D 404454 AnH; l I f I' URF -A0 i _ UBRARY OF THE COLLEGE OF. ' ARCHITECTURE 4 I%.- -Z7 N 1 I L 0,111-N I * 0I X, <'B ^0 X,' <:zt I.... " " I I I I II I l l l l I l II II IIII II I I II II II III.... 6 APARTMENT HOUSES OF THE METROPOLIS -j J THE 0. C. HESSELOREN PUBLISHING CO. NEW YORK 1908 _ __~______~__~_ ___~ ~ ~_~_~_ _ Cov'YRKI(tJr, I908 BY TIHE G. C. HESSEI.(REN PUBLISING CO. RIPAITM:N'T tHOIIS OF TH MTROIPOLIS 3 HIS WORK requires but few words of introduction —a glance through the pages will make clear to all, whether directly or remotely concerned, the importance of the enterprise. The elevations, and especially the floor plans, cannot but prove invaluable to all who are immediately or distantly identified with high grade apartment house interests, while the briefly mentioned facts and figures will always be of importance. This branch of realty has been, and still is, growing rapidly and steadily year by year and the necessity for an authoritative record for architects, builders and operators has become very clear, and the demand for a work of reference which might confidently be depended upon, we have undertaken to supply. Our unique position as publishers of over nine-tenths of all the rental booklets in Greater New York, gives us an enormous advantage, and it is being utilized in the production of this work. Every business man connected with high grade apartment house construction cannot but recognize that, if for no other reason than the saving of valuable time in looking up facts connected with apartment house construction, the work will prove its value. 4 xPA-RTMENT HOUSES OF THE METROPOLIS Built by ROBIN DALE COMPTON 1907,Q8 C, W. BUCKH-AM Architect APPITMENT HOUSES OF TlHE METI)TPOLIS 5 An Essay on Duplex Apartments in General, and those at 471 Park Avenue in Particular, by Richard Morton T HE Duplex Apartment is the creation of definitely modern art and architecture. It disdains the timid methods ot the Nineteenth century. It answers, directly and completely, a demand that was previously not understood. The Duplex Apartment is not only a modern creation; it is a New York creation. In a metropolis where individual houses are becoming impossible and undesirable, it presents an ideal opportunity for individual homes. In it guests can be entertained attractively and conveniently, and the family can live as much by themselves as in an Italian palace-but more comfortably. The Duplex Apartments at 471 Park Avenue are beautifully arranged as well as beautifully spaced. The generous salon, with ceiling of double height and with balcony or ingle nook, is amplified by library and dining room and hall, that open into it. The salon is the great living room that corresponds to the Medieval Hall and the Classic Atrium, and its splendid acoustic properties endear it to singers. For entertaining, with music or cards or dancing, at luncheon or tea or dinner, the resources of these Duplex Apartments are adequate-even for entertaining largely. Just as the salon is supplemented by the dining room and the library, so the kitchen and the pantry are supplemented by special rooms in the basement, for the caterers' men, the swift service-elevators keeping them in quick communication with the waiters. The ventilation of the apartments is pertect, and the temperature is uniformly right. This will be especially appreciated by aniy who have alternately frozen and baked in small rooms. The volume of air in the salon is sufficient for many, and is quickly freshened without draft through fireplace and lofty windows. The ventilation of the associated group of rooms assists and is assisted by that of the salon. The superciliousness and ineffectiveness of janitors and superintendents has passed from jest into proverb, and from proverb into lamentation. At 471 Park Avenue the entire service is under the direct control of the landlords, who are stockholders in the Company, owning and occupying over half of the apartments. They are in a position to see things from the lessee's point of view and they have the power to get action. The stockholders being anxious to have the furnishings or the apartments conform to the general high character of the building, specially engaged a firm of architectural decorators to design, install and finish the woodwork and interior fitments. They will co-operate generously with these or other decorators to carry out the wishes of lessees. The decorative possibilities of the salons are many. Individual taste can express itself freely. There is room for large and unusual pieces of furniture, for tapestries and embroideries, and for carved mirrors and lamps and statuary. Yet the filndamental lines are so noble, that with the simplest treatment and little ornamentation there is no appearance of coldness or bareness. There can be no lack of light by either day or evening. The windows are wide and high. The lighting fixtures and extra attachments are many and well placed. There are no dark walls or dark ceilings to devour the illumination. The salons are in waxed straight-oak, the libraries and dining rooms and bed rooms painted in soft tones, the kitchens and pantries in natural birch, the bath rooms enameled white. Filmy, transparent draperies should be employed freely to temper the brightness of sun and sky, especially in the broad light of the salons where elaborate overdraperies will not be out of place. Silk and opal and mosaic shades in luminous colors will soften the artificial light. The apartments, as lettered on the plan of the living room floor, are A, B, C, D, E, all with vacuum cleaning, refrigeration, and private service elevator. All are duplex, with two story salon, except the E's, that are single floor bachelor suites, consisting of living room, hall, chamber, bath and pantry having full kitchen equipment. The building is admirably situated at the southeast corner of Fifty-eighth street. One is impressed by the dignity and agreeable proportions of the fagade, whether approaching from north or south or west. The lofty arched windows of the duplex salons have been made an interesting part of the elevation, the ground of which is gray brick enlivened with Moravian tiles in dull reds and greens. This is simplicity without monotony. The entrance is set off majestically by a straight ped(liment carried on six massive ~carved columns. The marquise and doors are glass, and iron that has been wrought rm into beautiful shapes. On the left of the vestibule are a waiting room and a telephone room. The public foyer is domed with glass, and floored with deep red Welsh tiles. The wvalls, and frieze, and ceiling are paneled in Caen stone. Too much cannot be said about the safety of the building. It is as completely proof against fire as apartment houses of this type can he made. If you are a collector, you can without fear close the door behind you anti travel around the world. It is not necessary to send books, or jewels, or musical instruments, or laces, or textiles to storage. Here thev are under constant surveillance and are safe. I I'LAN ()F ROUND t;O)(O)R AfPA!-rTMEN-F HOUSrS OFr 'rH METROPOLIS f APARrTM:NT HOUSES Or THE METIOPOLIS 7 THE CHATSWORTH AND ANNEX 72nd STREET AND RIVERSIDE DRIVE Built by JOHNSON-KAHN CO. 19o2-4 ANNEX JOHN E. SCHARSMITH Built in x9o6 Architect ITUATED at Riverside Drive and 7and Street, overlooking Riverside Park. The views from the windows are panoramic as well as picturesque and cannot be duplicated in New York. The house is fireproof and contains every approved imnprovemnent up-to-date, and the plumbing, cabinet and decorative work have been carried out consistently with the high-class character of the house. The parlors are ill white mahogany, libraries in regular mahogany, and dining rooms in mission oak. The building has its own lighting and refrigerating plants. 8 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS THE CHATSWORTH E rq -I Q-.;ti a m -P (. PLAN -2nd.3rd 6 4t1 STORIES E A, i!l rnl rq -4 (A PLAN - 61h- 8h - 10th- STORIES. APXtDTMrNT HOI losFs nP T-he mp-rncm ~c A IE ~ A I.^~~~~~~~~~~~ ',^, ~.. 'vv /- ~ _ ^ )K J V/. E9. S* TI 11__....MA L.................. IWO 1TC I 1 l?. fULIOR9 E ~~.i:6... i'D~1 R 1 4 >0 IXs172 _rl [T~. yl';;'i. 0 _.; -.ilt.I; '.::_ ^*< |l _ UBRA yr DINING ROO r>; r 1 6.:j3f —00.2T:;;^.,^^^,-::-^: ':2 *~4:00 ROMt l00X;226;I1^OXt^::, ~^6.^,; 0:10i ---'^ r0 >: BED!-;A;05 rOO:0tM3R KITCHEN Room SD Rob - R H*1^PLAN- 5th 7th.9th-lnth ( 121^ STORIES T1'ICA F22l a BAN., ELV r11-4X 144 10OX 1,4. PLAN- 5th 7I 9t.!th( 12hALTO,4E, — eTv!CLE F (01{4 I LAN _ __ HE CHATSWORTH'S apartments are housekeeping suites of five rooms and one bath, and intermediate sizes, up to fifteen rooms and four baths, according to plans. A conservatory on the Mansard story is richly furnished and is conducted as a sun parlor for the comfort and convenience of tenants; also a billiard parlor and cafe in the second basement and a first-class barber shop, ladies' hair dressing parlor and valet and tailor service. Five elevators are in operation, making separate provision for guests, servants and freight. The Annex is designed for one apartment on a floor of eleven rooms and four baths and is in keeping and under the same management as the Chatsworth. The whole plot covers 170 feet on 72nd street, 2o8 feet on the river front and 90 feet on 7ist street. Rents of the Chatsworth and Annex are from $,000ooo to $4,500. __ 10 APARTMENT HOIUSE S -I-HE M:ET1IOOPOLIS JOHNSON - KAHN COMPANY HE JOHNSON-KAHN COMPANY was organized in 1902, in which year they erected the Chatsworth Apartments, at Riverside Drive and 72nd Street, a massive structure in the modern Renaissance style of architecture, which at that time was the largest and most complete building of its kind in the world. Its site, directly on the river front and at the start of Riverside Drive, gives it that exclusiveness of character which cannot be duplicated, while its many appointments for comfort, pure air and health all tend to make the perfect home. Two years of conscientious labor brought this operation to a successful conclusion and two years later the company erected an eight-story annex to the Chatsworth on::_ c72Znd street. The Annex contains but one apartment on a floor of eleven rooms and four baths and from their size and plan, together with its many conveniences make a floor equal to a five-story, 25 foot private house. The same year of the building of the Chatsworth Annex the Hendrik Hudson Company was organized, which is a companion company to the Johnson-Kahn Company, the President being George F. Johnson, Sr.; Vice-President, Leopold Kahn; Treasurer, George F. Johnson, Jr., and Secretary, GEORG;E F. JOhNSoN, JR. Aleck Kahn. In the early Summer of 1906 ground was broken for of their undertakings, the Hendrik Hudson Apartments. the greatest It is a safe prediction that in any future day, no matter what the changes may be, any list of great apartment houses of this time will certainly mention the Chatsworth and Hendrik Hudson apartments. The magnitude of the buildings, their perfect appointments for comfort and convenience, the charming localities, their exclusiveness, all combine to make ideal places of residence. One primary thought was in the minds of architect and builders who were identified with these massive structures, and that was comfort combined with safety. In. every particular these strictly fireproof buildings have been designed with a view to health. Pure air and ample light have been regarded as essentials. The Hendrik Hudson and addition has a frontage of 90 feet on Broadway, 295 feet on Cathedral Parkway (I ioth street), 208 feet on Riverside Drive by 1 35 feet on West I i th street, contains 130 apartments, and is the largest apartment house built in i906 to I 908. The architect of this latter operation, William L. Rouse, formerly of Rouse & Sloan, has much to be proud of. This building combination, of which Mr. Geo. F. Johnson, Jr., and Mr. Aleck Kahn are the only active members, and who, alone, attend to the many details of construction, contemplate several large only very large and very high-class apartment houses. ALECK KAHN operations, and it is their purpose to erect AP)A!-rMENT- HOUeSES OF THE METI'!P)OITS I l ^ tl nK^lt ~ARE so situated that they enjoy all of the beauties of Apartttrntsao the famous Riverside Drive and Park, and yet has the 6tltkrilarkm Subway at its door. These conditions do not exist 10r+6agr'' elsewhere in New York. liRwr si*b)r eJ THE BUILDING is thoroughly fireproof and planned with a system of exterior courts, thus giving all of the 132 apartments a street view. It has a frontage of I20 feet on i I oth street, 208 feet on the Drive and 1 35 feet on 1 I ith street. ( The facade in scheme is that of an Italian villa. The materials, which are limestone, brick and terra cotta, are very, a, z X, R,,; i::::: *fg e;g.; t '. )'. -- HIENRICK HUDSON CO. ROUSE & SLOAN Builders, 1906-7 Architects pleasing in harmony of color. The terra cotta is matched to the brick instead of the stone, and is topped with a broad Spanish tile roof, supported by bronze brackets. The main feature of the Hendrik Hudson is the light and air given the chambers. In most cases they are given a preference over the parlor and dining room in facing the street or Drive. e A billiard parlor as well as cafe for the conveniece of tenants is maintained in basement; also a first-class barber shop and ladies' hair dressing parlor. Rents from $ I,Soo to $3,000 per annum. Je I a:;.fll ^~j^f I 2 XPI[!rMrNT HOUSES Or THE Mf"rIOPOLI$ =rEI, 5r{...-. F ~~~~YARD 52:2A jit OUTER ENRNECOURT;.,'F.... ~ V~ PAS.~= M NoR r.-g FTIMI ~. h: 4 f 0i X Fw w $ pa U!) Z rA u~ P* P. PLAN OF FIRST FLIOOR HENDRIK HUDSON APARTMENTS AP7XRTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS 13 Linors oda 77 DINING ROOM '.DINING LAMM '. ] ( i '-.) ' } 0. ' '1..:~1- >t485. 1{AW,. |. ma........ '. '. '.' ~ "_........... DI ^INC," O~Nfl~m Vat| 1L~" A C HAM fc 1CHA MHMBE n PARLOR ~Eff'p1*^ }(H ^^^ r '^ f *i -,CHAMbER LIbR~r i|,OURT_ f *~ * S:'T T *t ' PflAE H~- ___ ^::: *"- l ""*! a5J, OUT~ OUTERT Cc'^ i '^ r ^ B ' ^ j ^ ^(11^ ii ^ ' p ^ NE"~' M'V:'T RM 1 ~OUTER ra O4RT 7 -''-.O, 1'8, PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS HENDRIK HUDSON APARTMENTS 14 AI)-ATI-MENT HIIOtUSES Of THE Mr-TIPOPOLIS ENTRANCE IJAI,L HI E N D R I K HUDSON APARTMENTS A CHAMBER J5 APRIt:?-rMENT IO IOISES OP THE ME-TIOI)OLIS A RECEPTION ROONI HENDRIK HUDSON APARTMENTS A DINING ROOMi APRATMcN-r HOUSES Or THE METI-rPOLIS Built by THE HENDRIK HUDSON CO. 1907-08 WILLIAIM L. ROUSE Architect HENDRIK HUDSON ADDITION BROADWAY AND CATHEDRAL PARKWAY (1i0th STREET) Size of building go feet by 175 feet. Five apartments on a floor, in suites of six, seven, eight and nine rooms. APAPTMENT HOUSES or THE Mr-TPOPOLIS 1 7 , C: V 0 0 L-z.0. K CO 0 w 41 Ul) V) -BROADWAY 1-11;4 W 4 1 6n 0 -t 4 9 P-4 04 r-4;,I u I TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN OF ADDITION To 11' 1-1 E HENDRIK HUDSON APARTMENTS JO i8 HPPAPITMENT 1tOIISES Or THrH MU-FIPOIA)LIS y:"- - l j- i — A'k*.v id. 1 I ~,, I 1t 7, Aa Y E ia O '% -y w t,0A: 44 H fr "I, 4 CLINTON & RUSSELs, iA;. t Fr;I' C'I'S Built by BOEHM & COON 1905-6 a ngh am,occupies the entire block fronting on Central Park West, from 73rd to 74th Streets, overlooking Central Park, and is convenient to the surface cars, elevated and subway express stations. 41 This block front by oo feet deep is divided into but four apartments on a floor, or 46 apartments in the entire building, and are of 9 and Io rooms, 3 baths and a 12-ft. x 3-ft. average foyer. 41 From the large square foyer open the wide doors of the parlor, library and dining room, which cant be thrown together, forming one large room for entertaining. q The chambers, on separate passages, open from the foyer, while the servants' quarters are cut off with a separate entrance from the hall. e( This arrangement gives that privacy from servants that is essential in a home. S1 There are eight elevators in the building, each apartment being served by two passenger elevators and two freight elevators, landing tradesmen and supplies at the kitchen door. 41 A mail delivery system enables the carrier to deliver mail directly to each apartment without its passing through the hands of hall boys. qI An ice plant supplies refrigeration to the box in each apartment. In each box is a compartment where cakes of ice can be made, if desired. eI A separate vacuum air-cleaning system has been installed. (I Facilities for washing, drying and ironing are found in the pent house and are most extensive and unsurpassed. eB Accommodations for men servants are found in basement, if desired, as well as storage rooms. el Garbage closets and combination wall safes. Rents from $4,500 up. APARTMEN-T HOLIUSS OF -I-HZ i' M-TIX-)POLIS 19 A — t I S _ %1 X; w "0 t Z 4 1.. res <; i-3 20 APfARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METIROPOLIS DRIVEWAY OUBLEt WINDOW5 HERE NH ELEVENTH FLOOR THE T LANHAM E li h ONE-HALF PLAN Of 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th, Ioth Floors OTHER HALF SIMILAR CENTRAL PARK WEST APARTMENT HOUSES OP THE METOPOLIS 21 MAIN ENTRANCE HAII, THE LANGHAM ONE-H ALF PLAN Of 31, 5th, 7th, 9th, iith, 12th Floors OTHER HALF SIMILAR CENTRAL PARK WEST 22 APARTMENT HOUSES O!= TlHE METROPOLIS A DRAW VING ROOM Style, " Adam " THE LA NGHAM A LIBRARY Style, "Modern French Renaissance" APARTMENT HOLISS Or THE MTR)OPOLIS 23 A I)INING ROOMI Style, " Colonial " THE LANGHAM A 1) I N I N G R ) () 0M Style, "Elizabethan '" APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE M-TIi)POLIS 24 Built by POTTER & BRO. I9o6 ROUSE & SLOAN Architects THE WYOMING SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SEVENTH AVENUE AND FIFTY-FIFTH STREET APAPITMENT HOLISs OP FTHE METPOPLIS 25 HE WYOMING is a twelve-story, fireproof building, situated on the Southeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Fifty-Fifth Street, and is so designed that all rooms front upon the avenue or street, or upon open courts. -Five lines of electric cars pass within a block of the door, while the elevated and Subway stations are within convenient distance. The entrance to Central Park at Fifty-ninth street is but 800 feet away. This location is one of the most desirable residential sections of the city, and within easy reach of all theatres, also the shopping district. COURT s| —. — 9;'vD. 1OT..i: "::::: ~A 3 Or~= 0-4i I '~" '_-::- ~ I::: ~A[- CHAI air| 1: O~ I i 'S171 _ in.3\ V V I 5CHAMBER'. ' A' f ': 10,'-0'wWIoEN-W:10j$'| A;4 6VIz- IO CHAM IS ER, D RIVEWA DINING ROOM jDRAWING I ' 1 48; 6- dROOM YARD >t'- o: 20 FOYERP,9'-d:' wo o~: (: P AVATE HALL CH AM'1f,.R m! L VC'PANT RY DINING ROOM DRAWING KITCHEN ROOM:013.'! It 16 F VE14 ROOM I [ 41Y, 144 3': IS~t4: IO,, 3ld21 d r.:o:; R 0 CtHAMBER IO:t- WIDE I I I-. or 1 i~~.r ": i.r '". ':';-'';.....i: 31VI C.HAMER Room COUR0T, Ir!bkO~~ C01COURTRt f] -I: r: ~ ~ n~- G W6 SE~q~rx~t~Z u 1w~rmw 04 Oto - 554.H TRET 5S5TH STREET PLAN OF r I R5T STORY ~ r~ ~_~ _~_ ~~__ i I 26 APATMENT HOUSES ()F THE MiETI:-)IS)I_ THE WYOMING contains 49 apartments, arranged in suites of 7, 8, 9, I1, I2 and I3 rooms, with two and three baths to each apartment, and all have entrances from the main hall of the building. Separate telephones connect each kitchen with the receiving department, where tradesmen can receive their orders. Drawing rooms, dining rooms and libraries are finished in mahogany, and all doors to master's rooms are of mahogany. The chambers and bath rooms are in white woodwork. The building has a frontage of 175 feet on 55th street by I 50 feet on Seventh avenue...... WIDE Li S ERA y, 4A E.__E_;40 'W I |JE | | C l"Aisy::A, L ' S ".'':::'"':: '1.'0: 5",AWl:4" J I tiN OOM Ii. A 1 -, 10- lCHADE 2A i:lR A Li c '55T" STREET PLAN OF SECOND TO SIXTH FLOORS APARTMENT HOLISS OF TIC METROPOLIS THE WYOMING is equipped with an air vacuum dust-removing apparatus. All windows of the building are fitted with the latest type of improved weather strips, which prevent the admission of dust or air draughts. All water is filtered as it enters building from the public mains. Mail chutes and a complete laundry and drying plant in basement add to the convenience of tenants. The entrance to the building is on Seventh avenue, where there is a porte-cochere entirely within the building, an advantage in stormy weather over the usual entrance with a sidewalk canopy. Rents from $2,400 to $5,000 _ I. Ir O I, -. a-.. - -- -v - -. I COURT t 9-6 vWIDE I 1 Doess n! { * MiCgi^^iiBMBplllRiafl 'I I 8REsG| E0 cHAMIaeft ^><* n I11 S' it * t If, A. - LI UH"M iSSl CHANR ^xPl I, I I* ". 0:: I~ltQ U 0 P*IY-A'Tt HALL I P~ Li 0RAC Y 1 x P:. 2 d' 5 I A. I!! 27 u 3 z z u > UJ <0[ 55~r STREET PLAN' OF SEVENTH TO TWELFTH FLOORS APATM!NT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS THE SEVERN S. E. Cor. 73d St. and Amsterdam Ave. Built by RIPLEY REAI.TY CO. I9o5-6 THE VAN DYCK N. E. Cor. 72d St., Amsterdam Ave. and Broadway MULLIKEN & MOELLER Architects P11THE SEVERN AND VAN DYCK c.~"B ROOM o~ab oW Ado4-8 @~~~a roomr1 _ 3 LO. twelvestor1 repoof ho ei aIa hsI II i F!an hN~^'$textending fom 7" 2nsreet to 73r stret TEVNDCwtenrneo72nstethas treepat;et on eac loor, of eight to eFleveroms and dotors aprtmnt f thee oom on he ntrncefloor.. S _ X _ _ r aI Rens m 310 t 4 0i 1 Du-am re \ ~m llk"N n lj'LrAtcs S G JRl" " TV" ) APARTME:NT9) TH E SEVERN ANISsERD)Am AR ENUE, AND' BROAXDWAX' TH E VA] fTWO twelve-story fireproof housekeeping apartment houses, on the east side of Sherman Square. facing Broads 1and extending from 72nd street to 73rd street. THE VANi DYCK, with entrance on 72nd street, has three apartments on each floor, of eight to eleven rooms, and a doctor's apartment of three rooms on the entrance floor. THE SEVERN, with entrance on 73rd street, has four apartments on each floor, of six and eight rooms and apartment of five rooms on the entrance floor. They are equipped with the most improved conveniences. S elevators operate for service and passengers, have the most improved safety devices. Rents from $3,IOO to $4,'-. Size, 120 feet on each street by a RoM Asrdam Rooavn A'-. '-N, 1 0 eI-4f wt to andM theeah ~z tw ba, a a dcos L1-o a gnetic'-o a-con tro 'o foot blc —ot.* 1; ~ ~ v u11 9 5. lbm Z T DYCK;vayvand Amisterdam avenue with two and three baths I two baths and a doctor's even magnetic hand-control oo foot block front. 30 APARITMCNT tiOUSeS Or THE METROPOLIS 1||Lf::::; 0 0f::~ X \n Drive and Park. It is accessible to the Subway local and express station at Cathedral Parkway (I Ioth street) and Broadway, one block from the north end of the building. THE BUILDING contains every desirable feature necessary to personal comfort. Size oo feet by 200 feet. +-l+ rfortftrt - - I IF f~IKS F1-V-' PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR 4..t.M+ WEST IO8TH STREET 32 APA7TMENT HOUSES OF THE METROPO IS 13ar LS HL6oi LSh 11 I 3~ c: Pd; C ffi PC, THE MANHASSET has six apartments on a floor, in suites of six, seven and nine rooms and one, two and three baths. They are provided with all modern improvements of latest patents. There are four elevators, two for the exclusive use of tenants, and two for servants and freight. Rents from $i,800 to $3,500. PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS a1 _...... WEST I108TH STREET APDTDTMrNT H1 ilP1 NP THM MpT-rrvimI IC I II 11%! * lk I I~ I IWI _ —,, —, A., | [ [L (TL.. I<'t l" I.V 33 33 THE DORILTON LOCATION unequaled as an exclusive residential abode combined with unsurpassed transit facilities. < Situated at the radical point of three great arteries of transit —Amsterdam Avenue, Seventy-Second Street and Broadway. (q The tenants have every method of local transit, underground, surface and elevated, at command. 41 A two-minutes walk brings one to Central and Riverside Parks. (I In the fanciful and splendid style of the modern French Renaissance, its facades rise to a height of twelve stories, crowned by domelike roofs. i1 A glance at the illustration on the next page will show that no thought or expense was spared to achieve the most artistic results. The main entrance is reached by traversing the large court driveway opening on Seventy-first street. (1 The outer vestibule is screened inside and out with massive iron doors, and is finished in limestone with wall foundations at either end. qj The main hall, of good proportion, leads into the reception room in the rear. (] It is flanked by the grand staircase and elevators, right and left. The decorations here are of various marbles, ornamental plaster, bronze work and leaded glass. qI The style reverts to the period of Louis XVI. The building has its own heating, lighting, refrigerating and power plants, situated in an open court, which prevents any noise or vibration through the building. THE BUILDING has a frontage of I Io feet on 7 I st street by IoS feet on Amsterdam avenue, irregular. ql There are four apartments on a floor of five, seven, eight and nine rooms and one, two and three baths. ql The trim is of mahogany, oak, white enamel and bird's-eye maple. ql The halls contain wainscot panels. ql The ceilings of thi dining rooms are beamed and a high wooden wainscoting is carried around these rooms under a Dutch shelf mould. q( Glass doors separate the main rooms and between the conservatory and dining room. qI The bath rooms have a wainscot of French plate glass mirrors above the tile. 41 The floors are parquet. {q A glass lined refrigerator in each apartment is artificially cooled and ventilated by the most approved methods. qJ Electricity is furnished free at all hours. qj Two elevators, equipped with a special device to give an easy start and stop, are for the exclusive use of tenants. (] A third elevator is for delivery, freight and servants. Apartments rent from $1,700 to 4,000o. 34 A7l-)ITMENN T HOUSLS OrF TI-HE M"-[ROPOLIS_ 0:.~ff::0:0: 0::;XH 0:: 0::0fFz:0fff00 t:D>0::: 0X00:0 P:;::::: 0 0::0v:::f00:0StSS- iD: f:0::0::f:_-::: Built by HAMILTON W. WEED I903 JANES AND LEO Architects THE DORILTON No. 171 WEST SEVENTY-FIRST STREET APArTMeNT- HOUSES OP -TrE METROPOLIS.35: # k <6001 ma:.. 'g.r L L Iq'. > Z::b_ 4 ~": t5 i! J qiS f: ~~:~:~:e 1EST 71r IST STREET p 1 —, _. — l!. —.I I L1 I: --- —-I- ---- ---- - -- ---- -----— (\\\ '" -:........" ~."u ~ ~~::.ii:_cc h:~ ~:~:~ ~~'l i. ~ ~ ~ ~ Ws 7.sT iSTREET.~ H~. " ~ ~..O CO~ ~h ~_ '!~.'o~CC ri~'~:E 36 APARTMENT HOISES OP THE MCTROOLIS Built by the GOTHAM BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. MULI!KEN & MOELLER 9io6-07 Architects ROSSLEIGH COURT NORTHWEST CORNER OF 85th STREET AND CENTRAL PARK WEST ~ situated as to overlook one of the prettiest parts of Central Park and within easy access of Subway, elevated and all surface lines. THE BUILDING is a twelve-story absolutely fireproof structure on plot io2 feet by I50 feet. APARTMENTS are divided into suites of four, five, six and eight rooms with one and two baths, and are equipped with every modern convenience. The trim is of quartered oak, birch and mahogany. Kitchens are wainscoted with marble five feet high; porcelain tubs and sinks, nickel plated plumbing, and garbage closet. All water from public main is filtered in building. Special service elevators connect with each apartment. Rents from $i,700 to $3,100Ioo. APARTMENT HOUSES Or TH-e METROPOLIS 37 ---—.. --- —-—. 15O;. UPPER FLOORS T T 7 I M i, '.)50 -r I&== = @" WESTI SSTH STREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR ROSSLEI GH COU R' T m APAPI'TMEN-I- tHOUSI S OP TH-i- MITX) I)POLIS 38 T HE W A S HING T ON IRVING SOUTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH STREET THE natural beauty and the interesting view from the windows of THE WASHINGTON IRVING cannot be duplicated in this city. The famous Riverside Drive, the grand stretch of the Hudson and the purple-tinted cliffs of the Palisades, which are ever changing and ever charminga panorama of delightful views-is ever before the occupant of THE WASHINGTON IRVING. In close proximity are the magnificent buildings of which the whole world knows, and of which the city is justly proud-the mausoleum of General Grant, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Columbia University and many other schools and colleges and points of interest that it would be tiresome to enumerate. The invigorating air from the river and the cliffs is no small factor in making this locality very desirable as a site for a home. In short, when all the facts are taken into consideration, what nature has done and what Built by A. C. & H. M. HAL1L I9o8 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects the art of man has accomplished, the situation of these apartments can honestly be regarded as being among the most favored. The location is such that one may go to any point without trouble. The Subway express station is two short blocks away, the Amsterdam and Third avenue surface cars one block, while the Broadway and Seventh avenue surface lines pass the house. TrHE BUILDING is ten stories in height, and strictly fireproof. It has a frontage of 125 feet on Broadway by 15 feet on ii2th street. Plot is 125 feet by 2 5 feet. There are five apartments on a floor, in suites of six, seven and nine rooms and two and three baths. The parlors and libraries are finished in white enamel with mahogany doors; dining rooms in antique quartered oak, paneled and beamed ceilings. Conveniences, material and finish of these apartments are in keeping with the highest class apartments. COLUMBIA LIBRARY I I. - CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE APAPTMENT tiot isr-s or TI lr — mr: —momi-is 39 I PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS;4;4 4 r N '.4 rl W;111 -1 I I L. p dIhOYb ROOM 7 2 NI'6- Y,570RE: MORE 19 MHO 21-905-4 — 1.,,-1 ----. ---. ---BROADWAY PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR W A S H I N G T 0 N I R V I N G 40 APHIPTMEN'T 1H 015ES OP TttHE METOIPOLIS THE CLARENDON S. E. CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND IFGHTY-SIXTH STREET N one of the choicest corners of Riverside Drive, commanding an unobstructed view of the Hudson River and Palisades as far as Yonkers, stands THE CLARENDON Apartments. Eighty-Sixth street is Ioo foot wide street, under the supervision of the Park Department, and connects Riverside Park with that of Central Park. ACCESSIBLE, within two blocks of the Subway, and Broadway and Seventh avenue surface cars, while the Amsterdam avenue, Sixth and Third avenue cars are but three blocks distant. YA'D. ': ' " L C HAL lo r 1 S 2 IKAM ] |Vi/t5 s0: 0A 0f1 ~: ~i: ' ~ ~ - ~::-::. w~ +.... '~Vw~~r~~ ' ~O. (O I:-:~-. {tlVZEt.IDt- DtlVr P LA/I Or ',5"7t~."." 8 12.I t'LrOO-S. CLAL/'! D 0/ APARTJ/YLt/ TS ' v r"3TEF~Td lSv~.,ISIDE I2E.IVZ, A'W YOJK ctlTY APAI-'FM:NT HOUSES Or THE MrT!OPOLIS 41 THE CLARENDON HE BUILDING is of steel construction, twelve stories high and absolutely fireproof throughout. DIMENSIONS - Size of building, 94 feet by 94 feet; on plot Ioo feet by Ioo feet. APARTMENTS are arranged two on a floor, consisting of ten to twelve rooms and four bath rooms to each apartment. The servants' quarters are cut off with a separate entrance from the public hall, thus giving the same privacy one would have in a private house. Separate servants' elevator lands tradesmen, etc., direct to kitchen door. Rents from $3,5oo to $4,500. I > f>^ I IH "'-'*''"'' CLO| He 0 R AL::000005:0;0SE::X0000000 f: 0:; - 000004 - STANLEY COURT NORTHWEST CORNER WEST END AVENUE AND 106th STREET TWELVE story, steel frame, absolutely fireproof apartinent house, fronting. the triangle made by the intersection of Broadway, West End avenue and Io6th street. Riverside Drive is less than 300 feet asay, and the intervening block presents a street over one hundred feet wide, bordered by trees and grass plots. The house has two apartments on a floor, each apartment containing ten roons and three baths. Most of the rooms approach to square in shape. All living rooms and sleeping rooms are on the outer side of the building. The two ground apartments are notable in that the service rooms of each are located ill the basement with a private staircase leading down from the butler's pantry. Mail chute, garbage closets, long distance telephone in each apartment and electric call bells. Size of plot, 75 feet by ioo feet. Rent $2,5 20. Built by THE STANLEY COtURT KEALTY AND CH.4 CO0NSTRUCTION CO. R. H. MACDOuNALDu & CU o General Contractors YARn: 5_ CHAMWR_o LO: ZkT C1. NRLES E. BRIRGE Architect s 1-" 0 S PLJAN O)F F*IRST FLOff:)OR APR!TMENT HOtiSS O1 Tt IE MTIPK)IX)LIS 43 STANLEY C ()RT 1 -.'.. 14 W- -O, I c. CCLo!~ ctt.!D$.. P '. f t il t~:.~~.-_ I~_ ---L ---.tG it,'-..o _ L ~ ~ ll ',L.OE Etm'1.' r -; _ * BE. - - - -. M t ~ (s j 1ff4 ' ~n '' - - T o 131,c. I( 11U 1,1 -,,in CLO CLO I I I L WF= r ---L,_ fi P~~~~.=.......................,S ' I ID 1VJC 4HALL CfiAMITMN R,,-,,...oI;o I.4-rK CL I|1 I |Le [ 1t| r 1+ X EE Tffl S 1CLO g* I ~ ~ ~ ~: |urb dLC 1ID C1 OL 1 11grSt~t S=)l1 | T LXRVA'L NT1 l! |Hh~at Inlo~ |DHWG }N W0S l l I|II1 lt ING I, IL4 K'-Y J..ci.r L j 4tM +J8 ~ LBr ~ L S~VN St>f 11,y1JIr I I 1 -6- rlo I1 I NIQt ts-v 1 1.04 LlbVAP1 x 1 -I -.. — J~ w~ — i- --- 1t 181 _ oft i+ L2. _ - - L?. PLAN OF 2M1), 3;1), P'll, 5'111 AN'l) 6,rii FLOO{(-RS A RD t i; @+ v IHl;@ | fv ov5$ ll wl WW& 14l. F = > 4 Lcl 14 J*-~. /e',.66' jQo* I ~o~ Jrc ~GLacr I~~~ ~ ~~~~ 1w1 11R ~4= l ll I,'L 111wa O * TC WG I ~FM Lo 1 ACLO 'W~b' WTION WP d)~) If-,.:Am I-O.O00~4 mvim 2Lto,JoT '-.& jAR D/~N~ IDO,, ~irBo ~..O t. t ~r-tAdE'el Jk~o~~.r; C~i ~-',,O!' wts9~~~ iJuFII 4C ~ e.v ~ {, -~, ulo I ott 1: f- It1 l~EII; C~A~ tSP.. ~o &L - - - - i cr4~!?:v'f~ZJ~ I.~:~ U ~r~~ ~fLLA~S fX ~ 3INC Ira WI< r7LOLar u ~I rr g F "Ik r9~~Loi ~~pq/ rl n~~~~~~ ' —.~s.'rlt~~ '~ Ibll PP- ~ i | _:- I II J ( =11 oVEN1 6,4F ~ C_.o, ' ' 0,,' 'I/r:. '... ~;.$ r km XK 414 WM McO*yZIL P47L PANTRY.a. t.B~liua4N W-6- WVILI DININQ IN t=1. + _m *.11, 1 1 r$ I I }|} Ihl -. 1- 1 1 11I ~ L t It 11~LW 90 i X_- -ooICO " 1 tt 1, 1111 ImnNIN l VAMl. low L~HWAO e I -I Ji~i i*~wo PLAN OF 7TMl, 8'rT", 9T-r, Io'trH, inrlr AND 12tj' FLOORS 44 APARTMANT HOUISES Of ITHE MFrROPOLIS THE PETER STUYVESANT NORTHEAST CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 98th STREET ( In Course of Construction) CENTURY REALTY CO. Builders, 19g8 WM. L. ROUSE Architect THIS twelve-story apartment house structure will be of the latest and most approved style and absolutely fireproof. The high altitude enables a tenant to enjoy to the full the advantages of a site on Riverside Drive at this particularly beautiful spot, and the unconfined and healthful surroundings are Imade more delightful by the highest class of private residences and apartment houses comprising its neighborhood. The Subway express station at 96th street and Broadway and several surface car lines within two and three blocks distance, assure easy access to all parts of the city. APARTMENTS will be arranged three on a floor, in suites of nine and ten rooms and two baths, and their equipment and finish will be unsurpassed. Size, IoI feet 6 inches on the Drive, by 98 feet deep. . I5P1ARTMCNT HOISES OP THE MTFrO)IPOLIS THE PETER 45 S T U Y V E SA N T I4 cr, aS 00 0 - PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UJPPER FLOORS 46 APi)AITIMENT HOtlUSES Or THE MTI-OI)OLIS No. ONE-TWENTY-FIVE RIVERSIDE DRIVE Built by Architects W. R. STEWART S-.: OGDEN GEO. KEISTER. A;;?.I ff..! -.. X..... _ YY Cj TLjAMIL-^ -~^ _ j TNJOYS -all the advantages of the most advanced --- - - - i-.... l -— Ji!!L-a I__III! ': JOYS.alof the apartment houses of the Metropolis th aparmn hueof the Metoplis _5 _~ _.. --- — t~,__ l — $-"^'I,q;.~t [T......... t t Bi. nd has a location recognized by all as truly de*''.-i R.T-'' S * "iit................. i jj B~Jl lightful. Though removed from the business secI- 3- - N'",! - tion of the city, these apartments are but two blocks NTL T_ 59 - -- 'f Ufrom the Broadway and other surface cars, and three ~:L_ Adz,1 _ 'blocks from the 86th street Subway station. EJ 'J T ~! 'L_ I THE BUILDING is twelve stories in height and \__ __ l l L absolutely fireproof throughout; all floors and partitions are constructed of fireproof material, while the 5s: - TRE-ET." _ r doors and their trim connecting the public halls;;or"t A4 - 'tRg — -- - 1'1 = with the apartments are metal covered. l^.! I *.?:,:!_ 3 mThe elevation is constructed of granite, lime1 s:: stone and brick. ~|,,.,. u= No. I 25 Riverside Drive has a frontage of 140 9; 1,-a7 -..ll..feet on the Drive, by 80 feet on 84th street. The '-^ -~1 -lrrzr:- It. —, |, [ large front court and the public halls so separate the -Zt0 +t~f^rr|~ iFti|0 * * - S? - - 79- iR -- l y:apartments as to render the transmission of noise - ' _ l ^S@ ~from one to another on the same floor almost 3u "... v!~';-: impossible. ~'*-~~?~ - TH. ' ~?.......L,::.. 7':..... W1 ^ M | ^.Through an artistically designed gateway one vesl^X -i -c^ can drive directly to the main entrance. 9ff:::"' T '1 l i "' 0Corner building constructed in I 900, designed \\-\1~ - ' 00.1l,' by S. B Ogden 1tt - i~ 0~..:,.::::I~.; Inside building constructed in I905 to 1907, /^';+ ~.~..'_f!." iJ. Idesigned by Geo. Keister. DIAGRAM OF LOCATION APIAI:I-MEN'I tI1OUS1 O P H L-lMtE J t:rOIX:L I 47 No. ONE-TWENTY- FIVE RIVERSIDE DRIVE APARTMENTS are divided into suites of eight, nine. and ten rooms and two baths. With the exception of the dining room and one or two chambers, the finish is white enamel with genuine i mahogany doors. The wainscoting in dining room (which is seven feet high) and the beamed ceilings are made of genuine mahogany. The gas and electric light fixtures were especially designed for this building and are unique in character. 17-0r la: D It >W~t| 11-0 0 DININ U ROO C0. KC _1M"' -H -I R OPEN COUrT S|IVANT'S RC1 1.16RARYY ll' -07-0 dti,,-0.-a'~ N 51HAF E |KITCHT N FO'Yr-R 11 I -A Yr. low LEVNb AL> zI - VAThe bulding is equipped with pneumatic i t 2rta \5 pipes for the cleansing of rooms, draperies, carpets, ^o || [0R1^6 |; s 4 \etc. The ~nain entrance and vestibule doors ot 5ERvaNTS ROO _ Ar _..........-................. _,.T,0 5 *' I~,ll CHAno0. t L1iARY rOYEn tiiiiL/ \r oy oeA 90l l- iSlo rs0\r~~ I61~P 1~~~199The building 'is equipped with pneumateic o thipes for the cleansing of rooms, draperies, carpets, 1&6 (20i 14-6 etc. T'he main entrance and vestibule doors ot /", ZV ' I!CHAMMA ~NN RO,. o,. b ARY PAR LO?, t Ml~, iR-GI DN G 2,o, 'o P1 AN OF T 11ER FOORS ii.,O'"CNwt ~ CMAMMA CMAMMAl: I,)~)I. C the building and the elevator gates and its enclosure Ai AOOrG O(M 7,;t~f on the first floor are of solid bronze, designed- by 41 c15.0 -7 -w w I" Fr, V);> CA W a well known French artist. Their use in a —,~,^, ' rt New York apartment house is an innovation. | |~ 1n RE.PTlON iPQJ4 C'HA 'A P" ' The elevators have a safety device which prevcombints the starting of the c ar unless all the elevator doors are closed. The butlers' pantries have tiled floors and O~i4&WAY wainscoting. The refrigerators are extra large and have solid porcelain chambers. There is a combination wall safe in every apartment.?,,.r Rents from $2,000 to $3,600. 48 AWPAPTMESNT HOUSES or THE METPO VPII f APARTMNENT HOUSE No.lo 28 E. 55th STREET CO1RNER MIADISON AVENUE ABSOLUTELY f(ireproof, being of steel construction with fireproof partitions. One apartment on a floor of nine rooms and three baths. All ceilings and floors are soundproof, insuring entire privacy to apartments. Special attention is invited to spacious halls and separate servants' quarters. The system of heating and ventilation giv-es each room a complete change of filtered rI Built by JAMES A. FARLEY, igo6 THAIN & THAIN Aicbitects air at short intervals without being obliged to open windows. Heat being supplied from the street mains of the New York Steam Company insures a un form temperature. The plumbing is accordino to the most improved sanitary methods. A pneumatic renovating and cleaning apparatus is installed. Every endeavor was made to incorporate in the building all the practical features used by John 1. and James A. Farley in their high class private dwellings. Size of building, So feet 2 inches by 73 feet, on plot So feet 2 inches by 8 6 feet 6 inches. Rents for $SSoo per annum. FLOOR PLAN~J APAIPTMNT ItIOUSS Or F-He MT-TI:IOPLIS 49 J. AXELROD.-GEO. F. PELHAM. /OF sturdy stock, materially aided by surroundings and conditions which have developed to the utmost his true value in his chosen field, Mr. J. Axelrod, the subject of this sketch, stands pre-eminent among the foremost of his calling. Born in Stuttgart, in Saxony, in the year I866, he passed his early youth minus the advantages of luxury, but in the enjoyment of good health and with a tendancy to invigorating pursuits which would all the better aid him in developing those good traits of character which later became so characteristic. A business career was entered upon by him in I889 and real estate was the chosen field-his first operations being in the then City of Brooklyn, where he erected a number of flat-houses, which proved a most satisfactory business enterprise. This was soon followed by operations in New York, among which might be mentioned the Manhattan Hotel, the Victoria, the St. James, West End, Terrace Court and St. Denis in New York City. The first building enterprise was in 1896, when a row of twenty-five-foot flats was built in Eighty-third street. The second was on Ninety-third street, near Riverside Drive, where two apartment houses were built in i899. In Igoo, five apartment houses were constructed in West Ninety-fourth street, Nos. 306 to 316 inclusive. Then in rapid succession followed St. James Court; Manhattan Hotel; Victoria West End, West I22d street; the Grant; Delaware, I22d street; Girard; Miami; J. AXELRIOD Builder Spencer Apartments, in West i2ist street; and on West inth street, the Colonial, Munroe and Cragsmoor. In 1905, he constructed two apartment buildings on 93rd street, near Riverside Drive. In the years 1904-05, he built Terrace Court, a ten-story fireproof apartment building, I25 feet by Ioo feet. In the same years he reared the Riverview and Clarence, on West 93rd street. The years 1905-6, saw the St. Denis, a ten-story fireproof dwelling, on 92nd street and Riverside Drive, arrive at completion. In 1907, the Vancouver on West 93rd street, and a 75-foot six-story apartment house identical with the Vancouver, on West 94th street, raised their substantial lines to view, followed in 1907, by Hague Court, corner of Ii8th street and Morningside Drive and the East View and the Terrace, corner of 118th street and Morningside Drive. In 190o8, he completed the Hanover on 83rd street and Park avenue, a ninestory fireproof structure. He now has in course of construction, three 7I-foot apartment buildings on West I43d street, between Broadway and Amsterdam avenue. Surely this is an enviable record for any builder, but Mr. Axelrod contemplates many important operations in the future. Remarkably self-reliant at all times, he has pushed his various enterprises to success by personal application alone. Mr. George F. Pelham has been associated with Mr. Axelrod as architect in all of his operations and is one of the foremost and best known architects in New York City. Mr. George J. Cohn, Secretary of the West Side Construction Co., has been (GEO. F. PEHIAM practically identified with the building industry for over forty years, and during that period has personally directed and brought to completion over seventy-five of New York's substantial residential and other structures. His advice and experience have proven of great value in this aggregation of building talent and Mr. Axelrod's success is largely due to the untiring efforts and assistance of the two gentlemen referred to. I APl FTrMCENT HOUSES o0r THE MirmrlolorlIS 50 THE TERRACE COURT RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 93d STREET I tESE apartments are situated on the Southeast corner of Riverside Drive and 93rd Street, facing the park and river. Convenient to the 96th and 9ist street Subway stations, or the Broadway, Seventh avenue and Amsterdam avenue surface lines. THE BUILDING is absolutely fireproof and has a frontage of 150 feet on the Drive by ioo feet on W. 93rd street. THE APARTMENTS are divided into suites of nine and ten roomss with two and three, baths to each suite. The parlors and libraries are in mahogany Built by THE WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. J. AxEiLRon, Prest., 9o04 G. F. PELHAM Architect finish, dining rooms antique oak, and all other rooms in white oak. Parquet floors in parlors, libraries and dining rooms. All latest appointments installed. A U. S. mail chute, storage rooms and patent clothes dryers for use in stormy weather in basement and two elevators in constant service, might be mentioned as a few of the appointments. Rents from $1,300 to $2,600 per annum. AP~I4TM!CNNT HOUSES Ol- I —le M1r-r2POLIS 51t TH E TERRACE COURT — '1 1|-2067-0 12,8 20 - MfAIDS RM _ I.: l-TCHEN A —R OtHIT OCMER CHAEF..R CHAMER b'r0JB.- 3-8 |(0- ~5'a1 3 J2-0 xl5-8 fi 11011-O.4fl -fI I+ |j 27 u LI. 1_ _ 10-044-3 5 roit 'iip0 R I VATEf tHALL | < ELEVATOR EEVATOR | C yHAMBE W| | | COUNBE R! 3 2 (^- | > AMW H o; o CHAM6ER S | CkAMBER < n M nBER ' BI ERL'-w~~ S'. ^ i O -jt t;t H AMtBtv | ' ' 6.' " F i _.!| i'[ Hl-'g ` <-: i.. I ~..10.2 j J -I...~N 0 -CAMbER CHA aMBER H 14_2 %146 124-,|4.9 1 50 1 -10-21 15 -0 | 6 Ij ^9t-t1,, 6 ~, R PLRAN OF FIRST FLOOR! 1A ABR I: j3 > l B CHAMBER PARLOR I DI IN 'R!-2 046 |12- 92 210 T Ci-PARLOISR!"DIINING ROOM PL"I8AN OF;. FIRS-T FL>OOR PARLOR DNIN&oo ROO 14ih,-7-0 i2 —f20-6 'PANTRY LIBRAR Y FOY150 CHAMBER CH " I, hL ~ K L r' ITCHHENACHAME, rR LEVATPR ~ eg6 *F@0~ m APARTMENT HOUS!S r 'THE METROPOIS 53 CONCORD HALL LOOK ING; WEST J: lh i 0l 0 0: t^ [ 'i:!>20i D ti'-i AS if;< an~i,~ '~.... ' ^,^.,.-.:; -i<;^^^^ CONCORD HAL, IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION LOOKING SOUTH W s, In E-4I ON 1 a PLAN ()OF FIRST FLOOR -iHfP M iII 1".1 t; t!!1 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 54 AP7ATTMENT HOiSES Of 'rtie MrTroPOI-Is J. AXELROD G.F. PELHAM Builder, 1905 Architect THE ST. DENIS N. E. CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 92nd STREET rOMMANDINGLY situated, facing park and river, and convenient to Subway and surface cars. THE BUILDING is 9 stories in height and fireproof. It has a frontage of 125 feet on '92nd street and 6 I feet 5 inches on the Drive. THE APARTMENTS are in suites of nine and ten rooms and three baths, and contain all up-to-date improvements, such as showers, patent clothes dryers in basement, etc. THE TRIM in parlors and libraries are of mahogany finish, dining rooms ill quartered oak, antique finish, and other rooms antique oak. Parquet floors in parlors, libraries and dining rooms. Rents from $1i,60oo to $2,800 per annum. OPEN COURT KITCHEN 0DININ ROOM 14'6(2.1. U PPER FLOORS ~ sA'~.::.'~,:- c..6 c..:~~ p^.L0.; 149 9162 ftCPtKHALL J PRItVATE HALL______:N: i; '. '.t fPT; AMy C HAMMR CHAMER PAPLOR ["~'2'l'".'X t:iF-. I '~- ". 1 - 29ll6-, 12t 1 1082dOI_WEST 92ND STREET OPEN COURT f KTC NN ON LI OOM 2 -0. 5- 2 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR L; -d;4 - Ir 04 9 I 125 WIST 92N5 — ''REET WEST 92ND STREET APARTMENT HOUSES Or THEr ' IPA-'T VM-m1 'e 'L I IOJIV'JLI 55 THE HANOVER NORTHEAST CORNER PARK AVENUE AND 1: ":i ^ 83rd STREET SITUATED on the northeast corner of Park Avenue, a short distance from Central Park.I...: and on a broad avenue centered with grass plots and flower beds. The Madison avenue and Lexington avenue surface cars and the Third avenue elevated, near at hand, give convenient and rapid transportation to any part of the city. THE BUILDING is nine stories in height, with front a combination of limestone and light brick. The dimensions are 77 by oo feet, on plot 77 by I Io feet. APARTMENTS are in suites of six, eight and nine rooms with two baths and contain every approved convenience. The parlors and libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in quartered oak, with high wainscoting and heavy beamed ceilings; chambers in a light'hazel and all other rooms in oak. Shower baths, telephone in each apartment, porcelain tubs and wash trays, are a few of the many conveniences. Rents from $1,500 to $2,400. NEVILIE & BAGGE, Architects fTITHEN >- ~~ /lCEN cc~c~z a DINtRG Room I BDINING ROOM CHAMBER CHAMBE._R 1..HA.. Pi AT E L;; HALL IPARLO -t i A Il ]| '-'xASiS 144OR j-T ~B~~nA 9 156 r ~ % CgMf~~~l! C1Ri'z~ '- -"'"~T~i 28~1':~ C: " -: ail s 1 iiS = 282sX31-5X GHAM.BEREF. E Li ~11lh51 is_ Z1:'t1': riW" Built by'JACOB AXELROD, Igo8 PARK A VEN ItE PLAN OF FIRST FLO)OR PLA'N (OF UIIPPER FL()OORS 56 APAITMCN T HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS THE RIVERDALE HIS nine-story absolutely fireproof apartment building is situated on the southeast corner of Riverside Drive and 79th I Street, a loo-foot-wide street, under the supervision of the RELLIM CONSTRUCTION CO. Builders, i9go5 GEO. F. PELHAM Architect Park Department, and within two blocks ot the Subway station and the Broadway and Seventh avenue surface lines. This house is so situated as to command a charming view of the Hudson River and Palisades. The Riverdale is on a level section of Riverside Drive and on a steep hill from the river. THE BUILDING has front of limestone, terra cotta and light brick, on irregular plot of 93 feet 7 inches on the Drive by 86 feet 4 inches on 79th street. THE APARTMENTS are arranged two on a floor of ten rooms and three baths. They cantain every modern convenience, including two elevators (servants' and passenger), mail chutes, etc. Most of the rooms have southern exposure. Rents from $2,000 to $3,500. APA!RTMENT HOUSES OP THE METIOPOLS 57 THE RIVER.DALE HAM&EOE,.HAM1 COR.^^ I CM,'.. '1=": C| C^.HAMH R'AM6 PRI:.....ALL Kt6. 1-, 0 _ C HAMBER tO1 |!!0 '1E2 -i 7 a ~K ICHCN (o. 20T0 1 1^=;:aRS fL a |-9 CHAM6CR | | -- - t ' 1'1! 12 OtwltrMAM~tR COU RT. A. 1 2 4 '9. 0:8 PLAN OF FIRST FI.O(.)RI 14-21a-i - t-.. CHA~bR CHAM!b[R 2'4'22"! 14'0,17'.4 PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS .r^ APARTMENT HOIUSES OF THE METROPOLIS THE BOWNETT 11 WEST 81st STREET HE high location of The Bownett, on the north side of 8Ist Street, overlooking Manhattan Square and Central Park, in a neighborhood devoted to the private residences of the cultured, refined and wealthy, is ideal. It is, without doubt, one of the choicest in the entire city, and gives all the advantages of a city residence, combined with delightful parks, drives and boulevards, and in addition the best of transit facilities, as all the West Side car lines pass within half a block of the door. From the windows the most beautiful and extended view may be had. ThiE APARTMENTS are of ten rooms and three baths each, one apartment on a floor. The floors and ceilings are double and soundproof; the servants' quarters are well removed from the master rooms and are served by a separate electric elevator. A few of the many features: Building absolutely fireproof, electric dumbwaiter, complete electric bell system, U. S. mail chute, automatic mail delivery to each apartment, wall safes, refrigerating plant, garbage closets, etc. Dimensions: o50 feet by 82 feet 2 inches, plot Io2 feet 2 inches. Rents from $2,500oo to $5,500. Built by. DITMARS & BRITE ALFRED P. CORURN Architects PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLO(ORS APARTMENT H-IOtUSES OF T-HE METROPOLIS 59 THE BROADVIEW 606 WEST 116th STREET PLAN (OF FIRST FLOO()R Built by PATERNO BROS., INC. 1907-8 SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects TWELVE-STORY strictly fireproof apartment house, situated on the south side of I i6th Street, between Broadway and Riverside Drive. APARTMENTS-Four, five, six, seven and eight rooms, servants' toilets and baths. Interior trim, decorations and conveniences similar to the Paterno and Fioraville on next page. Size, 75 feet by Ioo feet. Rents 700 to $1,6oo00. 0 { 0 |:::S a - M 1.-. A * i at ^ VW PLAN OF 2NI, 3RD AND 4TH FLOORS PLAN OF 5T TH, 7'r, 8T6THH, 79rTl, To 91', I'rH AND I2TH FLOORS 6o APATTMECNF HOUSES OF THE METROPOLIS THE FIORA-VILLE AND PATERNO 616 AND 620 WEST 116th STREET NEAR RIVERSIDE DRIVE T'WO ten-story absolutely fireproof apartment houses, overlooking Riv erside Drive, River and Palisades. Easily accessible by way of Subway express station and Broadway the corner; almost directly opposite and Seventh avenue surface line at Columbia University. BUILDING-Architecture, Parisian. Dimensions, 75 feet by 87 feet; on plot 75 feet by I oo feet. APARTMENTS consist of five, six and seven rooms and servants' toilet, and contain all latest conveniences, amongst which might be mentioned a pneumatic renovating apparatus, electrical attachment in kitchens for ironing and chafing dish, drying apparatus in basement, a cedar closet in every apartment and two electric elevators in constant attendance. Rents from $720 to $I,400 PATERNO BROS. SCHWARTZ & GROSS Builders, 1907 Architects YARD I '7- FrTWID PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR APDRTMhE N-rT O1lSErS,- 01W THE METTIK)I-)IIS 6i PATERNO BROS., Inc. HARLES and JOSEPH PATERNO, the subjects of this sketch, are the sons of the late John Paterno, who died in i 899. At the time of his demise the elder Paterno had attained an eminence and position among the contractors and builders of his time second to none. His ability and thoroughness in the field in which he labored was augmented by his sterlingintegrity and conscientious application to the vast interests that claimed his attention. At the time of his death he had under construction, among other undertakings, two typical apartment structures on West I I 2th street and four similar buildings on I o6th street, on which he had labored _ with1 all the earnestness he was capable of and in which his pride as a builder was concentrated. He was destined never to witness the fruition of his work. At this critical moment in their lives the young men, Charles and Joseph IPaterno, were enjoying the advantages made possible by the thrift and industry of their father. Charles had just completed the collegiate course at Cornell Universit y, and was the proud possessor of an M. D. diploma, having received his degree of doctor of medicine, after a painstaking and worthy struggle, in which he earned deserved credit. His brother Joseph, scarcely i 8 years of age, was pursuing his studies, preliminary to a college course, in the high schools of this city. Of the structures upon which their father JOSEP Excelo had labored, and which, at his death stood incomplete, were the two apartment JOSEPH PATERO houses, 50o7- 9 West I i 2th street, destined to stand as a monument to the elder Paterno's application and constructive ability. But three stories of this fine structure had been raised, when these young men found theselves called upon to assume the undertaking and management of their father's affairs. Young in years, they had, nevertheless, studied the business standards and principles demonstrated by their parent, and their familiarity with his methods coupled with their inherited business capacity, soon acquainted them with the conditions and possibilities made imperative by his death, and with what success they undertook the task, the conlpletion of this structure under their guidance, speaks most plainly. " Excelsior" has been their watchword, and by united effort, coupled with indomitable energy, what measure of standing and responsibility they enjoy in their chosen field of energy, is richly deserved. With the completion of the aforementioned two apartment houses and other unfinished work left to them, they entered into the profession of their father with an inherited assiduity and have erected in upper New York some of its most substantial and pleasing apartment houses and dwellings, among which are: San Mareno, on West I 2th street and the Salome, built in 1900-1, a seven-story apartment house on Io5th street; El Casco Court, on lo3rd street, i901o-2; Putnam Court, West Io4th street, I902-3; Warren Hall, West IISth street, 1903; Revere Hall, West I 14th street, 1904-5; Hudson Hall, West I 14th street, 1904-5; Cathedral Court, West Iisth street and Morningside Drive, I904-5 In these later operations Charles Paterno was secretary and treasurer of the company, Joseph Paterno was president, and their brother-in-law, Mr. Victor Cerebone, was vice-president.. In i9o5-6 Charles and Joseph jointly constructed two corner and two inside apartment houses, covering the entire block front on Morningside Drive, from I i5th to I i6th streets, namely: the La Valenciennes, La Touraine, Mount Cenis and Park Court, these structures being disposed of within six months of their completion. This successful venture was followed by the construction of a number of ten and twelve story fireproof _ apartment houses The years 19o6-7 were identified with the erection of two ten-story buildings, the Fioraville and Paterno, 616-620 West I 6th street. Following this, in 1907-8, and up to the present time, they were busily employed in the DR. CHARLES PATERNO erection of a splendid twelve-story and basement dwelling in conjunction with an imposing edifice of ten stories, besides several others in preparation. Their success has been most deserved, and when indefatigable industry, conscientious dealing and business ability are coupled with artistic and mechanical thoroughness, to say nothing of the determination to use none but the best materials and to insist upon the highest class workmanship, we know why these young men have succeeded so signally. Mr. V. Cerebone, upon the completion of Warren Hall, severed his relations with the Paterno Brothers and entered into business as a contractor and builder, and has met with gratifying success. "%lF-%-Irilr A i S -r I-r Iol IC'ArC n F ~'l I P- &F F-T'-rqlfAr l IC 62 /APVA I ME N I IRSUUTL') I FLR I HI e I I '' EST " 7t STREET,i,.__' NT____:.T i::/ "_ / LAST COURT — OURTEA DRIVEWAY TIlA lubway stationAat with strera ant batds. one six and Aave o6~7 Arch ite ts wE,,rcome K".-ToWi;CoU7 room apartments can be thrown togethe( r COl i I t t )f e Y n I i, 't,. s 4T: | it t.;:,4l J l1^ ^ 1making fourteen-room suites if desired. Wit 1l:.the exception of the dining room and sei lll I:_vants' quarters the trim is white enamel wit -01 1 tM O U;:I lmahogany doors. Apartments are provide DINROOM 1with the latest improved conveniences of th ... "....... '.'.';:-7.. HALL ENTRANCE...... i - ^*::l';iZ.11::*,:- | i} ^ M 7 W:E t} 2t:; 1:: d:^ - ';*,|| ^ i^.;: a: r',i El.NT R A N C E -&c 1-; r:11 D cour-r r 6 I; PJJ]F'D c, HALL C]1~]E IILI -~___ ^...,. -ro| FOE | NNG ROOR ||i G ~ ^^^Mt21"^^^B 6C4( j CtHAMBER.iv.1-iiiS^1'2 ~14-10 >, | TCHN i | Kt a CHAM'R RANHE _TD F - 2. -L5.10 — 6-.00 || C 1A0E *rHAMBER:= DING ROO| a Q _J 9 5itG5-4 DINtIGROOM j Tr LX~~ ICA12 2TL _ rH0 1^ f-LOR^ [: fLt PARLOR H PARLOR }^^^^^^ F0fVFR9 "* ~0I PARLOR n a:X I* B| T:O + t I 0^ t ~4 |,11 5 4,^ 50 jjEi |j it~t 6, 1 aiN^1 | n'0x N OX1 }OAI 64 1 }: 7;5 wo BN ROOA WAYl 1.AN )F FIRST FH.Rl' UPPER FL(RS COU 7-o' t'5,2' RJ ~ C HAA~)ER a- O,, I 5.ro I*0,,, 15- ICO R > "7N'!.-2 a K!CHE CHAM!& ENRAC ~DINIG ROM DIINC- Roo ""' a CL 9-5.5 Ir.1 r It r.1-96 'II-xt-0LBRODARY I'l~~~~~ ~ ~~, A9-O FRTF.-0,1'LA6 F PPR LOR KNOWLTON COURT-So T SOUTH 70 APPAPq'MENT t-1OtISES Of T-H MrTRPOPOLIS ROBERT M. SILVERMAN ID)ENTIFIED with the gigantic strides made in recent years in the attempts to beautify the "City Beautiful " by the combined efforts of both architect and builder, we mention one who has by reason of youth and signal ability, deservedly earned a place among his fellows as a progressive and popular builder. Mr. Robert M. Silverman is a native New Yorker, and was born September i9th, 1875, and at this writing has reached his thirty-second birthday. Born of sterling, rugged ancestry, his early ambition to fit himself for the stolid business of life was further advanced in that his parents granted him every opportunity that was within their far-seeing province. Through their instrumentality largely has lie reached the flattering position in business life which he enjoys to-day. By the same indomitable energy, perseverance and adhesiveness to all undertakings that were characteristics of pere and mere Silverman, the son Robert is identified. At an early age he entered Grammar School No. 68 in this city, from whence he graduated to City College. His application to his studies and proficiency were of a notable order, and step by step he advanced, until he attained the highest honors possible in this institution of learning-fully intending to enter upon and follow the High Beatrice, 35-37 West I3 Ist street; School course as a necessary adjunct the Rosedale, 352 West I I 8th to fit him for higher studies. But street; the Claire, 348 West I I8th luck destined otherwise, and at this street; the Robert, h4-i6 West important period of his life he Io7th street; the Millard, I8-20 grasped the opportunity that proved West Io7th street; Manhattan to be the "tide that leads on to Court, southeast corner of ioIst fortune." Having completed the = street and Manhattan avenue; the school course preparatory to enter- Richfield, 4 Manhattan avenue; ing business, he was, in a very short the Sharon, 2 M anhattan avenue, his individual capacity as a con- hattan avenue; New University ractor and builder, and in the year Court, northwest corner I 17th street I 897 we find him equipped and en- and Morningside avenue West, a gaged in erecting a building that has house containing nine families on a proven a lasting tribute to his enter- floor, 54 families to the building, prise and ability, for, notwithstand- one of the largest of its six-story ing his youthfulness-he was only types in New York; the Judson, twenty-two years of age at this southeast corner Io8th street and time —he carried to completion that Manhattan avenue; Tile Junior, s u b stan tial and well-constructed northeast corner Io7th street and apartment house, the De Leon, Manhattan avenue, the Emperor, SC-52 West II2th street. Phenom- P54 Manhattan a v e n u e; t h e genius was but aforerunner of aston- the Earlington, I62 Manhattan ishing efforts to follow. Very shortly avenue; 225-227-229 West 69th afterward, he constructed the Fron- street, bachelor apartment house, Rommr T. SILVERMAN tenac, 76 West I I3th street; the and at this writing he has in preparation several high-class structures that will further add to his renown as a capable builder and one possessed of attributes and characteristics that must make for his future success in no unmistaken tones. Mr. Silverman as a man among men occupies a position of no uncertain tenor. His character and nature have eminently fitted him to command confidence and attract to his clientele men of large undertakings and capital. His value in his chosen field of industry has manifested itself so materially in the many and stupendous undertakings he has so signally completed, that worth and merit alone have surrounded him with friends and patrons that have helped him attain the eminence he possesses in New York's business world. Blunt and outspoken, but decidedly to the point, in all his discussions on matters of business, he is, withal, of a kindly and charitable disposition, and one in whose veins flows an inexhaustible supply of the corpuscles of human kindness. He is a typical "good fellow," and one finds him always in a humorous mood and as ready to receive a jest as to impart one. He nevertheless will tolerate no shirking or indifference upon the part of his employes or sub-contractors. His insistance upon a fair day's work for a fair day's pay, and a strict adherence to the spirit and intent of any and all contracts made by him with various colaborers in his field of energy, have become as characteristic as is his daily life of energy and hard work. Young as he was at the beginning of his career as a builder and contractor, whose field was the upbuilding and rearing of structures for dwelling purposes, his intuition as to the possiblities of upper New York as a field for the exploitation of the grand and beautiful in architectural channels, was no idle dream. To-day his fondest ideals have attained reality, and as one gazes upon the vast aggregation of beautiful buildings that rear their handsome and substantial lines along the beautiful Riverside Drive and contiguous thoroughfares, the credit for this " Garden Spot of the Metropolis " is in no small measure due to the intelligence, thrift and public spirit of such men as Robert M. Silverman, and his colaborers, without whose practical and valuable skill this pleasing condition never could have been attained. APARTMENT HO1ISC5 Or 'riT McTIPOPOLIS 7I Built ROBERT M. SI REALTY AND CON! 9go6 UNIVERSITY COURT NORTHWEST CORNER MORNINGS!DE DRIVE AND!17th STREET NJOYS an unrivaled view over Morningside Park as far as the eye can reach, Long Island Sound in the distance. Two blocks from the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and Subway stations. Within two or three blocks of the Eighth. Lenox, Columbus, Ninth avenue and Broadway surface cars and one of the Amsterdam avenue surface line. BuIDING; covers plot IOo feet r I inches on Morningside Drive by l20 feet on T I7th street. APARTMENTS are laid out in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms and all trim is of the finest selected hardwood, and floors are of hardwood, double noiseproof. University Court is equipped with all the most modern comforts and conveniences used in all the highest grade apartment houses. Special features —U. S. mail chute, long distance telephone in each apartment, combination wall safes, duplicate steam heating plant, noiseless b y [LVERMAN GEO. F. PELHAM electric elevator, etc. LV~~~EOMNC;. F. PEI..HAM STRUCTION CO, Architect Rents from $960 to SI,200O... i.1W PARLOR. f ABLO. ARkOR PARLOR IbE~wGOonl 1 20Wr4 if tiRs iI: 10,0x104 ICYOW-o 10-2A1 4 MOM IOOr F~ 1 KltCMENMEN 2lF' OOH,G ROMI _ 1 '.:' ~ t | f | ER 9046- 6 ~ Sf '"'r' -— '"' e 111.DINI~)0HlI~!- ~Z~II-Z iC1 j '~o,~d-t a S~~~~~9456 ~ 4S8~19 1iim ii!~^~'~E ['.NJ mmK OURT.DURT '1 i 14xi PARLOOR PPALO I^ mM^:G, i R? IW4-9: MORNIN M uVE DRIVE MRPLAN OF FIST FLOOOR F R LO S PIAN OF FIRST FLOOR 72 RIPATMENT HOUSES OP '-rit METROPOLIS MANHATTAN COURT SOUTHEAST CORNER MANHATTAN AVENUE AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST STREET LOCATED one block from Central Park, which has an entrance on tooth street, opposite the tennis courts. It is four blocks from the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station and the Subway station at Broadway and io3d street. The Eighth, Lenox, Columbus and Ninth avenue cars are one block on either side, the Amsterdam avenue line two blocks and the Broadway line three blocks distant. THIE BUILDTING has a frontage of Ioo feet by Ioo feet. The entrance is through an artistically designed rotunda, centered with a bronze figure and fountain. APARTMENTS are arranged in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms. There is a physician's or dentist's apartment on the first floor, having two entrances. The trim is of selected hardwood. Dining rooms are in Flemish oak with high panel wainscoting and Dutch stein shelf. Apartments are equipped with all the comforts and conbut the latest and best materials being used. A and wall safes are installed. The electric elevator Built by R. M. SILVERMAN GEO. F. PELHAM t9o5 Architect veniences of the highest grade apartment buildings, nothing U. S. mail chute, long distance telephone in each apartment is noiseless and of the best construction. Rents from $480 to $I,000. i I TT _- P * ll MANHATTAN AVENUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 1% AI)AIrmMENT-r H(O/I ES O THEr ME-ITRX)POLIS 73 THE HANCOCK N. W. CORNER ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH STREET T HESE apartments face Hancock Square, and afford an outlook extending down St. Nicholas Avenue to Central Park. They are one block from the Eighth avenue and i 25th street c" L" station, and three blocks from the Lenox avenue Subway station. Several lines of surface cars pass the corner. THE BUILDING is six stories in height; Colonial in design; front of Indiana limestone, terra cotta and red brick. Dimensions: lot, I oo feet, I I inches by I 18 feet; building, Ioo feet, ii inches by Io8 feet, with interior court 25 feet by 29 feet. APARTMENTS-The first floor contains one apartment of five rooms, two of six rooms, and one of seven rooms, and six stores. Each of the upper floors have four apartments of seven rooms, and two of six rooms. Parlors are finished in selected birch, and dining rooms in quartered oak, antique finish. All floors are polished. Apartments have all the latest improvements, such as tile lined refrigerators, telephone, uniformed hall and elevator service, etc. Rents from $700 to $ 1,000. I. it;* _r_,~~ Ir =.~..__ i. _ I _ _:1 ~~_ _*.. I:_w_ _ _,: -,- Us war I Built by A. C. & IH. M. HALL 1904-5 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects aDORTI.5o1/ ooI4- 'Bls. 13-0,7-0. I _TORE i rl 69 An1 COVC1T -);f~~ to w v d UU w r-< 0 z z ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE PLAN OF FIRST FL(O)(OR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS:: 0: D 74 APATRTMeNT HOUSeS Or 'brTl: METROPOLIS ALGONAC COURT 175 AUDUBON AVENUE;iN the neighborhood of; Riverside Drive and the Speedway and overlooking Hudson River Valley. High Bridge and Washing":ton Bridge in the distance. A short distance from the Subway express station and one block from the Third, Amsterdam avenue, I45th street crosstown and Broadway surface lines. T H E BUILDING is six stories in height, of a light face brick. Size, I 00 feet by Ioo feet. There are seven apartments on a floor, consisting of four, five and six rooms and bath. The entrance is a large stoop with six massive pillars deeply carved, upholding a massive portico. The entrance and reception halls, artistically finished in onyx and Sienna marble, forin one of the many features. The parlors are in mahogany, dining rooms: in oak, halls and chambers in hazel. Each apartment is equipped with combination gas and electric light fixtures and long distance telephone. Uniformed hall and elevator service. The sinks, tubs and basins are porcelain. Rents from $480 to $780. Built by FRANK T. KEE, 90o6 HENRI FOUCHAUX Architect I. I k a` YARD _~~~~ I__p~ | $FT 1 A —Em I I I I I I11: _ _... PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS r : 0 AIPAITMENT HOUSES Or -rTH METOPOLIIS 75 THE high altitude of Broadway at this point with the precipitous grade down to the river, renders any future obstruction of the view from the apartments in this building impossible. It is in close proximity to one of the prettiest and latest additions to Riverside Drive and Park, where all the environments of the country are located. THE KEYSTONE is directly at the I45th street Subway express station and I45th street crosstown surface cars; also within one block of the Third, Amsterdam and Sixth avenue surface cars. Size:-99 feet I I inches on Broadway by 125 feet on i45th street. THE KEYSTONE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BROADWAY AND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH STREET The suites consist of four, five, six and seven rooms. The parlors and libraries of the seven-room apartments can be thrown together, making a twenty-foot room. Parlors and libraries are in mahoganized birch; chambers in select hazel; kitchens and servants' rooms illn oak; dining rooms are in quartered white oak; walls paneled over six feet high with old English oak panels, capped with Dutch 'shelf. A few of the conveniences are: wall safes, garbage closets, gas and electric light fixtures, porcelain basins, tubs and sinks, showers, glass and porcelain lined refrigerators, and storage rooms, laundry and steam dryer in basement. Rents from $540 to $1,200 per annum. Built by JOHN W. KIGHT 190o7 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects 1 ~-a L.J;ii I t L e - i. 11 CPO. I pa Ir t3 FS [W w P. fE-4 v; ta k-. I i I i.BROADWAY PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR BROADWAY PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 76 A!)AI'TWMI-NT HOSC or -r THE MET2PO)LIS THE MECKLENBURG GLAN C E at the accompanying illustration will show its proximity to Riverside Drive, Park and Hudson River. There being a steep incline at this point from Broadway to the Drive, gives the Mecklenburg the advantage of an outlook over River and Palisades exceedingly gratifying to those who appreciate the beautiful in nature. These apartments are directly at the I45th street station of the Subway and Crosstown lines. The Third, Amsterdam and Sixth avenue cars are one block east. These transit facilities cannot be surpassed. The building is six stories in height and covers one plot i oo feet by l oo feet. SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BROADWAY AND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIXTH STREET '77~ -"5 '................. '... - 5 /Z=.; There are four apartments on a floor, arranged in suites of six, seven andeight rooms and extra servant's toilet. The parlors and libraries can be thrown together in the eight room suites, making a twenty-five foot room. Parlors and libraries are in mahoganized birch, chambers in select hazel, kitchen and servants' rooms in oak, dining rooms are in quartered white oak with walls paneled over six feet with old English oak panels, capped with Dutch shelf. Among the many conveniences might be mentioned porcelain basins, tubs, sinks and refrigerators, long distance telephone in each apartment, shower baths, uniformed hall and elevator service, and laundry and steam dryer in basement. Rents from $540 to $I,200. Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE JOHN W. KIGHT Architects As )o6 YARP Hri \0 cr, us ia --— fe ^ ]BROAD WAY PLAN OF FIRST FIOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAIITMCN' T HOUSES r01- THHe MET-I~OPOLIS 77 FORT TRYON APARTMENTS NORTHEAST CORNER ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH STREET _ _ ___ LOCATED one short block from the i8Ist street Subway express station and the Broadway, Amsterdam and Acqueduct surface cars. BUILDING has a frontage of go feet by Ioo feet on plot loo feet by loo feet. There are seven apartments on a floor of four, five, six and seven rooms. They have every convenience high class apartments of this character demand, such as telephone, electric light, elevator, mail chute, shower bath, etc. Rents from $396 to $840. = w w w Ruilt by MO()ERSt & WILLIE 90o7 JOHN E. SCHARSMITH Architect PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR 78 A-)iSIT2-MMENT- HOUSES OP T-Er MfITrPOI3LIS THE SULGRAVE -1 __ __ ___ ___ __ _~_ I ___ __ Built by (;EO..WALK ERCO. GEO. F. PELHAM g905-6 Architect OCATED on the northeast corner of Broadway and I 39th Street, within two blocks of the 137th street express station of the Subway and one block from the Amsterdam avenue, Third avenue and I25th street surface cars. It overlooks the Hudson River from below Grant's Tomb to above Fort Washington Park. TiHE BUILDING has a frontage of i oo feet on Broadway by o90 feet on West I39th street. Plot, Ioo feet by ioo feet. There are six apartments on a floor in suites of five, six and seven rooms and bath, with separate servants' toilet. Every apartment but one faces the street or avenue. Each apartment has a latest patent gas range, enamel lined refrigerator, telephone, wall safes, garbage closets, U. S. mail chute, etc. Rents from $540 to $840. APA-TMENT HOUiSES 01C TE ir MCTrlPOP)LIs 79 THE SULGRAVE. -- -. 4., 14M Of".RY.r iN1146 RO.OM' C:" '~ ERIHA.MB~ ~ ~ '''0t N 'O fff 126. 0:10: A|.PARLOR AI A_,,/, C~IHAtbER '=1 94 Os fi"15 CH I'* R _S.: C HAMBER CO0UR'r CHA!'I ~[R t:J t2-& 2 5-O, 5-0 Ik I 'J, l CHAI~ER I s swt:4 /4< as~ '117~ PLAN OF FIRST FILOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 8o APARITMENT HOUSES Or THEr METRPO)LIS,:,S - > ~!B ALEXA N DER H A MI L T O N CCESSIBILITY' Subway express station at Broadway ad o ba5th street; TBuird, Sixth and Amsterdam a venue surface cars within one block. Rents from $70 to $80 per month. BUILDING'S front is of limestone, terra cotta and buff brick. Size of building, go feet by ioo feet; on plot i oo feet by i oo feet. APARTMENTS are in suites of six, seven and eight rooms and two baths. Parlors A. GUTHNAN & CO. NEVILLE & BAGGE Builders, 9o6 Architects and libraries are finished in mahogany; dinin rooms 'in antique quartered oak with high paneled wainscoting; chambers in maple finished white. Quartered oak parquet flooring in parlors, libraries and dining rooms. All other floors finished with clear, selected maple, highly polished. All modern improvements-electric elevator, etc. Rents from $70 to $80 per month. VIEW LOOKING NORTH Al-Mifl-MENTTM-~N-i HOUSEflS or THEr NLITIMPOLIS1_1 8i CHA MR CHAWf~tR L16RAA) ( A~Q IO-OxI2~5 I 0-01 12-5 (5-0 125 12-04 10 -t PAALOtR AIDS RM. LKITCHEN DINIt~rNG BOOM PRIVATE HMALL DINING F160M q WHAM5 0 E""~O 11-0 i9~0 6*5 10 CL CHAMEbR CHAMbER PA14LOP COU)RT IT:E 2 5 -OA 27 6.9~-aDINING AOOMM KITCHEN C, CAMEA8a-l5~ 8-0111-10 9-101r3 ~2 i I 11 III $TS'ORE: STORE 5TQR E 13-9230:~ t-5r.015 -Z37.itt IN i iii Ot j I 1 4 PLANT OF U13PER~: FLOORS)R~ A LEXANDER E HAMILTON4 APART~MENTS 82 A APAIRTMENT HOtISUS OF -THE MUETOIOLIS THE MANSFIELD -N pleasing harmony wi th its excellent con struction, which distinguishes the MANSFIELD, are the splendid lines of its architecture. Everywhere one sees delicately carved a roups of limestone and terra cotta in well keepin with its body color, a slightly darker brick. The outlook frorn its windows cannot be duplicated. To the north and wYest winds Riverside Drive anid the Hudson River; the towering Palisades in the background. To the south, on a clear day, you can plainly see Staten Island across the glittering waters of New York Bay. Within a short distance fronm the 145th street Subway express station, and one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue and 145th street crosstown surface lines. APARTMENTd are ingeniously arranged in Built by JOHN HAUSER suites of five, six and seven rooms, bath and serE.DIOCT O)R Architect r907 F E _,::!e:: finest hardwoods. Parlors ec l n on and libraries are inmahog- LOR IC^1ORY MIfNNG g APNOR ta~ i 5 5.CK N well beepng wintroue its bod oor a slihtl cagte plicatednt. T o the n anes t widiersiecDrive and theHuso fixtuer; athe towecinPallyades ignteba k rud. To the eoto levatr isy nouicaleplainlyse closetsa. Withngashr distance f r o Zth telepocknomte Amsteramchir apart 2Sixth5 aven.Lundr and 14t tetcostownsrfa 2 e lies age rooms in basement. P - iJT:i' iEN;:I:. ':'?:..-,i:ii4 Bath rooms are tiled, have 6 flushometer water closets, porcelain tubs and wash:'tf::i4Abp g.::,: - M Siz::: of b gSi:: basins and showers. Size of bu ilding,ding go... feet by i oo feet. Plot I oo feet by,oo feet. i:] Rents from $6oo to 1 j,044 - BROADWAY PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAPITMr-NT I1OUISES Or -I-HI2 MM-rlXOLIS 83 THE MANSFIELD ~,,,,;4..:A..........i.............................................................................................................................."'.. ~.. VIEW 1,{\OOKIN(; N'E S'T F0 DINING ROOM lficr Li WARY -PARLOR PARLOR L1I5RARY| DININIWROOM C COURT 10604- d paOIi O " it [4~0 1 10 1 10-6x14-6 11 0 1 I-0 12-9 Ol,22 | 2 -6 0 | 22 -PRIVAlf, HALLIJJ' ''. lA AL 6 - 1A 1:-,:41KITCHEeN 0: LAIT.A,..; —I b RAT N OUPU T VE5TI~.t~ S[ule~b u11 E I I;;I BROADWAY PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR 84 APARTMeNT HOUSES O TtHE MrTrIOPOLIIS T HE BEACO N S FIELD APARTMENTS SOUTHEAST CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 136th STREET i SITUATED on Riverside Drive,overlooking the Hudson at one of its most picturesque points. One block from the Subway express station ~ _at Broadway and 137th street and two ' blocks from the Third and Amsterdam avenue surface cars. THE BUILDING has a frontage of red i~ brick and terra cotta. Size io2 feet on Riverside Drive, Io9 feet 4~ inches 0o1 136th street; 92 feet 5 inches by 132 feet 2% inches. APARTMENTS are in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms and extra ser-; _ 9; vants' toilet; eight rooms, two baths; ten rooms, two baths and extra ser-., vents' toilet. Parlors and libraries are.. - finished in mahoganv, dining rooms with catheral quartered oak waitscot~,:,;!i~ing, chambers in hazel. Quartered oak parquet floors in parlors, libraries,,.,dining rooms and foyers. Kitchens...: 'W Xand baths have every mrodern arrangement. LOWELL REALTY CO. SCHWARTZ & GROSS Rents from $6oo to $1,500. Builders, i 9o6 Architects R~ vbI~stt: l~k.4 't '~.f.. - '.-.. ' —.''.' ':'. 7~.:-?"i.,.tic. '~ '. ': ';:,. -~ a-.:::Z:: E' ~:d:~- O u~~.....rz ', ata cr r tI IN moo*o i PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR I I I I PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PIAI:TMENIT HOUSES or TtHE MTROPOLIS 85 COLONIAL COURT SOUTHWEST CORNER BROADWAY AND 142nd STREET SITUATED half a block from Riverside Drive and i?~' ^? = " commanding an unobstructed outlook of the?? 0S H A river and Palisades.?:j^i:,'''*"^l Within three blocks of the Subway station and X one block of the Third, Sixth and Amsterdam avenue *,:, surface cars..... APARTMENTS are well laid out in suites of five, six,!E seven and ten rooms and bath, the seven-room apart-. '. ments having extra servants' toilets. Parlors and | libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in antique oak with high wainscoting; all other rooms in hazel. Some of the modern appointments are, garbage closets, parquet floors, water filtering plant, giving crystal water to all apartments, messenger call boxes, 5 telephone, mail chutes, wall safes, etc. -,Dimensions of building, go feet by ioo feet, on plot Ioo feet by i OO feet. Rents from $600 to $I,I0o. 1T A (iTlA(-'l MOORE & LTANDSRIEDEL Buider, 1907 Architects PI..,AN OF UPPER FLCORS PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR THE MAGNET BROADWAY 140th TO 141st STREETS TT HE high altitude of Broadway at this particular site insures for all time an unobstructed view of the Hudson River, Riverside Drive and the surrounding country. Three blocks from the Subway station at 137th street, and one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines. THE BUILDING is six stories in height; 2oo feet by 8i feet, on plot 200 feet by go feet. THE APARTMENTS are in suites of six and seven rooms and extra maid's toilet. The parlors and libraries of the seven-room apartments can be thrown together, making one large reception room. The parlors and libraries are in some cases in mahogany, and in other instances in white enamel; bed rooms in hazel, kitchens and servants' rooms in oak. The dining rooms are in quartered white oak, with old English panels over six feet high, having Dutch shelf capping and ornamental columns. The finish and conveniences in these.apartments are of a high-toned character. A glass-lined refrigerator, porcelain tubs, sinks and basins, shower baths, garbage closets, long distance telephone in each apartment, and a noiseless electric elevator, are a few of its many features. Rents from $750 to $1,200. 00 OS Built by GROSS & HERBENER 1907-8 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects c =n I m -4;Z -4i M, m3 rx; | O E - I" r r n 2r - I -7 r BROADWAY TYPICAL, UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF I40TH STREET CORNER BROADWAY TYPICAL UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF I4IST STREET CORNER APArITMENT t-IOUSES OP THE M-TROPOLIS 87 RAFFORD HALL I GENORTHWGE ST CORNER ":":, BROADWAY AND 144th STREET BUILDING is of brickthi a hundred limestone, ith attractive 45th vestbule and streception hall finished in Italian marone block from the 250250 MexThird, Sixth and onyx. Amsterdam avenue surface SizeRiver an feet by feet. Palisot des One block from Riverside ~I 1:.f ~,v,, Bi:..:^....Drive. | 'i!.: CHAM... I' LA APARTMNTS-Fie sx ad Kv r.oos servas' room toiet. The rooms areA Built by IOWA, GEORGE A, FISHER CO. GEO. F. PELHAM.j2{. in 1907 Architect BuILDING iS of brick and limestone, with attractive vestibule and reception hall finished in Italian marble and 2m5-0j, 2 Mexican onyx. Size, go feet by joo feet. Plot ioo feet by ioo feet. " - ~-o,~+o D. ININRo-oPA DINING 0 12-g2 d4 < - t5'O x 1 4:: O x '0 COURTi CCHAMUR.", MIO --- —-R --- 12'2,t5-4 servants' room and toilet. The rooms are;;3 Ifinished in polished hardwAoods and contain all improvements. Parquet floors. Elevator T 5TOEt 5T OR( i5,;O '+01..,,,' service, long distance telephone in each apartment, mail chute, storage rooms in cellar. Rents front $6oo to $i,too. I 88 APi-?)TMI-rmENl HOLUS'S Or Ttl1 METI2OIPO.IS....::.:::::::! W E S T E N D H A L L ES SID wis n840-848 WEST END AVENUE CORNER 101st STREET ONVENIENT to all West Side surface _ lines, includin the ubwa and elevated eines, and within one block of Riverside Drive. THE BUILDING is six stories in height, on plot i oo feet by i oo feet. AP^R-rMENTS are designed four -on a floor. Each floor contains one seven-room apar tment with two baths, two eight-rooms with two baths and one of nine rooms and two baths, twenty-four in all. The trim in parlors 'is of selected birch with mahogany finish, dining rooms with quartered Built by the W~~~~~~~EST SID CONSTRUTOW ERGE. P]:L^M ^WEST SIDE CO'NSTRUCTION COB. GEORGE F. Pl' HAMs oak wainscoting five feet six inches high, bath 19o4 ArchitecL t rooms are in white enamel; all other rooms in oak, all cabinet work has three coats rubbed to a smooth gloss. Special features Glass lined refrigerators, porcelain tubs, basins and sinks, U. S. mail chutes, noiseless electric elevator, long distance telephone in each apartment, gas and electric light fixtures double noise roof floors and fireproof doors and partitions. All work throughout is done in a manner required in all high class apartments. Rents from $I,2oo to $2,200..DELIVEIRY ENTRANGE _~ ' 1r, ~.........'! i; 3Fr"INN G ROOM 4_A18| Zr446 zO ~-1 Ott'...,ll. r 1 ~~ — 0: -to:010Wb 1~. 00),1.+4..' i COURtT '""P ar:':'.. CKAMS': WEST END AVENtUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APA:TMENT HOUlSEB OrP — HE ImErOPOLIS 89 |;::..::00 =============-=== H A G U E C O U R T '' | SOUTHWEST CORNER 118th STREET AND MORNINGSIDE AVENUE OCATED on the crest of Cathedral: __|eights, overlooking Morningside and Central Parks and a panorama extending to Long Island Sound. Situated four blocks from the Subway station and one from the Sixth and Amsterdam avenue surface cars. ~ ' THE BUmLDING has a frontage of!oo feet:on the avenue by r25 on West: i8th street. THE APARTMENTS are arranged sixon a Bfloor in suites of five and seven rooms and extra servants' toilet. Parlors andlibraries are trimmed in birch, dining rooms in quari Ftered oak, antique finish. Baths are tiled and are equipped with porcelain tubs, basins, showers, medicine cabinets, etc... He i g 11 tU s ovrokn Morin.gside:0H.: Kitchens are fitted with porcelain tubs an.sinks, glass lined refrigerators, etc. Tele< phone in each apartment, uniformed hall Built by and elevator service. JACO AiXELRO G1E F.i F!E|HA Arcoi ^xELRoD GEO. F. PEctAM Rents from $540 to $1,400. 7 —' ~..-~~~,~:.~ f ] k CHAMRBER CHAMER DINING0,M 4 D~Z| 3TININ AO O K ITC H E1 6 1P 1 704 S2I V 4Tl~?&Ito 6I-6,6( 6 II-002-I WF PARR, 0-0.,'-o:c4M~-5 c.,,,0.2 PARLOR PARLOR n:+~i ~~ —I~~ _~ (t 10-2,10 -1 F1Dl C1~Wb3rA 9. I 88888.16 Iie s~ At C: ~~: HAMISER, CHAP CHAMR CAMr0-6x I It 16"eKv.4 9-0,02 -0CwA tHAHMR2 3: iE~ HAN15ER AM&I CHAM15ER CHArbER CHA L) HN ORT KITCHEN COURTKI cc 15 FT WDE I-Ox Ifo-I OX-2 5 13 FTW19t7OL1. MORNINGSIDE DRIVE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLIAN OF UPPER FLOORS 9~ AP7IPTMENT HOUSES O THE METROPOLIS THE PINEHURST NORTHWEST CORNER FORT WASHINGTON AVENUE AND WEST 180th STREET Built by PINEHURST REALTY CO. 1907-8 GEO. F. PELHAM Architect EASILY accessible to Subway express station and surface lines. High elevation, restricted neighborhood. Unobstructed, extensive views of the Hudson River, Palisades and Riverside Drive. Five apartments on a floor; suites of five, seven, eight and nine rooms; separate maids' room and toilet. Eight and nine room suites have two baths. Trim is of selected hardwoods. Dining rooms have high quartered oak wainscoting. Long mahogany mirror consoles in parlors. Parquet floors in parlors, libraries and dining rooms; oak floors in all other rooms. Sanitary appliances throughout of the most modern type. Size of plot, 82 feet I inch by Io8 feet 2 inches. Rents from $480 to $I,200. APAQTMENT HOUSES Or THe M~TROPOLIS 91 THE PINEHURST D~mm itl mG RONm 1 aies iarar | t5-0~ 15-6 pC5< Jg Oxty 1. n 4J-f I:= _4N PRIVATE HALL POI I VTs,_I_: i LIBRARY1 9-4.12-0 6HAMBER ~i CMMBER~:I:1 11 1 r::12LO5R, m E 12-2 1 0 AZ+T 1I1 l OFu T 00 1 1 ~1~-;11-; - ~ ~~Y I / FORT WASHINGTON AVENUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 92 l _. s S.-STORY ELEVAT 7VaR TMI!NT. "IOIIWST TORAPATAMBNT tion Size,. 96 feet -2 "A y ANI ^ r'O3n West i on oadWay by '27 feet E t1}0t StreetC HoIseS HOUSJE Or Tt A1CTOPOIS i i i I I if i l I l i i I I If 1-:.t Wksr 18o ri STRE87, PI-AN, OF F- FLOR PLAN OF 'PPER FLOoRS IPAIPTMENT, HOUSES Or TH-: MC —I~I)I)LIS 93 LOOKING WEST CORONET COURT is situated on the southeast corner of Riverside Drive and i39th Street, which location overlooks one of the most picturesque parts of the Hudson River. The transit facilities include the Third, Sixth and Amsterdam avenue surface cars, which are two blocks away, and three blocks from the Subway express station, at i37th street and Broadwav. HENSLE CONSTRUCTION CO. L. A. GOLDSTONE Builders, 1907-8 Architect THE BUILDING is six stories in height. Front is of limestone, terra cotta and light brick, which contrasts pleasingly with the copper bays. CORONET COURT has a frontage on the Drive of go feet by I57 feet on West 139th street. Plot size, roo feet by I57 feet. i APARTMENTS are of four, five, six and seven rooms and bath, and are equipped with such conveniences as a high-grade, elevator house demands. The parlors, halls, chambers and libraries are finished in white enamel, and dining rooms in antique quartered oak. The doors to chambers and wardrobes are of veneered mahogany. Parlors, libraries and dining rooms have parquet floors. Rents from $576 to $1,380. PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR 94 APARTMENT HOlSES Or THE METROPOLIS THE ROBERT FULTON RIVER.SIDE DRIVE AND 95th S,TREET ONE essential for a high-class apartment house on the Riverside'Drive, is its position on the Drive, with an unobstructed view of the Palisades and the ever-entrancing Hudson. This the owner of this up-to-date edifice most fortunately secured. The location is on the north corner of 95th Street, receiving mostly southern exposure, and the park at this particular spot needs no introduction to one familiar with the parkway. The apartments consist of four, five, six, seven and eight rooms, with all the advantages of improvements and conveniences of the latest order. Dimensions, loo feet by 173 feet 5 inches. Rents from $900 to $1,700. Built by the GEORGE W. LEVY BUILDING CO. SCHWARTZ & GROSS 190o * Architects EE ch PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF 4th, 5th AND 6th FLOORS APAPTMENT HOUSES Of -THE METROPOLIS 95 THE KATHMERE NORTHWEST CORNER BROADWAY AND 135th STREET ITUATED two short blocks from the Subway express station and one from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface cars. THE BUILDING has a frontage of 99 feet I inches on Broadway by r15 feet on West I 3th street. Plot, 99 feet iI inches by 125 feet. The apartments are carefully laid out, eight on a floor of four, five, six and seven rooms and bath. The sevenroom corner apartment has extra servants' baths, other seven-room apartments have extra servants' toilets. The woodwork throughout is of hardwood finish. Every apartment has a long distance telephone, shower bath, gas and electric light fixtures and garbage closets set in its walls. Rents from $528 to $925. Built by THE CUMMING CONSTRUCTION CO. loF96 GEO. F. PELHAM Architect YARD YARD )PEN COURT.)-0,3 3 -VAtt f Xt be c~ w pi H,/' ~ 1r) w t-S BROADWAY PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAITMENT HOUSES Or THe MfETrOPOLIS 96 T HE STERLING 76 WEST 86th STREET SOUTHEAST CORNER OF COLUMBUS AVENUE: l: i: 0:::; *:: \ X f fX 0 0 f 0 E? fES00ff, 0 ', 0- 000 0 E 'f';f fidt''f'VE;0 t 'X'SC; a SS. ';':0;0,:0d'S\ff'':0'tutS, Aid 0 0 S; f t 0 G il_,_ Built by MULLIKEN & MOELLER HOUPT & FINNEY Architects 10o5-6 EIGHTY-SIXTH STREET is under the control of the Park Department, and excepting the corner plots is restricted to private residences. Within one and two blocks of all West Side surface lines and the 86th street Subway station. THE BUILDING is six stories in height, with large exterior courts, on plot oo feet by Ioo feet. There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of seven, eight and ten rooms, each apartment being separated by fireproof brick walls. The materials and fittings of these apartments are up to the highest standard found in the best apartment houses. Every apartment has a complete system of interior electric call bells. Rents from $ I,ooo to $2,200. APAPTMI!N-r- HOUIf-S Or THE Mf-TWI-)(-IS- 97 U) P4u 0;4;;o IZA;Zj 511 -— q 6 It I, I I II j.LzinoD L,2vg -' -- " --- -Il~~' - '"I~ll-l L11 —n] EJ r~l xr I3 1-41 Nbh"EWM ---- ----- -r —. I -- -- -- r~- - -.. - Or rl ~ w I jr —l: -- -----::r:, I ai E~ ~ 11: Pt":: r: —: _i I C4 t-14 40 cc F44 - 98 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE' MTROTPOLIS A-RE-CO COURT WESTCHESTER AVENUE AND SOUTHERN BOULEVARD Built by H. H. MORRISON AMERICAN REAL ESTATE CO. Architect z9o6-7 ITS position on one of the highest points in the Bronx commands an unobstructed view of Long Island Sound. Situated at the intersection of Westchester Avenue, the main artery of the Bronx, and Southern Boulevard, a parkway, both Ioo-foot avenues, fully improved. Express trains on the Lenox avenue and West Farms Division of the Subway, with a station at Simpson street, one block distant, give this section the best of transit facilities. The Subway connects with the Third avenue elevated at I 49th street and Third avenue, where one can transfer between the two lines. Trolley lines on both Westchester avenue and Southern Boulevard transfer to all directions. APARTMENTS consist of three, four, five, six and seven rooms and bath, with every modern convenience, including all-night elevator service, shower baths, telephone in every apartment, electric light, double floors, etc. The interior trim is all hardwood and of superior finish. Size, 243 feet on Southern Boulevard by I26 feet on Westchester avenue. Rents $324 to $720. APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE MeTROPOLIS 99 A- R E - C O C OURT WO EE X,k}-l 7,.-!7:,,o~ 7 A\.Y' '5 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS loo APA-1-ENTHOUSES or THE NUPOEHPOLIS CONFORTIOR HALL sou rHEAST CORNER BRTOADWPtAY AND 124th STREET Built by NICHOLAS CONFORTI, C. E. NICHOLAS CONFORTI I907 Architect CLOSE to Riverside D~rive.) with a far-reaching view of the river and Palisades. This location is particularly choice. The entire neighborhood is made up of high class apartment houses, schools and colleges, Columbia University being but a few short: blocks distant. It is convenientr to all lines of traffic) the Subway, Eighth and Ninth avenue elevated, 1 2 3 r street crosstown, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines within easy accoess. The Broadway surface cars pass the door. Confortior Hall fromts i oo feet on Broadway by 1 oo feet on i 24th street. There are six apartments on a floor in suites of four, five, six, seven and eight rooms and extra servants' toilet. Parlors, dining rooms and libraries have oak and walnut borders mahogany, dinling rooms in antique oak. Opal glass lined refrigerators, porcelain tubs, sinks and basins. Local and long distance telephone 'in each apartment. Rents from $384 to $ I, 200. APARTMENT HOUSES OP THE M:TDOPOLIS CONFORTIOR HALL Ito B ROADWAI Y PLAN OF FIRST FLX)OR w w C2 Qc 4 i:, ' ~ )' 3. " 0, '. J: * 0*~* 4;>I. " BROADWAY PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 102 APARTMENT HOUSES OP THE METROPOLIS THE 1EUAFAULA NORTHEAST CORNER HAMILTON PLACE AND 139th STREET Built by WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. GEO. F. PELHAM ~go7-8 Architect SITIUATED on a hill overlooking Riverside Drive and the Hudson River. A location restricted PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR to private residences and apartment houses of the highest class only. -n m= Located two blocks from the Subway express station at 137th street and Broadway and one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface cars. Four apartments on a floor, in suites of five and seven rooms and separate servants' toilet. Parlors and libraries finished in mahogany, dining rooms in quartered oak, antique finished. Basins, tubs and sinks are of porcelain. Glass lined refrigerators. Long distance telephone in every apartment. THE BUILDING'S exterior is of a light buff brick, trimmed with limestone. Plot size, IO8 feet 6 inches on Hamilton Place by Ioi feet Io inches on the street. 99 feet Ii inches rear by 59 feet 6 inches on the north. Rents from 900oo to SIooo. PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS AXPAXRTMr-NT HOISES Or THE METPOPOLIS THE TALLADEGA SOUTHEAST CORNER HAMILTON PLACE AND 140th STREET 103 PLAN OF U'PPER FILO(OKRS Built by WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. I907-8 SITUAT'ED three blocks fr o m t h e Subway station at I37th street and Broadway and one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines. There are four apartments on a floor in suites of five and seven rooms, with separate servants' toilet. Parlors and libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in quartered oak, antique finish. All basins) tubs and sinks are of porcelain. Glass lined refrigerators. Long distance telephone in every apartment. The exterior of the building is of a light brick trimmed with limestone. Plot size, io8 feet 6 3 inches on Hamilton place, by SI feet IO inches on 140th street; 64 feet 6 inches on the south by 99 feet I I inches rear. Rents from $900 to sI.ooo. GEO. F. PELHAM Architect w;4 It YARD i 1o4 APPAITMENT HOISES OF THE METIOPOLIS THE VAN CO RTLANDT NORTHWEST CORNER PARK AVENUE AND 96th STREET Built by GEO. F. PELHAM W. F. ROHRIG Architect r1THE BUILDING is two short blocks from the 96th street entrance to Central Park, also the broad thoroughfare of Park avenue, with its shrubbery, grass plots and flowers, lends a peculiar and unique charm to a residence on this street. The Madison avenue and Lexington avenue surface cars and Third avenue elevated afford convenient means of rapid transportation. Suites of seven, eight and nine rooms and two baths. Parlors and libraries are in mahogany, dining rooms in antique quartered oak, with high wainscoting, Dutch plate shelving and beamed ceilings. Apartments contain all modern improvements. Size, Ioo feet by I oo feet. Rents from $ I,050o to $1,400. 96TH STREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS ANPAITMfN-r HOU lSE S Or -ITHEC METlPOPOL IN THE ST. REGIS SOUTHWEST CORNER PROSPECT AVENUE AND 163rd STREET 105 LOCATION Pro spect Avenue, upon which these apartments front, is a parkway, with grass plots, trees and shrubbery running its whole length through the centre. The East and West Side Subway station and the Second and Third avenue " L'> station are located one block south on Prospect avenue and the electric trolley system on Westchester avenue transfers to all Bronx and Manhattan lines. Bronx Park can be reached in a few minutes. THE BUILDING fronts l oo feet on Prospect avenue, I o6 feet on x 63rd street, and is six stories in height. The first two stories are of heavy white limestone, carved and moulded, while nmassive limestone balconies, projecting four feet from the building line, provide ample fire escapes at the same time concealing all unsightliness. APARTMENTS consist of two suites of four rooms and bath, one of six rooms and bath, one of seven rooms and bath, one of eight rooms and bath, and one of ten rooms and two baths. Each apartment has a large foyer hall. This is the finest apartment house ever-erected in the Bronx J1 F MEEHAN and contains every improveArchitect ment, convenience and luxury of appointment. Rents from $ 384 to $ X,zoo. J. F. MEEHAN COMPANY Builders, 19-)7 1+0 9-8 11.14 I Ft:~p,-3-:1 ~ ~ 1S~ 77 —8,, 6r 5 Pl OR _AffrW FlfHA *;9ICNbtsRdU l 7-o~+ }114 o 7d~p; t5^10; Id~t50if 00 s r v. -111- - -- - -T-M j I 5TORC 10-400-0 9 w rct F: 1 PR(:)SPE,- r ANENUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOVOR PLAN OF} UPPER FLOORS.01 io6 APARTMENT HOUISES OP THE METi)POPLIS THE MOUNT MORRIS NORTHEAST CORNER OF FIFTH AVENUE AND 126th STREET ___ ~~___ LOCATED within two blocks of the Lenox avenue and I2sth street Subway express. station, and the Third and Amsterdam a v e n u e' and crosstown surface cars. BUILDING. - T h e front- is of a dark brown brick and limestone, with court of light brick. Size, 100oo by 20o. APARTMENTS are of five, seven and eight rooms, bath and extra servants' toilet. The eight-room apartment has two baths; all apartments have extra servants' toilets. Polished hardwood throughout. Apartments contain every arrangement to be found in a building of this character. Rents from $600 to $I,500. _ _.. n COLLINS BUILDING AND CONST. CO. GEO. F. PELHAM Builders, 9Io5-6 Architect PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS -A. -! *",I~ APAPT-MENT HOUSI S OF THE METOPOLIS I07 ma THE WASHINGTON HEIGHTS NORTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND 159th STREET LOCATED on the crest of a hill, commanding an unobstructed view as far as the eye can reach. Two blocks from the 157th street express station of the Subway, one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Kingsbridge surface cars. BUILDING-Size: 99 feet I I inches by 9o feet, on lot ioo feet: by i9 _9 feet I i inches. Interior court, 25 feet by 25 feet. Built by THE F.LURI CONST. CO. NEVILLE & BAGGE '.. x 906 Ar chit ect s APARTMENTs-Six apartments on a floor, in suites S of five, six and seven rooms, maids' rooms and extra toilets. Trim throughout is of hardwood; parlors in selected birch, finished in mahogany; dining rooms in quartered oak, antique finish. Parquet floors in parlors and dining rooms. Floors, polished hardwood. Most modern improvements, such as combination wall safes in main chambers. Extra wash basins between chambers. Kitchen floors are of asbestos cement. Tile -lined refrigerators. Elevator service. Long distance telephone in each apartment. Mail chutes and collection service. ViEW LOOKING SOUTH Rents from $400 to $900. $ PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS toS APAw-rTMENT HOlUSPS Or THE MErTRP)I)OLIS THE BORDEAUX SOUTHEAST CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 127th STREET THESE apartments face one of the widest secti o n s of Riverside Drive, with Grant's Tomb two blocks to the south. The view of river and Palisades at this spot is superb. A Subway station, the Third avenue, Amsterdam avenue and crosstown cars three blocks distant and the Broadway surface cars, one block, give quick and easy access to all parts of the city. THE BUILDING has a frontage of oo feet on the Drive by go feet on West 2z7th street. Plot, Ioo feet by 1oo feet. The entrance is through a gateway from the Drive, leading into a large court, through which is reached a spacious vestibule. There are five apartments on a floor, in suites of six, seven and eight rooms and bath, servants' toilet, foyer and butler's pantry. Bath rooms have all the latest appurtenances, such as medicine cabinets, showers, etc., and the walls and floors are tiled. Kitchens have porcelain tubs and sinks, warming closets, etc. The trims in parlors and libraries are in white enamel, dining rooms in quartered oak; all other rooms in white enamel. FEATURES-Long distance telephone, U. S. mail chute, uniformed hall and elevator service and porcelain lined refrigerators. Rent.for 1,20oo average. Built by THE CAILVERT CONSTRUCTIO N CO. L. A. GOLDST(:)NE 3905 Architect RIVERSIDKE DRIVE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOF() PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAPiTMENT HOUSES OP rTH MITl-OPOLIS lo9 THE SADIVIAN ARMS ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND 145th STREET IS located three blocks from the Subway express station, one block from the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station, and two from the Amsterdam and Third avenue surface lines, while the I45th street crosstown cars pass the door. THE BUILDING'S front is of red brick, limestone and terra cotta. Size of plot, I o3 feet by IoS feet by 116 feet. APARTMENTS are laid out in suites of five, six, seven and eight rooms, bath and servants' toilet, and contain the most up-to I/ date appointments. The dining rooms have seven-foot quartered oak, solid paneled wainscoting, and the floors in dining room, parlor, library and music room are parquet work. The trim in the latter rooms is of curly birch. An attractive feature of the Sadivian Arms is the roof garden, provided with palms, rugs, tables and electric. lights, for the convenience of tenants. In Winter a Winter-house is made by roofing the garden with glass. Rents from $600 to $i,000ooo. Built by the K. L. & W. (CONSTRUCTION CO. in 1go6 THAIN & THAIN Architects ti I I - pi: ant > I = - I I45TH STREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS IIo APRMI —MN T HOLISCS Or THE Ml-lTiOPOLIS THE PALMERSTON YARD NORTHWEST CORNER OF ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND | I 184th STREET... F ^-^^^^^^^^-^ ^^~.^^^^^^ -...-' | ff CHAMB3EI. B^ ^ y'1*^5 NINO ROO.MLOR^ NN 1 p PARLOR I1 ~~ K76HEN CHAMBER K HF- N Built by ffz WM. J. CASEY NEVILLE & BAGGE 1907t-8 Architects \B i-::~:- - -~i:;~:-: Bi bu;;t the hrtbok STORE 5g|STORE,reTCAEN T HIS building is located in the neighborhood PLA O DF FLO of Riverside Drive and the Speedway, and enjoys an unrivaled view of the Hudson River and H~arlem River valley to Long island Sound. Being but three short blocks from the 18ist street ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE Subway station and one from the Third, Sixth, PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR: -- E1Amsterdam avenue, Broadway, Kingsbridge '00~ E0: I l ang I4sth crosstown surface lines, gives T-E. f1^^ ^ u l ROQ|l PAj1 RLOR *DINING PALMERSTON a most enviable site for a home. ^ *u '.: _ |Twenty minutes to the great shopping districts, HITCHIEf it 4,and in true rural surroundings. CAMBER k TIIE BUILDING has a frontage on the avenue of 1oo feet and go feet on the street. Plot size, i oo feet by i roo feet. ~II~ IC~~3~There are seven apartments on a floor ir I| COURT suites of four, five and six rooms. All wood~E ork c'spcally designed of the finest seasonEd hardwoods. They are equipped with every modern device known for comfort anc' ~~eR-convenience, while the work throughout th( entire building Is done In the best manner consistent with high-grade apartment buildings o~f this character. Rents from $480 to $780. I I__f 7L PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS AIPAHITMENT HOUSES Or THE METNTPOLIS i r r THE MANNADOS No. 17 EAST NINETY-SEVENTH STREET NORTHWEST CORNER MADISON AVENUE _.. - Built by the METROPOLIS CONSTRUCTION CO. I 9o5 SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects rT HIS being the northwesterly corner, on a Fifth avenue block, adjoining the 96th and 97th street Central Park entrance, the location is most desirable. There are four apartments on a floor, two seven, one eight and one nine-room suite. They contain all modern improvements-long distance telephone in each apartment, mail chute, noiseless elevator. Size, I oo feet by I oo feet. Rents from $i,000ooo to $I,5oo00. WEST 97TH STRKEE'r PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 112 P Iu)I2TMNTr HOUSES OF -rHE METROPO-)LIS THE RIVERCREST SOUTHWEST CORNER FORT WASHINGTON AVENUE AND 160th STREET Built by SCHWARTZ & GROSS IHENKRY T. BUIMAN B. N. MARCUS 90o6 Architects OITUATED on the crest of the Hudson River shore, between Broadway and the new Riverside Drive extension. Commands extensive views of the River, Audubon Park and the Huntington Hispanic Society Museum. Easily accessible to Subway station and surface lines. Apartments are arranged five on a floor in suites of five, six and seven rooms and separate servants' toilet. They contain every modern improvement. Long distance telephone. Mail chute and collection service. Size, i 30 feet on the avenue by 78 feet on i 6oth street, 87 feet rear by I 26 feet. Rents from $780 to $ T,2oo00. r-. rl,.nl A 6 1I [1 11L I PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS SPI-H!TrMENT HOUSES OP THE M:l -riP)OLIS IT3 THE STOCKTON SOUTHEAST CORNER ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND 165th STREET Built by SCHWARTZ & GROSS HENR- T. BULMAN B. N. MARCUS 1907 Architects ITUATED within two blocks of Riverside Drive and commanding an open view of the Hudson River to a great distance. The Subway express station and surface cars are close at hand. There are six apartments on a floor in suites of, five to fourteen rooms, the servants' rooms and toilets being separate. Every modern convenience has been installed-noiseless elevator, long distance telephone in each apartment, U. S. mail chute. Size, i i 3 feet on the avenue by 123 feet on street by 105 feet rear by 84 feet. Rents from $480 to $1,200. Built by SCHWART & GROSS 0APP LOIAMW [.., FRE I *r1 alic H r-WO 95 AMM D Romto 0 6m jCOIITIPTf cy ~cl PARLOR9 14 0,1I 7 1~ t PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS Irt4 APAPTMENT HOUSES Or -THE METROOLIS AUDUBON PAR-K APARTMENTS SOUTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND 156th STREET Bult by SCHWARTZ & GROSS HENRY T BULMAN B N. MARCUS 1905-6 Architects SITUATED within one block of Riverside Drive and directly opposite Audubon Park and the Collis P. Huntington Museum. Commands an unobstructed view of the Hudson River and surrounding country. One block from the Subway station and the Amsterdam avenue surface lines. There are six apartments on a floor in suites of five, six and seven rooms and extra servants' room. Contains every modern improvement. Continuous elevator service. Long distance telephone. Mail chute and collection service. Size, I00 feet by oo feet. Rents from $720 to $1,200. YARD armXo '2t 3 044 ~ S:FRONT B ROADWAY PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PA-):1MEN-r ioUis t!sS OP THEa METI:rOPOLIS I 5 A,, _.1 'TEMPLE HALL 3 LENOX AVENUE AND 121st STREET;':::'~i THESE apartments adjoin the new Temple of the Congregation Shareth Israel and are directly opposite the Lenox Avenue Unitarian Church. ''E Easily accessible to the Subway express station at I25th street and Lenox avenue and crosstown lines, Lexington, Columbus and Lenox )..~. =~!!avenue surface...- - - ca li nes on ~ ' Lenox avenue, '..'-:':.:":/:'::'". @.- ' Sixth and Eighth avenue elevated station at I25th. street and Eighth avenue..~ THE BUILDING's front is of Indiana limestone, |... red Roman brick and. terracotta; architecture gothic. 1 and semi-fireproof. Size, 75 feet by 90 feet i I inches, on plot 75 feet by Ioo feet i I inches. APARTMENTS-Four suites on a floor of six, seven and eight rooms and extra servants' room. The seven and eight rooms contain two bath rooms. Parlors and libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in oak with solid panel wainscoting seven feet six inches high. Every up-to-date improvement has been installed.. Rents from $85o to $I,35o. Bullt by HARRIS & SIEGEL JOHN HAUSER 190o7 Architect t r~'A RD _ 5T R! i::i' STOR "A "', '.. ': ".''5:!"':' 6.6- D.,NNG. "' to HAAT:.tLL~ KtTCHR. N CHAMBER RA8-4xt3 ' O"Ox I I'0 ' DiNtNG'ROOH C' 11!4'S I 'LK PAC OUtTCAM ~CouRT!.-..!-,PROR 2 5-0, -: 0, 344LWbARY W-s i-'! LW w x w I, IF I 1.:. - _J I2IST STKREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 1 6 APA ME-I-MN-FT HOlISES OP rTHE MeC-TlOPO)LIS ROBERT WALLACE IN ancient days 'twas said of one, by the wisest man, ii and his works do follow him." The words which were spoken in that far distant day may, with equal truth, be said in this, our day and generation, and will be quite as appropriate in the days to come. Surely the works of Robert Wallace will remain a silent, but eloquent monument to the man, and a testimonial to brains and energy employed in the interests with which he was so closely identified. Any record concerning the growth and development of private residences and of high-class apartment house property, especially in that section of New York known as the Upper West Side, would be incomplete unless mention was made of the efforts and the successes which have followed the efforts of the subject of this sketch. In the beginning of his successful career Mr. Wallace directed his energies primarily to private residences, and numerous substantial houses were erected in localities which were carefully selected for their desirable advantages as home sites. About sixty-three private houses were put up by Mr. Wallace, for all of which there have been ready purchasers, a testimony more eloquent than any words, for it unmistakably pointed to the confidence which was placed in any building operation with which Mr. six private houses on io3rd street, beWallace was identified. tween Broadway and West End avenue; Among the important operations there twelve private houses on ioist street, might be mentioned the handsome block between West End avenue and Riverof flats on Amsterdam avenue, between side Drive. 8?th and 88th streets; the row of eleven: After the completion of the Ioist houses in 88th street, between Columbus _ street houses, Mr. Wallace went South and Amsterdam avenues; the row of et in order to supervise the building of a eight houses in 8oth street; five houses wharf. During his absence his son, in 75th street, between t h e same Robert Wallace, Jr., who was closely avenues; six houses in 78th street, be-!; associated with him in all building entertween West End avenue and Rivers de prises, carried to successful completion Drive; eight houses in 68th street be- the erection of two large apartment tween Eighth avenue and Columbus _ houses on 183rd street and Wadsworth avenue; in 96th street seven flats, avenue for himself. between Columbus and Amsterdam Robert Wallace, the senior, having avenues; seven private houses on 96th RBERT WALI.ACE returned to the scenes of his first buildstreet, between Eighth and Columbus; RoaER'r WA..AC:, JR. ing activity, has again put forth his energy and engaged his talents in the field where he has been so long and favorably known, and is now engaged, in conjunction with his son, in bringing to completion an elevator apartment structure on i49th street and Broadway, which will bear his name, and which will be somewhat in the nature of a monument to his memory and a reminder and encouragement to builders who have a desire to improve and beautify this great city with apartment houses worthy of the Metropolis. It is sincerely to be hoped that no matter what circumstances may arise in the future, no matter what changes may occur, that the name of Wallace will always be identified with this property. Mr. Wallace believes that he has fairly earned a rest after the many years of intense business activity, and in his son, Robert, Jr., he has a worthy successor, in whom implicit confidence may be placed for the carrying out of any enterprise which he undertakes to a successful completion, for he is recognized in the trade where he has an army of friends, as a man who is a worthy successor to a father, who, although he may no longer take an active part in building, will ever be remembered as one of the first as he was one of the most progressive builders in this, the greatest city that the world has ever known; a city, no inconsiderable part of which he built himself. AIPArTMENT HOHUSS orP THE MET)POLIS I7 THE 0 WALLACE SOUTHEAST CORNER BROADWAY AND A SIX-STORY elevator apartment house, commanding an open view of the Hudson River. One block from the Third, Sixth and Amsterdamn avenue surface cars, and four from the Subway station at i45th street. THE BUILDING has an attractive front of carved limestone, terra cotta and light buff brick. Size, 74 feet I I inches by 9go feet, lot 74 feet I I inches by Ioo feet. THE APARTMENTS, of six and seven rooms - and extra servants' toilet, have the most modern arrangements and conveniences, such as parquet flooring in parlors and dining rooms, hardwood trim, wall safes, noiseless elevator, porcelain?.. tubs and sinks, etc. Built by ROBERT WAI.LACE C;EO. F. PELHAM Rents from $900 to $ 1,250 19o7- A'rchitect YARD [Irm, 1111111 FF IF | i: V;i r: I: ~-Im W si E-l E-( ON cn;9 I: I 4 BROAD)WAY PI'LAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS II8 iPAPTMrNT HOLISEs Or Tltr MrTiOPOLIS CASTLE COURT THE REED HOUSE Southeast Corner Broadway and 122nd StreetNortheast Corner Broadway and 121st Stret HESE two high-class " elevator apartment access o Tthe abe wathi - n _ fN press station and one block _ hfrom were Amsto and 7M.,:, -i::b l Y ARO avenue surface cars pass thei and Grn' T om b and0!.Sll covrlothHusnRier. anIdIN - h Paliadsihin ay- i!' JLLiOO t iac Sizes of Castle Couse, et u t pres Coloni and the blc PLAN op F"IRST FLOOR ' -. feet by 90 feet, on lot i ooP NOFISFLR Rit feed Husue frs..ents.. Thenaa Bry Fr oev entsh a aveIndianu surestfoe cand pa BUILINGTh Havarbick.i-COUR i meSize of Cathe RedCouse R9 eetd Hous irnchebyg AbEOt Renaissainches. Frents PareO Sieof Indanalmstone Court 92: PLA OF. FIS.IOj fee by gofetonlo.i Sizeo y2feethe RentHos e,o,,I Tr77feet I o nce.` ~Rens W!, CTOR: T ofrom $700 to $900- -I-; i KitoBni6i oou"_ /fa d " ^'SS'!{:.;:? ':: ~ 5F S-CTI~~illril-Oim ~ pB~?i~l~li W ~ it^. Kt~m sum' a ITCHENci~ COURT I'^S^IN APARTMENTS contain It 0 6pj" liAl14, all of the latest improvemeats such as tile lined 1iitttt# 'ia it:':1.. HM f< 4i1^ ^ l^ ^ ^ ". C ~ R *j^ M y^ ''t~!: refrigerators., p o r c e I a i n...........lined sinks, tubs, etc. Tiled tbaths, showers, long dis^25o 10tance telephone in e a c h COUt. apartment. uniformed ele- ih vator and hall service., 0,o...... Ij Totaf 410 1 22nd street is an extra 7 wid e street, under the supervision of the Park Department. PLAN OF UPPER. FLOORS PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAITMEN'I-T HOtlS IS Of THEl1 METI-)POLIS Ii9 WOODWARD HALL SOUTHEAST CORNER MADISON AVENUE AND NINETY-SIXTH STREET SITUATED high upon Carnegie Hill, overlooking the lowlands of Harlem, in a neighhood of private residences and high class apartment houses. Ninety-Sixth street is an exceptionally wide street, Ioo feet in width, and leads directly to East Drive in Central Park, one block away. The Lexington avenue and Third avenue surface lines are near at hand, while the Madison avenue line passes the house. Dimension of building, 75 feet by 90 feet. Plot, 75 feet by I 00oo feet. THE APARTMENTS consist of five, six and seven rooms and two baths. The servants' quarters are YARD I |.l4 i71 *I CA; y' * f * ';..: cot Vl,f l | 0. i c^n CO I 5 23.0 I altogether separate from other rooms. Kitchens and bath rooms are equipped with the best and latest patent conveniences. Cedar closets, butlers' pantries, mail chutes, messenger call boxes and private telephones are among the many conveniences. All trim is specially designed of the finest quality of seasoned hardwood. The parlors and libraries are in mahogany and dining rooms in antique quartered oak with high wainscoting; Dutch plate shelf and beamed ceilings, Chambers are in light hazel, other rooms and pantries are in oak. Parquet flooring in parlors, libraries and dining rooms. Rents from $720 to $840. Built by W. F. ROHR1G 1904 GEO. FX. PELHAM Architect MADISON AVENUE PILAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARTMENT HOISS OP -rE METROPOLIS 120 MOP N. W. CORNER S qITALVO COURT;T. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND 146th STREE r 1.. _ ~~~ ~~ SO situated as to command an enjoyable outlook of St. Nicholas Park, with Greater New York in the distance. One block from the i45th street crosstown, Amsterdam and Eighth avenue surface lines, and within three blocks of the Subway station. THE BUILD I NG is of French Renaissance in style. Size, 75 feet by 9go feet; on plot, 75 feet by I oo feet. APARTMENTS are of four, five and six rooms, and have all the appliances of a modern, first-class apartment house. Parlors and libraries are in mahogany; dining rooms and chambers in oak. Rents from $480 to $,200. '~'~l. ' *..... I ' IIIII.I I II III II III I IIIII I IIII J IIII ILl IIII I I I Built by GEORGE DOCT()R in 9o06 i-I i.s i _J~ft~l I.ORENZ WEIHR Architect L j L S'r. NICHOLAS AVENUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS I 2 [ APAIPTMENT HOUSES Or -THI METROPOLIS 12t HAMILTON COURT HAMILTON PLACE, BETWEEN 143rd AND 144th STREETS.:.:..f.:... 2!:.i Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE JOHN V. SIGNELL CO. Architects 19o6-o8 W HILE in the very heart of the Metropolis, the proximity to Riverside Drive, Colonial and St. Nicholas Parks and the adjacent avenues and streets, with beautiful shrubbery, grass plots and trees, make the location one of the most attractive and the most healthful in the great city. Amsterdam avenue, New York's longest straight avenue, forms a broad plaza at this point, with the intersection of Hamilton Place. Four car lines pass over this avenue. The Subway, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated are near at hand. HAMILTON COURT NORTH has seven apartments on a floor of five, six and seven rooms. Dimensions: Io8 feet 6 inches on Hamilton Place by I25 feet on I44th street. HAMILTON COURT SOUTH has seven apartments on a floor of four, five and six rooms. Dimensions: Io8 feet 6% inches on Hamilton Place by go feet 2%~ inches on I43rd Street, I32 feet on the north side. The parlors are in white enamel, mahogany doors, dining rooms in Flemish oak with high paneled wainscoting. Floors are double, parquet finish. Conveniences: Oval porcelain basins, tubs and sinks, glass lined refrigerators, garbage closets, electric elevators, telephones, etc.. oh Rents from $660 to $924. T22 PI-PITMCNT HOISES OP THE MLTROPOLIS HAMILTON COURT NORTH VIWES-TI 144H'r1L S'TRoee T PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARTMENT HOUIS.S O TH-E MFTROPI)OLIS H A M I L T ON 1 23 CO URT, SOUTH ~r) r. rE PLANOF FRST LOO (2itllliL_11g1' | ^1W 1 r —l COUROVTAi| tHA '^^H^^k: ~ ' g I i&tV z. 00, t o 0! ~e-oi HMC,5-.~oe.. "C.AM C '14'l,.~0 l. 1 PARLOR tOOJ 9: CHMI PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS z56 APARITMENT HOUlSE Or THE: METROPOLIS THE GRAND VIEW SOUTHWEST CORNER ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE AND 155th STREET O NE hundred and fifty-fifth street is IOO feet wide, extending from the Hudson River over the Viaduct and across Central Bridge into the Bronx. St. Nicholas avenue is o20 feet wide, extending from Central Park, bisecting all W\&est Side avenue, and connecting with Broadway at 167th street. A public school and library are located at I57th street and St. Nicholas avenue. The Subway, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and all West Side surface lines are within easy reach. Built by the NEVILLE & BAGGE GROSS AND HERBENER Architects REALITY AND CONSTRUCTION CO. There are three apartments on a floor of eight rooms and two baths each. The parlors and libraries are finished in white enamel, dining rooms in oak, paneled and beamed ceilings. These latter two rooms have parquet floors, while all other rooms have hardwood polished flooring. Each apartment has a long distance telephone, gas and electric light fixtures, and the plumbing ' and material used throughout the entire building is z of the highest character to be found in modern apartment houses of this date. THE BUILDING is six stories in height, on plot 80 feet II inches by 59 feet 3 inches by 1o2 feet 2 Y inches. Rents from $1,200 to $1,300. WEST 155TH STREET PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PAl)7-ITMF:NT HO!ISFS 0r THH MeTirOlOLIS ' 5 7 THE BRYN MAWR SOUTHEAST CORNER AMSTERDAM AVENUE AND 121st STREET EING situated on the high and healthy plateau known jf_ as Morningside Heights, within one block of MornI ingside Park to the east and two blocks of Riverside Park 4' to the west and affording extended views of the Hudson River, Palisades and Long Island Sound. Convenient to the Subway, the I25th street crosstown and Broadway surface lines. The Amsterdam and Sixth avenue surface cars pass the door. Five apartments on a floor, in suites of six and seven rooms and extra servants' toilet. Parlors and libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in oak, antique finish. Every apartment faces front, no rear, and are equipped in the latest methods as to comfort and convenience. Size of plot, Ioo feet by Ioo feet. Built by MOORE & LANDSIEDEL I. RUTH Architects Rents from `792 to $924. Ix9o5 ~V:; _ _, 1 _ ":9 t 1905; 1-1 LtbRARY ' I sw~~~~~ 2. IL: -T11 tDINlIN ROOM C |HAMBER CHAMtBE Dt ITC WNWO Roo;: 14-0.1-7-0 -0OI ~ f~~l~ rP~iO ';c PR'{' 'ilHALL I1t~-Iix 17".ap 'P R I*VAT it HAL- | '..~ '1"1~1 ~ i A.'FHALL.: L u ~rCHA6~i.. AL' '1: ~.... '. MAD 'n 'AA,: CHABE.HMBE hIskt. I909 0to03(1 5.0 I' 0..0,,2-0 '-.0 -2 O -04 5-04 ~j 25-0 j 2 5-0 K~TGHEH OlfJIKITCHENl DININO ROOM6.;s:~14: ~ D~#B tXf P,3~~6 15 t I 1",,o,7 o I O lt - W'~EST I21ST,1' SICTRFET IPAN ()OF FIRS'r FLOOR PLAAN OF LTIPPER FLOORS APRATMENT HOUSES Or THE METRPOPLIS THE EAST VIEW MORNINGSIDE DRIVE AND 118th STREET THE EAST VIEW is located on the highest point of Cathedral Heights. An unobstructed view for miles is assured over Morningside and Central Parks, while the view of Long Island Sound is- especially pleasing, the distance lending enchantment to the scene. From the windows one can see the Cathedral. of St. John the Divine, two blocks to the south and Columbia University to the west a similar distance. The Subway, the elevated and the surface lines are within easy reach and quickly transport one to the busy center of the city. THE BUILDING has a frontage of Ioo feet on the Drive by 80 feet on West i I8th street, on plot 90 feet by I oo feet. There are four apartments on a floor in suites of six and eight rooms. Every modern convenience has been installed. Rents from $9goo to $1,6oo. Built by WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. 1907-8 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects -. HALL AR: ~ (6 &0~15-7i1j 1-0x15-': ~- ^p. 'HA:' w P$ fi u n X c 55 Z. C: 0 0; WEST I1STH STREET1 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAIRTMEN - HOUlS.S OF THE M-ETROPOLIS,...,...: o., - '- - W2'fE~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '. '":'' ' L,;,i.'.','''','~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~.:0....:;-"''~''dS' i CS'' '',0ZS'',0,V',''0 'a t000t' 0'lX;..-s I59 THE ELBE NORTHWEST CORNER RIVERSIDE DRIVE AND 143rd STREET ^THESE apartments face Riverside Drive and the Hudson River at such an angle as to present a view up and down the river as far as the eye can reach. The neighborhood is most select, composed mainly of the highest class apartment houses and private dwellings. Located three blocks from the Broadway and I45th street Subway express station and two from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines. THE BUILDING is six stories in height, with'a frontage of 65 feet on the street by i oo feet on Riverside Drive. There are five apartments on a floor, in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms, which are equipped with such conveniences as to assure true comfort. Parlors and libraries are in mahogany and dining rooms in oak, paneled with light wainscoting and Dutch shelving; a U. S. mail chute, private telephone and messenger call box are installed. Rents from $40 to $10O. Built by THE HAWTHORNE BUILDING CO. 190o7 rFT_ _Z GEO. F. PELHAM Architect rlp: E ri s Q ^ 1.;4 '^ - P4 I I-M L-., WEST 143RRD S TREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR ___ 1_ _~_ PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS HILLEL HALL CHESTER HAL L I i6o IRVIN-G 0;; j Is BEIT saILLEL HALL, situated on the.___ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ northwest corLer of Amsterdam Avenue and Iogth Street, is [|||| ___ X within one block of the prettiest - ii iHCsection of Central Park and two of |B~R 1 iverside Drive and the Hudson River.. ACCESSIBILITY- The Amsterdam, F'lli'l^Sixth and Ninth avenue lines pass fllli l the door, while the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and Subway express IRVING JUDIS B. LEVITAN stations are within two blocks distance. - Builder, r907 Architect - W _.^ -^:. --— THE B-UILVING;S six stories } in height, with a front of white LF limestone, terra cotta and Roman brick. Size, 60 feet IO inches Qb by go feet, on plot 6o feet i o k i | t9 ches cy OtaiO feet. gi ~:1^'';^^ ^^'*^ ' ^ ^ ''i":viSL'':'^^ l'' ''* B li^'*:S celi bais tu sa d sink,S glass M I 9t4 xO| APARTMENTS are of five and t ~ p asix rooms, with Ilarge foyer hall. l flj The finish is f hardwood C cOURTn throughout, with soundproof f;00 - floors. Dining roomsareindark oak, high panel wainscoting and mirror mantels. Parlors are in curly birch. Bath rooms and STORE. 5 t so Mt1 kitchens contain the latest improvements, such as tIllng, por< _I:-I I:0:;~-;0;1: f celain basins, tubs and sinks, glass;y~i:;~-:,.-_* _:-~::::..-:;lined refrigerators, etc. E~lectric elevator, telep.'one and PILAN OFF. F1 R SI' FDY telegraph call box in every apartment; uniformed hall and elevator service, etc. V%140W CHESTER HALL iS situ00.::-f;:: j_) ' ated on the northwest corner of IR~:Ht 0 f t "t~ 9 l Amsterdaml Avenue and 1o7th TL p j: lStreet, two blocks south of Hillel Hall, and enjoys all of the a ov e transit facilities and conveniences. COURTT BUILDING is six stories in:-~ — ||B:i B0! ^Tnl" "T^.,_:: height, with front same as above.: Size 50 feet 7 inches by go90 feet, 1: P^!^ C^ ^_ l; on plot 50 feet 7 inches by oo _t = Rentsfrom ^ $540^ upfeet. n: Rents from $540 uP IRVING JUDIS' Builder, 1907 B. LEVITAN Architect - - - I i PLA N 0F FIRST FLOOR _ 7 _ - PLAN5 OF U.PPER FLOO3RS PLAN OF UPPR FLOORS APAIRTMENT HOUSES OI -mTrtE METIIPOLIS 16i THE KNICKERBOCKER SOUTHWEST CORNER UNION AVENUE AND 158th STREET LOCATED one block from the Prospect avenue express station of the Subway..Five apartments on a floor, consisting of two suites of four rooms, two of five rooms and one of six rooms. Parlors and libraries are in red curly birch; dining rooms in Flemish oak wainscoting, capped with Dutch shelf; chamnbers are in white enamel, mahogany doors. Kitchens contain garbage closets, refrigerators, porcelain tubs and sinks and connections for electric irons. Chamnbers have wall safes. Size, 55 feet on Union avenue and Westchester avenue by 14 feet on East I58th street. Rents from $360 to $540.;:': i':~::.......'~ 0.::' ~.:~::!a::.,.... 0i 0:, i:00V0 Bu t by M. H. NEWMAN GOLDNER & GOLDBERG Architects PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR w LD > < z o z I? w 41 c C1. 1 1581'H S'.sZREEFTr 4*t*oooi I PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARTMeNT HOUISES Or THE METROPOLIS i62 BLOCK FRONT AMSTERDAM AVENUE BETWEEN Ulth AND 112th STREETS!Ai lANA HULDANA HELENA SIGF'RIED Built by MOORE & LANDSIEDEL WITTNERJAFFER REALTY CO. Architects x9o6-7 OCATED upon what is probably the highest point in the section known as Cathedral, Columbia or Morningside Heights, immediately opposite and commanding a superb view of the park grounds of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the greatest Cathedral in the world when finished; within two blocks of the National Academy of Design and within a couple of minutes walk of either Morningside or Central Park and of Columbia University, and the prettiest part of Riverside Drive. Convenient to the Subway station at Broadway and Cathedral Parkway (I ioth street) and a short distance from the Eighth avenue and I I 6th street crosstown surface lines, the Ninth avenue elevated and the Lenox avenue Subway station at I loth street. The Amsterdam and Sixth avenue lines pass the door. THE APARTMENTS are divided into suites of four, five and six rooms, and are equipped with the most modern conveniences. Long distance telephone in each apartment, gas and electric light fixtures, uniformed hall and elevator service. Rents from $500 to $ I,000. APA^ITMENT HOUSES OP THE MET POLIS i63 YARD 1~ 0 0iX 0I e | L,. ~ w FIRST FLOOR PLAN 7410010.-2 OF THE VAT tF ANT ANA'' COURT, HOUSE NORTHWEST CORNER OF PU LI I I IIITH STREET AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE. -. ~::~. AMSTERDAM AVENUE UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF THE " FANTANA" IHOUSE NORTHWEST CORNER OF IIITH STREET AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE.. | -— ~~-r.. - - - - i64 RA1DRTMENT HOUSES OP TrHCl METROPOLIS -..; '.'. J~. ' 'u: ' " t.: ' '.^ 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF THE "HULDANA" INSI1)E HOUSE NEAREST TO II IT:tI STREET UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF THE E "HULDANA. S - I FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF THIE,"HELENA" INSIDE H OUSE NEAREST TO 112TH STREET UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF THE H HHELENA)..,..:'....::" ~:' -? ~:'.-. 5,''.- ".'.'. APARTMCNT HOUSES O -rte METDOIPiIS I65 _ ___ _ l,,,.,,,,,,..... L,,,....,,,........... FIRST FLOOR PLAN _ ()MOF TIHE " S I G F R I E D ") [HOUSE AT SOUTHWEST CORNER ( }F 1I12TIH STREET AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE UPPER FLOOR PILAN OF THE 4" SI GFR I ED" '- '.... I ~~~....... 4~ ~,- -- V-If (at-5, -l, 11,.:G.'t in - -1 SIGFRIEDI 40'-6"1 EW 0; Ti rz aI FANTANA HULDANA I 03 z IT? w:4 C2 H Ec4 H ELENA 5' a o I of t, IS I 52'-10" 46'-0" I I0' 40'-6". 01'-1 — ------------- AMSTERD)AM AVENUE DIAGRAM OF LOT DIMENSIONS i66 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THr MrTRPOLIS THE ALCLYDE 2 TEST 94th STREET, SOUTHWEST CORNER CENTRAL PARK VEST Built by JOS. A. PINCHBECK 1899 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects SEVEN-STORY high-class residence property, convenient to all surface cars, elevated railroad station at 93rd street and Columbus avenue, and Subway station 96th street and Broadway. Magnificent view of Central Park. Light and air on all sides. The apartments consist of eight rooms and bath each, with separate baths and toilets for servants. Ample closet room. All rooms finished throughout in hardwood. High paneled dining rooms. Parquet floors. Bath rooms wainscoted with porcelain tile and tile floor. Porcelain enameled bath tubs. Nickel-plated exposed plumbing. Abundant hot water supply. Two extra laundries in basement for use of tenants. Long distance telephone in every apartment. Electric amnd gas light. All-night elevator and hall service. Size, 75 feet by ioo feet Rents from $ I,600 to $ I,800. CENTRAL PARK WEST PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APA[TMCNT HOLiSE Or THE ME"rOPOLIS 067 THE SAN SALVADORE 2 WEST 98th STREET, SOUTHWEST CORNER CENTRAL PARK WEST Built by JOS. A PINCHBECK 1900 EVEN-STORY high-class residence property, convenient to all surface cars; elevated railroad station at 93rd street and Columbus avenue, and Subway station 96th street and Broadway. Magnificent view of Central Park. Light and air on all sides. The apartments consist of six rooms and bath each. Ample closet room. All rooms finished throughout in hardwood. Parquet floors. Bath rooms wainscoted with porcelain tile and tile floor. Porcelain enameled bath tubs. Nickel-plated exposed plumbing. Abundant supply of hot water. Extra laundry in basement for use of tenants. Long distance telephone in every apartment. Electric and gas light. All-night elevator and hall service. Size, 50 feet by oo feet. Rents from $750 to $ 1,ooo. NEVtILLE & BAGGE Architects a Cie ftz CS Ch CENTRAL PARK WEST PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 168 108 AIAP7TMENT HOUtSES OF T-rHI MRETrPOrP-I THE BARIEFORD 49 CLAREMONT AVENUE CORNER 119th STREET:in 0:: 0020 0: 0 f 0S r: eA f' 000 f~iSS::g:0 Built by GEO. F. PELHAM M. FERGUSON Architect 1907go mI if I THESE elevator apartments are located on the southwest corner of Claremont Avenue and I 9th Street, one block from Riverside Drive and opposite Barnard College. The property opposite to and north of the Barieford is restricted, and probably will not be built on for years to come, which gives the apartments facing the street and avenue an extended view of the Hudson and Palisades beyond Yonkers, with Grant's Tomb in the foreground. APARTMENTS are in suites of five, six and seven rooms and extra servants' toilets. All modern improvements. Size, 62 feet 6 inches by Ioo feet. Rents from $600 to $840. I 5 w P4 (j) E ION i I CLAREMONT AVENUE PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 7XPAPTMENT HOUSES Or THE mff rtmPO L I S THE ST. CLOUD p Six-azory Elevator Apartment House E` THE FERNWOOD Five-Story Non-Elevator Apartment House A-: NORTHEAST CORNER PROSPECT AVENUE AND 164th STREETt BRONX ROSPECT AVENUE, upon which these apartments front, is a broad thoroughfare with,, picturesque stretches of shrubbery and grass plots running its whole length. The neighborhood is made up of private residences and high class apartment houses. The Subway station. is located two blocks south, from which one can transfer at 149th street to the elevated road. Near several East and West Side surface lines. APARrMENTs are in suites of five, six and seven rooms. Parlors and libraries are finished in birch; other rooms in oak. Main chamber in every apartment contains a wall safe. Porcelain tubs, basins and sinks, etc. Size of corner dwelling, 75 feet bY 75 feet. Rents from $450 to $840. Built by NEWMARK & JACOBS i9o6-07 YAR -4 LORENZ WETHBR t1ITCHIN Architect WV PARLO PAPLOR?cCHAMISER 7 10-0 10-0-11 11 10,0111-11 7-6JO-0 d HAMW ITCH[ CHAWR DINING ROOM law I 1.0 11-0413-2 C HAM Ft DINING ROOM DINING ROO CHAMM 10. O'.0, C'HAMbf CH 615,19 0.13 7 151 ,6 -&9. 6 PRIVATt HALL CHAM LOA 12-2 'HAMbEk -446 10 COURT COU RT COURT AM I d OA27-4 19-6,,2 74 < 2 5-0.,25-0 NING FMM ITCHEN 11:.2 1 3:10 PLAN OF FIRST F1,00R MT040 6 7X96 9 I I I I Illllllll Ill II ' PROSPECT AVENUE r_. _. it I I PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS...... _ 170 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE MUTROPOLIS KENDAL COURT 517-93 VEST 111t STREET Built by GUNN & GRANT.1903 SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects SITUATED on the north side of i i i th Street, midway between Broadway and Amnsterdam Avenue, and convenient to their respective car lines, as well as the Subway at ii oth street and Broadway. Its high location commands a view of Riverside Drive and the Hudson River, Cathedral Heights, the colleges and Central Park. APARTMENTS are arranged seven on a floor, in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms. Features: Porcelain plumbing fixtures, tiled baths, long distance telephone, U. S. mail chute, tile lined refrigerators, electric lights, hardwood trim etc. Size: I 00 feet front by i oo feet deep. Rents from $576 to $iooo. APAPTMENT HOUSES Or THe MeTROPOLIS KENDAL COURT 7 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 72 APAIw-rMCN-r HOUSITS OF THE MUETOPOLIS THE MANITOU 221 WEST 141st STREET Built by PAUL EUELL 1903 11. T. HOWELL Architect SITUATED on the north side of the street, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues, within one block of the I4oth street, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station, near the Lenox avenue Subway station and several surface car lines. There are seven apartments on a floor, five of six rooms and two of four rooms. Parlors are in mahogany and dining rooms in antique oak. Floors are double and parquet finish. Conveniences: Telephone in each apartment, gas and electric light fixtures, tiled baths, exposed nickel plated plumbing, porcelain plumbing fixtures, glass lined refrigerators. Dimensions of building: i oo feet by 87 feet deep, on plot i oo feet deep. Rents from $420 to $600. AIPARTMCNT HOIUSS Or TEr i METIOPOLIS I73 THE MANITO U 'IPLAN OF FIRST FLOT)R PlI AN OF UPPER FLOORS I74 APARTMENT HOUISS OF THL METROPOLIS CROMWELL APARTMENTS No. I WEST 137th STREET Built by THE TRANSIT REALTY CO. 1907 EMERY ROTH Architect SITUATED on the north side of 137th Street, between Broadway and Riverside Drive. Every one who knows New York at all knows how delightful this section of the city is. Not alone is it delightfully pleasant, it is free from any unhealthy features. The transit facilities are excellent, there being a Subway station almost directly at the door, while one block away are the Amsterdam avenue surface lines. APARTMENTS: Six on a floor; suites of four, five and six rooms. General features: Shower baths, flush valve toilets, mail chutes, telephone, garbage closets, etc. Dimensions: 92 feet front by Ioo feet deep. Rents from $540 to $900. 'APiRTMCNT HOUSES Or THE NCTITIOPOLIS I75 CROMWELL APARTMENTS PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS t76 XPRiAITM:CNT HOUSES OF THE METROPOLIS TWO CONCRETE APARTMENT HOUSES Nos. 616 TO 628 WEST ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET Built by LOUIS C MAURER SAMUEL TROOD Architect x9o6 CHARMINGLY located on the south side of 137th Street, between Riverside Drive and Broadway. The 1 37th street Subway express station is at the corner; the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth'avenue surface lines a block and a half distant. THE BUILDING-First apartments in New York City ever built of concrete. Dimensions, 85 feet front by ioo feet deep. There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of six and seven rooms and extra servants' toilet. They contain everything necessary to fully equip a modern apartment house. Rents from $720 to $864. TYPICAL PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APA!PTMENT HOUSES Or THE M-TWPIOLIS 177?_ S1-%2 WEST 124th STREET OCATED on the south side of the street, between Broadway and Amsterdam avenue, overlooking Riverside Drive and Park, and within easy access of the Subway, I 25th street crosstown, Third avenue and Sixth avenue surface lines; Broadway and Seventh avenue surface lines one hundred feet away. THE BUILDING has a frontage of 75 feet by Ioo feet deep. ''he suites are of five, six and eight rooms, five apartments on a floor. Hardwood trim, double flooring, shower baths, noiseless electric elevator, long distance telephone, porcelain tubs, sinks and basins, opal glass lined refrigerators, etc. Built by Rents fromn $384 to $1,200. NICHOLAS CONFORTI, C. E. 19o7 Architect WEST I24TH STREET PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 178 -APARTMENT iHOUSS OFr THE METROPOLIS HUDSON HALL 628 WET 14th STRIEET Built by PATERNO BROS, SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects ITHE advantages of this location are numerous. Situated on the south side of 14th Street, between Broadway and Riverside Drive, two blocks from the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Columbia University and other world-known institutions. The Subway station, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and several surface lines within one or two blocks of the house. There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of six and seven rooms. The conveniences are of the latest and best materials. Dimensions: 75 feet by 87 feet 11 inches, on plot 75 feet by 00oo feet I inches. Rents from $720 to $I,200. APAPTMENT HOUSES or n ir- muwwusIILI 179 HUDSON HALL c~dcc bdr clz cc El rr de l,)Ilan { 180 APARTMENT HO!ISES OS -rTFIE METWROLIS THE LANSDOWN 352-356 WEST 46th STREET Built by G. M. KARPAS GEO. F. PELHAM Architect LOCATED in the heart ot the hotel and theater districts, on the south side of the street, between the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated road and near Broadway. There are five apartments on a floor, in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms. Features: Hardwood trim throughout. Dining rooms are paneled seven feet high, capped with Dutch shelving. All floors are double, noiseless, with hardwood border and parquet finish. Baths are tiled and wainscoted with porcelain tile four feet six inches high, opal glass and tile lined refrigerators, porcelain plumbing fixtures, private telephone in each apartment. Size of building: 75 feet front by 87 feet 6 inches deep, on lot Ioo feet deep. Rents from $540 to $900. P~TrMEINT HOUSES Or THE METIOPOLIS Str THE LANSDOWN WOO' i' J'-*. I l PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR I! PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS i82 AHRRTMCNT! HOUSES OF THE MeTROPOLIS ST. CHARLES COURT 31-35 VEST 115th STREET Built by C. M. SILVERMAN NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects FOR convenience in reaching any part of the city quickly this location is ideal. The I i 6th street express station of the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated is three blocks distant, the Subway station one block and within easy reach of several surface car lines. APARTMENTS consist of four, five, six and seven rooms, five apartments on a floor. Features: Hardwood trim, double floors, parquet finish, exposed nickel plumbing, tiled baths, porcelain wash trays and sinks, refrigerators, electric light, telephone in each apartment, etc. Size of building: 74 feet 5 inches front by 78 feet i 1 inches deep, on lot i oo feet I l inches deep. Rents from $560 to $1,200. PARTMENT HOUSeS OP THE METOPOtLIS '83 ST. CHARLES COURT PLAN OF FIRST FILOOR I PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 184 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE MrETIOPOLIS DUDLEY COURT 565-567-569 WEST 139th STREET Situated on Washington Heights, the highest and healthiest locality in the city. Within two short blocks of Subway express station; surface trolley transferring over entire city. High elevation, restricted residential neighborhood. Style, layout and finish equal to the best apartments in town. Suites of five, six and seven rooms; separate maids' rooms and toilets. Apartments trimmed in selected hardwoods. Hardwood floors throughout. Steam heat and hot water supply. Sanitary appliances throughout of the most modern type. Elevator and telephone service. Dimensions: 75 feet by IOO feet. Rents from $540 to $780. DINING OOM.1 PARLOR LIBRAYAW - DI AmRLiO R 1,NINM-NG I I 15-Ox14 4 2-10x130 9-0x13-Q 40 215 -00 X; 1:83x14: Built by A. & H. COHEN SCHWARTZ & GROSS 1908 Architects I I L_ J 5DE I PRIVKE KITCHEN ~ p '""' 1 ~ lAX9-3 __ l i, _ fl i 1 -ttoFr 2 a::::: is::: t!: g:. _sO ~I _# {w T;2 — ": -E-:- H -E = 17i. r:: A:=:. HAtLL!1i! I.F-;;;;:2 PLAN OF FIRST FL-OOR PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS 185 THE BELLFONTE Nos. 514 TO 518 WEST 143rd STREET BETWEEN BROADWAY AND AMSTERDAM AVENUE LO CATION-The Bellfonte is located in the center of a select residential section of Washington Heights, overlooking the Hudson River and Riverside Park, which are within a block of the building. Two blocks from the Subway express station at I45th street, where also the crosstown surface cars start for the Bronx. One half block east are the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines. BUILDING —Size, I 00 feet front, 87 feet deep, on lot Ioo feet deep. APARTMENTS are in suites of five, six and seven rooms and bath. Six apartments on a floor. The trim is hardwood throughout the entire building. Parlors and libraries are in mahogany, dining rooms in forest green oak, Colonial effect, and chambers in oak. These apartments contain all improvements in keeping with this class of structure. Long distance telephone, tiled baths, tiled refrigerators, noiseless elevator, uniformed hall service, etc. 4 Rents from $5-40 to $780. Built by T. J. McGUIRE CONSTRUCTION CO. in go06 GLASSER & EBERT, Architects, I | HI _ - whikkim PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS i86 AIPI7TMENT HOUSES OP THE METROPOLIS THE SANTA MONICA 345 WEST 70th STREET Built by A.B. KIGHT A. B. KIGHT Architect 1905 THE location affords an unobstructed view of the Hudson River and Palisades, and those who are acquainted with this city know how desirable a residential section this is, preferable to any other in the West Seventies. Subway express and elevated stations are at 72nd street, while the Broadway, Amsterdam avenue, Ninth avenue and 42nd and 23rd street surface cars are near at hand. APARTMENTS are divided into suites of four, five and six rooms. Their is of the high class order to be found in apartment houses of this character. equipment Size: 122 feet front by 67 feet 6 inches deep. Rents from $480 to $792. APARTMENT HOUSES Or -rHEr METRPO)LIS I87 THE SANTA MO N I C A PIAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS I I88 APAIrTMENT HOlSES OP TlH METWPOLIS CLAREMONT COURT 546 RIVERSIDE DRIVE A PANORAMA of delightful views is ever before the occupant of Clare M by y.an mont Court. The natural beauty and |Cinteresting view cannot be duplicated in Tj E:=! 5 the world; the famous Riverside Drive and the Palisades form a picture which is ever changing, ever charming. In close proximity are the mausoleum of General Grant, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Columbia University, Barnard and Teachers' Colleges, Kings College, Libraries, Horace Mann School and so many points of interest that it would be tiresome to enumerate Built by BERGEN REALTY CO. cEO. KEISTER them all. t907-o 8 Architect The location is such that one may go to any point with very little trouble. The Subway express is within two minutes walk; Broadway, Amsterdam avenue, i 2Sth street crosstown and other surface cars are close at hand. The Albany day line, the Coney Island steamers and the Fort Lee ferry are at the foot of I 30th street. I.:::::....:...:./:: ':a:: Go L_) _ WA E eW _77777 I 7777 THE APARTMENTS consist of five, six, seven and eight rooms. The elevation over Riverside Drive and Claremont avenue gives the rear the advantage of a front. Every convenience which would add to comfort has been installed. The parlors. libraries and dining rooms have inlaid parquet floors, all bath rooms have porcelain tubs and lavatories, kitchens also have porcelain ware and garbage closets. Size, 108 feet front by 86 feet deep, on plot 95 feet deep. Rents from $i,Ioo to $ i,00oo. AI-)AR-MENN'' I- HOUSI1S Or -ITHLre M-lIX)I)OLIS l89 CLAREMONT CO UR T I RIVERSID)E DRIVE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS t9o AP7DTMCNT HOUISS Or THE METTPOLIS THE MONTEBELLO 548 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Built by LISPENARD REALTY CO. xgo6 GEO. K1ESTER, Architect ACING Riverside Drive, historic Claremont and Grant's Tomb. In the neighborhood of Columbia University, Cathedral of St. John the Divine and many colleges. Convenient to the Subway and the Broadway, Seventh, Third and Sixth avenue and the Pi2th street crosstown surface lines. There are four apartments on a floor in suites of seven rooms. The trim is of the best quality hardwood, highly finished. Floors are parquet, double and noiseproof. Every necessary convenice to comfort complied with. Dimensions-The building has a frontage of I o8 feet by 86 feet deep, on lot 95 feet deep. Rents from $ 1,0ooo to $1,300. APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METr)IOLIS THE MONTEBELLO I9 1 Ii II f f Of: -|:: A;' 01: | I" | k l'. | | HE T PI,AN OF FIRST -FLOOR I I I i I r 10; 10 PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 192 AI)PA11I'MENT HOUSES Or THE MC-rIOlPOLIS THE ZENOBIA 215221 WEST IIOTH STREET (CATHEDRAL PARKWAY) Built by HENRY ANDERSON I. OUSSANI Architect 90o6 LOCATED directly opposite Central Park, every apartment overlooking one of the most charming sections of this worldrenowned garden spot. The transit facilities are exceptionally good, it being half a block from the elevated. station of the Sixth and Ninth avenue lines and one block from the IIoth street Subway express station at Lenox avenue. Several surface car lines are within like distance. THE BUILDING is equipped with the most desirable up-to-date improvements. Four apartments on a floor, in suites of five and eight rooms. Parlors are in mahogany and dining rooms paneled in Flemish oak, capped with Dutch shelving. Chambers are in white enamel. The floors are in white maple, laid diagonally within a border of black walnut. The hardware is solid bronze, antique finish. Apartment doors are fitted with burglarproof locks. The building has a frontage of 0oo feet by 58 feet deep. Plot, i oo feet by 7 I feet deep. Rents from $800 to $I,200. 7AI2-i'MINi IOUSES O THElC METI)POLIS 193 THE ZENOBIA 7-OiXtI-11: T. - PLAN OF FIRST FILOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 194 APPRITMeNT HOUSES OP THE METROPOLIS EMANUEL M. KRULEWITCH 'THE immortal poet truly said of a great man, "Not to know him is to argue one's self unknown." This applies in a peculiarly strong manner concerning the subject of this sketch, Emanuel M. Krulewitch. Any operator in upper New York real estate, who is not familiar with the name of Krulewitch, has something essential to learn before he can talk intelligently concerning the growth and development of this great interest which is identical with the growth and advancement of the city. About thirty years ago Mr. Krulewitch first saw the light of day. We do not know that at that time he gave evidence of a keen understanding of what was going on about him, but it did not require many years for him to realize that this was a world in which intelligent activity counted, for at the early age of fifteen, having received a public school education which entitled him to graduation and a higher course of study, he entered into business with his father, who was engaged in real estate transactions in the Metropolis, and there, in the office and outside in the field of activity, obtained a practical knowledge of a business where he could put to very good use the education which he had received in the public school. About sixteen years ago, or from i892 to i9oo, he entered into business as a general contractor, under the firm name of Emanuel M. Krulewitch. The practical experience which it had been his good fortune to secure, combined with an energetic nature, soon mani-. he brought to completion the two fested itself, and several tenement elevator apartment houses, Simna Hall houses were erected on First avenue, and the Marimpol Court, on West notably those numbered 2oo9, 2o0I one hundred and twenty-second street. and 20I3. Soon thereafter the name About this time the,Krulewitch Realty of Krulewitch, in connection with Company was organized, of which he general contracting and building, was is President, and his brother, the justly regarded with high favor by Honorable Samuel Krulewitch, is those identified with building opera- Secretary. The latter gentleman will tions who appreciated conscientious be remembered as the father of the five work and intelligent application. M cent telephone bill, which he introIn the boom period of 1903 he duced and successfully carried through became an operator in real estate, the legislature. speculating with a remarkable degree aThe firm of Krulewitch, Levy & of success. Steady progress soon di- Weinstein was formed by him in igo6, rected his especial talent towards high EMA M KRU TC and the organizer was not alone the grade apartment property, and in i9gos5 senior partner, but was the executive member as well It was under this organization that the Sadivian Arms was built on the southwest corner of 145th street and St. Nicholas avenue, one of the best corners on Washington Heights. The architectural features of this pleasing structure are well worth noting. The rich and elaborate front has withal a quiet and dignified tone very pleasing to a refined taste. At the present date Mr. Krulewitch is putting up two elevator houses at 50o2 and 522 West 148th street, named respectively the Lusitania and the Mauretania Court, and further operations are contemplated in the near future; one will be a ten-story, fireproof building on Morningside Drive near 122nd street, and others will be built in localities which have everything to commend them. This brief sketch would not be complete without mention being made of the affable nature of Mr. Krulewitch, which quite naturally makes for him a host of friends, but there is one striking business characteristic which many of us could copy with profit, and that is that under no circumstances will he let friendship or any pleasure interfere with business in the slightest manner. In every particular he lives up to the full letter of his agreements, and when he agrees to any proposition he keeps his word absolutely. Except as a precaution in the event of death, a verbal contract is as good as one written and witnessed by a dozen people. APARTMEN-r HOUISES OP THE MeTROPOLIS 195 LUSITANIA COURT 402-410 WEST 148th STREET r;";?::,::~-:: ~:-:: s:~ I; ~:: Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE E M. KRULEWITC1t Architects 90o-8 SITUATED on the south side of I48th Street, between Convent and St. Nicholas Avenues, within easy access of the Subway, three blocks from the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station and two from the Amsterdam and Third avenue surface lines. There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of seven and eight rooms and two baths. Dining rooms have seven-foot quartered oak panels. The floors in dining rooms, music rooms and libraries are parquet work. Trim in parlors, libraries and music rooms are of curly birch. Each apartment is provided with long distance telephone and telegraph service, mail chutes, garbage closets and wall safes. Size of plot, Ioo feet by Ioo feet. Rents $I,ooo to $1,200. I I PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS i96 APTA i'I-MENT I OUSS 0or -rTH MTROi)POLIS NEWPORT COURT 111-117 WEST 104th STREET Built by C. B. MEYiEKRS ROSENBERG, FEINBERG & FREEDMAN Architect OCATED on the north side of I o4th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues, within three blocks of Central and Riverside Parks. The 0o4th street elevated station of the Sixth and Ninth avenue lines is about one hundred feet from the building, while the Subway and many West Side surface cars are easily accessible. THE APARTMENTS are laid out six on a floor, in suites of four, five and six rooms. The equipment and finish is of the high grade apartment house standard. THE BUILDING has a frontage of 88 feet by 1oo feet deep. Rents from $528 to $792. APAITMENT HOUSES OR THE MrTRPOIIS NEWPORT COURT PLAN O(F FIRST FLOO()R IFl y E R F _..: E PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS ig8 APARTMENT!-tOll5CS Or THE MCTIOPOILIS THE MAYFIELD 15 EAST 10th STREET YARP rl I Built by THE MAYFIELD CON. CO. LAWLOR & HASSE 1907 Architects Messrs IAMKS C. McGtuIRR &^ Co., Contractors LOCATION-Between Fifth Avenue and University Place, on the north side of street, giving all front apartments southerly exposure. Express station of the Subway at I4th street; Broadway and Sixth avenue surface lines one block from building. Crosstown, 8th street line, two blocks north, transfers to all parts of the city. PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR T HE BUILDING-Constructed in accordance with most modern methods. Architecture, French Rennaissance. Inside iron stairway and fire escapes in court, thus avoiding disfigurement of front elevation. Size: 98 feet front, 95 feet deep. APARTMENTS-Eight rooms in front and five and six rooms rear. Separate servants' room and toilet. Trim is of the best hardwood. Elevator service, bath rooms for servants in basement, storage rooms, long distance telephone in each apartment. Rents from $950 to $2,ooo0. PL.AN OF UIPPER FLOORS APARTMENT HOLUSE Or THE METROPOLIS 199 _? THE ANNAM ERE COURT 609-615 wEST 115th stREET ' 'i: NJOYS every advantage of position and environment. The centre of a neighborhood of parks, boulevards and colleges. Just east of Annamere Court, less than half a block, is Riverside Drive and Park, one block to the north the grounds and buildings of Columbia University and other colleges, on the west Morningside Park and the south the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Four apartments on a floor, two of seven rooms and two of eight rooms. Parquet floors, cedar closets, telephone, shower baths, glass lined refrigerators, steanm clothes dryer in basement. Front fire escapes are replaced by an inside fireproof stairway. Dimensions: ioo feet front by 84 feet i i oinches deep; plot I oo feet i I inches. Rents:9o0 to 1,350. Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE THE OPPENHEIM REALTY CO. Architects x9o6 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN ()F UPPER FLOORS 200 iAPARTMeNT HOUISES Or Tt HE METDOIP)LIS O i.THE CHISLEHURST FORT WASHINGTON AVENUE Near 180th Stret ASILY accessible to Subway express station and surface trolley transferring over entire city. High elevation, restricted residential neighborhood. Unobstructed, extensive views of Hudson River, Palisades and Riverside Drive. Suites of nine, eight, seven and five large sunny rooms; separate maids' rooms and toilets. Eight and nine room suites have two bath rooms. Apartments trimmed in selected hardwoods. Dining rooms with high quartered oak wainscoting. Long mahogany mirror consoles in parlors. Parquet floors in parlors, libraries and dining rooms; oak floors In all other rooms. Sanitary appliances throughout of the most modern type. Elevator service, electric light, interior telephones and mail chutes. Size of building, 82 feet by 93 feet, irregular, on plot 82 feet by IO07 feet. Rents from $480 to $I,200. Built by GEO. F. PELHAM PINEHURST REALTY CO. Architect xgo7? '; p::~toR: ~"' rW~o: ~PARLOR!-,OR ' 1..C13 ' 0 '11,,l ' xiIr: I o o7,15 HL F JE I IFl I I~1 lI "WM' CBA BE.RK MINGO I1. —:........:. OPE COUR list 0t % 1%;N b: i t1HL OPEN COURT COURT COURT. '..OPEN COURT ~.'D ' ix I':: Sm i Cml' HA.. 1..M6 PLIAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAITMENT HOUSES OP THE METPOPOLIS 20I THE PENNINGTON 314-318 WEST 95th STREET OCATED on the south side of 95th Street, between West End Avenue and Riverside Drive. Two blocks from the Subway and t h r e e from the Broadway, Amsterdam and Sixth avenue surface cars. BUILDING-Indiana 1 im e - stone is used throughout the front, no terra cotta of any kind being employed... Size, 75 feet front by 85 feet 6 inches deep. Fireproof throughout. APARTMENTs-There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of four, five, seven and eight rooms and large foyer. Entrance hall is wainscoted six feet high with marble. Trim in all rooms is of hardwood and rubbed to a high finish in parlors, libraries and dining rooms. All improvem e n t s, such as high class mantel pieces, with gas log grates, in parlors; tiled baths, porcelain lined washtubs and sinks and glass lined refrigerators in kitchen. Rents from $50 to $ oo. Built by SCHNEIDER & HERTER x go4 SCHNEIDER & HERTER Architects PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FI,OORS 202 AP7DTMeNT HOUSES Or TTP MPTROPOIIS THE STOCKBRIDGE AND WILSHIRE 603-605 WEST 138th STREET 602-604 WEST 139th STREET Two Elevator Apartment Houses.-Both identical in elevation and layout,,::::::?t ~;::: ~ _ - 1: SITUATED between Broadway and Riverside Drive, and two blocks from the I37th street Subway station and one and a half blocks from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface cars. THE BUILDINGS are six stories in height and semi-fireproof. Dimensions, 75 feet by Ioo feet. BURLINGTON REALTY CO. Builders SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects A PARTMENTS-There are two six and two seven-room apartments on a floor. Each apartment has extra servants' toilet and all the modern conveniences that go to make up a high-class house of this character. Rents from $55 to $80. HUDSON RIVER BY MOONLIGHr THE PALISADES HUDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT APARTMENT HOUSE Or THE METROPOLIS 203 ark *~:: - # I Fag: o s H ~S "": ]:i;:':'.'::::0::.E —n: = - J z ' auC 4x:.:w:';'-. '.i!i... 00 9~:: st~~ '~o= '. 1 c) c coo I ui. a; 5 ddO C..a. k r -Q. a.f..;... i H- ' ':i: 644 Cf ' CL _..~ b: 00, ~~:. '[ " L~: "~-~ r II ~~ do r 7 T d~j n;E < C) I:- zCO.... '. A. 9 s:..,:~. O C) EC) (irg ~"F; d2 7 4N. ~ - o!B i. - ~' 1:":..':0 '.; 1 ~ t1:XX a~sn>4 ~e~fC Lz ~~. THE SUNNYCREST 611 WEST 113th STREET 20 OCATED within half a block of Riverside Drive, overlooking the Hudson 204 River and Palisades. Within two blocks of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and three blocks from Columbia University. Three blo~cks from the x! 6th street Subway express station, half a block from the Broadway surface cars and one and one-half blocks from the Amsterdam avenue line. Short distancefrom the elevated station at I I oth street. THE BUILDING-Colonial architecture. Red:?brick and limestone elevation. Front fire escapes APARrMENTS -Four apartments on a floor of eoom and tolt Trmtruhout is of specila ar exceptionally fie All. latest improvements. Long distanc telep one in each apartment. Uniformed hall and elevator service. Storage rooms 'in Built by SC H WARTZ &: G ROSS V. CERBsone hardwood. Architects Rents from $675 to $950. I907 YARD I! ----I | PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS 205 THE PORTHOS AND THE ATHOS 146-148 AND 152-154 WEST 118th STREET SITUATED on the south side of I I 8th Street, between Lenox and Seventh Avenues, three blocks from the I I6th street and Lenox avenue Subway express station, two of the Lenox avenue surface line and one block from the Ninth avenue "'L" and Eighth avenue surface cars. THE BUILDINGS are six stories in height, with fronts of buff brick and limestone, and each covers a plot of 75 feet by oo feet. The courts are of a light front brick. APARTMENTS are of five, six, seven and eight rooms, with extra servants' bath. Parlors and libraries are finished in mahogany, dining rooms in a forest green oak, Colonial effect, and chambers in white enamel with birch doors. Every up-to-date improvement and convenience have been installed. Rents from $640 to $I,2o00. Built by FRIEDMAN & FEINBERG BERNSTEIN & BERNSTEIN 9go6 Architects MsAW m | r ta?-'NO R Oow 1 -L ~. D1.o- /.[tt 8o, 9 12..o1 4-5:11 ""~4-"1 5'| t ' 'TII: PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR " PLAN (E UPPER FLOORS 2oo 7NP7IXTMr!N'1- HOUSr —'S- Of THE MrTIPIOOLIS THE OGONTZ 509-515 WEST 122nd STREET L OCATED on the north side of Ti2nd street, a park street, between Broadway and Amsterdam avenue. One block from Riverside Drive and Park and Columbia University. The Subway express station at Manhattan street is near at hand. The Amsterdam and Sixth avenue surface' cars are but half a block away. BUILDING Indiana limestone is used to the second story, while above to the sixth, the facade is of brick trimmed with limestone and terra cotta. Size, 75 feet by Ioo feet. A PARTM ENT s-Five apartments on a ffoors in suites of four? five and six rooms. The p a r I o r s and libraries are in mahogany and dining rooms in oak. Bath rooms have showers, m a r b I e porcelain basins.and syphon jet closets; walled with enameled tile and floored with tile; woodwork white enamel. Kitchens have porcelain tubs and sinks and large refrigerators. Long distance telephone in each apartment, uniformed hall and elevator service, s t o r a g e room and patent clothes dryer in basement. Rents from $480 to $720. Built by MUTUAL CONSTRUC r10N CO. I 905 MOORE & ljANDSIREDEL A rch i tects il F I F 1 I.. I.:, k PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS iPARTMrNT HOUSS OF TtiE Mil-OPOILIS 207 THE FAIRHOLM 503-505-507 WEST 121st STREET ___ OCATED on Cathedral Heights, close to Riverside Drive and Columbia University. The Subway and Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated stations are a few blocks away. Several lines of surface cars pass within ioo feet of the door. THE BUILDING has a feet by 95 feet I I inches frontage of 75 deep. - JOSEPH H. DAVIS GEO. F. PELHAM Builder, I905 Architect. I t _.r t. I.t - _ THE APARTMENTS are arranged ill suites of four, five, six and seven rooms. The seven-room apartments have extra servants' room and bath. Every convenience adopted in this class of building has been installed, such as noiseless elevator, telephone, etc. Rents from $600 to $900 per annum. w | - PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 208 API~TI-MCNT HOUSES OP THE MET!rlPOLIS THE AUDUBON COURT Nos. 2 AND 4 ST. NICHOLAS PLACE LOCATED on the west side of St. Nicholas Place, directly opposite i5oth street. Rear windows overlooking Harlem River Valley and Colonial Park. Accessible to the Amsterdam and Eighth avenue surface lines, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and i45th street Subway express station. THE BUILDING is of light brick and limestone. Size, 74 feet;x inches by 87 feet. Lot, 74 feet lI inches by Ioo feet. APART M ENTS -Five apartments on a floor, in suites of four and five rooms and large foyer. Hardwood trim throughout, cabinet finish. All improvements. Long distance telephone in each apartment. Storage rooms in basement. United States chute. mail Uniformed vator service. hall and ele Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE HOGENAUER & WESSLAU Architects 1904 and 1905 Rents from $420 to $600 per annum. ret ~ ---- rado c II ti 111111111 11 I I t I I 1, I I. I l - I 11 1 I PLAN OF FIR ST F LOOR _ ____ PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APARI-TMENT HOIUSS- Or TtIC M-rIX)P)LIS 209 THE SONOMA AND MEDINA _g:g^ Id 0arRE located on the west side of Clare- ~ Lmont Avenue between i25th and i 27th Streets. They are one block I f rom Gra nt's T omb Claremont Height s e ~'~j~"~ ' and Riverside Drive and near the colleges. The Broadway and Sleventoh avenue surface cars are but one block away and the Amstert dam avenue ines Sixth avenue I2th stre et a nd Third avenue lines, o t hr ee bl oks the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station is near at hand, while the Manhattan street station of the Subway is distant one block. BUILDiNG --- Fronts of deeply carved, heavy Indiana limestone to second stories and Harvard brick with limestone trimmings above. Dimensions of each house are, 7 feet in width by 78 feet deep, on plot 78 feet front by 9 I feet deep. APARTMENTS are in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms and.servants' toilet. The trim throughout is of hardwood, cabinet finish. They contain all modern conveniences, such as porcelain wash trays and s i n k s, glass lined refrigerators, mirror medicine cabinets, nickeled racks and toilet fixtures, gas and electric light fixtures, etc. RANK. NUTE Noiseless electric elevator and uniformed Architect hall service. Rents from $420 to $7'20. Built by JAMES O'BRIEN 9go6 I F -I E.. Z 1 2 -0:f i! PAIVA~1rt HALL -X-:A BEI LVoR v l _].-CHAMWE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FIOORS IAIAiTrMENT HOUSES Of THE MT r'I)OLIS 2 10 LAFAYETTE COURT 251-253-255 WEST 129th STREET A SIX-STORY and basement high class elevator apartment house, situated one block froin the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station and near the Lenox avenue Subway station. THE BUILDING has a frontage of 76 feet by 87 feet deep, on plot 76 feet by 99 feet i i inches. APARTMENTS are in suites of four, five and six rooms, there being six apartments on a floor. The trim throughout is of oak and birch,cabinet finish, with maple floors. Among the many innovations installed are combination wall safes, porcelain wash trays and tubs, glass lined refrigerators, ceramic tiled baths and nickel toilet fixtures, noiseless elevator and uniformed hall and elevator service. Rents, $420, $540 and $720 per year. Built in x9o5 by THE CRESCENT MERCANTILE AND REALTY CO. L A GOLDSTONE Architect P FEr.1 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PAPAIR-MENT HOLUISES O -rHE ME-rP mmOuIs 211 THE ST. L O U I S 319 WEST 94th STREET L OCATED in a most exclusive neighborhood, near Riverside Drive, where the pure air from the Hudson cools the atmosphere and brings health to those living within its influence. The ST. LOUIS is two blocks from the 96th street Subway station and t h e Broadway, Amsterdam and elevated lines are easily accessible. - THE BUILDING has a frontage of 75 feet by lot Ioo feet deep. A P AR I TMENTS are arranged four on a floor, in suites of five, six and seven rooms and extra servants' toilets. They have every convenience: long distance telephone in each apartment, shower baths, parquet floors, gas and electric light fixtures. The finish is all hardwood. Rents from $660 to $1,200. Built by HOFFMAN BROS. & KOBINSON LORENZ WEtIHER 1905 Architect F.|_ n ___ i iiiin CUIRT ~ & r- S rt- g-;3X 1-4 D pi; o p-1 Pq Fe ~ 222 HPIARTMFNT HOUSES Or THE METOPOLIS THE WASHINGTON SQUARE 82-86 WASHINGTON PLACE OCATION adjoins aristocratic Washington Square, with its historical associations, fine old trees, lawns, fountains and promenades. It is intersected by Fifth avenue, which here forms a beautiful drive through the Park, passing under Washington Arch. Transit facilities are of the best, yet because of the very central location one is almost independent of them. APARTMENTS consist of five, six and seven rooms, four on a floor. Features: Finished in selected hardwoods, double floors with parquet finish, long distance telephone in every apartment, baths have tiled floors and walls, shower baths, porcelain plumbing fixtures, mirror medicine cabinets, tiled refrigerators, laundry for use of tenants in basement. Size of building: 65 feet 8 inches front by 85 feet deep, on lot 96 feet deep. Rents from: $660 to $1,o96. Built by H. [HORENBURGER S, MANDEL Architect 1003 FtRE ESCAPE JM i I;IU 1 I - *- -I K - - I- -== PLAN OF FIRST FI LOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APRAIPTMNT HOUSE OF THE METiROPOLIS 223 THE LUCETINE 35-39 WEST 96th STREET HIS location, on the north side of 96th Street, just east of Central Park West, is without a doubt one of the choicest on Manhattan Island. In the neighborhood are many fine churches, private residences of the wealthy and apartment houses of the highest order. Its transit facilities are excellent, being but two blocks from the 96th street Subway station and midway between Amsterdam avenue and Central Park West and several surface car lines. APARTMENTS: There are but three apartments on a floor, in suites of seven rooms and separate servants' toilet. Its main features are: French casement doors separating parlors and dining rooms, wall safes, high paneled wainscoting and beamed ceilings in dining rooms, additional servants' rooms and baths in basement. Dimensions: 64 feet front by 86 feet io inches deep; on plot IOI feet Io inches deep. Built by LAWLOR & HAASE Rents from $00 to i,400. THE WOYTISEH CONST. CO. Architects PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 224 APrPITMENT HOUSES OF -TH METROPOLIS WARREN HALL 404 WEST 115th STREET LOCATED on the south side of I 15th Street, between Morningside Drive and Amsterdam Avenue. Within one and two blocks of New York's most famous Cathedral of St. John the Divine and Columbia University, Morningside, Central and Riverside Parks, which it overlooks, and-likewise the same distance from the Subway and several surface car lines. The Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated road is also quite convenient. APARTMENTS: Four on a floor; suites of five, six and seven rooms. The finish, decorations and conveniences are in keeping with the rest of Paterno Brothers' high class houses, which are New York's best. Dimensions: 65 feet 4 inches front by 87 feet iI inches deep; on lot Ioo feet 11 inches deep. Rents from $740 to $T,IOO. Euilt by SCHWARTZ & GROSS PATERNO BROS Architects 1905 PLAN OF UPPER FI,OORS APARITMeCN' HOUSES Of THE METROPOLIS 225 THE ROBERT 14-16 WEST 107th STREET HESE apartments Morningside and from the Subway station Ninth avenue elevated the Eighth avenue and, avenue and i i 6th street; enjoy a superb outlook over Central Parks. Two blocks and three from the Sixth and station; one-half block fromtn one from the Lenox, Columnbus surface lines. APARTMENTS consist of four, five, six, seven and eight rooms. Features: Porcelain sinks and tubs, shower baths, patent drying frames, wall safes, long distance telephone, electric light, U. S. mail chute, etc. Dimensions, 60 feet by I oo feet. Rents from $500 to $1,200. Built by GEO. F. PELHAM ROBERT M. SILVERMAN Architect IQ903! i PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 226 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPOLIS THE BLENNERHASSET 507 WEST Illth STREET SITUATED on the north side of rlth Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway, and convenient by one and two blocks to the Subway and Broadway and Amsterdam avenue surface lines. Just east of The Blennerhasset, half a block, is the great Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and beyond, Morningside and Central Parks. Riverside Drive and the Hudson River lie just two blocks west; Columbia University and many other colleges and schools are in the immediate neighborhood. APARTMENTS are arranged four on a floor, in suites of four, five, six and seven rooms. The equipment and finish of these apartmnents are of the latest and best methods used in high-class houses of this sort. Dimensions: Rents from $480 to $900. Built by MAX LIEBERSKIND GEO F. PELHAM Architect r i. --- -Bu PAN Of FS FLOO: PLAN OF FI RST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS:: APARTMENT HOUtIS Of TH: METROPOLIS 227 THE BERTHA 515 WEST il1th STREET T OCATED on the north side of I I Ith Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. Convenient to the Subway Station at I loth street and Broadway, the Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated station and several West Side car lines. APARTMENTS: There are four apartments on a floor, consisting of two of five rooms and two of seven rooms; except the first floor, which contains one of four rooms, two of five rooms and one of six rooms. Features: Polished hardwood throughout; double soundproof floors, parquet finish; tiled baths, porcelain plumbing fixtures, shower baths, marble basins, mirror medicine cabinets, glass lined refrigerators, electric light, etc. Size of Building: 62 feet 6 inches front by 87 feet I inches deep, on plot ioo feet I I inches deep. Rents from $660 to $924. Built by JOHN HAUSER EMANUEL DOCTOR Architect '1903 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 228 A1P3PTMENT tiOulSE or= or TIt METIZO130LIS... 1 1HARVARD COURT ~.'i.:i;~ i~ig705 ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE ':''? Between 145th a.nd 146th Streets:, l OCATED 'in one of the most select neighborhoods of Washington Heights, and within easy reach of the Subway, elevated and several surface car lines. APARTMENTS' Four on a floor, in suites of five, six and X X _:: seven rooms..; -.:":'5-. Trim' Chambers are in birdseye maple, and have cheval glasses;. parlors and libraries in white enameled hardwood and dining rooms in Flemish oak. Parquet flooring and many up-to-date conveniences. Dimensions: 65 feet by i oo feet. Rents froIn $600 to $900. Built by ARONSON & BAUM 1905 SCHWARTZ & GROSS Architects TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN APARTMeNT HOU5L-S Or rTHe MCTU I0)POLIS 229 THE CLARENCE AND THE RIVERVIEW 310 WEST 93rd STREET 316 WEST 93rd STREET I --; -- Ia- ii i _ A X iii ii..'.. E- ~ Illl, ' 'M III...L.., 'Es. E.: 'il. ~,,: l- rM: J Al a!:n I PLAN {)F FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS Built by WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. GEO. F. PELHAM J. AXEROD, 1904 A rchitect DEP LIGHTFULLY located on the south side ot 93rd Street, within a few feet of Riverside Drive and Park. The transit facilities are exceptionally good, the building being within easy reach of the Subway and many West Side surface lines. THE BUILDIN( has a frontage of 50 feet by 127 feet, on plot 50 feet by 146 feet deep. APARTIMENTS are arranged in suites of six and seven rooms, three apartments on a floor. Apartments are equipped with the latest improvements. Rents from $900 to $I,200. 230 APARTMENT ttOUScS Or '-HE M-TIOPOLIS Built by SCHWARTZ & GROSS THE CENTURY HOLDING CO. Architects 1906 EL MORRO AND MIRAMAR 606 AND 612 WEST 137th STREET LOCATED on the south side of i37th Street, between Riverside Drive and Broadway, a block restricted to only high class apartment houses. The Subway station is on the corner, and the Amsterdam avenue surface lines one block distant. APARTMENTS are arranged four on a floor; suites of five, six and seven rooms. Parlors are in red birch and chambers in white enamel with mahogany doors. Dining rooms are finished in mission style with paneled walls and plate rail. Floors are double. Equipment: Shower baths, glass lined refrigerators, mail chute, telephone, porcelain plumbing fixtures, electric light, etc. Dimensions: Each house has a frontage of 65 feet by 87 feet deep. Rents from $540 to $720. C: 1!i r:' 1A 'At 00:1 1 b;s - I Aim I: 3:I i; t~; ~;z 95~ PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS i: I g::::1 L PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR APAIPTMENT HOUISS O -rTH!: METP-O3LIS 23J THE BELLE M O REe607-609 WEST 115th STREET ENTRALLY located on one of the choicest residential sites of Manhattan, in the neighborhood of Columbia College, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Grant's Tomb and many historical spots of interest. The Subway and several surface car lines are within one and two blocks of The Bellemore. THE APARTMENTS are laid out three on a floor, in suites of five, six and seven rooms. The interior finish is of a golden oak throughout. The floors are double and noiseproof, with parquet finish. Plumbing fixtures are of porcelain, tile lined refrigerators, baths are tiled and contain showers and medicine cabinets, long distance telephone, wall safes. Dimensions: 50 feet front by 87 feet ii inches deep; plot, Ioo feet I i nches deep. Rents from $300 to $900. Built by NEVILIE & BAGGE M. CRYSTAL Architects u ALL bii,: 1 i~ MA CM^BER OPEN OPEN 7'7,i E.' CH^MBER AP[ HA Mr COt,~T I.:1fS L 0 COUl HACLL HAN2E R A c,^,sln X CHAMBE' ~: C11 >01 1 '9l- 1j-6 iA' _ tf;tcHEN. XCM""R; StRYANTS3. KITCHEN: T fi SutrHN fwl = A ER. ' 9 9 ":8:o 10-: _ 10 10-41 1 21-11:. c -:c~~~~nstr:.... 10~Sd'~,~10~ l t Ir)t ~ I9r~::':'~Q CH^MB.~Rrt. '. KtC 0 E.6d 2..!oSllfkJ:...~~~ lO4.lo ~ DINING ROOM PARLOR PARLOR OINING R0i. I.'14-0 12-0xl4'0! -0~4-0' 1 - It- O =l-O a m1 = - *FFg =L I PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 232 APATTMEN- t OiSE, S Or rH'H METROPOLIS THE ROCHAMBEAU 1858-1860 SEVENTH AVENUE CITUATION-Adjoining Cathedral Parkway and two blocks from the Iioth street entrance to Central P.ark. Two to three blocks from the Subway, elevated and surface car lines. APARTMENTS: Two on a floor, of eight rooms each. Parlors are separated from the libraries by columns and grilles and are finished in mahogany. Dining rooms are in forest green with high wainscoting and Dutch shelving. Baths are tiled and contain showers and medicine cabinets, porcelain plumbing fixtures, glass lined refrigerators, large laundry and steam dryer in basement. Dimensions: 5 o feet by I oo feet. G. A. SCHELLENGEK Rents from $900 to $1,200. Architect Built by E. JACOBSON 1902 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAPiTMENT HO.ISrS Or -iHE METOPOLIS 233 = = THE DELAWARE 518 WEST 122nd STREET IT1 UATED on the south side of I22nd Street,. _UTE on Wbetween Broadwav and Amsterdam Avenue. Being on the crest of a steep hill, it enjoys a delightful outlook for miles of the Hudson River, Morningside Park and the surrounding country. Easily accessible to the Subway and all West Side car lines. Building has a frontage of 75 feet by ioo feet deep. There are four apartments on a floor, in suites of _111 five and seven rooms. Parlors and libraries are trimmed in birch, dining rooms in quartered oak antique. Parquet floors in parlors, dining rooms and libraries.. Porcelain tubs, sinks and basins; glass lined refrigerators. Telephone in each apartment; uniformed hall and elevator service. Built by GEO. F. PELHAM Rents from $540 to $900. WEST SIDE CONSTRUCTION CO. Architect J. AxE LROD, Pres. I9o5 PLAN OF FIRST FIX)()R IIF.F I --. PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 234 APARTMCNT HOU!SeS OP T-ITE MIUtT )!)OLIS THE LUCERNE 503-507 'WEST 143rd STREET Built by JOHN V. SIGNELL 19o6 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects HIGH ground, good air and an extended outlook from the windows of one's dwelling are requisite to an ideal home. THE LUCERNE has all these advantages in one of the most modern and up-to-date apartment houses in this city. Near the Subway, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated and a hundred feet from four surface car lines. There are five apartments on a floor, in suites of four, five, six, seven and eight rooms. Parlors are in white enamel, with mahogany doors and dining rooms in Flemish oak. Conveniences: Double floors, parquet finish, telephone, garbage closets, porcelain tubs, sinks and oval basins, glass lined refrigerators, etc. Dimensions: 75 feet front by 87 feet deep; on lot 99 feet I I inches deep. Rents from $480 to $960. APAPITM!NT HOUISeS OP THre MITIOPOLIS 235 THE LUCERNE AE 1... St ~::. c:... ~ ': '1 it 4MOW&%: _ _ "' --- —"~ -i!iI~vl. ~ 41.., ~ i: Vii i:: 98~ ~~5,i::~~~;::':: r tAt Luu i::,,;4 L~ ~5 j:8*:0:rLCHe1 In i " D gEN I11... 1 'I............:." -.::... I t P-v 236 APARTMENT HOUSES Or THE MET)OPOLIS THE KING 56-58-60 EAST 87th STREET OCATED on the south side of 87th Street, between Fifth and Madison Avenues. One block from Central Park and the Madison avenue and 86th street crosstown surface cars. A short distance from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and in a neighborhood restricted to private residences of New York's wealthiest people and apartment houses of the highest type. Four apartments on a floor, in suites of six and seven roomns. The conveniences are numerous and in keeping with the finest apartment structures of the Metropolis. Dimensions-76 feet 8 inches front by 84 feet I I inches, on plot oo feet 8 inches. Rents fromn $800 to $925 Built by GEO. F. PELHAM JOSEPH KING Architect 1904 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR P!LAN OF UPPER FLOORS 7tPADTMENT HOUSES OP THE MEzrT I — 1C iJUIL1i 2 37 THE PIED MONT 316 WEST 97th STREET ITUATED on the south side of 97th Street, a hundred feet east of the Riverside D)rive, one of the most exclusive residential blocks in the city, and restricted to apartment houses of the highest class. The 96th street Subway station and the Broadway and Amsterdam avenue lines are two blocks from TI-IE PIEDMIONT. DiMENSIONS- 75 feet front by 87 feet 9 inches deep on plot 75 feet by Ioo feet Il inches. APARTMENTS are in suites of six and seven rooms, four apartments on a floor. Parlors are in St. Jago mahogany and the dining rooms in quartered English oak. Floors are double and noiseproof. Long distance telephone in each apartment, uniformed hall and elevator service, etc. Built by A. B. KIGHT 90o6 A. B. KIGHT Architect Rents from $78o to SI,I 15. PLAN OF FIRST FLO()R PIAN OF UPPER FLOORS 238 APAITMeNT HlOlSS OP TlE METIOPOLIS Nos. 535 WEST 151st STREET AND Nos. 534 WEST 152nd STREET T|WO six-story elevator apartment houses, one located on the north side of I 5 T st Street and the other on the south side of I 5 2nd Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam avenue. Convenient to the Subway and the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue and i45th street crosstown surface lines. THE APARTMENTS are arranged five on a floor, in suites of four, five and six rooms. Parlors and libraries are in mahogany and dining rooms in quartered oak, antique, with high paneling. Porcelain tubs, sinks and basins, glass lined refrigerators, showers, garbage closets, wall safes, noiseless electric elevator, long distance telephone in each apartment, etc. Dimensions: 75 feet front by loo feet deep. Rents from $480 to $720. Built by THE NORFOLK REALTY CO. 1907-8 NEVILLE & BAGGE Architects i-_RIii I- n PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PLAN OF UPPER FIO)RS 7iPA!RTMENT tHOUS.S OPr "ni MrTIOPOLIS 239 THE M IILTONA 28-30 WEgST 131st STREET OCATED on the south side of I3 I st Street, within easy access to the Third, Sixth and Ninth avenue elevated road, I 2sth street station of the New York Central railroad and crosstown cars and the Lenox, Madison and Lexington avenue surface lines. Three apartments on a floor of five and six rooms. Conveniences: Glass and tile lined refrigerators, double floors highly polished, electric and gaslight fixtures, telephone, uniformed hall and elevator service, etc. Dimensions: 50 feet by IOO feet. Rents from $420 to $550 Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE C. M. SILVERMAN & SON Architects r Ul~lh;1M~' ~i7-C!~ Ali it:.... '." ~..S:S.,.~m '1: = ' /./ /-'-!,!. ' L_: e. _ i { i i. | e. I } Ililiq Ill JN:! LANi OF F u I I r2t1 r 24,26-r00 _..:'fWI I. PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS A1PARTMINT HOUISE.S Or 1THE_ MU'FI0POLIS 267 NORTHEAST CORNER THIRD AVENUE AND ST. PAULS PLACE IITUATED one block firom beautiful Crotona Park, two blocks from the Wendover avenue elevated station of the Third avenue line, where otle can transfer at 149th street for the Subway, and twentyfive minutes from City Hall. Surface cars pass the door, transferring one to any part of the Metropolis. TH E APARTMENTS consist of three and four rooms. Tiling, open plumbing, porcelain tubs and basins. The trim is of hardwood. Parlors are in miahogany, dining rooms in oak and chambers in hazel, Steam, hot water and gas ranges. Dimensions: 87 feet 4 inches by 66 feet, plot 87 feet 4 inches by 61 feet. Built by A. B. KIGHI A. B. KIGHT Architect Rents fro $ 80 to 264. _007-8 1y9V// YES f: THIRD AVENUE PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 268 APA!RTMENT HOUSES Or THE METROPILIS THE NAIRN AND THE BRODIE 125 AND 127 MANHATTAN STREET m Built by GEO. F. PELHAM GEORGE A. FISHER Architect 1006 ENTRALLY located, on the northwest corner ot Old Broadway, one hundred feet from the Subway station, and one block from the Amsterdam avenue surface lines. The i25th street crosstown cars pass the door. Apartments consist of five and six rooms. Trim throughout is of hardwood. Porcelain, tubs, sinks and basins, glass lined refrigerators, electric light, etc. Dimensions: The Nairn is 50 feet front by go feet deep. The Brodie is 50 feet front by 87 feet deep, on lots IOo feet deep. Rents from $420 to $588. X DIAGRAM OF LOCATION MANHATTAN STREET PLAN ()F FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAiUTMENT HOUSES OF THE MiTOPOLIS 269 THE AIELIN AND SOROFEEN NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAMILTON PLACE AND 141st STREET Built by GLASSER & EBERT SCHLENSINGER & FENCHEL Architects I 906 LOCATED in a very select neighborhood, near Riverside Drive and the City Colleges. Convenient to the Subway and the Amsterdam avenue surface lines. APARTMENTS are of four, five, six and seven rooms, one corner and two end stores. They contain many of the up-to-date conveniences. Dimensions: The Sorofeen, 47 feet 3 % inches by 43 feet 6 inches by 105 feet 45/6 inches by I23 feet 9 Y inches. The Aielin, 61 feet 3 inches by 8I feet 5 inches by 56 feet 5 inches by 1o5 feet 45/16 inches. Rents from $336 to $588. 7,5TORF' C~) PRO d+6_6 10~~f2.~4-0110 7AM 141- t i ~. 11. XITCHE nwo Room PARLO 9D* X 6d 09 1- 6rr 140 61 1M AO-5 l 12. Al" ~~~~~~~COURT' C-A1- 2r, -.9L /I.~a Z.to C o".0,62. 9 COURT 2~0,,76 ~ ~ 2Ks-o H7.V 7440-2 0~ -!i!~:E2 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 270 Built by THE MILLER REALTY CO. x9o5-6 YARFD 13-OA 00-0.f:;.^ __ F "^___ C ' " - I ' E; ' 0 ^ ^ *^~ _-R a s | - _e,-^:-'^''^:: 1 * *. l.''l- 1:l."|^*.l* ^*'*^"H l,,-'.^ - t ^ f l ' W Qt W f~f I?^lBII^^l^ES1! -M~o Ej IPAPITMNT HOlISLS Or THE METROPOLIS THE LEONORA AND NORALEA NORTHEAST CORNER HAMILTON PLACE AND 140th STREET BY being situated on one of the highest points of Washington Heights, these apartments enjoy a splendid outlook over the Hudson River, Palisades and the surrounding country. Two blocks from the Subway, and one block from the Amsterdam, Third and Sixth avenue surface lines. APARTMENTS are arranged in four, five and six room suites. Tiled baths; open plumbing, nickeled; gas and electric light fixtures. Long distance telephone in every apartment, storage rooms in basement, uniformed hall service. Dimensions: Io8 feet by o09 feet by 99 feet I I inches by 66 feet. Rents from $336 to $504. B. LEVITAN Architect w C/) PLAN O)F FIRST FLOOR t'i AN OF UPPER FL()ORS APARTMENT HOUISfS Of TtHE M''IOI'- )OLIS 27 '- 0 0 0;0...?.'!~:~i: I D EAL VI EW APARTMENTS "-'.... "'"' i ' -.'... ~'- NORTHWEST CORNER WADSWORTH AVENUE AND 179th STREET <;; OCATED in the neighborhood of Riverside Drive, and surrounded by all that is beautiful:in nature and vet accessible to the heart of New ;: P-;.::.:;': - '. —.:. ~ "......-:*: ^: ':.;' [ 1;. ' ":i;c~ '3I' D[,DFIELD, 1905 MOORE & LANDSEIDEL, Architects -! l! i i I FIRST FLOOR PLAN THE ST. CHARLES AND) THE WEST END LOCATED on the south side of the street at the i4.5th street Subway express station and one-half block from the Amsterdam, Third and Eighth avenue surface cars; 145th street crosstown line passes the door. The Ardmore and Chelmsford are each 37 feet 6 inches front, and the West End and St. Charles are each 50 feet front, all being too feet deep. APARTMFNTS are in suites of five and six rooms and there are two seven-room apartments. Rents from $360 to $660. 1: I FIRST FLOOR PLAN TIE ARDMORE AND THE CHELMSFORD UPPER FLOOR PLAN THE ARDMORE AND TmHE CHELMSFORD UPPER FLOOR PLAN THE ST. CHARLES AND THE WEST END APARTMENT HOUSES Or THC MrTPOIX)LIS 281 THE ETHELBERT COURT AND ROSECLIFF COURT 553-555_557-559 WEST 144th STREET UILT on a foundation of solid rock, in a select neighborhood 3 S X x tt00 S s E;iCCU>V aIRT -4:- t - IC 13T.WIE GEO. F. PELHAM Architect PI AN OF FIRST FLOOR Iz7fEE PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APA1PTMENT HOUSS O -rTHE MeTROPOLIS TWO APARTMENT HOUSES 34-38 ST. NICHOLAS PLACE LOCATED on the east side of St. Nicholas Place, directly opposite IS2nd Street. The rear commands a superb view of the Harlem River Valley and Colonial Park. Convenient to the Subway, and several West Side car lines two blocks away. APARTMENTS are arranged three on a floor, of four, five and six rooms and bath. Some of the many features are: Tiled baths, showers, Kenny system of flushing; medicine cabinets; glass lined refrigerators; electric light. Parlors are in mahogany finish, dining rooms are Colonial in style, finished in a golden oak with high paneled wainscoting, and capped with Dutch plate shelf. Dimensions: Each building has a frontage of 37 feet 6 inches by 88 feet, on plot ioo feet deep. Rents from $396 to $576. Built by KANTOR, COOPER & CO. I905 SCHWARTZ & GROSS A rchitects PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF Ul'PPER FLOORS ;PRPTMCNT c HOUSES OP THE METROPOLIS 288 THE ST. GEORGE, THE FRANCIS AND 529-531-5 WIEST 151st STREET THE DOROTHY Built by GEO, F. PELHAM SCHEER-GINSBERG REALTY AND CONST. CO Architect 190o5 LOCATED on the north side of I5ist Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. Convenient to the Subway and several surface car lines. APARTMENTS are in suites of four, five and six rooms and bath. The trim is of a superior quality of hardwood. Parlors and libraries are in birch, and have full length mirrors. Features: Tiled baths, nickel plated plumbing, medicine cabinets, glass lined refrigerators; dining rooms are paneled and capped with Dutch shelving. Dimensions of each building: 41 feet 8 inches front, by oo feet deep. Rents from $288 to $396. rr- Ij E-i I li ''I PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS PAI-AlTMEN-r HOLUSES OF THI- METIPOLIS THE ST. LORENZ APARTMENTS 520-522 WEST 148th STREE'r 289 Built by BERNSTEIN & 1 BERNSTE IN SAMUELS & SHAPIRO Architects 9go6 LOCATED between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, near the Subway and half a block from the Amsterdam avenue surface lines. APARTMENTS are arranged four on a floor, consisting ot four, five and six rooms. They have many modern improvements. Dimensions: 41 feet 8 inches by Ioo feet deep. Rents from $288 to $456. PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN (,F UPPER FLOORS 90 iPAI rMENT HOUSES OP THE MErTOPOLIS MODERN APARTMENTS 73-75 MANHATTAN STREET Near Amsterdam Avenue L OCATED within a block of the Manhattan street Subway station and the Broadway surface lines. A few feet from Amsterdam avenue several surface car lines and the I25th street crosstown cars passing the door. Riverside Drive is but three blocks away. Building is of brick and limestone. Halls and stairs are absolutely fireproof, with fireproof doors leading to apartments. APARTMENTS consist of four and five rooms; five suites on a floor. T Erim throughout is of a selected hardwood, cabinet make and highly polished EOUIPME'T: Porcelain tubs and sinks, glass lined refrigerators, gas ranges, tiled baths, nickel plated plumbing, mirrored medicine cabinets hot water supply and storage rooms in basement. Dimensions: 50 feet front by 87 feet, on plot Iloo feet deep. Rents from $264 to $432 I 3 Built by GEO. F. PELHAM GEO. A. FISHER CO. Architect j9o6 A r r1~ I F j E I PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS APAwrTMNT HOUSES OP THE METROILALIS 9it FOUR APARTMENT HOUSES ITUATED on West i64th Street, between Broadway and St. Nicholas Avenue, on one of the highest sections of Washingtoll Heights, and within easy access of the Subway and severalsurface car lines. APARTMENTS are arranged three on a floor, in suites of five and six roons. They are equipped and finished equal to many of the higher class elevator apartment houses of this city. Dimensions: Each building has a frontage of 38 feet by 99 feet I inches deep. Rents fromn $36o to $432. Built by NEVILLE & BAGGE M., J. BERNSTEIN Architects I9o6 PLAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS 292 IP)APTMCNT HOtlS5 OF THE MTR!OPOLIS A MODEL TENEMENT HOUSE 310 EAST HOUSTON STREET nullt Dy CHARLES I. WEINSTEIN T905 PLAN OF FIRST FLO(OR PLAN OF UPPER FLOOURS THIS building has a frontage of 22 feet 8 inches by I o feet 2: inches by 36 feet 3 inches by 106 feet 6 inches. There are four apartments to a floor, in suites of three, four and five rooms. The kitchens have galvanized iron sinks and ranges with boilers, dish closets, shelves, etc. Chambers are painted and contain wardrobes, shelves, coat hooks, etc. The parlors are papered and have frescoed ceilings and mirrored mantels. The entrance hall is laid out in patterns of ceramic tile with marble base and are burlapped. The ceilings are frescoed. The letter boxes are of bronze and the bells installed are adequately operative from every part of the house. Rents from $17 to $28 per month. 293 7APRRTMEN-r HOUSES Or rTH METIROOLIS r 1... I., I. I -. I.. I A M O DEL TENEMENT HOUSE 224-226 AVENUE B BUILDING has a frontage of 43 feet 6 inches by 82 feet by 95 feet. There are five apartments on.a floor in suites of four roolms and bath. For particulars concerning equipment, etc., refer to page 293 - Rents from per month. $20 to $25 Built by CHARLES I. WEINSTEIN I 90o4 GEO. F. PELHAM Architect PLAN OF UPPER F1OORS PILAN OF FIRST FLOOR 294 APARTMENT HOUSES OF THE METRIX)I LIS TWO MODEL TENEMENT HOUSES 504-508 EAST 12th STREEt Built by GEO. F. PELHAM CHARLES I. WEINSTEIN Architect X9o5 EACH building has a frontage of 37 feet 5 inches by 90 feet 3 inches by 103 feet 3 inches. There are five apartments on a floor; suites of three and four rooms. For further particulars concerning equipment, etc., refer to page 293. Rents from $15.00 to $20.oo per month. PILAN OF FIRST FLOOR PLAN OF UPPER FLOORS FPARTMENT HO(IUSS O T E METROPOLIS MISCELLANEOUS APARTMENTS 295 Six rooms,...$ 5-$70 Seven rooms,.. $65-$75 PRIVATE PARLOR L 110X1 ~|DINING R MAT D CHP _- ----- io-10^(5-0 KlTChol.O, LtbIRAtRYI. 00lo l 7-Ox 1 -n E HAL-L. KliltO I 0t013 *_I I |I:D |& | LROCO c..O.t DIINGO I4 O-rox IK^r40 PRIVALe tIALl-. PUbLIC PARLOR - - I Ox1 5 ~1 ^PRIVATEt- HALL> L I RARY CHAM bEcR cHA 8OVJI5 j I Gll-o l t-OA c CHAMb!R t - T-i lrc - 0 PARLOR;:OmINsW | OININM ROOM ia-0 t 16 - r6j,| 1 0 13-0x16 r |TYPICAL FLOOR -, COURT MAL10 CHAMEf 1 3-ox17-0 PARLOR 10 0s~40 CHAMR (00x100 "MAO's RM Y,0y1 x I 00 He ININt ROO u 15- r X -j. t,., I C~. M. L ~. Atl 10R:0. 6 A% X J. L C PAr R 011 W 0M I wy'^ g 12o.13- 1 l2-00f17O0 g [be 1 OH 8 C ^& I ll | 2-M irar-Q^N "i l~" x "i.2i. 0''~e,.>1,E _.... I AMSTERDAM AVENUE TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN I 6 rooms, $70o and upwards Seven rooms, $900-$I,000ooo 0. ri.l...;,^ ',.i t',,, ' Six large rooms, 840-,6o Seven,... 6 o-. 75.,.....:;;::,-. j:-. l.'":.. ''v f.? I,, ~ Iit -,,,E~....: ^^^^ Six rooms,... 855-$70 Seven rooms.. $65-75 I~r~- ~ai:-. ~. $ t/: d.r:, >. w;;..l k E 5, - '', '' "....':!, 11 t **;, ' *r,;^i- 1in '"'"'^ y -',,,f'.f t'z; b;e^ g > i 5: 00..,',..: I., n,. A+." Iu I f C"UAT 6- w- oe C IMI G H *bI. _ H_ - 1 Ce06N )C;. II T Po ma I 1~ -^2yK |- %11 I. t C HO A MbLR PC C- T o'l53 IS J -— C M.llbl~ i cHAMf ER NiT tma 4 hi. lff"' ~ ^6^^ F _ _ n O PA RLOR DLIRAR.ING iNi4N,,OOM PARLOP PARL OR jj lsl it4 3 K 4 2-6. IW4 |t5- iv4 <.-6f 1.4 ft f-j A165 3 tn|E KL 1 - CHIM E i o-4wloe TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN I I I l., THE TRINIDAD AND YUCATAN 501 WEST 138th STREET Northwest Corner 138th Street and Amsterdam Avenue PARLOR PARLOR LWR, 14s01l4-0 11Omt4fO 01* - '0 3-0 1 2-4 IL' It F | 4100 & o0 ' I ( I ZOO ~"bt| t4A"*m AMDEA _-. I- 2 pi At$-",, o,-o.9: TICN aLG FLO R i Ar001 - I 9AI. __0 *T H OtJ 1 I2 l Ii fc-r O rtol>^, w1 j KfTCHdl m" -- r * | bo*4tI *' 'ty I -. | 1 _ i - 6stJOq ttLJ^ ~l~t- CHAM tlE CMHAMettR zTCett 'LL r 1 9-0at^- 2 9;O *)1 j 6*.1- lo0 _ t__. _ A_ _ Y —J 1 - PDlNl ROOM DliNIN R00fj CtAlttA |CKMAMOtCR AMBEr= S C^MOCR Oreo1 I I |1120 ' 100"10 ULtbMr PABLOF4 PARLOR: Lif^I9 l PARLOR LIbWY| Om AR PARtOR | 0 o1tU0S ~2 011. 0 0 40*5-q *?2o|~ 0^^6; iao tZoII.! ia.otc1 TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN TINTERN AND TEVIOT 24652471 BROADWAY Between 91st and 92nd Streets,4" e, g*S~s,~vf+lwn~s-z*-z-wiX.l.f8-i,-FJile.. EWP,,,fleA-;E i.W G+*ksE~+~df -M~c~ ft,K I --: 298 7xxRwrTMCNT HOUSES Or THE MrTROPOLIS MISCELLANEOUS APARTMENTS j. s X r n 1 I a m 1 I a i r i I S i 1 a I I i II I I I r: I Aprtens egh oos n ti l batbt, extra toil et and two extra wasbstands, i, ioo and upwards. THE TROUVILLE 107th STREET AND BROADWAY Facing Schuyler Square I l f.. ~..-. - _ -..,. ^,. _ <, i i - TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN I I I I a i i i "~~ ~ O::. l::lll ',:-i:.i:~I:r --—:. -~; I- ~_. l~~l:; i1~ --- i *.',^. i ninnnn I,.. ^-~^j^^^-^ rf,^; *C~M ~~~ j ~~ >B, fufia w M S^"^ "6 i~lI Aprtmntsof fur arg I i i j I a i, 5 I I rr E I I i rooms and bath, $45-$5o. I 1,I I I:: *i '.:? 1' a |i c:~~~.;a!i*: I l ':i^: ^^,^,^i:F: 11 1i ^ TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN THE KILTONGA 540 WEST la2th STREET Near Btoadway II i I4 INDEX i I N D E X PAGE ABERDEEN, THE, 540-542 West I46th Street.......................... 220-221 AIELIN, THE, Hamilton Place near i41st Street........................ 269 ALCLYDE, THE, 2 West 94th Street................................. 166 ALEXANDER HAMILTON, N. E. Corner Broadway, and i6ist Street....... 80-81 ALGONAC COURT, 175 Audubon Avenue.-.......................... 74 ALLENEL, THE, 3O10 West 93d Street.............................. 250 ALTOONA, THE, 619 West 135th Street............................... 261 AMBASSADOR, THE, S. E. Corner Madison Avenue and 97th Street...... 126 ANNAMERE COURT, 609-615 West lI5th Street....................... 199 A-RE-CO COURT, Westchester Avenue and Southern Boulevard............. 98-99 ARDMORE, THE, 532 West I45th Street............................... 280 ARLINGTON, THE, 506-508 West 13th Street......................... 256 ARNOLD HALL, 320 West 96th Street.............................. 262 ARTHUR HALL, N. E. Corner Madison Avenue and 96th Street......... 149 ATHOS, THE, 152-154 West xi8th Street............................. 205 AUDUBON PARK, THE, Southeast Corner Broadway and 156th Street...... 114 AUDUBON COURT, 2-4 St. Nicholas Place............................. 208 PAGE FAIRHOLM, THE, 503 West I2ist Street................................ 207 FAIRVIEW COURT, I75 Claremont Avenue.............................. 212 FALKLAND, THE, 530-532 West 147th Street........................... 282 FANTANA, THE, Northwest Corner Amsterdam Avenue and tlith Street.... 162-163 FERNWOOD, THE, Northeast Corner Prospect Avenue and i64th Street..... 169 FIORA-VILLE, THE, 616 West it6th Street............................ 60 FLORENTINE, THE, 540-542 West 124th Street.......................... 177 FONTAINBLEAU, THE, i851 Seventh Avenue........................... 296 FORT TRYON, THE, Northeast Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and i8oth Street. 77 FRANCIS, THE, 531 West I5Ist Street................................ 288 FULTON HALL, 324 West 96th Slreet................................. 262 GAINSBOROUGH STUDIOS, 222-224 West 59th Street.....................218-219 GARELOCK, THE, 534-536 West I47th Street....................... 282 GIRARD, THE, 527 West 12Ist Street.................................. 242 GLENWOOD, THE, 615 West I35th Street............................... 261 GRAND VIEW, THE, Southwest Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and T55th Street 156 GRAMERCY COURT, 152-I56 East 22nd Street........................... 248 GRANT, THE, 518 West 122nd Street..................... 253 BACHELOR APARTMENTS, 225-229 West 69th Street.................... BANCROFT, THE, 424 West 146th Street.............................. BARIEFORD, THE, 49 Claremont Avenue.............................. BEACONSFIELD, THE, S. E. Corner Riverside Drive and i36th Street..... BELLEHAVEN, THE, 515 W. i24th Street............................ BELLFONTE, THE, 514-518 West 143d Street.......................... BELLEMORE, THE, 607-609 West iH5th Street......................... BERKSHIRE, THE, 622 West 179th Street and ii5 Wadsworth Avenue.... BERTHA, THE, 515 W est Hith Street................................ BERTRAM, THE, Southeast Corner Broadway and l29th Street......... BLENNERHASSET, THE, 507 West nith Street.......................... BONAVISTA COURT, 945-949 St. Nicholas Avenue..................... BORDEAUX, THE, S. E. Comer Riverside Drive and i27th Street....... BOWNETT, THE, It W est 8ist Street................................. BROADVIEW, TiE, 606 West it6th Street............................. BRODIE, THE, 127 Manhattan Street................................. BRYN MAWR, THE, S. E. Corner Amsterdam Avenue and 12Ist Street... BURLINGTON, THE, 505-517 West 134th Street........................ 217 264 168 84 249 185 231 274 227 276 226 279 108 58 59 268 157 284 HAGUE COURT, Southwest Corner Morningside Avenue and ri8th Street.... 89 HANCOCK, THE, Northwest Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and 124th Street... 73 HANOVER, THE, Northeast Corner Park Avenue and 83rd Street........... 55 HAMILTON COURT, Hamilton Place, i43rd to 144th Street.............. 121-123 HARVARD COURT, 705 St. Nicholas Avenue............................ 228 HAWARDEN HALL, 2100 2106 Fifth Avenue............................ 138. 139 HELENA, THE, Amsterdam Avenue, near l2th Street.................... 162-164 IIENDRIK HUDSON, THE, Riverside Drive and toth Street.............. 11-15 HENDRIK HUDSON ADDITION, THE, Broadway and iioth Street........... 16-17 HIGHMOUNT, 572-574 West I41St Street............................... 130-131 HILLEL HALL, Northwest Corner Amsterdam Avenue and log9th Street..... 160 H UDSON H ALL, 628 W est tt4th Street................................ 178-179 HULDANA, THE, Amsterdam Avenue, near inIth Street.................. 162-164 IIYPERION, THE, 318-320 West 84th Street............................ 257 CAMDEN, THE, 206 West 95th Street.................................... 243 CASTLE COURT, Southeast Corner Broadway and I22nd Street............ 118 CASTLETON, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and i42nd Street.......... 127-129 CATHEDRAL HALL, 229 Cathedral Parkway (noth Street)................ 240 CHATSWORTH AND ANNEX, THE, Riverside Drive and 72nd Street..... 7-9 CHANTILLY, THE, I855 Seventh Avenue............................ 2% CHELMSFORD, THE, 536 West I45th Street............................. 280 CHESTER HALL, Northwest Corner Amsterdam Avenue and io7th Street.... 160 CHISLEHURST, THE, Fort Washington Avenue, near l8oth Street.......... 200 CLARENDON, THE, Southeast Corner Riverside Drive and 86th Street..... 40-41 CLAREMONT COURT. 546 Riverside Drive............................. 188-189 CLARENCE, THE, 310 West 93rd Street................................ 229 COLONIAL COURT, Southwest Comer Broadway and 142nd Street......... 85 COLONIAL, THE, West iH5th Street, near Amsterdam Avenue............. 241 CONCORD HALL, Southeast Corner Riverside Drive and il9th Street....... 52-53 CONCRETE APARTMENTS, 616-628 West I37th Street.................... 176 CONFORTIOR HALL, Southeast Corner Broadway and 124th Street......... 100-101 CORONET COURT, Riverside Drive and t39th Street..................... 93 COURTENAY, THE, 55 Central Park West............................. 63 CRAGSMOOR, THE, West ii5th Street, near Amsterdam Avenue............ 241 CRESCENT COURT, Southwest Corner Claremont Avenue and 127th Street... 148 CROMWELL, THE, Northwest Corner Broadway and i37th Street........... 135 CROMWELL, THE, Northeast Corner Riverside Drive and 137th Street...... 134 CROMWELL, THE, I West i37th Street................................. 174-175 IDEAL VIEW, Northwest Corner Wadsworth Avenue and I79th Street..... 271 INVERMARK, THE, Northeast Corner Audubon Avenue and i82nd Street.. 265 IRVING ARMS, Northeast Corner Riverside Drive and 94th Street......... 142-143 KATHMERE, THE. Northwest Corner Broadway and i35th Street......... 95 KENDAL COURT, 517-523 West Iith Street............................ 170-171 KEYSTONE, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and i45th Street.......... 75 KILTONGA, THE, 540 West i2th Street..............................., 297 KING, THE, 56460 East 87th Street.................................. 236 KINGS COLLEGE, THE, N. W. Corner Amsterdam Avenue and I22d Street.. 144-145 KNICKERBOCKER, THE, Southwest Corner Union Avenue and 158th Street. 161 KNOWLTON COURT, Broadway, i58th to 159th Street.................... 67-69 LAFAYETTE COURT, 560 West 148th Street.............................. 263 LAFAYETTE COURT, 251-255 West 129th Street.......................... 210 LAFAYETTE, THE, Southeast Corner Manhattan Avenue and I14th Street.... 295 LANGHAM, THE, Central Park West, 73d to 74th Street.................18-23 LANSDOWN, THE, 352-356 West 46th Street........................... 180-181 LASANNO COURT, 307-313 West 79th Street............................ 62 LA TOURAINE, 46 Morningside Drive............................... 150 LA VALENCIENNES, 404 West ii6th Street.............................. 245 LEONORA AND NORALEA, THE, N. E. Corner Hamilton Place and i4oth St 270 LESLIE COURT, Southwest Corner Broadway and i37th Street............. 136 LINCON THE 3o6247 LNCOLN, THE, 306-310 West 5Ist Street............................... 247 LUCERNE, THE, 503-507 West 143d Street.............................234235 LUCETINE, THE, 35-39 West 96th Street............................... 223 LUCIAN, THE, West i29th Street, near Broadway....................... 276 LUIDESAY, THE, 522-524 West I47th Street............................ 282 LUSITANIA COURT, 402-410 West I48th Street......................... 195 DELAWARE, THE, 5 I 8 West I22nd Street.............................. DORILTON, THE, I7t West 71st Street................................ DOROTHY, THE, 533 West I5Ist Street............................... DUDLEY COURT, 565-569 West l39th Street............................ EAST VIEW, THE, Northwest Corner Morningside Drive and ii8th Street... ELBE, THE, Northwest Corner Riverside Drive and x43rd Street.......... ELIZABETH, THE, Southwest Comer Broadway and io5th Street........... EL MORRO, THiE, 606 West i37th Street............................... ETHELBERT COURT, 553-555 West i44th Street......................... EUAFAULA, THE, Northeast Corner Hamilton Place and 139th Street....... EUGENE, THE, 521-523 West 182nd Street........................... 233 33-35 288 184 158 159 153 230 281 102 285 MAGNET, THE, Broadway, i40th to!4Ist Street........................ 86 MANHASSETT, THE, Broadway, io8th to io9th Street................ 30-32 MANHATTAN COURT, S. E. Corner Manhattan Avenue and 1Gist Street.... 72 MANITOU, THE, 221 West 14]st Street................................. 172-173 MANNADOS. THE, I7 East 97th Street................................. I MANSFIELD, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and 149th Street........... 82-83 ii *0 I N D E X PAGE PAGE MARCELLUS, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and Manhattan Street..... 277 MARIMPOL COURT, 521-523 West I22nd Street......................... 244 MAYBELL, THE, N. W. Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and i57th Street....... 266 MAYFIELD, THE, 15 East ioth Street............................... 198 -MECKLENBURG, THE, Southwest Corner Broadway and I46th Street........ 76 MEDINA, THE, Claremont Avenue, between iz5th and i27th Streets....... 209 MIAMI, THE, 519 West I2Ist Street.................................... 242 MILTONA, THE, 28 30 West 131st Street............................. 239 MIRAMAR, THE, 612 West I37th Street.................,.............. 230 MODEL TENEMENTS, 3IO East Houston Street.......................... 292 MODEL TENEMENTS, 224-226 Avenue B............................. 293 MODEL TENEMENTS, 504-508 East I2th Street.......................... 294 MONTALVA COURT, N. W. Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and I46th Street.... 120 MONTEBELLO, THE, 548 Riverside Drive............................. 190-191 MONTVALE, THE, 89 St. Nicholas Place............................... 251 MONT CENIS, THE, 50 Morningside Drive........................... 150 MOUNT MORRIS, THE, Northeast Corner Fifth Avenue and t26th Street.... 106 MUNROE, THE, West II5th Street, near Amsterdam Avenue............. 241 NAIRN, THE, 125 Manhattan Street.......................... 268 NEWPORT COURT, 111-17 West i04th Street........................... 196-197 NONPAREIL, THE, 83 St. Nicholas Place............................. 251 NOTTINGHAM, THE, 33-37 East 3oth Street............................ 66 SOROFEEN, THE, Northeast Corner Hamilton Place and I4ISt Street....... 269 SPENCER, THE, 523 West I2Ist Street............................... 242 STAMFORD, THE, 502-504 West II3th Street.......................... 256 STANLEY COURT, Northwest Corner West End Avenue and Io6th Street.... 42-43 STERLING, THE, 76 West 86th Street................................ 96-97 STOCKTON, THE, Southeast Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and t65th Street.. 113 STOCKBRIDGE, THE, 603-605 West I38th Street.......................202-203 ST. CHARLES, THE, 540 West 145th Street.......................... 280 ST. CHARLES COURT, 31-35 West IISth Street.................................... 182-183 ST. CLOUD, THE, Northeast Corner Prospect Avenue and I64th Street.... 169 ST. DENIS, THE, Northeast Corner Riverside Drive and 92nd Street....... 54 ST. FRANCIS COURT, Northeast Corner Riverside Drive and 135th Street... 140-141 ST. GEORGE, THE, 529 West 15Ist Street............................... 288 ST. LORENZ, THE, 520-522 West I48th Street......................... 289 ST. Louis, THE, 319 West 94th Street................................. 211 ST. REGIS, THE, Southwest Corner Prospect Avenue and 163d Street....... 105 SULGRAVE, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and 139th Street............ 78-79 SUNNYCREST, THE, 61I West iI3th Street....................... 204 OGONTZ, THE, 509-515 West 122nd Street............................ ORIENTA, THE, 302-306 West 79th Street.............................. PALMERSTON, THE, N. W. Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and I84th Street.... PALISADE COURT, Northwest Corner Broadway and I39th Street.......... PANTHEON, THE, Amsterdam Avenue, nI4th to is5th Street.............. PARK COURT, 407 West IISth Street............................ PARK VIEW, THE, 237 Cathedral Parkway (Bioth Street).................. PATERNO, THE, 620 West ii6th Street................................. PENNINGTON, THE, 314-3I8 West 95th Street........................ PETER STUYVESANT, THE, Northeast Comer Riverside Drive and 98th Street PIEDMONT, THE, 316 West 97th Street................................ PINEHURST, THE, Northwest Corner Fort Washington Avenue and I8oth Street PIONEER, THE, 537-539 West 155th Street......................... PONCHETRAIN, THE, 312-3I6 West Iogth Street........................ PORTHOS, THE, I46-I48 West In8th Street.............................. PRESCOTT, THE, 420 West i46th Street....................................... 206 64 110 297 273 216 240 60 201 44-45 237 90-91 283 65 205 264 TALLADEGA, THE, S. E. Corner Hamilton Place and i4oth Street......... TEMPLE HALL, Southwest Corner Lenox Avenue and I21st Street........ TERRACE, THE, 405 West 1n8th Street.............................. TERRACE COURT, S. E. Corner Riverside Drive and 93rd Street........... TINTERN AND TEVIOT, 2465-2471 Broadway.................. TRINIDAD AND YUCATAN, THE, 501 West I38th Street.................. TROUVILLE, THE, Broadway and io7th Street.......................... TUXEDO, THE, 30-34 East 128th Street............................... UNIVERSITY COURT, N. W. Corner Morningside Drive and n7th Street..... VAN CORTLANDT, THE, Northwest Comer Park Avenue and 96th Street.... VANCOUVER, THE, 518-520 West 94th Street........................... VAN DYCK, THE, N. E. Corner Amsterdam Avenue and 72nd Street....... VERONIQUE, THE, Riverside Drive, opposite Grant's Tomb............... VERSAILLES, THE, I845 Seventh Avenue.............................. 103 115 246 50-51 297 297 298 152 71 104 214 28-29 213 295 RAFFORD HALL, Northwest Corner Broadway and 144th Street........... 87 REED HOUSE, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and I2ISt Street.......... 118 REGENT HALL, Northeast Corner Broadway and 123rd Street.............. 146-147 RHINELAND COURT, Southeast Corner Riverside Drive and 97th Street..... 154-155 RIDGEWOOD, THE, Northeast Corner Broadway and i07th Street.......... 296 RIVERCREST, THE, S. W. Cor. Fort Washington Avenue and i6oth Street.. 112 RIVERDALE, THE, S. E. Corner Riverside Drive and 79th Street.......... 56-57 RIVERVIEW COURT, 629 West I36th Street........................ 260 RIVERVIEW, THE, Southwest Corner Broadway and 149th Street......... 151 RIVERVIEW, THE, 316 West 93rd Street................................ 229 ROBERT FULTON, THE, Northeast Corner Riverside Drive and 95th Street.. 94 ROBERT, THE, 14-16 West Io7th Street................................. 225 ROCHAMBEAU, THE, I858-1860 Seventh Avenue........................ 232 ROCHAMBEAU, THE, 312 Manhattan Avenue.......................... 295 ROCKCLYFFE, THE, Southeast Corner Broadway and 141st Street........... 130-131 ROSECLIFF COURT, 557-559 West I44th Street.......................... 281 ROSEDALE, THE, 352-354 West Ii8th Street............................ 258 ROSSLEIGH COURT, N. W. Corner Central Park West and 85th Street...... 36-37 ROTHSAY, THE, 526-528 West I47th Street.......................... 282 ROYAL ARMS, THE, SouthwestCorner Broadway and I38th Street........... 137 SADIVIAN ARMS, THE, S. W. Corner St. Nicholas Avenue and 145th Street. 109 SAGUENAY, THE, Southeast Corner Broadway and i43d Street............ 127-128 SANDRINGHAM, THE, Claremont Avenue, Opposite I25th Street.......... 255 SANTA MONICA, THE, 345 West 7oth Street.......................... 186-187 SAN SALVADORE, THE, 2 West 98th Street............................ 161 SARASOTA, THE, 512 West I22d Street............................. 254 SAVOY, THE, 6I0-612 West mIlth Street................................ 252 SAXONIA, THE, Northwest Corner Broadway and 136th Street............ 132-133 SEVERN, THE, Southeast Comer Amsterdam Avenue and 73d Street....... 28-29 SIGFRIED, THE, Southwest Corner Amsterdam Avenue and I12th Street... 162-165 SIMNA HALL, 525-527 West I22d Street................................ 244 SONOMA, THE, Claremont Avenue, near I25th Street..................... 209 WALLACE, THE, Southeast Corner Broadway and I49th Street............. 117 WARREN HALL, 404 West II5th Street................................ 224 WASHINGTON ARMS, 554 West I48th Street.............. 263 WASHINGTON COURT, Northeast Corner Broadway and I43rd Street....... 124-125 WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, Northeast Corner Broadway and 159th Street...... 107 WASHINGTON IRVING, Southeast Corner Broadway and 1i2th Street.......... 38-39 WASHINGTON SQUARE, THE, 82-86 Washington Place................... 222 WELDON, THE, 205 West IoIst Street................................... 215 WEST END HALL, 840-848 West End Avenue.......................... 88 WEST END, THE, 544 West I45th Street............................. 280 WILSHIRE, 602-604 West i39th Street..........................202-203 WINGATE HALL, Northwest Corner Broadway and 40oth Street..........130-131 WOODWARD HALL, Southeast Corner Madison Avenue and 96th Street..... 119 WYOMING, THE, Southeast Comer Seventh Avenue and 55th Street........ 24-27 ZENOBIA, THE, 215-221 West iloth Street............................ 192-193 FOUR APARTMENT HOUSES, WEST I64TH STREET...................... 28 EAST 55TH STREET............................................. 34-38 ST. NICHOLAS PLACE.................................... 73-75 MANHATTAN STREET........................................ 125 RIVERSIDE DRIVE........................................... 135-137 WEST 123D STREET...............................,,, 471 PARK AVENUE.................................................. 534 WEST 152ND STREET.......................................... 535 WEST 15 IST STREET....................................... 1437-145I BOSTON ROAD........................................ 2321-2323 OLD BROADWAY....................................... NORTHEAST CORNER THIRD AVENUE AND ST. PAULS PLACE............ NORTHEAST CORNER SECOND AVENUE AND ST. MARKS PLACE........... NORTHEAST CORNER VANDERBILT AND GATES AVENUES................. NORTHWEST CORNER BROADWAY AND i80TH STREET................... 291 48 287 290 46-47 259 4.5-6 238 238 275 286 267 272 278 92 BIOGRAP HIES EMANUEL M. KRULEWITCH....,................. JOHNSON-KAHN COMPANY.................................. J. AXELROD-GEO. F. PELHAM........................................ PATERNO BROS., INC............................................... ROBERT M. SILVERMAN............................................. ROBERT W ALLACE................................................. 194 10 49 61 70 116 41 i 4 4I *. I ; it ii: i. 1;::: t1, t: i. s;;:~ 1 ~;;i ~-:::a 1 -. ,.;.. ~:: ~: ~ I; c ~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ab:~;:: i r b ~i ~ 1 ~:~ I-I 1 -: - I i ~ ~ :~;.; 1 I;;~-~.'r i r b:';:: 1:1::: r~ I:;~~; la_ ~::i I:~ ~.;i fi -: t ~ 9 - ~ ~. ~ ~; ~t ~~ ~. ~:.? I-~;~.: i ii::~: ~~. ~ ~;~:1: ~-.: -; ~.:~; ~~: ~: c ~~: i i:"C i..- 2 r: 9: B: V'. n-:'C : I J1 -t - fi I %C;'i j:IZ 1 U L /D 1 -~ E:: 1 WE: - f ;ti: C-J~f l"r"' Y:Y:- _:::r `u- grT~f -r YJ n r -7 \e i;r r c~ :1Y:~IE:i XIY: :!i:`6X 1Y I\C~ cS1 1'7~ L PYL..t. I\ .:L I"I Y~ h i I JICT Ya II hi \ %FTL Kn-:-A; A;VE 't -1 JJ T I n i,, T anri /I T L\e J3, rV 19py I, I/ I LIIIL j ~. R IT i j- r; k I I i,`SC~Jt.. 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