U': r a I~~ i ~~, i l.j 8';:xj~i ~: f PROPERTY Or THB A R T ItS $SCtINTIA VEtI TAS. -- - i,,,,.-.. I. l IY~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X I~ 6ffro 0;i4' p; 0 0 ' -A - - - -- - -- -- i H7 /7; I4A 6. OFFICIAL SOUVENIR Michigan Volunteers of A COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD OF MICHIGAN'S PART IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR OF 1898. PUBLISHED BY G. F. STERLING & CO., DETROIT, MICH. COPYRIGHT, 1898. BY G. F. STERLING & CO., DETROIT, MICH. = ~ ENGRAVED BY PENINSULAR ENGRAVING CO., DETROIT, MICH. PRESS OF WM. GRAHAM PRINTING CO., DETROIT, MICH. j INTRODUCTION. Since the beginning of th war With SpainAp 21, 1898y Michigan has raised five regiments, or 6500 men, and in the Naval Reserves over 300 men; mbracng the finest young blood of our state. tetd cty is one that th di ill. I wI h bss.cm ithIt d St.. The d of ou boys at this camp and at Chiamug T and th Southern camps one -that our State may well be rod of; while the d of t who participated in ody The close of the war, August 12, 1898 found Michigan o landand sa f oe To thoe who enlisted their families and fries t memento is offered as y re act e paticipantg of Mihiga' art i of the most stirring events of Iour country' ismtory.i ill.^"^ i'' ' S The Spanish-American War of I898. APRIL II-President McKinley asked Congress for power to intervene in Cuba. APRIL 19-Intervention ordered by Congress. APRIL 20, 11:24 a. m.-Resolutions signed by the President. APRIL 20-Ultimatum cabled to Minister Woodford. APRIL 21, 7 a. m.-Beginning of the war. APRIL 22, 5:45 a. m.-Admiral Sampson's fleet sailed from Key West to blockade ports of Cuba. APRIL 22-First gun of the war fired by the gunboat Nashville. APRIL 23-The President asked for I25,oo0 volunteers. APRIL 29-Michigan Naval Reserves left Detroit for Newport News to man the auxiliary cruiser Yosemite. MAY i-A great naval battle fought in the harbor of Manila, Philippine Islands, and the Spanish fleet of ten vessels destroyed by the United States squadron, in command of Commodore George Dewey. MAY II-The gunboats Wilmington and Hudson and the torpedo boat Winslow in the first engagement in Cuban waters. Ensign Bagley and four other men of the Winslow killed. MAY I2-Acting Rear Admiral Sampson's squadron bombarded San Juan, Porto Rico. MAY I6-Thirty-first Michigan left Island Lake for Chickamauga. MAY I9-Thirty-second Michigan left Island Lake for Tampa, Fla. MAY I9-Arrival of Admiral Cervera and his squadron at Santiago de Cuba. MAY 24, 10:30 p. m.-Arrival of the battleship Oregon at Jupiter, Fla., after a voyage of I3,ooo miles from San Francisco. MAY 25-The President's second call for troops75,000. MAY 28-Schley semi-officially reported by the auxiliary cruiser Harvard to be off Santiago de Cuba with twelve warships. MAY 28-Thirty-third Michigan left Island Lake for Camp Alger, Va. JUNE 3-Lieut. Richmond P. Hobson and seven men take the collier Merrimac into channel of Santiago and sink it there, so as to close the harbor and prevent the escape of the Spanish fleet. JUNE 6-Thirty-fourth Michigan left Island Lake for Camp Alger, Va. JUNE io-The invasion of Cuba begun by the landing of 600 marines, after warships had silenced the enemy's forts at Guantanamo. JUNE ii-American troops at Guantanamo attacked by the Spaniards, who were repulsed. Six Americans killed. JUNE 13-The first expedition for Santiago left Key West, Maj.-Gen. Shafter in command. JUNE I5-Second Manila expedition left San Francisco. JUNE 20-Arrival of Gen. Shafter and his army off Santiago de Cuba. JUNE 22-Gen. Shafter's army landed at Baiquiri. JUNE 23-Companies F, I, K and L, First Battalion, Thirty-fourth Michigan, and the Thirtythird, Michigan sailed from Newport News, Va., on the cruiser Yale for Cuba. JUNE 24-Ten men were killed, including Capt. Capron and Sergt. Hamilton Fish, Jr., both of Col. Wood's Rough Riders, and about forty wounded, in a skirmish with 2,000 Spaniards. JUNE 25-Gen. Chaffee took Sevilla. JUNE 26-Second and Third Battalions of the Thirty-fourth Michigan sailed' on the Harvard from Newport News bound for Cuba. JUNE 27-Thirty-third Michigan and First Battalion Thirty-fourth Michigan landed at Baiquiri, Cuba. JUNE 28-Yosemite forced ashore the transport Antonio Lopez off San Juan, Porto Rico, and came off victorious in a fight with three Spanish gunboats. JUNE 30-Two battalions of the Thirty-fourth Michigan landed in Cuba. JUNE 29-Gen. Merritt sailed from San Francisco. JULY i-Michigan troops participated in the assault on Santiago de Cuba. JULY i and 2-A general assault on Santiago de Cuba by the army and by ships was begun at 7 a. m., the American troops capturing and holding the lines of the enemy. JULY 3-Gen. Shafter demanded the surrender of the city of Santiago de Cuba. JULY 3-Admiral Cervera made a dash out of the harbor of Santiago to cut his way through the American ships, and his squadron was de stroyed and many men and officers were killed by the fire of the Americans, under Commodore Schley. JULY 4-The Navy Department received a dispatch from Admiral Dewey announcing the arrival at Manila of the cruiser Charleston and the three transports, the City of Peking, the Colon and the Australia, with troops on board, on June 30. The squadron stopped at the Ladrone Islands and the Charleston bombarded the Island of Guam. JULY 6-Lieut. Hobson and his Merrimac men exchanged. JULY 6-Gen. Toral, commanding the Spanish forces at Santiago, sent a flag of truce to Gen. Shafter asking three days' grace and cable operators to notify Madrid of Santiago's desire to surrender, all of which was granted. JULY 6-Rear Admiral Dewey chased the German cruiser Irene out of Subig bay with the Raleigh and the Concord. JULY 7-Maj.-Gen. Miles left Washington for Santiago. JULY I2-A flag of truce waved' by Gen. Toral at Santiago and the truce granted by Gen. Shafter. JULY I4-Santiago surrendered, the United States government agreeing to return to Spain all the prisoners of war. JULY I7-The American flag was raised over the city of Santiago de Cuba. JULY 2 —News reached this country that the second expedition to reinforce Admiral Dewey had arrived at Cavite. JULY 22-Troops C and A ordered to Porto Rico. JULY 23-Another expedition for the Philippine Islands sailed from San Francisco. JULY 25-Gen. Miles and 3,500 men reached Guanica, Porto Rico. JULY 25-Gen. Nelson A. Miles landed at Guanica, Porto Rico. JULY 26-Peace overtures made by Spain were announced by the authorities at Washington. JULY 30-News of Gen. Merritt's arrival at Cavite received at Washington. AUGUST 12-Peace protocol signed by M. Cambon, representing Spain, and Secretary of State Day for the United States, and the forces of both governments ordered to cease hostilities. rRi li~~~:i -,~~ - FL j tin sa iif ~ "iiii fii: a B j B ~rr I """rrl s IfS a O cU P o 1 ~rb ~r: F~T "D "" ci ra '" O i*1 ial a g.E=I O a '" aEa a t; m ~~~lri O I ii ~-!na tii; ""n.. i~,,~ u 14 i$bil:~~-u iZ; ":i::" Fsilj -~~Il;~u P 1,9I-~~ i sim ';""I"" b t:: a Jr IQS B iir ~::hi iin d ra rriilr Y I "~"'i"lE I1-s hliij "u" sl, r i u,,,~ 0 rBli" ~i?Ii-~"U Iliir ill~i~* i,,,,, -I~ x, ce "% - Ilqi hL a ~ic ~. ~~ j-.H$g; g ., ,,, ila ~ril,el.,ll 1""""" i~t..BI;,,,,~11wls iils,iI, —,,,:I11%I "noa. 1!1111'111 liBi111 Elr;J I -"- ii iirr ilR ll" ":"";. ""i". "s."i.iiiiv,,,. 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"I'Ix:::-"i" ;oi ~ap ~:~~~a~?3'a~a~:"l;~C.,::~x ~~;c~;i ~E'~i~ii ina~ I'llsI iit~ dll I Q ii:,,, ~ I~in n~~ ~ i~."h ii`B:i:L:.. s~:n~~; k3t,"J~I E ~5,~ ~,n ~ ~?r~1MI~:l:~ ::~1C L......''.'I::,lj:j;IW E.",, Sa ~f:icr:a,,~sm, a I I r-i~~~rii I:.~~ r:";i...,. ill~e *i E ;,.~~:~'~~' -~e" L",-'. '" s — i "i, i"~"' ~,, ~"t..u~,, lii;-I~.x~ ~"'::i I ~ ~r~ iBil 2, iiii' :~ " 11 .I', i4~ i:E~'F iliaa~i L~ ir;::ll;Oi~E I~L r~~~~~ ~r ~ i ~ ,, ~pl ~, ~1 ga60'FiH iR: l;g, ~~~i~~~~~ ~.~,.. i;R,"i li~' lI8r,.a~ li ~~~:i lj, II:I in8 ~~i I iri illl:~ili~ a~~Ell'~,; I EE I!lill i gigI *c~ ~;'n B.....i. iP~ if Ri -s x.X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~~~~?.llg~ii~~~ Ad | X g eA n d = = = ~~Bai~i~ n; I Joe Greusel, Detroit Journal. 5 Geo. Bromvul Rveing Newas Deiroit lo Maj. Wtrian8s Bd MAeh I S t. Collins, Detroit Rote Press. 6 Harry Lear, Detroit Tlibe He,'i U. P. Martel, Opirdtor' 3 Penny Donaahue~ Artist, Resting News, Detroit. 7 Jack Hall, )vening News, Detroit. is Pogtmnfater Julius Ctesam 4 ohn D. Mclintyre, Grand Rapids Hera l d U. BllyGrnd Rapid-, Democratk i3 Albert Robinsen. 8 EugA. O, Bulkfeyira 9 Hgo ~ (i 'Ur inDtdtFerest MICHIGAN NAVAL RESERVES __i_:__:_i_:_ i __ _ i _i:_ _; i i i _:i _ _;_ _i;; -::::;I:; i:::I;:: ' i:i:::::::':":::::':II I:::: i i:::::::i:::::::.:::'.::;:I::::: I:::: i:; I:ii:::::i::::;:: -:-: ::::: :: I-:I I:::: 1:::;::::-: i:::'::: ~ I:~::::- ~~: II::: -:i:::.::: I i:: I::: i II -::::i::::;::: -::::: I -:::::i::::i: ii::i::::::::::-:::'-: ~:: -:~:::::i:,:;-::: i:::::I:;:il: i i::i: I:::i ii-i ii ~ i::;::::i:-:: I:::i:::::I:;i::i:;:i::::i;:~~::::::-; -: i i II 5 a~~n i.ll Ilnll 11 Jlxa I pl':.~. ~r~ ~:I:-! E~a;r;;i%~~ 11111, r? i i* "";i:i~jaa 28~, ~ ;"~ 1111111[ ii 4E~~~a ~8, "' "Ei:l~:?,'!l~~L..e,i-~~i~i I i~i " ~ gi ~ il~6" ~8~~li'~ . il g-, ~~ , ~/~3,~~; i.~ ~:~I ~~~:~i:I,~:~ ~!:~II ;~~ II :~ ~E;pI r~;,g lil:Lli ~i~~~~;;~~r ~ ~ ~; *i~,.~.. 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