neil, Captain of company D; Lieutenant Colonel Kane being at this time in hospital suffering greatly from the wound received at Dranesville. TUpon the recovery of Colonel Kane sufficiently to take the field, he addressed a paper to General M'Clellan, containing the out-lines of a system of skirmish tactics which he had devised, and which he submitted for the General's opinion. The system was regarded with much favor, and the paper was returned with the following endorsement: "March 7th, 1862. Respectfully referred to General MCall, with instructions to detail four. companies of the Kane Rifles to report to Colonel Kane, and until further orders to be drilled by Colonel Kane exclusively in the system of tactics devised by him, so far as the same is not inconsistent with the official system." In conformity with this order companies GC. G, H and I were selected and placed under his tuition. On the 10th of March, the campaign opened, and ten days of rough weather were spent, without shelter, in the-march to Manassas and return to Alexandria. - The Bucktails were now -attached to the First Brigade, commanded by General eynolds, and the Reserves were assigned to the First Corps. UTpon the arrival of the regiment at Falmouth, owing to the serious illness of Colonel MNeil, and the detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Kane, Major Stone assumed command of the remaining six companies. About the middle of May, Colonel Kane, with his force of four companies. was ordered to report to Colonel Bayard, commanding a brigade of cavalry, The brigade being the extreme advance of General M'Dowell, the Bucktails were pushed on -a reconnoissance to within six miles of Hanover Court House, whence they were re-called and ordered to support Fremont in the pursuit of Stonewell Jackson up the Shenandoah Valley. The brilliant service of the brigade between May 25th, and June 6th, following, is a memorable period in their history. They led Freement's extreme advance throughout the entire pursuit, conducting their marching and fighting according to their peculiar tactics. In twelve successive days, during seven of which they were constantly engaged with the enemy, they marched nearly twenty miles a day, and counting flank marching and service in fight, exclusive of foraging, an estimate of thirty-two _more. Without tents, blankets, or regular rations (there being issued to them m twelve days only three and a half rations of crackers, one of meat and two of coffee and sugar,) they outmarched and wore down all the horses of the cavalry.- Thus in less than a fortnight the effective force of the battalion was tredued to one hundred and twenty-eight men. On the 6th of June, upon their arrival at Harrisonburg, at evening, reports came that the First New Jersey Cavalry had fallen into an ambuscade, and that the wounded, including Captain Haines, abrave young officer, were left lying upon the field. It was necessary to know the position and strength of the enemy. It was important, also, to keep him too hard pressed to suffer him to act separately against Shields, whose command he could not cope with when united with Fremont's. Colonel Kane and his scouts, one hundred and four in number, voluntered to go forward, hoping to rescue the wounded. Advancing through a wood to the left of the road, they suddenly encountered a rebel regiment in line of battle. Sending 912 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCIKAIL. 1862 back the good tidings that he had found —-ae-:enemy, he at once attacked. The enemy's line broke in front under the Bucktail fire, and was driven back; but others on the line held their ground or closed inward. When it was evident that the enemy was in force, private Martin Kelly signalized himself by an act of heroic devotion. The line of the enemy was protected from the ire of the battalion by the crest of a hill, the Fifty-eighth Virginia being formed but a few paces in front. Kelly seeing that the Colonel was about to give the order to advance, said "Colonel shall I draw their fire?" and deliberately stepping from behind a tree received, without flinching, a volley of balls, falling dead upon the instant. Relying upon a promise of support from General Fremont, the Bucktails stoutly held their ground under cover of the trees, loading and firing with the accuracy for which they were celebrated. Colonel Kanewas wounded in the leg early in the fight; but leaning against a tree he directed the battle. The rebel line beginning to waver, an officer stepped out in front and urged them on, the emphatic "Virginians!" sounding through all the din. Private Holmes, who had already received a mortal wound, and was lying close by Colonel Kane, rose up and deliberately fired at the officer, who leaped sharply up and fell dead.* It was the rebel General Ashby, who was commanding Stuart's Brigade, consisting of the Forty-fourth and Fifty-eighth Virginia, the First Maryland and a Louisiana Regiment of this brigade. Against this powerful force the handful of Bucktails was contending, at every moment in expectation.that reinforcementswould come; but though repeatedly called for, and, as is alleged, two regiments were ordered, none ever appeared on the ground. After maintaining the contest for upwards of an hour, and finding the rebel force closing in upon him, Colonel Kane gave the signal to scatter; but scarcely had it been given, when he was struck heavily on the breast with a sharp heeled rifle, throwing him senseless upon the ground. Captain Taylor drew off the remnantof the command, but unwilling to leave his commander alone, wounded, upon the field, turned back to rescue him facing the fire, and was captured. t The enemy recognizing his chivalrous conduct offered him his parole; but he *Ashby witnessed this result, and the persistent stand of his opponents, with fiery impa tience. He directed the Fifty-eighth to cease firing. and press the enemy with the bayonet; and, putting spur to his horse, rushed forward, shouting "Virginians charge," when the animal was shot under him and fell. In an instant he was on his feet, and again advanced. He had not, however, moved ten steps, and-was still ordering the men not to fire, but depend on the bayonet, when a bullet pierced his body, and he fell dead almost instantly, at the very moment when the shout of triumph around him indicated the repulse of the enemy. —MAiitary Biography of Stonewall Jacsaon, John Esten Cooke, (Rebel,) p. 170. t It was perhaps two hours after, that orders came for three regiments of infantry to retrace the steps they had taken in the morning, and we felt sure, from the command being accompanied by General Ewell in person that some serious work was on hand. The regiments selected were the Fifty-eighth and Forty-fourth Virginia and the First Maryland. After moving through the woods for some distance we were met by General Ashby, when the command was halted and two companies of the First Maryland thrown forward as skirmishers under the immediate eye, I may say, command, of Ashby. The reserves followed closely, and in half an hour three or four shots announced that the enemy was near. The Fifty-eighth was ordered up and soon became hotly engaged. The fire of the enemy was very deadly, and the Fiftyeighth recoiled before it. * * * After the fall of Ashby, the troops engaged fell back in great confusion, when General Ewell, rushing through a storm of bullets, ordered the Marylanders to charge. Under the gallant Johnson they rushed to the attack, and, after a short but sanguinary engagement, drove the enemy from the field. We then discovered that we had encountered the celebrated Bucktail Rifles, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Kane, who was wounded and a prisoner in our hands.-Memoirs of Ashby, Avirett, (Rebel,) p. 222-3. 1862 B ATTLE OF CROSS KEYS. 913 refused it as did Colonel Kane. The i.O: i-'iilea, wounded, and prisoners was fifty-two, just half of the entire number engaged. One prisoner was taken besides the officers named, his thigh broken by a musket ball. A published rebel statement showed that the loss of the enemy in killed and wounded in that hour of contest with the Bucktails was five hundred and fifty-nine. On Sunday, June 8th, the enemy was met at Cross Keys, and a severe engagement occurred between the forces of Jackson and Fremont. The remnant of the Bucktails, less than a hundred strong, were again in the front line, and when, after holding their position in conjunction with the Twenty-seventh Pennsylvania, Colonel Bushbeck, until Fremont's line was driven back, and they were supposed to be cutoff and captured, they fought their way out, bringing off the pieces they had been ordered to support. After the battle, Colonel Pilson, chief of artillery, shook each man roughly by the handand thanked them; particularly for having saved his best battery. General Fremont gave them rations from his own headquarters. Soon after the departure of Lieutenant Colonel Kane with his four companies'for service in the Shenandoah Valley, Major Stone, with the remaining six companies, four hundred strong, embarked for the Peninsula, arriving on the 9th of June, and on the 13th, went into camp at Dispatch Station. On the following night it was ordered with other Reserve regiments to counter-march and re-open communication with White House, the base of supply for the whole army, which had been broken by Stuart's famous raid in its rear. The enemy was overtaken n'ear the landing, and a slight skirmish ensued. On the following day the command returned to camp, and was immediately ordered to move alongthe north bank of the Chickahominy, and take position on the extreme right of the army, directly north of Richmond, and only four miles distant. Fro: the 18th to the 26th, the Battalion was engaged in picket duty along the river, and in entrenching the position chosen for a final stand on Beaver Dam Creek. On the morning of the 26th, two companies were stationed at the railroad and Meadow bridge, another to the left of the bridge, and the remaining three, which at first were held in reserve, were later ordered to the support of the cavalry, which was falling back before a superior force of the enemy. Scarcely were these supporting companies deployed, when they found themselves assailed by his advancing columns.'A well directed volley checked his advance and threw his lines into some confusion. Another and another was delivered. At this juncture, Major Stone learned that the three companies which he had left guardges ing the bridges in his rear had been withdrawn by order of Colonel Simmons, who was in command of the grand guard, and that the enemy, advancing, had already cut off his retreat. Masking his movement by a show of great activity, he withdrew, and making a wide detour to the north, contesting the ground with determination as he went, Major Stone succeeded in bringing in two companies, Captains Wistar and Jewett, to their intrenchments, where the three companies, withdrawn by order of Colonel Simmons, were already in position. One company, Captain Irvin, was cut off, and withdrawing to a swamp, held out for three days, capturing many of the enemy's stragglers; but eventually, was forced by hunger to come forth and surrender. The loss in the movement in killed, wounded and prisoners was seventy-five. The enemy suffered severely from the well directed fire of these marksmen of the forest. The earthworks which the men had previously thrown up under the supervision of 115 914 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL. 1862 Major Stone, now served aln et elit p$lSe, protecting the gunners at the batteries, and the riflemen in their exposed position. The engagement opened on the part of the line which the Bucktails held at half-past four P. M. The fords which they covered were especially coveted by the enemy, and for the possession of these he made his attacks with the energy of desperation, repeatedly advancing with fresh lines; but the steady fire and unerring aim of these well schooled riflemen was too terrible to brave, and at nightfall he relinquished the contest, leaving them secure in their position. The loss was slight, being but two men killed, and two officers and sixteen men wounded. Two companies of the United States Sharp Shooters, Captains Drew and Giroux, were attached to the Battalion, and acted with great gallantry. Colonel MAQuade, of the Fourteenth New York, was ordered to relieve Major Stone in the evening, but he declined to be relieved except as to picket duty, and the men slept in the trenches where they fought. On the morning of the 27th, the division was ordered to retire to Gaines' Mill. Major Stone was directed to hold his position until the main body was well on its way. He accordingly pushed out his sharp-shooters to right and left to keep up the appearance of still occupying the whole line, and atdaylight opened fire upon the enemy, who had advanced under cover of night and planted new batteries, within grape shot range, and had fresh infantry in line in undiminished numbers. So long as the ammunition of the battery held out a hot fire was kept up. But at six A. M., it being entirely expended, the order was given to retire. Under a heavy fire of artillery, with the enemy already on his flanks and pressing hard his rear, Major Stone commenced the retreat. At three hundred yards from the ford, Captain Holland was posted, with orders to obstruct the road and cover the withdrawal of the main body. Captain Wistar was directed to destroy the bridge at the Mill Hospital. A part of company E, Captain Niles, and a part of company D, holding a detached position on the line, failed to receive the order to fall back, and in the confusion they were not missed from the command, until the bridge was destroyed and it was too late to return for them. This accident, however, was most fortunate in its results; for this small body, falling back through woods and swamps, engaged the enemy at various points until late in the day, which so puzzled and annoyed him, that his attack on the lines at Gaines' Mill was thereby delayed for many hours. They were captured at last, but not until a whole division of the enemy had been employed to surround them. This detachment unfortunately had the colors, the State flag presented by Governor Curtin. It was not, however, surrendered, but was concealed in a swamp. Had the battle of Gaines' Mill commenced earlier, it is not difficult to divine in what disaster to our army it would have ended. General Reynolds complimented the command warmly for its gallant conduct in covering the withdrawal and recommended its leader for promotion. "I take great pleasure," he says, "in bearing testimony to the gallantry and good conduct displayed by him, (Major Roy Stone,) while in command of the First Pennsylvania Rifles, at Mechanicsville and Gaines' Mill, and particularly in covering the withdrawal of our troops from the former to the latter position on the morning of the 27th of June, which took place under my personal supervision. I know of no officer more worthy to be placed at the head of a brigade of light troops." The loss in the morning's engagement and retreat was more than half of its effective force, and upon its arrival at Gaines' Mill it could muster but six officers and one hundred and twenty-five men, 1862 GAINBES8 L. AND CHARLS ClITY CROSS ROADS. 915 At Gaines' Mill the battalion occupied a position on the right of the First Brigade. The enemy in front was concealed by woods, except two of his batteries, which were visible at a distance of five hundred yards. Upon these the fire of the Rifles was concentrated, compelling frequent changes of position, and finally silencing the guns. For nearly four hours its position was little changed. Upon the retirement of the troops on its right, its ammunition being nearly spent and relief, promised by General Reynolds, failing to come, it fell back. The loss in killed and wounded was one officer and twenty-five men. On the evening of the 28th, the command commenced the march through White Oak Swamp, and during the night of the 29th, performed picket duty on the Richmond road, leading to Charles City. Many of the slightly wounded, and those who had been cut off, here joined the command, increasing its numbers to five officers and one hundred and fifty of the Bucktails, and five officers and eighty-four men of the United States sharp-shooters. In the battle of the30th, at Charles City Cross Roads, the command was posted in rear of the batteries on the right of the First Brigade. When the brigade made its first charge, Major Stone was ordered to move to the left of the Parrott guns. The charge was vigorously made and was successful; but the enemy, giving no time for the troops to re-form, hurled heavy masses upon their broken and somewhat disordered ranks, driving them back in confusion. Hugging the ground until the retiring forces had passed, theBucktails sprang to their feet and poured in a deadly volley, continuing to fire for some minutes; but finally overborne by superior numbers, and finding that his cbmmand was in the centre of a murderous fire at short range, Major Stone gave the word to retire just in time to escape being surrounded. The enemy maintained the pursuit but a short distance, when he wheeled to the right. The worsted troops from several regiments were now rallied and re-formed under the command of Major Stone. At dusk the force moved forward in excellent line of battle. "General M'Call had come out of the woods,' says Major Stone in his official report, "wounded and alone, and taken his place at the head of the column. After the halt the General took me forward a few paces with him, and in the darkness suddenly we found ourselves close upon the levelled muskets of a column of the enemy which filled the road in front of us. We were ordered to halt and dismount, but I turned and escaped, only slightly hurt, drawing two volleys from the enemy. General M'Call was not so fortunate, and is in the hands of the enemy. My men at the same time had captured the Colonel of a rebel regiment with a small party who were scouting in our direction. I formed my first company across the road, and went to the rear by order of Major General Kearney, in search of a battery to sweep the road in front. I soon became, however, so faint and dizzy from the effects of my hurt, that I was taken to the hospital, and took no frther pa theh action, which soon terminated." The loss in the command was unprecedentedly large-being nearly two-thirds of its entire number-two officers and ninety men killed, wounded and taken prisoners of the Rifles, and two officers and fifty-six men of the United States sharp-shooters. At the close of the battle the remnants of the battalion occupied the very ground which they had held when they entered it, and after a short respite moved off to Malvern Hill. On coming into position at Harrison's Landing, it was found that the two grand divisions bf the army were separated by a broad and deep tidal stream, with no bridge for its passage. Generals Porter and Seymour entrusted the 916 fORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUkTADL. 1862 location and construction of a bridge to Major Stone, the latter saying that the Engineer Corps would require several days to complete it, and in the meantime the army might be sacrificed in detail. They expressed the hope that the raftsmen of the Bucktail Regiment might construct it in two days. The space to be bridged was five hundred feet, and in places the water was ten feet deep. The only material at hand was the timber growing along the banks of the streams and in the swamps. At five P. M., the bridge was commenced, the gallant lumbermen stripping to the work and swimming and wading to raise the cribs. At sunrise on the following morning, to the great satisfaction of the Generals, the bridge was ready for the artillery to cross. Soon after the arrival of the command at Harrison's Landing, Major Stone resigned to take command of the One Hundred and Forty-ninth Regiment, and Colonel M'Nel, who had been absent sick, returned and assumed command. On the 8th of August, a portion of the men captured at Mechanicsville having been exchanged, returned to duty. From the Peninsula the battalion proceeded to Warrenton, where it joined the Army of Northern Virginia, and was engaged on the 29th and 30th of August, in the second battle of Bull Run, losing five killed, nineteen wounded and three missing. The four companies which had been under command of Lieutenant Colonel Kane, remained with Fremont's Corps, now Sigel's, after the battle of Cross Keys, and were next engaged at Cedar Mountain. On the 19th of August, they were encamped at Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, where Lieutenant Colonel Kane, who had been a prisoner since the affair at Harrisonburg, rejoined them. He had not yet thrown aside his crutch, but he immediately issued an order that "the soldiers carry at all times, until further orders, one hundred rounds of ball cartridge, forty or more rounds in the cartridge-box, the remainder in the haversack." On the morning of the 22d, the battalion was ordered to accompany the staff trains, and marched back to Catlett's Station, to the rear of the army, where were the wagons containing the private baggage and papers of General Pope, and where several regiments were encamped for their protection. The Bucktails numbered one hundred and sixty men. Of these, Captain Winslow with fifteen, was posted at night of the 22d on picket. Early in the evening a terrific thunder storm came on, which caused the men to hug closely their tents. Between nine and ten P. M., a heavy body of rebel cavalry, under command of General J. E. B. Stuart, charged directly over the camp of the Bucktails, taking Winslow and his picket guard prisoners before they had time to give the alarm. Stuart was on his famous ride'in the rear of the army, for the purpose of capturing General Pope and his headquarters' train, destroying the bridge across Cedarl un, and cutting off the only avenue of escape for his column. Colonel Kane immediately rallied his men under fire in a wood adjoining, and succeeded in bringing sixty-eight into line. He sent a few picked men out on a scout, and himself took a small squad (six) to the bridge, which was supposed to be the main object of attack. At the railroad station he had a slight brush with the enemy, but found all quiet at the bridge. In returning, and while but a short distance from it, he met a'considerable party of the enemy's horse, which was repulsed and driven in confusion by a single volley. Returning to his main body left in the skirt of the wood, Colonel Kane received satisfactory reports from his scouts. The enemy was in great force, but over crowded and not well in hand. He was forming in the open space above. Kinowing that the enemy's pickets would 1862 POP2'S CA:PAIGN IN VIRGINIA. 917 prevent a satisfactory surprise, Colonel Kane moved his men quietly over into the Manassas road, and awaited until the.foe got fairly into the throat of it, when he opened fire at short range in their very faces, dropping the troopers, and sending riderless horses galloping about in wild affright. A panic seized the entire force, and a stampede ensued. A mile away, it was halted in the midst of MVI'Dowell's staff train, which it fell to plundering. The wagons were in the open field, and the rebels could be plainly seen by the light of the fires. Approaching from the darkness, Kane boldly charged with his little band, pouring in a deadly fire, which again sent them fleeing from the presence of imagined thousands. Much of the pillaging of the staff trains was done, after the enemy was routed, and in fall retreat, by camp followers who knew well what wagons contained valuables. Of the sixty-eight men rallied for the defence of the bridge and the trains, five were wounded, one mortally. In the midst of the thick darkness, it was difficult for the enemy to distinguish friend from foe, and the Bucktails, by their novel tactics and excellent training, realized the language of scripture, "five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight."* In the second battle of Bull Run, Colonel Kane not being under orders, repaired to the bridge across Cub Run, over which the disorganized troops were falling back, and sought, with his small command, to check the panic and secure an orderly retreat; but the feeble barrier interposed, by his line deployed, was soon swept away. Abandoning this design he pressed forward towards the front, and met a Lieutenant commanding four mountain howitzers, willing to turn back. At'the Bull Bun Bridge he formed his line, where he found Captain Mathews with one three-inch rifled gun, Captain Thompson with one rifled gun, and Lieutenant Twitchell with one brass Napoleon, ready to make a stand, if assured of support. The enemy did not attempt to drive them, and their X EXTRACT FROM MEMOIRS OF THE CONFEDERATE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE, BY IEROS. VON BORCrE, CHIEF OF STAFF TO GENERAL J. E. B. STUART.-Late in the evening we entered this little town, (Warrenton.) * * * We were now again exactly in the rear of the Federal army, the right wing of which we had marched around, and our bold design was nothing less than to capture the Commander-in-Chief and his headquarters, which, as our scouts reported, had been established at Catlett's Station, a point on the Orange and Alexandria railroad. * * * * The enemy's pickets, in the fury of the storm, indifferent to everything but their own personal comfort, were picked up, one after the other, by our advanced guard, to the last man, and we had thus arrived within the immediate neighborhood of the main body of the enemy without the least information on their part of our approach. *-. * -* * We halted at the distance of about two hundred yards to form our long lines and make our dispositions, which we did without attracting the attention of our adversaries in the heavy rain and incessantly rolling thunder. The sound of a single trumpet was te signai fornearly two thousand horsemen to dash, as they did with loud shouts, upon the utterly? paralyzed Yankees, who were cut down and made prisoners before they had recovered frpml their first astonishment. I myself had instructions to proceed with a select body of men to General Pope's tent, which was pointed out to us by a negro whom we had captured during the day, and who had been impressed by one of Pope's staff officers as a servant. Unfortunately for us, the Commander-in-Chief had, for once, this day his "headquarters in the saddle?"-an intention which he had so boastfully announced at the commencement of his campaign-and had started a few hours before our arrival on a reconnoissance, so that we found only his private baggage, official papers, horses, &c., &c. I obtained as booty a magnificent field glass, which was afterwards of great service to me. Night attacks, as my later experience taught me, are always dangerous and ought never to be undertaken if they can be avoided. Even the bravest and best disciplined troops may, by an unforseen accident, be got into a stampede, and inexperienced troops it is almost impossible to control.-Blackwood's Edint burg Magazine, No. DC, p. 415-6. 918 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL. 1862 presence, restoring confidence, contributed to diminish the haste and confusion of the retreat. The position was held until three o'clock on the morning of the 31st, when, thelast:of the Union forces having crossed, Colonel Kane received orders from General Pope, conveyed to him by General Sigel, to destroy the bridge, which were executed by the Bucktails, assisted by company G, of the Fifth Reserve. In recognition of his gallantry at Catletts Station. and at Bull Bun, Lieutenant Colonel Kane was, on the 7th of September, commissioned a Brigadier General, and the four companies which he had commanded with such signal advantage to the service, were united with the six, from which they had been separated during the Peninsula campaign, amid loud cheers of welcome from the runk and file of both battalions. The vacancies occasioned by the promotion of Lieutenant Colonel Kane and Major Stone, were filled by the appointment of Edward A. Irvin, of company K, Lieutenant Colonel, and Alanson E. Niles, of company E, Major. On the 7th of September, the regiment, now led by Colonel MNeil, was ordered to move to meet the enemy in Maryland, and arrived in his front at South Mountain on the 14th. General Meade, in command of the division, ordered Colonel MNeil to deploy his men as skirmishers in front of the division, to move directly up the mountain, and attack the enemy where found. The movement commenced at four P. M., and his line of battle was encountered at the foot of the mountain, protected by artillery on the top. A charge was ordered, and the skirmishers, supported by the entire division, rushed forward with loud cheers, driving every thing before them, capturing prisoners at every step, until the top of the mountain was reached. It was now too dark to continue the pursuit, and the command rested. The loss was eighteen killed and forty-five wounded. Among the latter were Captains Irvin and Mack. On the following morning the troops moved forward in pursuit of the enemy, and at three P. M., reached the Antietam battle ground. At two P. M., on the 16th, the regiment moved with the division to the right of the army, when General Meade directed Colonel M'Neil to deploy, as at South Mountain, in front of his division, and to advance to a piece of wood in front of the Dunkard Church then visible. The enemy was soon found in strong force posted behind a fence in front of the wood indicated. Supports coming promptly up, the order was given to advance. The Bucktails rushed forward, with a shout, through a terrific fire of artillery and musketry, and gained the wood; but at a fearful cost. Colonel M'Neil, Lieutenant William Allison, and twenty-eight men, were killed, and sixty-five officers and men wounded in this single charge. The last words of Colonel M'Neil were, as he faced the death laden storm, and led the way, "Forward, Bucktails, forward!" The division came promptly to their support, and the.position was held during the night. At three A. M., on the following day, the battle was renewed. The Bucktails, now under command of Captain Magee, as senior officer, aided by Adjutant Hartshorn, were at once hotly engaged, and fought with their accustomed gallantry until relieved by order of General Meade. The loss in killed and wounded in the two days of battle was one hundred and ten officers and men. Captain Charles F. Taylor, of company H, (brother of the renowned traveler, Bayard Taylor,) who was taken prisoner with Colonel Kane at Harrisonburg, was held in captivity until after the battle of Antietam, when he was released and returned to his regiment. As senior officer, he at once assumed command, and was soon after commissioned Colonel. From Antietam, the army 1863:ANTIETAM AND FREDERICKSBURG..919 moved to the Potomac, and thence to the neighborhood of Warrenton, the Bucktails, upon the march, having the advance. On the 10th of December, preparations were made to cross the Rappahannock below Fredericksburg, and attack the enemy. During the following day, pontoons were thrown across, and on the 12th, the Reserves crossed to the right bank. Late in-the afternoon the Bucktails moved down the bank of the river, until they found the enemy's pickets posted in the edge of a wood, and across a road running parallel with the river. Remaining on picket during the night, firing opened early on their front, and during the morning the Bucktails remained in support of artillery, and in the formation for the attack, they occupied the extreme left of the line.:The enemy was posted in the edge of a wood, and as the Bucktails moved forward were obliged to cross an open field, under a very heavy fire of musketry and artillery. Upon the order to advance, they rushed forward and soon reached the railroad, where was a cut of a few feet, which, for a short time, was used as a breast work, affording some protection. Again the order to advance was given, and leaping upon the bank, they moved on in the face of the enemy, pushing him from his sheltered position, and gaining, at a fearful cost, a signal advantage. But supports failing to come, it was deemed imprudent to push the advantage further, and the division fell back, suffering severely while executing the movement. - The loss was nineteen killed, and one hundred and thirteen wounded and missing. Lieutenant W. B. Jenkins was among the killed, and Colonel Taylor, Lieutenant Colonel Irvin, and Lieutenants O. D. Jenkins, D. G. M'Naughton, Thomas B. Winslow and R. F. Ward, were of -the wounded. On the 6th of February, 1863, the Reserves were ordered to the defences of Washington, to rest and recruit, being transferred from the First to the Twenty-second Corps. The Bucktails, with the First Brigade, were ordered to Fairfax Court House, where a permanent camp was established. Here Lieutenant Colonel Irvin, on account of his wounds, resigned, and Major Niles was promoted to fill the vacancy. Adjutant WVm. R. Hartshorn was commissioned Major, and Sergeant-Major Roger Sherman, Adjutant. A large number of men who had been absent, sick or wounded returned to the ranks, and Colonel Taylor applied himself with tireless energy to the work of drilling and disciplining his command. The First Brigade, to which the regiment was attached, was commanded by Colonel William MICandless, and the division by Brigadier General S. W. Crawford. On the 25th of June, the First and Third Brigades were ordered to rejoin the Fifth Corps, now on its march to meet an invading army in Pennsylvania. At noon on the 2d of July, the regiment reached the neighborhood of Gettysburg, where a great battle was inprogress. After a short rest, the roll was called, and, to the great satisfaction of its commander, every man was found in his place-a force of five hundred strong. At four P. M. the division was ordered to the front, and moved over in the direction of Little Round Top, where the Union lines were being hard pressed, the artillerists ready to spike their guns. Colonel M'Candless hastily formed bis brigade in two lines, the Bucktails on the left of the second line, and charged down the slope in the face of a heavy fire. At the foot of the hill was a deep swamp, thirty or forty yards in width, and upon reaching it, the second line deployed to the left, and wading across, drove the enemy into the woods beyond the stone wall which skirted it. The left, with Colonel Taylor at its head, continued the pursuit through the woods to a wheat field beyond, where in the act of steadying his men, he 920 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTATL. 1863 fell, shot through the heart. Lieutenant Colonel Niles having been wounded early in the engagement, the command devolved on Major Hartshorn, when, finding his regiment unsupported, he fell back to the wall. This position was held by the First Brigade until three P. M. of the 3d, when Major Hartshorn was ordered by Colonel M'Candless to deploy a, single company as skirmishers upon his left flank at right angles to his line, and to advance against the enemy. While this movement was being executed, the brigade was formed in column of regiments, closed in mass, the Bucktails in front, and advanced, charging through the wheat field and into the woods beyond. Here it was discovered by Colonel M'Candless that the enemy was in large force upon his left flank. He accordingly halted, and changed direction by that flank, and ordered Major Hartshorn to charge, -while he followed close with the balance of the brigade. The movement resulted in a complete success. The Bucktails were soon engaged hand to hand with the enemy, and nearly the entire Fifteenth Georgia Regiment, with its colors, was captured. The rebels were in a short time driven from the wood into the open comutry, where the brigade deployed in line, and a large number of prisoners was again secured. Night coming on, the brigade rested nearly a mile in advance of the position held in the morning. On the morning of the 4th, the brigade was relieved by a division of regulars, and the regiment moved to the rear to replenish its ammunition, which was exhausted. Colonel Taylor, a brave and accomplished officer, Lieutenant Robert Hall and six men, were killed. Lieutenant Colonel Kiles, Captains Hugh:M'Donald, J. D. Yerkes, Neri B. Kinsey and Frank Bell, Lieutenants J. E.-Kratzer, T. J. ioney, J.. Sparr and thirty-one enlisted men were wounded.: On the morning of the 5th, it having been discovered that the enemy was in full retreat, the army marched in pursuit. The regiment moved with the Fifth Corps, by the Emmetsburg road to Middletown, and thence by the Hagerstown road, until, on the 12th, it came up with the enemy strongly posted in the vicinity of Williamsport. Sharp skirmishing was kept up during the nights of the 12th and 13th, and on the morning of the 14th, the troops moved forward to attack at daylight, when it was discovered that the enemy had fled. In the manoeuvres of the two hostile armies during the remaining months of 1863, the Bucktails were constantly upon the skirmish line, frequently engaging the enemy, rarely in a position to be secure from attack, and finally at the close of the campaign, went into winter quarters at Bristoe Station, where they remained until the close of April, 1864. The campaign in the Wilderness opened on the 3d of May. The regiment broke camp on the 29th of April, and reached Culpepper on the 30th, where their Sharp's rifles were exchanged for Spencer's seven shooters. On the 4th of May, it crossed the Rapidan and bivouacked that night near the Lacy House, in close proximity to the ever memorable battle-field. At daylight on the morning of the 5th, the Reserves, with the Bucktails in advance as skirmishers, moved forward in the direction of Parker's Store. At nine A. M., Major Hartshorn reported to General Crawford that he had come upon the enemy's skirmishers, and that their line extended considerably beyond both his flanks. Other regiments were at once distributed upon the line, and Colonel M'Candless with the First Brigade moved to his support. These dispositions completed, the Bucktails advanced ad an attacked the enemy's skirmishers, pushing them back to their line of battle, and to a point in full view of Parkers Store. The enemy was discovered to be in great force, and the skirmish line 1864 WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN. 921 held its position with difficulty. At one P. M., intelligence was communicated to Major Hartshorn that the division was falling back, and that his command was being surrounded. The skirmishers were immediately withdrawn, and the regiment re-formed in the open ground which had been occupied by his supports. The march to the rear was commenced upon the same road by which it had advanced in the morning. After proceeding a short distance it was discovered that the enemy had possession of this road and was rapidly extending his line to the right. The woods being very dense the Major closed up his regiment, and cautiously moved on, as close as possible to the rebel column, and, in a favorable position, ordered a charge, by which he succeeded in breaking through the cordon that had been drawn around him, and in reaching the division with a loss of but fourteen men. On the morning of the 6th, the Reserves were moved to the right of the Fifth Corps, and formed in two lines, the Bucktails on the left of the First Brigade, when they advanced to the attack. The fighting was severe, and was kept up. throughout the whole day without advantage to either side. At night the regiment moved with the division to the supportof the Sixth Corps, on the extreme right, suddenly attacked, but was relieved, and returned to the Lacy House before the morning of the 7th. At one P. M. Major Hartshorn was directed to deploy his regiment to the front, and move forward to ascertain the strength of the enemy's works, which had been constructed during the night. Colonel Ent, of the Sixth, was ordered to protect his flanks. Approaching the rebel line of skirmishers, a charge was made, driving him back into his entrenchments, when his artillery opened with grape and canister. The object. of the reconnoissance having been accomplished, Major Hartshorn fell back to his old-position, carrying with him his.killed and wounded, two of the former and twenty-one of the latter. During the night of the 7th, the march was commenced towards Spottsy. vania. At ten A. M., of the 8th, the enemy was encountered three miles north of the town. When the Bucktails came upon the field, the First and Second Divisions of the Fifth Corps were already hotly engaged. Forming in line under a severe fire, on the left of the road leading to the Court House, a charge was made by the division across an open field, driving the enemy out of a wood beyond, which position was held until three P. M., when, finding that the enemy was massing in great force in front, and was moving around on its unprotected flanks, the order was given to fall back to the position held in the morning. During the evening the Reserves made three charges and were as often repulsed. On the 9th, the regiment was sent to the right of the corps, and as skirmishers advanced to the Po River, taking up a position which it held until the 10th, when it was withdrawn and placed on the right of the division, in line at Mountain Run. Here the regiment participated in the two assaults made on the enemy's works, in both of which our forces were repulsed. On the night of the 10th, it was again placed at the front, and kept up a constant fire throughout the night. On the 11th, an assault was made by the entire army. The position of the Reserves was in front of a double line of works which the enemy had thrown up during the previous night. Two attempts were made to carry them by assault, but in vain. The Bucktails were employed during the 12th in picking off rebel artillerymen, and driving them from the guns in the works which they had unsuccessfully charged on the previous day. On the 13th, the regiment 116 -922 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTA1L, 1864 was, for the first time since the opening of the campaign, relieved from the front and allowed a day of rest. On the following day, together with the division, it marched several miles to the left, where it remained actively employed upon the skirmish line until the 20th, when the march was continued to Guinea Station, and from thence, on the 22d, to Jericho Ford, on the North Anna River, which the men were forced to cross by wading,holding their cartridgeboxes above their heads. After the division was safely across, Colonel Harding commanding the brigade, directed Major Hartshorn to advance with his skirmishers and clear the woods in front. This movement was successfully accomplished, and upon the advance of the brigade took position on its right, where a determined attack, made by the enemy at five P. M., was handsomely repulsed. The interval between the 22d and 26th was occupied in skirmishing, and in strengthening the position held. During the night of the 26th, another movement to the left was commenced, and after a three days' march the command reached the vicinity of Bethesda Church. On the morning of the 30th, Major Hartshorn was ordered to advance his skirmishers to the Mechanicsville road, a mile in his front. The enefy's skirmishers were soon met and driven a half mile, when the Major found that a large force of rebels was advancing, with lines extending beyond both his flanks. Reporting the fact to Colonel Hardin, he fell back slowly until he met the brigade coming to his support. Forming line on the right of the brigade, a charge was made upon the advancing enemy driving him back to the shelter of some woods. Discovering that the line which he had driven was only the advance of a larger force, Colonel Hardin ordered his brigade to fall back to a position in line with the Third Brigade, and immediately commenced throwing up rifle pits. He ordered Major Hartshorn to hold the enemy in check with his skirmishers,, to fall back slowly, and to take position on the left of the brigade. This manceuvre was so successfully executed that ample time was given to complete a strong line of works. On the near approach to the lines, Major Hartshorn was so hard pressed that he was obliged to throw two companies to the right, upon the line occupied by the Third Brigade. With the remaining eight companies he succeeded in reaching the position designated by Colonel Hardin, in time to bear his full part in the handsome repulse gven to the enemy as he advanced to the assault. Colonel Fisher warmly commended the conduct of the two companies which had been driven into his lines, and which fought with his brigade. This was the Bucktails' last battle, their time of service having this day expired The casualties during the campaign were two officers and twenty-six enlisted men killed, and six officers and one hundred and twelve enlisted men wounded. The veterans and recruits were transferred to the One Hundred and Ninetieth, of which Major Hartshorn was appointed Colonel, and the regiment was mustered out of service at Harrisburg on the 11th of June, 1864. The old bunting, which had floated over the rafts on which the original Bucktails were borne down the Susquehanna in April, 1861, and which had been carried by them in all their campaigns, was borne in procession in Philadelphia, on the 4th of July, 1866, by the scarred veterans who survived, and delivered up to the Governor of the State, amid the loud acclamations of the multitude, as they recognized the familiar emblem that surmounted its staff. TH EE YEARS' SERVICE, 923 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. AME.| RANEK. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. R R EA KS. ~.....;'INTO SERVICE. REMARK Thomas L. Kane... Col...... May 12,'61, 3 Mus. as private, May 13, 1861-pr. to Col., June 12, 1861-res. and elected Lt. Col., June 13,'61wd. at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861, and at Harrisonburg, June 6, 1862-pr. to Brig. Gen., Sept.,-I-to~ ~Bv.~7,1862-to Bv. Maj. Gen., Mar. 13,'65-resigned Nov. 7,1863. Charles J. Biddle.....d..... May 29,'61, 3 Resigned February 1, 1862. Hugh W. M'NeiL......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. D, to Col., Jan. 22, 1862-killed at Antietam, September 16, 1862. Charles F. Taylor.....d....o May 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. H, to Col., March 1,'63-killed at Gettysburg, July 2,'63. Alans6n E.Niles.... Lt. Col. May 31'61,, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. E, to Maj., Mar. 1, 1863-to Lt. Col., May 15, 1863-resigned Mar. 28, 1864. Roy Stone............... Major.. May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Maj., June 13, 1861-to Col. of 149th P. V., Aug. 29, 1862. W. R. Hartshorn........do...May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Adjt., Feb. 1862-to Maj., May 22, 1863mustered out with regiment, June 11, 1864. John T. A. Jewett... Adj.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain Co. D, Feb. 5, 1862. Roger Sherman...d........... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj. to Adjt., May 23,1863-resigned ~; ~- -,i~I - -March 21, 1864. Henry D. Patton.... Q M... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. V., Dec. 1,'62. Lucius Truman.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. S. D. Freeman........ Surg.... May 29,'61, 3 Resigned October 1, 1862. JonathanJ. Comfort...do..... Dec. 17,'62, 3 Transferredto 190th reg. P. V.,May31,1864-Bv. Lt. Colonel, March 13, 1865. W. T. Humphrey.... As.Sur. June 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Surg. 149th reg. P. V., Sept. 5, 1862. W. B. Jones............do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Resigned November 1, 1862. Daniel- 0. Crouch.,........... Dec. 1,'62, 3 Resigned June 10, 1863. Lafayette Butler.......do... Sept. 30,'63, 633 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 30,'64. W. H.D.Hatton.... Chap'n Aug. 3,'61, 3 Resigned November 11, 1862. William Baker......Sr. Maj. Aug. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Wn.mC. CHunter....... Q.M.Sr May 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P V.,, May 31,'64-Vet. John Lemon........ Con. Sr May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal company K, January1,'63-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. B. Fenton Ward...... os. St. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. I, July 1, 1862. Jeremiah J. Starr....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to lO0th reg. P. V., May 81,'64 —Vet. Henry Zundel....... P1. Muc May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from private company F, Sept. 1863_ __ _ ~mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. CO MPANY A. RECRUITED AT LAWRENCEVILLE, TIOGA COUNTY. Philip Holland....... Capt.... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. John G. Harrower... o...... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, March:-'..... e -....41, 1863-resigned June 22, 1863. Neri B. Kinsey...... st Lt... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company C, March 1, 1863brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Edwin J. Leonard.....do..... Aug.,'61 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 1,'63mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Daniel Orcutt........ 2d Lt... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, March 26,'63-killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 8, 1864. Ariel K. Sayles...... Serg't.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edmund J. Hunt...do.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. John Hawe........... do... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'62. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been:used in the-preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from: PI. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteranvolunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiratin.. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 924 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-~BUCKTAIL, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMA. Dan. S. Boardman.. Serg't.. June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Andrew Godfrey........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John M. Steele...........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. A. V. Vanarsdale......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'62. Wm. N. Ramsey.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Pris. fr. May 19, to Dec. 6,'64-disch. Mar. 31,'65. Orrin M. Stibbens......do..... June 11I'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Sam. 0. Millsworth...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. John B. Wakley..... Corp.... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. A. John Smith........do.....June 11,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. in action-.date unknown. Horace A. Stever.......do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 13,'62. Albert A. Seeley........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Arnold, Eli S......... Private June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Buck, Francis............do... June 11,'61 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, May 21,'64 —mus. out with company, June 11,. 1864. Baker, Albert.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Dicharged Nov. 17,'62, for wds. rec. in action. Brimer, Uriah...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1861. Bowman, Geo. W......do.....- June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bogart, Wallace.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died Aug.2,'62, of wds. rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62-bu. in Cyp. Hill Cem, L. I. Babcock, Thaddeus..do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Bruce, Edwin T.......do..... Aug. 21, "61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May. 12,'64-Vet. Beeman, Seymore......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July 21, 1863. Card, SimonB...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Colgrove, Orner.......:do..... June 11,'61, 3 -Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cobel, Norman K......doo..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cady, Alpheus..........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 1S,'64-Vet. Cowels, Henry S........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Counselman, Wash...do..... Aug. 21, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'62. Clark, Charles W,.....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. Chase, William H.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, September 1, 1861. Conklin, Joseph.........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Died December 30, 1862, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Cole, James, Jr.........do.. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died at Falmouth, Va., May 19, 1862. Crocket, John............ do.... Oct. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Doyle, George K........do. June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 Vet. Durkes, Levi............do. June 11,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 14,'62, for wds. rec. in action. Dougherty, George.....do.....June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May31,'64 —Vet. Davis, Samuel S....do..... July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate; May 4, 1862. Davidson, James K...do.;.... July 24,'62, 3 Discharged Feb. 20,'63, for wds. rec. in action.. Dorey, Henry S......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Drummond, R. B......do... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Drifuss, Solomon.....do..... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Davis, Leroy P............do June 11,'61, 3 Died September 6, 1862, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Drummon, Eben B...do.... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Drier, Charles...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll.: Edgarton, Wilton......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64,-Vet. Evans, Michael.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24, 1863. Freeland, Samuel......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Freeman, Freedom...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. July 4,'61. Grover, Reuben S......do... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June ii, 1864. Gorton, Farnsworth...do. June 11,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 31,'62; for wounds received in action. Goodel, Abner..........do... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Goodnough, Wil'rd...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died Sept. 12,'62, of wounds received at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Guyer, Charles........do June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, Va., June 26, 1862. Gee, George H...........do..June 11,'61 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Hayler, Fred'k M......do. June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 15,'62. Herrick, Pierce.........do..,. June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9,'61. Harvey, Hiram W.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4,'61. Hill, John [...............do June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 24,'61. Harrower, Gab'l F.....do.... July 21,'61, 3 Mustered out August 9, 1864. Hardy, Michael........do.....June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Impson, Benj. E........do...June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'61. Impson, Joseph C....do.....Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., March 4, 1862. Kemball, George........do July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9,'61. Kinsey, Niles V........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'62. Kriner, Joseph..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died at Newburg, Pa., August 19, 1861. Lewis, Win. J...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged-on Surgeon's. certificate, Feb. 27,'63. Lyon, George E......do. June 11,'61,. 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Lewis, Lewis 0.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Bull RunAugust 29, 1862. M'Fall, Alex. G.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Clure, Perry......d..do..... June 11,'61, 3 Dischargedaon Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'62. Magee, Hugh J........do.... June 11,'613 Transferred to 190th reg.. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Cort, Patrick.......do..... Aug. 3,'62, 3 Transferred to U. -. Navy, Sept., 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 925 NAME. RANwe.DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Miller, Joseph........ Private July 21,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1861. Miller, James 4H......do.....June 11,'61, 3 Deserted March 2, 1862. Moorehouse, Adon.....do.....Aug. 21,'61, 3 Deserted and joined 6th U. S. Cav., Nov., 1862. Newcomer, A............do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 16, 1862. O'Dell, Henry..........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Olin, Edward...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Phinney, Benj. F......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Phillips, S. D............do..... June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Rowley, Seeley B.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21,'64-mustered out with company, June 11,'64,.Roher, Silas........ do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds rec. in action, Reed, Tip.............. -do..... July 21,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., Mayj 8, 1864. Rowley, John R....... do.....June 11,'61, 3 Deserted September 17, 1862. Seamon, Eli B...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Self, William E.........do..... June 11,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Smith, Cornelius J...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Sweet, Aser..............do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Seeley, Wmi. R..........do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'62, Stanley, Levi............do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23,'62. Sullivan, T. W..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Stewart, Thomas P.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 13,'62, Stebbins, Samuel......do..... June I1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown, Seeley, William G.....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, October, 1863. Sullivan, Rich'd B.....do..... July 21'61, 3 Deserted and joined 6th U. S. Cav., Nov., 1862. Taggart, Henry H.,...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1.864. Turner, James C......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62, VanViiet, Isaac,.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Vasttinder, James.....do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1861, Wiles, Allison..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wright,: William D...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 5,'61. WalkeriJames..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 28, 1863, for wds. rec. in action. Webster,. Homer D...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Diseh. for wounds rec. in action-date unknown, W.iles, Luther..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wakeley, Sam'l S......do..... June 11'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Webster, James..........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Willoughby,G.W.R..do..... June 11,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Wakeley, Mort. S....do..... June 11;'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. C OxMPAoNY B:. RECRUITED AT DUNCANNON, PERRY COUNTY. Langhorn Wistar... Capt.... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Col. 150th reg. P. V., Sept. 4, 1862. Thomas B. Lewis......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 12, 1861-to Capt., Sept. 16, 1862-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. John A. Culp......... 1st Lt... June 4,'61, 3 Resigned November 1, 1861. William Allison........do... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 16, 1862. Philip E. Keiser........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 12, 1861 —to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 1863-mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Joel R. Sparr......... 2d Lt... June 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Dec. 12, 1861-to 2d Lt., March I, 1863 —mus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Frederick A. Perry 1st Sgt June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant, July 5,1863mustered out with company, June 11,'64. ThJomas J.Belton.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-buried in National Cemetery, Section B, grave, 91. Chas. W. Tierney... Serg't.. June 4,'61, 3 Promotedfrom privatetoSergeant, Nov. 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rob't B.Bothwell......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. to Sgt., Nov. 20, 1863 —wd. May 12, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. J. W. Muntzebaugh...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, July 1, 1863mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lemuel K. Morton...do.....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged May 27, 1864. John O'Brien..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died June 4, 1864, of wounds received at Spott. sylvania C. H., May 9, 1864. Mark Burke..........do...Aug. 7,61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1863. Joseph H. Meek..... Corp.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hiram G. Wolf.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. J. H. Muntzebaugh...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Disch. by Gen. Order of War Dep't, 1862. John W. Parsons......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8,'62. Henry J. Jones....... do.....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'63. Jacob E. Stuckey... l..do June 4,'61,3 Died Nov. 16, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. 926 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERB INTO SERVICE. REMARK Samuel Galbraith.... Corp... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. John Wilkinson..... Muc.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged August 2, 1861. Austin, Charles......Private June 4'61, 3 Wounded May 7,'64-absent, sick, at muster out. Arnold, George -L.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 5, 1863. Branyan, Rob. H.......... June 4,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Branyan, James A.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Breckbill, Jerem'h...do..... June 4,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Burns, James E.........do.....June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4, 1861. Bolden, James...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9, 1862i Black, Isaac G..,.......do..... Dec. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'62. Barth, John............do... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8, 1863. Cook, George L.........do.... June 4,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Casswell, Edward......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'63; Duncan, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,',64-Vet. Dile, George L...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Davis, Enoch R.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'62. Evans, David...........do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Ebright, George W...do..... June 4,'61 3 Died February 28, 1862. Etter, Jacob...............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 11, 1861. Fissell, William A.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fissell, John A..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Farnesworth, Sam'l...do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Foster, Erastus R......do,..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'62. Foster, Francis A......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Disch. May 1,'62, for wounds received in action. Fleck, Ephraim B......Jdo..... Juby General Order, Nov. 14, 1862. Furlong, Philip........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63.8 Foran, Patrick...........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Died at Manassas, Va., April 13, 1862. Green, Thomas G......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gillespie, T. W.........do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Holland, Wm. A......do..... June 4,'61, 3. Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.: Hartzell, Isaiah..... do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hood, John..............do.... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 24,'61. Hayner, Edward.......do.... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Irvin, W.'H. H.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62. Jones, Nicholas Y.....do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jamison, John..........do..... June 4,'61, 3'Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4,'61. Jumper, Conrad.......do.... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Johnson, Wm. H......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Absent, in U. S. Insane Asylum, at muster out. Kugler, Charles.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Lenig, Joshua............do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 12,'62. Lewis, John B.......do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Lehman, Peter........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died September 20, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Lawyer, Joseph T.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 15, 1862. Mayall, Miles A.........do..... June- 4,'61, 3 Transferredto 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. M'Callum, George.....do... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4,'61. Mell, John H...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Myers, Jacob............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. Mitchell, Sam'l M......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Mick, Solomon..........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'62. Meck, John C........do....'. Mar. 6,'62, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,1863. Metz, Andrew J.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 9, 1863. Magee, Ambrose B.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Died March 1, 1863, of wounds received at Fred.ericksburg, December 13, 1862. M'Cloud, Jacob........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Deserted —date unknown. Pressley, William.....do..... June 4,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pennell, John...........do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3Discharged April 28,'62, for wds. rec. in action. Parsons, Theo. A...do...:..- Mar. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Roberts, Thomas C...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Jun6 11, 1864. Richard, David..do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,?62. Reynolds, John.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Transferred to company F-date unknown. Rennard, Charles.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. D, 46th reg. P. V., Sept. 24,'61. Raup, George...........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Sweger, Absalom......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shively, Thomas J.....do..... June 4, 61, 3'61 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 9,-1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Shively, George W...do....'. June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, John C..........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64 —ab..sent, in hospital, at muster out. Staekle, John F.........do..... June 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Sheaffer, Oliver.......do..... June 4,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, July 24, 61. Stevenson, Wm. M...do'...: June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Seward, Levi..........do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Snyder, Truman K...do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, Dec. 11, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 927 DATE OF MUSTER R ME. RANK INTO SERVICE. MARKS. Shatto, George W... Private Aug. 6,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31, 1864. Shatto, Alexander......do..... Aug. 10,'6, 3 Transferred to190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Sayers, John.............do..... June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Spear, Samuel............do.. June 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Sparr, George H.......do..... Oct. 10,'61 3 Died at Chesapeake Hospital, Feb. 7, 1863. Seller, Reuben..........do June 4,'61, 3 Deserted May 8, 1863. Seller, John..............do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Deserted December 22, 1862. Shatto, John E........do... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Deserted May 1, 1863. Topley, Samuel A.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,July 28,'62. Valentine, Robert B...do..... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Vanzant, James N.....do..... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Walker, James.........do.... June 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Watson, George C......do June 4,'61, 3 ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4,'61. COMPANY- C.* RECRUITED IN CAMERON COUNTY. JohnA. Eldred..... Capt.....June 1,'61, 3 Resigned September 10, 1861. L. W. Gifford...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 2d Lt. to Capt. —res. Nov. 17, 1862. Neri B. Kinsey.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. of Co. A, to Capt., Mar. 1, 1863trans. to Co. C, 190th reg. P. V. May 31, 1864.. Wm. B. Jenkins......st Lt... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. J. Wood Craven......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 63-to Bv. Capt., Mar. 13,'65-mus. out with Co., June 11,'64. Oscar D. Jenkins.... 2d Lt... June 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 2, 1861-wd. at Jf~~~~~~:'~; -Fredericksburg,Dec. 13, 1862-res. Apr. 20, 1863. Moses W. Lucore.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Pronmoted to 2d Lt., July 1, 1863-transferred to Co. C, 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Enoch Barnum...... Serg't.. June 1, 61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20,'61, and Fred. - ericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-absent, on detached duty, at muster out. Augustus Smith.......d.... June 1, 61, 3 Transferredito 190th reg. P., May31,'64-Vet. Sydney Crocker...C.. Corp.... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. G. W. Fine............do.... June 1,'61, 3 Killed atHarrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Akley, Levi R....... Private..................... 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Akley, Sydney L.....do...... 3 Transferredto 190th regiment.P. V., May 31,'64. Akley, Reuben.......do...................... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Burrows, Cassin........do..... June 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Brown, W. W.............................. 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward-date unknown. Blair, John P............do..... June 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to 190th regiment-date unknown. Butcher, F. H............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to-cavalry reg.-date unknown. Bennett, A. D............do.... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Campbell, Thomas.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cook, George W.......do...................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificatedate unknown. Clark, James............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Coorst, Samuel.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P.'V., May 31,'64-Vet. Campbell, John J.....do.................... 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64.' Carner, Erastus.........do......................3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Carney, Charles B.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Coorst, William E.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Canfield, Frederick...do....................... 3 Died of wounds rec. at Harrisonburg, June 6,'62. DIaughenbaugh,-C.....do..June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Dehort, Uriah...........do.... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Cross Keys, June 8, 1862-trans. ferred to 190thregimentP. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Doty, William...........do.......................3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Denham, E. P...........do....................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Davison, Reese J......do...................... 3 Captured June 8,;1862-transferred to 190th regi. ment P. V., May 31, 1864. Dailey, Philip..........do.-.. July 1,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Danly, John S..........do..... July 1,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Dual, J. S................do..June 5,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Easterbrooks, E. P...do..................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. French, Leonard.......do..... d June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonbuzg,June 6,'62, Frede. ricksburg, December 13,1862, and Gettysburgmustered out with company, June 11, 1864. * There being no muster-out rolls of companies C, F and I of this regiment on file in Adju. tant General's Office, the names and records were copied from the roster of these companies, as compiled by J. R. Sypher, Esq., in his history of the "Pennsylvania Reserve Corps." 928 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL, I ~ NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUST REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. REES. Fairbanks, D. W.... Private June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Felker, John............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Captured at Harrisonburg, June 6,'62-wounded at Gettysburg-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Freeman, D............do....................... Wounded at Cross Keys, June 8, 1862-transferred and promoted-date and rank unknown. Gibbs, Albert E.... d....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gettings, John H........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Gettysburg-absent at muster out. Gleason, Michael L...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent at muster out. Guthrie, Smith E.....do..... June 1, 61, 3'Mustered.out with company, June 11, 1864. Greeley, Horace H.....do......................3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Guthrie, George.......do.... June 1, 61, 3 Discharged by Special Order-date unknown. Green, George...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Greal, John...............do.....June,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Grow, John..............do.....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Haumer, Alvin.......do..... June 1, 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haumer, George........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action. Hiller, Albert........... do...June 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Horton, Irwin............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hanlon, Patrick B.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Inglesby, Russel A...do.... 3 Discharged for wounds received in action. Johnson, Jas. A. C......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Jordon, L. T...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Killed-date unknown. Kirk, Firman T.....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lyons, Owen.............do...June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lucore, Luther..........do.. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received in action. Lindsay, Thomas.......do..d..............3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Landers, S. W..........do... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Lucore, Anson..........do June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Malone, Thomas........do................... 3 Wd. June6,?62-Antietam Sept. 17,'62, and Fredericksb'g, Dec. 13,'62-disch.-date unknown. Minard, B. F........... do... June 5,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Murphy, William......do... June 5,'61, 3 Discharged June 25, 1861. Mestler, G. F.............do... June 1,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Cross Keys, Va., June 8,'62. Miller, JS.............do...June 1,'61, 3 Killed-date unknown. Minard, Seneca F.....do. June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Moyer, Samuel C......do... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. M'Carrick,Matthew..do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Henry, John A.....do............. 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent at muster out. M'Mahon, Simon.......do... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64.-Vet. M'Elhany, John.......do.....June 1,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action. M'Gill, J. C..............do.. June 1,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. M'Gowen, Geo. W......do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. M'Henry, Perry.........do............. 3 Died of wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. M'Cann, John............do....June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Greggor, Chas. A...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Norris, John............do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Artillery-date unknown. O'Bryne, James.........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Payne, William........................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Parker, Lewis............do........................3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Patterson, G. L..do... June 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Post, Smith G.... d...d......do............. 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Radder, Johdn........ do. June 1,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Russel, J. S... d.....d June 161, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sharp, Samuel...........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sheely, Patrick........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Shoemaker, Wm.....do.... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smithers, John.........do... June 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Soper, Samuel M......do.... June 1,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness-buried in Wilderness Burial Grounds. Sanford, Samuel........do.... June 1, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Schlatzer, Orrin J....do..... June 1,'61, 3 Wd. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Shattock, Benjamin..do... June 1,'61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sloat, William..........do......................3 Disch. on Surgeon' certificate-date unknown. Stolliker, Abraham...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'4-Vet. Thall, John............do..... June,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 180-4. Taylor, Jerome.......do.......... 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 929 ANK.DATE OF MUSTER BAI NK. INTO SERVICE. c RE4MARRS apper, Darius...... Private.............. 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Titcomb, David.....J...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Washburn, Jas E......do..... June 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wright, Benj. F.........do.................... 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.-date unknown. C-OMPANY D. RECRUITED IN WARREN COUNTY. RoyStone.............. Capt.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, June 13, 1861. Hugh W. M'Neil.d..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, June.:Bdh ~ a. Je......I M1, 1861-to Colonel, January 22, 1862.,John T. A. Jewett.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to Ist Lieut., June 12, 1861-to Captain, Feb. 5, 1862-resigned Jan. 5, 1863. D G. M'Naughton...do...... May 29,'61, 3 Pr. from private to 2d Lt., June 24, 1861-to 1st Lt., March 1,'62-to Capt., March 1,'63-to Bv. Major, March 13, 1865 — mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ribero: D. Hall........ st Lt... May 29,'61,3 Pr. from priv. to 2d Lt., Feb. 28,'63-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1, 1863-mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. RobertHall.... 2d Lt... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Mar. i.'A*.....,.....~~.....1, 11863-killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. James H. Marton... 1st Sgt. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. HarryT. W eave er..eg't.. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864.: Edwin Muzzey....... do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martin Hosley..... do.... d May 29,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. A'. C. Williams...:..o..... do May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, -. -/~ - -1862-discharged November 29, 1862. John Hamlin............ do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. And. J-. Deming.........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Benj. Haskall......d...do... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., Oct. 29, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Rosco A. Hall............do..May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. tAugustus A. Trask....do...May 28,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Joseph Turbett..... Corp.. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Horance Lafayette.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wds. received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Charles H. Martin...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Akin, Elijah.............do...May 29,'61, 3 Discharged September 22, 1862; for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Abbott, William..... Private May 29,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, June 15, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Benton, Charles M.....do..... Aug 461,'61,3 Discharged August 14,1862, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Bordman, Wallace.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., October 24, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Barber, Henry C........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted March 10, 1862. Coughlin, Francis......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Clark, William H.......do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clough, Eleazer A......do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'62. Cartwright, Peter......do..... Aug. 4,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'62. Chase, George..........do.....Sept. 9,'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Clacy, David H........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City CrossRoads, June 30,'62. Chapel, Adlbert M...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. -Cobb, Myron C........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Collins, Cordillo........do..... May 29, 61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Devough, Theoph's...do..... May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. — Dvins James.;.....do...... May 29,'61 3 Mustered out with company, June I, 1864 DeavinsJiies...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dunton, Joseph W..d..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19,'61. Dorrin, Barney....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to90threg.P.V.,May31,1864. Ellison, HoranceW...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26,'61. Ellis, Matthew E....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted February 1, 1863. Freeman, Francis H...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Fisher, George........do..... Aug. 9,'61,3 Tranferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'G4-Vet. Flatt, Lewis D........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged June 5, 1863, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Gannon, Michael.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gordon, Abner M......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gruay, Francis........do.... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 7, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Gates, Jacob...........do.... June 24,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29,'62. 117 930 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL, Ne. R WeK. NA~ RANK. ~DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. Geer, Nelson........... Private May 29,'61, 3 Discharged March 15, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Gates, George........do.... June 26,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Glazier, Henry H......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Green, William H....do.. Sept. 7,'61, 3 Died at Falmouth, Va., May 14, 1862. Humphreys, T. K......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hamlin, John F........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hamlin, Sylvester.....do.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'62. Hogarth, Frederick...do.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Honicker, Jacob........do..... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'62. Havens, John............d....o Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'62. Hobert, Freeland......do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 20, 1862. Humphreys, R. M....do..... Feb. 6, 62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 6, 1863 ELorrigan, Edward.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Halcomb, Edward....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted March 10, 1862. Johnson, Amos H......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jaggens, Peter......... Tdo...1 July 31, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 6, 1863. Junkin, George Q......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killedat Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Kinnear, Robert A.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kennedy, Grah. M.....do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 9, 1863. Kincade, Thos. H.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged March 9, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Knopf, Frederick......do.....Aug. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to ]90th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Knowlton, Byron D...do..... May 29, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, January 17, 1862. King, John N...........do July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 12,'63. Keating, Michael......do... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 20,'63. Lindsey, John W......do..... May 29, 61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, September, 1861. Langworthy, F. W...do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, January 17, 1862. Lyman, L. Bent............ May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7,'62. Lasser, Lawrence......do.... Aug. 12, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lane, Benjamin.......do... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Metz, Charles...........do.. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martz, William H......do.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged March 9, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14,1862. Millspaugh, O. F.......do..... May 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 26,'63. Mitchel, Perry.........do.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. June 10,'63. M'Elheany, John......do..... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. M: Murtrie, Theo.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 41st regiment P. V., Jan 10, 1862. MIorrison, James R...do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. M'Murray, John.......do...May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Nutting, Charles C...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Page, William........do May 29'6, 13 Mustered out witn company, June 1.1, 1864. Powers, Patrick........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Quigley, George B....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, kug. 1,'62. Runyan, Henry H....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Rose, John P...........do May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Singleton,Theodore...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June o11 1864. Struble, David...... do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Seaman, Dwight........do..May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to company K, October 12, 1861. Silvernail, Calvin.....do....May 29,'61, 3 Died at Darnestown, Md., September 27, 1861. Steward, James........do...May 29,'61, 3 Died-date unknown —-of wounds received at Antietam. September 17, 1862. Shawl, William H.......do.. May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 2, 1862. Trask, Walter V......do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Vanarsdale, Wm.......do..May 29,'61, 3 Killd at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Whittaker, Joseph..;.do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wood, Sylvester.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864-absent at muster out.'Walker, James B......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864-absent at muster out. Wedierman, Julius...do..... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'62. Wallace, William......do.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'62. Whitlock, Sam'1 B..... do..Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged December2, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Williams, Frank M...d.... Sept. 11,'61, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. York, Elias...............do... ug. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Young, John..........do... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Discharged-dateunknown-of woundsreceived ________ at Charles City Cross Roads, June 39, 1862. _ _o THREE Y~ER RS SEFRVICE. 931 COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT WELLSBORO', TIOGA COUNTY. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. REMARKS INTO SERVICE.. AEMARKS. PI Alanson E. Niles.... Capt.... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, March 1, 1863. Samuel A. Mack.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863-to Capt., June 14, 1863-lmus. out with company, June 11, 1864. Lucius Truman......st Lt... May 29,'61,.3 Promoted to Quartermaster, March 1, 1863. George A. Ludlow.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 1, 1863 — to 1st Lt., June 14, 1863-disch. Sept. 26, 1863. William Taylor........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Sept. 10, 1862-to 1st Lieut., Oct. 10. 1863-dismissed April 28, 1864. J. V. Morgan.........Sergt. May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lemuel Fause....... do.... May 31,'61, 3 Absent at muster out. Robert G. Christnot...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet.. Peter D. Walbridge...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Jacob Huck...............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. George W. Sears........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Alfred Bardwell.........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged May 22, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. George 0. Derby........do..... May. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Caleb Fenton..............do.... May 31,'61, 3 Died May 22, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 8,'64-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. S. A. Campbell...... Corp.... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edwin Roughton......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred from Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864-absent at muster out. Wallace M. Moore.....do.....May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. James A. Christnot...do.. May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John C. Potts...........do.... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Robert Kelsey...........do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'63. Walton Williamson Muc..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regient P. V., May.31,'64. Alleen,Edward K... Private May 31,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster but. Anderson, Thos. L.....do.... May 31,61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 26, 1862buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Borden, Orasmus P...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bassett, John J.........do... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Boatman, Wm. S......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'63. Bordon, Bela............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 4,'63. Bacon, Daniel............do.... May 31,,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'61. Bacon, Morgan L......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 13,'61..Burrell, Wesley.........do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, August 23, 1861. Blackwell, William...do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 4,'64. Campbell, Wash'n.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Catlin, Lorenzo.........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864-absent at muster out. Carney, Simon S........do..... Jan. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Crossett, Martin.......do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 30,'62. Cole, Jacob...............do..... Mar. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 3,'62. Campbell, Sam'l W...do.. May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Cleveland,Martin V...do.... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Corbin, Daniel...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged April 25,'64, for wds.rec. in action. Cook, George...........d..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Killed at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Chaplain, Geo. W......do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 10, 1864-Vet. Decker, Isaac..........do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Davis, Daniel G.........do.... Mar. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 24,'62. Dewcy, Brazilla K......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. English, John............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eicholtz, Julius A.-...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate; Aug. 2,'61. English, William......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company F-date unknown. Grow, Horace H........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred from Veteran Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864-absent at muster out. Graves, Caleb............do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'62. Huck, Samuel..........do..... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Huck, George...........do..... May 31, 61, 3 Missing in action at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Horn, John C............do.... May 31'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Happy, Lewis..........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 16,'62. Hoadley. Charles...d..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Iogan, Richard......[...do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 12, 1i a2. Horton, Melvin R.....do.. May 31,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Johnson, Alonzo..do.. Aug. 7,'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. 932 FORTY-SECOND REGIMBENT-BUCKTAIL, KimballNCharles...... do..... Aug.M7,1619 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificateg-Sept. 23,R61. INTO SERVICE. ^ BEMARKS. Jackson, Henry......Private Aug. 7,'61 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December, 13, 1862 Kriner, Andrew J.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kinney, pGeorge A.......do g..... 7u 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23,'61. Kimball, Charles......do.....Aug. 7,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,Sept. 23,'61. riner, J ames C.....do..... Aug. 7,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Kimball, Chester F...do..... Aug. 7,'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Kriner, Henry.........do..... Aug. 7, 61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Apr. 20, 1864grave, 1,744. Kriner, George W...do.... May 31, 61 3 Died at amp Pierpont, Va. Nov. 7, 1861. Lampman, DeW. C...do..... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Mosier, Parish...........do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Martin, Thomas......do. May 31, 61 3 Mustered out with company June 11, 1864. NotM'Cabe, James..........do..... May 31, 61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27, 61. Meiner, Philip.......do.... June 9,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'62. etzar, Amoseph RC.......do..... May 31, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'62. OsboManderville,....do May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. orrison, William.....do..... May 31, 61 3 Transferred to 190th reg.P.V., May 31,'64 et. i'Graf Lewis......... do..... Aug. 7,'61 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Morgan, Win. M......do..... May 31, 6, Died Feb. 2,'63, in Libby Prison, of wounds re-'~r. ^ TT TT ^ ceived at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. M'Carty, Henry H......do..... May 31'61, 3 Died August 19, 1861. Mathews, John W......do.....May 31'61 3 Deserted July, 1861. Nott, tephen..........do. May 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'61. lmstead, James....... do.... Aug. 7'61 3 Discharged on Sureon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Ogden, Joseph Risa e...do.Aug. 7,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'61. Osborn, Edward......'..do. Aug. 7,'61, Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, April 18,'63. Potter, Benjamin B do..do.May 31,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Pitts, Wiliam.........do.....May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Patterson, James M...do.....June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeonh's certificate, Feb. 23,'62. Roland, Henry C......do.....May 31 61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Roice,Ethial H....do.May 31,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeo's certifiate, July 16,'61. Robert, Fredrick......do.....May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Readington, John.....do.....Aug. 7, 61, 3Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Ramsey, Joseph E.....do..... May 31,'61 3 Tr. to Co. H, 35th reg. P. V.-date unknown. Rote, Henry I..........do..... 31,'61, 3 Killed at Frederiksburg, December 13,862. Rothweiler, Peter.....do.....June 8,'61, 3 Died December 25, 1862, of wounds received at n ~ Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Snyder, Jacob......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Simmons, Ab't D......do...Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stull, Robert.......,do.....Aug. 7,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25,'63. Satterly, Samuel D...do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'63. Sweet, Gustavus A...do.... May 31,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62.' Smidley, William......do.....Aug. 7,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Spanogle, Peter...do..... June 8,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,1863. Stone, Eugene...... do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Stone, Orrin B.....do.. Mar. 18'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Smith, Thomas R...do..... Aug. 7, 61 3 Died at Darnestown, Md., August 31, 1861. Shuler, Abisah......do.... May 31'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 29, 1862. Sweet, Charles H.....do..... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at South Mduiitain,Seotember 14,1862. Starkweather, Joel...do... May 31,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 13, 1864-Vet. Spicer, Ashbury F....do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Deserted May 28, 1863. Torpy, Aaron B.......do....May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'64. gan, John L....do. June 8,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Vallance, Charles........... Aug. 7,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 6,'62. Varner, Henry..........do.....Aug. 7, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'62. West, James M......o..... May 31'61 3 Mustered out with company, June ll, 1864. Waterman, Ed'n S...do..... May 31, 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Walters, Andrew J...do....May 31,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Weeks, Hiram.....do.... Aug. 7,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Walters, William H...do. May 31'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. West, Philetus A......do.....May 31,'61, 3 Transferredto 190threg. P. V., May31,'64-Vet. Weidley, John H.....do.....June 8,'61, 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.,May 31,'64-Vet. Warner, Abel S......do.... May 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'63. Warriner, Jas. Mi......d.May 31'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23,'61. Wilcox, Edwin.........do. Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Whitmore, Cyrus...1..do..... May 31,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 30, 1862. 'THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 933 COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN CARBON COUNTY. NAME. RANK. INTOF MUSTERVICE. REMARKS. Dennis M'Gee....... Capt.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged May 4, 1863. John A. Wolfe..'............. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant Co. G, to 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 1, 1863-to Captain, May 4, 1863-to Major 190th regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Hugh Mulligan.....stLt.. May 29,'61, 31 Resigned-date unknown. Henry D. Patton........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt., and A. Q. M., Dec. 29, 1862. Ernest-Wright...........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Sept. 14, 1862-to 1st Lieutenant, July 1,'63-to Adjutant 190th regiment P. V., June 6, 1864. Chas. Bitterling..... 2d Lt.. May 29,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Daniel Blett..............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, July 1, 1863-died a — June 30, 1864. W. Harry Ranch.... 1st Sgt.. May 27,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William Rehring.... Serg't.. July 8,'61, 3 Killed in action-date unknown. John Sweeny.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Conrad Vogle'.....do..... d May 29,'61, 3 Killed in action-date unknown. Joseph Eyerly......... Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. George Lienell..... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Captured at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62absent at muster out. William Marshall....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Geo. H. M'Intosh......do....- May 29,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order-date unknown. Joseph Shelly........ do........................ 3 Killed at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,1862. Andrew Quinn...... Muc..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Arnibruster, Fid.... Private May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62-mus~::^~~;~~~~ -tered out with company, June 11,'64. Brisbin, Dennis.........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Buchanan, Julius C...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Beer, Philip..............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bolin, Lawrence 0.....do....................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bierlingmeyer, Geo...do..... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Beckwith, Nathan'l.............................3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bott, George.............do.................... 3 Wounded at Dranesville, December 20, 1861transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Brainon, John..........do... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Buchanan, And. L.....do........................ 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-died-date unknown. Bryant, Thomas 0.....d........... d.... 3 Died-date unknown. Boyle, Patrick........do.....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Chadwick, Everell....do..... Dec. 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862, and Gettysburg —mus. out, Dec. 31, 1864. Caden John...............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 27, 1862-discharged-date unknown. Carroll, John............do............... 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Connohan, John........do...................... 3 Died of wounds received at Fredericksburg. December 13,1862. Curtis, William........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Carri Patrick..............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Carnahan, Andrew...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Connell,Thomas.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted June 22, 1861. Duan, John.......... d........ May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dohii, John.'..........do...... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862 —mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Denison Eber.......do........................ 3 Mustered out with company, June, 184. Davis',Richard H......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order-date unknown. Dougherty, James......... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Dougherty, Mich'l......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Eickhoff, Ferdinad..do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Eickhoff, George......... May 29,'61, 3 Captured at Gaines' Mill, June 24,'62 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ehman, Frederick........ May 29,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order-date unknown. Fell, Stephen H........ do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fenstermacher, Jno.do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-disch. on Surg. cert —date unknown. Gable, Andrew.......do.....................3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Grisshaber, Anth'y...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 26, 186 —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Gangover, Charles.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged by Special Order —date unknown. 934 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT —BUCKTAIL, NAME. RANK. RA R INTO SERVICE. REARKS Hawk, Linford...... Private May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hamlin, Patrick........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hettinger, William...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Herman, Albert........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62 —mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Higgins, Edward L...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30,'62 —mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Hollenbach, Sam'l.....do.......................... 3 Wounded at Gettysburg —mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hollenbach, John........................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry, William O.....do......................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Haley, John............. do......................... 3 Mustered out with company, June ]1, 1864. 1Hyatt, John..............do.......................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hensh, Michael..........do... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hineline, Thomas......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown, Hooker, John M........do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Heck, Isaac....... do...May 29,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Jerman, David..........do.................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Janker, Theodore..... do......................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Johler, John..............do.......................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Kinsor, John W.......do.......................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Kennedy, Patrick......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Kaiser, William.'......May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. King, Martin........... do......................... 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Long, Patrick...........do........................ 3 Wounded at Mechanicsviile, June 26, 1862, and Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lucore, Jackson........do.............. 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Meyer, John.............do... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Matthews, James......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Munson, Henry......do... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Melvin, John S.........do..................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Miller, Ernest..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's ertificatedate unknown. Meddler, Charles....do May 29,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Dranesville, December 20, 1861. Mangold, Peter....... d May 29,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14,1862. Maloy, Barney.....do. May 9,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Cullough, F........ do..................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Cafferty, John.....do May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Elroy, John.........do May 29, 61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Shehan, Patrick.............................. 3 Deserted-date unknown. Osman, John............ do.......................... 3 Captured at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Oviatt, John W.........do........................... 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Pike, Alphonso A.....do..........................3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Rehr, William F........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Ramaly, Lewis.... do. May 29,'61, 3 Deserteddat unknown. Reynolds, John................ 3 Deserted-date unknown. Rhoades, Moses:........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Robbins, Wm. D.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Scott, Thomas V.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Snulty, Charles........do..... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, Williston.......do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Shirmer, William...... do.... May 29,'61', 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sutter, Frederick.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sullivan, Daniel........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. at Fredericksb'g, Dec. 13,'62. Sillinger, Frank........do.............. Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Shannon, Philip.........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps-date unknown. Shlaffly, Christian.:.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Schofield, Court'd......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Sheiry, Stephen;........do...... May 29,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Trout, Charles..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at 2d Bull Run. Vogel, John...........do.......................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Waters, Peter.......do May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg. Ward, James...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Whalin, Michael.......do.....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Wertz, Aaron.......... do. May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Yohler, John............d..... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster roll. Zundle, Henry........do..d May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Zundle, George.........do..:.. Dec. 18,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 935 COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN ELK COUNTY. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS.: ^. K^K..TJ^ I P INTO SERVICE. EM Hugh M'Donald..... Capt.... May 29,'61, 3 Brevet Major, March 13,'65-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jesse B. Doan......... Ist Lt.. May 29,'61,3 Resigned January 11, 1862. Thomas B.Winslow... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from private to 1st Lieutenant, Jan. 11,'62-mustered out with company, June 11,'64. Andrew J. Sparks.. 2d Lt... May 29,'61, 3 Resigned April 21, 1862. John A. Wolf.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, April 23, 1862-to Ist Lt. company F, Feb. 1, 1863. John L. Luther........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Mar. 11, 1863-discharged March 12, 1865. Seth Keys............... Serg't.. May 29,'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jas. B. Thompson.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Captured May 30, 1864 -transferred to 190th regiment, P. V. May 31, 1864-Vet. James M'Coy............do.... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Charles G. Sharrer....do... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Richard E. Lookr...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded May 11,'64-transferred to 190th regiment, P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. John C. Cole..............do..... July 2,'61, 3 Died June 11,'62, of wounds received in action. Dennis Fuller.........do..... Aug. 2,'61. 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Charles B. Wright.....do..... Mav 29,'61, 3 Deserted October 11, 1861. Norman (. Bundy.....do....May 29, 61, 3Deserted August8,1861returned May 8, 1865discharged May 12, 1865. Arnold B. Lucore... Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Thos. J.Stephenson...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Elijah S. Brookins.......... July 27,'61, 3'ransferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. John M'Neil..............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Samuel S. Coldwell...do..... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. John H. Evans.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., July 1, 1861. John Looney............... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John C. Wray..........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa.-date unknown. Arts, John P........... Private May 29,61, 3 Missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. Bundy, Clinton.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Benson, Simon B.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5, 1862. Bailey, Harrison C.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown -for wds. received ^'"d~y~....at Earrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Bigham, Lafayette..'..do.... July 27, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862Bateman, Levi...........do..... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Burnet, Napoleon......do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Barr, Wesley W........do..... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 9, 1864. Cummings, Jas. C.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Cordes, Fred'k G......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Cline, Marcus............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Carpenter, Alvin C...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1861. Chase, William H.....do.....do May 29, 61, 3 Discharged-date unknown -for wds. received at Catlett's Station, Va., August 22, 1862. Carl, Andrew..........do..... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Coleman, Chas. K......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died Sept. 23, 1862, of wounds received in action. Cassiday, James.......do.....July 27,'61, 3 Died March 7, 1862. De Beck, George C......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 13,'64mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Dailey, John F..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 7, 1864-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. De Beck, Allen C......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864-Vet. Davis, Orlando..........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Daniels, William......do...... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 11,'62. Davis, Abraham S....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died July 24, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-buried in National Cemetery, section D-grave, 41. Doan, Edward.........do..... May 29,'61,3 Deserted June, 1861. English, George W...do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Elder, James H.........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged -date unknown - for wds. received at Soutil Mountain, September 14, 1862. Farley, Joseph........... do... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Farlong, Thomas........do..... May 29,,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Fuller, Benjamin............ July 27,'61, 3 Died February 11, 1863. Garrison,TartulasJ..do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. 936 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT —BUCKTATL, NA~ME. R ~ ~ N'INTO SERVICE. - REMARKS. Graham, Andrew J Private May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,1862. Garrison, Justus J...do....May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 28,'62. Gross, Thomas A......do....May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gross, James.............do..... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 28, 1862. Graham, James A......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 4, 1861. Holly, Floyd.............do..... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg, P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hollis, James H.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 22'61. Henderson, D. M......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. by sen. of Gen. Court Mar., Feb. 16, 1862. Hollingshead, J. A.....do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Holly, Alanson.........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Died February 15, 1864. Hoffman, Joseph N...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Ireland, Benjamin...do...... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown —for wounds rec. at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Imes, John...............do..... July 4,'61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Res. Corps-died-date unknown. Johnston, Thos. B......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Keller, Reuben.........do.... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Kreecht, William......do..... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Kelly, Martin.............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., Juno 6, 1862. Kearns, Albert........ July 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leeman, John W......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lukens, Charles.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 22, 61. Lenish, Reuben W...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 2,'61. Lehman, John A.......do.... July 26'61 3 Disch.-date unknown-for wds. rec. n action. Lewis, Lewis............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Montgomery, Thos...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. M'Donald, James...d...d..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.' 1,'62. M'Coy, Michael........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged by sentence of G. C. M., April 9;'63. Mahlen, Allen...........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Disharged-date unknown-for wounds received'at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Miller, John W........do.... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Marginson, Cyrus......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Killed at arrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Nolin, Daniel...........do.... July 27,'61, 3 Committed suicide, May 3, 1862. Norwood, George R...do,.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Price, George H.........d..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, October 28,'62. Padget, Rufus.......... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1863. Quay, Marshal..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Ryan, Thomas H.......do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Reinhart, John..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wounds receiv ed at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. -Robbins, Cyrus.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet Rhanewalt, Aug.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at South Moun tain, September 14, 1862. Rawley, James.........do.... July 27,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Robinson,FrancisH...do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Scott, George W.........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Sparks, Benjamin......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 14,'61 Sawyer, Edward D...do..... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'61 Shaffer, George.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'64. Shiley, John..............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1863. Stark, Watson L........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Stewart, Jackson........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 30, 1863, for wds. received in action. Simers, Andrew J....do..... May 29,'61. 3 Transferred to 190th reg, P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Stephens, Elhannan...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Struble, John W......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sharrer, Robert L......do.... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Sullivan, Jeremiah...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Died October 26, 1861. Sylin, Willard...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Spencer, John A.......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Showers, John.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1861. Tubbs, Nathan H......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown Tilson, Ezra P...........d..... July 27,'61, 3 Died July 11, 1863-bu. in Stranger's Ground, Pittsburg, Pa. Varner, Jesse D.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. (in Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Warton, James W.....o..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Warner, William.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out. Whitehead, Joel H.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out. Welsh, Joseph...........do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wansall, Christian...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 3l,'64 —Vet. Willey, Lawrence.....do.... Dec. 1,'63, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Woodruff, Hiram.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg. July 2, 1863-buried in National Cemetery, Section C-grave, 15. Wenrick, John.........do.... July 27,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg December 13, 1862. Watkins, Wm. D.....do...:. May 29,'61, 3 Killed by accident at Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1862. Warner, Wm. D....do... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted June 29, 1863. Winslow, R. C..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll._ ___ _ THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 937 Co MPANY H. RECRUITED IN CHESTER COUNTY. NAIME. R N K.~DATE oFr MUSTERI NAME. RANK. -E~. REMARKS. INTO SAVIQE... Chiarles F. Taylor... Capt.... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Colonel, March 1, 1863. John D. Yerkes........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2,'63-discharged July 11, 1864 —brevet Major, March 13, 1865. Chandler Hall.....i... lst... May 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. V., Aug. 3,'61. Thomas J. Roney......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. EvanP. Dixon......2d Lt... May 28,'61, 3 Resigned November 24, 1861. Joel J. Swayne......... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Robert Maxwell.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died of wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 8, 1864. Sylvester Gnuthrie... IstSgt.. May 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Allen S, Goodwin......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. ic d Beebe..........do..... May 28,'61,: 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Jacob. W. Pierce........do..., May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 20,'61. Alfred Best. Corp.,[. tay 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Albert Bahel...........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hutton Williams.......do..... May 28,'61,.3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edwin A. Howell......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged. August 25, 1862, for wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. John J. Donahoe.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'62. Phinneas Malin........do,..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1863. Joseph P. Young......do..... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Erdwin Baker............do..... July 22, 61, 3 Transferred to I90th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Aaron Baker..........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Alcott, David.......I Private May 28,'61, 3 pischarged on Surgeon's certificate, July 2,'63. Archer, Lea T.......I...do..... May 28,,'61, 3.Fransferred to 190th reg. P.V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bahel, William.........do..... May 28,'61, Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Brecht, Jonathan.......do.....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered'out with company, June 11, 1864. Brockieus, Charles...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Baker, William.......do.... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 29, 1863. Brink, John B.......do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20,'63. Burrell. Wesley........A..A g. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 23,'63. Bahel, Thomas......'.. d...... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April29,'63. Boozar, Charles.........d.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to.190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Birtsell, Edward......do..... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bills, James C.....d...do..,. May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to, 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Best, Andrew A.. do..A....do,.2.. g,.'62,'3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Best, Thomas F.........do.....Aug. 6,,'62,. 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Barben. Joel M........do..... Augi 3,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Baker, Evan H.........do.... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Briggs William......'.do.....Aug. 7,'61, 3 Transferred to. Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Butler,,James...... do... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Killed' at Antietam, September 16,'62. Briwk, TaGlor..........cdo.... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, March 16,'64-grave, 1,491. Briownk GTeor.e W.do.. A.do g. 7,'61, 3 Deserted January, 1864. Cook, Adolphus....,...do..... My 28,'61,' 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-absent, sick, at muster out. Creamer, Jacob.....do..... May 28,'61i,'3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. Chandler, Thomas.....do..... May 28, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Chambers, Pusey E..,do..... May 28,'61,' 3Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Chadwick, Jos. P......do..... May 28,'61,3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. -Chadwick, John........do.,... Jan. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Cessna, Martin..........do.... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Coyle,- James... do........ug. 1, 61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Creamer, Hiram.......do..... May 28,'61, 3.Died July 11, 1863, of woundsreceived at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Coover, Andrew..do.... Aug. 5,'62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Carter, Harlin EC'...do..... Mar. 27, 62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Durgan, Thomas.....'do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Douglas, Benjamin....do..... May 28, )61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'62. Didy, William B....do..... May 28,'61, 3'Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-aVet. Davis, George W do....d May 28,'61, 3 Transferred' to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Davidson, Edw'd S...do. Aug. 15,'62; 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 64. Drummond, James...do. Sept. S 5,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May31,'64. Davis, Marshall.......do..... May 28, 61, 3 Died May 29, 164, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. Freel, Lorenzo D....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fogg, Elbridge B......do. May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Foreman, Mas H...do.....May 8,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Sept. 17, 1863. Freel, James,..........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, January 25, 1864. Gause, William T......do.... May 28,'61, 3Missing in action, May 7, 1864. Gause, ewisaT do..r...... May 28,'61,31 8 Gause, Lewis T. do.....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June:11, 1864. 118 938 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCEKTAIL, RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAMEIS. i B \INTO SERVICE. MA. Grace, James........ Private May 28,'61, 3 Discharged April, 1863, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Greenfield, Edward...do.... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Gross, Thomas P.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Gross, Ellis P............do..... Aug. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Glisson, Alfred..........do..... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64, Grier, Robert W.....do..... Aug. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Goodwin, Daniel........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gilmore, Rich'd T.....do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Hardy, Ross.......... do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 18(64. Huss, Samuel......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. Hunter, Wm. C........do..... May 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, August 7, 1861. Hanson, Thomas......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Died September 15,'62-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Harrigan, William...do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Died July 30, 1863, of wounds received at Get. tysburg, July 2, 1863. John, Lewis S.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 26,'62. Jackson, John A........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'62. Jacquette, Isaac G.....do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. Jackson, Wn. W......do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Jackson, Edward P...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted June 21, 1861. King, William T........do..... Mar. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. Lynch, James H.......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 18(64. Land, Thomas.........do... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Leedam, Isaac......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Maines, Thomas B.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Montgomery, J. H.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 186(4. Mann, Persifer F...... do..... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Milner, Robert........ do.... July 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'63. M'Cullough, G. W.....do... Aug. 7,'61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Milner, George D...... do.... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864. M'Clurg, Alex. A......do..... Aug. 23, 62, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Oskins, Robert......do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1862. Oskins, John E.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Perry, Thomas........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Peirce, William.......do.....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged July, 1862, for wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Penhollow, Henry.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged February 28, 1863, for wounds received at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Pusey, Joshua.......do... Aig. 23,'62, 3 Discharged March 18, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Penhollow, Charles...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Pennington, T. L.........d... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Died Dec. 24, 1862, at Richmond, Va., of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Page, George W.....do...... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Pratt, Edward.........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 7, 1861. Pettingill, Rob't B.. do..... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 27, 1862. Rigdon, William..do..... May 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Roman, Joseph A......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 20, 1862, to accept promo. tion in company G, 6th Maryland Volunteers. Romig, George W.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Rigdon, John....... d... do.. May 28,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Deoember 13, 1862. Rentz, Frederick....do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted November, 1861. Steigleman, H. C.....do.... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Smith, George......... do..... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61. Starr, Jeremiah J.....do..... May 28, 61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, July 29, 1863. Steigleman, J. W.....do....Nov..13,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Stroble, Henry.......do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Sherman, Roger..... do... May 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, July 20, 1861. Stevens, Henry C.....do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Taylor, Alfred..........do.....May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Taylor, lwood...... do...May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Taggart, Robert....... do... May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 7,'61 Taylor, Isaac........do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V.,.May 31,'64-Vet. Taylor, William...do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Taylor, James...........do.... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Died December, 1862. Taylor, John............do..... May 28,'61, 3 Missing at Chantilly, September 5, 1862-died at Alexandria, Va., June 11, 1865-grave, 2,962. Temple, Benj. F.... do... May 28,'61, 3 Deserted December, 1861. Urban, Charles.........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Watson, Richard......do... May 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. White, Henry C........ do.....May 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. West, Joseph D...do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 21, 1861, to accept promotion. Wilson, Samuel G......do.... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Discharged March 7, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. TIRBEi YEARS' SERVICE. 939.. DATE OF MUSTER iEAR AA. | A IN. TO SI:RVICE. REMARKS Woodward, Mailton.., Private- Mar. I,'62, 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. West, James D..........o Aug 16,', Transferred to 190th reg. P.V., Nay 31,'64-Vet. Way, Lindley E...... do..... Aug. 7.'632, 3'transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Williamson, Fran.......do Aug. 12'62, 3 Transferred to 190th reg imlent P. -', May 31,'64. Watts, William....... do.... Sept 3,'62, Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Widdoes, Heli............... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muter-out roll. Younkins, dward..do..Sept. 3,'62, 3Discharged-dateunknown —for woundsreceived at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN M'KEAN COUNTY. WiW. T. Blanchard Capt.... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862- re signed December 1, 1862. Frank J. Bell............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., March 1, 1863-wd. R. Fenton Ward..... 1st Lt.. May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., July 1,'62-to 1st Lt., March 1, 1863-wounded in action-transferred to Co. I, 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864. Bruce A. Rice I....... 2d Lt... May 80,'61,3 Died June 14, 1862, of wounds received at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Richard A. Rice........do... May 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., May 18, 1863-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Edward D. Curtis... 1st Sgt. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. William J. Kibbe...do.... do May 30, 61,3 Died Sept. 18, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. A. Gilman Foster... Serg't.. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lore nzo B. Prsser...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Angelo M. Crapsey...do..... May 30,'61, 3Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-discharged-date unknown. A. Farnham....~O..do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 6,'61. Charles O. Bee...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Died Jan. 14, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. John K. Haffey.....do.... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 22,'63. Peter B. Porter...... Corp... ay 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry L. Dewell......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at 2d Bull Run - transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Solomon S. King......do.... May 30,'61, 3 Wd., with loss of foot, at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-tr. to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Wallace W. Brewer...do... May 30,'61, 3 ounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Joseph D. Barnes....do May 30,'61, 3Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus tered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry J. Hadley....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cross Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. Fred'k C. Holmes....do..... May 30,'61, D3 Died June 14, 1862, of wounds received at Hiarrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Alton, James T...... Private May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cross, Keys, June 8,'62-discharged' on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Austin, Charles M.....dol..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Austin, Joseph......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31, 1864 —Vet. Austin, John............do.... May 0,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Ames, Joseph A.......do..... May 30i'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Barnes, Thomas........do.....o Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bridge,:Wesley J...d...do..... Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Briggs, George W......do..... May 30,'61, 3Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Belknap, Josiah B.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May31,'64. Babcock, Horace G..do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Bard, Leslie S...... o..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862discharged-date unknown. Buchanan, And. LI....do..... May 30,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Beckwith, Sam'l R...do..... Aug. 13,'61,3 Wounded at Cross Keys, Va., June 8,1862-pr. to 2d Lt. Co. G, 150th reg. P. V., Sept. 3, 1862. Berts, Samuel............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Both, Jacob..............do..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Brigham, DwightW...do.... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Blanvelt, James O.....d..... May 30,'61, 3 Tr. to batt'y A, 43d reg. P. V.-date unknown. Bloom, Hero........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Coates, John R......... do. May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864: Cuip, Cornelius..........do. May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec 13, 186, and Gettysburg —mus. out with Co., June 11, 1864. 940 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT-BUCKTAIL, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. EMARKS. Close, Peter. P....... Private Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clark, Charles L........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. Case, Dennis..............do.......................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Crow, Jacob..............do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Colgrove, Alpha........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon'scertificate-date unknown. Cornforth, Colum's..do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Fredericksburg, Deco 13, 1862-discharged June 6, 1863. Campbell, Geo. A.......do.......................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Curtis, William J......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Curtis, Nelson M.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferredto 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Crossmire, D. V........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at 2d Bull Run-transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31, 1864-Vet. Cobbett, James W.....do....................... 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Clyens, Patrick H..... do... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Crandall, Frank B.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded in action-deserted-date unknown. Danforth? L. Byron...do....May 30,'61 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Demars, Joseph........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dickeson, Charles.....do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dale, William L........do.....May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862. Edson, Edwin W.....do..... May 30'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Essington, John M...do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, 34th regiment P. V. Ellithorpe, P. G.........do.... May 30,'61, 3 Died of woundsreceived at Gettysburg, Pa.: Freeman, B. Hill.....do..................... 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Fanning, Elisha P.......... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Farr, G. Milton.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Harrisonburg, Va. June 6, 1862. Fish, J. A............. do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battery A, 43d regiment P. V. Gould, Hosea H.........do...o..May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Howard, E. Newell..do..... Aug. 13,'61,' 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'63 — mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hammond, H. J........do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonburg, Va.,June6, 1862discharged —date unknown. Ebop, Alfred T........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3: Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hamlin, Samuel C.......do...May 30,'61,'3 Wounded-discharged-date unknown. Heiglei, Albert.........do..,.. May 30,'6t1 3 Wounded and pris. at Harrisonburg, June 6,'62. SIorton, Samuel M....do:... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Hayter, Joseph.-..........................3.. Killed at'Fredericksburg, December 18, 1862. Inglesby, Russel.... do....... lMay 30,'61, 3- Wounded at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 1862 — discharged-date unknown, Jeett, Sheldon............ Aug. 13,'61, 3; Wounded at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. JoXnson, James I<.....do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. ilburn, Ferdina'dd...o..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonburg, June 6, 1862 —mus. tered out with company, June 11, 1864. EKna-pp, Win.2 A......... do Aug. 13,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. KReach, Robert M... do.... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. King, Frank....,d........13,'61, 3 Wounded, at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862-transferredto 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. Keener, Joseph......do..,. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Died Aug. 25,'62, of wounds received in action. LaniSrgaa, James... do... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Laferty, Wi. A.......d....d. Aug 13,, 63: Wd. at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62, and at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862-mus. out, August 13, 1864. LaneqRobert T..........do... Ag,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Dec. 20, 1861. Lawrence, Chas. B......d............... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Leher, John............. do........................ 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Losey, Fred'k C.........do......................3 unded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged-date unknown. Little, Joseph.......... Md ay 3,'61,. 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet ovell, P. C............do.... May 30,'61, 13 Transferred to battery A, 43d regiment P. V. Mulvaney, Wm........do....May 30,'61, 3 Musteredout with company, June 11, 1864. Mulvaney, Chas.......do..... May 30'61, 3 ounded at 2d Bull Run-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Moses, Joshua........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Melison, Charles......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6,1862discharged-date unknown. Mason, William....do..... May 30 3,'Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Mapes, Alonzo...d..... d..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13,'62-' discharged-date unknown. Mains, John R..........do.................. Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. agee, Henry.......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Maxson, Wrm. M.......o.......................... 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Miles, Wistar W.......do.May 30,'61, 3' Deserted-date un;known. lNewpher, James..D...do.....Aug. 13,'61, 3' Died Oct. 6, 1862, of wounds received at So athl Mountain, Sept. 14,1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 941 DATE OF MUSTER NAMEI ^ \f^ REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. RO REMARKS. Northrop, A. Delos.. Private May 30,'61, 3 Died Sept. 17, 1862, of wounds received at Soutlh Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Nichols, Nathan'l S...do..... May 30,'61 3 Died-date unknown. Page, William...........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred-on detached service. Rice, Charles P.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17,'62-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robbins, Charles H...do.................... 3 Wd. at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6,'62, and Gettys burg —us. out with company, June 11, 1864. Richardson, Wm......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonburg, Va., June 6,'62-discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Rifle, William H.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-diate unknown. Smith, Dennis T........do..... May 30,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. Southwick, Sam'l G...do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Smith, Frank T.........do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Snyder, Wesley........o..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Smith, Anson P..........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknowni Seamans, E. B..........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred-on detached service. Sherwood, Forrest.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Simons, Edgar S.....;do..... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Treat, Benjamin A.....do.....May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Taylor, George W......d..... May 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Turpin, A. J.............do.... May 30,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Townsend, A. D.........do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battery A, 43d regiment P. V. Vandyne, Curtis M...do..................3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Walters, Aug. A......do..... May 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. White, George 0....do.....Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Woods, James M...do... May 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Harrisonburg, June 6, 1862- discharged-date unknown. Whalen, John.....do..... May 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Weed, Calvin H.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Wells, Edgar W..... do..... May 30,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. West, Franklin........do. May 30,'61, 3 Died June 14, 1862, of wounds received at Cross - - _________________ _____ Keys, Va., June 8, 1862. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT CURWENSVILLE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. EdWard A. Irvin... Capt....May 29,'61, 3 Commissioned Lt. Col., Sept. 10, 1862-not mustered-discharged May 1, 1863, for wounds rea ceived in action. James:M. Welch......... do May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., March 21, 1863transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 12,'63. W. Ri Hartshorn... 1st Lt... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, February, 1862. Joh P. Bard........ do.... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 17, 1863.to brevet Capt., March 13, 1865-mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Daniel C. Dal....... 2d Lt... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lieut., March 23,'62died February 17, 1863. John E. Kratzer.............May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lieut., Feb. 17, 1863transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 31,'64. Thos. J. Thompson 1st Sgt.. May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Lewis Hoover...........do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Daniel Blett.........d...... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company F, July 1, 1863. John H. Norris.......do...... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64Vet. James F. Ross.........do.... Mav 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Win. G. Addleman...do...... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged May 24, 1864, for wounds received in action-date unknown. James G. Hill............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8, 1862. Edmund M. Curry Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Wm. F. Wilson.........do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Robt.G. M'Cracken...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Alex. Robertson........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. David M. Glenn.... o.....do May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Cortes Bloom............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 28, 1862, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Abram Carson..........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged March 6, 1863, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Samuel Reed............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged April 23, 1863, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Amos Swift.......d...... do July 31,'61, 3'ransferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64 —Vet. 942 FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT'-B1CKTAU1.NAME. RANK. T NAME. RK..INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. John Lemon........... Corp.... iav 29,'11, 3 Promoted to Corn. Sergeant, January 1, 1863. John H. Wilson........do..... ay 9,'61 3Died December 9, 1861. Addleman, John Private Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Bloom, Isaiah............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bloom, Enos..........do..... y 29,'61, 3 ustered out with company,June 11, 1864 Bailey, Zachariah.....do..... May 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Bard, RichardJ........do.....'May 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'61. Barr, James L...........do..... Mar. 21,'62, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3,'62. Barnes, John dE........o..... July 1,'61,3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Bloom, Arnold....... d....... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Billis, James C......do....do May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, Nov. 1, 1861. Brink, John B........do..... Feb. 29'64,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Broomall, Joseph P...do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. Cupples, Andrew J...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 7,'64-ab. at mus. out. Cogley, Henry...........do...... May 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Coulter, John H........do. ay 29,'61, 3Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Conklin, Thomas.....do.... Ma 29'61 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Clark, Charles M...do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 10,'61. Conner, Arthur..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'62. Chatham, D. R. P.....do... May 29,'61,3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 29,'62. Connelly, Jacob........do..... Fe. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Cummings, Wim.S...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Chase, Frank........... July 1,'61, 3 Deserted April 13, 1862. Dunn, Manning S......do.... May 29'61,3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Doughman, G. P........d..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'62. Denick, Wm.'G........do.... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to-190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Ennis, Levi............... do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Flanigan, James........do..... Juy 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificace, Nov. 21,'61. Fleming, Frank A.....do..... O:t. 3,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Fruze, srael............do...May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'63. Frantz, James..........do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Fleming, Robert R...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Fogle, Adam.............do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May31,'64. Frantz, A. Harrison....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Captured-died at Belle Isle, Va., July 15, 1862. Frantz, Martin F.......do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Deserted December 1, 1862. Glenn, James............do..... Nov. 18,'61, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16, 1862. Goff, Charles M.........do..... Mar. 28,'64 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Gunsalus, Samuel.....do.... Mar. 28,'64,3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Granger, Burton........do..... May 29,'61,.3 Died Oct. 2, 1862, of wounds received in action. Hall, Ellis J.............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Hile, Lorenzo D.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Henry, John............do.....Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Haslet, John W........do May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Hall, Henry J...........do..... July 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Henry, Joseph K......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20,'61. Hockenburg, C........do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 19,'62. Honitter, Thomas.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'62. Hosford, William......do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Humphrey, Thos......do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Wounded in action-date unknown-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1862. Humphrey, W. W.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20,'63. Halcomb, Edward.....do..... May 29,'61, 3Transferred to company D, October 12, 1861.Henry, James...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Hall, Charles...........do..... July 31,'61,3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hennigh, William...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 7, 1864. Irvin, Austin............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died March 6, 1863. Jaggers, Peter..........do.... July 31,'61, 3 Transferredto company D, November 1, 1861. Kingston, Samuel......do..... July 31,'61, 3 Dicharged January 20, 1862, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Kratzer, John...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Knapp, George WV.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died Sept. 23,'62, onboardtransportfr. Richmond. Littlefield, Frost........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Lower, Cyrus B.........do..... Oct. 27,'63, 3 Transferred to o0Oth rogiment P. V., May 31,'64. Morrow, Ephraim....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred t U. S. Signal Corps, August, 1861. M'Donald, Isaiah......do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Kee, Peter C.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. M'Crum, Charles R...do May 29,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11, 1862. M'Donald, Geo. W.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. M'Donald, Alex.........do... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th reg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet. Moyer, John............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Mason, Casper P........do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. Mortimer, Samuel.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died September 10, 1863, for wounds received in action-date unknown. M'Clenahan, Hiram...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 44th regiment P. V., Nov. 1, 1861. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 943 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. iM Morrow, Francis C.. Private July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. M'Closkey, Nath. A...do...May 29,'61, 3 Died November 28, 1861. Montonze, And'w J...do... May 29, 61, 3 Died May, 1864, of wounds received in action. M'Cullough, David...do... May 29'6,'6 3 Deserted December 8, 1832. O'Leary, George........do... July 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'61. Pifer, Peter.............do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'62. Pettingill, Robert B...do..... May 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company H, October 12, 1861. Rish, John................do.... May 29,'61, 3 Died June 11, 1864, of wds. received at Bethesda Church, May 30,'64-buried in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington* Rex, Reuben.............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 11,'62; Riley, Thomas...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Ross, Robert W.....do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Died Jan. 7, 1863, of wounds received in action. Stocks, Edward D.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, June 11, 1864. Spencer, Joseph G.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'61. Spence, James..........do..... Oct, 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Souders, Abel...... do July 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'62. Shirk, Joseph..:.i:...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Smith, Philander....i d Ma: -,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificatedate unknown. Scott, George B.....d...d......do.M'-'61, 3 Discharged February 9, 1863, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Shaver, Daniel.......... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged April 20, 1863, for wounds received in action-date unknown. Spargo, Peter........... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Aug. 23, 1863. Shaver, Jesse E.......do..... Mar. 2s,'64, 3 Transferred to 190th regiment P. V., May 31,'64. Smith, Porter.....d......d May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 3, 1862. Spencer, William H...do.....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted August 7, 1861. Seaman, Dwight......do..May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Taylor, George W...... do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged May 25, 1863, forwounds received in action-date unknown. Williams, Daniel F..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Williams, Joseph......do Oct. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to 190threg. P. V., May 31,'64-Vet, Williams, James M...do Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died May, 1864, of wounds received in action. FORTY-THD REGIMENT, FIRST ARTILLERY. ^N~ the 13th of April, 1861, James Brady, a citizen of Philadelphia, issued a eall for volunteers for a Light Artillery Regiment. In three days thirteen hundred men were enrolled, and their services were immediately tendered to the Secretary of War. By him the tender was referred to Governor Curtin. Governor Curtin referred it to General Patterson, who, after considerable delay, objected to its acceptance on the ground that it was not a militia organization. In the meantime the men, eager to be in the service, enlisted in New Jersey and New York regiments. One company joined Colonel Baker's California Regiment, and another joined the Twenty-seventh Regiment, commanded by Colonel Einstein. About fivehundred men still remained, and weremaintauined at the expense of the officers, and their friends, until the law authorizing the organizationa of the Reserve Corps was passed, when four companies, commanded by- Cptains Brady, Simpson, Flood and West, were accepted and ordered to the camp at Harrisburg. These were here joined by four other companies recruited in the counties of Franklin, Potter, York, Lawrence and Luzerne, and an organization was effected by the choice of Captain Richard H. Rush of the regular army, Colonel; Charles T. Campbell, from Captain of company A, Lieutenant Colonel; A. E. Lewis, Senior Major, and H. T. Danforth, of company B, Junior Major. Colonel Rush declined to accept the command, and soon after became Colonel of the Sixth Cavalry. The regiment, consequently, remained under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Campbell. It was clothed and equipped by the State, and received arms from the State and from the city of Philadelphia. Battery E, Captain Barr, accompanied the expedition sent, on the 21st of June, to the relief of Colonel Lew. Wallace, in West Virginia, consisting of the Battery and the Fifth and Bucktail regiments of infantry, all under command of Colonel Biddle, and returned to Harrisburg late in July. Early in August, the regiment was ordered to Washington, and upon its arrival encamped near the Arsenal, where it was more completely armed and equipped, receiving horses for the batteries, and a full supply of ammunition. As fast as mounted, the batteries removed to a camp east of the Capitol, which was called Camp Barry, in honor of Major Barry, at that time Chief of Artillery of the Department, who had manifested much interest and zeal in furnishing their outfit. From Camp Barry the several batteries were separated and assigned to different divisions and corps of the army, and were never again united as a regiment. Batteries A, B, Eand G, were assigned to M'Call's division, in camp at Tenallytown, and with these Lieutenant Colonel Campbell established his headquarters. Battery C was assigned to Smith's Division, in camp near 1861 BATTLES OF DRANESVI1{LE. 945 Chain Bridge; Battery F to Banks' Division, at Poolesville, and Batteries D and H to Buells Division, in camp north of the city, and engaged in building forts, among which were Totten, Slocum and Stevens, which at a later day served a most important purpose in checking the enemy's advance upon the Capital. Soon after the distribution of the batteries an election was ordered to fill the vacancy occasioned by the declination of Colonel Rush, which resulted in the choice of Charles T. Campbell, Colonel; H. T. Danfortbh Lieutenant Colonel; A. E. Lewis, Senior Major, and R, M. West, from Captain of company G, Junior Major. Subsequently Colonel Campbell resigned and was commissioned Colonel of the Fifty-seventh Regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Danforth was ordered to duty with batteries D and H, under General Buell He was an experienced artillery officer, having served in Bragg's celebrated battery in the Mexican war. Here his services were of the greatest value, and under his drill and instruction these batteries soon came to be regarded as the equals of regular artillery. Desirous of active duty, he made repeated applications to beassigned to service with the battery which he had recruited. This request being denied him, he resigned his commission as Lieutenant Colonel, and enlisted as a private in the ranks with his old companions, but was immediately elected a Second Lieutenant. -In this capacity he served until killed in action at Charles City Cross Roads on the 30th of June, 1862, By order of General MCIlellan the field and line officers were cited to appear before an examining hoard for certificates of competency. Failing in these examinations, in many cases of little practical account, a considerable number was forced to resign, many of them valuable officers, and their places were supplied by regular army sergeants. These changes were not received with favor by the men, and, with two exceptions, none of those thus appointed served to the end of their terms, or died in the service. On the 29th of July, 1862, Major R. M. West was promoted to Colonel, Captain Edward H. Flood, of Battery D, to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain James Brady, of Battery H, to Major. On the 23d of September, 1863, Major Brady was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, in place of Flood, resigned, and Captain E. W. Matthews, of Battery F, was promoted to Major. UJpon the reignation of Major Matthews, on the 27th of June, 1864, he was succeeded by Captain James H. Cooper, of Battery B. IUpon the expiration of the term of service of the latter, August 8, 1864, he was succeeded by Robert Bruce Ricketts, captain of Battery F. On the 29th of April, 1864, Colonel West was commissioned Colonel of the Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, when Major Ricketts was made Colonel, and was succeeded as Major by Captain Theodore Miller, of Battery E.' BATTERY A. Battery A, commanded by Captain Hezekiah Easton, was the first to be engaged, participating in the battle of Dranesville on the 20th of December, 1861. It was brought into action at a range of less than five hundred yards. The enemy's guns were concealed by the woods, but by observing the smoke of his pieces the range was soon obtained, and in a short time his fire slackened. One of his caissons was exploded, and so many of his horses killed that he was obliged to withdraw, dragging one of his pieces away by hand. "Having met GoneralOrd," says General M'Call-in his official report, "we moved forward, and the position where the enemy's battery had been placed was soon gained, 119 946 FORTY-THIRD IEGIMENT-F1RST ARTILLERY. 1862 and here we had evidence of the fine artillery practice of Easton's Battery. The road was strewn with men and horses; two caissons, one of them blown up a limber, a gun-carriage wheel, a quantity of artillery ammunition, small arms, and an immense quantity of heavy clothing, blankets, &c." The battery suffered no loss or injury. During the ensuing winter it was encamped with the Reserves near Langley, and upon the opening of the spring campaign moved with the army towards Manassas. It subsequently accompanied the Reserves to Fredericksburg, where it remained on duty until the battle of Fair Oaks, when, with the division, it rejoined the army of the Potomac. Upon its arrival in the neighborhood of MechaniCsville it was immediately put in position to cover the bridge. It was subsequently withdrawn to the battle ground at Beaver Dam Creek, where it was posted behind a morass flanked. by tall pines. Here it was served with excellent effect, hurling back a brigade of the enemy that attempted to crossw the swamp in front, and shattering his ranks wherever they appeared. On the following day, June 27th, at Gaines' Mill, it was posted by Captain Easton in an important position, covering, with Battery G, Captain Kern, the left of the Union line resting upon the Chickahominy. The ground chosen was upon spurs of the table land bordering the river, and deeply scored by ravines parallel with the battery front, and varying in depth from thirty to forty feet. From this position Captain Easton opened fire upon the woods in front at a range of, four hundred yards. In a sudden emergency the regiment supporting the battery was withdrawn and hurried to another part of the field. The enemy quickly. discerned the exposed position of the guns and charged on them, keeping close, under the sides of the ravine. The cannoneers found it impossible to depress their pieces sufficiently to repel the attack, and made an attempt to withdraw them under cover of a charge of regular cavalry. The ravines rendered the ground unfavorable for the movement of-cavalry, and the charge failed, the party being exposed to a terrible infantry fire. Checked and broken in their advance the mounted fugitives came pouring through the battery, carrying with them to the rear all the available teams and limbers. The enemy, yellinglike so many fiends, advanced boldly to the guns, now left without ammunition,. crying out to Captain Easton and those officers and; men who bravely with-' stood the storm, to surrender His reply never to be forgotten by his comrades: who clustered about him, was, "No! we never surrender! Alas! the; next moment that voice was hushed in death.'He fell beside his guns; none were left to surrender them. In the varying fortunes of the fight, two of his flthful men attempted to bring off the body, but lost it in. themelee. A soli- tary peach tree marks the spot where he fell. The battery was re-organized, and received new guns on the arrival of thearmy at Harrison's Landing. It continued attached to the Reserves, and participated in the battle of Bull Run, South Mountain, and Antietam, maintaining its reputation for skill and bravery, and leaving many of its men dead and wounded upon the fields of their valor. At Fredericksburg it was:at first posted, on the river bank to coverthecrossing and layingof the pontoons. On the 13th of December, the day in which the Reserves were engaged, it maintained its posi-. tian under a concentrated fire of the: enemy's artillery, marks of his shot and shell being visible, after the engagement, on every piece and caisson. Afte the withdrawal of the Reserves from the First Army Corps, Major; Bray remained in the field with this battery, and three others belonging to 1862 BATTLE OF GAINES- MILL. 947 the regiment, which were assigned to:he Third Division of the First Corps, commanded by General -Doubleday. Shortly afterwards, under orders from headquarters of the army, Battery A was detached and ordered to proceed with Burnside's Corps on an expedition, which was to rendezvous at Fortress Monroe. Here the destination of the corps was changed, and the battery was left,tt Norfolk to be attached to a new army corps, at various times known as the A rnyof Virginia, Army of the James, Seventh, and Tenth Corps. With this ommand it operated on the Black Water, at Deep Bottom, Fort Darling, Seven Pines, ad Petersburg. U-pon the fall of Richmond, under command of Captain Stitt, it marched with Weitzels Corps and entered the fallen city on the day of its surrender. Captain titt was immediately after ordered to report with his battery to Lieutenant Colonel Brady, in charge of captured works and ordnance, and was engaged, with battery E, in demolishing the rebel defences and arsenals at the rebel capital, and removing therefrom their guns and ordnance. This proved a; herculean task. The guns were, in general, of the heaviest calibre, many of them in the most inaccessible localities, and in many cases had to be transported over difficult roads But they were all safely shipped on board of schoners bound for northern arsenals, without the slightest accident from exposions, or damage to property. Most of the ordnance and ammunition was found in good condition, but the small arms were of little value. After the completion of this duty in July, 1865 the battery received orders to turn in its guns:and horses at Richmond and report at Harrisburg. Here, after a term of servic of four years and four months, it was mustered out of service on the 25th. BATTERY B. Battery Bjoined the Divisionof Pennsylvania eserves on the 14th of August, 1861, at Tenallytown, and was assigned to the First Brigade General Reynolds commanding. Lieutenant Cadwalader was on picket with his section at Great Falls, in September, when the rebels fired on the troops guarding that point. The first death in the battery, that of private James M. M'Clurg, oceurred on on the 29th of September. Until the 11th of October, it was:armed with four six-pounder James guns, when two of these were exchanged for four tenpounder Parrotts. That night it crossed the Potomac and joined the division at Camp Pierpont. On the 14th of October, private Frederick B. 1eifet was killed, and private Alfred Phillips Severely wounded, by the atcide.ta! discharge of the musket of a member of company E, Third Reservees, whle dress parade. On the 19th, the battery accopnied the irst Brigade onreconnoissance beyond Dranesville. The First Brigade was lying at Dificult Creek when the battle of Dranesville, December 20th, commenced, and was immediately ordered to General Ords assistabnce, but didnot arrive until afterthe enemy had been repulsed. On the 25th of December, General M'Cellan, in.compliae e with the request of General Banks for a "good battery," directed eneral Ma to esend BatteryB. This was protested against by Generals s -MCai and Reynolds, and caused much dissatisfaction throughout the division. The battery was onduty at Seneca Falls and Edwards' Ferry unil January 9th, 1862, when, at General M'Call's request, it was ordered to return to the division. After the return of the army to Alexandria, it was placed in the:irst Army Corps, General M'Dowell commanding. When the First Brigade crossed the Rappahannoek, 948 FORTY-THIRD REGIikENT-FIRST ARTILTRY. 1862 at Fredericksburg, May 26th, Battery B accompanied it.. After its return twenty men were detached from the infantry of the Reserves to fill the company to the number required for a six-gun battery. On the 13th of June, it embarked for the Peninsula, and arrived at White House, on the Pamunky, on the 17th, joining the division at Mechanicsville, on the 20th. Here the battery was placed on picket in front of the town, and on the extreme right of the army. For several days the gunners practiced firing at the enemy and his works, but received no response. On the 26th, when Jackson's army was reported to be advancing, Battery B was withdrawn to "Beaver Dam Creek, where earthworks had been constructed and rifle-pits dug. The right and centre sections took position behind the works in front of the camp of the Bucktails, and the left section, commanded by Lieutenant Fullerton, near Ellerson's Mill) with the Third Brigade in support. After the withdrawal of the Union pickets, two divisions of the rebel army, under the command of the Generals Hill, crossed the Chickahominy and formed in line of battle, to await the coming of Branches Division down the left bank of the river. The advance of the enemy was accompanied by a battery of horse artillery, which came forward on a gallop and attempted to come into position, but the fire from the guns of Battery B was so well directed that it left without unlimbering. Rebel batteries placed behind the brow of a hill on the right, where they were under shelter, were more successful and soon opened a well directed fire. Several attempts of the rebels to form line of battle in front of these batteries, with the manifest intention of capturing Battery B, were unsuccessful, a concentrated fire of artillery, assisted by the infantry, cutting them down as fast as they could form. The slaughter of the enemy here was terrible. The gaps made in his lines by the shots from the guns of Battery B, firing by battery, were distinctly visible. Another attempt to break the line at this point was made on its right, but the timely presence of Colonel MlCandless, of the Second, compelled the enemy to again fall back. An attempt to cross the creek at Ellerson;s Mill, was prevented by the Third Brigade, with the aid of Lieutenant Fullerton's section. The firing did not cease until nine o'clock. The loss was five wounded. During the night the infantry, except the picket line, together with the left section, were withdrawn. The right and centre sections commenced firing at daylight on the following morning, and continued it for over an hour. They were withdrawn a few minutes before the rebel cavalry, coming in from the right, captured a part of the Bucktails in the rifle-pits, in front of where the guns were, and thence rejoined the division on Gaines' farm. Afterresting an hour, the battery was ordered into position on the right of the second line. The guns remained silent until the first line gave way, when a concentrated fire upon the point from whence the rebels were said to be advancing; caused them, as the pickets afterwards reported, to halt, and thus gave the shattered remains of General Porter's Corps an opportunity to fall back. The rebel advance was but a short distance away when the left gun of Battery B was limbered up. The battery remained parked during the following day on Trent's Hill, on the south bank of the Chickahominy. That night the march was continued in the direction of the James River. At dark of the 29th, the division moved out on the road beyond the junction of the New Market and Charles City Roads, but returned at daylight the next morning and formed in line of battle near the iunction. 1862 BATTLE OF CHARLES CITY CROSS ROADS. 949 Owing to the excessive heat of the guns, produced by rapid and long continued firing on the 26th and 27th, the vent-pieces had so melted, that some of the vents were twice the original size. General Barry, Chief of Artillery, inspected the guns and decided them unserviceable, and directed General M'Call not to use them if he could avoid it, as it was dangerous to work them. But when the rebels began their attack, Battery B was ordered into position immediately in front of the cross roads, having the Ninth Regiment for support. The guns were worked as rapidly as possible, but the size of the vents compelled the gunners to insert two primers in some of the guns, along with the one to which the lanyard hook was attached, to discharge the piece. After the Ninth Regiment went to the left, the enemy came out of the woods in front, formed'in line and advanced on the battery as regularly as if on drill, utterly regardless of the double charges of canister and case shot that were fired into his ranks, and drove the cannoneers from the guns. Never did the rebels exhibit more desperate valor. During all this time the battery was subjected to a fire in the rear from a New York Dutch Battery, which had deserted its position on the left. The Ninth Regiment returning from the left, joined the First, and drove the rebels back, but assistance coming to them they captured it a second time, but a second time were driven back. Its loss was three killed and eight wounded; among the former were Lieutenants Danforth and Cadwalader. Malvern Hill was reached at sunrise the next morning, and Harrison's Landing the following day. Four guns, in place of those lost, were received on the 11th of July. On the 6th of August, Oaptain Cooper received orders to report with his battery to General Butterfield, in command at Coggins' Point, across the river, where it remained until the 15th, when it embarked for Acquia Creek, arriving there on the 20th. Warrenton was reached on the 24th, when the division was again placed under the command of General M'Dowell. ~ Here the battery occupied several positions during the next two days, when the army commenced falling back in the direction of Washington. On the 28th, as the advance of the Reserves was emerging from a piece of woods near Gainesville, it was fired upon by a section of the rebel Stuart's horse artillery. Battery B was ordered up to take the place of Ransom's Regular Battery, whose short range guns would not reach the enemy. At the battle of Bull Run, the next day, it moved forward with the division, and occupied a position on the extreme left, from which an Ohio Battery had been driven half an hour previously. Three rebel batteries opened fire on it immediately. General Reynolds ordered it withdrawn. The rear portion of one of the caissons was disabled and left on the field. The battery was engaged all the next day. At one time the enemy was so close as to capture all the caissons. The battery lost three killed and sixteen wounded. On the 1st of September, while the battle of Chantilly was in progress, it was placed in position on the right of the road leading to Washington, ready to be called into action. On the 7th, Captain Cooper received orders to exchange his guns and horses at the arsenal at Washington. The battery rejoined the division, now attached to General Hooker's First Corps, at Monocacy, on the morning of the 14th. That afternoon the battle of South Mountain was fought. It was the only battery of the First Corps engaged. The position occupied was on the extreme right. The woods on the side of the mountain was shelled, and the infantry were thereby assisted in driving the enemy before them. When the First Corps crossed Antietam Creek, on the afternoon of the 16th, 950 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FIRST ARTILLERY. 1863 Battery B was placed.on the front line and advanced immediately in rear of the skirmishers. When the infantry came upon the entrenched line of the enemy it took position in the edge of the cornfield over which there was such fierce fighting on the following day. Early the next morning it was ordered to the right. While changing position private Jacob N. Weekly was severely wounded by a grape shot. The right section, commanded by Lieutenant Fullerton, during the forenoon occupied several positions across the pike, on and in advance of the skirmish line. That evening the gunners performed some excellent practice. Captain Cooper had a very narrow escape. While directing the fire of the guns a solid shot struck his horse and tore it in pieces. After the army crossed the Potomao at Berlin, Battery B moved in the advance, with the division, through London Valley. At Fredericksburg it crossed the Bappahannock on the 12th, and early the next morning was placed in position, by General Meade, in advance of the skirmish line on the left, and compelled a section of Stuart's artillery, which had been firing along the flank of the division, to seek the cover of the woods in font. When the Reservespenetrated the enemy's lines the guns engaged the attention of the rebel artillery, blowing up two limber chests. When they were forced back the battery-retained its position, and but for the support of the Thirty-seventh New York Infantry, Colonel Hayman, it would have been captured. Two men were kiled and two wounded. During the winter the battery was encamped near Belle Plain Landing. On the 20th of January, 1863, it accompanied the division up the Rappahannock on what was known as the "Muad March." On the 23dof February the detached men from the Reserve regiments returned to their places, and twenty-seven men of the One Hundred and Forty-third and One Hundred and Fiffieth regiments were detailed in their stead. On the 29th of April, the battery covered the crossing of the troops below Fredericksburg. On the 2d of May, it was ordered up the Rappahannock and crossed the river at United States Ford, and the next day went into position near the brick house used as a hospital. It re-crossed the river on the 5th and covered the withdrawal of the army. On the 12th of June, the battery left White Oak Church, where it had been encamped, for Pennsylvania, whither Lee was supposed to be directing his steps. At the battle of Gettysburg Battery B was in position, on the first of July, near the Seminary, but was driven back through the town. On the 2d a shot from a rebel twenty-pounder Parrott gn, immediately in front, exploded under oneof the guns, killing privatels Peter G.Hoagland and James H.MClleary and wounding Corporal Joseph Reed, and privates Jesse Temple and Daniel W. Taylor. On the 3d, it took the place of one of the Reserve Artillery Batteries, where it did good service. The next day it was ordered to Emmittsburg, where it was in position twenty-four hours. It then accompanied the:army to the Rappahannock, where it remained on picket until the 10th of September. On the 11th and 12th of October, it covered the re-crossing of the army at Kelly's Ford, and then marched to entreville, and from thence, by way of Haymarket, Thoroughfare Gap and Kelly's ord, back to Brandy Station. On the 27th of November, it crossed the:apidan at Culpepper Mine Ford, and the next morning was in position on the leftof thpike, in full view of the enemy's intrenched line beyond Iline Bun, and compelled a rebel battery in advance of his works to withdraw, At eight'clock on the morning of the 30th, 1864 THE WILDERNESS CAMPAIGN. 951 all the batteries along the line opened to attract the attention of the enemy from General Warren, who was to attack his right wing. Winter-quarters were constructed at Paoli Mills, near Kelly's Ford, and near Culpepper Court House. At the latter place a number of the men re-enlisted and received the thirty days' furlough allowed veterans. About forty recruits were received and two more guns. Early on the morning 6f the 4th of May, 1864, Battery B left camp, and crossing the Rapidan at Germania Ford, joined the Reserves the next day in an adVanceto the road leading to Orange CourtHouse; but was compelled to fallback to the Lacy House, where it went into position, and fired for some time at a column of the enemy passing along the road, near the point advanced to in the morning. It was withdrawn on the evening of the 7th, and accompanied Cutler's Division around the left of the army, and the next day took position, in rear of the Fifth Corps, at Laurel Hill. The next evening it was ordered to the extreme right, where General Hancock's Corps was advancing, and fired about forty rounds at the enemy beyond the Po River. Several other positions were occupied until the afternoon of the 13th, when Captain Cooper received orders to place his battery in position on the picket:line. The two lines were very close, the men having little shelter, and it was' only by working on their knees that the guns could be loaded. Private George C. Garberw was severely wounded by a sharp-shooter. The battery was withdrawn and marched all night, rejoining the Corps, near Spottsylvania Court House, on the next morning. It was immediately placed in position and fired on a body of the enemy in ront. On the 18th it was sent to the left and front, and placed in position in sight of the tow. Here it was uder the hottest artillery fire that it encountered during the war. Several shells struck the carriages. Private William Chambers received a slight wound in the head. Here the rebels were treated to a little mortar practice by the gunners of Battery B. On the 21st this position was abandoned, and the march coninued in the direction of the North Anna River, After the Fifth Corps had crossed the river on the 23d, at Jericho Ford, and the rebels had attacked it, L iutenant Miller placed the battery in position on the left bank, opposite the Reserves, and completely demolished a rebel battery that was annoying them. It was afterwards ascertained that Captain Fontaigute, General Longstreet's Chief of Artilery was killed by the explosion of one olf the shells. Captain Cooper was, at the time, in command of a brigade of short range guns across the river. On the 31st of May, forty-one men, who were entitled to discharge, left for Harrisburg. They were mustered out at Pittsburg on the 9th of June. Thewere were sufficient men remaining to man the guns anid'on:the 2d of June Lieutenant Miller was ordered to go into position on the left at Cold Harbor. The new gunners did good execution, firing a greater number of rounds on the 2d and 3d than had been fired by the battery previously in that campaign. The battery arrived at Wileox's Landing on the James, on the 15th, and in front of Petersburg at daylight of the 17th. Several positions were occupied during the day, and the next morning when the line was advanced, it occupied a position in front of the Avery House, and fired a number of rounds. On the 24th, it moved to the left, near the Jerusalem Plank Road. On the morning of the 30th of July, when the fort in front of the Ninth Corps was blown up, it fired a number of rounds. Captain Cooper having remained two months beyond his term of service, was mustered out on the 8th of August, at his own re 952 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1865 quest, and Lieuteant Miller took command. Captain Cooper took with him a petition to Governor Curtin, signed by a majority of the officers of the regiment, for his appointment as Colonel of the regiment; but he never presented it. He was a gallant officer. On the 18th of August, it accompanied General Warren's advance upon the Weldon Railroad, and was engaged that day and the 19thand 21st. In the meantime the members of the battery, whose term of service had expired, returned home, and a number of one-year recruits were added to it. On the 22d of November, Lieutenant Miller was honorably discharged, leaving Lieutenant William M'Clelland in command. The battery was relieved from duty on the front line on the 21st of December, and went into winter-quarters about a mile in the rear. At different times during the winter it was on duty on the front line. On the 23d of February, 1865, Lieutenant M'Clelland was commissioned Captain. On the 15th of March, eighteen men, the number in excess of the maximum allowed a six-gun battery, were transferred to Battery I, a new battery then forming at Washington. When the enemy captured Forts Steadman and Haskell, the left section kept up a sharp fire on the forts in front. On the 28th, the caisson camp was moved up near the front line. About midnight of the 1st of April, all the batteries received orders to open fire. After daylight the next morning, the firing was renewed, the gunners doing good execution. At the request of General Tidball, Captain M'Clelland, with Lieutenant Iice, took two detachments and worked the guns in one of the enemy's batteries which had been captured. About six hundred rounds, left by the rebels, were fired, besides a large number brought from the other line by the infantry. During the afternoon, the rebels made an attempt to re-capture the forts they had lost. The infantry disappeared, leaving Lieutenant Rice and his handful of men; but nothing daunted, they worked their guns with telling effect. Many of the men had never been under fire before, yet they all behaved well. Lieutenant Gardner, a very brave officer, was in command of the battery during the absence of Captain M'Clellan. Sergeant Isaac J. Grubb and Corporal Andrew J. Gilkey were killed in the rebel fort, and subsequently when one of thessections in Fort Davis was ordered forward to Fort Wright, Corporal John W. Summers was mortally wounded. The next day the battery was ordered to City Point. On the 3d of May, it left for Washington, passing through Richmond. On the 3d of June, in' obedience to orders, Captain M'Clelland turned the battery in at Washington, and proceeded to Harrisburg, where it was mustered out on the 9th. Three hundred and thirty-four men were connected with the battery. The number of rounds of ammunition, of all kinds, expended during its four years of service, was over eleven thousand two hundred, (11,200.) BATTERIES C, D, E AND H. Batteries C, D, E and H, Captains M'Carthy, Flood, Miller and Brady, served together in the Peninsula campaign, and a part of them, subsequently, in the Army of the James, and may therefore properly be treated together. Batteries C and E were, soon after being armed and equipped at Camp Berry, assigned to duty with the troops occupying the right bank of the Potomac, covering the Chain Bridge. After a brief introduction to duty in face of the enemy there, they were ordered back, and united with batteries D and H, forming part of the artillery brigade of Buell's Division, occupying the northerly 1862 BATTLE: OF SEVEN' PINES. 953 line of the defences of Washington. Upont the advance of the army on the 10th of March, these batteries were transferred to Couch's Division of Keyes' Corps, the Fourth, with which it remained during the Peninsula campaign* Upon the return of the army to Alexandria, and its embarkation, these batteries were moved by transports to Hampton Roads, and: landed at the little village of Hampton. As soon as the corps had arrived the army moved forward, the Fourth occupying the left of the line. This brought the batteries under the fire of the enemy's gun and mortar boats on the James River, and his batteries on the opposite bank of the Warwick: River. Some excellent practice followed, in which the enemy's guns were silenced, and a regiment of rebel cavalry reconnoitring in front was put to flight. Upon the arrival of the army in front of Yorktown, the troops were placed in position, and during the progress of the siege, which lasted a month, the four batteries were kept in constant activity on the James River front. On the Wednesday night previous to the evacuation, a brigade of the enemy moved forward and encamped within gun shot range of Battery H. Captain Brady promptly opened on it, and after being subjected to a smart shelling withdrew to steamboats provided, and was ferried across the James. From Yorktown the enemy withdrew to Williamsburg, followed by the Union troops, where on the 5th of May, they again found themselves checked. Recent rains made the roads very heavy and the guns and caissons could be moved with difficulty. Here Battery D, Captain Flood, was hotly engaged, the enemy having blazed trees previously, to give him the exact range. After a severe battle, the enemy was driven, and withdrew leisurely across the hickahominy. The Fourth Corps then moved forward, arriving at: Cumberland;Landing on the 10th of May, where Franklin's Corps, which had passed up by water, was met. Not until the 23d'did any part of the army cross the Chickahominy. On that day the Fourth, Corps, still the left wing, passed to the south side of the river, and encamped two' miles'beyond, meeting with no traces of the enemy. Much sickness now began to prevail, and Lieutenant M'Laughlin, of Battery 1D and private Harvey, of Battery H, died. On the 25th, the enemy appeared in-front of Casey's Division, and batteries E and D were engaged, his forces being pushed back beyond Seven Pines. Here some breast works were thrown up, and Batteries CU D and.'E, Captains Flood, M'Carthy and Miller, under the immediate command of Major West, were posted in redoubts on the right and left of the Williamsburg road. On the 29th, Battery H, Captain Brady, with the Eighty-second,*; Colonel Williams, was moved two miles to the extreme right and front; to a point covering the railroad crossing at Fair Oaks Station of the Nine Mile Road. Nothing unusual occurred on the 30th and the men amused themselves;by erecting an observatory, from which was distinctly seen the rebel Capital, only a belt of woods intervening between it and the fields and gardens north of the city. The oversight in not passing through this wood before taking position, became apparent on the following day; for under its shadow the enemy was enabled to mask his movements, and fall upon Casey's Division with crushing force, entering his camps before the men off duty had time to seize their arms, or arrange themselves in line of battle. On the morning of the 31st, General Keyes and staff visited the station occupied by Captain Brady, inquiring if any movement of the enemy was visible, and soon *Tis regiment wa originally known as the Thirty-first, but: was subsequently changed to the Eighty-seond.. 120. 954 FORTY-TEIRD REGIMtENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1862 after General Casey, with a corps of engineers, came, and traced a line for riflepits. A few signal shots were heard, but no skirmish firing, theusual preludes to battle, when suddenly the enemy opened with deafening volleys on Casey's front. At two o'clock P. M., General Couch, with two regiments, arrived on the ground and ordered Captain Bridy to feel the enemy in the woods to the left. It was soon discovered that his skirmishers had crept close up to the guns under cover of the scrub pines. The ammunition is immediately changed to canister, and a few rounds silences his skirmishers. General Couch now orders a charge by his infantry down the Nine Mile Road, himself leading, for the purpose of opening communication with the rest of his division, which has been cut off by the advance of the enemy, leaving the battery alone. Soon the Hampton Legion is discovered moving down upon the guns; but at this moment Couch, with his three regiments, returns, being unable to force his way back. A new position farther to the right and rear, behind a belt of woods, is immediately taken, and the enemy follows up so leisurely at a right shoulder shift, and deploys, that for the moment his columns are mistaken for our own troops. But the error is soon discovered, and the battery opens with grape and canister. Undismayed he rushes forward, closing up his ranks as soon as broken. The canister is exhausted, and Parrott shells without fuse are used, driving the fatal fragments through and through his lines, compelling him to halt, lie down, and seek shelter behind trees. Again he rallies and comes forward with renewed determination; but at this juncture Sumner's columns, from across the Chickahominy, appear on the field, and strike the enemy's surging flanks with such impetuosity as to compel him to yield the ground. In the meantime the battle had been raging with great violence upon the left, and the three batteries posted upon the Williamsburg road were hotly engaged. "During the action," says General Keyes in his official report, "and particularly during the two hours immediately preceding the final successful stand made by the infantry, the three Pennsylvania batteries, under Major Robert M. West, (Flood's, M'Carthy's and Miller's,) in Couches Division, performed:most efficient service. The conduct of Miller's Battery was admirable. Having a central position in the forepart of the action, it threw shells over the heads of our own troops, which fell and burst with unusual precision among the enemy's masses, as did also those of the other two batteries. And later in the day when the enemy was rushing in upon our right, Miller threw his case and canister among them, doing frightful execution." The loss in Battery C was one man killed and three wounded, with a loss of six horses killed and one gun disabled. Battery H lost one killed and five wounded. The losses in Batteries D and E are not ascertained. Soon after the enemy's cavalry raid in rear of our army, Batteries E and H were ordered to the rear of the left wing, and took position to cover the bridges of the Chickahominy. The guns were pointed northward, and the enemy reported that they had seen the Army of the Potomac marching to Richmond backwards. After the action at Gaines' Mill, these batteries rendered valuable service in covering the retreat, keeping the railroad and Bottom's bridges open for four days, rescuing many hundreds of stragglers, and several times engaging the enemy's artillery and skirmishers. On Sunday, the 29th, Captain Brady was ordered to burn a train of cars loaded with ordnance and commissary stores, which had failed to reach White House before its occupation by the enemy. The cars were prepared with combustible materials and fired, and the engine, pushing the train, started towards the Chickahominv, the 1862 MARCH TO THE JAMES -RIVR. 955 bridge having already been destroyed. When the locomotive finally reached the crater, an explosion of a car-load of gunpowder took place, hurling fragments of the engine, cars and bridge hundreds of feet into the air. Successive explosions continued for several hours. While this was being done, a severe conflict was in progress at Savage Station. But Sumner was there, and the ground was held until the troops and trains had all securely passed. While the Fourth Corps was passing Charles City Cross Roads, feeling its way towards the James River, Batteries C and D had a spirited engagement with a brigade of the enemy's cavalry, which had mistaken Couch's Division fora reconnoitring party.:On the 30th, the four batteries were united at Turkey Bend, and were posted by General Keyes in the reserve line of the corps, where they remained during the engagements at Charles City Cross Roads and Malvern Hill. On the retreat of the army to Harrison's Landing, these batteries covered the rear of the column. At twilight of July 1st, General Peck, while posting the batteries and their supports for the'night, said to Captain Brady, pointing to the woods,' Here is a regiment covering your left, and in yonder woods to your right is another, and this one in rear," pointing to six stacks of muskets and a flag, "will support you," adding "it might be moved closer if desired." To which the Captain replied, "we are safe enough, General, with it there." The General smiled grimly and rode off. Thus by disease and battle had regiments of a thousand strong been reduced in ninety days to a few stacks of muskets and a flag; but these brave men had stood faithfully by their colors, and were now covering the retreat. On the 4th of July, Battery D was selected to fire a national salute, an honor which was highly appreciated by Pennsylvania troops. On the 5th, the batteries were placed in temporary field works covering the left flank of the army. Upon the promotion of Major West to Colonel, Captain Flood, of Battery D, to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain James Brady, of Battery I, to Major, Lieutenant Hall was promoted to Captain of Battery D, and Lieutenant Fagan to Captain of Battery H. Immediately afterwards the Parrott guns of Battery H were exchanged for twelve-pounder Napoleon guns, the exchange being intended as a compliment for its efficient service. But the change was anything but gratifying to the men, losing thereby a good rifled piece weighingbut eight hundred pounds, for one of twelve hundred, with which they could scarcely hit the side of a hill-excellent for canister when the enemy could be coaxed close enough-but killing to both men and horses when manoeuvring in heavy ground. Batteries E and H were here formally designated as reserve batteries of the Fourth Corps, and placed in charge of Major Brady, receiving orders direct from corps headquarters. Lieutenant Thomas G. Orwig was elected Captain of Battery Ein place of Captain Miller, resigned. Batteries C and- Dremained attached to Couch's Division, which was soon after incorporated with the Sixth Corps. At-Antietam these batteries were hotly engaged on the extreme left, being posted on an eminence in front of a. clump of woods, overlooking the bridge where Burnside crossed, materially aiding with other batteries in the attack, by drawing the enemy's fire from the bridge. The position for the time was a critical one, the ground on which they stood being exposed to a plunging fire from the heights in front. When the division reached the Rappahannock opposite Fredericksburg, Batteries C andI D were posted on Stafford Heights, opposite the city, and were 956 FORTY-TIRID REGIMENT —FIRST ARTILLERY. 1863 Qegaged,durig.thetime ofthe crossing of our troops, and the days and nights of desperate fighting which ensued, in shelling the enemy on the opposite bank. From the 10th until the 16th they remained in position, and were uninterruptedly employed. In the second attempt of Burnsideto cross and give battle, in which he was foiled by storm and tempest, the batteries marched to United States Ford, returning with great difficulty on the.abandonment of the campaign. Soon after their return to:camp, the twobatteries were consolidated by an order from Corps Headquarters. Captain.Hall, of Battery D, ar.rave young officer, being the junior Captain, was mustered out, the. entire,force passng underthe:ommand.of iC:ftain 1Mart, non s,battery'D, and raising it to:a fullsixgn batte ry. In the attack on VaryesHights, ng the battle of Chancellorsville, bySedgwiclks Corps, it bore::a coaspicuous part. Crossg the river on ithe 2d of May, at Bernard's House, it marched to Fredericksburg. At daybreak,.on the 3d, the enemy opened fromhis fortifications. The battery was brought into position at a distance of three hundred yards, and immediately poured in upon his infantry double shotted canister. It was afterward's employed in shelling the works on Marye's Heights, dismounting several of his guns, and driving the cannoneers from their pieces, a success which the infantry followed up by a most gallant charge, driving the enemy, and capturing the eights. The loss here was one killed and three wounded. The loss in horses was nine killed. The battery immediately advanced upon the heights, where it was engaged with.a rebel battery, which was soon captured. It then moved on, shelling the retreating enemy, and came up with him at Salem Church, where it was again engaged, but was compelled by superiority of numbers to retire. Captain M'Carthy soon afterwards, on account of sickness, was discharged, and was succeeded in command by Lieutenant Munk. After the battle of Gettysburg, Battery D was transferred to the army of the Shenandoah, and ordered to report at Harper's Ferry, whence it was sent forward to Winchester, and was picketed at various important points. At the battle of Cedar Creek, October 18, 1864, culminated its eventful career. Here themen fought with handspikes, stones, and clubs, and successfully held the ~enemy at bay until nearly the last round of ammunition was exhausted. They were finally obliged to yield,:being literallypushed from their guns by overwhelming numbers, many of them being wounded and prisoners. The survivors, overwhelmed with grief and mortification at their loss, and filled with indignation that their infantry supports should withdraw without a struggle, and abandon them to their fate, were giving vent to their feelings towards their new comrades of t he rmyftehenandoah, in unmeasured terms of reproach, comparing them in no very favorable ljigt to their old friends of the Sixth Corps, when, to their great surprise aJndjoy, that corps appeared upon the field at the opportune moment, turning the tide of battle, and routing the enemy. Captain unk gathered up his remaining men, joined in the.charge, and recovered his lost guns and material. Immediately after this engagement, a strong detachment of recruits, collected.t regimental headquarters, at Fort Corcoran, on Arlington Heights, was sent, under Lieutenant S. L. Richards, of Battery H, to re-inforce it. Battery was revived, Lieutenant Richards being commissioned Captain thereof, and was pushed forward to Martinsburg. Battery D was posted on Maryland Heights. In these positions they remained during, the sprig of 1865, and atthe close of 1863 IN THE ARMY OF TLE JAMES. 957 the final campaign were ordered to Harrisburg, where, on the 29th and 30th of June, they were mustered out of service. When M'Clellan's army returned from the Peninsula, in 1862, Batteries E and H. remained with Keyes' Corps, the Fourth, which was left to garrison the posts of Yorktown and Gloucester. During the fall and winter, General Wise, in command of the rebel force on the James, made several raids on the outlying troops belonging to these garrisons, and was in turn driven into his fortifications beyond the Chickahominy. Here the batteries had some lively artillery practice over the old battle grounds. On the 11th of December, a force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, twenty-five hundred strong, in light marching order, under General Naglee, in temporary command of the corps, crossed the York River and pushed forward to Gloucester Court House. On the following morning an outlying cavalry camp of the enemy was surprised and burned. On the 12th, Major Brady, with a detachment of his mounted artillerymen, attacked and drove off a cattle escort, and captured four hundred head, which were safely driven into camp. On the 13th, the command reached UTrbana, the day on which was fought the battle of Fredericksburg, within striking distance of the field; but at that poimt orders were received to turn back.:.At the opening of the Gettysburg campaign, Battery H was ordered to Washington, whence, on the 1st of July, it made a forced march to the battlefield, having a slight skirmish by the way with a small detachment of the enemy, but failed to arrive in time to participate in the battle. The battery was then ordered to report to the commander of the Department of Washington, where it was placed on dutyas a reserve battery at Camp Barry. In May, 1864, Battery H was dismounted in common with other volunteer batteries, and ordered to report to Lieutenant Colonel Brady, chief of artillery in the defences south of the Potomac fronting Washington, and was stationed at Fort Whipple, relieving the garrison which was under marching orders. This was an important post, being the general rendezvous and place of confinement for rebel prisoners. On the following winter they were transferred to Fort. Marcy, covering the approaches of Chain Bridge. In February, 1865, the battery marched to Edwards' Ferry, where.it remained on picket duty for severalmonths. While here, Captain Fagan resigned, and Lieutenant L. B. Richards was commissioned to succeed him. It was mustered out of service at Philadelphia on the 27th of June..During the spring of 1863, Battery E was on duty with the Army of the James, and rendered valuable servicein the attack.on Druryvs Bluff, and in furnishing and manning the guns at Fort Harrison. During the siege of Petersburg, and indirectly of Richmond, the battery served under General Weit-'zel. In the attack on the enemy'sforts on the Williamsburg road, near Seven Pines, it was hotly engged, and in the memorable siege events of 1865, it was kept in daily practice upon the enemy's works. Upon the evacuation of Richmond on the 3d of April, it had the honor of being the first battery that entered the city. The batteries of the brigade had received orders to hasten forward, and, in a spirit of honorable rivalry, it attained the head of the column and actually passed the skirmish line in front, reaching the Capital before the enemy's flag was pulled down, and by its timely arrival, hastening the retreat of his rear guard, charged with firing the town, and staying the execution of the order. In turning rapidly the corner of a street; a caisson was overturned, gravely injuring two of the men. It moved steadily forward amid the flames 958 FORTY THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1864 of burning buildings, and the crash of falling walls. Though at times the ammunition in the caissons was seriously endangered, each man remained at his post until the battery had passed through the city, and had reached the defences beyond. After the surrender of Lee's army, the battery was detached from corps duty, and with Battery A, was ordered to report to Colonel Brady, under whom it was engaged in dismantling rebel works, and removing and shipping ordnance and ordnance stores. On the 4th of July, it was relieved fiom duty and ordered to turn in its guns and horses to the ordnance officer stationed at Richmond. From thence it embarked for Philadelphia, where, on the 20th of July, it was mustered out of service. BATTEI Y F. Battery F was furnished during the month of August, 1861, with horses and equipments, and four smooth-bore pieces, and was transferred shortly after to the camp of the Reserve Corps at Tenallytown. On the 12th of September, it was ordered to join General Bank's command at Darnestown, Maryland, and was never afterwards in any way connected with the regiment or with the Reserves. On the 8th of October, the battery was enlarged by the addition of two Parrott steel rifled, ten-pounder guns, and immediately thereafter orders were received to move with the new section to Williamsport, Captain Matthews in command. Soon afterwards Sergeant Charles B. Brockway was elected Second Lieutenant and placed in command of the detached section, and was sent to oppose the enemy making demonstrations at Hancock, Maryland. A slight skirmish ensued, in which the great accuracy of the rifled pieces was demonstrated, several men and horses being killed and wounded by the first shell discharged. A few days later it was reported that the enemy were destroying the railroad in that vicinity, and Lieutenant Brockway was ordered to mask one of his pieces and open upon the party. The first shot struck the engine employed, and the second burst among the men, killing five and wounding twelve others. On the 20th of December, the day on which was fought the battle of Dranesville, Lieutenant Rickett's section had an engagement with a body of the enemy's artillery and cavalry, which was attempting the destruction of Dam No. 5, on the Upper Potomac. After having one of his guns dismounted, and several of his men killed and wounded, he retired. Early in January, 1862, Ricketts, with his section, after a wearysome night march, joined General Lander, near Hancock, in- time to participate in the engagement with Jackson in his attack upon the town, and in effecting his complete repulse. Jackson's column consisted of twenty thousand men, and twenty-six pieces of artillery. To oppose him, General Lander had two thousand infantry, and a battery of four guns. Jackson's pieces were of smooth bore and short range, whereas Rickett's section consisted of two rifled, ten-pounder, Parrott guns. He could therefore take position out of range of the enemy, and easily reach him with his missiles. Jackson was consequently forced to withdraw. Until February, 1862, the guns were kept in motion singly and in sections between Edwards' Ferry and Hancock, occasionally engaging detachments of the enemy. On the 20th, the sections were united at Hagerstown, where new equipments were received, and the guns furnished by the State were exchanged for six regulation, three-inch, rifled guns, together with new carriages andSib 1862 POPE'S CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. 959 ley tents. The morning report of the 1st of March showed its effective strength to be one hundred and nineteen officers and men, with one hundred and five horses. On the same day, the battery moved to Williamsport, where it crossed the river with Banks' advance, and moved on up the Shenandoah Valley. Near Bunker Hill a sharp skirmish ensued, in which the entire battery was brought into position, and the rebels were scattered with considerable loss. As the column approached Winchester, the enemy, eight thousand strong, retreated, and a detachment, consisting of cavalry, infantry and two sections of the battery, was sent out on a reconnoissance towards Strasburg. At Newtown the enemy under Ashby was encountered and soon routed, the artillery proving particularly effective. On the 21st of March, it was ordered to join Abercrombie's Brigade, and move towards Centreville, and finally encamped at Warrenton Junction. On the 7th of April, Lieutenant Ricketts was ordered on a reconnoissance to Rappahannock Station, in connection with a, portion of M'Dowell's Corps. Ten days later another reconnoissance was made by a force of cavalry and infantry and Godbald's and Brockway's sections of artillery, all under command of Colonel Bryan, of the Twelfth Massachusetts. A spirited engagement with the artillery ensued, the enemy sustaining considerable loss, several of his pieces being silenced and disabled. His force consisted of five to seven thousand infantry, a regiment of cavalry, three full batteries and two siege guns, the whole force well posted and entrenched. Finding that he could not bring his infantry into action without great exposure, Colonel Bryan withdrew, having attained the object of the expedition. On the 1st of May, General Abercrombie was relieved by General Hartsuff, and the brigade moved to Falmouth, where M'Dowell's Corps was concentrated in expectation of moving to the Peninsula. The sudden appearance of Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley caused a change of plan, and the battery was ordered to make a forced march across the country to Front Royal, with the design of cutting off'the retreat of Jackson. The roads were very heavy, and the weather bad; but in six days the guns were taken through, and on the evening of the 31st, after a day's march of twenty-five miles, arrived at Front Royal. The whole corps was here concentrated, but failing to connect with Fremont in time, Jackson escaped without material harm, and it moved back to Warrenton. ~ On the 8th of August, Jackson, who had returned from the discomfiture of M'Clellan in the seven days' fight on the Peninsula, again made his appearance on the Rapidan. On the 9th, he advanced to Cedar Mountain, where, with greatly superior numbers and with great advantage of position, he engaged and defeated Banks. On the following day M'Dowell's Corps was pushed forward and was early engaged, the battery being posted on a commanding knoll. Jackson's guns were silenced, and during the following night he withdrew. Waiting until he was assured that iMClellan would evacuate the Peninsula, the enemy again appeared in force, and began to assume the offensive. Pope withdrew his forces across the Rappahannock, and at the crossing Hartsuffs Brigade, with Battery F, was posted upon a wooded knoll upon the south bank, where it completely covered the crossing, and the entire plain beyond. Here a severe engagement between the artillery ensued; but the enemy was successfully held at bay until our forces were secure from attack, and the covering party was ordered to retire. The battery had two guns disabled, and several horses were killed, but the guns were brought off. Lieutenant Godbald, in com 960 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1862 mand of the left section, was struck by a percussion shell, loosing a leg from the effects of the wound, and soon after died. He was a valuable officer and his loss was severely felt. Jackson being isolated from the rest of the rebel army by the Bull Run Mountains, Hartsuffi Brigade was dispatched to Thoroughfare Gap to prevent the passage of Longstreet, now hurrying to the relief of Jackson's threatened corps. Brockway's section was pushed by hand into position in the gap, and after riddling a stone mill, and some houses, in which the enemy's sharp-shooters were posted, the infantry advanced and took them, and established their lines so as to insure the safety of the battery, and to hold the enemy at bay. The guns held complete command of the gap until dark, when the brigade fell back to join the main body. The command moved by Bristoe Station and Manassas Junction, and on the 30th the battery was placed in position on the left of the battle line at Bull Run, near the Henry House, the artillery holding a commanding position. At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lieutenant Case was sent with his section to the right to report to General Stevens, leaving Brockway alone-the section disabled at Rappahannock Station not having been repaired. To the left of Brockway was commanding ground, where the enemy had posted fifty pieces of his artillery. At a concerted signal his:guns opened, and his infantry moved forward in heavy masses. A fierce cannonade was openedin reply, and his infantry were driven back. The troops in support of our artillery soon disappeared, and the battery was withdrawn to a new position; but hereit was discovered that the enemy had possession of the Sudley Spring Road, the only avenue of escape, and the guns were lost. Of the thirty-five men with the bat. tery in the morning, only three remained, and they succeeded in making their way to a point where an effort was being made to stay the advancing tide of the enemy. Another gun, with a fresh detachment of men, was placed under Lieutenant Brockway, with orders to fill'the chest full of ammunition.",A slow fire was kept up until dusk upon groups of the enemy wherever seen, when directions were received from General Heintzleman, to hold the position until further orders, and to keep up a steady fire in the direction of the enemy. Supposing he was to be supported, Lieutenant Brockway continued his fire, until suddenly he found himself charged upon by the enemy, who were swarming on all sides. The fruits of the rebel charge were one gun and caisson, and eight men, much to the chagrin of the rebel commander. Our troops," says Lieutenant Brockway, "had safely re-crossed Bull Run, and I then understood that it was intended that we should hold the hill until killed or captured, while the balance of the army retreated behind Bull Run. It was some consolation to know that the ruse had succeeded, and as I afterwards learned, while our solitary gun was booming from the Henry House, the:Bucktails were cutting down the bridge across Bull Run."' Only one gun was saved; and with the remnant of the company remaining marched all night, and on the following day encampednear Centreville. Here the guns and horses of an Indiana battery were turned over to Captain Matthews, and with them the battery was partially re-fitted. In the engagement at Chantilly, it was in line but not engaged. In the series ofengagements in Pope's Virginia campaign, the battery lost eight men killed, fifteen wounded and five taken prisoners. The prisoners, including Lieutenant Brockway, were 1862 BATTLE OF FREDERIC~KSBURG. 961 marched away to Richmond. Shortly afterwards, Lieutenant Case was obliged to leave on account of sickness, and never afterwards returned. At South Mountain the battery was not engaged. On the night of the 15th of September, it encamped on Antietam Creek. On the following day it crossed the stream and moved to the right, where it was in line with Ricketts' Division. At daylight on the 17th, it opened the battle. The position at first was just in rear of the corfield which has become historic, the Dunkard Church being just beyond. Soon the enemy's fire was concentrated upon it, and it was advanced across the inclosed field to the edge of the cornfield. The enemy several times charged this position, but he was as often repulsed by the storm of canister poured into his ranks. Towards the close of the engagement, Captain Matthews had his horse killed under him. Most of the battery borses were either killed or wounded. Four men were killed and fifteen wounded. )On the 23d, Lieutenant Ricketts re-joined the battery from recruiting service, and Captain Matthews left it on account of sickness, and never afterwards resumed command. The battery at this time, from severe service in the field, was in a sad state. It had been reduced from a six to a two-gun battery; the men were greatly reduced in numbers, and worn down with constant marching and fighting; the horses and equipments were in the most pitiable condition. Lieutenant Godbald was dead, Lieutenant Brockway a prisoner, Captain Matthews and Lieutenant Case absent, prostrated by disease, and the men largely scattered by wounds, sickness and desertion. On the 1st of September, while encamped at Brook's Station, on the Acquia Creek Railroad, Lieutenant Bicketts was ordered to Washington for an additional battery, and obtained two guns, fourteen men, and twenty-nine horses. On the 10th, the battery moved to Falmouth, and reported to Captain De Russy, at Burnside's Headquarters, and was by him posted on the left bank of the river to cover the laying of the lower pontoons, and the crossing of the troops. On the 11th, the cannonading opened, and towards evening the battery was engaged-with the enemy on the opposite side. During the 13th, the batteries posted on the left bank performed very important services, driving away the enemy who had posted his guns so as to enfilade the Union column as it advanced to the attack. They were even more exposed to the enemy's fire than those upon the right bank, being_ obliged to take position quite close to the river, on low, flat ground, the bluffs, at this point being some distance back from the river. On the two following days, while the troops remained on theright bank, the batteries were of great aid in enabling them to hold their position, and in covering their withdrawal. R:eturning to the neighborhood of Belle Plain the battery went into winter quarters. Lieutenant Brockway was exchanged and returned to his command shortly after the battle of Fredericksburg. Early in January, 1863, it was transferred from the Second to the Third Division of the First Corps. During the winter details were temporarily made, from several infantry regiments, of men:to serve in the battery. Upon the promotion of Captain Matthews to Major, on the 14th of March, Lieutenant R. B. Ricketts was commissioned to succeed him.* The movement upon Chancellorsville opened on the 27th of April. The Eleventh, Twelfth and Fifth Corps moved up to the fords above Fredericksburg * Colonel Wainright, in command of the artillery of the First Army Corps, published to his cobimand, on the 25th of February, 1863, the following communication from General Hunt: "COLONEL:-The reports of the late inspections show that none of your batteries are in bad. 121 962 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1863 to effect a real crossing, while the First, Second, Third and Sixth Corps made a demonstration below. Early on the morning of Wednesday an attempt was made to lay the pontoons, at the point where Franklin had crossed in the December previous, which was defeated by-the enemy's sharp-shooters. But as the fog raised and their position was disclosed, they were quickly scattered by the artillery, and the bridge was soon laid. Wadsworth's Division, and a part of Sedgwick's Corps, crossed, and for three days a heavy artillery fire was kept up, which was well directed and effective. On Saturday the troops re-crossed, and the First Corps followed the Second and Third, which had already gone to the support of Hooker at Chancellorsville. On the evening of Sunday, the day on which the heaviest fighting occurred, Battery F relieved Seeley's regular battery, which had lost in the day's work fifty men and as many horses. The enemy's line was only two hundred and fifty yards distant. Captain Ricketts was ordered to hold the position at all hazards. The horses were, accordingly, sent away to the rear, and the grape and canister was silently piled at the muzzles of the pieces, other ammunition being of little avail in so close quarters. At ten o'clock P. M. our pickets were driven in and the guns were double shotted. For a little time a perfect storm of bullets was showered upon the battery by the enemy's infantry; but the canister, which was poured forth in almost a continous stream, was too terrible for them to withstand. Several times during the night the rebels advanced, but could not be induced to charge up to the muzzles of the guns. On the same night our infantry threw up breastworks, and on the following day, Monday, a reconnoissance by Griffin's Division disclosed the fact that the enemy was heavily entrenched and awaiting an attack. "Throughout the entire day," says Lieutenant Brockway,'we were annoyed by their sharp-shooters. General Whipple was shot by one of them close to our battery. Some of Berdan's sharp-shooters routed them, except one persistent fellow stationed behind a large tree in the forks of which he rested his rifle. He put six bullets in the sapling which covered one of Berdan's men. He was finally shot by setting three men at work at him. On his person was found forty-eight dollars in gold, two hundred in greenbacks, fifty in confederate money, and three packs of cards. * * * At ten o'clock at night the enemy advanced in strong columns, and peal upon peal of musketry rang on the still night air. The'zit,''zit,' of the Minnie balls, and their'thud,'thud,' in the ground, was interspersed with yells and cheers from friend and foe. Again the enemy retired. The next morning they advanced in heavier columns and one continued roar was kept-up, from muskets, rifles, Napoleon, Parrott, and Regulation guns. The rounds of double-shotted canister rattled among them and finally compelled them to retire." During the night the army withdrew to the north bank of the river. On the 13th of May, the battery was ordered to report to General Tyler, in command of the reserve artillery. On the 1st of June, Battery G was attached to Battery F. The order of transfer was distasteful to the men, and they at first refused to obey it. But a section was finally created and manned by its men, and Lieutenant Spence assigned to its command, when further oporder; the only corps so reported. The batteries reported in the best order are, Reynolds' L, First New York; Ricketts' F, First Pennsylvania; and Lepperne's, Fifth Maine. HENRY J. HUNT, Brigadier General and Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac." 1863 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 963 position ceased. On tit 15th of May, the battery, along with the reserve artillery, moved by forced marches towards Pennsylvania. On the afternoon of July 2d, it arrived upon the Gettysburg battle ground, and was immediately brought into position in front of the Cemetery gate to the north of the Baltimore Pike, relieving Cooper's battery. Scarcely had it wheeled into position, when it'became engaged with the enemy's artillery posted on Benner's Hill, across Rock Creek, and opposite Wolf's Hill. His guns were silenced, but while engaged, a heavy column of his infantry crossed Bock Creek, and was advancing on Wadswortlisposition. A few rounds of shlrpnell. threw it into confusion, and compelled it to make a long circuit to reach its destination. Just at dusk, while yet shelling this column, a line of infantry, reaching from Gettysburg to near Rock Creek, emerged from behind a small knoll south of the Bonnaughtown Road, where it had secretly and silently formed, and advanced with the apparent intention of joining in the attack on Wadsworth, away to the right. So quietly had this powerful division been formed and moved forward, that it was hardly noticed until it was in motion in full view. The artillery opened upon it with shot and shell, when suddenly, as if upon parade, it changed front to the right, and with deafening yells charged full upon Cemetery Hill. It was the famous charge of the Louisiana Tigers, led by Hayes and Hoke. The battery here occupied an exposed position, which commanded the whole field. Captain Ricketts had been advised that the enemy would doubtless make desperate efforts to take it, and was ordered to hold it to the last extremity. He had, accordingly, sent his horses well to the rear, but had his caissons harnessed and ready to move upon the instant of warning. As soon as he discovered that this compact and desperate rebel column was moving upon his position, he charged his pieces with canister and poured in the deadly volleys, four discharges per minute, throwing five hundred pounds of deadly missiles full in the faces of the. foe. But these desperate men had never failed in a charge, and nothing daunted, they closed up where their line was blown away, and rushed forward with deafening yells. The infantry supports lying behind the stone wall in front, fled in despair, and the battery on the left with its supports was overwhelmed. The batteries on the right were so posted that they could not fire after the enemy began to ascend the hill. The brunt of the attack therefore fell upon Ricketts. But he well knew that the heart of the whole army was throbbing for him in that desperate hour, and how much the enemy coveted the prize for which he was making so desperate a throw. With an iron hand he kept every man to his post and every gun in full play. The giving way of our line upon the left brought the Tigers upon his flank. Pouring in a volley from behind a stone wall that ran close to his left piece, they leaped the fence, bayonetted the men, spiked the gun, and killed or wounded the entire detachment, save three, who were taken prisoners. But the remaining guns still belched forth their double rounds of canister, the officers and drivers taking the places of the fallen cannoneers. The battery's guidon was planted in one of the earthworks, and a rebel Lieutenant was pressing forward to gain it; but just as he was in the act of grasping it, young Riggin, its bearer, rode up and shot him through the body, and seizing the colors, he levelled his revolver again, but ere he could fire, he fell, pierced with bullets, and soon after expired. The rebels were now in the very midst of the battery, and in the darkness it was diflcult to distinguish friend from foe. A struggle ensued for the guidon. 964 FORTY-THIRD REGBIMENT —FIRST ARTILLERY. 1863 It had fallen into the hands of a rebel. Seeing this, Lieutenant Brockway seized a stone and felled him to the ground, and the next instant the rebel was shot with his own musket. A scene of the wildest confision ensued. The men at the batteries were outnumbered, and were being overpowered by a maddened and reckless foe. But still they clung to their guns, and with hand.-spikes, rammers, and stones, defended them with desperate valor, cheering each other on, and shouting, "Death on our own State soil, rather than give the enemy our guns." At this critical moment, Carrolls Brigade came gallantly to the rescue, and the enemy retreated in confusion. The men again flew to their guns and with loud cheers gave him some parting salutes, in the form of double shotted canister. Thus ended the grand charge of Early's Division, headed by the famous Louisiana Tigers, who boasted that they had never before been repulsed in a charge. They came forward, seventeen hundred strong, maddened with liquor, and confident of crushing in our line, and holding this commanding position. They went back barely six hundred, and the Tigers were never afterwards known as an organization. At early dawn of the 3d a heavy cannonade opened on the extreme right, where Geary was engaged in a desperate struggle, which continued until eleven A. M. There was then a lull and perfect quiet reigned until one P. M., when a single shot, fired near the Seminary, was the signal for one hundred and ten guns, which the enemy had skillfully posted, to open. The position of Ricketts was most unfavorable. Occupying the commanding ground at the angle in the centre, and at the most advanced point of the line, it was fearfully exposed. From Benner's Hill and Seminary Ridge it was completely enfiladed. Turning four of his guns upon the former, he ordered the remaining two to be posted behind the stone wall which skirted his left flank, and replied to such guns on the latter as proved most troublesome. Soon it was ascertained that the ammunition was running low and the fire was slackened, a close watch being kept in the direction of the town for the appearance of the rebel infantry. But still the enemy kept up an unremitting fire which was continued for three hours in one unceasing roar. Then came his grand charge of infantry, and his signal repulse. In the midst of it al1 General Meade rode up into the battery and said, "We have beaten them back from the centre and taken over a thousand prisoners; all depends upon your saving ammunition." But the enemy had now liad enough of battle, and during the night began his retreat. The loss during the entire engagement was nine killed, fourteen wounded and three taken prisoners, about one-half of the number actually engaged. The loss in horses was over forty. The pursuit immediately commenced, and on the 12th the battery was transferred from the reserve artillery to the Second Corps, and was brought into position facing the enemy at St. James College, near Williamsport; but before preparations could be completed for a general engagement, the enemy escaped into Virginia. Meade's campaign during the remaining months of 1863, which culminated at Mine Run, were participated in by the battery, marching with the Second Corps and engaging the enemy at every favorable point. At Bristoe ~Station, on the 14th of October, Warren's Corps, the rear-guard of Meade's retreating army, was heavily struck upon the flank by the corps of A. P. Hill. The railroad lay between the contending forces, and both parties were anxious to gain the shelter of its embankments. Ricketts' Battery was ordered into position at a gallop, but was obliged to cross a plain a fourth of a mile wide 1863 BATTLE OF BIlSTOE STATION 965 fully exposed to the enemy's fire. Heath's Division of Hills Corps now hastened forward in line of battle towards the railroad, and General Hayes, to counteract the movement, wheeling from column into line, charged with his entire division and seized the road before the enemy reached it. Ricketts, disregarding the fire of the rebel artillery, immediately opened upon the enemy's infantry upon the right with shrapnell and canister, and soon compelled him to mass on his centre. The battery was now in a critical position. Having galloped away from its supports, it was in danger of being enveloped by the rebel left, which was rapidly closing in. Its canister, liberally delivered, alone saved it. Soon other batteries came into position, and under the fierce storm of shells and bullets the rebel line gave way in confusion. Five guns and a large number of prisoners were taken. The Second Corps was complimented in orders for its gallantry, and Ricketts' Battery, in acknowledgment of the part taken in their capture, was directed to take the guns to the headquarters of the commanding general. The loss in killed and wounded was nine. On the 22d of November, Lieutenant Brockway commenced re-enlisting men for the veteran service, and soon after went into winter-quarters. Early in January, over one hundred men having been re-enrolled, (all who were entitied to, under the provisions of the general order, with four or five exceptions,) they were, on the 10th, re-mustered for three years and an order issued for a veteran furlough. After an absence of thirty days the company rendezvoused at Chester, Pennsylvania, where it was recruited to two hundred. About the 1st of March it returned to its old camp on Mountain Run, and the surplus men were distributed to other batteries. From Thompson's Independent Penn. sylvania, and G batteries, both of which had been ordered to Washington to recruit and re-organize, the company.was ordered to re-fit for active duty. Grant, who had taken the field with the Army of the Potomac, faced his columns towards the Rapidan, and on the night of the 4th of May, the battery in its place in the Second Corps, crossed at Ely's Ford without opposition, and encamped on the old Chancellorsville battle ground on the very spot where it fought a year before. "We marched," says Captain Brockway, "over the Chancellorsville battle ground, and, by a wonderful coincidence, encamped on the same spot where, one year ago to-day, we were in line of battle engaging the enemy. The spot was full of interest. At this point our batteries had been massed, the horses sent to the rear, and preparations made to hold out to the last. Here General Whipple was killed, and so many desperate attempts:made by the enemy to break our line. A few hundred yards to the front was the Chancellor House, and over the whole field was scattered the usual debris of a battle-field. Our intrenchments had been levelled by the enemy after Hooker's retreat." At noon of the 5th, the enemy was met. The ground which he hal selected was in a dense chaparral which covers the country for miles, and is known as the Wilderness. The Union lines were hastily formed along the Brock Road, cutting the Orange Plank Road at right angles, Warren upon the right, Sedgwick in the centre, and Hancock on the left. As Sedgwick's artillery had not yet arrived, Ricketts' Battery was sent to General Getty, commanding a division of the Sixth Corps. It was found, on advancing, that only a single section could be used at a time, and that must advance en echelon. At half past four the order to march was given, and a movement of a few yards showed the enemy's infantry tobe in great force in front, with a battery of Napoleon guns masked 966 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1864 in the road beyond. Brockway's section replied, using percussion shells, and soon blew up one of his limbers, killing a number of men and five of his horses. The enemy hurled canister, but the percussion shells proved superior and his guns were soon withdrawn. For a moment there was a lull, then his infantry charged, slowly pressing our men back, yelling, as they advanced, like demons. Shells were used against them until the head of their column entered the road, when canister was dealt and the guns were nimbly handled. The plank road was well suited to it, as the splinters did as much execution as the shot. A peck of bullets per minute was too much for rebel digestion, and his column was forced to give way. Advancing through the woods upon the flanks, he succeeded in pushing our lines back beyond the guns, and they were in danger of being lost; but a fresh brigade was promptly sent in, which restored our position. After two hours of constant firing Brockway's section was withdrawn and Snyder's substituted. Upon witnessing the withdrawal the enemy made a rush for the guns. Unfortunately one of Snyder's guns burst on the first discharge, and Lieutenant Campbells were ordered up; but General Hancock, who had now arrived, ordered the battery to be withdrawn. Later in the day Carroll's Brigade re-captured the abandoned gun and caisson.* During the two following days heavy fighting occurred, and, to add to the horrors of battle, the breast-works, which were composed of logs and rails, and the woods took fire, the wild torrent of flame and smoke enveloping friend and foe. The wounded, helpless and beyond the reach of human aid, perished miserably amid the flames. At the close of the Wilderness battle, neither side had gained any signal advantage, though both had lost heavily. And now commenced a series of movements by the left flank, the two armies moving on nearly parallel lines towards Richmond, meeting in deadly conflict at every favorable point. The battery marched with the corps, and was almost constantly marching or upon the battle line. Every position taken was strongly fortified, often under fire of the enemy's sharp-shooters, who were exceedingly vigilant, the least exposure of the person drawing forth their deadly missiles. Many of his works were of great strength, and were grass-grown, showing that he had for a long time been in preparation for an advance upon Richmond by this route. At the Pamunky River the Tenth and Eighteenth Corps were met under command of General "Baldy" Smith. At Cold Harbor, Bicketts' Battery was attached to the Eighteenth Corps, and was sharply engaged. The enemy here used mortars for the first time with considerable effect, causing ammunition trains and hospitals to be removed far to the rear, and rendering heavy bomb-proofs necessary * EXTRACT FROM GENERAL HANCOCK'S OFFICIAL REPORT.-At a quarter past four P. M., General Getty moved forward on the right and left of the Orange Plank Road, having received direct orders from General Meade to commence the,attack without waiting for me. Finding that General Getty had met the enemy in great force, I ordered General Birney to advance his command (his own and Mott's Division) to support the movement of Getty at once. Although the formation I had directed to be made before carrying out my instructions to advance was not yet completed, General Birney immediately moved forward on General Getty's right and left, one section of Ricketts' Battery, (Lieutenant Brookway,) company F, First Pennsylvania Artillery, moving down the plank road just in rear of the infantry. The fight became very fierce at once-the lines of battle were exceedingly close, and the musketry continuous and deadly along the entire line. * * * The section of Ricketts' Battery which moved down the plank road when Birney and Getty attacked, suffered severely in men and horses. It was captured, at one time, during the fight, but was re-taken by detachments from the Fourteenth Indiana and Eighth Ohio volunteers, of Carroll's Brigade. It was then withdrawn. 1865 SIEGE OF PETERSU$BU G. 967 for the protection of the gunners. Every one, from general to drummer-boy, burrowed in the earth. " During Sunday, June 5th," says Captain Brockway, "we still maintained our position, though heavy firing continued during the day.- At dusk a rebel band came to the extreme front of their line and played'Dixie,' Bonnie Blue Flag,' Maryland' and other confederate airs, to which the men responded by lusty cheers. Our, bands then went as close as possible to their lines and returned the compliment by playing'Hail Columbia' and'Yankee Doodle.' The rebels groaned for the one and poured in a volley while the other was played; but'Home, Sweet Home' drew cheers from both sides." On the 8th, the battery was relieved from duty with the Eighteenth and returned to the Second Corps, having been in line of battle without relief for six days. On the 14th, the corps reached the James River, and was soon in position before Petersburg. The lines were fortified, and so close to the enemy were they, that the contending parties could throw stones into each others trenches. The battery opened as soon as.posted, and several hundred rounds were thrown into the city, but with what effect could not beseen. On the 20th, the battery moved out of its fortifications and marched with the corps to the Jerusalem Plank Road. Here the enemy, under A. P. Hill, attacked with great impetuosity, taking a, battery and some prisoners. The disaster was soon repaired, and a heavy line of intrenchments thrown up, rendering it secure from attack. While here, the battery was captured by a skirmish line of our own men, who had mistaken it for a rebel work, to the infinite chagrin of the officer in command upon the discovery of his mistake. The siege of Petersburg had now fully commenced. Siege gnts and heavy mortars were placed along the line, gabions, fascines, and other siege materials were rapidly accumulated, and trenches, parallels, and traverses commenced. On the 18th of July, the corps moved around the rear of the army and crossed the James River at Deep Bottom. The enemy, supposing that a real attack was meditated from the north side of the stream, sent five divisions of his army to re-inforce his feeble lines there. But the real object of the movement was to make a diversion in favor of Burnside, who was about to spring his mine. On the evening previous to the explosion, the corps returned, and was in position ready for action, but was not ordered forward. The result of the operations over the mine proved a failure, and the corps returned to its former positio n n the left. From this time forward until the capture of Petersburg, the battery participated in all the movements of the corps, being constantly upon the front, and engaged in the active operations of the siege. Upon the fall of the city, on the 3d of April, it was attached to the reserve artillery, and went into camp near City Point. Proceeding hence to Washington, where its guns and horses were turned over, it moved thence to Harrisburg, where, on the 10th of June, 1865, it was mustered out of service. BATTERY G. Battery G, Captain Mark Kern, was armed with four smooth-bore pieces, and after receiving small arms and accoutrements at Camp Barry, was assigned to the command of General M'Call, in camp at Tenallytown. Here the company was thoroughly trained, and upon the advance of the Reserves into Virginia, it moved and took position in line with the army of the Potomac, where it went into winter-quarters. In the spring campaign of 1862, it participated 968 F ORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1862 in the movement upon Manassas, and retrograde to Alexandria, in the second advance to Catlett's, and thence to Falmouth. Upon the arrival of the Reserves upon the Peninsula, the battery moved with the division to the neighborhood of Mechanicsville, where the enemy was met and a severe battle was fought. The battery now consisted of six twelve-pound howitzers, and was posted in reserve, supported by the Third Regiment, Colonel Sickel. In the progress of the engagement the enemy attacked, in heavy force and with great determination, upon the extreme right, and Kern's guns were ordered forward. For the moment, the flank was in danger of being turned; but the guns were quickly brought into position, and a rapid fire was opened, which checked the rebel impetuosity, and he was soon driven back. At night the battery was withdrawn, and on the following day participated in the battle of Gaines' Mill. "Captain Kern's Battery," says Sypher, "was put in a commanding position near theleft, and was supported by regiments of General Meade's Brigade. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the battery was uncovered by the repulse of the front line of battle. The guns immediately opened on the enemy with good effect. Annoyed by the well directed fire, the enemy made determined efforts to drive the battery from the hill. A heavy column was formed and charged up the hill, coming within fifty yards of the guns. Captain Kern was wounded in the left leg, but standing by his guns continued to cheer on his men. Grape and canister, double-shotted, were poured into the advancing column, tearing the men to pieces, and sending the masses reeling down the hill. Three times they renewed the contest with increased force and a fiercer desperation. Each time they were repulsed with greater slaughter. But the hill must be gained and the battery silenced, without regard to loss. Another column was formed of fresh troops, heavier than the defeated ones, and forward it came, the rebel general carrying the colors in front, and calling his men to follow. There was dreadful carnage in their ranks, but each horrible gap was instantly closed up, and the column pressed forward. When within twenty paces of the battery, at a single round the whole front rank was carried away, the General and his flag were buried in the heap of slain, yet still forward rushed the infuriate enemy to the muzzles of the guns, when, giving them a parting charge of death, Captain Kern limbered to the rear. and with four guns, snatched from the hands of the enemy, retired behind a new line of battle." Captain Kern was wounded; seven men were killed, and twelve were wounded, and two guns were lost. On the 30th, the division was again engaged at Charles City Cross Roads, and the battery was posted with Cooper's on the centre of the line. The enemy's most persistent attack was upon the left, where, by the shameful conduct of two NSew York batteries, that day accidentally with the division, the integrity of the line was compromised. In the meantime, repeated charges were made upon the guns on the centre, but his columns were hurled back by storms of canister, and the deliberate fire of musketry. The ground for eight hundred yards in front of Kern's guns was open, and in crossing it the rebel ranks were fully exposed to their fiercest blasts; but notwithstanding this, they rushed boldly forward, closing up as their lines were rent, and dashing forward with infuriate daring. For two hours the struggle for these guns continued. By order of General Seymour the caissons had been taken to the rear. The ammunition in the limbers began to run low, and Captain Kern sent two officers, 1862 BATTLE OF BULL RUN. 969 with urgent messages, for a fresh supply; but failing to receive it, he fired his last charge, and by order of General M'Call moved to the rear. From the Peninsula the battery was transported with the division to Acquia Creek, and joined the Army of General Pope. At Bull Run, on the 30th of August, it was again brought into action. Already on the hard fought fields of-Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill and Charles City Cross Roads had the battery been innured to most desperate fighting, against overwhelming numbers; but its experience here was even more trying and disasterous than upon any previous field. At four o'clock P. M., the enemy who had been for some time massed and masked, awaiting an attack upon our left, despairing of drawing our columns into his well laid trap, himself advanced to the attack. Kern's guns were the first to feel the shock. With desperate valor he sought to stem the torrent, as he had done on other fields At the critical moment his support failed him, and the guns were lost; but not until their gallant commander had yielded up his life in the mortal strife, and a large portion of his devoted men had gone down by his side. Three men were killed and twenty-one wounded. Four guns, two caissons, two limbers and twenty-seven horses were lost. The fragment of the battery which was left, returned to Washington, where it was furnished with a battery of four three-inch rifled guns, horses, and equipments, and where a number of those absent in hospitals, and disabled by wounds, returned to the ranks. On the 9th of October it marched, under command of Lieutenant F. P. Amsden, to Sharpsburg, where it rejoined the Reserves and moved with them via Berlin and Warrenton to Falmouth, and on the 13th of December was engaged in the battle of Fredericksburg. In the formation for the attack, the battery was posted between the First and Second Brigades. Before advancing the batteries were ordered to shell the heights And woods in front. The enemys guns which were opened upon the left, were soon silenced, and the infantry pushed forward to the attack. A battery to the extreme left, which enfiladed the advancing line, now opened and was replied to by Amsden's guns, together with those of Cooper and Ransom. After thirty minutes rapid firing the enemy was forced to abandon his pieces, having had two of his limbers or caissons blown up. The charge upon the enemy's intrenched line, though bravely made and successfully prosecuted, was finally repulsed by overpowering numbers, and the division was withdrawn. The loss in the engagement was one killed and four wounded. Two of the guns were disabled. The battery next participated in the second advance of Burnside, which was interrupted and finally defeated'by the inclemency of the weather. It next met the enemy on the field of Ohancellorsville. On the 12th of May, the battery was temporarily attached to Battery F, under command of Captain R. B. Ricketts, and was engaged in the battle of Gettysburg on the 2d and 3d of July, and in the skirmishes at Auburn, Bristoe Station, and Mine Run. While thus attached, it was under command of Lieutenant Belden Spence, Captain Amsden having resigned on the 25th of May, 1863. Its operations in these campaigns are fully given in connection with the narrative of Ricketts' Battery. On the 3d of April, 1864, it was detached from Captain Ricketts' command and proceeded, under Lieutenant William Jennings, to Camp Berry, near Washington, where it received six light twelve-pounder guns, horses and equipments. It was soon afterwards moved to Arlington, where the right section was posted in Fort Bennett, the centre in Fort Corcoran, and the left in Fort Haggarty. 122 970 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —-FIRST ARTILLERY. 1865 On the 3d of July, upon the occasion of the advance of the rebels into Maryland, the battery was ordered to Frederick, where the men were supplied with muskets, and marched thence to Point of Rocks. Here it remained from July 6th, td December 12th, when it was ordered to Maryland Heights, and there turned in the muskets and drew a battery of six light twelve-pounder Napoleon guns. On the 17th of March, Lieutenant Jennings was discharged upon the expiration of his term of service, and was succeeded in command by Lieutenant L. Eugene C. Moore, who was subsequently commissioned Captain. The battery remained at Maryland Heights, changing camp but once, until April 16, 1865, when it received orders to turn in its guns and report to General Augur for duty in the defences of Washington. Here Lieutenant Moore was ordered to Camp Barry, but before the men were fairly settled in their quarters, he was ordered to Fort Lincoln, on the Bladensburg Pike, five miles from Washington. Here the battery was again armed with that weapon so detested by a light artillery-man, the musket, and on the 27th of April, moved to Fort Foote, an extensive work on the left bank of the Potomac, commanding the maritime approaches to Washington, and mounting several of the largest guns known to the service. Here the battery lost two men by disease and had two commissioned from the ranks. When orders were received for the reduction of the army at the close of the war, Battery G, then numbering about one hundred and thirty men, rank and file, was ordered to Philadelphia, and was there mustered out at Camp Cadwalader, on the 29th of June, 1865. BATTERY I. During the winter of 1864-5, so many volunteers enlisted for this regiment that the old batteries were filled up to the maximum number, one hundred and fifty men each, with a sufficient number beyond to form a new company. These men were placed on duty, and under the instruction of experienced non-commissioned officers of the regiment in De Russy's Divison, occupying the defences south of the Potomac. The battery was organized on the 2d of March, 1865, by the appointment of S. B. Cameron, Captain; Lindley J. Taylor, First Lieutenant, and W. D. Schoenlieber, Second Lieutenant. It was mustered out of service on the 1st of July, 1865, at Philadelphia. THBIE YEARS' SERVICE. 971 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER 13, 1861-to Co., July 29, 62- tr. as Col. to 65th regiment Pa. Volunteers, May 29, 1864. H. T. Danforth...... Lt. Col. Sept13, 61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery B, to Maj., Aug., 1861-~to Lieut. Col., Sept.~ 13, 1861- resigned December 21, 1861. Edward H. Flood......do... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery D, to Lt. Col., July" 19, 1862-disch. by special order, Sept. 22, 1863. James Brady............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery H, to Major, July 19, 162-to Lt. Col., Nov. 13,'63-to brevet Col., March 13,'65-mus. out with reg., July 19,'65. Alfred E. Lewis.... Major.. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery E, Aug. 1, 1861discharged July 29, 1862. E. W. Matthews.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery F, to Maj., April 11, 1863 —disch. on Surg. certificate, July 18, 1864. B. Bruce Ricketts......do... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery F, to Maj., Dec. I, 1864-comn. Col., March 15,'65-not mustereddischarged June 3, 1865. Theodore Miller........do Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. battery E, to Maj., Feb. 24, 1865-discharged June 2, 1865. Edward Shippen... Surg.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Resigned September 17, 1862. M. F. Price............do...Aug. 2'6,'62, 3 Resigned September 18, 1863. James R. Riley...... As.Sur. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Pr. to Surgeon, 127th reg, P. V., Aug. 26, 1862. B. M. Patterson.........do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Died at Georgetown, )D. C., December 16, 1862. W. A. P. Eberhart.. Chap'n Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'62. Richard M. Ball..... SrMaj. June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Aug., 1862-to 1st Lt. battery C, September 16, 1863. George W. r... Cripp...do. June 11,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sergeant battery E, Sept. 17,'63mustered out, June, 1864expiration of term. George W. Kline......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Reedcedtransferred to battery B, Aug., 1862. Lindley J. Taylor.....do. Aug. 18,'62, 3 Pr. to Q. M. Sgt., Aug. 1,'64-to Sgt. Maj., Nov. 1,'64-mus. out with regiment, July 19,'65. Geo. B. Barkley...... Com Sr July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, July, 1864-expiration of term. L i. Eugene C.Moore...do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Promoted to Corn. Sgt., December 1, 1864-to 2d Lt. battery G, February 23, 1865...TE.d-The flowg....e n h eMustered out, June, 186exp iration of terlm. Sylves. B. Cameron...do..... Sept. 9,'64, 3 Reduced-transferred to battery I, Mar. 21, 65. James M. Craft......o...d.... Sept.4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. batt'y A, to Cor n. Sgt., June 1,'65t. mus. out with regiment, July 19,'65Vet. Benjamin M. Orwig Q.M.Sr. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., battery E,Nov. 17, 1863. Frank Langle............do.....Nov. 27,'63, 3 Pr. to Corn. Sgt., Aug. 1,'64- 1to Q. M. Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-to 2d Lt. battery C, June 5,'65-Vet. John D ve s. aer. t Aug. 5,,'6 Mustered out, July 22, 864-expiration of term. Robert Hargraves... Bug. Aug. 5, 61, 3 Discharged October g, 1862. BATTERY A. RECRUITED AT CHAMBERSBURG, FRANKLIN COUNTY. Hezekiah Easton.... Capt.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. John G. Simpson.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Dismissed August 21, 1864. William Stitt............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'61-to 1st Lt., Dec. 26,'61-to Captain, Sept. 17,'64-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. W. H. Sullenberger] 1st. Lt. May 29,'61, 3 Resigned November 12, 1861. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. PI. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute.'Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered.' Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran voluntWer. Chap. Ch aplain.. Pr. pro me Serarv. service. Wds. wounds. 972 FORTY-THRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAME. BAXKX DATE OF MIBTER REARKS. INTO SERVICE. 4 > H. E. Palsgrove...... Ist Lt.. May 29,'61, 3 Resigned December 1, 1861. CharlesT. Campbell..... May 29,'61,3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Dec. 21,'61-resigned Feb. 8, 1862. Samuel D. Martin.,...do.. May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to lst Sgt., Mar. 6,'62-to2d Lt., Feb. 24, 1864-to 1st Lieut., Nov. 27, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. William R. Brown.....do.....May 29,'61, 3 Pr. from private to 1st Sgt., Dec. 1,'64-to st Lt., March 1,'65-mus. out with batt'y, July 25,'65. Jacob L. Deitriek... 2d Lt... May 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 30,1862-disch'd on Surgeon's certificate, January 24, 1863. Peter Cummings.......do.... May 29, 61, 3 Dismissed December 18, 1863. John H. Kline,. do....... May 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Dec. 18,'62-to Sgt., Dec. 24, 1863-to 2d Lieut., March 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. John N. Young..... st Sgt. May 29, 61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergt., March 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Daniel Nerhood...... M. S. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. George W. Kline.....Com.. June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt. Major-date unknown. James W. Miller..... Serg't.. May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet, Jefferson Sauser........do... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Gustavus Seyferth.....do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. George W. Tritle..do.... June 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Hiram Warriner........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 16, 1865-mustered outwith battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. W. H. Whitemarsh...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 16, 1865 —mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Josiah Hensey..........do... Aug., 61 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. H. Lawrence.....do.... ay 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. William Jones........ do -..d. y 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Edward Long..........do.. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged February 19. 1864. John Reese..............do..... May 29,'6,' 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'63. John Spharr.............do..... Aug. 5,'61 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Robert Taylor............do.....May 29,'61, 3 Dropd from the rolls, by S. O., Nov. 16, 1862. Benj. F. Moore......... do... May 29,'61, 3 Transferred to 28th regiment P. V., Oct. 10, 1861. Samuel Borts......... Corp.... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., February 7, 1865-YVet. Isaac Hime............. do..... Aug. 1a,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Jefferson Mutchler...do.... May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Henry D. Barr..........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Geo. W. Bennet.........do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. George Gressly.........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 -Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Cyruls D. Chapman I..do...:... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Yet. Benjamin M'Falls......do.... Aug. 1, 61, Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Anthony Gressley....do..... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865 —mustered out with battery, July 25. 1865-Vet. Charles Mehring........do...June 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Daniel B. Bagley.....d..... July 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Howell Mutchler......do....May 21,'63, 3Promoted to Corporal, June16, 1865-mustered out with battery, July:25, 1865. James W. DeWolf..do.... May 29,'61,3 Discharged by special order, June 13, 1865. W. P. A. M'Dowell...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Peter Shelley..........odo.....1 May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 30,'62.. Thomas:Potter..........do... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Robert Snyder.........do......3 Not on muster-out roll. Jos. E. Ramsdale... Bugler May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Charles Gebhart..... Artifi'r Dec. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. James M. Warner.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Arnold, GilbertM... Private Mar. 29,'64, 3.Mustered out withbattery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Adams, Jacob....... do.... June 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Ardes, John.............do..Aug. 27,'64, I Mustered out, June 13, 1865. August, Charles......do.... July 27,'61, 3 Died October 2, 1862, at Washington, D. C.-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Adams, Levi............ do. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died near Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. Austin, Jacob............do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Portsmouth, Va., September 1, 1863. Brooke,d William......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25,1865-Vet. Burkholder, Henry...do. May 29,'61, 3'Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Burkholder, John...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25,1865-Vet. Burkholder, P; D......d..... June 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25,1865-Vet. Bixler, Isaac D.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet, Borst, Joseph............d.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Bricker, Jacob..........do.... May 29,'61, 3Mustered out with battery, July 25,1865-Vet. Blair, Joseph F........do.... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Burns, Addison........do Jan. 2, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Barriger, Simon.... odo.... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Barriger, Jonathan..do.. Aug. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out ith battery, July 25, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 973 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMAKIS. NAME. I~omi |INTO SERVICE. Buell, David W.... Private Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Ball, Thomas..........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Barr, Alexander........do.... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25,1865-Vet. Barnes, George E......do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Briner, Charles.........do... Feb. 3,' 64 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Blackwood, And. C..do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Blood, Benj...........do..... Mar. 25,'65,3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Bixler, Benjamin...d...do..... June 6,'61, 3 Discharged by special order, Nov. 16, 1862. Bixler, Reuben........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged May 28, 1864-expiration of term. aughman,........ do.... Ma 29,'61, 3 Discharged March 4, 1863. Barrett, James B...'..do..... April 6,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'65. Bennett, William......do Sept. 1,'64, 1 Musteredout, June 13, 1865. Bass, Andrew J.........do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Died September 11, 1862, at Washington, D. C.buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Beckenbaugh, J. M...do... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Deserted July 2, 1865. Boulton, Samuel.do.......... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bond, Michael..........do..... April 28,'64,3 Not on muster-out roll. Burke, Thomas.. do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bailey, Valentine...... do. Sept. 17,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Cook, John.............do.... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Creamer, Peter......do..... May 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Conners, Martin........do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Case, Marcus............do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Corbit, Matthew........ do..... Mar. 27,'65, Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Clifton, Jacob H......... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Crane, Peter.............do. Mar. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Craft, James M........do....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, June 1, 1865. Conner, Abner........... do May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'63. Carman, Robert A.....do. May, 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Coony, Michael J.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Died at Brooklyn, N. Y., January 28, 1865-Vet. Campbell, Henry.....do... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13,1862. Churchill, Carvarso...do.. Mar. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. apples, Henry H......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crawford, David......do..... Oct., 8,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Cane, Richard........do. Oct. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Daniels, James H......do... Oct. 31,'61, 3Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Daniels, Azarius...... do. Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Daniels, Thomas J.....do... Mar. 24,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Davis, Washington...do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Duff, Alexander........do Dec. 22,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Dougher, Michael........... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Dutcher, George E...do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 26, 1865 —Vet. Dillworth, John.......'..do.... Mar. 31,'65, 3Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Dougherty, Patrick...do.. May 29,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. Dewoll, J. M...... do...May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28,'62. Dewoine, J. Dey d..... F u 10, 1863. Devine, Barney...... o June 8,'62, 3 Droppedfrom the rolls, November 16, 1862. Daley, John B... do.... Ma. 2 29, 3 Mustered out, May 29,1864-expiration of term. Doan, Williamn T......do... Sept. 6,'64, Discharged June 13, 1865. Doyle, George... May29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'64. Dunn, Patrick......." do....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Deihl, Henry C.... do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3Deserted February 12, 1863. Ewing, Thomas...... do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Eastman, Smith J...do...:. Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Eden, George........... do..... Sept. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Evans, Robert..........do....:May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Elricks, Herman............ June 10,'61, 3 Missing in action at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62. Egy, Samuel............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Fisher, John M.......do... Aug. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Flanick, John.... do..... May 2'61,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. French, Oscar..............Nov. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'62. Fell, Stephen W........ do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Dropped from the rolls, by S. 0., Nov. 16,'62. Flora, Simon............ Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Fink, Benjamin.......do..... Sept. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Foster, Henry G........do. Aug. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. allon, John.........do Mar. 31,'64, 3 Disch. by S. O. of War Dep't, June 2; 1865. Furgeson, James R...do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., Sept. 20, 1864. Foutz, George..........do..... May 29,'61,.3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1,'61. Fetter, Henry.............. Sept. 13,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Flynn, Thomas:........do......Nov. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fagen, Andrew... do........ Sept, 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Gorman, James.........do... Dec. 2,'61, 3 1Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet.; Green, mWilliam A...:......". Mar. 28,'64, 3 Captured-Died May 30, 1865-buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. Gready, Peter........do Mar. 21,'65, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. G(avin, Patrick........do.. Mar. 21,'65, S3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. '974 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAME.. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. KS. Golden, Michael...... Private Mar. 31,'65, 1 Must4red out with battery, July 25, 1865. Goodrick, IH. H......[...do.....May 29,'617 3 Discharged on Surgeon's dertificate, Jan. 1,'62. Grieb, Jacob G...........d.....Sept. 8,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Gaines, Robert...........do...Aug. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4,'62. Qaines, George......... do..Oct. 2,61, 3 Died-date unknown. Galentine, Wesley......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Goserch, Joseph......... do. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 15, 1862. Gossert, Henry C....do.... May 29, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Goldman, Oliver.......do....Sept. 2,64, 1Not on muster-out roll. Gerrity, Martin.........do..... Mar. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Higgins, John..........do..... May 29,61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Hardy, William W...do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Hale, Matthew..........do. May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Henry, James............do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Houston, John..........do.....Mar. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July? 25, 1865. Hughes, David.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeo certificate, Nov. 16,'62. Humel, Peter B.........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 25, 1864-expiration of term. Hyte, Andrew...........do..... Sept.8,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Horning, George.......do.....Aug. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Hoodner, Andrew.....do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Drowned in James river, Va., August 15, 1862. Huston, Horatio.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Hoffman, Jacob.........do... do May 29,'61, 3 Missing in action at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Hamilton, A..............do..... May 29,'61 3Noton muster-out roll. Hamilton, R. P.....do..o.....May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Horn, Jacob...........l...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harrington, Henry...do.......D...................3Deserted June 12, 1861. Hadsell, Reuben........do.....Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 27, 1865. Hanly, James..........do.....Oct. 1, 64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ingram, James........do.... May 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,Julyll, 1863. Ingles, James............do...,. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 16,'62. Jayne, David P.........do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'62. Johnson, Frederick...do. May 29,'61 3Musterd out, May 29, 1864-expiration of term. Jones, Isaac C. 0......do... Dec. 16, 63, 3 Died near Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 27, 1864. Kleiss, George W......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Kennedy, Rich'd M...do.Mar. 31, 65 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Knott, John..............do..Aug. 1,'61, 3 Dropped from the rolls, by S. 0., Nov. 16, 1862. Kennedy, D. B..........do..... May 29,61 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Kaudle, Adam..........do..... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 5,'64. Knowls, Levi B........do..... May 15,'61, 3 Mustered out-expiration bf term. Kant, Christian.........do...Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Kennedy, Cyrus........do.....July 9,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. Kishbaugh, Wilson...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. — Kendall, 0. D..........do.......................Not on muster-out roll. King, Michael A........do....................... Not on muster-out roll. Kohler, G. C........do.................... 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate,-date unknown. uhns,. A........ do.......................3 Died at Camp Curtin, Harrisbg, Pa., June 16,'61. Lynn, Charles...........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865 —Vet. Loy, John............... do..... Aug. 1,'611,3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Lusk, Taylor..........do..... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Leonard, Amos....... do.....Dec. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Leyde, Alex. C........do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Lutsinger, Chas........do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'62. Lewis, Edward.........do... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Loyd, Levi S.............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term Lynthurst, Henry......do..,. Oct. 3,'61, 3 Deserted April 1, 1863. Lewis, Charles E.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted April 1, 1863. Loyd, Charles D.......do....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted April 1, 1865-Vet. Liazarus, Henry........do................. Not on muster-out roll. Logan, John....do.......................... Not on muster-out roll. Lockert, Washing'n...do..May 29'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leiser, James............ do.........Not on muster-out roll. Marshall, James........ do.....Dec. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Mott, Amasa........do.....Mar 29,'64 3Absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, George A..... o.. o..... Mar. 28,'615, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Martin, James..........do..... Mar. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Moses, Robert T........do..... Mar. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Myricks, David........do.... Mar. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. M'Daniels, Samuel...do. July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. M'Keim, Harvey....do... Dec. 21,'63, 3Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. M'Cluskey, Wilson...do..... Dec. 30,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. M'Cluskey, Jas.H..do..... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. M'Cready, Geo. A......do..... Jan 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with.battery, July 25, 1865. M'Kenney, Peter......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. M'Ginley, Patrick......do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with.battery, Jtdy 25, 1865. Miller, John H.........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17, 61. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 975 I NAME. RANK. DATEOF MUSTER REMARKS. KAN. R tAa. J^INTO SERVICE. Mudd, George W... Private May 29,'61, 3 Discharged On Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Morrison, James............. May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5,'63. M'Kinley, Jacob.......do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 12, 1864-expiration of term. Milsum, William........... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 2, 1864-expiration of term. Mitchell, John E........do.....July 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Mostello, A. W.........do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. M'Gurk, Lawrence.;.do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Martin, George.........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. M'Elroy, George W...do..... Dec. 3,'61, 3 Deserted October 23, 1862. Marks, J. M'Farlan...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Michaels, John H......do... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. M'Dowell, Finley...do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. Mountz, Adam J.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Kinney, Patrick...do..... Jan. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, July 11, 1865. Nealon, Thomas......do..... Mar. 22,'65, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Norris, Reuben.........do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'63. Norris, John..........d.... June 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. Nott, J....................do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'63. Newell, George L.....do.... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted April 18, 1862. Neil, Joseph..............do.....May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10,1863. Nichols, Edward.......do.....May 29,'61, 3 Missing in action at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Newton, J.............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted June 29, 1861. O'Connell, John.........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Osborn, Charles........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 18, 1862. Patton, Joseph...........do..... Mar. 2'65 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Packard, Eben R.......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 18, 1864-expiration of term. Peters, Francis M......do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Pitzer, Lorenzo.........do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 21,'65. Pink, John...............do.... May 29,'61, 3 Killed at-Seven Pines, October 27, 1864-Vet. Peters, Alexander......do.Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Parks, James............do.....June 8,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. Rydall, Atfield.........do.... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Rott, Rufus...............do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Richards, John J.....do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Rhue, William..........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 31,'62. Rife, John...............do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Rogers, William........do..... Sept. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Riley, Thomas..........do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Rhodeniser, Casper...do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Ross, Benjamin F.....do..... Aug. 10,'64, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Reynolds, Geo. W......do..... May 29,?61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Randall, Charles........do..... Aug. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Robinson, August.....do.... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Shatzley, Simon.......do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. SLultz, John..........d..... Mar. 23, 65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Stewart, Thomas.......do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Seidell, Adam.......... do.....May 29, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Seas, Henry...............do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Snyder, Nelson......do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Stevenson, John.......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Swarts, Harry C.......do..... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Sullivan, John..........do..... Mar. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Steinbach, Byron......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.17,'61. Sheets, Peter.......do.... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9,'62. Stark, Griffin O........do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Dropped fr. rolls, by special order, Mar. 16,'62. Sweeney, Patrick....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. Shaffer, Samuel....do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Smith, John A........... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Steel, John................do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Shatzley, Daniel........do..... May 29'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Shaffer, Lewis D....d...do...... May. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Sense, Augustus....do.....May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Sharefy, Solomon........May 29,'61,3 Mustered out, May 28, 1864-expiration of term. Sprowl, Thomas B.............Sept. 6,'64 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Smith, Silas A............do..... Aug. 19,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Scotia, John.............Sept. 26, 64, 1 Died at Point of Rocks, Md., November 27, 1864. Stephens, Addison.....do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Died at Point of Rocks, Md., May 21, 1865. Stewart, Joseph.........do.....June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Swartz, John.....do. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. Staubs, Nathaniel..... do:.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 12, 1863. Sprigman, James H...do..... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Shoemaker, Jas. M...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sipers, George........ do Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Edward do....d Oct. 18,'64, Not on muster-out roll. Sutton, Washington....do...Sept. 1,'64,1 1 Not on muster-out roll. 976 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAME RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. BAN T SERVICE. REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Trax, Hugh........ Private Jan. 2, 64 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Tomes, John.............do..... Aug. 25,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Totten, Joseph...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9,'62. Totten, Francis..........do... Sept. 2,'61 3 Dropped fr. rolls, by special order, Nov. 16,'62. Toy, Patrick..............do..... May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 31,'63. Tenant, Fred'k M......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Discharged by special order, May 31, 1865. Traster, Goorge........do..... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Discharged June 13, 1865. Troutner, A. J........ do..... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Taggart, John............do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Tracy, Frank M........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1863. Upton, John W........ do..... June 24,'61, 3 Deserted October 21, 1862. Williams, Joseph.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Weston, William.....do..... May 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Wilson, George.........do.....Dec. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865-Vet. Welsh, William.........do..... May 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Wescott, J. G..........do.... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Washburn, Henry.....do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Willis, John........... do April 14,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Whitney, Newell D...do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Whitmarsh, F. C.......do..... Aug. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Webster, Daniel........do.....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Wood, Wmi. W.........do..... Mar. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 25, 1865. Wilson, James...........do..... May 29,'61, 3 Dropped from the rolls by S. O., Nov. 16, 1862. Wyant, Elias............do....May 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 13,'61. Wiles, John..............do.... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Wright, Chauncey.....do.....Ag. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 13, 1865. Warriner, Asa..........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'65-Vet Welsh, George.............. June 5,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Widner, Francis........ do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Deserted February 10, 1862. Walsh, Patrick.........do... April 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wilson, Charles.........do..... May 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wheelock, Fred'k....do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Weis, Jacob..............do..... Oct. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Welsh, Michael.......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Welsh, J............do............................ Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. BATTERY B. RECRUITED IN LAWRENCE COUNTY. James H Cooper..... Capt.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., June 28,'61-to Capt., Aug 2,'61-com. Maj., Sept. 24,'64-not mus. — mus. out, Aug. 8,'64-expiration of term. Wm. M'Clelland.... do... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to 2d Lt., Apr. 8,'64-to 1st Lt., Sept. 12,'64-to Capt., Feb. 23,'65-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Isaac A. Nesbit......L st Lt... June 28,'61, 3 Dismissed March 14, 1864. James S. Fullerton.....do.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to 1st Lt., June28,'61-disch. Dec. 7,'62. Wm. C. Miller..........do..... July 13,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Apr. 8,'64-wd.'at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62, and Gettysburg, July 2,'63-mus. out, Nov. 22,'64-expiration of term. Thomas C. Rice.......... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to 1stSgt., June28,'64-to2d Lt., Sept. 13,'64-to 1st Lt., Feb. 23,'65-mus. out with battery, June-9,'65. James A. Gardner..do..... July 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April l,'64-to Sgt., June 28,'64-to 1st Sgt., Sept. 13,'64-to 1st. Lt., Mar. 1,'65mus. out with battery, June 9,'65-Vet. Thos. Cadwalader... 2d Lt... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., June 28,'61-to 2d Lt., Aug. 2,'61-killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. Henry T. Danforth.....do..... Dec. 24,'61, 3 Killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62. James P. Alcorn........do.. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 28,'61-to Sgt., Oct. 12,'61-to 2d Lt., April 8,'64-mus. out, Nov. 23,'64-expiration of term. J. M. Pennypacker....do.,... Oct. 1,'63, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 28,'64-to Sgt., Oct. 18,'64-to 2d Lt., Mar. 1,'65-mustered out with battery, June 9,'65. John H. Gealy.........do.. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 2d Lt., Mar. 1,'65-mustered out with battery, June 9,'65-Vet. Robert P. Steen...... 1st Sgt.. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 13,'64-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 1,'65mustered out with battery, June 9,'65-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 977 NAME.DATE OF MUSTER NAME RAN. INTO SERVICE. R~ EMARKS. John M. Fullerton.. Ist Sgt. June 28,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Aug. 2,'61-mustered out, June 9,'64-expiration of term. Samuel Dunnan...... Q.M.Sr June 28,'61, 3 Pr. Cor., Aug. 2,'61-to Sgt., Nov. 1,'62-to Q. M. Sgt., June 28,'64-mustered out with battery, June 9.'65-Vet. Hiram Evans.............do.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., June 28,'61-to 2. M. Sgt., Aug. 2,'61-mustered out, June 9,'64-expiration of term. Tohn S. Hamill........ Serg't.. June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 2, 1861-to Sgt., June 20, 1863wd. at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Alfred M. Swisher......... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 2, 1861-to Sgt., June 28, 1864mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. James H. Maclay..... do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 12, 1861-to Sgt., Sept. 13, 1864mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Thomas Brayden...... do.....Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 12, 1861-to Sgt., Oct. 18, 1864mustered out with battery, June 9, 1864 —Vet. Francis M. Hoover.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 28, 1864-to Sgt., Oct. 18, 1864mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. John A. Heasly........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Apr. 22, 1864-to Sgt., Apr. 3, 1865mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. James T. Nesbit........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., June 21,'61-wd. at Mechan~I- -,, iicsville, June 26,'62, and Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62-mus. out, June 9,'64-expira'n of term. William S. Aiken.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Set., Aug. 2, 1861discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Walter Fullerton.........do... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug, 2, 1861-to Sgt., Oct. 12, 1861discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Joseph Reed.............do... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 2, 1861-to Sgt., April 1, 1864 —mus. out, June 9,'64-expiration of term. S. K. M'Crinnis.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 12, 1861-to Sgt., April 1, 1864-wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862mustered out, June 9,1864-expiration of term. James S. Miller.........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Aug. 2,'61-killed at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Jno. P. Monasmith...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Bugler to Sergeant, Aug. 1,'64died at Philadelphia, October 4, 1864-Vet. Isaac J. Grubb...........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 28, 1864-to Sgt., Mar. 1,'65-killed at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2,'65-Vet. Lee S. M'Cleary..... Corp.... June 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 12,'61-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Jas. A. M'Cready......do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 18, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. William Scott............do... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Tr. fr. Co. C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28,'63-pr. to Cor.,Oct. 18,'64-mus. outwithbatt'y, June 9,'65. A. F. Pennypacker...do..... Sept. 24,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 18,'64-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. James R. Hope.........do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 18,'64-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. William W. Guipe.....do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, 56th regiment P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-promoted to Cor., Nov. 1,'64mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Benjamin Pugh..........do... May 27, 64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, February 21, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Joseph Buchanan.....do..d. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Wounded at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-promoted to Corporal, Mar. 1,'65-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. James B. Covert........do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Edwin H. Peter.......do... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 20, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. George E. Davis........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 18,'64-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Freeland H. Brown...do.... a. Jan. 16,'64, 3 Promoted toCorporal, April 3, 1865-mustered out withbattery, June 9, 1865. David Lloyd............ do. Sept. 24,'64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, April 26, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wim. W. Officer.........do..June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 2, 1861-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Jas. K. M. Baer.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 2,'61-discharged DvdG-.-ixn. o. un2,6 on Surgeon's certificate, October 12, 1861. David G.:Dixon.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 12,'61-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862-mus. out, June 9, 1864-exp. of term. John T. Creamer........do.... June 28, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 12,'61-mustered - out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. 123 978 FORTY-TTIRD RiEGIMENT —FIRST ARTILLELRY, AN, RANK~. DATE OP MUSTER: IEMK INrO SERIICE. EMARKS [ ^^^^. ]1 Daniel W. Taylor.. Corp.... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Apr. 1,'64-wd. at Gettysburg, July 2 g1863-mus. out, June 9, 1864 —exp. of term. John W. Alloway......do... Sept. 21,'61r, Pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1864-wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862 —mus. out, Sept. 2, 1864 —exp. of term. John W. Allen..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1864-mustered out, September 20, 1864-expiration of term. William Lusk...........do... June 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1,'64-wd. at Bull Run, Aug' 29, 1862-mus. out, June 9, 1864-exp. of term. John M. Williams.....do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 12, 1861-killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Andrew J. Gilkey.....d..... d Aug. 11,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 28, 1864-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1864. Jno. W. Summers.....do..... May 4,'63, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 18, 1864-died April 17, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,085. Benj. M. Jenkins... Bugler Aug. 10,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. D, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863- pr. to Bugler, June 28, 1864- mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Myron Webb........d....do... Aug. 26, 64, 1 Promoted to Bugler, Feb. 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. David Witherspoon...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Bugler, Aug. 2,'61-mustered out, June 9, 1864 —exiration of term. Thos. M. Swisher.........d.... June 28,'61 3 Promoted to Bugler, April 1,'64-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Samuel J. Lane...... Artifi'r Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, June 28, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Jerome W. K;eller.......... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Artificer, June 28, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9', 1865. John L. Camnblin........do....June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, Nov. 1, 1861-disch. June( 9, 1864-expiration of term. Theo. M'Williams......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, Nov. 1, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20, 1862. Thos. Richardson... Farrier Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. from 56th reg. P. V.-pr. to Farrier, March I, 1865-mus. out with battery, June 9, 1865. Persifer Taylor........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Farrier, Nov. 1,1863-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Achenbach, John... Private Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Angus, David B........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862, and at Bull Run, Aug. 24, 1862 —mustered out, June 9,'64expiration of term. Anhiser, Joseph J......do.... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Angstadt, Geo. W......do... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred fr. company C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-transferred to battery I, Mar. 25, 1865. Alcorn, Alex'r P........do... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. 3aker, Samuel D.......do..... July. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Baldwin, Marcus.......do..... Nov. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Bloomer, Francis.......do..... Nov. 30,'62, 3 Tr. from company E, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Bretz, Thomas J........do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Bruner, William........do..... Feb. 11, 164, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9,1865. Blair, Solomon..........do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865* Braddock, New'nH...do..... Nov. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Black, Steel S............do.....Oct. 1,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Bender, George........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Bowers, Wm. J.........do..... June 8,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, 30th Reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-re-transferred to company D, 30th regiment, February 24, 1863. Bowers, Amos H.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Brubach, David....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Disch.Dec. 3,1862, for wds., with loss of leg, rec. at Charles City Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Barge, David...........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 20, 1862-mustered out, September 10,'64-expiration of term. Bach, Tighlman G.....do..... Sept.'21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'62. Brooks, Charles B......do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Corl, John W...........do..... Sept. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Cox, Henry S...........do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Campbell, Alex.........do.....Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Chronister, Amos......do..... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, 30th reg. P.-V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. K, 30th regiment P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Cable, William Q......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Corbin, Daniel...........do..... April 22,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. E, 42d reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. E, 42d regiment P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Casselbury, Thd........d. Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. THRIEE YEARS' SERVIGwE 979 NAME. RANK. DATE OF M USTER ES. INTO SERVICE S. Copenhaver, John. Private Sept. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Copenhaver, Jacob.....do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Christman, B..........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Craig, John A............... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Chambers, Wm........ do. June 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 18, 1864-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Cornelius, J. C........ do. June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Craven, Robert......d..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Craven, William........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864 —expiration of term. Conover, Samuel.......do..... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Transferred fr. Co., E, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Cowden, Benj. S......d J..... June 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, July 16,'63. Chambers, Robert.....do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died May 4, 1862. Caton, Henry........do..... Aug. 13,'63, 3 Transferred fr. company A, 143d regiment P.V., December 28, 1863-died March 5, 1865. Carpenter, Jos. L....do..... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. A, 34th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. A, 34th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Dopp, George M....o...do..... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Transferred fr. Co. B, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Davis, William.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Davis, Milton...........do..... Aug 27,'64, I Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Davis, Jacob.......d...do...... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Dunnan, John.........do..... June 28,'61,,3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Darling, A. J..........do... uly 15, 61, 3 Tr. from Co. C, 35th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. C, 35th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Davis, Cyrus W.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62-mus. out, June 9,'64-expiration of term. Davis, Wm. H. H....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Dangan, Quinton A...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Day, Calvin.............do..... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. I, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28,'63-transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Dunnan, Robert S.....do.... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 29, 1862. Duff, Hermando J.....do..... July 1,'61, 3 Died May 7, 1862. Duff, Samuel.............do.... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Emery, Cyrus D........do..... Aug. 11,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Evans, Eph. K. C.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 18;i4-expiration of term. Eickbaum, Wm. W...do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-~expiration of term. Elwell, Charles B........... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Died May 31, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Ehmon, William.......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Tr. from Batt'y F, July 10,'64-died Aug. 24,'64. Fry, John B......... do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Fry, Emanuel R........do.. Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Flohr, Thomas.........do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Flood, Thomas B.......do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Fullerton, James...... do Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Ferguson, John.......do..... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Ferrel, George W......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Ferrel, James C.......d..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62. Frew, David W........do..... July 23,'61, 3' Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Fine, George W.......do..... Aug. 16,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Flaxenhart, Peter G...do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Missing in action at Mechanicsville, June 26,'62. Flannerly, James....do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. A, 143d reg. P. V., Feb. 24,'63-retr.- to Co. A, 143d reg. P. V., April 23, 1863. Travel, William......do...... June 21,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. D, 34th reg. P. V., June 4,'62 —wd. at New Market CrossRoads, June 30, 1862-retr. to Co. D, 34th reg. P. V., Feb. 24,1863. Freeman, Morris.......do..... -,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. I, 150th reg. P. V., Feb. 24,'63-retr. to Co. I, 150th reg. P. V., April 23, 1863. Grantz, George.........do..... Aug.,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. A, 150th reg. P. V., Feb. 24,'63-retr. to Co. A, 150th reg, P. V., April 23, 1863. Garber, Aaron....... do... Aug. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Gnaw, Joseph L.-......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Gauker, Thomas........do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Green, George H......do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Grimes, Isaac..........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 14, 1865. Germer, A. H............ July 23,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. G, 39th reg. P. V., Sept. 6,'61-discharged on- Surgeon's'certificate, Feb. 5, 1862. Garber, Geo. C.........do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862, and at Laurel Hill, Va., May 13, 1864-mustered out, September 20, 1864-expiration of term. Garver, Nicholas C...do..... May 29,-'61, 3 Tr. from Co. K, 35th reg. P. V., June 4,'62-retr. to Co. K, 35th reg. P. V., February 24, 1863. talligan, William...do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hawk, Charles.......do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. 980 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTIL LERY, FAME. RA wHtTDATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. Hawkey, Abraham Private Dec. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hillis, Robert........ do..... Sept. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hummel, Isaac........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Herbst, Daniel........do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Hockenbury, G. W...do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Tr. from Co. F, 56th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Hoover, John T.......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. H, 56th regiment P. V., Dec. 28,'63 — mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Hendershot, Albert...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, 56th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Hopkins, Charles......do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. I, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863 — mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hudson, Thomas...do....Feb. 11,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 18,'64-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hudson, Win. E...do... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Haycock, John E.......do....Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hurst, George.......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Henry, Samuel..........do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Harris, Cuddy J......do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hagarty, David........do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hobbs, John...........do Sept. 21,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hurr, George............do... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Henderson, W.......do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1'Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Henderson, Thos. R...do.... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hilterbrand, David...do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hennegan, John W...do.. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Hanna, Samuel.........do... June 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862-mustered out, May 20, 1864-expiration of term. Hughston, John C......do.... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 20,'62-reenlisted-died. Hamlin, John F........do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Transferred fr. company D, 42d reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-re-transferred to company D, 42d reg. P. V., February 24, 1863. Heckathorn, David...do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Hughes, John;....... do... —,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company H, 150th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863 —re-transferred to company H, 150th regiment P. V., April 23, 1863. Hoagland, Peter G.....do.... June 28,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Howe, Henry......do... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Trarsferred fr. company A, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-died at Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1864. Holford, Ferdi'd J.....do..... 1162, 3 Tr. fr. company B, 143d reg. V,'62,Dec. 28,'63died at Alexandria, Feb. 25,'65-grave, 3,024. Hall, Henry J............do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred fr. company K, 42d reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-re-transferred to company K, 42d reg. P. V., February 24, 1863. Johnson, William......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1864. Jackson, William......do.... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1864. Jones, Samuel..........do..... Aug. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1864. Johnston, Franklin...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died July 24, 1862, of wounds received at New Market Croas Roads, June 30,1862. Jacobs, Francis V......do..... June 10,'61, 3 Transferred fr. company I, 30th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-re-transferred to company I, 30th reg. P. V., February 24, 1863. Krumler, John.........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Kretz, Lewis..............do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9,1865. Kennedy, Daniel B.....do.... Aug. 24, 64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Kidd, Winfield S.......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Koerner, Frederick..do.... July 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 9, 1864-expiration of term. Kincade, James C......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 8, 1864-expiration of term. King, Samuel............do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1864-expiration of term. Kirkwood, John.........do.... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1864-expiration of term. Kirkwood, Thomas...do.... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 5,1864-expiration of term. Kirkwood, Hiram......do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 13,'62. Kennedy, Albert.......do.... June 16,'61, 3 Transferred fr. company K, 38th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-wounded at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862-re-transferred to company K, 38th regiment P. V., February 24, 1863. Kennedy, Thomas.....do..... ~,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company B, 143d reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863 —re-transferred to company B, 143d reg. P. V., April 23, 1863. Kerns, Haines J.....do......do. July 10,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, 30th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-died October 7, 1862. Laysheon, Jeremiah...do.... May 26,'6 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Lampkins, G. P.........do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Lloyd, William.........do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out.with battery, June 9, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 981 NAM~E. I RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVI CE._ Levier, John M...... Private Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Lehman, William......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Lamm, John.............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged December 30, 1862, for wounds received at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Leasure, John W......do..... June 12,'61,.- Tr. from Co. B, 39th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. B, 39th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Manly, David..........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. M'Guire, Alfred P.....do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec....-'~~~~~. ~28,'63-mustered out with battery, June 9,'65. Moore, John..............do....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Moorlan, James.......do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. l'Kane, Thompson...do..Aug. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Meyer, Franz...........do... Aug. 11,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Mayne, Samuel W..... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 6, 1862, for wounds, with loss of arm, received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. M'Curley, John........ do June 28,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 29, 1862, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Rull Run, August 29, 1862. M'Cluskey, D. H.......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. M'Cluskey, Wm. H....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. M'Cormick,Wm. A...do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. M'Cready,W Wm. W....do...July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. M'Elvain, James'H...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31,'62. Myers, William........do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862-mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. ~M'Ginnis, George J...do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Manly, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Myers, Jacob N.......do.. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864-expiration of term. M'Ginnis, Alvin G.....do.. Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'62. Morton, Jacob F........ do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1.865. Moss, William J........do.. Aug. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-transferred to battery I, March 25,'65. Musseno, George A...do...Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25,, 1865. Meaner, John A........do.... May 16,'61, 3 Wounded at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62-mus. out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Miller, W. S............do....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Munson, Henry.........do.. Dec. 16,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. F, 42d reg. P. V,, June 4, 1862-re-tr. to Co. F, 42d regiment P. V., February 24, 1863. Milleis, John. d......... do::.April 3,'63, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. M'Cleary, James H...do.. Oct. 6,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. M'Ginnis, James -....do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died May 24, 1862. M'Clelland, T. K...do...Oct. 6,'61, 3 Died Sept. 13, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, Aug. 29,1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. M'Clurg, James M.....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., September 29, 1861buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Might, David...... do.... May 15,'61, 3 Transferred fr. company F, 39th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Nealon, Patrick F......do....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Nelson, Josiah..........do.. Aug.. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Needler, David P.... do... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Newcomb, A. W........do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Tr. fr. company C, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Nunneviller, C. A.....do...... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Tr. fr. company A, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28,'63transferred to battery I, March 25,'65. Nice, William F........do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. F, 38th reg. P. V., June 4,'62-disch. Aug. 11,'63, for wounds, with loss of leg, received at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13,'62. Oswald, Benj..........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. O'Brien, Timothy....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Oliver Andrew B......do....Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. O'Niel, John.............do..... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1665. Ormsbee, Henry O.....do..... Dec. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Phillips, John W....... do....Sep. 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 1,1863-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Patterson, Wm. M.....do....Feb. 16, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Perry, Samuel...........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered outwith battery, June 9, 1865. Pitzer, George..........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Penrod, John T...do...... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 27,'61. Pyle, Martin..............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10,'64-expiration of term. Phillips, Alfred.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Disch.'62, for wds rec. accidentally, Oct. 14,'61. P]arker, George E.....do.... June 8,'61, 3 Tr. fr. company E, 34th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862re-tr. to Co. E, 34th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Pauly, John............do.... Aug.,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. A, 143d reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863-wd. at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863-re-transferred to Co. A, 143d reg. P. V., April 23, 1863.. Reed, Thomas H...... do..... Sept. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. 982 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. Robbins, Elias H.... Private Aug. 10,'2, 3 Tr. from Co. D, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Rush, John D............do..... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Roland, George.........do..... Feb. 3,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Reynolds, David.......do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Roland, Win.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Roland, James S...... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864 —expiration of term. Reed, John...........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Rhoades, Abram.......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Runshaw, John W...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'61. Rohrbacher, Paul F...do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Pr. to Capt. Co. H, 77th reg. P. V., Feb. 18, 1865. Ruth, Joseph.........do....: Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Ralston, George.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., July 9,'64-grave, 2,357. Rodgers,VirtulanA... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted November 29, 1862. Smith, William.......do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. H, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Smith, William H.....do Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Smith, Jacob E.........do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Smith, Jacob..............do.... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Schwalb, Adam......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Swander, John..........do.....Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with.battery, June 9, 1865. Stough, Michael....do......Aug. 21,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. H, 150th reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Stoudt, Daniel B........do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Transferred from battery F, July 19, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Stewart, Michael....... do.....Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Stewart, John Q... do... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Sease, Sanford...........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865, Sease, William...... do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 Sease, Lewis.............do.....Aug. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865, Shue, Charles S....do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Simmons, Frederk...do..... June 1,'61, 3 Tr. front Co. H, 34th reg. P. V., June 4,1862-retr. to Co..H, 34th regiment P. V., Feb. 24, 1863. Swisher Philip E......do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Saylor, Thomas.......d..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Snyder, Samuel H.....do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Snyder, Samuel........do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Simpson, Smith.........do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Stroup, Samuel.......do..'.. Sept. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, Juno 9, 1865. Shindledecker, J. B...do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Shaffer, Sobeski A.....do..... June 28, 61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Shaffer, Asahel.........do... June 28,'62, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862, and at Gettysburg, July 1,'63-mustered out, June 9, 1864expiration of term. Swick, Levi............ do..... Aug. 17, 64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct., 1864. Sutliff, Solomon........do..... Aug. 19, 62, 3 Transferred from Co. B, 143d reg. P. V., Dec. 28, 1863-transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Sloan, George...........do.....Sept. 10,'64 1 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Shaffer, Eli..........do...June 28,'62 3 Died at Smoketown, Md., December 13, 1862. Shaffer, William H...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Seifert, Frederick B.o...do.. June 28,'61, 3 Killed by accident, October 14, 1861. Smoot, Edward M.....o..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Killed at Mechanicsville, June 26, 1862. Stoudt, David B........do... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Died:at City Point, Va., December 17, 1864. Shoff, DavidL..........do... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Died November 21, 1864. Scott, James...........do July 19,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, 39th reg. P. V., June 4, 1862-retr. to Co. F, 39th reg. P. V., February 28, 1863. Sharpless, George....do.... - —,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. -,150th reg. P. V., Feb. 24, 1863re-tr. to Co. -, 150th reg. P. V., April 23, 1863 Tracy, Ezekiel N.....o.... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Taylor, William.......do. Fb. 29,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Trine, Eli..................do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. lTait, William A.........d..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. Taylor, John W.......do Oct. 6,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June21,'62. Temple, Jesse...........do Oct. 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July2,1863-mustered out, October 5, 1864-expiration of term. Tait, Thomas W........do... June 28,'61, 3 Died July 4, 1862, of wounds received at Mechan. icsville, June 26, 1862. Thorp, Ebenezer D..do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, 34th reg. P. V., June 4,'62-wd. at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862-re-tr.to Co. F, 84th reg. P. V., February 24, 1863. Vaughen, Leander.....do.... Aug. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wise, Jacob N.........do.... April 29,'63, 1 Musteredout with battery, June 9, 1865. Wilbur, Chas. W......do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to Co. K, 56th reg. P. V., Dec. 28,'63-mustered out with batt'y, June 9,'65-Vet. Warren, Andrew.......do....Feb. 19,'64. 3 Mstere out with battery, June 9, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 983 II'3_ NTAME. -RAEK DATE OF MUSTER'AME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. INTO SERVICE., Whitesides, Wm. A Private Sept. 21,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wilson, Thos. L. G...do..... Au 30,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wagner, Chas. W..... do... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wimer, Daniel N......Aug. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wimer, Philip S........do.....Aug. 11,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Weaver, Peter M......do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wallace, Wm. S....... do..... June 28,'61, 3 Discharged November 28, 1862, for wounds received at New Market Cros~ Roads, June 30,'62. Weston, John A........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Weston, David M......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. Weller, Thos. W........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1864-expiration of term. White, Samuel L.....do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Weekly, Jacob U........... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged February 4,'63, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Weir, John N...........d..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'62. Workman, Fred'k.....do... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863-mustered out, October 11, 1864-expiration of term. Weidner, Lewis.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 25, 1865. Wilson, Isaac P.........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Died Aug. 24, 1862, of wounds, with loss of leg, rec. at New Market Cross Roads, June 30, 1862. Waldron, Wm. N......do..... April 23,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. F, 35th reg. P. V., June 4,'62-wd. at New Market Cross Roads, June 30,'62-dieddate unknown. Young, Franklin.......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Transferred from battery F, July 10, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Yocum, Charles.........o.....Aug.,'62, 3 Transferred from company A, 150th reg. P. V., _________________ ______ _____ Feb. 24, 1863-dropped from the rolls, 1864. BATTERY C. RECRUITED AT PHILADELPHIA. J. G. Simpson......... Capt.... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged December 9, 1861. Jer. M'Carthy............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt., August 5, 1861- discharged October 8, 1863. Sharp L. Richards.....do.... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred from company — pr. to 1st Lieut., July 20, 1862-disch. by General Order, Feb. 23, 1865-com. Capt., March 5, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M. J. Byrne............ lstLt... June 15,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st. Lt., Aug. 5,'61-resigned Jan. 1, 1862. Solomon Barnes.........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged December 9, 1861. M. Reichenbach.........do..... Dec. 19,'61, 3 Discharged March 31, 1863. Richard M. Ball.........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Sept. 16, 1863- discharged. —arles~ ~ -bv General Order, March 28, 1865. Charles C. Wentz......do..... Nov. 23,'63, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 9, 1865-to 1st Lt., March 30.'65-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Robert B. Kennedy 2d Lt............... Resigned-date unknown. Joseph Benson...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Feb. 6,'62-resigned March 16,'63. Frederick Fiedler......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Resigned March 14, 1863. Frank Langle...........do...Nov. 27,'63, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. to 2d Lieut., June 5, 1865-mus. out with battery, June 29,'65-Vet. John A. Blair.......... 1st Sgt. Oct. 8,'64, 1 Promoted to Sgt., Dec. 20,'64-to 1st Sgt., March 9, 1865-mus. out with battery, June 29, 1865. Harry Jones.......... Q.M.Sr. Oct. 14,'64, 1 Promoted to Q. M. Sgt., Dec. 20, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Robert C. Morrow... Serg't.. Jan. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 1 1864 — to Sgt., March 9, 1865-wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19,'64mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Henry M. Craig........do..... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 20, 1864-to Sgt., April 6, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865 Dyer Bennett......d... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Robert Black...........do.....Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, Jute 21, 1865. James R. Olden......do.....June 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll Price Williams..........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. F. F. Petschman........do.... June 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. John M'Kinley....do.... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted Feb. 14, 1862. John W. Brown...... Corp.... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 20, 1864 —mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. George W. Blair.........do.....Oct. 6,'64, 1 Promoted to Cor., Dec. 20, 1864- mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. 984 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FIRST ARTILLERY, INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Cornel. J. Johnson.. Corp.... Oct. 4,'64, I Promoted to Cor., Dec. 20, 1864 — mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John Klepfer............do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 9, 1865 -mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Thomas O'Kinney...do..... Oct. 24,'64, 1 Promoted to Cor., April 5. 1865 —.mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John Graver......do..... Sept. 26,'64, I Mustered out, June 21, 1865. John Cover..............do..... Aug 13,'64, 1 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 20,'64-mus. out, June 21,'65. Joseph Oliver...........do..... Sept, 2,'64, 1 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 20,'64-mus. out, June 21,'65. James Callahan.........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. E. S. Soulers..............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Henry Welch......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged April 2,'64, for wounds received accidentally-loss of both arms-July 4, 1861. William Burnett........do.....I June 15,'61, 3 Deserted October 12, 1862. Frank Kansler........l Bugler Oct. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John Usinger............do....." Sept. 6,'64, 1 Pr. to Bugler, Dec. 20,'64-mus. out, June 21,'65. Elias Pauling......... Artifi'r Nov. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. William M'Clelland...do.....Sept. 5,'64, 1 Promoted to Artificer, December 20, 1864 —mustered out, June 21, 1865. Arnold, Dacre T......Private Oct. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Allison, Joseph..........do...................... Discharged by sentence of General Court Martial, February 10, 1865, and to be confined three years in Clinton Prison, New York. Bowers, George.........do.... July 21,'63 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Bunser, Ephraim......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Burton, John.........[...do..... Aug. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Barret, Harry P.........do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Beesinger, Stephen..do..... Oct. 8,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 3865. Baker, William......I...do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29,1865. Beard,. John...............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Bryant, Harvey.......do.... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Beran, John..............do..... ept. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Breckenridge, Jas......do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Brown, Abijah...........do..... May 2,'64, 3 Died at Martinsburg, Va., May 2, 1865. Brown, Edward...... do........ Aug. 27,'64, I Died at Maryland Heights, Md., May 22, 1865. Block, John...... do June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Butler, James...........do.... June 25,'61, 3Notonmuster-out roll. Casselberry, Abram..do..... Oct. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Carter, Edward......do...do. Oct. 2'64, 1 Iustered out with battery, June 29,1865. Culp, John R............'do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Claycomb., Nath'l...do....d Sept. 14,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Calvert, Hudson B....do.....Aug. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Clatfelter, Henry.:l...do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cozens, Benjamin F...do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Caley, Bernard.........do................... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July30,'61. Crease, Orlando M.....do............................ Died Feb. 18, 1863, at White Oak Swamp, Va. Cline, Durbin P......'...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Condy, Isaac.............do..... June 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Carrigan, Daniel.....do,.. June 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dick, William B....do..... Oct. 4,'64, I Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. - Donnelly, William....do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Dean, John H............... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Demmey, Hiram....i...do..... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June21, 1865, Dummick, Arba......do......3......... Not on muster-out roll. Ehman, George.........do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Eversole, Christian...do......................... Deserted December 12, 1864. Frelick, Jacob..........do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Fishel, Jacob............do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3'Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Fanning, John..........do..... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Fox, Joseph A.....;......do..... Jiue 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Farrell, Thomas........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gethinger, Albert...l...do..... Nov. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Garber, Casper. do...d.......d Ot. 21,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Gries, Hugo............(...do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1I Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Gray, John C............do.. Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Gaul, William...........do.... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Fair Oaks, May 31, 1862. Howard, John..........do..... Oct. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Houring, Frederickl...do... Oct. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Haller, Jacob............do Oct. 12,'64, I Mustered out with battery, Jane 29, 1865. Hunter, Frank. W..[...do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, Jane 29, 1865. Hanson, James......]...do.... Oct- 27,'64, I Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Hanson, Paul............do. Nov. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Hampsher, L. P........do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Huey, Marshall H.....do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Heinphey, Barney....do.....I Sept. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERV'ICE. 985, I' RNK. DATE OF MUSTEIR REMAKS INTO SERVICE., Hutchingson, S. H.. Private Sept. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Hollin, John..............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harris, John............do..... June 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hemphill, Robert... do..... June 25,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. ]senberg, Peter S....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out-with battery, June 29, 186. Jenkins, And. W.......do.. ct 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June29, 1865. Joyce, John...........do.....Oct. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kear, George... O..do..... Oct. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Killian, Henry N......do.....Oct. 10,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Krona, Frederick.....do... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Keys, Joseph.........d...N... ~ ov. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kenderdine, J. M........do.... Nov. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Knorr, Andrew......do.... Oct 26,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kirk, Daniel........do..... Sept. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Kelley, Henry........do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. King, Miner N.,......do....do Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. King, James L..........do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Keller Lewis............do.................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, Solomon.........do..... Oct, 17,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Lindsev, Ezra D........do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Leinbach, D. S.......... do Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Leinbachb, W. S.........do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Lewis, Evans........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-ott roll. Larkins, James.........do....June 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leonard, Anthony.....do..... June 27,'61, 3 Died November 15, 1861. March, Charles.....do..... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Morrow, Theoph's....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Metzler, Martin......do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M' Dermott, James...do..... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. M'Dermott, Bern'd...do..... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. M'Intire, William B...do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Mash, Jacob...............do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Mey, John.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, John H........do. June 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,'62. Mitchell, Frank.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mehilison, Charles.....do..... June 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Michael, Tobias........do..... June 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Knight, James......do.....June 15,'61, 3 Died at Clearspring, Md., November 7, 1862. M'Ewen, William.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Nicely, Anthony.......do.. July 2, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. O'Donnell, Patrick.....do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Ofen, Charles........do................. 3 Not on muster-out roll. Patterson, Wm. H.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Peters, Andrew........do.... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Puterbaugh, Ailen.....do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Poole, William..........do.... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Pfeiffer, Augustus.....do....................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Packard, James.....do................ 3 Not on muster-out roll. Raushey, Bradner......do.... Sept. 2, 64,1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Reese, Richard..........do..... Aug. 29,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rowland, Wm. W......do..... Sept. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rauck, Josiah............do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, May 30, 1865. Robb, William..........do..... June 27, 613 Not on muster-out roll. Reese, William A......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rice, William............do... June 25, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stephens, George.......do..... Nov. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Schwindinger, Jos..... do.. Oct. 7, 64, Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Stein, Christian.e...o do... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. S sIhoemaker, John D....do.. Oct. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Shoemaker, John D:do...;. Oct. 7,'64,J 9 Stoble, John..............do Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Smith, Patrick............ do.....Oct. 29'64, Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Smith, Michael.....:...do..... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Smith, James K....... do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Smith, William.........do Sept. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Stouffer, Samuel........do.... Sept. 13,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Slocum, Calvin........do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. olly, John...............do...Sept. 14, 964, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Siley, John........... do Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Sentman, Herbert.. do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tallada, Solomon..:..do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Thompson, John.......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll, Tomlinson, H. M.... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tinklepang, Edw'd...do... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Turner, Jaco........ o..... June 15,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Waderman,Sam'l E.: do..... April 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. 124 986 FORTY-THIRD REGMENT —FIRST ARTILLERY, NM. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. 4 Wagner, Robert...... Private Nov. 2,' 64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wagner, Augustus....do..... Nov. 36, 4, Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865.Ward, Frank A.........do.. Oct. 19,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Walters, Jacob.......... do. Nov. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Warden, Perry N......do..... Sept. 2'6, 64 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Washburn, Delos.....do....Sept. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out. June 21, 1865. Wood, John.........d... o...... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wright, Isaac S........do..... June 15, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 1,62 Williams, John J...... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. BATTERY D. RECRUITED IN BLAIR AND PHILADELPHIA COUNTIES. Edward H. Flood... Capt..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieut. Colonel, July 19, 1862. Michael Hall.............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Prnomoted from 2d to 1st Lt. -to Capt., June 29, -.~3. 1862-resigned March 21, 1863. Andrew Rosney.......do.... June 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 23,1862to 1st Lt., Aug. 11, 1863-to Capt., Jan. 20,'64resigned September 6, 1864. William Munk.. do..................... Promoted to 2d Lt., Nov. 28,'63-to 1st Lt., Jan. 21, 1864-to Capt., March 9, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Edward Dougherty 1st Lt... July 6,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Aug. 5,'61-resigned Mar. 3, 1863. F. M'Laughlin......... do.... July 6,'61, 3 Died June 4, 1862. George Munce..........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. y, J uly 20,' to 1st Lt., July 30, 1862-resigned March 21, 1863. Thomas Malone......2dLt.... July 6,'6, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Aug. 5,'61-resigned Sept. 20, 1861. James Boyle........... do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Aug. 12, 1863m —ustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. William Caley....i.... do..... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., June 21, 1864-mustered............out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. George P. Morgan., 1st Sgt. Aug. 26'6,'62,3 ounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,1864-absent, s, sick, at muster out. Samuel Humes...... Q.M.Sr Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. John Jennings........ Serg't.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Alfred G. Lewis.......do..... Aug. 5'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. William Stinson........ do Aug. 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Daniel Waltz. d...........do Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. John Lyons...........i o....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-et. Robert A. Decker.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. II, 1864-expiration of term. Chas. M. Young....... do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expiration of term. William A. Reese.....do...... June 13, 61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. Arba Dimmick........ do... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. John J. Williams....do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June21, 1864-expiration of term. Henry Crossin......... t..o.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration ofterm. James Sharkey........... June 15, 61 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term Patrick.Callahan.......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Henry E. Myers....... do..... Aug. 5,', 613 Deserted June 12, 1864-Vet. Joseph Griffith.. orpl.... C Aug.'.6 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Joseph S. Lefford...do..... Jan. 4,'64,, Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865.. Geo.. W. Thompson.d...... Aug..5,'61,.3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Zerah Carpenter.......do..... Oct. 15, 1, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. George Archer.......... do..... Feb. 8, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Robert Ralston.......... do..... Aug.,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Geo. W. Williams...do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1~65-Vet. John Folk............. do.. July 20,'61, 3 ustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expiration of term Alex. M'Allister........ do June 15,'61, 3 iMustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term, James M'Kenna......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expirationofterm. John Magire........... do..... June 15,'61, 3r Mustered out, June21, 1864-expiration of terrm James Gordeu......... do. Aug. 26,'62, 3. Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Eben. Birtwell......:.do.....Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Robert Bradberry......,do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rich. J. Colden.......do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rob't C. Morrow^.... do....... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. John Rogers...........'.... Nov. 21,'63, 3 Promotedto Corporal,September 17,1864-killed i; at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Patrick O'DonnelL....do....June 15,'61 3! Deserted August 7, 1861. James Gilliece.........do... o June 15,'61,' Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 16,'62. Patriek Conley........do.... J June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. JoJhin M'Dermott...... ~d4 June 15,'61, N3 )t on muster-out roll. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 987 INTO SERVICE.MA Datliel Hecker........ Bugler July 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Jeremiah-Glace..........do.... Aug. 5'61, 3 Deserted June 7, 1865-Vet. Bernard Mohan....... do..... June 28,'61, 3'Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob Young....... rtifi' Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Samuel Patterson......do... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11,. 1864-expiration of term. Jackson Abbott.........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21. 1864-expiration of term. Henry Harklerode....do.. Aug. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Abbott, Jackson..... Private June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Anderson, David......do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Andrews, Christ'r......do..... Aug. 5, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Adams, George........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Andrews, Patrick......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out. June 21,'64-expiration of term. Brawley, William......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out-Vet. Barnes, Calvin M......do.... Nov. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Barr, Alexander.......do.... Nov. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Burger, Daniel..........do.... Aug. 5, 61, 3 Mustered out, Aug.12, 1864-expiration of term. Black, John.............do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Butler, James W......do June 13, 61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Boyle, Thomas...........do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Baldy, Jacob F........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Bryon, William.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 12, 1864-expiration of term. Bigger, James..........do.... Aug. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Barber, Devilla.........do.... Sept. 16, 64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Baker, Amasa.......... do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Burket, John............do... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Bakeri William.........do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Bunser, Ephraim......do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Beard, John..............do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Bowers, George.........do.... July 21,'63, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Burns, William.........do...Aug. 17,'64, t Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Bender, William......do..... ept. 3,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Bernam, Joshua.........do.... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Bennoit, Henry..........do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Brouse, Francis H...do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Brown, Richard.........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted April 10, 1864-returned May 6, 1865deserted again June 1, 1865-Vet. Clozett, Frank...........do.... June 23,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Cassel, William.......do.... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Conline, Patrick.......do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865,. Carden, John............do.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Cline, Durbin P.........do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Callahan, James........do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Caulkins, David J......do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Cundey, Isaac............do..... June 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Champeno, John.......do.... Aug. 15,'61, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Caley, John........ do.... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cochran, James........do..... Sept. 27,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cornelius, James...d....do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cozzens, Hiram........do.... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cozzens, Anderson.....do.... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Carmon, Howard C...do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Cribb, William W......do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Cunningham, Wm.....do.... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March11, 1865. Champney, Isaiah...do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Clark, Charles...........do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Cook, Addison..........do.... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Cronemiller, John.....do.... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Captured-died January 20, 1865, at Salisbury, North Carolina. Capell, Charles....... do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted March 18, 1865-Vet. Claim, James............do.... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Corcoran, John...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dennison, Levi.........do... Feb. 16'64,- 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Daley, James F...... o.... do..Aug. 5,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Diehl, Frederick......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Davis, Willard.......... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Donnelly, George B..,do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 186. Davis, Luther A.......do....Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Dart, Elihu J............do.... Sept. 16,'64 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Dougherty, Wm........do.... Aug. 7, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'62. Dewalt, John........... do..Jan. 4,'64, 3 Died March 19, 1865. Deary, Robert............do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1864-Vet. Daley, Martin............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Devlin, John.......... do. June 15,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Daley, Thomas..........do... June 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 988 BORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ABiTLLERYr NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME..ANK. FcEMARKS INTO SERVICE. l Ellis, Thomas......... Private June 15, 61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Ehrman, George........do..... Jan. 4,'64,'3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Eckerlay, Charles......do... Jan. 3,'65, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Edmonds, Morgan.....do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Elliott, Uriah............do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted, June 14, 1865-Vet. Epley, Lewis......... do......... Not on muster-out roll. Fox, Abner H........do...Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with batteryJune 30,1865. Fitzpatrick, John.......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Fox, Joseph A........do.... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term, Francis, Michael....... do... June 23, 61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Farrel, Thomas.........do.... June 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Freeman, Wildon......do.... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Flick, Edward...........do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Flenner, Samuel T.....do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Frantz, Daniel...........do... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Fulton, David...........do..... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Faucett, Lemuel........do.....Sept. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Fishel, Jacob............do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Fletcher, John.....do..... July 4,'64, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., March 26, 1865. Freeman, Geo. W......do..... Aug. 18,'64, Died at Cumberland Md., March 19, 1865. Fleming, Wm...... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Furey, James...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Finn, Peter............do..... June 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Guant, Joshua...........do..... June 13,'61, 3 Prisoner from October 19, 1864, to May 13, 1865mustered out with battery, June 30,1865 —Vet. Gaynor, Austin.........do..... July 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Grange, Henry..........do.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Grove, Joseph............do... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865: Gehrett, James W.....do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Gifford, James...........do..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865, Gladden, Isaiah.........do..... July 21,'64, 3 Deserted May 29, 1165 — et. Glennon, Patrick.......do.....June 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 5, 1862. Hartman, John.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet, Hikes, Washington...do....Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Heffner, Daniel......I...do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Hagen, Henry...........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Halferty, Manus........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Hollingshead,Wil'n...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expiration of term. Hoak, Samuel D........do..... Aug.,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1864-expiration of term. Hanna, William.......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Hennessey, Michael...do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1835. Houseknecht, Phi'p...do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Hastings, Joseph........do..... Sept. 5,'64, I Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Henry, John............do...,. Aug. 17,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Heffner, George.........do.....Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Harper, John C.........do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Hurdman, John.........do..... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Hammer, John K......do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Huey, Marshall H.I...do..... Jan. 4, 64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Hampsher, Lewis P..do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Hamer, John..........do.... Sept. 6, 64 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Hicks, James............do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Hamilton, Hugh........do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Haun, Augustus........do.... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Hicks, John K........do.... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Captured-died Jan. 24, 1865, at Salisbury, N.-. Harris, John.... do........ d... June 28,'61, 3 Died July 3, 1861. Hill, Albert............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Herne, James...........do.... June 28,'61, 3 Deserted August 7, 1861. Innes, Cornelius........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Isenberg, Ephraim.....do.....Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Isenberg, Win.......do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Isenberg, Sam'l N......do..... Aug. 13,'64 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Itinger, Harrison........do..... Aug. 13,'64 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Isenberg, Peter S.......do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Isenberg, Silas W......do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 14, 1865-Vet. Isenberg, Alfred R....do... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out by special order, Sept. 4, 1865. Jermyn, Claudius......do.... June 28,'61, 3 Musteredout, July 2, 1864. Jenning, Edward......do.....Mar 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Jackson, David J.......do..... Aug. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Jackson, Wm. H........do.,... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Deserted August 17, 1864. Kelly, George W........d.... Oct. 20,'64, I Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Kane, Patrick............do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Kerr, James Y.........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. II, 1864-expiration of term. Keller, Lewis............do..... June 13,'61, 3 Musteredout, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Kane, Daniel...........do.... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 989 NAME. RANK. DATE O MSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Kennedy, Joshua... Private Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Kyper, George...... do....Sept. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Kane, Charles............do June 15,'61 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Klepfer, John............do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8 1864. King, John............do.... Nov. 3,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1~65. Keating, Jeremiah.....do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,1864. Kane, Wilson...........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out by special order, Sept. 4,'65-Vet. Keenan, Patrick.......: do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll.:K^elly, Neil............do.....June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lovell, Philomen C...do....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. Lovell, Thomas............ Sept. 1 64, 2Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Lucas, John.............do.. Aug. 31,'64, Mis. in action at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Larkins, James........ do..... June 24,'61,3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864. Lyons, Patrick........ do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864. Lewis,Evan........ do...June 19,'61 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864. Lincoln, Robert E...do..... Sept 3,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Leffard, John K........do Aug. 13,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Leffard, Enoch J......do..... Aug. 13,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Luther, Washing'n...do.. Aug. 17,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Lauler, John............do. Au. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Lloyd, Charles............... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Lewis, Nathan..M.........do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Deserted June 12, 1865. Lewis, Joseph............do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Deserted June 12, 1865. Laird,V illiam.......... do... June 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. oser, Leo.....do.... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. MCarty, John..........do...Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet. M'Means, Robert.......do..... May 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. M'Fadden, Cornel's...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. M'Connell, Thomas...do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. M'Donnell, Arthur.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. M'Anery, Michael........do...:. June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Mealy, George D........do... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expiration of term. M'Names, John.... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. M'Donnell, Thomas...do.... June 28'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 9, 1864-expiration of term. Maidenford, Edw'd..do... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. v'-Devitt, Dominic.....do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. M'Fadden, John...... Sept. 22 -'64, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. M'Clure, David A... do.... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Morrow, Theophilusk.. do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Metzler, Martin.........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. M'Elroy, George........do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. M'lCoy, William R.....do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Died at Baltimore, Nov. 1, 1864, of wounds received in action. Mellon, Augustus.......do... Feb. 16, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Maguire, John..........do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Mahan, Bernard......do..... Aug. 26, 64, 1Not on muster-out roll. M'Nichols, George....do..... June 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll.'Kieran, John.....do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1861. M'Bride, Thomas. do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Cullough, Jos....... do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Knight, Robert......do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Manus, James.......do. June 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13, 1863. Naughton, L.............do..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Nichols, William.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Oflin, Charles............do.o June 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. O'Donnell, Toole........do..... June 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Osborne, WilliamH...do.. April 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Petschmann, F. F......do..... June 13,'64, 3 Mustered ot, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Pixton, George..........do.... June 28,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 2, 1864-expiration of term. Palmer, William.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expirationof term. Painter, David...........do.. do Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864 —expirationof term. Patten, Joseph...........do..... Aug. 31,'64,1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Protzm'an, M.. do..... Sept. 3,'64, Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Patterson, W. H do......Jan. 4,'64' 3 Transferred to battery C, December 8, 1864. Phenix, A. J..........do.....o Sept. 16,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Phillips, David J.......... Aug. 25,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Patterson, Edward....do.. June 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 30,'62. Pugh, Thomas........... do Sept. 23,'64, 1 Deserted March 10, 1865. Pryor, William o.l...o..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1865-Vet. Robb, William..do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Robb, Porter A.... do Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Reeder, Theo. Vr....... do Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rhoades, Joseph H do...do Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Rexford, Charles HI...do I Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. 990 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —- FIRST ARTILLERY _3 W DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. ^ REMARKS. Rolfe, Amos......... Private Sept. 16,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Richel, Charles.........do..Aug. 22,64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Reichter, Alfred........do..... Jan. 3,'65, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Roberts, Wm. H.....do..... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Reem, Henry C.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Richardson, M...........do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Died at Winchester, Va., October 15, 1864. Souders, Edmund S...do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Seypherhealt, E.......do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. Stauffer, Cornelius...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865-Vet.' Sharkey, Alex.......do..... Sept. 19, 62, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Swan, George F..d....d..... June 12,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Steinick, Henry.........do..... July 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865Shoemaker, Henry...do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Shoemaker, Martin..do.....Aug. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Snell, Luther C.........do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Strait, Jacob..... d.......do... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Sharp, Joseph..........do.. Aug. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. States, Wn. T.......... do.... Sept. 5,'64,1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Swope, James C.......do..... Sept. 23,'64, I Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Swartz, John.............do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Sweeney, James..........do..... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Smith, Charles H......d.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 8, 1864-expirationof term. Shannon, Morris........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 8, 1864-expiration of term. Shields, Samuel.........do.... May 31,'64, 3 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. States, HIenry L.............Sept. 5,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Sanders, Charles M...do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Smith, Francis..........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1862. Sperry, John............do...................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sherry, Eugene........do................. 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sheridan, Patrick......do.......................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sharkey, James....do.................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Siblett, Lewis R.......o...... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged November 13, 1862. Shields, Patrick.........o..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'62. Sharpless, John..... do..................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tomlinson, H. M......do... June 13, 61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expirationof term. Thompson, John K....... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Thornton, Joseph.... o..... June 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Thomas, Thomas......do.. Oct. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Tail, Patrick M.........d..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Tobias, Daniel...........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865 —Vet. Titus, Daniel............do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 14, 1865-Vet. Tusher, Martin.........do.... Oct. 24,'64, 1 Deserted June 10, 1865. Turney, John...........do........3 N ot on niuster-out roll. Urick, John.......Jan. 6,'62, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, December 31, 1864. Vardyne, William...o..... Nov. 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Vermilyea, Chas. E....do.... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Von Tagen, Eugene...do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Vincent, William...do.....June 5,'63, 3 Deserted Jufne 14, 1865. Williams Price C......do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. Wood, John...............do..... June 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21,1864-expiration of term. White, William.........do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out with.battery, June 30, 1865. Welsh, James H.......do.... Oct. 5,'64- 1 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Williams, John........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30,1865-Vet. Wood, James.......... do.... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 30, 1865. Waters, John...........do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 11, 1864-expiration of term,, Weeb, Jacob S...........do....Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21,1865. Williams, Joseph......do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. White, William.........do.... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. White, David..........do.... Sept. 23,'64, I Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Ward, AlexanderM... do....Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Webb, John...............do.... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Wiley, Joseph H........do.... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Winters, Willliam.,...do.... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. White, Thomas F......do....Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Whittmover,Henry...do.....Sept. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Weaver, George W...do..... Aug. 18,'64, Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Widmaier, Fred'k.....do... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Transferred to battery I, March 11, 1865. Wharton, Wiliam.... do....do Aug. 29,'64, 1 Died at Baltimore, Md., January 30, 1865. Wicken, James........do..... June 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. White, James............do....June 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Welsh, Morris.......do..... June: 27,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ward, Thomas.........do.....June 28,'61, 3 Deserted November 28, 1862. Young, John A.........do..... June 9,'64, 3 Capfured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 8, 1864. Yarrow, Andrew.......do.... J e 15, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 991 BATTERY E. RECRUITED IN YORK COUNTY. I NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER f INTO SERVICE. NAME. RANK. ^ ^^^g. P REMARKS, Alfred E. Lewis...... Capt... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August 1, 1861. Jacob M. Barr............do...June 20,'61, 3 Resigned December 12, 1861. Theodore Miller.... do..o....... Aug. 1,'61, 3Promoted to A.A. General, July4, 1862-to Maj., February 24, 1865-Vet. Thomas G. Orwig......do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieut. to Captain, August 11, 1862-resigned September 21, 1864. Henry Y. Wildey......d....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, November 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Abing'n W. Minich lstLt... June 20,'61, 3 Dismissed February 28, 1862. John Hardy...............do.. June 20,'61, 3 Resigned November, 1861. Benjamin M. Orwig...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Nov. 17, 1863-to 1st Lieut., Aug. 30, 1864-discharged March 16, 1865-Vet. William H. Kilgore...do.....June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sgt., June 21, 1861-to 2d Lt., June 1,-1864-to 1st Lt., Feb. 27,'65 —mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Frank C. Choate..... 2d Lt... June 20,'61, 3 Resigned July 16, 1862. William C. Wick...do....do July 22,'62, 3 Dismissed July 18, 1863. John Hassler............do..June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Aug. 12,'62-resigned Sept. 6,'62, Gustavus Reeling......do. June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Aug. 31,'64-res. June 5,'65-Vet. John Perrin..............do... Nov. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Aug. 10,'64-to Sergt., Oct. 4,'64-to 2d Lt., Feb. 27,'65-comn. 1st Lt., Mar. t.Ail ~ t 17, 1865, not mus.-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Tet. John Gnaw............ 1st Sgt. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., June 26,'62-to Sgt., May 1,'64-to 1st Sgt., May 12,'64-con. 2d Lt., Mar. 17,'65, not mustered-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Jed. D. Lincoln..... M. Q.MS. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp., Nov. 1,'63-toQ. M. Sergt., July I,'64-mus. out with battery, July 20,'65-Vet. David Givens......... Serg't.. June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergt., June 14, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865 —et. James 0. Blauvelt.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1,'63-to Sgt., June 11, 1864mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. John Miller..............do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 1, 1864-to Sergt., Aug. 10,'64mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. George Miller...........do..... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., May ll,'64-to Sgt., Sept. 27, 1864mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. James A. Fish..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 4, 1864-to Sgt., March 1, 1865-: Pc..l. F. -4 mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Joshua E. Price.........do.. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Pr. to Corp., May 1,'65-to Sergt., July 10,'65coin. 2d Lieut., June 5,'65, not mus.-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Charles D. Elliott......do.... June 11,'61,3 Pr. to Corp., Dec. 1,'61-to Sgt., Sept. 17, 1863mustered out, July 11,'64-expiration of term. Albert W. Goff...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 21, 1861-mustered out, July 11, 1864-expiration of term. Henry Greybill..........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp, Aug. 13,'62-to Sgt., May 1, 1864mustered out, July 2,'64-expiration of term. Jacob S. Bernheisel...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 26,'62-to Sgt., Aug. 13, 1862discharged on Surg. certificate, Oct. 3, 1862. John Hoggs..............do... July 12,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 18,'63-to Sgt., June 11,'64mustered out, Aug. 4,'64-expiration of term. Isaac I. Kenyon........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 2, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28, 1862. Fordyce A. Lyman...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 1, 1864-to Sgt., Aug. 10, 1864mustered out, Sept. 3, 1864-expiration of term. H. W. Strawser.........do.... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 1, 1862-to Sgt., June 26, 1862mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. George W. Cripps......do..... June 11,'61, Pr. to Sgt., May 11,'62-to Sgt. Maj., Sept 17,'63. Daniel W. Styles.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 5, 1861-died at Camp Griffin, Va., November 12, 1801. T. W. Fullerton...... Corp... Feb. 23,'64,3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. William Wilson........do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 11, 1864-mustered out with'battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Charles Anderson......do.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal June 11, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. George N. Tuttle....d...do June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 27, 1854-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. 992 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT~-FRIT ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SBRVICE. /;Q FlemingMathews... Corp.... Oct. 8, 61, 3 Promotedto Corporal October17, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. John R. Foust........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. W. M'Guirk.. do... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Wm. Tateman........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Harlow Moon......do.... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. James Wereham.......do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 10, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Ephraim Oakley........do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 10, 1865-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Francis Rick.............do..... June 20,'61. 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Barton Beck.........do.... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865-expiration of term. H. D. Gochemus........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 10, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 19, 1862. Tilghman Jacoby....do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 18, 1864 —mustered out, Sept. 3, 1864-expiration of term. C. A. Keampher.......d..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 21, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 1, 1863. Joseph R. Miller.....d....... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-wd. Aug. 27, 1864 —mus. out, Sept. 3,'64-expiration of term. And. D. Townsend.....do June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1863-mustered out, June 11, 1864-expiration of term. Geo. B. Barkley.......do..... July 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 10, 1862-to Commissary Sergeant, Aug. 20, 1862. Patrick Kane..........do..... June 11,'6i, 3 Transferred to battery D, March 1, 1862. H. E. Esbenshade....do...Sept. 3,'61, 3 Died at Epenshire, Lancaster Co., Pa.,Apr. 17,'63. John Flannean.........do....d Feb. 7,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 11, 1864-deserted Jan., 1865. Howard Smith.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 26, 1861-deserted May 31, 1863. Adam Seegar.... Bugler June 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Bugler, January 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Charles T. Seitz........do..... Feb. 12,'64,. 3 Promoted to Bugler, November 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Wm. G. S. Allen.....do..... June 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 19,'62. John Harris.............do.....July 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Bugler, January 1, 1864-mustered out, August 4, 1864-expiration of term. Jos. W. Bryant... Artifi'r Jan. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Artificer, June 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Allen Stoner.............do... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, June 11, 1864-mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Edward B. Hart.......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, December 28, 1862-mustered out, June 11, 1864-expiration of term. Stephen Redson........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Artificer, Jan. 27, 18 —murdered near Williamsburg, Va., October 2, 1863. Armstrong, James.. Private Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Armprister, Henry.........Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Auble, George...........do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Auble, William.....do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Arnet, Frederick..'...do..... Mar. 29,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Ames, Erastus.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's. certificate, Jan. 15,'62. Anderson, Rob't A...do..... July 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Allen, Patrick......do..... Oct. 2, 62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'63. Barnes, James......... do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Bassett, Milton..........do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Bemus, Silas T.......do...... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Beerup, Silas.......do.... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Birch, Andrew F......do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865.Blanchard, Stephen...do.... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. i Blauvelt, Thos. R....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Boose, Edw'd O. H...do... June 20,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Boyce, Henry L........do... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Brohel, Joseph..........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Broadbent, Geo. W...do.....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Brown, Henry P.......do... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Brown, Joseph E.....do.....Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Butt, Jacob...........do..... Dec. 30'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Burt, Eli HI........"...do..... Jan. 16,'64, Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Barrett, Hoilis........do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Burke Daniel..........do....June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1854-expiration of term. BIrien, William.........do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Benson, John H........do.... May 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 23,'63. Burnett, Robert........do..... Jan. 4, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 28,'65. THREE YEAARS SERVICE. 993 ANE, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. DAT F MUSTER EMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Beck, Henry........... Private Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865, by General Order of War Department. Boyle, Thomas...........do.. June 21,'61, 3 Transferred to battery D, March 1, 1862. Breen, Patrick....... do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery D, March 1, 1862. Blake, William H... do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Sentenced to be executed for the murder of Stephen Redson-sentence commuted to imprisonment for life, special order 14, War Department, January 11, 1864. Burchinal, Penfield...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Sept. 8, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Byen, Adam.............do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3Died near Washington, D. C., Sept. 15, 1861. Burr, Byron.............do.....Aug. 21,'61, 3 DesertedMay 1, 1863. Beebe, Curtis............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Buly, Curtis..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bettinger, Charles.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Benson, Hosea M.....do..... Mar 23,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Clark, John M...........do..... June 20'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Clark, Andrew J.......do..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Coyle, Philip......do........ June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Yet. Cover, Jacob..............do... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Cogley, George W:..........Mar. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Cunningham, C..:]...do..:o..:.1M1.. d 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 21,'62. Combs, Wm. 0...do..... Au'61. 3 Mustered out, Aug. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Cox, John................do..... Jul 1i10,'61, Mustered out, Aug. 4,1864-expiration of term. Clark, Charles........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to battery H, March 1, 1862. Cole, Lorentus S........do.... Sept. 4,'61, Died near Chain Bridge, Va., November 28,'61. Cline'William F.;.....do.... June 11,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Cole, iHart............do.....June 20,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Craig, Samuel.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted March 22, 1862. Denaere, Theodore.....do... Nov. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Derringer, Andrew...do..... Nov. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 6, 1865. Day, Andrew.......... do.... Aug. 12, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Deem, Charles.......do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. De-Force, Edward.....do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out, June 14, 1865. Demick, Melvin P.....do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Ditman, Eli..........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Donohue, Daniel......do..... Nov. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Dull, William..........do... Jan. 7,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Davis, Robert............do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 4, 1864-expiration of term, Deihl, Frederick........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery C, March 30, 1862. Daniels, Daniel.........do.... Mar. 23,'65, M1 ustered out, August 11,1865. Everett; Daniel A......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 11, 1864-expiration of term. Eaton, Isaac R.......do..... June 20,'61,3 Died in Baltimore county, Md., Jan. 7,'65-Vet. Finton, Houser........ do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Fisher, Thomas J...... do... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Fizell, Andrew.......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Forrey, Henry........... do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Fry, Daniel...............do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Fry, Matthew...........do... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Fry, John.................do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Frickman, Henry.....do.....June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20 1865-Vet. Frew, Wilson...........do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Frederick, James...do....... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Foster, Edgar M........do..... Mar. 23,'65, Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Fischer, John...........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 12,1863, Farron, Thomas........do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred to battery D, December 22, 1862. Frankford, Wash'n...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., March 20,'64-Vet. Folsmer, Abner.........do..... Sept. 4,'61 3 Died at Williamsburg, Va., October 25, 1863. Franklin, George...do... June 20,'61, 3 Not on musterout roll. Groff, Richard.......... do... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Gingerick, Augus's...do.... Mar. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Gurdiger, Jacob......... do..... Oct.'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Gallagher, Daniel.....do..... Sept. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Gaul, Willia............do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery C, March 1, 1862. Gay, Nicholas............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Gray, Thomas...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Grooner, Jacob H.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 DesertedJuly, 1861. Guilm, John........... do.....Sept. 4,'61 3 Deserted April 30, 1863. Grubb, R. M.........do..... Mar. 23,'65, Not on muster-out roll. Herr, Barton........... do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Hetrick, John A........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Horn, Henry.... d........ Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Horn, George........do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Heazlett, William T...do.. Mar. 23,'65, Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Hengst, Jacob............... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. 125 .994 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —IRST ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMRK. h3' NAM RANK. INTO SERVICE. EMARKS.:Haines, John.......... Private Aug. 27,'64, 1Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Hinkle, Wesley........ do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, September 10, 1864. Harkey, John......... do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Deserted, August 27, 1862. Hickey, James.........do................ Not on muster-out roll. Hart, Edmund........do..... June 20,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Harrington, Pat'k J...do.... Mar. 24,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Innevest, Michael......do.. Aug. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62 Jacobs, Barton A.....do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Jacobs, Edward........do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Jennings, Henry.......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-V.et. Jarvis, John.............do..... Mar. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Jones, Ireneous.........do....Jan. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'65 Kauffman, Lawr'ce...do..... June 7,'61, 3 Transferred to battery H, March 1, 1862. Kline, George W.....do.... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 11, 1864-expiration of term. Kipp, Edward...........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 25,'62 Kuhns, John............do.. Feb. 20,'64; 3Deserted February, 1865. Long, Henry...........do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Lorenz, John............do.... Oct. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Lloyd, William.........do..... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Leiser, James S..........do... June 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9,'63L Leber, Peter.............do... Aug. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Lovell, Philemon C...do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to battery C, March 1, 1862. Lafayette, George.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Lyman, Edwin.........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Larraba, WilliamH...do..... Mar. 23,'65, Not on muster-out roll.' Martin, Henry..........do..... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Mayberry, S. T.........do.... Dec.' 30,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Mowrer, Jacob..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Murphy, William......do.....Dec. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Murphy, Samuel....do...d... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Murphy, John W......do..... Dec. 30,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. M'Andrews, T...........do.. Dec. 22,'63 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. M'Kay, William........do.... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. M'Collough A. J.......do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. M'Graw, Edward.......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. M'Lain, Wn. D........do..... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Murphy, Thomas......do..... Mar. 24,'65, Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Myer, Jacob..............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. M'Cord, Harrison.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Miskell, Philip........do.. Oct. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 15, 1865-Vet. M'Ilheany, Henry...do..... Dec..28,'63, 3Mustered out, May 28, 1865. Meyers, WVm. H........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 31, 1865. Marks, Edward.........do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 31, 1865. Marks, John.............do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3Mustered out, May 31, 1865. Marshall, Joseph......do..... Sept. 2,'64, Mustered out, June 10, 1865. M'Gee, James H........do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Mouse, Conrad,.. d..... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., November 9, 1862. Miller, Nervin........do. Dec. 20,'63, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., March 1, 1864. Murphy, William..:.. do..... Oct. 17,'61, 3 Deserted April 30, 1864-Vet. Michaels, Joseph....... do..... Mar. 23, 65, 1 Mustered out, August 11, 1865. M'Connell, Richard...do..., Aug. 30,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Geehan, John D.....do....Mar. 23'65, Not on muster-out roll. Nichols, William......do..... June 11, 61, 3 Transferred to battery D, March 1, 1862. O'Donnell, Patrick.....do..... Sept. 5,.'64, 1 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Onstott, Adam........do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Phillips, William......do.... June 20,'61 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet Poleman, James........do.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865 —et. Potter, Courtl'd W.....do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 31, 1865. Reed, Jesse..............do... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865, Reed, Robert A.........do..... Aug. -5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Robinson, Chas. L.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Roper, William G......do..... Mar. 29'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Robinson, Cornel's.....do..... Oct. 27,'63 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Ramish, Francis........do.... June 20,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 26,'62. Reynolds, Henry S...do..... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. Reber, Josiah............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'62. Ripple, John............. do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1;, 62. Roberts, Benj, F........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 11, 1865, Robinson, Michael......do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 28, 1865. Rarey, William A......do..... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to battery C, March 1, 1862. Robinson, Henry.......do.... June 20,'61, 3 eserted July 31, 1863, Ritter, Henry............do... Aug. 1,'61,3 Deserted July, 1862. Ratcliff, Jas. A. S...do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Deserted December 15, 1862. Sankey, Salathiel.....do... Dec. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, Jnly.20, 1865. Siler, Benjamin F.....do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865, THIREE YEARS' SERVIOE. 995.........-.... NAME. BAN E. oT MuSERE REMARKS. R'ANE.::iNTO SERVICE. Shadle, Valentine... Private Sept. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 15, 1865, Stauffer, Jacob W.;.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Shary,. Solomon........do..... June 20,.'61, 31 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Shick, Andrew........ do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Shriver, Adam...........do..... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Stanley, Gideon......do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Stafford,:JohnS S......... do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 28, 1865. Stees, Theoph.B H.....do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Stiner, Wm. E.......... do..... Nov. 9,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20) 1865. Stoutzenberger, H.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Stuck, Samuel...........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 4, 1865. Smith, Henry~......do..do.... June 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'62. Stroube, Charles........ do..... June 20i'61, 3 Mustered out, June 25, 1864 —expiration of term. S1mepson;, Thomas......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 12,'62. Sullivan, John......do...d..:.. Sept. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'63. Slifer, Samuel H......do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Pr. tolst Lt. Co. B, 181st reg. P. V.,Feb. 24,'64. Savage, -John, Jr......do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865.' Solliday, Elijah.......do.....Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Smith, Charles......d...do...... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery D,: March 1, 1862. Smith,.;John...........do..... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery H, March, 1, 1862. Summers, Fred'k.. d JunJ..3 Died at Yorktown, Va., December 8, 1862, Stahler, Wm.......... do.... S..4S: i6, 3 Killed, accidentally, near Williamsburg, Va., May 6, 1862. Stafford, Tru' n W... Jan. do.... 4, 64, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., September 4, 1864. Spear, Edwin...... o....do...... June 20,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1861. Stineberger, Win.;....do.... June 20,.'61, 3 Deserted June 27, 1861. Stump, Levi..........do....Mar. 24,'65, I Not on muster-out roll. Swick, Martin...........do.... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Deserted May 1, 1863. Shneberger, D. H......do.... June 20,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stees, Edwin..........do..... June 20,'61, 31 Not on muster-out roll. Tatnall, John............do..... Jan. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Turner, John H.........do..... Jan. 3, 64, 3 Mustered out- with battery, July 20, 1865. Thompson, W. H. H...do.....Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Townsley, Joseph:......... Aug., 28','64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Vanhorn, Jack. M.....do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Watson, Thos. M......do..... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Weidle, John H........ do..... Jan. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Weller, John..........,do....." Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20,1865-Vet. Willey, George..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Williamsi Michael.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Woodring, Wm. D.....do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865-Vet. Wise, John Hi........do... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 20, 1865. Wire, George............do..... June 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Wentz, John F...........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1864-expiration of term. Wiley, John..............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Worl, William.......... do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Weller, Frederick.....do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'65 —Vet. Weller, Jacob....do... do Aug. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 10, 1865. Wade, John S..........do.... June 11,'61, 3 Transferred to battery H, March 1, 1862. Wolf, George............ do... June 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery C, March 1, 1862. White, Peter........do..... June 11,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., November 7, 1862. Wasner, Mark,......... June 20,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C.. December 31, 1861 — buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Yoder, Samuel.......... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3:Mustered out, Sept. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Zules, Thomas.......... do..... Nov. 18,'64,. 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Zimmerman, Jacob...do,... June 15,'61, 3 Discharged, on Surgeon's certificate, April-29,,62 BATT ER F. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Ezra W. Matthews Capt... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, April 11,'1863. R. Bruce Ricketsi......do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Aug. 5,1861-to Capt.,-:May 85 1863-to Major, December 1, 1864. John F. Campbell..... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt, May 20,'64-to 1st Lt., Dec. 6, 1864 —to Capt,, April 17, 1865 —mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Elbridge M'Conkey 1st Lt... July 8'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Aug. 5,'61 —resigned Feb. 20,'62,. Henry L Gdbald...do.... July 8,'61, 3 Died Sept. 22, 1862,,of wounds received at Rappahannock Station, Va. 996 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT~-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER K.INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Chas. B. Brockway 1st Lt.. July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Feb. 28, 1862-to 1st Lieut., March 16, 1863 —comrn. Capt., Nov. 30, 1864 —not mustered-brevet Capt., March 13, 1865 —discharged October 22, 1864 —Vet. Henry Wireman........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Dec. 6, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Wm. M. Thurston.....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., April 22, 1865-musteredout with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. T. LeRoy Case........ 2d Lt... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged February 4, 1863. Francis H. Snider......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Jan. 31, 1864-wounded at Mine Run, Va.-discharged Oct. 8, 1864. George W. Mowrer...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., April 22, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. F. P. Brockway.........do..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Dec. 21, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. William H. Trump 1st Sgt.. July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Steph. E. Ridgway.. Q. M. S. Dec. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Chas. G. Matthews Serg't.. Jan. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Morgan Bahn..........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. John A. M'Farland...do..... June 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, Jine 9, 1865-Vet. Jesse Chamberlain...do..J.. July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Franklin M. Haines...do.'.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet, Smith L. French.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. William B. Mellick...do.... July 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 18,'62. Henry A. Conrad......do..... July 10,'1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'64. Myron French...........do.....July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Abr'm Rudisill...... Corp.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Oscar G. Larrabee......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Prisoner at Gettysburg-mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Albert Herbine.........do..... Aug. 5,61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Wmi. ULnberhower...do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Geo. E. Heinbach......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Franklin Houser......do..... Jan. 27,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Joseph Peterson.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Ephraim Berger.do.... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Mark O'Brien............do...July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. John W. Bullock.......do..... Nov. 24,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. James F. ennedy...do.....July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Joseph Strong............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. John H. Christian.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863-mustered out, August 8, 1864. Delos D. Bryant........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'62. William Shoop..........do..... July 8, "61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. L. Eugene C. Moore...do..... Mar. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Wm. H. Patterson....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Wim. M. Warnick... Bugler.. July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. James W. Francis.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Jacob S. Yordy...... Artifi'r July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery,June 9, 1865 —Vet. Jacob M. Harman.....do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Ackerman, Geo. W Private Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Arsta, William.........do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Appleman, Cyrus B...do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Wounded at Tolopotomy, May 31, 1864 —mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Anderson, Elijah Y...do.....July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Ardes, John...... do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Amon, William........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Angstadt, Geo. W......do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Blessing, William......do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Bowers, Levi S.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Burns, Hugh....do...,. July 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Burge, Jacob........... do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Bartlett, Orrin E........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Bradigan, Frank.M...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Blackman, Enoch.......do..... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Bonney, Peter'..... do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Bassing, John..........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Buckalew,Carpen'r...do..... May 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Branton, Stewart F...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Bailer, William........do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Brown, Henry W.......do..... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Blakeny, Charles......do...., July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'63. Bubb, Daniel-....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Bingham, Wmin. O....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864-Vet. Barnes, George E......do i... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, Dec. 29, 1864 —Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 997 1AE.. DATE OF MUSTER EMABS. NAME. RABAN. ^INTO SERVICE. Bennett, William.. Private Sept. 1,'61, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Briner, Charles........do Feb. 3,'64, 3Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Basler, Samuel.........F.. Feb. 13,'64 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Benedict, Fran's F.....do..... July 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bartle, John.....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Carson, Henry J..do. July 11,'61 3 Mustered 6ut with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Clements, John...do.. Jan. 1,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Curry, Patrick............uly 8,'61, Mustered out with bat-ery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Call, Henry W.. d.....Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865.,Campbell,,Simon S. do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Chamberlain, Wm. do.... Feb. 26, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Coin, John.............. May 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June P, 1865. Cassiday, Peter V........... July 8,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 29,'62. Coulter, William....do.... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June, 1864. Clark, Chas. H..........do..... July 8,'61, 3Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Colden, Richad J...do..... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Conners, Martin............Aug. 22,'64, Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Christman, B...F..do... Feb. 3,'64, 3Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Christian, John H......do.. July 8,'61,... Discharged August 8, 1864. Diebler, John.........do... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Davis, William N....do..... Nov. 8,'31, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Darr, William B....... July 8,61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 — et. Downing, John H......do.... July 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Dibble, Cornelius S...do Dec. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Davis, Theophilus......do. Feb. 2,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Dennan, John A........do.... Jan. 30,'64, 3Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Dell, Moses...Jl....... July 8,'1, 3 Mustered out, July 11, 1864-expiration of term. Doyle, Patrick..........do. Jan. 16,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Dodson, John............do Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Dix, Burton W.......... July 8,'61, Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Dutcher, eo......... Mar. 9,'64, Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Davis, Jacob............d... eb. 8,'64,3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Dow, Joseph F..........do. Feb. 2,'64 3Not on muster-out roll. Doney, Seymore.... do July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Esterline, Samuel..do. i Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Eastbrool, Whit....... Julv 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Eastman, Eli F.... do July 8, 61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Eden, George............. Sept. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Edgart, Jackson....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Frame, Thomas E.......... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Fisher, James H.....do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Farron, Charles F......do.. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Frederick, William...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Fields, George..........do Mar. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'63. Fink, Benjamin........... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Foster, Henry...d..... Aug. 21,'64, Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Fox, Enoch......... July 8,'61, 3 Died Aug. 19,'61-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y,D. C. Floray, imon.......... July 8,'61 3 Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Fox, Jacob.....do.... Jly 8,'61, 3 Died October 16, 1862, at Washington, D. C. French, Merrett C.do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted October 9, 1862. Frew, Francis......... do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. P7rick. Henry.:........do. Feb. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gelp, Henry........... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Geraw, Frederick...,o. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Gray, Samuel.... do July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Gray, Frederick....... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Gehring. John...'...o.. Feb. 5,'64, 3Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Gottschall, Wm........ o Feb.- 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Graves, James........ do.. Sept. 1,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Galloway, Aaron B..do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'62. George William.......Aug. 22,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate-date unknown-Vet. Goins, Harrison.....do..... April 20,'6, 1Mustered out, May 26, 1862-expiration of term. Greenwood, Lee......do July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Geiser, Tighlman..... u.... o.. 8,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'62. Gets, Leonard.. F..do.... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 28, 1864. Gossler, Henry W...... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Gates, Maynard........ July 8 1,', Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Garrett, Matthew......do..... Sept. 1,'63,3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Greib, Jacob G..do... Sept. 8,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A. December 29, 1864. Grimes, Isaac......... Feb. 2;'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Garringer, Charles............ Feb. 21,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 11, 1864. illespie, Melw'd C... July 1,61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. battery G, June 12, 1863. Given John M do.... July 8,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Haag, Jacob........... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. 998:' FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —IRST! ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAMETO SERVICE. Hogan, John....... Pivate Aug. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 185 -YVet. Hildebrandt, Adam...do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —et.. Hilands, Samuel K...do..... Nov. 22,' 63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Hickman, John F......do..... May 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hildebrandt,Henry...do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 - Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet.. Heinbach, Jacob........do.....Feb. 17, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Houser, John............do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Henry, Rudolph.......do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hoffmaster, Sam'l....do...... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hughes, Mason B......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hall, Bennett.........d...do..... Sept. 5,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Hart, John A............do..... July 8,'64, Mustered out at expiration of term. Harder, Priestley S-..do..... Dec. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out January 23, 1865 —Vet. Henry, Peter........ do......July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'61. Hinkle, William P-...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July l,'62.:: Henry, John..............do..... July 8, 61 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864., Hindman, John F.....do.... May 19,'63, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Horning, George.......do..... Aug. 20,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Hummel, Isaac........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Hawk, Charles..........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Halligan, William.....do.... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Herman,I-Henry J.....do..... Feb. 3'64, 3 Mustered out, August 12, 1865., Hindel, Daniel......... do..... July 29,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., October 25, 1864-Vet. Herter, Daniel T........do....July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hammil, Peter.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hilings, Samuel........do..... July 8'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hughston, John.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Haines, Charles A.....do.... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Cyrus...........do. Sept. 3,'61 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Jenkins, Henry S......do..... June 4, 64 3Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Jenkins, Richard......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out wtth battery, June 9, 1865. Jackson,James.........do do.....Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Jones, Henry...........do.. Mar. 2,'64, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Jackson, Alexan'r......do..... Oct. 29, 61, 361, Not on muster-out roll. Krepps, Michael........do..... July 18,'6, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Kiler, Samuel W......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Kinney, Wm.: T........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Kuhns, Daniel L.......do...:.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Keller, Joshua.........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Kissell, Henry...........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered put with battery, June 9, 1865. Kretz, Lewis........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864, Kline, William......do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Killion, Peter.........do Nov. 3,'61, 3 Died October 13, 1862, of wounds received-at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Koons,t Henry.........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Died January 2, 1865, at Brig. Hospital, Va. Kinney, Thomas........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lake, Velasco 0.....[...do. July -8, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Lanious, James.......do.....Sept. 13,'61,: 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Laughlin, John.........do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet, Latshaw, John........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Larabee, Wesley.......do..... Aug. 31,'64 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Larabee, Alfred W...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Lehman, William......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Laube; George...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62. Lutz, Henry..............do... Feb. 8,'64 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Myers, Andrew S......do....Jan, 3,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-et. Miller, Samuel..........do..... Dec. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. M'Clintock, H.. C......do... July 8,'61, 3Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Mosil, Frederick.;......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. M'Lain, James..........do.....:July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. -Menier, William...... do.... Dec. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June.9, 1865-Vet. Myers, John K..........do... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Marquet, John........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Morrison, William.....do.... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. M'Vey, John S.... do.... ar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Mohr, William........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Matterson, Orrin.......do.... Aug. 1,'64 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. M'Murtrie, Alex. BE...do..... July 8,'61 3Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Matterson, Orrin........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 5,'61. Martin, Augustus.tus......do... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8,'62. Manard, David P......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'62. Moore, John............do. Feb. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Micho,.Joseph.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864-Vet.. Maffitt, John.............do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. M'Kinney, Patrick...do..... Ja. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 999 NAME. ~ RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. EMAKS M'Kenney, Peter... Private Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. M'Ginley, Patrick........ Jan, 27,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Musseno, Geo. A........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Morton, Jacob...........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Mills, John C............do.....July 8,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., December29, 1861. M'Collem, Neal.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted May 17, 1863. Mowery, Samuel.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted June 29, 1863. M'Bride, Alex...........do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Goldrick, Mich'l...do..... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neff, Abraham P...... do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 3, 1865. Nuss, Henry F..........do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Nolan, William.........do... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Nimis, Charles...........do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Nealon, Patrick F......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Need, Francis............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged May 31, 1864-expirationof term. Nipple, Andrew......,do.... July 8,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Orange, Robert......... do.... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. O'Brien, Timothy......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Oliver, Andrew B.....do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Parker, Pasarivous...do..... Jan. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Pinkerton, Wm. G.,...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Pidcoe, Hiram.M......do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Pidcoe, James H........do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Potts, Thos. W. M'C...do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 5, 1865. Phillips, James.....do..Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 6, 1865. Powell, William........do.... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. Peterman, Jacob........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 2,'62. Peter, Edwin H.........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Perry, Samuel............do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Pool, Henry............do..... Dec. 11,'61, 3 Died at Hancock, Md., January, 1862. Powryne, James........do..... July 8,'61 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July, 1863-buried in National Cemetery-section D-grave, 48. Quinn, James W.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. - Rake, John G...........do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Roney, William.........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Roney, John........ d........ Feb. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Roberts, Josiah K.....do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Romag, Ezra L.........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Ray, John................do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Raungahen, Gideon...do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Ropp, Joseph............do..... April 22,'61, I Mustered out, May 26, 1862 —expiration of term. Rogers. John............do..... April22,'61, I Mustered out, May 26, 1862-expiration of term. Ruth, Joseph...........do..... Feb, 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Roland,, George.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Reed, John T....... do..... Dec. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Robinson, William.....do.... May 25,'63, 3 Transferred to battery.G, March 26, 1864. Rake, Isaac...............do..... July 1,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Rife, John................do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Riley, Thomas...........do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Ross, Benjamin.......do..... Aug. 10,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Riggin, James H.......do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Remline, Francis......do..... July 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Robinson, James.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Killed at Rappahannock Station, August 21,'62. Rouke, John..............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 11, 1864 —expiration of term. Shafer, Benj. F.........do..... Jan. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Shipman, Charles......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet.' Simpson, Forest.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Simler, Henry C........do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Sweet, Only F...........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Stratford, Richard.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865 —Vet. Steever,V \in H.,......do..... July, 21,'61; 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Shirman, John..........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Shellhorn, John.........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865..Schmehl, Joel...d.........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865:Sherwood, Eli...........do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865.:Shepherdson, Thos...do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9,1865. Shoemaker, John......do..., Jan. 22,'62, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown..Soll, Joseph...............do.... April 23,'61, 1 Discharged May 26, 1862-expiration of term. Snively, Uplin G.......do..... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'62. Sampson, Oscar..........do...., Sept. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate —date unknown. Shenfelder, Peter......do..................... 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'63.;Scott, Raymond T......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 16, 1864-expiration of term.. Schwalb, Adam....do...... Feb, 8,'6-4, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Stout, David............ do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Transferred tc battery B, December29, 1864.:Swander, John...........do.... Feb.,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. 1000 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, N. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER T INTO SERVICE. t REMARKS. Sibley, Charles H... Private July 15,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Seiders, Luther......... do..... May 25,'63, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Seiders, Michael....... do... May 21,'63, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Stevenson, John.......do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Stewart, Fernando.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted July 22, 1862. Slaughter, David.......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted February 14, 1862. Sampson, Wash. T...do... July 8,'61, 3 Deserted August 5, 1861. Sanders, David B...do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Deserted September 16, 1862. Shoemaker, James.....do........................ Not on muster-out roll. Savage, Charles N.....do.....Jan. 1, 62, 3 Deserted October 16, 1862. Shaw, Frank..............do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Samsel, George.........do..... Mar. 16,264, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, James.......... do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, George..........do... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Strecker, Joseph.....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tabor, Gordon..........do....July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Torbett, Samuel.....d...do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Thomas, Richard......do.....Aug. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Trine, Eli.............. do. Feb. 2,'64.... 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Thibault, M'Clera.....do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Tomes, John..............do. Aug. 25,'64, 1 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Tiffany, Barnard........do.do. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'63. Tiffany, Henry M.....do..... Dec. 11,'61, 3 Died while at home on furl., Jan. 16,'64-Vet. Thompson, Edward...do.... Dec. 26,'62, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Thompson, Charles...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Uhler, Ephraim.........do..... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Vanhorn, Benj...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Van Orsdall, Wm......do..... Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Vanhorn, Jas. H.......do....Feb. 24,'64 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wolf, William...do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Wolf, Joseph.............do.....July'19,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Wenrick, Peter..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Wagner, John W......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865-Vet. Writzel, John............do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wingert, Nicholas.....do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Webber, Anthony......do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wissinger, Wm.........do... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wormest, Jacob.......do... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 21, 1865. Weiting, Orlando L...do. Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wemuag, John W.....do... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wood, William R......... Sept. 1'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wright, John............do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Wildsmith, Thos.....do.....Sept. 1,64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. Widner, Lewis.......... do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battery B, December 29, 1864. Watts, John.............do..... July 8,'61, 3 Transferred to battery G, March 26, 1864. Webster, Daniel.......do. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, December 29, 1864. Worthline, Chas. F...do.....Feb. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Waple, Wm. W......... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Died near Petersburg, Va., August 20, 1864. Weaver, John F........do..... July 8,'61, 3 On detached service as Regt. Hos. Steward. Yerger, William.......do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 9, 1865. BAT TERY G. RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA. Robert M. West.. Capt.... July 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September, 13, 1S3.1. Mark Kern.. do July 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, September 14, 1861-killed at Bull Run. August 30, 1862. Frank P. Amsden.....do... July 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., Nov. 12, 1862-resigned May 25,'63. Belden Spence...........do.... July 26,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., May 11,'63-to Capt., Jan. 20,'64mustered out, Dec. 4, 1864-expiration of term. L. Eug. C. Moore......do. Mar. 17,'62, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Feb. 23. 1865-to 1st Lt., April 24, 1865-to Captain, May 15, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Gustavus L. Braun 1st Lt.. July 26,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., July 26,'61-resigned Oct. 8, 1861. James Kincade.........do.... July 30,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Oct. 8, 1861-resigned Jan. 8, 1862. Chas. H. Mitchell....do July 26,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 9, 1863-to 1st Lt., March 5,'64-mus. out, Dec. 31,'64-expiration of term. William Jennings......do Mar. 24,'62, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., May 16,'64-disch. March 17, 1865. William C. Hays.......do.... April 14,'64, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., April 20, 1865-to 1st Lt., May 12,. 1865-mus. out with battery, June 29,'65-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICIe 1001 NAME.- RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NAM.R. RANK. SEpBRKS. INTO SERVICE. RARKS. 6eo. W-. Reisinger.. 2d Lt... July 30,'61, 3 Resigned January 16, 1862. Edward Fitzki..........do..... July 11,'61, 3 Resigned October 2, 1862. Geo.R. Buffum.........do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lieutenant, August 1, 1862-discharged April 7, 1863, for wounds received in action. M. C. Gillespie.....do..... July 1, 61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., June 12, 963-resigned July 13,'63. De Laf. Chandler.....-do.....July 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., June 14,1864-mustered out March 10, 1865-expiration of term. Charles H. Clark......do..... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, June 14, 1864-us tered out, Jarr. 4, 1865-expiration of term. William Dixon..........do..... Feb. 23,'64,3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, May 12, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Geo. W. Wanck......1st Sgt. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 17, 1864-to Sgt., Sept. 24,'64to 1st Sergeant, April 20, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. AlfredW. Metcalf... Q M. S. Mar. 319'64, 3 Pr. to Corporal, May 17, 1864-to Sergeant, May 11, 1865-to Q. M. Sergeant, May 22, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, i865. D. A. Thompson........do.....July 27,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 24 1864 —expiration of term.:John Armor.......... Serg't.. Feb. 8,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1, 1864-to Sgt., May 17, 1864mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Geo. M. Cook...........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., May 17, 1864- to Sgt., June 14, 1864mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Robert J. Jackson......do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., May'17, 1864-to Sgt., July 24, 1864mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Isaac D. Martin.........do..... May 16,'63, 3Pr. to Cor., Mayl7, 1864-to Sgt., Aug. 1, 1864mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Michael A. M'Glinn...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 17,'64-to Sgt., May 22,'65-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. J. W:.M'Cormick......d...J.. Jan. 22,'64,3 Promoted to Cor., Aug. 1,'64-to Sgt., May 11, -:? ~.......' 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John Gross...............do.... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on writ of habeas Corpus, Sept. 1,'61. Charles Gallagher.......... July 31,'61, 3 Disch.-date unknown —to accept promotion. Aaron Mattis................do..... July 16,'61, 3Discharged April 15, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Benjamin F. Coler....do... July 24, 61 3 Discharged July 24, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob Kreamer.........do... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged July 30, 1864-~expiration of term. Mathias Suggert........do... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 22, 1864-expiration of term. Joseph Preston.... Corp.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April I, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. B. F. Spiehlman.......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Hopkins Jenkins..... do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Joseph Bowman........ Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to' Corporal, July 25, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wm. S. Yocum......e. do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 25, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. J. W. Wotmall......do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 26, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Thos. W. Garman.:.....do.. April 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 26, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. William Barrett........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 11, 1865-muttered ottt with battery, June 29, 1865. Jacob D. Boyce........do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 11, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. James W. Hopkins...do.... Feb. 24,'64,3 Promoted to Corporal, May 11, 1865-nmustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. William Lane......do.. Feb. 16,64, 3 Mustered out, May 23, 1865. John M'Devitt......... July 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'62. John Kuntz.......... do... July 21,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 13,'62. Eli F Eastman........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. H. Patterson....do... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Nathaniel Dorwart.....do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1864- expiration of term. Abraham Rudisill...do..... Aug. 5,61, 3 Transferred to battery -Vet. Hiram M. Pidcoe....do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Jesse Chamberlain.....do...... July 16,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Frank. M. Haines,... do..... July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Morgan Bahn...........do..... July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Amos Barge...........do...,. July 24,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Gaines Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Wm. P. Hal........... July 24,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862. Thomas Robinson......do..... May 27,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62-:av-id. -a.... odied at Richmond, Va.-date unknown. David M. Vantine.....do..,,. Feb. 12,6'4, 3 Died at Fort Foote, Md., June 2, 1865. 126 1002 FORlTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, b.1 I&AEB. RANK. DATE OF- MUSTER M ARKS. INTO SERVICE.. David Fleetwood.... Bugler Feb. 11,'64, 3 Promoted to Bugler, January 29, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John F. Wiley........... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Bugler, April 14, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865 —Vet. Jacob Drexler............do... July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'62. Isaac Addis........... o..do... June 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'63. John F. Parker.........do.... July 26'61, 3 Deserted August 6, 1861. Ezekiel Jobes.........Artifir Feb. 12,'64, 3 Promoted to Artificer, March 1, 1864-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. John J. Bechtold.......do..... Dec.' 24, 63, 3 Transferred from battery F, March 28,'64-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Able, Jacob.....i.... Private Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Altman, Absalom.....do...Feb. 23,'64, 3 Absent-on detached duty in battery L, 5th U. S. Artillery-Vet. Askey, Mile..........do.....Sept. 15,'64, 3 Disch. by order of War Dep't-date unknown. Amend, John..........do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 16,'63. Arsta, William........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Adams, Levi..............do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Andrews, John...........do. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Andrews, Joseph......do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bair, William O........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Baker, Thomas C0.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Berry, Richm'd R......do..... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Boring, Edward.......do.....'Feb. 16,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Boring, Reuben S......do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Bradford, Burton......do..... Feb. 29,'64; 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Brooke, John..........do.... Nov. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Buchanan, Geo. S.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Baird, David...............do..... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 29,'64-expiration of term. Brown, William........do..... July 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'62. Brandt, Gilbert........ July 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'63. Bingham, W. O.........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 5, 1864-expiration of term. Beringer, John..........do.... Atg. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 22,'64-expiration ofterm. Boethe, Frederick......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 23, ^64-expiration of term. Blessing, William......do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Bonney, Peter...........do.....Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Berger, Ephraim.......do..... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Bradigan, Frank. M...do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Burch, Jacob..............do... Aug. 26, 61, 3 Transferred to battery F —Vet. Burns, Hugh............do..... July 26,'61, Transferred to battery F-Vet. Bullock, John W......do..... d Nov. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Ball, ThomaEs...........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to battery F. Bradley, Francis P...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 16, 1864. Boohess, Michael......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Deserted Sept. 21, 1861. Bauman, John...........do.....July 26,'61, 3 Deserted June 27, 1862. Campbell, Matthew...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet Carmichael, James...do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Carney, Andrew.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Carnes, George W.....do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Conner, John............do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Coolbaugh, Moses.....do.....Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Clark, Israel S..........do..... Feb. 29, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'65. Correll, Albert J. do...... Jan. 4, 64, 3 Dishonorably discharged, May 12, 1865. Carson, Henry J.......do..... July 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Battery F-Vet. Courter, William.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died of wounds rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 162. Cready, John C........do.... July 24, 61, 3 Deserted December 13, 1862. Craig, Stephen..........do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Davidson, James.......do....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Dimock, George W...do.... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Donley, Thomas.......do.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Downs, Isaac...o..........o.... Feb, 9464, 3 Died at Danville, Va., November 26, 1864. Decker, George........do.,... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Died July 31, 1864-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Derrick, Robert........do.... Aug. 22, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'61. Dickerson, James.....do...July 4,'61, 3 Discharged February 16, 1862 —minor. Drier, Fani........do..... July 19 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'64. Davis, WiUiam N......do.... Nov.' 8f'61,s Transferred to battery F-Vet. Daniels, Aarits L.....do..... Mar. 24,'64,3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Daniels Thomas J...;do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Dougher, Mqidchael.,.,,do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3'ransferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Deganfelt, Edward'...do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Duffy, Iaug..,.......dc...... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ebervonce, Caper.:...do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Elder, James J., o....l Fe3, 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Evans, Wiliam......... do. JB y 11,'61 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'61. lckpan, Marti...,..do... po. 23'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 15,'63. Xcklpanq~~,.o..DO 23.'61,S.is THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1003 NAM. RNK.DATE OF MUSTER N. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMAR Eckerle, Charles.....Private Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 22, 1864-expiration of term. Everill, Stinson P.....do July 24, 61, 3 Died of wds. rec, at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Fleck, Frank R............... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Freck, George...........do..Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Fulmer, Solomon.....do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Fuiler, William J......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 On detached dutyin batt'y L, 5th U. S. Art-Vet. Fields, Thomas D......do..... July 2961, Mustered out, July 29, 61864-expiration of term. Fallon, John. d.......... Mar 31,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Ferguson, James R...do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Fletcoer, William........ do July 11,'61, 3 Kiled at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Freetfiloyer, Jacob....d.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, December 2, 1864. 4Foose, Samuel...........do..... July 24,'61, 3 Deserted October 25,1862. Farren, Edward........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Frocks, Benj. F... do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gahagan, Lewis......d..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promoted to Blacksmith, April 1,'64-mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Gallagher, Edward....do..Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Gates, Charles...........do..... Aug. 31, 64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Garrett, Matthew....do.... Sept. 1,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Golden, John............do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Griffin, Michael.........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Grube, Frederick......do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Gallagher, Edward...do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. Gates, Maynard........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, July20, 1864-expiration of term. Graves, Caleb R........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Gallagher, Charles...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Gelp, Henry............do.....July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. George, William......do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Geraw, Frederick.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Green, William A......do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Geiger, Alexander...do.....July 15,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Groff, Casper...........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gray, Hugh.............do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hampton, Geo. W...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Hancock, David.......do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Henry, John...........do..... July 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Herrick, Charles.......do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Houk, Lewis T.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Hancock, Hiram.......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 5, 1865. Harrison, Cassius...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 23, 1865. Heiser, Peter.............do..... Sept. 3,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3, 1862. Hureen, John............do..... Nov. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3, 1862. Homer, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Reffner, Henry....do..... July 29,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Hunt, Charles..........do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 21,'62. Horn, John..............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'63. Harkisoi, Thomas.....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 24, 1864-expiration of term. Haney, Thomas...... do..... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Heinbach, Henry J.do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 26, 1864-expiration of term. Hindel, Daniel...........do....July 29,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Heinbach, Geo. E....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Hlerbine. Albert........do....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferredto battery F-Vet. Hildebrandt, Adam..do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred tobattery F-Vet. Hogan, John............do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-et. Hickman, John F......do..... May 16,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F. Haverstraw, Aug....d..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Died March 27, 1862-buried in Citizens' graveyard, Annapolis, Md. Hyens, Thomas...do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3T Died ofwds. rec. at Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. Hooke, Henry............ do Sept. 15,'61, 3 Deserted August 30, 1862. Hindman, John F......do..... May 19, 63, 3 Deserted May 1, 1865. Hetrick- W. F....... d........ July 26,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hussey, George......do..... April 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jackson, Andrew.........d... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, Jane 29, 1865. Jones, Cyrus............do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. ICettering, A. G.......do.... Mar 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kinter, Isaac......... do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kirtner, Arnold M..do..... Feb..4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Knipe, Joseph........F...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Knox, George............do.... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Kennedy, Arch......d...do.... July 11,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Kinney, John............do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'63. Kelley, William........do.... ug. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out Aug. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Klein, Christopher.....do..... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 12, 1864-expiration of term. Kuntz, George........do July 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 31,1864-expiration of term. Kennedy, George...do.. July 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863. 1004 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —FIRST ARTILERY, NAME, RANK. DATE OF MUSTE REMARS INTO SERVICE. 4 EMA. Krow, Joseph......... Private July 19, 61,3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, July 1, 1863. Krepps, Michael.......do..... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Kuntz, Daniel...........do.... Sept. 31,'61 3 Transferred to battery F —Vet. Kuyson, William......d.... July 26, 61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Lang, William..........d...... Feb. 17,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865 —Vet. Law, Charles.......... do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Lines, Samuel...........do.... Jan. 8,'643 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Long, Daniel............do.... Feb. 10, 62,3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Longacre, Charles......do.... Jan. 16,'643 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865, Lyons, James..........do.....May 5,'64 3 Mustered out, July 5, 1865. Lebsley, Clements.....do.... Sept. 13, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan.,'63. Lutz, Peter...........J....do..... July 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 31,'63. Lafferty; James.........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Lutz, George............do.... July 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 24, 1864-expiration of term. Landie, Thomas........do... June 11,'61, 3 Mus. out by order of War Dep't, March 18,'64. Lanious, James.........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Lutz, John................do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 12, 1862. Lehman, Milton........... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Deserted April 1, 1864. Lafferty, Patrick......do..... April 28'64, 3 Deserted May 21, 1864. Mortz, Joseph.........J...do.. Jan. 29,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Marcy, Vincent...........do....Ma. 24,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Marcy, Solon...........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Atee, Samuel......do... Fe. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Creary, Lewis......do..... Feb. 23,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Bride, Dixon.........do.....Feb. 23,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Creary, John S......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Cracken, John......do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Dermitt, Henry.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M'Farland, David......do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Meishenhelter, W......do..... Feb. 9,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Meyer, Jacob............do..... April 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Mowery, John...........do.. eb. 10,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Myers, William R.....do..... Feb. 18,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Murphy, James........do....Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. M!Kee, Thomas.........do..... July 11,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2,'62. M'Evoy, Michael......do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Miller, James W. N...do..... July 26,'61 3 Mustered out, July 24, 1864-expiration of term. Moore, John.............do...July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Maffit, John..........do.....Feb. 22,'62 3 Mustered out, Feb. 22, 1865-expiration of term. M'Lain, James...........d.. July 24,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Myers, Andrew S......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Miller, Samuel..........do... Dec. 11, 61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Miller, Joseph J.............Aug. 6,'61, 3 Died near Falmouth, Va., May 18, 1862. Mencer, William.....do... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-buried in Na. tional Cemetery-section A-grave, 61. Miller, Theodore.......do.... July 24, 61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2,1863-buried in National Cemetery-section D —grave, 58. Micho, Joseph.......... do..... July 8,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 12, 1864. M'Allen, William... do....... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Died at Fort Foote, Md,, June 10,1865. Mals, Francis............do..... July 13,'61, 3 Deserted July 20, 1861. Murphy,. John...........do..... July 26,'61, 3 Deserted August 15, 1861. Mullen,, John............d..... April 29,'64, 3 Deserted May 21, 1864. Nicely, Asher K...do.. Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Nail, James........do. April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 23, 1865. O'Donnell, Thomas...do.......pril 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Officer, Robert W......do.... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June29, 1865. Osborn, Josephus.....do..... Feb. 17,'64,3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. O'Connell, John.........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Ott, Michael............. do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died Nov. 22,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Parker, Cephas W....do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Pembroke, WoiS.......F......eb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Penner, Jacob........... do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Pickering, Franklin...do..... April 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June, 29, 1865. Preston, Lemuel.......do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Pearson, William......do... July 19,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'61. Pinkerton, Wm. G.....do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Payne, Arthur J..........do.. Mar. 25,'64 3 Died April 24, 1864, at Washington, D. C. Rambo, John M.....do..... Feb. 4,'64 3 Mustered outwith battery, June 29, 1865. Reed, James.............do..... Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Rumberger, Joseph...do... a. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Rowe, Rowert W...... do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Rake, Isaac............do..... July 1'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Russel, Barthol'w.do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. Redman, James....... do..... July 24,'61, Mustered out, July 24, 1864-expiration of term. Rahn Georgo..........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 15,1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1005 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER | REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. B Reed, John T......... Private Dec. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Rouse, William........do... June 15,'61, 3 Diedofwds. received at Gaines' Mill, June 27,'62. Robinson, William...do.... May 25,'63, 3 Deserted April 12, 1864. Scott, Darius N.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Seiders, Luther........ do May 25,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Seiders, Michael........do..... May 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Sheldon, Abriel B.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Shields, W. S..........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Musterod out with battery, June 29, 1865. Simpson, Edwin L.....do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. SmithJames.......... do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29; 1865. Smith, Ashbel..........do.....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Smith, Isaac S...........do..... April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Schneider, Fred........do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Snyder, John P........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Snyder, David C....;...do..... Feb. 22,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-Vet. Snyder, James G.......do..... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Snyder, John D......do....... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Snyder, Orlando........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Staymates, Moses...d...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. avey, Mason.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. park, Jrams-.......dp..... PFeb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Swope, AmonW..: d....d April 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Smith, Daniel D........ Feb. 24,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Shireman, John F......do.... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'62. Spriggler, H. H-.........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'63. Stiff, Moses..............do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Shoop, Wm. H..........do... July 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Shirey, Gilmore.......do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Steever, Wm. H........do..... July 21,'61,3 Transferred to battery FI-Vet. Stephens, Addison.....do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Stonesifer, Jacob D...do..... Nov. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 31, 1862. Sullivan, Daniel........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Sanders, Chas. L.......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 died at Annapolis, Md., March 17, 1865. Seeger, Silas..............do... July 26,'61, 3 Deserted July 28 1861. Telkemeyer; H. W...do..... Jan. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Tranch, Samuel........do..... May 21,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 2,'63. Troup, William.........do:.... July 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Taylor, William........do..... Nov. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 16,'63. Trorp, Elias...............do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., Aug. 12,'64, of wounds received accidentally. Thompson, Wm........do.... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Thornton, James......do..... Sept. 26, 64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Updegraft, George.....do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Uhler, Ephraim........do....... July 18,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Umberhower, Wm.....do..... July 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Vanhorn, John A......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Vogel, Joseph............do.....Aug. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 8, 1864 —expiration of term, Wagnor, Wm. H.......do..... Feb. 5'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Warner, Albert.........do.....Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wescott, Theodore...d...... Mar. 28'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wilhelm, John...d..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wissingev, And........do..... Feb, 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Wolf, Frederick...d..... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865. Waltz, Jacob.............do.....Nov. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgen's certificate, Dec. 22,'61. Worley, William.......do..... July 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'62. Weldon, Thomas......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'63. Watts, John.........do.....61, Mustered out, July 27, 1,864-expiration of term. Wylie, John..............do.....July 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 20, 1864-expiration of term. Wenrick, Peter........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F —Vet. Wolf, Joseph...........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Wolf, William......do.... July 19,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F-Vet. Whitney, Nervel.......do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. WVillis, John........do..... April 14,'64, 3 Transferred to battery A, June 9, 1864. Wagner, Ephraim....do...... July 20,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Wolf, James.............do.....July 26,'61, 3 Deserted July 28, 1861. Worley, Henry LI......do..... July 26,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Zeher, Andrew........do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Zimmerman, Sam'l...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'61. 1006 FORTY-THIRD -REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, BATTERY H. RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA. NAME.! RANTK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. James Brady......... Capt.... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 19, 1862. Andrew Fagan...do Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut., March 12,'62-to Capt., August 1, 1862-dismissed May 1, 1865. Lord B. Richards......do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3Promoted to 2d Lt., May 25,'64-to 1st It., September 19, 1864-to Captain, June 5, 1865 —mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Frank P. Amsden.. 1st Lt... July 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain of battery G, Nov. 12, 1862 George E. Bentz.......do........... 3Resigned-date unknown. Henry Y. Wildey......do.... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain-of battery E, Nov. 1, 1864. William J. Park.......o..... Aug. 1,'61, 3Resigned January 12,-1862. Theodore Millter.......do.. Aug. 1,'61, -3 Promoted to Captain of battery E, Jan. 13, 1862. Wi. M'Laughlin.......do Aug. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Dec. 29,'62-resigned Oct. 12, 1862. Joseph CoganL...... d.....do... Aug. 1,'61, 3Promoted to 2d Lt., March 18,'64-to 1st Liout., May 25, 1864-discharged July 27, 1864. Horace Templeton.....do.....Aug. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., May 25,'64-to 1st Lieut.:, March 8, 1865-mus. out with batt'y, June 27,'65-Vet. mThoashornton 2d Lt... Mar. 12,'62, 3Died at Washington, D. C., March 26, 1862. ichard Cooper... d....... Aug. 5,'61,3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Aug. 2,'62-resigned Oct. 18,'62. Frank C. Choate........do................. 3 - Promoted to Capt. Colored battery, Dec. 28,'63. Robert M'night... do.. Sept. 20,'64, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, September 20'64mustered out with battery, June 27,'65- et. Sam'l L. Richards..... do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, March 8. 1865-mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Sanford G. Robbins 1st Sgt Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 — et. Michael Lafferty..... Q.M. S. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. James Wallace........ Serg't.. Aug 5,'61, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Peter Richards.........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mutered out with battery, June 27, 1865 —Vet. James Thompson...... do...I Aug. 5,'61, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 186b-Vet. Wm. B. Clayton.......do.. Sept. 4,'62, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. W. Throckmorton.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. John R. Blackwell....do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Promoted to Sergeant,/March 8, 1865-mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. James W. Ebey... Corp.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Robert Aiken..........do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. John S. Wade...........do.. June 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Samuel J. Price.....do..... Dec. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. James E. Grow.........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Y-et. Herbert\ Hopkins'......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Samuel Swartz..........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Michael Costello........do.... Sept. 11,'63, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. John Dorman............do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. John A. Avery...... do.... Aug 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Charles Burkhart....d.... g 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. dam Heigle......... Bugler Aug. 5,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Joseph Harvey do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Chester B. Stiver...Artifi'r Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1V65-Vet. William Forsyth...do..... Oct. 5,'63, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Theodore Brown......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Aubaugh, IHenry... Private Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Avery, David............do... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Attleberger, George...do..... April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June'27, 1865. Ackland, Alonzo.....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Allen, Bartholm'w...do..... Sopt. 15,'62, 3 Died at Washington, D.., June 22, 1864. Ariel, Isaac.............. do.................. Deserted-date unknown. Aston, John............do. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 19, 1865. Auerbaok, George.....do............................3 Not on muster-out roll. Anderson, Johnl.......do. Aug. 11,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Brown,, Daniel...........do.... Nov. 6,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Brink, George W......do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Belles, Andrew.........do... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Baker, Edward......do... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Bennett, George....../... do.. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Blakely, Hugh....../...do... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 —Vet. Benjamin, George......do Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Burr, Samuel G.........do.. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Bullock, Lyman....... do....Mar. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with'battery, June 27, 1865. Bronson, James F.... do.Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Bolles, Charles M...I...do. Aug. 29,'64, S Mustered out, July 3, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1007 INTO SERVICE'. NAN —i M A N I C ATR -F MUSTER REMARBKS. _________.,, _I Barnes, C. M........... Private July 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'62. Boyd, Samuel...........do Mar. 8,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, September, 1864. Berry, James F.........do....................... Deserted July, 1864. Brink, Calvin D........do..... ug. 5,'61, Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Barbour, Walter........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll Bamtrick, James......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Basler, Milton...........do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-outroll. Cunningham, Step...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865Vet. Clark, Andrew.........do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Cruise, William B.....do..... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Clayton, Samuel L...... Sept. 3,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Clark, Isaac...,..........do..... Aug. 8,'61, Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 —Vet. Connor, James.........do... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Curtis, John L.........do..... Mar. 25, 64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. CaldWell, John E......do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27,1865. Cogan, Cornelius....... do..... Aug. 2,'64, 1Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Clinton, William......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 5,'63. Cogney, Cornelius.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Barry, Va., November 21, 1863. Cool, Jeremiah.........do..... July 23,'61, 3 Died Oct. 29,'62-bu. in Cyp. Hill Cem., L. I. Clark, Charles..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Executed at Fort Yorktown, March 2, 1863, by sentence of Military Commission. Clark, Rufus..........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dove, William H......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet, Doyle, Theodore........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Dailey, Michael.........do..... July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Dennison, George.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 4,'62. Daniels, William H...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 2,'63. Donnelly, William...do...... July 20,'61, 3 Executed at Fort Yorktown,'Va., March 2, 1863, by sentence of Military Commission. Diull, George............. do.... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Deserted August, 1863. Duvoy, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 Deserted August 10, 1863. Dormady, William...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Executed by sentence of Mil. Corn., Feb., 1863. Dignan, James.........do..... Aug. 5,'61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Epple, Lewis.........do... June 28,'61, 3. Mustered out, July 5, 1864-expiration of term. Eitnger, John...........do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. ierson, Wm...........do..... July 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1864-expiration of term. Ediger, Solomon....d... Aug. 5, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Falmer, Jacob......:.-.do.... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 8, 1865. Fennemore, James:,3..do.:. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Fry, David.........'; 4 3Feb.M 1,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Falkner, Elias F........... Mar. 30, 64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Fowler, William H...do....Mar, 26, 64, 3 Mustered out, June 27 1865. Frazier, George........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Greenwood, John....do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Griffin, William........do... Sept. 18,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Gooley, Alexander...do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Gregory, Warren......do.... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Gregory, Daniel....... do.... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Garrison, Ziba.........do..... A*g. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Glasgow, James E.....do.... April 19,'64, 3 Mustered out, August 8, 1865. Gates, Nathaniel H...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate., Oct. 16,'62. Gander, Augustus.....do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Gorman, William......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 8, 1864 —expiration of term. Graham, Francis......do..... A0g. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'63. Gross, Henry...... do..... Aug. 9,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1864. Gregory, N. C...........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Disch. on writ of habeas corpus, Sept. 14, 1861. Gooley, John..............do....Nov. 27,'63, 3 Deserted August 11, 1864. Gould, John B..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Goldsmith, Wm.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Grow, Alfred......... do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23,'61. Gougham, William..do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Geory, Nathan...........do....................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hart, John.........l..... Aug. 8,'61. 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Having, Joseph......... do.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Hill, William H........... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 —Vet. Hollis, Henry............do....Aug. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27,,1865. Horan, Thomas..........do... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Honifick, George.......d..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9,'65. Hungerford, C. E...do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Tr. and promoted to Colored Troops, May 9,'65. Hungerford, Jno. R.o..d..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Pr. to Lt. of Colored Regiment-date unknown. Harvey, Edwin..d...... July 21,'61, 3 Died on the Peninsula, July, 1862. Hentis, Charles..........o.... Dec. 18,'63, 3 Died at Great Falls, Md., November 12, 1864. Harris, Henry...........do..July 18,'61, 3 Discharged August 8, 1862. Hardgraves, Rob't.....d..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hardy, John.............do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1008 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIRST ARTILLERY, NAM _ RAN_ K. IATE OF MUSTER I NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. A REMARKS Irwin, James......... Private............ 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jackson, John.......do.... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Jones, David.........do....July 2161, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 2, 1864-expiration of term. Kline, William........o....Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Kapp, John...............do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Kogan, John............do.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Kauffman, Lawr'e.....do.... June 7,'61, 3 Disch. Oct., 1862, for wounds received in action. Kelly, Thomas..........do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'63. Kimmel, Christ'n......do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged February 14, 1863. Knight, George A...do................ Not on muster-out roll. Leidy, John............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Lambert, Charles A...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Leffler, Elias........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Lambo, William........do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27 1865. Lewis Albert............do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3 Sentenced by general court martial,YJuly 25,'64mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Lewis, George W......do....-. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Discharged May 30, 1865. Lewis, Edward.........do..... July 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, July 28, 1864-expiration of term. Lefever, Charles.......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Deserted August 10, 1864. Lee, William.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Loftus, John............do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moseir, Josiah........do...... Aug. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Mooney, James,......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Moseir, Andrew.......do..... Aug. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Bride, John..........do..... Aug. 28,'64, 1 -Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Vey, Seymore........do.....Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Arthur, Charles.....do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Daniels, Daniel.......do..... Mar. 29,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Kinley, Samuel.....do... Sept. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Moore, George W......do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Morgan, John..... do... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 —et. Moore, John.............do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Murray, John............do.... Aug. 13,'64 1 Mustered out with battery June 27,1865. Moore, William........do..... Mar. 24,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Metzgar, Charles.......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. M'Manus, Terrance...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 6; 1864 — expiration of term. M'Cann, Patrick........do..... Mar. 18,'64 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Mann, Jonas............. do..... Aug. 26, 63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'64. Moon, Harlow........ do.... June 12, 61, 3 Mustered out, July, 1864-expiration of term. Mullany, John..........do..... July 16,'61; 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct., 1863. M'Laughlin, Wmn.....do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., February, 1863. M'Bride, Patrick......do..... July 27,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1863. M'Currand, Wm......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Deserted October, 1863. Moon, Andrew N......do.;...... Not on muster-out roll. Mitchell, Henry B.....do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Meegan, Maines.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Morrow, James.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Myers, James'............do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Caughey, Wm......do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-outroll. Newton, William......do.... July 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'65. 1-Nugent, John........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'63. Nagle, Samuel.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown,,Va., January 23, 1863. Nealor, John............do... July 22,'61, 3 Deserted March, 1863. Norris, Edward.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-ouleroll. O'Brian, Marshall.....do..... Aug. 8, 61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. O'Brian, Christo'rr.....do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. O'Brian, Benj. F........do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out at expiration of term. Pernel, Peter...........do..... April 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Price, Levi B........... do..Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Price, John........... do... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Paulhamous, Abr......do..... Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Pitcock, John...........do..Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Reisenbach, John.....do... Nov. 4,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Roberts, Howard......do..... Nov. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Ruth, Amandus........do.. Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Richie, Benj. C........do Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27,1865. Rocker, Robert.........do..... Dec. 28,'633 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Rouch, Henry E......do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Reisenbach, Rob't..... do.....April 8,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865 Reese, William.........do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Reisenbach, Casper...do.... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 29, 1863. Reissick, John. dA... d..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Regan, Dennis..........do... Aug. 5, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rush, Adolph.......... do Aug. 5,'1, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Riley, Zachary........do.... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE YEAS' SERVICE, 1009 _ NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER. REMARKS. NFIAME. B INTO SERVICE. Smith, John, 1st..... Private Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Smith, John, 2d.....do.....Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Speelman, Jas. M......do... Feb. 16,'64 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Schlages, John.......... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Smith, Henry............' " do.- Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Sheitelline, Fred'k.....do..::I Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Sticknay, Myron A...do. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Strickland W. G...do.....Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Stull, John.....do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Schooley, Stephen.....do.. Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Sheppardson, J. E...do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Swope, Henry H......do...April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Scott, William........... do.... July 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Sommers, Charles......do. Sept. 8,'63, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Shoop, Jacob............ do... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Sweet, Emmerson.....do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 30, 1865. Severson, Edward.. do... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 13,'65. Shultz, Benjamin.........do. July 17,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate, March 10,'63-burial record- died at Ft. Monroe, Va., June 11, 1862, Slosser, Morris B......do... July 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Starkweather, Geo.....do.... July 25,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Spence, Orville......... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22, 62. Sparr, Joseph..........do..... July 19,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 22, 1862, for wds. rec. in action. Schook, John............do... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Schively, Chas. M... 5do.3 Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Slavins, Michael........do..... July 21,'61, 3 Deserted February, 1863. Sullivan, Martin........ do... May 3,'64,.. Mustered out, September 7, 1865. Shepley, Hugh..'...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, William P.......... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shaffer, Frederick....do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stare, George W......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Singley, Frank........do. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Schad, Joseph L........do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Taylor, FrancisW........do Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Taylor, Llewellyn......o.... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Titffney, ThoS; W......do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Thomas, Wm. J.....do..Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Varnum, Joseph L...do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Vanstrover, James.....cdo..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865-Vet. Williams, Thomas....do... Dec. 18,'63 3Mustered out with battery, June 29, 1865-yet. Williams, Benj..........do.... Sept. 8,'63, 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out. Williams, Geo. L......do..... Dec. 1,'63, 3Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Webb, Samuel...........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wallace, George........do.... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Ward, Ira............ do.. Mar. 25,'64 3 -Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Williams, Rudolph...do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Williams, Henry B...do.... Mar. 30,'64, Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Wolf, Martin.........do.. Sept. 4,'62, 3 Mustered out with battery, June 27, 1865. Walters, Jacob...........do..... July 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wampshire, Jas.......do ov. 22,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'-. Whittaker, James..... do..... Aug 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1863. Wilson, William...do.... Aug. 12,'63,3 Not on muster-out roll. Walker, Abraham. do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 ot on muster out roll. 1010 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT —IRST ARTILLERY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS Alex. C. Wilson..... ct. 6, 64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-mustered Philip H. Reis... do..... Sept. 29,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Joseph Hutchinson...do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Edw. A. Hibbard......do..... Aug. 2264, 61 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Johu D. Ellis............do.... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Angstadt, Geo. W... Private Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mis. in action, May 7,'64-bu. rec. of Angtadt, died at Andersonville, Sept. 5-grave, 7,887. Anhiser, Jos. J........do.... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Bernam, Joshua........do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, May 21, 1865. Brown, Thomas......do...... Nov. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Biglow, Jonathan H...do..... April 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Boulger, James.........do..... Dec. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Berx, John.............do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Barry, Furger..........do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Barritt, Elias............do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Barrett, Alonzo........ do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Boyce, George.........do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Brooks Charles B.......do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out, Juno 9, 1865. Burns, William........do'.... Aug. 17,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Bender, William.......do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, May 15, 1865. Burns, Charles........do..... Oct. 27,'64, 1Noton muster-out roll. Colp, Christian.........do..... May 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Cook, Alexander B...do.....Oct. 8,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Crookshanks, J.........do..... Sept. 14,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Correll, Charles.........do..... April 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Crawford, James....do.... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, 4uly 1, 1865. Clark, Charles.........do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Carnes, Geo. W.........do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Collins, George.........do..... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Colwell, Benj............do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Conover, Samuel.......do..... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Champney, Isaiah......do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Cunningham, Wm....do.....Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered cut, May 19, 1865. Devens, William.......do..... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. DeBow, Charles........do..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Dalton, Isaac...........do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Dart, Elihu J...... do..... 1:. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Day, Calvin..............do....' u. 14,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Douglass, Joseph......do.....Sept. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Dubois, Peter...........do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Eokerlay, Charles....do..... Jan. 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Epple, Lewis............do.... Aug. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Fife, Mathe'w G.......do..... Oct. 8,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Fields, Joseph...........do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Foster, William M.....do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Fine, George W.........do..... Aug. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Feltwell, Joshua.......do..... Sept. 14,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. ields, Franklin.......do..... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Faul, Isaac...............do.... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Germain, Wm. K..'...do'... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Gifford, James..........o..... Aug. 12,'64, 1 Absent at muster out. Gething, Jesse..........do.... Sept. 14,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9,1865. Gehrett, James.............. Sept. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Glockner, Robert.....do..... Nov. 3,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Huss, George W...F....do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Hand, Christopher....:do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Hyde, Austin..........do...Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 5, 1865. Hillsman, P. W.........do... Oct. 24,'64, Deserted Nov. 15, and arrested Nov. 21, 1864mustered out, July 22, 1865. Heckathorn, David...do.. Aug. 18,'64, I Absent, sick, at muster out. Hunt, Francis,..........do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. eamer, Moses...........do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Hall, James.............do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Hoffman, Win. M.....do..... Aug. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Hamer, John...........do..... Sept. 6,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Hicks, James..........do.....'Aug. 31,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Hamilton, Hugh..... do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. EIaun, Augustus.......do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Kirscht, Augustus.....do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Kirscht, Charles........do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. incaid, James........do..... Oct. 17,'64, 1. Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Kary, Edward.........do..... Nov. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. King, John L............do..... Nov. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1011 Kennedy, John.........do..,.. Nov. 19,'64 1 Not on muster-out roll. Lowe, Jamnes............do.... Mar. 25, 65 1Musteredout with battery, July 1, 1865. Ludy, William.........do..... Sept. 1,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Longacre, George B...do.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Mansfield, Thos. H...do.... Nov. 3,'64, IMustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Metzgar, Philipe..... do..... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 5, 1865. M'lone, John.....d.. o.do.... ar. 27,'65, Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. M'Laughlin, Pat'k...do..... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, July 22, 1865. Morgan, Daniel.........do.... o. Oc,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Myers, Henry............do.... Oct. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, July 22, 1865. Murray, John...........do.....Oct. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Miller, Oscar............do..... Oct. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Moss, William J........do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out.,Miller, Winfield S....do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster-out. Morton, Jacob............do.... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Messino, George A...do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster-out. Moore, Conrad...........do.....Oct. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. M'Neal, William W...do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. M'Kinney, Mark.....do..,.. Oct 1, 64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Morrison, William.....do...... Oct. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Meagher, Patrick......do......Mar. 25,'65, 1 Deserted June 3, 1865. Montz, John..............do..... Oct. 16,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Martin, Robert..........do..... Oct. 28,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, Conrad...do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Mullinson, James......do.... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Maxwell, Robert.......do........................ Not on muster-out roll. Newell, Darius.....do..... Oct. 3,'4, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Newcomb, Alt. W.....do..... Aug. 4,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Newman,Augustus...do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Nunnerville, C. H.....do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Mustered out, May 24, 1865. Parkinson, Rob't H...do.... Mar. 27,'65 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Phillips, James......do..... Feb. 9,'64 3 Mustered out, July 6,1865. Pugh, Charles............do..... Sept. 30,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Phillips, David J.......do..... Aug. 25, 64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Phoenix, Andrew J...do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Patton, James A........do..... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, May 30, 1865. Richards, Paul......'...do..... Oct. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Rendall, George........do..... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Reeder, Merrick.......d.... Mar. 26,'65,1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Reem, Henry C.........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Ruth, Joseph...........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Reichter, Alfred........do.... Jan. 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Rouch, Williamr..........do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Rhoads, Samuel........do.... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Rolfe, Amos..........do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Roberts, William H...do..... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Richel, Charles..........do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Missing in action at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64. Roseman, Henry.......do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Andrew B.....do..... Dec. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Shensley, Anthony...do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Solliday, Edwin A.....do.... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Smith, John..............do.... Oct. 13,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Smithing, Francis.....do..... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Mustered out, July 3, 1865. Shidler, Godlieb......do..... Cot. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Stroub, Samuel F......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Snyder, John...........do.... Nov. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Sanders, Charles M...do..... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Snyder, Charles.........do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Sloan, George............do.... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Sutter, John............do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Schouner, John.........do...Sept. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Schidler, Daniel........do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Substitute —mustered out, June 9, 1865. Snyder, William T...do.....Aug. 31,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Steinbrenner, John....do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. States, Henry L.........do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Sutliff, Solomon.........do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Thomas, Joseph'........do.... Nov. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Tinney, George A......do..... Nov. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Taylor, James..........do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Tozen, Gilbert.........do..... Sept. 14,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Tozen, Thomas.........do.... Sept. 14,'64, 1Mustered out, June 9, 1865. Torbett, Sauel........do.................. Not on muster-out roll. Walter, Jonathano.....do..Sept. 29,'64, 1.1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. 1012 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT-FIBST ARTILLERY,'I MARE. RANK DATE OF MUSTE RMAK INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Walter, John......... Private Oct. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Warner, Emil............do..... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Wiley, William.........do............................ Absent, sick, at muster out. Walton, James H......do..... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Mustered out with battery, July 1, 1865. Weidmaier, Fred'k...do..... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, July 1, 1865. Weidner, Lewis.........do...Feb. 3,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Watt, Lewis.............do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 8, 1865. Weaver, George A.....do Aug. 18,'64, Mustered out, June 9, 1865. UNASSIGNED MEN. Amont, Theodore... Private Mar. 31,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Alexander, John.......do..... Oct. 27,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Adams, Thomas......do.... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Anderson, James......do..... Sept. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Andrew, Peter...........do..... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Barton, Charles........do..... Jan. 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bricely, Peter...........do.....Oct. 13, 64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Buell, Adam E..........o... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Baird, George W.......do..... Aug. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Brooks, Isaac............do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bennett, Michael....... do..... Sept. 21, 64 1 Not on muster-out roll. Buell, Franklin.........do.... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Binder, John..............do..... May 8,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bennevit, Henry....... do.... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chillson, John W......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Canfield, James.........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chesney, Robert C....do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Campbell, Benj.........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chillas, James.......... do.....Sept. 7,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cole, Abraham..........do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dumont, Lewis........do.... Oct. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Dixon, Samuel..........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Diener, Michael.......do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Doridy, George........do.....Jan. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Daley, Joseph............do..... Oct. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ennis, George W.......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eckman, Martin.......do... Dec. 12,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Elliott, Jacob.... d.....Sept. S 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Frankford, Jacob......do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gottshall, William.....do..... Feb.. 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Grovenor, Demery.....do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Graner, Gustave........do..... Oct. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hoffman, George........do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hartsock, Thomas.....do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Isenberg, John R......do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Samuel............ Aug. 2,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Johnson, Henry........do... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Kevens, Anthony..... do... Oct. 29,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Klein, Henry...........do.... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Krein, Peter...........do.. May 20,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mooney, John..........do...Oct. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Marshall, James........ do... Oct. 31,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Myers, Charles H......do..... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Marsh, George M......do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mixdof, Oscar...........do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Maynard, Olden........do... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Morgman, John.........do.... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Martin, Isaac D........do...J May 16,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Maier, Charles.........do..... May 4, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Clellan, John M.....do..... Mar. 25, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Coy, James............do..... Aug. 11,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Andrew, Patrick...do..... Sept. 8,'64, Not on muster-out roll. M'Cormick, Joseph...do..... May 25,'64, 8 Not on muster-out roll. Norton, Charles.........do... Sept. 2,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Pennock, John L......do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Peters, Richard W....do..... Oct. 15,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Painter, Montgom'y..do.... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Russell John..........do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ryan, Michael........do..Dec. 12,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1013 HNAME. RAN'K. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARS. Saunders, Warren.. Private Jan. 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sinclair, William......do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out rol. Shampno, John..,......do.... Aug. 15,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Sharp, Lewis...........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Steel, Calvin..............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shields, Patrick........do..... Oct. 26,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Shearer, Peter.........do..... Sept. 24,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Sunderland, Geo.W...do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smither, Benj. F.......do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shenfelder, Peter......do... May 28,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stll, Isaac................do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thiomas, Patrick........do..... April 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll Wakiis, Daniel G......do.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wilson, Jonathan......do..... Sept. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, FIRST CAVALRY. THE First Pennsylvania Cavalry was recruited, company A in Juniata county, B in Montgomery, in Mifflin, D in Cameron and Clinton, E in Centre. Clinton and Clearfield, F in Greene, G in Blair, H in Fayette, I in Washington, K in Allegheny and Washington, L in Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster and M in Berks. The first seven companies rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, where they were mustered into the State service during the months of July and August, 1861, and thence moved to Camp Jones, near Washington. Three companies H,I and K, rendezvoused at Camp Wilkins, at Pittsburg, where they were mustered into the State service during the month of August, and soon after joined the other companies at Washington. Company L was mustered into the United States service as an independent company, on the 30th of July, and was stationed in the city of Baltimore, where it remained five months. Company M was mustered into the United States service, also, as an independent company, on the 5th of August, and was stationed in Baltimore from the 6th of August, until the 3d of October, when it was ordered to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where, in conjunction with the Fourth Wisconsin Infantry, and Kim's Battery, all under command of Major General Lockwood, it was engaged in scouting and picketing. Numerous excursions were made down the bay, in which smugglers were overhauled, and large quantities of contraband goods seizen. On a scout made to Pontateague Landing, the company captured seven cannons, caissons, and harness; and again at Eastville, a cannon and about fifteen hundred stands of small arms. The men were, for the most part, from the rural districts, well formed and hardy, good riders, and accustomed to the use and care of horses. Few were dismounted by accident or awkwardness while on drill. Some had belonged to militia, cavalry companies, and a few of both officers and men were experienced soldiers; but most were unaccustomed to arms. The five companies which first assembled in Camp Curtin, had effected an organization by the choice of Captain Hastings, of the regular army, Colonel, and Captain Owen Jones, Major; but failing to secure a sufficient number of companies for a regiment, the officers elected declined the command. The three companies from camp at Pittsburg, also had a partial organization, under the title of the Sixth Cavalry; but failing to perfect it, they were attached to the First. In the early days of the war little countenance was given to the cavalry arm of the service, and these companies were suffered to remain some time in camp in an unorganized state, the company officers having little knowledge of cavalry tactics, and the command making little or no progress in drill. Finally, on the first of September, through the kind offices of General stoneman, Chief of Cavalry, and the influence of Governor Curtin, Lieutenant 1861 ORIGIN AND ORGANIZATION. 1015 George D. Bayard, of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, a young officer of great promise, and of considerable experience in Indian warfare, was selected to command, and the organization was completed by the choice of Jacob Higgins, Captain of company G, Lieutenant Colonel, and Owen Jones, Captain of company B, Major. Drill was now commenced in earnest, and prosecuted with a zeal characteristic of its enterprising commander. The line officers were daily instructed by him, and they in turn instructed their subordinates, and put their lessons in practice on the field, under his immediate supervision. The men were at first armed with sabre and pistol, and ten carbines to each company, which number was subsequently increased until each man was supplied with one. A part of the horses were selected by the company officers, and were chosen with special reference to cavalry service. The remainder were selected by Colonel Bayard himself from the government corral at Washington. Under good care and training these horses became notable for excellence, and many of them remained the best after several lots of fresh animals had been worn out. This regiment was organized as the Fifteenth of the Reserve Corps, the law authorizing the organization of the corps requiring " one regiment of cavalry." It joined the division at its camp at Tenallytown, where it remained until the 10th of October, when it moved to Camp Pierpont, Virginia. Here details of one officer and thirty men were daily sent during the winter on picket, and frequent expeditions were made into the country. On the 27th of November, Colonel Bayard was ordered to scout the country beyond Difficult Creek, a small stream crossing the pike about six miles from camp, and make a descent on Dranesville, a village seven miles further on. Marching all night and arriving at the village just before daylight, several houses were quickly surrounded, and a search for guerrillas, reported to harbor there, commenced. Several suspicious persons were arrested, and after a: half hour's halt, he took'up the march for camp. Two miles from town, the head of the column was fired on by guerrillas concealed in the pine thickets by the roadside. Detachments were immediately dismounted and pushed into the woods, and in a few minutes had killed or captured the whole party. Assistant Surgeon Samuel Alexander, and private Joseph Hughling, company D, were killed, and two men were severely wounded. Colonel Bayard was slightly wounded, and had his horse killed under him. Five companies, under Lieutenant Colonel Higgins, participated in the battle of Dranesville. At the opening of the engagement, the cavalry was ordered to push forward, and compel the enemy to unmask his position. Colonel Higgins sent two companies, H and I, under Captain Streck, forward on the road north of the. town, while companies C, D and E, under Captain Taylor, charged directly through it, and pushed on until the enemy, opening on their flank and rear, compelled them to withdraw. The infantry now became engaged, and the cavalry was ordered to the support of Easton's Battery, where it remained until the close of the action, which resulted in the total route of the enemy. On the 3d of January, 1862, Lieutenant Colonel Higgins resigned, and Major Jones was promoted to succeed him. Adjutant S. D. Barrows, who had pre viously been commissioned Second Major, was now promoted to First Major, and Richard J. Falls was commissioned Second Major. On the 7th of January, the two independent companies, L and M, which had been stationed in Baltimore, joined the regiment. Upon the opening of the 1016 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY. 1862 spring campaign it moved with the army towards Manassas, and after ten days of most exhausting service, exposed to pelting rain, sleet, and snow, it returned to Falls Church, where it remained until the advance of M'Dowell upon the Rappahannock. Starting on the 9th of April, it marched to Catlett's Station, where it performed scouting and picket duty until the middle of the month. On the 17th two battalions, supported by the Second New York Cavalry, skirmished with the enemy, driving him towards Falmouth, and late at night the men slept a few hours at the feet of their horses. At two o'clock the march was resumed, squadron L and M leading. The morning was cloudy and intensely dark, and as the command was moving quietly along, it was suddenly brought to a halt by a barricade across the road, from which a heavy fire of musketry was poured into the very faces of the men. They were immediately withdrawn, and the command was deployed to attack the enemy upon his flanks. At daylight he fell back, and Colonel Bayard occupied Falmouth. Encamping a short distance from the town, the regiment was engaged in picket duty along the Rappahannock, and had frequent skirmishes with the enemy across the river. On the night of the 13th of May, a party of the enemy attacked and attempted to re-capture a schooner in charge of men from the First New Jersey Cavalry. Five companies, F, G,, L and M, turned out, and after a brief but sharp skirmish drove off the enemy, brought the schooner in, and rescued the men on board, several of whom were wounded. Colonel Bayard having been appointed a Brigadier General, Lieutenant Colonel Jones was elected Colonel, and First Major Barrows, Lieutenant Colonel. On the 25th of May, when M'Dowell commenced his advance overland to join M'Cellan, the regiment crossed the Rappahannock-at Fredericksburg, and marching rapidly towards Richmond, reached on the evening of the 27th a point on the Pamunky River, within fifteen miles of M'Clellan's right wing, the enemy falling back as it advanced, and the whole route showing evidences of a hasty retreat. At this juncture, when all were jubilant over the prospect of soon joining the grand army, orders were received to return immediately to Fredericksburg. Stonewall Jackson, cutting loose from the rebel army, was in the Shenandoah Valley with a heavy force, and M'Dowell was ordered to the support of Banks and Fremont, concentrating in Jackson's front. Re-crossing the river on the 28th, it marched with the brigade, via Catlett's Station and Thoroughfare Gap to Front Royal, which was reached on the 1st of June. With but an hour's rest, the command proceeded at full gallop towards Strasburg, and when near the town crossed the Shenandoah River, where it came up with Jackson and skirmished with his rear until dark. General M'Dowell not having arrived upon the ground, the brigade, consisting of a battalion of the Bucktails, the Second Maine Battery, the First New Jersey Cavalry, and the First Pennsylvania Cavalry, proceeded alone, and driving the enemy's rear guard out of Strasburg, were soon after joined by the advance of Fremont's army, entering from another direction. A gallop of six miles brought the command again upon the enemy's batteries,* and after three attacks, drove them * "Near Woodstockanotherattack was made on the rear guard. The extreme rear washeld by Caskie's Battery, supported by about two hundred men from Patton's command, as sharpshooters. This was regarded by Ashby as sufficient to hold the enemy in check; and his cavalry was quietly pursuing its way, in advance of the artillery, when the enemy's horsemen gallantly charged through the sharp-shooters on tho guns, captured some of the cannoneers and nearly succeeded in cutting off the retreat of a rifled piece. It was withdrawn, however, 1862 STRASBURBG WOODSTOCK AND HARRISONBURG. 1017 beyond Woodstock. Thus for eight days it was constantly under the fire of his guns, making his "retreat" says Cooke, "one long battle between the Confederate rear and the Federal vanguard." Bayard's Brigade was pressing hotly to strike Jackson, and delay him until General Shields reached Port Republic, there to intercept his retreat, and no efforts were spared to break through the obstinate impediment which Ashby, who commanded the rear guard presented, and force Jackson to turn and defend himself. At Harrisonburg a severe fight occurred, in which the First New Jersey first, and later the Bucktails and the First Cavalry engaged a vastly superior force of the enemy, inflicting severe loss. On the 8th, the command participated in the battle of Cross Keys, but bening reserve was but slightly engaged. On the following day it led the advance of the centre column to Port Republic, where it arrived too late to arrest the flames to which the enemy had'consigned the bridge across the Shenandoah. On the 10th, the command returned down the valley, and after a halt of two daysat Mount Jackson, returned through Front Royal to Manassas, which place it reached on the 23d, having been engaged-thirty days in incessant and atiguing duty, having in that time marched nearly four hundred miles, and skirmished and fought almost constantly, in the face of a powerful and vigilant foe, led by his most trusted leaders. Suffering severely in this campaign, the regiment remained at Manassas two weeks to rest and re-fit. It then marched with the advance of Pope, who had recently been placed in command of the army of Northern Virginia, to Culpepper,:whence itmare various marches and performed important duty. On the 1st of August, General Bayard advanced to the Rapidan, where he was engaged for eight days in guarding the fords for several miles along the river against a wily foe, and watching at all points inland for his approach from above and below. Jackson finally advanced in force, and on the night of the 7th of August, forced a crossing at several points and attempted in the darkness to capture the entire brigade; but was so skillfully ffled as to succeed in carrying off but two men. On the first alarm the outpost rallied upon the reserve, holding the enemy in check until the regiment withdrew to Robertson River, When within two miles of the stream, the differvent detachments of the brigade on picket were rapidly withdrawn, and before they-were all in, the advance of Jackson's- army came dashing up the road. Captain Taylor, at the time, was in conversation with General Bayard, and before they were aware of the enemy?s presence, a shower of bullets came whistJing:by them. General Bayard cried out to the Captain"deploy your squadxon at once, and hold the enemy in cheek until the brigade is safely over the ord.2 -Men never obeyed an order more promptly nor behaved more gallantly than the did in-deploying -under a heavy fire of musketry; they held the enemy in check until the brigade was safelyover. Its loss was two killed and two wounded. The c.mmand slowly withdrew towards Cedar Mountain, and though under in safety, a portion of the enemy rapidly following, and, before they were aware of the intended attack on them, the Confederate cavary was thrownainto disorder. The men retreated in confusion, and ran into the rear of the Fortyeighth Virginia,-then passing along a narrow causeway ith a ravine on one side and a steep embankment on the other,-and so sudden was the:appearance of the disorgm i.zed cavalry in the midst of the infantry, that a -number of men -wee knocked downbefoe they could get out of the way." Stonewall Jackson, J, Estorn ooke, (Rebel,) p. 164, 128 1018 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY. 1862 a brisk fire of artillery supported by Jacksons'whole force, by skillful manoeuvring, the enemy's pursuit was so completely baffled, that nearly the whole day was spent in moving the eight miles, from the point of attack on the previous evening. Here the command formed and held the position until General Banks' force arrived, keeping a determined front and slowly giving ground as the weight of the enemy's overwhelming force pushed it back. The regiment was in front on the following day as advance skirmishers, and supported Knapp's Battery. At a crisis in the battle, this battery was in imminent peril. A charge of the cavalry was ordered. The first battalion, under Major Falls, dashed upon the enemy, broke his lines of infantry, and turning, fought its way back. Of the two hundred and sixteen men who charged, only seventyone returned mounted, so severe was the enfilading fire of the enemy's infantry from right to left. The advance of the enemy was checked, and the battery saved. The third battalion, commanded by Colonel Barrows, after the battle had opened, was withdrawn from the skirmish line, and stationed in rear of the centre. The second, posted on the extreme right, was at one time entirely cut off, but succeeded in eluding the trap prepared for it, and came in under cover of night. Upon the retreat of Pope, on the 19th of August, Bayard's command, now increased to five regiments, formed the rear guard. Contesting the ground stubbornly until it reached the Rappahannock, the enemy suddenly attacked with great impetuosity, with the design of cutting off retreat. The First New Jersey and Second New York Cavalry, unexpectedly struck while forming were broken and thrown into confusion. The First Pennsylvania having passed on in advance, upon the first alarm, drew up in line ready to receive an attack, and stood one half in the open field and the other concealed*by a wood. As the enemy came on, the regiment charged on him from the front, and sweeping around came suddenly upon his rear. The other two regiments having now rallied and re-formed, joined in the charge, completing his utter route. After crossing the river, which was effected without molestation, a detachment of four companies, under Major Ray, was sent to Beverly Ford, on picket. Upon being relieved, it was suddenly attacked while scattered, the horses having been turned loose to graze; but rallying with great steadiness, the command was withdrawn without loss. On the evening of the 28th, the regiment having the advance of Sigels command, moved between Jackson's rear and Longstreet's advance, on the Thoroughfare Gap Pike, capturing nearly two hundred prisoners of Jackson's stragglers. The same night the regiment, with Ricketts' Division of infantry, held the Gap for six hours against the attacks of Longstreet. On the following morning, Colonel Jones made a reconnoissance toward Centreville, and received the fire of a light battery which opened the battle of Bull Run. During the two days of fighting, the regiment was posted on the extreme left of the army, and as it fell back towards Washington, was engaged with other cavalry in arresting the stampede. With a force of one hundred horses and two hundred available men, it went into camp near Mun-: son's Hill, on the first of September, and picketed the approaches to the city, where it remained six weeks, detachments being sent out occasionally for special duty. In September, Lieutenant Colonel Barrows resigned,,and was succeeded by Captain John P. Taylor, of Company C. Upon the return of M'Clellan's army from the Maryland campaign, the regiment, with other cavalry, moved in advance along the Blue Ridge, occasionally skirmishing with the enemy, and arrived at Rappahannock bridge on the night of the 8th of No 1862 BATTLE OF FBRBDERICKSBURG. 1019 vember, in time to save it from destruction by the enemy. The regiment, now in command of Lieutenant Colonel Taylor, approached stealthily and surprised the enemy, driving him from his camp, capturing all his tents, officers' arms, clothing and camp equipments. On the 11th of December, the regiment arrived at Falmouth, in front of Fredericksburg, and two companies, I and K, were sent across the river on one of Franklin's pontoons, to picket between the enemy's out-posts and the bridge. On the following morning, the regiment crossed and joined the squadron on picket, when it was ordered to deploy as skirmishers, and advance until the enemy was found. A mile from the river, just beyond the railroad, he was met, when General Bayard, who had rode to the front, ordered the regiment to fall back. This retrograde movement was followed by the rebel skirmishers, supported by his battle line, which at once opened fire. It was promptly replied to by the carbineers, who held their position until relieved by the infantry skirmishers of the Reserves. On the following day the regiment was deployed as skirmishers on the left wing, where it was under fire of the enemy's artillery. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the storm of battle was raging fiercest, General Bayard, now in command of the whole cavalry force, was struck by a shell and instantly killed. The original commander of the First Cavalry, he had endeared himself to its members not less by his devotion to their instruction and improvement, than by the heroism which he displayed in the hour of danger. From Fredericksburg the regiment moved to Belle Plain Landing, where it went into winter quarters. Each alternate ten days during the winter was spent on picket aloig the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of King George Court House. On the 19th of January, 1863, the regiment turned out with the army to make another attempt to cross the river and give battle to the enemy. After three days splashing and floundering, the movement was abandoned, and the troops, drenched, bespattered and half frozen, returned to their camps. Soon afterwards Colonel Jones resigned, and Lieutenant Colonel John P. Taylor was commissioned Colonel, Major David Gardner, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain William T. M'Ewen, of company C, Major. On the 17th- f February, Major MEwen, with four companies, F, G, L and M, made a scout on the neck below the Court House, destroying a number of barges and boats employed in smuggling. Two nights after, companies I and K, under Major Gaston, made a similar expedition to Westmoreland Court House, destroying a large boat and capturing a smuggler's wagon loaded with silks, shoes, fancy goods and imperial tea. - On the 12th of April the regiment broke camp and moved on the spring campaign. Headquarters were established at King George Court House, and it was engaged in picketing the river from Falmouth to Port Conway, On the morning of the 26th, a scouting party was sent under Lieutenant Colonel Gardner to Leedstown. At noon, Colonel Taylor, with Lieutenant Kennedy and an escort of six men, moved out to meet it. Eight miles beyond the vidette line, Colonel Taylor's party was fired on by dismounted cavalry in ambush, and at the first volley, three of the number fell dead or mortally wounded, their bodies riddled with bullets. Colonel Taylor had his cap shot from his head, and Lieutenant Kennedy his horse wounded. *Both narrowly escaped capture. Colonel Gardner was apprized, by one of Colonel Taylor's men who escaped, of the enemy's position in his rear, by which he was enabled to evade them 1020 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALBY. 1863 and come safely in, bringing some prisoners and contraband property. On the 8th of May, abandoning the position which the regiment had held, it moved to Falmouth,, and on the 28th, to Warrenton, doing picket duty in the mean. timer Moving to Kelly's Ford, it crossed on the 9th of June, and was immediately engaged in the battle of Brandy Station. The Cavalry Corps was commanded by General Pleasanton. At two P. M. the First and Fourth Divisions, under Buford, moved to Beverly Ford, and the Second and Third, under Gregg, to Kelly's Ford, where they bivouacked for the night. Crossing the river early on the following morning, Gregg moved out four miles to Stevensburg, where he left Colonel Duffy with the Second Division, to protect his flank, and proceeded with the Third Division direct to Brandy Station. The Second Brigade, composed of the First Pennsylvania, First New Jersey, and the First Maryland, under command of Colonel Wyndham, took the advance, followed by the First Brigade, Colonel Kilpatrick. On arriving at Brandy Station, the enemy opened with his artillery, which was promptly answered, and the First Maryland, in two battalions, charged upon his baitery. At the same time, wheeling his regiment to the right, Colonel Taylor led a desperate charge upon the left and rear of the foe, reaching the Barbour House, where were General Stuart, his staff, and body guard, surrounded by cavalry Here a desperate encounter ensued, the men using the cavalrymen's true weapon, the sabre, with terrible effect. A number of prisoners were brought off, including Stuart's Assistant Adjutant General. At this point the enemy was heavily re-inforced and the command was obliged to withdraw, but disputing the ground manfully as it went, until it reached a new line of battle. Here it wasjoined by Duffy. The enemy failing to attack, Gregg moved toward Rappahannock Station, where he was again engaged, the First Pennsylvania supporting a battery. An artillery duel was kept up for nearly two hours, when Colonel Taylor was ordered to report, with his command, to General Buford, at Beverly Ford. Upon its arrival it was ordered to the extreme right, where it was hotly engaged, displaying its usual skill and gallantry. The loss in this engagment was three killed and eleven severely wounded. The enemy was grievously broken and dispirited. After a day's rest, receiving rations forage, and ammunition, the regiment moved with the corps over the Bull Bun battle ground, to Aldie. Here, on the 21st, Stuart's whole force was again met, and after two days' desperate fighting, was forced back a distance of fourteen miles, our victorious squadrons routing and scattering his columns, and pushing him back into the gaps of the Blue Ridge. The First Pennsylvania was held in reserve, and was not engaged until the 22d, when it was ordered to the front, and Covered the retiring forces friom Upperville back to Aldie. It held the left of the pike while the First New Jersey held the right, and was several times vigorously attacked, but hurled back the charging columns in confusion. Pleasanton had given Stuart a stuning blow at Beverly Ford. At Aldie and Uppervillehe gave him a finishing stroke from which he never recovered. The regiment was the last to quit Aldie, acting as extreme rear guard to the army, now moving towards Pennsylvania. At nine A. M. of the 2d of July, it reached the Gettysburg battle-field, and wasdetailed for duty at General Meade's headquarters, where it remained during the campaign. Resuming the march on the 5th, the regiment acting as guald to the reserve 1863 BEVERLY FORD AND ALDIE. 1021 artillery, consisting of eighteen pieces, proceeded through Taneytown to Creagerstown, a few miles east of Emmittsburg. After considerable countermarching and delay, it crossed the South Mountain on the 9th, by the old Sharpsburg road, and moved on to Boonsboro' remaining two days, and was there relieved from duty with the artillery, and re-joined the brigade. On the morning of the 14th, the regiment, with the division, crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and took position at Shepherdstown, where the enemy appeared in great strength. On the afternoon of the 16th he attacked with considerable show of force on the right, and soon after opened on the left with great vigor, and in large numbers. But the line, in position admirably chosen by General Gregg, and protected by a heavy stone fence, easilyrepelled a succession of vigorous and heavy charges. Failing here, he again renewed his attacks on to right. The regiment, which had thus far been held in reserve, was ordered to its support, and crossing an open space of nearly a mile, in the face of the enemy's batteries, and moving along the Charlestown pike, which was also swept by his guns, it gained the position assigned, Companies I and K were dismounted and sent to the right, and companies C, H and D to the left, to re-inforce the skirmish line, the rest remaining mounted with sabres drawn, ready to charge should the enemy break the advance. For two hours the battle raged with nabated fury, the enemy redoubling his efforts as night approached, repeatedly charging, at different points, with both infantry and cavalry, aided by storms of grape and canister; but the rapid and deadly volleys of the carbineers as often drove him back with great slaughter. Night put an end to the contest, and at midnight the command was withdrawn to Bolivar Heights. On the 19th, the march was resumed, and moving along the eastern base of the Blue Ridge, the command had an occasional skirmish with the enemy at the gaps, arriving at Warrenton on the 27th. The regiment was now engaged in scouting, and in picket and guard duty on either sideof the Rappahannock, occasionally encountering the enemy. On the 15th of August, company H, which had been detached for special duty at the headquarters of the Sixth Army Corps, since the j2d of February, re-joined the regiment, having in the meantime participated in the battle of Marye's Heights, May 3d, and in the battle of Gettysburg. On the night of the 6th of September, an outpost oil Carter's Creek, held by a detachment of the regiment, was surprised, and Lieutenant George W. Lyon, and Corporal Barre, were killed, and four men captured. On the 13th the enemy was met at Muddy Run, where a severe skirmish ensued, which lasted till the command reached Culpepper. Here the brigade was ordered to the front, and the regiment being in advance was at once deployed as skirmishers. Company H, not being armed with carbines, remained in rear of the centre. The line being quickly formed moved forward on horseback, but soon received a scathing fire from the enemy securely posted in woods and thickets. Dismounting and re-forming, under a galling fire, the order to charge was given, and the line rushing forward as one man, drove tenemy from his cover; but retreating, he caught at every sheltered position, and made obstinate resistance. Thus for four miles, continuing through a space of three hours, the regiment fought, and only left the field when relieved, its ammunition being exhausted. Following this action, the regiment was engaged in skirmishing daily until the enemy was driven beyond the Rapidan on the 17th. The withdrawal of Meade towards.Centreville brought the enemy again north of the Rappahan 1022 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY. 1864 nock, and the cavalry pickets were attacked on the morning of the 14th of October, at Auburn. Heavy fighting commenced immediately. The First Cavalry was in the extreme rear, and the enemy soon commenced closing in on its flanks. It was only by the most heroic bravery, and cool, determined action, that it escaped utter annihilation. Skirmishing as the army withdrew and again as it advanced on the Mine Run campaign, the cavalry was brought face to face with the enemy, at New Hope Church. His force consisted of infantry, cavalry and artillery, and was the advance of Hill's and Ewell's Corps. The First Cavalry was ordered to the front and deployed for a charge on horseback, but finding the country covered with a dense wood, immediately dismounted, and upon the order to advance dashed forward, broke the enemy's lines, and sweeping around on his flank captured twenty-eight of his infantry with muskets and bayonets in hand. It then established a line and held it against every effort of the enemy break it, for two hours, and until relieved by infantry of the Fifth Corps. The campaign of 1863 was soon ended by the failure of operations at Mine Run, and the army withdrew across the Rappahannock; but there was little rest for the cavalry. Raids into the enemy's lines, involving long and fatiguing marches, guarding of extensive and exposed lines, with prowling bands of guerrillas, bold, daring, determined, and watchful for an advantage, kept the men constantly on duty and ever vigilant. "Of scarcely four hundred men," says Lloyd, "present for duty with the regiment, it has furnished a daily aggregate, of ninety-five men for picket duty, with nearly an equal number for scouts, guards, and other details." The regiment broke camp for the spring campaign of 1864, on the 21st of April. On the 28th, Major Falls, with seventy-five men, madtl a scout to Falmouth, and on the 2d of May, Captain Davidson, with one hundred men, made another to the same place; but neither found any force of the enemy north of the river. On the 3d, the regiment crossed the Rappahannock, at Kelly's Ford, and on the 4th, the Rapidan, at Ely's Ford. On the 5th, it moved to Spottsylvania Court House, and in the afternoon was ordered to move rapidly to Todd's tavern. Here the Third Division, under General Wilson, was met retreating before a heavy body of the enemy. The First Brigade was immediately thrown forward to cover the rear of the retreating forces, and was at once sharply engaged. The enemy was checked and soon driven, and though obstinately contesting the ground, he was compelled to fall back across the river Po. At dark the regiment was placed on the skirmish line, and was occasionally engaged during the following day. On the 6th, the division retired, and on the 7th, again advanced to its position, at Todd's tavern. Shortly after arriving, the regiment was ordered out to meet the enemy advancing on the extremeleft of the line. Dismounting two battalions, and joining the Sixth Ohio, a charge was made along the whole line, and the enemy, although stubbornly resisting the movement, for a time, was compelled to give way, leaving his dead and wounded and a number of prisoners in the hands of the victors. Four rebel colonels found dead, were buried on the field. On the 9th of May, General Sheridan commenced his grand raid upon Richmond, and on the first day crossed the Massaponax, Ny, Po and Ta rivers. At Childsburg the enemy made a vigorous attack. The regiment was supporting the Sixth Ohio, as rear guard to the column. Finding that the pressure was becoming so strong that a stand must be made, Colonel Taylor threw his regiment into line of battle, a battalion on each side of the road, and one in re 1864 SHERIDAN'S RAID UPON RICHMOND. 1023 serve. It was scarcely in position, when the Sixth Ohio was broken, and came in disorder through Taylor's forming ranks, closely followed by the rebel cavalry, one of whom dashed forward, and seizing the colors, demanded the surrender of the regiment. But scarcely had he uttered the word when he fell dead. The captain of the charging column was killed by a ball from Colonel Taylor's revolver. The charge of this advance squadron, who were all killed or wounded, with the exception of two, was immediately followed by an entire regiment. The flanking battalions had not yet fired, and, as the enemy came dashing forward within range, the well-directed volleys from two hundred carbines, sent them reeling to the rear. At dark the line was withdrawn, and the march continued. Heavy skirmishing in front, and on the right flank, occurred on the following day. At Ashland, where the brigade was sent to destroy the Station, at Hungary Station, and at Yellow Tavern, the enemy were met in considerable force, and handsomely repulsed. Marching all night, daylight found the command moving down the Brock Road, within two and-a-half miles of Richmond. At Richmond Heights, near Meadow Bridge, the enemy appeared in heavy force. His attacks were made with great skill, and with a full knowledge of the ground. But every effort to break the lines of the division proved futile, and he was driven back with heavy loss. The fighting continued from daylight until eleven A. M., when, apparently disheartened, by his repeated repulses, he withdrew, and the corps moved on through Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, crossed Bottom's Bridge, and reached the James River, at Haxall's Landing. Here the regiment, having the advance, was fired on by the gunboats, being mistaken for the enemy. Remaining three days, the command marched via White House, and Aylett's, and re-joined the army at Chesterfield Station, on the 25th. It was immediately placed in advance and again crossed the Pamunky at Hanovertown. At Hawes' Shop, the regiment was ordered out on scout and soon met the enemy. The Third Battalion, under Captain Litzenburg, immediately charged, clearing the road and driving the enemy back a half mile, where the line was formed, the Third Battalion holding the road, the First on the right of it and the Second on the left. Dismounting under a heavy fire, the regiment advanced to the attack. The division soon came up and the fighting became general. For seven hours the position was held, and so rapid and constant was the firing, that during this time, the regiment, though scarcely two hundred engaged, expended upward of eighteen thousand rounds of ammunition. At half past four P. M., the division was re-inforced by Custar's Brigade, and the whole line dashed forward, driving the enemy three miles, and strewing the track of his routed columns with hundreds of his dead and wounded. Occupying the centre of the line, and holding the road where the heaviest of the fighting occurred, the loss of the regiment was severe. At Barker's Mills a battery, supported by infantry, was encountered. The regiment was ordered from the rear to the head of the column to charge and capture it. The position was found to be impregnable, but the regiment moved forward under a raking fire of artillery and infantry, and took position in close range of the enemy's works, and held it until relieved by heavy lines of infantry. The loss in men and horses was very severe. As soon as the cavalry could be spared from its place at the front, Sheridan was again in the saddle, and his legions in motion for the Trevillian raid. Striking the Virginia Central Railroad near Trevillian Station, the command 1024 FORTY-FOURiTHE REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY. 1864 proceeded to destroy the road. While the destruction was in progress, the regiment was ordered to report to General Torbert, commanding the First Division, and was placed in support of a battery, where it was exposed to heavy shelling, but not otherwise engaged. Having accomplished the destruction of the road for many miles, the column returned to White House, where the enemy appeared in force. Crossing the river the column was dismounted and formed to receive the enemy's attack. Here the First Cavalry was sent on foot a mile on the enemy's flank to capture or compel the removal of a gun which was very troublesome to the skirmishers. In obedience to orders, but contrary to the judgment of the officers of the regiment, it was pushed rapidly forward without protection of skirmishers on either flank, along a narrow strip of cleared land, skirted on all sides by dense woods. Scarcely had the attack opened in front when the enemy advanced from the woods on either side, and opened a galling fire on flanks and rear. Fairly entrapped, the regiment was immediately formed to cut its way out, and by coolness and desperate fighting escaped from the toils into which it had been drawn; but with a loss of three officers and thirty-five men killed, wounded and prisoners. The admirable dispositions made for the withdrawal, and the cool and determined bravery exhibited by both officers and men, elicited the warmest commendations. At Saint Mary's Church the enemy's cavalry was again met in full force, supported by a column of infantry. After a severe engagement, in which our line fell back, fighting as it went, and successfully withdrawing all its artillery and trains, a position was finally taken, which was successfully held, and th enemy gave up the contest. The column now advanced to the James River, and encamped at Wyandotts Landing. Here closed General Sheridan's second grand raid, the corps having been absent from the army nineteen days, and engaged in either marching, orfighting, during the entire period, without a single day's respite. "Of the sixty-one days which had elapsed since the commencement of Grant's grand campaign against Richmond, fifty-four had been spent by the cavalry in either marching, scouting, picketing, or fighting. Being much of the time in the immediate presence of the enemy, we were subject to that unceasing vigilance which keeps every energy to its utmost tension, and wears away the spirits and the strength more rapidly than the heavy toils of steady and constant labor; such as the slow, cautious, and wearisome march, now halting, now marching again, now forming, dismounting and standing to horse, then re-mounting, changing position and forming again; aroused at night and hurried into line,.to spend the drowsy hours until morning, in the saddle, hungry and jaded; awhole day without an opportunity of'cooking coffee,' and then when a moment's leisure is had, and the tempting and grateful beverage is almost prepared, hurried away from the untasted meal to hours more of the fatiguing duty.". On the 27th of August the command crossed the James and rested; but only for a brief period. The bugle again sounded for the march, and the corps was soon on its way to the left of our lines, now posted in front of Petersburg. At Ream's Station, on the 12th of July, the enemy's lines were encountered, and after a spirited contest, lasting several hours, which fully developed his strength and position, the command was withdrawn, and returned to its former camp. On the 26th, crossing the Appomattox, near Point of Rocks, it proceeded to the James, and in conjunction with the Second Corps, moved over * First Pennsylvania Cavalry, Lloyd, page 105. 1865 IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG. 1025 on a pontoon bridge near Bermuda Hundred. At Malvern Hill a severe en. gagement ensued, in which the First Cavalry, dismounted, met the enemy's infantry, and was compelled by superior numbers to retire with a loss of three men killed and fifteen wounded. Upon being relieved by the infantry, the cavalry again returned to its old position in front of Petersburg. On the 30th of July the command again took up the line of march, and met the enemy strongly posted at Lee's Mills. After a sharp fight he was dislodged and precipitately retreated. Returningthe regiment was again north of the James. In the absence of Colonel Taylor and Lieutenant Colonel Gardner, occasioned by sickness, it was under command of Captain Newman. A week's hard service of picketing and scouting, and the engagement at Gravel Hill, "twin sister to Malvern Hill," ensued. Returning to the south side of the James, it again marched towards the Weldon Railroad, where the regiment participated in its last encounter with the enemy, near Ream's Station. On the 29th of August, a camp was established on the Jerusalem Plank Road, near the left of the army. The term of service of the regiment having now expired, an order for its relief from duty was received on the 30th. The veterans and recruits, four hundred and one in number, organized in a battalion of four companies, were left in command of Major Falls, and were subsequently consolidated with the veterans of the Sixth and Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, forming the Second Provisional Cavalry. Withdrawing from the front on the 1st of September, the regiment proceeded to Philadelphia, where, on the 9th, it was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS..5. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER R. MA.KS. INTO SERVI-. -.4 eorge D. Bayard... Col..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Wounded at Dranesville, Va., Nov. 22,'61-pr. to Brig. Gen., May 5,'62-killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Owen Jones............do... Aug. 8, 61, 3 Promoted-from Capt. Co. B to Maj., Aug. 5,'61to Lieut. Col., Oct. -,'61-to Colonel, May 5, i862-resigned January 30, 1863. John P. Taylor.............do. Aug. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. C to Lt. Col., Sept. 15,'62-to Col., Mar. 2,'63-to By. Brig. Gen., Aug.....:-J~~~~~ 0 4,'65-mus. out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. facob-Higgins.......... C.Aug. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company G, August 18, i1861-resigned October 8, 1861 Sylv. D. Barrows......do..... Aug. 11,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Co. D, to Maj., Nov. 15,'61-to Lt. Col., May 5, 1862-res. Sept. 15,'62. David Gardner...........d Sept. 27, 61,. 3 Promoted from Captain, Co. G to Major, Nov. 23,'62-to Lieutenant Colonel, February 10, 1863mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Thos. S. Richards... Major.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted from.Capt. companyM, May 5, 1862-:- __ _____ __________ resigned November 22, 1862. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: &b. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P. principal. Surg. Surgeon. isst.s Assistant. Con. commissioned orFurl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. kdj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bn. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet.;Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sei. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 129 1026 FORTY-FOURTH R:EGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY,.. I WNAME. RPA~NK. DATE OF MUSTER NKlAMEZ. RANK. REMARKK. INTO SERVICE. R K Josiah H. Ray........ Major.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. F, Mar. 1,'62-res. Feb. 23,'63. William T. M'Ewen...do..... Aug. 10,'61, S Pr. from Capt. Co. C, Feb. 23,'63-wd. at Brandy Station, Va., June 9,'63-resigned Oct. 17,'63. Richard J. Falls............ Jan. 3,'62, 3 Wounded July 28,'64-tr. to batt., Sept. 3,'64corm. Lieut. Col., Nov. 11, 1864-not mustereddischarged January 3, 1865. James M. Gaston........o..... Aug.,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company I, Mar. 1,'63mustered out, August 1, 1864. Chas. C. Townsend -Adj...... Nov. 22,'62, 3 Pr. fr. Hos. Stew., Nov. 22,'62-res. June 14,'63. Wm. P. Lloyd...........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Co. E, September 1,'63-mus. out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. C. L. Buffington..... B. Adj Aug. 12,'61, S Promoted from 2d Lt, Co. E, to Batt. Adjt., Feb, 19, 1862-mustered out, September I0, 1862. William S. Foster.......do. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant company K, March 1, 1862-mustered out, September 9, 1862. William Bayard........do.... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged:September 1, 1862. Job H. Cole..............do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant company M, May 5, 1862-mustered out, September 11, 1862. Richard R. Carson.. Q. M -.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Co. B to Q. M., Sept. 17,'61to Captain and A. Q. Master, May 23, 1862. George H. Baker.......do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Corp. Co. B to Q. M. Sgt., Sept. 28,'01-to Quartermaster, May 5, 1862-mustered out with regiment, September 9, 1864. Wm. Stadelman.....C.S..... Aug. 8,'61,1 3 Pr. fr, Sgt. Co. B toQ. M. Sgt., May 5,'62-to Ist Lt. and C. S., Oct. 22,'62-res. Jan. 28, 1863Henry A. Wood........do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from private Co. F to Corn. Sgt., June 22, 62-to 1st Lieut. and C. S., January 27, 63mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9,1864. David Stanton......... Surg.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Surg. U. S. Reg. Army, Nov. 24,'62 Gurdon B.Hotchkin... do.... Dec. 4,'61, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surg., Nov. 24, 1862mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. J. B. Finney........... AsSur. Aug.,'61, 3 Resigned September, 1861. Sam'l Alexander.......do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Killed at Dratiesville, Va., Nov. 26, 1861. S. W. H. Calver.........do,.... June,'62, 3 Resigned August 2, 1862. Hiram N. Kelley....do,... Dec. 17,'62, 3 Resigned Jan. 21, 1863. L. E. Atkinson...... do.....Jan. 24,'63, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 3,'64-disch. Sept. 25,'64. R. H. Tuft..................do... July 6,'63, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 3, 1864, and to 2d reg. Prov. Cav., June 17,1865. J. Hervey Beale.C...h. p Sept. 1,'61, 13 Mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Jacob Wolf.............. Sr Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from private company I, May 1,'63mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Georige TW. Seigrist.. Sr. Maj.'Aug. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. company C, to Sgt. Maj., Sept. 1,'61-to 2d Lt. Co. I, Nov. 23,'61. Henry C. Beamer.....do........................ 3 Promoted to Sgt. Major, Feb. 17, 1862-to 1st Lt. bompany G, July 17, 1862. William M'Cune........do....................... 3 Appointed Sgt. Major, May 8, 1862- discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29, 1862. George J. Geiser.... d............................ 3 Promoted to Sgt. Major, Sept. 29, 1862-to 2d Lt. company G, April 12, 1863. John Hamilton......... do... July 25,'61,3 Promoted from Sgt. company A, May 1,1863mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. George W. Fincher Q.M.Sr July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from private company L, Nov. 1,'62tr. to batt., Sept. 3, 1864-pr. to 2d Lt. company L, batt., Sept. 13, 1864-to 1st Lt. company F, batt., March 19, 1865-mustered out by consolidation, June 20, 1865-Vet. John M'Cahan....... Com. Sr Aug. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private company G, Feb. 28,'62mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Joseph Deveney..... os. St......... 3 Appointed Hos. Steward, Sept. 6, 1861-trans~,;~ -:~~ ~ferred-not on muster-out roll. Ernest Conzler,........ do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private company G, Oct., 1861transferred to U. S. regular army, Nov. 24,'62. Charles Gardner......do... Oct. 20,'62, 3 Promoted from private company G, Oct. 23,'62transferred to batt., September 3, 1864. William P. Lloyd......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3'Promoted from private company G, Dec. 18,'62to 1st Lt. company E, March 22, 1863. -Wmn. J. Jackman...... do... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company A, Feb. 25, 1863~.R~~;. ~ - mustered out with regiment, Sept. 9, 1864. Thomas R. Starer... C. Bug. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. company I, Oct. 16, 1861discharged by order of War Dep't, Oct. 1, 1862. James P. Landis........do.... Aug. 10 1,'61,3 Promoted from Sgt. company C, May 1, 1863wd. June9,'63-transferred tobatt.,Sept. 3,'64mus. out by special order, June 20,'65-Vet. John W. Forney..... Saddler July 25,'61,'3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 3, 1864-mustered ott by special order, June 20, 1865-Tret.' THEE YEABRS' SERVICE. 1027 COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN JUNIATA COUNTY. NAME; RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS.!Q. E.RI CIg.; JohnK. Robinson.. Capt.... July 25,'61, 3 Resigned March 28, 1862. Thobms J. Frow.......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Pr. from Ist Lt., Mar. 29,'62-res. Mar 16, 1863. Wm:j;H. Patterson.......... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 2d to 1st Lt., Mar. 28,'62-to Capt.,:X.~::~-r~~~~,.......March 16,'6-mus. out with Co., Sept. 9, 1864. name. Kelley.t..... l t... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Mar. 28,'62-to....-r..... l ~1st Lt., Mar. 16,'63-wd. July 17,'63-pris. fr. June 24,'64, to Mar.,'65-mus. out, Apr. 25,'65. David H. Wilson.... 2d Lt... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Ist Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 16, 1863died June 6,'64, of wounds received in action. John H. Fertig...... Sgt.. July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt.-prisoner from June 21,'64, X............. ~to Feb. 28, 1865-mustered out, April5, 1865. Lemuel R. Beale.S... Serg't., July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Win. J. Jackman............ July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Stewart, February 25,'63. John Hamilton.........do.,... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, May 1, 1863. John W. Forney.. do... do..... July 25, 61, 3 Promoted to Reg. Saddler, Sept. 1, 1863-Vet. Samuel F. Lane.......do...;. July 25,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-tr. to U. S. Sig. Corps, Mar. 1, 1864. Newton A. Lane........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-disch. on Surg. cert., March, 1864. Wm. A.A Patterson.....do.... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal-captured June 21, 64n~..... *.'mustered out, February 4, 1865. Wm. S. Miller...........do.....July 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal-wounded at White House, Va., June 21,'64-mus. out, Nov. 16,'64. S. L. Patterson,.........do... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted toSgt.-mus. out with Co., Sept. 9,'64. Samuel S. Wilson.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-mus. out with Co., Sept. 9,'64. Jerome T. Funk. d...d.... d July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-wounded June 24, 1864mustered out with company, September 9,'64. John T. Sterrett.........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-mus. out with Co., Sept. 9,'64. Henry H. Wilson............ July 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wm. H. Wagoner... Corp... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. David Holtzopple....do..... Jan. 2,'62, 3 Discharged February, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Amos G. Wolfgang...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. William H. Smith.....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Killed at Hawes' Shop, Va., May 28, 1864. Jacob Q. Bby...........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Captured June 21, 1864-mus. out, Feb. 15, 1865. John E. Doty............do.... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded and missing in action, June 24, 1864. William Bortel...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Aug. 16,'64-expiration of term. Silas S. Mairs............do..... July 25,'61, 3 Captured June 21, 1864-transferred to company D, batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. J." M. Burchfield.........do..... July 25,'61,' 3 Transferred to Co. D, batt., Sept. 9,'64 —mus. out by S. 0., June 20,'65, as Sgt., Co. A, batt. —Vet. Mathew Aber............do.....Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. David Snyder.........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Noah Campbell...... Bugler July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. D, batt., Sept. 9,'64-Vet. Anderson, A. J..... Private Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Brasee, John M....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Bortel, Henry...........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864.' Barkey, Elijah.......d...o... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Baird, James A.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Beidler, William H...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Brown, William H...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Burkeyheyser, I........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Bear, William R........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded at White House, June 21, 1864-mutered out, Aug. 13, 1864-expiration of term. Bayne, Colin R.........do..... April 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Best, John................do,... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Barnett, James H.....do.....Jan. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Bassart, ObediahM...do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864disch. in Co. A, batt., by G. 0., Sept. 25, 1865. Bitter, William H......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Bair, William A..,..o..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Wounded at White House, June 21,1864trans ferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, i864. Benson, Jacob...........do... July 25,'61, 3 Died Sept. 21,'61-bu. inMil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Brant, AlexanderR...do....July 25,'61,3 Deserted July 16,1862. Bond, Joseph............do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Capt'd-died Feb. 26,'65-bu. at Richmond, Va. Collier, David W........do... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Clair, John..............do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March, 18i3. Clair, Isaac.............do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1863. Carpenter, Bar'nJ.. do..... April 12,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt. Sept. 9, 864discharged in company A, batt., June 7, 1865. 1028 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY, NAME. BANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Cleaver, Thomas M Private Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died March 30, 1864. Casey, James........do..... Oct. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. DeBray, George S...,o........July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 1,'62. Dewees, Thos. W......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 24,'62. Dunn, William.........do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864mustered out as Corporal company A, batt., by special order, June 20, 1865-Vet. Donnell, William O...do..... Oct, 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ernest,' Westley H...do....July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Ernest, John L.........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Foltz, James P....do July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Fulton, James W.....do...... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Foley, Michael...........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9,1864. Fasick, John............. do. Nov. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Fink, eorge W.......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded Sept. 15, 1863, and July 28,186mu tered out, September 17, 1864. Fulton, William S...do...................3 Wounded July 10, 1863-not on muster-out roll. Gazette, Samuel........do.... July 25, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1863. Hershey, John'R......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Haller, Israel.........do July 25,'61, 3 Wounded October 1, 1863-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hardy, John A.........do.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Horton, Daniel J..... do....July 25,'61, 3 Captured April 18, 1863-mustered out, August 1, 1864-expiration of term. Howard, Henry F......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died July 27, 1864, of wounds received in actioni June 21, 1864-buried in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Henderson, Arth'r...do..... Oct. 19, 64,1 Not on muster-out roll. Innerst, Michael........ do.....Aug. 1,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Johns, Matthias.........do.....July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. D, batt., Sept. 9,'64-Vet. Jacobs, John A..........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-disch. in Co. A, batt., by General Order, August 1, 1865, Kinslow, Arm'ng L...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Kinslow, John...........d... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Kinzer, Joseph R..... o....... July 25,'616, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 22,'62. Kennedy, Joseph B...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. D, batt., Sept., 9, 1864-Vet. Kendrich, Martin H...do..Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Longacre, Isaac.........do.... July 25, 61, Captured at Bull Run, August 30, 1862-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Logan, Thomas C......do.....July 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Louden, Alfred M...do.. July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Lang, William J.......do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Linton, Samuel.........do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Ludwig, Francis M...do..... Jan. 21,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Landers, Joseph......do... Nov. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Logan, Calvin T........do..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Maloy, George W......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Detailed as Orderly to Maj. Gen. Meade-mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. M'Donald, Jos. B......do... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Donald,And'w H...do....July 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Williams, A. J......do.. July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Coy, John M......3..do...July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Marley, James B......do.... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Morley,; Alonzo W-.....do.... July 25, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'62. Mitchell, Samuel M...do... July 25,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 12,'62. M'Cachron, Geo.H...do... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'62. M'Kee, James.........do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'62. M'Connell, Henry 0...do...... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Sig. Corps, March 1, 1864. Mirshman, Sam'l......do....Nov. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Minnich, William..do.... e. Feb19, 64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864pr. to Cor. Co. A, batt-date unknown. M'Clintock, J.W. B...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Mitchell, John T....... do.....o Oct. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Nicely, Jacob B........d...... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Nicely, Henry W......do..... July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Neiman, John F........do..' Nov. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Culpepper, Va., September 13, 1863. Nipple, John 0....do..... July 25,'61, 3 Wounded June 24, 1864-mustered out August 1, 1864-expiration of term. O'Keson, Samuel B...do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Pasich, John............do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Parsons, Robert.........do.. Aug. 12,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Rodgers, Mat'w H.....do..... July 25,'31, 3 Mustered out with company, September9, 1864. lRheiner, Jonathan..l..do...... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Richer,,Levi.......... do..... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'62. Robinson, Wi. M...o. July 25'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62discharged on Surgeon's certificate Feb., 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1029 VAM. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMARKS. "^"'. ANS. J. ~BI NTO SK. ERVICE. I REMARKS. Reimer, Mattock... Private Aug. 8,'62, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. O., June 6,1865. Reed, Joseph M...do.... April 14,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Rowbottom, James...do....April 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reed, James S......do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864promoted to Corporal company A, batt. Rowbottom, Joseph...do..... April 14,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Richard, Christ. R.....do...................... 3 Deserted-date unknown. Robertson, Joseph...do................... 3 Wounded June 24, 1864-not on muster-out roll. Smith, David L........ do..... July 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Steiart, Calvin E.....do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1862. Simpson, Joseph G....do.....May 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate March, 1863. Sperry, William...... do..;.. July 25,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9,'64-Vet. Sleisher, Jas. K. P.....do..... April 11,'62, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Se 1bold, Elias H........do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Smith, William.......do..................... 3 Sent to Insane Asylum-date unknown. Sheppard, Jackson...do.... Aug. 5,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Tooey, John A.... do.... July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan 8, 1862. Trumlp, John...........do.... May 5,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Tannyhill, GeoW.....do.... July 25,'61, 3 Deserted AugUst 12, 1861. Taggert, William..... do.... Nov. 2,'64, 1 Not on muster-outroll. Van, James.......do... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. rWiidman, Abr'm J....do. July 25,'61, 3 Wounded June 2, 1864-transferred to company D, battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Wilt George F.....do.....Feb. 19, 64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Williamson, A. J......do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Weitzler, Cornelius...do..... April 12,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Whitney, Newell D...do.... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Yom, Joseph.............. July 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 1,'62. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT ATHENSVILLE, MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Owen Jones........... Capt.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August, 1861. Jacob L. Stadelman...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt.,-Aug. 8,'61-res. March 26,'62. JOseph C. Roberts.....do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt, Nov; 25,'61-to 1st Lt., December 30, 1861-to Captain, March 26,'62resigned May 8, 1862. Wm., Litzenberg..... do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt., May 20,'62-wd. at Deep Bottom, Va., July 28, 1864-discharged September 9, 1864-expiration of term. Theodore Streck..... 1st Lt.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sergt. to 1st Lieut., Aug. 8, 1861to Captain company H, November 25, 1861. Richard R. Corson.....do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt.-to 1st Lt. and Q. M., Sept. 17,'61. John Kline..... do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, November..;........-~ 25, 1861-resigned December 30, 1861. William Buzby........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corp. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Jan. 3,'62-to 1st Lieut., Mar 26,'62 —died at Washington, D. C., May 1, 1864. George H. Baker....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Corp. to Q.M.M. Sgt, September 28,'61-....-~~~.'~ Xto 1st Lieut. and Quartermaster, May 5, 1862. R'bert S. Lawsha... 2d'Lt... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt., March 26,'62-wounded May 28,:' l~~ ~~ Sg'-64 —mus. out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. John H. Bevan...... 1st Sgt. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. fromCorp. to 1st Sergt., April 1, 1862-mustered out with company, September9,- 1864. W. F. Chrisman..... Q.M.Sr. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp.-to Q. M. Sgt., Feb. 1, 1863wounded at Culpepper, Va., September 13,'63mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Daniel H. Titlow... Com. Sr Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., April 5, 1862mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Lewis M. Thomas... Serg't.. Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'63. Adolphus S. Edler.....do... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Martin Mars............. do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., Jan. 14,'62-~:.;...- -mustered out vith company, Sept. 9, 1864. Lem. A. Patterson.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's.....-:~~ ~~certificate, March 20, 1863. Joseph Price....... do.... Aug, 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., Feb. 1, 1863-....J'x~~~ ~mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. David W. Terrence...do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Corp.-wounded May 25, 1863-....- -~~~~~:discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'64. John J. Creighton......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-tr. to batt., 1st Pa. Cavalry-Vet. 1030 FORTY-FOURnH IREGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY, 1a INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Samuel Jago.......Serg't Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr.to Sgt.-tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64, —mus..out Sgt. company M, batt., June 20, 1865 —Vet. George L. Lyle.....do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-killed at Malvern HillU EMARK. NAME. BANK. INT SERVICE. REMARKS. Henry C. Portner... Corp.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died June 22, 1864, of wounds received at White H ouse, Va., June 21, 1864-Vet. Philip Seiferts..........do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Jerome Kishbaum....do.... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Captured June 9, 1863-wounded May 28, 1864mus. out with company, September 9, 1864. Isaac Kennedy...... o..do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Samuel W. Reese.....do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Adam Downs......... o..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. John H. Lantz...... Bugler Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864-Vet. Milton Ruch...... do..... Aug. 2861,' 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Adams, George..... Private Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Adams, James M........d..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt. in Corps D'Afrique, June 8, 1864. Boyer, Jacob............do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Disehargedon Surgeon's certificate, June, 1863. Boyer, William.....:.....do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 8,'62. Bailets, Russell........do.... Aug. 28, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 23,'63. Bently, Abraham......o..... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Wd. at Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863-tr. to batt., Sept. 1,'64-mustered out in company F, May 27, 1865. Bonninghof, James...do....do Aug. 28,'61, 3 -Wd. and pris. at Mine Run,iVa., from Nov. 27, 1863, to Nov. 20, 1864 —mus. out, Mar. 6, 1865. Corl, Abraham........do....Aug. 28,'61, 3 Wd.atjlull Run, Aug. 3Q, 62, and Malvern,ill, July 28,'64-absent, in hospital, at muster-out. Campbell, Daniel......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Cory, Warren R........do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Culpepper, Va., Sept. 13, 1863 —mus. tered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864.' Campbell, Wm. S.....do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Tr. to U. S. Signal Corps, March 1, 1864-Vet. Conzler, Ernest.......... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, October, 1861. Cory, George A.........do..... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Sep. 1, 1864-mustered ot in company F. May 27, 1865. Delancy, William P...do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Ely, William............do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 6, 186. Ells, William.........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Farnwalt, Isaac.........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Fullerton, George......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged March 1, 1862, for wounds received in action. Fisher, George W.....do....Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept., 1862. Fritz, William D............ Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864-Vet. Greaves, Francis M...do.... -Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Griffin, John.............do...Aug. 28, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Grey, Mercer............do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Gates, David H.........do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged Aug., 1862, for wds. rec. in action. Gunder, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 1862. Gilliland, Samuel......do.... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-mustered out in company F, May 27, 1865. Gray, William...........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died at Brooks' Station, Va., December 27, 1862. Gardner, Charles.......do..... Oct. 20,'62, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Oct. 23, 1862. Hall, Wilmer C.........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hull, Robert P.........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Captured at Sulphur Springs, Va., August,'62mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Hessner, Michael........... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hughey, Samuel.......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Harper, Jonathan.....do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'62. Hutchison, Chas. H...do.... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1863. Hatch, Arthur.......do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 17,'64. Higby, Charles.......do..... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864-mustered out in company F, May 27, 1865. Hartsock, Thomas.....do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Hiler, Adam..............do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864-Vet. Hoffman, William.....do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 1,'62. Hawn, Samuel K......do..................... 3 Wounded at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864-supposed to have died. Kritzer, James C......do. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Lewis, John......... do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 1, 1861, for wds. rec. in action. Lloyd, William P......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Dec. 18, 1862. M'Donald, Jas. W....do^.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Sick, in hospital, since July 1, 1863-died-date unknown. M'Cullough, Jno. C...do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 20, 1863. M'Cahan, John........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Feb. 28,'62. M'Farland, Daniel..........Aug. 28,'61, 3 pt'd Aug. 1,'62-tr. to batt., Sept. 1,'64-Vet. Mullin, Patrick.......do.....Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864-Vet. Muench, William......do... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Drowned in James River, near Turkey Bend, May 16, 1864. Myers, Israel....... do Aug. 28,'61, 3 Deserted December 1, 1861. Newman, David W.do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Palsgrove, Sam'l D..do..Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1043 NieAm. R AN. DATE OF MUSTER Pugh, EEveni.........*Private Aug. 14,'^62, 3 Wounded at Brandy Station, Va., June9, 1863transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-promoted to'~ra~TeyJ~ei~r ~ i(Corn. Sgt.-mustered out, May 27,1865. Pagey enry W....1...do. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Killed at'Milford tation,Va., May21,'64-Vet. Reed, John M............do,..... Aug. 28,.6.1, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Rhoades, Adam..........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Rittle,: Daniel.......,..do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April, 1863. Ruggles, lbert..... o. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Remnbanug.h, Horatio...do.... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1862. Rx; Joseph..............do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,. Oct., 1862. Reese, Wm. H.........d..do Aug. 2861, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864 —mus. out as Corporal conhpany F, June 20, 1865 —Vet. Rosenberger, Cyrus...do Aug. 28,'61, 3 Died at Brooks' Station, Va., January 27,1 863. Rhoads, William.......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Stoner, Leonard.... do.. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Shawley, Henry......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 "Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Swoap, Peter W........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 1862. Seabolt, John............do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Marl, 1862. Stewart, C0. R..........do..... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-mustered out in company F, May 27, 1865. Speigle, Martin J..do..Mar. 29;'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Snell, Aaron;...... do..... Aug. 28,'61, 31 Wounded at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 27,'63-~transferred to batt., September 1, 1864 —mustered out.... I N as Corp. company F, June 20; 1865-Vet. Uhler, John............do Aug. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar., 1862. Wike, William........do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Mlustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Welty, Zachariah......do..... Aug. 28'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 8,'63.'Wiggins, Daniel...,.do Feb.,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Williams, John........do..... Feb.,'62, 3 Deserted April 10, 1863. ikand, William....do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN FAYETTE COUNTY. j. B. Davidson....C.. Capt..:. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Resigned September, 186i. Theodore Streck......do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Lt. company B, Nov. 25, 1861-. wounded May 28, 1862 —resigned Dec. 9, 1862. W.S. Craft...dp,.... Feb. 12,'63, 3Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Lt., Oct. 22,'62-to Capt., Feb. 12,'63-wd. May 28,'64-mus. out, Sept. 16,'64, David:Gilmore....^.. lst Lt.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Resigned October, 1861. John D. Scott.... do.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private to 1st. Lt., November 21, 1861~-resigned September 12, 1862. Thomas C. Lebo.......do..... Feb. 12,'63, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Nov. 21, 1861-to let Lt., Feb. 12,'63-wd. July 28,'64 —tr. to batt., Sept. 1,'64pr. to Capt. Co. F, Dec. 13,..'64 —tr. to 2d regiment Provisional Cavalry, June 17,1865. William Brown..... 2d Lt... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Resigned October 8, 1861. James M. Jackson.. do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sep.,,1861-res. Nov., 1861. EliS. Forsyth........ do..... Feb.12,'63, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, Feb. 12, 1863-transferredtobatt.,Sept. l,'64-mus. out, Sept. 21,'64. Joseph Hostetler..... 1st Sgt. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wd. in action, May 9,'64~-tr. to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-pr. to 2d Lt. Co. L, Dec. 24, 1864-tr. to Co. G, 2d reg. Prov. Ca., June 17, 1865-Vet. Cyrus A. Porter..... Q.M. Sr Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1863~-mustered out with company, September 9) 1864. James 0. Llewellen Corn. Sr Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1864- mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. James P. Walker... Serg't.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 17,'63. Geo. B. Kingsland.... fr...... Sept. 6,'61, 3 r. fr. priv., Sept.,'61-pris. fr. Nov. 27,'63 to Mar.'15, 1864 —mus. out with Co., Sept. 9, 1864. Benj, F. Hibbs......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr.fr. Cor., Oct. 2, 1862 —wd. May 28, 1864, and Aug. 1, 1864-ab., in hospital, at muster out. Harrison Mann...... do......Sept. 6,'61, 3Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1863- mus-. tered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wm.Phii ps......... Pdo..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor., Mar. 1, 1863-ab., sick, at mus. out. James Normine..do. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private, December, 1 1863 —mutered out with company, September 9, 1864. John M. Watson.... Corp... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64-pr.to Sgt. Co. L, Dee. 13, 1864-mustered out, June 20, 1865-Vet. 1044 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER IR x K INTO SERVICE. Henry Keifer......... Corp.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 1,'63-tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64promoted to Sgt. Co. L, May 1, 1865-mustered out, June 20, 1865-Vet. Isaac Ritchey...........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Robert F. Hibbs...do.... Aug. 31,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 7,'64-mustered out in company L, May 27, 1865-Vet. George Brown...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1,'62-wounded May 27, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Robert Thompson......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1,'63-wd. May 28,'64-mustered out with company, Sept. 9,'64. William Glunt..........do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company. September 9, 1864. Elmer Gregg............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1863-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wm. M. Remmel... Bugler Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted April, 1862. James P. Scott........ do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Algeo, David......... Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded in action, June 21, 1864-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Algeo, Charles..........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3. Wounded at Auburn, Va., October 14, 1863 mustered out, September 14, 1864. Adams, John...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to batt, September 9, 1864-Vet. Arnold, Albert H......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured June 21, 1864-imus. out,'Jan. 25, 1865. Brewer, Isaac...........do...:. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Byers, David............do.,... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Burd, John C.......... do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 162. Balsinger, J. S. P........do... Sept.' 6,'61, 3 Deserted, 1862. Bennett, Wm. H.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted, 1863. Boyle, Joseph M........do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. -: Cox, John F..............do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wd, in action, May 9, 1864-absent at nlus. out. Cox, Robert B...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Coats, Charles P......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'61. Chalfant, John W......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb., 1862, -- Callighan, George.....do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out in company L, by G. O., June 7, 1865. Davidson, Jeremiah...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Dickenson, Wm.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 27, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Davis, Isaiah...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Dickenson, John P...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 9, 1864-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Denny, John A......... do....Jan. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Daniels, Madison D...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died Aug. 3,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 126. Dillon, Matthew........do... Sept. 9,'64, Mustered out in Co. L, batt., May 27, 1865. Dillon, Samuel R.....do..... Sept. 9,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Everhart, Wentel......do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Edmonds, William...do..... Jan. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy-date unknown. Ewing, Moses B......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September, 1862. Faull, John B............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Ferrer, Daniel..........do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Fawsett, James........do.... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Gaskill, William........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Grooms, Thomas.......d..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Gue, Robert...............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mastered out with company, September 9, 1864. Gallagher, Daniel...do.... Feb. 2,'4, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Garrett, Joseph.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured December 10, 1863. Green, James C........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted, 1862.' Gilroy, John......... do...Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Griffin, John A........do.... Sept. 9,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Hunt,- Edward..........do....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Houseman, Thos........ do Sept. 6,'61, Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. lively, James............. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hostetler, Corn's F...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Transferredto btt., Sept. 9,'64pr to Cor. Co. L, March 1, 1865-mustered out, June'20, 1865. Handlin, James...... do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 13, 1864, to March 13, 1865mustered out, December 4, 1865. HIineline, Thomas.....do..Feb. 20,'64, 3 Not on-muster-out roll. Jenkins, Thomas......do...... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Johns, Alexander....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 5,'62..Johnson, Thos. A....d........ Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863.. Lane, Alexander.......do...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 5,'62. Litton, John.............do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'63. Logan, Jackson.........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9,'64-died February 18, 1865 —buried at Danville, Va.-Vet. Leech, James..........do.. Feb. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Michaels, Wm. H.....do....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9,1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE.' 1045 A-M-E. RlANK? B~DATE OF MUSTERREMARKS. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Maloney, Peter..... Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with cempany, September 9, 1864.:Minehart, Win W.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered' out with company, September9, 1864. M'Mu~llen, Albert......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured at Culpepper, Va., Sept. 13, 1863-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864.:M',Cune, Lewis........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 0, 1864. Messmore, Wm. W....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'62. M'Cune, James........do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'63. Melchi, William W....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Marshall, John T.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to bgtt., September 9, 1864-Vet. M'Fall, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet. M'Gaffrey, James......do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Mathers, David.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Normine, Thomas......do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Captured at Culpepper C. H., Va., Sept. 13,'63 — mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Nickleson, Thos. W...do..... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Captured Sept. 6, 1863 —tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Norminine, John S......do.. Jan. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to U. S. Navy-date unknown. Nutt, Joseph E..........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 21, 1864, to Feb. 26, 1865mustered out, March 31, 1865, Owens, Vincent.........do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'61. Potter, Henry C.........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Price,-Alexander M....do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Deserted July 8, 1863. Rictor, John A........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Reid, William T........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 27, 1863, to Mar. 15,'64-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Rice, John A I...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Ritchey, William A...do....June 10,'61, 3 Captured Oct. 25, 1863 — mustered out, July 21, 1864-expiration of term. Shields, William.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out- with company, Sept. 9, 1864. $wearinger,Wm.W...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Smith, Jeremiah.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64 —pr. to Cor. Co. L, May 1,'65-mustered cut, June 20,'65 —Vet. Sturgeon, Edson........do....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th regt. U. S. Cav., Sept. 1, 1861. Stewart, William.....do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1861, at Camp Pierpont, Va. Shroyer, Robert W....do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1862. Smoley, Schucklef.....do. Sept. 9,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. L, batt., by G. O., June 15,1865. Tate, Henry..............do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'62. Vankirk, John.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wd. May27,'64 — absent, in hosp., at muster out. -Varner, James..........do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. vanhorn, Win. A.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1863. Vanhorn, James D.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured Oct. 22, 1863-killed at Malvern Hill, July 28, 1864.'Work, George T............. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Warner, Thomas E...do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wilson, Marion.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wimer, James...........do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Waalker, Barna's W...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Wilson, Jasper.........do...... July 6,'63, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Ward, Terrance.........do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out by G. O., May 26, 1865. Wilson, Hamilton.. do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. 0., Juno 6, 1865. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED IN WASHINGTON COUNTY. Wmi. W. M'Nulty..Capt.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Resigned Sept. 6, 1861, to accept promotion. John:W. Ross...........do..................... 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt., Aug. 24,'61-resigned Nov. 23,'61. George T. Work........do........................ 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt., Nov. 23,'61-resigned June 21,'62. James M. Gaston......do..... Aug.,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 24,'61-to 1st Lt., Nov. 23,'61-to Capt., July 12,'62-to Maj., Mar. 1,'63. Thos. C. M'Gregor.....do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 10,'62 —to 1st Lt., July 12,'62-to Capt., Mar. 1,'63-tr. to batt., Sept. 1,'64 —mus. out by consolidation, June 20,'65. F4ranicisS. Morgan.. 1st Lt... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Lt., Feb. 25, 1863-tr, to batt,, Sept.. 1, 1864~-mustered out, Sept. 26, 1864. George W. Seigrist..I 2d Lt... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Pr. fr.Sgt. Maj., Nov. 23, 1861 —res. May 10, 1862. Joseph B. Richey......do......................... 3 Pr. fr. Sgt., July 12,'62-dismissed Feb. 18, 1863,.George W. Lyon........do.........3............ 3 Pr. fr. Sgt., Feb. 25, 1863-killed Sept. 6, 1863. Samuel C. Work.... 1st Sgt Aug. 13,'61, 3. Pr. to Cor., Aug. 20,'61 —to Sgt., Sept. 1,'61-to 1st Sgt., Feb. 25,'63-wounded in action, Aug. 14, 1864-mus. out with company, Sept, 9, 1864. 1046 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST OAVALRY, I NAME. RANK. DATE O MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. P Samuel W. M'Kee.. Q. M. Sr Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 20,'61-to.Sergeant, December 11, 1862 —wounded and missing at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864. Patrick H. M'Nulty Corn. Sr Aug, 13,'61, 31 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 6,'61-to Sgt., Dec. 11,'62-wd. May 28,'64-muS. out with Co., Sept. 9, 1864. Alex. B. Wythe..... Serg't. Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'61. John G. Wells.........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Died Feb. 26. 1862-burial record, Feb. 26,'63buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. John Richmond.........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'62. Wm. Denniston........o..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'63. James D. Scott.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 20, 1861-to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1861mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. John L. Mustard.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 6, 1861-to Sergeant, Feb. 10,'63-wounded in action, June 21,'64mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Robert D. Wilkin.... do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 20, 1861-to Sgt., Feb. 25,'63mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. David Pollock............do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., March 1,'62-to Sgt., Feb. 25, 1863mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864. Alex. C. Elliott.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Wd. in action, June 21, 1864-tr. to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out as Sergeant comr pany A, by S. O., June 20, 1865-Vet. Thomas R. Starer... Corp.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Chief Bugler, October 16, 1861. John H. Gaston.........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'62. WWm. C. Richey.........do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20,'62. David Ackleson........do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Killed at Oak Grove, Va., April 26, 1863. Moses Hastings.........do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Oak Grove, Va., April 26, 1863. Eli Lescallett..........d.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Killed at Oak Grove, Va., April 26, 1863. James Barry............do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Killed onpicket at Carter's Run, Va., Sept. 6,'63. Smith'n M'Conkey... do Aug. 12, 61 3 Killed at Milford Station, Va., May 21,'64-Vet. Thos. Richmond.......do..... Aug. 13, 61 3 Killed at Enan Church, Va., May 28, 1864. Hillary Wilson..........do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1862-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. John M'Kinley........ do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 25, 1863-captured September 6, 1863-absent at muster out. David M'Guigan...,....do....; Aug. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Feb. 25,'63-wd. in action, May 28,'64-mustered out with Co., Sept. 9, 1864. Lewis Kramer..........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863 —mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Thomas H. Cowan.....do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1864-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. im. J. Rippey.........do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. William H. Rose;.. Bugler.. Aug. 13.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 15,'62. Chester P. Murray.....do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Bitts, Samuel F...... Private Aug. 26,'61, 3 Twice captured-mus. out with Co., Sept. 9,'64. Becroft, George.......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Becroft, John..........do.... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'61. Berwick, Alex........do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 15,'62. Berwick, Frank.........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-Vet. Bingham, John A......do... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Wounded in action, May 9, 1864-transferred to ~~ -' batt., September 9, 1864. Crider, William.........do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Clyde, John............do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Crouch, Andrew.......do.. Oct. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 15,'62. Curtis, William A.....do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-Vet. Conau, Thomas H...do................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dunkle, Thomas.........d... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'62. Dowling, Thos. J...d........ Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 17, 1862. Elliott, Robert C.......do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to company L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Essick, Rudolph......o.... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mus. out in company A, by G. O., June 6, 1865. Foust, John F........ do... Aug. 20,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 15,'62. Foust, John F............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 ot on muster-out roll. Garrett, Samuel A.....do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Grof, John H-........do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Gaumer, Moses F......do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Missing in action-date unknown. Gibson, John...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-Vet. Gist, George W........do..... Aug. 20,'61,. 3 Died December 6, 1861. George, Jacob........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Died December 17, 1861. Hunter, Joshua J......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 28,'62. Johnson, Walter..... do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864, Ioughead, Jno. B..do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-promoted to ~~: ".'!Sergeant company L, November 5, 1864 —mnus tered out, June 20, 1865-Vet. THREI YEARS' SERVICBE. 1047 NA. N. DATE OF MUSTER RE NAME. BANK. REMAR INTO SERVICE. R, W Jabarre, George J.. Private Feb. 3,'62, 3 Tr. to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-promoted to Sergeant company A-.date unknown-Vet. Lowry, William J.....do,...Sept. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out in Co. L, batt., 1st P. Cavalr.y by General Order, June 15, 1865. M'Elroy, William.....do..... Sept. 4,'61,,3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Call, William........do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. l'Cormick, W. S.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Carrell, William...do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Mulligan, Peter.........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Capt'dSept. 6,'63 —mus. out with'Co., Sept. 9,'64. M'GClure, Andrew F...do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63 Miller, James, Jr....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. sert., Dec. 23,'62-buriarrecord,.-|~~..\~. ~died Dec. 25,'62-bu. Mil A. Asy. Cem., D.; C. Miller, James, Sr.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'62. EM',Conkey, Isaac........do Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company L, batt., Sept. 9, 1,864 promoted to Sergeant company A-Vet. Morrow, Charles.......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-Vet. M'Kee, James W......do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Died at Camp Pierpont, Va., Januarysl, 1862, of wounds received accidentally. M-'fGowan, Rugh......,do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co.A, by G.-0., June0, 1865. Newell, Archibald.....do...Aug. 13, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9,:1864. Patton, William F...do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'62. Patton, William P.....do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Transferred to Co., L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out in Co., A, by G. 0.,June 6,'65. Parkes, Thomas.........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Died January 18, 1862. Porter, William M.....do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died at Fairfax, Va.. Sqptember 8, 1862. Patterson, Thomas.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Captured September 6,'63-died at Annapolis, Maryland, March 30, 1864. Powelson, Elmore.....do... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 17. 1862. Quilland, TLewis W...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 15,'63. Richmond, David......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864.,Rosenberger, A. B.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Prisoner-returned-mustered out, Sept. 27,'64. Rice, Lorenzo A..... do... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'62. Robertson,,John L.,...do.... Aug. 13, 61, 3 Tr. to Co. L, batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered ot as Sgt. Co. A, by S. O., June 20, 1865 —Vet. Smiley, James........... do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Sauppe, John G........do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Smith, William F.....do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'62. Williams, Alex. L..... do.... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 16,'62. Wells, Grafton................... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Wolf, Jacob............do..... Aug. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Veterinary Surgeon, May 1, 1863. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN ALLEGHENY AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES. William Boyce.... apt.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Resigned December 27,1861. Jos. H. Williams....... do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3. Pr. fr. priv. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 1,'61-toCapt., Jan. 1,'62-transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-mustered out, September 27, 1864. Wm. A. Kennedy... stLt..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded at Hawes' Shop, Va., May28, 1864-,~~;.~ — [~: mustered out with company, September 9,'64. Sam'l W. Morgan... 2d Lt... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded in action, September 15, 1863-nmus-...:. ]tered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wm. J. M'Ewen....st Sgt. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. John T. Kennedy.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died July 26, 1863. Arch. B. Darragh.....do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, July:27, 1863 —mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Delaware W. Boyce Serg't.. Aug. 28,'61, 3 Deserted September 4, 1861. John A Latimer...... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. William S. Foster...d.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Batt. Adjutant, March 1, 1862. Joseph Wright......... do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, June 5,'62. John W. Gault............o..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died December 7. 1862. Robert Boyce.............., Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 4,1861-to Sgt., June 14,1862mustered out with company, September 9,'64. John W. Boyce......... do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 4, 1861-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862mustered out with company, September 9,'64. John Patterson..........o Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private, November 1,'62-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Billingsby Morgan.....do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Pr. to Sgt., July 1,'64-tr. to batt., Sept. 1,'64-' mustered out in Co. M, May 27, 1865. Jacob Hanna......... do Aug. 28,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1,1864-transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. 1048 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIST CAVALRY, Joseph Boyce......... Corp.... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'62. Andrew G. Happer...do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. Co. G, 11th reg. P. V., Mar. 11, 1862. Samuel Morton...do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'62. Thomas Conner.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11, 1863. John M. Boyce..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured June 21,'64-mustered out, Feb. 4,'65. Samuel F. Ralston.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., November 1, 1862- mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Joshua Connelly.......do. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., November 1, 1862 mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Thos. Westerman.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., November 1, 1862-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Samuel R. Patten......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., November 1, 1862 —mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Samuel Brown......' Bugler. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 28,'63. John C. Keifer...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured at Sulphur Springs, Va., Aug. 22,'62killed in action, May 28, 1864. Anderson, John A.. Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Beaumont, James.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1, 1862. Boyce, Thomas D......do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1,'64-died Oct. 10,'64. Boyce, Isaac N.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cain, Robert..............do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 21,'62. Curran, Edward........do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Calighan, Chas. A.....do.... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Cox, Abraham...........do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Coup, George W.......do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Coup, Jacob.............do..... Jan. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864 — died Sept. 26, 1864-buried in Cavalry Corps Cemetery, Va. Coup, William F.......do..... April 14,'64, 3 Wounded in action, July 28,1864-transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864 —died Nov. 8, 1864- buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. _ Douglass, John........do.... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Discharged January 10, 1863. Duncan. John M........do..... May 25,'63, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Dilks, Charles P........do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Missing in action, November 17, 1863. Dimler, John.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Deserted October 31, 1862. Dodd, James F.........do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Ewing, William.......do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April28,'62. Ewing, James........do.... d Aug. 29,'62, 3 Died November 22, 1863. Flanagan, Hugh........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Fitterer, JosephlB......do.....Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Feather, Joseph.........do...........3... Not on muster-out roll. Gordon, William,.....do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Herriott, John...,....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Herrill, Wilson.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hopper, Samuel..... do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Ingram, Hamiltopn.....do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10,'63. Jamison, John...........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 1, 1864-mus. out in company M, by General Order, Oct. 4, 1865. Jones, Thomas..........do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Missing in action, June 21, 1864 —Vet. Kennedy, Jos. M......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Keifer, Samuel......... do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Lesnett, Richard......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 28, 1864. Morgan, John H........do.....Sept. 6,'61 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Morrison, Ham'nR...do.....Sept. 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Allister, John L...do..... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Coombs, Mat'w.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Dowell, Jacob C....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Donald, John.......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Donald, Wmi..... do.... Sept. 6'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Feely, George.....l...o.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Mouck, Jas. M. G.. do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9, 1863. M'Coombs, Thomas do...d. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Meredith, John.........do.... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Captured at Bealton Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. M'Bride, Marshall.....do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864.M'Murry, William...do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Meanor, William H...do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Morrison, Joseph......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died July 9,'64, at Alexandria, Va. —grave,2,365. M'Clanahan, Jos........d..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. M'Clure, Wm. J. do.....3..................... 3 Not on muster-out roll..Obony, Sanford C......do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'62. Phillips, John C........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. uigg, Frederick......do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Reignaman, Jno. M...do.... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Disoharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23'62. Roberts, William....do....Sept 6'61, 3 Discharged on Surgegn's certificate, Nov. 1,'61 Reed, George W........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Septeniber 1, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1049 RK DATE OF MUSTER RMAR NAME. RAN T ERE T REMARKS.,affer, David...... Private- Sept.,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. art,.William d.. Sept. Se 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29, 62.' epl'eJoseph lM.....do,.... Sept. 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,'63. Shieds, Benij.:F..:.:-. -.:.. Oct. 15,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 31,'63. Shaffer, Joseph M... o^.. Oct. 15,'61, -3 Died September 10, 1862. Trimble, J0ohn........... d:::h Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company,.September 9, 1864. Thompson, Geo., Sr...do..... Oct. 15, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'62. Thompson, Geo., Jr...do.... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'62. VanceBHenry........... doz... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Westerman, J. H........... Sept. 6'61,' 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wallace, Samuel.....do..... Oct. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 1,'62. Williams, James.....d...........Oc. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 1, 1864. Wilsoi, Wm.. S.....do..... Sept. 6,'61 3 Deserted October 31, 1862. C OMPAN Y L. RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. J. A. Hoffeditz.. Capt... July 30,'61, 3 Resigned April 16, 1862. William A. Sands.....do...July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from lst Lt., April 6,1862-captured........... - -: -- -. -June 21, 1864-mustered out, Dec. 19, 1864. Henry S. Gaul....... ItLt... July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., April 19, 1862-mustered::-(:::-;:. -........:out with company, September 9, 1864. C.:iA.ticehtenthaller 2d Lt.. July 30,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt., April 19, 1862-res. June 25, 1863. David S. Buxton......do.... July 30,'61, 3 Wounded in action, Dec. 27,'63-pr. fr. Sergeant,'. Mar. 7,'64-wd. and pris., June 21,'64 —died in -.~ -..:...... Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., July 5, 1864. Cyrus Bentz,t....... 1st Sgt.. July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 6,'61 Jer. K. Rhoads...........do..... uly 30,'61, 3 Dischargedon Srgongs.ertificate,.Mar. 10,'63. Bel.nF. Hu llr........... do. July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, June 27,'63-mustered;..;-:-.~.;..-.:..:.~.: -.; out with company, September 9,1864. Daniei owder....... Q.M. r July 30,'61, 3 Captured June21, 1864-absent at muster out. Augustus Rhoads... Con. Sr July 30,'61, 3 Diseharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 10,'63. Join Howder.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 864-Vet. W. D, Kofenhaver.. Serg't.. July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifiate, Nov 8, 61. Benj. F. Bright........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Descharged by order Sec. of Warar. 25, 1863.: George emnp............do... July 30,'61, 3 Died July 17, 1863 burial record, J.uly 18, 1863. Michael Donovan....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Killed at Brandy Station, Va., June 9,1863. James N. Hunter......do..... July 30,'61,3 Disehargedon Surgeons certificate, Nov. 8, 63. Joseph Buck...... do.... July 30'61, 3 Missing in action, June 21,186'4.: Milton HofJfeditz........do...., Dec. 15,'61, 3 Transfrredto bait., September. 9, 1864. Samuel H. Shiffert.....do.... July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 22, 1863-mus-.'.-..:. - * -:tered out with company, September 9, i864. W.7lliam A. Tob ias.do..July 30,'61, Pr. fr. Cor., July 22,'63-ab.,in hos., at mus. out. Peter Dsher..... do....:. July 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, July 22, 1863-mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. B. ( Pretzman..Corp..... July 30, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'62. John:Guires........ -...do.....July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's -ertificate, Dec. 9,'62. John ramer......... do..... July 30,'61, 3Wonded at Culpepper,'Va.,September 13,'63-'1''..:<..-... -.....;.-I kil:led in action,J33ne2i, 11864..- -....J..:. JohH. Johnson......do... July 30, 61, 3 Captured June 9,'63, at Brandy Station,Va., and......;:........~;.: June 21,'64-tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 64-Vet. Thmas Wendling.. do...d.. July 30,'61 3 Captured —died January 23,'64-buried at Rich-..-: -:..........,-:mond, Va.-Vet-.... Ro er M. Dev.me...o..... July 30,'61, 3:ransferred to batt., eptember'9,1864Vet. Dewilla H. Long...... do.....July.30,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 164-Vet.. John: M. Agier......do.... July 30,'61,.3 Promoted to orporal,Oetober, 1863-mustered David Mundshower.d..do..... July 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Copoporal, Oetober, I86-mustered - -..:~...-Qout with company, September 9, 1864. Francis M. Coover...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October, 1863 mustered.::. out with company, September 9,1864. C`eorgeitesler'...... Bugler July 30,'61, -3 Transferred to batt.,September 9 84-Vet. Wm. W. Warner......o..... July 30, 61, 3 Transferred to batt., September9, 1864-Vet. M.V A. Bertolette.......do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9'1864.: Addis, Daniel......... Private July 30,'6, 3 Wounded at Brandy Statioii, Va., June 9, 1863-;. -. I........ coma. mustered out with compaiy, September 9,'64. Angattad:t, EJa. es.....do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to bat.t September 9, 1864. Algaler, i..as....... eb. 12,'64, 3Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864.,: Bilmani; Samliel..do.. July 30,'61,. Mustered out withC empany, September 9,' 1864.i Burns, William"n.......do.... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. 132 1050 FORTY-FOURTH REAGIIMENT —FIRST CAVALRY, DATE OF MUSTER I REMARKS. NABME. ~.&~. INTO SERVICE. ~4 Burkman, John 0.. Private July 30,'61, 3 Mustered ont with company, September 9, 1864. Buck, Peter C.......do.....July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Bobst, Isaac...........do.....Feb. 6,'64, 3 Captured June 21,'64 —tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64mus. out with Co. L, by G. O., Aug. 7, 1865. Brenizer, Franklin..do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Captured June 21,'64-tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Black, Hugh W.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-pr. to Sgt. Co. L, Dec. 15, 1864-mustered out, June 20, 1865-Vet. Brown, John.............do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Bower, Thomas........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Black, John...............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died April 25, 1862. Bachman, AaronBE...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Captured Dee. 1, 1863 —mus. out, May 31, 1865. Brownmiller, H. H...do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Wounded June 21, 1864-pr. to Corporal Co. L, batt., Mar. 1,'65 —mus. out, June 20,'65-Vet. Conrad, James.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Derrick, Henry.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Wd. Nov. 27,'63 —mus. out with Co., Sept. 9,'64. Doyle, Jago.............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Dissenger, Isaac S.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 3,'61. Dixon, Daniel K.......do....Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Doyle, John H.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62 — killed in action, June 21, 1864. Fisher, Peres S........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Fink, Urias...............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet. Fincher, Geo. W........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, Nov. 1,'62 —Vet.: Freese, George P......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 23, 1864. Folk, Daniel.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1861. Fagan, Patrick.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Garis, James..............do.....July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September', 1864. Geiger, Daniel A.;.....do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Captured June 21,'64-tr to batt., Sept. 9, 1864.'Gries, Charles............do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864, Glasser, James...........do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Gross, John..............do.....Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Glenney, Thomas......do.... Feb. 6, 64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Gromlich, Jer............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Killed in action, November 17, 1863. Gehert, Hamilton......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Prisoner from July 11, to December 10, 1864 — mustered out, February 27, 1865. Horrock, Abram.......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Hoyer, Mahlon G......do..... July 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Harrison, Charles L...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 6, 1862. Hummel, Peter........do... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Holster, Joseph........do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Herring, John......do... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Hafer, Amos..................do..Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Huyett, George........do. Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Hendricks, Samuel...do.... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Homan. Reuben.......do.....July 30,'61,.3 Deserted November 11, 1861. Irwin, Robert F......do... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion; September 9,'64-Vet. Irwin, Win. H...........do.. July 30,'61, 3 Tr. to tatt., Sept. 9,'64-pr. to Cor. company L, Jan. 1,'65-mustered out, June 20, 1865-Vet. James, George W.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Captured June 21,'64' —tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64promoted to Corporal company L, Nov. 1,'64 — mustered out, June 20, 1865 —Vet. Jackson, John..........do...Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Jackson, Robt. W......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Killed in action, June 21, 1864. Knauss, Thomas........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Mountain, Va. Aug. 9, 1862wounded in action, November 27, 1863 —musout with company, September 9, 1864.. Kerns, John A........do.... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 8, 1862. Karshsarf, Lewis......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'63. Keller, Jonas...........do....Feb. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Kerling, Edwin.........do.....Feb. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Lindemuth, J. H. A...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Levan, Albert S.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Lindjey, Thomas......do..,.. July 10,'63, 3 Wd. at Culpepper C. H., Va., Sept. 13, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 15, 1864. Loy, Henry W.......l...do.... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Leiser, Wm. B...........do.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Wounded in action, July 28, 1864-transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Lotz, Wm.iD.........do... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Lesher, Cyrus.........do. Feb. 11t'64, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64-mus. out, May 11, 1865. Lacy, Joseph R........do..... July 30,'61, Died Dec. 3,1863 —buried at Culpepper Court HoVse, Block 1, section A, Row 1, grave, 23. Minker, Henry........do.. July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Moyer, Adam..........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, Sept. 9, 1864 —Vet, T'Elwee, Andrew.....do..... Mar. 30'63, 3 Transferyed t battalion, September 9, 1864, WM~ellane John,.,.l. do..... Feb. 63,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVTCE. 1051 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER IEMARKS. Millet, Charles H... Private Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Miller, John............do... July 30,'61, 3 Died October 13, 1863. Machamer, Henry..d..do.N.... Nov. 28,'61, 3 Died April 7,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cern., D. C. Noacker, Aug. R......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Newkirk, John...... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. No11, Peter........do.. July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 24,'62. Nesss Samuel......do...... Dec. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'62 Pileager, Samuel M...do. July- 30,'61, 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out. Porter, Isaac.......do. Mar. 30,'63, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Patterson, George.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died December 21, 1862-burial3 record, December 31, 1862-buried at Point Lookout, Md.. Rodgers, J6seph F....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Roland, Jacob............ do..... July 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Ri/igler, Daniel L......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. itter, Joseph............. do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'63. Rhodess, Effinger....... do.....July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'62. uth, Daniel...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. rightmeyer, W. A....do.... July 30,'61 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Rd y, Henry S.........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864 —eet. Reifsnyder, h. R...... do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Ringler, Jacob_.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Rainmer, Thomas..... do.....Feb. 11,'64, 3 Transferred-to battalion, September 9, 1864. Reber, Jacob H...,....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died August S, 1864. Reeder, Levi............do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died September 10, 1862. Reed, Samuel P...:.... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Wounded in action, June 21, 1864-died August 3, 1864buried t Philadelp hia-tember 9,1864 et. Reinhold, Richard.....do..... July 30,'61, 3 Deserted October 31, 1861. Raudenbush, John..do.....July 30,'61, 3 Deserted November 15,1863. eed, Daniel...... do..... Feb. 6, 64, 3 Captured June 25, 1864-not on muster-out roll. Reincehl, J. W,.......do..... April 4,'64, 3 Not on mIuster-out roll. Reifsnyder, D. B.........do.... Feb. I3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sherman, Lewis...... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 11, 61. Stamm, Aaron..........do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 8,'61. Sefert, ichlards..do...do..... July 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 1 6,'61 Schmale, Samuel..... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864mustered out, August 9, 1865 —t et. Seiders, Isaac.................. July 30'61, 3 Transferred tobattalion, September 9, 1864 —et Sanders, James..:..do.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Strasser, Jesse W......do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion,'September 9,'64-m.us. tered out, by General Order, Au gust 10, 1865. Snyder, David......... do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, Septemb er 9, 1864. Smith, Reuben......Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Sanders, Jonatha..n...do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Sanders, George F.....do..... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Scheirer, Martin........do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Seiders, Henry D......do..... Feb..1,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Sedar, James..........do...... Feb.:23,'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Stoltz,'John.........do.....-Jan. 1,'64' 3 Capt'd June 21,'64-not on muster-out roll-Yet. Vernervault, Geo...... do.... July 30,'61, 3 Killed in action, May 28, 1864. Wagner, Reuben.......do.... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Wilson, George P...... do..... July 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9,1864. Warner, August. H...do... July 30,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Yet. Wideman, Julius...... do.....Feb. 14,'63, 3 Transferred to batt., 1st Pa. Cav.,Sept. 9, 1864. Winne, Barney.........do..... Dec. 7,'63, 3 Transferred to batt., 1st Pa. Ca., Sept. 9, 1864. Werkes, William......do..... July 30,'61, 3 Died September 27, 1863. Wise, Jesse W......do...Nov. 17,'63, 3 Deserted July 19, 1864. Watson, James........do.....Feb. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. G Zimmerman, Geo. S...do.. Dec. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., 1st Pa. Cay., Sept. 9, 1864. COMPANY -M.RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. Thomas S. Richards Capt.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, May 5, 1862. Hamp.S. Thomas......do..... Aug, 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. G, May 1,'62-detached as A. A. I. G., 1st Brig., April, 1863-tr. to Co. M.,,:~ -~~~ -;~~ ~batt., Sept..9,1864-pr. to Maj., Jan. 4, 1865-to By. Lt. Col. and By. Col., Apr. 5,'65-tr. to 2d reg. Prov. Cav., June 17, 1865. John Hill.1............. 1stLt.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug., 1861. George D. Leaf.......... do.....Aug. 11,'61, 3 ResignedFebruary3,1863. Henderson Sample.....do.... Dec. 30,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt., Feb. 12, 1863-res. Aug. 12, 1864. 1052 FORTY-rOTUR REIMENT —-FIRST CAVALRY, Job H. Colenr.......... I i. Aug. 5,'61, Promotesigedto Bat Adj, ay 5, 1861, 2 J. B. Rothenberger.,do... Aug. 5,'61,.3 Promoted from Sgt. —wounded July 12, 1864transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864 —prom;oted:to 2d Lt. company M, March 4, 65M-transferred to 2d regiment Prov. Cavalry, Junel7, 165~Vet. HenryP. Smith.......Q. M.S. Aug. 5, 61, 3 Wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 12. 62mustered out with company, Sept. 9, 1864,:: Freaerick Munson.. Co n.S r Aug. 5,M'1., 3 Promoted from Cor., October 1, 1862- mustered James.~ R^~.^ Smoutwith company, September 9,1864. 18 James.. Smith.....r Sergdt.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1861. Zachner. PPotts......,do.Aug. 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23, 62. Abraham B. Kerst.....do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3Dischargedon Surgeon's certcate, Dec.20. B. Shollenberger...do...Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. William, A. Scott......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., 1st Pa. Cavalry-Vet. George S. Gicsshn...do Aug. 3 Wounded inaction, May 28, 64 —tr. tobatt., Sept. 9, 1864 —pr. to Sgt. Maj. — to 2d Lt. company F, Dec. 18, 1864 —to 1st Lt. company L, March 4, 2 1865-mustered out, June 21, 1865 —Vet. Emanuel R. Britton...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded in action, Nov. 27, 1863 -tr. to batt', Sept. 9,o186w — pr. to 2d Lt. company M, Oct. 20 1864 —to 1st Lt., Feb. 20, 1865-tr. to 2d regiment Bhaales B. ~ler...l...d Pkov. Cavalry, June17,1865 —Vet. Charles B. Mille.. 21, e61, 3..o.Promoted from Cor, —wd. in action, August 14, 1864'transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864~~Vet.f( James R. Aten...........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., April 1, 63- -mustered ou o u with company, Sept. 9, 1864. W.R.Shollenberger Corp.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,2 62, q. T. Baer................do..... Aug 5, 61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862-died August29, 1862-burial record, August 2, 1862, at Alexandria-grave, 122., William A. Harper...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.,Marchl, 63 —missinga t Bran - dy Station, Va., June 9, 1863. arles Morrisey......do.... Aug. 5,'1, 3 Promoted to Cor an. 1, 1864 -captured at St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864 —tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 1864- mustered out, Aug. 8, 1865-Vet. Abr. Shollenberger..do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 ransferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet. Henry F. W'iliams...do.... Jan. 8,'62, 31 Transferred to batt., September 9,'64 —mustered out as Sgt. company M, June 20, 1865 —Vet. Anton olf.............do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-tmustered out oas Sgt. company M, June 20, 1865 —Vet. E9d'uw L. M'Ginley....do.d..o Oct. 15, 6 1, 3 Transferred to bat t., Sept. 9, 1864 —Veet. Charles HA. Engle,., Bugler Aug. 5,'61, 3 Missing at Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863o eorge Mentzer....... do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to Brigade band —date unknown. Robert H. Scott......... do...................... 3 Not on muster-out roll. WA.ison, Jamense...... Private Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,1863, Ait, John..................d..... May 13,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Britton, George H......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. BrowniSamue...........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Woundedin action, May 28,1864 —mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Boyer, Thomas R....do..... Aug. 5,,61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Black, Joel.rs......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged Aug. 12,1862\ for wounds receivedat Falmouth, Va., April16, 1862. Baxter, H. 3........... Aug. 5,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's crtificate, Mar. 27,'62o Britton,John..........do..... Nov.- 14,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., Septelber 89,1864. -. Buckelmane Wm..g....do.... Aug. 21,'62, 3 Transferred tobatt., Septe er9, 1864-. ritton, Lnderman...do.....Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-died April 5, 1865 —buried at Philadelphia. Bird, Alonzo.......do...... Aug. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out a S in company M, June 6, 1865. Britton, Freder'ky...do.Oc. Aug. 19,'64, I Transferred to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out in company MI, June 6, 1865. Carpenter, E. W......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Cochrane, John M......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'61 Carver, Samuel........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 30,'62. Carter, Daniel.......;.,. do.... Ag. 5'6,'61,3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Casper, Peter.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Confer, Nathan'l F....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Falmouth, Va., April 19, 1862, and Culpepper, Va., Sept. 13, 1863- transferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet. Devine, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18, 61. Denny, Barlay M.. I..do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22,'62. Devlin, Patrick....do..... Aug. 5,'6, 3 Killed at Faemouth, Va., April 18, 1862. T2EIR. YEARS' SRSVICR. 1053 DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME~ I RA NK. INTO SERVICE.1 4' Ebert, eore W... PrivtAug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 28, 1864 —transferred to batt., September-9, 1864. berly, Henry....do...., Mar. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Feather, Jacob.........d.. A. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Frill Jacob......do....Aug. ug, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Foster eorge..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Captured August, 1862 —mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Fisher, James...........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet. French,Orvi!e..... i...do..... Jan. 4,'62, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864~-Vet. Flag Charles S......do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Died` Oct. 12, 1862-burial record, April 22, 1864,!:.... ~~:....:'at Alexandria-grave, 1,788. Garto, Henry........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gable, John B......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. eitner, Charles........d.... Aug. 561, 3 Captured August, 1862-transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Griffith, William.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wd. at Falmouth, Va., April 18,:'62-tr. to batt.,.Sept. 9,'64-pr. to Corporal-died Feb. 19,'65buried at Point Lookout, Md.-Vet. Gay, Henry.......... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., 1st Pa. Cavalry-mustered out by General Order, May 14, 1865. Grimsly, T. D...........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1862. Garion, John......... do.............Not on muster-out roll. isley, Thomash....do.,... Transferred to.Brigade band, January 1, 1863. HIarrga, David^. do. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wd. June 9, 1863, at Brandy Station, Va., and Nov. 27, 1863-mus. out with Co.,; Sept. 9, 1864. Hale, Joseph'............do.....Aug, 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Hawley, MiltonP..do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-'Vet. ffmnHen, do.... i Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. elendricks, Wm.::..do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Noton inuster-outroll. -artman, Wm......;..do.....May 27, 64, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Hale, Joseph M........do. Fe. 15,'64, 3 Not on' muster-out roll. Jackson, J; T..... d..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. James, Aaron B........d.. ug. 5,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. inc, Jonn P........do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Kline, George W......do..... Aug. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. ine H. R............do.... Dec. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Kline, John.'o. Mar. 22,'64, 3Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. erst, Abraham. do. Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Kinney, Jacob F. do.. Aug. 4,'64, 3 Transferred tobatt. September 9, tered out in company Mi May 27, 1865. Kershner,Wellin. R...do...Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Long, Henry..~........ ug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'61. Leeds, Williami..l.. do...Aug. 5'6,3Wounded at Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. Lindenmuth, Nath...do..... Aug. i'61, -3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864 —Vet Loe, icholas H..do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September:9, 1864-Vet. Lose, John J.............do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864.'Long, John W...........d.... May 13,'64, 3 Captured-died July 21,'64-bu. at Staunton, Va. M'Farland, G-eorge.....do.....May 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Marti, Thos. A. do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Falmouth, Va., April 18, 1862, and at Fredericksburg, December 12, 1862- mustered out with company, September 9, 1864.'M'iEwen, William...]..do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864'M'Gargle, Patrick......do...Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. M'Ginley, John K......do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864.,Moore, Levi..............do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Mains, Enoch....do.....Feb. 13,'64, 3. Not on muster-out roll. Mille, Don Carlos....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864.'Margnett, M.. do........ug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 28,'62. Montgomery, Wm.do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 6,'62. M'amara, Patrick..do. Aug. 5,61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 21,'62. M'Glon"e, Thomas......do....."Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged October 189 1861.:Miller, John H...do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certifiteJuly 21,'62. oore, Daniel...........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on'Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. oon, Edward. do. Aug. 5,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 29,'63. ]~ ller, Edward......]... do. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'62.'Ginley, Daniel E...do. Aug. 5,'1 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864-Vet. I iller, George.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 864 —Vet. Muthard, E. F..........do. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1&-.YV. m'iller, William..l...do. June 3,'63, 3 Drowned in James river, July, 1864. M'Een, Joh. do. Jan. 1,'62, 3 Deserted May 16, 1862. Martin, Thomas........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Missing at Todd's Tavern, Va., June, 1864-transferred to batt., September 9, 1864..Musser, George W.....do. Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mus. out as Cor. Co. M, batt., June 27,'65-Vet. Moyer, John,........ldo.. April 8,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1054 FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT-FIRST CAVALRY, NAME. RN. DATE OF MUSTER S INTO SERVICE. Numan, Henry...... Private Aug. 5,'61,'3 Mustered out with company, September 9, 1864. Norton, (Morton,)T...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Killed at Falmouth, Va., April 18, 1862. Phillips, Monroe........do....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Culpepper, Va., September 13,'63 mustered out with company, September 9,'64. Potell, William.......do..ug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. Paulis, George..........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Potter, Henry F.........do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Died, 1863, of wounds received at Brandy Station, Va., June 9, 1863. Rapp, Henry A.........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred tobattalion, September9, 1864-Vet. Richards. Joseph.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred tobattalion, September 9, I864-Vet. Roberts, John..........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to batt., Sept. 9,-1864-mustered out in company M, August 7,1865-Vet. Rhodewalt, John......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 DiedSeptember 13, 1863-buriedinMilitary Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Rhodes, Samuel........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Died Nov. 26, 1863, of wounds received in action. Rudy, Michael...........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Killed at Falmouth, Va., April18, 1862. Raw, Jeremiah..........do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Strine, Jeremiah........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'61. Strine, Henry...........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'61. Scott, Charles E...do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Culpopper, Va., Sept. 13,'63-trans, ferred to battalion, September 9, 1864 —Vet. Sheets, John.........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Captured Aug. 11,'62-transferred to batt., Sept. 9,'64-imus. out as Cor. Co. M, June 20,'65-Vet. Shealer, Augustus.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, Sept. 9, 1864-mustered out as Cor. company M, June 20, 1865-Vet. Snovel, John.............do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion September 9, 1864-Vet. Stetler, Henry...........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wd. May 28,'64-tr. to batt., Sept. 9, 1864-Vet. Souder, William........do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Culpepper, Va., Sept. 13,'63-transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet.' Strine, Robert............do....: Aug. 5,'61, 3Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Shappel, Jeremiah.....do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Shaffer, George.........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Died September 18, 1861. Strine, William.......do.....Aug. 5,'61, 3 Died September 18, 1861. Smith, Joseph............. do April 26,'64, 3Not on muster-out roll. Schealer, Samuel......do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Finegan.......do.....'61,-3 Deserted September, 1861. Urner, Henry P.......do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Umphris, John.........do... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wentzel, John...........do....Aug. 5,'61, 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Williamson, Chas... do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, Sept. 9,186 mustered out as Cor. company M, June 20, 1865-Vet. Winegardner, L..........do..... Aug.5,'61, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Winegardner, Wm...do..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Culpepper, Va., September, 1863transferred to battalion, September 9,'64-Vet. Whitmer, Joseph H...do.. Aug. 5,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 28, 1864-transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864-Vet. Wagner, Henry B......do... Aug. 5,'61,3 Deserted December, 1861. Wauner, August....... do..... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wingard, John L......do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll —Vet.'Yocum, David...........do.... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Capt'dat Shepherdstown, Va. July 17,'63-died at Andersonville, August 6, 1864-grave, 4,900. _ink, Charles.......... do..... May 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. _________UINASSIGNED MEN. Altland, George...... Private Dec. 8,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Blimyer, Jacob.........do..... Sept. 6,'64,1 Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. O., June 6, 1865 Barnes, William C.....do..... Sept.' 8,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 28, 1865. Berry, Thomas......do.. Oct. 10,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. \Bennett, Dyer............do Sept. 1,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. ~rozier, Nicholas H...do.....Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. -.arnes, William........ do. Dec. 29,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lickalew, John.,.......do Mar. 30,'63, 3Not on muster-out roll. Brown, Charles W..do..... June 19,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyer, William H.....do... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. 0., June 6, 1865. Chatham, Frank........do Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out in company D, batt., May, 1865. Cronin, Patrick......... do. April 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Carpenter, Frank'n..do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Carter, John.............do... April 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1055 NAME.. AMBE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMARKSS. INTO SERVICE. CGmpbell, Roger.... Private Mar. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cook, Charles............ do....Sept. 17,'64, 1Not on muster-out roll. Cunningham, E. W...do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chestnut, Wm. K.....do..... Sept. 4,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. B, batt,, by G. O., June 6, 1865. Doud, George C.........do.... Sept. 25,'64, 1 Mustered out in Co. F, batt., June 6, 1865. Delany, John............do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dennison. Thomas.....do... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dressler, Charles........do... July 21'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dunlap, William F...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Deserted March 31, 1864. 2Dean, Jacob F...........do..Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to batt. 1st Pa. Cavalry.'Embich, Aaron.d........do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. -Embich. Daniel.......do....Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Eisley, Adam............do..... Feb. 29,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eaton, Frank...........do..Aug. 31,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. Pinlay, John..............do.... Feb. 2, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fritz, James A....... do.... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., May, 1865. Flannigan, Alex..... do.... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 15, 1865. Furman, Benj. J.......do..... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., May, 1865. Frankenberger, S......do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Fauzy, Hiram.........do..... Oct. 7,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1865. Gray, Harrison........do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged incompany D, batt., June 6, 1865. Gisewhite, Sam'l H...do..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Discharged in company F, batt., May 27, 1865.''Iunsinger, Wm. H...do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Disch. as Corporal Co. D, batt., May, 1865.'Hiland. Andrew........do..... Oct 25,'64, 1 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. HE.enninger, John S...do.... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Hunter, Charles J......do...... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hold, FrancisR.........do.....Sept. 1,'64, 1 Discharged in company F, batt., May 27, 1865. Jones, Henry............do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kessinger, Fran. M do..... Aug. 23,'64, I Discharged in company D, batt., May, 1865. Koch, Charles............do..... Oct. 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Kelley, William........do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Kateo, Charles........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Larimore, John R......do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Mus. out iprCo. A, batt., by G. O., June 6,1865. Lockwood, Lafay'e...do..... Sept. 8,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Loomis, George.........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Labbree, Peter...........do..... July 24,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 23, 1865. Mullen, William........do..... April 16,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1864. M'Gregor, James D...do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Madigan, Peter.......do.... May 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Montgomery, W.W...do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Discharged as Sgt. Co. D, batt., June 6,1865. Mundy, Daniel F......do.... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Discharged inPcompany D, batt., June 6, 1865. Miller, William J......do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll.'Miller, Pasco M.........do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Disch. in company D, batt., by G. O., May 31,'65. KM'eown, William...do..... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Discharged in company M, batt., May 27, 1865. /Mack, William.........do..... Sept. 7,'64, 1 Discbarged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Meek, Joseph H......do.... Aug. 31,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. More, George............do..... Dec..24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, William H.....do,.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neigle, Patrick.........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown.,Newman, Franklin...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nipple, Thomas........do..... Sept. 4,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. O., June 6, 1865. Olen, Robert D..........do..... Sept. 9,'64, 1 Disch. in Co. D, batt., by G. O., June 3, 1865. O'Neal, James..........do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Pruner. Robert M...d...do... Sept. 7,'64, 1 Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. O., June 6, 1865. Patterson, John.......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Sub.-disch. in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Peffer, John W......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ramsey, Daniel A.....do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to batt., September 9, 1865. Rowland, Curtin........do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reese, John..............do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Reynold, James.......do.... May 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rodgers, Charles....... do.... April 6,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rockey, John F.........do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., May, 1865. Rider, James...... do.....Oct. O 24,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Rockey, Lewis F......do... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Ribley, William B.....do... Jan. 12,'64, 3 Disch. in Co. M, batt., by G. O., June 21, 1865. Seller, John...............do... Oct. 28,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Joseph H........do.... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Stover, John HI........do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Disch. as Corporal Co. D, batt., June 6, 1865. Swalam John.............. Dec. 28,'63, 3 Transferred to Co. D, batt., 1st Pa. Cavalry. Scott, James H..........do..... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., May, 1865. Stewart. Thomas........do..... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Siley, John............do..... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Thomas.........do...... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, William........do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sherwood, Loten....do..... Sept.,'64, I Discharged in company F, batt., June 6,. -86. 1i56 OIORTY-FOURTH RGEIT-ENT-~FIRST CAVALRY. NX'AME., -RA^r. INTO SERVICE. t Ri-ARKS. Sherwood, Levi...... Privats Sept. 1,'64, 1 ischarged in company F, batt., June 6, 1865 Taggart, Leonard......do... Spt. 6,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Thomas, George........do. Mar, 7,'64,- 3 Not: on ruster-out roll. Tho solin s',Rob't....... Sept. 24,'64, 3. Discharged by General Order, Jiue 28, 1865. Thomas, Francis.......do...e. 2,'64, 3 Tr. to batt., Sept. 9,'64-discharged Aug. 7,'65. Wycoff, Jefferson......do Sept. 7,'64, 1 Discharged in company D, batt., June 6, 1865. Wilson, Elijah........... do Mar. 28,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. White, Charles.........do.. April 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Welsh, Patrick............ Dec. 29,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Warfel, Henry C........... Sept. 4s'64, I Mus. out in Co. A, batt., by G. O., June6, 1865. Wetmore, Thos. B...do. Mar. 4,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, batt., Sept. 9, 1864. Williamson, J. A.-..a... e. Feb. 1;'64, 3 Transferred to battalion, September 9, 1864. Yakly, George..........do July 17,'63 3 Not on muster-out roll.:..,.-.... _ FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. n^HE companies composing this organization were recruited in the counties I of Centre, Lancaster, Mifflin, Tioga, and Wayne, from July 28th to October 18th, 1861 and were mustered into the service of the United States at Camp Curtin. An organization was effected on the 21st of October by the selection of the following field and staff officers: Thomas Welsh, of Lancaster county, Colonel; James A. Beaver, of Centre county, Lieutenant Colonel; and J. M. Kilbourne, of Potter county, Major. Theodore Gregg, ofr mpany A, was appointed Adjutant, and John M'Clure, Quartermaster. A beautiful flag was presented by G(o or Curtin, and was received in an appropriate speech, on behalf of the regiment, by Colonel Welsh. The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of the citizens of Harrisburg, and by thousands of soldiers in camp. At twelve M. it marched from Camp Curtin, and was taken by rail to Washington, arriving on the 23d, and encamped a mile and a half from the Capitol, on the Bladensburg road. On the 28th, the army of the Potomac was reviewed by General MClellan, the Forty-fifth being in line. It was assigned to Howard's Brigade, of Caseys Division. On the 3d of November it was detailed to preserve the peace at an election in Prince Frederick. On the 7th it returned to camp, and was subjected to constant drilL The regiment took transportation for Baltimore at eleven P. M., of the 19th, marched through the city, and embarked on the steamer Pocahontas for For. tress Monroe. Arriving on the 21st, it moved to Camp Hamilton, three miles from the fort. The camp was well arranged and was occupied by the Seventysixth Pennsylvania, which extended to the Forty-fifth a, cordial welcome. Here it remained until the 6th of December, during which period it was thoroughly disciplined in company and battalion drill. On the morning of the 6th, the two regiments broke camp, and returning to Fortress Monroe, embarked for Port Royal, South Carolina. At three P. M., the command moved off amid the cheers of those remaining at the fort. A beautiful scene was presented on the morning of the 7th, as the sun shone brilliantly out over the world of waters, most of the troops having never seen the ocean before. The command arrived in sight of Hilton Head at five P. M., of the 8th, and with some difficulty passed the shoals and breakers in safety. The steamer Louisiana, having on board three companies of the Forty-fifth, and the entire Seventy-sixth, arrived off the harbor at seven P. M., and grounded on Gaskin Bank, near the south channel. Minute guns were immediately fired, as a signal of distress, and a gunboat, which came to her assistance, succeeded in getting her off the bar. Fortunately the wind was not high, nor the sea heavy, or the ship could not have withstood the breakers. Their deliverance was greeted with cheers by their comrades on board the Cosmopolitan. 133 .1058 F )ITY-FIFTH REGIMENT. 1862 Colonel Welsh reported his command to General T. W. Sherman, and received orders to occupy the sea islands, which made it necessary to divide the regiment. Accordingly, Lieutenant Colonel Beaver, with companies A, C, D, -E and I, landed at Bay Point, and took possession of Fort Walker, relieving the Seventy-ninth New York. He had command of all the fortifications on the island covering the entrance to Port Royal Bay. His staff consisted of Majoi Kilbourne, Lieutenant George D. Smith, of company I, acting Adjutant, and Lieutenant James P. Gregg, acting Quartermaster. Colonel Welsh, with companies B, F, G, H and K, sailed for Otter Island, taking with him five farge guns, and arrived at noon of the 11th. On the south point of the island were the ruins of Fort Drayton, which had been blown up by the enemy at the fall of Port Royal, and which Colonel Welsh immediately proceeded to re-build. Fenwick Island was occupied on the 20th by companies F and K, under conmand of Captain Rambo. Fort Drayton being completed, and the guns mount. ed, it was placed in command of Captain Strahan, of the Fourtlh Rhode Island Artillery. On the 12th of March, companies G, H and K, Captains Whitney, Scheffelin, and lambo, all under command of Lieutenant Colonel Beaver, started, in boats, on an expedition to Aiken's plantation, for the purpose of capturing an outpost of the enemy stationed near the banks of the North Edisto River. Leaving the boats in charge of Captain Whitney, with a large detail of men, Captain Scheffelin, with company H, was sent to hold a bridge in the rear of the enemy, and cut off his retreat. The balance of the command, conducted by a negro guide, proceeded to make the attack. The night was dark and foggy. ITnfortunately the guide missed the road leading to the building occupied by the rebels, and took the one leading to the bridge, which was guarded by Captain Scheffelin's company. Perceiving a party approaching and supposing it to be the retreating rebels, the Captain ordered his men to fire, and they poured a destructive volley into the ranks of their supposed enemies. Captain Rambo and Corporal Fessler were killed, and nineteen men wounded. Parties were frequently sent out byColonel Welsh to visit the neighboring islands, and report any hostile movements of the enemy from the direction of Charleston. On the 4th of April, Captain Theodore Gregg was ordered to proceed, with company F, to Fenwick Island, where he remained watching the movements of the enemy on the adjacent islands until the 20th of May. On the 8th of April a brisk skirmish occurred along the banks of Musquito Creek, a bayou running from the Asheboo to the North Edisto, and the enemy was driven with a loss of several killed and wounded. On the 20th of May, Captains Gregg, Haines, and Scheffelin, received orders to abandon the islands, and at nine A. M. they proceeded to Join the command on Otter Island. Permission had been previously obtained, by Colonel Welsh, to join, with six companies of the Forty-fifth, in the contemplated movement upon Charleston, and for this purpose he-had sent orders to Lieutenant Colonel Beaver to send him company A, Captain John I. Curtin; but some cases of small-pox being discovered among its members,comparny I, Captain -ill, was sent in its stead. On the 21st, companies B, F, G, I, I and K moved to North Edisto Island where the troops which were to participate in -the expedition were being secretly landed. Three companies of the command were sent on the 1st of June to John's Island on picket duty, and during the night the entire command of General:Benham followed. On the 5th, the regiment marched through a 1862 OAMPAIGN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 1059 heavy storm of rain to Legreeville, where it remained until -the O9h, when it took steamer for James' Island, and landed eight miles from the city of Charleston. At this place, on the following day, a rebel force, three thousand strong, was encountered. The command was posted in an old ditch, the embankment -of which was thickly overgrown with brush. The enemy advanced through the woods, with open column of companies, without skirmishers. Approaching to within a short distance of the line, a well directed fire from the ditch:caused the advance, led by the Forty-seventh Georgia, to stagger. Soon recoveringfrom: the confusion into which it was thrown by this fire, its com-!mander attempted to change front; but it received a terrific fire from Captami amilton's Battery, United States Artillery, and from the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania, which had come to the rescue, which caused it to retreat in confu-:ion towards Charleston. Ninety men, killed and wounded, of the Fortyseventh Georgia, were found upon the field. The loss of the Forty-fifth was one man mortally wounded. The regiment, under command of Major Kilbourne, participated in the engagement* of the 16th of June, but suffered no loss. It was engaged in picket duiy, and in constructing field-works, until July 1st, when it returned with the brigade to Hilton Head, and moving on the 11th to Elliott's plantation, five miles distant, went into camp in a beautiful grove, near the shores of Port Royal Bay. Here the four companies, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Beaver, rejoined the regiment after a separation of seven months..i etu-rning to Hilton Head on the 18th, the regiment embarked on the seamer Arago for Fortress Monroe, where it arrived on the 21st, and encamped three miles from Newport News. Upon the resignation of Major Kilbourne, on the 30th, Captain John L Curtin, of company A, was commissioned to succeed him. It remained here, engaged in company, battalion, and brigade drill, until the 4th of August, when it was assigned to the First Brigade,t First Division, Ninth Army Corps. It reached Acquia Creek on the 5th, and on the following day nine companies moved to Brooks' Station, on the Richmond and Potomac railroad, and remained until the 29th. The second battle of Bull Run was now in progress. Major Curtin, with three hundred men, marched to Potomac Creek, and burned the railroad bridge. On the 4th of September the bridge and buildings at Brooks' Station were burned, and the troops took cars for Acquia Creek. Here the landing, ware-houses, cars, locomotives, and commissary stores were destroyed on the 6th, and the regiment moved by water to Washington. On the 9th, in light marching order, it proceeded to Brookville,:fom thence to Frederick City on the 12th, and to Middletown on the 13th. The army of GeneralLee, flushed with its successes, was now at South Mountain. General Burnside made immediate preparations to meet him. Early in * EXTRACT FROM THE OFFICIAt REPORT OF GENERAL HI. G. WRIGHT.-The troops of the entire column left the field in the most perfect order, the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment bringing up and covering the rear, as-far as our front line of pickets, where it was halted and remained in position till all prospect of an attack, on the part of the enemy, had passed away.-Moore's Rebellion Record, TVo. 5, page 211, Does. t Organization of the First.Brigade, Colonel Thomas Welsh, First Division, Brigadier General O. B. Wilcox, Ninth Army Corps, Major General A. E. Burnside. Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Major John I. Curtin; Forty-sixth Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Joseph Gerhardt; One Hundredth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel David A. Leckey; Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Henry Bowman. 1060 FORTY- FIFH. EGlMENT. 1862 the morning of the 14th, the troops were in motion. The division marched from Middletown down the turnpike, the Forty-fifth in advance, and arriving at the base of the mountain, turned to the left on the old Sharpsburg road. It then moved at double-quick and took position on the right of Cox's Division, commanding the pike. The Forty-fifth was supported by the One Hundredth Pennsylvania. The Forty-eighth New York was formed on the left and rear, he. Eighth Michigan on the left, and the Seventeenth Michigan on the right. vook's Battery was placed in position near the road, and ordered to open fire Apon the rebel batteries. It was vigorously replied to by a fire which enfiladed the road, and soon a column of North Carolina troops advanced to capture the guns. A volley from the enemy's musketry drove the cannoneers from their position, and threw the line into temporary confusion. One companyof theForty-fifths with the Seventeenth Michigan, and Seventy-ninth New York, rushed forward, drove back the charging column and saved the artillery. For some time the fighting was most desperate, and became general along the line of Wilcox's and Cox's divisions. Generals Rodman and Sturgis promptly came to their support, and a battery of thirty-pounder Parrott guns opened from the crest of a hill near the pike, with telling effect upon the enemy in Turner's Gap. By a steady forward movement the troops had secured commanding positions on both sides of the pike, which rendered the expulsion of the enemy certain. At last the order was given for the entire Ninth Corps to advance in lineof battle and drive the rebels from the mountain. Companies A and K weer thrown forward as skirmishers on the right of the regiment. The line advanced under a destructive fire of musketry and artillery, and gradually pressed the enemy down the western slope. The Forty-fifth was suffering severely from the fire of the rebels posted behind a rail fence near the edge of a wood, upported by the One Hundredth, it moved forward, and drove them from the fence across an open field, when they faced about and took shelter behind a low stone wall. A rapid fire upon their line, at a distance of not more than fifty paces, was kept up, obliging them to hug closely their cover. Another charge was ordered, and the enemy was driven in the wildest confusion, leaving his dead and wounded in large numbers, on the field. The loss of the regiment in this closely contested action was an aggregate of one hundred and forty-five men killed, wounded, and missing. Lieutenant Smith, of company I, Assistant Adjutant General on the staff of Colonel Welsh, was among the killed, and Captain Grove among the wounded. On the followiagday the regiment, with the brigade, marched in pursuit of the retreating foe towards Antietam Creek, following close upon the heels of his rear-guard. He cautiously evaded an engagement, but retired, passing through Boonsboro' and Keedysville, crossed the creek, and took up a strong position upon the heights beyond. The creek is here spanned by four stone bridges; one on the Keedysville and Williamsport road, one on the Keedysville and Sharpsburg pike, one on the Rohrersville and Sharpsburg road, and one near the mouth of the creek, on the road leading from Harper's Ferry to Sharpsburg. The command occupied the extreme left, opposite the Rohrersville and Sharpsburg bridge, but some distance from it. At four P. 1M., Colonel Welsh received orders from General Burnside to charge over the hill towards Sharpsburg, which was finely executed, the regiment again in advance. The One Hundredth Pennsylvania was on the right, the Thirtieth Ohio, of Sturgis' 1863 SOUTH MOUNTAIN AND ANTIETAM. 1061 Brigade, on the left, and the Forty-sixth New York in support. Approaching a stone mill near the town, company K dislodged the enemy and captured the mill and buildings. The battle raged furiously. The strong position near Sharpsburg was firmly held, but the necessary re-inforcements failing to arrive, the command was withdrawn. The Ninth Corps, with an aggregate of thirteen thousand eight hundred and nineteen officers and men, had withstood the impetuous assaults of more than thrice its number, had gained the most advanced position of any portion of the army, and had attested its bravery in the most signal manner. The loss sustained in the Forty-fifth was thirty killed and Wounded.: On -the night of the 18th, General Lee quietly withdrew his entire army across the Potomac, and took position on the opposite bank, near Shepherdstown. The regiment moved with the corps in pursuit, and went into camp near Antietam Creek. It marched by rail to Frederick City, on the 11th of October, to defend it against the incursions of Stuart's Cavalry, which was at that time upon a raid around M'Clellan's army. From Frederick City it proceeded via Point of Rocks, Berlin, Snicker's, and Ashby's Gaps, Rectortown and Orleans, to the Hedgeman River, and encamped, on the 7th of November, near Waterloo. -The troops, suffering much from short rations, styled the camp " StarvatiOnH-ollow." Leaving camp on the 16th, it marched through Warrenton and Falmouth, and pitehed tents, on the 19th, on the north bank of the Rappahannock, oppsite Fredericksburg, where it was engaged in drill and picket duty until December 12th, when it crossed the river at nine A. M*, and bivouacked near the gs-works. Early on the morning of the 13th, the command marched down the river to the lower crossing, and joined General Franklin's Grand Division. Here the men were obliged to remain quiet spectators of the fight, in which Renolds' Division alone, of Franklin's Corps, was permitted to participate. e-crossing the river, on the night of the 15th, the regiment marched to its old camp near Falmouth, where it remained until February 11, 1863. i -On the 12th it proceeded by rail to Acquia Creek, and thence by steamer to Newport News, and encamped two miles from the landing, on the banks of the James River. A new manual of arms was here adopted by the Forty-fifth, consisting of selections from Hardee's and Scott's tactics, with many original manceuvres. It comprised one hundred and six movements, which were indicated by taps of the drum. In the short space of two weeks the regiment became proficient in the new drill, and made a fine appearance, eliciting the praise of;all by the perfect manner in which the movements were executed. On the 13th of March, Colonel Welsh was promoted to Brigadier General, and Lieuteiant Colonel Curtin and Captains Hill and elsey, to Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, and Major, respectively. On the 22dof May, the regiment was ordered to East Tennessee, Taking passage on the steamer Mary Washington to Baltimore, and moving by rail through Parkersburg, Cincinnati, and Nicholasville, it arrived at Jamestown, Kentucky, on the 1st of June, where it encountered a small force of rebel cavaly. But it was not to participate in the expulsion of the foe from this region wich had been so long oppressed. An order came to General Burnside for eight thousand men to re-inforce Grant in the trenches at Vicksburg. Although he could illy afford to thus diminish his force, the regiment, with the Corps, moved on the 4th via Lebanon; Louisville, and Cairo, and arrived at Haines 1062 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. 1863 Bluff at one P. M. of the 19th. It was posted, with other troops, to prevent any movement of General Johnston, designed to relieve the beleaguered garrison. Its duty was here more of observation than direct contact with the enemy. On the 4th of July two signal victories were achieved by the national arms; the capture of Vicksburg by General Grant, and the overthrow of the enemy at Gettysburg by the army of the Potomac. As soon as the intelligence of Pembertons surrender reached General Johnston, he retired from his advanced position, on the Big Black River. towards Jackson. A large force, under General Sherman, was sent in pursuit on the afternoon of the day of the surrender. General Welsh was in command of the division, and Colonel Henry Bowman of the brigade.* It left camp for the purpose of crossing Big Black at Jones' Ford and Birdsong's Ferry, and marched until midnight. On the morning of the 5th, the enemy was found in'strong force on the opposite bank of the river, with a disposition to dispute further advance. A position was, however, secured, and Golonel Bowman's Brigade, by constant exertion, constructed a bridge at the Ferry, upon which the command crossed on the afternoon and evening of the 7th, and encamped in the vicinityof Jefferson Davis' plantation, near Bolton. Continuing tle pursuit on the 8th, it encamped at ten P. M.,near Hall' Cross Roads, and:n the following day the enemy's cavalry was encountered. The regiment in this march acted as rear guard. Around the distant horizon could be seen the smoke of burning houses, barns, and cotton. Much suffering was endured by the troops for want of water, the streams, ponds, and springs being filled, by the enraged enemy, with all kinds of filth and putrefying bodies, and rendered unfit for use. At three P. M. of the 10th, the command arrived in front of Jackson, nd was formed in order of battle. The First Brigade, to which the Forty-fifth was attached, occupied the right ofthe line. The regiment, with the Seventy-ninth New York, was thrown forward as skirmishers, and, as the division advanced, soon came in contact with the enemy. Beyond this roadis a high ridge upon which is situated the State Lunatic Asylum, to which the vedettes retreated. The Forty-fifth rushed forward, drove them from the position, and unfurled the flag of the regiment from the dome of the asylum. The enemy declining to fight in the open field, the line was securely established, and the troops bivouacked for the night. On the 11th, the command advanced, and compelled the opposing forces to take shelter in their fortifications. General Welsh," says Wood. bury, t "halted his division, established his line, sheltering his men from the enemy's battery, and taking up a good position upon a ridge immediatelyfacing the enemy's defences. * * * On the right, the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania advanced to within five hundred yards of the enemy's works, and retained its position." This was accomplished under a heavy fire of artillery, and musketry, from which it suffered much. On the 12th, it was relieved by the Seventeenth Michigan, and retired to the wood in the rear of the asylum, using its beautiful grounds for hospital purposes. An act of rebel inhumanity here occurred Organization of First Brigade, Colonel Henry Bowman, First Division, Brigadier General Thomas Welsh; Ninth Corps, Major General John G. Parke. Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John I. Curtin; Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel John B. Norton; Seventeenth Regiment Michigan Volunteers, Colonel Constant Luce; Twenty-seventh Regiment Michigan Volunteers, Colonel Dorus M. Fox. tBurnside and the Ninth Army Corps, p.-285. 1863 CAMPAIGN OF VICKSBURG. 1063 which should not escape notice. Perceiving the use which was being made of the asylum grounds, he opened a heavy fire of artillery upon the building, a thirty-pound shot passing through it, wounding two of the inmates. The unfortunate people set up the most lamentable cries, and attempted to break through doors, and windows, to escape from danger. The rebel fire only ceased, upon his guns being silenced by the Union artillery. On the 13th, a vigorous attempt was made by the enemy to break our lines, but received a most disastrous repulse, and the two armies lay watching each other for several days. Frequent- assaults were made upon his entrenchments to develop his position and force. On the morning of the 17th, the skirmishers were advanced, but Ifoundno-enemy,he having made good his retreat. Large quantities of ammunition and arms, one officer, and one hundred and thirty-seven men were captured.:' At eleven A. M., the division moved out of Jackson, upon the Canton Road, the Forty-fifth in advance, towards the Pearl River, for the purpose of intercepting the enemy; but not finding him, destroyed fifteen miles of the Mississippi Central Railroad, and returned to Jackson on the evening of the 20th. Moving towards Vicksburgon the following day, the regiment was detailed to guard the ambulance train, and arrived at the old camping ground at Milldale on the 23d. On the 4th of August it proceeded from thence to Haines' Blu:ff, and onthe nbxt day embarked on the steamer Hiawatha for Cairo. Thus terminated its services with:the Army of the West. "In returning the Ninth -Corp to its forme command," says General Grant, in general orders, dated July 31st, "it is with pleasure thatthe general commanding acknowledges its valuable services in the campaign just closed. Arriving at Vicksburg opportunely, taking a position to hold at bay Johnston's army, then threatening the forces investing the city, it was ready and eager to assume the offensive at any moment. Aftor the'fall of Vicksburg, it formed part of the army which drove ohn ston from his position near the Big Black River into his intrenchments at Jackson, and after a siege of eight days, compelled him to fly in disorder from the Mississippi Valley. The endurance, valor and general good conduct of the Ninth Corps are admired by all; and its valuable co-operation in achieving the final triumph of the campaign is gratefully acknowledged by the army of Tennessee. It was a severe campaign for both officers and men. The malaria of the Mississippi camps, the scarcity and bad quality of water, and the severe marching had greatly impaired the health of the command. General Welsh here contracted a disease from which he died. at Cincinnati on the 14th of August. M moving Va Cairo and Cincinnati, it proceeded on its memorable march over the mountains of East Tennessee, and arrived at Blue Springs on the 8th of October.:Two days thereafter, it engaged the rebel forces. The Ninth Corps was ordered to advance, and General Ferrero's Division selected for the attack. The Forty-fifth was thrown forward as skirmishers, a charge was made upon their works, and they were driven from their advanced position. Halting and re-forming in a wood, a charge was again ordered, and the crest of the hill opposite, gained, when darkness put an end to the contest. The enemy withdrew during the night, leaving his dead and wounded upon the ifield. The loss was twenty-one killed and wounded. The command marched:on the evening pf the 11th in pursuit of the retreating enemy as far as Rheatown, returned to Blue Springs on the 13th, and moved by rail with the bri 1064 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. 1863 gade* to Knoxville. The attention of the country was now directed to the field of operations in East Tennessee and Northern Georgia. The hostile armies were each being strengthened by large re-inforcements. General Hooker, with two corps, the Eleventh and Twelfth, was ordered from the army of the Potomac to the aid of Rosecrans. Longstreet, hastening to the aid of Bragg, joined him in time to participate in the battle of Chickamauga. With Grant, Sherman, Burnside, Thomas and Hooker to lead the Union forces, the country looked forward to the result with confidence. Constant marching and an occasional skirmish occupied the time of the regiment until the 30th, when orders were issued to build winter-quarters. A beautiful grove of oak, twenty-five miles south-west of Knoxville, was selected for this purpose. With much labor, convenient log huts were constructed, covered with shelter tents; but the period during which they could be enjoyed was short. The men were called to arms at three o'clock on the morning of November the 14th to confront General Longstreet. He had cut loose from Bragg at Chattanooga, and by a forced march had reached the Tennessee River, six miles below Louden, on the evening previous, and before daylight of the 14th was crossing the stream. General Burnside taking command in person, ordered General White, with a division of the Twenty-third Corps, supported by Ferrero's Brigade, to assume the offensive. The enemy was encountered, vigorously pressed, and driven back to the river. The next morning at daylight, General Burnside withdrew his troops to Lenoir Station, the First Brigade of Ferrero's Division covering the rear. Knoxville was Longstreet's objective point, and to prevent his moving his columns past our right and cutting off our retreat, it was necessary to abandon Lenoir. The valuable mills and factories established here, were destroyed preparatory to evacuating the place. While the troops were moving back towards Knoxville, the First Brigade held the enemy in check. It was drawn up in line of battle on the Kingston road, and moved forward in a wood, the enemy driving in the skirmishers, but refusing to advance farther. The command gradually fell back to Campbell's Station, at the junction of the road from Lenoir with the Knoxville and Kingston Road, leaving Morrison's Brigade to cover the retreat. Frequent attempts were made to break through our line, but each resulted in failure. On the morning of the 16th, the brigade quietly withdrew from its position on the Kingston Road, and moved towards Knoxville, Humphrey's Brigade of the First Division actingas rear guard. On reaching the junction, a line of battle was formed behind a rail fence, with the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts on the right, resting on the Kingston Road, the Eighth Michigan on the left and the Forty-fifth deployed as skirmishers. Unfurling their colors they awaited the approach of the enemy. Discovering that he was moving to the left in order to gain the wood, the brigade took a second position near a rail fence along the edge of the wood, and opened a heavy fire. A body of rebel infantry was at this time observed approaching our rear from the Kingston Road. Facing about and taking a new position on the opposite side of the field, a volley was poured into the rebel line which checked its advance, and drove it back in con* Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel David Morrison, First Division, General Ferrero; Ninth Army Corps, Major General John G. Parke. Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John I. Curtin; Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Major William F. Draper; Eighth Regiment, Michigan Volunteers, Colonel Thomas S. Clark; Seventy-ninth Regiment, New York Volunteers (Highlanders,) Major John More. 1863 TTHE SIEGE OF KNOXVILLE. 1065 fusion.- It beingno longer necessary to hold the junction, the command was withdrawn in good order, but with some difficulty escaped capture, and was soon under cover of its artillery, which General Potter, under the direction of General Burnside, had placed in position on high ground just beyond the village of Kingston. This village is situated between two ranges of hills which are nearly a mile apart. Across the intervening space the infantry was drawn up in single line of battle. General Ferrero's Division held the right, White's Division, of the Twenty-third Corps, the centre, and Hartranft's Division, of the Ninth Corps, the left. Benjamin's, Buckley's, Gettings' and Van Schlein's batteries were on the right of the road, and Roemer's Battery on the left, with the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts for its support. The enemy formed in two lines of battle in the woods, with a strong line of skirmishers in front, and at noonday advanced. The whole valley was open to the view of the Union army, as Longstreet moved forward. When he arrived near the Union line of battle, Benjamin's and Roemer's batteries opened fire, and so accurate was their range that the rebel lines were immediately broken, and fell back in confusion. They rallied, and under cover of the woods on the slope of the ridge, advanced against the right, when Christy's Brigade of the First Division at once changed front. Buckley executed a similar movement with his battery, and by a well directed fire checked their progress in that direction. They next maneuvred to turn our left, but Burnside, falling back to a stronger position, established a new line at four P. M., under a heavy fire romr their artillery. Ferrero was now on the right of -the road. Morrison's Brigade was placed in rear of the rail fence at the foot of the ridge, on which Benjamin's Battery had been posted. The enemy did not seem inclined to attack the Union troops in front, but pushed hs columns along theridge on their left, aiming to strike Hartranft in flank and rear. This movement was discovered, and as he was moving rapidly, Hartranft opened with his three-inch guns on the rebel line, and during the day droveit twice back in disorder and confusion. Longstreet failing in all his daring and bold attempts to force Burnside from his position, fell back out of the range of artillery. The troops of the Ninth and Twentythird corps, with a force of less than five thousand effective men, had held in check for the entire day three time their number. During the night the army deliberately retired to Kaoville, reaching that place at four A. M., of the 17th. The regiment, with the brigade, occupied a high hill south-west of the city, onehalf mile from the college. It was here engaged in constructing a line of riflepits from the Holston River to Fort Sanders. The siege of Knoxville had begun. Fortifications were rapidly constructed, and the lines strengthened for the defence of the city. The long weary days passed slowly away, the monotony only broken by an occasional skirmish. At length iit became eiden tto the rebel commander that the works must be carried by assault, or the attempt to re-gain possession of East Tennessee abandoned. On the 28th of November, he made demonstrations upon the slkirmmish line, which led to a fruitless attack upon our lines. On the following morning an assaulting column appeared. The gallant Ninth Corps held the defences, the Forty-fifth Regiment on the picket line. The charging column moved steadily on, over obstructions, removing abattis as they went, and a few succeeded in reaching the parapet. A desperate encounter ensued. Exposed to. terrific fire of infantry and artillery, the enemy's column at length 134 1066 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. 1864 began to falter, and finally, hopelessly broken and disorganized, it retreated from the field. During the night he quietly withdrew his forces, and the siege of Knoxville was raised. At daylight of the morning of the 6th of December, the Ninth Corps marched towards Rutledge in pursuit, and attacked his rear at Blain's Cross Roads, Beans' Station, and Clinch River Mountains, inflicting upon him some loss. On the 14th, Captain Hart, of company I, and Sergeant Major Mullen, with a wagon train and fifteen men, were captured. On the 1st of January, 1864, four hundred and twenty-six men of the Fortyfifth re-enlisted 4'for three years, or during the war," thus securing to themselves a veteran furlough. Among the mountains, about Clinch River, in mid winter, with scanty provisions upon which to subsist, it became a question, with the officers in command, whether to remain, and longer wait for rations, or take up the line of march, and forage on the way. The latter alternative was chosen. An example of heroic endurance, and patriotic devotion to the flag worthy of imitation, was manifested in the conduct of the men on this march. With only a quart of meal, and five pounds of fresh meat per man, and no certainty of obtaining more on the road, barefoot and poorly clad, it required a patriotism as earnest, and a purpose as fixed, to patiently endure the privations and hardships of the march, as to achieve victory in the face of the enemy. On the 16th, the regiment commenced this perilous march via Cumberland Gap, the few men who did not re-enlist having been transferred temporarily to the Seventy-ninth New York. On the 21st it arrived at Barboursville, where the men received full rations, and were supplied with. shoes. On the 8th of February they arrived at Harrisburg and were granted a veteran furlough. The veteran regiment, with many new recruits, proceeded, on the 19th of March, to Annapolis, the place of rendezvous for the veterans of the Ninth Army Corps. Arriving at four P. M., of the following day, it proceeded to Camp Parole, where it remained until the 23d of April. It was assigned to the First Brigade,* Second Division, and moved to Washington, passing, on the 25th, in review before the President, and encamped near Alexandria. Moving, on the 27th, via Fairfax Court House, and the Bull Bun battle-field, it encamped at Bristoe Station on the evening of the 28th, and remained, guarding the station, until May 4th. On the 5th the Wilderness campaign opened. The regiment crossed the Bappahannock at ten A. M., the Rapidan at Germania Ford at five P. M., and continued its march through dense woods and almost impenetrable thickets, bivouacking at night in line of battle. At one A. M. of the 6th, the men were aroused, and at three the division moved out on the road towards Parker's Store. The battle opened at daylight with great fury. General Potter, with Wilcox in support, attempted to seize Parker's Store. Companies A and K, of the Forty-fifth, were deployed as skirmishers. To relieve General Hancock, who was hard pressed, Potter subsequently moved his division, at double-quick, * Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel Z. R. Bliss, Second Division, Brigadier General Robert B. Potter, Ninth Corps, Major General Burnside. Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John I. Curtin; Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants; Fifty-eighth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel John C. Whiton; Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Wm. F. Draper; Thirty-fifthRegiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel John W. Hudson; Fourth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel M. P. Buffum; Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Percy Daniels. 1864 BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. 1067 to the left, nearly a mile along the edge of the Wilderness, and formed in two lines of battle, with the First Brigade in advance. Colonel Bliss having been prostrated by sun-stroke, the command of the brigade devolved upon Colonel Curtin. With the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts on the right, the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts on the left, the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania in the centre, and the Seventeenth and Twenty-seventh Michigan in reserve, the lines moved to the fronto With companies A and K, under command of Major Kelsey, on the skirmish line, the brigade charged the enemy, delivering a well directed fire, and driving him from his position. The men, finding that they were confronting Longstreet's troops, whom they had met at Knoxville, a great shout was given for Burnside, and they pushed on with renewed zeal in pursuit. The line becoming broken, and somewhat disorganized, the rebel reserves charged upon it, and drove it back through the wood to the edge of the Wilderness. The command rallied, and again charged, driving the enemy to the works, from which he had sallied forth. The fighting was most desperate. The brigade, falling back two hundred paces, prepared for another charge, which was made at five P. M., driving tha enemy along the entire line. Night coming on the contest closed. The loss was one hundred and forty-five killed and wounded. Among the killed was Lieutenant Evan R. Goodfellow, of company D. Captain John O. Campbell, of company E, was mortally wounded, and died on the following day. At daylight of the 7th, the regiment was in line, and marched towards Chan. cellorsville, arriving at nine P. M. It moved on the 10th, formed a line to the left of General Wilcox's command, and crossed the Ny River under a heavy artillery fire. The Forty-fifth led, deployed as skirmishers, followed by the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts, the Seventeenth and Twenty-seventh Michigan, and drove the rebels back over the hills into their breast-works around Spottsylvania Court House. Holding the position and constructing strong works during the night, the command remained until ordered to retire in the afternoon of the following day. On the morning of the 12th, the Second Corps made a gallant attack upon the enemy's works, striking him-upon his right centre. The Ninth advanced towards his lines at double-quick, the Forty-fifth on the right of the brigade, and drove him back, taking some prisoners. For three hours the battle continued with unabated fury, and until darkness enveloped the scene of conflict. For several days it was constantly in line and under fire. On the 16th it engaged the enemy and gained some advantage, and on the 21st, drove him across the river Po. Resuming the march on the 23d, it moved to the support of the Second Corps. The regiment was detailed as guard to the ammunition train of the Second Division, and crossed the North Anna, near Oxford, on the afternoon of the following day under a terrific fire of the enemy's artillery. While charging across, the woodwork of the bridge was struck by a shot from a twenty-pounder Parrott gun, knocking the men completely from their feet. The lines were firmly established on the south side of the river. At three P. M. of the 26th, a charge was made upon the rebel works, which were carried, his entire line being driven back. In this assault the regiment exhibited great gallantry, and was among the first to enter the breastworks on the extreme left, on the banks of the North Anna. At nine P. M., of the next day, the command silently withdrew from its position and re-crossed the river. It crossed the Pamunky at Hanovertown, and participated in the battles at Cold 1068 FORTY-FIFTH BEGIMGiET. 1864 Harbor* on the Ist, 2d and 3d of June. On the 3d, Lieutenant Scudder, of company F, was killed. Major Kelsey was mortally wounded, and died on the 24th. The aggregate loss of the regiment in the three days of fighting was one hundred and sixty-three killed and wounded, out of the three hundred who were engaged. The Forty-fifth participated in all the movements of the army until it reached the James River, on the evening of the 14th. Crossing on the following morning, it moved to re-inforce the Second Corps, and Butler's Army, already in front of Petersburg. It arrived within three miles of the city at ten A. M., of the 16th, and at two P. M., formed in line of battle, marched to the extreme left, and encamped in a piece of wood one-half mile from the enemy's works. The Second Corps was ordered to attack at six in the evening, the Ninth supporting. Potter's Division was on the extreme left of the corps, Curtin's Brigade on the left of the division, and the Forty-fifth on the left of the brigade, thus occupying the extreme left of the army. The attack was gallantly made, but was not attended with important results, It was determined to renew the attack on the morning of the 17th, and General Potter's division was selected for the assaulting column. Griffin's Brigade led the charge, supported by the First, under command of Colonel Curtin. The Forty-fifth, and Fourth Rhode Island were withdrawn several hundred yards to the rear, and changed front, in order to meet any sudden attack which might bemade from that direction. The enemy's works were gallantly carried, and a furious contest was waged for their possession. It lasted but a few moments, when the enemy gave way and retreated towards Petersburg. On the 18th, a general assault was ordered at four P. M., and again a large proportion of the fighting fell upon the Ninth Corps. It was proposed to drive the enemy from a piece of woods and the railroad cut which protected his lines. The attack was vigorously made, General Hartranft's Brigade in advance, but failed of success. Of this engagement, General Burnside, in his report, says, "'No better fighting has been done during the war than was done by the divisions of Potter and Wilcox during this attack."t Colonel Curtin was severely wounded and carried from the field. Theloss of the regiment was three killed and eighteen wounded. The troops were now constantly engaged in the construction of earthworks under heavy fire, the conviction becoming settled that Petersburg could only be reduced by the slow process of a siege. On Saturday the 25th, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants of the Fortyeighth Pennsylvania, who had projected the plan of destroying the rebel fort in front of General Potter's division, by the explosion of a mine, and the commanding general having given his approval, began the work of excavation. Fixiing was constantly kept up by the contending parties, and the advanced position held by the Ninth Corps, was continually shelled from the time that operations upon the mine commenced, until its final explosion. Thirty-two men of the Forty-fifth were wounded during this period, and Lieutenant Gibboney, of company C, and one man of company D were killed. The work which was attracting the attention of all, was completed at six P. M. of the 28th, and * On the right, the brunt of the battle fell upon the Ninth Corps. * * ^ Colonel Curtin's Brigade of General Potter's Division made a daring charge, drove in the enemy's skirmishers, carried some detached rifle-pits, forced the enemy-consisting of portions of Longstreet's and Ewell's corps-back into the inner works, and established itself in close proximity to his intrenchments.-Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps, pages 397-8. t Buntide and the NhIkA Army. Corps, Wtoodbury, p. 413. 1864 PETERSBURG MINE. 1069 the mine was to be sprung on the morning of the 30th. It had been constructed under many disadvantages. The line at its mouth was exposed to the fire of the enemy's batteries, and the project had received little encouragement from general officers, beyond that extended by Generals Burnside and Potter. Immediately upon its explosion an assault was to be made along the entire line. The assaulting column was the First Division of the Ninth Corps, commanded by General Ledlie. It had formed during the night near the division of General Wilcox. The explosion was to take place at half-past three in the morning, but owing to adefective fuse it was delayed until nearly five. Captain Theodore Gregg, in command of the regiment, which now numbered two hundred and ten effective men, received orders, early in the morning, to leave a strong line of skirmishers, under command of an efficient officer, in front of the enemy's works, and to march the remainder of the regiment back to the edge of the wood in rear of our lines. One hundred men, under command of Captain Fessler, of company K, were detached as skirmishers, and the balance of the regiment formed on the left of the Fourth Rhode Island, along the edge of the wood. The troops composing the storming party were now ready to move forward according to the battle order of General Burnside. All eyes were turned to the rebel fort beneath which eight thousand pounds of powder were soon to be ignited. The fuse, which had become dampened and failed to ignite, was re-lighted, and at precisely sixteen minutes before five the mine exploded. The scene which was presented was terrible to behold. Large masses of the works, with men and artillery commingled, were blown far into the air. The crater was enshrouded in a dark cloud of sulphurous smoke, lighted up by an occasional flash from the rebel magazines, which were exploded almost simultaneously with the mine. A terriffic fire of artillery was immediately opened from one hundred and forty-four guns upon the enemy's works, and the air was filled with howling, screeching projectiles. The regiment was ordered to follow the Fourth Rhode Island, and marched by the left flank through a covered way. In crossing the open field it was much exposed to the fire from the rebel lines on the right and left, the whole space traversed being literally swept by minie, grape, and canister. On arriving at the ruined fort, the regiment was ordered to charge a battery in position near some buildings to the rear of the rebel works; but the condition of the crater of the exploded mine was such that it was found impossible to do so. A charge upon a battery immediately in front was ordered, and as the regiment, which now comprised about eighty men, advanced, the enemy opened upon it with batteries stationed at different points on right and left, accompanied by a heavy fire of musketry from the rifle-pits, which caused it to fall back into the intrenchments around the ruined fort. Frequent hand to hand encountres occurred, swords were crossed and muskets clubbed, until finally the order to withdraw the troops from the dangerous position was given. The officers and men behaved with great coolness and courage in this daring but unsuccessful assault. The color-bearer of the Sixth Virginia attempted, while fighting in the crater, to plant his regimental flag upon the broken parapet, when Corporal Frank Hogan, of company A, shot him and captured his colors, receiving for his gallantry a medal of honor from the War Department. The regiment sustained a loss in this contest of six killed, twenty-two wounded and thirty-nine missing. On the 1st of August the dead were buried, and the wounded secured under 1070 FORTY-FIFTH r UGIMENT. 1864 a flag of truce., The rebels, on the 5th, attempted to explode a mine beneath one of the forts in front of the Eighteenth Corps, but failed, the excavation not reaching to within fifty yards of the fort. Nearly all the artillery opened upon them, and a constant cannonade, and musketry fire, was kept up the entire day. On the 15th, the regiment, with the division, moved three miles to the left, and relieved a division of the Fifth Corps. Its loss, from the 30th of July, was two killed and one wounded. At three P. M., of the 19th, it marched in advance six miles, to the support of Warren, and was deployed as skirmishers. Moving through a thick wood, in the dark, the enemy's line was discovered, and some prisoners taken. During the night the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania formed on its right, and the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts on its left. On the following morning, the order was given to advance, ald open fire upon the enemy. Still upon the skirmish line, it engaged his ve(lettes, and drove them in, losing one man wounded. On the morning of the 30tll o' Selptelnber, the First and Second divisions proceeded towards Poplar Sprilng Chiurch, and found the enemy strongly entrenched. Moving rapidly to the left of the Fifth Corps, while passing through an open field the regiment received the fire of a rebel battery, one man being killed and one wounded. The brigade formed, with the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts on the right, the Fifty-first New York on the left, and the Forty-fifth Pennsylvania in the centre; the Thirty-sixth" Massachusetts, Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, and the Fourth and Seventh Rhode Island, were in reserve, and occupied the works at the front, on Peeble's farm. It was here held to support Griffin's Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps, and fought gallantly, repulsing several charges of infantry and cavalry, in rear and in front. At one time, entirely surrounded by the enemy, it cut its way through his columns, and gained the shelter of a log barn, from which Major Horton, of the Fifty-eighth Massachusetts, was keeping up a constant fire of musketry. The little band was hefe soon surrounded, and called upon to surrender. Lieutenant Colonel Gregg did not propose to yield without an effort to escape. Calling to the men they moved on with a cheer, but were met with a withering fire of musketry which killed and wounded the larger part of the command. The color bearer, Sergeant Ruggleman, being wounded, Sergeant Levi R. Robb took the colors, and tried to save them, but was immediately surrounded by the Tenth Virginia Cavalry. Lieutenant James P. Gregg was killed while gallantly leading his men. Being overcome by vastly superior numbers, after a fierce struggle they were forced surrender. Among the captured was Lieutenant Colonel Gregg. The entire casualties in the regiment were one officer and two men killed, and one hundred and fifty officers and men prisoners. On the 1st of October it numbered only ninety-two men present for duty, but during the winter months of 1864-5 it was rapidly filled up with recruits, dr:afted men, and substitutes. Promotions were made from the non-commissioned officers and men who had served with honor and fidelity since the organization of the regiment in 1861. It participated in the movement to Hatcher's Run on the 27th and 28th of October, and on the 10th of December moved with the division to the support of the Fifth Corps, which was making a reconnoissance to the Weldon Railroad beyond Nottaway Court House. It returned on the 12th, and retained its position on the right of the army until its final assault on the rebel works. It occupied Fort Rice, near that familiarly known as Fort Hell. 1865 THE CAPTURE OF PETERSBURO. 1071 At length the waning fortunes of the rebellion were manifest at every point. Orders were issued to assault the enemy's position on the 1st of April, 1865, and on the following day the regiment was moved to the rear of Fort Hell. The artillery opened along the entire line of the corps at four P. M., and at half-past four the troops moved forward. They were received with a storm of musketry, grape and canister, but through the deadly tempest they steadily advanced. Nothing could impede their progress. Abattis were torn away, ditches passed, walls and parapets scaled, and works carried in the face of a withering fire. Fort Hill and a six gun battery was captured by the Fortyfifth, which during the day held the extreme left of the brigade. In this brilliant affair, Captain Cheesman, commanding the regiment, lost his right leg. Among those conspicuous for heroism and noble daring was Lieutenant Robb, who fell mortally wounded. Early on the morning of the 3d, the advance skirmish line discovered that the foe had evacuated his works. The corps entered Petersburg-the outpost of treason —and at five A. M., the commanding general was informed by General Wilcox, that it had surrendered. Pursuing the retreating enemy, the regiment participated in all the movements.of the brigade from Petersburg to Farmville. It encamped on the evening of the 3d at Sutherland's Station, on the Southside Railroad. The pursuit was continued on the following morning, when the Ninth Corps was- ordered to move to the Coxe Road, and guard the rear of the pursuing army. Here it remained until the 9th, when Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia, at Appamattox, to the victorious Grant. The work of carnage and death was over. On the 15th, Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Gregg returned to his command from prison life, and was most cordially received. On the 19th it marched via Petersburg to City Point, and from thence moved by water to Alexandria. It participated in the Grand Review on the 23d and 24th of May, and on the 17th of July was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS..sa~lz M.Ra~l FAMEn. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RAR A"B. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS Thomas Welsh...... Col.....July 22,'61, 3 Pr. to Brig. Gen., Mar. 1,'63-died at Cincinnati, - Col ^..... Ohio, August 14, 1863. John I. Curtin.........d..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Capt. Co. A to Maj., July 30, 1862to Lt. Col., Sept. 4,'62-to Col., April 13, 1863brevet Brigadier General, October 12,'64-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. James A. Beaver... Lt. CoJuly 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Col. 148th reg. P. V., Sept. 4, 1862. Francis M. Hill........do..... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. I to Lt. Col, March 1, 1863],_____ _______ __ _ discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug.,'64. NoTH.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. BY. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. IBen. removed. Vet. veteran vQlunteer Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. 6en. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds 1072 FORTY-FIFTH R-EGIMENT, --------..,. -. -....,. _.NAME. RANK. DT OF MUSTEI REMARKS INTO SERVICE. ~i Theodore Gregg...... Col. Oct: 27,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. company F to Lieut. Col., Sept.23, 1864-to brevet Colonel, July 30, 1864-prisoner from September 30,'64, to February,'65-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. John M. Kilbourne Maljor.. July 27,'1, 3 Resigned July 30, 1862. Edward A. Kelsey.....do....Oct. 12,61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co.. toMaj., July 1,'63died June 24, 1864, of wounds received atC old Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. John F. Trout.......d... (.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. C to Major. March 31,'65-prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to March.'65mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865.: Calvin S. Budding. A..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Co. K to 1st Lt. and Adjt., March 26, 1862-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864expiration of term. Decatur Dickinsonl.....o 1..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt. and Adjt., Nov. 30,'64-mus. out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. John M'Cllure......... Q. M..Oct. 18,'61, 3 Dismissed September 24, 1864. William Pfaller........do...1 Aug. 10,'62, 3 Pr. from private Co. B to 1st Lt. and Q. M., Nov. 22,'64-mus. out with regiment, July 17, 1865. George L. Potter....Surg.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Resigned August 1,-1862. Theo. S. Christ......-.....do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surg., August 4,'62mus. out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. F. B. Davidson....o...do....d Aug. 12,'64, 3 Pr. fr. Asst. Surg. 59th reg. P. V. to Surg., May 27,'6 5-mus. out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Charles Styer......... As.Sur. Aug. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Surgeon U. S. Vol., January 12,'63. liobt. R. Wiestling..do....... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Resigned February 22, 1863. W. S.,Youndt......do.... Feb. 23,'63, 3 Resigned May 18, 1865. John K. Maxwell.....do..... Mar. 3,'63, 3 Resigned August 27, 1864. C. Edward Iddings...do... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. W-m. J. Gibson...... hap'n Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned January 1, 1864. Frederick A. Gast....do..... May 17,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Harvey H. Benner.. Sr. Maj. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. Co. B to Sgt. Maj., Nov. 1, 1861-to 2d Lieut. company B, July 7, 1863..William H. Qhilds.....do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. company B to Sgt. Maj., January 1.'64-killed in action before Petersburg, June 22, 1864-Vet. John M. Kline..........do.., Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. Co. B to Sergt. Major, June 22, 1864-to 1st Lt. company B, Sept. 7, 1864.: Jacob Meese..............do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Co. A to Sgt. Maj., Dec. 22, 1864to 2d Lt. company F, January 31, 1865-Vet. H. S. Thompson........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from Corp. Co. E to Sgt. Maj., Feb. 8, 1865mus. out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet.. Amos Mullen....... Q.M.Sr Aug. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from private Co. K, October 21, 1861 — prisoner from Dec. 14, 1863, to Nov. 19, 1864mustered out, Oct. 20,'64-expiration of term. James H. Musser......do..... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company C, Jan. 18, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. Jacob S. Roath...... Com. Sr Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sergeant company B, Nov. 1,'6 — to 1st Lieutenant company B, May 21,'65-Ve.t. Charles Cook............do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. company A, May 21, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. W. G. Hunter......... Hos. St Nov. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from private company A, Nov. 26, 1861-not on muster-o!t roll. James A. Myers.........do... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Promoted from private company B, September 22, 1862-discharged May 26, 1865. H D. Demming........do..Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted from priv. company G, May 26, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. George Dyer....P.... Muc Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. company B, Oct. 21, 18$6 discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'62 Abram Girod...........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Muc. company B, Mar. 1, 1865 mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. REGIMENTAL BAN D. Thomas D. Grant... Leader Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Septcmber27, 62. Bucher, Edward M Muc.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Bright, Samuel P......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Blair, Wilbur F.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September27,'62. Feig, Jacob...............do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Horton, Charles D.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62, Howard, Lucian B.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by GeneralOrder, September2,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1073 PNAME. K DATE OF MUSTE REMAR NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Irvin, Jared C........ Muc... Sept. 15,'61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Metze, Jesse........ do...Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Miller, John C......do...Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September27,'62. Snavely, Charles H...do....Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Steelin, Henry..........o... Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Strickland, Jas. R......d..... Sept. 15, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Van Buskirk, Sam'l.do..... Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Weaver, George W...do..Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Whitmore, Philip...do. Sept. 15, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Weiser, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 15, 61 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27,'62. Walls, George W...do..... Sept. 15, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 27, 62. COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. John I. Curtin.......Capt..A.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 30, 1862. Lafayette W. Lord.....do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. Co. F. Dec. 17,'64-transferred to company F, March 24, 1865. William W. Tyson.....do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 2, 1861-to 1st Lt., Aug. 17,'62-to Capt., Sept. 25, 1862-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Row'd C.Chessman...do... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 25,'62-to 2d Lt., March 18,'63-to Capt. Co. F, Sept. 29, 1864-wd. at Blue Springs, Ky., Oct. 10, 1863, and at Petersburg, Va., June 18,'64-wd. and pris., Sept. 30,'64tr. fr. Co. F, Mar. 24,'65-wd., with loss of right leg, at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65-Bv. Maj., April 2, 1865-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Theodore Gregg...... 1st Lt.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, October 22, 1861. Wm. P. Grove..........do Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., Oct. 22,'61-died Sept. 22,' 62, of wds. rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62. Cor.. W Harrold........d..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt.-to 1st Lt., Sept.; 25,1862-resigned January 9, 1863. Waldo C. Vanvalin..do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Sept. 4,'62-to 2d Lt., Sept. 25, 1862f-to 1st Lt., March 18, 1863-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Funk......... 2d Lt... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, September 28,'64mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John F. Hollahan... 1st Sgt.. Oct. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt.,.Mar. 1, 186 —wd. at Petersburg, July 30,'64-mus. out, Oct. 20,'64-exp. of term. John Funk.........do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, October 10,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. And. J. Goodfellow Serg't.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-pr. to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1864-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas Bathurst...do~.... Aug.; 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 10, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John A. Daley r.......:.d.... doAug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, and at Petersburg, Sept. 30,'64-promoted to Sgt., Oct.;1,'64-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Matthew Riddledo.......d. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promotedto Cor., Jan. 1, 1865-to Sgt., June 27, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Jacob Meese............do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., March 25, 1864-to d Sergeant Major, December 22, 1864. George Young...........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant,- September 18,1882-transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, October 22, 1862. Theophilus Lucas.....do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January 1,'65-mustered. ut with company, July 18, 1865-Vet. Thomas Croft.........Corp.... Ma. 4,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Geo. W. Cochler......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Theodore Shirk......do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62, and at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Theo. G. Leathers......do..... Aug, 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George I. Ferree....d..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 9,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jacob Kaup................ Feb. 20,'64, 3 Prisoner from September 30,'64. to May 3,'65mustered out with company, July 17,1865. David Williams.........do,.. Feb. 12,'64, 3 Prisoner from July 30 to August 11, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865i Philip Stout............do... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Prisoner fron September 30,'64, to April 25,'65mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. 135 1074, FORTY-FITH REGIMENT, NAMEg. RANK.: DATE OF MUSTER REMAIS. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Lewis C. Bullock... Corp... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Frank Hogan......d... d.... Aug. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. George W. Long........do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Woundedat Blue Springs, Ky., Oct. 10,'63-dis charged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 4, 1864. Daniel Hannan......do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'64, George Eminhizer.....do... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Wounded at Blue Springs,: Ky., Oct. 10,'63-discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Charles Cook.............. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corn. Sgt., May 21, 1865-Vet, Andrew P. Grove......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Nov. 1, 1864. John H. Crock...........do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Captured Dec. 18, 1863 — died in Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 1, 1864-grave, 4,512-Vet. Abr'm Eminhizer......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died June 11, 1864, of wounds received at CoId Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864 -buried in National Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. John Whiteman..... Muc.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Falkin B. Williams...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, at Blue Springs, Ky., Oct. 10,'63, and at Peters'rg, June 17,'64-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Arnot, Andrew..... Private Jan. 10,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beck, David M..........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Black, Charles......... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Botoff, Benjamin B...do....Feb. 21,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to March 9,'65-miustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bowmester, August...do.... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Brown, Edward.......do..... Nov. 30,'64, 3 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Baker, Charles J........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died Sept. 27, 1862, of wounds received at An-: ~~....'~~,tietam, September 17, 1862. Bailey, David M........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1864. Bratton, Charles....do. Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Barto, David H.........do...Oct. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Baughinan, John.... do.... Jan. 5,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bodle, James............do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died April 10, 1864, at Annapolis, Md.-Vet. Brewer, Greene......do.... Feb. 21,'64, 3 Died June 11,'64,ofwds. ree. at Cold Harbor, Juno 3,'64-buried at Alexandria, Va —grave, 2,088. Boyer, Abram............. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., November 1, 1864-Vet. Boone, James......... do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Sept. 12, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Barnhaet, James M...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died August 23, 1864. Bombaugh, Sylv'r.....do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 8, 1864. Boyer, Jacob............do. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 25,'62. Britton, Daniel F..;do...d Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 17,'63. Bantilborg, Irwin G...do. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Bullock, Moses..,..d...o.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Deserted September 12, 1862. Conley, Jesse.........do..... Aug. 16, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 11, 1863 Crock, Aaron............do....Aug. 16'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cochler, Lafayette....do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Colderwood, Wm....do.... Mar. 23,'64, Wounded at North Anna, Va., May 26,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Curtis, Patrick.........do..... Nov. 26,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Cresswell, John.........do.... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-mus out with Co., July 17, 1865. Cosset, William.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30,'65. Crock, Emanuel........d.d... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died at Beverly, N. J., October 3, 1864-Vet. Clarke, Henry..........do.. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N.C., March 16, 1865-burial record, Dec. 29, 1864. Coyle, Porter...... do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Captured Dec. 18, 1863- died at Andersonvillo, Ga., November 4, 1864-burial record, April 9, 1864 — grave, 445. Camrpbell, Jacob........do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. i Nat. Cem., Antietam, sec. 26, lot C, grave, 301. Cline, Joseph J.........do.....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to6thU.S. Cavalry-date unknown. Campbell, Thomas.....do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1862. Dehaas, James.......do..... Mar. 13,'62, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864 —.absent,in hospital, at muster out. Daughenbaugh, R -...do.....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 14, 1863-re-enlisted March 16,'64-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Dougherty, Hugh... do..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Douglass, Dewey.....do.... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July-17, 1865. Dewalt, William H...do.... Jan. 5,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Dickle, Jacob...........do..... Dec. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Dunlap, William....do..... April 2,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Nov. 26,'64 Duffev, George..........do.., Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted January 14, 1865. Daughenbaugh, W...do... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Deserted June 3, 1865. Dehaas, Thomas....d....... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1, 1863 DreibAbis, Peter..,....do. Mar, 12,'62, 3 Transferred to 6th U.S. Cavalry, Oct. 27, 1862: THREE YEARS' SERVI1OE. 1075 AM. RANK.INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Dreibelbis, Stephen Private Mar. 1,'62, 3 Died-date unknown-of wds. received at South Mountain, September 14, 182. Evy, Jeremiah........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., November 8, 1863. Eckley, William...do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Etian, William H.....do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died at Fort Seward, S. C., December 14, 1861. Funk, William.........do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Fravel, Jeremiah.....do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Funk, George W......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'62. Falty, Jacob...........do..... Aug 16'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Flack, William.....do.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Ferree, Michael.....do..... Dec. 1,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Glenn, James H.......do..... Aug. 16, 61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Gunlmo, John...........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured September 30,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1, 1865. GilI, George W........ do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Glenn; Martin-L.......do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Huber, Noah N.........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 27, 1862. Hunter, George T.....do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Haines, Rudolph.......do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certficate, May 18,'65-Vet. Heverly, John...........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Haines, James P.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiration of term. Hartsock, Wim. A.....do....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Haines, John...........do Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62. Holter, Benjamin F...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 11, 1863. Hendershott, David...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died at Mildred, Miss., July 31, 1863. Hoover, Israel........do... Aug. 1,'6, 6 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17,'62-mus tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Haines, Irwin........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hartsock, Wm. A.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hoover, lorenzo-l...do..... Nov. 26, 64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17,.1865. Harris, John H.......;do... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Harkins, George W -..do..... Jan. 14, 64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Howard, Robert........ Jan. 3,, 6 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Hipe, George.............do..... Jan. 3, 65, 3 Drafted-died January 31, 1865. Isenhart, Godfrey......ido..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Johnson, Charles.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-Vet. Knoll, Ira C.............do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864 —transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, February 25, 1865. Knoll, Discordus.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Murdered by a citizen at New London, Ky., No. mvember 1, 1863.. Kreitner, Lewis.........do..;. Dec. 13,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65 Keisinger, Jacob G....do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Lucas, James........... do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'d2. Luthers, William T...do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1864. Luthers, Theodore...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Long, John...............do... Dec.-:24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 24,'62. Lucas, John M...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May-12, 1864-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Long, Thomas.....do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30, 1865. Long, James R.........do....Mar. 19,'64, 3 Captured July 30, 1864-died at Danville, Va., March 8, 1865. Lynch, Edward........do....Dec. 22,'64, 1 Sub.-disch. onSurgeon's certificate, July 10,'65. Lyons, William........d..... Mar. 6,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Musser, Benj. F.......do..... Aug. 16, 61, 3 Deserted April 4, 1863. Miller, Jacob...........do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Mehaffey, Mich'lP...do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 11, 1863. Malligan, James.......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 11, 1863. Miller, John..............d.... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 27, 1863. Moore, John.............do... Mar. 13,'62, 3 Discharged-onSurgeon's certificate, June 1,'63. Moore, George...........do.... Mar. 13,'62, 3 Killed at North Anna, May 27. 1864 —et. Martin, Daniel...........do..Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died May 10, 1864. Morrell, Charles............ Mar.,'64, 3 Capt'd Sept. 30,'64-disch. by G. O., May 27,'65 Miller, Charles..........do.... Dec. 19,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Montgomery, Jas.....do.... Jan. 5,'65, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Murray, John............do.... Dec. 24, 64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Mullen, Thomas.......do.... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Martin, John.......do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. M'Elhoe, George W...do.-. Aug. 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 22,'62. M'Mullen, Wm. T.....do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. M'Elhoe, Calvin....do.... Feb. 11, 64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 12, 1865. M'Coy, William A....do.... Dec. 17,'64, L Sub.-musterea out with company, July 17,'65. W'Kirk, John T.......do.. NO. 30,'64, I Sub.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 12,'65. M'Allen, Robert.......do. Nov. 30,'64, 1 -Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. 1076 FORTY-FIrTH REGIMBNT, DATE OF MU9TER NAME. RANX. IAr OF MUSTERR. -....a-e INTO SERVICE REMARKS. WNally, James...... Private Nov. 20'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nott, Simon L...........do...Jan. 5,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. eff, William...........o..-...Feb. 19,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to April 25,'65-inustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nichols, Charles........do..... April 2,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Annapolis,......... Md., May 2, 1865. Pifer, George D........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. I, 53d reg. P. V., Oct. 16, 1861. Peoples, Wm.. W......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. petlqr, George..........do.. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to May 3,'65-mus-. tered out with company, July 17, 1865. Parient, Philip...........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-drowned in Poto-emac River, April 23, 1865. Peace, Jarius............... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 11, 1864 —disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 7, 1865. pealing, Lewis.......do..... April 2,'64, 3 Wounded and prisoner, September 30, 1864 —dis charged on Surgeon's certificate, April 15, 1865. Peach, Peter.............do..... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Patterson, Richard.....do..... Dec. 12,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Patterson, Thomas....d...,,. July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-ab., in arrest for desertion, at mus. out. Robison, Thomas......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 27'62. Reeder, William....:.do.....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Rossman, William....do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —et. Riley, John.............do:..... Aug. 16,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Ryan, Edward.........do.... Aug 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 6th U. S. Cavalry, Oct. 27, 1862. Rupert, Kline Q........do.... Feb.. 20, 64, 3 Musteredout with company, July 17, 1865. Reed, Thomas H.......do... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 7, 1865. Reynolds, Levi.......do.... Sept. 17,'64, Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 7, 1865. Ryan, Thomas........do..... Dec. 21,'64, Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865. Sailor, Harlon.........do... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Telegraph Corps, 1862. Saire, Andrew C........do..'.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiration of term. Stone, Joseph G........ do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'6J1 Smith, Augustus B...do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Strunk, James H.....do..... Aug. 16,'61, 8 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Shawley, David H.....do. Aug. 15,'62, 3 Died February 20, 1865-buried at Alexandria, X.....~..... Va.-grave, 3,016. Strickland, Ross.:......do... May 31,'64, 3 Captured July 30, 1864-died May 3, 1865, at Baltimore, Md. Slicht, JacobL..;.......-. do..... Dec.', 64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with cpmp. ny, July 17,'65. Shranger, G. B...do..... Oct. 4,'64, 3 Drafted-wounded at Petersburg, Mar. 13,'65-''~J~~~~:'absent at muster out. Simon, Sali..........do..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Taylor, William W...do...... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 21,'62. Taylor, Thomas........do...Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown.Tate, Wesley V.............. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-mustered "...........~ out with company, July 17,1865. - Temple, Charles......do Nov. 25,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 10, 1865. Walker,M. A..."..do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died Janary 10, 1863. -- Walker, Michael.......do. Aug.- 16,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at.. -.... -";.... South Mountain, September 14, 1862.:- - Wheeler, Samuel.....do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 9, 1865-.Vet. WiIson,-John A........do..-Aug. 16,'61, 3 Deserted October 11, 1861. Whiteian, Ross.....do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Prisoner from November 18,'63, toApri 17,'64mustered out, Nov., 1864-expiration of term. White, John B*.....'i..do....A. Aug 16,'61, 3 Disch. onSurg. cert.-dateunknown-re-enlisted Feb. 12,'64- us. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Watson, Levi EH.... do.....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeo's certificate, Dec. 21, 62. Williams, Lyons.....d...May' 6,'65, Not on muster-out roll. - Williams, Selah......do.. Sept. 2,- 64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 11, 1865. Williams, Jo.hn.. d. Mar. 364,3 Discharged on Surgeon s.certificate, June30,'65. Williams, Thomas....do.. Nov. 7,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 16,'65. Williams, Mesach...d.....Feb. 27, 64, 3:Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Williams, JamesP...do:...Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died July 8,1864. oung, Geo.W........ do..Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded atSouthMountain, September 14,'62 mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet.Yarnell, Reuben.... do.....Aug. 16,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received.at -''......'' --..South Mountain, September 14, 1862.' THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1077 COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN LANCASTER COUNTY. N~;~s, AME. R M ANIK. DATE OF MUSTER I REMARKSI INTO SERVICE. 4 Henry A. Haines... Capt.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Resigned March 1, 1863. John B Diebler..... o...Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Sept.30,1862-to 1st Lt., Mar. 1,'63 —to Capt., July 1,'63-resigned Oct. 20,'64. JohnM.Kine............o..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to 1st Lt., Aug. 1,'62 —res. Mar. 2,'63re-enlisted Mar.,'64-pr. to Sgt. Maj., June 22, 1864 —to 1st Lt., Sept. 7, 1864-to Capt., May 21,'65-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. William L. Raphil.. 1st Lt.. Aug. 16,'61, 3 Resigned August 1, 1862. Cyrus Bruner............do.... Oct. 1, 62, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., July 1,'63 —wd. at Wilderness, May, 1864-resigned Aug. 8, 1864. Jacob S. Roath...d...... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corn. Sgt. to 1st Lt., May 21, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John F. Trout.... 2d... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-tr. to Co. H, Aug. 1,'62. Harvey H. Benner.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lt., July 7,'63discharged December 5, 1864, for wounds received at Petersburg, June 17, 1864. Moses S. Mullen...... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Dec. 1,'61 —to 2d Lt., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Robert Carroll...... st Sgt. Feb. 24,'62, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, September 20, 1864mustered out with company, July 17,'65-vet. John M. Hippie....... do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to ist Sergeant, Mar. 10,'63-killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 18, 1864-Vet. Henry C.Stepen Serg't.. Oct. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., March 10,'63capt'd Sept. 30,'64-mus. out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Benri.eveRkemmey...do..Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to April,'65 —mus-: tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Reiff.......do..... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. George B. Haines.....do..: Oct. 1,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to April, 1865-promoted from Cor. to Sgt., May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. William H. Childs.....do...,. Sept., 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April 7, 1863-to Sergeant Major, January 1, 1864 —Vet. Wm.T. Armstrong...do..... Aug. 12,'62, 3 Died July 15, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Austin Garman.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 20, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 24,'64-Vet. J. D. Feltenberger.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 18,'64-disch. June 30, 1865, for wds. received at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-Vet. Christian Shaup...... Corp.... Sopt. 24,'61, 3 Captured September 30,'64 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. John Kinfsey............do.;... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Wounded at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept.. I~;-~i_ ~30, 1864-mus. out with Co., July 17,1865-Vet. Amos B. Machen.....do... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Joseph Judy......... do. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. John 14. Horst............do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865 —mus-.: tered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Francis.Keller.......do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64-promoted to Cor., May 4,'65-. mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. WillfamSwan...... do.'... Oct. 14,'61, -3 Capt'd Sept. 30, 1864-promoted to Cor., May 4,'65 —nus. out with company, July 17,'65~-Vet. Joseph BBell.........do..... Oct.: 27,'61, 3Capt'd July 30,1864-promoted to Cor., Jan. 7,.'65 —mus. out with company, July 17,'65-:Vet. George lSheets:.......do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-disch..on Surgeon's certificate, June,:7, 1865. -: Jno. A,:Armstrong...do..... Mar. 11i'64, 3 KIilledat Petersburg, August18, 1864. Samuel M. Hinkle...do. Aug. 15,'64, 3 Died July 1, 1864, of wounds received at Petersdo. ept'2,'61 burg, June 17, 1864. Samil L. Epler......do..... Spt. 2,'61 a3 Prisoner May 6, 1864~-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 6, 1865. James Whitaker..... Muc.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Abram irod......G..,do...... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Muc., March 1,'65-Vet. Arnold, John........ Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, April 3, 1864, Boell, William. do:........ Sept. 2,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Boden, John...... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate) Mar. 1,'63. Bowman, Jacob do,...do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiratio of term. 1078 rORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, I: I E jkSul..... I FNAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER NAM. RANK.' INTO SERVICE. H REMARKS. Bierbower, Jacob... Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Byke, Samuel...........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Brown, Harvey.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Bower, Frederick......do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'62. Burkheiser, Henry...do..... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Transferred to company F, April 18, 1864. Brenneman, J. S.......do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7,'65. Bostick, Joseph B.......do.... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 20,'65. Bright, William........do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bell, John..........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 19, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Brown, Joshua L......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Capture.d at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64 —died at Salisbury, N. C., February 16,'65. Bair, John A.........do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bongey, Fred'ck D....do'.... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7,'65. Brown, Thomas.........do.... Dec. 31,'64, 1 Sub.-munistered out with company, July 17,'65. Bartholow, G. F.........do.... July 5,'64, 3 Drafted-died May 31, 1865-buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,183. Cox, Abraham...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Conway, Hugh........do.....Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Carroll, Alonzo...........do Oct. 20,'1, 3Died December 30, 1861. Clipper, Benton S......do... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 15,'65-Vet. Cowden, Matt'w A...do...... Aug. 14,'62, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May,'64-disch., July 5,'65. Carter, William L.....do..... Sept. 2,'62,3 Deserted August 17, 1863. Campbell, Charles.....do.... June 2,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 5, 1865. Duck, Amos..............do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 31,'62. Drummond, Rob't.....do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 30, 1861. Dixon, Samuel T......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 9, 1862. Dunlevy, William.....do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Dyer, George............do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Oct. 21, 1861. Derrick, Eli T..........do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Wounded in action, June 6, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Decker, Jacob............do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Captured December 14, 1863-died at Andersonville, August 14, 1864-grave, 5,664. Dairs, Wesley..........do...Aug. 10,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Derrick, George.........do..... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Wd. at Petersburg, July 30,'64-died Aug. 3,'64. Daub, David.............do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Capt'd July30,'64-mus. outwith Co.,July 17,'65. Dougherty, Wm............. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Duck, Washington...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Duncan, Enos............do..., Sept. 17,'64, 1 Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865. Denton, Charles H.....do..... Dec. 24,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Dunn, Edward.......do.... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865, Epler, John G.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Captured at Wilderness, May6, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Eittler, Frederick...... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Epler, Christian M.....d..... Oct. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 23,'63. Eshelman, Jacob B...do.....Aug. 29,'62, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 24, 1864. Eshelman, Benj'n.....d..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Everhart, Daniel..... do.... Aug. 22,'64, 3 Capt'd Sept.30,'64-disch. by G. O., June 7,'65. Eshelman, Martin..... do... Aug. 9,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 11, 1865. Eichenberger, L.......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Farnsworth, C. W.....do... Feb. 23,'62, 3 Deserted July 22, 1862. Finley, James...........do..... July 30,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. Felix, Henry............do..... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Capt'd July 30,'64-disch. by G. O., June 7,'65. Fowl, William..........do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 16, 1865. Graffius, Abraham.....do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 26, 61, to rec. pr. as 2d Lt. U. S. A. Galbraith, James.....do.... Sept. 2, 61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown-Vet. Griffis, Joseph..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862.Griffith, Henry P..... do.... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 64-died at Salisbury, N. (., Feb. 6,'65-burial record, February 1, 1865. Garrigus, Samuel B...do...Aug. 13,'62, 3 Wounded at Jackson, Miss., July 11,'63-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, 1863. Given, Nathaniel........do..... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'63. Giles, Henry.......... do.....July 9,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted-ab., in arrest, at mus. out. Garrett, William A...do....Feb. 15,'64 3 Died Oct 25,'64, of wounds rec. at Poplar Spring Church, Va., September 30, 1864 —buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Garrett, James A....do......Feb. 15,'64, 3 Deserted May 18, 1864 —returned Sept 30, 1864mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gorner, Lewis........do.. Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Goodwin, Charles......do..Jan. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-died June 23,'65-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. H-endeirsonJaecob o X... jSept. 13, 61,3' Woundedin action, Sept 30, 1i64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14, 1865-Vet. TBREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1079 SI *NAMB. R ANK. DATE OF MUSTER I EANR. NAMB. BANK. INTO SERVICE. Housel, William.... Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 21, 1865, for wds. received in action. Hinton, James..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Howard, Daniel... do.....do... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 18, 1864-Vet. Hagman, Joseph.......do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Captured December 14, 1863-died July 28, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia-grave, 4,162. Hershig, Wash'n L...do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Woundedat Cold Harbor, June3,'64-discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Hall, Robert..............do.... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Hammaker, George...do..... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Died May 18, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Hopkins, Andrew J...do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Transferred to company F, April 3, 1864. Hart, Levi...............do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Deserted May 18, 1864. Hilscher, Henry L.....do.... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Hilscher, Frederick...do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Hawthorn, AlfredL...do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Deserted May 18, 1864. Hawthorn, RobtL. L...do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Deserted May 18, 1864. Henry, James...........do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Harrington, Wm.......do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Deserted Nov. 12, 1864-returned Dec. 10, 1864-. mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ickhoff, William......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate-date unknown-Vet. eiffer, John........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Capt'dSept. 30,'64-mus. outwith Co., July 17,'65. Kautz, Christian.....do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kline, John M... do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, June 22, 1864. Losser, Franklin......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 7,'62. Laverdy, Geo. VW do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Capt'dSept30,'64-mus.outwith Co., July17,'65. Leslie, Daniel.... d....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Long, John...............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Lightner, Charles......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. Long, William..........d do... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Transferred to company F, April 3, 1864. Lockard, James........ do... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Captured Dec. 24, 1863-died at Andersonville, Sept. 6, 1864-grave, 7,950. Lannigan, Corn'sV....d.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June3,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 15, 1865. Lawrence, Absalom...do.....Feb. 11,'64, 1 Capt'd June7,'64-mus. outwithCo., July17,'65. Lindsey, George.......do... Feb. 11,'64, 1 Wd. June 1,'64-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Longsdorf, Calvin......do.. Feb. 18,'64, 1 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lutz, Carson.............do.. Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Leher, Jacob.......... do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Morton, Wim. I.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'63. Minich, H.enry........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died Oct. 15, 1863, of wounds received in action. Mayes, Thomas........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Moore, Alfred..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Miller, John.............do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 5, 1863. Mattis, David............do..Oct. 14,'61, 3 Captured July 30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Malhorn, Smith L.....do.....Aug. 5,'62, 3 Died August 15, 1863. Mullen, James........do. Aug. 16,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 11,'65. Mann, William H......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Discharged June 7, 1865, by G. O., War Dept. Myers, James A.......do..... Aug. 13,'62, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Sept. 22, 1862. Monroe, CharlesW....do...Feb. 20,'64, 3 Deserted May 23, 1864. Miller, Oswell M.......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mullen, Benj. F.............Feb. 27,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.' Meldrum, Thomas....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted March 13, 1864. Musser, Samuel D....do.... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Montgomery, Robt....do... July 9,'63, 3 Drafted - deserted-returned- mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Morse, Joseph L........do..... Aug. 26, "64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 18, 1865. Martin, George.........do..... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Allister, Henry.... do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred tocompany F, September 1, 1862. M'Elroy, Edward......do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Capt'dSept. 30,'64-mus. outwith Co., Julyl7,'65. M'Nally, Thomas...F...do.. Feb. 97,'64, 3 Died March 16, 1864, at Harrisburg, Pa. Nophsker, Sam'l M...do.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Disch. June 10, 1865, by S. O., No. 22, War Dept. Prescott, John...........do. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 29,'62. Pruner, Robert.........do.. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Pfahler, Wmn.........do... Aug. 10,?62, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Q. M., Nov. 22, 1864. Pennell, Andrew..... do.. Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. June 7, 1865, by General Order. Raphil, Joseph.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20,'62, Ilinohold, Samuel.....do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22,'62. Reidabaugh, L. C......do.....! Aug. 5,'62, 3 Cap'd Nov. 17,'63-disch. June7,'65, byS. O-Vet. Robinson, James A..do.....Sept. 13'62, 3 Transferred to company D. April 18, 1864. hittenhouse, Tyler' Rittenhouse, Tyler- 9.do..d...* Feb. 11,'64, 3- Wounded and prisoner, Sept. 30, 1864-died a Salisbury, N. C., February 10, 1865. 1080 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER EMARKS NAME. BANK. XMARKS. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Rodgers, Dennis..... Private Jan. 5,'65, i Substitute-mus. out With Co., July 17, 1865. Swigart. Levi..........do..... Sept. 24.'61, 3 Mustered out, Jan. i7, 1865. Shirk, James..........do.Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Sward, Wendell....... do..... Aug. 20, 61, 3 Transferred to company F,. Sptember 1, 1862. Schaffer. John S........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Stone, Herbert M......do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Stevenson, Theo........do. Sept. 2,'6i, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Smith, Charles...........do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Sherbalur, Jacob.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Wildeiness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Shank, Christian.......do...Oct. 20,'61, 3 Died January 20, 1863. Schroll, John B....d...o..d... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Capt'd Sept. 30.'64-mus out with Co., July 17,'65. Sharp, William........do.....Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of woundsreceived at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Segar, George...........do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, September 1, 1862. Shireman, Henry......do.... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Shaeffer, George......do Aug. 2,'62, 3 Died January 22, 1863- buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 697. Sheets, Jeremiah........... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 20'62. Small, Lawrence M...do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Wd. at ColdHarbor, June 3,'64-disch. May,'65. Snyder, George W.....do.... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Died December 21, 1863. Sourbeer, Jacob........do..... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Discharged April 17, 1865, of ounds received at Cold. Harbor, June 3, 1864. Smith, Henry W.......do Aug. 10,'64, 3 Captured Dec. 14, 1863- died at Richmond, Va., March 20, 1864. Swartz, Samuel D......do..... Aug. 27,'62, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Stahl, Edward LI.....do....Feb. 18,'64, 3 ustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Ottis..........F...do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stevenson John........ do.....Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-captured Sept. 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 17,'65. Shireman, Geo. W.....do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. - Schaur, Wm. H do......Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sipe, John........do.... Aug. 22,'64, Disch. April 1,'65, for wds. received Sept. 30,'64. Shog, John......... July 16,'63, 1 Drafted-deserted March, 1864-absent,in arrest, at muster out. Smith, Aquilla........... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 7, 1865. Smith, Gideon..........do. June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 30, 1865. Schmidt, Alfred........... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Smith, James.......do.....Aug. 4,'64, 3 Drafted —deserted April 3, 1865. Shaw, Andrew..... do.... Dec. 30,'64, i Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Troger, John............do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Captured July 30, 1864-mustered out with company. July 17, 1865-Vet. Tyler, John E...........do...Aug, 10,'62, 3 Transferred to company F, April, 1864. Updegraff; Geo. W.....do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Musered out with cornpany, July 17, 1865. Wall, George...... do..Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 19, 1864-Vet. Walton, Hiram F......do... Sept. 13,'61,3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Walton, Amos....... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14,1862-bu. in Nat. Cem'y, Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 289. Wagner, Franklin.....do..... Sept. 2'61, 3 Killed at Soth Mountain, Sept. 14,1862-bu. in Nat. Cen'y, Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 294. Weaver, And'w- J.....do.... Sept. 6,2, 623 Wounded t Wilderness, May 6, 1864-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Wolf, Jacob.............do.... Sept. II,'62, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864- disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 11, 1865. Walters, Charles F...do.....Feb. 10,'64, 3 Captured September30, 1864 —mnstered outwith company, July 17, 1865. Wilson, Charles.......do..... Dec. 24,'64, Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Young, James.......do...... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. COMPANY. RECRUITED IN MIFFLIN COUNTY. William G. Biglow.. Capt.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Resigned November 1, 1862. John F. Trout.......... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promotedfrom2d Lt. copany H, toCapt., Jan 15, 1863-to Major, March 31, 1865. Benj. C. M'Mangal...do..Oct. 18,'61, jPromoted lt sSgt., June 1, 1864-to 1st Lt., Set. 2, 1864 —to Capt., May 12, 1865- prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to March 3, 1865- mustered out with company, Julv 17, 1865-Vot, Jesse W. Hor oa....l lt.1.1 Aug. 31,'6i, 3 e Isigned July 30, 1862. 18t.~ ~ ~ ~ L. Aug 311,1 THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1081 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. B Jesse M. Bulick.... Ist Lt...'Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., August 1, 1862discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Samuel B. Little........do. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 28, 1861-to 1st Lt., April 20, 1863 —resigned April 20, 1864. James P. Gibbony.....do.... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'64 —to 1st Lt., May 31,'64killed on picket at Petersburg, July 18,'64-Vet. A. A. M'Donald.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Petersburg, July 30,'64-pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'65-to 2d Lt., Feb. 1,'65-Bv. 1st Lt.,Apr. 2,'65-to 1st Lt., May 12,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Isaac Steely........... 2d Lt... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged June 7, 1863. John A. Osborn:...~... do Sept. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 28, 1861 —to 2d Lt., July 7, 1863-resigned July 26, 1864.. Michael Hiney..........do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wd. July 30, 1864-pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt.,May 12,'65 —mus. out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. George M'Michaels 1st Sgt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, July 7, 1863-killed at Blue Springs, Ky., October 10, 1863. James S. Mitchell......do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Feb. 22,'65 —to 1st. Sgt., May 12, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Josiah M'Manigal... Serg't.. Oct. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 30,'64 —pris. fr. Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 3,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65 —Vet. Harrison Oburn....do. Sept. 24,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864 —promoted to Sergeant, September 1, 1864-captured September 30,'64-mustered out, July 17,'65-Vet. John Shaffer........... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wd. in action,ay31,'64 —pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 12,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-V — et. A.F.Alexander........do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, July 1,'65 — mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John Young.............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to March 3, 1865discharged on Surg. cert., June 30, 1865-Vet. James H.:Musser.....o...... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June, 1863 —to Quartermaster Sergeant, January 18, 1865-Vet. J.acob: Zerby:..' o........... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 28, 1861-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 11, 1862. John A. Pressler.... Corp... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 9, 1864- mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Samuel A., Glick.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out-Vet. Wm. W. Pressler......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Prisoner from September 30, to October 7, 1864mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Theoph. C. Thomas...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64 —capt'd April 2, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. James H. Bigelow.....do... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Prisoner from May 6 to December 11,'64-, mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John H. Tarner.....do..... Sept. 24,.'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 5,'64-pr. to Cor., May 12, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Oburn.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Prisoner from June 9, 1863, to March, 1865 —promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Peter R. Rupert........:do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. John A. Myers..........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged June 30, 1865, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —Vet. John Bice................do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May,6,'64-buried in Wilderness burial.grounds —Vet. F. A. Hazlett... do.......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died May 10, 1864, of wounds received at Wil-' derness, May 6, 1864-Vet. John R. De.Arment...do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, June 3,'64-grave, 1,541. Jacob:Harmm..........do.... Sept. 26,'61, a Died June 29, 1864, of wounds received at Spott-~ sylvania, June 18, 1864-Vet.. John W. Bailey.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., July 26,'64, of, wds. received in action-Vet. William J. Wise..... Muc.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Peter Smith........... do....Oct..9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Alexander, R. B..... Private Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20, 62. Alexander, John H...do...,. Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Alexander, J. B........do..... Mar.. 2,'62, 3 Disch. Dec. 21, 1864, for wds. rec, in action-Vet. Alexander, Cy. R...do..... Mar. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Andirich, Christian...do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute —absent, sick, rt muster out. Baird, James...........do.....Oct. 9,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Bigelow, D. K.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged December 1,'62, for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Black, James T.........do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7, 1863. BordeIl, Seneca H.....do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged January 17,'65, for wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet.: Brown, Harvey.. o....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 MustMered out, Oct. 20, 1864 — expiration of term. 136 1082 FORTY-FIFTB REGIMENT. NMEi. RANK. DATE OF MUISTER] INTO SERVICE. REMARKS..:I Bull o''. _h os,..,.. Bullock, Thos. M.. Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged December 19, 1862, for wounds re, ceived at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Barr, David C.......do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Barr, William...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Deserted-returned March 3,'65-~mustered out with company, Julv 17, 1865. Bigelow, Lebius S.....do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Babb, Jacob............do... Dec. 23,'64, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 65. Brannon, Joseph....-....... Julyo 30,'64, 3 Transferred to Western Army, March 8, 1865. Breman,:Timothy.....do.... Dec. 30,'64, 1Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Bremer, Ludwig........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-died May 2,'65, of wounds received in action, April 2, 1865. Brown, Charles..........do... Aug. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Brown, John.............do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Burns, Charles...........do.. July 21,'64, 3 Substitute-captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 28, 1864. Byrnes, Henry..........do..... July 28,'64, 3 Sub.-eapt'd Sept. 30,'64~-escaped and returnedc May 12, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bovel, John........... do... July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Brophy, Michael.......do... July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Bice, James............. do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-diedat Salisbury N. C., February 9, 1865. Brindle, Abraham...do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Drowned in James River, Va., June 15., 1864. Caldwell, James M...do... Oct. 18,'61, i Died May 12,'64, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6,1864-Vet. Carney, Francis G.....do..... Spt. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. Carson, Robert..........do... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'63. Cahill, Daniel...........o.... o Mar. 4,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62 Cook, Robert S.......do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Deserted May 1, 1863. Curwin, Stephen.......do..... Oct. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'64-Vet Carney, Patrick........... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865. Civits, John H.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged December 28, 1864, for wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Cormish, John....... do....Mar. 16,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Cadmore, James........do..... Dec. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Culp, George L..........do......Aug. 6,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Davis, Samuel P.....o...... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Prisoner from July 30,'64, to February 6, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. DeArment, Wm......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Deihl, Peter...........do... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Deffendoffer, Aaron...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'62. IDuncan, Alexander...do..... July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65,. Desey, Michael........do.... Nov. 26,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Downs, Gideon R......do..... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Dougherty, Edw'd.... do Dec. 29,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 28, 1865. Ealy, Franklin F;.....do... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Captured September 30,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Emigh, Christian.....d..do. Oct. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Eaton, William.... d..o..... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865, Flamney, James....do.... July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-prisoner from September 30, 1864, to Feb., 1865-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Fertig, Thaddeus S...do..Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged June 22, 1865, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Foster, John...........do..... Jan. 4,'65,3 Substitute-deserted January 28,1865. Fultz, John A...........do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 10, 1865. Fields, James B.......do Mar. 1,'62, 3 Died March 19,'63, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862 —buried in Nat. Cem., Antietam-section 26, lot E, grave, 498. Feltman, Valentine..,do..... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Gabel, William M.....do... Sept, 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 20, 63. Goodman, Chas. B....o..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Goodman, Adam....... do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Wounded atSouth Mountain, September 14,'62died at Nashville, Tenn., Jaunary 28, 1864. Gregg, Henry...........do.....Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Gregg, Winfield.......o..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Gear, Jacob......... do July 28,'64, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Gregg, Andrew.......do..Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —killed at Peebles' Farm, Va., September 30, 1864. Growden, Joseph......do..... July 5,'64, 3 Wounded Apr, 2, 1865-ab., in hos., at mus. out. Garrett, John P...d..... Jan. 3,'65, 1Substitute-deserted January 20, 1865. Hamilton, James......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, September 14,'62discharged September 29, 1862. Hardy, George..;....... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Died Dec. 17, 1861 —bu. at Fortress Monroe, Va. Hardy, Samuel........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 1,'62. aHREM YEARS' SERVIOE. 1083 NAME. RANX. DATE OF STER REM. INTO SERVICE. S Hobaugh, Geo. M... Private Sept. 18, 61, 3 Wounded November 7, 1863-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Hay, Jacob.............do. Dec. 2, 64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. eaphy, Timothy....do... Dec. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Havens, Andrew J...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died at City Point, Va., November 22, 1864. Hefman, Amos..........do.. July 29,'64, 3 Substitute —absent, sick, at muster out. Hughes, Michael.....do... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hoolihan, Edward.....do.... Jan.7, 64, 1 Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Houston, James.......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 22, 1864. Irvin, Jacob...........do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at'Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Ittig, Charles............do...., Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Kerr, Robert..do..... Au..31,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-see. 26, lot C, grave, 291. Knapp, Peter............do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Laforte, John..........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20,1864-expiration of term. Landis, Joseph........do... Oct. 9,'61, 3Died October 19, 1863. Lantz, Samuel..........do.....Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'62. Long, John............do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Latchford, David E...do.....'Sept. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lowry, David............do..... Sept. 2,'64, 3 Died at City Point, Va., August 13, 1864. Mills, Levi W.....:.........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-mustered out, October 20,o 1864expiration of term..Miller, John J......do....... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'62. Mitchell, Wm. H.....do. Mar. 1,'62,3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June3,'64-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Morgan, Wm. F........do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3Died September 27, 1863. Moyer, George N......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died September 3, 1863. Myers, Calvin B.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Mitchell, John........ do..M. lar. 1,'62, 3 Died October 1,'62-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Mathews, Samuel......do... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by S. O.-date unknown. Miller, Henry...........do.... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Aug. 4,'65. _Loore, John.......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-dish. on Surgeon's certificate, January 11, 1865. Malloy, John....... do...... do Jan. 6,'65, 3Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Murray, Thomas........do..... Jan. 5,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Murray, Barney.......do..... Dec. 30,'64, I Substitute-deserted February 5, 1865. Murphy, John...........do...July 29,'64 3 Substitute-captured September 30, 1864-died X'M~~~~~~~ d -at Salisbury, N. C., February 28, 1865. Murphy, Maurice......do..Dec. 27,'64,3 Substitute-deserted January 28, 1865. Mee, John H............do.... Dec. 2,'64, 1Substitute-imus. out with Co.,, July 17, 1865. Moriday, Merrill.......do Feb. 7,,', I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Crum, David A.....do..... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Deserted May 19, 1864-Vet. M'Fadden, John.......... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died June 17, 1864, of wounds received at ol Harbor, June 3, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. —Vet. M'Kinney, James......do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 763. MKinney, Daiiiel......o..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,:'64-mustered out, October 21, 1864-expiration of term. M'Cormick, James...do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, June 2, 1865. M'Donald, Reub. O...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'65. M'Ginness, George.....do..... Dec. 2,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. M'Hale, Thomas......do..... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Elroy, John B.......do...Dec. D 26,'64, 3 Died June 19, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. M'Nair, Peter......... do....Oct. 15,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. M'Knight, John W.do.....July 4,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. M'Mahon,, Michael.....do.... June 22,'64, 3 Drafted-tr. to 51st regiment P. V., May29, 1865. M'Gee, Barney............. June 2,'65, 3Substitute-deserted January;20, 1805. Nalls, George M.........do...Dec. 29,'?4, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Nelson, Thomas.........do.... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted January 28, 1865. Nichols, David C......do..... July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-captured September i30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 16, 1865. O'Brien, William.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Deserted May 19, 1864-Vet. Parsons, Thomasd........do..... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Platt, John B....... do... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June:22,'65-Vet. Price, Jackson H......do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-died May 26,'64, of wds. rec. in Wilderness, May 6,'64buried in National Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. Phillips, William....... July 27,'62, 3 Sub.-killed at Peeble's Farm, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Powell, Franklin......do..... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Quigley, Charles.......do Dec. 24,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Quinn, John T.......do Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'65. 1084 FORTY-FIFTH REGIlMENT AMEn.' RANK. DATE OF MUSTER. MAI NAME. BRA. gINTO SERVICE. REM. Ross, Amos M.....Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ross, John...........do.... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26, 1865. Ross, Peter J......... do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Died January 24, 1863. Began, Michael.......d..... Aug. 1,'64, 3 Sub.-captured September 30. 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 28, 1864. Raynor, William......do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Reed, Thomas.......... do..... Dec. 7,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Roddis, George B......do.... July 29,'64, 3 Sub.-captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., November 20, 1864. Rodney, Winfield S...do..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Roles, William..........do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Sailor, Charles.......... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died Feb. 1,'63-bu. in Mil. Asylum Cemetery. Sager, George...........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Shimp, Frederick......do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'63. Signer, Eli.................do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Starks, Robert B........do... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Wd. Aug. 5,'64-discharged May 19, 1865. Schmuker, John E....do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14, 1865. Starks, Charles F......do.. Feb. 19,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 28, 1865. Slack, George.................. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 4, 1865. Scott, Thomas B.......do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Peeble's Farm, September 30, 1864. Schnee, Jacob F.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to March 30, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stutor, Allen............do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,1864deserted June 25, 1864. Shimel, David C.......do..... Oct. 3,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Tate, Mordecai M.....do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Taylor, Joseph........ do..... July 10,'64, 3 Sub.-captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 8, 1865. Turner, Levi............ do.... Oct. 6, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Watson, James........do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out, Mar. 17, 1865 —expiration of term. Wortman, Isaac.......do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. White, James...........do..Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 1863. Wiser, Norris L........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 )Died June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Wiser, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Died at Belleville, Pa., February 19, 1864. Wyan, Henry..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25, 1864. Whiteman, John.......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Deserted.August 10, 1863. Ward, Hugh............ do..... Dec. 1,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Winezerl, Bennett...do... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Young, Wesley.......do....Mar. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Zook, David K...........do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Died June 8, 1864, of wounds received at Cold H_________ __ arbor, June 3, 1864. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. Austin Curtin........ Capt..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Chas. T. Fryberger...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Nov. 24,'64to Captain, December 19, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James P. Gregg..... 1st Lt... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Wm. K. Whitlock....do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergt. to 2d Lieut., June6, 1864-to 1st Lieut., May 17, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. E. R. Goodfellow... 2d Lt... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Joseph L. Hinton....... do Dec. 2,'61, 3 Pronmoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 20, 865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Andrew T. Boggs... Ist Sgt. Sept. 23,'61, 31 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May21,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John H. Winters... Serg't., Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 64-promoted to Sergeant, November 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVIOE. 1085 ~XAMb~14E.RN.INTO SERVICE. 3enry S. Krape..... Serg't.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Captured July 30, 1864-pr. to Sgt., May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. Francis R. Shope......do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Prisonerfr. July 30,'64, to Feb.,'65-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 1,'65-mustured out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Sewell.......d...d..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Prisoner fr. June 9,'64, to Feb.,'65-pr fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 21,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.-Vet. John B. Gill...........do.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. AbielA.Yarrington...do..... Mar. 25,'62, 3 Mustered out, Mar. 25, 1865 —expiration of term. Frederick4Glossner....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died July 23, 1864, of wounds received in action, July 8, 1864-buried at Philad elphia. James I. Yarnell... Corp... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Win. W. Wetzler......do..... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Prisoner fr. Sept. 30,'64, to Jan.,'65-pr. to Cor., May 1,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. John S. Fox...........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. William L. Moses......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Mar. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet.. William B. Blake......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John H. Bostellers.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. ifanes H. M'Bride.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Harland Sailor.........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-pr. Cor., May 21,'65-absent, onfurlough, at muster out. Michael C. Johnson....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 DisCh. April 24,'65, for wds. rec'din action-Vet. Charles Hinton..........do..,.. Jan. 25,'62, 3 Prisoner for four and one-half months-mus. out, May, 1865 —expiration of term. John M'Clain....... do.....Sept. 23,'61, 3 Capt'd-died Nov. 15,'64, at Danville, Va.-Vet. Samuel Roop............do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Capt'd —died Feb. 14,'65, at Salisbury, N. C.-Vet. Laird A. Bartley.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Capt'd-died Feb. 28,'65, at Danville, Va.-Vet. James H. Kelso.......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died March 21, 1864. George B. Geltz...... MUc..... Nov. 20,'64, 1 Substitute —mus. out with company, July 17,'65. Albert, Allen D...... Private Mar. 27,'62, 3 Discharged Dec. 9, 1864, for wounds received at Wilderness, May, 1864. Adams, John........... do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'63. Blarm, Cornelius......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. -20, 1864-expiration of term. Beaser, William.......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Bathurst, John B.......do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster-out. Brown, William H....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beckett, Joseph.........do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with company, July 17,'65. Beoll, William..........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Barger, John......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Bathurst, Wm. H.......do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Butler, Harvey W.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted May 9, 1864-Vet. Blarm, James.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'62. Brown, Henry W......do.... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26,'62. Brown, Joseph H......do.... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Baker, John R..........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 1,'62. Butler, Reuben V......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2, 1863. Barnto, Thomas.....do....... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 18, 1863. Cox, Abraham...........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cook, Harvey H.......do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Cook, Samuel.........do. Oct. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Craig, George...d.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. onway Hugh........do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 27, 1864-buried in onway,~iugn........ Ninth Army Corps Cem., MeadeSta., Va.-Vet. Carsons, Geo. W........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Drummond, Robt......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Dentler, Stephen F....do..... Jan. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. outwith company, July 17,'65. Dean, George...........do Jan.,'65, 1Substitute —mus. out with company, July 17,'65. Drake, Daniel V.......do..... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged March 27, 1865, by order of War Department. Doland, John W........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 5,'65-Vet. Dillen, Edward....d...d..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted February 6, 1865. Doyle, William.........do..... Dec. 30,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted February 6, 1865. Dehaas, Philip...........do..Oct. 8,'61, 3 Disch.-date unknown-for wds. rec'd in action. Eiers, -Thomas.do..... d Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Eldrige, James H..do..... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. E-ekley, William...i.do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Absent, in hospitalat muster-out. 1[8'6 ~ YFORTY-FIFTH REGItENT, NAME. RANK.'dDATE o' MUSTER....... - INTO SERVICE. RARS. Folk, John............Private Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64 —absent, in hospital, at muster-out. Folk, Henry A..... do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Blue Springs, Ky., Aug..10, 1863-.mstered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Flick, Wm. L...........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3' Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Fulton, James A........do.... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Free, Charles.........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Felters, Daniel..........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Gibson, William.......do.....Jan. 31,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Glossner,:Daniel........... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Gumble, Conrad.......do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by S. O., June 7, 1865. Galbraith, Wm....do..... Nov. 1,'62, 3 Prisonerfrom September 30,'64, to April 1,'65discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Griffith, Rufus......... do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 23, 1865. Gardner, J. K...........do... Sept. 23'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'62. Garrett, Charles S......... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 24,'63. Glenn, Chancey......do..... Feb. 14,'62 3 Discharged-date unknown. Grant, Azariah.....d...o.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Drowned in Chesapeake Bay, August 13, 1862. Haikson, Fred'k.....do.... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Harbison, John.........do....Dec. 21,'64 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hillegas, Jonas.......do..... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hinzey, Josiah..........do..... Dec. 15,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hall, Benj. F............do....Dec. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hobbs, Milo S.............do..Nov. 11,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hinton, James H.....do.... Feb. 25,'64, 1 Mustered'out with company, July 17, 1865. Holter, Henry C........do.... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Herr, John M............do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, 1864-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Hartigan, Michael......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Captured November 16,'63-mustered out, February 8, 1865-expiration of term. Heberly, Charles......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, January 10, 1865. Hunter, William..... do..... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 290. Hoel, Norman, T.......do..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 Died Sept. 30, 1862, of wds. rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-bu. Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. King, Daniel W.........do..... Nov. 11,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Killetts, Levi....;..... do.... Dec." 21,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out, July15, 1865. Kindred, Orlando....do... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Kerr, John B d......... a... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Kemppe, Selig........do... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 6, 1865. Korchff, Fred'k.......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Kemes, William......do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Kemes, Joseph.....do..... Sept. 15, 61, 3 Died at Pope's Plantation, S. C., May 16, 1862. Kilmore, John W,....do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died at Bay Point, S. C., January 5, 1862. Logan, Roddy........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Lucas, Nelson A.......do..... June 13,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. ILetterman, Zacd:i.L....do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Musteredout withcompany, July 17, 1865. Lewis, Isaac W....:...... Oct. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Linn, Aaron......... do.... Dec. 27,'64, 1 Substitute6-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Laird, Jacob.,.... do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Prisoner from September 30,1864, toFeb. i,'65. musteredout with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. Lucas, John F.... do....Sept. 23,'61 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6,'64,.and at Petersb'g, June 17,'64-mus. out, Oct. 20,'64-exp. of term. Lyons, John............do.... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Captured-died December 31, 1864, at Salisbury, N. C.-bu. record, December 18, 1864-Vet. Long, David.............do.....Jan. 2,'65, 3Substitute-deserted April 26, 1865. Long, Harrison......do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Lucas, Samuel......... do.... Dec. 2,'61, 3 Died Sept. 10,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Lucas, Robert:.........do..-.. Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'62. Miller, Adam........d...... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Marcy, William L...do..... Nov. 11,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Morgan, Thomas......do.... Dec. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Miles, Alfred........... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out With company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Mainze, Thomas.......do..:.. Sept.'2,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Michaels, Henry.,..... do.... Sept. 15,'61, Captured-died at Danville, Va., Nov. 1, 1864-'~'.....^ ~....: burial record, October 5, 1864. Martin, Robert M.... do..... Nov. 12,'64, 1 Drafted-died June 16, 1865-'buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,235. Moore, Alfred...........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,1864 —Vet. Malone, Daniel B......do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 26,'62. Muffley, Sidney F...,.do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 178th regiment P. V., December 2, 1862. M'Intyre, Andrew.....do.... July 17,'63,'3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. M'Keown, Patrick.:.. do..., Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. M'Clain, GeorgeW..:...Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company,.J ly l7, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. i1087 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. 1ATE OMUSTERINTO SERVICE. REMARKS. M'Ginness, Wm.....Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May6, 1864-mustered out with company, June 17, 1864. M'Nichol, Theo......... do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Prisoner from July 30, 1864, to January, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Gee, Patrick.........do..... Feb. 14,'62, 3 Prisoner from September 30,'64, to Jan. 30,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. MiCarty, James......-...do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted February 20, 1865. M'Cauley, W. C.........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown M'Ginley, John.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Dish. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. M'Cann, Win. I;..do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1863. M'Donald, John I......do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. O'Neil, Daniel W......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 30,'64 —mustered' out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Orner, William.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged September 22, 1862, for wounds received at Pinkney Island, S. C. Parsons, David H.....do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. Peck, George M.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Feb., 1865 - absent, in hospital, at muster out. Pleroher, Emanuel...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, Va., July 30,'64-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Reed, John H............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Richards, Wm. G......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted June 1,1863 returned Dec. 26, 1864mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. ]Robinson, James A...do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-captured' July 30, 1864-died Dec. 27,'64, at Danville, Va. Robinson, James H...do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Died February 27, 1864, while at home, on furlough-Vet. Reaber, William A...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Andersonville, Ga., Feb. 28,'65. Riddle, Matthew.......do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'62. Sward, Wendall........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Shreffier, John.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-YVet. Sands,.Henry L.........do.... Feb. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shewey, Andrew......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 3, 1865. Schenck, Daniel W...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Schiermann, Paul......do..... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-wounded in action, April 2,'65-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Sebert, Harmon.........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Smith,,Frederick......do:..... Nov. 11,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Swisher, George........do..... Sept. 15,'61 3Mustered out t.. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, Charles........ do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 13, 1864, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —Vet. Smith, Benjamin F...do....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiration of term. Simonds, George........do. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Swartz, William.......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 22, 1865-Vet. Strawcutter, A. J......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864- disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28, 1865.-Vet. Swak, John...........do,.. Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 8, 1865. Stephenson, Theo......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., September 30, 1864 —Vet. Shirk,.James A.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Prisoner at Cold Harbor, June 9, 1864- died at Andersonville, February 28, 1865. Schmitt, Peter........do...... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute —deserted May 30, 1865. Strawcutter, Dan'l.....do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., December 9, 1861 — buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Stiffel, John..............do..... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Died at Newport News; Va., Au'gust 9, 1862. Spotts, Philip B.........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died Oct. 3,'62, of wounds received at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-buried in Nat. Cemetery, sectioni 26, lot B, grave, 196. Thompson, Nath'nI...do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died May 22, 1862. Thompson, John D...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Thomas..Napo'n B.....do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Seabrook, S. C., March2, 1862-buried at Hilton'Head, S. C. Ward, Wesley, J.....do:.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Jan.,, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Weaver, John W.......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weiss, John;:........... do..... Dec. 1,'64, Substitute —inus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Watson, Wim. M........do..... Nov. 12,'64, Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Williams, Thad. S.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Jan., 1865 —disch. by General Order, June 21, 1865 —Vet. Williams, Edward....do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 16, 1864-trans. to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 26, 1865-Vet. Wilson,Wellin'g W...do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Killed in action, July 13,'64-buried in 9thArmy' Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Yet. 1088 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMARKS. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Wants, Amos......... Private Sept. 23,'61, 3 Captured July 30,'64-diedat Danville, Va., Oct. 7, 1864-Vet. Waters, Abraham...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured June 12, 1864- died at Andersonville, October 18, 1864-grave, 11,108. Williams, Mark......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died at Knoxville, Tenn., December 21, 1863. Williams, Lawr'ce.....do..... Mar. 2,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Whitelock, Thos. B....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Wilson, Henry.......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'63. Williams,'Wm. S....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Williams, George...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'63. Weaver, William A...do.. Sept. 15,'61, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Feb. 28, 1865. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. Henry Stevens........ Capt... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Resigned November 28, 1861. John O. Campbell......do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., Nov. 28,'61-died May 7,'64, of wds. received at Wilderness, May 6,'64. John Beck............ do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Lt., Nov. 28, 1861-to Capt., May 7,'64-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Amos W. Harper... 1st Lt... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., Nov. 24,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Irvin............ 2d Lt... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged January 18,'65, for wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 18, 1864. Armstr'g S. Bailey...do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 22,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. William H. Musser 1st Sgt. Sept. 12,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Nov. 25,'64-to 1st Sgt., May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Joseph Bailey......... Serg't.. Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., June 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George W. Loner......do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Bell............do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Irvin............ do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Joseph Riggle..........do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 19,'65-Vet Williams S. Koons....do... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Virginia, September 30, 1864-Vet. Wm. H. Poorman... Corp.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Perry Cupp..............do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'05-Vet. Fred'k H. Weston.....do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jos. B. Merriman......do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Graham............do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Theophilus Bratton...do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John G. Gross...........do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John S. M'Curdy.......do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 19, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Giles.................do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 8,'65-Vet. John L. Krider........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 24,'65-Vet. HomerS.Thompson...do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Feb. 8, 1865-Vet. William H. Buck......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. John Campbell..........do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-Vet. Henry Ellenberger...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Virginia, September 30, 1864-Vet. Joshua A. Hirst.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3,1864-Vet. James M. Rankind......do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Captured-died at Richmond, Va., July 31, 1864, of wounds received July 30, 1864-Vet. William Osman...... Muc..... Sept. 15,?61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William A. Jackson...do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Alley, William...... Private Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Arnold, Joseph E......do...... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Arthurs, William J...do..... Jan. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Allen, David B... do...Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1089 NAME. RrANK. IBDATE OF MUSTER REMAR NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE..i REMAIKS* Amigh, John.......... Private Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Bartoe, Henry............... 15,-'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet.,Buck, Ira...............do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bradley, James....... do.....Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Black,, George W......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bressler, Henry.......do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 14, 1864-expiration of term. Bateman, Joseph P...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865. Bodle, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Benn, Samuel H.......do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 14, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Bateman, Wm. H......do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 15,'64, of wds. received at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864-Vet. Braistetter, Sylv......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at2d Div., 9th Corps Hos., Tenn., Aug. 6,'64. Bathurst, Antis........do..... June 12,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Brownlee, Chas........o...... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st reg. U. S. Cav., Nov. 13, 1862. Bailey, Isaac.............do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'62. Beck, Jacob...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'62. Bailey, Alfred.........do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died November 24, 1861. Bell, John............. do.. Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Bailey, Richard........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died October 18,'63, of wounds received at Bliie Springs, Kentucky, October 10, 1863. Bailey, James M........do.... Sept. 11,'61, Died at Knoxville, Tennessee,November 3,'63. Carroll, John......do..... Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Connor, James..........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 2 Substitute- mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Coyle, James............do... July 29,'64, Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Cox, Augustus H.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Cox, Marshall..........do..F..eb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'65. Chiase, John...............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3. Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 1,1865. Campbell, William...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died May 7,1864, of woundds received at Wilder-.: ness, May 6, 1864 — et. Cramer, Samuel........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1864, of 6wounds received at C61d ~....~...... EHarbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Cartwright, Chas......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 24,'64. Caldewood, John........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Chranister, Stewart...do..... Sept. 15,'61,,3 Drowned April 16, 1862. Chranister, John D...do...,; Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died September25, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14,1862-bu. in National Cemetery, Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 337. Deter, William.........do... ar..1, p64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Davis, James C........do....; Feb. 25, 64, 3 MAlstered out with company, July 1, 1865.,Dugan, Paul.............do..... Jan. 2,', 3 Substitute-deserted —returned-mustered oiut with company, July 17, 1865. Deter, George C...........'Feb. 17, 4, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 15,'85 Dennis, James I...do....... eb.'9,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865. Devore, Jesse..........do M. 64,'.64, Died June 9,1864, 6of Wounds received at Cold Harbor, June-3, 1864. Dunlap, Benjamin.....do.....'Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'62. Ditznorth, Hiram G...do.... Sept. 15,.I61, 3 Tr. to 1st reg. U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Ellenbarger, Wm.do...... pt. 15,'61,' 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Eyer, Samuel...........do d... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Ewing, Jeremiah......do..... Mar. i, 4, 3 Disch. n Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'65-Vet. Ewing, Robert........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Ellenbarger, C.........do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'62. Fuller, George F.. do..... Nov. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Flannigan, Michael..do.... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Sub. —deserted March 1,'65 —returned March 7, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Fofce, Jefferson........do.. Dec. 20,'64, 1. Drafted-mustered out with CO., July 17, 1865. Fostenbury, Geo....do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Fisher, Sebastian......do.... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by special order of War Department, June 8, 1865. Fry, Jonas....do.. eb. 29,'64, 3 Died July 31, 1864-buried at Alexandria, Va."'L:.~...- -grave, 2,483. Flora, Jesse A..... do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died at Millen, Ga., October 29,'64 — buried in section A, grave, 311. Fryv William...........do..... Oct. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 24,'63. Funk, Henry P....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died Nov. 26,'63, of wds. rec. in action, Nov. 16, 1863-buried at Knoxville, Tenn,-grave, 58., Gos, Lloyd.............do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 1, 1865. Gearhart, William.....do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 10,'64. Glenn, William B......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 10,'64. Gilliland, John.........do... Nov. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted May 24, 1865. Goldman, Noah S........... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'62. Gates, Caleb........do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died December 6, 1863, of wounds received at Knoxville, Tenn., November 27, 1863. Herbeling, John a.. do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. 137 1090 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NAMBE. RANK. DATOE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO ERICE. Hutchison, Joseph.. Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Harper, Amos K......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hood, Francis...........d..... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hoffman, John A......do.... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by special order of War Department, June 8, 1865. Haldeman, Reuben...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial grounds-Vet. Hunter, William....d..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Harpster, Daniel B...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 9, 1865-Vet. Irvin, Andrew...........do.....Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Johnston, A. W.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Johnson, William......do..... Sept. 15,'61,. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'63. Kennedy, David A...do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Krider, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Kelly, Jerome B........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Sub.-disch. May 19, 1865, by G. O., War Dep't. Krider, Michael W...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Kauffman, Jacob E...do.....Feb. 26,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 17, 1864-grave, 8,999. Kauffman, Sam'l D...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 30, 1864-grave, 4,293. Kauffman, Jacob C...do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 16,'63. Krider, Henry H.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'63. Krider, Josiah...........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died Dec. 1,'63, of wds. rec. in action, Nov. 16,'63. Lockard, Thomas......do..... June 23,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Lynch, Leander S......do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Love, David............ Sept. 15,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'65-Vet. Lennon, John R.......dp..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1865. Lingle, Thomas M.....do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1865. Lingle, George W......do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died May 4, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Lago, John............do Sept. 15,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb.6, 1862, Lott, James...............do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 22,'62. Lightner, David.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died Sept. 25, 1862, of wounds received at South -_ 1V.~ Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-buried in National Cemetery, Antietam-Sec. 26, lot D, grave, 341. Miller, Robert........... do Dec. 20,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, Henry............do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Miller, Penrose........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 8 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murphy, John.........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 2 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Myron, Benjamin......do.....Jan. 2,'65, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Meade, George........do.... Dec. 27,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'6&5 Moore, William........do.....Mar. 10,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Mitchell, Alfred.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Murphy, George W...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Miller, Campbell.......do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. June 8,'65, by S. O. of War Dep't. Mayes, Thomas A...do..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Discharged by special order, June 8, 1865. Myers, Joseph W.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 10,'65. Myers, Samuel H......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 15,'65. Murphy, Har'sn H..do..... June 29,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted May 24, 1865. Mingle, George.........do... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died May 5,'65, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, April 2, 1865-bu. at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,115. Mayes, James...........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Merriman, Geo. W....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Marks, George M.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20,'63. Mousel, Joseph.......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Newport News, Va., July 23, 1864. Miller, William.... do......... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Nelson, Ky., October 1, 1863. M'Cardle, Jefferson...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —et. M'Williams, T. B......d..... Sept. 15,'61, Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. M'Clellan, William...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Drowned at Fredericksburg, January 9, 1863. Norman, George T.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865. Poorman, Wmi. A.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'6S-Vet. Pheasant, Joshua R...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 10, 1862-re-enlisted Feb. 26,'64-mus. oat with Co., July 17, 1865. Price, Thomas...........do....Sept. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by S. O., June 8, 1865. Pierce, Isaac T........do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Peters, John.............do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'61. Piery, John C......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., January 1, 1862. Riley, John..............do... Dec. 12,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Robinson, William...do.... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered outwith company, July 17,'65. Ramsbarger, John.....do.... Nov. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, May 29,'65. Rider, Michael C......... Sepi. 15, 13 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiration of term. Roach, James H.........do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1091 NAME.ANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMKS INTO SERVICE. Ryan, Dennis......... Private Sept. 15, 61, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 12,'65. Ray, David............do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died September 1, 1864. Ryder, John G..........do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 23,'62. Ryder, John W........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 10,'62. Sims, John T............do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Strope, John.............o..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Swain, James............do.... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Schmidt, Charles......do..... Jan. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Shock, Christian G....do.... Nov. 28,'64 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Sims, Wesley.........do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Knoxville, Tenn., Jan. 16,'64-grave, 85. Sharer, Abraham......do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died January 15, 1865-Vet. Schall, Harrison........do....................... Died November 8, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Smith, David............do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted June 15, 1865. Schmock, Herman.....do..... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted May 20, 1865. Summers, Jacob.......do..... Dec. 19,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted May 23, 1865. Taylor, James H.......do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Twaddle, James........do..... June 28,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Thompson, Wm. H...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, Va., May 8,'64, of wds. received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Ulrich, John.............do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Middletown, Md., Oct. 19,'62, of wounds rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-bu. inNat. Cem., Antietam-section 26, lot A, grave, 333. Vosburgh, Jos. B...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Wd., with loss of right arm, at Wilderness, May6,'64-disch. on Surg. certificate, Mar. 16,'65. Vandyke,Benjamin...do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Wigfield, Moses.......d..... July 5,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Weston, George W...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12,'64-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 1,'65. Way, Jacob E............do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'65. Way, Daniel W.........do.....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Wilison, Albert........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Died June 25, 1864, of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington, Va. Weye, William H......do... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, August 14, 1864. Woods, Henry.........d.... Jan. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 23, 1865. Weston, Graffius.......do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 9,'63. Weston, Francis A.....do..... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Camp Casey, Md., November 13, 1861. Ward, Jacob.............do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., October 1, 1863. Zeigler, William...........do Jan. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN WAYNE AND TIOGA COUNTIES. Charles E. Parker... Capt.... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Resigned March 24, 1862. Theodore Gregg.........do.... Oct. 27,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-pr. fr. Adj. to Capt., Mar. 24, 1862-to Lt. Col., Sept. 23,'64. Rol'd C. Chessman...do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. Co. A, to Capt. Co. F, Sept. 29, 1864-transferred to Co. A, March 24, 1865. Lafayette W. Lordl....do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. F, to Capt. Co. A, Dec. 17,'64tr. to Co. F, Mar. 24,'65-wd. at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. George S. Redfield.. IstLt... Sept. 2161,'61,3 Resigned April 14, 1864. George P. Scudder......do..Oct. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., April 21,'62-killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Jacob Meese.............do.... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Pr. fi. Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lt., Jan. 31,'65-to 1st Lt., May 20,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. J. E. Woodmauser.. 2d Lt... Oct. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Apr. 21,'62-res. Aug. 1,'62. Richard Humphrey...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt.-not musteredkilled at Jackson, Mississippi, July 11, 1863. Adolp. D. Campbell...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wd. at Jackson. Miss., July 11, 1863-pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., June 21,'64-disch. Dec. 9, 1864, for wounds received at Petersburg, July 30,'64. Wesley Gould............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14, and Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-pr. to Sgt.-pris. fr. Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 25,'65-disch. by special order, May 29,'65-commissioned2d Lieutenant, June 12,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Zephaniah Worden 1st Sgt Oct. 5,'61, 3 W d. at Blue Springs, Ky., Oat. 10,'63-promoted. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May 1, 1865-mustered! out with comlpanly, July 17, 1865 —Vet. L92 FOIRTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER = REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Gilbert Vandusen... lstSgt.. Oct. 11,'61, 3 Discharged April 13, 186, for woundsreceived at Petersburg, June 30, 1864-Vet. W6mH. Neer......... Serg't. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July28,1864-promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jonas Kilbourne......d... Sept. 16,'61, 3Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John W. Hughes......do..... o Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, June 1,'65 mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. George Palmer.......... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864 to Mar. 25, 1865 —pr from Corporal to Sergeant, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jacob T. Brazie..... do.... Sept. 3, 61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-prisoner from September 30, 1864, to March 25, 1865-discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865-Vet. John H. Bush.......o..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 28,1864-prisoner from September 30, 1864, to March 25, 1865-discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865-Vet. Francis Seeley..........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 ounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,184-killed at Petersburg, July 30, 1864 -Vet. Lewis PF.. Hill....do.... Sep. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Jackson, Miss, July 11, 1863. Depy T eep.le...........Sept. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, September 14,,62discharged March 16, 1863. John D. Palmer....Cor.... ept. 2,'61, 3 ounded at Wilderness, May7, 1864-mustered haesW. o....do. out with company. July 17, 1865 —Vet. "Cha W. Fow./.-do..... Mar. 28,'6?4, 13 3Promoted to Cor., Mar. 1, 1865 —Wd. at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Thomas R. Benner do...do.Mar. 9, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Leehl..............do.. Mar. 28,'64, 3Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. JamesDuncan............d^ Jan. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered ~ out with company, July 17, 1865. William Young........do........ *eb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864, and Aug. Wlmd.F 219, 1864, and at Petersburg, April 2, 1865-promoted to Cor., June 1,'65-ab., sick, at mus. out. WVm. H. Havens......do...July 27,' 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, June 1,'64mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wiliam Lovite,.........do....July 29,'64, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, June 1, 64mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nathaniel Bloorm.... do:... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged May 29, 1865, for wounds received at Peteri;sburg, July 25, 1864-Vet. Joseph Handlong......do...... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged June 14, 1865, for wounds received at Petersburg, July 25, 1864-Vet. John W. Lewis.........do..... Sept. 30,', 1, Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, January 15,'64 Isaac Chamberlain.....do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Capt'd-diedat Salisbury, N. C.,Dec. 27,'64-Veto Charles H. Monroe...do... Sept. 14,'61, Capt'd-diedatSalisbury, N.-C., Feb. 15,'65-V et George W. Haynes d...do.S.... ept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-et. EdwardRoberts.....u.....Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James Cooley..-......... d....'. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. James I Gil e.....d.S. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Arnold, Jan....P,..vat Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Anderson, Sauel........do.0.. Dec. 20,'64,, Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Barr, Joh... d Dec. 19,'61, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 65 Birge,..Wiiam:.: d.Oct. 12, 64. 1 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Botick, Jos.........Aug. 14,'2, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865. Brwn, A....... do Nov. 28,'641 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 6. Brown, Samuel::; d..... do Dec. 2,'64, 3 Substitute-muistered out with Co., July 17,'65. Bry'an, Thomas''........ De.. 21,'64, 3 Substitute.-=m stered out with Co., July 17,'6 Bailey, Johhn!..a....do.lar20, 20,'62, 3 MiMustered out,'ar. l, 1865-expiration f term. Burkheisery e do.... Aug. 11,. 62,3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864discharged by special order, June 7, 1865. Bush, Daniiel S...... Sept. 21, 64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 7, 1865. Bennett, Aaron......do.. May 17,'64, 3Transferred to 54tl regiment P..V,, June 19,'64. Bl oug, Joseiph W.. Maydo. MaY 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P.V., June 19, 64. Baldwin, Solomon...do,. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regimentP. V. June 19, 64. Bai;n ld, JM......... Mar 21,'64, a3 pt'd Sept. 30,'64-diedatBaltimore,Mar.26,'65 rihit, Joh,'............ Juy 28'64,1 3 Substitute-killed at Poplar Spring Chureh, Va., B y R..et September 30, 1864. Baily, Reuben...'...!........ Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died July 27, 1864, of wds. rec. July 26, 1864-bu. in 9th Army Corps Cem., Meade St'n, Va.-Vet. Becraft, Robert........d...... Sept. 2,'61, 13 Iied March:7, 1864-,Vet. Bramhall, John.... do...De. 23,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 19, 1865. Bailey, George W......do..... Oct. 1'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate Jan. 13,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1093........................ S NAME. RANIK- DATE OF MUSTER RAB RA. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. ~ -~ i ~~r~- -— ~ —'~ ---- -~ Bailey, Lucian B.... Private Sept. 30,'61 3 Died Dec. 9, 1861-bu. at Fortress Monroe, Va. Butler, Thomas J.....do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 22, 62. Byke, Samuel..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Brown, Harvey........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company, November 1, 1862. Boel, William...........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. Carl, John................do..... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Conklin, James G......do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co. July 17,'65. Chrisner, George C...do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. Cnrisner, Samuel.......do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. Croft, James H.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted January 2, 1865. Cole, Isaac W............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps-date unknown. Chandler, John M.....do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Craft, Robert H........do... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Deserted October 18, 1861. Campbell, John........do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Died at Nicholasville, Ky., August 29, 1863. Clune, James.......... do.....Sept. 16,'61,3 Deserted April 10, 1863. Codington, Elias.........do.... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Crandall, Joseph........do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3Died in South Carolina, April 20, 1862. Cox, Abraham..........d.... Sept. 2,'61, 3Transferred to company D, March 1, 1863. Conway, Hugh..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. Dickson, Samuel.......do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Deal, John.............do.....Dec. 16,'G4,1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Dutcher, Nathan.......do..... Nov. 21, 64, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Demander, Linus......do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term, Davison, William....do..... Dec. 29,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 1, 1865. Divald, Civilian......do... Oct. 8,'61, 3 Died July 22, 1863. Drummond, Rob't........do. Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. Eaton, Charles.........do..... Dec. I,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Edwards, Jasper E...do.... Sept. 27, 1 l, 3Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiratien of term. Eldred, Morris..........do..... Sept. 2,, 61,3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Eitle, Frederick.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 30,'62. Flynn, Francis..........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-mustered out April 7, 1865-expiration of term. Fulman, Moke..........do..... July 27,'61, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., April 14,'65. Francis, William......do..... Sent. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term Ferrel, Thomas........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. French, William A...do..... Dec. 19,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 24, 1865. Frasier, Andrew........do... Sept. 19,'61,3 Died Dec. 17, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Gow, John H.'.......... do..... Dec. 3,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Griffith, Richard........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by special order, June 27,'65. Gillow, William.......do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'65. Guile, Nathan D........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died April 12, 1804-buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Gifford, Wn. H.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., Nov. 24, 1861. GriffiS, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. Hartman, Perci'l G...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haux, Charles F........do..... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hanna, John............do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Horn, Thaddeus........do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hauntz, John.........,do..... Dec. 8.'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Honlahan, William...do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Herman, Henry........do.... Aug. 1,'64, 3 Substitute-captured Sept. 30,'64- died at Salisbury, N. C., November 26, 1864. Hopkins, And'w J.....do..... Sept. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6,'64-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Hudson, Charles........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 12, 1865. Huntley, Frederick...do... Dec. 20,'64, S Substitute-deserted January 1, 1865. Hill, Albro F............do..... Sept. 21,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 15,'63. Heotaling, Ellis B......do..... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 30, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Hurd, James...........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 297. Hinton, James...........do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 30,'62. Jones, George C.......do..... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1862. Jenkins,: Hopkins......do..Dec. 19,'64, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kahn, Louis............. do..... July 29,'64,3 Substitute-mustered out withi Co., July 17,'65. Kennedy, James.......do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, SeJpt. 14,'62-discharged June 14, 1863, for wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,1864-Vet. Klingler, William.....do.... Aug. 1,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 14, 1865. Kain, William H....do..... July 29,'64, 3 Substitute-killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., September 30, 1864. Kriner, Philip...........do....Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Kuhns, Samuel,,.....do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. 1094 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, ir ~ iNTO SERVICE. RE S. Kilbourne, Sol'mn Private Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted April 30, 1863. Lash, Joseph..........do..... Nov. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Long, William..........do.... Aug. 18,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order. June 5, 1865. Leclere, Charles L.....do..... Dec. 1,'64, Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 16,'65, Lord, Henry............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 20, 1864 —disch, December, 1864-Vet. Lester, Alfred...........do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Wounded at North Anna, May 26, 1864-muster. ed out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Loeffler, Samuel.....do...... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V.. June 19,'64 Lebold, Charles B.. o.....Dec. 19,'64, 1 Substitute-killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Lester, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 14,'62. Long, John................d... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, November 1, 1862. Leher, Jacob d.......... do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. Modrige, George.......do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Merrick, Wheeler 0...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64, and at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Merresschaert, A......do..... July 30,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Morgan, John............do..... Sept. 28,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17.'65. Mohr, Adolph...........do.... July 30,'64, 3 Sub.-prisoner fromn Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 1,'65discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Minard, Zillar..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Mistier, Noah............do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. Mistier, Samuel.........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regiment P. V., June 19,'64. Mooney, John...-...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May6,'64-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, January 2, 1865-Vet. Merrick, Moses......... do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died July 12, 1864, of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-buried at Chester, Pa. Metcalf, Isaac.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 23, 1864. Mooney, Michael...... do.... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Died July 9,'64, of wds. rec. at Bethesda Church, May 31,'64-buried in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Morrow, William......do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Metzing, Bernard......do............. Substitute-captured September 30, 1864-joined Rebel Army, NOvember 2, 1864. Moore, Robert H......do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 1, 1865. Marvin, William 0....do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died at Edith's Island, S. C., June 13, 1862. Maine, Sydilian.......do.....Oct. 9,'61, 3 Died October 1, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Mays, Thomas...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. Moore, Alfred..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, November 1, 1862. M'Lorley, John.........do.... July 27,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. M'Coy, Henry..........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. M'Guire, Frank.........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. M'Williams, John C...do..... Nov. 11'64, 14 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. M'Cale, John...........do..... July 20,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Leod, John............do..... July 28,'64, 3 Sub.-prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 25,'65discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. M'Kenney, Chas. H...do..... July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-captured September 30,'64-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 25, 1864. M'Allister, Henry......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'62. O'Grady, George H...do... Nov. 26,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Osterhoudt, George...do...Sept. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Otto, John................do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-capt'd Sept. 30,'64-di ed at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 29,'64. Parker, Charles W....do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Perry, George............do... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17, 65. Parnell, George W.....do..... Nov. 1,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 30,'65. Parker, Bradley N.....do..... Nov. 27,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864. to March 8, 1865died at Baltimore, Md., April 2, 1865. Palmer, Obadiah.......do... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wd., with loss of leg, at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 6,'63. Purdy, Lewis N....do... Oct. 25,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., January 3, 1862. Pruner, Robert.........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Roemer, Henry.......do.... July 27,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Rice, Austin D.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged-date unknown. Rock, James S...........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died June 9,'64, of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, 1864-buried at Philadelphia. Russell, George W.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 8, 1862. Shaffer, John S........ do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 18,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Schmidt, Anton.......do....; July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Stringer, Frederick...do.. July 27,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1095 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REIARKS. Schelkoph, Christ'n Private July 29,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, Simon............do..... Nov. 11,'61, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Sullivan, Michael.....do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Stones, Ralph...........do..... July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-absent at muster out. Smith, John.............do..... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Schibiner, Christ'n...do..... Aug. 1,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., Mar. 31, 1865. Saxon, Lyman N......do..... Oct. 9,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 2, 1865-Vet. Schnarr, Reuben......do...... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Captured Dec. 14, 1863-died June 5, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 1,632. Smith, Charles...........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 17, 1865. Soder, Conrad..........do..... July 28,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30; 1864-died Nov. 6,'64, at Salisbury, N. C. Slocilm, Amos...........do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Died March 21, 1862, at Otter Island, S. C. Schemerhorn, Geo.....do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted August 25, 1863. Shirk, James............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sward, Wendell........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, Nov. 1, 1862. Stone, Herbert M......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'62. Stevenson, Theo........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company D. Nov. 1, 1862. Segar, George...........do..... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, Nov. 1, 1862. Stone, Henry H.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Teeple, Christopher...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wd. at Blue Springs, Ky., Oct. 10,'63, and at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864-discharged, 1864 —Yet. Teenle, Levi.............do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 19, 1865. Tyler, John E...........do.....Aug. 10,'62, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-discharged by special order, June 7, 1865. Thomas, Henry........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regt. P. V., June 19, 1864. Terwilliger, Jno. S....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died November 9, 1862, at Knoxville, Md. Thomas, Daniel.........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'62. Updegraft, Jerem'h...do.... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Unburn, Henry L.....do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to 54th regt. P. V., June 19, 1864. Williams, Bayman....do.. July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Wendle, Edwaird......do... July 27,'64, 3 Substitute-prisoner fr. Sept. 30,'64, to Mar. 25, 1865-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Whipple, Mason K....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Warren, Daniel C......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Ward, John...............do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Whitney, Alfred......do..... Mar. 25,'61, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-died Nov. 28, 1864, at Salisbury, N. C. Wilson, John............do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Villiams, Charles do...... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Deserted March 21, 1865. Warren, Philan'r S....do Sept., 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Winkler, James........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-discharged March 12, 1863. Woodmauser, Syl'r...do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 14,'62. Wildes, James H.....do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Died Nov. 18, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C. Young, John...........do... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Deserted and joined rebel army, Mar. 21, 1865. Yahnson, William.....do... July 28,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-joined rebel army. COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN TIOGA COUNTY. Nelson Whitney.... Capt.. Oct. 14,'61, 3 Resigned July 31, 1862. Rees G. Richards......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., July 31,'62-to Capt., Sept. 14,'62-pris. fr. July 30,'64, to Feb. 17,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wm. T. Fitzgerald 1st Lt... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Resigned May 23, 1862. Samuel Haynes......d..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. Co. I, to 1st Lt. Co. G, June 27, 1862-mustered out, October 20,'64expiration of term. John J. Rogers.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Dec. 16,'64wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John J. Rees......... 2d Lt... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Resigned July 31, 1862. Ephraim Jeffers.....do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1,'62-to 2d Lt., Mar. 18,'63discharged September 2, 1864, for wounds received in action, July, 1864. 1096 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, N A.E. RANK. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. RE Thomas J. Davis..... 2d Lt..Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862, at Cold Harbor, June, 1864, and at Petersburg, April 2, 1S65-pr. to Sgt., Mar. 17,'63-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1, 1865-to 2d Lieutenant, Jan. 31, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jasper R. White..... 1st Sgt. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to March 1,'65-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., May 1,'65-to 1st Sgt., June 1,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. David L. Bacon.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1,'62-prisoner fr. Sept. 30,'64, to Mar.,'65-disch. by G. O., June 3,'65-Vet. David E. Bowen..... Serg't.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'65-wd. at Petersburg, Apr. 2, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. David H. Belcher......do..Dec. 6,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to March,'65-pr. to Corporal, May 1,'65-to Sergeant, June 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Eugene Beauge......... do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted.to Sergeant, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles T. Kelly........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged June 27, 1865, for wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865-Vet. Lyman Thompson..do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 1, 1862-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. T. C. Crittenden........do... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 1, 1863-wounded and prisoner, July 30,'64-died at Petersburg, Va., August 31, 1864-Vet. David Wilcox............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. William L. Rees.......d..... Sept. 18,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28,'62. John H. Robbins..... Corp.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. David W. Rees.........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wd. at Petersburg, July 20,'64-captured April 2, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. John J. Johnson..... do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Feb. 25, 1865promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thos. J. Rogers...........do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-pr. to Cor., June 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. William E. Peck........do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. David A. Updyke.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. F. Willard........ do..... Jan. 17,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Samuel R. Rogers......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 7,'64-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. James R. Tillottson...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner from Nov. 18, 1863, to July, 1864-mustered out, Dec. 15, 1864-expiration of term. Jos. R. Jennings.......do... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Captured November 14, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga., December 10, 1864. Wortman W.Owens...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Camp Nelson, Ky., February 16, 1864. Chas. H. Wildey........do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1864, of wounds received in action, June 18,'64-buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.-Vet. Ebenezer Peet...........do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Wd. and prisoner at Petersburg, July 30, 1864died at Petersburg, Va., Aug. 31, 1864-Vet. Henry Fenton...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 298. Richard E. Smith.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died November 7, 1862. John W. Fenn........ Muc..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John H. Rice............do..... Sept. 18,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Adam Dockstater......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'62. Ames, Horatio W...Private Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died Dec. 8,'61-buried at Fortress Monroe, Va. Backus, Eleazer........do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865 —Vet. Backus, Joseph.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Brown, Daniel..........do... Dec. 15, 64, 1 Substitute-absent at muster out. Bill, Frank..............do..... July 12,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Butler, Thomas J.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged September 19, 1864, for wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Bellenger, Peter........do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Burleigh, Morgan D..do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 19, 1865. Backus, Andrew........do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., June 14,'65-Vet. Butler, Josiah L........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Died August 16,'64, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Brown, Frank............do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 14, 1865. Brewster, George......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Billinger, Joseph.,..o........Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., October 26, 1863. [BREBE YEARS' SERVICE. 1097 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. o REMARKS. Bartlett, George...... Private Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died Oct. 14, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862-bu. in National Cem., Antietam-section 26, lot D, grave, 437. Backus, George H.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Milldale, Mississippi, August 1, 1863. Bckus, Alozo.........do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 28,'62. Bixby, William........do... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., April 24, 1862. Bendict, Orson...........do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 14,'63. Bacon, George.........do..... Nov.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 9,'63. Bopp, Jacob........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Substitute —not on muster-out roll. Curpsman, Arch'd.....do..... Nov. 26,'64, 1I Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Cook, Charles D........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Cook, John................do..... Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Caspus, Max Van.....do..... Jan. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Campfester,Jacob......do.....Jan. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-wounded at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65discharged by General Order, July 15, 1865. Coyle, Thomas..........do..... Jan. 3,'65 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Culver, Vrihems........do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Consadine, Patrick...do.... Nov. 28,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by S. O., March 22, 1865. Carr, James..............do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 20, 1865. Colwell, Alexander...do..... Dec. 19,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted April 4, 1865. Carpenter, Nelson....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., September 19, 1863. Clemens, Charles......do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. Conly, John..............do.....Nov. 25.'64, 3 Substitute-not on muster-out roll. Dickenson, James.....do...... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Dunn, John E..........do..... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Daugherty, Patrick...do..... Jan. 5,'65 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Douglass, James.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps —date unknown. Demming, Hiram D...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, May 26, 1865. Downing, William.....do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Derbyshere, Geo. R...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 14, 1863-re-enlisted February 20,'64-captured September 30,'64 — died at Salisbury, N. C., February 11, 1865. Edwards, Charles......do..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Evans, Daniel...........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1861. English, James S.....do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged October 24,'62, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Fideal, Magnus.........do..... Dec. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Filmore, Herman......do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Fuller, Leroy F......d...do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. Franklin, James........do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died November 9, 1861. Godfrey, Lafayette.....do.... Jan. 6,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Griffin, Henry........do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Gettings, George........ do......Dec. 27,'64, 1I Substitute —wounded at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65absent, in hospital, at muster out. Gile, Henry N....... do..... April 7,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865. Gile, Abram V....... do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Gronden, Joseph.......do..... July 5,'64, 3 Drafted-not on muster-out rqll. Hotchkiss,DariusH...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Holfner, Frank.........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hakes, Simon L........do..... Feb. 29,'64,: 3 Prisoner from September 30,'64, to March,'65discharged by General Order, June 28, 1865. Hoy, James...............do....De. 15, 64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Humphrey, Joseph...do.....Feb. 13,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest for. desertion, at muster out. Hanber, John'.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died July 9,'64, of wds. rec. on picket, July 8,'64. Hilkert, Henry G......do..... Dec. -20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 9, 1865. Iseminger, William...do..... Jan. 6,'65, 1I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jenkins, George........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jones, Edward P......do.....: Dec. 16,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jones, William I.H..do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 1, 1864. Jennings, Herman...,do.....Sept. 26,'61, 3 Captured February, 1862 —died July 18, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia-grave, 3,510. Johnson, Alonzo........do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'62. Knapp, Nelson..........o..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kelley, Francis R......do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —absent, in hospital, at:muster out. Kelley, Patrick.........do..... Nov. 9,'63, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-~absent, in hospital, at muster out. Kray, Paul................do..... Dec. 16,'64, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kinney, Simon L...[...do..... Jan. 6,'65, 1ISubstitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kegri, dolphus do.....I Nov. 14,'64, Drafted-deserted June 9, 1865. Kelsey, Elijah S........ do.....i Sept. 18,'dl, 3 Discharged, on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25,'62. Kephart, Andrew.....do.,.,. Sept. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25,'62. Losliere,Alexan'r F...do..I Jan, 3,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Lewis, Ailon.....,.....,do I....1 Nov. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'62. 138 1098 FORTY-FIFTH REGIIBIENT, fAME. RANK. DA TE OF MUSTER NAME. RAN~d~~~K. REARKS. INTO SERVICE. REARS Marshall, Wm. J... Private Dec. 17,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'6. Morrison, Join........do... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Monaghan, James......do..... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Moyer, Evans...........do... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 65. Martin, John.........do..... Dec. 19,'64,3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Morse, James...........do.... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864 to Feb. 28, 1865discharged by General Order, May 29, 1865. Morgan, Martin.........do....Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 1, 1865. Marvin, George S......do..... Sept. 1861 Died May 19,'61,1864,of wounds received at Wilderness. May 6, 1864-buriedin National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.-Vet. Mickle, Wm. A.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died at Fort Schuyler, N. Y., July 30,'64-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. Mann, Washington...do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Captured November 14, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga., December 1, 1864-Vet. Mickle, Willis J........do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Captured September 30, 1864 —died at Salisbury, N. C., December 6, 1864. Mann, Warren.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Captured June 7, 1864-died at Andersonville, Ga., October 14, 1864-Vet. Moor, Thomas.........do.....Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Mikle, George...........do..... Jan. 20,'62, 3 Died in South Carolina, February 2, 1862. Miller, Conrad..........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. M'Mahon, John.......do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 14, 1865. M'Intosh, Henry......do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb., 1864mustered out, Oct. 20,'64-expiration of term. M'Maety, Michael....do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 5, 1865. M'Enty, Michael......... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 14, 1865. Nott, -Stephen............do.....Oct. 6,'61, 3 Captured near Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864 —died at Andersonville, Ga., November 1, 1864. Nolan, Thomas.........do..... Dec. 17,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 4, 1865. O'Conner, Mark........do.... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Ormsby, Edwin........do.... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Deserted August, 1863. Price, Adam.............do....Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Pettis, John..............do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner fr. 1863 to Feb.. 1865 — ab. at mus. out. Patterson, R. F.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Presit, Carl...........do.....Sept. 29,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, 1864transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, May 4,'65-Vet. Porter, Erwen E.......do...Feb. 15, 64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July7, 1864-died at Philadelphia, July 15, 1864. Peterson, Wm. W....do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Prisoner from September 30,'64, to Feb. 20,'65died at home, while on furlough. Pettis, Sumner W....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted October 19, 1863. Pitts, Almon D..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'61. Packard, John H.......do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1,'63. Parks, Joseph.......... do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25.'62. Pillard, Emory........do..... Dec. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Rosebrock, John M...do..... Nov. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Rarah, Alexander.....do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-wd. at Petersburg, April 2, 1865discharged by special order, June 5, 1865. Rice, Henry T.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown-Vet. Robbins, Noah H......do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864died at Philadelphia, July 19, 1864. Rees, Thomas J.......do.... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Died at Bedloe's Island, N. Y., July 19, 1864. Rogers, Charles H....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died at Danville, Va., Jan. 10, 1865burial record, February 4, 1865. Rees, Josiah C....~.......do..... Oct. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'62. Soule, Orville...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Smith, Eli..............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded, with loss of leg, at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-absent at muster out. Smith, Ezra...........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sanders, George.......d...... Dec. 16,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Smith, James S.........do..... Aug. 4,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Scott, Jerome..........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'64. Smith, Morris............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 4, 1864-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, Phil. P..........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 17, 1835. Saxe, Jacob...........do..... Nov. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 1, 1865. Smith, Vincent M......do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-tr;mlsferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, MwI 4, 18 )5. Slought, Philemon.....do..... Jan. 17,'62, 3 Died July 31, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-Vet. Smith, William........ do.... Dec. 20,'64, Substitute-deserted April 6. 1865. Starkweather, J.... do... Sept. 18,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate^, Mar. 28'6a. Smith, Abram..........do....ISept. 18,'61, Transferred to U. S. Regular Army, Oct. 30,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1099 - DATE OF MUSTER En. NAME. |RANK. INTO SERVIC REMARKS. Squires, Jacob........ Private Sept. 18, 61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62 —bu. in | ttn, H e.Nat. Cem'y, Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave 295. Stratton, Horace M... do..... Jan. 21'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Terbell, Charles E....do...Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Twigg, Brice.............do.....Nov. 14,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Thompson, Allen......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3,'64-mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Thornton, Almon.....do. Jan. 2,'65, Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Thornton, Edm'd L...do...Jan. 2'65, Substitute-deserted June 16, 1865. Thompson, Moses....do.... Sept. 18,'61,3 Died at Bladensburg, Md., November 10, 1861. Townsend, Thomas..do..... Dec. 22,'64. 3 Substitute-not on muster-out roll. Westbrood, Jacob......do..Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Willard, Joseph.........do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Williams, Dan'l J.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps -date unknown-Vet. Wood, William P.....do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Wilson, Delmar....... do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., March 25, 1864-Vet. White, Charles...........do.....Dec. 20,'64, Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Williams, John.........do.....Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June2, 1865. Wilcox, Hiram........do... Dec. 6,'61, 3 Died Sept. 16, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Wetmore, Chester.....do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Blue Springs, Ky., October 10, 1863. Wildey, George C......do. Jan. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN TIOGA COUNTY. Ed. G. Scheffelin.... Capt.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Resigned January 10, 1863. Edgar F. Austin.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Sept. 14,'62-to Capt., May 17, 1865-discharged on Surg. cert., Oct. 18,'64. Luke D. Seely.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 17,'63-to Capt., May 17, 1865 - mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Enoch G. Howard... Is Lt... Sept. 1861,'61,3 Resigned August 19, 1862. Hiram Pickering......do..... Sept 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to lstLt., May 18,'65- mus tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Reuben H. Close.... 2d Lt... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Resigned May 1, 1862. John F. Trout...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Aug. 1, 1862-pr. to Capt. company C, January 15, 1863. J. D. Greenfield.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 PromOted to 2d Lt., March 18, 1863-discharged by special order, July 7, 1864. Levi R. Robb............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Jan. 24,'65-died, April 9,'65, of wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865-Vet. Nathan Edwards.....do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 17,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Chas. A. Ferguson.. 1stSgt.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-promoted to 1st Sergeant, May 18,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Geo. W. Tremain......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner from July 30, 1864, to Feb. 22,'65-died at Annapolis, Md., Feb. 24, 1865-Vet. Amasa Clark.......... Serg't.. Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Benjamin J. Dobbs.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Truman Gilbert........ do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ovid P. Webster.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-promoted from Cor. to Sgt., July 1, 1865 -mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Avery Deruyter........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. James M'Gee.............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., May 18, 1865-disch. June 30, 1865, for wds. received in action-Vet. James A. Briscoe......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. James I. Cady...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 17,'62. Benj. C. Hynes........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31, 61. Ellison Moore........ Corp... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. James O'Riley...........do....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. 1100 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, AMER. RAN. DATE OF MUSTER EMAR INTO SERVICE. RERKS Albert W. Grove.... Corp... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Thomas E. Hill.........do.... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Howard....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Matthew Wise...........do.... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, June 16,'65mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Michael Lawler........do.... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, May 18,'65mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Nathan R. Shappe.....do.... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Reuben Daniels.........do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Corp., May.l8,'65-disch. June 14,'65, for wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Isaac H. Sherman......o.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —Vet. Jesse K. Wilcox. o..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Captured December 14, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga.-date unknown. William E. Parker S...do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Captured November 16, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga., April 24, 1864. Thomas Dingman....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —Tet. Robert A., Lovejoy.....do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, September 30, 1864-Vet. Charles Merritt........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Diedat home, while'onfurlough,July 30,'64 —Vet. Horace B. Seyman.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 15,'62. Milton G. Holliday.....do.... Sept. 18,'61, Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. James E. Horton............ Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Mar. 18,'63. George W. Hastings...do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Drowned in Potomac River, 1862. Marvin 0. Sutton......do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'62. Harvey Sawyer...... Muc... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. George Sawyer.........do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1863. Avery, William..... Private Mar. 17,'64, 3 Wd. July 14.'64-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Avery, Judson..........do..... Aug. 8,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Ames, Elijah............do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged February 28, 1865, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Andrews, Orsamus...do.....Oct. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, May 3, 1865. Amesberry, A. E......do...Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died May 1,'65, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, April 2,'65-bu. at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,107. Aspinwall, Edward...do..... Dec. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Ames, Clark.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Anderson, Robert.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63 Anderson, James......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Archer, William........do.... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Sub.-deserted April 3, 1865. Bryant, Alonzo H..d..do...... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, ^64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Butterworth, Jos...do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Broughton, Thomas...do..... Nov. 30,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17, 65. Buckbee, GeorgeW...do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June3,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 2, 1865. Bullock, Henry W....do...... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'65-Vet. Blanchard, Chas. D..do...Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 13,'64-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 30, 1865-Vet. Bowen, Henry F.....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Blanchard, Irvin W do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Died June 21,'64, of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-bu. at Alexandria, Va.-grave,2,204. Bryant, Albert T...do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., NovembeR 17, 1864-burial record, December 20, 1864. Bump, Jacob............do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted March 19, 1864. Burrows, Belfonzo.....do.....Mar. 14,'64, 3 Deserted April 21, 1864. Bennett, John L......do.. Nov. 18,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted December 19, 1864. Barry, John...........do..... Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865. Burr, Aaron......d...... do.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862buried in National Cemetery, Antietam-section 26, lot C, grave, 314. Benson, Aaron......d...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Brockway, William...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ballard, Van R. W...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., December 4, 1861. Colgrove, John.........do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Cassel, Abraham....do.... June 6,'64,3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Church, Daniel, Jr.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at home, while on furlough, Apr. 8,'64-Vet. Cahill, William.........do..... July 26,'64, 3- Substitute-captured-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, December 27, 1864. Clark, John............do.....Nov. 18,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted December 19, 1864. Couch, George...........do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Collony Henry C......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Coon, Elias P...........do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to artillery —date unknown. Camfield, Alin H....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'62. THREE YEARS' SERVICe. 1101 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS..NAME RAK. INTO SERVICE. Cline, John........... Private Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 1,'62. Dawson, Charles....... do... Nov. 28,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Davis, Hiram............ do Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-disch. by special order, June 5, 1865. Dewel, James F.........do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Mar. 8,'65-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Dunham Wm. M......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 7, to Dec. 11, 1864-discharged by General Order, February 25, 1865. Dean, Horace A.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Dodge, Amasa..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dickenson, Geo. W...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 18, 1862. E]ry, Joseph..............do....Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted June 12, 1865. Feirstine, Xerxes......do... Nov. $1,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Foster, Charles..........do Dec. De. 64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Foi-te, William....do..... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865 Ferguson, Geo. E.......do.... Feb. e, "64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 10.'65. li'reeland. Geo. W......do... Feb. 21,9 64 3 Captured-diedat Wilmington, N. C.,Mar. 10,'65. J'relch, Stephen L.. do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 12, 1864. French, David... d..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62. Fuller, Rodolphus..... do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Geo, William R.........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Green, Daniel H... do..... Feb. 17,'64, o Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Grinnell, George L.....do... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Goodwin, Chas. M.....do... Feb. 1i16,4,,3 1Maustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Greene, William........do..... Nov,,'64, 3 Sfubstitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Greene, Lewis N........do.... Feb. 1,'4I, - 8 Captured July 30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gore, William.....do..... Jan. I5'6,' 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Gains, Charles........do.... Dec 2,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by S. O., May 31, 1865. Gee, William H. L....do.... Feb. 16,'64 3 Captured July 30, 1864-died at Danville, Va., January 15, 1865. Geary, Joseph.......... do..... Nov. 21,'64, Subtitutedeserted June 12, 1865. Gillespie, John..........do.....Dec. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted March 14, 1865. Gills, Thomas E.......do..... Feb. 16,'64 3 Died of wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Gardner, George S.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Greenfield, Q........ do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 15,'62. Hardenburgh, J. H...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Holliday, Van B.....do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hills, James............do.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hain, Casper.........do..... Dec. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Homan, John........do..... Dec. 1,'64, Substitute-mus. out with Co.., July 17, 1865. Hahn, Albert........do... Dec. 2,'64, 3 Substitute- out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hayhurst, Wm.........do.... Dec. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Herring, Eugene.......do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at ColdHarbor, June 3,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 1, 1865. Hoppus, Geo. W........do...July 26,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Hotchkiss, John N.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 296. Hacket, Nelson....o...... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., December 9, 1861. Harris, William.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hammond, Nor'n F...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged in hospital-date unknown. Jobe, Thomas M........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at James Island, S. C., June 11, 1862. Kleinschmidt. U.....do..... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Kilbourne,ElliottA...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died June 15, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H.., May 12, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Kelley, Michael.........do.....July 28,'64, 3 Substitute-killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., September 30, 1864. King, Truman.........do.. Sept. 18,'61,3 Transferred tocavalryregiment-dateunknown. King, Martin...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Knapp, Calvin T......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown-for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Lovee, James M........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., June 11, 1864-Vet. Latteer, Harvey....... do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Letler, John............... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Lay, Levi L........... do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Mock, Andrew......do..... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by special order, May 30, 1865. Mosher, William.......do... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness,.May 6,'64-discharged by special order, June 5, 1865. Martin, Robert...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died June 17,'64,of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-buried in Nat. Cem., Arlington-Vet. ericle, Peter............do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 DiedJuily 17,'64, of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-buried in Nat. Cerl., Arlington-Vet. 1102 FrOITY-FIFTiI rEGIMBENT, NAMIE. t RAN K. DATE OF MUSTERARK. tMiller, John......... Private Jan. 6,'64, Substitute-deserted January 31, 1865. Morris, Michael.........do..... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted June 6, 1865. Mericle, Nathan........d..... Sept. 18,'1, 3 Died March 2,'63-buried in Harmony Bu. Gds. Mann, Cyrus............do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died near Nicholasville, Ky.-date unknown. Mix, Daniel...............do..Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Mead, Lewis.............do... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1863. M'Fall, William R...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered. out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Namara, Daniel.....do... Dec. 16,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. M'Carns. James P.....do.... Dec. 17,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. M'Grew, James A......do.... Sept. 24,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by special order, June 5,'65. M'Collom. Brigh'n.....do;... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., January 12, 1862. Odell, Ira...............do..... Sept. 18,'61. 3 Discharged June 22, 1865, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. O'Mara, Michael.....d..do.. Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. by general order, June 28,'65. Odell, Henry F.......... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Phillips, Richard......do..... Nov. 26,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Pepperd, James........do..... Dec. 27,'64, 2 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Palmer, Griffin...........do. Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Roberts, Solon....do..... Oct. 29,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Reynolds, Charles....do..... July 27,'64, 3 Substitute-captured —died at Salisbury, N. C., January 15,'65-burial record, January 22,'65. Roosa, John C..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 15,'65-Vet. Stinson, William......do..... Dec. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-mutered out with Co., July 17,'65. Sackett, Morris N......do.... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Discharged February 12, 1865, for wounds received in action, June 13, 1864. Sheakley, Henry......do... Sept. 19,'64, Drafted-discharged by specialorder, June 7,'65. Shaff, William A.......do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15,'64. Soule, Thomas.......do...Feb. 16,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 15, 1865. Soule, James R.........d..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 18,'64-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Sylvey, George..... do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died June 11,'64, of wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 6,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington-Vet. Seymour, Jerome.....do.... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 26,'64. Smith, James........ do....Dec. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted December 19, 1865. Stevenson, James.......do.... Jan. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted January 31, 1865. Summers, Thomas....do..... Dec. 2,'64, 3 Substitutedeserted March 14, 1865. Smith, John...... d.......a. r31,'64, 3 Deserted April 21, 1864. Saxton, George H......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Died Aug. 8,'64, of wds. rec. in action, July 24, 1864-buried in National Cem., Arlington, Va. Stevenson, William...do.... Dec. 30,'64, Substitute-not on muster-out roll. Stratton, Francis.......do....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Jackson, Mississippi, July 11, 1863. Smith, Joel E..........do Sept. 18,61, 3 illed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. Stanton, Charles.....do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., December 13,'61. Sutton, Darwin........ Sept. 18,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Sawyer, Lewis...........do.... Sept. 18,61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tremain, Charles E...do Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Thompson, Charles...do..... Dec. 30,'64, Substitute-mustered outwith Co., July 17,'65. Tuttle, PeterM.......do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Townsend, Thomas...do.... Dec. 22,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 14, 1865. Thalhine, Henry.......do.... Dec. 2,'64, 1 Substitute-killed accidentally, February 2,'65. Taylor, Daniel S........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died April 23,'64-buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Turner, Thomas........do..... Jan. 5,'65,3 Substitute-deserted March 23, 1865. Thomas, Henry.........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Tremain, James R.....do... Sept. 18'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862buried in National Cemetery, Antietam-section 26, lot C, grave, 313. Tuttle, Guy........... do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., February 4, 1862. Utter, William..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., November 23, 1864-grave, 12,133-Vet. Van Riper, Jasper.....do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Van Dusen, Wm.....d..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Transferred to artillery-date unknown. Williams, Charles.....do.....Jan. 5, 65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Williams, Robert......do..... Jan. 2, 65. 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Weaver, Charles........do..... Jan. 6, 65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Walker, Frank......do..... Jan. 5,'65,3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Wilson, George......do..... Dec. 2, 64, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 7, 1865. Webster, Henry S.....do..Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, Va., May 10, 1834, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. West, Charles.......do.... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 7, 1865. Wilson, James.........do.....Jan. 5,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865. Walton, Charles........do.... Sept. 18'61, 3 Died-date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1103 COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN TIOGA COUNTY. ~-AMU..... YAMB. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. 4 JAMB. BAN.._^ gE~ylOB. m-REMARKS. Francis M. Hill...... Capt.... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, March 1, 1863. William Chase..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Lt., Sept. 14,'62-to Capt., Apr. 1,'63-wd. at Jackson, Miss., July 11,'63, and at Wilderness, May 6,'64-disch. Jan. 18, 1865. Charles M. Hart........do..... Sept, 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 14,'62-to 1st Lt., July 1,'63-to Capt., May 17, 1865-pris. fr. Dec. 14,'63, to Mar.,'65 —mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. George D. Smith..... 1st Lt... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862. James E. Catlin.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Feb. 14,'6 —to 1st Sgt., Nov.,'63-to 2d Lt., June 21,'64-to 1st Lt., May 17,'65-prisoner for 12 months-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George M. Acklev.. 2d Lt... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 31,'62. James M. Cole..........do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., June 17,'62-to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862. DeWitt C. Hoig.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 14,'62-to 2d Lt., Aug. 13,'63-killed at Cold Harbor, June 6,'64-Vet. Andrew Strong.........do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt., Oct.'64-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1, 1865-to 2d Lt., May 17, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Martin G. Clark...... st Sgt. Oct. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Szt. to 1st Sgt., May 17, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Samuel Haynes........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company G, June 27, 1862. Edwin B. Carvey......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., July 1, 1863-wd. at Jackson, Miss., July 11,'63-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 18,'63mustered out, Oct. 20,'64-expiration of term. Decatur Dickinson.....do..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Mar. 21,'63-to 1st Sgt., June 21,'63to Sergeant Major, September 7, 1864-Vet. William Hoffman... Serg't.. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, July, 1864mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. John Hancock............do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Poplar Grove Ch., Va., Sept. 30,'64promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, Feb. 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Justus D. Strait......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Feb., 1865-pr. to Sgt., May 1, 1865-ab., on furl., at muster out. Philo Carle..............do..... Dec. 29,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., May 8, 1864-disch. Mar. 10, 1865, for wds. rec. atSpottsylvaniaC.H.,Mayl2,'64-Vet. John B. Emory.........do..... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Prisoner from December 14, 1863, to May 25,'64mustered out, Oct. 20,'64-expiration of term. Alonzo Borden.t........do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Mar. 10, 1864-died May 18, 1864, of wounds rec. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Malcom A. Royce..do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pris. fr. Sept. 30,'64, toFeb. 28,'65-pr. toSgt., May 18,'65-died at Alexandria, June 28,'65-Vet. Solon S. Dartt..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Feb. 22, 1862-died June 16, 1862. Warden E. Tyler... Corp.... Sept. 21,'61,3 Wd. at New Hope Church, Ga., May 28, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Walter E. Marsh.......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Manning C. May.......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Albert Saxbury.........do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6,'64-pr. to Cor., Feb. 1, 1865-absent, on furlough, at mus. out-Vet. AbramC. Ellsworth...do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865-absent, on furlough, at muster out-Vet. John L. Johnson.......do..... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substittlte-wd. at Petersburg, April 2, 1865promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lyman Hancock.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles F. Reed.........do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John H. Buckley......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged May 8, 1865, for wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Wright Redington.....do..... Dec. 25,'61, 3 Died June 14, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Darius Kriner..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Captured, June 7, 1864-died in a rebel prison, January 1, 1865-Vet. Ovid H. Andrews.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Nov. 19, 1861. 1104 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARSS., INTO SERVICE. Emanuel E. Hipple Muc..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Charles H. Strait......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'62. Adams, James........ Private Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 1, 1865. Albright, Henry........do.... Dec, 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 21, 1865. Button, John S............ 29, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boyle, Peter..............do....Dec. 20, 64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Buck, James A.........do..... Jan. 7,'65, 3 Substitutemustered out with Co., July 17, 65. Baker, Lewis..........do.... Jan. 6,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Barr, John............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Jan. 6,'65-Vet. Blackmore, Dwight...do.....Sept. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 7, 1865. Baxter, Seth D..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, June 15, 1864. Barnes, Selar J.......do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, June 1, 1865. Button, Warner.........do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Died May 21,'64, for wounds received at Spott. sylvania C. H.. May 12, 1864. Beach, John S...............o Oct. 12,'61, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died January 11, 1865, in rebel prison. Bowker, Jasper.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died June 14,'64, of wds. rec'd at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Butler, Zadoc...........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 31,'61. Brown, Burton.........do..... Oct. 7,'61, 3 Drowned August 14, 1862, in Potomac Itiver. Borden, William V....do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'61. Bacon, Lewis............do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Carle, John W..........do Feb. 19,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Close, Newberry.......do...Dec. 26,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Cahn, Joseph............do... Jan. 1,'62, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to Mar., 1865-mus. tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cowden, Joseph........do..... Dec. 28,'61, 3 Wd. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Apr. 25,'64-mus. out, Dec. 28,'64expiration of term. Cleary, John............ do..... Jan. 6,'65, 3 Substitute-tr. to Western Army, Feb. 20, 1865. Case, Jehiel...............do.... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Wounded and prisoner, July 30, 1864-died at Petersburg, Va., Aug. 10, 1864. Campbell, Rancef'd...do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Died April 11, 1864, at Annapolis, Md. Cooper, Robert..........do.....Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62. Dodge, Amasa..........do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dimmick, Selden B...do.. Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Donley, Samuel M.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Deitrich, John..........do..... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Donley, James S........do....Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged June 14, 1865, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —Vet. Dickens, Eli............do. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died June 30, 1864, at Fortress Monroe-buried at Hampton, Va. Duncan, George..........do...Dec. 28,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 24, 1865. Degan, Thomas........do... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 24, 1865. Dickens, Alva...........do...Dec. 20,'64, Deserted June 1, 1865. Edson, Charles C......do.... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864mustered out with company, July17, 1865 —Vet. Eastman, Harri'n D...do..... Oct. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. English, James.........do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Feb., 1865-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865-Vet. English, Joseph O.....do... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to Feb., 1865-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Elliott, Lewis....d..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Died April 13, 1865, at Harrisburg, Pa. Elliott, Henry A.......do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 30,'64-deserted June 1, 1865 —Vet. Ellis, Chester............do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 5,'62. English, George C.....do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. English, George........Oct. 12,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-buried in Nat. Cem.,Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 309. Fletcher, John A........... Dec. 30,'61, 3 Discharged January 18,'65, for wounds received at Vilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Francis, Charles.....do....Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted January 24, 1865. Finne, Joseph............... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted January 9, 1865. Fosk, Charles........... do.... ct. 7,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Gillespie, John.........do..... Dec. 31,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 6, 1865. Handy, Albert M....... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out.-Vet. Howel, Charles H......do..... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hahn, Abram E.......do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Humphrey, Henry...do..... Jan. 3,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Helter, Theodore.......... Sept. 22,'64, I rafced-discharged by special order, June7,'65. Hahn, Levi H............o.... )ec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 15,'65. Handy, Francis.........d.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864 — mustered out, Oct.20, 1864 —expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1105 NAHE~~~~~. RA~~'K13 DATE OF MUSTER RANK. N. INTO SERVICE. Hardy, William H.. Private Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 30,'65. Hayes, Harvey........do.....Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-tr. to Western Army, March 1, 1865. Hotelling, Ellis P......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 27, 1864. Handy, Charlton.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864-Yet. Henry, Alexander.....do. Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-died April 20, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, April 2, 1865-buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 3,095. Hansinger, Absa'm...do. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Hulburtson, Chas.....do. Dec. 20,'64, I Substitute —deserted January 9, 1865. Hampson, James.....do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted January 9, 1865. Hotelling, Allen........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864 —expiration of term. Huch, John......... d...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'63. Houghton, Sylves'r...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 6,'63. Hawks, George........do..... Oct. 19,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Jillison, Amos........[... do. Sept. 26,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 7, 1865. Johnson, James E......do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Captured at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864-died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 10, 1864-grave, 8,318. Johnson, Darius...do..... 21,'61 3 Capt'd at Cold Harbor, June 7,'64-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 18,'64-grave, 3,499-Vet. Johnson, John J........do..... Dec. 21,'61, 3 Captured December 14, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga., March 28, 1864. Jones, James E......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died November 1, 1862. Kennedy,StephenF...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Kirkpatrick, John.....do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Lawton, Thomas.......do..... Feb. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lawton, Warren........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. lynch, Dominick.....do...... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Long, Lewis E..........do..... Aug. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, May 17,'65. Lloyd, William.........do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Langdon, David........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Deserted May 12, 1864. Lanison, Washing...do..o.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1862. Lanning, Thomas......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'62. Marsh, Thomas D......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Miller, John P..........do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Capt'd Sept. 30,'64-ab.. sick, at mus. out-Vet. Maney, Patrick.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mills, Edwin E.........do..... Dec. 8,'64, I Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Myers, Lewis............do..... Jan. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. - Morton, James..........do..... Dec. 31,'64, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Mattison, Geo. S........do..... ept. 21,'61, 3 Captured-died in rebel prison —date unknown. Mulvaney, Thos........do..... Dec. 27,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted March 21, 1865. Morton, Noah C.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died Sept. 29, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-buried in National, Cemetery, Antietam-sec. 26, lot E, grave, 561. Maynard, Marsh. M...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died September 23, 1863. Mores, William.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Miller, Christopher...do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Died July 2, 1862. M'Gee, Charles..........do..... Dec. 16,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 24, 1865. Newbury, Spencer.....do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, March 8,'65. Niver, Hiram............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Niver, Silas............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died April 20,'64 —buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Nabal, James..........do.....Oct. 12,'61, 3 Killed at Jackson, Miss., July 11, 1863. Overdurf, Jeremiah...do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July. 17, 1865. Orr, Robert S............do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed atPoplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Owens, Warren.........do.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., September 18, 1864. Phillips, John............do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Parry, William..... d.. o..... Oct. 15,'64. 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Pritchard, Levi.........do.....M ar. 26,'64, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Pemberton, C. 0........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Oct. 27,'62. Root, Eugene B.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Rowland, John........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. ~ Rexford, Geo. M........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —absent, in hospital, at mutser out. Ross, Frederick.........do.... Jan. 4,'65, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Rollier, William........do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0,; June 7, 1865. Riley, John............. do..... Dec. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-died June 15, 1865-buried at Alexandria-grave, 3,241. Reibsam, Joseph....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died June 29, 1864, of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor June 3,'64-buried in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Reynolds Rhesa I.....do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate;.Oct. 6,'63. Roice, Edwin.. do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 13,'63. Remmington, Jason Ja do.n.... Oct. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April. 1863. 139 ~ 1106 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, NMN. DATE OF MUSTER. _ MARX NINTO SERVI C KB. _. D anl.:.. Shelley, Daniel M.. Private Oct. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Julv 17, 1866 —VetSummerville, Jas..... do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Sands, Charles.........do.I.Dec. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by special order, June 10, 1865. Sherman, Porter R....do.....Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-captured Sept. 30,'64-discharged by G. O., June 22,'65-Vet. Sewell, Charles E......do.. Aug. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by special order, June 7, 1865. Sawyer, Horace S......do::l Oct. 12,'61, 3 Discharged December6, 1864, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Sawyer, Harman H...do..... Oct. 3,'61, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865-Vet. Smith, Henry...........do.....Feb. 16,'64, 3 Captured June 3, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Stumpf, Samuel........do.... Dec. 23,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by GeneralOrder, June 22,'65. Schmidt, Harry........... Dec. 19,'64, 3 Substitute-tr. to Western Army, Feb. 20, 1865. Stone, Warren D.......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Saxbury, Cornelius...do............ 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Smith, Michael.........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 9, 1.865. Strait, Stephen...........do..... Oct. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. Sofield, Charles B......do..... Dec. 28,'61, 3 Wounded at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-discharged December 31, 1863. Traverse, Henry W...do..... Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Traver, Jacob M........do..... De. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Thompson, Wm. H...do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Townsend, Chas. H...do..... Sept. 21, )61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Vanhosen, Sam'l J.... do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 10, 1864. Waters, Albert.........do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Wiliamts, Robert A...do..... Dec. 28,'64, 3 Sub.-mustered out with company, July 17,'65. Wands, Alexander...do.. Dec. 8,'64 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Watrous, Wm. H...d....do Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Wilson, Erastus........do... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 7, 1865. Wood, Jehial H.... do.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30,'64, to February 26,'65 — mus. out, March 2, 1865-expiration of term. Williams, Fred'ck.....do....Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-wounded at Petersburg, Apr. 2,'65discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865. Watkins, Palmer B...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, June 8, 1864. Wilkinson, John.......d.... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Captured Sept. 30,'64-died Mar. 14,'65-bu. in U. S. General Hos. Cem'y, Annapolis, Md. Wilkinson, Rook......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 12, 1864. Williams, Robert....do....Dec. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted May 11, 1865. Wilcox, Francis L....d..do..Sept. 21,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Wilson, Milon D.......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 11,'62. Young, Samuel........do....Dec. 23,'64, i Drafted —mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Zimmerman, Wn.....do.... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 30,'65& COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY. Ezekiel Y. Rambo.. Capt.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Killed in action, March 13, 1862. Edward A. Kelsey....do.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, March 26, 1862-to Major, July 1, 1863. Andrew J. Fessler.....do.... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., March 26,'62to Capt., July 3,'63-wd. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-wd. and pris. at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Edgar Eyde.............do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Corp., Nov. 28,'62-to Sgt., Nov. 24, 1863-to 2d Lieut., July 9,'64-to Capt., Jan. 2,'65-wounded at Petersburg, July 30,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Gelbaugh...... st Lt... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt.; March 26, 1862to 1st Lt., July 3, 1863-wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-mustered out, October 20,'64 — expiration of term. Charles H. Koch.......do... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Promoted from Corp. to Sgt., March 28, 1862 —to 2d Lieut., Jan. 2, 1865-to 1st Lt., June 8,'65mus. out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Calvin S. Budding.. 2d Lt... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 13,'62-. to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, March 26, 1862. Ephraim E. Myers....do Feb. 25,'62, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 24,'63-to 1st Sgt., July 9,'64-to 2d Lieut., June 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1107 NAME. RAK. IDATE OF MUSTER _ ~~~NAMW~E. RANK. ~ ~INTO SERVICE. ~.4 John H. StrickLer... 1st Sgt. Sept. 16,'61, 31 Promoted toSgt., Dec. 27,'64-wd. at Petersurg, April 2,'65-pr. to 1st Sgt., April 2, 1865- mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jacob F. Zeigler.... Serg't.. Oct. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, April, 1864-musteredout with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. AbrahamGottschalle...do... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Captured July 30,'64-pr. from Corp. to Sergt., May 1,'65-mus. outwith Co., July 17,'65-Vet. William Kelley....do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Wounded at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864-pr. to Cor., Jan. 24, 1865-to Sgt., May 1,'65-mus. out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. ReubenE. Feli.......o.....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 24,'63-to Sgt., Mar. 29,'64-wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 7,'64 —Vet. John H. Beaver...... Corp.... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas Kelley..... do..... April 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Elias M. Abogast............ Oct. 11,'61, 3Captured June7,'64-pr. to Cor., Jan. 24,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. George Brouse...........do.....Oct. 10,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. IsaacPierce..............o... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jacob W. King..........do.....Feb. 26,'62, Pr. to Cor., June 1'64-wd. at Petersburg, Jul 21, 1864-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Andrew Hostetter......do..... Feb. 25,'62, 3Died May 27, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Dennis Digman.....do... Oct. 17,'613 Died at Washington, D. C., June 14,'64, of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Hillston Carrs............do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3Died at Washington, D. C., July 7, 1864, of wds. received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. David M. Moss.......... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Lewis A. Williams.....do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-captured Sept. 30,'64-died at Richmond, Va., Feb. 24,'65. George H. Stape.........do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Captured June 7, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 24, 1864. Lewis Martin.... do..Aug. 22'61, 3 Diedat Louisville,.,1864. Theodore Wilson...... do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Covington, Ky., September 10, 1863. Albert Roberts....... Muc.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Arnold, Henry D... Private Sept. 1,'62, 3Died at Annapolis, Maryland, April 12, 1864.:Boland, Patrick..........do..... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bugby, William.......do.... Oct. 21,'64, 3Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Benson, William H...do.....Oc. 11, 61, 3 Discharged September 9, 1864, for wounds received at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Butcher, Jacob...do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-xpiration of term. Bailey, John H.o..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Dichared onrgeon certificate,De. 23,'64. Bard, Henry.........do.. Sept. 17,'62, 3...... Captured September 30,'64-discharged by General Order, June: 5, 1865. Bookman, John W...do.. t 7,'61, 3 Captured September 30,'i64 —discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865-Vet. Boyle, Henry..........do.....Sept. 15,'62, 3 Discharged by special order, June 13, 1865. Boyer, William...........Oct. 2,'61, 3Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corp,. 15, 184. G n, Mic l...... do...... 2,'61, Boorman, Jacob N...6..4....d Feb. 24,'64, 3 CDied June 26, 1864-buried at Alexandria,irginia-grave 2,241. Barnhart, Benjamin...do.. Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died at Newberry, Pa., March 29, 1865. Bradley, Peter...........do.....Feb. 11,'64, 3 illed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Brouse, James:W......do.... Dec. 21, 64, 3 Sub.-capt'd-diedatSalisbury, N. O.,Mar. 1,'65. Bair,L. D............... do Feb. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Bell, James D........[...do. Oct. 11,'61, 3 Deserted November 25, 1862. Bookman, Sam'l M...do..I Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at New York City, July 27, 1862. Bookman, Wmi. EH... do. Ot. 11,'61, 3 Captured September 30,'64-discharged by G eral Order, June 5, 1865-Vet. Brannan, John..........do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Deserted March, 1863. Crowan, John...........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Coffey, John..............do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, July,12, 1865. Crawford, Fran. W...do..... Feb. 1,'62, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 —absent,, in hospital, at muster out-VTet. Cassell, David.........e. do...uAug. 9,'64, 1 Capt'd at Poplar Spring Church, Va.,Sept. 30,'64absent, sick, at muster out. Collins, Michael......do.....Aug. 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-mustered out, October 20, 1864-expiration of term. Collins, Dennis.......... ug. 22,'61, 3 Captured June 7, 1864-mustered out, January 13, 1865. Conner, Arthur.......do..... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Sub.-tr. to North-Western Army, Mar. 19,'65. Carroll, Francis......do Aug. 22,'61,- 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 22,'64, of wds. received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 864-'Vet. 1108 FORTY-FIFTH REIMNENT, INTO SERVICE. REARS.. 1 W Chambers, James... Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured September.30, 1864-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, January 9, 1865. Campbell, James.....do...... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted January 23, 1865. Cosgrove, John..........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted October 23, 1861. Chambers, Henry......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 307. Carpenter, Charles....do.... Sept. 5,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 5,'62. Cohick,'Samuel....... do.... Aug. 6,'62, 3 Deserted November 10, 1863. Doll, Michael...........do... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Douglass, Joseph.....do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12,'64-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 21,'65. Divet, Peter..............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 186 —died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 13, 1865-burial record, Feb. 19, 1865. Deckman, Chas. A....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6,'64-capt'd Sept. 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 8, 1865. Dunglebarger, J.......do..... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., December 17, 1862. Dixon, Thomas.........do....Oct. 10,'61, 3 Died at Camp Casey, Md., November 17, 1862. Divet,: Benjamin.......do..... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 11,'62. Dougherty, J.W........do... Feb. 15,'62, 3 Deserted March 24, 1863. Edler, David S..........do.... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 15, 1865. Eyde, Theodore........do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, July 30, 1864-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, March 24, 1865. Enney, John E do...d.................... 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Virginia., September 30, 1864-Vet. Elder, John..............do..Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Newport News, Va., July 27, 1862. Findley, Geo. W............do. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fisher, George..........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'1865-Vet. Fitzkee, Henry.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64disch. by General Order, June 20, 1865. Frank, John W...... do.... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., April 3, 1864-Vet. Fisher, John...........do.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-capt'd Sept. 30,'64-died at Newburg, Pa., Mar. 30,'65. Fisher, Jacob M.........do..... Sept. 5, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Gilbert, Francis W.....do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gray, Wilson.........do.... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Gray, Jeremiah.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Deserted Sept. 7, 1862-returned-deserted Mar. 20, 1863-returned February 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Geltmacher, Jacob.....do....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Gilbert, George...do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Gardner, Peter........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Columbia, Pa., April 4, 1865. Goon, William...........do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 17,'61. Heck, Israel............. do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry, Charles......d. do..... Dec. 20,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Herleman, Henry......do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hinkle, John J...do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Captured September30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Howard, Jacob.......do......do. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-disch. by General Order, June 15, 1865. Hostetter, John F......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 23, 1864-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, February 9, 1865. Houts, Edward.......do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 27, 1864-Vet. Haines, Samuel.........do.... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 6, 1865-Vet. Harris, Calvin.........d..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-captured Sept. 30, 1864-died in York Co., Pa., March 31, 1865. Hegentogler, S......do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-capt'd Sept. 30, 1864-died at Richmond. Va., Feb. 28, 1865. Hoffner, John...... do... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Howe, William........do..... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted January 20, 1865. Hill, Thomas............ Sept. 9, 61, 3 Died Oct. 6, 1862, of wounds received in action. Hoine, Samuel E......do....Aug. 23,'62, 3 Deserted June 22, 1863. Hetrick, Isaiah...d..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'63. Johnson, Wm. M......... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Nov. 28,'64-Vet. Klugh, Joseph...........do....Nov. 1,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by S. O., June 30, 1865. Kauffman, Benj......do..Oct. 7,'61, 3 Captured December 16, 1863-died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 18, 1864-grave, 6,028. Kahoe, Thomas...... do.. Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Klute, Robert......do Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1109 NAME. RANK, DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Kellar, Oscar......... Private Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Otter Island, S. C., March 26, 1862. Keplar, Jacob............do.... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 312. Kennedy, Patrick.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Deserted November 20, 1862. Kelley, John............do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Deserted December 20, 1862. Lowbacker, Joseph...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Lease, Joseph............do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Long, Jerome...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 5,'64, for wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Lowe, John F............do..... Aug. 17,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 30, 1865. Lamberson, Chas......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 29, 1865. Lehman, George W...do..... Feb. 18,'62, 3 Wounded in action, July,'64-died at Columbia, Pa., April 3, 1865. Litz, Daniel...............do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'62. Myers, Jacob H.........do Feb. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Myers, Samuel E......do..... Feb. 24,'62, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 14, 1864 — mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Miller, David...........do..... Dec. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Miller, John...........do.. Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Miles, John.L...........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Prisonerfr. Dec. 14,'63, to Mar. 27,'65-mustered out, May 12, 1864-expiration of term. Mosteller, Michael..do.... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by special order, June 8,'65. Maloney, Thomas......do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Moore, John F...........do,.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 11, 1865. Magill, George..........do.... Oct. 11,l61, 8 Wd. at Spottsylvania C. I., May 12, 1864-capt'd Sept. 30,'64 —died at Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 14,'65. Moore, John..............do.... Dec. 13,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 11, 1865. Myers, Samuel C......do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Wd. at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-des. July,'64. Myers, Edward.........do.....Sept. 9,'62, 3 Deserted March 12, 1864. Martin, Thomas.......do.... Jan. 2,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted January 25, 1865. Mulleni Amos...........do..... Aug. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant, October 21, 1861. Mitchell, James G....do..... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Mumma, Peter HI...do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'63. M'Laughlin, Osw'd...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64 — ustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Farland, James.....do..... Dec. 21,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. M'Dade, Thomas......do..... Dec. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. M'Carty, George....... do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864-discharged by special order, May 30, 1865. M'Bride, Thomas......do.... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Deserted June 3, 1864-Vet. M'Cann, James.........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Killed at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot C, grave, 311. M'Clain, Joseph........do.... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Captured November 17, 1863. Nash, Francis............do.... Nov. 30,'64, 1 Substitute-mustured out with Co., July 17,'65. Neeley, Samuel........ do.... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-killed at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. O'Brier, John C........do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 2, 1865, for wounds received in action, June 27, 1864-Vet. Palmer, James.........do..... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Pyfer, Levi...............do... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, Aug. 9,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Pyfer, Joseph............do.... Feb. 99,'64, 3 Capt'dSept. 30,'64-mus. outwithCo., July17,'65. Porter, John C.......... do.... Oct. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 25, 1863. Peart, John............do..... Feb. 27,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7,'62. Quigley, Thomas......do..... Nov. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Raseley, James........do..... Dec. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Rhaun, Isaac............do..... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Deserted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Roads, George...........do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Rees, Lewis...........do.... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Mustered out, Mar. 27, 1865-expiration of term. Roberts, William......do..... Oct.,'62, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 1, 1865. Ropp, David R. P....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Died July 31, 1864, at Richmond, Va., of wounds received in action, July 30, 1864. Rodgers, James.........do..... Dec. 23,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted January 11, 1865. Reighand, Sam'l A...do... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Killedin action at Otter Island, S. C., Mar. 13,'62. Reighand, Wm. H....do... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Died Mar. 14, 1862, of wounds received in action at Otter Island, S. C., Mar. 13, 1862. Ryan, John...............do..... Aug. 27,'61, 3 Discharged 6n Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 26,'62. Ritcher, Charles.......do.....Mar. 28,'62, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. Shannon, John........ do.... Dec. 21, 64,, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Strickler, Peter K....do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Seiple, George F......do Feb. 2664, 3'6 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. 1110 FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. RARS. Sumpman, Samuel.. Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stonecypher, Jas.....do....Sept. 8,'61, 3 Captured June 18, 1864-mustered out with com. pany, July 17, 1865-Vet. Saunders, William....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Captured Sept. 30, 1864-mus. out, Aug. 17, 1865. Sumpman, John F....do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 7, 1864, to April 21, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865-Vet. Stonecypher,Alon'o...do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 7, 1864, to April 29, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865-Vet. Swears, Francis.......do..... Aug. 7,'62, 3 Prisoner from June 7, 1864, to April 1, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865. Saunders, Simon.......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 64-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Smith, Richard.........do....Aug. 22,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. Sullivan, Timothy....do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Stein Charles............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died, February 16, 1863-buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, Pa. Stouffer, Henry......do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. Studenroff, Martin....do Aug. 22,'61, 3 Deserted September 7, 1862. Sharr, John F.........do.... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Drowned in Potomac River, August 13, 1862. Seitz, John G...........do.... Mar. 27,'62, 3 Died at Milldale, Miss., July 27, 1863. Vache, Howard W....do Oct. 7,'61, 3 Died, June 8, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864-Vet. Williams, John.........do. Dec. 23,'64, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Weaver, Samuel B....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-absent, in * hospital, at muster out. Weaver, Reuben.......do... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6,'65discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 30, 1865-Vet. Ward, John............ do. Aug. 22,'61, 3 Transferred to company F, April30, 1864. Wike, Henry M.......do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Died October 1, 1864, near Petersburg, Va., of wounds received at Poplar Spring Church, Va., September 30, 1865-Vet. Woods, John S..........do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Petersburg, July 30,'64Vet. Weigant, Augustus...do.....Oct. 11,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Wilderness, May 6,'64-Vet. Wagner, Augustus...do.....Aug. 22,'61,3 Died June 16, 1862, of wounds received in action at Otter Island, S. C., March 13, 1864. Yough, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 22,'61, 3 Deserted March 19, 1864. FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. A T a moment of immiment peril, in April, 1861, five volunteer companies from Pennsylvania rushed to the rescue of the National Capital, seriously menaced by traitors-the first troops to respond to the urgent call of the government. Among the foremost of these companies was the Logan Guards, of Mifflin county. When the three months' service was ended, this company, recruited and re-organized, was again mustered for three years, as company A, in the Forty-sixth Regiment. Company C, rectuited in Northampton county, had served in the First Regiment, under Captain Selfridge, as company A. Company D, recruited in Dauphin county, had also served in the Fifteenth Regiment, as company E. Many of the members of other companies, both officers and privates, had served in the first campaign, but the organizations of no other companies had been preserved. Companies B and F were recruited in Allegheny county, E in Berks, G and H in Potter, I in Luzerne, and K in Northumberland. Rendezvousing at Camp Curtin, the regiment was organized on the 1st of September, 1861, by the selection of the following field officers: Joseph F. Knipe, of Dauphin county, who had served during the three months' campaign on the staff of General E. C. Williams, Colonel; James L. Selfridge, from Captain of company C, Lieutenant Colonel; Arnold C. Lewis, Major. On the 22d of September, Major Lewis, while attempting to enforce discipline in a case of insubordination, was shot and instantly killed by a private of company I, who afterwards suffered the extreme penalty of the law for his offence. Captain J. A. Matthews, of company A, was promoted to Major. Upon the resignation of General Patterson, from the command of the army of the Shenandoah, General Banks was appointed to succeed him. His forces were posted on the Upper Potomac, along the Maryland shore, in the neighborhood of Harper's Ferry. Soon after its organization, the Forty-sixth was ordered to General Banks' command.' Upon its arrival it was assigned to the First Brigade,* of the Second Division, of his corps. Little of interest, save the usual drill and camp duty, and an occasional skirmish with the enemy, occurred until the opening of the spring campaign. In January, 1862, Stonewall Jackson, with a well appointed force of all arms, having for some time occupied the Shenandoah Valley, had pushed out as far west as Hancock, where he was met and driven back by General Lander. Lander pursued, but soon after died, and was succeeded in command by General Shields, who continued the pursuit to * Organization of First Brigade, Brigadier General S. W. Crawford, Second Division, Brigadier General A. S. Williams. Forty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Joseph F. Knipe; Tenth Regiment Maine Volunteers, Colonel George Beale; Fifth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Colonel George D. Chapman; Twenty-eighth New York Volunteers, Colonel Dudley Donnelly; First Maryland, Colonel John Kenly; Best's Regular Battery. 1112 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. 1862 Winchester. On the 24th of February, General Banks commenced crossing the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, and occupied, in turn, Leesburg, Charlestown, Martinsburg and Winchester. Shields continued the pursuit of Jackson as far as New Market, whence he returned to Winchester. In the meantime, Banks had dispatched one division of his corps to Centreville, and had himself departed for Washington. Considering himself superior to the Union force remaining, Jackson turned upon Shields, and a severe engagement ensued in the neighborhood of Kernstown. Three companies of the Forty-sixth, under command of Major Matthews, arrived upon the field in time to participate in the conflict. Jackson was beaten, and Banks returning, gave chase, which was continued to Woodstock. In this pursuit the Forty-sixth was conspicuous, Colonel Knipe manifesting his usual enterprise and daring. Jackson, who was fearful of a union of the forces of Fremont and Banks, marched hastily across the mountain to M'Dowell, where he encountered the head of Fremont's column, under Milroy and Schenck, and defeated it, inflicting considerable loss. Returning with his characteristic celerity of movement, and masking his progress by his cavalry, he fell suddenly upon Colonel Kenley, occupying an outpost at Front Royal, and, routing his small force, was making for the rear of Banks' army, before the latter was aware of an enemy's presence in his front. Turning his trains towards the Potomac, and dispersing the rebel cavalry, which appeared upon his, rear, Banks commenced his retreat down the valley. Finding that he must make a stand to save his trains, he drew up his little army in line of battle, in front of Winchester, and with an entire force of only about seven thousand men, prepared to meet Jackson with not less than twenty thousand. For five hours the unequal contest was maintained, the Forty-sixth holding its ground with unexampled coolness and bravery. At length, finding himself outflanked and likely to be overpowered, he withdrew and made his way to the Potomac, where his trains had already arrived, and crossed in safety. In this engagement the Forty-sixth lost four killed, ten wounded, and three taken prisoners. The loss to the Union force in withdrawing through the streets of the town was considerable, the inhabitants, both male and female, vieing with each other in pouring forth insults and deadly missiles. "My retreating column," says General Banks in his official report, "suffered serious loss in the streets of Winchester; males and females vied with each other in increasing the number of their victims by firing from the houses, throwing hand grenades, hot water, and missiles of every description." Upon the appointment of General Pope to the command of the army of Northern Virginia, the scattered forces upon the Rappahannock, the Shenandoah, andin West Virginia, were concentrated, and were organized in three corps, commanded respectively by Sigel, (formerly Fremont,) Banks, and M'Dowell. On the 7th of August, 1862, Crawford's Brigade was stationed at Culpepper Court House. The divisions of Ewell, and Stonewall Jackson, followed by that of Hill, a force twenty-five thousand strong, had already arrived upon the- apidan, and had commenced crossing, driving back the Union cavalry. On the 8th, Crawford was ordered forward towards Cedar Mountain, and on the following morning Banks followed with the rest of his corps, consisting of seven thousand men. Jackson, having pushed forward his columns with celerity, had taken position with his artillery on Cedar Mountain, at an eleva tion of two hundred feet above the surrounding plain, but had kept his infan 1863 BATTLE OF CEDA R MOUNTAIN. 1113 try masked under the shadow of the forests. Four guns had been advanced, farther to the front, and lower down the side of the mountain. These, with the more elevated ones, opened on Grawford's Brigade, and at five o'clock P. M., the Union forces, in two columns, advanced to the attack. The position of the Forty-sixth fell opposite the enemy's advanced pieces, and upon these the men charged with desperate valor. But before reaching them, they had to pass an open field, now covered with shocks of full ripened wheat. Here they were fearfully exposed, and the enemy's artillery, and his strong lines of infantry concealed from view, poured in a merciless storm of shot and shell. Three times was it led to the charge across that fatal plain, when Colonel Knipe fell severely wounded, and the regiment was withdrawn. " Had victory been possible,' says Greeley, " they would have won it. * * * The best blood of the Union was poured out like water. * * * General Crawford's Brigade came out of the fight a mere skeleton." The loss in the Forty-sixth was thirty killed, thirty-four severely wounded, and six prisoners. Among the killed were Lieutenants Robert Wilson, S. H. Jones, and Wm. P. Caldwell, and among the wounded Colonel Knipe, Major Matthews, Captains Lukenbaugh, Brooks, and Foulke, and Lieutenants Selheimer, Caldwell, Craig, and Matthews. In the battle of Antietam, Banks' Corps was commanded by General Mansfield, and early in the day of September 17th was led:to the support of Hooker, battling with a heavy force of the euemy on the extreme right of the line, across Antietam Creek. Crawford's Brigade was sent to the support of Ricketts' Division and advanced carrying the woods to the right of, and beyond the cornfield, and maintained its position until relieved by Sedgwick's Division of Sumner's Corps. The Forty-sixth was here led by Lieutenant Colonel Selfridge, Colonel Knipe still suffering from the effects of his wounds. The loss was six killed and three severely wounded. Captain George A. Brooks was among the killed. Soon after the battle of Antietam, Colonel Knipe was promoted to Brigadier General, and assigned to the command of the Brigade; Lieutenant Colonel Selfidge was promoted to Colonel; Major Matthews to Colonel of the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania, which was assigned to Knipe's Brigade; Captain William L. Foulke, of company B, to Iieutenant Colonel, and Captain Cyrus Strouse, of company K, to Major. Upon the inauguration of the Fredericksburg campaign, the Forty-sixth, which was then lying with the division at Fairfax, was ordered forward, but did not arrive upon the field in time to be engaged. In the re-organization of the army, which was made upon the accession of General Joseph Hooker to the chief command, Knipe's Brigade became the Second of the First Division of the Twelfth Corps, the division being com. manded by General A. S. Williams, and the corps by General Slocum. On the 27th of April, 1863, the Eleventh and Twelfth corps, which had been lying near Falmouth during the winter, marched north to Kelly's Ford, where they crossed the Rappahannock, thence to Germania Ford, where they crossed the Rapidan, and arrived at Chancellorsville without encountering serious opposition. Here it was joined by the Fifth Corps, and on the 30th, by the Third Corps. There were three roads centring at Chancellorsville, the main direction of each being eastward. Upon each of these Hooker ordered an advance on the morning of the 1st of May, Meade upon the left, Sykes, commanding a division of regulars belonging to the Fifth Corps, in the centre, and Howard upon the right. At two o'clock P. M., the movement commenced, and after proceed. 140 1114 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. 1863 ing some three miles the central column encountered the enemy in considerable force, and Knipe's Brigade was sent to its support, where it was engaged and lost some men; whereupon Hooker ordered a retrograde movement and a concentration upon the line of the previous night with the Chancellor House as headquarters, Meade on the left, Slocum in the centre, and Howard, somewhat in the air, on the right. Desultory fighting continued during the day of the 2d of May, when, at near night fall, Stonewall Jackson, with twenty-five thousand men, burst like an avalanche upon Howard's Corps, resting unsuspicious of danger, and drove it, in rout and confusion in upon the centre. This brought the enemy upon Slocum's right, and during the early part of the night a sharp conflict was kept up, wherein Knipe's Brigade was engaged, loosing many in killed and wounded, and a considerable number of prisoners. Here fell Major Strouse, his body riddled with bullets, while attempting to escape when called on to surrender. At midnight a counter charge was made by Birney's Division, and a part of the guns lost by Howard and his abandoned rifle-pits, were re-gained, and the enemy thrown into some confusion. On the morning of the 3d, Williams- Brigade was sent to the support of Birney; and here the battle raged with great fury, the enemy losing heavily, and being broken and driven in great confusion. Upon the return of Hooker to the north bank of the Rappahannock, the regiment occupied its old camp, where it remained until the advance of the army into Pennsylvania. The loss in the Chancellorsville campaign was four killed, a considerable number wounded, two severely, and two taken prisoners. Major Strouse and Lieutenant 0. R. Priestly were among the killed. Early in June, Lee commenced a movement north, marching down the Shenandoah Valley, and crossing the Potomac at Williamsport. On the 1st of July, he met the Union army at Gettysburg. On the evening of the same day, the Twelfth Corps arrived upon the field, and was posted on the right of the line holding the summits of Culp's Hill, where a formidable breast-work was thrown up. On the afternoon of the 2d, the First and Second divisions were ordered to the support of the left, leaving their works unoccupied, save by a thin line of Green's Brigade, of the Second Division. During their absence, the enemy attacked and carried the left of the works, and, upon their return at evening, they found the rebels in possession. Dispositions were promptly made to re-take them. Before dawn of the 3d, a heavy fire of infantry and artillery was opened upon the enemy, and after an obstinate resistance of several hours, he was driven back at the point of the bayonet. The Forty-sixth held the extreme right of the line, and after the re-occupation of the breastworks, was pushed-across an open space beyond Spangler's Spring, and held a piece of wood fringing Bock Creek. The loss, owing to the sheltered position which the regiment occupied, was inconsiderable. Upon the withdrawal of Lee into Virginia, the Union army followed up his line of retreat, at the same time covering Washington, until it reached the Rapidan. Here the Eleventh and Twelfth corps were detached from the Army of the Potomac, and ordered to the support of Rosecrans, in Tennessee and Northern Georgia. Marching to Washington, the regiment proceeded by rail to Nashville. Here the First Division was detailed to guard the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, from Tullahoma to Bridgeport. The country through which the road passes was infested with guerrillas and rebel cavalry, ever watchful for an opportunity to destroy the road, and to wreck the trains. It 1864 THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. 1115 was vital to the existence of the army that this line should be kept open, and that it should be operated to its utmost capacity. The vigilance and fidelity with which this service was performed on the part of the Forty-sixth, elicited the warm approval of its superior officers. Early in January, 1864, a large proportion of the officers and men of the regiment having re-enlisted for a second term of three years, insuring its continuance as an organization, they were given a veteran furlough and proceeded to Pennsylvania.* Here its ranks were rapidly recruited, and upon its return the division rejoined the corps, in winter quarters, in and about Chattanooga. On the 6th of May Sherman's army, seventy thousand strong, with one hundred and fifty guns, broke up winter quarters and moved on the ever memorable Atlanta campaign. At Dalton, where Johnston, who commanded the rebel army, was first met, the enemy was turned out of a position,' strong by nature and well fortified, by a flank movement through Snake Creek Gap, which had already been captured by Geary's Division. Following up the retreating enemy, Sherman found him well entrenched at Resaca, prepared to dispute his further progress. Here Sherman again attempted a movement by the right flank; but Johnston, taking advantage of his antagonist's weakened lines in front, delivered a heavy and well sustained attack, falling upon the divisions of Hooker and Schofield. He found Hooker not unprepared for the encounter, and after a bloody conflict, Johnston was driven, with a loss of four guns and many prisoners. In this engagement the Forty-sixth prticipated, losing three killed and five wounded. Among the killed was Lieutenant John H. Knipe, of company I. Pushing the enemy steadily back, on the 25th of May, the regiment was again engaged at Pumpkinvine Creek and at New Hope Church. The country is here broken, and the enemy was well entrenched, his lines stretching across Lost, Pine and Kenesaw mountains, from Dallas to Marietta, presenting an unbroken front. From the 25th of May until near the middle of June, Sherman, always fruitful in resources, operated against the enemy's lines, compel. ling him, by constant battering, and picket firing, and by frequent assaults, gradually to give ground, taking first Pine Knob, then Lost Mountain, and at length the long line of breast works connecting the latter with Kenesaw. Finally, on the 22d of June, the enemy, finding himself slowly but surely pushed from his strong position, suddenly assumed the offensive, and made a furious attack upon Hooker's Corps, in position near the Culp House. It fell principally upon Knipe's Brigade, and was led by Hood, but signally failed. Hood was repulsed with heavy loss, including some prisoners.' Williams' Division," says General Thomas in his official report, " skirmished itself into position on the right of Geary's Division, the right of Williams resting at Culp's House, on the Powder Spring and Marietta Road. About 4 P. M., the enemy, in heavy *YOUTHFUL VETERANS. —" The claim of Missouri to have the youngest veteran soldier, is disputed by the Keystone State. We are informed that Henry Weidensaul, in his fourteenth year, entered the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, participated in the battles of Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Resaca, Dallas, Kenosaw. and Peach Tree Creek; was wounded for the first time in the last named fight, and re-enlisted last Winter with the greater part of his regiment. He was seventeen years of age on the 1st of July last."- Louisville Journal. Henry Weidensaul, named above, was a native of Morgantown, Berks county. He was first wounded at Cedar Mountain, in August, 1862, where he was taken prisoner, and was confined in Libby Prison for nearly five weeks. He was again wounded at Atlanta, 1116 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. 1865 force, attacked Knipe's Brigade in its advanced position, before his men had time to throw up any works, and persisted in the assault until sundown, when they withdrew, their ranks hopelessly broken, each assault having been repelled with heavy loss." In the various engagements at Dallas, Pine Knob, Kenesaw Mountain and Marietta, in all of which the Forty-sixth participated, the loss was fourteen killed and about thirty wounded. Captain D. H. Chesebro and Lieutenant J. W. Phillips were among the killed. On the 16th of July, Sherman crossed the Chattahoochee River, and, sweeping around to the left, began closing in upon Atlanta, MfPherson reaching out to strike the Augusta railroad. While these movements were in full progress, and the army. only partially across Peach Tree Creek, a considerable stream running in a westerly direction in front of Atlanta, Hood again attacked, leading a heavy force, and precipitating it with great violence upon the Union columns, falling principally upon Newton's, and upon Hooker's Corps. The Fortysixth was much exposed, and suffered severely; but with ranks undismayed, led' by Colonel Selfridge, who was in the thickest of the fight, conspicuous by his white, flowing locks, encouraging and steadying his men, they hurled back the rebel hordes at the point of the bayonet. With columns sadly decimated, Hood retreated from the field, leaving five hundred dead, one thousand severely wounded, and many prisoners in the hands of the victors. The loss in the regiment was ten killed and twenty-two wounded. Captain S. T. Ketrer, Lieutenants H. J. Davis, Samuel Wolf, and David C. Selheimer, and Adjutant Luther R. Whitman, were among the killed. Shifting the Army of the Tennessee from the left to the extreme right, Sherman was preparing to cut off the railroads, and invest the city on the south, when Hood, detecting the movement, again fell upon the Union lines, only partially formed. The attack was made with the rebel leader's characteristic impetuosity, but it fell like the beating of the mad waves of the sea against the immovable cliff. The regiment lost here six killed and a considerable number Wounded. On the 1st of September, Atlanta surrendered, and Sherman's victorious columns entered the city in triumph. The hard fighting of the regiment was now ended. General Knipe was here transferred to the command of cavalry, and Colonel Selfridge to the Brigade, leaving Major Patrick Griffith in command of the regiment. On the 11th of November, Sherman commenced his march to the sea. On the 21st of December, he reached Savannah, and, after a brief conflict at Fort MWAllister, took possession of the city. With but a brief respite, he faced his columns to the north, and on the 17th of February, Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, was taken without resistance, and a month later he reached Goldsboro, the end of his hostile wayfaring. Johnston surrendered on the 26th of April, and the army immediately commenced its homeward march. On the 16thofJuly, 1865, the Forty-sixth regiment, after nearly four years of faithful service, was mustered out near Alexandria, Virginia. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1117 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS NAME. R DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. _A.K. ^ ^ ^ 1 BRMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Joseph F. Knipe..... Col..... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Brigadier General; Nov. 29, 1862. Jas. L. Selfridge.......do.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted from Lt. Col. to Col., May 10, 1863-to brevet Brigadier General, March 16,1865-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865. William L. Foulk.. Lt. Col. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted from. Capt. Co. B to Lieut. Col., June7,'63-on detached duty from Feb. 3,'64, to July 29,'65-mustered out by S. O., July 29, 1865. Arnold C. Lewis.....Major.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 illed September 22, 1861. Jos. A. Matthews......do..... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Col. 128th reg. P. V., Nov. 1, 1862. Cyrus Strouse...........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. K, Nov. 1,'62-killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. Patrick Griffith........do.... Sept. 16;'61, 3 Promoted from private to 2d Lt., Sept. 16, 1861to Captain, Feb. 15,'62-to Maj., Aug. 1, 1863capt'd at Cedar Mountain, and at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863-mustered out with regiment, July 16,1865. George W. Boyd... Adj..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Resigned October 14, 1862. Wm. B. Weber.........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company A, Feb. 11, 1863. L. R. Whitman.........do..... May 1,'62, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj., Feb. 12,'63-died Aug. 6,'64, of wds. rec. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,'64. Jos. H. M'Carty........do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Promoted from private to Adjt., Aug. 12, 1864mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865. Geo. B. Cadwalader Q. M... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to A. Q. M. U. S. Vols., July 8, 1863. Levi Tice.................do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Q. M. Sergt., Dec. 19, 1862-to Quartermaster, April 1,'64-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865. Lavington Quick.... Surg... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Brigade Surgeon, January 21, 1862. Daniel Holmes...........do..... Jan. 21'62, 3 Resigned March 6, 1862. Wm. C. Rodgers.......d..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 -Resigned May 19, 1863. George P. Tracy........do..... July 4,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865, John B. Coovet.....As.Sur. Nov. 13,'62, 3 Pr. to Surg. 70th reg. Pa. Vols., Dec. 10, 1862. George )Y urke......do..... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865. Jas. B. v'Donough... do.... Jan. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865. John A. Rubolt...... Ghap'n Sept. 10','61, 3 Resigned November 30, 1861. Charles Strong..........do....Jan. 14,'62 3 Resigned September 24, 1862. Chas. B. M'Carty.. Sr. Maj. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, Feb. 12, 1863-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. Thos B. Gorman......do....Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut. company H, Feb. 1, 1862. George Elberty......... do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, April 7, 1862. L. R. Whitman.........do May 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, February 12, 1863. James F. Duncan... Q.M.Sr Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Com. Sgt., April 15,'64-corn. 2d Lt. Co. A, July 15, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. Orlando J. Reese...do..... Sept, 12,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. company H, Dec. 19,'62. John M. Martin.........do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Levi Tice...............do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted.to Quartermaster, April 1, 1864. James Bray...........Con. Sr Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corn. Sergeant, April 12,'64-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. D). H. Chesebro..........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company G, Nov. 1, 1863. Charles Newman....Ho.. St. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 1,'62-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. Adam Gillett............do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, 1862. Jonathan Ocker...... Muc.... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Transferred from company A, Aug,'64-mustered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. B. C. Zimmerman.......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred from company K, Aug. 31,'64-mus_ __ _ _ ____ ~tered out with regiment, July 16, 1865-Vet. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. Pi. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red reduced. Stew. steward. By. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged, Mis. missing. sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain, Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 1118 rFORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, BEGIMENTAL BAND. NAME. RANK. 1ATE OF MTSTER! REMARKS........ | INTO SER~ICE. RAS. Richard J. Stanley.. Leader Au-'. 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1862, Dewitt, Augustus... lu.... 2,'61, 3 Dlischrge August 16. 1862. Deeds, John........ do...Aug. 27,'J61, 3 DisO.hargeci August 16, 1802. Evans,......... A. 7, 61, 3 i Dischlucld August 16, 1862. Fix, Daniel..... do Aur. 27 61, 3 ischarged Aug ust 16, 1862. Hoyer, Isaac.............o!Au. 27''1, Disha.rged August 16, 1862. Homer, Geo...... do Au. 27'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1862. Karch, John H......... do Au. 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1862. Light, Wlliam....do..... Au. 27,'61 3 Discharged August 16, 1862, Laceye, Joseph..........do..... Aug. 27,'61, Discharged August 16, 1862. Minker, Angustus...do. Aug. 27,'61,' 3 1Discharged August 16, 1862. Minker, James...... do.....Aur. 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1862. Nagle, W iJohn. do........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 1 3 Discharged August 16, 1862. Rigy, oHarrise........ do Aug. 27,'61, 3 Discharged August 16, 1862. Shuler, James...........do..... Aug. 27,'61, 13 Discharged August 16, 1862. Stanley, JWin........... lo..... Ag. 2'7,'61, 3! Discharged August 16, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY. Joseph A. Matthews Capt.... Sept. 27,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September 27, 1861. Henry A. Eisoubise...do..... A\. 14.'1, 13 Resigned February 11, 1863. Willianm B. Weber....do. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., Sept. 27, 1861-to Adj., Nov. 1, 1862-to CaDtain company A, February 11, 1863-resigned Foebruary 8, 1865. John M. Nolte........do Aug. 23,'61, Pr. firo 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1,'62-to Capt., M rav 22, 65inus. out with Co.. July 16, 1865. D. C. Selheliner...... 1st I Sept. 27,'61, 3 Pr. fi. Co. D, 9th reg.. Y. S. M., to 2dLt., ept. 27, 1861-to 1st Lt., Nov. 1, 1862-~died Sept. 21, 1864, of wounds received at Peach T'ee Creek, Ga-., July 20, 1864. Enos Rodgers......... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.. Sept. 18,'62-to Sgt., Apr. 1, 1st Sgt., Dec. 25,'63-to 1st Lt., May 23, 1865mustered out with company, July 16,'65Vet. Jacob B. Mickey..... 1st Sgt. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., May 4,'63-to 1st Sgt., May 22,'65-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. James P. M'Clintic Serg't.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Robert Powers........ do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Sept. 5, 1863 mustered out with company, July 16.'65Vet. Joseph H. Klepper...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1, 1863-to Sgt., Dec. 2_9, 1863captured at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862-returned September, 1862-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. J. A. Muthersbough...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1, 1862-to Sgt., May 22, 1865mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Samuel Eiseubise......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Henry Printz..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporalto Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 1, 1863. Geo. W. Elberty.....L.do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29,'63. William Hopper........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died May 5, 1863, of wounds received at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. John C. Ross.......... Corp.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 4, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wm. H. Langton......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 4, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. George W. Wertz...... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1.'64-prisoner from May 2, to May 15,'63-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. George W. Lewis... I...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 22, 1864-captured at Cedar Mountain. August 9, 1862-mustered out with cotnpany, July 16, 1865-Vet. John B. Thompson -..do..... July 25,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 22, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1665. Lewis H. Ruble........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 22, 1864-captured at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1119 XA. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. Michael Fox........... Corp.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Philip Lortz..............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to or., July 1,'65-capt'd at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9,'62, and at Chancellorsville, May 2,'63mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. John G. Carlin..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 23,'62. Melvin Lamb........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'63. John S. Garrett.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Geo.W. Howenstine...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jackson Lewis..........do....Set. 2,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. William T. Shimp.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Disch. by order of War Dep't, June 20,'65-Vet. William T. Scott........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 8, 1862. Thomas A. Nourse.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Chas. Bennethum... Muc.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company B-date unknown. Hiram De Huff,....... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Jonathan Ocker......do...... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Promoted to Principal Muc., Aug. 1, 1864-Vet. Armstrong, SLm'l. Private Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Abbot, David.........do...July 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Arnold, Thomas........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, May 19,'65. Armstrong, Wm........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Aultsberger, John.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferredtobatt'yM,lst N. Y, Art'y, Jan. 1,'64. Ashton, William.......do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ball, William A....... do..... Sept. 21, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Bowson, William H...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Captured at Winchester, May 25,'62-returnedmustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Berkheimer, Wm L...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Captured at Winchester, May 25,'62-returnedmustered out with company, July 16, 65-Vet. Buchanan, Laud'm...do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Berringer, John L.....do.... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bish, Joseph............do.... Sept. 14,'63, Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bunner, John H....... do..... July 14,'63, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Burkey, William......do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bush, John H...........do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, June 20,'65. Baker, Ephraim........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Bowersox, Sam'l R...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Bolinger, George......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Brought, Charles......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Andersonville, Georgia, October 27, 1864-grave, 11,563. Briggs, James M.......do..... Jan. 14,'64, 3 Killed in action, March 14, 1865. Bigelow, Isaac..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted January 24, 1863. Black, John...............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted January 24, 1863. Budd, William.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted January 24, 1863. Boutwell, Joshua......do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Deserted October 3, 1863. Cornelius, Aquilla.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Campbell, Samuel.....do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Craig, Henry I.... do..... July 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Crawford,GeorgeW...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Chester, Jackson.......do... July 14,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18,'65. Caruthers, Chas. M...' do.... Feb. 1,'64, Tr. to Co. A, 35th reg. P. V., Jan. 20, 1865-Vet. Cowden, William...l...do..... Sept. 2,'61, Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Coleman, Emanuel..do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Lewistown, Pa. —date unknown. Cossick, Jeremiah.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, Deserted January 24,1863. Coleman, SamuelH...do..... July 14,'63. 3 Died near Broad River, S. C., February 18, 1865. DeLong, Benneville..do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dunn, Philip............do.... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Paroled prisoner-absent at muster out. Delo, Jeremiah.........do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged July 24, 1865. Denny, George L...do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged on Surg. cert., Feb. 20, 1864. Duncan, James F.......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1862. Forsyth Robert........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Dischar-ed on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'62. Franken, Joseph......do..... Sept. 2,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. Foy, Andrew.........do..... Sept. 2'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, May 25, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, April 1, 1863. Fitchorn, John M... do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Gould, James A.........do..... Dec. 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Green, John... do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Clover, Francis.........do... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gardner, Boston........do... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Greer, Samuel M.......o..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at muster out.. Guardlock, Conrad...do Mar. 8,'64, 3 Wounded-absent, in hospital, at mus. out-Vet. Gaffney, Jacob..........Aug. 16,'64, Mustered out, June 7, 185 —expiration of term. Gruver, William....do...... Sept. 2,'61 3 Deserted June 4, 1863-arrested, tried and sentenced by General Court Martial-executed at Leesburg, Va., June 19, 1863. Holstine, Conrad...... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Captured at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863-mustered out wvith company; July 16, 1865 —Vet. 1120 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMETNT, NAME. iRANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. R{;ANK. INTO SER, VICE. g Hobaugh, David..... Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Hannold, Alex..d......... d Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Harris, Michael.....do..... July 14,'63, 3 M-ustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hemphill, Samuel.do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hartley, Levi..........do... July 14,'63, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, June 20,'65. Held, Harvey........ do...Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, January 1,'64-Vet. Hilins, Henry.....do...Sept. 2, 61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Hurlbut, Hiram S....do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Deserted June 1, 1865. Heart, George.....d.....o.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Knipe, Ephraim F.....do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kauffman, Samuel........ Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kessler, F. M...... do... o..... July 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kline, John............do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Mustered out'with company, July 16, 1865. Kreps, Allen M.........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. K(reps, Lawrence......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kincade, Thomas......do....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died May 11, 1862, of wounds received, accidentally, at New Market, Va.-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot 1. Kenney, T. M........... do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62. Kennedy, David......do....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Sept. 28, 1862-grave, 326. Kauffman, Butler.........Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 11, 1862. Kelley, William.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted March 13, 1864-Vet. King, Samuel...........do..... d Sept. 30,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Limes, Joseph MI...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'63. Link, Elias..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Harper's Ferry, Va., November 11, 1862. Logan, John....... do.....Mar. 15,'65, 1 Deserted June 3, 1865. Lewis, William do.......do............ 3 Died May 26, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Mallory, Lewis J......do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Mackey, Lewis F......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. May, Joseph..............do....July 13,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Magee, Charles......do..... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Mayes, William E.....do..Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Miller, Wm. M........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Motzer, George..... d&..d6..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 28, 1861-bu. in Military Asylum Cemetery. Miller, George...d........do... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Deserted June 22, 1865. Myers, Samuel..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. M'Cartney, Isaac......do..... July 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Cullough, John......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Cormick, R........do...Sept. 2,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. M'Kee, William.......do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 4, 1863-arrested-tried and sentenced by General Court Martial-executed at Leesburg, Va., June 19, 1863. Nipple, George W.....do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Nolte, Nicholas........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Captured at Chancellorsville, May 2, 1863-re-... o..... turned-mus. out with Co., June-16,'65-Vet. Newman, Charles.....do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Nov. 1, 1862. Owens, Samuel...........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred toVeteran Reserve Corps, May 7,'63. Printz, Albert............do..... Jan. 25, 64,, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Porter, Leonard........do.... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Peoples, George C......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 15, 1864-Vet. Rothrock, Bronson.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Riden, Robert I.... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1864. Reed, William...........do... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1864. Ramsey, James M.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Riddle, James....... do... Sept. 2,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Shafer, John H........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Stevens, Joseph.... do... ept. 2, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Sigler, Homer M......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Spiurelmier, Jacob.....do..... Feb. 25, 6-1, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Shilling, Henry H.....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Stout, William........do... July 14,'63, Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Swearer, Nicholas......do..... July 16,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Stillwell, James........do..... uly 14,'63, 3 Mustered oub with company, July 16, 1865. Sumerton, Jos. H......do..... Sept. 14,'63, Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. St. John, Weslev......o..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Simpson, Thomas......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Jualy 16, 1865. Sheppard, Charles....do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, George........do....Feb.,9 64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sizer, Jacob.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 3, 1862. Snyder, George......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 29,'62. Selheimer, C. B.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20,'62. Swisher, James.........do..... Sept. 2,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Sanford, James...... do Sept 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23,'62. Shimp, Fred'k E...do.. Oct. 23,'63, 3 Discharged by order War Dep't, May 18, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1121 NAME. ANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Sacket, Joseph S. Private July 14,'63, 3 Discharged by order War Dep't, May 18, 1865r Spitler, Henry.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 6, 1863. Spiece, William G...do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Seachrist, David.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died September 7, 1862-buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery, York, Pa. Showalter, John H...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Nashville, Tenn., December 20, 1864. Slagle, Frederick B...do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 26, 1862. Scott, John............do.....Sept. 14,'61, 3 Deserted December 19, 1861. Tice, Samuel.........do.....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Taylor, Thomas........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 11,'62. awn, James.........do Sept. 2,'61, 3Dropped from the rolls, August 31, 1864. Wise, Jerome M........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Wagner, Sauel.......Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Wise, Andrew J...d...do... Sept. 5,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, May 25,'62 —discharg. ed September 18, 1864. Wagner, James.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by order War Dep't, June 21, 1865. Yeager, George.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. Wm. L. Foulk...... Capt...Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, June 7, 1863. enryN. Greatsake...do.... ug.,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt., Dec. 3,'63-resigned Oct. 9, 1864. Elijah Barnes... do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., May 22, 1865-discharged by special order, June 28, 1865. Rossw'l R. Frisbee 1st Lt... Aug. 26,'61,3 Promoted from private, March 21, 1864-resigned September ~20, 1864-Vet. William Richards..do...Sept. 18,61, 3 Promoted to Corp. Oct. 9,1863-to Sgt., May25,'64-to 1st Sgt., July 1,'64-to 1st Lt., May 22,'65-mus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. John Little............ 2d Lt... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Resigned January 23, 1862. Andrew J. Scott.......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Pr. froin 1st Sgt., Jan. 23,'62-discharged April 5, 1863, for wounds received in action. Robert M'Cready....do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt., Mar. 1,'63-resigned Au. 24,'3. Jona'thn D. Morgan 1st Sgt. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., June 5,'65-com. Captain, July 15,'65-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Henry J. Grenet........do.....Aug. 21, 61 3 Killed i action August 9, 1862. Joseph Handlon..... Serg't.. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, October 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Peter Davidson........do..... July 9,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted from Corp., Oct. 1,'64mus-i tered out with company, July 16, 1865. Henry Curts.............do... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted from Corp., June 5, 1865mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. WilliamAdams.........do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June5,'62-toSgt., Apr. 1,'63-mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. James Barker............do,... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 20,'61-to Sergt., June 6, 1862mus. out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. John M'Pherson........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 6, 1862-to Sgt., June 20, 1862mus. out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Robt. W. Moorhead...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 6, 1862-to Sgt., Nov. 20, 1863mus. out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. William Hines.. d...... dSept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 1, 1862, for wounds rec. in action. John Noll........... orp.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promotedto Corporal, October 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16,1865. Alexander Bryan......do...... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corp., Oct. 1, 186-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Morris Rice............... do.....July 25,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1864-. mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Samuel Johnson......do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted —promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1864 — mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Alfred Wait do..... Sept. 26,'6, 3 Promoted to Corpotal, October 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. George W. Cups....... ug. 26, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865Vet. Peter Geary...............d..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, June 5,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. James Brown......... do... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 26, 1863-mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. A. Marlatt............do Aug. 24,'61 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 5, 1861-discharged Oct. 1, 1862, for wounds received in action. 141 1122 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, ~N~AMEB. RAN. I DATB OF MUSTER AME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. R EMARKS. William Patch....... Corp.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20, 1863. Hezekiah Allen.........do.....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Died July 1, 1864, of wounds received inaction — buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave 348-Vet. James M. Fry...........do..... June 24,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1,'64-prisoner from April 14 to April 29, 1865-mustered out, May 18, 1865. William Richards......do. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Captured at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62-Vet. Hugh M'Gloughlin Muc.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Acker, Florence...... Private Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet Armer, William G....do..April 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Attig, John D............do.....Feb. 25,'64,.3 Mustered out, July 5, 1865. Bruster, Peter R........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865; Blackburn, Natan'l...do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, on furlough, at muster out Bond, John B............do... Jan. 4, 64,3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Bedo, Lewis.............do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Byerly, John S.........do..... Mar. 6,'64, 3 Wounded in action-absent, in hos., at mus. out. Baker, John...........do.... Sept. 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62; Born, John..............do.....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Basker, John...........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3Disch. May 5,'63, for wounds received in action. Bradley, John...........do..... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 7, 1865. Barney, Josephus....do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. June 18,'65, by orderWar Dep't. Brown, James...........do.... Aug. 23,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term, Barnes, Dennis.........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. May 19,'65, by order War Dep't Blair, James..............do... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 1, 1864 Boyle, James............do... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Died November 6, 1863. Bain, Thomas I. M....do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1 Died January 8, 1865. Boot, Joseph.............do.... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted August 21, 1863. Bentz, Joseph........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Campbell, Martin......do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 5, 1865. Costenbader, Josiah...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Critzor, David...........do.... July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Chace, George A........do....Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Cregg, Alexander.....do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Crotzor, Stephen.......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Carlile, Morris..........do..... Aug. 24,'61,3 Disch. May 19,'65, by order War Dep't.-Vet. Coss, George..............do..... Mar. 6,'64, 3 Died October 28, 1864. Conrad, John............do.. July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died August 1, 1864. Carman, John............do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Dill, John................do... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Decker, William........do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out, July 10, 1865. Dorras, William.... do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Daugherty, Francis...do...... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged June 20, 1863, for wounds received in action, May 25, 1862. Daugherty, Samuel...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'62. Denning, John...........do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Davis, John R............do.....Aug. 26,'61, 3 Killed July 20, 1864-Vet. Dyson, John C.........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Deal, George.............do..... April 4,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Ellis, Thomas W.......d.. Sept. 8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Edgar, Matthew........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Earnest, Henry B......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 31,'62, for wounds received in action. Fuller, Henry............do.... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Fuller, Amos............do.....Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Fisher, Charles H......do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mstered out, September 17, 1864. Fuller, David............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 27, 1863. Frazer, Matthew........do.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Gahan, Patrick H......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Greenwalt, Henry.....do..... Mar. 15,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Gher, Battzer.........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Graham, James........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Gourly, Alexander...do..... Aug. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Gunther, John...........do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62. Grey, James.............do.... July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-died August 1, 1864. Griffith, Howard.......do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862. Gunther, Frederick...do..... Aug. 26,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'62. Gibson, Robert..........do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Graham, Christ'r J....do..... April 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hays, James.............. Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Huber, George...........do.... July 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hughes, Thomas......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Haighman, Michael...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Disch. Oct. 9,'62, for wounds received.in action. Hoyle, George W......do.... Aug. 24,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Hively, John B.......... Aug. 25'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 9,'62, for wounds received in action. Haffey, Thomas.. d....do... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration oft erm. Haney, David....,,,....do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Died May 25, 1862, of wounds received in action. HivelyJ, Hiram...... 4.... a a r. 14,'62, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., August 21, 1862. THREE YEARSB SERVICE. 1123 t' NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK.INTO SERVICE. Howell, Jacob........ Private Mar. 6,'64, 3 Killed in action, May 15, 1864. Hilton, Henry...........do.... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died Aug. 1,'64, of wds. rec'd in action. Holshower, John.....do..July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-killed in action, July 20, 1864. Israel, John............do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Imhoff, George......do..Mar. 15,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Irwin, James............do. Aug. 27,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Junkins, John B......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Jones, WilliamC.....do.....- Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged May 30, 1865, byorder of War Dep't. Johnson, Rich'd C.....do.... Aug. 1,'64, Not on muster-out roll. Kisser, William.......do..... Feb. 27'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kinch, Martin........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Kephart Adam........ p..... 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Kerney, Michael.....do....do Aug. 2661, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62. ing W. C..........do................ Died at Lynchburg, Va., July 6, 1862. Kinch, James......... do... Aug. 25,'61, 3, Died Aug. 21,'62, of woundsreceived in action. Kanan, James........do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-died Aug. 1,'64, of wds. rec'd in action. Koff, John..........do Mar. 6,'64/ 3 Died July 25,'64, of wounds received in action. Kinslow, Michael....... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Died Aug. 24,'62, of wounds received in actionburied at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 168. Kinnan, James R......do................... 3 Died July 10, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tennesseegrave, 584. Kelley, Richard W....do.... Aug. 1,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Lee, David...... do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Light, Felix...o......... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Lucart Helrick............ Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Louer, Daniel............do...F..eb. 27,'64, 3; Absent, sick, at muster out. Little, Robert.... do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 10,'62, Lynch, James... do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Died Aug. 21, 1864, of wounds received in action. Lee, Lemuel.............do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Lyons, John...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Mathews, Robt. R.....Jdo..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Mathews, William.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Martin, James...........do..... July 18,'63, 3Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Mahatbay, Martin L...do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted December 10, 1862. MIorrisOn, Isaac........do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Deserted May 25, 1862, Mettler, Mattlhew....,.do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 3, 1863. Mathews, John... do Mar. 14, 64,3 Deserted June 2, 1865-returned July, 1865-. discharged-date unknown. Mealy, Samuel..... do........ Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 25, 1865. Moore, Henry...........do.. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Deserted June 25, 1865. Musselan, John.....do... Sept. 1,'61, 3Deserted June 1, 1862. Moore, John............ ug. 26,'61, 3 ot mustered into United States service. Moore,- Jacob.....do..... Aug. 26;'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Myers, William......do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. M'Clure, Wm. J........d....Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. M'Cleary, EwingB....do.....Mar. 2,'65, Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Gowan, John........do..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Gary, Rodner.......d...... Mar. 15,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. M'Cue, Hugh...........do..... Jan. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Garity, William...do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3Mustered out, Sept. 17,'64-expiration of term. M'Gee, Peter............do.. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17,'64-expiration of term. M'Crisson, Wm...........ug. 27,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. M'Kelvy, David.........do..... Sept. 1, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. M'Cauley, Robert....do..... Aug. 14,'64,. 1 Mustered out, June 7, 1865. Ott, William E.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Absent, on detached service, at muster out. O'Bryan, John.........do.....Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out.with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Q'Reilly, Thomas do..... July 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Patterson, James B....do.. Feb. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Patch, John C..........do Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted June 6, 1862. Parkinson, Thos. J....do..... Aug.,'61, 8 Not mustered into United States service. Riley, John...............do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Iupert, Absalom...i..do. July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Rodgers, John..........do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17, 1864-expiration of term. Robinson, George.... do..... July 25,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, oct. 1, 1864-discharged June 26, 1865. Rollings, Henry.....do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Killed in action, August 9, 1862. Richey, Andrew............ Aug. 24,'61, 3 Died July 1, 1862, of wounds received in action, May 25, 1862. Reno, Rosswell B......do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Deserted June 28, 1862. Sweeney, Patrick......do.. Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Speer, James............do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Snell, George............do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Speer, John A...........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Smith, Francis............ July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Staab, Ludrick........... do Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. 1124 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, II NAME. RANK. INTO OF MUSTER REMARKS. oh A.....INTO SERVICE. Sandrack, John.....Private Mar. 1565, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co, July 16, 1865. Sunderland, Ben'ia...do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Suter, Henry............do. Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out, August 4, 1865. Scott, John.............. do.....Sept. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Sende, Henry B.........do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Killed in action, August 9, 1862. Shalley, Paul..........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Substitute-died August 1, 1864. Striff, John.............. do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Stiner, Samuel...........do....Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 25, 1865. Shipp, Conrad...........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Stoubs, John..............do.... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 8,'63. Scott, Daniel..............do...Aug. 26,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1862. Sigh, Dennis.............do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Tatshaw, Jeremiah...do..... July 10,'63, 3 Sub.-wd. in action-ab., in hos., at muster-out. Thayer, Joseph.........do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 25, 1865. Upton, Benjamin......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted April 7, 1862. Williams, Wm. R......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Wagner, John C........do..... Aug. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Winterbottom, Wm...do..... July 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Wolbert, John...........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Whitehead, John........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 21,'62. Woollen, John...........do..... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Wilmot, Samuel.......do..... July 14,'63, 3 Substitute-killed in action, July 20, 1864. Walton, Andrew.......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 25, 1865. Whittaker, Thos........do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Deserted June 25, 1865-Vet. Wed., Jacob...........do..... July 26,'64, 1 Died June 19,'65-bu. in Cyp. Hill Cem., Long Is. Wiser, Jacob F...........do.... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged June 20, 1865. Watson, Philip E......do..... April 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Young, Samuel.........do.. Aug. 21,'61, 3 Died Aug. 20,'63-buried in National Cem., Arlington-block 2, section E, row 6, grave, 60. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN LEHIGH AND NORTHAMPTON COUNTIES. Arnold C. Lewis..... Capt.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September 4, 1861. OwenA.Lukenbach...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., Sept. 4, 1861-dis. charged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 20, 1862. Wm.H.Stolzenbach...do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept. 4,'61-to 2d Lt., Sept. 5, 1861-to 1st Lt., March 4,'62-to Capt., Nov. 1,'62-mustered out with company, July 16,'65. Wm. R. Thomas..... st Lt.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, September 4, 1861-discharged April 4, 1862. Joseph Matchell.......... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, November 1, 1862to Captain company I, July 27, 1864. James M'Quillan.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 4, 1861-to Sgt., March 4,'62-to 2d Lt., Mar. 20,'64-to 1st Lt., July 27, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65 —Vet. Robert Wilson........ 2d Lt... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. John C. Fetter...........do.....Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to2d Lt., Nov. 1,'62-res. Sept. 10,'63. Owen B. Sigley..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 4, 1861-to Sgt., Dec. 22, 1862-to 2d Lieutenant, May 22,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Isaac Davis.......... 1st Sgt. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 31, 1861-to Sgt., August 31,'63-to 1st Sergeant, May 22,'65-mustered out with company, July 26, 1865-Vet. Benj. H. Weaver......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21,'62. James A. Peiper..... Serg't.. Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Mar. 4, 1862-to Sgt., April 8,'64-nmus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. John J. Davis............do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 4, 1862-to Sgt., Nov. 9,'63-mus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. W. H. Eichelberger...do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 16,'64-to Sgt., May 22,'65 —mus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Daniel Davis.............do Jan. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 6, 1863-to Sgt., May 22,'65-mus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Robert B. Dentry......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 15,'62. Henry R. Lerers........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62. Edmund Cramsie......do.... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. E, May 22, 1865-Vet. Morgan Richards......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Drowned near Edenburg, Va., April 4, 1862. Solomon Groman.......do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed near Decherd, Tennessee, Dec. 22, 1863. Levi Benner..........Corp.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1863-mustered;~~I....out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1125 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. Hugh Lyons...........Corp.. Jan. 2,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 31,'63-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John C. Abbott.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 30, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wm. M'Monegle......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John Moore..............do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Julius A. Bealer........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 8, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John Patrick......d......Dec..31, 63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Daniel Billard........... do..... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Robert E. Williams...do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'62. George A. Yohe.............. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'61. John H. Price........ do Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1864-expiration of term. Andrew Singley..... Muc...- Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died Aug. 16, 1864, of wds. rec. in action-Vet. Edward Troxell.......d..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died July 13, 1865, of wounds received in action, March 21, 1865-Vet. Allam, Jesse.......... Private Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered'out with company, July 16, 1865. Arnold, William........do..... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 8, 1865. Adire, James T........do.... Aug. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Asst. Surgeon 77th regiment P. V., Nov. 25, 1863. Adams, James.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted January 9, 1862. Boehme, August......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Bender, Samuel...........Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bower, Edward.........do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bedlman, Elias.....do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bender, Franklin S...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Beidleman, Benj......do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Brown, John.............do.. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bannon, Albert.........do.....July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Bettz, Willis......do.... Sept. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out, July 5, 1865. Berger, Emil...........do Aug. 5,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out, July 6, 1865. Blair, John...............do. Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 13,'63.:Bower, Robert.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Bushfield, Thomas....do..]. May 30, 63, 3 Drafted-died at Willet's Point, N. Y., May 2, 1865-burial record, March 23, 1865-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. Brown, Wallace........do.....Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Bellis, William.........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Brehm, Peter...........do..... July 13,'63, Drafted-died at Decherd, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1863. Bord, Ira............ do.....Aug. 1,'6, 3 Drafted-deserted October 11, 1864. Bachman, David.......do.....: Dec. 31,'63, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., June 15, 1865-Vet. Bond, George H........do..... Nov. 12,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Corkery, John..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21,'62. Clark, Charles........do.........................3 Discharged-date unknown. Cannon, John...........do.... Aug 17,'61, 3 Drowned near Edenburg, Va., April 4, 1862. Clader, James L........do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Chapman, William...do. Feb. 13,?65, 3 Deserted June 20, 1865. Delp, Ephraim...do.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Dorward, Wmi. H.....Ido...Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Doney, William H.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Daley, George Y........ do...... Feb. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dwyer, Daniel..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14, 62. Desmol, Daniel........d..... Sept. 4,, 3 Wd. in action-disch. on Surg. cert., Oct. 15,'62. Doneghay, Alex........do..Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wd. in action-disch. on Surg. cert., Nov. 27,'62. Daily, Iorenzo.....do....Aug. 17,'61, a Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 13.'62. Daugherty, Hugh......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2,'63. Ehret, Renry W.......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ehrig, Alexander......do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Farrell, Delos............do..... Aug. 30,'63, 3 Substitute-mtlstered out, June 7, 1865. Felsing, Conrad... do...do...... July 30,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Farrwell, Walter...S...do.....d Sept. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out, June 13, 1865. Fitch, Boyd F............do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Died at Decherd, Tenn., November 30, 1863. Green, Aaron............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gloss, James F..........do..... Mar. 6,'65, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Groman, Jacob..........do...... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. Gorman, Thos. B......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, September 4, 1861. Glenn, John A..........do. July 31,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., May 15, 1865. Gallagher, Philip...do...... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted August 20, 1862.:Rower, Peter...do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet.'Hower, Charles G.....do. Jan. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Huber, Edward H..... do Jan. 1,'4,3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865 —Vet. 1126 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, ~. W NAME. RANK. DATEOF MUSTERI REMARKS NA' K. ^ g^ITOSRVICE. S p-4 Hahn, Franklin......Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. House, George...........do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hemminger, Wm......do.... July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hofner, Adam.......do..... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with,Co., July 16,'65. Hossler, Urias..........do..... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Helsel, Hiram..........do..... July 24,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Hill, Philip..............do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 11,'62. Houser, Samuel........do....Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864-expiration of term. Herrick, Joseph........do..... Sept. 6,'6, 3 Drafted-transferred to Veteran Res.. Corpsmustered out, May 22, 1865. Holl, John................do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Trans. to Veteran Reserve Corps, July 7, 1865. Heist, Benjamin F..A...d..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hagerstown, Md., March 11, 1862. Hassen, George.........d..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died Sept. 7,'62, of wds. rec. at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 235. Held, Harvey..........do..... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-Vet. Hay, Conrad..............do...July 23,'63 3 Drafted-deserted-date unknown. Johnson, William.....do...................... Died at Chattanooga, Tennessee, May 15, 1864grave, 567. Johnson, John...........do..... Aug. 4, 63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co, July 16, 1865. Jacobs, George...........do..... Aug. 5, 63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Jones, Horace B........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company G, March 4, 1862. Keef, Jeremiah.......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Knauss, Charles E.....do..... Feb. 27 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16 1865-et. Kaiser, William........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kerper, Josiah...........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Keiper, Jacob R.......do..... Mar. 3, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Knauss, Wm. V;.....do... Mar. 29,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Klingenberger, J......do..... July 30,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Killpatrick, John.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26,'62. Kampman, Albert.....do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Kling, John..............do... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out by G. O., June 23, 1865. Kersch, Frederick.....do..... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out by G. O., July 3, 1865. Kline, Frederick.... do...July 26,'63, 3 Drafted-died of wounds receivedat Atlanta, Ga., July 31, 1864. Krout, William H.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Deserted December 20, 1864. Lerers, Owen J.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Likely, Wm. T........do..... July 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Lindemuth, H.W.L...do.....July 16,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Luce, Algernon.........do..... Sept. 10,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Lacier, Charles S......do..... Feb. 11, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Long, Jeremiah.........do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Leo, John.................do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wd. in action-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 1,'63. Mooney, Thomas......do.... Jan. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Myers, Charles.........do..... July 1,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Mast, William H.....do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'63. Malone, Wesley.........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Sub.-died at Washington, >. C., Oct. 14, 1863buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Milier, John..............do... July 27,'63, 3 Substitute-killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. Mullen, Edward........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted June 10, 1863. Myers, Jacob........do..... Aug. 17,'61, Wounded in action-deserted-date unknown. Martin, Jamison........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted, June 9, 1862. Moyer, Christian......do...... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. M'Murtrie, John.......d.... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. M'Cracken, James....do..... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Mv'Gonigle, Wm........do.....May 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Murtrie, Thos.....do. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Fadden, John........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Clellan, James......do..... April 7,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 8, 1865. M'ILaughlin, J. S......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. M'Quillan, John....... do...Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. M'Narty, Charles B...do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, November 1, 1863. M'Laughlin, M.........do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-died June 24, 1864, of wounds received at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 264. M'Candless, David...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. Overbeck, Lord B.....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 13,'63. Pearson, Oliver D......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Pritchard, Wm.... do..... Mar. 11, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Pollock, Con..............do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 eserted May 26, 1862. Richardson, John.....do................. 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 19,'62-grave, 156. Reed, John...............do..... Jan. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Rowe, Solomon J.....do.... Feb. 29,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Rohfritsch, Michael...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Rice, Samuel....... do. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16,'64-expiration of term. Reily, Patrick.......... do.... Aug. 17,'61, Transferred to Veteran Res: Corps, Dec. 15, 1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1127.. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER EMARKS. NAtB. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Richards, John A... Private Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9,62. Rogers, Edward........do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted March 25, 1862. Schaffer, Adam.........do.. Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Sigley, Charles H...... do.. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Seigfried, David T.....do.. Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Stoner, Leander........ do.. July 0,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Smith, George..........do... July 13,'64 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Stevenson, James...do.... July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Sharp, Charles..........do.. Sept. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Schaffer, John N........do..... Feb. 29,'64 3 Mustered out, June 7, 1865. St. Clair, John..........do.. July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out, June 7, 1865. Schlesser, Elias.........do..Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April20,'62. Son, John.................do. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, April 26,'62. Sullivan, Patrick......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63 Sois, Joseph........... do.. Aug. 17,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'63. Stone, Samuel........do... Jan. 28'65, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 15, 1865. Stine, John A.......do... Sept. 11,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 8, 1865. Shindeldecker, M......do... July 30'63, 3 Drafted-died at Decherd, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1863. Stanley, James........do.. July 23,'63, 3 Substitute-killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. Stephens, Palmer..... do... July 13,'63, 3 Sub.-died at Chattanooga, Tenn., May 18, 1864. Shultz, John J........... do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 14, 1864-Vet. Troxell, Wm. H....... do. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Thompson, Wm. S....do Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Tice, Levi................. do..... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, Dec. 19,'62. Todd, Norman.......... do. Sept. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-died of wounds received at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 29, 1864. Wohl, Henry...........do. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wagner, Samuel........ do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wambold, Ed. L.......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14,'62. Ward, Franklin.........do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hancock, Md., Feb. 15, 1862. Wendle, Josiah...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., April 20, 1862. Weissman, Lewis......do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain,, Va. August 9, 1862. Weaver, Franklin...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Yohler, John............do..... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Young, Gabriel......... do. Feb. 2664 3 Absent,, 64 A sick, at muster out. Yohler, John......do...... Feb. 26,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Zeilner, Samuel......... do. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, October 22, 1862. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN DAUPHIN COUNTY. Geo. A. Brooks....... Capt.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Sptember 17, 1862. Ed. L. Witman..... do. Sept. 2.'61. 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain-to Lt. Colonel 210th regiment P. V., September 26, 1864. T. J. Novinger.......... do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1,'61-to Sgt., Nov. 26, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 18,'63-to 1st Lt., Mar.'0,'64-to Capt., Dec. 18, 1864-pris. from Aug. 9, to Oct., 1862-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. John W. Geiger...... 1st Lt.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Dismissed July 6, 1863. Jacob HI l. Shepler..... do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1, 61-to Sgt., Nov. 26, 1862-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 20,'64-to 2d Lt., Sept. 29,'64-to 1st Lt., Dec. 18,'64-pris. fr. May 3, to May 16,'63-mus. out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Oliver B. Simmons 2d Lt... Mar 1,'62, 3 Resigned June 5, 1863. Samuel Wolf.......... do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 4, 1863-killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. John L. Long........ do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. r. Cr. r.to Sgt., Mar. 21,'64-to 1st St., Sept. 2. 1864-to 2d Lt., Dec. 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. H. A. Weidensaul.. 1st Sgt.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9,'62-pr. to Cor., May 18,'63-to Sgt., Oct. 1,'64-to 1st Sgt., July 1,'65-com. to 2d Lt. Co. F, July 15,'65not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 16,'65-Vet. Samuel Bernheisel.....do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., Sept. 26,'62, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Edward D. Wells... Serg't.. Dec. 29,'63, 3 Pr. to-Cor., Jan. 19, 64-to Sgt., Jan 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Edward Rhoades......do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Pris. fr. May 2, to May 15,'63-pr. to Cor., April wa o a., 19, 1864-to Sgt., April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. 1128 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, N A RA DATE OF MUSTER ARS NAME. RANE. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. William Walker.... Serg't.. July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Sept. 1,'64-to Sergt., July 1,'65-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. William Marts.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 26,'62-to Sgt., Nov. 18,'63-wounded at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Sam'l B. Potteiger.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. John Care.................do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieut. Co. I, March 14, 1862. George Durrell..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Henry C. Knipe........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 23, 1865. William Mease...... Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15, 1863-promoted to Corporal, November 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Alex. E. James.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. William Reimert......do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 1,'64-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John H. Hoke...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Captured at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Edward King.............do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15,'63-pr. to Cor., May 1,'65-mus. out with Co., July 16,'65-Vet. John Houser.............do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15, 1863-wd. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.. July 20,'64-pr. to Cor., June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Elias Boyer...............do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wm. H. Bachman.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 18, 1864-wounded in action-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Thomas J. Elder......do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1,'64 —mus. out, June 5, 1865. Jacob Killinger.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'62. Jas. F. O'Donnell......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 22,'62. Alexander Rhoades...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. John Yeager...........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Matt'w C. Taylor......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Frederick Sarber......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July20,'64-Vet. Samuel 0. Nace-........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Missing at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. John Lang...............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Chas. H. Renhard.. Muc.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Charles H. Spade.......do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Albright, John A... Private Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Albert, Joseph..........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded in action, with loss of leg-discharged January 4, 1864. Allison, John........do..... Sept. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 30,'63. Bedillion, William.....do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Brunner, Urias.........do...., July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Brunner, William...do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mus out with company, July 16, 1865. Beddleyoung, Wm....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 10,'62. Brumbaugh. Jas. A....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 3,'62. Blowers, John Q........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., April 20,'65. Bedillion, John........do.....July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 5, 1865. Bousman, George......do..... Aug. 6,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Barr, Alexander........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1864. Chubb, Philip...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 25,'62, to March, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Craft, Jonathan.........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Chisholm, John W....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July20,'64absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Cassel, John H1.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Tr. to Batt'y F, 4th reg. U. S. Art., Oct. 22, 1862. Clawson, William.....do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-missing in action at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 22, 1864. Cummings, Eli........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted October 10, 1861. Deafenbaugh, S. A...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Donley, William........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Austered out, Nov. 8, 1864-expiration of term. Dennis, Daniel..........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Harrisonburg, Va., April 30, 1862. Douney, Benjamin....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Early, Claudius.........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Early, Joseph..........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 18,'64-expiration of term. Ebersole, John C......do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Killed atPeachTree Creek, Ga., July20,'64-Vet. Early, Elias..............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died at Atlanta, Ga., October 17, 1864-Vet. Ensinger, William.....do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62. Frautz, David...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15,'63-mustered,out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Frautz, Henry........ do...Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1129 NAME. RANK. DATE'OF MUSTER REMARKS. Flickner, Peter...... Private Jan. 13,'64,3 Prisoner from May 24,'62, to June,'63 —wounded at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 22, 1864-mustered out W;ih company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Frautz, Alex. G.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered cut with company, July 16, 1865. Fuller, Charles D......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Detected as being a female-disch —date unk'n. Faith, Francis.............do..... July 13,'63,3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov. 21,'64. Foster, Francis A......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to 42d regiment P. V., Sept., 1861. Fought, James E......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1861. Geiger, Peter............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Geiger, Frederick......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Gord, Jacob..............do..... Sept. 2,'61 3 Mustered out, Oct. 12, 1864-expiration of term. Geiger, Jacob...... do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Wounded in action, with loss of leg-discharged May 27, 1865-Vet. Geiger, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died July 31, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tennessee-grave, 247. Griffin, Archibald B...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out by special order, July 5,'65 —Vet. Hamilton, Wm. i.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Hemerick, Anth'y...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from February 27, to March 30, 1865mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Hiney, Samuel.........do...... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Captured near Bentonville, N. C., March 8,'65mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hammaker, Sam'l.....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hammaker, Henry...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Head, Smith.........do..... Oct. 17,'64, 1I Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hancock, Andrew.....do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Henderson, Elijah.....do July 14,63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. HIoke, Cornelius....;...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hancock, William,...do.....July 14,63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Johnson, William......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from February 28, to March 30, 1865Discharged by G. O.,; June 2, 1865-Vet. Knouff, Henry..........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out.with company, July 16, 1865. Koppenhafer, Sam'l..do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out-Vet. Kreiser, Peter...........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 10, 1865. Kraft, George.............do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Kocher, John............do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Kelley, Orth N......do..... July 13,'64, 3 Drafted-prisoner fr. March 14, to April 2,'65discharged June 2, 1865. Koppenhafer, Dan'l..do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died August 26,'64, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tennessee-grave, 503-Vet. Kreiser, John............do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mis. inaction at Chancellorsville, Va., May2,'63. tLiddick, Cyrus.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Lenhart, Samuel H...do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Lehman, George........do..... Aug. 6,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8,_1865. Leibrick, George T...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Sept. 2,'62. Long, Leonard........o....... Sept.'2,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 15,'64. Lyne, Thomas..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died August 12, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Laudcrabbe, Aug......do..... July 25,'63, 3 Drafted-died March 7, 1864-buried at Stone River-grave, 144. Luce, William...........do..... July 25,'63, 3 Drafted-died September 2, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1864 —buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 638. Maeder, Henry........do..... Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Miller, William.........do..... Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Murton, Alfred.........do.....Aug. 25,'63 3 Drafted-mustered out, June 28, 1865. Mountz, John.d.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24,'62. Martin, Frank.. do..... Sept. 2,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 21,'62. Major, John C............do..... July 2,'62 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Muman, Christop'r...do..... Aug. 6,'64 1I Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Mease, Christopher...do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Miller, David............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1861. Miller, Alexander......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1861. M'Farland, Chas. E.,.do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. M'Intire, William......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. M'Curdy, Archib'd...do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. M'Devitt, John.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. M'Intire, James........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted June 20, 1865. M'Canal, Hugh.......do..................... 3 Not mustered into United States service. Ney, Daniel............ o........ Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Nooman, John.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 24,'62. Ney, Levi............,....do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died July, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, 1864-Vet. Noringer, Sanmuel... _do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1861. 1-12 1130 FORTY-SIXTHE REGIMENT, ~KATMif ^lANi'^l~ DATE OF MUSTER I t RIMBS. NA-. R. I REMARKS IAME. RAK INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Orth, Alexander M. Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Powley, Joseph.........do..... Jan. 31,'64, 3 Prisoner from February 27, to March 30, 1865rn.,.. i mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Price, John............ do..., Sept. 2, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18,'63. Paulus, Jonathan.do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'62. Powley; Simon.........do..... Sept. 2,'61i 3 Mustered out, October, 1864-expiration of term. Parsons, Peter..............Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died at Decherd, Tenn., April 19, 1864. Reigle, Mitchell.........o..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Reigle, William........ do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Reese, James...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Roottiger, Charles........ July 25,'64, Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Seigfried, William.."..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wd. and pris. at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, -'^.~~~ -^ T. 3'62-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65-Vet. Spotts, John....d......... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Shelly, John.........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wd., with loss of leg, at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864-ab., in hos., at muster out-Vet. Sheets, Joseph J.........do. July 30,'64, 1 Prisoner-absent, sick, at muster out. Sowers, Israel.........do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19, 62. Smith, Joseph J........do..Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 19,'62. Sullenberger, Jos......do..Sept. 2, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'63. Shannon, James........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term, Shepler, John............do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Stingle, James..........do.....Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Smith, John.............do July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. June 5, 1865, by General Order. Snoddy, William......do.... Aug. 5'64, 1 Discharged June 8,1865, byGeneral Order. Soddy, John............do.....Aug. 5,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Shellenberger, Jer.....do Aug. 6,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Stouffer, William.....do.....Aug. 6,'64, Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Stager, William H.....do..... Aug. 6,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Saul, Levi...............do Aug. 6,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Stoutseberger, G. E...do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died Feb. 27, 1865, of wounds received at Peaoh Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Swayer, William.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 27, 1862. Spotts, Aaron.......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 16, 1865. Townsend, Thomas...do.....Mar. 2,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Tromble, Solomon.....do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 9, to October,'62-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Thoman, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862-buried in National Cemetery, lot 18. Vanscoter, William...do..Mar. 11,'64, 3 Wounded and missing at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Weaver, George........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Wambach, Jacob T....do. Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. White, James.............do Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Waltermire,Wesl'y...do. Aug. 6,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Wenrich, Amos M.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Drowned at Dam No. 6, Maryland, Jan. 31,1862. Wenrich, John J.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 3, 1863. Wanisher, Samuel.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 19, 1864. Zieger, Cyrus...........do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet Zeigler, James M......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not museroutroll._ COMPANY E. RECRUITED AT READING, BERKS COUNTY. Cornelius Wise...... Capt.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Resigned September 24, 1862. Sefra T. Ketrer........d.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt. to Capt., Sept. 17,'62-died July 21, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Samuel Evans...........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Mar. 20, 1864, to Capt. May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Oba diah R. Priestly st Lt. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. Levi Hildebrand...d....... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Mar. 21, 1864 —discharged July 13, 1864. William Baron.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to Sgt.-to 1st Lt., May 22, 1865Samuel- H.Jns-.dt p — mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet, Samuel H. Jones.... 2 Lt... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Edmund Cramsie.....do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to Sgt., Dec. 22,'62-to 2d Lt., May 22, 1865-prisoner from May 2, to May 13, 1863. mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1131 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Joseph R.Ward..... st gt. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Mar. 21,'63-to 1st Sgt., May 1,'65-mustered out;with Co., Jlly 16,'65-Vet. Reese B. Thompson....do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Montieth Swamp, Ga., Dec. 9, 1864 —died at Savannah. Ga., Feb. 18, 1865 —Vet. Daniel D. Baker........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,'64-died at Vining's Station, Ga., July 31, 1864-Vet. John Bechtel........ Serg't.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to Sgt., Sept 6.'64-pris. fr. May 2, to May 13, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Samuel B. Weidner...do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., Sept. 24, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Rueb'nR. Burkhert...do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 5,1864-to Sgt., May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16,'65. Samuel Rork...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Charles A. Row.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. John R. St. Clair......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,41862. David E. Snyder.... Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 6, 1864-pris. fr. May 2, to May 13, 1863-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. D. M. Eisenhower.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 25, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Levi Strunk..........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3Promoted to Corporal, September 25, 1864mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. James Whitworth.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 25, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hiram Johnson........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Jan. 13, 1865 — mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Henry.Spohn............do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 13, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Albert Birch.............do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Peter T. Phillipi........do.... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Jordan Coller............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 16, 1864-expiration of term. John F. Goodhart.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62 discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Henry Geiger.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Augustus Houck......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,,1862. Gotfried Wiler.........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Jeremiah Lotz..........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died near Edwards' Ferry, Va.-date unknown. John Beadencup........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. Henry Connor........d....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Willard Kerryhard Muc.....eb. 28, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Daniel C. Clouse.......do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificatedate uknown CharlesBennethum...do..... Sept.,'61, Not mustered into United States service. Ammerell, Charles Private Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Adams, Wellington...do.....Sept. 4,'61 3 Discharged on Surg.certificate-date unnown. Andy, Jacob..............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out, Sept. 13,:764. Alexander, Wm.......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Dish. for wds. rec'd at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Adams, Richard B...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Adams, Peter...........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Baker, Nicholas E.....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Beard, Edward H.....do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Boyer, James............do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July16, 1865-Vet. Bard, Charles............do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Bowman, Joseph......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Briel, Daniel............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-V-et. Brown, John.......do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with cornpany,July 16, 1865-Vet. Bonseley, John..........do..... July 3,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Blum, William.........do.....Feb. 28, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bitner, Benton D.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bright, Francis......... do.....April 15,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Butler, William.......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Boyer, William........do..... Mar. 18,'65, 1 Mustered out with company,July16, 1865. Bishop, Wilson.......do..... Aug. 2,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Bumgardner, An'w...do....'. July 16,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out, July 27, 1865. Bause, John...........do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Bowers, Michael......do..... July 14,'63, 3 Substitute-wd. at Resaca, Ga., May 15,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31, 1865. Byerly, Andrew J.....do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 24,'65. Baker, John W.........do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 25,'65. Briner, Charles H.....do......Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863. Baker, Samuel T......do.. Sept. 4,'61,.3 Killed, accidentally, near Frederick, Md.-date unknown. Becker, William F...do..... Sept. 4,'61 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62 died near Alexandria, Va. 1132 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, DATE Or MUSTER I INTO SERVICE. NAME,, RANK. ISVICE. Calhoun, James A.. Private Jan. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Craig, Walter.........do..... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Cannon, William J...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Culler, Daniel...........do.....Mar. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dumb, Daniel P......do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet, Dyer, Edward...........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62-: disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Danhart, John.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Durstine, Henry........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-wd. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov. 30, 1864. Dease,,George...........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62. Eppenstine, Cyrus.....do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Eiler, Anthony.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Eyles, Emil......... do.... July 13,'63, 3 Sub.-wd. in action, June 23, 1864-discharged Jno ~~.~ on Surgeon's certificate, November 22, 1864. Espenshade, Jno. L...do..,. Feb. 28,'64, 3 Died September 22, 1864, of wounds received a/ Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Farbion, Charles........ Feb. do28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Fritz, Charles.......... d o... April 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865. Frantz, Franklin.......do.. July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Fox, William H.........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62-disch. on Surgeop's certificate-date unknown. Fricker, Henry.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died July 26, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Foulk, Philip..........do..... April 18,'64, 3 Died at Dalton, Ga., July 10, 1864. Fields, Daniel C....d...do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 27, 1864-died at Chattanooga, Tenn., July 5, 1864-grave, 517. Gahres, William........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Gross, Samuel....... d.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Goodman, Amos........do..... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Good, Isaac...............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Good, David..........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gross, Charles.......do.. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wd. at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gillett, Adam S.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward-date unknown. Gulden, Warren C......do.... Aug.,'61, 3 Not mustered into U. S. service. Hoyer, Jared..........do.... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Heitger, Anton........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hughes, John H........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hoslinger, Lewis.......do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hepler, Gideon........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 24, 1865. Hoffmaster, Geo. D...do..... Sept. 4,'61 3.Discharged for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Heckman, Levi.........do..... Sept.4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hoffmaster, Wm....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hoyer, Henry G.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hantch, Nathaniel.....do...Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hamilton, Clement...do...;. Aug. 15,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Hetrick, John..........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Kissinger, Samuel.....do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Keiffer, Reinhardt.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. KEnight, William........ do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Kilpatrick, Daniel......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Keffer, William S......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Kilbride, John...........do..,.. April 15,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted May 23, 1865. Keffer, Peter S...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 30, 1865-mustered out, May 18, 1865-Vet. Kelley, Thomas....'.....do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Levan, Daniel J........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Lane, Edward.........do... April 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Lotz, Michael E.........do.... Aug.,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Minnich, Jacob........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Miller, Levi.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Maurer, Franklin O...do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Miller, Lucien...........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, Va., May 2S,'62-disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Miller, Richard B......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Moore, John........... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62died at Alexandria, Va. Minnich, Emanuel.....do. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out by S. O., July 16, 1865-Vet. Mullen, Henry F....do...do. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Curdy, John.........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. M'Call, Philip..........do...Aug. 21,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out, July 5, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1133 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS... M'Kee, Joseph.. Private April 13,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. cert.-date unknown. Neil, Samuel D.........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Nashville, Tenn., May 18, 1864. Onnor, Henry F......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Onnor, Freeman........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Paff, Henry...............do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Price, Alexander......do...... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Pyle, William...........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Winchester, Va., May 25. 1862. Rightmyer, Aaron.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Reigel, Jacob A........do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Root, Robert..............do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Rice, Henry............do..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Rodenberger, Dan.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va.. May 2,'63disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Richardson, J. K......do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'65. Raymond, Hiram......do..... Aug. 31,'63, 3 Substitute-wounded at Peach Tree Creek Ga., July20, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21, 1865. Rigg, Samuel BE......do..... April'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Rosenberger, Wm....do... July 14'63, 3 Drafted-wounded in action, July 20,'64-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Dec. 12, 1864. Sweitzer, Daniel.......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Simon, Albert A.......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with oompany, July 16, 1865-Vet. Setley, George.......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Shultz, Michael R......do..... Jan. 13,'64, b Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Spohn, Llewellyn J...do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 stered out with company, July 16, 1865. Simon, Edwin..........do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Snyder, Ross....... do... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Spohn, William.,.......do..... Fel. 2, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Sonders, Emanuel....do. Sept, 4,'61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Shaffer, John.......... do... Sep. 4'1, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Smeck, Israel............do. Sept 4, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeons certificate-date unknown. Setley, William H...do Sept. 4'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Steward, Albert............do.Feb. 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865. Shaffer, Elias.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Shultz, Franklin......do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F, 4th regiment U. S. Artillery-date unknown. Sassmau, Nathaniel...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died at Hagerstown, Md.date unknown. Strubeng, Damon......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed accidentally-date unknown-Vet. 8eiders, Albert.......... do Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died May 16,'64, of wds. rec. at Resaca, Ga.-Vet. Tritt, John...do...... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet.Tippett, Jacob'.....do..... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. rroxell, John....... d...do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Weitzel, Levi........do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wells, Wmi. M......do...Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Wannamacher, W...do..Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Wright, Harvey.......do..... July 21'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Wynn, Sam'l B.........do.... Sept 4,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificat —date unknown. Wilford, Andrew......do.... Sept 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wilford, John............do..... Sept 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, pt. 18, 186expiration oferm. Wentzel, Amos.........do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Wisner, John J..............Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out by special order, July 16, 1865. Yeager, Geo. M. D.......... Oct. 15,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Yeager, Elias......do.. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Transferred to battery F, 4th regiment U. S. Artillery-date unknown. COMPANY F. RECRUITED IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY. Benj. W. Morgan... Capt..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged February 2, 1863. Neal Craig................do.. Sept. 16,'61, 33 Pr. to Capt., Feb. 3,'63 —resigned Sept. 20, 1864. EugeneAlexander.....do.... Sept. 16,61, 3 Pr. to Sgt. Fe. 1,'61-to 2d Lt., Nov. 13, 1862to 1st Lt., Feb. 3, 1863-to Capt. Dec. 18, 1864mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Cyrus Shade........... Ist Lt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Feb. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Jan. 17, 1864to 1st Sgt., Sept. 23,'64-to 1st Lt., Dec. 18,'64discharged July 1, 1865-Vet. Thomas Matthews.. 2d Lt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Oct. 20, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Howell J. Davis.........do.i Sept. 16,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 1, 1862-to 2d Lt., Feb. 18, 1863-killed in action, July 20, 1864. 1,134 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, ~NAMIE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER MARK INTO SERVICE. Geo. R. Beecher......stSgt.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 13,'64 —to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1861 —o 1st Sgt., December 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Joseph Engomar......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Samuel Chambers.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Co. I, March 18. 1832. Elijah Barnes........ do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., June 18.'62-to 1st Sgt -to 2d Lieut. company B, Nov. 1, 1833 Win. WV. Gracie.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Belle Island, Va., Sept. 4,'62bu. record, died Feb. 8, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Belle Island, Va. John T. Wilson..... Serg't.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Jan. 17,'64-to Sgt., Sept. 23, 1864 — inus. out with company, July 16, 1835 —Vet. William Kirk.......do..... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Sgt., September 23, 1861 — mustered out with company, July 16, 165. William Duncan......do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 23,'64-to Sgt., Dec. 18, 1834 — mus. out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Joseph Morton.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 23,'64-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. James L. Lloyd.........do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Noah A. Frederick...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. John Ragan...............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration. of term. David B. Nelson.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died Sept. 9, 1862, of wounds received at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. James F. Frazier.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 2, 1862-to Sgt., March 7,'63 —killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 20,.-864-Vet. William Hayward.. Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 23, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Lewis H. Bernard.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Joseph Davis.............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 23, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Robert Jones..............do..... Feb. 4,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 23, 1865-mustered' out with company, July 16, 1865. Christopher Fox........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 23, 1865-mustered. out with company, July 16, 1865. John Reed.................do......Feb. 6,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 23, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Alex.L. Young.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 17, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Dumont C. Dake.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged June 16, 1862. John F. Such............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dee. 4,'62. James M. Baum........do...,. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. William Evans.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. William Reese...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. John A. Mast, Jr......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. James Bray..............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal -to Commissary Sergeant, April 12, 1864 —Vet.' John Gavin..............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 13, 1864-died Aug. 13, 1864, of wds. rec. at Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1864-Vet. Elijah Cain.............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Deserted June 26, 1865. James M. Earle.........do................ 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 15, 1863. Michael M'Tighe... Muc.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. -Wesley A. Orr...........do..Fe. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company. July 16, 1865. Aue, Peter............. Private Jan. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out May 26, 1865.. Bartz, Peter..............do.....Mar. 1,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Blake, Burdine........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Baum, Henry............do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Bighley, Miles..........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Bestley, Thomas.......do..... Aug. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Baines, Robert S......do..... Sept 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Banford, Benj. B.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Boyle, James..........do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 — expiration of term. Bair. Jacob..............do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June. 8, 1865. Banford, John........do..... July 6,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Feb. 11, 1864. Baird, Howard..........do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Died July 17, 1864, of wds. rec. in action —burial record-Oct. 16, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn. —grave, 4. Burkelt, Charles.......do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1864. Bair, John G..............do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 24, 1864 — grave, 6,660. Beatty, William........do..... -Feb. 23,'64, 3 Killed in action, June 22, 1864. Bratten, Francis.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted July 18, 1862. Bagloy, Rufus F....... do.... Sept. 16,'61,.3 Deserted May 9, 1862. Cain, George W.........do. Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Clair, William.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1135 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. Chambers, Jack. W Private Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 23,'62. Coo, John M..............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. (Clnamlpbell, H. W........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. Cai,, Peter............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Clifton, Charles R......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 31,'63. Clifton, William........do.....Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Clifton, James A......do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Craig, John...... do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged February 10, 1863. Cupps, Samuel..........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'64. Cunningham, Sam'l...do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-killed in action near Marietta, Georgia, June 22, 1864. Campbell, James H...do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Cump, Henry............do..... April 5,'64, 3 Deserted June 26, 1865. Chambers, Hugh M...do..... Aug.,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Dungan, Andrew......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Dawes, Benjamin.....do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-rnus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Decker, Baltzer........d..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. DeWolf, Charles.......do...,. Jan. 18,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Davis, Morris J.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. l ungan, Thomas J.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 12,'63. Dunwoody, John.....do..... Sept. 16'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Dunlap, William J...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Deemer, George.......do... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order. June 7, 1865. Dailey, William.....do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Killed at Atlanta, Georgia, July 20, 1864-Vet. Davis, James.............do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Doak, Samuel............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. EIlliott, Orran A.........do.... Mar. 15,'65, I Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Ewing, James D........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Ewing, Thomas B......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Evans, William S....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Evans, Thomas E....do..... Sept. 16,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'63. Ellis, William......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'62. Ewing, Henry B...;...do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21,'64. Everett, Franklin........ do Feb. 6;'65, 3 Drafted-deserted June 8, 1865. Frederick, Eman'l.....do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Fullmer, John G.......do... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 13, 1865. Frazier, Thomas T.....do..... Sept. 8,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Gaylock, Jacob.........do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Gunderman, Sam'l...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'65. Gordon, Hamilton......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 14,'62. Geddis, William......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Hart, John...............do.. April 13'65, Drafted-died July 18, 1865-buried at Alexandria, Virginia-grave, 3,313. Houston, Robert...... do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Haines, Benjamin......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 3,'62. Hughes, Owen.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Hill, David M...........do..... Sept. 16,'61 3 Discharged June 1, 1864. Harris, Thomas.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, Died at Winchester, Va., April 11, 1862. Hagan, William....... do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 6, 1865. Hoover, John H.......do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 25, 1865. Johnson, Henry.......do..... April 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Johnson, Archy M.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jordan, John...........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 21, 1864. Jones, Evan.......... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Stafford Court House, Va., Feb. 19, 1863. Kennedy, John.....do..... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kennedy, Robert......do..... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Kaufman, George D...do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. King, William C......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Captured-died at Lynchburg, Va, July 7, 1862. Kolb, Edward.......d... Sep..16,'61,3 Deserted March 4, 1863. Low, Jacob...............do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Loveless, John...... do..... April 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Lindsey, Emory.....do... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Lloyd, William.....do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Lewis, William H......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Murray, William P...do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-muns. out with company, July 16, 1865. Mel, Charles........... do.... Feb. 6,'65, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16. 1865. Morgan, Thomas.......do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Malloy, Patrick.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18. 1864-expiration of term. Mowry, Joseph.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Madden, John...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died Aug. 5, 1864, for wounds rec. in action, July 20,'64-bu. at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 294. M'Kindley, Eli.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. M'Elvary, William...do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1835. M\'Minnamin, W. R...do..... Feb. 23,'64. 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. AMConkey, Robert.....d..... July 9, 63,3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. 1136 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. R REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. REMARK M'Grogan, Daniel... Private July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. M'Tighe, Edward......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. M'Manus, John.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. M'Gilvary, Daniel......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted August 9, 1862. M'Kibben, John B.... do.... Ag.,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. M'Maldowry, Jas......do......................... 3 Died December 7, 1862-buried at Alexandria, Va., grave, 576. Niland, Joseph..........do..... July 6,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Nicklow, Moses._...do..... Sept. 26,'64, 1 Drafted —absent, sick, at muster out. Nelson, John........do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged April 4, 1865, for wounds received in action, May 25, 1864. Nelson, Matthew.......do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. O'Brien, Michael...... do..... April 5,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Owens, Joseph..........do... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Palmer, Joseph H......do..... July 11,'63, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Purdy, James..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Pettiford, Charles..... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Reed, Thomas..........do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Rush, George,...........do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Reark, John......... do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Randall, Willis.......do..... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Rush, Jacob..............do..... July 5,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Roberts, Paul........... do.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Rea, Charles..............do..... Sept. ]6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Richardson, John......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 4, 1862, for wounds received in action. Roberts, Thomas.......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. Reed, Milo....r.... 5,'4, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Dec. 23, 1864. Royer, George............do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 8, 1865. Strong, Jacob............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Searight, Samuel..... do.... Feb. 23'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Shaffer, John...........do..... Feb. 8'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Scott, William..........do..... Au. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865 Sprowls, Obediah......do.... July 10,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Smith, David............do..... Feb. 4,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Smead, Philan'r F....do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with.Co., July 16, 1865. Searight, James.........do... Feb. 28'64, 3 Mustered out, July 16, 1865. Steel, Andrew...............July 11,'63 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, Jesse H.......do..... Feb..7'6, 1' Drafted-mustered out, July 11, 1865. Snowden, David H....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'61. Shankles, Charles......do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4,'62. Squires, James........do..... Jan. 7,'65, Drafted-disch. June 26,'65, by General Order. Seibert, Jacob..........do eb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 29, 1864. Sterling, Wmn. H..do..do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died March 26, 1862, of wounds received at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. Stettler, William......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Searight, John T........do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at Pittsburg, Pa., March 7, 1864. Searight, John.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at Nashville, Tenn., October 17, 1864. Snyder, George.....do.....:.Aug. 22,'64, 3 Died at David's Island, N. Y., May 5,'64-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. Shade, Jacob.....o..... Jan. 14,'4, 1 Deserted June 26, 1865. Smith, James M.......do... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 7, 1865. Thomas, Joseph........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Taylor, William........d... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. June 19, 1865, by General Order. Todd, James R.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 4, 1862. Thomas, J. Thomas...do..... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Vodrey, John............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. Winters, John............do.... Feb. 7,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Whitten, George........do... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Werts, Henry.........do..... Mar. 15, 65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Wright, John...........do..... Mar. 15, 65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Wilson, Bradford......do..... April 7, 65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Woods, James...........do. Sept. 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'62. Wood, George S..... do... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. Wildblood, James.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wildblood, Thomas.....do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Whitford, David........do.....-Mar. 15, 65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 20, 1865. Young, Henry.........do... Feb. 8,'65 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1137 COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN POTTER COUNTY. 2NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER BREMARKS. INTO SERVICE. James H. Graves.. Capt.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned October 5, 1862. Dennis H. Chesebro....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. from Corn. Serg't to Captain, Nov. 1, 1862-. killed at Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. Wm. L. Shattuck...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Mar. 21,'64-to Capt., July 27,'64-prisoner from Aug. 9, to Sept. 18,'62-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. Truman Bacon....... 1st. Lt. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned September 11, 1862. James M. Miller........do.....Aug. 26,'62, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., June 18, 1863. Horace C.Jones........do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. from priv. Co. C, to 2d Lt., Mar. 4, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1863-resigned Oct., 1864. James H. Cole........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 2,.to May 15, 1863-pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., May 21, 1864-to 2d Lt., Aug. 23, 1864-to 1st Lieut., May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. H. M. Rathbone..... 2d Lt.. Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged February 15, 1862. Consider E. Lovell 1st Sgt. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 9, to Sept. 18, 1862-pr. from Serg't to 1st Serg't, Aug. 23, 1864-com. 2d Lt., July 15,'65-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Jerome B. Stewart....do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Jas. T. Lockwood.... Serg't.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15, 1863-pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 29, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet.William R. Clark.....do Jan 13,64, 3 Pr. from Corporalto Sergeant, Oct, 13, 64,mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Geo. S. Kennedy........do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 15'64-musdo- ":"/b. ~tered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Luther Brizzee........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, Nov, 15,'64-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John C. Wilkinson...do...., Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'62. Chas. A. Estes..........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Hosea B. Harris........do...Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died July 27,'64, of wounds received inaction, July 20, 1864-Vet. C. C. Cavanaugh.......do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Killed in action, July 20, 1864-Vet. E. A. Richmond..... Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered outwith company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wells Kenyon...........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 29, 1864-prisoner from May 2, to May 15, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Geo. Markham.....d..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 9, to Sept. 18,'62-promoted to Corporal, September 29, 1864-mustered out with company; July 16, 1865-Vet. James P. M'Kee.....o..... July 26,'63, 3 Sub.-pr. to Corporal, April 12, 1865-lmustered out with company, July 16, 1865. 0. M. Cavanaugh......do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Francis W. Lovell....do...... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 2, to May 15,1863-promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Gilbert N. Manning...do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Eli G. Lovell...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 9, to Sept. 17,'62-mustered out, May 3, 1865-Vet. Noyes Snyder............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch, for wds. received in action, April 26, 1862. Geo. W. Pearsall....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Josiah T. Rathbone...do..... Sept. 13.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'63. Hiram. hesebro...do..... July 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. James Kenyon.........do..... July 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. William J. Brown.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. June, 1862. George H. Barnes...do......... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed by railroad accident, December 11, 1863. Samuel C. Grace........do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Sub.-died Apr. 11,'65-bu. record, Apr. 16,'65. Thomas Kenvon.....d..do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1863. George Washington Muc..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. Lester Stone.............do.....Sept. 13,'63, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Jay Chesebro.........J...d..... July 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. James Livermore......do..... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Ayres, S. Freeman Private Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 15, 1865.0 Armstrong, Noah G...do.....July 12,'62, 3 Discharged Dec. 17, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Annis, William......do.... Mar. 17,'63, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. 143 1138 FORit-SIXTH R1EGIIMBNT, NAME. DATE OF MUSTER I REIEARB8. NAME. ANK. INTO SERVICE. U Andrews, Silas...... Private Mar. 30,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 3,'65 Andrews,Simeon G...do....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted Aug-List 18, 1862. Belcher, Samuel..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 28, 1865-imustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Bradley, George W...do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Burdick, Albert D.....do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Bartges, Solomon I...do..... July -27,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Boyle, George.........do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Bladk, Martin................ Feb. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Brooks, Albert A....do.....Mar. 15,'65, I Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Brizzee, Edward.......do... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 7, 1865, by General Order. Beatman, Peter........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Bryan, Simon............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon'scertificate —date-unknown. Bradshaw, Edward...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeons certificate-date unknown Briggs, Leonard~.......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 29,'62. Bryan, ChaunCey.,....do.....July 12, 62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Baily, Eli.............. d...do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged June 8, 1865, by G. O. Brooks, Hosea B.......do...... Mar. 15, 65, 1 Drafted-discharged June 27, 1865, by G. 0. Brigham, Collins S...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Strasburg, Va., May 20, 1862. Bradley, Nathaniel...d..... July 12,'62, 3Died Nov. 3, 1862, of wds. rec'd at Cedar Mountain, Va.,. Aug. 9, 1862-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. Brizzee, Wm. J.......do...; Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wd. in action, June 22, 1864-died July 4, 1864buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 391. Burton, Rosswell.do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died May 15, 1864. Brizzee, Freeman...l...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1863. Brockway, Napol'nl:...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted July 2, 1863. Bosworth, James A...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged July 16, 1865. Briggs, William I.;....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Crawford, John W... do.... July 27,'63,3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Carnagey, William...do..,.July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Cotton, Thomas........ Sept. 12,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Cobb, Edward A.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Cole, Cassius M......do....Aug. 20,'62, 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Crane, Abelina...........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov., 1863. Cummings, Henry...do.... Mar. 13,'64, 3 Killed in action, July 20, 1864. Clark, John W...W........ Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died October 27, 1864. Collar, Reuben..........do.....'Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted —date unknown. Dwight, Wm. W....do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dennis, John..... do Mar 3,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dikson, Jmes.........do. Sept. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Eastman, Leander..do....Jan. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Earl, William M........do... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 10, 1865, by General Order. Evans, Albert:......:....do.... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded in action, July 20,'64-mustered out, July 29, 1865. Estes, toienzo D...do..... Mar. i4,'64, 3 Discharged May 18, 1865, by General Order. Everett, Richard J...do.. Mar. 14, 64 3 Died at Stone Riiver, Aug. 4, 1864-grave, 440. dilbeit, Edward...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. ~ oodnee, Abram........do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gilbert, Charles A...do... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 30,'61. Goffe, Alva A.......o... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Graham, Ichabod.....do.... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Grave, Ezra.,.....-do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Garnett, Daniel S...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., May, 1862-buried in National Cemetery-lot, 9. Green, John W.. do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-died September 18, 1864. Higley, lfred N....do.....Mar 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hunter, Samuel......do...., July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hill, Amos........do... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hodge, William A'...do..... Sept. 13,'61 3 Disch. for wds. rec'd in action-date unknown. Hopkins, Oliver C...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Healy, John S. do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, 62. Harris, Robert F.... do. Sept 13,'61, 3 Discharged November 13, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Hysong, William......do... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov., 1863, Hill, Alexander D.;...do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Discharged June 21, 1865, by General Order. Hay, John............do.....July 12,'62, 3Died Aug. 11, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Harris, John.d...........do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died Dec. 21,'64, of wds. iec'd in action-Vet. Hoy, Charles.......d..... Sept. 17,'63 3 Drafted —deserted March, 1864. HIolliday, Aiexan'r...do.... Feb. 3,'65, Deserted June 3, 1865. oyle, James............do......................... ied Oct. 4, 1863-buried at Alexandria, Va.grave, 977. Ingraham Mar'nlH....do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Jacson, Thomas.......do.....Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1139 ~~ NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER A INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Jones, William....... Private July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Johnson, Lafayette...do...... Oct. 13, 61, 8 Discharged Oct. 4, 1862, for wounds received in action, May 25, 1862. Kuhns, Paul............do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. King, Nathan W.......do.....Jan. 18,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16. 1865. Kenyon, Van Ren'r...do......Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1865-expiration of term. Kinsey, Henry.........do..... July 30,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged Dec. 26, 1864, for wounds received in action, June 15, 1864. Keck, William........do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 21, 1865. Kenyon, Gilbert...... do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Darnstown, Md., November 27, 1861. Kenyon, Orson............do Mar. 15, 64-,3 Died August 27, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 510. Kibbee, William.... do..... do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Lambert, Albert H...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865,Vet. Tl-wton, Joseph........Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Leach, James H.......do...Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Longnecker, John.....do..... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Lyman, Isaac............do..... Mar. 15,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Meanor, James E......do..... July 12,'63, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Mace, Robert J. H.... do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with. Co., July 16, 1865. Morgan, Jacob.........do.... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Miller, Benjamin......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Mascho, David...........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 2,'62. Munson, Henry M...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'63. Mygrautz, Lewis B...do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 14, 1865. M/yers, Anthony........do..... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 17, 1865. Marsh, David..........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-died August 7, 1864. Manor, Walter...........do.... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-died August 1, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 255. Munson, Enos....do..... Sept. 13,'61,.3 Captured at Winchester, Va.,-May 25, 62 —died Aug. 6,'62 —burial record, July 22,'62-buried at Lynchburg, Va. Mulholland, James...do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Drafted-died June 16, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Miller, Ebenezer.......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. M'Dermott,Patrick...do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Nichols, Henry H......do..... Sept. 13, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 25,'62. Nichols. Titus V....:...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,1863. Noble, Solomon.......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 23, 1865. Nelson, Newton........do..... July 29,'63, 3 Drafted-killed in action, July 20, 1864. Olney, Franklin S.......do...... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. O'Connor, Fergus......do.... Sept. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, 1864. Palmatier, Caleb A.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Potts, David..............do.... July 29,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Phillips, Isaac...........do...... April 11,'65, 1Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Plants, Reuben.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Phillips, Moses R......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29,- 64. Poe, James M...........do... July 27,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, January 2, 1864, Phillips, John..........do.....Mar. 14,'64, 3 Died July20,'64-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn. — grave, 51. Pennoyer, Elias.........do... Aug. 20,'62, 3 Deserted, January 19, 1863. Reed, Albert.............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865, Reynolds, George......do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Raught, Hiram L.....do..... Jan. 18,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Reinhart, Joseph......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Robbins, Asher W......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 1, 1862. Robbins, William.....do..... Sept. 13'61, 3 Died Aug. 17, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Romigh, George........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Drafted-died July 18,'64, of wds. rec. in action. Romigh, Jacob..........do..... July 25,'63, 3 Drafted-died Sept. 11,'64, of wds. rec. in action. Ryan, Martin V........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died July 1864; of wds. received in action-Vet. Staysa, Isaac C. do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July i6, 1865-Vet. Smith, Samuel..........do....July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 1 1865. Sweet, Stephen B......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with CO., July 16, 1865. Sheppard, Lorin.d......do...... Mar. 15,'65, I Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Staysa, John G.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Swift, Andrew J........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Sackeit, Volney D......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 7, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Signor, Henry M......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged April 9,1863, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Sheppard, Sidney C...do....Mar. 5,'65, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 27, 1865. Swift, Cyrus A. W.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept., 1864 —Vet. Springer, Jeremiah...do.....Oct. 13,'61, 3Died at Hagerstown, Md., March 17, 1862. Seely, Isaac E...........o.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed in action, April 26, 1862. 1140 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. t REMARK. Shaber, Asa............ Private Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-died January 18, 1864. Snath, James H........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Killed in action, July20, 1864-Vet. Smith, Fred'ck A......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 18, 1862. Simonds, John H......do.. Fe.. 3,'65, 3 Deserted June 3, 1865. Terwilleger, Henry...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wounded in action, May 25, 1864-absent, in hos. pital, at muster out-Vet. Thompson, Thomas...do. July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out by G. 0., July 5, 1865. Terwilleger, Joel.......do. Oct. 13,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62 Wyland, Jacob.........do... Aug. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865, Whittaker, W. A...do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Wallace, William J... do..... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown Williams, John.........do.....Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865. Warner, Harvey J..... do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Winchester M, V a., Ma 2, 1862. Walters, Frederick...do..... July 28,'63, 3 Substitute-died April 25, 1865. Wilcox, William.....do....... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Captured June 22, 1864-died at Florence, Soutl Carolina. Welch, Charles............. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Warner, Hiram F......do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 18, 1862. Young, Joseph........... do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Young, John E.........do. Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 8, 1865. COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN POTTER COUNTY. Wm. D. Widger..... Capt.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned December 27, 1861. Nathan'l J. Mills..... o..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Captain, Jan. 1,'62 —disch. June 24, 1862. Alex. W. Selfridge...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred from 28th reg. P. V. as 2d Lt., Feb. 21,'62-pr. to Capt., Dec. 21, 1862-to By. Maj., Mar. 18,'65-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. L. Henninghauser.. 1st Lt.......................3 Resigned August 1, 1862. Thos. B. Gorman......... do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt., Feb. 1,'62discharged March 20, 1862. Orlando J. Reese.......do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Com. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 19,'62to lst Lt., Feb.,'63-dismissed Aug. 26, 1864. Norman M. Vance....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sergt., Dec. 6,'61-to 1st Sgt.. March 20,'63-to 2d Lt., July 27, 1864-to 1st Lieutenant, December 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. George W. White... 2d Lt... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged February 1, 1862. Merrick Jackson........ do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Oct. 30,'62-to 2d Lieut., June 17, 1863-dismissed May 2, 1864. Chas. N. Barrett........o..... Sept. 13,'6, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1. 1861-to 1st Sergt., Feb. 1,'62-red. Nov. 1, 1862-pr. to 1st Sergt., Sept. 1, 1864-to 2d Lieut., Dec. 18, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Joseph H. Austin... st Sgt.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Sept. 2, 1861-died at Hancock, Md., February 7, 1862. Bennev'le Schlegel.. Serg't.. Mar. 27,,'623 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 10,'63-to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 5,'65-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. Dan'l D. Tompkins...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 30,'61-toSgt., Nov. 1,'62-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wm. F. Green...........do Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Sgt. g Sept. 2,'61-red. Oct. 28,'62promoted to Sergt.Nov, No. 1,1862mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Charles Riant..........do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1,'62-to Sgt., Oct. 1,'63 mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Elno E. Burdick.......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 5,'64-to Sgt., July 6,'65-mustered out with company J, July 16, 1865-Vet. Clarendon Darling...... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificatedate unknown. Albert Reed............ Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 30,'62. Elisha S. Horton......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1,'62-to Sgt., Jan. 5,'65-discharged by special order War Dep't-Vet. L. E. Sinsabaugh.....do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.. July 28,'62-to Sergt., Nov. 1, 1863 imus. out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Daniel H. Judd.........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 2,'61-died Nov., 1862-bu. record, Nov. 12,'61, at Washington, D. C.-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. W. Hollenback.....Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1863-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John W. Axx............do. July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Cor., Oct. 1,'64-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1141 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. DATE F MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. William A. Butler.. Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864-mus-. tered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Oliver J. Parker.......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865- -mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John G. Hollenback...do... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 25, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. John S. King...........do..... July 24,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Michael Dunn...........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1,'63-wd. in action, May 25,'64-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Amos R. Stillman......do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 30, 1864-mustered out by General Order, May 25, 1865. Allen Jordan............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'65.'-?o. W. M. Heister...do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged August 31, 1862. Henr.y Rogers.............. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'63. Charles H. Rusher.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb., 1863 —discharged for wounds received in action, May 2, 1863. Benjamin F. Bishop...do... Dec. 81,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2,'63. Henry J. Epler.........d..... Feb. 20,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 5,'65-mustered out, March 25, 1865-expiration of term. James Quigley..........do.... July 27,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 10, 1863-discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Stephen Darling........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 2, 1861-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Aug. 8, 1863. Seth M'Mullin...........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 2, 1861 — killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. Philo S. Baker...........do..... Jan,'4 Promoted to Corporal, September 1,'64-died at Atlanta, Georgia, October 21, 1864-Vet. George A. Post..........do..... JOan. l1'H, 3 r. to Cor., Nov. 1,'63-died July 29,'64, of wds. roe. at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,'64-Vet. Ransom R. Higley.....do..... Sept. 1 1, SI Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862-died,at Alexandria, Virginia, February 27, 1864. John W. Crosby.......do............... 3 Not on muster-out roll. Michael H. Mengis Muc..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Milton Patterson......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Abr'm G. Leonard.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6,'62. Allen, Robert......... Private July 2963,' 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Ayres, Charles........... do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 12,'62. Anson, Robert M.......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. Adams, John............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'65. Baker, Luther S........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Baker, Isaac B.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Butler, Joseph...........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Burdick, George........do.... Mar. 17, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Beardsly, Ransom....do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Baker, Alanson L.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Beldin, Sylvester......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Barr, George W.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Hancock, Maryland, February 27, 1862. Bliss, Marcus A.........do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Decherd, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1863. Bessey, Niles K.........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Died at Atlanta, Georgia, October 26, 1864. Baker, David B.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. Barber, Augustin L...do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted June 2, 1865. Barber, Francis.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted March, 1864. Cronk, Hannibal H...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Cain, Ebenezer........ do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Card, William F........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Cooper, George N.....do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died May 28, 1864-buried at Chattanooga, Tennessee-grave, 511. Courtwright, Oren.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 5,'62. Courtwright, D.........do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 7,'62. Conner, Lewis...........do.....July 1,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 26,'63. Chesebro, Dennis...do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Aug. 1, 1862. Clark, Daniel.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died August 20, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Corl, Henry W.......do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died May 18, 1864, of wounds received at Resaca, Georgia, May 15, 1864. Crawford, Rob't M.....do..... July 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed near Fayetteville, Tennessee, Dec. 21,'63 —buried at Stone River —grave, 26. Cone, Anson J.....do... Aug.,'61, 3 Not mustered into United States service. Clinton, George........do.... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Dickson, James C.......... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Dimmick, Ezra R....d..... Sept. 13,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 23,'62. Dingman, William...do... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Dye, Anderson......do July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., March 22,'65. Dingman, John......do Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died at Nashville, Tennessee, June 25, 1864. 1142 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK.. REMARKS. Dereamir, John P... Private Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Dereamir, Mahlon....do..... May 17,'64, 3 Killed at Kenesaw Mountain, June 16, 1864. Eddy, Isaiah...........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Ferrand, A. H.........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Feaster, Henry.....do..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1862. Fessenden, R. M......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Died at Louisville, Ky., April 5, 1864. Gray, Charles............do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Green, James...........do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gibson, John............do... July 27,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Green, Stephen B3......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, 1862. Homer, John............do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Hart, Amos J...........do.. July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Holmes, Wm. M.......do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Harrison, Win. H.....do..... Sept. 12,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Havlin, John............do.... July 31,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 8, 1865. Hart, Jesse...............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted January 18, 1862. Hoffman, Fred. G......do..... July 27,'62, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Jones, Philip L.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wounded in action, December 18, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. James, William.........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Middletown, Va., May 25, 1862. Kelley, Edward E...do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Kenyon, Geo. W........do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Keighlinger, Geo. S...do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 8, 1864-burial record, Aug. 8, 1865-grave, 424. Lilley, Charles H......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Luce, John.............do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Lamont, Clark A....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13,'64-expiration of term. Lowrie, David B........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Munnel, Robert E....do..... July 31,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Marshall, John D.....do..... July 29,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Muer, William.........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Marshall, Ne.....do..... July 31,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Mills, Thomas J........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Mead, Philip...........do...Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 19, 1865. Miller, Pasco M.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Mushall, James C......do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., June 13, 1865. Miles, Chester..........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Died July 15, 1864. Morrison, Sylvester...do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. M'Candless, H. L......do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out by G. O., June 1, 1865. M'Coy, Benjamin F...do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Alexandria, Va., Sept. 23, 1863. M'Cahan, John D......do.... July 14,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 25,'64, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. Nelson, Charles S......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Nisbit, John.........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Ostrander, And....do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Ostrander, E. D........do..... Mar. 3,.'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Oliver, John............do.....July 28,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Parker, Sidney L......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Preston, Richard N...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Pickering, A. D.........do..... Sept. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Peoples, Wm. L........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Post, Reuben M.......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged May 18, 1862. Palmeter, Joseph J...do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged November 10, 1862. Persing, Reuben........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 18,'65. Peet, John................do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Muddy Branch, Md., Dec. 21, 1861. Patterson, Samuel.....do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 26, 1864. Palmeter, Nicholas...do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 2, 1863. Pratt, Horace R........do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Pine Knob, Ga., June 15,'64. Quick, Luther P.......do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged September, 1862. Rossman, Orson........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Rouse, Amos...........do... July 24,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Ramsey, Josiah A.....do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Ryan, James I...........do.....Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1864-expirationof term. Richie, David F........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Nov. 1,'64. Ross, William.......do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Killed near Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-Vet. Roberts, James J.....do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1862. Ross, Robert.............do....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted July, 1863. Reeves, Charles.......do... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted June 21, 1865. Riand, Francis M.......do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Deserted September 19, 1864. Sheldon, Fred'k A.....do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Stillman, Birney........do..Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Schlesser, Ephraim...do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Stanley, Andrew........do.... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Snodgrass, Wash......do July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Sinsabaugh, T. M.......do.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Prisoner-mus. out with Co., July 16,'65-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1143 NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER I RMAKs NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Smith, Leizer......... Private Mar. 14,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, William.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Stoner, Henry F........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Swank, Charles.........do..... Feb.. 28,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 28,'62, Scoville, Almon C.....do... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Smith, David............do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Discharged June 28, 1865, by General Order. Steler, Adam...........do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-died March 15, 1865. Strong, Cassius M...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died at Indianapolis, Ind., April 9, 1864. Stuke y, Eman'I M......Jan. 13,'64, 3 Deserted December 29, 1864-Vet. Slayton, Henry C...... do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1862. Sear, Henry..............do........................ Died-buried at Chattanooga, Tenn., grave, 569. Tuttle, Joseph.... do.....Sept. 5,'64, Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Vanmater, JacolB....do..... Sept. 5,'64, 1 Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Vanmater, Jacob.......do..... Sept. 5,'64, I Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Waxen, Cassius........do.....Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Wolf, Jacob H...........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Wvght, Charles W.... do... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Warren, Alfred H..... do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wirt, William......d.....do.... Feb. 26,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 3, Oct. 3, 862. Wykoff, Charles H.... do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 20,'63. Ward, Andrew J.......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Hancock, Md., January 28, 1862. Wright, Hezek'h J....do..... Sept. 14,'63, 3 Drafted —killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20,1864. Walker, Theo. L... do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1863-returned April 16, 1865again deserted June 21, 1865. Younglove, Geo. S.....do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Yeomans, Lewis H.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. COMPANY 1. RECRUITED IN LUZERNE COUNTY. Richard Fitzgerald Capt.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged February 15, 1862. Patrick Griffith........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, August 1, 1863. John Care..........do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, Aug. 17, 1863-resigned June 10, 1864. Joseph Matchett.........do..... Aug. 17,'6, 3'61, Pr. fr. st Lt. t of Co. C. to Capt., July 27, 1864mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Georg6 W. Boyd... Is Lt.... Sept. 17,'6, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, September 17, 1861. John H. Knipe..........do..... Aug. 24,'62, 3 Pr. fr. priv. Co. B, Aug. 5,'63-died of wounds ~ received at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Robert Young...........do..... Oct. 31,'6, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Jan. 15,'63, to 1st Lt., Nov. 12, 1864-mustered out, May 15, 1865, by order War Department. John Auglun.........2d Lt... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged February 15, 1862. Samuel Chambers.....do..... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Resigned January 22, 1863. Peter Van Kirk........ do..... July 27,'64, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct. 10, 62-to 2d Lt.10,'62-to 2d Lt., July 27,'64mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Lewis C. Eakman.. 1st Sgt.. July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Sept. 10, 1863to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1864-to 1st Sgt., June 8, 1865-com. 1st Lt., July 15, 1865 -not mustered —mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Michael J. Hawley...do....Oct. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. John E. M'Carty..... do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3Discharged June 8, 1865, by General Order. Oliver B. Simmons...do.... Mar. 1,'62, 3Promoted to 2d Lt. of Co. D, October 9, 1862. Jeremiah Ryan...... Serg't.. Jan. 13,'64, 3Promoted to Cor., Nov. 10, 1863-to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1864-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. Uriah Kern......... do.... July 13,'63, 3Drafted-pr. to Cor., April 1,'64-to Sgt., Nov. 1,......~...... ^1864-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. James M. Bigler........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3Promoted to Cor., Sept. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Nov. 1, ~~~~~~ ~~1864-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Hugh Quinan............ do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1, 1864-to Sgt., June 8, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. John Burke..do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. M. F. ORourke. do. Oct. 31,'61, 3Discharged on Surgeon's certifidate, Feb. 9, 1863 Charles Hessley... do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Anthony Coyle...... Corp.... Jan. 13,'64, 3Promoted to Corporal, November 29, 1863 —imustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John D. Leclere. do. July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1864m D e.,tered out with company, July 16, 1865. 1144 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. B&ANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Wm. T. Smith......... Corp.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Thomas MLane........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Henry S. Kern.........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Geo. W. Arnold........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Henry Booth.............do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. William H. Booth......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Henry Schlepe...........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-*xpiration of term. Patrick Clark............do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. James Kevlin............do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Richard Mallory,.......do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. Henry Runge............do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'63. John Homer....... do.... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, June 8, 1865. Dennis Carney..........do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Henry E. Gould..... Muc..... Oct. 13,'61 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. Lyman Moore.....do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Prisoner from May 28, 1864, to May 22, 1865mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. John M'Comb.........do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept 18, 1864-expiration of term. Ammann, John..... Private Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Anderson, J..............do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Transferred to Veteran Res. Corps, Mar. 22, 1865. Awe, Peter...............do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 26,'65. Bates, John...........do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Ballentine, Wm.........do.... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Barnes, Henry G.......do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1I Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Burkey, John..........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Ballentine, John........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Blystone, Henry........do.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Barrett, James..........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Drowned in Dam No. 6, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, February 9, 1862. Bowman, Jacob.........do.... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Died'Aug. 17, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga.-burial record, died at Chattanooga, Tenn.,September 7, 1864-grave, 657. Burke, Anthony........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died of wounds received at Bentonville, N. C., March 19, 1865 —Vet. Bush, Israel..............do... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-died September 26,'63-buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 963. Bushell, Charles........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Died Aug. 19, 1862, (bu. record, Aug. 28, 1863,) of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62-bu. at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 181. Burke, Patrick..........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. Bush, Leander...........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-prisoner from Feb. 6, to May 6,'65mustered out, July 16,1865. Cannavan, Henry.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Clark, John...............do.....Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Cassidy, Patrick.......do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18, 63. Corcoran, Thomas.....do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25,'62. Cain, Barney.........do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., May 30, 1865. Cain, Patrick.............do..... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Crow, Geo. W.........do..... Aug. 1,'63, 3 Substitute-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Oct. 14, 1864. Coughlan, Wmi o........ Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1862. Carrigan, Peter......do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1862. Clark, Michael...........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted June 30, 1862. Calhoun, James........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mis. in action at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62. Clary, John D..........do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dickey, Henry.........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dowling, M. A...........do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Duncan, James........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 22,'65. Devine, Patrick........do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Davis, Henry............do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at Peach Tree Creek. Ga., July 20, 1864. Etter, George H.........do..... Sept. 17,'62,- 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Frederick, James......do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Flynn, Peter.............do.....1Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9, 1862. Fisher, Silas...-..........do.... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Substitute —discharged by G. O., May 25, 1865. Fullum, Benjamin.....do..... July 23,'63, 8 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., April 27, 1865. Freeburn, John M.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Wounded at Dallas Gap, Ga., May 25, 1864-discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865. Fullerton, Harvey...do..... July 15,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Kelly's Ford, Va., Sept. 8, 1863. Frank, Alex. G.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died July 23, 1864, of wds. rec. at Atlanta, Ga. Fox, James...............do..... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Deserted January 25, 1863. Fisher, John.............do..... Oct. 13,'61, 3 Deserted August 17, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1145 RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAMEas. RANK. INTO SERVICE. Gouldin, Martin..... Priv Jan. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Goodrich, Nathaniel...do..Mar.'7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gloegle, Joseph........do....July 9,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864 —absent, in hospital, at muster out. Graham, Paul F.........do..... July 14,'63, 3 Drafted —disch. on Surgeon's cert., Jan. 8, 1864. Grim, DanielK........do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted November 19, 1864-returned May 10, 1865-discharged May 11, 1865. Goughan, Martin,....do...do.. Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 16,'62. Grier, James.............do..... Oct. 30, 61, 3 Deserted June 9,'1862. Honk, Franklin D....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hamaker, Patrick......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Harman, John C........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out withCo., July 16, 1865. Haberstick, Rud'h.. A...do.....Aug. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Holloran, William.....do.....Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25,'63. Harrigan, John.........do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 15,'63. Hearty, Patrick......do..... Oct. 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 9,'62. Hay, James...............do.....Mar. 8,'64, 3 Deserted July 1, 1865. Johnston,William J...do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 31,'63. Johnson, William.....do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3Deserted Feruary 9,1865-et. Koonts, George R.....do..... Dec. 12,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Kelley, James F. P...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. oonts, David..........do..... July 23'64, 3Substitute-wounded in action, May 15, 1864absent, in hospital, at muster out. Kevlin, John..........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Keener, Jacob G........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Deserted June 23, 1865. Lehr, Edmund J.......do.....Feb. 1,65, 1Mustered ut with company, July 16, 1865. Lavery, John............do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Loudermilch, Jos...:..do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at musterout. Lyter, Isaac...............do.....Sept. 14, 64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. LaInehan, John...........do.....Oct. 31,'61, 3 Exec'dfor themurder of Maj. Lewis, Dec. 23,'61. Leclere, Samuel A....do..... Sept. 16,'63, 3Drafted-died at Savannah, Ga., June 22, 1865. Lee Edward............do.....July 14,'63, 3Substitute —deserted September 30, 1864. Leonard, Michael......do.....Aug.,'61, Not mustered into United States service. Morton, William H...do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Maughin, Martin....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pris. fr. Aug. 9,to Sept. 13,'62, andlfr. Mayt2,to May 15, 1863-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865 —et. Murphy, Daniel........do..... April 12,'64, 3Wounded, in action, July 20, 1864 —absent, in hospital, at muster out. Metzger, John...........do..... Sept. 14,'64, Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Malone, William.......o.....July 14.'63, 3 Substitute-died atGoldsboro', N. C., Mar. 27,'65. Millan, John.....do..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. Martin, Thomas.... d...do..... Oct. 31,'6, 3 Deserted August 11, 1862. Mullin, Patrick.........do. Oct. 31,'61, 3 Deserted January 19, 1862. M'Laughlin, Owen...do.. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. M'Sweeney, Dennis...o.... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. M'Lain, James A. do.. Sept. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 5, 1865. M'Gonegal, Petere......do..-...Oct. 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 16,'62. M'Cullough, Adam...do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Feb. 13, 1864. M'Kennon, Thomas...do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3Deserted May 13, 1864. M'Tigert, Robert......1do..4 Oct. 13,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Newton, Elijah Jy~..do...Jan. 4'64,.3 1Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Newton,4John H. do. Jn.,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Newton, Charles........do......"Mar. 9,'64, 3 Prisoner from March 3, to March 30, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Neill, William i......do..... July 13'63, 3 Drafted -disch. by General Order, June 21,1865. Oliver, James.......... do.... Oct. 13'61, Deserted July1, 1862. Ore, Patrick..............do.... Oct. 13'61, 3 Deserted December 30, 1862. Potts, David I........do...-.. July 1r,'63 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Painter, Thoma do..... July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Powell, Peter C.........o..... Oct. 31,'61, 3 fustered outc Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Parham, William.... do....'Oct. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Phillipi, William.....do..July 16,'63, 3Substitute-died Aug. 11,'64-bu. record, Aug. 11, 1865, at Chattanooga, Tenn. —grave, 434. Rankin, Matthew,T...do....July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Reap, Patrick..........do.. Jan. 13,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Yet. Shaddow, GeorgeW..:do..Mar. 4,'64, 3 Musterdd out with company, July 16, 1865. Singer, William......do...Feb. 20,'64, 3. Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Swartz, Martin..........do..'...Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865 —Vet. Stivison, Wlliam......do..July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Stuchall, Robert K..,do... July 13,'63,. 3Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Shriner, John....d.....[...do..Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, September 13,'65. Swcigard,Georg W...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 24, 1865. Sullivan, John........O...do... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Stewart, Robart..... do...July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-died June 8,'64, of wounds received at Decherd, Tennessee. 144 1146 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. RMARKS Singer, David B...... Private Feb. 28, 64, 3 Died at Chattanooga, Tenn., August 7, 1864. Shields, John......... do.... Oct. 31, 61, 3 Died of wds. rec. at Resaca, Ga., May 15, 1864. Slonoski, John........do Oct. 13, 61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Stewart, Charles...... do Sept. 16, 63, 3 Substitute-deserted January 10, 1864. Wilhelm, Wash........d..... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Walsh, Michael...do..... Oct. 31, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Weamer, Wm. H......do July 13, 63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, June 2,'65. Whalon, Patrick........do..... Oct. 31, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wimer, Thomas R.....do... July 13, 63, 3 Drafteddied at Kingston, Ga., Aug. 17, 1864. Whiting, William......... Oct. 13, 61, 3 Deserted August 31, 1862. Wright, William I.....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mis. in action at Culp's Farm, Ga., June 22,'64. Young, Joseph...........do... Dec. 12,'63, Wounded in action, July 20, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Young, James..... d.....d Oct 31, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Zimmerman, C........ do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. COMPANY K. RECRUITED IN NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Cyrus Strouse......... Capt.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Captured at Middletown, Va., May 24,'62-promoted to Major, November 1, 1862. Alexander Cadwell....do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1,'61-to 1st Lt., Aug. 9,'62to Captain, November 1, 1862-mustered out out with company, July 16, 1865. G. B. Cadwalader... 1st Lt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster, September 17, 1861. Wm. P. Caldwell......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Darius S. Gilger........do Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 1,'61-to 2d Lt., Aug. 9, 1862-to 1st Lt., Nov. 1, 1862-disch. Dec. 18, 1863, for wds. reo. at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Jacob B. Getter.........do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Nov. 1, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 21, 1864-discharged Sept. 1, 1864, for wounds rec. at Dallas, Ga., May 25,1864-Vet. Thos. Alderson.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., April 18, 1865-to 1st Lt., May 23, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865-Vet. John W. Phillips... 2d Lt.. Mar. 21,'64, 3 Killed near Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-Vet. August Shensel.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieut., July 5,'65mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. George Blanksby... 1st Sgt. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Sergeant to Ist Sergeant, July 5, 1865mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Daniel Babb........... Sergt.. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, April 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. David M. Snyder......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, January 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. John Neufer..............do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, July 5,'65 —mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Sam'l P. Eisenhart...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, July 5,'65-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. John B. Zehnder......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 1,'64. John M'Cleese........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged December 6, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Thos. Caldwell...........do.. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Oct. 9,'63. Winfield S. Farrow...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 29, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865-Vet. James H. Haas........do....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Joseph Long...........do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at PeachTreeCreek, Ga., July20,'64-Vet' Joel Holtshoe....... Corp.., Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Josaiah J. Tribley......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 20, 1864-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Emanuel Holtshoe.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Jonas H. Duttery......do.... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 31, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Sylvanus A. Bird......do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 31, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Daniel B. Eisenhart...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Andrew J. Hine........do.... Mar. 16, 64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Thos. V. Pensyl........ do....'July 13,'64,t 3 Promoted to Corpral, Aprl 1, 1864-nustered out with compsny July 16 16, 186-Vet. THREE YEARS' XERVIG]. 1147 XNA ME. R A~g. INTO SERVICE. 4 REAMS.. ME. P oANK. James A. Shipp...... Corp.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 19, 1863, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Jacob N. Young.........do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 30, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. John E. Eisenhart....do...Sept. 4,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 23,1863. Caleb H. Young.....d..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. William Shuck............. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9,'62died Sept. 19, 1862-bu. record, Sept. 2, 1862, at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 201. John Raup....... o.......do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Killed near Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864-Vet. Benj. D. Walker..... Muc.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Chas. L. V. Haas.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 10,'62. C. Zimmerman........... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Drum Major, Aug. 31, 1864-Vet. Armstrong, Thos.... Private July 30,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Armstrong, Jno. A...do..... July 30,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Arter, Franklin.........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Cedar Mountain,Va., Aug. 9, 1862-bu. at Culpepper C. H., block 1, section A, row 5, grave, 165. Alforc Samuel........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Winchester,Va., May 25,'62. Bittenb tder, C. J......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Burch, Charles.........do Sept. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 16,'65. Bennington, Albert...do..... July 4,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Brady, Faion.............do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Wounded in action, July 20, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Bass, William......... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Brown, Edward...d.... d Sept. 4,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Bird, William B........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16,'64-expiration of term. Barmoski, Frank......do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Brandt, Charles........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62-died Oct. 4,'62, of wds. rec. at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62. Baker, Samuel...........do..... June 26,'63, 3 Substitute-killed nearAtlanta, Ga., July 20,'64. Brooks, John,...........do...Sept. 4, 61, 3 Missing in action at Winchester, Va., May 25,'62. Brocious, William.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Blain, George............do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Conrad, Charles H.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Clayberger, Sam'l.......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Clark, Franklin A.....do..... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, May 23,'65-Vet. Coder, John A...........do..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Died Sept. 19, 1862, of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Clark, Samuel...........do.... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-died Jan. 18, 1864-bu. record, Jan. 14, 1864-buried at Stone River-grave, 207. Cunningham, Jno.J...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9,'62. Collier, Thomas.........do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted January 14, 1863. Cook, William M......do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Substitute-deserted-date unknown. Crandall, John T......do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 22, 1865. Duttery, Charles H...do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dunlap, Thomas A...do..... July 10,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Dreper, Aaron...........do.... Feb. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Dougherty, Const'e...do...... Mar. 15, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Dunkelber, Cor's H...do..... Jan. 13, 64, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out-Vet. Donovan, Patrick......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 26, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Dailey, John..............do..... July 28,'63, 3 Drafted-killed near Atlanta, Ga., July 20,'64. Duncan, John............do..... July 27,'63, 3 Died at Indianapolis, Ind.-date unknown. Durk, Percival..........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 29, 1865-disch. by General Order, May 18, 1865. Epler, Valentine...:....do....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,1865-Vet. Eisenhart,Jonathan...do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Epler, John F..........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged Jan. 20, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Eurfeltz, Jeremiah...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Fox, John...............do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Flowers, George.......do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16,1865. Frederick, George.....do... F'eb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Funkhouser, W. H...do..... July 29,'63, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., May 23, 1865. Ginther, Charles........do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Gilger, John A.......do....... Ma. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Gensel, Jesse...........do.....Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Grove, George...........do..... July 13,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co.; July 16,'65. Graham,Addison H...do.... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Getter, James T.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Goss, David........... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Grim, William..........do. July 5,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Golden, Patrick....do.....d Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, June 20,'62, 1148 FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. EMAKS. Gillinger, John...... Private Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died Aug. 15, 1862-bu. record, Sept. 15, 1862, of wounds received at; Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862-buried at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 283. Hume,.Edward.........do. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65 —et. Hine, David J..........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Houpt, Joel...............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Harp, Charles M.......do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hubbert, George H...do.....Feb. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Haas, William F.......do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Hume, Michael.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'62. Heckert, Francis D...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864-expiration of term. Hesson, Jacob W......do..... July 27,'63, 3 Drafted-died at New Albany, Ind., May 16,'64. Hoffman, William../...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted August 20, 1862. Haas, Luther L.. do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jacobs, Michael........do.... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Jeallison, William.....do..... July 14'63, 3 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Jcnes, Robert M........do. Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Jcnzsorn, John..........do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864 —expiration of term. J(ines, William H......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed near Marietta, Ga., July 22, 1864. Jaggers, Joseph.........do......July 13,'63, 3 Drafted-killed accidentally at Savannah Ga., January 1, 1865. Jones, David...............do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Missing in action at Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9,'62, Kable, John A..........do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Keiper, Abraham......do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Knipe, John............do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged December 6,'62, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Kern, Nicholas........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 6, 1862. Kerlin, William H..]...do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed near Atlanta, Ga., July 20, 1864. Lott, Francis M.........do... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Lever, Joseph...........do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864-expiration of term. Lott, William H........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 29, 1865-disoh. by General Order, May 18, 1865-Vet. Leibig, William C.....do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Died Aug. 19,'64, of wds. rec. at Atlanta, Ga. Loudon, John........d... do...... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Metz, Ephraim P......do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65 —Vet. Martin, Paul..............do....". Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Mortin, James........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Morgan, Charles........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 31,'62. Mooney, Arthur.......do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'63. Mullen, Reuben........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 16, 1864-expiration of term. Maurer, Elias.....do... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Discharged October 25, 1864, for wounds received at Dallas, Ga., May 26, 1864. Mettler, Charles W...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Decherd, Tenn., April 16, 1864. Medlicott, John......,,do.....Jan. 13,'64, 3 Died Oct. 27, 1864, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864-Vet. M'Carty, Joseph H...do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Promoted to Adjutant, August 12, 1864. M'Carty, John E....do..... Aug. 29,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Co. I, April 1, 1864. M'Dowell, Wm. J....do..... July 11,'63, 3 Substitute-died Sept. 7, 1864-bu. at Chattanooga, Tenn.-grave, 543. M'Cauley, Guy.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Neiswanter, Corn'ls...do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Neiswanter, Amos.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Patton, James H.......do..... July 31,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865,. Peifer, Daniel S.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'62. Paul, Lewis........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged October 25, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Perry, Joseph............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 1, 1862. Reed, Moses............do..... Jdn. 13,'64, 3 Mustered 3ut with company, July 16,'65 —et. Roth, Paul................do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Roth, William C.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 8, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Rodearmel, Isaiah.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25,'63. Rose, Joseph W... do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out, Mar. 25, 1865 — expiration of term. Robinson, Isaac N.....do..... July 27,'63, 3 Sub.-died at Philadelphia, Pa.-date unknown. Reynolds, William...do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted June 22, 1865. Simmers, Jeremiah...do..... July 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Shuda, Enoch.........do..... July 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Startzell, Sam'l A.....do..... July 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16,'65-Vet. Steiben, Nicholas......do..... Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute —mus. out with Co., July 16, 1865. Smith, Thomas........do..... July 11,'63, 3 Drafted —mus. out with company, July 16, 1865. Startzell, Henry........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Stevenson, John... do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 25, 1862. Salters, Henry.........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 13, 1864-~expiration of term. Snyder, William...do. Jan. 13,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 27,'65-Vet. hafer, Henry.. do.......do Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred toVet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 15,'65. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1149. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. t REMARKS..r,........ L_. Stambach, Philip... Private Jan. 13, 64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C., March 15, 1865-Vet. Startzell, Daniel G.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died December 18, 1861, at Alexandria, Va. Slenker, Wm. H........ do... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died February 26, 1862, at Hancock, Md. Simmers, William......do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. Snyder, Augustus.....do.....Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1862. Thomas, George A.....do..... July 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Tooley, Robert........ do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Treibley, Jacob.........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Tannery, Thad. B......do..... Feb. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865. Tittsworth, Isaac N...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Tharp, William C......do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Discharged Dec. 8, 1862, for wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9. 1862. Taylor, William........do..... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeo's certificate Apr. 23,'63. Tanley, John.......... do.... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Prisoner from April 14, to April 29, 1865-dis-'ldman, Cae..o,,', charged May 18, 1865, by General Order. TitUsworth, Alfred.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. Woodley, Daniel J.....do..... Jan. 13,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 16, 1865-Vet. Wallace, Benjamin...do..... July 11'6, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 16, 1865. Walton, John L.......do..Apr. 13'6,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. July 13,'65, by General Order. Wilson, Robert G...... do..... July 31,'3,3 Substitute-prisoner fr. Feb. 15, to Apr. 2,'65discharged June 12,'65, by General Order. Williams, Walter d......do Mar. 7,'64, 3 Captured-died Oct. 8, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia-grave, 10,.521. Worzkoski, Mathi's...do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died of wounds received at Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862. Zimmerman, P. J.......do..... Sept,,'61, 3 Died December 26,'61, at Frederick, Md.-bu. in Nat. Cem., Antietam-sec. 26, lot F, grave, 576. Zancollar, Alexan'r...do.... Fel. 1F 4, 8 KSiled near Marietta, Ga., July 20, 1864. UNASSIGNED MEN. Bryant, James........ Private Mar. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Baker, M........... do..................... 3 Died-date unknown-buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Md. Barncolor, Alexan'r...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brine, Charles..........do......................... 3 Died Oct. 4, 1862-buried in National Cemetery, Antietam-sec. 26, lot E, grave, 565. Barker, George W....do..... July 25,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Carbaugh, John... do.......... Oct. 12,'64, 1 Discharged October 7, 1865. Etzmeire, Fred. H.....do.....Aug. 1,'64, 1 Substitute-not on muster-out roll. Graham, Thomas.....do..... Ap 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Greenbank, John.....-.do.... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Goodman, Charles.......Mar.. 2'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hixenb, Judiah do............ 7r.,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hixen, James A.... do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Howe, Jacob..............do.....Feb. 29, 64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hays, David........... do.....Feb. 27,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hays, John D........ do... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lockwood, John........do..... Apr. 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Myers, Matthew........do.....Oct. 8,'64, 1 Discharged August 7, 1865, by General Order. Moore, Edmond........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mason,. 0...............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moore, George W..do..... Aug. 13, 64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Mumma, Christian.....do....Aug. Aug,,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Moore, Lyman...........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Navel, Michael.........do..... Apr. 15, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stevens, Henry..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Lewis............do Feb. 12,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spayd, Edward.....do Feb. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomas, Seth............do Feb. 20,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Vaughn, Alonzo B....do..... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Winter, Adolph............... Not on muster-out roll. FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. AUITHORITY to raise a regiment for three years' service was granted by Governor Curtin to Colonel Tilghman H. Good, of Allentown, Lehigh county, on the 5th of August, 1861, and chiefly through his exertions ten full companies were recruited during the month, as follows: Companies A and E at ]Fston, B, G, I and K at Allentown, C at Sunbury, D at Bloomfield, Perry county, F at Catasauqua, and H at Newport, Perry county, and at Harrisburg. Companies B, E and G, as also a portion of company I, had previously served in the First Regiment, during the three months' service, D in the Second, A and a portion of I in the Ninth, C in the Eleventh, and K in the Twenty-fifth. The companies rendezvoused at Camp Curtin, and on the 1st of September the following field officers were appointed: Tilghman H. Good, Colonel; G. W. Alexander, Lieutenant Colonel, and William H. Gausler, Major. James W. Fuller, Jr., was appointed Adjutant. Schools of instruction for officers were here instituted, and although but little opportunity was presented for drill, the command was brought to a high degree of proficiency in discipline. The various companies were uniformed and equipped as they were mustered in, at dates varying from the 19th of August to the 20th of September. From Harrisbirg the regiment proceeded to Washington, arriving on the 21st of September. It was accompanied by an excellent brass band, under the leadership of Thomas Coates. Upon its arrival it was stationed on Kalorama Heights until the 27th, when it was ordered to move across the Chain Bridge and join the advance of the army. It encamped at Fort Ethan Allen, and was assigned to the Third Brigade* of General W. F. Smith's Division. It had been armed by the State with the Mississippi Rifle, and drilled exclusively in light infantry tactics. Its commanding officer was a strict disciplinarian, having for years commanded the Allen Rifles, a company well known in Pennsylvania for its efficient drill. At the approach of winter the soldiers of the Forty-seventh were not forgotten by their friends at home. Gloves, blankets and articles of clothing, to protect them from the chilling blasts of winter, were provided in abundance. The evening of the 28th, the Forty-seventh occupied the fort, expecting an attack from the enemy. The night was cold, and the men anxiously awaited the approach of day. At four A. M., heavy firing was heard in the direction of Falls Church. Volley after volley rolled out on the still air of the morning. Hastily forming, the regiment marched at double-quick three miles in the di*Organization of the Third Brigade, Brigadier General I. I. Stevens. Forty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Tilghman H. Good; Thirty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Robert F. Taylor; Forty-ninth Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell; Seventy-ninth Regiment (Highlanders) New York Volunteers, Colonel Addison Farnsworth. 1862 CAPTURE OF ST. JOHN'S BLUFF. 1151 rection of the sound, when ambulances were met bearing their mangled freight, and it was ascertained, that through mistake, the Sixty-ninth and Seventy-first Pennsylvania regiments had fired upon each other. The regiment moved with the brigade and division to Camp Griffin, and on the 11th of October, participated in the grand review at Bailey's Cross Roads. It was ordered, on the 20th of Decemberi to Dranesville, to take part in the battle at that place; but the enemy having retreated, it was halted at Freedom Hill, and at dusk returned to camp. On the 22d of January, 1862, the regiment was, at the request of Brigadier General Brannan, then commanding the Third Brigade, ordered to accompany him to Key West, Florida. Exchanging the Mississippi for the Springfield rifle, it left Washington, on the 23d, for Annapolis, where it was quartered in the Naval buildings, and embarked on the steamship Oriental, for Key West, on the 27th. Arriving on the 4th of February, it was brigaded with the Seventh New Hampshire, and the Ninetieth and Ninety-first New York, the whole under command of General Brannan. While here, it was drilled from five to eight hours each day, a part of the drill being in heavy artillery, at Fort Taylor. It suffered much from fevers incident to the climate, and many of its members died. Remaining until the 18th of June, it embarked with the brigade for Hilton Head, South Carolina, where it arrived on the 22d. Debarking, it encamped in the rear of Fort Walker until the 2d of July, when it was ordered to participate in the attack upon Secessionville, but was not engaged. It then moved to Beaufort, where it was brigaded with the Sixth Connecticut, Seventh New Hampshire and Eighth Maine. A large portion of the forces here were about this time sent north, in consequence of which, the duty became onerous, it being necessary to picket the entire island. For its attention to duty, discipline and soldierly bearing, the regiment received the highest commendation from Generals Hunter and Brannan. General O. M. Mitchell assumed command of the Department of the South on the 16th of September, and an expedition was soon after fitted out to penetrate Florida, and remove the obstructions in the St. John's River. The force selected consisted of the Forty-seventh Pennsylvania, Seventh Connecticut, First Connecticut Battery, and one company of the First Massachusetts Cavairy, all under the command of General Brannan. Landing at Maysport Mills, on the 1st of October, the campaign was opened by operations directed against St. John's Bluff, a strongly fortified point, five miles from the mouth of the St. John's River. Moving on the 2d through swamps and pine woods, by a circuit of twenty-five miles, the Forty-seventh in advance, constantly skirmishing with, and driving the enemy as they went, the command bivouacked at night, in rear of the fort, in sight of the rebel works. The gunboats were continually exchanging shots with the fort during the night. In the morning, the brigade was formed, and moved to the assault, but found that the rebel General innegan,, who was in command, had evacuated under cover of darkness, leaving eleven pieces of artillery, in excellent order, and an immense quantity of ammunition. Companies E and K, under command of Captain Yard, were sent in pursuit of the retreating foe, and, after a sharp skirmish, took possession of Jacksonville, Florida. Thence the two companies proceeded, on the 6th, by steamer Darlington, two hundred miles up the river, where the rebel steamer Governor Milton was captured, and safely conveyed within the Union lines. The artillery ammunition and materials captured at St. John's Bluff, 1152 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. 1862 were placed upon steamers, and with the command were taken to Hilton Head, where they arrived on the 7th, the object of the expedition having been accomplished, with a loss to the Forty-seventh of only two wounded. On the 21st the command proceeded to destroy the railroad bridge over the Pocotaligo, and sever communication between Charleston and Savannah. A landing was effected at Mackey's Point, and it proceeded without delay, the Forty-seventh in advance, towards the bridge. The brigade was commanded by Colonel Good, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander commanding the regiment. Advancing a few miles, and debouching upon an open, rolling country, it suddenly received a heavy fire from a rebel field battery. The brigade was deployed to the front, passing the artillery, and drove the enemy from his position. At Frampton the rebels were found posted in a wood with infantry and artillery. The approach to their position was over an open cotton field. The brigade was formed in line of battle, with two companies thrown forward as skirmishers, and charged upon the enemy in the face of a terrific fire. This bold movement had the desired effect. The affrighted enemy fled in precipitation. Pursuit was immediately given, and after an exciting chase of four miles. he was found in force at Pocotaligo Bridge, under command of General Walker. A ravine here ran between our line and the enemy. The Forty-seventh was ordered to relieve the Seventh Connecticut, and forming upon the edge of the stream, for two hours kept up an uninterrupted fire. The enemy being strongly posted behind works, and receiving reinforcements, poured forth a murderous fire upon our line, frustrating every attempt to cross the ravine. The ammunition of the artillery was entirely exhausted, and night coining on, the command was withdrawn, and returned unmolested to Mackey's Point. Captains Mickley and Junker, and eighteen enlisted men were killed, and one hundred and fourteen wounded. Both officers and men were complimented in general orders for their gallantry. On the 23d it returned to Hilton Head. On the 30th General Mitchell, the commander of the Department, died. The Forty-seventh was detailed as escort at the burial, and fired the salute over his grave. On the 15th of November, the regiment was ordered to Key West, Florida, and arrived at that post on the 18th. Here a detachment of five companies, under command of Colonel Good, was ordered to garrison Fort Taylor, and the remaiining five, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander, to garrison Fort Jefferson. The military importance of these positions was at this time very great. A strenuous effort to secure foreign intervention was being made by the rebel government with some probability of success. In his instructions to Colonel Good the General commanding says: "It is hardly necessary to point- out to you the extreme military importance of the two works now entrusted to your command: suffice it to state, that they cannot pass out of our hands without the greatest possible disgrace to whoever may conduct their defence, and to the nation at large. In view of difficulties that may soon culminate in war with foreign powers, it is eminently necessary that these works should immediately be placed beyond any possibility of seizure by any naval or military force that may be thrown upon them from neighboring ports. * * * * Seizure of these forts by coup-ae-main may be the first act of hostilities instituted by foreign powers, and the comparative isolation of their position, and their distance from reinforcements, point them out (independent of their national importance) as peculiarly the object of such an effort to possess them." Recognizing the imminent peril to which they were exposed, without a moment's 1864 BATTLE OF SABINE CROSS ROADS. 1153 delay, the entire available force was employed to place the fors in the highest possible condition of defence, and the efforts were unremitting until every means at command were brought intorequisition to render them impregnable. In these positions, with Colonel Good in command, the regiment remained until the 25th of February, 1864. In the mean time five hundred men of the regiment had re-enlisted, and received a veteran furlough. It was highly complimented at various times during its occupation of Key West for its efficiency, and continually enjoyed the confidence of the commander of the Department. On the 25th of February orders were received to proceed to Louisiana. Embarking upon the steamer Charles Thomas it arrived at Algiers on the 28th, and moving by rail to Brashear City was conveyed by steamer up the Bayou Teche to Franklin, its destination. It was here assigned to the Second Brigade* of the First Division, Nineteenth Army Corps. An expedition was here fitting out, under command General Banks, to proceed up the Red River, and on the 15th of March it moved, infantry, cavalry, and artillery, via New Iberia, Vermillionville, Opelousas, and Washington, to Alexandria, at which place it was joined by the command of General A. J. Smith, and a fleet of gunboats under Commodore Porter. After a few days rest it again moved forward, following, in the main, the course of the Red River to Natchitoches. The point of attack was Shreveport. The line of march from Natchitoches was through a barren, sandy country, with little water and no forage. On the night of the 7th of April, the regiment encamped at Pleasant Hill, and on the following day marched unti three P. M., when the column halted. Firing in front had been, for some time, heard in the direction of Sabine Cross Roads. The Forty-seventh was hurriedly formed and advanced at double-quick, passing the Second Division of the Nineteenth Corps. As it approached the front, cavalry, infantry, and artillery were met in confusion seeking the rear. The brigade was brought into position on a small elevation. Scarcely had the line been formed, when the pursuing and victorious enemy came pressing on. A well directed volley suddenly checked his course, and he was driven back in dismay. Again he attempted to break the line, and again was repulsed. Darkness intervened, and the men lay down in line of battle. t Shortly after midnight the command was withdrawn. The wounded of both armies had, during the night, lain between the lines, and their groans and cries for water were heart-rending. The command, wearied and worn, returned to Pleasant Hill on the 9th. The loss was near sixty men killed and wounded; among the former was Lieutenant Swoyer, of company K. *Organization of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General James W. M'Millan, First Division, General William H. Emory, Nineteenth Corps, Major General W. B. Franklin. Forty seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel T. H. Good; Thireenth Regiment Maip: Volunteers, Colonel Henry Rust, Jr.; One Hundred and Sixtieth Regiment New York Volunteers, Liutenant Colonel John B. Van Petten; Fifteenth Regiment Maine Volunteers, Colonel Isaac Dyer. t The Nineteenth Army Corps had been ordered to stop and form its line of battle; the re. treating Union troops passed through this line and formed in the rear. The rebels, thinking they had repulsed our whole army, dashed impetuously on, and through the line; but half visible through the wood before them, was another feeble, but desperate stand of a few men. General Emory commanded this force, consisting of two full brigades, and he ordered the fire to be reserved until the rebels were within short range, when from both infantry and the artillery posted thickly along his line, a storm of iron and lead was hurled upon the foe that literally mowed them down, The rebels halted in amazement, but still they fought, and bravely; 145 1154 FOlTY-SEVENTH PREGIMENT. 1864 At Pleasant Hill the regiment was posted on the right of the line, with its right resting on a high bluff.:The enemy, under command of Dick Taylor, attacked at midday, and the batle raged with great fury until five P. M. At three o'clock the Forty-seventh was ordered from the right to the left of the line. While passing by the flank in the rear of the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth New York, an impetuous charge was made by the enemyg causing that regiment to retire before him. The Forty-seventh repelled the charge and delivered a counter-charge in force. A desperate encounter ensued, in which the rebels were driven and several pieces of artillery captured. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander was severely wounded. Color Sergeant Walls,* the oldest member of the command, was wounded, when Sergeant Pyers, of company C, immediately took the colors and was also soon after wounded. Notwithstanding the victory at Pleasant Hill, Banks, from the want of supplies, was obliged to retreat to Grand Ecore. The place was immediately put in condition for defence and was strongly fortified. Here the army remained until the 22d, when the retreat to Alexandria was commenced. At Cane Hill the enemy was encountered and routed, with but small loss to the Union forces. After long and wearisome marches they arrived at Alexandria on the 25th. During the progress of this memorable expedition, the regiment marched eight hundred miles, and lost by sickness, killed, wounded and missing, two hundred men. It remained some time at Alexandria, assisting in the construction of a dam across the channel of the Red River, for the purpose of passing the fleet over the falls. This work was under the supervision of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Bailey, an eminent engineer belonging to the Nineteenth Corps. On the 13th of May the last of the gunboats successfully passed the rapids. On the 16th the command reached Simmsport and crossed the Atchafalaya on a bridge of steamers. At this point company C, Captain Gobin, was detailed to proceed on the steamer Dunleith to New Orleanss as guard to prisoners. The balance of theregiment marched to Morganzia, where company C rejoined it, and it remained until the 20th of June, when it moved by steamer to New Orleans. The Nineteenth Corps was now ordered to Washington, and on the 5th of July, the regiment embarked on the steamer M'Clellan, and arrived at the capital on the 12th. The corps was immediately assigned to the command of General Hunter, which it joined near Snicker's Gap, and was engaged in the defence of the National capital, and in expelling the rebel army from Maryland. General Sheridan was soon after placed in command of the forces here concentrated, and at once proceeded to re-organizet what was thence forward known volley after volley was discharged from each side full into the ranks of their opponents, but neither gave signs of yielding, and night charitably threw her mantle over the ghastly scene, and enforced a cessation of hostilities.-Moore's Rebellion Record, Vaol 8, pages 555-6. * Benjamin P. Walls, of company C, was sixty-five years oldwhen he enlisted; wasa farmer of considerable means, from Juniata county. When examined at Harrisburg, the Surgeon pronounced him too old for the service. " By the Lord!" exclaimed the Squire, "I have yet to learn that a man ever becomes too old to serve his country!" He was passed, was made Color Sergeant, was wounded severely at Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, but afterwards returned to his regiment and served out his three years. He desired to re-enlist, but the Surgeon refused to pass him. He died in the summer of 1867-one of the bravest of the brave, universally respected. —Colonel Gobin's Incidents of the War. t Organization of the Second Brigade, General James W. M'Millan, First Division, General William Dwight, Nineteenth Corps, General William H. Emory. Forty-seventh Regiment 1864 BATTLE OF CEDAR CREEK. 1155 as the Army of the Shenandoah. On the 19th of September was fought the battle of Opequan. The regiment was posted upon the extreme right of the corps. At two A. M., General Sheridan drew out his entire, force, determined to carry the enemy's works by assault. The First Division of the Nineteenth Corps, to which the Forty-seventh was attached, fought with great gallantry, and suffered heavy loss. -The grand charge of General Crook's forces, and the cavalry under Averill, was made through the line held by the Forty-seventh. The enemy fell back to Fisher's Hill, eight miles south of Winchester, where, on the 21st, he was found strongly posted. Occupying a position on the left of the rebel line, the regiment deployed as skirmishers, and charged upon the enemy's works. Owing to the abruptness of the ascent, the rebels were unable to depress their guns, and the men suffered little loss The pursuit of the retreating foe was continued during the entire night, and until it reached Port Republic. The command soon after returned, and encamped at Cedar Creek. Colonel Good and Lieutenant Colonel Alexander, were here mustered out of service, their term having expired, and Major Gobin and Captain Charles W. Abbott, of company K, were promoted to fill the vacancies thus occasioned. Captain Levi Stuber, of company I, was promoted to Major. On the 17th of October, tle regiment proceeded on a reconnoissance to Strasburg, and on the 19th, participated in the battle of Cedar Creek. The brigade occupied a position in the centre of a semi-circle, formed by a curve in the channel of the creek, and in rear of the line of works. When the Army of West Virginia, under Crook, was surprised and driven from its works, the Second Brigade, with the Forty-seventh on the right, was thrown into the breach to arrest the retreat. The line was formed while vast bodies of men were rushing pastit. A heavy fog prevented objects from being visible at a distance of fifty yards. Scarcely was it in position before the enemy came suddenly upon it, under cover of the fog. The right of the regiment was thrown back until it was almost a semi-circle. The brigade, only fifteen hundred strong, was contending against Gordon's entire division, and was forced to retire, but in comparative good order, exposed, as it was, to a raking fire. Repeatedly forming as it was pushed back, and making a stand at every available point, it finally succeeded in checking the enemy's onset, when General Sheridan suddenly appeared upon the field, who "met his crest-fallen, shattered battalions, without a word of reproach, but joyously swinging his cap, shouted to the stragglers, as he rode rapidly past them-" Face the other way, boys! We are going back to our camp! We are going to lick them out of their boots! The lines were re-formed, and the first charge of the enemy, at one P. M. fell upon the Nineteenth Corps, and was handsomely repulsed. The force of the blow fell heavily upon the Forty-seventh, but it stood firm, and was complimented on the field by General Thomas. Thissuccess cheered the hearts of all and the army began to take courage. When the final grand charge was made, the regiment moved at nearly right angles with the rebel front. The brigade charged gallantly, and the entire line, making a left, wheel, came down on his flank while engaging the Sixth Corps, when he'" went whirling up the valley" in confusion. In the pursuit to Fisher's Hill the regiment led, and upon Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel J. P. S. Gobin; Eighth Regiment Vermont Volunteers, Colonel Stephen Thomas; Twelfth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Frank H. Peck; One Hundred and Sixtieth Regiment New York Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Henry P. Underhill 1156 ORTdY-sBVENTH RkEGIMBNT. 1865 its arrival was placed on the skirmish line, where it remained until twelve o'clock M. of the following day. The army was attacked at early dawn, and no respite was given to take food until the pursuit was ended. Captain Minnich was killed, Major Goebel mortally, and Captain Oyster severely wounded. The loss was one hundred and seventy-six, killed, wounded and missing. In this action Chaplain Rodrock rendered effective service, and received a bullet through his hat. In every battle in which the regiment was engaged, save that at Pocotaligo Bridge, where he was detailed to take charge of the wounded, the Chaplain was at the post of duty. The corps fell back to Camp Russell, five miles south of Winchester, and went into winter quarters. Much care and labor was given to the construction of the log huts, and arranging the camp in perfect order to withstand the blasts of winter but when completed had to be abandoned for the march. On the evening of thie i2th f De'ember, in the midst of a snow storn, the regiment moved through Winchester, along the Charlestown and Winchester Railroad, until two'clock of the foilonwihg morning, whenit biouacked until daylight, the guide having lost his way. At Camp Fairiew, two miles from Charlestonj the command again went into winter quarters, and was on constant active dty, guarding the railroad and constructing works for defence against the incursions of guerrillas. The regiment participited in a utnbaer of reconnoissances and skirmishes during the winter The comimand waS ordered to proceed up the valley to: itercept the enemys troops, should aiy succeed in makin:-their scape in that direction. It accordingly moved on the 4th of April through Winchester and Kernstown; but the army with Gineral rant had forced the enemy under Lee to surrender on the 9th. The regiment moved by rail to Washington, and encamped near Fort Stevens. ere it Was clothed and eqhipped, and participated in the g d review on the 23d and 24th of May. On the 1st of June it was again ordered to duty, and embarked for Savannah, Georgia, where it arrivedothe 6th. July it proceeded to Charleton, South Carolina, and relieved the One Hundred and Sixty-fifth New York, on duty in the city. Here its head-quarter were in the beautiffl mansion of the rebel Secretary of Treasury; company garrisoned Fort MoAiltrie; and a detachment of company G, iEort umter. Maniy fell victims to diSea^e, and their reaains now repose in Miagnoli cemetery. At length the:long Swihed for dayof iuster-out arrived. On the monming of the 3d f Janiiary, 1866, it embarked for New York,'here, after a stormy passage, it arrived safely, and proceeded by rail to Phiadelphia. It had seen service in seven of the Southern States participated in the most exiiausting campaign, marched more than twelve hundred miles, and made telve voyages at se'a. It was the only Peihibylvania regiment that patiipated in the Red River expedition, or that served in that Tepartment until after the surrender of Lee. On the 9th of January, fer a ter of service of four yea and four months, it was mustered out at Camp Cadwalader. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 3157 FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Mlg-hman H. Good.. Col....... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 24, 1864-expiration of term. J.P. ShindleGobin...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from Captain company C to Major, July 24, 1864-to Lieutenant Colonel, November 4, 1864-to Colonel, January 3, 1865-to bv. Brigadier General, March 13, 1865-mustered out with regiment, December 25, 1865. G. W. Alexander... Lt. Col. Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 23,'64-expiration of term. Charles W. Abbott.....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted fromiCaptain company K to Lieutenant Colonel, Jan. 3, 1865 —mustered out, with regiment, December 25, 1865. Win. H. Gausler..... Major.. Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by S. 0. of War Dep't, April 15,'64. Levi Stuber...............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. I to Maj.,.May 22,'65mustered out with regiment, Dec. 25, 1865.. W. Fuller, Jr...... Adj.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant of company F to Adjutant, October 30,'61-resigned January 9, 1862. XW. H. R. RHangen.....do... Dec. 13,'62, 3 Dismissed by order of War Dep't, April 15, 1864. W. S. Johnston..d......do... Aug. 5,'63, 3 Promoted from private company E to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, September 1, 1864-mustered out with regiment, December 25, 1865. James Van Dyke... Q. M... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. company C to Quarter-,master, Sept. 24, 1861-resigned Jan. 16, 1862. Francis Z. Heebner...do... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Promoted from private company B to Quartermaster, January 20, 1862-prisoner from October, 1864, to March, 1865-mustered out, June 1, 1865-expiration of term. W. H. Ginkinger... do.... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Promoted from private company B to Commissary Sergeant, September 18, 1861-to Quartermaster, June 23, 1865-mustered out with regiment, December 25. 1865-Vet.;Elisha W. Bailey... Surg.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 23, 1864-expiration of term. S. B. Sturdevant.......do..... Mar. 1,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, Dec. 25, 1865. Lewis H. Adler.......s.Sur. Aug. 1,'62, 3 Resigned September 27, 1862. Jacob H. Scheetz.......do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Win. F. Reiber.......do.... Oct. 30,'62, 3 Resigned January 23, 1865. C. F. Weiland....... do.....Feb. 27,'65, 3 Promoted from ptiv. Co. K to ASst. Surg., Dec. 13,'64-mustered out with reg., Dec. 25, 1865.'Jhn Y. Shindle.... d............ Feb. 25,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, Dec. 25, 1865. W. D, C. Rodrock... Chap'n Aug. 14,'61, 3 Commissioned Chaplain, Oct. 31, 1861-re-mus., Sept. 18,'64-mus. out with reg., Dec. 25, 1865. Clhas. H. Martin....Sr. Maj. Mar. 1,'62, 3 Promoted from private Co. B to Sgt. Maj., Sept. 1, 1864-mus. out with reg., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. W.-M.Hendricks..... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from company C to Sergeant Major, Sept. 17, 1861-discharged Sept. 12, 1864-Vet. Charles H. Small... Q.M.Sr Mar. 1,'62, 3 Promoted from company H toQ. M.Sgt., June 2, 1865-mustered out with reg., Dec. 25, 1865. H J. Hornbeck.........do..... Sept. 18,'62, 3 Promoted fromr company G to Quartermaster Sergeant, April 15,'64-discharged June 1,'65. Jacob Beck............. do.... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Promoted from Corp. Co. A to Quartermaster Sergeant, March 1, 1862-deserted April 1, 1864. Charles Backman... Com. Sr Aug. 20,'61, 3 Promoted from company B to Com. Sgt., Nov. 1,v 1865-mustered out with reg., Dec. 25,'65~-vet. H- D. Wharton.........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from company C to Commissary Sergeant, July 1,'65-discharged Oct. 12,'65-Vet. Emory Lindster..... Hos. St. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Co. H to Hos. Stew., Aug. 25,'61_ mustered out with reg., Dec., 25, 1865 —Vet. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have beeri used in the preparation of remarks:'Ab. absient. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon.;Alst. Assistant, Corn. commissioned or Furl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. BU. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Biv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. d. bitnd. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Cp'Sin. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 1158 FORTY-s EVENTHI REGIMENT, REGIMENTAL BAND. N. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. ITO SERVICE. | REMARKSE. -- _. I _ Win. A. Heckman.. P'l Muc Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Sept. 1, 1863mustered out, Dec. 8, 1865-Vet. Daniel D. Dackratt...do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Sept. 1, 1863-. mustered out, Dec. 8, 1865-Vet. Thomas Coates........ Ld.Bd. Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Alele, John........... Muc.... Au.. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Bissell, Gilbert M......do.... Aug. 14.'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Brotzman, Wn. Q.... do:..... Aug. 14'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Eickman, Charles.....do..... Aug. 14'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Garrecht, Peter.........d.. Au,. 14'61 3 D)ischarged by General Order, September, 1862. Heusner, Henry.......do.... Au(r. 14'61 31 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Jacobs, Frederick L.do...... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, September, 1862. M'Neal, Henry H......do..... d Aung. 14,'61, Discharged I y General Order, September, 1862. Nagle, William H......do... Aug. 14'61 3! Discharged by General Order, September 1862. Pomp, Wm. H., Sr....do..... Aug. 14'61 3i Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Pomp,Wm. I-I., Jr...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Peterson, Aaron........do.... Au. 14,'61, 3! Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Rupp, John..............do...Aug. 14,'61 3 Dischared by General Order September, 1862. Solomons, Mitch. J...do.....Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Schwentzer, Peter......do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Seigfried, Levin.................. Aug. 14,'61, 3} Discharged by General Order,.September, 1862. Schwentzer, Henry... do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Seigfried, Levin..... i Aug. 14,'61, 3, Discharged berl,., 1862. Seigfried, Edw'd F...do Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order. September, 1862. Tarrant, James.........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. Walter, J. Eugene.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, September, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Richard A. Graeffe Capt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, September 1, 1861-mus. tered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Adolphus Dennig.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Sept. 16,'61-mustered out,.Sept; 18,'64 —exp. of term —re-comn. Captain, Nov. 1,'64 —mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865. James F. Myers..... 1st Lt.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Ist Lieutenant, Sept. 16,'61-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. John H. Stein. d...o.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Feb. 1, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William W. Belles.. 2d Lt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-to 2d Lt., Jan. 1,'65-died at Charleston, S. C., Sept. 9,'65-Vet. Nicholas Reiser...... st Sgt. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt., June 10,'63-t-o 1st Sgt., Feb. 1,'64 —com. 2d Lt., Sept. 10,'65 —not musteredmustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Fran. Mittenberger Serg't.. Jan. 9,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant. February 1, 1862-mustered out with company, December 25,'65-Vet. Peter Batt............ do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 10,'63-to Sgt., Nov. 3,'64-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Amos Jumper........d..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 3,'64-to Sgt., Feb. 1,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. William Hall.............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 9,'65 —toSgt., July 5,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Frederick Hubel.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 6,'62. Bernhard Brahler....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, December 1, 1862-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. William Ferer........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 24, 1861-mustered out, Nov. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Charles Glasser...... Corp... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1862-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Max Slimmer............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 29,'64 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Samuel Yonkins.......do....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25,'65-Vet. Levi Fraunfelder.....do..... Dec. 10, 61, 3 Pris. from Oct. 19,'64, to Feb. 1,'65-pr. to Cor., Feb.. 1,'65 —mus. out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Reuben Ralder.......... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 14, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865 —Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1159 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RAK REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Jacob Cohler........... Corp.... Sept. 16,'61, S Promoted to Corporal, July 5, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. James Haney............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 5,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Frederick Kageley...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1,'62-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Amandus Sandt........do.... Dec. 22,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 3, 1865-Vet. George Rice.............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 5, 1865-discharged by order of War Department, Sept. 25, 65-Vet. William Sweitzer......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 16,'61-died at Morganzia, La., June 24, 1864-Vet. John Savitz........do.... Dec. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864-died Dec. 6, 1864, of wounds received in action-Vet. Jacob Beck.............do Jan. 9,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Feb. 1, 1862-to Quartermaster Sergeant, March 1, 1862. Adam Lawrence...... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 16,'61-transferred to 10th regt. Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 7, 1865-Vet. Jacob Daub............ Muc....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Wm. Williamson......do.... Sept. 16'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865Vet. Adams, Robert...... Private Feb. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dee. 25, 1865. Alder, John...............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out. Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Andrews, Michael.....do.... Dec. 13,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., July 14, 1864. Bower, Jacob M.......do..... May 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Barnett, James.........do..... Feb. 16,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Bauman, Samuel......do...Sep. 16,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 7,'62. Bower, Joseph B.'.......do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Discharged March 12, 1864, by General Order. Bush, Anthony B......do..... Nov. 18,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 18,'64. Battaghlia, Daniel.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Borman, William......do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out. Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bills, David R...........do.....Sept. 4,'64, 1 Tr. fr. 159th regt. Pa. Vols. —disch. June 1, 1865. Baker, Martin........do.... Feb. 23.'65, 1 Mustered out. July 15, 1865. Bellis, Andrew........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., Feb. 23, 1862. Bohn, George...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., June 27- 1864. Bower, Thomas J.......do..... May 27,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot 9. Birdinger, Sam' E.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Bolian, George.............................. Died at New Orleans, La., June 28, 1864. Beliheimer, Jere'h....do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Died July 31, 1864-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Bower, Tobias.........do.... May 27,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1865, of wounds received in action —Vet. Bellis, Amandus......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., June 30, 1864. Bower, Lewis...........do..... Sept. 19,'64, 3 Capt'd Oct. 19,'64-died whileprisoner, Mar. 1,'65. Brinsinger, John......do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bush, John............do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Berlin, Elias.............. do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Cohler, John.............do... Dec. 4.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Cassler, Jacob..........do..... May 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Coleman, Charles......do..... Feb. 20, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Crawford, Daniel S,..do..... July 1,'64. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'65. Daub, William.. do... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company. Dec. 25, 1865. Duffert, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Disch. Nov. 29, 1862, to re-enlist in regular army. Delaney, Michael......do....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 18, 1863, by order of War Department, to re-enlist in regular army. Danner, Samuel........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Detweiler, Charles...do..... Oct. 13,'62, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1865, of wounds received in action. Deverin, John................do.. Feb. 2,'6, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Eichman, Emanuel...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Everett,. John H.......do..... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Absent, on furlough, at muster out. Engle, Henry.......d....o..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 29, 1862, by order of War De-... ~. "'~" partment, to re-enlist in regular army. Eppler, Martin.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 12,'64. Eckert, Jacob............do.....Jan. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 21,'65-expiration of term. Eppler, John...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., June 30, 1862. Eagan, William.........do..... April 1,'65, 1 Discharged May 23, 1865. Fraunfelder, R.........do.... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Furman; John W...........Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 18, 1863, by order of War Department, to re-enlist in regular army. Fahey, Peter............do..... July 29,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 12,'64. Fleishhower, Isaac.....do.... Jan. 27,'65, I Mustered out, May 19, 1865. Fleisher, Abraham......do.... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 23,'64. Finster, Adolphus.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Committed suicide at Key West, Fla., May 15,'63. Faber, Allen...........do Feb. 90,'65, 1 Died at Washington, D. C., June 7, 1865. Friedewald, Daniel...do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., Dec. 25, 1864-YVet. 1160 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, NAME.. REMARKS. NAMNE. RANK. IDATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE.....^. I ~ - Goodyear,Clements Private Sept. 18,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Gresser, Christian......do..... Feb. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Greening, Edwin T...do..... Nov. 23,'62, 3 Transferred from 14th regt. Pennsylvania Cavairy-mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65. Gebhart, Lewis.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Guildner, Solomon....do....Aug. 26,'62, o Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Goltz, Hugo..............do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out, July 21, 1865. Gatence, Lawrence.....do..... Oct. 12,'63, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester, Va.-lot, 9. Goodyear, Joseph......do..... Aug. 15,'64, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., Aug. 11, 1865. Hare, George.............do..... Aug. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hohn, Lewis............do..... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hall, George W........d....... Sent. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Yet. Herbert, Jacob..........do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hartzell, Reuben......do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hyde, George...........do...Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Harle, Joseph...........do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Haldeman, Christ'n...do..... Dec. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'62. Hawk, John............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Haffner, Willo'by......do..... Oct. 13,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 3, 1865-expiration of term. Hohn, Reinhold........do... Sept. 16,?61, 3 Tr. to 11th reg. Vet. Res. Corps, April 14, 1865. Hahn, Sidney............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Frederick, Md., Aug. 8, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Antietam -section 26, lot E, grave, 536-Vet. Hoffman, Nicholas.....do..... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., June 30, 1864. Hartman, Henry........do... Dec. 4,'61, 3 Died at Wilmington, N. C., March 20, 1865. Hay, John Q............do..... Nov. 5,'63, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., September 11, 1865. Henkle, Peter A........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1861. Jones, John J............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62. Koenig, Richard.......do..... pt. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Knecht, Stephen........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Krotz, Matthias.........do..... July 2963,'63, Mustered out withcompany, Dec. 25, 1865. Kretzler, Missouri.....do..... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Kern, Peter...............do..... Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Krouenbetter, John...do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Kohn, Myer.............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62. Kline, Henry.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3Died at Beaufort, S. C., August 8, 1862. Kline, Joseph.............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Keim, Tilghman.......do..... Jan. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 17, 1865-expiration of term. Keiser, Frederick......do..... Dec. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Keifer, James M........do..... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 15,'65. Koch, Ambrose........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864-Vet. Keen, William........do..... Oct. 27,'64, 3 Died at Cedar Creek, Va., November 1, 1864. Kidd, Edwin........ do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Deserted February 3, 1865. Laub, Owen C..........do.... Dec. 11,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Laughran, Wm.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Department, Feb. 18, 1863, to re-enlist in regular army. Lewis, Peter............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Lazius, Moritz.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Laub, Mahlon..........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1861-expiration of term. Lingaman, Henry.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 90th regiment P. V. Lear, Charles.........do..... Sept. 16'61, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., July 22, 1864. Loeffelman, Aug's.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged May 5, 1865 —et. Like, Albert....... do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Deserted February 3, 1865. Miller, Joseph......... do..... June 26,'63, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 19, 1864, to April 12, 1865mustered out, July 28, 1865. Muhl, John..............do..... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Meyers, Samuel.........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Moyer, Daniel"..........do..... June 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Muller, George.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,'62. Myers, Joseph W....do Sept. 16,'61,3 Discharged by order of War Department, Feb. 18, 1863, to re-enlist in regular army. Messinger, Jos. E.... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 10,'63. Meyer, Fred'k E.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Moyer, Stephen......do..... Jan. 15,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 17, 1865-expiration of term, M'Glinn, Edward......do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out, July 5, 1865. M'Calla, Daniel.........do.... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9. Muck, Anton..........do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1861. Meldrum, Jaml es R...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted January 24, 1863. Miller, Charles...........do..... Aug. 26,'63, 3 Deserted April 23, 1864. Marsh, Francis.........do.... Sept. 1661, 3 Deserted November 19, 1864-Vet. Newhaus, Christian...do.... May 13,'63, 3 Deserted April 18, 1864. Osterstock, Abra'm.do....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out, June 8, 1865. O'Donald, Thos. H.....do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Deserted February 27, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1161 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Paxson, John J..... Private Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Patterson, Thos. C.....do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Transferred from 14th regiment Pa. Cavalry. mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Pucker, William......do.... Dec. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5, 1862. Price, John...............do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 19,'64. Paulus, Jacob...........do.....Aug. 1, 64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Paulus, John............do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Died at Willard's Point, Va., Nov. 4, 1864. Phleger, John.......... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1861. Roesler, Fred'....... do..... Dec. 22, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865Vet. Rupp, John.............do.... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Rewark, Thomas.......do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 22, 1865-Vet. Remaly, Samuel........do..... Feb. 9,'64; 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek,Va., October 19,'64absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Rarick, Powel..........do. Feb. 10'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rufe, Charles............do...Sept. 16,'61, 3 Tr. to 20th reg. Vet. Res. Corps, April 17, 1865. Ross, John.............. do..... Dec. 10,'61, 3 Died at Easton, Pa., April 28, 1865-Vet. Reel, Ferdinand....d....o Feb. 1,'64, 1 Died at City Point, Va., Feb. 27, 1865. Richardson, W. H..... do... Oct. 4,'64, 1 Deserted February, 1865. Strauss, David......... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Sleath, Peter C.............. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Schweitzer, Edwin... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Sandt, Edwin C.........do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Stem, John..............do... Aug. 9,'64, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Stem, Jefferson........do...o Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schlamb, John.........do... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Sandt, Sidney............do.. Feb. 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Sandt, Llewellyn... o...... Feb. 16,'65 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schofield, Ira....... d....o Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25,1865. Sheniger, Fred..........do.... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Seigfried, Nathan......do.... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Schmidt, Stephen....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 -expiration of term. Sandt, Peter................ d Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 21, 1864 —expiration of term. Schlecter, Wm........... do...Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 29 1864-expiration of term. Schnable, Charles......do..... Dec. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 12, 1864-expiration of term. Stortz, Matthias.. do Mar. 27,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30,'65. Schweitzer, John.......do.....Jan. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, April 11, 1865-expiration of term. Stump, Charles.....do... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 15, 1865. Schmohl, Lewis.....do...... July 30,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Sponheimer, Lewis...do..... Oct. 29, 62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Stocker, Josiah...do...... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., May 17, 1864. Sleeper, Josiah......do. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted September 20, 1861. Sigman, Theodore...do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Deserted January 27, 1862. Seibert, Benneville..do.....Oct. 2,'61, 3 Deserted April 18, 1864. Sailor, John....d........ Nov. 24,'63, 3 Deserted March 21, 1865. Tagg, John...............do Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Thoman, Andrew........... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-eexpiration of term. Trabold, Jacob............. Dec. 13,'61, 3 Died at Morganzia, La., June 27, 1864. Unangst, Charles....do..... Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Unangst, John........... do...., Sept. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Unangst, Enos.......do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 5,1862. White, Joh.n d........ Sept. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Warrick, David......do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Werkheiser, E...........do Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Williamson, F...........do... Sept. 2, 64, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Werkheiser, J. J........do.... Feb.. 10,'65, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weidnecht, Chas.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Walter, Stephen......do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Werkheiser, Lewis...do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemet'y, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Williamson, J...........do. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Baton Rogue, La., July 13, 1864. Wagner, Henry E......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Not on musterout roll. COMPANyA B. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. E. P. Rhoads......... Capt.... Aug 30,'61, 1 3 Promoted to Captain, August 30, 1861-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Edwin G. Minnich....lo,.,.. Aug. 30, 61, 13 Pr. to st Lt., Aug. 30,'61-to Capt., Sept. 19,'64 killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-bu. in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9. 146 1162 FORTY-SEVIENTH REGIMENT, NAME. RAN. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. E Wm. H. Kleckner.. Capt.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Sept. 19,'64-to Capt., Jan. 4,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. H. A. Haltiman...... 1st Lt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 19,'64-to 1st Lt., Jan. 4,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Allen G. Balliet...... 2d Lt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1861-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. R. A. Hilliard........... do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec; 25, 1865-Vet. Thos. F. Sourwine.. 1st Sgt.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 19,'64-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Allen (Gaumer..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. T. Bergensbock...... Serg't.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 19, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. John Houck............... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Chas. E. Miller.........do.....Jan. 9,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Franklin Fatzinger....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Nov. 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Oliver Hiskey........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Charles Backman.....d..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Aug. 1,'64-wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-pr. to Corn. Sgt., Nov. 1,'65 —et. Matthew R. Fuller...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 1, 1864-Vet. Henry H. Kramer.. Corp.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 24, 1864-wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. John Eisenhard.....'...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 21, 1865 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Daniel G. Gerhard.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 16, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Chas. H. Knauss......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 4, 1865-wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1834-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Valentine Fisher......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 16,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. T. Reinsmith..........do...Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted toCorporal, Oct. 1, 1864-wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865 —Vet. George J. Weiss........do...Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 26,'64 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865 —et. Harrison Geiger.........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal; Nov. 1,'64-wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864-mustered out with company, December, 25, 1865-Vet. Henry Storch............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. to enlist in regular army, Jan. 13, 1862. Allen J. Reinhard.....do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Henry A. Schwartz...do..... Oct. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Francis H. Straehly...do..... Oct. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Lewis H. Seip..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864-promoted to Corporal, Sept. 19, 1864-dishonorably discharged, October 4, 1865-Vet. John A. Darrohn.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., Nov. 12, 1864, of wds. rec. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 4, 1865-Vet. Aaron Fink............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 5, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Thomas Miller........do..Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-died at Winchester, Va., Oct. 25,'64, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864-Vet. Jesse Remmel..........do..... Aug. 30.'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., March 29, 1863. Francis Xander........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Sabine Cross Roads,.Louisiana, April 8, 1864 —et. James Hamilton..... Muc.... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Henry Strominger....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, September 19, 1861. Adam Garrecht.........do....Jan. 9,'62, 3 Deserted June 19, 1864. Alfred Eisenbraum...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., Oct. 26, 1861-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Albright, John D... Private Dec. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Assenheimer, G.......do..... Mar. 2,'64 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Acker, Cornelius. do........ Jan. 14,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'62. Apple, John...........do...Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., March 12, 1862. Apple, Jacob............do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Berryville, Va., Sept. 15, 1864-Vet. Beiber, William.....d..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bergensbock, H..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bast, Jacob.............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, August 21, 1865-Vet. Blumer, Alexander.do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bohlen, Frederick,,.do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Brong, Lewis H........do..... ept. 10'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1163 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. Beltz, Henry......... Private Aug 30,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., March 1, 1862. Braden, Josiah.........do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., July 9, 1864. Bergensbock, H.........do.... Feb. 11,'65, I Deserted September 27, 1865. Birrv, James......do.... Jan. 24,'65. 1 Deserted September 8, 1865. Chamberlain, G......... do..... Feb. 2,'64 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Cope, Thomas........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Clader, Ephraim.......do..... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Clader, Ephraim.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, MIustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Deal, Genorge............do..... April 4,'65, 1 Mustered out, May 23, 1865. Dingier, John............do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Danobn, Joseph.........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24, 1863. Denhard, Edward....do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Diehl. Solomon J.......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., June 18, 1863. Detrick, Ambrose......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 7, 1864. Eggye, Perry....d...... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Fleming, John......do..... Jan. 30, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Ferber, Peter.........do.... Aug. 30'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Fries, John.............do..... Nov. 18,'63, 3 Wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864-mustered out, June 29, 1865. Funk, George..........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 24,'62, to re-enlistinReg. army, Fink, Edward...........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Geidner, Evan...........do..... Aug. 30, 61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mus. out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Geist, William...d..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Graver, John....d....... do Jan. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Gangewere, Wm.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Ginkinger, Wm. EH...do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Serg't., Sept. 18, 1861. George, Nathan.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 14,'62, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Hittle, Daniel E........do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Hiskey, Franklin......do..... Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Horn, John...............do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Heckroth, Thad.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 9,'64. Housman, Joseph......do..... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Hilliard, Wm. H.......do.... Jan. 14,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Hartzel, Alvin J.......do.... Nov. 23,'63, 3 Transferred to company I, April 16, 1864. Heebner, Francis Z...do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M.-Sergeant, September 14, 1861. Haltiman, Peter H.....do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., Nov. 20,'64, of wounds rec. at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Hedrick, Levenas......do.....Oct. 12,'63, 3 Drowned at Morganzia, La., June 27, 1864. Hilliard, Wm. H.......do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., August 18, 1862. Jacob, George...d....do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Jackson, James A.....do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 2,'65. Johnson, Joh............Jan. 11,'64, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, Va., July 27, 1864. James, Thomas.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted August 6, 1864-Vet. King, John u.F..do......e. 1.... Feb. 1- Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Knauss,Emanuel..... Nov. 18,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Kramer, Allen L......do..... Sept. 9,'62, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out, May 26, 1865. Knauss, Henry.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Knerr, Levi................do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expirationof term. Kramer, enry........d.....Au. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'64. King, Howard...........do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out, July 14, 1865. Kein, Phaon............do.... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865 — expiration of term. Kern, William........do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct, 23, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Kashner, Milton........do.... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Deserted November 1, 1865. Labar, Alonzo.......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Labar, Leander........do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Leisenring, Martin...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862mus. out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Lentz, Josiah R.........do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Leizer, James F..,.....do..... Dec. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Lausterer, John D.....o..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Lutz, James............do..... Nov. 23,'63, 3 Transferred to company I, April 16, 1864. Lutz, Samuel.........do.... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Transferred to company I, April 16, 1864. Labold, Charles.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Mennig, George........do..... Jan. 18,'64 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Miller, Albert....do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Miller, Dennis...........do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Morgan, Barnett......... do... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Miller, Henry.......o..... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Martin, Levi...........do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 18 expiration of term. Mennig, Luther........do... Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1 4 —e piration of term. Mertz, Joseph.......ug. 30,61, 3 Dc ov. 24, 1862,, to ellist i regular army. 1164 lFOBT-SEVENTH BEGIMENT, AM]s. RA!K, R...TR INTO SERVICE. 4 RMARMS. Metzgar, Philip...... Private Aug. 30,'61, 1 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 11,'64. Martin, Charles H....do,.Mar. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, September 1, 1864. Meirknecht, Conrad...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., October 30, 1865-Vet. Nixon, John T...........do.... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Nunemaker, Geo.......do.... Jan. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Newhard, Allen........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Virginia, October 19, 1864-deserted June 2, 1865-Vet Osman, Andrew........do....Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Pfeiffer, Charles.......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Wounded at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864mustered out with company, December 25,'65. Pauley, Henry..........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 16,'64. Pfeiffer, Obediah....do..... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Wd., with loss of leg, at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62-disch. on Surg. cert., Mar. 16,'5 —Vet. Pammer, Edwin.......do..... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Died at Key West, Florida, August 27, 1862. Ritz, Tilghman....d....... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,1865-Vet. Reichard, George......do.... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Remmel, Peter...........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Remmel, Edwin........do... Nov. 18, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Reinhard, Christian...do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Rhoads, Allen P.......... do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Rich, George............do...Jan. 12,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Ruttman, Ernest.......do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22,'62-~ mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Rogers, Samuel S.....d...... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rogers, Thomas S......do.. Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Raubenold, J. D........ do Aug. 23,'64, 1 Wounded at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Reinhard, Henry......do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 13,'62, to re-enlist in regular army., Reichard, Edwin.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 1, 1864. Repsher, Joseph.,.......do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Rhoads, Franklin......do.. Sept. 10,'62, 3 Captured at Cedar Creek, Virginia, October 19, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C., November 15, 1864-burial record, November 22, 1864. Raymond, Halde'n...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862deserted July 11, 1864-Vet. Rogers, William........do....Feb. 24,'65, 1 Deserted June 3, 1865. Shaneberger, Geo......do.... Jan. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Siselof, John.............do Feb. 2,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Shafer, John E......d......do Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, William H......do..... Feb. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, Isaac N..........do.....Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, Barcley..........do Jan. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, Benjamin......do.... Eeb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December-25, 1865. Smith, Franklin B.....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smiley, Williatn..;....do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Steidley, Charles.......do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Decetnber 25, 1865. Schreiner, Casper....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Schaffer, Hiram.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 19,'61. Serfass, Aaron..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Seiger, Franklin........do... Aug. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Seigfield, Charles.....do..Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Sigman, Marcus.........do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 6,'64. Springer, James........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 13,'62, to re-enlist in regular army. Stuber, William........do..Sept. 14, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'63. Stuber, Francis.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company G, September 19, 1861. Scherer, August. C...do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md,, Oct. 28, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Schimpf, John...........do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va.,'October 19,'64-Vet. Schwenk, Charles........ Jan. 9,'62, 3 Died at Baton Rogue, La., June 20, 1864-Vet. Smith, George.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Florida, July 6, 1862. Smith, Joseph.........do.... Dec. 28,'63, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., September 2, 1864. Steffen, Thomas.........do..... June 9,'64, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Savitz, Charles.......... do Aug. 20,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862deserted September 6, 1865-Vet. Siselof, David............do Feb. 2,'64, 3 Deserted September 27, 1865. Steffen, David.............do.....Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out, January 27, 1866.'Trexler, Alien W.....do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Trexler, Charles.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expirationof term. Tice, James............do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemet'y, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Ungerer, Christian.....do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Van Billard, Oliver...do.....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 26, 1865. Van Billard, Martin...do... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Wagner, Charles......do..- Dec. 15,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Wilhelm, Nelson....do...Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1165 NAME. RANK. INTO SERI REMARKS. Weiss, William*J... Private Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wieand, Harrison.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wieand, John............do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded,-with loss of leg, at Pocotaligo, S. C.discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1862. Wieand, William......do..... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wolf, Abraham......do.....do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Weil, Harrison.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company I, October 10, 1863-Vet. Wieand, Benjamin...do.....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, Dec. 15, 1863-Vet. Weiss, John W.......do... Dec. 31,'63, 3 Deserted September 6, 1865. Xander, Dallas.........do..... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Young, Franklin....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mufstered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Young, Joseph.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. Jan. 13, 1862, to re-enlist in regular army. Young, Daniel....do...... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Transferred to 48th Co. V. R. C., Mar. 14, 1865. C 1OMPA NY C. RECRUITED AT SUNBURY, NORTHUMBEBLAND COUNTY. J. P. S. Gobin........ Capt..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, July 24, 1864. Daniel Oyster......d...... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Dec. 13, 1862-to 1st Lt., April 16, 1864-to Capt., Sept. 1, 1864-Wounded at Berryville, Va., Sept. 5, 1864, and Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865. James-Van Dyke.... 1st Lt... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Resigned January 16, 1862 William Reese...........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, January14, 1862-discharged April 14, 1864. Wm. M. Hendricks...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1864-resigned May 9,1865. Christian S. Beard.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1,'64-to 1st Lt., July 5, 1865 —mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Jacob K. Keefer..... 2d Lt... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, July 5, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Samuel Y. Haupt... 1st Sgt. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wd. at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862-pr. to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1864-to 1st Sgt., July 5, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William Fry............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Sgt., Sept 1,'64-prisoner from Oct. 19, 1864, to March 4, 1865-died at Sunbury, Pa., March 28, 1865-Vet. Samuel Eister........ Serg't.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, December 1, 1864-mus-. tered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William F. Finck......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-pr. to Sgt., Apr. 1,'65 —ms. out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John W. Sniteman.....do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1864-to Sgt., July 10, 1865mus. out with company, Dec. 25. 1865-Vet. Benjamin F. Miller...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, August 1, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Peter Smelser......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 17,'64-Vet. William Pyers....... do....Sept. 2,'61, Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9-Vet. Peter Haupt........ do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, Nov. 15, 1862, of wounds received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. John Bartlow.........do... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1864-killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Timothy Snyder..... Corp.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 1, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. David Sloan.......... do.... June 5,'64, 3 Pr. to Cor., Dec. 1,'64-wd. at Berrysville, Va., Sept. 5,'64-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Michael Dorsing........do...Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 22, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Henry Seneff..........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 22, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. George R. Good...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Stewart Kirk.............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Lloyd G. John..........do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 1,1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John H. Heim.......do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. David Snyder...........do Oct. 6,'64, 1 Promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1865-mustered out, October 5, 1865-expiration of term. 1166 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, n NAME. RANK. ATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Geo. K. Hebler...... Corp.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64deserted June 1, 1865-Vet. Mark Shipman..........do...Se. t 2, 1, 3 Pr.to Cor.,April,' 65-deserted June2, 65-Vet. Samuel Pers........Muc.... Mar. 27,'63. 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John H. Schooley..... do Jan. 9,'62, Discharged by order War Dept't, April 6, 1863. Henry D. Wharton...do..... Sept. 2,'61,3 Promoted to Corn. Sergeant, July 1, 1865. J. Bolton Young........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 17, 1861. Allen, James G..... Private Dec. 25,'62, 3 Deserted April 15, 1863. Brown, Henry.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Berry, John......d.......do....eb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bucher, J. Weiser.......do....Mar. 8,'65, I Mustered out with company, December25, 1865. Brosious, Jared.......do..... Sept. 2, 61,3 ustered out with company, )ec. 25,'65-Vet. Brookins, Wmn. H......do... Sept. 5,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 27,'62. Billingtop, Sam'l H...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1863. Beidler, David S.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered ont, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Blain, George P.........do..... oNov. 2S,'63, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out, May 19, 1865. Beaver, George K......do....Oct. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1865-expiration of term. Beaver, Daniel.........do..... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1865-expiration of term. Beaver, Matthias do.....Oct. 6,''64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1865-expiration of term. Bortle, George W......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Aug. 8, 1864-buried in National Cemeteryv, Arlington-Vet. Brown, James.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10. Berger, Martin M.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 6, 1865. Beaver, Emanuel......do.... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Died at Winchester, Va., December 21, 1864. Baker, Edgar...........do...July 29,'63, 3 Deserted July, 1863. Baker, Joseph..........d..... July 29,'63, 3 Deserted July, 1863. Brown, Zachariah...do..... Oct. 9,'63, 3 Deserted January 16, 1864. Brannan, William.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 15. 1865-Vet. Bullard, James........do..... June 22,'64, 3 Deserted July 7, 1865. Colvin, Perry...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Colvin, Augustus......do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Transferred from company I, March 20, 1865mustered out with comupany, Dec. 25, 1865. Colvin, John D........do.....Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, October 13, 1863. Druckemiller, R. W...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Deibert, Seth...........do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Evans, David T........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. thrie, Charles..........do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 2, 1865-expiration of term. Finck, Abraham J...do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Firth, John W..........do..... Sept. 2,'G1, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Fish, Reuben L......... do..... Nov.' 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Fritz, George.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July7,'64. Gensemer, Jerem'h... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Good, William.........do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Gehring, Williamn......do.... Nov. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Gray, Joseph B.......do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Green, Jesse G....... do. Dec. 18,'63, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64disch. on Surg. certificate, Feb. 14, 1865-Vet. Gardner, Jasper B.....do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9-Vet. Grubb, Jacob C......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died November 2, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va. October 19, 1864-Vet. Given, Alexander.....do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died December, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Gardner, Jeremiah.....do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, April 11, 1864. Hunter, Alfred........do..... Sept. 2, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Haas, Henry W........do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Harp, Charles...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Holman, Conrad........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862-, prisoner from April 8, to July 22, 1864-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Horrel. Robert..........do.. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'65. Hill, Richard...........do..... Sept. 13,'64, 1 Transferred from Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., Feb. 26,'65 —mus. out, Sept. 17,'65-expiration of term. Haupt, Freeman.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Dec. 21, 1863. Herb, Charles K.......do.... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 12,'64, Horner, George.......do...Sept. 2,'61,'3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Haas, Jeremiah.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862killed at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8,'64. Hart, J. S............. do........................ Died at New Orleans, La., August 5, 1864. Irvin, Jared C.........do...Feb. 21,-'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1167 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVIC REARKS. INTO SERIC. REMARKS. Jones, Samuel.....Private June 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John, George D.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out, July 6, 1865. Kramer, Cornelius...do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 16,'65-Vet. Kramer, Lorenzo.... do... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keiser, Emanuel H..do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Kemble, Isaac...........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kemble, D. W...........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kramer, Isaac............. Nov. 23,'63, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864discharged on Surg. cert., Aug. 18, 1865-Vet. Kennedy, James.......do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died April 27, 1864, of wounds received at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864-Vet. Kiehl, Theodore.........do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10. Keiser, Geo. W....... do.. Feb. 20,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Kramer, George....d...... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Died on board United States transport Mississippi, August 27, 1864. Logan, William.......do... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Landon, L. K......... do...Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'62. Leffer, Charles.......... do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862mustered olit, June 14, 1865. Larkins, Michael.......do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Leinberger, Wm........do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Transferred to company A., 1st batt. 21st regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, April 28, 1865. Lothard, Thomas......do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62, and at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864-deserted July 5, 1865-Vet. Miller, Eli.......... do..Sept. 2, 61, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out-Vet. Miller, Samuel..........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from April 8, to July 22, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Munscb, John.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'Lane, James W.....do...Nov. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Cullough, Alex"...do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Maul, Adam.........do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisonerfrom May 3, to July 22, 1864-absent, on detached duty, at muster out-Vet. TI'Neal, Robert C...... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Vi'New, John W......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864-exchanged July 22, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'New, William.... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'New, Samuel.......do..... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Graw, John........... do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet:' M'Ewen, Warren......d.do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7, 1862. Miller, George..........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Michael, William.....do... Jan. 23,'64, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864mustered out, May 20, 1865. Matthews, Edward...do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Prisoner from April 8, to July 22, 1864-musMalick, George....do. Septered out, October 1, 1865-expiration of term. M alck, George........do... Set. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865-Vet. M'KNeal, erancis II.....do..... Sept. 2,'61. 3 Deserted Julle 15, 1865-Vet. Millipp, T enj..... do..... Sept. 2,'61,3 Mustered out, December 25, 1865-Vet. Nipple, Thoras.........do. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, Naylor,, David....do Set 2,'6 1864-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Naylor, David........... do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., April 13,'65-Vet. Oyster', RiJohn S.~~...do.... ov. 20,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. O'Rourke, Richard..do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Otto, John B...........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Plant, William.......'....do.... Sept. 2,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Pfeil, William.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Perez, Raphael........do..... May 20,'63, Discharged-date unknown. Rhine, James R........do..... Sept. 2,'61, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-2Vet. Rodrigue, Hugh B.....do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Reim, Jacob...........do.... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Randall, P. M..........do.. Sept. 2,'61, o Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vot. Ruffamer, Alex.........do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Robinson, H. B........do Nov. 28,'63, 3 Discharged by order of War Department, January 24, 1865 —minor. Rish, Joseph..........do....Oct. 6,'64, Mustered out, Oct. 5, 18G5-expiration of term. Reigle, Samuel M... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Oct. 9, 1805-Vet. Sunker, John............do Sept. 2,'61, Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. 1168 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, AME. ANK DATE OF MUSTER.. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Smith, John W............Private Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Yet. Strong, Adam.......... do... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Seaman, Zachariah...do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Seasholtz, Henry C.. do.. Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Seasholtz, Ira..........: do.... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schall, Christian........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Snyder, Isaac........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Stewart, Charles F.....do:..d Sept. 2,'61, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 19, 1864, to March 4, 1865mustered out, May 29, 1865-Vet. Shiffin, Henry A.......do... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-tr. to Veteran Reserve Corps, February, 1865. Smith, Joseph...........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10. Swinehart, Peter.......do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Died Dec. 1, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Sterner, John C.........do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Thatcher, Ephraim... do.. Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Ulrich, Noah.......... Oct. 6,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1865-expiration of term. Vincent, Robert W...do.Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Vaun, Frederick........do Feb. 24,'64, 3Transferred to company G, Dec.. 10, 1864- mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weikle, David......... do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Walters, Joseph...do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Walters, Samuel........do..... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Wolf, Henry W......... do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Woodbridge, Theo.....do... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Whistler, James........do....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Walls, Benjamin F... do.....Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Whistler, Samuel.....do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wenrick, Cornelius... do....Nov. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out, June 6, 1865. Wetzel, Solomon.....do..... Oct. 17,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 16, 1865-expiration of term. Watson, George C.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Died at Key rest, Fla., August 26, 1862. Wolf, Peter..............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Will, John E............do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864-buried in Nat. Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 17-Vet. Walters, Eman'l R...d..... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., August 20, 1865. Walton, John W.......do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted June 2, 1865-Vet. Wolf, James........... do..... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Deserted February 6, 1863. COMPANY D. RECRUITED AT BLOOMFIELD,, PERRY COUNTY. Henry D. Woodruff Capt.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt.,Aug. 31, 1861-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. George Stroop..........do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Aug. 31,'61-to Capt., Nov. 14, 1864-coml. Major, March 30,'65-not mustered-discharged June 2, 1865. George Krosier..........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Sept. 22,'64to Capt., June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Sam'lS. Auchmuty 1st Lt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Aug. 31, 1861-mustered out September 18, 1864 —expiration of term. George W. Clay........do....Aug. 31,61, 3 Promoted from Cor to 2d Lt., Jan. 30, 186to 1st Lt., June 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Jesse Meadeth........ 2d Lt... Aug. 81,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Jan. 30,'64-to 2d Lt., July 5, 1865-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. James Crownover... 1st Sgt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., July 5, 1865-wounded and captured at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9,'64-exchanged Nov. 25, 1864-com. 2d Lt., Aug. 31, 1864-not mustered — mustered out-with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. John G. Miller.....Serg't.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Captured at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9,'64-exchanged July 22, 1864-pr. Sgt., Sept. 19,'64mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John V. Brady.......... do....Aug. 31;'61 3 Promoted to Sgt., Sept, 19, 864- mustqred out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1169 NAME. nRA&NK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NM.INTO SERVICE. Isaac Baldwin........ Serg't.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9,'64, and at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-pr. to Sgt., Jan. 20, 1865 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Theodcre R. Troup...do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted, to Sergeant, July 5, 1865 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. William R. Fertig......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 6,'62. Henry Heikel............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Alex. D. Wilson........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Frank M. Holt,.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 28, 1861. Edward Harper...... Corp.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Jacob P. Baltozer......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. John E. D. Roth. do....... Aug. 31, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Noble Henkle............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864 —mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William Powell.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Benj. F. Shaffer........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 30, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William D. Hays.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted; to Corporal, April 15, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. James Downs............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Pris. fr. April 9, to July 22,'64-pr. to Cor., July 5,'65-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Jas. T. Williamson...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 5,'62. Cornelius Stewart......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept..18, 1864-expiration of term. Samuel' A, M. Reed...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. George Rahm.........uc..... Nov. 26,'63, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. William,, P. Weaver...do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, April 1,'63. Francis Brown.........do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Deserted September 16, 1864. Albert, James E.....Private Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Anthony, John M.....do..... Aug. 31;'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Anthony, Benj. F......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, 1863.' Acker, Joseph.........o........do.... Oct. 6,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864buried in National Cem., Winchester-lot, 10. Bender, Amos..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Brady, William F.:....do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Baltozer, Benj. F......do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Brady, Atkinson M...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Beady, Leonard W...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Baskins, James C......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 8 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Bowing, Ephraim.....do..... July 29,'64, 3 Transferred fr. Co. I, 12th reg. Pa. Cav., Jan. 26, 1865-mustered out with coiLpntiy, Dec. 25,'65. Blain, Lewis.;............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with compan, 1):~. 25, 1865 —Vet. Barnes, William H...do..... Jan. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, i. 2, 1865-Vet. Barton, Uriah............do.... May 15,'64, 3 Transferred from 12th reg. Pa. Cav., Jan. 26, 1865 —mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65. Bullard, Aaron.........do..... June 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Blanchard, Hamil'n...do..... June 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Berrier, George.:....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Biceline, Joseph...:.....do;.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mastered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Baltozer, George W I..do....'Aug. 15,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Bullard, John............do..... April 5,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, October 23, 1864. Bryan, Albert C....................... Died at Philadelphia, January 27, 1865. Carpenter, Thos. B...do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Clouser, William H.......do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Glouser, John D_........do..... Mar. 1,'65; I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Clay, John B............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Clouser, Ephraim......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wounded and captured at Pleasant Hill,' La., April 9, 1864 —exchanged November 25, 1864mustered out-date unknown. Charles, Eli B...........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 21,'64. Clouse, William........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Charles, Jacob...........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Collins, William.......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 186 —expiration of term. Coulter, William H... do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out,'Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Crook, David.......;....do..... Oct. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to 11th regiment P. V., April 13,'65. Donahoe, John F.....do..... Jan. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Diller, Oliver P.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Dill, Washington'......do...,. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864r-expiration of term. Deitzinger, John........do........................... Died at Philadelphia, January 18, 1863. Ewing, William H...,do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Earhart, William.do.....Aug.. 15,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. 147 1170 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, Eolf,....h... -,.... MAME. RAK. ^DATE OF MUSTER M. BNAMEIR..RANK,. INTO SERVICE. 4 REMARKS. Egolf, John F.....Private Jan. 30,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 9, 1864buried in National Cem., Winchester-lot, 10. Fertig, Frankln M,do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Foreman, Henry........do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-mus. out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Foreman, Levi...........do.... Feb..19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Frank, David BR..... -.do.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Foltz, William..........do.... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Foltz, Michael.,................ Mar. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Foltz, George W....... do.....Mar. 1,'65,: Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Foltz, Henry W.........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Foley, George...........do...................... Died at Philadelphia, April 23, 1864. Foose, Samuel...........do..., June 12,'63, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Gohn, Samuel............ do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Gibson, George H.dl.. d..... Mar. 1,'64, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Hearshey, Wm. A...do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Harper, Martin.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,,'2. Humes, Alexander...do..... Sept. 11.'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expirationof term. Harper, Wnm. G.......do.... Aug. 15,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Haas, John W........do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, Sept. 25, 1865. lsett, George S.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3:ied at Key West, Fla., May 16, 1862. Jordan, Anthony......do..... Mar. 20.'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Jordan, Anthony......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 10,'63. Jury, George W.........do..... Aug. 31,'61,- 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jones, Harrison.........do.... Sept. 2,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Kirkpatrick, Wm......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Kosier, William S.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Kochendeffer, Geo.....do..... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keim, John..........do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's-certificate, Sept. 14,'64. Keim, Abraham F....do.....Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out, May 23, 1865. Kosier, Jesse...... do.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died Oct. 31, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Antietam-section 26, lot D, grave, 377. Kern, Samuel M......do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died, while prisoner, at Camp Tyler, Texas, June 12, 1864-Vet. Leary, Jeremiah..... do.....Dec. 29, 63, 3 Transferred to U. S. Marine Corps, April 4, 1865. -Lickel, Simon............do.... Nov. 26,'63, 3 Deserted June 3, 1865. M'Carty, Timothy....do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Croskey, James.... do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'Kee, William A,...do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Mysel, George............do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet, Myers, John C...........do..... Aug. 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'Clure, Wm. H....N...do..... Nov. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Cully, John...........d.....:Nov. 27,'63, 3 Mustered out, November 4, 1865. Messimer, Josiah......do..... Mar. 1,'65, M1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Messimer, Geo. W....do..... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865..Messimer, Lemuel...do.... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Myers,. Joseph.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'64-Vet. Myers, Amonn........d..Aug. 22,'64, 1 Transferred from Co. I, 12th regiment Pa. Cav., January 21, 1865-mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Mays, William.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., March 30, 1864-Vet. ~.usser, Alexander...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Mehaffee, Andrew.....do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 3, 1865. Newkirk, Reub. H...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. O'Neil, Hugh............do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Prothro, Frederick....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Petre,-Peter...........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Peterson, Aaron....... do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Powell, Andrew.do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1862. Power, Washinn A...do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Porter, Robert......... do.... Nov. 26,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 1,'65. Powell, Solomon.........Aug. 31,'61, 3 Captured at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9,"1864died, while a prisoner, at Pleasant Hill, La., June 7, 1864-Vet. Powell, John, Jr..... do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., August 29, 1862. Powell, Daniel, Jr.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64-Vet. Raffensperger, S............. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Rhoads, William H...do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Reynolds, John W...do.., Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. RLigler, George H...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Robinson, Wm. H....do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., April 4, 1862. Reynolds, Jesse D......do.... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., May 11, 1863. Rose, David.............. do... Nov. 26,'63, 3 Deserted June 3, 1865. Shannon, Ellis.......... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Musterect out witl company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. THR EE YEARS? SERVICE. 117 NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAM~E.BA^: INTO SERVICE. Silor, Cyrus J...... Private Aug 31,'61, 3 Wounded atGedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 4-mus*~*"-^^:~ ~ ~yrs - *. tered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Stall, Abraham..; do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Smith, Albert G.......do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Shaffer, Jesse..do Aug. 31, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Smith, Wiliam J.....do... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Prison from April 9, to July 22, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1856-Vet. Sower George............do... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, William-D.....do... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Sellers, Joseph M..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ertificate, Nov. 3,'62. SmithJames............do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Shaffer, William.......do.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Stites, William D.....do... Aug. 31, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Shaver, Joseph B......do... Aug 15,'62, 3 Wounded at Pleasant ill, La., April 9, 1864 — mustered out, June 1, 1865, by General Order. Snyder, Emanuel....do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died at Liverpool, Pa., February 8, 1863. Small, Jerome Y.......do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 25-Vet. Souder, William.....do. Nov. 27,'63, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Shaffer, Michael...........o Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred from Co. I, 12th regt. Pa. Cav., Jan. 27, 1865-deserted June 2, 1865. Stroop, William J.......do. Mar. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 3, 1865. Swartz, Daniel........ do. Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out, December 25, 1865. Taggi Richard...........do Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Tagg, James D........ do Sept. 2,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19 1864mustered out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Topley, George W.....do Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 7, 1862. Tagg, Wilson.........do Sept. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term, Wite, esley M.....d..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weimer, Samuel.....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weiand, Benjamin...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at New Oreans, La. Wright, Thomas......do Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Woodrow, James...... do.. Aug. 31,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 12,'62. Work, Washington...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July, 1862. Wantz, John..........do Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept: 18, 1864expiration of term. WilliaZo s, And'w J...do.... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Mustered out, June 1, 1865, by General Order. Wetzel, William.....do Jan. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 19, 1865-expiration of term. Work, Andrew.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., February 22, 1862buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Wantz Jonathan....do. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died at Pleasant Hill, La., June 17, 1864, while a prisoner. Wagner, Samuel'.......Aug. 31,'61, 3 Wd. atPleasantHill, La., Apr. 9,'64- 1ostatseaby foundering of U. S. stmr. Pocahontas, May,'64. Zook Daniel........do..... Aug.2 31,'61, 3 Discharged May 17, 1865, by General Order. GCO'IMPANY E. RECRUJITED AT EASTON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY. Charles H. Yard o... Capt.... Sept.. 16, 6, 3 Promoted to Captain, September 16, 1861-mus tered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration ofterm. WYm. A. Backman.....do. Sept. 16,'61, 3, Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to ist Lt., Jan. 1, 1865-to Capt., Feb. 15,'65-us. out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet.' Lawrence Bonstein lst It.. Sept. 16,'61,- 3[ Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, Sept. 16,, 186-mus tered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term,' George A. Diehl..............do.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2dt, Jan 1865-to stLt., Feb 15,'65-disch. on Surg. crt., Aug. 21,'65-Vet. William H. Wyker 2d Lt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Sept. 16, 61-mus tered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Edw'd W. Menner.. do. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wd. at Cedar Creek, Va,'Oct. 19 1864-pr. to. Cor., April 28, 1864-to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1865-to 2di Lt., May 27, 1865-2Com. 1st Lt., Aug.: 5, 1865not mus.- mus. out with Co., Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. George R. Nicholas 1st Sgt Sept. 16,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt., Oct. 21,'64 —to 1st Sgt., Sept. 18,'65Com. 2d Lt., Aug. 5,1865:-not mustered-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-V-et.': George Hahn...d.....do Nov. 30,'63, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Oct. 23, 1864-,mustered, out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Adam Ward........... do Dec. 17,'63, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January 1, 1865 —mus; tered out with company, December 25, 1865., Wm. Rockafellow...do. Jan. 14,'64; 8 Pr. to Cor., March, 1865- to Sgt., June:2,l1865 — mustered out with company, Dec. 25 1865, 1172 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DITE O, MUSTER i INTO SERVICE. R Benjamin Derr...... IstSgt.. Jan. 20,'62, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 18, 1865-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Owen J. Weida..d......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. R. Cahi........do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sgt., March 5, 1863mus. out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob F. Bonstein...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, Jan. 25, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 21, 1864. Sam'1 H. Barnes........do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 20, 1864-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1864-discharged June 1, 1865. Francis A. Parks......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., June 22,'64-killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. George Steinmetz... Corp.... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 20,1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Thomas Callahan......do..Jan. 28,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John F. Walton........do... Feb. 6,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Owen Moser..........do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64promoted to Corporal, May 27, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Moses Jacoby..........do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2,'65-musteredout with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Henry Hallman........do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 2,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John Woolbach.........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 18, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Isaac Smith..............do.....Dec. 17,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 13,'65-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. George Twaddle...,....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20,'63. Reuben Weiss... d...... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wd. in both legs at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 4, 1864. Thomas Lowery........do-.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 21, 1862-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. H. Eichman......do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 5, 1863-wounded and captured at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64returned May 11,'65-mus. out, June 1, 1865. Thomas Callahan...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 10,'63-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. James Huff....-.......do..... Nov. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., June 30, 1862-wounded and pris. April9,'64-exchanged Aug. 29,'64-captured at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864died at Salisbury, N. C., March 5, 1865. Peter Lyner..............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Hokendauqua, Pa., Oct. 16, 1864-Vet. Frederick J. Scott.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Captured at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864com. 2d Lieut., March 20,'65-not mustered — died at Danville, N. C., Feb. 22, 1865-Vet. William Wilhelm... Muc.... Sept, 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. James Quinn......d....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., Dec. 7, 1865-Vet. Adams, William.... Private Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Opequan, Va., Sept. 18, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Allen, Peter F......do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Arnold, Henry L....do.... June 18,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Arnold, Charles.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded by accident, Nov. 23,'64-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 25, 1865-Vet. Bassett, Ienry...........do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bartholomew, H........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Broat, David..............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Burk, Isaac..............do.....Dec. 17,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Black, John D...........do.....Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out, August 21, 1865. Brown, Joseph.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bruch, John.............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Bucher, Andrew........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Beavers, Henry LI......do... Mar. 30,'63, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 19,'64, to March 8,'65-mustered out by General Order, June 14, 1865. Backman, Henry A...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Berksheimer, M......do... Sept. 4,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Brooks, George W.....do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., August 12, 1864. Burk, Andrew...........do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64died at Frederick, Md., Dec. 3, 1864-Vet. Bullman, Thomas.....do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Benedict, George,.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted November 23, 1861. Batt, Samuel........d.....Feb. 2,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Coburn, Henry S......do..... Dec. 17,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1173 NAME. RANK. ^SEVICE.TDATE OF MUSTER I REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE.'R Clark, Edward...... Private Jan. 28,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Callaha, John.......... do.... Sept. 16,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Cummiskey, John.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1,'62. Cooper, Jeremiah....... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 31 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Coult, George...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S.C,, Oct. 22, 1862-tr. to Vet. Reserve Corps, March 16, 1864. Connigan, John......do..... Dec. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Clements, Charles...... do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Deserted March 18,1865. Creig, James........do..... Dec. 1,'64, 3 Deserted April 1, 1865. Cramer, John..........do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Cooper, Jeremiah..... do.... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Clark, Edward.........do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Deserted October 10, 1865. Dean, Jacob...............do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Deterline, William... do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 1 18,1864-expiration of term. Derr, Nathan......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 2. 1863. Dewey, Charles.......... do 16,61, 3 ustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Dingier, John............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864mustered out, Sept. 18, 164-expiration of term. Duffin, Henry........... do Se.pt. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Edinger, Franklin.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Engle, Joseph............ do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st U. S. Artillery, Dec. 1, 1862. rey, Edward A...J..... do.....Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Fritz, George............do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Fritz, Gideon......do..... Feb. 23, 64, 3Mustered out with company, Dec. 2, 1865. Flynn, Peter..............Jan. 21,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Frey, Charles H.........do..... p. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out by GeneralOrder, June 1, 1865. Falger, George M......do..... Aug. 26,'64,1 Mustered out by General Orders June 1, 1865. Fowler, William H...do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Force, William A......do..... pt. 1661, ounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62- di6. charged on Surgeon's certificate, April 10, 1863. Frankenfield, L..........do..... pt. 19,'61, 3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., June 22, 1863. Fitzcharles, Benj.......do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Deserted February 5, 1865. Frederick, George....do..... Oct. 28,'62, 3 Deserted, 1864. Golio, Reuben...........d.... Jan. 14,'64, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-absent, sick, at muster out. Graver, Oliver........... do Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, 37th company, 2d battalion, June 30, 1865. Goodwin, John........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Helwick, William.......do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Horn, Luther...........do.... Jan. 28,'65, I Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hull, Daniel W.........do..... Jan. 25,'6, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hughs, James............do... Jan. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Hahn, George............do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S.., Oct. 22'62- disHudson,' S m e T... o..., charged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25, 1863. Haney, Jeremiah....d...do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Houser, Daniel........do..... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Horn, Henry H.........do..... Jan. 23,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 9,'63. Heckman, Adam P...d..... ept. 19,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hudson, Samuel T....do..... Sept. 16,'61, Mustered out, Sept, 18, 1864-expiration of term. Huber, David W...do.....Sept. 16,, 3, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20, 62. Haggerty, Jacob.....do... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Prisoner from Oct. 19, 1864, to March 1, 1865mustered out by General Order, June 29, 1865. Hubbard, Chas. H.....do..... Dec. 22,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 17, 1865. Hahn, Richard.........d... d^Sept. 16,'61 3 Killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864-Vet. Huber, David W........... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Died at Easton, Pa., October 18, 1864. Haggerman, Wm.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3Deserted January 25, 1862. Harkins, Daniel F......do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted December 20, 1863-Vet. Hartzell. Jacob.......do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1Deserted June 2, 1865. Ivey, William..........d... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Ihrie, James............do..... Jan. 20,'62, 3Deserted February 7, 1865-Vet. Jones, Benjamin F.....do..... Jan. 20,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. James, William M.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-e xpiration of term. Jacobus, Abraham.....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Johnson, W. Scott......do..... April 5,'63, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Adjutant, Sept. 1, 1864. IKerkendall, Peter.. l..do. Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Kunker, John........do. Dec. 19,'63, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-mus tered out, May 26, 1865. Kerkendall, J. M.. do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Fisher's Hill, Va., Sept. 22,'64, and at Charlestown, Va., March, 1865-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 20, 1865-Vet. Kern, Henry.............. Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Kirkuff, Matthias... do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted January 25, 1862. Keaf, Philip..... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted December 20, 1863-Vet, KIrader. John F..... _do.. Jan. 9,'65,1 Deserted February 5, 1865. 1174 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMEINT, DAI NAME. RANK. OF MUSTERVIE REMAIRB.,._. I_ _ ____________ ____ Labar, Henry A..... Private Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Lynn, Andrew J........ do.... Jan. 20,'62, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Long, George............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Lantz, Samuel L........do..... Set. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'63. Lantz, Geo. W..........do...Sept. 16, "61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Levers, George W.....o. Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out bv General Order, June 1, 1865. Lind, John................do..... Sept. 19,'61, Died at Hilton Head, S. C., October 24, 1862, of 3 wounds received at Pocotaligo, Oct. 22, 1862. Labar, Luther...........do. Feb. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lamb, Daniel........ do.... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Monday, ohn............ do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Moser, Eli.......... do.. Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Mover, Henry.......... do....Sept. 16,'61, 3Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. M'Laughlin, A.........do..... Dec. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 17, 1865. Miller, Henry............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Monday. Patrick.......do..... Oct. 8,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 7, 1865-expirationof term. Moore, Grenville........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Moser, Lawrence.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, May 1, 1863, to accept promotion. Moser, Philip L........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'63. Mickley, John B........... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died April 30, 1862. Minnick, Samuel...... do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. M'Laughlin. John......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Easton, Pa., March 31, 1865-Vet. Moser, Franklin........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded and missing at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864 —Vet. Meeker, Alvin M......do... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Deserted June 6, 1865 —Vet. Ocho, Jacob..............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864charged on Surgeon's cert., June 19, 1865-Vet. Peterson, John..........do...Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Peterson, William........... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Paxson, William.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Oct. 18, 1863. Reed, Calvin...........do....Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rockafellow, J..........do..... Jan. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rockafellow, G.........do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rogers, Jos. A..........do..... Dec. 17,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rinnick, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June, 1864. Rinnick, Henry.........do..... Sept. 19,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Richards, J. J...........do..... Oct. 12,'62, 3' Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 3,'65. Rose, George B.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, October 22, 1862. Simons, Frank.........do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Shoeman, John.........do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Slayer, Joseph............... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Schock, Martin S......do..... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, Edward...... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Wounded at Opequan, Va., September 19, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Smith, Valentine......do.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, John..............do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Stem, Samuel............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Snyder, Edward E.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Spangler, Andrew....do..... Jan. 25,'65, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Steinmetz, Charles.....do.... Feb. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Seabold, Fred............do.... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 17, 1865. Shelling, Richard...... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Snyder, George.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, George...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 7th regiment P. V., May 22, 1862. Snyder, Edward L.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st U. S. Artillery, Dec. 1, 1862. Snyder, Thomas........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 1, 1864. Shaffer, Charles.........do. Aug. 11,'62, 3 Deserted Dec. 12,'64-dishon'y disch. Dec. 25,'65. Templin, Aug..........do..... Feb. 17,'65, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Tidaboch, John.........do..... Feb. 6'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Todd, James.............do..... Dec. 17, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Taylor, John..............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 1, 1862. Tice, Joseph A..........do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Tidaboch, John.......d..... Sept. 16f'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Tidaboch, Alfred J...do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Troxell, Theodore...]...do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Transue, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Tilton, George L........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 13, 1864. Vogal, George............do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wagner, Albert.........do. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Walters, Joseph E.....do Nov. 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Wilhelm, John...d........ Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Wolf, Charles............do..... Jan. 31,'65, I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Wright, Wm. H........do..... Dec. 21,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25. 1865. Ward, William........do... Sept. 30,'62, 3 Mustered out, January 23, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVITE. 1175. R DATE OF MUSTER RNAMEIT. ERVICE. REMARKS Weaver, Josiah...... Private Oct. 8,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 7, 1865-expiration of term. Warman, Henry........do.....Dec. 17,'63, 3 Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, 1864. Young, George..........do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Zerfass, Bernard..,...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY. Henry S. Hart........ Capt.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, August 30, 1861-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Edwin Gilbert d............ Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to Capt., Jan. 1, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. George W. Fuller... IstLt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, August 30, 1861disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 22, 1864. W. H. Bartholomew...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Henry H. Bush.......2d Lt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, August 30, 1861died at Fort Taylor, Florida, March 31, 1862. Augustus Eagle........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, April 1, 1862-resigned September 11, 1864. Thos. F. Lambert......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, January 1, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. James Tait............. 1st Sgt. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 18,'64-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Richm'd H.Schwab Serg't.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 18, 1864-to Sgt., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Joseph J. Lilby.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., April 21, 1865-nmus. out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. John L. Jones..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wd. and pris. at Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9,'64exchanged Sept. 24,'64-promoted to Corporal, September 18, 1864-to Sergeant, June 2, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John W. Heberling...do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Albert H. M'Hoe...d....... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. H. Glace..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jas. W. Fuller, Jr.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. and Adj., October 30, 1861. William H. Fink......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, September 18, 1864-died at Baltimore, Maryland, April 15, 1865-Vet. Benjamin F. Bush.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 11,'64-to Sergeant, September 18, 1864-deserted June 1,'65 —Vet. Preston M. Rohn........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, January 1, 1865-deserted June 1, 1865-Vet. F. Longenhagen........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Josiah H. Walk......Corp.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64 — promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25,'65-Vet. Spencer Tettermer.....do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. G. H. Longenhagen...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Martin O'Brien.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 25, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Rob't Cunningham...do...^. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Walter Moyer........ do..... Dec. 4,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2, 1865 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. James M. Bush..........do..... Dec. 4,'63, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 25,'65-mus. out, Oct. 16,'65. James E. Patterson...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Augustus Eberhart...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862-. discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 13,'63. Joseph H. Schawb.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 25,'65-Vet. W. H. Van Dyke.......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Franklin Arnold......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Summit Point, Va., Mar. 28, 1865discharged on Surg. cert., July 15, 1865-Vet. James Ritter..............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Florida, October 23, 1863. David Tombler..... Muc:.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Simon P. Keifer.........do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Andrews, Peter...... Private Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Andrews, David........do.... ug. u 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Akroth, Daniel A..... do..... Oct. 27,'62, 3 Tr. fr. Co. C, 14th reg. Pa. Cav., Mar. 18,'1864mustered outf, Dec.,9, 1865-expiration of term. 1176 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER MA AME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARE. Armsberg, George.. Private Sept. 7,'64, 1 Tr. from Co. C 14th reg. Pa. Cavalry, March 18,'64-mus. out, Sept. 6,'65-expiration f term. Buss, Henry.............do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec.25,'65-Vet. Beidleman. Hiram.....do..... Feb. 9.'64, 3 Mustered Out with company, December 25, 1865. Bohner, Philip............... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Barnbart, Wm. H.....do..... Feb. 25,'65, 3 Tr. from 14th reg. Pa. Cavalry, March 18, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Beers, Stephen. d........ Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'63. Bander, Abraham.....do'..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Betz, Godfrey............ do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18.'64-expiration of termbu. record, died at New Orleans, May 10, 1864. Boyer, Faustin............ Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Biege, Alfred................. Sept. 28,'64, Substitute-nmustered out by G. O., June 1, 1865. Bartholomev;, E.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Fort Taylor, Fla., April 3, 1862. Bartholomew, P.......do... Dec. 21,'63, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Bender, Ernest.........d.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Buss, Charles.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted May 1, 1865-Vet. Clader, William........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 65-Vet. Curren, John....... do...Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Collins, John C........ Mar. 15,'64, 3 Tr. from 14th reg. Pa. Cavalry, March 18, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Christ, William........do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Crotts, John W........ do..... Sept. 8,'64, 1 Transferred from 14th reg. Pa. Cavalry, Feb. 25, 1865-mustered out, July 22, 1865. Coulter, Frederick....do... Feb. 25,'65, 1 Deserted May 31, 1865. Deibert, Michael........do..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out by G. 0., June 1, 1865. Dunkle, Samuel.......do..... Jan. 9,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, March, 1864. Ebrich, William........do.... Jan. 26,'63, 31 I ustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Ebertz, Joseph..........do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Engle, Frederick......do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discbarged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'62. Engle, Augustus......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Eisenhart, William do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown. Falk, Henry................ Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Fry, Martin C...........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Frome, George W......do..... Feb. 23, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Fisher, Frederick......do...... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 7,'64. Fuller, Orlando.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Fried, William H.....do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. cert., Sept. 26, 1864-Vet. Fry, David A..........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., August 16, 1865. Fritz, Amandus.........d..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Guth, John...............do.....Dec. 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Geiger, Joseph..........do..Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Glick, Thomas B.....d...do.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Gettes, Presto............do.. Oct. 5,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 4, 1864-expiration of term. Geho, Addison R......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9. Grader, Rainey.........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Gross, Joseph...........do..'. Feb. 8,,'64, 3 Died at Winchester, Va., January 17, 1865-buried in National Cemetery —lot, 18. Getter, Levi H......do.... Dec. 7,'63, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Hallenbach, Wm. F...do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Heberling, Wn. H...do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December25, 1865. Hesler, Joseph...........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 18(5. Hatter, George W......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Heckman, Joseph......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Haldeman, John F.....do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hummel, Henry.......do... Sept. 18,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Houser, Osborn.......... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term Hunsicker, Joseph.....do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. B, 1st U. S. Art., Dec. 5, 1862 Herman, William.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., July 23, 1864-Yet, Hultzheizer. L............. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., May 1, 1864. Houser, William A...do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865-Vet. Haldeman, Edwin.....do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Jacoby, Isaac...........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Johnson, James......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Jordan, William........do...Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jassum, Abraham.....do.. Oct. 5,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 4, 1865-expiration of term. Jassum, Edward....do..... Oct. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to company H, October 31, 1864. Jacoby, Isaac C.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865-Vet. Jackson, Wm. H......do..... Died September 19, 1864. King, Philip..............do... Dec. 4,'63, 3 Mustered out, November 14,1865. Kerchner, George......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Klein, George...........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 16,'64. Keim; Reuben H.do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expirationofterm. Kuntz, William....d...... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1177 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REM INTO SERVICE. RMAR. Kuhn, Nicholas...... Private Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of-term. Kern, Owen...........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. King, George............do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. King, Charles............do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Kepner, Jefferson.....do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, Aug. 11, 1865. Longenhager, J.K...do'...... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Laub, John.............do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Levan, Peter S...........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Laudenslager, J........do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Lucky, John.............. do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Lynn, Alfred...........do..... Dec. 7,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 14,'65. Lindster, Emory.......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, August 25, 1861. Lilly, Harrison.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Summit Point, Va., March 25, 1865buried in Nat. Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 26. Lilly, James..............do...Jan. 2S,'64, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Lehr, Tilghman........do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Laubach, Franklin...do..... Apri1 25,'64, 3Deserted June 1, 1865. M'Bride, Lawrence...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Moll, William H......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Mersch, Joseph........do.... Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Mersch, Franklin.....do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mnstered out with company, December 25, 1865. Moll, George...........do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Miller, Sidney J........do..... Jan.. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out. November 14, 1865. Myers, Uriah............do..... Feb. 16.'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Moyer, W. H., 2d......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4, 1862. Minsbnberger, V.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 2,'62. Moser, Peter...........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 1863. M'Cue, Philip.....d.......o..... April 7,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 7, 1864. Markoffer, John........do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Michael, Joel............do..... May 2,'65, 3 Transferred from 159th regiment P. V.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 25, 1865. Michael, Charles H...do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Capt'd-died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 11, 1864. Moyer, W. H., 1st......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Cat'd-died at Florence, S. C., Jan. 22,'65-Vet. Moser, Peter.............Dec. 19,'63, 3Absent, sick, at muster out. Newhart, Daniel.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Newhart, Albert........do..... Aug. 30,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Offhouse, Wm...........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. O'Brien, Michael....do..... Jan. 26'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'65. O'Brien, John........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Died -at Hilton Head, S. C., October 26, 1862. of wounds received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62. Reiser, Wiliiam.........do..... Dec. 16,'63, M3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rensimer, Edward....do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rhoads, Thomas B.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Roth, Francis...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Reinhart, Griff...........do.... Dec. 21,'63, 3 Wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 9, 1864-disch. on Surg. certificate, Dec. 28, 1864. Rohrbacher, Chas......do..... Sept. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Roeder, Aaron..........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Co. B, 1st U. S. Art'y, Dec. 5,'62. Remely, Edward......do.... Jan. 27,'65, Deserted June l, 1865. Snyder, Mathias.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Smith, Mathias.......o..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Shafer, David........do..... Dec. 18,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Savitz, Joseph...........do..... Mar. 31,'64,3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Snyder; Samuel.....o........ Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered-out with company, December 25, 1865. Siegfried, Reuben......do..... Feb. 21,'65 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Shafer, Francis.........do.... Feb. 23, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December-25,1865. Soltzman, Henry.....do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schroeder, Lucian.....do..... Feb. 12,'64 3 Transferred froni 159th,regiment P. V., May 29, 1865-~mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65. Smith, Samuel...........do... Aug. 30, 61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,'62. Seider, John G...........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,'62. Smith, Thomas A......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 14,'62. Schreck, John........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13,'63. Schrum, Gotlieb.do......Aug. 30,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Sheats, Robert M......do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Sleppy, Llew'n J.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18. 1864-expiration of term. Smith, Nicholas.........do..Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Snyder, John G........do.... ept. 10,'62, Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Shireman, Peter.,......do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, June 1, 1865. Seigfried, Franklin..do..Feb. 26,'64 3 Desdrted May-31, 1865. Sholl, Jacob..............do.....Feb. 3,'64 3Died at Philadelphia, March 21, 1864. Troxel, James....... A. 30,'61, 3 Mustered olt with company, Dec..25, 1865-Vet. Trexler, Jams 4.,,..,o...,, Aug. 301,'6, 3 Mustered out, Sept. i8, 1864-xpiration of term. 148 1178 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, NAME. IRANK DATE IF MUSTER ) REMARKS. NAME. RANK. ITO SERVICE. REMARKS. IWTO SERVICE. Werkheiser, Hiram Private Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Whiteman, Gilbert...do ug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Warneck, Conrad....do..... Aug. 0,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62. Weaver, John P.. do Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18 1864-expiration of term. Wilson, Franklin H....do Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. White, James M....... Nov. 23,'62, 3 Transferred fr. 14th reg. Pa. Cav., Mar. 12,'65ieJm...... discharged on Surg. certificate, June 25, 1865. Wuchter, Adam.......do Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 24, 1865. Weiss, John........ do.Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Tyler, Texas, July 15,'64, of wds. received at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Whorley, John. do...... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, Louisiana, July 16, 1864. Wesner Ambrose......do...Feb. 26, 64, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Werner, Levi..........do Feb. 23,'64 3 Deserted May 31, 1865. Youss, George.. De 16,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865, COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT ALLENrOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Charles Mickley..... Capt... Sept. 18,'61, 3. Promoted to Captain, September 18, 1861-killed,I j at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. John J. Goebel.....do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Sept. 18,'61-to Captain, June 18,'63-commissioned Major, October 18, 64-not mustered-died at Winchester, Va., Oct., 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19'64, Tho. B. Leisenring...do... Sept. 18,'61, 3Pr. fr. Sgt. to Ist Sgt. Sept. 19,'64-to Capt., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25,'65-Vet. G. W. Huntzberger 1st Lt.. Sept. 18','1 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Jan. 13,'62-to 1st Lt., June 18,'63-mus. out,Nov. 30,'64-exp. of term. nWm. H. Steckel............ Sept. 18,'61,3 Pr. to Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-to 1st Lt., Jan. 1, 1865 — mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Charles A. Henry... 2d Lt.. Sep. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, September 18,'61resigned December 31, 1861. ChAs. A. H ackrmn...do.... Sept. 18, 61,3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., March 2, 1862-to 2d Lt., June 18, 1863-com. Capt., Nov. 30, 1864-not mustered —mustered out, November 5, 1864. 3nesW.n Crader.... do..... Sept. 18; 61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 5, 1862-to Sgt., May 1, 1863-to 2d Lieutenant, March 20, 1865-musout with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Henry T. Dennis.... st Sgt. Sept. 18'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., April 26,'64-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1864-to 1st Sergeant, May 14, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. D. K. Deifendefer.........Sept. 18,'61, 3. Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, April 1, 1862-to 1st Sergeant, May 1, 1863-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob Warman.. Ser. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, January 1,'65-mustered out with company, December25, 1865-Vet. John Pratt......... Sept 18,'1, 3 Promotedfrom Corporal to Sergeant, Feb. 5,'65John Pra.......mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Daniel V. Mertz.. do Dec. 15, 63, 3 Promoted to Cor., Nov. 1,'64-to Sgt, Feb. 1,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John G. Helfrick.. do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. MrtinH.Hackman...do.. Jan. 8,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to-Sergeant, Apr.Q6,'64mustered out, Jan. 8, 1865-expiration of term. John W. Glick.. do Sept. 10,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1 1865-to Sergeant,.May 1, 1865-mustered out, June 1, 1865. James Crader..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Natchez, Mississippi, July 9, 1864-Vet. Harrison Gnth...... Corp.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Bej. F. Swart....... Dec. 31,'63, Promoted to Corporal November 1, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. George Hepler....... do. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'65-mustered ot with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. FredeickWilt.. t...do...Dec. 2'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. JohnKneller.........do Dec. 19, 63, Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 18695-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Constant Losch........do... Dec. 17,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 14, 1864-mustered....... out with company, December 25, 1865. Nelson Coffn...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'62-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. William Hausler.....do Sept. 18, 61 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 27, 1862 —mus-~ Sept. 18,'61, tered out, Septeiberr 18,'64-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1179...out, Septembe 18, 864-xpiration of term. S' olomon Backe.....do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1862-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Allen Wolf............do....Sept. 18,'61,: 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1863-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Solomon Weider...... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June, 1865. James Guidner..... Muc.... Sept. 18,, 3 ustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. William N. Smith.....Sept. 18, 1, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of tem. Ansach, Daniel. Private Sept. 18,'61, 31 )ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'62. rnlbrun, Richdar...do... Sept. 17,'62,3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Brd, Peter H..........do...Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Buskirk, William......do...,. Feb. 15,'64 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Blank, Tacob............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-et. Bortz, Bencamin........ Dec. 18,'63, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 6, 1865. Bernhard, Jerem'h..do.... Dec. 17,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Breisinger, John......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 13 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bolli ra..... do.....Feb. 26, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Burger, Williami do.....O Feb. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Butz, George'..r...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Barton, John.............do..... Feb. 25,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Brobst, Hiram.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Dicharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 18,'62. Barber, Joseph.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 28,'64, Buskirk, David........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, May 25, 1865. Bowman, Jacob H...do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64.-expiration of term. BeidlemaT, Jacob......do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., July 3, 1864 —Vet. Becher, John.... do. Sept. 18,'61, Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 164-Vet. Boynton, Alfred.......do..... Feb. 18'65, 1 Deserted March 2, 1865. Backma, Adam....do.....Mar 23,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Crader, Edwin K.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Crader, Tbos. K... do...... Mar. 5,'64, 3Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Carter Charles..........do..... Feb. 20,'65, 3 Deserted March 4, 1865. Donahue, Timothy...do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Deck, pheus.....o. Dec. 19,'63, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., June 3, 1864. el, enjain....do..... Sept. 16,'62, 3Dese Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 2228, 1862.,He.....do....De. 17,'63, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Daisor, Henry........... April 19,.'65, 3 Transferred from 14th regiment Pennsylvania aisorHenry........-do..Cavalry, April 19 1865-deserted May 18, 1865. Eshbacoh, Wn. L...... do...Ja 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Eckertn, Charles'...do.... Jan.' 63, 3 Mustered out by General Ordermpany, Sept. 25, 1865. EnDernn, iet..do..... Sept. 18,'6, 3 Mustered out bS General Order, June 1, 1865. erhack, Wilphes.....do. DSept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Fort Jerson, Fla., MayJune 39, 1863. DiEveret, anci....."..... Sept. 15,'62, 3 DeK erted May 27Pootaligo, S. 1864. Eollsenart..........Manes.do..... Dec. 617,'65, Deserted Junely 29, 1865. ais, Petenry..... Feb. April2,'64, 3 Mustered out 1 with company,December 25 1nnsylva865 st, Marai...... do..... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Mustered our with company, December 25, 1855. Frick, William........do..... Feb. 15,'65 1 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. isher, CFerina..d.do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sep. 258,'64-expirationof ter Frme William G. do. Sept. 24,'61, 3 Transferredto Vet. Res.:Corps, Nov. 4,'64-Vet. eitei..do.. Sept. 18, 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. ngleman, ilt. A o'.... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. hGooda, WFrankin T....d Sept. 58,'62, 3 Dischd at Forder of War Dep, Mayugust 13, 1864. Grood, PrtFraon B....do.... Sept. 18,', 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Guptill., William H...do,. Jan. 50,'65, (1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15,'65. ret, John........... ot 31'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon' certificate, Apr. 16,'64. eisnr, iia........ep. 10,'62, 3 M terdout byGeneralrder, June9,1865 iser, Hen C. do...... 18,'61, TDesferred to Vet. Reserv186 Corps,Mar.3,64. gHertz, Willi^m....d. Sept. 168,''6, S Mustered out with company, Dec. 25; 1865-V1t. arter Join.T........... 25,' A ent, in arrest, at muster out. H rteunsr, Edon.......do.. Jan. 16,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Hallmeer, Max J.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, OMart. 28,'63. FisHeler, Frnathn d....do..S ept. 18,'61, 3Musteed out Sept. 18.'64-expiration of term. bu1rial record died at New Orleans, June 7,'64. enry, eore T......... 1861, Absent, ick, at mustered out, 18'4-eprto of term. Heist, ornelius.......... t.', 3 stere out Sept. 1.8,'64-expiration of ter. GaHenn, amHenry........ do....... Sep 1,'6, Mustered out by General Order, JuneMay 1, 1865. Hillegood ss, nl n T.... do..... Sept 8,'62, 3Disch. bv out b nrel Order, Jnne 1, 1865. Hiless, Leinus...do.... t. 0,, 3 M ter o by eneralOrder, June,.1865. Hofert, Frankins.. do.S.. ept. 18, 1 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. orbeck, Henry C...do Sept. 18,'61, I raonoted to Coemissa sergeant, april 15,'64. 1180 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, W NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. 4 Heil, John..... Private Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 4,'62, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Hower Philip...........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., April 21, 1864. Hay, Jacob...............do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Died at Charleston, S. C., October 10, 1865. Helfric, John C...... do.......Died at New Orleans, La., August 5, 1864. Jacobs, Frederick L...do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kauffman, Charles...do..... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keiser, Daniel T......do..... Jan. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keck, William..........do..... Jan. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kemmerer, Allen P...do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Discharged by special order, April 17, 1864. Keiper, Lewis..........do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Knerr, James H....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Knauss, George.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Kramer, WilliamH...do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Kremmill, -John....do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 28, 1863. Koone, Beniamin S...do.... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 10,'65. Kennedy, William.....do..... Feb. 23,'64,.3 Died at Philadelphia, May 25, 1865. Knapenberger, J......do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Kunte, John...............do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Kase, Isaac...............do..... Feb. 2,'65, 1 Deserted June 1, 1865. Leibensberger, D......do.....Dec. 15,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Loeffler, Emanuel.....do..... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Leiby, William.........do..... Sept. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Lucas. Benj. G.........do..... Oct. 23,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Lightfoot, Geo. W.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 26,'65. Lasker, Julius..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-buried in National Cem'y, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Lehr, George............do..... Sept.'18,'61, 3 Deserted July11, 1864 —Vet. Lynn, John............]...do..... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Deserted June 30, 1864. Moyer, Charles.........do..... Sept. 18,61, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out —Vet. Miller, Nathan..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Martin, Wellington...do.....Dec. 7, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Mertz, Hiram............do..... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Merte, Franklin C....do..... Dec. 29,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Mertz, William H....do... Feb..2, 65, 1 Mustdred out with company, December 25, 1865. Martin, William.......do..... Jan. 24,'65, I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Meisenheimer, Jno...do. Sept. 18, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'62. Meyer, Henry............do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Miller, Edmund........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,. Nov. 9,'62. Miller, Orlando........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Moyer, Franklin.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to 1st U. S. Artillery, Nov. 28, 1862. Montague, Barney.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3.Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Moyer, Gideon..........do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Deserted December 12, 1864. Moody, John R.........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Deserted July 12. 1865. Mercer, William......do..... April 28,'65,... Deserted May 4. 1865. Mead, Daniel............do..... Feb. 25,'65, 1 Deserted May 31, 1865. Neur, Benjamin F...do..... Nov. 23,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. -Noddins, James.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Absent at muster out.,Oland, Franklin........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct. 30,'62, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. O'Donnoll, Condy......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted June 22, 1863. Peter, Aaron..............do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with.company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Peter, Moses..........do.... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Pfeifer, Francis.........do.....Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Rice, Henry G..........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Reber, Jonathan W...do..... Dec. 29, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Reber, George............do...... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Rinehard, Israel.......do..... Sept. 10,'62; 3 Mustered outby General Order, June 1, 1865. Reinsmith, Wm. C.....do..... Oct. 31, 61, 3 Deserted December 19, 1861. Scherer, JonaS......do..... Sept. 18, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Strominger,J. W. H...do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Musteed out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Stuber, Francis.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. Shultz, Ambrose L...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company. December 25, 1865. Seipe, Reuben L.......do.....Dec. 15,'63, 3 M.ustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Smith, Christian........do..... Dec. 15.'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schetz, Daniel............... Jan. 4,'64.. 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Stem, Charles...... do..... Feb. i5,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Schimpf, John,Sr.. do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 4,'62. Smetzer, Francis.......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration ofterm. Stangala, Jacob.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 18, 64. Stahbler, ErwinS........do...... Sept. 17,'62, 3.Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Sieger, William...do..... Oct. 22i'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Smith, Walter C.......do.....Oct. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Feb. 29, 1864. Scheirer,: Irvin....,.....do..... Oct. 1,'62, 3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., May 18, 1863. Scholl, Edmund G.....do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., May 18, 1862. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1181 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS..t Schla, Christian...... Private Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., June 1, 1864. Smith, Henry...........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., May 30, 1864. Strahley, Jeremiah.do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., May 14, 1864. Shorp, Carl.......... do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Deserted October 28, 1861. Sly, Florence...........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Des.-ret. Feb. 10, 1865-des. again, June 10,'65. Trumbower, W. H.....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Teichman, Lewis.....do..... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Toomy, Luther M......do..... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Mar. 31,'65. Troxell, Nathan........do....Se. 18,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., April 18,'64-Vet. Ulig, John A............do... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 12,'62. Upman, Augustus.....do... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Deserted September 10, 1865. Vaughn, Fred............do... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Transferred to company C, December 9, 1864. Vartin, J..........................................3 Died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., January 24, 1864. Walter, Fred'k H......do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Wolf, Simon D........... do... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weiand, Edward......d..... Feb. 2.'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25. 1865. W.eisbach, Fred'k......do.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 lustered out, Sept. 18, 1$64-expiration of term. Wooten, George.........do..... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Mustered out, September 9, 1865. Webster, John E.......do... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Died at Baton Rouge, La.. June 24, 1864, Wetzel, Reuben........do.. Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Georgetown, D. C., November 17, 1861buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Westcott, Jeremiah...do..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Deserted May 31, 1865. Weller, Peter............do..Mar. 10,'65, 1 Deserted June 1 1865. Weider, David..........do..... Sept. 17,'6, 3 Deserted June 11, 1865. Xander, George.........do.... Oct. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept 18, 1864-expiration of term. Young, Joseph..........do.. Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out, May 17, 1865. Young, William........do Sept. 18,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., November 24, 1861buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. Zanger, Engelbert..d.... do.... pt. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Zeppenfelt, Henry.....do.. Mar. 1,'64, 3 Died at Beaufort, S. C., September 10, 1862. COMPANY H. RECRUITED AT NEWPORT, PERRY COUNTY. James Kacey......... Capt..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain, September 19, 1861-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Reuben S. Gardner...do..Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt., Oct. 29,'64-to Capt., Feb. 16,'65wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22 1862mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Wm. W. Geety...... st Lt.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt.. Sept. 19, 1861 —wd. at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62-com. Capt., Sept. 19,'64-not mnus.-mus. out, Sept. 18,'64-expira'n of term. James Hahn.............do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to 2d Lt., Sept. 24,'64 —to 1st Lt., Feb. 16,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. C. K. Breneman..... 2d Lt... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to 2kd Lt., September 24, 1861-mustered out, Sept. 24. 1864-expiration of term. Alfred Billig......... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., March 20, 1865 — mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. David H. Smith...... 1st Sgt.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 18,'64-to 1st Szt., April 21, 1865-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. George Reynolds.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 8, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. John A. Gardner.... Serg't.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 18,'64mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John S. Snyder.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 18,'64mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. John P. Rupley.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Oct. 29,'24-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Isaiah C. Foy.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, April 21,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Michael C. Lvnch......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 30,'63. Robert H. Nelson......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Aug. 20, 1862-to Sgt., Nov. 4,1862mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. James F. Naylor.... do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Isaiah Billett....... Corp... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 12, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Daniel Urich....do.......do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 18. 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Daniel K. Smith..... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 18, 1864-mus-:i4* I....... Itered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. 1182 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, _ I NAME., RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RNK. I' 1 NA~~MrT~~. INTO SERVICE E EM. ___ _____.____,___________ __ _____ _ __ Daniel W. Fegley... Corp....I SePt. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 29,'64-mu.stered out with company, December 25, 1865 —Vet. Elkana Sweger.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 i Promoted to Corporal, October 29,'64-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. AmosT. Brown........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promated to Coopral, June 2, 1865 —mustered out with conr)any, December 25, 1865 —Vet. Henry C. Weise........d...... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2, 1865 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. JohnClemmens...:....do... Sept. 19,'61. 3 Promoted to Corporal, August 21,'6 mustered out with comrnany, December 25, 18-5 Vet. John Kitner...............do... Sept. 19,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. l, 18 4-expiration of term. Wm. M. Wallace...... do... Sept. 2,'62 3 Discharged by General Order, June 1I 1865. George W. Harper..do..o.. Sept. 2,'62, 13 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Daniel Reeder.........do..... Sept. 19,'61,, 3 Wd., with loss of arm, at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62 —disch. on Surg. cerifticate, Nov. 24,'62. P. W. Stockslager......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wounded at Pootaligo, S.., October 22, 1862 — discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 24,'62. James J. Kacey.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'62. George W. Albert......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 18,'64. Edw'd H. Marchley...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died t Charleston, S. C., August 19, 1865 —Vet. John H. K. Boyer... Muc.... ISept. 19 1,'61 ustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. George Kipp..............do....Jan. 23,,'65,3 ustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Allen M'Cabe........... do.... Sept. 19,'61 3 Mustered out. Sept. 18, 1854-exoiration of term. Anderson, John...... Private Dec. 17,'63, 3 Mustered out by General Order, Sept. 23, 1865. Albert, James........[...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company D. September 20, 1861. Andrews,Valentine -...o.. Feb. 2,'64, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va. October 19, 1864buried in National Cem., Winchester —lot, 10. Bernheisel, Luther...do..... Sept. 19, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Bear, George W.........do..... Dec, 17,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bucher, Edward M...do.....Feb. 25, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bupp, Augustus........... Sept. 19,, 3', Miustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Burd, Abraham.........do..... Jan. 6,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 4,'62. Brooks, William........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 21, 1864-expiration of term. Bollinger, Henry.....do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 19,'63. Briner, Jerome.........do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 11,'64. Baldwin, Charles E...do.... Nov. 22,'64, 1 Mustered out, Nov. 22, 1865-expiration of term. Bigger, Alexander.....do.... Sept. 19,'61,' Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 8,'62. Bistline, Daniel...do..... Sept. 19, 61, 3 Died at Camp Griffin, Va., November 5, 1861. Barry, William.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Saibine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864. Beers, Henry W.......do.... Feb. 14,'65, Deserted September 24, 1865. Campbell, OliverH...do..... Jan. 30,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Cooper, John............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Cunningham, Rob't.do... Mar. 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 29, 1865. Clay, John D..............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 20, 1861. Deily, Edward F.......do.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Duncan, James........ do... Dec. 16,'63 3 Mustered out with comoany, December 25, 1865. Dunlap, Milton H......do.... Dec. 1,'63, 3 Mustered out with comp y, December 25, 1865. Deseiner, James R.....do.... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Durham, John A.......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, S3pt. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Dorman, William......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'61. Davenport, Valent.....do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, March 28, 1864burial record. died May 4, 1864. Deitz. Augustus........do... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out, July 6, 1865. Deitrick, Peter..........do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 illed at Pocotaligo. S.C., October 22, 1862. Dumrn, William F.....do.... S-pt. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Pleasant Iill, La., April 9, 1864-Vet. Eckard, Harrison......do... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Evans, John.............do..... Aug. 2,'62, 3 Died at New Orleans, Louisiana, June 20, 1864burial record, June 11, 1864. Fink, Emanuel............ Sept. 19,'61, 31, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Fusselman, Daniel.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Flint, Dwight I.'......do.... Feb. 15'6,', I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Fry, Robert.........do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Faling, Michael.............. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, Dec. 8, 1862. Frank, David R........do.... Aug. 31;'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 20, 1861. Foose, Daniel.............d. Sept. 19,'61, Died at Ca:mp Griffin, Va., October 20, 1861. Fisher, David W.......do...Sept. 1,'61, 1 Died atHIarrisburg, Pa., January 1, 1864-Vet. Fink, Simori C..........do.... Dec. 15,'63, Deserted July 20, 1864. Gechenbaugh, Dan..do..... Oct. 29,'2, Absent, sick, at muster out. Gusler, William H....d..... Jan. 8, 64, 13 i Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Garris, HenryF.......do.... Feb. 6, u'5, j1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Guera, Emanuel........do.... Mar. 1, 65 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 19,'1865. Gardner, Jacob R......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Camp Griffin, Va., January 8, 1862. Galbraith, James...... do....i Sept. 19, 61, 3I Died at Washington, D. C., February 1, 1862. Hammaker, -Isaiah...do... ec. 10'3, M3 ustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Hammaker, Thos......do. Dec. 16, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. THREE TEARS' SERVICE. 1183 DATE OF MUSTER E ulARKS. NAME.. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS.. >I i:. Hostetter, Jacob C.. Private Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Henderson, Isaac,......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Horting. Michael......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Haney, Thomas J.....do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hutcheson, Wm........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Hammaker, Adam....do..... Aug. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Hammaker, Jacob.....do..... ug. 25'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Horting, Ananias......o.... Aug. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Hall, James..............do... Aug. 8,'64, Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Haywood, Thomas..do........ Nov. 1, 62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1865-expiration of term. layes, William,..... do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 20, 1861. Harper, Martin.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D. September 20, 1861. Holmes, John WV..... do.... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. B, 36th Regt. P. V., Jan. 8, 1862. Huggins, Samuel.....do.... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Dec. 16, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Hartshorn, John........do.....Dec. 17,'63, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., August 8, 1864. Heenan, Michael.... do..... Dec. 11,'63, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10. Hoffman, Geo. W......do.....Feb. 1,'65, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865. Idall, Corley.........do...... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct. 30, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Johnson, Cyrus.........do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'62. Jassum, Edward.... d..... Oct. 13,'62, 3 Transferred from company F, October 11, 1864mustered out, Oct. 15, 1865-expiration of term. Kingsborough, R.A...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Kochendefer, Dan'...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Knecht, Wm...... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keim, John M...........do.... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 19,'62. Kingsborough, R.R...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 26, 1862. Klotz, Charles.......:l...do... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Liddick, Jacob.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Liddick, Jacob.........do... Dec. 18,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Liddick, John H.....do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. LJaub, Aaron............do.... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865, Leedy, Henry.........do.... Feb. 22,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Louden, Adam........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Liddick, Adam.........do...Dec. 16,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'65. iiddick, John..........d. Aug. 29,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Liddick, William......do.... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out bv General Order, June 1, 1865. Lowe, James............. do.... Aug. 30,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Long, John D..........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate, Sept. 2, 1865-Vet. Liddick, John...........do..... Dec. 16,'63, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., Nov. 8, 1864, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Lupfer, Michael........ Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 14, 1864. Lightier, Sterret.... do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, December 3, 1864. Labar, Lorenzo.........do... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted June 2, 1865. Lightman, John......do........................3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1864. Morton, Edward J....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Coy, David......... Sept. 19.'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. M'Laughlin, Peter.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Mowery, Henry............ Dec. 16', 6 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. M'Iibben, Robert.....do.....Feb. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Miller, Walter C......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864- expiration of term. Morian, John............do...Jan. 30,'65, Mustered out, July 18, 1865. Meyers, John H.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 20, 1861. Messimer, Benj'n.....do.... Nov. 2,'64, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., August 7, 1864. M'Iitire, John......... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek. Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, I0. Mullen, Patrick.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died July 15, 1863. Naylor, Jacob.......... do... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Newman, Edward.....do... Oct. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dee. 25, 1865-Vet. Nagle, John..............do.....Feb. 9,'65 I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Orner, John...............do... Feb. 27,'65, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. O'Brien, Wn. H.......do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 6, 1864 —expiration of term. O'Connor, Michael.....do... Mar. 10,'65. 1 Mustered out by General Order, July 6, 1865. Orris, Nicholas I.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Kille I at Pleasant Hill, La., April.9, 1864-Vet. Purcell, Dennis.........do.... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Reichner, Michael....do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rider, James............do... Jan. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Ratdibaugh, S. M.....do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out. Sent. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Rider, John W.......do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Reed, Sam'l A. M......do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 20;,1861. Robinson, Wm. H........do.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company D., September 20, 1861. Robinson, Jason T.....do.. Aug. 19'62, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, October 22, 1862. Richenbaugh, Ja'b... do... Ag, 25,'64, 1 Deserted July 20, 1865. 1184 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT,.AME. RA NK.., Ridgway, John...... Private................ Died at New Orleans, La.-date unknown. Shelley, William.......do...Dec. 16, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25,1865 Shipley,Parkis'n H...do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Siders, Jeremiah.......do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Smeigh, Michael....Ado... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Schofield, John J.......do..Feb. 9'65, 1 Mustered out with company,, De. 2, 1865. Sailor, Lewis W...........do Ja. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Simpson, James........do..... Feb. 11,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Stamp, Milton............d.... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Stitler, William.........do April 1,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Schlocter, Isaac....... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'63 Simonton, Wm. J....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'63. Saylor, Lewis W... do.. Sept. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 13, 1834-expiration of term. Shull, William.........do..Sept. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Smedley, Francis J...do..... Sept. 29,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28, 64. Smith, Thomas.........do.... April 4,'62, 3 Mustered out, April 5. 1865-expiration of term. Stoutsaberger, H...do.. Aug. 27,'64, 1 Discharged June 1, 1865, by General Order. Sweger, George.........do... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Discharged June 11, 186, by General Order. Saylor, Alexander.....do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reservo Corps, Mar. 14, 1864. Small, Charles H......do... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt., June 2, 1865. Smith, Jeremiah.......do..... Sept. 19,'61 3 Died at Beaufort, S. C., August 9, 1862. Stambaugh, Henry...do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Smith, George H......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Natchez, Miss., July 9, 1864. Shelley, Joseph.................Dec. 10,'63, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9. Smith, Joseph........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., September 2, 1864.: Shepley, Henry.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 CaDtured-died at Salisbury, N. C., December 10, 1864-Vet. Shaffer, Stephen........do... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 8, 1865. Shaffer, Reuben........do..... Oct. 20,'62, 3 Died at Grand Ecore, La., April 22, 1864. Schofield, William...do..... Mar. 10.'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Thompson, David......do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Thornton, Benj.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term.: Thompson, Win. R...do April 11,'62, 3 Mustered out, April 20, 1865-expiration of term. Turpin, George.........do.... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Discharged May 17, 1865, by General Order. Warner, Charles F.....do... Feb. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Watt, Mitchell...........do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged Nov. 28, 1862, by General Order. Wright, Joseph A......do....Sept. 29,'61, 3 Mustered out, Feb. 17, 1865-expiration;of term. Watt, Frederick........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., February 13, 1862. Waggoner, Jeffer'n...do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Whealand, John........do..Jan. 30,'65, 1 Deserted Sept. 24, 1865. Yohn, John, Jr.........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out, December 14, 1865. Yohn, Daniel....... do. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Yohn, John, Sr........do.. Feb. 20,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 5,1865 Zinn, George W d...... Sept. 19,'6, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term' COMPANY 1. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. Coleman,A.G.Keck Capt.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt., Aug. 30,'61-resigned Feb. 22, 1864. Levi Stuber.............. do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Aug. 30,'61-to Capt., Aug. 1, 1864-to Major, May 22, 1865. - Theodore Mink........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to.2d Lt., Sept. 19,'64to ls Lt., Nov. 3, 1854-to CApt., May 22, 1835mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Allen Lawall........ Ist Lt... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted fron St. to 2d Lt., Jan. 1, 1865-to 1st Lt., May 30, 1865- mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. James Stuber......... 2d Lt.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt., Aug. 30,'61-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wmin. H. Haltiman....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasaut Hill, La., April 9, 1864promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1, 1865 —to 2d Lt., May 27, 1855~-died at Pineville, S. C., July 23, 1855-Vst. Wm. H. Meyers..... 1st Sgt. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9,'64, and at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 19, 1834-to 1st Sgt., May 27,'65coin. 2d Lt., July 25,'65-not mustered-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Edwin, Keiser........ Serg't.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65- Vet. DATE OF MUSTER i zSnu. BINTO E IN. SEVI. Edwin Kemp......... Serg't.. Aug. 30,61, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant, Sept. 19, 1864mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65Vet. Thomas N. Burke.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 19, 1864-to Sgt., July 11,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Owen Kuder......d..Odo.....Oct. 16,'62, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 2, 1865-to Sgt., July 11, 1865mustered out, Oct. 15,'65-expiration of term. Charles Nolf..........A...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed accidently at Key West, Fla., June 9,62. Thomas J. Kerr..... Cor.... July 1,'63, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 2, 1865-mustered Seh eter..d! | out with company, December 25, 1865. Stephen Hettinger.....do... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Israel F. Hartzell......do... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 2, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Joseph Hettinger......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 11, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Charles H. Dankle......do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, July 11, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Jefferson Kunkle......do. Mar. 31,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 11, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Alvin J. Hartzell.......do.... Nov. 23,'63, 3 Tr. from Co. B, April 16, 1864-pr. to Cor., July 11, 1865-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Henry Miller...........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. D. H. Nunemacher..do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1,'62-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. T. W. Fitzinger.........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. John W. H. Diehl......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 17, 1863-mustered out, September 18, 1864-expiration of term. Francis Deifer............do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Nov. 29, 1862-mustered out, September, 18, 1864-expiration of term. Joseph Kramer.......do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 21, 1865-mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Allen Knauss.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 19,'64-wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7, 1865-Vet. William Frack......... do... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1862-killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Mich'l Fitzgibbons.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 21, 1865-deserted May 31, 1865-Vet. Tilghman H. Desh.....do.... Aug. 30,'61, 13 Promoted to Corporal, April 21, 1865-deserted June 1, 1865-Vet. Benj. Huntzberger.....do.....Jan. 14,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 21,1865 —deserted June 1, 1865 —Vet. Julius Benkhart..... Muc..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Wippolett Benkhart...do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 1, 1865. Allenspach, Frank.. Private Mar. 24, 65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Acher, George.........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865-Vet. Anderson, Theo........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. Burger, William......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Bush, John..............do.... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bayne, William.........do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Bullard, John...........do..... April 5,'64, 3 Transferred from company D, Oct. 23,'64 —mus tered out with company, December 25, 1865. Baker, Theodore.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64 —expiration of term. Baker, William.......do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct., 1865-expiration of term. Bondenschlager, J.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 29,'62. Baumeister, Wm......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, May 12,1864. Bartholomew, John...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 —Vet. Burns, John..............do.....Mar. 7'65, 1 Deserted June 1, 1865. Barre, William.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. Cole, James B..........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 15.'62. Colvine, Augustus.....do.... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Transferred to company C, March 20, 1865. Clemons, John...........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. Driesbach, Wm. H.....do....Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, August 1, 1865. Dreisbach, Edwin......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62-mustered out with company. December 25,'65-Vet. Drawbaugh, T. T.......do..... July 1,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Dias, John................do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Drester, Frederick.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 22,'62. Dillingham, Sam'l.....do..... Nov. 18,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. H, 14th reg. Pa. Cavalrydischarged on Surg. certificate, April 11, 1865. Druckenmiller, L......do...... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo; S. C., October 22, 1862. Deitrick, Conrad........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted May 31, 1865-Vet. Dopstadt, Peter.........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1. Deserted June 2, 1865. Eckhart, Enos.......do..... Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865, Ellis, Willim........ do':Aug. 1 t D'd u tiufbrt tf AI ud 81 TZ 149 1186 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT; AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMA INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Fetzer, Walter P.... Private Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Freeman, Joseph......do..... Mar. 10, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Farrell, Francis.........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Fenstemaker, W......do..... Aug. 30,'1, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Fetzer, Owen............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., April 19, 1864. Foy, Isaiah. d.............do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. Gross, John.e.......do........ eb. 18,'64, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Gross, Charles...........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Gutthard, Henry......do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Great, Alexander......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 65-Vet. Genstenlichter, A......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Gross, George T........do..... Aug. 30'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate,July30,1862. Guth, Samuel............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Suraeon's certificate, July 20,'64. Gilbert, Allen P..... do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Gildner, Francis........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Gross, Solomon.........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Deserted June 2, 1865. Hunsbergei, Eli K.....do... Jan. 16,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Henry, Charles.........do..... -Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Hangen, Granv'leD...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Hawk, Joseph...........do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered eut with company, December 25, 1865. H awk, David C.........do.....April 1,'64,.3 Died at New Orleans, La., July 28, 1865. Hiller, Albert............do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Hartzell, George W...do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Henry, William F.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term, Henry, Uriah........... do..... Feb. 9,'63, 3 Deserted June 2, 1865. Kramer, Daniel.........do.....Oct. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862 — absent, sick, at muster out. Kraft, Levii...............do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 12,'64. Kiper, Edwin...........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kraff, Xaver..........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Kaucher, Charles......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Knerr, David F.......do.. Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Krechlo, Solomon.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Captain Snyder's company, 1st U. S. Artillery, November 27, 1862. Klotz, Charles..........do.... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Transferred to company H, December 7, 1862. Knauss, Elvin...........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., August 3, 1864. Lewis, Ogdon...........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Lutz, Samuel....... do Dec. 2,'63, 3 Transferred from company B, April 16,'64 —mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Lawall, John J.........do.....Sept. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Lynd, Peter............do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18. 1864-expiration of term. Lefler, Franklin,........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Lost, David...............do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Camp Griffin, Va., October 29, 1861. Lutz, James.............do..Nov. 23,'63, 3 Transferred from company B, April 16, 1864killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Mench, William........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 14,'64. Miller, Harris'n W...do..Jan. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Matzkowsky, Chas....do..Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Martin, William........do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19;'64mustered out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Miller, Oscar.............do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864-expiration of term. M'Hose,Aaron.........do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration ofterm. M'Cabe, Sylvester....do..... Jan. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 17, 1865-expiration of:term. Moyer, Jesse.............do...Sept. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Morrell, Leander......do.... Oct. 23,'64, 1 Transferred from Co. H, 14th reg. Pa. Cavalrymustered out, Oct. 22,'65-expiration of term. Miller, Philip W.......do.... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 3, 1865. Metz, Jeremiah........do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. M'Intire, John...........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. M'Laughlin, Wm......do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Deserted May 26, 1865. M'Keever, Nicholas...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted June 1, 1865-Vet..Newhart, Jacob........do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Noss, Samuel.............do.... July 1,'63, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 12,'64. Petre, Jacob..........do..... Nov. 24,'63, 3 -Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Pretz, Alfred C.........do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Transferred to 2d Florida Cavalry, March 31,'64. Rowan, Cornelius......do.... Nov. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Rhoads, George.........do Aug. 30,'61; 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Rockell, Joseph.......do.. Aug, 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65Vet. Reed, William... do..... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Robertson,-Jas. C....do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged by order of War Dep't, Jan. 27, 1862. adeline,- William....do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died, at Charleston, S. C., October 25, 1865. Roth, Marcus..........do.....Feb. 13,'65, 1 Deserted June 2, 1865. Reuvenbach, S. M.,...do.... Au. 30,'61, 3 DeserecTI Sepfe!rnber 2, 1801. THBEIE YEARS' SERVICE. 1187. I NAME. RANK. DATE 01F MUSTER M REMAERS. INTO SERVICE. _.. + _..BM.A........_. Stephens, Milton H' Private Aug. 39,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Swartz, William.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-YVet. Stein, Levi............... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25'65-et. Snyder, Reuben...... do.. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Seber, Jacob.......... do Dec. 24,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Shaffer, David..........do..... Au. 30,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 22,'62 Spinner, Henry D..... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 27,'63. Snaveley, Henry C.....do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, Jan. 17, 1865-expiration of term. Scarbecker, Fred'k...do.... Nov. 23,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company H, 14th reg. Pa. Cav.-, * mustered out, Nov. 22,'65-expiration of term. Sasserman, Chas. G...do.. Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 2, 1865-expiration of term. Schweitzer, Gottlieb...do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, William.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term: Smith, Samuel.........do...;. Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Schechterly, Step'n......Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865, Smith, Charles..........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 14,'65. Sigfried, Frank. W...do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Captain Snyder's company, lst United States Artillery, February 26, 1863. Stick, Francis....... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., June 20, 1864-Vet. Stiyder, Jonas.........do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died on board of the steamer M'Clellan, July* 8, 1864-Vet. Schlagle, Henry J.....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., January 13, 1865-burial record, December 28, 1864. Stephens, Joseph....do... Nov. 5,'62, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864. Smith, Frederick.....do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Died at Fort Tyler, Texas, May 4, 1864. Schlochter, Isaiah...... do... Aug 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. tockslager,PeterM...do Aug. 30,'61, 3 Deserted September 2, 1861. Sage, Clinton............do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Not 9n muster-out roll. Schoittz, Levi............ do..... Died at Philadelphia, March 14, 1864. Trickler, Edwin F.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Trask, Henry........ do... Mar. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Transue, John L.......do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Troxell, John............do.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Troxell, Israel.......... do... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Vansyckel, James...do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Vansyckel, Daniel.....do... Aug. 30,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Weider, Eli............do... Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Walter, William.......do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Weil, Harrison..........do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Weil, Henry W..........do... Aug. 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company,Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Weiser, Gideon......... do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Weiser, Henry W......do... Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wipkey, William..... do..... Oct. 18, 61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 30, 1864expiration of term. Wierbach, Samuel.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Wannermaker, D......do.... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Warner, Lewis........do.... Aug. 30,'61 3 Transferred to Captain Snyder's company, st United States Artillery, November 27, 1862; Xander, Francis.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Xander, Nathaniel......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Yonkert, Joseph... do.... Feb. 2,'65, I Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Yeager, Peter.............do Jan. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Zigler, Thomas...... do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out with company, Dec. 26,'65-Vet. Zieg, Frederick..... do.... Oct. 23,'62, 3 Transferred from 14th regiment Pa. Cavalry —.,X____ ____,___......___. __________ discharged on Surg. certificate, April 11, 1865. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. George Junker...... Capt.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt., Sept. 17, 1861-died at Hihon Head, S. C., October 25, 1862, of wounds re — ceived at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Charles W. Abbott....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt., Sept. 17,'61-to Capt., Oct. 22, 1862-to Lieut. Colonel, January 3, 1865. Matthias Miller............. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Sgt., Jan. 1,'64-to 2d Lt., August 1, 1864-to Captain, Jan. 4, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65 —Vet. David H. Fetherolf 1st it... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, May 2,'63mustered out, Nov. 17,'64 —expiration of term. Franklin Beisel.,......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to 1st Sgt., Aug. 1,'64-to 1st Lt., Jan. 23,'65-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. 1 E/(-iS F'85~.OI-SE VWNTH REGIMEN T, DATE OP MUSTER AME. RANK. INTO SERVICEMARKS W Alfred P. Swoyer... 2d Lt... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., May 2, 1863 — killed at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8,'64. Elias F. Benner.............Sept. 17,'61, 3Pr. fr. f r. to Sgt., Sept. 14,'64-to 2d Lt., Jan. 23, 1865-mus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. George J. Scherer... 1st Sgt.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 6,'64-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 24, 1865-nmus. out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. John Bischoff......Serg't..Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wd. at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62-pr. fr. Cor. to Sergeant, January 24, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865-Vet. Samuel Kunfer.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 19, 1864-to Sgt., Jan. 24, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Samuel Reinert..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Oct. 1, 1865mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. William Landis.... do Sept. 17,61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 19, 1864-wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-pr. to Sgt., Oct. 1,'65mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. Peter Reinmiller......o..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Conrad Volkonand...do..... Sept. 17, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Phaon Guth.............do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct 1, 1865-expiration of term. Wm. H. Burger.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1865, of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-Vet. Edwin Moyer...........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Deserted November 25, 1864-Vet. Manoh Carl.......... Corp.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862mustered out with company, Dec. 25,'65-Vet. C. Weidenbach......e...... do 1Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Edwin Person...........do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 26, 1864-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. William Hinkle...... l...do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 21, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. John Saylor...........do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Nathan Handwerk...do...Mar. 7,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 1. 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Amos Slutter...........do....Mar..29, 64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 1. 1865-mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. George Kruck..........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Lewis Benner.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Martin Guth............do.... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Joseph Frack............do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va., October 19,'64mustered out, June 22, 1865. William Knerr........do..... Oct. 2,'62,3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Wm. Sebubard........ do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Deserted September 19, 1861. Daniel Fritz............ Muc..... Sent. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'62. Amend, Valentine.. Private Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration o6 term. Amey, Benjamin....do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Acher, Charles..........do....Nov. 5,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'65. Barr, William...........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Berkernoyer, Peter....do.. Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Boger, Francis..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Bower, Charles.........do..... Ma. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Breinig, Henry A......do..... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Backman, Joseph......do..... Oct. 29, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16, 1861. Bornschier, M........do.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,1864-expiration of term. Barber, Wm. H........do.... July 26,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Boger, Tilghman.......do... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Breisch, Tilghman...do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865 —expiration of term; Brecht, William.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 1, 1864. Berliner, Lewis.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864 —buried in National Cem., Winchester-lot, 10-Vet. Bower, John.............do. Dec. 2,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Carl, William.............do.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet, Cope, Peter.........do..... Mar. 21,'64,.3 Mustered out by General Order, June 22, 1865. Dankle, Francis.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Ielp, George...........do.... Aug. 11,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., Dec. 25, 1865. Dottery, John......do.. Dec. 2,'63, 3 Mustered qut with company, December 25, 1865. Druckenmiller, E.....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 18,'64. Diehl, Alfred.........do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Dackratt, Daniel D.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Sept. 1, 1863..Dipple, Lewis...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., April 27, 1862. Datzius, Philip ~W.... do.,.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., Nov. 9, 1864. Eastman, Wm...........do....Feb. 14, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Erbe, Werner....... do..... Sept. 17'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 1, 1864. Pm, WSilma:.,;;.-,..;. e.4.., Mr; A' - M mf he e tt with eompany, December 25, th61. THREE YEAPRS SERVICE. 1189....... NAME. RA. DATE OF MUSTER A RAiMK' R~UINTO SERVICE. REMARKS. I. Fisher, Charles...... Private Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864 —expiration of term. Fersch, Johih F........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged onr Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'64. Ferg, Paul................do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20, 1862. Freas, Joseph............do... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out by General Order, Sept. 14, 1865. Fisher, Rudolph........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 29,'62. Fegely, Harrison.....do..... Dec. 2,'68, 3 Wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864-tr to Co. E, 21st Regt., 1st Bat., V. R. C., Jan. 17, 1865. Frederick, Edward...do.... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862-died at Fort Jefferson, Fla., February 16, 1862. Fiesel, Gottleib.........do.....Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 9, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Gulty, John............... do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Glchler- Benedict......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, May 19, 1865. Geesey, Jacob..........do... Oct. 12,'64, Mustered out, Oct. 11, 1865-expiration of term. Gerrett, Matthias......do..... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., May 22, 1864. Gross, Edwin..........do... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Died at Charleston, S. C., Oct. 30, 1865. Grimm, Charles.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Deserted July 11, 1864. Hartzog, Jacob F.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862-dis3 charged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24, 1863. Heiney, Charles.....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Heller, William P......do Aug. 26,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Handwerk, Harri'n...do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Houser, E4dward......do.... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Hantz, Henry............do.....Oct. 18,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 19, 1865-expiration of term. Hinderer, John.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, March 1, 1864. Heckman, Wm. A.....do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Promoted to principal musician, Sept. 1, 1863. Houser, Paul...........do..... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Drowned from steamer Pocohontas, June, 1864. aglgans, Nicho's...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864-Vet. Ioflrnan, George.......do.... Oct. 29,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., February 21, 1865. Hull, Jacob..........do..... May 2,'65, 3 Transferred from 159th Regiment Pa. Vol., May 2, 1865-mustered out, December 25, 1865. Kase, George........... do... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Keeiter, Abraham......do...... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with companv, December 25, 1865. Neiter, William S......do... Feb. 16.'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. K:eller, Edward...do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. ]Knerr, John W. H....d....Feb. 15,'65, 1 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out. nerr, James E.......do.....Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, December 25, 1865. Knell, Frederick.......do..... Sept. 17,'61. 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. {., Oct. 22, 1862-dis3 charged on Surgeon's certificate, May 9, 1863. Koffler. John...........do. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on surgeon's certificate, Sept. 7,'63. Kentzler, Jacob......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Koldhoff, John.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Krause, Anthony... do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Keiser, John..........d..... do Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Kililore, George.........do..Sept. 17,'61, 3 Killed near Berryville, Va., Sept 5. 1864. -Klot, Moses FI........ do.... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19,1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 9. Kolb, John.............do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 21, 1864-Vet. Kolb, Hiram........... do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Cedar Creek. Va., Oct. 19, 1834deserted, November 27, 1864-Vet. Klotz, David..........do..... Nov. 5,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. lMes. Corps, March 1, 1864. Landrock, Julius...do.... Sept. 17'61, 3 Mustered out with company. Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. -Leonhard. William...o..... Sept. 17,'61 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Leibensperger, W A...do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Long, Daniel H........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865 —Vet. Long. Lewis...........do.... ec. 2,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25. 1865 Le, Elias...............do...Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Long, Amandus.....do..... do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., March 29, 1862. Leonhard, George......o...Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., April 19, 1862. Louis, Joseph............do.....Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct. 23, 1862, of wds. -'~"~' ~ "''';.' ~ received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Landes, Abraham.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct. 23, 1862, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22, 1862. Long, Solomon H.....do.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., August-21, 1864.. Metzger, Harrison.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Metzger, Jonas....d.... Oct. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Miller, Lewis............. d. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Miller, Peter........d... Feb. 17,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Moser, John............ Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Madder, Samuel.......d..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18 1864-expiration of term. Metzger, Lewis.......... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out. Sept. 18, 1864 — expiration of term. Muthard, Alfred......do..... Oct. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. loesner, David........ Sept. 17, 61, 3 Mus. out by General Order, Aug. 21, 1865-Vet. Muonch, Martin..... S..... Set 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla., July 22, 1862. M'Connell, John...do.. Sept. 17,'61, 8 Kilied at Poootaligo, S. C. October 22 1862 1190 FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SEVICE. REMARKS. M Madder, Jacob........ Private Sept. 17,'61, Diedofwds. rec'datPleasantHill, La.,Apr. 9,'64. M' Farland, Patrick...do......I.................... D)ed at Fort Jefferson, Fla., Sept. 16, 1862. Noll, William...........do..... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 1, 1865. Nagle, Conrad..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 DiedatAlexandria,Va.,August23,186 grae, 2,604-Vet. Nessler, Frederick....do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla.. August 20, 1862. Preston, Charles.......do.... Dec. 17,'63, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Ready, Elias..............do.....Sept. 17,'61, Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'61. Reifinger, Martin......do.....Dec. 2,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 3,'64. Romig, Henry S........do..... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 11,'65. Resch, Charles.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Baton Rouge, La., August 18, 1864-Vet. Richder, Charles........do..... Nov. 5'62,3 Died at Baltimore, Md., September 1, 1864. Schrank, William......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S.C., Oct. 22, 62-mus-. tered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Semmel, David.........do... Sept. 17,'61 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865Vet. Shoemaker, Benj.......do.... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Shoemaker, Wll.H...do..... Dec. 2,'63, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Seip, Lewis G...........do..... Feb. 19,'64, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,1865-Vet. Sourewine, Tilgh'n...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Snyder, John G........do..... Feb. 15,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Snyder, Wm.........do..... Feb. 15,'65,1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Stahly, Levi.......... do..... April 1'64 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Strauss, Paul............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62 —us tered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Strauss, Daniel........do.'.. Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Strauss, Evan............do..... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Strauss, James..........do..... Sept. 17, 61 3 Wounded at CedarCreek, Va., Oct. 19,'64-mustered out with company, -Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. Sterner, William.....do..... Feb. 14,'65, Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Snyder, Andres.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 3,'62. Sackenheimer, F.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificate, Sept. 1,'62. Schiinpf, John.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Pocotaligo, S. C., Oct. 22,'62-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Scholl, John............ do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Schick, William D.....do.. Oct. 2,'62 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 4,'65. Smith, Alfred..........do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 19,'65. Schearer, William.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Dec. 15,'64-Vet. Savitz, Henry............do.... Oct. 2,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Schlicher, William...do..... Oct. 2,'62 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1865-expiration of term. Smith, Franklin........do..... Oct. 10,'64, 1 Mustered out, Oct. 9, 1865-expiration of term. Seiger, James............do... Oct. 29, 62, Mustered out, Oct. 2, 1865-expirationof term. Stout, Charles........ do..... Oct. 29,'62, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 28, 1865-expiration of term. Sigle, John G............do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, Nov. 14, 1865. Schneck, Lewis.........do..... Dec. 15,'63 3 Killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 10. Schuchard, John.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Oct. 24,'62, of wds. received at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Schirer, Augustus......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Key West, Fla. April 5, 1862. Siegler, Josiah..........do.... May 28,'64, 3 Deserted January 24, 1865. Toole, Henry S..... do....... Oct. 17,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, July 8, 1865. Ulrich, Christopher...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864expiration of term. Wasser, Lewis.........do..... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company Dec. 25, 1865. Weil, James D.........do...Mar. 2,'64 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Wagner, Levi..........do..... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865. Woodring, Samuel...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25,1865 —Vet. Wieland,Christ'n F...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promoted to Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 13,1864. Wolf, Samuel........ do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Pleasant Hill, La., April 9, 1864. Walberd, William..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at New Orleans, La., April 30, 1864. Zellner, Benjamin.....do... Dec. 15,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, Dec. 25, 1865-Vet. UrNASSIG NED MEN. Clewell, Joseph...... Private Nov. 4,'63, Died-date unknown. Dunn, Dennis...........do. April 24,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gehle, William........do.....July 9,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hanes, John.............do..... Feb. 27,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Hartley, I)avid...... do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Deserted February 24, 1865. Rogers, John............do..... Sept. 2, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Seiner, Jacob..............do..... Jan. 15,'64, 3 Transferred from company F, 181st reg. P. -. not on. muster-out roll. Schuyler, James.......do.. Dec. 1,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sock, ndrew..........do..... Oct. 19,'64, 3 Not on ruster-out roll. Wagner, Henry E......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 13 Not on muster-out roll. -~er rg,,,.,,, _I~_ln FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. THIS regiment was recruited by order of Governor Ctrtin, in response to I President Lincoln's call for one hundred thousand men, to serve for three years, or during the war, issued in July, 1861. Colonel James Nagle, of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, to whom the order was issued, determined to raise a regiment composed exclusively of Schuylkill county men, and immediately associated with him Joseph A. Gilmour, James Wren, Henry Pleasants, Joseph H. Hoskings, Daniel Nagle, Daniel B. Kaufman, John ZR. Porter, H A. A.M. Filbert, William Winlack and Philip Nagle, in the work of recruiting. Companies B,, D, G and H, were recruited in Pottsville, company A, in Port Clinton and Tamaqua, company E, in Silver Creek and New Philadelphia, company F, in Minersville, company I, in Middleport and Schuylkill Valley, and company K, in Cressona and Schuylkill Haven. A number of the men had served through the three months' campaign, in the Sixth, Fourteenth, Six-'teenth, Twenty-fifth, and other Pennsylvania organizations, those serving in the Twenty-fifthbeingthe first to reach Washington. The majority of themen, however, had their first military experience in the Forty-eighth. Recruiting was commenced about the middle of August, and the place of rendezvous was Camp Curtin. The following field and staff officers were commissioned: James Nagle, Colonel; David A. Smith, Lieutenant Colonel; Joshua K. Sigfried, Major; John D. Bertolette, Adjutant. On the 20th of September two stands of colors were presented to the regiment by Governor Curtin, one on behalf of the State, the other the gift of John T. Werner, Esq., a patriotic citizen of Pottsville, who desired it to be considered a county flag. Upon the blue field of this latter flag were inscribed the words, In the cause of the Union we know no such word as fail," a sentiment faithfully exemplified in the history of the regiment. The men were clothed and furnished with camp equipage immediately upon being mustered into the service, and on the 22d were armed with the Harper's Ferry muskets. The various companies of the regiment were drilled in light infantry tactics by their respective officers, and twice during its stay at Camp Curtin it was subjected to regimental drill. On the 24th, it moved via the Northern Central Railroad, for Washington city; but while on the way orders were received to proceed direct to Fortress Monroe. Reaching Baltimore on the 25th, it embarked on the steamer Georgia, and landed at Fortress Monroe op the morning of the 26th. Here regular military discipline began, which consisted of squad, company, and regimental drill. A school for officers was also established. The regiment remained at this point until the 11th of November, when it sailed on the steamer S. R. Spaulding for Hatteras Island, North Carolina. Arriving on the 12th it encamped at Fort Clarke. Comfortable wooden barracks 1192 FOBTY-EI-GHTE REGINEIMT. 1862 were erected about five miles from the inlet, which were occupied by the regiment, with the exception of company B, which remained to garrison Fort Clarke. While stationed here it was thoroughly drilled, under the direction of Brigadier General Thomas Williams, to whose command it was attached. It was an established rule, during its entire term of service, wheneyer in camp for any length of time, to have a school for instruction of officers. The strict military training received at Hatteras was never lost. Sheltered from the winds by a wood, the regiment was better quartered than ever after, and while here constructed a large lunette fort, under the supervision of Captain Pleasants. Upon the resignation of Lieutenant Colonel Smith, on the 30th, Major Sigfried was commissioned to fill the vacancy, and Captain Daniel Nagle was commissioned Major. Upon the accession of General M'Clellan to chief command, numerous expeditions were sent out to make a lodgment at different points upon the southern coast. General Burnside was intrusted with the command of one to possess and occupy the coast of North Carolina, of which the Forty-eighth formed part. Escaping the dangers of shipwreck from the tempestuous weather encountered at Cape Hatteras, a signal victory was won in the capture of Roanoke Island. Dr. Minis, Surgeon of the Forty-eighth, who had been detailed to accompany the force which made the capture, died from over exertion in attendance upon the wounded. His loss was deeply felt. General Burnside having occupied Hatteras and Roanoke Islands, and placed the forts in proper condition for defence, turned his attention to the occupation of Newbern, on the main land. Six companies of the Forty-eighth,, B, C, D, H and I, formed part of the command detailed for this purpose, and embarked on the steamer George Peabody on the morning of the 12th of March, 1862. Captain Winlack, of company E, was left in command of the companies remaining at Hatteras, in the absence of Major Nagle. After some difficulty in passing what is known as the Swash, the forces landed on the banks of the Neuse River, four miles above Slocum's Creek. The rattle of musketry and booming of cannon were distinctly heard as the battalion landed. It was immediately detailed to escort, and, for lack of sufficient transportation, to carry the ammunition. Forty thousand rounds were transported by a single wagon, under guard of company B, and forty thousand more were carried upon the backs of the remaining five companies distance of over seven miles of muddy road. Although not participating in the engagement at Newbern, the services it rendered in bringing up the ammunition in good time, were so important that General Burnside directed " Newbern" to be inscribed upon its banner. On the 11th of April it was attached to the First Brigade* of General Jesse L. Reno's Division. The four companies which had remained at Hatteras rejoined the regiment at Newbern on the 23d of May, when it was supplied with the English Enfield rifle in place of the Harper's Ferry musket. On the 2d of July it was, with the division, ordered to report at Hampton "oads;. but upon its arrival at Hatteras the order was countermanded, and it' was directed to return to Newbern, where it remained until the 6th, when, in pursuance of or*Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel James Nagle, General Reno's Division, Department of North Carolina. Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonbl J.. Sigfried; Ninth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Abram Zabris. kie; One Hundred and Third Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel F. W. Von Egloffstein; Second Regiment Maryland Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel J. Eugene Duryee. 1is62 srBATTLE OF BULL RUm. 1193 ders, it again embarked, and arrived off Fortress Monroe on the 8th. A change was here made in the organization of the brigade, whereby the Sixth New Hampshire was added to it, and the Ninth New Jersey, and the One Hundred and Third New York, were transferred to other commands. Captain Kaufman, of company A, was ordered on duty as Major, on the 28th, by General Burnside, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Major Nagle. The evacuation of the Peninsula now became necessary to save the army of General Pope, which was being embarrassed by the rapid movements of Stonewall Jackson, and General Halleck ordered the withdrawal of M'Clellan's forces. Leaving Newport News on the 2d of August, the regiment arrived at Acquia Creek on the 4th, and immediately moved by rail to Fredericksburg. The timely arrival of Burnside, with the Ninth Corps, which had just been organized, doubtless did much to save the left of Pope's army from being turned, and entirely separated from its base of supplies. On the 12th, the Forty-eighth left Fredericksburg, moving up the north bank of the Rappahannock, and joined the army Of General Pope on the 14th at Culpepper. It proceeded to Cedar Mountain on the 16th, where the regimental band, which had been attached to it since its organization, was mustered out. The brigade moved from Cedar Mountain via Stevensburg, Kelly's Ford, White Sulphur Springs, Warrenton and Manassas Junctions, to Bull Run, where it did its really first fighting on the 29th. It reached the field at-one P. M., the action having already begun, and was ordered to attack the rebels in a thick wood near the extreme right of the army. At three it formed in line of -battle, with the Second Maryland on the right, the Sixth New Hampshire on the left, and the Forty-eighth in rear of the latter, and moved across a cleared field towards the dense wood occupied by the enemy. The wood was skirted by a fence, which had scarcely been passed, when his infantry opened with a brisk fire upon the advancing column. The Forty.eighth marched with the steadiness of regulars, and when the battalions in front, obliquing to right and left, permitted it to advance and occupy the intervening space, it promptly opened with telling effect, and with fixed bayonets advanced a quarter of a mile, driving him from two ditches, from one of which, an old railroad cut, a brigade had previously failed to dislodge him. Receiving a volley of musketry from the rear, and supposing that some of the Union troops were firing by mistake, Colonel Sigfried ordered it back to the nearest ditch. The fire on the Sixth New HEampshire, and Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, from front, left, and rear was most terrific. The colors were raised and spread out to the view of the supposed friends, but hotter and more deadly grew the fire. At last rebel regiments made their appearance, and when discovered were greeted with a volley from the left companies of the Forty-eighth, but their strong force, and raking cross fire compelled it to retire in rear of the Excelsior Brigade, and the forces of General Kearny, which quickly advanced to the fight. The regiment lost seven killed, sixty-one wounded, ten prisoners, and seventy-four missing, an aggregate of one hundred and fifty-two. The troops engaged were part of Jackson's Corps.* Reno's Division was also engaged in the action of Saturday, the 30th, the The First Brigade of General Reno's own division, composed of the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, Sixth New Hampshire and Second Maryland, was conspicuous on this day for the persistence with which it held its ground when assailed, and the gallantry with which it advaneed to the attack. —Burnside and the Ninth Army Corps, Woodbury, page 112. 150 1194 FOERT-EIEHTH REGIMENT. 1862 brigade being posted in support of batteries and often moved during the day. Toward evening it was ordered into a dense wood, where it relieved the Second Brigade, which had lost heavily. But darkness put an end to the strife before shots were exchanged with the foe. The division retired from the field between nine and ten o'clock at night, and on the following day held an advanced position in front of Centreville. It was now the intention of General Lee to force his army between our position at Centreville and the fortifications around Washington. Reno's command was moved to prevent him from accomplishing his purpose, and a sharp engagement ensued at Chantilly. The Forty-eighth formed the right of the brigade, which occupied the right of the entire line. It was exposed to a heavy fire during the engagement, but escaped with a loss of two slightly wounded. The contest ended amidst rain and darkness-a victory to the Union arms, inasmuch as the enemy's plans were entirely frustrated. Thwarted in his purpose to destroy the army of Pope and capture the National Capital, the enemy crossed the Potomac at three different points, near Point of Rocks, invaded Maryland, and threatened Pennsylvania. Remaining on the battle-field until three A. M. of the 2d, the division moved through Fairfax to Alexandria, where it arrived at six P. M., nearly exhausted by excessive marching aid fatigue. Starting immediately upon the Maryland campaign, it marched rapidly through Washington, Leesboro, Brookville, Haymarket, Kemptown and Frederick City, and reached Middletown on the 13th. On the following day the Forty-eighth occupied the right of the First Brigade on that part of South Mountain known as Fox's Pass. It was posted in the rear of a rail fence, where it did good execution, exhausting its full supply of ammunition, and strewing the ground in its front with rebel slain. Its loss was eleven wounded and one missing. On the 15th it moved westward over the battle-ground, following up the retreating enemy, and on the 17th participated in the battle of Antietam. Early in the day it was engaged at Burnside's Bridge, over Antietam Creek, and during the balance of the engagement on the bluffs immediately beyond the bridge and around Sharpsburg. The Second Brigade had charged and carried the bridge at one P. M., when the First was thrown forward to the top of.the bluff, the Forty-eighth in advance, as skirmishers. The artillery fire concentrated on these troops was terrific, and soon the infantry became hotly engaged. The ammunition of the Second Brigade being exhausted, the First relieved it, the Forty-eighth occupying the ground held by the Fifty-first Pennsylvania, which, by direction of its brave commander, Colonel Hartranft, remained immediately in rear with fixed bayonets, determined to resist all attempts of the enemy to gain possession of the hill. It was the only support of the Forty-eighth, and of the brigade, and with a tenacity rarely paralleled did these two Pennsylvania regiments hold the ground under a withering fire of infantry and artillery until re-inforcements came to their relief. The aggregate loss of the regiment was sixty; eight killed, fifty-one wounded and one missing. Colonel Nagle received his commission as Brigadier General of Volunteers on the battle-field of Antietam, from the hands of General Cox. Lieutenant Colonel Sigfried was promoted to Colonel, Captain Henry Pleasants, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain James Wren, Major. On the 7th of October, the regiment moved to Pleasant Valley, where it remained, enjoying all the comforts of a camp delightfully situated, until the 27th, when it marched down the Potomac, crossed into Virginia It Berlin, and went into camp near Lovettsville. On the 29th it proceeded via Bloomfield, 1863 SIEGE OF KNOXVILLE. 1195' UTpperville, Piedmont, and Orleans, to the Rappahannock River, and crossed on the 9th of November. On the following day the brigade moved east of Amissville, and wvas deployed as skirmishers, where it was attacked by Stuart's Cavalry, with infantry and artillery, sent from Culpepper to retard M'(lellans march to that place. On the 19th, the division reached Falmouth, and encamped near the Lacy House. On the 11th of December, the regiment broke camp preparatory to participating in the assault on Fredericksburg. On the 12th it passed over the pontoon bridge which spanned the Rappahannock immediately under the Lacy House, and bivouacked in the streets on the right of the city. The brigade was formed in line, and moving to the river bank halted for the night. On the following morning it moved to the left, just below the old railroad bridge. Here it remained until midday, when it marched to the support of General Ferrero, who was already engaged. The Forty-eighth was held in reserve until two P.M., when it was ordered forward, and went gallantly into the fight.* It occupied the summit of a knoll, south of the railroad cut, its right resting near a small frame house, fronting the most precipitous declivity of Marye's Heights. At the suggestion of Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants, ten men were detailed from each company to pick off the rebel artillerymen from the batteries immediately in front, which were sweeping the Union ranks with fearful effect. The result of the disposition was soon evident, and in half an hour the batteries were almost silent. The regiment remained on the hill until the ammunition was exhausted, when it was relieved by the Twelfth Rhode Island. In a letter dated December 16, 1862, Colonel Sigfried says: "Too much praise cannot be given to all the soldiers for their gallantry during the entire engagement. Their line was steady and unbroken while advancing under the most murderous shelling of the enemy, and their fire deliberate, well aimed, and effective." On the 11th of February, 1863, the Ninth Corps was detached from the army of the Potomac, and proceeded to Newport News, where it remained until the 26th of March, when it was ordered west. Embarking on the steamer John A. Warner, the Forty-eighth proceeded to Baltimore, and thence via Harrisburg and Pittsburg to Cincinnati, where it arrived on the morning of the 30th. It was kindly received and entertained at various points on the route, and sumptuously feasted at Cincinnati. Crossing the river to Covington, Kentucky, it proceeded the same day by rail to Lexington, where it was detailed for provost guard duty. While here Major Wren resigned, and Captain Joseph Gilmour was promoted to Major. On the 10th of September the regiment was ordered to East Tennessee, and proceeded thither under command of Major Gilmour, Colonel Sigfried being in command of the brigade,t and Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants serving on the staff of Major General Hartsuff, as Provost Marshal of the Twenty-third Army * All these troops," says Geieral Wilcox in his report of the battle," behaved well and marched under a heavy fire across the broken plain, pressed up to the field at the foot of the enemy's sloping crest, and maintained every inch of their ground with great obstinacy until after night-fall; but the position could not be carried."-Burnside and the Ninth Army Gprps, Woodbury, pages 223-4. t Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel J. K. Sigfried, Second Division, Colonel J. F. Hartranft, Ninth Army Corps, Major General John G. Parke. Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Major Joseph A Gilmour; Twenty-first Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel William S. Clark; Second Regiment Maryland Volunteers, Colonel Thomas B. Allard. 1196 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. 1863 Corps. The march was made with ease, owing to the well devised plan of Colonel Sigfried, allowing a quarter of an hour for rest in each hour's march, and three full hours in the middle of each day. Proceeding via Nicholasville, Crab Orchard, Cumberland Gap, and Tazewell, it arrived on the 28th at Knoxville. Remaining here until the 4th of October, the brigade moved by rail to Bull's Gap, and on the 5th marched to Lick Creek. On the 10th it proceeded to Blue Springs, Kentucky, and was the first regiment of infantry ordered forward in the battle at that place. The fighting here consisted of a series of skirmishes, and continued during the entire day. On the 11th, the enemy having retreated, he was pursued to De Pew's Hill. Here the pursuit was stayed, and the corps began its return to Knoxville, marching to Morristown, and from thence proceeding by rail and arriving on the 15th. The enemy was now threatening the safety of Knoxville from the direction of Chattanooga. Accordingly the Union force moved to Lenoir, a point on the East Tennessee Railroad, near its crossing of the Tennessee River, and established a camp, where it remained undisturbed until the 13th of November, when the pickets were attacked and driven in. Burnside now rapidly withdrew, and the Forty-eighth skirmished with the enemy upon the retreat. Upon being relieved, it moved, with the brigade, to the front, and took position on the Kingston Road, near Campbell's Station. Reaching the ground designated, Colonel Sigfried, temporarily in command of the Second Division, and to whom the task of preventing the enemy's approach in this direction had been assigned, had scarcely thrown forward his cavalry skirmishers half a mile, when they became engaged. It was a vital point, and was stubbornly held by the brigade, although severely pressed on all sides. The engagement continued during the entire day-beginning early and ending when darkness rendered it no longer possible tQ distinguish the foe. In this encounter a fine military pageant was presented. The field was clear for many miles around, and consisted of an undulating surface, interpersed with small knolls, so that the opposing forces could view each other's movements without difficulty. Few battles are fought which involve so many, or such skillful evolutions, as were executed in this. It consisted of a grand series of movements, each commander watchful for an advantage. In every attempt the enemy was baffled, and at night had gained nothing The loss in the Forty-eighth was one killed, one wounded, one prisoner, and one missing. The retreat to Knoxville was resumed after dark, and the command arrived on the morning of the 17th, without material loss. Having arrived in the town, preparations were vigorously made to defend it. The pick and the shovel were now vigorously plied. The brigade occupied the high ground overlooking the railroad depot on the northwestern part of the town, with the Twenty-first Massachusetts on the right, the Second Maryland in the centre, and the Forty-eighth on the left. The most arduous duty was that of picketing. As Longstreet gathered his forces about the town, and regularly invested it, so close did his sharpshooters approach that it became unsafe for a head to appear above the intrenchments. On the night of the 23d the picket line in front of the brigade was attacked and driven in by a strong column of the enemy. It was necessary to re-establish it, and the Forty-eighth and the Twenty-first Massachusetts were selected by Colonel Sigfried to execute the task. At day-light on the morning of the 24th they made a gallant charge, the Forty-eighth led by Major Gilmour, and drove the rebels back in confusion, killing and wounding a number, and taking some 1864 THE WILDERNESS CAMPAiGN. 1197 prisoners. On the 5th of December the siege was raised, and the brigade was sent out to pick up stragglers. On the 7th the brigade proceeded via Rutledge to Pleasant Valley, where it encamped. Here a large proportion of the men re-enlisted, and received a veteran furlough, to date from January 13th, 1864, and immediately commenced the march for Lexington, Kentucky, where it arrived on the 23d. Proceeding thence by rail it reached Harrisburg on the 2d of February, and on the following day Pottsville, where it was warmly welcomed, receiving upon its arrival a beautiful silk flag, presented by the ladies as a token of their appreciation tion of its valor. On the 14th of March, with ranks largely recruited, it left Pottsville and proceeded to Camp Curtin, where it received clothing, and on the 18th moved via Philadelphia to Annapolis, the rendezvous for the Ninth Army Corps, and was assigned to its old position in the First Brigade* of the Second Division. Here the Enfield muskets were exchanged for new Springfield rifles. On the 23d of April, the Ninth Corps moved from Annapolis, and on the 25th passed in review before the President at the capital. On the 29th it encamped at Bristoe Station, the Forty-eighth near the railroad bridge. The Ninth Corps crossed the Rapidan at Germania Ford, on the evening of the 5th of May, and participated, on the following day, in the battle of the Wilderness, the FQrty-eighth being on the extreme left of the brigade. During the night it was placed on picket, and was extended so as to cover an entire division front. On the 7th it was employed in constructing breastworks, and was exposed to the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters. Withdrawing in the evening it moved eastwardly, and encamped on the following morning on the old battle-field of Chancellorsville. It was continually on the march during the movements which preceded the sanguinary battles at Spottsylvania Court House. Early on the morning of the 12th, the Ninth Corps was moved to the left of Hancock. The Second Division was formed in two lines of attack, the Second Brigade constituting the first, and the First Brigade the second line. The enemy, who had recovered from the surprise and confusion into which he was thrown by the attack of the Second Corps, was met and driven back to his intrenchments. Immediately in front of the regiment was the Seventeenth Vermont, which, after fighting bravely, and having exhausted its ammunition, was relieved by the Forty-eighth. Its position was on the crest of a hill in front of which was an open field and swamp traversed by a creek, and beyond another hill on which were the rebel rifle-pits. On the left was a thick wood extending beyond the swamp to the enemy's line. As the fog rose a party of rebels was discovered occupying the pit formed by the banks of the creek. Colonel John I. Curtin, commanding the brigade, immediately threw forward his left into the wood, and cut off the retreat of the party, except by the open field directly up the hill in front of his works, which would have been certain destruction. A desperate effort was made to drive back our line; but the Forty*Organization of the First Brigade, Colonel Z. R. Bliss, Second Division, Brigadier General Robert B Potter, Ninth Corps, Major General Burnside. Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants; Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel John I. Curtin; Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel William F. Draper; Fifty-eighth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel John C. Whiton; Thirtyfifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel John W. Hudson; Fourth Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel M. P. Buffum; Seventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, Lieutenant Colonel Percy Daniels. 1198 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. 1864 eighth steadily maintained its position under a destructive fire'of musketry and artillery, and captured two hundred prisoners, mostly Georgia troops belonging to Gordon's Division. In the afternoon another assault was ordered, and the regiment charged forward to the swamp, when, finding itself unsupported, it moved by the flank into the woods, and returned to its former position on the crest of the hill. This movement was made under a galling fire, and was attended with heavy loss. Since crossing the Rapidan on the 5th, the Fortyeighth had lost one hundred and eighty-seven killed and wounded; among the former was Lieutenant Henry C. Jackson, of company G, a brave officer who fell at Spottsylvania. A charge was made on the enemy's works on the 18th, and his first line carried, but owing to the strong position and the heavy abatis, the second was not reached. On the same day the regiment buried eighty-one dead rebels in the swamp where the encounter of the 12th occurred- Crossing the North Anna River on the 24th, under a heavy artillery fire, it was several days engaged in skirmishing, but without serious loss. It reached the Pamunkey on the 28th, and on the following day crossed the Tolopotomy and drove the enemy's skirmishers back upon his main line. On the 31st the regiment sustained a great loss in the death of Major Gilmour, an excellent officer, who was hit by a sharpshooter and died from the effects of the wound. Lieutenants Samuel Laubenstine and William H. Hume, two gallant officers, were also killed in a similar manner. On the 3d of June was fought the battle of Cold Harbor. The First Brigade attacked the enemy at daylight, and advanced to within one hundred yards of his line of works. It there halted, erected breastworks under a most destructive fire of infantry, and held the position. As it moved to the attack the enemy was in the act of bringing a battery into position. The fire of the brigade was immediately directed upon it, and every horse belonging to it was killed, and its guns rendered useless for the day. The loss of the regiment was seventyfive, killed and wounded. Moving to the left on the following.day, the regiment was'ordered to hold, at all hazards, the road in front, where it crossed a swamp. A breastwork was hastily thrown up and the picket line established. For an hour on the afternoon of the 6th the rebels shelled this position, when a column of infantry emerged from the woods, drove in the pickets and charged full upon the line held by the Forty-eighth. The attack was repulsed without loss to the regiment, the road firmly held and the picket lineeestablished on the following morning. It again resumed the march, crossed the Chickahominy on the morning of the 14th, the James on the evening of the 15th, and on the afternoon of the 16th confronted the enemy before Petersburg. The regiment, soon after its arrival, charged under a heavy artillery fire and seized a position in close proximity to his main line of works, which had been unsuccessfully attempted by a portion of the Second Corps during the afternoon. Before daylight of the 17th the Forty-eighth and the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts, of the First Brigade, crossed a marsh, which was situated just in front, in single file and in perfect silence. The line was formed, and joined to a line composed of part of the Second Brigade, and by a sudden dash carried the rebel works and captured the men behind them. It was a complete surprise. The enemy's line was driven in confusion for half a mile, four pieces of artillery, fifteen hundred stand of arms, and six hundred prisoners were taken. A flag of the Forty-fourth Tennessee ibmInenceds Jie, 2/J. IJ I - S. Feurnace aingi 1~ 0 a.. / Elnzi dddo..\ \ \ i / -Ez#n - apai. _ | \ eile. ___,67'. AmA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S, PartIttofl -~ Vffctin~6a. llere E' \ | I.ae Prof. f i e, Lztzl-1 —-1- ------- ]1I2,zorna Me o.. t a'- e' 2 a 0' [~vtie~l.~a. i-'i ~ t'' ~'. SG:j~...........'.''. 1~~~~~772C1!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-._-~e -5~~~~~~~~~~~;~~e~~ua~\...........:....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __~__.___~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.f.. i,]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C; 1864 IN FRONT Or PETERSBURG. 1199 Regiment, on which was inscribed " Shilohl" was captured, and the colors of the Seventh New York Heavy Artillery re-captured by Sergeant Patrick 1Ionaghan, of company F, and Private Robert A. Reid, of company G, for which each received medals of honor. The loss was seventy-five killed and wounded. At daylight the division moved forward and threw up intrenchments, which were vigorously shelled, but no attempt was-made to re-capture them. During the night the rebels withdrew to a position near the suburbs of Petersburg, which became their permanent line of defence until its capture in 1865. On the morning of the 18th an unsuccessful assault was made upon their new lines. which resulted, however, in capturing the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad, and in extending the Union lines close up to those of the enemy. At one point, made memorable by the Petersburg Mine, the two lines were less than two hundred yards apart. Opposite the position occupied by the Second Division of the Ninth Corps, the enemy had constructed a strong redoubt a short distance below the crest of Cemetery Hill. To carry this work by direct assault would require a terrible sacrifice of life. As early as the 21st, Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants, then commanding the Second Brigade, conceived the idea of excavating a mine underneath the fort which so temptingly loomed up in his front, and of opening the enemv's lines by means of an explosion.' On the 24th he stated his plan to General Potter, who, in turn, proposed it to General Burnside. At a subsequent interview with Generals Potter and Burnside, in which Colonel Pleasants fully presented his views, it was decided to attempt the execution of his design, and he was ordered to proceed with the proposed work. "It was commenced," says Colonel Pleasants in his official report, "at twelve M., the 25th of June, 1864, without tools, lumber, or any of the materials requisite for such a work.* The mining picks were made out of those used by our pioneers; plank I obtained, at first by tearing down a rebel bridge.and afterwards by sending to a, saw-mill five or six miles distant, and the material excavated was carried out in hand-barrows, constructed of cracker boxes. The work progressed rapidly until the 2d of July, when it reached extremely wet ground. The timbers gave way, and the roof and the floor of the mine nearly met. I retimbered it and started again. From this point I had to excavate a stratum of marl, the consistency of which was like putty, and which caused our progress to be necessarily slow. To avoid this, I started an inclined plane, and in about one hundred feet rose thirteen and one-half feet, perpendicular. On the 17th of July the main gallery was completed, being five hundred and ten and *REPORT OF COMMITTEE.-The committee say that Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants labored under disadvantages in the successful accomplishment of this important work, which would have deterred a man of less energy. It was not merely the evident lack of faith in the success of the enterprise shown by all the officers of high rank, except his division and corps commanders, but that lack of faith was accompanied by an entire failure to furnish the assistance and implements necessary to the success of the undertaking, within a reasonable time. The testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants shows that he had to dig and mine with only the men of his own regiment; that the dirt had to be carried out in cracker boxes, slung between poles, for lack of wheelbarrows; that he was even refused the use of an instrumen: at headquarters, wherewith to make the necessary triangulations, but that General Burnside had to send to Washington for an old fashioned theodolite. General Meade and Major Duane, Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, said the thing could not be done; that it was all claptrap and nonsense; that such a length of mine had never been excavated in military operations and could not be. —Report on the Conduct of the War, 1865, Vol. 1, page 1-2-Battle of Petersburg. 1200 FORTY-EIGTr[ REGIMENT. 1864 eight-tenths feet in length. The enemy having obtained information of the mine, and'having commenced searching for it, I was ordered to stop operations, which were, however, re-commenced on the 18th of July, by starting the left lateral gallery. At six P. M., July 18th, I commenced the right lateral gallery, but, as the enemy:could be plainly heard working over us in the fort, I caused this gallery to be excavated a little beyond and in rear of their works, and gave it a curved line of direction. The left lateral gallery, being thirty-seven feet long, was stopped at midnight, July 22; the right lateral gallery, being thirty-eight feet long, was stopped at six P. M., July 23. The mine could have been charged and exploded at this time, but I employed the men from that time in draining, timbering, and placing the magazines in position. " The mine was ventilated at first by having the fresh air go in along the main gallery as far as it was excavated, and return, charged with all the gases liberated from the ground and generated in the mine, in a square tube made of boards, and whose area was sixty inches. This tube led to a perpendicular shaft (twenty-two feet high) out of which the vitiated air escaped.* At the bottom of this shaft was placed a grating, on which a fire was continually kept burning, which, by heating the air, rarefied it, and increased its current. Afterwards I caused the fresh air to be led, in the above mentioned tube, to the end of the work, and the vitiated air to return by the gallery, and out at the shaft, placing a partition to prevent its exit by the entrance of the mine. The latter plan was the better, because the gases had to travel a less distance in the mine before they left it than before. The mine was excavated by the enlisted men of the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Regiment. As the excavation progressed the number required to carry out the earth increased, until, at last, it took nearly every enlisted man in the regiment, which consisted of nearly four hundred effective men. The whole amount of material excavated was eighteen thousand (18,000) cubic feet. The great difficulty to surmount was to obtain the exact distance from the entrance of the mine to the enemy's works, and the course of these works. This was accomplished by making five separate triangulations with a theodolite and taking their mean. The triangulations were made in our most advanced line of works, and within one hundred and thirtythree yards of the enemy's line of sharp-shooters. " Having received the order to charge our mine on the 27th of July, I commenced putting in the powder at four P. M., and finished at ten P. M. The charge consisted of three hundred and twenty kegs of powder, each containing about twenty-five pounds, [four tons.] It was placed in eight magazines, connected together by wooden tubes half filled with powder. These tubes met * Such was the secrecy with which it was conducted that for a long time the project was unknown, even to those at whose side it was going on. It is true that reports were in circulation of a mine, but nobody could speak certainly of the matter. So much doubt was there, indeed that for a time it was disbelieved that any such undertaking was on foot. One soldier in the breastworks, by whose side a ventilating shaft emerged, told his comrades, in the most surprised manner, that "there was a lot of fellows under him a doing something; he knew there was, for he could hear'em talk." To guard against indiscretion on the part of the pickets, to prevent any meeting of our soldiers with the rebels, whereat the secret of the mine might be boastingly or imprudently disclosed, our pickets were ordered to fire continually. Hence, the never ending fusilade on the front of the Ninth Corps, so incomprehensible to the other corps, and which was often referred to in newspaper paragraphs.-Patriotism of Schuylkill County, Wallace, page 341. 1864 SIEGE OF PETERSBURG. 1201 from the lateral galleries at the inner end of the main gallery, and from this point I placed three lines of fuses for a distance of ninety-eight feet. Not having fuses as long as require&two pieces had to be spliced together to make the requisite length of each of the lines. The tamping was begun at ten P. M., July 27th, and completed at six P. M., July 28th; thirty-four feet of main gallery was tamped, and ten feet of the entrance of each of the lateral galleries, but the space between the magazines was left clear of tamping. I received orders from corps headquarters, on the 29th of July, to fire the mine at half past three A. M., July 30th. I lighted the fuse at a quarter past three A.MII., and having waited until a quarter past four without any explosion having taken place, an officer and a sergeant (Lieutenant Jacob Douty, company K, and Sergeant Henry Rees, company F) of the Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, volunteered to go in and examine into the cause of the delay. It was found that the fire had stopped where the fuses were spliced. They were re-lighted, and at sixteen minutes of five A. M., the powder exploded. "The size of the crater formed by the explosion was at least two hundred (200) feet long, fifty (50) feet wide, and twenty-five (25) feet deep. I stood on top of our breastworks and witnessed the effect of the explosion on the enemy. It so completely paralyzed him, that the breadth of the breach, instead of being only two hundred feet, was practically four or five hundred yards. The rebels in the forts, both on the right and left of the explosion ran away, and for over an hour, as well as I could judge, not a shot was fired by their artillery. There was no fire from infantry from the front for at least half an hour; none from the left for twenty minutes, and but few shots from the right." The mine was a complete success, and its effects exceeded the expectation of its designer. The regiment did not participate in the battle which followed, but was peculiarly interested in its success, and although not ordered in was constantly under fire, a number of the officers and men being in the thickest of the fight. General Meade promptly acknowledged the services of the regiment in the following order: HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, August 3d, 1864. General order, No. 32. The Commanding General takes great pleasure in acknowledging the valuable services rendered by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Pleasants, Forty-eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, and the officers and men of his command, in the excavation of the mine which was successfully exploded on the morning of the 30th ultimo, under one of the enemy's batteries in front of the Second Division of the Ninth Army Corps. The skill displayed in the laying out of and construction of the mine reflects great credit upon Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants, the officer in charge, and the willing endurance by the officers and men of the regiment of the extraordinary labor and fatigue involved in the prosecution of the work to completion, are worthy of the highest praise. By command of Major General Meade. S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant General. After the unfortunate termination of the assault there was quiet again, interrupted only by constant picket firing. On the 2d of August the regiment, 151 1202 rORTY-ErGHTH REGIMENT, 1865 under command of Major Bosbyshell, was temporarily assigned to the Second Brigade of the Second Division, Lieutenant Colonel Pleasants. It participated, on the 30th of September, in the battle at Poplar Spring Church. At the opening of the engagement it was held in reserve. In the progress of the fight the line of the brigade was broken, which came near resulting in its capture entire. By skillful manceuvring the regiment preserved its organization, although its lines were thrice broken by frightened troops pouring through them. Its loss was two killed, seven wounded and forty-four taken prisoners. Early on the 27th of October a movement was made to the left, which resulted in some fighting, but the brigade, which occupied the right of the column, was not heavily engaged..On the following day the troops were withdrawn, closely followed by the enemy, the Forty-eighth covering the retreat and continually skirmishing. Early in December, in conjunction with the Seventh Rhode Island and two batteries, the Forty-eighth was sent to occupy Fort Sedgwick, commonly known as "Fort Hell." The enemy's works in front were supplied with eight and ten inch mortars, which almost daily shelled the fort, and caused some loss. Colonel Sigfried and Major Bosbyshell were mustered out on the 1st of October, their terms of service having expired. lieutenant Colonel Pleasants was promoted Colonel, Captain George W. Gowen, of company C, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Isaac F. Brannen, of company K, Major. On the 19th of December:the term of service of Colonel Pleasants expired, and Lieutenant Colonel Gowen succeeded him, Major Brannen being promoted Lieutenant Colonel. The regiment remained in the fort until the 2d of April, 1865, when it moved to the assault of the rebel Fort Mahone, in which the gallant Colonel Gowen was killed, when it was thrown into some confusion. Lieutenant Colonel Brann en immediately assumed command, ordered his regiment forward, re-assaulted the fort, and carried the works. So impetuous was the attack that it pushed on beyond the fort for some distance, but was ordered back, and used the rear wall for intrenchments, successfully holding it against the enemy's most furious charges. Its loss was ten killed, fifty-six wounded and twenty-four missing. Lieutenant Colonel Brannen was promoted Colonel, Captain Jones, of company G, Lieutenant Colonel, and Quartermaster Jacob Wagner, Major. On the morning of the 3d the whole line advanced, and occupied Petersburg without opposition. The regiment was detailed to guard the trains to Farmville, where it was relieved to take charge of the prisoners captured by Sheridan, among whom were the rebel Generals Ewell and Fitz Hugh Lee. The captives were marched to Appomattox Court House, when the rebel army having surrendered, it returned to Farmville. Remaining at the front until the surrender of Johnston, it proceeded to Alexandria, where it was mustered out of service on the 17th of July, and arrived at Pottsville on the 20th, where it was enthusiastically received, and its career as a regiment terminated. TH:EE YEARS' SERVICE, 1203 FIEL D AND STAFF OFFICERS. ~NAM]E. R ~ANK.DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RAN. REMARKS INTO SERVICE. EMK N -I~ James Nagle..........olOct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Brigadier General, Sept. 10, 1862resigned May 9, 1863. Joshua K. Sigfried.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Maj. to Lt. Col,, Nov. 30,'61-to Col., Sept. 20, 1862-to By. Brig. Gen., Aug. 1,'64-mus. out, Oct. 11,'64-expiration of term, George W. Gowen.....do.... Sept. 11,- 61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. C to Lt. Col., De. 20,'64-to Col., March 1,'65-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Isaac F. Brannon......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. K to Maj., Dec. 20,'64to Lt. Col., March 1,'65-to Col., May 11,'65mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. David A. Smith..... Lt. Col.... 3 Commissioned August 20, 1861-not musteredresigned November, 1861. Henry Pleasants.......do Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. C to Lt. Col., Sept. 20,'62-to By. Brig. Gen., March 13,'65-mustered out, Dec. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Richard M. Jones......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. G to Maj., May 11,'65to Lieut. Colonel, June 3, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Daniel Nagle.......... Major.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. D, November 30,1861resigned July 26, 1862. James Wren............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. Co. B, September 20, 1862resigned May 20, 1863. Joseph A. Gilmour.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. H, July 28, 1863-wd. in action,' May 31, 1864 —died June 9, 1864. O. C. Bosbyshell............ Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. G, July 23, 1864-mustered out, October 1, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob Wagner.........;..do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. to Q. M., Dec. 27,'62to Major, June 21, 1865-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. John D. Bertolette. Adj,.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Capt. and A. A. G., Sept. 25, 1862. Daniel D. M'Ginnes...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to Adjutant, Sept. 26, 1862-resigned March 18, 1864. Charles Loeser.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Co. C, June 25, 1864mustered out, Oct. 1,'64-expiration of term. H. C. Honsberger......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergt. Maj., Dec. 17, 1864-mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jamnes Ellis........... M... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned December 20, 1862. Thos. Bohannan.........do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Co. E, June 23, 186 — mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865.. David Minis, Jr..... Surg.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died at Roanoke Island,:T. C., Feb. 14,1862. Charles T. Reber'..... do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, Feb. 14,'623 resigned February 23, 1863.. W.R. D. Backwood...do..... April 28,'6, 3 Pr. from Asst. Surg. 149th reg. P. V., April28,'63 —mustered out with reg2, July 17, 1865. Israel Bushong..... As.Sur. Aug. 1,'62, 3 Resigned September 29, 1862. C. P. Herrington.....do...Sept. 13,'62, 3 Pr. to Surg. 138th reg. P. V., October 30, 1862 Alvah H. Maloney..l..do....Oct. 22,'61, 3 Resigned December 5, 1862. Jas. M. Morrison.......do... Nov. 29,'62, 3 Discharged August 19,1863. John M. Huston.......do.. Mar. 17,'63, 3 Resigned June 25, 1863.. John B. Culver.........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Eugene M. Smyser...do..... April 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. Sam'l A. Holman... Chap'n Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned January 2, 1863. Levi B. Beckley........do..... April 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865. NoTE.-The following abbrevitotas have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. P1. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Com. commissioned or Furl. fnrlough.' Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd.' band. Dis'y. disability; Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran'volunteer, Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen, sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds 1204 FORTY-EIGHTH REBIMENT, W NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARZS. INTO SERVICE. REARS. Charles Loser..........Sr. Maj. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. company G, to Sgt. Maj.to 2d Lieutenant company C, Sept. 26, 1862. David B. Brown.........do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal Co. H, to Sgt. Maj.-to i2d Lieutenant company H, June 21, 1864-Vet. George Farne......... do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. Co. G, to Sgt. Major, Dec. 22, 1864to 2d Lieutenant company G, June 11,'65-Vet. John Dechant...........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant company K, June 16,'65-mustered out with reg., July 17,'65-Vet. Alex. S. Bowen...... Q.M.Sr Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant Co. H, Oct. 11, 1861. Chas. W. Schnerr........do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. E, March 16, 1864-Vet. Henry Krebs......... do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Disch. to accept com. in U. S. C. T., Sept. 25,'64. Joseph Gould.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jacob Wagner.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. company H, to Q. M. Sgt., Oct. 4, 1861-to Quartermaster, Dec. 21, 1862. Jacob F. Werner....Cor. Sr Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. D, Sept. 12, 1864 —Vet. John C. Berger....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. company K, Sept. 15,'64mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. Wm. H. Hardell.... Hos. St. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. Co. G, to Hos. Stew., Oct. I, 1861-to 2d Lt. company G, Sept. 15, 1864-Vet. Charles B. Evans......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant Co. G, Sept. 17, 1864mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet REGIMENTAL BAND. Abraham Nagle...... PMuc Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. James Sterner.............. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Wm. H. Hinkley.... do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Musician Co. A, Feb. 1, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 17,'65-Vet. John W. Souders... Ld.Bd. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Aikman, James...... Muc.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Aikman, John..........do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Birt, William............do... Aug, 24, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Brown, Frederick J...do... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Bowen, Albert F............ Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Cruikshank, John.....do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Feger, William J.......... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Glenn, Charles A.......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. George, John............ do...,. Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Gore, William H......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Garrett, James W......o,..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Hays, John S..........do.....Aug. 24,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Hinning, Charles......do.... Aug. 24, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Haas, Edward L........do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Hodgson, Wm. H......do... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Kopp, Daniel............do.... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Lee, George W...........d, Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Maize, Wm. A........do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. M'Arthur, Nichol......do... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. M'Daniel, Chas. T......do..... Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Nagle, Levi.............do....Aug. 24,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Severn, Thomas...... do... Aug. 24,'61 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. Slingluff, Charles..........do Aug. 24,'61 3 Discharged by General Order, August 18, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED AT PORT CLINTON, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Daniel B. Kaufman Capt.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Dismissed August 1, 1864. Henry Boyer..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., Sept. 29, 1862-to Capt., Aug. 27,'64-mus. out, Oct. 1,'64-exp. of term, Aldert C. Huckey..... do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Sept. 3, 1864-to Captain, October 30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Abiel H. Jackson... 1st Lt.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Resigned September 29, 1862. Lewis B. Eveland......,do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 29,'62-to 1st Lt., Aug. 27, 1864-mus. out, Oct. 1, 1864-exp. of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1205 NAME. RANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS., NAME. RbANE. INTO SERVICE. R William Taylor......st Lt... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Lt., Oct. 30,'64-mus. tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry H. Price...... 2d Lt.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Oct. 30, 1864-mus tered out with company, July 17, 1865 —et. A. F. Seltzer........... st Sgt. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Benjamin G. Otto......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. H. C. Honsberger... Serg't.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-to Sgt. Maj.-date unknown-Vet. John Taylor.......... do....... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal- discharged on Sur geon's certificate, June 27, 1865- Vet. John Gallagher........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Franklin Frederici.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. J. S. EIonsberger........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Monroe Heckman....do..... p. 17,'i, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, June 28, 1865-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Milton B. Nice...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. C. Brandenburg..... Corp... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Mar. 3, 1865-Vet. John Cochran.....do.....Aug. 5, 65, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Richard B. Perry......do..... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. James S. Eveland....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James Meek..............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas B. Boyer......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles Krueger... d...o..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Samuel B. Moyer....do...... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. John Little..............do.....Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wm. J. Huckey.....do.....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal. June 8, 1865-mustered -:- -,~.....~ out with company, July 17, 1865. George Bond........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 8, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jacob Kershner.........d..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 28, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John S. Bell.............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Joseph B. Carter........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 4ot on muster-out roll. John Brobst...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 ot on muster-out roll. James W. Sterner... Muc... Jan. 5,'64, 3 romoted to Musician, February 26, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jabez M'Farlan.............. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Prmoted to Musician, February 26, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wm. H. Hinkley.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Principal Musician, Feb. 1, 1865-Vet. James Sterner........ Private Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Adams, John....do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ash, James D...do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 24,'65. Albright, George.......do.... Jan. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 22, 1864. Airgood, George........ do.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died Aug. 15, 1864, of wounds rec. in action-bu. in 9th Corps Cenm., Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Albright, George.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Britton, Elias... do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Booth, William........do...Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Becker, James...........do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Deserted-returned October 15, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beltz, William..........do..Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bensinger, George.....do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, August 10, 1865. Baker, James....do.... June 16,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Brooks, Wm. R....do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 9, 1864. Brown, John.............do... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 18, 1864. Bankes, Daniel M.....do... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 22. 1864. Betz, George......... do... Aug. 19,'62, 3 Died June 17,'64, of wounds received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington. Bachman, Wm........do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Deserted August 11, 1864. Britton, Israel...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Deserted March 15, 1865-Vet. Briggle, George.........do.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, January 4, 1863. Betz, William.......... do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Berger, Wm. A.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cochley, John........do... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Carter, Thomas. do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cochran, John...do...... Feb.,'64, 3 Died, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Cold Harbor, Va.-section C. Cummings, B. F....do... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Davis, Henry..d........... do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Dreibelbies, Joseph...do..... May 25,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dreibelbies, W. I...do July 7, 63 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dribelbies, B. FE. C I.o..o. Mayr 25,'63, Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865. 1206 FORTY-EIGHrTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERREARKS. INTO SERVICE. Dingtinger, Chas. F Private Mar. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to company C, August 21, 1864. Demmorce, Wm...... do.... June 8,'63, 3 Transferred to company C, April 8, 1864. Deitrich, Jacob...'.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Day, James..............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dreibelbeis, Benj......do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Daily, Patrick....... do.... Sent. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eddinger, William...do.... Sept. 17,'62, 3 Deserted-returned-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Eckroth, Samuel....... do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ely, Frederick..........do.... Feb. 17'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ferg, Christain.........do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865. Greenawald, Abr'm. do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company,.July 17, 1865. Goodman, Charles.....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mastered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Griffith, Thomas.....do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 18, 1864. Gallagher, Edward..do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 21, 1864-grave, 6,389. Hegg, John..............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mistered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hile, Hiram............do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haus, Philander L...do....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haus, Jordan C........do.... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hine, Willoughby.....do....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hoffman, Silas.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hummel, John........do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Holman, John...........do. Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haldeman, Frank'n...do.... M.ar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hendricks, George.....do...Jan. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Hugg, John...........do.. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Honsberger. M. T......do.... Mar. 16,'62, 3 Mustered out, March 16,'65-expiration of term. Hillegas, Chas. W.....do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Disch. June 27, 1865, for wounds rec. in action. Hine, William J........do... Sept. 17,'61. 3 Transferred to company C, April 22, 1864-Vet. Haker, John.............do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 18, 1864. Huntzinger. Jno. T...do..... Sept. 17, o1, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 16, 1864buried on.attle-field-Vet. Hessinger, Lewis......do..... Sept. 17,'61. 3 Killed near Petersburg, June 22, 1864-Vet. House D)avid......do..... April 7'64, 3 lied at City Point, Va., July 4, 1864. Heck. J'hn........ do..... Mar. 2,'64. 3 Not on muster-out roll. Heiser.'illiam F.......... --,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Haus, Jordan C.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 DisCharged-date unknown. Jones, Charles.. do........ Dec. 4,'62, 3 Mustere.l out with company, July 17, 1865. Jones, WK.....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kerst, Wiliis L............ Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Koenig, Franklin......d... Set. 17,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kle(,kner, J:ines........do..... Feb. 17,'64. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Koc-h, Daniel I-.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kaufrnan, WVilliam...do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kra.lmnr, Coleman J...do.... Set. 17,'61, 3 Deserted-returned December 6, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kline, Benjamin F.....do..... an. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Knapp. Williamn........do..... Ot. 29, 2, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kers,, Henrv E.... do..... Au. 24,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Keller, enmin do..... Spt. 1761 Mustered out,Sept. 17, 1864expiration of term. Koch, William H.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 17,1864-expiration of term. Koollhart, Adam........do.... oSept. 17.'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kuret, Newry...........do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Liser. Morgan.............do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lins. Joel...............do.....Jan. 16,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Lins,.lias...................do... Jan. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lins, Nathan...........do..... Feb. 6, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lins, Franklin S........do....Feb. 6, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Love. Lewis R...........do Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Liser, Daniel..........do...Feb. 17,'64, 3 Transferred to company C, August 21, 1864. Lee. Richard..............do....Oct. 17,'63, 3 Died near Pottsville, Pa., August 21, 1864. Livingstol, Geo....... do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Captured-died in Libby Prison, Feb. 14, 1864. Leiser. Daniel..........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Leiser, John H.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller. William.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M';uire, Bernhard...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Martin. Wm. D.........do Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Morganroth, Levi......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Clain, John..........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Clain, Robert..d......... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller. George........... do....Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Marshall. Joel............do Feb. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Medler, John C...do Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moyer, Jacob W.. d...do. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1207.3 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE.. Moyer, Jacab M....... Private Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mek, David.....do.....Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Meck, William.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Morton, Monroe........do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mumma, Isaac.........do..... Mar. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mallard, Marcus M...do..... Feb.,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Meck, William H.....do..... Aug. 11,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Marshall, Joel.........d....... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Miller, George..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Martin, Joseph..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moyer, Benjamin...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neeley, William........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3'ransferred to company C, Aril 8, 1864-Vet. Neeley, Andrew........do....... Sept. 17,'61, Transferred to company C, April 8, 1864-Vet. Otto, Isaac..............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-buried on battle-field-Vet. Peter, John..... do..... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Pugh, John.............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Prigel, George...........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Richard, Phillip.........do..... Jan. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reichelderfer, Jno.....do...... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. -Rinker, Charles.......do...,. Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Robinhold, L. M.........Feb. 17,'64, 3 Killed at Spottslvania Court House, Va., May 12. 1864-buried on battle-field. Reese, wis M........do.....Sept. 17,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ruff, J hn...........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died December 3. 1862-buried in Military Asylumn Cemetery, D. C. Ramer, George..........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Springer, John...........do..... Sept. 17'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Springer, Jesse.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Simon, Frank'n W...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Smith, Lewis............do.. Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sigfried, Jonas.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sigfried, Jacob D.......d...... Mar. 2,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sittler, Nathan........do... Feb. 17,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shaffer, John W.........do. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sneyberger, Nich's...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Seltzer, Francis B..o...do.... Mar. 2,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shantz, William........do... Mar. 9,'65. Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shickram, Augu's....do..... Sept. 17,'61,3 MTustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, ThomasP.....do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3Disen. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'65-Vet. Schreyer, Henry........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 27,'65-Vet. Shaffer, John HI.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'65. Snyder, Simon...........do..... Sept. 17,'61 3 Died of wounds, June 16,'64-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. Simon, Nelson.........do.....Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died at Minersville, Pa., July 5, 1864. Stahlnecker, John......do.....Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stidham, Fran's M...do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died of wounds, July 10, 1864-buried in U. S. Gen'l Hos. Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.-Vet. St. Clair, C. A. T.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-buried on battle-field. Sterner, Lewis......... do..... May 9,'64,.3 Died at Tamaqua, Pa., April 11, 1865. Shollenberger, Sa'l...do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, January 16, 1865. Simon, Morgan........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spreese, John V.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Steel, David...............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Snyder, Henry......... do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shenk, John..............do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3' Not on muster-out roll. Simpson, Henry........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wagner, Fred'k H...do... Feb. 17,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Whetstone, Simon.....do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weikel, Henry.........do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Williams, Oliver........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 19, 1864-expiration of term. Weibel, John...........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 3,'65-Vet.'Whitaker, John.........do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, April 8, 1864-Vet. West, Bernard...........do.... Sept. 17,'61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Wentzel, Franklin.....do... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williams, James........do.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Weiser, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Yunker, John............do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Transferred to company B, April 9, 1864. Youser, John F........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Zeigler, Joseph.........do..... Feb. 19,'64,3 Transferred to company D, April 11, 1864. Zimmerman, Peter...do.... Sept. 17,'61, 3Died April 11, 1864-buried in U. S. General'Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md.-Vet. Zeigler, James W...... do..... Sept. -17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1208 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERE INTO SERVICE. M James Wren.......... Capt.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, September 20, 1862. Ulysses A. Bast.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st. Lt., Sept. 20, 1862-mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Thos. P. Williams.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Lt.r Sept. 12, 1864-to Capt., Dec. 11, 1864- mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. John L. Wood........ 1st Lt.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt., Sept. 20, 1862 -resigned December 30, 1862. William H. Hume.....do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 20,'62to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1863- died June 30, 1864 of wounds received in action, May 31, 1864. Thomas Johnson........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1, 1863 —to 1st. Lt., July 24, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, August 7, 1864. John Watkins......... 2d Lt... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from private to 2d Lt., May 22, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Philip D. Hughes... 1st Sgt.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. -mustered out, September 30, 1864-expiration of term. Robert Campbell......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., May 23, 1865- mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. Kissinger...... Serg't.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sgt.-died May 24, 1865, of wounds received in action, May 12, 1864-Vet. Samuel C. Stouch.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. -discharged on Surgeon's certificate, September, 1864. George Evans..........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. -mustered out, September 30, 1864-expiration of term. John Homer.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died April 2, 1865, of wounds received in action, _7.~~ ~April 1, 1865-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Isaac L. Fritz......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., Feb. 15,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Rarig. do.........do Sept. 19'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. —to Sgt., April 3,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Sebastian Bickert.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., May 23,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Evans...............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 29,'62-returned March 22,'64promoted to Cor., Feb. 15, 1865 -to Sgt., June 3,'65-mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. John G. W. Basler.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nelson W. Major.......do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Joseph Johnston..... Corp... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from musician -mustered out, Sept. 21, 1864-expiration of term. Andrew Wren...........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 16, 1864, to April 21, 1865discharged May 15, 1865-expiration of term. Jacob Freshley..........do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30,1864-expiration of term. David J. Davis...........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. HI., May 12,'64-Vet. Clement Betzler...... do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Joseph Kirby........ do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wm. L. Swayer...... do..Feb. 6,'65, 1 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 15, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Joseph H. Zehner..do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Promoted to Cor., Feb. 15, 1865 mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Edward Hagerty........ Dec. 24,'64, 3 Substitute-promoted to Cor., May 28,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gardiner Bell...........do.. April 14,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., May 23, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James H. Perkins.....do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-promoted to Cor., June 3,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Conrad Knapp.....do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-promoted to Cor., June 8,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1866. Michael Maney....... Dec. 29,'64, 3 Substitute-promoted to Cor., June 8,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reuben Robinson.....do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on mustbr-out roll. Abr'm Wardsworth Muc.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Geo. W. Johnson....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Altman, Henry......Private Dec. 30,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Albright, George.....do....Jan. 26,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Axnd, enry.......do. Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65 Atkins, William..... do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died at home, while onfurlough- date unknown. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1209 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. - BANK. INTO SERViCE. N Burk, Dominick..... Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Barron, John............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bendley, Alfred E.....do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. Brown, John............do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bradley, William......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Deserted Aug. 29,'62-returned March 24,'64mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Bower, John......... do..... Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Bitler,'James........ do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bren, William.........do.....Jan. 19,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered- out with Co., July 17,'65. Bubeck, John.......do... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 26, 1865. Brooks, Joseph.......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Bankes, Daniel M......do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., October 6, 1864. Barnes, Bernard........do.....June 11,'64, 3 Deserted January 1, 1865. Brooks, William Rl...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Deserted February 6, 1865. Barnhart, John S......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died March 8,'64-buried at Knoxville, Tenn.grave, 85. Brooks, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyle, James............do.....June 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brown, Richard.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crandell, Charles......do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Cox, Sandford...........do..... Dec. 16,'64, I Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Cox, Jesse.................do..... Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Coles, Theodore.......do..... Jan. 21,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Capwell, Chas. W....,.do..... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Coy; John................do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Connolly, Michael...do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Creitz, Henry B........:do..... Feb. 6,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cheetham, Edward...do..... Feb. 10,'65, I Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Christ, David............do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Carlen, Philip............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Colihan, John.....,......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864- expiration of term. Coutts, John.............do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Killed in action at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Copeland, Henry......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Casey, Martin............do..... Jan. 18,'65 3 Sub.-tr. to Dep't of the North-West, Feb. 20,'65. Conell, Thomas........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 N6t on muster-out roll. Chambers, Thomas...do..... June 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Denny, John..............do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Downs, William H.....do..... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Davis, Charles J.......do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Dentinger, Win. H....do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Davidson, William...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Deitz, David..............do..... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 19,'65. Deitz, John..............do...., Mar. 5,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Dorsey, Patrick.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dress, Charles............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Divine, Michael.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Davidson, Thomas.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Davis, John................do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Emmett, John...........dp..... April 28,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Edwards, James.....d...do..... Jan. 277, 65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Engle, William....do..... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Died at Willett's Point, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1864. Eiler, Israel.,..............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died July 29, 1862. Fallon, Patrick R......do....-. Jan. 19,'65, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Fry, James T............do..... Feb. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fry, William......do..... Feb. 6,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Finerty, Michael........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864 —expiration of term. Frehn, John...........do..... Aug. 23.'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia; June 18, 1865-Vet. Fealy, Christopher.....do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 27, 1865. Francis, William H...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Forrer, Abraham......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Glouser, Benjamin.....do...... April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gregg, John..........do.....Dec. 13,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17. 1865. Gardiner, W. R......do..... Jan. 19.'6, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Griffith, Thomas........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Grisneb, John..........do..... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Substitute- disch. on Surg. cert., June 27, 1865. Goodwin, Andrew......do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gabriel, Edmund......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll.. Heaton, Carey........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet. Hartman, Joseph R...do..... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hebins, James........ do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Harris. Henry..........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Substitute -deserted — returned- mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hurley, Daniel.........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Heitman. John....... do... Jan. 20.'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 65. Howells,'John.....,..: ildo.. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. $0, 1864- expiration of term, John' 1210 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. REMARKS. ~I. P~~ Heafing, John........ Private Sept. 19, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Heckman, Samuel....do... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Died June 12,'64, of wounds receivedin actioinburied in National Cemetery, Arlington. Hume, Matthew........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Hammer, Jacob.......do.... April 26,'64, 3 Capt'd-died at Salisbury, N. C., Nov. 12, 1864. Huson, Edward.........do.....Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 22, 1865. Haker, John.............do.....Mar. 2,'64, 3 Deserted August 12, 1864. Hill, William............do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harris, William.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harn, Conrad............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hunter, James..........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Robert.........do......... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kinsley, Michael......do... Jan. 21,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 15, 1865. Kirwin, Cornelius......do..... Jan. 14,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kettle, Frederick......do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kivlin, Thomas........do.... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Kleckner, Lewis........do.... Feb. 6,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kershner,CharlesA...do.....Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Knittle, Frederick.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-buried on battle-field. Lufle, Peter...............do...Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lucid, John.............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lugan, Christopher...do... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lawley, James........do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Laub, Charles............do..... Aug. 29,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Lauer, Christian........do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Died June 10, 1864, of wounds received in action. Louch, John..............do.....Jan. 18,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted February 22, 1865. Lamb, Mark............do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Long, Jackson...........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. -Littlehales, Thos. C...do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leffler, Jonathan...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murkle,AbrahamR... do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mead, John..............do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Magruder, Frank. J...do..... Jan. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Marsden, George........do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Des.-returned —mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Mace, DanielF..........do..... Feb. 6, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moyer, Daniel H....... do.....Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Malarkey, Michael...do..... Jan. 24,'65, Wounded March 19, 1865-absent at muster out. Marsden, George P...do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Molsen, David W......do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Muldoon,Thomas J...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Moyer,Laurentus C...do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Moyer, Simon..........do..... Dec. 3,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness,May,'64-bu. on battle-field. Marion, Thomas........do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 1, 1865. M'Manes, William...do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Nerny, Anthony...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Prince, Elbridge........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Prince, Alexander.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Parker, John.............do.....Jan. 19,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 24, 1865. Reece, Louis M........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Robinson, John.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reppert, William......do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Roselle,Melancthon...do..... Jan. 21,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Rider, James.......... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. tLinker, Henry...... do Feb. 6,'65, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28,'65. Root, Daniel..........do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, September 14, 1864-grave, 8,742. Rush, Adam...........do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stevens, William......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shiffersteim, Alb't J...do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shouffler, Gottlieb.....do.....Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shoppell, Henry..... do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Steinhour, Louis.....do....April 5,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest for desertion, at muster out. Snover, George W....do....Dec. 9,'64, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 186. Showalter,Absalom...do.....Jan. 20,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Silsbee, Wesley J.....do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Stevenson, William..do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Captured-date unknown-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Sefrin, Joseph.........do...Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Sipes, Nelson J......... do... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, March 27, 1865. Sutliffe, Jesse B......do... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., June 27,'65. Stephens,NicholasC..do Sept. 29'64, 1 Drafted-died April 20, 1865, of wounds received in action, April 2, 1865. Shoemaker, John......do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Schwartz, William..do.....April 14,'64, 3 Died June26,'64-bu. at Alexand'a-grave, 2,256. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1211 Shiterhour, N......... Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died Jan. 13,'63-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Sheck, Paul............... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, John.............do..... June 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stanley, Samuel........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Trone, George A.......do Jan. 17,'65,3 Substitute-musteredout with Co., July 17,'65. Thomas, David............. Sept. 19, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Taylor, Thomas......... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ulmer, Gerhard H.....do..... Mar. 2, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Vaughn, Charles....... o.... Feb. 7,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Williams, William.do...... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wise, William...........do..... April 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Welch, John............. d....Dec. 24,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Ward, Wm. H........Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wadsworth, John.. do...d... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Wigner, Jac ob...........d..Feb. 15, 64, 3 Captured-died January 1, 1865. Wary, Daniel...,........... o Mar. 30,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Williams, John W.....do..... Sept. 19'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williams, John.........d.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williams, T. G...d...... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Yonker, John............ Mar. M 2,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. York, Henry...............d. Dec. 24, 64, 3 Substitute-deserted February 26, 1865. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Henry Pleasants..... Capt.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Colonel, September 20, 1862. George W. Gowen.....do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, January 1, 1864-to Lt. Colonel, December 20, 1864. William Clark..........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., N, Nov. 26, 1862-to 1st. Lt., June 26, 1864-to Capt., March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. T. J. Fitzsimmons. 1st Lt... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt., Sept. 28, 1862-res. Nov. 22, 1862. Charles Loeser...........do. Oct. 1,'61, 3' Pr. fr. Sgt. Maj. to 2d Lt., Sept. 20,'62-to 1st Lt., Jan. 1, 1864-to Adjutant, June 25, 1864. James Clark............do. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., March 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Henry Weiser........ 2d Lt... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. from priv. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., May 21, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Samuel Weiser....... st Sgt. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Chas. W.Erdman.....do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chas. H. Milld. er..... S..e.. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company H, Jan. 16, 1862. John Roerty............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 5, 1865-Vet. Jonas Geier...........do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt.-wd. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-ab., in hospital, at mus. out-Vet. Samuel Wallace......do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. John Shelby.............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Rudge............ Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Oliver C. Hatch........do..Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Arthur P. Hatch....... do. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Michael Condron.... Corp.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Capt'd-diedatSalisbury, N.C., Nov. 30,'64-Vet. Wm. Livingston:.......do Sept. 11ie J an. 3, 5, of wds. rec. Jan. 2, 1865-Vet. James Nicholson.......do Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died April 24, 1865, of wounds received in action, April 2, 1865-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I.-Vet. James Shenk............do Aug. 5,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. James Horn..............do Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Harrison...........do.....Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Casper Henry............do. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. Daubert, Jr.......do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Alfred W. Miller.......do Mar. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vt., David O'Brien................do Sept.11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1212 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. f RbA-IW. DATE OF MUSTER RIMARKa NAME. RANK. IMTO SERVICE. REMARKS. INTO. SERVICE.;a James Hood........... Corp.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Richard Ryan............do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James Elliott............do.... Feb. 8,'65, 1 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James Gribens........... do..Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Edward Monahan......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. John Dooley..............do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis Howard....... Muc... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Hirst............do... Se. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. James Brennan.........do..... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Adams, Dennis....... Private Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Betz, Harrisod...........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Boyle, Thomas...........do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Botts, Charles N........do..... Jan. 23,'65,1 Substitute-mustured out with Co., July 17,'65. Bundy, James...........do..... Dec. 20,'64 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bradley, Orlo............do... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Beatty, Robert...........do... Aug. 22,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted-returned-absent, by sen. tence of General Court Martial, at muster out. Buchannan, Johii.....do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by General Court Martialdate unknown. Brannan, Murt..........do..... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to March 1, 1865discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865. Brown, Daniel...........do... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-buried on battle-field. Brooks, William..,...do... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 20, 1865. Bowman, Peter.........do...Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brennan, Edward......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brennan, William......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brennan, Murt..........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Burke, William.........do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cockley, James........do... Apr. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cummings, Domi'k...do..... Jan. 19,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Clarke, Robert...........do Mar. 1,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec., 1864. Cassady, William......do....Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 2, 1865. Carr, John................do..Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 21, 1865. Carroll, Daniel...........d Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Conner, James....d....... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Transferred to company E-date unknown. Dougherty, John........do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 5, 1864-expiration of term. Dersh, Henry.............do Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dunlevy, Andrew.....do... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Dooling, John............do... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Dehne, Paul..............do.... Jan. 26,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Davis, Lindsay..........do.. Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted-returned-mus. out with company, July 17, 1856. Demmerce, Wm.......do.... June 8,'63, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. June 27.'65. Dintinger, Chas. F.....do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Captured at Salisbury, N. C.-died November, 1864-burial record, February 12, 1865. Dumott, Henry..........d.. Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 16, 1865. Dunn, Thomas........ do Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 20, 1865. Dudley, William.......do....Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Daniels, Edmund......do Sept. 114'61, 3 Died April 23, 1864-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,822. Door, John..........do..... April 23, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Elliott, William J......do Feb. 8,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Elliott, Thomas.........do.....Jan. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Early, Henry............do Sept. 11, 61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 1,'65-Vet. Earley, Michael......do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Deserted May 1, 1864. Farrell, William........do...Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fitzpatrick, Wm......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Fulmer, Henry......do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Farrell, Patrick........do....Mar. 1,'64, 3 Died September 23, 1864. Foust, David.............do....Sept. 30,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted June 23, 1865. Frazier, Albert T.......do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died April 23, 1864-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,825. Flagerty, Daniel........ do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died at Newbern, N. C., May 27, 1862. Grover, Jacob A........do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Griffith, Benj. F.........do...Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Gysi, Henry..............do... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 27, 1865. Groduvannt, Casper...do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-wounded in action, April 2, 1865-discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Gillhrist, Thomas.....do.... Sept. 20, 64, 1 Drafted-discharged by General Court Martialdate unknown. Graham, Gilbert........do.. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died April 1, 1865-burial record, April 17,1865buried at Citry Point —Vt.. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1213 W NWAME. 1%ANK DATE OF MUSTBR NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. i REMARKS. Gates, James T...... Private Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 27, 1865. Geker, Abraham.......do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Killed on picket line in front of Petersburg, June 23, 1864. Gettler, Barney......... do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Green, John..............do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 9, 1865. Gordon, Charles H.....do....Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 21, 1865. Hanhu, Thomas........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Harrison, Samuel.......do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hatch, George W......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hoffman, Jacob.........do..... Nov. 15,'64, 1 Drafted-deserted -returned -mus. out with company, July 17, 1865. Haines, William J.....do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64tr. to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown-Vet. Hartman, John F.....do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Discharged June 22, 1865, by General Order. Hartley, James.........do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by General Court Martialdate unknown. Haines, Jacob............do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surg. certificate, June 27,'65 —Vet. Henry, Charles H......do.... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 9, 1865. Hunt, William...do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted May 25, 1865. Hitchings, George.....do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 25,'62. Hartnet, John............do.... Mar. 24,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. Inhoff, John.............do.... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jones, William.........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, John...............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Johnston, William.... do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Jacobus, Abraham.....do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jones, Jacob............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, S pt. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Jones, John W..........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kelly, Martin............do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 21,'65. Kurts, Albert..........do... Jan. 18,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Lynch, Patrick.........do........................3 Not on muster-out roll. Low, James...............do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Died Oct. 30,'62-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 392. Leiser, Daniel...........do. Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lozens, Moritz..........do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Substitute —rus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Lambert, Enoch......do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Larkin, William........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Deserted Nov. 30, 1862-returned Sept. 14,'63discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Long, Allen A. D......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 1,'65. Little, John..............do.......................... Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Lewis, Theodore.........do..... Jan. 20,'65, Substitute-tr. to Dept of the West, Feb. 23,'65. M'Ginnis, Edward.....do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865. M'Coy, Anthony.......do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Madison, John C........do..... Jan. 21,'65. 1 Substitute-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Mackey, Bird P........do..... Jan. 23,'65, 1 Substitute-mutered out with Co., July 17,'65. Matteson, John.........do..... Dec. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, Aug. 2, 1865. M'Dermed, Henry.....do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1365-Vet. M' Dermnott,Michael...do..... Jan. 25.'65, 3 Substitute-absent, withut leave, at muster out. Miller, Albert........do.... Aug. 2, 64, 1 Substitute —mustered out with (o. July 17,'65. Martin, Jatnes F.. do..... Mar. 21,'65, 1 Dischared by General Orler,.une 7, 1S85. M'Laughlin,Mich'l...do... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out, Feb 25,'65expiration of term. -Murphy, James.......do.....Jan. 24;'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 16, 1865. Miles, William........do....Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 28, 1865. Morgan, Edward......do..... Sept. 11,'61. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'62. Mohan, Michael.........do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Died May 20, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-buried in Nat. Cemetery. Arlington, Va. M'Vov, Thomas.........do..... ept. 11,'61, 3 Died Jan. 14, 1862, at Hatteras. N. C. M'Elrath, James.........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Captured at Andersonville-died July 12, 1864burial record, July 7, 1864-grave 3.017. Mullen, John...........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Merling, Henry.......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Elrath, Robert......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murray, John............do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murphy, John...........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nolan, Jerry..............do...Jan. 24'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Neely, William......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, June 27,'65-Vet. Neely, Andrew.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Died Jan. 12,'65-buried in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington, Va. —Vet. Owens, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 11, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Owens, Edward.........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Pichford, Hugh.........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Quigfley, Lewis C......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rogers, William........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Roberts, James.......do.... Sept. It61,'1, Not on muster-out roll 1214 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, R ~NAME. ~ RANK. DATE 1OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Rodgers, Robert.....Private Dec. 9,'61, 3 Wd. Jan.,'65-ab., in hospital, at mus. out-Vet.. Rogers, James........do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Reighard, Daniel......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died near Fortress Monroe, Va., Nov. 11, 1861. Smith, Jacob............do.... Sept 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Francis C.......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Scott, Andrew..........do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Straugh, Isaac...........do.... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Seibert, George C.....do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sweeney, Dennis......'do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Shearer, William.....do..... Jan. 24, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Skinner, Chas. H......do.... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Sullivan, Thomas......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Stover, Ludwig.......do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Sturn, Joseph........... do Sept. 12, 64. 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Sweeney, William....... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by sentence of General Court MarI tial-date unknown. StalnackerObediah...do..... Sept. 11,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Sweeney, Edward......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died August 17, 1864-buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. Strauser, Solomon.....do..... Set. 19,'61, 3 Not cn muster-out roll. Thompson, Edward...do..... Jan. 21,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Toben, Martin...........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Disch. June 28, 1864, for wds. received in action. Titus, Theodore.........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Toben, Richard.........do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomas, William......do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wheatley,-John S,...do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Womer, Abednego.....do..... Dec. 20,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Wilson, Thomas........do..... Jan. 18,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Wiler, John...........do..... Jan. 26,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Whiticar, John.........do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Killed on picket in front of Petersburg, June June 23,'64-buried in Ninth Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Walters, Henry........do.....Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 9, 1865. Wagner, Franklin.....do.....Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted February 9, 1865. Williams, Win. D......do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wayland, Thomas.....do..... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Walker, Charles........do.. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wiser, John........do..... Sept. 11,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. C O MPANY. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Daniel Nazle.;.......I Capt.... Sept. 23.'61, 3 Promoted to Major, November 30, 1861. William W. Potts......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lt., Nov. 30, 1861-disch. Jan. 8,'63. Peter Fisher......d...... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 1st Lt., Dec. 10, 1862-to Capt., Sept. 1, 1863-dismissed July 21, 1864. Jacob F. Werner......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted from Commissary Serg't to 2d Lieut., Sept. 12, 1864-to Captain, Nov. 28, 1864-musout with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Chas. Kleckner......1 1st. Lt. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut,, Jan. 1, 1862-to Colonel 172d regiment P. V., December 1, 1862. James K. Helms........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 10, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1863-com. Captain, July 22, 1864-not mus.-discharged by S. O., October 19, 1864. Henry E. Stichter..,...do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1, 1863-to 1st Lt., Sept. 22,'64-mus. out, Oct. 6,'64-exp. of term. H. Rothenberger........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Rgt.-to 1st Lt., June 16, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Alexander H. Fox.. 2d Lt... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt., Nov. 30, 1861-died Dec. 25, 1861. Henry P. Owens.......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt., Feb. 5,'62-res. Nov. 27, 1862. H. C. Burkhalter......... do Sept. 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Sergeant-to 2d Lieutenant, May 22,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Henry C. Graeff...... Ist Sgt.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sergeant-captured-died at IPottsville, Pa., March 29, 1865-Vet. A. R. Novinger.........do..... April 30,'62, 3 Pr. to Sergeant-to 1st Sergeant, May 22, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Wm. Bambrick...... Serg't.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died September 12, 1862-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Wim. Timmons........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal-mustered out, September 30, 1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1215 AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER NI.IE, -. RA! I INTO SERVICE. A. George Bowman..... Serg't.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 13, 1865-Vet. Bodo Otto. d................ Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, Apr. 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65 Vet. Franklin Hock....d.......... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Franklin Dorward....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, May 22,'65mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. David Smith..............do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Serg't, June 16, 1865mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. George Ramer...... Corp.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Edward Reichard.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leonard Shrishun...do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. James Evans..........do.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. John H. Derr......do.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died Jan. 2,'63-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery. Israel Vancannon......do Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Edward Lenhart.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 18.'64. Levi Derr................do..Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Johnson Steacy........do..Aug. 9,'62, 3 Deserted March 14, 1864. Walter P. Amis.........do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Missing in action near Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 6, 1864-Vet. Jonathan Deitrich......do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Wounded in action before Petersburg, June 17, 1864-discharged July 13, 1865-Vet. Phillip Beckman.....do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died at Baltimore, Md., February 9, 1865-Vet. Patrick Cooligan......do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 10, 1965-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Henry D. Moyer........ do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered. out with company, July 17, 1865. Samuel Kessler.........do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered ott with company, July 17, 1865. James L. Baum..........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 22, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Zachariah T. Moyer...do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Henry C. Heisler.... Muc..... Sept. 23, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Charles Brobst...........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jeremiah Meinder.....do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Artz, George.......... Private Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Arndt, Charles..........d..... Sept. 23, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 12,'65-Vet. Atchison. William......do..... Jan. 24, 65, 3 Sub.-tr. to Dep'tof the North-West, Feb. 10,'65. Baum, Charles W......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Baum, Orlando.......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boyer, John B...........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Des.-returned —mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Bower, Jonathan.......do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Buddinger, Joseph.....do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bean, Albert..............do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bailey, Loyal............do.... Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Bird, Emanuel..........do.... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co,, July 17,'65. Bradley, James.........do.... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beissel, George S.......do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 1, 1865. Brown, John..............do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Deserted February 25, 1864. Boggs, Alexander......do..... Jan. 17,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted May 26, 1865. Brannan, James, Sr...do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bambrick, John........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bambrick, James......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Baily, Mattis............do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brannan, James, Jr...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on.muster-out roll. Cooper, Geo. W. H.....do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Clark, George...........do.... Jan. 25,'65,3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Cook, George.............do.....Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Casper, Jacob L.........do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Cullen, James.........d..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Deitrich, Charles.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Deitrich, Lewis..........do...Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, June 17, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Dentzer, Henry.........do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Derr, John W..... do..... Sept. 23,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet Derr, Jacob.............do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7,'65. Deitrick, Daniel.........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 15, 1865. Dalions, James J......do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 7, 1865. Donohue, John N........... Jan. 23, 65, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., June 27, 1865, Dolan, John...............do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Transferred to company C-date unknown. Dorward, Henry........do.... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., July 5, 1864. Deitrich, John...........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died near Mount Carmel, Pa., March 26, 1864. Dener, Christian........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1216. FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAMB. BANK. DATE OF MUSTER RERMARKS. INTO SERVICE. | REMARKS. Derr, Eli.............. Private Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eppley, Samuel.........do.... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ebbert, Edward J..J...do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Des.-returned-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Eyster, Solomon....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died August 15. 1864-burial record, August 20, ~~~~~I ~1864, at Philadelphia. Fisher, Albert D.......do.... Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted-returned-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Frankenbury, F....do....d Jan. 17,'65, 1 Drafted-deserted May 26, 1865. Graeff, Franklin B.....do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Musteredout with company, July 17, 1865. Grim, Horatio....... do..Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged July 19, 1865-Vet. Goodfleek, Wm.........do Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Geist, Henry....... d....... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Musteredout with company, July 17, 1865. Gahaghan, R.............do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Substitute-wd. at Black and White's Station, Va., Apr. 6,'65-disch. by G. O., June 16,1865. Gootshall, Henry......do. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Heinan, Mattis..........do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haley, John..............do..... Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hesser, Charles F..... do Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D.C., July 25, 1865. Hartz, George..........do April 30,'62, 3 Died Dec. 20, 1864, of wounds received at Petersburg, Va.-Vet. Hoover, John............do Feb. 20,'64, 3 Deserted March 14, 1864. Hartman, John....d..... Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted-date unknown. Houch, William..... do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Heevener, J. W.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died April 22, 1864-buried at Alexandriagrave, 1,810. Hartz, Peter.............do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, Thomas...d..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mis. in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 6, 1864. Jacoby, George.......do.....Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. James, George W.......do..... Sept. 23.'61, 3 Transferred to company E-date unknown. Kline, Charles..........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Kline, Isaiah.........do.... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Klauser, Jacob......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Knarr, Daniel............do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kreiger, Francis J.....do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kahler, John............. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Knittle, Andrew....o...do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kessler, Nathan........do.... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ilinger, Zames........ do... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Knoll, George W......do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kister, Daniel...........do.... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kahler, Elias..........do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kreiger, Peter C........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Kaufman, Jonathan...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Kiney, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Koble, Elias........... do..Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kantner, Philip H.....do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kesler, John.................Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Klock, Andrew..........do.....Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kreiger, David T.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kline, Jarret............do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kline, George W......o.....Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kline, Benjamin........do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Koons, Joseph...........d..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Koons, Jacob......... do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Letrich, Philip...........do..... July 2, 63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lindenmuth, Jos......d..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 3,'65. Lindenmuth, C. M....do..... Sept. 23,'613 Not on muster-out roll. Moyer, Wm. F........do April 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Maury, David........... do..Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Merwine, Daniel........do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Guire, Edward......do... Jan. 30,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, Frederick..... do Feb. 2,'65, 1 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Montgomery, Levi..... do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miner. Philip...........do Jan. 23,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. M'Lane, John............. Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, on furlough, at muster out. Morgan, Elias...........do.... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, Gustavus A...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 18,'64. Miller, Jonas............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 16,'65. M'Bride, Rich'd B.....do...Mar. 6,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 14, 1865. Martz, George........... do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 20,'61. Miller. Charles.......do..... -Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mangham, James......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Morgan, James D......d..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nailich, Tilghman.....do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Niland, Thomas A....do'.. Jan. 21,'25, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1217 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTE I EMRKS. NAME. RANBKS. INTO SERVICE.A. M Nolan John........... Private..................... Deseted March 14,'64-returned —sentenced by G. C. M. to three years on Rip-Raps. Nunemacher, John...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nagle, Abraham.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nolan, James..........do.....April 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Okam, Jonathan...d....b..... Feb.23, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Okam, Daniel............do..... April 7,'64, 3 Killed in action near Petersburg, June 21, 1864. Phillips, Chester.......do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Reeser, Samuel.........do.. Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ritter, Simon...........do.... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Risborn. James.........do..... Jan. 17,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., Jul17, 1865. Ritter, Simon............do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Discharged byorder of Sec'y of War, July22,'64. Ryan, William..o.........Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Raber, Jonas Z............do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., July 1, 1864. Stichter, Alfred J..d..d..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shriver, Frank B........Feb. 22, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shollenberger, Chas...do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Schmidt, Jacob E......do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Wdunded at Petersburg, Va. —absent, in hospital, at muster out. Straub, Emanuel....... do.. Mar. 27,'65, 1Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, William H......do..... Sept. 23, 61, 3 Died April 8, 1864-buried in U. S. General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Strauser, Perry L.....do.... Feb. 3,'64, 3 Deserted June 10 1865. Shertle, George.......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Died Mar. 21,'63-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem'y, D. C. Sullivan, John.......... do..... Sept. 23,'61, 31 Not on muster-out roll. Shaeffer, Mattis.........do.....Sept. 23,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Stellwagon, Geo. W...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Seaman, Addison S...do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spear, Andrew.........do..... Sept. 23,61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stichter, Samuel.......do..... Sept 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll Trump, Peter ".......do.....Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Troup, John.............do..... Jan. 26,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Tobergte, Augustus...do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ungstart, Solomon.....do.....Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williams, Henry........d... Jan. 25, 65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Williams, David........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weikel, William.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mdstered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weikel, John D......... do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wenrich, Samuel...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wolf, Daniel.............do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Weldy, Daniel..........do.. Sept. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Waibridge, Amos F...do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at uster out. Willis, Thomas Di.....do..... Jan. 31,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Winkleman, Chas.....do.... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., May 30, 1865. Wolfgang, Geo. W.....do..... Mar.. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Williams, Wm. H.....do.... Feb. 6,'64, 3 Prisoner from Aug. 19,'64, to Feb. 28.'65-discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865, Wischke, Thomas.....do.... Jan. 20,'65, 3 Substitute-wd. in front of Petersburg, April 2,'65-discharged by General Order, June 16,'65. Wagner, Aaron B......do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died April 15, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Whalan, Thomas......do... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wildt, Christian......do..... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williamson, Henry...do.... Sept. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Yerger, Charles S......do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Yarnall, Solomon......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Zeigler, Joseph........do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Zimmerman, Elias....do Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died August 5, 1864 -buried at Alexandriagrave, 2,520.. COMPANY E. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILLT COUNTY. William Winlack... Capt.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered Qut, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term, Chas. W. Schnerr......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergt. Major-to 2d Lieut., March 16, 1864-to Capt., Oct. 30, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Cullen.... st Lt.. Oct. 1,'61 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Thos. Bohannan.........do..... Oct. 1, 61 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieut., September 17, 1862-to Quartermaster, June 23, 1865. 153 ilg8 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, -. -.....I ~~SAM.. i~aXn; DATE OF MUSTER REMAR. NAME. RA^. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Josetph W. Fisht... d Lt... Sept. 21, 61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, September 17, 1862-discharged Feb. 23, 1864. James May.............do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Cor. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Oct. 30,'64mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. J. C. M'Elrath........ st Sgt.. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to 1st Sgt.-com. 2d Lt., Apr. 3,'65not mus-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. John S6baard.... Serg't.. Sept. 21'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stafford Johnioh........do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomas Tosh........do...... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died July 7, 1864, of wds. received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. William Traiier........ do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williami Clemens...S...do... ept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Eavid M'Alliiter..d...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Sam'l A. 1Beddall.......... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Samul Clemens...... do....,Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal, January 16,'65 —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jame Brennai...... Corp.... Sept. 21'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wiliaii Mackey.....:do,. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. James Greener.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wmin. J. Morgan....do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Robert Ptema....... do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Wounded June 18, -864-~ab. at mus. out-Vet. John Mercer............do.... Sept. 21'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. John Penman...........do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. 1. 3. Thompson........do.....Jan. 20,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Patrick Rodgers......do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Mar. 25, 1865 —Vet. George W. James....o...... Sept. 23, 61, 3 Transferred from company D-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12, 1865 — Vet. Josepb Lord..........do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 25, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James M'Laughlin...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 15, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Jn Caneron......Muc.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. George Latham.........o..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. George J. Heisler......do.... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Auimati, Hlenry...... Private Feb. 12,'64, 3 Captured June 12, 1864-disch. July 19, 1865. Burke, John............ do... Mar.. 16, 64, 3 Killed in the Wilderness, Va., May,'64-buried on battle-field. Bohanna, Michael...do..... Jan. 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beavera'e, Robert......do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1866-Vet. Brenai, Michael....do..... Sept. 21,.'613 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. B6yer, JoshLia..;.......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boyle, Patrick........do July 12,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Brunnell, Petei....... do.... Jan. 11,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Boyer, Frahnklin.......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mis. in action near Cold Harbor, Va., June 12,'64. Brennan, John........do.. Oct. 1, 61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Bairnett, Daniel D....d........ d Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Boyer, fDaniel........... do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Poplar Grove Church, Va., Oct. 5, 1864. Bresian, Patrick......do..... May 10,'64, 3 Deserted, July 6, 1864. Bu'rrowe, Joseph:......do...Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Barlow, Alfred...........o Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bohannan, Michael...do...... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Broadbent, John......do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-buried in National Cemetery, Antietam, Md.-sec. 26, lot, A, grave, 36. Baker, John.............do -... Dec. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bergati, Jaimes, 1st.;...do.,.. Dec. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Be-.gan, James, 2d....d..... Jan. 6,'62,3 Not on muster-out roll. Brown, James.........do..Dec. 17,'61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Blanck, Chearles....:...do..'.... -Jan. 19,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Conner, James........d...do.. Sept. 11,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cummiongs, Albert...do... F.7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Campbell, L. H.........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cirby, Thomas...........do.... Jan. 20,'65 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Case, George...........do.... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Clemens, Joseph.......do..... Mar. 23,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Castle, Jerome........do.... iMar. 5,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'65. Clemens, John.........do... Feb. 7,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Clemens, Thomas......do.... Feb. 7,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Coogan, Richard........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster out roll. canfield, Jeffries.......do...... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dunn, James...........do.....A Feb. 29'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. D'uniap, Archibald.....do.....Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Dooley, John.............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 17, 1865. Devine, Thomas.....do........ Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dress, Cornelius....do'Feb. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. De Frehn, John A......d.... Feb. 11.'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1219 W DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTSERVIEARKS Doolan, Thomas..... Private Jan. 24,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Dunlap, John..........do... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Devine, Robert.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died at Alexandria, Va., December 28, 1864. Darrah, John.........do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at Poplar Grove Church, Va., Sept. 30,'64. Delany, Michael......do....Nov. 18,61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Delany, Martin.........do.. Nov. 24,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dougherty, James....do.... Mar. 9,'04, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Evans, William.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Evans, Thomas.......A...... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Evans, William........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died June 22,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem'y, Arlington. Farrell, Lawrence.....do..... Feb. 25, 64,3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Frantz, Valentine.......do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Committed suicide near Fort Albany, Apr. 28,'64. Farril, James...........do..Jan. 20,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fager, William J......do.... Mar. 30, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 24, 1864 Gotshall, Martin........do....Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gaynor, William.......do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Grant, James............do.... Jan. 24, 65,3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., July 6, 1865. Gibson, William.......'.do.... Jan. 11, 65, 1Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Goodwin, Fred. O........... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., June 20, 1865. Grant, atrick...........do....Mar. 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12, 65 Gibbons, Joseph........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hobwood, Thomas.....o..... July 2,'63, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 5, 1865. Hodgert, William......do.... Mar. 10, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hayes, Thomas........... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Wounded April 2,'65-ab., in hos., at mus. out. Hall, Thomas........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to V. R. C. —date unknown. Hyland, William.....do.... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hamilton, David.......do.... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jones, John..............do..... ept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-et. James, William C....do.... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Wounded April 2,'65-ab., in hos., at mus. out Judge, John..............do.... Sept. 1,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Jefferson, William.....d....S. 21,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Jenkins, William...o...d... Dec. 17,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kane, William B......do..... Feb. 7,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 18Q5. Kervine, Daniel.........do.....Mar. 9,'64 3. Absent, sick, at muster out. Kelley, Alexander.....do.. Feb. 7,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Knight, Elijah..........do... Feb. 5,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Klechner, Abr'hm....do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kelly, John.............. do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leary, Timothy........o..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,!865. Lowry, John..........do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1Mustered out with company, July 17 1865. Landy, Michael.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expirationof term. Lynch, Patrick.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Deserted January 13, 1865-Vet. Lyons, John............do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Deserted March 6, 1865. Lord, Henry............do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, William,.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-outroll. Morgan, David.........do.....Sept. 21,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 17,'65-Vet. M'Neely, George.....do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. M'Elrath, Robert......do..... Jan. 1,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Murry, John.............do.. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Wounded June 17,'64ab., in hos., at mus. out. M'Gee, Thomas........do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Crea, John...........do.....Mar. 15,'64, 3 Wounded June 17,'64-ab., in hos., at mus. out. M'Geary, Daniel.......do..... Jan. 20,'65, Wounded April 2,'65-ab., in hos., at mus. out. Mullen, William........ Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered ut with company, July 17, 1865. M'Glennen, Thos.....do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mis.in actionnear WeldonR. R.,Va.,Sept.8, Meredith, ob't, Sr...do.....Sept. 19,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Meredith, Rob't, Jr...do.... Mar. 15, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 29,'65. M'Sorely, John.......do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expirationofterm. M'Elrath, William...do..... Feb. 7,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6, 1865. Muire, Michael........do..... Sept. 19,'64, 11 Discharg'ed by eneral rder, June7, 1865. Mullen, William....do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 15,'65. Meighan, James........do.....Mar. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 25,'65. Major, John..........do..... Feb. 7,'64,.13 Killed at Petersbrg, Va., June7 1,864-ba in o... 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. M'Ginnis, Edward.....do.... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Capt'd-died at Salisbury, N. G., Nov. 17, 1864. Mercer, James..........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died at-Milansville, Pa., May21, 1865. Major, Thomas........do....ep. 21,'61, 3 Died Oct. 31, 1862-bu. ii Mil. Asy. Cem., DD.C. M'Feely, Hugh.......do...... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on uster-out roll. M'Nealy, Geo., Sr.....o.... Sept. 21,'61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Miartin, John...........do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murphy, Edward......do..... Nov. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moyer, Samuel......do.... Nov. 23,'61, 3 Not on:muster-out roll. Mouse, William......do..... Nov. 24,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mathews, William..do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Gowan, Michael. do... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Mitchell, Joseph.......do. Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 1220 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMA INTO SERVICE. < REMARKS. Norton, James....... Private April 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. O'Neil, John..............do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Penman, Mungo........do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Pierce, Henry............do..... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Pocket, John D.........do..... Feb. 7,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 19,'64. Quinn, Daniel............do... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Quinn, Charles..........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died of wounds, July 24, 1864-buried in United J)^, States General Hospital Cem., Annapolis, Md. Reedy, Daniel E........do..... Dec. 8,'61, 3 Wd. June 3,'64-ab., in hos., at mus. out-Vet. Ramsey, Daniel.........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Wd. May 9, 1864-disch. by G. O., July 5, 1865. Roberts, Daniel.......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Reagan, James.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D.C., of wds., June 30,'64. Reysons, William......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died of wounds, June 23,'64-buried in United States General Hospital Cem., Annapolis, Md. Robinson, William...do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Schaeffer,George W...do.... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Spotts, Alfred............do... Feb. 25,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stout, George............do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Snyder, Henry..........do...Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Smith, John A..........do.... Jan. 26,'651 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Soesby, George........do... Mar. 23, 65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Simmers, William...do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Sigmund,Abrahard...do....Feb. 29,'64, Died at Petersburg, Va., of wounds, Jan. 7,'65. Seaward, Samuel....do... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sunderland, John......do..... Nov. 18,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shields, James.......do..... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll-Vet. Slanderhous, John...do..... Feb. 29, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Whalen, Thomas.....do....Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Watson, John.........d.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weaver, Jeremiah....do.... April 5, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Whoomer, Benj. F....do..... Feb. 7,'64, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Walter, Christopher...do..Jan. 13,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Whalen, James....do..... Jan. 20, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Werner, Stephen P...do......9, 64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 3, 1865. Wade, Anthony........do.....Mar. 10,'64, 3 Died of wds. near Cold Harbor, Va., June 9,'64. Williams, David.......do..... Dec. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864-Vet. Walker, John..........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Walker, Thomas............ Dec. 3,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Young, William..... do..... Feb. 24, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT MINERSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. JosephH. Hoskings Capt.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. John L. Williams...do...Oct.. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to 1st Lt., July 13, 1864- to Capt., Oct. 30,'64-mus. out with Co., July 17, 1865. Henry, James....... 1st Lt.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 26,'64. James A Easton....do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., July 13, 1864-to 1st Lieut., November 15,'64-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry Reese.......... 2d Lt... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant, October 30, 1863-mus. tered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John W. Jenkins... 1st Sgt. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. George Edwards...... do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-tolst Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William E. Taylor.. Serg't.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Chas. W. Haines.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Robert D. Paden......do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Richard Hopkins...do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 14,'64-Vet. William J. Wells......do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt..-mustered out with company, July 17, 1855-Vet. Patrick Monaghan......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt. - mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-YVet. Austin E. Farrow. do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to. Sgt. -mustered out with company. July 17, 1865.-Vet. Joseph Gould.....do...Oct. 1,'61, "3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt.- to Quartermaster Sergeant-date unknown-Vet. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1221 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER I ^^' NAME. I. INTO SERVICE. z REMARKS. Henry Jenkins...... Corp.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Sept. 15, 1862-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Jeremiah Griffiths......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William S e. Reder... do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William Hopkins.'.....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. George N. Dowden...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. John Williams........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Samuel Glenn.,.........do..... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out, March 3,'65expiration of term. Robert Wallace...do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Isaac Barto.......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Powell........... do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., of wounds received May 26, 1864-Vet. David T. Kreiger......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Thomas James.........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sam'l Dunkerly.......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out wyith company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Edward R. West... do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Devlin...........;..do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Aug's H. Whitman...do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., March 3, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. John Lawrence...... Muc.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. David Fulton.........do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ackley, Isaac....... Private Jan. 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick. at muster out-Vet. Adams, Richard M...do....Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Achenbach, Wm.......do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Andrews, James........do.....Feb. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out, March 3, 1865-expiration of term. Adams, Dennis.......do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Transferredto company C,-date unknown-Vet. Ball, William..........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Brennen, James........do..... Jan. 1,64, 3'Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Brennen, James......... do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Burland, William......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bambrick, James......do.... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July'17, 1865. Bush, Villiam........do.... Mar. 8, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Broderick, Thos.......do..... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brennen, Murtogh.....do..... April 27,'65, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 11,'64. Boran, Patrick..........do..... April 5,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 11,'64. Bradley, James.........do..... Feb. 19,'64, o Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Brereton, William.....do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Diedat Ft. Clark,Hatteras Inlet, N.C., Dec. 11,'61. Brown, Patrick M..... do..... Aug. 28,'63, 3 Killed on railroad, near Paris, Ky., Jan. 24,'64. Boyle, Bernard.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll, Carroll, John...........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Crawford, John........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Carroll, William J.....do..... April 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Carr, James...............do.... April 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Carroll, Patrick P......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged Feb. 7, 1865, to accept commission in U. S. colored troops. Crawford, John A.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Curry, Thomas......... do.... Jan. 20,'62, 3 Deserted March 10, 1864-Vet. Carroll, Anthony......do.... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Deserted September 28, 1864. Cavill, William.........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Deserted May 1, 1862. Devine, John............do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Duffy, William E......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Davis, William I.....do..... Mar. 2,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dillman, Henry......... do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Davis, Thomas.......do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Davis, John E...........do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Davis, David..........do.... Mar. 8,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dailey, Edward.......do.... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company. July 17, 1865. Demsey, James......do.... Jan. 26'65, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 7, 1865. Doolin, Patrick.........do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Devlin, Simon.........do...o. Mar. 7,'64, 3 Killed in action, June 18, 1864-bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Defrehn, Elijah.............. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Captured Dec. 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, N. C. Dando, Isaac...........do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Doughton, William...do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eddy, John...........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Evans,`James W.......do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died March 2, 1864-buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Ferrich, Henry.........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ferree, Jacob F.......do..... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fisher, Albert..........do..... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 19,'65. Fulton, William........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, February 12, 1865-Vet. Finley, Joseph............ d Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Jan. 22,'65. Falls, James do............do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Griffith, David....do..... Jan 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Garland, Thomas......do... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. 1222 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NA-ME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTERREM INTO SERVICE. REMARKS Griffith, John....... Private April 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Glacken, Hugh.........do J.. an. 20,'6., 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Griffith, Lemuel.......do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Glenn, William T do...... Oct. 6 1, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gibson, Francis............ Feb. 29,'64 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Hosgood, John..........do.... Feb. 17, 64 3 Mustered out with company, July 1, 1865. Ieisler, Henry C...J........ an. 1,,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Harnan, Philip.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hays, James.............do.....Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Hollenback, James...do.... Jan. 11,'65, Drafted-discharged by G. O., July 12, 1865. Hoover, Jeremiah.....d.....Jan 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Holsey, Henry..........do.....Feb. 18,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 5,'65. Houlte, James...........do.... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865. House, Hamilton......do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order-date unknown. Haines, Cyrus....... do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Haggerty, John......d...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Holsey, William........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jones, George H........do... Mar. 8,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jenkins, Sampson.....do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Tr. to 51st Co., 2d batt., V. R. C., Jan. 16, 1865. Johnson, William......do..... Mar. 22'64, 3 Transferred to company C-date unknown. Jones, William T.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jenkins, William......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kohler, Geo. W.........do...Feb. 27,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kohler, William H...do..... Mar. 1, 64, 3Absent, sick, at muster out. Kehn, John.............do.... Jan. 11,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Kuhns, Jacob...........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Deserted July 9, 1864-Vet. Kemp, John..............do..... Oct. 1, 61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Killrain, Michael......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, Thomas D......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Leary, Cornelius.......do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lavell, Michael............. April 20,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Lyshon, Thomas........do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lawless, John...........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Litchfield, Peter........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 9, 1864. Lewis, Isaac..............do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Killed in action, June 17, 1864. Lyng, John............do..... Aug. 27,'63, 3 Deserted March 10, 1864. Littlehales, Richard........ Oct. 1,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Lloyd, Thomas...........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lyshon, Thomas........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Manning, James W...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Manders, George.......do..... Feb. 24'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Murphy, James.......do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. M'Vey, John..........do... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mullen, Patrick.......do..... April 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murphy, Thomas......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Murphy, Wm., 1st.....do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murphy, Wm., 2d......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moore, William........do..... Feb. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, John............ do.... Sept. 12,'64, 1Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Mohan, Michael.........do.....Mar. 9,'64,3 Transfered to company C-date unknown. Manning, Israel.........do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died at Fredericksburg, May 8,1864, of wounds received in action. Morrisy, John............do.... Jan. 4,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. MH., ay 12, 1864buried on battle-field-Vet. M'Cann, Henry.........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864. Miller, David............do..... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Died of wounds, at Annapolis, Md., Nov. 6,'64. M'Elvie, David W.....do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Killed in action, April 2, 1865. M'Gee, John....... do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Deserted March 10, 1864. Morrison, John J... do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died October 23, 1862-buried in Military Asy-......t ~- lumn Cemetery, D. C. Malin, Patrick......do..... April 14,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Moon, William..........do..... Feb 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Owens, Morgan P....do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Paulley, James.........do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Pickford, Hugh.......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865 — Vet. Purcell, Patrick........do.................... Absent, sick, at muster out. Pfeifer, William.......do... Jan 24,'65 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 13, 1865. Phillips, John...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Pugh, Edward G....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Queeny, Frank.......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died August 31, 1864-buried at City Point, Va. Quinn, Peter.............do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Robson, Edward J....do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ramer, George....... do. Feb. 17,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Ryan, Michael...........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 M;Istred out with company, July 17, 1865. Reese, John J........do.Feb. 25,'64,3 Dis. for wds., with loss of arm, Aug. 25, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1223 IAME. RNK. DATE OF MUSTER WAKE. itAsk INTO SER IC. oS -........,,i.,,-......,.................;........................ Sheridan, George.... Private Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stellwagon, Geo. W...do... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Shissler, Edw'd L...... do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shaeffer, Timothy......do...... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shell, Elias............ do.... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865. Sweeney, William.....do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Transferred to company C-date unknown. Straub, Horace E......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Killed in action, Juue 17, 1864. Smith, William.........do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Sckouten, Jeremiah...do..... Oct. 1, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Thomas, Thos. M......do... Jan., 64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Taylor,Wm....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Turner, Edward H...do... Feb. 15, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27, 65. Thomas, Evan W.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Thiel, David F........... do.....Feb. 24,'64 3 illed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Thomas, Thomas J...do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Jan. 22, 1864-buried at Knoxville, Tenn.grave, 102. Taggart, Stephen.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Triesbach, Charles.....do. Oct. 1, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williams, Thos. J.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wallace, Robert........ do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wallace, John............do... Mar. 13.'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wardrop, Thomas.....do.....Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Wiest, Benj. F..........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 1,1865. Wilson, Michael........ do Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died March 24,'64-burial record, May 24,'64buried in U. S. Gen'l Hos., Annapolis, Md. Wiliams, Richard....do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May2,'64-et Woods, Lewis........... do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, *~i..1864-buried on battle-field-Vet. Weser, Andrew..... do..... Apr. 14,'64, 3 Died-date unknown. Welsh, Michael...........do Apr. 5,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., February 6, 1865-burial record, December 20, 1864. Wilson, Thomas......d........................ 3 Deserted March 10, 1864. Wilson, John M......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wood, Robert,.........do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wessley,o A.... d...do.............. Died June 17, 1864-buried in National Ceme-._______. tery, Arlington, a.. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Philip Nagle......... Capt.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned June 2, 1862. Olir. Bosbyshell......do..... Oct. 1, 61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d to st Lt., May 5, 1862-to Capt., June 2, 1862-to Major, July 23, 1864. Richard M. Jones.....do...... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., June 24, 1864to 1st Lt., July 13,'64-to Capt., Sept. 12,'64 to Major, May 11, 1865-Vet. William Auman......... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt.-to 2d Lt., July 24, 1864-to 1st Lt., Sept. 12, 1864-to Bv. Capt., March 3, 1865- to Capt., June 4, 1865 - mus. out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Cyrus Schemet.........lst Lt... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Resigned May 3, 1862. Curtis C. Pollock.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., May 5, 1862-to lst Lt., June 2, 1862-died June 23, 1864, of wounds re-..~~~ -- ~~~~~ceived June 17, 1864. Wm H..........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward, Sept. 29, 1861to 2d Lt., Sept. 15,'64-to 1st Lt., June 4,'65mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry C. Jackson.2d Lt.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt., June 2,1862-killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, near Fredericksburg. George Faine......... do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to Sgt. Maj., Dec. 22,1864-to 2d Lt., June 11, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Chas. F. Kuentzler 1st Sgt. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-YVet. Robert Smith....... Sergt. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Disch. by General Order, July-27, 1856-Vet. Theo. F. Patterson.....d.... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt. Co. K, 67th regt. P. V., Feb. 7,'62. Reuben Reeser.......... d o Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. JamesC. ies......d... o. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-mustered out, September 30, 1864-expiration of term. 1224 FORTY-EIGHTH REGTMENT, NAME RANK. DATEOF MUSTER NAME.;RANK. IT RSMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Charles B. Evans... Serg't.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-to Hospital Steward, September 17, 1864-Vet. Edw'd H. Sillyman...do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. EdwardFlanagan.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Daniel Donne............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. William Martin...... Corp.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 11,'63. Henry Krebs............do..... Sept. 10,'62, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Serg't, Mar. 17,'64. John Hutton.............do.....Oct. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 1, 1864-expiration of term. John W. Smith..........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Alexander Govan......do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Killed at Bethesda Church, Va., June 3,'64-Vet. Monroe Schreffier......do..... Oct. 30,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet, John P. Kuentzler.....do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet, Patrick Nash.............do..... Feb. 31,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John Humble............do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. James Auman...........do:.... Oct. 1,'61 3Mustered out with company July 17, 1865-Vet. David P. Brown.......do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. John P. Hodgson.......do..... Oct. 30,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Samuel Banghart... Muc..... Oct. 30,'61 3 Absent,/in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Charles H. May......do...... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Abrahams, Abra'm Private Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Atkinson, Wm. P......do.. Mar. 10,'62, 3 Discharged by special order, Aug. 17, 1864-Vet. Allison, James.........do..... Feb. 20,'64,3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Armstrong, John......do...... Mar. 2,'64, 3Died July 1, 1864, of wounds received May 12, 1864-buried in National Cem., Arlington, Va. Becker, John............do.....Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Brown, John R..........do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Brown, Robert D.......do..... Dec. 26,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Boyle, Patrick.........d..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Baily, Peter.............do.....Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bergen, William...........Jan. 27,'65,3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Burkey, Henry.........do..... Jan. 21,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Betz, Joel H...............do... Oct." 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct 13, 1864-expiration of term. Bergen, Mathusa'm..do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Baden, Nicholas.........do.... Jan. 28,'65, 1Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, June 15,1865. Boyer, Daniel............do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Deserted March 16, 1864. Brennan, Michael....do...... Oct. 1,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28,'62. Bright, Louis A.........do..... Oct. 1;'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Beidleman, Wm. A....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 9,'62. Burmish, Henry........do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 20,'62, and since died. Bell, Joseph.......do..... 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 22, 1863. Brennan, Lawrefce....do..... Dec. 20,'61, 3 Deserted December 12, 1862. Cheetham, Joseph.....do..d.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Musteredout with company, July 17, 1866-Vet. Clark, Michael..........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Cunningham, Pat'k...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Calihan, Andrew.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Calahan, James.........do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Chadwick, James......do..Oct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out Oct. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Clemens, John S........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Clark, Thomos..........do..... Oct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Carroll, Peter........... do..... Aug. 24,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Comp, Solomon.........do..... Sept. 21,'64 I Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, June 7,'65. Clark, Charles....... do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died April 6, 1864-buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Maryland. Droble, John.............do... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Delany, John...........do...Oct. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Daly, Patrick..........do.... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Duffey, Thomas.........do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Doolin, Henry...........do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Musteredout, Oct. 5, 1864-expiration of term. Diehl, Philip L..........do..... Oct.,'61, 3 Died at Fort Clark,Hatteras Inlet, N.C.,Dec. 3,'61. Dates, William H......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Deserted April 27, 1864. Dentzer, Henry C......do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 20,'62. Darkin, William........do..... Feb. 22,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Draup, George.........do..... Mar. 31,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 26,'62. Deitrich, Jacob..........do.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Eberle, David...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Evans, Clay W..........do. Feb. 24,'64, 3 Disch.toacceptcom.in 31streg.U.S.C.T., Dec.2,'64. Evans, Clement..o....do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Fame, William.........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Frazer, James............. d Mar. 8,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Frazer,7.hn..........do..... Mar. 7,'64,3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Flicki, Benj....... do -...- April 21,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. FralickGeorge A..do...I Jan. 27,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. { IMJan. 27,r.65, 1 THRBE YEARf8 SER VICE. 1225 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RARKS Falkrot, Nicholas... Private Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Fink, George.............do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Frederick, Joel.........do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Freeman, Wm. J.......do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 21, 1864-expiration of term. Fers, Nicholas..........do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 20, 1865. Farne, John................do..... Oct. 22,'61, 3 Died November 8, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Galligan, John...........do..... Mar. 6,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Goodman, Mattbias...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gwinner, Jacob.........do..... Mar. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Grant. Patrick...........do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Captured at Pegram's Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. Glassmier, W. J........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30. 1864 —expiration of term.' Galligan, Patrick...do..... July 28,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 8, 1865. Gross, Nicholas.........do.....Mar. 21,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., March 12, 1865. Gillingham, W. P.....do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 15,'63 Galligan- Andrew...l...do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Veteran Res. Corps, June, 1863. Grace, John.......do..... Dec. 20,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62-deserted Oct. 3,'62.' Hendley, Adam,.......do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Hannings, Robert....do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-absent at muster out.' Hoover, Henry'...... do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Hess, William..........do..... Jan.'26, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Howell, Thomas.......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 18,'65.. Hablery, Henry.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept.. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Hazzard, Chas. H....o..... Oct, 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 22, 1864-expiration of term. Hinch, Fred'k C......do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 20, 1865. Iddings, Lewis..........do..... Jan. 11,'65, I Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., June 27, 1865. Jones, J. Howard......do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died July 13, 1864, of wounds received June 17, 1864-buried at Alexandria-grave, 2,393. Jones, John...........do..... Oct. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 7, 1863. Kautter, John..........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kain, Geo........ do..... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Kyler, Henry............do..... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., June 27, 1865., Koegel, John......d...do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 28,'62. Krebs, Pharoah W'...do..... Nov. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 14,'63. Lechler David.....do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lobamaer, Henry......do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, June 20, 1865. awrence, Geo. R.....do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Died at Port Carbon, Pa., September 11, 1864. Loeser, Chas., Jr....... do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major —date unknown. Maurer, William......do..... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 13,'65-Vet. M'Daniels, W.S......do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moser, John...........do.... Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co, July 17, 1865. Moyer, Jonathan.......do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Captured at Petersburg, Va., September 18,'64. Milligan, William......do. Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July.17, 1865. Mulholland, John...... do. Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Myer, George. do.... t. 161, 361, Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1864 —expiration of term. Martin, William....do..:.. Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 16, 1865. M'Vane, John.........do..... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 25, 1865. Mason, William.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 3, 1862. M'Cabe, Edward...do...d Oct. 22,'61, 3 Died November 12, 1862. Middleton, Patrick...do,.... Dec. 20,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 2, 1863. Muldowney, James...do..... Dec. 20,'61, 3 Died of wds. received at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862.'Muldowney, John......do..... Oct. 5,'61, 3 Deserted January 22, 1863. Mank, Joel A....... o..... April 8,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'63. Norigang, Peter"' do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company,'July 17, 1865. Nagle, Henry W.... do.... 1O'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec.', 1863. Ocker, Henry............ do.. Jan. 27,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Owens, Edward.....'do.. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov., 1863. Price, William.. "'do....Oct. 1:1,'613 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Pugh, John......do..;. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged February 25, 1863, for wounds received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Philips, William do.. Feb. 20,'64, 3 Died at Pottsville, Pa., March 26, 1864. Quinn, Louis...... do......Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Regan, John J..-...."...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reppert, John;;... do.. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Royer, Joseph..........do..... Jan 11,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Rogers, Uriah W......do...." Jan. 11,'65, 1 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 17,,1865. Robinson, James R "...do..... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out'with Co., July 17, 1865. ^Rite, Isaac.......do. l Jan, 2,'65, 3 Substitute-absent at muster out. Reed, Joshua......." do'.....Feb. 16,'62, 3 Wd. at Bull Run, Aug. 29,'62-ca.pt'd at Pegram's Farm, Va., Sept. 30,'64 —died-date unknown. Rudolph, John do.... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Reid, Robert' do...Oct. 1'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864 —expiration of term. Rogers, John..'...."...do..." Oct. 1'61,3 Discharged Feb. 24, 1863, for wounds received at, Antietam, September 17, 1862. ReedI5'4dam.-l,.,, i. (l~d,0 O.Oct. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 27,'62. 154 1220 FOBTY-EIGaHWH BEGI(BaENT, ara, 4.. & DATB OF MUSTER... ITO SE VICE. Raush, Valentine GPivat eMar. 7,'62, 3 Drowned in Mississippi river, June ll-.or 12,'63, ytainPatr..i.ik.........d.-65,:'61, 3Deserted January 22, i863. Schrow, De1wald..... d..o Feb.. 19, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sennet, James.-....d...^0"-Feb. 20I,'64, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. heafer, Ohristia.....:Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shaw, Williai i.......... Jan. 20,'64, 3 Missing at North Anna, Va., May 27, 1864. rSavage, Patrickl........... tr. 3,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stall, William,..e1.........,d'...4, 34, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Thmas..........d....Jan. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Sykes, Edward..... O......,....,Ot 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30,1864 —expiration'ofterm. slatterly Wm.n R......[....d.oIMar. 4, 64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 1, 65. encer, James...........Feb. 19S,'64,` 39 Died May 31, 1864, of wounds received May I, 1 i864-buried at Alexandria-grave, 1,993.;* Simpsoni, Wlli.. 1,,64 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 26,'64-e bugried in 9th; Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Smith, Patrick.........., Jul, 64, 3 Died Oct. 24, 186-buried at Beverly, N. J. Smith, William......... do-... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died Sept. 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull -haw, h......-'..Run, AuguSt 29, 1862. Shaw, John. d............. ot.,'61,1 3 Discharged October 31, 1862, forwounds received -~ -;.: -~, - — at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. S1tevenson, Wiliam... doo Oct. I,'61, 3T Transferred to company B, Jan. 1, 1864-Vet. Strauser, William.,...do..... iOct. I,'i6,.& Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 18,'62.'innons, CGharles..d...c...... 5,'61, illed at Antietam, September 17, 1862.. o'ben, Joh.n............. d... ct. 30,'61, 3 Deserted —date unknown. Walbidge,Ado'sB..do.. Mar. 2,'64, Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Walburn, David..... do..... Jan 11,,65, 1 Drafted-mustered outwith Co., July 17, 1865. Wriht,3., Joh............... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865. Williamsa, Wiam,,[..;do..... Fdo.. 19,-'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. WilingiamJohni'n..do......Oc. 0,'61 3 D'Discharged November 21, 1862, for wds. received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862.Wonders, Joh1n......O...d.... Ot. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 1863, or January, 1864.. Wi:ght, Isaac............... Jan. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-discharged by General Order,Aug. 9,1865. - xtYerge.rSe[ry..... ct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 1, 1864-expiration of term: ^OCMAnY a. RECRUITED AT POTTSVILLE, SOKUYLKILL COUNTY. JosA.limoAr... Capt..... Sept. 19,'61, 3' Promoted to Major, July 28, 1863. William J. Hinkle..do.. Sept. 19'61,'61, Promoted from st Lt. to Capt., Aug. 28, 1863.com. Major, Jan. 2, 1865-not mustered- ius-T tered out. March 1, 1865-expiration of term. Aiba c. Thompson.....do. S. 19, 61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to -to2d Lt., ept 12 1864-to 1st Lt., Oct. 30,1864-to Capt., March 3,'65 mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865-Vet. lst Lt., August 28, 63-mustered out Sept. -30, ThesaH. mi n. l..a.do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted fo Cor. to 2d Lt., Oct. 30, 1864s. -3st Lt., March 3,'6 —to brevet Capt., April 2,'65 wounded at Petersbrg, Va., April 2, 1865mustered out with comp.any, July 17,'65-Tet. Edward. IBaird... -2d L t... Sept. 19, 61, 3 Promoted to A. A.G.,U. S. V., Sept. 19,1861.:CharlesH. Miller......do...Jan.16,'62,3 Resigned —date unkniOwn. S. B. Laubenstine.....do....Sept 19,'-61, 13 Promoted from Cor., Sept. I, 863 —killedear —,.. 6Shady Grove, TVa, May 31,1864. DavidB. B ro0wn,.....do.... Sept 19, 61, 3 Promoted from Cor. -to 2d Lt., J: une 21, 164-killeat Petersburg, ya., Aug..5, 1864-:-Vet. Dan'1 D -. Mi innes. Ist gtt. Sep. 1, 3'61, Not on muster-out roll. Peter Radelberger..i.do..... tSept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-toA IstSgt.-..com 2d Lt., Mar. 1 1865-not mustered-wounded April 2,'65abrisent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Hiinry Burnisteel.... SergtSept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt. - mustered outwith - c..I: — company, July 17,1865 —Vet.'DanielMoser........do.S... Sept. 19'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. —to Sgt. -mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Aenry-lrVey,...t.... do.....ept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor. —to Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-wounded.,enry:.e y,.....t - PIIYEBABS' SBRVICE.12 ~RxiaME, I. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. "M ARRS Anthony Herbert... Sergpt..Sept.::19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. William Brown........do...Sept. 19,1, 3 Promoted from Corporal-mustered out, Sep. tember 30, 1864-expiration of term..1 R. BHetherington......do.Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted, from. Corporel —mustered out, September 16, 1864-expiration of term.'Samuel M. Ruch.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Thomas J. Rose....do..Sept.. 19,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll, Winm. T. Garrett......... do... Sept. 19,'1, 3 Not on muster-out roll. WilliamA. oyd...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company,July 17,1865-Vet.'Hienry C... Math...do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wd. April 2,'65-ab.,inhos., atmus. outVt. Jacob A.Witman......do..... Sept. 19,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. WilamesA. Wentsell.......... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865 —Vet. JHenCruikshank.. do....Sept. 25, 63 3 Mustered out with companyJuly, 1865. John E. Benedict.t... do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Alfred C orney.......do.....Sept. 19, 61, 3 Mustered out WiSept. 0,omp64nyexpiration of term.1865 —V oHenCruiky Shay.........do...... Sept.19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sep'64expiration of term -Charles Norrigan......do.S....Sept. 19,'61, 3 KilledatNorth AnnaRiver, Va., May26,'64-Vt. Chas.C:. Hinkle..d......do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jtoseph Reed.....'....do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. 11. A. Jenkins............ do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Andrew J. Snyder.Muc....l Sept. 19,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Aurand,Lewis.. Private Sept. 19,'61 3 3Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Acorn, Martin....... d...do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out,-Sept. 30,'64-Lexpiration of teram. Aurand, Charles........do...F.. 18,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's4certificiat e, Jan. 5, t5. Alexander, Joseph...do.....Mar. 2, 64, 3 Killed at ColdHarbor June3, May186, 4. Adam, Albered.......... Sept. 19,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. tdorf, James.........do..... M. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with collpany,July 17, 1865. Brie.-ht, Harrison. do.... SFebpt. 19, 641, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Bright, DanideleRws......do.....FP eb. 2t5, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 t. Baughinan, John......do.....an.27, 65,: 3Substitute-mustered outewith Co., J-uly 17,'6.te Bigeyatdo, Thomames..... do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865. Bairr, William............do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered outwith company, July 17, 1865.'Bihron, Michael:R...... do.....Jan. 27,'65, 3 Substitutered-wounded April2, 1865July 17discharged by Genieral Order, May 24, 1865. Bish, Sam ohnuel B......do..... Jan.'27,'65, 1 |Substitute —mustered. out with Co., July 17,'65. Bennie, Aley ande.....do....Feb. 20,'65; 1 Mustered out with company,~ July 17, 1865. Baker, Davild..........do..Feb. 1925,'64, 3 DMuischared out wiSurgth comn ertiicatey, y ct. 20,86 4. Black, Hnry..do...do. Mar. 31,64, 3 ot onmuster-out roll. Baer, J:i ohn......do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustitered out, woundSept. 30,64expiration of term Bennie, Cramuelford.....do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered outiSept.30,'64-lexpration of, term. Bensconer, Abrahdem r...do..... r. 3, 64, 3 Mustilled at Spottsh ylvaiompanyH., May 1, 1864.;tByeSrley,Jeffer'i W...do....:. Feb. 18,' 64, 3 K illed near' Petersburg, Va. l iJune t17, 1864. Bannon, Isaac...........do.....April 1,'64, 3 Died July 16,'64-bu. atAlexandria-.grave, 2,410. Bendaer, Jacdb............do.... ebug. 10,'64, 1 Discharged by eneralOrder, July 27, 1865. Christian, Henry F....do.... Mar. 3,64, 3 Mustered out roith l.company July 7,1865. Christian, Ge.. W.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with ompany, July 17piration o1865-et. BenCarroll, Craoh...........do... eApril20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,ir 1865. Coo ter, Daniel..do'....' 3,'64, 8 Wounded in aSp tion,i May 12, 1864-dischaged o Surgeon's cerifiate, May 26,' Alexndra-gra1865. Crow, HenryJacdo..... Sept...... 12,'64, I Discharged by General Order,-Julye 7, 1865. Cherister, Josephry......... Mar.:3,:64,3 Died' May 24,out wit864, ofmpwoundsrec.-ay: 85. Davis, Albert............do.....Feb. 22,'64, 3 Wounded May 12, 1864-discharged by General Qrder, July 13, 1865. -- ChDershan, Jeremo.iah...do. Jan. 17 65, 1., Drafted-m3 ustered out wit h Co., July 17, 1865. ershamrr, John ewis......,.do.... Oct. 7, ril-2064, Drafted64, uster ed o ut with o.any July 17,865. DershamJriah..do..Jan. 17,'t65, I Drafted-mustered out -witho., July17, 18. Donnelly, John.........do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April20, 1864. De LongChie.....do..Feb. i 19,'64, 8 Died nearBristoe Station;, diay 4, 1864.di Darowis omaenry...........do.... Feb., 15,'64, Killed at Petersburg, erVa., June 8, 71864. Davis, William..... do. Sept. 19, 61, 38 Died Sept. 5, 1864, of.wds. re. Juned3,64-bb. in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.'lonnely,Willert..,...do..... Mar. 242,'64, 3W Klled at Petersburg,-Va.,Aiilcha 1865-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Moade Station, Va. Dreibelbeis, W.H.....do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Evansham, JereThomas....do....F. Feb. 16,'5, 1 DaftedMustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Eberley, Charles....do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 DrWoundted- Jtiune e 16, 64-discharged, ySurgen EDer ah....;- 1f th-C-;lao.o'." Jtly -171i 418$certificate, Januar21, 865-Vet. Edwardsn, Joseph.n.do.. Feb. 25,64, Wounded in action, May 12, M. 1864dismchuargedd on Surgeon's certificate, Juned27, 1865. Lodards, Edward. E...do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died nearBrnnapolistatMd.,Apry 231864. EisenWut,illia o...d.. 12,'6, 3 Died February 17, 8'6 buried ineNa; ntl6en4e-, National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. 1228 FORTY-EIGHTH REGMIMENT, ~ ".". l""" I' ^~-~ -KAMH.W~ IA DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Everley, Morris..... Private April 20,'64, 3 Deserted August 21, 1864. Edwards, Richard.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Eisenhuth, GeoT..do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fetterman, Charles...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Foster, George N.......do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Fox, Emanuel..........do... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died Dec. 5,'64-bu. at Alexandria-grave, 2,917. Fetterman, Isaac.......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andorsonville, Ga., September 8, 1864-grave, 8,175. Fryberger, Samuel...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Forney, Richard........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster.out roll. Fryberger, Samuel...do..... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1865. Gannon, Thomas......do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Gallagher, Anthony...do..... Jan. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864-bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Gallagher, John........do.... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Wd. May 21,'64-dischonSurg. cert., Feb. 17,'65. Hoffman, Isaac.........do..... Aug. 13,'63. 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Haley, William H...do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Huber, William........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Howell, John M......do....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Heffner, Jno. H. C.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Halladay, George......do..... July 22,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Haves, Joseph S.......do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Wd. June 3,'64-disch. by G. 0., June 13, 1865. Hirst, Job......... do.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., July 3, 1864, of wds. received in action. Heffron, Philip.........do..... April 7,'64, 3 Captured-died at Salisbury, N. C., Nov. 25,'64. Hartline, Albert.......d..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Heatherington, J. DI...do..... Sept. 9,'64, 1Not on muster-out roll. Jones, James............do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Jones, Harry............do.... Feb. 17, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jennings, John.........do....Feb. 17,'64, 3 Died at Pottsville, Pa., July 1, 1865. Koller, Benjamin......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Kyer, Charles............do.... Sept. 19,'61,.3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Kalbach, John F.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Kleinginna, Jno. F...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Krebs, Frank...........do.....Nov. 3,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 3, 1864-expiration of term. Kimmel, Wm. V.B...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864 —expiration of term. Kopp, Lewis W.......do....-. Mar. 2,'64, 3 Died Oct. 1,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington, Va. King, James...........do..... Jan. 28,'65, 3 Sub.-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Kay, Joseph............do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 31, 1865. Kelly, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kneer, Charles...........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on.muster-out roll. Iauer, Daniel. d..........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17'65-Vet. ioeser, William.......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Lintz, Willoughby...do..... Jan. 9,'65, Wd. April 2,'65-disch. by G. O., June 22, 1865. Lewis, George E.......do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Wd. April 2,'65-disch. by G. O., June 22, 1865. Lloyd, Thomas.........do..... Sept. 9,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Leib, Frank.......do..... Nov. 3,'61, 3 Pr. to Capt. Co. G, 106threg. P. V., Mar. 9,'64-Vet. Lloyd, John......... do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died at home, October 25, 1864. Lloyd, WilliamD......do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., Jan. 10, 1865-Vet. Lloyd, Horace............do..Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. loyd, William..........do.....Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, Thomas S...do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Died March 31, 1864-buried at Philadelphia. Metz, Charles....... do...Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Metz, Joseph......... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Absent, in hospital, at musterouVet. Metzinger, Joseph,..,.do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Miller, Conrad....... do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Moffitt, James......d.....d..... o Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Mentzer, John.,.........do..... Jan. 28,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Mullooly, Michael.....do.... Jan. 9,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. M'Farland, Patriko...do..... Mar. 30, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Muscott, John..... d........ 16'65, Mustered out with company, July 17 1865. Marshall, James........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Montitude, John.......do..., Feb. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moore, Joseph.... do:..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Melarkey, Michael...do.,... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Wd May 12,'64-disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 8,'64. Moy, Adamn............do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 17,'64. Miller, John........ do.... Aug. 4,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Metz, Edward.......do... Feb. 23,'6, 6 3 Discharged by General Order, June 16, 1865. Morey, George W......do.... Sept. 19,'61,' 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Mulholland,.James...do.... Sept 19,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864-bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Murphy, Arthur......,do.... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Deserted March, 1864. M'Guire, Bernard........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Canna, Peter........do..... Jan. 13,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll, Nagle, William........do,., Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE TESARS' SERVICE. 1229 DATE OF MUSTER NINTO SERVICE. Ohnmacht, Daniel... Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Olewine, John H........ do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. O'Donnell, Anth'y.....do..... Feb. 27,'q4, 3 Wounded June 3, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27, 1865. O'Brian,'Michael........do...Mar. 26,'64, 3 Deserted June 22, 1864. O'Brne,Barney........do..... Jan. 24,'65, 3 Sdbstitute-deserted June 19, 1865. Pritchard, John........do.....Mar. 3, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July. 17, 1865. Price, William H......do..... Sept. 9,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Palmer, Thomas L....do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Deserted-returned-disch. by G. O., May 16,'65. Petit, amuel.........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Raup, George M........do.. Sept. 9,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. ay, John W..........do..... Sept. ]0,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 20,'65-Vet. Road,John...............do.... Sept. 12,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Reb, Henry......d.......d.. do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at David's Island, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1864buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, L. I. Reese, August...........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reese, William........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Slanker, David..........do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stevenson, John........do..... Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Snyder, Reuben.........do..Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Severn, Thomas.........do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Skeen, Samuel F.....do... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Discharged July 12, 1865. Shilthorn, George.....do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Scott, Michael............do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Smith, Peter...............ept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Schneider, William...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Died of wounds, Sept. 12,'64-buried in National. emetery, Arlington, Va. Spears, John.........do...Sept. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted October 6, 1864. Schindle, George.......do... April 26,'64, 3 Prisoner from June 6, 1864, to April 28, 1865discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865. Schmehl, Isaac L......do...Sept. 30,'61. 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sponsler, John...........do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, David C.........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tittus, Ambrose H...do... Mar. 10,'64. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tillett, Jonathan......do... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Wounded June 17,'64 -ab, in hos., at mus. out. Thompson, Jo'h W...do. Sept. 9,'64, 1 I)ischarged by General Order, June 7,'65. Uhl, George.............do Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Wade, Michael.......do Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Weise, Joseph...........do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wagner, Jacob.........do..Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wineland, John.........do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Prisoner from March 17, 1864, to April 20, 1864disch. by General Order, July 7, 1865-Vet. Wilkins, William.....do.... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Wagner, Wm. E..........do.... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Wildemuth, J. F........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Weise, Jacob.............do..Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864 —expirttion of term. Williams, John........do. Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 24, 1865. Welsh, James........do Mar. 24,'64, 3 Deserted December 13, 1864. Yeick, Anthony J.....do Aug. 17,'64, 1 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 3,'65. COMPANY I. RECRUITED AT MIDDLEPORT, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. John R. Porter..C..... Capt.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Discharged December 30, 1862. Benj. B..Schuck.......do... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 12, 1862-to Capt., August 28, 1863-died July 27, 1864, of wounds received in action, June 25, 1864. Francis Da Koch.......do..,. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Lt.-to 2d Lt., Mar. 16, 1864to Capt., Sept. 12, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Geo. H. Gressang... 1st Lt.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 DrownedbysilikingoftheWestPoint, Aug.12,'62. Mich'l M. Kistler... do....-. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt., Oct. 20, 1862-discharged Oct. 21, ~-~ -:~ -..X1863-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Joseph Edwards........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., Sept. 1, 1863-to 1st Lt., March 16, 1864-died June 2, 1864, of wounds received in action, Jund 17, 1864. Oliver A. J. Davis....... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt.-to 1st Lt., Sept. 12, 1864mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Francis Allebach.... 2d Lt... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to 2d Lt., Oct. 30,'64-to Bvt. 1st Lt., Apr. 2,'65-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. {1Sp28 FORTY-BIIGHTH EIOBIENT AM. RNK. DATE OF MUSTER RBEMARBK.... tered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Luke Swain.. Sr.. gt........ Segt.. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-~wounde May 12, 1864 — absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. James M'Reynolds...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporall-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. DanielElase..........do. Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Bennev'le Williams...do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, July 1,'65 mustered out with company, July 17,'65- et. George W. Klase.....do.Au. Aug.23, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-dischargode on-Surge3's certificate, June 27, 1865-YVet. Hugh Koch..........,..do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on musZer-out roll. Wesley Knittle......orp.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-LVet. Elias C. Kehl......... do. Aug. 23,'6, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Christian Seward......do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles Krater...........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865s-Vet. Thomas Jones-...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Charles De Lonug.........do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Francis Boner...........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 27, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Charles Curtis...........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporalt July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Henry W. Krater......do..... Oct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. James Miller -............. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 0, 1864expiration of term. Edw'dF. Shappelle..do.....Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Elias Macord........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Charles E. Weaver........ Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William Faust....... Muc...... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Jacob Backman.......do.....Sept. 12,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet Arndt, Isaac........... Private Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Buntz, Herman.........do...Sep. 15,'61, 3 Wd. May 30,'64-ab., in hos., at mus. out-Vet. Bachman, John F......do.... aept. 1.8,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Brown, John.............do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beyerle, Wm. F..... do...Feb. 23'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Beltz, Anthony........ do....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, March 23,.1865. Bankis, Daniel........do.... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, May 27, 1865. Beltz, Isaac.........do......do.Aug..23, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Boner, James...........do...Feb. 18,'64, Died June 22,64f wounds received in action,.May 30.'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington, Va. Beableheimer, L........do....Feb.. 23,'64, 3 Died July 25,'64, of wounds received at Petersburg, July 24, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Virginia. Beltz, Isaac K....... do... Aug. 23,'61,3 Died Aug. 10,'64, of wds. rec. in action, Aug. 8,'64-bu. in 9th Corps Cem., Meade Station, Va. Boyer, Wesley.........do...Aug. 23,'64, 1 illed atPetersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Boone, Alexander..do.... Aug.23,'613 Not on muster-out rol. Berniiger, Josiah.......do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Boyer, Daniel S....... Sept. 18,'61, 3 SNot on muster-out roll. Beverage, -Robert.....do....Ma. r, 10, 64, Not on muster-out roll. Cooper, John H.......do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Cooper, Matthew.....do..... d Mr. 13, 165, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Clark, John...... d..... o Aug. 23 61 3 Died June 8,'64, of wounds received in actionbu. in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.-Vet. Cobus, Joseph...... do..... t r. 5,'64, 3 WoundedandcapSpt ember30,1864-died at Petersburg, Va., October 4, 1864. Crowe, Patrick...........do... Mar. 15,'64, Captured September 30, 1864-died at Salisbury, North Carolina, November 19, 1864. Coombe, Thomas.;.... do.. Aug. 23,'61 3Not on mn uster-out roll. CoGstllo, James..;........do.. Mar. 13,'65, 1 Not on-muster-out roll. - Dresh, l:.ias.........do.. Aug: 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Dalens, John......do ..`. Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Drehrer, Benjamin.. do. Feb. 23'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. -De Trehn, Sam'l T.....do..Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Dooley, Martin.......do....Mar. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Derrick, Gyrus........do..... Feb. 22,64 3 Musterd out with company, July 17, 1865. Dreshj George........do... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va.., June 3,.1864. Douglass, -Lewis......;.do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. EiBenhower, A............do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July. 17, 1865. Bger, Henry J............do.Feb. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia, ra, bert... May 12, 1864-buried on battle-field. Fritz, Albert.......do..... do.Feb. 29,'64, 3' Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. FaustEi, MLewi..... do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Franklin, Charles... do.... Jan. 26,'6, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17, 65. Freed, amus e*i........do -..Aug. 23,- 64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 7 1865. THRBEE YEARS SER.VICE 1281! INTO SERVICE...... Frehn, John........ Private Aug. 23,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, April 18, 1864-Vet. Furman. Nathan.......do.... Oct. 1,'i, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, April 28,'6.4 Fisher, evi.......... do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3. Not on muster-out roll. Foust, Elias............. do Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Foeht, Lew is V........do.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fenst-rmacher, W.....do...... -ug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Gilbert, Joseph..... do.....- Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65 —Vet, Garber, David,.........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Good, Charles HI........do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Griffith,Thomas.......d:o..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Goodman, Henry. d...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 28, 186~5. Garber, Lewis:J........do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., April 23, 1864.:Gongloff, Jacob........ do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hill, Henry..........do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Au.'ust 7, 1865-Vet. Henry, Frederick......do..... Aug. 23, 61,.3 Wounded at North Anna River, Va., May 26, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Houser, Bernard A...do... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Horn, Charles W......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865.. Hollister, Samuel......do,... Mar. 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 186.. Horn, Washington.....do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hein, osiah..... do......do Oct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term, -Heiser, James............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Va., Septeniber 30, 1864-Vet. Hofiman, Benjamin...do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Died Sept. 25,'62-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem., D. C. Halsey, William.......do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Haldeman, Jonas......do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kramer, Israel........do.. Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Keller, Peter............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Koch, Hugh..............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Kramer, William.......do...... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Krater, John F.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. K:ehl, SamuelF,.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30,1864-expiration of term. Koch, Allen...............do..... Oct. 1,'6, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Koch, Charles R.....do....Oct. 1, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Kershner, Benj. B.....do..... Aug 23,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Kehi, Daniel J...........do.....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at City Point, Va., June 26, 1864. Kramer, Franklin.....do..... Aug. 23,'6, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kramer, Josiah.........do.....Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kerns, Wilson...........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leiser, Charles S.......do..... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 65-'Vet. Link, John.........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Larneard, Freeman...do... Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Lees, John.............do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lindemuth, Chas......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 27,'65. Lengert, Adam........do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 15,'65. Link, Hesgian...........do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Leiser, Charles F......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Maidenfort, Henry..do....Mar..1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Mauger, John R.......do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 18(5. M'Ardel, Bernard.....do..... Mar. 15,'64 3 Missing at Wilderness, Va., May 6, 1864. Martin, Robert.......do....Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Moyer, John E..........do.... Oct. 1,'61,3 Mustered out, Sept. 30,1864 —expiration of term. Marberger, Wm........ ct. 1Oi,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of terni. Mowery, Jonathan.....do.. Mar. 5,'643, Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Ieonbeck, Lucien......do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Prisoner from Sept. 30, 1864, to March 2, 1865discharged by General Order, June 5, 1865. Mack, Albert............do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at.Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Mullen, James..........do..... Jan. 26,'65. 3 Substitute-deserted June 27, i865. Millet, Charles...........do.....Aug. 23,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Neiswinter, Samuel..do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Neyman, Henry A...do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Neifert, Nathan.........do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out wich company, July 17, 1865. Neyer, Daniel...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died at City Point, Va., August 22, 1864. Neyman, Jacob........do..... Aug. 1,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Oats, John.............do...Ja. 24,'65, 3 Sub.-captured-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Owens, William........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term., Pletz, Theodore........o.... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Parker, Lance.........do.....Mar. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Price, William J......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Reich, Conrad............do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet.' Rumble, Rudolph.....do..... Aug. 23,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Reigel, Franklin........o..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet Ringer, Franklin E do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reinhard, Albert....do. Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Trumb6l, Anios....... Fe..,2,'4, 8 Mustered out with companyuY, J'l 17, 180,5 1232 FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK.C DATE OF MUSTER ~AMIE. RANKE. T INTO SERVICE. H REMARKS. Reed, Thomas J..... Private Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reinhard, August's...do..... Jan. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reinhard. Henry......do..... April 10,'62, 3 Mustered out, April 10, 1865 —expiration of term. Road, John.................. Jan. 26,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 3, 1865. Reichwein, Jacob......do. Mar. 8,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, April 2,'65-buried in 9th R Mr. 8,' Army Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Rumble, Jacob H......do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Shoener, Edward.....do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shoener, Joseph........do....Feb. 23,'64, 3 Wounded in action, Juiy 17. 1865-mustered out with company, uly 17, 1865. Scheerer, Wm. F......do... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Schall, Thomas.........do..... F 23'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Snyder, Wm. S.........do.... Mar. 9,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Smith, Madison K.....do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Setzer, Edward.........do..... Jan. 24,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Smith, William.......do..... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Shoppelle, Joseph......do.....Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Snyder, Wm. S.........do..... Aug. 23,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Sassaman, George......do..... Sept. 16'61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Shappell, Jacob.........do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Tyson, William........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tobias, John J...........do..... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Trainer, Alfred.........do.... Aug. 23,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Umbenhocker, J.......do.... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Wounded in action-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, January 9, 1865-Vet. Wheeler, William......do.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Weiers, William........do.... Oct. 16,'61, 3 Prisoner from September 30, 1864, to March 14, 1865-mustered out, March 19, 1865.' Wagner, Charles C.....do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865. Willoner, Jeremiah..do.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Died June 22,'64, of wounds received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Watt, Reuben............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Died March 31, 1864-buried in United States General Hospital Cemetery, Annapolis, Md. Yost, Franklin.........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Zimmerman, Benj.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Zimmerman, A........do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT CRESSONA, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. H. A. M. Filbert..... Capt.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Isaac F. Brannan......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant, Aug. 30, 1862mustered out, Oct. 6, 1864-expiration of term. Francis A. Stitzer......do... Nov. 22,'64, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 29,'62-to Capt., Nov. 28, 1864-to brevet Major, April 2, 1865mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jacob Douty........... 1st Lt Oct. 1,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., Aug. 29,'62-mustered out, September 30, 1864-expiration of term. Thomas Irwin...........do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 P. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Oct. 4, 1864-. to 1st Lieutenant, December 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. J. C. Hincheliff...... 2d Lt... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Pr. from Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Dec. 4, 1864-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. George M. Dengler.. 1st Sgt.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Pr. from Corporal to Sergeant-to 1st Sergeantmustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Christ'n N. Haerter Serg't.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Geo. J. Weaver........do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Pr. to Sgt.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. Daniel F. Bausum.....do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Pr. to S-t.-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65-Vet. John M. Brown.......do.....Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, June 16, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wm. Laubenstein....do...... Oct. -1,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 6, 1864-Vet. John Dechant............do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-to Sergeant Major, June 16, 1865-Vet. Roland D. Filbett......do.... Oct. 1,'61, 61 Not on muster-out roll. Patrick F. Quinn.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Howard NV. Haas...Corp.... Jan. 1,'64,1 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Nathan Hauser..........do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Lewis A. Moul.'.......do... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered du with cmnpanyfyfuly 17, 1865-Vet, THREE YEARS2 SERVICE. 1233 W AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER EMARKS. INTO SERVICE. William F. Reed.... Corp.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Edward P. Payne......do.... Jan. 1,'64, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Albin Day.............do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Milton K. Nagle........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 16, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Wilson W. Miller......d..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 27, 1865-mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Henry A. Schultz......do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. John C. Berger.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to Corn. Sergeant, Sept. 15, 1864-VYet. John F. Dencer........do.. Jan. 19,'63, 3 Died Dec. 28, 1864, of wounds received in action. Thomas Brennan......do Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Charles Boyer............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Patrick Hanly..........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Francis Jones...........do..... Oct. 1-,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Daniel Moses........do....Oct.,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. James Moran...........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. William Straw......... Jan.. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865- Vet. Henry Yost.............do.. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Ademan, John........ Private Mar. 15,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Adams, M. V. B........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 4, 1864. Bellford, Wesley......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bossier, Samuel.........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bartolet, John...........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bartolet, Richard... do... April 5, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Brunges, Wnm. N......do..... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafred-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Bausam, John........... do..... Mar. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Bartels, Henry........do..... Mar. 14, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865, Burgess, Joseph........do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 13,'65. Broughton, John......do... Dec. 9,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 9, 1865. Boyer, Daniel............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyer, Peter..............do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Burgess, Joseph........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Burke, Peter...........do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died November 14,,'62-buriedin National Oeme3 tery, Antietam, Md.-sec. 26, lot, E, grave, 460. Brennan, Michael......do..... Oct. 1,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Bensman, John W.....do.... Mar. 6,'65, Not on muster-out roll. Carey, Warren..........do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Covert, Arthur..........d.... Jan. 28,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Cannon, Thomas.........do... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Cashan, Michael.......do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Cavanaugh, James....do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Transferred to Edwards' Batt'y —date unknown. Cheetham, Joseph.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crawford, John M.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Corr, John........:...'do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Curry, John..............do..... Oct. 1,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Curry, Thomas.........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dress, Jonathan.........do..... Jan. 1,'64 3 Died July 5, 1865, burial record July 5, 1864-bu. 3 at Philadelphia-Vet. Dress, William H.....do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Drake, Nelson.........do..Oct. 1,'61, Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Dress, David R........do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1865. Delaney, Nicholas.....do..... Jan. 1, 64, 3 Killed accidentally, February 23, 1865-Vet. Dentzer, George........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Dress, David R.........do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dress, David D.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dress, William D.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Day, James, Jr........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Day, Frederick H......do,... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dullard, James......... do.,.,..Oct. 1,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Delph, George D........do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ely, Franklin...........d o.... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Edwards, Edward.....do..... Jan. 1,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Edinger, Horatio......do.... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Ebert, Jacob.............do..... Sept. 10,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Felty, Ferdinand....do..... Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fenstermaker, E......do..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vot. Fenstermaker, D....do..... Jan. 16,'65, Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Fritz, William...........do.... Jan. 25,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Fleck, Thomas..........do..... Dec. 25,'64, -Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 17, 1865. Fougherty, Thos........do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Missing in action, September 30, 1864. Fenstermaker, H......do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Fenstermalker, W.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fenstermaker, E.....do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Fenstermaker, D.. I.do.... Oct. 1,'61,3 Not on muster.out roll. OiSli ongeI -......4.~ Fel. 18,'64,- 3 Mustered out with company July 17, 1865..li~e sP;~is,cc 12343 FORTY-EIGHTH REnIM DATE OF MU5TERI RANK. INTO SIERVICE. GrlmH Flenry..........Private Feb, 18,', Absent, sick, at muster out. Gross, GeorgeH.I...'do'': Feb;.- 29,'64, 3 Missing in action, September 30, 1864. Gray, Arthur.......,.do:..,! Jan. 1,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va, June 18, 1864 —Vet. Haas, Daniel.........;....do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hauser, David...........do.... Feb'. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Held, George':..;....|.,,do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Harkins, Hugh 1..3....do...... Jan. 1,'64,- 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet, Hine, Allen.............do.... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Haas, Wellington P...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 180'5 —Vet. Homan, Amos......... do.... Feb. 2),'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Hudson, Thomas B...do..... Feb. 20,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Heiser, William........do.,... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 15, 1865. Heimnn, John W........ do.... Feb. 26,'64, 1 ille at Spottsylvania,'Va., May 12, 64 —buriec on battle-field. Hoffman, Simon........do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died —date unknown-of wounds received at at Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Hendley, Adam........do..... Oct. 1,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jonies, John.............. do.... Mar. 4, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Jennings, John.........do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Ktoch, Francis W...do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. King, John........ d..do.. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Des. —returned —mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Kline, Benjamin F.....do. Sept. 10,'64, 1Discharged by General Order, June 3, 1865. Koch, Edward......Sept. 9, 64,1 Not on muster-out roll. Little, John........d.. o...... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. LuckenJill; Lewis. o. Feb. 27,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Lbord,'Henry...............Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Long, Charles.......... do. Jan. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet Lauer, John N........... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet. Lebengood, Lewis-...do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865 —Vet Leonard, Thomas.....do..... Feb. 18,'64,"3 Missing in action, September 30, 1864. Lanby, Jacob............do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Ludwig, Milton.......do....Oct.: li'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lawler, John.........do...... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lord, Jesse.............. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Labenberg, Wm........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Little, George.......do....... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll., Mulhall, John...... d..... Feb. 25,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morgan, George....... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Morel, John C......do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Miller, James.....do....;. Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute deserted-returned —mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Murphy, John........do.....: Oct. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. M'Keaver, Philip......do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Mains, George F.......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Died at Hatteras Inlet, N. C., MIarch 30, 1862. M'Dermed, Henry.....do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company C —date unknown. Osterhout, Chas. H...do...... Oct. 1,'61, 3Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Phillips, David H......do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Pelton, William F.....do... Foeb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered outwith company, July 17,1865. Patry, John...............do..... Mar. 9,64, 3 Captured, Sept. 30, 1864 —discharged by General Order, August 7, 1865. Reed, Jeremiah.........do..... Feb 2264. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Reader, Henry.......... do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Reichard, John........... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Rodgers, Edward.....do..... Jan. 25,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted - returned-mustered out. with company, July 17, 1865. Racher, Frederick.....do..... Jan. 27,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 17,'65. Rich, Nathan.......do..... April 10, 62, 3 Killed atPetersburg, Va., June 17, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Royon, John..............do..... Jan. 27,'65, 3 Substitute —deserted June 20, 1865. Richards, William.....do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 11,'62. Reese, John...............do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Scheafer, Wm. P.......do:..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17; 1865. Shollenburger, A......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Schwartz, Oliver W...do... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Snyder, Frederick.....do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Showers, George........do. Feb. 18,'64,3 Mustered out-with company, July 17, 1865. Schach, Gottlieb......do.....Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17,1865-Vet. Shutt, Casper.........do.....Mar. 9, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Stitzer, David H.......do....an: 1, 4. 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. Sherman, John A......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Captured Nov. 29, 1863-escaped and returned, March 21, 1865 —discharged May 30, 1865. Snyder, Paul.............do..... Sept. 23,'64, 1 Mustered out by General Order, June 9, 1865. Schmidt, Henry..d......Jan. 25,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by G. O.-date unknown. Stout, Peter....... do. Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'a certificatei-Apr. 1!3'Z,. Simons, Franklin......do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1235 DATE OF MUSTER NJAME RANK. INTO SERVICE. ER S.,...1.R. _. Snyder, Frederick.. Private Oct. 1,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Shanely, Daniel.........do..... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Starr, John...........do.... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spears, Hiram.......do.. Oct 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Trough, Henry...,,,...do..... 1eb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Tobin, Thomas.........do.....Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. White, Paul........d.....do.....Jan. 4,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster-out-Vet. Weaber, Andrew...do..Mar. 4,'4, 3 Wd. May 12,'64-mus. out with Co., July 17,'65. Whalen, John....,.......do Feb. 11,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Whalen, Michael....do..Feb. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. Windermuth, Jos......do.. Feb. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865. WNeidner, John........do..... July 16,'62, 3 Mustered out by General Order, June 7, 1865. William, John...... do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert.-date unknown. Whetstone, Ephr'm...do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Died of wds.-rec. before Petersb'g, Va., June,'64. Wool, John.......do.....Oct. 1, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wagner, Frelingh'n...do... Oct. 1,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. UNASSIGNED MEN. Bradley, John...... Private Oct. 19,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Brady, Thomas........do....Jan. 25,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Barret, James............do.... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Casey, Henry............do., April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Coyle, David...............do.. April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cibert, George C.......-do..... Mar. 17,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Donnley, William......do.....Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Dergan, Charles........do.... June 5,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fay, William...........do April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Grader, John..........do....Jan. 5,'65, Not on muster-out roll. Moose, William.........do.....Dec. 3,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. May, Cornelius W.....do..... Aug. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, George N.........do... Aug. 11,'64, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Montgomery, W. N...do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Deserted February 26, 1864. Miller, Charles..........do..... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Miller, John P...........do. Aug. 27,'64, 1 Deserted-date unknown. Nevins, Thomas........do... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Pucket, John E........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Charles H......do..... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Spink, John..........do.... Jan. 25,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Franklin........ do.....Feb. 16,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ward, Robert...........do....Jan. 25,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. White, John...........do.... April 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. A T Camp Curtin on 14th of September, 1861, the Forty-ninth Regimeni was organized by the choice of the following officers: William H. Irwin, of Mifflin county, Colonel; William Brisbane, of Luzerne county, Lieutenant Colonel; Thomas M. Hulings, of Mifflin county, Major. Companies A and G-were recruited in Centre county, B and F in Chester, C and D in Huntingdon, E, H and K in Miffin, and I in Juniata. Colonel Irwin had commanded the Seventh Regiment in the three months' service, and a considerable number of both officers and men had likewise served in the three months' campaign. The State colors were presented by Governor Curtin on the 14th of September, with appropriate ceremonies, and on the 22d it moved to Washington, where it was assigned to Hancock's Brigade of Smith's Division.* The division encamped in line with the Army of the Potomac, the Forty-ninth resting near Lewinsville, where it remained until the middle of March, 1862, and was drilled in all the elements of light infantry tactics, from the first position of a soldier to evolutions of the line. Guard and picket were the principal active duties performed during all this period, with the exception of a reconnoissance to Hunter's Mills, which was accomplished without loss. On the 10th of March, the regiment broke camp and marched with the army towards Manassas, whence, after some delay, wherein it was ascertained that the enemy had retreated from his strong holds and was unwilling to risk a battle, it marched to Alexandria. On the 24th it embarked upon transports, and on the 26th landed at Newport News. Here it immediately formed and marched towards Yorktown, before which it encamped on the 1st of April, and was engaged on the left bank of Warwick River, in doing picket duty, digging riflepits, and building corduroy road until May 4th. On this day a general forward movement commenced, Stoneman with the cavalry leading the way. The enemy was encountered near Williamsburg, posted in a line of forts stretching across the Peninsula, Fort Magruder, the principal defence being located on the right of the Williamsburg Road. Smith's Division arrived in front of this fort at sundown, and formed in line of battle, the Forty-ninth on the right. Hooker, on the left, attacked on the following morning. At ten A. M., Hancock's Brigade was ordered to move upon the enemy's left flank. Reaching the position designated, the line was formed in an open field, the Fifth Wisconsin on the right, the Sixth Maine in the centre, the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania on the left, with the Forty-third New York deployed as skirmishers in the woods on the left. * Organization of the First Brigade, Brigadier General Win. S. Hancock, Division, Briga. dier General W. F. Smith, Fourth Corps, Major General E. D. Keyes. Sixth Regiment Maine Volunteers, Colonel Hiram Burnham; Forty-third Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Francis L. Vinton; Fifth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Colonel Amasa Cobb; Forty-ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Wm. H. Irwin. 1862 BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG. 1237 The enemy's skirmishers were soon driven in, and the line advanced to within twelve hundred yards of Fort Magruder, when he opened with his artillery, and the men dropped upon the ground to avoid his shells. Failing to drive Hancock with his guns, he sent forward Early's Brigade, which advanced under cover of a strip of timber on the right, until it had reached, undiscovered, a point within three hundred yards of Hancock's line where it was deployed. At this juncture Hancock gave the order "Retreat by alternate battalions!" Retiring about one hundred yards, the enemy following close, yelling and firing as he came, the brigade suddenly halted, faced to the front and opened fire. A few deliberate and well directed volleys soon checked his impetuous advance, when Hancock gave the order to charge, and Early's noisy columns were quickly scattered, leaving his dead and wounded in the hands of the victors. The loss of the regiment was slight, the enemy's balls generally passing harmless over head. "As the smoke raised," says Adjutant Hilands, we saw our first fruits of killing rebels. For three or four hundred yards in our front, the ground appeared to be covered with dead; but soon many of them jumped up and ran towards us. Nearly three hundred gave themselves up as prisoners. To get out of the fight. safely they had lain down among the dead and wounded, or as the boys said,'played off.' The brigade remained on the field during the night, and at day-light the next morning it was found that the enemy had fled. Colonel Irwin received the thanks of Generals Hancock and M'Clellan on the field, the latter saying, "Colonel, I thank you for the magnificent conduct of your regiment; no men could have done better." After a few days' delay the regiment marched with the brigade in pursuit of the enemy, and reached the Chickahominy on the 25th, encamping near New Bridge. Here it was employed in building bridges, digging rifle-pits, and on picket duty until the 5th of June, when it crossed the Chickahominy on Sumner's grape-vine bridge, and was again similarly employed. The enemy had now massed his troops on the left bank of the river, and was fighting his heavy battles there, while a thin line under Magruder was keeping up a, noisy demonstration in front of our lines on the right bank. Here the Forty-ninth was posted early in the day of the 27th on Garnett's Hill, and was under a continuous fire of artillery until sundown, when his infantry advanced to the attack, and after a half hour's action retired. At ten P. M., the brigade was relieved and moved to Golding's Farm, where, on the 28th, it was again in action. The loss in the two days' fighting was ten killed and twenty-three wounded. On the 29th the brigade marched to Savage Station, and formed in line on the right of the York River Railroad, the Forty-ninth on the left of the brigade. The enemy attacked at sundown with much spirit, but was signally repulsed. At night the brigade marched across White Oak Swamp, and during the following day was under fire, but not actively engaged. During the night of the 30th it moved to Malvern Hill, and formed on the right of the army, but was not called into action. The army moved to Harrison's Landing on the following day, and while encamped here the regiment suffered much from sickness, at least sixty per cent. being on the sick list. On the 16th of August, the regiment marched via Charles City Court House, Williamsburg, Big Bethel and Hampton, to Fortress Monroe, where, on the 23d, it embarked upon transports and moved to Alexandria, encamping near Fairfax Seminary, with orders to be ready to march at a moment's notice. At daylight, on the 27th, it started with three days' cooked rations, and after a 1238 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1862 march of six miles encamped at Annandale. It was now attached to Frank]in's Corps, which proceeded from Annandale to Centreville, where the defeated forces of Pope were met in full retreat. The corps remained in the works at Centreville until the night of August 31st, when it moved out to Fairfax Court House, and thence, on the following day, to Fairfax Seminary, where the regiment remained several days in camp. On the 5th of September it started on the campaign in Maryland. By easy marches it moved forward, and came up with the enemy on the 14th at Crampton's Gap, where, after a severe engagement, he was routed, and the column passed through. Until daylight on the morning of the 17th, it lay in Pleasant Valley, when it marched to Antietam Creek, which it crossed in rear of the right of the army, and was immediately ordered to the front on the double quick, the division relieving General Sumner. Hancock's Brigade was on the right of the line, the regiment on the right of the brigade, and was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Brisbane, Colonel Irwin having been placed in command of the Second Brigade of Smith's Division. After getting into position, the regiment was much annoyed by the enemy's fire, and lost several men killed and wounded without being brought to close quarters, having received positive orders to hold the line which it then occupied. General Hancock had said before reaching the field, that this would be the last fight, as it was to be the battle of the war; yet the brigade, was kept from advancing, and did not fire a shot in all the Battle of Antietam. During the 18th the regiment still remained in position under orders to hold the ground at all hazards. On the following morning it was found that the enemy had escaped. The army immediately moved forward to the banks of the Potomac, when the campaign was ended, and the weary troops rested. On the 10th of October the regiment marched to Cunningham's Cross Roads to intercept the rebel cavalry under Stuart, in their ride to Chambersburg, by the rear of the army; but the chase was fruitless. From Maryland the regiment marched via White Plains, Warrenton, Catlett's Station, and Stafford Court House to Belle Plain, where it remained until the battle of Fredericksburg. On the 13th of December it crossed the Rappahannock on pontoons near Deep Run, and was in position in support of batteries on the right of Franklin's Grand Division, and under fire during the day, but not engaged. On the 16th it re-crossed the river, and encamped near White Oak Church, thus ending the campaign of 1862. On the 9th of January, 1863, the regiment was consolidated in four companies by special order of the War Department and Colonel Irwin, Major Miles, and such company and non-commissioned officers as were not needed to fill the four companies, were ordered on recruiting service. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Hulings was left in command, under whom it participated in the hardships and glories of the "Mud March." Upon the accession of Major General Hooker to the chief command,.a complete re-organization of the army was made, in which the brigade to which the Forty-ninth belonged, and which had been commanded till the battle of Antietam by General Hancock, was placed in the Third Brigrade of the First Division of the Sixth Corps, General David A. Russell in command of the brigade, General Brooks of the division, and General Sedgwick of the Corps. In this position the regiment remained until its muster out of service. Colonel Irwin returned on the 10th of April and resumed command of the 1863 BATTLE OF CHNCELLORSVILLE. 1239 regiment, now restored to its pristine strength, and on the 28th it broke camp and marched to the Rappahannock, opposite Fredericksburg. On the previous day Hooker had marched with three corps by way of the upper fords to Chancellorsville, three corps under Sedgwick being left to make a demonstration below. On the morning of the 29th the pontoon boats were carried noiselessly upon the backs of the men to the bank of the stream, and Russell's Brigade was embarked for its passage. When half way over, the enemy opened fire. Colonel Irwin was wounded, Captain Freeburn mortally; two privates were killed and eight wounded. But the men pushed resolutely across, and held the enemy at bay until the bridge was laid and the troops began to follow. The enemy was driven back to the hills in rear of Fredericksburg, and believing this to be the real point of attack fell to fortifying. On the 30th the regiment was relieved from the front, and moved to the bank of the river, where it lay under cover until the 3d of May, when it was again ordered forward, and took position on the plain east of Fredericksburg. It was here for three hours under a heavy artillery fire. At noon it marched through Fredericksburg, and by. the plank road to Fairview Farm. At dusk it was deployed as skirmishers, and re-took the line from which part of the division had been repulsed. On the following day it remained on the skirmish line near Salem Church, and re, pulsed two attacks of the enemy's skirmishers. At dusk he made a furious onslaught, with vastly superior.numbers, and the line was ordered to fall back to Bank's Ford, where a new line was taken up and his further advance checked. The regiment retired with but small loss in wounded and missing, and recrossed the river on the morning of the 5th, returning on the 8th to its old camp at White Oak Church, where it remained until the 6th of June. The rebel army was now moving for the invasion of Pennsylvania, though his plans were, as yet, unknown to the Union commander. On the 7th the regiment crossed to the south bank of the Rappahannock upon pontoons, and occupied rifle-pits below Deep Run. Here the division was held in support of the cavalry, which was heavily engaged for the purpose of unmasking the enemy's designs. Re-crossing the river on the 11th, the Sixth Corps started on the Gettysburg campaign. For two weeks the Army of the Potomac moved leisurely, watching closely the movements of the rebel chieftain, prepared to checkmate him in any enterprise he should undertake, our cavalry under Pleasanton, in the meantime, handling roughly the rebel cavalry at the Rappahannock and at Aldie. The weather was excessively hot, and many suffered from sunstroke while on the march. Passing through Dumfries and Fairfax Station, and crossing the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry, the corps arrived in the neighborhood of Westminster on the 30th. Measures had been adopted for concentrating the army on the line of Pipe Creek, and thus throwing it across the path of Lee, already at Chambersburg. But on the evening of the 1st of July an order was received to move with all possible dispatch to Gettysburg. At daylight of the 2d the regiment moved out at quick-step for the battle-field. At two P. M. it arrived on the field, and immediately marched to the front, where it supported the Fifth Corps. Early on the morning of the 3d, Brooks' Division was ordered to form in line of battle on the left of the army, and perpendicular to the main line extending across Round Top, for the purpose of insuring the safety of the left flank. Russell's Brigade was posted on the left of the line, the Forty-ninth on the right and in front, with its right resting on the Taneytown road. At three P. M. the division was ordered to the support of 1240 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1863 the Fifth Corps, and formed to the right of Round Top; but the enemy had now been repulsed and driven back at all points, and the battle was at an end. The regiment suffered no loss, though under a heavy artillery fire during the afternoon of the3d. At dawn of the 4th, companyA was sent out as sirmishers, and lay all day near the Devil's Den, in front of Round Top. On the 5th the pursuit of the enemy commenced, and a slight skirmish at evening occurred with his rear guard near Fairfield. Passing Emmettsburg and Mechanicstown, the regiment reached the foot of the Cotocton Mountain at dusk of the 7th. The main road was given up to the artillery, and the infantry crossed by a by-road. The night was dark and the rain descended in torrents. The men were worn out and faint with fasting, and many were shoeless, the sharp stones inflicting severe wounds as they wended their way up the rugged mountain in the impenetrable darkness. Many straggled by the way, and upon the summit the column halted for them to come up. At Middletown the regiment drew rations and shoes, and was allowed one full night's rest. Near Antietam Creek, on the 12th of July, the Forty-ninth was deployed as skirmishers, and drove the enemy back to his main line, having one officer wounded. Remaining in line, in hourly expectation of being ordered to the attack, until the 14th, the discovery was made that the enemy had escaped and the campaign was at an end. In the following campaign, in which Meade advanced to the Rapidan, and thence retreated to Centreville, the Forty-ninth participated, performing long and wearisome marches, and picket duty, repairing roads, loosing three men near Culpepper by guerrillas, but without engaging the enemy. Meade having won the race to Centreville, faced about his columns and commencetl pushing the enemy again towards the Rapidan. He was first encountered at Rappahannock Station, where he had strongly fortified the north bank of the river covering his pontoon bridge, which was held by Hayes' Louisiana and Hoke's North Carolina brigades, Lee with Early's Division being just across the river. On the morning of the 7th of November, the Sixth Corps marched from Warrenton, and at noon reached a point within two miles of Rappahannock Station. Shirmishers were sent forward who drove the enemy in upon his main line, which occupied two redoubts flanked by rifle-pits. Russell's Brigade, now commanded by Colonel Ellmaker, was selected to storm and take the works. At sundown the line was formed, the Fifth Wisconsin on the right, the Fortyninth and One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania on the centre and left, and the Sixth Maine deployed as skirmishers, and advanced to within a half mile of the enemy's works. From this point forward the ground was nearly level, and was swept by his guns. At the word "forward," General Russell leading, the line swept on at a run, passed the ditch and the moat, scaled the ridge and carried his works at the point of the bayonet. After being driven from his works the enemy attempted to escape across his pontoon bridge; but so hot a musketry fire was poured upon it, that it was soon cleared, and he threw down his arms and surrendered. The brigade numbered but thirteen hundred effective men. "The enemy," says General Sedgwick in his conglatutory order, "was attacked in an intrenched position of great strength, in enclosed works defended by artillery and infantry, and compelled to surrender after a sharp conflict, to an assaulting column actually inferior in numbers to the force defending the works. Four pieces of artillery, four caissons filled with ammunition, the enemy's pontoon bridge, eight battle flags, two thousand 1863 RAPPAHANNOCK STATION. 1241 stand of arms, and sixteen hundred- prisoners, including two brigade commanders and one hundred and thirty commissioned officers, are the fruits of the victory. * * * The Sixth Maine and Fifth Wisconsin, for carrying the redoubts, the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York, Fifth Maine, Fortyninth and One Hundred and Nineteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, for taking the line of rifle-pits with the bayonet, and seizing the enemy's bridge, deserve especial honor." In this engagement the regiment lost three killed and twentyseven wounded. Among the latter were Captain Hutchinson and Lieutenant Stuart. Moving forward to Hazel River, at a point near Brandy Station, the regiment encamped, remaining until the 26th. when, with the brigade, it crossed the Rapidan and was ordered to the front in support of the Third Corps at Locust Grove. While forming, a rebel shell burst in the ranks, wounding Captain Quigly and four men. The regiment marched and skirmished with the enemy until it reached Mine Run, where it was placed on the skirmish line and remained under fire during the two succeeding days. Having decided to abandon the offensive, Meade withdrew his army from the enemy's front, and on the 2d of December the regiment re-crossed the Rapidan at Germania Ford and marched to its old camp at Hazel Run. By order of the War Department, supernumary officers were mustered out of service on the 19th of November, and non-commissioned officers were ordered to re-join the regiment. Comfortable winter quarters were constructed, and preparations were commenced for the spring campaign. Two hundred and sixty of the men re-enlisted for a second term of three years, and were given a furlough pf thirty-five days. In the meantime recruits and drafted men were secured for the regiment, which, with the veterans, brought its effective strength up to the minimum number. Upon the resignation of Colonel Irwin, in October, Lieutenant Colonel Hulings was commissioned Colonel, Major John B. Miles Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain B. J. Hickman Major. During the fall and winter, the drafted men and recruits were daily drilled, when the weather would permit, inspections were regular and rigid, clothing and equipments were promptly issued as soon as needed, and rations were good and abundant. The regiment had a full compliment of field and line officers, and was as effective in discipline and numbers as any in the corps. During the month of April all surplus clothing, and camp and garrison equipage were sent away to Washington, and it stood in light marching order, ready for the campaign to open. On the afternoon of May 3, 1864, the order came to march at four A. M., un the following morning. Crossing the Rapidan at Germania Ford, and proceeding a short distance on the plank road, it formed in line of battle parallel with. the road, and had advanced a quarter of a mile through shrub-oaks, stunted- pines, and towering green briars, alias the Wilderness, where it suddenly came upon the enemy, receiving his fire at less than thirty yards distance. The line wavered for an instant, but soon closed up, and poured in a well directed fire with good effect, breaking his line and occupying his ground. At night the men laid upon their arms. The loss was eleven killed, and twentythree wounded. Of the latter was Lieutenant Lytle. Several alarms were raised during the night, and there was considerable firing on both sides, At daylight the brigade advanced a few yards and was soon again under ire. The enemy was driven back some distance, when breast156 1242 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1864 works were thrown up and theline was occasionally engaged during the entire day. The Sixth Corps now held the right of the Union line, the Forty-nintb on the left of the brigade joining the troops of the Fifth Corps. At sundown the enemy made a furious attack on the extreme right of the corps, in force, and succeeded inturninng its flank. But he was easily repulsed and soon after dark the firing ceased, the position being firmly held. So close were the lines that the conversation of the rebels could be distinctly heard. At midnight the corps moved off quietly by the left, and in rear of the Fifth Corps, and on the morning of the 7th was in position, awaiting attack, where it remained during the entire day; but it was only disturbed by occasional skirmish firing. At dark it again marched by the left flank towards Spottsylvania Court House, and at ten A. M., of the 8th, arrived near Laurel Hill, in rear of the Fifth Corps, and was immediately ordered to the front to the support of a portion of this corps, which was being hard pressed. Upon the sight of fresh troops the enemy retired, and the men lay on their arms in line during the night. On the 9th the corps moved fartherto the, left, and here, at the front, selectingthe position to be occupied, General Sedgwick was killed. General Wright succeeded him; General Russell, the commander of the brigade, was placed in command of the division, and General Aistisof the brigade. Upon gaining position in line, three of the companies were ordered to the skirmish line, where.they remained during the day, suffering severely, the remainder of the regiment being, in the meantime, under a heavy artillery fire.- At six oclock, P. M., the division packed knapsacks, preparatory to making a charge on the enemy's works. The column was silently formed in a wood within one hundred yards of the rebel line, under cover of a rise of ground, with a front of three regiments, four lines deep, with intervals of ten paces, the Forty-ninth on the right of the second line. At the sound of the bugle the whole column advanced upon the run. -As it emerged from the woods, a sheet of fire burst ifom the enemy's rifle-pits that swept it with terrible effect. Never-faltering for an instant, it rushed on and carried the works, capturing nine hundred prisoners and several guns. But the enemy rallying in great force on front and flanks, it was forced to retire and to abandon its captures. The return was even more terrible than the advance; for that open plain was swept by both infantry and artillery, and the enemy swarmed out on all sides, pouring in a concentrated and most destructive fire. Never were works more gallantly charged, nor more successfully carried; but, alas! at a fearful cost. Colonel Hulings, Lieutenant Colonel Miles, Captain Barr, Lieutenant Lytle, and sixtyone enlisted men were killed, and Captain Stuart, Lieutenants Thompson, Irvin, Russell, Downing, Adjutant A. T. Hilands, and one hundred and ninetyfive enlisted men were wounded and missing. Knowing that the struggle would be desperate, Lieutenant Colonel Miles, at the moment of starting, requested of Adjutant Hilands, that if he was killed, his body should be sent to his fiends, or decently buried, promising, if he survived, and the Adjutant fell, to perform the same sacred duty for him. But in that fatal hour it was doubtful if any escaped alive. The dead and wounded were left in the enemy's hands, and the spot where Colonels Rulings and Miles are buried, is unmarked and unknown. The Adjutant with a detail of men attempted, two days later, to secure the bodies under flag of truce; but the enemy would not permit their approach. Major Hickman now assumed command, and on the 12th moved off to the 1864 BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA. 1243 left, the division occupying a position on the right of the Second Corps, and at daylight engaged the enemy, near an angle in his works, to the right of Spottsylvania Court House. An incessant fire of musketry was kept up during the entire day. Many muskets were heated to such a degree as to be rendered useless, and those found upon the bodies of the dead and wounded were taken to supply their places. At night the enemy retired, and on the following morning his works were occupied by the Union forces. The sight presented within was sickening to behold. So terrible had been the destruction of life, and so horribly were the dead torn and mangled, that it was ever after known as the slaughter-pen. The loss from the opening of the campaign on the 4th to the 14th, was three hundred and ninety-two killed, wounded and missing, leaving the effetive strength but one hundred and thirty. In the operations of the army, until it reached Cold Harbor, the regiment participated. Here, on the 1st of June, it was in position, and stormed and carried the first line of the enemy's works, which was held for twelve days in face of his second line, but thirty yards distant. The loss was eightkilled and twenty wounded. Among the latter were Captains A. W. Wakefield and A.B. Hutchison. On the night of the 12th, while the rebels were vigorously shelling the Union lines from their mortars, just introduced in their service, the troops quietly withdrew, and marched to the James River. Here the regiment was engaged in laying pontoons, and after crossing, proceeded to the front, resting in rear of General Butler's works. After a few days' service on picket along the:Appomattox, the brigade moved to the left of the army, and took position along the Jerusalem plank-road. On the 29th, it proceeded to Ream's Station, on the Weldon Railroad, and was employed in destroying the'track andin breaking up the enemy's main line of supply. The rebel General Early, with twenty thousand men, having obtained the mastery of the Union forces in the Shenandoah Valley, and met and defeated Wallace in Maryland, was marching unchecked on Washington. The Sixth Corps, under General Wright, was ordered to its relief.: Leaving the orks in front of Petersburg on the 1tlh of July, the Forty-ninth embarked upon tranSports and on the following day landed at Washington. Upon the arrival of the corps, Earlyhastily retreated, and Wright pursued. Passing through Poolesville, crossing the Potomac at Edwards' Ferry, and moving through Lo don Valley, and over the Blue Ridge, he came up with the enemy at the Shenandoah River. Crossing the stream, the regiment moved on to Berryville. The enemy continuing to retreat, Wright was ordered to return to Washington; but scarcely had he arrived in front of the Capital, when it ws ascertained that Early had turned upon Crook, who had been left in command in the Shenandoah Valley, and had driven and dispersed his forces. Wright immediately faced about, and put his columnsin motion towards Harper's Ferry, where he crossed the Potomac on the 29th.. On the 7th of August General Hunter resigned the command of the Middle Department, and was succeeded by Major General Philip H. Sheridan. Giving a few days to re-organizing his command, he moved forward, and on the 19th of September found the enemy strongly posted near Winchester. The line of battle was formed on the left of the Winchester pike, upon which the right of the brigade rested, the Forty-ninth holding the left of the:brigade. The line advanced driving the enemy until it arrived within sight of the town, when he made a desperate stand, and succeeded in repulsing our troops on, the 1244.FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 1864 right and centre; but the First Division, which was in reserve, coming up quickly, held him at bay until the line could be re-formed. As soon as the new dispositions were completed, General Sheridan rode along the line from right to left, under a heavy fire, and as he passed each color he cried out, "Pitch in boys! we have them right now." When he reached the Forty-ninth, which was on the extreme left, the "advance' was sounded, and the troops, full of the spirit of their leader, did "pitch in," and did not halt until the enemy was in full retreat through Winchester. "As the line came on the plain, east of Winchester," says Adjutant Hilands, "we on the left had a full view of the whole field, and a magnificent sight it was. The enemy's line was broken; his artillery, cavalry and infantry were in inextricable confusion, and having turned their backs were making fast time from the field, while off to the right was our own line, in perfect order, stretching away in the distance, steadily advancing in the bright sunlight, with colors, which looked more beautiful than ever, waving in triumph. It was worth three years' hard service to be a participant.in the battle of Winchester, under the command of Phil. Sheridan." The loss in this engagement was eleven killed and thirty-eight wounded. Of the killed was Lieutenant Wallace, and of the wounded Captain Thompson, who lost his right arm, and Lieutenant Downing. In the heat of the engagement a shell burst near the top of the color staff, scattering to the winds the few remaining shreds of the flag. Immediately after the battle, the brigade was detailed by General Sheridan to remain at Winchester as guard to the town, and to the prisoners who were taken. Subsequently a part of the regiment was sent to Martinsburg in charge of several hundred prisoners. On the 26th of October a new State flag was presented to the regiment with appropriate ceremonies. Three days later it marched to Cedar Creek, where it re-joined the corps, and on the 10th of November marched to Kernstown. Sheridan having routed and driven the rebel army from the Shenandoah Valley, the Sixth Corps was ordered to return to the trenches in front of Petersburg. Upon its arrival on the 5th of December, the Forty-ninth went into winter quarters at Fort Wadsworth, at the point where the line of works crossed the Weldon Railroad. On the 13th of December it moved with the expedition to Hatcher's Run, but was not engaged, and again on the 25th of March, 1865, it marched with other troops to the relief of Fort Steadman, which by a sudden night assault had fallen into the hands of the enemy; but before it arrived upon the field, the fort had been re-taken by General Hartranft. On the 1st of April the regiment broke camp for its last campaign. During the day preparations were quietly made, and after nightfall it moved to the left, to the points where the column was forming to storm the enemy's works. At dawn the charge was made, and his lines were broken. That night Petersburg was evacuated, and the pursuit of the fleeing rebel army was commenced. At a rapid rate the Sixth Corps moved to the Danville Railroad, toJettersville, to Amelia Court House, and finally came up with the enemy at Little Sailor's Creek, where, with the cavalry, it attacked and routed Ewell's Corps, taking seven thousand prisoners, including Generals Ewell, Kershaw and Custis Lee. The loss in this engagement was seven, including Lieutenant H[ackenberg killed, and Captain Wombacker wounded. The Forty-ninth was here detailed to escort rebel prisoners to Appomattox Court House. Proceeding by Farmville, and New Store, it arrived on the 9th, TTHREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1245 when the rebel army, under Lee, surrendered. A rebel army, under Johnston, still held out in North Carolina, and thitberward Grant faced his columns. In four days and four hours, the Forty-ninth marched one hundred miles, arriving on the 27th at Danville, near the northern border of North Carolina. Here it encamped and remained until the 23d of May. In the meantime Johnston had surrendered, and the army, its mission accomplished, commenced its homeward march. Moving by easy stages, the regiment reached Richmond on the 19th, where it encamped, and on the 23d was reviewed by Major General Halleck. On June 2d it arrived at Hal's Hill, opposite Washington, where it remained until the 15th of July, when it was mustered out of service. FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS. NAME. RANK. TSERVIO. REMARKS. - I, INTO SERVICE. William H. Irwin.. Col....... July 25,'61, 3 Pr. to By. Brig. Gen., May 12,'65-res. Oct. 24,'63. Thos. M. Hulings.....do..... July 31,'61, 3 Pr. from Maj. to Lt. Col., Oct. 16, 1862-to Col., Apr. 22,'64-killed at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64. William Brisbane... Lt. Col. July 31,'61, 3 Resigned October 15, 1862. John B. Miles...........do... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Capt. Co. C toMaj.,Oct. 16,'62-toLt. Col., Apr. 23,'64-killed at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64. B. J. Hickman............ Aug. 20,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. B to Maj., April22,'64-to Lt. Col., June 15,'64-to By. Col., Dec. 5,'64-com. Col., June 29,'65-notmus.-res. June 28, 1865. A. W. Wakefield... Major.. Aug. 6,'61, 3 Pr. from Capt. Co. A, June 15, 1864-com. Col., July 14, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865. Erkine D. Smith..... dj...... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. from 1stSgt. Co. K to Sgt. Maj., Dec. 21,'61to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, March 10,'62~mustered out, November 19, 1863. Abr'hm T. Hilands...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieut. Co. F, March 17, 1864wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-mustered out, October 31, 1864-expiration of term. Joseph B, Downing...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. G to 1st Lt. and Adj., Nov. 30,'64-to Bv. Captain, April 6,'65-to Captain company F, April 16, 1865. Robert Davison......do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lt. Co. F to 1st Lt. and Adj., April 16,'65-mus. out with reg., July 15,'65-Vet. John H. Gray.......... M... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865. Wm. H. Gobrecht.. Surg... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Resigned January 26, 1863. Chas. H. Wilson.......do.... Mar. 24,'63, 3 Resigned October 31, 1864. Sam'l B. P. Knoxr......do..... Jan. 16,'63, 3 Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, January 15, 1865-resigned July 2, 1865. John F. Huber....... As.Sur. Aug. 25,'61, 3 Resigned October 22, 1862. Sam'l R. Sample........do.... Aug. 1,'62, 3 Resigned December 2, 1862. Benj. F. Sideso...... do..... Sept. 13,'62, 3 Resigned January 24, 1863. George R. Spratt........do.... April 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865. Williamo Earnshaw Chap'n Aug. 27,'61, 3 Resigned October 9, 1862. Thos. Stephenson....do...... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Resigned December 7, 1864. William Hammond...do..... Dec. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865. Alex. G. Dickey.....Sr. Maj. Sept. 1,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company C, Dec. 21, 1861. Jno. M. Thompson.....do... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. Co. I toSgt. Maj., Jan. 12,'62to 2d Lt. company I, October 24, 1862. James P. Smith...... d..o.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. Co. G to Sgt. Maj., Oct. 24, 1862-to 2d Lt. company G, Oct. 26, 1862. NOTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. PI. principal. Surg. Surgeon. Asst. Assistant. Corn. commissioned orFurl. furlough. Priv. private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced. Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. 31d. band. Dis'y; disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteran volunteer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Exp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 1246 FORTY-NIN TH - REGIIIENT C. B. M'Clenahan.....do..... Aug. 15,'61. 3 Promotedfrom Sergeant company A, March, A~186. out,Oc. 23,64-expirtionofterm Jas. R. Hakenber..do..... Aug. 18'61, killed at Sailors' Creek, Va., Apr. 6,'65-Vet. Theo.D.Hoffman...Sr.Maj Aug. 30,61, 3 Promoted fro. stSergeant companyDc. 24, Otobr — Stephen Transue......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant company D, April 7, 1865-to 1st Lt. company H, April 20,'65-Vet. William Singer.........do.... Aug. 19,61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. Co.G, April 7, 65-co. 2d Lt. Co. G, July 14,'65-not mustered-mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865-Vet. John Baker............ Q.M.Sr Aug. 30, 61, 3 Died July, 1862. A. 0. Greenland.......do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant, company D, mus. tered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Josiah L. Barton........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from private company I t, Sept. 1,'62 to 1st Lieutenant company F, March 16, 1864. Chas. S. Whiting.....do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant company E, Nov. 1,'64-com. Capt. Co. E, July 14,'65-not mustered-mus. out with reg., July 15, 1865-Vet. John D. Howell......Com.Sr Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company A, Dec. 8, 1863 not found on rolls of company. J. D. W. Henderson...do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company A, Dec. 24, 1863mustered out, Oct. 23,'64-expiration of term. T. A. Hildebrand.....do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company G, Dec. 24, 1864mustered out with regiment, July 15,'65-Vet. Geo. W. Reynolds... Hos. St. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 15, 1865-Vet Geo. E. Jenkins......P' Mu Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted from private companyB,Nov. 1,'63Dmustered out with regiment, July 15,'65-Vet. William A. Alter....do..... Aug. 26,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted fr. priv. Co. A, July 27,'64mustered out with regiment, July 15,'65-Vet. George W. Hutton...do.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. company A, July 27,'64mustered out, Sept. 9,'64-expiration of term. REGIMENTAL BAND. Charles Caughling.. Ld.Bd. Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Bratton, William H Muc.... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Clark, Ewing M........do.. Aug. 29,'613 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Cornelius, James C...do..., Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Chase, John M.N........do... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Holtzworth, Jacob.....do... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June27,'62. Hamilton, James M..do Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. ilborn, A. D........do Aug. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Johnson, Wmin. N....do.. Aug. 29,' 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Morrison, John H......do. Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. M'Ewen, J. Stew't....do..... Aug. 29, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Norton, James D....d Aug. 29,'61, 31 IDischarged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Postlethwait, J. W...do. Aug. 29, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Postlethwait, J. M......do. Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Postlethwait, Jas. H..do.....Aug. 29,'61, 3 Died at Yorktown, Va., May 12, 1862. Postlethwait, S. T......do Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Robb, William A......do Aug. 29'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Robertson, David.....do..... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Vanzandt, George B...do..... Aug. 29'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Wimer, John M.........do. Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. Wise,. Emanuel........... Aug. 29,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August 9, 1862. -.,COMPANY A RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. Jos. M. Green......... C July 4,'61, 3 Resigned April 12, 1862. And. S.. Davidson...!...do... July 4,'61, 3 Pr.fr. lst Lt. to Capt.,May12,'62-res. Nov. 17,'62. Jas. A. Quigley.....d....do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., Nov. 17, 1862transferred to company D, January 11, 1863. A. W. Wakefield....do..... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11, 1863-pro. moted to Major, June 15, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1247 DATE OF MUSTER NAMnE. R at.TINMTO SERVICE. T O REMARKS. John M. Thompson Capt... Sept. 3,'61,3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Capt., Sept. 1, -':~:~~ * - ~'64-wd., with loss of right arm, at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864-Bv. Maj., and By. Lt. Col., March 13, 1865-disch. by S. O., Jan. 12, 1865. James M. Wix........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., April 21, 1862-to 2d Lt., Mar. 4, 1864-to 1st Lt., Sept. 1, 1864-to Capt., Feb. 19,'65-mus outwith Co., July 15,'65-Vet. Isaac N. Ritner.1.. 1st Lt.................... 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Nov. 18,'62-to Bv. Capt., Mar. 13, 1865-resigned Nov. 19, 1863. John B. Rogers....... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred fr. Co. H, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to 1st Sgt. Oct. 24, 1864-to 1st Lt., Feb. 20, 1865-wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864, and Petersburg, Apr. 6,'65-died of wds., Aug. 14, 1865. Wm. D. Harper..... 2d Lt.. July 4,'61, 3 Resigned February 26, 1862. A. T. Hilands..........do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11,'63promoted to 1st Lt. company F, March 4, 1864. Wmn. H. Manger..... 1st Sgt. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-pr. to Sgt.. Oct. 24, 1864-to 1st Sgt., Feb. 20,'65-wd. at Petersburg, April 6, 1865-com. 2d Lt., July 14, 1865-not mus.mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Samuel B. Bartley.....do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Jan. 12,'62-to 1st Sgt., Mar. 4, 1864-transferred fr. company I, Jan. 11, 63mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. John W. Spence.......... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January11. 1863disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. eorge Benfer....... Sergt.. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred fr. Co. H, Jan. 11,1863-pr. to Sgt., Jan. 1,'65-mus. out with Co., July 15,'65-Vet. Wmi. H.:Fultz.........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred fr. Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Sgt.,,...;- I-:, Jan. 1,'65-imus. out with Co., July 15,'64-Vet. W.- H. M'Cormick....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr.fr. Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-promoted to Corporal, August 30, 1864-to Sergeant, December 17, 1864-^ mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Alfred Thompson......do..... Nov. 24,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863-died at Martinsburg, Va., Nov. 30,'64-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester, Va.-lot, 26. J.-D. W. Henderson...do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1863-to Com. Sgt., Dec. 24, 1864. John R. Radican........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant, Nov. 1,'62Captured at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Orlando C. Beck.......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.. Aug. 2, 1862-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1862-transferred from Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. C. B. M'Clenahan......do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor., Mar. 1, 1862-tr. fr. Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Sgt. Maj., March 1, 1863. John M. Stevens........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 9,'62. Emanuel Peters.....Crp... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11,'63-: ^I wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-pr. to:-I~~::_'-~ Corporal, October 24, 1864-mustered out with.... i~ company, July 15, 1865-Vet. James H. Patton....do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. at Spottsylvania, May 12,'64-pr. to Cor., October 24, 1864-'mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. LeviBach.;............. do..... Mar. 14,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. H, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Corp., April -r::~~~ - 0 17,'65 -mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Geo. W. Bingman......do..... Aug. 15,'61 3 Tr. from Co. H, Jan. 11,1863-wd. at Spottsylvania, May 12,'64-pr. to Corp., January 1,'65 — -.~~~;:' -; E -mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Benj. F. Johns..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., Mar. 1,'65-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65-Vet. James K. Snyder....do... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., June 15,'65 —mustered out with Co., July 15,'665-Vet. Edmund Gross.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., June 18,'65-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65-Vet. John Lepley............do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. H, Jan.:1,'63-wd. at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864, and at Petersburg, April 6, 1865 —promoted to Corporal, June 18,'65-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. James H. Krider......do.... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Tr from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., Sept. 18,.62-killed at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64-Vet. James Riden..........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. H, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., Aug. 15,'63-killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Chas. Bumbaugh......do...... Sept. 3,'61, 3'Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Feb. 2,'64 —killed at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64-'Vet. 1248 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. _RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. -BRzN.. INTO SERVICE. REMAR > Oliver P. Zell........ Corp.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-died at Lancaster, Pa., February 2, 1864-Vet. David S. Earnest...d..do...... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., June 6,'64-mus. out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. David Louden...........d.do.... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., June 20,'64-discharged by General Order, June 17,'65. Joseph M. Rhine........... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Tr. from Co. I, Jan.. 1,'63-pr. to Cor., Nov. 21,'64-discharged by General Order, June 17,'65. Henry B. Menichan...do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from C(o. I, Jan. 11, 1863-wounded and prisoner at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864 — mustered out, Oct. 20,'64-expiration of term. William H. Confer.....do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Died May 24, 1862. Alex'r W. Duke........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 12,'62. James A. Knoll.......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Died November 17, 1861. William Walker.......do...... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Killed April 28, 1862. Armstrong, Isaac... Private Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. H, Jan. 11,'63-wd. at Wilderness, May 5,'64-mus. out, Nov. 5,'64-exp. of term. Andrews, James........do... June 5,'63, 3 Wounded, with loss of right arm, at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 18, 1865. Ammerman, W. H... do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, January 11, 1863. Attig, William......... do...............3 Discharged for wds. rec. in action, Nov. 7, 1863. Bingman, Orlando...do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferredfrom company H, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Barnard, John J........do.... Aug. 25,'63, 3Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Brunner, Louis T......do.... July 9,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15,1865-Vet.: Bair, David W...........do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Bryner, George........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863 discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 10,'63. Bryner, James M.......do..... Oct. 2,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Barton, Holbert A.....do.....Sept. 3, 61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863-'~~*~~~~~~ mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Bossert, David...........do.... Sept. 11,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863-. mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Bingman, Jame s............. Feb. 21,'62, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11,'63mustered out, Mar. 13,'65-expiration of term. Bartley, Jesse B.......do..Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Beaver, William.....do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. in action, June 28, 1862-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Feb. 9, 1863. Bausum, DavidL.....do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Nov. 25,'64. Beatty, George W......do.. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Bowman, Samuel.......do....Aug. 15,'61, 3Died January 23, 1862. Bowman, Elias.......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 8 Died December 29, 1861. Colpetzer, Emanuel...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. H, Jan.- 11, 1863-wd. at Petersburg, Apr. 6, 1865-nmus. out with Co., July 15, 1865. Campbell, James......do.. Sept. 3,'62, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Campbell, Rob't V.....do... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Cope, Albert...... d....... June 11,'63, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864, and at Petersburg, April 6, 1865-discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865. Close, Henry........do... Aug. 30,'62, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11 1863 — discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Conner, Samuel......... Aug. 13,'64, 3Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Confer, James M......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Died November 13, 1861. DunninMatth'w W...do Aug. 12,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. -- Delancy, David...... do....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 1, 1863-wd. in action, Nov. 7, 1863 -mustered out Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Diven, George........d... Aug. 26,'62, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Dale, Isaiah.............do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Died January 13, 1862. Ensick, John.......... d.. June 4,'63,3 Mustered out with company. July 15, 1865. Eckley, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, January 11, 1863. Endslow, John H......do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63-died November 24, 1863. Ferguson, John H.....do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Farris, William......do.... Aug. 28,'63, 3 Killed at Winchester, September 19, 1864. Ferguson, Wel'n...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. 11,'63-imustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. THREE -TA: S' SER'VICE. 12.149 ^^^a.. d' 2uAME. RAN.. T O..MUSTE.R..... Pram, Samuel i..,i. Private Aug. 19,, 3 Transferred to copai- D, January 11, 13863- Gross, tobn.............do... Aug. 15,'61, Transferred from company C, Jan. 11, 1863-wd..^"~'~ - ~~... -;', -.. at Spottsylvanma, May v1, 1864 -muiteied — t -.......~ -;:'.with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Gill, Levi..................do...... Aug. 15','61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. Il,'63-Mua-''R13)''eorr~B..~~~~~~~-~~1~~~~: i~~ i - ^ tered out withcompany, Juily 15, 1865-Vet.'.........: - tered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Ginrich,'Iaao..s.a..:.do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22, 1863. Garrity, Patrick.d... o..do.....i Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from: ompany H, Jan.i,11 1863 —dis. charged by special order, March 10, 1864. Gree, Adam.........do. Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. ll, 1863-dis- charged on Surgeon~ s certificate, Apri121, 1864. Hirl, James G....... do.....:Spt. 16,'61, 3 Transferred fromcotnpany I, Jan. 11, 1863-died of wds. rec. at:Widernress, May:5, 1864Veit. Hassinger, James.,,...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3'Transferred from comipanyi, Jan. l,'63-mus-:\''''''-;, 1' tered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Hurd, illiam lT d...... Aug. 28,2, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Oorps, Nov. 12, 1863. Ingle, Beijamin..... do. ug. 15,'61,' 3 Transferred from company H, January 11, 1863-' died of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court..:.. ~'';;':'Htouse, May 10, 1864-Vet. J bs, James.O G....ido.... Aug. 26'62, 3 Transferred frolmcompany i, Jan.t1,-1863 —-dl. el~leyjRobert,,..,....do... -Mar. 13, 62, 3- T ransferred from company HJa.1,,:i 63 —tmu ~gi: rg.. o'7:... 0,?,;tered out with company, July 15,1865-Vet.'Ki~ppe, George W...do...M MIr. 0Q,'63,''3t Musteered out with-companiy, Juy'5 I5, 1865. e~perling,kb Jacob.......do.A.. ug.:23,',62, Tr4nsferred from ompany H, Jan. 11, 1863-killed at Cold'Harbor, June 1,18684. Kid, Jae a,,t.do...:oSept, 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63 —mus VI,..?....;.''::~'.':tered out, Oct. 24- 1864.-xpiration f term. Krise, ge.o..A.,do...A. g, 61, 3' Transferred from company H, Jan. 11,'63mus.:'tered out, October 4,'64-expiration of term. Koe, WiUliam W'.., do Aug. 2,'6*2, 3' Tansferred from compa ny It, Jan. 11, 1863-di. 1(ne, John d. Fe...........i': p4:.3 harged by Gener a Order,:JUne:17, 1865. l Mine Jo-h::......do: T b.. Q,' ischarged by General Order, May 12, 1865. effier, Jona: an.do..:. Aug. 14,'6B, 3 Drafted-musteed out With Co.,.Jly i5, 1865. Lsab, e:nr..yl...do...... April,'62,!3 Transferred from company H, January 11,'63m.rustered0out, April-8,'"65- xpiration oft':it n. Miller, John H....... do..... ay 0, 6, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. tiier, Pter.'..do.' ~Aug. 2::''6,'62', ^3 Transferred from ompanyI, January 1:, 1863. -- killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Maurer, Reubn....d...d...., Aug..2 36,'Transferred, from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-dis.' h~ i~: charged onh Sargeon' s dert., Marth:3,: 863. Moreland, William...do. Sept. 1-4,'I61, 3S Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 63-mus. -l. - ~::;tered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration ofterm. Mitjiken, Aibraaami...do.. Aug;,'62,,'3' TcraisfBrred rom paniy I, Jan. 11,'1863-dis. """'"''"'.....';, < ":I;'-.' ":'~ charged by General Order, June 17, 1865. MoyerJobW.... do. ept. Se,'t1, - Transferred from company 1, Jan. 11, 1863-dis........".........- -..' charged rgd o eon's certificate, July 6, i864;,iken, James G...do,.... Sept. 11, 61, Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-dis. -: — - -u i - — r~ ~ ~, - -.:::.. o 0.:, 1 ciharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,1863. Mesgorman, John.,....,do.. Mar. 5,$'62, Transferred from dompany H, January11;, I868-'"1...'wounded at Spottsylvania C.., May 10, 1864 — -: -~ --....'-. S mastered out, O. 24. 1864-expiration ofter m. M'C3ls ain e,, Gert.....,do.llay.0S,'64, 3 Drafted-died at Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 8, 1864. ~::::::................-.......!,' 1t ~trm. M'OalebeaJohiim".....lo;.. Aig. 15,'1 3 Transferred fromeompany H, Jan. ll1, 1863dis. - - - -^ -'charged on Surgeou's certificate, Feb. 4, 1863. M'lloskey s.;..,...do...do. S tg. 1,'6l, 3'|iTransferre~d fri-co cmpany I,.Ja.11-,-1863-. "'"'; -: ~....' r Oct. 24, i864-.expiratio of term. -"' MIElwee, aittcas...do.... Aug.,'63," 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 29, 64. M'Cleahan Sam'l....do Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company.H, Jan. 11, B863-die e charged. on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 30, 1863. Naugle, Joseph R....do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Trahsferrea from:Comp any, Ja~, 1'63- mu tered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. O'Brien,Henry.. do.... lov. 4, 64, 3' Deserted June 11, 1865..' -:. at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Peter, Franklin..do... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred fron company H, Jan. 11, 63-died O'* *, M a' Jurne u 1 9, 1864- of wounds received at Cold Har bor, June 1, 1864-buried at Alexandria, Va. 157 1250 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. RN. INTO S1ERVICE. g BEMARKS. 24AI~~~~~~IE.~~' IaE' Peck, David P...,...Private Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63 —mus-........*~~~~ ~tered out, Oct. 24, 1864-dxpiration of term. Plank, Simon A.......dc 4.. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63-rmusPhis S'... d *. 1, 6, tered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Phillips, Samuel H...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. 11, 63 —wd. at Wilderness,May 5, 1864-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, November 12, 1864. Pecht, Isaiah......... Aug. 15, 61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. 11, 63~-wd. at Spottsvlvania, May12,1864 —mustered out Nov. 12, 1864 —expiration of term. Patterson, John P......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. in action, Nov. 7,'63-discharged on Surgeon's certificate. July 18, 1864. RoW, Martin D...........do..... Aug. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, Jan. 11, 63-mu tered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Reincisker, John H...do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Reodgers Anthony.....do Aug, 22,'64, 3 Substitute-tr. fr. 104th reg. P. V., Sept. 14,'64mustered out with company, July 15; 1865. Runyan, Jacob...........do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-wdL, ~~ ~ at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864-absent at muster out-Vet. Rose, Joseph M.....do.....Sept. 30,'62, 3 Deserted July 3, 1863. Rupp, Joseph M......do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64 —expiration of term. Reeman, Augustustus...do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11,1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Richardson, Jos..I...do..... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11, 1863-dis. charged by order of the President~-date unk'n. Symmerman, Dan'l1...do.... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-wounded at Petersburg, April 6, 1865-. absent at muster out. Smith, Aaron,....do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. H, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. at Spottsyvania Court House, May 10, 1864, and at Petersburg, Va., April 6, 1865-absent at muster out. Stone, William B.....do.....Aug. 15,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted August 3, 1864. Sankey, James M~do...... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, January11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Seibert, Adam......do..... Sept. 3,'61, Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64- expiration of term. Shoemaker, Jno A..do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Smith, Geo. W..d.......do... Aug. 15,'61, a Transferred from company H, January 11,'63-.....'~~~ ~wounded in action, Nov. 7, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 29, 1864. Smith, Andrew N......do..... Aug. 28,'62, Transferred from company I, January II, 1863wounded at Wilderness, May 10, 1864-disch. by General Order, June 17,1865. Speiglenlyer, H. H.....do..... Aug. 25,'62, 3 Transferred from company H, January 11, 1863wounded at Petersburg, April 6, 1865-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 11, 1865. Stumff, John............do... ""Feb. 22,'62, 3 Transferred from company t, January 11,'63wounded at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864 —transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 15, 1864. h^mas Benjmin~l'"d~of woundsreceived in action, Nov.7, 1863. Taylor, Robert: H......do...Aug 28,'62, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863Thompson, Hezek'h...d.. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Weirick, Samuel J...do.... r. 3,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company H, Jan. 11,'63-killed 3at Spottsvlvania C. H., May 12, 1864-Vet. Wilson, Geo. W.......do.... Aug. 28,'6, 3 Transferred from company I, Jan. 11,'63-killed at Rappahannock Station, November 7,1863. Work, Robert A......do.. Sept. 3,'61, Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863. mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Wildman, Joseph....do... Sept. 8,'61, Transferred from company I, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Wasson, John.......do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company I, January 11,, 1863transferred tq Vet. Reserve Corps, Oct. 1, 1863. Zeigler, Samuel A.....do. Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. I, Jan. 11, 1863-wd., with'-~~ ~loss of right foot,?Wt Wilderness, May 5, 1864discharged on Surgeon's cert., NQv. 10, 1864. TIBEE YEARS' SERlOCE. 1251 COMPANY B. RECRUITED IN CHESTER COUNTY. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKn. INTO SERVICE.. George F. Smith..... Capt.... Aug. 2,'61, 3 Resigned July 16, 1862. Wm. B. Freeburn......do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt. Co. K, Jan. 8,'62-toCapt., Sept. 6,'62-tr. fr. Co. K, Jan. 11,'63 — diedAug. 20,'63, of wds. rec. atFredericksb'g, Apr. 29,.'63. B. J. Hickman........do..... Aug. 20,'61,3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant to Captain, April 8, 1862-to Major, April 22, 1864. Robert G. Barr..........do. Aug. 18, 61, 3. Pr. from Sgt. to Ist Sgt., Aug. 7, 1862-to 2d Lt., Nov. 26, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 4, 1864-to Captain, April 22,'64 —died July 26,'64, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. JohnS. Brattion........do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Nov 26, 1862-to 2d Lt., March 4, 1864-to 1st Lieut., April 22, 1864-to. Captain, September 21,'64-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Isaac B. Parker..1... 1st Lt... July 31,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lieut., Aug. 8,'62-to A. D. C, on General Hancock's staff, June 25, 1863., Edward T. Swain.....do... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st.Sgt., Dec. 23,'61-to 2d Lt., Aug. 7, 1862-to 1st Lieutenant,.Sept. 6, 1862 — to Captain company H, February 25, 1864. Samuel H. Irin........do Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., March 4,'64-to 2d IAt, July 1, 1864-to 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 18, 1864 — mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. B. H. Downing...... 2d Lt... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. from Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant, Apr. 8,'62transferred to company D, January 11, 1863. Jrhn J.ight.........do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., July 2, 1862-to Serg't, MLay 4, 1863-. -to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1864-to 2d Lt., Oct. 19,'64mustered out with company, July 15,'65 —Vet. Joseph Ewing... 1... 1st Sgt. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal ug.,'61 —to Sergeant, Nov. 15,.1862-to 1st Sergeant, Oct. 18,'64-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. J. B. Downing...........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wm. M'AIevy.... Serg't.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant, July 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Charles Fultz.............do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 1, 1862-to Sgt., March 4,!64 —. wd. in action, Apr. 6,'65-ab. at mus. out~-Vet. T.BH. M'Farland.......do..... Aug. 80,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal, Sept. 1, 1861 —to Sergeant, April 1, 1863 —absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. J. D. Cunningham.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864. James H. Gross.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Died May 4, 1863..- S. Westbrook........do..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Disch. Apr. 24, 1865, for wds. rec. in action —Vet. J. R. Hackenberg......do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1861-to Sergeant, July 1, 1864 —to. Serg't Major, Oct. 24,'64 —Vet. James C. M'Cord.....do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Mar. 10,'65..S.Crwnover..... Corp.... Mar. 1,'62, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1864-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. G. T. M'Cormick.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 24,'64-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Samuel G. Steffey.....do..... Aug. 17,'61,r 3 Promoted to Corporal, October 24,'64 —mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Lemuel Robertson.....do.... Aug. 18, 61, 3 Promoted to Corp., March 4,'64-wounded and capt'd at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-Vet. John C. Ross........ do....do. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1,1864-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Geo. W. Hamere.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 24, 1864-wd. in action, April 2, 1865 —absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet. Jos. L. Shugart.........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 24, 1864-wd. in action, April 2, 1865-absent, in hospital, at muster out-Vet.. N. Harshbarger........do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May10, 1864. Thomas Reeder......do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Lewis M. Price.........do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. J. W. Campbell..........do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Died Dec. 1, 1863, of wds. rec., at Rappahannock Station, Va., Nov. 7,'63-bu. in Mil. Asy. Cem. Geo. W. Eckard.........do..,.. Aug. 3,'61, 3 Died October 5, 1864, of wounds received at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Wm. C. Taylor..........do..., Aug. 18,'61, 3 Died at Newton Hamilton, Pa., Feb. 14, 1864. Wm. H. Erwin... do.....do Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out. Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Thomas L. Tayor......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Died March 15, 1862. I G NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. E 4 REMARKS. Batton Marshall..... Corp.... Aug. 18, 61, 3 Killedin action, June 27, 1862. Charles Smith........ Muc..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Anspack, Wm. E... Private Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted Oct. 1, 1864-returned March 3, 1865mustered outwith company, July 15'65-Vet. Aston, Robert M....do..... Aug. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on$urgeon's certificate, April 11,'63. Bebarger, Joseph......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Bolan, Lewis W....A....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Prisoner from June 1, 1864, to April 30,'65~-dischargedby General Order, July 1l, 1865.; U oe, J~cob.... den..Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wounded; and capt'd at Spottsylvan ia,Va. May, 10, 1864-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Ben:tts, Jacob.....do..Aug, 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out..B'ooksWilli'am........do....Aug.: 17,'61, 3 Absent, sick at muster out. Burlew, John W....do..... Aug, 18,'61, 3 Wounded and capt'd at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864Vet. tt William B...do.....ug. 18,'61, 3 Died May 13,'64, of wds. re. at Spottsylvania. Blak,: George W:......do:... Aug.. 18,'61, 3 Died Jan. 15, 1863, at White Oak Church, Va. B etts William.do..... Aug.7,'61, Deserted September 6, 1862. ther, Joseph. do... Aug. 18'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Feb. 26,'63 B~:ter, Samuel. do Aug. 18,'61, 3 Discharged'on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 19,'6,. 11iO, Jacob....... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Dscharged Feb. 24, 1863, for wounds received in action, June 27,1862. nmfbaugh, J4oob.,...do,.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Deserted July 1-,1865-Vet OCipp, Samue....e....d<~..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. win, JosephM,l..do..A.. ug.: 17,'61, DesertedSept. 3, 1861-returned DecG.3,'63-wd.. atWilderness, i'ay 5,'64-absent at mus. out. ChaneyB. ej....do.....Aug.17,'61, 3 Died April 19, 1863, at White Oak Church, Va. icote, AbramV. do..... Aug. 18,'6, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration:of..erm. raword Joseph...do... Aug. 18, 61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Coulter,:Franeis M...do A.. Aug. 18, 61, 3:Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 26,'63. Caughling Win. T...do.... 1De 61, 3 Dscharged on Surgeons'4 certificate, Feb.16,.63.i arter, Lewis.. do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to compny H, Feb. 28, 1864Vet. revore. George W....do... Aug. 117, 61, 3 Musteredoutwith. ompany, July 15, 1865 -Vet DoughertyHenryS...do..... Aug. 17,'61 3 Mustered out with company,' July 15,-1865-Vet. umnnigfan, James...do.... Aug. 8, Mustered ut with company, July 15, 1865. ]wavis,.Benjamin'F...do........Feb. 3,.'62, 3 Musteredout with companyJuly 5,1865-Vet. DeckerAdolphus P.do'....: Aug. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865~Vet. Dunlap John........do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3;Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Davis, HenryS...do... ug 17, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term,'.er. Henry.d.. o.. S...e.....Sep7.' 61, 3 Musteredout, Oct. 31,1864-expration of term Decker, Jaes';...do. ug. 6, 64, I Discharged by General Order, June 17 1865. BD;av.G' e^orW:. sdo.A'ug. -18,61, 3 Died. December.27,.1862.'1 Ew ing, Samuel.-.do~. Aug. A.18,.'61, 3 Wounded and prisoner,May 10,1864-absent, il hospital,. atmustfr out. Everts icha. do....Aug.24,'62, 3 Died May 25, 1864, of wounds received at SpottsylvaniaC. H.Esterline,. David A...do..... Aug. 22,'62, 3 Discharge'd by general Order, May25, 1865.step, Heiry C........... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out,ct.31,1864-exptrationof ter. ]E"r'iok, L.evi. do...:,'6..'3 doisehrged Aprilug. 186,.612 Ftbbs William.........do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3: Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31', 63 Fizgerald,'Wi. M...doM,.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificateJ an. 8, 63. Frtz,:Daviddo.......,....:Aug. 17,'61 3, Discharged on Surgeon:s.certifica/te,Jan, 29,'63 Farrtiran:,r., Nt,..do.....Aug. 18,'61, - Died March 18, 1862. Ford, Nehemia. ug. 18'6 iscrged May 1, 1862. Gintl.Jacob:,..:.:.i'.do:.. Aug. 18'61, 3':Mustered-out with'ecompany, July-15,4865 —Ve G-ray, Wiliam.m....do0..l.Aug. 17,'61 3; Mustered out with company, July 5, 1865Vet. (ithet rJohn.....do'.. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Died: Jnne 10, 1864 of wounds receied' atSpqtt i: sylvania C. H.,Va. Garhar JohnSi..S.....do"... Aug.17,'61, 3 Died-J-ly l, 1804,of wounds received atSpott-.: sylvania, C. It'bu. in Nat.'Cem., Arlingon GrayHnry'. d,.. p 18.61. 3 Died 28, 1862. of wds. receivedin act.ion Giant, Andrew J......do..... Aug. 18,'61. 3 Deserte date unkown. ro:nIad,:Hiraml...do:....Sept 7,.'6 3 Mseredout,Nov. 2,1864expiration of term, Gray,;: Isaac........ sept. 11,'61,. 3: -Discharged' on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 20,'63. Ountnr er, SitIon.Hi... do. Aug. 19,,'61 3' Transferred.tocompany.-, February 28, 1864. Hillt;,'Jacob l L..... do-..... Aug. 18,'61, 3" Mustered out with company, July 15,'651Vet. Hunt.Samuel.. do. Aug. 18,' 61 3:Woundedand capturedat;Wilderness,May..5, 64.. Hustoi,'Thoma..do..... Aug. 17, 61 3 Died at Poit Looot,. kt,. Fe-br.uary 13, 1863,; Hollidafy, John: V........ Aug. Aug 1, 3 Discharged1 on Surgeon' certificate, June 1.4,'64 Hiln.t,Somon......don...... Aug. 18, 61 3 Discharged:by General Order, June17, 1865. R!Yeffnieii:.:Samue l D.a m..do:....d Sept. 7,'61, 3'Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864expiration of term. umphrey,JohnP..d..... Aug. 18,'61, 3: Discharged; on Surgcon's certificate, Feb. 2,'63. Heller, Augustus...do....Aug..1 7,'61, 3 DiScharged February 6, 186, for wounds r-e~~~'~. ~~~ceived in action.;. Harris,JmesEi,.....do.... Aug. 18, 61,'61 Tansferre toVet. es...Corps~-dateunknown - Holliday, John V...l...do..... Aug. 18,'64, 1. isehargedbyGeneral Order, Junei'71 1865. THREE YEARS SERVICE. 1253 _________~~~~~~ i, A MEi 11 DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. NTO SERVICEREMARKS. INTO SERVICE. l Jenkins, George E.. Private Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Principal Musician, Nov. 1, 1863. -ough, John...........do...Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. R-ime, James.I.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, October24,'64-exiration of term. Kenyon,Matth'w H-:...do.A.... Aug. 25, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864 —expiration of term. Selley, George W..........d. Aug.-18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps"-date unknown. Kitson, Thomas J......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3Died January 11, 1862. -Longnecker, Sam'l.....do..... Aug. 17,'61 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Lykens, Martin.........do.... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. =Lego, Samuel W.....do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps, April 3, 1862. Mathews, Steph'n R...do..... Aug. 18,'61,. 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, i865-Vet. Morgan, John B.....d..d.....'Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Megahen, Geo. W......do.... Sept. 7,'61, 3 ustered out with comnany, July 15, 1865-Vet. Miller, Edmund.......do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Wd. and captured at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Miller, William.........do..... Sept.- 7,'61, 3 Deserted —date uknown. [oore, John' C...........do..... Aug. 30,'61 3 Mustered out. Oct. 3i, 18('4 —xpiration of term. Morningstar,Jno. H...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered'out, Oct. 31, 1.864 — xpiration of term. Myerly, John...........do..... Sept. 11,'61 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Martin, John D........do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan.' 20,'3. jlachamer, David J...do.....Aug. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Suirgeon's certificate, Feb. 4,'63. M'Call, Geo. W. B.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 17, 1865-Vet. M'Gonigle, Peter.......do..... Sept. 28,'63, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 5,'64-ab. at mus. out. M'Quillen, Richard...do.... Sept. 5,'61 3Killed at Rappahannock Station, Va., Nov. 7, -.: - -;' ~ 1863-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.-block 2, section E, row 4, graVe, 9. M'Cord, -Wm. H......do Feb. 22,'62, 3 Died at Wilmington, N C.. arch3,1865-Vet 1M'Murtrie, Jas. E.....do.. Feb. 24,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. M'Curdy, James........do..... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Discharged onSurgeon's certificat6, Jan. 31,'63. M'Donald, Wm.H...H do..... d Mar. 1,'62,3 Mustered out, Mar. 13,'65-expiration of term.:M'Grady, Daniel........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'63. Nervingham, Chas...........d Febi 2062,'62,3 Missin in action at Spottsylvania Court House, -'. ~ -.... -. - May 10, 1864-Vet. Nale, Jacob E..........do.... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Sept. 21,'63. Patterson, John N..... do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864 —absent at muster out. Port, Levi;W..........do..... Mar. 1,'62, Discharged on S eon's certifate, Feb. 21,'63. Roseborough, J. R....do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company. July 15, 1865-Vet. Rutherford,Rob't D o...do.. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July J5, 1865-Vet. Roach, William L.....do... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1864-returned Mar. 3,'65mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Ross, James............do..... Jan. 8,'69, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Raymond, F. G......do...'.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Wd. and capt'd at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Roseborough, Wm,...do..... Aug. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Robinson, Henry C...do... Aug. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-ex'piration of term. Ray, John................ do..... Au. 18,'61, 3 Disharged n Surgen's certificate, July 21,'63. Rahn, William K... do... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Rogers; Arthur....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Ross, Samuel W.....do.. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Rumbarger, O. S.....do..... Aug. 30,'61. 3 Transferred to company i, February 28, 1864. Shields, Joseph W.....do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Smith, Jacob G.... do... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Snyder, Stephen.....do..... Sept. 11,'61 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Snyder, John W..... do.... Aug. 17,'613 Wd. in action, Apil 2,'65-ab.at mus. out-Vet. Sherer, John G..... do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 )ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16,'63. Smiley, Israel W...do.... Aug. 18, i61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864 —expiration of term. Sturtsman, W,.:..o..Jan..20,'2, 3 Discharged on Surgeons certificate. Jan. 26,'6g. Stonebrakler,- S. M-...do.... Aug. 17,'62, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Stephens, James C....do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. SmiithiSamuel..... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Aug. 24, 1864; Te:ple, Wm. M......do..... Aug. 18,'61 3 Discharged on'Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'63. Temple, Oliver S......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Signal Corps-date unknown. Vandivere, Enos.......do.... Aug. 18, 61, 3 Diedanuary 6, 1862. Wvble, James.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Wlls, George W....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Mustered ot withcompany, July15, 65-Vet. Wiland, John..........do..... Aug. 17,'61, Mustered out with company, July 1865 —Vet. Ward, Rudolphus.....do.. Aug. 18,'61, 3 Wounded at Cold'Harbor, Va., Jun'i, 1864-absent at muster- out —Vet. Wellers, Samuel.... do.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Deserted-arrestei Sept. 23, 186 -sentenced bygeneral court martial to be shot-sentence commuted to imprisonment at Dry Tortugas, Fla., April 6, 1864. Williams,' Thos R....do... Aug. 8,'64, 3 Deserted December 2, 1864. Wilson, William H...do... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scertificate, Jan. 30,'63. Wolfkill, Thomas... do.. Aug, 18,'61, 3 Discharged Feb. 7, 1863, for wounds received in action, Julv 1,'1862. WBilson, William... do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 3,'63. 1254 FORTY-NINTH REGCIMENT, DATE OF MUST0 R.AME. RANK. F S. REMARKS. WilsnJacob K.I INTO SERVICE. H Wilson, Jacob K...... Private Aug. 17,'6, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Wesley, Michael.......do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 25,'63. White, Anthony........do.....Feb. 20, 62 Mustered out, March 13,'65-expiration of term. White, William H.....do.... Sept. 20,'62,3 Discharged by General Order, June 27, 1865. Whitehead, Thos...do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 31,'62. COMPAN Y C RECRUITED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. John B. Miles........ Capt..... Aug. 5,'61, 3 Promoted to Major, October 16, 1862. J. R. Eckebarger......do..... Oct. 2,'61,, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant, Oct. 16,'62-dis. charged November 19, 1863. A. -Boyd Hutchison.do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transterred to company G-date unknown. James P. Smith.........do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct. 26,1862-tr. from Co. G, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to 1st Lt., Feb. 25,'64to Bv. Capt., Aug. 1,'64-to Capt., June 3,'65mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. F. W. W.ombacker 1st Lt... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company E, March 16,'64. A. G. Dickey.... d.....2dLt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Resigned October 27, 1862. Christian Dale....d......... Dec. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. G, January 11, 1863-pr. to 2d Lt., Mar. 4,'64-cor. Capt. Co. F, June 27, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. John Miller............ 1st Sgt. Aug., 31,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. G, Jan. 11.'63-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., - a:......... ~Sept. 19,'64-to 1st Sgt., April 6,'65 —com. 1st Lt., July 14, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Jeremiah C. Brown...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23,'64-expiration of term. Calvin Cain..............do..... Aug. 31, 61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. G, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to 1st Sgt., Oct. 23,'64-killed at Petersburg, Va., Apr.' 6,'65-Vet. George S. Ketner.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. G, Jan. 11, 1863-promoted to 1st Sergeant, March 4, 1864-killed at Winchester. Va, September 19, 1864-Vet. Henry Entriken..... Serg't. Oct. 10'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1862-transferred from company F, January 11, 1863 —mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. James F. Moore........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 2 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 10,'62-tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Sgt., Oct. 24, 1864-com. 2d Lieut., July 14, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Samuel D. Osborne...do..... Sept. 3.'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Sept. 1, 1862-tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-promoted to Sergeant, April 6, 1865 —mus -....tered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Harvey Moore....... do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Sergeant, Oct. 31, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Robert B. Smith.......do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23,'64-expiration of term. Samuel Stewart........d.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 17,'61. Eugene Jeffries...... Corp... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Mar. 4, 1864-mus. out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. John T. Hall.......do....... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Oct. 24, 1864-mus. out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. H. W. Marshall.........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F- Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Oct. 24, 1864-mus. out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Merritt D. Stalbird...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., July 1, 1865-mus. out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Enos S. M'Cafferty...do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. F, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1864-mus. out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. John M. Duey..........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. G, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., Sept. 19, 1864-killed at Petersburg, April 6, 1865-Vet. Moses Chriswell...d....... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11, 1863-died -February 16,'64, of wounds received in actionburied in Military Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Griffith Lytle............do Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mus. tered out, October 23, 1864-expiration of term. Wmi. H. H. Musser...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, October 23, 1864-expiration of term. James A. Patton........d..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, October 23, 1863-expiration of term. THREE YEAARS SERVICE, 12-55 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. N Ammerman, Jos.... Private Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mus-:-.:~;- - i-tered out with.company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Armpruster, G...... do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company F. Jan. 1l,'63-m. us-,~'...;. 7: ~tered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Arney, Edward.........do.... Nov. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15. 1865. Ambrose, James........do..... Jan. 16,'62, 3 Transferred fr. company D, Jan. 11, 1863-killed at Petersburg. Va., April 6, 1865-Vet. Alters, William......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, October 23, 1864-expiration of term. Albright, John.............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, October 23, 1864-expiration of term. Albright, Israel.........do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11. 63- mustered out. October 23, 1864-expiration of term. Benfer, Luther.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11, 1863-~ ~ ~', ~~ ~killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864. Butler, David R........do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11,'63-died of wds. rec. at Cold Harbor, June 1,'65-Vet. Barnes, Robert P......do Sept. 12,'61 3 Tr. fr. C.o. F. Jan. 11'63-deserted July 21,'63. Beck, Edward Y.......do..... Mar. 18,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63 — mustered out, March 11, 1865-expiration of term. Beck, Jeremiah C......do... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63mustered out, Feb. 27,'65-expiration of term. Berkheimer, J. E......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63- - mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Benner, John D........do.... Jan. 31,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63~, 0~ ~~ g~~~ - mustered out, Jan. 30,'65-expiration of term. Barnacle, William...do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-~: ~ -,~~ a:~~ a mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Brozer, Wm. K.........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Baumgardner, A.......do.... Sept. 7,-'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11.'63discharged on Surgeon's cert., Jan. 13, 1863. Breeman, Wm.........do... Aug. 31,'61 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63discharged on Surgeon's cert., Jan. 17, 1863. Carter, James:.... d...l...... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Campbell, Joseph.....do..... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63-:; R..~~. - mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Carroll, John...........do..... Sept., 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65 — Ve. Corbin, William........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. G, Jan. 11,'63-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 20, i864-grave, 6,237. Coon,-John J............ do-.... Sept. 9,:'61, 3 Transferred from Co. G, Jan. 11,'63 —captureddied at Andersonville, Ga., October 22, 1864. Caterson, Robert A...do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63discharged on Surgeon's certificate Jan. 6,'63. Campbell, David S...do.. Aug. 31, 61, 3 Transferred from. company G, January 11,'63—:' ~ ~';~ ~ discharged on Surgeon's cert., Nov. 10, 1863. Crosthwaite, J. T......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. G, Jan. 1I,'63-wd. at Cold Harbor, - ~ June 1,'64-mus. out, Oct. 23,'64-exp. of term. Cromer, Geo. W.....do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-... ~-...... r — mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Couch, Robert A......do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-:~ ~ ~-C..........m.... ustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Couts, Christian,.:......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-::,',','.. mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Colyer William.......do..... Sept. 20,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63-a ~~-;.~ ~.......mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Coder, Jacob C.........do....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864 —expiration of term. Clrk, Aifred...... do... Sept. 11,'G1, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 23,'65. Clarkson, Benj. F.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-.~ —::~.....-~ ~ transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 21, 1863. Coonroy, Nicholas.....do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 21,'62. Dunkel, John N.........o.... Mar. 12,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Debler, Paul.............do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Dougan, James........do.... Jan. 31,'62, 3 Transferred from Co. G, Jan. 11,'63-died Dec. 3,'62-bu. at Alexandria, Va. —grave, 559. Duttenhoffer, J.........do.... Nov. 18,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11, 1863mustered out, Nov. 17,'64-expiration of term. Dolby, Thomas 0.....do.... -Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11, 1863nustered out, Oct. 23,'64-expiration of terms:Dixon, Samuel S..o...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63-' - i~ mustered out, Oct. 23,'64 —expiration of term. !::~~6 FORTY-NINTn REGI ENT, iAME.'5ANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICR. REMAR. Dixon,George Wt.. Private Aug. 30,'61. 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23.'64-expiration of term. David, John M.........do....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11.'63mustered out. Oct. 23,'64-expiration of term. Davison, Miles..... o.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharredon Surgeon's certificate, June 16,'62. Deal,:Edmund.......do..:.. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Killed June 27, 1862. Eby, Daniel........do.-.. June 18,'64, 3 Substitute-;nustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Eckenroth, Charles...do..... Mar. 15,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'3disch:arged on Surg. certificate, Feb. 6, 1863. Evans, Maciah............. do. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April-'21,.'6 Foster, Henry........do..... Aug.' 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63 — absent, in arrest for desertion, atmuster out. Franks, John............do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Died January 16, 1862. Fitzjerald, Renison...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Killed June 28, 1862. Green, Benson M......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63absent, on detached service, at muster out. Gilchrist, Samuel A...do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864-Vet. Griffis, John..............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January I1.?63~ killed at Petersburg, Va, April 6, 1865-Vet. Gray, Jonathan V.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 1,'63 — deserted November 20, 1862. Gilbert, James...........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January I1,'63m. ustered out, Oct. 23,'64-expiration of term. Grisinger, Israel......do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3; Discharged by General Order, May 20, 1865. Hobson, Charles......do.....Sept. 12, 61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11, 1863mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Hall, Robert J.........do.....Sept. 9,1 61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11, 1863 —. mustered out with company, July 15,'65 —Vet. Harlan, Girtler....... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11, 1863died June 20, 1864-~'buried in National Cem-e tery, Arlington. Henderson, Jas.H. H...do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January ll, 186 deserted May 21, 1863. Hess, Joseph C......do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,.'63 —mus tered out, Oct. 2$3, 1864 —expiration of term. Harper, John L.......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'62 —mus. tered out, Oct. 2:3, 186.4-expiration of term.. Hoy, John H....... do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surg. certificate, July 27, 1864~-Vet. Hlenderson, Jas.F.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11, 1864-tr, to Vet. Reserve Corps, September:30, 1863. Hodgson, Fran's M..do..... Oct. 10,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11, 1863 —tr. to Signal Corps, August 12, 1863. Hilands, Roland.......do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 16,'61. Huston, Benjamin.....do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 23, 961. Jackson, Robert S.....do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Keene, Joseph L.......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. l, 1863-absent, sick, at muster out —Vet. Knarr, Levi T.........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 20, 1803. Knight, George M......do..... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11,'63- mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Kaup, William H...do... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63 —mustered out,'Oct. 23, 1864 -expiration of term. Levengood, Effing'r..do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11, 1863 —deserted January 21, 1863. Leech, Alexander.....do.....Feb. 9,'64, 3 Deserted June 14, 1865. Lichty, William........do...;. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63 —mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Lawner, Henry E......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63 —mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. LQwry, Joseph....... do..... Aug. 31,'1, 3 Transferred from company, Jan. 11,'63 —mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Lanver, Charles R.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-.dis., charged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31, 1863, Miller, Joseph..........do..:... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11, 1863 —abl sent, sick, at muster out. Moody, Edward........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred fromcompany F, Jan. 11, 1863 —died at Washington, D. C., February 6, 1863. Masterson, Wm.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Jan. 11,'63 —mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Mayes, Thomas C;.,,..do..:.:Aug. 31,:'61, 3,uTvansferred from company G, Jan. 11,'63-nia.s,.' tered out, Oct. 23,.1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE.:1257 DATE OF MUSTER ~NAME. R ABNK INTO SERVICE. Moon, Jesse H........ Private Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company F,. January 11,'63~ mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864 —expiration of term. Millard, Charles F.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63dishonorably discharged by S. 0., Feb. 3, 1865. M'Coole, Jacob..........do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. M'Quillen. John.......do..Aug. 15,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 28, 1862. Naylor, William T.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. from Co.!F, Jan. 11,'63 —died at Brandy Station, Va., Dec. 15,'65-bu. at Culpepper C. H.. Va.-block 1, section A, row 8, grave, 259. Ortb, Adam.,..... do..... NTov. 21,'63, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63.-. mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. O'Neal, James...........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3' Transferred from company F, January 10,'63discharged on Surgeon's cert., April 17, 1863. Preston, Joseph J.....do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Pedrick, Lyman.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 2,'64. Smith, Jacob.............do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15,'65 —Yet. Smith, George G........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Sturtzman, James..do..Jan. 25,'62, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11,'63mustered out, Jan. 25, 1865-expiration of term. Secor, Orren........do...d. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out, Nov. 29,'64 —expiration of term. Smiley, John..........do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-'.expiration of term. Spear, Andrew J......do..S.. Sept. 11,'61,' 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864 —expiration of term. Shorth, James.....do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3.Transferred from company Januy G, Janary 11,'63discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 6,'63. Shaffer, Henry H......do. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Hospital Steward —date unknown. Toot, Thomas........do.... Aug. 31,'6, 3 Transferred from company, January 11,'63 — mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Thompsoi, Geo. W...do.... Aug. 31,'61, 3' Transferred from company G, January 11,'63 — ustered out with company, July 15,'65~-Vet. Turner, Andrew.... do..o..... Sept. 12,'61', 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Taylor, William H....do..... AUg. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11;'63mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Walker, Calvin T......do. Feb. 8,'64, 3 Muster'ed out with company, July 15, 1835. Wolfe, FranklinC.....do. Aug. 3l,'6i, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63 — absent, sick, at muster out —Vet.; Whitecraft, GeO. S.........Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63 — mustered out, Oct'. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Wagner, Benj. F......... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63 — mustered Out', Oct. 23,' 1864-expiration of term. Working, Samuel:......do...... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered Out,'Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of terma. Whipple, John...... do.. Ag. 15A, 6, 36 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 19,'62. Yeager, Spencer G...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January I1,'63-. mustered out with company, July 15,'65 —Vet. Yeager, David S....do'...... Sept. 8,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, January 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15,'65 —Vet. Yeager, Andre J,...do...... Ang. 31,'61, ] 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63-deserted-date unknown. Young, Israel........do..... Mar. 28,'62, 3 Transferred from company G, January 11,'63mustered out, Mar. 28,1865-expiration of term. COMPANY D. RECRUITED IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. James D. Campbell, Capt.... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Resigned January 1.8, 1863. James A. Quigley.....do..... Aug. 19,'61, i3 Tr. from Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-wd. May 12, 1864 — mustered out, Oct. 28, 1864-expiration of term. John W. Russell........do Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 1,'61 —to Sgt., May 20, 1862 —to 1st Sgt an I transferred fr. Co. B, Jan. I,'3 —-. pr. to2d'Lt., Mar. 16,'64-to Capt., Nov. 30,'64-1 mustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. John H. Westbrook 1st Lt.. Aug. 30,'61, i 3 Discharged November 19, 1863. 158L 1258 FORTY-NINTH REBGTMINT, NAMEIB. ~:R"RA. NK.. DATE OF MUSTER I ~^NAM~~. ]INTO SERVICE. - REMARKS. William Sherwood.. 1st Lt... Aug. 6,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 25. 1861-to 1st Sgt., Jan. 8,'62-to 1st Lt., Aug. 5,'62-tr. from Co......-~ -, X:E, Jan. 11, 63-pr. to Capt. Co. F, Mar. 16,'64. Campbell Tucker.........Oct. 26,'61, 3 Pr. to A. D. C. on staff of Gen. Wm. F. Smith, Dec. 16,'63-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865. Frank Y. M'Donald 2d Lt,.. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged November 19, 1863. Benj. H. Downing.....do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863transferred to company E, March 16, 1864. Davis H. Law....... 1st Sgt Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Jan. 17, 1864-to 1st Sgt., April 7, 1865com. 2d Lieut., July 14, 1865-not mlusteredmustered out with company, July 17,'65-Vet. Stephen Transue.......do....Aug. 21, 61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 10, 1861-to Sgt., May 20, 62-. tr. from Co. E, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to 1st Sgt., Mar. 16, 1864-to Sergeant Major, April 7, 1865-Vet. William Sollars......Serg't.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mus. ~ -S I tered out with company, July 15, f865-Vet. Theodore B. Reader...do..... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. C, Jan. 11, 1863-promoted to Sergeant, March 16.'64-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Charles:D. Train........do.... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. E, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor.. May 12 1864-to Sergeant, November 30,'64-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Daniel S. Daller.........do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. B, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., Nov. 15, 1864-to Sergeant, April 7, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Daniel S. Swers.......do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Aug. 29, 1862-tr. from Co. A, January 11, 1863-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-Vet. Frank A. Brown.....do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. B, Jan. 11, 63 —died June 17, 1864, at Wilmington,'Del., of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-Vet. Thos. G. Hutchison...do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Mar. 14,'62-tr. from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-promoted to Sergeant, Sept. 10, 1864mustered out, Sept. 25,'64-expiration of term. James Hill...........do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Nov. 6,'62-tr. from Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-promoted to Sergeant, May 12,'64-mus, tered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of tertn. W. H. Ammerman Corp... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-pr. to Cor., June 17, -'~~~.' ^.^ 1864 —mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Uriah Kitchen....... do...Mar. 24,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 10, 1864-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. J. C. Montgomery.....do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. B, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., Nov. 23, O ePWsS. 11864-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. OliverP. Wilson.......do..... Sept. 1,'61 Tr. fr. Co. B, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., March 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 15,1865-Vet. Solomon Martin....;,..do...... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. E, Jan. 11,'63-pr. to Cor., April 7, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865 —Vet. John R. Pratt..........do.....Mar. 8,'64, 1 Promoted to Sergeant, June 5, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John A. Jackson......do.... Feb. 6,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Wm. J. Johnson.......do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-Vet.. Jacob Shriver..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. from Co. A, and pr. to Cor., Jan. 11, 1863 —. died June 17,'64, of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania - - - -::. I-IC. H., May 10, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.-Vet. Joseph B. Brown.......do... Aug 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863, disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 16, 1863. James C. Langton.....do..... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863 discharged Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Arbogast, John..... Private Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864 —expiration of term. Brobb, Isaac.............do...Feb. 8,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Brown, George W.....do..... June 10,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'5. Brown, Andrew C.... do..... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-died June 15, 1864, of wds. rec'd at Spottsylvania, May 10, 184-Vet. Boyd, Aaron B..... do........d. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863mus. out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Brewer, Andrew J........do... June 1,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by S. O., Dec. 25, 1865. Barthurst, And. G.....do.... Sept. 1,'1, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863n -aric.'. discharged by G. O., July 15, 1865-Vet.:Cronen, Patrick........do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Coughlin, Michael.....do.....Jan. 27,'62, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Colpeltzer, William...do....Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with. company, July 15, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1259 NAMINPE. RANK. DATOF TMA RK. INTO SERVICE. REMK Conklin, John....... Private Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Januaryll, 1863disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 3, 1864. limpson, Milton......do..... Aug. 1,'61. 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon s certificate, Jan. 22, 1863. Camp, Essex P........do.... Aug. 28,'62, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11, 1863-dis. charged by special order, May 12, 1863. Cadee, Erastus..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate,-Feb. 6, 1863. Corkle, Jackson J......do..... Aug. 28,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Cook, George M.......do..... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 29, 1865. Cade, Charles 1H.......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Daller, Benjamin......do...... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Davis. William I.......do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Mustered outwith company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Downing, Wm. E......do..... Jan. 20,'62, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11,'6 —killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Dehass, Curtis...........do..... May 3,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 22, 1864. Eberhart, Solomon..do.... Dec. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Elder, Thomas J.......do.... June 1,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Eekley, Joseph.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 15, 1864-expiration of term. Fravel, Samuel F......do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 29, 1863. Frain, Samuel T........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Fisher, John........... do..... June 3,'61, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 15,1865. Grier, William..........do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Gladfelter, Wm. H...do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11,'63-killed at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64-Vet. Oessick, Augustus.....do..... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11, 1863-deserted September, 1862. Gray, Samuel...........do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Hinkle, George W...do-... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Haines, Michael........do..... Feb. 3,'62, 3 Absent, sick. at muster out. Harleman, Thomas....do.....Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Harleman, Geo. W...do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63killed at Rappahannock Station, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Harding, W. L... do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11,'63 —died January 19, 1863. Hipple, Robert.........do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11, 1863-deserted January, 1864-Vet. Haines, William....d...do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 18, 1864-expiration of term. Harkless, George......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 15, 1864-expiration of term. Eeckrott, Lewis P.....do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. Hutton, George W.....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. luffman, Daniel.......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11,'63 —mus tered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Hendricks, Hezki'h...do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'65. Hialer, John M...........o.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company C, Jan. 11,'63-wd. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-mustered out, March 4, 1865-expiration of term. Jones, Henry.....do..... Mar. 8,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Jodon, Peter...........do.....Aug. 19,'61 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Jodon, David....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept. 15, 1864 —expiration of term. Kunes, John C..........do.....Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from companyA, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. King, William...........do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Katon, William T.....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'65-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 16,'64-grave, 3,417. Kennedy, Smith........do..... Jan. 3,'62, 3 Transferred from company-B, Jan. 11, 1863-deserted January 28,1863. Kauffman, DavidM...do...Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-mustered out, Sept, 10, 1864-expiration of term. Keyes, Charles R....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'62 —rmus. I tered out, Sept. 10, 1864-expiration of term. 260 FORTY-NINTH REGI EINT,..NAMB.. "..'-. D.ATE OF MUSTER NAME.'RANK. I INTO SERVICE. 1 REMARKS. King, Edward N..... Private Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, Jan. 11,'63-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15, 1863. Lucas, Asbury........do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Lucas, James S...d.......Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 21, 1863. Myers, John S........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11; 1863mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet, Miles, George W......do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863musteredoutwith company, July 15,1865-Vet. Miller,'David..........do..... Sept. 10, 61, 3 Transferred from company E, January11, 1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Miller, Eli..............do...... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-died Jan. 28, 1863. Manning, Peter.........do... Aug. 15,'61, 3'tr. fr. Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-died Jan. 28, 1863. Moss, Andrew............do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-deserted July 1,'63. Mann, Robert......do..... June 1,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 16, 1865. M'Clafferty, Frank..do..... Aug. 15,'61, Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. M'Cormick, John...d..... Mar. 8,'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. M'Clure, Anson........... June 1,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. ME~arland, W. HI......do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. M'Affee, David.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company D, January 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, tieb. 25,'63.'lauskey, C..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1862mustered out, Sept. 10,'64-expiration of term. M'Main, Thomas......do..... dFeb. 4,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. M'Clenahan, R. G......do... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from-company E, January 11, 1863-mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term.'inley, Joseph...do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 5,'63. Neil, James...........do..Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B. January 11, 1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Neiman, W. H......do.... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 25, 1864-expiration of term. O'Brien, James.........do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Owens, Mathe............do..... Aug. 19, 64, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Osborne, John....... do...Mar. 17,'6, 3 Deserted July 7, 1863. Owens, William....... do....'Sept. 12,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Osborne, Abiah D...do... Feb. 4,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Packer, JJames M,...do..... May 31,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Perry, Charles..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3'Tr. fr. Co. A, Jan. 11,63-died May. 11,'64, ofwds. received at Spoitsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Patton, Hugh.............. Jue 7, 64, 3 Drafted-deserted August 8, 1864.,Ryan, Michael........ do.....June 14,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Richards, John........do..... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Rogers, James N......do..... Aug. 20,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, Jan. 11,'63-died at Fort'Delaware, May 14, 1864. Rose, Willianm............ do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23, 63.Reading, A.mos......do...Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863mustered out, Sept. 18,'64-expiration of term. Rhoads, iPeter........;. do..... Sept.'7, 61, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. RIimby. G. W.........do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Rigg, William..........do.Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January11, 1863 killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Shatzer,'Amos............do... Mar. 18,'62, 3 Transferred fromr company E, January 11, 1863mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Sneal, Mathew' B.......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred fromcompanyA, January 11,1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Speice, Jeremiah......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A January 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 14,'63. Spangler, Jonas.........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863discharged on Surgeon's cert.,Jan. 16,'65-Vet. Strunk, Wm. H........do.... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863-' discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Smith, Henry C.........do..... June 1,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, June 17, 1865. Shope, William..........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, January 11, 1863-. mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Smythe, Homer S.....do.....Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company E, January11, 1883mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1261 UNAMET. R~ANK. I RDATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. TO SERVICE. X REMARKS. ~~~... Steele, William G... Private Aug. 25,'61, 3 Transferred from company E. January 11, 1863killed at' Spottsylvania C. I., May 10, 1864. Stull, Jacob..........d........Sept. 11,'6, 3 Transferred from company E, January 11, 1863killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Tyler, William.........do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Died June 29, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington.Taylor, Thomas J......do... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 17,'63. Taylor, William D.....do..... Aug. 15,,61, 3 Transferred from company B, January 11, 1863mus. out, Sept. 16, 1864-expiration of term. Taylor, Jesse........do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-killed at.....-~~~. eWinchester, Va., Sept. 19, 1864-Vet. Walizer, Andrew......do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, an. 11, 1863-mustered W~eize, John C.....t~l...do...../ Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred froni Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Weize, John C ti'........do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Williams, Valenti'e...do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. A, Jan. 1 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Wilkenson, S..........do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Wooden, Adam B......do..... Sept. 1,'6, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Winterod, Phillip... do....Mar. 16,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Watkins, William.a..do.... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863 —mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Waters, Bra's J. C.....do..... Oct. 8,'63, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Wolf, Charles........... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. A, Jan. 11, 1865-died at Philadelohia, June 28, 1863. Walker, David... do Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-died Aug. 9, 1863-buried in Mil. Asy. Cemetery, D. C. Walters, Fragier....o...o Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 25, 1863. Watkins, John..........do.....Aug. 21, 61, 3 Transferred from company B, Jan. 11, 1863~-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 4, 1863. Walizer, Elias...do...... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 27,'65. Wolfe, Gideon W......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out, Oct. 23; 1864-expiration of term.'Williamson, T. M......do..... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 21, 1865-Vet. -Weber, Sylvester......Aug. 21,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Workman, Jacob....do.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. A, Jan. 11, 1863-mustered -i^~~ | ~out, Oct. 23, 186 —expiration of term. Yrarger, Abram.........do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 22, 1865. CO M:PANY -E. RECRUITED IN LEWISTOWN, MIFFLIN COUNTY. -Hienrv A. Zollinger Capt..... July 31,'61, 3 Resigned July 24, 1862. Am'rW.W sakefield...do..... Aug.. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., Aug. 12, 1862transferred to company A, Jan. 11, 1863. F. W. Wombacker...do... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. Co. C, to Capt., March 16, 1864-to.Bv.. Maj., Aug. 1, 1864-to By. Lt. Col., April 6, 1865-wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864 —mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865. Benj... Downing.. st Lt... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 2d Lt. Co. D,to 1st Lt., March 16,1864mus. out, Feb.; 28,' 1865-expiration of term. L. H. Pinkerton........do.... Aug. 15, 61, -3 r. fr. Co. B, Dec. 4, 1863-pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., July 2, 1864-to 2d'Lt., Dec. 16, 1864-to Ist Lt., April 16, 1865-disch. by S. O., June 15, 1865. Edwin F. Zigler..... 2d Lt... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Resigned November 26, 1861. John Hancock.......'...do.... Nov. 29,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, February 3, 1862. Erskine D. Smith......... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. Co. K, to Sgt. Maj., Dec. 21,'61to 2d Lt., March 10', 1862-to 1st Lt. and Adjt., April 1, 1862. James Chambers.......d..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Aug. 5, 1862-resigned Sept. 31, 1862. J.-P.M' Clelland.....do. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. Co. K, to 2d Lt., Dec. 1, 1863-mus. out, Sept. 9, 1864-' expiration of term. 0262 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. P. Geo. W. M'Cafferty lstSgt..-Sept. 7, 61, -3 Tr. from Co. F, Dec. 4, 1863-pr. to Sgt., May May 12,'64-to 1st Sgt., May 12,1865-commissioned 1st Lt., July 14,1865-not musteredmustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. John D. Gillespie...do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred fr. Co. B Dec. 4,'63-pr fr. Cor. to Sat., May 12,'64-to 1st Sgt., Dec. 15,'64-died May 12, 1865, of wounds received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Joseph W. Wallace.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Mar. 3,'62-tr. fr. Co. F, Dec. 4, 1863-pr. to 1st Lt. Co. H, July l, 1864. David H. Johns.... Sergt.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred fr. Co. I, Dec. 4, 1863-pr. from Cor. to Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-com. 2d Lt. July 14,'65not mus. —mus. out with Co., July 15,'65 -Vet. James S. Given.......do..... Aug. 17,'63, Drafted-pr. to Cor., Aug. 2, 1864-to Sgt., Dec. 15, 1864 —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Samuel P. Bright........o. Oct. 18,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., May 12, 1864-to Sgt., May 12, 1865 —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Martin Lewis.......d... do... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Nov. 1, 1864-to Sgt., June 23, 1865-mUstered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Thos. M'Clelland......do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1, 1862-to Sgt., Sept. 1, 1862-transferred from company I, Dec. 4,'63killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Moses R. Starkey..61 3 Pr. fr. Cor. tdoo Sept., PAug. 30,'62-tr. fr. Co. F, Dec. -4,'63-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64 John H. Kohn.._... Corp..... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, July 2, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John Douse...........:... do. June 18,'6, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, Sept. 19,'64mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Daniel Kephart.........do.... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Sept. 19, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Henry Richter......do.. Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Dec. 15, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Alfred Dobson...........do.. Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Jan. 14, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Lemuel Evans.......... do.... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, May 12, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Josiah Friday............do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, June 15, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. William C. Miller........do... June 4,'6, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, June 23, 186 — mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Andrew J. Naylor.... do.. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Transferred from copany B, December 4,'63killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Francis J. Phelps.......do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 1,'62-tr. fr. Co. B, Dec. 4,'63killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Detrick Foltz........ do. Nov. 18,'6, 3 Drafted-killed at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 6, 1865. Joseph P. Henry........do Nov. 18,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Apr. 1,'62tr. frT Co., Dc. 4,'63mustered out, Jan. 14,'5expiration of term. Wi. A. Haight.......do.. July 19,'64, 3 Substitute-disch. by Gen. Order, June 15, 1865. Mich'l M'Laughlin...do Aug. 19,'61, 3 Transferred from company A, December 4,'63mustered out, Sept. 9,'64-expiration of term. Aller, Jacob........... Private Aug. 29, 3, 3 Drafted-deserted April 12, 1864 Burns, Isaac.......d... do 10'Aug. 22,'63, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Bennett, Luther...... do ept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co.,July 15, 1865. Blair, John-G......... do.....Oct. 28,'63, 3 Substitute-capt'd-died at Andersonville, Ga., September 3. 1864-grave, 7,747. oealman, Fredrk.....do... June. 2,'64,. 3 Drafted-discharged on Surg. cert., June 19,'65. rouse, eorge.....do..Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with o., July 15, 1865. Clossin, David..........do.... Aug. 2",'6,3 Drafted-mustered out with Co. July 15, 1865. Clossin,Samuel..........do... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out, withCo. July 15, 1865. Cartwight, Wm...;do.. Aug. 22,'63, 31 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Connelly, Bernard.....do... June 2,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15, 65. Custer, John..........do.... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Cornman, Philip J....do.. July,'64 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Cochlin, William....... July 20,'64 3 Substitutemustered out with Co., July 15,'65 Carbauh, William...do...Nov. 30 63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. hapell, Henry D....do..' Nov. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Chambers, Andrew...do... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, July 7,'65. Coleman, Jacob...........do June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-killed in action, September 19, 1864. Clinger, Jacob..........do Dec. 1,'63, 3 Draf'd-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,164. Carpenter, Rob't C.....do... Sept. 25,'6, 3 Drafted-deserted July 25, 1864. Chase, John......... do.D..,'6, 3 Substitute-deserted July 24, 1864. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1263 NAME. RANK.w DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. -,' Cooper, Nathan......Private Jan. 4,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by S.., December 14,4. Carter, John..........o..... Dec. 1 6, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., March 15, 1864. Davis,avivid.........do.....Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 27, 1864-returned May 16, 1865-discharged by G. O., Aug. 9, 1865. Darr, Tobias.............do..... Dec. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-died Sept. 19,'64, of wds. rec. in action. Dougherty, Mihael...do..... July 19,'64, 3 Sub.-died April 8, 1865, of wds. rec. in action. Dengler, Elias...........do..... June 9,'64, 3 Drafted-died at Philadelphia, Pa., June 1, 1864. Eichelberger, G. W...do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co.,-July 15, 1865. Elfrey, Thomas... Sept. 3, 61, 3 Transferred as Sgt. from Co. F, Dec. 4,'63-red. Aug. 2, 1864-des. Aug. 5, 1864-returned April 22,'65-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Ebright, Samuel C....do.....June 9,'64, 3 Drafted-died November 25, 1864-buriedin National Cemetery, Winchester, Va.-lot, 9. Fouste, Henry.......d..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Fonner, John............do.....Nov. 13,'63, 3' Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Fink, Jacob G............do..... Dec. J,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Fay, William...........do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-killedatSpottsylvania C. H.,May 12,'64. Fuller, Robert C.......do..... Nov. 4,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 10, 1863. Frazier, Harrison......do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted December 2, 1863. Frick, John...............do..... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted December 2, 1863. Fisher, Elisha D........do.....Oct. 9,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 30, 1864. Flaherty, Jesse J.......do.... June 22,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 27, 1864. Flaherty, Wesley......do.... June 22,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 27, 1864. Gibson, Samuel J......do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Griffith, Daniel M.....do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Gallagher, William...do..... Sept. 15.'61, 3 Died February 25, 1862. Gillard, James...........do.... Sept. 15,'61, 3 Deserted September 18, 1861. Harber, Henry.........do..... Oct. 1,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Hartman, Sam'l P.....do..... Nov. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Hege, Henry...........do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Hornbaker, Sam'l.....do..... Aug. 28,'63, 3 Drafted-killedatSpottsylvania C.H.,May 12,'64. Hortman, George P...do.... Junle 5,'64, 3 Drafted-died December 30, 1864. Heimback, Levi......... Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-missing in action at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. Haller, Louis............do..... June 18,'64, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Hester, John......do..... July 15'64, 3 Drafted-died Sept. 30,'64, of wds. rec. in actionbu. in National Cem'y, Winchester, Va.-lot, 18. Harris, Joseph...........do.... July 15, 64, 3 Sub.-died June 29, 1864, of wds. rec. in action. Hackenberry, Jno.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 10,'62. Herlacher, Jas. M......do..... Sept. 19,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April21,'62. Hutchison, Joseph.....-do..... Sept.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 16,'61. Johnson, Charles.......do.... June 21,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 14. 1864. Jones, Henry............do..... Nov. 6,'63, 3 Substitute-transferred to U. S. Navy, Apr. 8,'64. Kifer, Michael...........do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Kline, Alfred A........do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Kasey, James.....do:.... Aug. 22, 63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 24,'64. Kelley, John............do. July 15,'64, 3 Substitute-died May 6, 1865-buried in National Cernetery, Arlington. Lows, David.............do....Nov. 6,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted July2,'65-returned-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Leidick, Henry.......do.... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Lyberger, David........ do..... June 4,'64. 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. _Low, Benjamin...l....do.... Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Low, Peter.............do.. Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Lewis, George W......do.... Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Langham, James......do.... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., July-15, 1865. Lee, Andrew...........do..... June 23,'64, 3 Sub.-ab., in arrest for desertion, at muster out. Leech, James..... do....Nov. 30,'63, 3 Drafted-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 23, 1864-grave, 6,636. Lodgsdo Raphael...do..... Nov. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted April 12, 1864. Matthias, David H.....do...Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Melis, George C.........do...Aug. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted-returned —mus. out with company, July 15, 1865. Miller, James D........do.Feb. 14-'65, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Mountain, James......do.....Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Miller, James...........do.. July 19,'64, 3, Substitute —absent, sick, at muster out. Myers, Gideon........... do.... June 3,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted-returned-discharged by General Order, July 15, 1865. Millhouse, William...do...Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Mull, John.........do..... Nov. 9,'63, 3 Sub.-died Dec. 5, 1864, of wds. rec. in action. Mlillhoff, Nathan........ do..... Nov. 9,'63, 3 Sub.-died at Philadelphia, Pa., June 17, 1864. Marvin, Francis........do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted July 26, 1864. Mooney, William....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 17,'62. M'Colm, William......do June 15,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. M'Connell, Geo. C......do... Dec. 1,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. 1264 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. M'Intosh, Patrick.. Private Ag. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-killed in action, September 19. 1864. M'Dermott, Thos. J...o....Aug. 22,'63,. 3 Drafted-died Sept. 8, 1864, of wounds received in action-bu. in U. S. General Hospital Cemeterv, Annapolis, Md. M'Kee, Thomas F... do Sept. 61, 3 Dischared on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 17,'61. M'Namany, James......d...... Sept.,'61,.3 ischarged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 21,'62 Noy, Isaac................do.... June 5,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15 1865. Nipple, James H.......... Sept.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec 17,'61 O'Connor, Hugh........do.....Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 11, 1804-grave, 3,861. Prunk, August.........do..... June 2,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Pfeiffer, John C........do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Ramsey, Robert F.....do.. Aug. 29.'63, 3 Drafted-mustered- out with Co., July 15, 1865. Ritzler, George.........do..... July 18,'64, 3 Substitute —mustered outwith Co., July 15, 1865. Rhine, Augustus......do.... Dec. 1, 63, 3 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Rudy, George A.......do... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted December 2, 1863. Ray, Alexander........do..... Oct 18,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by special order, Feb. 27, 1864. Rhodermal, Gideon...do..... Oct. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by special'order, Jan. 20, 1865. Rhine, Peter S..........do..... Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Apr. 8, 1865. Ross, John A...........do...... Sept.,'61, 3 Died March 16, 1862. Shiffer, William F.....do.....Oct. 18,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Sweeny, Charles T....do..... Sept, 3,'61, 3 Transferred from company F, Dec. 4,'63 —mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Salkeld, Samil W.......do..... June 4,'64, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Stradley, Rob't S......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Swearer, John...............June 25,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Strope, Isaac.........do...., Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafced-ab., in arrest for desertion, at rus. out. Steffin, John..d...........do..... Nov. 6,'63, 3 Substitute- died May 26, 1865 —buried in Nat. Cemetery, Arlington. Stanling, Jacob..........do...Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-died July 4, 1864. StarkIoff, Earnest L...do..... Nov. 6,'63, 3 Substitute-transferred toU. S. NaVy, Apr. 8,'4. Thompson, John E...do....Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted December 2, 1863. Thomas, Franklin..........Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 27, 1864. Whitfield, Benj.......do.... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July'15, 1865. Whitfield, Ephraim...do.... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Willmore, Rudolph..d.....Nov. 30,'63, 3 Drafted- deserted- returned- mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Wetzel, Jonathan....do..... Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylva'a C. H., May 12,'64. Wilt, Frederick J.....do.. Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-died September 8, 1864. Wolford, William......do..... July 19,'64, 3 Drafted-died October 27, 1864. Weiser, Jonathan......do..... Nov. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 6, 1865. Wolford, Conrad........do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 24, 1865. Waream, Theodore...do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Died February 17, 1862. Wilson, Thomas A.....do... Sept. 1,'61, 3 Deserted September 8, 1861. Yohn, John.............do. Aug. 20,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, in hospital, at muster oit. Yocum, John W.......do..... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted-returned-deserted againi July 3, 1865. Cj OMPANY F. RECRUITED IN CHESTER COUNTY. Benj. H. Sweeney... Capt.... July 27,'61, 3 Discharged November 19, 1863. Win. Sherwood.........do Aug. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. companyE, to Capt., Mar. 4, 1864-mustered out, Feb. 28 1865 —expiration of term. Joseph B. Downing...do...... A 15,'61, 3 Promoted from Adj. to Capt., April 16,'65-muns tered out with company, July 15, 1865. John H. Gray......... Is Lt Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster, Mar. 1, 1862. F. W; Wombacker...do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., March 3, 1862-tr. to company C, January 11, 1863. Abr'm T. Hilands......do..Aug. 15,'61, "3 Promoted fr. 2d Lt. company H, to 1st Lt., Jan. 1, 1864-to Adjutant, March 17, 1864. Josiah L. Barton.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. to 1st Lt., March 16, 1864-captured at Spottsylvania, May 10,'64 — transferred to company H, November 1, 1864. John D. Howell.......do....Sept. 12,'61, 3 Promoted from Comn. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 8,'63to 1st Lt., July 8,'64-mustered out with comk v |'6 -pany, July 1, 1865. Don Juan Walings.^2d Lt.2..d,ept. 2,'61,3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Marc 3,'62-. resigned March 13,1863. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1265 -NAME. IANK DATE OF UTER NAME. RAK. REMARKS. - AN-AME.K INTO SERVICE. REMRKS. Robert Davison...... 2d Lt... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred from company C, Dec. 9,'63-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., March 4, 1864 —to 2d Lt., Sept. 16, 1864-to 1st Lt. and Adj., April 16, 1865-Vet. William H. Glass......do.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. H, Dec. 9,'63-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 10,'64-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1,'64-to 2d Lt., May; 1, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Isaac F. Beaver...... 1st Sgt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. D., Dec. 9, 1863-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 16, 1864-to 1st Sergeant, May 1. 1865mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. James M. Wharton...do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Dec. 28,'62-to lstqSgt., Mar. 4,'64-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64. Wm. M. Irvin...........do.....Aug. 17,'61) 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company G, Mar 4, 1864., John J. Cromer.........do..... Sept. 21,'61, 3 Mustered out, Nov. 1, 1864-expiration of term. Atchason M'Clellan Serg't.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. C, Dec 9,'63-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Sept. 19,'64-mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Samuel C. Steiner......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Sept. 19,'64-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Jacob F. Walk............do.... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Aug. 1,'64-to Sgt., Nov. 1, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Alexander Hight......do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-capt'd Sept. 29,'64-pr. to Sgt., May 1.'65-mustered out with company, July 15,'65. Joseph M'Quillen... Corp.... Aug. 17,'61, 3 Transferred from company C, Dec. 9, 1863-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Joel B. Roberts.........do..... Sept. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, May 10, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865.W. H.. ashaliska......do.... Nov. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Samuel Vanscyoc......do.. May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Michael Walk..........do.... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Winfield S. Pugh......do.... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Isaac Getz................do.... June 14,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, May 25, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. J.C. R. Montgomery...do.... June 8,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, June 19, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Robert A. Roach........do.... Aug. 17, 61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Gehaza Labar............do.... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, March 4, 1864killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. George Stanford.........do.... May 30,'64, 3 Died April 15, 1865, of wds. received in action. D. M. Reynolds.........do.... Aug. 18,'61,' 3 Disch. May 14, 1864-to accept promotion-Vet. Wm. H. Snyder........do.... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 21, 1865. D. C. Chisholm......do..... Nov. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 13,1865.. Aikey, Jacob........ Private Nov. 18,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 18, 1864-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Angevine, Bennett...do..... July 4,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 20, 1865. Alter, William A...... do.....Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Principal Musician, July27, 1864. Appleman, L. B.......do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died April 22, 1862. Bartley, VWm. R......do... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out.with Co., July 15, 1865. Brown, Eben............. do....No. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Brown, John H.........do..... June 10,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15, 65. Bridge, Jeremiah.....do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Bartells, Frederick...do...., June 15,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Bouline, Lewis....do..... June 10,64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Batzel, George....do......... Feb. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bressler, William......do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded atSpottsylvania C.H., May10, -:.~....~ ~ ~1864-absent at muster out. Boyer, Joseph......... do Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Brown, Charles H....do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., July 14, 1865. Brooks, John....... do..... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Drafted-wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May May 10, 1864-absent at muster out. Burdick, Joel D...... do... Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-buried at Gordonsville C. H., Va. Beck, Joseph............do:.... Nov. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 3, 1864. Brand, Henry....do...... Nov. 16, 263, 3 Substitute-deserted December 10, 1863. Burthamer, Geo........do...Aug. 22,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 13, 1864. Barger, Edward......do... June 15,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 5, 1865. Brown, Wm. F.........do...Nov. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 31, 1864. Bickel, Samuel........do..... Aug. 16,'61, 3 Wounded June 28, 1862-mustered out, October 24, 1864-expiration of term. Bowser, Moses......... do..... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Dec. 5, 1864. Butler, Charles T.....do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died June 18, 1862. Brown, Wm. C.........do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died December 30, 1861. Christ,f Jacb B......do.... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. 159' 1266 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT~~ASSEO R MUSTER' I' INTO SERVICE. R1SEMARE0S.'happell, Waish.:... Private Nov. 20,'63, 3 Sbstitute-mustered out With Co., July 15.'6~ ell, Henry...M....d a.....' May -30,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out' with Co, July 15, 1865. Croo)k, Henrry'.:.....'.d;... Ju-ne 15,'64, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 15,'. Chilson, Luevi':....:.doS..}.Sept. 23i'63, 3 Drafted —absent, sick, at muster out. Cmmings,Alex.M...do.... ov. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-captured at Wilderness, May 7,'64 discharged by General Order, July 13, 1865. Collins, Peter..........;...Nov. 19,'63, 3 Substitute —deserted July 30, 1864. Caldwell, Samuel B.,,do....d Feb. 15,'65, 1 Discharged by special order, April 8, 1865. Cornelison, Charles...do...,.: Nov. 28,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, Feb. 7, 1865. Crose,.George.........d...... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'62 Dye, Richard...do..... Nov. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865,i, Diamond, Daniel.... do...d... Nov. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 2, 1863. Douiigherty, Jer'h C.do..... Aug. 22, 63 Drafted —discharged by G. O., June 26, 1865. Dieh, lichdael H. d..:.do..... June 4,'64, 3 Drafted —disch. on Surg. certificate, May 25,'65 Everhart, Joel,'......;..do.:;. June 14,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65 lire,: Peter....,....'.do.... Nov. 17,%'63, 3 Drafted —deserted December 10, 1863. Ewng, James M... d.. Nov. 30,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 24, 1864. Frankllin, Edward.....do....- Jtine 1,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65 Fickes, Henry...:..do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. siher, Henry.............do..:..July 19,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865.raer, William PJ....do:.. April 4,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. ord, Darius.............do,..;.. Aug. 17,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 11, 1864-buried in N^o tional Cemetery, Arlington, Va. fldkinger, BenjR..do..... NOv28,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., May 30, 1865. FimpIe, Wiliner W...do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died February 22, 1862. Gill, John.do.....'.....o.... Mar. 10,'65, Mutered out with company, July 15, 1865. Greor, Wialiam.....o...'......Feb. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Clat, J'oseph.......:...d6...:. Aug. 22,'63, 3 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Hollid,' Hiug.......do..... ay 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Hall, Stephen........do..... Mar. 3,'65, Mustered out With company, July 1, 1865. - Hemmingway, 0....i...do....Dec. 14,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted September 28, 1864. Hiefrick, Johl..........do..... May 30, 64, 3 Drafted-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 6,'65k Hestn, Smith......,...do...... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 24,'62. lg, Jatmes........i,, J...do...:. Aug., 22,'63, 3 Drafted-died September 12, 1864. Iryine, Peter iR.. do.. Nv..... N ov.. io.'63, 3 Drafted-capturedMay 5,'64-died at Andersonville, Ga., September 10, 1864. Jarrett, Jooseph.......do..... July 13,'64, 3 Drafed-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Keifei, John......... do.J.. Nov. 19,'63, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Kliie, Mathiia~sl.. do...... Nov. 10,'63, 3 Sub.-deserted April 18,'64-returned Aug. 13,'64-wd. in action Apr. 1,'65-ab. at mus. out. Kellerman., Elijah.....do.... May 31,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Kaylor, ohi........do..... Nov. 5,'63, 3 Sub.- died June 13,'64, of wds. rec. in action. Kugiler, Samuel D......do..... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-died August 6, 1864. Kenniedy, William....do.....Nov. 30,'63, Drafted-deserted July 27, 1864. Knode, John...........Nov 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 30,1864-returned-da. serted again, May 25, 1865. Kosr, Samuel........do... 17,'63, 3 Drafted —deserted December 10, 1863. Kuhn, (eorge.......... do. June 2,'64, Drafted —discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Kitz~elman, Maris......do..... Sept.. 25,'61, 3 Deserted September 30, 1861. diu'igUsbjrry, Johni...... do..... Nov. 0,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. LJounisberry, John. do. Nov. 7, 63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. aurridsh, Geo. W.....do...-.. June 14,'64, 3.Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. inni Charles......:..... Nov. 17,'63, Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, April 20, 1864. b Lewis......:. do L.... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Sub. —transferred to V. R. C., April 1, 1865. Miller, JohnB....do..A. ug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Minnium, David 0C.do... June 12,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Moyer, Richard.....do....N ov.. 17,'63, 3 Drafted —killedatSpottsylvaniaC..H.,May10,'64. Mensch, John...........do..... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-killedatSIottsylvaniaC.H.,May 10,'64. Mease, Daniel.......do....d. Nov. 19,'63, 3 Drafted-died February 28, 1864. Mitcheil,Heni y.....do.... Nov.i0, 63, 3 Drafted- deserted August 3, 1864. M-agee, John.....d....do Nov. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., Feb. 18, 1865. Moulder, Aifrd.... d.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeou's certificate, Dec. 27,'61.'rd hn (..:.. Aug. i0,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. M'Cauley,Geo. W....do... Aug. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to V. R. C., April 1, 1865. Nesbit, James A.:.. do:May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865, O'Reilly, Joh.....,Ido. Nov. 18,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 10, 1863. Passmore, Lee W......do.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died January 16, 1862. Pursell, James.........do...N. ov. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 10, 1863. Rioads, Isaac.......do.....June 2,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. lniier William......;.do.:INov. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted Apr. 18, 1864-returned Aug. 13,'64-wd. inaction, Apr. l,'65-ab. at nus. out. Rabss, Jeremiah...d... Nov. 20,'63, 3 Sub.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 64. RozellHenry L.....do.....Nov. 11,'63, 3 Sub.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64. Rosenbrock, Henry...ddo.:... Nov. 16,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 10, 1863. Siuth,... o.....Feb. 14,'65, 1 Musteredl out with company, July 15, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1267 ADATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME.',RA~NK. INTO SURVICE. R Smith, George....... Private M.ay 30,'.64, 3 Prafted —mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Sook John W.....d. M3..... d 3'64 3 3Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15,1865. Sfimmers, Samueli.[.i;do..... Sensor-Thomas B...do. M. ay 31'64 3 Drafted-mustered out With Co., July, 15,,1865., Summers Samuel.... do. May 30, 64 3 Drafted- mustered. out with Co., July 15, 1865. Summers John.'...do..... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 15,.1865. Singley Samuel.......do..... July 20,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Saner, David.............. do.... Nov. 18,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Shaffer, David R.......do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylva'a C. H., May-10,14, Shepherd, Nelson......do.....Sept. 25,'63, 3 Substitute-captured Jan., 1864-died at Flor. ence, S. C., Oct. 28, 1864. Skillington John......do.....June 14,'64, 3 Drafted-died September 14, 64. Stover, Samuel B.....do.....Nov. 23,'63, 3Drafted-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga August-22, 1864 —grave, 6,523. Smith, William........do.... June 7,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 22, 1864. Seaman, Henry G..... do.... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, April 21, 1864. Sanderling, And'w...do..... June 10,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., May8,1865. Struble, George.........do..... Nov. 12,'63, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 12,1865. Shunway.Winslow...do..... Nov. 28,'63, 3Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, Feb. 19,1865. Suttlemore, Wm........do... June 2,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 11 1865. Stevenson James......do.... Nov. 5,'63, 3 Sub.-transferred to U.S. Navy, April 22, 1i864. Smith, Freeman........do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died December 16, 1861. Toman, John............do..... June 7,'64, 3 Drafted-captured September 1, 1864-musteted out with company, July 15, 1865. Trumphour,Thos......do..... Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 24, 1864. Vanscyoc Beuj..... do.... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Wilson, John....u.... June,'644,3 Drafted —deserted April 18, 1864-returned July 18, 1864-absent, inarrest, at muster out. Waughen, Samuel.....do... Nov. 17, 63, 3 Drafted-killed atSpottsylva'a C. H., May 10,64. -Wirth, Jacob H.....do.....Nov. 14,'63, 3 Sub.-killed at Spottsylvania C.H., May 12,'64. Wl; David...............do..... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-killed at Petersburg, Va.,' April 6,'65. Waltman, Daniel.....do..... Set. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylva'a C. H., May 10,'64. Whitus, Charles........ do..... Nov. 17,'63, 3 Substitute —deserted December 2, 1.863. Wakefield, Geo. M....do...... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 24, 1864-expiration of term. Yocum, Jseph.........do. Nov. 30, 63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. ~Yeager, Amos.............do.... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylvaa C..H., May 10,64. Young, William......do..... Aug. 27,'63, -3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylva'a C. H., May 10,'64. COMPANY G. RECRUITED IN CENTRE COUNTY. JohnBoal............... Capt.... Aug. 31,'61 3Resigned October 25, 1862. A.Boyd Hutchison..do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Promoted from st Lt. to Capt., Oct. 26, 1862 mustered out, Dec. 19,,64-expiration of term. James T. Stewart......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 16, 1862-to IstLft., Dec. 1, 1862-to Capt., Feb. 25,1864-to BY.Maj., - Apr. 6, 1865 — Com. Maj., June 29, 1865, and Lt..... kaCol., July 14, 1864-not mustered-mustered. out with company, July 15, 1865. William M. Irvin... Ist Lt... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant Co. F, to 1st Lieutenant, March 4,1864-commissioned Captain, ~'~~~~ ~~June 29, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. William Reed......2d Lt.. Aug. 31,'61, 3 Discharged March 4, 1862. Joseph B. Downing...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., March 4,'64to 1st Lt. and Adjt., Nov. 30, 1864. Hugh T. Johnston.....do...Aug. 81,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., Oct. 26, 1862-to Sgt., March 4,18644-i....^ J~~...u ^ &, to 1st Sgt., Sept. 19,'64 —to 2d Lt.,Dec. 1,'64corn. ist Lt., June 29, 1865 not musteredmustered out with Co., July 15, 1865-Vet. Albert Sloat............ 1stSgt. Sept. 23,'63, D rafted-pr. to Cor., May 11, 1864-,to Sgt., Dec. 1, 1864-to 1st Sgt., April 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15,1865. William B. Osmun..do.... Aug. 28,'63, 3Sub.-pr. to Cor., Jan. 25, 1864-to Sgt., Sept. 19, 1864-to 1st Sgt., Dec. 1, 1864-died Apr. 8, 1865, of wounds received at Petersburg, Apr. 6, 1865. William Singer........do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, April 7,'65-Vet. S'1 H. Packingham Serg't.. Aug. 15,'61, 3Tr. fr. Co. B, Dec. 2,'63-pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., May 11, 1864-mus. out with Co., July 15,1865-YVet. Isaac D Dasher..... do Dec. 3,'63, 3Drafted-pr. to Cor., May 11, 1864-to Sgt., Oct.....^ ^~~~~~.aoi ~24, 1864-imus. Out with Co., July 15, 1865. 1268 FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER.I INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. ~. Bruce Whitehead... Sergt,.. Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Oct. 24,'64 —to Sgt., Apr. 21, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15,'65. Elis Gusbin..............do.... Sept. 23, "63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Oct. 31,'64 —to Sgt., Apr. 9, 1865-absent, wounded, at muster out. Horatio M. Benner...do.... Aug. 31,'1, 3 Promoted to Cor, Dec.,'62-to Sgt., Apr. 15,'64killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. John S. Machomer.....do.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, April 15, 1864. Thos. B.Hildebrand...do.. Aug. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sgt., Dec. 24,'64-Vet. Jos. T. Hogentogler Corp.... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporial, Sept. 19, 1864mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Sam'l A. Bickler.......do.... Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April.4, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Henry C.. Arbegast...do..... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April 6, 1865mustered ~out with company, July 15, 1865. William A. Stahl......do.... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, April 6, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John S. Darling.........do.... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 7, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Gabriel C. Frey.........do.....Dec. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, Apr. 21,'65mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John F. Miner...........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, May 16, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Geo. A. Sourbeer......do..... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal. May 16, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. William A. Youtt......do.....Aug. 31,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1865. Live G. M'Land........do..... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Wilderness, May 5,, 1864. John C. Ebberts.......do..... Mar. 21,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 1, 1864-killed at Petersburg, Virginia, April 2, 1865. Elias Peiffer.......... do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Drafted —promoted to Corporal, October 24,'64killed at Petersburg, Virginia, April 6, 1865. John Kline..........do...Nov. 28,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 17, 1864. Andrew J. Wilkey...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. John Woods..............do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. John W. Adams......do...,. Aug. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 16,'65. Henry Ritter.............do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 16,'65. Anderson, Wm. N. Private July 2,'64, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, Virginia, April 2,'65absent at muster out. Allen, Henry............do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged Feb. 9, 1865, for wounds received at Spottsylvapia C. H., May 10, 1864. Berry, John..............d..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bowers, Amor..........do..... July 24,'64; 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Borch, Frederick......do....:July 5,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Biles, Malon..............do..... Dec. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Buzzy, Wilson F...do..... Nov. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Berry, Christop'r C...do.....Dec. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-dischargedbyGen. Order, July 8,'65. Brout, Sanderson.......do.... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Bixby, Hosea J.........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Burt, Perry.............do..... Sept. 23,'63,.3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Burley, Homer N......do..... Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-died June 23, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Butterbaugh, David...do..... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864 —expiration of term. Butterbaugh, G. W...do Aug. 15,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Brackbill, Stew't T...do..... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Drafted —disch. on Surgeon's cert., Sept.. 5, 1864. Beaver, Martin B......do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by special order, Feb. 18, 1865. Black, William H.....do..... June 3,'64 3 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 17,'65. Bullard, David C......do..... Sept. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-transferred to U. S. Navy, Apr. 21,'64. Bullard, Julius S......do..... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 17, 1864. Coder, James............do...,. Mar. 19, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Cook, Enos............d..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Cassiday, Samuel....do... July 9,'64, 3 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Cease, Samuel...........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted —killed-at Petersburg, Va., April 6,'6.5 Cornell, Solon S.........do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Crowley, David W.....do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Cotton, Charles........do..... Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted —deserted May 26, 1865. Clare, Isaac C..........do..... Nov. 27,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Feb. 13, 1864. Collins, Mark V.......do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Oct. 24, 1864. Dean,Thomas J.........do..... Nov. 30,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Dodge, Ephraim........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Dickenson, John.......do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-capt'd-died at Richmond; Va., Aug. 9,'64, of wds. rec. at Spottsyl'a C. H., May 10,'64. Denick, John H.........do..... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 1, 1864. Eskine, Casper..........do..... June 27,'64, 3 Draftfed-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Feb. 13,'65. Freeman,WilliamF...do.... June 27,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Forst, Henry.............do. June 9, 64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out. Fordman, James......do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Sub.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1269 NAMEI. ORANK DATE OF MUSTER REMARKa AMBE. RANK. INTO SERVICE.. REMARKS. Forsyth, Sylvester.. Private Aug. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 1, 1864. Fulton, John............ do.... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed accidentally, September 25, 1862. Gilbert, Oliver..........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Sub.-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 6, 1865. Gardner, John W......do._.. Aug. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted May 21,.1864. Gunnonger, Paul......do..... June 17,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 19, 1865. Grove, Martin..........do.... June 21,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 16, 1865. Gilbert, James..........do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Died of wounds received in action, May 5, 1862. Hadsall, William....do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Howell, Elias S........do..... Sept. 17'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Hageman, Thomas...do.. June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Home, Bennev'l M...do..... Sept. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Horton, Lewis...........do.... Aug. 31,'63, 3 Drafted-died June 23, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. Horse, William.........do.... Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-died July 28, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. Humbert, Adam......do... June 21,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 14, 1865. Hughes, Wm. P......do.....Sept. 4'61, 3 Died May 22, 1862. Johnson, Charles.......do..... Dec. 4,'63, 3 Drafted-died June 25,'64-bu. at City Point, Va. Jones, James............do... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted December 21, 1"63. Kelley, William............. Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Kreider, E. W. H......do.... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Kirby, William N.....do May 30,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Keller, George..........d..... June 2,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Kuster, Joseph.........do.... July 19,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Kursley, William.....do.... Nov. 28,'63, 3 Substitute-wounded at Wilderness, May5,'64absent at muster out. Koonce, Edward C...do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died June 4, 1862. Leckrone, Peter............. June 2.'64, 3 Drafted —ustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Long, Oliver.............do... June 27,'64, 3 Draft.-died Oct. 6,'64, of wds. rec. in action, Sept. 19,'64-bu. in Nat. Cem., Wincester, Va.-lot, 18. Leonard, George........do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 17, 1864-grave, 3,448. Lytle, Sampson C.....do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., April 3, 1865. Musser, Jacob...........do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 18 55. Mann, Peter.............do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Myers, William A.....do..... Nov. 3,'63, 3 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., April 5, 1865. Musser, John............do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed on picket, June 16, 1862. M'Moutrie, S. M........do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Mustered out, Oct. 30, 1864-expiration of term. M'Ilhattan, Wm.......do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Parker, Daniel S.....d...do.. Sept. 4,'61, 3 Killed accidentally, September 21, 1861. Peppers, James N......do.... Set. 23,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Perry, 0. Edelbert....do.....Sept. 30,'63, 3 Substitute-died July 4,'64, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864. Peters, Levi P...........do.... July 19,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 17, 1865. Rice, Sumner...........do.....Nov. 15,'63,- 3 Substitute-wd. at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864-absent at muster out. Roe, Samuel G........do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 10,'64. Rhone, William.........do..... Dec. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 26, 1864. Rockwell, Charles.........Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 25, 1864. Reitzel, Jerem'h E...do..... Dec. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 8, 1865. Sloat, Eliezer T...........do. Sept. 22,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Stephenson, Wm E...do..... Dec. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Stephenson, B. C.......do..... Dec. 8,'63, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Smith, Seymour.....do. Sept. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Stener, John...............do June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted July 15, 1864. Shoddy, George..... do..... Sept. 23,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted July 17, 1864. Shonser, Peter..........do.... Aug. 14,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted November 30, 1864. Simmers, Charles......do.... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 17, 1865. Shirk, William J.....do..... Dec. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., Feb. 5, 1865. Schrieber, John E.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted September 21, 1861. Tipton, George W......do..... June 2,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Thompson, Michael..do..... Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylv'a C. H., May 12.'64. Tinkelpaugh, Sam'l...do Sept. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-died August 21, 1864, of wounds received at Wilderness, May 5, 1864. Vansice, Jerem'h E...do..... Sept. 2,63, 6, 3 Drafted-des. Sept. 15, 1864-returned April 12,'65-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Vaow, Joseph S.... do....... Sept. 25,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Varner, John...........do..... Dec. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 17, 1864. Williams, Jacob.......do Aug. 3,'63, 3 Drafted-woundedatSpottsylvania CourtHouse, May 10, 1864-absent at muster out. Wolf, Samuel N........do..June 3,'64, 3 DLrafted-killed at Petersburg, Va., April 6,'65. Warner, John A.......do..... June 3,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 16, 1865. Young, Jacob B...... do. Dec. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-captured-died October 1, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga.-grave, 10,204. Yoager, Andrew J.....do..... Sept. 4,'61, 3 Deserted April 30, 1862. 1270 FORTY-NINmTH REGIMENT, COMPANY H. RECRUITED IN MIFFLIN COUNTY.: NAMB. - e0RANK8. DATE OF MUSTER.. NAME.. AN.. EMARKS.. TO SERVICE. RERKS. Ralph L. Maclay.... Capt.... Aug. 15,'61, 3 Resigned July 12, 1862. John Cox................ Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lt. to Capt., July 12,'62-dis,. charged November 19, 1863. Edward T. Swain.....do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Dec. 23, 1861-to 2d Lt., Aug. 7, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 6,'.6l-tr. from company K, and pr. Capt., Feb. 25,'64mustered out, Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. 0. S. Rumberger......do..... Aug. 31,'61, 3 Transferred to company B, January11, 1863 —tr. from company B, and pr. to Cor., Feb. 28,'64to 1st Sgt,, June 16,'64-to 2d Lt., July25,'64to 1st Lt., Aprtl 16,'65-to Capt., Aprill9,'65 — discharged by specialorder, June 14,'65-Vet. Wm. G. Mitchell.... 1st Lt.. Aug. 15,'61, 3 Promoted to Maj., June 25, 1863-and appointed A. D. C., on staff of Gen. Hancock. Decatur H. Lytle......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Co. C, to 1st Lieut., March4, 1864-killed at Spottsvlvania, May 10, 1864. Joseph W. Wallace...do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to ist Sgt., March 3,'62-tr. to company E, Dec. 4. 1863-tr. from company E, and pr. to 1st Lt., July 1, 1864-killed in ac. tion, September 19, 1864-Y Vet. Josiah L. Barton.......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred from company F-corn. Capt., Nov. 1, 1864 —not mustered -discharged by special order, March 12, 1865.. Stephen Transue.......do.... Aug. 21,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Major-to 1st Lieut., April 20,'65-mus. out with Co., July 15,1865-Vet. Abra'm T. Hillands 2d Lt... Aug. 1,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, January 11, 1863. Samuel Diven.. 1st Sgt.... Feb. 28, 64, 3 Proroted to Cor., July 1, 1864toSgt. Sept. 19, 1864-to 1st Sgt., Nov. 1, 1864-com. 2d Lieut., July 14,'65-not muster-t eremustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Daniel T. Rhoads......do.... Sept. 7,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to 1st Sgt.-tr. from Co.E, Feb. 28,'64 —pr. to 2d Lt., Co. I, June 16, 1864. Martin S. Weitzel......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor., Sept. 9, 1861-to Sgt., Sept. 8, 1862-tr. from company I, Feb. 28, 1864-pr. to st Sgt., July 23, 1864-musterd out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Edward King....... Serg't.. Aug. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., July 1, 1864 -to Sgt., Oct. 24,'64-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Plummer Williams....do... Aug. 13,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Aug. 1, 1864-to Sgt., Jan. 1, 1865-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Simon Davor...........do... Aug. 28,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., Oct. 1, 1864-to Sgt., May 1, 1865-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. George A. Taylor...do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Oct. 1, 1864 —to Sgt., June 1, 1865-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. John J. Strausser........... Aug. 14,'61, 3 Transferred from Co. E, Feb. 29, 1864 -killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864 —Vet. John P. Gillespie.....do....Aug. A. 15, 61,3 Transferred from company B, Feb. 28,'64-mustered out, Oct. 23, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. M. Sharer.........do....Aug. 23,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. toCor., Oct. 23,'64to gt., Dec. 12, 1864-disch. by General Order, May 30, 1865. Henry Barger............. Aug. 39,'61, 3 Died June 17, 1862. Daniel M. Kreider.. Corp... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Promotedto Cor., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865 —Vet. Samuel A. Johns.....do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Cor., Jan. 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Henry Fetteolf.......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promotedto Cor., May1,'65-mustered outwith company, Dec. 15, 1865. Samuel Smith,........do.... Aug. 2,'63, 3 Drafted-pr. to Cor., May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Samuel Miller..... do.....do Feb. 9,64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Win. R. Jackson......do..... June 18,'64, 3 Substitute-promotedto Corporal, June 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Simon H. Gunter.......do..... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. K to Co. B, Jan. 11, 1863-tr. fr. Co. B, and promoted to Corporal, Feb. 28, 1864-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-Vet. Samuel Criner........do June 17,'64, 3 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, January 1, 1865-killedgat Petersburg, April 6, 1&65. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1271 AME. RANKi. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. Lewis Carter..... Cor.... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Tr. fr. Co. K to Co. B, Jan. 11,'63-tr. fr. Co. B, and promoted to Corporal, February 18, 1864died-date unknown-of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-Vet. Geo. W. Sourbeer.....do.. Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to corporal, June. 1864-'~~~~~~* ~discharged by General Order, May 17, 1865.'David Shockey...........do..... Nov. 5,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, August 1, 1864discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Peter A. Bolin..........do..... Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-promoted to Corporal, June 18. 1864discharged by General Order, June 6, 1865.. M'Farland.........do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., June 6, 1862-tr. fr. Co. I, Feb. 28,'64-mus. out, Oct. 31,'64-expiration of term. Avery, Thomas...... Private Nov. 1,'63, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Sept. 15,'64. Ashbridge, Abram...do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, April 12,'62. Beaver, Daniel B......do..... Aug. 17,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Bird, Abraham M.. do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1805. Brown, John.........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864-.....':~~~ ~absent at muster out. Brouse, Adrew D.....do... Feb. 18, 64, 3 Died November 19, 1864, of wounds received in action, September 19, 1864 —buried in National. Cemetery, Winchester, Va-lot, 17-Vet. Ball, Patrick............do.... Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 30, 1864 —rave 7,347. Ball, John,....... do..... Aug. 24,'63, 3 Drafted —disch. on Surgeon's cert., Mar. 24, 1865. Brown, Dominick....do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'65. Biddle, Wm. H........do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 17,'65. Corbin, Calvin...........do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15,-1865. Carroll John............do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Creed, William.........do....Mar. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Carter, William.........do..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at -':~~~ -:.~: - Petersburg, Va., April 5, 1865. Culbertson, John.....do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July5, 1862. Deffendifer, R......do..... June 15,'64, 3 Drafted-died September 21, 1864. Dupont, Joseph.........do..... June 24,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 29, 1864. Ewing, James........ do... Feb. 16i'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 16,'65. Erb, Jacob...............do.... Aug. 30,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Dec. 17,1861. Fetrow, Emanuel......do.... Jan. 12,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Faladen, John..........do.....Feb. 26,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,. 1864. Fertig, Adam......... do... Feb. 19,'64, 3Killed at Spottsylvania C. H. May 10, 1864. Gross, Wim. M..........do............. 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 7, 1862 Hook, Henry...........do.. Mar. 31,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Hoover, Francis......do..... Aug. 21,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Hider, Aaron....d.....o...do Aug. 21,'63 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Heisey, Henry........d..... do Dec. 12,'63, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Hook, John-............ do Mar. 28;'64, 3 Died May 22, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. >Hooper, Bryson.........do.... May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-died at Sandy Hook, Md., Aug. 22,'64. Hennessey, Patrick...do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., October 12,1864-grave, 10,804. Hagan, Charles........do..... June 26,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 26, 1864. Huller, Samuel........do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Substitute-deserted April 30, 1865. Hughes, Emanuel.....do..... Aug. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-tr. from Co. E, Feb. 28, 1864-mus. out, Oct. 24,'64-expiration of term. Harpster, Wm. H.......do.... Aug. 30,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Jordon, John...........do..... Aug. 15,'63, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Johns, Peter...........do Aug. 29,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 30, 1864. Kinsman, Daniel.....do..... April 5,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Kemerer, Henry.... do..... Dec. 19,'63, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 5,'64-ab. at mus. out. Keffer, Isaac........ do..... Aug. 15,'63, Drafted-killed at Spottsylvania C.H.,MaylO,'64. Iilhood, John............. Mar. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May lO, 1864. Kremer, M. W......do..... June 17,'64, 3Drafted-died at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 13. 1864. King, Samuel...........do..... Aug. 10,'63, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 30, 1865. Kauffman,:J. D........do..... Feb. 9,'64,3 Transferred to 182d reg. P. V.-date unknown. Kriner, William........do..... Aug. 15,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted December 16,'64-returneddeserted again-date unknown. Leonard, Edward.....do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Lenhart, Geo. W.............. Aug. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Landis, John..........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 10, 1864-absent, sick, at muster out. Logue, Thomas E.....do.... Aug. 16,'63, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylva'a C. H., May 10,'64. Millhoff, William......do.... June 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Mull, Oliver....d............d. June 30,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Mitchell, Peter............. Mar. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C.H., May 12,1864. Meghan, David,.d.....do Aug. 31)'61, 3 Transferred from Co. D, Feb. 28, 1864-mustered 1 out, April 15, 1865-expiration of term. 1272 FORTY-NINTH REGCIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER NAME. xRANK.T. NEINTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Miller, Levi............ Private June 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 22,'65. Mills, Samuel................................... 3 Killed in action, June 27, 1862. M'Anninch, J. A......do..... June 23,'64, 3 Substitute-died October 12, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester-lot, 17. M' )onald, John........do... June 24, 64, 3 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1864. Noll, William............do.....J une 15,'64, 3 Drafted —ius. out with Co., July 15, 1865t Nickerson, And'w....do..... Dec. 7,'63, 3 -Drafted-deserted February 11, 1864. Noel, Joseph.............do.....Aug. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted April 30, 1864. O'Donald, Thomas..do... do.. Mar. 21,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Parson, David............do..... Mar. 20,'64, 3 Drafted —mus. out with Co., July 15, 1865. Rolland, Geo. W........do.. June 2,'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Rhine, Samuel C........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 5, 1864-absent at muster out. Rutherford Geo.W.. do....Mar. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 4, 1864. Reigherd, John.........do... Dec. 7,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 14, 1864. Scerber, Samuel P.....do.. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Shields, James A......do. Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with' company, July 15, 1865. Saxton, John H...... o....do. Feb. 18, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Sipe, John................do May 31,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Speigleman, V. W.....do.... Mar.,'6 31 4, Absent, sick, at muster out. Shank, John............do..... Mar. 25, 64, 3 Drafted-killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Strough, Henry.........do... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Shoeman, Peter........ do.... Sept. 26,'63, 3 Died May 18, 1 l 64, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Cur ourt House May 10, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington-Va. Sowers, Jonathan.....do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received in action, September 19, 1864. Snyder, Daniel.........do. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured-died at Richmond, Va., June 10, 1864. Shafer, John..........do. June 25,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted-returned-deserted again, July 1, 1865. Stake, Porter............d..o Mar. 30,'64, 3 Drafted-deserted December 12, 1864. Shaver, Ira M............ ug.. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted August 11, 1864. Scott, Ethan A............do. Oct. 116,'6 3 Drafted-deserted April 30, 1864. Stuter, Nathaniel......do..........................3 Missing in action, July 1, 1862. Taylor, William.........do..... May, 3'64 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 15, 1865. Thomas, Orange L........d June 22.'64, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 15,'65. Thompson, Samuel...do..... Sept. 25,'63, 3 Drafted-died at Baltimore, Md., Sept. 15, 1864. Ulrich, James W............Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Vaughn, Geo. W........do.. May 30,'64, 3 Drafted-absent sick, at muster out. Wheeling. And'w......do....Ma 30,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, on furlough, at muster out. Wagner, Jos. H.........do Mar. 31,'64, 3 Died at Sandy Hook. Md., Aug. 19, 1864. Welsh, Michael........do Mar. 22,'64, 3 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 6, 1864. Wiggins, Wall'e R.....do. June 22,'64, 3 Sub.-disch. on Surg. certificate, Jan. 22, 1865. Wallace, Geo. W........do June 23,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 24, 1865. Wians, Jacob...........do. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Young, William B.....do A.....ug. 15,'63, 3 Drafted-deserted July 3, 1864. COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN JUNIATA COUNTY. Calvin De Witt....... Capt... Sept. 14,'61, 3 Resigned January 18, 1863. Wmin. P. Kephart........do... Sept. 4, 61, 3 Pr. from 1st Sgt. Co.`A, to Capt., March 3, 1864killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. William H. Byers......do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Lt. to Capt., June 16,'64-to Bv. Maj., April 6, 1865-smus. out with Co., July 15, 1865. R. M. M'Clelland... 1st Lt.. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged March 18, 1862. John M. Thompson...do.... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to 2d Lt.. Oct. 24, 1862-to 1st Lt., Nov. 19, 1862-to Capt. Co. A, Sept. 1, 1864. G. E. Hackenberg......do.... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lieutenant, June 16, 1864-kiilled at Petersburg, Va., April 6, 1865. David A. Stahl..........do. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 19, 1864-to 2d Lt., March 10, 1865-to 1st Lt., May 20, 1865-imus. out with company, July 15, 1865, David B. Spanogle.. 2d Lt..., S3pt. 3,'61, 3 Resigned March 4, 1832. John Stewart... do..... do Sept. 3,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, March 21, 1862-resigned October 22, 1862. Campbell Tucker...do Oct. 26,'62, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenuant Co. D, and transferT.o t,'6, red to staff of Gen. Win. F. Smith, Dec. 16,'63. Daniel T, Rhoads.... do..do... Sept. 7, 61 Promoted fr., st Sgt Co. 1 - to 2dLt., June 18, 1 ['64 —nus. out, Feb. 1, 1865-expiration of term. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1273 M RA.NK. [DATE OF MUSTER NIAMBE. BAK. INTO SERVICE. I REMARKS. Wm. P. Courtney... 1st Sgt. Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant, March 10, 1865-commissioned 2d Lieutenant, July 14, 1865 —not mustered -mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. John P. Grimer.........do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-Vet. Henry Weipert.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864 — buried in National Cemetery-lot9 —Vet. William Harman... Serg't.. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, June 30,'64mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Jairus Roush...........do.... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, Nov. 30,'64mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. Samuel Pontius.........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Serg't, Mar. 10,'65mustered out with company, July 15,'65-Vet. George Townsend......do..... Mar. 2,'64, 3 Absent at muster out-Vet. Isaac B. Moyer........d..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate, Nov. 30,'64 —Vet. Jos. W. M'Kinney.. Corp.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 18i4-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Abram W. Cochran..do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, September 19, 1864-mustered out with company, July 15. 1865-Vet. Phean Helfrich.......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, December 27, 1864-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Albert Smith.........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Amos BickeL........... do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 17, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. William Bollinger.....do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 26, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Isaac Fall............... do... Feb. 26,'64, 33 Promoted to Corporal, June 12, 1865-mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Charles W. Roads......do... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 1, 1864-killed at Winchester, Virginia, September 19, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery-lot 9. John C. Arnold... do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 10, 1864-killed at Petersburg, Virginia, April 6, 1865. Thomas Burns...........do..... Jan. 19,'65, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-deserted July 6, 1865-returned-mustered out, July 15, 1865. Samuel Bolig...........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, June 11,'64-Vet. Levi Miller............ do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, May 25,'65. George G. Fess..........do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Apr. 25,'65. William Fry.............do..Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 9,'62. James Enslow.......do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Died January 3, 1862. Aurand, James...... Private Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 2,'65. Bobb, Albert A......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bolig, Reuben...........do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bolig, Frederick B...do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865-Vet. Bailey, John..............do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Boyer, Daniel............do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bishop, Elick............do.....'Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Booney, Paul...... Feb.. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Breninger, Samuel..... do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Brocious, Benjamin...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Baughman, Wm. J...do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 8, 1865. Bingman, William.....do..... Sept. 16,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Bottorf, William........do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died September 22, 1864, of wounds received in action-buried in National Cemetery, Winchester, Virginia-lot 9-Vet. Bruner, William.......do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died at York, Pa., September 19, 1864. Boyer, Abraham A....do. Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 6,'62. Cooper, Frank...........do..Feb. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Carl, Jacob.............do..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Coxey, Robert...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 13, 1865. Duke, Henry.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company. July 15, 1865-Vet. Duck, Wilson...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10,'64-Vet. Derr, Jeremiah........do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Deemer, James R......do.....Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Winchester, Va., September 19, 1864. Drackenmiller, P.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Died July 1, 1864. Devinney, David P...do..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Deserted September 14, 1861. Eckelman, Fran. H...do Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Eshelman, Benj.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Engel, Daniel............do Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died July 8, 1864. Fall, Calvin L............do..Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Fetterolf, Isaac...........do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Fetterolf, Robert........do... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Died May 10, 1864, of wounds received in action. Feaster, John....... do... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 24,'64. 160 1274 FORTY-NINT-H BREGIMENT, NAME. I RANK.f DATE OP MUSTER RARB INTO SERVICE. EMARKS.:Feirick, Isaac H..... Private Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 14,'65. -Fall, James............do.. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Flukinger, Samuel...do.....Sept. 3, 61, 3 Died May 4, 1862. Goodman, Nathan.....do:.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Goodman, Daniel......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Greiner, Theodore.....do.....Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Gamby, Jonathan.....do.....Feb..23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Galbraith, Joseph......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Gardner, Wm. M......do.. Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsyivania C. H., May 10, 1864. Gingrich, Jacob. B......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died May 12, 1865, of wounds received in action. Grimes, George W.....do..,.. Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Houser,;Alexander...do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Houser, James. N....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Herrold, Elias S.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Hackenberg, Dan'l...do......Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865.!Hackenberg, Mich'l...do.....Feb. 18,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Hunnuer, Daniel........do..... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. ~Hofnagel, John F...... do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Absent at muster out. Hock, Isaac........ do..... Feb. 15,'64; 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. H-errold, Wm.H......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Houser, Aaron L......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864.!Rime, Heniry............do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted July 26, 1864 —Vet. Hummel, Wmin. K.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Deserted July 26, 1864. iHetrick, Abraham.....do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Deserted April 26, 1865. Hartman, Jefferson...do..... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 26,'64.:h:ofnagel, Mark.........do..... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Hackenberg,Jno. K...do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. tXeller, Lewis..........do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Keller, Jacob C........do.....Feb. 26,'64, 3 Absent at muster out.."Knights, Daniel.........d.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 27,'64..Kline, Joseph: H,..'.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 21, 1865. Lesher, Jonas............do.....Feb. 24,'64, 3 Died May 15, 1864, of wounds received in action..:~Mill,;Uriah H............do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Middleswarth, Jas.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. XMinnich, Franklin.....do..... Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865.:vMinnich, Michael......do.....Jan. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Michael, John............do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., "May 10, 1864. -Mi'Connell, George.....ido..... Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 13,'62..iNeitz, Philip C..........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Ott,;Daniel J..............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Quade, John F..........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Reigle, Daniel...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Rauch, George W......do...,. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Rubenthal, Peter......do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Reed, Levi................do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Reigle, Isaac..............do......Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Stahl, John S..........do......Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Snyder, David.........do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Stahl, Joel':G...........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Specht, Adam............do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Smith, Robert M.......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Stahl, David G...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Stitzer, Finley...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Smith, Charles A......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Absent at muster out. Swartz, James...........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865. Shrauder, EdwinH...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Seffen, Jacob............do.... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865. Sortman, John F.......do.... Sept. 16,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Swigart, George.........do..... Jan. 3,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 24, 1865. Swales, John M.........do.....Sept. 3,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, March 9,'62. Walborn, John.........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Weiand, John.-........do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Wagner, Jacob.........do... Feb. 26, 64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 10, 1864. Williams, John: H...do.... Sept. 3, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 6,'62. Yeager, Elias..........do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted May 10, 1864. ~ —~-)~~l..d:... Feb._ THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1275: COMPANY K.* RECRUITED IN MIFFLIN COUNTY. NAME. - RANK. iNTO SRVICE. I REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. - Mathias Neice........ Capt... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Resigned September 6, 1862. John R. Keim....... 1st Lt.. Aug. 18, 61, 3 Resigned January 8, 1862. Thomas F. Neice.... 2dLt... Aug. 18,'61, 3 Resigned July 31, 1862. Chilcothe, Humph.. Private Sept. 12,'61, 3 Died Aoril 11, 1862. Cann, George..........do... Sept. 12,'6i,3 Died January 22, 1862. Keener, Henry......do.... Sept. 12,'61, 3 Died January 5, 1862. Peartchy, Henry D...do... Sept. 12,'61 3 Died December 30, 1861. COMPANY K. RECRUITED AT PITTSBURG. John F. Reynolds... Capt..... April 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. James H. Bascom... Ist Lt... April 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Thos. M. Gillespie... 2d Lt... Feb. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. H. E. C. Bowers..... 1stSgt.. April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Thomas Power....... Serg't.. April 5,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. James Harewood.....do.... April 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John H. Jones...........do..... Mar. 16, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Thos. B. Robison......do..... Mar. 31,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. James H. Robb...... Corp.... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John R. Piper..........do Mar. 14, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. William H. Carey......do..... April 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John Bryson............do.. Mar. 28,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Andrew Rederer........do..... Mar. 24,'65, 1 M:ustered out with company, July 15, 1865. James M'Garrey........ do..... Mar. 29,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. John M. Singley....... do...Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. And'w J. Crawford...do..... Mar. 20 65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. George Davis......... Muc..... Mar. 27,'65, Mustered outwith company, July 15, 1865. John Rolley.............do..Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July-15, 1865 Arthur, James........ Private Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Alexander, Henry.....do.... April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Adler, Adam............do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Acor, Fdward............do..... April 10,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Burns, Andrew.........do..... April 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15; 1865. Bailey, Charles.........do..... April 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865.Bolton, Benjamin.....do.... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Boughton, Frank H...do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Black, James............do.... April 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Bloom, Henry...........do..... Mar. 30,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Ball, George D..........do.....April 1, 65, 1 Died at Burksville,Va., April 30, 1865. Conner, James...........do.... April 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Carroll, James....d....do..... April 4,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Corr, Patrick....do..... Mar. 14, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Carborg, James........do..... Mar. 23,'65, I Mustered out with compatii, July 15, 1865* Calvin, John C...........do Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Cox, John.................do.....Mar. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out withcompany, July 15; 1865. Chiverton, Joseph......do..... April 6,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 13,1865. Davis, William.........do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 5, 1865. Davis, Evan E..........do.... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Donaldson, Robert.....do..... April 8, 65, 1 Mustered-out with company, July 15, 1865. Davis, Daniel... d..... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Elliott, John.............do..... Mar.28,'65, Mustered out with company, July l5, 1865; Eppelman, Theop's...do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Eberg, Henry....do..... Mar. 31;'65, 1 Died at Baltimore, Md., June 21, 1865. Gailev, James W...d...do.. Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with compnly, July 15, 1865. Gristner, Julius....... do.....Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Gill, Joseph...............do.. Mar. 25,'65, 1 Deserted-date unknown. Garvey, James..........do... April 5, 65, 1 Deserted June 23, 1865. Hart, Harry M..........do April 5,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Herwig, Amos...........do..... April 8,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. On January 11, 1863, company K was consolidated with other companies, forming comr pany B, 49th regiment, in which the names of the other officers and men appear. 1276 i'ORTY-NINTH REGIMBET. ~E. RKI DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER RMARKS. INTO SERVICE farshman, George.. Private Mar. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Hagan, Hugh............do... Mar. 30,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Harrison, Rob't L......do..... Mar. 23,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Howe, Robert............do.... Mar. 22,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Jones, Evan..............do..... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Jones, Wm............do... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Kreps, John......... do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Kapphahn, H. F........do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Kinney, John,........... do...... Mar. 16,'65, I Deserted June 23, 1865. Linnard, William....... do.....April 4,'65, i Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Loughman, Thos.......do.... Mar. 13,'65 1 Mustered out with company, July 15,1865. Lamont, John..........do..... Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Lewis, William......... do Mar. 23'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Marsula, Andrew....do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Matthews, David......do. April 7,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Morehead, R. W......do..... April 10,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at musterout. M'Mains, Wm. W.....do.....Mar. 23,'5, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. M'Laughlin, John..........Mar. 10,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. M'Cleary, Moses........do.... Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Nelson, Samuel J......do.... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Phillips, George W...do April 4,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. %Proudfoot, Hugh......do..... April 5,'65, i Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Phillips, David.........do.... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Phillips, John...........do.... Mar. 23,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Paulin, Frank...........do..... Mar. 21,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Prall, George S........do...April 8,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 2, 1865. Quinn, Daniel...........do Mar. 27,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Richie, James............do Mar. 23,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Reeves, John.........do..... Mar. 30'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Richards, Caleb.........do..... Mar. 20,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Reynolds, C. J.......... do..... Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company,:July 15, 1865. Rathke, George D......do Mar. 10,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Richards, Hiram........ April 3,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Smith, William........do Mar. 21'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Schilling, August.....do Mar. 22,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Sollers, Levi B....do.....April 5,'65, 1 Absent, sick, at muster out. Schwartz, Nicholas...do April 3,'65, 1 Deserted-date unknown. Siddell, Enoch........do..... April 10,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 29, 1865. Thomas, Thomas........... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Thompson, John...:.. do. Mar. 21,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Watkins, Wm. D...... do..... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Watson, Edward D... do..... Mar. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Widenmayer, F....do Mar. 22,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Walker, Henry... do..... Mar. 24,'65, Mustered out with company, July 15, 1865. Wylie, John....... do. Mar. 24'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, July 12, 1865. Wharton, Arthur...do Mar. 17,'65, Deserted-date unknown. Young, John.........do Mar. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out. July 20, 1865. UNA S S I GNED MEN. Carroll, Timothy... Private Mar. 21, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crain, Michael........... do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crasson, Patrick.......do....... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Gable, Jacob............. do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Griner, Samuel H.....do.. Feb. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hiefner, Josephus....do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hill, Uriah H...........do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hoffman, J. D........... do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kelley, Martin...........do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kuhn, Lewis............do.....Feb. 5,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Waldo, William.......do..... Nov. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. FIFTIETH REGIMENT. THE Fiftieth Regiment was recruited in the counties of Berks, Schuylkill, Bradford, Susquehanna, Lancaster, and Luzerne and rendezvoused at Camp Curtin. It was organized on the 25th of September, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: Benjamin C. Christ, of Schuylkill county, Colonel; Thomas S. Brenholtz, of Berks county, Lieutenant Colonel; Edward Overton, Jr., of Bradford county, Major. The State colors were presented by Governor Curtin on the 1st of October. While at Camp Curtin the men were drilled by companies. From Harrisburg the regiment proceeded on the 2d to Washington, and encamped at Kalorama Heights, where it remained until the 9th, and thence moved to Annapolis. Here it was assigned to Stevens' Brigade*, of T. W. Sherman's Corps, about fitting out for an expedition to South Carolina. On the 19th of October the regiment embarked upon transports, the right wing, companies A to E inclusive under command of Colonel Christ on the Winfield Scott, and the left wing on the Ocean Queen. On the night of the 1st of November a heavy gale was encountered off Cape Hatteras, and the Scott, which proved to be an unseaworthy craft, was in imminent peril. Her masts were cut away, the freight and camp equipage were thrown overboard, a portion of her officers and crew deserted her, and every thing was given up for lost. She was finally saved through the saperhuman efforts of the soldiers, who had been left to their fate without food or water. After the capture of the forts at Hilton Head by Admiral Dupont, in that brilliant sea fight which has immortalized his name, the regiment went into camp upon the island, and was employed in building fortifications. On the 6th of December it proceeded to Beaufort, and was the first regiment to occupy that place. On the night after its arrival a skirmish occurred, in which the enemy was driven off the island not again to return. A few were wounded on both sides, and the men had their first experience in combating the foe. At midnight of the 25th Captain Parker, with company H, and a squad from company D, crossed Broad River in small boats, with the intention of capturing a picket post; but hearing the muffled dip of the oars, the enemy took the alarm and hastened away for reinforcements. On the 1st of January, 1862, General Stevens led his brigade, under cover of the gunboats, across the Coosaw, and captured a fort in process of construction at Port Royal Ferry, and two heavy guns. The enemy was driven and the fort destroyed, when the brigade returned to Port Royal Island. This was the first engagement in force, and was known as the Battle of the Coosaw. *Organization of Stevens' Brigade, Sherman's Corps. Seventy-ninth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, Colonel Isaac I. Stevens; One hundredth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Daniel Leasure; Eighth Regiment Michigan Volunteers, Colonel Wm. M. Fenton; Fiftieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Benjamin C. Christ. 1278 FIFTIETH REGIiMBNT 1862 On the 29th of May General Stevens was ordered to join General Hunter in his demonstrations against Charleston, and Colonel Christ, with his own regiment, two companies of the First Massachusetts cavalry, and a section of artillery, was ordered to move upon the main land, and burn the railroad bridge near Pocotaligo. Leaving Beaufort in the evening, the command crossed the ferry at daylight, and soon found the enemy well posted on the opposite side of the stream near Old Pocotaligo. The approach to this place was by a narrow causeway, a fourth of a mile long, flanked on either side by a marsh through which a sluggish stream winds. The enemy had removed the planks from the bridge spanning it, and a crossing could only be effected by running the gauntlet of the causeway, and walking the stringers which still remained. "For some time firing was kept up from the opposite sides of the stream; but it soon became evidept that the enemy could only be dislodged by crossing. At this juncture Captain Charles Parker of company H, volunteered to brave the danger of the causeway, risk the insecure footing upon the stringers of the bridge, and lead his men over. The feat was accomplished, and six companies passed successfully. Under command of Lieutenant Colonel Brenholtz they drove the enemy, and the bridge was quickly re-planked. The cavalry under Major Higginson was immediately ordered in pursuit; but the enemy had taken refuge in a wood where the cavalry could not operate, and the infantry was too much fatigued to follow. The delay had given time for him to be'reinforced, and the ammunition was nearly expended. It was accordingly determined to return. The loss was four killed and nine wounded. Captain Parker, who had suggested the plan which gained us our success, and who led where the danger was greatest, was killed. "His gallantry in crossing the frail bridge at Pocotaligo cost him his life. He was pierced by three rifle balls, and fell while cheering his men on the perilous passage."* The command was followed in its return by a large force of the enemy. The weather was intensely hot, and for one day and two nights the men marched with scarcely a halt, except while engaged. Although the expedition failed to accomplish the object for which it was sent out, it had the effect to draw a large force from Charleston, and from General Hunter's immediate front, and brought in some prisoners, and a large number of contrabands, who took with them all the property of their masters for which they could find transportation. The regiment remained at and near Beaufort until July 12th, when it was ordered to Fortress Monroe, and was incorporated with the Ninth Corps under General Burnside, who had just then returned fronm his highly successful operations in North Carolina. Soon after its arrival the corps was ordered to the support of Pope on the lapidan. At Fredericksburg Stevens' Division now forming part of Reno's command, was detached from the corps, and was pushed forward to confront the advance of Lee, and had several skirmishes with the head of his column at the fords of the Rapidan and the Bappahannock. The regiment was now under command of Lieutenant Colonel Brenholtz, Colonel Christ being at the head of the brigade. On the first day at Bull Run, Christ's Brigade was attached to Schurz's Division of Sigel's Corps, and was engaged during the greater part of the day, occupying a position on the right wing of the army, and'driving the enemy at several points, sustaining heavy loss. At night the brigade returned to Stevens' Division. In the second day's fight," * Moorc's Bebellon Record, Vol. V, page-478. 1862 SECOND BU(L BUN AND ANTIETAM. 1279 says Captain Dimock, "welost less, but fought harder.:Stevens' Brigade drove the whole line in front of it, and we supposed we had gained a victory. I heard Captain Lusk, aid to General Stevens, order Colonel Christ to bring his men out of the woods. He did so, faced his men towards the enemy, and ordered rest after giving three cheers for victory. We had scarcely laid down before Captain Lusk returned in great excitement exclaiming,'For G —s sake, Colonel Christ, get your men away from here.' We now observed as it grew dark that the fighting to the right and left of us was terrific, that the two wings were driven far back of us, and that we were nearly inclosed as in a horse-shoe. We made a hasty retreat and were soon after joined by General Stevens, who said that the Eighth Michigan was still missing. In less than five minutes after his arrival a volley from the enemy forced us again to fall back." The regiment did not leave the field until nine o'clock at night, and in every encounter with the enemy during the two days drove him back. The loss was five killed, six severely wounded, and a number taken prisoners. Among the killed was Lieutenant Charles H. Kellogg, of company K, and among the wounded was Lieutenant Colonel Brenholtz. On the 31st Christ's Brigade was posted upon the heights beyond Centreville, where it was vigorously shelled. On the following day it was engaged in the battle of Chantilly, where the brigade was early in the fight, and drove the enemy, holding the advantage gained until relieved. The conduct of the Fiftieth in this battle was not excelled for gallantry. It lost seven killed, which, together with the wounded and missing, embraced one-fourth of the entire number that entered the fight. It was led by Major Overton. General Stevens was killed while carrying colors of the Seventy-ninth (Highlander):Regiment, after several of the color bearers had been shot down. The division, under Colonel Christ, moved to South Mountain, where General O. B. Wilcox was assigned to its command. It formed part of the left wing of the army, and was engaged at Turner's Gap. The Fiftieth, still under command of Major Overton, was at first engaged in Wilcox's Division, but was subsequently ordered to the support of General Cox, who was being hard pressed on the left. Here it remained during the day of Sunday, the 14th, and with Ohio troops charged the enemy, and drove him from the field.'On the 16th the regiment arrived at Antietam,,and at night Major- Overton was ordered to proceed with his own, and the Twenty-eighth Massachusetts to the support of the Ira Harris Cavalry which was'to connect General Burnside's left with the troops of General Franklin. Here it remained on duty during the night. On the 17th it re-joined the brigade, and, upon the advance of Burnside's Corps, crossed-the stone bridge and drove the enemy back. Christ's Brigade charged with great spirit and gallantry, and attained a position in advance of the Union lines, where it was exposed to a terrible cross-fire of artillery; but it maintained its position until the rebels were forced to retreat. In the midst of the fight Major Overton fell severely wounded, and the command devolved on Captain Diehl. The loss was seven killed and seven severely wounded. Captain James B. Ingham, of company K, was among the killed. The regiment was present at the battle of Fredericksburg on the 13th of December, but was not actively engaged. I had command of two companies,? says Captain Dimock, "on picket duty near, and in full view of Seminary I ill, and stood in plain sight all day of the stone wall which proved so disastrous to our charging columns. I sent word to Colonel Christ that it was impossible 1280 FIFTIETH REGIMENT. 1863 to carry that wall by direct assault, that it must be attacked in flank, from the point where I stood, to be successful." After General Burnside was relieved of the command of the Army of the Potomac, the Ninth Corps was for a short time in camp at Newport News. Subsequently it was moved to Kentucky, where it was attached to the Army of the Ohio, and the Fiftieth Regiment was stationed at Camp Dick Robinson, Stanford, and Somerset. From the latter place it moved to Vicksburg via Cincinnati and Cairo. During the progress of the siege it was posted at Haine's Bluff, and after the fall of Vicksburg it was attached to the command of General Sherman, and was with him in the campaign to Jackson. In the battle which occurred for the occupancy of this place, the regiment was engaged, and was deployed as skirmishers in a very exposed situation. Here, its commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S. Brenholtz, while gallantly leading his men before the enemy's works, was mortally wounded. His fall was greatly lamented, and his loss to the regiment irreparable. Much of the credit which the organization had acquired was due to his excellent qualities as a soldier. No braver man ever led in battle, and upon his fall the service was deprived of one of its most valued leaders. The regiment remained in Mississippi until August 10th, when it returned to Kentucky, and in September moved across the mountains via Cumberland Gap to Knoxville. At this time the number present for duty in the regiment was but eighty. The rest were in hospitals suffering from wounds received in battle, or from malarious diseases contracted in Mississippi. Of the eighty who remained in the ranks, nearly all had chills and fever. It remained in camp near Knoxville for some time after its arrival, and the health of the men rapidly improved, its numbers continually increasing by the return of those who had been left in hospitals by the way. While here a force of the enemy entered East Tennessee from Virginia. The Twenty-third Corps was sent to repel it, and drove it back as far as Blue Springs, where it made an obstinate stand. Christ's and Morrison's brigades were promptly sent to reinforce the Union columns. The regiment arrived upon the field on the 10th of October, and was immediately brought into position on the left of the front line. A charge was ordered, and the enemy was driven back in confusion, and pursued to a point near the Virginia line. It was estimated that the enemy's force in this battle was double that of our own. The loss of the regiment was inconsiderable. Returning to Knoxville it was soon after sent out to Lenoir Station, where it was ordered to build winter-quarters, and hold the approaches from the southwest. Scarcely had it been established two weeks in camp, when Longstreet with a heavy force advanced from Chattanooga along the Tennessee Railroad, and routed a portion of the Twenty-third Corps stationed in advance. The Ninth Corps was sent to its support, and the enemy was pushed back into a bend of the river. The engagement lasted until late in the evening. During the night, while advancing the line, the Fiftieth was twice halted by the enemy, and one of his officers came into our lines supposing he was among his own men. It was supposed that only a part of Longstreet's force had crossed the river, and that unaccompanied by artillery. The regiment accordingly received orders to charge at daylight. But during the night it was ascertained that the enemy was in full force in our front, and the regiment was ordered to retire with all possible haste. The mud was very deep and, it was with great diffi 1864 SIEGE OF KNOXVILLE. 1281 culty that the trains and artillery could be moved. On the following night the men lay on their arms at Lenoir Station, the enemy being in close proximity, and several times opening-fire. So close did he follow up the pursuit that it was found necessary to destroy every thing that could impede the progress of the column, that was not of the last importance to its safety, and the officers' baggage was sacrificed together with all the books and papers of the regiment. At Campbell's Station a stand was made, and the enemy was successfully held in check until the forces were all safely withdrawn to Knoxville. The Fiftieth reached the town at daylight, November 17th, and immediately commenced fortifying. The labor was very severe, the men being constantly on duty, and obliged to subsist on quarter rations, consisting of fresh pork and corn-cob bread. The regiment occupied a central position on the left wing in rifle-pits, a part of the time so near to the enemy that conversation with his men was not an uncommon occurrence. On the 29th of November, at early dawn, the enemy charged Fort Sanders. The Fiftieth held a position just to the right of the fort, and two companies were sent to assist the garrison in repelling the charge. The attack was made with great impetuosity and sustained with unflinching valor, but was repelled with terrible slaughter, and on the 5th of December the siege was raised. Longstreet retreated in the direction of Virginia, and the regiment moved in pursuit, skirmishing with his rear guard until it reached Blaine's Cross Roads, where it went into camp. Here, on the 1st of January, 1864, nearly the entire regiment re-enlisted to the number of about three hundred men, and was ordered to Nicholasville, Kentucky. The men had drawn no clothing or shoes from September to January, and very few were supplied with blankets. Their suffering during December and January was intense; but they endured all without a murmur. On Christmas day they had nothing to eat until evening, and then only a part of a ration. The march to Nicholasville, a distance of two hundred miles, was performed in ten days. Many of the men were barefoot and the earth was covered with snow. Before leaving their camps they had drawn thirty raw hides from which they made moccasins; but during the middle of the day, when the roads were soft, the green hide became pliable and so stretched that they could not be kept upon the feet. As they passed over the rough roads of the mountain regions, the chilling blasts of winter swept their shivering ranks, and to add to their distresses, they were nearly perishing with hunger. On arriving at their destination, they drew rations and clothing, and soon after started for Pennsylvania, arriving at Harrisburg on the 6th of February. Here the regiment was given a veteran furlough, and the men departed for their homes. On the 20th of March the regiment rendezvoused at Annapolis, where it was recruited to the minimum standard, and was fully re-organized and drilled. It was assigned to the Second Brigade, of the First Division, of the Ninth Corps. Passing through Washington, where the corps was re-viewed by President Lincoln, the regiment marched over the Bull Run battle ground, on the 28th of April, arriving at the Rapidan on the 5th of May. Early on the following morning it was heavily engaged in the battle of the Wilderness, which continued during the entire day, losing seventeen killed, and fifty-three wounded and missing. In moving from the field, the Fiftieth was designated for the rear guard to the corps, and was closely followed up by the enemy's cavalry. On the 9th it arrived at the INy River near Spottsylvania Court House, and was there immediately engaged. Christ's Brigade carried the heights in its front. 161 1282 rIFTIEmTH REGIMENT. 1865 With fixed bayonets the Fiftieth, led by Lieutenant Colonel Overton, charged up the steep ascent, and routed a force of the enemy greatly superior in number; but the success was gained at a fearful cost, loosing in killed, wounded, and missing, one hundred and twenty men. Among the killed was Captain H. E. Cleveland, of company H. The gallant conduct of the regiment in this action was much commended, and the credit of the sucess attained was justly awarded to it. Again, on the 12th, the regiment had a desperate encounter with the foe, and a hand to hand struggle, in which the loss was considerable. Adjutant Henry T. Kendall, three sergeants, and twenty-five privates were taken prisoners. From the Ny River to the North Anna, and thence to Cold Harbor, it was almost daily engaged, losing a few men killed and wounded. In the battle of the 2d of June, at the latter place, the Fiftieth was upon thefront line and suffered severely, having eight men killed. Crossing the Chickahominy on the 12th, it proceeded rapidly to the James, and was soon after in line fronting Petersburg. On the 8th Colonel Christ was wounded, and Captain Henry A. Lantz, of company E, and several men, were killed. From June 21st to the 25th of July, the regiment performed picket duty infront of Petersburg. It was then relieved by colored troops and proceeded to the extreme left of the Union lines, where it was again engaged in picket duty. On the 29th it proceeded to the rear of the mine, and upon its explosion on the following morning, was ordered in to the support of the troops led to the charge. It reached the crater; but, with other troops, was forced back, losing three killed and a number wounded. Remaining in the works in front of the ruined fort until the 19th of August, it was again put upon the march, and proceeded to the Weldon Railroad, where, at four P. M, it was attacked, and in the engagement which ensued, Sergeant Charles Brown, of company C, captured one of the enemy's colors. On the following day the enemy again attacked, but was repulsed. Marching, fortifying, and fighting continued with but little interruption until the end of the month. On the 30th, Colonel Christ and Lieutnant Colonel Overton, and about thirty men, were honorably discharged, their term of service having expired. Remaiming upon the front the regiment was actively engaged until the 12tb of October, when it received one hundred and forty-seven recruits, and for two weeks remained in camp engaged inl drill and discipline. On the 27th it again moved to the front, and remained on duty until the 29th of November, when it proceeded to Fort M'Gilvery, on the banks of the Appomattox, in the immediate front of the city of Petersburg, and remained there during the winter. Captain Samuel K. Schwenk, who was severely wounded in the engagement at Cold Harbor, was so far recovered in February, 1865, as to return to the regiment, and assumed command, having been promoted to MMajor. Upon the occasion of the surprise and capture of Fort Steadman, on the 25th of March, Major Schwenk, leaving a thin skirmish line upon his front, hastened with his regiment to the scene of conflict. His prompt action was highly complimented by his superior officers, On the first of April the Union lines began to close in upon the rebel works, and during the operations of the 2d and 3d, the Fiftieth was engaged, and was among the first regiments to reach the city of Petersburg upon its fall. On the. 15th it moved to City Point, and thence by boa to Washington, where it remained until the 30th of June. Preparations had been extensively made for laying the corner stone of the National Monument t Gettysburg on the 4th of THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1283 July, and by order of the Secretary of War, upon the recommendation of Lieutenant General Grant, the Fiftieth Regiment was ordered to represent the infantry of the army in the ceremonies of the occasion. Returning from Gettysburg it went into camp near Georgetown, where, on the 31st of July, it was mustered out of service FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS'O ~m. H~ Telford.. [i..do..... tv NAME. _AN_ INTO SERVICE__.'4.I__ Benjamin C. Christ CoL..-.. July 27-'61, 3 Promoted to Br. Brig. Gen., Aug. 1, 1864-mus< tered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration ofterm. Wm. H. Telford...... ~do.. Aug. 8;'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company G, to Lieut. Col., Feb. 8, 1865-to Col., May 15, 1865- mustered out with reginent. July E0, 1865. Thos. S. Brenholtz.. Lt. Col. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from (apt. company H, Sept. 30,'61died Aug. 19, 1863,.of wounds received at Jackson, Miss., July 16, 1863. Edw.'dOverton, Jr.....do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted from Major to Lt. Col., Dec. 15,'63-_ mustered out, Sept. 30,'64-expiration of term Sam'l K. Schwenk.....do. Feb. 28,'65, 3 Promoted from Major to Lt. Col., May 15, 1865to brevet -Col. and Brig. Gen., July 24, 1865 —mustered out with regiment, July 30, 1865. George W. Brumm Major.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Capt. company F, May 19,'65mustered out with regiment, July 30,1865. Henry T. Kendall.. Adj..... Sept. 10,'61; 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. company H, May 3,'64-. captured May 12, 1864-com. C. apt. company H, Jan. 19, 1865-not mustered-disch. by special order, February 11, 1865. Lewis Crater......do.... Sept. 0, 3'.61, 3 Promoted fr. 1st Lt. company F, April 16, 1865 mustered out with regiment, July 30,'65-Vet. Alfred Jones........ QM... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Captured July, 1864-discharged by special order, March 22, 1865. John S. Eckel........... do.... April 1,'62, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. company C, Jan. 15,'65D. d. M mustered out with regiment, July 30,'65-Vet. David J. M'Kibben Surg.... Sept. 14,'61, Promoted to Brig. Surg., U S. Vol., Oct. 21,'61.. J. Siemans............ d.... Mar. 7,'62, 3 Resigned March 16, 1864. John M. Kollock.........do. July 25,'62, 3 Promoted from Ast. Surg., 118th regiment P. V, Sept. 3, 1864 —resigned June 20, 1865. Joseph P. Vickers... As.Sur. Aug. 30,'61, 3 Resigned July 18, 1864. William P. Book......do.. Aug. 1,'62, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 30, 1864-expiration of term. Frank P. Wilson.......do... Mar. 31,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 30, 1865. John F. Meredith... Chap'n April 22,'62, 3 Discharged January 13, 1863.. Halleck Armstrong...do Feb. 24,'65, 3 Mustered out with regiment, July 30, 186&' Alex'r P. Garrett..... Sr. Maj. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company C, March 20,'64-. mustered out with regiment, July 30,'65-Vyet. Thomas F. Foster......do. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. company D; to Sgt. Majorto 2d Lt., company D, April 8, 1864-Vet. Frank H. Barnhart..do Sept. 19,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. Co. B, Nov. 26,'64-Vet. Alfred J. Stephens....do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company D, Nov. 21,'64-to 1st Lt. company B, March21, 1865-Vet. Henry A. Lantz.......do Sept. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt..company E, Jan. 18, 1862. Simon Clouser........ M. M.S. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted from Sgt. company K, May 9, 1865mustered out with regiment, July 30,'6.5-Vet. Frank H. Forbes...do..... Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. Co. E, May 10, 1865 —Vet. John S. Eckel..........do April 1,'62, 3 Promoted to 2d Lt. company C, March 17, 1864. NoTE.-The following abbreviations have been used in the preparation of remarks: Ab. absent. Cor. Corporal. Fr. from. PI.. principal. * Surg. Surgeon. Asst; Assistant, Com. commissioned or Furl. fnrlopgh. Priv: private. Sgt. Sergeant. Adj. Adjutant. commissary. Hos. hospital. Reg. regiment. Sub. substitute. Bu. buried. Cert. certificate. Lt. Lieutenant. Red. reduced: Stew. steward. Bv. brevet. Dis. dismissed. Mus. mustered. Res. resigned. Tr. transferred. Bd. band. Dis'y. disability. Muc. musician. Rem. removed. Vet. veteranivoluateer. Capt. Captain. Disch. discharged. Mis. missing. Sen. sentenced. Wd. wounded. Chap. Chaplain. Fxp. expiration. Pr. promoted. Serv. service. Wds. wounds. 1284 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, EARN.I DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. *AMBA. RNK. INTO SERVICE. Alfred W. Gift.......Cor. Sr Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from private Co. E, March 21, 1865mus. out with regiment, July 30, 1865-Vet. Jonas Faust.............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promotedfromprivate Co. A, Dec. 4, 1864-disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May, 1865-Vet. Lewis Crater............do... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted from private Co. H, May 1, 1862-to 1st Lt. Co. F, Dec. 5, 1864-Vet. Alex. H. Shaffer..... Hos. St Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. Co. G, Sept., 61-mustered out with regiment, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wmi. K. Schuckert P1. Muc Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from musician Co. A, Oct. 25, 1864mustered out with Regt., July 30, 1865-Vet. Reed W. Dumfee.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from musician Co. K, April 13, 1865mus. out with regiment, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry A. Hoffman...do..... Sept. 30, 61, 3 Discharged by General Order, August, 1862. COMPANY A. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Jerem'h B. Brandt..Capt.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Resigned July 26, 1862. Sam'l K. Schwenk......do.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lt. to Capt., Sept. 17, 1862-. discharged October 12, 1864. Henry Brodt............do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Sgt. to 1st Sgt., Sept. 17, 1862-to 2d Lt., Sept. 30, 1864-to 1st Lt.,-Dec. 4, 1864-to Capt., March 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Edward Weist....... 1st Lt.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Sept. 17,1862-nmus. out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. John H. Herring......do... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Mar. 18,'65mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry J. Alspach... 2d Lt... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. fr. 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 17, 1862-to 1st Lt., Sept. 30, 1864 -corn. Capt., October 2, 1864 —not mus.-mus. out, Dec. 14,'64-expiration ofterm. W. H. Blanchford.....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., April 16, 1865-...t~~~. [ ~mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Uriah Wenrich... 1st Sgt. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. David Ballow........ Serg't.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., April 1, 1864-to Sgt., April 16,1865mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. John Raber.......... do.. Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. PhillipF. Kauffman....do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wm. Rothermel......do....Aug. 19,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Sgt., Mar. 18, 1865 —mus. out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Benjamin Focht.......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 18,'64-Vet. Samuel Schwalm......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Jacob Zimmerman...do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Wm. W. Snyder.......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Died at City Point, Va., Sept. 6, 1864-Vet. David J. Alspach......do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Died at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., Aug. 15, 1864, of wounds received in action-Vet. Charles Biehl......... Corp.... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Elias Bixler...............do.. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Jacob Starr...............do..... Aug. 19,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. J. H. Zimmerman.....do....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Patrick Joice.............do.....Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 18,1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John D. Shearer.........do..... Aug. 30,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Jacob Stark.........;...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 16, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Edward Carl............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 16, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. William J. Hesser....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Jonas P. Riegle.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. ~F. H; Barnhart........do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 1,'64-Vet. Wmi H. Delcamp...do.....Sept 9,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness; May 6, 1864-Vet. George Lester..........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Aug. 30,'64, of wounds received in actionburied at David's Island, N. Y.-Vet. John Schreffler........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died near Kingston, Ky., March 31, 1864. Hiram Straw.............do... Sept. 9'61, 3 Capt'd-died while pris.-date unknown-Vet. John Heissler...........do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed in action-date unknown. Solomon C. Wiehry...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate-date unknown Wm. K. Schuckert Muc.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to principal muc., Oct. 25, 1864-Vet. Jacob Lehman... do... Set. 9,'61, 3 Disch.on. certificate-date unknown. Jacob Lehman...........do......i Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. on Surg. certificate-date unknown. THREE YEA S' SERVICE. 1285 vNAME, ( RANKI. DATE OF MUSTER i NIAME RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Adams, Nicholas... Private Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with compay, July 30, 1865-Vet. Artz,,Isaac........ do Feb. 27,'64, 3 Wd. and capt'd-died while pris.-date unk'n. Bixler, John.........do...Sept. 9,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Bressler, Martin.......do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Boyer, Jacob............do Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Bressler, Franklin.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Boyer, Philip............do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Bixler, Jackson... do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Bowman, Wn. F......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Bower, John....d.......... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Blessing, Charles...do...o. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Bretz, Franklin........do..... Mar. 1,'64, 3Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Buck, Miles.... do Mar. 14, 64 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Bixler, Edward........ do.....A April 6,'64, 3 Capt'd-diedat Salisbury, N. C.-date unknown. Binkley, Daniel.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured-died while prisoner-date unknown. Beach, Charles...........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864-bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Bliler, William H......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted May 11, 1864-Vet. Brenies, Joseph........do....Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 3, 1865. Bowman, Cyrene......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Carl, Daniel.........o..... Jan. 30,'65, Mustered out with company, July30, 1865. Chubb, William H.....do..... Mar. 9,'65,1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65 Christ, Henry J.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Clouser, Joseph.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Clouser, Simon.....do...... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Carl, Conrad........... do...Feb. 25, 64, 3 Killed at Wilderness. May 9,1864. Clark, William H......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Weldon Railroad, August 19, 1864-ba in Wilderness Burial Grounds-Vet. Clark, Edward W.....do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Captured-died while prisoner-date unknown. Dieter, Philip...........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Dory, John W.........do..... Mar. 8, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Degnan, James..........Mar. 16,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Danbert, William...... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Derker, Isaac....... do... Sept. 9,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Delcamp, Joseph.......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Delcamp, Daniel........do..... Feb. 25,'54, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 10, 1865. Dautrick, Levi.......F...do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Darnsife, Isaac H......do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Darnsife, Jer. W.......do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Dressier, Jacob........ do... Feb. 27,'64, 3Capt'd-died at Salisbury, N. C.-date unknown. Diebler, Henry........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Jan, 13,'64, of wounds received in actionburied at Knoxville, Tenn.-grave, 78. Dun, James..............do..... Mar. 9,'65, Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Doubert, Jonathan...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3Not on muster-out roll. Dawson, Thomas.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Esielman, Henry......do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Erdman, Sinmary.....do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 24, 1865. Ellenbaum, Jas. F.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 24,1864-expiration of term. Engle, lias........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —expiration of term. Erdman, August......do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., may 12, 1864. Eckel, John S..........do..... April 1,'62, 3 Promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, Apr. 1,'62. Engle, Samuel....d...do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Faunce, Charles E......do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Fuller, John........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Faust, Jonas............do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, Dec. 4, 1864. Focht, Hiram.........do... Mar. 1,'64, 3 ransferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Faust, Henry.........do.... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Fox, Peter..............do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Farree, Jacob F.......do.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Frankhauser, C.........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Fiendt, saac....co..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Knoxville, Tenn., Mar. 12,'64-grave,105. Faust, Emanuel.......do.... Mar. 4,'62, 3 Not on muster-out roll. eist, Noah..............do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Gottshall, Joel..........do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Capt'd-died at Salisbury, N. C.-date unknown. Goertz, Charles......M...d.... Mar. 11,'65, Substitute-deserted July 3, 1865. Grow, Peter...........do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to Batt'y E, 5th U. S. Art'y-date unknown. Greenawalt. Joshua... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hearther, Jonathan.do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wounded in action, May 13, 1864-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Herb, Andrew...d...... Sept. 9,'61. 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,1865-Vet. Hoffa, Daniel...........do.Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Hartzog, Benjamin...do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Hiauenstein, Henry do.. Wounded July 30, 1864-absent at muster out. Hervy, John.......do. Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. 1286 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Horning, Martin...... Private Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hautz, Isaac.............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Harman, Benj.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Oct. 17,'64, of wounds received in actionburied at Annapolis, Md.-Vet.. Henry, Jacob...........do..... April 6,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Hauenstein, Joel....do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Herb, William...... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hoyer, Henry...........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Harner, Edward......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3Killed in action-date unknown. Juda, Gabriel...........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., July 6, 1865. Jones, David............do.....Feb. 1,'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kramer, Joel....... do........ Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Kitchen, James E..d..d..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kelly, William..... do.. Mar. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kearcher, Samuel.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Kauffman, S. W.......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Krebs, Lewis...........do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Klinger, Daniel.. do....... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Lucas, Peter F.........do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Lafy, Geo. B..............do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Louge, Tolby............do..... Mar. 14,'65,1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Laudenschlager,J.J..do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Laublasser, Jacob...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Morgan, Israel........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Maurer, John H........do... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Myers, Henry..........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Minsker, William.....do..... Feb. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Murphy, Martin........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Mayberry, Reuben...do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Miller, Albert...........do..... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Transferredto company I, May 3, 1864. Michael, Hiram..........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Manning, John D......do... Sept. 9'61, 3 Murered at Annapolis, Md., April 14, 1864. Miller, August F.......... do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Muench, Elias........ do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Murray, Patrick..... do..... Feb. 1,'65,3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Donald, Timothy...do... Mar. 1,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. M'Lauehlin, Alex.....do.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to batt'y E 5th U. S. Artt'y-date unknown. M'Clelland, Robert..do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds rec. in action. M'Cabe, Edward.....do..... Jan. 5'65, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ney, Paul........ do.1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July-30, 1865. O'Brien, Edward......do... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Ossman, Aaron....do...Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged February 27, 1865, for wounds received in action-.yet. Ossman, Levi............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Otto, Joseph................. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died August 18, 1864-buried at Beverly, N. J. Pepper, John T.........do.Jan. 19,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Pinkerton, B. F.........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to Veteran Res. Corps, Mar. 24, 1865. Philips, Abraham......do. Mar. 7,'64, 3 Transferred to company I, May 3, 1864. Rickert, Nathaniel.o........................ Wd. at Wilderness, May 9, 64-ab. at mus. out.Rechy, Melan'n M.....do.... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Reigle, Daniel........do..9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Riegle, Simon R.......do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864. Runyan, Harrison.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died November 20, 1862. Starr, Abraham F......do.. Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Shadel, Henry.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Schlegel, Cornelius..do..Feb. 27,'64, 3 Wd. at Wilderness, May 9,'64-ab. at mus. out. Stutzman, J. B........do..... Fe. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Schwenk, Ab'm K....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Stoop, Daniel...........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Seifert, John.........do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Strohecker, J. W......do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Saltzer, Josiah......... do Mar. 1,'64, 3 Captured-returned May 11, 1865-~mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Snyder, Daniel H......do Feb. 6,'65, Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Sheell, Jesse..........do..... Mar. 10,'65,.1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Sainbarry, Samuel.....do... Oct. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Speary, Asa......do..... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Spicher, Franklin......do..... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitutemustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Smith, John.......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitutemustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Strohecker, J. W.......do... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Schwenk, A. K..... do..... Feb. 25,'65, Discharged by General Order, June 30, 1865. Swickert, Emanuel.do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, May 17,'6-Vet. Steckley, Johni...........do Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to company K, May 3, 1864. Schreiber, August's..do... Feb. 29,'64, 6 3 Die ue u seed June 9,64, ofin atio buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1287 DATE OF MUSTER.. B-3... ~.?IAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. 1.... Stutzman, Nathan'l Private Feb. 29,'64, 3 Died May 19, 1864, of wds. received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. Stein, Daniel............... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured-died while prisoner-date unknown. Shade, Jacob.............do...Feb. 24,'64, 3 Killed at Poplar Spring Church, Sept. 30, 1864. Snyder, Abraham......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate —date unknown. Shoffstall, Aaron....... do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Thomas, Edward......do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Trautman, Elias T.....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 12, 1865. Trautman, Daniel.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. cert., Dec. 28, 1864-Vet. Trautman, Eman'l...do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve. Corps, Dec. 20,1864.'Unger, John.............do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Wiest, Philip A.... do........do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Wd.-in action, July 30,'64-ab. atmus. out —Vet. Wiest, Francis K......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Wiest, Samuel B.......do...,. Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Walton, Harrison......do.... Dec. 6,'62, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-absent at muster out. Wolf, Gideon............ do. Jan. 30,'65, 1 Wounded-discharged by G. O., July 11, 1865. Wolf, Michael........... do.. April 6,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, July 6,'64. Wolfgang, Michael...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. Dec. 18,'64, for wds. rec. in action-Vet. Wolf, Isaac............... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Weisner, August....... do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Wiehry, Franklin.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died September 28, 1864-bu. in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.-Vet. Wiest, Hiram K......do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Capt'd-died at Charleston, S. C., Oct. 30, 1864. Weaver, Daniel D.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Williams, Andrew.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Zerbe, John K..........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Zeluff, Eznua............do... Dec. 8,'64, 1 Drafted-mustered outby G. 0., Aug. 21, 1865. Zimmerman, L.........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Disch. June 14,'65, for wds. received in action. Zimmerman, Geo......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Died Sept. 22,'64-bu. in Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. \ COMPANY B. RECRUITED AT READING. Hervey Herman..... Capt.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Resigned August 1, 1862. George A. Yeager.....do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Feb. 15,'62-to Capt., Dec. 17,'62-discharged Feb. 20, 1865. Frank H. Barnhart..do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant Maj. to 1st Lieutenant, November26, 1864-to Captain, March 21, 1865mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry S. Rush...... 1st Lt.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Beaufort, S. C., May 31, 1862, of wounds received accidentally. Joseph S. Ingham....do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from 2d Lieutenant company K, August 1, 1862-resigned November 4, 1862. H. A. Hynemann........ Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Sgt., Feb. 15,'62-to 1st Lieut., December 17,'62-discharged for wounds, with loss of arm, received in action, Sept. 28, 1864. Alfred J. Stephens....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Sgt. Maj. to 1st Lt., March 21,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Chas. H. Gresh.. 2d Lt... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Resigned December 7, 1861. Dan'l H. Snyder.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 17, 1862-dismissed September 27, 1864. Lucian H. Plucker...do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergt., March 1, 1863to 1st Sergeant-to 2d Lieutenant, April 16,'65mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Frederick R. Eidel 1st Sgt.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt., May 1,'65-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. William Weidner.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, March 1, 1863-to 1st Sergeant-discharged March 9,'65, for wounds received in action-Vet. Robert Gerlach...... Serg't.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sergeant, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Benjamin Robinson...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., Jan. 1, 1865mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. William W. Hart......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Thos. J. Hynemann...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sergeant, March 10, 1865mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Howard Potts.......d...... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, March 1, 1863-discharged on Surgeon's certificate, January 22, 1865-Vet. 1288 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, MAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMAR INTO SERVICE., REMARKS. I* W H. J. O'Connell..... Serg't.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergt., March 1,'63died at City Point, Va., June 27, 1864, of wds. received in action-Vet. Henry A. Boyer......Corp.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Jacob Eidel.............. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal; January 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Eyler............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, January 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Joseph White...........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-mustered out with company, July 30,1865-Vet. Jacob G. Endy..........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 10,'65-mustered out with company, July 30. 1865-Vet. H. A. Bingamin........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Augustus Graber.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Daniel Batz.............do:.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Plucker........ do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, February 1, 1863-mustered out with company,. July 30, 1865-Vet. Franklin Fabian......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'62. J. R. Hoffmaster........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 10, 1862. Robert Smith............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Charles Barlet..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Deserted January 23, 1865-Vet. Robert Bingamin... Muc.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Joel Coffman.......-.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Samuel Shaffer........do.....Sept. 16'62, 3 Discharged May 20, 1862. Allen, James........ Private Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Anderson, J. D.........do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 17, 1865. Augustine, Adam......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Albert, Samuel.........do..... Sept, 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bartlett, Albert........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Boyer, Franklin........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Absent, prisoner, at muster out-Vet. Baker, John.............do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30) 1865-Vet. Becker, Samuel....... do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Benjamin, S. E..........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Beidleman, Geo. K.....do...... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Borrell, Henry A......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered oat, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Bertolette, H. G. C.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Brown, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 20,'64, Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Burket, Cyrus..........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Murdered in Cincinnati-date unknown. Burcher, Thomas B...do..... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Discharged May 21, 1862. Bothner, Jacob..do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Tr. to Co. E, 2d U. S. Artilley, Oct. 5, 1862. Bard, John B....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 31, 1862. Bradford, Josiah.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Bixler, Daniel...........do....Sept. 16, 61, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Baker, David..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged December 18, 1862. Cooper, Joseph........."do..... Sept. 16'61, 3 Mustered out with company; July 30,1865-Vet. Coleman, William.....do.... Mar. 13,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Correll, Wm. J.........do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Cunrod, Philip..........do..... Mar. 9,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Calloway, James........do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Christley, Thos. F......do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Christie, Glenn W...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 21, 1865. Campbell, Wash'n.....do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Cordell, Martin........do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 27, 1865. Capper, Frederick....do.......................... 3 Not mustered into U. S. service. Deace, Henry............do..... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Douple, Henry P......do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 2, 1865. Eyler, Daniel............do..... Oct. 3,'61, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Fair, Jacob...............do.... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Flieg, Eurch..............do..... Sept. 16,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Focht, Jeremiah........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Fry, Orlando.............do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Absent, prisoner, at muster out. Fisher, James......d....o..... Mar. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Feterow, Daniel.........do.....Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Folk, John...............d..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term. Firing, Samuel.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Flickinger, John.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., August 12, 1864grave, 5,586-Vet. Farren, Peter............do..... Sept. 16,'61,1 3 Discharged February 20, 1863. Fritz, Levi............do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Died Sept. 26, 1862, of wounds received at Chantilly, Va.-bu. in Mil. Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Gahris, Mathias........do.... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Discharged Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Grossman, John.......do....Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1289 NAME. A lDATS OF MUSTER i ARKS. INTO SERVICE Green, William...... Private Mar. 13,'64. 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Geiton, Peter H........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered outwith Co., July 30, 1865. Huber, Conrad........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Deserted-returned-mustered out with compa-. ny, June 30, 1865. Hoffa, Cyrus.....d..... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Absent, prisoner, at muster out. Hasting, James W...do...... Mar. 20,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hoadley, Jasper, Jr...do..M.. ar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hagan, George.........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, without leave, at muster out. Herman, Peter..........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Huber, Philip A........do... Sept. 16,'61 3 Discharged Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Hanford, Franklin.....do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 29,'65. Heller, Lucian...........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 6,'65-Vet. Hartz, Peter.............do Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 15,'63. Hyneman, John, Sr...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Wounded at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862 —noton muster-out roll. Jackson, George.......do.....Sept. 20,'61, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. Keihle, George.........do..... Sept. 16, 61, 3 Mustered out with company. July 30; 1865-Vet. Kerr, John................do.... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30.'65.' Kepner, John A........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kepner, Frank W....do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kreider, John.........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term. Leininger, Harrison...do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Lebengood, Henry.....do..:.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Landis, Benjamin......do..... Mar. 13,'65,1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Lyons, Charles.........do... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Lamont, John................Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-deserted June-23, 1865. Lichtly, Henry.......d....o Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged November 1, 1861. Long, John.......do..... Sept. 16,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Morris, Patrick........ do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at/Spottsylvania C. H., May 11,'64-Vet. Millerer Jermiah.......do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 23, 1865. Machulder, Adam.....do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 14,'63. Madana, Daniel........do... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Left sick at Newport News, Va., Mar. 21, 1863not on muster-out roll. Moll, Jeremiah.....do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Lafferty, Peter......do.... July 16,'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. M'Kissick, Wm. J....do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. M'Farland, Thos. D...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted —disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. M'Murray, Andrew...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. M'Kinney, Sam'l A...do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Newman, Henry......do... Mar. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted June 13, 1865. Neatman, Charles.......do....Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-desertedJune21,1865. O'Bryan, John...........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 29,'65. Paul, John.......... do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered'out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Patton, John......... do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by special order, June 2, 1865. Plucker, Daniel.......do.....Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out rol. Philips, John............do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Discharged March 18, 1863. Reber, Horace............do..... Feb.. 11','64 3 Mustered out-with company, July 30, 1865. Reber, George..... do.... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Redmond, Henry... do.... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Rowe, George.........do..... Sept., 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Rice, John.............do.. Mar. i6,'65,1 Substitute-mustered out with:Co., July 30,'65. Rhoads, Solomon......do..., Sept. 16,'61, 3 Dischargedon Surg. certificate, Jan. 22,'65-Vet. Riddle, Emanuel S...do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. Robinson, John....... do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 11, 1864. _ Reiger, John........ do... Sept. 16,'61, 3. Left sick at Pleasant Valley, Md., Oct. 15,'62not on muster-out roll. Reinhart, Joseph.....do... Mar. 28, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Steinrack, Isaac......do.;.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Absent at muster out-Vet. Showers, Daniel.......do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Snavely, Samuel........do.... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Seid, George.....,.....do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Shannon, Daniel........do.... Mar. 11,'65 1 Substitute- mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Steeter, Gibson,...... do.. Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Stokes, Joseph.......do..,.. Mar. 10'65, 1 Substitute-absent,without leave, at muster out. Siegfried, John.........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29,1864-expiration of term. Snyder, Samuel.......do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Scull, Marks B...........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term Sutton, James J......do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. Stewart, William P. do...., Sept. 20,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. Strawick, Francis......do..... Sept. 20,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 2, 1865. Stevenson, William..do...., Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-died at City-Point, Va., Dec. 24, 1864. Smith, Charles.......do....Feb. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 2, 1865. Shilling, Frederic...do........................3 Not mustered into U. S. service. Sellers, Samuel. do. Sept. 16,61, 3 Killed at Antietam,-September 17, 1862. Taggart, Theodore....do..:..Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. 16 usiue-eetd Jn, 85 1290 FIFTIETH IROIME ET, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARS. INTO SERVICE. Thompson, Wmin...... Private Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 — expiration of term. Updegraff, Wm.....,..do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute'-mustered outwithCo., July30, 1865. Upman, Augustus....do.... Sept; 16,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept, 29, 1864-expiration of term. Unger, Monroe.,......do... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Died at Alexand'a,Va., Oct. 31,'64 —grave, 2,832. Vivian, John..........do.. April 23,'62, 3 Des.-returned —mus. out with Co., July 30,'65. Vincent, James.........d'o.... Mar. 9,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Wise, James........do..... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wummer, William..do...i Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Warnock, William.,d.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Wilkns, Oharles..do........ Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Weritzel, Henry. do. Sept.: 16,'61. 3 KilleC near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 17, 1864 —Vet. Walker, George.....do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 17, 1865. Weand, Isaao..........do:.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Transferred to 2d U. S. Artillery, Oct. 13, 1862. Yohe, Reuben............do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Young, John........... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. COMPANY C. RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. laniel P. Burket... Capt.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Charles B. Bown... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-to st Lt., November 26, 1864-to Captain, Jan. 15, 1865mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. oeo. W. Brumm.... lstLt... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company F, March 17,'64. William H. Hiney....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. to 2d Lt., Oct. 21, 1862-to 1st Lt., March 17, 1864-died July 8, 1864, of wounds received in action, June 1, 1864. John S. Eckel.......E.....do.... April 1,'62, 3 Promoted from Q. M. Sgt. to2d Lt., Mar. 17,'64to 1st Lt. and Q. M., Jan. 15, 1865 —Vet. Samuel A. Losch.......do,.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Serg't-to 2d Lieutenant, March 17, 1865-to 1st Lieutenant, Apr, 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Veto John F. Saylor.. 2d Lt.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Resigned July 29, 1862. AugustusrMellon......Sept 9'61, 3 Pomoted fr. dor. toSgt.-to 2d Lt., June 17,'65 mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. DavidRaudenbluh -1st Sgt-. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Cor. toSgt.-to 1st Sgt., July 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65 —Vet. William Hill,;.,... do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Cor. to Serg't-to 1st Sergeantkilled at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Levi Eckert....... Serg. Sept 9,61, 3 Promotedto Corporal-to Sergeant, Nov. 26, 164mustered out with company, July 30,'65 —Vet. Henry Hill...d........ 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, Mar. 20,'65 — mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. George Schwenk.. dot... do.... Sept.,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, Mar. 20,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. amuel Hoffman........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, July 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. James H. Levan.-......odo..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. fr. priv. to Sgt.-to Capt. Co. I, Nov. 26, 1864. Alex. P. Garrett........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal —to Sergeant-to Sergeant - Major, March 20, 1865 —Vet. Henry M. Deibler... Corp.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor. —mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. George W. Cake........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-absent, in arrest, at mus. out-Vet. Jacob Scheck............do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, November 26, 1864 —-mus. tered out with company, July 30, 1865-'Vet Charles Oswald"....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-.Vet. Isaac Eckert......do.... Sept 9, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 20,1865 —mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wm. Wildermuth........ Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 16, 1865 —mustered outwith company, July 30, 1865-Vet..Frederick Schecki... d... Sept. 9,'6,1 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-~Vet. Gotlieb Burket....... do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865 —mustered out with company, July 30, 1865~-Vet. John Doudle......... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-capt'd at Spottsylvania C.OH, May 12,'64-disch. by G. O., June 3,'65-Vet. Geo. H. Hoffman.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certiticate-date unknown. Robert Bechtel......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Benjamin Brown.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal —not on muster-out roll. Win. H Genslin.....Muc.....Mar. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. ClestineM'Kibbons...do..... Mar. 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company July 30, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1291 N42. RiANK. DATE OF MUSTER MAa ^N.~M, R.A ^NK INTO SERVICE. B B Jeremiaji Holmes... Muc.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September17, 1862..Agley, Samuel....... Private Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died while prisoner —date unknown~-Vet..JBaker, Lafayette.......do.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out With company, July 30, 1865-'Vet. Bownsan,George....do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 80, 1865. Berger, David.......do.... Feb. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. B3eeker, William....do,... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Boyer, Lewis.........d....Feb.,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. [Bretz, William.............do... Jan. 26,'65, I Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Block, David..... do....a.....d. Jan. 16, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. 3prns, Henry...wi....o..... Mar. 27.'65, I Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Blurns,' Franklin......do.....Mar. 27,'65, Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. 3ryne, William..)...do.....Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Brown, Gerge............do. April 6, 65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Berger, Elias.......do..... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Pris. from May 12, 1864, to Mar 4, 1865.-dish. S'ept.~ 6,,'61, May 12, 1865, to date March 9, 1865-Vet.: Belle, Volney............do..... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. Benedict, Jacob.........do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Bertold, Albert.........do..... Mar. 4,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Burkert, Charles.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed in action, August 19, 1864. Berger, Augustus.........do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Brosins, George W.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted September 18, 1861. urget, Elias............do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted January 25, 1863. Brenner, Jonathan.. i..do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. ombs, Alpheus...... do..... Apr. 7, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Correll, Rolandus......do....Apr. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Christian, Heny...B o..do..Mar. 13, 65, I Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Carrigen, Garrett......do...do.. Sept.9,'61, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Diloamp, Peter..... M.. Mar. 8, 64, 3 ischarged by General Order, August 16, 186I 5 Dupple, Gotlieb........do..... Feb. 20, 65, I Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Dankle, Peter...........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died while prisoner-date unknown.:Eckert, JJohn N..........do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Eckert, Wiiliam.......do... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. oekert, John.......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Eiler, Charles.......do... Apr. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Eckert, Marks E.......do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out witth company, July 30, 1865. oEkle, Emanuel......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864-'Vet.. Ebert, Daniel.....do. Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness,: May 9, 18644. Emerick, William.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Ellis, Thomas.,.......do..... Sept. 9,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Eiierding, Henry......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Fisher, Franklin.......do.... Jan. 16,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 9, 1865. Fritz, Peter..............do..... Feb. 9, 64, 3 Died -date unknown -of wounds received at -Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Fritz, John...............do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed in action, April 2, 1865. Freistine, George......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted January 25, 1863. Fiqtzimons, Peter........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Fohl, Richard......... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown-of wounds received at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Fenstamacher, Fr'n...do..... Sept. 9,'61 3 Wd.-date unknownnot on muster-ut roll. Fickenshee,. Peter......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate — date unknown. Gulliver, Christian...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Guerer r,Wm. D.......do..... April 16, 64, 3 Mustered outwith companyJuly 30 1865. Garber, Mahlon........do..... April 6,'65, I Discharged by General Order, August 16, 1865. Graff, John..............do..... Aug. 14,'61,'3Mustered out, Sept. 29,1864-expiration of term. Getler, Jacob.............do..... ept. 9,'61, 3 Killed in action, June 17, 1864-Vet. Gilbi aron P...o... Sept 9,, 3 Disch.on Sureon's certificate date ul'known. Gilmore, eRoed Sepber.... do, Se 1861. HoffmanJer......do 4, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Heebrier, Edward.....do... Feb. 19, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Harner, Romandes...do.... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Heebner, George........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Haus, Thomas J.......do.... Feb. 13,'65, Mustered out withcompany, July 30, 1865. Hehn, Jacob............do ept. 9, 61, 3Discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown- -re-enlisted Feb. 22,-1864~-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Haines, William........do.....Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Hoffman, William....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to Vet. Reserve Co[ps-date unknown-Vet. Hehn, Henry.........Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died while prisoner-date unknown-buried at Fortress Monroe, Va. Harbst, Jacob.....do. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hohl, Lewis........do.... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Deserted September 18, 1861. Hiney, George..........do...... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull'Run-date unknown. Keighnor, Stough'n..do.....Sept. 9,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July:30,1865 —Vet. Kerrigan, Garrett,.,do... Sept. 9,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. 1292 FtFTIEB3TH:l R.GIMEXT IM. ~ DATE OP MUSTER I IS.NTO SERVICE. R4MARK, ___ _..__. _______ Koch, William J.... Private Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Koch, William.......do..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Knarr, Isaac..........do.. Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Knarr, George.........do....'Jan. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Karney, Charles.....do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Krebs, Andrew J.....do..... April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Knarr, Benjamih.....do..... April 20,'62, 3 Discharged April 19, 1865-expiration of term. Knarr, Charles.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Kraner, Jonas W.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Klingner, George....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Lloyd, Adam............do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Losch, William G.....do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. iindermuth, Jacob...do.... Feb. 6'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. LIoyd, George W......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 11, 1865. Lehman, Josiah D.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died June 8, 1864, of wds. rec. at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-burial record, May 27,'64, at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 1,945-Vet. Long, Joseph............do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed in action, December 31, 1864-Vet. lUoyd, Thomas..,....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Long, Lewis............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Little, John..............do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Lendal, John L.......do. F...eb. 12,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknowns Martz, John B.......do..... Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Machlin, William E...do... Mar. 13,'65, 2 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Miller, Henry B.......... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Moyer, George.........do.., Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Marland, Edward....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Mercer, William.....do Feb. 6,'65,1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. -Martz, Daniel............do... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 16, 1865. Martz, Samuel..........do Feb. 19,'64, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Mussic, Daniel............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Melley, Dennis.........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Reg. Army —date unknown. Martin, John.......do.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. for wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Malloy, Patrick........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Meckenstorm, Chas..do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted April 9, 1863. M'Harque, Jonat'n...do..... Mar. 20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. M'Cullough, Patr'k...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 aMustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. M'Grann, Daniel...... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. O'Donnell, Frank'n...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Oswald, Israel.........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 1,'65-Vet. Oswald, Edward.......o....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Paul, Peter..............do Feb. 21,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Pugh, Morgan..........do,...Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept.29, 1864-expiration of term. Patton, William.....do...... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Reed, George...........do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Ryan, John..............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Reiger, Albert.....do.... April 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Reiger, Edward........do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Reber, Lewis B........do..... Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Rupp, Thomas...........do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July.30, 1865. Reilly, Michael,........do.Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864-Vet. Reed, John..........do. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Killed in action, May 25, 1864. Reisher, Philip..........o.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Reinheimer, Frank...do.. June 24,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Sheck, Paul.......... do,.. July 5,'64, 3 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 30, 1865. Schwenk, Samuel.....do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Smith, John............do... an. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Sweeney, John........ c..... Feb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Seaman, Lewis.........do April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Seifert, John...........do... April 6,'6, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Seifert, William B.do... April 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Schwab, Adam...c.do.... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Saylor, James M....l.do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged Sept.,29, 1864-expiration of term. Sullivan, Daniel.......do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Sirles, William.....do... Feb. 15,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 18, 1864. Sheppell, Charles......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Dec. 24, 1864. Sharon, Franklin......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-Vet. Schwartz, Lucian......do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Simpson, George.......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Tyson, William H.....do... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Tyson, Irving W......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 10, 1865. Venable, Arthur......d.do..Feb. 13,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Williams, Charles...do..Feb. 19,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Williams, William.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Wesner, Samuel.....1..do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with eompany, July 30, 1865. THREE BYARS' SERVIOE. 1293 ~NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. naM. RANK.' INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Wright, Josiah...... Private Mar. 11,'64, 3 lMustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Wall, Augustus.........do.... eb. 6,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Waliser, Thomas.......do.. Mar. 27,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Williams, Patrick....do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Prisoner-died-date unknown-Vet. Wagner, William......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killedin action, August 19, 1864-buried in 9th Army Corps Cem.,Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Warner, Levan J.....do.... Feb. 19,'64, 3 KRiled at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Williams, Alex.........do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wise, Franklin.........do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. for wds. rec'd in action-date unknown. CoMPANY D. RECRUITED AT MOITROSE, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Gordon Z. Dimock.. Capt.. Sept. 6,'61 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Thomas F. Foster......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt. Maj.-to 2d Lt., Apr. 8, 1864to Captain, Nov. 26, 1864-mustered out with company, July 30, 1864-Vet. John C. Foot......... 1st Lt... Sept. 6,'61, 13 Re'slned February 17, 1863. John'n A. Cornwall... do..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. ir. Sgt. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,'62-to 1st Lt., Dec. 13,'63-mus. out, Oct. 27.'64-expiration of term. Wilbur HE. Wilcox.....do..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. from priv. to Sgt.-to 1st Lt., Dec. 4. 1864mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Benj. R. Lyons..... 2d Lt..Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died July 6, 1862, of wounds received in action. Hugh Mitchell..........do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Apr. 16, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 30, 1865 —Vet. Amos B. Baldwin... 1st Sgt. Feb. 27,'62, 3 Captured May 12, 1864-pr. to Cor.-to Sgt., Mar. 1, 1865-to Ist Sgt., May 1, 1865 —mustered out with company. July 30. 1865-Vet. Luke L. Lyons........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to 1st Sergeant-died May 15, 1864, of wds. received in action-Vet. Fred'k R. Warner.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to. 1st Lieutenant Co. G, Feb. 15, 1862. Dan'l W.Brundage Serg't.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private toeSergeant — mustered out with company, July 30. 1865 — et. Edwin S. Howell.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered; ~~' ~ out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Jordan Palmer..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-to Sgt., M:y 1, 1865-mus. out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. E'd J. Messinger........ Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor., March 1, 1865-to Sgt., May 1, 1865mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Alfred J. Stephens.....do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-to Sergeant Major, November 21, 1864-Vet. Charles W. Lung.......do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Jan. 25, 1865-Vet. Cyrill Dupue....... d..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant-killed at Wilderness, May 6. 1864-Vet. Geo. A. Doolittle........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Not on ruster-out roll. E. W. Rosencrance...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3- Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Trum'n G. Larrabe...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Henry L. West......do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted fr. musician to Sergeant-discharged for wounds received in action-date unknown. Levi S. Blaisdell..... Corp... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Captured May 12, 1864 —r. Cor., July 1, 1864mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. VeloscoV. Leonard.do...... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 4, 1864-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Peter W. M'Fall..d......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Win. H. Fordham.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Lawren'eTerpinny...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Peter H. Allen......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Marble Wells...........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. John Smith..............do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Walter S. Beebe......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out, Sent. 29,'64-exp. of term. Chas. W Snyder.......do...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Pr. toCor.-kilied a Wilderness, May6,'64-Vet. Fr l. A. I ol brook..do. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864-Vet. 1294 FI'I'ETH RE(IMENT,: ( AME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTRER INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Daniel R. Day.....Corp...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died at Montrose, Pa.,,Iarch'24, 1865-Vet. Silas E. Leonard.....do. Sept. 6,'61,3 Died May 12. 1864 —Vet. Hugh Lenolx.-,........ do.. Sept..6,,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Ezra. Dewers,...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown Ledyard P. Mack.......do...Sept. 6,'61. 3 Pr. to Cor.-disch. on Surg. cert.-date unknown. Joseph A. Beebe..........do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Edward J. Malone,. Muc. Mar. 25,'64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Horace P. Snyder........ do Mar. 8,'64, 3 Absent. sick, at muster out. Henry C. Lines.......do.. Sept. 16,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Allen, Henry C...... iae r unknown Allen, Henry C....... Privaten Mar. 3, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Anderson, John.....do... Feb. 27,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co.. July 30, 1865. Avis, William C.......do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died at Florence, S. C., October 8, 1864. Allison, Charles........ do....O Mar. 9,O6514 Allison, Charles.......do Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Ayers, Ashman C......do. Sept. 6,'61, 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Alderson, Thos. W... do..... Sept. 6,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Burgess, Henry C...do. Sept. 6, 61,3 Not on muster-out roll. Brewbaker, G. W......do... Feb. 22,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Blowers, David E.......do.. Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865, BenjaIlin, W. S.. do.Sept.. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term Brown, Theo. F.....do Mar. 8,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 26, 1865. Bolls, Wmn. D........ do..April 2,'64 3 Discharged by General Order, May 30, 1865. Beebe, Alonzo, H.. o....... Mar. 3,'64,. 3 Prisoner from May 12, 1864, to Feb. 27, 1865-disq charged by General Order, July 19, 1865. Bodine, Charles.......do.. Mar. 3,'64, 3 Died at Floence, S. C., October 13, 1864. Brown, Martin V...do.... Mar. 30, 64, 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., August 1, 1864-bu. record, August 9, 1864-grave, 5,113. Bunssma, William.....do Mar. 8,'6, Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Billargon, Frank.do. Mar. 8,'6, 3 Substitute-deserted May 13, 1865. Burr, Jacob...........do.. Mar. 13,'65,3 Substitute-deserted April 6, 1865. Baldwin, Lyman M d..... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Baldwin, EH. Scott.....do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 25, 1865. Baldwin, Edw. F.....do.. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out. Backus, Samuel A. do. Spt. 6, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Benson, Phir K.....do...Sept. 6, 61,.3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Babcock, B. FP........... Sept. 6, 61, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant company D, 55th regi. -Baker, -George M...... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Burdick, Joseph....... Mar. 28, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Canfield, John S....do.... Mar. 3,'fi4, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Chapman, James Q... do.... April 12,%'x64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Claywell, George....do...Mar. 15, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Cornell, Judson L..... do.Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Ga62ld3Mustered ot S 29, 1864-expirationofterm. Chamberlin, C........ do Feb. 28,'62, 3 Mustered out, Mar. 23, 1865-expiration of term. Canfield, Lyman B...do....Mar. 29,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Carter, Charles T..'ani C.H. May 12, 1864, Carter, Charles T...do...... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Died June 3,'64, of wds. rec. atSpottsylvania C.,., May 12, 1864-bu. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Corey, James H....o..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Died at Scranton, Pa., March 25, 1865. Carlan, William.....do... Mar. 7,'65,3 Substitute-deserted May 13, 1865. Coburn, Michael.......... r. 7,o., 1 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Cross, Edward...... do Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 7, 1865. Crosby, John.'.......d. Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-deserted June 7, 1865. Cross, Isaiah HE........Set. 9,'61, 3Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration ofterm. Cool, David.....do.....Se. 9.'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Codington, W. H..d.. Sept. 9, 61, 3 Discharged forwounds received in action. Crouse, Edgar F...... do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Day, Thomas.... do... April,4, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster outt De] 9 o y F, April30, 1864. Denel, Benjamin...... do.'. Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Darrow Oscar B......do Feb. 24,'62, 3 Disch. for wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Estes, Joseph W..o... pril 2,'4, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 25, 1865. Estes; John N..... -..do... A pril 2,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, July 31, 1864. Estesg, Andrew.........do. April 2,'64, 3 Died at Florence, S. C., October 5, 1864. Estes, Miles R....d.......ept. 6,'61, 3 Died of wds. rec. in action-date unknown. Esterbrook, W. D... do. -Sept. 6,'64, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Fessenden, C E........do... April 2,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Foust, George.......... do.. Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Frazure, Benjamin.....d.. Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Fish, William C......do..... 6Se,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration ofterm. Frnk, Charles C.......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Nov. 17,'64-Vet. Fordham e, Abram..... Sept. 6,'1, 3 Died at Andersonville, June 26, 64-grave, 2,537. oster, Charle..s.......... ept. 6,'61, 3 Died at Knoxville, Tenn., February 5, 1864 II;g -.burial record, February 19, 1864-grave, 8. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1.29 NAtE. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. B. IRANK, INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Fisher, Joseph........Private Mar. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Grant, Francis..........do. Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Gannon, James W....do.... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Goodwin, Frank F....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Dec. 28,'64 —et. Greiff, Lewis F........o..... Feb. 17,'62, 3 isch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hoage, Charles A......do..... April 2,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Hyde, Jonathan........do.... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted —mustered out with Co., July 0,.1865. Hull, Emory.............do.... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hunter, Charles M...do..... ar 6.'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Howard, Joseph W...do....Mar. 31,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May31, 1865. Hacket, James...........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., July, 1864. Hannon, James......d... do... ar. 11,'65, Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. Hufteln, Palmer.......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Howard, John W......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jefferson, Thomas.....do..... Mar. 11,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Jackson, James.......do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Died June 18,'64, of wds. rec. at Petersburg, Va. Johnson, Henry.......do..... Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 19, 1865. Jenks, George E.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown..Kirkhuff, Barney....do..... Mar. 7,'64,3 Mustered out with company, July'30, 1865. Kanaway, Jos. GC......do'... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,1865-Vet. Keller, John............do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Krause, Edgar F.......do...:. Mar. 3,'64, 3 Disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 2,'64, for wds., with loss of arm, rec. at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Kelsey, Samuel A.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out by special order, January 17,'66~ o-...to date July 30, 1865-Vet. Leary, John J.........d..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Lines, Orin A...........do..... April 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Lester, Henry...........do.... Sept. 16,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lester, William HI I...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Lord, Franklin.........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Lindsley, George A...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Lindsley, Henry........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Lewis, Francello........do....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown.'Lee, Thomas........S.....do.:Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Manzer, Price..........do. Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Mallison, Joshua D...do..... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Messinger, Rufus......do..... Aug. 9,'62, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Millins, Seth...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Mock, Harry.............do..... Feb. 24,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Mentzer, Charles......do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Morgan, Enock........do..... Mar. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Mettlebon, Henry.....do..... Mar. 17,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Miller, Elijah....do.... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, May 10,'65.. Mooney. Eben B.....d......... Feb. 25,'62, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, Jan. 23,'64. Maynard, Elvin.........do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died May 12, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House-Vet. Marsh, Darius..............do....Mar. 25,'64, 3 Died at Andersonville, July 2,'64-grave, 2,798. Moore, Andrew J....do.... April 2,'64, 3 Died May 13, 1864, of wounds received in action. Mulkey, James A......do.... April 2,'64,3 Died at Andersonville, Ga., July 13,1864-burial record, August 17, 1864-grave, 5,926. Miller, Harry...........do... Mar. 11,'65, Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Martin, Peter...........do..... May 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 5, 1865. Myers, John............do.... Mar. 9,'65, 1 -Substitute-deserted June 27, 1865. Mott, De Wolf...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Mitchell, George W...do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. M'Kune, Michael......do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 ustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. M'Kenzie, Charles.....do...... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864. M'Dermott, John......d..... Mar, 9,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 13, 1865. M'Roy, John...........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. M'Millan, Daniel F.... do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Newcomnb, Edgar E...do.. Mar. 3,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Nichols, James.......do Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Owens, Ebenezer....do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Died at Andersonville, Georgia, September 20, 1864 —grave, 9.330. Perkins, William A...do... April 2,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Pennington, Isaac......do....Feb. 27,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Pickering, John D.....do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865. Patterson, David.......do April 2,'64, 3 Died Oct. 13, 1864-bu. in Cyp. Hill Cem., L. I. Price, Chauncey........do... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Died May 13, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania Court House. Pierson, Henry F......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Pierson, David C.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Potter, Charles B.....do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Quick, Amos M........do. Sept.6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Rose, William S......do. April 2,'64, 3 Died at home while on furlough, March 23,'65. 1296 FIFTIETHr Rb-FGIMET, NAMBE RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. INAME. RA.. INTO SERVICE. Rockwell, Wor'n C Private Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8,'64re-enlisted March 28, 1864-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Iyan, Philip...........do....Sept. 5,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet Rodgers, Henry B.....do.... Sept. 6'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown Russigne. Amisa...... Sept. 6,'61 3 Died-date unknown. Ran, Leonhart.;.....do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Deserted April 3, 1864. Sterling. Collins M.....do....Sept 6, 61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet Smith, John P..........do..... Feb. 24,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Smith, William G.....do..... Feb. 27,'65, 1 )rafted mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Strupman, Aug's.....do.....Nov. 14, 64, 1 Drafted-Inustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Shippy, John..........do.....Feb. 24, 65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Stanton. John............do.....Mar. 13f'65, Substitute-inustered outwith Co., July30, 1865. Super, John.............do. Mar. 7,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Snyder, Hiram J.......do.....S Sept. 6, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Spencer, Edwin D........ d Sept. 6, 61, 3 Died May 12, 1864, of wounds received at Wil. ~"I~~~~ - derness, May 9, 1864. Smith, Mark,..........do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, May 9,1865-Vet. Stephens, Chandler... do... Mar. 7,'65, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Nov. 17,'64. Smith, Thomas.........do.....Sept. 6,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Smith, David............do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Discharged by General Order, May 10, 1865. Sloat, Edwin H.........do....Mar. 7,'643 Died at Andersonville, Ga., July 28, 1864, -bu. record, August 23, 1864-grave, 6,584. Snyder, Sylvester...do.... April 6,'64, 3 Died May 10, 1864, of wounds received in action. Spencer, Milo A......do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Died May 16, 1864, of wounds received at Fred ericksburg, Va. Stephens, Daniel H...do... Mar. 7'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 19, 1864. Street, William H......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Spafford, Milton L...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Sutton, William A.....do... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Sutton, Edward L.....do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Shaw, Henry A........... Sept. 6; 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Stebbins, Wm. H. do...Sept. 6,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Tiffany, Alonzo M......do.. Mar. 27, 64,3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Tarbox Samuel A.....do.....April 2, 64 3 Discharged by General Order, May 15, 1865 Tallon, James..........do.. April 2,'64 3 Died at Florence, S. C., November 15, 1864. Todd, Theodore L.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Turner, John W........do..... Sept. 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Van Wye, Moore T...do.....Feb. 28,'62 3 Deserted March 8, 1865. Warner, Ansel Le.......... April 2,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at muster out. Weaver, WilliamH...do Mar. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. White, Samuel....... do... Mar. 9, 65, Substitute —mustered outwith Co., July 30, 1865 Weiman, George........do..... Mar. 2,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Webb, Thomas H..... do... Mar. 14'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with'Co., July 30, 1865. Warner, Julius.... do Mar. 3,'64 3 Died September 24,1864. Westbrook, John.......do Mar. 7,'64, 3 Died May 10,'64, of wds. recived at Wilderness. Williams, Porter S.....do. Sept. 6,'61 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Warner, Theo. F.......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died May 12,'64, of wds. received in action-Vet. Warner, Edson S......do. Sept. 6'61, 3 Promoted to 1st Lt. company K, 56th regiment P. V., March 3, 1862. Watkins, Azeriah J...do Sept. 6,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Wells, Horatio M......do.... Sept. 6,'61, Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. COXPANY E. RECRUITED AT READING. William H. Diehl... Capt.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned February 3, 1863. Henry A. Lantz.............Sept. 30,'61, 3Prooted from Sgt. Majorto st Lt., January 18, 1862-to Captain, Feb. 4,1863-killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Richard Herbert....... Dept 13,'61,23 Richard Herbert........./. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Dec. 17, 1862to 1st Lt., Nov. 8, 1863 —to Capt., May 9,'65discharged September 2, 1865. Peter A. Lantz. s Lt.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned Januarv 18, 1862. Nicholas H................ Sept. 13,'61, Promoted from priv. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., April 15,'65 —com. Capt., Aug. 1,'65-not mus.-musteredout with Co., July 30,'65-et. H. A. Flickinger. 2d Lt... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Resigned January 18, 1862. Frank H. Forbes......do....Jan. 1,'64, 3 Promoted fr. Quartermaster gt., May 10,'65 ~.....l1 -.muistered out with company, July 30,'65-V~ t TJB[REE YEARS' SERVICE. 1297 AME. ANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS *NAMBE., RANK. gRINTO SERVICE. R Abra'm H. DeTurk 1stSgt.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wd. at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1,'62-pr. fr. priv. tolst Sgt., Apr. 1,'65-com. 1st Lt., Aug. 1,'65not mus.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. Geo. M'Connell......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864died while prisoner-date unknown-Vet. Levi Garrett.......... Sergt.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-promoted from private to Serg't, April 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. David R. Boughter...do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant, May 1,'65-....V:~ - - mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. M. R. Thompson......do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted fron CorporaltoSergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65 —Vet. Wm. B. Gambler...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal —to Sergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Solomon K. Grim....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-died while prisoner-date unknown-Vet. AugustusN.Rhoads...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted fr. Corporal to Sergeant-transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps-Vet. William P. Moyer.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3Discharged November 21, 1862. John Rice...... Corp.... Sept. 13,'61, 31 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. George Rosebury......do...., Sept. 13,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. John B. Kline...........do.....Sept. 13,'61 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John P.Yoder..........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. James Huy..............do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John W. Seiders.......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Thos. C. Garrett........do..... Feb. 13,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. George Doran. d........d..do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 186~-mustered ~' - out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. F. R. Hoffman...........do...Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H.-, May 12,'64-bu. in Wilderness Bu'l G'ds-Vet. Wm. P. Winters........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promotedto Cor.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12,'64-bu. in Wilderness Bu'l G'ds-Vet. David W. Boyer........do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-woundedatSpottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-diedJune 19, 1864-buried in National Cemeterv. Arlington, Va.-Vet. John Kelcher............do..... Sept. 13,'61, Pr. to Cor.-wd. at Wildernes, May 6,'64-died at Washington, D. C.-date unknown-Vet. Frank R. Smith........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. William Taylor....Muc......Feb. 16,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Walworth W.Wood o.....do Feb. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, 14th regiment U. S. aworh. Woarmy-date unknown. Adams, Anthony... Private Feb. 10,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Armpriester, Wash...do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Ash, William F.........do... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Allwine, Jonathan.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Virginia-buried on Mrs. - V. Armrstead's property, Virginia. Adams, VWilliam........do.... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865. Boyer, George W......do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Died July 18, 1865, of wounds received in riot at Bait. &.Ohio R. R. Depot, Washington, D. 0. Butler, James............do.... Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Blackburn, Thos.......do..... Mar. 16,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Bean, Edml ond..........do.... rar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Bernell, Richard....do...... Mar. 8,'65,;1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Baldwin, John............. Mar. 16,'65, 1 Substitute —absent, without leave, at musterout. Burns, Alfred D......do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Virginia, June 21, 1864buried in 9th Corps Cem.. Meade Station, Va. Bierd, David..........do... Mar. 2,,'6, 3 Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864aied while prisoner-date unknown. Boyer, Jacob..............d..... Feb. 24,'64, 3 Captured near Petersburg, Virginia-died while prisoner-date unknown —Vet. Boyer, Gabriel...........do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864died while prisoner-date unknown. Biery, David.............do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864 —expiration of term. Boor, Tobias.............do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 9, 1865. Biery, William.....do.....Sept. 13,'61. 3 Transferred to company I-date unknown. Bord, John H...........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wd. at Chantilly, Sept. 1,'62-disch. Feb. 23,'63. Boughter, John H...do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Boyer, Benjamin......do, Sept. 13,'61, 3 Woutnded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862-discharged December 17, 1862. 163 1298 rFIFTIBTH RBEGIMENT, NAME. RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Blatz, Philip......... Private Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged September 20, 1862. Beale, Joshua W do.....Feb. 9, 64, 3 Not on ruster-out roll. Carpenter, Aaron L...do.... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Coxe, George...........do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-absent, in hospital, at muster out. Christy, William......do.... Mar. 6,'65, 3 Substituce-absent, withoutleave, at muster out, Carpenter, Wm. J.....do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 9, 1865. Carter, Robert...........do.... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Deserted April 18, 1865. Conrad, William...o.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll, Dieter, Charles.........do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Deviese, William.....do..... Mar. 27,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. - Drayher, Jeremiah...do..... Feb. il,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Drumbore, Henry.....do..... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Drayher, William......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 18, 1864 —bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Dermer, Joseph C......do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 9, 1865. Derrick, William.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged February 17, 1862. Dewalt, Benneville..do..... July 27,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Eckenroth, Chas. H...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Eisenhower, Geo....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expirationof term. Ebling, Addi.............do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged September 20, 1862. Fisher, Franklin......do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Flammer, William...do... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, Sept. 17,'62-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Faber, Theodore G.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Felding, Joseph........do...... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Fox, Edward............... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864-buried in Wilderness burial grounds. Fisher, Adam..........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Captured at Spottsyivania C. H., May 12, 1864died while prisoner-date unknown-Vet. Fisher, Thomas........d.... Mar. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., May 9, 1865. Fees, Jeremiah.........do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to V. R. C.-date unknown-Vet. Fenstemacher, J........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged September 20, 1862. Finefrach, Daniel.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged November 24, 1862. Fisher, Edwvard........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged December 6, 1861. Gift, Howard W........do.... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Granrath, John........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Good, Jacob..............do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Good John......... do..... Feb. 16,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Gahrett, Percival......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Garber, John..... o..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Gerrett, Justice........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company I-date unknown. Gift, Alfred W.........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Conl. Sergt., March 21, 1865-Vet. Geiger, Hepry H......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged February 28, 1862. Goodman, Aaron......do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Good, William H......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged May 23, 1862. Gambler, Samuel......do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Deserted June, 1865-Vet. Haines, William........do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Hissner, Curtis S......do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Higgins, John...........do..... Mar. 20,'64, 3 Absent, on detached duty, at muster out. Hurst, John.............do.... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Hoffman, Elias S......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. High, Isaac...............do..... Sept. 13'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Hunt, David.............do... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Haines, James.........do....Mar. 11,'64, 3 Wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3,'64-died June 26,'64-bu. in National Cem'y, Arlington, Va. Harp, Frederick........do...,. Mar. 18,'64, 3 Captured near Petersburg, Va.-died at Salisbury. North Carolina, December 9, 1864. Heckman, George......do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept, 28, 1864-expiration of term. Huy, Benneville S.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Hiskey, Edward o........... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Herbst. William......do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Discharged n Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Hannuing, William...do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 8, 1865. Herbert, Frank H........... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Promoted to Q. M. Sgt.-date unknown-Vet. Hobbs, Thomas.........do..... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 21, 1865. Hartman, Christ...d...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed on picket at Beaufort, S. C., June 21,'62. Harvey, Frank.....S...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hegan, Barney,......... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Irieland, Alexander..do...... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company I-date unknown. Kauffman, Eman'l...do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Kauffman. Daniel......do.... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Kline, Charles S........do.....Feb..9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Koch, David.............do..... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Kubb, Peter..........do..... Nov. 11,'64, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Keyser, Matthias......do. Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co.. July 30,'65. Keller, John............ Feb. 12,'04 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 29, 1864. THREE YEiARS' SERVIBE. 1299 NAMRE. AN. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NARME.. B INTO SERVICE. REMAR Kendall, Charles.... Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 apturedat Spottsylvania C. I., May 12, 1864 died at Florence, S. C., October 12, 1864d-Vet. Kerney, John............do... Sept. 19,'61, 3Captured at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864died while prisoner-date unknown —et. Koch, Benjamin........do... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Captured at Spottsvlvania C. H., May 12, 1864died while prisoner-date unknown-Vet. Kline, Henry H............. Sept. 19,'61, 3 Wouded at South Mountain, Sept. 14 1862discharged November 22, 1862. Leininger, Nathan...do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3Missing in action. Sept. 30, 1864 —et. Larrish, John W........do..... Sept. 13,'61, Disch. Aug. 7, 1865, to date July 30, 1865-Vet. Lewis, Levi..............do ept.13,'61, 3 illed at Petersburg, June 28, 1864-bu. in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Moil, Samuel...........do.. Feb. 28,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Meser, John HE...........do..... Mar. 7,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Menard, Jacob.........do Feb. 9,'64,3 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Musig, Charles.........do.Mar. 7,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Miller, Jeremiah.......do.... Nov. 14,'64, 1 Drafted-absent, in arrest, at muster out. Miller, Wm. H........do July 5,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, in arrest, at muster out..Maxton, William......do Feb. 22,'64, 3 Prisoner May 12, 1864-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 31, 1864-grave, 7,407. Meade, George..........do..... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Deserted April 3, 1865. Mack, Wm. Penn........do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. M'Cray, William.. do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. M'Connell, Casper...do.....Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, May 28, 1864-Vet. Noll, Jeremiah.........do Mar. 7, 64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Nester, George.........do Mar. 9,'65, 1 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Nays, John T............do..... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Killed at Peter.burg, Va., June 27, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, MeadeStation, Va. Neyer, John....do........ Mar. 21,'64, 3 Deserted June, 1865. Prescott, George.,..........dc Mar. 1,'65, i Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Peffer, Samuel...........d... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Accidentally killed at Beaufort, S. C., June 2,'62. Rapp, Alonzo.. do....... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Rise, Samuel........do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania C., May 12, 1864died at Alexandria, Va., June 7, 1864. Rahn, Lewis..............do.. Feb. 10,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps-date unknown. Richards, Tobias.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Saylor, Nathan.... do...... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Smith, William S.....do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Smith, Lucas..........do. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Snyder, Alfred.....do.....do Feb. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Stoudt, John W.........do..Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out by General Order, May 26, 1865. Snyder, Reuben........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Captured May 12, 1864-died while prisonerdate unknown-Vet. Sigel, Philip...........do.Feb. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Stoudt, Solomon........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 6, 1864 —died at Washington, D. C., July 25, 1864-buriedin National Cemetery, Arlington-Vet. Saylor, Thomas.............. Sept. 13,'61, W3 Wounded at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-dieddate unknown-Vet. Sell, Daniel K......... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate-Vet. Smith, William......d...... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Scott, John......M....... do a Mar. 16,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Snyder, David............. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wd. at Chantilly, Sept. 1,'62-disch. Feb. 14,'63. Sassaman, Nich's.... do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., October 12, 1861-bu. in Military Asylum Cemetery. Swoyer, Mayberry......... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Wd. at Chantilly, Sept. 1,'61-disch. Feb. 14,'63. Smith, Samuel B.......... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Tobias, Joseph..........do..... Feb. 11,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 24, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Turner, George........do Sept. 13,'61,3 Disch. on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown-Vet. Thompson, George.do..... Mar. 18,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted April 3, 1865; Ulrich, Charles L... do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 17, 1864. Valentine, Levi............. Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., August 16, 1865. Walmer, Israel.............. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out-Vet. Weisor, Isaac R. do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Whitman, John H.....do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wentzal, Dallas.........do.. Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Wynings, Leonard...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Weiser, William.. do... Sept. 13,'61, 3. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Wertz, William.... do Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 9, 1865. Williams, Henry....... do. Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 24, 1865. Walmer, Joseph.........,do.... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 17, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Weidenhamer, M...d...do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Discharged January 7, 1863. W ynings, John....do Sept. 13,'61, 3 Died at Newpo rt News, V a., August 6, 1862. W~~n~~gs, Johh......l...do.....I Sept. 18, )61,1 1 a~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1300 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, COMPANY F. RECRUITED AT LANCASTER. DATE OF MUSTER NAME. RANK. INETO SMARKS. INTO SERVIC. e. A. W. Bolenius......C Capt.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Wd. at Bull Run-discharged April 8, 1863. Benjamin Lichty......do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d to 1st Lt., Dec. 2, 1861-to Captain, April 29, 1863-died September 3, 1863. Geo. W. Brumm........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Lieutenant Co. C, March 17, 1864-to Major, May 19, 1865-Vet. Jacob Paulus..........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Wd. June, 1864-pr. from Sgt. to 1st Sgt-to 2d Lt., April 16, 1865-to Capt., June 18,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John A. Rodgers..... 1st Lt... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Con. Adjutant, May 5, 1862, and Captain Co. H, Aug. 1, 1862-not mustered-res. Sept. 20,'62. Lewis Crater.............do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. from Corn. Serg't to 1st Lieut., Dec. 5, 1864to Adjutant, April 16, 1865-Vet. Samuel Hess..............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., Jan. 17, 1865 —mus. out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. H. Nelson Adams... 2d Lt,.. Dec. 2,'61, 3 Commissioned Adjutant, August 1, 1862-not mustered-resigned December 29, 1863. Frederick Hoover......do..... Sept. 28,'61, j3 Promoted from private to 2d Lieutenant, Dec. 17, 1862-died November 17, 1863. Thomas P. Davis.... 1st Sgt. Mar. 1,'64, 3 Wd. June 18,'64-pr. to 1st Sgt., July 1, 1865com. 2d Lt., May 1, 1865-not mustered-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Henry A. Leanich.....do..... Sept. 29,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis, Md., March 25, 1864-Vet. Wendell Kirck..........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-buried in Wilderness Burial Grounds-Vet. Albert Fisher......... Serg't.. Sept. 28,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to Sgt., Feb. 8,'62-wd. at Chantilly, September 1, 1862-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Lorenzo Lattner........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John Lauer...........do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. David P. Martz.........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, July 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Jacob Christ............ do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Serg't, April 15, 1862died at Charleston, S. C., October 5, 1864. Schernitz'r Florang...do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-not on muster-out roll. Daniel Roth..............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted July 18, 1862. Jeremiah Layser.... Corp.... Sept. 28.'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-mustered out with comr pany, July 30, 1865-Vet. William Souders.....do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Andrew Wolshies.......do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 14, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John Shoemaker......do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, June 14,'65 — mustered out with comnany, July 30, 1865. Henry F. Bausman...do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, June 14,'65mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. John Hamilton.....do.... do Mar. 8,'65, 1 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-. mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Jonathan Sanders......do... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Joseph Reitzel...........do.... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Lorenzo Schweiger...do..... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. William H. Reddic...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. John olb..............do.. Sept. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Lorenzo Mesarth......... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Discharged by General Order, June 1, 1865. Charles Manner.......do..... Sept.. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Samuel Gross............do,.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., July 6, 1864-grave, 2,944. Geo. Newmeyer........do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 24,'63. Frederick Keatz.......do..... Sept. 28,'61 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-discharged —date unknown. William Walters........... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23,'63. Andrew Gubser.....do Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Sept. 30,'62 Zachariah Snyder.. Muc.... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. THREE IEARS' SERVICE. 1301 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. NAME. RANK. INNTO SERVICE BEARS. Amos Schmeck...... Muc... Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Chas. H. Littleton......do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Joseph Gander..........do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 On detached service at muster out. Appler, Ebler J...... rivate Sept. 19,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., April 28, 1865. Altgier, George........ do..... Feb. 18,'64, 3 Deserted August 17, 1864. Aston, John..............do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 23, 1862. Andrant, Robert........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Backman, George......do...... Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Boyer, Franklin.......do.... Mar. 13,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Bullman, Platt......do..... Sept. 20,'64, Drafted-discharged by G 0., June 1, 1865. Becker, Henry...........do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, May 22,'65-Vet. Bolmer, Edward......o..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Bertles, Frederick....do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged 6n Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 30,'62. Bradycamp, Lewis...do....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 21,'62. Cooney, John............do.... Sept. 28,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Coyle, John........:..do..... Mar. 11, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Campbell, Amos........do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Campbell, Jas. G.......do.... Sept. 20, 64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Callender, Butta'e......do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., Jan. 25, 1865. Crawford, Jos. A...... do.... Sept. 20,'64,- 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. cert., Jan. 1, 1865. Christ, Anthony........do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-Vet. Chambers, George.....d... Sept. 28,'61,3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Campbell, George......do.... Sept. 28, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'62. Dilseit, Nicholas........ do.,.. Sept. 28,'61, 3 Absent, in arrest, at muster out. Degamon, John...... a........ ar. 9,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Dukate, Eli...............do..... Feb. 21,'65, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Deemer, Frederick...do... Sept. 21,'64, Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Deemer, Thomas....do...... Sept. 2],'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Dunmire, Andrew....do.... Sept. 30,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G.., June 1, 1865. Deets, Henry J.........do.. Oct. 12, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 18,'63. Ehrentraut, Robert...do.... Sept. 28, 61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Elmer, Wolfgang.....do.:.. Mar. 7'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Eberstatter, Joseph...do.... Sept. 28,'61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 8, 1863* Erb, Jesse H............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Aug. 11,'62. Erb, Benjamin........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Frank, John.............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Fink,.John..............do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-absent at muster out. Fox, Frank............ do..... Sept. 28,'61,3 Died of wds. rec'd at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. Frash, Henry...........do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Dec 30,'62. Frailish, Benjamin...do..... Sept. 28,'61,3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Gildi, Jacob............. do..... Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Gilmore, Henry........do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hammel, Henry........do.... Mar. 9'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hahn, Jacob............do Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hollen, Henry.........do.... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hays, Barnhart.........do.... Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hahn, John J...........do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Heverling, Wm........do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 24. 1865. Hoover,.John....... do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Hoover, John H.........do..... Sept. 19,'64, Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Hummel, Franklin....do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Hoffman, Jackson......do Sept. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, 10th regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Hoffer, Solomon.........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Died Sept. 10, 1864, of wounds received May 12, 1864-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington. Heritage, Albert........do..Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 29, 1865. Halt, Henry............ do Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Hensler, William......do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hotter, Augustus.....do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 28,'63. Henry, John A..........do...Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hoover, Francis Jos... do... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hubur, Francis.....do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 31,'62. Hern, George............do..Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted October 13, 1861. Hauser, Frantz.......do... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Jamison, Moses.........do..Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kelly, Charles...........do.. Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kane, John.............do.... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Kaseman, Nathan......do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, Apr. 25,'65-Vet. Kingsley, James C.....do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Kearney, Lawren'e...do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Captured-died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 24, 1864-grave, 9,630-Vet. Koethe, Frederick.. do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Weldon R.R., Aug. 19, 1864-buried in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Killchrist, Thomas...do. Sept. 28,'61, 13 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-not on muster-out roil. 1302 FIFTIETR RIEGIhG1ET, NAME. RANK. DATE OF MIITRERi REMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Kohler, Frederick.. Private Sept. 28,'64, 3 Died near Petersburg, July 17, 1864- buried in 9th Corps Cemetery. Meade Station, Va. Kuhn, Marks............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kneisley, Geo. A.......do..... Sept. 28,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll.Kohler, William........do..... Sept. 28,'61 3 Not on muster-out roll. Kelley, William.......do.. Sept. 2S,'61 3 Missing in action at Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. Lukens, Albert T...I...do... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Ludwig, Paul........... do..... Mar. 14,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Lutz, Uriah...........do.... Mar. 13,'5, 1I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'63. Layton, Thomas J.....do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 31, 1865. Lambert, Franklin...do....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Transferred to lst bat. V. R. C., May9,'65-Vet. Lander, Michael........do....o Sept. 28,'61, 3 Absent, without leave, at muster out. Leanhart, George......do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 25,'63. Lusche, Jacob...........do... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged Sept. 20, 1864-expiration of term. Maroney, Stevens.....do.... Mar. 10,'65. Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Metz, Jacob.............do..... Mar. 13,'65. 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Mays, Solomon S...do..... Sept. 20.'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Myers, Michael.......do.... Sept. 20.'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Miller, Augustus......do... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged May 4, 1865. Miller, Hiram...........do..Oct. 12,'61, 3 Killed at Weldon railroad. Aug. 19,'64-buried in 9th Corps Cem., Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Morrow, Edward......do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted April 26, 1865. Munson, Edward...... do..... ar. 8,'65, Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Musgrove, John.......do.....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Myers, George...........do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 28,'63. M'Manus, Patrick.....do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. M'Hale, Robert......do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. M'Nally, Edward......do..... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. O'Corbin, Daniel.......do..... Oct. 12,'61, 3 Died in Bradford county, Pa., Feb. 21,'64-Vet. O'Brien, Edward......do.... Aug. 12,'61, 3 Not mustered into U. S. service. Phinice, John............do.... Sept. 21,'64, Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Paulus, William........do... Sept. 17,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Ritter, Isidore...........do..... Sept., 64, 1 Substitute-disch. on Surg. cert., Dec. 11, 1864. Reep, Solomon...........do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Rentz, Jacob.............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Robinson, Charles....do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Riley, Thomas...........do..... Mar. 7,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 27, 1865. Rothacker, George...do..... Feb. 17,'64, Deserted August 17, 1864. Remler. William......do..... Sept. 28,'64 Not on muster-out roll. Rineer, Samuel........do.....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. Rosney, Patrick........do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Feb. 14,'62. Schmidt, Gerhart......do.... Feb. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Shirer, Edwin...........do.... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Stoll, Gottlieb............do..... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Shroder, Albert.........do..... Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-mustered out wish Co., July 30,'65. Smneltzer, Uriah........do..... Sept, 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Smeltzer, Israel.......do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Shaler, Labana.........do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Smith, John..............do.... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Stochler, Conrad........do.... Sept. 28,'64, I Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Struhler, Wendall.....do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Killed at Weldon railroad, Aug. 19,'64-buried in 9th Corps Cem., Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Steffe, Jacob........... do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Killed at Wilderness, May 9, 1864-Vet. Streckenbemn,Jacob...do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Absent, on furlough, at muster out. Smith, Emanuel.....o..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Smith, Gerhart...do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Spindler, Nath'l S. do..... Sept 28. 61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Tole. George S........do.....Sept. 28,'61, 3 Killed at Petersburg, May 30, 1864. Thurhost. Fred'k......do..... Sept. 21,'6, 1 Drafted-died at Baltimore, Md., Jan, 7, 1865. Turner, Richard...... do..... ar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted April 19, 1865. Tyke, John H............do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Todd, John S......... do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Urban, Samuel........... Sept. 28,'61. 3 Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1864-expiration of term. Vitter, Ludwig........do..... Sept. 3,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Vanmorman, Anton...do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, June 21,'62. Winger, Samuel.....do..Sept. 28,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Welter, John...........do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Go., July 30,'65. Worrell, Henry.......d... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged August 7, 1865, to date July 30, 1865-Vet. Warfel, Nicholas......do..... Oct. 12,'61. 3 Discharged Oct. 31, 1864-expiration of term. Weaver, Benjamin...do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 7, 1864-Vet. Williams, George.......do.... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 27, 1865. Walzer, Solomon......do.....Mar. 10, 65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 31, 1865. Weast, Francis.......do..... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged' on Surgeon's certificate, Mar. 2,'63. Willards, John........do.. Sept. 28,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Jan. 13,'63. THREE YEARS' SERVICE1. 1303 DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE i4 I.. Walters, John........ Private Sept. 28,'61, 3 Died at Fortress Monroe, November 8, 1861. Yeager, Joseph.........do.... Sept. 28,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Yost, Philip.............do.Aug. 26,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Zeiche, Charles........do... Sept. 28,'61, 3j Deserted October 1, 1861. COMPANY G. RECRUITED AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY. - Wm. A. Telford...... Capt.... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Promoted to Lt. Colonel, February 8, 1865. Charles Forbes.........do... Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant-to 1st Sergeant-to 2d Lt., April 29, 1865-to Capt., May 12, 1865-mus. out with Co., July 30, 1865-Vet. Michael M'Mahon... lst Lt... Sept.,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Nov. 20, 1861. Fred. R. Warner......do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. company D to 1st Lt., February 15, 1862-resigned October 31, 1863. Henry J. Christ........do.....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted from private Co. K to 1st Lt., Dec. 11, 1864-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Charles F. Cross..... 2d Lt... Aug. 8,'61, 3 Pr. to 1st Lt.. US. Signal Corps, March 3, 1863. John P. Kinney.-.... st Sgt.. Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. from priv. to Sgt.-to, 1st Sgt., May 1, 1865commissioned 2d Lt., May 1, 1865-not mus.mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Ethan B. Powell........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. H. C. Alderson...... Serg't.. Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Scott... o.... do.. Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from Musician to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1864-Vet. Philip Carland.......... do.... Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Blend.. do...... Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-to Sergeant, May 1,'65mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Edgar Roberts.........do..... Sept. 24,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-discharged December 15, 1864, for wds. rec. in action-Vet. Merwin Higgins............. Sept.,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-captured — died December 10, 1864-Vet. Wm. Spalding...........Sept.,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Simon Russell.......... Sept.,'61, 3 Tr. to 6th reg. U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Henry C. Camp.........do.....Sept.,'61, 3 Tr. to 6th reg. U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Chauncy V. Bassett...do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. A. S. Blackman......do Sept.,'61, 3 Died at Beaufort, S. C.-date unknown. James W. Birney.. Corp... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. TheodoreLewis........do.... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. Geo. N. Chaffee........... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. Alex'r Spalding.......d..... Sept., 61, 3 Promoted to Cor.-absent, sick, at muster out. James Morrison.......d.... Sept.,'61, 3Pr. to Cor.-mus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. C. M. Heilman........do Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Joseph H. Taylor....d..... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered:.~:..... —~ - out with company, July 30, 1865. C. B. Vandermark.....do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Thomas Gillett..........do.... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr to Cor.-killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12.'64-bu. in Nat. Cem.. Arlington, Va.-Vet. Edgar E. Spalding.....do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. James Lewis...........do.....Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Daniel M. Reed.........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1,'62. William Hurst.........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. to Co-killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862-bu. in National Cem.-section 26, lot, A, grave, 5. Joseph H. Atkins......do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Pr. toCor.-disch. on Surg. cert.-date unknown. Wm. F. Carey............ do.... Sept.,'61, 3 Tr. to 6th reg. U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. David Reifsnyder... Muc.... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. James Gillson..........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Allen, Charles H.... Private Mar. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Arnold, Robert.........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Ammon, John..........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Drafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Nov. 5, 1864. Avery, Samuel........do...... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Deserted August 19, 1864. Ames, Samuel..........do..... Mar. 14, 65, 3Substitute-deserted April 26, 1865. Bennett, Asa B.. do...... Sept., 61, 3 Paroled prisoner-died at Wilmington, Delaware, March 9, 1865-Vet. Brown, Charles H.....do...... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Bare, Benjamin........do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., August 23, 1865. Buckingham, G.W..do... Mar. 16, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. 1304 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, NAME.. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Brown, Charles T... Private Mar. 11,'65, 1I Substitute-discharged by G. O., July 10, 1865. Babcock, Asa E.......do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —expiration of term. Brink, Leonard.....do... Sept 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept.29, 1864-expiration of term. Birney, Newto..n... do.... Mai..8,'64, 3 Prisonerdied Novmber 8, 1864. Burton, John.........do..'...Mar. 3,'65 Substiftute-deserted April 26, 1865. Boughton, JohnS......d....'Sept.,'61, Not on muster-out roll. Ball, Jacob- L........... do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Dsch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Bennett, Jam es.........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862 —bu. in Nat. Cemetery-section 26, lot D, grave, 394. Bailey, William.......do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Deserted October 20, 1861. Cook. Joseph...........d..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Carrigan, William.....do..... Mar. 3,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Cannon, Thomas K...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. on Surg. certificate, Feb. 14,'65. Cowdon, John... do..... Mar. 26,'64, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864blfried in Wilderness Burial Grounds., Carmer, Charles.......do......................... Absent, onfurlough, at muster out. Carmichael, Daniel...do..... Mar. 2,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted April 2, 1865. Cbmstck, Alozo.. do.....Sept.,'61, 3 Tr. to Engineer Corps U.S. A.-date unknown. Coleman, Richard. d...do.....Mar. 7,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Duross,.,Isaac........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —et. Derr, William H.....do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute —disch. by Gen. Order, June 23,'65. Daubenspeck, C.0.... do..... Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Daubenspeck, A......do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted —disch. by General Orderi June 1, 1865. Duell, Samuel.........do..... Mar. 30,'64,.3 Prisoner —died at Andersonville, Georgia,:Sep. tember 3, 1864 —grave, 7,651. Davis, Isaac........... do..... Mar. 13,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Develin, Barnard...do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Delamater, Lewis...do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. cavalry —date unknown. Evans, William.... do....Mar 8,'65, Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Evans, Samuel.........do....Ma. 8,'65, Substitute —disch. by GeneralOrde r, July 10,'65. Eiker, John........ do..... Sept.,'61,3 Deserted September 28, 1861. Farrar, George C....... do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out. with company, July 30, 1865. Frost, Clayton....do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —expiration of term. Fleming, Thomas.....do..... Sept. 20,'64, Drafted- discharged byG. O. —date unknown. Foster, John C.....d... do..... Mar. 24,'64, 3 Died August 7, 1864, of wounds received in action —buried in National Cem., Arlington, Va. Forbes, John C........do,..' Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Suraeon's certificate —date unknown. Fox, Silas A.... d... o..... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Frutchey, Moses... do.....do. Sept. 24,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Fra'zier, John......S..l.. Sept.,'61, 3DesertedSeptember 13, 1861. Frailey, William........Ot. 1,'61, 3 Deserted AprillII, 1863. Gale, Eli W..............: ar. 26,'64, 3 Mustered out with: company, July 30, 1865. Garmon, William......do.... Sept., 61, 3 Absent, sick, at muster out-Vet. Greek, Wiliam.......do.....Mar..20,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Gridley, Lewis B i... o Sept.. 17,'61, 3Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864. Goldsboro, Eli J......d.. o....Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Garmon, James......d.. do...... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on' Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Gore, John..........do.....Sept.,'61, 3 Died at Hilton Head, S. C., Sept. 4, 1862. Grippin, Benjamin....do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. regula cavalry. Harsh, John..............o.....Mar. 20,'64, 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. IHawkins, James..... M..... Mar. 8, 64, 3 Absent, sick, at muster Out. Hill, Emery........... do... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Harris, John P........d.. Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute~-disch. by General Order, Aug. 16,'65. Hicks, Orville S........do..... Sept. 17,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —expiration of term. Hutchinson, Alex..do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted disch. by General Order, June 1, 1.865. Heller, Henry.......do. Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Hilliard, Thomas B....do...o. Sept..20,'64,.1 Drafted disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Hilliard. Israel I....... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafteddisch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Hermick, Samuel..do.... Mar. 8,'65, Sub.des. —returned-ab.,in arrest, at mus. out. Horton, Lemuel........do.... Sept. 24,'61, 1 3 Des., Nov. 2,'62-retur'd-de again, May 29,'65. Hawkins, James....,..do. Mar. 15,'65, 1. Substitute-deserted May.28, 1865. Horton; James........do. Sept,'61 3 Disch.,on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Howard, Almon..:......do Sept.,'61. 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown.Hiney, Mathew.... 3.. Sept.,'61 3 Transferred to U. S. R.eg. Carv. date unknown. Heckathon, Reuben.e..do. Sept. 20,'64, I Discharged by General Order, June 7, 1865. Johnson, Charles..... M.... 9,'65, 1 Substitute~-deserted April 2, 1865. Johnson, William A... do.... Deserted June 16, 1865. Jones, John..........do.....Mar. 1l,'65, Substitute-deserted June 28, 1875. Kahoe, Michael....do..... Mar. 11,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kelley, Richard... do. Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Kelley, Samuel F....do..... Sept. 10,'64, I Drafted-disch. by-General Order, June 1, 1865. King, William...... do. Sept. 20.'6, 1 Drafted —disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. K'eiley, Thomas D.....do.. Sept. 20,'64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Knolbs, Willian F...do... Mr. 30.'64, a3 Died July 3,'64, of wounds received in actionburied in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. T - tI YiTAi3Si s mviTl- 1305 lNAN ~ME..-1R' ANS. SE VIC. I30'N^.. 1 S1 - Lerue, BuTtis........ Priate Mar. 10, 65, 1 Substitute-mm istered out with Co., July 30, 65. Leonard Simon......... ISept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1i 1865* Lewis, Abriel.........d........ Mar. 24; 64, 3 Wounded in action-tP. to V. R.C., June 19% 65. Lines, William M........ Sept. 61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Cavalty- date unknowni Lines, John M.........do.... Sept.,'61, Disch. on Surgeon's certificate- date unknown. Morrison, John D....do.... June 15, 64, 1 Drafted- iustered out with CO., J-ly 30, 1865. Mapes, Milton C.....:..-.do. Mar. 8, 65, I Substitute- mausered- ot with Co.- July 30,'64. Markham, Rufus A...o.... Feb. 20,')2, 3 Mustered out Feb 20, 1865.-expiration of term. Martin, Robert S.......do..... Mar. 30'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, Juno 3, 1865. Mace, Harvey H..... do... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Wounded in action.-tranS8e-rred-to Vet. ReseT0 C orps, January 7, 1865. Monroe, John........ do..... ar.. 2) 5, 3 Subsi tute- deserted April 2, 186.. Morris, WilliamH A....do....I Mar. 11) 65 t Substittte deserted May 22, 1865. Mack, baniel....d...o. Mar. 14..'6.. 14 SubstitUte — desetted June 2, 1865. Middaugb, Avery...o....d Sept.,'61, 3 Transferted to U. S. Cavaliry-dat ulaknownF Mills, Albert W.............. Sept., B1 3 1 Dishonorablydischarged-~dateo luknotn:;ott, Abraham M: o....do..... Sept., -61 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ert-date nknoWn. Macy, Hiam............ do....J Sept., 61, 3 oton mtuste-oitt roll. M'Elwain, Wilson....do....... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-.-discharged by G. XO, Juno 1, 186; M'Leary,'errence...do.... Mat. 14)'65, 3 Stbstitute-deserted May 8 186.'Gee, John............do,.. Sept,'61, 3 Deserted August 39 1864-.Vet Naylon, Patrick.........do-.... Mar. 29, 64, 3, Prisoner-died August 25) 1864. Naylon, John............d.. Mat. 26,'64, 3 Deserted August 17, 1864. O' ")onnell, Charles.^.do...... Mar. 13'65, 3 Substitute —absent~ sick, at maustrtout. O'Nal)JaAes...........do..... Mar. 8, 65, 1 Substitute —musteredout WithC3o.) JulSy 30'65S Owens e-eorge W......do,.. Sept.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's -ert —date uinknoWn. Powers, Johi J....d...d..... Mat. 8, 64, 3 Discharged Feb. 11'65, for Wds. rec. in aciti'ohb Powers,: llijah...!...do-... Mat. 8,'64, Wd. in action —disch. by G. O. May l 6 16865. Porter, Samuel a.....do...Feb-. 10 4, 4 3 Deserted Juno 8 1864. Porter, Amos... do..... Sept., 61,:-3 Deserted October 8, 1861. tPease, David.........do.....Sept.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's ce-tt.-date tnkhnown Place, Jacob..........do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert. date unknown, Quick, John......do..... d Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mstered out With company, July -0, 1865. -ussell, Hiram W....do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Mustered ott With-company July 30, 65-.Vet. Ross, Albert.............do..... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Mustered out With company, 1uly 30, 1865, Ryan, Thomas,.........do.^... Marb 15'65, 1 Substitute -absent) sick) at musterlat u oberts), Edgar.........do.... Sept.,'61, 3 Not onmuster-out roll. Spaldimg L Nathn...do... Man. 8,4, % 3 Captured May12, 1864-discharged by Geaneial...-". - -- I.IOrd-er, August 18, 1865. Spate, Charles A....do...d.. ),'65, 1 Substitute- mustered out ith Co. July BA'(63, Stoner, Christian......o... Sept. 2 64, Drafted —discharged by G'O., -Jne 1, 1865. Sullenberger, John...do.... Sept.)'61, 3 Discharged by General rdet June 12,'5C-Vet Sloan, Thomas........do.., Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted.discharged by G.'., June 1, 1865. Stinson, Charles^.....do.... Sept;..61, 3 Not on musteioat tuolh Shira, William H....do..... Sept 20,'64) 1 Drafted-discharged by 0.O.) June 1, 1865. Stroud, James.....do.....] Mar. 8, 64; 3 Killed at SpottsylVania Court House, May 12' 64-buried in Wildergness bdrial groundt. palding, Henry........do.... Mar. 8,'64, 3' Killed at Spbttsylvanta C. H., May 12, 1864. SulliVan John... o...do.... Mar. 11,'65, 3 S3tbstitute —deserted April 2, 1865. Shepherd, Albert....do... Mar. 13, )65, 3 Substitute-deserted May 21, 1865. Scully, John A.........do.. Mar, 9,'65, 1; Sbstitutte-desertedl May 28, 1865. Scriven, -Edin......-. Sept.,'61, 3 Died onstealnship Ocean ueen date tnkownt Scriven, Albert........... Sept.,'61, 3 Dischafged on Surgeon's cert —date unknownm Scriven, Edward......... Sept,,'61, 3 Died at Annapolis) Md.- date inknown. Strope, William.........do.. Sept., )61, 31 Deserted January 1, 1863. Shaffer, Alex. H..t...do. Sept,'61, 3' Promoted t0oHospital Steward, SepL 1861. Smith, Goge do......... *..o... Oct. 2, 61, 3 Deserted October 2, 1862. Slawson, Edcward...... Mar., 62, 3 Deserted ATlgsUst 13 18B2. Thompsmon Timy S..do..d. Sept. 20,'64, 1i Drafted-.discharged on Surg. Ceert, eb. 14,'65. Thompson, John.......do... Sept. 20, 64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 1, 1865. Towne,' Philander.,d..... Sept.,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. T6mpkins, Ii:a A..do:.... Sept., 61, 3 Not t. tnuster-ou roll. Towner, Douglass...... do... Sept.,'61, 3 Died of wounds rec. in aetion —date unknown. tnceal, Jacob.. d........o Mar. 15, 965, 1i Substitute-mustered out with Oo.) July 30,'65. Vanderpool, Simon...do.... Mar. 30,'64, 3 Itilled at Spottsylvania C. Hl, May 12, 1864. VanderpOoli MoseS..do... Mar. 81, 64, 3 Wounded in action-transferred to: et.Reserve -' { Corps, January 7, 1865;'- - Vincent, Willir m.....do Sept,'- 611 i Not on muster-out roll Weller, George. do.:... Ma 23'64 3 Mustered out With comP any July309 1865. Wright, James..........Mar. 8,'65, 1 Subsitute-mustered out with Co, July 0, 65. Wilcox, Freeman.,...do.. Ma. M 31, 64) 3 Missingin action-tr. to V. I. aC., Jan. 19, 1865. Waidt, isaa........do.. Sept.:20,'64:. Drafte d-ie d Oct. 27,'64bu1. at City Point, Va. Woods, George A...d....o Mar.-I15, 65, 3 Substitute,-deserted-:date unknown. Warner: elson E.....do.... Sept.,': 61, Transferred to U. S. Reg Cav.-.dateunknmtwni Warnert, F chero.,,do.,.. Mar i20,'69 3 Dislcarged on-Surgeonc oerpt-date uitnknown * 164 "''...' 1306 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, NAMB. 1LAI~ DATE OF MUS-ER ~ R. N RANK IT..REMARKS. N. RANK.:INTO SERVICE. Williams, Geo. H...Private Sept.,'61, 3 Drowned in Potomac-date unknown. Wille:r, Smith........... Sept.,'61, 3 Noton muster-out roll. Wood, John S... do..... Sept.,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wood, Daniel B.........do... Sept.,'61, 3 Transferred to U. S. Cavalry-date unknown. Young, Lewis A.......do..... Mar. 31,'64, 3 Wounded in action, May 6, 1864-discharged by -_______ d _______, _____ General Order, July 18, 1865. ho.' S~ enh0t..' C-O-MPANY H. RECRUITED AT READING. Thos. S4Brenholtz.. Capt.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Lieut. Colonel, Sept. 30, 1861. Charles Parker........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. from 1st Lieut. to Capt., Oct. 21, 1861-killed in action at Pocotaligo.. g., S.C., Aug. 1, 1862. John A. Rodgers......do.. Sept. 10,'61,3 Resigned September 19. 1862. H.. E. Cleaveland.......... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. from st Sgt. to 1st Lt., Oct. 21,'61-to Capt., Dec. 19,'62-died May 20, 1864, of wds. rec. at Spottsy;lvania C. H.,May 12, 1864. John A. Snyder.. do....... Sept. 10,'61, 3Pr. from Sgt. to Jst S(t.-to lst Lt., Nov. 26,'64to Captain, April 1t 1865-mustered out with.':.j.:' company, July 30, 1865-Vet.: Henry T. Kendall... 1st Lt.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. fr. Cor. to lst Lt.to Adj., May 3,'64-Vet. Harrison S. Gechter...do..:. Sept. 10'61, 3 Promoted fromSergt. to stSergt.-to st Lieut..- r. Mlay 15, i 864-resigned 0ct. 27, 1864-Vet. Joseph V. Kendall....do...... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 12,'64, to March 30, 65-pr..:..... froml Cor. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.-to 1st Lt., May - 2 -'6521,'65 —mus. out with Co., July 30, 1865Vet. Robert R. Taylor...... 2d Lt. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Resigned March 28, 1864, Henry S. Francis....do... Sept. 10,'o6, 3 Wd. May 12, 1864-pr. to Corporal-to Seg. —to..:~3 fh - -..2d Lieutenant, May 18, 1865-mustered out --...; f.: with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Karl.. tSt.....: Sept. S 10,'61, 3 Pr. oo to C or.to S.-st Sgt., May 2,'65-mus-::' tered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John S. Hendricks.. Serg't.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Cor.-to Sgt.-captured May 12,'64-mus-: -^;::;...::": tered out with company, July 0, 1865-Vet. Patrick Sullivan.... do. Sept. 10,'6, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Henry Anthony......do...,: Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr. to Corporal-to Sergeant, May 21,'65-mus ~4 i':::: i?:::~': -.....'...,..::c tered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. alisn: Fry iJ;.... do....... Sept. 18,'61, 3 Pr. toCor.-toSgt,May21,'65-wd.andpris.,May 12. 1864-mnus. out with Co., July 30,'65-Vet. ^nj bilStneback...do...,.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Prcnoted from private to Sergeant-killed at -::?:::': -~. Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 1864-Vet. e r.:.ilSSinger.. do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Jtmins lKtirkbwski.. Corp.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Pr.: to Cor.-mis. in action, May 12, 1864 —Vet.-:eorge Miller.. I,..d. do. Sept. 10,'61,3 Promoted to Corporal, pril, 1865 —mustered::F.. -....:...-: outwith company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Harri on Briel.....do.:.. Sept. 17,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-mustered out with con/: -~.....- -- 0pany, July 30.. 1865-Vet. Harrison Neider....d..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865-mustered out with company, Juln y, July 30, 1865-Vet. James Duncan........do... Feb. 12,'64, 3Promoted to Corporal, April 1, 1865mustered: - - - - - out with company, y, July 30, 1865-Vet. Michael Neider......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered -e;-'..... - out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. John R. Davis.-... do April 8,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, May 21, 1865-mustered: -.....out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet..'!B1enj. H. Frederick...do. Sept. 10,'61,3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Mar. 24,'65-Vet. David Burket......do....: Sept. 10,'61, 3 I)ied May 11, 1863.; Moses W~adsworth....do::... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. David Damnpman:.. Muc. Feb. 23,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. WJ.illiam Ketller.. -... -do..... Feb.- 11'64,: 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. George Devinney.....do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Died Jan. 24,1864, of wounds received at Blue Alber., Dl...5. Springs, Tenn.-bu. at Knoxville-grave, 100. Albert, Daniel....... Private Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 0, 1865 —.Vet Adder,:Jacob:....do... Sept. 19,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 2, 1865. Brownback, W. P.d....do..: Feb..22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865..-. Boyer, Miorris.;..~.:.....do....:Mar. 10,'65, Substitute'-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Baker, Albert....:.do.- Matr.H 11,'65, 1'Substitute-mustered out with Co,, July 30,'65. Behney, Isaac....... do....- Sept.I0,'61, - Mustered out, Sept. 29,.64 —expiration of term. Boga'dus?(eorge...-....:.:'Spt. 380,'~l:: lrsti.r(ed out, Sept., 29.'64-expiration of. erm. -aker, Jas.cob,.:.-..i.l,A. $-...;.^ 21,'64, I' Drafted,(iiecharged b)y G. 0., June 1, 1865. THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1307 NAME. RANK. DATE OF MUSTER REMARKS. FAME,' R KaJ.. INTO SERVICE., Boyer, Michael...... Private Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 1, 1865. Blichner, Nicholas.do..... Sept. 23-'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June, 1 865. 1 Broadstone, Azari'h...do... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Died Jue 13, 1864, of wounds received at Spttsylvania C. H.,:May 12, 64-buried in Natiohal Cemetery, Arlington, Va. —Vet. Barr, William.......do.... Feb. 9,'64, 3 Died at Washington, D. C., June 26, 1864-bu. -at Alexandria, Va.-grave, 2,253. Batzel, F. George.....o.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Bolton, Benjamin......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged onSurg. certificate-date unknown. Becker, John............do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Briel, Isaac..............do..Sept. 10,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boucher, Francis G...do..... Mar. 3,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Cogswell, John..... do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Cully, Ebenezer........do..... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Cummings, George...do..... July 12,'64, 3 Drafted-absent, sick, at muster out - Clay, Alban............do..... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration 0 f term. Coates, Isaac.............do.... Sept. 20, 64, I Drafted-disch. by General Order, Juil 1, 1865, Clark, Jacob.............do..... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order., Junel, 1865. Couch, Benjamin.....do.. Sept 10,'61, 3Taken prisoner Dec. 14,1863-died at-Anlerson. ville, Ga., July 11, 1864-grave, 3,430. Cook, Israel..........'...do. Sept. l,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Cole, Aos... do Sept. 10,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Crater, Lewis........ do Sept. 10,'61, 3 Promoted to Com. Sgt., May 1, 1862. Connelly, James..... o..... Mar. 10,'64,3 Not on muster-out roll. Donivan, John.........do..... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-disch. by!GeneralOrder, Aug. 16,'65. Dunlap, William......do.... Sept. 10,?61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Dehart, John C do...do.. Sept. 30, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term. Dunmire, John A.....do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Deibert. Adrew.......do..Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, May 11, 1865. Drake, Thomas S....do.. Sept. 21,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1, 65. Deckert, William....do Sept. 10,'61, Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Dreber, William.....,do.... Sept. 10,'61,3DiedNov. 4,186 buriedin National Cemeter,......... -:.- - ~ -Antietam, Md.-sec. 26, lot D, grave, 368. Eagle, John..... do..... Mar. o7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Engleman, Julius....do.....do Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out.'Sept. 29. 1864-expiration of term. Egan, James.........d...:. Mar. 13,'65, Substitute-deserted June 20, 1865. Ellis, William..........do.....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date nknown. Everdale, Joseph......do.... Sept. 10,'61,- 3 Not on muster-outroll. Fritz, John.......... dod..... Sept. 10,'61,- 3- Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Fritz, Daniel..o.......do-,.. Sept. 10,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Fry, Jacob............. Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Finkboon, Peter.........do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Discharged byGeneral Order, May 24, 1865. Folk, Lewis...............do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. F-rancis, John...........do.... ept. 10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date:unknown. Gresley, Franklin......do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, July 11,'65. Gliniser, Jacob.........do....- Mar.- 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Grogan, Michael.......do..... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-absent, wounded, at muster out. Gilmore, Keith.........do..... April 2,'64, 3 Killed in action at Norfolk railroad, June 18,'64. Gerstenmayer, Geo...do..:.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Gross, Isaac...........do..... Sept. 10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Heller, Peter........... do Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Heller, George..........do...Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Himmelreieh, Wm...do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out witheompany, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Haas, John...........do.... Mar. 7,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hayes, Robert...........do.. Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hil, John.............do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-nmustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hickman. John.........do..... Mar.: 15,'6, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Homan, George.......do....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Holmes, Jonathan...do..... Sept, 27,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Herring, David........do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Killed at Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862. Hartman, John..........do.... Mar. 26, 62, 3 Not on muster-out roll.. Heinerts, HenryJ.....do..... Mar. 3, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ingram, William......do..... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Jacob, Lewis............do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Died October 15, 1862. Kissick, Samuel.......do.... Feb. 12,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Kunsman, George.....do..... Feb. 29,'64, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out. Kepple, Henry.........do,.... April 6,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 186.. Kesler, William........do.... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,*'65. Keen, John..............do..... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,1865-Vet. Kugle, Gottleib.........do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Kaden, Patrick........do...., April 9,'64, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., August 29, 1864. Keen, Charles........do.... Sept. 26,'61, 3 Died August 17, 1862. Katzmoyer, Peter..d..do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Lowry, James A........... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 1, 1865. Lambert, James-.......do..... Mar. 13,'65, 3 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 16,'65. 1308 FIFTIETH REGIMEXT,. hAME? E-AhNl. DATE OF MUSTER INTO SERVICE. R REMARKS. Mie1er, Michael...... rivate Sept. l0,'61, 3 Mustered 6ut with company, July30, 1865-Vet. Meck, John........... do.. Sept. 10,'61 3 Mustered out-with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Merkle, Christian.....do....Mr. 15,M'15 1 Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Martin, Bein. F......... Sept. 28, 64, I Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Milford, Samuel F...do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G.., June 1, 1865. Miller, Jacob..........do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Matron, Thoma.. S...o.. Mar.: 13,'65, 1 SUbstitute-diseharged by G. 0., June 16, 1865. Markley, Jonas.......do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 24, 1865. Meinhart, Ferdind...do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged by General Order, June 9,1865-Vet. Mattis, Moses............do..... Feb. 19 64, 3 Prisoner May 12, 1864-died at Fortress Monroe,.- - AApril 18, 1865-buried at Hampton, Va. Miller, Charles.... do.... Feb. 9,'64, a Deserted March 17, 1864. Moyer, John H........do... Sept. 10, 61, 3 Killed at Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862.'Moyer, Charleas........do..... ept. 18, 61,. Died December 13,1862. Millerehrstian......do... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's eert.-date unknown. Mello, isJhn.:..... ddo.. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert. —dte unknown, Miflbr, Joseph.........do..... - Sept. 10 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. M'Adab, VVm F....do..... Feb. 23,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 30,1865. M"Donald, John.........do..... Mar. 10,'65, i - Substitute-absent, wounded, at muster out. M'Nabb, John.-.f.......do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term, Miller, John..............do..... April 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nagle, Henry-............do.... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'5. Neldhamnmer, M.... i...do..... Sept 10'61,..Pris. —died at Salisbury, N. C., Dec. 30,'64-Vet. Neider, Lafayette......do..... Mar. 25,'62, 3 Prisoner December14, 1863-dcied at AndersonNeibling, William...do... Mar. 10,- 65, 1 Substitute —deserted June, 1865. Neff, -John...........-..do.... Sept. 10,'61, 3. Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Neider,William......do..d..; Sept. 10,'61, 31 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date nknown. Patchen, Frederick:...do..... Mar.,11'65,- 1 -Substitute-mustered out with Co., Jly 30,'65.: Pyle, Isaac..i..... _...do.... Sept, 10,'61, 3 Mustered out. No(vember 17, 1864, to date Sep-.-....-: tember 29,: 1864-expiration oftermn Peterman, Michael..d..... Sept. 21, 64, 1'Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Pierce, Wmn. G......d...do....:Septi 28,'64, 1 Drafted-disc. on Surgens cert. Dee. 29, 1864. Poffenberger, C........do...Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 2, 1865. Polm, David.......do...Mar. 16,'64, 3 -Deserted June 20, 1864. Reinart, Franklin......do.... Mar. 8;'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65 Reinart, Alexander..do..-......... -Absent, sick, at muster out. Rankin, John..........d...do Sept. 21,'64. 1 iDrafted-disch. on Surgeon's cert., Dec. 29, 1864. Roland, Johi F.........do.... Sept. 21,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1,1865. Ruperta, e.James........... ept. Sept.21,'64,- 1 Drafted- discharged by Gl. OJue 1, 1865. Rhoads Mahlon..... do... Sept. 10'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Cops, Mar. 3,'65-Vet. Richardson, H.....do.....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Roorke John.........do... April 12,'64, 3 Not on mster-out oll. Strunk, Jacob.......i...do..... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Mustered out with company; July 30,1865-Vet. Setzler, James..........do. Sept. 10,'61, 3 Wounded at Spottsylvania. H., May 9, 1864-:.: -.... -; mustered out with companyv, July 30, 65-Vet. Searfress, Joel............ o Mar. 8,'65, 1Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Solter, udolph.............. Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Stark, George..........do..... Ma3r 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out -vith Co., July 30,'65. Souders, Samuel,..... do... Sept. 30,'6, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-~expiration of term, Sterner Daniel.....do.... Sept. 30,'61, 3 Musteredout, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration f term. Schreffler, Henry.....do.....Sept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scert., Jan. 23, 65-Vet. Shaffer, George.......do..... Sept. 21, 64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Speer, Tatty.............do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Seitzinger, Hamil'n...do.... Mar. 28,'64, 3Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, May, 1865. Schnimale, David..; d..... Spt. 10'61...... Jptly 170,'64, ofwds.ree. at Petersburg-Vet. Struhm, John...... do.... Sept. 1061, 3 Killed at Petersburg, June 28, 1864-buried in:- - -...-.-. 9thi Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va.-Vet. Shager, Jacob........do,.... Sept. 10, 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's eert.-da te unknown., Smouder, Andrew......... Sept. 10,'61, 3 Not on muster0out roll. Trumpe, George.......do... April 27,'64, 3 Absent, woundedat muster out, Turner, And. L........do...- Sept.- 20,'64, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. 0., June 1, 1865, Trexler, Charles........do.... Sept. 10,'61,; 3 Discharged on Surgeon'scert,-date,nkn0.wn, Toole, Dennis..........do..... Sept. 10, 61, 3- Killed at Chantilly, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. Thomas, Ezekiel...do..... Sept. 10t.'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. Wall, William..... do..April 22,'65, S ot on musterout roll. Watins, Wm.....:...dq..o... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Wenner- Jon S.......,do... ept. 10,'61, Prisoner from May 12, 1864, to April 30, 1865-:~!-: ~:: -' - discharged by GeneralOrder, June22,'65-V-et. Watson, Jos. T, d...... oSept. 10,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's. cert. — date unknown. Williams, Thomas...do..... April 22,'64, 3 Not on muster.out roll, Yeager, William....... do Feb 8,'64, Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. - Youngblood, John..do. Sept. 30,- 61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, Oct. 19,1864. Yerger, John...l... do Sept. 10'61, 3 Mustered out. Sept. 29,1864-expiration ofterm. umubrun, Wm...... do Mar. 13,'65, I Substitute-deserted July 5, 1865.... —— ~L..~.9~.~~..~ ~...-,~.. ~..... THREE YEARS' SERVICE. 1309 COMPANY I. RECRUITED IN LUZERNE COUNTY.. NAME.- RAK. DATE OF MUSTER REM...NAME. -RAN.K.SBRlE REMARKS. INTO.SERVICE. ~ Saml, F. Bossard....Capt.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Resigned January 28, 1863. James H. Levan:...............Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted from Sgt. Co. C to Capt., Nov. 26,'64-.-". - mustered out with company, July 30,'65 —Vet. William Reynolds.. st Lt... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Edward A. Wilbur...do..... Se'pt. 25,.'61, 3 Promoted fr. priv. to Sgt.-to 1st Lt., Dec. 4,'64mustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Alf.J. Huntzinger 2d-Lt.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Captain company K, Sept. 17, 1862. Richard Rahn............ do. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from 1st Sgt. to 2d Lt., Sept. 17,'62mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term. John Dennison...... st Sgt. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from priv. to Sgt.-to 1st Sgt., June 15,.:''... 65-com. 2d Lt., Sept. 30,'64-not musteredmustered out with company, July 30,'65-Vet. Casper Kahle......... Serg't.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from private to Sergeant-mustered -.,. - Sept. 2: ~ out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Burrell E. Reed.......do'..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Wounded at Petersburg, Va.-tr. toVet. Reserve Corps-returned Jan. 7, 1865-promoted from -......Corporal to Sergeant, February 1, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Joseph Hedde.....do.... Sept. 25,'6, 3 Promoted to- Corporal-to Serg't, June 15, 1865mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Andrew Jackson,....do.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Prisoner from May 12, to Dec. 10, 1864 —mus- t ered out, Jan. 31, 1865, to date Dec. 15, 1864. John Mackey..........do.... ept. 25'61, 3 Died June 7, 1864, ofwds. received June 5,'64buried in National Cem., Arlington, Va.-Vet. AaronOxrider...............Sept. 25,'61, 3 Died June 18, 1864, of wounds received at Pe- - -.-.. - tersburg, Virginia-Vet. William Cole...........do..Sept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. George W. Dickens...do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, January 1, - -P -1863-not on muster-out roll. James M. Wagner. Corp.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-discharged by General..;- j - ~-' ~-' - 9'.: -Order. July 27, 1865-Vet. Jer.-W. Darnsife........do. Feb. 29,'64 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Joseph Clouser.... do.: Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 7, 1865s mustered':........ - -.out with company, July 30, 1865. Hiram Michaels........do. Feb. 29,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, April 7, 1865-mustered _B -:' 0-',.....: out with company, July 30, 1865. Humphrey Brqn......do..7...', 3 De. 7,' ischarged March 16, 1865, for wounds, with loss..;.- - of leg, received September 30, 1864. Matthew Berkley. o.....d.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Prisoner-died at Andersonville, Georgia, July 26, 1864-grave, 4,002. Solomon: Rudisill'....do April 22, 62, 3 Died July 12,'64, of wounds receivedin action -: buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.. B. Miche....do..... Sept. 25,'61 3 Discharged'March 12, 1862. CQharles Crriner.....:.do.:. Sept. 25,'61,:Killed at Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862. Stphe Hley.....do ept. 25, 61, 3 Discharged November 16, 1862. JohnABush.........do...Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged January 17, 1863. Nicholas Rice........ do. Sept. 25,61, 3 DischargedOctober 18, 1863.' Josiah Wright........do..... Sept. 25,'61 3 Discharged December 3, 1862. Alfred Fairchild..... Muc...; Feb. 29,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. HiramJBrant.,: -.... - d0-.... do Feb. 24,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. d'n B.Woodward...do..jSept. 25,'61, 13 Discharged February 23, 1863. Allspach, George. Private Sept. 25,'61 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865Vet. Allison, Isaac..........do....Feb. 22,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by Gen. Order, June 23,'65. Ackley, Charls..:. do:.... Deec. 7, 61 3 Wd. inaction, with loss of leg-disch. Apr. 1,'65 Armstrong, Wm.......do. ar. 13,'65, 1Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Andis, Von Henry....do..ept. 25, 61 3 Discharged March 5,1862. Barringer, Christ.....do.... Mar. 13, 65 1 Substitute-absent at muster out. Bretz, Frank.......do.: Mar. 14, 6 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Burch, Thomas........do Set. 26, i64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 2,'65. Butow, Jn.......... do..... 21,'64 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 2,'65. Biery, Wiliam......... e...td. 13,'61, 3 1Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 25, 1864-buried -' >... in 9th Corps Cemetery, Meade Station, Va. Birch, Thomas...... d.. Mar. 6,'65, Substitute-deserted May 28, 1865. Brighthoupt, D. J....do.:.. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Betts, Marion D......do...Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged February 5. 1863. Bosse, Charles C... do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Deserted March 26, 1863, Baldwin,'Wm. H.....do..;. Dec. 7,'61, )3 Discharged February 4,.1863. Cunningham,Jno.L..do..... Sept, 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. 1310 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, DATE OF MUSTER _NAME. _RANK. INTO SERVICE. REMARKS. Casey, John........... Private Sept. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Clemans, Jacob.,.....do.... Sept. 28,'64, Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Calvert, John...........do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 2, 1865. Grutchman, Calvin...do..... Aug. 31, 64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Collier, Robert..........do.... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drafted-dischargedby G. O., June, 1865. Cotter, Thomas.......do...... Mar. 13;'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Carman, James R......do....Sept. 25,'61, 3 Noton muster-outroll. Carpenter, Ezra F.....do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. De Gran, George......do..d.. Mar. 9,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, Juljr'30, 1865. Darnsife, Isaac H......o.... Feb. 29,'64, 3Absent; in hospital, at muster out. Dolloway, George...... do.....Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65'Dennehower, Zach.....do.... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Diffendurfer, Heny...do.... Aug. 28.'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Dogan, Dennis...........do.., Sept. 28,'64, I Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Dishboro, Joseph..... do..... Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drateddischarged byG..,July 5, 1865. Doutrick, Levi.......d Feb. 25,'64, 3 Prisoner-died at Andersonville, Ga., August 1, 1864-grave, 4,481. Donnahue, Thomas...do... Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 20, 1865. ~ Daniels, Isaac..........do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Sick, in hospital, from September 1, 1862. De Graw, John H.....do....Sept. 25'61 3 Discharged October 18, 1862. Danner, George.......do..... April 22, 3'6, Not on muster-out roll. English, James C......do..... Mar. 9,'65, Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Edwards, James.......do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Ab., in hos. at Newport News, Va., sinceAug. 4,62. Edmons, James..... do Sept. 25,'61. 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Fuent, rank...........do... Mar. 14,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Focht, Hiraml.........do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 iMustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Fore, John.... do... eb. 21e, 2'65 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O. May 8, 1865.' Fox; Samuel.............do.....Sept. 28'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Fee, Lewis............... do.... Sept. 28'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. 0., June 2, 1865. Fisher, Jacob..........do..... Sept. 1,'64, I Substitute-discharged by G.., June 2, 1865 Farley, John.........do..do.. Mar. 13,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted May 18, 1865. Gleville, Albion........do.... Mar. 11, 65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Gaskins, James M....do..... Sept. 25,'65, 3 Absent at, muster out-Vet. Gallagher, William...do....Feb. 29,'64, 3 Discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865. Gapen, Joseph..........do.....Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute- discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865' Gould, Hiram........ do...d..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Goss, Thomas S.......do.... Sept. 25,'61 3 Discharged June 25, 1862.!Qrrett, Justice........do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Mustered out, Dec, 10, 1864 — expiration of term. Hall, George W..... do..... July 8'63, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Hoover, Jonathan....do... Feb. 24,'65, I Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. Hist, John B...........do July 29,'64, 3 Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 186b. Hunsiker, Dan'l W..do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Hoyt, John C.. o.......... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Haffley, Daniel S.. do..do.... Feb. 24,'6, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 8, 1865. Hamilton, Eli......do..... Sept. 24,'64, I Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Higgins, James C.....do..... Mar. 10,'64, Discharged by General Order, pay22, 1865 anley, Alexander....do.... Sept. 25,'61 3 Deserted September 12, 1862. Heman, Hiram, Jr...do... Dec. 7,'61, 3 Discharged May 12, 1862. Heman, Horace........do..... )e. 7,'61, 3 Deserted July 25, 1862. Jeffords, Henrv D....do... Mar. 9 65 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Jeffords, EberJ.....do.... Mar. 9,'64, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Krebs, Lewis....... do..... Mar. 7,'64, 8 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Keen, Daniel.........do.... April 30,'62, 3 Mustered out, Apr. 19, 1865-expiration of term. Keyser, Samuel.......do.... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865. Kern, John...............do.... Mar. 13, 65,1 Substitute-died May 21, 1865-buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. Knight, Philip...do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged February 17, 1862. Leiberman, Francis..do.. Feb. 23,'65, 1 Drafted-absent at muster out. Lockart, Obadiah....do..... Aug. 29'64, 1 Sub.-diedat City Point, Va.-date unknown. Luther, John..........,do.... Jan. 14,'62, 3 Deserted March 8, 1864-Vet. Lettick, John G..... do..... April 22,'62, 3 Not on muster-outroll. Mengos, Wells.......do.....April 14,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865.: Miller, Albert....do.... Mar. 1,'64, 3 Mustered out'with company, July 30, 1865. Mayberry, Reuben...do..... Feb. 10,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Mayer, John...........do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Merrill, Charles...... do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —expiration of term. Miller, James..........do..... Feb. 24,'65, 1 Drafted-discharged by G. O., May 8, 1865. Miller, Samuel.........do..... Sept. 21,'64,: 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., May 12, 1865. Myer, Jacob.,.........do.... Sept. 24,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 2, 1865d Miller, Augustus..,..do....'Sept. 9'61, 3 Killed in action, June 30, 1864. Maugh, John........... Sept. 25,'61, 3Discharged December 31, 1862. Moog, John..............do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged-date unknown. Mabre, Newton D....do..... Jan. 14,'62, 3 Missing in action-date unknown. M'Knight, David...do..... Mar. 13,'65, Drafted-mustered out with Co., July 30, 1865. M'Carty, -Timothy.....do...Mar. 15,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865.. THREE YEARS' SERVITCE. 1311 DATE OF MTTSTER:MAE. RANg.~ INTO SERVICE. S. Newman, Harrison Private Sept. 28, 64, Substitute-discharged by G.., June 2. 1865. Nacey, John... do.....April22,'62, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 15, 1864. ver William.........do..... 13,'6, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65 O'Neill, Henry.........do... Sept. 25,61, 3 Died Sept. 3, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Pm...do. ar. 7,', Run, August 30, 1862. Philips, Abraham. do..... Mar. 7,'64,' 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Piper, Thomas A.......do..... Mr. 24'65, Drafted-discharged by G.., May, 1865. hoads, H. W. H.....do.... Jan. 27, 64 3Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Reese, George.......... Mar 8,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co. July30,'65. R:th, Henry...........do..... Mar 10, 65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. udqrf, Henry.......... do..... Mar. 10, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Ruble, Jacob.........o Sept. 3, 64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G.., June 2, 1865. Rogler, Gotleib........do.... Sept. 1,'64, Substitute-discharged by G. 0., J e 2; 1865. Riley, John..........do... Mar. 13, 65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865 Reedy, Peter............... Sept. 25,'61, 3Discharged January 22,1863. Ross, James B......do..... Sept. 25, 61, 3 Discharged February 4,1863. Stinerook, Jacob........do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Sheffhour, Alex........do... Sept. 29,'64, Substitute-discharged by G. O., Jne 2, 1865. Steckley, John........do..... Feb. 29, 64, 3Killed atSpottsylania C. H., May12,'1864. Sager, Henry............do... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Died at Washington. D. G.-date unknown. Smith, James..........do Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted March 18, 1865. Sweeney, William..do...Mar. 3, 6, ubstitute-deserted March 20, 1865. Smith, Owen K.........do..... Mar. 11,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted April 9, 1865. Slighter, John.....l..d....do.. Mar. i 3,', 1 Substitute deserted April 29, 1865. Springer, Philip.......do. Sept. 2,,3Not on muter-out roll. Springer, Toni.......do.. Sept. 25,'61, eserted Septe er 12, 862. Smith, Peter............do. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Discharged December 18, 1862. Thom, John N..d...... d Sept. 25,'6i, 3 Absent at muster out-Vet. Townsend, Samuel...do. Sept. 25,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term.. Thrasher, Henry F...do..... Sept. 5 64, Substitute-discharged by G. O., June2, 1865. Thirl, Charles...........do Sept. 25,'61,3 Discharged February 4, 1863. Tallada, William.d.... Dec..'61, 3 Wounded at Antietam, September 17, 1862-not Tallada, Goodrich.....do Jan. 14, 62, DischargedMay 20,1862. Vanpeit, Daniel.... do.. Sept. 25,'61,3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Vliet, Jasper.....d.... Sept. 2,'61, 3Died November 2,1861. ~randeroool, -H enry,.,:,o...... 2.5....S Vanderpool, Henry...do. Jan. 14, 62,3 Noton muster-out roll. Wismer, Henry D....do. Mar. 13, 65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. West, James................. Mar. 2,'65, 1 Drafted-mustered out with Co, July 30, 1865. Williams, John T..........Sept. 25, 61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 2, 1864-expiration of term. WrightCulbertson..do....et. 2, 64, Sub. —disch. on Surgeon'scertificate, June 5,'65. White, George......do. Mar. 8, 65, 3 Substitute-deserlted March 18, 1865. Webster, John........... Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-desertedMarch 18,1865. WCiley, William.........do...Mar. 8, 65,1 Substitute-deserted April29, 1865. Warg, Lewis.........ept. 25,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Zimmerman, Jacob...d... Sept. 9,'61, Prisoner from June 7, to Nov. 26, 1864-mustered out, January 30, 1865, to date November 30, 1864-expiration of term. Zehner, David W. do..... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Killed at Chantily, Va., September 1, 1862. ~~.;:....' p.K. -. -' s.......: aCOMPA;NY K. RECRUITED AT MONROE, BRADFORD COUNTY. James B. Ingham... Capt.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Killed at Antietam; September 17, 1862. A. J. Huntzinger....-..do.... Sept. 25,'61, 3 Pr. from 2d Lieut. company I, Sept. 17, 1862"-... [: mustered out, Sept. 29,'64-expiration of term. George V. Meyer.......do,.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. from Sgt. to lst Sgt.-to 2d Lt:, May 1'64-~ - to Captain, May 1,865 —mustered out With -,.......;.... c.:-company, July 30, 1865-VTet. - Chas.:H.' Kellog.i.... Ist Lt... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Died September 1', 1862, of wounds received at -.. —.- - -Bull Run, August 29, 1862. - ~. StephenR. Ormsby...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. from Cor. to 2d Lt., Aug. 1,1862-to 1st Lt., -+t:'; - -. |-:- i ] December 15, 863-mustered out, September,..'. *' -.|.,'.', t.:,:.'^ 24,: 1864 -expiration of term. -'Wmn: Taylor,..do..S. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. from SgtL. to 1st Lt. Dec. 4, 1864-mustered -.- -:.......-.. p out with.compaIry, July 30, 1865-Vet.:.- Josgph:S.-Ingham...- 2d-Lt...Sept. 9,'61, 3 roinoted to 1st Lieut.Co. B, Aug. 1,1862.: Geo: Nerithew.... do...Sept.9,'6,, i i Pr. frorni priv. t'Sgt.-to 2d Lt., Ma'-8, i865~ J &-.~^^ -^.:^ -.-.-~-;..-..; ~.., m -...uste\dF ut ith company; July 0,'65-Vet.' Jasr..ame pbell... lst:Sgt. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. iom priv. tb-Sgt.-to 1st Sgt.May 18,'65- *0...: mustered out with company, Jqly 30,'65-vet. 1312 FIFTIETH REGIMENT, w.. _ _ NAME. RANK. DATEO STER REMARKS. ~I. RA NS.. INTO SERVICE. Wm.M. Abrams... 1st Sgt.. Sept. 9, 61, 3 Promoted from private to 1st Sergeant-died at -.... ~ Alexandria, Va. October 7, 1864-Vet. John W. Wilcox......d Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. fr. private to 1St Sgt.-died June 20, 1864, of -,~ "~. ~-wounds received at Petersburg-buried in 9th Corps.Cemetery. Meade Station, Va. —Vet. F. N. Wilcox.................d Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Joseph T. Prentis..Serg't.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Phil.. M'racken..do..... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Promoted from private, May 18, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 —Vet. Edw. W. Meeks.........do... Mar. 8,'64, 3 Promoted from private, June 3, 1865-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. James M. Wilcox.do..... Mar.- 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-to Sgt., July 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30,'65. J. Dorsey Jhnson.....do..... Sept. 9, 61,.3 Mustered out, Sept, 29, 1864-expiration of term, W. S. Pembleson......do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Joseph J. Cline............ Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1; 1865. Simon Clouser......do. Feb 2, 64 3 Promoted to Sergeant, March 1, 65-to Quartermaster Sergeant, May 9, 1865 —Vet. G.R. Hopkins......... do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Pr. fr. piv. toSgt.prisdied at Andersonville Ga., Sept. 12, 1864-grave, 8.532-Vet. Wm.- M. Custer.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Geo. L. Bowman.......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Sergeant-not on muster out roll. Israel Cornell...... Corp.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-mustered;re o. out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Wmn. Leibrant.........do. Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-pr. to Corporal, June3,65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Henry Betser..........do.... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-pr. t6Corporal, June3,65-mustered: out with company, July 30, 1865. Geo. F. Bedford.......do Mar. 23,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, June 3, 1865-mustered:-~:,~. -~~ oout with company, July 30, 1865. Cyrus Jewell...........do Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-pr. to Corporal July 1,65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. John Dictrell...........do... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-pr. to Corporal, July 1,'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. J. D. Davidson..........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Promoted to Corporal, July 1,'65 —musteretiout with company, July 30, iS05. Latham Andrews......do... Mar. 10,'65, Substitute-pr. to Corporal, July 1'65-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Joseph Robins.........do....Sept. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. rHarry B. Cramner...do Aug. 13'62 3 Pr. to Cor.-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. evellon S. Omby...do Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to Corporal-discharged May 20, 1865, -;~...-.-. f -for wounds received in action —Vet. Samuel Bair.............do..... Sept. 29,'64, 11 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865 William Fair.........do.... Sept.- 3'64, Substitute-discharged by G. O Jue 1, 1865. John 0. Gregg........do... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-dischargd by G. O., June 1) 1865. Jos. C. M'Millan.......do... Sept. 28,'64 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., Jun 1, 1865. Philetus H. Wilcox...do.....Sept 9,'61, 3 Discharg Surgeon's cert., Dec. 14, 64-Vet. Amos A. Gratton....do Sept. 9, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporalkilled at Weldon raii road, August 19, 1864-Vet. Edwin-H. Steel do..... Sept. 9, 61, 3 Promoted to Corporal —-illed at Spottsylvan ia C. H., May 12,1864-Vet. Charles Keeler.....do...... Sent. 9, 61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Chas. R. Owens...... Sept. 9,'6.1,- 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown.'Vincent Marcy............. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date UnknoWnf R. H. Chubbuck...do....... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Jerre Boles......... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 28, 1862. Miles Buck..... Muc.... Mar. 14,'64 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Rleed W. Dumffee do...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Promoted to P. Muc., April 13, 1865-Vet. James Carr.......o..... Sept. 9,'61,1 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown Alsop, Edward.-Private Sept. 19,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June i, 1865. Albro, Samuel............. e 9, 6 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864 —epiration of term. Adams, Isaac N.......... Sept. 9,'61 1.3 Deserted March 8, 1864-Vet. Adams, Lewis B.. do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted September, 1862. Annis, Wmi., Jr........do:Sept. 9, 61, 2 Disch. on Surgeon's certifiate-date unknown. Bentley, Thomas......... Mar. 29'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865 Barnhart, Martin......do... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Absent, in hospital, at master out. Broomlock, D. ID.....do... Feb. 25,'65, 1 Substitute-mUstere d out with Co, J5uly 30,'65. -Bechtel, John K;.,do..Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute —mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Beam, George E..... d..d.., Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Beam, Charle so....ep t. S -9'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1865-expiration ofterm. Brown, John......,. e6..i... Sept, 29,'64, 1 I Substituite-dischb by G. 0 June, 1 1865. Bedford, Joseph...;....do.:lSept. - 9,'61,: 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29. 1865-.expiration of term. arrvy chae...do..Spt. 22, 641ubsittte:-discharged byG,-O,; June 1, 1865. Blessing, Charles, i.....do. Sept. 16, l6!, 3 Transferred to company A, Septeniber 22,1 864 Birney, John B.: do.....;, Sept. 9:'61, 3 Tr. to 8th reg. T. Infantry-a date unknown. THREE YEARS, SERVICE. 1313 NAME. DATE OF MUSTER REMRKS. N AME RANKM I REMARKS. IANK. ITO SERVICE. Baily, Silas K......... Private Sept. 9,'61,3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert.-date unknown. ]Baily, John...............do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-outrol.. Babtceock, Hubbard...do... Sept., 9, 61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Babock, Isaac... do.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch.on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Brown, James...........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died April 25, 1862. lBeardsley, H. M........do.... Sept. 9,'61 3 Missing in actionat Bull.Run, August 29, 1862. Bean, Joel M...........do. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate —date unknown. Clouser, Jacob K.....do..... Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Cutchbertson, Rob't...do..... Sept. 28,.'64, Substitute-disch. by.General Order, June 1,'65. Clawson, Daniel M...do..... Sept. 29,'64, Substitute-disch. by.General Order, June 1,'65. Christ, Henry J......do..... Feb. 29, 64, 3 Promoted to 1st Lieutenan.t Co..G, Dec..:: 1864. Colter, Cornelias......do... Sept. 9,'61 3 Transferred to U. S. Signal Corps, Mar. 12, 1865. Chamberlin, C. W.....do..... Feb. 28,'623 Transferred to company D, September 22, 864. Cornell, Judson L.....do.... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864. Cross, isaiah H........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to.company D, September 22, 1864. Clernmonds, James....do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-died March: 30, 1865, of wounds received near Petersburg, Ya.,. March 28, 1865. Cady, Sherlock.........do..... Mar. 18,'64, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, Va.,,June 3, 1864. Campbell, William...do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Prisoner-died at Andersonville, Ga., 1864. Crofalt, Joel T.... do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Coolbaugh, Mon. A...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. by sentence:of G. C.M.-date unknown. Cosby, William A....do...:. Sept. 9,'6!, 3 Deserted-date unknown. Dickenson, H. G.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Delcamp, Joseph......do....,. Feb. 25,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Davidson, Geo.....do... Sept. 9,'6t1, Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. DunhamWm. P......do..... Sept. 27, 64 1Substitute-,disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Dieffebach,Wm. A...do.... Sept. 26,'64, I Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Danbert, William......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 11864. Derker, Isaiah...........do..... Sept. 9,'61 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. BDaVis, Gabriel....do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Prisoner —died at Andersnville, Ga., 1864. Duvall, Charles....'..:do.... Mar. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. )Daniels, John...;......do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-desertedJ une 1j, 1865. Dike, Hiram J........do..... Sept. 9,'61 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. English, Curtis W.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, W3 d.inact'n-nmus. out,Sept. 29,'64-exp. of term. Eckenroth, Chas.H...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, September 22, 1864. Ellenbaum, Jas. F...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. Erdman, August.....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Spottsylvania C. H., May 12, 18.64. English, Orlando..;...do. Sept. 9,'61, 3-Absent, wounded, t.muster out. Foig, Thomas...... do. Mar;. 9,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered.out with Co., July 30,'65. Feather, Emanuel.....do..... Mar. 14,'65 -I'Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'35 Filby, Samuel..... do.... Sept. 28,'64, 11 Substituite-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65, Fix, George W..... do..... Sept. 29, 64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June,'65, Fordham, Abram.....do'..... Sept. 6,'61 3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864, Gelte, Andrew.:.....do..... Feb. 2,'64, 3 Mustered out. with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Gill, William.. do........ Mar.'11,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Gechter, Augustus...do....Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Greer, Humphrey.....do.....Mar. 16,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Graff, John..............d.. ug 14,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, September. 22, 1864, Goff, Orren Wilmot...d'.:.. Sept. 9'61 3Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Howard, Samuel K...do.:.. Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co.,July 30,'5. Hurst, James H.... do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 186,4-expiration of term.n Hockman, D; H,.........do.... Sept, 29,'64,' Substitute-disch. by General.Order, June 1,-'65. I-osack, James,.....do....Sept. 29'64, I Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65, Hick, Francis....... do... Sept 24 64, I Substitut-disch. by..eneral Order, June 1, 65. Hautz, Isaac..........do..... Sept. 9, 61, Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. Hacket, James...,.....do..... Sept. 661,3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864. Hurlbert, Daniel.......do.....Feb. 25,'64, 3 Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864,. Higgiis, Patrick. o. Mar. 10, 65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 20,. 1865. Haines, Oscar L..:....do.... Sept. 9, 61, Disch onSurgeon's certificate date; unknown. Hess, Albert C:....... do..... Sept. 9, 61, 3Missing in action at Bull Run, August.29, 1862. Hess, Ferdinand.......do.... Sept. 9,,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Ibuck, Albert..........do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-m ustered outwith Co., July 30,'65. Invella, John............do..... ar. 8,'65 1 Substitute-mustered.out with Co., July 30,'65. Jones, William..... do..... Mar. 13, 65 Substitute-deserted June.l, 1865. Johnson, John....do...: Mar. 10,'65, 3 Substitute-.deserted. March 20,: 1865. Kritts, Jacob............do..... Mar. 15,'65 1 Substitute-mustered. out with Co., July 30,'65. Keiffeiter, Adam....do..... Mar. 6,'65, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June28,'65. Kellogg, Delanson....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Kellogg, Alva A.........Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Chantilly, Va., September 1, 1862. Kennedy, Partial......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Oct. 18,'62, of wds. rec. at South Mountain, Sept. 14,'62 —bu. in Mt. Olivet Cem., Frederick. Kenney, Alonzo D....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Nov. 24, 1863-bu. at Fortress Monroe, Va. Larah, Daniel..........do..... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered. out with Co.,July 30,'65. Lester, William H....o:..: Sept. 6,'61,3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864. Lord, Franklin.,,.,.,, do,., Sept......61, 3 Transferred tdo company D, SeTransferred to company D, September22, 1864. 165 1314 FIFTIETH REGIMENT,.B. DATE OF MUSTERI ERS. INTO SERVICE. Lester, Edward,.... Private April 8, 64, 3 Deserted April 23, 1864. Lutes, John.............do.. Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Landon, Newton...do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate —date unknown. Matley, Howard......do.... Sept. 27,'64, 1 Drafted-disch. by General Order, June 28,'65. Miller, Francis R......do..... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Manley, Charles.......do..... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30, ^65. -Mishlen, John M.......do..... Mar. 3,'65,1 Substitute-mustered out with Co.. July 30,'65. Myer, Berlin F.....do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Mills, James.....do..... Sept. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged June 18, 1865. Metteer, Charles W...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Transferred to Vet. Reserve Corps, June, 1864. Mitchell, George W...do..... Sept. 6,'61, 3 Transferred to company D, Sept. 22, 1864. Mannison, James....do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute-deserted July 1, 1865. Madden, Richard...do.... April 11,'64, 3 Deserted April 23, 1864. Martin, William.......do..... Mar. 15,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 20, 1865. Myers, Wesley J......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Minard, Silas B.........do..... Jan. 14,'62 3 Died-date unknown. M'Carty, Vinson.......do..... Mar. 23,'64, 3 Died July 7, 1864-buried inNational Cemetery, Arlington, Va. M'Gearry, Wm...... do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. M'Connell, Abner.....do...Sept. 29, 64, 1 Substitute-disch. by Gehferal Order, June 1,'65. M'Laughlin, John.....do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Nurse, Archibald J...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Tr. to 8th reg. U. S. Infantry-date unknown. Northrup, Harry C...do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Otto, Julius.......... do..... Sept. 29,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. O'Brien, Michael. do..do.... Mar. 11,'65, 3 Substitute-deserted March 20, 1865. Peck, George W.......do,.... Mar. 4,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Phinney, And'w B.....do.. -Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Platt, Christo'r F......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Rothe, Ludwick.......do... Mar. 8, 65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Robinson, William...do..... Mar. 7,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Robinson, James.....do.....Mar. 7,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Ramich, Samuel........do.... Mar. 3,'65, I Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65 Rohsback, Henry.....do..... Mar. 7,'65, I Substitute-deserted-returned -mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Reese, Philip...........do.. Aug. 5,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Ryan, Michael...........do....................... 1Substitute-disch. onSurg. cert.-date unknown. Reigle, Jonas P.........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. Rockwell, Gordon C...do.... Mar. 28,'64, 3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864. *Ridgway, Joseph L...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Robinson, Enoch J...do.....:Sept. 9,'61, 3 TransferredtoU. S. Eng. Corps-date unknown. Rice, Lewis P........do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Reagen, John..........do...April 8,'64 3 Deserted-April 23,1864. Ryan, Charles H......do..... April 11,'64 3 Not on muster-out roll. -Scrivens, Alva.........do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3Deserted-returned-mustered out with company, July 30, 1865. Scully, Patrick.........do..... Mar. 3,'65, 3 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Stunk, Henry...........do.... Mar. 10,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Stellings, leroy.........do..... Mar. 10,'65, I Substitute-absent, sick, at muster out. Seigle, Joel..............do.....Mar. 15,'65, Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Spotts, Jacob..........do.... Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Speigle, John W.......do.... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Sweeney, James......do..... Mar. 13,'65, 1 Substitute - deserted April 19, 1865- returned April 28,'65-mus. out with Co., July 30, 1865. Sanford, John 0.......do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Prisoner fro1i May 12, to Oct. 16, 1864- discharged May 4, 1865, to date December 21, 1864. Stone, Solon..............do..... Sept. 28,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Smith, Frank R.......... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, Sept. 22, 1864. Smith, William........ do..... Sept. 13,'61, 3 Transferred to company E, Sept. 22, 1864. Sailor, James........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company C, Sept. 22, 1864. Scott, John H..........do.... Mar. 22,'64, 3 Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps, Jan. 15, 1863. Snell, Elijah C..........do.....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died-date unknown. Sweet, J. Miles.......do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surg. certificate-date unknown. Shepstone, James...do....Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted October 1, 1861. Stevens, Marley........do..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Pocotaligo, S. C., October 22, 1862. Taylor, William A....do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out with company, July 30, 1865-Vet. Terry, Charles..........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out. Sept. 29,1864-expiration of term. Toy, James...... do..... Sept. 6,'64, 1 Substitute-dischl. by General Order, June 1,'65. Trosher, Charles......do.... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Toolan, Thomas.......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Killed at Cold Harbor, June 7, 1864. Unger, John...........do... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. Vogle, Augustus......do..... Mar. 9,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. Vroman, Horatio H...do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Mustered out, Sept. 29, 1864-expiration of term. Vance, Robert M...do..... Sept. 20,'64, 1 Substitute-disch. by General Order, June 1,'65. Van Wye, Moore T...do..... Feb. 28,'62, 3 Transferred to company D, September 22, 1864, Vargason, Richard....do..., Sept. 9,'61, 3 Deserted August 3, 1862. THREE YEABS' SERVICE. 1315 AiME. RANK, DATE OF MUSTR EMARKS. INTO SERVICE. Wickham, Charles.. Private Sept. 19,'61, 3 Absent, wounded, at muster out-Vet. Wermer, Jacob............. Sept. 22,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Wilson, Reuben.i......o.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Discharged on Surgeon's cert., Dec., 1864-Vet. Winters, William....... Aug. 27,'64, 1 Substitute-discharged by G. O., June 1, 1865. Wolfe, Isaac.......o.......o Sept. 9,'61, 3 Transferred to company A, September 22, 1864. Wage, Leander M.....d..Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Walker, Geo. W........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Washburn, J. W........do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Wilcox, Hiram W.......... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Williams, Edw'dG...do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died Oct. 18, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. West, Lorenzo D.......do.... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Died at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 11, 1862. Webster, George........do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Wanck, George W.....do..... Sept. 19,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Yaw, Samuel D........,do..... Sept. 9,'61, 3 Disch. on Surgeon's certificate-date unknown. Zeiber, Daniel..............o Mar. 15,'65, 1 Substitute-mustered out with Co., July 30,'65. UNA S SIGNED MEN. /. Adams, Daniel....... Private Mar. 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Boyd, William J.....do..... I)ec. 31,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Barry, Edward.........do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Blackford, Edward,..do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Brink, Leonard.......do..... Mar. 19,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Conlin, Francis.........do.... Mar. 15, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Clark, James..........do..... Feb. 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Coler, Frederick....., do.... Mar. 29,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Day, Joseph............do... April 27, 64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Fisher, John............do.... Aug. 21,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. Grannon, Joseph.......do..... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Hoffman, Jackson,....do..... Mar. 10,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Horton, Levi L...... do.... Mar. 9,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Johnston, Charles.....do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Johnston, Isaac..... do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lyons, Henry........ do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Landen, Francis..... do..... Mar. 15,'63, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lewis, Aborn...........do..... Mar. 25,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Lowe, Harvey W......do.... Mar. 11,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Murphy, Thomas......do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Merseth, Lawrence....do.... Sept. 15,'64, 1 Not on muster-out roll. M'Cauley, John.........do..... April 22,'64, 3 Not on muster-oit roll. O'Conner, Charles....do..... Feb. 27,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Powers, William....... do..... Mar. 15,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Rider, Stephen B.....do..... Mar 8,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. Williamson, John.....do..... Feb. 26,'64, 3 Not on muster-out roll. BURIAL RECOtRD, ASCERTAINED SINCE THE WORK WAS IN TYPE. H ~ LOCATION OF ORAVE. H HW NAME.. RAK. DATE OF DEATH. o 0 NO. OF 0 PLACE. GRAVE.:: ^^ O I' I I I ~ I ~ RAVE. ~ Asken, D........ Private 30 H May 10,'64, Cold Harbor.............................. C Angle, Eli D..........do....34 F Nov. 10,'62, Nat. Cem., Arlington.. 61. E 3.2 Anthony, John........ do.....36 H Oct. 22,'62, Antietanm................... 231 C 26 Anderhold, Fred'k.......36 G Nov. 19,'62, Antietam..................... 459 E 26 Anderson, James......do.... 39 Jan. 29,'64, Cairo, Ill. Barry, John L...........do.....28 K April 7,'62, Antietam............. 3F...... 387 F 26 Blackhead, A............do.....28.................. Antietam.................... 55 A 26 Baker, John...................... 30.................... Antietam................. 188 B. 26 Black, Samuel P......do.....31 F Sept. 30,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington... 50. E 4 2 Bingham, James......do...... 32 G Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 143 B 26 Bocet, C. H.............. 33 F Nov. 5,'62, Antietam..................... 216 B 26 Bryson, J..................do 6 Antietam.......................... 428 D 26 Bank, George N......... 37 E..................... Antietam............. 319 C 26 Beatty, Henry...........do....38 E Sept. 17,'62, Antietam............... 164 26 Barnett, J............ do:....$38 K.................... Antietam................... 261 C 26 Bain, Joshua.............do........38 I Oct. 2,'63, Culpepper. H.......... 59 A 2 Barnes, Samuel........do..,.. 38 F Nov. 2,'62, Antietam..................... 227 C 26 Bittinger,A. J.....do..i..40C................... Gettysburg.............. 38 D Beals,John H...................40 H Jan. 10,'64, Richmond, Va. Barn, D. C..............:..do..... 40 B June 2,'64, Cold Harbor........,....... Benson, Enoch..........do.... 41H Nov. 12,'62, ntietm........212 B 26 Barnes, James..........do.,..41 C Sept. 17,'62, Antietamn................... 32 B26 Black, John..............do.....:42 D [Dec. 11,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Boyer, F.................... do..... 43 E Aug. 17,'64, Andersonville... 56.... 5,969 Brown, George A.....do..-...43 B April 8,'64, Alexandria.... 1, 725 Beasley, Milton........do.......43; HIOct. 28,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Brisco, J. _A_.. Si..... Serg't..[431 H [June 17,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Brown, Abijahr...... Private 43 C Mar. 1,'65, Winchester.................25: Brown, Edward.........do......43 CIMay 22,'65, Antietam... 355 D.26 Brouse, F. C. (H.).....do......43 D.....W........... Winchester................9........ Brame, William.....do.....44....Jan. 18,'65, Cav. Corps Cem., Va. Buck, W. H...........do.......44 L........... Dinwiddie C. H., Va. Ballard, V. W......:.........,... 45 HH Dec. 4,'61, Military Asylum Cdm. Bailey, John W........do.....45 C July 26,'64, Cypress:Hill Cem., L.I Book,............... do.....45 C June 8,'64, Nat.Cem., Arlington. Bransteeter, S................:45 A Aug. 6,'64, Meade Station, Va. Benson, Aaron.........do............. A ietam..................... 4 A 26 Brigfum,; C. S................... 46 D................ Winchester..................... Breanny, J................do.....48 E July 7,'64, Andersonville.... 3,027 Brandon, J........... d....d...... 49 F................... Culpepper C. H....... 343....A 10 Colter, John M......... 11 A Oct. 9,'64, Near Petersburg, Va. Coulton, Edward..,..... 11 F..................... Dinwiddie Co., Va. Carmichaol,Jas. (Jo s)do.....26 E Nov. 17,'63, Culpepper C. H........... 110 A. 4 1 Costello, Charles........do..... 28 P.................... Antietam.................... 176 B 26 Crick, J. W..............do.....28...................... Antietam..................... 60 A 26 Chandler, J. M..........do..,.30 E May 26,'64, Culpepper C. H........... 156..... A 5 1 Canfield, Fred'k.......do.....30 C.....................Antietam.................... 275 C 26 Carr, -...do..... 30...................... Chambersburg, Pa. Chief, Charles........ Serg't.. 30 F Aug. 12,'62, Point Lookout, Md. Carpenter, E....... 1st Sgt. 31 H June 15,'62, Yorktown, Va. Croll, S........... 31 K June 7,'62, Yorktown, Va. Crater, Jacob B...... Private 32 H Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 124 B 26 Cole, Campbell......... do.....35 H Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 95 A 26 Conner, George........do....36 I Jan. 20,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Carton, George........do.....37................... Antietam..................... 153 B 26 Carter, Wm. M...... st Lt... 37 -IJ Sept. 14.'62, Antietam..................... 16 A 23 Chafee, Edgar...... Private 39 I Mar. 26,'64, Nat. Cem. Arlinglon... 16...E 16 2 Copp, Samuel S........do.. 39 E Sept. 22,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Clark, William.......do.... 40! K Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 110 A 26 BURIAL RECORD. 1317..... I LOCATION OF GRAVE. NAMB. RANK. ^ DATE OF DEATH. o ~ I' PLALOE.:: ~o. OF ~: PLACEOB. GRAVE.: 0: Carpenter, -. 42 B. W......"'. Winchester.......................... 18 Coprs, Henry...... Private 43 B July 14,'65, New Orleans. Cook, J.. Addion......do.....43 D............ Winhester............. 9 Coulter, Wi~lliam......do. 43.. F June 9,'64, Cold Harbor............. A aCulter, William.....A In Collins, John S......... 441 M April 25,'65, Winchester.......................26 Cottendafer, Geo....do. 44 F Jan. 5,'65, Salisbury, N. C. Cragan, G.................do...44 F Oct. 27,'64, Andersonville.......1.. 11, 565 Clever, JnO. (T. M)...do.....44 A Mar. 30,'64, Culpepper C. H........I.. 21..... A 1 Carlton, G...............d.....45 K Sept. 26,'64, Andersonville............ 9,773 Ceplias, L.............do..... 45 I June 7,'64, Andersonville............ 1,721 Claton, Thomas........1864, Petersburg, Va. Campbell, J. B.........do..... 48K Mar. 9,'64, Richmond, Va. Cross, Nichol...... do. 48 C Mar. 12,'65 Annapolis, Md. Cash, U...do.....48 B Dec. 3,62, Military Asylum Cem. Doda R..........do..... 28 NAntietam.............. 58 A 26 Dewey, J. J:...........3....do. 30 K June 8,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Dickson, Wm........do.. 38 K Dec. 5,'62, Antieta....... 468 E 26 Drst, Dennis... d...do....'. 39 A Sept. 16,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Deanf Henry W........do.....41B............... Antietam................. 24 C 26 Derm'ott, John...........D Jan. 7,'65, Salisbury, N. C. Donnelly, T. D.:...... 43do.... I Sept. 5,'63, Annapolis,Md. Detriler, G.....::...do..do.. 43 D July 31,'64, Nat. e., Arlington. Degronnor, B......i.do....d44 H Feb. 5,'65, Richmond, Va. Deoring, C. A......do.....44 H Jan. 12,'64, Richmond, Va. _Dan, C........do. 44 FDec. 4,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Delmar, Wilson.....4....M... a Harrisburg, Pa. i:::ison......... | do..... 4. GMar. 25,'64, Devurd, J.....do. 45 D June 9. 64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Davis, Levi.............do....45 C Nov. 17,'61, Military Asylum em. Dunkers, Daniel.....do..... 48 BOct 6'64, Annapolis,Md. D~rohm,: J. EH....,... Corp.... 49| B.. Winchester. Foster, J. H................. ~E~ason', R............... 23 K] June 17,'62, Yorktown, Va. Emery, Adam.... Privat 34 E Nov. 12,'62, Antietam................ 453 D 26 Ervin, Thomas J....... 38 D May 27,'62, Montgomery, Ala..... Eataon, Isaac.................39. D9D. Gettysburg..............G.... 2r7 rEatnlf, I4 A........... B 26 EGbis r, (Allison,) t...do.. 41.............. A141 B 26 Eshlean, Wm.............42 C Jan 22,'64, City Point, Va. Edmsnds, Morgan...... do..... 43 D....... W inchester............ Eckard, G. W...... Corp.... 49 D Oct. 5,'64, Winchester................. 18 Flood, E.....Private 28 B....... Antietam.............. iddn, Charles.......do.....30 F Antietam............ Folger, Augustus... do.....30 F.....Antietam.....-323 C 26 Fritzr, Levi..:........... (do.....[0[.... July 19,'62 Point Lookout, Md. Fuller,:'Ben.i.' r~.... ~ Bej.... 30 G| Fe1b. 11,'63, Philadelphia. Forest, Win E.....do...d..38 A. Antietam.................... 328 C 26 ~Forest, Wm'E'...~......3 A............0 D 26 Fairs, Chambers........do 39 B Nov. 14,'62, Antie........ 405 D..26 Furguson,:Scott M.....do.....40 E Sept. 14,'62, A.ntietam........ 266 C 26 Faunsaught, W. H._...do..... 42 K Oct. 28,'62, Antietam................ 49 D 26 Fulton R.................do.....43 D Aug. 16,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. FreemanGeo........do..43 D May 19,'65, Antietam.......... 608F 26 ~Foremann, GO. ~. Corp.... 441B Aug. 1,'64, Andersonville...........4,452 Foreman, Ge, WS.~.......do.....I 434 D] May 19,'65, Foster, P........... Private 45.Wilderness. Franklin, James...... do..... 45, G Nov. 29,'61, Military Asylum Cen. Farnell, Reuben.......do..... 45 F Sept. 21'62, Antietam.....558 E26 Febols, Charle's B...............48 F.................Meade Station,:Va. Galuscha, F.....do.....11 C Antietam........... 241 B 26 Gunther. F......do.......... 28 E May,'62, Nat; Cem., Arlington./ 45.,E 18 2 Goatamot, P........ do.....130 K May 21,'64, Nat. Coem., Arlington. Gettings, Jg.E........do.....130 C June 28,'64, Andersonville............ 2,587 Greenleaf, E. Q. I ~~ do..... 35 F. Jan. 15,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. 63. 12 2 Gibberd, John;.......do. 3H.... 5 H sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 93 A 26 G~dates, James. do...;.. ] o.. 37 F Oct. 16,'62, Antietam................... 204 B 26 Glesori, Dennis..........do.....42 E Nov. 21,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Gorhman, Willard.....do.....142 A Nov. 23,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Ginlin, John........ do.....43 E Aug. 23,'62, Cypress Hill Cem., L. I Glenons, Patrick.. do..... 43 D July 7,'62, Military Asylum Cen Gilkey, A. J..........Corp.... 43 B April 2,'65, Petersburg, ma. Giffordoe,. A........ P rivate 44.B Sept. 19,'63, Military AsylumCem,. Grove, Wn. P.......1st Lt.. 45 A Sept. 23,'62, Ahtietam.............. 26 Grengerni'Vm........ Private 451 H Sept. 7,'62, Militaxy Asylum Cem. lenn, M;........Sdo... 45.Wilderness. Gee, W. H. L./....45 H Dec. 31,'64, Danville, Va. Grove, A. P........... do.... 45 A Aug. 31,'64 Andersonville.............. 7,357 1318 BURITAL RECORD. ga I ~I I ~1.0 LOCATION OF QBGRAVE. NAME. RANK. DATE OF DEATH. ~ ~ PLACE. NO. OP F GRAVE. Goff, J................ Private 46 B Dec. 18,'63, Richmond, Va. Grub, Jos., (Jac. C)..do..... 47 C......... Winchester. Horden, Thomas........do..... 11 G Feb. 7,'65, Near Petersburg, Va. Hopkins, T...............do.....11 G..................... Antietam................... 86 B 26 Harvey, P..................23 E............... Winchester..............1........... 18 Huber, J.......do....126 B Mar. 3,'64, Richmond, Va. HiemanJ.................do'....27 K Jan. 3,'64, Richmond, Va. Kamblin, James........do..... 28.......................... Antietam..................... 169 B 26 Hart, Thomas...........do..... 28 F............... Antietam.................. 46 A 26 Hoffman, G. A............do.. 28 F........... Antietam................ 47 A 26 Hughs. G.......... do..... 28...................... Antietam..................... 59 A 26 Harps, B........................... 29.....July 14,'62, Lynchburg. Hughs, T................do..... 30 K May 1,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Haverstick, Amos.....do..... 30 D Aug. 4,'62, Cypress Hill Cem., L. I Hacket, J.................do.... 30 D Oct. 30, 64, Andersoville.............. 11,64 Harrison, James..... S D.................... Harrison's Landing,Va Hollingsworth, Geo Corp.... 33 B Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................. 199 B 26 Hill, Thomas......... Private 34..tietm.............. 322 C 26 Ham, Daniel..........do.....34 C.................... Wilderness. Huck, W................do..... 35 A Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 96 A 26 Hamilton, James................ 39.... Sept. 22,'64, Winchester................ 10 Hammer, J..............do.....40 B Oct. 13,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Hattan, James...........do.....43 D Nov. 7,'62, Alexandria........... 410 Harland, John.........do 4...... 4 C Aug. 20,'63, Antietam................... 354 D 26 Hustin, Aug.............do.... 44...Aug. 30,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Holmes, J. W....... Corp.... 44 I Oct. 8,'64, Annapolis. Hinkle, Henry....... do.....44 M June 26,'64, City Point, Va. Hannassey, J.........Private 44 F Sept. 6,'63, Annapolis. Hanson, E. H...........do..... 44 D Sept. 10,'64, Point Lookout, Md. Hanber, J. F..................... 45 C July 9,'64, Meade Station, Va..Hysenberger,Lewis...do..... 45 B July 16,'65, Alexandria................3,310 Heiss, George................... 45 A Jan. 3,'65, Meade Station, Va. Hewett, Alonzo.......do..... 45 A Dec. 15,'62, Alexandria................ 603 Handy, C............. do....45.....June 6,'64, Cold Harbor..................... B Hollida, M. C............do.....4 46 /H.............. Antietam........... 306 C 26 Huff, J....................do.....|47 C Feb. 28,'65, Richmond-, Va. Hepinger,L...............,,, 48 A July 22,'64, Petersburg, Va. Hassel,.................. 4....8 D July 18,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Holdman, John.,.................48 I Mar. 7,'64, Knoxville, Tenn....... 83 Heweban, G........... do.....48 H Nov. 26,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Hoyer, George..............| 48 B Aug. 22,'64, City Point, Va. Inman, Chandler......do.....37 F July 15,'64, Richmond, Va. Ingle, William.........do..... 48 B Sept. 12,'64, Cypress Hill Cem., L. I Jains, J..................... o..... 36 A Nov. 6,'61, Military Asylum Cem. James, Thomas..... do....do... 40 G Sept. 14,'62, Antietam............... 264 C 26 Johnson, W.................. 43 C Dec. 27,'64, Danville,Va. Johnson, S. K..........::do.....43 H Sept. 8,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Jacobs,............... 47 C Oct. 19,'64, Winchester.................. 10 Kimberlin, Jno. G.....do..... 11 I..................... Antietam..................... 317 C 26 Kilpatrick, Wm........do..... 23 B June 2,64, Cold Harbor...........................A...... Keister, A. L............ do.....28 F Nov. 28,'62, Antietam..................... 466 E 26 Kuhn, Jesse M.......do.30 D...... Wilderness..........;......, Knewson, Luther......do...32 E.. Antietam................. 179 B 26 Knight, H. C..........Ido...34 H Jan. 21,'65, Salisbury, N.C. Kolger, David...........do..... 36 [II Dec. 8,'61, Military Asylum Cem. Kinney, George W.....do.....41.......................... Antietam.................. 78 B26 Keating, Jeremiah.....do.....,43 D..................... Winchester........................... 9. Kenyon, J, R............do.....44GI May 28,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Kepple, William.......do.....44 F Dec. 29,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington... 36 3 2 Kinley, J............do.. 44 I May 16,'64, Andersonville...... 1.. 1,128 King, W. C........... 44 B July 7,'62, Lynchburg, Va. Kridler, Joseph..............45 B Mar. 1,'64, Knoxville, Tenn........ 17 King, R....48 H........ 4| Meade Station, Va. long, George.......-...do... 23 E June 1,'64, Cold Harbor................. Lonven,S. B...........do. 26 G Nov. 21,'63, Richmond, Va. Lorman, Henry.......do..... 30 A July 30,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Leese, James............do..... 32 F Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 145 B 20 Lang, J.....................do..... 34 F July 21,'64, Staunton, Va. Tinn, Henry.............do..... 35 A. Mar. 31, 63, Antietam..................... 497 E 26 Lynch,H. WH........ do.....36 K Jan. 4,'63, Military Asylum Cem. Leitch, M..............do...:. 38 B Oct. 22,'62, Antietam........... 447 D 26 Loughry, W........ do... 40 B Sept. 14,'62, Antietam.................... 256 26 Levinghoue, Benj...do... 42 C Dec. 11,'64, Salisbury, N. C. BURIAL RECORD. 1319 N 0 LOCATION OF GRAVE. On 490 E M 26 wAmE. RANK. DATE OF DEATH. PLACE. O Locke, Jonathan.... Private 42 D Nov. 5,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Lonard, P.................do..... 43 C Nov.. 15,'61, Military Asylum Cem. Litchfield, Peter...do..... 44 F April 9,'64, Annapolis, Md. Logan, Rodger... do..... 45 G July 31,'65, Harrisburg, Pa. Morse, David...........do...11 A Jan. 30,'63, Antietam.................... 490 E 26 Menk, J....................do.....26 A Dec. 9,'63, Richmond, Va. M'Bride, J.................do.....26 I Dec. 26,63, Richmond,Va. Mosier, David.................... 27 H April23, 62, Winchester............................. 18 Marshall, John..........do..... 28 L Sept 17,'62, Antietain.................. 19 A 26 Moore, Joseph........[...do..... 28 G Mar. 14,'62, Antietam................... 582 F 26 Mullen, R. M. (W)...do..... 28 P.................... Antietam................... 44 A 26 M'Carthy, James......do.....128 M Sept. 24,'62, Antietam.................... 563 [ 26 M'Closkey, T........ Serg't.. 28 F Sdpt. 19,'62, Antietam..................... 56 A 26 M'Mullen, Alex. J.. Private 28 F Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 174 B 26 Madden, James.........do..... 28 Kt Sept.'17,'62, Antietam..................... 171 B 26 Martin, James............do..... 29 G................. Winchester.........!................. 25 Mills, R....................do..... 30..... Mar. 31,'64, Cold Harbor...........................A.... A Moore,T. S...............do..... 30.......................... Antietam.......19........... 191 B 26 Mangold, Peter........do......30 F Oct. 16,'62, Antietam..................... 433 D 26 Maxon, Wm..............do.....30 I..................... Antietam..................... 270 C 26 Morrison, James........do.....30.....July 24,'62, Fortress Monroe. Montague, A. J........do..... 30 K May 27,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. M'Cue, Michael.........do.....30 F Mar. 29,'64, Alexandria................ 1679 Marsh, G. J...............do.... 30 G Jan. 1,'63, Military Asylum Cem. M'Kechnil, Wm........do.....31 E Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 130 B 26 Means, Harry W.......do..... 31 G Nov. 28,'62, Antietam...................... 202 B 26 M'Alone, John..........do..... 31 C Oct. 8,'62, Antietam............ 223 B 26 M'Laughlin, J. H......do.....35 D Sept. 14,'62, Antietam.................... 239 C 26 Murphy,? P...........do..... 35..... Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 206 B 26 M'Vay, John.............do..... 37B B Mar. 22,'64, Richmond, Va. Moore, Charles..........do..... 37 F Sept. 14,'62, Antietam.................... 277 C 26 Malone, William.......do.....37 F Nov. 20,'62, Antietam..................... 233 C 26 Miller, Andrew.........do.....37 G Dec. 18;'64, Salisbury, N. C. Mahaffy, R............. Serg't.. 38 C Sept. 17,'62, Antietam................. 163 B 26 M'Cormick,D. B.... Private 38 F Oct. 9,'62. Antietam.................... 222 B 26 Mackey,- Samuel......do..... 39 D Sept. 30,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Mark, George........[...do.....[40 I Sept. 10,'63, Macon, Ga. Mellot, Frederick......do..... 41 C.....................Antietam................... 332 C 26 M'Donald, J.............do..... 42 C June 25,'63, Military Asylum Cem. M'Cormic, John..........do.....42 K June 19,'64, Richmond, Va. Mayhear, P..............do...43 A.............. Chattanooga............... 50:Mooire, M. G..................... 43 A July 29,'64, Andersonville............. 4,197 Michall, R.............do..... 43 D Oct. 6,'64, Danville, Va. Miller, J.....................43 D Aug. 8,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Menard, Jno. L........do.....43 D Dec. 8,'61, Military Asylum Cem. M'Knight, James......do.....43 C Nov.. 1,'62, Antietam............... 423 D 26 M'Elroy, George........do..... 43 D..................... Winchester............................. 10 Mathews, Harry W...do.....]43 C Dec. 17,'64, Winchester.......................... 26 M'Mullen, Thos................. 44'B July 7,'64, Alexandria................. 3,293 Myers, G...................do.... 44 E April 22,'64, Andersonville.............. 667 Martin, G.................do..... 45 I July 25,'64, Andersonville............. 3,971 Martin, Daniel........[...do.... 45 A April 29,'64, Annapolis, Md. M'Gee, Jefferson.....d...do.....[45 F Jan. 1.2,'63, Military Asylum Cem. M'Michael,; G. W.............. 45 C......Knoxville, Tenn.......... 72 Morgan, C.................do..... 45 A Sept. 30,'64, Andersonville............. 10,060 Munson, A. Enon,......do..... 46 -G July 24,'62, Lynchburg, Va. Morse, W..................do..... 47 F Jan. 18,'65, Salisbury, N. C. Metcalf, Isaac...........do.....47 F Dec. 25,'64, Salisbury, N.C. Morse, Wm............do..... 47 F Jan. 18,'65, Florence, S. C. Meese, J.................do.... 48 A] Oct. 4,'64, Andersonville............10,306 Nuss, Jacob......8do..... 28 E Sept. 17,'62, Antietam................... 173 B 26 Nourse, Thomas.......do..... 35........................... Antietam..................... 136 B 26. Ness, Robert.............do..... 38 H Oct.'26,'62, Antietam................... 443 D 26 Newpher, Jas............do..... 42 I Oct.' 6,'62, Antietam..................... 580 -F 26 Nichols, W..............do..... 44 H July 29,'64, Andersonville.............. 4,246 Neilman, J. F.. do..... 44.... ulpeperC. H......:... 18o..... A 6 Otten, Henry...........d 32 A- Oct. 12,'62, Antietaim..................... 232 C 26 Owen, G. H............ do.....36 A July 28,'64, Andersonville........... 4,161 Overdorff,D. C.........do.....41 H...................... Antietam..................... 141 B 26 Powell, Henry...........do.....11 B Oct. 14,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington... 30.... 16 2 Parker, John A........do.....[28 F Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 57 A 26 Phipps, Robert........do.....{30 B Sept. 20,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Peck, Wm................do.....34 K June 7,'62, New Haven, Ct. 1820 BURIAL- RECORD. ~~~~ ~0~ I ~LOCATION OF GRAVE. N U I t42 5 5 NAME. RANK. DATE OF DEATH. 0'! i., -^1.O. 1o PLACE. oR. CRAVE. Peters, H............... Private 39 B June 6,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Pencer, Cyrus...........do.....41.................... Antietam..................... 147 B 26 Perry, Valentine.......... 42 E Feb. 5,'64, Salisbury, N.C. Peabody, Winfield.....do.....43 E April 1,'64, Alexandria................ 1,716 Potter, C. 43.....................ndianapolis, Ind. Pauch, Wm...............do.....44 A Nov. 9,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Poleman, H............[...do.....44 F Dec. 30,'64, Andersonville.......... 12,359 Prutner, L................. do.....45 C April 12,65, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Parsons, Wm.....do 45 C................... Antietam..................... 293 C 26 Price, F. H.............do.... 49 D Oct. 7,'62, Antietam............. 381 ID 26 Quinn, Patrick..........do.....28 A Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 51 A 26 Quinn, James F...... do.....31 K Oct.,'62, Antietam............ 211 B 26 Rhone, Job...............do..... 11 D Nov. 19,'62, Antietam.................... 209 D 26 Robinson, Wm...........1........1 F April 2,'65, Near Petersburg, Va. Reed, Abner H.......do..... 23 I June 9,'64, Cold Harbor..... B Reynolds, Emmor.....do...../28 C Sept. 17,'62, Antietam................ 49 A 26 Runkle, Andrew..... do....28 A Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 50 A 26 Ritter, George H........do...., 28 D Sept. 17,'62, Antietam..................... 48 A 26 Reen, George..........do 28.................. Antietam.................... 61 A 26 Richson, I.................do..... 33 C June 26,'65, Salisbury, N. C. Ritchson, J.........do'......33 C June 26,'65, Florence, S. C. Reif, J......................do.....38 I Sept. 17,'62, Antietam................... 161 B 26 Reynor, James......39 B Aug. 25,'62, Philadelphia. Rutler, W.................do..... 42C July 25,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Rhittenhouse,Chas...do..... 43 I Dec. 4,'63, Richmond, Va. Rogers, John......... Corp... 43 D................... Winchester............................ 10 Rouch, James H..... Private 43...... Wilderness. Robinson, Isaac N............ 45 K Oct. 15,'63, Philadelphia. Reese, Thomas.........do... 45 G July 19,'64, Cypress Hill Cem., L.I. Rodgers, Chas. H............... 45 G Feb. 4,'65, Danville, Va. Riner, Philip................ 45 F.................... Meade Station, Va. Reord, J................ Antietam..................... 292 C 26 Riser, G..................... 47 C Oct 19,'64, Winchester..1..................... 10 Robert, Jno B............do.....48 A Sept. 12,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Ramer, Day.......... Corp.... 48 D Sept. 6,'62, Military Asylum Gem. Rugler, S............... Private 49 F Aug. 6,'64, Antietam..................... 524 E 26 Rapp, L............................. 49 G Aug. 13,'64, Lynchburg, Va. Ri6e,.............. Lieut.... 49..... June,'62, Winchester................. I Stevens, Jacob......Private 11I H Sept. 27,'62, Antietam.................... 574 F 26 Shinfelt, James.........do.....11 C.................... Antietam.................... 131 B 26 Sheldon, Austin......do.... CI July 30,'62, Nat. Cem., Arlington.. 73.. 5 2 Smith, Simon.....,....do.... 26 H Aug. 8,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington.. 52. E...E 6 2 Smith, John.............do..... 26 I Nov. 28,'63, Richmond, Va. Shipler, Jacob..... 27 D July 30,'62, Lynchburg, Va. S5 —, G. C............. 28..........,..2........ Winchester........... 25 Schwant, Daniel........do.....28 N Oct. 14,'61, Antietam... 396 D 126 Sherman, Moses........do.....28 G Oct. 5,'62, Antietam.................... 219 B 26 Smith, Robert....... do.......... 28 I Oct. 1,'62, Antietam..................... 571 F 26 Speas, Gottleib.................... 29, I..................... Winchester............................ 25 Stewart, John.................. 29 I July 15,'62, Lynchburg. Sweet, E.B............... do..30.............. Antietam.......o...... 273 C.26 Schofield, J. T....... do.....30 G................. W.Wilderness. Sherer, John A.........do.... 30 G Jan. 5,'64, Alexandria.................. 1,251 Smith, Robert D........ do....0 B Sept. 17,'62, Military AsylumCemn. Spaher, George..........do.....30 B Sept. 17,'63, Fortress Monroe. Steifle, John...................... 32 C Mar. 27,'64, Winchester........26 Shell, David.............do..;.. 35 B Sept. 14,'62, Antietam..................... 326 C 26 Stebins, Z..................do.... 36 H Sept. 20,'64, Andersonville.. 95......... 9,365.... Smith, Tim....... do....do.....37.................. Antietam................... 491 26 Saxton, Charles A.....do...38............. Antietam.............. 255 C 26 Swartzlander, A'm....do.... 38 C Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 162 B 26 Sends,A. V..............do.....38 B................. Antietam.................... 194 B 26 Spess, James......do..... 39 F Oct. 19,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Sutley,...............do.....39 B........... We........ Wilderness. Shirk, Solomon.......... 9 B.................... Gettysburg................. 65 B Stewart, Sam'l T....st Sgt. 40 G Sept. 14,'63 Antietam..................... 252 C 26 S ~, V............... Private 40........ Antietam................. 265 C 26 Sarver, F................do.....40 G.................... Antietam.............. 267 C 26 Smith (Schmidt,)C...do..... 40 C........... Antietam..................... 253 C 26 Stuchel, Henry.......do.....40 B Sept. 14,'62, Antietam.................... 254 C 26 Sherman, B. B...........do..... 42 E Nov. 24,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Shenleworth, W........do.....43 C Feb. 5,'65, Richmond, Va. Stafford,. W...........do..... 43 B Sept. 6,'64, Hampton, Va. BURIAL RECORD. 1321 ~ 0 LOCATION OF GRAVE. NIAME. RANK. DATE OF DEATH. NO. OF ~ PLACE. ~: ~. ^^'~~.-GRAVE. Stricker, Joseph........... 43 F Mar. 17, 64, Philadelphia. Somers, Fred..................... 43 E Dec. 8, 62, Yorktown, Va. Smith, Jacob.......... Private 44 K Sept. 13,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Scott, W. W. (61st?) Capt.... 44 0 July 2,'62, Richmond, Va. Slough, E. B......... Corp.... 44 D Feb. 17,'65, Andersonville............. 12,669 Styer, J. Private 44 D June 6,'64, Cold Harbor...................... C Swarte, H. B............do..... 45......................... Wilderness. Stobel, C................. 45 H Nov. 6,'63, Annapolis, Md. Slote, P. P............... 4.............. ton V a. Smith, R............ Corp.... 45 G Sept. 7,'62, Military Asylum Cem. Sanders, M............ Private 45 D May 31,65, Nat. Cem., Arlington. Stone, Isaac..............45 A Jan. 18,'64, City Point, Va. Stone, Joseph G..............45 A Nov. 14, 61, Military Asylum Cem. Swae............... W4......4................ Winchester........................... 10 Shafer, Stephen. do.....47 E Jan. 2,'65, Salisbury, N.C. Schuler, S........... do.... 47 Jan. 2, 65, Salisbury, N. C. Seymour, Joseph......do..... 48 H Dec. 26,'64, Salisbury, N.C. Shoemaker, M...........do.....48 G July 10,64, Andersonville............. 3136 Taylor,......... do................. Antietam..................... 94 A 2 Tayler, Isaac S.......Sergt.. 11 D Sept. 17, 62, Antietam..................... 26 Trump, Charles...... Private 34.......................... Antietam..................... 283 C 26 Troup, Simon............do.....35 B Oct. 1,62, Antietam..................... 269 C 26 Tyler, John...............do.....41 F Sept. 17, 62, Antietam..................... 106 A 26 Tenseler, M...............do..... 43 FJan. 13,'6 Nat. Ce., Arlington. Tholheim, Henry........45 H Jan. 31,'65, Meade tation, Va. Thomas, H....... do.....45 F July 28,'64, Nat. Cem., Arlington. TralnrJ. D................ 48 B June 18,'65, Philadelphia. Vantique, (M'Tague,) Patrick.........do.. 35 I Sept. 27,'62, Antietam..................... 517 26 Vermion, Helfry....................Antietam..................... 599 F 26 Van Styler, F............do....40K Jan. 22, 64, Richmond, Va. WilliamsJ...........:...do.....26 D Nov. 24,'63, Richmond, Va. Wolf, J....................do..... 27 H July 11,'64, Antietam..................... 517 26 Wittinger, J.............do.....27 A July 13,'64, Antietam..................... 520 E 26 West, S........... do.....28 K Feb.,'65, Richmond, Va. Wonderly,Chas. H...do.....28 C Sept 17,'62, Antietam.................... 52 A 26 White, Harrison........do.....28 B Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 17 B 26 Weaver, J. V. (B)....do.....280 Feb. 25,'62, Antietam..................... 581 F 26 Wold, J..................do..... 29 C June 10,'64, Richmond, Va. W, J.............. 30 C June,'64, Cold Harbor................................A Works, Wm...... do..... Dec. 26,'63, Military Asylum Cem. Wimpfheiner,M.... 2d Lt... 31 G. Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.................... 23 A 23 Wilson, Richard..... Corp... 32 G.....................Antietam.144 B 6 Welch, F. B........ Sergt.. 33 B June 19,'64, Petersburg, Va. Wells Peter.............. do.... 34K.....................Antietam..................... 335 C 26 Weaver, Jacob. Private 35 B.Antietam. 605 F 2 Woodward, John......do.... 37 ID Sept. 17,'62, Antietam.... B 7 Winney, John...........do..... 39K..................... Wilderness. Warnock, Daniel......do..... 39 P Aug. 29,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington... 62 B 14 2 Wilcox, W................do. 40 G Dec. 19,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Wilcox, W..... do..... 40 G Jan. 19,'6, Florence, S. C Wade, Anthony.......do.....42 -B June 9,'64, Cold Harbor...................... A Wild, J.....................do.....42 G Dec. 20,'64, Salisbury, N. C. Wilson, William.... -...do.....43..July 25,'64, Andersonville.............. 3,921 Weiman, A. F..........do... 44 A Nov. 2,'64, Near Rapidan. Westworth, J. Serg't. 44 E July 17,'63, Antietam..................... 506 E 26 Wart, George......... Private 44 G July 16,'64, Andersonville.............. 3,392 Williams: Mark.. 45 G Jan.16,'64,Knoxville, Tenn......... 86 Whitman, Charles............ 45 G Oct. 11,'64, Knoxville,Tenn......... 29 Wilcox, Hiram. Serg't.. 45 C.... d o........... Antietam..................... 320 C 26 Wilson, Geo. W...... Private 45 A..................... Nat. Cem., Arlington... 75..... E 12 2 Wright, Elijah........do.....48 E Nov. 29,'62, Annapolis. Md. Wilson, William................ 48 B. Dec. 12,'63, Philadelphia. Welch, George...........do..... 48 E Feb. 7,'65,Salisbury,N.C. Widige, John.. 48....... C............... Meade Station, Va. Young, Henry.......... do.... G Dec. 26,'63, Nat. Cem., Arlington... 62.....E 11 2 Yucknell, Z. C..................39 G Aug. 13,'64, City Point, Va. ZecmanSa....u.........35 -E......................... 4 D' Zeckman, mu........ 3 BGettysburg, Pa. Zonver, James H....do. 48 A, Nov. 16, 62, Antietam............ 416 D 26 166t ERRATA. Page 18. Company D, for "Seip, Henry N," read "Seip, Albert N." Page 55. Company F, for Heiny, William," read "Hiney, William." Page 281. Thirty-fifth line, for "Absent, sick, at muster out," read "Prisoner from Aug. 22, to Sept. 12, 1864-deserted Nov. 29, 1864-dishonorably discharged, May 27, 1865." Page 326. Fiftieth line, for "Missing in action at Cold Harbor, June 1, 1864," read " Captured at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, 1864-died at Richmond, Va., June 10, 1864." Page 327. Nineteenth line, for "Not on muster-out roll," read "Died at Richmond, Va., June 21, 1864." Page 333. Forty-second line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot D, grave, 435." Page 336. Seventh line, for "Sept. 8, 1861," read " Sept. 8, 1864." Page 359. Seventeenth line, for "1864," read "1863." Page 371. Twentieth line, for "Deserted Oct. 14, 1863," read " Died at Millen, Ga.-date unknown-buried in section A, grave, 229." Page 414. Fourth line, for "Date unknown," read "January 16, 1864." Page 444. Forty-sixth line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave, 585." Page 445. Twenty-ninth line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot E, grave, 553." Page 457. Twenty-fifth line, for "Do." read "Corporal." Page 466. Ninth line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, An tietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave, 586." Page 474. Forty-third line, for "Disch. on Surgeon's certificate, July 8, 1862, read." Dishonorably discharged, to date May 11, 1863." Page 480. Sixty-fifth line, for "Company B," read "Company D." Page 480. Sixty-sixth line, for "Henkleroad," read "Harkleroad." Page 481. Fifth line, for "Company B," read "Company D." Page 481. Thirty-first line, for "Company-," read "Company D." Page 512. Thirty-first line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave, 593." Page 566. Twenty-first line, for "Died in prison-date unknown," read "Died at Millen, Ga.buried in sec. A, grave, 310." Page 568. Forty-fourth line, for "Deserted Sept. 17, 1862," read " Disch., to date Aug. 10,'62." Page 605. Eleventh line, for r"Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read " Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot E, grave, 560." Page 621. Thirty-fourth line, for "Crosedale," read " Croasdale." Page 624. Twenty-third line, after "May 9,1864," read " Mustered out by G. O., Nov. 21,1864." Page 665. Sixteenth line, for "Easton's," read "Barr's." Page 715. Sixty-first line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave, 570." Page 743. Fifty-third line, for "Absent, sick, at muster out," read "Disch. August 25, 1864, to date June 16, 1864." ERRATA. 1323 Page 778. Sixtieth line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot F, grave, 568." Page 824. Twentieth line, for "199," read " 190." Page 824. Fifty-sixth line, for "May," read "August." Page 841. Forty-fifth line, for "1863," read "1864." Page 900. Forty-fourth line, for "Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frederick," read "Nat. Cemetery, Antietam, sec. 26, lot E, grave, 564." Page 933. Sixteenth line, for "Date unknown," read "at South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862." Page 933. Twenty-first line, for "Date unknown," read " Sept., 1862." Page 933. Fifty-fifth line, for " Date unknown," read " Oct., 1862." Page 933. Sixty-first line, for "Date unknown," read "May, 1862." Page 934. Forty-third line, for "Deserted-date unknown," read "Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 11, 1861." Page 934. Fifty-fourth line, for "Deserted-date unknown," read "Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, December 11, 1861." Page 934. Ffty-ninth line, for " Date unknown," read " April, 1863." Page 934. Sixty-fifth line, for "Date unknown," read "December, 1861." Page 1117. Forty-ninth line, for " 1863," read " 1862." Page 1124. In company C, for "Joseph Matchell," read " Joseph Matchett." Page 1168. In company D, for "Samuel S. Auchmuty," read " Samuel S. Auctmutz." ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO FIELD OFFICERS. PAGE. PAGE. Abbott, Charles W., Lieut. Colonel..... 1157 Dare, George, Lieut. Colonel................. 672 Ahl, Thomas J., Colonel.................. 437 Danforth, H. T., Lieut. Colonel............. 971 Allen, Harrison, Major......................... 823 De Korponay, Gabriel, Colonel............ 437 Alexander, G, W., Lieut. Colonel......... 1157 Dechert, Robert P., Bvt. Lieut. Colonel, 504 Angeroth, Charles, Lieut. Colonel........ 394 Dickey, Oliver J., Lieut. Colonel........... 99 Anderson, Robert F., Lieut. Colonel..... 793 Dixon, Wm. D., Brevet Brig. General... 702 Arner, Jacob D., Major....................... 437 Diven, Charles W., Major.................... 887 Ayer, Ira, Jr., Brevet Colonel............... 823 Duncan, John W., Major....................... 763 Baxter, D. W. C., Lieut. Colonel.......... 178 Ballier, John F., Colonel............... 194 Earnest, William D., Major.......................... 110 Bailey, Silas M., Brevet Brig. General... 763 Ely, John, Brevet Brig General........... 319 Barnes, Charles, Major....................... 793 ha Brevet iet. Colonel.... 590 Barnes, Charles, Major.. ~ Ellis, Richard, Brevet Lieut. Colonel.... 590 Bailey, Samuel N., Lieut. Colonel........ 887 Einstein, Max, Colonel.......................94 Baldy, Peter, Lieut. Colonel.887 Emley, A. H., olonel................. 79 Bayard, George D., Brig. General......... 1025 Ent, Welling'n H., Bvt. Brig. General.. 701 Barrows, S. D, eut. Colonel.............. 1025 Ernenwein, Charles, Lieut. Colonel...... 194 Bennett, Frank, Major....................... 152 Berry, Casper M., Major.................... 54 Falls, Richard J., Lieut. Colonel........... 1026 Beaver, James A., Lieut. Colonel......... 1071 Beaver, James A., Lieut. Colonel ~........ 1071.Fisher, Joseph W., Brev. Brig. General, 672 Biddle, Thoma144 itpatrick, James, Lieut. Colonel......... 437 Birney, David B., Major General......211, 319 Flynn, John, Brevet Brig. General...... 437 Biddle, Charles J., Colonel.................... 923 Flood, Edward H., Lieut. Colonel....... 971 Bowman, Samuel, Lieut. Colonel........... 79.Frink, Henry A., Lieut. Colonel........... 267 Bodine,RobertL.,Brev. Brig. Genera, 354 Fritz, J. W., Major........................ 178 Bollinger, H. C., Brevet Brig. General, 733 Foule, William L., Lieut. Colonel...1117 Bolar, Andrew J., Major...................... 887 Bosbyshell, Oliver C., Major................. 1203 Gaul, John F., Lieut. Colonel............... 646 Bradford, Stephen M., Major............. 144 Gardner, Jesse B., Major................. 763 Brenholtz, Thomas S., Lieut. Colonel.... 1283 Gallupe, George S., Major.................. 763 Briner, William, Major................. 616 GallagherThos. F., Brev. Brig. General, 854 Brumm, George W., Major................ 1283 Gardner, David B., Lieut. Colonel........ 1025 Brady, James, Brevet Colonel.............. 971 Gaston, James M., Major..................... 1026 Brannon, Isaac F., Colonel...............; 1203 Gausler, William H., Major................ 1157 Brisbane, William, Lieut. Colonel........ 1245 Geary, John W., Major General............ 437 Bushbeck, Adolph, Colonel................. 94 Glantz, Charles, Major....................... 89 Burke, James C., Brevet Lieut. Colonel, 855 Glenn, John F., Colonel........................ 319 Given, Jamesi Major............................. 25 Campbell, David, Colonel.................... 118 Gil, Js Major 2 CkHn8 Gilour, Joseph A., Major................... 1203 Cake, Henry L., Colonel....................... 228 Gore, Win. H. H., Brev Lieut. Colonel, 702 Campbell, James H., Major................. 228 Good, Tghman H.,-Colonel......... 16, 1157 Cantador, Lorenz, Lieut. Colonel.. G94 Campbell, ^Charles T.,I Col onel.... ". 971 Gobin, J. P. S., Brevet Brig. General.... 1157 mpbl, Charles T., Colonel............... 971 Gowen, George W., Colonel.................. 1203 Christ, Benj. C., Brev. Brig. General, 51, 1283- Gown Gray im., Colonel........... 186 Gray, W7illiam H., Colonel.................... 186 Chapman, L. D., Major.........................437 Grant, njamin, Lieut. Colonel........ 234 Chrlak, EJohn, Le. MCjoro................... 646 Gregg, Theodore, Brevet Colonel........... 1072 Clark, John; ^^""~"""'""" Colonel..........,,.,,.., Griffith, Patrick, Major........................ 1117 Coulter, Rich'd, Bvt. Major.General, 10, 267 Griffith, Patrick, Major. 111 Coulte~ Rich'd, Bvt. ^ l 1, a~ ~Gustin, Richard, Brevet Colonel............ 887 Conrad, Frederick A., Major............... 646 Curry, William L., Lieut. Colonel....... 202 Curtin, John I., Brevet Brig. General... 1071 Hartranft, John F., Colonel............ 43 Hangen, Wm. H. H., Lieut. Colonel..... 89 Dare, CharlesP., olonel...................... 211 Hays, Alexander, Major.................. 118 1326 INDEX. PAGE. PAGE, Haines, Benjamin F., Brevet Colonel.... 267 Moffitt, Samuel M., Major.................. 354 Hays, George S., Colonel................. 763 Murphy, John K., Colonel................... 503 Hardin, Martin D., Brig. General........ 887 M'Aloon, Peter A., Lieut. Colonel........ 394 Hartshorn, W. R., Major..................... 923 M'Candless, William, Colonel............... 590 Harvey, Elisha B., Colonel.................. 733 M'Clure, Robert M., Major................... 646 Henderson, R. M., Brev. Brig. General, 733 M'Calmont, John S., Colonel................. 823 Heenan, Dennis, Lieut. Colonel.......... 219 M'Coy, Robert A,, Brev. Brig. General, 854 Higgins, GeoreJ. Lieut. Colonel........ 152 M'Dowell. R. P., Colonel.................. 51 Higgins, Jacob, Lieut. Colonel.............. 1025 M'Donough, Patrick, Brevet Colonel... 590 Hill, FrancisM., Lieut. Colonel............ 1071 M'Ewen, William T., Major................. 1026 Hickman, Baynton J., Brevet Colonel... 1245 M'Giffin, Norton, Lieut. Colonel.......... 118 Hulings, Thomas M., Colonel..-............ 1245 M'lntire, Henry M., Lieut. Colonel...... 554 M'Kean, Henry B., Lieut. Colonel....... 701 Irwin, Wm. H.,Brev. Brig. General,70, 1245 M'Lean, George P., Major..................... 202 Irvine, Oliver M., Major....................... 33 M'Lane, John W., Colonel.................... 234 M'Michael, Richard, Lieut. Colonel...... 135 Jarrett, Phaon, C o lo n el......................... M'Neil, Hugh., Colonel.923 Jackson,-Conrad., Brig. General........ 793 M'Pherran, Jas. A., Br. Lieut. Colonel, 673 Jackson, Sam'l M., Brev. Brig. General, 854 Johnston, John W., Colonel................. 135 Nagle, James, Brig. General............ 61, 1203 Johnston, George E., Lieut. Colonel...... 503 Nagle, Daniel, Major........................... 1203 Johnston, Robert E., Major.................. 763 Newbold, Alexander E., Major......... 169 Johns, Peter A., Major........................ 855 Neill, Thomas H., Brig. General..... 319 Jones, Owen, Colonel....................... 1025 Neide, Horace, Brevet Colonel.............. 590 Jones, Richard M., Lieut. Colonel......... 1203 Niles, Alanson E., Lieut. Colonel........ 923 Nyce, John, Major................................ 646,Kauffman, T. B., Brevet Lieut. Colonel, 554 Kane, Thomas L., Brev. Major General, 923 Oakford, Richard A., Colonel.............. 144 Keenan, John B., Major....................... 267 Oliphant, S. Duncan, Lieut. Colonel...... 763 Kelsey, Edward A., Major.................. 1072 O'Kane, Dennis, Major................... 219 Kirk, James T., Colonel.................... 823 Overmeyer, John B., Brevet Colonel..... 267 Kilbourne, John M., Major................ i...... 72. pv7 Miller, Major.......................... 823 nox, James B., Lieut. Colonel............ 823 Overton, Edward, Jr., Lieut. Colonel.... 1283 Knipe, Joseph F., Brig. General........... 1117 Owen, Joshua T., Colonel................ 219 Lang, John A., Major......................... 394 Patterson, Francis E., Colonel.......... 161 Larrimner, J. Harvey, Major................ 672 Pardee, Ario, Jr., Major................. 437 Lerch, William A., Major.................... 161 Parham, Charles, Lieut. Colonel........... 503 Lewis, William D., Jr., Colonel............ 169 Petriken, R. Bruce, Major.................. 51 Lemon, William, Lieut. Colonel........... 763 Penrose, William M., Lieut. Colonel.... 701 Lewis, Alfred E., Major.........a.............. 971 Phillips, Joseph, Major....................... 79 Lewis, Arnold C., Major....................... 1117 Pleasants, Henry, Brevet Brig. General, 1203 Litzenger, Robert, Major..................... 855 Power, John M., Lieut. Colonel........... 33 Longnecker, H. C., Colonel................... 89 Porter, James R., Brevet -Colonel.......... 854 Lynn, Thomas W., Major.................. 16 Purviance, John A., Lieut. Colonel....... 127 Lyle, Peter, Colonel............................ 178 Lyman, Chauncey A., Lieut. Colonel.... 733 Raphail, William, Major.................... 437 Ray, Josiah H., Major........................... 1026 Martin, Thomas S., Lieut. Colonel........ 267 Rippey, Oliver H., Lieut. Colonel......... 70 Mann, William B., Colonel................. 590 Riedt, August, Lieut. Colonel............ 394 Magilton, Albert L., Colonel............. 590, 646 Rickards, William, Jr., Colonel............ 503 March, Robert G., Colonel..................... 646 Ricketts, W. Wallace, Colonel............. 701 Madill, Henry J., Major.................. 702 Ricketts, R. Bruce, Colonel................. 971 Matthews, E. W., Major....................... 971 Richards, Thomas S., Major.................. 1025 Matthews,- Joseph A., Major................. 1117 Robinson, F. P., Major.......................... 70 Meredith, Sullivan A., Colonel.............. 99 Roberts, R. Biddle, Colonel.................. 554 Mellinger, W. S., Major........................ 127 Mehler, Adolph, Major........................ 194 Schall, Edward, Lieut. Colonel........... 43 Minier, Francis P., Colonel................... 33 Schall, Edwin, Major........................... 43 Millison, Jesse R., Major....................... 504 Schlaudecker, M., Major..................... 234 Miller, Theodore, Major........................ 971 Schoenleber, William, Major............... 394 Miles, John B., Lieut. Colonel............... 1245 Schwenk, Sam'l K., Brev. Brig. General, 1283 Moore, George, Lieut. Colonel............... 186 Scott, Michael, Major....................... 504 Morehead, Turner G, Colonel.............. 202 Seibert, James J., Lieut. Colonel........... 61 INDEX. 1:327 PAGE PA(E. Seidlitz, Hugo Von, Major.................... 394 Tippen, Andrew H., Major................... 186 Selheimer, John-B., Lieut. Colonel....'.228 Todd, Lemuel, Major.......................... 554 Selfridge, Jas. L., Brevet Brig. General, 1117 Totten, Joseph, Lieut. Colonel............. 733 Sigfried, Joshua K., Bre. Brig. General, 1203 Trout, John F., Major...................... 1072 Sickel, Horatio G., Colonel.................... -616 Tyler, Robert O., Lieut. Colonel.......... 161 Simmons, Seneca G., Colonel................ 672 Tyndale, Hector, Brig. General........... 437 Sinclair, William, Colonel.................... 701 / Small, William F., Colonel.................. 354 Van Dyke, ush, Lieut Colonel.... 354 Smith, Alfred M., Brevet Colonel......... 762 Watts, Charles N., Major..................... 135 Simth, Sion B., Major........................... 823 Watts, Charles N., MaJ or 135 Wallace, William J., Lieut. Colonel...... 319 Smith, David A., Lieut. Colonel............ 1203 e, Ma Warden, Robert, Major....................... 437 Snodgrass, J. M'K., Lieut.' Colonel..... 793 Warner, Adoniram J., Colonel.............. 823 Spear, George C., Major................... 211, 3191203 Spear,1~~~. ~~~Wagner, Jacob, Major.......................... 1203 Speese, LeGrand B., Br. Lieut. Colonel, 733 Wa ie o Maor12 Wakefield, Amor W., Major................. 1245 Speer, James P., Brevet Lieut. Colonel, 855 Welsh, Thomas, Brig. General...... 25, 1071 Stumbaugh, Frederick, Colonel........... 2.5 West, Robert M,, Colonel..................... 971 Stewart, W.Warren, Bre. Brig. Gen......... 554 West, Robert M., Colonel.971 White, Richard, Major......................... 99 Stone, Roy, Major............................. 923 W R Strose, Cyrus, Major... 7 Wilhelm, Charles, Lieut. Colonel.... 169, 319 Strouse, Cyrus, Major........................... 1117 Woodward,'George.A., Lieut. Colonel... 590 Stuber, Levi, Major.............................. 1157 Woolworth, Richard H., Colonel..... 616, 646 Talley, W. Cooper, Brev. Brig. General, 554 Wren, James, Major............................ 1203 Tapper, Thomas F. B., Lieut. Colonel... 646 Wynkoop, John E., Major.................... 61 Taggart, John H., Colonel.................... 887 Taylor, Charles F., Colonel............... 923 Yo muel, Colonel...................... Taylor, John P., Brevet Brig. General... 1025 Ziegle, Thomas A., Coloel........152 Telford, William H., Colonel................ 1283 Zentmeyer, Frank, Major................. 672 Thompson, William S., Lieut. Colonel, 616 Zulick,SamuelM.,Brev.Brig. General, 603 Tilghman, Benj. C., Brev. Brig. General, 354