MIE MOIRS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. VOLUME IV.-PART II. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY C. BAIRD, (SUCCESSOR TO E. L. CAREY,) FIFTII AND MARKET STREETS. SOLD ALSO BY JOIN PENINGTON, NO. 10 SOUTH FIFTH STREET. AND MAURICE BYWATER, FIFTH AND WALNUT STREETS. 1850. PHILADELPHIA: C. SHERMAN, PRINTER. CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Discourse delivered before the Historical Society, February 21, 1842, on the Colonial History of the Eastern and some of the Southern States. By Job R. Tyson, Esq., V. P.. 5 2. Remarks and General Observations on Mercer County, Pennsylvania. By B. Stokely, the first actual resident Settler in the County,....... 65 3. A Particular Geographical Description of the lately discovered Province of Pennsylvania, by Francis Daniel Pastorius. Translated from the original German, by Lewis H. Weiss,.... 83 4. The Society's Circular, January, 1845,... 105 5. Incidents in the Early History of Crawford County, Pa. By Alfred Huidekoper,.......113 6. Letter from J. S. M'Calmont, of Franklin, Venango County, Pa........... 164 7. Letter from Lyman Robinson, of Wattsburg, Erie County, Pa......173 8. Description of Economy, Beaver County, Pa. By R. i/. Baker,.......... 183 9. Notes respecting the Indians of Lancaster County, Pa. By William Parker Foulke,....... 188 10. Constitution of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania,. 221 11. Catalogue of Papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware, deposited at the State Paper Offibe, London,.. 225 12. Lists of the Officers and Contributing Members of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania,.... 387, 389 D I S C O URS E ON THE COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE EASTERN AND SOME OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. IN an Address which I had the honour to deliver before this Society, a few years ago, I ventured to suggest the want of a history of Pennsylvania, during and since the eventful era of the Revolution. Those lines of the picture were feebly and imperfectly traced, which it would be the duty of the historian to fill up and to animate. Permit me. on the present occasion, to cast a glance behind that period, and instead of surveying the great events of which it was the epoch, to investigate some of its remoter causes. The exploration of this field, leads us not merely beyond the confines of Pennsylvania, not merely to the stamp and impost acts, which were the immediate precursors of the struggle, but to eras and boundaries more remote and distant. I shall humbly submit to the Society, upon an inquiry into the historical doctrines which have been disseminated respecting 6 THE SUBJECT OF FORMER DISCOURSE. the origin of our independence, and of the spirit as well as form of our political system, whether the integrity of truth does not demand a new history of our colonial settlements. This subject may be considered upon a casual view, as out of the legitimate pale of the researches and speculations of a state historical society. But I am invited to its discussion by its intimate connexion with the topics of my former Discourse, and by the relation it bears to the whole subject of our domestic history. If any apology is necessary for leaving the beaten track of Pennsylvania annals, it is to be found in the recent amendment to the Constitution of the Society, which widens the circle of our investigations so as to include the transactions of the sister states and foreign countries. The colonies which had united against the parent country at the revolution, had no sooner accomplished the object of their union, than a spirit was discernible of willingness to magnify their comparative deserts. While the minds of men are heated in contemplating the glory of a great exploit, the splendour of an acknowledged victory, many candidates will appear to claim the distinction of prominent and meritorious actors. But the rivalry of even ambitious soldiers, has not ventured to arrogate for any one state or colony, the extravagant merit of having routed the enemy both at Saratoga and Trenton, at Monmouth and Yorktown. All may challenge a participation in the glory of the heroic deeds which were done, and of the great spirits who achieved them. No state or colony can monopolize this glory. Pennsylvania points, among many others, to the merits and sacrifices of her Dickinson and Morris, her Thomson and Franklin. THE REVOLUTION. 7 Massachusetts may justly claim to have struck the first blow in the quarrel, to have committed the first overt act of defiance to British authority. While to the East belong Hancock, Otis, Warren, Quincy, the Adamses, and a host of other illustrious names, Virginia bears aloft, even more proudly, an assemblage of chosen patriots, at whose head stands GEORGE WASHINGTON, primus absque secundo. She may boast, that without her Washington and Henry, the war had ended in the hapless consequences incident to an unsuccessful revolt,-in the reproach of rebels and insurgents to the actors,-in the fate of confirmed and hopeless subjection to the country. All-the East, the Middle States, and the South,-were animated by the same lofty determination to resist oppression; all vindicated by their conduct a right to a place in that temple, which the genius of freedom has consecrated to virtue and to valour. But a higher pretension has been set up than the military conduct of battles. The historians of the New England states contend, that to them belongs the exclusive honour of having originated the free principles which followed our independence, as a political society, by sowing the seeds which gave them birth. They trace them to the great principles of libeity, which, as they assert, were discovered, fostered, and maintained by their Puritan ancestors. They challenge this high glory for those who landed on the Plymouth Rock in 1620, and for their immediate successors who founded Boston, and finally spread themselves over Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the other districts of the New England confederacy. If these claims be justly founded, they may well appropriate, not the inferior honour of gaining the battles of the 8 THE REVOLUTION-ITS GLORY CLAIMED BY NEW ENGLAND. revolution, but the moral triumphs of the whole proud enterprise. They are emphatically the founders of our liberty, if we are indebted to them for the discovery of its principles. If they struck out the bright and happy idea of the elective franchise, and endured those sacrifices and toils inseparable from the planting and rearing of infant freedom, they at once become the unrivalled benefactors of mankind. These pretensions are made by eastern writers with seriousness, and contended for with ability and fervour. They are not confined to an insulated volume, memoir, tract, or sermon, but they pervade the historical and miscellaneous literature of New England. From regular histories and biographies, through the gradations of reviews, school books, and pamphlets, by means of centennial, Plymouth Rock, and Fourth of July orations, down to repertories and newspapers, this sentiment of having discovered and applied the seminal principles of the revolution, is conveyed in every form which fond reverence or local partiality can assume. Many of those documents and books which display the alteram partem, -the other side of the question,-remain inedited, or have become so rare as to be inaccessible, except to the curious and antiquarian eye.* When it is remembered that the eastern writers have had almost the exclusive formation of the youthful mind, in this country, for upwards of half a century, it cannot be a matter of surprise, that a race of authors is kept up, who, with devoted enthusiasm for the perpetuity of this ancestral fame, are interweaving it into the body of contemporary literature in * Appendix A. THIS CLAIM EXAMINED. 9 the thousand nameless forms of verse and prose, as if to secure its transmission to future times as an axiom of unquestioned and admitted history. The justice of these assumptions may be examined and discussed in this meridian, if any where, without the imputation of partial prejudices, or selfish motives. The eastern and southern colonies, being arrayed, in the times of Charles the First and Cromwell, on opposite sides, it is not easy for the descendants of either, to view the conduct of the other, through a calm and dispassionate medium. But the founders of the Province of Pennsylvania, and their successors, did not mingle in those exciting controversies, which involved the fate of the Church and State of England. Surveying then the contest from a new and perhaps more elevated point, and sufficiently removed by the lapse of time, as well as by geographical position from the scene of strife, we may assume at least the merit of being more impartial and disinterested witnesses. Neither Puritans nor Royalists, neither Roundheads nor Cavaliers, but claiming descent from a different ancestry, and standing on neutral ground, we may consider the circumstances and events which the disquisition embraces, in a spirit of juster criticism and sounder philosophy. The problem respecting the origin of those principles which lie at the' base of our political edifice, is purely a proposition of history, requiring simply an historical deduction, and exclusively within the province of the historian. It is not a subject of empty and barren curiosity, but involves a question of historical truth, and historical justice. Nothing but the blindness resulting from superficial research, or the most devoted filial perversity, could induce a belief that the 2 10 TIE FREE PRINCIPLES OF AMERICA idea of an elective republic was started or suggested by either of the colonies which settled this country. It is an historical fallacy almost too obvious for serious discussion. But the frequency of its repetition, and the respectability of those who maintain it, justify and demand a respectful and formal examination of this question, as a branch of the ulterior inquiry. If we simply point to the Athenian and Lacedemonian republics; the Amphictyonic Council and Achaean League; the union of the German States, and the Dutch confederacy under the Stadtholder;-we find in all these, that the popular voice was recognised in nearly pure democracies. If we look to the native land of the colonists,-that land in which their love of freedom was imbibed-we find the people professedly represented in a lower house of Parliament. The ideas which these governments suggest, present to us, without any great exertion of original thought, all the materials of so simple a machinery. The former exhibit the recognition of popular sovereignty, and in England we see the representative system existing, with no slight infusion of popular rights. But leaving the records of Pagan antiquity for the history of modern Europe, let us see whether the doctrine of the divine right of kings, and of an arbitrary, irresponsible prerogative, had been exclusively preached before the era of western colonization. It cannot escape attention that in the contests between King and Clergy, lights were struck out, at an early period, by which the people were directed in their efforts to dissipate the thick gloom which surrounded them, after the subversion of the Roman Empire; Pope Zachary taught the French nation, in the eighth DISCOVERED BEFORE ITS COLONIZATION. 11 century, a lesson which was acted upon by the Italian cities in the tenth. St. Thomas of Aquinas, about this time, attacked the dogma of the divine right of kings, declaring that civil governments are not jure divino, but jure humano; that princes should be selected on the score of personal virtue by the whole population; and that all citizens were eligible alike to political stations. What effect these sentiments may have produced in the beautiful plains of Italy, where they were uttered, may be conjectured from the remarkable events of which, soon after, it became the theatre. The Italian cities began to declare themselves independent communities, with all the power and attributes, in substance and form, of popular sovereignties. Milan led the way in the tenth century, and though she suffered for her temerity, the principle of popular ascendancy was asserted and maintained. Frederick Barbarossa, about half a century afterwards, demolished the walls of Milan, and sowed salt upon its foundations. But the spirit of popular liberty, though assailed, could not be extinguished. The celebrated League of Lombardy was formed by the other free cities of Italy, to protect the confederates against external invasion, and to make common cause in rebuilding the city of Milan. These cities were able to withstand the power of Frederick, who, after various reverses, was willing to conclude a treaty at Constance, which acknowledged their independence as separate communities. Here then, in that fertile and delicious valley, enclosed by the Alps, the Apennines, and the Gulf of Venice, we find the first establishment in Europe of popular freedom. It is here, in Italy, the land consecrated by poetry and the arts, that we are to seek the cradle of modern liberty. Nor can 12 FREEDOM IN ITALY AND THE ROMISH CHURCH. the historian who would trace effects to their legitimate causes, fail to perceive, in powerful co-operation with these events, the agency of the representative assemblies and liberal policy of the Roman Catholic Church; nor the crowning results of Justin's Pandects, which were discovered and diffused in the eleventh century. Free institutions were established in the cities of France, Germany, and Flanders, about the year 1300. From the free towns of Switzerland sprang the celebrated league of the Forest Cantons, a community having for its model the confederated cities of Italy. This condition of things remained undisturbed by the convulsions which ensued, down to the epoch of the Lutheran reformation. In England, free principles lay embedded in the AngloSaxon trunk, notwithstanding the startling paradox of Sir James Mackintosh, that the institutions of England, during the Saxon dynasty, were " democratic and popular" only with reference to the nobles. We find the usurping Henry I. and Stephen, promising at the beginning of their respective reigns, to restore the Saxon institutions, a pledge always acceptable to the people, and the most likely to conciliate their personal regard. It was to secure the restitution of these Saxon laws, after the Norman conquest, that blood and treasure, in many an outbreak, were unavailingly wasted. These Saxon laws, which breathe so much of the essence of enlightened freedom, form, together with Saxon customs and Saxon immunities, the groundwork of the English common law at the present day;-a system whose highly liberal genius and plastic power constitute its value and its glory. It was this leaven, which, steady and unseen, worked its way amidst the errors and vices of princes, the turbulence of nobles, and the ambition of pontiffs. FREEDOM IN ENGLAND. 13 The effect of these struggles for liberty, was hardly perceptible until the reign of Henry the Seventh. Rights then began to be defined, and a more distinct idea of civil liberty to be entertained among the commons. It was then that the tender germs of popular rights were nourished and invigorated by an intimate commerce with Flanders, where the people were tinctured, by means of their municipal privileges, with more enlarged and juster conceptions of popular government. Before the close of the reign of Henry the Third, the English Parliament assumed, in form, much the appearance it now wears; the right of representation being admitted among that portion of the community who resided in boroughs and cities. This right of representation was gradually extended and amplified by a greater incorporation of popular rights, until it grew at length to that imperfect image of the British constitution, which the late reforms have rendered in practice more consonant with the genius and theory of the common law. This meagre reference to several prominent events in the history of modern Europe, will serve to illustrate the extent to which free institutions had been carried, before the settlement of the North American Provinces. It will show how little room there was for political discovery by any of the colonists, and that all which remained, was to adapt the eternal principles of civil freedom-that freedom which the page of history unfolded, or their own ancestors had transmitted to them-to the peculiar circumstances of their situation. It will show that the cause of popular sovereignty, the right of the majority to govern, the principle of legislative representation, all had their birth before the episcopal reformation was established in England under Edward the Sixth, and before Puritanism or Quakerism had an existence. 14 PURITANISMI IN ELIZABETH'S REIGN. Let us now glance at the origin of Puritanism in England, and observe the features which characterized its first developement there. We shall then be able to see with what integrity the Puritan colonists carried out the principles for which they were contending in the old world, or enlarged them upon a theatre in all respects suited to their display. The early age of Puritanism, like the primeval age of all new doctrines and opinions, was marked by fervour and extravagance. It was the first-born offspring of the art of printing, and the revival of letters, under the nursing care of the early reformers. The austerity of life and doctrine; the rejection of human learning; and the grotesque and whimsical names which were given to children;-these exhibit a state of mental riot, a height of religious frenzy, having few parallels in the history of the human mind. Bishop Burnet alleges that there was the strongest disposition, in the predominant church, to treat the moderate Puritans with irdulgence and lenity. The concessions of Elizabeth were indignantly rejected by the stauncher Puritans, who replied, in the language of Moses to Pharaoh, "there shall not a hoof be left behind."* These prosecuted their opposition to episcopacy with all the ardour of reformers, and all the enthusiasm of zealots. Having submitted, in a formal admonition to Parliament, their famous Platform of a Church reformed, they proceeded in a second address to that body, to declare their resolution to become "their own carvers" in a change. They strenuously inculcated the dogma, that theirs was the only true church, and as such was alone entitled to toleration. These sentiments were followed by acts, which, in their tendency and * Appendix B. SOME PURITANS GO TO HOLLAND. 15 expressed design, were to precipitate a religious and political revolution.* Then commenced, on the part of England, a system of severe and coercive legislation, which cannot be justified or palliated, however it may be defended, on the ground of a supposed political necessity. To escape from laws which licensed power had imposed, or their own zeal and temerity had invited, some of the Puritans fled from their native land to seek peace and toleration among their brethren in Holland; a country on which the reformers had shed the brightest glory of the Reformation. In Holland they found an asylum from the intolerance of English legislation, and enjoyed their peculiar worship without molestation or restraint. But induced by an unhappy feud, or led by the pruriency of gain, or warmed by the prospect of founding a religious settlement in a new and unpeopled country, they removed in the year 1620 to New Plymouth, after enjoying the hospitalities, and partaking the blessings of the religious liberty of Holland, for a period of eleven years.t In the mean time the struggle in England, between the Episcopal and Puritanical parties grew more intense, and exhibited a more political aspect.t The combatants were * See Grant's English Church, vol. i. p. 440; also Strype's Life of Whitgift, App. p. 139; also Strype's Annals, vol. i. p. 148. t See Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, vol. ii. p. 405; New England Memorial, pp. 17, 23-5; Belknap's Biographies, p. 162; Bozman's History of Maryland, p. 209; Massachusetts Historical Collections, first series, vol. iii. pp. 27, 76, and postscript 69. t See a very able article in the New York Review for January, 1840, entitled " Politics of the Puritans," ascribed to the Rev. A. B. Chapin of New Haven; also, Reply in the North American Review for March, 1840; also, note in North American Review for July 1840, pp. 252-274. 16 THE RELIGION OF THE STATE. glowing with anxiety to decide the great question, for which they had been so long contending. The issue involved the fate of the existing religion and with it the existing government. Both parties were disputing for the possession of the great and alluring prize, THE RELIGION OF THE STATE. It was the choice of this, not the separation of politics from religion-an idea suggested by no party,-which divided and inflamed the nation. The selection at that juncture lay between the Episcopal, which, as represented in the person of the monarch, was identified with the political state, and Independency, the religious profession of the Puritans. The question, so long of dubious issue, was at length terminated in the temporary overthrow of the Episcopal Church, by the decapitation of Charles the First, and the establishment of Puritanism in its place, by the elevation of Cromwell, as Protector. The problem has long since been solved by the deliberate judgment of mankind, that the establishment of the Protectorate did little benefit to the cause of true freedom. Recent events in England have brought it into prominent notice, and the clamorous zeal of heated partisans, seems almost to have silenced the voice of authentic history. But the republicans and republicanism of that day, bear no affinity, and can claim no relationship with either in this country. It was, for the most part, a temporary outbreak of sectarian ambition or honest fanatical zeal. The embodied spirit of chaos and disorder seemed to be let loose upon mankind. Many of the actors were pious but visionary men, who were moved and inveigled by popular demagogues.* The contest had been mainly a struggle for religious ascendancy, * Appendix C. PURITANS UNDER JAMES I. AND CHARLES I. 17 in which republicanism or royalty had little to do, except that the monarch was the object of attack, by happening to be the representative of the dominant church.* Strenuous efforts were made for his conversion, by sermons of characteristic length. Cromwell, who, with many points of greatness, was an usurper and a tyrant, not satisfied with an untinselled Protectorship, sighed for the pomp and glitter of a regal sceptre. Charles, though a faithless friend and a bad king, possessed many virtues and various accomplishments. He was sacrificed to Cromwell's ambition and that of his armed confederates. Subsequent events prove, that the voice of the people was as effectually drowned by the din of arms, when Cromwell rose to the supreme power, as that of justice had been stopped, in the solemn mockery of the monarch's trial. When the army was disbanded, and the dread spirit which had controlled and overawed it, was no more, we witness the heartfelt acclamations with which the national voice hailed the advent of Charles the Second. The republicanism of the Protectorate, was a drama, which, for a moment, held the world in suspense by the transient interest of its scenic illusion. It passed away like a shadowy cloud, leaving but faint traces of its existence, upon the political horizon of the kingdom. Royalty was restored;-not by the force of arms, or the tricks of diplomacy, but by the hearty and unbought consent of the people. But it was before the death of Charles and the establishment of the Protectorate, that the Pilgrims settled in New England. Suffering as those of the colonists did who came * See Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. i. pp. 493, 441. 3 18 CHARTER OF MASSACHUSETTS. from England, during the reigns of the first James and first Charles, no alternative was presented but conformity or exile.* From Holland, where they had lived in tranquillity, free from compulsion or restraint, they came to this country, with the security of a written Charter, and followed by the aegis of the British Constitution. They carried with them some knowledge of the liberal maxims contained in the Roman pandects; of the lofty opinions disseminated by an enlightened and untrammelled press; of those immunities which had been conferred upon the boroughs and cities of Europe;-and in addition to all these, they had inhaled, from their earliest infancy the free atmosphere of the English common law,-that law, which, like an unfailing stream, had rippled down to them through a succession of opposing ages, from the clear and uncorrupted fountain of AngloSaxon liberty. They remembered the hardships to which they had been exposed in their native land, by the statutes against nonconformity; and they remembered the country of their exile, where the blessings of love and friendship were cherished, because the genius of freedom there, had checked and rebuked the genius of persecution. The Charter of Massachusetts, granted in 1628, conferred upon the corporators extensive powers for trade, commerce and self-government.t It united the character of a trading community to that of a municipal corporation, with liberal privileges. The principles of the English common law, being guaranteed to the colonists, every freeman of the corporation was entitled to a vote, in the enactment of laws and the choice of governor and assist* See Appendix, D. t Vide Charter in Hazard's State Papers, vol. i. p. 239. FREEDOM OF CHARTER ABRIDGED. 19 ants. The idea of universal suffrage, if not verbally expressed in the Charter, was plainly in the minds of its framers, and by a sound construction of the instrument, embraced within its spirit. There cannot be a doubt that the colonists might, if they chose, have planted upon such a foundation, that great pillar of republican freedom.* But the colonial idea of freedom was different from that which the expression conveys, at the present day. Tests were applied, which, as they connected religion with the political rights of the colonists, were alike in abridgement of the Charter and repugnant to liberty. In the year 1631, a year after the colonial government was removed to this country, it was promulgated that no man should be admitted a freeman, who was not a church member.t As none but Puritans could be admitted to church communion, it followed from this decree that all other sects were at once disfranchised. This law, which excluded from the right of citizenship, a great majority of those who were entitled to it under the Charter, continued in force until the dissolution of the government.4 The principle of so proscriptive a policy, was asserted by a most arbitrary act, before it received a legislative sanction from the General Court. In the year 1628, one year after the first settlement of Massachusetts Bay, Endicott sent back to England, as seditious persons, two of the most respectable colonists, whose religious opinions did not permit them to renounce the liturgy of the English Episcopal Church.~ This act was subversive of the right of * See Appendix, E. t See note upon the authority of Letchford, in Hutch, History of Massachusetts, vol. i., p. 30. t Ibid., vol. i., p. 31. 6 Ibid., p. 19. 20 ALL BUT PURITANS DISFRANCHISED. private opinion, and struck at the fundamental principles of freedom. Four years after the accession of Charles the Second, the colonists received from the throne an emphatic admonition, and were enjoined " to permit such as desire it to use the Book of Common Prayer, without incurring any penalty, reproach, or disadvantage; it being very scandalous,"-continues the admonition — that any person should be debarred the exercise of their religion, according to the laws and customs of England, by those who were indulged with the liberty of being of what profession or religion they pleased."* But this obnoxious feature of the colonial system of Massachusetts, was abolished in appearance only, after the Restoration. It continued in practice to exist,t and we are informed by an eminent writer, that in the year 1676, "five-sixths of the colonists were in fact disfranchised by the influence of the ecclesiastical power.": Its baleful influence was felt until the act of settlement, which vested the throne, at the revolution, in William and Mary, and their Protestant successors. This exclusive system was interwoven with the vital elements of the colonial policy. President Quincy very properly concedes in his Centennial Address, that "Church and State were very curiously and efficiently interwoven with each other."~ We see the closeness of this connexion in the lasting consequences which it entailed. The colonial enactment requiring a general assessment for the support of public worship, was not abolished until so recently as the year 1834. * See Appendix, F. t See Appendix, G. t See Story's Dis. p. 55. ~ Quincy's Centennial Address, p. 32; also Felt's Annals, p. 222; also Hutchinson's Collection of State Papers, pp. 359-361. RELIGIOUS ASCENDANCY SOUGHT. 21 There can be no doubt that the eastern colonists were more intent on laying their church establishment upon deep and'olid foundations, than of rearing a temple of civil and religious liberty. In England many a hardfought battle had signalized their struggles for ecclesiastical victory. Failing to obtain the political ascendancy of the Genevan faith and worship, they sought the shores of North America, in order to carry out their long-cherished scheme of an ecclesiastical government. The restrictions, therefore, which the colonists imposed on the rights of citizenship, and the penalties with which nonconformity was punished, were in perfect consistency with their views at home, and the great purpose of their enterprise. Their leading object seems to have been less the establishment of civil liberty, than the enjoyment and perpetuity of their religious institutions. Absolute political freedom, that freedom which could form the germ of the American republic, would have frustrated their primary intention, and proved subversive of their design, in braving those untold hardships and privations which they fearlessly encountered across the Atlantic. But it was not alone in the denial of civil rights to all who were not church members, that they failed to prove themselves the champions of liberty; but in the active persecution of those who were thus disfranchised. Every sect of religion, except that which was established as the state religion of Massachusetts, was the subject of prohibition and punishment. "They re-enacted," says Bancroft, " the worst statute in the English code, that of enforcing attendance on the 22 COLONIAL INTOLERANCE. parish church."* A fine was imposed for non-attendance, and a general tax was assessed to support the ministry.tThe sanctuary of home was violently invaded by the civil magistrate, to drag to church the lukewarm and disaffected.4 A spy was set upon men's words and actions, lest one should partake of heresy or the other of disaffection. It was thus that an ancient principle of the English law, that a man's house is his asylum and castle, was trodden down and contemned. In view of the transactions of so unhappy a condition of society, the observation of Judge Story is as true, as it is descriptive and eloquent, that " the arm of the civil government was employed to support the church, and the terrors and violence of the Inquisition existed without its form."~ Liberty of conscience was denied, and toleration of the colonial nonconformists preached against as a heresy and sin.II Roger Williams was charged in 1634 with holding divers exceptionable tenets, one of which was " that to punish a man for any matter of his conscience is persecution." He was banished the colony and settled in Rhode Island, the history of which is immortalized by the enlightened maxims of that illustrious exile. Their treatment of that gallant and generous spirit, Sir Henry * Bancroft's History, vol. i. p. 401; also Savage's Winthrop's New England, vol. ii. p. 142, et seq. t Hutch. Hist. Mass., vol. i. p. 376. t Felt's Annals, p. 257. ~ Story's Discourse, p. 55. II See Biographia Britannica, article Brown (Robert), note F, for a piece written by Johnson, a leader of the Brownist sect, entitled " Anti-Christian Abominations yet reteyned in England." Of the abominations enumerated, the 33d is TOLERATIONS. An old New England writer says, " To authorize an untruth by the toleration of the State, is to build a sconce against the walls of heaven, to batter God out of his Chair." COLONIAL INTOLERANCE. 23 Vane, on account of his favouring Mrs. Hutchinson, was in pursuance of a line of policy which seemed to be fundamental. Among the earliest laws of the Massachusetts Colony, were five concerning religion.. These were so rigorous in their punishment of heretics, that the persecutions which the colonists had endured in England, as dissenters, are pronounced by the author of the European Settlements in America, " to be great lenity and indulgence in the comparison."* In the year 1637 an Ecclesiastical Synod denounced fourscore opinions as heretical.t Nonconformity was synonymous with heresy, which presented such multiform and Protean shapes to the argus-eyed theologians of New England, that the enumeration and description of them are said to cover seven pages of The Ancient Charters. Nor did these legislative denunciations lie dead on the statute book. A bare mention of the multitude who submitted to the infliction of exile or death, or some more ignominious punishment; speak trumpet-tongued of the insulting triumphs achieved by the ecclesiastical power over tile hunted, depressed, and degraded cause of social and religious freedom.4 We contemplate with horror the fires of Smithfield, the dungeons and auto da fes of the Inquisition, the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and the penalties of the Star Chamber. But the unpitying and remorseless sentence of Endicott,~ the governor, who, on one occasion, told his prisoner, " re* See " European Settlements in America," vol. ii. p. 144. Savage says in a note to Winthrop, (vol. ii. p. 149,) " there was no place left but England for the unhappy schismatics." t Story's Historical Discourse, p. 54. t Hutch. Hist. Mass. vol. i. pp. 41, 57, 63, 116-17, 208. ~ Vide Sewell's History, Quakers, p. 243, et seq. and sparsim. 24 PURITAN INTOLERANCE. nounce your religion or die," and the sanguinary denunciations of the General Court, fill us with equal dismay. That they who had preached such purity of life and conduct to mankind; that they who had been exposed to the terrors of persecution and fled from it; that they, forgetful of their own precepts and the lessons of their own sad experience, should pursue to banishment and death, almost every species of nonconformity; —displays to us recesses in the human mind, which point to a dark and unexplored labyrinth in its devious and impenetrable depths. The extent to which this violation of the rights of mankind, was carried by the Puritan colonists, occasioned amazement and alarm among their brethren in England.t Letters were written expressive of their disapprobation and concern.4 Even the mild and gentle Isaac Penington, the Quaker, was induced to admonish them in several well written and truly catholic treatises, of the hostility of their legislation to the cause of liberty, to the Christian religion, and to the well being of its various professors.~ A philosophic and able historian bespeaks the indulgence of posterity for such a harsh and sanguinary scheme of government, by observing that few in fact were exposed to the severity of these inflictions. I am far from wishing to magnify what humanity would delight to lessen, but it is * See Mass. Hist. Coll. 1st Ser., vol. iii. pp. 53-5; Savage's Winthrop, vol. i. pp. 56, 149; also, compare Holmes's Annals, vol. i. p. 272, and Knowles's Life of Roger Williams, pp. 184-9. + See Mass. Hist. Coll. 2d Series, vol. viii. p. 49. t Ibid. also 1st Series, vol. iii. p. 27-76, p. s. 69; also Bancroft's Hist. U.S., vol. i. p. 373 (note). ~ See Appendix, H. DEATH AND EXILE STOPPED BY CHARLES II. 25 certain that the victims were numerous, considering the sparse population of the colony, and the brief period of thirty or forty years, during which such laws could safely be put in execution.* During the Protectorate, and the civil troubles which preceded it, these severities were unknown or connived at in England. Upon the restoration of monarchy, they were prohibited by royal interdict,t and after that period few, if any cases of death, for colonial nonconformity, in fact occurred.: But the doctrine of intolerance towards error, continued to be asserted and acted on in practice, till the close of the seventeenth century.~-The election sermons of the day breathe any thing but the freedom of the Gospel. The Rev. Mr. Higginson in 1663, the Rev. Mr. Sheppard in 1672, and President Oakes in the following year, all denounce the idea of religious liberty, as the offspring of delusion, or the specious plea of infidelity. A clergyman of Ipswich, Massachusetts, by the name of Ward, who wrote in 1645, and whose effusion is quoted in Belknap, observes, "It is said that men ought to have liberty of conscience, and that it is persecution to debar them of it. I can rather stand amazed than reply to this. It is an astonishment, that the brains of a man should be parboiled in such impious ignorance." * See Appendix, I. t See Mandamus to the Government of New England, issued by order of Charles II., dated 9th September, 1661,in Sewel's History, p. 272, (Lond. ed. fo. 1725); also Hutch. Hist. of Massachusetts, vol. i. p. 219. t Judge Story says, "Persecution became less frequent because it was less safe." See Story's Hist. Disc., p. 55. ~ See Appendix, K. 4 26 NOT IMPUTABLE TO THE AGE. President Oakes tells us, in 1673, that he looks "upon toleration as the first-born of all abomination.'"* A further extenuation is attempted by the apologists of the New England Puritans, in attributing the rigour of their political policy to the age, as one of religious intolerance.t But the remark is not applicable to Holland, where religious liberty, in that age, was fully established, and where the Plymouth colonists themselves enjoyed perfect toleration, for a period of ten years. It is not true of Lord Baltimore, Roger Williams, and William Coddington, who had introduced into their respective settlements, the enlightened and catholic maxims of an enlarged social freedom. It is not true of William Penn, who, while the New England ecclesiastics were denouncing a sentiment favourable to toleration as a heresy, and its practice as a sin, was preaching to the crowned heads of Europe the impropriety of tests;-a doctrine, whose feasibility he afterwards beautifully illustrated, in making universal toleration the basis of his colonial system in Pennsylvania. Thus we do not find these sentiments maintained in the neighbouring colony of Rhode Island,: so early as 1634, nor among the Catholics of Maryland in 1632, nor among the Quakers of Pennsylvania, in 1682, nor among their predecessors, the Swedes and Dutch, either in that province, or in the colony of New York. The mistaken system of Elizabeth and James, was sustained upon the inadequate plea of state necessity;-but the liberal opinions of the * Vide Belknap's Hist. of New Hampshire, vol. i., pp. 71-5. t See Hawes's Tribute, &c. p. 139, and many others. t Vide, Hutch. Hist. of Massachusetts, vol. i. p. 453, (No. XL Appendix.) PENAL LAW AND THE INDIANS. 27 age in a portion of cultivated Europe, and especially its generous and Christian spirit on this side of the Atlantic, opposed themselves to the demons of intolerance and persecution. In a disquisition of this nature, a reference is necessary to the punitory system of the colonists. A society which is touched with the spirit of genuine liberty, will treat the humblest and most degraded of its members, with all the lenity which is compatible with the existence and safety of the social state. We find in the colony of Massachusetts, a penal code remarkable for the multiplicity of its objects, and the ignominy and rigour of its inflictions. Not only those offences which are known to the jurist, by the name of crimes, were punished with great severity, but the lesser morals were watched, and the minor improprieties of life were aggravated, into offences of grievous turpitude. The mind of the General Court seemed to be filled with the idea, that the limb which was diseased, had better be amputated than cured, that the transgressor had better die than be reformed. Further amplification on this head is needless; nor shall I drag into light the dark and tragical end of a noble race of men, whose valour and conduct in resisting the encroachments of the colonists, showed themselves worthy of a better fate. History weeps at the cruelty with which these infidel sons of the soil, these peeled and defrauded outcasts of humanity have been immolated, on the base shrines of lucre and ambition. The Colony of Connecticut was settled in the year 1636, and not being within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, 28 THE POLICY OF CONNECTICUT. adopted a constitution of its own, very similar in its provisions to the Massachusetts Charter.* This, as has been already observed, was upon the most liberal plan of an English Municipal Corporation. We find here the same identical spirit which was at work in the elder colony, the same contracted views of freedom, and the the same intolerant laws.t The colonists, having acted without the authority of a Charter, presented their petition to the throne, on the accession of Charles the Second.4 The prayer was complied with by a grant,~ very similar in its provisions to the charter of the "Corporation of Massachusetts Bay." The liberal principles of this Charter may be inferred from the fact, that it continued to exist as the fundamental law of Connecticut, through the changes which necessarily followed the American Revolution, down to the year 1817. But, it is contended, that however the Puritan settlers may have erred, from the mistaken fervour of religious excitement, their civil institutions and the organic plan of their church establishment, were fundamentally popular. How far and with what limitations, this position may be admitted or contested, it is beside my purpose, except incidentally, to inquire. The Charters of the Eastern colo* Vide Commission for the governing of Connecticut, March 3d, 1635, in Hazard's State Papers, vol. i. p. 321. t See Appendix, L. t Vide Trumbull's Hist. of Connecticut, vol. i., p. 511, (Appendix, No. 7.) ~ Vide Charter in "Letters, &c. by R. R. Hinman, Secretary of the State of Connecticut," (containing original documents,) p. 174. CHURCH PLAN AND COLONISTS OF 1630. 29 nies, though emanating from the free grace of the English monarchs, though framed under the eye of the prerogative race of the Stuarts, comprehended in their design and spirit, the substantial elements of public and private freedom. To what extent these seminal principles were pushed, and whether in the whole tendency of the colonial scheme, the cause of social right and the republican theory were advanced, are questions which depend upon the policy adopted, and the prevailing sentiments of the people. The great lines of the social domain have now been traced, and some of its prominent regions explored. It is evident from the survey, that in the civil disabilities imposed on all sects but one; in the union of Church with State; in the secular ascendancy of hierarchs; and in the unrelenting treatment of nonconformists; —the rights of mankind were better protected in England, than in the Puritan colonies.* In all these, there was a virtual breach of the fundamental written law; a manifest abridgement of that freedom which was guaranteed to the world in the Royal Charter.t It remains that I should glance at the political views of the leading minds in the colonies, in order to observe how the theocratic principles of their government, inspired an abhorrence of monarchy, or a preference for democratic institutions. The emigrants, who sailed in the Arabella from England, in the year 1630, left behind them a curious and pregnant document.: It is in form, an epistolary missive * See Appendix, M. t Vide David Humphrey's "Historical Account of the Propagation Society," p. 38-9. t See Hutch. Hist of Massachusetts, vol. i. pp. 431-2, (Appendix, No. 1.) 30 OF LORD SAY AND OTHERS. to their " reverend fathers and brethren of the Church of England." The adventurers earnestly deprecate, in this paper, any misconstruction of the objects of their enterprise. They call themselves, his "Majesty's loyal subjects,"* and with many other kindly expressions, say, "we esteem it an honour to call the Church of England, from whence we rise, our dear mother, and cannot part from our native country where she specially resideth, without much sadness of heart, and many tears in our eyes." Six years subsequent to this event, and eight before the royal tragedy which preceded the Protectorate, a proposition was made by certain gentlemen of the English nobility to remove to Massachusetts.t This overture was received and deliberately considered by the inhabitants. In the correspondence which ensued, it appears that the Rev. John Cotton, one of the most important and influential men of the New World, as well as the other "leading men,"I of the colony whom he consulted, were opposed on principle to a republican polity. As a "church government,"-such is Cotton's language,-" was justly denied to be democratical," the colonial freemen were willing to adopt any other political form which did not intrench upon this distinctive organization. In answer to the first of the inquiries or "demands," propounded by these noblemen, the colonists say,~ "two distinct ranks we willingly acknowledge from the light of nature and Scripture; * See Appendix, N. t Vide, Hutch. Hist. of Massachusetts, vol. i. p. 433, (Appendix No. 3,) et seq. t Ibid. p. 439, (Appendix, No. 3.) ~ Ibid. p. 439, (Appendix, No. 5.) COLONISTS OPPOSED TO A REPUBLIC. 31 the one of them called princes, or nobles, or elders, amongst whom gentlemen have their place; the other the people." In the eighth demand, these noblemen require that the governor " shall ever be chosen out of the rank of gentlemen." The answer is, "we never practise otherwise, &c., choosing them out of approved known gentlemen, as this year, (1636,) Mr. Vane." In Cotton's letter to Lord Say,* after declaring that he should " never fear to betrust a greater commonwealth than theirs, under such a perpetua dictatura as his lordship should prescribe," he is thus explicit upon the subject of his political preferences. "It is better that the commonwealth be fashioned to the setting forth of God's House, which is his church, than to accommodate the church frame to the civil state. Democracy I do not conceive that ever God did ordain, as a fit government, either for church or commonwealth. If the people be governors, who shall be governed? As for monarchy and aristocracy, they are both clearly approved and directed in Scripture, yet so as referreth the sovereignty to himself, and setteth up theocracy in both, as the best form of government in the commonwealth, as well as in the church." These celebrated answers and letter yield all honour to hereditary dignity, if accompanied by personal virtue; they both express repugnance to a democracy; and are indifferent whether a monarchy or aristocracy be established, so only that the fundamental principle of church membership be recognised.t * Vide, Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, p. 436, vol. i., et seq. (Appendix, No. 3.) t See Appendix, 0. 32 ACTS OF CONNECTICUT AND PLYMOUTH. A quarter of a century after this memorable correspondence, as we have seen, the colonists of Connecticut, for the first time, approached the English throne in the form of a petition for a Royal Charter.* True to the sentiments expressed by their brethren of Massachusetts, they delicately refer to " the calamities of the late sad times," and proclaim their unwavering loyalty, during the storms of the Protectorate, by intimating as their reason for not having petitioned before, their willingness " to receive power and privileges from none other than their lawful prince and sovereign."t What course of policy was adopted by the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies, on the accession of the English Protector, cannot, from the absence of historical evidence, be now ascertained. In the colony of New Plymouth, Mr. Baylie informs us, that on the interruption of the royal sway, by the death of Charles, the oaths of office underwent a change. But the colonists did not prescribe by a formal act or resolution, the terms of a new oath, which, in the event of political reverses to the ascendant party in the English state, might read awkwardly against the colony.: Instead of this they simply blotted out of the record, the words of allegiance to King Charles and his successors, and interlined, " the government of England as it now stands." On the restoration of monarchy, in the person of a second Charles, no documentary notation was necessary to annul tle former proceeding. This was more conveniently * Vide Petition in Trumbull's Hist. Conn. vol. i. p. 517 (Appendix.) f See Appendix, P. t Vide Declaration by Plymouth, of" the undoubted right" of Charles II. to the Crown, Hazard's State Papers, vol. ii. p. 590. GRATITUDE DUE TO NEW ENGLAND. 33 and summarily effected by having the interlineation effaced and restoring the original language. The other colonies of New England were modelled upon the two most ancient and prominent, whose regulations and policy I have rapidly sketched. They had no hardships to complain of, arising from the illiberality or restricted privileges of their Charters. Each contained the grant of ample political powers, especially the Charter of Maine; and as in the case of Connecticut, the Royal Charter which was given to Rhode Island, not only survived the shock of revolutionary convulsions, but it has remained to the present day, through all the troubles which succeeded them, in the place of a Constitution, framed after the republican pattern. History then does not support the positions of the New England historians. It shows that the principles of an enlarged social freedom, as these principles are recognised at the present day, in this country, do not owe their existence to the Puritan adventurers, but that they have triumphed in spite of the opposition of an organized and illiberal hostility. But though the eastern colonies did not set a bright example of political and religious liberty, yet there are points of attraction in the Puritan character, which warm our hearts with gratitude, and inspire the strongest sentiments of admiration and applause. They were men whose virtues, invigorated by adversity, were remarkable for the integrity of heart with which they were sustained. The fruits of their theological tenets, though enjoining the observance of much austerity, were visible in the purity of their private manners, and the fidelity of their public acts. In their lives they were self-denying and ascetic; severe and exacting in their 5 34 CIVIL FREEDOM-THE UNION OF 1643. requisitions of others; inflexibly honest and rigidly just upon themselves. The Puritan character in New England, however we may deplore its excesses, was admirably suited by its firmness and energy for settling a new country. The policy adopted, was well calculated to excite amongst the admitted freemen, the liveliest ardour for institutions, which would not intrench upon their own rights and privileges; and to sow broad-cast the seeds of morality and knowledge. Whatever repugnance Cotton and the leading colonists may have felt to a democracy in form, the internal government had many of the attributes of popular freedom. The right of trial by jury, common representation in the General Court, and a system of civil jurisprudence, remarkable for its equity and wisdom, are all so many monuments to the heads which planned, and the hands which built the colonial structure. It cannot be denied that the union of the New England colonies in 1643, was productive of the greatest consequences to their stability and strength. The apprehensions of the first colonists were divided between invasions from the Indians, and the encroachments of more insidious enemies. A confederacy was suggested, by the concurring circumstances of nearly contemporaneous settlements, a common ancestry, proximity of situation, uniformity of faith,* and community of danger. This ancient union bound together citizens in political ties, who were already united in the closer bonds of religious fraternity. It made the hearts of the different colonies beat in unison, as if by a * See Appendix, Q. COMMON SCHOOLS. 35 common impulse, and in obedience to a common law. What one colony felt, was faithfully transmitted to the rest, as by the necessities of a common nature. This social and religious fellowship has engendered feelings of affinity between the sovereignties of New England, which continue to the present day, to an extent which does not exist in any other portion of the American Union. This early colonial union was, no doubt, the prototype of the thirteen confederated colonies, which, upwards of a century after, declared themselves independent of the mother state; and asserted, by the most determined and chivalrous valour, their ability to maintain that declaration;-a conception which, if it did not confer, at least largely contributed, by its influence and positive benefits, to the establishment of an early peace and a national existence. But the greatest blessing which New England has conferred upon mankind, and for which, her sons, to the latest posterity, owe a debt of gratitude to their fathers, is the grand system of Common Schools. Connecticut claims to have led the van in this great enterprise, under the direction of Davenport and Eaton;-names which are associated with the formation of the New Haven colony, and whose memories must be cherished by their successors, with the proudest respect and the warmest filial love. The system was introduced almost contemporaneously into Massachusetts, whose example was soon imitated by the other Puritan colonies; so that now there exists no country in the world, where the faculties of the common mind have been so liberally cultivated, nor where education is so universally diffused, nor where it is placed on a more enlightened and permanent basis. It was this, the best preparation which 36 THE EARLY LITERATURE OF NEW ENGLAND. could be made for the reception of the principles of the American revolution, which, co-operating with the internal organization, made the people ready as one man to assert and sustain them.-It cannot be forgotten that the zeal for learning which marked the early Puritans, in this country, was an advance on the system of English Puritanism. If we may judge by the doctrines of the English Puritan pulpits and the witty reproof of South,* the English Independents held human learning in low estimation, and its possessors in disrepute or contempt. But the New England clergy, the Puritan as well as the Episcopal, have been distinguished from the earliest period, for their untiring and matchless devotion to letters. Several of them received the highest honours of foreign universities, and many may safely be compared in erudition, with the most learned men of their age in Europe. Not to speak of the multitude of lesser lights, of the dii gentium minores, I might mention Jonathan Edwards, the celebrated author of " The Freedom of the Human Will," Dr. Samuel Johnson, Stiles, Hopkins, and many others, as men equally remarkable for their profound attainments and fervid piety. The learning of the Eastern colonies, though for a long time wasted in polemical disquisitions, or obscured by the literary follies of anagrams, puns, and conceits, rose to higher dignity after the age of Anne. The literary appetite began to loathe the grotesque and unnatural Du Bartas, once their choicest poetical disk, for sentiments and images more just and classical; and the fever of religious controversy, though long maintained at a high point, subsided gradually into a more tranquil, settled, and healthful temperature.t * See Appendix, R. t See Appendix, S. THE SOUTHERN COLONIES. 37 Having thus rapidly surveyed the Eastern colonies, and marked the free principles contained in their Charters; having observed the opportunities which these afforded for the engraftment of an enlarged and comprehensive freedom; and observed the nature of that which was introduced;-let us glance at some of the more southerly provinces, in order to estimate their probable influence in the conception and formation of our present form of government. I shall not here speak of New York and New Jersey, where the most generous aspirations were cherished, from the earliest times, in favour of rational liberty.* Nor shall I speak of Virginia, Georgia, and the Carolinas, where the warmost love of freedom, mingled with a high and romantic chivalry, distinguished their early annals.t It will sufficiently meet the objects of this Discourse to select two colonies, the religious tenets of whose planters, were equally obnoxious with the Eastern colonists, to the penal enactments of England against nonconformity. In doing this, it will be seen how unfounded and gratuitous are the assumptions of those writers, who would monopolize for the eastern portion of the American Union, all the honest fame resulting from a steady, enlightened, and liberal preference for free institutions. With this view, I shall confine myself to the colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania. The Royal Charter of Maryland, granted in the year 1632, laid a broad foundation of civil and religious liberty.4 * See Ramsay's History of the United States, vol. i. pp. 175-182, et sparsim. + Ibid., pp. 26-33, 158, et sparsim. t See Charter in the original Latin, in Haz. Hist. Col. State Papers, vol. i. p. 327; translated in Bozman's Hist. of Maryland, vol. ii. p. 9, et seq. 38 MARYLAND CHARTER AND POLICY. In one of its features, it has been censured as savouring of the Stuart love of prerogative, over laws made by the three estates of Parliament. But there is less in the exception than might appear, on a cursory perusal. The objectionable right, which it confers upon the governor of making ordinances, is expressly confined to the brief interval which must elapse, before the freemen could assemble; and the ordinances permitted, are so well defined and narrowly restricted, as to be stripped of any noxious attribute. As it stands, its franchises were copious enough to enable the emigrants, to rear a noble and beautiful framework of civil and ecclesiastical liberty. The oath of the governor, prescribed by himself, promised that appointments to office should not be made on account of religion, and enjoined upon himself and successors, not only protection to all who professed a belief in the Saviour, but the punishment of those who should molest others in their religious observances.* The assembly followed in the year 1649, in the spirit of this self-imposed obligation, by repeating and even extending its provisions.t The only restriction which narrowed the liberality of this enactment, was that which confined its benefits to the professors of the Christian faith,-a restriction which tinctured subsequent statutes, and led the way to those legal disabilities under which the Jewish nation rested, in Maryland, until their removal about twenty years ago. The reverence in which the early colonists of Maryland, * Vide Hazard's Hist. Coll. of State Papers, vol. i. p. 117, for a restrictive provision respecting the Church of Rome, in the Plymouth Patent, (granted in the 18th year of James I.) t See Act in Bozman's Hist. of Maryland, (Appendix,) vol. ii. p. 661, et seq. LORD BALTIMORE AND THE ASSEMBLY. 39 held the character and virtues of Lord Baltimore, was only exceeded by their jealous and watchful love of freedom. This was put to a severe test, when their venerated proprietary presented for their acceptance, a code of laws, prepared by himself with care and sagacity. He expected it to be ratified by the Iegislature. They cherished the virtues of their leader, whom they admired for his wisdom, respected for his disinterested attachment to liberty, and loved for his benevolence. But the adoption of his code, implied a subserviency which was incompatible with true independence. What was his surprise, when he found the fruits of his enlightened and anxious labours, promptly rejected by the Colonial Assembly! In the formation of this body, the pioneers of Maryland manifested their adherence to the maxim, "all power is inherent in, and springs from, the people." The whole population assembled, after the manner of the ancient republics, to enact laws for their future government. This democratical mode of enacting laws, was continued until the year 1639, when the augmented number of the colonists rendered it impracticable. Then it was that a legislature was formed, upon the representative plan,* consisting of the proprietary and popular departments.-With such a scheme of social order, animated by religion and virtue, nothing could prevent the happiness of the people, but a change in the councils of the province. Rational liberty had been established. The popular voice was heard in every election. The inalienable rights of humanity had been consulted in * See Rams. Hist. U. S., vol. i. p. 117; also Bozman's Hist. Maryland, vol. ii. p. 109. 40 MARYLAND LIBERTY. the principles of the punitory system. The Christian, of whatever denomination, could plead his cause with his Maker, without the dread of human restraint or coercion: and "The poor Indian, whose untutored mind, Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind," was aided in his aspirations, and taught to bow the knee, at the shrine, not of an idol or a demon, but of a good and living Manitto. But alas, the halcyon which, in its tranquil flight, was dipping its pinions beneath the smooth surface of the social waters, was only the harbinger of an impending storm. The restless spirit of Puritanism, which, upon the supremacy of Cromwell, had bound England hand and foot,* and which had shown itself in such unamiable phases in New England, penetrated even to the deliberative hall of Maryland, and was observable in the legislative acts of the Colony.t In the year 1654, when the sun of Cromwellian power shone in the blaze of its zenith, various acts and orders were passed by the General Assembly, under "Commission from his highness, the Lord Protector." Among these is * Vide Walker's "' Sufferings of the Clergy," part i. p. 200; also Robertson's Hist. of America, vol. ii. p. 259; also Harris's Life of Cromwell, p. 437; though a very partial work. See, among the migrations to Virginia to escape the danger of the Protectorate, John Washington, the ancestor of the Father of his Country. Rams. Hist. U. S. vol. i. p. 35. t Maryland and Virginia experienced, in their full force, the restrictions imposed on commerce and navigation, during the whole period of the Protectorate, while in New England, Cromwell permitted these laws to be so relaxed as to be unfelt. See Ramsay's Hist. U. S., vol. i. p. 34. See his peculiar kindness to the colonies of New England referred to, ibid. pp. 59-60; also Robertson's Hist. of America, vol. ii. pp. 230-260. INTERFERED WITH BY CROMWELL. 41 one entitled " An act concerning Religion."* The language of the act was devised for the benefit of Puritans only; and though the Roman Catholics, who were the original settlers, seemed to be exclusively pointed at, yet it is manifest that the subtle arts of Cromwell's genius had been at work, to elbow out of the colony, by sly and indirect legislation, another class of religious professors. The cruelty of this law is only equalled by its perfidy. It illustrates the point and moral of Esop's well known fable of the Snake and the Frog. The people whom the tolerant acts of the first adventurers, had invited into the settlement, turned upon their hosts, and forced upon them the alternative of either abandoning the colony, or being deprived of their civil and religious franchises. But let it not be forgotten that though Protestant intolerance was thus temporarily fostered in the colony;-a feature, certainly, the most repugnant of all others to our institutions at the present day; -yet in all else,-in the liberty established by the Roman Catholic settlers; in the deputed assemblies; in the trial by jury; and in the diffusive right of popular suffrage; the people cherished with watchful circumspection, all the outworks of a republican state. If we consider the moral and political condition of provincial Pennsylvania, we shall perceive, where, in common with Maryland, and the more southern as well as the other middle colonies, the genius of freedom imbibed the milk, which warmed and nourished the life-blood of its infancy, in this hemisphere. The colonial fabric is not imposing, * Vide Bozman's Hist. of Maryland, vol. i. p. 195; ibid. vol. ii. p. 512. 6 42 THE VIRTUES OF PENN. but commends itself for the simplicity of the whole, and the consistency of its several parts. It is easy for rulers to make general professions in favour of liberty, while their practice may be characterized as tyrannical. Among those rulers who figure most prominentlyin the history of mankind, there are few beside Penn, who firmly carried out their principles into act, and made their doctrines the basis of their practice. Like Washington, who despised glory at the expense of his country and his honour, Penn was deaf to the voice of ambition when it called him from the path of duty. The friendship of a monarch,* though it opened to him the door to title, opulence, and fame, was made subservient only to promoting the great principles of his life and the welfare of his colony. At the present day, the statistics of crime and the lights of experience, are slowly combining to impress the unchangeable truth, that free institutions without virtue, and mental cultivation without religious morality, cannot preserve our national existence. Above a century and a half ago, Penn taught, with a more than human sagacity, that lesson to his province. The following passages from his writings, may serve to elucidate his sentiments, and display the standard by which he may be judged. These sentiments pour a flood of living light on the present day. "Nothing," says he, "weakens kingdoms like vice; it does not only displease Heaven, but disables them. * * What then should be more concerned for the preservation of virtue than government? That, in its abstract and true sense, is not only founded upon virtue, but without the preservation of virtue * James II. PENN'S SENTIMENTS AND ACTS. 43 it is impossible to maintain the best constitution that can be made. * * In the many volumes of the history of all ages and kingdoms of the world, there is not one instance to be found, where the hand of God was against a righteous nation, or where the hand of God was not against an unrighteous nation, first or last; nor where a just government perished, nor an unjust government long prospered. Kingdoms are rarely so short-lived as men; yet they also have a time to die; but as temperance giveth health to men, so virtue gives time to kingdoms; and as vice brings men betimes to their graves, so nations to their ruin." It was upon the foundation of such a theory, that he reared his colony. No sooner had the patriarch with his family of emigrants, arrived on the shores of the Delaware, than they immortalized the place of their landing, by the enactment of a code, which proclaims justice to the Indian, clemency to the offender, and toleration to every believer under Heaven. But these acts however vital in their relations to a rational scheme of liberty, it was well known would prove an empty and delusive boon, to an ignorant or a vicious population. It was therefore enacted, that schools should be provided, at the public expense, for the poor; and industry and trades were enjoined, to keep them from idleness and preserve them from want. A provision of' the Great Law, required that-" the laws shall be one of the books taught in the schools" of the province. It is not necessary here to say more, respecting the treaty made with the Indians under the spreading elm of Shackamaxon, than that it is the only treaty, which the historical records of all time have preserved to us, which, according to the Abbe Raynal, was never sworn to, and never broken. One of the 44 PENN'S VIEWS OF LIBERTY. articles of Penn's "Certain conditions and concessions," &c., agreed to by the intended emigrants in 1681, provides that a jury, to consist equally of Englishmen and Indians, were to decide all differences between them.* This unusual concession of privilege to a savage tribe of men, could only have its origin in that deep and unalterable respect for human rights, which governed all the actions of the founder. In after times, the right of a foreigner to a jury, de mediatate linguae, was disputed in a court of law, but a judicial decision was pronounced, establishing its legality.t Not content with these provisions in favour of natural liberty, he destroyed the English rule of primogeniture, and established a more republican canon for the descent of estates. The political opinions of Penn, may fairly be inferred from the civil regulations, which were adopted for the government of his province. His definition of liberty is at once enlightened and democratic. It manifests the liberal views which he cherished, and his clear conception of the true nature of that representative system, which he designed to introduce. " Any government," he observes, " is free to the people under it, whatever be the frame, where the laws rule, and the people are parties to those laws; and more than this is tyranny, oligarchy, and confusion."l In conformity with these ideas, he summoned all the inhabitants to attend personally, for the purpose of making laws. But an assembly so entirely popular, was waived by general * See Proud's History of Pennsylvania, (Appendix,) vol. ii, Part I.. No. ], Sec. 14, p. 4. t Respublica vs. Mesca, vol. i.; Dall. Rep. p. 73. 1 Vide Preface to the "Frame of the Government of the Province of Pennsylvania," in Proud's History of Pennsylvania, vol. ii. (Appendix, No. 2,) p. 7. OF THIE ASSEMBLY AND WITCHCRAFT. 45 consent, it being found that it was more convenient to appoint delegates to represent the people, in the form of a legislature. The legislative body soon after its formation, had the power conferred upon it, of originating as well as acting on bills, and the treble vote of the governor was relinquished as slightly savouring of aristocracy. This framework of the province was formed in the year 1682. Notwithstanding the flood of one thousand emigrants which poured into the settlement, during the first year of its existence, and the many reverses which were brought about by the unsettled state of political affairs in England, this policy continued for many years without a material change. At the time when Cotton Mather and his associates were pursuing at Salem, and in other parts of Massachusetts, the imputed offence of witchcraft, with an unwise and cruel severity, a Pennsylvanian jury, under the eye of Penn, who presided at the trial, brought in a verdict, that the accused " was guilty of having the common fame of being a witch, but not guilty in manner and form as she stands indicted."* The minds of the founder and the more intelligent of his colonists, were happily exempt from the absurd infatuation respecting witchcraft, which prevailed among all classes, in some of the sister provinces. The case referred to is the only one, which, as it may happen to be viewed, either stains or illustrates the judicial annals of the colony. It was thus that he attempted to protect from internal enemies, as he feared no rupture from without, the elements of * The curious reader may see an account of this trial, in Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, vol. i. p. 108; also in Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, vol. i. p. 40. This trial took place on the 27th December, 1683. 46 FREEDOM AND MURMURS. popular freedom. The toleration of all religious professors, and the immunity of none from the common burthens, was a maxim which formed the corner-stone of the social pile; while generous justice to the Indian, and merciful charity to the offender, naturally entered as constituent parts of the edifice. The whole structure was a simple and unadorned but majestic temple, which was consecrated to the one purpose of protecting the natural rights and inviolable liberties of mankind. The principles which were thus asserted and maintained, did not die with the great man, who gave them here the sanctuary of a home. They continued in energetic operation, through the whole period of our colonial history. They yet live, dispensing to distant lands, the genius of that spirit to which we owe their introduction. The long absence of the Founder in England, combined -with other causes of alienation-to excite a disposition among the colonists, unfavourable to his pecuniary rights and interests. They begarr to murmur at the quit-rents, which he had reserved,with their assent, in his conveyances of land; they withdrew the imposts which had been voluntarily granted to him, as a means of revenue; and in the fervour of temporary estrangement, they even refused to concur in those great schemes of social improvement, which lay nearest his heart. Such was the veneration in which all united in holding his character, that more well founded objections than these, would have been heard only in whispers, during his life. But on his demise, old complaints were revived, and new ones superadded, against his successors. The deputy governors, whose indiscretions had fanned the first spark of discontent, now by folly and PARTY FEELING AND ITS CAUSE. 47 misgovernment, blew it into a flame. Two distinct parties were formed, with opposite views and variant pretensions. Those who espoused the cause of the governors, were called the proprietary party, and those who arrayed themselves in opposition, were distinguished as the popular side. These factions became heated against each other, into an irreconcilable feud. Bickerings and heart-burnings disturbed the tranquillity of private life, and wordy turbulence characterized these parties in the assembly. Dr. Franklin, whose Historical Review is now admitted to be only an emanation of partisan extravagance, enlisted all his sympathies in the popular cause. He followed the example of Loyd, the celebrated opponent of James Logan, and other champions of the people, who figured in the preceding age; and employing all the power of his acute and commanding intellect, in attacking, with the shafts of wit and argument, the old bugbears of proprietary right and proprietary prerogative, he soon made them sufficiently odious. The points to which these dissensions gave rise, were warmly disputed, down to that period when colonial contests were neutralized, in the absorbing question which then presented itself, of foreign subjection or national independence. The vigilance and distrust of the colonists were no doubt at first awakened, by symptoms of political encroachment, on the part of the deputy governors, without the warrant of the founder. It cannot be denied that this, in combination perhaps with other trivial causes, was not without its influence. But it may not escape the attention of the philosopher, in reading this page of our colonial history, that these altercations owed their existence, in part, to the sentiments which Penn had himself inculcated in his colony. He had taught 48 EXTENT OF COLONIAL FREEDOM. the colonists to love and cherish constitutional liberty, in its most comprehensive sense. He had taught them that as men they were all equal; that every one, without distinction of class or sect, who believed in the existence of a Deity, and owned land at a penny an acre, was a freeman; and that the majority in every state were entitled to govern. He taught them that humanity had rights, of which even the most debasing criminality cannot divest it. He taught them that no one was so humble, not even the poor Indian, but was entitled to justice, and the offices of kindness and charity. Above all, he taught them that every man, whether Christian, Jew, or Mahometan, had the natural right to worship his Creator in his own way, without having his eyes, when turned upward in adoration, to rest upon the suspended sword of the civil magistrate, ready to descend upon his devoted head. These lessons had been imprinted upon their hearts; they were cherished as their best and amplest earthly boon; they were transmitted to their posterity as their richest inheritance.* It is hardly necessary to say, that the party contests sharpened their vision for the perception of distant, perhaps imaginary danger; nor that in the pretensions, which, as partisans they were found to assume, they transcended the doctrines of their great preceptor. It is no unusual case in the history of the human mind, to find the teacher far behind the disciple, who was indebted to him for his original precept. But however extravagant may have been some of the political tenets of the popular party, among the colonists, those who held them in check, came from the strife too deeply imbued with the principles of * See Appendix, T. DICKINSON S FARMERS' LETTERS. 49 natural justice and eternal liberty not to repel with indignant patriotism all attempts to invade them. True, the Royal Charter had expressly reserved to parliament the right of imposing taxes;* true, the colonial prosperity and social happiness had not been sensibly diminished by the exercise of this power; true, as champions of the proprietary interest, they were united by the closest ties of sympathy and affection with the mother state; and true, the religious scruples of many of the colonists were opposed to war. These circumstances would make them deplore the occurrence of an open rupture, but could not render them insensible to those great principles of freedom which they came hither to support and establish. It was these principles which made a John Dickinson, whose "Farmers' Letters" sowed the seeds of the revolution, and whose addresses to the king were as instrumental in precipitating that event, as his letters of Fabius were to confirm the hearts of the people, when that momentous period was past. It was to these principles we are indebted for Charles Thompson, whose eulogy is written, in undying characters, in his unostentatious and patriotic acts. On the popular side stands, beside Dr. Franklin and many others, Dr. Benjamin Rush who was not more eminent for his literary and medical deserts, than he was decided in his patriotic councils. The popular party in truth were not only ready but courted the contest. Their swords were sharpened against the enemies of their country, by the very arguments with which their proprietary antagonists had been so often overwhelmed. * Vide 20 Sec. of Charter, in Proud's lHit. of Penns. vol. i. p. 185. 7 50 CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS FREEDOM It cannot be that Pennsylvania, with these facts emblazoned on her early history, will relinquish to the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies the unparticipated honour, of fostering those maxims of social liberty, which are justly regarded as fundamental, in our present system of government. Like them the external frame of colonial polity was popular and democratical; the representative plan was adopted; schools were established; useful industry was promoted; justice, equality and right were recognised in the internal administration. In these respects, all the colonies stand upon the same common ground. But the greatest and best, the vital and distinguishing features of our present political system, are, the freedom of the state from all the trammels of ecclesiastical restriction, and the equal eligibility of all churches to its highest honours and richest rewards. In the establishment of these, the sentiments of the people derived no support, from the doctrines or example of the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies. It may be doubted, if all the colonies had been peopled by men of similar views and policy with those of New England, whether the angelic form of religious freedom, now our presiding and guardian genius, had ever descended to crown the happiness, or bless the social charities of the present United States. The Puritan settlements permitted freedom to their church members, but refused it to all others under the severest pains and penalties. Their freedom was that of men who appropriated all human rights as belonging to themselves, while they perversely denied them to the rest of mankind.* * See Hume's Hist. Engd. vol. vi. p. 164. IN THE MIDDLE AND SOUTHERN STATES. 51 In justification of this policy, it is maintained by one class of writers, that the Puritan pilgrimage to New England, had in view only the enjoyment of the Puritan religion,* and that in order to guard it from danger, defensive laws became necessary. Do these apologists forget, that if this were the original motive of the enterprise, it was never known or communicated to the Parent State; that the emigrants of 1630 ardently professed a different purpose; and that there was no warrant in the Charters for such an establishment?- But admit that this plea displays the real groundwork and essential principle of the-colonial action; -is the motive assigned, of a character large and disinterested, or limited and selfish? Where is the boasted glory of a system, which requires in its defence the attribution of an aim so barren, of a design so humble? What becomes of the moral sublimity of that example, on which the New England historians delight to dwell? The plea of necessity has been the plea of restrictive tyranny, from the beginning of time.j If the system of exclusion and severity be defended on this ground, what is it but the general plea of cruelty and despotism, the world over? The Christians were persecuted by the Jews and Pagans, because Hebraism and Paganism were in danger. Tfie Protestants endured the persecutions of the Roman Catholics, because Catholicism was in danger. The Epis* See Hist. Disc., by Prof. Kingsley of New Haven., p. 46, and many others. t See "Historical Account of the Propagation Society" by David Humphries, pp. 38-9; also Robertson's Hist. America, vol. ii. p. 248. t See on this subject Harris's Charles I. pp. 232-3. 52 THESE PRINCIPLES copalians, for the same identical reason, retaliated these persecutions upon dissenters. It is the refinement of sophistry to teach, that the object of either of these persecutions was the preservation or recognition of natural liberty. If it be, and iffear or necessity can excuse wrong or justify oppression, then we must snatch from undeserved reproach, from the sentence of unmerited obloquy, those tyrants and despots whose memories history has so long covered with disgrace. The liberty for which the eastern colonists were clamorous, was the liberty of an aristocracy who monopolize every benefit to themselves. It was the liberty of the Barons of Runemede, who in their anxiety to restrict the authority of the King, and, to amplify their own, wholly overlooked the privileges of the people. It was a liberty which seemed less to arise from philosophy than instinct. It was less an abstraction, as an inalienable attribute of human nature, than the offspring of mistaken religious zeal. This slight and imperfect review of our colonial history, shows the errors into which those writers have fallen, who ascribe so important an agency to the maxims and policy of the Puritan fathers, in the establishment of this republic. It may be truly said, that the political vine and fig-tree which shot forth at the revolution, were not indigenous to this soil nor of spontaneous growth, but exotics which were planted by the first settlers of the respective colonies, in whose shade and beneath whose shelter, they had reposed in other lands. They struck deep, and flourished here, by means of a propitious climate and a judicious culture. The political agriculturist, when he surveys the vast arms which they NOT INDIGENOUS. 53 have thrown over the land, encircling the most distant tracts of our territory in their embrace, will trace their roots not only to the East, but he will find them mingling with the soil alike of every valley and every hill throughout the extensive regions of that Union whose banner waved in common triumph at the revolution. AP PEND IX. A.-p. 8. AMONG the works referred to, may be mentioned the various replies to Neal's History of the Puritans, which are seldom to be met with in New England. Heylin may be thought to have erred as much on one side, as Neal on the other. Neal is found in almost every library in New England, but the answer to that very partial work by Bishop Maddox and Dr. Grey, almost nowhere. As further evidence of the feeling on this subject, a collection of the Blue Laws of the New Haven Colony, was not to be found in print, except among the curious, until the year 1838, the only edition known being that of London, printed in 1656. The edition of 1838, published among other curious matter, at Hartford "( by an Antiquarian," does not, however, contain the laws previous to the time of Eaton. Those celebrated laws never having existed, except in MS.; are not now in existence, the records being lost or destroyed. All we know of them is, that portions were doubtless re-enacted in 1655;-the history by Peters being regarded, for the most part, as fabulous. Our Hartford Antiquarian observes in his preface, " The compiler is aware that some few of the illiberal in this community, may be dissatisfied with the publication of a part of these important antiquities, apprehending that the literary or moral character of the Puritan Fathers of New England, may be implicated by such publication. The suppressing, or rather neglecting, their publication for one hundred and eighty-two years, is far more reprehensible than any thing contained in the Blue Laws themselves." Vide "The Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, usually called," &c. &c., by an Antiquarian, pp. 6-7, (Hartford, 1838.) APPENDIX. 55 B.-p. 14. Vide Short's History of the Church of England, vol. ii. p. 230 et seq. ibid. p. 259; also Fuller, who says in his Church History, lib. xi. page 7, "( The Puritans of this age (that of Elizabeth,) were divided into two ranks, some mild and moderate, contented only to enjoy their own conscience; others fierce and fiery, to the disturbance of Church and State." Ibid., p. 178, it is stated that Lord Burleigh desired the Puritans to frame a better liturgy than the one in use; thereupon a schism arose, and four distinct parties were formed. (( The first classis framed a new one, somewhat according to theform of Geneva. c" The second, disliking it, altered it in six hundred particulars. " The third quarrelled at these alterations, and resolved on a new model. " Thefourth classis dissented from the former. " Thus," continues Fuller, "because they could not agree among themselves, that wise statesman (Burleigh) put them off for the present, until they could present him a pattern with a perfect consent." C.-p. 16. See " Some Considerations proposed to the citizens of Lon. don," &c., by Isaac Pennington, (Works fo. Lond. 1681,) p. 140, in which he says, " O ye great ones! The Lord did not throw down the greatness of the nobility, for you to rise up in their places," &c. D.-p. 18. The author of "The European Settlements in America," &c., contends that the Roman Catholics were more harshly treated than the Puritans, in England, see vol. ii. p. 220. Hawes says, 56 APPENDIX. a slight submission to mitred authority, would have made unnecessary their exposure to the privations and hardships of a residence in the New World. See Tribute, &c., p. 118-9. E. —p. 19. The principles of this Charter are readily seen. The grant, is in the free and common socage, and not in capite, nor by Knight's Service. (Hazard's State Papers, vol. i. p. 245). The tenure of office is not for life, or an indefinite period, but is made dependent upon conduct, and determinable by the majority. The right of election to office, and the right of removing from office, are expressly recognised. (lb. p. 248.) The freemen are to be chosen by s" the governor, (or in his absence, the deputy governor of the said Company, for the time being,) and such of the assistants and freemen of the said Company as shall be present, or the greater number of them so assembled," p. 247. Nothing is said in the Charter, respecting the qualifications to freemanship, except what is contained in the following passages: cc 2hat it shalbe lauwfll andfreefor them and their Assignes, at all and every 7Tme and Tymes hereafter, out of any our R ealmes or Domynions whatsoever, to take, leade, carry, and transport, for and into their Voyages, and for and towards the said Plantacon in Newe England, all such and so mnany of our loving Subjects, or any other strangers that will become our loving Subjects, and live under our Allegiance, as shall willinglie accompany them in the same Voyages and Plantacon. * Pro. vided, that none of the saide Persons be such as shalbe hereafter by especial Name restrayned by Vs, our Heires, or Successors," p. 249. In p. 251, the Charter provides, " That all and every the Subjects of Vs, our Heires or Successors, which shall goe to and inhabite the said Landes and Premisses hereby menc6ed to be graunted, and everie of their Children which shall happen to be borne there, or on the Seas in goeing thither, or returning from thence, shall have and enjoy all liberties and Immunities offree and naturall Subjects within any of the Domynions of Vs, our Heires or Successors, to all Intents, Con APPENDIX. 57 struccons, and Purposes whatsoever, as yf they and everie of them were borne within the Realme of England." It is further provided, (p. 253,) that the Company shall ( have full and absolute Power and Authoritie to correct, punishe, pardon, governe, and rule all such the Subjects of Vs, our Heires and Successors, as shallfrom 7lyme to Tyme adventure themselves in any Voyadge thither or from thence, or that shall at any Tyme hereafter, inhabite within the Precints and Partes of Newe England aforesaid, according to the Orders, Lawes, Ordinances, Instruccons, and Direccons aforesaid, not being repugnant to the Lawes and Statutes of our Realme of England, as aforesaid." It is evident from these provisions that the colonists laboured under no restrictions, as to the amount of liberty which they might give to the inhabitants. The stipulation on the contrary was, that they should not be curtailed of any of the liberties and immunities which they were entitled to as free and natural-born subjects of the Realm of England. Whether the policy adopted disfranchising all who were not church members, no matter what their estates or personal respectability, was not an abridgement of the rights of British subjects, is a question too plain for discussion. The propositions made by the Commissioners of Charles II. to Connecticut in the year 1665, contain this requisition, "c that all men of competent estates, and of civil conversation, (though of different judgment) may be admitted to be freemen, and have liberty to choose, or to be chosen officers, for the military and civil." Letters, &c., by R. R. Hinman, pp. 62-3. The word, freeman, in the Charter, was intended at most to signify a freeholder, i. e., that every English natural born subject who had a freehold, should be entitled to the rank of a freeman. Britton, (c. 32,) whose definition is adopted by Blackstone, describes a liberum tenementum or freehold, to be " the possession of the soil by afreeman." 2 Bl. Corn., p. 104. In the colony of Virginia, according to Beverly, the term was less restricted. " Everyfreeman," says he, " (by which denomination they call all but indented or bought servants,) from sixteen to sixty years of age, is listed in the militia." Beverly's History of Virginia, p. 233. 58 APPENDIX. F.-p. 20. Hutch. Hist. vol. i. p. 219. But before this, see Sewell's Hist., p. 272 (Lond. ed. fo. 1772) for Mandamus from the king; also Propositions by his Majesty's Commissioners to the Governor and General Court of Connecticut, made April 20, 1665, in which are recommended that " all men of competent estates and of civil conversation, (though of different judgment) may be admitted TO BE FREEMEN" and " that all persons of civil lives, may freely enjoy THE LIBERTY of their consciences, and the worship of God in that way which they think best," &c. (See Propositions and Answer in Hinman's Letters, &c. being original documents, pp. 62-3); also Mass. Hist. Coll. 2d Series, vol. viii. p. 76. G.-p. 20. It was necessary for the minister to certify, that the candidates for freedom were of orthodox principles, as well as of good lives, &c. See note in Hutch. Hist. Mass., vol. i. p. 31. H.-p. 24. Vide Isaac Penington's Works sparsim, (Lond. fo. ed. 1681) particularly " An examination of the grounds of causes," &c. part i. pp. 199, 208, 224, 225, 233, et seq.; also "Somewhat relating to Church Government," &c. &c. part ii. page 400,et seq; also "( Misrepresentations of one concerning Church Government cleared," part ii. p. 418, et seq. I lay the greater stress on this authority because his father, Sir Isaac Penington, was a member of the Parliament who condemned Charles I. and was much tinctured with admiration of Cromwell. The author here quoted, had been an Independent before he became a Quaker, and con. tinued to feel through life a more than ordinary solicitude for his former party, in opposition to the Episcopalians and Roman Catholics. He writes rather in sorrow than in anger. APPENDIX. 59 I.-p. 25. An ingenious and well informed writer, but of rather tart spirit, eloquently remarks, with reference to the causes which stayed the fury of religious persecutions in New England; c" Charles was restored-Endicott died, and when the sun seemed to be turning into darkness and the moon into blood, the wheels of the car of destiny appeared suddenly to roll backward, and a glimmer of humanity began to dawn." Vide The Churchman, vol. v. p. 857, May 2, 1835. K.-p. 25. John Checkley, in the first quarter of the 18th century, reprinted Leslie on Episcopacy. He was arraigned at Boston, heavily fined, and bound with two sureties to keep the peace. See also An Act of the Connecticut Colony against Quakers, Ranters, &c. passed in the year 1705, disallowed by Queen Anne in Council. See Proud's Hist. Penna., (note) vol. i. p. 465. Bradford, in his History of Boston, pp. 49-50, denounces the folly of a toleration which may tend to misrule. L.-p. 28. The voluntary compact adopted by the adventurers, in 1639, contained no explicit provision respecting religion. They only resolved to maintain the faith or discipline "( which we now profess," which, as is well known, were those of Geneva. The penal system was modelled, both in Connecticut and New H-aven Colony, upon the basis of the Levitical code, which punished many offences with death. It is not easy to say what was the precise nature of the criminal law, before the time of Eaton in 1655, as the early regulations of Connecticut were not preserved in print, and some of the manuscript records of New Haven are lost, mutilated or destroyed. Of that celebrated code which has been denominated " the blue laws," we know 60 APPENDIX. only what can be gathered of its character from contemporary annalists, and from the laws of Eaton which succeeded, and in some instances preserved them. See infra Appendix A. M.-p. 29. Vide on this subject c European Settlements," &c., vol. ii. p. 220; also Felt's Annals, pp. 175, 327; also Isaac Penington, who says, in addressing New England, " Look over your writings, consider the cause again in a more meek and upright spirit, and ye yourselves will easily see, how in your heat ye have mistaken, and dealt more injuriously with others than ye yourselves were ever dealt with." (Works, Lond. ed. 1681, fo. p. 223.); also Sewell's Hist. Quakers, p. 200; also Savage's Winthrop, vol. ii. p. 109-149. N.-p. 30. It \vill I e observed in Norton's New England Memorial, (which was written, it is said, on board the Mayflower,) among the reasons assigned for the colonists abandoning Holland, was, their desire to live under their natural PRINCE. O.-p. 31. Vide Order in Massachusetts for proclaiming Charles II. king. Hazard's Hist. Coll. of State Papers, vol. ii. p. 593. The address of Massachusetts to Charles II., bearing date August 7th, 1661, displays so ardent a loyalty, that I am tempted, in view of this and its other characteristics, to introduce it here, in extenso: [Massachusetts Records, 7th August, 1661.] To the High and mighty Prince Charles the Second by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, 4c. cc Illustrious Sir, "c That Majesty and Benignity both sat upon the Throne whereunto your Outcasts made their former Address, Witnes the second APPENDIX. 61 Eucharistical Approach unto the best of Kings, Who to other Titles of Royalty, common to him with other Gods amongst men, delighted herein more peculiarly to conform himself to the God of Gods in that he hath not despised nor abhorred the Affliction of the Afflicted, neither hath he hid his Face from him, but when he cried he heard. Our Petition was the Representation of an Exiles Necessities: This Script, gratulatory and Lowly, is the Reflection of the gracious Rays of Christian Majesty: There we sought your Favour by presenting to a compassionate Eye that Bottle full of Tears shed by us in this Jesimon; Here also we acknowledge the Efficacy of Regal Influence to qualify these Salt Waters. The Mission of ours was accompanied with these Churches sitting in Sackcloth; The Reception of yours was the holding forth the Sceptre of Life. (( We are deeply sensible of your Majesty's Intimation relating to Instruments of Satan acted by impulse Diabolical (not to say whence he came to us) went out from us because he was not of us. God preserve your Majesty from all Emissaries agitated by an infernal Spirit under what Appellations soever disguised. Luther sometimes wrote to the Senate of Mulhousen to beware of the Wolfe Munster. c" Royal Sir, "( Your just Title to the Crown enthronizeth you in our Con. sciences, your Graciousness in our affections;-That inspireth us unto Duty, this naturalizeth unto Loyalty:-Thence we call you Lord, hence a Saviour. Mephibosheth, how prejudicially soever misrepresented, yet rejoiceth that the King is come in Peace to his own house;-Now the Lord hath dealt well with our Lord the King: May New England under your Royal Protection be permitted, still to sing the Lords Song in this Strange Land: It shall be no grief of Heart for the Blessing of a People ready to perish, daily to come upon your majesty, the blessing of your poor People, who (not here to alledge the innocency of our cause, touching which, let us live no longer than we subject ourselves to an orderly Trial thereof) though in the particulars of Subscriptions and Conformity, supposed to be under the Hallucinations of weak Bretheren, yet craue leaue with all Humility 62 APPENDIX. to say Whether the voluntary quitting of our Natiue and dear Country, be not sufficient to expiate so innocent a Mistake, (if a Mistake) let God Almighty, your Majesty, and all good Men judge. "( Now, he in whose hands the Times and Trials of the Children of Men are, who hath made your Majesty remarkably parallel to the most eminent of Kings both for Space and kind of your Troubles, so as that vere Day cannot be expected, wherein they drove him from abiding in the Inheritence of the Lord, saying Go serve other Gods, make you also (which is the Crown of all) more and more like unto him in being a Man after Gods own Heart, to do whatsoeuer he will: Yea, as the Lord was with David, so let him be with your most Excellent Majesty, and make the Throne of King Charles the Second both greater and better than the Throne of King David, or than the Throne of any of your Royal Progenitors. So shall always pray, " Great Sir, " Your Majesty's most humble and Loyal Subjects, "JOHN ENDICOTT, Governor." P.-p. 32. See the honeyed expressions of allegiance to King Charles II., in an Act passed by Massachusetts against treason, in the year 1678, the year of the famous Popish Plot, so called. Death is denounced for imagining the destruction of the king's person, or of the style, honour, or dignity of the kingly office. See also the definition of treason enlarged in 1696, Report by Messrs. Rantoul and others, on Capital Punishment (read in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts in 1836) p. 67. Q.-p. 34. See sixth article of articles of confederation, according to which two commissioners from each jurisdiction, are to be chosen, being ALL in church-fellowship with us, requires the article.,Hiinman's Letters" &c. (being a collection of original Documents relating to Connecticut,) p. 33. APPENDIX. 63 R.-p. 36. In reply to the depreciation of bookish lore by the Puritans, South observed, " Granted that God does not stand in need of human learning, still less has he need of human ignorance." S.-p. 36. The literary precisians, and purists of the present day, in Boston and Cambridge, seem hardly to be the descendants of their own progenitors. It is quite opposed to our notions of the New England clergy, whom we are accustomed to regard as men of grave and sober, if not of grim visage, to find them indulging in whimsical conceits, in concocting anagrams, and making puns. But so it was. The vice of a quaint age, in the mother country, had a prolonged existence in the retired colonies of New England. James I., was himself a punster. Addison tells us, that his taste for that species of humour, was very decided, and that he made few Bishops or Privy Counsellors, who had not " signalized themselves by a clinch or conundrum." Cotton Mather, who was a contemporary of Addison, brings these follies down to a later period. Witness his Magnalia, especially his "Remarkables of Divine Providence among the people of New England." He is a fair representative of a numerous class. The Rev. Mr. Wilson, an eminent Puritan divine of an early day, was a noted anagrammaker. On the death of Wilson, his memory in turn, was appropriately celebrated by anagrams. What contributed more than any thing else to the prevalence of a bad taste, was the popularity of Du Bartas, a French poet of the age of Henry IV., whose works, in Sylvester's translation, was the standard of literary excellence, for a long time, in Massachusetts. Every body adopted him as a model, in writing verse, and his foolish productions passed through thirty editions. A Mrs. Bradstreet, of Massachusetts, whose poetry was in high 64 APPENDIX. repute, received the most delicate and flattering commendation which colonial wit could bestow, in an anagram drawn from her name, which made out the words, a second Du Bartas. T.-p. 48. Consult, among other authorities, which might be cited, respecting colonial Pennsylvania, Proud's History, Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, in 15 vols., and a History of Pennsylvania, in German, by the late Professer Ebeling of Hamburg. A part of this impartial and learned work, will be found, in a beautifil English dress, in the first volume of Hazard's most valuable work now referred to. The translator is the venerable and eminent Mr. Du Ponceau of Philadelphia, who undertook the labour, with no view to profit, but simply to make known the high merits of a foreign work to English readers. His version terminates at the death of William Penn in 1718, comprising about one-fourth of the entire book, which brings down the history to the year 1802. See Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, vol. i. p. 341, et seq; also consult the excellent History of Pennsylvania, by Thomas F. Gordon, Esq., of Philadelphia, whose work, though it does not display a full appreciation of William Penn's character (ex. gr. p. 176,) is nevertheless distinguished for fidelity, discrimination, and talent. See what Mr. Gordon says of the constitutions of the other colonies, pp. 173-4. REMARKS AND GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON MERCER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BY B. STOKELY, THE FIRST ACTUAL RESIDENT SETTLER IN THE COUNTY. COMMUNICATED BY JAMES MEASE, M.D. THE revolution of 1775, and the subsequent difficulties occasioned by a patriotic republican community, struggling for liberty, and to free themselves from the tyrannical oppression of British bondage, without the means of supporting an army, led to considerations, which eventually resulted in a resolution to give to the soldier a permanent reward for his toil and pain, in defending the country. The rapid depreciation of continental money, and the consequent rise in articles of necessity, from January, 1777, until February, 1781, rendered it essential that some additional provision should be made, not so much as a bonus or premium to induce men into public service; but as an act of justice towards those who bore the heat and burden of the day; those who had, from zealous patriotism, left their families, connexions, and homes, to save a beloved country from ruin and disgrace. 9 66 REMARKS ON Impressed with a deep sense of indispensable duty on this occasion, the legislature, as early as the 7th of March, 1780, passed a law declaratory of their design that the officers and soldiers of this state in the service of the United States, who should serve during the war or die in the service, should have lands granted to them at the end of the war, as a donation or gift, to remunerate them in some degree for services rendered, for the payment of which the continental wages were so inadequate. By an act of the 12th March, 1783, the metes and bounds of the space in which these donation lands were to be located, were particularly described, viz., from the mouth of MJohulbuckitum on the Allegheny River, up that river to the mouth of Conewango, thence north to the south boundary of the state of New York; thence west, along that line to the northwest corner of Pennsylvania; thence south, along the west boundary of the state last mentioned, to a point due west of the mouth of Mohulbuckitum aforesaid; and thence due east, along the north boundary of the Depreciation lands, to the place of beginning. By an act of March 24th, 1785, deputy surveyors were to be appointed, of the districts comprised within these limits, from District No. 1, to that of No. 10; each deputy was enjoined by law and directed by the Surveyor-General to complete the work committed to his care, on, or before the first day of February, 1786. By this act a Major-General is to have 2000 acres; Brigadier 1500; Colonel 1000; Lieutenant-Colonel 750; Surgeon, Chaplain, Major, 600 each; Captain, 500; Lieutenant, 400; Ensign and Surgeon's mate, 300 each; Sergeant, Sergeant-Major, Quartermaster Sergeant, each 250; and MERCER COUNTY, PA. 67 each Drummer, Fifer, Corporal, and private soldier, 200 acres, and allowance. Twenty-seven miles of the west ends of Districts No. 5 and 4, and about nineteen miles of the western parts of Districts No. 3 and 2, lie in Mercer County. In September, 1785, the undersigned was called on by G. Evans, Esq., of the city of Philadelphia, who had been appointed by John Lukens, the then Surveyor-General, to be deputy surveyor of the 2d and 3d Districts. On the first day of October, 1785, I left Washington, Pa., in company with Robert Smith, Samuel Craig, Francis Beadle and others, to assist Mr. Evans in making surveys. We arrived at Pittsburg (called Fort Pitt) on the second day of the same month, and on the eighth, we arrived in the 3d district, and commenced our business. Beginning on the east, we worked westward with two compasses, and carried ten ranges with us, keeping the tents and the provisions in the centre; in this way, we progressed until the 26th of October, when we closed our fall's work, at a place near where Joseph Shannon now lives, three miles southwest of the borough of Mercer. That day at about 12 o'clock, we set out for Fort Pitt, our horses loaded with skins killed by our Indian hunter, who supplied us the whole time with venison, fat and more than we could use; we had no bread for twelve days, but experienced no inconvenience from this deficiency. Bears, wolves, deer, and Indians, in every direction, in plenty; peaceable and useful. On the day we set out for the white settlement, we saw three bears on and near one tree; we hastened to the tree, but before we arrived at the spot, one ran off, one came 68 REMARKS ON down, and the other fell about forty feet, and all took to the swamps, every one its own course. There were ten of us including the Indian; we pursued the bears about fifteen minutes, but gave up the chase, and gathered together and pursued our course, which went about south, 25 degrees east. At about three miles distance from the bear tree, we discovered a man was missing; we discharged our guns, and hallooed, but all to no purpose; we saw him no more. On the 29th we arrived at Fort Pitt, and separated each to his own home, never to meet again. On the sixteenth day of April, 1792, I received a commission to be deputy surveyor of the 4th and 5th Districts, then under a new arrangement called the 3d. General Brodhead was Surveyor-General. This commission was given under the Act of 3d April, 1792, for the sale of vacant lands north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny Rivers, and Conewango Creek. Although this district extended eastward to the Allegheny River, including the town of Franklin, then called Venango, consisting of the garrison and a few cabins, yet the western and better part of it, was included in Mercer County as now laid out; the residue of this county is comprised within the 4th and 6th Districts, new arrangement: the deputy surveyors of which were Thomas Stokely and John Moore. Although the former of these gentlemen understood neither theory nor practice, yet he received the appointment for his activity and bravery in the massacre of Paoli, in the Revolution. Thus went the offices and rewards in those days, and thus go pensions and places in these days, without very much respect to necessity or fitness, in many cases. MERCER COUNTY, PA. 69 From the 3d of April, 1792, until October, 1794, no attempt was made to settle Mercer County; this inaction of the public, whei a fine country was opened by law for their reception, for nearly three years, was occasioned by the danger of the savages in that region. In June, 1794, John Powers was killed and scalped, eighteen miles from Fort Franklin, towards Pittsburg. The bones of this man were left exposed on the surface of the ground, until May, 1796, when his head, which bore the plain mark of the incision of the scalping knife, and a hole in the skull two inches square, was found by a surveyor and his party and taken to Washington, Pa. In October, 1794, and February, 1795, 453 land warrants were entered in my office in Pittsburg for land, chiefly in Mercer County. In the spring of 1795, I made arrangements to execute the surveys on those entered the preceding February. Those entered in October, onehundred in all, were laid on Chenango a year after they were entered, by a deputy. On the first day of May, 1795, after having collected hands and provisions, tents and the necessary apparatus for the woods, our party set out for the Indian country, and on the fourth, crossed the Ohio at Christlo's Ferry, and arrived at Mackintosh (now Beaver town). Whence we proceeded up Beaver, to the old Moravian and Cuscusca towns; and on the tenth unloaded our horses at Beech Swamp, four miles southwest of the spot where Mercer now stands. John Paxton and Dorsey Blackman our pack-horsemen, returned home with the horses a different route from that which we pursued in going out; this was through fear of meeting the Indians, or that the Indians would waylay them on the trail as they 70 REMARKS ON returned home; these fears were excited from seeing Indians, as we travelled out. On the thirteenth day of May, 1795, I made the first survey in my district. We continued our business until the 7th of June, without any visible risk or danger; but on that day, when my men and myself were sitting in the tent late in the evening, I discovered something white waving in the air, about forty yards from the camp. I immediately went to the place; there was an Indian behind a large oak, who had a letter from the officer commanding at Fort Franklin; he had split a small stick, and having put the letter in the split, was waving it about until I discovered it. I took the letter and read as follows:SIR - " Having received information of two men's being killed by Indians, last Wednesday evening, near the mouth of Little Coneaught, in passing it on the borders of the district where I've heard you are at work, I send the bearer hereof, a friendly Indian, to find you if possible and give you this notice, that you may be on your guard, in case of the approach of any other hostile parties. " I am, sir, your humble servant, (Signed,) " JH. HETH. " Captain 3d S. Legion, " Commanding Fort Franklin." "June 6th, 1795." "Findley and McCormick were the unfortunate meno 6 J. HW. "Mr. Benjamin Stokely, by a friendly Indian." MERCER COUNTY, PA. 71 Having taken the Indian into the camp-given him something to eat, and invited him to stay with us till morning, I wrote to Captain Heth, by the Indian, whose name was " Scandashawa," as follows:"To Captain HETH, Franklin:" Sir,-This evening I received your kind letter by the Indian, for which you will please to accept my unfeigned thanks. It is, sir, with much satisfaction that I find a friend so near, and in possession of the means of securing our safety, should it be found necessary to claim your protection. " The times look dark and dangerous, and we have no doubt of the facts stated, but being engaged in the business of surveying land, on a large and extensive scale, it would be extremely inconvenient at present to lose much time in watching the motion of the enemy. I have therefore consulted my brave companions in this critical conjuncture, and we have concluded to proceed on with our work at all hazards; but on any unfavourable change in the aspect of the perils which seem to surround us now, we intend to avail ourselves of that protection which we are well assured it will be no less your duty than your inclination to render. (Signed,) "BEN. STOKELY, "In the woods. "June 7th, 1795." The next day, June the 8th, I received a letter from General Taylor, then at Franklin; an associate Judge of Washington County, an elderly gentleman, and an old and 72 REMARKS ON particular friend. As the General was a man, honest, friendly, and sincere, his letter had some weight with my men, and on a second balloting whether we should relinquish our business at present, or proceed, it was determined six for going home, and six for going on with the surveys: The question being put, shall we proceed with the surveys. Yeas, W. Ewing, Adam Deim, Samuel Craig, N. Lewis, Robert Linton, and B. Stokely. Nays, David Norris, Jos. Swearingen, Wm. Connell, George Hackney, Levi Jacobs, Wm. Jacobs. Thus divided, and three surveyors being in the affirmative, our company was so broken that we concluded to return home, and therefore set out June the 9th, for Pittsburg.-Judge Taylor's letter, the efficient cause of this decision among us, read as follows, to wit:" Fort Franklin, 8th June, 1795. "DEAR SIR,-I wish to inform you that I conceive you and your partiee in dangar. There is a partiee of Indians out who seem to entend hostil meshures with the surveyors; how fare the may go it is doubtfull, but I would recommend your coming in heare as soon as posable; perhaps in a few day it may be better known how fare or how many the partiee is. There is a number of people going off; I would be glad to see you before I go off. I shall remain at this place a few days untill it may be better known the disposition of the Indians,-if it appears favourable will go to Cusawago. I would be glad to know your opinion, with respect, in what way you will make your return of the surveys made on improvements rights, as I am about pur MERCER COUNTY, PA. 73 chising som; and a number is waiting for your approving of these surveys that the have already made. "It will not be nesassary to tell you the damage done, as Mr. Swearingen has heard all the news of this place; but the number now known to be killed is five. " I am truly your sincear "Friend and humble servant, (Signed,) "HENRY TAYLOR." B. Stokely, D. S. Y. There are three objects in view in giving the copy of this letter,-the first is to show the danger and peril of the times in which the preparatory measures were taken to settle Mercer County; the second, to show the singular friendship from the General towards me, notwithstanding a very disagreeable misunderstanding between him and my brother, Col. Thomas Stokely, on a point of military discipline; and the third object is to manifest to the public that a man may be good and great without much knowledge of literature.-In October, 1795, I returned to the woods with a full set of hands only for one compass. The provisions we left in June preceding could not be depended on, and therefore we brought fresh flour with us and depended in some degree on wild meat for our support; but such was our bad luck in procuring venison or bear, that our hunter, Jno. Moore, killed but one deer the whole time from Oct. 19 to Nov. 30,1795. Under pressing necessity, were we obliged to search for Beech Swamp, where we had left our meat in kegs, in May of that year. This bacon, when found, was blue with putrefaction, and stunk so as to be distinctly noticed near twenty yards; of this, such 74 REMARKS ON was our hunger, did we eat, nay more, we feasted for some days; at length, closing our range, five miles north of Mercer, we set out for Mackintosh, on the 28th of November, 1795, and, after sinking our raft in crossing Chenango, wetting many things, and losing some, we arrived at that place the second day of December, hungry and tired, but, on getting refreshment at a public house, the only one then in the place, kept by Samuel Johnston, we were very soon as well as ever. Our party this tour was composed of seven, viz., W. Ewing, Joseph Davidson, Noah Lewis, Jos. Brooks, John Moore, Jabez Coulson, and myself. On the 9th of May, 1796, we returned to the woods, a third tour. The ratification of Wayne's Treaty, on the 22d of December, 1795, having, as we supposed, secured our safety, we surveyed and improved the county, without fear or trembling. Returned to the white settlements the 13th of June, 1796, and on the 14th of October following, I sat down as an actual settler, with my family, a wife and three children, on the very spot where I now reside, at Coolspring, three miles northeast of the borough of Mercer. My wife was the first white woman that settled in Mercer County; she saw no white female but one, as prisoner among the Indians, until April, 1797. During the winter of 1796-7, Indians were very numerous, troublesome sometimes, and useful sometimes; we purchased two thousand eight hundred and forty-six pounds of venison of them, fifty skins, some fur, and a few bear-skins. I had two oxen and two cows; on the 7th of December, 1796, they left me, in a course towards Pittsburg. I pursued one day and gave up the chase; on the 17th they returned. The snow fell 22d of November, went off 13th MERCER COUNTY, PA. 75 of February; fell the 19th, went off in March. It was an early spring; good grass and plenty the 10th of April. On the 9th of March, one cow died, for the want of food only. Having an opportunity, I sent a letter to the white settlement, offering twenty dollars for six bushels of Indian meal, but failed to get any. The 28th, the other was near dying; to save her life, I ripped open a pack-saddle pad, took out a part of the straw stuffing, cut it short, put on warm water and a pint of flour, reserving the residue of the padding for a future day; she recovered,-sharp times! In the spring of 1797, as early as the middle of February, the county began to settle, so that in a few months the neighbourhood began to assume the appearance of civilization. To me, who had been so long alone, and none but Indians to commune with, and particularly to my wife, the change was exceedingly acceptable. It might be conceived, but cannot be easily expressed, when one day she saw two white women, the Misses Rice, coming to see her on a visit, the pleasure and satisfaction she felt at this circumstance. The settlement at Coolspring being among the very earliest in the county, it may be considered as begun in the spring of 1797, though many had made small beginnings in 1796, but returned to the old settlements in the fall of that year, and returned again when I had resolved the great problem, that the Indians were no longer dangerous neighbours. In the summer of 1797, I sent my plough irons forty-two miles to be sharpened, and paid upwards of two dollars for it. The first mill was built in 1798, by Peter Wilson, an old and respectable settler, who settled in this county early in April, 1797. On the 23d and 24th of August, in the year last mentioned, took place 76 REMARKS ON the memorable compromise between the agent of the N. A. Land Company and the settlers who had been placed on the land by certain individuals, in opposition to the Company's title. The leaders of the opposing party were Messrs. M'Williams, Dunning, Morrow, and Tannehill, of Pittsburg. In this general settlement, however, of conflicting claims, peace was restored, and the settlers were made sure of their lands without any further contention. Although the Act of 1792 never could be so construed as to sustain any but two kinds of title, viz.,-one under the eighth section, beginning with an actual bona fide resident settlement, and ending with money to be paid to the state within ten years from the passage of the act, free of interest;-and the other under the ninth section, commencing with money, and ending with labour and residence; yet did the leading influential men, from a spirit of mere speculation, endeavour to monopolize large bounds of this and the adjoining counties, obtained settlers, made agreements, established settlements on surveys made without authority, promised a title, and in a word went on to complete the claim for their settlers, as if they had been supported by law until, as I have before observed, the compromise of August, 1797, put to rest all disputes, with the exception of a few individuals, who chose to try title at law, but failed. In 1798, the Rev. Jacob Garwell, member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preached at Peter Wilson's, in the woods, and shortly afterwards in my barn. This year seed potatoes sold for $1 33 a bushel; wheat was first reaped in this county this year, the seed of which had in 1797 cost $2 25 per bushel; corn had no price; wild meat was yet easily obtained. In the year of 1798, the small MERCER COUNTY, PA. 77 pox broke out and spread among the Indians, who had it in many cases extremely severe. In 1797, on the 19th day of September, was born the first white child in Mercer County,-Ariadne, my fourth child,-not a woman but the mother present. This was a severe trial to me. In 1799, the first missionaries were sent to preach to the settlers; these were the Rev. J. Stockton, E. Macurdy, J. M'Lene, Wm. Wick. But the labours of the reverend gentlemen were not greatly blessed, or, in other words, no visible change was seen among the people until the next year, 1800, nor indeed until 1801, to any extent; but in that year and the next, 1802, under the preaching of the Rev. Samuel Pait, many of the most wicked, loose, and irregular, were brought to see the wickedness of their former life, and the necessity of fleeing from the wrath to come. The first storekeeper was E. Magoffin,-the first lawyer that settled in Mercer was E. S. Sample. The first Board of Commissioners was composed of Robert Bole, for three years, Andrew Denniston, two years, and Thos. Robb, for one year. The first D. Surveyor, John Findley. The first President Judge, Jesse Moore; Associates, A. Wright, A. Brown, and W. Amberson. It may be necessary here to remark, that Mr. Amberson, not residing in the bounds of Mercer County at the time it was struck off Crawford, nor within the latter county one year previous to that event, the tenure of his commission was not quite consistent with the constitution. It does not appear from any discovery made in the first settlement of this county, that it ever was a place where many elk and buffalo haunted; one buffalo horn and a few elk horns were found in 1795 and 1797; and a few 78 REMARKS ON elk have been seen, and one killed, near the western boundary of the county, since the settlement commenced. The animals which are now seen and sometimes taken, are foxes, red and gray, raccoons, opossums, wild-cats, deer, a very few white hares, and an animal called a wolvereen, of the feline or vulpine species, supposed to be engendered between a wolf and a fox, or a fox and a wild-cat. It is one of the swiftest animals in the woods, a common curdog is left with ease, and being sensible of its own superiority in running, it will play around, as if it were mere amusement. It is bold and cunning, and has never been taken by any white man since the county was first settled; and only by Indians before. The climate of this county may be considered, in its general character as cold and wet. Winter usually sets in about the latter end of November, and corn is seldom planted much before the latter end of May, which makes nearly six months of cool, cold, and wet weather. Snow is seldom more than eighteen inches deep; but on the 3d of February, 1800, and the 3d of February, 1818, it was about three feet. Frost is seen, some years, in every month. This county has always been subject to annual tornadoes, which seldom happen before the middle of May, nor after the summer solstice. In 1785 a tremendous one took place: the course was from northwest to southeast, commencing in Lackawanack township, thence through Springfield and the east end of Slippery Rock into Butler County, tearing and prostrating everything that stood in its way; but as there were no buildings nor any improvements, the damage was not felt; but on the night of the 4th of June, 1801, a severe snow-storm began in Pymatuning township, and MERCER COUNTY, PA. 79 passing from northwest to southeast through Delaware, Coolspring, Springfield, and Wolf Creek, laid the timber level with the surface of the earth, in almost every place. It was about forty perches wide, and in the centre, about two rods wide it was unusually severe. My own loss was in part as follows:-The destruction of timber, about forty perches in width and upwards of two miles in length, two hundred pannel of fence laid flat and scattered near fifty yards; rails were forced into the hard ground eighteen inches-every house, barn, or stable, stripped of its covering in less than the space of one minute-clapboards blown above a mile,-bars torn down, and one heavy black oak bar found seven years afterwards, in a swamp about two hundred perches from the place from which it was blown. eIn one place about two hundred rails had been blown in a pile, and a large cow lay on the top of all; she had been blown across ploughed ground near forty yards. A dead log twenty-two feet long, and twenty one inches in diameter, being a large limb of a very big oak which had fallen, and by the weight had been forced into the ground, and had lain so for some years; this fork, as I have described it, was blown endwise four feet and turned over-and such was the fury of the elements, that the rough bark was blown from the white oaks, that stood the blast until they were quite smooth in many places. This excessive force was principally confined to a space in the centre of the gale, about forty feet wide. Among other valuable timber, I lost about four hundred fine sugar trees. One man lost a mare, and had his place completely ruined; and many others were greatly injured. The noise of the wind and rain and thunder was such that no distinction could be 80 REMARKS ON noticed; it was one universal roar, impossible to be described. Thus pent and sequestrated from all aid in this awful crisis, with a wife and five small children, drenched with rain, our fire nearly out, the night dark, except when the vivid flash gave us a glimpse of the havoc all around,-I cannot describe my feelings on that dreadful visitation. From the least estimate I can make of the time this ruin was effected on my premises, I think it did not exceed two minutes. Such a change in so short a time appeared to me different from anything I had ever before or since experienced. There are some places where the wind had fallen from above, and crushed everything before it, and having spent its force on the ground left no farther signs of destruction, but just in these spots, some not more than two, perches square. Such is the nature of the timber prostrated in a hurricane which happened in 1785, now near forty-eight years ago, and yet very visible in its effects, it is quite sound in hundreds of places, but chiefly in these cases it is chestnut. The county is generally healthy, and nothing of an endemical character can be distinctly known to exist in this county; coal-pits are few and near the surface, and in quality partakes of the bituminous kind. The bridges in this county are numerous, and some good, but they are so frequently destroyed, repaired, and new ones building, that on this head little need be said, as the present situation will not remain the same six months. One small beaver-dam may be seen in ruins on Otter Creek, two and a half miles from Mercer. Some attempts have been made to procure salt water, but to no purpose. MERCER COUNTY, PA. 81 The Courts of Justice are now held at Mercer, the fourth Mondays of March, June, September, and December; President-Judge, John Bredin; Associates, A. Brown, W. Amberson; Pro., W. S. Rankin; Reg. and Rec., S. Holstein. Physicians not residing in the borough are Dr. Axtell, Dr. H. Cossitt, Dr. Wiley, Dr. Mitcheltree, Dr. Hull, Dr. J. Cossitt. Those who reside in the borough are Dr. Magoffin, Jr., and Dr. Magoffin, Dr. Gleazon, Dr. Coffey, and Dr. Johnston. Ministers of the Gospel not residing in the county, but who have congregations or hearers in the county, and occasionally preach within the county, are Mr. Glenn, Presbyterian; Mr. M'Lene, Seceder; Mr. Black, Covenanter;-and a number of itinerant Methodist preachers, whose labours are divided throughout the county to the best advantage. With respect to the variation of the needle, I would just remark, that in 1785 we found the variation to be 21~ east; in 1795 we found it 3~; but knowing that a difference existed among compasses, in some 30' and in others 1~, we were not able to determine what the precise difference was. We have since pursued the oldest lines with the same degrees we run in 1795, and find no material variation. In Mercer County no measures of defence or security were taken against the Indians, except in one place, where a Mr. Mackmillon erected a block-house in Coolspring township; but they never had the honour of an attack. The Indian mode of killing bear is to have twelve or twenty dogs, a bow, and sheaf of arrows; thus equipped, 10 82 REMARKS ON MERCER COUNTY, PA. accompanied by a squaw, the man enters the swamp, preceded by all his dogs, and on starting Bruin, the dogs immediately seize him by the hind parts; the bear turns to relieve himself from the disagreeable incumbrance, which detains him some time, while the hunter comes up and discharges an arrow into his body-the arrow having a dart on the point with barbs on the edge. The animal is then under the painful necessity of stopping to pull it out; at this time the dogs seize him again, and the hunter gives him another shot; the squaw, to her business, gathers up the arrows and hands them to her husband,-and thus they proceed until the poor animal, lacerated and torn by the arrows and the dogs, yields up his breath, and the contest is over. There are some large piles of stones, called Indian graves, where the ground has been totally cleared of stones for several acres to make the pile. The amount of taxes laid on seated, unseated, and personal property for 1832, is $17,926 66, composed of the following items, and applicable to the following purposes, viz,, 1st. County tax on seated and personal property. $7790 67 2d. Road tax on seated and personal property 6217 87 3d. County tax on unseated property. 1324 32 4th. Road tax on unseated property - 1056 43 5th. State tax...... 1537 37 Note.-The 1st and 3d items go to pay the county expenses, such as the jurors, elections, &c. The 2d and 4th are exclusively applied to repairing the roads already made, and in opening new ones. The 5th is to pay the interest on the State loan for internal improvements. B. STOKELY. A PARTICULAR GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LATELY DISCOVERED PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA, SITUATED ON THE FRONTIERS OF THIS WESTERN WORLD, AMERICA. BY FRANCIS DANIEL PASTORIUS. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL GERMAN BY LEWIS H. WEISS. INTRODUCTION. THE fourth grand division of our world, America, is divided into two great parts, the first of which lies to the south, and comprises the following provinces:1st, The Golden Castilia, which again contains the colonies of Papaya, New Grenada, Carthagena, Venazola, Nova Andalusia, and Paria. 2d, The land of Guyana, in possession of the Dutch, of which they were desirous to lease a part lying between the rivers Paria and Amazones to the Count Hanau in 1669. 3d, The land of Brasilia, belonging to the Portuguese, in the which are the cities of St. Salvator, Olinda, and Pernambuco. 4th, The land of Chile. 5th, The land of Peru, the metropolis of which is Lima, in which city the Spanish viceroy has his residence. This province bounds on the Andes, among which there is much gold to be found. The aborigines are a race of giants of ten feet stature. 84 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION In this Southern America there are two great rivers, the Amazones, and the Rio de la Plata. Upon the borders flows the stream Panama or Isthmus, on which the rich productions of the country are brought to the sea-shore, and thence transported to Spain. The second part, or North America, comprises 1st, The land of Nicaragua, Guatimala, Nova Hispania, and Chersonesa, which expand to the Mexican sea. 2d, The land of Flowers (Florida). 3d, Virginia, which belongs to the English. 4th, Nova Belgia, the chief town of which is New Amsterdam. 5th, Nova Anglia, in which land is the city of Cambridge, where the Bible has been printed in the Indian language. 6th, The lands Canada, Nova Gallia, Terra Corte Realis, Terra Labrador, and Nova Britannia. Of this entire American continent, very little was known until 1441, for none of its inhabitants had ever ventured across the ocean to Europe. The first discoverer of this western world was Christopher Columbus, an Italian, a native of the village of Cucurco near Genoa, descended from the noble family Pilustroli, a profound scholar, and an experienced navigator. Having observed, while on the isle of Cadiz, that at certain seasons of the year the wind blew from the westward for many days together, he concluded that it must come from some undiscovered country in that direction, and he offered to proceed on a voyage to discover said land, provided the Genoese republic would furnish him with several suitable vessels. Upon his being refused it, he next OF PENNSYLVANIA. 85 applied to Henry VII., king of England, with no better success. He also waited upon Alfonsus, king of Portugal, with no better success, but finally Ferdinand and Isabella, sovereigns of Castilia, granted him three small ships, with which he set sail in August, 1492, and after a month he came to the island of Comera, where he laid in some provisions, and thirty days after he arrived at the isle Guarglysna. He next visited the islands of Cumana and Haiti, which last he named Hispaniola; here he built a fort. After he had examined into the resources of these countries he resolved to return to Spain, to announce his good fortune to the King and Queen, and arrived again safely, without having lost a single man on his expedition. The king was much pleased with the new discovery, and conferred upon Columbus the title.dmirandus. He afterwards made some other voyages to the Insolas Fortunatus, and to the Canaries, on which there are two miraculous fountains, one of which, if persons drink the water therefrom, it causes them to laugh immoderately, even so as to cause death, but if they immediately take a draught from the other fountain, it will stop the laughing effect at once. He also visited the isle of Teneriffa, in which there is a great and terrible volcano. Finally he came to the island where the cannibals reside, and because he landed there on a Sunday, named it Dominica. After making these discoveries, he returned, by way of Cumana and Jamaica, to Spain..nno Christi, 1495, the above-mentioned king Ferdinand, sent the noble Florentine, Vesputius Americus, with four large ships, into these regions, for the purpose of making further researches and discoveries. Americus was 86 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION the first European that reached the continent, where he saw great numbers of the naked inhabitants; and after cruising about some time among the islands, he returned to Spain in the year 1498. The newly discovered continent was named America in honour of him, and now contains many rich and valuable colonies and trading ports belonging to the Spanish, French, English, and the Hollanders. CHAPTER I. OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE PENNSYLVANIAN REGIONS. Although, after the successful expeditions of Columbus and Americus, many colonies had arisen in this western world, such as Nova Hispania, Nova Gallia, Brasilia, Peru, Golden Castilia, Hispaniola, Cumana, Jamaica, Nova Anglia, Florida, Virginia, &c., it so happened, anno 1665, by means of the skilful and enterprising navigators sent out under the auspices of Caroli Stuardus I, king of England, a new and large country was discovered, lying far beyond the above-mentioned colonies. For the time being, however, no name was given to it, inasmuch as the natives roamed about the forests, not having any fixed residences or towns from which any name could have been derived, but they lived here and there in the wilderness in Tuguriis, or huts made of the bark of trees. About the time of this discovery, the Duke of York, having great numbers of Swedes and others under his control, commanded that a town should be commenced on the Della Varra river, which was fortified, and he called OF PENNSYLVANIA. 87 the place New Castle; he likewise granted to the Swedes large privileges, to induce them to remain there, and to cultivate the lands, intending to settle it, also, with English emigrants. The Swedes began to clear away the forests, and soon became a flourishing community. About this time, the unheard-of tragedy was enacted in England, that the king was taken by his own subjects and beheaded; his son, the heir to the throne, pursued for his life, but he managed to make his escape, through the instrumentality of his general, Lord Penn, who carried him to France in disguise, for which goodly service, Penn's entire estates were confiscated or destroyed; and he himself died in exile, before the restoration of the prince. Upon the reinstating of Carolus II., on the throne of his father, he was visited by William Penn, the only son of Lord Penn, and he received him very graciously. In consideration of the services of his father, he presented to him this entire region, together with the colony of New Castle, for ever. This royal bounty bears the date, April 21st, 1681. Penn now published it in the city of London, that he intended to establish a colony there, and offered to sell lands to all such as wished to emigrate. Upon this, many persons offered to go, and Penn accompanied them thither, where he founded the city of Philadelphia, in 1682. A German society also contracted with his agents in London, for several thousand acres of land, to establish a German colony there. The entire region was named Pennsylvania, which signifies Penn's forest lands. 88 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION CHAPTER II. Contains Penn's charter and plans of settlement, which are already well known in the English language. CHAPTER III. CONCERNING THE GERMAN SOCIETY. The German Society commissioned myself, Francis Daniel Pastorius, as their licensed agent, to go to Pennsylvania and to superintend the purchase and survey of their lands. I set out from Frankford on the Mayne, went to London, where I made the purchase, and then embarked for America. Under the protection of the Almighty, I arrived safely at Philadelphia, and I was enabled to send my report home to Germany, on the 7th of March, 1684. The lands I purchased, were to be as follows:-fifteen thousand acres in one tract, on some navigable stream. Three hundred acres in the City Liberties, which is the strip of land lying between the rivers Dellavarra and Scolkill, above Philadelphia. Three lots in the City proper, for the purpose of building thereon. Upon my arrival, I applied to the Governor, William Penn, for warrants, so as to survey and take possession of the aforesaid lands. OF PENNSYLVANIA. 89 His first answer, concerning the three hundred acres in the Liberties, and the three lots in the city, was this:"That these could by right not be claimed by the German Company, because they had been purchased after he had left London, the books closed, and all the lots previously disposed of." He, however, had three lots in the city surveyed for me, out of his youngest son's portion, instead of those above-mentioned. Beginning to number the houses from the Dellavarra river, our trading-house is the ninth in order. Our first lot in the city is of the following dimensions. It has one hundred feet front, and is four hundred feet deep. Next to it is to be a street; adjoining it lies the second lot of the same size as No. 1. Then another street. Lot No. 3 joins this street, its size being the same as the other two. On these lots, we can build two dwellings at each end, making in all, twelve buildings with proper yards and gardens, and all of them fronting on the streets. For the first few years, little or no profit can reasonably be expected to accrue from these lots, on account of the great scarcity of money in this province, and also that as yet, this country has no goods or productions of any kind to trade with, or export to Europe. Our Governor, William Penn, intends to establish and encourage the growing and manufactory of woollens; to introduce the cultivation of the vine, for which this country is peculiarly well adapted, so that our Company had better send us a quantity of wine-barrels and vats of various sorts, also all kinds of farming and gardening implements. Item, several iron boilers of various sizes, and copper and brass kettles. Item, an iron stove, several blankets and 90 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION mattrasses, also a few pieces of Barchet and white linens, which might be sold in our trading-house here, to good advantage. On the 16th of November last, a fair had been held at Philadelphia, but we only sold about ten dollars worth at our trading-house, owing altogether to the scarcity of money, as has been already mentioned. As relating to our newly laid out town, Germanopolis or Germantown: it is situated on a deep and very fertile soil, and is blessed with an abundance of fine springs and fountains of fresh water. The main street is sixty, and the cross street forty feet in width. Every family has a plot of ground for yard and garden, three acres in size. CHAPTER IV. Treats of William Penn's laws, which are already known in the English language. CHAPTER V. OF THE SITUATION OF THE COUNTRY AND THE RIVERS THEREOF. The situation of Pennsylvania is like unto that of Naples, in Italy. This region lies in the fortieth degree of north latitude, is bounded on the east by the Dellavarra River, and extends in length 75 miles, in breadth 45.* * German miles, one of which is equal to five English or American miles. OF PENNSYLVANIA. 91 The islands bordering upon this province are New Jersey, Marieland, and Virginia. In these regions, several new and beautiful stars and constellations are visible, which have heretofore, been entirely unknown to the European astrologi and learned ones. The river Dellavarra is so beautiful a stream, as not to have its equal among all the rivers of Europe. It is navigable for vessels of one hundred tons, thirty miles beyond Philadelphia; it separates Pennsylvania from New Jersey. At Philadelphia it is two, and at New Castle three miles wide; is abundantly stocked with the finest fish, as is likewise the river Scolkill. The springs and fountains of water are innumerable. The woods and copses are filled with beautiful birds of great variety, which proclaim their Creator's praises, in their pleasantest manner. There is, besides, a great abundance of wild geese, ducks, turkeys, quails, pigeons, partridges, and many other sorts of game. CHAPTERS VI. AND VII. Are omitted, as containing nothing of interest to the English reader. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE TOWNS AND CITIES IN THIS PROVINCE. The Governor, William Penn, laid out the city of Philadelphia, between the two rivers Dellavarra and Scolkill, 92 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION naming it with the pious wish and desire, that its inhabitants might dwell together in brotherly love and unity. The Dellavarra is deep enough, so that the largest vessels can come up close to the bank, which is but about a stone's cast from the city. Another English Company have laid out the new town of Frankfort, five miles above Philadelphia, at which, now so flourishing and pleasant place, they have already established several good mills, a glass-house, pottery, and some stores and trading-houses. JNew Castle lies forty miles from the ocean, on the Dellavarra, and has a very good harbour. The town of Uplandt is twenty miles above New Castle, on the river, and is a fine large place inhabited mostly by Swedes. On the twenty-fourth day Octobriis, anno 1685, have I, Francis Daniel Pastorius, with the wish and concurrence of our Governor, laid out and planned a new town, which we called Germantown or Germanopolis, in a very fine and fertile district, with plenty of springs of fresh water, being well supplied with oak, walnut and chestnut trees, and having besides excellent and abundant pasturage for the cattle. At the commencement, there were but twelve families of forty-one individuals, consisting mostly of German mechanics and weavers. The principal street of this, our town, I made sixty feet in width, and the cross street forty feet. The space or lot for each house and garden, I made three acres in size; for my own dwelling, however, six acres. Before my laying out of this town, I had already erected a small house in Philadelphia, thirty feet by fifteen in size. OF PENNSYLVANIA. 93 The windows, for the want of glass, were made of oiled paper. Over the door I had placed the following inscription:Parva domus, sed amica bonis, procul este prophani; at which our Governor, when he paid me a visit, laughed heartily, at the same time encouraging me to build more. I have also obtained 15,000 acres of land for our Company, in one tract, with this condition,-that within one year at least thirty families should settle on it; and thus we may, by God's blessing, have a separate German province, where we can all live together in one. CHAPTER IX. OF THE PRODUCTIONS OF THE COUNTRY. Inasmuch as this region lies in the same degree of latitude as Montepelier and Naples, but has a much richer soil, and that better watered by its many springs and rivulets, it is but reasonable to suppose that such a country must be well calculated to produce all kinds of fruit. The air is pure and serene, the summer is longer and warmer than it is in Germany, and we are cultivating many kinds of fruits and vegetables, and our labours meet with rich reward. Of cattle we have a great abundance, but for want of proper accommodation they roam at large for the present. Sugar and syrup we import from Barbados, and he that has not money, barters with such articles of produce as 94 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION he may have. The articles of trade between the Indians and the Christians consist of fish, birds, deerskins, and the furs of beavers, otters, foxes, &c.; they usually exchange these things for liquor, or else for their own kind of money, which they call wampum, and consists of red and white sea-shells, which are neatly prepared, and strung like beads. These strings of wampum they make use of to decorate themselves with. Their king wears a crown made of the same. Twelve strings of the red are valued as much as twentyfour white ones. They like this kind of money much better than our silver coin, because they are so often deceived by it, not being able to distinguish the counterfeit from the genuine, and as they cannot well calculate the difference in its value, they do not much like to take it. The money in circulation among ourselves is Spanish and English coin. Gems and precious stones we have none, neither do we desire any. We would not give him any great thanks who would dig them out of the earth, for these things which God has created for good and wise purposes, have been most shamefully abused by man, and have become the servants of human pride and ostentation, rather than being conducive to the Creator's glory. CHAPTER X. OF THE GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENT OF THIS COLONY. Although this far-distant land was a dense wilderness, -and it is only quite recently that it has come under the OF PENNSYLVANIA. 95 cultivation of the Christians,-there is much cause of wonder and admiration how rapidly it has already, under the blessing of God, advanced, and is still advancing, day by day. The first part of the time we were obliged to obtain our provisions from the Jerseys, for money, and at a high price, but now we not only have enough for ourselves, but a considerable surplus to dispose of among our neighbouring colonies. Of the most needful mechanics we have enough now, but day-labourers are very scarce, and of them we stand in great need. Of mills, brick-kilns, and tile-ovens we have the necessary number. Our surplus of grain and cattle we trade to Barbados, for rum, syrup, sugar, and salt. The furs, however, we export to England for other manufactured goods. We are also endeavouring to introduce the cultivation of the vine, and also the manufacture of woollen cloths and linens, so as to keep our money as much as possible in the country; for this reason we have already established fairs to be held at stated times, so as to bring the people of different parts together for the purposes of barter and trade, and thereby encourage our own industry and prevent our little money from going abroad. CHAPTER XI. OF THE INHABITANTS OF THIS LAND. The inhabitants may be divided into three classes. 1. The Aborigines, or, as they are called, the savages. 2. Those Christians who have been in the country for years, 96 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION and are called old settlers. 3. The newly arrived colonists of the different companies. 1. The savages, or Indians, are in general, strong, nimble, and well-shaped people, of a dark, tawny complexion, and wore no clothing whatever, when the first Europeans came to this country; now, however, they hang a blanket about their shoulders, or some of them also have shirts. They have straight black hair, which they cut off close to the head, save one tuft, which they leave stand on the right side. Their children they anoint with the fat of the bears and other animals, so as to make their skin dark, for by nature they would be white enough. They cultivate among themselves the most scrupulous honesty, are unwavering in keeping promises, defraud and insult no one, are very hospitable to strangers, obliging to their guests, and faithful even to death towards their friends. Their huts or wigwams they make by bending down several young trees, and covering them with bark. They use neither tables nor chairs, nor furniture of any kind, except, perhaps, a single pot or kettle to cook their food. I once saw four of them dining together in great enjoyment of their feast. It consisted in nothing more than a pumpkin, simply boiled in water, without salt, butter, or spice of any kind. Their seat and table was the bare ground, their spoons were sea-shells, wherewith they supped the warm water, and their plates were the leaves of the nearest tree, which, after they were done their meal, they had no occasion of washing, or any need of carefully preserving for future use. I thought to myself on witness OF PENNSYLVANIA. 97 irng this scene, how these poor savages, who have never heard of the Saviour's doctrines and maxims of contentment and temperance, how far superior they are to ourselves, so called Christians, at least so far as these virtues are concerned. They are otherwise very grave and reserved, speak but little, and in few words, and are greatly surprised when they hear much needless and even foolish talking and talebearing among us Christians. They are true and faithful in their matrimonial relations, abhorring licentiousness in the extreme. Above all do they despise deception and falsehood. They have no idols, but adore one great good Spirit, who keeps the devil in subjection. They believe in the immortality of the soul, and, according as they have lived in this world, do they expect a reward or punishment in the future. Their peculiar mode of worship consists principally in singing and dancing, during which they make use of the most singular contortions and positions of the body, and when the remembrance of the death of parents or dear friends is brought to their mind, they break forth into. the most piteous cries and lamentations. They are fond of hearing us speak about the Creator of heaven and the earth, and of his wisdom and divine power, and particularly do they listen with emotion to the narrative of the Saviour's life and sufferings; but it is greatly to be regretted that we are not yet sufficiently acquainted with their language, so as to explain the great plan of salvation to them fully. They behave with the greatest respect and decorum whenever they attend public worship in our churches; and 11 98 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION it is my firm belief that many of these poor American savages will in the great day rise up in judgment, with those of Tyre and Sidon, against our own wicked and perverse generation. As regards their domestic arrangemerts, the men attend to the chase, hunting, and fishing; the women bring up their children, instructing them in virtue and honour. They raise some few vegetables, such as corn and beans, but as to any extensive farming and cultivation, they concern themselves nothing about it, but are rather surprised that we, as Christians, should have so many cares and anxieties as to our support and nourishment, just as if we did not believe that God will and can sustain and provide for us. They speak a most beautiful and grave language, which sounds very much like the Italian, although it has entirely different words. They are in the habit of painting their faces with various colours, and the women as well as the men are very fond of tobacco. 2.. The earlier Europeans, or old settlers. These never had the proper motives in settling here, for instead of instructing the poor Indians in the Christian virtues, their only desire was gain, without ever scrupling about the means employed in obtaining it. By these means they have taught those natives who had dealings with them, nothing but deception and many other evil habits, so that there is very little of virtue or honesty remaining on either side. These wicked people make it a custom to pay the savages in rum and other liquors for the furs they bring to them, so that these poor deluded Indians have become very intemperate, and sometimes drink to such excess that OF PENNSYLVANIA. 99 they can neither walk nor stand. On such occasions they often commit thefts and other vices. 3. The newly arrived colonists of our and other companies. We who have come over to this land with good and honest intentions, have purchased considerable tracts of land, where we will settle, and endeavour to live in happiness and contentment, and we ar6 living in the hope and expectation that we can in time do something for the eternal welfare and salvation of the aborigines. May our God prosper and bless our undertakings! CHAPTER XII. OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THIS LAND. The aborigines of this country had their own chiefs and kings. We Christians acknowledge as our Governor and chief magistrate the oft-named and excellent, the Honourable William Penn, to whom this region was granted and given as his own, by his majesty of England, Carolus II., with the express command that all the previous and future colonists should be subject to Penn's laws and jurisdiction. This wise and truly pious ruler and governor did not, however, take possession of the province thus granted without having first conciliated, and at various councils and treaties duly purchased from the natives of this country the various regions of Pennsylvania. He, having by these means obtained good titles to the province, under the sanction and signature of the native chiefs, I therefore have purchased from him some thirty thousand acres for my German colony. Now, although the oft-mentioned William Penn is one of 100 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION the sect of Friends or Quakers, still he will compel no man to belong to his particular society, but he has granted to every one free and untrammelled exercise of their opinions, and the largest and most complete liberty of conscience. CHAPTER XIII. OF THE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS OF THESE PARTS. The native Indians have no written religious belief or creed, and their own peculiar ideas, which are by no means so rude or so barbarous as those of many other heathens, have to be transmitted from the parents to their children only per traditionem. The English and the Dutch adhere to the Calvinistic persuasion. The colonists of William Penn are nearly all Quakers. The Swedes and Germans are Evangelical Lutherans, under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Upsala. The Swedes have their own churches; the name of their clergyman is Fabricius, of whom I must say with deep regret, that he is an intemperate man, and as regards spiritual things very dark and ignorant. We in Germantown have built a little chapel for ourselves, 1686, but did not so much care for a splendid stone edifice, as for having an humble but true temple devoted to the living God, in which true believers might be edified to the salvation of their souls. The ministers here might have an excellent opportunity to obey and practise the command of the Saviour, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel;" but unfortunately they seek more their own comfort and ease than they do the glory of the Redeemer. OF PENNSYLVANIA. 101 CHAPTER XIV. OF THE GERMAN SOCIETY FOR THE SETTLING IN PENNSYLVANIA. The principal participants in this society of ours are the following named gentlemen. Jacob von De Walle, Dr. John Jacob Schuetz, and Daniel Behagel, all of Franckfort-on-the-Mayne. Gerhard von Mastricht, of Duisburg; Thomas von Wylich, and John Lebrunn, of Wesel. Benjamin Furly, of Rotterdam; Philip Fort, of London. These persons will attend to and care for all letters and papers for our colony, and will also assist and give advice to all such as desire to emigrate, if such applicants be of good moral character and standing, and their motives and intentions for emigrating are honest and good. In Pennsylvania the whole direction and management of the colony has been intrusted to my humble abilities, for the time being; and may the Almighty give me the proper wisdom and strength to fulfil all my arduous duties. CHAPTER XV. OF THE OPPORTUNITIES AND WAYS OF EMIGRATING TO THIS COUNTRY. From the month of April until in the fall of every year, there are vessels sailing to Pennsylvania, at frequent times, from England, principally from the port of Deal, although there is no fixed time or day set for sailing, and persons are therefore compelled to watch their opportunity. Whenever there is a company of thirty-five or forty passengers together, exclusive of the ship's crew, a vessel is despatched. 102 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION Every grown-up man pays for his passage the sum of ~6 sterling, or thirty-six rix dollars. For a female or servant, twenty-two rix dollars. ~1 sterling is equal to six rix dollars. CHAPTER XVI. OF MY OWN VOYAGE HITHER. After I had left London, where I had made all my arrangements with Penn's agent, and arrived at Deal, I hired four male and two female servants, and on the 7th of June, 1683, set sail with a company of eighty passengers. Our ship drew thirteen feet of water. Our fare on board was poor enough. The allowance of provision for ten persons per week, was as follows:-three pounds of butter; daily, four cans of beer, and one can of water; every noon, two dishes of peas; four times per week salt meat, and three times salt fish, which we were obliged to cook, each man for himself, and had daily to save enough from dinner to serve for our suppers also. And as these provisions were usually very poor, and the fish sometimes tainted, we were all compelled to make liberal use of liquors, and other refreshments of a similar nature, to preserve the health amid such hard fare. Moreover, it is the practice of the masters of these vessels to impose upon their passengers in a shameful manner, by giving them very short allowances; it is therefore advisable not to pay the passage in full, in England, but to withhold a part until the arriving in America, so that they are obliged to fulfil their part of the contract. Furthermore, it is advisable to endeavour to obtain passage in vessels bound to Philadelphia direct, inasmuch OF FENNSYLVANIA. 103 as those who come in such, landing at Upland, are subjected to many and grievous molestations. On the 16th day of August, 1683, we came in sight of.the American continent, but did not enter the Capes of Delaware until the 18th ejusdem. The 20th ejusdem, we passed by New Castle and Upland, and arrived towards evening at Philadelphia, in perfect health and safety, where we were all welcomed with great joy and love by the governor, William Penn, and his secretary. He at once made me his confidential friend, and I am frequently requested to dine with him, where I can enjoy his good counsel and edifying conversations. Lately, I could not visit him for eight days, when he waited upon me himself, requesting me to dine with him, in future, twice in each week, without particular invitation, assuring me of his love and friendship toward myself and the German nation, hoping that all the rest of the colonists would do the same. CHAPTER XVII. OF THE DUTIES AND LABOURS OF THE GERMAN COLONIST. Our German society have in this place now established a lucrative trade in woollen and linen goods, together with a large assortment of other useful and necessary articles, and have entrusted this extensive business to my own direction; besides this they have now purchased and hold over thirty thousand acres of land, for the sake of establishing an entirely German colony. In my newly laid out Germantown, there are already sixty-four families in a very prosperous condition. Such persons, therefore, and all those who still arrive, have to fall to work and swing the axe most vigorously, for wherever you turn the cry is, 104 GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION, ETC. Itur in antiquam sylvam, nothing but endless forests; so that I have been often wishing for a number of stalwart Tyrolians, to throw down these gigantic oak and other forest trees, but which we will be obliged to cut down ourselves, by degrees, and with almost incredible labour and exertion; during which we can have a very forcible illustration of the sentence pronounced upon our poor old father Adam, that in the sweat of his brow he should eat his bread. To our successors, and others coming after us, we would say, that they must not only bring over money, but a firm determination to labour and make themselves useful to our infant colony. Upon the whole, we may consider that man blessed whom the devil does not find idling. In the mean time, we are employing the wild inhabitants as daylabourers, for which they are, however, not much inclined; and we ourselves are gradually learning their language, so as to instruct them in the religion of Christ, inviting them to attend our church services, and therefore have the pleasing hope that the spirit of God may be the means of enlightening many of these poor heathens, unto their souls' salvation. To Him be honour, praise, thanks, and glory, for evermore. Amen. The remainder of the work contains nothing of interest to the general reader, and consists of family letters, &c., which have little or no bearing on the subject-matter of the book. In the latter part of it is a translation of William Penn's description and plans of settlement of Pennsylvania, which closes the work. THE SOCIETY'S CIRCUL AR. THE following circular was distributed, in the early part of 1845, very extensively through the state, and the succeeding papers in the volume were received in reply to it. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Hall of the Historical Society, Philadelphia, January, 1845. SIR:The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has instructed us to transmit to you the following letter, with the request that you will reply to it yourself, or exhibit it to such persons in your neighbourhood as will probably feel an interest in its contents. The object of the Society is to collect whatever written, printed, or traditionary evidence, may be attainable in relation to the early settlement, progress, and present condition of the United States and Territories, but particularly of Pennsylvania. It is hoped that persons in possession of any of the materials for history will feel a patriotic interest in contributing to the general purpose, either by favouring the Society with loans or donations, or by giving information in reply to the following questions: I. Can you give any information concerning the first settlement of your township, or section of country, the 106 CIRCULAR OF THE circumstances attending it, and the motives which led to it; or of any letters, journals, &c., likely to throw light on its early history? Also concerning the number and condition of the first settlers, of what nation they chiefly were, and the names of the principal persons? II. If there are living in your vicinity any aged persons or others, familiar with either the earlier or more recent history of your county, or of the state, will you please mention their names and residence? And should such persons not feel disposed to reply directly to the Society, will you hand this letter to some one who would be willing to commit to writing their statement in reference to what they may recollect of past events, and their replies to the following, or any additional questions which may be suggested, and to transmit the same through you to the Society: A. Do you know of any old or remarkable house formerly or now standing in your neighbourhood? B. Can you give any information respecting the number of houses or inhabitants in any of your towns or townships at different times since the first settlement? C. Have you ever heard of any papers of historical or local interest in the possession of any individuals in your county? If so, can you mention the names of such persons, or say whether or not such papers, &c., are yet in existence? D. What was the character or appearance of the country as far back as you can remember, and what improvements in any respect have you since noticed? HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 107 E. What wild animals do you remember to have seen in your county? F. Have you ever heard your grand parents or others describe their views of things as they found them at the first settlement? III. Are there any persons in your county, who, feeling an interest in the history of our state, have made collections of historical papers, letters, commercial letter-books, documents, &c., of date either prior or subsequent to the Revolution, or who possess any G. Ancient books or relics; H. Legal or judicial papers, opinions, &c., illustrative of the history of our courts of law or of our jurisprudence; I. Ancient state or county maps or charts, or other maps, &c.; J. Medals or coins, particularly money struck prior to 1800; K. Sermons, magazines, pamphlets, old newspapers, or volumes of modern newspapers, or any extracts from newspapers, which are of historical or local interest; L. Drawings, &c., of any private houses, public buildings, &c., and drawings or plans of fortifications, battle-grounds, or battles; M. Drawings, prints, or portraits, of any of the governors, judges, or other eminent men of our State, or of those connected in any way with the settlement or history of our state or country; N. Copies of records, manuscript or printed laws, and proceedings of any public bodies, of a political, 108 CIRCULAR OF THE religious, literary, or other character, that have at any time existed among us; O. Accounts of universities, colleges, academies, schools, and charitable institutions, the date of their establishment, and the history of their origin, endowment, and progress; P. Topographical descriptions of cities, towns, boroughs, counties, or townships. Q. Accounts of the population, births, longevity, deaths, endemical or local diseases, facts relative to climate, soil, products, natural resources, meteorology, or general employment of the inhabitants of each district; R. Biographical notices in manuscript or print of any eminent persons, or of any persons in respect to whom remarkable events may have happened. IV. Are there any tables of family descent of those connected with the settlement or history of the county or state, which the proprietors would be willing to communicate? V. What public libraries have you, and what number and description of books do they contain, and what is the extent of their resources? VI. What newspapers, magazines, or periodicals, have been or now are published in your county, and when was the first printing press or newspaper established, and by whom? VII. What poems or other compositions are in existence written by persons in your county, and which illustrate its literary history? VIII. What histories of any of your towns or townships, HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 109 or of your county have been published, or has any one collected materials for such a purpose'? IX. Is or was there once standing any ancient church in your neighbourhood? If so, will you please state the date of its erection, and, as far as you may be able to ascertain them, the names of the clergymen who have successively officiated, with the dates of their removal by death or otherwise; and whether there are or were any ancient inscriptions on the walls of the church or on the tombstones in the grave-yard, and of whom; or any other facts of interest relating to the subject of this question? Possibly if this letter were submitted to the clergyman at present the pastor or rector of such church, he might be able to transmit through you every information, and be induced to write a history of his church. X. Are there any ancient dockets, records, or documents, of historical or local interest, in the public offices at the county town? XI. Is there any peculiar legal custom connected with the administration of the law, or any peculiar notion, custom, or superstition, prevailing among the people of your township or county? XII. Mention any interesting civil or criminal trials which have taken place in your county, and state whether or not an account of them has been published, or what persons can furnish an account of them. XIII. Are there any Indian graves, mounds, or battlegrounds, in your neighbourhood, or those who recollect when Indians lived in your vicinity, or who are in possession of relics of them, or of anecdotes or narratives relative to wars or treaties with them, and of the general inter 110 CIRCULAR OF THE course between them and Europeans, or among the Indians themselves; the Indian names of mountains, rivers, creeks, flats, valleys, towns, or other places, &c., and the origin of such names; vocabularies, or other indications of Indian language, accounts of missionaries, public messengers, and travellers among the Indian tribes; or any other information respecting them or their origin? XIV. Are there any soldiers of the Revolution, or those who recollect it, living in your county, and who are disposed to communicate through you their recollections; or persons who are in possession of any revolutionary songs, ancient ballads, letters, papers, narratives, orderly books, journals, &c., either written or printed, relating to that period, or of any well-authenticated information of the men, battles, or incidents of the Revolution? XV. If there are any persons in possession of letters and other materials for history described in the foregoing questions, could they be induced to part with them under the pledge that the Historical Society will carefully preserve them in its archives, with becoming acknowledgments for the donation; or if not, would they give the Society permission to copy such of them as might be deemed particularly important or interesting? GENERAL REMARKS. In communicating information with regard to any book or manuscript, &c., please furnish the following particulars: Title, name of writer, date, and general nature of the book or document. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 111 Do not omit in your reply anything of local or historical interest, because it may seem trivial or un.worthy of notice, or may not be embraced in the foregoing questions. Collect all you can; whatever it may be, it will be clear gain. If you are unable to answer any particular question or branch of a question, please designate it merely by its number, &c. Leave a margin of about an inch at both sides of the page of your answer, in order that it may be properly bound with others which may be received. The names of donors, and of those who acknowledge the receipt of this letter, or communicate any information, will, unless it shall be otherwise requested, be properly noticed, and also preserved upon the journals of the Society. All donations of manuscript will be carefully preserved in the fire-proof of the Society. In order to avoid the heavy expense of postage, be pleased to request those who may be disposed to reply to this letter to send their communications through you, as postmaster, to the Society. Private opportunities for the transmission of donations, would be preferred. Please address your communications to the Corresponding Secretary, No. 99 Spruce Street, or to the Recording Secretary, No. 108 South Fourth Street, or to any other of the officers of the Society. This occasion is embraced earnestly to entreat all persons to prevent, as far as it may be in their power, the loss of letters or documents which have bearing upon the history of our state or country. Many papers of great in 112 CIRCULAR, ETC. terest have been already lost through the indifference of their owners, but we hope that no one whom this appeal shall reach, will fail to assist us in the endeavour to preserve the evidences of our history. In concluding we would say, that the motives of the Society in sending you this letter, are of a public nature, and that whatever collections shall be made will be for the benefit of the people of Pennsylvania. INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF CRAWFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BY ALFRED HUIDEKOPER. Meadville, August 1, 1846. IN reply to the circular received last year, from the Society, I would say that, though'a native of the county, I am too young to be acquainted personally with its earliest history, but have employed my first leisure time in procuring such information as I could, from the most authentic sources within my reach. But few of the first pioneers to this county are now living, and but a small number of those who do survive have minds which have stood the wear of time and infirmities of age sufficiently to retain and describe, with satisfactory clearness, the events of early life. In doing justice to one of them, at the present time, I should say, that many of the facts hereinafter related, I have gathered from the lips of Mr. Edward Randolph, now (with the exception of Mr. Cornelius Van Horn) the oldest settler in the commonwealth, west of French Creek. Though young at the time, Mr. Randolph took a prominent 12 114 INCIDENTS IN THE.EARLY HISTORY OF part in the first settlement of the county, was occasionally employed by the officers of government, and had otherwise an opportunity of becoming well-informed about its early history. For fifty-seven years he has lived in this county, forty-nine of which have been spent upon the farm where he now resides, about two miles west of Meadville. Tall, erect, venerable, and active, his vigour at the age of seventy-four, adds another to the many instances of a hardy constitution, acquired by exposure in youth to the vicissitudes of a border life. When I called upon him, I found him at work alone in his sugar camp, and while seated on a log in front of his boiling-kettles, recounting his reminiscences of past events, he seemed indeed an appropriate historian of times when men's homes were the open air, and their whole stock of furniture an iron vessel like the one before us. That part of the state of Pennsylvania which is now called CRAWFORD COUNTY, was separated from the county of Alleghany in the year 1800,, and was first explored by white American citizens, with the view of making a permanent settlement, in the year 1787. North of it, at Lebceuf, the French, and south of it, at Venango, the French and English, had previously had military posts, and a few white men were found by the first pioneers residing among the Indians, by whom they had been captured during the revolutionary war, and whose manners and habits of living they had adopted. (See Note I.) (1787.) The first persons who visited the county to examine its character, with the intention of occupying it, were David and John Mead, who, escaping from the diffi CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 115 culties they had encountered, in the conflicting claims between Connecticut and Pennsylvania, left their homes in Northumberland, in the summer of 1787, and, travelling westward, explored the valley of French Creek. They found the soil rich and productive, and many of the finest portions of the valley covered with herbage and grass, the forest trees having apparently been long previously removed by some prior occupants of the county, giving to the cleared portions, at Ihis time, much the appearance of a natural prairie. Prepossessed with the looks of the county, the Meads, on their return, made a favourable report, and in the spring of 1788, a small company, consisting of David Mead, John Mead, Joseph Mead, Thomas Martin, John Watson, James F. Randolph, Thomas Grant, Cornelius Van Horn, and Christopher Snyder, started from Sunbury, with the intention of making the valley of French Creek their future place of residence. Van Horn and Snyder arrived at Sunbury, from New Jersey, about the time that Mead and his comrades were preparing to leave, and they united themselves with the party. They reached French Creek, as appears by a memorandum kept by Van Horn, on the 12th day of May, and encamped and spent their first night under a large cherry tree east of the stream, near where now stands Kennedy's Bridge. The next day was spent in exploration, and the party then moved across French Creek above the mouth of the Cussewago Creek, and erected a temporary structure to live in. They then commenced ploughing in one of the old Indian fields, with four horses to the plough, and after breaking up some eight or ten acres,. 116 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF they planted them with corn. A freshet in the stream soon after destroyed their crop, and it was replanted again in the month of June. In the selection of farms, Thomas Grant chose the tract on which Meadville, the county seat, is now situated, but for some reason left it again in the fall, and returned to live in Northumberland. The same autumn, David and John Mead brought out their families. John chose for himself a farm west of the creek, about a mile north of what is now Meadville, and David selected at first the tract immediately south of his brother, but soon after removed to the tract Grant had left, and built his cabin on the east bank of the stream, in what is now the north part of the village bearing his name, and where at present stands the tasteful residence of Mr. William A. V. Magaw. On the tract which Van Horn had surveyed for himself stood an old Indian cabin, on the west side of the creek, into which he moved, and remained until October; during this month, he received a visit from Archibald Davison, Archibald's father, and Jacob Van Horn, who spent about a week with him, and then all four returned to New Jersey.. (1789.) In this year Frederick Baum, Robert Fits Randolph, and Darius Mead, the father of David and John Mead, brought out their families. Sarah Mead, a daughter of David Mead, was born during the same season, being the first birth in Crawford County (as now organized). A saw-mill was commenced to be built, by Matthew Wilson, for David Mead, and was completed the following year. In the fall, Cornelius Van Horn made a second visit to CRA-WFORD COUNTY, PA. 117 French Creek, and remained until Christmas, when he returned to New Jersey. (1790.) In the spring of the following year (1790), the saw-mill having been finished, the little colony, with characteristic enterprise, assumed the importance of an exporting community, and the first raft of boards that ever descended the Alleghany River, was taken from this mill, and, together with a raft of logs, was run to Pittsburg. The hands on board were, Edward Randolph, John Ray, William Wilson, James Randolph, Frederick Baum, Tunis Elson, and John Gregg. The lumber was sold at one dollar and fifty cents per hundred, to Major Isaac Craig, quartermaster in the army at Pittsburg. A canoe loaded with baggage and provisions, for Meadville, had been pushed up the river, by James F. Randolph and Joseph Mead, as early as 1788. In October (1790), Cornelius Van Horn, in company with Thomas Lacey, Peter Colsher, and Matthew Colsher, having with them a wagon and two horses, left New Jersey, and set out for Cussewago, by the way of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. At the latter place, the wagon was sold, the horses put out for the winter, and the party ascended from thence to the Cussewago in a canoe. During the whole of this year, the colony seems to have been undisturbed, and the settlers worked in peace upon their farms. At the time of its first occupation, Crawford- County appears to have been a kind of border or neutral territory, between the eastern Indians or Six Nations, who had made treaties of peace with the whites, and the western Indians, who still remained hostile. The nearest settlement 118 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF or village of the eastern Indians, was that of Cornplanter, on the Alleghany River, at Tinneshantago, a word which, in the Indian dialect, signifies, "burnt town," the village having been once destroyed by fire, by order of General Brodhead. The nearest settlements of the western Indians were at Cuyahoga and Sandusky. The neutral ground was occupied principally by nomadic parties of Indians, who lived by hunting, and a few Indian families, who had cabins along the valley of French Creek, and at the mouth of the Coneaut Creek, in Ohio. Among the latter, living at the mouth of Coneaut Creek, was an Indian chief of the name of Canadaughta, to whom, and his three sons (Flying Cloud, Big Sun, and Standing Stone), the white settlers were indebted- for many acts of kindness, and friendly protection, bestowed upon them on their first arrival in the west. (1791.) About the first of April in this year (1791), Flying Cloud gave notice to the settlers on French Creek, that the western Indians (Wyandotts, Shawanees, &c.) were meditating an invasion. Immediate preparation was made for the approaching attack. On the second day of April, all the women and children were collected and sent in canoes down French Creek to the garrison at Franklin, a small military post established in 1787, under the care of Captain Hart. In connexion with this incident, and the deeds of blood perpetrated by the western Indians which followed it, it is pleasant to record some of the strongly marked acts of kindness shown to the settlers by the Indians who were friendly. On the occasion referred to, Halftown (a full-blooded Indian chief, and a half-brother to Cornplanter), of whose fidelity the early settlers speak in the emphatic language, CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 119 that he was as true a man as General Washington, sent six of his warriors on each side of the stream, to keep pace with the canoes, and guard them against an ambuscade and attack from shore. Halftown then placed himself at the head of his remaining force, amounting to some fifteen warriors, and with the white settlers who had remained, lay in wait during the whole day, on the east bank of the creek, at a fordingplace (now Kennedy's Bridge), in expectation that the hostile Indians (of whom eleven had been seen by William Gregg in the morning, on Davis's Hill, four miles below) would select that as the most convenient place for crossing the stream. The day being spent without any further appearance of the enemy, the Indian chief and his men passed the night at the house of David Mead, a double log cabin, before alluded to. The next day, the settlers took their cattle and movable effects, and left for Franklin. They progressed but six miles, and encamped for the night on the east bank of the creek, opposite Bald Hill, in one of the old prairie-like clearings. On the fourth of April, they reached Franklin in safety, having been accompanied the whole distance by Halftown, and his men. Mr. Randolph, who was along on the occasion referred to, and who was otherwise well acquainted with this chief, in describing his personal appearance, speaks of him as having been about five feet ten inches high, well made, with an unusually good countenance, indicating great intelligence and a most unwavering firmness. The garrison at Franklin was commanded at this time by Ensign John Jeffers, from Connecticut. Two old and well-known citizens of Crawford County, Samuel Lord 120 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF Esq., and John Wentworth (now both deceased), were soldiers under him, and had assisted in the construction of the fort, in 1787. The year of'91 was one of danger and anxiety to the western settlers in Pennsylvania. About the first of May, Cornelius Van Horn, Christopher Lantz, William Gregg, and Thomas Ray, voluntered to leave the fort at Franklin, and return to Meadville, with their guns in their hands, and endeavour to put in a crop of corn. To do this, it was necessary that Van Horn should first get his-horses from Pittsburg; and accordingly he went after them. In returning, he was obliged to follow a wild path through the woods, from Pittsburg to Venango, and he describes his ride as lonely, desolate, and disagreeable. Crossing the Slippery Rock Creek the first day, he encamped for the night in a deep ravine. He had obtained some bread and two pounds of butter at Pittsburg, out of which he made his supper, and then threw himself on his blanket to sleep with his gun by his side. Shortly afterwards, he was awakened by the crackling of the fire, and found that, spreading among the dry leaves, it had communicated itself to his butter. In his endeavours to extinguish the flame, his hands were so severely burned, as to prevent him from sleeping any more for the night. At daybreak he found that. his harness was much injured by the fire, and that the horses he had turned out to browse had wandered away, so that it was ten o'clock before he was able to find them, and resume his journey. The second day, he progressed as far as Sandy Creek, and slept again in the woods. On his route he encountered one Indian, who was on his way to Slippery Rock, and CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 121 whose good will he endeavoured to gain by sharing with him, from his bottle and his remaining stock of bread. On the third day, he reached Franklin in safety, where he found the officer, with about twenty-five of his men, preparing to set out in a few days for Erie. On the fifth day of May (Christopher Lantz being too unwell to accompany them), Cornelius Van Horn, William Gregg, and Thomas Ray, having returned to Meadville, went to their field to plant it with corn. They worked during the morning, Van Horn ploughing, and the others planting until noon, when Ray and Gregg returned to their cabin for dinner, leaving Van Horn ploughing alone, they engaging to bring his dinner to him. Shortly after they left, Van Horn, who had laid his gun on the bag of corn, at the end of the furrow, observed his horses to appear frightened, and on turning round, discovered two Indians running towards him. The foremost one threw down his bow and arrows, knocked off Van Horn's hat, and drew his tomahawk to strike. Van Horn, who, though short, was a stout-built man, seized the tomahawk and held it with such force that the Indian could not wrest it from him. The second Indian, having laid down his gun, now came up, and endeavoured to get a stroke with his tomahawk, but Van Horn managed to keep up so much action, and to throw the other Indian so frequently between himself and the danger, that he could not accomplish it. Van Horn pleading for his life, the Indians conferred a moment together, when one of them, who spoke English, after cautioning him with an oath to make less noise, told him they would spare him, and that he might go with them. The Indians commenced unharness 122 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF ing the horses, but Van Horn requested them to take the gears along, promising to plough for them. They took each a horse, and Van Horn ran between them. Crossing the Cussewago near its mouth, and going west, up a ravine, for about a quarter of a mile, they came to where two other Indians were waiting for them on the hill. Here the Indians inquired of Van Horn the situation of the settlement, and on learning how things stood, three of them took up their arms and went back, leaving the remaining one, an elderly Indian, in charge of the prisoner. After remaining about three quarters of an hour, the Indian put Van Horn on one of the horses, while he rode the other, and they pursued a dim Indian path until they came to Coneaut Lake. After crossing the outlet they dismounted. The horses were fettered so that they could not escape, and the Indian then tied the rope, which confined the arms of his prisoner, to a tree, and left him; going back upon the trail, it is supposed, either to fish in the lake or to watch if they were pursued. When left alone, Van Horn, who had given up his knife and powder-horn to the Indian who had captured him, began to search in his pockets to see if he could find any instrument to escape with. He fortunately discovered a small toy knife, which he had picked up the day before. It was deplorably dull, but, after whetting it on the key of his chest, and sawing awhile, he succeeded in cutting off that part of the rope which confined him to the tree. He immediately ran down the outlet, crossed it, and after struggling through the swamp, succeeded in making his way eastward, until he came to a path leading up French Creek, which he followed until he reached a small nursery of apple trees he had planted near Kennedy's CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 123 Bridge. Finding the nursery full of weeds, and apprehensive if the fire got among them that his trees would be injured, he commenced weeding, as well as he could with his arms fettered. He had been at work but a few minutes, when he heard some one call to him from across the creek. Fearful of danger, he dared not to answer; but when the call was repeated, he recognised the voice of John Fredebaugh, an old acquaintance. He immediately left his work, and, though the water was deep and cold, he waded through it to Fredebaugh, who conducted him to Ensign Jeffers, who, with thirty soldiers and three Indians, was at Mead's house. Jeffers cut the cord which bound Van Horn, and immediately ordered sentinels to be posted, and sent part of his men to the island for his horses, intending at once to leave for Franklin. The horses were all found but the Ensign's, and he with his men left, leaving behind two Indians and Van Horn, the latter refusing to go, until he had collected some articles he wanted. He passed the night with the two Indians under some oak trees, east of the present village, and in the morning, finding he had nothing to eat, he returned to the field where he had the day before been made a prisoner; and where he discovered, in a bucket, the dinner which had been brought out for him the day before, by Gregg and Ray. After breakfast, having succeeded in catching the missing horse of Ensign Jeffers, he put his own saddle upon it, and gave it to one of the Indians to ride, while the other Indian and himself took a canoe, and descended to Franklin by water. The Indian on horseback was not heard of afterwards, and probably took his booty and rode off with it to the west. William Gregg and Thomas Ray, whom we left going 124 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF to their cabin, after dinner- went out to where they had left Van Horn, and found that he was gone, and immediately after discovered the three Indians approaching them. They retreated, but as Gregg was crossing the Cussewago Creek, near its junction with French Creek, he was shot through the thigh, and disabled for further flight. He called to Ray to assist him. Ray stopped, and the Indians came up. Both Ray and Gregg appear to have been panic-stricken, or they might have defended themselves. The Indians took Gregg's gun (their own being unloaded) and shot him with it, as he was seated on the bank of the creek. They scalped and left him, taking Ray with them as a prisoner. They followed the trail of the Indian who had preceded them, and on arriving at Coneaut Lake found their comrade, and learned from him that Van Horn had made his escape; a circumstance which, the Indians told Ray, was entirely in his favour, as they had determined to risk taking with them but one prisoner, and that either he or Van Horn must have perished, if the latter had not eluded them. Indeed Ray, throughout this matter, seems to have had an unusual run of good fortune. After undergoing the usual vicissitudes of Indian captivity on his way to the west, his captors brought him at last in the neighbourhood of a British garrison, near Detroit; here Ray, who was a Scot by birth, recognised one of the British officers (a Captain White) as a fellow-countryman, whom he had seen in Scotland. On-making known his situation to Captain White, the latter, with generous benevolence purchased his liberty from the Indians, gave him a suit of clothes, and paid his passage in a schooner to Buffalo. On reaching the latter place, Ray met with a CRAWFORD COUNTY) PA. 125 Mohawk chief, of the name of Stripe Neck, who resided at Meadville, and who conducted him to Franklin, and from thence he proceeded to join his family at Pittsburg, to the agreeable surprise of-his relatives and friends, who had relinquished all expectation of having him return. During this season Darius. Mead (the father of David and John Mead) was made a prisoner by two Indians, while ploughing in a field adjacent to the fort at Franklin. The- Indians conducted him to near the Shenango Creek, in Mercer County, where he was found dead the next day, by a friendly Seneca chief, named Conewyando, who sent his daughter, a young squaw, to the fort at Franklin, to give notice of it to his friends. It is: supposed that Mead was killed in an attempt to escape, as by his side, when found, was lying, also dead, one of his captors, whom Conewyando recognised as a Delaware chief, called Captain Bull. Bull was known to the settlers as a professedly friendly Indian, but his fidelity had been suspected. From appearances, Mead, during the night, had got. Bull's knife, and killed him with it, but was himself overcome, and killed by the other Indian: the latter is reported to have afterwards died of the wounds he received in the struggle. Two men (Luke Hill, originally from Connecticut, and John Ray, a revolutionary soldier from Northumberland) went out from the garrison at Franklin, and found Mead and Bull lying together as above described, and buried them. It was also during the month of April, in this year, that seven men were killed in a cabin by the Indians, near Free. port, on the Alleghany River, when Agnes Clark, wife of Richard Clark, -made her miraculous escape, with eher 126 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF child in her arms, by leaping on the backlog on the fire, and springing from thence over the low chimney of the cabin. This, however, belongs to the history of another county. These murders, and the frequent alarm of Indians about this time, caused the settlement on French Creek, at Meadville, to be for a time abandoned, and in 1792 no white settlers resided in Crawford County. (1793.) In the spring of 1793, some of.the first settlers, whose apprehensions had subsided, or regardless of the danger, returned to their farms, and about twenty more persons came out about this time, from the neighbourhood of the Susquehanna. During the course of the summer, notice was received through Flying Cloud, that the western Indians were preparing for another attack, and the county was again deserted until late in the fall and winter, when several persons returned to Meadville. Cornelius Van Horn and Matthew Wilson, in the fall of'92, having obtained a couple of young panthers, took them to the east, and appear, from notes kept by Van Horn, to have exhibited them at Pittsburg, Philadelphia, New York, and, after the intermediate places, finally at Boston, where Van Horn (who had purchased Wilson's interest in the animals at New York) disposed of them, and returned to Meadville. Ensign Lewis Bond, with a small detachment of twentyfour men, appears to have guarded, during a part of this season, the house of David Mead, which had been fortified with a stockade, to serve as a garrison,-but he and his men were called elsewhere before notice of the Indian invasion was given. (1794.) In the early part of this year (1794), the set CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 127 tiers organized themselves into a military company, and Cornelius Van Horn was chosen captain. A blockhouse was also built for the protection of the inhabitants, in the upper story of which was mounted a cannon. It was a rough log building, with the second story projecting beyond the lower one, and having a sentry-box on top. It was situated east of Water Street, immediately south of the present residence of J. W. Farrelly, Esq., where it remained standing until the summer of 1828, when, in the progress of improvement in the village, it was removed. In the month of May, a small garrison was established at Waterford, twenty-two miles north of Meadville, by Major Dennis. The farms about Meadville were cultivated this year by the inhabitants, who worked in small companies, ever on the alert to anticipate the danger and avert the evil with which they were as constantly threatened. On the tenth day of August, James Dickson (commonly known, to distinguish him from a namesake, as Scotch Jemmy), while in search of his cows, about half a mile north of the village, on the farm of Samuel Lord, Esq., was attacked by a party of Indians in ambuscade. He was wounded by the first fire of his adversaries in the shoulder, in his hip, and his hand, and while stooping, to see if he could discover any of his concealed foes, that he might return their fire, a ball passed through his hat, just grazing the crown of his head. Whereupon the old man, who seems to have been of good pluck, returned them a shout of defiance, exclaiming in broad Scotch, "Come out of that, you rascals, and fight us fair." The Indians showing no disposition to assent to so reasonable a proposition, Dickson commenced 128 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF a retreat for the village. The Indians followed him with tomahawks, their guns being unloaded, but were afraid to approach too near to him, he having retained his fire. The old man insisted to the day of his death, that once, when he was just in the act of firing, a low voice said to him, "Don't shoot;" whereupon he reserved his load, and thereby preserved his life. When Dickson came near to Mead's mill he shouted for help, and was heard by Luke Hill, who gave the alarm. Flying Cloud, who was here at the time, and three or four men, immediately started in pursuit, and Dickson, wounded as he was, was with difficulty dissuaded by his wife and friends from joining them. The hostile Indians, however, escaped the impending retaliation, by a timely retreat. Rumours of Indian invasions were rife during the whole of this year; but this appears to have been the only attack made upon the settlers at Meadville. The wife of Darius Mead died this summer at Meadville, being (except those occasioned by the Indians) the first death in Crawford County among the white inhabitants. (1795.) The year of'95 was distinguished ip Northwest Pennsylvania by the commencement of some improvements of a public and permanent character. In the spring Mr. M'Nair was employed to cut a road from Waterford to Presque Isle harbour. Captain Grubb (since an associate judge in Erie County), Captain Russell Bissell, and Captain Levant, commenced the construction of a fort about the same time on the harbour near Erie. One of the persons employed as carpenter in the construction of this fort, was Mr. James Gibson (now deceased), well known both at Pittsburg and Meadville, as the keeper of CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 129 an excellent hotel. The first wagon which travelled the new road cut out by M'Nair was loaded with tools for the fort, and was driven by Mr. Edward Randolph, of whom I have before spoken. Mr. Randolph speaks of crossing, on this trip, a bridge built by the French, made of chestnut timber, and said to be forty-five years old, the wood of which was still sound. The year of'95 was also marked by several sanguinary incursions of the western Indians. Early in June, Thomas Rutledge and his son, a lad about sixteen years of age, were killed by the Indians near the M'Nair road, about a mile south of Erie. The boy when found still showed symptoms of life, and was carried to Waterford, where his wounds were carefully dressed by Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy (now deceased), a physician in Meadville, but he survived but a few hours. On the third day of June, James Findlay and Barnabas M'Cormick, engaged at the time in splitting rails for John Haling, below Meadville, about a mile west of the present aqueduct for the canal, were destroyed by the Indians. A report of guns having been heard, search was made for them, and they were found where they had been at work, both dead, having been shot and scalped by their savage assailants. Their bodies were brought to town, placed in one coffin, and interred in the Meadville cemetery. On the fifth day of June, the same band of Indians robbed the camp of Mr. William Power, who was engaged as deputy surveyor, in making surveys of tracts in what is now South Shenango Township. James Thompson, the hand who had charge of the camp at the time, was taken prisoner, but subsequently effected his- escape. While in 13 130 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF custody of the Indians, he became aware of the misfortune which had happened to Findlay and M'Cormick, from seeing their scalps in possession of the Indians, which he recognised by the colour of the hair. The scene where Power's camp was robbed is known to the inhabitants at the present day, as the " White Thorn Corner." For the purpose of establishing a town at Presque Isle, and protecting the frontier, on the eighth day of April, 1793, and again on the eighteenth day of April, 1794, the legislature offered a bounty of a lot and outlot to each of the first two hundred persons who should build and reside for three years at that place. These acts, however, having failed in their object, were repealed on the 18th day of April, 1795. The treaty of General Wayne with the western Indians, made on the 3d day of August,'95, and ratified on the 22d of the following December, brought peace, so far as the Indian hostilities were concerned, to the settlements in Northwest Pennsylvania. From that period, this portion of the state began to improve more rapidly, and though its prosperity was checked for a time by the contest which immediately after arose between the actual settlers and the warrant-holders under the act of'92, about the titles to lands west of the Alleghany River, yet the interruption was but brief, and in 1805, the rights of those holding by warrant under the commonwealth, having ultimately prevailed in the United States Court, (which decided that where the warrant-holder had endeavoured to make his settlement within two years, and was prevented by force of arms, or imminent danger from the enemies of the United States, he was excused by doing so subsequently,) repose CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 131 again smiled upon the west, and no barrier any longer presented itself to the occupancy of the country by that hardy class of men, who, coming from the eastern portions of our own country, or escaping from the over-populated provinces of Europe, became here, on easy terms, proprietors of the soil and found among the hills and valleys of the west abundance of room and a peaceful home for themselves and families. During the year of'95, the towns of Erie, Warren, and Franklin, were surveyed and laid out by Andrew Ellicott, Esq. (1802.) In 1802, an act was passed incorporating a seminary of learning in Meadville, and David Mead, James Gibson, with five other persons, were appointed trustees. A brick building was erected for the purpose, which was completed in the fall of 1805, when a school was opened in it, under the care of the Rev. Joseph Stockton, who gave instruction in the Latin and Greek languages, and tle common branches of an English education. The building was a one story edifice, containing two rooms; it was situated in the extreme eastern part of the village, where it remained standing for about twenty years, when the lot attached to it was sold to Mr. Arthur Cullum, who removed the academy to make room for a dwelling-house; the trustees have since erected a larger and more commodious building for academic purposes in a central part of the village. In 1805, the first newspaper in the state west of the mountains was established at Meadville, by Thomas Atkinson and W. Brendle,-the latter, however, remained in the concern only some eight months, when he sold out, 132 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF and Mr. Atkinson became the sole proprietor. The title of the paper was the " Crawford Weekly Messenger," and the editorial leader in the first number, published on the second day of January, 1805, announces the paper to be republican in its politics, but that its columns will be open to all who think their principles or political connexions injured, as freely to the one side as the other, with the wholesome restriction, that the discussions should be liberal, candid, and decent. This commendable rule seems to have been observed for the first few numbers of the new paper, but shortly after, when the contest began to increase in warmth between the friends of Mr. Snyder and Governor M'Kean, we find the political essays in the Messenger marked with the same bitter personalities which mar and disfigure similar contests at the present day; such, however, was not the character of the editorial matter. The editor himself was a man of mild disposition. He continued to edit and publish his paper, until within about four years of his death, which took place in'37. Regular files of this Journal have been preserved, and were devised by Mr. Atkinson to his son, Monroe Atkinson, who still retains them. (See Note III.) I had hoped from the files of the Messenger to have obtained much relating to the early history of the county; but though it is interesting to look over, as containing the marriages, and deaths, &c., of many of the oldest citizens, to one who was acquainted with them, yet its columns are principally occupied, (as it perhaps is natural they should be,) rather with giving to its readers a knowledge of what was going on in the world abroad, than in communicating CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 133 to those elsewhere, information of what was transpiring in the little community at home. It appears that in March, 1805, one of the highest freshets ever known to the settlers occurred in French Creek, attended with the destruction of considerable property. In December of the same year we find a statement of the business done on this stream in the salt trade, a business which now, with the improved facilities of transportation, has been entirely transferred to other channels. During the rise of water in this month, it appears that eleven flat-boats and six keel-boats passed down French Creek, carrying about 2230 barrels of New York salt, valued at Meadville at $11 per barrel, and worth $24,530, but selling at Pittsburg at $13 per barrel, and amounting there to the sum of $28,990. The revenue that might be derived from tolls in this trade is pointed out by the editor, as an inducement for the opening of a turnpike to Erie. A matter worthy of notice is the contrast between the present price of salt (which is $1 37 per barrel) and that which it bore in 1805, when it sold for eight times as much. Though out of place, I may mention that I find, in 1805, a farmer in this county, recommending to agriculturists, as a tried and successful remedy for the smut in wheat, to let the grain for seed become more fully ripe than that which is used for grinding, a remedy which is recommended as a discovery by some of the agricultural papers of the present year. At the time the Messenger was first published, the paper on which it was printed had to be brought from Pittsburg on horseback. The mail was carried in the same way, 134 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF arriving once a week, sometimes by the way of Franklin, sometimes through Mercer; and the carrier who brought the foreign news, generally brought with him the paper upon which it was to be republished at home. The first volumes of the Messenger contain a history of most of the cotemporaneous events of any interest; the foreign intelligence, the congressional and legislative proceedings, the impeachment and trial of Judge Chase, and of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; of the times when the assertion of popular rights was carried far towards the verge of ultra'sm, and when new social and civil, commercial and political relationships and interests springing up, developed individual character, modified old habits and opinions, and made almost every man in the community a student of law, and an imaginary, if not a real professor, of the science of legislation. On the 13th day of March, 1800, David Mead, and on the 14th day of the same month, John Kelso, received commissions appointing them Associate Judges for the county of Crawford. Thomas Ruston Kennedy was appointed Prothonotary, &c., at the same time, and on the second day of August in that year; the late Hon.'Henry Baldwin, was appointed as deputy Prosecuting Attorney for the commonwealth. The first court that appears, by the record, to have sat in the county, was held by Judges Mead and Kelso, on the 6th day of July, 1800. The number of suits, appeals, &c., brought to this term, appears to be ninety-five. On the 20th day of December, 1800, William Bell received a commission as Associate Judge, in the place of David Mead, who resigned. And the CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 135 third session of the Court was held at Meadville, on the 6th day of April, 1801, by the Hon. Alexander Addison, President, and the Hon. William Bell, associate judge. The average number of suits and appeals to a term for the first year after the organization of the county, was sixtyfive. The average number to a term, during the year 1845, was two hundred and forty-five. Regretting that so much of the information collected is confined almost entirely to the Indian invasions, which being of paramount importance to the settlers at the time they occurred, are remembered with more distinctness than anything else; the rest of my paper will be occupied with a more methodical reply to the inquiries made in the circular of the Historical Society. I. It is impossible now to ascertain the motives which actuated the first settlers in emigrating to this county. The contest between claimants under the Connecticut and Pennsylvania titles to lands in Northumberland, seems to have led to the first visit of David Mead. After much trouble and controversy, he lost his farm near Sunbury, and subsequently received indemnity from the commonwealth, by the grant of lands west of the Alleghany. Cornelius Van Horn was also involved in that controversy, and received a partial equivalent in money from the state for the losses he sustained. The greater part of the first settlers came from the Susquehanna River, probably in quest of better and cheaper lands. 136 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF II. A. There are no houses in this neighbourhood remarkable for their antiquity. The oldest house now in Meadville is probably one which stands on the west side of Water Street, belonging to the estate of H. C. Bosler, deceased. It was built in 1796, of hewed logs, and, though much dilapidated, is still occupied.. B. The number of houses or inhabitants, at any given time since the first settlement, cannot now be satisfactorily obtained. In 1814 the entire population of the county was estimated at 5765. (See Note IV.) C. There are several ancient papers of historical intqrest in this county. An original deed between Lord Baltimore and the sons of William Penn, is in the possession of J. S. Riddle, Esq., who has kindly permitted me to make an abstract of its contents. It purports to be a deed between the Right Hon. Frederick Lord Baron of Baltimore, in the kingdom of Ireland, only son and heir at law, devisee, and residuary legatee, of the Right Hon. Charles, late Lord Baltimore, deceased, proprietor of the Province of Maryland in America, of the one part, and Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, Esqs., sons and devisees, under the will of William Penn, their late father deceased, true and absolute proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania and the three lower counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, of the other part. The deed is dated July 4th, 1760; is a voluminous, formal instrument, covering six large sheets of parchment, and made and executed for the purpose of settling the boundaries of their respective provinces. CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 137 Mr. Riddle has also an original commission from Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, proprietaries, as above, to John Penn, dated 11th August, 1766. The commission refers to a former one, and reappoints him LieutenantGovernor, from the 1st December, 1766, to 1st December, 1769. This instrument is recorded in Rolls'Office for the Province of Pennsylvania, in Com. Book A, vol. 3, page 269, on the 2d April, 1767. And at New Castle, in Book V, page 42. Also a commission from Thomas and Richard Penn, to John Penn, dated 24th August, 1769, continuing him as Lieutenant-Governor, until 1st December, 1772, recorded in Commission Book A, vol. 3, page 528, and recorded in New Castle, in Book Y, page 6. Mr. Joseph C. G. Kennedy has also in his possession some documents of historical interest, among which are an ancient drawing of Fort Du Quesne; one of the orderly books of General Washington while at Cambridge in Massachusetts, and an original letter-book of James Logan, secretary of William Penn, commencing about the year 1718, and containing letters for some ten or twelve years. Mr. Logan seems to have written his letters in this book, from which copies were sent to his correspondents. These letters are quite interesting, as showing the state of things at that time. In one of his letters, addressed to Mrs. Penn, after the death of her husband, he informs her that, according to the best of his judgment, the northwest corner of the province is about the middle of Lake Ontario (or Lake Frontignac); that there are no navigable rivers except the Delaware and about sixty miles of the Susquehanna, and that the 138 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF latter river is rather -a detriment than a benefit to the province; that west of it there is no land worthy of cultivation, and that it would be difficult to obtain one -hundred thousand acres west of that river suitable for settlement. In another letter, he speaks of the first silk made in the province. Mr. Kennedy has also an original order of his Majesty, of 25th April, 1738, to the inhabitants of Maryland and Pennsylvania, commanding the observance of peace. D. I do not remember anything remarkable in the character or appearance of this county, that would seem to be worthy of especial notice. Geologically, it belongs to the upper secondary formation, is apparently destitute of calcareous rock, except in very thin veins, and does not contain within it much bituminous coal; layers of it, it is true, have been found in some half-dozen places, in different parts of the county; but they have not generally been of sufficient thickness to afford much encouragement to the miner. This section of country is abundantly supplied with excellent water, and presents as great a variety of large and valuable timber as, perhaps, any other county in the state. Three main streams, the Shenango in the southwest, Oil Creek (so named from springs upon its margin, which annually produce large quantities of petroleum or Seneca oil), in the east; and French Creek, with its tributaries, the Muddy Creek, Cussewago, and Sugar Creeks, traverse the county from north to south; and in the northwest, Coneaut Creek takes its rise, whose waters, after passing through a portion of Erie County, finally discharge themselves into Lake Erie, in the state of Ohio. Along each of the above CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 139 streams are rich and productive valleys. The fertility and extent of the valley along French Creek, are alluded to by General Washington, in the notes he kept of a visit made by him to Fort Lebceuf (now Waterford), in the year 1753. Near the source of Coneaut Creek, about eight miles west of Meadville, is Coneaut Lake, the largest entirely inland lake in the province; it is from three to four miles in length, and from three quarters to a mile, or upwards, in width. The lake is now used as a reservoir for the Erie Canal (which was opened last year for navigation), and for that purpose its waters have been raised by an embankment across the outlet, some eleven feet above their original height. About four miles northwest of this lake, at the summit, the Erie Canal passes through a formation of quicksand extending about a mile and a half along the line, and averaging some two feet in thickness. The sand lies from fourteen to sixteen feet below the surface of the ground, which here is a Black Ash and Hemlock swamp, formerly very wet, but now dry, being drained by the canal. From the yielding character of this sand, this portion of the line was a very expensive one to make, the cost of constructing some two miles and a half where it prevailed, to a greater or less extent, being estimated at $213,000. Piling, from eighteen to twenty-four feet deep, had to be resorted to, forming a perfect wall on each side of the canal, with cross timbers for a floor, all so compact and firmly united, as to resist the inward and upward pressure of the sand. To one unaccustomed to it, this sand seems a very strange kind of material. In constructing the canal, 140 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF wagons could be driven across the bed of it, provided the team was kept in motion; but if a horse stood upon it for a moment or two, even long enough to drink, he would gradually sink into it, and it would adhere to his limbs with a tenacity that no power of his could overcome. A countrywoman, with a child in her arms, undertaking to cross the canal one day, where the water was about a foot deep, stopped for a moment to let her horse drink; when she attempted to pursue her way she found herself suddenly thrown into the water, and her horse so firmly planted in the mud, that it required the spade of one of the labourers before he could be extricated. When a wagon crosses it, it undulates with a wavelike motion. Yet, notwithstanding its yielding nature, a lock can be built and made to stand upon it, if piles are driven around it to prevent any lateral motion of the sand. At the upper end of Coneaut Lake, near Brightstown, is a formation of shell-marl. It covers an area of about thirty-three acres, and from examination, appears to be seven feet thick at the upper end, and about two feet and one half at the lower. The shells are minute, of the genus Planorbis, and abundant; this marl is worked into brick form and burned, when it makes a pretty good quality of lime, though not very white. The improvements for the last twenty, and especially for the last ten years, have been very great. The main line of Erie and Beaver Canal passes through the western part of the county, and not only affords facility in getting to market with the ordinary articles of export, but has also created new objects of commerce. Timber which before was regarded as useless, or at CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 141 best required to be reduced to ashes before it became available to the farmer, is now converted into staves and lumber in various forms, for the New York market. The feeder of this canal, passing through the county seat, has increased the business of the village and reduced the rates of transportation; while the transfer of the carriage of heavy articles from the turnpike to the canal, has had a decidedly beneficial effect upon the roads. Less than thirty years ago, the mail from Pittsburg arrived in Meadville but once in a week, and was carried on horseback; now a mail stage arrives daily from Pittsburg and Erie, and terweekly from Bellefonte via Franklin. At the former period, there was but one public building in Meadville, the lower story of which was used for a jail, the upper for a court-house, and on Sunday for religious services; there are now a frame and five brick churches, a large brick courthouse, with rooms for the county offices, a brick academy, two brick houses for schools under the new system, a brick college, a brick arsenal, and a brick building for a theological institute. There is also a considerable improvement in the class of buildings now being constructed, both in the town and country; more attention paid to taste in architecture, and more regard to convenience in the plan of arrangement. Within two years past, a large manufactory for the making of picket fence has been put in operation by Messrs. H. and C. Cullum, at Bemustown, two miles north of Meadville. This establishment, doing all its work by machinery, affords its wares at so cheap a rate, that the farmer may now have his yard or his grounds inclosed. with an ornamental fence, at a cost little if any beyond 142 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF what he formerly paid for a rough one of simple post and rails. With the physical improvement of the county, there has also been a corresponding moral and intellectual progress in the inhabitants; while school-houses and churches have multiplied, distilleries and taverns have diminished. On the subject of ardent spirits, the change of popular sentiment has been so great, that at the last session of the legislature an act was passed authorizing the inhabitants of this (with many other counties in the state), to determine at the spring election in'47, whether any licenses whatever, shall be granted for the sale of vinous or spirituous liquors for the ensuing year, except such as are wanted for sacramental or medicinal purposes. The facilities of country mails, by distributing news. papers and periodical literature, have also done something towards educating and improving the popular mind. The art of manufacturing paper from straw, was first discovered and successfully practised in America, by Colonel William Magaw, a resident of Meadville, in the year 1827. Colonel Magaw was previously the proprietor of a paper-mill, and was led accidentally to the discovery by chewing a stalk of rye straw which had been used in the letching of ashes, the alkali having affected the texture of the straw, so as to make it easily converted into pulp. Large quantities of wrapping paper are now made of this material, and also boards for the binding of books. Though the art of making paper of straw, by some process, was known prior to that time, in Europe, yet the discovery of preparing the straw with alkalies, was an original one with Colonel Magaw, and has been a highly useful one to the community. CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 143 E. The wild animals that have been seen in this county since its settlement are-the elk, deer, panther, wolf, bear, wildcat, fox, marten, otter, polecat, beaver, groundhog or woodchuck, opossum, raccoon, hare, rabbit, black, gray, red or pine, flying, and ground or striped squirrels, muskrat, mink, weasel, porcupine, field-mouse, deer-mouse, common rat and mouse. The elk and panther are now entirely extinct, and the wolf, the bear, and the beaver, altogether or very nearly so. Among the birds which visit this county annually, either to build or touching it i'n their migration to a more northern region, are the bald and gray eagle, rarely seen; the henhawk, fish-hawk, pigeon-hawk, sparrow-hawk, the white, the cat, and screech owl; the swan, wild goose, blackduck, mallard, woodduck, shelldrake, teal, butterbolt, loon, dipper, water-hen, plover, jacksnipe, sandsnipe, kingfisher, turkey, pheasant, partridge or quail, woodcock, rail, pigeon, dove, whippoorwill, robin, thrush, catbird, cuckoo, lark, oriole, bluejay, fieldfare, martin, the barn-swallow, bankswallow, oven-swallow, bluebird, wren, cowbird, bob-o'-link or reed-bird, yellowbird, redbird, blackbird, red-wing, starling, black, or large woodpecker, red-headed woodpecker, gray woodpecker, flicker, cedar-bird or toppy, the crookbill, meadow-hen, greenbird, and a variety of small birds with whose species I am not familiar. The oven-swallow, which is now quite common, made its first appearance in this county only some eight or ten years ago. They now come annually, in great numbers, and build long rows of oven-shaped nests, constructed of mud, under the eaves of the barns, with a small aperture in one side for an entrance. 144 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF The snakes that are found in Crawford County, are the black and the yellow rattlesnake; the former of which is most frequently found in swampy or wet land, and the latter, upon hilly or drier ground; water-snake, large blacksnake, growing from five to seven feet in length; the small black-snake, or white-ringed viper; the brown, or housesnake; the garter-snake, and green-snake. All these species are innocuous, except the rattlesnake, and it is fortunately now almost extinct. F. The preceding pages contain about all that I have ever heard, concerning the condition of the country when first settled. When first visited by the whites in'87, in the valley of French Creek were old meadows, destitute of trees, and covered with long wild grass and herbage, resembling the prairies; but by whom those lands were originally cleared, will probably for ever. remain a matter of uncertainty. The Indians alleged that the work had not been done by them; but a tradition among them attributed it to a larger and more powerful race of inhabitants, who had preoccupied the country. Whether some far-straying Frenchman, or straggling Spaniard, whose wanderings have been unrecorded, made this first opening in the primeval forest, or whether some semi-civilized tribe of Indians from the central regions of America, leaving the sunny south, pushed their canoes up the Ohio and Alleghany, and settling in the western regions of Pennsylvania, were finally subdued and destroyed by the fiercer and more warlike tribes of the north, may be an interesting subject for speculation; but CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 145 the records are too ambiguous and indistinct, to solve the questions which they raise. While on this branch of the subject, I would mention that in the year 1834, while engaged in surveying in the extreme western part of the county, near Sorrel Hill, I came across trees that had been blazed one hundred and twelve years before that time. On blocking these trees, the mark of the axe or edged instrument was very perfect and distinct. III. I am not aware of any one that has made any collection of the matters and things classified under this head. A periodical called the "Alleghany Magazine," was formerly published in Meadville, by the late Reverend Timothy Alden, in which there were some interesting articles on Indian names, and matters pertaining to the early history of this section of the state. The Magazine was commenced in 1816, and continued for about a year. Copies of it are preserved in the library of Alleghany College, and in several of the private libraries in this place. I am told that Mr. Alden, in his lifetime, had a manuscript narrative of a Mr. Gibson, who was at a very early day, a prisoner among the western Indians. I have made some inquiry for this manuscript among the heirs of Mr. Alden, but, as yet, have been unsuccessful in finding it. G. None but those referred to in pages 136 and 137. H. None. I. None. J. 14 146 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF K. L. None. M. None. N. None. 0. None. P. None. Q. None. R. None, that I know of, except an interesting description in the Alleghany Magazine, before referred to, of a young lady in Meadville, who is apparently possessed of a twofold state of consciousness; entirely unconscious in her second state of what she has known and learned in her primary one, and when relapsing into her first state, equally forgetful of what has occurred in her second state. The first change came on her after a slight indisposition, when her mind returned to the blank vacuity of infancy, and she was obliged to commence in her learning with the alphabet, and to be introduced to friends and acquaintances with whom she had long been familiar. Three or four changes have taken place in her mind, though none now for several years. The subject of this mental phenomena is engaged at present as teacher in one of the primary schools in Meadville, and is a lady of sprightly disposition, and poetic turn of mind.* I am not aware of any tables of descent that have been preserved, of the families of the first settlers of the county. A memoir of General David Mead, the pioneer to the waters of French Creek, is given in Alden's Alleghany Magazine, on page 77. He was born at Hudson, in the * See a full account of this singular case in Day's Historical Collections of Pennsylvania. CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 147 state of New York, about the year 1751. In the year'74, he was married to Agnes Wilson, sister of the Honourable Thomas Wilson, of Northumberland. In'96, having lost his first wife, he was again married, to Janet Finney, daughter of Robert Finney. During the revolutionary war he lived at Sunbury, where he kept a public house, and at the close of the war removed to Wyoming, where he had a farm. Driven from it after a long conflict arising from the Pennsylvania and Connecticut disputation of title, he removed to the west, arid settled on French Creek. He was a man of uncommon bodily strength, six feet three and one-half inches high, and large in proportion. He died at Meadville, on the 23d day of August, 1816. Robert Fits Randolph, another of the first settlers, came from Essex County, in the state of New Jersey; his ancestors came originally from Scotland. He was born about the year 1741; and in 1812, at the advanced age of seventyone, on an alarm's being given of the war with England, he started for Erie, with four of his sons and two of his grandsons, to volunteer in the service of his country. He travelled some fifteen miles to the Coneauttee Lake, in Erie County, where he was persuaded by some of his relatives to return. He retained his vigour many years afterwards, and died at Meadville, at a very advanced age. Edward Randolph, a son of Robert Fits Randolph, and heretofore spoken of as one of the first settlers, was born in what is now Lehigh, formerly Northampton County, on the first day of March, 1772. In 1773, his father moved from Northampton to Northumberland, and in 1789, the old man and his wife, with some of their children, viz., 148 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF Sarah, Taylor, James, Edward, and Robert, in the month of November, emigrated to what is now the county of Crawford. The route they pursued passed by the places where Bellefonte and Milesburg now stand, and through Chinkakernoose (the Indian name for Oldtown), by Franklin. Of the family of Robert Randolph, three sons, viz., Taylor, Esaac, and Edward, still survive. The latter, who was seventeen years of age when he first moved west, was a volunteer in the army in the year'91, and did duty at Franklin from the first of April to the first of July. He then went to Pittsburg, and in the spring of'92, entered the service of the United States, in transporting provisions from Pittsburg to Franklin. During this year, he and Daniel Ransom were sent by government to build a mill for Cornplanter, at Tinneshantago. Ransom, who was the millwright, for some reason did not build the mill, and after remaining at Cornplanter's village for four months, Mr. Randolph returned to his former occupation of transporting provisions. During the year'93 he carried a part of the time to Franklin, and a portion of the season to Meadville, for Ensign Bond. In September of this year, he was employed by Major Isaac Craig, to take charge of a boat loaded with ammunition, under Colonel Clark, to Cincinnati; the latter being on his way to join General Wayne. In December, Mr. Randolph returned to Pittsburg, and from thence went to Meadville. On the first of May, 1794, he again descended to Pittsburg on a raft of boards from Mead's mill. At Freeport, then called Buffalo station, they were hailed from shore by the officers at the station, and took on board William Cousins, who had been wounded in his hip by the Indians, near the mouth of the Kiskeminetas CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 149 Creek. A canoe had gone just before, bearing the body of John Carter, killed by the Indians, and Peter Kintner, wounded in the arm. They were taken to their former home, about six miles above Pittsburg. On reaching Pittsburg, Mr. Randolph was employed by General John Wilkins, to go as an advance guard for Major Denny, from Pittsburg to Waterford, a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. At Meadville, Mr. Randolph became sick, and his brother, James Randolph, conducted Major Denny from thence to Waterford. Having returrled to Pittsburg, Mr. Randolph, about the first of July, fell in with Captain John Heath, on his way with troops to Franklin, and they kept in company with their canoes. The party celebrated the fourth of July at Catfish Falls (about four miles above the Great Western Iron Works), feasting themselves upon a saddle of venison, and a big pike which they had captured in the river. About the first of August, a soldier having been killed by the Indians, near Franklin, Captain Heath wrote to Robert F. Randolph, for some men competent to act as spies. He recommended Luke Hill, John Wentworth, John Baum, and Edward F. Randolph. Mr. Randolph engaged in this service, and served from the beginning of August to the beginning of September as a spy, and in carrying expresses from Waterford to Pittsburg. His only roads were Indian paths, and at night he bivouacked with no other protection than his blanket. In August, 1795, Mr. Randolph and his brother Taylor, were employed by Major Craig to go to Erie as teamsters, to help build the fort. Robert Randolph, their father, furnished three yoke, and Cornelius Van Horn one yoke of oxen for this purpose. Mr. Randolph worked 150 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF at Erie until November, when he returned to Meadville. In 1797, he married Benjamin Wilson's daughter, Elizabeth Wilson, and settled on the farm where he now resides. In 1812, he was for three days at Erie with the troops, and went to Buffalo as teamster for the commissary. Cornelius Van Horn, another of the first settlers is still living, now at the advanced age of ninety-five. His body and mind, however, have both become very frail, and his recollection of things cannot now be relied upon; the old man, a few years since, commenced a narrative of his life, but the manuscript remained unfinished, and, unfortunately, was commenced so late in life, that but a few of the prominent events of his history in early life were remembered by him, and recorded. And in these his memory had evidently failed him as to dates. V. There are two libraries of some magnitude, in this county. The principal is the one attached to Alleghany College, which contains from seven to eight thousand volumes, of books, pamphlets, &c., embracing many standard works of great value, and comprising volumes on literary, historical, and scientific subjects, in nearly all the ancient and modern languages. The other library is that connected with the Theological Institute, and containing between two and three thousand volumes. In the private library of Mr. Frederick Huidekoper, one of the professors. in this school, is a work printed in 1475, and entitled,' Sermones Aurei Sancti, quos compilavit Leonhardus de Utino." The mechanical exe CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 151 cution of the work, which is a large book, and bound literally in boards, is quite creditable to the artists of that age. President Stebbens, of the same institution, has in his private library a work of similar character, printed in 1519, each chapter of which is commenced with an illuminated or embellished letter. It is a large book, with the same kind of substantial binding as that mentioned above. In the library of Alleghany College are also some works of very great antiquity. VI. There are three newspapers now published in this county, the "Meadville Gazette," "Crawford Democrat," and " Meadville Republican." The first newspaper published in the county was commenced in 1805, as mentioned on page 131. VII. I know of no works published in the county illustrating its literary history. The poetry has generally been of a fugitive character, and, with other compositions on literary and scientific subjects, has found its way to the public through the ordinary channel of the newspapers. VIII. A Mr. Say appears to have collected some facts relating to the history of this and other counties in the state, and published a work, of which a small number of copies only 152 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF appear to have been struck off. It is out of print, but I have not learned why. IX. None. X. XI. None. XII. I do not know of any civil trials which have taken place in the county involving principles of general interest, that are worthy of note. Among the subjects of criminal trials, but two persons, convicted of homicide, in the county, have suffered the highest penalty of the law. The first a native of Quebec, of the name of Van Holland, who, while serving in the army in the West Indies, received a coup de soleil, which affected his mind permanently; he wandered out to this county, and in the winter of 1815-16, while sleeping over night in a cabin, he arose in the night and murdered the man at whose house he was staying, with an axe. The man's wife and child escaped from the cabin, and concealed themselves for the night under a bank of a ravine, where they nearly perished from cold. Notwithstanding a good deal of cunning and adroitness practised by Van Holland to escape, he was at last captured by his pursuers, tried, and convicted. He was a man of great physical power, and at one time' nearly made his escape from CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 153 prison by bending with his hands the iron bars under the hearth in his room. At the time of execution, he pushed the deputy employed by the sheriff from the scaffold, and endeavoured to jump upon him, but was frustrated in his design by the rope, which prevented him from jumping so far. The man subsequently died from the effect of his fall. After Van Holland's death, letters were received requesting a suspension of execution, if not inflicted, in order that he might give some explanation of a murder committed in New Brunswick, in which it is supposed he was implicated. He was a man of very respectable connexions, and was no doubt partially deranged. The other person punished capitally, was David Lamphier, who killed a constable with the stroke of an axe, while attempting to arrest him. It was a hasty act, without premeditation, and a foolish warning previously given to the constable to keep away from him led principally to his conviction. XIII. There are many traces of Indian inhabitants still met with throughout the county. There were originally two circular forts about a mile below the present village of Meadville. The one in the valley, on the farm of Mr. Taylor Randolph, and the other a quarter of a mile below, on the bluff point of a high knoll, where a small stream puts into the creek, or now into the canal. The plough, and annual tillage of the soil, have now destroyed them. There was also a mound still to be seen a short distance above 154 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF the fort, which stood in the plain. It is now nothing but a smooth eminence, some two or three feet high, and extending from north to south, some fifteen or twenty feet, and about twice as much from east to west. It is described, however, by Mr. Esaac Randolph, one of the oldest settlers, on whose farm it stands, as having been composed originally of two mounds, connected by a narrow neck between them. The material of one of the mounds, he represents as having been of gravel, and the other of alluvial earth. The ground around the mound is alluvial, without stone, and it is evident the material was carried from some distance to construct the mound, as there was no ditch or excavation near it, from which it could have been taken. The mound stands some thirty rods from the stream, where gravel is abundant. The fields in the neighbourhood abound with small pieces of Indian crockery, resembling common earthenware, except that it is not glazed, nor so well burned. In ploughing in the neighbourhood of the above mound some years ago, an Indian grave was discovered, covered with a large stone, under which, among the bones, were found some interesting relics. Among the rest, some sharp instruments of agate or other hard stone, shaped in the form of a segment of a circle, from three to five inches long, and having one edge, and the points very sharp; they were probably used either for surgical instruments, or for tattooing, &c. Indian arrow-heads of flint, and axes of greenstone, are frequently found in the flats along the creek, and occasionally the remains of pipes for smoking, carved out of stone. A small idol, carved in the form of an owl, out of soapstone, was found a few years since, and is now CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 155 in the cabinet of Mr. Frederick Huidekoper, in Meadville. A small turtle, either a petrifaction, or a relic of Indian sculpture, has lately been discovered in excavating for a furnace on the Big Sugar Creek; it is now in the possession of Mr. J. Russell, at Russellville, in Venango County. The fossil is a siliceous stone, and was unfortunately and wantonly broken by the labourers who exhumed it; the pieces, however, have been obtained and preserved by Mr. Russell. The head and front part of the body are entire; the head a little distorted, but very distinct. From a hasty inspection I had of it in passing Mr. Russell's, a few days since, I should be inclined to believe it a specimen of Indian sculpture, and an idol of the Delaware, or some other tribe of Indians, who regarded the turtle as sacred. The most perfect of the Indian fortifications in the county, is a circular fort, still in a tolerable state of preservation, which stands on a point of land projecting into the Pymatuning Swamp, in North Shenango township. The area of the fort includes some two acres of ground, now covered with large timber. The breastwork is about three feet high, and the fosse from two to three feet deep; there are from four to five places of egress from the fort, where there are intervals in the ditch. The breastwork has probably originally been fortified with a stockade, and the portals occupied with gates. On the land side, or the side opposite to the swamp, is another breastwork, some twenty or thirty yards from the fort, and now less distinct. In the interior of the fort, there are a great number of places where there is a slight depression in the surface, as though a hole had been dug some two feet in diameter. In excavating in these places the ground has a burnt look, 156 INCIDENTS IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF and among the earth are small pieces of charcoal, indicating that these holes have been receptacles for fire, and were probably made use of in cooking. On the top of the breastwork trees are now growing, one of which, a white oak, measured more than ten feet in circumference. In the neighbourhood of the fort are Indian graves and remains, that have not yet been explored. I hope to make a further and more satisfactory report at a future day, to the Society on this subject. The Pymatuning Swamp, in the vicinity of this fort, is a subject of interest to the geologist. From ten to twelve miles long, and from a half to two miles in width, it has every appearance of having once been a lake whose bed has been gradually filled up with the accumulation of vegetable matter. Covered with the cranberry vine, with occasional clumps of alders, and islands of larch and other timber, the subsoil is so loose that a pole can be thrust into it from ten to twenty feet. Ditches that have been cut through it, for the purpose of draining, exhibit fallen timber below ground, and the dead stumps of trees still standing in place, show, by the divergence of their roots, that the surface of the soil is now from two to three feet higher than it was when the trees were standing and growing. This swamp was the home of the last beaver that was caught in the county. It is probable that the present marsh was a shallow lake at the time the above fort was occupied by the Indians. I am not able to give the signification of many of the Indian names, of which, unfortunately, too few have been preserved. The dialect of the Pennsylvania Indians appears to have been much softer than that of the New Eng CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. 157 land tribes, and the names imparted by them to mountains and rivers, much more euphonious. Cussewago, the Indian name for a creek in Crawford County, signifies " big snake," probably from the sinuosity of its course, though tradition says it was named so from a blacksnake seen on its banks. Coneaut, the name of a lake, signifies " snowplace," and may get its origin from the snow which remains on the bosom of the lake, after having thawed away in the spring from the adjacent lands. Alleghany, in Delaware language, means "great warpath." Monongahela signifies " muddy water." Ohio, ( beautiful water;" the Indian pronunciation was something like Ho-hee-yu; the river of this name, with the Indians, extended above Franklin. Connewango signifies' the dead water is above," it being the outlet of Chautauque Lake. XIV. I have not, as yet, been able to obtain anything under this head, except the narrative of incidents in the life of General Hugh Mercer, which is herewith transmitted. Mr. Joseph C. J. Kennedy has an ancient copy of a letter written by a prisoner in Fort Du Quesne, a copy of which he will no doubt furnish to the Society, with other matters which I believe he intends shortly submitting. I might mention, under this head, that Mr. Frederick Huidekoper has in his possession a visiting card of Colonel George Washington, which was devised to him by a son of the late Honourable Henry Shippen, in whose family it had been preserved. It is simply a plain piece of pasteboard, except that the ends are gilt, with the name and 158 CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. title written on it, as above, by Washington himself. Mr. James Allison, of Beaver County, is also in the possession of an original letter of attorney of General Washington, written by himself and framed in the clear and businesslike manner characteristic of its author. When at Warren, a few days since, I met with an old parchment, in the possession of Mr. Robert Falconer, of Sugargrove, which purports to be a declaration of trust, dated the 27th February, 1799, and executed by Herman Le Roy, William Bayard, James M'Evan, of New York, and Thomas Morris, of Ontario, setting forth that they had in their hands certificates of certain three per cent. stocks, of the interest of which they were to pay $250, annually, during his life, to the Indian chief Cornplanter, and after his death, to his family. This document is now the property of Charles O'Bail, the oldest son living, of Cornplanter. Cornplanter was a half-breed Indian chief (whose father was a white man, named O'Bail); he was a man of great integrity, and the firm friend and ally of the whites. He died a few years since, aged upwards of ninety. He had testimonials of friendship signed by Washington and Jefferson, which he valued highly, and preserved with great care. XV. I have met with nothing under this head. except what is heretofore narrated. Any of the persons referred to'will cheerfully permit the Society to take copies, and would no doubt aid in the obtainment of them if desired. NOTES. I. Among the Indians, the first white settlers found, as mentioned on page 114, several prisoners who had been captured during the revolutionary war; among them were Lashly Malone, taken at Bald Eagle, below Milesburg; Peter Krause, taken on Duncan's Creek, near the head of the Monongahela, in Virginia. Elijah Matthews, taken at Grave Creek, in Ohio; Nicholas Rosencrantz, the son of a minister, and Nicholas Tanewood, taken from the Mohawk; the former was subsequently a captain in the army. Matthews, Rosencrantz, and Krause, were married to squaws, and when the first settlers, came to the county, the two former had children eight or ten years old. When the Indians left the country they went with them. II. The Indian chief, Stripe Neck, spoken of on page 125, was a very aged Mohawk chief, who lived in the year 1789, on the west bank of French Creek (near Kennedy's Bridge), where he and his family occupied three small cabins. When the old man died, he was buried by the settlers on the south bank of the creek, near the present residence of Mr. Samuel Torbett, Jr. This mark of attention did much to secure the good will of the Indians residing here towards the settlers. The grave was disturbed a few years since, in the building of a tannery for Mr. Kennedy Davis. III. The files of the Crawford Messenger, alluded to on page 132, hake since passed into the hands of Mr. Joseph C. G. Kennedy. 160 CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. IV. In Alden's Alleghany Magazine, page 294, the population of the townships in Crawford County, for the year 1816, is estimated as follows:-Mead Township, taxables, 300; Wayne, 105; Oil Creek, 91; Bloomfield, 28; Rockdale, 127; Venango, 112; Cussewago, 94; Beaver, 66; Coneaut, 64; Sadsbury, 135; Shenango, 165; Fallowfield, 126; and Fairfield, 100; total, 1513. Computing about five inhabitants to each taxable, would give the population of the county at 7,565. Meadville, the county seat, was originally planned in 1790, by General David Mead; but the plan was enlarged and matured in the year'95 by Major Roger Alden and Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy. The plot for the town was divided into seventy-five squares, by-streets, alleys, and lanes. One square, called "The Diamond," laid off in the form of a parallelogram, measuring three hundred feet east and west, by six hundred feet north and south, was designed for public use. On the east side of this square now stands the court-house, a large and commodious brick building, erected in 1825, and planned by Mr. Strickland, of Philadelphia. On the west side stands the Episcopal church, a neat brick edifice, in the Gothic style, from a plan by Bishop Hopkins, of Vermont. And on the south is the Unitarian church, a brick building in Grecian style with Doric columns, from a plan of Captain George W. Cullum, of the United States Army. In 1817, Meadville contained about eighty families. The population at the present time, 1846, is about two thousand. The first minister of the Gospel, at Meadville, was the Reverend Joseph Stockton, lately of Pittsburg, now deceased; who was settled over the Presbyterian congregation in 1801. He removed to Pittsburg in 1808, and was succeeded by the Reverend Robert Johnston, now living at the forks of the Yougheogany River. V. INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF GENERAL HUGH MERCER. General Hugh Mercer was born in Scotland; his father was a Presbyterian clergyman, and educated his son Hugh, for a physician. NOTES. 161 After he had completed his studies, he received an appointment, and sailed for several years as surgeon; aboard of an East Indiaman. About the year 1750, he emigrated to America, landed in some port in Maryland, and entered in partnership with Doctor Ross, of Bladensburgh, an eminent physician. A few years after, he moved to East Conococheage, now Franklin County, near Greencastle; where he remained in practice of medicine until after Braddock's defeat. The Indians then began to murder the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, at which time there were raised several companies of troops, by the government, and placed at stations or forts on the frontiers. One at Auchwik, named Fort Shirly, commanded by Captain George Croghan and Doctor Hugh Mercer, his lieutenant. Soon after, Croghan was appointed superintendent of Indian affairs, with the rank of colonel, and Mercer succeeded to the command. Shortly after this he marched with his company, under Colonel John Armstrong, to attack Kittaning, an Indian town, noted for its chief or head man, Captain Jacobs, who, with many other of the Indians, was killed, and the town burnt. During the battle, Captain Mercer received a gunshot wound in his right arm, which shattered the bone; he was sent to the rear under the protection of a small guard, and unfortunately missed joining the main body, when they retired, after the destruction of the town. The guard was attacked, and all were killed except Mercer himself, whom the Indians observed to be wounded, and passed, expecting to get him on their return; but while the Indians were destroying the guard, Mercer hid himself in a thicket of hazel so as to elude their search, although they were often very near to him. When they were gone, he set out for the nearest settlement, and wandered for two weeks without any sustenance or support, except a rattlesnake which he had killed. In the mean time, his wound had become maggoty for want of proper dressing, and, to add to his suffering, his shoes were worn out and his feet much injured. He at length reached Fort Shirly, where he found a few roasting ears of corn that had been left by a scouting party of rangers, who had been in pursuit of Indians. From thence he proceeded to Lancaster, for the cure of his wound. When he 15 162 CRAWFORD COUNTY, PA. reached that city, he was so emaciated by pain, starvation, and fatigue, that his former most intimate acquaintances did not recognise him. After his recovery, he was appointed to the command of two companies, stationed at Shippensburgh, in a garrison called Fort Morris, and continued there until the campaign opened against Fort Du Quesne, when he was appointed to the command of a new regiment, called New Levies, added to the two former regiments raised by the province of Pennsylvania, commanded by Colonel J. Armstrong and E. Burd, and served three campaigns under Generals Forbes, Stanwix, and Moncton, against Fort Du Quesne; and when it was evacuated by the French, and the regular troops retired into winter quarters, Colonel Mercer was left commandant at Pittsburg, and remained until a general peace was concluded, when he removed to Fredericksburg, in Virginia, and settled in a very extensive practice of physic, until the beginning of 1776, when he was appointed a Brigadier General by Congress, in the Revolutionary army. He commanded a brigade at the capture of the Hessians at Trenton, and soon after fell gallantly fighting, at the head of his troops, at Princeton. The above narrative of incidents in the life of General Mercer, is by Doctor William Magaw, who died at Meadville about twelve years ago. He was surgeon of the ninth Pennsylvania regiment, and his oath of allegiance is dated at Valley Forge, on the 11th day of May, 1778. VI. Since writing the foregoing, I have understood that a copy of the Alleghany Magazine has been presented to the Society, by Mr. Frederick Huidekoper, through Mr. Tyson. VII. Two of the relics spoken of on page 154, are in the possession of the family of Professor Andrew Norton, at Cambridge, in Massa NOTES. 163 chusetts. Similar instruments, made of volcanic glass, from Mexico, are said to be in the collection at the Athenaeum, in Philadelphia. To the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the foregoing imperfect sketch of the early history of the County of Crawford is respectfully presented, by A. HUIDEKOPER. Meadville, September 12,1846. LETTER FROM J. S. M'CALMONT, OF FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 7th of March, 1845. SIR,-A letter from the Officers of the " Historical Society of Pennsylvania," to the Postmaster at this place, has been handed to me, with a request to answer it. I have had some conversation with my grandfather, who has furnished me with some information, in reply to the queries propounded in that communication. I will endeavour to answer them in their order. I. The first settlers of Franklin, were William Wilson, John Andrew, Samuel Ray, and the widow Dupree. The latter kept a tavern, before the town was laid out, under the protection of the fort. She was a decent, intelligent woman, and afterwards married John Andrew. Samuel Lord, John Wentworth, and George Sutley, were soldiers in the garrison in 1795. They afterwards settled in the country, and became very respectable citizens. Those persons named are all dead. Andrew, the widow LETTER FROM J. S. M'CALMONT. 165 Dupree, Ray, Lord, and Sutley have left descendants in western Pennsylvania. Among the first settlers in Franklin, after those mentioned, were George Power, Edward Hale, Abraham Selder, Mark Hulen, George Fowler, Alexander M'Dowell, Samuel B. Magaw, Wm. Connely, and Samuel Hays. Of these, Power, Connely, Selden, and Hays are now living. The latter is the late Congressman from this district, and at present Marshal for the Western District of Pennsylvania. The first settlers were principally Pennsylvanians. Afterwards the New Englanders immigrated to this country and overran it generally. They form a respectable portion of the community to this day. There are but few Germans in the county of Venango; Richland Township was settled by them in 1810. The first settlers were poor people, who came here to support themselves by "farming," and who had left their homes in the older counties, to obtain lands here by i" actual settlement." They experienced a great many hardships *and privations, having to go to Pittsburg and Westmoreland County for their subsistence, until they were enabled to produce for themselves. The transportation was by pack horses, and by canoes up the river. There was danger, for sometimes they were wounded by the Indians. I do not know of any letters, &c., except one, now in the possession of the heirs of Benjamin Stokely, of Mercer County, written by Captain Heath of Fort Franklin, and sent by the hands of an Indian, informing Mr. Stokely, who was then surveyor of the 3d and 6th districts, of the murder of Finley and McCormick, near the mouth of Coneaut, which will be mentioned hereafter. 166 LETTER FROM J. S. M'CALMONT, The first settlers in western Pennsylvania were, David Mead, Nicholas Van Horne, and - Fitz Randolph, who have all left descendants. II. There are no persons living here, other than those I have mentioned heretofore, who could give any correct information in reference to the early settlement of this country. A. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has held its session in an old log house on Liberty Street, now weatherboarded, and occupied as a grocery store, in Franklin. B. Can give no information as to that. C. I have not heard of any papers of historical or local interest. D. E. Bears, beavers, elk, deer, wolves, panthers, wild cats, foxes of various kinds, and pole-cats, have all been seen in this county-and of poisonous serpents, the rattlesnake, viper, and copperhead. F. I have often heard my grand-parents describe their views of things as they found them here, but recollect nothing more than I have related. III. I know of no person in our county, who has made collections of historical papers, &c. G. Indian relics in abundance have been found in this county; such as stone axes, stone currying knives, "darts," &c. OF FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. 167 A stone axe was found, and sent to Lambden's Museum, in Pittsburg, by Wm. Connely. H. Bones of an animal of the mammoth species have been found, and are now in the possession of Aaron McKissick, Esq., of Sandy Creek Township. Cornplanter's heirs, at Cold Spring, in Warren County, are in possession of some very valuable manuscripts, of speeches made in council, and a parchment treaty, signed by General Washington, and countersigned by General Knox, who was then Secretary of War. The treaty was between the United States and the Six Nations. IV. No tables of family descent that I know of. V. There is a small public library in town; its resources are very limited. VI. There are three papers published in Franklin. Their names are "Venango Democrat," "Democratic Arch," and "Franklin Gazette." The former two support the present state and general administrations. The latter gets but a slim support for itself. They are all read with avidity; our community being fond of the news. The first paper here, the " Venango Herald," was established in 1820, by John Galbraith, who has been since a member of the Legislature, and of Congress; and is now a distinguished lawyer in Erie. 168 LETTER FROM J. S. M'CALMONT, VII. I do not know of any poems, &c. VIII. I believe there have been no histories of our towns, townships, or county printed, nor have materials been collected for that purpose. IX. There was a church built by the Moravians, and furnished with a bell in 1770, eighteen miles above Fort Venango, on the Alleghany River, east side. The bell was presented to the society by the brethren of Bethlehem. Some of the Indians were converted to the faith of this church by the exertions of the missionaries. I do not know of any ancient dockets, &c. XI. Nor is there any peculiar legal custom, superstition, &c. XII. There was only one person ever tried in this county for murder. Robert Scott was tried in 1825, for the murder of a man by the name of Davison. He was acquitted on the ground of insanity. OF FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. 169 XIII. French Creek was called Venango, by the Indians. Cornplanter said it took its name from a notch carved in a tree, at its mouth, and which bore some fancied resemblance to an unmentionable characteristic of the female sex. The creek was called Lebceuf River by the French. On the 7th of June, 1795, two men by the names of Finlev and M'Cormick, who had commenced an "improvement" on French Creek, near the mouth of Coneaut Creek, had been making rails, and whilst at it, were shot down and scalped. One of the settlers happening to come there, saw the dead bodies. He came to Fort Franklin, and reported the circumstance to the commander of the garrison, who immediately ordered out a detachment of soldiers to capture the Indians;-no trace of them, however, could be found. These men, Finley and M'Cormick, were buried in the woods, near where they were shot, about fourteen miles from where Franklin now stands, and in what is now Crawford County. The same year, within a mile and a half of where Erie now stands, a man and his son, named Rutledge, from Cumberland County, were killed by the Indians. The father was shot dead on the spot. The son was badly tomahawked. He was taken to Fort Lebceuf (now Waterford), where medical aid was afforded, but all in vain. The boy died in about seven days. It was well ascertained by persons who were captives with the Indians at that time, that these murders, as well as other barbarous depredations in western Pennsylvania, had been committed by hostile Indians of the Pottawattomie 170 LETTER FROM J. S. MCALMONT, and Wyandotte tribes, as was fully proved by the declarations of the Indians themselves, after arriving at Detroit with the scalps. The same Indians also reported that they had lain in ambush, and watched the movements of the troops whilst building the fort at Presque Isle. It would be well to mention here, that no depredations on the part of the Seneca Indians were ever known, after the treaty of amity and friendship with the United States, at Fort Stanwix. William Connely and George Power, who are still living, were both in the country at the time those transactions took place. The former had a brother, who, in company with a Mr. Wallace, were both killed the same year, by the Indians, on the path leading to Fort Pitt, or Pittsburg. A man by the name of Robison, was tried in Pittsburg, for killing an Indian, at Franklin, in'95, and acquitted. The case will be found in Addison's Reports. There are a number of Indian graves in this town and county. Some of the remains have been dug up, and rings and trinkets have been found in the graves. A little kettle of brass was found on one of the skulls. Mr. Abraham Selder lives about a mile from Franklin. He could give all the information that any other one could, on the subjects embraced under your thirteenth question. XIV. I know of three men, soldiers in the Revolution." Thomas Carter, of Dempseytown; James Dougherty, of OF FRANKLIN, VENANGO COUNTY, PA. 171 Plum; William Brown, of Canal. Dougherty was imprisoned at Quebec. He killed Indians on the Sinnemahoning, in company with Peter Grove, Van Camp, and others, in Clinton or Potter County. Dougherty is nearly one hundred years old; Carter about eighty-eight. XV. I know of no persons in the possession of letters and other materials for history. If, however, any can be found, the fact will be communicated to you. I have handed your communication to a young gentleman of my acquaintance, who will give you some additional information about the increase of the county, and its improvements; he will perhaps, get Mr. Selder's and Mr. Power's accounts of the first settlement of this country. In the "Historical Collections of Pennsylvania," under the title " Venango County," you will find much information. That article is, as far as I can learn, generally correct in all its features. In conclusion, sir, I am happy if I have imparted any information which can be of any interest whatever to your learned Society. Respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. S. M'CALMONT. Within the last year, a rolling-mill has been erected on the creek, near the town of Franklin, by Rock, Dangerfield 172 LETTER FROM J. S. M'CALMONT. & Co. There is a nail factory in connexion with it. It does a good business. It is the only one in the county, but there are a number of blast furnaces. I send you three newspapers, as specimens; one of them has a notice of the rolling-mill in it. Yours, &c. J. S. M'C. LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON, OF WATTSBURG, ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. TO THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. GENTLEMEN,-Your circular reached me about ten days ago, and I have improved all the spare time I had since then to obtain the information you desire. Having lived forty-three years in this county, and kept a public house the last twenty-two years in this place, which enables me to be tolerably well acquainted with the inhabitants of the county in its early settlement, as well as at the present time, I will endeavour to answer a part of your inquiries, in as condensed a manner as possible. I. This place is situated at what has been commonly called the Forks of French Creek, a place where the east and west branch of French Creek unite, two and a half miles west of the southwest corner of the state of New York, and on the north side of the triangle line. The union of 174 LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON, these two streams forms a flat, which contains about two thousand acres of fine alluvial land. That part occupied by this village lies between the forks of these two streams, and was settled by the French and Indians, as early as 1750, and was surveyed in the tenth donation district, by David Watts, in 1785. David Watts and William Miles afterwards settled this tract under the Act of Assembly of 1792, and in 1822 William Miles laid a village on this spot, and named it Wattsburg, in honour of David Watts, who was his brother-in-law. In 1833 it was incorporated, for the convenience of the inhabitants, on account of the location's being at the south margin of Venango Township. The name of this stream was originally called by the Indians Venango, which in their language means, "crooked." This is a matter of tradition, as handed down by some of the few Indians living here when the white settlement commenced, and this accounts for the name of Venango's so often being used in this part of Pennsylvania, as Venango Township, in this county, Venango in Crawford County, and Venango County, at the mouth of this stream. This county was settled first by two classes of people. One class came on with Judah Colt, the agent of the Pennsylvania Population Land Company in the year 1797,and were mostly from Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York. The inducement offered to these settlers by the Company were one hundred acres of land for $100, and one hundred more for settling the same. The other class were from the eastern part of Pennsylvania, and mostly of Irish descent. This latter class were induced to.come on and settle under the act of 1792, through the influence of certain individuals, who told them that the Company had forfeited all right to OF WATTSBURG, ERIE COUNTY, PA. 17.5 these lands, and they were now subject to settlement under the act above recited. This caused a great difference of feeling and opinion between the settlers under the Company and those who settled under the act of 1792, and caused what has commonly been called the Actual Settlement War. This difficulty was in a few years settled by a decision of the Supreme Court in favour of the Company's title. The actual settlers then settled with the Company, and bought their lands, or left the country. Among the first settlers of this county, were William Miles, Hon. John Vincent, Rufus S. Reed, Judah Colt, Elisha Marvin, Henry Loomis, Zalmon Tray, John Carson, James Donaldson, Cyrus Robinson (father of the writer of this), Gen. John Phillips, Timothy Tuttle, Joseph Shattuck, and a family of Lowrys. II. I have collected all I could on this subject. A. There was erected on this site, in the year 1797, by William Miles, a large blockhouse, made of hewed pine logs, for the purpose of a storehouse to store provisions in that were boated up this stream from Pittsburg, for the use of the early settlers of this country, and was commonly called the Middle Storehouse. This building was used but a few years for that purpose, but was suffered to stand until the village began to settle. In 1826, Mr. Richard Seares, built a saw-mill near where this building stood, and in 1828, took it down and sawed the logs up for pine boards and posts, &c., some of which are still in existence. 176 LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON, B. Not by any better authority than the United States Census. C, D. The character of this country, in 1797, was one entire wilderness. It is now about one half or more improved, and some parts of it is in a high state of cultivation. E. In the first settlement of this country some elk were to be found, they, however, soon disappeared. Deer, bears, wolves, wild turkeys, were very plenty; the bear and wolf, were very troublesome; at present but few of any of these animals are to be found, and none inhabit this region. F. Often, as per this letter. III. Not that I know of. G. There were a great quantity of Indian arrows found in ploughing this improvement, and stone axes, but from carelessness have not been preserved. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, IV, V, VI. This information you will likely receive from Erie, the county seat of this county. VII., VIII., IX. There was a meeting-house built in this Venango Township, in 1802, by a few Presbyterians, of round logs, and in 1806 was rebuilt with hewed pine logs, and is now in good repair: this is called the Middlebrook Church, and some of the oldest settlers have very strong partialities in favour of OF WATTSBURG, ERIE COUNTY, PA. 177 this building, as their ancient place of worship. And so strong are their attachments to this place of worship, that they still keep up separate congregation, and have occasional preaching at this house, although almost all of them are much better accommodated at the Presbyterian house in this place. I called upon the clergyman of this place, Rev. L. Stright, who furnished me with the records of the church, from which I have made a condensed extract, from the commencement up to the present time. Although I condensed the latter part, the first part of the records from 1802, or rather the report of the committee, is adopted in full up to 1818; from that to the present time, I abridged the records, but they contain all that is of moment or interest to this Society. Report of a Committee of the Session of Middlebrook Congregation, appointed by a resolution of that body passed on the 17th of January, 1833, to collect all the information which can be found either from documents or oral testimony, so as to give a concise history of the church of said congregation, from its foundation, together with all elections of elders, reception of members, dismissals, deaths, &c., and whatever else is proper to place on the sessional records; up to July, 1826. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE. In the year 1798, settlements were made in this region. Many of the first settlers migrated from the eastern settlements of Pennsylvania, where they had enjoyed the light of the Gospel, and some were professors of religion of the Presbyterian order. The loss of Gospel ordinances, and 16 178 LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON, sanctuary privileges, was felt as a great want, and inclined the people, at an early day, to associate for the purpose of obtaining preaching of Presbyterian ministers. Some subscriptions had been raised, and some preaching obtained from the Rev. Messrs. Satterfield, Keneday, Robert Patterson, McMillan, Woods, Wiley, Lee, Dodd, Wright, and others, when, in 1802, the members were regularly formed into a church by the Rev. Elisha McCurdy, and organized by the election and ordination of James Hunter, John Phillips, and John Wilson, Ruling Elders. (The two latter were not then church members.) The church then consisted of the following members received by letter:Adam Reed and Martha Reed wife, Nathaniel Wilson, Thomas Smith and Sarah Smith wife, James Hunter and Elizabeth Hunter wife, John B. Jones, old Mrs. Jones, Margaret Phillips, Nancy Allison, Thomas Miles, Joseph Berry, Abram Norcross, Daniel Wilson, William Allison, Jane Miles, Elizabeth Johnson. From the organization in 1802 to 1812, no stated preaching was enjoyed by the congregation. Their dependence for the word of life was on supplies. During this period Rev. Messrs. Woods, Redick, Eaton, Tait, Boyds, Wright, McDonald, and others, occasionally supplied the congregation. It was a rule during this time, and indeed, until a settled ministry changed the mode of payment, to pay a minister four dollars for a Sabbath-day's preaching, and two dollars for a week-day's; which was punctually and promptly paid. The following members were received into the church from the year 1802 to 1812:-Eliza Reed, John Wilson, Joseph Megahan, Thomas Printis, Betsy Dickson, Hannah Wilson, John Carson and Rachel Carson OF WATTSBURG, ERIE COUNTY, PA. 179 wife (since dismissed by letter); Jane Megahan, William Dickson, John Phillips, Betsy Wilson. In the spring of 1812, the Rev. John McPhirren received a call for one third of his labours, preached about six months and withdrew. The following members were received from 1812 to 1818:-James Donaldson and Polly Donaldson wife, Thomas E. Reed and Lydia Reed wife, Mary Yost, Nancy McNair, Elizabeth Jones, Samuel Smith, Sarah Smith, John Smith, Eliza Smith, Jane Davidson. Up to September, 1823, fifteen members were added. In September, 1823, Rev. John Barrett came and continued to labour in the congregation for about fifteen months, and then left. In February, 1826, Rev. Absalom M'Cready, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Erie, came to Wattsburg, and in September, 1826, settled in this place as the pastor of the Middlebrook congregation. The church then consisted of forty members. June 16th, 1827, thirty members were admitted. rn 1828, ten members were admitted. June 26th, 1831, to the end of the year, seventy-seven members were admitted. In 1832, twelve members were admitted. In 1833, eight members were admitted. 1833. This year the congregation was divided, one congregation, called the Middlebrook Congregation, the other the Wattsburg Congregation, and Rev. Absalom M'Cready closed his labours, and accepted a call to Warren, Pennsylvania. In November, 1833, Alexander McCandless, a licentiate of the Washington Presbytery, commenced preaching at Wattsburg and Middlebrook. The Presbytery of Erie, in session at Northeast, 13th of November, 1833, recognised 180 LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON, Wattsburg as a separate congregation, by a resolution of that body. April 1st, 1834, Rev. Alexander McCandless left. In 1835, twenty-four members were admitted. April 1st, 1836, Rev. J. B. Wilson commenced labours for one year; left, May 1st, 1837. In 1838, there were thirteen members admitted into the church. In 1839, eleven members were admitted. In September, 1838, Rev. Lawrence Stright commenced his labours in this church, and continues up to this time. The two churches have been much blessed by his labours from time to time, and large accessions have been made to the church under his labours; but owing to the fluctuating population of this country, I do not think that the church contains as many members at this time as at some former periods. The Methodist Episcopal Church have also a meetinghouse in this place, and quite a respectable Congregation supplied by itinerant preachers according to their church discipline, and in general are supplied with men of good talent, and zealous in the cause of religion. Gentlemen,-In answering this letter, I have been compelled to do it in rather too much haste for want of time to devote to the subject, and I have not answered all of the questions that I might have done, because, I supposed in all probability, some one at Erie would answer the other questions, as they had means of answering more correctly than I could without going there; but such facts as I have been able to collect, I have fully transmitted. Your obedient servant, L. ROBINSON, P. M. OF WATTSBURG, ERIE COUNTY, PA. 181 Wattsburg, Erie County, Penna. March 24th, 1845. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. GENTLEMEN,-In my answer to some of your inquiries which I made on the fifth of this month, I made some remarks in answer to Question A, and gave a description of an old storehouse, which was erected at this place about the year 1798. I had addressed a letter to the Hon. John Vincent at Waterford in this county, but had not then received an answer. A day or two afterwards I received his answer, and have thought best to forward it with this communication. In my last I concluded with Question IX. X. This you will probably receive from the county town. XI. In the township of Amity, immediately south of this place, there is a society formed of physicians, calling themselves Thomsonians; they are organized in a society composed of male and female, and of all ages from fifteen upwards, amounting to about twenty in number; and are so tenacious of their principle, that they have a constitution and by-laws which prohibit any member of the society from employing any other kind of medical aid, under any 182 LETTER FROM LYMAN ROBINSON. circumstances whatever; and all discoveries made by any member of the society, of new diseases, or treatment of the same, is made known to each individual member of the society. These people are so prejudiced in favour of adhering to their principles, that they have been known to suffer much, rather than violate their rules. I am respectfully yours, L. ROBINSON, P. M. DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMY, BEAVER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BY R. L. BAKER. THE Township of Economy, Beaver County, State of Pennsylvania, seven miles long, by five miles wide, bordering west on the Ohio River, and south on Big Sewickly Creek (which creek is the dividing line between Alleghany and Beaver Counties), had been a part of New Sewickly Township, until 1826, when it was struck off-and named Economy, after the town of Economy commenced being built in the year 1824, by the Harmonie Society, a body of Germans, who under the superintendence of George Rapp, removed from the kingdom of Wurtemberg, in the year 1804, arrived mostly at Philadelphia, and settled on a tract of land, from five to six thousand acres, on Connonquenessing Creek, in Butler County, State of Pennsylvania. It being all woodland, the first families who arrived from the seaport, had to shelter in the woods, not a single house being on the whole tract. The united exertions, however, of these enterprising foreigners, soon overcame the hard 184 DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMY, ships and difficulties of a backwoods life, in putting up log houses for themselves and for those who were coming. Many of the families had not a dollar left after defraying expenses of a long journey. The rich supported the poor, until they could bring into action their desired object in forming an association, founded on a community of property. After a few months' time, and after some preliminary arrangements, this society was fully organized on the 15th February, 1805, upon the principles of the Primitive Church, recorded in the Acts of the Apostles, chapters ii. and iv. The town of Harmonie was laid out and built up with great rapidity; in a few years much land was cleared, and the culture of the grape introduced, a woollen factory and mills established, and all the ordinary mechanical branches brought into action; as well for the accommodation of the society, as for the whole neighbourhood, which filled up rapidly, as soon as this settlement was organized. Not many years had elapsed, however, before it was discovered that although Harmonie was situated several degrees south of their location in Germany, where the grape flourished well, they were here subject to frequent injury by the late frost in the spring, and early frost in the fall season. This.fact, and the inconvenience and expense of land carriage, in bringing to market the surplus of their industry, induced them to sell their whole possession, and remove to better land, and to a milder climate, on the navigable Wabash River, Indiana Territory, in the year 1815, where they purchased over 30,000 acres of very fertile land; some from second hands, but mostly from government, and commenced a second time in the woods. In a few years they BEAVER COUNTY, PA. 185 had again built up a fine town called Harmonie, and cleared several thousand acres of land. The surplus produce, such as flour, beef, pork, butter, lard, &c., was taken to the New Orleans market. The woollen and cotton goods, as well as the surplus of the mechanical productions, were sold to the citizens of the neighbourhood. The grape flourished.here very well, and in a short time, domestic wine was made in quantities, of a variety of grapes. This location, where they remained ten years, although very suitable in many respects, did not agree with the constitution of the majority of the society; they resolved to sell out, and settle somewhere in Pennsylvania. Accordingly, the spot now occupied by them was selected and purchased in the spring of 1824, consisting of 3000 acres, bought from eight or ten different owners; a portion of which was already cleared, more being added, mostly by hired labour, it soon had the appearance of a well-cultivated farm. The pine lumber of the Alleghany being cheap, and conveniently procured, the erection of brick and frame houses in the town of Economy, went up with astonishing rapidity. Having by this time cultivated more taste for manufacturing, they erected large woollen and cotton factories, a steam grist-mill, a large hotel for the accommodation of strangers, storehouses, a large brick building for a town hall, containing in several apartments a museum of natural curiosities, and an extensive cabinet of minerals; also a brick church, supplied with a high steeple, two bells, and a large town clock; a roomy school-house, apothecary shop, and post-office. Public worship is attended to twice on Sunday, and once 186 DESCRIPTION OF ECONOMY, during the week; their religion approximates that of the Lutheran creed. Mr. George Rapp, now in his 88th year, still vigorous, with full mental faculties unimpaired, delivers his discourses with great force and animation. Nowhere does an audience bestow more attention and devotion to the Word, than the Society at Economy; this fact is'mziataid._ eryvery stranger who has visited them during divine service. Having taken pattern after the primitive church, as above stated, it is evident each member conscientiously endeavours to embrace the principles laid down by Christ and his apostles, without the practical exercise of which, they frankly assert, they could not prosper as a society at all. In the year 1826, they made the first attempt with the silk-worm. Gradually increasing and improving, they have of late annually produced from five to six thousand pounds of cocoons; the silk of which is made into satin, velvet, florentine, cravats, ribbons, &c. Samples of which, having been sent to the different exhibitions in our seaport cities, they have had the satisfaction of having awarded gold medals, and honourable diplomas, at various times. The products of the soil are brought into common barns, thrashed by steam power; the grain is brought into granaries, where the miller receives supplies for the flour and meal for the families of the Society. The butcher takes from the common flocks of fat cattle, &c., and supplies all alike. Each mechanical branch, with its foreman at the head, furnishes supplies, each in his proper line of business. All surplus of woollen, cotton, silk, and other goods, are deposited in a common store; where sales are made, and the BEAVER COUNTY, PA. 187 proceeds appropriated to furnish the wants of the Society, such as wool, cotton, dye-stuffs, salt, iron, glass, paper, groceries, &c., &c. This Society own the tract of land called Legionville, No. 21, Leet's district, bordering upon the Ohio River; upon which General Anthony Wayne had his winter quarters, with fifteen to eighteen hundred men, in the winter of 1792 to 1793. Some fifteen to twenty stone chimneys were yet standing when the purchase was made, in 1824; but have since been removed. A few deer are killed yearly about here. The inhabitants of this township apart from the Society, about seven hundred souls, are mostly employed in farming. Products: wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats, &c. The Society, at Economy, have a library of upwards of one thousand volumes. R. L. BAKER. Economy, 10th August, 1845. NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA.* BY WILLIAM PARKER FOULKE. AT the commencement of the 17th century, the Iroquois had been forced by their Algonkin enemies from the seats occupied by the former, near the St. Lawrence. After having in turn driven to the south the Satanas (or Shawanos), who dwelt near the New York lakes, the Iroquois took possession of the country thus acquired. The Algonkins being at length repelled, and even driven down the St. Lawrence, the Iroquois, rendered more warlike and independent by their successes, and strengthened by the confederation which their former weakness had suggested, began that system of conquests the vestiges of which were * These Notes were not written for publication; but recent inquiries respecting the Indians of the lower Susquehanna having rendered it probable that the memoranda given in the text may be serviceable to some persons interested in our aboriginal history, the publication committee of the Society have requested the use of the MS., for this volume of the Memoirs. The particular references to authorities have been mislaid; and the writer has not leisure to retrace them in time for the issuing of the volume. It is believed, however, that the mention of authors, treaties, &c., made in the Notes, will suffice for the direction of those readers who may desire to consult the originals quoted. NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS, ETC. 189 everywhere discernible upon the arrival of the colonists underWilliam Penn. As early as the period above designated, they had penetrated to the bays of Delaware and Chesapeake; and were pursuing with various success, hostile enterprises against the tribes located near the head of the latter inlet, and upon the Susquehanna, Potomac, and other streams whose waters are discharged by the Chesapeake into the ocean. Captain Smith, in the year 1608, while exploring the bay, found the western shore deserted from the Patapsco upward; and opposite, upon the eastern shore, and eastward of the Susquehanna, were settlements of the Nanticokes and Tockwoghs, fortified to defend them against the Iroquois, or Massawomeks, as they were called by the Indians of that region. At the head of the bay he met eight canoes filled with Massawomeks, who had descended the Susquehanna, and who were now returning from an expedition against the Tockwoghs. At two days' journey up the Susquehanna, lived the Susquehannocks; who numbered six hundred warriors, and who were palisaded in their towns to resist their mortal enemies from the northward. Upon an inspection of Captain Smith's map, it appears that the Susquehannocks were settled at about twenty-one miles in a right line from the mouth of the river. About five and a half or six leagues higher up, is marked a village of Quadroques; and about five leagues above these were the Tesinigh, distant by a straight course from the embouchure of the Susquehanna about fifty or fifty-five miles. Here then we have our first account of the Indians resident within the circuit of Lancaster County. The three villages just referred to, were between its northern and southern boundaries. The opening of our historical 190 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF view is such as to prepare us for the changes which followed in course of time the discoveries of Captain Smith. A powerful confederacy is presented, carrying its conquests over a belt of country more than two hundred miles broad; besieging the inhabitants in fortified towns; and repeating its incursions with remarkable boldness and constancy. It were easy to surmise that the villages then situated on the left or eastern bank of the Susquehanna, contained a population springing from the same stock; and that this was common to them with the Nanticokes and Tockwoghs. Their location, their union with one another as objects of attack to the Massawomeks, the traditional history of the Lenape division, and a variety of other topics might be advanced to favour the idea of a common origin. Mr. Gallatin unhesitatingly adopts this view of their relationship. But as no specimens of their language are known to remain, and they have not been made the subjects of very special notice by our chroniclers, they will be left, as Captain Smith has left them-undetermined. Some years elapsed after the exploration just mentioned, before the domestic condition of the nascent colony of Virginia allowed of any diversion of its resources to the further survey of the neighbouring territory. Chalmers mentions a voyage of John Pory, who sailed to the head of Chesapeake, and then crossed over land to the South River (or Delaware); but we have no details of the Susquehannocks. In the year 1631, Claiborne, so long a source of internal disquiet to the colony of Lord Baltimore, obtained a license to trade with the Indians in parts for which no patent had been granted; and he established his chief trading settlement in what is now Kent County, in the LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 191 state of Maryland. He also fixed a post at the mouth of the Susquehanna; whence he trafficked with the Susquehannocks, and others at and near the head of the bay, and where he acquired the influence which he subsequently employed to the injury as well of the Susquehannocks as of the colony of Maryland. In the petition which he presented to the King in 1638, he alleges that "he had set up a plantation and factory upon a small island at the mouth of a river at the bottom of Chesapeake Bay, in the Susquehannock's country, at the desire of the Indians, and purchased the same of them, by means whereof he hoped to draw thither the trade of beaver and furs which the French then wholly enjoyed, in the Grand Lake of Canada." At the same time that Claiborne was opening his commerce with the natives in his vicinity, the Swedes were planting themselves upon the South (Delaware) River and Bay; and the accounts which have reached us of the state of the tribes near which Fort Christina was erected, are conclusive of the inroads which the Iroquois had made upon the independence of the prior occupants of the soil. This fort was nearly in the same latitude with the settlement of the Susquehannocks mentioned by Captain Smith, and distant from it less than fifty miles in a straight line; and Campanius informs us that within a few miles of the fort were several bodies of the " JMaquas" (or Iroquois), who lorded it over the other Indians so that they scarcely dared to stir without the approbation of their conquerors. The efforts of Lord Baltimore's government to enforce the proprietary's title within the limits of Claiborne's settlement, met as they were by strenuous opposition, led to intrigues with the Indians of the Susquehanna tribes; 192 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF who were prejudiced against the new colony of St. Mary's by all the motives, real or imaginary, which the trader could urge against his antagonists. The natural results were hostilities on the part of the Indians; from which it is not to be supposed that they escaped without serious loss. They were followed, as usual, by purchases of land. About 1654 (as appears from the statement of the commissioners who represented Maryland at the treaty of Lancaster, in 1744), almost all the land from Patuxent and Choptank Rivers, was sold by the Susquehannocks to the government of Maryland. From Chalmers we learn that Claiborne was at that time in the administration of affairs in Maryland, under Cromwell; and probably his old connexions with the Indians were employed in favour of the sale. That the Iroquois had not yet effected the complete reduction of the Susquehannocks, is evident from the speech of Canassatego, an Iroquois chief, at the treaty above cited. He said, that at the period of the Maryland purchase, (1654), the " Conestogo or Susquehanna" tribe settled on the land, had a right to sell; but since then, the Five Nations had conquered them; and that the remaining territory, viz., on the Cohongoronta (or Potomac), could be purchased only from the confederacy. It is not clear to what limits northwardly, the land thus bought of the Susquehannocks extended. A century elapsed before the northern boundary of Maryland was finally run; and it is well known that the claim of Lord Baltimore reached far beyond the line of Mason and Dixon, as it is now traced. However this may be, the Susquehannocks continued near their old seats for some years after the grant in question. In 1660, they assisted the Marylanders against a tribe LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 193 called Janadoas by Mr. Chalmers, and Sanadoas by Mr. Gallatin, who says they were Oneidas. Mr. Evans, in his Analysis (2d ed., A. D. 1755), says that Bell, in the service of Maryland, at the fort whose remains were then (i. e. 1755), still standing on the east side of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Wright's Ferry (now Columbia), "by the defeat of many hundreds, gave them a blow that they never recovered of; and for that reason the Confederates (as he styles the Five Nations), never claimed but to the Conewago Falls; and that as the Susquehannocks had abandoned the western shore of Maryland before their conquest, and the English found it mostly derelict, the Confederates confined their claim to the northward of a line drawn from the Conewago Falls to the North Mountain, where it crosses the Potomac, and thence to the head branches of James River." The reason here assigned, does not, however, accord with that stated by Canassatego; who admitted the validity of the sale of 1654, only because it was made before the conquest of the Susquehannocks. Mr. Evans does not fix the date of Bell's engagement, and it is not mentioned by Chalmers, nor by Holmes. In 1664, the province of New Netherlands fell under the dominion of the English, and assumed its present title of New York; and public intercourse was then for the first time opened between the English and the Five Nations. A firm alliance was contracted by these parties, which, while it secured the rising power of the English, afforded to the confederacy a valuable ally against the French of Canada and their Algonkin auxiliaries. Freely supplied with fire-arms and ammunition, the Iroquois did not rest 17 194 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF satisfied with their hostilities on the side of the St. Lawrence, but resumed with renewed vigour, their old enterprises against the southern tribes. The passage of bands of armed warriors through the limits of the colonies could not be other than inconvenient to the whites. Friendships had been formed, and treaties solemnly ratified by Maryland and Virginia, with their red neighbours; and the obligations of allies were more frequently appealed to by the unfortunate victims of the Confederated Nations, than consisted with the situation or resources of the colonists. In 1677, the governor of Maryland sent Colonel Courcey to Albany, to negotiate with the Five Nations; and both parties to the conference held gave promises of amity; but some of the Oneidas, Onondagos, and Senecas, were out at the time of the negotiation, and one body of them fell upon the Susquehanna Indians, who were in league with Maryland. Four of these were killed, and six were taken prisoners; five of the latter, falling to the share of the Senecas, were sent back, in conformity with the treaty; the sixth was detained by the Oneidas. No treaties, however, could restrain the Cayugas and Oneidas from a repetition of hostilities. Their elder brother, the Mohawk tribe, manifested a steadiness of faith which contrasts strongly with the wavering resolutions and the treachery of other members; and which shows that even around the great council fire at Onondago the spirit of independence was active. A series of overtures arid remonstrances were made on the part of Maryland and Virginia, after Colonel Courcey's visit to Albany in 1677; but only a few years had elapsed, when the storm of war burst with fatal violence upon the Susquehannocks, and they LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 195 ceased to exist as a separate tribe. The period of their final overthrow is conjectured by Mr. Gallatin, to have been after 1664, and before 1682. This conjecture may be reduced to more narrow limits. At the treaty of Lancaster (1744), one of the speakers, (Tachanoontia) said, " All the world knows we conquered the several nations living on Susquehanna, Cohongoronta (or Potomac), and on the back of the great mountains in Virginia. The Conoys and others feel the effects of our conquests, being now a part of our nations, and their lands at our disposal." Another speaker, Gachradodow, of the Oneidas, said, "We remember that we were employed by Maryland to conquer the Conestogos, and the second time we were at war with them we carried them all off." This assertion of the last speaker is rather remarkable, when viewed in connexion with Mr. Colden's account of the repeated remonstrances of the agents of Virginia and Maryland, against the attacks of the Five Nations upon the Susquehannocks; and is certainly open to question. Mr. Bozman says that in 1634 the Susquehannocks "were in the practice of making frequent excursions on their neighbours, partly for dominion, and partly for booty; of which last women were mostly desired by them;" and it may be inferred that these marauders attacked some of the Nanticokes in friendship with Maryland; and that the Five Nations being applied to for their influence, reduced the troublesome people to subjection, as the most effective mode of quieting their warlike inclinations. It should be observed, however, that the example given by Mr. Bozman is that of the Yoamacos, who were attached to the Powhatan nation; and this was found by Captain Smith in a state of hostility 196 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF with all surrounding tribes. The Susquehannocks were subdued much later than 1634, and at a period when their intercourse with the Nanticokes and Ganawese appears to have been generally of an amicable nature. Mr. Griffith, in his " Sketches of the Early History of Maryland," says that in 1674 the Legislature of Maryland enacted a law for subsidizing the Susquehanna Indians against the Senecas, whom the Dutch, temporarily restored to the government of New York, had excited against the English colonists. Mr. Gallatin refers to some preface to the treaty of Lancaster of 1744, in which he says it is stated that " the residue of the Conestogos or Susquehannocks, who were carried away by the Five Nations, were adopted by the Oneidas, and, when they had forgotten their language, were sent back to Conestogo, where they were then living, and speaking Oneida." To the copies of that treaty known to the writer, (which were printed by Franklin immediately after the conclusion of the conference, and with which the manuscript of Du Simitiere corresponds,) there is no such preface. Yet, assuming the statement to be well founded, it would be erroneous to apply to all of the Indians of the Five Nations settled at Conestogo what could not be true of more than a part; for, as we shall see, there were "Mingos" at Conestogo, as early as 1701, and indeed during William Penn's first visit to his province. In 1720, Governor Keith laid before his council a draft of a letter to the President of New York, in which he states that "when William Penn came to treat with the Indians for the Susquehanna, finding they were a branch of the Five Nations, he treated with those nations for the purchase of their lands, through Col. Dongan, Governor of New York;" LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 197 and he adds, that this purchase was confirmed to Penn about twenty years before. At the treaty of Lancaster, in 1744, Canassatego alleged that, a great while before, Brother Onas had gone to Albany to buy the Susquehanna lands, but the Governor of New York had advised the Five Nations not to sell them to Onas, but rather to put them into his hands, and that he would keep his hands shut close, and not part with any of them; that accordingly they had trusted him, but that some time after he had gone to Eng. land and carried the lands with him, and sold them to Brother Onas for a large sum, and that afterwards when they wanted to sell Onas some lands, he told them that he had bought those of Susquehanna already from the Governor of New York; though when he came to understand how they had been deceived, he very generously paid them for the lands over again. A strong confirmation of this is afforded in a speech of the Onondagos and Cayugas, at a conference held at Albany, in 1684, with Lord Howard, of Virginia, and Col. Dongan; in which the speaker for those tribes said, that the agent of the great Penn had applied to the Five Nations to buy the lands on Susquehanna, which they had refused to sell, because they preferred that the Governor of New York should have them. In addition to the foregoing, may be cited the valuable tract of Messrs. Duponceau and Fisher, on the Great Treaty; particularly their quotation from Mr. Thomson, of a speech made by Tannewhannegah to Governor Gordon, in 1727, in which a like statement is made of Penn's first application, and its denial by the confederates. Mr. J. F. Watson, in a paper published in the third volume of the Society's Memoirs, gives a copy of a deed from eleven 198 NOTE* RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF kings and sakamakers to Thomas Holmes, dated 1685, which purports to convey a tract laid out on an accompanying plan. The limits marked extend to the Susquehanna, ( three miles," says Mr. Watson, " above the mouth of the Conestogo;" covering of course, a great part of Lancaster County. That this deed was without the authority of the Onondago Council may be inferred from what has now been exhibited; and such an inference is rendered more probable, by the fact that in other cases deeds have been executed by private individuals, and afterwards disavowed and avoided by the supreme authority; and that throughout the intercourse of the English with the Five Nations, it was a principle that no lands controlled by the latter could be transferred without formal approbation given at the seat of government of the confederacy. Upon the whole, we may conclude that the Lancaster lands fell into the power of the Five Nations at some time between 1677 and 1684. It may be further observed, that at a conference held by Gov. Evans at Conestogo in 1707, some Nanticokes from the head of the Chesapeake, who were present, said that they had been at peace with the Five Nations for twenty-seven years, and that they were tributaries of the latter. That this was a forced alliance is sufficiently evident from the tribute, without invoking the authority of Mr. Thomson's note in the Appendix to Jefferson's Virginia. It would seem probable, then, that about the time of the conquest of these Nanticokes (i. e. 1680), their neighbours and friends, the Susquehannocks, passed under the yoke of the confederacy. That the settlements on the Susquehanna were not in consequence left vacant, is clear from the numerous references to the Susquehanna LANCASTER C6UNTY, PA. 199 Indians, which accompany our first notices of the proceedings of Penn's people; and it seems equally manifest that the conquest preceded the arrival of Markham, only by three or four years at the most; probably by little more than a single year. Yet in the able article of Messrs. Duponceau and Fisher, above cited, it is said that " probably long before" the arrival of Penn,; the valley of the Susquehanna, on the southern frontier of this commonwealth, was inhabited by a tribe of Indians of the Iroquois stock;" and in a note, Dr. Franklin's pamphlet on the massacre of 1763, and the vocabulary of Campanius are referred to, in support of the assertion, that the Conestogos were of the Five Nations. Why they were "probably" there " long before" Penn's arrival, is not stated by the authors. The vocabulary of Campanius is not of the language of the Conestogo Indians, but of the Minquays or Mingos (Iroquois,) who were near the Swedish fort; and it was compiled by the grandfather of the author referred to, at a time when, assuredly, the Susquehannocks had not been substituted by Iroquois. The meaning of the "preface" quoted by Mr. Gallatin, appears to be simply that at some time prior to the treaty of Lancaster (1744), a portion of the Conestogo tribe, who had become nationalized amongst the Five Nations, found their way back to the ancient dwelling-place of their people. It is not easy to decide how long a period would be required for such a merger of individuality as would substitute one language for another. The peculiarities of adoption amongst the Indians of our country, were such as to favour a speedy change of this sort. Mr. Watson mentions as remarkable, that " Fort Demolished" is noted upon the plan of the Holmes purchase; and 200 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF he says, " at this early period-before Penn's day-a fort had been constructed by Christian people, on the bank of the Susquehanna." But as we have already seen, the history of that river affords more evidence than this, of the presence of white men upon its shores, prior to the time of Penn. Having now traced the history of the Lancaster settlements to the last quarter of the seventeenth century, it is proposed to follow them into the middle of the eighteenth; but with less adherence to the order of events, than to that of the dates at which appeared those notices from which the facts to be stated have been derived. The minutes of the Provincial Council will be a principal authority. At the beginning of the eighteenth century we find settled upon the Susquehanna, within the bounds now under consideration, Mingos and Shawanos, who were in close friendship with the Ganawese inhabiting the northern branches of the river Potomac, within the province of Pennsylvania as then.reputed. In the spring of 1701, William Penn held an important treaty with " Conoodagtoh, king of the Susquehanna Minquays, or Conestogo Indians;" Wopaththa (alias Opessab), king of the Shawanos; and Weewhinjough, chief of the before-mentioned Ganawese. The sanction of the Five Nations was afforded in the presence of Ahookassongh, brother of the head chief at Onondago. It was at this treaty that Col. Dongan's purchase was confirmed to the proprietary. In the same year, Shemekenwhoa, one of the chiefs of the Shawanos of Conestogo, complained to Penn that one Sylvester Garland had fraudulently conveyed some rum into the tribe, and had given him (the chief) a cask, on pretence that it was a present from the govern LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 201 ment; and that the Indians had been persuaded to dritk, and were afterwards much abused. This Garland was shortly held in a recognisance to sell no strong liquopr to the Indians. In October of this year, the sachems and some of the people came from the Susquehanna to take leave of the proprietary, who was then about to embark for England. The Shawanos were, as we shall see, under special obligation to him, for the liberty which they enjoyed of peaceable settlement within the province. The encroachments of the Virginians upon the Ganawese forced some of these Indians fron' their villages; and we find them, like the Shawanos, taking refuge in the Quaker colony. They removed to the neighbourhood of Conestogo, where, as they said to Secretary Logan, " they hoped to live peaceably." The provincial government was always vigilant with respect to the introduction of new tribes within its jurisdiction; although, with pride be it spoken, the hapless wanderer was never denied shelter and protection against the oppression of unscrupulous neighbours. To ascertain the position of the new-comers, and to allay some uneasiness which had arisen on their account amongst the Indians previously resident at Conestogo, were the objects which induced the provincial council, in October, 1705, to request a journey on the part of Mr. Logan, to the Susquehanna. He accordingly went first to Conestogo, " as the chief place;" and upon conference there, he gave to the Maryland Indians permission to stay until the Governor of Maryland could be treated with in their favour. He stated then the fact that some Indians (then called Piscataways), about five years before (i.: e. in 1700), when they came to settle in Pennsylvania, visited Philadelphia, 202 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF with the Conestogos and Shawanos, who engaged to our government for their peaceable deportment.* While Mr. Logan was employed in his mission, he resided principally among the Shawanos. He paid a visit to the Ganawese settlement, some miles above Conestogo, at a place called Connejaghera, above the fort, and held several conferences with them. In the spring of the following year (1706), the chiefs of the Conestogos, Shawanos, and Ganawese Indians, upon the Susquehanna, came to confer with the government at Philadelphia. The chief of the Conestogos exhibited a white belt of twenty-one rows, with three hands wrought in it in black. He said that this was a pledge of peace formerly delivered by the Onondagos to the Nanticokes, when they made them tributaries; that the Nanticokes were under some apprehensions of danger from the Five Nations, and had brought this belt with them to Conestogo, with another like it, in order that, whichever route the Confederates should take, one of the belts might be exhibited to them before they passed through Pennsylvania, and that they might see that they had made peace, and that the provincial government was at peace with the neighbouring Indians. This little incident evinces the terror inspired by the Confederacy, the sanctity of the public pledge of peace, and the confidence of the Nanticokes in the friendship of Brother Onas. * Bozman tells us, that when Leonard Calvert, brother of Lord Balti. more, came over to found his colony, he sailed forty-seven leagues up the Potomac to Piscataway, where were found many Indians assembled, and among them an Englishman, Captain H. Fleet, who had lived there several years, in great esteem with the natives. In 1669, it appears from Griffith's "Sketches," that there were still some Indian settlements there. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 203 The Shawanos, old enemies of the Five Nations, partook of the apprehensions of the Maryland Indians; and prolonged conferences were held in Philadelphia, to assure them of the protection of the government. In 1707, Governor Evans visited Conestogo. Some strange Indians had arrived there,-Nanticokes, from Seven Towns, who had waited ten days to see the Governor. They had twenty belts of wampum, which they were carrying as a tribute to Onondago. The Conestogo sachems ordered Indian Harry, the interpreter, to speak in English to the Nanticokes, who all understood it, as follows:-" You are going to the Onondagos,-be sure keep on your way-many may tell you several things to fright you, and that they are great men, and you will be killed; yet keep on your way and believe them not, for you will find the King of the Five Nations a very great one, and as good a king as any amongst the Indians." It appears, from the Governor's report of the proceedings, that he first arrived at Pequehan, a Shawano settlement, where he saw Opessah and some other chiefs. At nine miles from Pequehan, at a place called Dekanoagah, on the' Susquehanna, he met in conference some Senecas, Shawanos, Canois, and Nanticokes. The Senecas were of Conestogo. He returned to Pequehan, and remained there until the following day, when he had a conference with Opessah and his Shawanos, and some Indians of the Five Nations. During his stay at Pequehan, some Shawanos arrived there from Carolina to settle; and upon his return to the city, a message was sent to the chief at Pequehan, desiring him to come to Philadelphia to give account of 204 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF the strangers. Shortly after (i.e. in 1707), a message arrived from the queen and principal men of Conestogo, in relation to the unlawful settlements which some whites were making on branches of the Potomac. Thomas Chalkley, who visited Conestogo in 1706 (the year in which Governor Evans was there), tells us in his journal that he saw an old queen named Ojuncho, who had great authority, and spoke frequently at the councils of the chiefs. Upon his expressing surprise at such interference of a woman in public business, he was told by the chiefs that this was "because some women were wiser than some men." The interpreter added, that "for many years the Indians there had done nothing without the counsel of an ancient grave woman." This would carry us back into the seventeenth century; and we find William Penn, in 1683, writing to the free-traders, that "although the succession to the dignity and authority of sachem was always by the mother's side, yet no woman inherits." His observation was probably confined to the Lenni Lenape; but that Ojuncho possessed a real influence in the public councils at Conestogo, is too clear for question. Both Governor Evans and Mr. Chalkley speak of the Conestogos as Senecas.* In 1710, Opessah, the chief of the Shawanos at Pequehan, visited the Delawares, then seated near the Brandywine, and gave occasion to reports of a hostile intention on his part; but it was soon ascertained that he had no unfriendly * On Mr. Oldmixon's map of Pennsylvania, which must have been prepared from materials obtained before 1708, the fort of the Susquehanna Indians is marked on the west bank of the river, at least ten miles above the mouth of Conestogo Creek. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 205 designs. In the summer of the same year Colonel French and Henry Worley visited Conestogo, where they met chiefs of the Tuscaroras and Senecas, and Opessah. In the September following, Queen Ojuncho and some of the Conestogo chiefs, with a few Conois, laid before the council at Philadelphia, four bundles of skins, furs, &c., to wipe away the effect of evil reports, and to confirm the pre-existing amity. In the spring of 1711, the same queen sent a request that the Governor would, with his old counsellors, visit Conestogo to adjust some difficulty which had arisen with the Shawanos, about the murder of one Le Fore. This request was complied with, and the Governor availed himself of this opportunity to ask the friendly offices of the Indians towards the Palatines, who were already settled near the Pequea. A conference was held with the Senecas and Shawanos, Opessah speaking for the latter. In the fall of the year 1714, a deputation of Conestogo Indians appeared at Philadelphia, and said that, as they lived near the Shawanos, they thought it right to acquaint the government that Opessah, late king of the Shawanos, had absented himself from his people for about three years, and refused to return; and that Cakundowanna had been newly elected king. In the summer of the next year (1715), Opessah presented himself in the city, in a company of chiefs of the Delaware and Schuylkill Indians, led by Sassoonan, a wellknown chief, who recommended Opessah to the attention of the government on account of his hospitality to the Indians who had occasion to pass near his residence. Where this was, is not stated. In the year 1717, the murder of a Delaware Indian led to a conference by Governor Keith, at Conestogo, with the chiefs of " the Conestogo or 206 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF Mingo Indians, the Delawares, Shawanos, and Ganawese, all inhabitants upon or near the river Susquehanna." At another conference, held at Philadelphia, in 1718, there were present Conestogos, and Methawewach, chief of the Shawanos, above Conestogo. As Pequehan was below, there must have been at this time at least two Shawano towns in that vicinity. In June, 1719, Colonel French held a council at Conestogo, at which were present Canatowa, queen of the Mingos; Sewana, king of the Shawanos; Wightomina, of the Delawares; Wininehack, of the Canawages; and Captain Civility, the interpreter, who was a war-captain of the Conestogos. In the year following (i. e. 1720), Mr. James Logan visited the Susquehanna, and met the chiefs of the " Mingo or Conestogo" Indians, and the sachem or chief of the Shawanos, to whom he thus spoke: "Your people of Conestogo, about twenty years ago" (i. e. near 1700), "brought the Shawanos to Philadelphia to see Governor Penn, and then promised the Governor that they would answer for the Shawanos;" and he then charged upon them a breach of this engagement. The chief of the Shawanos answered, that " with the king, who was then living (Opessah), the people had differed, and he left them, and they had then no chief; therefore some of them applied to him (the speaker), to assume the charge thus left vacant; but he had only the name without authority, and could do nothing. He counselled them, but they would not obey: therefore he could not answer for them." "Divers who were present, both English and Indians, confirmed the truth of this." At a council held at Conestogo, in 1721-2, by Mr. Logan and Col. French, there were present Conestogos, Shawanos, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 207 Ganawese, Cayugas, and Delawares. Sevanna is mentioned as a chief of the Shawanos. The warrant which was issued in 1722, for the survey of Springetsburg manor recites, that the three nations of Indians on the north side of the Susquehanna, the Conestogos, Shawanos, and Conoys, were disturbed, &c. At a conference held in 1723, Whiwhingee, a Ganawese chief, enumeratesfour nations on the Susquehanna, viz.: Conestogos, Shawanos, Ganawese and Delawares. In 1728, the peace which had subsisted between the Conestogos and Shawanos was threatened with rupture, on account of two of the former people having been killed by some of the latter. In this year a message arrived in Philadelphia, from the Shawanos, at Pechoquelin, near Durham iron works, that the Flat-heads, (doubtless the Choctaws, old enemies of the Shawanos,) had come into the province to make war on the Indians there; and that eleven men who had gone out against them, had had some difficulties with white men.* A council was held at Conestogo, a few days after the receipt of this message, at which were present, besides the Conestogos, Shawanos, and Ganawese, some Brandywine Delawares. Captain Civility, (who is in one place called Tagodrancy, and in another Taquatarensaly,) interpreted from the Delaware language into the Mingo and Shawanese; and there was also an interpreter from Delaware to Ganawese. It was in this year (1728), that Lancaster city was founded, there being then upon its site a single dwelling of * Mr. Gordon, in his Gazetteer, speaks of a skull of a Flat-head having been found in 1829, near Bainbridge, on the Susquehanna, in the north. western corner of Lancaster County. See also Hazard's Register, vol. iv. p. 384. 208 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF a very humble description. Up to this period, the region to which these memoranda have principally referred, was comprised within the limits of Chester County. In the year following, the county of Lancaster was marked off. Three years later (i. e. 1732), at a conference held at Philadelphia, with some Indians of the Five Nations, Thomas Penn being present, it was stated that the Shawanos who were settled to the southward, being made uneasy by their neighbours, about sixty families of them came up to Conestogo, about thirty-five years before (i. e. near 1698), and desired leave of the Susquehanna Indians, who were planted there, to settle on the river. That they applied to government, and the proprietor arriving soon after (1699), the chiefs of the Shawanos and of the Susquehannas came to Philadelphia, and asked permission to make a settlement. That the proprietor agreed to this; that from that time greater numbers of the same Indians followed, and settled on the Susquehanna and Delaware, and as they joined the Susquehanna Indians, who were dependent on the Five Nations, they (the Shawanos) fell under the protection of the latter: that four or five years before, some of their young men had committed disorders, and though the government of the province had fully made up with them, yet being afraid of the Six Nations,* they had removed to the Ohio, and had lately put themselves under the protection of the French. The government desired their return, and a large tract was offered them on the west side of the Susquehanna, around the principal town where they had been last settled. * Six by the union of the Tuscaroras from Carolina, about the year 1713. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 209 The writer has deferred to this place a notice of the critique of Messrs. Duponceau and Fisher, in their valuable paper before referred to, upon some reasoning of Mr. Redmond Conyngham, published in the 15th volume of Hazard's Pennsylvania Register. Mr. Conyngham, it seems, had endeavoured in some way to connect the application of the Shawanos with the Great Treaty; and as the date (1698) given in the Votes of Assembly would not accord with this view, instead of altering his hypothesis he suggested an error in the record. The reviewers say that c" the first application of the Shawanos must have been in 168:2, to Markham and the commissioners, who, there is every reason to believe, made a treaty with them, which was afterwards confirmed by William Penn himself at Shakamaxon: and that upon fresh difficulties arising, these were settled by a new treaty with Penn in 1701." It would be gratifying to know what reason there is for supposing the Shawanos to have made their application so early as 1t682. The character of the authors of this assertion secure for it respect; yet it must be apparent that the statements of Secretary Logan and of Gov. Gordon to the Indians at Conestogo, fortified by the legislative record, are irreconcilable with the early date which has been mentioned. In 1734, the wrongful settlements of claimants under Maryland grants occasioned disturbances in the neighbourhood of Conestogo. About this time, the Ganawese are mentioned by Shekellimy, at a conference, as seated between Pextang and Conestogo, nearly where Mr. Logan found them thirty years before. At the treaty of Philadelphia, in 1742, held by Governor Thomas, there were some Shawanos; four Conestogos who spoke the Oneyiut (or 18 210 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF Oneida) language; and four "Canoyias or Nanticokes" of Conestogo. No Delawares are mentioned except those from Shamokin and the Lehigh fork. Canassatego urged that the whites should be prevented from settling on the Delawares' land upon the Juniata. In 1744, the same chief said that, some time before, the Conoy Indians had sent a message to advise the government that they were ill used by the whites in the place where they had been living; and that they had come to a resolution of removing to Shamokin, (higher up the river,) and requested some small satisfaction for their land. Governor Thomas replied, that he well remembered that one of the Conoy Indians had come down with a paper, setting forth that the Conoys had resolved to leave the land reserved for them by the Proprietary,'but he made no complaint of ill usage from the whites; that the reason which he gave for their removal, was that the settling of the white people all round them had made deer scarce, and that therefore they chose to remove to the Juniata, for the benefit of hunting. At a conference held at Philadelphia, in 1744, with some Delawares from the upper part of the Susquehanna, one of the chiefs said that the Conoys from below had moved higher up, to be near them. They have left their name in the Conoy, or, as it is now called, Coney Creek, in the northwestern part of Lancaster County. The treaty of Albany, in 1746, was held by New York with the Six Nations; but notice having been sent to some other Indians, Captains Staats and Vromen appeared at Albany, on the 26th of September, with Indians living on the Susquehanna. Probably they were from villages much higher up than Lancaster County. Governor Thomas, who was making efforts to supply aid LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 211 in the war then going on against the French, and who sent four military companies to Albany, despatched the public interpreter, Conrad Weiser, among the Susquehanna Indians, doubtless including those at and near Conestogo; and it was expected by the Governor of New York that Mr. Weiser would raise at least 300 warriors;' but when he arrived at Albany he had not a single Indian with him.* The eagerness of some of the confederacy to take up the hatchet; their restlessness while the affairs of the English colonies on the side of the French remained unsettled; and the evident inclination of the General Council to use their influence with either of the principal parties to the pending contest, as might most benefit themselves, must have been, in some degree at least, communicated to the subordinate council at Conestogo. Special overtures from the French themselves, were directed to the Pennsylvanian villages. At a conference held at Philadelphia, in 1732, with some Shawanos from Alleghany, the chief who spoke said that a message had been sent by the French of Canada to the Conestogos. French traders were always aiming at their favour; and it appears to have been one of the charges against Governor Evans, that he gave to those dangerous visiters too great indulgence. While Governor Thomas was endeavouring to put his province in a state of defence, at the same time that he exported troops to New York, he organized and disciplined the militia of Lancaster County to resist the inroads of the Shawanos, who were daily expected on our frontier. The influence of military preparation was thus combined with the causes before * See Treaty of Albany, and Gordon, 250-1. 212 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF enumerated, to render doubtful the position of the Conestogos. A few years now sufficed to bring about an important change in the aspect of Indian affairs upon the Susquehanna. The rapid increase of the white population near that river; the defection of the Shawanos; the removals continually increasing in number towards Shamokin, the Wyoming Valley, and the West Branch; and the final outburst of warlike feeling amongst all the unchristianized Indians upon the main river and its tributaries, had so lessened the Conestogo settlements, that in 1763 they contained few if any remains of their former population, beside the little flock of converts under the supervision of the Brethren of Bethlehem. These harmless dependents continued only until December, 1763, when, as is too well known, they were cut off by a party from Pextang and Donegal Townships. If the object of the writer of these notes had been to give a full history of the Indians who were at any time resident within the county of Lancaster, many authorities, easily accessible, might have been referred to, and materials obtained for an extended dissertation. The detail which has been given, sustained as it is by much contemporary testimony, appears to open the way for a few general statements. It appears, then, that from some period before the year 1608, down to about the year 1680, Lancaster County, or that portion of it which lies upon the Susquehanna, was inhabited by a number of Indians known to the colonists as LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 213 Susquehannocks. These people were objects of attack to the Five Nations. They were in possession of arms obtained originally from the French; who were, therefore, indirectly at least, known to them. About the year 1631, a regular traffic was opened with them from Claiborne's trading post; and upon the settlement of Maryland under Lord Baltimore, wars, treaties, and purchases, were had with them by that colony. They were sometimes in arms against their neighbours of the aboriginal stock; they at length became dependent upon the protection of the whites against the New York Confederacy; and finally, before the arrival of William Penn, they were overthrown and absorbed by the Five Nations.'A settlement was soon planted by the conquerors, at Conestogo, which subsequently became the chief post and place of council of the Indians seated on the Susquehanna, below its fork. The residents there, were of the Five Nations; chiefly of the Seneca tribe, but comprising sometimes Oneidas, Cayugas, and Tuscaroras. About the year 1698, some Shawanos from the southward applied to the Conestogos, and through these to William Penn's government, for permission to settle near Conestogo; which being granted, they established themselves upon Pequea Creek, under Opessah, their principal chief. They remained there during at least a quarter of a century; branching off, however, above Conestogo, and westward of the river. Opessah retained his position at their head until the year 1711, when he abdicated, and an election took place, which resulted in the nominal elevation of Cakundawanna to the successorship; but the people being refractory, there was an interregnum in effect, which lasted several years. As early as 1728, a 214 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF few of them emigrated to the Ohio, and these were gradually followed by the remainder; so that before the middle of the eighteenth century they had wholly removed from the county of Lancaster. Soon after the arrival of the Shawanos, or about the year 1700, some Ganawese, from the Potomac, were, upon application to the Proprietor, and upon the security of the Conestogos and Shawanos, permitted to remove within the province. They fixed their principal village between Pextang and Conestogo, and kept it there for at least thirty years. The Nanticokes of Maryland made fiequent visits to Conestogo, and at length some of them settled near it. Those called Conoys (who are sometimes confounded with the Nanticokes, as in the reports of treaties, and sometimes distinguished from them, as by Mr. Heckewelder, who says they were the same as the Ganawese), subsequently appeared in the same vicinity as did also a body of Delawares. The former began to shift their ground before the year 1744; the latter, although occasionally mentioned as present in conference with the provincial government, never occupied a prominent post, and they soon retired to the Juniata. As early as 1711 there were Palatines settled near the Pequea, who were promptly admitted to the friendship of the neighbouring tribes. From first to last, the paramount authority of the Five Nations is manifested in the superintendence of their organ, the Conestogo Council, and in the respect yielded to this by the surrounding Indians. Peace and free intercourse were maintained amongst all of them, until after their villages began to be disturbed by the general movement of their brethren to the north and west. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 215 It must be obvious that any traditions respecting the tribes above mentioned, while they remained within the limits of Lancaster County, had their origin prior to the year 1763; and if of much older date than this, they must have been derived through persons who were living whilst the Indian settlements presented that diversity of aspect which has just been sketched. The first border settlers were not very competent judges of historical matters, nor very nice critics upon aboriginal peculiarities; and whatever facts were within the sphere either of their perception or their comprehension, come to us now over a tract of nearly a century of time. While, therefore, we yield something to that probability of truth which locality or integrity may create, we have little reason to prefer any account orally transmitted, in circumstances and during an interval of time such as have existed in the present case, if that account is inconsistent with the general testimony of writers upon its subject. Perhaps, in this respect, no part of our state was more unfavourably situated than Lancaster County, prior to the year 1750. Ten years before this, the Indians had been embarrassed by the advances of the borderers; and probably still earlier there were apparent symptoms of that antipathy which has generally marked the intercourse of frontier men and savages. At least four or five considerable villages of different tribes were within the county; smaller villages were scattered around these. Different dialects, different customs, were in close proximity. That must be a singularly fortunate tradition which, faithful to its original, could convey to us living at the middle of the nineteenth century, accurate details of the customs of one of those villages-uncorrupted specimens of one of 216 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF those dialects, as they were in the first quarter of the eighteenth century. The practical value of suggestions such as these may be illustrated by some of the collections which have been made of oral traditions in Lancaster and other counties. The late Mr. Redmond Conyngham has given to the press notices of certain Indians, named " Piquaws," whose wigwams are stated to have been scattered along the Pequea Creek; and who were governed by Tanawa, their king, who is said to have resided in the natural meadow, at the great flats. These Indians are reported to have come into Pennsylvania about the year 1630; and from Mr. Conyngham's context it will he iiferred that their removal was on account of the encroa cl(n-!e:. of m hitesettlers in the south. They are described as faithful and disinterested; and hospitable and respectful to white strangers. Their lives are represented as innocent, their manners simple, their disposition friendly. They are asserted to have been of the Algonkin tribe; and to have been frequently called Delawares by the Europeans. Their chief, Tanawa, knew William Penn. " When Tanawa was asked by a member of council whether his tribe belonged to the Five Nations, he replied,'Once we were free in the forests, like a deer, now like a panther, we hide in the thick branches of the cedar-we were a tribe of a powerful nation, we pay tribute to the Five Nations-they gave us their nane-we were not of their nation."' " Are you Delawares?" "The Delawares were a tribe of the same great nation. Your people call us Delawares-we are Piquaws."* * "An Address on the Early Settlement of the Valley of the Pequea, by Redmond Conyngham, with an appendix, &c., 1842." LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 217 We have seen that the Shawanos had a considerable village at the lower part of the Pequea; and that they remained upon this stream during a number of years, branching off through the neighbouring country. They were thus located when the whites first settled in the vicinity. There can be little doubt that they gave to the creek its name. It is well known that their nation was distributed into four leading tribes,* of which the first was the Piqua. Mr. Gallatin does not scruple to apply this name, without explanation, to the Pequea. It seems to have been common for these people to have their own tribal name affixed to the places of their settlement. Thus we have one Old, and two New Chilicothes, in what was formerly the Ohio Territory. At least three places called Piqua were settled by Shawanos in the same region; one of these, on a branch of the Miami, was one of the reported birthplaces of Tecumseh, according to Mr. Drake. Mr. Conyngham gives us no authority for the date of removal from the south (1630), which was too early for the Shawanos, or indeed for any of the Indians, except those comprehended under the appellation of Susquehannocks. The Shawanos and Nanticokes called the Delawa.res " Grandfather;" and all these were of the Algonkin stock, as were the other tribes whose removal from Maryland has been noticed above. The character, however, attributed to the *" Piquaws," shows clearly that they must resemble the Nanticokes more than the Shawanos. How far the latter were influenced by the benevolence and integrity of the Quakers, and the debt of gratitude incurred * Mentioned by Mr. Johnson, vol. i., Archaeologia Americana; and by others. 218 NOTES RESPECTING THE INDIANS OF towards these, it is not easy to determine. Certainly their general conduct indicated anything rather than mildness and peaceableness. They were the first of the'Lancaster Indians who were suspected of hostility; the first with whom any serious difficulty arose because of the death of a white man; the first of whom complaints were made by the provincial government to the general guardian of the peace, the Conestogo Council; the first to leave their villages for the Ohio River; and the first to join the French against the British colonies. From the war of 1745 to the peace of 1815, they have secured everywhere a reputation for eminent ferocity. If, then, we regard the name of the Piquaws as Shawano, it becomes necessary to suppose that the people received that name after the settlement of the Shawanos within the limits of Lancaster County. It could not have been borne by them at the arrival of William Penn, when they are said by Mr. Conyngham to have been settled on the stream now called Pequea. It is evident that, in this case at least, there has been a blending of details which the clearness of history would require to be separated. If we assume that the people in question had villages upon the Pequea while William Penn was in the province, and that their chief assisted at the "great treaty"; then we cannot believe that they were Shawanos, Nanticokes, Conoys, or Ganawese. They may have been Delawares, or they may have belonged to the tribe conquered by the Five Nations shortly before the arrival of the white governor. The latter supposition accords with the statement of Tanawa, that they paid tribute to the Five Nations and were called by the name of the latter, but were not of those nations. LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. 219 It is well known that at the arrival of the first colonists in Pennsylvania, the Lenni Lenape occupied a wide range in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, extending northward toward the upper branches of the Susquehanna, southward towards Maryland, and eastward to the ocean. Some of them were seated upon the Brandywine Creek, the west branch of which heads not far from the principal sources of the Pequea. It would be thence probable that some of them have, at some period, lived on the Pequea; but the people usually distinguished in our annals as "the Susquehanna Indians," or the Conestogo Indians," when reference is intended to those within the limits now bounding Lancaster County, were of the tribes mentioned in the foregoing notes. Mr. Conyngham says in a note, that "the Piquaws were frequently called Delawares by the Europeans." If we might rely upon this statement, and upon the traditionary one given in the name of Tanawa, it would follow that, notwithstanding the absorption of his tribe by the Five Nations, the former retained their political relationship to the Lenni Lenape so far as to be reckoned (by the whites at least) as a part of their nation. It would be profitless, however, to speculate upon this subject, with no better light than is afforded by a tradition of the origin and character of which we are not informed. * * * * * * * * * CONSTITUTION OF THE:Bi triratl orietq of A n ql innia. (As AMENDED PRIOR TO FEBRUARY 11, 1850.) ARTICLE I. THIS Association shall be denominated "The Historical Society of Pennsylvania." ARTICLE II. The object of the Society shall be the elucidation of the civil and literary history of the State. ARTICLE III. The Society shall be composed of 1st. Contributing members, who shall be residents of the City or County of Philadelphia; 2d. Corresponding members, who shall be persons residing in other parts of Pennsylvania; and 3d. Honorary members, who shall be persons residing out of the State. Clergymen who may be members of the Society, shall be exempt from the annual contribution. ARTICLE IV. The Officers of the Society, who shall be annually chosen at the 2'22 CONSTITUTION OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PA. monthly meeting in February, shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, two of whom shall be inhabitants of the City or County of Philadelphia; a Treasurer, a Foreign Corresponding Secretary, a Domestic Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Librarian, and a Curator. All the elections of officers shall be decided by a majority of ballots. ARTICLE V. It shall be the duty of the President, and in his absence of one of the Vice-Presidents, to preside at the meetings of the Society; and preserve order therein. If two or more of the Vice-Presidents should happen to be present in the absence of the President, the precedence shall be given to him who has been for the longest period a member of the Society. Should neither the President nor any of the Vice-Presidenf be present, the Society may choose a President pro tem., who shall discharge the duties of President at the meeting at which he shall be chosen. ARTICLE VI. The Treasurer shall have charge of all the moneys and other funds belonging to the Society. He shall collect the subscriptions of the members, and other income of the Society, and shall pay such claims against the Society, as shall have been regularly ordered to be paid by the Executive Committee. He shall annually present at the stated meeting of the Society in February, a statement of his receipts and disbursements during the preceding year. ARTICLE VII. The Foreign Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society with all persons out of the State of Pennsylvania. ARTICLE VIII. The Domestic Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Society with all persons within the State of Pennsylvania. CONSTTTITION OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PA. 223 ARTICLE IX. The Recording Secretary shall keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and shall notify the members of the Society of any special meeting that may be called. ARTICLE X. The Librarian shall have charge of all the books and manuscripts belonging to the Society, and shall present a report to the Society at the stated meeting in February, in every year, of the condition of the library during the preceding year. ARTICLE XI. The Curator shall have charge of all the property of the Society not in the custody of the' Librarian or Treasurer. ARTICLE XII. SECT. 1. There shall be annually chosen a committee of nine members, to be called the Executive Committee, who shall have charge of the financial and business arrangements of the Society. They shall hold stated meetings at the hall of the Society, on the fourth Monday of every month, and may hold special meetings on the call of their chairman, and upon such notice as their own By-Laws may provide. Other members of the Society may be present at any of these meetings, but without the privilege of voting therein. They shall select from their own number a Chairman and a Secretary. Once in three months, their minutes for the preceding quarter shall be read to the Society. They shall have power to make such By-Laws as they may deem expedient for their own government. [SECT. 2. Providing for the election in February 1848, is obsolete.] ARTICLE XIII. Vacancies, occurring in any of the offices of the Society, or in the Executive Committee, shall be filled by an election at the next stated 224 CONSTITUTION OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PA. meeting of the Society, for the unexpired term of the person vacating the office. ARTICLE XIV. The Society may elect contributing, corresponding, or honorary members, at any of their stated meetings, the candidates having been proposed at any previous stated meeting. All elections shall be by ballot, and five black balls shall prevent the election of a candidate. ARTICLE XV. The Society shall meet on the second Monday evening of every month, but the President, or in his absence from the city and county of Philadelphia, one of the Vice-Presidents, may call a special meeting, by giving at least three days' notice thereof, in at least two of the daily papers published in the city of Philadelphia. Five members of the Society shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE XVI. This Constitution may be amended at any stated meeting of the Society, provided that three months' notice of the intended amendments shall have been previously given, and two-thirds of the members present at the meeting at which the proposed amendments shall be discussed concur in the adoption thereof. *** By resolution of the Society, three dollars has been fixed as the amount to be annually paid by each of the contributing members. The payment of twenty dollars at one time constitutes a member a life member. CATALOGUE OF PAPERS RELATING TO P E N N S Y L V A N I A PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE, DEPOSITED AT THE STATE PAPER OFFICE, LONDO N INTRODUCTION. IT was ascertained in 1846, that, through the assistance of a gentleman employed in a public office in London, copies of the many important state papers and historical documents among the records of the Board of Trade, which are necessary to supply the materials wanting in the early history of Pennsylvania, could be obtained on very favourable terms. A few gentlemen, mostly connected with the Historical Society of Penn. sylvania, subscribed a sum sufficient to procure a complete catalogue of the papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware, as the first step towards procuring copies of the most important of these documents. The following is a copy of the catalogue of these papers, received from the State Paper Office, in London. It has been very carefully prepared, and the original manuscript, on drawing-paper, is most beautifully executed. It affords the Society great pleasure to be permitted to publish it. State Paper Office, Westminster, London. THE following Catalogue of Papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware, down to the year 1718, has been compiled from the documents deposited at the State Paper Office, and which are chiefly embraced in the collection transmitted from the Board of Trade in the year 1842. The confused state of these documents has rendered it no easy task to collect every material his. torically interesting to the above-named states, and the reference which is subjoined to every document will sufficiently show that no pains have been spared to make the search as perfect as possible. With a view of making the catalogue complete, every document which was sent to or received from either of the two colo. nies, was carefully noted-even such correspondence as led to the issue of some circular letters or new regulations from England, were noticed with equal care. The subjoined references, though perhaps somewhat too long, will at all times be a guide to the recognition of the documents, even should they be dispersed. It is also necessary to notice that no allusion has herein been made to entries, when the original documents were to be found; and that the length of each document is defined by the number of folios affixed thereto, each folio consisting of seventy-two words. As, however, this estimate has been made at a rough calculation, a paper, when copied, may be found to contain more or less than the stated number. V. FR. KUCZYNSKI. 1847, July 3. 1670-1. March 10, New York. Copy of an old Grant of Land on Delaware River by which the reserved rent is payable to the Crown-(inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of February 25, 1702-3.) Proprieties B. T. Vol. 7. L. 33. (5 folios.) 1680. June 14. The Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plan. tations to Sir Joseph Werden, At. Gen., inclosing a copy of Mr. Penn's petition, and desiring his opinion "whether such a plantation or settlement would anyways entrench upon the patent of his Royal Highness or otherwise prejudice the same." (Rough draft.) N. B. There is a note on the back of the same, that the copy of Mr. Penn's petition was sent to Lord Baltimore's Agent. Pennsylvania B. T. Vol. 1. (4 folios.) June 23. Mr. Richard Burke (Agent for Maryland) to Mr. Seer. Blathwayte, in answer to the letter from the Board of Trade of the 14 June, suggesting the 232 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1680. boundaries for Mr. Penn's petitioned for tract of land. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. Vol. 1. (3 folios.) June 23. Sir Joseph Werden to the Board of Trade, in answer to the letter from the Board of the 14 June, giving his opinion how far Mr. Penn's petition may be complied with. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. Vol. 1. (5 folios.) October 16. Sir Joseph Werden to Mr. Blathwayte, informing him that his Royal Highness the Duke of York is willing to accede to Mr. Penn's request, that he may have a grant of the tract of land on the north of Newcastle Colony, and on the west side of Delaware River. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) November 8. Mr. Secretary Blathwayte to Sir Jo. Werden, with a draft of a grant presented by Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, in order to be passed to him desiring Sir Joseph's opinion upon the same. (Rough draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) November 18. Mr. Seer. Blathwayte to Sir Jo. Werden, inclosing an extract of so much of the patent which Mr. Penn is soliciting as it concerns the boundaries, in order that he may make his objections to in on behalf of the Duke of York. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) November 18. Mr. Seer. Blathwayte to the agents of the Lord Baltimore, desiring their attendance at the next meeting of the Board, in order to receive their objections (if any) against the proposed patent RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 233 1680. to Mr. Penn, before the final resolution on the said patent shall pass. (Rough draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. ]. (3 folios.) November 20. Sir Joseph Werden to Mr. Secretary Blathwayte, in answer to his letter of the 18th of the same month;-after remarking upon the imperfection of the then existing geographical survey of America, suggests that the wording of Mr. Penn's patent be such as to leave Newcastle twenty or thirty miles beyond it, free, and to be bounded on the east by the Delaware River. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (4 folios.) November 23. Sir Joseph Werden to Mr. Secretary Blathwayte; informed Mr. Penn of the substance of his letter of the 20th of the same month, and, upon a discourse, found him (Mr. P.) willing that twelve English miles north of Newcastle be the boundary of his patent. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) December 16. Secretary Blathwayte to Mr. Burke, requesting his attendance at the Board, on the 18th of the same month, which day was appointed for hearing the exceptions of Lord Baltimore against the draft of Mr. Penn's patent. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) (1680.) Mr. Attorney-General's observations upon the several clauses in Mr. Penn's Grant which were not in accordance with the laws of Great Britain, but which were in Lord Baltimore's patent. (Private notes.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) 234 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS (1680.) Lord Chief Justice North's Report to the Board of Trade upon the petition of Mr. Penn for a grant of land, stating that the boundaries proposed by Mr. Penn do intrench upon Lord Baltimore's province of Maryland. (Rough draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (5 folios.) " Lord Chief Justice North's Memoranda, consisting of the drafts of several clauses for Mr. Penn's Patent. Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (13 folios.)'( Rough draft of the restrictions proposed to be inserted in Mr. Penn's Patent. Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) (" Rough draft of the boundaries of Pennsylvania, as settled by Lord Chief Justice North. Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) 1680-1. February 24. Board of Trade to the King, submitting the draft of a Charter, constituting Mr. Penn absolute Proprietary of Pennsylvania, to his Majesty's ap. probation. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) 1681. April 10, Westminster. Mr. Penn to Lord Baltimore, recommending Captain Markham, as his kinsman and deputy, to treat about the boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Copy inclosed with the order of Council of January 8, 1707-8.) Maryland B. T. V. 5, Fl. 60. (4 folios.) August. A narrative of what passed between the Lord RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 235 1681. Baltimore and Captain Markham, in 1681 and 1682, in relation to the boundaries between Maryland and Pennsylvania-inclosed with the order of Council to the Board of Trade, of January 8, 1707-8. (See also 1682, Aug.) Maryland B. T. V. 5. Fl. 60. (6 folios.) October, Custom-House. An account of merchandizes exported to the Plantations in America from London, in October, 1681, where mention is made of a ship John Sarah, Henry Smith, master, burden 100 ts., bound for " Pensilvania." (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 80. 1681-2. February 28. An attested copy of the Pennsylvania Charter. Pennsylvania, B. T. V. 1. 1682. April 2. Letter from the King to Lord Baltimore, informing him of the grant of Pennsylvania being made to Mr. Penn, and stating the bounds of that province. (Entry.) Maryland B. T. V. 7. p. 83. (6 folios.) June 17. Extract of a letter to Lord Baltimore, from the Commissioners appointed to settle the bounds between Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Copy.) Maryland, B. T. B. C., P. 2. (2 folios.) August 19, Windsor. Letter from the King to Lord Baltimore, about adjusting the bounds between the provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Maryland B. T. V. 7. p. 84. (6 folios.) 236 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1682, August 24. Copy of Conveyance of Newcastle, &c., from the Duke of York to Mr. William Penn-presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Edw. Randolph, with his memorial of the 19th of February, 1700-1. Proprieties B. T. V. 5. F. 72. (14 folios.) August 24. Copy of Conveyance of the Delaware country from the Duke of York to Mr. William Pennpresented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Edw. Randolph, with his memorial of the 19th of February, 1700-1. Proprieties B. T. V. 5. F. 71. (15 folios.) August -. A narrative of the whole proceedings between Lord Baltimore and Captain Markham, Lt. Govr. of Pennsylvania, and between Lord Baltimore and Mr. Penn. (Original, signed by Lord B.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 4. (50 folios.) September 25, Pennsylvania. Mr. Markham to Lord Baltimore, offering his reasons for not concurring with his lordship on the subject of the boundary line. (Attested copy.) Maryland B. T. B. C. P. 29. (3 folios.) December 13. An account of the conference held between Lord Baltimore and Mr. Penn, at the house of Colonel Thos. Tailler, in the Ridge, in Anne Arundell County. (Attested by Lord B.) Maryland B. T. B. C. P. 3. (40 folios.) December 13, Whitehall. Order in Council to prevent abuses in transporting servants for the Plantations in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 87. (15 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 237 1682, December 17, Chester. Copy of an act of Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed at Chester, uniting the three lower counties to the province-presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Edw. Randolph, with his memorial of the 19th of February, 1700-1. Proprieties B. T. V. 5. F. 73. (12 folios.) 1682-3. February 8. Lord Baltimore to the Marquis of Halifax, inclosing an account of his conferences with Mr. Penn and Mr. Markham. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 6. March 2. Certificate of the Commissioners for settling the boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania with regard to the latitude of Palmer's; Island. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 7. (1 folio.) 1683. April 13. R. Sawyer to the King, describing the bounds of Newcastle and Delaware Bay, as it was granted to the Duke of York upon his surrender of the former grant. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 48. (6 folios.) May 31, Hampton Court. Order of Council upon the petition of Rich. Burke (Lord Baltimore's agent), praying that the grant of Delaware to the Duke of York may not pass the Great Seal, referring the same to the consideration of the Board of Trade. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 5. (3 folios.) June 11. Lord Baltimore to Mr. Blathwayte, inclosing 238 CATALOGUE OF PAPIRS 1683. copies of his conferences with Mr. Penn and Mr. Markham, in 1682; also, a substance of what passed between him and Mr. Penn, at their private conference at Newcastle, 29 of May, 1683. (Original; the two first conferences are duplicates of the documents.formerly sent.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 21. (15 folios.) June 12, Patuxent. Lord Baltimore to the Marquis of Halifax, informing him that he had another conference with Mr. Penn, but in private, and desires to be heard personally before the Board, before anything shall be decided in the boundary question. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B.,C. P. 10. (3 folios.) June 12. Lord Baltimore to Sir Leoline Jenkins, desiring that no request of Mr. Penn be granted, until he is heard at the Council Board. (Original.) America and West Indies, V. 389. (3 folios.) August 1, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to Mr. Bridgeman, with thanks for the favours bestowed upon him-recommends Captain Markham, whom he sends as agent to the Court-also, sends a present of the country produce. (Original.) America and West Indies, V. 388. (6 folios.) August 6. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade-is surprised to hear that Lord Baltimore made his report to the Board about their conference respecting the fixing of the bounds, which report is against Mr. Penn's consent, and for that reason he finds himself under the necessity of stating every particular with regard to the above-named conference. (Original.) Pennsylvania, B. T. V. 1. (23 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 239 1683, August 18, Custom-House. Presentment of the Commissioners of the Customs, praying that instructions may be given to the governors of plantations, and likewise to the Chief Governor of Ireland, to inforce the law to prevent frauds in trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 96. (16 folios.) October 18, Newcastle. Mr. Penn's proclamation prohibiting all persons to settle on the land between Delaware River and Chesapeak Bay, without his leave. (Original.) Maryland, B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 32. (2 folios.) December 7, Patuxent. Lord Baltimore to Mr. Blathwayte, thanking him for the intelligence that nothing shall be done by the Council in the Delaware business until he or his agents were heard. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 23. (5 folios.) December 11. Lord Baltimore to Sir Leoline Jenkins, desiring to prevent Mr. Penn obtaining'the grant of the Delaware Bay. (Original.) America and West Indies, V. 389. (4 folios.) 1683-4. February 12. Notes on the subject of the Grant of Delaware, presented to the Council on behalf of the Duke of York. Maryland, B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 22. February 27, Whitehall. Order in Council for passing a Law in the Plantations against pirates and privateers. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 103. (3 folios.) 240 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1683-4, March 8, Newmarket. Circular letter from the King to the governors of the American Plantations, commanding them that the "Jamaica Act" against pirates and privateers be passed. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 104. (2 folios.) 1684. March 26, Philadelphia. Copy of a Grant of Land on Delaware River, made by Mr. Penn, by which the reserved rents are made payable to himself. (Inclosed in Colonel Quary's letter of February 25, 1702-3.) Proprieties B. T. V. 7. L. 34. (3 folios.) April 6. Lord Baltimore to Sir L. Jenkins. He is going to embark for England about the end of April, and hopes to be heard in person by the Privy Council, in defence of that right which Mr. Penn labours to deprive him of. (Original.) America and West Indies, V. 389. (3 folios.) May 12, Matapany Sewall. Deposition of Mr. Garrett van Sweringen concerning his knowledge of the settling of Delaware Bay and River, to the southward of the 40th degree northern latitude by the Dutch and Swedes. (Original.) Maryland, B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 35. (35 folios.) June 30, Inner Temple. Sir Edw. Herbert to Mr. Blathwaytef desiring him, in behalf of the Duke of York, to represent to the Lords of the Committee the prejudice his R. H. may suffer by any further delay in deciding the dispute between Mr. Penn and Lord Baltimore about the Delaware. (Original.) Maryland, B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 25. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 241 1684-5, February 6, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Governors of the Plantations for proclaiming King James the Second. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 121. (3 folios.) February 7, Whitehall. Order in Council to stop all vessels suspected to go to the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 127. (2 folios.) February 9, Whitehall. Order in Council for a Ketch to be prepared for carrying the Proclamations to the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 128. (2 folios.) February 13, Whitehall. Order in Council for the Embargo on Plantation Ships to be taken off. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 128. (2 folios.) February 13. Mr. Markham's receipt for a Packet directed to Mr. Penn. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (1 folio.) February 13. A printed Proclamation for Pennsylvania, proclaiming King James the Second King of England, &c. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. Vol. 1. (4 folios.) March 17. Mr. Markham's answers to Lord Baltimore's allegations against him (sworn to before the Committee by Mr. Markham). Maryland, B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 26. (12 folios.) March 17. An Account of the Conference held between Mr. Markham and Lord Baltimore on the subject of the Boundary Line in 1682, presented and sworn to by Mr. Markham. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 28. (15 folios.) 20 242 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1684-5, March 17. Extract of a Letter from Colonel Markham to Lord Baltimore, explaining the reason why he did not attend his Lordship on the appointed day. Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 27. (2 folios.) 1685. April 1, Whitehall. Order in Council for the Commanders of the King's ships to seize all Vessels that Trade to the English Plantations contrary to Law. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 142. (1 folio.) April 10. Circular Letter from the Board of Trade to all the Governors in the Plantations, requiring to take effectual care that the Acts of Trade and Navigation be strictly observed. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 142. (4 folios.) May 23. President Loyd's Proclamation upon the accession of King James the Second. (Attested copy.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) June 26, Whitehall. The King's Circular Letter to all the Governors in the Plantations, concerning the impositions on Sugar and Tobacco-that the insurrection in Scotland is put down, and that the Duke of Monmouth is pursued. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 145. (12 folios.) July 17, Whitehall. Order in Council upon a Report from the Board of Trade for issuing Quo Warrantos against the Proprietors of Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, E. and W. Jerseys, and Delaware. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 230. (7 folios.) August 10, Windsor. Instructions (prepared by the Commissioners of Customs (under Sign Manual, for the Governors in the Plantations, for the better putting RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 243 1685. in execution the Acts of Trade and Navigation. (Entry.) Plant. Gent. B. T. V. 32. p. 151. - (60 folios.) August 18. Petition of Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, requesting that the hearing of the Boundary question may be fixed for that day week. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 31. (2 folios.) August 18. Petition of Mr. Penn to the King, desiring that his Majesty would command the Boundary question between Maryland and Pennsylvania to be referred to the Board of Trade, and order its speedy determination. (Original.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. p. 30. (3 folios.) October 11, Whitehall. Circular letter from the King to the Governors of Plantations, about Rebels transported for servants into their respective Governments. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 172. (6 folios.) October 20, Whitehall. Mr. Blathwayte to the Governors in America about Rebels transported to America for servants. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 174. (2 folios.) November 13, Whitehall. Order of Council approving the Report of the Board of Trade of Nov. 7, upon the Boundary question between Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Maryland B. T. V. 7. p. 107. (6 folios.) (1685.) Abstract from papers sent by Lord Baltimore relating to the Boundaries of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Newcastle. (Draft.) Maryland B. T. V. 1. B. C. P. 51. (3 folios.) 244 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1685-6, March 24, Whitehall. Memorandum fiom the Board of Trade to the Lord President, desiring him to move the King that an order in Council of the 13th of December, 1682, touching servants for the Plantations, may be renewed. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 176. (2 folios.) 1686. March 26, Whitehall. Order in Council to prevent abuses in transporting servants for the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 176. April 30, Whitehall. Memorandum from the Board of Trade and Order in Council to Mr. Attorney General that the several Writs of Quo Warrantos against Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, E. and W. Jerseys, and Delaware, be renewed and prosecuted to effect. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 232. (4 folios.) December 16, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Privy Council, to all the Govrs. in the American Plantations touching the Treaty of Neutrality. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 236. (4 folios.) 1687. April 28, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Privy Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations, ordering them to publish the Proclamation for restraining Pirates and Privateers. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 289. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 245 1687, May 18, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Privy Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations with the Declaration of Indulgence. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 238. May 28, Hampton Ct. Order in Council to the Att. and Sol. Genls. to prosecute the Quo Warrantos issued against the several Proprieties and Corporations in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 32. p. 240. (1 folio.) 1687-8. January 22, Whitehall. Circular letter under Sign Manual to all the Govrs. in the Plantations, inclosing the Proclamation for suppressing Pirates and Privateers. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 17. 1 (10 folios.) January 22, Whitehall. Circular letter under Sign Manual to the Govrs. in the American Plantations, inclosing a Copy of the Instrument for quieting all disputes between the English and French in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 20. (13 folios.) 1688. June 10, Whitehall. Circular letter to the Govrs. in America for celebrating the birth of the Prince. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 32. (2 folios.) 246 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1688-9, February (19). The oaths to be taken instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and a Proclamation declaring William and Mary of Orange to be King and Queen of England. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 38. (4 folios.) February 19, Whitehall. Letter from the Council to the Govrs. of the Plantations, to Proclaim King William the Third, and Queen Mary. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 36. (5 folios.) 1689. April 15, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Earl of Shrewsbury to the Govrs. of the Plantations, giving them notice of his Majesty's intention to declare War against France. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 40. (3 folios.) May 2, Hampton Ct. Representation from the Board of Trade, respecting the state of the Plantations with relation to the War with France, and an order of Council upon the same. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 44. (14 folios.) May 18, Council Chamber. Report of the Council to the King, touching the State of the Plantations, and what stores of war are necessary for their defence; also that the Proprietary Governments are worthy the consideration of the Parliament for the bringing them under a nearer dependence on the Crown. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 50. (4 folios.) October 4, New York. Copy of John Forats deposition, that in August last he was removed from being a Justice of peace in Newcastle in Pennsylvania, for RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 247 1689. desiring that their Majesties William and Mary should be proclaimed. Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) 1690. April 10. An order from the Board of Trade to Mr. Penn to attend at their Meeting on the 17th of the same month. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) April 28. Mr. Penn to Mr. Secretary Blathwayte.-He has discharged his promise given to the Lords, and hopes it will have the desired effect: if not, (says Mr. Penn) " any orders they renew will be there (in Pennsylvania), I believe, obeyed." (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) December 2. Abstract of the List of Ships allowed to sail to the different Plantations, with their number of Men and Tunnage. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 150. (8 folios.) qu.? 1690. Copy of the "Golden Brief" for the ship Alexander condemned in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) 1690-1. January 15. Copy of the Minutes of Council held at James Town in Virginia, containing a Report received from Pennsylvania, that the Inhabitants of that Province "have given out, that if the French 248 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1690-1. and Indians come against them, they will go out and meet them without arms, and acquaint them they had no quarrell with them, nor would not fight." Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (8 folios.) 1691-2. March 10. Order of Council for a Commission for the Government of Pennsylvania and the Militia of N. Jerseys. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 22. (4 folios.) 1692, before April 2. Memorandum for the Lord President of the Council of the heads of a Commission to be passed, for Col. Fletcher to take the Province of Pennsylvania under his Government. (Rough draft.) New York B. T. V. 4. B. E. P. 12. (3 folios.) April 2, Whitehall. From the Board of Trade to Mr. Attorney General, with a draft of the Commission for Govr. Fletcher to take the Province of Pennsylvania under his Government. (Draft.) New York B. T. V. 4. B. E. P. 12. (1 folio.) May 2. Memorandum of a Report from the Board of Trade relating to a Commission for the Government of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 23. (4 folios.) May 12. Order of Council upon the Report of the Board of Trade relating to the Commission for the Govern-. ment of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 24. (4 folios.) June 21, Newcastle. Copy of a Trial upon the seizure of RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 249 1692. a Sloop for illegal Trade in Pennsylvania-(and a duplicate of the same.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 12 & A. 12-1. (14 folios.) July 1. Order in Council approving of the draft of the Instructions to Col. Fletcher for the Govt. of N. Y. and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 37. (1 folio.) July 16. Col. Nicholson, Lieut. Govr. of Virginia, to the Board.-Informs them that the Quakers in Pennsylvania have fallen out among themselves, and requests to have the power to make them leave Virginia, if any of them should arrive there. (Extract.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) October 11. The Queen's letter to Col. Fletcher for the Province of Pennsylvania to assist New York against the French. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 40. (5 folios.) October 21. Col. Fletcher's Commission for the Government of New York and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 26. (45 folios.) October 28. Instructions to Col. Fletcher for the Government of New York and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 38. (9 folios.) November 5, Pocamoke. Copy of Mr. Randolph's letter to Mr. Wm. Clark, Collector in Pennsylvania, about negotiating Pardons for Pirates (referred in Mr. Penn's letter to the Board of 31 December, 1700.) Proprieties B. T. V. 6. 9. 10. (3 folios.) December 5. Mr. Penn to Col. Fletcher.-Having heard that a Commission is sent to Col. F. to command 250 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1692. Pennsylvania, cautions the said Colonel "to tread softly and with caution in this affair," as that Country and the Government of it is Mr. Penn's property;-that there was no Quo Warranto brought, nor judgment passed, against his Charter. (Copy.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (5 folios.) 1692 or 1693. Extract from a letter of Mr. Penn to a "certain" person in Philadelphia, recommending to "insist upon (their) Patent with wisdome and moderation, but steddy; integrity you are to hear, and obey the Crown of England, speaking in the language and voice of the Law, which this is not, but sic volo sic jubeo, &c." (Extract attested by Col. Fletcher.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (7 folios.) 1693. April 22 (last date). Abstracts of Col. Fletcher's letters, dated the 14th of February, 8th March, and 22 of April, written to Mr. Blathwayte, where it is mentioned that Pennsylvania, in answer to the letter from the New York Council requiring them to assist, said, that "they have nothing to send but their good wishes:" and again, that Col. Fletcher having received his Commission for Pennsylvania, RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 251 1693. he is going thither.-The original letters, however, are not with the Correspondence. New York B. T. V. 4. B. E. P. 37. (7 folios.) April 26. A list of Officers appointed by Col. Fletcher in the Province of Pennsylvania. (Attested Copy.) New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 3. (12 folios.) April 26 to May 16. Abstracts from the Minutes of Council in Pennsylvania. New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 22. (6 folios.) June 12, New York. Col. Fletcher to the Board.-Mr. Lodvick sent by the Council to give an account of the Province (N. Y.);-can get no assistance from Pennsylvania;-seal wanted for that Province (Pennsylv'a). (Original.) New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 1. (4 folios.) June 13. Instructions from the Govr. and Council of New York to Col. Charles Lodvick, containing what he is to offer on their behalf to the Board of Trade. (Copy.) New York B. T. V. 4. B. E. P. 60. (10 folios.) September 15. Memorial of Charles Lodvick on behalf of Col. Fletcher to the Board of Trade, wherein he complains, that Pennsylvania will not assist N. York, and that if the Colonies of Connecticut, N. Jersey, and Pennsylvania, were incorporated with N. York, it would then strengthen that part of North America against the Enemies. (Original.) New York B. T. V. 4. B. E. P. 59. (9 folios.) August 18, New York. Col. Fletcher to Mr. Blathwayte: could not raise any money in Pennsylvania;-he conferred with the Indians, &c.;-(the rest of the 252 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1693. letter does not relate to Pennsylvania.) (Original.) New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 6. (8 folios.) December 28. Order of Council with the Draft of a Charter proposed to be granted to Richard Haynes and others, to incorporate them to Trade with a joint stock to Pennsylvania, commanding the AttorneyGeneral to prepare a Bill to that effect. (Original.) America & W. Indies. V. 388. (150 folios.) December -. Draft of a bond to their Majesties from some of the Members of the New Pennsylvania Trading Company. America & W. Indies. V. 388. (24 folios.) 1693,. Extracts from two letters of Mr. Penn to a certain person in Philadelphia, giving him advice how to get the Patent restored. (Attested by Col. Fletcher.) New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 23. (6 folios.) 1693,, Philadelphia. Copy of the Address of some of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Pennsylvania to Col. Fletcher. New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 4. (10 folios.) A Printed Copy of the same Address. (Vide.) New York B. T. V. 5. B. F. P. 15. 1693-4. March 5. Mr. Seer. Povey to the Attorney-General, with a copy of the Pennsylvania Patent. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. Vol. 1. (1 folio.) 1694. July (5.) Mr. Penn's Petition to the Queen, desiring to be RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 253 1694. restored to his Government, in pursuance of the right of his grant under the Great Seal. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (4 folios.) July 5. Order in Council, referring Mr. Penn's Petition for his restoration to the Government of Pennsylvania to the Attorney and Solicitor-Genl. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 42. (1 folio.) July 12. Mr. Attorney and Solr.-Generl's Report on Mr. Penn's petition of July (5), touching his right to the government of Pennsylvania, referred to them by the Privy Council. (Copy.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (9 folios.) July 12. Order in Council, referring to the Board of Trade for their consideration the Report of Att. and Sol. Gen. upon Mr. Penn's Petition touching his right to the Government of Pennsylvania. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) July 13. From the Board of Trade to the AttorneyGen., with the Acts of Pennsylvania, requiring his opinion upon the same. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (2 folios.) July 25. Mr. Attorney and Solicitor-Genl's Report upon the Grants to Mr. Penn, of Newcastle, &c. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (7 folios.) July 25. Mr. Attorney-General to the Board, returning his opinion upon the Acts passed in Pennsylvania. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (4 folios.) August 1. Mr. Penn's memorial against the Law about recording Deeds. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (1 folio.) 254 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1694, August 1. From the Board of Trade to the AttorneyGeneral, requiring him to reconsider the Laws of Pennsylvania:-to hear Mr. Penn or his Agent concerning the same, and to attend the Board with his opinion at their next meeting. (Draft.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) August 1 & 3. Report from the Board of Trade to the Queen in Council upon Mr. Penn's Petition to be restored to the Government of Pennsylva., &c., and upon the laws of that Province passed in their Assembly, May, 1693. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 51. (25 folios.) August 3. Mr. Penn's agreement given at the Council Chamber about the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (3 folios.) August 9. Order of Council disallowing two Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 62. (4 folios.) August 9. Order of Council confirming some of the Pennsylvanian Laws. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 60. (9 folios.) August 9. Order in Council upon Mr. Penn's Petition, restoring him to the Government of Pennsylv'a., and revoking in part Col. Fletcher's Commiss'n. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 56. (13 folios.) August 20. Royal Commission (Letters Patent) to make void the Appointment of Col. Fletcher to the Governt. of Pennsylv'a. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2. p. 63. (8 folios.) August 21. Sign Manual to Mr. Penn, signifying her Majesty's pleasure as regards the quota of Men and RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 255 1694. other assistance to be given from Penna. to New York. (Entry.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 2 p. 58. (8 folios.) November 24. Mr. Penn's Commission to Mr. Markham to be " Governor" of PerAsylvania under him. (Copy.) Proprieties B. T. V. 1. A. 1. (3 folios.) November 24. Mr. Penn's Commission to John Goodson and Sam. Carpenter to be Assistants to Mr. Markham in the Governt. of Pennsylvania. (Copy.) Proprieties B. T. V. 1. A. 2. (2 folios.) December 14. Wm. Ford (on behalf of Mr. Penn) to Seer. Blathwayte, requesting that Mr. Markham be approved of by the Board as Lieutenant Govr. of Penns'a. (Original.) Pennsylvania B. T. V. 1. (1 folio.) 1695. April' 1. Constitution of the Penna. Trading Company. (Copy.) Proprieties B. T. V. 7. L. 53. (17 folios.) April 21, & seq. Papers relative to a Trial upon the seizure of the Briganteen Dolphin in Penna. (Copies of seven documents.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 13. & seq. (30 folios.) October 16. Proposals to the Commissrs. of the Customs to discourage the illegal Trade in the Plantations, presented to them by Mr. Randolph. (Copy of the same delivered to the Board of Trade, 1696, Aug. 17.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 10. (21 folios.) 256 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1695, December 7, London. Memorial from Mr. E. Randolph to the Custom Commissioners about the Illegal Trade in the Plantations, and, in particular, in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, offering some methods for the prevention thereof. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 352. (40 folios.) 1695-6. January (13), Custom House. Presentment from the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury upon Mr. Randolph's Memorial of Dec. 7, about the illegal Trade in the American Plant'ns. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 350. (6 folios.) January 13, Whitehall. Order in Council upon Mr. Randolph's Memorial of Dec. 7, touching the illegal trade in the Am. Plant'ns. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 348. (2 folios.) January 17. Report of the Custom Comrnmiss'rs upon Randolph's Memorial of Dec. 7, about the illegal Trade in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 365. (16 folios.) January 28. Report of the Committee of the whole Council to his Majesty upon the Report of the Custom Commissioners of January 17, relative to Mr. Randolph's Memorial about the illegal Trade in the Plantat'ns. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 371. (5 folios.) January 28. Reference of Mr. Randolph's Memorial of 7th Dec., 1695, by the Committee of the whole RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 257 1695-6. Council, to Sr. Charles Hedges, Kn't, Judge of the Admiralty, for his opinion. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 373. (2 folios.) February 7, Admiralty. Report of Sir Charles Hedges to the Committee of the whole Council upon Mr. Randolph's Memorial referred to him by the said Committee, January 28th. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 374. (2 folios.) February 13, Kensington. Circular letter from the Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations upon the presentment of the Cornmiss'rs of the Customs relating to the Acts of Trade and the Act passed in Scotland. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 376. (7 folios.) March 10, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations upon the discovery of the Conspiracy. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 378. (4 folios.) 1696. April 15, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations, with the Act of Parliament for preventing frauds and regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 382. (3 folios.) April 20, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Council to the Govrs. in the Plantations relating to the designs of the French. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 33. p. 381. (3 folios.) May -. Copy of a Bill drawn and presented to Govr. Markham in Penns'a by the Quakers, which they 21 258 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696. desired to purchase to be enacted for the sum of ~200 to be given as an assistance to New York. Proprieties B. T. V. 1. A. 3. (30 folios.) June 25. Copy of a letter from Pennsylvania about some strange Indians' having presented themselves in the Province & committed some ravages-laid before the Board by Mr. Penn, 1696-7, Febr'y 12. Proprieties B. T. V. 1. A. 24. (15 folios.) July 6 & Aug. 2, Edinborough. Copies of two letters from Scotland about illegal Trade carried on from Pennsylv'a-presented to the Board by Mr. Randolph. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 15. (2 folios.) July 17. Extract of a Presentment from the Custom Commiss'rs to the Lords of the Treasury about the execution of Penal Laws against illegal Trade in the Plantations, recommending to erect Courts of Admiralty, and to nominate Attorneys General. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 20. (5 folios.) July 17. Extract of a Presentment from the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury, in which they propose that the Govrs. of the Proprieties may be persons of good Estates and Reputation. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 19. (3 folios.) July 22, Treasury. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple-inclosing the Extract from the presentment of the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury, to be laid before the Commissioners of -Trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 18. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 259 1696, July 23, Whitehall. Order in Council referring the Extract of a Presentment from the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury of July 17, 1696, about the execution of Penal laws, &c. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 20. (1 folio.) July 31. Mr. Randolph's proposals for putting into execution the Act for preventing Frauds, &c., in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 25. (4 folios.) July 31. List of persons to be Judges, Registers, Marshalls in the Admiralty Courts, and also Attorneys General in the Plantat'ns. (Entry-presented by Mr. Randolph.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 22. (5 folios.) August 12, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices upon the Presentment of the Custom Commissioners referred to then by the Lords of the Treasury, wherein they move, that it is requisite Commiss'rs should be appointed for administering the oath or oaths to the Govern'rs of the Proprieties. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 34. p. 26. (3 folios.) August 13, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices-expressing their opinion that the erecting of the Courts of Admiralty in the Plantations will conduce to the due execution of the Penal Laws. Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 34. p, 27. (2 folios.) August 17. Mr. Randolph's Representation to the Board of Trade about the ill execution of the Acts of 260 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696. Parliament relating to Trade in the Plantations under distinct proprieties. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 11. (15 folios.) August 17. Names of Pirates and Scotchmen inhabiting and Trading in Pennsylvania, presented to the Board by Mr. Randolph. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 14. (2 folios.) August 20. Order in Council upon Representation from the Board of Trade of August 12, concerning the Govers. in Plantations under district Proprieties. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 34. p. 169. (2 folios.) August 25. Memorial from Mr. Randolph to the Board of Trade, about the Attorneys General in the different Plantations. (Orig'l.) Also a List of the new Attorneys General to be appointed, signed by Mr. Secr. Popple. Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 17. (10 folios.) September 7. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, concerning the appointment of Attorneys General in the different Provinces in America, stating, upon Mr. Randolph's information, the different charges against the then Colonial Attorneys Gen'l. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 7. (7 folios.) September 10. Order in Council to the Attorney Genl. to consider the Representation of the Board of Trade concerning' the appointment of Att's Gen'l in the different Colonies in America. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 7. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 261 1696. September 23. Mr. Nelson's Memorial to the Board of Trade, about the state of the Northern Colonies in America, viz., N. Eng., R. I., Connecticut, N. York, Penns'a, Maryl'd, and Virginia. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 21. (36 folios.) September 23. Mr. Nelson's memorial to the Board of Trade, proposing the method of conquering Canada. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 21. (14 folios.) September 30. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices concerning the state of the Northern Colonies in America. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 34. p. 59. (32 folios.) October 13. Commission of Gov'r Nicholson of Maryland to Capt'n Josiah Daniell and Lieutenants Ockman and Young, to seize one Day, a Privateer supposed to be in Delaware Bay. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 2. (4 folios.) October 14. Capt'n Josiah Daniell's Commission to Lieutenants Wm. Ockman and Isaac Young, for seizing one Day, a Pirate in Pennsylv'a. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 57. (3 folios.) October 18. Major Donaldson of Newcastle to Lt. Gov. Markham-informs that Gov. Nicholson sent into Newcastle 60 Armed Men from Maryland to search for Capt'n Day and his Men. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 17. (4 folios.) October 20. s. From - (Philada.) to - does not approve of the manner of beating for Recruits, and desires to be consulted on the subject. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 4. (2 folios.) 262 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696, October 30. Mr. Randolph's Memorial to the Board of Trade, soliciting the dispatch of the Attorney General's Report upon a Representation about Attorneys General in the Proprieties. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 22. (3 folios.) October 30. Mr. Seer. Popple to the Att. Gen'l about his Report relating to Attorneys General in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 77. (2 folios.) November 5, (or before.) Petition of the Proprietors of Carolina, Bahama Islands, Pennsylv'a, E. and W. Jerseys and Connect't, against the appointment of an Att. Gen'l for these provinces by the Board of Trade. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 4. (6 folios.) November 5. Order in Council upon the Petition of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, Bahama Islands, Penns'a, &c., relating to the appointment of the Att. Gen'l in the said Provinces, and referring the same to the consideration of the Board of Trade. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 4. (2 folios.) November 10. Mr. Randolph's Memorial to the Custom Commissioners concerning the Breach of the Acts of Trade and Navigation in the several Colonies in America, especially in the Proprietary Govern'ts. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 6. (25 folios.) November 16. The Custom Commiss'rs' Presentm't to the Lords of the Treasury with Mr. Randolph's memorial concerning the breach of the Acts of Trade and RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 263 1696. Navigation in the several Colonies in America, especially in the Proprietary Govern'ts. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 6. (2 folios.) November 19. Copy of the Minutes of Council of Penns'a about ~300 sent to New York for the relief of the friendly Indians. Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 19. (3 folios.) November 28, Albany. Col. Fletcher to Lt. Gov'r Markham acknowledging the receipt of his letter and thanks for the gift which the Council and Assembly of Pennsylv'a made for the Indians. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 20. (2 folios.) December 1. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple-with the Custom Commissioners' Presentment and Mr. Randolph's Memorial concerning the Breach of the Acts of Trade and Navigation in the several Colonies in Am'a, more especially in the Propr. Provinces. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 5. (1 folio.) December 3. Order of Council upon a Report of the Board of Trade of the same date, relating to Jamaica, and complaining of the protection given to Pirates in the Propr., commanding that the s'd complaint be communicated to the different Proprietors. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 10. (2 folios.) December 4. Mr. Seer. Popple to the Attorney Gen'l desiring his opinion ab't erecting Admiralty Courts in the Plant'ns. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 13. (1 folio.) December 4. Attorney General's opinion about the erect 264 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696. ing of Courts of Admiralty in the Plantat'ns under distinct Proprietors. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 7. (3 folios.) December 9. Mr. Penn to Mr. Seer. Popple informing him about two Laws past in Maryland prejudicial to the Trade of Penns'a, and desiring to be heard by the Board on that subject before the said Laws are taken into their consideration. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 9. (4 folios.) December 9. Memorial of Mr. Randolph to the Board of Trade, desiring leave to prove the Allegations in his former Mem'l of Nov. 10. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. I. A. 8. (2 folios.) December 10. Memorial of the Proprietors of Carolina, Bahama, Pennsylv'a, Jerseys and Connect't to the Board of Trade relating to the Courts of Admiralty there. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 11. (4 folios.) December 17. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King about the erecting Admiralty Courts in the several Proprietary and Charter Govern'ts in America. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 16. (7 folios.) December 30. Order of Council upon a Report from the Board of Trade, dated the 17 Dec., about erecting of Admiralty Courts in the Plantations under distinct Proprieties and Charters. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 13. (4 folios.) 1696 or 1697. Mr. Penn's proposals to the Lords Committees of the H. of Lords relating to the Plantation Trade-also RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 265 1696 or 1697. A list of several papers delivered into the H. of L. by Mr. Penn and others relating to the Plantation Trade-and A schedule of imp'ts & exp'ts into England delivered by the Custom Commissioners. (Copies.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 60 & 61. (33 folios.) 1696-7. January 21. Petition of the Proprietors of Carolina, Bahama Islands, Penns'a, Jerseys and Connect't to the King praying that their Gov'rs be appointed vice Admirals in their respective Govern'ts. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 18. (5 folios.) February 8. Mr. Penn's scheme for rendering the Northern Colonies of Am'a more useful to England. (Orig'l, not signed.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 4. A. 40. (6 folios.) February 9. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn-communicating his Maj'ty's pleasure that the Quota appointed by her late Maj'ty in 1692 be punctually contributed -that effectual Laws be made against the receiving & harbouring Deserters & other Fugitives, & that due care be taken that no Pirates or sea Robbers be anywhere sheltered or entertained. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 37. (6 folios.) February 12. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade-complaining against two Laws passed in Maryland in 1695 being injurious to the Trade of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 22. (2 folios.) 266 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696-7, February 12. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade,objecting to the Quota ordered from Pennsylvania for the defence of New York. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 23. (4 folios.) February 13. Lt. Gov'r Markham to Mr. Penn.-In consequence of a French Privateer's having taken several sloops on the Coast of Pennsylv'a, he gave a Commission to Capt'n John Day to attack the s'd Privateer, which raised great clamour against him by Gov'r Nicholson. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 10. (18 folios.) February 22. Extract of a letter from Lt. Gov'r Markham to Mr. Penn.-Received a letter from Mr. Clark that the Marylanders continue incroaching upon Penn'a bounds-that Gov'r Nicholson had drawn up an information against this province for enticing and harbouring Men belonging to the Ships of Maryland, and sent the s'd information to the Magistrates of Cicil County to sign, but they refused, upon which he arrested them. Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 16. (3 folios.) February 24. Rich. Halliwell, Jno. Donaldson and Ro. French, Merchants of New Castle, to Lt. Gov'r Markham-the Gov'r of Maryland having given permission to the Traders there to bring Tobacco from Pennsylv'a to be loaded on board there and transported for England, the said Merch'ts beg to have the liberty to carry the same over. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 15. (1 folio.) February 25. Commissioners of the Customs to the Board of Trade with a List of the names of persons pro RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 267 1696-7. per to be imployed in the several Courts of Admiralty in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 46. (6 folios.) February 26. Lt. Gov'r Markham to the Merchants of New Castle in answer to their letter of the 24th of February, regretting that it is not within his power to grant them their request. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 14. (1 folio.) March 1. Lt. Govr. Markham to Mr. Penn.-James Claypole was returned from Maryland, and told him that Govr. Nicholson is very indefatigable in collecting all the information he can in order to frame a complaint home against him;-wishes Mr. Penn to discourse with the Custom Commissioners about transporting overland to Maryland from Pennsylv'a. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 13. (8 folios) March 2. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Secr. Sanson (of the Board of Customs) about the names of persons to be appointed Advocates in the Plant'ns. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 110. (3 folios.) March 3. Seer. Sanson (of the Board of Customs) to Mr. Popple, with a List of the names of persons proposed to be Advocates in several of his Maj'ty's Plantations in America. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 47. (8 folios.) March 4. Mr. Randolph's memorandum delivered to the Board of Trade for reconciling and perfecting the two lists, lately received from the Custom House, of persons to be Officers in the Admiralty Courts & the Advocates General. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 48. (2 folios.) 268 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1696-7, March 4. Representation from the Board of Trade to the king, inclosing a list of the names of the Officers for the Admiralty Courts in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 117. (6 folios.) March 9. Capt'n Daniell to Govr. Markham.-Informs him that three Men deserted from his Ship, taking a Barge with them, and requests him to give'himself a "little trouble" in order to secure the said Deserters. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 5. (4 folios.) March 17. Mr. Tucker, of the Privy Council Office, to Mr. Seer. Popple, about Officers for the Admiralty Court in the 3 Lower Counties depending on Pennsylv'a. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. A. 54. (2 folios.) qu.? 1696-7. (b.) The Maryland Council's opinion upon the Petition of the Merchants of Pennsylvania to be released from duties imposed upon their Ships traversing the seas of Maryland, wherein they assert, that the Petitioners can have no claim of exemption from those duties. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 9. (9 folios.) qu.? 1696-7. (a.) Penna. Merch'ts' Pet'n to Govr. Nicholson, praying that none of their Vessels going thro' the seas belonging to Maryland be taxed or otherwise assized. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 8. 1697. March 25. Board of Trade to Mr. Seer. Trumbull (of the Pr. Council) relating'to Admiralty Officers for the 3 Lower Counties. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 133. (4 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 269 1697, March 30. Lt. Govr. Markham to Capt'n Daniell, in answer to his letter of March 9, 1696-7, rebuking him for the rude and indicent expressions used therein, when speaking of the Deserters from his Ship. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 6. (3 folios.) March 30. Board of Trade to Mr. Attorney Generaldesiring him to draw up a form of Bond or security to be taken from the Proprietors of several Colonies in America for their respective Deputy Governors who are not of the King's nomination. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 62. (4 folios.) April 8. Seer. Popple to the Att. General, requiring him to hasten the Dispatch of the Bond required to be drawn by him on the 30th of March last. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 64. (2 folios.) April (9). Draft of a Bond (presented by Mr. Att. Genl. to the Board of Trade) to be entered into by the Proprietors of several Plant'ns in America. Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 38. (3 folios.) April 9. Mr. Att. Genl. Trevor to the Board of Trade with a draft of a Bond to be entered into by the Proprietors of several Plant'ns in Am'a. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 38. (1 folio.) April 14. Secr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes, Seer. of the Treasury, with a copy of a draft of a Bond to be entered into by the proprietors of several Plantations in America, desiring that the same be laid before the Lords Commiss'rs of the Treasury for their opinion. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 68. (3 folios.) 270 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1697, April 22, Kensington. The King's letter to Mr. Penn (being a Duplicate of a Circular letter to all the Proprietors) commanding him strictly to observe the Laws for preventing of Frauds in the Plantation Trade under the Penalty of forfeiting his Patent. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 70. (3 folios.) April 24. Lt. Govr. Markham to Mr. Penn-vindicates his conduct with regard to the Pirates and Privateers in answer to the charges brought, by E. Randolph. (Extracts.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 11. (7 folios.) April 30. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple.-Informs him that by direction of the Lords of the Treasury he forwarded to the Commiss'rs of Customs for their opinion the Draft of a Bond to be entered into by the Prop'rs of several Plantations in America. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 42. (1 folio.) April 30, Westminster. Copy of the Commission given to Edw. Randolph, Rob. Quary, Rich. Hollewell, Edward Chilton, John Moore, and Jasper Yates, for administering to the Govr. of Penna. the oath appointed by Act of Parliament for preventing Frauds and regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade. Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 31. (17 folios.) May 1. Lt. Govr. Markham to (Mr. Penn)-vindicates his character from the accusation of being avaricious -sends Indian Bows and Arrows as a presentJohn Day is gone for Holland. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 3. No. 12. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 271 1697, May 4. Report of the Custom Commiss'rs to the Lords of the Treasury, upon the Draft of a Bond to be entered into by the Proprietors, giving their opinion that the penalty ought not to be less than E2000, and not more than ~5000. (Orig'i.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 43. No. 1. (2 folios.) May 5. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple with a Report of the Custom Commissioners upon the draft of a Bond to be entered into by the Proprietors in America, concerning the amount of security to be taken from the said Proprietors. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 43. (2 folios.) May 8. Secr. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing the form of a Bond to be entered into by the several Proprietors in America, that he may comply with it as soon as he can conveniently come to Town. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 74. (3 folios.) May 11. Letter from the Custom Commiss'rs to the Lords of the Treasury, inclosing a Draft of Instructions prepared by them for the Govrs. in the American Plantations relating to the observance of the Acts of Trade and Navigation. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 143. (90 folios.) May 20. Secr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes-expressing the opinion of the Board of Trade upon the Draft of Instructions transmitted by the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury, and by them to the Board. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 166. (5 folios.) July 8. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing the King's letter of April 22, 1697. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 84. (1 folio.) 272 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1697, July 13, Annapolis. Copy of the Information of Thomas Robinson, Esq're, about Privateers at Philadelphia. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 49. 4. (12 folios.) July 30. Copy of Mr. Samuel Carpenter's letter to Mr. Penn, on behalf of the Penna. Government, about Piracy and prosecutions upon forbidden Trade. Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 4. No. 2. (4 folios.) September 1. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Penn to Col. Markham, Lt. Govr. of Penna., about drawing the Boundary line between that Province and Maryland. Propr. B. T. Vol. 1. A. 52. (2 folios.) September 10, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-This letter is a Duplicate of one dated Sept'r 6, 1697, in which he states, that all the goods under seizure in the Marshall's hands were by force taken away;-application was made to Col. Markham to have them restored, but he refused to do it; -the Merchants of Penna. send Tobacco to Scotland and import the European Goods from Curacao; their late Act destroys the Admiralty Court;-the Judges & Judges not sworn, and, lastly, that he cannot proceed in his office and desires directions from the Board. In this letter he adds, that Mr. Randolph was imprisoned by the Lt. Govr. Markham for writing to him (Mr. M.);-that the Law did oblige Col. Markham to have his Majesty's & Council's allowance and approbation before he acted as Govr. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 285. (15 folios.) (September 20) (Received). Mr. Robert Snead of Penn RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 273 1697. sylvania to Sir John Houblon, complaining of Col. Markham, Lt. Govr. of that Province, in regard of his countenancing the Pirates. (Orig'l-with an Affidavit.) Propr. B. T. V. 1. A. 54. (26 folios.) September (22). Col. Robert Quary's Memorial-giving an account of the State of Pennsylvania, suggesting the necessity of a Vessel to cruise at the entrance of Delaware Bay to prevent Illegal Trade, and praying he might have a salary for his place of Judge of the Admiralty in that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 1. A. 55. (18 folios.) October 8. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, informing him that the Commiss'rs of Trade desire to speak with him on the subject of the complaints relating to the protection of Pirates in Penna. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 166. (2 folios.) October 15. Mr. Penn to Mr. Seer. Popple-regrets to hear the complaints against Col. Markham, his Dep. Govr. in Penna., for protecting Pirates, and suggests that Lord Bellomont be appointed to investigate the truth of the same. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 2. (9 folios.) October 25, Council Office. Order of Council directing the Board of Trade to send the Proclamation for publishing the Peace to the Governors in the American Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 186. (2 folios.) October 27, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of 22 274 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1697. Trade to the Govrs. in America, about publishing the Peace. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 190. (4 folios.) November 9. Mr. Penn to Mr. Seer. Popple-desires that a letter be sent from the Board to Govr. Nicholson ordering him to desist levying any duty upon the Ships belonging to Pennsylvania, as the Law passed at Maryland to that effect will not be confirmed. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 4. (3 folios.) November 13. Mr. Francis Jones of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn,-tending to vindicate Col. Markham's conduct in relation to Pirates there. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 3. (14 folios.) November 22. Seer. Popple to Sr. Charles Hedges, Knt., Judge of the High Court of Admt'y, about the Power of Admiralty Courts in the Plantations with relation to Pirates. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 207. (2 folios.) November 30. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Govrs. of Plantations with copies of the Treaty of Peace. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 208. (3 folios.) November. Names of Persons, who can give information about Pirates in Maryland, delivered to the Seer. of the Board by Mr. Penn. Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 3. No. 18. (1 folio.) November. Col. Robt. Quary to Mr. Penn-tending to vindicate Col. Markham's conduct in relation to Pirates in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 3. No. 1. (7 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 275 1697, December 9. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King about the Pirates' being sheltered in the American Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 211. (10 folios.) December 22, Whitehall. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring him to transmit to the Board the Laws made in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 188-. (1 folio.) December 28. Mr. Penn to Mr. Seer. Popple, transmitting to the Board the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 6. (1 folio.) December 30, Whitehall. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn-desiring him to give an answer to his letter of the 8th of May last about the security required of him for his Deputy Governor. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 189. (2 folios.) 1697 -. List of the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania, transmitted to the Board by Mr. Penn, Deer. 28, 1697. Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 7. (10 folios.) 1697 -. Mr. Penn's Reply to Govr. Nicholson's answer to the Philadelphia Merchants' complaint to him. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 4. No. 1. (6 folios.) 1697-8. January 7th, Essex Street. Seer. Popple to Sr. Thos. Trevor, Kn't, Attorney General, & Sr. John Hawles, 276 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1697-8. Kn't, Solicitor Genl., transmitting the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 221. (1 folio.) January 13th, Essex Street. Letter from the Board to Mr. Seer. Vernon, inclosing a Representation to the King about the Pirates in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 222. (13 folios.) February 12, Philadelphia. Copy of Col. Markham's Proclamation about Pirates. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 49. 6. (10 folios.) February 14. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, relating to the security required from Proprietors for their respective Deputy Governors in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 8. (4 folios.) February 23, Whitehall. Letter from the Board of Trade to the Proprietors of Carolina, Bahama —, Pennsylvania & N. Jerseys, with a proclamation prohibiting his Maj'ty's subjects to enter the service of Foreign Princes, &c. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 196. (2 folios.) March 15, Philadelphia. Examination of Peter Claus and James Brown, two of Every's Crew at Philadelphia, relating to Pirates. (Attested Copy.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 41. (6 folios.) March 21, Cockpit. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Proprietors of Carolina, Pennsylvania, &c., about enacting Laws against Privateers and Pirates. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 199. (5 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 277 1698. April 2, Philadelphia. Copy of the Deposition of Robert Webb, relating to the seizure and reldase of a Vessel trading illegally in Pennsylvania, in November, 1696. (Received from Mr. Randolph, May 19, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 35. (6 folios.) April 25, New York. Mr. Randolph to Secretary Popple about Pirates and Illegal Traders-and amongst other things, accuses Col. Markham of favouring the Pirates-of breaking his oath by taking a Quaker's attest; recommends the King to appoint Governours in the Proprieties,-and that an Attorney Genl. is wanted in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 42. (10 folios.) April 25. Mr. Robert Snead of Philadelphia to Sr. John Hubland, one of the Admiralty Commissioners, relating to the protection of Pirates in the Govern't of Pennsylv. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 14. (5 folios.) April (26). Preface or Title to the new Laws of Pennsylvania, transmitted by Mr. Randolph, in his letter to the Board of April 26. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 40. 1. (4 folios.) April 26, New York. Mr. Randolph to the Board of Trade.-He administered the oath to Col. Nicholson, Govr. of Maryland, for the due execution of the Acts of Trade and Navigation-Sr. Edmd. Andros took the oath also-arrives at New Castle and finds there an Arbitrary Quaker Govern't; no oaths administered even upon Trials of Criminals-comes 278 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1698. to Philadelphia & administers the oath to Col. Markham-Col. Markham protects Pirates-He puts Plantation Bonds in a suit at Philadelphia, but the Govr. does not assist him, and eludes the proceedings in those suits, &c., &c.-The Proprietors have not given security for their Governors-proposes the Government of the Proprietys be taken into the King's hands, &c., &c. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 40. (20 folios.) May 30. The Address and vindication of the Freemen of the Province of Pennsylvania to the Kingwherein they congratulate the Kingdom on the peace-vindicate themselves with regard to the Scotch and Dutch Trade and about the Ships with Tobacco not going direct to England. Mr. Randolph's irregular proceedings-The Pirates apprehended in Pennsylv'a, escaped to New York, thither pursued and apprehended, but set at Liberty without Trial.-Col. Fletcher accused of countenancing the Pirates.-Charge ag'st Mr. Randolph for bringing false accusations against the Pennsylvania Govern't. (Orig'l-signed by the Lt. Govr. Markham, eleven Members of the Council, and 19 of the Assembly, with eleven copies of different papers inclosed with the Address in support of the allegations therein contained.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 18. No. 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (70 folios.) May -, Philadelphia. Copy of an Act passed in Pennsylvania for preventing frauds and regulating abuses in Trade, with Mr. Randolph's marginal notes, RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 279 1698. transmitted to the Board in his letter of the 25th of Aug., 1698. (An imperfect copy.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. C. 18. (36 folios.) July 4, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board with regard to the establishing of the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania, and the difficulties which he meets with on account of the Act of the Assembly which has taken off the obligation of an oath in all cases relating to the Acts of Trade and Navigation. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 22. (13 folios.) July 23, Philadelphia. Copy of a Bond given by an Illegal Trader. (Referred to in Col. Quary's Letter of the 1st of March, 1698-9.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 17. (5 folios.) July 23, Philadelphia. Copy of a Bond given by Francis Bassett and John Motorehead for the Sloop Jacob of Albany, seized by the Collector of his Majesty's Customs in Pennsylvania on the 8th of July, 1698. Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 27. 6. (4 folios.) August (5). Narrative of Capt'n Robert Sneed, one of the Justices of the Peace in Pennsylvania, containing his proceedings in seizing some Pirates at Philadelphia and committing them, and Governor Markham protecting & letting them escape. (Orig'.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 4. B. 49. 3. (15 folios.) August 8, New York. Mr. Randolph to the Board of Trade.-The Pennsylvania Act about Trade is repugnant to the Act passed in England-Col. Quary intends to hold a Court of Admiralty to Try an illegal Trader-Col. Markham has not had the 280 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1698. oath legally administered to him-Col. Markham has made a Scotchman a Naval Officer-The Commission for Administering the oath is in the Secretary's Office-Col. Markham took the oath, but not before the Commissioners - Consequence - Col. Markham will not let the Commissio'rs for administering the oath keep the Commission-Mr. Randolph was abused & imprisoned-represents the necessity of having a small vessel well manned to cruise at the Entrance of Delaware Bay. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 26. 2. (13 folios.) August 9, New York. Depositions of Edward Randolph. -How he was abused, when in Philadelphia, by Patrick Robinson, a Scotchman, Secretary of Pennsylvania, and reasons for it-Col. Markham will not appoint an Att. General to prosecute Bonds, but demands to have the same himself-Col. Markham imprisoned Mr. Randolph and required him to deliver up the forfeited Bonds-One of those Bonds delivered to Col. Markham. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 26. 3. (10 folios.) August 19. Mr. Yard, Seer. to Lords Justices, to Mr. Popple with the Pennsylvania Freemen Address of the 30 of May, 1698, to be submitted to the Consideration of the Board of Trade. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 18. (1 folio.) August 25, New York. Mr. Randolph to the Board.Among the other matters informs them that Mr. Markham passed a Law contrary to his Instr'sthat that Law defeats the Act for preventing Frauds, and, if passed in England, will be a pre RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 281 1698. cedent for the other Proprieties, and draw away the People from N. Y. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. C. 18. (12 folios.) August 25, New York. Queries upon one Clause in the Act made in the 7 & 8 Will. III., Entitled an Act for preventing Frauds and regulating abuses in the Plantation Trade, relating to Proprietors' Governours -presented to the Board by Mr. Randolph. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. C. 18. (7 folios.) August 25, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-Two seizures were lately made in this Bay of East India goods-the illegal Trade is carried on in Pennsylvania upon a very extensive scale-cannot hold the C't of Admiralty as yet, as the Officers live a great way off, the Marshall is a cripple, and the Registrar is one of that Assembly that made the Act so prejudicial to the Admiralty Court. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 29. (11 folios.) August 28 (Newcastle). Deposition of R't Webb, Marshall of the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania, relating to the taking away by force of goods under seizure in his Custody, by the Sheriff of that Prov'ce. (Incl. in Col. Quary's letter of Sept'r 6, 1698.Copy.) Proprie. B. T. V. 2. B. 34. No. 1. (2 folios.) August 30 (Philadel'a). Col. Quary to the Earl of Bridgewater, complaining of the illegal Trade's being carried on in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 30. (6 folios.) September 12, Annapolis. Col. Nicholson to the Board of 282 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1698. Trade.-Offers his remarkslupon the Act of Trade lately passed in Pennsylvania. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 26. 4. (8 folios.) September 14, Pennsylv'a. Certificate relating to a Jury's determining a verdict in Pennsylv'a by " hustle-cap." (Copy-presented to the Board of Trade by Col. Quary, March 31, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 3. (4 folios.) September 16, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board.-Lt. Gov'r Markham has in his hands considerable effects of the Pirates.-His Commission to take Pirates' effects into Custody of the Admiralty is of no force. -A French Pirate landed, plundered Lewis Town and took 8 or 9 ships.-The people of Pennsylvania are very much exposed to Pirates and to the Indians for want of Militia. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 2. B. 35. (6 folios.) October 14, Treasury Chamb'r. Mr. Lownds to Secr. Popple inclosing an Extract of a Report from the Custom Commissioners to the Lords of the Treasury for the consideration of the Board of Trade. (Entry,) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 358. (10 folios.) October 20, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board-the irregularities of the Govern't of Pennsylvania, the contempt with which the King's Commission was treated by Mr. Lloyd, one of the Council-the want of military defence makes the people who are not Quakers very uneasy. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 40. (10 folios.) October 27. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices with the draft on an Instruction RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 283 1698. to the Respective Gov'rs in America relating to the employment of Naval Officers there. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 368. (14 folios.) November 3. Order in Council approving the draft of an Instruction to the Respective Gov'rs in America relating to the employment of Naval Officers there, presented to the Lords Justices by the Board of Trade Octo'r 27, 1698. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 34. p. 379. (2 folios.) Nov'r 10, 11 & 12, Newcastle. Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty held at New Castle by Col. Quaryreferred to in Col. Quary's letter of the 1st of March 1698-9. (Attested Copy.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 17. 4. (30 folios.) November 19, Philad'a. Copy of a Warrant of the Court of Admiralty, set up by the Gov'r of Pennsylv'a, for seizing a Ship. Propr. B. T, Vol. 3. C. 17. 3. (1 folio.) December 1st, Philad'a. Robert Webb's Deposition about the affront offered to the King's person in Open Court in Philadelphia by Mr. David Lloyd, Attorney Gen'l-referred to in Col. Quary's letter of the 1st of March, 1698-9. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 17. 1. (4 folios.) December 1, Philad'a. Samuel Holt's Deposition about the affront offered to the King's person in Open Court in Philad'a by Mr. Daniel Lloyd, Att. Gen'lreferred to in Col. Quary's letter of the 1st of March, 1698-9. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 17. 2. (3 folios.) December 10, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade -describes largely the irregularities in Trade com 284 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1698. mitted by the People of Pennsylvania, and that the Acts of Parliament have no force there-they have barbarously used Mr. Randolph the Surveyor General, and concluded that by such means they have prevented his coming amongst them any more. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 39. (15 folios.) December 19, London. Memorial of Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade-Offers his remarks upon the Act passed in Pennsylvania for preventing of Frauds &c. in Trade, and defends Mr. Markham and the People of Pennsylvania against the accusations of Randolph & others for carrying on an illegal Trade. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 38. (10 folios.) December 23. Extract of a Letter from Seer. Popple to Seer. Sanson of the Customs, about the marginal note relative to the Proprieties, in the draft of the Instructions to the several Governors in the Plantations relating to Trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 1. (3 folios.) 1698 -. Copy of an Act for preventing Frauds and regulating Abuses in Trade within the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties annexed. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 26. 8. (35 folios.) 1698 —. Copy of an Act for preventing Frauds and regulating abuses in Trade within the Province of Pennsylvania and Counties annexed-brought to the Board by Mr. Penn, Decemb'r 16. Propr. B. T. Vol. 2. B. 37. (60 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 285 1698-9, January 3, Custom House. Extract of a letter from the Seer. Sanson to Seer. Popple, in answer to his letter of Dec'r 23, 1698. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 2. (2 folios.) January 5. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King upon the drafts of Instructions relating to Trade for Barbadoes, Jamaica, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Carolina, and the Bahama Islands. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 3. (3 folios.) January 5, Kensington. Order in Council upon Representation from the Board of Trade of the same day, relating to the Instructions for the different Governors in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 35. p. 8. (2 folios.) January 10. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King relating to Ships of War for the service of the Plantations in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 4. (10 folios.) January 19, Admiralty. Report of the Admiralty Cornmissioners upon a Representation of the Board of Trade of the 10th January, relating to the Ships of War for the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 9. (8 folios.) February 3. Mr. Secretary Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing his Majesty's Instructions relating to Trade. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 307. (2 folios.) March 1, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.The Government of Philadelphia oppose and affront the King's Laws & authority, and cast scurrilous 286 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1698-9. reflexions on the King's person.-He has held a Court of Admiralty and sends the proceedings.No obedience paid to that Court.-The Gov'r refuses to Deliver up the Goods of a Prize without Mr. Penn's Order.-Gives an account of their Act of Trade.-They have threatened him & the other Admiralty Officers. - They forcibly entered the King's Storehouse and took away the seized goods and brought an Action against the Marshall for detaining those Goods.-They have affronted the King in open Court.-Instance of their dislike of the Admiralty Court.-They perswade people to oppose that Court.-They have now set up a Court of Admiralty of their own.-They have arrested a Ship & proceeded against her.-They endeavour to ruin the Admiralty Officers.-He is " out of pocket" and dares not take any Fees.-Other provinces submit to the Admiralty Court.-An Illegal Trader was seized-the Ship was condemned-the Merchants appealed but would not give security.-He cannot put the Bond in suit, nobody will prosecute for the King.-He desires directions from the Board. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 16. (24 folios.) March 1, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Commissioners of Admiralty.-This letter is the same in substance as the one to the Board of Trade of the same date. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 27. 2. March (6). Copy of a Bill now depending in the House of tC n h d ens nding in the H ouse of Commons, that Judgments and decrees hereafter to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 287 1698-9. be obtained in his Maj'ties Courts of Law and Equity in England, may be executed in the English Plantations and Colonies in America. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. C. 31. (38 folios.) March 9, Kensington. Copy of an Order in Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of Janu'y 10th, relating to Ships of War for the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 35. p. 32. (3 folios.) 1699. April 13th, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to the Attorney & Solicitor General, desiring them to hasten to send to the Board their opinion upon the Laws of Pennsylvania sent to them the 7th of January, 1697-8. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 339. (1 folio.) May 10, 12, & 13, Philad'a. Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania about the seizure and Trial of the Ship Providence. Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 59. (13 folios.) May 12 & 13. Copy of the Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty at Philadelphia, upon the petition of John Lumby, Master of the Ship Providence. Propr. B. T. Vol. C. 28. 2 & 3. (26 folios.) May 18, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.This is his 6th letter and no orders or Instructions received.-Mr. Penn informed those of Pennsylvania Govern't that he had "blown off" several of the complaints sent home against them.-They affront the King.-They take prohibited goods under seizure.-The Assembly passed an Act to destroy the 288 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699. King's C't of Admiralty & erect one of their own. -An account of a Ship tried for want of Registry. -The proceedings of the C't of Admiralty are transmitted.-Officers of the C't of Admiralty can hardly be prevailed upon to Act, &c.-The rest is in substance very much like Col. Quary's letter of the 1st of March, 1698-9. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 28. (20 folios.) May (24), London. Presentment of the Custom Commissioners to the Lords Justices about the abuses in Trade in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 26. 1. (4 folios.) May 25, Kensington. Order of Council referring to the Presentment of the Custom Commissioners of the 24th of May, 1699, with several papers relating to the abuses of Pennsylvania, to the considera'n of the Board of Trade. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 26. (2 folios.) (May) -, Philad'a. Copy of a Libel filed at the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania by Mr. John Moore, advocate of that Court, against the Ship Providence, John Lumby Master. Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 28. 1. (12 folios.) (May) -. Copy of an Act passed in Pennsylvania against Pirates and Privateers.-Referred to in Col. Quary's letter of 6 June, 1699. Propr. B. T. V. 3. C. 32. (10 folios.) (May) -. Abstract of the Pennsylvania Act against Pirates, &c.-Referred to in Col. Quary's letter of the 6 June, 1699. Propr, B. T. V. 3. C —. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 289 1699, June 1, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade. -A Ship is arrived in Pennsylvania with 60 Pirates-part of them belonged to Capt'n Kidd.-The Ship belongs to N. Y. Merchants, and one Shelly commands her.-He has seized two of the Pirates and sent them to Burlington, had he sent them to Pennsylvania they would have been set at liberty.He pursued two more & with the assistance of Col. Markham lodged them in Philadelphia.-Col. Markham took the goods found with the Pirates, and will neither deliver them to the Admiralty Officers nor give an account of them.-Col. Markham would not assist him to seize the vessel.-There is no Militia in Pennsylvania to defend the Country.-He has frequently written about the contempt of the Admiralty Court. - The want of Salaries for the Admiral'y Officers makes men unwilling to serve in that station. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 30. (15 folios.) June 6, Philad'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.Since his last Col. Bass seized 4 more of the Pirates.-He could easily have seized the rest with the ships, if the Govern't of Pennsylvania would have assisted him.-The Assembly have passed an Act (not the Jamaica Act sent them from the Board of Trade) against Pirates.-His observations thereupon.-He knows not how to try the Pirates, since none of the Judges nor the Jury would take their usual oaths.-Capt'n Kidd is arrived in Delaware Bay; the People frequently go on Board his Ship.The Pirates brought to Pennsylvania are only con23i 290 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699. fined to a Tavern, those in West Jersey are at liberty; the Quakers there will not let them go to Gaol. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 31. (21 folios.) June 12th, Admiralty Office. Lords of the Admiralty to the Justices-transmitting Col. Quary's letter of the 1st of March, 1698-9, and other papers for their Lordships' consideration. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 27. 1. (2 folios.) June 26, Newcastle (Pennsylv'a). Capt'n Nicholas Webb to the Board of Trade.-The Seamen of his Ship in which he came to Pennsylvania, assisted by some Pirates, ran away with the ship and everything in her, leaving him on shore-he sends affidavits of those men who would not join the Pirates. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. (35 folios.) June 29, Whitehall. Order in Council referring Col. Quary's letter to the Lords of the Admiralty-(and by them transmitted to the Lords Justices) bearing date March 1, 1698-9-to the consideration of the Board of Trade, who are to Report their opinion upon the same. (Orig'].) Propr. B. T. Vol. 3. C. 27. (2 folios.) July 3, Custom House. Seer. Sanson to Seer. Popple, informing him that the Commissions for administering oaths to the Gov'rs in the American Plantations were transmitted to the several Commissio'rs appointed for that purpose. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 57. (4 folios.) July 6. Draft of a Circular letter from the Lords Justices to the Proprietors in America, commanding them RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 291 1699. to be very careful in causing the Acts of Trade and Navigation to be duly put in Execution. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 25. p. 469. (5 folios.) July 6. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, with the draft of a Circular letter for their signature to the Governors of all the Plantations in America, about Officers of the Customs & Officers of the Admiralty. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 58. (10 folios.) July 13. Order in Council upon the Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices of the 6th of July, 1699. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 62. (2 folios.) July 27, New Castle. Copy of a deposition of Jacob Bodit and others about the opposition made to the Collector of New Castle in seizing some Pirates and their Goods in Delaware River. (Received from Col. Quary, May 19, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 33. (8 folios.) July -. Copies of two Depositions about Pirates' landing some goods in Delaware Bay. (Rec'd from Col. Quary, March 2, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 5. (6 folios.) August 4, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, in obedience to their orders of the 25th of May and 29th of June, 1699, relating to the abuses in Trade, &c., in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 20. (28 folios.) August 10, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, relating to the arrival 292 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699. & encouragement of Pirates in Pennsylvania & W. N. Jersey, and to illegal Trade between N. Y. & Madagascar. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 66. (23 folios.) August 15. Mr. Mompesson's opinion relating to Admiralty Courts in the Plantations, mentioned in a letter from Col. Quary to the Board of 25 July, 1703. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 15. (15 folios.) August 17, New Castle. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Birch, the Collector of N. C. to (Col. Quary), about the opposition he met with in seizing some Pirates and their goods in Delaware River in July, 1699. (R'd from Col. Quary, May 19, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 34. (6 folios.) August 22, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Col. Quarygiving him an account why his several letters to this Board have not yet been answered. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 80. (4 folios.) August 25, Portsmouth, Engl'd. Mr. Commissary Greenhill to Seer. Popple, about the conveyance of a Letter from the Seer. to Col. Quary in Philadelphia. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 1. (2 folios.) August 31, Whitehall. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation fiom the Board of Trade of the 4th of August, relating to Pennsylvania, declaring their Act for preventing Frauds, &c., and all others contrary to the Laws of England, to be void. Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 2. (3 folios.) August 31, Whitehall. Copy of an Order of Council upon RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 293 1699. a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 4th of August, about the arrival of Pirates in Pennsylvania, the Jerseys, &c.-disallowing Mr. Markham to be Lt. Gov'r of Pennsylvania, &c. Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 3. (3 folios.) August 31, Whitehall. An Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 4th of August, relating to Pennsylvania, approving what has been therein proposed, and that the several matters be recommended to Mr. Penn the Proprietor (now going thither) for remedying the several irregularities & undue practices lately committed in that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 4. (4 folios.) August —, Pennsylv'a. Copies of several Papers concerning the Pirates in Pennsylvania (inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of 20th Oct'r, 1699.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. E. 24. (25 folios.) September 12, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices upon the Earl of Bellomont's letter about Capt'n Kidd and other information about Pirates in the West Indies. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 63. (25 folios.) September 12, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Jersey, Principal Secretary of State, inclosing a copy of Col. Webb's letter of the 26th of June, 1699, requesting that such use be made of it, as his Lord'p shall understand to be expedient for his Maj'ty's service. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 97. (3 folios.) September 12, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Col. Quary. 294 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699. Reasons for not answering his letters before.-The Pennsyl'a Act for preventing Frauds, &c., made void.-Col. Markham disallowed to be Lt. Gov'r.As Mr. Penn is directed to reform abuses and support the Admiralty Officers, so those officers must be respectful towards him. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 102. (7 folios.) September 12, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn. -Acquainting him, that the Act for preventing Frauds, &c., is made void-that Col. Markham is disallowed to be Lt. Gov'r, and sending him the Orders in Council thereupon-ordering also that David Lloyd be removed from all public employments, and Anthony Morris from the Commission of the Peace -that all due obedience be given to the Court of Admiralty & to incourage & countenance the Officers of the Customs-the Acts of Trade to be observed-to enact Laws against Pirates-to settle a Militia-nothing to be done to the prejudice of the Crown-to make report of the state of the Province, and to give an account of his proceedings in reforming abuses. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 98. (11 folios.) September 26, Whitehall. An Order in Council upon the Representation from the Board of Trade of the 12th of September, 1699. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 74. (2 folios.) October 3, Whitehall. Letter from the Board of Trade to the Attorney and Solicitor General, for the draft of a warrant in order whereby Pirates with the evi RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 295 1699. dences against them may be sent for from the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 75. (2 folios.) October 9. Solicitor & Attorney General to Mr. Seer. Popple inclosing the draft of a warrant for sending for Pirates that are in Custody in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen]. B. T. V. 5. C. 47. (3 folios.) October 20, London. Mr. Ph. Ford to Mr. Seer. Popple acknowledging the receipt of a Letter from the Board of Trade to Mr. Penn. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 14. (1 folio.) October 20, Pennsylv'a. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-Reminds the Board of the several matters stated in his former letters, and desires speedy directions therein - he apprehended eight Pirates, & would have apprehended more if the Govern't of Pennsylv'a had rendered him the slightest assistance. The Pirates are out on Bail, & the constant companions of the Govern't Officers-they threaten his life-they carry the prohibited goods from place to place, and threaten the King's Collectors-&c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. E. 24. (12 folios.) October 23, Kensington. Order of Council upon a Presentment of the Commissioners of the Customs to the Lords of the Treasury touching a seizure of some Muslins, &c., by their Officers at Perth Amboy, & about the Gov'rs of Proprietijes' being approved by the King. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 83. (4 folios.) 296 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699, October 31, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, with the drafts of Circular letters for the Royal signature relating to Pirates, to the Governors of the several Provinces in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 85. (11 folios.) November 2, Kensington. Order of Council upon a Representation of the 31st of October, with drafts of letters from his Majesty to the several Governors in America, relating to Pirates. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 104. (2 folios.) December 23, Philadelphia. A printed Proclamation of Mr. Penn against Pirates. Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (6 folios.) December 23, Philadelphia. Printed Proclamation issued by Mr. Penn for the apprehending of Pirates or any suspected of Piracy. Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 24. (5 folios.) qu.? 1699, Philad'a. Copy of a Petition from the Inhabitants of New Castle to Lt. Governor Markham, relating to Pirates, and their inability to defend themselves. (Rec'd from Col. Quary, March 31, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 4. (5 folios.) 1699-1700. January 10, London. Mr. Attorney Gen'l Trevor to the Board of Trade-giving his opinion, that in pursuance of the Act passed in the 7 & 8 W. III. for preventing Frauds, &c., his Maj'ty may by Cormission under great Seal of England impower the Earl RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 297 1699- of Bellomont (Gov'r of N. Y. & Mass. B.) by name, 1700. or the Gov'r of any neighbouring Plantation for the time being, to approve or disapprove any of the Governors of the Proprieties or Charter Governments, from time to time. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 4. D. 37. (2 folios.) February 1, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, with drafts of Letters for his Maj'ty's signature to the several Governors in America, for sending Pirates to England. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 163. (6 folios.) February 1, Kensington. Order in Council upon a Representation of the same date from the Board of Trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 172. (2 folios.) February 1, Kensington. Draft of a letter for the King's signature to Mr. Penn, for sending to England such Pirates as are or may be seized in that Province. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 151. (3 folios.) February 9, Philad'a. Address of the Assembly of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn, in vindication of the Government from the complaints against it, and particularly for opposing the Court of Admiralty. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 25. (10 folios.) February 10. List of the Acts past at a General Assembly held in Pennsylvania. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 28. February 26, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to Mr. Secr. Vernon.-Brandinham and Evans, two Pirates, are confined in the Gaol.-The prison is made strong and 298 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699- secure.-The Assembly passed Laws against Pi1700. racy and Forbidden Trade.-Philadelphia is clear from distemper, of which 215 died, & the Country is much improved. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (12 folios.) February 27, Philad'a. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade. -He has displaced the Lt. Gov'r and others complained of.-He has called an Assembly and passed two Bills, the one against Piracy, the other against illegal Trade.-Philad'a has been much afflicted with sickness and mortality.-The Town and Country extremely improved.-The General Assembly have addressed him in vindication of the Government from the complaints against it.-He desires that Government may be protected.-If his representation of things be suspected, he appeals to his Neighbours, the Earl of Bellomont and Col. Blackinston.-If the Laws he left at the Board have not been laid before the King, he desires that may be deferred till the whole body of their Laws be transmitted.-He desires that Quakers may register their Ships without an Oath. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 23. 3. (11 folios.) March 1, Philadelphia. Col. Markham to the Lords of Trade, in answer to the accusations brought against him by Col. Quary and Mr. Randolph. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (45 folios.) March 6, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade. Mr. Penn's arrival had made a great change in the Govern't: he does not countenance or justify their former proceedings-The prize goods in the Govr's RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 299 1699- hands are delivered-The Sheriff is displaced and 1700. ordered to be persecuted for letting a Pirate escape-Two Acts, concerning Pirates & for the regulation of Trade, passed in the Assembly, which, with due execution, will answer the end-Mr. Penn very zealous in the King's service-he hopes there will be no occasion of sending home complaints-he prays to be reimbursed out of Pirates' money in his hands - Shelly the Pirate had been taken. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 5. (14 folios.) March 6, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to Mr. Vernon.-He shall deliver all the goods he took from Pirates to L'd Bellomont, and complains of the Lt. Govr. Markham for not assisting him in pursuing the Pirates. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (6 folios.) March 6, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade, inclosing Remarks on the abuses in the Plantation Trade, presented by him to the Custom Commissioners. (Origi'l-another copy in the Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 5. D. 41.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 5. (36 folios.) March 6, Philadelphia. Mr. Moore to the Board of Trade. Encouraged by Colonel Quary, he desires the Board to recommend him for the Attorney Generalship of Pennsylvania and the Jerseys. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 21. (2 folios.) March 10, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-Since Mr. Penn's arrival there, things begun to have a different aspect.-Mr. Penn pro 300 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1699- mised to give his assistance to the King's Officers. 1700. -He deposed Lt. Govr. Markham and Anthony Morrice, one of the Justices,-also called Mr. Lloyd to an account for affronting his Maj'ty's Commission in open Court, &c. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (6 folios.) March 10, Philadelphia. A Duplicate of Col. Quary's letter to Mr. Seer. Vernon of the 6 March. Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (6 folios.) 1700. March 26, Philadelphia. Col. Quary's deposition as to the quantity of Pirates' goods that ever came into his hands. Attested by Mr. Penn and John Noll. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Indies. V. 388. (3 folios.) April 1, Philadelphia. Mr. Markham to -. He regrets the punishment he received from the Lords of Trade, but he will not labour to be restored to the Deputation, but petitions that he may not continue under the King's displeasure, & that he may be allowed to defend himself against the accusation of his Ennemies. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (4 folios.) April 8. An Inventory of goods taken from Bradingham the Pirate by Colonel Markham, attested by Mr. Penn. (Orig'l.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (4 folios.) April 8, Philadelphia. Deposition of Mr. Markham, late Lt. Gr. of Pennsylvania, concerning the Treasure seized by him belonging to Robert Bradingham, RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 301 1700. apprehended on suspition of Piracy in May, 1699. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 27. (4 folios.) April 10, Pennsylvania. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-He has seized and condemned a Sloop from Curaqao. Old Pirates settled at Horekills keep constant correspondence with any Pirates coming thither.-Govr. Penn active in the discovery; committed them all to Gaol. —He is at a loss how to proceed against them.-If he had a small vessel, would no doubt be able to give a good account of vessels & lading. Necessity of rooting out the old Pirates.-Govr. Penn promises positively to do it. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 34. (6 folios.) April 28, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade. -He has displaced David Lloyd, the Attor'y Genl., and will prosecute him the next Quarter SessionsLloyd is the only Man in the Province versed in the Law.-He has sent two Pirates (Bradingham, Kidd's Doctor, and Evans) to New York with their Treasure.-One Wm. Stanton was seized with Bradingham but made his escape.-Gives an account of two other Pirates seized formerly by Col. Quary. Mr. Penn has seized one James Brown & sent him to the Earl of Bellomont.-When Kidd (The Pirate) was on that Coast, several people went on board of him from the Town of Lewis, and brought ashore about ~300 worth of goods-some of them were old Pirates settled in Pennsyl'a, whom Mr. Penn ordered to be seized.-They pretend they did not 302 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700. know Kidd, & that the goods were given them as a present by Wood & Gillam.-The Laws of Pennsylvania will not reach these Men, and requests orders from the Board. He is told that the money seized with the Pirates belong to him; he desires some assistance from the Board about the difficulties he meets with.-He sends the Laws past last Assembly, by one of which a great abuse in the weight of Tobacco Hhds., which Mr. Randolph established by his Instructions to the Collectors, is remedied.-He has been very much pressed by the Pirates for a Trial, and desires directions from the Board.-He has ordered a Deputy Govr. to be named to the Board for the King's approbation.He desires a clause may be put in some Act of Parliament for permitting Quakers to Register their ships without taking an oath. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 26. (30 folios.) May 4, Admiralty. Mr. Burchett to Seer. Popple, inclosing a list of the names of several Admiralty Officers in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 28. (6 folios.) June 5, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, relating to Admiralty passes for Plantation Ships. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 213. (20 folios.) June 5, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, relating to Commissions for Trying Pirates in her Maj'ty's Plantations in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 221, (27 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 303 1700, June 5, Virginia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade, concerning the effects of the Pirates seized by him, and the charge he was at in pursuing them. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 35. (22 folios.) June 6, Hampton Court. An Order of Council authorizing George Larkin, Esq're, to be one of the Commissioners for the Trial of Pirates in the Plantations, and that for the better settling the Forms of proceedings the said Larkin be sent with Duplicates of the Commissions to the several Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 275. (3 folios.) June 6, Hampton C't. An Order in Council upon a representation from the Board of Trade of the 5th June relating to Admiralty Passes for Plantation Ships. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 276. (3 folios.) June 11th, Admiralty. Mr. Burchett to Seer. Popple, inclosing a copy of the Instructions from the Lords of the Admiralty to the several Governors in the Plantations, relating to the issuing of Passes which will be sent to each Plantation. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 33. (40 folios.) June 14, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Burchett, in answer to his letter of the 11th Instant abo't issuing Passes in the Plantations. (Entry.) Another letter of the same date and on the same subject, (3 folios.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 266. (8 folios.) June 6th, Hampton C't. An Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 5th 304 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700. of the same Month relating to Commissions for Trying of Pirates in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 274. (3 folios.) June 19. Mr. Attorney General's Report to His Maj'ty upon an Order of Council of the 13th of June, 1700, desiring him to consider how the Law stands as to obliging the Proprietors of Plantations to give security for their Deputy Gover'rs. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 9. (5 folios.) June 20, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn's Commission to Thomas Farmer, High Sheriff of Philadelphia, to execute the Office of Water Bailiff. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 60. (3 folios.) July 5. A Memorial from some of the Inhabitants of the Bahama Islands, Carolina, Pennsylvania, Jerseys, &c., relating to the State of the coin in the Plantations, presented to the Board by Mr. Tysack. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 43. (8 folios.) July 10, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Sansom, Seer. to the Custom Commissioners, about alterations in the Instructions to the Governors in America, relating to Trade. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 305. (3 folios.) July 18th, Whitehall. An Order of Council commanding the Governors in the American Plantations to give to the Board of Trade a particular account of the Method of proceedings in the several Courts upon all Trials in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 309. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 305 1700, July 19, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Sansom, Seer. of the Customs, about a clause in the Commissions to the Governors in America, relating to Custom House Officers. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 307. (4 folios.) July 26, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to S'r John Hawles, his Maj'ty's Solicitor Gen'l, inclosing for his opinion, two Acts past at an Assembly held in Pennsylvania the 10th of February, 1699-1700. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 285. (2 folios.) July 30, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Charlewood Lawton, Agent for Pennsylvania-communicating to him some extracts from Mr. Penn's letters, and desiring him to act as he thinks proper in order to procure what he desires in relation to the Public affairs of Pennsylvania-he is also desired to apply himself to L'd Baltimore in order to settle the disputed boundary line between Maryland and Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 291. (6 folios.) August 1, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Gov'rs in America, inclosing a Copy of the Order of Council of the 18th of July. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 332. (2 folios.) August 1, Whitehall. Circular letter to Mr. Penn (delivered to Mr. Lawton) relating to the Method of Proceedings in the several Courts upon Trials of all sorts of causes in Pennsylv'a. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 293. (2 folios.) 24 306 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700, August 19, Whitehall The Board of Trade to Col. Quary-glad to hear that Mr. Penn has applied himself to the reformation of the irregularities in Pennsylvania-they cannot decide in the matter which relates to the Effects of the Pirates, but must refer the same to the Council-they hope that by the late Act of Parliament for the suppression of Piracy, every one in authority will thereby understand plainly their duty. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 310. (5 folios.) August 23, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. PennCol. Quary wrote to the Board of Mr. Penn's reforming the abuses-the Improvements of the Province very acceptable-an honest conduct recommended to him-he is desired to follow the orders about Pirates, which were sent him, and that all difficulties in that matter will be removed by the late Act of Parliament for suppression of Piracy-Two Acts lately sent by him are with the Solicitor Gen'l, the Board will suspend their Report till the Body of Laws is received-Nomination of a Lt. Gov'r not yet offered-Mr. Penn's desire that the Quakers may be enabled to Register their Ships without Oaths, and that the bounds of the Admiralty Jurisdiction may be explained, recommended to Mr. Lawton's care. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 311. (10 folios.) November 5. Memorial from Mr. Randolph to the Board of Trade, shewing the loss the King sustains in the Revenue of his Customs on Tobacco, carried from the American Plantations to Newfoundland, Scot RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 307 1700. land, &c.-submitting proposals for regulating the Trade in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 48. (50 folios.) November 5. Mr. Randolph's Journal of his Survey in the American Plantations commencing from Nov'r 8, 1697, to July 1, 1700, presented by him to the Board of Trade. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 49. (50 folios.) November 6. A list of the names of Proprietory Gov'rs not allowed of by his Maj'ty, at the end of the list there is a Query? Whether Mr. Penn the present Proprietor &c. be qualified? not being first approved of by his Maj'ty's order in Council as by the Act directed. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 331. (4 folios.) November 9, Philad'a. Mr. Moore, to the Admiralty Commissioners, complaining of the ineficiency of the Register of the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania, and begs that no Inhibition should be granted from the High Court of Admiralty to vacate a sentence given in May 1699, against the Ship Providence. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 61. (4 folios.) November 14, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade.-Incloses a copy of'his Letter to the Lords of the Admiralty.-He is labouring under great difficulties.-Pennsylvania is the only Govern't in America which opposes the authority of the Court of Admiralty. Orig'l. (Entry Propr. V. 26. p. 411.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 5. F. 57. (3 folios.) November 14, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Admiralty 308 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700. Commissioners.-Relating to the Proceedings in the Court of Admiralty in Pennsylvania, and the obstacles which are thrown in the execution of his Commission by that Government-attested Copy. (Entry Propr. V. 26. p. 413.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 58. (36 folios.) Decem'r 8 & 13, Pennsylvania. Mr. Penn, to the Board of Trade-acknowledges the receipt of several letters from Whitehall, and that the orders therein contained shall be fulfilled.-He went to New York and had a conference with the Earl of Bellomont and other Gov'rs where they agreed on certain points of the internal regulation of the Colonies.Col. Quary has no salary-is often obliged to be absent upon Trade which is not for the King's service. -Mr. Penn appointed Mr. Charlewood Lawton his agent in London. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 4. (36 folios.) Decem'r 8 & 13, Pennsylvania. An Account of goods received from on Board Capt'n Kidd by some persons in Pennsylvania. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 6. (6 folios.) December 10, Philadelphia. Copy of Mr. Penn's letter to the Lords of the Admiralty inclosed in his letter to the Board of Trade of Aug. 26, 1701. Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 40. (25 folios.) December 12, Philadelphia. An affidavit of Mr. Burch, that he never traded with Gillam the Pirate. (Attested Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 5. (3 folios.) December 20, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to S'r John RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 309 1700. (q.? Tho's) Trevor Attorn. Gen'l desiring to know (for the information of the Board of Trade) whether he has reported to the King his opinion how the Proprietors may be more effectually obliged to present the names of the respective Gov'rs appointed by them for his Maj'ty's allowance or disallowance. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 405. (2 folios.) December 28, Philadelphia. Copy of C. Sober's deposition and Mr. Portlock's Bond for money left him by Bradenham-referred to in Mr. Penn's letter of 31 Dec'r, 1700. Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 9. (10 folios.) December 31, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to the Boardgives some account of the Pirates' goods-the People of Pennsylvania think they may conceal Pirates, he desires advice from the Board about it.-He sends a copy of the Proposals left with the Earl of Bellomont and a copy of Mr. Randolph's letter of Novem'r 5, 1692 about pardons for Pirates.-Mr. Penn is censured for his zeal against forbidden Trade. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 7. (12 folios.) December -. Heads discoursed of at New York between the Earl of Bellomont Col. Nicholson and Mr. Penn for the advantages of their respective Governments, referred to in Mr. Penn's letter of the 31 Dec'r, 1700. Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 8. (7 folios.) 310 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700-1, January 14. Sir Tho: Trevor to Mr. Popple, in answer to his letter of Dec'r 20th, 1700, desiring to inform the Board of Trade that he did not make any Report to the Council on the subject mentioned in his letter, as the late Act of Parliament for punishing Pirates does not provide any means to oblige the Proprietors, and he hopes that a new Act of Parliam't will be attempted this next Session. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 410. (2 folios.) January 19, Hampton C't. Draft of a letter for the King's signature to Mr. Penn directing him to contribute ~350 sterl'g towards the Fortifications on the Frontiers of New York. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 406. (6 folios.) January 28, Philadelphia. Letter from the Vestrymen of Christ Church in Philadelphia about their religious rites' being invaded by a late Act of the Assembly. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 13. (13 folios.) January 28, Whitehall. Mr. Secr. Popple, to Mr. Burchet Seer. of the Admiralty-desiring him to communicate to the Board of Trade such information as to the illegal Trade in Pennsylvania as the Lords of the Admiralty possess, in order to present the same to the King. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 432. (2 folios.) February 3. A paper presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Randolph containing the names of several Governors of the America Plantations who were guilty of the breach of Acts of Trade and therefore RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 311 1700-1. forfeited ~1000 to the Crown.-Mr. Markham is one of them. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 54. (4 folios.) February 3. An account of Vessels and goods forfeited in the Plantations for breach of the Acts of Trade, presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Randolph. (Orig'].) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. D. 55. (15 folios.) February 3, London. Mr. Randolph's account of money due to his Maj'ty for the Ird of seizures & forfeited Vessels and goods detained by the Gov'rs of No. & So. Carolina & Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 65. (5 folios.) February 3, London. A list of Bonds taken by Mr. Markham, the Naval Officers and others in the Province of Pennsylvania, presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Randolph. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 5. F. 66. (5 folios.) February 3, Admiralty Office. Mr. Burchet Secretary to the Admiralty Commissioners, to Mr. Popple, Secretary to the Board of Trade, inclosing copies of several letters from Col. Quary and other papers, relative to Pirates, illegal Trade and Courts of Admiralty in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 64. (200 folios.) February 13. Deposition of Robert Dale about goods imported from Curacao to Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 10. (3 folios.) February 19, London. Abstract of Mr. Randolph's Memorial presented to the Board of Trade setting forth the misdemeanours and mal-administrations of Go 312,CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1700-1. vernors in the Proprieties & Charter Governments in America. (Signed by E. Randolph.) Propr. B. T. V. 5. F. 69. (48 folios.) March 5. MIr. Randolph's memorial to the Board of Trade setting forth the ill condition of the Plantations on the Continent of America with respect to their defence against an Enemy. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 2. (36 folios.) March 6, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to the Board-the improved condition of Pennsylvania is not owing to Pirates or unlawful Trade, but to the industrious habits of the People-some remarks upon an indirect Trade carried on with CuraSao-he has appointed a Committee of Trade-he will send the Pennsylvania Laws by the next Ship-requests that an alteration in registering of Ships may be made. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 12. (10 folios.) March 17. Mr. Randolph's proposals to the Board of Trade for regulating Trade in all the American Plantations and in the West Indies. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 6. (12 folios.) March 24. Articles of high Crimes and misdemeanours charged upon the Governors of the Proprietary Governments in America, presented to the Board of Trade by Mr. Randolph. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 3. (14 folios.) 1701. March 26, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, containing several charges of RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 313 1701. misdemeanour upon the Governors of the Proprietary Plantations in America. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 12. (15 folios.) April 2. Order of the House of Commons requiring an Account of the complaints made to the Board of Trade in relation to Trade and the Courts of Justice in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 7. (1 folio.) April 2, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. Seer. Vernon, with extracts of Mr. Penn's letters of the 8th & 31st Dec'r, 1700. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 39. (2 folios.) April 10, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, with Instructions for Mr. Larkin relating to the Trial of Pirates in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 410. (14 folios.) April 15, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn-what he wrote about Pirates, was communicated to Mr. Seer. Vernon-is desired to communicate to other Governours the heads of deliberations with the Earl of Bellomont-requested to hasten an account of the method of proceedings in the Courts of Justice in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 40. (7 folios.) April 19, Whitehall. Letter from the Board of Trade to Mr. Larkin, inclosing the heads of enquiries to the different Gov'rs in the Plantations about Pirates and Privateers. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 35. p. 417. (20 folios.) April 23, Whitehall. Answer of the Board of Trade to an 314 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1701. Order of the House of Commons of the 2d April, requiring an account of the complaints made to that Board in relation to Trade, and the Courts of Justice in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 35. p. 424. (70 folios.) April 23, Philadelphia. Copy of a Contract made between Mr. Penn and the Indians in the Neighbourhood of Pennsylvania-(referred to in Mr. Penn's answer of Apr. 29, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 20. (20 folios.) April 29. Letter from the Board to the Lords of the Treasury, for assistance to be given to Mr. Randolph about the Bill depending in the House of Lords for reuniting the Government of the Proprieties to the Crown. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 47. (3 folios.) April 29, House of Lords. Order of the House of Lords requiring the Secretary of the Board to attend their Lordships with such Books and papers as may relate to the Bill for reuniting the Government of the Proprieties to the Crown. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 14. (2 folios.) May 3, House of Lords. Order of the House of Lords requiring the papers in the Board of Trade relating to Complaints against Governors of the Plantations to be laid before their Lordships. (Orig'i.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 15. (1 folio.) May 6, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Sir John Hawles, desiring him to deliver the two Acts of Pennsylvania sent him the 26 July last, to Mr. Randolph. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 65. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 315 1701, May 8, Whitehall. Report from the Board of Trade to the House of Lords, in answer to their Order of 3d of May, with List of papers relating to complaints against Propriety Governments. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 66. (70 folios.) May 9, House of Lords. Order of the House 6f Lords requiring all the papers in the Board of Trade that concern Mr. Penn to be laid before their Lordships. Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 16. (2 folios.) May 10. List of Papers relating to Pennsyl'a presented to the House of Lords in answer to their Order of May 9. Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 90. (24 folios.)'July 2, Pennsbury. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade-he will send the Laws by the next conveyance-he will condemn Gillam the Pirate's goods for the King's service-he had meetings with the Indians to dispose them to peace-the Colony is in a flourishing condition. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 31. (14 folios.) July 2. Mr. Randolph's memorial to the Board of Trade inclosing an account of his disbursements (~66-116) in carrying on in the House of Lords an Act for reuniting the Proprietary Governments to the Crown. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 6. G. 20. (6 folios.) July 2. From the Board of Trade to the Lords of the Treasury, upon Mr. Randolph's memorial relating to his disbursements in carrying on in the House of Lords an Act for reuniting the Propriety Governments to the Crown. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 105. (5 folios.) 316 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1701,July 11, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Sansom (Seer. of Customs) about alterations in the Instructions relating to Trade to be sent to the Governors of the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 8. (4 folios.) July 15. Memorial from Mr. Bass to the Board of Trade relating to the irregularities in the Propriety Governments, and suggesting the propriety of appointing a Commission to inquire into the state of things there, enumerating at the same time the several points for the inquiry. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 22. (6 folios.) July 24, Custom House. Mr. Savage to Mr. Popple, with the Clauses which are to be added to the Instructions relating to Trade to be sent to the Gov'rs in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 10. (20 folios.) August 26, Philadelphia. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade -sends the Laws-answers the Board's Reports to the Houses of Lords & Commons relating to Propriety Govern'ts, the faults were introduced by a King's Gov'r-an account of the Commission of Water Bailiff-Irregularities of the Admiralty Court — Trade between Pennsylvania and Curacao-he has prosecuted Pirates-he defends himself against the charges —remarks of the prejudicial consequences of the Bill for reuniting the Proprieties to the Crown. Orig'l. (See also 1700, Dec'r 10, Mr. Penn to the Lords of Admiralty.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 39. (18 folios.) September 9. Copy of the Certificate of Mr. John Keeble RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 317 1701. relating to the putting in execution the Act about Marriages in Pennsylvania. (R'd from Col. Quary June 8, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 2. (3 folios.) October 10th, New Castle. Copy of an Address from the Representatives of the Three Lower Counties to Mr. Penn, relating to the expense of the Assembly, the not sending home some Acts, to Mr. Penn's title to the Lower Counties, and to the Want of a Militia and Stores of War. Rec'd from Col. Quary March 31, 1702. (The Original draft is with the Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 7. (12 folios.) October 15. Petition of Robert Bradinham for a Copy of Col. Markham's deposition relating to his Effects seized in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. G. 38. (4 folios.) October 20. Copy of the Charter given by Mr. Penn to the People of Philadelphia-inclosed in Mr. Moore's letter to the Board of 5 Dec'r, 1702. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 23. (36 folios.) October 24, Philadelphia. Copy of Mr. Penn's Grant to Mr. Carpenter, for making his wharfs in Delawar River Ports, to load and unload Vessels-transmitted to the Board by Col. Quary in his letter of 24 July, 1702. Propr. B. T. Vol. 6. K. 43. (12 folios.) October 25, Philadelphia. \Address of the Representatives of the 3 Lower Counties to the Board, relating to their ill state of defence. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 1, (3 folios.) 318 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1701, October 25. Copy of Mr. Penn's Charter to the City of Philadelphia. Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 49. (40 folios.) October 27, Philadelphia. Letter from the Minister and Vestry of Christ Church in Philadelphia to the Board, about irregularities in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 2. (12 folios.) October 27, Philadelphia. Copy of Mr. Penn's Commission to Col. Hamilton to be Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 45. (9 folios.) October 28, Philadelphia. Copy of a Commission from Mr. Penn to the Council of Pennsylvania. (Inclosed in Col. Quary and others' letter of June 30, 1703.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 50. (5 folios.) October 28. Copy of Mr. Penn's Charter of Priviledges to the People of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 50. (25 folios.) October 29, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lawton about the Queries sent to Mr. Attorney & Solicitor General, relating the Acts passed in Pennsylvania in Nov'r, 1700. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 310. (4 folios.) October 29, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Sir E. Northey, Attorney Genl., with the Acts of Pennsylvania past in November, 1700, proposing some Queries to him relating to the said Acts. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 299. (4 folios.) October 29, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Sir John Hawles, Solicitor Genl., proposing the same Queries as those RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 319 1701. to Mr. Attorney relating to Acts passed in Pennsylvania in Novr., 1700. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 308. (4 folios.) October 29. List of 72 Laws of Pennsylvania passed in General Assembly held at Newcastle in Novr., 1700. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 301. (12 folios.) October -, Philadelphia., Col. Quary to the Board.-He is going to sail for England, and desire the Board to suspend all their resolutions as regards the Govern't of Pennsylvania until his arrival home. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. H. 2. (2 folios.) November 4. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, relating to five Men taken by a Pirate out of the John Galley in her voyage to Madagascar. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 26. (2 folios.) December 2, Maryland. Copy of Govr. Blakiston to Mr. Moore of Pennsylvania, inquiring into the irregularities of that Province and the Jerseys. (Transmitted to the Board by Col. Quary in his letter of 24 July, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 44. (3 folios.) December 17, Philadelphia. Copy of a letter from Mr. Robert Asheton to Mr. Penn, relating to the seizure of W. Righton's Briganteen. (Referred to in Mr. Penn's answer of Apr. 29, 1702.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 6. I. 20. (5 folios.) December 18, Whitehall. Order of Council upon a Representation from the Lords of the Committee for 320 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1701. appeals, relating to the method of appealing from the Courts of Admiralty in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Pn. G1. B. T. V. 5. E. 22. (3 folios.) December -. Copy of an Act of Pennsylvania for preventing Clandestine Marriages. (Rec'd from the Bishop of London, June 1, 1702. Another Copy delivered by Mr. Penn, June 8, 1702. V. 6. K. 1.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 41. (7 folios.) December -. Caveat from the Lord Bishop of London against an Act of Pennsylvania about Marriages passed there, Octo'r 14th, 1700. (Orig'l.) Newfoundland B. T. V. 4. D. 31. (3 folios.) 1701, --. Original draft and a fair copy of an Address from the Representatives of the 3 Lower Counties to Mr. Penn about their inability to contribute to the Quota for New York. (Rec'd from Col. Quary March 31, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 6. (5 folios.) 1701-2. January 2, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Sir E. Northey, requesting to hasten his Report on the Pennsylva'a Acts sent him the 29th of October last. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 318. (2 folios.) January 10, Upland. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Yeates to Col. Quary, relating to some Grants made by Mr. Penn in Pennsylvania. (Transmitted to the Board by Col. Quary in his letter of 24 July, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 42. (13 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 321 1701-2, January before 15th. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, relating to the Pennsylvania Laws and Queries which were sent to the Attorney General in Octo'r, 1700. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. H. 1. (3 folios.) January 16, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, in Answer to his letter relating to the Laws of Pennsylvania and Queries sent to the Attorney General. Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 333. (2 folios.) January 24. Representation from the Board of Trade to the King upon the State of defence of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Carolina, &c., &c. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 37. (70 folios.) January 24, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Manchester, inclosing a Representation upon the state of defence of the several Plantations in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 36. (70 folios.) January 26, Admiralty. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple, with a List of the Vice Admiralty Commissions in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 27. (6 folios.) January 31, House of Commons. Order of the House of Commons requiring to have the state of the Plantations with relation to Trade and their security, & for the names of the Gov'rs. (Copy.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 5. E. 25. (1 folio.) February 2, Whitehall. Earl of Manchester to the Board of Trade, in answer to their letter of Janu'ry 24. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 24. (2 folios.) 25 322 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1701-2, February 5, Whitehall. Answer from the Board of Trade to two Orders of the House of Commons, relating to the Trade and security of the Plantations. (Entry.) Trade B. TV. p. February 14, York. Affidavit of Thomas Smith, relating to. the condemnation of the Ship Providence of Stockwith, Jno. Lumby, Master, in Pennsylvania in the year 1699, and a Copy of the Register of the said Ship. Propr. B. T. V. 6. H. 15. 16. (10 folios.) February 17, Whitehall. Earl of Manchester to the Board of Trade, inclosing Heads for a Bill for reuniting to the Crown several Colonies under Proprietary Governments, particularly that of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. H. 13. (5 folios.) February 18. Board of Trade to the Earl of Manchester, in answer to his Letter of the 17th inst. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 383. (3 folios.) February 26, H. C. Order of the House of Commons for an account of the proceedings of the Board of Trade on the complaints made to them of the Courts of Justice in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 69. (1 folio.) March 6. Memorial from Col. Quary to the Board in answer to the Affidavit of Thomas Smith, relating to the Ship Providence condemned in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. H. 18. (12 folios.) March 10, Whitehall. Answer of the Board of Trade to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 323 1701-2. an Order of the House of Commons of February 26, relating to the Courts of Justice in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 75. (8 folios.) March 11, St. James's. Circular letter from the Lords of Her Maj'ty's Privy Council to the several Gov'rs in America for proclaiming her Maj'ty. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 82. (7 folios.) March 16, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Manchester, with drafts of Warrants for her Maj'ty's signature to the several Gov'rs in the Plantations, impowering them to use the old Seals. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 78. (3 folios.) March 19. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, commanding him to proclaim the Queen in Pennsylvania. (Entry-with several inclosures.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 8. (20 folios.) 1702. March 26. Col. Quary's Memorial to the Board of Trade, relating to the irregularities committed in the Plantations in America. (Origl.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 31. (60 folios.) March 31. The Case of Thomas Byfield, relating to his not being able to obtain an appeal from a sentence of a Court in Pennsylvania. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 9. (3 folios.) March 31. Memorial from Col. Quary to the Board, proposing Mr. John Moore to be her Maj'ty's Attorney General in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 11. (3 folios.) April 2. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, inclosing the papers 324 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702. presented to the Board by Col. Quary, March 31, 1702. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 402. (2 folios.) April 4. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, requiring his attendance in reference to the affairs of Pennsylvania and the three Lower Counties. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 403. April 7. Memorial from Col. Quary to the Board on the behalf and by the Order of the Representatives of the " People chosen into the Assembly by the Inhabitants of the three L. C. adjoining to Pennsylvania," complaining of Mr. Penn's misgovernment. (Orig'].) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 14. (9 folios.) (April, before 8.) Copy of an Act for reuniting the Proprietary Govern'ts in America to the Crown. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 426. (12 folios.) April 8. Mr. Secr. Popple to Mr. Attorney General, desiring to have the Laws of Pennsylvania and an answer to the two questions relating to them (forwarded Oct'r 29, 1701) returned to the Board. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 426. (2 folios.) April 16, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Lawton, Mr. Penn's agent, with an abstract of several informations relating to irregular proceedings and other undue practices in Pennsylv'a. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 27. p. 431. (15 folios.) April 17. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen upon the General State of Defence of the RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 325 1702. Plantations in America-very similar to the one of January 24. Plant. Genl. V. 36. p. 116. (70 folios.) April 20. Memorial from Col. Quary to the Board upon some informations lately received from Pennsylvania, relating to the affairs of that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 17. (7 folios.) April 21, Philadelphia. Copy of Mr. Moore's answer to Col. Blakistone's letter of Dec'r 2, 1701. (Transmitted to the Board by Col. Quary in his letter of July 24, 1702.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 44. (3 folios.) April 28. Mr. Penn's answer to the abstract of complaints against Pennsylvania, sent from the Board to Mr. Lawton. (Fair Copy, but not signed.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 19. (20 folios.) April 29. Mr. Penn's answer to Col. Quary's second Memorial to the Board of April 20. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 20. (13 folios.) May 3. Memorial from Mr. Penn, relating to goods seized by him, belonging to Bradenham, a Pirate. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 42. (3 folios.) May 4, London. Mons'r Le Tort to Mr. Penn, relating to the Government in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l in French.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. I. 43. (8 folios.) May 7, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Earl of Nottingham to all the Govrs. in America for proclaiming War against France and Spain. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 153. (3 folios.) 326 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702, May 12. Col. Quary's Reply to Mr. Penn's Answers of April 28 & 29 to the informations relating to irregular proceedings in his Government in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 6. I. 28. (15 folios.) May 12. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, requesting him to attend the Board of Trade the 19th instant, on the subject of the complaints against his Govern't. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 26. p. 464. (2 folios.) May 19, Whitehall. Mr. Secr. Popple to Mr. Pern, with some Queries relating to Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Prop. B. T. V. 27. p. 475. (2 folios.) 1701-2, May 19, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Governors in America to proclaim the Queen. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 80. (5 folios.) 1702, May 29. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen for New Seals for the Governments in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 164. (2 folios.) May 31, St. James's. Order of Council for preparing the new Seals for the Governments in America. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 43. (3 folios.) June 5. Earl of Nottingham to the Board about the renewal of the Commissions and Instructions for the Governors in America. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 42. (1 folio.) June 11, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney Gen'l & Advocate Gen'l, with some Queries about the Qualifications of a Govr. of a Planta'n-the Powers of a Court of Admiralty-and whether Mr. Penn's RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 327 1702. Commissions to the Water Bailiffs do not interfere with the Jurisdiction of that Court. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 25. (15 folios.) June 11, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes that the Solicitor of the Treasury may attend the Attorney and Advocate Gen'l upon occasion of some Queries relating to the Proprietary Govern'ts. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 27. (1 folio.) June 11. Memorial from Col. Quary to the Board of Trade, desiring a consideration for his services, and that the three Counties may be recommended to Her Majesty's immediate care. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 3. (4 folios.) June 13. Answer of Sir John Cooke, Adv. Genl., to the Queries sent him the 11th inst., wherein he states that Mr. Penn had no right to grant Commissions to the Water Bailiffs. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 4. (6 folios.) June 16. Memorial from Mr. Randolph to the Board, containing articles of complaint against " William Penn, Esq'e, pretended Governour of the three Lower Counties on Delaware Bay in America." (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 5. (6 folios.) June 19. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, inclosing his complaints against Col. Quary. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 9. (14 folios.) June 22. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, with his rejoinder to Col. Quary's Reply about irregularities in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 8. (23 folios.) 328 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702, June 22, Whitehall. Earl of Nottingham to the Board, with Mr. Penn's memorial to her Maj'ty, praying that Colonel Hamilton may be approved as L't Govr. of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 13. (4 folios.) June 23. Col. Quary's answer to Mr. Penn's complaints against him, sent to Mr. Seer. Popple 19th inst. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 10. (30 folios.) June 23. Mr. Secretary Popple to Mr. Penn for an answer to the Queries sent him the 19th of May, and desiring an account of his title to the soil & Govern't of the 3 Lower Counties. Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 55. (4 folios.) June 24, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Col. Quary, desiring him to acquaint the Gentlemen of New Castle that their letter to the Board of Octo'r 25, 1701, is now under consideration. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 57. (2 folios.) June 30. Mr. Popple to Mr. Sansom, Seer. of Customs, with Mr. Penn's charge against Col. Quary. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 96. (2 folios.) July 7. Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Advocate Gen'l's answer to the Queries sent them from the Board of Trade relating to the Proprietary Govern'ts. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 24. (12 folios.) July 7, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen upon Mr. Penn's Memorial that Colonel Hamilton may have the Queen's ap RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 329 1702. probation to be Lieut't Govr. of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 102. (4 folios.) July 9. Minute of Council approving the Representation of the Board of Trade of July 7th, against Colonel Hamilton's being Lt. Govr. of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 220. (1 folio.) July 24, Plymouth. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade, inclosing several Papers which he had received from Pennsylvania, offering his remarks upon the irregularities of Mr. Penn's proceedings in the Government of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 40. (18 folios.) August before 11. Petition of Gabriel Thomas, a Quaker, to the Board of Trade, praying their Lordships, Interest in obtaining a speedy answer to his Petitions presented to the Queen,-viz't: Petition of Gabriel Thomas to the Queen, praying to have a Commission granted him to Collect Quit Rents, &c., in the County of New Castle. Petition of Gabriel Thomas to the Queen, complaining of the persecutions he has received from Mr. Penn on account of his assisting Col. Quary, and that he is ready to appear as evidence for the Crown against Mr. Penn. Also, A brief statement of Gabriel Thomas's case. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 33. (8 folios.) August 12. Copy of Mr. Penn's Reply to Col. Quary's answer to his complaint against the said Quary. Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 34. (20 folios.) 330 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702, August 14. Memorandum of a Letter from the Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, with Copies of Gabriel Thomas's complaints against him. (The Entry of this letter is not made, neither is the draft to be found.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 168. August 14, Philadelphia. Copy of a letter to the Lord Cornbury, relating to a Paragraph in an Address of the Vestry of Philadelphia, in behalf of their Church, & requesting his Lordship to extend his Government over them. (Referred to in Mr. Penn's letter to the Board of Dec'r 22, 1703.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 22. (10 folios.) August 18, Whitehall. Letter from the Board of Trade to the Earl of Nottingham, returning Mr. Penn's Reply to Col. Quary's answer to Mr. Penn's charge against the said Quary. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 170. (4 folios.) August 24, Windsor. Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of April 17, relating to the State of defence of the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 5. E. 50. (8 folios.) August 27, Warminster. Mr. Penn to Seer. Popple, in answer to the letter from the Board of the 14th inst. upon Gabriel Thomas's complaints. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 37. (2 folios.) September 9, London. Mr. Penn to the Board, in answer to the complaints of Gabriel Thomas. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 46. (2 folios.) September 15. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn on the RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 331 1702. subject of the state of defence of Pennsylvania & a Quota of assistance for New York. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 221. (3 folios.) October 2. Petition from Mr. Penn to her Maj'ty, about Col. Hamilton's being Lt. Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 51. (3 folios.) November 11. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Governors in America for a day of thanksgiving. (Entry.) Plant. Geni. B. T. V. 36. p. 188. (3 folios.) November 11. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, upon Mr. Penn's petition for her Majesty's approbation of Col. Hamilton as Lt. Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 237. (6 folios.) November 11. Order of Council upon a Representation of the Board of Trade of the same date, relating to Col. Hamilton's being Deputy Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 53. (8 folios.) November 14. An account of goods and Merchandizes imported from Pennsylvania, from Christmas, 1699, to 14 Nov'r, 1702, with the Duties payable thereon. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 51. 52. 53. (18 folios.) November 19. Extracts from the minutes of Council of Pennsylvania, relating to the sitting of the three upper & the three Lower Counties in an Assembly, (Copies) referred to in Col. Quary's letter of Dece'r 7, 1702. Propr. B. T. V. 7. I,. 21. (8 folios.) 332 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702, November 21, Pennsylvania. An Address from the Members of the Assembly of the 3 Lower Counties to the Board of Trade, praying that they may be recommended to her Maj'tv's immediate Govern't, (Orig'l,) referred to in Col. Quary's of Dec'r 7, 1702. An original duplicate of the same was sent by Col. Quary in his letter of Febr'y 25, 1702-3. Propr. V. 7. L. 31. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 20. (6 folios.) November 24. Order of a Committee of the House of Lords to the Board of Trade, commanding them to attend the said Committee on the subject of the irregularities in the Proprietary & Charter Govern'ts and other matters. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 2. (2 folios.) November 24. Copy of Gabriel Thomas's Reply to Mr. Penn's answer to the said Thomas's complaints, with an Affidavit of Joyce Fisher therein referred to. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 1. (13 folios.) November 28. Report from the Board of Trade to the House of Lords, in answer to their order of the 24th Nov'r, relating to the irregularities in the Propr. Gov'ts, & other matters. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 250. (8 folios.) November 30. Mr. Penn's answer to the four Queries sent him from the Board of Trade in May and June, 1702. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 3. (5 folios.) December 1. Mr. Secretary Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring him to comply with the Order' of Council relating to Col. Hamilton's approbation. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 261. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 333 1702, December 3. Petition of Gabriel Thomas to the Board of Trade about irregularities in Pennsylvania, & complaining of Mr. Penn's dealing with him. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 7. I,. 4. (4 folios.) December 4. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, inclosing a Declaration signed by him relating to Her Majesties title to the 3 Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 6. (4 folios.) December 5, Philadelphia. Mr. Moore to the Boardsends a Copy of Mr. Penn's Charter granted to the Town of Philadelphia, and prays to have a salary allowed him. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 23. (2 folios.) December 7. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, with extracts of Letters relating to the present state of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 5. (8 folios.) December 7, Pennsylvania. Col. Quary to the Boardafter stating various matters relating to other Colonies, he begs to state that the Board's letter respecting the 3 Lower Counties was very satisfactoryPennsylvania is in confusion raised by Col. Hamilton (Hambleton)-Mr. Penn has exercised regal power in the 3 Lower Counties-proposes Mr. Yeates to be Gov'r of the Lower Counties-Mr. Penn endeavours to recal his Charters, but the " topping Quakers" would not let him-the Admiralty & Custom Officers are hindered in the execution of their duties-illegal Trade-bad state of the Militia 334 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702. -animosity of Mr. Penn and the Quakers against him. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 194. (40 folios.) December 10. Mr. Penn to Mr. Seer. Popple, inclosing his Declaration relating to Her Maj'ty's right to the three Lower Counties, also a letter from Col. Hamilton to himself, relating to the state of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 10 & 11. (8 folios.) December 10. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, returning the Declaration sent to the Board Dec'r 4, and desiring to send one conformable to the Order in Council. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 267. (3 folios.) December 10. Mr. Secr. Popple to Mr. Secr. Lowndes, inclosing a draft of a Bond to be given by Mr. Penn as security for Col. Hamilton to be Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 278. (8 folios.) December 15. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, with the Acts of Pennsylvania passed in the years 1700 & 1701. (Orig'l.) Propr, B. T. V. 7. L. 12. (2 folios.) 1702. Heads of a Charter granted by Mr. Penn to the City of Philadelphia-transmitted to the Board by Col. Quary in his letter of 24 July, 1702. Propr. B. T. V. 6. K. 41. (4 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 335 1702-3, January 8. Mr. Popple, Jun'r, to Mr. Penn, about the Certificate of security having been given for Col. Hamilton. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 280. (1 folio.) January 12. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, enquiring whether he has delivered to the Board a complete Body of the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 28. p. 281. (1 folio.) January 14. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, in answer to his letter about the security for Colonel Hamilton and about the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 16. (2 folios.) January 19. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, inclosing a Certificate that security has been given for Col. Hamilton, Lt. Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 17. (5 folios.) January 21. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, relating to her Maj'ty's approbation of Col. Hamilton for Deputy Gov'r of Pennsylvania, and relating to the 4 Queries sent to Mr. Penn sometime since about the Courts of Judicature in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 285. (10 folios.) January 21. Copy of an order of Council upon a representation of the same date relating to Col. Hamilton's approbation to be Deputy Gov'r of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 22. (5 folios.) January 21. Order of Council upon a Representation of the same date, approving Col. Hamilton for Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania for One year. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 25. (3 folios.) 336 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1702-3, January 21. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation of the same date, relating to Courts of Judicature in Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 26. (10 folios.) January 21. A Testimonial of Walter Marten that the Quakers in Pennsylvania refuse to take the Oaths, or to act in the Government of that Province with none but themselves-(Copy) inclosed in Col. Quary's letter of February 25, 1702-3. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 32. (4 folios.) January 25. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, relating to the Order of Council approving Col. Hamilton Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 18. (3 folios.) January 28. Mr. Secr. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his of the 25th inst., also inclosing some Queries relating to Pennsylvania.. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 294. (7 folios.) February 25, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade-Great confusion in the Government of Pennsylvania-the jail is crowded with criminals but the Quakers will not try them, they have hired some Gentlemen to do it-proceedings at the Courts of Assize-Mr. Penn withdraws all grants & gives new ones-incloses some of the grants. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 30. (10 folios.) February 25. Board of Trade to Col. Quary, inclosing the Order in Council relating to Courts of Judicature in Pennsylvania, and a copy of the Order for approving Col. Hamilton. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 306. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 337 1702-3, February 26, Philadelphia. Mr. Moore, Advocate of the Admiralty in Pennsylvania, to the Board, desiring some consideration for his service. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 7. L. 37. (1 folio.) March 4, St. James's. Order of Council relating to salaries of Govern'rs, and the presents made them by Assemblies. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 7. F. 6. (2 folios.) 1703. March 25. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing the Earl of Nottingham's circular letter relating to the French and Spaniards. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 309. (2 folios.) April 2. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, relating to the regulating of Coin in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 27. (5 folios.) April 2. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, relating to the salaries of the Gov'rs & the presents made them by the Assemblies. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 229. (30 folios.) April 20. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Gov'rs in America, relating to Courts of Justice. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 244. (5 folios.) May 4. Mr. Popple to the Attorney Gen'l, enquiring whether her Maj'ty may not by Proclamation alter the rates of Coins in the Plantations, notwithstanding Acts passed there. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 247. (2 folios.) May 11. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, signifying his 26 338 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1703. willingness to resign the Government of Pennsylvania to the Crown. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 28. (2 folios.) May 12. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his of 11th inst., desiring to have in writing the conditions upon which he proposes to resign the Government of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 314. (2 folios.) May 18. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, in answer to Mr. Seer. Popple's letter of the 12th inst., expressing his opinion that there is no necessity for him to write down the conditions for his resignation, as he has said enough to them to lay before the Queen. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 29. (2 folios.) May 21. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, about the Quota for New York. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 316. (3 folios.) May 21. Board of Trade to the Earl of Nottingham, upon Mr. Penn's proposal of surrendering his govern't of Pennsylvania to her Maj'ty. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 320. (2 folios.) May 22. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, informing him that the Commiss'rs for Trade have sent his letters of proposal of surrendering his Govern't to the Crown to the Earl of Nottingham. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 321. (2 folios.) May 28. List of Pennsylvania Laws passed in two Gen'l Assemblies, one held at New Castle in Nov'r, 1700, and the other at Philadelphia in Oct'r, 1701, sent to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 339 1703. Mr. Attorney General May 28th, for his opinion in point of Law. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 28. p. 322. (18 folios.) May 31. Mr. Attorney General's answer to the letter of Mr. Popple of May 4, relating to the regulating of Coin in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 7. F. 13. (2 folios.) June 1. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney Gen'l, enquiring whether her Maj'ty may not by her Royal prerogative settle the Rates of Foreign Coins in the Plantations, and desiring his Opinion upon a Pennsylvania Act relating to the Coin. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 250. (2 folios.) June 8, Whitehall. The Earl of Nottingham to the Board of Trade, informing them that her Maj'ty is willing to treat with Mr. Penn for his Proprietary Government. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 35. (2 folios.) June 10, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring to have the proposals upon which he surrender his Government of Pennsylvania to her Majesty. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 338. (2 folios.) June 15. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring two or three days' time to make his proposals for surrendering his Government of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 36. (2 folios.) June 18. Mr. Penn's proposals for surrendering the Govern't of Pennsylvania to the Crown. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 38. (9 folios.) June 30, Philadelphia. Col. Quary, Mr. Moore, Mr. Hal 340 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1703. liwell, & Mr. Yeates, to the Board-upon the demise of Col. Hamilton the Govern't fell into the hands of Quakers-their conduct with regard to administering the Oaths-the Courts are adjourned for a considerable time-Mr. Penn has given them the power of Govern't in the three Lower Counties -the 3 Lower Counties would become very valuable to the Crown. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 50. (7 folios.) July 2. Mr. Penn to the Board, acquainting them of the death of Col. Hamilton, and proposing another Deputy Gov'r. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 39. (2 folios.) July 2. The Attorney Gen'l to the Board, about her Maj'ty's settling the Rates of Foreign coins in the Plantations, & about a Pennsylvania Act relating to Coin. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 7. F. 16. (2 folios.) July 6. Order of Reference from the Earl of Nottingham upon the Petition of Mr. Penn for Mr. John Evans to be Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 40. (3 folios.) July 7. Representation from the Board for her Maj'tie's disallowance of the Pennsylvania Act for appointing the rate of money or Coin within that Province. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 346. (5 folios.) July 7. Mr. Secr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring him to inform the Board of Trade who is Mr. Evans whom Mr. Penn has proposed for Dep'ty Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 345. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 341 1703, July 8. Mr. Penn to the Board, informing them of the character and qualifications of Mr. Evans, whom he has proposed for a Dep'ty Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 41. (3 folios.) July 9. Letter from the Board of Trade to the Earl of Nottingham, inclosing a Representation to the Queen, wherein they express having no objection to her Maj'ty's appointing Mr. Evans as Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 349. (3 folios.) July 11, Windsor. Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 9th inst., relating to her Majesty's approbation of Mr. John Evans as Deputy Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 42. (4 folios.) July 13. Mr. Penn's declaration relating to her Maj'ty's title to the 3 Lower Counties upon her Maj'ty's approbation of Mr. John Evans as Dep. Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 43. (2 folios.) July 14. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Lownds, relating to security to be given for Mr. Evans, Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 353. (3 folios.) July 21. Certificate from the Remembrancer's Office that security has been given for Mr. John Evans, Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 44. (2 folios.) July 22, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade for her Maj'ty's approbation of Mr. Evans 342 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1703. as Deputy Gov'r of Pennsylvania, and inclosing a draft of Instructions for Mr. Penn relating to the Acts of Trade. (Entry) the Instructions are missing. Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 356. (4 folios.) July 23, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, about Persons' being condemned to death in Pennsylvania by Judges and Juries not under Oaths. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 358. (2 folios.) July 25, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board-Mr. Roger Mumpessons arrived in Pennsylvania to be Judge of the Admiralty-he is surprised Mr. Penn has been able to procure a Commission for Mr. Mumpesson-The confused state of Pennsylvaniaconcludes with his observations on the condition and Trade of the Plantations in General. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 51. (18 folios.) July 28, Bristol. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, in answer to the letter from Mr. Seer. Popple of July 23, requesting to have a copy of that part of the Lord Crubury's letter which regards Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 45. (2 folios.) July 30, Hampton Court. Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 7th July, repealing an Act of Pennsylvania for regulating the rate of Coin. (Orig'l) Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 46. (6 folios.) July 30, Hampton C't. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of July RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 343 1703. 22, approving Mr. Evans for Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 47. (2 folios.) July 30, Hampton C't. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of July 22, approving the draft of Instructions for Mr. Penn relating to the Acts of Trade. Propr. B. T. V. 7. L. 48. (2 folios.) August 3, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his of the 28th inst., relating to Trials in Pennsylvania without Oath. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 360. (2 folios.) August 4, Pennsylvania. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade-about the Tobacco Trade in the Plantations, & that he is going to Maryland & Virginia to inspect the Revenue Officers. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 10. (10 folios.) August 6, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, with the Order of Council for Repealing an Act of Pennsylvania appointing the Rate of Coin. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 365. (1 folio.) August 14, Pennsylvania. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade-chiefly on the subject of the New Jersey Government. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 11. (15 folios.) August 26, Philadelphia. Letter from the Council of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn, relating to their proceedings in the Government of that Province after the Deputy Governor Hamilton's death. (Orig'l, inclosed in Mr. Penn's of Dec'r 22, 1703.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 19. (20 folios.) 344 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1703, September 6, Lewis, Sussex. Copy of a Letter to Mr. Penn from one of his Council, about his being obliged to appear at the Provincial Court at Annopetan, to defend his title to Lands taken up under Mr. Pennreferred to in Mr. Penn's letter to the Board, 22 Dec'r, 1703. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 23. (6 folios.) September 7, Pennsylvania. Copy of a letter from Mr. John Moore to Col. Quary, about the Quaker Justices in Pennsylvania refusing to take the Oath of abjuration-inclosed in Col. Quary's letter of Oct'r 15, 1703. Plant. Genl. V. 7. F. 39. (5 folios.) October 15, Virginia. Col. Quary to the Board-amongst various matters relating to other Colonies he gives an account of the Proceedings in Pennsylvania respecting the Trade and the encouragement of Pirates. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 7. F. 37. (42 folios.) October 22, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Nottingham, with an Extract of Col. Quary's letter of July 25, 1703, relating to the Judge of the Admiralty in Pennsyl'a, & the state of the Leeward Islands. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 386. (2 folios.) October 22, Whitehall. Mr. Popple, Jun'r, to Mr. Burchet, with an Extract of a letter from Col. Quary to the Board of July 25, 1703, relating to the Judge of the Admiralty in Pennsylv'a. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 384. (5 folios.) October 26, Philadelphia. Copy of a Dedimus from the RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 345 1703. President and Council of Pennsylvania to qualify the Justices. Propr. B. T. Vol. 7. M. 14. (3 folios.) November 12, Port Lewis. Mr. Henry Brooke, Collector of Port Lewis, in the lower County of Pennsylvania, to Col. Quary, about the encouragement given there to Pirates. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. V. 7. F. 40. (14 folios.) November 12, Port Lewis. Mr. Brooke, Collector of Port Lewis, to Quary, giving an account of the encouragem't given there to Pirates. (Orig'l, referred to in Col. Quary's to the Board of Oct'r 15, 1703.) JV. B. The letter is dated in Mr. Brooke's own hand, Nov'r 12, 1703, and the letter of Col. Quary is dated Oct'r 15, 1703,-the discrepancy of the dates is unaccountable. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 7. F. 40. (13 folios.) November 23. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, relating to the Rates of foreign Coins in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 282. (7 folios.) December 22, London. Mr. Penn to the Board, with Extracts of several letters relating to his Governm't, as also his answer to the complaints sent him the 16th April, 1702. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 18. (5 folios.) December 22. Mr. Penn's answer to the several Informations relating to irregular Proceedings and other undue practices in Pennsylvania, sent him from the Board, April 16, 1702. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 21. (80 folios.) 346 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1703. Extracts of several letters received from Pennsylvania, giving an account of the uneasy and uncomfortable circumstances of the People and Government of that Province, through the practices of Col. Quary-referred to in Mr. Penn's letter to the Board of Decem'r 22, 1703. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 20. (40 folios.) Qu.? 1703. Copy of the subscription obtained by Mr. Penn, of money, &c., from the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, to defray the charge of his coming over to England-referred to in Col. Quary's letter of May 30, 1704. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 38. (5 folios.) 1703-4. January 12, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing an Extract of a letter from Mr. Thomas Lawrence, Secr'y of Maryland, complaining of the behaviour of the Quakers at their General meeting. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 407. (2 folios.) February 18. Letter from the Board of Trade to Col. Quary, relating to his being established Surveyor General of Her Majesty's Plantations on the decease of Mr. Randolph. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 441. (4 folios.) March 2, St. James'. Draft of a letter for her Maj'ty's signature to the several Govrs. in America, relating to Courts of Admiralty & distribution of prizes in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 36. p. 347. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 347 1703-4, March 7. Draft of a Charter for the Pennsylvania Company, presented to the Board by Mr. Byfield & other Members of the same. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 26. (100 folios.) March 12, Philadelphia. Dep'ty Gov'r Evans to the Board, giving a favourable account of the state of the Governm't as he found it upon his arrival in Pennsylvania. (Origl.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 41. (6 folios.) March 13, London. Memorial from Mr. Penn to the Board, containing matters of complaint against Col. Quary & others. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 28. p. 459. (8 folios.) 1704. March 30. Draft of a Bond to be entered into by Mr. Byfield & other members of the Pennsylvania Company. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 33. (3 folios.) April 13, Philadelphia. Copy of the condescension made by the Representatives of the three Lower Counties to the Assembly of Pennsylvania. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Octo'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 10. (3 folios.) April 14, Philadelphia. Copy of an Address from the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Dep. Govr. Evans, relating to the three lower counties. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's to the Board of Oct'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 14. (4 folios.) April 15, Philadelphia (qu.?). Copy of an answer from the Representatives of the Province to the Repre 348 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1704. sentatives of the Territories. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Oct'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 11. (5 folios.) May 11. Board of Trade to Col. Quary, informing him of Mr. Penn's assurance that no impediment shall be made to the Custom Officers in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 31. (4 folios.) May 26, Philadelphia. Copy of the Dep'y Govr. Evans's Proclamation requiring the Inhabitants of Pennsylvania to furnish themselves with arms for their defence. Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 43. (4 folios.) May 26, Philadelphia. Copy of a Proclamation for the settling a Militia throughout the Governm't of Pennsylvania. (Inclosed in the D'y G'r Evans's letter to the Board of Octo'r 10, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 3. (4 folios.) May 30, Philadelphia. Dep'y Govr. Evans to the Board. -He is not able to find any abuses in Trade.-He endeavours to reconcile the animosities-gives an account of his proceedings with the Assemblyinforms the Board that the Lower Counties have distinct Legislation. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 42. (9 folios.) May 30, Virginia. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade, giving an account of the present state and condition of the Trade in Pennsylvania & other American Colonies. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 7. G. 15. (70 folios.) May 31. Draft of a letter for Her Maj'ty's signature to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 349 1704. the several Proprietary Governm'ts in America relating to her Maj'ty's & the Lord High Admiral's share of Prizes there. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 37. (6 folios.) (May,) Philadelphia. Copies of two Addresses from the Quakers to her Maj'ty, relating to Qualification by an affirmation to become general to all her Maj'ty's subjects in Pennsylvania. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's to the Board of Oct. 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 15. (10 folios.) (May,) Philadelphia. Copy of the Assembly of Pennsylvania's Address to the Dep'y Gov'r, relating to their refusing the Quota expected from them. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Oct'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 6. (4 folios.) (May,) Philadelphia. Copy of an Address from the Assembly of Pennsylvania to Mr. John Evans, Dep'y Govr., also copy of a clause proposed, which imposes the Quakers' Test on all the Inhabitants there. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Octo'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 8. (12 folios.) (May,) Philadelphia. Copies of two Speeches of Dep'y Govr. Evans to the Assembly of Pennsylvania. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Octo'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 9. (10 folios.) June 29. Circular letter to the Proprietors of her Maj'ty's Colonies in America, inclosing her Majesty's Proclamation for settling and ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coin in the Plantations. (Entry.) Propr, B. T. V. 29. p. 39. (7 folios.) 350 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1704, July 7. Additional Instructions to all the several Proprietors in America, relating to the number of Seamen allowed by an Act of Parliament for Navigating of English Ships during the present War. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 42. (5 folios.) July 13. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen that the Commissions for Trial of Pirates in America be renewed. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 36. p. 481. (56 folios.) July 18, Philadelphia. Copy of a Proclamation for the encouragement of those in Pennsylvania who have taken up Arms. (Inclosed in the Dep'y Govr. Evans's letter to the Board of Octo'r 10, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 4. (6 folios.) July 24, Philadelphia. Mr. Moor to the B'p of London, entreating his support against Mr. Penn, in order to his retaining the place of a Collector, the late Collector being lately Dead. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 7. M. 46. (2 folios.) August 3. Copy of an Order of Council for the renewal of the Commissions for Trial of Pirates in the Plantations in America. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 7. G. 17. (2 folios.) August 24. Circular letter to the several Proprietors in America about a day of thanksgiving to be kept for the success of her Maj'ty's arms near the Danube. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 45. (3 folios.) September 2, Philadelphia. Deputy Govr. Evans to Col. RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 351 1704. Quary. (Original letter inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Oct'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 12. (1 folio.) September 2, Philadelphia. Mr. Rolph to Col. Quary about Mr. Penn's being summoned before the Mayor's Court for an assault on the Constable. (Orig'ly inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Octo'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 16. (1 folio.) September 3, Burlington. Col. Quary to the Dep'y Govr. Evans, in answer to his of Sept'r 2. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Octo'r 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 13. (2 folios.) September 23, Philadelphia. Copy of a Proclamation issued by Mr. John Evans, Deputy Govr. of Pennsylvania, making void the proceedings of a Court held there. (Inclosed in Col. Quary's letter to the Board of Oct. 15, 1704.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 7. (5 folios.) October 10, Philadelphia. Deputy Govr. Evans to the Board of Trade. - Sends his Proclamation for settling the Militia, and the Proclamation for the encouragement of those who have taken up armsgives an account of the Proceedings of the Assembly in relation to the Quota for New York, and their endeavours for divesting the Govr. of the power of prorogation or dissolution. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 2. (27 folios.) October 13. Sir E. Northey's Opinion upon the Acts of Pennsylvania, passed at 2 Gen'l Assemblies, the one 352 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1704. held at New Castle in Nov'r, 1700, the other at Philadelphia in Octo'r, 1701. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 40. (67 folios.) October 15, Maryland. Col. Quary to the Board of Trade. -Informs them that the Order in Council relating to Courts of Judicature is not complied with in Pennsylvania. —Dep'y Govr. Evans favours Quakers and gives no encouragement to the Admiralty or Custom Officers.-Disorders in the Govern't of Pennsylvania - the Quakers indited young Mr. Penn and he publicly renounced them.-He goes for England in order to perswade his Father to resign.-No money raised for Mr. Penn, the Quakers are so incensed against him & his son.-Gives them an account of the Lord Cornbury's Govern't. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 5. (24 folios.) December 25. An account of exports from England to Pennsylvania for 6 years, from 25 Decem'r, 1698, to 25 Decem'r, 1704. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 5,. 1704, -. Several papers relating to the Pennsylvania Company which do not relate to the State of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 7. 1704-5. January 2. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, offering to surrender the Govern't of Pennsylvania to the Crown upon certain conditions. (Orig'l.) Propri. B. T. V. 8. after N. 1. (5 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 353 1704-5, January 3. Mr. Penn to the Board, in explanation of some expressions in his letter to the Board of Janu'y 2. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. after N. 1. (3 folios.) January 11. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn with several Queries upon his proposals for the surrender of his right of Government to the Crown. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 29. p. 81. (3 folios.) January 12. Mr. Penn's answer to the Queries sent him from the Board the 11th inst. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 1. (5 folios.) February 13, Philadelphia. Dep'ty Govr. Evans to the Board, owning the receipt of their Lordships' letter of the 29th June last with the Proclamation about Coin, and his remarks on the observance of the said Proclamation. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 36. (5 folios.) February 22, St. James's. Draft of a Circular letter to the Governours of the Plantations in America for an account of Ordinance, &-c'a. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 58. (5 folios.) March 9. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring to know what it is expected he should surrender. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 26. (2 folios.) March 9. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his letter of this day's date relating to the surrender of his government. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 132. (2 folios.) 1705. May -. Copy of the draft of a new Patent, upon the 27 354 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1705. granting of which Mr. Penn is willing to surrender the Govern't of Pennsylvania to her Majesty. Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 30. (40 folios.) June (5). Draft of a surrender of the Pennsylvania Government to her Majesty. Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 32. (9 folios.) June 6. Mr. Penn to the Board, inclosing his answer to the observations of the Board upon the draft of a new Charter desired by him, which were delivered the 5th inst. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 33. (12 folios.) June 20. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring them to enter upon the consideration of the Pennsylvania Laws before his surrender. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 34. (1 folio.) June 30. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring the dispatch of their Lordships' Report on the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 37. (2 folios.) July 23, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to S'r Rob't Cotton and Sir Tho's Frankland with a copy of an Act for erecting and establishing a Post Office in Pennsylvania for their opinion thereupon. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 192. (2 folios.) July 26, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing the Board's observations upon the Acts of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 193. (18 folios.) July 28, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board to the Proprietors in America to appoint a day of thanks RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 355 1705. giving in their Governments for the late victory obtained in the Spanish Netherlands. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 202. (2 folios.) August 31. Mr. Penn's answer to the observations made by the Board upon the Pennsylvania Laws. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 41. (7 folios.) September 1. Mr. Penn's paper containing the heads of what he desires from her Majesty upon his surrender. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 42. (3 folios.) September 1. An abstract of the clauses contained in Mr. Penn's Grant of Pennsylvania, which he is willing to surrender to her Majesty. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 43. (3 folios.) October 9. Observations upon an Act for establishing Courts of Judicature in Pennsylvania. (Draft, signed Wm. Wharton-indorsed "Mr. Penn's observations," &c.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 46. (3 folios.) October 12. Mr. Popple to Sir E. Northey, with several Queries relating to Mr. Penn's power given him by the Charter, & Sir E. Northey's answer to the said Queries-dated Oct'r 19th. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 48. (16 folios.) October 23. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, with Mr. Att. Gen'l's answers to the Queries about Pennsylvania sent him the 12th inst. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 224. (1 folio.) November 9, Philadelphia. Dep'ty Gov'r Evans to the Board-(presented to them by Mr. Penn, in his letter of Febr'y 22, 1705-6.)-The People of Pennsyl 3506 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1705. vania are very slow in observing her Maj'ty's Proclamation about the Coin-He has formed Militia even there, where the Quakers are most numerous -Incloses an address from the Traders and pleads in their favour. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 35. (12 folios.) November 19, Gen. Post-Office. Sir R. Cotton to the Board, inclosing his observations upon an Act of Pennsylvania for erecting & establishing a PostOffice there, and returning a copy of the Act. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. NI. 57. (5 folios. Act, 28 folios.) November 20. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring to know which and how many of the Laws he passed & signed whilst he was in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 232. (1 folio.) November 21. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing the Post Master General's opinion on an Act of Pennsylvania for Establishing a post Office there. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 233. (1 folio.) November 21. Mr. Penn to the Board, in answer to the Secretary's letter of yesterday about the Laws signed by him in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. N. 58. (1 folio.) November -, Philadelphia. Address from the Traders of Pennsylv'a to Mr. John Evans, L't Gov'r of that Province, setting forth the hardships they suffer in their Trade thro' the late Order for regulating money, and from the severity of the Custom House RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 357 1705. Officers-(with Mr. Penn's letter of 22 Febr'y, 1705-6). (Orig'l) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 34. (6 folios.) List of Acts passed by the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans in the year 1705, with Mr. Penn's observations upon the same. Draft not signed-delivered June 28, 1706. Propr. B. T. Vol. 8. O. 73. (9 folios.) 1705-6. January 9, Philadelphia. Copy of the Minutes of Council held in Pennsylvania, upon a Conference between that Board and the Assembly, relating to the Administering of Oaths in Judicial affairs-inclosed in the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans's letter to the Board of January 19, 1705-6. Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 68. (24 folios.) January 10. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, relating to the Misfeazances of the Proprietary and Charter Governments in America. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 238. (38 folios.) January 11, Philadelphia. Address of the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans, about administering of Oaths in Judicial affairs. (Orig'l, inclosed in Dep'ty Gov'r Evans's letter to the Board of January 19, 1705-6.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 67. (10 folios.) January 17. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, upon the Laws of Pennsylvania, against 358 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1705-6. the passing of which Mr. Attorney Gen'l and the Board have made objections, also upon the Laws against which there are no objection. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 254. (100 folios.) January before 19, Philadelphia. A printed broadside ol an Act passed in Pennsylvania for proportioning the Rates of money in Payments made upon contracts according to the former regulation inclosed in the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans's letter to the Board of January 19, 1705-6. Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 69. (20 folios.) January before 19, Philadelphia. Copy of an Act of Pennsylvania, directing the qualifications of all Magistrates & Officers, also the manner of giving evidence-inclosed in the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans's letter to the Board, of January 19, 1705-6. Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 70. (20 folios.) January 19, Philadelphia. Dep'ty Gov'r Evans to the Board-promises copies of the several Acts passed the last Assembly-he sends two, one about taking Oaths, another about the Rate of money, and gives his opinion of them, as well as of several inclosed papers. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 66. (20 folios.) February 7, St. James's. Copy of an order of Council of the 7th instant, upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 17th of January, upon the Laws of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 32. (6 folios.) February 7, St. James's. Order in Council relating to the misfeazances of the Proprietary & Charter Govern RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 359 1705-6. m'ts, directing the Representation of the Board of Jan'y 10th, 1705-6, to be sent to Mr. Secr. Hedges. (Copy.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 32. (3 folios.) February 18, Cock-Pitt. Mr. Hedges to the Board of Trade, with a draft of a Bill relating to the Proprietary Gov'ts in America, desiring the Board to consider thereof. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 322. (20 folios.) February 22, Knight's Bridge. Mr. Penn to the Board, inclosing a letter from the Dep'ty Gov'r of Pennsylvania to the Board, & proposing some heads for a letter from the Board to the said Dep'ty Gov'r. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 33. (5 folios.) February 28. MIr. Seer. Hedges to the Board, referring a Petition from Bern, for settling a Colony of Natives of Switzerland in Pennsylvania or Virginia. (Orig'l.) Virginia B. T. V. 12. N. 17. (12 folios.) March 1, Whitehall. Mr. Seer. Popple to Mr. Penn, acquainting him that the matter of the address from the Traders of Pennsylvania (1705, Nov'r) to the Lieut't Gov'r there, does belong properly to the Commissioners of the Customs. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 344. (2 folios.) March 13, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. Seer. Hedges, relating to the settlement of a Colony of Natives of Switzerland in Pennsylvania or Virginia. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 345. (6 folios.) 360 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1706, March 25, Philadelphia. Memorial from the Minister and Vestry of St. Paul's Church in Pennsylvania, to the Bishop of London, against the Act lately passed in that Province about the manner of giving of Evidence. (Orig'l, inclosed in Bp. of London's letter to the Board, of July 4, 1706.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 77. (5 folios.) May 31, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Gov'rs in America, for a day of thanksgiving for the great success of her Maj'ty's arms in Brabant, &c. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 122. (2 folios.) June 19, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Sir E. Northey, inclosing an Act of Pennsylvania "( directing the qualifications of all Magistrates & Officers, also the manner of giving evidence" for his opinion thereupon in point of Law. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 410. (I folio.) June 28. Board of Trade to the Dep. Gov'r Evans-his letter of 19 Janu'y received & the inclosed Acts sent to Mr. Attorney General for his opinion-they express themselves very much satisfied with his conduct in the Government, and desire him to encourage all those who appear ready in her Maj'ty's service. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 414. (3 folios.) June 28. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, inclosing a letter from the Board to the Dep'ty Gov'r Evans. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 413. July 4. Bishop of London to the Board, inclosing a Memorial from the Vestry of St. Paul's in Pennsylva RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 361 1706. nia, against the Act about the manner of giving evidence, &c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 77. (2 folios.) July 9. Sir E. Northey's Report to the Board upon the Act of Pennsylvania transmitted to him June 19. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 78. (4 folios.) November 6. Memorial from Mr. Wilcox to the Board of Trade, containing reasons against confirming an Act of Pennsylvania for directing the Qualifications of all Magistrates & Officers, &c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 81. (12 folios.) November 26. Memorial to the Board of Trade from Mr. Wilcox, appointed agent by some Gentlemen of Pennsylvania to oppose the confirmation of some Acts now coming from that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 82. (8 folios.) December 2. Affidavit of Benjamin van der Werf, late of Pennsylvania, relating to the passing of an Act there for directing the Qualifications of all Magistrates & Officers, &c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 84. (2 folios.) 1706-7. January 4. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring his attendance at the Board upon an Act of Pennsylvania for Qualifications of Magistrates & Officers, &c. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 429. (2 folios.) 362 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1706-7, January 29. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring to expedite their Representation on his proposal for surrendering his Government. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 87. (3 folios.) February 5, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Sunderland, upon Mr. Penn's proposal for surrendering his Governm't of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 439. (11 folios.) March 18, Treasury. Mr. Lowndes to the Board of Trade, desiring them to reconsider their Report relating to Mr. Penn's of Pennsylvania, &c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 98. (4 folios.) 1707. April 7, Treasury. Mr. Lownds to the Board of Trade, referring an account of goods imported and exported from Pennsylvania to Xmas, 1705. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 8. 0. 99, 100. (30 folios.) May 7, Whitehall. Earl of Sunderland to the Board, desiring them to transmit Copies of the Act of Union between England & Scotland to all the Gov'rs in America. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 8. I. 32. (1 folio.) May 7, Whitehall. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, the Gov'r & Co. of Rhode Island, and the Gov'r & Co. of Connecticut, relating to the new Commission for this Board and for inclosing the Act of the Union. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 466. (10 folios.) May 12, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, with several Queries relating to his Government of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 29. p. 472. (4 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 363 1707, June 10, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Earl of Sunderland, enclosing a Representation to the Queen relating to the rates of Foreign Coin in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 142. (12 folios.) June 28, Philadelphia. Col. Quary to the Board-The confusion in Mr. Penn's two Govern'ts-the Dep'ty Gov'r's irregular proceedings-Taxes & Powder duties occasioned a Rupture between the 3 Lower Counties & Pennsylva'a-the Assembly are against Mr. Penn and his Deputy, and they against the Assembly-proposes that the Quakers should be excluded from the Govern't, for they continue to disown the Queen's Orders, & gives an instance of it. The rest of the Letter relates to other Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 8. I. 59. (20 folios.) June 30. Memorial from Mr. Wilcox against an Act passed in Pennsylvania relating to the qualifications of Magistrates, &c. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 9. P. 7. (2 folios.) July 2. Copy of a letter from Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, in answer to one written to him the 12 of May, with several Queries relating to his surrender. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 8. (5 folios.) July 19. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, enclosing Mr. Wilcox's memorial of June 30 against the Act about qualifications of Magistrates, and desiring his particular answer to the Queries sent him the 12 of May last. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 12. (2 folios.) 364 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1707, August 14. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, enclosing his answers to Mr. Wilcox's memorial of June 30. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 11. (11 folios.) September 29, Philadelphia. Dep'ty Govr. Evans to the Board.-Sends Minutes of Council relating to the Assembly, who intend to complain of him for causing an Alarm and beating a Constable.-The People oppose his attempts to regulate the Militia. -David Loyd, one of the most violent amongst the Assembly, is their Speaker. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 35. (12 folios.) November 10, H. C. Order of the House of Commons for a List of the Several Governors in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 150. (1 folio.) November 12. List of the names of Gov'rs and Depu'y Gov'rs in the Plantations laid before the House of Commons. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 150. (4 folios.) December 10. Mr. Wilcox's reply to Mr. Penn's answer to his memorial of June 30. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 15. (9 folios.) December 30. Board of Trade to the Earl of Sunderland, inclosing a Representation to the Queen upon the Act of Pennsylvania relating to the qualifications of Magistrates, recommending to disallow the same. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 22. (5 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 365 1707-8. January 8, Kensington. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation of the 10 of June last, for settling the Rates of Coin in the Plantations, referring the same to the Attorney & Solicitor General for their opinion. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 8. I. 48. (2 folios.) January 8, Kensington. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of Dec'r 30 for repealing an Act of Pennsylvania about the qualifications of Magistrates. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 19. (3 folios.) January 8, Kensington. Order of Council referring to the Board of Trade the Address of the Gov'r, Council and Assembly of Maryland to the Queen, relating to the Boundaries between that Province & Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Maryland B. T. V. 5. H. 59. (6 folios.) January 12, H. L. Order of the Committee of the House of Lords, requiring the Board of Trade to prepare the draft of an Act for Establishing the Rates of Foreign Coin in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 37. p. 155. (1 folio.) January 15, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to the Attorney Genl. (Sir Simon Harcourt), inclosing the draft of a Bill for ascertaining the Rates of Foreign Coin in the Plantations, together with Sir Isaac Newton's table of the weight, &c., of the said Coins, for his opinion thereupon. (Entry.) N.B. The Table of weights is not entered. Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 155. (11 folios.) 366 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1707-8, January 22. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Report from the Attorney & Solicitor General, relative to the Representation from the Board of Trade of June 10, for settling the Rates of Coin in the Plantations. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 21. (2 folios.) January 27, H. of L. Order of a Committee of the House of Lords that the Commissioners for Trade do prepare a Bill for enforcing obedience to her Maj'ty's Proclamation for settling the Rates of Foreign Coins in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 8. I. 50. (1 folio.) February 3. Draft of a Bill for enforcing obedience to her Maj'ty's Proclamation of June 18, 1704, for settling. the RatesofForeign Coins in the Plantations. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 160. (14 folios.) February 20. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring his attendance about the Boundaries between Maryland & Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 30. (1 folio.) February 21, Ratclif. Mr. Conway to Lord Baltimore, relating to observations made on Palmer's Island, touching the Boundaries between Maryland & Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Maryland B. T. V. 5. H. 63. (1 folio.) March 2. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring his answer to the letter of the 20 of Feb'y last. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 32. (1 folio.) March 3. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, promising to give an account of the proceedings touching the Boundaries between Maryland & Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 26. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 367 1707-8, March 10. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring him to hasten what he may have to offer in relation to the Boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 35. (2 folios.) March 10, Petty France. Mr. Chamberlayne to Lord Herbert, inclosing a Memorial from Mr. Ludolf in favour of some Germans, who about 25 years ago settled in Pennsylvania, desiring to be made Denizens of that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 27. (4 folios.) 1708. March 29. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, desiring a Month's time to answer the matters relating to Boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 28. (2 folios.) March 30. Notice is taken that on that day a letter was written to Mr. Penn, desiring him to attend the Board on the 26th of the next month, in relation to the Boundaries between Maryland & Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. Vol. 30. p. 36. April 15. Circular letter to the Gover'rs in America relating to the number and price of Negroes brought thither directly from Africa. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 165. (10 folios.) May 14. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Gov'rs of her Maj'ty's plantations inclosing the Acts of Parliament relating to Foreign Coins and the Trade in America. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 37. p. 184. (3 folios.) May 20, Kensington. Order of Council referring to the 368 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1708. Board the Petition of Mr. Penn praying her Majesty to approve Capt'n Charles Gookin as his Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 32. (3 folios.) May 28, Charborough. Letter from Lieut't General Erle in favour of Capt'n Gookin, proposed by Mr. Penn for his Deputy Governor in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 34. (2 folios.) June 1. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade,:recommending Capt'n Gookin to be his Dep'ty Gover'r in Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 33. (2 folios.) June 2. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen upon the Petition of Mr. Penn recommending Mr. Gookin to be Dep'ty Gover'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 46. (2 folios.) June 11. Mr. Penn, Jun'r, and Mr. Standfast, Bookseller of Westminster, are proposed by Mr. Gookin as his securities. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 39. June 26, Kensington. Order of Council approving Mr. Gookin to be Mr. Penn's Dep'ty Gover'r of Pennsylvania, provided he gives security. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 44. (3 folios.) June 29. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, relating to the Declaration he is to make of her Maj'ty's Right to the three Lower Counties adjoining Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T.V. 9. P. 45. (7 folios.) June 30. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his of the RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 369 1708. 29th inst., inclosing the form of the Declaration, which the Board cannot alter. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 58. June 30. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes, relating to Capt'n Gookin's giving security (Entry), with the draft of a Bond. Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 60. (8 folios.) July 2. Mr. Penn to the Board of Trade, inclosing his Declaration of her Maj'ty's right to the three Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 45. (3 folios.) July 8. Certificate of Capt'n Gookin's having given security for observing the Acts of Trade, &c'a. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 9. P. 46. (1 folio.) July 8. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, inclosing a draft of Instructions for Mr. Penn, relating to the Acts of Trade. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 65. (80 folios.) August 24. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn & Lord Baltimore, desiring them to come to some agreement about the Boundary line, and to lay the same before them before the 12th of Octo'r next. (Entry.) Maryland B. T. V. 11. p. 54. (1 folio.) December 18. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, relating to an intended agreement between Lord Baltimore and him about the Boundary line, desiring that such be transmitted to them directly. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 71. (1 folio.) 28 370 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1708-9. January 9, St. James's. Order of Council referring to the Board the Petition of Lord Baltimore relating to the Boundaries between Maryland & Pennsylvania (Original), dismissed by an Order of 27 January, 1708-9. Maryland B. T. V. 5. H. 84. (7 folios.) January 12. The Case against Lord Baltimore relating to the Bounds between Pennsylvan'a and Maryland, without the Order of Council, presented to the Board by Mr. Penn. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 52. (9 folios.) January 13. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, desiring him to attend the Board in relation to L'd Baltimore's Petition. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 85. (1 folio.) January 27, St. James's. Order of Council upon Mr. Penn's Petition praying that Lord Baltimore's late Petition relating to the Bounds may be dismissed. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 55. (8 folios.) 1709. April 6. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring Copies of such letters and orders as have been given in relation to Boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 60. (1 folio.) April 28. Copy of an Order of Council referring to the Board several Acts passed in Pennsylvania in 1705. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 63. (2 folios.) June 9. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, desiring a copy of that RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 371 1709. part of L'd Baltimore's Charter which relates to the Boundaries. (Orig'l.) Maryland B. T. V. 5. H. 89. (1 folio.) June 17. Mr. Penn to the Board, desiring to have permission to look over several Books at their Office. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 66. (1 folio.) June 23. Copy of an Order of Council dismissing Lord Baltimore's Petition against an Order of the 13 Nov'r, 1685, for settling the Boundaries between Pennsylvania & Maryland. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 71. (2 folios.) August 10. Mr. Popple to the Attorney General Sir James Montague, with some Laws of Pennsylvania for his Opinion thereupon. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 37. p. 144. (3 folios.) August 30. Mr. Attorney General's Report upon 5 Laws passed in Pennsylvania in 1705. (Original.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 73. (2 folios.) September 8. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, upon the Laws of Pennsylvania passed in 1705. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 146. (19 folios.) September 8. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, acquainting him with a Report's having been made by the Board upon several Acts of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 155. (1 folio.) September 12, Bristol. Mr. Penn to Mr. Popple, relating to the Representation on the Laws of Pennsylv'a. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 75. (2 folios.) 372 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1709, September 15. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, in answer to his of the 12th September relating to a Representation on the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 37. p. 157. (2 folios.) October 18. Board of Trade to the Lord President, relating to the Laws of Pennsylvania passed in 1705, now lying before her Majesty. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 159. (2 folios.) October 24, Windsor. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of the 8 of Sept'r last on the Pennsylvania Laws passed in 1705-repealing six of them. Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 79. (4 folios.) October 24, Windsor. Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of Sept. 8 on the Pennsylvania Laws passed in 1705, directing the Board to recommend to Mr. Penn the several matters set forth in the said Representation. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 80. (5 folios.) October 28. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, with the order in Council of the 24th inst., repealing six Pennsylvania Laws, as likewise the Copy of another Order of that date, about passing & transmitting Laws from them. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 165. (1 folio.) December 2. Col. Quary to the Board-giving an account of the state of the Governments of Virginia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey & Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 9. K. 1. (15 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 373 1709-10, January 19. Board of Trade to Mr. Penn, with extracts of Memorials relating to illegal Trade carried on between Pennsylvania and the Islands of Curagao and St. Thomas. (Entry.) See also the Plant. Gen. V. 37. p. 422. Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 206. (24 folios.) February 20. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, with further Extracts of several Memorials relating to illegal Trade between Curacao, St. Thomas, and the British Plantations. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 211. (7 folios.) 1710. July 31, Whitehall. Lord Dartmouth to the Board, inclosing Mr. Penn's Memorial proposing to surrender his Government of Pennsylvania to her Maj'ty. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. P. 100. (14 folios.) November 4, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Penn, with several Queries upon his proposing to surrender the Government of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 229. (5 folios.) December 7, Whitehall. Mr. Penn to the Board, relating to the surrender of his Government of Pennsylvania for ~20,000, to be paid him in 7 years. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 4. (8 folios.) 1710-11. February 2. Mr. Penn's Memorial to the Board of Trade, relating to his surrendering his Government of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 9. (11 folios.) 374 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1710-11, February 13. Board of Trade to Lord Dartmouth-inclosing their Representation to the Queen, upon Mr. Penn's proposal for surrendering his Government of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 254. (17 folios.) February 28. Notice taken of an Act passed in Pennsylvania directing an affirmation to such who for conscience sake cannot take an oath-but the Act itself is not with the Correspondence. Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 320. & V. 9. Q. 18. 1711. July 30, Windsor. Order of Council, referring to the Board an Address of the Minister, &c., of St. Mary's in New Jersey, about an Act passed in Pennsylvania constituting a new form of protestation, repugnant to the Affirmation enjoined by Act of Parliament. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 17. (11 folios.) December 4, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Queen, upon an Act passed in Pennsylvania " Directing an Affirmation to such who for conscience sake cannot take an Oath," proposing a repeal thereof. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 330. (3 folios.) December 19, St. James's. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board'of the 4 of Dec'r, relating to an Act passed in Pennsylvaniarepealing the same. Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 29. (3 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 375 1711-12, February 7, London. Copy of a letter from Col. Evans to Mr. Penn, touching the yearly income of Pennsylva'a, with another paper transmitted from Mr. Penn, of advantages which will accrue to the Crown by his surrendering the Govern't-transmitted to the Board from the Treasury, Aug. 30, 1715. Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 53. (5 folios.) February 25. Mr. Attorney General's Report on a proposal of Mr. Penn's to surrender his powers of Government in Pennsylvania, &c. (Copy) transmitted from the Treasury to the Board of Trade, Aug. 80, 1715. Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 54. (6 folios.) 1712. August 27. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Governors in America, directing them not to send over any Persons as Prisoners without proof of their Crimes. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 38. p. 3. 1713. May 4, St. James's. Order of Council directing the Board to send the Proclamations of Peace with France to the Governors in America. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 9. K. 25. (2 folios.) May 8. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Proprietary and other Govern'ts in America, inclosing the Proclamation for publishing the Peace between her Majesty and the French King. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 380. (2 folios.) 376 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1713, July 15. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Governors in the American Plantations, transmitting the printed Copies of the Treaties with France. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 387. (2 folios.) July 28. Notice is taken that on that day 29 Acts, passed in Pennsylvania in 1709, 1710, 1711, & 1712, were laid before the Board. Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 37. August 3, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to the Solicitor Gen'1, (Sir R't Raymond,) with 29 Acts of Pennsylvania for his opinion thereupon in point of Law. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 389. (9 folios.) August 3, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Borret (Solicitor of the Treasury), requesting to procure the dispatch of Mr. Solicitor General's Report upon the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 393. (2 folios.) December 2, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Borret, to hasten Mr. Solicitor General's report upon the Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 394. (2 folios.) December 22. Mr. Solicitor General's Report upon the Laws of Pennsylvania, sent him from the Board August 3. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 39. (31 folios.) 1713-14. January 15. Representation from the Board of Trade to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 377 17i3-14. the Queen, upon the Laws passed in Pennsylvania in 1708-9-10-11 & 12. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 408. (9 folios.) February 20, St. James's. Copy of an Order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of 15 Janu'y last, confirming several Laws of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T.-V. 9. Q. 41. (7 folios.) February 20, St. James's. Copy of an order of Council upon a Representation from the Board of Trade of 15 Janu'y last, repealing several Laws of Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V. 9. Q. 42. (7 folios.) March 19, Whitehall. Board of Trade to the Dep'y Gover'r Gookin, inclosing two orders of Council of the 20 of February last, for confirming some and repealing other Laws of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 416. (2 folios.) 1714. April 6, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Governors in America, with the Proclamation and the Treaty of Peace with Spain. (Entry.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 38. p. 40. (2 folios.) June 5. Order of a Committee of Council, with a Copy of an Order of Council of 21 April, about passing temporary Acts in the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Plant. Gen. B. T. V. 9. K. 30. (12 folios.) June 10, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney Gen'linclosing several papers relating to the passing and 378 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1714. transmitting of temporary Plantation Laws, for his opinion thereupon. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 38. p. 47. (5 folios.) July 16. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney Gen'l, pressing for an answer to his letter of the 10th of June last. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 38. p. 48. (1 folio.) July 22. Sir Edw'd Northey's (Attorney Gen'l) Report to the Board, in answer to Mr. Popple's letter of the 10th of June last, on the subject of the temporary Plantation Laws. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 9. K. 35. (6 folios.) August 5, St. James's. Order of Council, with the draft of a Proclamation for Proclaiming King George I., to be filled up and returned to the L'ds Justices to pass the Great Seal. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 9. K. 33. (5 folios.) August 6, Whitehall. Representation from the Board of Trade to the Lords Justices, with drafts of Proclamations, filled up for Proclaiming King George in America, for their approbation. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 38. p. 51. (7 folios.) August 10, St. James's. Order of Council, approving the Drafts of a Proclamation sent to them from the Board on the 6th of August. (Orig'l.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 9. K. 34. (2 folios.) August 11. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to the Governors in America, for Proclaiming King George the 1st. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 38. p. 56. (4 folios.) September 2, Whitehall. Report from the Board of Trade RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 379 1714. to the Lords of the Committee, of appeals from the Plantations in relation to the temporary Laws passed there. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 418. (10 folios.) 1715. August 4, Whitehall. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Governors in America, relating to the Revenues raised there, the number of White Men fit to bear arms, the Indians, stores of War, &c'a. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. Vol. 38. p. 81. (5 folios.) August 17, H. C. Order of a Committee of the House of Commons requiring the Secretary of the Board of Trade to attend them with Books and papers relating to the Charter and Proprietary Governments in America. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 52. (1 folio.) August 24, Whitehall. Mr. Popple to Mr. Taylour (Secretary to the Treasury), for copies of such papers in that Office as relate to the surrender of Pennsylvania & Maryland. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 30. p. 465. (1 folio.) 1716. August 31. Petition of the Rev'd Robert Jenney, Minister of the Church at Philadelphia, and the King's letter 330 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1716. for the payment of a certain sum yearly for his subsistance out of the Customs on Tobacco. (Draft.) Am. & W. Ind's. V. 388. (8 folios.) September 13, Hampton C't. Order of Council upon the Recommendation of Mr. Penn and his Trustees for Mr. Keith to be Dep'ty Gover'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 85. (5 folios.) September 16. Mr. Perry and Mr. Hyde to Mr. Popple, offering to be sureties for Mr. Keith to be Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 86. (2 folios.) September 27. The Case of Mr. Wm. Keith, late Surveyor Gen'l of the Customs in America, and now nominated to be Lt. Govr. in Pennsylvania. (Draft.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 87. (5 folios.) October 16. Representation from the Board.of Trade to the Prince of Wales upon the order of Council of the 13th of Sept'r last, relating to Mr. Keith's being appointed Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 29. (2 folios.) October 25. Mr. Penn's Declaration of his Maj'ty's Right to the three Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 90. (1 folio.) November 12, St. James's. Order of Council approving a Representation about Mr. Keith's being appointed Dep'y Gov'r of Pennsylvania, and ordering the Board to take care that security be given. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 88. (3 folios.) November 22. Mr. Popple to Mr. Lowndes, relating to RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 381 1716. Mr. Keith's giving security and inclosing the Draft of a Bond for that purpose. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 37. (12 folios.) December 17th. Certificate from the Dep'y Remembrancer of security having been given in the Exchequer for Mr. Keith. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 99. (2 folios.) December 17. Representation from the Board of Trade for Mr. Keith's approbation to be Dep'ty Gov'r of Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 31. p. 53. (4 folios.) December 17. Copies of two Orders of Council, one approving Mr. Keith for Dep'ty Gov'r of Pennsylvania, another relating to instructions to be given Mr. Penn concerning the Acts of Trade. Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 104. (3 folios.) December 29, Hanover. Mr. Seer. Stanhope to the Board, inclosing a Memorial from the Earl of Sutherland, praying for a grant of the three Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 110. (5 folios.) 1716-7. February 13. Mr. Popple to the Attorney & Solicitor Generals, inclosing the Earl of Sutherland's Petition for a Grant of the three Lower Counties for their opinion. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 70. (2 folios.) March 18. Memorial from Mr. Gee to the Board of 382 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1716-7. Trade, relating to the production of Naval Stores in Pennsylvania and other parts of America, and relating to transporting servants to the Plantations. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 114. (15 folios.) 1717. March 27, Marlboro' Street. The Earl of Sutherland to the Board, desiring a Copy of Mr. Penn's Declaration relating to the three Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 115. (1 folio.) May 6, Bristol. Copies of a Letter and Affidavit from Bristol relating to the progress made by the Naval Store Company of Merchants towards setting up the Manufacture of Hemp in Pennsylvania. Propr. B. T. V.10. Q. 120. (6 folios.) May 16. Circular letter from the Board of Trade to all the Gov'rs in America, relating to the Treaty of Neutrality in America concluded between England and France in 1686, and against illegal Trade between the English and French Plantations there. (Entry.) Plant. Genl. B. T. V. 38. p. 113. (5 folios.) June 27, Philadelphia. Mr. Keith to the Board of Trade. Sends a copy of his speech to the Assembly of the 3 Lower Counties, and intercedes to the Board in behalf of the People of Pennsylva'a, urging strongly the non-separation of the three Lower Counties from that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 135 & 136. (36 folios.) June 27,,Philadelphia. Mr. Keith to Mr. Popple, inclosing his letter of the same date to the Board. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 137. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 383 1717, September 24, Pennsylvania. Mr. Keith to the Board, inclosing minutes of the proceedings with the Indians.-Informs the Board that he has found great plenty of Iron Ore in Pennsylva'a.-He hopes the Governm't will take Pennsylvania into its own hands, and join to it the West Jerseys and the 3 Lower Counties, and gives reasons for it. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 140. (45 folios.) October 21. Copy of Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General's Report upon the Petition of the Earl of Sutherland for a Grant of the three Lower Counties adjoining Pennsylvania, and the King's reference of the said Petition to the Board of Trade. Am. & W. Ind's. Vol. 388. (60 folios.) October 28. The Attorney and Solicitor Gen'l to Mr. Popple, inclosing their Report upon the Petition of the Earl of Sutherland for a Grant of the three Lower Counties. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 134. (57 folios.) November 25, Philadelphia. Mr. Keith to the BoardAcknowledges the receipt of a Circular letter-incloses a copy of his directions to the Collector of the Customs-he believes that the People still Trade with the Foreign settlements, and he knows not an Act of Parliament to prohibit such Trade, and recommends a heavy duty on Foreign produce as a remedy. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 141. (11 folios.) 384 CATALOGUE OF PAPERS 1717-8. March 19th. Board of Trade to Mr. Keith.-Agree with him in the opinion to lay a heavy duty upon Foreign produce as recommended in his letter of November 25, 1717.-They have not had any proposals about the Iron Ore.-They send him a Copy of a Memorial about the discoveries by the French, and desire him to be well informed on the subject.They desire him to give immediate directions for an account of the Imports from the West Indias for three years past. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 138. (9 folios.) 1718. April 26, Do. 28, London. Two Anonymous letters to Mr. Popple, relating to some Laws of Pennsylvania and the surrender of the Government of that Province. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 150. (4 folios.) May 20. Mr. Joshua Gee, one of the Mortgagees' answer to two anonymous letters sent to Mr. Popple of 26th & 28th of April last. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 155. (10 folios.) June 2, Philadelphia. Mr. Keith to the Board-Is in want of directions for his conduct in the Government.He has passed some Laws for renewing & continuing duties, & hopes they will not be disapproved of. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 159. (4 folios.) October 17. Mr. Keith to the Board, inclosing an Act of Pennsylvania for confirmation. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 166. (2 folios.) RELATING TO PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE. 385 1718, October 23. Mr. Keith to Mr. Popple, acknowledging the receipt of letters from the Board. (Orig'l.) Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 167. (1 folio.) December 5. Mr. Popple to Mr. Gee, desiring him to bring the Laws lately passed in Pennsylvania. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 159. (1 folio.) December 9. Memorial of Mr. Penn and several of his Friends to the Board of Trade, in behalf of the People of Pennsylvania, with reasons for passing several Laws there in 1713 & 1715. (Orig'l in the handwriting of Mr. Gee, but not signed.) Propr. B. T. Vol. 10. Q. 160. (48 folios.) December 9. An Abstract of several Laws of Pennsylvania presented with the Memorial of Mr. Penn & others of the same date. Propr. B. T. V. 10. Q. 161. (130 folios.) December 10. Mr. Popple to Mr. Gee, desiring the Laws passed in Pennsylvania since 1711. (Entry.) Propr. B. T. V. 31. p. 160. (1 folio.) 29 OFFICERS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Elected February 11, 1850.) PRESIDENT. THOMAS SERGEANT. VICE-PRESIDENTS. THOMAS M. PETTIT, J. FRANCIS FISHER, WILLIAM RAWLE, GEORGE SHARSWOOD. TREASURER. THOMAS S. MITCHELL, No. 48 S. Fourth Street. RECORDING SECRETARY. EDWARD ARMSTRONG, No. 108 S. Fourth Street. DOMESTIC CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. WILLIAM DUANE, No. 138 Walnut Street. FOREIGN CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. HORATIO GATES JONES, JR., No. 47 S. Fifth Street. LIBRARIAN. SIDNEY V. SMITH. No. 59 S. Seventh Street. CURATOR. HOWARD SPENCER, No. 53 N. Water Street. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SAMUEL HAZARD, LEWIS H. WEISS, BENJ. H. COATES, M.D., TOWNSEND WARD, JOHN T. LEWIS, CHARLES J. HENNIS, JOHN JORDAN, JR., PHILIP F. SNYDER, GEORGE NORTHROP. CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (MARCH, 1850.) (Life Members are marked with an *.) Edward Armstrong, James H. Castle, S. Austin Allibone, John Cadwalader, Charles J. Ashmead, George W. Carpenter, Samuel B. Ashmead, Joseph L. Chester, William N. Atwood. *Alexander B. Carver, Henry C. Carey, *Thomas Biddle, Edwin T. Chase, T. Pennant Barton, Peter Crans, Jr. William Linn Brown, Harry Conrad, Samuel Breck, John Cassin, John Bohlen, Jr., Franklin A. Comly, Thomas A. Budd, George W. Colladay. George H. Boker, Henry C. Baird, *William Duane, J. Rhea Barton, M.D. MVontreville W. Dickeson, C. Morris Blake, Lyman C. Draper, Joshua G. Brinckle, IH. Dutton, Samuel A. Black, Isaac R. Davis. Alexander Browne, William D. Baker, Alfred L. Elwyn, M.D. Maurice Bywater, Rev. Albert Barnes, J. Francis Fisher, Rev. Henry A. Boardman. William P. Foulke, Rev. George W. Bethune, Frederick Fraley, J. Dorsey Bald, John Fallon, Edward C. Biddle, John F. Frazer, Francis N. Buck, Coleman Fisher, Vincent L. Bradford. J. B. Flagg, M.D. James B. Freeman, Thomas P. Cope, John Farnum. *Benjamin H. Coates, M.D. Alfred Cope, Henry D. Gilpin, Joseph R. Chandler, George R. Graham, 390 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Charles Gibbons, E. Spencer Miller, Michael F. Groves, M. D. John C. Mitchell, Emile B. Gardette, M. D. James V. Mazurie, Henry I. Grout, *Thomas S. Mitchell, P. Gould, M. D. John H. Markland, Robert Morris, M. D. H. H. Hollingshead, Charles Morris, *Samuel Hazard, Rev. William Mann, Samuel Hood, Andrew Miller, Henry Helmuth, John G. Michener, Charles Harlan, James Murphy, George Hammersley, John McAllister, Charles Hall, Peter McCall, Charles J. Hennis, Morton McMichael, C. H. Housekeeper, William J. Mullen, James Hanna, Rev. D. Sutter Miller, Jeremiah Hacker, Rev. Howard Malcom. Isaiah Hacker. George W. Norris, M. D Joseph R. Ingersoll. George Northrop. *John Jordan, Jr. John H. Oberteuffer. *Francis Jordan, George W. Jones, John Penington, Theodore T. Johnson, Thomas M. Pettit, Horatio G. Jones, Jr. Charles A. Poulson, Charles A. Poulson, Jr. Horn R. Kneass, Comegys Paul, William V. Keating, M. D. Isaac Parrish, M. D. William C. Kent, Charles J. Peterson. Leonard R. Koecker, M.D. Robert S. Paschall, Augustin R. Peale, James B. Longacre, Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, Rev. Isaac Leeser, Horace L. Peterson, John T. Lewis, Rev. Joel Parker. D. Paul Lajus, M. D. John Lindsay, William Rawle, Lyon J. Levy, William B. Reed, James Lippincott, Frederick A. Raybold, Joseph P. Loughead. John M. Read, Lewis Roper, M.D. Samuel G. Morton, M. D. Philip P. Randolph, LIST OF CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS. 391 Charles C. Rhoades, Benjamin Tilghman, Nathaniel Randolph, Samuel H. Traquair, Rev. Edward Rondthaler, Joseph M. Thomas, *A. B. Rockey, George Tucker, *T. Buchanan Read, Henry C. Townsend, Joseph Galloway Rowland. Alfred B. Taylor, John Titus, Thomas Sergeant, John K. Townsend, Isaac Smith, Joseph C. Turnpenny. George Sharswood, Charles J. Stille, John J. Vander Kemp, Howard Spencer, Richard Vaux. Henry H. G. Sharpless, Thomas Shipley, George B. Wood, M. D. Sidney V. Smith, Mifflin Wistar, Aubrey H. Smith, Thomas I. Wharton, Philip F. Snyder, Townsend Ward, Richard Calhoun See, J. Wilson Wallace, Winthrop Sargent, William White, William Shippen, M. D. Solomon Wiatt, Rev. William B. Stevens, C. M. Wickersham, James S. Spencer, Jr. E. E. Wilson, M. D. Samuel W. Stockton, John Welsh, Jr. S. M. Schmiicker, John R. Wilmer, Charles G. Sower, Thomas U. Walter, S. Moore Shute, David Weatherly, Jr. Abraham H. See, *Lewis H. Weiss, George Snyder, *Charles M. Wagner, Isaac S. Serrill. John Wiltbank, M. D. Thompson Westcott. Job R. Tyson, Oswald Thompson, Henry M. Zollickoffer. THE END.