tU N I V-, IS S A L I) I C T I 0 N A R1 Y OU F WEIIGHT1S AND MEASURES At N 1)1 A NT C i E N rT A N A 1 () D E N REDUCED'r Tf'tE STAN1) TA -D) 0 FU TI Hf E Unitc~ kItatcs of 2tVlmtri. 1, Y' J. HT. L E X A N L) -E -,. 1 A T F1 M 0 oi E PUBLI-IEH-) BY XWTM. MIN-11111. 18q57. ENTERED, according to the Act. of Congress, in tile year 1S50, BY W,~ar. MlNIxEr, & Co. In the.ll Clerk's Office of thl District Coutrt of Mal'ayland OK B. liT, I BIN El TO ALEXANDER DALLAS BACHE, SUPERINTENDANT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES OF THIE UNITED STATES. ETO. ETC. ETC. T' 0 K E N OF FRIENDSHIP AND RESPECT. -Ego quidem, postquam a tenell' jam State iis maxime rebus operam dare cepi quwe in publicum forent aliquando utiles, crescente dein avo, quicquid olim profuturum videri poterat, sedulo annotavi. — Alea igitur a me jacta est in edendis qun tum ex propriis, tum et ex aliorum observationibus collegeram. EISENSCHMID: de Pond. et Mens. PREFACE. THE chief materials of the following Work have been gradually accumulated during researches which from time to time, for several years, I have occupied myself in making upon Weights and Measures. These researches have been principally in an historical aspect; and the materials themselves were collected to serve for my own use as a guide in detecting and, in the absence of other proof, of proving the migrations and commerce of different nations and at different periods. But when they had grown to nearly their present bulk, it occurred to me that their publication in a shape somewhat like the present, might be useful; not only to those whose tastes and studies were like my own and whose investigations might thus come to be helped by my labor, but also to others who might find them of convenient reference and application in ordinary concerns of business or education. To all these classes of persons and objects, I believe the present collection will be found to offer information more extensive, and more convenient than any existing work; while for the two latter, particularly-the young, who are to learn, and those engaged in Commerce, who are to apply-it supplies a defect which has been suffered for a long time, the absence of any book, giving to any considerable extent, much less universally, the reduction of foreign Weights and Measures to our own American Standards. It is true the elder English Cambists, before 1825, answered the purpose; because up to that time the standards of Great Britain and of the United States were substantially the same. But these older works are now out of print and no longer generally accessible; and besides, since that time, there has been more than one important addition to accuracy on this subject, so that they would need considerable corrections. Since 1825, the English capacity-standards differ systematically from our own; and the values of the gallon and bushel, for instance, given in newer Works for that country, no longer serve for this. Vi PREFACE. I believe it will be admitted, too, that the aim under which the materials for this book were collected, does not fit it the less (but rather the more) for practical utility, than if it had been set about originally for that special end. The historian who is seeking to trace the footsteps of Civilization through the dusky forest of antiquity and the tumultuous and disturbed fields of more modern times, has as much motive for fastidious accuracy as if he was calculating the premium of an actual bill of exchange; the systems, upon which Weights and Measures have been combined, and out of which their various values grow by multiplication and subdivision of the unit, are for him of interest not only as a means of deriving those values, but in their arithmetical proportions as indications of the influence of Race and the effect of national habitude; and in the terminology and the very orthography of names, too generally neglected or slurred over by the mere cambist, he looks for, and finds sometimes, a thread to guide him through the maze. In attention to these particulars, the present Work will be found, I hope, unless by accident, unexceptionable. The student, who may be tempted by his own inclination to use it farther than as a means of reference only, may find, here and there, discrepancies between the systematic and actual value of terms. These, in some cases, have arisen and are allowed to stand; on the principle of presenting for every term its best ascertained actual value in all cases where the units of the system have not been connected with some physical constants, as, for instance, the gravitation of water or the vibrations of a pendulum. Thus, comparisons have been made sometimes of two or more members of the same system (e. g. of a half-gallon and a pint;) and the result would be a different value for the unit, (e. g. the gallon) according as one or the other determination was adopted. In such cases, the denominations actually compared, are given with their own resulting values; while that of the unit and the other members derived from it, has been generally deduced to correspond with the larger measure as being liable to the least absolute error. Where results have been given, between whose claims to confidence I could not decide, I have taken the mean; and where the difference was not great, altered the dependent measures accordingly. So that values may be found here, differing from those given generally; but, I believe nearer the truth. I would gladly, were there room, enter somewhat into the discussion of these principles and of the cases where they have been applied. PREFACE.. Vii In other regards, the details of form and arrangement, etc., I believe the order is sufficiently simple and perspicuous (as it ought to be) not to need further reference or explanation. Had the circumstances allowed, I would have added a supplementary alphabetical Part, to contain various items which, although not Weights or Measures themselves, are yet susceptible of being weighed or measured, and have actually to be so in the practical concerns of life; for instance, tables of the specific gravity, cohesive force, expansion, etc., of different substances; the reduction and comparison of thermometric and hygrometric scales; the result of dynamometric experiments upon the effect of different natural agents for producing motion; the comparison of figure, weight, and size in different branches of the human race, etc. etc. Should what is now offered, meet with favor from the Public, such particulars may be added hereafter to fill up the practical scope of the Work. I have not included Coins and Money in the present arrangement, which are themselves such valuable means for determining the Weights and Measures of antiquity especially; not because they have not formed an important part of my research, but because they have been already largely explored, the results are generally accessible, and the introduction of them here would have greatly enlarged the size and cost without proportionately increasing the value of the book. A reduction of modern Coins, especially, to the standard of the United States, in a similarly alphabetical arrangement, would no doubt be a useful manual of reference; so far as the theory of the Mints of many European States goes, this would be an inconsiderable task: but its principal value would be in shewing the actual deviations in practice from the theoretical aim —what the coins really are, not what they ought to be-rand in the authenticity of such a demonstration. It is manifest that a work of this sort, is more appropriate to such a public Institution as a National Mint, which both could command, better than most private individuals, a sufficient collection of the coins in question to afford a reliable average, and would win, better than a more obscure source, confidence. and reliance in the results. Finally, if I may be allowed in connection with this Work and its appropriate applications, to allude to certain dreams of my own (as they may be; although I consider them capable, without undue effort, of a more prompt and thorough realization than seems to be ordinarily anticipated) Viii P PREFACE. as to the prevalence, some day, of an universal conformity of Weights and Measures, I must acknowledge, that such a result was one of the ends I had in view in the original collection of materials. Not, that such a work was going to show more emphatically than business men feel and reflecting men know, the importance of such an universal conformity; or that a book, whose pages deal in discords, could of itself produce unison: but that the first step to any harmonious settlement, is to see clearly and at a glance where the differences lie, and what they are. If a Millennial period for this world is ever to come as many wise have deemed and pious prayed, it must be preceded by one common language and one common system of Weights and Measures as the basis of intercourse. And the way to that is to be built, not by the violent absorption of other and diverse systems into one, but rather by a compromise into which all may blend. When the Earth in her historical orbit shall have reached that point (as it stood ere mankind were scattered from the plain of Shinar) and not till then, may we begin to hope that her revolutions will be stilled, and that before long the Weights and Measures of fleeting Time, will be merged and lost in the infinite scales and illimitable quantities of Eternity. BALTlMORE, 29.Iugust, 1850. DICTIONARY OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. AAM. ACHTERLI. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Aam; for wine........... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 41,00041 gallons. cc for oil............,,..........,....... 37,72990 " C."..... Antwerp...............,, 37,56347 " Brunswic..........w.......,, 39,52018 ".................... Rotterda................ 40,55925 " Abas; for pearls.-....... Persia.......... weight....... 2,88 grains. Abftcco.. Pegu....................... 0,424107 pounds. Accino.. NCples.........,,......... 0,66 grains. Acetabulum............... Ancient Romans. liquid capacity 0,01782 gallons.,,......... dry capacity... 0,00191 bushels. Achkna...............A ncient Greeks........,......... 1,46973 CC Achtel... A.ugsburg....... liquid capacity 0,03877 gallons. F f..................... Fankfort....... dry capacity... 3,25626 bushels. c..................... Hanover........ length.0,1198 inches. c..................... Munich........ dry capacity... 0,13125 bushels... Prussia. solid........... 393,065 cub. feet.,.................... Vienna...... dry capacity.... 0,21814 gallons. cc.. i.t,.,.,.,,...... Writrtemberg..................... 0,07861 cc C'..................................... solid........... 14,948 cub. feet. ".....................W. Wrzburg...... liquid capacity 2,47345 gallons. " for wheat...................... dry capacity.... 2,45443 bushels. CC for oats...................,,.............. 3,79181 c" Achtendeel......... Dordrecht...................... 0,86198 cc................. Rotterdam................. 0,95095 "................ Worcum............,, 1,17315 " Achterli......... erne...................... 0,04970 cc Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel -= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Galon 21 cubicinches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound= 7000grains. Yard =36 inches. B 1 ACKER ALQUEIRE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTE R. VALUE. Acker; meadow.......... Bamberg.... superficial 1,5024 acres. t illage.,.~~~~~...,......1,1661. "wtoood-lanezd.........,, -.....,,. 1,2857 C.................................. 0,6522 "~tilla~ge Gotha..........,610,C wuood-lelnd...........-'"........,...... "" 0,8373 He sse Casse..........., l.......... 0,5897,C.C..................... Le i s i................ 1,3624 ".................... eimar...........,,, 0,7042 " Acre....................... Great Britain.... 1.- " old measure........... Scotland.....,,....... 1,2707 ",,.............. United States.......... 1.- Actus.....................-Ancient Romans. length.... 38,82655 yards. major....... superficial..... 0,3115 acres. " simplex......................,,.......... 0,0104 " Adkrm6.................... Castille......... weight........ 27,78 grains.................... Canary I...........,............. 27,70 " Adolie........ Bombay......... dry capacity... 0,20833 bushels. Ady........ Mclabar.... length.......... 0,29047 yards. Atting..................... Sweden........ liquid capacity 4, i4495 gallons. AgastEra........ Cerigo................ 0,30131 " Agito.................. Pegu........... weight. 0,848214 pounds. Aguirages................. Guinea............... 62,04 grains. Ahm..................... Aix-la- Chapelle.. liquid capacity 36,08777 gallons........................ Hamburg...............,,..... 38,14730 "......................Hanover............,,..... 41,43950 " "..................... Lesic.......... 40,07686 C..................... Libec.................,..... 39,57385 " Ak6na....................Ancient Greeks.. superficial. 0,0023 acres. Akey...................... Guinea.......... weight........ 20,03 grains. Akker.................... Amsterdam...... superficial..... 2,0318 acres. Ako.... Hungary........ liquid capacity 18,49510 gallons. Album..................... Copenhagen..... superficial..... 0,0568 acres. Alen.....................,, length......... 0,68647 yards. "...................Ice land............, 0,62417 " Almuid..................... Tirkey... liquid capacity 1,38086 gallons. Almuntde.................. Canary I....... dry capacity... 0,14807 bushels...................................... superficial. 0,0416 acres. "............. Lisbon.......... liquid capacity 4,36973 gallons. Aln....................... Stockholm...... length......... 0,64763 yards. Alqueire....... Lisbon......... liquid capacity 2,18475 gallons. "................... Oporto................. 3,31279 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 2 ALQUEIRE. ARN. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Alqure.................... Bi a..... y capacity... 0,86326 bushels. c.............Lisbon....... 0,38367 "c.................. VIaranhcmn..................... 1,28905 " cc.................. R....... 1,13 12.C ~~,~,.,~~~~~,,,,Rio Janeiro.............. 1,13512 E' Am.;.' Stockholm....... liquid capacity 41,46537 gallons. Ame. Copenhagen............. 39,55637 IC Ammah; sanctuary......... Ancient Aebrews. length........ 0,57359 yards. t altmudic.................,,................ 0,47799 " Am6la..................... Genoa...... liquid capacity 0,21746 gallons. Amphora.................. Ancient Romans...,, 6,84100 Amph6reus...... Ancient Greeks............... 10,26150 " Anf6ra...... Venice.......,........ 136,94988'" Angiila......An............ Ancient ljindoos. length......... 1,0499 inches. ".................... CaIcutLa............ 0,7500 " Ankl.re..... Stockholmn...... liquid capacity 10,36634 gallons. Anker..................... Amsterdam.............. 10,25010 " " old measure.. B..... Berlin......... 12,45491 "6 " new measure................9,07319. "ne measure............................,.,........ 9,07319 "................... Bremen........ "....... 9,57413 " "................... Bru'nsivi.. c................ 9,88004................B Copensgei........0.n........ 9,88154' ".................. Hanover....................... 9,89346 6;. ippe.9,81622................... L Rottepd...1...9......,,..... 15 Anna.................. Sindhweight........ 0,058333 pounds. for gold asnd silver... Calctta.........,,. 14,04 grains. ~' for pearls........... Bonmbay....... 0,19 cc Anthal.................. Hzngary..... liquid capacity 13,35235 gallons. Aranda....................superficial g. 0,9556 acres. Archn arisch........... Pesia.......... length......... 1,06334 yards. c schah...........ia........... 0,87377 " Archine......... Rsssia.........., 0,77803 Ardeb o................. dry capacity... 5,16484 bushels. 6C c,....................Gondar...,,0,11465 cc..................... Massouah.......... 0,33333 IC Are a................... France.......... superficial. 0,0247 acres. Arepnna.....cie............. cient Gauls....,......... 0,3115 c Ariinzm..... Span......... weight[. 27,78 grains. Amrn................ zic........ length..0,62750 yards. Acre-4840 square yards. Bushel=-2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot- 1728 cubic3 inches. Gallon=231 cubic inches. Mile — 1760 yards. Pound -1000 grains. Yard=36 inches.'........... — AROURA. AS. NAME. LOCALIT'rY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Aroutra................... -Ancient Greeks.. superficial..... 0,0587 acres. Arpent... AuLch......... 3,7850 " "..................... Bay onne.......,,........ 1,0345 " legal...... France.............. 1,2620 ( " ordinary.............................,,.......... 1,0457 " " of Paris...............,,..................... 0,8449 " ".................... Geneva......................... 1,2766 ".................... Strasburg............... 0,4967 " small......... Toulose............. 1,4054 " " large..........................,,....... 2,8108 " "................... Tours.............. 1,6289 cc ".................... Troyes...................., 1,0425 " Arritel.................. Portugal........ weight......... 1,011860 pounds. ArrOba.................... Alicant............ 27,434619 " for vermillion............................ 24,386328 ".................... Aagon...........,......... 27,434619 " IC.............. Barcelona.........., 21,820500 " ".................... Balearic I...,,.. 22,875 " "..................... Galicia............ 31,753031 "................. Portiugal, etc.......,,........... 32,515104."............ S....... Spain, etc............... 25,402425 ".................... Valencia............, 27,434619 " " for flour.......................... 24,386328 C for oil............................,............ 22,862183 " " for wine........... Alicant.. liquid capacity 3,03805 gallons. " for oil......................... 3,64037 I' "............ Aragon................. 3,57961 " c" for wine............ Barcelona............... 2,72368 "c C".................... Canary I................. 4,25 " ".................... Havana........... 4,1 " " Malaga...................... 4,18722 " " for wine............ Spain, generally............... 4,26304 " " for oil.............,.......,...... 3,31853 " c.................... Valencia..............,,...... 3,57961 " C".................... Valparaiso.............Vp....... a 9,90667 " Arrobeta; for oil........... ragon............,, 2,38553 " Artaba.......... Ancient Arabs... weight......... 145,5 pounds. An....................Anc't Egyptians. dry capacity... 1,10230 bushels. cc............ Ancient Persians...... 1,56159 G As........................ ncient Romans. weight......... 0,721897 pounds. As or Aas.................. Amsterdarm........... 0,74 grains. As or Ass................. Baden. 0,77 C" Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 31 cubicinches. Mile=1760yards. Pound= 7000 grains. Yard36inces. 4 AS. AZUMBRE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. As or Ass............ Cologne....... weight..... 0,90 grains. As or Es............ Copenhagen.............. 0,89 (" As or Ass............ Stockholm................ 0,74 ".................. Zurich.......................... 0,83 " Asnde; for swine.... Lyons........... liquid capacity 21,65099 gallons. "............ dry capacity... 5,83660 bushels. c" Malon................,.......... 7,26767 cc Asparoz; great............. Anc't Armenians itinerary....... 0,1918 miles. " small........................... 0,1342 " Atomo..................... lilan.......... length... 0,0134 inches. "................... Parma........................ 9,0124 " T" I................. ur:in........,........... 0,0117 " Aulos or Stadium........... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,1149 miles. Aune; old measure......... Avignon........ length......... 1,27644 yards. " old measure....Bugundy.........,........... 0,88397 " of Brabant........ Brussels.............,........... 0,76106 CC " old measure....... Cambray.................... 0,78353 cc " old measure....... France............, 1,29972 "' " usual, till 1837...............,,..... 1,31236'" " usual............... French WV. Indies............ 1,30264 " r" etail............... Geneva...,........ 1,25081 " " wholesale..............., 1,29972 " " before 1823.......... Lausanne........,.......... 1,17678 " " since 1823...,....,,. 1,31236 " " old measure........ Lorraine-.....,,........... 0,69939 c" " of Paris......................................... 1,29972 I" "......................... Lucerne.......... 0,68647 " old measure........................,, 1,22855 cc C usual................................,,... 1,31236 ",.................. lIechlis..................... 0,75350 " C" old measure......... 3rlaix.... 1,47333 IC " old measure. Picrdy......... Picady......,,........... 0,87492 " old measure....... Renes........... 1,51386 " ".................... Rochelle......................... 1,29972 " " old measure........ S. alo............, 1,47333 " " old measure........ Omer.........., 0,78894 " Ayniink5te... Perpigan...... superficial...... 1,4641 acres. Azfrimbre.................. Asturias. liquid capacity 0,59704 gallons................... Castille..............,, 0,50986 " ".................. alenci a...........,,.. 0,77827' Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. BACHEL. BARILE. NAME. LOCALITY. CG ARACTER. VALUE. Bachel................. Patras.......... dry capacity... 0,84945 bushels. Bacile.................... Cephaloia................ 1,39996 cc..................... Ithaca................ 0,99999,,..................... Zante.................. 1,27912 " cc..................... Ionian Isles...... superficial 0,2987 acres. Bacino.................... Corsica......... dry capacity 0,35413 bushels. Bahr............. A......_zmboyna....... weight.. 597,607 pounds..................... Bantam....................... 396.Q - cc " for pepper.............,,.. 406,777500 C "cc greant..B....i...Batvi.......................,610,166250'c ".....................Bet-el-faki........., 815,625, "C Dutch.............. Ceylon............520,6752 " ".English...................................... 500.- cc oa.......................................495.- ", " Jidda............ Ji..dd.............,, 183,007813,, c............................ 405. _ "...............................oc......, 450. ——. - Baille; for coal.......... Rochelle........ dry capacity 2,025 bushels. Balde; for coal......... Lisbon........... 12,70 C Bale; for coffee...... Bet-el-fi...... weight....... 5,5 pounds. " for cotton; mean...... Alabama.........,.......... 500. cc " "..... Georgia............. 375.- " 5 *c " C os...... Loisiana... 500.- C " "CC " t....~.,... C CC Mississippi................. 500-,,,,,'...... South Carolina......... 362,5, C BS1mbou,........ Bantam........ dry capacity... 0,09223 bushels. " aaa.................. Madagascar......, 0,05676,, " of Akbar......... Ancient Hindoos. length.. 13,99667 yards. "c.,..,,, Peont.............................. 4,20833 " Baral; for wine........... South of France.. liquid capacity. 6,67049 gallons. " for oil.........Montpellier................... 9,85120 C,,'........... Toulouse.................... 13,57875 " Barcella,.................. Alicant....... dry capacity.... 0,58260 bushels. cc..................Balearic I..............,~......... 0,34110 " Barchilla.......Benica rlo.............,,....... 0,47297 " ".................. alencia............... 0,48526 Barile..................... Ancona.... liquid capacity. 11,34909 gallons. " for oil............. Cerigo............... 14,40298 " C..................... Corsica........................ 36,98492 "C " for wine.............. Florence................ 12,04229 " CC for oil.........,,...... 9,63384 " " for wine..............Genoa.......... 19,60861 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel - 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot —- 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound. 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 6 BARILE. BARUAY. NT AME LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Barfle;for oil Genoa....... I liquid capacity. 17,08351 gallons;............Ionian Isles......... 17,99845' for wine......Legchorn........ 12,04123 for br-andy, rum, ~-c.11. Mcilta ~ ~~........... I... *.~~~~~Modenac........., 11,00566.fo rny, rNm, c.........j.................. 11,57321.................... l....... 11. 9,43644 cc Cc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c CC. C,' o widena......... Pisa.............,........ 12,042.29... f........gsa.........2.....,:......... 2,361 " CC forwiner...Ro...me.... 5,461250 c fo i.15,18510 c.cS'ardinia....8,87638 cc............. onte................,,.......... 17,62596'C cc for salt...Cepha.loniaw.. w Peight......... 67,2414478 pounds,. fr foish.Le.... gho....ghorn..... 74,850821' Barley-Corn; imaginary g... E. gland.. lenth......... 0,33 i"chas. Barral; for lamp oil. Cincinnati.. liquid capacity. 43.- gallons. " for wine and brandy.. Great Britain.... 31,5 CC CC fori. beer, before803......... 32,0 cc, cc for ale, etc.............. ).,,0........ 3,10,, B B.ardcelona wine...... London....................... 30,0 " Claret................................................ 29,0, "6 frslt. Cpaoiab. ~~....~Ol~~t,&'eight ~~~.........,, 67,2448pons L o isbo.............L..isgon......3........... 45,0 cc madeira...... 27,5 CC Port * 34,5 c Sherery.......,......... 32,5 cc CC Brandy, etc......... United States..........,......... 31,5 cc ~for corn i....arylandn.dry Capacity.. 5.- bushels, CC Crfish.............................., weight.........220- pounds., CC forflour... 196.-'C for lime...320.- C" CCfor salted provisions..................liquid capacity. 31,9 gallons. Barril;afor honey............vana........,.......... 7-, C,. r........................ Lso..78,65514 " " for raisins...... Malaga.........weight.........50,6 pounds. IC.............Mi.norca.......liquid capacity. 8,34375 gallons. CC...Tipoli................. 17,11873 Bartiay... Madras......... weight.. 499,971360 pounds..c.......... l.ysore........................ 485,485114' Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubie foot = 17.6 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = — 36 inches. 7 B ATH. BICHET. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VA LUE. Bath........A............... ncient Hebrews liquid capacity 10,26150 gallons. Batman...................leppo.......... weight......... 16,880930 pounds..................... Constantinople.................... 19,131937 "c.................... Shiraz.,,.......... 10,123687 ".................... Smyrna..................... 16,874930.................... Tauris......,,........ 5,016849 " Batzendingli........... Solothuern...... dry capacity... 0,02349 bushels. Bau.................... Oldenburg...... superficial...... 0,3572 acres. Becher..................... Basel........... dry capacity... 0,06059 bushels. ".....................Berne.......... liquid capacity 0,05521 gallons. "..................... Brnsvic........ dry capacity... 0,05417 bushels. "..................... Carlsrthe............... 0,00426 " "..................... Lucerne................,,....... 0,OG164 1 C.......n.............. Untervwalden...........,.......... 0,06164' "..................... FVienna.......,,....... 0,01363 " ". i................... Zurich.......... liquid capacity 0,18162 gallons. Becherlein................. Lausanne............. 0,03566 Beczka........... Polnd............ 36,07036 " since 1819...............,........,, 26,41780 " Bedor..................... alacca........ weight......... 2,711850 pounds. Beka...................... Ancient Hebrews................ 0,016043 " Bema; aploon.......... Ancient Greeks.. length......... 0,84286 yards. " diplone............................,........... 1,68572 C, Benda..................... Guinea....... weight... 0,141356 pounds. Benda-offa........................,,........... 0,0706783 " Bener; for milk............ Grzaubindten.... liquid capacity 0,70447 gallons. Berkowitz....... a.... weight......... 412,758814 pounds................ Rigae....................... 368,676121.'...... St. Petersbsurg................ 360,676400 Berri...................... Constantinople... itinerary...... 1,0358 miles. Bes or Bessis...An........... cient Romans weight......... 0,481265 pounds. ~...........,, liquid capacity 0,57008 gallons. "............... dry capacity.... 0,01021 bushels. "........... length.......... 7,7653 inches................ superficial. 0,4153 acres. Beson... Augsbur,........ liquid capacity 2,48693 gallons. Bhaur.................... Suraweight......... 900.- pounds. Bich6re................... Lyons... superficial.......... 0,3196 acres. Bichet....Be.....nl...r....y capacity.... 6,64045 bushels. ".................... loiseul....................... 1,53241 ".....................Friburg........,,......g... 0,45311 C,..................... Geneva..................... 1,10192 "' Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,44 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 8 BICHET. BOISSEAU. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Bichet............ Loraine..... dry capacity... 2,21348 bushels. "c...L...............Lyns,, 1......................... 1,13427,, Strs.............,,........ 0,42567 ". d T.O.nS............. 56209...... Bicongius................ Ancient Rozmans. liquid capacity. 1,71025 gallons. igah... Clctta...... superficial...... 0,3306 acres..................... Malwah...... 0,4500 cc cc M la.............0,5...... "..................................... 0,51 9............, 67........................ 0,6074 Bigncia.................. la... liquid capacity........... 34,23747 gallons. Ba................. [ supVenice................ 34,23747 c Binh.. An-nam........ weight......... 6S,876 pounds. Bilca................... Bologna.... superficial.......... 0,6997 acres.....Ferara........ c............... 1,6122 c.................. I..ode naa.....o......,,......... 0,7009 cc ~,. Parma....0........ "......... 0,531 cc Bisccia...i..... Scily....... dry ca.pacity........... 1,94418 bushels. Bismorpund........... Copenhagen..... weight.... 13,210620 pounds.,,..................,, 132 cc Bocc~ale................... Ancona..... liquid capacity. 0,47288 gallons. "..................... Bologna....................... 0,34603 C.................... Cosic....... 0,34237 " Ct....................F er.rara..................... 0,36589 " " for wine..............,....... 0,30090 " c for oil..........,.,........,,.... 0,27607 c"................... Ionian Isles...........,....... 0,25018 c.................... Leghorn.......... 0,30090 " for- oil..................... 0,27607 (C................... ilanl.......................,, 0,20791 c CC.................... Modena........................... 0,37514 ".................... Patras..............,,......... 0,56413 1' "C for wine................ome... i................ 0,48164 BC for oil..............., w e h,,......... 0,54233 pC c.... rins...........................0,20670 ".. Venice..............................,,....... 0,26735 "C Bocoy....a......na.................. 36 " Boisseau; old.n.eassre.. Abs. Amboise.......dry capacity... 0,31244 bushels. "c c...... AFon..................,,... 2,65789 C......I Bordeaux........ 2,21491 "...... Br.est........... 2,03034 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound.7000 grains. Yard = 36 inces. c 9 BOISSEAU. BOTTA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Boisseau, old measure....... Chalais.......... dry capacity... 0,92288 bushels. " from 1812 to 1840.. France......................... 0,35473. " old measure........ILyons....................,,....... 1,13427,~........ ontreil..............,,....... 0,24610 " c, "........ Nantes...........,,........ 0,25824 " cc present measure..............,......... 0,35473 cc " old measure........ Paris.................,......... 0,36915 - C" till 1840......,,.................. 0,35473 IC " for wheat, old meas. Rochelle............. 0,95918 c, " for salt......................... 1,41890 c" " old measure....... RoEzen................,,......... 0,64602 " " for oats........ Troyes.................... 0,68107 " "................... Alais............ superficial. 0,0308 acres. ",................... Cahors............. 0,0788 cc IC................... Montpellier.............. 0,0219 " Boissle6................... Poities............0,1877 cc....................., 1..................,,......... 0,2443 cc Boll; for wheat......... c. Scotlbnd........ dry capacity.... 4,08727 bushels. " for barley...............................,,.......... 5,962583 c Bonnier....A.... lntwerp........ superficial..... 3,2507 acres.. u.................... Brussels, TV..........,.... 2,0042,' cc. E. 2,2571 cc cc....................,,.......................,5025 7 1.,................. Co0srtray...........,, 3,5025 " cc.................... Liege................. 2,1536'. " woodland.......,,.............. 2,3365 c,.................... Mechltin.............,,......... 3,0542 " cc.................... Venloo.............,, 2,3585 C" Borrel...................... Travancore...... length......... 1,2110 inches. Bosse..................... Neufchatel....... liquid capacity. 241,47474 gallons. Bota; for wine............. Spain................,.......... 127,89121 " " for oil........,,....................... 127,79082 cc "..................... Portugal.....,.,,, 113,63088 " XC... r.... es.120. — " Botschka. Russia......................... 129,95973 " Botta...................... Messina........................ 108.- " "...................... Milan......................... 171,18735'c c...................... Minorca................... 133,5...................... Naples...........,, 128,87852 "...................... Rome......................,, 246,6 "...................... Sardinia.................... 132,08900 " "...................... Venice......................... 171,18735 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 10 BOTTLE. BRACCIO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Bottle; for wine; mean...... United States.... liquid capacity 0,1875 gallons. " for malt liquor; mean......0...............,........, 0,2 " BozYa...................... Cerigo............ 0,60021 c' Bozza........................... 0,71328 ",,.....................IPadua........P................. 0,26162 " "...................... Venice..i............... 0,71328'" "........V Vicenza............,, 0,25065' Braqa.......Bai............... l............... 2,37756 yards.. ",,,,,,,ELisbon.......... length......... 2,390.57 " " marine.............. Portugal......... 1,80449 " Bracclo A....n Ancona.......... -.,0, ( l e,70370........ "................ Busel..........................,, 0,59505 "..B e erg gamo.......... [........ 0,71759 "c.................... Bologna.............. 0,70561' for saoollens Brscia......... B c. 0,73711 " for silk....................... 0,69992 " ".................... Cremona................ 0,65061 " " for silk Ferl cl1a.......... 0,69378 " " for woollezs..........,,........ 0,73667 " cc.................... Florence........ 0,63762... Geoa....................................0,63564 C" for silkol......... onian Isles........... 0,70483 " " for woollens............... 0,75517.C......... Leghorn..0.... 5............ 0,63825 " IC.................... Lodi..........0............... 0,49883 IC "................... cca................... 0,65082 "C " old measure......... Milan.......................... 0,64142 CC new meas. since 1803..,,.................1,09363 "................... Modena.....,,......... 0,63170......., Naples.................. 0,76411 " for silk.Prma.......P..........I,...... 0,64306 " " for woollens............,,0,69992 S " di legno; sserveying --, —--- - - -....-........... 0,59289 " di panno; woollens Pisa........................... 0,63825 " "................ Placenti.........,....... 0,73819 " ".................... Reggio................ 0,57941'~ " merchants'... Rome.. 0,92742 CC weave}rs'................. 0,69556 " fo linens......... iennla..................... 0,65647 " " for woollens..................... 0,41297 " " for sil...............6936iso.... 0,69336' C" for woollens...................,.. 0,73931 " Acre-4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-1728 cubic inches. Gallon 231 cubic inhes. Mile = 1760 yards. Poud = 7000 grains.'ard 36 inches. 11 BRACCIO. B USII EL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Braccio; for silk............. Venice....... length......... 0,69850 yards. " for woollens...............,........... 0,74739 " Braccio quadrato........... Florene......... superficial...... 0,0008 acres. <.Parma......... -.....,,.......... 0,00007 -" Brande...N.............. eufchatel....... liquid capacity 10,06145 gallons. Braza..................... licant....... length...... 1,97947 yards. Braza or Brazda........... Canary I...............,... 1,99461 "........... Spain................. 1,82636 C" marine.,,........ 1,82636 " " reale................. Valencia.................... 2,23183 " Braza cuadrada........... Canary I....... superficial..... 0,00058 acres.................. Sp................. 0,00076 " ".......... Valencia............,, 0,0010 " Brazztto............. Tessino.......... length......... 0,43417 yards. Brent; for plaster........... Berne.... dry capacity... 1,52078 bushels. Brenta.................... Bergamo......... liquid capacity 18,93383 gallons. ".................... Creoona............. 38,83417 "..................... Iilan................,,...... 19,95917 "."...Parma..............,......19,02082 " ".................... Placentia......,,. 20,07753 ".". Tessino.......................... 11,70837 " C"..Turin........,,...... 14,88220 " "..................... Verona................... 18,62455 cc Brente........... Aarau.,, 17,66030 " "............... Berne................,, 11,03736 ". "..................... Friburg........... 10,31615 "..................... SolothurnZ............... 10,52868 " Broc........................ Lausanne........,, 3,56640 " Brochet.................... Neufchatel................... 4,02458 Bucket; for chalk.......... England........ dry capacity... 1,54660 bushels. Bullah; for grain........ Mysore...... weight........ 4,226400 pounds. Buncal; for gold...........alacca.............., 0,102457 " "........... Singapore..........., 0,118857 " ".C "...... Sumatnzra........... 0,105857 " Bunder............olland... superficial... 2,4711 acres. Bushel; imperial....... E... England........ dry capacity... 1,03152 bushels. " old m. Winchester.1.- "; " old m. for coal; nett ll........................... 1,03130 " " " heaped.......................... 1,30900 " " old measure..........Ieland........ 1,01190 " " for coal; heaped............,,......... 1,26603 " " standard....... United States.....,,..... 1. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 12 BUSHEL. B UT T. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Bushel; apples, dried........ Philadelphia..... weight......... 22.- pounds. " barley London........... 47."."........ Philadelphi..a....... 48. — " "............. Ohio.............,,.......... 48.- C " beans.. London............... 63.- "...........Philadelphia................ 60. —.: " blue-grass seed.................,,........ 14.- c" - " bran............................,...2 0,, 2.-........... 0. " buclkwheat................,,... ),52.- " "castor-beans................,, 56.- C" " clover seed........ London............,,......... 68.- "s I C,",......... Ohio...........,,.......... 64. — " " flax seed.......... Philadelphia................. 56.- C" Cc "............ Ohio........,, 56.- " " maize or Indian corn. Philadelphia............. 56.- " ~'" " C Ohio...... 56.- " " oats................ London... 38.- "................ Philadelphia............. 24.- " " "................ Ohio............................ 32. — " onions.... Philadelphia.................... 57.- Cc " peaches, dried................................ 33.-'C " peas............ London............... 64.-. I" " potatoes............. Philadelphia....6................60.- C" " rape-seed............ London.............,......... 48.- " " rye..............,,,,........... 53.-'C C "..........P... Philadelphia...........,......... 56. — " (c CC............... Ohio............ 56.- C " ground salt............ London.......,, 56.- " rock salt............,,....,, 65.- " " wheat...............,,....,, 60.- " "............ Maryland......,. 60.- " CC CC............ Philadelphia.. 60.- " CC CC Ohio..... 60.- C Busuck; gold and prec. stones Borneo..........,, 4,80 grains. BiUtte; for coal; nett........ Frankfort..... dry capacity... 3,43941 bushels. for lime;".CC..........4,02826 cc "C coal and lime......... IHesse Cassel......,.......... 4,33162 " " for lime............ Hesse Darmstadt.,, 4,43406 " Butt of beer or porter....... London......... liquid capacity 131,84416 gallons. I" mountain............,,.......... 120.- " shelrry......,,,.,,,.. 130.-...... Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 13 CAB. CANDIL. N A I E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Cab or Kab................. Ancient Hebrews dry capacity... 0,06124 bushels. Caban of rice............... lfanilla......... weight...... 133.- pounds. " of cocoa...............,, 83,50 " of rice............... Ternate......... 100,333333 c" Cable-length; marine....I... nglandand U. S. length........ 240.- yards. Cadarp.................... Tortosa........ liquid capacity 0,54421 gallons. Cade......... Morocco........ length..... 0,56497 yards. Cado...................... Santa Maura.... dry capacity... 1,73082 bushels. Caffiso; for oil............ lalta........ liquid capacity 5,49966 gallons. c IC............. IMessina........................ 3,09062 cc -.................. *Palermo...............,......... 3,09062 " " for oil............. Trieste............... 3,15439 ".................. Algiers... dry capacity.. 9,00718 bushels. IC.................. Tunis..............,,....... 15.- " Cahl...................... Alicant............ 6,99149 " ".................Aragon............. 5,12195 cc................... Castille..............,, 18,66137 ",,.................... Valencia.............., 5,76130 " CahizaSda.....................,,.......... superficial..... 1,0261 acres. Calow..................... Cracow......... length......... 1,1694 inches. " old measure........... Poland............,......... 0,9771 " " since 1819......................... 0,9449 " Calva... Belluno......... dry capacity... 0,33983 bushels. Campo..................... Padua.......... superficial... 0,9541 acres.........Rovi go................,,.......... 1,0996 " CC................................. 1,2855 I "................... Venice......................... 0,6881 " " Verona.............,.......... 0,7528 "C Can........................ An-nam.... weight......... 1,377520 pounds. Cafia...................... Aragon.... length....... 2,26568 yards........................ Barcelona...........,, 1,69732 " " for cloth................... 0,84866'" "......................Majorca....................... 1,71044 ".....................V Minorca...........,, 1,75419 "...................... Tortosa.............,, 1,74074'c Canada............... Bahia.. liquid capacity 1,87272 gallons............ Lisbon................... 0,36414 " "................... Rio Janeiro..........,,.........,, 0,36414 " Cai-ado.................... Galicia............ 10,42182 " Canan.................... Siam................,.......... 0,62574 " Candaica................. Mysore.... dry capacity... 11,13333 bushels. Candil... Sumatra........ weight........ 423,43 pounds. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic ilches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard=36 inches. 14 CANDY. CANTARA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Candy................ A....hmednuggur... weight........ 1577,14 pounds. cc legal.... Bangalore........... 483,02 " " ordina ry......,.................,,......, 500. — " "..................... Bombay............., 559,968 cc " for grain............... dry capacity... 25.- bushels. " old measure..........Ceylon.......... weight......... 520,67 pounds. " since English rule....................,......... 500.- CC "..................... Madras......,,.............. 499,97136',,....................................liquid capacity 74,46464 gallons. cc..................... alabar........ weight......... 695,54 pounds. cc.. Mysore..... 485,485714 "...................... 485,485714 " "..................... Pondichery..................... 588,0386 c" cS..................... Seringapatam.............. 485,49 " "...........................,...........dry capacity.... 11,15199 bushels. "c..................... Surat............ weight........ 340,16 pounds. "' for pepper......... Travancore....................... 500,54 " Canette; average............ Belgium...... liquid capacity 0,26169 gallons. Canna; woodland........... Carrara......... length... 0,68308 yards. C...................... Florence................ 2,55048 " " archit. and surveyors'............ 3,19122'".... Genoa...........,......... 2,45177 " " surveyors'..............,,...............,,.3,26902,C "..................... Leghorn.............,, 2,55297 " for cloth............ Lucc.. 2,64658 " " for silk........................... 2,59408 c" "..................... Malta.........,,.......... 2,48123 " cc...................... Messina.. 2,31114 " "...................... Nlaples................. 2,30686 " ".....................Palermo................. 2,06951 " c..................... Pisa....................... 3,19011 " " commercial........... Rome........ 2,17853 " " archit. and artificers'....................... 2,44344 "..................... Sardinia.............. 2,87078 " Canne................... Aix,...... 2,17480 ".....................Arles........,.......... 2,23890 " "..................... Carcassonne........... 1,95180 "..................... Dauphiny...,, 2,21286." "..................... Marseilles. 2,20117 CC "..................... Montpellier................. 2,17350 " " of France............ Piedmont................. 2,18727 " "..................... bulouse........................ 1,96417 " Cantara; minimum......... Spain; Tortosa.. liquid capacity 1,99190 gallons. Acre-=4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile=1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard- 36 inches. 15 CANTARA. CANTARO. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Cantira; maximum........ Spain; Oviedo.. liquid capacity. 4,87144 gallons.' mean of 21........................... 3,37528 cc Cantarllo................ SaSrdinia....... weight......... 93,21 pounds. Cantgro.................... Aleppo....................... 506,428 cc " zurlo................,, 154,47054 CC " before 1836........ Alexandria..........,,..... 119,05 " since 1836...........................,......... 95,56 " for cottzon.................................... 95.- - " msinimum..... Algiers........... 120,4 cc maximtum.............. 199,87 c ll.Xim..............,,..................,, 199,873..............Cairo.......................... 95.................,0312 " " for...............adia........................ 116,57 cc.................... Ba i.........,,........... 9140,30084,".................... Damascus.......................... 95,0312 ".................... Floencedi............... 112,357, " legal since 1836...........,,....,,. 74,86 " for wool... 119,78 " grosso...... Genoa........ 115,31 " sottile............,, 104,83 c "................... Greece........................ 148,34 C" "................... Ionian Isles........,........... 118,8s " "....................Leghorn....,.....,,........... 112,3 cc "................................................... 119,78 " " grosso............. Malta..........,,....... 191,97 cc' sottile...............,, 174,5047 " " barbaresco.......... Minorca..................... 88,20 cc C................... Morea.........,,..... 123,71 cc c".................... Morocco............,, 118,66 " " grosso..............Naples..........,........... 196,450454 C' " piccole...........................,.......... 106,080 cc'" grosso........... Palermo.........,, 192,556880 " " sottile.........,...,.................. 175,04 C,................... Patras.........,,. 116,31 " ".................... Rome...... 74,756 "................................ 119,6096 cc ".....................................,,..... 186,89 c....o.,..oo~o...... 186,89 " C"......................,................,,......... 747,56 " "c,............ Smyrna................. 127,48 " "................... Triipoli in Africa.............. 111,20954 " Acre==4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon. —. 31 cubic inches. Mile --— 1760 yards. Pound 7000 grains. Yard=- 36 inches. 16 CANTARO. CARRO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Cantafro.................... T ~'ipoli in Syria.. weight......... 480,69 pounds.. Tunis............... 109,1547 " Capicha..............Persia.......... dry capacity 0,07464 bushels. Carchter; apothecary........ Spain... weight........ 3,09 grains. Cariffa............... Naples.......... liquid capacity. 0,19289 gallons. " for oil........ Tripoli in Africa weight...... 3,42S571 pounds. Carara................ Leghorn.................. 119,78' cc Carat; precious stones..... F. France................... 3,18 grains. " diamonds, etc........ London........,,.......... 3,17 " " pearls..........,,....,,........... 3,2 cc precious stones........ Madras...................... 3,2 ".................... United States............... 3,2 " Carato...................... Bologna........................ 2,91..................... Florence...........,,........... 3,03 p" rpecious stones. Ragusa...................... 3,19,..................... Turin...............,............ 3,30 " " recious stones........ Venice.................. 3,20 " " peso sottile...........,,.....,,........ 2,70 c Carga.............. Alicant.............,,........... 282,57 pounds. " or Carica; for oats.... Milan......... dry capacity.... 4,66879 bushels. "..................... Aragon...... weight..... 333;18 pounds.,..................... Balearic Isles.........27....,75,18 " " for raisins. Ialaga.............,,........... 177,50 " "..................... Valencia.................... 338,44 " mean........ Aragon........ liquid capacity. 42,93686 gallons. for oine.............. weBarcelona...................... 31,84934 " C for oil................ ).................... 32,65244 c " for wine ajorca.......................... 28,67124''<........ l-inorcca...............,....... 33,31817 " " ",............ Valencia....................... 46,69082 " "............. Barcelona...... dry capacity... 5,11818 bushels. ".......................Ca.da........,,.. 4,32311 Carca...................enice.......... eight......... 266,35424 pounds. Cariolla; for salt........... Santa Masura....,,........... 104,13 " Carrata; for marble......... Carra-a............. 2240.- "...................... solid 12,768 cub.. feet..Carre or Carsec..... a.. Briare.......... dry capacity 0,40524 bushels. Carr6..................... French WV. Indies superficial...... 3,1909 acres. Carreau; for stone.......... Paris.......... solid.:......... 3,632 cub. feet. Carro..................... Naples.......... dry capacity 56,32579 bushels...................................... liquid capacity 2.57,75704 gallons.:.. Tuin......................... 148,82202 " Acre 4840 squlare yardls. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic illches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches.. D 17 CAR 10. CE CELEMIN. NAME. |LO CA LITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Carro.................. Apulia.......... superficial..... 9,9707 acres. Carte.................... Cahors.......... dry capacity... 0,85134 bushels..................... Nancy.................... 1,36101 ".,................... AIontpellier..................... 0,36915 "..l.................. Aais........... superficial..... 0,1232 acres. CartEl; old neas., minimum. Belgium......... dry capacity 0,59026 bushels. " " ( mqaxmnuem. a....,, xm.........,,...... 0,73357 ",,.......... IMez:ilres...................... 0,55337 " " C ~~..........Rocroi......................... 0,64702........ Sedan..................,........ 0,72080 Cartoccio................. Rome........... liquid capacity. 0,03010 gallons. Cartonlte.................. Perpignan...... superficial. 0,3660 acres. Cartfnn6e................ Cahors........................... 0,3154 cc Cass.ney.................. Madras....................... 1,3223 " Castellano; for gold........ South America... weight......... 71,07 grains. Catna.................... Naples.......... length......... 17,19283 yards. A.................... Apulia............... 20,05833 " cc................... Rome........................... 14,04983 " Catty; commercial......... China........... weight......... 1,333333 pounds. " for gold and silver.............. 1,325350 "................... Japan........................... 1,308468 " ".................... Java........................... 1,355925 " " for gold and silver.. Malacca..........,,........... 2,049143 " " commercial..........,,...,,.......... 1,35 " ".................... Siam..........., 1,352536 " ".................... Sumatra..........,,..... 2,118429 ".................... Ternate................ 1,301688 8 Cavezzo........ Bergamo..... length.2,87280 yards. ".................... Cremona............,........... 3,15142 " ".........................Florence.............. 3,82572 " ".................... I Mantua.............. 4,22460 ".................... Milan........,........ 2,85558 " "....., Modena..............,,.......... 3,43214 " "................... Padu..........e................ 2,34520 " 6C"....... Rgi....................... 3,48366............................... 2,5220 "................... Ve.................. 2,25010 " "....................Verona....2,25010 " Cawney; legal.............. Carnatic........ superfiial. 1,0047 acres. " usual.................,,........... 1,1791 " ".................. ffadras.................. 1,3223..M7kladras s,...... | 1,3223 " Cellmin..... Alicant... dry capacity 0,14657 bushels. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 18 CE L EM IN. CEQUII. NA M E. LOCALITY. CHARACT E. V ALUE Celemin................... Ara-gon....... dry capacity... 0,05335 bushels. "................... Astias.................... 0,17768 cc "................... Castille........................ 0,13326 cc "................... Canary I..................... 0,14805 cc "................... lalag a........................ 0,12932,,."..................... Seville................ 0,12833 C; ".................. Valencia..............,,......... 0,12004' ".................... Canary I.... superficial... 0,0417 acres..'............in................................. 01323,, Cent; old measure; mean.... elgium.......,....,,,....,.. 0,2036, " for lumber........... France.......... solid........... 363,168 cub. feet. Centass....................Baden......... weight......... 0,011024 poundts. Centanaar............ Amsterdam.........,, 108,94,, Centidre.....a.......... France......... superficial..... 0,0002 acres. Centigramm e............. weight.... 0,15 grains. Centinijo. Florence...................... 74,86 pounds. " since 1803......... Milan.............. 220,4737 "; Centilitre.................. France.......... liquid capacity 0,00264 gallons. "..,,.............. dry capacity... 0,00028 bushels. Cent-imrtre...,, length....... 0,3937 inches. Centist6re; not used................. solid........... 0,353 cub. feet. Centlet.................... Ragusa...... liquid capacity 0,24251 gallons. Centner; old measure...... Bohemia......... weight......... 136,11 pounds. "................... Bremen.................,... 127,490960 " " old measure........ Breslau............ 119,072791 " actsual meassure.....,,................. 113,44 "................... Brusswic..................... 117,488400 ".................... Darmstadt............,,....... 110,23685 "................ Copenhagen...................... 110,11 CC "................... Cracow......................... 142,831680 CC "................... Liibec............... 119,699328'c................... Nlaorway...................... 110,11 CC "CC.... Nirnblserg........................ 112,4321 CC CC"........Prague.......16................ 136,08 "...................ssia..........P..,,... 113,44 "................... Vienna.............,,....... 123,467710 "................... W arsaw...................... 133,302857 CC CC".................... Zoll- Verein..........,,Z.. 110,23685 C Centumpondium........4ncient Rome......,,.......... 72,189714' Centftria..............,, superficial...... 124,5869 acres. Centfissis........ weight......... 72,189714 pounds. Cequi..................... Smyrna.................. 1,750780 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot — 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 19 CHAIN. CHIIK. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Chain; for surveying...... Egland........ length........ 22.- yards. "cc "...,. Scotland....................... 24,8 "., 6 C........ United States.........,, 22.- " -" " square......a,........ - superficial..... 0,1000 acres. Chaine "........Belgium......... length.......... 21,87266 yards. " " C.,....France..........,,...... 21,87266 " Chalnde; old measure..................... superficial 0,0163 acres. Chalcos.................. sncient Greeks.. weight........ 1,40 grains. Chalder.................... Scotland........ dry capacity 65,39627 bushels. Chaldron; for coal......... London......... weight......... 3063,742 pounds. " C.............,,........... I dry capacity... 36.- bushels. c C.......... Newtcastle....... weight......... 5936.- pounds. Chalter.. Stettin.......... dry capacity.. 84,22364 bushels. Cham........... Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,00238 gallons. Char.................... Geneva......... 133,36623 " Charge.................... Antwerp........ weight........ 414,666'pounds. ".................... Embrun......... superficial..... 1,0381 acres. ".................... France........ weight......... 323,7657 pounds. ".................... Marseilles...... dry capacity... 4,53050 bushels. " for charcoal... Paris............ 5,80631 " " for oil.............. ontpellier..... liquid capacity 39,40743 gallons. Chattic.................... Calcutta........ weight........ 0,116658 pounds. "................................... dry capacity... 0,00037 bushels. ".......,.......... superficial 0,0010 acres. " for milk............. Seringapatam.... liquid capacity 0,02024 gallons. " for grain....,,....... dry capacity. 0,00218 bushels. Chau...................... China................ 0,00002 " Chawl; for gold and silver.. wMalaal.. weight.... 0,2.5 grains. Chebbo..... Veice.. length......... 1,71131 yards. Chelki..................... Bassora......... weight......... 1,028571 pounds. " Constantinople................. 0,701504 " for opiuLms...................1.............,767857 "................ Smyrna......................... 0,708214 " " for opium......................... 1,770526 " Cheik..................... China........... dry capacity... 0,00022 bushels. Cheing.................... Canto......... length...... 4,10069 yards. "..................... Pekin.......................... 3,64583 " ChevIlle..lavre........... solid........... 0,009 cub. feet. Chik; commercial; mean.... Canton... length......... 14,7625 inches. " architects'........................... 12,7093 " " surveyors'................... 12,05S8 " " mathematical......... Pekin...,........ 13,125 " Acre -4840 square yards. Bushel — 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 20 CHILO. CONZO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Chilo.................... Cerigo.......... dry capacity... 0,99999 bushels. Chittac.................... Ahinedz Lggur... weight......... 0,123214 pounds..................... Bengal..........,,.... 093S94 (' cC minimum,for metals.. Masulipatan......... 0,035156' cc maximum.................,,......,, 0,125 c Choinix................... Ancient Greeks.. dry capacity... 0,03062 bushels. Chomer................... Ancient Hebrews................... 11,02300 " Chopine................ rench W. Indies liquid capacity 0,13235 gallons. C.........C...........Camur.........C....... )......... 0,09369 C( ".... Paris...................,,......... 0,12302 " C................... Strasburg...............,, 0,12734.. Choppin................. Scotland....................... 0,22382 " Chois..................... Ancient Greeks......,......... 0,85513 " Chu....................... China........... weight.......... 0,003472 pounds. Chunn......... Masulipatan.................. 5,97 grains. Chundoo................. Ceylon... d-ry capacity... 0,00076 bushels. Clam.......................... weight......... 3,53 grains. Clima.. Ancient Romans. superficial..... 0,0779 acres. Clove; for wool............ England........ eight......... 7.- pounds. Cobre.. China....... length... 0,39067 yards. Coccio.................. Sicily... weight.... 0,85 grains. Cochliarion................. Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,00119 gallons. c"............................. dry capacity... 0,00013 bushels. Codo....................... Spain........... length....... 0,46368 yards. "of Ribeira........................,.,.......... 0,61824 " Coffila; for gold and silver.. Mocha........ weight......... 48,0 grains. Cogno...................... Florence......... liquid capacity 12,93355 gallons. Cohi....................... ia............ 13,38476 " Cola....................... Aleppo...... weight........ 177,2498 pounds. Colagah.... Seringapatamz.... dry capacity... 0,55663 bushels. Compas.................... Girornde......... length......... 1,71700 yards. Concade.............. Ach............ superficial..... 0,9460 acres. Concha.... Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,00594 gallons. "..........................,,......... dry capacity... 0,00064 bushels. Concia..................... Venice........... liquid capacity 17,11872 gallons. Condorine................. Japan........... weight......... 5,72.- grains. Condylos................... Ancient Greeks.. length......... 1,5172 inches. CongTus................... Ancient Romans. liquid capacity 0,85513 gallons. Conque; for wheat and salt... Bayonne........ dry capacity.... 1,22095 bushels. Conzo..................... Trent.......... liquid capacity 20,60588 gallons................... Treviso..................... 20,60588 ".................... Udino...............,,......... 20,94931 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 21 COOM. COUPkE. N A 1I E. LOCALIT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Coom..................... gland..... | dry capacity... 4.- bushels. Coondee; for gold and silver Su7atra........ weight.. 1,77 grains. Copa............ Spain........... liquicl capacity 0,03331 gallons. Copang................... Sumatra........ weight........ 2,32 grains....................Borneo.............,,........... 9,60 c Copello................... Bergamo........ dry capacity... 0,09790 bushels. Copt..............L....... Lausanne............... 0,00383 " cc...................... efchitel................. 0,14410 Ic Coppa..................... Ancona.............,........... 1,01479 " Coppo; for oil.............. Lucca.... liquid capacity 25,95652 gallons. c....................M Mlilan....,..........,,.......... 0,02642 ",,..................... dry capacity.... 0,00284 bushels.....................,....0,08162 " Cor.................Ancient Hebrews............... 11,02300 cc Corah; minimum...........Bengal.......... length. 1,13889 yards. " maxinum............................. 1,45556 " Corba............ Bologna........ liquid capacity 20,76175 gallons. cc.................................... dry capacity... 2,23166 bushels. Corbla. Sardinia...................... 0,34905 ",,......................,........... superficial..... 0,2451 acres. Cord; for wood............. England........ solid........... 128.- cub. feet " "............ United States......... 128.- " Corde "c............ Antwerp........,,......... 22,494 cc "cc............ Brussels............,.......... 16,827 cc ", IC............Liege................. 126,359. " "............ Louvain................,........ 54,953 " eaux etforets; old meas. Paris...........,........... 135,616 " " wharfs "..................,,............. 172,481 " "C SZurv'eyis g........ Brittany......... length.... 8,52614 yards........................ superficial...... 0,0150 acres. Cordl..................... Spain........... length... 13,60132 yards. Cortan................... Barcelona...... liquid capacity 1,9625 gallons. (.................................... dry capacity.... 0,17061 bushels. " for oil; nzeanl.........,........... liquid capacity 1,05671 gallons. Coss...................... Calcutta......... itinerary....... 1,2273 miles...................Ser pata m......e.......... 3,6458 "C Cottah............. Calcutta.... superficial..... 0,0158 acres. Cotyla..A.................. Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,07126 gallons. cc........................... dry capacity... 0,00765 bushels. Coupe.....................Geneva......................... 2,20365 c' C, Lyons.,, 0,24319 " IC................... Lyons.......................... 0,24319 c Coupe.................... Bresse........... superficial.. 0,1629 acres. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = -2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 22 COVADO. CUARTO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Covado.................... Goa.... length......... 0,74436 yards..................... Lisbon.........,,........ 0,71717 " c....................Morocco................ 0,55141 -....................Rio Janeiro..,,.. 0,71328'I Covid................Bombay................. 0,50329 "...................... Calcutta.............. 0,48910'c "...................... Ceylon.....,,........... 0,51390, "...................... China.........,,.......,... 0,39067 " ~" average............... English India................. 0,5 "...................... Java..........,,........... 0,75 C ".......................Madras................ 0,51805 cc......................Malacca........................ 0,50147 ".....................Mocha......................... 0,52778 "...................... Pondichery................. 0,50012'c "..iam.................,........... IC............... S.iam...k0,5 C Coyang....................Amboyna..... dry capacity... 55,33710 bushels. " for rice............. Bantamn.........,, t........ 147,56560 c" " ".............Batavia............. 62,43160', ".................... Malacca............ 90,80960 " ".................... Siam.............. 90,80960'C " minimum.............. Sumatra........... 49,51961 " " maximum...............,......... 149,83584 " Crat.......................Mocha....... weight......... 3.- grains. Crazia..................... Tscany......... length...... 1,9130 inches. Cuartal.................... Aragon......... dry capacity... 0,21341 bushels. Cuartdron; for oil.......... Madrid......... liquid capacity 0,03374 gallons. Cuartilla................... Aragon......... dry capacity.... 0,07701 bushels. "................... Madrid....................... 0,38877 " " for wine........ Spain; generally liquid capacity 1,06570 gallons. " for oil.............,..............,, 0,82978 " "4................... ragoweight........ 0,016077 pounds. Cuartillo; minimumfor wine Spain; Saragossa liquid capacity 0,08215 gallons. " maximum "....,,...Alicant....... 0,18967 " " minimumn............,...Benicarlo dry capacity... 0,02955 bushels. cc maximum..............Oviedo.....,,... 0,04456 " c..........,,..... superficial...... 0,0331 acres. Cuarto.....................Madrid......... weight........ 0,015877 pounds. "..................... Alicant.......... liquid capacity 0,76294 gallons. " for oil.Barcelona................. 0,27211 " "..................... Corsica...............,....... 0,08559 " cc..................... Valencia..............,,......... 0,77828 " " Madeir..................... Madeira.... dry capacity... 0,11290 bushels. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = — 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 23 CUARTO. DECAMETRE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Cuarto...................... Tortosa.......... dry capacity.. 2,52016 bushels. Cuba.................... Abyssinia........ liquid capacity 0,26840 gallons. Cube-foot.....E....... n....lngland........ solid........... 1. —- cub. feet. "... United States........... 1. " Cube-yard................ England......... 27.- "................. United States..................... 27. - Cubit................ Anc. Babylonians length......... 0,57888 yards. c" royal Persian.............,............,,........... 0,50572' r' ggreat........... Anc. Egyptians......,,......... 0,57888 " t" pachys metrios...........,..................... 0,50572 " " B atava.............Batavia......... 0,75 " "................ asulipatan........,............ 0,53125 " ~c" for matting....... Surat............... 0,58056 " Cubitus........ Ancient Rome............... 0,48533 " Cucchifro.Tu............ Trin. dry capacity... 0,00340 bushels. Cuerda S..pain.... length.... 7,65074 yards. ".............. Valencia........................ 39,67667 "Cugnatella; for oil.......... Rome.. liquid capacity 2,16930 gallons. Cuiller; old measure........ Brussels....... dry capacity... 0,27671 bushels. Culah................Sumatra............. 0,06187 " Culdus. Ais........Ancient Romans. liquid capacity 136,820 gallons. Cuttra..B..................Bassora. weight......... 136,5 pounds. Cwierzec................... Cracow......... dry capacity... 0,85205 bushels...............,, length 6,0728 inches................... Warsaw........ dry capacity... 0,90810 bushels. " since 1819..................... length........ 5,6695 inches. Cyfthos...........lncient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,01188 gallons.........................,....... dry capacity... 0,00128 bushels. Cytlhus............ AIncient Romans. liquid capacity 0,01188 gallons. "............................ dry capacity... 0,00128 bushels. Czeber........H a..... ungary....... liquid capacity 22,01923 gallons. Dactylos...... Ancientl Greeks. length........ 0,7586 inches. Dain... Rangoon........ itinerary...... 2,4306 miles. Dam.....................An-nam................ 0,5523 " Dang; for gold and silver... Persia......... weight...... 11,96 grains. Danik..................... Arabia.............,,........... 7,86 Danrde................... Clalons s. lcarn1e. superficial...... 0,1448 acres. Decagramme..............France.......... weight........ 0,022047 pounds. Decalitre............................, liquid capacity 2,64178 gallons. "........................... dry capacity.. 0,28378 bushels. Decamtre...... length......... 10,93633 yards. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Poud = 7000 grains. Yard — 36 inches. 24 DECAPODON. DERECH - YOM. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Decapodon............A..... ncieLnt cGreeks.. itinerary....... 0,0019 miles. Decalre; snot used.............,,. superficial..... 0,2471 acres. Decastere........................... solid.......... 353,166 cub. feet Decempeda................ Ancient Rome.... length......... 3,23555 yards. Deciire; not used........... France.......... superficial.... 0,0025 acrtes. Deci'tine................. S. Petersburg............2,7015 "c Dccigrlamnme...............France.......... weight......... 1,54 grains. Decilitrc............ liquid capacity 0,02642 gallons. ",.............. dry capacity... 0,00284 bushels. Decine.tre....................... length......... 3,9371 inches. Declmo................... Roe........ 0,0733 " Decina.w......................... weight....... 7,4756 pounds. Decistire.................. France......... solid........... 3,532 cub. feet Decucssis................... Ancient Rome.... weight......... 7,218971 pounds. Dedo..................... Portugal........ length......... 0,7218 inches. "................... S i........, 0,6849 cc Demni-boisseau; 1812-1840... France..... dry capacity... 0,17736 bushels. Demi-hcctogramine.........,,............ weight......... 0,110237 pounds. Demi-hectolitre.................,, liquid capacity 13,20890 gallons. Demi-litre.....................,...........,...... 0,13209 " "............,,............ dry capacity. 0,01419 bushels. Demi-minot; old m. for coal,,.. 1,13744 " Demni-queue; for wine...... Burgzundy....... liquid capacity 53,14205 gallons. "............... I Chnampagne............... 47,23766 " Demi-setier................ France.......................... 0,06151 " Denr..................... Breslau......... weight.... 12,33 grains. Denlirius; republican........ AA ncient Romans............. 60,16 " "C imperial.........5.......2..................... 52,64 " Den5,ro.................... Florence.......,, 18,19 " "................................ length. 0,0956 inches. " metrical; since 1803.. Italy........... weight.. 15,43 grains..................... Lucca................ 19,94 ". "....................'lilan........................,, 18,90 " ".................... Parma.............. 17,49 ".............. Rome.... 18,17 " "..................................... 19,77 " Denier; esterlin............ France, A. D. 800....,,....... 23,61 ( I"'......................................,........... 19,67 " " forbidden............ 1799......... 15,43 cc ".... Geneva.....,,........... 18,27 " Derah..............Cairo........... length... 0,708 yards. Derech-y6m; day's journey -Ancient Hebrews. itinerary....... 16,9540 miles. Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-1726 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound - 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. E 25 DESATINE. DRA MESROUR. NAMIE. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Desatine.................. S. Petersburg.... superficial..... 2,7015 acres. Deiunx............. Ancient Romans. weight... 0,661739 pounds. Deusken.................. Amsterdanm.........,,........ 1,48 grains. Dextans A........ Ancient Romas..0,601581 pounds. Dhan; for gold and silver... Calcutta....................... 0,56 grains. Dhurra; minimum......... Hindostan................... 6,171 pounds.,' maximum.............,,...,,. 19,714 " " mean of 16.............,,......... 10,047190 " Diaftlos............Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,2299 miles. Dichklcos........................... weight........ 2,81 grains. Dichas.................,,........... length6,0686 inches. Didrachmon................ Ancient (Egina..e weight......... 0,032086 pounds. cc...............Ancient Attica................ 0,019252 "..............Babylon......................... 0,032086 (c............... Evboea.......... 0,026738 Diernt.................... den.......... sperficial.... 1,4014 acres. Diethaufe............. iirnbeg....... dry capacity... 0,28213 bushels. Digitus..........A. Ancient Romans. length......... 0,7530 inches. Dilochos................... Ancient Greeks..[ itinerary....... 1,3792 miles. Dimerle.................. Bucharest....... dry capacity.... 0,69S10 bushels. Diniro..................... S9ain.......... weight......... 0,002646 pounds. Dinheiro.................. Portagal.............. 0,002635 " DiObolon................. Ancient Greeks................ 22,46 grains. DiO ta..........l............... liqulid capacity 5,13075 gallons. Dirhem.................... Abyssinia....... weight... 40,13 grains. ct................... Constantinople... 49,50 ".................... Shiraz.................... 23,62 " ".Tauris....................... 11,81 " Dito; since 1803............ Italy..... length......... 0,3937 inches. Dodrans.... A.. ncient Romans. weight......... 0,541423 pounds. Doigt; not used...... France...... en gath......... 0,3937 inches. Doit; "..... England....... weight........ 0,002 grains. Doli..... Ru.sia..... 0,09 cc Dolichos; Delphic.......... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 1,1049 miles. c Olympic.........................,,.... 1,3792 " " Philetairic or Syrian......,,........ 1,5781 " Dong......................An-am.. weight......... 60,27 grains. Doppelmass................ Solothurn........ dry capacity... 0,75174 bushels. Doron................. Ancient Greeks.. length........ 3,0343 inches. Double-boisseau............ France.......... dry capacity... 0,70945 bushels. Double-stre..............,, solid.......... 70,633 cub. feet. Dra mesrour............... Aleppo.......... length........ 0,60686 yards. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 26 DRA STAMBOULl. DRAKME. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Dra stambouli............. Aleppo.......... length......... 0,708 yards. Drachrn; apothecaries'....... England.. w.... weight...... 60.- grains. CC "...... United States....,,......... 60.-'c Drachrna................. Ancient (Egina... I......... 112,30 " c'.................. Ancient Attica........,,........... 67,38 " ".................. Babylon..............,,......... 112,30.................. ELubaa...............,,.......... 93,58 " "................. Ancient Romans...... 52,64 ".................. Aix-la- Chapelle.......,,. 56,31 ".................. Berlin.................... 56,40 " " apothecaries'.....,,....,, 57,47 " ".................. Berne........................... 62,71 " " apothecaries'.................. 57,34 cc ".................. Cairo..4............... 48,60 " ".................. Cologne.............,,.. 56,35 " "............D....Dresden................. 56,29 ","..................Frankfort................. 60,93 " l" ight..................,................... 56,41 " apothecaries'.....,,.......,, 57,54 " c'~"...... Germany; gen'ry.,,.. 57,53 " ".............. Greece............. 59.- " "................. Hambrg........... 5S,40 cc cc.Hanover.............. 59,03 " "..................Hungary.............,........... 48,62 " cc..................Ionian Isles............. 47,25 " ".. ~Leipsic..........,,. 56,36 c".................. Liibec............. 58,45 "s "................. Morea..............,,.............. 46,26 ".................. Mecklenburg................... 61,27 " "................. N urnbe~;g....................... 57,53 "................. Smyrna................... 49,21 cc ".................. Tripoli in Africa......... 48.- cc cc. Tr................ ipoli in Syria...,......... 46,73 " ".................. Vienna............67,69 ".................. Tleimar.....,,. 5.6,36 ".................. Wartemberg............56,38 " Drachme.......... Antwerp..........,. 45,34 " Dracma........... Madrid................. 55,57 " Dragma....... Arnsterdam......,,..... 59,32 " " commercial...............,,......... 59,49 C"................... Poland......................... 48,90 " Drakme.................. Copenhagen.............. 60,20 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 27 DRAM. EIMER. N A ME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER I. VALUE. Dram......... England........ weight.......... 27,34 grains. Dramna................... Florence............,,......... 54,58, "'..Rome..........., 54,51 " "................. Tulrin...., 49,40 " Dreiling.................. Vienna.,....... liquid capacity 448,57410 gallons. ".............. Rhenish Prussia. dry capacity... 0,22163 bushels. Dreissiger.................. Bavaria......... 0,03287 " Drittel............ H..,... anover........... 0,29428 c Dro6mt; for wheat and rye... Liibec............,,...... 11,37674'" " for oats........1...,,..............,......... 13,36036' ~ " for wheat, etc....... Rostock................,,.. 13,24305 " for oats.......................,......... 14,92115 " " old measure....... Stettin.................. 17,5S868 " legal measure....................,, 18,71529 " Ducat; of gold Gema............. Gemay........ weight......... 53,86 grains. DuPlla.................... Ancient Romans............... 0,020053 pounds. Duim; Netherlandic........ Holland......... length.......... 0,3937 inches. Dumplachter............... Bohemia....,,.......... 2,59833 yards. Duong.....A-a....... nam.........,, 7,10512 C Dup6ndius.. Ancient Romans. weight......... 1,443794 pounds. Ecklein.................... riirtelberg..... dry capacity.... 0,01965 bushels. "............................... solid........... 7,479 cub. feet. Eggba......... Guinea......... weillt......... 0,047119 pounds. Eimer...........a.......... Aarau.......... liquid capacity 9,51410 gallons. ".....................Appenzell.......... 11,06758 ".................... Altona............... 7,65059 cc "......... sbrg....................... 19,90336 " " for wine.... Bavaria................... 16,944383 "for beer.................................... 1,....... 18,07505 " " old measure. Berlin...,... 24,909S3 " "......*.***.....I.........................18,14638 "...................... Boheomia......................... 16,14128 " old measure........ Beslau........ 14,67244..... " for win.e......,14902'" for wine....................................... 18,14902...................... Coerland.... 20,83043.Dasntzic.... 18,14902....................Drs.....,,.......... 17,81352 " for wine..... rt..."..8.......... 1,73315 " " for bee.............................. 19,45671 " "...................... Glais..................23,20343 "...................... Gota...........,, 19,22418 C Acre =4S40 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Culbic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 23 EIMER. ELLE. NA ME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Eimer.....................Hamburg.... liquid capacity 7,62946 gallons. "..................... Hanover...................... 16,43452 ".'~~~~~~~~~ ~ ILower Hfungaryg.............. 15,02935 "...................... U pper Hungary.......,......... 19,36847 " "....................Lausanne.....,,....... 10,69921..................... Leipsic....................... 20,03843'..................... Liibec................,,......... 7,91472 2,..................... ecklenburg....,....... 7,65482..................... Munich.......................... 18,074 " schenk-mass.......... Niirnberg.......,........ 18,22338 " " visir-mass.............................,,......... 19,36234..................... Praguee................... 16,95151 " "..................... Ratisbon................... 13,20S90................Rostock.............,,....... 7,65059 ",,..................... S. Gall..........,,........ 11,09275 ".................. Schaffhausen........ 11,11280 " "..................... Fienna............. 14,95247 " "......................J/eimar.............. 19,36430 " hell eich-mass,(refined) ariirtenmberg........... 77,64944 " " triib eich-mass,(on lees)...............,,......... 81,04624 " schenk-mass...................,,.. 70,59040 " for lime and charcoal.................. dry capacity.... 8,34114 bushels. " lauter-mass.......... Zurich.......... liquid capacity 28,92749 gallons. C triiber-mass..........,,...........,,........ 30,S6599 " El; old measzure........... Amsterdam...... length.. 0,75219 yards. " of Brabant.............................. 0,75931 I " of Flanders..................................... 0,77714 "........ Bergen-op-Zoom..,, 0,75739 " "....................... Breda...........,........... 0,75739 " " wholesale............... Dedermonde............... 0,79944 5' " retail.................,,........ 0,76117 "....................... Dordrecht.......... 0,7472S....................... Gronigen.......... 0,75S22 "....t................ rlaem.......,.........., 0..79.56. " Netherlandic........... Holland....................... 1,09363 " " old measure.......... Nimeguen..........,,......... 0,74753 C", cc............ Zealand..................... 0,75492 " Ell......................... England......................, 1,25,,...................... Ireland.............. 1,25 ( "........................ Scotland...........,,........... 1,03333 " Elle....................... Aarau.................... 0,64948 " " Aix-la- Chapelle............. 0,73135 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel --- 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot — 1728 cubic inches. Gallon - 231 cubic inchles. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound =-. 7000 grains. Yard -= 36 inches. 29 ELLE. ELLE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Elle; of Hlame-bug......A.... ltona.. length......... 0,62664 yards. " of Brabant............,...,,.......... 0,75614.A..................... Anhalt Coethen............. 0,69544 " " for cloth............ Antwerp....................... 0,74848 " " for silk............,,... 0,75931 " for linen.... Appenzell............. 0,87677 " for woollens.............................. 0,67375.....................Augsbrg............ 0,64780 " " mercers'...........................,,............ 0,66657 " legal................ Austria..... 0,85216..................... Upper Austria....,, 0,87458 " legal................Baden............. 0,65617 CC,..................... Basel..........,, 1,23372 " " legal................ Bavaria........,,. 0,91100 Rh..................... Rhenish Bavaria............. 1,31236 " " minimum........... Bavaria; Speyer............ 0,60197 " " maximum.b........Amberg..,.......... 0,91331 " " mean of 36.................,,... 0,72553 " " legal....... Berlin.......................... 0,72934' " old measure...........................,,.......... 0,73022 "..................... Berne........................ 0,59330' IC..................... Bohemia............... 0,64962 " "....................... 0,76072 "..................... Bremen......................... 0,64382 " " of Prussia........... Breslau...................... 0,72934 " " of Silesia...,,............. 0,62983 "..................... Brunswic.........,,............ 0,62416 " old measure...... a... Carlsruhe............. 0,60589 " ".................... Coblentz.........., 0,62689 "............... Coburg........,,............ 0,64142 " " old measure.......... Cologne................ 0,62910 "......................................... 0,66781 " " legal...... Dantzic............0,72934 old measure............,........... 0,62750 ".C..................... Dresden............. )0,61955 " old measure.......... Diisseldotf.........,.......... 0,64586 " C,,.......... 0,74936 " "..................... Frankfort, a. M....,,.......... 0,59856 " " of Brabant........................ 0,76467 r...................................... 0,72556 ".................... Giessen............. 0,60092 C........................................,,............ 0,62689 " Acre = — 840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon — 231 cubic inches. Mile — 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches, 30 ELLE. ELLE. NA M E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Elle................... Gotha........... length.......... 0,62910 yards. "........................ Gueldres......................... 0,72561 ",'.......................I Halle..............,,........... 0,62467 "for silks, et............Hamburg.........,...... 0,62663 " "for woollens and prints.......,...,,...,, 0,75615 "......................Hanover..................... 0,63867 "........................ H esse Cassel...................... 0,62318 " "..................e..Hesse Darmstadt................. 0,59898 " ".......Holst in......................... 0,62663 " ",...... Hungary........ 0,85216.................,..............., 0,87458 "........................ K nigsberg.................... 0,62862 "........................ Leipsic......................... 0,61824 " " Lippe..............,........... 0,63324 "........................ iibec..,, 0,62972 "'"..........L............. Luceirne.............,,........... 0,68648 ",'..................... JIMannheim........0.....,. (),61036 "....... ]lWMecklenburg.................... 0,62664........................ Moravia... 0,86474 ",........................ Munich....... 0,91100 " "old mneasure...... Munster-...,,,.......... 0,88419........................ Nefchatel....... 0,60758 ",c............... Nriirnberg.............. 0,71786........................ Oldenburg....... 0,63206 "........................ Osnabriick.............. 0,69817........................ Pomerania..........,,............ 0,71175 " of Bohemia...... Prague................. 0,64962 "of Mloravia.............................. 0,86474........................ Presburg............. 0,61036 "....................... Ragusa...................... 0,56125 " " old measure............. Ratisbon ",,.......0,58704 "...................... Rostock...,,.. 0,63254 " ".....; S. Gall....,........... 0,66854 " "............1~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1,, ~~~~ ~ ~1....,, 0,S0426 "....................... Schaffhaucsen.... 0,65126 "........................ Schweitz................, 0,65617 "................... ilesia; Austrian............. 0,63254. ". ~I I~I..~~~~~~~~~~~~. I~I~P,,.0 Prussian,, 0,62983 " "........................ Solothurn.....,............. 0,59581 " old measure............. Strasburg........ 0,5S864 "for linens....... Thurgau.................. 0,87677 "for woollens................,........,, 0,67375 Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 31 ELLE. ETZBA. NAM M E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VAI.UE. Ell|....................... Transylvania.... length......... 0,68139 yards........................ Tyrol.............................. 0,87950 " "old measure........ Ulm... Ulm.........,,............ 0,62169 ",,........................ Uri and...,, ad......... 0,65629 " ".. Vie nnaa............... 0,85216 "............... ei mar...........,,............ 0,61676 [ " I,, tn....................... l',Viirtemberg.,,.0,67175 "......ic.................. Zurich......... 0,65629 " Embar..................... Sweden......... liquid capacity 20,73268 gallons. Emine; old meas. minimum. France.......... dry capacity... 0,73783 bushels. " maximum..............................,,....... 13,50992''".....................Lausanne.................... 0,03831 " ",..................... Vlontpellier...... liquid capacity 4,91071 gallons. ".................. Neufch'tel...... dry capacity... 0,43232 bushels........................... aud................. 0,03831 " Emninee; old measure..... Avignon........ superficial 0,2103 acres. "................... Gap 0,1642 " "................... Nismes..........,,........... 0,1389 " Emmer.................... Antwerp........ liquid capacity 8,80593 gallons. Endesi; for cloths..... Bcharest....... lenth......... 0,72433 yards. Endrgisi "......... CoLstantinople...,, 0,75167 " Engel; for gold, etc....... _Amsterdam...... weight. 23,73 grains. Epha...................... Ancient Hebrews. dry capacity... 1,10300 bushels. Es......................... Copenhagen..... weight......... 0,89 grains. Escandal.................. llzarseilles....... liquid capacity 4,22684 gallons. Esche...................... Cologne........ weight......... 0,83 grains. Escropulo; for gold........ Oporto................ 18,45 cc cc for precious stones Portugal.............,,........... 9,53 " Escrufpulo; apothecaries'.... Spain.......................... 18,51 " Estadile; since 1801..........,,............. length......... 3,70944 yards. " old measure.............................. 3,40033 " " for vineyards.................,, superficial. 0,0024 acres. Estadio................... Portugal........ itinerary....... 0,1594 miles. Estido..........S........ Spain........... length......... 1,85472 yards. Este rlin; for gold, etc.; old m. France.......... weight......... 23,61 grains. "................. Holland...... 15,43 " " for gold, etc.; old m. Netherlands.....,. 23,74 " Etto... Sumatra....... length......... 0,52 yards. Etzba...................... Ancient Hebrews................. 0,01992 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard'= 36 inches. 32 FADEN. FANGA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Faden..A......... Amsterdam...... I length......... 1,85736 yards. cc..................... Bremen......... solid........... 61,599 cub. feet. " legal............ Copenhagen.......... 78,611 " " ordinary.....................,............. 235,833 C ~.................... Dantzic........... 50,038 " ".................... t olstei.............. 59,798 "..................... Lbec............,,............ 74,912 6' "..................... Rostock............ 82,590 " " old measure S.... S tettin.......,,.......... 130,346 " " legal...,.......,, 150,499 cc Fall........................ Scotland........ length......... 6,2 yards. Famn..................... Sweden..... 1,9429 " "..................................... solid........... 99,790 cub. feet. Fan; architects'............ n-nam........ length......... 0,1918 inches. " mercers'..................,, 0,2558 cc,,.................... Canton.........,,............ 0,1313 ",,...................... Pekin..n............. 0,1476 " Fanlimn; gold and silver, mean E. Indies........ weight......... 5,84 grains. Fanega.................... Aragon.......... dry capacity... 0,64021 bushels.,,.................... A sturias................... 2,07358 c'..................... Buenos Ayres........... 3,74988 " " struck.............. Canary Islands........,......... 1,77679 "'c heaped....................,, 2,5 " c.................... Castille......,,........ 1,59914 " " struck for wheat...... Gibraltar.............,......... 16 " heaped for maize.............................. 2,06250 ".................... Havana.................... 3,11023." ".................... Madeira........................ 1,60080 " ".................... /lexico................ 1,60307 ".................... Montevideo...................,, 3,86792 " ".................... Teruel; Aragon.................1,23217 " ".................... Valparaiso................. 2,57530 " Fanegi da.................. Canary Islands.. superficial...... 0,5 acres. C.................. Spain.......................... 1,1945 " C minimnsum.,,................ 0,9261 " " max. legal since 1801.,,.....1......,...... 1,5871 " ".................. Valencia..............,,......... 0,1710 " Fanga.................... Azores.......... dry capacity... 1,35959 bushels. P..Faro................ 1,87465 " "........ Lisbon............,,......... 1,53468 C" "C for coal..................,,................,......... 21,1667 ",...................... Oporto....,,.......,....... 1,93737 C" Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound _ 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. F 33 FANGA. FERLINO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Fga..................... Rio Janeiro... dry capacity.... 1,53468 bushels. Fass....................... Berlin......... liquid capacity 60,49675 gallons......Berne................,,....... 176,60035 c "....................... Bohemia......,,.. 64,55981 " Brnswic........................ 106,70449..........ant....................... 60,49940 " for wine........... Dresden................,,.... 89,04384 " " for beer.......................... 103,88535 " "..ibZu.g........................ 164,95048 "...................... Gotha.......... 52,86995 " " for whale oil......... mbrg..............,, 38,25561 c"....................... Hanover.............. 165,05840 " for wine......... Leipsic..................,........ 100,17366 " CC for beer..... 95,40524 " fo brandy........... Liibec.......... 57,38211 " "for beer...................,.............. 38,25561 " C...................... clagdeburg.......,,...... 60,49675 " II........ Pr a gZe.........................ra 67,80604 "C " for beer................ Presburg........56........ 56,36765 C " for Tolkay....................... 38,75228 for wine.............. Vienna........................... 153,26287 " " for beer.............,.......................,....... 31,77269 " " for wheat, etc........... Aix-la- Chapelle.. dry capacity... 0,70117 bushels. " for oats land barley.............,.......... 1,05176 ".......Altoa..............,,...... 1,49694 c"....................... Cologne...............,......... 0,50918 ".,a......................Hamburg..............,, 1,49406 "....................... Lbe c............,......, 0,25242 " II R osto k....... Rostock........... 0,27583 " " for oats................... 0,30774 " " for charcoal.............,ves...............,, 7,61155'C Fissli; for lime............ Berne.......................... 9,66186 " Fathom.................... England........ length......... 2. — yards., United States................... - 2._ " Faucheur................. Gap............ superficial..... 0,7518 acres. Faux......................eufchatel......... 1,3353 " Favn..................... Denmark........ length......... 2,05933 yards. Fedan.....Cai................................. 1,4651 I" Felin; old measure; jewelry. Brussels......... weight...... 5,93 grains.. Paris.......................... 5,90 Ferlino................... Bologna.............,,.......... 29,11 " ".................... Modena.................. 25,68 " Acre:- 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon — = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard 36 inches. 34 FERR AI) O. FROHNG EWICHT. N A I E$. LO CALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Ferraido................... Gallicia......... dry capacity... 0,53305 bushels. Feuillette................ Bordeaux....... liquid capacity 29,87853 gallons.,,.................. Champagne.............35,18446 " Fiasco..................... Modena....................... 0,55028,, " for wine............. Tuscany................ 0,60211 "for oil......................... 0,55187." Firkin; for ale... England.................'9,76624 " " for beer....................................... 10,98702 " " for butter....................... weight......... 56.- pounds. " " meanl.... Goshen; NV. Y.....,,......... 56.- IC " - " " c....... Glades; Penn'a........... 110.', Firlot; for barley.......... Scotland........ dry capacity... 1,49064 bushels. " for wheat, etc............................,,........ 1,02182 " Fjerding................... Denmark.................,,...... 0,98690 " " Finland.... liquid capacity 8,29308 gallons..................Ssieden........... 8,28990 "........... dry capacity 0,51964 bushels. Fod.......................Denmark........ length......... 0,34325 yards. Fodder; for lead............ England........ weight......... 2184. — pounds. cc C........... Newcastle...........,.... 2352. — " ".......... Stockton-'on- Tees...., 2464. — " Foglietta.A n................Acona.... liquid capacity 0,11835 gallons. ".................. Bologna................,,...... 0,08651 IC IC.................. Genoa.......,,......... 0,39217 " ".........M.........Iilan................,,........ 0,41582 " c" for wine......... Rome...................,........ 0,12041 " C" for oil...................... 0,13558 " "............ Turin..........,,........ 0,41340 " Foot.. E.ngland....... length......... 12.- inches. "~...................... United States.................... 12. " c Fortin...................... dry capacity.. 3,77140 bushels...................... Smyrna..................., 5,824 " FossSre6; mean......... Alpes; France. superficial...... 0,0964 acres. Fossvrier.................. Lasusanne.........,,....... 0,1112' Fossdyde................. G................. 0,0834 "c Fot................... Sweden.......... length......... 11,6573 inches. Frasco.............. Brazil... liquid capacity 0,56250 gallons. Frazil...................Bet-el-faki...... weight......... 20,390625 pounds. " of Mocha.,........... 14,273438 ~Cof 1Mocha..I,,.,,,,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ 14,273438..................... JiddaI.......... 18,300780 ~..................... Mocha......................... 30. CC Frohngewicht.............. Alsbur.................. 1,082621 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon-= 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard -- 36 inches. 35 FUDER. FURLONG. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Fudr..................... Augsburg....... liquid capacity 238,74500 gallons........................ Altona.......................... 229,51775 CC "...................... Baden...............,,...... 396,26700 6C...................... Berlin..................... 217,78834 CC "...................... Bremen..........,,.. 229,77905 I "...................... Brunswic........................ 237,12108 c.................. Cobentz...................... 241,19451 ",...................... Copenhagen...........,........ 237,33751 "...................... Dantzic............ 217,78834 "...................... Dresden.......................... 213,69358 " "..................... Fran.Clfort a. M..... 227,34624 " "..................... Gotha...........,,.... 230,70664 " "...................... Graubilndten............ 224,70981 "...................... Hamnburg................. 229,77905 " "...................... Hanover..................... 246,50449 c".H.................... Hesse Cassel................. 251,523S8 CC...................... Hesse Darmstadt........... 253,61088 cc..................... Leipsic........................ 240,46116 " "...................... Liibec............... 229,51775 c " schenk-mass........... Niirnberg...........,,......... 218,92430 " " visir-mass...............,,.............,,.. 232,34813 cc...................... Oldenburg.................241,98705 "...................... Rostock..............,,..... 229,51775 "c "...................... S. Gall...............,....... 332,78502 " IC...................... Sweden........................ 258,80284'C " schenk-mass... Ulr............................ 698,77723 " visir-mass...............,,.. 776,11447 ".................. Vaud.........,,......... 171,18734 " "..................... Vienna................. 478,47900 C".".............1............ Wiirtemnberg..................... 465,90372 " "for charcoal............ amburg........ dry capacity... 179,63274 bushels "......................Hanover...........,,....... 63,54969 " "......................Osnabriick...........,,.......... 58,66679' Fudermassel............... Vienna.........., 0,05454 C" Funt................... Cracow.. weight......... 0,894929 pounds. " old measure............ Poland.........,,........ 0,894929 " " since 1819................... 0,894089 " "of Warsaw................,......................... 0,825286 "...................... Russia.......................... 0,901691 " " apothecaries'......................,,......0..... 0,788974 " Furlong.................. England........ itinerary....... 0,1250 miles. " old measure......... Ireland........,........... 0,1500 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot —1728 cubic inches. Gallon = —231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound -= 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 36 FURLONG. FUSS. N AME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Furlong; old -measure...... Scotland........ itinerary...... 0,1409 miles. " not used.......... United States.......,,......... 0,1250 " Fuss............Aaa........az u......... length......... 0,32072 yards. c builders'...... Aix-la- Chapelle............ 0,31573 " " surveyors'...............,,.............. 0,30838....... A.. A.ltona.....,, 0,31331 ".......................Antwerp..... 0,31232 " " Rhinefoot............ Anhalt......,,......... 0,34324 IC A" p................... penzell..........,............ 0,34416 " "................... sburg....... I.....0,32390 C old measure......... beg................... 0,33214 old measure............ Babserg........ 0,33214305 since 1809............ aria.....................,..........919.............. B....... Rhenish Bavarel ia............. 0,36330456 C since 1816.. erlin........... 0,34324 sunrveyors'........................ 0,41189 i................. Berlne...........,.... 0,32072 qC quarry.,........... 0,34744 r of Schweit........................... 0,32809. " old measure.......... Bohemia........... 0,32414 " " imnpe}rial.............,...,............, 0,34571 " "..................... Bremen.... 0,31628........... Brunswic..,... 0,31208 I" old measuree......... alsuhe........,,............ 0,36454.................. Cleves............... 0,32318,C......... Coblentz............ 0,31783 old measuLe.a......... Cologne............... 0,31455 " R Rhine foot....... Courland........,, 0,34324 " old measure............................. 0,31375 " Cc................. Dresden.........,,............ 0,30978 " C"....... Fo...................... 0,31126 surveyors'........,........... 0,38917 r....................... Friburg..... 032072....................... Glaris............. 0,32811 ".....................Gttin" en..3........... 1824 "..............Gotha.......... 0,31455 ". "...................... nburg.....0,31332 " " suLrveyors'; Rhinefoot.....0..............,,...,, 0,34324 "................. Haove r......)........ 0,31934 " " old measure............ Heidelberg........... 0,30550 ".................... esse Cassel............ 0,31455 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel2150,42 ubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic incles. Mile =1760 yards. Pound 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 37 FUSS. GALLON. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Fuss; surveyors'............ Hesse Cassel..... length......... 0,31159 yards. " old measure.......... Hesse Darmstadt...., 0,31455 " since 1818................,,............. * *.. 0,27341 "..................... Holstein............., 0,32649 ".................... Hungary............. 0,34571', " common.............. Leipsic..........,,. 0,30863 " " builders'...............................,....... 0,30912 ",..................... Lippe............ 0,31662 ",..................... Labec.............,, 0,31486 " old measure.......... Luneburg.......,. 0,31825 " Mahem..........,, 0,31745 C" "..................... Mecklenburg.......... 0,31825 " " oavia......,............ 0,32367 " "..................... Mlunich........... 0,31919 I.e'..................... Alrefchhatel........ 0,32072 " " surveyors'....,,...0,31403 " old measure.......... Nirnberg......... 0,33224 ",c............. Oldenburg.......,,........... 0,32358 " I'..................... Osnabrick..........., 0,30542 " "..................... Rostock................... 0,31486." "..................... Schweitz..........,,............ 0,32809 ~'..........................Solothurn..........,, 0,32072 " Rhinefoot......... Thurgau........., -. 0,34324 " "..................... Tret...,,............ 0,40017 " "..................... Vaud...,, 0,32809 imperial..........Vienna............... 0,34571 ",,..................... Wgeimar.................. 0,30838 " " surveyors'..............,,...,, 0,49342 " " old measure..........V Wesel.................. 0,25706....................... rtemberg............. 0,31332 c" ".................... Zurich................ 0,32811 " " builders';since 1820...............,,............ 0,32960 Gaissel; for rye, etc......... Bamberg........ dry capacity.... 0,05515 bushels. " for oats and barley...................,,........ 0,06828 " Gillon; imperial; since 1825 Great Britain.... liquid capacity 1,20060 gallons. " for wine; Saxon.... England;... 1000............... 0,93506.. " for wine; Rumford....,,....... 1266.....,,........ 0,93506.. Cc " " Winchester............1266........ — r" " Gutildlhall..a....,,. after 1496......,......... 0,96970 " " for ale and beer; 1803.., till 1825......,,. 1,22078 CC " for wine. Ir.... Ieland............. 0,94199 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 38 GALLON.. GESCHEID. _ AME. LOCALITY. CHARACTE.R.I VALUE. Gallon.................... Scotland........ liquid capacity 3,58109 gallons. " for wine.. E. and W. Indies.......,..... 1.-. ".................. United States.................,. —. " for corn, Saxon...... England........ dry capacity.... 0,12556 bushels. " ".Rumford........,,...........,,......... 0,12359'" cc cc Wisinchester....................,,...... 0,12451 " ", " Guildhall.......,.................,,......... 0,12660 " i" mperial since 1825... Great ]Britain............ 0,12894': ".....................I United States........I..,. 0,12500 " Gintang........ Bantam........................ 0,36891 "... Borneo.........,......... 0,73782 " " minisimum......... East Indies............... 0,03406 " " maximum..........................,, 0,27243 " " mean of 11............,,........ 0,14628 " Garave.... Syia................. 41,14810 " Garce................... Madras......,,......... 139,53488 "...................... Polndichery...................., 103,96700 " Garnetl;z................. Rusnsia......................... 0,09300 " Garnitz.............Lesibe)rg........ liquid capacity 1,01523 gallons. "...............,............ dry capacity... 0,10906 bushels. Garniec............... Cracow.... liquid capacity 0,99145 gallons........................ dry capacity 0,10763 bushels. "................... Lublin....................... 0,05179 " " sinlce 1819.. Warsaw....... liquid capacity 1,05671 gallons. " old measure..........,................,......... 0,99568 " " since 1819................. dry capacity.. 0,11351 bushels. " old measure............,,.......,,...... 0,10763 " Garrifa.................. Rio Janeiro..... liquid capacity 0,18337 gallons. Gasab..................... Cairo........... length........ 4,21049 yards. Gavgda...... Mysore........ itinerary....... 14,5833 miles. Geestruthe..... Hambulrg........ length........ 5,01304 yards. Geira..................... Portugal........ superficial.... 1,4287 acres. Gelte...................... Brussels......... liquid capacity 0,71560 gallons. ".........................,,......... dry capacity 0,07687 bushels. Gelt............... Vaud... V ud..... liquid capacity 3,56640 gallons............................ dry capacity... 0,38310 bushels. Gerah........... Anciet Hebrews. weight... 22,46 grains. "............ Mysore........ length......... 2,3875 inches. Gerle..................e..u.. Aefch atel...... liquid capacity 26,15976 gallons. Gerrah.................... Minorca............. 3,18599 " Gescheid..... Frankfort..... dry capacity... 0,04979 bushels. "...............esse Darmstadt.......... 0,04981 " Acre -4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon — 231 cubic inches. Mile =1760 yards. Pound 7030 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 39 GESCHEID. G RANO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Geschid................... Mentz, Nassau dry capacity. 0,04852 bushels. Gez.................... Mocha.......... length......... 0,69444 yards. Gheria.................... Calcutta..........,......... 2,2147 inches. Ghes......................,,....,........... 1. — yards. Gill; imperial.............. Great Britain... liquid capacity 0,03752 gallons. " old measzure.............,,............,,....... 0,03125 " "...................... Ireland................,, 0,02694 " "...................... Scotland.................. 0,02798 "...................... United States................ 0,03125 " Giornata............. rin........... superficial 0,9393 acres. Goelak........Java...... weight......... 2,033888 pounds...........Sumatra............ 1,694906 " Gombetta................. Genoa.......... dry capacity. 0,03568 bushels. Gonje; for gold and silver... Aurengabad..... weight........ 1,96 grains. Gonze " "... Bombay................. 1,79 Goond6miny c"... Mysore............,,........... 1,96 " Gradus....................Ancient Romans. length......... 0,80889 yards. Grain; gold and silver; Troy Great Britain... weight......... 1.- grains. " apothecaries..............,,........"..,,............. 1.- cc " avoirdupois.........................,........... 1. c" for dicaonds.............. 0,79 " " for pearls.................,,......,...0........ 0,80 C~ " poids de marc....... France................,, 0,82 " " until 1840.......,............................ 0,84 c cc for precious stones....................,,.......... 0,79 cc of Charlemagne............................. 0,98 " ".................... Geneva..................... 0,82 " c'...................Liege................ 0,75 cc................... Marseilles........,........... 0,68 " "....... Ne.ifchatel......,............ 0,82 cc "................... Vaud............................ 0,84 " Gramme............. ance...........,, 15,43's Gran; apothecaries'......... Austria.........1............. i,13 6' IC " since 1811 Bavaria....,.......... 0,96 " o" ap. o.m. of Nairnberg...,,.............,,........... 0,96 ".................... Denmark..........0........... 0,11 e' apothecaries'...................,,.......... 0,96 " cc" "........ Prussia...................... 0,94 cc " ap. o. m. of Niirn.berg......................... 0,96 c ".................... Saxony......0........., 0,94 CC Granikow...P.............Poland............ 0,12 cc Grano; new Italian... Italy.................... 1,54 " Acre- 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot G 1728 cubic inches. Gallon -- -231 cubic inches. Mile =- 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 40 GRANO. HALBE. NA ME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Grano..................... Spain........... weight......... 0,77 grains. " for gold..............,,...............,,........... 0,74; Granottino................ Piedmont......,........... 0,03 " Granow.................. Poland.............,........... 0,68 " Grao...................... Brazil.......................... 0,77 " "...................... Portugal............07...7... 0,77 " " barley-corn; (imaginary)................ length......... 0,1804 inches. Grave; disused.......... France... weight......... 2,204737 pounds. Gravet "................................ 15,43 grains. Grein...................... Holland...,,........... 1,54' c Gressus................... Ancient Romans. length........ 0,80889 yards. Gros....................... France.......... weight......... 59,02 grains. "..................... Lausanne............,,....... 60,29 cc "c...................... tel62,71 " "....................... Vaud..........,, 60,29 " Grosso; metrical; since 1803. Venet. Lombardy................. 0,022047 pounds. Ground.................... Madras......... superficial..... 0,0551 acres. Gujah.... - Mysore....... length......... 1,06944 yards. Gueza................. Gambroon.........,,......... 1,07528 ",,...................... Ispahan...........,......... 1,03853 " " monkelser or royal..... Persia.................. 1,03398 " ordinary....................... 0,68932 " Guz........................Bagdad...........,,............ 0,87963 "......... Bassor...........,,......... 0,87963 " "................... Bet-el-facki...........o. 0,69444 "'.......... Bushire....... 0,55556 " "minimum.............. E.Indies; Gujerat............ 0,64815 C "maximum..............,, I....... 1,18056 " "mean of 67.........,,...... 0,91447 " Hadid; for musiins......... Bassora......... length......... 0,95 yards. Hweredium................ Ancient Romans. superficial...... 2,4917 acres. Hafer-metze; for oats. Nirnberg........ dry capacity... 0,52176 bushels. Hafer-scheffel "....... Lippe...........,....... 1,46897 " Hafer-simmner.. ii.......rnberg..................... 16,69639 " Hailoh..................umatra........ length......... 1. —-- yards. Haken............... Belin........... superficial.. 2,8030 acries.. l Dan.tzic.........27,4439.... ".................................... 31,5698 ". P oland.27,6576 ".......... Poland..............76.................Pore........... Poerani. 24,2831 " Halbe; since 180..... H ngary..... liquid capacity 0,22019 gallons. Acre — 4840 square yards. Bushel = 21F50,42 cubic inches. Clubic foot —_1725 cubic inches. Gallon 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. G 41 HALBE. HENKEMANN. NAM E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Halbe; since 1803...........HTungary..... dry capacity... 0,02365 bushels. Halebi...Costantinople.... length........ 0775 yards..Cr? imea. p.... lgth.........0 C..................... Crimea............,............ 0,79933 " Hali.................... Malacca........ weight........ 32.- pounds. Hallbin.................... Bucharest...... length......... 0,76694 yards. Halster.................... Brussels........ dry capacity... 0,69185 bushels. " for oats.......................... 0,73016 " cc................... Ghent................, 1,49S93 ".C...................Louain.......... 0,85134 " CC for oats............... 0,99323 " Hanlna................... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,0115 miles. Hand...................... England........ length......... 4. inches...................... Calctta..........,,......... 3. " Hao...................Aln-nam.......... weight......... 0,06 grains. Hardairy.......s.............ysore......... itinerary....... 2,7344 miles. Harsela; for silk........... Cairo........... weight......... 2,6361 pounds. Hartkorn-scheffel........... Leipsic.... dry capacity.. ],25692 bushels. Hasta...................... Sigapore...... length..... 0,5 yards. IIath.......lmednuggr................. 0,38889 " " mean of 4........o...... 0,52605 " C" for matting......... Surat.............. 0,58056 CC Haut...................... BoImbay.. 0,50329, Ihaut. Bombay......... 0,50329 C."............ Calcutta............,......... 0,48910 " "...................... Mysore........,, 0,53056 " Havot; old mneasure......... Lille............ dry capacity... 0,49790 bushels. Hectare.............r......France.......... superficial..... 2,4711 acres. Hecteus.................... Ancient Greeks.. dry capacity... 0,24496 bushels. Hectogramme............. France..... weight......... 0,220474 pounds. Hectolitre................. liquid capacity 26,4178 gallons. "..................d...,,............ dry capacity.... 2,83782 bushels. Hectometre............................ itinerary....... 0,0621 miles. Hectos........A.......n..... lncient Greeks.. superficial..... 0,0391 acres. Helleich-mass........ irtemberg..... liquid capacity 0,48531 gallons. IIeller; Cologne weight..... Prusssia.... weight......... 7,04 grains. C" old mneasure......... Silesia...............,........... 6,17 HemiScteus..............A.. ncient Greeks.. dry capacity... 0,12248 bushels. Iernina....A...............Incient Romnzans. liquid capacity 0,07126 gallons. ".............C........., dry capacity. 0,00765 bushels. Hemi-obolon............... Ancient Greeks.. weight......... 5,62 grains. Hemi-podion......................,......., length......... 6,0686 inches. Henkemann; beer and milk.. )ldenburg...... liquid capacity 10,12435 gallons. for grai......,,..........dry capacity... 1,08755 bushels. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot- 1728 cubic inches. Galloln = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard -- 36 inches. 42 HEX APODON. HUNDRED WEIGHT. NAMIE. LOCALIT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Hexap6don; Olymrrpic....... Ancient Greeks.. length....... 2,02287 yards. Hide.................... England........ superficial...... 100.- acres. Himt..................... Altona.......... dry capacity... 0,74833 bushels..................... B..................0,88446 cc "...................... Ham1 brg........... 0,74703 "..H"..........,,,,,,,, I Hanover...............,,..... 0,88427 " "...................... Hesse Cassel............. 1,14037 ",C.........l........... lesse Homberg.......,,' 1,26594 " " old measure...........!klerseburg........,. 2,47684 " Hin........................ Ancient Hebrews liquid capacity 1,71025 gallons. Hipplcon.... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,4597 miles. Hoed; old measure...... Bruges.......... dry capacity... 4,72806 bushels. s " ( PnminimTlm Holland; Dort................. 27,57831 ",,,, maximum[.........Gorcun......,,... 37,09119 " c, "' mean of 6............................. 31,55917 " " for coal.. IAmsterdam............ 66,22601 " Hoeschen; for butter........ Saxony.......... weight......... 24,734352 pounds. Hogshead; for wine, etc..... England..... liquid capacity 63.- gallons. " of claret...... 558.-. " of clarete..........,............................. cc for ale.................................... 5,59744 " " for beer.........,, 65,92212 " " old measure...... Scotland................ 57,29745 " "................ United States...........,, 63. - cc " for tobacco, nett.. Kentsucky; mean. weight......... 1200.- pounds. c c;c;" ".. IMaryland............. 800. cc sc 6" ".. Missosuri............ 1200. - " CC ".. Ohio.......,.....Ohio............ 750. ~ "c "c "... Virginia.....,,....V..,, 1200.. " Hok.. China..... dry capacity....l 1,08867 bushels. Holzstoss; for firewood...... Breslaus..s...... solid........... 550,470 cub. feet. Hot..... An-nam...... weight......... 0,006 grains. Hotteau; mean of 8........ aiault........ dry capacity... 0,44556 bushels. Hubla; for diam. and pearls. Sindh........... weight. 2.- -rains. Hufe..................... lIecklenburg..... superficial..... 214,1848 acres. ".................. Pomecrania....................... 4,5659 ",, Wnlessdish.................................. 24,2828 " legal.................. Prussia..........,, 18,9195 cc.(..........,... Silesia.....,,...... 41,4740 " Hund..................... Oldenlburg........... 0,5151 CC Hundred weight; nett..... Egla: 1300.. weight......... 100.- pounds. " for sugar and wax...............,,,,.108. — c " for wool..,,,....110. — Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 43 HIINDRED WEIGHT. JA LLOIS. N A ME. LOCALIT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Hundred weight; for iron.. England: 1300.. weight......... 120. — pounds.,.......... Great Britain..........112.- c Maryland.......,,............ 100.- " "' for coal...................................... 112.,C.......... United States.........., 112.- " Icze... Hungary........ liquid capacity 0,22019 gallons....................... dry capacity.. 0,02365 bushels. Ikje.. Japan......... length......... 2,31653 yards. Imal................... Nancy.......... dry capacity.... 0,6421.6 bushels. Imbfto................. Sardinia................. 0,08679 " cc..................... superficial 0,0612 acres. Immel............. Heidelberg....... dry capacity 0,09878 bushels. CC..................... Mannheim................. 0,09851 " Immi................ Berne..................... 0,09940 "....................... Friburg......... weight......... 0,018581 pounds.........................,............. dry capacity.. 0,03777 bushels.,,...................... Glaris................, 0,01646 ",...................... Lucerne.............,......... 0,09862 ",, Schweitz and Uri................ 0,01646 "...................... Schteitz and Ua i,, 0,01646 ",...................... Solothurn.............. 0,09396 " Ulm.......................... - 6,52069 C Cc....n.......dn......... Unteralden.................... 0,09862 " hell eich-mnass......... W. iirtemberg..... liquid capacity 4,85309 gallons. " schenlk-mass......................,, 4,41190 " triib eich-smass............. 5,06539 " for charcoal and lime................ dry capacity.. 0,52130 bushels.,,............... Zurich....................... 0,01646 "Inch....................... England....... length 1...1...- inches. ".... ~,,,, LNScotland......... 1,0054 ",,....................... United States....,, 1.-. c Indise...........,,.Syrna...... 0,68461 yards. Ingistara................. Verona.......... liquid capacity 2,48674 gallons. c.................. Vicenza....,.2,40749 cc Inion..Anct. Egyptians. liquid capacity 0,14252 ",,.c.............,,.........dry capacity 0,01531 bushels. Ink....................... Japan........... length........ 2,07845 yards. Invel........annheim...... dry capacity.... 0,09851 bushels. Jaktgn; for cloth........... Guinea........ length. 4.- yards.? Jallois; old measure........ Guise........... dry capacity.. 1,84576 bushels. Remont......................... 1,47661 cc Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 44 JALLOIS. JUGERUM. NAM E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Jallois; old mn. for vineyards Laon........... superficial..... 1,5138 acres. "................... Vervins......,,........... 0,742) " Jankal................... Sumatra...... length..... 0,25 yards. Jaob....................... Calcutta............ 0,2461 inches. Jauchart; old measure..... Augsburg... superficial..... 0,3467 acres. CC legal since 1809... Bavaria...........,, 0,8416 "........... Lausanne........ 1,1115 ".... Tyrol. 0,8889 "..........o.............o~ 0,8S9 "................ Vaud.....,,....... 0,1115 " Jez; old measure............ Augsburg...... liquid capacity 29,84313 gallons. Joch or Jochart; legal...... Austria......... superficial....... 1,4223 acres. Jod....Siam................ itinerary....... 0,0956 miles. Journal................. Aix in Provence.. superficial..... 1,4625 acres. "...................... Alpes (Basses)........,....... 0,4877 ".................... Aniens.....,,........ 1,0430 "................... Besanqon.............,. 0,71 38'................... Bordeaux............ 0,7890 ".................... Burgundy............... 0,8807 "...............,,,, Finistere.............., 1,2016 " " Iorr aine......................... 0,5051 ",.................... Rh eims.....-.....,,.. 1,2535 "1,.................... Rochelle..... 2,5241,................... TFremblade............. 1,6897 Journe.a.....e.......... saene.................0..... 0,9012'C Journl.................. Cllons s. Jliarne.....1,, 1,2522'C Juchart............ Basel..........,,....... 0,8250 CC'....B... Blades.u..0..0,8199 cc.................................0,,1 0 IC tillage.............. Berne............... 0,8503 " meadow.............,..,,..........,,. 0,7440 "' woodlad..............,.......,............ 0,9566 "...............F.... Fribesrg.............. 1,0621 "' greater............. Lucernle.............,,.......... 0,8984 " smcall..........,,......... 0,6239 " ".................... Solothur'n...........,,......... 0,8497 " for vines...........Strasburg...................... 0,1860.r" /........a.......... Bh 50uiir telmberg.........,,....... 1,1683 c " tillage.............. Zurich................... 0,8080 " " vineyard...............,..........,.......... 0,7183 " woodland........,..........,,........0,8978 " Juck; old measure. Oldenburg.........,,.......... 1,3854 " " new measure............................,.... 1,1196 Jug rum.................. Ancient Romans...0,6229 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound=1 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 45 JUMBA. KANNE. N A M. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Jumba.............. alaccl........./ length........ 4.- yards. Jungfru.................. Sweden.......... liquid capacity 0,02157. gallons. Jiittt; old measure.....S... Mcalo.......... dry capacity... 1,62160 bushels. Ka b.....................-Ancient Hebrews. dry capacity.... 0,06124 bushels. Kahdon...... Calcutta........................ 37,40480 cc KalMmos..... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,0019 miles. Kalkvat; for lime; old meas. Brussels......... dry capacity.... 0,80713 bushels. Kaminieck........... Poland.......... weight......... 22,356033 pounds. Kan........................ China...............,,.......... 1,333333 ",........,.,,...........Holland;generally liquid capacity 0,26418 gallons. "old measure.. Rotterdam.............. 0,32789 I" Kande..................... Denmark,Norway.......,,........ 0,51040 " Kaneh..................... Ancient Ilebreos. length......... 2,86795 yards. Karmna................... Filand 4Sweden liquid capacity 0,69083 gallons. cc..r.....................,... dry capacity... 0,07423 bushels. Kanne; for wine............ Aix la- Chapelle.. liquid capacity 0,28162 gallons. " for beer.......................,,................ 0,29932 "................... Altona.........0................ 0,47816 " "................... Batavia...............,,........ 0,39394 " " for wine............ Clhves..................... 0,3141 1 " " for beer..............0................. 0,47420 C' "................... Dresden................,, 0,24741 "................... Gotha........... 0,48060................... Hambsurg................ 0,47816 ",................... Hanover..............,...... 0,51800'.................. Leipsic......................... 0,31808 " " visir-mass..........,....................,,........ 0,37092 " "................... Lippe................... 0,36356 " "................... Liibec..,......,........ 0,49467 "................... ecklenburg.................. 0,47843 C" " for swine... Oldenburg................. 0,38808 IC " for beer.........................,,...... 0,36166 "c " old measure....... Rostock................ 0,43485 C' Ic "....... Thuringtia.........,,...... 0,49427 I "................... Vietn1......................... 0,18703 " for oil.. Weimar................... 0,26895 " " for wine................................. 0,24199 "C................... Clves......... dry capacity... 0,03168 bushels.................... Oldenbsurg........,,.... 0,03884 " "................... W;reimar.................,, 0,02952' " for butter... Saxony.......... weight......... 24,734352 pounds. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound =.7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 46 K N N L A N D. KISL O Z. NAM I E. LOCALITY. CHA RACTER. VALUE. Kannland........... Sweden.......... superficial...... 0,0217 acres. Kapp...................... rv.......... dry capacity... 0,14376 bushels. Kappe.S.. w......... Sweden...............,,.......... 0,12991 Kappland............,,........... superficial..... 0,0379 acres. Kara. Constantinople... weight......... 3,09 grains. Karaat........ Amsterdam...................... 3,17 " ".................... Russia........................ 3,17 Karat....... Cologne.................., 3,17 17............ Frankfort.........,,........... 3,18 "C of Cologne... Germany, gen'y........... 3,17 " "...V........ Vienna.....,, 3,18 Karch...................,...,........ 493,870840 pounds. Karob.... Algiers 8y Tripoli............ 3. grains. Kassba.... Arabia.......... length......... 4,1 yards. Kasten............... Wirtemberg... dry capacity... 4,00474 bushels. Keel....................... Newcastle....... weight........ 47488.- pounds. Kella...................... Bet-el-faki.........,.......... 4,2 " KIen. Siam... length......... 1,05097 yards. Keping; for gold and silver.. Sumatra.... weight......... 53,17 grains. KIerkmion.................. Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 10,26150 gallons. Ker'tion.............................. weight......... 3,74 grains. A"..Ancient Romans.."........... 2,92 cc Keub...................... Siam............ length.. 9,4590 inches. Khancha; bazar............ Calcuetta.... weight......... 0,032083 pounds. Khoull(........... Algiers.......... liquid capacity 4,40270 gallons. Kibrath-aretz............... ncient Hebrews. itinerary...... 2,4220 miles. Kichklar.......................... weight........ 96,258287 pounds. Kilderkin; for ale, old mincas. England........ liquid capacity 19,53248 gallons. " for beer, "................................ 21,97404 Kiliare; disused............ France...... u... superficial...... 24,7114 acres. Killot...................... Constantinople... weight......... 3,09 grains. Kilo.......... Bucharest....... dry capacity... 11,16929 bushels. ".................. Cerigo..................1. —........................ Salonica............... 5,50249 ". Smyrna......... 1,45579 Kilogramme. France.......... weight......... 2,204737 pounds. Kilolitre............. dry capacity... 28,37820 bushels. Kilomrtre.............. itinerary....... 0,6214 miles. "C carre...............,,........... superficial...... 247,1134 acres. iKiloz...................... Constantinople... dry capacity... 0,94285 bushels. Kip; for tin........ Malacca........ weight......... 40,677750 pounds. Kisloz....... Alexandria...... dry capacity... 4,84100 bushels. Acre - 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound- 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 47 KISLOZ. KIOPFEN. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Kisloz................... lNegropont....... dry capacity... 0,86030 bushels. Klafter. Basel........ length......... 1,28928 yards. ".................... Berlin......................... 2,05945 c" cc....................Berne...........,............ 1,92430 " cc.................... Bremen.................... 1,89765 " cc.................... Gotha................., 1,8S730 ",".................... Hamburg...................... 1,87989 " cc................. Leipsic..........,,............ 1,85473'.................... Vienna.............. 2,07424 " c................. W4reimar............... 1,85029 ".................... r........temberg....,............ 1,87989 " ",.................... Baden.......... solid........... 137,311 cub. feet. cc.................... Basel..........,............ 128. — " ~C.................... Bavaria................... 110,630 Berlin.................... Beli 117,907 " c.................... Berne.............,,.............. 192,388 c.,~,. eFrankfort.......102,595........... "C ~~~~;~~~~~~~~,IFrankfort..........................,, 102,595... cc.................... Hesse Cassel............ 126,141 cc "..................... Hesse Darmstadt............. 120,955 cc,,.................... Leipsic............,, 100,490 CC IC.................... Nassau............,, 137,311 ",,.....................Wi rtemberg........ 119,583 C Kleuder....... Hesse Cassel...... weight......... 22,422175- pounds. Kloda; old measure......... Poland.......... dry capacity... 6,67394 bushels. Kopfchen............... Hesse Cassel.........,,....... 0,03994 CC K6pfel; old measure........ Ratisbon........ liquid capacity 0,22015 gallons. cc,, dry capacity.. 0,02365 bushels. KIpflein........ Basel......,,.......... 0,12119 " Kole..T..a..anco e l...... Travancore...... length.. 0,80736 yards. Kong-pu................. China............... 0,33497 " Koolah................... Sumatra........ dry capacity... 0,11727 bushels. Koonke.................... Calcutta..............,,...... 0,00183. C Koorah..................,,...... 4,06146 " Kop shi........... China..................,,.. 0,00218 " " tsong.............................. liquid capacity 0,01318 gallons. " legal...... Holland........ dry capacity. 0,02838 bushels. " old measure...............,........,, 0,02463 Kopf...................... Aix-la- Chapelle............. 0,17529 ".'....................... Glaris....... liquid capacity 0,94011 gallons..s................. Zurich................................ 0,96425 CC standard.. r.......................... 0,86754 C Kopfen... Viena...............0........ 0,21361 " Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel= — 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 48 K ORB. K WATERKI. NAME.,LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Korb; for charcoal.......... Osnabruck....... dry capacity... 0,32722 bushels. " "C.......... Zurich...................... 10,53789 " Korrel.. Holland......... weight......... 1,54 grams. Korzec................... Cracow.... dry capacity.... 3,40820 bushels. " since 1819........ Warsaw............. 3,63238 " old measure........................................ 3,42267 " Krinne; large.............. Graubiindten.... weight....... 1,529657 pounds. " small..............,,............ 1,147243 " " for milk....................... liquid capacity 0,17555 gallons. Krooskanne....... Oldenburg........ dry capacity.... 0,03767 bushels. Kriis...................... Hanover................,,. 0,03767 " Krukke.B.......... B'ergen............... 0,02741' Kuba.. Abyssinia....... liquid capacity 0,26840 gallons. Kaibel; for coal............. Bavaria........ dry capacity.... 1,05822 bushels. " for coal at the misnes. Saxony.................... 9,14623 " for nmortar......... Wirtemberg................ 0,20881 " Kiichenmass; forflour...... Leipsic..................... 0,07237 Kuhl...................... Russia........... 7,43958 " Kullanjey; for gold and silver Carnatic........ weight......... 0,011610 pounds. "C mean of 6........ Travancore.......,,.......... 0,011138 " Kullmitz.................. Pernau; Russia. dry capacity.... 0,44922 bushels. Kulmet... Reval........................ 0,37289 " "... iga................,,........ 0,32294 Kumme; for stone.......... Berlin.......... solid........... 26,841 cub. feet. Kumpf.................... Heidelberg..... dry capacity..-. 0,19760 bushels. ".................... Hesse Darmnstadt................... 0,22703 "............ lannheim.........,,.... 0,19703 " ".................... Mentz.......... 0,19399 " Kwan.......... Cina.... weight......... 40.- pounds. Kwarti................... Cracow... liquid capacity 0,25044 gallons. " since 1819.......... 1Varsaw............,,..... 0,26418 " " old measure..........................,,....... 0,25044 " " ninimunt............ Lublin.................... 0,12046 " aximum.......... Czernowitz...........,,...... 0,25397' " mean of 8.......... Poland....................... 0,21134 " ".................... Cracow.... dry capacity.... 0,02662 bushels. " since 1819........... arsaw...........,,.........,02838 "' old measure...................... 0,02671 " Kwatrki.................. Cracow.... liquid capacity 0,06261 gallons.................. Warsaw.................... 0,06605 " " acow................ dry capacity.... 0,00666 bushels...................arsaw.............., 0,00708 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile =1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. H 49 LAC'HTE{.I. LATTE. NA BI E. LOCA LITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Lachter; miners'........... Prussia......... length......... 2,23833 yards., c..; Saxo11 y............o.... 2,16400 "C La.chsa.................... Sooloo islands.... weight......... 66,666667 pounds. LUdi............. Graubandten.... dry capacity... 37,45896 bushels. Lfigel; for steel............ Prussia.......... weight......... 103,115550 pounds. C " "............ Styria.................... 154,331590 L5ip; old measure........... Breslau..................,, 21,452091 " Lana.................. Russia.................. 0,075220 " Landfass.................. Berne........... liquid capacity 264,97053 gallons. Landhufc... Pomerania...... superficial.... 48,5659 acres. Lapp...................... Ancona.... dry capacity.. 1,01479 bushels. Last; shipping; heavy articles N. Europe; mean weight........4500.- pounds. C' " for grain................,,.. dry capacity... 95.- bushels. cc " light articles............,,.. solid.......... 120.- cub. feet. " commercial.. Amst.... Amsterdam...... weight.... 85,245696 pounds. C" "C............ Bremen.................. 329,718 " " for wool.............. England....................... 4368.- " commercial........... Liibec...................... 96,930940 " "..................... Belgiun......... dry capacity... 85,13400 bushels. "..................... Bremen.............,....... 84,07789 "..................... Brunswic..............,....... 88,25558 "............. Cracow..............,,....... 102,24593 " "..................... Denmark..............,,....... 86,836635 " for dry malt.... England.................... 82,52120 for barley............ Finland...........,,........126,28210' " for oats....,,........... 140,31344 " " foa rye..................,,......... 112,25076 " C...................... Hamburg................ 89,81627 ".....................Hanover........8............... 84,73671 " ".................... Holland.................... 85,13400 ".......................Liabec............................ 91,00825 " " for oats..............................,......... 106,89993.................... Poland......,,......... 108,97152 " "... Portugal...............,,...... 92,06500 " ".................... Prussia.......................... 112,29175 " ".................... Russia................,...... 95,23280'C C..................... S. Gall.................. 2,06565 " " tillage................ Liibec......... superficial..... 30,2028 acres. " woodland..................... 40,2703 I" Lathach.......... Ancient Hebrewos dry capacity... 5,51150 bushels. Latte...................... Angoultme...... length..... 4,54667 yards....................... Bordeaux................... 2,73103 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic fooL= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 50 LAW E K. LIBBRA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Lawek................... Poland.......... length........ 1,7 inches. League.England........ itinerary. 3. — miles. " marine..........,,............................ 3,4284 c" Legger; for arrack......... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 153,75160 gallons. " "cc........ Batavia...............,, 160.... Legoa...................... Brazil....... itinerary...... 3,8365 miles.,, Portugal.,................ 3,8365 " " marine............,,........ 3,4521' Legua; before 1568...... Spain.......................... 2,5943 " of 1718..........,......... 3,9461 " " since 1766....................................... 4,1508 " " common.............................,,........... 3,4245 " " marine......................,,...... 3,4590 " Lehen; miners'.......... Prussia......... superficial.. 0,0531 acres. ct" Sax......y.............. 0,0474 " Leib; for cheese............ Appenzell....... weight........ 54,446429 pounds. Lepton.................... Ancient Greeks.. 0,18 grains. Leaca, or Leuga............ Ancient Gauls.. itinerary....... 1,3788 miles. Leung..................... China........... weight......... 0,083333 pounds. Li; new measure..............,......... itinerary....... 0,3458 miles. " old measure..................0........................ 0,3594 ( Libbra................... Barletta......... weight...... 1,865286 pounds. " peso grosso.......... Belluno...........,........... 1,139150' " peso sottile............,,............................ 0,664103 " ".................... Ber-gamo.............. 1,797500'" " Italian lb. since 1803....,,............... 2,204737 " "..................... Bologna............,,. 0,798406 " apothecaries'...........,,....,,........ 0,748257 " ".................... Brescia.............,,........ 0,707757 "C new Italian...........,,............. 2,204737 "..Cap............0,625286 "............. Cremona......... 0,681300 C............................. Ferrara.0,762571 " "................... Corence.......................... 0,748513 ".............. Forli..........,, 0,726286 "... Gaa........................................ 0,6504290 " peso grosso................ ea....,,...... 0,769063 " " peso scarso....................,,............. 0,70020948513 " apot oecaries...............,,........... 0,698903 of Vence......... Ioian Isles........................... 1,051857 " " for gold, etc........... 0,701243 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inehes. Mile — = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard G 36 inches. 51 LIBBRA. LIBRA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Libbra; new standard...... Ionian Isles...... weight......... pounds. " new lb. of 1803 Italy........,........... 2,204747 "..................... Leghorn........................ 0,748643 " " della commissione...Lucca.............,,........... 0,751857 " della grascia............................ 0,738629 M..................... Messina.......... 0,707229 " peso grosso. Milan................ 1,682058 " c" peso sottile; apoth. etc.......,,........ 0,720882 " " new Italian lb...........,..................... 2,204737 CC....................Modena........................ 0,704414 "................... Naples.............,...... 0,707220 " " peso grosso........ Padua........................ 1,072663 " peso sottile............. lerm........................ 0,74722907................... Palermo.**............,,..... 0,700207,, ".................... Parma..........,,.... 0,719715 " " for oil and honey..... Patras...........,........... 6,755 ".................... Placentia................... 0,701143 o........... Renn.............,,........... 0,660514."',....................Reggio.........,,........ 0,716571 "..................... Roman States............. 0,747560 "C " peso grosso.......... Rovigo................... 1,052379 "' peso sottile...........................,. 0,664544 ",".................... Sardinia........,........... 0,896286 " legal................ Sicily.......................... 0,707229 CC " Sicilian lb...........,............... 0,700156 "."................... Sienna..................... 0,708943 " -.................... Sinigaglia.......... 0,743036 ".................... Syracuse................. 0,720571 " peso grosso.......... Treviso..................... 1,139250 " " peso sottile....................................... 0,747226 "................... Turin........... 0,813332 " apothecaries'.............................0,677714 I.................... Tusll ecany.................... 0,748643 " C" peso grosso.......... Venice........................ 1,052750 " " peso sottile; apoth. etc.,,...............0,665886 " new standard............,....2,204747 " " peso grosso........ Verona.................... 1,101986 " " peso sottile.........................,,........... 0,734657 " peso grosso.......... Vicenza..............,........... 1,072663 " peso sottile............................,,.......... 0,747229 Libra...................,Accapulco....................... 1,014286 ",.... -............ Ancient Romans................ 0,721897 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel -2150,42 cubic inches. Cubhic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 52 LIBRA. LIESPFU ND. N AME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Libra; mayor............ licant......... weight......... 1,177393 pounds. " menor; for spices.......,.................. 0,784929' for chocolate...,.................,........... 1,046571 pensil.. Aragon......,,.......... 0,771700 o.................. Asturias............,,.. 1,524146.C Balearic I.0,SS2 "..................... 0,882................... Barcelona..........,,.... 0,882 " <.................... Bilbao.......... 1,0)78800,s.................... Callao............,014286 ".................... Canary I.....,,....... 1,014S43,".................... Caraccas........ 1,014286...... CastiEle..............,,. 1,016097 " C.....................ni.... 0,882 gallega... Gallicia....................... 1,270123 " " sutil.............................................. 1,016286 "................... Gibraltar..........,. 1,0175 " English..................... 1.- ".................... Guatenmala..................... 1,014286 < "....................Madeira....... 1,010929 ",.................... Madrid........... 1,016097 " CC menor............... il}inorca.0.......8.......... 0,882 "........................ Mexico........... 1,014286 ",,...................1 21lontevideo...............,, 1,014286 " "................... Saragossa................. 0,7717 " ",.................... Seville............ 1,015337 " " apothecaries'........ Spain...,........ 0,761500 CC...........Sweden..............,,......... 0,785590 " ".................... Tortosa............. 0,671714 " IC menor.............. Valencia............ 0,784887 " "' gruesa;forleather,fish...............,,........... 1,177331 " " for bread........................... 2,354662 "................... Valparaiso.........,, 1.,014286 ".................... Vera Cruz......,............. 1,015337 " " for oil.......... Spain......... liquid capacity 0,13278 gallons. Libreta........... Valencia........ weight......... 0,784887 pounds. Lichas.................Ancient Greeks.. length....... 7,5858 inches. Liespfund.......... Berlin. weight.. 17,020570 pounds. " old measure............................... 14,463075..................B...remen......,...... 15,386840 " ".................. Brunswic....... " 14,418960 " ".................. Courland.........,,........ 18,431601 " ".................. Hamburg.................. 14,948116 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 53 LIESPFUND. LINIE. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Liespfund; wagon freight... 1Hamburg........ weight......... 17,086712 pounds................ Hanover...................... 15,102448,................ Holstein....... 14,948116' C" seafreight...... Liibec...................... 14,962416 " wagon freight,..............,, 17,099904,................ Miecklenburg............ 15,686328 66 "................ Oldenburg............. 15,477254 " Lieue; old measure......... Brabant........ itinerary...... 3,4522 miles...................... Flanders........... 3,9005 I' C de poste........ France............,, 2,4222 " " marine.............,,.....,, 3,4521 ",,~~~~~~~~~~~~D~~~~I~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ 2,7617 "........................................, el........... 2 7617,,;.................................................... 3,1069 C Ligne; de Paris.............. length. 0,0888 inches.,,...........L.........ausanne.................,. 0,1181 c C.................... Nancy................ 0,1127 cc Ligula.......... ~..Ancient Romans. liquid capacity 0,00297 gallons..".................. dry capacity... 0,00032 bushels. Line..................... England....... length......... 0,1 inches. " artificers'.......................,,............ 0,0833 " " not used................ United States.................. 0,1 Linea........... Bologna............,, 0,1039,..................... Caglicari.......................... 0,0679..................... Genoa.............,.. 0,0681 6c ".Genoa6............,, 0,0681 ",.M7adrid......, 0,0773 " ". -.....................lModena........................ 0,1430 c "................ Naples............ 0,0721 "......... Palermo..........0,0647 ".................... Rome............ 0,0814 " - artificers'... Tuscany..................... 0,15 "...................... Venice........,,............ 0,0942 6 Linha,.....................Portugal............. 0,0896 Linie...................... Amsterdam..................... 0,0921,......................Baden............. 0,1192 " ".avar..................... Bavara.........,,............ 0,0798 " " old measure........... Berlin.................... 0,0858 " surveyors'...........,,... 0,1483..................... Berne.......,,............ 0,0802...................... Bohemia.................... 0,0810 "...................... Bremen.....0....7............. 91 ". o o Bremen...... s,, e 0,0791 " "....... Brunswic....,,..... 0,0780 Acre = 4840 square yards Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot -- 1728 cubic incles. Gallon'231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 54 LINIE. LIVRE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Linie.................... Denmark........ length........ 0,0858 inches., Dresden..........,,........... 0,0774 Got...................... Goth..........a............ 0,0944 "...................... Hanover...........,,... 0,0798 ".....................Hesse D armstadte........... 0,0983 " "..................Lippe...... 0,0792 "...................... Libec..,, 0,0787 ",...................... Nirrnberg..0..0...,,........... 0,0831 "... Oldenburg.................... 0,0802 ".................... S. Petesburg......,........... 0,0417 " de o.ld................ Sweden........................ 0,0810,"...................... Vienna..................... 0,0864 ",,........... Weima.......,,............ 0,0774 "' " sulrveyors'.................,,..........,,.....s0,1110.................. Wrtemberg..................... 0,1128'..................Zurich................... 0,024 " Liniow.................... Poland...........,,........... 10,0787 Linr; srveyors'......... England........7,9.............. 7,92 " old measre..........Scotland........,,............... "89280 Lippy........................... dry capacity... 0,06386 bushels. Lira....................... Ancona......... weight......... 0,729357 pounds. " for gold andl silver......Malta.....,........... 0,698057 " fo oil......... Znte...... liquid capacity 1,99015 gallons. Liretta................... Bergamo........ weight.. 0,719 pounds. Lispund.................... Denmark...........,........... 17,615849 " " r................... oway................... 17,615849 " l viktLualie-wi- g..... Swoeden............. 18,74560 " metasl-wigt...........................,,..... 14,996544 Liter................ Abyssinia.............. 0,687880 " Litre.P. r;rance.......... liquid capacity 0,26418 gallons. "...........,,........... dry capacity... 0,02838 bushels. Litron; de Paris....................... 0,02307 " Livre................ i x-en- ProvenLce. weight....... 0,836 pounds. old measure........... miens............,,.......... 1,017286..........n............Anwerp............,,.......... 1,036668 " ".............. A1rles......,,........... 0,862671 "......... Av............. ignon.............., 0,901143 " " apothecaries'; since 1811 Belgi um.......,,........... 0,826776 "e...................... Besanfon.................. 1,064943 " old measusre.......... BordeauLx...........,,........ 1,09 6 n 1ew measure...................,,............ 1,102369 " Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel -=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 700 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 55 LIVRE. LIVRE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Livre.....................Bourbon...... weight......... 1,079219 pounds. "...................... Bourges............,..... 1,032571 6 c commercial............Brussels......................... 1,031143 " "for gold and silver.................,........... 1,084740 " metricabl.........,,............,,. 2,204737 " elricl...................,,...................... 2,2047376286.c ~~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~ ~~~Cambrai........................ 1,036286...................... Carpentras..........,.......... 0,881895 metricul.... France; till 1840........ 1,102369 "poids de marc............,,. bef. 1800...... 1,079219 " " for silk........................,........... 1,011 " " deCharlemagneor esterlin..,,...abolut 8000............... 0,809464 " " apothecaries'; old meas............. 0,809514 " " "I new meas........ since 1837,,. 1,102369 " current................ Geneva......................... I 1,011816 "..........................................e...... 1,214189 " old measure........... Grenoble.......0.............. 0,920186 " for cast-iron........... 1,218357 of Savoy....1........,,.............,,,. 1,216757........................ G adeloupe................. 1,079219 " "...................... Haiti........................... 1,079219 "...................... Lausanne.................. 1,102369 <.C...................... Liege.............. 1,029871 " " jewellers'.........0...,........................... 1,084913 " old measure............ Limoges............,........... 1,062514,,...................... Louvain....................... 1,034614' " commercial............ Lyons.............,,.......... 0,944317 " for silk...................... ~........... 1,011768 "poids de marc...1.................,........... 1,079219 " " commercial............ 1larseilles...........,........ 0,899349,, Mons...................... 1,026457 " " jewellers'..............................,........... 1,034264 old mesure........... Montpellier............ 0,887259 " aC...................... mur... 1,023729 " old nmeasure.......................... 1,004714 " o esue............Nnte.......... a.c............... 1,090071 " commercial............ efchtel.......... 1,146710 " " for gold, silver, etc........................,,..... 1,079219 " wholesale............. Roueen..........,,........... 1,122378 of Alsace; old measure. Strasburg................ 1,037711 " old measure........ T'oulouse................. 0,899430 " C cc.......o... Tours..................... 1,043857 ". T: Coye. 1,146464'": "........... Troyes..................... 1,146464 Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cuhic ibot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon. — 231 cubic inches. Mile —1760 yards. Pound — 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 56 LIVRIE. LOTH. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Livre; for oil............... Marseilles....... liquid capacity 0,35214 gallons. c,,c.............. Tournay................,,........ 0,12569 " Load of hay................ngland........ weight.........2016. - pounds. " of straw.................,............................. 1296..- cc " of timber.................,,........... solid........... 50.- cub. feet. Lbcher..................... Brunswic........ dry capacity,.. 0,05528 bushels. Lod........................ Denmark........ weight...... 0,034403 pounds......................... Sweden.................. 0,029290 " Lof,. Riga...............,........... 92,158007' "minimum............... Russia; Reval... dry capacity. 1,11894 bushels. "maximum......... Riga........... 1,93793 " " mean of 5..................... 1,85450 Cc LOffel; for milk.......... Graubiundien.... liquid capacity 0,08779 gallons. Lo..... Ancient Hebrews.......,,........ 0,14252 " Lokiec.................. Cracow......... length......... 0,64475 yards. " since 1819........... Poland..........,,, 0,62994 " Lood; old measure......... Amsterdam...... weight... 0,033996 pounds. " new measure.............,................,,... 0,022047 " Looper.................... Friesland........ dry capacity.... 2,30032 bushels. Lot........................Dunakirk........ liquid capacity 0,59739 gallons. Loot......................Antwerp........ weight......... 0,032398 pounds. Loth......... Aarau......................... 0,032836 " I....................... Aix-la- Chapelle....,,........... 0,032178 8 "'"........................ Appenzell.....,..........,. 0,032224 " "........................ Augsburg................... 0,032527 " "........................ Bavaria..........,......... 0,033071 "....................... Berlin..............,,.. 0,032224 "...................... Berne...................... 0,035835 " "...................... Bremen................ 0,034346' "....................... Brunswic............,,........... 0,033206 " "....................... Cologne............ 0,032207 " "................................acow............ 0,027896 "....................... Dresden.....,,.......... 0,032165 " "...................... Frankfort...........,,........... 0,034S15 " "...................... Hamburg.......,....... 0,033317 "....................... Hanover.................... 0,033733 "...................... Hesse Cassel.....,,.......... 0,033360 " ~~~" ~...... ^. ~~.~~.~~ ~~)................ C0,032229 ".................. Hesse Darmlstadt......,,.. 0,034449 "...................................................... 0,032237'C....................... Kdnigsberg..........,,........... 0,0322719....................... Leipsic................ 0,032206 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound =7000 grains. Yard -36 inches. 57 LOTH. MA ES S. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Loth..................... Liibec........... weight... 0,033398 pounds. cc....................... I ecklenburg..................... 0,033349 "..................... iirnberg................... 0,035135 "for gold and silver............,,......... 0,032590.Prague....................... 0,035438 " "*.. O...... Rostock..........,,............ 0035014...................... S. Gall........................... 0,032285 ",~...................... S. Petersburg................ 0,028178 C...................... Schaffhausen............... 0,031692 "...................... Solothurn................. 0,035722 ".C...................... Vienna................... 0,038679 " Lui................ h..... China.............,........ 2,43 grains. Luong................... n-nam............,........... 0,056095 pounds. Lutow; old measure....... Warsaw........................ 0,026026 " I" since 1819................................. 0,027940 " Ly....................... An-nam................ 0,60 grains. " commercial......................... length........ 0,0256 inches. " builders'................,....,........ 0,0192 IC "........................,, itinerary....... 0,2762 miles. Lyspond; old measuere...... Aimsterdam...... wcight........ 16,337101 pounds. Maat; for salt............. Amsterdam..... dry capacity... 1,74525 bushels. " for grain........... Rotterdam................. 0,05931 "..................... Amsterdam...... superficial.. 1,6728 acres. Maatje; legal.............. Holland....... liquid capacity 0,02642 gallons. " ".............,,............ dry capacity... 0,00284 bushels. Mace...................... Amboyna....... weight......... 28,49 grains. "......................Borneo.....38............. 38,39 " mean of 11............ Hindostan...................... 15,90 " "......... Japan........................., 56,88 "...................... Malacca...................... 44,83 " mean of 5....... Sumatra......................,. 38,88................... ooloo slands. 1....,.......... 58,33 " Macfica; for grain......... Aleppo..................... 1256,7 pounds. Madega................... Gondar......... dry capacity.... 0,01146 bushels. C"... Massouah............,,........ 0,01389 " Mass...................... Aarau................,,....... 0,38056 " "...................... Atix-la- Chapelle....... 1,11123 ".C....................Baireuth................. 0,87943 C " average.............. Bavaria.............,,...... 0,46525 " " for oats.................,..,........ 0,62534 ".C C * Berne re......................... 0,39760 "C Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 58 MAESS. MAESSLI. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. MaSss.......... Fribourg........ dry capacity... 0,45311 bushels. " for salt.............. Glaris...............,,......... 2,61333 "..................... Gruyeres...................... 0,76554 "...................... Hesse Cassel............... 0,51421 " " for coal............... Hesse Darmnstadt...,,........ 17,73625 "...................... Ratisbon........................ 4,16107'~ "for oats........,, 7,28180 " "forsalt..... Schweitz..............,, 2,61333 c..................... Solothurn.. 0,37584 " " for salt................ Uri and Zurich................... 2,61333 IC Masschen; legal............ Berlin................ 0,02438 IC " old measure............................... 0,02290 " IC legal............ Breslau................ 0,02438 ",,................ Dresden.................... 0,04766 ",,............... Frankfort.................... 0,01272'"................ Gotha.................... 0,077'44 "C " 1 mean of 11...... sse Cassel.................... 0,08931 ",,................ Hesse Darmstadt................ 0,01419 "............... Leipsic.................. 0,04766 ",................ Mannheim.................. 0,02463 " t................V Mentz...........,,.. 0,01212 "..................................... 0,01212 " " bbarley...........T 5ves or l7rier.................. 0,05253 cc oats..........,,......... 0,07311 "C " wheat...,,.........04730......." wheat................................ 1~......... 0,04730 "1 "..................Weimar......................... 0,13016 " Massel; old measure.. s.........sburg...... 0,01139 " " legal............... Baden............. 0,04257 " "c old measure........ Bresla................,.. 0,03281 " "...................Prague....................... 0,18937 " " for flour............ Ratisbon....................... 0,18914 " for salt........................................ 0,37827 "............................. Wirzburg..................... 0,03834 " " for oats.................................. 0,05926 " Masslein.................. Alugsburg................. 0,06572 ".................. Baden....................... 0,04257 " legal.... Bavaria........................ 0,06572 " ".................. Carlsrtuhe....... 0,04257 " C................... Grab dt..........................311 "................... 1 Munich........... 0,06572 " "..............Wiirtemberg................0,03930 cc Massli. arau. -..........0,03994 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon -231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 59 MAESSLI. MANDEL. NA IME. LOCA. IT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Mtassli.B.............. Berne........... dry capacity... 0,19882 bushels. " mean............... Glaris and Schw................ 0,03689 ".......... S. Gall and ri,,............... 0,036S9'" " old measure.......... S. Gall...............,....... 0,3448 " "' mean.............. Zug and Zurich........,....... 0,03991 " Maille; jewellers'......... France.......... weight......... 11,8 grains. Main; old measure.......... Antwerp.............,............ 28,35 " Malhborong; for prec. stones Borneo................ 2,13 " Mallal..................... Barcelona............ 3,98116 gallons. Malter................A...arau.......... dry capacity. 10,22460 bushels. ".................... Aix-la Chlapelle........... 4,20700 " " for barley and oats.................................. 6,31127 " "................... Baden......................... 4,25674 " before 1816.......... Berlin.................., 13.. 18,63768 " ".................... Breslau......................... 18,71643 " ".................... Coblentz......................... 4,54190 " " old measure.......... Cologne................ 4,07341 "' "........Dantzic......... 23,39397 " "................... Dresden.......................... 35,33200 " ".................... Frankfortt..............,,........ 3,25626 ".................... Gotha...................... 4,95619 C ".................... Hanover......................... 5,30559 " mean of 13.......... Hesse Cassel.................... 6,34362' " legal............. esse Darmstadt...,....... 3,63238 " " old meas; mean of 11........................... 5,92674 ".................. eipsc................ 36,58520....................... Lucerne...............,, 15,77982'".................... Manneim.......,,... 2,92253 " barley and oats..................,...... 3,54629 " vheat......., r......................... 3,15225 " ".................... Mentz.................. 3,10398 " ".................. ssauL............... 3,10395 "C ".................... Nfirnberg................... 9,02518 " " legal............... Prussia............. 18,71643'C " I.................... S. Gall..4........,,...... 4,68805 if " mean.. SchLceitz and Uri...... 9,44164 " "'....... Zu...................... 10,21608 " " CC............... Zurich.........,,...... 9,44164 " " for lime.............. 9,19674 4................... Gotha........... solid........... 36,065 cub. feet. Mana..... Mangalore...... weight..... 235244 pounds. Mandel.................... ienna.............., 0,90 grains. Acre = 4840 square vards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cllbic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon-'231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 60 MANE I. MARCO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. iManeh............. A 2Ancient Hebrews. weight......... 1,925166 pounds. Mangal; for pearls......... Madras.. 6. — grains. Manneswerk............... Zurich.......... superficial..... 0,7182 acres. Mannikeh.................. Masulipata..... dry capacity..~ 0,06714 bushels. Maon...................... Bet-el-faki...... weight......... 2,039063 pounds. "......................Bengal.............,,........... 74,661217 " 6......................Bombay....................... 27,9984...................... Calcutta....................... 82,119838 0... idda.....d.... Ji3dd7a..1,830078 "...................... Mdras.......................... 24,998568...............................,.. liquid capacity 3,72323 gallons. ".........Mysore.......... weight......... 24,2742S6 pounds....................... Pondichery.................... 25,901930 " Maney.................... Madras......... superficial...... 0,0551 acres. Mapp..................... Anjar; Bombay.. dry capacity.. 0,22062 bushels. Marc; for gold and silver.... Belgium......... weight......... 0,542364 pounds. "..................... France; bef. 1792............. 0,539609 C cc".................,, 1812 to'40., 0,551184'" "......................... in...i 800.. i......... 0,539643 " cc..................... Geeva......,......e...,, 0,540601 " for gold and silver..... Neutfcthtltel............. 0,539609 " " commercial............................,, 0,573355 " " for gold and silver.... Solothurn................... 0,539609''-..................... Vaud; since 1822....,........... 0,551184 " Marcal; for grain; mean... Mysoe...................... 25,375 "C "...................Madras....... dry capacity.... 0,34884 bushels. " maximum.......... f7Masslipatan................. 0,40297 " " minimnum.......... Podichery................ 0,10397 " " mean.....E......... E. Indics.......... 0,30971 CC Marco; commercial.. A........ Aragon...... weight......... 0,514467 pounds. " for gold and silver.. Balearic I..........,,........... 0,507641 " old meas. Bergamo..................... 0,518113........ Brazil..................... 0,505987 " "........ Catalonia.....................,.. 0,592248 " "........ Chili................,,........... 0,507090 " cc........ Dalmatia..........,,........... 0,489086 " C "cc old meas. Ferrara.............,,. 0,518113 "........... Illyria............,...,,......... 0,526107 " cc 6C of Vienna............................. 0,618870 " "................... Ionian Isles.............. 0,701243 ".................. Italy; since 1803..,.......... 2,204737 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel-2150,42 cubic inchles. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = — 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 61 MARCO. MARIK. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Marco; for gold and silver.. antua.........w. weight.......... 0,518113 pounds.. ila...............0,518113,, commercial..........Navarre......... 0,539369 6 " for gold and silver... Padua..........0................ 0,525830 " ""... c Parma 2f Placent....,........... 0,525830'" " " c...1 Perue........................... 0,507090 " "C "...Portugal............................ 0,505930 " " for gold and silver... Roman States................. 0,747560 C~ CC... Sardinia............. 0,542144 " IC "... Spain..........,.......... 0,507641 " (C commercial.............................. 0,503049 " C <. I7rol...................... 0,618870 11" " Valencia....... 0,508229 CC.......... Venice.......... 0,525830 cc C CC.......... Verona..................... 0,525830 C, Margel..............lamburg........ liquid capacity 0,31966 gallons. Mark; commercial.......... Aix-la- Chapelle.. weight......... 0,51485-2 pounds. " for gold and silver.................,..,........... 0,515590,, C C... A...ntwerp............. 0,518290 IC... AIppenzell.................... 0,515306' 6CCCC.... Augsburg................... 0,520430 CC C CC.... Austria, generally.,0,618870 "e " (... Baden.................. 0,515115 CC ~c "c... Basel................,,........ 0,515306 IC "CC C... Bavaria... 0,515306 "c "C " r....Berne........................ 0,539609,C " commercial..........Bremen........ 1...... 0,549530.C " for gold and silver....................,, 0,515306 c, CC CC... Brunsic....,,.......... 0,515300 C cc cC... Cologne.............,,.......... 0,515306 CC "c " c....s Cracow.......... 0,447465 cc CC commercial. Denmark....... 0,518995 C for gold and silver............................ 0515306 " " commercial..... Franlkfort................ 0,557037 " " for gold and silver................,,.......,, 0,515776...CC Friburg.......... 0,539609 " C...c Glaris...................... 0,517892 " " commercial.......... Hamburg....,,......... 0,533943 C " for gold and silver........,,......... 0,515306 " " commercial.......... Hanover................. 0,539722 " for gold and silver..................., 0,515306 " ~6 " C... Hesse C. and D............ 0,515306 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 62 MARK. MASS. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Mark; commercial.......... Holland......... weight........ 0,543937 pounds. "for gold and silver.......,,....oZd mea.....,........ 0,542370 ".......,.......new.,,.....,,........... 2,204737 " CC cc.... Holstein..............,,......... 0,515306 " c C "....C Inigsberg; o. m....,.......... 0,516470,I cc... Liibec............................ 0,515306 cc "... Mecklentbrg......0,.......... 0,515306 cc Nass NCss au........... Nassa. 0,515814 " commercial........... Niirnberg................... 0,523857 C " for gold and silver.....................,,........ 0,515590 " CC;... Oldenburg...................... 0,515306 "' C...c Poland..........,,0,515306 " jewellers'....... ar...,,.. saw............. 0,444714 C" for gold and silver... Prague; old meas.......... 0,559397 CC "... Prussia; gener'y............ 0,515590... Ratisbon....................... 0,542694 Cc C... Riga; old meas.......... 0,461 CC " CC.... Saxony........................ 0,515306 C" c cc... Schweitz...................... 0,517892 C "C commercial; old meas. Silesia......................... 0,451033 CC " for gold and silver.....,................,,........... 0,430806 "C "C C"....C.....C Sweden........................ 0,468642 " cc cc.........C Viennaa................ 0,618870 CC..C.. lVilna; old meas....... 0,428429 " c.... Wa rtemberg.........,,........... 0,515306 " C.... Zurich.................... 0,517892 " Marschrtithe............... Hamnburg..... length......... 4,38641 yards. Mascais.................... Tauris.......... weight......... 33,33 grains. Mass...................... Aarau.......... liquid capacity 0,38042 gallons. C"..................... Aix-la- Cihapelle................. 0,35136 " C".................. Appenzell..............,........ 0,34586 CC C" for wine; old measure.. Augsburg.................. 0,37724 c CC for beer "..........................,,...... 0,24489 IC C legal................ Austria.................,........ 0,37381 " C " C................. Baden....................... 0,39627 " IC "c................. Bavaria.................... 0,28241 " CC Basel..... 0,37569 " Berne.......................... 0,44144 C<' of Moravia.... Bohemia.0............... 0,28241 CC "...................... Brnswic...... 0,494 I " old measure.......... Crlsrulhe..............0,60893, C " for beer............... Coblentz.............., 0,45438 " Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel =-2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot — 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 63 MASS. MASS,. NAMIVE. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Mass; for oil............... Coblenlz........ liquid capacity 0,33683 gallons, "for wine............................j......... 0,37223 c.c ~~ ~~~ Cologne......... I. -,,.... 0,35110 " cc alt-mass.......... Frankfort................ 0,47367 " c neu-mass............,,.~......... 0,42104 " cc...................... Friburg.................. 0,41265 c.G~~~~ ~~laris..,0,47 "...................... ~ Glris.......................... 0,47...,,...................... Gotha................. 0,24030 " for oil..0,13209 " for oil................................................. 0,13209 "...................... Graubiinde n de... 0,35099 " "Cfor wine.............. Hesse Cassel..................... 0,52423 " for beer................................................ 0,57667 C "for wine.............Hesse Darnistadt.........,.. 0,45932 ccfor bees.............................,........... 0,51673 I cc old measure........... Lausanne...............,,......... 0,26312 cc..................... Lucerne................ 0,45653 " C eich-mass.............. Mannhelm...................... 0,52677 wirl'ths-mass.............. 0,44752 " for wine.............. Mentz......................... 0,44778 " "for beer and oil.............................. 0,49824 " IC......................Moravia........................ 0,28241 "...................... Nessfchadtel.............. 0,503 CC schenk-mass; old meas Nrbr.. r e......,........ 0,28505 cc " visir-nmass; old measure................... 0,30302 c.C......... S. Gall.......................... 0,34665 " "for oil.............................................. 0,35844 c,...................... Sololhurn.....,,.......0,42115 "........S.r..... asburg.................... 0,50748 c IC...................... Thurgau................ 0,42190 cc,...................... Tyrol.................. 0,21372...................... Uri................ 0,47949 c C...................... Vaud................,........... 0,35664 "'C old measure........... Vienna............. 0,38306 "...................... Weimar..................,, 0,24196 " hell-eichmass.......... WMirtemberg........,, 0,48529 schenk-mass....................................... 0,44116 C triib-eichmass......................... 0,50652 C lauter-mass...........Zurich.........0............... 0,48212 " schenk-mass...............,................. 0! 379 1 C' schenic-mass...~~~~~~~~I~~~))~~......... 0,43379 for oil.......................................... 0.36325 "'....................Allona.......... dry capacity... 0,04677 bushels.......................Hamburg........,,......... 0,04669 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 64 MASS. MA UND. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Mass; for wheat and rye.... Niirnberg........ dry capacity... 0,03529 bushels. " for barley and oats..............,,........,..... 0,03260 " ",.................... Weimar.................... 0,02952 " "' for lime.............r Wirtemberg........,........ 0,05213,, in" i ining........... Prsussia...... superficial 0,2124 acres.,, "... Saxony.................... 0,1896 " Massel..................... Austria..... dry capacity. 0,12003 bushels......................Bavaria...............,,........ 0,13148 " Masskamnne............................... liquid capacity 0,28241 gallons. Mastello................... Ferrara............. 14,64017................... Padua.......................... 18,83589 "................... Rome.,,...... 21,693,,................... Rovigo..................... 27,68555 "................... Venice........................... 17,11873 ",,................... Vicenza................,....... 30,08987 " Mat'iro; for oil............ ipoli in Africa............... 6,163 " Mau..........-n............ At-nam........ superficial.. 1,3201 acres. Maund....................1 Anjar; prov..... weight........ 26,229 pounds. " mean of 3........... Aurengabad; prov,............. 75,866667 " c.................... Bassora............... 116.- " " for indigo, spices, etc......................... 23. — " " mean of 6.... Bengal; prov................... 85,541833 " C................... Bet-elfaki....................... 2,039063 "C c.................... Bombay.... 28.. " C.................... Bushire......7.......,,......... 7,683 " baza............. Calcutta............,........... 82,133333 " " Ensglishfactory........................,. 74,666667 " "....................i Calicut.....,, 34,7770 " " mean of 4.......... p Calpee; prov............ 81,151750 " " " 4........... Carnatic......,,.....,... 25. " " " 2.......... Deccan...,,.....,, 79,78 " cc.................... Doab.....,................... 24,686 " "................... Gambroon..........,,........ 6,75 " ".................... Goa..............,,........... 24,75 " " mean of 32......... Gjerat, prov...........,,........ 39,739656 " ".................... Jidda..............., 1,830078." ".................... Madras............,,........... 25.- eC ".................... Mahratta; dist.,. 26,249 CC " ean of 9........... Malabar; coast.......... 30,130111 " " 2........... 1lda; pov........... 100,45 " " 9..........., alwah.......... 37,352222 " for cotton; mean of 2.....................,..,. 86,4745 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon.-= 31 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound= 7000 grains. Yard=36 inches. L 65 MAUND. MEILE. NAM E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Maund.................... Iasulipatan..... weight......... 25.- pounds. " pucka................................,,.......... 80. —--....................locha......................... 3. —.................... Iscat............ 8,75,, "mean of 5.i.......... sore; pro................... 25,8686 "................... Orissa................ 75,625 ".................... Pondichery...........,.......... 25,9.................... Seringapata7.............. 24,2'74 ",6.................... Sindh.....,,..,,......... 74,666667 ".................... SuL atra..........,, 77.- " " for oil..............Baroach; Gujerat liquid capacity 5,51861 gallons. " for sesanme............,, dry capacity... 0,59281 bushels..................... Calcutta..............1,44 " for oil............. adras......... liquid capacity. 3,24675 gallons. Maunee; mean of 15....... |lFalvah; prov.... weight......... 456,2093 pounds. Mauney............ M.... ll~adras......... superficial...... 0,0551 acres. Media-cana....... Barcelona........ length......... 0,84867 yards. M a,,.l/Ia/jolrca.................. 0,85522 c Media-tabla; for gold.. Ginea.......... weight......... 20,03 grains..N"............igritia.........,........... 30,86 " Medda......Rio Janeio...... liquid capacity 0,72828 gallons. Medlimnos.. Ancient Greeks... dry capacity.... 1,46973 bushels. Medo...................cant........ 0,07282...................... Cadiz..................... 0,06460 " ".. Valencia............. 0,06002 " ".............................. liquid capacity 0,38913 gallons. Meile.. lAustria.......... itinerary....... 4,7141 miles. " m7arine................................ 1,1507 " "...................... Baden........ 5,5234 " "....................,Bavaria.. e............... 4,6143 " " of Anspach..................................,.. 5,3652 "......................Belgim..................... 3,4528 " ".,,............... Bohe?7ia............,,........ 4,2938 " cc......o.................. 5,7547 "........,.......... "...................... Bzrunswic....................... 6,7520 " "......................lHamburg....................... 4,6303 " "..................... Hanover............,,......... 6,3779 " " ~............ i....o............ olsein4,6506......................Hungary.......... 5,1925 sc,,,.,,,,,,,..............Lithuania.4,9958...................... Livonia......................... 4,0622 " marine............... Libec..1,1520 "C ~malaine.,.,.,.,,,,,,,, j~iibec........,,..........., 1,1520 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 66 MEIL E. I E TI CAL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Mcile...................... ecklebug..... itinerary....... 4,6806 miles. "...................... Oldenburg............. 6,1346 " " since 1819............. Poland.........,,.......... 5,3031 " " geographical....................... 4,6038 " " since 1816............ Prussia..............,.4,68 " " geographical................,........... 4,6038 " polizei-meile........... Saxony.............,.. 5,6324 " post-meile. 4,2220 "L pOSt-meli Le.............,,...............,,,........... "...................... Silesia.............. 4,0260 " "...................... Pfeimar............,,...... 4,2292 " "...................... Wiirtemberg.... 1.........,,. 4,6028 IC Meio....Ao................. Azores.......... dry capacity.... 0,17027 bushels. "....................... Lisbon.................. 0,19183','. hi.................... 2~radeira.........,,......... 0,2.."..................... Oporto...............,......... 0,24206" "....................... Rio Janeiro................ 0,19183 Mencfudie...e........... Valenciennes.......,,......... 1,41890 "................ Cambray........ superficial...... 0,8760 acres. Mencault.................. Saint Quentin... dry capacity... 0,07379 bushels. Mengel.................... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 0,32032 gallons. " for beet...........................,..............., 0,32454.................... Bremen.................. 0,05319 " " for beer.............,,................,,......... 0,06227 " "........... Hamburg.................. 0,31966 " Menu; old meas.; mean of 5 Languedoc...... length......... 1,2287 inches. Cc "c mean of 3 Provence........P...............r 1,2174 " Mequla.................... Lisbon......... dry capacity.... 0,02406 bushels. Messklafter................ IViZrtemberg. solid........... 119,583 cub. feet. Mesure................... Beaune........ dry capacity... 0,41503 bushels..................... Besanfon.........,....... 0,66404 " " for milk............. Louvain....... liquid capacity 0,14530 gallons. ".................... -Arras........... superficial.... 1,06 acres. ".................... Burgundy............ 0,1440 CC ".................... Saint Omer............. 0,9760' Mesurhe; old measure....... Foix................,.......... 0,1557 " Meta...Milan......... dry capacity... 0,03243 bushels. Metical; for pearls.......... -Aleppo......... weight......... 73,85 grains. "................. IAlgiers................. 72,06 " ".................. Constantinople.............. 74,25 K''C.................. Damascus..............., 69,21 c jewellers'.. Tripoli in Af4Jica........ 7.3,62 " " for gold-dust........................ 63.- " Acre - 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Culbic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard — 36 inchles. 67 METICA L. MEU KE. NAME. LO CA LITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Metical................... unlis........... weight......... 59,70 grains. Metre..................... France.......... length......... 1,09363 yards. MIetre cube or Stere................. solid........... 35,317 cub. feet. Mctrites............ Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 10,26150 gallons. Mettar; for oil............................... 5,12426 " for wine.............,..1............ 2,56213 c" Metze; old measure......... Augsburg........ dry capacity.. 0,72909 bushels. legal............... Bavaria.............., 0,05167 " " for wheat; mean of 19..,,....oldmeas......,,...... 0,64294 " " for oats; mean of 19.................................. 0,95454 " " legal........... Berlin.......................... 0,09748 " before 1816......................... 0,09707 " old measure......... Breslau............ 0,13128 "................... Buda and Pesth............ 2,27066 " " for wheat........... Coburg..................... 0,15776 " for oats........................................... 0,19580 " old measure....... Dantzic....................... 0,09138 " "................... Dresden......................... 0,18428 " "...................Frankfort.......... 0,40703 " "................... Gotha............... 0,30976 " "................... Hanover................. 0,29476 " " standard.......... Hesse Cassel............. 0,28509 " " maximnum.n....,......Hanau.............. 0,43316 " mean of 23.....,,................,......... 0,28750 " " mean of 4.......... Hesse Darmstadt................ 0,48208 "' old measure......... lKdnigsberg........ 0,08627 " "................... Leipsic......................... 0,18428 "................... Linz............. 3,63033 " ".................. Lippe.............., 0,20949 for flour................... 0,05237 " "................... iirnberg........... 0,56426 "' for barley and oats.................0......... 0,52175 " of M7loravia....... Prague........... 2,00343 " " old measure........ Ratisbon............ 0,52014 " " for salt.....................,......... 1,51311 " "................. Rostock......... 0.,06^J99 "........................ Ulm.0,27169..,......V............ Fienna....... 1,74512 ".................. Weimsar....... 0,1 3650 " Metze.................... Fienna.......... ensuperficial 0,4739 acres. Meuke............ss....... Antwerp........ dry capacity... 0,54627 bushels. ".................... lechlin..,,.......... 0,61368 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon - 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound -- 7000 grairns. Yard —:36 inches. 68 MEYTER]RE. MILLIER. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Meytr6e........ Bourg-en-Bresse. superficial...... 0,9774 acres. Mezzaru6la.............. Genoa.......... liquid capacity 39,21722 gallons. Mezzetta.................. lNaples and Sicily dry capacity... 0,78352 bushels.............. Tuscany.............,,....... 0,02161 "................................ liquid capacity 0,15053 gallons.." Verona.......... weight......... 40,18 grains. Mezzino..... Corsica.......... dry capacity.... 2,12S35 bushels. Mia.................... Malacca....v.... weight......... 44,S3 grains. ". Singapore............... 52.... Migliijo.........e......... Leghorn.........7............... 748,6 pounds..C.........Ro.me....,. 747,56 " Ven.................. I;ice.......... superficial 0,7467 acres. Miglio; since 1803...... Austr. Lombardy. itinerary....... 0,6214 miles. d'Italia............,,........ 1,1536 " CC WNaples............,,........... 1,1593.................... Rome.................... 0,9252 " " Turin............. 1,5744 "' "......T........... Tuscany.............,,........... 1,0276 "................ Venice.......,,......... 1,1397 " Miil........Denmark.............., 4,68 " Mijl; old measure.......... olland. 3,6394 " cc marinbe............................................ 3,4521 c " legal; Vlletherlandic.................. 0,6214 " Mil...................... Sweden............ 6,6235 " of Norway........................6,9216' Mile; legal...... Great Britain............... 1. — "C marine..............1,1428 "...............I............ 1,2727 " "..................l.Scotland.....1,273 "..................... United States.......... 1.- " " of lasld... England and U. S. superficial...6.... 640. -] acres. Milha. Portgal........ S itinerary.... 1,2788 miles. mncarine.................... 1,1507... Milla........................... 0,8648.... nc mtarine.....,............,....,........... 1,1530 Mille; old measure......... France and Belg...., 111 c i marine.............................. 1,1507 le cc metrictal.....0,6214 Millerolle; for oil..........M..rseilles..... liquid capacity 15,74618 gallons. m a in....................,9945...... 7 " Millirium............... Ancient Romans. itinerary....... 0,9192 miles. Millier; old measure......... France...... weight.......1079,219 pounds. Acre- 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic tot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yvards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 69 MILLIER. MISURA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Millier; netrique.......... France......... weight......... 2204,844 pounds. " for vineyards....... Sardinia........ superficial...... 0,4255 acres. Milligramme............ France and Belg. weight..... 0,015 grains. Milligr rrnmow............ Poland...........,.. 0,015 " Millimtre.............. France and Belg. length........ 0,0394 inches. Miltre...................... Corfu........... liquid capacity 0,18756 gallons. Mina or Mna..A.... 4ncient (Egina.. weight... 1,604304 pounds.,..................... Ancient Attica............. 0,9625S2 " " old measure. Milan.... liquid capacity 3,32653 gallons. " since 1803.........,..........,...... 2,64178 C" "..................... Florence and Leg. dry capacity.... 0,34577 bushels. "..................... Genoa.................,,......... 3,42570 " " since 1803.... Milan.......................... 0,28378 "..................... Parma..................... 0,66688 " "..................... Pisa................... 0,34577 "..................... Placentia............... 0,49961 "..................... Turin..............,, 0,65297 " Mine...................... Dieppe.......................... 2,95321 " "...................... Orleans............0,92288 " " old measure...... Paris..................... 2,21491 " " for oats.........,,......... 4,42982 " " for salt.................. 2,95321 " c" for charcoal....................................... 5,90642 "..... R. noucen..~~~,~,), I r 2,58406 " cc"..................... Rouen........................... 2,58406 "........... Beauvais........ superficial..... 0,6307 acres. Minee..................... Angers............ 0,9774 " Minella........erona........ dry capacity... 1,08498 bushels. Minkel.................... Coblentz........,,.... 0,04209 " Minot; old measulre......... Paris.................. 1,10746 "............. Lower Canada.,........ 1,11111 " Minfito.................... Naples... length.. 0,1730 inches........ Rome.....,, 0,1465 " Miro; for oil........ Venice......... liquid capacity 4,02555 gallons. Miscal........ Bagdad......... weight...... 72.- grains....Cai ro..........,,........... 69,27 " "..................... Calicut............. 66,7.................... Gambroon.............. 71,75 " "..................... M ocha.......................... 72.- " "............... Smyrna................. 74,36 " Misfra............ Corfu..... dry capacity.. 0,59476 bushels.. e.............. Naples................ 0,06530 C................ lonian Isles...... superficial...... 0,2988 acres. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon -- 231 cubic inches. Mile -- 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 70 MISURELLA. MORGEN. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Misuriella; for oil Naples.......... liquid capacity 0,02786 gallons. Mitadella............... arclon............. 0,24531 " Mite; disused.............. Egland........ weight. 0,0 grains. Mitja-canna......... Barcelona....... lenth......... 0,84867 yards. Mitjdra............ Catalonia..... liquid capacity 1,96248 gallons. Mitre..T..................'Tunis.................... 2,61455 " Mocha................. Abyssinia....... wei-ht.0..... 0,068571 pounds. Modillo.................... Sicily........... dry capacity... 0,12152 bushels. Modlo...................... Florence............ 5,53239 Modius.................... Ancient Romans.,,...... 0,24496 " Mogglo................., Corfsu and Paxos...... 4,77968 C ".................... Ferrara............... 17,76122 "'.................... Florence and Leg............... 16,59035 " cc.................... Itaa..................... 5.- < cc.................... Milan..........,,......... 4,15 " cc. Padua............ 9,86987 c",,.................... Venice................. 9,08104 " " for oil......... Mantua........ liquid capacity 29,33377 gallons.,,.................... Ionian Isles...... superficial...... 2,3995 acres. C.................... Naples.................. 0,8584 " " mean................ Piedmont...........,,....... 0,7881 " Moio...................... Lisbon.......... dry capacity... 23,02020 bushels. Mole-vat.................. Louvain........ 0,42567 c" Molster-vat................ Brussels..........,,...... 0,06919 " Molt...................... Oldenburg..................... 7,76506 "' Mondino; for salt.......... Genoa................ 27,40265 " Monkelzer................. Persia... length......... 0,78359 yards. Moo; for gold and silver..... Pegu.... weight......... 2,375 grains. Moon c".... Sindh...........,........ 0,10 " Moorah; carpentry.......... Trichinopoly..... length......... 0,94613 yards. " stone-cuttisng.....................,,............ 0,91713 " Moosa.... Cyprzs......... w. weight......... 112.- pounds. Morah; mean.............. Hindostan....... dry capacity... 1,34639 bushels. Morgen; old measure....... Aix-la- Chapelle.. superficial..... 0,7441 acres................... Amsterdam.................. 2,0076 cs R" henish.......................,,........ 2,1031 ".................. Antwerp.................. 3,2248 " ".................. Baden..............,,......... 0,8896 cc " legal; since 1809....,Bavaria.........0............... 0,8416 " ( " "e 1816... Berlin.......................... 0,6309 " old measure............... 1,3655 " 6 of Silesia........ Bresla...............,......... 1,3825 c Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 71 MORGEN. MUID. NAME. LOCAL IT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Morgen.................... Brunswic....... superficial...... 0,6208 acres. cc old measure......... Cologne..............,,........1 0,7850 " cc,,.......... Dantzic..............,,.......... 1,3722 cc c.................... Dresden................. 0,3682 c" " tillage.............. Frankfort......,.......... 0,5004 " " woodland..........,.....,,... 0,8045'",.................... Hambiurg................. 2,3952 ",................... Hanover...................... 0,6472 " ".................... H. Cassel; lanau.....,.......... 0,5035 ".................... Hesse Darmstadt........., 0,6178 ".................... Leyden.................. 2,0022 ",,................... Lippe......................... 0,6363 "................... Lithuania.................... 1,7593 " "................... Nassau..................... 0,6178 " " old measure, tillage.. NXirnberg................... 0,1677 " " wooodland........... 0,9341 "., Oldenburg..,,. 3,0904 " ".............. o debrg...................... 3,0904..................... Pomerania..................... 1,5727.................... WsF'temberg..................... 0,7789 Morgow..... Poland..,, 1,3829 Miitte..................... Marburg........ dry capacity... 2,94506 bushels. Mottireau...... Nice........................ 0,07095 ",,.......................... superficial..... 0,0193 acres. MIoule..................... Lausanne...... solid........... 119,194 cub. feet. NIouwer; old mea., mnean of 5 Holland......... dry capacity... 3,88120 bushels. Moyo...................... Castille.... liquid capacity 67,93808 gallons...................... Gallicia...................... 42,46128 Muce............. French W. Indies................. 0,03117 " Mud....................... Morocco. dry capacity.... 5,18372 bushels. Mudde...A................. Amsterdam...........,,...... 3,15725 " " legal... Belgium..........,,....... 2,83782 cc "................Holland..................... 2,83782 " " mininum.......... Dev.....De enter.............. 2,30032 " " mlaximur,.............Amersfo......,,......... 5,17011' mean of 15................ 3,59218 M('iddc; old measure........ Augsburg....... liquid capacity 14,92156 gallons. Mudi..................... Mangalore...... dry capacity.... 1,3018S bushels. litihlmassel....... Vienna...............,...... 0,10907 Mauid........Bsses.................. 8,30199 ".................... Nefc tel................ 10,37578 "................... Paris............ 53,15789 " for oats,........................... 1 106,31578 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inchles. Cubic hot —- 1728 cubic inches. Gallon -'3l1 cubic incles. Mile -1760 yards. Pounid - 7000U rains. Yard = 36 inches. 72 MUID. NONAGESSIS. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Muid; for plaster.. Paris........... dry capacity... 26,57900 bushels. " for salt................ 70,87779. " CC for charco al............r.............,... 118,12864 cc " for salt.... Rochelle......., 34,05360 ". bl................. 7eblade.......,,... 68,10720............................. 0,11409 ".................. ud,,....... 0,38310 cc................... Bayonne.... liquid capacity 73,73088 gallons.,........,..........ontpetlier.................. 160,73117 "C.................s.,eLfch'tel....................... 96,58876 " old mencas.; fined wvine Paris...................... 70,85779 ";,, 0on the lees...,,........ 73,81023 " Munjindee; mean of 4.. T avancore...... weight.3,90 grains. Mutchkin.................. Scotland. liquid capacity 0,11191 gallons. Muth; for lime.... -Munich......... dry capacity... 25,24024 bushels. " for grain........... Vienna......,....... 52,35360 c Mt'ithel; for lime............. ~............... 4,37304 c Mutsje....Amsterdam liquid capacity 0,08003 gallons. Miitt...........Aarau...... dry capacity 2,55615 bushels. " for barley and rye...... Aix-la-Chapelle....,, 6,66736 "...................... Appenzell....... 2,59280'~ "........ Berne...............,, 4,77129 "........... Lucerne....... 3,94495 cc........ S. Gall.......... 2,344 C..................... Schaffhausen...... 2,56573 cc c................... Solothulrn..4.............. 4,51 c..................... Zurich................. 2,33042 cc Myriagramme............ France and Belg. weight......... 22,047370 pounds. Myriamle tre............... itinerary..... 6,2138 miles. " carre....................... superficial... 24711,43 acres. Mystron.... Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,00297 gallons. (IC.................... dry capacity... 0,00032 bushels. Nail..... Ensgland....... length......... 2,25 inches. Nanki; for gold and silver.w Madagascar. weight......... 10.- grains. Nelli.................... Sumatra...,,........ 29,333333 pounds. Nello; for gold and silver.... Pondichery..........,, 0,37 grains. Nely................. Bengal..., 0,28 " en........................n-nam........ 0,860950 pounds. Ngu....,..... length... 2,66442 yards. Niou...... Siam........ 0,7882 inches. Nonagessis............. Ancient Romans. weight... 64,970743 pounds. Acre = 4840 square yardls. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 73 NONUNCIUM. OHM. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Nonuncium................ Ancient Romans.. weight......... 0,541423 pounds. Non-ussis...............,,........... 6,497074' Nossel..................... Brunswic...... liquid capacity. 0,12350 gallons.;..................... Dresden.................... 0,12371 " " for beer.............. Erfurt............... 0,13512 cc ",for wine....,,........ 0,11153 Cc cc..................... Gotha............................ 0,12015 cc cc...Hobr........,.......amb ur.g............,,... 0,11954 cc cc..................... Hanover.................,,...... 0,12839 cc cc...................... olstein.........,.,. 0,11954 cc "..................... Leipsic................. 0,15904 cc old measure.......... QuedlinburZ g..................... 0,11333,c " for oil....... Weimar....... 0,13498 " cc................................................... 0,12098 " "............... Gotha........... dry capacity... 0,01291 bushels. cW..................... Weimnar........... -,, 0,14757 c; Nowtauk........... Masulipatan.. weight......... 0,078125 pounds. Nuggah................... Bellary......................... 315,98 c N usfiah............ Mocha.......... liquid capacity 0,24992 gallons. (c.................... Tripoli in Africa. dry capacity... 1,00552 bushels. Obole; esterlin............. France;. D. 800 weight......... 11,80 grains. Obolo...................... Roman States......,............ 9,08 cc Oblos...................... ncient gina.., 18,717 cc c......................Attica..... 11,230 cc "............................ 15,597 cc Obiolus..........,... Romnans............... 8,773 cc Occa... Bucharest...........,,........ 2,828571 pounds. "..................................... liquid capacity 0,39 gallons. ".........................,,........... dry capacity... 0,04191 bushels. Occha...................... Moldavia_........ weight......... 2,866158 pounds. Ochava; commercial................,, 56,44 grains. Ochavillo.................. Castille... dry capacity 0,00208 bushels. Ochivo.....................,,......... 0,00833'C Octiva.................... Cadiz.......... length.4,1094 inches. Octog.ssis......Ancient Romans.. weight.. 57,751771 pounds. )cttissis.........5......7............................ 5,775177 Oder.. Majorca................ 100,217784 "c Ohm.......................Baden.... liquid capacity. 39,62670 gallons........................ Basel............,,........ 13,44589 cc " Berlin..................,........ 49,81965 cc cc"....................... Bremen..........,,..... 38,29651 cc. renzen.38,29651 CC Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel.=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =- 231 clabic inches. Mile -= 1760 yards. Pound -- 7000 grains. Yard -- 36 inches. 74 OHM. ONCE. N A II E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Ohm................... Brunswic........ liquid capacity 39,52016 gallons.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................. Cologne............... 36,51486 " ~ c...................... Frankfort............... 37,89104 ",,....................... Hesse Cassel................... 46,13328 ",,....................... Hesse Darmstadt..,,... 41,33857 "....................... Lippe.................... 39,26490 "................... Lucerne.......... 13,69618 " " large............... Mannheim............. 42,14168: " " small......................,,.......................... 25,28500 "....................... Mecklenburg......................., 38,27410 ",...................... Strasburg........,,........ 12,17749 " Oiphi...................... Ancient Egypt.................. 0,28504 " "..................... dry capacity... 0,03062 bushels. Oka.................. lexandria...... weight......... 2,705653 pounds. "....................... Cairo...............,,........ 2,777143 "....................... Candia.................... 2,649212 ",,...................... Cyprus...............,,......... 2,797143 ",,........................ Constantinople.................... 2,828571 "...................... Greece................. 3,371429 ",....................... Hungary........................ 2,778023',........................,,............ dry capacity... 0,04684 bushels........................ Patras.......... weight..... 2,643429 pounds. "....................... Smyrna.................. 2,812488 " " retail....................,.. 2,813918 "....................... Tripoli in Syria................... 2,670476 " Oke............ Aleppo............... 2,813489 "....................... Bagdad........................ 2,742857....................... Ionian Isles................... 2,699800 " "........... Ragusa........................ 2,952838 " "...................... Tripoli in Africa..............,, 2,742857 "....................... Candia.......... liquid capacity 0,34581 gallons. Okshoofd.................. Amsterdac................. 61,50060 Olla....................... Gallicia................,,.. 2,65383 " Ollock..................... Madras......... dry capacity 0,00545 bushels. Omer.....................Aciet Hebrews................ 0,11023 " Ona...................... Portsugal........ weight......... 0,063241 pounds. Once...................... Brussels........ liquid capacity 0,00559 gallons. " esterlin....... France; A.D. S00 weight 0,067470 pounds. " poids de marc................ 0,067451 " " for gold and silver..........,1312 to'40........... 0,068893 " " apothecaries'; old measure,,........................... 0,067451' " " " rLnew mneasutre................ 0,070)551 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon= 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 75 ONCE. ORA, NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Once..................... Geneva......... weight......... 0,067451 pounds. "...................... Lausanne.....,,........ 0,068898 ".................. 2Neuf'chtel.................... 0,071669 " Oncia.............. Bologna........,............ 0,066534 " " apothecaries'.............,.............................. 0,062356 " " ~...................... Cagliari................... 0,073305 6 "..................... Florence............,. 0,062376 "..................... Genoa...........,............. 0,064089 "..............." ~..,.., 0,058351 ".C.................... Lucca.......0...................... 0,068379 " " for gold and silver.. Malta...................... 0,054533';; v v * * *@v e e es............................ 0,058174 i,...i.........i........... 0.060074 " c,............................................. 0,064804.c"......... 1.. iodena.........., 0,058701 s Naples........................ 0,058935'~.P............ Palermo..........,....0........ 0,058350 "c..................... Parma.............,.. 0,059976 C" " for gold and silver. )..."................ 0........... 0,06476 " "o.......................... 0,067778 " " apotlecaries'..........,,.......... 0,056461 " "f g old i.........................................,. 0,087729 IC C......................... Tun..................... 0,055490 "............... Carrara..... e... length......... 0,8 inches. ~. Malta.............. 0,8560 " "... 7iln...Mia............. 1,9242 Cc......................Naples and Nice..,, 0,8651 " " r P met rl......................... 1,7831. Rome............... 0,7330 cc.........Ti...... Yri. o )............ 1,6855. Onza..................... Canary I....0,7992'............ Valzencia...,,0,9920 " I..............g...... Ca r p.......n. egh......... 0,063320 pounds. "...................... still....................... 0,063506 c" Onz................. rdam...................... 0,067992 " Try............................ 0,067796 " Netherlandic; leal...............0...........,220474 " Ootan;.for camphor.... umatr a..........,.................,,.'C Ora......................E.. ngland; in 1000.......... 0,064286 " Acre = 4840) square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon=231 cicinches. Mile = 1760yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36inches. 76 ORBAH. OUNCE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Orbah......T............... Tripoliin A4frica. dry capacity... 0,19040 bushels. Orclo; for oil........ Florence........ liquid capacity 8,83147 gallons. Orgfiia; Olympic........... Ancient Greeks.. length......... 2,02287 yards. C Philetairic..........................,,............ 2,31552' " Pythic..................,............ 1,62050 " Orlong................... Malacca........ superficial.. 1,3223 acres. Orna; old measure.......... Trieste.......... liquid capacity 17,34769 gallons. cc........"......................1......., 14,95248 " Ort........................ Bremen......... weight......... 15,03 grains. " eommercial.............. Denmark and ~N'y............ 15,05 " " gold and silver............................,.......... 14,19 "........................ Lippe........... liquid capacity 0,09089 gallons......................... Liibec...............,.......... 0,06188........................ Luneburg.................. 0,06419 "for wine...... Oldenbsurg..................... 0,09702 " "for beer................................ 0,09042 " "........................ Osnabriick............."......... 0,03057 " " legal.................. Rostock...............,......... 0,05977 " "....................... Sweden............,,. 0,02157 " "....................................... dry capacity... 0,00232 bushels. Oertchen................... Hanover. weight........ 14,76 grains. ".Holsteissn........31........... 14,60 Sc Orthodlron................ Ancient Greeks.. length......... 8,3443 inches. Oertlein................... Revel........... weight......... 12,99 grains..................... Riga..................... 12,73 " Osmin; legal........ S. Petersburg.... dry capacity. 2,876 bushels. "...................Litheuania............,,..1....,59882 " Osnfischka............... Russia.......... liquid capacity 0,40605 gallons. Oessel.................... Berlin..........,.... 0,15122 " "......................Bremen........................ 0,10625' "....................... Libec and Rost'k.............. 0,11954 " Ottavo................... Bologna........ weight......... 0,008317 pounds. ".................... Florence....................... 0,38 grainls..C................., Turin...........s 0,008471 pounds..................... Genoa.......... dry capacity... 0,42821 bushels. Ottngar.... Finland.. liquid capacity 4,14759 gallons. Ottngkar................ )Denmark andIN'y dry capacity.. 0,06170 bushels. Ounce; Tower.England, in 1500 weight......... 0,064286 pounds. " imperial............,, since 1825............. 0,0625 " apothecaries'.......... and U. S................ 0,068571 " " avoirdupois; old m......0....06........... 0,06 - Troy........ )........ 0,062571 Acre 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 77 OUNCE. PAGODA. N A M LOCAL ITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Ounce; Troy......... Scotlald....w eight......... 0,068490 pounds. " old Tron.................,,.......... 0,089319 C" " Glasgow Tron.....,,...........,,........... 0,037889 C Outkva; for topazes........ Brazil......................... 0,008167 " ".,... Lisbon................... 0,007905 " "......................... dry capacity... 0,0479.6 bushels. Ouvree or (Euvre; mean o'f 7 France.......... superficial...... 0,1071 acres..6..................... Geneva..0,0944 " " for vineyards...... eufch'tel................ 0,0870 " Oxehoved.................. Copenhagen.... liquid capacity 59,28942 gallons. Oxhoft; new measure....... erlin...................... 54,43914 " ";.,.,............. Brunswic....,...... 59,28024 ".................. Courland..............,,......... 62,49131 ",,...................... Dresden........................ 53,43.............. Efut...............fu..... 561708 " of Thuringia.............................. 53,38773 Hambrg,,........................... 57,22098.H.................. H anover........,....... 62,15928 " " for brandy.........Leipsic............ 60,11529 " " for wine................................ 53,43581,c................. L...................... 58,89732 IC ".................. Libec.............,,......... 59,36076,, "................... Oldenburg.................... 60,49676 " "........................... Rostock.,,...... 57,38221 " "' old measure....... -rsaw.aa............. 59,84080 " Oxhufwud................ Sweden.......................... 62,19804 " Oxybaphon............... incient Greeks.......0........ 0,01782 " "......................... dry capacity... 0,00191 bushels. Pace...... Englandand U.S. itinerary....... 60.- inches. n" military....... United States.................. 54.- "c Pacho... Casal........... dry capacity... 6,91543 bushels. Pachys metrios........... Babylon......... length......... 0,50572 yards. "................... i Ancient Greeks............... 0,50572 " c" Philetairic............................... 0,57888 " Pack; of wool......... gland........ weight........ 240.- pounds. Packen................... S. Petersburg................1082,0292 cc Pagel...............,.....IDenmark........ liquid capacity 0,06380 gallons. ".....Rostock.................,,........ 0,05979 " "......Stralsund...................... 0,06419 " Pagliazza................... Cephalnia......... 1,99015 " Pagoda; gold etc.; mean of 13 East Indies...... weight......... 53,514 grains. Acre =4840 square yards. Butshel =2150,49 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 78 PAGODA. PA LMO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pagoda; maximum........E.ldies;adura weight......... 56,01 grains. CC minimulm..........). ~~~,, ~~1Madra ~.s.......... 52,56 cc Pahaw; for precious stones.. Borneo............,0,021943 pounds. Pakha.................. Sumatra..... dry capacity.. 0,01561 bushels. ".................................... liquid capacity 0,14535 gallons. Palajista....A........ l cienlt Greeks.. length......... 3,0343 inches. Paletz......... 5.. S. Petersburg..........,, 0,5 " Palgat; mean.............. E. Indies............... 1. c Pallie.................. Calcutta........dry capacity... 0,11689 bushels. Palm; ship-bseilding......... Altona........ length.......... 3,7592 inches. C CC........ Amsterdam.......,,3,1 8 3,7148 c " Netherlandic; legal.......,,....,, 3,9370 " ship-building.......Bergen..........,,....... 3,4895 c................... E nsgland and U.S..", 3. c " ship-building...... Hamburg............... 3,7598 c ".................... MIasulipatan.....,,3,1875 " Palme; leal........ Belgium.............. 3,9370 C............. Montpellier.................. 8,7073 C Palmlpes........ A7ncient Romans......... 0,40444 yards. Palmo..................... Alicant............,,.....;.... 8,9080 inches. c............... Aragon........... 7,5888 cc.......... Bahia..., 8,5592 (C...................... Cagliai............. 9,7783 " "c marble-work.......... Carrara...........,,........... 9,5919 cc " mayor............. Castille.................. 8,2188 cc " menor................ 1.,,.. 2,7396 cc "...................... FoeFlorence and Leg.,, 11,4884 cc cc......... Genoa................ 9,8070 "cc " da craveira........... Lisbon.8............. 8,6616 cc Palmo; commercial.............,,........ 8,9750 c6 Cc da Junta; shipping...............,,...... 7,8822 c c...................Majorca......... 7,6970 cc cc...........Malta.....,, 10,2758 "c cc................. essina..................., 10,4 cc 6............ Naples.................... 10,3810 cc "................. Nice............. I............ 10,4181 " cc...................Palermo..,, 9,3128 c c.................. Pisa............... 11,4844 cc "................... Rio Janeiro.., 8,5592 " " commercial... Rome...,,9,8034 6C Cc clothiers'.....8.... 8,, 8,3470 c" cc........ Sardinia..................10,3348 Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile-= 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 79 PALMO. PAYAK. NAME. LOCALITY. CIHARACTER. VALUE. Palmno..................... Sicily........... length......... 9,5297 inches..I I Valencia........ 8,9270 c" " menor................,,............ 2,9760 "..................... enice...................... 13,6775 cc " since 1803.....V..,... Venit. Lombardy............. 3,9370 " Palhnus......A...n......... Ancient Romans............. 2,9120 I" Paloon..................... Calicut.......... weight......... 0,241250 pounds. Pan; minimum............. France; Foix;.... length......... 8,6303 inches. " of Dauephiny; maximum....,,....... 0,0750 " mean of 31............~.................. 9,5526....Piedont...................,, 9,8427 " Panal............. arseilles...... dry capacity.... 0,56756 bushels. Panier; for coal............2,68172 Pan6ro.................... Florence.... superficial..... 0,0697 acres. Pao; for grain; minimum.. E. Indies; Bombay weight......... 0,492857 pounds. " " maximum........ Bengal....,,........... 0,816114 " r " cmean of 8.....................,,........... 0,629104'C Para...................... Bombay........ dry capacity.... 3,333333 bushels...........adras..............,,......... 1,74419 c" Parasang; [uncertain].... -Ancient Persians itinerary....... 4,1468 miles.........Persia 4 Turkey............. 3,11 " Pas........................ Bordeaux........ length......... 0,97537 yards. "............... France, generally.......... 0,88814 " geometrical....................,......................... 1,77628 " "........................French FW. Indies.....,,......... 1,24340 ",,......*................ Ypres..............,,. 0,74887 CC Paso; geometrical.......... Spain......................... 1,5456 PassItto.................. Floren ce.................... 1,27662'PassoC r...* * *.......... s............................. 1,79845 "..................... Ionian Isles..........,,.....e.... 1,9'~ "...............Lisbon.............,.......... 1,80450 " " geometrical........... Oporto................... 1,79273 " " or Pertica............ Naples...............,.......... 2,16269 "....................... Rome............... 1,62897 "...................... Venice........................... 1,89965 C" " geometrical........................f,.......... 1.,51972 " Passus.................... Ancient Romans......,, 1,61777 c' Paueecn................... Calpee.......... length 0,625 inches. Paume; farriers'........e.. Brussels........ 3,9371' " "CC.F......... France...... 3,1969 " Pause or Pose............. Neufchatel...... superficial..... 0,6677 acres. PayakI...S....... Petersburg.... dry capacity... 1,438 bushels. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 80 PE. PERTICA. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Po O...................... Portugal.... length......... 0,36090 yards. " architectural.......................... 0,37030 6S Peck; imperial.............. dry capacity... 0,25788 bushels. " old measure........................................ 0,25 " of Linlithgow; wheat. Scotland................... 0,25545 " " " for barley...................,......... 0,37264 ".................... United States................ 0,25 Pecul.......... Borneo and C'bes weight......... 135,635421 pounds. c...................... Cambodia................... 133,333333 " c...................... China and Sum'a........... 133,333333 "............ Japan......... 130. 6 cc................ Java.................. 132. " "...................... Malacca................ 135. —-- " " of China............................ 125. " of Manilla............ PhilippineL............. 139,449615 " "........ Siam........................... 135. 6 "...................... bnquin..........,,.....132.-...... " Pello..............Rome........... liquid capacity 21,6930 gallons. Penge..... Denmark........ weight......... 15,05 grains. Penning........ Amsterdam.........,,........... 59,493 " Pennyweight.............England and U.S......... 24.- Perch, or Pole.........................,,... length......... 5,5 yards. " of land........................ superficial..... 0,00625 acres. " of masonry..................... solid........... 25.- cub. feet. " or Pole....... Ireland.......... length........ 7. — yards. Perche; legal; old measure.. France..................... 7,81561 " " of Burguldy............,,............ 3,44101 of Paris......,,............................ 6,39460 6C usual...................,............................. 7,10509 "L ~usual. 0~,I,~,))~~~~,,,,~~ ~~I~~~))~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 7,10509 " " tillage.............. Nesifchatel.............. 5,02456'G 6C vineyards'...........,,....................... 5,13147 Pertca........ Ancona......,,......... 4,47920 6:..................... Bologna.........,, 4,15689 c ".................... Florence........ 3,19122 " "..................... Pisa........................., 3,19011.~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~ Par~ma.. 3,55734.PD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~ /13iSa.~ O~~~~~l~~~J)O~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 3,19011 ".....................Ancient Romans.....3,23555 C6..................... Turin.............. 6,74246 ",..................... Venice..............,............ 2,27958 C..................... Bergamo....... superficial...... 0,1636 acres.,,..................... Cremona...........,,....... 0,1970'..................... Milan.............. 0,1617 6" Acre= 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard — 36 inches. Npv~ sl~81 PERTICA. PFUND. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pertica.................... Placentia....... superficial..... 0,1885 acres. CC.c................... A ncient Romans.....,,......... 0,0022 I Pes.........................,,......... length......... 0,32355 yards. Pesinalo.................. Udino......... dry capacity... 0,25966 bushels. Peso....................... Damascus...... weight......... 45,94 grains. Petricon.... Barcelona...... liquid capacity 0,06133 gallons, Pezza...................... Rome......... superficial...... 0,6523 acres. Pfennig........... Aix-la- Clhapelle. weight......... 14,08 grains. cc................... Augsburg....................... 14,23, C " legal; since 1810... Baden........................... 7,72' commercial........ Berne.......................... 15,68 " " for gold and silver...,,........................ 14,76.................. Brunswic.............. 14,07,, c.,,........... Dresden...................... 14,07', " commercial........ Frankfort...................... 15,23 C, " for gold and silver.....,...........,,............,. 14,10 ";.................. Hamburg.................,. 14,60 "c " legal.............. Hesse Darmstadt.....,,........... 15,07 cc "..................H. folstein..........,,........... 14,60 cc ".................. Leipsic.................. 14,08 cc.................. Liibec........ 14,61 " ".................. Luneburg...........,........ 14,74 " " old measure...... VMecklenburg.........,,.. 15,33 cc " commercial....... Niirnberg.............. 15,37 " " for gold and silver........., 1........... 14,38 (C ".....I............. Oldenburg.................. 14,60 "c c' old measure........ Prague.................... 15,51 cc c legal; since 1816... Prussia....................... 14,10 " " old measure....... Ratisbon............1...... 17,09 (C ".................. Vienna.............. 16,88 cc Pfiff..........................3............ liquid capacity 0,0445 gallons. Pflug..................... Denmark....... superficial...... 43,6 acres. Pfund...................... Aarau.......... weight......... 1,050747 pounds. "....................Aix-la- Chapelle................ 1,029703 "." p.....................enzell............ 1,288977 " for spices, etc.................,,......... 1,025549 c" " old measure....... -Augsburg.............,,......... 1,041943 " " legal....... Austria............ 1,234677 " " apothecary........... Austria, generally........ 0,926 ".....................Baden..................... 1,102369 " " apothecary......0..,,.............................. 0788811.(*@ —-— Y-~~-*"Basel.... 1,079232 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel _ 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 82 PF UND. PFUND. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pfund; apothecary......... Baseland Friburg weight........) 0,809470 pounds..................... avaria............................ 1,234655 " apothecary...................,........, 0,793705 " since 1816.... Berlin......,,........ 1,031180 " before 1816.............,,.......... 1,032895 cc apothecary..............,,............,........... 0,773384 IC " old measure.............................. 0,788341 " ".................... Berne........... ne.1,146710 IC cc apothecary................,,........... 0,786077 "....................Bremen.................. 1,099062 " old measure.......... Breslau........................ 0,902067 " "........ Brunswic.......... 1,0306 c................... Bohemia........................ 1,134 "C "..................... Coburg.................... 1,293078 C................... Cologne...........,,......... 1,030611 "................... Dresden............. 1,029265..................... Frankfot................. 1,114073 C for gold and silver......................... 1,031552 IC apothecary........................,,.... 0,788895................... Friburg........,,........... 1,165887 " pothecary.......... Germany, gen'y...... 0,788974 c..................... Gotha..........,........... 1,030510.................... Hamburg....,,............ 1,06786 C.................... Hanover............ 1,079444 " apothecary...............,,........... 0,785654 C " old measure.......... Heidelberg.................. 1,112382 C.................... Hlesse Cassel..................... 1,067534 " for gold and silver........1.................... 1,031310'c since 1821...... Hesse Darmstadt............ 1,102369 " ".................... Holstein.............,,........... 1,067975 " " old measure..........I- enigsberg.........,,. 1,032940 " cc.................. Leipsic........................ 1,030598 IC cc................ Lippe............... 1,030516..Lec........................... 1,068744 oC ld meassZre. seb' U1Lbr g.......... uneu. 1,073 (C.......Iieclebur............... 1,067154 " old m7easure............,............ 1,237240..NiiLrsberg... 11....... 24321 -6 for gold and silver............ 1.5,..........., 1,052 "'C apothecary...............0 9.............., 7.......... 0,788974.................... Oldenbtg...........,........... 1,059083 " " old measure.......... Prague................. 1,134296 " Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard 36 inches. 83 PFUND. PIC. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pfund; legal............... Prussia........ weight......... 1,031180 pounds. c old measure........ Ratisbon.............,,.. 1,253 "cc cc..............Rostock......... 1,120452 ".o............ S. Gall......o.o......,..oo o........ 291414.S. Gall.~~~~~~~~~~1,291414 " for gold and silver.............................. 1,033131.................... Schaffhausen.....,,............ 1,267684 for gold and silver................... 1,014190................... Solothurn........ 1,143110 " cc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~c................... Vienna................... 1,234677 " c..Weimar........ 1,030598................. WIiirtemberg....1...... 1,031114 apothecary........................ 0,788518...................Zurich.............,.......... 1,165142 " for gold and silver..105.............8....3,. 56 Pfundschwer.Bremen......329,57 " Pfundschwcr,............... Bremen............,,........... 329,57 c............... anover362,71 ~~~~~~~~~O~ Hanover....,,..........,,. 362,71 cc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c cc............ iirnberg........,,.......... 337,33 cc............... Oldenburg..,........... 320,41 CC............... Osnabriick.................... 326,82 c Phan...................... An-nanz........................ 6,03 grains. PibC....................... Denmark........ liquid capacity 122,49933 gallons. " old measure.................................... 118,62876 " Pic........................ Abyssinia..... length......... 0,74990 yards......................... Aleppo................ 0,73961 "for muslins.............. Alexandria......,......... 0,68593 "for cloths.................,,.......,,.......... 0,61244I "Stambuli....................................,............ 0,73272 "CTurkish.................Algiers....... 0,69227 " Arabic............................................... 0,52494 cc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c.~ Cairo................ 0,74039 geometrical.................................. 0,84372 ID~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, "........................ Candia........................... 0,69694 "for silks................. Constantinople....,........... 0,73173 Stambuli................,......0,70854 " "........................ Damascus.......... 0,63704 "........................ Jerusalem..................... 0,75019 "...................... Misitra........... 0,50018 "........................ Morocco................ 0,72289 "for cottons and woollens.. Patras......................... 0,75019 "for silks.... I........................... 0,69472........................ Rhodes......................... 0,82669 "........................ Smyrna....,............. 0,73022 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic ieches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 84 PIC. PItt. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pic........................ Tripoli in Africa. length......... 0,60423 yards. for ribbons....................,~............ 0,52861 " " for cloth............ Tunis.............. 0,73591 C for linen... 0,51729 " ~6 for silk....................................... 0,68975 " Pice.................. Bombay........ weight....... 0,023332 pounds..c........... Calcutta ~................... 0,94 grains..................... Deccan............. 0,023855 pounds................ Mawah................. 0,039510 "....................... Sindh........................ 0,029167 " CC old measure............ Surat.................... 0,031250 " cc actual................. 0,022321 " Picotin...... Barcelona...... dry capacity... 0,04198 bushels. " old measure;for wheat Brussels....................... 0,08647 " " " for oats..................,........ 0,09129 " "....................Lyons...................... 0,06080 ".................... Marseilles.................. 0,07195 ".................... Namur.................,05383 ". ~....................Paris.................. 0,09192 " Pie......... Aragon.. length......... 0,28106 yards..C................. Canary I..0,30906 " c........................ Castille...................... 0,30440 c,,......e................ Cturacao........................ 0,30903 cc,,............ Havana and Mex..,,............ 0,30914 Cc........................ Valencia............. 0,33067 " Pi........................ Bassano...........,, 0,39086 c....................... Bologna............ 0,41569 "........... Brescia.............,............ 0,51511 surveyors'.............. C C arrara...,......... 0,32078 c........................ Casal..............,............ 0,52933 "......................... CGremona........ 0,52524 " cc.........................., 0,44167'" "C architects'.......l........ Florence...., 0,59950 " c liprando.............. Genoa........ 0,56186 "i................................. 0,3245S C..........................................,,.......... 0,36364 " ".....................Lodioi...............,, 0,49797 ",,.......................L Lucca............... 0,64514 ",,... Malt.............Mt, 0,31019 " Ma...................... Manta... 0,51058 c"....................... Milan.......... 0,47593 C" C( architects'..................................... 0,43362 C Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile= — 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 rains. Yard = 36 inches. 85 PIt. PINTe NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pie........................ Modena......... length......... 0,57202 yards. "........................ Padua......... 0,38735 " surveyors'............. Parma............... 0,59567 "............... -.........Placentia................. 0,51390' "...........Ravenna........,,............ 0,63933 ".".................Reggio.................. 0,58061 "....................... Rome..........,,............ 0,32578 " "........................ Sardinia....,,......... 0,52356 "C........................ urin........ 0,37458 " " liprando...................,............,............. 0,56187 "........................ Urbino......................... 0,44792 "....,,,,,,,,,I Venice.......................... 0,38031 " " mean... Venit. Lombardy.,,......... 0,37992 " "........................ Verona...............,,............ 0,37503 " "........................ Vicenza............0,39086 C Pied; old measure.......... Aix-en-Provence.............,, 0,27183 ",, "........Alsace............,............ 0,32294 " " ".......... Avignon................ 0,27108 " c c......... Bordeaux....,,............ 0,39014 " IC C'........... Brussels...,,......... 0,30156 " c" c.......... Burgundy.....,............ 0,36222 C C Dauphiny.0,37294 " du Roi; till 1812..... France, generally,, 0,35526 " " mnetrique; 1812 to'40.....................,,........... 0,36454 " " old measure.......... Franche- Clomt............. 0,39097 " "~..................... Geneva..,, 0,53360 " " old measure.......... G-uienne....,,......... 0,37889 " C" "I.......... Hainault... 0,32090 " " of S. Hubert; builders' Lige..................... 0,32330 " " of S. Lambert; land..................,,......... 0,32010 " " old measure.......... Lorrcrine............... 0,31307 CC " "....... Lyons..............., 0,37456 " " "........ Xormandy............... 0,32564'C c "........ Rouen............,,. 0,29356 " Ping................ China... dry capacity 17,41864 bushels. Pinga.....M....... alacca........ weight......... 0,534405 pounds. Pint...................... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 0,16016 gallons. " imperial................gland.......... 0,15008 "old measure; for beer................................,..... 0,15260 " " "........... Scotland......................... 0,44764 "............. Uited States....................0,125 " " imperial...... England....... dry capacity... 0,01612 bushels. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 86 PINT. PIPA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pint; Winchester........... England and U.S. dry capacity.... 0,01556 bushels. Pinta...................... Bergamo........ liquid capacity 0,36507 gallons.................. Brescia.............,,...... 0,35420 C................... Genoa.........,,...... 0,39217 " " old measure.. Milan................,,...... 0,41582 " " new measure........ cc and Sard'a......,,......... 0,26418 " "...................... Turin.......... 0,41340 " " new measure.. Venice.......................... 0,26418 C "......... Milan and Venice dry capacity... 0,02838 bushels. Pinte.......Antwerp......... liquid capacity 0,18149 gallons. " for wine.......... Brussels....................... 0,17890 " " for beer.........................,, 0,17175 C"........................ French 1W. Indies............... 0,25 cc "................. Liege.............,,......... 0,16903 " CC............. ill................ L......... 0,13209.. "..................... Mechlin.............,...... 0,18136 " old legal measure...... Paris.................,,......... 0,24603 " actual................,,..............,........ 0,25138 "..... Antwuerp........ dry capacity... 0,01892 bushels. "...................... Mechlin........................ 0,01948 PintOe......................Bohemia..... liquid capacity 0,50442 gallons. " or Pintchen......... Cologne..............,,......... 0,08777 " c...................... Strasburg................. 0,25370 c Pio......................... Brescia......... superficial...... 0,7790 acres. Pipa...................... Alicant.......... liquid capacity 121,522 gallons. "for rum................ Bahia.................... 134,88650 "'C for molasses.............,,......................... 187,34183 "....................... Barcelona...................... 125,6 " " for wine...... Cadiz............... 115,10235 " " for oil.....................,,......... 112,8542 " "....................... Canary I............. 120. - C "...................... Gibraltar............. 126. — " "..................... Lisbon......................... 113,61298 " " London guage..,,...... 135. — ".......... Madeira....................... 110.- "c " mean................. alaga.................. 106,576 "...................... Naples......................... 162,0294 " London guage.......... Oporto........... 138.- " "....................... Palermo................~....... 113,23728 ". Rio Janeiro...........,,.. 132,0890 " for wine.Spain, generally.,,.. 115,10208 " C for oil.....................................,,.. 114,48929 Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= —1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 87 PIPA. POND. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. PipL......... Swoeden, generally liquid capacity 124,39608 gallons........................ Valencia... 127,3928..... f coal................ Lisbon.......... dry capacity.. 127.- bushels. Pipe...................... Anjou.liquid capacity 134,70172 gallons. " or Piece; for brandy.... Bordeaux............. 99,59511 "for brandy............. Cognc.............,........ 152,78206 " oldmeasure; for wine... England.............., 126.- " " " for ale............................,,....... 117,19488 " "for brandy........ Mllontpellier.............: 164,84707 6,, Nantes................. 126,80544 " " or Muid.............. Roussillon................ 124,63918 " Pipe...................... Dantzic.......................... 108,89412 ",................ Hamb. and Holst.......,, 114,44196 IC c, Io.Znigsberg......1.......,..... 81,67327 " Piquet; old measure........ Amiens.... dry capacity... 0,23411 bushels. Piso....................... Guinea.......... weight......... 0,017669 pounds. Plank............... Lizbec and Rost'k liquid capacity 0,11954 gallons. Plethron; Olympic... Ancient Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,0192 miles...,, superficial..... 0,2348 acres. Po...... China...... length......... 1,67484 yards. Pognoux; old measure..... Liege........... dry capacity... 0,05446 bushels. Poinion.................... France.......... liquid capacity 53,14205 gallons. Point....,,.generally.. length........ 0,0074 inches. ", oulose...................,.........0172 (C Pole, or Perch........... England............,,......... 5,50 yards. " Ches7hire.............................. 8.- " c " forest.....................,,.............,,............ 7.- C " woodland...,.......,,......... 6.- c' old measure............ Ireland.............,............ ". Polkorzow.............. Cracow...... dry capacity... 1,70410 bushels................... W;arsaw................... 1,81619 " Pollam..........A..........4rcot........... weight.... 0,075536 pounds. c.................... Calicut................. 0,255714 " cc.................... Madras....... 0,078120 " " or Paloin........... Pondichery.................... 0,080947.................... Seringapatam.................. 0,075857 "C mean of 4........... Travancore............. 0,154510 " Pollegida............... Portugal........ length......... 1,0827 inches. Polonic................... Trieste. dry capacity. 0,86177 bushels. Pond of Brabant............ Amsterdam...... weight......... 1,037080 pounds. " Troy..................................... 1,084740 " " former.........................,........ 1,087875 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile - 1760 yards. Pound =: 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 88 POND. POUND. NA3E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pond; Netherlandic; actual. Ainsterdam...... weight......... 2,204737 pounds. " apothecary; old meas...................... 0,813826 ".c cc new C...................,............0,826776 " Pondo................... Ancient Romans.,0,72897 " Polto...................... Portugal........ length......... 0,0090 inch es. Porrone.................... Catalonia....... liquid capacity 0,24532 gallons. Port...e....s........... superficial.... 0,0667 acres. Pose....................... Geneva.......................... 0,6672 " "...................... Lausanne..........,,........... 1,1115 " ~" old measure.... 0,8497 " Posson " Paris...... France, generally. liquid capacity 0,03075 gallons. Pot..A.t...Antwerp.................. 0,36298' "old -measure........ Bordeaux.............. 0,57169 " "for wine.......... Brussels.............. 0,35780 " "for beer..................................... 0,34350 " "....................... French W. Indies................. 0,5 " "...................... Geneva.........,,......... 0,24890 "'.Geneva.......................... 0,24890 I........................ Liege..................,,.. 0,33806 " "........................ Lille........................... 0,52836 " "....................... Lyons...........,,....... 0,24603 " "........................ WIarseilles.............,......... 0,26244 " " for wine................ Montpellier.............. 0,27778 cc " for oil..................~.......... 0,30692....................... Nantes.. 0,52836...................... Neqtfchhtel..................... 0,50307 " "........................ Paris......................... 0,49206 " "' for brandy.............. Rouen...............,,....... 0,42917'"........................ Vaud.0,35664 " Pote.......................Lisbon and Rio.............. 2,18475 " Pott........................ Basel............................ 0,10505 cc....................... Lunebsurg........................ 0,25678 " "......................Mecklenburg...........,..... 0,23921 " Potte........... Denmarkand N'y.......... 0,25520 " Pottle; legal.............. England.............. 0,60030 " old measure................. 0,5 " legal.........,,........... dry capacity..; 0,06447 bushels. " old measure...............,,................ 0,06250 " Pouce..................... France.......... length....... 1,0658 inches. "....................Lorraine............. 1,1271 " Poueur; for vineyards; mean Dauphiny..... superficial 0,2891 acres. Pound; Tower or old sterling England bef. 1526 weight......... 0,777778 pounds. " imperial.........,,. since 1825................... Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile=1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard-36 inches. o 89 PO UND. PUN KT. NAME. LOCALJTY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Pound; Troy.............. nglandand U.S. weight......... 0,822857 pounds. 6 apothecary...................,,........... 0,8)22857 T Troy.............. Scotland............ 1,088778 " " old Tron.................,,........... 1,429111 " " Glasgow Tron......................,,........... 1,406222 " mint or Troy......j United States................... 0,822857 " " avoirdupois...........................,.......... 1. " Pous; 1Macedonian......... Anzcient Greeks.. length......... 0,38592 yards. Olympic............................... 0,33714' Philetairic............................,............ 0,38592 " Pythian..............,,................ 0,27008 " "' Sicilian................,,...,, 0,24333 " Powe; precious stones r smetals Bangalore....... weight....... 0,150943 pounds. Precikow; geometrical; o. m. Poland.......... length......... 0,48855 yards. cc" " since 1819...............,,........... 0,47245 cc Pretow; since 1819............,,............ 4,72450 c" Prime; old measure......... France......... weight......... 0,034 grains. Provenda.................. Ancona......... dry capacity.... 0,25370 bushels. Pud; legal................ Russia. weight.... 36,06764 pounds. Puddlum................. Masulipatan............ 1,5 "c Puddy..................... Arcot....... dry capacity.... 0,06045 bushels. ar..................... Madras 0,04360 c" Pugon..................... Ancient Greeks.. length..... 13,6548 inches. Pugma................... t. 15,1720 9 " Pulg'gda.................. Ara g-on.................... 0,8432 " " legalfor Spain...... Castille................ 0,9132 c cc.................. Valencia........,,... 0,9920 " Pullah; mininm.......... E. Indies; Bellary weight......... 138,23701 pounds.'" maximum..............,,. Secund'rbd.............. 252,464434 " s" nean of 8............~.......... 228,631227 Puncheon; old measure..... England....... liquid capacity 84. gallons. " for rum. Jamaica................ra........ 102,02290 " Pund...................... Denmark.......weight......... 1,100885 pounds. "for gold and silver........................... 1,038000 "....................... Sweden. 0,937284 "C Punko; for gold and silver.. Calcutta..............,,.......... 0,14 grains. Punkt; legal............... Austria.... length..... 0,0072 inches. " since 1810.......... Bade........... 0,0118 " cC " 1809.......... Baria............. 0,0067 " " actual............... Rhenish.....,......... 0,0076 ".............. Cracow........... 0,0081 "."................... Dresden........................ 0,0065 6' Acre= 4840 square yards. Bushel= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 90 PUNKT. QUART. N A MI E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Punkt................... Gotha........... length......... 0,0094 inches. ".....................iibec..............,............ 0,0066 "'c since 1819............ Poland......... 0,0065'" "..................... Swede n................ 0,0117 cc..................... Wrtemberg....,, 0,0113 " Punt.......... 3lons and Namur,.. 0,0116 " CC or Punto.............. Canton.............,, 1,2188 c' Punto.......... Genoa and Tutrin........... 0,1405 " cc.......................I 7Wilan...,,............ 0,1604 " "...................... Parma......................... 0,1486 " " legal................. Spain..........,.......... 0,0065 CC "for gold and silver... anilla......... weight........ 0,537 pounds. Pussiree.................. Calcutta..............., 10,266137 " "................... Seringapatam.................., 3,034159 " Pye. ala h.............ah........,, 1,8965 QuadragEssis............... Ancient Romans............... 28,875886 " Quadrans..............,............ 0,180474 " Quadrantal............................... liquid capacity 6,8410 gallons. Quadriato.................. Tuscay..... superficial...... 0,8413 acres. Quadrifssis................. Atncient Romans.. weight......... 2,8S7589 pounds. Quan.................... An-nam........................ 688,760 IC Quiartlein................. Graubiindten.... liquid capacity 0,08775 gallons. "................. Hesse Cassel..........,,...... 2,09692 " QuirtlUri.............ri.................. 0,23975 " " standard.......... Zurich. 0,21689 " Quardeel; for whale oil; mean Amsterdan......... 98,14213 ~' Quart; old measure......... Breslau..... 0,18343 "'I imperial............ England................ 0,30017 "'.................... M2'Varseilles........,........ 0,07045 " old measure........ Paris............,,...... 0,49207 "C "- actual; till 1840........................,,........ 0,06604 " legal.............. Prussia.........,,..... 0,30244',,................... Scotland............,..... 0,89527 " " actual............... Silesia.................,,... 0,18550 " "...................n. United States... 0,25 " C CC,........................... England.... dry capacity... 0,03224 bushels. C" Winchester; bef. 1825.................................0,03125 IC " old measure......... Paris........,,......... 0,09229 "C "C actual; till 1840.............. 0,00709 C'.................... Strasburg.................. 0,13416 " ".................... United States................... 0,03125 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 91 QUARTA. QUARTERA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE, Quarta; for oil............ Barcelona....... liquid capacity 0,06789 gallons. "c for wine......... ajorca.............,,........ 0,27581,C................... Ferrra...... dry capacity... 0,22201 bushels. "................... Lisbon....................... 0,09592 ". Rome.................,,........ 2,08873 ".. Rovigo.............,,........ 0,23506 "................... Saragossa.. length......... 7,5888 inches.................... Spain, generally.............. 8,2188 "...................Rome........... superficial... 1,1414 acres. Quartal; for oil.......... Montpellier...... liquid capacity 2,44536 gallons. Quartana.................. Sardinia.................... 1,10955 " Quartane............... Graubindten... dry capacity.. 0,21244 bushels. Quartarius................. Ancient Romans liquid capacity 0,03563 gallons.'.......................,,..... dry capacity... 0,00383 bushels. Quartro................. Milan................. 0,12972 " "...................,............ liquid capacity 1,66326 gallons. " mean..... Sicily.................,,... 1,36435 " Quartarlo........ Bologna............. 5,19045 cc,............ dry capacity... 0,27130 bushels.................. Parma.......... 0,09111 "................. Venice...............,........ 0,14777 " Quartaruola.............. Padua............. 0,20564 "....... Vicenza.......................... 0,04799 " Quartaut; mean.......... Burgundy....... liquid capacity 26,85810 gallons. "~ "............ Champagne................. 23,87191 cc old measure...... Paris................,........ 17,71445 " IC for salt........ Nantes.... weight......... 43,168760 pounds. Quarte..................... Liege and Namur dry capacity.... 0,21784 bushels. " for coal....... Paris......................... 0,09229 " cc.................... Montpellier...... superficial..... 0,0875 acres. Quarteel; for whale oil.... Hamb'gand Holst liquid capacity 61,20741 gallons. Quartel; old measure........ Augsburg...................... 0,09431 "C " legal.............. Bavaria...............,,..... 0,07060 "................. Ratisbon................ 0,05503 " Quarter; disused........... England...... weight........ 28.- pounds. 6 imperial.........d..,........... dry capacity 8,25212 bushels. " Winchester..............and U. S......,,. 8.- (.C................ Sweden......... liquid capacity 0,08635 gallons. Quartera.................. Barcelona..... dry capacity... 2,01484 bushels................... Majorca..............,,...... 2,04237 ".M.............. Minorca................. 2,15673 " "..................Barcelona.... liquid capacity 0,98125 gallons. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 92 QUARTERitE. QUARTILLO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Quartdree........ Agen.......... superficial..... 1,8006 acres................... Aiz-en-Provece..0,5861 c..................Caho1,215.......... 1,2615............... rseilles...0,5065 Quartern; old measure...... England........ liquid capacity 0,5 gallons. " legal..........,,........,,...... 0,6003 " Quartdron; old measure..... France.......... weight........ 0,269805 pounds................. F'IibZg....................... 0,113286 ",............... Geneva.......... liquid capacity 0,403 gallons. " old measure.... Lausanne...........,..,...... 0,52651 " cc for oil.......... Marseilles.................. 0,09841 ",............... Friburg......... dry capacity... 0,22662 bushels. CC............... Vaud............................ 0,38310 cc Quarterone; for oil........ Genoa......... liquid capacity 0,26698 gallons. Quartes; for wine.......... Majorca........................ 1,10274'" Quarticino................ Bologna........ dry capacity... 0,06974 bushels. Quartier................... Altona.... liquid capacity 0,23911 gallons.,,.................... Bremen............... 0,21250 " cc...................,Brunswic 0, C.....,,......... 0,247 c cc................... Dresden............,,......... 0,03093 cc cc.................. Hamburg................. 0,23842 ".................... Hanover..............,, 0,25899'c,,................... Leipsic................,,...... 0,03226 "................... Lubec.................,,......... 0,24734 "................... Oldenbug................ 0,25206 " c................... Rostock....R...,,......... 0,23908'c mean.............. Belgium......... dry capacity... 0,38310 bushels. C"....................Iorlaix.......................... 2,34119 "................... Nice..........,,......... 0,28378 c "...................es... superficial..... 0,4072 acres. "................... Rochelle................... 2,5240 " Quartiera................. Sardinia........ liquid capacity 1,32089 gallons.,.................. Treviso.... dry capacity... 0,15409 bushels. Quartierchen............. Breslau........ liquid capacity 0,04586 gallons. Quartidre; mean........... France......... dry capacity.... 2,89456 bushels. Quartire.................. Turin................,,......... 0,32648 " Quartilho.................. Lisbon......... liquid capacity 0,09104 gallons. "..Rio................ i... 0,18207 " Quartillo.................. Aragon... weight......... 0,016068 pounds................... Catalonia.. liquid capacity 0,24531 gallons. cc................... Gallicia.........0........ 0,15611 Cc................... Spain........... superficial....... 0,0331 acres. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 93 QUARTIN. QUENTCHEN. NAME. i LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Quartin................... Majorca....... liquid capacity 7,16781 gallons. Quartinillo; for brandy..........~................,,......... 1,79195 QuartIno.................. Turin.................Tn......... 0,10335 " ~.e rr.......... Ferrara......... dry capacity... 0,11101 bushels.,.................. Milan.,............ 0,00811 cc Quarto.................... Azores......,,......... 0,08499 c.................... Bergamo........................ 0,39160 " cc.................... Brescia............... 0,34525 c','....................Florence and Pisa......,,...... 0,17288 ",,................... Genoa.......................... 0,42821 ",,.....................io Janeiro.............,,... 0,09592 c',.................. Treviso............... 0,61636 " ".................... Venice.............. 0,59108 c",.................... Verona..............,,.. 0,27125 "' " for oil... Genoa.......... liquid capacity 4,27086 gallons. C.N.............Naples................,,......... 0,16716 " Quartuccio; mean of 5...... Ionian Isles............... 0,13877 c"................ Palermo.............. 0,07212 ",,............... Rome........................... 0,03390 " IC............... Sardinia............... 0,27739 " c.................. Tutscany............... 0,07523 " C"............... Ronme....... dry capacity.... 0,09494 bushels. cc............... 7uscany.............,.......... 0,01080 " Quarttlzzo.................. Venice.......... liquid capacity 0,17832 gallons. Quattrino............. uscany........ length......... 0,3S29 inches. Quent; old measure.. Baireuth........ weight......... 0,008775 pounds. c".................. Cologne..........,,........... 0,008051 " cc.................... li rnberg...........,,........ 0,008784 C " for gold and silver...................,.......... 0,008219 CC "................... Prague................... 0,008861 " "C.................... 5' ieste 4- Vienna........... 0,009646 CC...Tyr ol......0.................. J0,009691 ",,.................... Zurich......................... 0,009102 " Quenltchen............ Baden................ 0,008612 " cc.................................... 0,009646................. Iremen............... 0,008586 CC................. Breslau.....,, 0,007047 " CC" ~.........Brunsiic...................... 0,008052 ".................. Frankfort...................... 0,008704 " ".................. Glaris.............,,........ 0,009105 C............... Hamburg............... 0,008343 "............... Hanover............ 0,008433 "C Acre= 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 94 QU ENTC H E N. QUINTALE. NA lMiE. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Quentchen..................esse Cassel...... weight......... 0,00S340 pounds. cc................. IIesse Darmstadt....... 0,008612 " "................. Holstei.......................... 0,00344 ",................. Libau..............., 0,007199 " "................ Liibec....................... 0,008350',................ Mecklenberg,......,,.. 0,008350 ",,.................. Oldenburg...................... 0,008274 " "................ Prussia........... 0,008056 "................. Wiirtemberg........... 0,008055 " Quentin... Aix-la- Chapelle............, 0,008045 " Queue..................... Burgundy....... liquid capacity 106,28410 gallons...................... Champagne............,......... 94,47532 " " for wine, refined; o. sa. Paris.................., 106,28762 " " " on the lees............,,........ 110,71436 " Quiba...................... Tunis.... dry capacity... 0,93744 bushels. Quilte; for precious stones. Lisbon and Rio.. weight......... 3,176 grains. " for diamonds...... Oporto................. 3,074.................. Rio Janeiro..........,........ 3,075 " Quincunx.... lAncient Romans.......... 0,30079 pounds. Quinquagessis................,,.......................... 36,094857 " Quinqueissis...............,,....................,............ 3,609486 " Quintal.A.1ragon............ 109,738476 " IC..............Asturias.s..........,,......... 152,281185 " Bo................... Bordeaux............. 110,23685 " IC.................. Brazil..............,, 130,060416 " IC.................... Buenos Ayres............ 101,4178 " "................... Canary I................... 101,483944 " ".................. Castille and Chili........... 101,6097 "' macho...............,.......... 152,41455'" ".................. Catalonia............,........... 87,282 " " metrical......... France.,,............ 220,4737 C " old measure....,,.generally................ 107,9219 " ".................. Gallicia.............,,.........., 127,012124 " " Castillian.............,....,,.......... 101,6163 " ".................. ajorca. 89,95327 " " barbaresco..........,................... 92,794247 " " old measure......... Marseilles............. 89,931222 " "...................Mexico and Peru..,,........ 101,6097 " i................... Minorca...................... 91,937533 " ".............a...... Falencia..................., 109,128476 C' Quintle................... Modena........................ 75,005153 " peso grosso; old mea. Venice........... 105,275 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot -1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 95 QUINTALE. RINGIT. NAME. LOCALITY. ICHARACTER. VALUE. Quintile; peso-sottile....... Vice............ weight......... 66,5886 pounds. Quintin.................... Brunswic............... 0,008052 "...................Denmark............. 0,008601 "........Noway............... 0,008594 "...Sweden................ 0,007323 " Quintlein.................. 0,008959 " old measre. Ratisbon............,,0,009789 " Quinto........... Ginea............,.......... 0,008863 " QuirLte.e......................,,........... 2,959 grains. Quontar; khebir............ Algiers..........,,........ 203,167 pounds. RacYon; mean............. Spain.. dry capacity... 0,00813 bushels. Rackay; for gold and silver.. Sumatra.. weiht....... 1,521 rains. Raik.C....... Ccalcutta........ dry capacity... 0,02922 bushels. Rasiera................... Cagiai........... 4,16569 " Rasiere; maximum; Tournay Belgium...............,,........ 6,04054 " minimum; Tirlenzont............................ 0,85134 " mean of 39....................,,....... 2,35537 6c n" maximum......... France; Dunkirk......,......... 4,2567 cc " minimum........ Bavy................. 1,4785'c mean of 11..................,, 3,14144 cc "............ Douay.......... 1superficial.. 1,1172 acres. Raso...................... Cagliari........ length......... 0,60073 yards. "...................... Chambiri.......... 0,62836..,......... Nice...................'......... 0,60033 ",D @....,, 0,65552Turin............ 0,65552 Ratel; mean............... Persia.......... weight........ 1,025 pounds. Rautul; for pepper; mean... avancore......... 0,999964 Raza; for salt.............porto....... dry capacity 1,2509 bushels. Raze; old measure; mean.. Brittany........,....... 1,4189 6 Raziere; for grain.....ntwerp.............. 2,25968.. Real; for gold and silver... East Indies..... weight......... 0,060263 pounds. IC old measure..........N[ancy.......... dry capacity.... 5,53728 bushels. Reheb.. an............... Ale ia........ 4,45819 6 Reep or Reif............ Bremen.................. 86,526 cub. feet. Restiere.... e Sardinia......... dry capacity... 4,16569 bushels. Rezal; mean of 12........... Alsace Lorraine........... 3,11625 Richtpfennig; gold and silver Cologsse......... weight.. 0,055 grains. caczc F Vienna........................... 0,066 IC Riropel *..s Hurngay........ liquid capacity 0,05505 gallons. "........................dry capacity... 0,00592 bushels. Ringit; for gold and silver... Sumatra........ weight.... 0,060762 pounds. Acre == 4840 square yards. Bushel d2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile =760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 96 RITTERMAESS RO UP ELL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Rittern ss.................. Solothurn........ dry capacity... 0,51506 bushels. Rob o Robi...............Agiers.......... length......... 0,08653 yards. Rod....................... England and U.S...,............. 5,5 cc Rod or Rood................,,.. superficial..... 0,25 acres. Rode.....enmark...... length......... 3,43205 yards. Roed; old measure.......... Amsterdam...,,.......... 4,02427 " c' Rhenish..................,,...4,11889 " " legal................ Holland...,,............ 10,93633 " Roneng...... Siam............ itinerary...... 2,3886 miles. Rood...................... Scotland........ superficial..... 0,3177 acres. Rope............. England........ length......... 6,66667 yards. Roquille................. French W. Indies liquid capacity 0,0625 gallons. " old measure........ Paris.. 0,00769 c" Rotl or- Rottilo............ Abyssinia....... weight....... 0,68788 pounds. " attari; for spices....... Algiers............,,........... 1,203963 " " feuddi; gold and silver...,,.,,........... 1,096714 " gheddari; for fruits................................ 1,354458 " khebir................................................. 2,03167'C "...................... Bet-el-faki...,......... 1,019531 " "..................... Cairo........................... 0,950312 " ".................... Guinea..................0,953782 "...................... Jidda.....0..,,. 0,366016 " cc sottile................. iMalta................. 1,745047,...................... Morocco................. 1,189934 ( " msarket.,................. 1,701139 "...................... Tripoli in Africa........ 1,112095 CC...................... Tlnis.........,,........... 1,091547 " Rotolo... Aleppo......................... 5,06428 " " for Persian silks...................,.......... 4,7S293 C Damascene...................,,....,,..... 4,22023 " " Tripolitan.........,,........... 4,923606 " "..................... Damascus..........,,........... 3,9375 C"..................... Genoa...,.......... 1,15359 CC..................... Majorca........................ 0,92794'C,..................... Naples...........,,........... 1,9645 cc,~..................... Palermo.......... 1,925569.,,...............................................,, 1,750518 " IC.................. Smyrna........ 1,26562 C".................... Tripoli in Syria....,, 4,0057 ",, 4,80686 " Rottel...................... Constantisnople............ 1,403 CC Roupll.............. Ragusa.......... dry capacity... 0,70309 bushels. Acre = 4840 square yarda. Bushcl = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. P 97 RUBBIATELLA. RUTHE. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Rubbiatlla........ Rome....... dry capacity... 4,17763 bushels. Rubblo..................... ncona......................... 7,97422 "......Leghorn...........,, 7,77671 " cc.................... lilan............... 8,3 cc................... Rome...................,35525 " for wine..... Turin.. liquid capacity 2,48037 gallons. " peso scarso......... Genoa.......... weight......... 17461517 pounds. "' peso grosso...........,................ 19,225307 c',".................... Mantua...........,,........... 17,395475 " " for oil; old measure.. Milan............... 48,0588 (C " new meassure...........,.................. 22,04737 cc.......ples.............,,........ 18,387506 " &.....................Nice.......... 1 17,174901 "............ Prma............,,........... 17,990654 ".................... Placenti............. 17,527659' Cc"................. Turin..........,,......... 20,327675 " legal.............. enit. Lombardy....,,........... 22,04737 "............. R.... |Rome............ superficial.....1. 4,95658 acres. Rundlet or Runlet; for winelEngland........ liquid capacity 18.- gallons. Rupee or Rupia; maximum.. E. Indies; Madras weight......... 0,025714 pounds. IC minimum..............., Calcutt........ 0,023333 " mean of 38................... 0,024965 Rupp............ Graub.ii.dien.........,,........ 19,107721 Ruthe; old measure... Ao.....jlix-la- Chapelle.. length........l 4,93410 yards. cc.................... Altona....................... 3,43241.................. Baden................ 3,28090.............. Basel................. 3,33052 C " blegal.Baviavari........................ 3,19187 - legal......................B~H~er1~ne....))...... 3,20717 " Bresnen..........5.............. 5,06040 "..................Brunw.................... 4,99328 old measre Coblenz.................., 5,08528 " "...........,t Cologne................... 5,03278 r..................D. Dantzic......... 4,70621 "I "..................... sdn...,............ 4,95383' Ssrveyors.... 3....,........... 3,09783 ".................... Frankfort3,89074 CC p...................... GFribur,............. 3,20717 " CC tillage.h............... o,,l.a 4,40368 " woodland.............,,.......... 5,03278 C geestruhe......... Hiamburg e..... 5,01304 " CC marschrthe................ 4,3641 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 clubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Milea = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 98 Seat~~~~~~~~~~~~3,01 RUTH E. SAC. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Ruthe............... Hanover........ length......... 5,10938 yards. "..................... Hesse Cassel.......,,......... 4,36223 C " old measure...... KInigsberg................... 5,04759 "...................... Lausanne.........,,............ 3,28090,...................... Leipsic...........,,......... 4,94595 C C........,,,,.... Lippe......................... 5,06594 "..................... Lithuania............. 5,32883 "..................... Liibec......., 5,03773 "..................... Mecklenburg........,,......... 5,09198 C' " since 1818............ Nassau................. 5,46817 ".......................7iarnberg................ 5,31580 "....................................... )).............. 3,98686 " old measure.......... Oldenburg........,,......... 6,48341 " " actual"........,,... 5,83507 " " old "........... Porn erania............. 5,11172 "' legal... Prussia............,............ 4,11889 C". ~.......................c.Saxonly................ 4,68835 " "........................ Silesia........,, 4,72378 "............................ Solothurn..................... 3,20718' " old measure........... Stettin...................... 4,98818 "'...................... Strasburg...............,... 3,16280 " builders'.............. Vienna...........,......... 3,45707 " ".. e.................... 7Weimar....,,......... 5,93411 " " legal................ Wirtemberg............ 3,13315 " " old measure..............., 5,01304 " cc "...............,,........... 5,14860 " " Prussian......................................,, 4,11889 " "................................Zurich............ 3,29598 " Ruttee; gold, etc.; mean of 8.. East Indies...... weight......... 2,267 grains. " for pearls............ Bombay.................. 3. —- " "............ Calcutta........,,........ 2,825 " for precioues stones.... Delhi................. 1,25 " CC CS............ Si................ 16. CC CC.... Surat.......................... 2,846 " Saa or Sahla............... Algiers.. - dry capacity... 1,36215 bushels. Sabbath-day journey....... Asncient Hebrews. itinerary. 0,5432 miles. Sac........................ Brussels....... dry capacity.. 6,89665 bushels. "........................ tray................. 3,58754 "'C 6 maximum............ France; Aantes...,,... 4,25670 I'C nimzimum.................. iillon,,.....Ag 2,01796 " "mean of 35...................,,........ 2,77594 " Acre —4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-=-1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grails. Yard = 36 inches. 99 SAC. SAGGIO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Sac........................ Ghnt........... dry capacity... 2,99780 bushels.......................... Geneva.......................... 2,20403 ".L a.........u.........Lazsanne.............,,...... 3,83106 " "........................ Neufchtel................... 3,45860, " for charcoal........ Paris 5............ 5,90642 " " for lime.................,,........,, 0,73830 C( "for wheat andJflour........................... 5,99872,,........................ Vaud...................... 3,83103 c Saccto.................... Florence....... superficial.. 1,3236 acres. Sacco..................... Belluno.... dry capacity 2,71861 bushels.......................Bergamo....,,....... 4,70129 " I...................... Cremona......., 3,03645 cc................... Florence and Pisa................. 2,07462 " "......................Leghorn.......,,....... 2,07462,, " for charcoal........... Lisbon....... 1,47140 (6 Lucca........ c.................. 2,08720) c...ilan..... 4,15104,, cc...................... Modena...................... 3,60401...................... Nice..................... 3,40536 " ".....Reggio....................... 3,38698...................... Rovigo.............. 2,82077...................... Treviso.... 2,46321 I( "...................... Turin................., 3,26350 I".V"e * * s *. @......I.....Verona... 3,255 cc "...................... Vicenza..................... 3,07050,' Sachine or Sagine.......... Russia.......... length......... 2,33410 yards. Sack... Allona.......... dry capacity.... 5,98776 bushels. ".. Basel........,,...... 3,87806 C" " coal miners'........... Carinsathia............. 28,378 cc "for coal; old measure.... tEngland..........,,......... 3.- c n...., ew measure...................... 3,09455 "....................... Friburg..........,......... 3,42488 IC "for charcoal........ Hamburg........,,....... 5,98776 " " Str..................... Srasburg... 2,95322 " " for wheat; millers'...... United States..........,,......... 2.- "for salt...........................,.. weight....... 215.- pounds. " for wool............... England.......... 364.- c Saco.............. Grenada........ dry capacity... 2,75778 bushels. Sadang.................... Pegu........... length....... 0,60133 yards. Sadon............. Medoc.......... superficial 0,1965 acres. Saga; for gold and silver.... Malacca........ weight..... 4,33 grains. Saggio or Sazio............ Ragusa....... 0,010033 pounds. Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel =-2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Ya.d = 36 inches. 100 SAGGIO. SCHEFFEL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Saggio; peso grosso......... Venice......... weight......... 0,014622 pounds. " sottile.........,........... 0,009248' Saha or Zah................ Tunis......... dry capacity.... 0,07812 bushels. Sahm; for charcoal......... Austria............,........ 6,981 " Sanla.............. Calabria........ liquid capacity 80,49240 gallons. " mean................ Naples.................,,........ 40,27262 c" " for oil; mean..............,.......,, 42,16670 cc " for wine" Sicily...... icil............,,. 22.- " ".....................Barcelona....... dry capacity... 8,18909 bushels. " rasa..........M..... Malta................. 8,22038 " " colma; (heaped)..............,......... 9,5 C "..................... Sicily.................,,......... 7,8 " " grosso...,,............,,.. 10.- " Salm6e; old measure; mean. Languedoc...... superficial...... 1,6752 acres. Saltus..................... Ancient Romants............ 498,3475 " Salup.............. Sumatra......... weight.......... 2. — pounds. Sa6.....................n-nam....... length......... 7,99325 yards. cc............. superficial..... 0,0132 acres. Sat...........ian dry capacity... 0,00837 bushels. Satio...................................,... 0,58740 " Satin; old measure.......... Brussels........ weight........ 0,016111 pounds. Saum................... Tyrol.......................... 441,829295 " "...................... Vienna.....,,........... 339,535675 " " for steel.............................. 308,669250 " " lauter-mass............aau... liquid capacity 38,042 gallons. " triibes-mass.............................. 41,08536 "........ Basel.....................,, 40,33767 " cc................. Berne.................,,........ 44,14944 "..................... Graubiindten,................. 31,58910 " "..................... Lucerne.....45........ 45,65392 " "...................... S. Gall................,........ 44,371 cs............. Sololhrn.., 42,11473 " lauter-mass..........Zurich.............,, 43,39124 " " triibes-mnss.............................. 46,299 c Schachtruthe; for masonry.. Prussia........ solid... 157,226 cub. feet. Schaf; old measure....Augsburg....... dry capacity.... 5,83270 bushels. " for wheat, etc.; old m. Ratisbon......................... 16,64427 " " for oats ",....,,.............,,......... 29,12746 I" " for lime "......................,,....... 6,24174 " Schatz; for vineyards.... Slrasburg....... superficial..... 0,()620 acres. Scheffel...................A. nhalt-RIoetheL.. dry capacity... 1,50289 bushels. legal........... Bavaria............ 6,31002 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Clihic foot= 1728 cubic ilchles. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound -- 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 101 SCHEFFEL. SCHEPEL. N AM E. | LOCALIT Y. CHARACTER. VALUE. Scheffel; usual; for oats.... Bavaria........ dry capacity... 7,36169 bushels. old measue....... Berlin......... 1,55314.................. Bremen......................... 2,10195 c " old measure........ Breslau...,, 2,11416 cc " for wheat.......... Brunswic..... 8,66720 C" " for oats.................,, 10,40064 c" " old measure. Dantzic......................... 1,46212 " ".................. DI esden............... 2,94S50,, ".................. Gotha...............,, 2,47809,, C" for coal.................................... 1,14080 "'................ Hamburg....... 2,9811 " for oats and barley. 4,48234 cc " mean..i e........... Hesse Cassel........... 2,3 c ".................. Leipsic........................ 2,94850 cc c".................. Lippe....... 1,25694. C "C for.................................,...... 1,46643 " " for oats.......,,......... 1,46643," c.................. Liibec..............,..... 1,00970 " " for oats.................,,......... 1,12463 " c legal............... Mecklenburg................... 1,10360 old measure........unster................... 0,65936 " C "....... Naumburg...............1,63856........Oldenburg.........,......... 0,64710 " old measure.... Polsdam.................,, 1,51085 c C legal....... Prussia..................... 1,55970 ".................. Silesia, Austrian.....,,....... 2,16723 CC.................. P sian...........,.......... 2,11416 c" " old measure......... Stettine...............,,...... 1,46573 " "................... lfVeinzar...................... 2,18413 " ";..................,HTizrtemberg............... 5,02919 " " for coal and lime.................. 2,08621 " "...................Hamburg..... superficial...... 1,0385 acres. "...................Lippe.......,,.......... 0,4242 " C tillage........... Libec................ 0,3146 " woodland........,..... 0,4195 ".".I........ debur...........,........ 0,1717 " "................... ostock................... 0,3931 " Schenkkanne.............. Leipsic... liquid capacity 0,31807 gallons. Schenklmass............... | Atgsburg....... 0,34760 " ".............. S...... G.... 0,30213 C" ".................. i............ 0,24205 c Schepel; old mneasuere...... Amsterdam. dry capacity...... 0,78931 bushels. legal........... IHolland............ 0,28378 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foo= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 102 SCHIFFLAST. SCHUH. NAME. | LOCALITY. CHIAR ACTER. VALUE. Schifflast................. Berlin.......... weight....4..... 124,72 pounds. Schiffpfund....... Aix-la- Chapelle................. 308,911 "c ".............. Altona..........,......... 299,028479 " " land carriage................,........... 341,77 " " legal.... Berlin..............,, 340,4114 " "c old measure.......,,................,, 289,2615 " cc................ Bremen.............,........... 318,7274 " c............... Brunswic......28................. 28S,568 " CC................ Dantzic........... 340,28 ",,.......... a.... mburg............. 299,00819 "c " land carriage................................ 341,72365'C ~' for earths, metals, etc. Kl6igsberg.........,........... 340,8702 "...Lubec.............. 299,24832 " " land carriage...........,.... 341,99808........ "................ Mecklenburg................... 313,72656 " " land carriage.... Niirnberg................ 337,2963 " "................ Oldesnburg..........,,.......... 309,54508 " " old measure...... Rostock..................... 299,05 cc " land carriage.............................. 341,77 " " old measure...... Stettin..................... 2S9,24 " C Schinek............... Temeswar....... dry capacity.... 3,02765 bushels. Schippond............ Amlsterdam...... weight......... 326,74202 pounds. "................ Antwerp...........,,........... 310,974 " Schnur; surveyors'......... I6nigsberg..... length......... 50,47586 yards. Schoina; [uncertain]....... Anc't Egyptians. itinerary....... 4,1468 miles. Schoppen................. Aarau...... liquid capacity 0,09514 gallons. "..................Baden..............,,........ 0,09910 ".................. Basel..............,........ 0,09392 cc ".................. Frankfort............,....... 0,11840 ".................. Friburg................. 0,10316 " "C................. Glaris.......................... 0,11751 ".................... Hesse Cassel.............. 0,14417 " "................. Hesse Darmstadt............... 0,13209 cc ".................. Lucerne........,....... 0,11413 " ".................. Mannheim......,,.... 0,13169 " ".................. Schaffhausen.........,,........ 0,03682 Schott.... Dantzic......... weight......... 0,021483 pounds. Schragen.................. Leipsic.... solid.......... 301,47 cub. feet. Schreef; mean.............. Belgium........ liquid capacity 1,44944 gallons. Schritt..................... Germany, gen'y.. length........ 1,71620 yards. Schrott; mean..............I dry capacity... 0,03122 bushels. Schuh............. Basel........... length........ 0,33305 yards. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 103 SCHUH. SEER. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Schuh.... lBrunswic....... length......... 0,31208 yards. c..................... Lindau; Bavaria............. 0,33650 c"' builders' and surveyors'............................. 0,31578 " cc cc cc Lucerne.........,,............ 0,31086 "' a crtizans'............ Sc hafhausen................. 0,32578 " city; old measure...... Strasburg.........,,............ 0,31628 " " rural ".......................,,............ 0,32261 " " artizans' 8- surveyors' Tr'ves or Trier................ 0,32125 6c carpenters'................ " ~............ 0,33367 stone-cutters'....... Zug................... 0,29389 " Scorzo..................... Rome........... dry capacity... 0,37978 bushels...c -............................ superficial..... 0,2854 acres. Scriptilum or Scriptilum... Ancient Romans.. weight......... 17,546 grains. Scrop6lo; apothecaries'...... Bologna................... 18,186 " " commercial...... Florence....................... 6,06 cc " apothecaries'.... Genoa................. 16,986 cc cc cc...... Milan...................... 17,514 cc "...... Naples.............,,........ 13,752 " CC "...... Rome........... 17,896 " c c "...... Turin........................ 16,472 " cc cc...... Tuscany............,,.......... 18,196 " cc "c...... Venice................. 16,147 " Scrupel " old mr. Amsterdam................... 19,781 " cc "c since 1817....,,...............,,........ 20,096 ",C ".C........ Denmark 8'Holst............., 19,177 " Ee C C.......... Germany, gener'y....,,........... 19,177 C " " legal......Holland........................ 20,096 " "c......... Sweden..............,, 19,024 C cc" "..........erlin.......... length......... 0,0716 inches. c" old measure........ Ulm.................U. 0,0790 " Scruple...e................ Englandand U. S weight......... 20.- grains. Seah....................... Ancient Hebrews. dry capacity.... 0,36743 bushels. Seam of glass.............. England........ weight......... 120. — pounds. "c for malt; old measure.............. dry capacity... 8.- bushels. Seau; old measure.......... ntwerp........ liquid capacity 79,2534 gallons. Secchino............... Frara........,,.......... 1,83002 Cc Secchlo................... I lonian Isles..................... 3.- C.................... Venice........................ 2,85312 "'".................... Vicenza.............,,........ 2,50749 " Seehter.................... F rank fort....... dry capacity... 0,20352 bushels. ccaau....................Hanau...... 0,21659 c Seer; gold and sil.; mean of 43 East Indies...... weight......... 0,596109 pounds. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 104 SEER. SETIER. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Seer; commercial; mean of 22 East Indies. weight.. 1,049423 pounds. " br grain; nmean of 183......... 2,127 Cc Seidel.................... Augsburg.....iquid capacity 0,15508 gallons. Cc...................... Niirnberg..............,. 0,15127...................... Prague....................... 0,13243.......... P...... Presburg....................... 0,11007...................... Ratisbon.................... 0,11007...................... Vienna................,......... 0,089 " "for coal............... Munich......... dry capacity... 4,23315 bushels.,,....................Prague................ ),......... 0 178 C.C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~[Pragrue.,,,,,..,, 0,01578,,............ Presburg............,,........ 0,01182 " Sell; vineyard..B..... B ohemia......... length........ 41,57568 yards. " woodland................'5..............,.. 27,28404...................... Dantzic.............. 47,06207 Selibra or Semis............Ancient Romans. weight...... 0,360949 pounds. Sem5dius or Semi-modius..........dry capacity.. 0,12248 bushels. Sernfincia.............................~........ weight......... 0,030079 pounds. Sen.............. Siam.... length......... 42,0385 yards. Septuagissis.............. Ancient Romans. weight......... 50,53280 pounds. Septunx...................................... 0,421107 " Septus or Septissis...............,..............,........... 5,05328 Seron.....G................. Guinea............ 0,026504 " Seroon; for raisins; mean.. Malaga.............. 88,908488 Sescfincia.................. Ancient Romans. superficial... 0,0779 acres. Sester...................... Trtves.......... liquid capacity 1,36844 gallons. C.................Baden.......... dry capacity... 0,42567 bushels. C..................... Basel......................... 0,96951 Cc............................I............, 0,48476 Cc 0,48476 C..................... Coblentz.............,......... 0,14193 C Cc...................... Strasburg.............,.. 0,52230 of Alsace............. I,.....................,,......... 01364 " of Alsace..,. 0,53664 Sesti......... Siam....,.... 0,33462 Setdr6e; maximum.......... France; Angers.. superficial...... 1,9547 acres. " minimum.............,.Montpellier..,.......... 1,3501 Cc IC mean of 20........... 3........... 0,8441 C Cc................... Nice............................. 0,3815'C Setter................... Geneva.......... liquid capacity 11,94719 gallons. C.....................Lausanne....................... 10,69920 "..................... Mlontpellier.......... 8,92921 Cc......... Neufchatel........,.. 8,04916 " "..................... Paris..........,. 1,96827 C C..................... Toulouse............... 9,22774 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard =36 inches. 105 SETIEIR. SIMMER. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Setier...................... Toulouse........ liquid capacity 12,30365 gallons. i................... Arles........... dry capacity... 1,70268 bushels. maximum............ Belgium;Florenne.....,......... 1,09085, ~ minimum......................Fleurus......,........ 0,65894 mean of 10................,,................,......... 0,85985, o.................... Calais........................... 4,79588 "..................... Montpellier.............. 1,47566 " old measure. Nas.... s.Nantes........................ 4,13411 c'..................... Neufchtel..................... 0,44128 ".......... Paris........................... 4,42982 " for oats.................................... 8,85965, for salt........................................ 5,90648 for charcoal.1.1...8..................... 11,81286 "...................... Rouen............,,. 5,16480...... Toulon................,... 2,21405 c' of Vermandoi s........ La Fre, etc..... superficial..... 0,8480 acres. Sexagessis................. Ancient Romans. weight....... 43,313829 pounds. Sexis....................,,..........,,........... 4,331383 Sextans.....................,,.............. 0,120316' Sextirius................................. liquid capacity 0,14252 gallons................................. dry capacity... 0,01531 bushels. Sextingkar................ Denmark..............,,......... 0,03185'................Finland......... liquid capacity 2,07326 gallons. Sextkla.................Ancient Romans. weight......... 0,010027 pounds. Shekel............ Ancient Hebrews................ 0,032086 " Shik tsong.......... China.......................... 160. cc Shik shi...................,,............ dry capacity... 2,17733 bushels. Shing shi............................,,..... 0,02177 Shing tsong..,, liquid capacity 0,13175 gallons. Shu........................................ weight....... 0,243 grains. Shye.................. Anjar........... dry capacity.... 0,88243 bushels. Sicilicus..................A. Ancient Romans. weight......... 0,015040 pounds. Sida....................... Mangalore...................... 0,614 CC Sieb........................ Stettin.......... dry Capacity.... 0,51990 bushels. Siebmass........ Altenburg..........,....... 0,99759 " Silqua...................A.ncient Romans. weight....... 2,924 grains. I....................Rome............,,....... 3,03 " Simmer................. Rhenish Bavaria. dry capacity.... 0,35473 bushels. c.................... Darmstadt..................... 0,90809 CC old measure.....,,........ 0,79693 ".................... Frankfort....................... 0,81407 C.M......... iVannheim...................... 0,39403 Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 106 SIMMER. SOMA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Simmer...e............... Mentz ~ Nassau dry capacity... 0,77614 bushels................... ANirnberg............,....... 9,02817' " for oats and barley......,................,,..... 16,69572 cc Simpilon.................. Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 7,69613 gallons. Simra.................. Baireuth....... dry capacity... 14,07393 bushels...................... Bamberg................,, 2,206;6 " for oats and barley..................,,......,, 2,7312 "..................... Coburg............. 2,52419 " " for oats and barley............................. 3,12357 " Sirmri.Csr................. Carlshe.......... 0,45519 "...................... Stuttgard............,......... 0,62865 Sister. Berg-op-Zoom............ 0,13117 "..........L..r...... 78 IC...................... Lierre................,........ 7,89816'~ Sitarion... Ancient Greeks.. weight.. 0,936 grains. Skalpund...... Sweden.... 1....,... 0,937284 pounds. Skeppel.................... Holstein..... dry capacity... 0,49349 bushels. Skeppund; berg-wigt....... Sweden.... weight......... 348,823363 pounds. 6" metall-wigt......................,,........... 299,93088 " c" tachjern-wit...................................... 453,470371 " " luppstadt-wigt.................................. 315,677251 " "c viktualie-wigt..................,,............. 374,9136 " Skieppe.................... Copenhagen...... dry capacity... 0,49349 bushels. " for coal and salt........,,........... 0,60315 " mean of 4.......... Denmark.................... 0,50484 " Skiepper................... superficial.. 0,6813 acres. Skippund.................... weight...... 352,37 pounds. " dities'........... Elsinore............... 352,75792 " Skoyciec................... Cracow............,........ 0,018644 6" " since l819.......... Poland........ 0,018627 " Skruptlow..................... 16,298 grains. " apothecaries'..........................19,211 " Sollee.................... Calcutta...... dry capacity... 2,3378 bushels. Sok........................ Siamrn........ length......... 0,52548 yards. Soldo...................... Florence...................... 0,03188 " Solive; for lutmber; old meas. F rance.......... solid.......'... 3,632 cub. feet. Soll[ga; for glrain... jBellary.... weight......... 8,64 pounds. Solotnik; for gold and silver. Russia....................... 65,75 grains. Soma...............Ancona..... liquid capacity 18,49246 gallons. " for wine.............. Florence.............. 24,08459 " for oil.................................... 19,26768 "........... Rome................... 43,3860 " cc since 1803........... Venit. Lombardy...,,........ 26,4178 " Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =- 1728 culbic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound -- 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches, 107 SOMA. STAJO. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Soma...................Bergamo........ dry capacity... 4,6692 bushels. "...................... Brescia................... 4,143 " " for rice; old measure... Milan................, 6,22506 C " since 1803............. Fenit. Lombardy........... 2,8378 " Somme; for lumber; old mea. France.......... solid........... 29,056 cub. feet. SOmmer.................. Coblentz........ dry capacity... 0,56773 bushels. "' old cmeasure........ Cologne......................... 0,50918 Cc Sompay; for gold and silver Siam........... weight......... 14,11 grains. Sompi................... Madagascar.............. 60.- cc Sou; esterlin; old measure.. France..............,.......... 0,040473 " cc Of the mint "............................. 0,026982 " Span...................... Englana and U. S. length......... 9. inches. ".....................Masulipatan................... 6,375 " Spann...... Swede........... dry capacity.... 2,07856 bushels. Spanne; miners'. Prussia......... length......... 10,2975 inches. c "............Saxony................ 9,656 " Spannland................. Sweden......... superficial...... 0,6066 acres. Spint............... Altona......... dry capacity... 0,18708 bushels. "......................Bremen.........,,........ 0,13137......................Hamlburg................... 0,18675 "......................Kiel..................... 0,07010 "......................Mecklenbsurg................ 0,06898 Spithlna............ ncient Greeks.. length........ 9,1029 inches..".................. Ancient Romans............. 8,7359 Stab....................... Frankfort..........,,............ 1,31236 yards. "....................... Fribrg............ 1,16975 "....................... Leipsic...............,,. 1,23646 CC since 1823............... Gallandzd................ 1,31236 " Stack of firewood........... Elgland........ solid........... 108.- cub. feet. Stadlon; Delphic or Pythian A7ncieLnt Greeks.. itinerary....... 0,0921 miles. " Pliletairic............,,................ 0,1316 cc " Olympic.........0........,,.., 0,1149 " Stadium................... Ancient Romans........... 0,1149 I" Stajo.................Bergoamo....... dry capacity... 0,58365 bushels. or Stara.............. Bologna.................... 1,11583........................Corsica...................., 4,25670 "c C...................... Cremona................... 1,01215 I''"...................... Florence and Pisa......... 0,69155 " CC..................... Leghorn............., 0,69155 " C...................... Lucca.......................... 0,68448.n" ta....0...................................,, 0,98840' I" or Staro..................,,......... 0,51875 IC Acre= 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 108 STAJO. STEIN. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Stajo or Staro.............. Modena......... dry capacity.. 1,99783 bushels.. Nice.1,,, 113512 " cc.o.... I......o............................... 1, 35 2 cc P............................,,....... 0,82249 "......................Palermo............ 0,06980 cc c or Staro............. Parma...............,,......... 1,33376 c cc...................... Placentia............. 0,89322 cc cc.... Ragusa.................... 4,21851 "...................... Reggio......................... 1,69399 Cc...................... Rome............. 0,69627 " " or Staro.............in......,,..... 1,08783 c" cc CC.............. Venice............ 2,27026 GC...................... Vicenza......................... 0,76763 " cc old measure. Milan.......... liquid capacity 6,65306 gallons. C or Staro... Naples...... 2,61633 " Stajlo..................... Florence.... superficial..... 0,1324 acres. Stangiw................... Cracow.liquid capacity 72,14172 gallons. " since 1819......... Poland....................... 52,83560 " Stng...................... Sweden.......... length......... 5,18104 yards. Starilio.................... Cagliari........ dry capacity... 1,38S56 bushels..... lilan...........,..... 0,25938 " Cc.................... 0,52220 C" cc................. Cagliari......... sup erficial...... 0,9S02 acres. Starland......... Bolzano; Tyrol,........... 0,2757 cc Staro............ Parma................... 0,1255 cc'" mean............... Piedmont.............,,.0,09850 " cc or Star........ Bolzano........ dry capacity.... 1,08696 bushels. cc.................... Ferrara...............0,88606' CC.................... Patras........................ 2,33041'C C' or Star... Tyol.... Tyrol............................ 0,86572 c" Stater...........A........ Ancient Greeks.. weight......... 0,019252 pounds. Stathmos............. itinerary....... 8,2936 miles. Stechkanne; for whale oil... Bremen.......... liquid capacity 5,12505 gallons. c c.... I Hcamburg.............,...... 5,11456 " Stccken......... Frankfort....... solid.32,060 cub. feet. cc................. Iesse Darmstadt............... 41,939 " cc. lentz......,,.......... 55,157 " Steekan........... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 5,12505 gallons. " for beer.................,,.............. 5,19268 c" " for brandy.........................,,......... 4,9533S " Steen.....w.................,,........... wveight......... 8,708711 pounds. Stein; for flax.Altona.....,,........... 21,3595 cc " for wool or feathers............................ 10,67975'c Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel= 2150,42 cubic inches. Cuibic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon ='231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 109 STEIN. STONE. NAME. LOCALITY. CH CARACTER. VALUE. Stein...................... Antwer........ weight......... 8,29264 pounds. "...................... Baden............,,......... 11,023685' "...................... Berlin...........,,........ 22,685960 " " for flax...... Bremen........................ 21,98124 ".................... Brunswic.........,........... 20,612 " " for sugar, rice, etc.. Dantzic.......................... 22,68596 for flax........................... 34,02894 IC,,....................... Dresden & Leipsic................. 22,64383 " ".......................Frankfort........................ 24,510606 C" CC for flax............... Hamburg.................... 21,35772 Hanover....nover......... 21,58888 " " for iron.... Leipsic................ 22,67811 ".................... Liibec.........,,........... 21,37488 IC "...................... Mlunich..... 24,6931 " cc old measure...........,....,........... 24,7448 C'...................... Oldenburg........, 21,18166 "C.r...................... Prague....,,....... 22,68 " for flax Rostock......... R.............. 24,649944 " " old measure...............;,,......... 22,40904 C(......................Solothurn..................... 11,4311 cc...................... Vienna..............,........ 24,694 Stekar..................... Russia.......... dry capacity... 0,52357 bushels. Sten..e.............. Sweden......... weight......... 29,993088 pounds. Stere F.rance..... solid........... 35,3166 cub. feet. Stioro.... Florence........ superficial 0,8363 acres. Stochiacah............... 4 Bolzano,.., 2,2058 " Stock; for oats and barley... amburg....... dry capacity.. 89,6434 bushels. Stof....................... Revel......................... 0,03107 cc "..............,..... Riga........................... 0,03588 c......................Couland........ liquid capacity 0,34713 gallons. " for woine; old measure... Dantzic........... 0,45333 " " for beer "C.................................. 0,60787 " I Narva......................... 0,34053 "........................ Revel and Riga........,......... 0,34369 " Stone....'England........ weight....... pounds. " for glass.............................,........ 5.-' " for meat and fish............................. 8.- I" " London weight...........,,...bf. 1304,,......... 12,5 " Tours "............................ 1 2. - " cc Troy..... Scotland..........,..... 17,420444 " old Tron.................,............... 22,865778 " " Glasgow Tron........................... 22,499556 ( Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon -- 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound - 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 110 STOOP. TAC. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Stoop.......... Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 0,64063 gallons.................Antwerp.............,,....... 0,75127 " cc.........., Brussels....0..........,,,71560 ",,............ Rotterdam............... 0,77603 " Stop.Swede..........................0,34541 c..... -..... e. ~ *.~, dry capacity... 0,03712 bushels. Stopa................. C racow....... length......... 0,38981 yards. " since 1819............ Poland......,,......... 0,31497 " cc old measure............,,.............,,........... 0,32564 c" StopEllo.......... Naples.......... dry capacity.... 0,19590 bushels. Stotz... Glaris.......... liquid capacity 0,11751 gallons. " lauter-mass......... Zurich................. 0,12052 " " schenk-mass.................,, 1.0..... )0,10847 c Streep.. Holland......... length......... 0,03937 inches. Strich; Rhenish........... Germany, gener'y............ 0,0858 " "................ Prague.......... dry capacity... 2,65618 bushels............ Ratisbon........0,75675 ".......... Bohemia........ superficial..... 0,7107 acres. Strike; for malt; old measure England....... dry capacity... 2.- bushels. Stibchen.............Bremen......... liquid capacity 0,85103 gallons. " for beer...............,, 0,99636 "..................Brunswic................... 0,988 c.................. Denmark.......... 0,9889 cc ".................. Gotha................,,........ 0,96120 " c.................. Hamburg...... 0,95369 " Cc.................. Hanover......1............... 1,03599 ".................. Holstein.....,, 0,95644,c CC.................. Lbec..................... 0,98935 C' ~........... Mecklenburg........,,........ 0,95685' Stiickfass.................. Frankfort.......,, 303,12832 " c..,,.,,........Heidelberg........ 313,397 " for Rhine-wine.... Niirnberg................... 290,43516 " Sttitz..................... Carlsruhe...........,, 4,96367................... Neufchatel..............., 4,02458 " cc..................... Solothurn..........,,........ 2,10574,C Stykfad................... Denmark...........,...... 296,67189 " Succle...Santa.............ana Maura.......... 0,85726 " Sznur or Sznurow; surveying Poland.. length. 47,245 yards. Ta............... A n-na.... weight........ 137,752 pounds. Taakel; old measure........Holland......... dry capacity.. 0,23497 bushels. Tac; builders'........ IlAn-nam......... length......... 1,9184 inches. Acre - 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard 36 inches. 111 TAC. TAU TSONG. NAME. LOCALITY. I CHARACTER. VALUE. Tac; mercers'............. An-nam......... length....... 2,5578 inches. Tael or Tale................ Amboyna... weight....... 0,065109 pounds.......................Bantam; Java.......,,......... 0,151094 " "......................Batavi....,,............ 0,084745, "for gold and jewels.... Borneo..........,... 0,087771 6c " ~.................... Chinca 4 Sooloo I................ 0,083333,c "...................... Japan.....f...l....,... 0,081779,.....................Malacca...................... 0,084375 c " mean of 3. Molucca I. 0,076941,, "...................... Siam................,,........... 0,067627 IC...................... Sing'apore......,... 0,083333 c, " mean of 7............. Sumatra................ 0,085871,, Tagmatt................... Bolzano........ superficial...... 1,1029 acres. Taim.................. Constantinople... weight........ 3,09 grains.." Pegu..... length......... 5,4108 inches. Talnton.............. Anc. Babylonians weight......... 96,258295 pounds. " Ptolemaic....... Anc't Egyptians.................. 57,754977,7 " Xylic...................,,........ 69,305973 c c6 CEginetic......... Ancient Greeks............. 96,258295 cc " Attic; before Solon........,.....,..... 80,215246, " " after....,,............,,.......... 57,754977,, " Eubceic...... -........,,....,,........ 80,215246 CC Talento; actual smeasure.... Ionian Isles...,.... 100.-. I Talie; Brabanter........... Antwerp........ length. 1,7116 inches. " old measure.......... Brussels.....,,. 1,7124 "c ".................... Clharleroi..,, 1,6738 " maximum.......... H a lle; Belgium........... 1,7963 ".c * Gheel...,....... 1,6890 C" minimum...........Louvain; Belgium...,, 1,6733 IC.................... Wavre.............,........ 1,6953,, Tam.................... China........ weight....... 133,333333 pounds. Tampang; for tin..........Malacca 1,355925 IC Tank...................... Bombay......,,....... 68,056 grains. " for precious stones........,............. 72.- C "..................... Darwar............ 50. cc.....................Poonah.........,,........ 191,667 cc " for precious stones..... Surat................... 68,304 " Taphach... Ancient Hebrews. length......... 2,8680 inches. Tarrie.................. Algiers.......... dry capacity... 0,56295 bushels. Tattarny................... Japan....... length......... 2,07845 yards. Tau shi..... China........... dry capacity.... 0,21773 bushels. "tsong................ liquid capacity 1,31750 gallons. Acre=4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot-1728 cubic inches. Gallon z-231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760yards. Pound- 7000grains. Yard 36 inches. 112 TAVOLA. TOISE. N EA ME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Tav6la; Lombar7dic......... Italy; mean of 10 superficial..... 0,00851 acres. cc Piednontese............7............ 0,00105 " " since 1803.......... Milan...............,,.......... 0,0247 " " old measure............................ 0,0067 ".................. Modena......................... 0,0097 " C................... Turin...........,, 0,0094 " "~.... Venice.......,, 0,00107 " Temen............... Tripoli in Africa dry capacity... 0,7617 bushels. Tempoh.... Sumatra........ length..... 4,5 inches. Tcra............... Lisbon.............. 0,39843 yards. Tercia.............. Madrid............... 0,30440 " Termsxno....T..... Tripoli in -Africa weight........ 0,008688 pounds. Teruincius................. Ancient Romans............. 0,180474 " Tesa.................. Turin....... length......... 1,87290 yards. Tetarton.... Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,03563 gallons.,,,,,,.................................. dry capacity.... 0,00383 bushels. Tetrad rachmon............w.............., weight........ 0,038503 pounds. Tetrobolon....................,,........... 44,92 grains. Thauen; Rhenish vineyards. Germany........ superficial..... 0,3156 acres. Thermos.............. Ancient Greeks.. weight... 7,487 grains. Thuoc; builders'............. China........... length..... 0,53288 yards.'C mercers'...............,,............ 0,71051 cc TibSro..................... Tripoli in Africa dry capacity... 0,05761 bushels. Tica. Borneo... weight......... 6,40 grains. Tical....................... Pegu............... 0,033333 pounds. cc.Siam................. 0,016907 "C Tierce............... Ensglandand U.S. liquid capacity 42. — gallons. Tierqon............... Bordeaux.............. 39,83804 cc C.................... Champagne............ 14,60112 C" cc old measure......... Paris.................,,. 23,61926 C" Timbang; for grain........Batavia.... weight......... 677,9625 pounds. Tippree.................. Bombay............. 0,35 Gc To......................... China........... itinerary....... 69,1797 miles. Tod; for wool..............Engand........ weight......... 28.- pounds. Toende; for beer............Denmark........ liquid capacity 34,68114 gallons. IC....................... dry capacity... 3,94460 bushels. cc....................... superficial.... 5,45 acres. Toesa..................... Spain........... length......... 1,85472 yards. Toise; le comte......... Besanqon.................. 2,73783 c " de Roi............................ 2,13145 ".....c................Burgundy....,,......... 2,71658 c" ".................... Dauphiny.........,,....... 2,23769 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon - 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard _ 36 inches. 1113 TOISE. TONELADA. NAME. -LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Toise; episcopal............ Dauphiny..... length........ 2,08212 yards. " of Peru; old standard France............,......... 2,13145 " " maximum; old meas....,... Guingamp..,......... 2,84204 c minimum C'....Lorraine.....,............ 1,7264 " " mean of 24............,,......,,......... 2,31963 " " metrical; till 1840.......,,............, 2,18727's "~.....................Geneva................... 2,84204 " " old measure....... Guieine........................ 2,27334 C" ".................... Liige...........1................ 1,83376.................... Neulfchtel............ 3,20717 C ".................... Vaud............... 3,28090 " Toise cube; old measuzre.... France.......... solid.. 261,480 cub. feet. cc usual...........,,. 1812-1840'.,,'............ 282,533 " "C earthwork, etc... Vaud............................ 954,232 " Toise-toise-pied; old measure France............,,........... 43,580 " Toise-toise-pouce......,,.....,,..,... 3,632 cc Tola; for gold, etc. maximuem E.Indies;GCalcstta weight......... 0,032083 pounds. " " minimum..,,......Bombay...., 0,025571 c" " "CC mean of 16.........................,............ 0,027148 " " for precious stones...... Surat................ 0,039031 " Tomaun; for rice... Bet-el-faki..... 168. " Tomin; for gold........... Spain, etc................... 8,83 grains. " for silver..........,.............................. 9,254 " Tomme................. Denmark........ length......... 1,0297 inches. Tomolo; ordinary....... M....essina......... dry capacity.... 0,48612 bushels. " grosso..........,.,...............,,...... 0,60765 " c'.................. aples...............,,...... 1,56460 " Ton; for grain.......... Amsterdam.................... 3,94655 " " for lime.............................,,...... 3,03986 " " for beer........................... liquid capacity 41,54144 gallons. "C CC.............. Antwerp........................ 41,26348 " " for gin; shipping...............................237,76 " " shipping; measurement China and India. solid.... 50.- cub. fet. C'..................... England........ weight.......2240.- pounds......................Marylad........................ 2000. —. " for coal.......................................2240.- " "C " at the mines... 2470.- c.................... U. States, gener'y.2240. — " CC shipping; measurement......,.......... solid. 40. — cub. feet. Tonelada; shipping........ Portugal........ weight......... 1755,8 pounds........................... liquid capacity 227,27 gallons..." " dry capacity.... 41,43 bushels. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot=1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 114 TONELADA. TORNATURA. NAME. LOCALITY, CHARACTER. VALUE. Tonelada; shipping; measur't Portutal........ solid........... 73,296 cub. feet. "...........Rio Janeiro..... liquid capacity 264,1780 gallons. sc....... an. Spain........ weight......... 2032,2 pounds. "e " c.~........,,.......( liquid capacity 255,78 gallons. Tonne; for beer... Berlin.........,24838 "t C............. Bremen................. 43,83611 ",,........... Brunswic............. 30,27611 " (C" " old measure. Dantzic......... 54,70863 " ",c............ Dresden................... 25,97134 ",,,........ Gotha........... 23,0688 " " ".. Ha......,,. tiamburg........ 45,77712 C''C for whale oil...........~................ 30,51808 " cc for beer............ Hanover........ 41,26460 ".H".... Holstein.......................... 30,60608 ",",,............ Leipsic.......................... 23,85131 "........... Oldenburg............,, 40,49740 CC, C,,R............ Rostock.......................... 30,61920 CC................... amburg Holst. dry capacity... 3,94766 bushels.................... iel............................. 3,36393'c " for wheat, etc....... Libec........................ 4,03880 " ": for oats..............,...... 4,49852 C "................. Oldenburg..................... 5,17680 cc................... Stettin......s..........,....... 3,88235 " cc shipping; little used. Germany, gener'y weight......... 2190. — pounds. cc cc.......... Hamburg....2............. 2135,77 cC Cc cC measurement,,............ solid........... 33,219 cub. feet. Tonneau,c,, Belgium................. 52,975 cc " cc old measure France.......... weight......... 2158,43 pounds. "C C" metrical...........,,........... 2204,74 " C cc...............dry capacity.... 42,567 bushels. c" "c measurreent................ solid.. 50,842 cub. feet. Tonncllfta,; shipin......... eghorn..... weight......... 2240.- pounds. IC ". B Rome........... dry capacity 43,9859. bushels. (c " a...........scny......... 41,439 cc cc,....... Messina......... liquid capacity 277,6839 gallons. cc cc....... Syracuse.........,, 247.- cc Toolam; max. Travasncore... East Indies weight.......... 19,9198 pounds. cc min. Palcamcotta...,. 12,5 CC cc mean of 9......... 17,297 " Topf; old mesure............ Bres......liquid cpacity 0,73362 gallons. Tornatra.............. Bologna......... superficial.. 0,4327 acres. since 1803........... Venit. Lombardy..2,4711 Cc Acre = 4840 square yards. Busbel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile -1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard =-36 inches. 115 TRABUCCO. UNCIA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Trabftcco.................. Sardinia........ length......... 3,44494 yards. " v rin........... 3,37123 " Trait...................... France, till 1840.............. 0,03937 inches. Trapeso................... Malta........... weight....... 12,73 grains. "..Naples............,........... 13,75 " Tressis.................. A.. ncient Romans............ 2,165691 pounds. Tricessis...................,.............,, 21,65691 " Triens............,....,.........,,......,,.......... 0,240632 cc Trihemiobolon.........A.... 1lncient Greeks......... 16,845 grains. Tri6bolon...................,................ 33,69 cc " Eubceic....................,,.....,, 46,792 " Tritos.......................... dry capacity... 0,48991 bushels. Troisken or Troyken....... Holland......... weight......... 2,966 grains. Truss; of hay........ Esngland.................. 56. pounds. " of new hay.................................... 60.- c. " of straw..............,,.... 36. — " Tscharka.................. S. Petersbur~g.... liquid capacity 0,32465 gallons. Tschetwerik..............,,........... dry capacity.... 0,719 bushels. Tschetwert........................... 5,95205 " Tschetwertka.................,,......... 0,17975 " Tsun...................... Canton.......... length......... 1,4763 inches....................... Pe kin............................ 1,3125 c.Pekin.~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~ l~,~~~~~~MP1,3125 Tsut shi................... China........... dry capacity... 0,000002 bushels. Tub........................ Sumatra............... 1,87360 " "................................... liquid capacity 17,44147 gallons. Tucka; for pearls.......... Bombay......... weight.......... 0,218 grains. Tum...................... Sweden.......... length......... 0,9714 inches. Tun; for wine; old measuere. England........ liquid capacity 252.- gallons. " for bcer;.......,...,,......... 263,68831 " Tun...................... Sumatra..... length......... 4. — yards. Tunna.................... Sweden......... liquid capacity 33,15962 gallons. -".................,,............ dry capacity.. 4,15713 bushels. TunnIand.......... superficial....:. 1,2132 acres. Tussoo..................... Ahmednuegur.... length......... 1.- inches. " builders'............ Bombay.,,......,3......... 2,3625 cc " mercers''............... 1,1250 cc "......................., 1,1611......... 1,1611 builders'............ 1. — C Ueba...................... poli in Africa (I ry capacity... 3,04633 bushels. Uncia....................IAncient Romans.. weight......... 0,060158 pounds. "................... length......... 0,9707 inches. Acre =4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot =-1728 cubic inches. Gallon= 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 116 UNCIA. UZAN. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Uncia..................... ncient Romans. superficial..... 0,0519 acres. Untz; viktualie-wigt........ Sweden.......... weight......... 0,058500 pounds. Unze...................... Aix-la- Clhpelle... 0,064356 " " for gold and silver...... Antwerp............... 0,064786.......................Appenzell......,, 0,064449 " "for spices.................... 0,064097 ",,.............. Austria, generally........... 0,077170 "...................... Basel.......................... 0,067452...................... Berne........................... 0,071670...................... Bremen.............. 0,068691 " " old measure........... Breslau..........,.......... 0,056379 "...................... Brunswic...............0,064413 "'...................... Cologne.........,,........... 0,064413 "...................... Denmark.............. 0,068803 " "for gold and silver............................ 0,064875...................... Hambrg............ 0,066743 "...................... Hanover.....,, 0,067465 "..Hesse Cassel.........,,........... 0,066721 " "...................... Kdnigsberg........,, 0,064559....................... Leipsic........... 0,064413 "..Nrber............................... 0,070270 ( for gold and silver; o. m...................,.., 0,065536..................... Prague............ 0,070875 ",..... S. Gall 0,064571 " -...................... Zurich............. 0,064730 " C apothecaries'....... Antwerp................... 0,051820...,,... Bavaria........,........ 0,066142 ".,".....................o........ 0,065694 " B........................,,........ 0,065506.............. Frankfort. 0,065741 ", Hanover....................... 0,065471,... Niirnberg.... 0,065750 CC.."~~) ~,,Wai rtlemberg.......,,.,065710 " Uper; mean......... Belgiumn....... dry capacity... 0,09747 bushels..... C............. liquid capacity 0,90745 gallons. Uporken............ Brussels......................... 0,89450 "' Ur............ Clausenburg........ 2,99049 IC Urna..................... Ancient Romans............. 3,42050 " Uzan or Usano............ Algiers... weight......... 0,02S218 pounds. "..................... Guinea................... 0,017669.." Tripoli in Africa................. 0,069506 " e.................... Tunis............................ 0,068222 " Acre 4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 117 VAAM. VEHRT. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Vaarn or Vadem............ Holland......... length......... 2,05944 yards. Vaemg............... Belim...........,,. 2.- Vakia.................... Bassora......... weight......... 4,S33333 pounds. " for spices, etc..............,.......................... 1,166667 " Val; for gold and silver.... Delhi............. 5,63 grains. c" "..... Surat............,........ 5,86 " " for pearls, etc..............,............ 8,54 " Vaneza...... Verona......... superficial..... 0,0314 acres. Vara............... Alicant......... length....... 0,98974 yards. ".......................................... 0,84318 "C " As.....is........................... 0,91319 "...................... Brazil....................... 1,18878 " "..Ay................... Buenos Ayres........ 0,92741 " " standard.......... Burgos.................... 0,91319 ",,...................... Canary I.................... 0,92058 ".. Castille................ 0,91319 ~' c...................... Curaao.................. 0,92708 " " mercers'.............. Gallicia.......,,......... 1,19715 " " of Lisbon............. Goa.........,......... 1,20300 "''" old measure. Granada.......................,,0,75811......... IC...................... lHalvana...................... 0,92741 IC...................... Lima......,,... 0,92687 " "C...................... Lisbon........................ 1,20300 "...................... Mexico.........,,......... 0,92741. " IC...................... Valencia 0,99193.,,,,,~,,,,,,IValencie................. 0,99193' ".....................Valparaiso...,,.......... 0,92687 C Vara; cubic... Spain.......... solid.......... 20,561 cub. feet. Varithun..a.............. Madras......... weight......... 54,68 grains. Vari; for gold and silver.....lladagascar............,,, 30. —' Vassa; for pearls, etc....... Surat....... 0,142 " Vat; legal...... Belgium and Hol. liquid capacity 26,41780 gallons. cc for grain; old measure......mean of 23 dry capacity... 0,76215 bushels. " shipping.... Belgium and Hol. weight......... 2204,74 pounds. " "....................,,, dry capacity... 42,567 bushels. c" " for wine, etc.. Amsterdam...... liquid capacity 241,57 gallons. " " for olive oil.............,........ 225,45 cc " " me"asurement................., solid........... 40. —- cub. feet. for ashes.......... Brussels...... dry capacity.. 1,44415 bushels.' for coal; old measure.. London...............,......... 9.- cc Vedro...................... S. Petersburg.... liquid capacity 3,24648 gallons. Veerker........ OldebLburg....... dry capacity... 1,29420 bushels. Vehrt..................... Stralsund............. 0,27640 cc Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot -- 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = — 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard — = 36 inches. 118 VELTE. VIERLING. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Velte or Verge........ Antwerp........ liquid capacity 2,01040 gallons.,...................... Bord'x 4, Cognac.......... 1,99191 Ceylon................,,........... 2. — cc..........N.......... Vantes............,,...... 1,58507 " " legal.is.......................... 1,96827 C usual....O.............................2,01040 Verge; surveyors'; maximunm Belgium; Chimay length....... 7,02069 yards. cc cc minimum,,....Ypre..........' 4,21365 cc cc cc mean of 218........,,............ 5,50404 ",, c,..... Br3eda....... 6,21469 c "c 6" maximum France; Laon...................7,81562 cc cc minimum.... Rheims. 6,15777 " cc. c mean of 9...,................... 6,70645 " " -........ Venloo.............. 5,03771 cc mean........ Belgium........ superficial...... 0,00626 acres.,", ~........ France.......................... 0,00929 " -',........ Holland...................,, 0,00654 " Vergde........... Normandy........ e 0,5046 Verre................... France; 1 800-'40 liquid capacity 0,02642 gallons. ".....................Lausanne.........,, 0,03567 " Verschk................. S. Petersburg..... length....... 1,7506 inches. Verst................ itinerary....... 0,6631 miles. Versfira.................... Apulia.......... superficial..... 0,4985 acres. Versus................ Ancient Romans.,,......... 0,2163 " Vesno..Aleppo.......... weight.... 25,3274 pounds. Vi'adra or W~iader.......... Wallachia...... liquid capacity 3,73812 gallons. Vicessis............... Ancient Romans weight......... 14,473943 pounds. Vierdevat; old measure...... Amsterdam...... dry capacity.... 0,19733 bushels. Vierding................... Vienna.. weight...... 0,308699 pounds. Vierdndeel; old measure.... Amster dam................. 0,259270'" Vierfass.................... Bruns.' Hanover dry capacity... 0,22112 bushels. "..................Hildesheim............. 0,18754 " Viering'; old measure. Niirnberg........ weight......... 0,231080 pounds. Vierkantobhnder........... Brussels........ superficial.. 0,0247 acres. Vierling....................Amta...... weight......... 5,932 grains. ".................. Bremen........ liquid capacity 0,21276 gallons. "..............A,... Aarau..... dry capacity... 0,15976 bushels. " old measure........ Azgsbuzrg......0,18227 "................... Glaris.................. I...... 0,14669 "... annteim.......,,......... 0,19702'................... Ratisbon................,........ 1,04028............... [Rotterdam........ 11........... 0,23774 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon = — 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound -7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 119 VIERLING. VIERTEL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Vierling................... S. Gall.......... dry capacity... 0,14649 bushels. "................... Schaffhausen.............. 0,16036 " ".............. Schweitz and Uri.......,,......... 0,14565 " "................... Strasburg.......i.......,,. e 0,13058 "................... W rtemberg.....,,......... 0,15722 " cc................... Zurich......................... 0,14565 " "...................anover......... superficial...... 0,3236 acres. " tillage............. Zurich.......?........ 0,2020 " " vineyard........,,........, 0,1796 " woodland................................ 0,2245 " Viermass........... Brunswic....... dry capacity... 0,22112 bushels. Viermasschen; mean..W..... FItrzburg..... liquid capacity 0,07296 gallons. Viernling.................. Rhenish Bavaria. dry capacity... 0,08868 bushels. Viernzel......................................,,......... 0,70945................... Heidelberg................ 0,79033 "................... Mannheim..................... 0,78806 C................. Mentz,~ Nassau................ 0,77614 Viertel... Alltona.......... liquid capacity 1,91288 gallons. "..................... Amsterdam............,......... 1,95240 "..................... Appenzell....,,......... 2,76689 C " old measure.... Augsburg................. 0,07754 " ".................... Basel...................., 1,50275.................... Bremen....................,, 1,91483 "c cc................... Brunswic................. 0,247 ".................... Coblentz................... 1,48892 C" 6................... Cologne..............,, 1,40442 ".................... Courland................... 2,08278 ".................... Denmark..............,... 2,04160 6 " for beer.......... Dresden...................... 51,94268 "................... Frankfort................. 1,89455 cc.................... Glaris........................ 7,05086 " cc................... Graubiindlen..........,,... 2,80792 ", mburg.................. mburg......1,90737 C ".................... 1H anover................... 2,07198 "'.................... Heidelberg.................. 2,08920 " " for wine............ lesse Cassel........ 2,09692 ". " for beer...........,,............................ 2,30667 " " for wine; old measure Hesse Darmstadt..... 1,83728 6C "' for beer "............................... 2,06693 " l" egal....................,,................,,......... 2,11342 " cc.................... Leipsic............ 47,70262 ".................... Lippe...........,.,.. 1,96325 C Acre 4840 square yards. Bushel —2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= —1728 cubic inches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 120 VIERTEL. VIERTEI,. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Viertel..................... Lubec........... liquid capacity 1,97869 gallons. c eichmass............ annheim............... 2,10708 " wirthsmass............................,,......... i,79008 " " for wine and brandy.. Mentz............,, 1,79112 for beer and oil.........,,............................ 1,99296 " schenkmass.......... Niirnberg..............,, 0,57010) " visirmass............................... 0,60604 "..R.................. Rostock... 1,91371 " c for beer...7..................,,......... 7,65480 ".................... S. Gall.,,,........,,....... 2,77319 ".................... Schafflhausen................ 2,77820 " cc..............................,... 7,19235 I' cc.................... Vienna.............,,...3,73812 " Cc lauter-mass.......... Zurich................... 7,23187 "..................... Aarau.......... dry capacity... 0,63904 bushels. "................... Altona.................. 0,12336 ".................... Appenzell....................... 0,64820 " " legal..............Bavaria....................... 0,52583 " " old measure.......... Berlin........... 0,38839 " "................... Bohemia..................... 0,66401 " CC.................... Bremen.........., 0,52549 c" c" old measuree........ Breslau...............,,........ 0,52512 6C c" for wheat, etc........ Coburg............... 0,63104 " " for oats.......................... 0,78320 "' " old measure........... Cologne.................,, 0,12729' "........ Dantzic...............,........ 0,36552 C.................... Dresden................... 0,7 3713 c ".................... Glaris................,,.... 0,58260 c" C".................... Gotha................,,........ 1,23905 c.................... Graubandten............... 0,85114 "C CC.................... Hesse Cassel...........,,...... 4,56146 " "................... Leipsic................. 0,73713 " (C....................Lucerne............. 0,98624 c' CC legal..P a..... Prussia.........,,......... 0,38992 " CC for oats............ Rostock.....0............... 0,31088 CC "...... S. Gall..................... 0,58596 C" c".................... Schaffhausen..........,......... 0,64143 " cc"..S............... Schweitz and Uri.....,......... 0,58260 "CC ".................... Solothurn.................... 3,00673 " cc.................... Unterwalden............ 0,98624 cc c~.................... Vienna...............,,......... 0,43628 " ".................... Weimar.......................... 0,546 cc Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel=2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon - 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. S 121 VIER TEL. WAGE. NA ME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Viertel; for wheat, et.. Zuric.......... dry capacity.... 0,58260 bushels.' for oats.................,,...... 0,59344 cc " for salt............... 0,65332 C, cc for ime... -........... 0,59875 cc c................... Baden......... superficial...... 0,2224 acres. ".............H.....Hesse Darmstadt......,, 0,1544 6"................... [Viiitemberg................... 0,1947 " " forfirewood.................... solid.. 29,896 cub. feet. Viertlein..................... dry capacity... 0,00491 bushels................. Friburg......... liquid capacity 0,10316 gallons. Viertili.................. Berne..................,,......... 0,11037 " Viertheil; old meassure...... Augsburg..... dry capacity.... 0,04557 bushels. "................... Ulm........................... 0,06792 Vierzel................... Basel.................,,...... 7,75611 " Jfor wheat........... Treves or Trier.................. 0,75656' " for barley...............,,............,..... 0,84059 " cc for oats...........................................1,16952 Vingdrhoed; legal......... Holland......... liquid capacity 0,00264 gallons. Vis; commercial............ Masulipatan.... weight......... 3,515452 pounds. "......................Pegu........,, 3,392856 ".....................Pondichery.......,,........... 3,237657 " "...................... Trichinopoly..........,,........ 3. Visay.................. Madras.......... 3,124821 " Voet......................Amsterdam...... length......... 0,30956 yards. " henish....................,,........................... 0,34324 " "......................Breda.............,, 0,31073 "........... Iarlem..........,, 0,31258 "...................... Leyden............,..... 0,34324'" Voie; for charcoal; old meas. Paris........... dry capacity.... 5,90642 bushels. Cc for coal.................,...... 33,22212 " " for plaster...........,,.. 8,85962 CC for firewood.............. ~ solid.. 67, 692 cub. feet. " for stone, ashlar............. 18,156 CC cc" "C rubble...........,,..... 30,1 CC Vorlin g.................... alenberg; an'r superficial 0,3234 acres. Vouah.................... Siam.. length......... 2,10193 yards. Waag...................... Denmark, Norw weight........ 39,631 pounds. C" for tin............... Sweden........................ 123,2668 c Waeg; for lump coal....... Antswerp.........,,........ 149,9121 CC Wage; for iron........... Bremen..............,,........... 131,8874 CC ~..,................ Leipsic.....,,........ 45,3462 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot = 1728 cubic inches. Gallon 231 cubic inches. Mile 1760 yards. Pound 7000 grains. Yard = 36 inches. 122 WTAGE. YEUK SHI. N A M E. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Wage................. iirnberg...... weight......... 134,9185 pounds. Waka................... Abyssinia..................... 0,057323 C, Algiers.....,,........ 0,752470 " "................... Bet-el-faki............. 0,067969 " C,............... Jidda........................ 0.024401.. ~ ".# Jidda...... ~....,, a 0,024401 Wakelga; commercia....... Mocha..................0, 1 O " for gold and silver............................. 0,068571 Wanne; for hay............ Wriirtemberg..... solid........... 425,187 cub. feet. Wehr; miners'............. Prussia......... superficial...... 0,1062 acres. cc "............. Saxony...............,.......... 0,0948 " Werp; mean of 11.......... Hanover.... dry capacity... 1,50757 bushels. Wey; for ncalt; old measure. England.......................... 40. — C " of wool................,............ weight......... 182. pounds. Wigtje.............. Holland..1............. 1 5,433 grains. Winspel; for lime.......... Blerlin......... dry capacity... 6,14128 bushels. Wispel; for grain........................ 37,42126 c' c" for wheat.......... Brunswic...........,........ 34,66580 cc " for oats...............,,...... 41,60256 " " for wheat and rye.. Hamburg..................... 29,88110 " " for barley and oats..............,............. 44,82340 " cc.................. Hanover...................... 42,36836' " legal............ Mecklenbur........ 35,31520 " " old measure....... Rostock......................... 39,79135 " "................. Saxony........,........ 70,7640 c Wiswfisa................. MIlc vah......... length......... 4,4302 inches. cc 4...7........................... 4,8766 " Wloka; since 1819......... Poland..... superficial...... 41,4866 acres. Wusa or Wussa....... Malwah......... length......... 2,48889 yards....................Surat..................... 2,71111 CC timber..................,,............ 1,3583 inchcs. Xestas.................... Ancient Greeks.. liquid capacity 0,14252 gallons. ".d.................................. ry capacity.... 0,015310 " Xylon..................,,......... length......... 1,51715 yards. Yabbolamn............. Masulipatan.... weight....... 0,75 pounds. Yan......China..... length........ 36,45833 yards. Yard................. Great Britain,etc....,,.......... I 1. —- " ".................. les......... 1... -...................... CC or Yardland; mean... England........ superficial...... 30. — acres. Yen............... A-nam........ eig........... 13,7752 pounds. Yeuk shi.................. China........... dry capacity... 0,00109 bushels. Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel =2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon =231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound= 7000 grains. Yard-=36 inches. 123 YIN. ZOLL. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Yin....... China........... weight........ 2,666667 pounds. Yu........................ dry capacity... 3,48373 bushels. Yugda.................... Madrid......... superficial.. 35,0724 acres. " legal since 1801... Spain.............. 79,3550 " "................... Valencia...............,,..... 6,1566 " Yusdrom......... G......., Constantinople. weight....... 0,701504 pounds. Zah..................... Tunis........ dry capacity.... 0,07812 bushels. Zak; old measure........... Amsterdam............... 2,30034 " ordrecht............ Dordrech......3,44739 "..................................,.......... 2,58554, c " legat................ Holland........... 2,83782 ".................... Leyden...............,...... 1,88006 " Zappada...on....ia..... I onian Isles...... superficial..... 0,9956 acres. Zavah..................... Masulipatan... dry capacity.... 0,03357 bushels. Zehnling; legal............ Baden.......... weight..... 0,110237 pounds. Zereth................A..... Ancient Hebrews. length......... 8,6039 inches. Zerla; for wine........... Brescia.......... liquid capacity 13,20890 gallons. Zimment............. Bolzano....................... 0,09170 C Zober................... Graubiindten............... 28,08873 " " for brine.............. Halle.............. 145,17104 c" " legal................. Baden......... dry capacity 42,56734 bushels. " for charcoal or lime..... TVirtemberg................ 2,08523 " Zoll...................... Aarau......... length.0,9622 inches. " builders'; old measure....Aix-la- Chapelle....... 0,9472 " " surveyors'.............,............ 0,9251 c S......................A lltona................... 0,9399 " " henish.....An........ Ahalt.............,,........... 1,0297...................... Appenzell........ 1,0325 " "....................... Au-gsburg.........., 0,9717 " since 1810............. Baden............,,11............ 1,1811....................... Basel...,,............ 0,9992 c sinlce 1809.... Bavaria.............. 0,9576 " "....................... Rhenish Bavaria.... 1,0937 " " since 1816; Rhenish....Berlin..................... 1,0297 C " surveyors'...............,............ 1,4828 " for all measures......... Berne......,............ 0,9602 "....................... Bohemia......................... 0,9724....................... Bremen 0,9488 " suZrveyo rs'..,............ 1,1386 " " B s..... Buswic............, 0,9362 " "....................... Coblentz....0.............. 0,9535 " Acre = 4840 square yards. Bushel = 2150,42 cubic inches. Cubic foot= 1728 cubic inoches. Gallon = 231 cubic inches. Mile = 1760 yards. Pound = 7000 grains. Yard =- 36 inches. 124 ZOLL. ZUOJA. NAME. LOCALITY. CHARACTER. VALUE. Zoll; old measure........... Cologne....... length......... 0,9437 inches. 4........ Dantzic..................... 0,9413......................Dresden................ 0,9293......................Frankfort............... 0,9338 surveyors'..............,,........... 1,4010...................... Friburg.....,, 0,9622'...................... Glaris.......... 0,9843...................... Gotha......3............ 0,9437.....H............. H Ganover.......... 0,95807......esse.............. Cassel... 0,9437 " surveyors'... 1,1317 " since 1818.............Hesse Darmstad......... 0,86437 " "of Austrsia...... I lungary............ l,0371 ".... Leipsic......... 0,9259 C "builders and s............................ 1,0297...................... ec. 0,9446.................. M ek r............., 0,9548 " "............. Neulfchthel.............. ~. 0,9622 " old Neasure........ inbeag................. 0,9967 ".. I......... Oldenburg..0,9707 IC C".............................0,9843 "...................a...ud.......................... 1,1811 "......................ena.............. 1,0371 c"......Hesse rmstadt................. 0,9251 " " ssrveyors'... 1,7763 " since 1806............. Wemberg........ 1,1280371................................. 0,9843 " surL veyors'........ 01,18129 " Zol'tnik................ iPetersbciz. w.....eight... 0,009393 pounds. Zucca....Corsi......................... apacity 3,08208 gallons. Zuoja; grasde....... Udino.superficial..... 1,2892 acres. piccola.............. D..................... 0,8663 Acre -4840 square yards. Bushel 2150,42 cubic ineces. Cubic foot 1728 cubic inches. Gallon 231 cubic inches. Mile =.....1760 yards. Pound = 7000 rai. Yard 36 inches. 125 WEIGHT AND MEASURE S Y S Tl asE M S' SYSTEMS IN THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. i~~;;;~==~,;~;; —------- ----- -1 —-1~~ THE following Classification has been added to the Dictionary, both as serving to indicate more fully its scope, as giving information of a character which its form did not allow of being introduced there, and as contributing to what has been an aim throughout and what both mutually support-an intelligent brevity. In this last regard, several Countries have been omitted from the Classification, which, in a more magnificent plan, might have had just claim to enumeration; and sometimes, denominations, and even classes of measures, have been left out whenever the term itself was significant of the relations of the measure, or whenever, in the absence of a legal determination, the usages of the particular country allow the partial or indifferent employment of foreign terms or values. The reader will hardly fail to observe and justify the application of these principles; and in other respects the text itself seems of such simplicity as to bear with it its own explanation. WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. I. AFRICA. ABYSSINIA. WEIGHTS.-1 rotl or rottolo - 12 wakea = 120 dirhems. DRY CAPACITY.-At Gondar in the interior; 1 ardeb = 10 madega. At Masuah on the Red Sea; I ardeb = 24 madega. The other measures are those of Cairo and Alexandria. There is no knowledge of any local system. AL GE RI A. Since the acquisition of this territory by France, the French metrical system is legalized and may be expected gradually to come into use. As yet, however, the old usances are retained. WEIGHTS.-The theory appears to be as follows: 24 carob seed = 1 mitkal or metical, the weight for gold, etc. 8 mitkal - I wakea or ounce. 27 wakea = I rotl khebir or market pound. 18 wakea = 1 do. gheddari, for fruits. 16 wakea = I do. attari, for spices. 14~ wakea = 1 do. feuddi, for silver. 100 of each of these rotl = 1 quontar or cantaro corresponding. The values of these denominations in the Dictionary are from reported observations, and fall below what would be derived otherwise by ascending from the actual Mitkal. LIQUID CAPACITY; is measured by the Khoulle and its fractions, 2, 4, 4, etc.; as DRY CAPACITY; by the Saa. LENGTH; is measured by two different Pic, the Turkish and Arab; the latter of which is used for cloth. Each is subdivided by its Rob, or eighth part. There are no itinerary or agrarian measures, indigenous. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE (COLONY.) English standards are legalized and used here. The same may be said, it is supposed, of the British Colonies in Senegambia and at Sierra Leone and the smaller establishments on the Gold Coast; as well as of S. Helena and their other Islands in the Atlantic. As for Mauritius on the other side of the Continent, that retains still a considerable admixture of its former French usances. T 130 WEIGI-IT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. CANARY ISLANDS. In these Islands, the originals of the Weights and Measures are from Spain; and the variations of the actual standards, which (except in the case of the Vara) seem to be in the sense of degradation, are not more than occur in continental Spain itself. CAPE VERD ISLANDS. This archipelago, as well as the continental territory under the same GovernorGeneralship, uses the Weights and Measures of Portugal. The same may be said of the Madeira Groupe under the same domination; of the Portuguese possessions in Angola and Benguela; and of the colonies which dwell on the other Ocean, along the Coasts of Sofala and Mozambique. EGYPT. The difference between the Weights and Measures actually used in Cairo and Alexandria, the principal markets of Egypt, is so small as to indicate a common original. The great variety which has been stated to exist among the Cantaros (or Quintals,) according to the various articles intended to be weighed, is probably the result of carelessness or fraud: nor is it clear, as yet, whether this variety affects the hundred-weight or the unitary pound. It may be supposed that the weights by which the articles of greatest consumption-the necessaries of life-are determined, was the standard from which accident or negligence has deviated. WEIGHT.-1 cantaro - 36 oke = 100 rotl = 14400 drachma. The Rotl does not appear to be systematically subdivided. The Harsela, applied to weighing silk, is evidently the Oke, under a special name. DaRY CAPACITY.-1 ardeb - 24 rob. LENGTH.-1 gasab = 4 derah. The Turkish Pic is generally used for cloths; it is very little longer than the Derah, but not correlative. AGRARIAN.-400 square gasab I= feddan al risach, or unitary acre. G UINEA. WEIGHT.-1 benda = 2 benda-offa a= 3 eggeba = 5~ seron = S piso or uzan _ 10 quinto = 16 aguirages = 32 media-tabla -- 48 akey. The last denomination, which is the special weight for gold-dust, is only theoretically connected here; its actual value as reported is nearly a half-grain less than the Jsv of the Benda. LI BE R I A. This Anglo-American negro Colony at Cape Mesurado, as well as the independent one of Maryland at Cape Palmas, uses, it may be supposed, standards from the United States, MOROCCO. All the dependencies of this Empire, along the Western Coast of Barbary, use the ~Weights and Capacity-measures of Spain. There are several indigenous measures of length given in the Dictionary; but they are without uniformity. AMERICA. 131 TRIPO LI. In this appanage of the Turkish Empire, as well as in the dependencies of Fezzan and Barca, the Weights and Measures appear to be of European derivation. WEIGHTS.-1 cantaro =- 100 rotl - 1600 uzan _ 12800 termini. The Metical, a special weight for gold and silver, has no connection with the others; unless it be derived in theory from an ancient Rotl or pound of 12 Uzan or ounces. The actual weight is reported as being exactly Tiv of the Venetian pound; from which it may have originated. LIQUID CAPACITY.-The Mataro for oil is given by gallons in the Dictionary; from its reported weight compared with the average specific gravity, at ordinary temperatures, of that substance. DRY CAPACITY.-I cafiso - 20 tiberi. T U N I S. WEIGHT.-1 cantaro = 100 rotl = 1600 uzan - 12800 metical or termini. In this system, where the same denominations appear to be lighter than the Tripolitan, the Metical and Uzan are specific weights. LIQUID CAPACITY is determined by weight. DRY CAPACITY.-1 cafiso = 16 quiba = 192 saha or zah. LENGTH.-1 pie (woolien) 1- pic (silk) - 1-] piC (linen.) But these last proportions appear altogether accidental. In this enumeration, the remaining European settlements, viz., those of France on opposite sides of the Continent in Senegambia and the Isle of Bourbon, and those of Denmark and Holland in Guinea and Ashanti, have been omitted; partly because the Weights and Measures of the mother-countries would be naturally accepted among the settlers, but chiefly because of the insignificance in population and trade of the actual establishments. The insular appanages of the Imam of Muscat, (viz., QOuiloa, Zanzibar, Socotra, etc.,) on the eastern side of the Continent, are passed over for similar reasons; while the native Powers, from Morocco through and around to Madagascar, are too uncivilized or too inaccessible, to have or to yield any thing of interest in respect to Weights and Measures. II. AMERICA. This Continent, for the present purpose, is best divided (instead of the usual distinctions of North, Central and South,) into Independent and Colonial America. BRAZ I L. In this Empire, the originals of Weights and Measures are from Portugal; and the actual standards are in general identical: though there are a few variations, both in value and denomination, shewn in the Dictionary. 132 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. IIAYTI oR SAN DOMINGO. This Island, which in the numerous revolutions of policy that it has undergone has been recently modified from a Republic into a form more absolute and nominally an Empire, retains the impress of its double colonization from Spain and France, as well in the names of localities - on the western side French, on the eastern, Spanish — as in the Weights and Measures used there. M EXICO. Under this Republic, as well as under the numerous governments which are continually shifting or springing up in the territories of Central and South America and which it would require a special and co-temporaneous research to signalize and verify, the Weights and Measures of Spain have been throughout and are still recognized; with only such local variations as other causes, besides the cessation of European control and intercourse with a parent power, might be expected naturally to produce. Of course, this comprehensive field for the influence of the Spanish system does not include vast territories (such as Patagonia, for instance,) which, although claimed by foreign or domestic powers, are yet in fact domineered over by various indigenous tribes, more or less nomadic and uncivilized. Of systematic Weights and Measures in those territories, there are none in modern times; and ancient ones (such as in Mexico and Peru) which comparatively recent researches have partially systematized, are designedly omitted, as neither certain nor of practical application, as yet. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WEIGIT. —1 Mint or troy pound = 12 ounces = 240 pennyweight = 5760 grains. 1 apothecary pound = 12 ounces = 96 drachms = 288 scruples = 5760 grains. 1 commercial pound = 16 ounces = 256 drams = 7000 grains. 1 long ton = 20 cwt. = 80 quarters = 2240 commercial pounds. 1 short ton = 20 hundred-weight = 2000 commercial pounds. In the actual Governnment-standards the ounce troy is divided decimally, down to the To-*Ro part. These weights are identical with those of England. In both countries, they repose in fact upon actually existing masses of metal (brass) which have been individually declared by law to be the units of the system. In scientific theory, they are supposed to rest upon a permanent and universal law of Nature -the gravitation of distilled water at a certain temperature and under a certain atmospheric pressure. And in this aspect, the origination is with the grains; which must be such that 252,458 of these units, in brass, will be in just equilibrium with a cubic inch of distilled water, when the mercury stands at 30 inches in a barometer, and in a thermometer of Fahrenheit at 62 degrees both for the air and for the water. Unfortunately, the expounders of this theory in England, used only the generic term brass, and failed to define the specific gravity of the metal to be employed: the consequence of this omission is to leave room for an error of TaYay —W in every attempt to reproduce or compare the results. This is the miniium possible error: the maxiamal would be a function of the difference in specific gravity between the heaviest and lightest brass that can be cast. LIquID CAPACITY.-1 gallon = 2 half gallons = 4 quarts = 8 pints - 16 gills. AMERICA. 133 The Gill is not among existing standards of public authority; though it is used in commerce. There are other denominations higher than the Gallon, such as barrels, hogsheads, pipes, etc.; but these are only vessels not measures, and are always gauged and sold by their actual capacity in gallons. The Gallon, in fact, is almost exactly elquivalent to a cylinder, 7 inches in diameter and 6 inches high. In theory, it must contain just 231 cubic inches; and, filled with distilled water at the temperature of maximum density (say 390,8 Fah.,) weighs, according to the official report, at that temperature and at 30 inches of the barometer, 8,339 commercial or avoirdupois pounds; or more nearly 58372,1754 grains. It is in the temperature only that this unit differs from the former wine-gallon of Great Britain. The Apothecaries use the same gallon but divide it differently, as follows: 1 gallon = 8 pints = 128 fluid ounces = 1024 fluid drachms = 61440 minims (or drops) = 231 cubic inches. These are graduated measures; they also use sometimes the following approximate ones from vessels in domestic use: 1 tea-cup = 2 wine glasses = 8 table-spoons == 32 tea-spoons -= 4 fluid ounces. DRY CAPACITY.-1 bushel = 2 half-bushels = 4 pecks = 8 gallons. There are also in this, as in the former measure, higher denominations (barrels, sacks, etc.) known in commerce; whose capacity is intended to be constant. They are, however, always gauged by the Bushel. This Bushel is the old Winchester bushel of England. In-fact, it is a cylinder 18,5 inches in diameter and 8 inches deep. In theory, it must contain 2150,42 cubic inches; and holds of distilled water at the temperature ofl maxinmum density and at 30 inches of the barometer, 77,6274 commercial or avoirdupois pounds; or more nearly 543391,89 gl'ains. LENGTH.-1 yard 3 feet 36 inches = 432 lines 5184 seconds 62208 thirds. In the actual Government-standards, at the Custom-houses, the Yard is divided decimally into tenths and hundredths. In the measurement of-cloths, muslins, linens, cotton, silk and in general of what are termed DRY GOODS, the Yard only is used; subdivided into halves, quarters, eighths, sixteenths and half-sixteenths. This lowest denomination = 1,125 inch. Surveyors and Engineers employ neither the yard nor the inch; but use the Foot and its decimal divisions. Architects and Artificers reckon by the Foot and subdivisions as given above. Nevertheless, the most usual and most recent workman's scales bear the foot divided into inches, and eighths and sixteenths of an inch. Mariners measure by Cable-lengths and Fathoms: 1 cable-length = 120 fathoms = 240 yards = 720 feet. The unit of length-the Yard, upon whose subdivisions all the weights and capacity measures repose for verification-is, in fact, derived from ancient arbitrary standards of England. In theory, the Inch-the At of the Yard-is presumed to be contained 39,13929 times in the length of a pendulum that, in a vacuum and at the level of midtide, under the latitude of London, vibrates seconds of mean time. ITINERARY.-1 statute mile = 2 half miles = 4 quarter miles = 7~ cable-lengths = 8 furlongs = 80 chains = 320 perches or poles = 880 fathoms = 1760 yards = 5280 feet - 8000 links = 63360 inches. 1 nautical league = 3 equatorial mile = 3,457875 statute mile. 134 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. Chains and Links are denominations employed by Land-surveyors, thus: 1 Chain -= 4 Poles = 66 feet - 100 links. AGRARIAN AND SUPERFICIAL.-1 square mile = 640 acres. 1 acre = 4 roods = 10 square chains = 160 square perches = 4840 square yards 4= 3560 square feet. 1 square yard = 9 square feet - 1296 square inches. Architects and Builders reckon 1 square = 100 square feet. SOLID.-1 cubic yard 27 cubic feet = 46656 cubic inches. 1 cubic foot = 12 reduced feet (plank measure) = 1728 cubic inches. 1 reduced foot (plank measure) — 1 square foot X 1 inch thick - 144 cubic inches. In practice, all planks and scantlings, less than an Inch in thickness, are reckoned at an Inch. 1 perch of masonry 1 perch (16a feet) long X 1 foot high X 1 I foot thick -= 25 cubic feet. In fact, the dimensions given for the Perch do not result in 25 cubic Feet; but this last number has been adopted for convenience. 1 cord of fire-wood = 8 feet long X 4 feet high X 4 feet deep = 128 cubic feet. DANISH POSSESSIONS. These include Greenland, Iceland, and three of the Leeward Islands in the West Indies; viz., Santa Cruz or S. Croix, S. Thomas and S. John. In all these, the Weights and Measures of Denmark prevail; though in the Islands, the English lengthmeasures are also used. DUTCH POSSESSIONS. Holland holds on the Continent of America, the government of Surinam, which includes nominally a territory of something less than 40,000 square miles, under the name of Dutch Guiana; on the coast of Venezuela, the Islands of Curacao and Bonaire, with some lesser islets; and among the Leeward Antilles, S. Eustatius, the south part of S. Martin, and Saba. In all these, the Weights and Measures of Holland prevail; except in Curaqao, where the weights are, in fact, and the length-measures, both in fact and name, those of Spain. ENGLISH POSSESSIO N S. Over the immense territories of British North America, the Weights and Measures of England are legalized; but in Lower Canada, the French settlers still use their former denominations to a great extent. In the southern peninsula, where the general name of English Guiana covers the former Dutch Colonies of Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo, the reckoning is by the Weights and Measures of Holland. The settlements in Patagonia and the adjoining Archipelago, made chiefly with a view to the whale-fishery, recognize the English standards. And as much may be said for the Falkland Isles. Of the numerous Islands and islets in the West Indies, among the Antilles and Lucayas, only the chief ones need be mentioned. The Weights and Measures of a few are still traceable to the source of their earlier colonization. AMERICA. 135 NAMES. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Antigua,.. English. The Bahamas, English. Barbadoes,..... English. Barbuda,..... English. S. Christopher's or S. Kitts',.. English. Dominica,.. English. Grenada, English. Jamaica,.... English. S. Lucia, French. Montserrat,... English. Nevis,......English. Tobago,. English. Tortola,....... English. Trinidad,. Spanish. S. Vincent,.. E.,nglish. In the Bermuda Groupe, English Weights and Measures are employed. All these English measures are those before the change in 1825. It would be, therefore, more literal to say, Weights and Measures of the United States. FRENCH POSSESSIONS. France holds on the Continent, only what used in part to be Cayenne and is now on the maps as French Guiana; and among the West India Islands, Martinique, Guadeloupe with its dependancies, Deseada or Desirade, Marie-galante, and the groupe of Les Saintes, together with about two-thirds (on the northern side) of S. Martin. In Guiana, the new metrical system is legalized; but the older one continues to be used. S. Martin reckons by the Weights and Measures of Holland; and Les Saintes by those of England. The others employ the old French system, with some modifications. Thus, the former English wine gallon seems to be the standard for liquids; divided as follows: 1 gallon = 2 pots = 4 pintes = 8 chopines = — 16 roquilles - 32 muces. Of Agrarian measure, 1 carr- = 10,000 pas carres. Besides these, France owns the isles of S. Pierre and Miquelon to the south of Newfoundland; where the old system prevails. RUSSIAN POSSESSIONS. The extensive territories which Russia holds in the north-west corner of America across Bhering's Straits, are, it may be supposed, under the domain of Russian customary measures. The establishment which that Empire had for nearly forty years in Upper California, at Bodega, has been since some time abandoned. SPANISH POSSESSIONS. The magnificent appanage, continental and insular, which Spain formerly held in America has now dwindled to the Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico; where the Weights and Measures are still those of Spain. 136 WEIGHT AND MIEASURE SYSTEMS. SWEDISH POSSESSIONS. The only territory of Sweden is the small Island of S. Bartholomew or S. Bart's; which, though originally colonized from France, has been so long ceded (now nearly seventy years) as to have adopted Swedish Weights and Measures. III. ASIA. AN-NAM.,TWEIGHTs.-l qu.an - 5 ta - 10 binh = 50 yen - 500 can. 1 cahn (or pound) = 1,6 nen - 16 luong = 160 dong = 1600 iy. From the Ly, the subdivisions are regularly decimal; viz., the Hao, Hot, Chhu, Huy, Tran and Ai, which last is the atom or millionth part of the Ly. The most of these are purely theoretical, for the Hao is itself only 0,06 of a grain, very nearly. CAPACITY.-In these there is no uniformity nor authenticity; each province using different measures. In Hue there appears to be the following theoretical system: 1 hoc = 10 datu = 100 thang = 1000 hap = 10,000 thuoc. 1 thuoc = 1200 grains of millet -= 10 sao. I sao (or a handful) - 120 grains of millet; and 1 toat = 250 grains of millet. The division of the Thuoc into 10 Sao and 4,6875 Toat would seem to indicate two different systems; but as the Tonquin millet and our own are not of the same size, we have no standard of comparison or determination. LENGTH.-There are two Thuoc or cubits; one for general use, the other which is ~ longer than the former, exclusively for cloths, silks and other woven fabrics. 1. Mercers'.-I gon = 10 that = 30 truong = 300 thuoc 1 thuoc (or ell) - 10 tac = 100 phan = 1000 ly. 2. Builders', etc. —1 mau - 10 sao = 30 ncgu = 150 thuoc 1 thuoc (or cubit) = 10 tac = 100 phan = 1000 ly. AGRARIAN.-This last series is also used by Land-measurers in giving the square content of Land. They sometimes use another series, (called Ruong luc, in contradistinction to the Ruon ng u, just given,) in which the Sao is equal to 16~ Thuoc. The Mau is, therefore, 10 per cent. longer in this last series; and its superficial content, when squared, 21 per cent. greater. The Dictionary gives only the values in the first and most usual series. ITINERARY.-These are very vague and only approximate: 1 dam = 2 ly - rather less than a half mile. B I RlM A H. WEIGHT.-1 vis = 3 catty = 100 tical. LENGTH.-] bambou = 28 taim = 504 palgat. ITINERARY.-1 taing = 2.50 bambou = 7000 taim. But these are by no means certain. ASIA. 137 C H INA. VEIGHT.-Almost every thing in China, (timber, liquids, live-stock, etc.,) is sold by weight, actual or nominal. 1 shik - 1-} tam = 4 kwan = 60 yin = 120 kan, or catty. 1 kan = 16 leung, or tael = 364 chu - 3840 lui = 38400 shu, or kernels of grain. The weights above the Yin are only nominal and for account: and those below the tael are generally denoted by the adjuncts li, ho, tsin, fat, etc., i. e. one tenth, one hundredth, one thousandth, etc. CAPACITY.-This is regulated, as before said, by weight; the existing dry measures, which have been adopted for the convenience of commerce for grain and seeds, vary considerably in consequence of the irregularity of the material (bamboo) of which they are made. The theory is supposed to be as follows: 1 ping - 5 yu = 16 hok = 32 shik = 80 tau. 1 tau _ 10 shing = 100 kop = 200 yeuk = 1000 cheuk = 10000 chau = 100000 tsut = 1000000 kwai = 6000000 suk, or grains of maize. Of all these, there are only four actual measures; viz., the Tau, the Shing, the halfShing and the Kop. These are also upon two different modules, distinguished by the adjuncts shi and tsong; and in proportionate capacity as 100 to 65 respectively. It may be supposed that the latter were intended for liquid measures; and their average contents are so reduced accordingly, in the Dictionary. LENGTH.-1 yan = 10 cheung =_ 100 chik = 1000 tsun = 10000 fan. The chilk, fixed by the Mathematical Board at Pekin _ 13,125 inches; used by tradesmen in Canton = 14,625 to 14,81 inches; employed by Engineers of Public Works _ 12,7 inches; and that by which distances are usually measured = 12,1 inches. ITINERARY.-i to - 25 fan - 125 tsun -- 250 li, or miles. 1 li = 1826 English feet. This is the count since the intervention of European mathematicians at Pekin. The former used to be 1 to = 192 li =- 79300 po = 396500 chik 1 li - 1897~ English feet. Some ambiguity arises from the use of the samne word,Li, (probably from EuropeaL ignorance of the language in not discriminating between similar but not identical termns) as a lower measure, the vl' of the Faln. The same ambiguity extends itself also to the following series. AGRARIAN. —1 king = 100 mau = 400 kok = 1000 fan = 24 000 po. But these are so uncertain that they have not been given in the Dictionary. SOLID MEASURES are products of the Cheung; which is generally in this series 14,6 English Feet. H I N D OS T A N. The Weights and Measures of the indigenous governments of this vast country, (such as, for instance, Sindh, Nepaul, and the confederated Sikhs, etc..) are either too little known or too uncertain to admit of any system. All that will be done is to give the relations of the principal measures in common use, where European domination prevails or European commerce has established itself. u 138 WEIGHT AND MEASUIRE SYSTEMS. BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Bombay. WctEIGHT. — 1 candy = 20 maunds, or maons = 800 seer = 24000 pice. DRY CAPACITY.-] candy = 8 para = 128 adoulie. Calcutta. WVEIGHT. — maon, or maund = 40 seer _ 640 chattac = 3200 sicca. DRY CAPACITY.-] pallie - 4 raik = 64 khoonke = 320 chattac. LENGTH. —-1 haut, or covid = 8 gheria = 72 jaob. ITIN.ERARY.-1 COsS = 4000 haut. AGRARIAN.-1 biggah = 20 cottah - 320 chattack = 6400 square covid. The Chattack is, in fact, a surface 5 Covid in length by 4 Covid in width. Madras. WEIGHT.-1 garc6 =20 candy, or baruay =400 maund, or maon = 3200 vlsay. 1 visay = 40 pollam = 400 varahun. DRY CAPACITY.-1 garc4 = 80 para = 400 marcal = 3200 puddy = 25600 ollock LIQUID CAPACITY, like the dry, is determined by weight; and the denominations are the same as in the latter. AGRARIAN. — casseney = 24 maony = 240 square covid. DANISH POSSESSIONS. Serampore and Tranquebar. The Weights and Measures here are legally those of Denmark; and by custom those of Calcutta and Madras respectively. FRENC H POSSESSIONS. Pondichery. The colonial denominations and divisions are identical with those of Madras; although the values are different. PORTUGUESE POSSESSIONS. Goa. Here Portuguese Weights and Measures are employed. J A P A N. WEIGHT.-1 pecul = 100 catty = 1600 tael = 16000 mas = 160000 condorine. The connection of the other measures is not known. OTTOMAN ASIA. Aleppo, Smyrna, etc. The Weights and Measures here are so variant, or are rather so mixed up with the units and values of foreign commerce, as not to admit of satisfactory classification. EUROPE. 139 PERSIA. WEIGHT.-1 batman - 6 ratel - 300 dirhem = 600 mascais. This is the Batman of Tauris; that of Shiraz, which is twice the value, appears properly to be part of the same system. The other measures are unsystematic. S I A M. WEIGHT.-I pecul = 100 catty = 2000 tael = 8000 tical. DRY CAPACITY.-1 cohi = 40 sesti = 1600 sat. LENGTI. —1 vouah = 2 ken = sok. ITINERARY.-1 roeneng = 2000 vouah. IV. EUROPE. AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. AUSTRIA PROPER: Vienna. WEIGHT.-1 pfund - 2 mark = 4 vierling, or vierding -16 unze _ 32 loth 128 quent -512 pfennig. Apothecaries': 1 pfund = 12 mark = 12 unze = 96 drachma=288 scrupel = 5760 gran. Tlhe Mark is identical in both series; and is the unit of gold and silver weiglht. 1 centner = 5 stein = 100 pfund. LiQUII CAPACITY.-1 fuder = 32 einier 128 viertel = 1312 (imperial) mass. 1 mass = 2 kanne = 4 seidel = 8 pfiff. DRY CAPACITY.-1 muth - 30 nmetze = 120 viertel- 240 achtel 1 achtel = 2 nmthlmassel - 8 futtermassel = 16 becher -128 probmetze. LENGTH. — klafter = 6 fuss = 72 zoll = 864 linie = 10368 punkt. ITINERARY. 1 meile = 4000 klafter - 24000 fuss. AGRARIAN.-1 joch, or jochart = 3 metze 576 square ruthe = 1600 square klafter = 57600 square fuss. BOHE M IA: Prague. WVVEIGHT.-1 centner _ 6 stein _ 120 pfund. The lower subdivisions are as in Vienna; but their values, as well as of the terms just given, correspond with a lighter pound than the imperial standard. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 ifSS 4 eimer = 128 pinte = 512 seidel. DRY CAPACITY.-I strich - 4 viertel - 16 massel - 192 seidel AGRARIAN.-1 joch of Vienna = 2 strich. 140 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. VENITIAN LOMBARDY. Milan. WEIGHT.-Peso grosso: 1 libbra = 4 quarto = 28 oncia. Peso sottile: 1 libbra = 12 oncia = 288 denaro = 6912 grano. Gold and silver are by the Marco; subdivided as follows: 1 marco = 8 oncia = 192 denaro = 4608 grano. Apothecary: I libbra peso sottile = 12 oncia = 96 drachma = 288 scrupolo = 6912 grano. In 1803 the French kilogramme with decimal subdivisions was introduced; which is the new Italian pound or metrical potund of the Dictionary. 1 rubbio = 10 libbra metrica = 100 oncia = 1000 grosso = 10000 denaro = 100000 grano. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 brenta = 3 staja = 6 mina = 12 quartaro = 16 bassa = 48 pinta = 96 boccale. DRY CAPACITY.-1 moggio = 8 stajo = 16 starello = 32 quartaro = 128 meta - 512 quartino. In the new metrical system, Capacity is reckoned as follows: 1 soma = 10 mina = 100 pinta = 1000 coppo. LENGTH.-1 braccio = 12 oncia = 144 punto = 1728 atomo. New measure in 1803: 1 metro or braccio = 10 palmo = 100 dito = 1000 atonio. ITINERARY, since 1803.-1 miglio = 1000 metro. The old mile of Milan is not correlative; but appears, in theory, to be equivalent to 3000 braccio. AGRARIAN.-1 pertica = 24 tavola = 96 square cavezzo = 3456 square piede. The piede, or foot, used here, is not employed in any other part of the system. It seems to have been originally 3 of the Braccio. Since 1823: 1 tornatura = 100 square palmo. The Tornatura is identical with the French /r~e. Venice. WEIGHT.-Peso grosso: 1 libbra = 2 marco 12 oncia = 72 saggio = 2304 carato - 9216 grano. Peso sottile: 1 libbra = 12 oncia = 72 saggio - 1728 carato = 6912 grano. The Peso grosso is used in general commerce; the MJarico and its subdivisions are for 1gold and silver and precious stones: the Peso Sottile for drugs, colors, coffee, tea, sugar, sil, rice and butter. This last is estimated at — 2 of the former. When used for medicines, it is subdivided as the Austrian apothecary-pound. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 anfora = 4 bigonzio = 8 concia, or mastello — 48 secchio - 192 bozza - 512 boccale = 768 quartuccio. 1 botta = 5 bigonzio. DRY CAPACITY.- 1 moggio = 4 stajo, or staro = 16 quarto - 64 quartarolo. LENGTH.-I braccio = 2 piede. This Braccio is for woollens, etc.; that for silk is shorter. ITINERaaY.-I. miglio - 1000 passo - 5000 piede. AGRARIAN.-1 campo = 640 tavola, or square pertica, or square cavezzo _ 25920 sqcuare piede. EUROPE. 141 New measure: I migliajo = 1000 square passo - 25000 square piede. The metrical Weights and Measures, described under Milan, are also employed here as there in all governmental transactions. Otherwise, the local measures are still in use. In the other parts of the Austrian dominions, such as Dalmatia, Hungary, Moravia, etc., local systems, if they ever existed, are now only discernible in the names and values of a few disconnected and apparently arbitrary measures. B AD E N. WEIGHT.-Old measure: 1 pfund = 32 loth = 12S quentchen. New measure: 1 pfund = 10 zehnling = 100 centass = 1000 pfennig = 10000 ass. Tile new measure was established in 1810; when the value of the pfund was taken at - KilogrammLe, and a decimal division adopted; but the old division is still retained and is applied both to the old unit and to the new. The mark of Cologne is employed for gold and silver; and the value and subdivisions of the Niirnberg apothecary-pound for drugs and medicines. LIQUID CAPACITY. — fuder - 10 ohm = 100 stiitze = 1000 mass = 10000 glas. 1 ohm _ 15 decalitres of France. DRY CAPACITY.-1 zuber - 10 malter - 100 sester = 1000 misslein = 10000 becher. 1 sester = 15 decalitres of France. LENGTH.-1 ruthe = 10 fuss = 100 zoll = 1000 linie = 10000 punkt. 1 ruthe = 3 metres of France. The old Fuss was 3 per cent. shorter; but has been merged into the new one. ITINERARY.-1 meile -2 stunden -- 8~ kilombtres of France. AGRARIAN.-1 morgen = 4 viertel, or quart = 400 square ruthe = 40000 square fuss. SOLID.-1 klafter, for fire wood = 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 6 F. deep = 128 cubic fuss. What is here called deep, signifies in every case the length of'the billet or log. BAVARIA. WEIGHT.-I pfund = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentchen. A uniform value was established for the unit in 1811; corresponding with the new French weight. The apothecary-pound was at the same time defined at "- of the unit and is divided liked the Niirnberg apothecary-pound. Gold and silver are by the mark Cologne. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 eimer = 60 masskanne = 240 quartel. DRY CAPACITY.-I scheffel = 6 metze = 12 viertel - 48 massel, or achtel - 96 misslein = 192 dreissiger. 1 scheffel = 208 liquid masskanne, in actual content. LENGTH.-1 fuss - 12 zoll = 144 linie = 1728 punkt. This unit was established in 1809, and defined in terms of the old French measure, at 129,58 lignes de Paris. The near approach of this'value to 3 decimetres in the new French system, allows the Fuss, as is frequently done, to be decimally divided. Thus the Elle of Rhenish Bavaria is 4 Fuss of this count, or 12 decimdtres of France. The legal Elle is 2 Fuss 101 Zoll of the legal value, above. ITINERARY.-1 meile = 2400 ruthe = 24000 fuss. 1 meile of Anspach -= 2 stunde = 2880 ruthe = 28800 fuss. 142 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. AGRARIAN.-1 juchart, morgen or tagwerk = 400 square ruthe = 40000 square fuss. SOLID. —1 klafter for fire wood = 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 31 F. deep _ 126 cubic fuss. In Rhenish Bavaria, generally, the billets are 4 F. long; which makes the klafter = 144 cubic fuss. Augsburg: Nrnberg. The denominations and values of local measures retained in both of these places, and elsewhere in Bavaria, are given in the Dictionary. The apothecary-weight of Niirnberg, which is general over all Germany for medicines, (as the Mark of Cologne is for specie,) is 4 of the old NTiirnber- money-pound; which last is divided as follows: 1 pfund = 2 mark = 16 unze = 16 loth = 128 quart = 512 pfennig = 8220 asducat. The apothecary-pound, as under: 1 pfund =- 12 unze = 96 drachma - 228 scrupel -- 576 obolus, or heller = 5760 gran. BELGIUM. WEIGHT.-Old measure of Brussels. Commercial: 1 livre, or pond = 4 quarteron = 16 once = 64 satin = 128 gros - 9216 grains. Specie: 1 livre, or pond = 2 mark = 16 once = 320 esterlin = 1280 felins = 10240 as = 1 pond troy of Holland. The new weight is the kilogramme and its decimal subdivisions; established since 1816. The apothecaries' unitary pound, subdivided like that of Nfirnberg, is, since 1817, 8 of the kilogramme of France; but in this respect there is not entire uniformity. The other measures are all in value corresponding with the metrical system of France, and decimally subdivided. Thus, the unit for liquids (the vat) and that for dry (the mudde) are each = 100 litres of France. The unitary El or acune = 1 metre; the agrarian unit (the vierkantebunder) -- I are of France; or nearly 4 square perches English; the metrical niil or mile = 1 kilonmtre. Other terms remaining from the old systems, but now disconnected, are given in the Dictionary. B R E M E N. WVE~IGT. —1 pfund = 2 marlk- =16 unze = 32 loth = 1.28 quentchen = 512 ort 498,59 grammes of France; since 1818. There is another Pfund used in retail commerce; which is 6 per cent. lighter than the standard. Gold and silver are weighed by the Mark of Cologne; and medicines by the apothe. cary-pound of Niirnberg. I schiffpfund = 20 liespfund = 290 pfund. I frachtpfund or pfundschwer = 300 pfund. 1 centner = 116 pfund. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder - 4 oxhoft = 6 ohm = 24 anker =- 120 viertel _ 270 stLibchen = 1080 quartier = 4320 mingel. DaRY CAPACITY.-1 scheffel = 4 viertel = 16 spint. LENGTH.-i elle -- 2 fuss = 24 zoll = 240 linie. EUROPE. 143 Surveyors divide the Fuss decimally. ITINERARY.-1 ruthe = 23 kiafter _ 8 elle 16 fuss. The usual Meile contains 20000 Rhenish feet. AGRARIAN. — morgen = 120 square ruthe = 30720 square fuss. SOLID.-1 faden = 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 2 F. deep - 72 cubic fuss. Firewood is also sometimes measured by the Reep or Reif; a circular pile 171 fuss in circumference, the billets varying from 41 to 6 Fuss in length. The Reif yields from 1 to 2 Faden, accordingly. B R U N SW I C. WEIGHT. — pfund -= 2 mark = 32 loth = 128 quentchen - 512 pfennig = 1024 heller. 1 schiffpfund = 20 liespfund = 280 pfund. Gold and silver by the Mark of Cologne; medicines by the apothecary-pound of NiUrnberg. 1 fuder = 4 oxhoft - 6 ohm -= 240 stiibchen- = 960 quarteer = 1920 n6ssel. 1 fass of beer =4 tonne = 108 stiibchen = 432 quartier = 864 nossel. I fass of mum = 100 stiibchen = 400 quartier = 900 ndssel. DRY CAPACITY. — scheffel = 10 himt = 40 vierfass = 160 becher, or l1cher LENGTH.-I elle = 2,schuh -= 24 zoll. ITINERARY.-1 ruthe - 8 elle = 16 schuh. The usual Meile contains 34424 Rhenish Feet. AGRARIAN. — morgen = 120 square ruthe = 30720 square schuh. CR A CO W. WEIGHT.-i funt = 2 mark = 48 skoyciec. Apothecary-weight is that of Nurnberg. LIQUID CAsPACTY.-1 stangiew = 2 beczka = 72 garniec = 288 kwart. DRY CAPACITY.-1 korzec = 2 polkorzow = 4 cwierc = 32 garcy, or garniec. LENGTH. — stopa = 12 calow = 144 liniow = 1728 punkt. The other measures are those of Poland. DENM A R K. WEIGHT.-i pund = 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 lod = 128 quintin = 512 ort. 62 pund = weight of 1 cubic fod of rain water at 163~ centigrade. Gold and silver is weighed by a Pund, nearly 6 per cent. lighter than, but not aliquot with the commercial pound; and subdivided like this last, only more minutely, into 8192 as = 65536 gran. The Royal Mint uses, however, the Mark of Cologne. Apothecaries' weight is that of Niirnberg. 1 last 161 skippund -- 1444 waag =- 325 lispund = — 433 bismerpund =- 5200 pund. I skippund = 20 lispund = 320 pund. LIQUID CAPACITY. — aam = 4 anker = 20 viertel = 40 stfibchen - 771 kande _ 155 pot = 620 pigel. DRY CAPACITY.-1 toellde = 4 fjerding = 8 skieppe = 32 fjerdingklar = 144 pot. LENGTH.-1 aln = 2 fod - 24 tomme = 288 linie. 144 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. The Fod represents I of the pendulum beating seconds, in a vacuum, at the level of the sea, under the mean parallel of 450 north latitude. ITINERARY.-l mill = 2400 rode =- 4000 favn= — 12000 aln - 24000 fod. AGRARIAN. —1 pflug = 8 toende (hartkorn) = 32 toende (sadeland) - 64 skieppe - 256 fjerdingkar = 768 album = 3072 penge = 17920 square rode = 1792000 square fod. The measures of Holstein are chiefly those of Hamburg; and those of Norway differ only locally, not systematically, from the Danish. FRANCE. WEIGHT. —1 kilogramme = 100 hectogramme = 100 decagramme = 1000 gramme - 10000 decigramme = 100000 centigramme = 1000000 milligramme. The unit, or Kilogramme, is the weight of a cubic decimetre of distilled water at the temperature of maximum density; taken at 40 Centigrade, or 39~,2 Fahrenheit. 1 tonneau = 10 quintal - 100 myriagrammes = 1000 kilogrammes. Apothecary-weight has not been so symmetrically and uniformly constructed. In the French pharmaceutical Codex, the gramme has been adopted as the key of the system, and is considered as equivalent to 4 of the old drachme. The once, habitually of 8 drachmes, is then 32 grammes. But as this number is irrational with a decimal division, a compromise has been made as follows: 1. 1 double-livre (kilogramme) = 2 livre = 4 demi-livre = 8 quarterons (of 4 onces) 1000 grammes. 2. 1 once = 8 gros, or drachme = 640 grain = 1280 demi-grain = 32 gramme; instead of 31' gramme, as it must have been, if the same binary division had been carried through. LIQUID AND DRY CAPACITY.-1 kilolitre = 10 hectolitre = 100 decalitre = 1000 litre = 10000 decilitre = 100000 centilitre = 1000000 millilitre. The unit, or Litre, is the cubic decimetre; the Kilolitre is therefore a cubic metre. The myrialitre = 10 kilolitre. LENGTH AND DISTANCE.-1 myriamtre =- 10 kilometre = 100 hectometre- 1000 decametre = 10000 mntre -= 100000 decimntre = 1000000 centimetre -= 10000000 millimetre. The Metre, or unit, is assumed to be the ten-millionth of the quadrant, or the fortymillionth of the whole circumference of the Globe, measured over the poles. The actual value assigned to it, in spite of the pains taken in the geodetical and artistical operations, is, after all, owing to the nature of the very operations, to be considered as only a near approximation. The provisional mitre of 1795, is, in fact, (as more recent investigations show,) nearer the most probable value aimed at, than the one adopted in the law of 1799. But the utmost error is only about sx-'-w of the length; or, absolutely, less than vxvsv of an inch. AGRARIAN.-1 hectare = 100 are = 10000 centiare or square metres. This part of the system admits the same decimal multiplication and subdivision as the others, in theory; but in point of fact, the intermediate terms have been rejected. SOLID.-I decastere = 10 stere - 100 decistere. The Stere is the cubic metre; and its content, therefore, is the same as the capacity of the Kilolitre. The terms given are all that are retained in the nomenclature. EUROPE. 145 The names even of the old measures of France having been interdicted since 1840 by law, their relations and combinations are of no remaining practical interest. The terms and values will be found in the Dictionary. FRANK FORT. WEIGHT.-1 pfund - 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 loth -128 quentche- = 512 pfennig = 1024 heller. There is also a commercial pound for retail, called silber-pflund, about 8 per cent. lighter than the former; but similarly divided. Flour and Malt are weighed by a pound of 32 T-9 Loth silber-pfund; meat and butter by 33 Loth of the same system, and fish by one of 35 Loth. Gold and silver are reckoned by Cologne weight; and drugs and medicines by the apothecary-pound of Niirnberg. LIQuID CAPACITY.-1 fuder - 6 ohm 3 120 viertel - 480 eich-mass = 540 neumass. 1 mass = 4 schoppen. DRY CAPACITY.-1 malter, or achtel = 4 simmer - 8 metze = 16 sechter = 64 gescheid = 256 miisschen, or viertel = 1024 schrott. A Malter of Wheat weighs from 175 to 190 lb. flour-weight. Rye..... 165 to 480 " Barley.... 150 to 165" Oats.... 95 to 110 " " Flour.... 143 " " This includes the tare of the sack, which is reckoned at 3 flour-pounds. LENaGTI.-1 werkschuh — 12 zoll = 144 liliie. 1 ruthe = 121 werkschuhl = 10 feldfuss - 100 zoll - 1000 linie. AGRARIAN. —1 bufe = 30 morgen = 4800 square ruthe = 480000 square feldfuss. SOLID, for firewood: 1 klafter = 6 W. long X 7 W. high X 3 W. deep - 126 cubic werkschuh. 1 stecken = 3~ werkschuh, cubed = 433 cubic werkschuh. GREAT'BRITAIN. The Imperial standards adopted since 1825, altered only the value of the capacitymeasures. The Weights and the Long, Agrarian and Solid measures are identical with those of the United States. Capacity-measures are the same, both for liquids and things dry. The origination of these, is with the gallon; which contains 10 pounds avoirdupois of distilled water at 30 inches of the barometer and 620 Fahr. both for the air and the water. Eight of such gallons make the bushel. The old subdivisions and nomenclature, as far as applicable, are retained. WEIGHT.-Troy and apothecary have been given under the head, United States. Avoirdupois: 1 ton = 20 hundred-weight = 80 quarter = 2240 pound = 35840 ounce = 573440 dram. Wool: 1 last = 12 sack = 24 wey = 156 tod = 312 stone = 624 clove = 4368 pound. x 146 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. LIQUID CAPACITY.-Old Wine measure: I tun = 2 pipe = 3 puncheon - 4 hogshead = 6 tierce = 8 quarter-casks - 252 gallon = 1008 quart = 2016 pint. Old Beer measure: 1 butt = 1 puncheon = 2 hogshead = 3 barrel = 6 kilderkin 12 firkin = 108 gallon. Ale measure was the same as to the Gallon and its subdivisions; but the Firkin of Ale was only 8 Gallons, and the Hogshead of Ale, 48 Gallons, instead of 9 and 54 Gallons respectively. DRY CAPACITY.-Old measure: 1 last = 2 wey = 10 quarter = 20 coom = 80 bushel = 320 peck = 640 gallons = 5120 pint. LENGTH. — yard = 3 foot = 36 inches = 108 barley-corn = 432 line. Cloth-measure: 1 French ell - 11 English ell = 11 yard = 2 Flemish ell = 6 quarters - 27 nail = 54 inch. HAMBUR G. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 2 mark = 16 unze = 32loth = 128 quentchen = 512 pfennig. Gold and silver are weighed by the Mark of Cologne; and medicine, by Niirnberg apothecary-weight. 1 schiffpfund = 24 centner = 20 liespfund = 280 pfund. This is sea-freight; waggon-weight is also called Schiffpfund, but = 320 pfund. LIQUID CAPAcITY.-1 fuder = 4 oxhoft = 5 tonne = 6 ahm - 24 anker - 30 eimer = 120 viertel = 240 sttibchen = 480 kanne = 960 quartier = 1920 dssel. I fass, for whale-oil = 14 tonne = 72 stechkanne = 120 margel = 160 quartier. DRY CAPACITY. — last, for wheat and grain generally, and seeds = 3 wispel = 30 scheffel = 60 fass = 120 himt = 480 spint. 1 stock, for oats and barley 12 last; and similarly subdivided. The Scheffel is hardly used; the Fass is the principal measure. The indications of the steel-yard used for weighing grain, and quoted in the Pricecurrent, is upon 14 fass of such grain respectively. The established weight of the Fass is, of Barley, 68 pfund. Peas, 100 pfund. Beans, 108 " Rye, 81 " Oats, 52 " Wheat, 86 " LENGTH.-1 elle = 2 fuss = 24 zoll = 192 achtel. Ship-builders, for the measurement of spars, etc., divide the Fuss into 3 Palm. Engineers and surveyors use the Rhenish foot and inch, decimally divided. ITINERARY.-1 meile - 200 ruthe - 24000 Rhenish fuss. AGRARIAN.-There are two Ruthe, or perches, in land-measure; the Marschruthe equal to 7 Ell, and the Geestruthe to 8 Ell. Of course, 1 square geestruthe = marschruthe 256 square fuss. 1 morgen = 600 square marschruthe = 117600 square fuss. SOLID. — klafter, or faden - 64 F. long X 64 F. high X 2 F. deep = 88) cubic fuss. 1 messbergerfaden = 62 F. long 8 F. high X 2 F. deep = 106. cubic fuss. EUROPE. 147 HANOVER. WEIGHT.-1 pfund 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentchen = 512 8rtchen. Gold and silver are weighed by the Mark of Cologne. The apothecary-pound is 3 of the commercial pfund; subdivided like that of Niirnberg; which last is, itself, frequently used. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder — 4 oxhoft 6 ahm - 15 eimer = 24 anker -120 viertel =-240 stiibchen = 480 kanne - 960 quartier = 1920 nossel. I fass for beer = 4 tonne = 104 stiibchen — 208 kanne - 416 quartier. DRY CAPACITY.-1 last = 2 wispel = 16 malter = 96 himt - 288 drittel 384 vierfass. LENGTH.-1 elle- - 2 fuss = 24 zoll - 192 achtel - 288 linie. ITINERARY.-1 meile (since 1818) = 1462k ruthe = 11700 elle _ 25-100 fuss. The old, or Polizei-meile, was 2274 ruthe. AGRARIAN.-1 morgen of Calenberg = 1~ drohn = 2 vorling = 120 square ruthe - 30720 square fuss. HE S SE-CA S S EL. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentchen. In retail, the pfund of Berlin (which is about 3 per cent. lighter) is employed; subdivided as above. Gold and silver are by the Cologne-medicine etc., by the Niirnberg weight. LIQUID CAPACITY. — fuder = 6 ohm - 120 viertel = 480 mass = 1920 schoppen. DRY CAPACITY.-1 scheffel = 2 himt = 8 metze = 32 masschen. LENGTH.-1 waldfuss, or standard - 12 zoll = 144 linie. ITINERARY. — ruthe = 7 elle = 14 land-fuss, or surveyors' foot. The Ruthe is sometimes divided decimally into 10 Fuss, etc. AGRARIAN.-1 acker = 150 square ruthe = 29400 square land-fuss. SOLID.-1 klafter = 5 F. long X 5 F. high X 6 F. deep = 150 cubic waidfuss. HE S E-D ARMS TAD T. The old Weights and Measures were those of Frankfort. Those established in 1821, are as follows: WEIGHT. — pfund = 32 loth = 128 quentchen - 512 richtpfennig = ~ kilogramme of France. Gold and silver are still reckoned by the Mark of Cologne; and Niirnberg furnishes the apothecary-weight. LIQUID CAPACITY. —1 fuder = 6 ohm = 120 viertel = 480 mass = 1920 schoppen. The Schoppen -= litre of France. Day CAPACITY.-1 malter = 4 simmer = 16 kiimpf = 64 gescheid = 256 masschen = 128 litre of France. LENGTHI-. —.1 klafter = 10 fuss - 100 zoll - 1000 linie. The Fuss is ~ metre of France; the Elle is 4 metre. AGRARIAN.-41 nmorgen = 4 viertel = 400 square klafter = 40000 square fuss. SOLID.-1 stecken =-5 F. long X 5 F. high X 4 F. deep - 100 cubic filss. The old Stecken was 6 X 6 X 4 - 144 cubic feet, old measure. 148 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. HOLLAND. Since 1817, the values and divisions of the Weights and Measures have been according to the metrical system of France; retaining more or less of th.e old nomenclature, as will be found in the Dictionary. IONIAN ISLES. Since 1817, when the new Constitution of these Isles was ratified by the English Parliament, the standard Weights and Measures have been those of Great Britain. There still remain, however, several detached usances of Turkish and Venitian origin; which will be found in the Dictionary. LU B E C. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 2 mark - 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentchen 512 pfennig. Gold and silver weight is that of Cologne; apothecary-weight, of Nfirnberg. The Schiffpfund and Tonne are divided as at Hamburg. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder = 4 oxhoft = 6 ahm = 24 anker - 30 eimer = 120 viertel = 240 stfibchen = 480 klanne = 960 quartier = 1920 plank = 3840 ort. DRY CAPACITY.-1 last = 8 dr6mt — 24 tonne - 96 scheffel = 384 fass. LENGTH.-1 elle = 2 fuss = 24 zoll = 144 linie = 1728 punkt. Other usances here are the same as at Hamburg. LU C C A. The Weights and Measures of this Territory are, in system, the same as those of Tuscany; of which it will hereafter form a part. Its local values and denominations will be found in the Dictionary. M E C K L E N B U R G-S C H W E R I N. What is under this, will also apply to the other Grand Duchy of MecklenburgStrelitz; both of whose systems of Weights and Length-measures are those of Hamberg; while the Capacity-measures are, in fact, those of Liibec. MODENA. WEIGHT.-! libbra, or lira = 12 oncia = 192 ferlino. 1 libbra, for gold and silver = 12 oncia = 96 ottava = 192 ferlino = 1920 carato = 7680 grano. Apothecary: 1 libbra = 12 oncia = 96 drachma = 288 scrupolo = 6912 grano. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 barile = 20 fiasco = 40 boccale. DRY CAPACITY.- 1 sacco = 2 stajo. AGRARIAN. — biolcza = 72 tavola = 288 square cavezzo = 10368 square piede. The Piede of Reggio has the same relations, but a different value, with that of Modena, the city. The other measures appear arbitrary. EUROPE. 149 OTTOMAN EMPIRE oR TURKEY IN EUROPE. Neither our knowledge nor perhaps the actual state of Weights and Measures in this Empire allow of their being arranged in any satisfactory, systematic exhibition; and the same may be said of the modern Kingdom of Greece. The value and denomlinations of isolated units have been given in the Dictionary. PARMA. WEIGHT.-1 libbra - 12 oncia 288 denaro = 6912 grano. Gold and silver are weighed by the Marco of Milan, or by the new Italian pound. The apothecary-pound is identical with the commercial Libbra. The Rubbio is 25 Libbra. LIQUID CAPACITY is measured as at Milan. DRY CAPACITY.-1 stajo = 2 minia = 16 quartarole. LENGTH. —1 pertica = 6 braccio di legno = 72 oncia- = 864 punto = 10368 atomo. AGRARIAN.-1 biolca = 6 staro = 72 tavola = 288 square pertica = 10368 square braccio. PORTUGAL. WEIGHT.-1 arratel = 2 marco or meio-arratel = 4 quarta = 16 onqa = 128 outava = 384 escropulo = 9216 grao. This weight, from the Onqa down, answers for all purposes. Gold and silver are reckoned by the Marco of 8 Onqas; and medicines are weighed by a Libra of 12 Onqas, which is therefore 4 Arratel. 1 tonelada _ 13~ quintal = 54 arroba _ 1728 arratel. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 almude = 2 alqueire, or cantaro = 12 canada _ 24 meia-canada = 48 quartilho = 96 meio-quartilho. 1 tonelada - 2 pipa, or bota = 52 almude = 104 alqueire. DRY CAPACITY.-1 moio - 15 fanga = 60 alqueire = 120 meio-alqueire = 240 quarto = 480 outava = 960 maquia, or meia-outava. LENGTH.-I covado = 3 palmo da craveira = 24 pollegada = 36 dedo = 144 grao 288 linha = 3456 ponto. The commercial Covado, called covado avantejado, has 243 pollegadas. ITINERARY.-1 braqa = 13 passo = 2 vara = 62 pe = 10 palmo da craveira. 1 legoa = 3 nzilha = 24 estadio. AGRARIAN.-1 geira = 4840 square vara. P R U S S I A. The Weights and Measures were reformed here in 1816. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentchen. The unitary Pfund is se- of a cubic foot of distilled water, weighed, and reduced to a vacuum, at the temperature of 150 Reaumur (65.~ Fahrenheit.) Gold and silver are still reckoned by the Mark of Cologne, to which the Prussian Mark is considered as equivalent; and the apothecary-pound, divided like that of Ntrnberg, is 4 Pfund. 1 schiffpfund = 3 centner = 15 stein - 20 liespfund = 330 pfund. 150 W EIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder = 6 ohm = 12 eimer = 24 anker = 720 quart = 1440 Ossel. The Eilmer contains 3840 cubic Zolle or inches. DRY CAPACITY.-] last, for wheat and rye = 4 wispel = 6 malter = 72 scheffel = 288 viertel - 1152 metze = 4508 masschen. 1 last, for barley and oats = 48 scheffel. The Scheffel is 4 of the Eimer in absolute capacity, or 3072 cubic Zolle. LENGTH. — fuss (Rhein-fuss) = 12 zoll = 144 linie = 1728 scrupel. This unit has been established at 139, 13 lignes de Paris. The Elle is 25~ Zolle. ITINERARY.-1 ruthe = 10 land-fuss = 12 Rhein-fuss. The Land-fuss is also sub-divided decimally into 10 zoll = 100 linie = 1000 scrupel. I post-meile = 2000 ruthe = 24000 Rheinfuss. AGRARIAN. — morgen = 180 square ruthe = 25920 square Rheinfuss. SOLID.-1 klafter = 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 3 F. deep = 108 cubic Rheinfuss. 1 haufen = 4- klafter = 18 F. long X 9 F. high X 3 F. deep = 486 cubic Rheinfuss. The old values and denominations which are still retained, as well in the Capital as in several principal Cities, are given in the Dictionary. ROMAN STATES. Under this name is intended what has, until recently, been known as the State of the Church. Late events have shewn this last title to be uncertain. Two principal Cities comprehend all that is systematic in Weights and Measures. Bologna. WEIGHT.-1 libbra = 12 oncia = 96 ottava = 192 ferlino = 1920 carato = 7680 grano. This weight serves also for gold and silver: though the new Italian metrical pound (the kilogramme) is also employed, as well as the Libbra of Rome. In Perrara, use is still had of the Marco of Milan. Apothecary: 1 libbra = 12 oncia = 96 drachma - 288 scrupolo = 6912 grano. This Libbra weighs 11' commercial Oncie. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 corba = 2 mezza-corba = 4 quarterone, or quarterole 60 boccale = 240 foglietta. DRY CAPACITY.-1 corba = 2 stajo, or staro 8 quarterone = 32 quarticino, or quartuccione. These two Corbe are of the same capacity. AGRARIAN.-1 tornatura = 140 square pertica - 14000 square pie. Rome. WEIGHT. —1 libbra = 12 oncia = 288 denaro = 6912 grano. The same weight serves for gold and silver, and for medicine. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 botta = 16 barile = 512 boccale = 2048 foglietta 8192 quartuccio. The Barile for oil contains only 8 of the above, or 28 Boccale. But oil has a proper measure, viz EUROPE. 151 1 soma = 2 mastello, or pelle = 20 cugnatello = 80 boccale. DRY CArACITY.-1 rubbio = 2 rubbiatella = 4 quarta = 8 quartarella = 12 staja 16 starello = 22 scorzo._ 88 quartuccio. LENGTH AND DISTANCE.-1 canna (ordinary) = 2 braccio _ 6 pi -8 palmo _ 24 linea. 1 canna (architects, etc.,) - 7~ pi =- 10 palmo = 120 oncia - 600 minuto - 1200 decimo. 1 canna di ara = 1' braccio di ara = 9 palmo di ara. 1 catena -10 stajolo = 57- palmo (architects'). AGRARIAN.-1 rubbio = 4 quarta = 7 pezza = 16 scorzo -32 quartuccio - 112 square catena - 11200 square stajolo = 370300 square palmo (architects'). RUSSIA IN EUROPE. S. Petersburg. WEIGHT.-1 funt - 12 lana - 32 loth - 96 zolotnic - 9216 doli. This is used for gold and silver, also; and the Niirnberg weight, by apothecaries. 1 packen = 3 berkowitz = 30 pud = 1200 funt. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 vedro = 4 tschetwerk = 8 osmuschka = 88 tscharkey. Since 1819, the vedro = 100 tscharkey. I sarokowaja = 133 anker = 40 vedro. DRY CAPACITY.-] tschetwert = 2 osmin = 4 pajak = 8 tschetwerik = 32 tschetwerka = 64 garnetz. LENGTH AND DISTANCE.-1 archine = 2 stopa = 24 verschok = 32 paletz. This was the old measure. Within the last twenty years, both the English Foot and the Rhine Foot have come into use; and since 1831, the former has furnished, it is believed, the normal standard of value. At present, the Archine is divided into 16 Verschok. 1 verst = 500 sachine - 1500 archine = 24000 verschok. The Sachine is 7 feet exactly. Besides the Verst, the Meile of Lithuania is also used, equivalent to 28530 Rheinfuss. Warsaw. The legal Weights and Measures of Poland are supposed to be, since 1831, subordinate to those of the Russian Empire, of which it forms a part. The establishment, in 1819, while Poland had still its own legislature, and which rested upon the French metrical system, is nearly as follows: WEIGHT.-1 funt = 16 lana = 32 loth = 48 skoyciec = 128 drachme - 384 skrupulow = — 9216 granow = 50688 granikow 405504 milligrammow. The Milligrammow is exactly the Milligramme of France. The apothecary-pound is 358~ Grammes of France, and divided like Niirnberg weight. The old Funt of Warsaw proper was -tg lighter; and the old Quintal was of 5 Kaminieck, or 160 Funt. The new Kaminieck is of 25 Funt. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 stangiew = 2 beczka = 50 garniec = 200 kwarti = 800 kwaterki. The Kwarti is the Litre of France; and the Beczka, therefore, the hectolitre. 152 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. Formerly the Beczka was divided into 36 Garniec, and 144 Kwarti. DRY CAPACITY.-1 korzec = 4 cwierc = 32 garniec, or garcy = 128 kwarti = 512 kwaterki. The Kwarti is the same for all capacity; and the Korzec is, therefore, 128 Litres of France. LENGTH.-1 lokiec = 2 stopa = 4 cwierc = 24 calow = 288 liniow = 576 millimetrow = 576 millimetre of France. 1 sznurow = 10 pretow = 100 precikow = 150 stopa = 1000 lawek = 1800 calow. The Precikow is the geometrical foot, used by surveyors. Itinerary distances are measured by the Verst of Russia; 8 of which (= 29633 stopa) make the unitary league. AGRAR1AN.-1 wloka = 30 morgow = 90 square sznurow = 9000 square pretow - 900000 square precikow. SARD INIA. The Weights and Measures of the Island of Sardinia, which cannot be called systematic, will be found in the Dictionary. DUCHY OF GENOA. WEIGHT.-1 libbra (peso scarso) = 12 oncia = 288 denaro = 6912 grano. This is the ordinary weight of commerce; which is used also by apothecaries. The Rottolo is 12 Libbra. The Peso-grosso is 10 per cent. heavier than the Peso-scarso; and has sometimes its Rottolo. Gold and silver are weighed by the Marco of Turin. The Rubbio, or quarter of the Centinajo, has 25 Libbra in either weight. LQuTID CAPACITY. —1 mezzaruola = 2 barile = 100 printa = 180 amola. DRY CAPACITY.-1 mina = 8 quarto = 96 gombetta. LENGTH.-1 piede liprando = 12 oncia = 144 punto = 1728 atomo. 1 piede manuale = 8 oncia. 1 canna = 42 braccio = 10 palmo = 6? piede manuale. But this last is hypothetical. The land-surveyors use a Canna of 12 Palmo; which is properly a Canella. But Canne are found of all lengths from 8 to 12 palmi. PIEDMONT: Turin. WEIGHT.-1 libbra = 1 marco = 12 oncia = 96 ottavo = 288 denaro - 6912 grano = 165888 granottino. For gold and silver, the Marco is divided as under: 1 marco = 8 oncia = 192 denaro = 1152 carato = 4608 grano = 110592 granottino. The apothecary-pound is 1- Marco; and is divided like the same weight at Bologna. LIQUID CAPACITY. —1 carro = 10 brenta = 360 pinta = 720 boccale = 1440 quartino. DRa CAPACITY.-1 sacco = 3 stajo - 6 mina = 12 quartiere = 48 copello = 960 cucchiaro. LENGTH.-The smaller measures are divided as at Genoa. 1 pertica = 2 trabucco = 102 raso = 12 piede liprando. ITINERARY. — miglio = 1300 tesa - 4333~ piede liprando = 6500 piede manuale. AGRARIAN.-1 giornata = 100 tavola, or square pertica = 400 square trabucco = 14400 square piede liprando. EUROPE. 153 SAXON Y. For the Weights and Measures of this Kingdom, where there has been no recent establishment, will be taken what prevails at Leipsic. WEIGHT.-1 pfund _ 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quentlein = 512 pfennig =7680 gran. Gold and -silver are by the Mark of Cologne. Apothecary-weight is that of N2irnberg. The Centner, or hundred-weight consists generally of 110 Pfund: but for live-stock it is only 102 Pfund; that called berg-gewicht, at the mines, is 114 Pfund; and stahlgewicht, for iron and steel, is 118 Pfund. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder _ 2t fass = 4 tonne = 6 ahmn = 12 eimer - 14 anker 756 kanne = 1512 nOssel = 6048 quartier. The Fuder of Dresden is similarly divided, but is smaller; containing only 672 kanne of Leipsic. DRY CAPACITY.-1 wispel = 2 malter = 24 scheffel = 96 viertel = 384 metze = 1536 matsschen. LENGTH.-1 elle - 2 fusfi= 24 zoll - 240 linie. The Fuss is also decimally divided. I ruthe = 10 elle = 16 fuss. ITINERARY. —1 polizei-meile = 2000 ruthe = 16000 elle = 32000 fuss. 1 post-meile = 1500 ruthe = 12000 elle: 24000 fuss. AGRARIAN.-1 morgen =- 300 square ruthe = 76800 square fuss. TH E TWO SI C ILIES. The Weights and Measures of the Island of Sicily are given in the Dictionary, corresponding to the localities of Messina, Palermo and Syracuse; they are too unsystematic to be detailed here. What follows, belongs properly to the City and District of Naples. WEIGHT.-l libbra _ 12 oncia - 360 trapeso = 7200 accino. This weight is for gold and silver, for silk, for spices, for drugs and colors. All other articles are weighed by the Rotolo of 2 Libbre, or 33 Oncie. The apothecary-unit is the same Libbra, but divided as follows: 1 libbra = 12 oncia = 120 drachnma -- 360 scrupolo - 7200 accino. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 carro = 2 botta - 24 barile -- 1440 caraffa. I salma, for oil = 16 staja = 256 quarto = 320 pignata = 1536 misurella. DRY CAPACITY.-1 carro = 36 tomolo - 864 misura. LENGTH AND DISTANCE.-1 canna - 8 palmo = 96 oncia -= 480 minuto. I pertica, or passo = 7' palmo. 1 miglio = 933~ passo =- 7000 palmo. AGRARIAN.-1 moggia = 900 square passo = 50625 square palmno. SPAIN. The Weights and Measures given for this Kingdom apply especially to Castille, and are recognized at Madrid. Considerable differences in value, andl some also in nomenclature, will be found in the Dictionary as existing in several of the great prov 154 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. vinces of Spain; as for example, in Valencia, where long comparative independence naturally led to a result of this kind, which is further contributed to elsewhere by the remarkable number of distinct races by which Spain is peopled. But these variations are not sufficiently material to be detailed here. WEIGHT.-1 libra - 2 marco = 16 onza - 128 ochava = 256 adarme = 768 tomine = 9216 grano. Gold and silver are by the same weight; but the Marco is the unit, and is divided for gold only, as follows: 1 marco - 50 castellano = 400 tomine = 4800 grano. This division has been, to be sure, interdicted by law; but it still remains, and is especially exemplified in the former South-American dependencies of Spain. In apothecary-weight: I libra = 1- marco = 12 onza = 96 dracma = 288 escrupulo = 576 obolo = 1728 caracter, or quilate 6912 grano. 1 tonelada = 20 quintal = 80 arroba = 2000 libra. 1 quintal macho = 6 arroba = 150 libra. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 arroba mayor, or cantara = 4 quartilla = 8 azumbre = 32 quartillo - 128 copa. This Arroba, in theory, should contain 35 Libras of distilled water, at the ordinary pressure and temperature. The Arroba menor for oil, is divided in the same manner; but weighs only 274 Libras, as before. DaRY CAPACITY. — cahiz = 12 fanega - 144 almude, or celemine = 288 medio 576 quartillo - 2304 racion = 9216 ochavillo. LENGTH.-1 vara = 3 pie, or tercia = 4 palmo, or quarta = 6 sesma = 36 pulgada -48 dedo = 432 linea = 5184 punto. DISTANCE.-1 estadal - 2 estado, toesa, or braza = 22 paso - 4 vara - 8 codo _ 12 pie. There is also a former estadal, (before 1801,) which still serves as a basis for an agrarian measure and = 11 pie. I cuerda = 84 vara = 243 pie = 33 palmo mayor. But in Valencia: I cuerda - 20 braza - 40 vara. 1 legua (till 1568) = 3 milla = 24 estadio = 3000 paso = 5000 vara - 15000 pie. 1 legua (of Philip V.) = 7605 vara = 22815 pie. This was a League of which 17~ were supposed to make a degree, and was directed to be used on all maps. 1 legua (since 1766) = 4800 paso = 8000 vara = 24000 pie. It is by this, that the distances along the great roads are marked. But there is also a Legua frequently used, estimated at 800 cuerda = 6600 vara - 19800 pie. AGRARIAN.-1 yugada - 50 fanegada = 600 celemin - 2400 quartillo - 28800 square estadale = 460800 square vara. But in Valencia; 1 yugada = 6 cahizada = 36 fanegada = 7200 square braza; and is but the lls nearly of the legal yugada. 1 arannada (for vineyards and crops of oats) = 400 square estadale =: 48400 square pie: the estadale being here but 11 pie. SWEDEN. WEIGHT.-1 skiilpund (viktualiewigt) = 16 untz = 32 lod = 128 qwintin = 8848 as. There are several commercial pounds in this Kingdom, applicable under different EUROPE. 155 circumstances and to different articles. But none are commensurable with the Sk1lpund, except that called jernwigt, or the iron-pound, which is -4 of the other. They are all to be found in the Dictionary under the word Skeppund; by which multiple, indeed, they are usually counted. Gold and silver is weighed by the Mark of Stockholm, which is incommensurable with the Skklpund, but very nearly half of it. It is divided as follows: 1 mark = 8 untz = 16 lod -64 qwintin 4384 as. The apothecary-pound, or libra - 7416 as; and is subdivided like the Niirnberg pound. 1 skeppund = 20 lispund =- 400 pund. LIQUID CAPACITY.-I tunna = 48 kanna = 96 stop _ 384 cwarter = 1536 ort, or jungfru. DRY CAPACITY.-1 tunna = 2 spann = 4 half-spann = 8 fjerding = 32 kappe 56 kanna = 112 stop - 448 qwarter = 1792 ort. LENGTH.-1 famn = 3 aln 6 fot -72 turn = 864 linie. But in late times the Foot is divided decimally for all purposes. 1 stgng = 8 aln = 16 fot. I mil = 2250 stging = 6000 famn = 18000 aln = 36000 fot. AGRARIAN. — tunna = 2 spannland = 4 half-spannland = 8 fjerding - 32 Lappland = 56 kannland = 2183 square sting - 14000 square aln a 56000 square fot. SOLID.-1 vedfamn _ 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 3 F. deep -- 108 cubic fot. SWITZERLAND. Nearly every one of the twenty-two Cantons of which this confederation is composed, appears to present some variety in the values, subdivisions and nomenclature of its Weights and Measures. To explain them summarily is impossible; to expose them in detail, would occupy a space manifestly disproportionate to their practical interest. What prevails at Berne, Lucerne and Zurich, (the three Legislative Capitals, biennially in rotation, of the Swiss confederacy,) is allthat need be given here. Berne. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 16 unze - 32 loth _ 128 quent -512 pfennig. This is the ordinary commercial weight; that for gold and silver, etc., is divided into 2 Marks, and then like fhe preceding. The Mark in this weight is the old Marc of France; the ordinary pfund = 17 onces poids de mare of France. The apothecary-weight is, in fact, about ~ of one per cent. lighter than the Niirnberg; it is, no doubt, in theory the same, and is divided similarly. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 landfass = 6 saum - 24 eimer, or brenter = 600 mass = 2400 vierteli = 4800 becher. DRY CAPACITY.-1 miitt - 12 mass = 24 mitssli = 48 immi 96 achterli- 192 sechszehnerli. LENGTH.-1 fuSS- = 12 zoll = 144 linie - 1728 secunde. The steinbrecher fuss, used for quarrying and building-stone = 13 zoll. The Elle happens to be exactly 1f%-% of the Fuss; but this is an accidental coincidence, as they are not used commensurably. ITINERARY.-I ruthe = 14 klafter = 3' wald-schritt = 4 feld-schritt = 10 fuss. 156 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. The ordinary Swiss Meile is no longer commensurable with any Swiss foot. It seems to have been originally 266665 Fuss; for its length would not differ materially from that multiple of the Fuss. AGRARIAN.-1 juchart, or feld acker = 400 square ruthe = 40000 square fuss. For woodland, the Juchart is 450; for gardens 360; for meadow-land, 350 and 320; and finally for suburban mensuration, 3121 square Ruthe. SOLID.-1 klafter = 6 F. long X 5 F. high X 31 F. deep = 108 solid fuss. Lucerne. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 36 loth = 144 quentchen. This is the division of Lucerne, proper; but the weights of Zurich are also in use. Gold and silver are weighed by the Mark of Zurich; but the apothecary-pound is the old medicinal weight of France. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 saum = 3 ohm -= 100 mass - 400 schoppen = 4000 prima. DRY CAPACITY.-1 malter = 4 mutt = 16 viertel = 32 halb-viertel = 160 immi 256 becher = 2560 prima. LENGTH.-I elle = 2 schuh, or Rhein-fuss. The carpenters' foot (tischler-schuh) is nearly 3 per cent. shorter; and the builders' and surveyors' foot (feld-schuh) 10 per cent. shorter than the Rhein-fuss. Other measures are those of Zurich. Zurich. WEIGHT.-1 pfund = 18 unze =- 36 loth = 144 quenten. 1 pfund (of Antorf, for gold and silver, etc.) = 2 mark = 16 unze = 32 loth = 128 quent = 512 pfennig. This weight is g- of the commercial weight. The apothecary-pound is that of Lucerne. LlQUID CAPACITY.-1 eimer (lauter-mass) = 4 viertel = 30 kopf = 60 mass = 120 quartli = 240 stotzen. The Eimer (stadt-mass) for wine in retail, is subdivided in the same manner, but is 10 per cent. smaller. I eimer (triibes mass) = 4 viertel -= 32 kopf = 64 mass - 128 qudrtli = 256 stotzen. This Eimer (which, as its name implies, is for wine unrefined, as the lauter-mass is for fined wine) is -I larger than the latter. DRY CAPACITY.-1 malter = 4 miitt = 16 viertel = 64 vierling =- 256 maissli 576 immi. The Malter for grain generally, and all dry seeds and fruits (glatte fr'ucht) contains 124 cubic feet; that for oats and for greenr articles (leguminous growth, rauhe frucht) contains 12-17 cubic feet. LENGTH.-1 fuss = 12 zoll = 144 linie = 133 liges de Paris. The same Fuss is divided decimally by surveyors. The architectural foot, since 1820, is T6 w longer, but divided like the ordinary Fuss. 1 ruthe = 2 elle = 10 fuss. AGRARIAN.-The ordinary juchart = 400 square ruthe - 4000 square fuss. There are also Juchart in the same variety (except the very smallest) and similarly applicable as at Berne. EUROPE. 157 SOLID.-1 klafter, for fire-wood = 6 F. long X 6 F. high X 4 F. deep = 144 cubic fuss. There are also Klafter of 72 and 108 cubic fuss; the billets being 2 and 3 feet long respectively. The Klafter for turf (torb-klafter) contains 12 korb of 6 cubic fuss, each = 72 cubic fuss. In 1828, a new system of Weights and Measures was proposed and adopted for the Cantons of Aarau, Basel, Berne, Friburg, Lucerne, Solothurn and Vaud; which rested upon the metrical system of France: but, except in the Canton of Vaud, it has not been generally carried out. TUSCANY. WEIGHT.-1 libbra = 12 oncia = 96 drachma = — 288 denaro = 6912 grano. The same weight answers for gold and silver, and for apothecary use. The legal Centinajo or Cantaro (as in all the cases hitherto not specially mentioned) is 100 Libbre; but the Cantaro for wool, meat and salt-fish is yet 160 Libbre. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 barile = 20 fiasco = 40 boccale = 80 mezzetta = 160 quartuccio: weighing 133~ libbra. 1 barile for oil, or orcio = 16 fiasco = 32 boccale = 64 mezzetta = 128 quartuccio; weighing 120 libbre. The Soma for oil is 2 Barile. The Barile of alcohol, brandy and rum weighs 120 libbre. DRY CAPACITY.-I moggio = 8 sa6co = 24 stajo = 48 mina - 96 quarto = 384 metadella = 768 mezzetta = 1536 quartuccio = 3072 bussole. LENGTH. — canna = 4 braccio = 8 palmo = 80 soldo - 960 denaro. 1 canna (architects ard surveyors') or- pertica - 2 passetto = 5 braccio 10 palmo = 60 crazia = 100 soldo = 300 quattrino = 1200 denaro. ITINERARY.-1 cavezzo = 2 passo - 6 braccio. 1 miglio = 5662 canna (architects') = 2833. braccio = 56662 palmo. AGRARIAN.-I saccato = 10 stajolo = 13{ stioro = 165 panoro - 660 square pertica = 16500 square braccio. WURTEMBERG. WEIGHT.-Divided as the Prussian; from which it differs but slightly in value. Gold and silver are weighed by the Mark of Cologne; and medicine, by the apothecary-weight of Niirnberg. LIQUID CAPACITY.-1 fuder = 6 eimer = 96 immi = 960 mass = 3840 schoppen. The Eimer is of a different capacity, according as it is for clear or unrefined wine. The latter is nearly 4~ per cent. larger than the former. DRY CAPACITY. — scheffel = 8 simri = 32 vierling, or viertel = 64 achtel = 128 masslein = 256 ecklein - 1024 viertelein. LENGTH.-1 fuss - 10 zoll = 100 linie =1000 punkt. This measure was established in 1806; when the Fuss was fixed at 127 lignes de Paris. The Elle is not aliquot with the Fuss; being 214~ lignes de Paris. 1 ruthe = 12 klafter =- 10 fuss. 158 WEIGHT AND MEASURE SYSTEMS. This is the modern division. In the older habits there was 10. a Ruthe of 16 Fuss; 2'. one of 12 Rheinfuss; and 3~. one of 15 Rheinfuss. These different lengths affected, of course, the value of the acre. AGRARIAN. —1 morgen = 4 viertelmorgen = 384 square ruthe = 38400 square fuss. This is the legal measure; which corresponds in value with the old count of 150 square Ruthe (of 16 Fuss in length) to the Morgen. There is, also, the little Morgen (old measure) of 150 square Ruthe (No. 3) = 33750 square Rheinfuss; and the great Morgen (old measure) containing 400 square Ruthe (No. 2) = 57600 square Rheinfuss. 1 juchart, or jauchert = 12 morgen. WM. iMVINIFIE & CO. ALSO PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE WORKS: A TEXT BOOK OF MECHANICAL DRAWING, FOR SELF-INSTRUCTION. CONTAINING: A series of progressive practical problems in Geometry, with full explanations, couched in plain and simple terms; showing also the construction of the PARALLEL RULER, PLANE SCALES AND PROTRACTOR. Examples for drawing PLANS, SECTIONS and ELEVATIONS of Buildings and Machinery, the mode of drawing elevations from CIRCULAR and POLYGONAL plans, and the Drawing of Roman and Grecian Mouldings. An introduction to ISOMETRICAL DRAWING. A treatise on LINEAR PERSPECTIVE, with numerous examples and full explanations, rendering the study of the art easy and agreeable. Examples for the projection of shadows. THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED WITH FIFTY-SIX STEEL PLATES, Containing over Two Hundred Diagrams. BY WILLIAM MINIFIE, ARCHITECT, And Teacher of Drawing in the Central High School of Baltimore. SECOND EDITION. PRICE-$-S3.00. OPINIONS OF THIE PRESS. From the Baltimore American. "We have examined with pleasure a very useful work, entitled, A TEXT BootI OF GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, just published by our townsman, Mr. Wm. Minifie, Architect, and Teacher of Drawing in the Central High School of Baltimore. The work is designed for the use of Mechanics and Schools, and has also been prepared for those who desire to instruct themselves. For this purpose the author has taken care to employ the most simple terms in his definitions as well as his problems, and has illustrated his lessons for drawing Buildings, Machinery, &c., with fifty-six Steel Plates. This work is designed to supply a want which the author experienced in his course of instruction; and is the result of a well-digested plan which he found promotive of great benefit among his scholars. With a judgment that does not always accompany talent, the author has adapted his lessons to their practical application in every-day business, and thus while the scholar learns the art of Mechanical Drawing, he also learns what is equally essential, its adaptation to all useful purposes. We regard Mr. Minifie's work as one likely to confer great benefits on the rising generation, as a knowledge of what it teaches is of consequence to every one —to the mechanic who reduces the art to practice, and to the merchant or the capitalist who tests the mechanic's skill by its application to his work." From the Washington National Intelligerncer. "The style and order of arrangement seems to have arisen from a practical intimacy with the subject; those difficulties are chiefly dwelt on which are likely to arise in actual working cases, and with actual workmen; and these are so treated, with minute and particular rules, accompanied with abundant and perspicuous drawings, as to render the book quite adapted to the purpose of self-instruction. Indeed, one who patiently and carefully goes through it could not be said, so far as principles and methods are concerned, any longer to want a master, while, as regards neatness of execution, the plates are quite sufficient to serve as models for the learner. " On the whole, we have good authority for saying that so useful and so cheap a book for all who are concerned in the arts of building and design, has not appeared for a long time." From the New York Scientific American. "It is the best work on Drawing that we have ever seen, and is especially a text-book of Geometrical Drawing for the use of Mechanics and Schools. No young Mechanic, such as a MACHINIST, ENGINEER, CABINET MAKER, MILLWRIGHT or CARPENTER, should be without it. It is illustrated with fifty-six Steel Plates, and contains more than two hundred Diagrams. The author, Mr. Minifie, shows that he is master of his subject in all its various branches, which he has illustrated with Plans, Sections, Elevations, Perspective and Linear Views of Buildings and Machinery. SUCH BOOKS-ARE BooKs. "The price is very moderate, considering the quality, the sterling worth and style of the work." From the New York Farmer and Mechanic. "We cannot too highly recommend so usefill a work to the favorable notice of those who have not yet availed themselves of an opportunity to procure the best Mechanical Drawing Book which has yet been published." From the American Rail Road Journal. " MNIFIE's TEXT BOOk OF MECHANICAL DRAWING.-We are happy to call the attention of our readers to this work. It is recommended by artists and gentlemen who are best qualified among us to judge correctly of its merits, as being the most thorough and complete work of the kind ever published inl this country, and as indispensable to those whose business requires a knowledge of the principles of Geometrical Drawing or Sketching, and as a suitable guide and companion to amateurs in this delightful art. It has received universal commendation from the press, and we believe it fully merits all that has been said in its praise." From the Philadelphia Public Ledger. "This will be found a most excellent text book, by an accomplished teacher of Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. The problems are all selected with a view to their practical application in the every-day business of the Engineer, Architect and Artizan." From the Philadelphia North American. "A good and thorough text book, worthy the notice of teachers and young draughtsmen." From M'Makin's Model Journal. "It is, indeed, in all respects, a very excellent and a very timely book." From the Richmond Daily Whig. "We regard it as a book evincing great thoroughness in the subject on which it treats; one which must supply a deficiency which has long been felt, and one which must prove an invaluable assistant, either to the theoretical teacher or to the practical artizan. It is a book also for self-instruction. The drawings are very numerous, and the plates admirably executed." MIINIFIE'S GEOMETRICAL DRAWING BOOK. ABRIDGED FROMB THE ABOVE WORK. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. Illustrated with 48 Steel Plates, full bound Sheep. PRICE — $1.25. THE PUBLISHERS would respectfully call the attention of Teachers to this Abridgment; the illustrations are well executed, on steel; printed on good paper, and bound in a substantial manner. It is used as a text book in the High School of Baltimore, and in numerous Schools and Colleges throughout the Union.