THE ORIGINAL CHARTER OF, COLUMBIA COLLEGE, }au tit Ot1 of gtb orh, OCTOBER 31ST, 1754; WITH THE ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE ALTEJRI AcND AMENDIG TAH 8AE, OR RELATING TO THE COLLEGE. NEW-YORK: HALL, CLAYTON & CO., PRINTERS. 1854. ORIGINAL CHARTER OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, GEORGE THE SECOND, by the grace of Recitals. God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, by sev- Money raised by eral acts of the Governour, Council, and General acts of the legislature assembly of our Province of New York, diversto build a sums of money have been Raised by Publick Lot- College. teries, and appropriated for the founding, erecting, and establishing a College in our said Government, for the Education and Instruction of Youth in the Liberal Arts and Sciences:.Ind Whereas, Grant of Ground by the Rector and inhabitants of the City of New Trinity Church for a York, in Communion of the Church of England, Site for the as by Law Established, for the encouraging and Colege. promoting the same good design, have sett apart a parcel of ground for that purpose, of upwards of Three Thousand Pounds value, belonging to the said Corporation, on the west side of the broadway, in the west ward of our City of New York, fronting easterly to Church street, between Barclay street and Murray street, four hundred and forty foot; And from thence running westerly, between and along the said Barclay street and Murray street, to the North River; And also, a street, from the middle of the said Land, Easterly 4 to the Broadway, of ninety Foot, to be called Robinson street, And have declared that they are ready and desirous to Convey the said Land in Fee, to and for the use of a College, intended and proposed to be Erected and Established in our said Province, upon the terms in their said declaration mentioned:.And Whereas our Loving Subjects, the Trustees, appointed in and by an act of the Governor, Council, and General Assembly of our said Province of New York, Intitled an Act for Vesting in Trustees the sum of three Thousand four Hundred and forty three Pounds eighteen shillings, by way of Lottery, for erecting a College within this Colony, esteeming the said Lands offered and sett apart by the said Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York, in Communion of the Church of England, as by Law Established, the most convenient place for the Building, Erecting, and Establishing, a College, in our said Province, have, by their humble petition, presented to our trusty and well beloved James De Lancey, Esq., our Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Province of New York, In Council, prayed our Letters patent of Incorporation for the Better Establishing, Erecting, and Building a College, on the said Lands, and the more Effectually Governing, Carrying on, and Promoting the same, and Instructing of Youth in the Liberal Arts and Sciences; Wherefore, Wee, being willing to Grant the Reasonable request and desire of our said Loving Subjects, and to Encourage the said good design of promoting a Liberal Education among them, and to make the same as Beneficial as may be, not only to the Inhabitants of our said Province of New York, But to all our Colonies and Territories in America, Know Ye, that Wee, consider ing the premisses, do, of our especial Grace, Certain Knowledge, and meer motion, by these presents, will, Grant, Constitute, and ordain, that when, and as soon as the said Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York, in Communion of the Church of England, as by Law established, shall legally convey and assure the said herein before mentioned Lands to the Corporation, or body politick, Erected and made by these our Letters patent, That there be erected and made on the said Lands, a College, and other Buildings and Improvements, for the use and conveniency of the same, which shall be called and Known by the name of King's College, for the Instruction and ~ameof Education of Youth in the Learned Languages, College. and Liberal Arts and Sciences;.And that in Consideration of such Grant, to be made by the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York, in Communion of the Church of England, as by Law Presidentof the College Established, the President of the said College, for to beinComthe time being, shall for ever hereafter be a meme the Church of England. ber of, and in Communion with the Church of England, as by Law established; And that the Governors of the said College, and their successors, for ever, shall be one body Corporate and politick, in deed, fact, and name, and shall be called, named, and distinguished, by the name of Corporate the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, and them and their successors, by the name of the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, one Body Corporate and politick, in deed, fact, and name, really and fully, we do for us, our heirs and Successors,Erect,Ordain, make, Constitute, declare, and Create by these presents, and that by that name, 6 they shall and may have perpetual succession:.And we do for us, our heirs, and successors, for the Continuance and Better Establishment of the said College, Will, Give, Grant, Ordain, Constitute, and appoint, that in the said College, to be Erected and Built upon the Lands aforesaid, there shall from henceforth forever be a Body Corporate and politick, Consisting of the Governors of the Col-lege of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America; And for the more full and perfect Erection of the said Corporation and Body politick, consisting of the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York in America, we do will, Grant, ordain, Constitute, assign, Limitt, and appoint, by Governors of these presents, the most Reverend Father in God, the College named and our Trusty, and well beloved Thomas, Lord Archappointed. bishop of Canterbury, and the most Reverend the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being; The Right Honorable Dunk, Earl of Halifax, first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, and the first Lord Commissioner for Trade and plantations for the time being; Our now Lieutenant Governor and Commander in chief of our said Province of New York, and the Governor or Commander in chief of our said Province for the time being; the eldest Councilor of our said Province now and for the time being; the Judges of our Supreme Court of Judicature of our said Province now and for the time being; the Secretary of our said Province now and for the time being; the Attorney General of our said Province now and for the time being; the Speaker of the General Assembly of our said Province now and for the time being; the Treasurer of our said Province now and for the time being; the 7 Mayor of our City of New York in our said Province now and for the time being; the Rector of Trinity Church in our said City of New York now and for the time being; the Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Churchi in our said City now and for the time being; the Minister of the ancient Lutheran Church in our said City now and for the time being; the Minister of the French Church in our said City now and for the time being; the Minister of the Presbeterian Congregation in our said City for the time being; the President of the said College, appointed by these Presents, and the President of the said College for the time being, to be chosen as herein after is directed, and twenty four other Persons, Who shall be called and named, and are hereby called and named, the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of Jew York in.qmerica; And for that purpose,We have elected, nominated,ordained, constituted, limited, and appointed, and by these Presents do, for us, our Heirs, and Successors, elect, nominate, ordain, constitute, limit, and appoint, the said most Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being; The Right Honourable Dunk, Earl of Halifax, first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, and the first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being; our now Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of our Province of New York, and the Governor or Commander in chief of our said Province for the time being; the eldest Councilor of our said Province now and for the time being; the Judges of our Supreme Court of Judicature of our said Province now and for the time being; the Secreo 8 tary of our said Province now and for the time being; the Attorney General of our said Province now and for the time being; the Speaker of the General Assembly of our said Province now and for the time being; the Treasurer of our said Province now and for the time being; the Mayor of our said City of New York now and for the time being; the Rector of Trinity Church in our said City now and for the time being; the Senior Minister of the Reformed Protestant Duateh Church in our said City neow and for the time being; the Minister of the ancient Lutheran Church in our said City now and for the time being; the minister of the French Church in our said City now and for the time being; the minister of the Presbiterian Congregation in our said City for the time being; the President of the said Col — lege, appointed by these Presents, and the President of the said College for the time being; and Archibald Kennedy, Joseph Murray, Josiah Martin, Paul Richard, Henry Cruger, William Walton, John Watts, Henry Beekman, Philip Ver Planck, Frederick Philipse, Joseph Robinson, John Cruger, Oliver De Lancey, James Livingston, Esquires, Benjamin Nicoll, William Livingston, Joseph Read, Nathaniel Marston, Joseph Haynes, John Livingston, Abraham Lodge,, David Clarkson, Leonard Lispenard, and James De Lancey the Younger, Gentlemen, to be the present Governors of the said College; and we do by these Presents ordain and appoint our well lret Presi-beloved Samuel Johnson, Doctor of Divinity, todent named andppaoint-be the first and present President of the said College, for and during his Good Behaviour; and do will that he and the President for the time. being after him, who shall also hold his offiee 9 during Good behaviour, shall have the Immediate care of the Education and Government of the students that shall be sent to and admitted into the said College for Instruction and Education, according to such Rules and orders as shall be made by the Governors of the said College;.And they are by these presents made and constituted a Body Corporate and politick, by the said name of the Governors of the College of the province of New York, in the City of New York, in America; and they and their successors, by the said name of the Governors of the College of the province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, be, and for ever hereafter shall be, a Body politick and Corporate, in deed, fact, and name, and shall be Capable and able in Law tO Capable to sue and be sued, Implead and be Impleaded,' answer and be Answered unto, Defend and be Defended, In all Courts and places, before Us, our Heirs and Successors, and before all and any the Judges, Justices, Officers, and Ministers of Us, our Heirs and Successors, in any Court or Courts, place and places Whatsoever, in all and all manner of actions, suits, Complaints, Pleas, causes, matters, and demands whatsoever, and of what kind or nature soever, in as full. ample manner and form as any of our other Liege Subjects of our said Province of New York can or may sue and be sued, Implead and be Impleaded, defend and be Defended, by any Lawfull ways and means whatsoever. and, also, that they and their successors, by the said name of the Governors of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, be, and for ever hereafter, shall be a Body Corporate, Capable Take and and able in Law to purchase, take, hold lands, and able in Law to purchase, take, hold, receive, &e. 10 Enjoy, and have any messuages, houses, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and real Estate whatsoever, in Fee simple, or for Term of Life, or Lives, or Years, or in any other manner howNot exceed- soever, for the use of the said College; Provided ing in value 2000 pounds always, the clear yearly value thereof do not per annum. exceed the sum of Two Thousand pounds Sterling; and also Goods, Chattells, Books, moneys, annuities, and all other things of what nature and kind soever. And, also, that they and their Successors, by the same name of the Governours of the College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, to and for the use of the said College, shall and may have full power To erIect and authority to Erect and build any house or buildings, a dheisprosehouses, or other Buildings, as they shall think perty, &c. necessary or convenient; and also to Give, Grant, Bargain, sell, demise, assign, or otherwise dispose of all or any messuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, and other Hereditaments, and real Estate, and all Goods, Chattells, money, and other things whatsoever, as to them shall seem fitt, either in the payment of the Salary or Salaries of the President, Fellows, and Professors of the said College, or any other officers or ministers of the same, at Except the their will and pleasure: excepting always, and lands Given by Trinity it is, Nevertheless, our True Intent and meaning Church. that the said Governors of the said College for the time being, and their Successors, or any of them, shall not do or suffer to be done, at any time hereafter, any act or thing whereby or by means whereof the Lands set apart and offered to be Conveyed by the Rector and Inhabitants of the City of New York, In Communion of the Church of England as by Law Established, for the use of the College, or any part thereof, shall be Vested, Conveyed, or Transferred, to any other person, contrary to the true meaning hereof, other than by such Leases as are hereafter mentioned: our will and pleasure is, therefore, and we do for us our heirs and Successors will and ordain, that no Grant or Lease of the said Land, or any part thereof, shall be made by the said Governors of the said College which shall exceed the number of Twenty one Years, and That either in possession or not above three years before the End and Expiration or Determination of the Estate or Estates in possession. lind we do by these presents will, ordain, and direct, that the said Governors of the said College (Except always the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, and our first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations) do, at their first meeting, after the receipt of these our Letters patents, and before they proceed to any business of and concerning the said College, take the oaths appointed to be taken by Te Gover-, an act passed in the first year of our Late Royalertain Father's Reign, Entituled, [an Act for the further security of his Majesty's Person and Government, and the Succession of the Crown, in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being protestants, and for extinguishing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of wales, and his open and Secret abettors,] and make and subscribe the declaration mentioned in An Act of Parliament made in the twenty fifth year of the Reign of King Charles the second, Entituled, [an act for preventing Dangers which may happen from popish Recusants;] as also, an oath, faithfully to execute the trust Reposed in them, as members of the said Corporation, which Oaths we authorize and Impower the Justices of our Supreme Court of Judicature, for 12 our said Province of New York for the time being, any or either of them to administer; and that when, and as often as any person or persons, either by his office or place in our said Government, or Elsewhere, (Except always the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being, and our first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations for the time being,) or by Choice of the said Governors of the said College, shall become, or be Chosen a Member or members of the said Corporation, they shall, before they are admitted, or enter into the said office or Trust, take the said Oaths, and Subscribe the said Declaration to be administered to them in the manner above directed../nd we do further will, ordain, and direct, that the Governors of the said College, shall yearly, and every year hereafter, forever, on the Second Tuesday in the Month of May, in every year, meet together in our said City of imee of New York, for the Better taking care of, and Prodovernors; moting the Interest of the said College; and that to be a the said Governors of the said College, or any fifteen or more of them being *met, shall be a Legal meeting of the said Corporation, and they, or the major part of them so met, shall have full power and authority to adjourn from day to day, as the Business of the said College may require, and to do, execute, and perform, all and every act and acts, thing and things whatsoever, which the said Governors of the said College are, or shall by these, our Letters patent, be authorized and Impowered to do, act, or Transact, in as full and ample manner, as if all and every of the members of the said Corporation were present..3nd we do will, ordain, and direct, that as our Right Trusty and well beloved Thomas, Lord Archbishop of 13 Canterbury, and the Lord Archbishop of Canter-a~ver~s bury for the time being; and our said first Lord residing in Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, and the mayaiep oint First Lord Commissioner for Trade and plantations for the time being, cannot attend the meetings of the said Corporation, they and each of them shall, from time to time, have full power and authority to appoint a Proxy, in writing, under their hand and seal, which person or persons so appointed by them, and each of them shall and may Represent them, and each of them, Respectively, according to such appointment, and shall have.full power to vote and act as a Governor or Governors of the said Corporation, at any and every meeting of the said Corporation, as fully and amply as if they, the Constituents, and each of them were present at every such meeting or meetings; fAnd, in Case any other meeting or meetings of the said Governors of the said College shall, at any other time or times, be Judged and deemed Necessary for the Carrying on and promoting of the Business and Interest of thespecial meetings, said College, or the Government thereof, by any oti five members of the said Corporation, we do, by these presents, authorize and Impower such five members by writing, and under their hands, to direct the Clerk of the said Corporation to Give notice of the day appointed by them, for such meeting, at the said City of New York, by advertiseing the same in one or more of the publick news papers, at Least, seven Days before such meeting; and, that at such meeting, the said Clerk, before entering on any Business, shall Certify such Notification, under his hand, to theFifteen Board then met; Provided, always, Fifteen or Quorum for t ransaction more of the said members shall be then met to- of business. 14 gether, which said fifteen or more members, so met, In Pursuance of such Notification, shall be a Legal meeting of the said Governors of the said College; and they, or the major part of them so mett, shall have full power and authority to adjourn from day to day, as the Business of the said College may require, and to do, Transact, and perform, all matters and things whatsoever, that the said Governors of the said College are, or shall be authorized and Impowered to do, by these presents. And, of our further Grace, Certain Knowlledge, and meer motion, to the Intent that the said Corporation and Body politick, may answer the end of their erection and Constitution, and may have perpetual succession and Continue forever, Wee do for us, our heirs, and Successors, Give and Graftt unto the said Governors of the said College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York in America, and to their Successors for ever, that when and as often as they or any fifteen or more of the said members of the said Corporation or of their Successors shall be mett together at'their said Yearly meeting herein before appointed, or at any other meeting upon Notification, as aforesaid, for the Service of the said College, that the Governor or Commander in chief of our said Province of New York, and, in Governor of his absence, the First person in Rank in our said the Province or person Government, who holds his place as a Governor next in rank or Senior of the said Corporation by his office, place, or Governor, as the case maDignity, and, in the absence of such, the Eldest be, to preside at all Governor or member of the said Corporation then meetings. present, such Seniority to be taken according as they are named in this our Charter, during the lives of the present Governors, and after their death, the Seniority to be taken and accounted as 15 they have been a Longer or shorter time Governors of the said Corporation, shall preside at such meeting from time to time, and that at such meeting or meetings from time to time, they or the major part of them so met, shall have full power and authority to Elect, nominate, and appoint any person to be president. of the said College in a Vacancy of the said Presidentship for and during his Good President of the College Behaviour; provided, always, such President and Fellows, Professors, Elect or to be elected by them, be a member of, andTutors to be and in Communion with the Church of England, appointed. as by Law Established; and, also, to Elect one or more Fellow or Fellows, Professor or Professors, Tutor or Tutors, to assist the President of the said College in the Education and Government of the Students belonging to the said College, which Fellow or Fellows, Professor or Professors, Tutor or Tutors, and every of them, shall hold and Enjoy their said office or place, either at the will and pleasure of the Governors of the said Corporation or during his or their Good Behaviour, according as shall be agreed upon Between such Fellow or Fellows, Professor or Professors, Tutor or Tutors, and the said Governors of the said College, Provided, always, such Fellow or Fellows, Professor or Professors, Tutor or Tutors, before they or either of them enter into or Take upon themselves such office, do take the Oaths and subscribe the declaration herein before directed, to be Taken and subscribed by the Governors of the said College before they enter upon their said Respective offices; and that when and as often as any or either of the said offices shall become Vacant by death or otherwise, the said Governors or the major part of any Fifteen or more of them so met as aforesaid, shall have full power 16 to Elect, Nominate, and appoint, other or others in their places, upon the same proviso or CondiVthnces in tion as aforesaid; and, Also, to Elect, Nominate, of Governcrs and appoint, upon the Death, Removal, Refusal to be filled. to Qualify, or other vacancy of the place or places, of any Governor or Governors of the said Corporation not holding his office or place as a member of the same, by virtue of any other station, office, place, or dignity, from time to time, other or others in their places or stead as often as such vacancy shall happen, which Governor or Governors so from time to time elected and appointed, shall, by virtue of these presents, and of such Election and appointment be vested with all the powers, authoritys, and priviledges, which any Governor of the said Corporation is hereby Invested with..1nd, we dofurther, of our especial Grace, certain Knowledge, and meer motion, for us, our heirs, and Successors, Grant and ordain that when and as often as the president of the said College, or any Fellow, Professor or Tutor holding his place during Good behaviour shall misdemean himself in his or their said offices, and thereupon a Complaint or Charge in writing of such misdemeanour shall be exhibited against him or them by any member of the said Corporation, at any meeting or meetings of the said CorPresidesnt poration met and convened as aforesaid, That it Professors, shall be Lawful for the said members of the said and Tutors, whenad Corporation then met, or the major part of them how suspended or from time to time, upon Examination and due discharged. proof, to suspend or discharge such President, Fellow, Professor, or Tutor, from his said office, and other or others in his or their place or places to appoint; and, we do further for us, our heirs, and Successors, will and Grant that the said Gover 17 nors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened and mett as aforesaid, shall and may, from time to time, as occasion may require, Elect, Constitute, and appoint, a Treasurer, Clerk, and Steward, for theTreasurer, said College, and to appoint them and each ofsteward. them their respective Business and Trusts, and to displace and discharge from the Service of the said College such Treasurer, Clerk, or steward, and to elect other or others in their places and stead; and such Treasurer, Clerk, and steward, so Elected and appointed, we do for us, our heirs, and Successors, by these presents Constitute and Establish in their several offices, and do Give Tenfcu of offices. them full power and authority to Exercise the same in the said College, according to the direction and during the pleasure of the said Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened as aforesaid, as fully and freely as any other the like officers in any of our universities or any of our Colleges in that part of our Kingdom of Great Britain called England, Lawfully may and ought to do: and we do further, of our Especial Grace, Certain Knowledge, and meer motion, Give and Grant unto the said Governors of the said College, that they and their Successors, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened and mett Together in manner aforesaid, shall and may direct and appoint what Books shall be publickly read and My tdirec taught in the said College, by the President, maybe pubFellows, Professors, and Tutors; and shall and andtaught in the olmay, under their Common seal, make and set lege, * down, and they are hereby fully Impowered, from time to time, to make and set down in 18 writing, such Laws, ordinances, and orders, for the Better Government of the said College, and Students, and Ministers thereof, as they shall think best for the General Good of the same, so that they are not Repugnant to the Laws and statutes of that part of our Kingdom of Great Britain called England, or of our said Province, No person to of New York, and do not extend to exclude any be excluded from the Col-person of any Religious Denomination whatever lege on accountof his from Equal Liberty and advantage of Education, religious tenets. or from any the Degrees, Liberties, Priviledges, Benefits, or Immunities of the said College, on account of his particular Tenets in matters of Religion; And such laws, Ordinances, and orders, which shall be so made as aforesaid, we do by these Presents, for us, our heirs, and Successors, Ratify, Confirm, and allow, as Good and Effectual to bind and oblige all and every the Students and Officers. and Ministers of the said College; and we do hereby authorize and Impower the said Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them, at any of their meetings Convened as aforesaid, and the Presi — dent, Fellows, and Professors for the time being, to put such Laws, ordinances, and orders, in Pfnishments execution, that is to say, such as Inflict upon any Student the Greater Punishments of Expulsion, Suspension, Degradation, and public Confession, by the Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them, convened and met Together as aforesaid only; and such as Inflict the Lesser Punishments, by the President, Fellows, and Professors, or any of them, according to the true Intent of such Laws, ordinances, and orders, as shall be made In Pur 19 suance of these presents for that purpose. JAnd we do further will, ordain, and direct, that there shall be forever hereafter Publick morning andPublick evening service Constantly performed in the said theYColege College, morning and evening for ever, by the President, Fellows, Professors, or Tutors, of the said. College, or one of them, according to the Liturgy of the Church of England as by Law Established, or such a Collection of prayers out of the said Liturgy, with a Collect peculiar for the said College, as shall be approved of from time to time by the Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened as aforesaid: and we do further will and Grant, that the said Governors of the said College for the time being, or the major part of' any fifteen or more of them Convened as aforesaid, shall have full power and Lawful authority to v isit, tion of order, punish, place, and displace, The Treasurer, the Coege Clerk, Steward, students, and other officers and ministers of the said College, and to order, Reform, and Redress, all and any the disorders, misdemeanors and abuses in the persons aforesaid, or any of them, and to Censure, suspend, or deprive them, or any or either of them, So always, that no visitation, act, or thing, in or Concerning the said College, be made or done by any other person or persons whatsoever but as is herein before Directed and Declared..4nd we do further, of our Especial Grace, Certain Knowledge, and meer motion, will, Give, and Grant, unto the said Governors of the said College, that for the Encouragement of the Students of the said College to Diligence and Industry in their Studies, that they and' their Successors, and the major part of any fifteen or 20 more of them Convened and mett together as aforesaid, do, by the President of the said College, or any other person or persons by them authorized and appointed, Give and Grant any such degree Negrees and degrees to any the students of the said College, conferred, and Diplo-or any other person or persons by them thought tificates worthy thereof, as are usually Granted by any or thereof granted. either of our universities or Colleges in that part of our Kingdom of Great Britain called England, and that the President, or such other persons to be appointed for that purpose as aforesaid, do sign and seal Diplomas or Certificates of such Degree or Degrees, to be kept by the Graduates as a Testimonial thereof. And Further, of our Especial Grace, Certain Knowledge, and meer motion, we do for us, our heirs, and Successors, will, Give, and Grant, unto the said Governors of the said College, and to their Successors, that common they shall and may have one Common Seal, under which they shall and may pass all Grants, Diplomas, and all other writings whatsoever, requisite, necessary, or Convenient to pass under the seal of the said Corporation; which seal shall be Engraven in such form and with such Devices and Inscriptions as shall be agreed upon by the said Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them that shall be Convened for the service of the said College, in the manner above directed; and by these our Letters patent it shall and may be Lawful for them and their Successors, at any of their meetings Convened as aforesaid, as they shall see cause, to Break, Change, alter, and new make the same, or any other common Seal, when and as often as to them shall seem convenient. 21 AInd we, further, for us, our heirs, and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Governors of the said College, and their Successors, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened as aforesaid, full power and authority, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, to nominate and appoint all other Inferior officers or Ministersother inferior officers which they shall think convenient and necessary my be apfor the use of the College, not herein particularly pointed. named or mentioned, which Officers and Ministers we do hereby Impower to execute their Respective offices or Trusts, during the will and pleasure only of the Governors of the said College, or the major part of any fifteen or more of them Convened as aforesaid, as fully and freely as any other the like Officers or ministers in and of our Universities or any other College in that part of our Kingdom of Great Britain Called England may or ought to do. fAnd, Lastly, of our Express will and pleasure, and meer motion, we do, for us, our heirs, and Successors, Give and Grant unto the said Governors of the said College, and to their Successors for ever, that these our Letters patent, beingLeatree entered of Record, as is herein after particularly Expressed, or the Enrollment thereof, shall be Good and Effectual in the Law, to all Intents and purposes, against us, our heirs, and Successors, without any other Lycense, Grant, or Confirmation, from us, our heirs, or Successors, hereafter by the said Governors of the said College to be had or obtained, Notwithstanding the not reciting or misrecital, or not naming or misnaming, of the aforesaid offices, Franchises, Priviledges, Immunities, or other the premises, or any of them; and notwithstanding a writt ad Quod Damnum 22 hath not issued forth to inquire of or concerning the Premises, or any of them, before the ensealing hereof, any Statute, act, Ordinance, or provision, or any other matter or thing to the Contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding; To have, hold, and Enjoy, all and singular the Priviledges Liberties, advantages, and Immunities, and all and singular other the Premises herein or hereby Granted, or meant, mentioned, or Intended to be herein and hereby Given and Granted unto them, the said Governors of the said College of the Province of New York, in the City of New York, in America, and to their Successors for ever. In Testimony whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made patent, and the Great seal of our Province of New York to be hereunto affixed, and the same to be entered of Record in our Secretary's office of our said Province, in one of the Books of Patents there Remaining. Witness our Trusty and well beloved James De Lancey, Esq., our Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in chief in and over our Province of New York, and the Territories depending thereon, in.America, in, by, and with the Advice and Consent of our Council Dtoert of our said Province, this thirty first day of Octo1764' -ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty four, and of our Reign the twenty eighth. The following Erasures and Interlineations appearing in these our Letters Patent. That is to say, in the first skin, Line four, the word [Law]. Line nineteen, these words, [by these our Letters Patent, that there be Erected and made] Interlined: line twenty one, [with] wrote on Eraisure: line twenty two, [Law] Interlined. In the second skin, line Twelve, [the] 23 interlined, and [Younger] wrote on Eraisure. In the third skin, the First line, [and secret,] and in the sixth Line, [Administered] wrote partly on eraisure. In the twelfth line, [And the first Lord Commissioner for Trade and Plantations] Interlined. And in the fourth skin, and first line, the word [JAnd] Interlined. CLARKE, Junior. ACTS OF THE LEGISLATURE, RELATING TO COLUMBIA COLLEGE. s.n ACT to institute an University wsithin this State, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. Passed April 13th, 1787. [Sess. 10. ch. 82. sec. 8, 9, 10, 11. Greenleaf's Edit. vol. i. p. 437. Kent & Radcliff's Edit. vol. ii. p. 336.] VIII. J.nd be it further enacted by the authorityFormercharaforesaid, That the charter heretofore granted to legetintth ity of New the governors of the college of the province of York conNew-York, in the city of New-York, in America, rmed. dated the thirty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, shall be, and hereby is fully and absolutely ratified and confirmed, in all respects, except that the college thereby established, shall be henceforth called Columbia college: That the style of the said corporation shall be, The trustees 24 of Columbia college, in the city of New-York; and that no persons shall be trustees of the same, in virtue of any offices, characters, or descriptions whatever; excepting also such clauses thereof as require the taking of oaths, and subscribing the declaration therein mentioned; and which render a person ineligible to the office of president of the college, on account of his religious tenets, and prescribe a form of public prayer to be used in the said college; and also excepting the clause thereof which provides, that the by-laws and ordinances to be made in pursuance thereof, should not be repugnant to the laws and statutes of that part of the kingdom of Great-Britain, called England; except also, that in all cases where fifteen governors are required to constitute a quorum for the despatch of business, thirteen trustees shall be sufficient. Provided always, That the by-laws and ordinances to be made by the trustees of the said Columbia college, shall not be contrary to the constitution and laws of this state. IX. dtnd be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That James Duane, Samuel Provost, John H. Livingston, Richard Varick, Alexander Hamilton, John Mason, James Wilson, John Gano, Brockholst Livingston, Robert Harper, John Daniel Gross, Johann Christoff Kunze, Walter Livingston, Lewis A. Scott, Joseph Delaplaine, Leonard Lispenard, Abraham Beach, John Lawrence, John Rutherford, Morgan Lewis, John Cochran, Gershom Seixas, Charles M'Knight, Thomas Jones, Malachi Treat, Samuel Bard, Nicholas Romein, Benjamin Kissam, and Ebenezer Crossby, shall be, and they are hereby consti 25 tuted and declared to be the present trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New York, and that when by the death or resignation, or removal of any of the said trustees, the number of those trustees shall be reduced to twenty-four, then and from thenceforth the said twenty-four trustees shall be, and they hereby are declared and constituted trustees of the said Columbia college, in perpetual succession, according to the true intent and meaning of the said charter; and all vacancies thereafter shall be supplied in the manner thereby directed. X. d1nd be it further enacted by the authority Thepower, rights, and aforesaid, That all and singular the power, autho-estates of the college vestrity, rights, privileges, franchises, and immunities, ed in the trustee,. so heretofore granted to, and vested in the said governors of the college of the province of NewYork, in the city of New-York, in America, by the said charter, excepting as before excepted, shall be, and the same hereby are granted to and vested in the trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, and their successors forever, as fully and effectually, to all intents and purposes, as if the same were herein particularly specified and expressed; and all and singular the lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real estate, goods, chattels, rents, annuities, moneys, books, and other property, whereof the said governors of the college of the province of New-York, in the city of NewYork, in America, were seised, possessed, or entitled, under and in virtue of the said charter, or with which the regents of the said university were invested, under or by virtue of the said acts, for the use or benefit of the said Columbia college, shall be, and the same hereby are granted to and 26 vested in the said trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, and their successors forever, for the sole use and benefit of the said. college; and it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees, and their successors, to grant, bargain, sell, demise, improve, and dispose of the same, as to them shall seem meet. Provided always, That the lands given and granted to the governors of the college of the province of NewYork, in the city of New-York, in America, by the corporation, heretofore styled, The rector and inhabitants of the city of New-York, in communion of the church of England, as by law established, on part whereof the said college is erected, shall not be granted for any greater estate, or in any other manner, than is limited by the said charter. tio trus- XI. And be it further enacted by the authority special meet-aforesaid, That when any special meeting of the ings. trustees of the said college shall be deemed necessary, it shall'and may be lawful to and for the senior trustee of the said college, then in the city of New-York, and taking upon himself the exercise of the office, (which seniority shall be determined according to the order in which the said trustees are named in this act, and shall be elected hereafter,) and he is hereby authorized and required, on application for that purpose in writing under the hands of any five or more of the said trustees, to appoint a time for such special meeting, in some convenient place within the said city, and to cause due notice thereof to be given in the manner directed by the said charter. XXII..And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the act, entitled, An act for granting certain privileges to the college heretofore 27 called King's college, for altering the name and charter thereof, and erecting an university within this state, passed the 1st day of May, 1784; and the act, entitled, An act to amend an act, entitled, An act for granting certain privileges to the college heretofore called King's college, for altering the name and charter thereof, and erecting an university within this state, passed the 26th day of November, 1784, be, and they are hereby severally repealed. [The 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th ~~ of the preceding Act repealed by ~ 10, act March 23, 1810, following.] Yn ACT to encourage Literature, by Donations to Columbia College, and to the several ARcademies in the State. Passed April 11th, 1792. [Sess. 15. ch. 69. sec. 1. 3. Greenleafs Edit. vol. ii. p. 479.]. WHEREAS it has been represented to the legislature, that the funds of. Columbia college, in this state, have, in consequence of events which took place during the late war, been so far diminished, as to render it impracticable for the trustees to defray certain necessary expenses which have accrued to the college, in consequence of the alterations in the streets of the city of New York, and to repair the losses which the college sustained during the late war, with respect to its library, and to incur such further expenses as would render the seminary more extensively useful, without pecuniary aid from the legislature: For remedy whereof, 2v The certain 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of NJew sums herein mentioned, York, represented in Senate and Jssembly, That there to be allowed and paid to shall be allowed and paid to the trustees of Cothe trustees of saidcol- lumbia college, or their order, for the use of the leg, for certgin purpo- institution, the sum of fifteen hundred pounds, for the purpose of enlarging its library, and the sum of two hundred pounds for a chemical apparatus; and the sum of twelve hundred pounds for the purpose of building a wall, necessary to support the grounds of the college, and the further sum of five thousand pounds for the purpose of erecting a hall and an additional wing to the college, pursuant to the original plah of the institution; and the treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the said respective sums out of such moneys as may be or may come into the treasury, of the annual revenue of the state, and which may not be appropriated for the purpose of supporting government, or satisfying claims against the state, or for completing the sum of two hundred thousand pounds to be loaned in the several counties of this state, by virtue of the act, entitled, " An act for loaning moneys belonging to the state." Treasurer to III. dnd be itfurther enacted, That the treasurer of Columbia shall annually, for five years, unless otherwise college, 7501. annually for directed by the legislature, pay to the trustees of Columbia college, or their order, out of the like moneys as above described, the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds, to be applied to the payment of the salaries of such additional professors in the said college, as the said trustees shall think proper to appoint. 29 sJn ACT to amend the Act, entitled, " An./Act for the Encouragement of Literature." Passed April 3d, 1802. [Sess. 25. ch. 105. sec. 1, 2. Webster's Edit. vol. iii. p. 165.] WHEREAS it appears, from a report of the surveyor-general, that the grant of a certain tract of land in the county of Washington, adjoining the south end of Lake George, to the regents of the university, in and by the act, entitled, "An act for the further encouragement of literature," interferes with the bounds of lands previously granted; and the regents having prayed for a grant of other lands adjoining the same, and in lieu thereof, to enabla.hem the more effectually to fulfil the purposes for which the grant of those lands was intended: Therefore, I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of TVewYork, represented in Senate and Alssembly, That the said regents of the university, and their successors, shall be and hereby are vested with the seisin and possession of the lands hereafter described, belonging to the people of this state; that is to say, a certain tract of land in the county of Washington, adjoining the south end of Lake George, beginning on the east shore of the said lake, where the westerly bounds of a tract of two thousand acres, granted by letters patent to William Houghton, strikes the same, and running thence along the said Houghton's tract southerly and westerly to the northwest corner thereof, then with a straight line to the most westerly corner of a tract of two hundred acres granted by letters patent to John Jones, then along the southerly bounds thereof, to Lake George, and then along 30 the same southerly, easterly, and northerly, to the place of beginning, containing one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four acres of land; and the former grant to the said regents, so far as the same included lands not herein described, shall be void. II..And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said regents to grant and convey to the trustees of Columbia and Union colleges, and their successors, the lands above described, together with the lands at Ticonderoga and Crown Point already vested in the said regents, in such proportions as they shall deem just and reasonable, for the use of the said colleges respectively../n ACT relative to Columbia College in the city of JV'ew- York. Passed March 23d, 1810. [Sess. 33. ch. 85. Webster & Skinner's Edit. of Statutes, vol. vi. p. 24.] WHEREAS the trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, have represented, that sundry impediments to their trust, and to the interest of literature in the college, are found by experience from certain restrictions and defects in their charter, and have prayed relief, and that their charter, when amended, may be comprised in one act: Therefore, Truatees I. BE it enacted by the people of the State of NJewYork, represented in Senate and sdssembly, That John H. Livingston, Richard Varick, Brockholst Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Lawrence, Gershomrn Seixas, Richard Harison, John Watts, William Moore, Cornelius I. Bogart, John M. Ma 31 son, Edward Dunscomb, George C. Anthon, John N. Abeel, James Tillary, John H. Hobart, Benjamin Moore, Egbert Benson, Governeur Morris, Jacob Radcliff, Rufus King, Samuel Miller, Oliver Wolcott, and John B. Romeyn, the present trustees of the said college, and their successors, shall be and remain forever hereafter, a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of'; The trustees of Columbia College, in the city of New-York," and by that name shall and may have continual succession for ever hereafter, and shall be able in law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts and places whatsoever, and may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure, and also, shall be able in law to take by purchase, gift, grant, devise, or in any other manner, and to hold any real and personal estate whatsoever; Provided always, The clear yearlyProviso. value of the real estate to be so acquired, shall Revenue from real not exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars; estate to be and also that they and their successors shall have notto exceed 20,000 dolpower to give, grant, bargain, sell, demise, or rs. otherwise dispose of, all or any part of the said real and personal estate, as to them shall seem best for the interest of the said college. II. f.nd be it further enacted, That the said trus- Power of Trustees. tees, and their -successors, shall forever hereafter have full power and authority to direct and prescribe the course of study, and the discipline to be observed in the said college, and also to select and appoint by ballot or otherwise, a president ofTo appoint a the said college, who shall hold his office during President. good behaviour; and such professor or professors, Professor 32 tutor or tutors, to assist the president in the government and education of the students belonging Offioers. to the said college, and such other officer or officers, as to the said trustees shall seem meet, all of whom shall hold their offices during the pleasure Proviso. of the trustees: Provided always, That no such professor, tutor, or other assistant officer shall be trustee. President, III. Jnd be itfurther enacted, That if complaint how removed. shall be made in writing to the said trustees, or their successors, by any member of the said corporation of any misbehaviour in office by the president, it shall be lawful for the said trustees, or their successors, from time to time, upon examination, and such due proof of misbehaviour, to suspend or discharge such president, and to appoint another in his place. Eleven IV. IAnd be itfurther enacted, That eleven of the Trustees a quorum. said trustees, lawfully convened, as is hereinafter Thirteen to sellreal directed, shall be a quorum for the despatch of all business, except for the disposal of real estate, or for the choice or removal of a president, for either of which purposes there shall be a meeting of at least thirteen trustees. Chairman V. AJnd be itffurther enacted, That the said truselected by ballot. tees shall have full power and authority to elect by ballot their own chairman once in every year, or at such other periods as they shall prefer. VI. IAnd be it further enacted, That the said trustees shall also have power, by a majority of votes of the members present, to elect and appoint, upon the death, removal out of the state, or other Vacancies i vacancy of the place or places of any trustee or Trustees. trustees, other or others, in his or their places or stead as often as such vacancy shall happen; and 33 also to make and declare vacant the seat of: any trustee who shall absent himself from five successive meetings of the board; and also to meet upon their own adjournment, and so often as they Adjournshall be summoned by their chairman, or in his absence by the senior trustee; whose senioritySeior Trusshall be accounted according to the order in which the said trustees are named in this act, and shall be elected hereafter; Provided always, That the Secial said chairman or senior trustee shall not summon a meeting of the corporation unless required thereto in writing by three of the members; lind provided also, That he cause notice of the time and Meetings, place of the said meeting to be given in one or more of the public newspapers printed in the City of New-York, at least three days before such meeting: and that every member of the corporation resident in the city shall be previously advertised in writing of the time and place of every such meeting. VII. dAnd be it further enacted, That the said Hoouro and trustees and their successors, shall have power and authority to grant all such literary honours and degrees, as are usually granted by any university, college, or seminary of learning in this state, or in the United States; and in testimony of such grant to give suitable diplomas under their Diplomas. seal, and the signatures of the president and such professors, or tutors of the college, as they shall judge expedient; which diplomas shall entitle the possessors respectively to all the immunities and privileges which either by usage or statute are allowed to possessors of similar diplomas from any university, college, or seminary of learning. 34 By-Laws. VIII. J.nd be it further enacted, That the said trustees, and their successors, shall have full power and authority to make all ordinances and by-laws which to them shall seem expedient for carrying into effect the designs of their institution; Proviso. Provided always, That such ordinances or by-laws No person ineligible on shall not make the religious tenets of any person account of his religious a condition of admission to any privilege or office tenets. in the said college, nor be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, nor with the constitution and laws of the United States. Grants of IXo And be it further enacted, That all the real Property and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever, which were formerly vested in the governors of the college of the province of New-York, in the city of New-York, in America, or in the trustees of Columbia college in the city of New-York, be and the same is hereby confirmed to and vested in the said trustees of Columbia college in the city of New-York, and their successors for ever, for the sole use and benefit of the said college; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said trustees, and their successors, to grant, bargain,sell,demise,improved and dispose of the same, Proviso. as to them shall seem meet; Provided always, Lands granted by That the lands given and granted to the goverChurch, to nors of the college of the province of New-York, be leased for 3 years. in the city of New-York, in America, by the corporation heretofore styled "The Rector and Inhabitants of the city of New-York, in communion of the Church of England, as by law established," on part whereof the said college is erected, shall not be granted for any greater term of time than sixty-three years.* * See Act, passed April 15, 1852, post. 35 X. A.nd be it further enacted, That the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh sections of the act, entitled, "an act to institute an university within this state, and for other purposes therein mentioned," passed the thirteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred an eightyseven, be and the same are hereby repealed.* A1n ACT to render the Provost of Columbia College, in the city of NJew-York, eligible to be a Trustee thereof. Passed Feb. 14th, 1812. [Sess. 35. ch. 6. Webster & Skinner's Edit. vol. vi. p. 348.] WHEREAS the trustees of Columbia college have, by their petition, prayed that the provost of the said college may be made eligible as a trustee of said college: i Be it enacted by the People of the State of NJewYork, represented in Senate and Alssembly, That it shall and may be lawful for the provost of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, for the time being, to be elected and act as a trustee of the said college; any thing contained in the act, entitled, "an act relative to Columbia college in the city of New-York," or in any other act or charter of the said college, to the contrary notwithstanding. * See also the Act passed April 9, 1813, sess. 36. ch. 82., Van Ness & Woodworth, vol. ii. p. 265., and new Revised Statutes, vol. iii. p. 236, re-enacting the above act, omitting only the Preamble, and the names of Trustees: and with the additional proviso, as to the eligibility of the Provost as a Trustee. 36 Jin ACT instituting a Lottery for the promotion of Literature, and for other purposes. Passed April 13th, 1814. [Sess. 37. ch. 120. sec. 6, 7. Webster & Skinner's Edit. vol. iii. p. 142.] Botanic gar- VI. And be itfurther enacted, That all the right, den granted to Columbia title, and interest of the people of this state in and College. to all that certain piece or parcel of land, with the appurtenances, situate in the ninth ward of the city of New-York, known by the name of the Botanic Garden, and lately conveyed to the people of this state by David Hosack, with the appurtenances, be and the same is hereby granted to and vested in the trustees of Columbia college, in the city of New-York, their successors and assigns; but this grant is made upon the express condition, that the college establishment shall be removed to the said tract of land hereby granted, or to lands adjacent thereto, within twelve years from this time; and if the said establishment shall not be so removed within the time above limited, then and from thenceforth, this grant shall cease and be void, and the premises hereby granted shall thereupon revert to the people of this state. Duty of trus- VII..And be it further enacted, That the trustees tees of Colubia col- of Columbia college shall, within three months lege in transmitting to from the time of the passage of this act, transmit other colleges certain to the trustees of each of the other colleges in this list of plants, ete. state, a list of the different kinds of plants, flowers, and shrubs in said garden; and within one year thereafter, the said trustees of Columbia college, shall deliver at the said garden, if required, at least one healthy exotic flower, shrub, or plant of each kind, of which they shall have more than one at the time of application, together with the jar or 3T vessel containing the same, to the trustees of each of the other colleges of this state, who shall apply therefor../n ACT relative to Columbia college, in the city of.Jew- York. Passed February 19th, 1819. [Sess. 42. ch. 19. Gould & Co's Edit. vol. v. p. 26.] WHEREAS it is of the first importance in a free state, that seminaries of learning should be carefully protected, and, from time to time, receive the fostering aid of the legislature: AJnd whereas, with these views, all the right, title, and interest of the people of this state in a certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the ninth ward of the city of New-York, called " The Botanic Garden," was in and by an act of the legislature, entitled "an act instituting a lottery for the promotion of literature, and for other purposes," passed April 13th, 1814, given and granted to Columbia College, subject to certain conditions therein specified:./nd whereas the said grant has not been productive of the benefits intended by the said act: Therefore, I. BE it enacted by the People of the State of JVew- Conditions t of the grant Yoik, represented in Senate and dfssembly, That that of the Botanic Garpart of the sixth section of the act, entitled, " anden reealed. act instituting a lottery for the promotion of literature, and for other purposes," passed April 13th, 1814, which contains a condition to the grant made to the trustees of Columbia college, that the college establishment shall be removed to the tract of land thereby granted, or to the lands adjacent thereto, and the seventh section of the said act, be and the same are hereby repealed. 38 II. ~And be it further enacted, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be paid by the treasurer, on the warrant of the comptroller, to the trustees of Columbia College, out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, to be applied by the said trustees as the interests of the said college may require. In ACT to amend an act, entitled "IAn aJct relative to Columbia College, in the city of JVew-York," passed YMarch 23, 1810. (Laws of 1852, ch. 310.) Passed April 15,1852. The People of the State of JNew York, represented in Senate and./ssembly, do enact as follows: I. The ninth section of the act entitled, "An act relative to Columbia College, in the city of New-York," passed March 23d, eighteen hundred and ten, is hereby amended, by adding at the end of said section the following words: "unless the consent of said Grantors in writing, under their corporate seal, shall be first had and obtained to the disposal thereof, free from such restriction."