OF -- 1 AIND PSYCHOLOGYX Iil TWO VOLIJMES. COM-IPISING Philosophy of Mesmerism, Electrical Psychology, On Fascination, The Macrocosm. Science of the Soul. " All are the parts of one stupendous whole, Whose Body Nature is, and God the Soul. VOl. f. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL R. WELLS, No. 389 BROADWAY. --— 4J THE MACROCOSM AND MICROCOSM; OB, TIlT UNIVERSE WITHOUT AND THE UNIVERSE WITHIN: BEINGa &N UNFOLDING OF THE PLAN OF CREATION AND THE CORRESPO)WDI ENCE OF TRUTHS, BOTH IN THE WORLD OF SENSE AND THE WORLD OF SOUL. Kn Ltoo 3arts BY WILLIAM FISHBOUGIH. PART I. THE MACROCOSM; OR, THE UNIVERSE WITHOUT.. Nature 1m a harp of srvEn TIMES szEsv strings On which, by God's own hand. Is gently olaved The ever-varied music of the sphere?, NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL R. WELLS, No. 389 BROADWAY. 1874. Eitered, accrJing to Act ct Conress, in the year 1S52. bt WILLIAM FISHBOTJGII, b the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Unlted States for the Sc them Diaete of New York. PREFACE. IN submitting the accompanying Treatise to the public, it may be proper to precede it by a few facts and remarks relative to its origin, plan, and purpose. In the summer of 1849, on retiring from the editorial charge of a Philosophical Journal, the writer announced his intention to prepare and publish, as soon as convenient, a work on Psychology-a subject then, as now, exciting much interest among a class of readers with whom he had been holding weekly communion. A manuscript of such a work was, during the few ensuing months, nearly finished; but various circumstances and considerations arose to prevent its publication, among the chief of which were, first, that with the materials of psychological science then unfolded, I found it impose Bible to bring the work to a desired state of perfection; and, secondly, that facts and principles such I was then able, only, to set forth, were already rapidly forcing themselves into general notice in another way. I concluded, therefore, to await the unfolding of further light upon a subject of which, at that time, no one could claim more than a very superficial knowledge, and to postpone the publication of the results of my investigations until they were further matured, and until the state of the public mind, upon questions to which they related, gave a fair indication that some particular use, not accomplished by other dcvelopments, might be possibly subserved in submitting them to general perusal. These statements involve an explanation and apology to a large portion of my former readers, who, as I learn, felt disappointed at the non-appearance of the announced publication at the time it was expected, and whose letters of inquiry respecting it I have, in some instances, been reluctantly compelled to leave unanswered. As investigations have been continued upon the great subject of Psychology, together with its cognate and still higher themes, it has, of course, greatly expanded; until, in the aspect which the question finally assumed, it was perceived to be impossible to give any adequate exposition of the great realm of being within man, without the atv P iPREFACE. aid of some more enlarged, systematic, and interior exposition than anJ which was yet generally extant, of the great realm of being without which serves to the former as a natural counterpart and exponent. Feeling, therefore, an embarrassment at the thought of writing upon the interior constitution, laws, and susceptihilities of man, without the comprehensive basis of a general material philosophy so universally harmonized and compacted, as to bring nature without into the obvious analogy of a single human being, and thus into an aspect in which it might be constantly drawn upon for comparisons and illustrations, I accordingly determined to precede my proposed anthropological Treatise by a general disquisition upon the realm of exterior being, which I have called the " MACROCOSM," in contradistinction to the human physical and psychical constitution, which I have called the "MICROCOSM." Both Treatises were, at first, designed to be submitted in one volume; but as it was perceived that each would embrace a subject which is complete in itself, though intimately connected with the other, it was finally determined to issue them separately. In speaking briefly of the further objects and general plan of the present work, I will premise that the whole realm of created being, natural, psychological, and even spiritual, forms (at least in the general sense) one perfectly united System, consistent and harmonious in all its parts and interactivities. To this proposition the reason and intuition of every well-constituted human mind responds an instant assent. But a reliable conception of the universal plan of this complex unity of created being, has hitherto undeniably been a grand desideratum of philosophy; and, reasoning superficially only from the objects which come within the scope of the five exterior senses, and without the aid of any grand fundamental and interior Principle to connect and harmonize all things, in serial and graduated orders, from the common primary cause to ultimate effects-men have cherished theories ever conflicting, ever varying, and necessarily ever disfigured, more or less, with essential errors and imperfections. I have ventured to hope that this defect in the mode of philosophizing might prove to be in some good degree supplied by a discovery, the fundamental principles of which came into my mind some four years ago, in a manner quite extraordinary, but of which I need not now speak particularly. This discovery, which I have called "the law of the seven-fold correspondential series," or "the karmonial scale of creation," is, to some extent, unfolded and PREFACE V applied in the present volume, though but a small portion f the avidences of its truth, and the instances of its applicability, are herein exhibited., The main idea embraced in the discovery referred to is, that each complete system, or sub-system of creation, however great or small, is resolvable into seven serial parts or elemental degrees, corresponding to the seven notes of the diatonic scale; that, as composed of such parts, the systems are arranged side by side, or one above another, as so many octaves, corresponding to the octaves in music; and that, like them, each one serves as a general exponent of all the others, whether on a higher or lower scale. This idea, with its natural adjuncts, of which I can not here speak particularly, by harmonizing and unitizing all natural series and degrees of creation, also clearly illustrates the ~fact that all truths are involved in, and evolved from, one grand central Truth; that they are, indeed, but parts and degrees of that one fundamental truth, which are ultimated in the various forms of embodiment which compose the sum total of created existence. By pursuing the method of reasoning which this idea unfolds, I have endeavored to make one portion of the system of nature expose the secrets of another, and caused visible facts and invisible principles to mutually cast their light upon each other. That this method might be pursued in the most reliable manner, observations are commenced upon the surface of the system of things, composed of those objects which are appreciable to the outer senses, and thence, by facts known particularly to geological and astronomical science, I have endeavored to rationally trace the system of outer being to its origin, to the primal condition of its materials, and to its Divine Cause. Assuming, thus, a position at the center of the universal field of thought, where all principles converge to a common focus, I have endeavored to survey, so far as possible, the vistas of creative development which thence diverge in all directions, and ta observe truth in its progressive, serial, and orderly unfoldings, from center to superfices, from generals to particulars, from causes to effects, from origins to ultimates. Finding at this central position, the principles and germs of general unity and systematic order, which must of necessity be perpetual throughout all subsequent unfoldings, I havm attempted, through a unitary and systematic order of combined analysis and synthesis, to show how the system of creation must have been dQ1 P PREFACE. gradually unfolded into its present form, and to illustrate the harmo. nious principles, forms, movements, laws, and interactivities which now characterize it as a whole and in all its parts. It has thus been the object to draw the bold outlines of a comprehensive primordial philosophy, and to contribute, so far as possible, to the establ'ihment of a system of thought, in which all truths may be viewed in tb —:r serial, orderly, and mutually explanatory relations, from generale to particulars-a system whose internal, vitalizing principle will constantly tend to the absorption of all truths, and the elmination of all errors, in the same way in which the principles of music constantly tend to the appropriation of harmonies, and the elimination of discords. If I have succeeded even to the extent of unfolding, with general correctness, the most general principles of such a philosophy, the sure guide-boards and indices to something vastly more perfect of the same kind may be considered as established; and the key to all conceivable truth, whether relating to nature without, the soul within, the spirit world above, or to the Divine Author and Governor of all things, may, in some sense, be considered as in our possession; for no one can essentially err in regard to either of these subjects, so long as he stands in the light of a system which makes all truths the clear and certain exponents of each other. I would invite particular attention to that feature of the present volume, by which the fundamentals of an elevated theology are preserved and established upon the very basis of those facts in science which have been thought to be rather pantheistic in their intimations. Following, as it does, in some respects, a comparatively unbeaten path, this Treatise can not, of course, reasonably claim entire exemption from errors and imperfections. Such as it is, however, it is respectfully submitted to a candid and discerning public, with the hope that any criticism it may excite may not be exclusively destructive, but in some degree also constructive-that it may not only expose errors and imperfections (which should be faithfully done), but suggest improvements-so that by the combined intelligence of many, some closer approximations to the truth may be made than I dare presume to have yet attained, notwithstanding the degree of confidence I ma) have in the general correctness of the method which has been pur sued, and the results to which it has conduced. W. F. WILLIAMSBURGH, Septemnber 7th, 1852. CONTEN TS Pansa. c.............................................................Page 6 CHAPTER I. THE COGNIZABLE AND THE COGNIZING. Interior Faculties-Exterior Objects —At Equipoise-Correspondence of Outer and Inner-Course to be Pursued............................................... 1 CHAPTER II. DESCENDING SCALE OF TERRESTRIAL FORMS. The Three Kingdoms-Geological Formations —Descent through the Strata-Allwuial, Diluvial, Tertiary, Secondary, and Transition Formations-Thickness of Strata -Simplicity of Older Fossils-Primary Rocks-Original Fluidity from Heat-Pres. ent State of the Earth's Center-Primitive State of the Earth's Materials........ 14 CHAPTER III. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM ANALOGICALLY RETRACED. Connection of Geology and Astronomy-Common Source of the Planets-Nebular Theory-its Conception by Herschel-Nebulous Stars-Further Proofs of the Theory -Oblately Spheroidal Forms and their Signification-Gradation of Densities —Re sidual Nebulous Matter-" Zodiacal Light"-Comets-Compte's Calculations-Kirkwood's Law-The Conclusion................................................ 22 CHAPTER IV. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE ANALOGICALLY RETRACED. Stars are Suns-Clusters-The Milky Way-The Heavens Sounded-Clusters beyond Clusters-Their Shapes and Densities-Gravitation indicated-Proof of other Laws -Variable Stars-Revolving Double Stars-Immense Periods of some of themUniversality of Revolutionary Motion-Motion of the whole Solar System-Maedler's Central Sun-Still higher Systems-"Magellan's Clouds"-The System of all Systems-The Infinite and the Infinitesimal-Nebular Theory universally AppliedPrimeval Universal Chaos......... 31 CHAPTER V. MATERIAL BEGINNINGS AS POINTING TO A SUPER-MATERIAL CAUSE. Matter, as Physical Substance, not Eternal-Logical Evidences of a Spiritual CauseThat this Spiritual Cause was Uncaused, Personal, and DivNE — Matter Formed from Spiritual Substance-Motion not Inherent in Matter-Must have its Origin in Spirit -IoN GoD..........,............................................... 44 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL SYNT-IESIS. Practicability of a Synthesis-Effects contained in Causes-Material Germs and thei Developments-Universal Materiality and Infinite Spirit-Reclamation of Science from Pantheistic Tendencies-Divine Thoughts as Archetypes-Theory of Creation thence deducible-What Man may know concerning God-The " Seven Spirits of God"-Creations hence Sven-fold-Universal Correspondences-The Iiarmonial Scale of Creation, and great Musical Organ-The Timbers and the Temple.... 51 CHAPTER VII. THE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, AND THEIR INTIMATIONS RE SPECTING THE ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE. Primordial Matter-Origin of Motion-Its Seven Laws-Divine Love, Heat, and Ex PANSION-Divine Wisdom, Light, and ATTRACTION-Origin of Central Sun-Origin of Rotary Motion-Emanation-Law of CIRCULATION-Law of AGGREoATION-Con. centric Nebulous Rings-Their Existing Analogues —Law of SEGREGATION-Segregated Masses-Stellar Clusters formed from these-Confirmatory Celestial Appear. ances-Immensity of Creation-Analogy of Asteroids-General Formation of Sin. -Formation of Planets-Summary of Evidences............................... 65 CHAPTER VIII. THE SEVEN DYNAMIC AGENTS, OR POTENTIAL MEDIA OF NATUREHeat, Light, and Electricity-A Corresponding Trinity Inferred-Proved by Reichen. bach's Experiments-Flames from Magnets, Crystals, etc.-Seven Colors of their Light-Explains the Aurora Borealis-Heat Inferred-Ethereal Emanations, and their Singular Effects-" Odic" Heat, and its Offices-" Odic" Light, and its Offices"Odic" Aura, and its Offices-The Latter a Universal Sympathetic Medium-Its Identity with "Animal Magnetism"-Medium of Divine Action-Divine Embodi. menr -Distinction between Nature and God................................... 91 CHAPTER IX. DEFECTS OF PREVAILING COSMOLOGICAL THEORIES. Newton's Idea of a Primary Impulse-Of Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces-Difficulties in respect to the Stability of the System-Their Solution-Lifelessness of Newton's System-It is a Dangerous Machine.................................... 113 CHAPTER X. GROUNDS OF STABILITY AND GENERAL ECONOMY OF THE COSMI CAL STRUCTURE. New Theory Propounded-Illustrations-Life of the System-No Vacuity in Space-. Equilibrium-PReuperative Force, etc................. 1............... 11 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XI. PARTICULAR CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE GENESIS AND MODUS OPERANDI OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The Solar and the Universal Systems-Origin of Comets-The Zodiacal Light.... 129 CHAPTER XII. SYNTHETICAL VIEW OF THE ORIGIN OF THE EARTH, AND ITS GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. Seven Stages of Progress-The CHAOTIC STAGE-Nucleation of Earth and MoonPolar Opposition-Analogy of Binary Stellar Systems-Common Ethereal Envelope -Effects on Somnambulists, etc.-Common Center-Modified Theory of Tides-SE.OND STAGE-THIRD STAGE-FouiRTH STAGE-Atmospheric Conditions-Early Scenery Described-FIFTH STAGE — New Red Sandstone-Frost-marks, Bird-tracks, etc.Diversity of Seasons-Marsupials-SIXTH STAGE-Inorganic and Organic ProgressSEVENTH STAGE, and Completion.........1........................ 131 CHAPTER XIII. THE GEOLOGICAL AND THE MOSAIC REVELATIONS. Antiquity of our Globe-Alarm of Theologians-Truths must Harmonize-Theology and Science-Principles of Interpretation-Meaning of "Day"-Work of First Day -Second Day-Third Day-Fourth Day-Fifth Day-Sixth Day-Sabbatic PeriodCoincidences-Correspondential Classification............................... 148 CHAPTER XIV. THE MINERAL KINGDOM, OR THE KINGDOM OF CHEMICAL FORMS. Its Seven Divisions....................................................... 169 CHAPTER XV. THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Its Seven Divisions....................................................... 1 CHAPTER XVI. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Its Seven Divisions....................................................... 176 CHAPTER XVII. THE WHOLE AND ITS PARTS. Generals and Particulars-Comprehensive Classification-Illustration by Prismatic Colors-The Temple Erected................1........................... 1 CHAPTER XVIII. DUALISM OF PRODUCTIVE FORCES, OR THE DIASTOLE AND SYSTOLE OF NATURE. the Two Fundamental Forces-Examples in the Cosmical, Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal Creations-Facts in Embryology-Progress of Organization-The Principle Generalized-The Diastole and Systole-Ulterior Laws................. 185 XI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. CIRCLES. The Principle of the Circle applicable to all Things-Wheel within Wheels-The Machine not Self-propelling..................................... 194 CHAPTER XX. THE DOCTRINE OF DEGREES. Awedenborg's Philosophy-Degrees "Continuous" and "Discreet"- Improvement suggested-Facilitates Investigation........:.................... 200 CHAPTER XXI. THE DOCTRINE OF CORRESPONDENCES. Foundation and Laws of Correspondences-Importance of the Doctrine.... 208 CHAPTER XXII. THE DOCTRINE OF PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT. A pending Controversy-Theory of the " VESTIGES OF CREATION"-Arguments for Law. Creations-The Nebular Hypothesis-Chemistry-Geology-Fossilology-Plant-like Crystallizations-Arbor Diace-Spontaneous Germination-Transmutation of Vege. table Species-Entozoa-Animals Developed by Electricity-Rudimentary and Incidental Organs-Analogy of Human Fcetal and Zoological Developments-Theory Deduced-Opposition Excited-Its Grounds-Aspects of the Question.......... 211 CHAPTER XXIII. FURTHER VIEW OF THE SYSTEM' OF LIVING FORMS, AS SUGGESTING ITS MODE OF DEVELOPMENT. The Light of our Philosophy-Progression and Retrogression-Embryonic Forms — Their Progress and Significance-The Great Tree-Genesis of Animal Kingdom 224 CHAPTER XXIV. LAW AGENCY AND DIVINE AGENCY. Law Defined-Ite Universality-It is not Force-Archetypes and their Clothing-Human and Divine Builder-Divine Dwelling-places-Creation did not Develop itself -Diagramatic Illustration-Overthrow of Pantheistic Speculations............ 234 CHAPTER XXV. PROVIDENCES. Proridences are Law-governed-Media determine Modes of Divine Action —Recep. tacles modify Influence-The "Light of the World"-New Beginning Principle — Miracles-Truths Sacred wherever found.................................. 249 C ONLUsION OF THE VOL..................................................... THE MACROCOSM; OR, THE UNIVERSE WITHOUT. CHAPTER I. THE COGNIZABLE AND THE COGNIZING THE starting point of all thought and investigation with every human being, is his own interior consciousness. This, to every one, is the most absolutely fixed of all facts-the most positively certain of all certainties; and it is hence the position from which all other certainties and uncertainties, probabilities and improbabilities, possibilities and impossibilities, are estimated. But as from our individual centers of consciousness and intellection, we open our eyes and looK without us, we find ourselves surrounded by appearances of various forms and conditions, near and remote, which act upon our physical, intellectual, and moral natures, and are reacted upon by us; and these active and re-active influences are, in some sense, at a constant equipoise. There is thus a universe without, and a universe within us-a universe of cognizable forms, principles, and conditions, and a uni.yrse 12 THE COGNIZABLE AND THE COGNIZING. of cognizing faculties, the one being related to, and corre. sponding with, the other. It is a legitimate object and privilege of every inquiring mind to understand, in some degree, both of these universes; and in order to do this to the fullest extent, one must investigate each with a constant regard to its analogies with, and relations to, the other. For the purpose of mapping out, if possible, certain great outlines of the one united and. harmonious system of truth as embracing both of these departments, an investigation of this kind is now proposed. The forms of the outer universe are included in a few simple and comprehensive classifications, as they are arranged above or beneath each other in the scale of creation. Those beneath man, and which at present form the special subject of investigation, are embraced in the comprehensive divisions of animal, vegetable, mineral, geological, and astronomical or cosmical forms. Of these, singularly and in united groups, together with their more superficial properties, the interior soul gains a perception through some one or more of the. sensational channels, known as Touch, Taste, Sight, Hearing, and Smell. Proceeding upon the basis of the impressions received through these avenues of sense, the ratiocinative faculty becomes the medium of some knowledge of the purposes and mutual relations of these, and of the laws by which they are governed; and, availing itself of the contributions of both Sense and Reason, at the same time that it draws, from its own interior and independent resources, the faculty of Intuition decides upon their causes, their life forces, and their more interior significations. Conforming, therefore, to what, in this work, will be recogtized as the true method of reasoning, it shall be our first COURSE TO BE PURSUED. 13 endeavor, oy the aid of Sense, Reason, and Intuition, to trace analytically the descending scale of creation, from exteriors to interiors, from effects to causes, from ultimates to origins. If we can succeed by this process in establishing any reliable conclusions relative to the first, the elemental, and hence germinal form and condition whence sprang this universal system of things, we may then, in the light of these conclusions, proceed to retrace our steps synthetically upward through the successive.eries and degrees of natural unfolding, and in a general way discover how the system of creation, in its present completed form, came to exist, and also what are the prominent principles of its constitution and government. It is obvious that these combined processes of Analysis and Synthesis, if correctly pursued, will be far more efficient in unfolding the principles and laws harmoniously pervading and governing all parts of the united system of things, and in exhibiting the vital relations and sympathies subsisting be. tween all forms and kingdoms of nature, than either one of these processes pursued singly, and without reference to the other. In pursuing this process of inquiry, strict attention, of course, shall be paid to facts and principles already firmly fixed upon a true scientific basis: but so long as these are made the basis of further reasoning, and the line of investi. gation is pursued in strict obedience to the established laws of induction and the intuitions of the interior mind, I shall not consider myself restricted fiom exhibiting, and, in some instances, perhaps, even insisting upon, the conclusions to which this process may conduct, even though these may, in. unaly cases, be unknown to the prevailing philosophy. 2 CH APTER II. DESCENDING SCALE OF TERREST1'IAL FORMS. AMONG the systems of forms which surround man in the outer world, that most immediately related to him, and next below him in the scale of creation, is the Animal Kingdom. Immediately beneath this, serving as a substratum on which it rests, and the source from which it derives its subsistence, is the Vegetable Kingdom. This, again, rests upon the Mineral Kingdom, from which, as the next degree below it in the scale of existence, it deri es its nourishment and physical "upport. Then, beneath all these kingdoms, as an anterior condition on which their physical developments, as complete systems. necessarily depend, is the system of Geological Formations. These consist of various gradations, or of lower and higher stratifications, which were developed by degrees, and in successive periods of time. Each geological formation above the primary, contains petrifactions of plants and animals of a degree of organization corresponding to the degree of progression in the earth's crust marked by the particular stratification in which they are found, the lowest organizations being associated with the most ancient fossiliferous rocks, and the highest with the most recent, showing a coincident progress in the inorganic and organic developments. Let us now trace dow iward the various geological stratifications, from highest to' lowest, in order that our minds may, by successive steps, be conducfed DESCENDING VIEW. 16 to the terrestrial conditions which preceded them all, and served as the material Germ of their unfolding. If we could find a section of the earth's crust in which all the geological stratifications existed in their completeness, and were arranged on horizontal planes, in their natural order of superposition, and if we should then proceed to dig vertically downward through the strata, we would first pass through layers of loam, fine sand, and gravel, of no very great or very definite thickness. We might find in this deposit the remains of plants and animals of existing species, together with the remains of man and of his works. This is the most recent, or what is called the Alluvial Formation. Next we would penetrate an irregular deposit of clay, sand, gravel, and small anld large stones, more or less rounded by friction, and which is called the Diluvial Formation. We would next pass through layers of clay, sand, gravel, marl, etc., in greater or less degrees of consolidation, portions of which abound with the remains of animals and plants of species now mostly extinct. These deposits have been roughly estimated as having the aggregate thickness of about thirteen hundred feet, and constitute what is called the Tertiary Formation. Next we would penetrate through deposits of chalk, and strata of marlstone, ironstone, red sandstone, etc., to the depth of not less than five thousand feet, exhuming, as we proceeded, the remains of huge saurians and other animals of a comparatively low organization, and which became entirely extinct before the next superior formation commenced. These strata, with their distinctive fossils, are comprised in what is called the Secondary Formation. We would then descend through a system of deposites of not less than three thousand feet in thickness, consisting of strata of limestone, slate, ironstone, and mineral coal. constituting what is called the Coal F'or 16 OGEOLO'GICAL FORMATIONS. mation. We would after this descend, in succession, through strata of limestone, called the mountain or carboniferous limestone; through what is called the Old Red Sandstone, and thence through what is known as the Silurian and Cambrian systems of deposits. These stratifications, taken together, have been estimated by Dr. John Pye Smith, as measuring a thickness of not less than one hundred and thirty thousand feet. They abound with fossils which, with perhaps slight exceptions, and these confined to their higher portions, are exclusively marine; and the character and magnitude of some of these, and their invariableness of size and constitution as they occur in all latitudes, show that a high and unvarying temperature prevailed on all parts of our globe during the period when they flourished, which could not have depended, in any great degree, upon the solar rays, but is generally sup. posed to have been caused by radiations from subterranean fire, then more intense than at subsequent periods. This whole series of stratifications has been called the Transition Formation, comprising, in the period of its production, those changes in the physical conditions of the earth's surface, which were necessary to qualify it for the production of terrestrial vegetation and the healthy sustenance of air-breathing animals. This completes the enumeration of the fossiliferous stratifi. cations, which, according to some estimates, are of an aggregate thickness exceeding twenty miles! These all, including the remains of the plants and animals which subsisted during their respective epochs, were quietly deposited at the bottoms of oceans, estuaries, and lakes, and subsequently consolidated and petrified, and thus, as faithful records of the natural histo-y of our planet, they have been preserved through the untold ages which have elapsed from the period of their li-ing existence until present time! DISTURBANCES OF THE STRATA. 17 As we have thus proceeded through the descending scale of geological and paleontological creations, we have seen that animal and vegetable organisms, whose remains are entombed in the rocks, become more and more simple. In the lowest of the fossiliferous rocks, the principal animal remains are of the class called the Radiata, which somewhat resemble plants, and form the connecting link with the Vegetable Kingdom; while the plants are mainly of a simple species of sea-weed, called fucoides. It is, however, presumable that more minute, and still more simple species preceded these, but of which, in consequence of the delicacy of their texture, all traces have become obliterated. Immediately beneath the fossiliferous rocks, we came to thick strata of clay slate, hornblende slate, mica slate, gneiss, etc., which contain no organic remains, and are called the Primary Stratified Rocks. Immediately beneath these last strata, lies the Granite, which is unstratified, and appears to be the original and parent rock, from the comminuted and pulverized materials of which, combined with materials descending from the atmosphere, and evolved from the central mass of the earth, all the stratified rocks were subsequently formed. Some of my readers, who have not made geology a particular subject of study, may be disposed to inquire whether any one has thus actually digged into the earth to the depth of over twenty miles, and ascertained the character and order of geological formations to be as I have described them? I answer, no; nor would such a mode of exploration have been necessary. Owing to the immense and frequent disturbances to mhich the earth's crust has been subjected, in different ages, from the explosive forces of internal fires, all the older strata have, in various places, been broken, and their upheaved 18 GEOLOGICAL FORMI TIONS. edges have thus been exposed at the surface of the earth, and may be measured with little difficulty. And, although in most, if not all, places, some of the strata are wanting, yeta by observing a number of the associated links in the chain of development in one place, and connecting and matching them with corresponding sections of the chain found in other places, and which extend higher or lower, the whole series may be, and has been, re-constructed with approximate accuracy and certainty. And by comparing the lithological characters of rocks, and especially the fossils which they contain, it is found that the order of development is invariably such as I have described, and is the same in all parts of the world. It was said that the Granite, which seems to be the oldest of the rocks, underlying, as it does, all the stratified series, is itself unstra4ti ed. This is true, also, of its various modifications in the Porphyry, Basalt, and Greenstone. These rocks, therefore, could not have been formed, as other rocks were, by sedimentary deposits at the bottom of oceans and lakes. On the contrary, they bear unmistakable evidences of having been originally in -a molten state from the action of intense heat. That no links may be wanting in the chain of our further inductions, some of these evidences require to be briefly stated, as follows: It appears that, in; many instances, after thick beds of stratified rooks, including some of the older members of the fossiliferous series, were formed immediately over the granitic rocks, the latter have flown upward, not only in hemispherical and conical, but sometimes itn sharply angular forms, displacing the superincumbent strata, and producing mountain elevations. In the upheaving effort it has, apparently by injection, filled up the smallest crevices of the contiguous rooks, free FUSION BY HEAT. 19 quently bursting through them in various directions, foiming "dykes" and veins with numerous branches, from an inch to hundreds of feet in diameter; and, coming up frequently through the entire thickness- of the- strata, it has flown over the top, where it has, often in large masses, subsequently con solidated. These dykes are often found to contain imbedded fragments of the identical rocks through which they appear to have forced their passage in their upward movement. The manner in which these fragments are imbedded, proves to a demonstration, that the mass by which they are surrounded was once in a fluid state, and that it subsequently became solid, as we now find it. That the: original fluidity of these injected rocks was pro duced by heat, is evident from the following, among other considerations: 1. The crystaline character of some of these rocks is such as could have been produced only by heat. 2. The chemical effects produced upon the stratified rocks by contact of the unstratified ones, are similar to those produced by dykes of recent lava. 3. -The- different unstratified rocks insensibly pass into each other, and indeed into modern lavas. Besides, the mineral composition of the rocks, as well as the form and position of the dykes, shows that their original fluidity could not have been the result of water, which is the only known natural element besides fire, to which their solution could possibly be attributed in any case. But as the rocks of which we have spoken are primary rocks, and serve as the basis of all stratified rocks in all places, and as they must, therefore, have universally prevailed over the surface of the earth before any other rocks were formed, if their original state was that of igneous fluidity, it may be assumed that such was the condition of the whole globethat it was one vast ball of molten lava! This is now genem 20 GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. ally the opinion of geologists, and is confirmed by the follow. ing, among other considerations: 1. The earth is not a perfect globe, but an oblate spheroid, flattened at the poles-the polar diameter being about twentysix miles shorter than the equatorial. This is the form which it would necessarily have assumed from the centrifugal force caused by diurnal revolution, supposing it to have been originally in a fluid state. 2. There is good evidence that our planet is still a vast ball of liquid fire, surrounded by a thin crust, which, in thickness, bears no greater proportion to the general mass of the earth, than the egg-shell bears to the general mass of the egg. From careful observations which have been made during many years, upon the temperature of deep mines and the waters of artesian wells, in various parts of the world, it is found that, after descending beyond the reach of solar influence, the temperature invariably increases, in allplaces, at the average rate of about one degree Fahrenheit for every forty-five or fifty feet of descent. And this rule uniformly holds good to the greatest depths to which the earth has been penetrated. Now, assuming fifty degrees as the average temperature at the surface of the earth, and taking the mean ratio of increase at one degree for every fifty feet of descent, we should, at this rate, at a depth of a little more than sixty-five miles, reach a temperature of seven thousand degrees, which would be sufficient to melt all known rocks. Supposing this state of igneous fusion to extend from the comparatively thin crust of the earth on all sides, to the center, we have still a mass of molten lava of more than seven thousand miles in diameter. If we suppose this mass to become sometimes agitated in its higher portions by internal gasses, or by the percolation of water through fissures in the superincumbent strata, we have a sufficient ex. T'IE PRIMITIVE STATE. 21 planation of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and of the immnense mountain upheavels which have occurred at different epochs during the geological formations; while, aside from the hypothesis of internal fusion, the solution of these latter phenomena would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Thus have geologists reasoned, frcm substantial data, concerning the early state of our planet. But, though at this point the data of retrospective reasonings become less certain than those which have hitherto guided us, we may presume, as highly probable, not to say absolutely certain, that not even this was strictly the primitive state of our planet-that the matter which composes it was in conditions anterior and germinal even to this; and if we extend backward our chain of analogical inductions in a direct line, it will lead us to a condition of still more intense heat-heat that would be compatible only with the existence of matter in the form of vapor. it is, then, to say the least, an hypothesis certainly not unreasonable, that the matter of our earth was once in the state of igneous gas, fiom the cooling, and condensation of which it assumed successively the fluid, and then its present superficially solid state. But for the present we offer this only as an hypothesis to which analogies thus far developed, directly point. Such further and more conclusive evidences of its truth, as scientific data now afford, will be incidentally brought into view as we proceed. CHAPTER III. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM AN.Y LOGICALLY RETRACED. ADMITTING that the foregoing hypothesis as to the original condition of the earth's materials has any foundation in truth, we find in it the link which connects geology with astronomy. It must be borne in mind that the earth is only one member of the great family of planets belonging to the solar system; and it is fair to presume that the brothers and sisters of the same planetary family have the same, or a similar, originespecially as they have the same oblately spheroidal form, and observe the same laws of diurnal and orbitual rovolution. If the earth, then, was originally in a state of igneous gas, so (we may suppose) were tkey; and before the incipient pro cesses of spheroidation commenced, the materials of all of them may have commingled, and probably did commingle, together in one undistinguishable mass. Though this hypothesis of an original gaseous state of the earth and planets rests upon a foundation of its own (being a portion of the chain of analogous developments prolonged directly backward from the. links of substantial geological facts), it is precisely in accordance with the nebular theory of the origin of worlds and systems, which theory also rests upon independent grounds of reasoning. As a conviction of the general truthfulness of this theory is important as a basis of ulterior ideas tc be presented in this treatise, the patient RESOLUTION OF NEBULE. 23 attention of the reader is solicited while we briefly explain its nature: and unfold a summa-ry of the evidences on which it is founded. The idea that nebule, or loose masses of fiery vapor, which seemed to be floating in the depths of immensity, might form the materials out of which nature elaborated suns and planets, was originally propounded as a conjecture, by Sir William Herschel; but it was subsequently brought into more definite and tangible form by Laplace,. Comte, Nichol, and others. The theory supposes that loose masses of nebulous vapor, at first without definite form or movement, gradually assumed, by virtue of gravitation, a regular spheroidal and rotating form, lightest at the circumference, and gradually increasing in density toward the center, at which point the greatest density is attained. It supposes that such forms were the original forms of suns —that the substance of these, in this diffused state, originally extended from their present condensed, solar spheres, to the outermost limits of the planetary systems which now revolve about them; and that by the combined processes of rotation and further condensation, successive and concentric rings were formed on the outer limits of the nebulous disks, of which we have a faint illustration in the rings of Saturn. These rings, it is thought, subsequently became broken up, when the matter composing them naturally agglomerated into spheres, which, by an analogous process of condensation and evolution of rings, produced planets and their satellites. It is but just to remark that many of the supposed nebulce which Herschel thought might form the materials of future suns and systems, have subsequently, by the application of powerful telescopes, and especially that of Lord Ross, been resolved into stars, apparently so close together as to cause the general hazy appearance which they present when viewed 24 THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS. with the naked eye, or through a telescope:,f low power, It is reasonably suspected that many of the still unresolved nebulae might yield to a still higher telescopic power, were such available to science and art; and acting upon this sup. position, some few astronomers have abandoned the nebular theory, in which they previously believed, and attempted to prove its impossibility. But in reference to this change of astronomical faith from such a cause, Professor Michell forcibly remarks, that "Herschel only adopted the [nebular] theory after he had resolved many hundred of the nebulae into stars; and, if there ever existed a reason for accepting tho truth of this remarkable speculation, that reason has been scarcely affected in any degree, by recent discoveries." The phenomenon of nebulous stars, especially, still remains in its unimpaired force, as an argument for the probable truth of the theory in question. These stars are spherical bodies, bright in the center, from which there is a gradual shading off into undistinguishable dimness as the circumference is ap proached. They exist in all degrees of apparent concentration, from a diffused blur with a no very distinct nucleus, to a well defined star surrounded by a haze. What can these bodies be but masses of primeval matter, in various degrees of pro. gression between their original, or most chaotic state, and that of fully developed suns and planets? But these are precisely the various conditions which the nebular theory supposes to take place during the different and progressive stages of the process by which suns and planets are ultimately formed. A brief summary of the further proofs of the nebular theory may be presented as follows: 1. It has already been remarked that the earth is an oblats spheroid, flattened at the poles and bulged at the equator. FORM OF PLANETS. 25 This same fact is also observed in relation to other planets, the outer ones, owing to the greater rapidity of their rotatory motions, being much more bulged and flattened than the inner ones. To the writer it is not a little surprising that this form of planetary bodies has not, of itself, established among astronomers the universal conviction that these bodies were formed by a contraction of their materials from a previously diffused state. Such, it appears, must necessarily have been the case, if their superior equatorial diameter had, in its origin, any connection with the centrifugal force produced by rotatory motion. For if the materials of the planet, while in an originally globular form, had commenced being thrown outwaard at the equator, by the centrifugal force generated by revolution, no known counter-force could have prevented them from being all, or nearly all, thrown outward, and continually farther and farther from the center, until the planet would have lost its identity. Especially would this have been the result, if the original velocity of revolution had continued un. diminished. For it is evident that the farther a particle, or collection of particles, is thrown from an axis around which they, in a given period, may revolve, the greater is the centrifugal force generated by the rotation, and hence the greater is its tendency to fly off still farther; while, on the other hand, the farther a particle is thrown from a center of attraction, the less becomes the attractive or centripetal force to retain it from flying off still farther. The forces which produced the bulged form of planets at the equator are undoubtedly the same as those which produced the rings of Saturn. Now, the rings of Saturn com. plete a revolution in 10 hours 32 minutes and 15 seconds, vhile the primary itself revolves in 10 hours 16 minutes and I second, or in a period of only 16 minutes and 14 seconds 3 26 THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS. less. If, therefore, there was originally generated, by rotatory motion, at Saturn's equator, an amount of centrifugal force sufficient to throw off particles to the present position of the rings of that body, certainly the immensely increased centrifui gal force generated by the revolution of those rings in. about the same period, would have thrown the same particles still farther, and would probably have dissipated them into chaosespecially as the attractive force of the primary, at that distance, must have exerted considerably less influence upon them. The same reasoning applies with equal force to that ring, or circle of attached matter, which rises above the line of sphericity at Saturn's equator, and also at the equators of other planets, and of the earth. The acting forces are of the same nature, and bear similar relations to each other in both places, the only difference being a difference in the degrees of intensity with which they act in the different positions. These considerations show that in all stages of the process by which planetary bodies were formed, the attractive, contractive, or centripetal force, had decided predominance over the centrifugal. Supposing the two forces to have always acted together after both became established, the centrifugal force, it is true, must have always restrained and modified the intensity of the centripetal, in the direction of the plane of rotation, but could never throw farther into space a particle which the centripetal or attractive, had succeeded, in defiance of the opposing, force, in bringing from a greater to a less distance from the center. The bulged form of the earth and other planets, therefore, could not have been produced by a throwing cut of particles at the equator, but rather by a drawing in of particles from the poles, where the attrac ive force was comparatively uure GRADATION' DF DENSITIES. 27 strained by the centrifugal; while this latter force, attaining its maximum. at the equator, meets and wards off the. gravi tating particles in their rush toward the center, and thus the two forces finally settle into an exact equipoise, of which the oblately spheroidal form of the planet is an equally exact expression. These considerations seem to sufficiently prove that the earth (before shown to have been originally in a state of igneous, if not gaseous fluid) was formed by the predominating force of attraction, and hence contraction, acting upon materials in a rarer state, and reducing them to their present dense form. The attractive and contractive operation must, of course, have proceeded through a progressive series of analogous stages, which somewhere must have had a begin. ning; and we can not conceive of any possible beginning short of the greatest possible diffusion-a state of diffusion which, originally applying to the materials of all planets, must have brought them all into the form of one common vapory mass. Though this argument, in proof of the nebular theory, seems hitherto to have generally escaped the notice of astronomical writers, it is one which, nevertheless, deserves to be pondered and borne in mind. 2. Another argument for the same theory, is derived from the regular gradations of densities of planets, from innermost to outermost. Thus it is stated, on the basis of mathematical calculations, that Mercury must be about the weight of so much lead; Venus is nearly six times the weight of so much water; the Earth, as a whole, is four and a half times the weight of water; Mars is a little over three times the weight of water; Jupiter is a small fraction over the weight of so tnuch water; Saturn is less than half that specific weight, ot 28 THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS. about the weight of so much cork; and Herschel manifests a corresponding decrease of density. This regular gradation in the specific densities of the planets, in the order of their occurrence, from innermost to outermost, is precisely what it should be, supposing that they were all formed by the operations of a common law, from an original sphere of fluid matter, which must have been most dense near the center, and most rare on its outer extremities. There is a similar relation between the distances of the different planets; for, proceeding outward from Mercury, each successive planet (including the asteroids as equivalent to one planet) is about double the distance of the previous planet from the sun. This curious relation of distances seems, in like manner, to argue their production by a common cause, and by the operations of a common law, of which the only explanation yet found seems to be given in the nebular theory. 3. If the theory in question is admitted as the true one, it might accordingly be supposed, that after the evolution of Mercury, which is the planet nearest the sun, there would still be a residuum of nebulous or planetary matter in an unformed state, surrounding the more dense mass of the sun. Accord. ingly there actually appears to be an extensive mass of attenuated matter surrounding the sun, and is sometimes visible immediately after sunset, or before sunrise, as a conic, luminous streak, projected from the horizon in the direction of the path of the sun, and which is called the " Zodiacal light," 4. There are still many planets, or wandering celestial bodies, in a nebulous state, in which state they are called "comets." These appear to have been formed from a re. siduum of attenuated matter, after the agglomeration of the denser materials took place KIRKWOOD S LAW. 29 5. M. Comte, of Paris, has proved, according to principles by which periods of rotation maintain a relation to the mass of the given rotating body, that the sidereal year of each planet actually corresponds to the period in which the sun must have rotated on his axis, supposing his mass to have extended to the orbits of such planets; and he also ascertained that the periods of rotation of the primary planets with their mass, in a state of vapor, extending to the orbits of their satellites, must, in like manner, have corresponded with the present orbitual periods of those satellites. 6. A new planetary law has recently been discovered by Mr. Kirkwood, which seems to have an important bearing on the question at issue. This law, as I understand it, is, that the square of the number of rotations of any given planet in its year, is to the square of the number of rotations of any other planet in its year, as the cube of the diameter of the sphere of attraction of the first planet, is to the cube of the diameter of the sphere of attraction of the second planet.* Thus, for instance, the number of rotations of the earth in its year, bears a definite relation to the quantity of matter (or the amount of attractive force) in the Earth, in Mars, and in Venus. Here, then, is an indication of another relation existing between the forces and movements of the different planets, so definite as to preclude every reasonable supposition that it came by chance, and a relation which, in common with facts before noticed, seems to refer all the planets to a common parentage, and common law of production, which is accounted for only by the nebular theory. Certainly so many remark* The sphere of attraction of a planet, is a circle whose radius is determined by the point between two contiguous planets in conjunction, where an object would be attacted to neither of them, but would be exactly poised between the two contending forces. For an account of Kirkwood's discovery, see Sillilan's American Journal of 3cience, Vol. ix. Second Series, p. 395. 30 THE NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS. ably concurrent facts, pointing to the same conclusion as to the origin of our planetary system, can not reasonably be set down as so many mere fortuitous coincidences. Finally, the theory in question is the only one which does not either involve inexplicable and inconceivable mysteries, or suppositions totally unfounded in any of the known laws of causation. This theory, on the other hand, commends itself to human reason and intuition, without being encumbered with any serious difficulties; and, as it is confessedly unphilosophical to look for an explanation of a phenomenon without the sphere of known natural laws, when a full explanation may be found within the sphere of those laws, the nebular theory may be considered as established, at least until it is invalidated by further disc veries. CHAPTER IV. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSI ANALOGICALLY RETRACED. FROM contemplations of our own solar system, let us now extend our observations and reflections into the immeasurable realms of the stellar universe beyond, and see what gleams of light we can obtain in reference to the natural history of that grand System of systems, of which our own congeries of worlds forms, as it were, but an atom. Facts and analogies which need not here be particularized, have established the universal belief among astronomers that the so-called "fixed" stars are but so many remote suns shining to other systems. These are not distributed equally through the celestial spaces, as though they had been scattered at random from an Omnipotent hand;but they are arranged in distinct clusters, or firmaments, so called, which have little or no apparent connection with each other. Telescopic observations have proved that the bright girdle called the "Milky Way," which surrounds our heavens, is only a grand congeries of stars, so remote, and owing to their remoteness fiom us, apparently so near to each other, that their intermingling rays reach us only in the appearance of a confused whitish light. Of this vast zone of shining orbs, all the less remote stars, including our own sun, are members, their varying directions being, in a measure, the result of differences in their distances firom the point of observa. ton, and hence, of the different angles at which they are viewed 32 THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE. Not only have the relative distances of various portions of this grand cluster been proximately determined, but the spaces beyond h.ave been sounded. The process by which these resuits have been accomplished, may be easily brought within the reader's comprehension by the following illustrations. Suppose any given object is removed from a point of observation to a distance at which it is barely discernible by the naked eye. Now, a telescope which has the power of penetrating space to ten times the distance that can be reached with the naked eye, would show that same object, witn the same degree of distinctness, ten times as far off. Take, then, a telescope of twenty degrees of space-penetrating power, and remove the object twenty times its first distance, and it will still be seen with equal distinctness and apparent nearness. And so also of still larger telescopes and correspondingly farther distances. Now, when we gaze into the heavens on a clear night, with the naked eye, we observe, in any given portion of the Milky Way a distinct number of stars, the faintest of which are barely discernible. If the astronomer, then, takes a telescope of ten powers, as compared with the unassisted eye, and surveys the same field, all the stars before observed will appear with increased brilliancy, besides which many more will be visible, the remotest and faintest of which may be presumed to be ten times as far off as the farthest ones which previously appeared. He then takes a still larger telescope, and still more objects appear, the remotest of which may, in like manner, be presumed to be situated in a relative depth of space proportioned to the increased degree of telescopic power. Sc correspondingly of a larger, and still larger, instrument, until one is obtained which reveals no more stars, but only shows those in the same field of view, in increased brightness. The THE HEAVENS SOUNDED. 33 space-penetrating power is again augmented, and still no more stars are brought into view. The observer, therefore, legiti mately concludes that he has reached the outer limits of the great cluster to which we belong, and is now traversing the blank void beyond. But is he to conclude that he has sounded the system of stellar creations to its remotest depths, and that beyond these boundaries, there are no more vestiges of the Creator's energy Let him augment the optical power but one degree more, and perhaps in the dim and awful distance he will behold a faint and scarcely discernible speck or streak of whitish light. In the excitement of irrepressible curiosity, he hastens to direct to the spot the largest telescope the observatory affords, and that same whitish spot glows into myriads of beautiful stars-another galaxy or Milky Way-another firmament, perchance, displaying its glories to its own unnumbered worlds, and pealing its own notes of silent harmony, respon. sive to the movements of all kindred systems! As by the indefatigable exertions of the two Herschels, th heavens have been swept by the' telescope in all directions, more than two thousand five hundred of these isolated stellar systems have been brought to light, some smaller and some larger than the grand cluster in the midst of which our owr sun and system are situated. Let us now look at some of the phenomena which these vast starry congregations present, and from which inference may be drawn as to whether, in regard to their internal structure anl laws, and hence their modes of origin, they have any thing in common witn our own solar system, and whether the analogies of one may be applied in unfolding the mysteries of the other. And the first thing that naturally attracts attention in such 34 THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE. an investigation, is the shapes and apparent relative densities of these starry clusters. By telescopic measurements of relative distances in relative directions, accomplished in the man ner before illustrated, Sir William Herschel decided that the great cluster, of which our own sun is a member, and of which the greater portion of stars, owing to their immense distances, seem to rest on one general plain, and surround us in the great zone called the "Milky Way," is of an irregular form, approaching that of a circle, but thick in the middle, and thin toward the edges, in one of which there is a horizontal split or opening. Other clusters are of all conceivable forms, but of these forms the round, or oblately spheroidal, most prevails. Even in elongated, curved, angular, and branching clusters, there are often apparently several centers of incipient rotundity. Generally these centers are well defined, and toward them the stars, though with an inappreciable motion, are apparently flowing from all directions, becoming thicker and more compressed as they approach, and being thinner, and gradually shading off into invisibility, at more distant removes. The general uniformity in the appearances of these spherical aggregations, aRd espacil!ly of their comparative denseness in the center, which thcnce gradually and regularly diminishes, in all directions, toward the circurmference, shows that theil aggregation is governed by some grand law; and what can this be but the familiar law of Gravitation-that identical law which, in the same form of action, is so potent in our own system, giving sphericity to every collection of fluid particles, from tlhos which compose the planet, to those which form the dew-drop It is gravifying to find in those remote creations;sch distinct indications of a property which is possessed in conmmon with our owl sytnem, and which binds the nearest VASIABLE STARS. 35 and remotest forrs in the celestial spaces, in one comnnon bond of sympathy and brotherhood. But the discovery of the law of gravitation, as applicable to these distant worlds as well as to the orbs of our cwn planetary system, naturally engenders the presumption that the whole series of laws and general operations with which gravitation is here necessarily connected, applies to them also, with little or no modification. And a further inquiry will disclose celestial phenomena which tend greatly to strengthen this presumption, if not to convert it into a positive conviction. Contemplating our own solar system, we are struck with the fact that revolutionary motion every where prevails. The planets are constantly whirling upon their axes, and performing their grand orbitual circuits in the heavens. The sun himself rotates upon his own center, once in about twenty-seven days. This revolution has been ascertained by the periodical variation of the position of spots on his disk. But several of the stars of our firmament exhibit a phenomenon similar to this, from which our sun's rotatory motion has been inferred. That is, they alternately, and in regular periods, give forth a greater and a less degree of Jight, as though they had a brightest side and a side of a less degree of brightness, which were alternately, and at regular intervals, presented to us by a revolution upon their axes. This is one of the facts which have confirmed astronomers in the otherwise very natural presumption, that the stars are suns like our own, and whose apparent diminutiveness is only owing to their immense distances. There are also many instances in which the varying relative positions of two or more stars are such as to indicate a revolution around each other, and around a common center. Some of these stars have vart periods, as, for instance, the double 36 I[IIE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE. star Castor, whose constituents revolve around each other in 215 years; Gamma, in the constellation of the Virgin; whose constituents revolve in 628 years; Gamma of the Lion, whose constituents revolve in 1200 years; and Mizar and Aleor, in the tail of the Great Bear, which, according to Professor Nichol, would probably consume not much less than the inconceivable period of 190,000 years in completing a single revolution around each other! Others accomplish their revolutions in much less than 100 years. By establishing the fact that rotatory and orbitual motions are experienced by many of the stars, the extreme probability is at the same time established on analogical grounds, that similar motions are experienced, with, perhaps, some modifications, by all stars. We are, at least, not without strong, not to say demonstrative evidence, that motions of this kind are going on in the celestial spaces, on a much grander scale than any we have yet described. By comparing the positions of the stars in the modern heavens with their positions as represented in ancient catalogues, Sir William Herschel found that in one quarter of the firmament, they were apparently drawing nigher together, while in the opposite quarter they were apparently receding from each other. To account for these changing appearances, Herschel conjectured that our own sun, with all his retinue of planets, was moving in some grand path toward a point in the constellation Hercules. After much doubt and many critical examinations, subsequent investigators have succeeded in establishing this opinion on an indubitable basis. But in the hands of A'gelander, Struve, Peters, and especially of Maedler, the theory of this solar motion was made to assume still more definite form. Inferring, with others, from analogy, that the path described by our luminary must be the MAEDLER' S CENTRAL SUN. 31 curve of an orbit around some remote center, the latter of these astronomers betook himself to the examination of ancient catalogues of stars, with a view to ascertain if there was any discoverable district in the heavens where all the apparent motions of the stars were such as to comply with the conditions which must necessarily characterize a central region. Such a district was found; and the star ALCYONE, in the cluster Pleiades, was decided to be its center. Around this point, therefore, our own sun, and the whole firmamental cluster to which it belongs, were supposed to be revolving with immense velocity, in orbits coincident with- the general plane of the Milky Way, and requiring no less than eighteen millions of years to accomplish a single revolution! Whatever diversity of opinion there may exist relative to the legitimacy of the conclusion of Maedler, which locates the center of alleged orbitual motion at the point occupied by the star Alcyone, I believe it is now generally, if not universally admitted by astronomers, that such orbitual motion does exist around some center, not very remote from that region. The evidence upon this point greatly strengthens the analogy which, of itself, points to the conclusion that those isolated globular and other clusters of stars, situated in the remoter realms of space, and which appear to have been aggregated by internal power of gravitation, are also scenes of perpetual rotatory and orbitual motion. Did not these motions, with their resultant centrifigal forces, exist to countervail, in some degree, the force of internal gravity, those firmamental clusters would doubtless exist in much more dense masses than those in which they now appear. But if this conclusion thus approximates to a certainty, there are facts which point to a still more extended appli. cation of its principles. In the southern heavens, and quite 4 88 THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE. detached from the Milky Way, are two bright spots which southern navigators have designated by the name of " Magel. lan's Clouds." During his astronomical residence at the Cape of Good Hope some years ago, Sir John Herschel, by the aid of his twenty feet telescope, succeeded in analyzing these objects, and found that each of them, and especially the larger one, was a system of frmaments, combining many extensive clusters into one! Of these, as systems, analogy would authorize us to predicate internal gravity and general and particular rotatory and orbitual motions. But the magnitude of this complex unity, however inconceivably great, may, after all, be but an atom in the immensity of ulterior creations to which it belongs; and, on the bases of its analogies, we may rise to the ideal of a still higher system-a system which may be supposed to embrace in its structure all the firmamental clusters, nebula, and systems of systems heretofore known to telescopic observers, and countless more besides. Nor is the idea of such an all-comprehensive system of systems without the support of facts, as well as of analogies. It is said that although nebule, resolvable and irresolvable, appear in every quarter of the heavens, they appear in greatest abundance in a comparatively narrow zone which encircles the heavens, cutting the plane of the Milky Way at right angles. This arrangement goes far to establish the idea of a Frimament of firmaments, a Galaxy of galaxies, in which all sidereal creations which have come within the reach of the most powerful telescopes, are bound together in one common structure, brought within the sphere of the same common laws, and made to observe throughout, similar rotatory and orbitual motions with those which prevail in our own solar sys. tem, which latter may be considered as an epitome and representative of the whole! THE GRIEAT CENTER. 39 We have thus seen that wherever the wonders of the celestial spaces have been distinctly unfolded, the revolution of satellites around planets, of planets around suns, of suns around still greater suns, of systems around still greater systems, of clusters around still greater clusters, is revealed as an omniprevalent law. And seeing the complete unity of plan and harmony of operations so far as we have gone —seeing the affectionate co-relations which are exhibited betweeu molecules, and worlds, and systems, and all stellar congregations, with all their included parts-may we not prolong the chain of analogy one link farther, and conclude that they all, together with the myriads of similar creations'which dwell in depths of space which no optical power can ever penetrate, owe the bond of unity which connects them, and the harmonial influence which wields them in their mighty courses, to one grand Source of central power, whose attractions they all implicitly obey, and from whose genial radiations all receive their life? If the links of the analogical chain have been found to closely adhere through all the labyrinths of every realm of being whose existence may be verified by other processes, who shall begin to distrust that chain for the first time, after it has conducted us safely thus far? Though the hypothesis of a common Pivot and Center of gravity of the whole universe may not, in the nature of things, be susceptible of an ocular or complete mathematical demonstration, yet there is interior evidence-I had almost said even the evidence of intuition that it is true in sorme form; and believe this ide is now extensively received as an article of astronomical faith. Let no one suppose that amid these inconceivable distances and magnitudes, the fixed principles of reasoning lose their validity and become untrustworthy. It is true that in 40 THE SIDErEAL UNIVERSE. these giddy flights, the imagination and conceptive powers become lost and bewildered; but so they do, in a great degree, before we have traveled beyond the immediate neighborhood of our own mundane sphere. The distance fiom the earth to our own sun is measured by millions of miles; and even this, as one of the shortest of astronomical distances, the magination can but faintly conceive. The distance from the sun to the stars is measured by millions of diameters of the earth's orbit; the distance from firmament to firmament is measured by millions of interstellar spaces; the distance even of the most interior firmament from the great Center of all centers, may, in the efforts of the imagination, be measured by millions, or even billions of inter-firmamental spaces; and the circumference of the whole Grand Structure, may even transcend all human conceptions of infinitude; yet form, locality, relative position, center, circumference, and hence limits, must exist as absolutely as they exist in tie smallest spherule of matter visible to the human eye; and to the view of an absolutely infinite Being, the whole Universe of universes may be of comparative dimensions not greater than a single grain of sand! And if Ehrenberg could, by the aid of the microscope, descry a whole animal kingdom in a single drop of water, each individual of the myriads of whose animated forms must have had eyes, teeth, stomach, intestines, and all the appurtenances of a complete anatomical structure, governed by unvarying physiological laws; and if by the same means he could demonstrate that a particular geological deposit, fourteen feet thick and miles in extent, was made ui[ almost exclusively of the skeletons of animals, forty-one bil! lions of which could exist in a single cubic inch, then we mlay rest assured that the principles of nature exist in no greater completeness, and in no higherl r more inconceivable compli A GENERALIZATION. 41 cations, in infi4.tes than they do in infinitesimals. We may, then, without crowding out any natural principle, or doing violence to any just method of reasoning, reduce the scale of the universe, in our imagination, to dimensions convenient to be contemplated on all sides, and follow out our reasonings with ease and comparative certainty respecting its properties, forces, Ilaws, internal arrangements, and progressive processes of formlation, from beginnings to ultimates. Considering, then, all general natural principles as applying equally to greatest and to smallest analogous cosmical forms. and to the whole universal structure as well as to its individual parts, we proceed to another branch of the chain of analogical reasoning, which will speedily conduct us to the primal condition of the substance from which the material universe and all it contains, was organized. The nebular theory of planetary and solar formations, as applying to our solar system, has been shown to rest on so many probabilities as seemingly to justify the undoubting conviction of its truth. But if this theory is admitted as applicable to our own solar system, its applicability to formations in the sidereal realms will, after the foregoing system of universal analogies has been traced out, scarcely be disputed, especially as it was in the sidereal realms that the first facts were observed which seemed to intimate its truth. And if all planetary and solar agglomerations originated from previously diffused nebulous masses, then, in view-of the unbroken chain which, we have seen, binds all systems together as one system, the following statement is its own sufficient proof: As the satellites were formed from the same original nebulous mass fiom which the planets originated, so a prior state of that mass was a state of unity and interdiffusion with the mass which comrosed the sun. The materials of that mass, 42 THE SIDEREAL UNIVERSE. in like manner, were previously conne(,ted and interdlTfised with the mass which formed the more interior sun around which it revolves, and out of which were formed all such other ultimate suns as, in common with our own, now revolve around the same center. The substance of all suns and systems composing our firmament, may be supposed also to have been previously interdiffused in one amorphous, undistinguishable mass. So the substance of the suns and systems of all other firmaments, together with the substance of the great central sphere of universal attraction which binds and subordinates them all, was, in like manner, in an original nebulous and formless state; and the whole universal substance was then but one substance, so highly attenuated and expanded as to be without definite forms, divisions, or compartments an indefinable, universal MONAD! In short, as our own solar system is a child of the great Universal System, and is formed in the image of its parent, the primal condition of the materials of one, must have been precisely analogous to that of the other; and if the solar system germinated from an original nebule, so did the system of the whole universe. But in thus unraveling the complexity of all material formations, and tracing them all to an original, unitary, and chaotic state, we at the same time unravel the complexity of motion, and not only arrive at its original and simplest form, but at astate in which it must necessarily have had no forma state in which its principles were as chaotic as original matter itself, or, what is the same thing, at a state in which no established motion existed. We have thus arrived by an easy, and, admitting our pre. mises, an apparently certain, process, at the very root of the Tree of universal material creations-at the great unitary Germ of all firmaments, suns, systems, and worlds, with the ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS. 43 mineral, vegetable, animal, and human forms which dwell upon their surfaces. If there has been any error in the foregoing reasonings, it has probably been an error in. the form rather than in the principles of our conclusions, and the error therefore does not essentially effect the main object contem plated in this disquisition. But of the truth of the position to which we have arrived by this analytical process, from ulti mates to origins, or from effects to causes, additional evidences will hereafter incidentally occur as we proceed, by an opposite and synthetical process, from causes to effects. The two pro. cesses will serve as mutual correctives of each other; and by the aid of both united, we hope to somewhat enlarge our truthful conceptions in relation to those principles, laws, and operations of the universe without, which naturally lie beyond the province of mathematics and ocular demonstration, but which, nevertheless, have their counterparts, representatives, and exponents in the universe within. CHAPTER V. MArERIAL BEGINNINGS AS POINTING TO A SUPER-MATERIAL CAUSE. HAVING thus traced the system of material creation through a series of anterior conditions, comprehending periods which, perhaps, no assemblage of arithmetical figures could express, to a state in which the materials of all worlds, systems, and firmaments, were in a condition of diffused attenuated vapor, with no definite or established motions, the inquiry next arises, Was even this the absolutely primitive state of material things? Did matter ever exist in any form or forms previous to this state of chaos? or, if not, was it, in this state, eternal 1 or, if not absolutely eternal either in the state of forms or of chaos, whence and how did it originate? The idea that matter ever existed in any mundane forms previous to this, and became subsequently dissolved, not only has no analogy to support it, but seems to be contradicted by an established law of nature. I refer to that law by which amorphous or chaotic matter in motion has the general and predominant tendency to assume and multiply forms. It is not denied that motion of particles tends also to the dissolution of material forms, but that dissolution is always subservient to immediate and higher recombinations. The kingdom of motion and forms, therefore, have ever been, and still are (and we may confidently believe ever will be), making farther and farther encroachments upor. the realms of chaos and SUPER-MA TERIAL CAUSE. 4-5 inertia; and whatever is conquered by the former can never be fully reconquered by the latter. And this is because the former power is positive, and the latter is negative. If matter, therefore, was ever in a state of mundane or or ganized forms previous to the chaotic state now under contem plation, it must have for ever continued in that same general state, and even to progressively unfold the tendencies by which its forms were assumed; and no natural power could have brought it back again to the formless state. The chaotic or nebulous state in which we have seen it must necessarily have existed at the beginning of the cosmical creation, may, therefore, be inferred to be its primitive state. But that matter, even in this indefinite state, was absolutely eternal, is an idea which analogy, so far as it speaks upon the subject, distinctly contradicts.* The material of each form and kingdom in nature may be traced backward firom highest to lowest developments, immediately beyond which latter it loses itself in a more rudimental creation, which serves as its groundwork. Thus the animal kingdom, traced downward to its lowest and simplest forms, finally loses its character as animal; and merges into the vegetable; the vegetable, in like manner, finally loses itself in the mineral; the mineral or crystalline forms pass downward into the general amorphous mass of planetary matter; planetary matter may be traced downward through more rudimental geological conditions, and through igneous liquid, and aeriform fluid, until its distinction is lost in planetary nebula; this, in imagination, may be traced, in like manner, until it is lost in the general gaseous mass of the uncondensed sun; and so we may proceed, in retrograde steps, until we find the materials of all forms and * let it be remarked, once for all, Ihat by " matter," I mean physical substance in tontradistinetion to spiritual substance. ~46 MATERIAL DEGINNINGS AND kingdoms are lost in the great common mass of original cha, otic matter. But in thus tracing back all forms and kingdoms to their respective and immediate predecessors, we at the same time trace backward the one and analogous kingdom of Universao Matter as such (which includes all the other kingdoms), from its highest to its lowest forms; and as there is a point beneath which all kingdoms lose their identity, and their essences are merged in an anterior kingdom, so analogy would seem to indicate that there is a prior point of attenuation and refinement at which the great kingdom of Matter also loses its character as matter or physical substance, and thus that it originated as matter, from a prior source, as did all its included sub-kingdoms. This idea would appear in greater clearness and force of probability, if contemplated in the light of the doctrine of Series, Degrees, and Correspondences, hereafter to be brought into view; and it will receive incidental confirmation as we proceed to consider the origin of Motion. If (contrary to an extreme probability, not to say absolute certainty, established in previous remarks) the hypothesis is still insisted upon, that the chaotic matter of which this uni verse is composed, consists of the dissolved elements of a previous material universe, the question will still arise, Whence originated the matter composing that universe? And so we may extend our inquiries back through a thousand imagined pre-existent universes; but the mind must come to a restingplace somewhere. It is logically just as certain that there was t first universe (if we are mistaken in supposing that this is the first), as it is that there was a first vegetable form or class of forms, which latter proposition is positively demonstrated by facts in geology. And after we have gone back in imagination, to an absolutely first universe, the question will still SUPER-MATERIAL CAUSE. 47 return unanswered, Whence originated the physical substance composing that universe? As theline of progression traced backward necessarily leads to a beginning of the system of developments to which it applies, so the line of causation, inversely traced, necessarily leads to a First Cause, which is itself uncaused, though containing in itself the elements of all causes, and hence all existences. And as the whole Animal Kingdom, for example, necessarily rests upon the basis of a prior and immediately corelated and correspondent Kingdom-the Kingdom of Vegetation-so the whole Kingdom of universal materiality, so to speak, as necessarily rests upon the basis of a prior and immediately corelated and correspondent Kingdom. This Kingdom, then, must be ultra-physical, in the same way as the Vegetable Kingdom is ultra-animal; and it must differ in nature and constitution from the whole Kingdom of physical substance, at least as much as the Vegetable Kingdom differs from the Animal, or as the impelling and moving essence of the human mind differs from the impelled and moved essence of the human body. Now, unless we suppose this ultra-physical (and hence unphysical) Kingdom to be a Kingdom of Spirituality, there is no conceptive power corresponding to it in the human mind, and hence it is to the human mind a nothing, and can not even be an object of thought, much less of faith. But it may be asked, " Whence originated this Kingdom of Spirituality, which it is here alleged must have served as the basis of physical creation? If we should answer that it originated in a higher and ulterior spirituality, and that that originated in a still higher, and that in a still higher; and if we could thus prolong our thoughts to an absolute eternity and in search of the Origin of origins, we would still have only 48 MATERIAL BEGINNINGS AND epirituality-an.INFINITE REALM of Spirituality, beyond the idea of which our thoughts could not possibly go. We may set it down, then, as a conclusion which all analogy affirms, and which there is no conceivable reason to doubt, that this whole realm of Materiality, originated in this prior and correspondent Realm of SPIRITUALITY. Now, spirituality, in its interior nature, possesses the properties of affection, thought, and volition, and these, again, are the attributes of personality. This ultimate, and hence infinite, Realm of Spirituality, therefore, involves the idea which we mean to convey by the term GOD: and the infinite series of degrees of spirituality of which the mind has just conceived in its search after the Origin of origins, may be supposed to correspond to the infinite series of degrees of the harmonious faculties of the one Infinite God, as these may be supposed to be represented in their ascending scale, from the most exterior portion of the Divine nature which connects with Materiality, to the most interior portions of the Divine Soul, which projects, generates, and vitalizes all things. In saying, therefore, that the whole Kingdom of Physical Substance as such, originated in a prior and corresponding Kingdom of Spirituality, we, in effect, say that it originated in a Source possessing affection, intelligence, volition, and hence personality-in a Being, who, without any restraint or constraint from outer and physical influences (which did not then exist), could freely create, or abstain from creating, according to the internal promptings of his own Infinite Mind. But let me not be understood as arguing that the matter of this universe was created by God out of nothing. The mind can not conceive of any such thing as nothing, or of something coming out of nothing; and therefore the idea may be at once dismissed from the mind as being itself a mental nothing. But SUPER-MATERIAL CAUSE. 49 if we suppose that spirit is an essence, and that matter, as such, was created out of this essence, there will at least in this be no violation of the laws of thought; and the reasons on which such suppositions may be grounded will incidentally and more distinctly appear as we proceed. There is a philosophy extant which insists that matter has of itself an inherent power of motion, and that matter (or physical substance) is eternal. But that this assumption is untenable, is obvious from the following considerations: Motion in matter, as shown before, necessarily tends to bring matter into forms; and if motion was from eternity in eternal matter, then matter must from eternity have been brought into forms -nay, into the ultimate and highest forms which that motion is qualified to engender. But as it is sensibly certain that these highest forms did not exist forever, and rationally certain that they must have ultimately sprung from a state of primeval chaos, it follows, of necessity, that motion in matte, could not have been from eternity. Moreover, if motion is an inherent property of matter, that motion must be the result of a force adequate to produce it, and that force must be either mechanical or chemical. But that matter contains of itself, and in itself, no mechanical force, is self-evident. Conceive of any body of matter, whether an atom or a world, being in a state of perfect rest: it is evident that that body has within itself no mechanical force adequate to move itself much less to act upon kindred bodies. It is clear, therefore, that matter has within itself, and originally of itself, no mechanical force adequate to produce motion in any case; and, therefore, if a body at rest is not acted upon by an extraneous moving force, it will necessarily remain, for aught mechanical forces can do, in precisely the same place, and will possess precisely the same bulk and constituents, to 50 MATERIAL BEGINNINGS. all eternity. This self-evident and generally recognized prop erty of matter is called its inertia. It is not denied that a chemical power-a power of expan. sion and condensation, or of altering the internal arrangements of particles-may be lodged in bodies of matter; but this power is only the striving of particlesfor an equilibrium. But unless there is a constantly active influence received from a foreign source, the equilibrium must necessarily be finally attained, and all action would then cease, never to be renewed by any inherent force, simply because such force is exhausted. If we then consider the whole universal mass of physical substance, as the mass of particles supposed to be subject to this internal chemical action, that action, and its producing force, could not be eternal and unoriginated, because in that case it would manifestly, from eternity, have attained to an internal equilibrium, and all action would have ceased. These considerations show that even chemical action, and therefore chemical force, must have had a beginning, and therefore a cause, in some power or contriving agent beyond themselves, and outside of the matter in which they inhere.* But as there was no other realm of physical matter from which they could be supplied, we are driven to the only other alternative of supposing that they were supplied from a Spiritual Source-from the personal Realm of affection, intelligence, and volition, which we have before proved to be unoriginated, and hence infnite. If this reasoning is correct, then the conclusion is obvious, that all motion of whatever kind, as well as the physical substance acted upon by it, must have had an ultimate origin in Spirit-IN GOD! * It may be added, thaf'chemical forces, as inherent properties of original, amorphous, nebulous matter, must have been exceedingly weak, if in such matter such ius bereut forces could have exieted at all, which is extremely doubtful. CHAPTER VI. PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL SYNTHESIS WE have now completed our descending view of the realm of Being without us, and traced the material creation to its super-material-hence spiritual-hence Divine, Cause. The completion of this general analysis unfolds to us the true'basis of all synthesis; and, keeping in view the Spirituality,' Self. existence, and Divinity of the Original Cause, we may now proceed to inquire, what may be known, or legitimately believed, in relation to the origin, modus operandi, and government of Matter and Motion, and of all the subsequently established creations, systems, and kingdoms now comprised in the general fabric of outer Being' I am aware, however, that many will be likely to consider questions of this nature as too far above the sphere of the human intellect, to justify an attempt even at the most general solution. But let us not be discouraged. It was intimated in the outset of the present treatise, that nothing exists' in the realm of being WITHOUT man, which has not an antitype and correspondent in the realm of being WITHIN him, and that all which exists without, and all which exists:within, possess toward each other the relations of cognizable objects and principles, and cognizing faculties. Besides, we have already found reason to believe that Law is unvarying; and if so, it may be traced in its operations, not only inversely from ulti. mates to origins of creation's unfoldings, but also directly 52 PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. from origins to ultimates. And as the wonderful powers of analogy have conducted us with apparent safety through the immense labyrinths of the stellar creations, in our eftorts to trace them downward to their common source, we should not despair of deriving some substantial aid from the same mode of reasoning, when applied to the solution of those more profound and important questions which are embraced in a synthetical investigation of the system of Being. As forming the basis of the process of investigation now to be pursued, we here lay it down, as a self-evident proposition, that each and every effect is germinally contained in its cause, and hence, when developed, necessarily corresponds to its cause. Were this not the case, neither cause nor effect could properly be called such, and there could be no conceivable sequential relation between the two. For example, in the order of tangible developments by which man is surrounded, the Vegetable Kingdom precedes, and serves as the material source, of the Animal Kingdom. It therefore forms the material element of the cause of the Animal Kingdom, though a more essential element of the cause of this and all other creations, is of a spiritual character, supplied from a source that is above the particular creation to which it applies, as will be further illustrated hereafter. But the two kingdoms, sustaining toward each other, as they do, the relations of the material element of a cause, and the material element of an effect, stand, thus far, as mutual correspondents and exponents of each other. In like manner, the Vegetable Kingdom stands as a material correspondent and exponent of the Mineral Kingdom, which is its material source and cause, and contains the fundamental principles of its con. position and physical properties, though in a lower degree. So the Mireral Kingdom, in like manner, has its physical corre PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. 53 spondent in the mass of amorphous planetary matter which served as its source; and so, by like gradations, the chain of analogy carries our minds backward through planetary nebula, solar nebulae, etc., until we come to the one great, universal, undivided mass of chaotic matter, which must necessarily have contained within itself, undeveloped, the material elements of stellar systems, solar systems, planets, minerals, vegetables, animals, and even the physical elements of the human constitution. Though indefinite in the extreme, this, in its occult properties and adaptations, must, as a universal material Germ, have involved the physical correspondences of all the creations which subsequently sprang from it, in the same way as the acorn involves the physical correspondences of the future oak; and by an intelligence capable of perceiving its interior properties and adaptations, it might have been predicted, in a general way, what kind of creations were destined to spring from it. But as the Animal Kingdom, physically speaking, was previously contained in the Vegetable, and the Vegetable Kingdom was contained in the Mineral, and so on throughout the descending scale, so the great original, universal Kingdom of unformed matter, and whose undeveloped properties and principles were typical of all subsequent and subordinate Kingdoms, was itself as one Kingdom, previously involved in the infinite, eternal, and unoriginated Kingdom of Spirit. uality, which, as before shown, constitutes the DIVINE PERSONALITY. This Kingdom of Spirituality-in other words, the Divine Personal Being-comprises, therefore, not only the material (or substantial), but the spiritual and volitional, and hence the entire elements of the Cause of all things in universal creation; and hence the Creator and the created must stand as mutual exponents of each other. 54 PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. That the great Kingdom of universal matter, and what, for the sake of perspicuity, we have called the great Kingdom of universal Spirit, stand in relations to each other similar to (though more comprehensive and perfect than) the relations subsisting between any two conjoined subordinate kingdoms in nature, is an idea which it is desired the reader should dis tinctly comprehend, as it lies at the foundation of all true, material, and spiritual philosophy, and will, as it is believed, tend to entirely reclaim science from the general tendency which it has long apparently had, to Pantheism and Atheism. Considering that matter, as such, originated in the creative efforts of Spirit, and hence Mind, there is another point of view, from whicu it will appear that matter, both in its primeval state, and in all its subsequent states of mundane forms, must necessarily have been in exact correspondence with its Source and producing Cause. We know something of the nature and operations of Mind, by experience and consciousness. We know that the mind of the architect, for instance, constructs an edifice within itself, or within its own conceptions and thoughts-constructs it as an invisible and spiritual edifice-before proceeding to give it a physical form in the outer world. After the building is physically erected, therefore, it stands as a precise image and correspondent of its archetype or conception which first existed in the mind. Applying these principles to the subject under present investigation, we may consider the Divine Thought as the Architect, and the universe, or any of its systematically organized stages of development, as the Edifice. Not only, then, must the archetype of the universe in its matuity, with all its har. monious worlds ard3 systems, but even the archetypes of PRINCIPLES'OF SYNTHESIS. 5. those atomic and infinitesimal forms constituting oiiginal chaotic matter, have distinctly pre-existed in the Divine, spiritual, and mental constitution.* The Deity and the universe-the realm of Spirit and the realm of Matter-therefore, stand to each other in the relation of Archetype and Antitype-of Cause and Effect-and therefore the two, as before remarked, stand as mutual exponents of each other. In order, therefore, to arrive at some general conclusions in reference to the constitution and principles of creation as a whole, and also in respect to the constitution and principles of its included and correspondent sub-systems, let us first briefly interrogate Reason and Intuition in reference to some such general facts as we can comprehend, respecting the constitution of the Divine Being. The only way in which we can obtain any definite and proper conception of the Divine Being, is by first conceiving of a true and undegenerated human being-such being the culmi. nating point of all Divine creations, and hence the embodied representative of all the Divine affections. Although it is not the intention to base the propositions of this work on the authority of inspired writings (whatever confirmations of such writings may be incidentally developed in the course of our philosophical investigations), we can not, in this place, avoid noticing the biblical declaration that" God created man in his own image," as impliedly sanctioning an endeavor on our part to understand all that we may comprehend of God, by a comparison of the knowledge we have of man. Spirit, indeed, is essentially of the same nature wherever found, whether existing in a finite or an infinite degree, though it is acknowledged * The idea of Archetyepes, as here presented, was originally conceived by Plato, and formed a prominent feature of his philosophy; though the author here derives ft or sourcea independent of Plato's teachings. 56 PRINCITLES OF SYNTHESIS. that it may exist in different shades of moral character as resulting fiom different combinations, developments, and directions of the faculties. Conceive, then, of a perfectly constituted man-a man whose physical, intellectual, and moral natures are in harmonious development, and then conceive this man to be expanded to infinitude, and you have the truest and highest conception of God of which the human mind is capable. But it would be diverting the reader too far from the object of this portion of our treatise, to enter at present into an elaborate discussion of the question, What is man? This question shall be discussed at length in the second part of this work. But for the present we must confine ourselves to a few propositions which, to intelligent minds, will appear more or less self-evident, and of the truth of which, as well as of the ulterior positions which they will serve to illustrate, confirmation will accumulate as we proceed, until any reasonable doubts with which some minds may at first regard them, will, it is believed, be either greatly diminished or entirely dissipated. Let it be apprehended, then, that the most general constituents of human personality, are three; viz., 1. Soul, or interior vitality, which is the seat of the affections; 2. Spirit, or the organized, pervading nerve-element, which, in its lower degrees, is the vehicle of sensation, and in its higher degrees, is the seat of the understanding; and 3. Body, or vehicle of outer manifestation and action. Precisely corresponding to these are tne three most comprehensive constituents of the Divine Being; viz., 1. Interior Soul, Life, or Love; 2. Spirit or Wisdom; 3. Outer sphere or vehicle of operative Energy, the latter corresponding to the body in man. THE SEVEN-FOLD SERIES. 57 But the constituents, both of the human and Divine person. ality, considered in more detailed reference to elenents, forms, and outer objectivities, are also, in each case, susceptible of a sevenrfold division, which may be briefly stated as follows: 1. Subjective Love, or Love as an abstract quality of the personal essence; 2. Subjective Wisdom, or Wisdom as an abstract quality of the personal essence; 3. Subjective volition, or volition as an abstract power of the two previous elements combined, and a procedure from them both; 4. The essences having the properties of Love, Wisdom, and Volition, embodied in personal organism; 5. Objective Love, or Love as related to outer forms; 6. Objective Wisdom, or Wisdom as related to outer forms; 7. Habitation, or a complete system of outer objects and conditions related to the whole personal nature and desires, and in which such nature and desires be come embodied and represented. In man the elements of this seven-fold classification contain within themselves many corresponding sub-divisions, some of which are much more obvious than the foregoing general divisions, as will be seen when, in the course of our inquiries respecting the MIcRocosM or the universe within, it comes in order to discuss them. In God the elements of this seven-fold division may be presumed to contain an infinite number of sub-divisions, all of which are, in like manner, susceptible of corresponding seven-fold classifications; and their co-relations and inter-communications may be supposed to constitute the infinite harmonies and beatitudes of the Divine soul! Our object at this stage of our treatise, however, is little more than to unfold the idea of these classifications as a basis on which the great plan-work of creation may be conceived, leaving such evidenes of their truthfulness as exist in the nature of things to'-e incidentally developed as we p roceed. 58 PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. This seven-fold classification of the principles of the Divine constitution, is probably what the inspired seer St. John had referenoe to when he spoke of the " seven Spirits of God which go out into all the earth." And it was undoubtedly the outgoings and efficient operations of these which produced the various seven-fold Divine antitypes which were shown to the same inspired seer under the forms of the seven churches of Asia Minor; the Lamb with seven horns and seven eyes; the book with seven seals, and their successive openings at seven different epochs; the seven angels with seven trumpets; the seven thunders; the seven last plagues, etc.* If it be true, then, that there are these seven natural divisions in the constituents of the one Divine Being, it is obvious that any system of creation or operation which presents a complete reflex of what is contained in the Divine Source from which it sprang, must contain a representation and outer expression of each one of these Divine constituents, and must therefore, as a whole, be also seven-fold. But we have seen that Nature, as a Whole, is divided into many Systems, Kingdoms, or more properly speaking, Discreet -Degrees, rising one above another. Each one of these Kingdoms or Degrees (as will gradually be illustrated in what follows) contains within itself the seven-fold series of parts, as the natural evolution, and reproduction, on a higher scale, * The number semn appears to have been anciently recognized as a general number of completeness, and as such it appears to have been habitually employed by the sacred writers. Thus, in their classifications, there were seven aays (or periods) ol creation; seven days oI the werfek; seven years from one sabbatic year to anodler; sever, times seven years from one jubilee to another, etc., (see by the aid of the concordance, tLe numerous instances in which the number seven occurs in the Old and New Testa; ments) Some of the ancient heathen nations, also, adopted the seven-fold classiflcea tion as of extensive application, especially to spiritual and Divine things; and it wea Wntroduced by Pythagoras from India into Greece. flARMONIAL SCALE OF CREATION. 59 of the seven-fold series of the Degree or Kingdom im mediately below it in the order of development; and all of these, separately and collectively, are evolutions from, and correspondents of, the Divine seven-fold Constitution) which is the Originator and Cause of all. Each one of these sevenfold series, moreover, corresponds to the diatonic scale in music, and which, with its seven constituent notes, is therefore its natural oral interpreter and exponent. Thus the various Degrees or Kingdoms of natural developments, may be considered as octaves, rising one above another. the same as the octaves in music. Each octave exactly corresponds to, and harmonizes, note by note, with all other octaves, whether they be on a higher or lower scale; so that if we filly understand any octave, Degree, or Kingdom of natural development, we have in it a measure and exponent of all others. Thus the system of nature, as a Whole, may be considered as one grand Musical Organ, compassing all these octaves, andwhich, in the hands of the Great Organist, the Divine Being, in whose infinite series of octaves of Love and Wisdom, exists the very soul and origin of all harmony, is capable of sending forth every where those silent notes of harmony and music which have been perceived and deeply felt, by every truly elevated and interiorly developed human soul! The idea of the " music of the spheres," therefore, is not merely a poetic fancy, but a sublime reality, whose basis and origin are exhibited in the foregoing simple principles. That this harmonial scale of creation, as corresponding to the harmonial scale of degrees of Love and Wisdom of the Divine Mind, is not a mere fanciful conception, will become more and more obvious as we proceed. It will be shown. tha' not only does each one of these degrees or octaves of 60 PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. creation, by its correspondence with all others, serve as theiy natural exponent, but that each octave, if its constituents are correctly classified, rests upon internal evidence of its own. And if this serial order of graduated progression is duly recognized, and its laws are properly understood, we may use any seven-fold classification, known to be correct, in correcting the errors of others, just as the musician would correct the discords of one octave by the harmonies of another. But before proceeding further, we must speak briefly of the laws which, as we proceed, will be seen to govern the septinary classifications, and by which it may be generally known whether any classification is correct. In each correct classification, the members, in their numerical order, may, in general terms, be distinguished as follows: Number ONE is the number of simple unity. Two is the number of productive unity, and in general terms comprises positive and negative, active and passive, or male and female, principles. THREE is the number of self-sustaining unity. FOUR is the number of Organization. FIVE is the number of exterior completeness. There being five exterior properties to outer things, man, hence, has five exterior senses, whose object is to give information of them to the interior soul. As the five exterior properties also exist, with express reference to two interior and higher properties, the number five is also a number of aspiration, as will be better understood hereafter. Six is the number of subordinal association, and of harmonial, peripheral revolution, as around a governing center. SEVEN is the number of final completeness, embracing both NTUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION. 61 exteriors and interiors. Hence it is the pivotal and governing number of the series.* This septinary classification may also be embodied in the triad. Thus the first, second, and third members of any seven-fold series, form one trinity, and therefore may count as a unit; the fourth, fifth, and sixth members form a second trinity, and "ount another unit; while the seventh member, which is always equal. or rather superior, to all the rest put together, forms a third unit, and completes a general trinity. As a guide to correctness in any septinary classification, it is important to observe that the first and second trinities in the series, should bear a certain general and particular correspondence with each other. Whatever obscurities may at first exist in the foregoing statement, will be abundantly clarified by the illustrative examples which will incidentally occur as we proceed. It is here given mainly as a hint to the reader, that the classifications in which we shall have to deal, are not arbitrary, but founded in the nature of things. Considering, therefore, that each natural seven-fold series corresponds to, and illustrates every other, and that this septinary arrangement runs through every complete creation, system, and Kingdom in nature, the degree of reliance which may be placed on the legitimate results of the method of investigation now proposed, as well as the character and extent of those results, as compared with what may be obtained by other processes, may be illustrated as follows: Suppose there are a large number of timbers, hewn, squared, morticed, etc., and piled confusedly together. * The ancient inspired records also deal largely in the number twelve and its multiples, as an interiorly significant number. It may be remarked that the number twelve is evolved from the seven-fold series, and is simply the number of six pro. iuctive unities, or positive and negative, active and passive. or male and female orinciples. It is therefore, also, a number of subordinal association. 6 62 PRINCIPLES OF SY.NTESIS. The superficial observer, uninstructed in the synthetical principles of architecture, may take most accurate imeasure. ments of each of those timbers, and may give most correct descriptions of their shapes, abstract qualities, etc., just as science, as ordinarily pursued, gives accurate descriptions of abstract facts which constitute the timbers of the great temple of Nature. Such an observer, however, may not be able to discover any intended connection between many of those timbers; may be able to form little or no idea of the form, proportions, or correlative parts of the building which they would constitute, if all put together, and may even doubt that they were ever all intended to go together in any definite form; and that science which merely analyzes, but does not synthesize, experiences much the same difficulty in viewing the timbers of the temple of Nature. But suppose, now, that a skillful architect comes on the ground: he views those apparently heterogeneous timbers, not only analytically (or in isolated detail), but also synthetically, or in their relations to each other; and, by the observance of simple rules, he proceeds-without any paring or forcing-perhaps without even the "noise of the hammer"-:-to erect a magnificent and glorious temple, in which there is a place for every timber, from greatest to smallest, and a timber for every place which requires one. Then even the previous superficial and merely analytical observer of the timbers will know, if he surveys the edifice, that those timbers were intended to go together precisely in the relations in which he now finds them; and that the rule or theory by which they are brought together, is true. Suppose the observer noticed, however, that in the erection of the building, some of the timbers were a little pared, or forced, or warped, in order to make them join with THE TEMPLE AND ITS PARTS. 63 others: still, if the building, when erected, exhibits unmis takable indications of order, and symmetry, and harmony of its numerous parts, it stands as evidence of general truthfulness of the architectural rules by which it was erected; and, if it is then known that the hewer of those timbers was absolutely perfect in his art, the inference would be legitimate, that the paring and distortion used in putting them together, were owing to the ignorance or unskillfulness oi the part of the builder, by which a joist or a post was occasionally inverted, or made to take the intended place of another of somewhat similar form. Now, all natural facts (which, it must' be confessed, the science and philosophy of the day view in an aspect somewhat heterogeneous) are timbers of the great temple of Nature. If we can find a method of classification, therefore, by which these various facts, as timbers, may be, without any warping or forcing, brought into the form of one grand system, among the myriads of the complicated parts of which there may be observed a mutual dependence and harmony so perfect, that the loss of a single part would sensibly mar the symmetry of the whole; then we may be assured that this method is the true one, and that the structure erected by it is a structure of truth. Now, a system of classification of this kind must exist somewhere in nature, if it be admitted that nature is not, after all, a more or less heterogeneous and disconnected mass. If the reader can not believe, with me, that the doctrine of the seven-fold series and its naturaJ adjuncts, as herein briefly unfolded, constitutes that system, it is confidently believed that he will at least find it immensely suggestive, compelling nature, in many instances, to tell her own story, and to give up secrets which sc;ence and philosophy have hitherto been inadequate to wrest from 64 PRINCIPLES OF SYNTHESIS. her grasp. For the several years which have elapsed sinre I was so fortunate as to be led to the discovery of this method of correspondential reasoning, I have pursued it with results which, to my own mind, at least, have been intensely satis. factory; and, I confess, that withcut its aid I could not have had any conceptions which might have been regarded even as an approximation to a solution of many of the questions discussed in this work. CHAPTER VII. THE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL LAWS, AND THEIR INTIMATIONS BER SPECTING THE ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE. DEEMING the foregoing a sufficient exposition of the prin. ciples which shall guide us in our further inquiries, we now proceed to our proposed synthetical investigation of the system of being without us. Pursuing the natural order of progression, from fundamentals and generals to ultimates and particulars, we will first institute some comprehensive inquiries respecting the origin, structure, government, etc., of the physical universe as a whole; and afterward, similar inquiries shall be pursued in relation to the Solar System, the planet on which we dwell, and the various systems of inanimate and animate creation which exist upon its surface, of which the ultimate and highest is the human organization. And, in view of the new method of reasoning which we have unfolded, let it be borne in mind that if the origin, constitution, laws, functional operations, etc., of any one of the systematic creations proposed for investigation, can be elucidated directly and more clearly than any other, it will serve as a correspondential guide to the further elucidation of all the others. Thus, with a proper classification of the corresponding series and degrees of nature's unfoldings and operations, the known will cast the whole light of its analogies upon the unknown-just as each timber of a temple hints the shape and nature of the timbers with which it is to be conjoined, and 66 3LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. thus serves as a guide to the erection of the edifice; or, as a single fossil bone of an extinct and previously unknown animal, enables the comparative anatomist to describe with accuracy, the animal as it lived and moved upon the earth in its organic completeness. Our method, if successfully pursued, will, moreover, develop the unity of principle pervading, in different degrees, all creations, from lowest to highest-the unity and harmony, therefore, of the one and only system of universal truth; and, as we pursue the revelations of the physical universe, from its rudiments to its higher unfoldings, our thoughts, from the accumulating analogies, will gain such an upward impetus as may hereafter carry them directly through the line of those higher and corresponding truths, which relate to man physiologically, psychologically, spiritually-socially, politically, and religiously. With respect to the origin, structure, laws, etc., of the universal cosmical system, we commence our reasonings with a postulate which, whether strictly true or not, can not lead us into important error in our subsequent deductions, since we have so many correctives of inharmony, as involved in the general series of corresponding and harmonious octaves of developments through which the path of our investigations will lead us. The postulate is, That God, from the prompt ings of his own interior soul, which is Love, under the direction of his Wisdom, which gave order and form to the operations of Love, formed from the most exterior, or, if the expression may be allowed, the least Divine and most nearly physical, portion of his own personal emanations, as many degrees, varieties, or perhaps classes of atomic particles, as corresponded to the general seven-fold harmonies of his own Infinite nature. The supposition that the varieties of these primitive atoms are, in number, just seven, or a multiple of PRIMORDIAL MATTER. 67 seven, is admitted to be purely a priori, but is a legitimate deduction from principles before established: it is here offered as an introduction to propositions more certain, and from which it, in its turn, will receive confirmation; though, if it could be proved to be untrue, it would not essentially affect our main argument. These varieties of atoms, then (whatever their number may have been), may be supposed to have constituted Matter in its primitive state, which probably was characterized by none of the distinctive properties of oxy, gen, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, potassium, or any others of the so-called " elements" known to chemistry. In being evolved, in particleized form, from the emanated personal Essence of the Divine Being, the substance thus particleized ceased to constitute any necessary portion of the Divine Person, and formed a Realm or degree of Being by itself, but still a Realm of Being corresponding to, immediately connected with, and capable of receiving direct influx of vital energy from, the great Personal Realm of Spirit from which it proceeded. This vital influx, however, may be supposed to have been altogether optional on the part of the great Generative Spirit, even as was the evolution and particleization of essence itself; and, without the direct communication to it, of an impelling energy from the Divine source of all energy, matter, thus constituted, would, as before shown, have forever remained inert. We are next, therefore to inquire into the origin and laws of MOTION in this primeval chaotic mass. Admitting, what was before proved, that inertia is an inseparable property of matter left solely to itself, it is selfi evident that Mlotion could have been the product- only of a Force adequate to overcome the tendency of matter to remain fixed. Though force is essentially of the same general nature 68 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. Ill whatsoever direction it may act, there are several modifica. tions of the dynamic agents in which force originates. These, requiring, as they do, a separate chapter for their proper elucidation, shall only receive such allusions in this place as will be necessary to the explication of the laws by which force acts in producing motion, aggregation, segregation, reciprocal transference, and structural stability. It has before been repeatedly remarked, that the universe without corresponds to the universe within man, and that therefore all principles and developments of the outer universe may be conceived of by the fully unfblded human faculties. This is because man is, physically and spiritually, an epitome of all previous Divine unfoldings, and therefore is a microcosm or little universe of himself. Though it is proposed to consider the discreet degrees of creation in their natural order of unfolding, tracing each octave as it passes upward and merges into a higher and corresponding one, until the whole merge (loosely speaking) into man; yet, for the purpose of illustrating the foices and laws of the physical universe by the same forces and laws which, in an ultimately sublimated degree, apply to man, we will here so far anticipate the appropriate subject of the second part of this work, as to exhibit the following self-evident truths respecting the human economy. In man (the microcosm or little universe) there is, 1. Passion or Love, which corresponds to Heat; 2. Intelligence or Wisdom, which corresponds to light; 3. Nerve-essence, which corresponds to electricity (these three forming a trinity); 4. The agent which attracts circulating particles, and deposits them in the solid portions of the organism; 5. The agent which removes particles from lower tissues, and deposits them in higher; 6. The agent which acts and re-acts sympathetically oetween one organ and another (these three forming a second DYNAMIC AGENTS AND LAWS. 69 and corresponding trinity of dynamic agents); and. 7. The interior, unitizing, and vital agent, which pervades and governs all the preceding. Accompanying, and precisely answering to, these seven dynamic agents in man, are seven laws, or modes, by which the former operate. These are, 1. Expansion, governing all diastolic movements; 2. Contraction, governing all systolic movements; 3. Circulation, governing all rudimentally reciprocating movements (first trinity); 4. Aggregation, governing all depositing and organizing operations; 5. Segregation, governing all ascending movements; 6. The law governing all sympathetic movements (second trinity); 7. The law of all vital, unitizing, and governing operations, the vital and spiritual constitution as a whole being here the mover. Now, in the macracosm, or great universe, we have, 1. Heat, which corresponds to Passion or Love; 2. Light, which corresponds to Intelligence or Wisdom; and 3. Electricity, which corresponds to nerve-essence, in the little universethese forming a fundamental trinity of dynamic agents as operative in outer nature. There is also a second and corresponding trinity of dynamic agents in nature, and also a seventh and vitalizing agent, as corresponding to the same in man; but these important agents shall be illustrated hereafter. Assuming their existence for the present, however, we may remark, that, corresponding to these seven dynamic agents, there are also seven laws which govern the outer universe, and all its correspondent sub-creations, whether in the animate or inanimate departments of being. These laws, indeed, are the same throughout with those which we have seen to apply to man, though in lowel creations they exist in lower degrees of development. They may be exhibited, with their ternary relations, in the following table TO LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. PRIMARY TRINITY. SECONDARY TRINITY. 1. Expansion. 4. Aggregation. 2. Contraction or Attraction. 6. Segregation. 3. Circulation. 6. Sympathetic reciprocatioa. 7. Vital complex unity Here, it will be perceived, is a regularly graduated progression in the order oC elements, ascending from first to last, as it were, through the different stratifications of one complete system. They maintain relations to each other similar to the relations of the different parts of a tree; viz., the first is the root of the series; the second is the trunk; the third is the branches; the fourth the leaves, and the completion of the organic -form of the tree (wherefore, No 4. in any sevet, fold series always corresponds to aggregation, organization, or association); No. 5 commences the segregative or reproductive process, and corresponds to the flower buds; No. 6 corresponds to the flowers, and No. 7 always corresponds to the fruit, embodying in itself the sublimated elements of the whole tree, together with the seed or germ of a future and corresponding creation. The first trinity in the series approximately corresponds to the second, but the correspondence is rather by way of counterpart, or antithesis, than in any other way which may be easily defined; and in the general trinity, comprehending the whole septinity, may be observed a general correspondence with the sub-trinities.* These, let it be borne in mind, are claimed simply as the fundamental and all-compnrehensive laws of natural and moral * These general principles of classification, not only in respect to dynamic agents and laws, but their corresponding forms and developments, are ap plicable to all natural series or octaves, and by duly comprehending and observing them, with the pecitiar and relative characteristics of their parts, we may be able always to distinguish tor som false classificationa PRIMEVAL OPERATIONS. 71 existence, saying nothing of those numerous sub-modes of ope. ration, commonly called laws, which grow out of them. The essential principles of these general laws, in their simple and combined states, and in their various degrees of sublimation and ascension, as applicable to the different degrees of creation, will, we apprehend, be found to involve a sufficient explanation of every mode in which original Divine Force operates in the production of the various phenomena of creation. Considering, then, that the primeval chaotic materials, out of which the universe was formed, did not originally, and of themselves, possess any force or motion, we proceed, in the light of the foregoing principles, to inquire more particularly Whence, and how, originated the forces, laws, and motions'from whose diversified operations has resulted the stupendous system of being by which we are surrounded, and of which we are a part?-and what was the order of progressive development, and what is the general structural form of the cosmical universe, which must have legitimately resulted from these causes? And, as it has been before shown that all the principles that are involved in the infinite, may be epitomized in the infinitesimal, we may, for the sake of convenience, and without injury to the argument, reduce the subject of our contemplations to an imaginary scale of magnitude which may easily be conceived by the human mind, and which will allow of all progressive operations being surveyed as from a single stand-point. The influence which may. most naturally be conceived to have first acted upon primordial matter to impel it to ascending levelopments, was Divine Love. Now, Divine Love corresponds to Heat-is, indeed, spiritual heat itself, and thus is the first expansive impulse of mind. It is so in man, as well as in 72 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. the Deity; and its correspondence with physical heat is instinct ively recognized by the human mind, and is implied in the phraseology with which men naturally speak of it. Thus we speak of one in whom the love or passional principle predominates, as a "warm-hearted man," as an "ardent enthusiast," or as a man of "fiery disposition." On the principle, therefore, that all bodies are developments from an interior soul, and all natural phenomena have an ultimate spiritual origin, we may conceive that while the great Kingdom of Matter was in such immediate relation and juxtaposition to the great Kingdom of Spirit, its Cause, Divine Love (or Divine Spiritual Heat) flowed directly into the Realm of Matter, and especially into its seventh or highest and proximately vital degree as being most in affinity with the Divine Spirit itself, and that the effect of this influx was an immediate generation of a corresponding natural heat.* This heat must necessarily have been attended by an immediate expansion of the recipient particle or collection of particles, and by the evolution of a magnetic or magnetoid atmosphere partaking of the nature of the particle's interior vitality. Divine Wisdom (or spiritual light) entering with, and acting through, the Love, pervades this atmosphere, and brings it into the nature of physical light, to which wisdom corresponds.t The expansion resulting from the heat must-necessarily have * That naftral heat may be produced by what we have here termed spiri4uaZ heat, is shown by the fact, that when passion flows from the interior soul into the nervous tissues of the human body, it raises the general temperature of the body, quickens the circulations, produces a flush of the countenance, and a burning of the cheeks, and, ir general, greatly increases the physical powers. It may be remarkde, that the generaprinciples of this portion of our theory were taught by the celebrated Swedenborg, though we have arrived at them by an independent process of induction. t It is well known that natural light consists of seven prismatic rays; and this fac hints at the corresponding sevo~,fold nature of Divine Wisdom, and hence, also, ot Divine Love, its inseparable associate. ORIGIN: OF CENTRAL -'SUN. T3 produced a comparative vacuum-that is, a vacuum in respect to those essences which were subjected to the expansiot, and therefore produced a tendency to an absorption or rushing in of corresponding essences composing neighboring particles, and which had not yet, in the same degree, been'acted upon by the expansive force. Moreover, the active light-sphere (or Wisdom-principle) which is an orderly procedure. from Heat (or Love), or accompaniment of, and the administrator ito, its wants, formed a recognizing and sympathetic connection between the particle first acted upon and'the particle'immediately conterminous; and by an envelopment of the relatively passive particle in the light-sphere of the relatively' active one, the former would become assimilated to the latter, and, floating to it through the circulating currents of the enveloping light-sphere, in the same way that the particle of iron floats to the magnet through currents of the magnetic essence, it would become incorporated with it as a part of the same body. Thus, as each particle is made the- recipient of the essence of Divine Love, it lovingly opens its heart, and extends its ethereal arms to receive and embrace its brother, and the two thus become one. And being thus. united, and becoming recipients for a further influx of heat, the same operation that before took place, is now repeated on a little larger scale, and more particles are attracted. And so the process continues to be repeated, until the minute nucleus of a CENTRAL SUN is fully established, which, by a continuation of the same process of unfolding, goes on to complete development, forming the whole universal mass of physical substance into one coherent and undivided: Body, dense in the center, and gradually shading off into extreme levity toward the circum. ference. If, instead of supposing this operation to commence in in 7 LAWS AND DEVELCPMENTS. finitesimal particles, we suppose it to commence in a few cubic Meet, or in hundreds, or thousands, or millions of cubic miles of central matter, or if we suppose (what is protablj more nearly the truth) that all particles in the universal mass were simultaneously vitalized, but in different degrees, by the influx of Divine spiritual heat, and that each commenced forthwith, a tendency toward particles more vitalized than themselves, and all a tendency toward the particle most vitalized, the principle involved will be the same, and the ultimate result of the operation will be the same. If the foregoing theory of the initial steps of the creative process is true, it not only affords us an example of the incipient operations, but an illustration of the very cause of gravitation, of which latter I believe no adequate explanation has yet been afforded by any of the common philosophies of the day. There are, however, in subsequent stages of the creative unfolding, higher elements and forces which enter into, modify, and render more definite, the phenomenon of gravitation, as will be seen. The manner in which two streams of particles flowing from opposite directions toward a common center, tend to produce a rotatory motion in any collection of central particles, has been explained by those who have written on the nebular theory of the origin of worlds and their motions.* The idea may be apprehended from the following illustration: Suppose that two balls of equal weight, are rolled with equal velocity, over the floor from opposite sides of a room, and that they at the same instant impinge upon a third ball lying at rest in the center of the floor. If the two strike the ball at rest in a line exactly cutting its center, no motion will be generated in the * See particT larly Nichol's " Architecture cf the Heavensl" ORIGIN OF ROrARY MOTION. 7f latter ball. But there are a great many chances against both balls striking in such a line, and if we suppose a constant stream of balls (corresponding to particles) flowing inward toward the central ball, the probability of the latter being soon struck a little out of the line of its center, would amount to an almost absolute certainty. In case this should happen, a rotary motion of the central body would necessarily take place as a result of the momentum of the body or bodies impinging upon it, especially if the latter bodies, as a result of magnetic or other attraction, attach themselves permanently to the surface of the former while still under the influence of this momentum. Suppose, then, there is a constant stream of bodies flowing inward from all directions toward the central body, as is supposed to be the case with particles of nebulous matter flowing inward toward a common center; the rotation of the central mass itself when once established, will, by the friction of its revolving atmosphere, if from no other cause, be sufficient to throw the approaching end of every radial line of gravitating particles out in the same direction from its center, and thus the momentum of every impinging particle will add to the tendency to central rotation. As the particles gradually establish relations with each other, through their tarious degrees of attenuation from center to circumference, rotation will gradually be established throughout the whole mass, the motion being relatively swift at the center, and gradually growing slower at every remove toward the circumference, where it is the slowest. The idea has been illustrated by a reference to the effect produced by different currents of water flowing toward a common center, which effect is well known to be that of a whirl, rapid at the point of meeting, and growing more tardy at 76.L LAWS AND D:EVELOPMENTS. every remove from said point, until it dies upon the shore, or is lost in the general motion of the stream. If we have in these principles, as we appear tohave, a suf ficient account for the origin of all rotatory motion in the celestial spaces, it were.certainly unphilosophical to look for its origin in any foreign or arbitrary impulse.. All the phenmena we have thus far considered, therefore, may be traced to the operations of two laws, viz., Expansion and Attraction- the first. being based upon: Heat, and the second upon Heat and Light combined-which elements, again, owe their origin to, the: corresponding principles of Divine Love and Wisdom, or spiritual Heat and Light. We come now to consider the operations and results of a third law-the lawa ofl Circulation. While men of science have minutely traced the operations and phenomena of gravitation,. they have taken comparatively little cognizance of- any reactive force from the. attracting body. Yet, without the aid of a reactive or emanative force, to counterbalance, in some measure, the gravitative power, it would: be impossible to conceive, on rational principles, of the formation of any other body than the first and -universal-Body, which would selfishly absorb all materials, and give forth none. But it would.only be in accordance with universal analogy, to suppose that while this: constant secretion was going on, there was also as constantly.kept up:a- countervailing process of excretion. Particles absorbed into the central mass (or, what is the same thing, the denser portion of the whole united mass), would, by the action of its superior vitality, undergo a quasi process of digestion, and portions of their essence would be, come refined and sublimated, and would bhesent off again into space, to the opposite materials of which they would in their turn be.aftracted, *i the same way as positive and negative LAW OF CIRCULATION. 77 electricities are mutually attracted. As all gravitating particles can not go absolutely to the center (some being crowded out by others), and all emanated particles can not, for a similar reason, recede to the circumference, so each finds an equilib. rium, and takes a position, between center and circumference, according to its specific density or levity. And now, a similar process of digestion necessarily goes on among gravitating and emanating particles which find their common equilibrium at any given distance from the center, and by their mutual action and reaction, another change and excretion takes place, and the rejected particles, being in a state exactly opposite to that of the particles thrown off from the great Center, now gravitate again toward that Center, there to experience and produce still further changes. Thus there is a constant action and reaction, flux and reflux, between center and circumference, and between all intermediate parts of the great mass; and the law governing this reciprocatinlg movement is what we mean by the law of Circulation. It corresponds to circulation, or to the flux and reflux of venous and arterial blood to and from the heart in the little universe, or the human system, even as the laws of Expansion and Attraction (or contraction), before considered, correspond respectively to the diastolic and systolic motions of the heart, lungs, and perhaps the minute vesicles, or' corcula," of the brain. Being the third law of the universe, it corresponds to the third element of the Divine essential Constitution, which is the Divine Sphere of operative Energy, which, again, corresponds to the nerve-essence in man, and which latter corresponds to Electricity in the universe -this being actually the agent mainly concerned in the production of the phenomenon now under special consideration. The laws of Expansion, Contraction, and Circulation, there. lre, form a trinity, as dependent upon the triune elements 78 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. of Heat, Light, and Electricity; and which latter are related to the corresponding three-fold Divine spiritual elements of Love, Wisdom, and Vehicle of operative Energy, The Fourth law, is a law of Organization, and brings the elements and motions previously developed, into a state of systematic and serial Aggregation. Before rotatory motion is fully established in the mass of matter, the gravitating and emanating particles would proceed toward, and from, the center, in nearly straight lines. But after said motion is fully established, and becomes general throughout the mass, both kinds of particles would proceed in aberrent or curved lines, the curves corresponding to the direction of motion in the revolving matter-in the same manner in which a person attempting to row a boat in the direction of a radius of a circle or vortex of water flowing round a center, would, if he kept the side of his boat always square to thv stream, be carried out of a direct line a distance proportioned to the rapidity of the current, and would thus describe a curved path. But it is evident, for reasons already intimated, that neither can all the gravitating particles take, at any one time, a position entirely at the center, nor can all the emanating particles take a simultaneous position entirely at the circum. ference, but that each will assume a position with reference to the two extremes, where it finds an equilibrium, and will keep this position until a change fits it for another. Suppose, then, that a gravitating and emanating particle are in exactly op. posite states to each other in respect to their degrees of positiveness or negativeness: it is evident that both particles would find a common equilibrium only at the same distance and position between the center and circumference. They would there meet, and by virtue of their elective affinities, form a union as male and female particles, and would assume CONCENTRIC RINGS. 79 t circular or orbitual motion, coincident with the rotating motion of the general mass, which MOTION the united momenta of their previously gravitative and emanative movements would tend to sustain. Now, supposing that there were originally just seven kinds or classes of atomic particles (no matter into how many more kinds or classes-these were susceptible of being subdivided), it is easy to perceive that the foregoing principles would probably involve something like the following results: one class of atoms, rejecting the immediate companionship of all others, would cluster around a central point, and form a sun. Each of the other six classes of atoms, in like manner, rejecting the immediate companionship of other atoms, while obeying the impulses of its internal and strongest affinities, would assume a general distance fiom the center determined by its specific point of equilibrium, and there, contracting upon itself, would form a mass of its own, in the general shape of a ring, surrounding the interior solar mass. Here we have a law of deposition and aggregation, corresponding to the law by which particles, circulating in the human blood, are deposited and aggregated in the form of muscle, cellular tissues, etc. The universal system, as thus definitely organized, would, therefore, supposing that there are seven general varieties of matter, present the form of six concentric rings of nebulous matter, surrounding the seventh formation, which is the central sun. But if there were a greater or less number of kinds of matter, there would be a correspondingly greater or less numner of rings, but all constructed on the same principle. Of this annular structure we have a general analogue, though on a small scale, in the rings of the planet Saturn, and also on a larger scale, in the annular nebule, (of which there are a few examples in the heavens. 80 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. It should be added, how ever, that the idea of this concentric annular form of structure can only hold when associated with the supposition, that the primitive point of general gravitation was at, or near, the center of the chaotic mass. If the gravi. tative point was far out of the center, then the evolved masses, instead of assuming the forms-of circles, would assume the form of ellipses, having a preponderance of their materials on one side of the sun, where, indeed, the whole might be subsequently drawn by the superior gravitating force of their major quantity, and form a separate revolving mass. In either case, however, the fundamental principles involved would be the same. But of the general prevalence of the annular, or, at least, elliptical form of structure, in the sidereal realms, there is a sufficiency of ocular proof, as incidentally exhibited in a previous chapter. The FIFTH law, governing a corresponding fifth development, is the law of SEGREGATION, by which the materials of the previous annular formations, obeying higher and more specific elective affinities, separate into different masses, of higher and lower degrees of refinement. The nature and modus operandi of this law, may be understood by the following considerations: The completion of the last or circular formation, brings the materials of the universe to a triune degree above their primeval or chaotic state. Of course, therefore, not only the essences, but the activities and inter-activities of the whole structure, are more refined, diversified, and systematic. Each nebulous ring is now itself a comparatively independent theater of molecular force and motion, and all of them act upon each other by their gravi tative and emanraive forces, while the central sun, as the great heart of the system, continues to send forth his vivify ing and generatl!ye influence to all SEGREGATE D MASSES. 81 It is easy to conceive that the annular. masses, being not only internally active, but penetrated in va'ious directions by the refracted emanations from the central sun, would be liable to be rarefied at particular points and condensed at others, and thus to be shrunken and cleft apart, at particular lines and angles, and that by inherent action of the particles of the rings themselves, contraction would take place ifrom these lines of cleavage, and that the materials previously united, would thus be segregated into separate masses. These masses would, on the same principle, be liable to be subdivided into inferior masses of greater or less number, in proportion to their respective original tmagnitudes. This whole process of segregation or fragmentation, is faintly illustrated by the breaking up of the clouds after a storm, and their resolution into separate masses. According to principles before explained, each general mass, owing to its particles gravitating to a common center within itself, would assume a general rotatory motion which, for reasons which mathematicians will readily conceive, would necessarily coiform in its direction to the revolution of the great ring of mundane materials to which it belonged, and each sub-mass would have a particular rotating motion of its own, which would conform to the motion of the general mass to which it belonged, i. e., supposing that there were not in either case any particular or. iwcide.ntal causes of disturbance. Thus genei'al masses and their included sub-masses, with their general and particular centers of gravitation and revolution, would, by further progression, form general stellar systems, and their included sub-systems, and finally, also, systems of planets and satellites, all of which latter would be evolved by the progressive unfoldings of the same p'inciples heretofore ex, plained us governing the formation of the universal structure. 82 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. In this way, therefore, as may be rationally supposed. originated all the nebulae, clusters, stellar systems, or firma ments, which the telescope has revealed, together with untold millions of others of like nature, which lie forever concealed from mortal vision! In other words, each one of these originated from a fragment of the periphery of a great wheel or circle of nebulous materials, surrounding the great Center of all centers. This hypothesis, relative to the origin of the stellar clusters, is not without strong confirmatory evidence in celestial appearances. I have suggested that the vivifying emanations from the central sun, acting upon the angular masses of nebulous matter, would produce planes of rarefaction and cleavage in various directions, from which planes each resultant insulated mass, as also each of its subordinate and ineluded masses, would contract upon its own center. It is evident, therefore, that each general mass, with its included sub-masses, would first be of an angular form-on the same principle on which any cooling and contracting substance tends to separate into angular masses, and as is sometimes exemplified in the cleavages of igneous rocks. But, by the force of internal gravity, and the rotatory motion which, according to principles before explained, would naturally result therefrom, these nebulous masses would all tend,. as they progressed, to assume the elliptical or spherical form. Now, this is precisely what is observed in relation to the nebulous and stellar masses of space. Some are of exceedingly irregular form, having long and sharp projections from their sides, and are of irregularly alternating degrees of density in their centers, as though they had, by variously intersecting forces, been subdivided into numerous inferior compartments. Commencing at these extreme irregularities, there are a1 PROC.RESSION OF FORMS. 83 Mntermediate degrees of symmetry in shape, down to the perfectly globular shape, to which the prevailing forms of these stellar masses manifest more or less approximation. Judging fromn appearances, therefore, one would say that these masses are evidently in all degrees of progression, between rudimental and ultimate forms, and that, in general, those of the most angular forms are the least, while those of the globular form are the most, progressed.* This is all manifestly in exact harmony with the hypothesis of nebular and angular segregation, and subsequent firmamental, solar, and planetary conglobation, which we have proposed. Moreover, these nebular or stellar masses, although they appear in all directions in the heavens, are said to appear, as already intimated, in greatest abundance in the direction of a particular plane, which cuts the plane of our Milky Way at right angles. In the direction, perpendicular to this plane, they grow comparatively thin (as do the stars in the direction * In illustration of the progression from angularity and ellipticity to sphericity in these bodies, I may quote the following from the splendid work of Sir John Herschel, embodying the results of his observations at the Cape of Good' Hope. With reference to the engraved figures of two particular nebula existing in the southern heavens, he says: "These figures exhibit elliptical nebulae, normal in their character-that is to say, in which, as the condensation increases toward the middle, the ellipticity of the strata diminishes, or in which the interior and denser -portions are obviously more nearly spherical than the exterior and rarer. A great number of such nebula, of every variety of ellipticity and central condensation, are figured in my northern catalogue. Regarding the spherical as only a particular case of the elliptic form, and a stellar nucleus as only the extreme stage of condensation, at least nine-tenths of the whole nebulous contents of the heavens will be found to belong to this class; so that, as regards a law and a structure, the induction which refers them, as a class, to the Operation of similar causes, and assumes the prevalence within them, of similar dynamical conditions, is most full and satisfactory. To abstain altogether from speculation as to what may be the nature of those causes and conditions, and to refuse all attempts to reconcile the phenomena of so large and so definite a class of cosmical existences, with mechanical laws, taken in their most general acceptation, would be to err on the sde of excessive caution and philosophical timidity."-H-EnScaHEL'S Resanft " tXe Cap)e of Good Hope, p. 22. 84 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. perpendicular to the plane of the Milky Way), suggesting the idea of a very remote approximation to the horizontal boundary of the stratum. Though it is a thought bordering on the confines of the human conceptive powers, and thus penetrating somewhat into the realms of uncertainty and doubt, it may still be propounded as a query-Whether the plane of this grand stratum of sub-universes, may not indicate the direction of the plane of the great Ring of original nebulous materials, fiom which these nebulae and stellar systems be. came segregated and resolved into their present forms, and whether all firmamental creations, revealed by the telescope, may not thus be included within a comparatively small fraction of a segment of one of the great cosmical rings which surround the Center of all centers? Though a question so profound can probably never be finally decided by the human intellect, the indication of this grand plane of cosmical formations, tends, so far as it bears upon the subject, to confirm our hypothesis, that all visible nebulas and stellar systems, are segregations from one general mass of nebulous matter, originally existing on one general plane; and the analogies of all known definite motions and formations in the stellar spaces, point to the idea of a circular or elliptical form as characterizing this grand plane of creations. While this theory gives definite form and order to the subject of our contemplations, it opens the mind to the most sublime conceptions of magnitudes and distances. Herschel estimated that his great telescope would reveal the existence of a star so far removed into space that light, traveling at the rate of twelve millions of miles in a minute, would require three thousand five hu.dred and forty-one years to pass from that star to our earth. Such, therefore, may be supposed to be the approximate distance of the remotest of those luminous IMMENSITY OF CIEATION. 8S masses whibh were resolvable into stars by his telescope. He, however, computed that his large telescope would follow one of those large clusters, as a general mass, if plunged so deep into space that its light would require three hundred and fifty thousand years to reach us; and, it is thought that the great telescope of Lord Ross would pursue the same object to ten times that distance, or a distance which light, with its inconceivable velocity of motion, would consume more than three millions of years in traversing!* This, therefore, may be assumed as the proximate distance of the remotest nebulae rendered visible by Lord Ross's instrument. If, as is probable, all stellar creations, included in a sphere bounded on all sides by this enormous distance, constitute only a small fraction of a segment of one such circle of creations as we have supposed to surround the great common Center of attraction, it would not be advisable for the reader to attempt to conceive of the dimensions even of one of those whole circles, much less of the whole universe; which latter, however, if created, must be inferior to the Creator, and thus finite. But, applying the same general laws to the creation of the solar, and the creation of the universal, system, it may be asked, " Why is it that either the unitary agglomeration represented by single planets, or the multiplied segregated division which we have supposed to be represented by nebulae and stellar clusters, did not take place uniformly in both systems as the formation from the materials of the nebulous rings?" The answer, I apprehend, may be found in the different codition;z of the rings in the two systems, as involved in their different magnitudes. In the great system of systems, the dis* Se Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar World," p. 286-7. 8 86 LAWS A D DEVELOPMENTS. tance of particles at any two extremes, milst have been so great as to prevent then. from having any applreciable attrac tion for each other. Some tendency to draw together and form a single permanent mass, indeed there must have been; but this tendency at the more distant points in the mass, must have been so small, and the activity of particular districts, especially after incipient nucleation, must have been so great, and so rapidly increasing, as to give rise to subsequent and numerous mundane forms and systems-the very thing pro posed in our theory of segregation, and confirmed by appearances in the heavens. But in the solar system, the distance from one extreme of the annular formation to the other, was comparatively small; and besides this, we may suppose that the varieties of matter in so small a mass, were less extreme, and that their affinities were more intimate, than in the universal mass previously spoken of. There was, therefore, not only a possibility, but a high degree of probability, that the materials of each of the rings of nebulous matter formed around our sun, would assume the form of one mass, which would subsequently move in an 3rbit whose plane and distance would be coincident with the previous ring. But, admitting the nebular hypothesis, the multipled segregative process actually does seem to have taken place in one instance even in our solar system, and given rise to several planetary bodies as the products of one ring. It is scarcely necessary to say that we refer to those strange bodies called the asteroids, which revolve at almost equal distances from the sun, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and of which there is now known to be fifteen or sixteen in number. That these bodies must have orig:nated fiom one primitive mass of planetary matte., there can be but little doubt, as such an ASTEROIDS. SOLARIZATION. 87 hypothesis is necessary to preserve the uniformity of the sys tern, and to supply the vacuity that would otherwise have existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. If, therefore, instead of being without progeny, and levolv ing in solitude (which can only be owing to their diminutiveness), each asteroid were attended by a numerous family of children and grand-children (or satellites and sub satellites), and revolved around one of their number, while performing their general circuit around a superiori center, they would exactly illustrate, on a small scale, our idea of the segregated stellai clusters of the universe-each of which latter may be supposed to revolve, as one general body, like the asteroids, in an orbit generally coinciding as to plane, and distance fiom the great and common Center, with the plane and distance of the great ring of nebulous materials in which it had its parentage. But it should be understood, that the fifth stage in the process of creation, considered merely as a process of segregation, is complete with the formation simply of separate'angular masses and sub-masses, from the general materials of the nebulous rings. The sixth process in the creative procedure, is a process of solarization, or one by which these previously segregated and indefinitely formed masses and their sub-divisions, become establisled suns. This process is accomplished by gravitations to, and emanations from, central points in the segregated masses, on principles essentially the same with those previously explained as applying to the formation of the first great central Body; but in this higher process, the operations may be supposed to be more refined and regular in proportion to the superior refinement of the elements and dynamic agents which are involved. These suns assume specific distances and orbits determined by the laws of equilibriuia, anzd con. 88 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. mence their harmonicus actions and reactions upon each other developing a sixth law-the law of universal cosmical sympa thy and. reciprocation-corresponding to the nervous sympathy and reciprocal action existing between the different organs of the human body, the little universe. The seventh and last law and process in this series of universal creations, is that by which planetary masses-bodies destined to become ultimately habitable were evolved from the previous solar masses. Of course it is to be supposed that these bodies were produced fiom the solar masses by evolutions of nebulous rings, and by agglomeration of the materials of these, according to principles before explained. This development completes the fundamental structure of the material universe as such, and serves as the Basis and material Germ of all subsequent and more refined unfoldings. The different stages through which the universal mass of materials have passed, from germinal to ultimate forms, may therefor6 be summarily represented in the following formula: PRIMARY TRINITY. SECONDARY TRINITY. 1. Heat-pervaded chaos. 4. Concentric nebulous rings. 2. Luminous attractive nucleus. 5. Segregated masses(from rings) 3. Electro-interactive spheroid. 6. Suns and clusters of suns. ULTIMATE 7. Habitable worlds. It is true that we can have no final and absolutely sensuous demonstration that such is the structure of the universe, because the telescope, with all its magic powers, has probably revealed, as it were, but an infinitesimal fragment of the great united SI stent. Yet. considering that the telescope has expli. citly revealed that the same laws of gravitation and revolutionary motion which apply to our own planetary worlds, apply SUMMARY OF EVIDENCES. 89 also to the most distant clusters of stars, thus binding all systers and firmamnents together in one family relation, and referring them to a common parentage-considering, therefore, that our own solar system is of itself a li'ttle universe, exemplifying all the principles involved in the great universe, of which it. is a child and antitype-and considering, as we may now well do, that the nebular hypothesis of creation is the correct one, and that laws are uniform throughout the whole realm of being —the preponderance of analogical evidence must, we think, be admitted to be in favor of the generav truthfulness of the theory here propounded. For, in the first place (admitting the nebular hypothesis), our own sun, en throned in the midst of our system, affords an ocular proof that matter in a primitively diffused state, and obeying the impulses breathed into it from the Divine spiritual source, will assume a central, gravitating, and rotating Nucleus; and this hints at the great Nucleus, which, on the same principles, seemingly must have necessarily been formed in the midst of the originally chaotic materials of the whole universe. Moreover, the rings of Saturn show the forms naturally first assumed by the attracted and emanated materials of a central body, which forms will be of varying distances from the central body, according to their specific degrees of density or levity. Some such forms seemingly must have necessarily been. elaborated, not only by our own central sun, but by all other suns of sufficient magnitude and activity, and especially by the great Sun of all suns. But such annular forms, of course, can be preserved through subsequent condensation, only in case of the nicest oluilibrium in their materials and motions, such as is characteristic of Saturn's rings. If there is any considerable inequality in either of these particulars the annular mass, in contracting, will inevitably resolve itself into the form of one 90 LAWS AND DEVELOPMENTS. or more bod'es, whose orbit of revolution will be such as was described by the position of the previous ring. This consideration not only explains the origin of the planets satellites, and asteroids, of our own solar system, from the materials of previous nebulous rings, but suggests that anal. ogous singular and multiple conglobations must, seemingly of necessity, have, in like manner, been formed in the sidereal spaces, from the materials of nebulous rings surrounding their respective centers, these all being subordinate to a final and common Center, as all created things proceed from a final and common Cause. We may, therefore, say, that there are many avenues open toward the hypothesis we have propounded respecting the origin and structure of the universe, and many guide-boards (or facts and principles), pointing along these avenues, all in the same direction; while, if the mind attempts to travel in a different direction, and in quest of other conclusions, it not only finds no such guide-boards to direct it, and no such avenues open for its passage, but it is constantly obstructed by barriers of philosophical difficulty, and each of the steps of its progress is planted only on the miry and treacherous ground of assumnp tion. While, therefore, the mind is ever held open to the reception of new light, and a willingness is pyeserved to abandon, any present errors for the sake of subsequently unfolded truths, it would seem that we might, without subjecting ourselves to any just charge of philosophical rashness, settle in the present conviction that the foregoing hypothesis, at least as to its general and most essential princiules, can not vary much from the truth. CIHAPTER VIII. THE SEVEN DYNAMIC AGENTS OR POTENTIAL MEDIA OF NATURE. To facilitate a clear conception of the relations of the Deity to, and his mode of acting upon, the universe, as well for other important uses, we will now endeavor to attain to some further conceptions of the dynamic agenits immediately connected with the seven general laws, and their corresponding seven-fold developments, considered in the foregoing chapter. It was before intimated, on grounds which appear even to transcend mere probability, that the agents immediately coneerned in generating in the universal chaotic mass, the first three phenomena of Expansion, Contraction, and Circulation, were Heat, Light, and Electricity. By the agency of these three principles, we have supposed that the mass was suc. cessively developed from a chaotic, to a nucleated, and spheroidal form. Another and corresponding trinity of agents was hinted at, which will now form the subject of special con. sideration and illustration. In unfolding the doctrine of the seven-fold series, it was shown that the fourth, fifth, and sixth members of such a series, composing a Secondary Trinity, bear a certain corre. spondence, respectively, to the first, second, and third mem. bers, which compose a Primary Trinity. Thus, as the Pri. mary Trinity of conditions in the universal material mass, 92 DY)NAMIC AGENTS. consisted of the chaotic, the nucleated, and the spheroidal, sa the Secondary Trinity (comprising nebulous rings, segregated and contracting fiagments, and developed solar forms) may be characterized as secondary chaos, secondary nucleation, and secondary spheroidation. This being so, and the dynamic elements of the first Trinity being Heat, Light, and Electricity (each probably in a gross degree of development), a carrying out of identical principles will lead to the supposition that the dynamic agents peculiar to the Secondary Trinity, are such as would correspond to IHeat, Light, and Electricity, in a secondary degree of development, so to speak, without, however, supposing that they are absolutely identical with Heat, Light, and Electricity, as these terms would ordinarily be understood. This, however, is a mere deduction from principles and correspondences; let us now see if there are any substantial facts to support it. Such facts are involved in a series of interesting and most important discoveries, made by BARON VON REICEENBACH, a few years ago, and of which we will now speak briefly. The course of experiments which led this ingenious philosopher to the discoveries in question, was commenced by testing the properties of magnets. By the assistance of a nuinber of delicately organized persons, mainly cataleptic patients, in whom the senses, especially sight and feeling, were in an uncommon degree of exaltation, he ascertained that from either pole of an open magnet, there was constantly given forth a luminous, flame-like appearance, visible in a dark room, but only to such as possessed this uncommon acuteness of vision. The flames sent forth from the poles of a large horse-shoe magnet, capable of supporting ninety pounds, were described as about eight inches in mean length, mingled with: irride-cent colors, and gently flickering and waving, shortening Xnd REICHENBACH S EXPERIMENTS. 93 elongal ing, and yielding when blown upon, and when the hand or any other solid body was passed through them. The whole appearance was described as being exceedingly beautiful. This experiment was repeated with many different observ ers, from all of whom the same general description was ob tained-the accuracy of which was further tested by varying the experiments without the knowledge of the. observers, and noting the corresponding and uniform variations of the appearances described. But, in order to obtain still further assurance that those luminous appearances described by others were real, though invisible to himself, the experimenter, by the aid of another scientific gentleman, instituted the following additional test: A very sensitive daguerreotype plate was prepared and placed opposite to a large open magnet, in a closed box, enveloped in thick bed-clothes, so that not a particle of ordinary light could enter it. After the lapse of sixty-four hours, the plate, when exposed to mercurial vapor, was found to be distinctly affected, as by light. Another plate had been, at the same time, similarly prepared, and inclosed in a dark box, withouti a magnet, and after a similar length of time this was found to be entirely unaffected. The light was also subjected to the test of the convex lens, and was found to be converged and thrown upon the wall in the same way as any other light, but at a considerably greater focal distance, which fact of itself proves that the luminous substance was different from ordinary light. By tests similar to those which were employed with the magnet, it was subsequently ascertained, with equal certainty, that similar lights were also emitted from crystals. The flames isuing from the points of large crystals were described by 94 DYNAMIC AGENTS. those who could. see them, as being somewhat in the shape of a tulip, and singularly beautiful. One young lady used, whelr ill, to lie awake nights enjoying the sight of the beautiful flame emitted from a large rock crystal which had been left in her room. But bodies confusedly crystalline exhibited but little of this phenomenon, and bodies entirely amorphous exhibited none, but nevertheless gave forth, in common with crystals, magnets, and other things, a still more subtle influence, which will hereafter be described. Our experimenter subsequently introduced other tests with the view of ascertaining to what extent this newly-discovered force prevailed in nature. He extended the end of a wire through the keyhole of the door of a perfectly darkened room, in which he placed a person whose senses were sufficiently acute to detect any luminous or other phenomena which might present itself as the result of any experiment. The other end of the wire he attached to a metallic plate, which, without letting the observer placed in the room know what he was doing, he would push out into the rays of the sun, or of the moon, or of the planets, or fixed stars; or would place an animal, a plant, or his own hands, upon its surface; or would subject it to chemical action, or the action of heat, cold, or electricity. He found the results of all these experiments nearly uniform in one particular, viz., in respect to the emission of a narrow tuft of light several inches in length, from the end of the wire, which would begin to be visible soon after the agent experimented upon was brought to bear upon the plate. Indeed, whatever possessed in itself the least moo lecular force or action, was found to be capable of evolving a. greater or less degree of this luminosity. Other processes gave an analysis of these lights, and showed remarkable relations in their constituents, to different points SEVEN-FOLD LUMINOSITY. 05 in the terrestrial and celestial spheres. It was found, for example, that the flames from the poles of a large electro-magnet (which were much larger and brighter than those emitted from the permanent steel magnet) would, after the galvanic circuit was completed, slowly and gradually resolve themselves into distinct stratifications of color, presenting, in fact, the seven-fold luminosity of the rainbow, with the red below and the violet above. These colors, again, were found to vary with the varying distances at which they were viewed-the whole of the appearances, when taken together, showing that each one of the differently colored radiations terminated, for the most part, at a certain distance from the common center of luminosity. This distance, though Reichenbach did not remark it, was probably nearly the same all around; the differently colored rays thus forming a system of concentric spheres of light. Guarding against errors which might arise from variations in these colors as resulting from the varying distances at which they were viewed, our philosopher was now prepared' for another interesting step. Having previously found that a magnetic bar, with poles in the direction of the dip, always emitted different colors from those it gave in the meridian, he proceeded to ascertain what effect other positions of the pole would have upon the character of the luminosity. For this purpose he caused a magnetic bar to revolve lengthwise, first in a vertical circle in the direction of the magnetic meridian, then in a vertical circle in a direction east and west, and lastly, in a horizontal circle. He found that in each case different colors were evolved according as the magnet was pointed in different directions, and that a. it passed, in each caso, through a complete circle, it evolved, in regular succession, all the colors f the rainbow! 96 DYNAMIC AGENTS. By subsequent electro-magnetic exl)erimerlts with an arti ficial globe called the terrelle, Reichenbach succeeded in pre cisely reproducing the appearances of the aurora borealis, and may be considered as having probably afforded a complete solution of that interesting phenomenon. We find in these remarkable facts a complete verification of our previous hypothesis, so far as it relates to an essence which may be called secondary light. While this light is, in some particulars, similar to ordinary light, it differs from it totally in others, as the foregoing description renders obvious; and it therefore may be judged to belong to a somewhat diferent degree of natural developments. Considering this, therefore, as one of the members of our supposed Secondary Trinity of imponderables, we shall now see that our hypothesis, so far as it relates to the other two members, is not without the support of similar facts. When a horseshoe magnet was closed by an armature, all appearances of a luminous flame would immediately cease, but would be instantly reproduced on the removal of the armature. This establishes the probability that the same force which in the open magnet generates the luminosity, is, by the application of the armature, simply rendered latent, so far as its flame-generating power is concerned, but that it nevertheless still exists in the closed magnet, and acts as an internal principle, or as a principle. corresponding to fire or heat. This view is further confirmed by the fact that one of Reichenbach's subjects saw even closed magnets, and. indeed, metals of all kinds, luminous in the dark, as though they had been heated to incandesence-without, however, giving forth any flame-like scintillations. Such, then, are the evidences of a Secondary Freat. But still more conclusive indications were obtained of au EFFECTS OF MAGNETS. 97 eletroid, or electricity-like agent, as connected with the identi. cal sources of these other phenomena. It was found that magnets, crystals, or whatever afforded the phenomena of this attenuated light, together with many things which did not, also emitted an influence or aura which was capable of acting decidedly upon the nerves of a certain proportion of persons This aura was described as warm or cold, according as it was received from either pole of the magnet or crystal, or according to the positive or negative quality of any other source from which it was obtained. It was found capable of acting at'a distance, and of being transmitted through conducting media, and of sometimes acting so powerfully upon the sensi tive as to produce catalepsy and dangerous spasms. Thus,'t one time, during the illness of one of Reichenbach's employ es: he held a large magnet, capable of supporting ninety pounds, at the distance of six paces from her feet, as she lay on her bed, with her physician by her side. While the armature was attached to the magnet she felt no peculiar sensation, but the instant it was removed she fell into tetanic spasms and complete unconsciousness from its action. The armature being again attached, the girl slowly recovered her senses, and her physician advised that the experiment should not be repeated. Another lady, subject to attacks of catalepsy, could instantly detect the approach of an open magnet, though the latter was brought, without her knowledge of the intention, near the head of her bed, on the opposite side of the wall. Magnets, crystals, etc., were also found to powerfully attract the hands of cataleptic patients, even during the unconsciousness of their fits. It was also ascertained that amorphous bodies, in common with others, sent forth this ethereal influence; though, as before 9 98 DYNAMIC AG ENTS. shown, they gave forth no light. And here it was more fully ascertained, that the ethereal emanations from different sub. stances, were specifically different as to their effects upon the human nerve, thus affording indications of the distinctive characters of the emanating sources. One peculiarity of amorphous (that is to say, uncrystallized and unorganized) bodies was, that their exhalations gave a nauseous, accompanied by either a cold.or warm, and sometimes also a prickly, sensation, to persons whose nerves were in a sufficiently sensitive state to test them; and some bodies imparted these sensations in a greater degree than others. In the investigation of this point, Reichenbach took the trouble to try more than six hundred bodies with reference to their nauseating?orce. The young lady through whose aid the tests were made, could easily give to every substance its proper place in The scale of force, and this she could repeat, without failure, after intervals of several days. "It soon appeared," says our philosopher, "that these bodies arranged themselves according to their electro-chemical value, and, indeed, in suchwise that the highly electric stood at the top, and the indifferently so at the bottom of the scale, without regard to their polar opposition." When the same substances were tried on this same young lady while in a state of catalepsy, "the results were the same in kind, but in degree much stronger. The substances at the top of the scale, laid in her hand, caused violent spasms, whereby they were thrown at a distance, and her hand then, as usual in catalepsy, retained the new position.. It was soon observed that many substances began to act before they touched the hand, and it was enough to place them near it." These experiments were repeated, not only with other nervous patients, but with several gentlemen in a state of per, EMANATIONS FROM MEDICINES. 99 feet health, with results differing from the above no mor@ than what might easily be acccunted for by the different de. grees of susceptibility in the experimenters. The different substances tried are enumerated by Reichenbach according to their specific effects but it will here be sufficient to say that sulphur was found to be the general representative of those which, without contact, gave the sensation of cold, and gold of those which gave warmth; and almost every one whose hand was made to pass over small plates, coated respectively with these substances, felt, in some degree, these corresponding sensations, and some felt them quite vividly. Without any knowledge of Reichenbach's investigations, Dr. J. R. Buchanan, of Cincinnati, was engaged, about the same time, in a similar course of experiments with amorphous bodies, and developed results similar in character, but in some respects even still more decisive. Without here entering into the details of his experiments or inquiries, it will be sufficient to state that they resulted in establishing the fact, that medicines, holden in the hand of the patient, even when wrapped up in paper and concealed from view so as to guard against the effects of imagination, will, in a large proportion of cases, have all the effects that the same medicines will have, taken internally. Out of about one hundred and thirty medical students belonging to a class which attended the lectures of Dr. Buchanan, forty-three declared themselves fully affected by this experiment, to which they had been subjected during the delivery of one lecture.* Similar phenomena have been observed as the results of similar experiments in other instances, but we have no room for further details on this branch of our subject. In all such * ee "Buchanan's Journal of Man" for February, 1849, Art. 1. 100 DYN.tiMIC AGENTS. cases the action of the medicines is doubtless due to an ab sorption of their subtle and characteristic emanat.ons, through the pores of the skin, whence they are diffused through the nervous medium of the system, acting upon the vital forces which control all the functions of the physical organism. By experiments which placed deception out of the question, it was found that these ethereal influences of different sub. stances, could be conducted through wires to a distance of from three to one hundred and thirty-two feet, so as to be dis. tinctly perceived by the more sensitive of Reichenbach's experimenters. But a fact still more important in its bearings was, that different bodies placed in contact with, or in close proximity to, each other, would mutually impart their influences to each other, so as to modify or totally change the effects which they would otherwise produce upon sensitive patients. In other words, and to use a figure of speech that will be perfectly understood, they would mutually magnetize, or mesmerize, each otherwould enter into a sort of rapport or reciprocal sympathy, by an interdiffusion of their spheres or ethereal emanations. Thus it was found that sulphur, which of itself would impart a cold and prickling sensation to impressible persons, even at a dis. tance of several feet, and without a conducting wire, would, by contact or close proximity to other substances, empower them, for a time, to give forth a similar influence, even though their own proper influences might be of an opposite, though less powerful, character; and so of other substances, and their modifying influences upon others.* The general reliability of the foregoing and other alleged * For further details of these interesting experiments and their results, the reader is referred to Reichenbach's' Physico-Physiological Researches on the Dynamics of Ma. aefmto," etc., New York J. S. Redfleld. COMPLEXITY OF rHE FORCE. 101 results as obtained by Reichenbac/h, will not be disputed by those who know the character of the experimenter, or who, from a careful perusal of his report, have noted his exceedingly cautious mode of proceeding. Reichenbach is known through out Europe as a chemist second only to Liebig himself, and, speaking of this same course of investigation, Professor Gregory declares that "it was not possible for any experiinents or discoveries to be presented to the scientific world by one more entitled to confidence in every point of view." Besides this, his more important experiments have been repeated by others, and their results verified, in many instances, both in this country and in Europe. Availing himself of the plasticity of the German language, Reichenbach designates the new force (rather forces) which he discovered, by the German suffix "od," and indicates the sources whence this force is obtained, by their names prefixed to that syllable, as " magnetod," " crystallod," " thermod," "photod," etc., as respectively indicating a connection of the force with magnets, crystals, heat, light, etc. In the English language, therefore, this new imponderable has been rather clumsily designated as the " odic force," or " odylic force." But the various phenomena exhibited by this so-called force, show that it is not simple but complex, or rather that it involves a number of distinct forces. Its rudimental existence in the closed magnet, as also in various unmagnetic bodies, was not only intimated by the luminous and incandescent appearance of the bodies of metals, before spoken of, but is also implied as an antecedent of the luminous, flame-like appearance which it engenders at a further stage of developmentjust as the existence of common caloric is implied as an antecedent of common flame. The light itself is a second development; and the ethereal aura which, without any luminous 102 pYXAMIC AGENTS. phenomena, acts upon the human nerve, is a third. The three, therefore, may be variously characterize as "odic heat," "odic light," and " odic electricity," or "odic ether;" and here we have our previously conjectured Secondary Trinity of dynamic agents, corresponding to the Primary Trinity, which consists of Heat, Light, and Electricity, as these terms are ordinarily understood. In the same way in which the Primary Trinity of dynamic agents is concerned in the Primary Trinity of each system of physical developments, the Secondary and corresponding Trinity (in connection with the Primary, which is still and always in force) is concerned in each secondary and corresponding Trinity of developments, with their peculiarities.* Thus the principle which we have called " Odic Heat," may be considered as the internal love-principle by which particles associate in organic forms, and therefore is the fundamental dynamic principle connected with the fourth law-the law of Aggregation or Organization, whether relating to the universe as a whole, or to any of its definitely constituted parts. The " odic light" appears to be expressive of the ethereally aspirative operations of the organic structure from which it proceeds. It was before mentioned that this light consisted of the seven different colors of the iris, which seemed to surround the center of luminosity as so many concentric spheres of light; and that when Reichenbach caused a magnetic bar to revolve lengthwise on horizontal and vertical planes, the light exhibited successively all the different colors of the rainbow, as the magnet was pointed in the different directions in respect to the earth and heavens, which lay in the plane of the * It in not claimed that these dynamic principles apply identically to each and every sever-fold system of developments, as to some systems they apply only by thell natural representatives, analogues, or correspondents POLARITY, AFFINITIE-S ETOC 103 circle. I can not but regard these results as exceedingly interesting and important, as showing the relative degrees and states of polarity of particular points and directions of the earth's surface, and of the surrounding and celest..al spacesthus, as suggesting the different qualities or states of the materials of which the earth and all correlative creations are composed-thus, as suggesting the correlative affinities and forces by which these materials became associated in their present structural form-and finally, as suggesting something of the perpetually repeated round of changing influences and ethereal forces through which (in analogy to the revolving magnet) the earth and all celestial bodies pass in performing their rotary and orbitual revolutions. If there is any validity in these suggestions, then these degrees of polarity, states and affinities of matter, changing ethereal forces, etc., all exemplify the seven-fold series as corresponding to the seven colors of the iris, which, in the experiment referred to, were successively given forth by the revolving magnet. And, applying these'emarks (as analogy would justify us in doing) to all mundane organizations-to the solar system, the sidereal systems, and to the whole universe as one Body-as well as to the earth, we have in the "odic light," a universal dynamic correlative of the fifth law-the law of segregation, or the law by which unity is divided into parts of different and connected gradations. Concerning the third member of this trinity of agents-the "odic," electroid, or ethereal emanation which was found to produce such marked and singular effects on the sensitive human nerve, the following remarks may be submitted: 1. All things subjected to careful experiment, whether in the animal, vegetable, or mineral Kingdoms, or in the celestial spaces, we,'e found to send forth this subtile eman. 104 DYNAMIC AGENTS. ation, which in each case may be called the sph re, t ethereal atmosphere, of the substance or form from whieo it proceeds. It may therefore be presumed, on analogical grounds, that things also not available for experiment, and that, indeed, absolutely all things, from atoms to worlds and systems, and even the whole universe, considered as a Unit, are in like manner. characterized by a surrounding and per vading ethereal sphere.* 2. The emanating spheres of smaller bodies associated with larger ones, must necessarily be included in the emanating spheres of the larger bodies on which they rest or depend. The sphere of a single particle of mineral matter, for example, is comprehended and encircled in the general sphere of the whole crystal of which it forms a part; and the same remark applies to particles and organisms in other kingdoms in nature. The spheres of all minerals, vegetables, animals, etc., separately and collectively, are involved and comprehended in the general sphere of the earth; the sphere of the earth, together with the spheres of all other planets, with the satellites and comets, is involved and comprehended in the general sphere of the whole solar system; that sphere is comprehended in the general sphere of the great stellar vortex in which, accompanied by myriads of like systems, it moves; and that sphere is comprehended in the general sphere of the whole Universe; and that sphere is, in like manner, enveloped in, and pervaded by, the great sphere of the infinite Divine Being, which is the Essence of all essences, the Force of all forces, and the Vitalizer of all vitalities! Here, then, is a * This doctrine of "spheres " was taught by Swedenborg, and by others since hia day. It may almost be said that it has a sufficient foundation in the developed intuItions of the human mind, and it woull stand even independent of Relchenbabh'a mat conclusive scientific verifications. DOCTRINE OF SPHERES. i05O progressive gradation from the smallest to the greatest, from the infinitesimal to the Infinite, fiom the atom of matter to the incomprehensible fullness of a Divine Spiritual Being. 3. The spheres of all bodies in the universe, from smallest to greatest, while they are generically similar, are specficazlly different, and the sphere of each body corresponds to that body's internal character. This is a conclusion which, as regarded merely by the reasoning powers, is necessitated, by the obvious differences in the intrinsic nature of things, and it is confirmed by the differences in the efiects produced by the ethereal emanations of medicines and other substances, and even by the heavenly bodies, and by different districts of the celestial hemisphere which were subjected to tests. 4. As it was proved that the spheres of sulphur, gold, medicines, etc., acted and reacted upon, and mutually modified, each other, and this, too, when the solid bodies were a distance apart; so, carrying out this principle, it may be presumed that the spheres of all bodies, terrestrial and celestial, from smallest to greatest, from atoms to worlds, stellar systems, and the whole universe, in like manner, act and react upon, and modify each other, according to their relative degrees of magnitude and power. And this mutual interdiffusion of spheres, and their harmonious and reciprocal action and reaction upon each other, while each particular form and system preserves its own identity, constitute an important part of the physiological and functional operations of the great Anatomicca Structzre of Creation, and which, as before intimated, corresponds, in principle, to a single human body. The great ethereal Sphere of all spheres may be considered as the sympath;etic nerve-essence of this Anatomical Structure, viewed as a lwhole, while the sphere of each sun, world, and atom, mry be considered as it. own partiZctlar ierve-essenCe; and it 106 DYNAMIC AGENrs. is through these nerve-essences that each part of the whole Body sympathises with all other parts, and that the equili. brium and harmonious functional operations of the whole sys. tern are preserved. This subtile and variously qualified electroid or magnetoid element, therefore, being the sixth in the seven-fold series of dynamic agents, is intimately allied to the sixth general law, which we have seen is a law of harmonial and sympathetic reciprocation. It is true that the discoverer of these previously unknown subtile agencies did not exhibit, and perhaps did not, to any extent, perceive) their cosmological bearings, especially as these are attempted to be set forth in the foregoing remarks. His main object appears to have been to develop facts, leaving the more comprehensive conclusions to which these might naturally conduce, to be unfolded by subsequent investigations, and by others as well as by himself; and as his facts, by their publication, and their verification by the parallel experiments of others, have become the property of the world, any one may elaborate and synthesize them who has the inclination and mental qualifications to do so. In respect to this " odic," or magnetoid element, which pervades, and emanates from, greatest and smallest things, the following additional and important remarks may be submitted: As this influence, proceeding from various bodies, near and remote, was found to have such remarkable effects upon the sensitive human nerve, it may be considered as being closely allied, in its general nature, to the nervous influence pervading the human body, and emanating from it as an "odic' sphere. Indeed, Reichenbach actually proved its identity, in the general sense, with the medium through which one human being produces those effects upon another coI.m MODE OF DIVINE ACTION. 107 nonly known as " magnetic " or " mesmeric;" and the world is indebted to that philosopher for physical demonstrations in this department, which place the fundamental doctrines of Animal Magnetism beyond all possible doubt. Now, operations called "magnetic," as performed by one human being upon another, are known to depend greatly, for their character and efficiency, upon the exercise of the will. If, therefore, the medium through which such magnetic operations are performed, is generically the same with the " odic" spheres given forth by all bodies in nature, do we not find in this "odic" element the general connecting link between mind and matter? If, upon the basis of this certainly plausible idea, we should suggest that this everywhere present " odic" element, as associated with the different bodies in nature, and with nature as a Whole, may hereafter prove to be a medium through which mind can, in certain conditions, and to a certain extent, act upon and move outer tangible matter, without the contact of the physical organs, the suggestion would doubtless be met with general incredulity, especially by those who are not familiar with certain strange phenomena of our day. It could not be esteemed more incredible, however, than would have been an assertion made fifty years ago, that by a peculiar mechanical contrivance, a certain subtile agent in nature might be efficiently employed in the accurate and instantaneous transmission of thought to the distance of a thousand miles! But not to press these thoughts for the present, if our foregoing generalizations are correct, then we hazard little in saying, that as the all-pervading "odic" sphere of the universe, as a whole, in its ultimate degree, con. nects with the sphere of the Deity, so the Deity, through this medium, acts utpon the universe, in the same way as any two iuxtaposed substances or forms in nature act upon each other 108 DYNAMIC AGENTS. through their "odic" spheres, and as was illustrated by ex. periments before related. And as the Deity, moreover, is a personal and intelligent Being, he may through this medium act, not only spontaneously, but volitionally and directly, upon the universe, or upon either of its corresponding sub-creations, and control it to any extent which may comport with the integrity of his general plan. But we come now to another point: As each previous stage of creation, with its peculiar law of developments, from the first to the sixth, was thus accompanied with, or related to, a corresponding dynamic agent, the same fact may be supposed to hold with reference to the seventh stage, which, in the cosmical creation, as before shown, consisted in the development of habitable worlds. And as this is the final development of the sevenfold cosmical series-and brings the physical structure of the universe as such, to a completeness-so we may suppose that the dynamic principle related to this development, is also the ultimate and completion of its series. And being the last of a series in which there is observed a progressive refinement from the first, at least to the sixth, it may be supposed to unite in itself the principles of all the others in a still superior degree of refinement. Bvi we have seen that the series of universal cosmical developments included in what we have called the great Kingdom of Materiality, must have been based upon, and have sprung from, an antecedent, unoriginated, and infinite Kingdom of Spirituality, which we call GOD. If this same Principle, like the vital elements of the germ of a tree, lies at the basis, and is reproduced at the completion, of the unfolding, then thiP seventh dynamic principle, concerning which we are now inquiring, can be nothing less than a degree of the seven-fold ~lewents o(f the originally generative Divine Spirit, now em DIVINE EMBODIMENT. 109 bodiea in cosrical investiture. Viewed in this light, this seventh dynamic principle may be called Soul or Vitality-the Soul or vital Principle of the cosmical universe, or the Principle by which it, as a universe, lives and performs all its normal movements! Let me not, however, be understood as intimating that the all of God was thus embodied in the universal cosmical structure. Neither the universe of material worlds, nor of heavens, nor the heaven of heavens, can contain HIM who is absolutely INFINITE, and it must have been, comparatively speaking, an exceedingly small ray from his interior and ineffable effulgence that sufficed to give birth to, and move and regulate, the material structure which we have been contemplating, however sublime and inconceivable to human intellect this may be. Nor was the Divine embodiment of which we speak, necessarily an embodiment which, in its immediate exterior mani festation, would take the form of what is generally understood by intelligence; though intelligence, as an attribute of a much higher and more interior degree of the Divine Spiritual Constitution, was the projecting, planning, and (acting through the ultimately refined " odic" spheres, or quasi nerve-essences of his creations, before spoken of) is the constantly supervising and all regulating Principle. The Divine qualities as intelligence were subsequently and, at a much higher degree of creative progression, finitely expressed in the human microcosm, which is expressly declared to be an "image of God." It is, however, here submitted as a truth which, it is believed, will become more evident in proportion as its foundation and bearings are better understood-that the identical principles of what we know as intelligence, are embodied (though not as intelligence) in each kingdom or system of creation below wran, and finally in the universal kingdom of 10 110 DYNAMIC AGENTS. $osmical forms; these various descending embodiments bearug to each other the relations of descending octaves. Thus what is called intelligence in man, is called instinct in animals, But plants also, have a kind of instinct; and so in lower degrees, have minerals, worlds-the whole universal System of worlds -each embodying and representing a lower degree of what may receive the general designation of Love, Wisdom, and Volition; or Expansion, Attraction, and Circulation; the lowest triune degree of which is embraced in the functions of Heat, Light, and Electricity. The seventh dynamic principle of the universe, therefore, which pervades and governs all other principles, is only an embodiment of that degree or octave of the principles of the Divine soul which is in immediate relation with, and serves to control the functional operations of, the universal cosmical Body; while the higher degrees of the seven-fold Divine harmonies, flowing downward from the infinite sources of Divinity, are left to be embodied and represented in subsequent and more refined creations, or remain at infinite removes above the sphere of all terrestrial and celestial forms. Of the doctrine intended to be conveyed in these remarks, a more distinct and enlarged understanding will be obtained as we proceed. But, presuming that the reader already sufficiently compre. hends the fundamental principles herein set forth, he is desired to bear constantly in mind, that the dynamic principles of the cosmical creation, were not developed by the creation itself, but developed it; and the same may be said of the vitalizing and moving elements of all degrees of material unfolding. The dynamic principles (constituting, indeed, what may, in the aggregate, be called the general Soul) are thus the immediate Cause of the outer development (or Body), which is the Effect. LAWS. NATE. E. GOD. 111 And here it may be remarked, that if there is any relation be. tween Cause and Effect, it must not only be a relation of generals, but of particulars; and thus the Cause must be a precise archetype of which the Effect is an antitype or em. bodied representative; and hence the two must, throughout, precisely correspond to each other. Every degree of creation, therefore, may be considered as a precise outer expression of the corresponding degree of Divine Love, WNisdom, and Energy which vitalizes and governs it, and in which it was previously contained as an archetype. Moreover, these interior Divine dynamic principles, together with their prescribed modes of action, constitute the operative laws of nature. According to this view, while there is a law for every class of natural and even spiritual phenomena, and all things may be explained without a resort to contra-natural or contra-legal agencies, laws, on the other hand, are not those lifeless, unintellectual fatalities which they are represented to be in prevalent philosophies of the day, but they are the ex. press modes of perpetual Divine volition. In looking, there. fore, upon this universe, with all it contains, as law-governed, we may, at the same time, look upon it as God-governed. But 3n this point, more in its proper place. If this view is correct, then there is, in reality, no necessary antagonism between materiality and spirituality, nature and heaven, reason and revelation, science and theology, but each may be regarded, when correctly understood, as the exponent of the other. Quite distinct, however, is this view from that gross speculation which makes of God nothing more than the ultimately sublimated and self-moving essences of the natural universe-a kind of universal hyper-galvanic battery which, by its perpetual and self-generating action, produces solar and planetary revolution, terrestrial changes, and those movements 112 DNAMrIC AGOENTS. - in the refined essences of the human brain which constitute Thoughts. In our philosophy, God is God, and nature is nature-the two being eternally distinct, though intimately ooma rected and co-related with each other. CHAPTER IX. DEFECTe OF PREVAILING COSMOLOGICAL THEORIES IF the foregoing theory of the origin, structure, dynamic agents, and laws, of tne universe, has any foundation in truth, it can scarcely fail to throw important light upon some still ulterior questions relating to the prescribed distances, motions, reciprocal attractions, etc., of planetary and sidereal creations. It may even show that some time-honored theories upon these subjects, however sanctioned by the authority of great names, are, in certain particulars, radically defective; and this it will do, if at all, by transcending them in the ease, naturalness, and completeness with which it accounts for certain existing phenomena. It was supposed by Sir Isaac Newton, that all rotatory and orbitual motion of the heavenly bodies, originated from a primary and external impulse received from the hand of the Creator, as they were launched into space. To this was added the philosophical axiom, that any body put in motion in a vacuum, will continue forever to move in a straight line, unless deflected from its course by some other force. This deflecting force, as applied to the motions of the planets, Newton found in the law of gravitation, which was by him proved to apply to all planetary bodies. By the precisely counterbalancing action of these two forces, called the centrifugal and centripetal forces, the motions of the planets were supposed to be regulated in circular or elliptical orbits round the sun, the specific 114 DEFECTS OF PREVAILING distances of these being greater or less according to the near. hess or remoteness of the point where these two forces were exactly balanced against each other. But Newton soon found this theory, seemingly perfect in other respects, encumbered with difficulties in respect to the stability of the system. He found that the different planets were not only attracted by the sun, but mutually attracted by each other. These different attractions, varying in intensity in the inverse ratio of the squares of distances, according to a law discovered by Kepler, were accompanied by perturbations, producing irregularities in orbitual motions which were subject to secular increase. The system, thus, left toits own internal provisions, seemed to prophesy its own progressive derangement, and its ultimate entire disorganization; and Newton felt impelled to call upon God to avert such a catastrophe, by supplying a force from without, which he supposed did not exist within, the system. The calculations of subsequent mathematicians, however, served, in a good degree, to dispel these gloomy forebodings, and led to the conclusion that the irregularities and apparent incipient derangements in the motions of the system, would finally reach their maximum, after which there would be a gradual return to the condition of primeval equilibrium; that thence there would be a progressive tendency to irregularity in the opposite direction, to be succeeded by another reaction; and that the perpetual vibrations of these irregularities, like the oscillations of a mighty pendulum, would serve to mark the hours and moments of eternity! This conception of the laws, internal arrangements, and movements, of the system, together with the apparent mathe. matical evidences which have been arrayed in its support,?an not otherwise than be regarded as one of the greatest COSMOLOGICAL THEORIES. 115 triumphs of human genius. Yet, even while overwhelmed with a sense of its sublimity, one can not well suppress a sense of sadness as he contemplates its cold, mechanical lifelessness -I had almost said Godlesessness! Contemplated in this light, the universe appears somewhat analogous to an ingeniously constructed machine, which is wo'ind up, and left to go of itself, while its maker withholds a.! further exercise of power from it, and forever withdraws all immediate personal care over it, as being unnecessary. With this philosophy impressed upon our minds, we look up into the heavens, and, though we behold incessant motion and activity in every direction, we see no necessary evidence of immanent life or spirit-nothing with which our souls can sympathize as the present pervading Animus and constantly impelling Cause of the phenomena we behold; and it is only by an almost painful stretch of the powers of inductive reasoning, that we can attain to any substantial conviction of a spiritual or voluntative Cause, as having been connected with the system even at its origin! It may be added, that thousands of persons, on arriving at a full comprehension and conviction of the truth of the Newtonian theory of a merely mechanical universe, and of vacuity in the interplanetary and interstellar spaces, have anxiously inquired, " Where and what, then, is that spiritual world to which our interior natures aspire, and for which Revelation encourages us to hope?" and nature, viewed in this aspect, has not only refused to respond in language which appeals to the conceptive and reasoning powers, but has interposed a cloud of darkness and doubt between the inquirer and the subject which he seeks to comprehend! In its efforts to satisfy the irrepressible yearnings of the spirit within, Fancy has erected a formless, unextended, unsubstantial-even unaerial — figment, that bears no -relation to space or the material uni 116 DEFEC S OF PREVAILING verse, or to any of the rational faculties of the soul; and in this mankind have been told to have faith, as the place or state of future human destination! But a rational faith in such an utter inconceivability is out of the question, and an extra. rational and mere dogmatic faith, in such an idea, can not generally, if ever, be kept fiee from superstition, and hence, from a greater or less degree of mental degradation and'slavery. Hence, in case of full adoption of the Newtonian system of cosmogony, a determination to follow only the convictions of reason will necessarily tend to skepticism with reference to spiritual, and to s')me extent even with reference to Divine things; and there is no latent force in the theory which, by any developmen-, can ever correct this mental aberration. In the spirit and tendency of this merely mechanical mode of philosophizing upon the universe, may, I apprehend, be found the main cause of the growing materialism and skepticism of these modern days, especially among minds called scientific. Subjected to the test of rationality, however, the Newtonian system, in at least one of its features, seems to be almost as bad off as the only spiritual and theological theories that can be rationally associated with it. It predicates mutual gravitation of any two distant bodies, while it fails to recognize, if it does not, by implication, entirely preclude the idea of, any intervening gravitating agent. But that any two bodies can in any way act upon each other, either without immediate contact, or the intervention of some substantial medium by which they can touch each other, is utterly inconceivable, and can no n' ore b supposed than any effect can be supposed to be disconnected with an adequate cause. We do not, however, charge the theory with absolutely and necessarily precluding such a medium; but by manifesting, at its very starting point COSMOLCGICAI THEORIES. 117 such a strong inslination to the idea of absolute vacuity in the interplanetary spaces, it not only fails to provide such a medium, but, in effect, discountenances the idea that such exists. In the theory which we have maintained in the preceding pages, however, the medium in question is abundantly provided. Moreover, the system as conceived by Newton can not, after all, be contemplated without some degree of apprehension in regard to its safety. For, notwithstanding the figurings of sub. sequent mathematicians respecting the reaction which tends to restore lost equilibrium, if we do away with the immediate immanence of Divine Vitality-in other words, with the im mediate presence and agency of that degree of the Divine Essence and Power of which the universe forms a suitable habitation, and which is necessary to the life and functional operations of the latter as of one Body-then there are many chances against the existence of an absolute equilibrium in the different parts and forces of the great Whole: and if there is ever a disturbance of the equilibrium to an extent which can not be entirely restored by a counter oscillation, even though this be only the fraction of the weight of a planet, or even the amount of a single pound, the disturbance will progressively aggravate, and a universal catastrophe will be the final and inevitable result! If, therefore, the stability of the universe depends merely upon the nice counterpoise of the centrifugal and centripetal forces, as independent of this constant Divine Force, and of any elastic, active, and reactive medium to keep the various celestial bodies within prescribed boundaries, then human reason can not withhold the suspicion of danger as it contemn plates the stupendous Machine, or suppress the apprehension that it may one day fly to pieces, and involve us all in the 118 NO VACUITY IN SPACE. common wreck! This apprehension greatly increases, when it is considered that Newton's hypothesis of absolute vacuity in the spaces through which the celestial bodies move-an hypothesis upon which, according to him, the equilibrium between the centrifugal and centripetal forces necessarily depends-has proved unfounded, and that the phenomena of retardation of comets in their orbits, has proved that the interplanetary spaces are pervaded by an attenuated fluid or ether, capable of exerting some resistance to their progress. It is here submitted, with all due deference to the superior intelligence of many who have never entertained a doubt of the entire truthfulness of Newton's theory, that that theory, at least without essential modifications, would probably never have been propounded by Newton, or adopted by others, had the theory of the nebular origin of the universe, with its accompanying evidences, and natural corollaries, been previously subjected to familiar contemplation. We now proceed to briefly unfold a theory respecting the foregoing subjects, which, whatever may be its imperfections, seems to the wliter, at least, much less encumbered with difficulties than the merely mechanical theory of Newton, while it is certainly more compatible with the idea of an immediate and universal Divine superintendence. CHAPTER X. GROUNDS OF STABILITY AND GENERAL ECONOMY 01 THE COSMICAL STRUCTURE. As a preliminary step toward a due comprehension and appreciation of the theory now to be offered respecting the internal forces, movements, grounds of stability, and general economy of the universe, the reader is requested to bear distinctly in mind that principles operate indifferently upon a large and a small scale-that the magnitudes and distances of the objects to which they apply, are absolutely of no conse. quence as affecting the essential nature of their operations. Now, in the light of this truism, let us suppose some simple vegetable form-say an apple-to be placed under a microscope so exceedingly powerful as to magnify it to the apparent size of that immense spheroid of stellar orbs with their planets, which is known to usas the Milky Way, and in the midst of which our world is situated. We will suppose that the pores of the apple would, in that case, appear of a magnitude equally great with the interplanetary and interstellar spaces, and that the molecules would be magnified to the apparent size of worlds. Moreover, the internal motions of the molecules, observing the natural order of vegetative circulation and progression, would bear a certain resemblance to the rotatory and orbitual motions of suns and planets, and all, obeying the law by which the distinct stratifications and compartments of the pple are formed, would give an appearance somewhat similar 120 GENEIRAL ECON DOMY OF to distinct systems, and systems of systems of suns and planets, as these are successively brought into the field of a telescope. Suppose, that after this optical arrangement is completed, some learned Newtonian astronomer, who is entirely ignorant of its nature, is invited, on some clear even. ing, to look through the instrument, which is represented to him as a newly invented telescope, instead of a microscope. The astronomer gazes with wonder and astonishment, and thinks he has obtained a new and favorable view of some stellar and planetary creation which has not before appeared to him exactly in the same aspect. "Well, Mr. Astronomer," demands an inquirer, "what is your opinion respecting the origin of the motions, the laws of operation, and the source of stability, of the system which you are now surveying?" "Why, undoubtedly," replies the astronomer, "the same principles are applicable here that apply to all planetary and stellar creations;" and if he added no more, he would thus far be correct. But he continues, " Undoubtedly each one of those bodies received a certain mechanical impulse as it was launched into space from the hand of the Creator. Each one moves in a vactum, and would have continued its primitive motion in a direct line forever, had it not been deflected from its course by an equal and perpetually operative force of grav. itation, whence its present motion is in a circular or elliptical orbit. If either one of those revolving bodies," continues the sage astronomer, "were arrested in its orbit, and the cen. trifugal force were thus destroyed, gravitation would immedi. ately draw it to the central sun, and this would probably so derange the equilibrium of the system as to ultimately pro. duce a universal catastrophe!" If the astronomer is now shown a direct view of the real 'ILE COSMICAL STRUCTURE. 121 subject of these speculations-is shown that it is merely an apple-he will consider this as of itself a sufficient refutation of his speculations, so far as that object was concerned; because he considers the internal molecular motions of the apple as being governed by a principle of life, and this he regards as of itself amply sufficient to keep up the equilibrium of its particular parts. But each cluster, or firmament, of suns, with its planets, is, in principle, but an apple on a large scale. Some of the more distant, and less easily resolvable, nebulae, indeed, appear to a telescope of small power, almost in the identical form and size of an apple; and, viewed apart from all other considerations than those suggested by their own proper aspects, as the white, milky spots, which they present to telescopes incapable of resolving them, one might have easily conceived that they were agitated by internal motions; but the conception that these internal motions were referable to external and mechanical impulses, and that the moving bodies (which the distance of view reduces to molecules) were sustained in equilibrio by counter impulses, according to the Newtonian theory of planetary motion, would have been as unnatural and far-fetched, as would be precisely the same theory applied to the internal molecular motions of an apple. Indeed, it is conceivable that one might be miraculously elevated above the whole plane of sidereal creations to a distance so great that, as he looked down upon the whole universe of firmaments, the whole might present one unresolved mass apparently, from that distance, no larger than the size of an apple. Now, when we remember that in the workings of principles there is absolutely no distinction made between great and small bodies, how naturally may it be supposed that the whole universe, with all its included sub-universes is per 11 122 GENERAL ECONOMY OF vaded, like the apple, by an internal principle of Life, anr. that this is the cause of all1 its internal motions, and the sustainer of equilibrium among all its constituent orbs, which, to it, are in reality no more than what the molecules are to the apple!.. But let us endeavor to obtain a more distinct view of some of the constituent elements embraced in this general theory: Our theory, before propounded, of constantly emanative, as well as constantly gravitative, forces as connected with planets, suns, systems, and firmaments, seems, if correct, to necessitate the conclusion that universal space is constantly filled with substance. This:substance is in the solid, fluid, aeriform, and ethereal states. In its: densest state, it may be. supposed to be indefinitely more dense- than the heaviest substances known upon earth, and in its rarest state, it may be supposed to be indefinitely more rare than electricity, and between these two extremes, there are probably all intermediates. - The uni. verse may thus be regarded as only one vast: ethereal Body, having in its general mass- innumerable points of condensation, which are suns, planets, etc...-.....Now, the force which originally induced nebulous circles, firmaments,. suns, planets, satellites, etc., to assume their respective orbits at specific distances from their primaries, and which perpetually operates (with some modifications, according to different stages of progression) to keep these bodies in those general orbits after they are assumed, may, in a degree, be conceived by the following illustration: The ponderable atmosphere of the earth at a level with the sea, is relatively dense, while at the tops of the highest mountains it is rela tively rare; and at an altitude of forty-five or fifty miles, atcording to-received estimates, its existence ceases to be. appreciable. Hydrogen gas is much lighter than the ponderable T fE COSMICAL STRUCTURE. 123 terrestrial atmosphere at a level with the sea;; and when confined in a balloon, it ascends, with its envelope, to an altitude determined by the degree of buoyancy of gas and balloon united, and there it floats until: dissipated.' Now, each solar and planetary body in space, is surrounded by a calorific luminous, electric, and ethereal atmosphere, which, in like manner, varies in density and power with the distance from the center of condensation; and, by virtue of the respective super-aerial atmospheres of any two bodies sustaining to each other the relations of primary and secondary, the secondary body assumes an orbitual distance from the primary, which, as in the case of the balloon, is governed by the law of equilibrium-which distance, however, is somewhat modified by centrifugal force. - -:': This illustration of the balloon, however, is very imperfect, and only serves to enable the reader to approximate to a conception of the true idea; for we are not to corisider any planet or other celestial body, as having the same degree of:afinity for its primary as the balloon has for the earth, or as being attracted to it in exactly the same way, or as it would be, if there were no greater dissimilarity between its matter and the matter of the primary, than there:is between the matter of the balloon and that of the earth.': But each celestial body is composed of materials, and possesses calorific, electric, odic, and other forces and properties, and hence affinities, peculiar to itself, and which, in:general, differ from those of any other given body in proportion to the distance of its natural situation. Moreover, each planet, sun, etc., as before intimated, is only the condensed center of a general ethereal body of no particularly defined circumference, but whose refined emanations, growing more rare with each remove from their centers, extend indefinitely into space. In this way, each body inter 124 GENERAL ECONOMY OP communicates with, and acts upon, all kindred bodies, and is acted upon by them in return; the action consisting in an in. terblending of the forces and properties of the different bodies. When this interblending is harmonious, the action is attractive; when it is conflict'ng, it is repulsive. Beyond cer tain limits of distance, the interblending actions of any two bodies, however dissimilar in constitution, is always harmonious-and hence attractive; within those limits of distance, the action is crowding and conflicting, and hence repellant. Suppose, then, that by some controlling arm, or some acci dental impediment, a planet were suddenly arrested in its orbit, and were thus relieved from the influence of centrifugal force: it would immediately be drawn toward its primary with a force which would uniformly increase as the square of the distance decreased, provided no counteracting force'were developed by the approach to the central body. In falling inward, however, although the attractive force would, for a time, betincreased (that is, until the previous centrifugal displacement was overcome), its elastic atmosphere would begin to crowd more and more upon the elastic atmosphere of the sun, and even its own solidified particles, by the increased calorific, photic, electric, odic, and vital action due to the proximity of the two bodies as centers of such action, would, in themselves, develop an emanative or repellent force in respect to the primary; and, owing to these causes, the secondary body could not approach within a certain distance of its primary, within which distance the repellent force would be superior to the attractive. The same idea is involved in the theory (before propounded) of the process by which secondary bodies were formed from primaries-and which supposes that the secondaries are coin.. posed of'n equal quar.tity of attracted and emanated particles. THE COSMIOAL STRUCTURE. 125 As each indzvidual of these, acted upon by centrifugal force, finds its equilibrium at the particular point where, by the union Df all, the secondary body is formed, so the united mass of particles in the body thus formed, has no more tendency to draw nearer to the primary than it has to emanate further from it. Suppose, then, any particular secondary body should be violently arrested in its orbit: it would evidently sink into the ethereal atmosphere of its primary a distance measured by its previous centrifugal displacement, which, in most cases, would be considerable; but at some point between its former orbit and the primary, it would attain to an exact equilibrium between the attractive and emanative or repellent influences, and there its inward motion would stop. If held there by violence, and prevented from partaking of the general vortical motion of the system, it would be to the cosmical system what a mass of displaced particles, or a splinter of foreign matter, would be to the human system; and the effect would be, an inflammation, suppuration, and dissolution, of the part. For, it is evident that in such a case the body would accumulate heat and other repellent elements from the primary, more rapidly than it could relieve itself of them, and sooner or later these accumulations would be beyond its powers of endurance. The particles in that case would separate in detail, and would either be-digested and assimilated with the general mass of the primary and its atmosphere, or, assuming the general revolutionary motion of the system, would be again thrown outward by the resultant centrifugal force, and would reaggregate themselves at their original distance, and the planet would be formed anew. For an explanation of the principles on which all rotatory and orbitual motion may originate, the reader is referred to an earlier stage of this treatise, in which we spoke of the first 126 GENERAL ECONOMY OF assumption of rotatory motion in the universal mass: and, by considering the universe still as one general Body, interiorly gravitating and emanating as in the beginning, he may conceive how these motions, not only of the great general Body, but of all its included and correspondent sub-bodies, is perpetually sustained by a constant supply of the same forces which ope. rated in the beginning, and which constantly inflow from the inexhaustible sources of Divine Spiritual Heat and Light, which mean Love and Wisdom, and which constituted the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending of this grand creative operation! What can be a more natural thought than that the universe is constructed, and that all its functional operations are carried on, according to the foregoing principles! and what hypothesis relating to this grand subject is so free from difficulties! If the universe is actually constructed on these principles, it manifestly possesses (under the operations of its pervading Divine Life) a self-regulating power which must necessarily give it the utmost conceivable stability-the stability of an almost infinite living Organism, exempted from all external causes of death! Let planets be crowded out of their orbits, if such a thing were possible (which it is not), and they will either spontaneously return again, or new arrangements will be assumed among their associate bodies, which will be according to the law of equilibrium, and equally harmonious with the previous condition. Let planets, or even whole systems, by any imaginable means, be stricken out of existence: there would be an immediate supplying of the vacuum-a healing up of the part-and scarcely a cicatrice would remain. In short, let the system, by some imagined foreign force, be wounded and deranged in almost any conceivable way: it would still contain an internal power of recuperation. But as a Divinely THE COSMICAL STRUCTURE. 127 constituted Fabric, destined to unspeakably noble and glori ous ends, it is entirely free from all causes of material dis. turbance, and will live on until its highest purposes are fully attained, when, as one Grand Man, it will change its whole mode of being for one which is more spiritual, more Divine, and inconceivably more glorious! CHAPTER XI. PARICUTLAR CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE GENEBIS AND MODUS OPERANDI OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. LITTLE more needs to be said, by way of applying the fore. going principles to the genesis and modus operandi of our own Solar System. It has been before intimated that the identical principles are involved here that were concerned in the origin and government of the universe, as a whole, with some modifications in the form of their results, as owing to differences of conditions, and that the seven-fold series is observed in the laws, operations, and successive stages of unfolding, in both instances. In both instances there are the successive and ascending degrees of Chaos, Nucleation, Spheroidation, Circular Agregation, Segregation, Secondary Spheroidation, and the complete and ultimate cosmical unfolding. In both cases the dynamic agents of Heat, Light, and Electricity, with thei corresponding triad of odic elements are involved, to which, in both cases, is superadded the all-pervading and controlling Divine Life Principle. The chief differences in the specific forms of developments in the two cases, lies between their fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh degrees. In the series of developments through which we have supposed the universe, as one whole Body, to have passed, we have supposed the fourth development to be that of nebulous rings, surrounding the primary spheroid-or, at least, segments of rings so large, and of such various parts, as THE SOLAR SYSTEM. 129 to preclude the possibility of an aggregation of the materials of either ring or segment, into one spheroidal body; while, in the Solar System, the size and other conditions of each of these cycloidal nebulae were, with apparently one exception, such as to admit of an aggregation into one spheroidal body. The exception here referred to relates tu, the mass of materials fiom which originated the asteroids. The fifth or segregative process in the universal development, consists, according to our hypothesis, of the division of each nebulous ring or segment. into a multitude of angular and indefinitely formed masses; whereas the fifth and corresponding development in the Solar System, consisted (in every case except that of the asteroids. as before mentioned) simply of the brealking up of the nebulous ring, and the assemblage of its parts into one body. The processes of the sixth developnent, both of the Universe and of the Solar System, were perfectly identical, except that in the former case solar spheres, and in the latter, the gaseous and incandescent spheres of nascent planets, were the result. The seventh development of the universe-consisted of the unfolding of the identical forms which were the product of the sixth development of the solar system, viz., the forms of nascent planets, as aforesaid; whereas the seventh development of the solar system, consisted of the superficial solidification of those bodies, and such other changes in them as prepared them for the introduction of the first and lowest of the organic forms, by which they were subsequently tenanted. But although the Universal System and the Solar System thus each consists of a complete octave of developments, each octave has its own particular key-note, which differs fiom that of the other. That is to say, they do not begin at the same place in the staff, nor does one begin where the other ends. 130 ORIGIN OF COMETS. This, however, does not in any respect destroy the corre spondence of the principles which both involve. After the sun and planets were thus formed by agglomer, ations and condensations of the originally diffused mass of chaotic materials, there would naturally still remain in diffusion through the general sphere of the system, a quantity of mundane matter, so great as to be liable, under the further action of the law of condensation, to ultimately assume forms more or less distinctly visible. This consideration hints at the origin and character of those erratic, and in some cases apparently almost lawless bodies, called comets. These are mere excrescences upon. the system-incidents of previous developments; and their anomalas of constitution and motions are probably the results of their borderings upon the extreme confines of the forces and laws provided for the government of the system. Aside from some illustrations of cosmical laws which they afford, they probably subserve no purpose which is much more important than that of the amusement of astronomers. This idea of residual nebular matter also accounts for that singular nebulous and oblately spheroidal envelope of the sun, which is called the " Zodiacal Light." Probably neither the formation of this nor of the comets, was specifically contemplated in the original plan of the Creator, but the development of each was incidental to the uniform operations of established laws. As originated our own solar system, so we may suppose originated all other solar systems in space, with differences in the forms of the operations and results of identical principles, according to d'fferences in material conditions and local circumstances. CHAPTER XII. SYNTHETICAL VIEW OF THE ORIGIN OF THE EARTH AND ITS GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS THE last developed forms of the universal cosmical struc. ture, viz., the distinctly segregated masses of planetary matter before described, may be viewed in the light of Seed of the great Tree of previous Being, and Germs of a future and corresponding creation. By means of a generative influence constantly descending from the Divine Spirit, as the Source ofall subordinate existences, a corresponding octave of unfoldings now ensue, which may be called the geognostic unfoldings. The successive stages of these, which, like other systems of creation, form a seven-fold series, seem, both in the light of principles and facts, to observe the following order and' relations PRIMARY TRINITY. SECONDARY TRINITY. 1. Chaotic or unformed fiery 4. The" Transition Period," chavapor. racterized mainly by aerial developments and changes. 2. Spheroidal nucleus (liquid 5. The " Secondary Period," chaand gaseous). racterized by distinctions of climates and seasons, and theircorresponding sedimentary deposits. 8, Granito-aqueous, or, super- 6. The "Tertiary," or, the vol. ficially solidified and oceanic. canic, lacustrine, fluvatile, and abrasive Period. ULTIMATE. 7. Recent or Alluvial Period, 132 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH In our descending or analytical view of creation, we apoke briefly of some of the more superficial characteristics of these terrestrial developments; but we will now glance at the aspects in which they will appear in the light of the a priori and d posteriori processes of reasoning combined. 1. THE CHAOTIC STAGE.-In our analytical and analogical view of the terrestrial system, we found abundant reason to believe that our earth was formed from a mass of primeval fiery vapor, as expressing material conditions antecedent to the fiery liquid mass, of which, facts prove that our globe once consisted. Following the further and obvious teachings of analogy, as well as the intimations of certain celestial phenomena, we were led to the conclusion that this mass must have been a result of a previous aggregation and segregation of the materials of the solar atmosphere, of which an explanation is involved in the now apparently well-established theory of the formation of the nebulous rings, and their subsequent changes. It seems' to be a well-founded opinion of believers in the nebular theory, that the gaseous cycloid, whose condensation resulted in the formation of the earth, must have originally been nearly of the same shape and circumference with the present orbit of the earth. Now, the earth's orbit is not an exact circle, but an ellipse, with the sun in one of its foci. Consequently, at the separation of the materials of this ring or cycloid at one part of its rim, and their aggregation at the opposite part, whether this occurred at the perihelion or aphelion point-the common mass thus formed must have taken the elongated or ellipsoidal shape, and preserved superficially all the general geometrical properties of the previous eircumsolar zone, on a reduced scale. The first distinct form assumed by the materials of out AND MOON. 133 nascent planet, therefore, must have been that of an ellipsoid, or, perhaps, more properly speaking, that of an egg somewhat flattened in the direction of its shorter diameter. The two ends of this ellipsoidal body, preserving, respectively, the general qualities of what were its aphelion and perihelion points when, during its previous and higher state of diffusion, it encircled the sun, must now sustain toward each other the relations of positive and negative.* The atoms having the strongest affinity for the positive influence, therefore, would naturally flow toward the positive end; and those having the strongest affinity for the negative influence would flow toward the negative end. There would, therefore, be a tendency of the particles to agglomerate and condense in the form of a separate nucleus near either end of the general body, or, more accurately speaking, probably in either focus of the ellipse. If the particles are sufficiently diverse from each other as to their extreme degrees of positiveness or negativeness, and other circumstances are favorable, the tendencies to agglomeration and condensation at these two points, may result in the formation of a primary planet and a satellite; or, if there are several degrees of matter widely distinguished by their relatively positive and negative qualities, a correspondingly complicated operation of the same principles and forces, may result in the formation of several satellites. The idea of a tendency to, and condensation in, the foci of the egg-shaped nebulous mass, thus forming a primary and a satellite, and that this tendency indicates a law, is in precise * In employing the terms " positive" and " negative," as above, it is not intended to restrict the idea of the polar relations which they express, to a connection with electricity or magnetism. These relations may be supposed, in some sense, to subsist between the two extremes in the development of each of the imponderables. Reiclenbach, as we have seen, flund unmistakable indications of these polar relations existing in the " odic" element, will its different varieties, by him discovered. 12 134 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. accordance with, and explains, the fact, universal in the sola. system, and doubtless in other departments of the cosmical creation, that when bodies (whether planets or satellites) revolve in elliptical orbits, their primaries, or centers of gravity are invariably situated in one of the foci of the ellipse,' pre cisely where, according to our theory, such bodies must, in all probability, have been originally formed. It may be added that, of the fact of this focality in the situation of primaries with reference to the elliptic orbits of their secondaries, no other hypothesis than the general one now under consideration affords the slightest explanation. Considering the earth and the moon as having, in this:way, been formed respectively by condensations in the foci of the same original nebulous mass, their origin and relations may be considered as hinting at, if not exactly representing,-the origin and relations of the two bodies of what are called double stars, or binary systems. The diversity of colors generally observed as characterizing the two constituents of such systems-the larger body being, in most cases, relatively red, and the smaller relatively blue, as though they had divided the prismatic colors between them-strongly intimates, of itself, something like a polar opposition in the materials of which they are respectively composed, and gives additional weight to the hypothesis of their original and nebulous connection. The hypothesis of an original union in one nebulous body of the materials of the earth and moon, seems, indeed, to be necessary, if there is admitted to be any truth in the nebular theory. But, if this hypothesis is true, it suggests a connection of a nature heretofore little suspected, as even now sub. sisting between the earth and moon. Taken in connection with our doctrine of constant emanation, as well as constant gratitation, of particles governed by the laws of assimilation, ETIIEREAL ENVELOPE. 1]05 elimination, and polarization, it encourages, if possible,c even more than a suspicion, that the earth and moon are but condensed and oppositely polarized points in one common mass of ethereal, mrsanetoid, or "odic" substance. Such an ethereal mass, considered as the common calorific, photic, electric, odic, nervoid, and vital sphere or atmosphere of the earth and moon. would seem to be a necessary existence, according to principles involved in the discoveries of Reichenbach; while, on the other hand, and in a still more emphatic sense, the earth and moon in their present state, may be supposed to consist of precipitated particles originally held in solution in their now enveloping ethereal and imponderable menstruum.' This field or realm of segregated ether supporting these new condensed points, may, in its present state, be considered as an ultimate refinement of the primeval nebulous mass from which our world and its satellite had their common origin. Though its ultimate attenuations, intercommingling with those of kindred bodies (yet still preserving their identity) may be supposed to extend indefinitely into space, the relatively dense, * It is well ksnown that particular positions of the moon in respect to the earth, are accompanied with marked effects upon somnambulists, cataleptics, and persons disposed to insanity; and it has from time immemorial been believed that certain lunar positions have also a decided influence upon the vegetable and animal kingdoms. During elipses of the sun, when the moon has been directly between that luminary and the earth, hungry animals have been observed to suddenly cease eating, and become apparently sad and dejected; and when eclipses have been total, birds have sometimes been known to fall dead from their perches. Now, neither of these effects can be supposed to resu t from any modification of the force of grclitation as owing to the relative positions in such cases, of the earth, moon, and sun. But if we suppose, as is supposed above, that the earth and moon are enveloped in a common "odic" sphere of a nervoid and semi-vital character, and that this changes in its polar relations and consequent qualities of influence upon living organisms, with every change of relative position of the earth, moon, and sun, we have an easy solution of the phenomena in question. The supposition of such a change of influence would seem to be countenanced by the results of Reichenbach's experimerrn with the revolving magnet, befbri ipoken of. 136 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. or trie rationally more obvious, portion of the body, still re. tains, in all probability, the general shape and size of the original nebula. If we suppose this spheroid of imponderable matter to be rotating on its own proper axis once in twentyseven days, seven hours, and forty-three minutes, carrying the earth and moon with it as its condensed foci, we have, in such supposition, an explanation of the motion of the moon round the earth as it appears to us, and of the motion of the earth around the moon as it would be mathematically evident to an inhabitant of the latter body. If this supposition is correct. then neither body ought to move round the other as an abso. lutely fixed point in the system, but both ought to revolve around a common center-the axis of their common ethereal and enveloping mass. But, considering the superior attractive force of the earth over the moon, together with the superior density of that whole end of the ethereal mass in which the earth is situated, to that of the end in which the moon is situated, this center of common revolution can probably vary at most but a few hundred miles from the center of the earth, and may be very nearly coincident with it. I believe that astronomers are now pretty generally convinced that in binary stellar systems, one body not only revolves around the other, but that the two bodies revolve round a common center, situated somewhere between the centers of the two, and nearest to the center of the larger one; and to these motions, those of the binary system of the earth and moon would, according to the foregoing hypothesis, present an exact analogy. The earth, being the major or positive focal condensation of the general ethereal and enveloping spheroid, has asumed sufficient independence to admit of a diurnal revolution on its own proper axes; but the moon, being the minor and nega HINT vONCERNING TIDES. 137 tive focus, still cont'nues in subjection to the force of the general ethereal mass which is positive over it; and therefore, keeping the same side always to the earth, it rotates only with the rotation of the general mass. If our hypothesis is correct, then not only ought the sides of the moon turned to and from the earth, to be in opposite polar relations, but there should be a slight elongation of the moon in the same direction, presenting, in fact, the dwindled and miniature form of the original nebulous or present ethereal spheroid. On the same principle there mus- have been a tendency to elongation in the form of the earth, while the particles which compose it were in process of aggregation. This tendency, however, so far as the solid, or less mobile materials of the earth are concerned, was corrected by its rotation on its axis, by the perpetual action of which, during the period in which the earth passed from a fluid to a superficially solid state, the surface of the earth was rolled into general rotundity. But the mobility of the watery portions of the earth's surface, was such as to preserve, in a degree, their freedom to observe the original tendency to ellipticity, which tendency is now manifested in the form of tides. For tides are only elongations of the mobile portions of the earth's substance, in what we have supposed to be the direction of the longer axis of the ethereal spheroid, which axis would necessarily be in the direction of the earth and moon, admit. ting these bodies, as points cf condensation in the general body, to occupy generally the two foci of the latter. There are, doubtless, for the same reasons, atmospheric tides which are greater than the oceanic tides in proportion to Ahe greater mobility of the atmospheric particles; and had not the earth assumed a rotatory motion (from causes identical with those which produced a similar motion in other bodies, and which 138 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH have been before explained), it would doubtless have con densed (as we have supposed the moon to have done), in a permanently oval form, whose opposite ends would, if the expression may be allowed, have represented solidified tides.* With the evolutions and condensations above supposed, or, at least, with something not essentially differing from them, the materials of which our earth is composed, may be supposed to have passed out of their first or chaotic state. 2. The SECOND stage of the earth's developments, as obviously the next orderly stage of progression from the first, was that of a spheroidal igneous nucleus. This stage, indeed, commenced the moment the nucleus began to appear; for then the general body, by the distinction developed in its parts, began to pass out of the state of absolute chaos. It may be considered. that this development closed when the outer limits of this igneous nucleus became distinctly defined, and when its merely molten and fluid substance became fully distinguished from its gaseous envelope. 3. The THIRD stage may be denominated the granito-aqueous, it being the stage characterized by the formation of the first granite crust, and by the development of the oceans by which the latter was generally covered. This, completing as it did the first Trinity of terrestrial developments, brought the earth from a previously elastic and yielding, to a solid and perma* These suggestions, tending, as they do, to an essential modification of the Newtonian theory of tides, might be greatly fortified by additional considerations; but to present these in their proper force, discussions would be required which would be too occult for a popular treatise. t The foregoing considerations in respect to the first and second stages of the earth's formation, are admitted to be mainly a priori, but to those who can perceive effects as involved in their causes, they will not be without weight. In respect to the remains ing stages of development, we will not only have the evidence of cacses, but of theil effects, as still observabl in the earth's crust. EARLY ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS. 139 nent state, and thus completed its constitution merely as a planetary body. 4. The FOURTH stage was characterized mainly by aerial developments and changes. It embraces that vast period during which the rocks of the Cambrian, Silurian, Old Red Sandstone, and Carboniferous systems were formed. At the commencement of this period, the atmosphere must of necessity have been in an exceedingly crude and impure state. Besides other gross and noxious elements, it must.have borne in its bosom all, or nearly all, of the carbonic acid gas which subsequently became condensed in the mountain limestone and various other limestone deposits, and the carbon of which, parting with its oxygen, became embodied in the immense beds of mineral coal, found, more or less, in almost every quarter of the earth. An atmosphere thus surcharged with this noxious vapor, -must nave been incompatible with the existence of any forms of organic life, except those of a low order; and accordingly we'ind that the plants and animals of this vast period were, as shown-by their fossil remains, exclusively such as inhabited the ocean and the marshy and frequently submerged places in its vicinity-situations intermediate between the properly marine and the properly terrestrial. It was, doubtless, owing mainly, if not wholly, to atmos pheric causes that the solar rays during this period had but little influence upon the surface of the earth, and that a nearly uniform temperature prevailed at all latitudes and at all seasons. Geologists have usually attempted to account for the high degree and general uniformity of this temperature, as indicated by the universally tropical nature of the plants and animals of this period, by referring it to a radiation of the internal heat of the earth, which it is supposed must, at that early period, have been much more intense than in subsequent 140 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. times., But the mystery seems to be quite as well, if not bet ter, accounted for in the consideration that while the atmosphere was so excessively dense as it must have been while loaded with so much carbon and carbonic acid, its pressure must have been correspondingly great; and it is well known that every increase of atmospheric pressure is attended with an increase of heat. It is not improbable, however, that both of these causes had something to do in the production of the superior heat of these times. The scene which would have been presented to a human spectator, could such an one have been placed upon the surface of the earth at this time, would have been gloomy and cheerless in the extreme. He would probably at no time have beheld either clouds or decided sunshine, but a dim and undefined luminescence, caused by the sunbeams in passing athwart the thick and stagnant atmosphere. No star-beam could have penetrated the dense aerial envelope to relieve the gloom of night; and, for the same reason, the range of horizontal vision, even at noonday, must have been confined within narrow limits. All diversity of landscape must, in the earlier part of this period, have been merged in one wide waste of waters. This, however, was, in later times, partially relieved by extensive districts of low, marshy land, on which the soft and succulent vegetation grew with the rankest luxuriaxce. No bird yet winged the air, or gladdened the forest with its song; no beast prowled through the thick jungles of fern and sigillaria, and no herds lowed upon the fields of moss and equiseta; and, except the rolling of the ocean waves, the plashing of the finny tribe, and the occasional rumblings of subterranean fires, the most profound and gloomy silence reigned over the face of the, globe! If, therefore, in the first stage of the first Trinity of devel. NEW RED SANDSTONE. 141 opments, the whole mass of terrestrial materials was in a state that may be designated as chaotic, we find here, in the first stage of the second Trinity, a corresponding condition as relating to the whole mass of atmospheric materials, and of its accompanying developments as the initial steps of terrestrial organic creation. Taken as a whole, however, the changes of this period brought conditions on the earth's surface inteo something like a systematic, or what may be called rudiment. ally organized, form. 5. The FIFTH development was characterized by distinction of climates as prevailing in different latitudes, and by warm and cold seasons, as owing to the revolution of our planet around the sun; hence, also, by new kinds of geological deposits, and higher degrees of organic life..This development was comprised in the period commencing with the New Red Sandstone, and ending with the close of the Chalk formation. The records of the general conditions of this period are very distinctly preserved upon the leaves of the rocky book. On the laminaee of the New Red Sandstone rocks in various localities (and especially in the valley of the Connecticut River), are found the distinct footprints of birds of various species. These appear to have been impressed upon the sandy and clayey margin of an ocean at low tide, and to have been covered up by successive thin layers of sand and clay drifted in by the swelling tide. On the same rocks occur marks whose angles and other characteristics clearly prove them to have been made by frost. They are in form exactly identical with those which are now produced by frost in the mud upon the oorders of a stream. These appear to have been covered over and preserved, in like manner with the tracks, by the detritus swept in by the returning tide. But it is noteworthy that, although these tracks and frost maiks occur in abundanc 142 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. above and below each ether in the same system of rocks. the two are never found upon the same lamina-as though the birds, during the frosty season, were entirely absent, having migrated to a warmer climate, to return again with the return of summer. On the same strata are also sometimes found impressions which could only have been made by the pattering of raindrops during the passage of a small shower-cloud; and the forms of these sometimes even infallibly indicate the course in which the wind was blowing at the time! Here, then, is the earliest distinct indication of the prevalence of atmospheric conditions somewhat similar to those which now obtain upon the earth's surface. We find, here, unmistakable evidences of summer and winter, warm and cold latitudes, rain, winds, clouds, and sunshine-conditions which clearly could not have existed to any great extent, during any previous period. Concerning the relics of the olden time, from which these atmospheric and terrestrial, conditions are inferred, professor Hitchcock (to. whom the scientific world is much indebted for bringing them to light) remarks: It is a most interesting thought, that while millions of men, who have striven hard to transmit some trace of their existence to future generations, have sunk into utter oblivion, the simple footsteps of animals that existed thousands, nay, tens of thousands, of years ago, should remain as fresh and distinct as if yesterday impressed, even though nearly every other vestige of their existence has vanished. Nay, still more strange is it, that even the pattering of a shower at that distant period, should have left marks equally distinct, and registered with infallible certainty the direction of the wind." * itchcock's Geology, p. 155 FIRST MAMMALIA. 143 The terrestrial animals of this period were almost exclu sively oviparous, partaking largely of the sauroidal, or lizard like type, which latter remark is even applicable to the birds. Toward the close of the period, however, an animal appeared which may be regarded as a transition link between the oviparous and viviparous. It was an animal of the class Marsupialia; in other words, an animal with a pouch, like that of the opossum, or kangaroo, in which it sheltered and nourished its young for a season after their birth, the same being yet too feeble and imperfectly developed to endure exposure to the outer elements. It has hence been remarked that, "though the young of this animal were born alive, they were only half born, as it were," and needed a kind of sup. plementary gestation to fit them for life in the external world. Like the fifth development or member of every other sevenfold series, therefore, this is characterized by the assumption of distinctness, or partition, in forms and gradations of forms, fiom a state of previous and comparative indistinctness. The principle of segregation is here distinctly observed, the same as it was in the fifth stage of the universal creation. Each one of these forms, being yet transitional and incomplete, is, as it were, a nucleated point in the previously chaotic materials and their involved principles; and therefore the whole development, being the second of the Secondary Trinity, has a certain correspondence to the second of the Primary Trinity, which was characterized by a nucleation of the materials of the earth as a whole. 6. The SIXTH stage of the earth's formation was comprised in the whole period commonly termed the Tertiary and Diluvial periods. It commenced immediately after that remarkable marine, terrestrial, and atmospheric change which mus 144 ORIGIN OF THE EARTH. necessarily have accompanied the great Chalk fformation, a