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J i ~~~ ~ ~ ~evL:I: r E I29 J29 I /I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT CONTAINING THE COMPLETE MUSTER- OUT ROLLS OF THE ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS WHO SERVED IN THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 1898 and 1899 BY Brigadier General JAMES B. SMITH, Adjutant General SPRINGFIELD. ILL.: PSrLIs BiOS., STATE PRINTEBS. 1904. 2 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS IN THE FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. James $. Culver....... Colonel.................. Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... May 7.1898 Frank,. Wells........ John C. Cobinas....... Fred B. Nichole....... Lieutenant Colonel..... Major................ Major..................... Apr. 25,1898 Decatur........... Ma 7,1898 Apr. Apr. 25,1898 26,1898 Kinmundy..... Quincy........... May May 7,1898 7, 1898 Milton R. Keely....... Surgeon.... e,.......s Ar. 25.1898 Dwight.......... May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 8 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR-1898-1899. FIELD, STAFF AND BAND. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks, Where. By whom.,..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Springfield... Capt, Roberts.... Springfield.. Capt. Springfield... Roberts.. ISpringfield... Commission dated and accepted May 7,1898; in command of 1st Brig,, 1st Div., slt Army Corps, May 30, 1898, order No. 21, slt Army Corps: relieved June 13, 1898, S. 0. No. 26, 1st Army Corps. June 80, 1898; in command of 3d Brig.. 1st Div., 1st Army Corps, by S. O. No. 24, 1st Army Corps, July 4, 1898; relieved per S.O. No.61, Hdqru. 3d Brig,,and Division Detachments, 1st Army Corps, July 21. 1898; in command of recruit detachments, 1st Div., 1st Army Corps, July 5,1898, verbal order of Major General commanding; relieved from command of 3d Brigade and Division Detachments, 1st Div.. 1st Army Corps, July 22, 1898. by direction of Major General commanding; in command of all troops at Newport News Aug. 12 to 18,1898. telegraphic order, Washington. D. C., Aug. 10, 1898; in command of 8d Brigade Aug. -—............ In command of regiment May 30 to June 13, 1898, verbal order Col. Culver; in command of regiment July 4 to 24, 1898, verbal order Col. Culver; in command of regiment Aug. 10 to 18. and Aug. 20 to Sept. 6,1898, verbal order Col. Culver; commission dated and accepted May 7.1898............. On recruiting service June 9 to 20,1898, S. 0. No. 21, 1st Army Corps, June 9. 1898; commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898.... In arrest in quarters Aug. 30 to Sept. 11,1898; on leave of absence Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, order of Col. Culver; appointed Field Offieers' Court July 80.1898, by, Brigadier General Roe, same date; commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898.................... Brigade Surgeon let Brig.. 1st Div.. let Army Corps, from June 4 to July 1. 1898. verbal orders Brigade Commander; Chief Surgeon Ambulance Company. 1st Div.. 1st Army Corps, July 1 to 6. 1898, verbal orders Chief Surgeon 1st Army Corps; ordered to Charleston. S. C.. from Camp Thomas, Ga., with 1st Brigade July 6, 1898; returned to Camp Thomas July 17. verbal orders Chief Surgeon same date: with 1st Division hospital July 19 to 26, 1898; with Rossville 8d Brigade hospital detachments July 27 to 28, 1898, verbal orders Brigade Surgeon; returned to regiment July 28, 1893, verbal orders Corps Commander 1st Army Corps July 28,1898; commission:dated and accepted May 7. 1898.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Kinmundy.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Dwight....... ) i I4&3 19I 4 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. IENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- --- ----- When. Where. When. I Robert Johnston...... djtant................. Apr. 26.1898 Springfield....... May 7,1898 W. Lee Capps......... Qartermastel........... Apr. 25.1898Springfield....... May 7.1898 James L. Bevans...... Assistant Surgeon....... Apr. 25.1898 Decatur........... May 7,1898 Hardin W. Davis...... Elwin W. Ames...... Alfred L. Castle....... Arthur J. Gallagher... Chaplain.................. AssistantlSurgeon....... Adjutant 2d Battalion... Adjutant 3d Battalion... May 9, 1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Springelld....... Canton............ Quincy............ Decatur.......... May May May May 9,1898 7.1898 7.1898 9.1898 Frank S. Wood........ Sergeant Major.......... George G. German.... Chas. M. Quaintance.. Henry L. Roberts..... Joseph W. Franks.... Quartermaster Sergeant Chief Musician.......... Principal Musician...... Principal Musician...... Apr. Apr. June May May 25,1898 Quincy.............. 7,1898 25.1898 17,1898 80.1898 80,1898 Springfield....... Springrfeld....... Camp Thomas.GO Camp Thomas,Ga May 7.1898 June 17,1898 May 80,1898 May 80.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 5 MUSTEEBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Stringfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... [Mlch. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 8t. Joseph, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy........ Joined and enrolled as Sergeant Major; absent on recruiting service June 9 to 20,1898, S. O. No. 21, 1st Army Corps; relieved from Sergeant Major Aug.., R O. No. 64, Aug. 7. 1898; commissioned Adjutant Aug. 31,1898, vice Stuart Brown, resigned; in the settlement for clothine is included the sum of $5.41, total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Acting Brigade Quartermaster 1st Brig. let Div., 1st Army Corps, May 15 to June 20 1898; acting Brigade Quartermaster 3d Brig., lst Div., 1st Army Corps July 5 to 24, 1898; sick in quarters July 24 to 27, 1898. in line of duty; in St. Vincent's hospital July 28 to Aug. 23 in line of duty: on sick leave Aug. 221to Sept. 21, 1898. S. 0. No. 83. Aug. 22, 1898, Camp G. H. Thomas. Ga.: commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898............................................ Acting Surgeon of detachments of 2d and 3d Wisconsin and 16th Pennsylvania Inf.. July 6 to 12,1898, verbal order Brigade Surgeon; on duty at 1st Division hospital July 12 to 21, 1898, verbal order Col. Hartsuff; commission dated and accepted May 7. 1898....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of regiment; commission dated and accepted Mayl9.1898................................. Acting Surgeon 6th Ill. Inf,, July 1 to 27.1898, ordered to report to Adjutant General, U. S. A., Washington, D. C.,. 0. No. 197, Aug. 22, 1898; ordered to report to Commanding General Camp Wykoff, S. 0. No, 203, A. G. 0., Aug. 24, 1898; commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898............. Joined and enrolled with regiment as Adjutant 2d Battalion: commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898........................ Joined fand enrolled after muster in of regiment as Adjutant 3d Battalion; sick in St. Vincent's hospital, July 16, 1898. in line of duty: on sick leave, surgeon's certificate, 8. 0. 77, Aug. 16. 1898. 1st Army Corps; leave extended one month, S. 0. No. 217. A. G. O.. Washington, D. C., Sept.;4, 1898; commission dated and accepted May 9, 1898............................................ Transferred from Co. F and appointed Sergeant Major Aug. 7 1898, R. 0. No. 54. Aug. 9.1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S. 0. No. 130,. S, A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. 0. No. 130,C. S.. A. U. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.18, total value of articles issued him by the State.. Transferred from Co. C to band Aug. 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 53, same date; appointed Chief Musician Aug. 29, 1898, R. 0. No. 12, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S.O.No.130, C.S.,A.G. O.; no State clothing issned him........................... Transferred from Co. L and appointed Principal Musician May 31. 1898, R. 0. No. 11, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. S.O. No.130., C.S., A.G.O.; no State clothing issued him....................... Transferred from Co. G and appointed Principal Musician May 31, 1898, R. 0. No. 11, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898 S. O. No. 180. C.S., A.G.O.; no State clothing issued him......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Athens........ Springfield... lMaJ. J. C. Cabanis Springfield... Camp Thomas, Ga. Capt. Brown...... Decatur Camp Thomas, Ga. Capt. Brown...... Decatur..... 6 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. William Housam...... Ernest Seymour...... John Brown........... Frank Buren.......... Howard Cariel........ Louls B. Cassell....... Homer M. Chastain... Bert A. Cratz.......... Davis, Sydney...... Dietrich, Adam....... Ewers, John F........ McMullen, John P.... McQueen, J. Leslie... Morrison, James...... Hospital Steward........ Hospital Steward........ Musician................. Musician.................. Musician.............. Musician............. Musician............. Musician................. Musician............. Musician........... Musician................. Musician................ Musician............ Musician................. Apr. 26,1898 May 5.1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 9,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 9.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 15,1898 May 9.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... Dwight........... Taylorvile....... Sprlngfield....... Jacksonville..... Decatur.......... Taylorvllle....... Springfield....... Hillsbore......... Hillsboro......... Delavan.......... Pekin............ Springfield....... Jackson'ille.... May May May May May May May May June June MaY June May May 6,1899 5.1898 6,1898 9,1898 6.1898 6.1898 6.1898 7,1898 18.1898 18.1898 9.1898 16,1898 9,1898 5,188 FIFTH INFANTRY. 7 MUSTERED IN. -- --- --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Dwiht....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Taylorvllle... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Springfield... Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield...Cat. Swift........ Taylorvlle Transferred from Co. H and appointed Hospital Steward May 81, 1898; furloughed ept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, 8.0. No. 130 C.S. A.G.0.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State............ Transferred from Co. E and appointed Hospital Steward May 81, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S.O.No.180, C.S., A. G. O.; In the settlement for clothing Is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State.......... Transferred from Co. B to the band. R. O. No. 568 Aug. 8.1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, S.0. No.180. C.S.. A.G.O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Transferred from Co. i: to the band. R. 0. No. 63. Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, S. O. No. 180, C. S..A..G...... Transferred from Co. I to the band, R. O. No. 63, Aug. 8. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of articles issued him by the State.. Transferred to band from Co. H. R. O. No. 63, Aug. 8,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. 0....................... Transferred from Co. B to band, R. 0. No. 58, Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, 5. O. No. 130, C.S.. A..O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the 8tate............................. Transferred from Co. I to the band, R. O. No. 58, Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. total value of articles Issued him by the State......... Transferred to band from Co. E, R. 0. No. 68. Aug. 8,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, S8 0. No. 130, C.S.. A.. O.; no State clothing issued him................... Transferred to band from Co. F. Aug. 8,1898, R.O. No. 586 Aug. 8.1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. S. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no State clothing issued him.......... Transferred to band from Co. K, R. 0. No. 58, Ang. 8. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. 0. No. 130, C..., A. O. o.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Transferred to band from Co. R,. O. No. 63, Aug. 8 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. O. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.; no State clothing issued him......................... Transferred to band from Co. K, R. O. No. 53, Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898. S. O. No. 130. C. S., A. (. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of articles issued by the State............. Transferred to band from Co. I, R. O. No. 53, Aug. 8,1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, S. O. No. 180 C S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Hillsboro.... IlaJ. Cabanis.....Hillsboro..... Hillsboro..... jMa. Cabanis..... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan..... Pekin......... IMa. Cabanis.....Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... IRosedale..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. 8 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- - When. Where. When. Murphy, Charles R.... Musician................. Apr. 25,1898 June 1.1898 Canton.... May 6.1898 Shaul, Alfred D....... Ward, William B...... Musician.......... Decatur.......... ne 14,1898 Musician................. Apr. 2,1898Peoria............ May 6.1898 Weitsel. Tony H...... Musican............June 89Taylorville........ June 18,1898 Wilkins. Hubert C.... Muscian....Mu..... iMay 80.l898ICampThoma,s.,Ga.May. 80,1898 Williams. Leonard E.. Musician............... Apr. 26,1898ICanton........... May 5,1898 Bell, Chadz B.........Private................... 5ay.1898Springfleld....... May 6.1898 Resigned. Stuart Brown.......... AJdutant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Richard H. Abbott.... Dtischarged. Walter F. Calladay... Transferred. William N. Senn..... Adjutant 1st Battalion... Major.................... Hospital Steward........ Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 5, 1898 Springfield....... Petersburg....... Decatur........ Springfield....... May May May May 7,1898 7,1898 9.1898 6,1898 May 27.1898 May 7,1898 Henry E. Kent........ Chief Musician.......... May 27,1898 CampThemas,Ga. Bruce Chenneworth... Acting Hospital Steward Apr. 26,1898 Decatur.......... Peel. Charles R....... Private................. May 9,1898 8pringfeld....... May 9.1898 Shehan, Thomas......Chief Trumpeter........Apr. 25.1898 Peoria............ May 6,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 9 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Decatur...... Peoria....... Taylorville.. O.Thomas,Ga Springfield.. Springfield..,.I.4.4 ( ( ( C C Lieut. Ball...... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Brown..... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Maj. Cabanis.... Capt. Swift.......4 Decatur...... Canton...... Taylorville.... Decatur....... I Peoria........ I Canton....... Chicago...... Transferred to band from Co, M, R. O. No. 53, Aug. 8, 1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S. O. No. 180, C. S... A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State........................ITransferred to band from Co. K, R. 0. No. 63, Aug. 8,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, A. O. No. 130.. S., A. G..; no clothing issued him by the State............ITransferred to band from Co. L, R. 0. No. 53, Aug. 8.1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898,. S.. No. 10 C. S. 0. G O......... Transferred to band from Co. B, R. O. No. 58, Aug. 8,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing issued him by the State........... Transferred to band from Co. F, R. O. No. 68, Aug. 8,1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles him by the State...................................... Transferred to band from Co. M, R. 0. No. 53. Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, S. 0. No. 180. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Transferred from Co. E to hospital corps, S. O.No.10,July 1.1898, Maj. Gen. Brooke; sick in hospital, Lexington. Ky., Aug. 23 1898; furloughed Sept. 29 to Oct. 11, 1898. S. 0. No. 130, C. S,, A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State...,.................................... Resignation accepted Aug. 25, S. 0. No, 200, Aug. 25,1898........................... Resignation accepted June 21, S. O. No. 145. June 21. 1898.................................. Discharged per S. O. No. 163, A. 0. O., July 13, 1898................... Transferred to hospital ship Relief: descriptive list furnished in compliance with telegraphic instructions from War Department, July 28, 1898; discharged Aug. 20, 1898........................................ Reduced to private and transferred to Co. F. Aug. 29. 1898. verbal orders, Col. Culver. Transferred to hospital corps and reported to ambulance company, let Corps, S. 0. No. 10, 1st Army Corps, June 29, 1898; descriptive list furnished.................. Transferred to band from Co. C, Aug. 8,1898, R. O. No. 63. same date; transferred to Co. A, R. O. No. 7. Aug. 26,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. O. No. 180, C. S., A. 0..................................... Transferred from Co. L and appointed Chief Trumpeter May 19.1898, R. O. No. 3, same date; reduced to ranks and returned to Co. L. R. 0. No. 34. July 13. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, S. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0............................ Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... C.Thomas,Ga. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... 3apt. Swift....... 3pringfield... I Capt. Brown...... Capt. Swift....... Janton............~........I..,~ Springfield... Capt. Roberts................... Springfield... capt. Swift...................... 10 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- -- When. Wherel. When. William C. Ware......Captain................... &pr. 25.1898 Pittsfield........... May 5.18 V. C. Peckenpagh... D. Ernest Moreland... Ist Lieutenant.......... 2d Lieutenant........... Apr. 25.189S Apr. 25,189E Pittsfield........ Pittsfield........ May May 6,189 5.1898 5,1898 William W. Ahl....... st Sergeant............. Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May Tracy T. Tomkins....IQ. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 25.1898 Pittefield......... May 5.1898 James F. Pittr........ Sergeant................. Apr. 26,18981Pittsfleld......... May 6.1898 Qeo. Beard............ Sergeant................ Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May,1898 Burr H. Swan......... Sergeant................ Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May 5,1898 Charles Peel........... Sergeant........... May 9,1898 Springfield.......I May 9,1896 Corporal.................. GUS Anson............. Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May 5,1898 Harry A. Abbott......Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield.......... May 5.1898 Loren E. Waters..... James L. Adams...... Hicks Dow............ Corporal............ Corporal............... Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 2,51898 Pittsfleld........ Pittsfield........ Pittsfield......... May May May 5.1898 5,1898 5,1898 William Worthington. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfeld......... May 5,1898 FOURTH INFANTRY. 11 COMPANY A. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Swift.......Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsield.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfleld..... Springfield... Capt Swift....... ittsfield..... Springfield.. ICapt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield... [Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Mustered in with company; commissioned as Captain May 5,1898....................... Originally mustered in with company as 2d Lieutenant; appointed 1st Lieutenant Aug. 18,1898..................................... Originally mustered in as 1st Sergeant; appointed 2d Lieutenant Aug. 18, 1898, vice Virden C. Peckenpaugh. appointed 1st Lieutenant, June 1,1898; sick in quarters June 2,1898, in line of duty; detailed for recruiting service June 10,1898; returned from same June 28, 1998; total value of State clothing, $6.04......................... Enrolled as Sergeant; promoted from Sergeant to 1st Sergeant Aug. 18. 1898. per company order No. 1; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by 0. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.; sick in line of duty from May 81 to June 1,1898; total value of State clothing, $6.0......................... Enrolled as Sergeant; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct., 1898, G 0. 0No. 180, A. a. O., C. S.; total value of State clothing, $6.04........................................... Enrolled as Sergeant; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; total value of State clothing, 86.04; per verbal order, July 8,1898, to Aug. 6,1898, detailed as rifle practice instructor. Per verbal order July 7, 1898, detailed as Regimental Color Sergeant; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. 1. O., C. S.; State clothing, $6.04 from June 7,1898, to June 10,1898, sick in line of duty.......................................... Enrolled as Sergeant July 13,1898; sick in 1st Division hospital July 15; transferred to Leiter hospital; sick in line of duty; on furlough from hospital per G. 0. No. 11,4 A. G. O.. C. S.. from Aug. 8,1898, to Sept. 8, 1898; reported for duty Sept. 7,1898; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; value of State clothing, $6.04.................... Enrolled as private; transferred from Regimental Band by order No. 76. Aug. 26,1898; appointed Sergeant by order No. 77; detailed on daily duty with Regimental Band by order No. 78: furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898,. O. No. 180. A. 0. 0., C.S.; State clothing, $6.87.......................... Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. by G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0. C. S.; total value of State clothing, $6.04.......................................... Enrolled as Corporal; May 20,1898, to June 27,1898. inclusive, detailed as Q. M. Sergeant 2d Battalion, per verbal regimental order; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; total value of State clothing, $6.04.... Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; total value of State clothing. $6.0... Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, by G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; total value of State clothing, $6.0t... Enrolled as Corporal; sick in quarters from June 10, 1898, to June 14, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898; furloughed by G. O. No. 180, A.. 0.. C. S.; State clothing. $6.04.......04......................... Sick in quarters from June 7. 1898, to June 8, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty: furloughed from Sept. 12,1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, by (. 0. No. 130, A. (. O., C. S.: State clothing. $6.04 Springfield... Capt. Miller..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield...ICapt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfeld..... 12 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - ---- When. Where. When. Frank Stanton........ Corporal..................Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield.......... May 5.1898 Oliver R. Barrett.... Corporal................. Apr. 26,1898 Pittsfeld..........May 6.1898 Lee Stobla............. William St. John...... Chauncey H. Bodine.. Roy E. Vertrees....... Corporal................ Corporal............... Corporal................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield.......... Pittsfield.......... Pittsfield........ Pittsfield....... May May May May 6,1898 6,1898 6,1898 6,1898 Rolland B. Fry....... Musician.............. Apr. 26.1898 Pittsfield.......... May. 1898 George Waters........ Fred Petty............. William Wyatt........ Allen, William........ Alien, Edward........ Bagby, Lawrence..... Bennett. Newton...... Bergman. William.... Brown, Archie........ Bringman, Louis..... Borden, William S.... Musician................. Artificer................. Wagoner.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,189 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ Pittsfield........ Pittsfield......... May 561898 May 6.1898 May 5,1898 May 5,1898 May 6.1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 May 5.1898 May 5,1898 June 13,1898 Private.................. Apr. 2651898 1831898 Private................... June FIFTH INFANTRY. 13 MUSTERED IN. ----- IResidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift..i....Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield.... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Pittsfleld..... Sick in quarters, Aug. 23 to Aug. 27 in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. No. 130.. 0. 0., C. S.; value of State clothing issued, $6.04............... Sick in quarters June 1 to 2; sick from June.21 to 22, 1898, in line of duty; Aug. 18.1898; enrolled as Corporal; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130,. G. O., C. S.; State isoue of clothing, $6.01..... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; enrolled as Corporal; total State clothing issued, $6.04....... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G.O. 130, A.G.O.. C. S.; enrolled as Corporal; total State clothing issued, $6.04..... Detailed as Lincoln Camp guard from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; total value of State clothing, $6.04............................... Enrolled as Corporal; promoted to Corporal May 21, 1898, Company Order No. 2, same date; sick Aug. 24. in line of duty; same date transferred to field hospital; granted furlough from Aug. 80 to Sept. 30,1898, per G. 0. 114, A. G. O.; furlough extended to Oct. 11. 1898. by G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; total value of State clothing issued, $6 04.. Enrolled as Musician; sick in quarters July 80 to Aug. 6, 1898; sick Aug. 27, 1898; Aug. 29, transferred to field hospital, 3d Division 1st Army Corps; granted furlough Sept. 10 to Oct. 10.1898, G. 0. 130 A. G. O. C. S.; sick in line of duty; total value of State clothing $6.04..................... Enrolled as Musician; furloughed from ept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. by G. 0. 130, A. G. O. C. S.; total State clothing issued, $6.04. Enrolled as Artificer; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, by G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.; total State clothing issued,$6.04. Enrolled as Wagoner; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, by G. O. 180. A. G. O., C. S.; total State clothing, $6 04........ Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by 0, 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; total value State clothing issued, $6.0....................... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G. 0. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.; total State clothing issued, $6.04.............................. Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; total value State clothing, $6.04........................... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by 0. O. 130, A. 0. O.. C. S.; total value State clothing, $6.04.................... Absent, sick in Ft. Monroe, Va., hospital since Aug. 18. 1898. in line of duty; total value of State clothing issued $6.04........ Sick in quarters from Aug. 25, 1898, to Aug. 26. 1898. in line of duty; absent, sick Sept. 4. 1898, in Springfield general hospital in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. 0. 0., C. S.; total value of State clothing issued, $6.0....................................... Furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11. 1898, by G.. 0. 0, A. G. O., C. S.; total value State clothing issued, $6.04........... Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; furloughed from Sept. 12 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G..., C. S.: no State clothing issued.................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Sprinfleld.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Swift..... Lieut.Geo.Barber Pittsfield.... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... 14 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Boyd. Charles......... Cawthon, Lewis....... Chamberlain, Leon... Caflinger, Henry...... Cawthon. Lawrence... Private.................. May 9,18981 Sprinfield....... May 9,1898 Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private......... Apr. 25.1898 June 13,1898 May 8.1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ Springfield....... May June May 6.1898 18.1898 8,1898 June 13,1898 Pittsfield........ June 18.1898 Cryder, Otis........... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May,1898 Downing, Edward.... Dutton, William...... Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield........ Pittsfield....... May May 6,1898 6,1898 Arthur E. Damon..... Private........... June 13,1898 Pittsfield.........June 13,1898 Dunn, Charles E..... Elledge, Samuel...... Foseuan, Edward.... Private................... Private................... Private............ June Apr. May 13,1898 25,1898 8.1898 Pittsfield........ Pittsfield......... Springfield....... June May May 18,1898 6,1898 8,1898 Gratton, William B... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May 1898 Gratten, Robert L..... Private................... May 8.1898Springfield....... May 8,1898 Grimes, Rollo......... Private.................June 13,189Pittsfeld......... June 18.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 15 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where, By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfeld..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittefleld..... Springfeld... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Lient. Barber.... Plttsfleld..... Springfield,.. Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Transferred from Co. D May 26,1898, by circular Regimental Order No. 1, same date; sick quarters from June 6 to 8, 1898; absent, sick in 1st Division hospital, July 1 to July 20,1898, in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12 1898 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 180. A. G. O., C. ~.; total value of State clothing issued, $6.04................... Furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11 1898, by G. O. No. 130. A. O., C. S.; total State clothing issued, $6.04.................. Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed from Sept. 12. 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898; no clothing issued by State.. Transferred from Co. K May 26, 1898, by Regimental Order No. 1, same date; furloughed from Sept. 12.1898, to Oct. 11, 1898 by 6. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; total value oi State clothing issued, $6.04.................. Joined since muster of company; sick in quarters from Aug. 24 to 26, inclusive, in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12,1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180. A. G. O.; no State clothing issued....................... Quarters, sick, from May 28 to May 29: quarters, sick, from Sept. 2 to Sept. 4 1898, in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11. 1898, by G. 0. No. 180, A. A. O.. C. S.; total value of State clothing. $6.04.......................................... Total value of State clothing issued, $6.04; detailed as Lincoln camp guard from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898............................ Sick from Aug. 29, 1898, to Sept, 2, 1898; sick from Sept. 8 to Sept. 11. 1898, in line of duty: furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; total value of State clothing issued. $6.04.. Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, GC. 0. 130,. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued........................ Joined and enrolled since muster of company...................................... Furloughed from Sept. 12. 1898, to Oct. 11, 1898, G.. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; total value of State clothing, $6.04..................... Transferred from Co. K May 26, 1898, by R. 0. No. 1; adsent. sick, in 1st Division hospital May 28 to June 9, 1898, In line of duty, Camp Thomas; duty to sick Aug. 14: absent, sick, in Ft. Monroe, Va., hospital since Aug. 17 in line of duty; total value of State clothing. $6.04.......................... Absent, sick, Springfield hospital Sept. 9 to Sept. 11, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11,1898, by. 0. 180,O. A..O.. C. S.; State clothing. $6.04................... Transferred from Co. K May 28,1898; sick from May 28 to May 30,1898, in line of duty; sick from June 25 to June 27, 1898, line of duty: furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, by G. 0. 130, A.. O., C. S.; total State clothing issued, $6.04........;.............. Sick In quarters from June 25 to June 27, 1898. in line of duty; joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130 A. G.. C. S.; no State clothing issued to him.................................. Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber....Pittsfeld..... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfeld..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Pittafield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... 16 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. Grimshaw, William A.IPrivate................... June 13,18981Pittsfield......... June 18,1898 Harris, Newton....... Harris. William B.... Private................... Private.............. Apr. May 25.1898 9.198 Pittsfield......... Springfield....... May 6.1898 May 9,1898 Hurst. Frank.......... Priate................... May 9.1898 Soringfield....... May 9.1898 Harvey, Lawrence.... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 PIttsfield......... May 6.1898 Heck, Albert.......... Private................... Apr. 261898Pittsfield........ May 1898 Huestead, Thomas.....Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfleld......... May 5.1898 18.1898 Hamilton, Joseph C... Private................... June Pittsfield........ June 13.1898 Harriss, William H... Jones, Herman........ Private................... Private................... June 18.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ June 18.1898 May 5.1898 Johnson. Thomas E... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield......... May 51888 Johnson. Charles...... Johnson, Fred....... Private................... Private............... Apr. 26.1898 Pittsfield......... May 5,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May 5,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 17 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Pittsfield..... Leut. Barber....Pittfeld..... Springfield... Capt Swift....... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Pittsfield..... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; no State clothing issued....................... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by. O. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; total State clothing issued, $6 04............... Received pay twice for the month of July; transferred from Co. D May 25.1898. by R. O. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters June 10 to June 19,1898; absent sick in Ft. Monroe hospital, not in line of duty; left hospital Sept. 28.1898, per G. 0. 126, A. (. O.; total State clothing issued, $6.04......... Transferred from Co. D May 26. 1898, R. 0. No. 1, of same date; furloughed from Sept. 12,1898, to Oct. 11, 1898. by G. 0. 130, A G0. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Absent sick in Ft. Monroe, Va., hospital. since Aug. 28, 1898, in line of duty; left hospital Sept. 27,1898. per G.. 126, A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............. Furloughed from Ft. Monroe hospital, S. O. 114, A.. O.. Sept. 2 to Oct. 1. 1898; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. 130, A..,, C. S..; absent sick Aug. 17, Ft. Monroe, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Quarters July 22, 1898. duty to sick in line of duty; absent sick July 25, 1898. let Division hospital, in line of duty; granted furlough, G. 0. 114. A. G. O., from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1898; reported to company for duty Aug. 7 1898; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. A. O., C. S.; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............. Joined and enrolled since muster-in of comany; sick in quarters from Aug. 24 to Sept. 2, 1898. in line of duty; furlonghed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. by 0. 0. 180, A. G. O.. C. 8.; no clothing was issued him by the State............................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, 0. 0. 130, A. 0. O., C. S.; no clothing issued him by the State.................................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G. 0. 130, A. 0. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by State.......................................... Sick in quarters May 28,1898, June 1 to June 10; absent sick in 1st Division hospital in line of duty- furloughed Sept. 11 to Oct. 11, 1898. G. 6. 130. A. 0. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. O. C. S.; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... fleut. Barber.... Pittsfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfeld..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield.. ICapt. Swift....... Pittsield.... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Vol. 3-2 18 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Wh ere. When. June 18.1898 Jones, Oliver.......... Private................... June 18,1898 Pittsfield......... Kindred. Lewis G..... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Kindred, Ellis......... Kastner, Charles...... Lowert. Louis......... Lovett, John.......... Lightle, Earnest C.... Lawson, William L... Morrison, Jessie A.... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............... Apr. June Apr. Apr. June June May 25,1898 13,1898 25,1898 25,1898 13,1898 18,1898 9,1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ Sprlngfield....... May 5,1898 June 18,1898 May 6, 1898 May 6,1898 June 18,1898 June 18.1898 May 9,1898 May 8, 1898 Miller. Evert.......... Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield...... McKinney, John...... Private....May........ Iay 9,1898 Springfield....... 9lay 9,1898 McB~inney, Edwirn.... Private................... June 13,18981 Pittsfield......... June 1, 189 FIFTH INFANTRY. 19 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield...ICapt. Swift.......Pittsfield.... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber....I. ttsfield.... Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; left hospital Sept. 28, 1898; furloughed by G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C...; quarters Aug. 0,. 1898, duty to sick: absent sick since Sept. 3 in field hospital, 8d Division; no clothing issued to him by State.......................................... Transferred from Co. D May 25.1898, by R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters Aug. 1I to 16, in line of duty; Sept. 12 detailed as regimental camp guard, Camp Lincoln: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180. A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898 by G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.: no clothing issued him by the State.............. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, by 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by State.......................................... Sick in quarters from June 17 to 20. 1898; June 20 to July 3, 1898; detailed Assistant Wagoner Aug. 4; sick Aug. 29 to Sept. 3; sick in quarters Sept. 7 to Sept. 9, 1898, in line of duty. furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, by Q. 6. 130. A.. O. C. S.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Joined and enrolled since muster of company; sick in quarters Sept. 7 to 8, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by Q. 0. No. 130. A. 0. O., C. S.; no clothing issued him by State............ Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by U. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. 8.; no clothing issued him by State....................... rransferred from Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1. same date; June 20, duty to sick in 1st Division hospital in line of duty: July 13, from division hospital to light duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898. by G, 0. 180, A. G. O., C..; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued by State.......................-................. Transferred from Co. K May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; sick May 27 to June 2, 1898. in line of duty; sick Sept, 5,1898. in hospital at Springfield, Ill., to Sept. 8,1898, in line of duty- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898 by G. 6. 130, A. 0. 0., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by State........................... Transferred from Co. D May 26. 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G.. 130, A. UG.., C. S. in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A.. O., C. S.; no clothing issued him by the State..................... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield.... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... 20 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - -- When. Where. When. Main, Loren........... Private................... ADr. 25.1898IPittfield......... May 6.1898 McGlasson,Charl-*... Private...................Apr. 25.1898Pittsfield......... May 5.1898 May Milby. Joe............. Private................ Apr. 26,1898 Plttsfield........ 6.1898 Monta. Leon P........ Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... May 6,1898 May, Hugo........... Private................. June 13,1898 Pittsfield......... Manker. Cecil......... Niccum, Bert......... Niccum, James........ Paine. Charles......... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... June 18,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... June 18,1898 May 65.1898 May, 1898 May 6.1898 Paine. George......... Private................... Apr. 251898 Pittsfield......... May 5,1888 Paine, William........ Private.................. May 8.1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Parker, Marshall...... Private................... Apr. 256,1898Pittaield......... May 5.1898 Peebles, T.C.......... Parke, H. Douglas.... Private................... Private.................. June 13,1898 June 13,1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield........ June June FIFTH INFANTRY. 21 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift........ Pttsfield... Springfleld... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield. ICptwi...t. Swit..... Pittsfield.... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Lent. Barber.... Pittsfeld..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfleld..... Sick in quarters June 18 to 19, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G. 0.130. A. G,... S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued by State................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the total value of articles issued to him by the State.......................................... Sick June 10, 1898, to June 12, 1st Division hospital; June 27 in line of duty; furloughed from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, by G. 0. 180, A. 0. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by State.......................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 18, 1898, June 27, 1898; in quarters May 31 to June 2 to June 13. 1898; 1st Division hospital, in line of duty July 31, 1898; detailed Q... D. as blacksmith; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State..... Joined and enrolled since muster of company; sick in line of duty Aug. 18 to 19. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by o. 0. 130 A. G. 0., C. S.; no clothing issued him by State................................ Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G. O. 130, A. Q. O.. C. S.; no clothing issued to him by the State................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of clothing issued by State.......... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of S6.0. the total value of articles issued him by State. Sick in quarters in line of duty June 14 to 16, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130 A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0d, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the' settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Transferred from Co. K May 25, 1898, per R. O., No. 1, same date; furloughed Sent. 12 to Ost. 11.1898, by G. 0. 130. A.. 0, C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by State.................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State......................................... Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, by G. 0. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.; no clothing issued to him by the State................. Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; no clothing issued to him by the State................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield.... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Pittsfleld..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfeld..... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield.... 22 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. E When. Where. When. Pulliam. Zack N....... Private............ (Aug. 8.1898 Newp'rt News.Va Qulnlan, John......... Rogrers, Carl.......... Rush. Clyde........... Sneeden, Charles..... Private.............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... June 13.1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 18.1898 May 9.1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... Springfield....... Aue. 8. 1898 June 18.1896 May 6,1898 June 18.189 May 9,1898 Shanahan, John.......Private............ IMay 9,1898 Springfield....... IMay 9,1898 Stanton. Guy.......... Private............. Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield......... May 5.189 I Stanton, Cool.......... Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Smith, George......... Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 I Seamon, Morris....... Private................... May 8.1898 Springfield....... May.18 Shehan, Thomas...... Shinn, George......... Private................ Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Pittsfield......... Pittsfield......... May,1896 May 6,1898 Smith. Louis M....... IPrivate................. Apr. 25.1898 Pittsfield......... May 5.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 23 MUSTERED IN. - - - _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Newp't NewslCapt. S. Brown... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Lleut. Barber.... Pittsfield... Springfield...pt. i. tteld.. apt Swift.. Pittseld..... Pittsfield.... Lleut. Barber.... Pittsfield.... Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield. Springfield...a Rbet...t. Roberts....Pittsfield Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; Aug. 12, 1898, detailed as wagoner; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898. by G. 0. 130, A.. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued to him............................... Joined and enrolled since muster of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G.. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; no clothing issued him by the State.................... Sick in line of duty June 18 to 22. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Joined and enrolled since muster of comany; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. by G.. 10, A. G. 0.. C..; no clothing issued to him by State................... Transferred from Co. D June 25, 1898 per R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 130, A. Q. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum of $6.04, the total value of clothing issued him by the State......... Transferred from Co. K May 25, 1898 per R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 13 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130, A..., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G. 0. No. 130, A.G.O., C.8.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State......................................... Transferred from Co. D May 26, 1898, per R. 0.No.l, same date; sick June 11 to 13,1898, in line of duty; Aug. 14 to 17. 1898, sick in line of duty; transferred Fort Monroe hospital; furloughed from Fort Monroe hospital Sept. 2 to Oct. 1,1898, per S. 0. 114. A. G.0.; furlough extended per G. 0. 130, A. G.O.,to Oct. 11,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Transferred from Co. D May 25.1898, per R. O. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G.o. 130, A.G.O., C.S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Transferred from Co. K May 25. 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, by G. 0. 130 A. 0. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of clothing issued him by the State..................... Detailed Lincoln Camp guard, Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State......... Aug. 28,1898, detailed for ambulance duty, R. O. No. 10. same date; Sept. 8. 1898, back to company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, byG, 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G.O. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Pittsfield.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... 24 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---— _. When. Where. When. Stoble. J. Fred....... Private..................Apr. 26,1898Pittafeld.........Iay 1898 Thompson. Eugene... Private................... Apr. 26,1898Pittsfield......... a 6.1898 I~ ~~~~~~~~~~a I, 1 8 I Wells. Russel......... Private...............A... r. 26.1898 Pittsfeld......... May 6,1898 Wylie. John.......... Private.Apr.......... Apr. 26.1898 Pittsfield......... May 61898 Williams, A. Fred..... Private.................. June 13,1898 Pittsfield......... June 18,1898 Moreland, Ernest D...l t Sergeant............. Apr..1898 Pittfield......... May 5, 1898 May 9,1898 Edwards, David D.... Private.................. May 9.1898 pringfield....... Coohean, Timothy..... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pittsfield......... Ma 5,1898 Transferred. Butler. Daniel E....... Cannon, Clarence..... Carroll, William R.... Clark, Harry W....... Clements, Joseph C... Collins. Frank L...... Couron, Jesse......... Davis, Samuel C...... Dekins. Wm. M...... Dixon, Robert R....... Dhubald, Thomas H.. Tritoy. Carl.......... Guth, Wm.......... Gill, Elmer............ Goddard, Wm......... Wilson, Homer........ Private................. Private............... Private.................. Private................ Private................... Private................ Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private................. Private.................. Private................. Private................... Apr. 26.189M Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 9.1898 Bloomington.... Bloomington.... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington.... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bleomington.... Bloomington..... Bloomington.... Bloomington..... Springfield...... May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7 1898 7,1898 7, 1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 12.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 25 MUSTERED IN. --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield...( I ( Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift.......1I Pittsfield.... Pittsfield... Pittsfield.... I I Pittsfield... Pittsfield.... Lieut. Barber... Pittsfield.... Sprlngfield... Japt. Swift...... Japt. Roberts... Pittsfield..... Pittsfield..... Springfield.., Springfield.. Japt. Swift...... Pittsfield...... Sick in quarters May 18 to 31, 1898; to Jan. 8, 1899, in division hospital, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct 11,1898, by G. 6. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 86.06, the total value of articles issued himby the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.06, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 180, A. G. O.,C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of Articles issued him by the State..................................... June 28,1898. on duty as assistant wagoner: back to company Sept. 7, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. 130 A..G, O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 86 0s, the total value of articles issued him by the State......... Joined and enrolled since muster in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. 0. 180.. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued to him............................ Discharged at Lexington, Ky.. Aug. 18,1898, by paragraph 1, R. O. No. 63 Hdqrs. 6th 111. Inf.......................... Discharged per Surgeon's certificate of disability Aug. 10,1898, Camp Geo. H. Thomas, field hospital, 1st Division, 1st Corps; final statements furnished and paid Aug. 10-81. 1898. at Camp Geo. H. Thomas, Ga., by Major Smith.......................... Discharged per telegram from Secretary of War dated Sept. 29, 1898; discharged at New York City Sept. 28.1898. per telegram from Secretary of War. same date......... May 25,1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date........................... May 25,1898, transferred to Co. D per R. 0. No. 1. same date............................ May 25. 1898, transferred to Co. D per R. O. No. 1, same date........................... May 26, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date...................... May 25,1898, transferred to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1, same date........... NMay 26. 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date"........................ May 25, 1898, transferred to Co D, per R. O. No. 1. same date............................. May 25,1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date............................. May 2, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1. same date............................ May 25, 1899, transferred to Co. D. per R. O. No. 1, same date......................... May 25, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date............................ May 25, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date............................. May 25, 1898. transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date............................. May 25,1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date............................. May 25, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date........................... May 25, 1898, transferred to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date............................. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt, Roberts... I............................................................................................................................................................................................................ I t I 26 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. George Barber........1st Lieutenant........... Apr. 26.1898 Pittsfield,......... ay 6,189 Died Reeder, Henry J... Private................. June 13,1898 Pittsfield......... June 18,1898 FIFTH INFANTRYENROLLED, Name. Rank. -- - When. Where. When. George Barber........ Clifton 1. Magner.... Joe C. Michaels....... William J. Flynn..... Frank 0. Nickaelemus Alonzo H. Ranes...... Captain................... 1st Lieutenant.......... 2d Lieutenant......... 1st Sergeant.............. Sergeant................. Sergeant.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr, 25.18981 Pittsfield......... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... May May May May 651898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 Leroy Anderson....... ergeant................. p. 26.1898 Taylorville....... May 7.1898 Mark F. Fulton........ Sergeant................. June 18,1898 Taylorville....... June 18.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 27 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Mustered in with Co. A as 1st Lieutenant; promoted to Captain of Co. B, and commission accepted Aug. 12. 1898. per S. 0, No. 121, Aug. 15, 1898. vice Capt. Parish, resigned................................. Pittsfield..... Lieut. Barber.... Pittsfield..... July 13,1898, died at division hospital. at 2:00 a. m.. Camp Geo. H. Thomas, Ga.; Private Reeder was removed to regimental hospital June 29,1898; from there to 1st Division hospital July 1,1898, and died there July 18,1898; died of poison in line of duty, COMPANY B. MUSTZEED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. _ _____ Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. I o ( Capt. Swift....... Pittsfield..... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorvllle... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Originally mustered in as 1st Lieutenant, Co. A; commissioned as Captain Co. B, Aug. 12 (vice Parish, resigned) and took command same date....................... Originally mustered in 1st Lieutenant, Co. B; in command of company from July 18 to Aug. 13, 1898; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 18. C. S., A. G.O.; due U. S. four (4) dollars, overpayment on roll of Aug. 81....................................... Originally mustered in with company as 2d Lieutenant; July 6, duty to sick; July 7. division hospital; May 21, returned from furlough, all in line of duty; oept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 80, A. G. O., J. $........................................ June 2, duty to sick; June 7. sick to duty; on furlough per order regimental commander, Aug. 22 to Sept. 8. all in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6,04, total value of State clothing issued; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G....C. d.; mustered in as 1st Sergeant................... Aug. 22, duty to sick; Sept. 8, sick to duty in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of clothing issued; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O,, C. S.; enrolled as Sergeant......................... Enrolled as private; promoted Sergeant May 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 1. same date; Aug. 6. duty to sick; Aug. 16, hospital at Fort Monroe, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of t6.0,4 total value of State clothing issued; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, (. 0. No. 130, A. G.... S.............................. Enrolled as private; promoted Sergeant May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1. same date; Aug. 56 duty to sick; Aug. 10, hospital at Fort Monroe, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, A, G. O..C.S....................................... June 18, enrolled as private; appointed Corporal June 22. regimental order; Aug. 10, appointed Sergeant, R. 0. No. 54; Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued... Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... I Lieut. Roll........ Taylorville... 28 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Name. ENROLLED. Rank. When. Where. When. Charles C. Thompson. L, Jean Perkins....... Charles F. Jacobs..... Julius S. Michaels.... Eugene Denton...... Harry Reltzer......... Sergeant.............. Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville...... May Corporal.................. Corporal........... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Taylorville....... Taylorville...... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Tavlorville....... May May May May May 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7, 1898 Howard J. Roof....... Corporal................. Ar. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7.1898 Oscar Porter.......... Corporal.......p........... r 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 T. Leed Hewitt........ Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7.1898 Add Toll............. Corporal.............. Apr. 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Clinton G. Harris.... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 J. Barton Anderson.. Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Wm. P. Mlinnis........ James C. Waddell..... Bugler.................... Bugler................ Apr. 25,189E Apr. 25,189E Taylorville....... Taylorville....... May 7,1898 May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 29 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Springfield... ]Capt. Roberts.... ITaylorvllle... Springfield...ICapt, Roberts.... Taylorville.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorvlle... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Enrolled as Corporal; Aug. 1, appointed Sergeant, R. O. No. 54; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued; Sept. 12, furloughed 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A, 0. 0., C. S........................................ Sept. 12. furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0,4 total value of State clothing issued............. Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, 0. O. No. 130.. G. GO. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.84, total value of State clothing issued............. July 28, detailed to regimental canteen by regimental order, same date; Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days. G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued; transferred from -—,R. O No. 1. May 25, 1898............. Sept. 12, furlonuhed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O. C. CS.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Enrolled private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898; Sept. 12 furloughed 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 6., C. S.; n settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued............. Sept. 12. furloughed 30 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value clothing issued by State; private: appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, R. O. No. -. same date; transferred from Co, K...... Enrolled as private; promoted to Corporal Aug. 1,1898, R. O. No. 64, same date; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, 0. 0. 130,... O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued........................ Enrolled as private; promoted to Corporal Aug. 1,1898, R. 0. No. 54, same date; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days. G. O. No. 30, A. G. O., C. S.; iu the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued................ Enrolled as private; promoted to Corporal Aug. 1.1898, R. O. No. 64. same date; Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued....................... May 21, duty to sick; June 20, duty to sick in line of duty; appointed Corporal Aug. 1, R. O. No. 64, same date; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.: in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.......................... Appointed Corporal Aug. 1, 1898, R. O. same date; Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days. 0. O. No. 130, A.G.O., C.S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Sept. 12, 1898, furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued.......... Furloughed 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A.G.O. C. S.; musician, May 8, 1898, company order No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued............ Springfield... Cat. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... lCapt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt, Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... 30 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. John W. Siefert...... Wagoner................. Apr. 26,1898 Taylorville.......May 7.1898 Forrest Carriker...... Artificer................ I Apr. 6. 181 18 Taylorville........ I May 7,1898 Alspaugh, Richard.. Adams, Herbert....... Bruce, Ismer........ Bair. Charles F....... Bayly, John M........ Barbre, Owen........ Cole, Charles.......... Clay, Harry G........ Caward. George C..... Claywell, Joseph H... Danford, Joy F........ Diamond, Charles H.. Dehart. William L.... Dempsey, James W... Denlinger, P. B....... Private...................June 18.1898 Taylorville....... June 18, 1898 ftivate................... June 18. 182b Taylorville....... J u n e 18. 1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7.1898 Private................... I. day 9, 1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Private May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Private................... June 18,1898 Taylorville....... June 18, 1899 Private................... May 7,1898 Sprincfleld....... May 7. 1898 Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1998 Private................... May 8,1896 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Private................... May S. 1898 Sprinuffeld....... May 8.1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8.1898 May 8,1898 Sprinefield....... May 8,1898 Private........ t'rivate.................. Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private..., ^., * Private................. Private............... Private... Private................... Private............ June 18,1891 June 18.182E Apr. 25,189f May 9,1898 May 9,1898 June 18,1898 May 7.1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 8,1898 MNay 8 1898 Taylorville..... I Taylorville....... 9 Taylorville...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Taylorville...... Springfield....... Taylorville...... Springfield....... Springfield...... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Springfield....... Springfield...... June June May May May June May May May May May May May May May 18,1898 18,1898 7.1898 9,1898 9,1898 18,1898 7.1898 7,1898 8,1898 8.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 8.1898 8,1898 [ FIFTH INFANTRY. 31 MUSTERED IN. -----------. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville.. Taylorville...m Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville... Springfleld...Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville,.. Enrolled as private; appointed wagoner May 8, 1898, company order; Sept. 12 fur. loughed for 80 days. G. O. No 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.: in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued...................... Sept. 12, 1898, furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 180, A.G.O..C..; in the settlement for clothing is included thb sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued; enrolled as private; appointed artificer May 8,1898, company order No. 1, same date.......... Detailed for camp guard Sept. 14 to Oct. 11, 1898; no State clothing issued.............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued........................................ Sept. 12. 1898, detailed as guard, Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued................. Transferred from Co, K, R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25, 1898; Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days, G. 0. No. 180, A.G.O.. C.S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.. July 6,1898. detailed to Grant's headquarters. verbal order; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued................. Sept. 12. 1898, furloughed for 80 days (. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; no State clothing issued.............................. July 6 detailed to Grant's headquarters; transferred from Co, K R 0. No. 1, May 26; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0d, total value of State clothing issued....................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued........................ Transferred from Co. K, R. 0. No. 1. May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. 180. A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0,4 total value of State clothing issued.................... Transferred from Co. K. R. 0. No. 1. dated May 25; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.04, total value of State clothing issued....... Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.................... Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days. GO.., No. 1 A. G. O.. C. S,; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value State clothing issued...............;........... June 15 duty to sick;.-June 22, sick to duty; July 17, duty to sick; Aug. 3. hospital, Chickamauga, all in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued.. Transferred from Co. K, R. O. No. 1, dated May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued............. Transferred from Co. K. R. 0. No. 1. May25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. 130, A. G. 0. C. 8.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued........................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sharpsburg.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....(Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield...JCapt. Roberts.... Springfield... 32 Name. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Rank., ENROLLED. When. May 8,189 8 Where. When. Datgh, Joseph B...... Private............... Springfield....... May 8,1898 Edler, Fred O........ Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorvlle....... May 7,1898 Easley. Perry J........ Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... May 7,1898 Easley. Claud.......... Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... IMay 8.1898 Ewine, James......... Ellett. William........ Private................... Private.................. Apr. 25,1891 May 8,189R 98 38 Taylorville....... Springfield....... May 7.1898 May 8,1898 I Flock. Thomas V......Private................... May 8.1898 8pringfield....... May 8,1898 I I Green, John G......... Private.................. May 8.1898 pringfleld....... May 8,1898 I I Hinton, George W.... Private.................. June 18.1898 Taylorville....... June 18,1898 Hendricks, Worth..... Hawley, Alvin D...... Heubner, Jacob....... Huddleston, Joseph... Huddleston. Albert W. Honefenger, Ira A.... Hargls, Rodolph..... Jones. Chester........ Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private............. Private................... Private................. I 4 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 18.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Taylorville...... Taylorville...... Taylorville....... Taylorvllle...... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... May 7, 1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 i I FIFTH INFANTRY. 33 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.. I.I.(.1. ( I Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... 3apt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... I ~ I. I. II r r Taylorville.. Taylorville.. Taylorville.. Grove City.. Taylorville... I I t O I Taylorville... I Springfield.., Capt. Roberts... arove City... I Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... I Transferred from Co. K, R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25: Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days G. O. No. 130. A.. O., C. S; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum of 56.04. total value of State clothing issued.. Aug. 22 duty to sick; Aug. 26, hospital; Aug. 28 sick to duty, all in line of duty; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, U. 0. No, 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued..................... Enrolled as Corporal: reduced to ranks June 22,1898, R. 0. No. 80; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, total value of State clothing issued Transferred from Co. K. R. 0. No. 1, dated May 26; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued........ Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days. G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued................. Transferred from Co. K. R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued........... Transferred from Co. K, R. 0. No. 1. dated May 26; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130 A. X. 0.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.. Transferred from Co. K, R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25; Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued..... Aug. 31 paid fine of $5.00 by Field Court, dated Aug. 23; furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O,, C. S.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued....................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued........................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6,04, total value State clothing ssued........................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130. A. GO. C. S.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued..................................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; no State clothing issued... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days. G.O. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.; no State clothing issued................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.; no State clothing issued.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; no State clothing issued.................................... Taylorville... Aieut. Ball...... Taylorville... I I Springfield... 3apt. Roberts.... Taylorville... I I Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Taylorville... I I Springfield... 3apt. Roberts.... taylorville... I I I Taylorville... jieut. Ball....... raylorville.. I Taylorvlll... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville... I I I Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville... I I: q Taylrvil e. Ball Talorville... Lieut. Ball...... I I Vol. 3-3. 34 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLI Name. Rank. -_ When. -ED. Where. When. Knight, William C.... Kelly, Charles......... Kisterson. Charles C.. Kirkpatrlck, Gordon.. Kelster, Henry....... Larson, Peter......... Leach, Frank.......... McKee. George........ Matkln, George W.... Private................. May 8.18im Springfield....... May Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr, 26,1898 June 18.189S June 18.1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 18.1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 8.1898 May 9,1898 June 18.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Taylorvill....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Springfield....... May May June June May June May May 8.1899 7,1898 7.1898 18.1898 18.1898 7,1898 18,1898 7,1898 8,1898 Maddox, Clinton D.... Private................... Springfield....... May 9.18988 Mathews. Edgar...... McAdor, David A.... Mason, Robert H...... Nichols, Ora D........ Neff, James W........ Neer, George W....... Private.............. Private................... Private................... Taylorvllle....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Yune 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Private................. APr. 25,1898 Private......Apr............ 25,1898 Private...................Apr. 25.1898 May May 7,1898 7,1898 Taylorville.......May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 35 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Taylorville.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Taylorville...1 Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville.. I~ Taylorville... Liout. Ball....... Taylorville.. I Remarks. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorvllle... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Transferred from Co. K. R. O. No. 1, May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G, O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, total value of State clothing issued.............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value State clothing issued....................... Aug. 81 paid fine of $3.00 by Field Court Aug. 23 1898; Sept. 12 furlonghed for 30 days. G. O. No. 130, A. (. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued........ Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O No. 130, A.. O.. C. S.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued........................................ Duty to sick; Sept. 3 Division hospital, in line of duty; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued........................................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C, S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued....................... Sept. 12 furloughed for S8 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; no State clothing issued.......................................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued.............. May 81 duty to sick; June 9 sick to duty in line of duty; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days. G. 0. No. 130. A. 0., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0,. total value of State clothing issued........................................ Transferred from Co. D, R.. No. 1. May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days. G. No. 10,.A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 180, A. 3. O., C.S.; no State clothing issued................................... Aug. 81 paid $1.00 fine by Field Court Aug. 28, C. S.; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.......................................... July 30 duty to sick; Aug. 30 sick to duty in line of duty; Sept. 13 furloughed for 30 days; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. total value of State clothing Issued................... Aug. 31 paid $5.00 fine by Field Court Aug. 28; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lleut. Ball....... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball....... Taylorville.. Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball...... I Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... I i i pringfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. 36 ADJUTANT GENARAL'S REPORT. ENROLLID. Name. Rank, When. Where. When. I _ Narred. rwin..I...... Private...................May 8,18981 SDringfeld....... May 8,.1898 Oddy, George......... Oglesby. Benjamin... Private................. Private.................. May 8.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. Parish, Clarence...... Private................... 25.1898 Peabody, Samuel A... Prouty. Lewis C...... Powell, Reuben....... Raines. Simon......... Raines, Howard....... Reeves, Chas. A....... Reed, Manford C..... Roper. Robert......... Private................ Private................... Private.................. Private................ Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 31 1896 Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Camp Thomas.Ga Taylorvllle....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Taylorville...... Taylorvllle....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Taylorville....... May 8, 1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1808 May 31,1898 May 7.1888 Private................. Private............... Private.............. Apr. 25 1898 Apr. 25.189E Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 May May May May 7,1898 7, 1898 7,1898 7,1898 Private................. Radford, Lewis....... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Stoy, John C........... Swick, John W........ Simpson. Otto W...... Private............... Private.................. Private................... May 7.1898 May 7,1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 8.1898 May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 37 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Sprinffield... ICapt. Roberts.... Taylorvillie.. Springfield... Caot. Roberts... ITaylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Camp Thomas, Qa. Capt. Brown...... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Transferred from Co. K. R. O. No. 1 May 25; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, b. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued............. June 1 duty to sick; June 14 sick to duty; Aug. 6 duty to sick; Aug. 10 hospital, Ft. Monroe, all in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued........ Aug. 2 reduced to ranks, R. O. No. 54. same date; enrolled as Sergeant; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued...................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 180. A. G. O., C. 8.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G.O.No.130, A. G. O.; no State clothing issued; joined and enrolled after muster in of company.. July 22, duty to sick; July 26, sick to duty; Aug. 8, hospital. Chickamauga, all in line of duty; Aug. 17, sick to duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of 56.04, total value of State clothing issued; Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days, G.0. No. 130, A..0.. C.S................................. Sept. 12 furloughed 30 days, G. O, No. 180,A. G. O.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued....................... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G.O. No.130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued....................... Aug. 31 paid fine of $5.00 by Field Court Aug. 23; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $6 04, total value of State clothing issued.................................. Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G.O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; detailed for guard from Sept. 14 to Oct. 11; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.................... June 3, duty to sick; June 7. sick to duty, in line of duty; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued........................................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued............. Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, 0. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.*.. Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... 38 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- -- -- When. Where. When. h | I *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Clair. John W.....Private...................May 8.1898 Springfield.......ay 8.1898 Shehan. Dwight....... Saunder,, Clarence... Private.................. Private................ June 18,189 June 18.189E June 18,1898 Taylorvile....... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... June 18.1898 June 18.1898 June 18.1898 Speer, Aubry.......... Private................... Thompson. John P.... Private................... Apr. 25,18e98Taylorville....... Ma 7 1898 Thompson, Mason W. Private...................Jue 18 Taorvile....... ne 18,1898 Thompson, Prank B..IPrivate................. Apr. 25,1S98STaylorville...... May 7,1898 Wilson. Fred.......... Wulfmeyer. Emil..... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... Taylorvlle...... May May 7,1898 7,1898 Wones, Lelgh A.......Private........M......... May 8,18 SIpringfield....... May 8.1898 Ward, Orville......... Private.................. May 9,18881Springfield.......I May 9,1898 Wallace, Claud H..... Welch, William E..... Discharged. Charles A. Parish..... Transferred. Brown, John T........ Barnley. Lee M........ Chastian, Henry M.... Campbell, Louis E.... Duncan, Robert J..... Private................ June Private................... Captain................. Private............... Private.................. Private............... Private.................. Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 18,1898 26,1898 26,1898 2, 1898 25.1898 25.1898 26,1898 25,1898 Taylorville....... Taylorvlle....... Taylorville....... Taylorville...... Taylorville....... Taylorville....... Springfield...... Sprlngfield....... June May May May May May May May 18,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,.98 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 39 MUSTERED IN. ----— _ - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... ILleut. Ball........ ITrlorville... Taylorville... Taylorville.. ILieut. Ball....... Taylorvlle... Lieut. Ball........ Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball........ Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield....Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued; joined and enrolled after muster in of company. Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 120, A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued; joined and enrolled aftermuster in of company................................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued; Joined and enrolled after muster in of company................................ Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, (. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued; joined and enrolled after muster in of sompany............................. June 6, duty to sick; June 9, sick to duty; July 7. duty to sick; July 19, sick, to duty. all in line of duty; Sept. 12 furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A.. 0., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued........................................ Sept. 8, duty to sick; Sept 9, sick to duty, in line of duty; Sept. 12 furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; no State clothing issued; joined and enrolled after muster in of company............... June 30, hospital at Chiekamauga; Sept. 8, returned to duty in line of duty; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G, 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is in cluded the sum of $6.01, total value of State clothing issued................... Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued................. May 17, duty to sick; June 6. sick to duty in line of duty: Sept. 12, furloughed for 30 days, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued........................................ Transferred from Co. K, R. O. No. 1. May 25; Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, total value of State clothing issued.............. Transferred from Co. K, B. O. No. 1, May 25; Sept. 12. furloughed for 30 days. G. O. No. 130. A. G.. C. b.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, total value of State clothing issued..................... Joined and enlisted after muster-in of eompany; Sept. 12. furloughed for 30 days, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; no State clothing issued.................................. Sept. 12, furloughed for 80 days, G. O. No. 130, A.,. 0.; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of State clothing issued....................... Discharged from service July 13,1898. S. 0. No. 163, A. 0. O.............................. Transferred to band Aug. 8, Reg. Order No. 58. same date.......................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 26, 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25,1898............................. Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K. Reg. Order Ne. 1, May 25, 1898........................................ Springfield... CaPt. Roberts..... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Tarlorville... Springfield...lCapt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... Lieut. Ball........ Taylorvlle.. Spriagfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Taylorville... Springfield... Taylorville... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... 40 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, Name. Rank. ENROLLED. When. Where, When. Henniker, John M..... Hoffman, Isaac T...... Hamilton, Henry H... Hoover, Chas. I........ Kunce, Laurel......... LaBee, Frank A...... LaBee, Victor......... MeDonald, Malcomb R Morris. Francis....... Munger. Franklin C... Mass. J.W......... Peel. Henry 0......... Quafley, Millard J.... Reid, Robert B........ Swaim, WalkerJ...... Bikes, Reason A....... Silvey, Luke........... Slater, Robert J....... Sear. James C......... Watklns, Oliver R.... Williams, Edmund.... Wiseman, Vance E... Wright, Wallace Mi.... Leader, Otto A....... Robinson, Felix W.... Smith, Guy R......... Weltzle. Tony H...... Died. Rucker. Eugene E.... Orr, Abner............. Private.............. Private................ Private................ Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............... Private................... Private.................. Private.............. Private................... Private................... Apr. 25.1S88 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1893 Apr. 25,1898 June 16,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Sprinafield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Chicago.......... Springfield....... Springfield...... Sprlngffeld....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springield....... Taylorville....... May 7.1898 May 7. 189 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7, 18 May 7.1898 May 7.188 May 7.1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,16 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1898 May 7, 1898 M ay 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 Mray 7,1898 May 7,1898 June 16,1898 lay 7,1898 May 7,1898 IPrivate................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private.............. Private................. Private................ Private................ Private................... Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville....... Private............... Apr. 25,1898 Taylorville...... FIFTH INFANTRY. 41 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. I Springfield.. Springfield,. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfeld... Springfld... Springfield... Springfield... Taylorville... Springfield... Springfield i Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Lieut. Ball........ Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Taylorville Taylorville Transferred to Co. K. Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................... Transferred to Co. K,Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898................................. Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25,1898.............................. Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898............................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25, 1898....................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25. 1898................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898. Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transfeared to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 256 1898....................................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25, 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25. 1898....................................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K. Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898....................................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898........................................ Commissioned 2d Lieutenant, Co. M, 6th Il., Sept. 8, 1898; accepted, same date.......... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1998....................................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1. May 25, 1898.............................. Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No, 1, May 25, 1898....................... Transferred to Co. M, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 189........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25, 1898..................................... Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K, Reg. Order No. 1, May 25. 1898........................................ Died at Leiter hospital July 4 1898.. Died at Springfield hospital ept. 15.1898... I 42 Name. Michael P. O'Brien Noble F. Bauman... Chas. T. Hcadenburg. Charles A. Byers.... Chas. H. Cartwriefht.. Frank R. Simmons.... John W. Houstz..... Fred'k L. Sehlierback. Felix J. Streyckmane. Perry Jayne...... Andrew M, Brooks, Jr. Alfred 0. Booth....... James B. SmithL....... Merton R. Whitmer... ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. FIFTH IN'FANTRY ENROLLED. Rank. When. Where. When. Captain...........Apr. 25.1891 1st Lieutenant...... Apr. 25,1891 3d Lieutenant... -.. 1st Sergeant........ Q. M1. Sergeant...... Sergeant......... Sergeant......... Serteant......... Corporal......... Corporal.. Corporal.......... Corporal. — ~....... Apr, 25. 1898 A~pr. 25,1898 Apvr. 25.1891E A~pr. 25.1896 &~pr. 25.1898 A~pr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield Springfield Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield.. May May May may May May May May May May May May May Mar 4.1898 4.1898 4. 1898 4. 1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4. 1898 4.18988 'Ar.Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 25. 1891 25. 1898 25. 1898 25. 1891 25, 1891 FIFTH INFANTRY. 43 COMPANY C. MUSTBBED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Springfield...Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... II I - II III IC f f Springfield.. I Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield.., I Mustered in and commissioned; accepted May 4. 1898...................... Mustered and commissioned; accepted May 4, 1898; pay due from date of enrollment to muster-in; leave of absence 10 days from July 17 to July 26,1898, S. 0. 27, 1st Army Corps; absent, sick. one month's leave from Aug. 6 to Sept. 6,1898, S. 0. No. 67,1st Army Corps; reported for duty Sept., 1898, at Lexington. Ky.; sickness in line of duty.......................................... Mustered and commissioned; accepted May 4,1898.......................................... Enrolled and mustered as let Sergeant; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued by State................................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Q. M. Sergeant May 8. 1898. per Co. 0. No. 1. of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.52, total value of articles issued by State.................. Enrolled and mustered in as Sergeant; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued by State............................. Enrolled and mustered as a Sergeant; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of 56.87. total value of articles issued by State................................. Enrolled as a privae; promoted Sergeant May 8. 1898, per Co. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by State................................. Enrolled as a private: promoted Sergeant May 8. 1898. per Co, 0. No. 1. of same date; sick in quarters from May 24 to June 5, 1898, inclusive, not in line of duty; absent, sick, from July 27, 1898, to Aug. 12, 1898, at St. Vincent's hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn., in line of duty; on sick furlough from Aug. 12 to Sept. 1., 1898; reported for duty Sept. 12.1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.12, total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled and mustered in as a Corporal; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87. total value of articles issued him by State........................................ Enrolled as a private; promoted CorPoral May 8.1898, per Co. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by State.......................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal May 8,1898, per Co. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing Is included the sum $6.87 total value of articles issued him by the State................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal May 8,1898, per Co. O. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum 36,87. total value of articles issued him by State...................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal May 8.1898, per Co. 0. No. 1. of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by State........................................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt, Swift....... pringfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Sprlngfleld... 44 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Gus M. Wise........... Corporal.................. May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Philip Rupp.......... Lloyd H. Davis........ Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,189E Apr. 25.189E Springfield....... Springfield....... May May 4,1898 4,1898 Henry Keeffner....... Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Springfield....... May 4. 1898 Milton B. Saunders... Angelo Buck.......... Charles T.VanArsdale Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Musician................ Apr. 25. 89E Apr. 25,189E Apr. 25,1899 Sprlngfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... May May May 4,1898. 1898 4,1898 Luke Reynolds........ Musician............ IMay 9.1898 Springfield...... May 9.1898 Oscar C. Smith........ Artificer................. May 9,1891 Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... May 9 1898 David C. Deerwester.. Andrews, John S...... Wagoner.............. Private................ Apr. 25.1898 June 17,1896 May June 4.1898 17.1898 Armstrong, Warren W Private.................May 9.1898 Springfield.......IMay 9.1898 Bashaw. Clarence A.. Private.................. Apr. 25.189S Springfield....... May 4. 189 FIFTH INFANTRY. 45 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield.. Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Spriugfield... ICapt. Switt....... Springfield... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Sprlnafield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Transferred from Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; promoted Corporal May 26,1898, per R. O. No. 3, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him the State................................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal May 8,1898, per Co. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State................................ Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal Aug. 27, 1898, per R. O. No. 5319, to rank from Aug. 1,1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by the State; on daily duty Quartermaster's department since May 28, 1898......................................... Enrolled as private, promoted Corporal Aug. 25, 1898, per A0.. No. 75, of same date; sick in regimental hospital Sept. 6 to Sept. 12,1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87. total value of articles issued by State.... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal Aug. 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 75, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.52, total value of articles issued by State.................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal Aug. 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 75, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by State.......................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted musician May 8.1898, per Co. 0. No. 1, of same date; absent sick Aug. 10 to Aug. 24, 1898. at general hospital. Ft. Monroe, Va., in line of duty; on sick furlough from Aug. 25 to Sent. -. 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87. total value of articles issued by the State................ Enrolled as a private; promoted musician May 26, 1898, R. 0. No. 3. of same date; transferred from Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total articles issued him by the State........... Transferred from Co. D, R. 0. No. 1, same date; enrolled as private; promoted artificer May 26, 1898, R. 0. No. 3. of same date; sick in regimental hospital May 24 to May 27, 1898, Camp Thomas, Ga., in line of duty: in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total articles issued him by the Stale.......................... Enrolled as private; promoted wagoner May 8.1898, per Co. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State..................................... Transferred from Co. D May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date: absent sick in Protestant hospital. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 28,1898 to Sept. 11, 1898, in line of duty: reported for duty Sept. 12, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $5.59, total value of articles issued him by State...... In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Chapin....... Springfield....Capt. Roberts.... West York... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Maj. Cabanis..... Clinton....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Clinton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... pringeld... 46 ADJUTANT GDNERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. -e Boughman. Simeon... Private................... May 9.1899 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Barrow, Stephen...... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield...... May 9,1898 Ball, Hubert S........ Bogardus, Henry O... Private................... Private................. June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17.1898 May 8.1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Bernstein, Harry...... Private...................May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Bristow, William R... Private.................. June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17.1898 Bruene. William......Private..................A. Apr. 26.1898 Springfield....... May 4, 1898 Brown, Ellis........ Brown, James T....... Private................. Private................... June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17,1898 June 1, 1898 Decatur.......... June 1. 1898 Cartuyvels, George M. IPrivate................... June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17,1898 Cincebeaux, Cyrus O.. Private................ Apr. 25.1898 Springfield....... May A.1898 Clark. Frank D........ Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Springfield....... May 4. 1898 Cowart, James H...... Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield....... ay 9,1898 Craddock, Charles W. Crowder. George E.... Private................... Private................. June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17,1898 May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Curry, Landy C........ Private................... May 9.1988 Springfield....... May 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 47 MUSTBRED IN. -Residence, Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Broadwell.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln....... Sprinfifield... Maj. Cabanis..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Clinton....... Clinton....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield.... a. Cabanis..... Girard....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. Springfield... Maj. Cabanis..... Livingston... Decatur...... IaJ. Cabanis.....!Kinmundy... Transferred from Co. D May 26, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is inclueed the sum $6.87, the total value of articles issued by the State....... Transferred from Co. K May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in division hospital, Camp Thomas. Ga.. June 26 to June 29. 1898, inclusive, in line of duty; in setttlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued by the State..... Transferred from Co. K, May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87. total value of articles issued by the State.................. Transferred from Co. D May 25. 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; fined $1.00 and five days at hard labor by Field Officers' Court, Aug. 23,1898; fine not collected; disorderly; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $687, total value of articles issued by the State.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued by the State; detailed as clerk regimental headquarters Sept. 2, 1898, R. O. No. 101 of same date.......................................... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, the total value of articles issued him by State.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no State clothing issued to him. Joined company July 18. 1898, at Camp Thomas, Ga.. by transfer from Co. H per R. 0. No. 85 of same date; no State clothing issued......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued............. In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Fined $1.00. five days hard labor, by Field Officers' Court. Aug. 23; fine not collected; disorderly; sick in quarters Aug. 26 to Sept. 1, 1898. inclusive, all in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6 87. total value of articles issued by the State.................................. Transferred from Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; fined $1.00, and five days at hard labor by Field Officers' Court Aug. 23,1898; fine not collected; disorderly; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.98, total value of articles issued by the State..................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no State clothing issued............ Transferred from Co. K May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in regimental hospital June 13 to June 18. 1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included sum 16.87, total value of articles issued by State.....-.................................. Transforred from Co. D May 25. 1698, per R. O. No. 1. same date; sick in division hospital. Camp Thomas. Ga.. June 8 to June 7, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty; sick in regimental hospital, Lexington, Ky., and Springfield. Ill., Aug. 81 to Sept. 11, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty: reported for duty Sept. 12. 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6 87. total value of articles issued him by the State......... Springfield... Springfield... V8pringfeld... Maj. Cabanis...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts... Chapin....... Springfield... Maj Cabanis..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I &uburn....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... -Stewardson.. 48 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. I I I I Darnell, Newton E.... Private................... IMa. lsa 18S pringfield....... May 9,1898 I I David, Frank E.........Private............... June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17.1888 Dinkel, George L..... Pr e.........i.......... Apr. 25.1898 Springfield....... May, 1898 Dodds, Joseph E...... Private................ June 17.1898 Springfield....... June 17.1898 Donehiu, Frank....... Private.................. May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Duey, Alvin S......... Eisiminger, Frank A.. Facan. Jas. A......... Private................. I. Private................. Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1888 Apr. 25.1898 I Sprlngfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... I May May May 1.1898 4.1898 4.1898 I I I I I I I Fairchild, John S....... Private.................... Apr. 25.1898 Sprinegfeld....... May, 1898 Fliueria, Frank L.... Fortner. Philip........ Fawkes, Albert........ Gehlman, Louis W.... Gleiber, Henry W.... Goulet. Joseph E...... Guernsey. Guy C...... Hart. William C....... Hartman, George...... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... I I I June 17,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 17,1898 May 9,1898 June 18,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... June May May May 17,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 I I 4 June 17,1898 May 4. 1898 June 17.1898 May 9,1898 June 18,1898 Private............... I FIFTH INFANTRY. 49 MUSTERED IN. ---------- -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. i Capt. Roberts.... lola.......... Maj. Cabanis.....lCarlinville... o I Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... ISpringfield.. Springfield... Maj. Cabansi..... Aburn....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Marion, Ind... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.... I. I Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Bissell....... o Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... Rochester.... Transferred from Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by the State....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued; sick, Ft. Monroe, Va., general hospital from Aug. 13 to Sept. 10. 1898, in line of duty; on sick furlough from Sept. I1 to Oct. 11, 1898, G. O. No. 11. A. G. 0., 1898................... Sick at general hospital. Ft. Monroe. Va.. since Aug. 16, 1898, in line of duty; pay due for July. 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.62, total value of articles issued by State...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued............. Transferred from Co. K May 26,1898. per R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State......... In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued to him by State............................... ln'settlementof clothing Is included the sum of $6 87. total value of articles issued him by the State......... In settlement of clothing is ncludhd the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in St. Joseph's hospital. Lexington, Ky., since Aug. 26, 1898, in line of duty.......................... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in division hospital, Camp Thomas, Ga.. June 9 to June 14,1898. inclusive, in line of duty........... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued............ In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State............................ In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6 87. total value of articles issued him by the State............................. In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6 87. total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in 1st Div. hospital, Camp Thomas, Ga., since June 23, 1898, in line of duty................................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued............ In settlement of clothing is incluled the sum of $6.87 total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing issued by the State..... Transferred from Co. D, May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, sam3 date; in settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $4.98. total value of articles issued him by the State............ Joined and enrolled after muster in of company: no State clothing issued; on detached service, division hospital. Lexineton. Ky., Aug. 27 to Sept. 3,1898, R. O. No. 71, Aug. 27, 1898; reported for duty Sept. 1898.......................................... Springfirld... Maj. Cabanls..... Springfield... Springgeld... Capt. Swift....... Rochester.... I 1 Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... I I Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... I Springfield... Springfield... I I Maj. Cabanis..... Carlinville... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... I Springfield....lMaJ. Cabanis..... H'nryv'lelnd I Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 3pringfield... Springfield... Maj. Cabanis..... West Chester, Pa. I Vol. 3-4 50 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. leiser, Frank. Prvate............... May 9,198 Springfield....... May 9,1898 9,1898 James, John H........Private.................. May 9, 1898 Springfield....... May Jones, James A....... Private................... May 9.1898Springfield....... May 9,1898 Jordan, Harry......... Private.................. June 17,1898 Springfield.......June 17,1898 Kilday. Wm........... Private................ June 17,1898 Springfield...... June 17,1898 Lakin, Charles W..... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... May 4, 1898 Lester, Louis.......... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Marlow, Jas. S......... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Springield....... May Mayol, Alexander..... Private.............. June 17,1898 Springfield....... June Merrick, William J.-. Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield....... May, 1898 17.1898 9,1898 Maxwell, Edgar L..... Private................... July 25,1898 Lytle, Ga......... July 25.1898 Moode, Harry C....... Private................ June 17,1898 Springfield....... June 17,1898 McCabe, William E... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... May 4,1898 McEndree. Henry... Private................... June 17,1898 Springfield....... une 17.1898 McCormick, John W.. Private.................. June 17,1898 S pringfield....... June 17,1898 Niedbal, Albert H.... Private..................Apr. 25,189Sr eld.......IMay 4. 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 51 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... I.II Chapin...... Harrodsburg Ky......... Lincoln..... 11 Capt. Roberts... Maj. Cabanis.... Capt, Swift...... I Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Decatur... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield.. Springfield... Maj. Cabanis..... Springfield... Springfield,.. Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... I E I Transferred from Co. D, May 25. 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State............ Transferred from Co. D, May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1. same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on detached service, 1st Div., 1st Army Corps. Ambulance Corps, Camp Thomas, Ga., since July 1,1898........................... Transferred from Co. K. May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State.. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing issued by the State..... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued............. In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87 total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in division hospital, CamD Thomas. Ga.. June 1 to June 14, 1898, in line of duty........................ Transferred from Co. D, May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State.. In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State......................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued............ Transferred from Co. D May 25, 1898, per R, O. No. 1. same date: in setttlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by the State; sick in Division hospital. Camp Thomas, Ga. June 21 to Aug. 5. 1898. inclusive, in line of duty; on sick furlough from Aug. 6 to Sept. 6, 1898; reported for duty Sept. 2, 1898, Lexington, Ky................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued; on detached service, regimental hospital, as clerk, Aug. 19 to Sept. 12,1898............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no State clothing issued............. In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by State; sick in quarters, Camp Thomas, Chickamauga. Ga.. May 24-25. in line of duty; sick in quarters Camp Thomas, Ga.. June 8 and 9,1898, in line of duty; sick in Division hospital July 18 to 28,1898, not in line of duty; sick in quarters Aug. 26 to Sept. 4,1898. in line of duty; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor by F. 0. C. Aug. 23: fine not collected........................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no State clothing issued; sick at general hospital. Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 18,1898, in line of duty; reported for duty Oct. 18, 1898.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor by F. O. C. Aug. 23,1898; fine not collected; disorderly...... In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by the State to him............................. C'mp Thomas, Ga.......... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Brown..... Springfield... Maj. Cabanis..... Springfield.. Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Springfield... IMa. Cabanis..... i Carlinville.. Springfield... Iaj. Cabanls..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... I 52 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. 0 Nixon. Bert A......... Private................... May 9.1898 lSpringfeld....... May 9.1898 Perry, Lee Mi.......... Private................... May 9,189a Springfield....... May 9.1898 Prouty. William H.... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Sprinfield....... May 4,1898 Reed, Tully S......... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Springfield.......May 4, 1898 Sams, Foster......... Samuels, Waldo B.... Private................... Private.................. Private............ June 17.1838 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sprlngfield...... Springfield...... June May 17,1898 4 1898 Schindler, Charles E.. Springfield....... May 4. 1898 May Schuler, Conrad....... Private................... 9,1898Springfield....... May 4,1898 Shropshire. John H... Sidener, Frederick E,. Soule. Wm. W......... Private.................. Private................. Private................... April 25.1898 April 25.1898 May 9.1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... May 4 1898 May 1, 1898 May 9.1898 Steele. Robert 0...... Private................... April 25,1898 May 4,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 53 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. - - ~ ~ - r _ _ -. ----. __. - - - _ __.__ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Olinton....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Broadwell.... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Iliddletown.. Springfield... Aaj. Cabans..... Springfield... Sprinfield.. Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift.... Springfield... Transferred from Co. D May 26, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, of same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued by the State; sick in quarters May 24 to May 27, 1898, in line of duty................................... Transferred from Co. D May 25. 1898, per R. 0. No. 1. same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State.. In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor by F. O. C. Aug. 23,1898; fine not paid...................................... lu settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on detached service. slt Division, 1st Army Corps, ambulance corps since July 1 1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State clothing issued; sick at home since Sept. 6, in line of duty......... In settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 1 to June 21,1898; sent to Division hospital, Camp Thomas, Ga., June 22June 26, 1898; Letter general hospital, Chickamauga,Ga., June 25 to July 18,1898, all in line of duty; on sick furlough from July 16 to Sept. 16, 1898; reported for duty Sept. 7. 1898, at Springfield, Ill....................... in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of clothing issued him by the State; on detached service at Brigade headquarters, 1st Brigade. 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, as teamster from June 21, 1898. to July 9,1898; sick in quarters Aug. 10 to Aug. 15, 1898, in line of duty; sick at general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 16,1898, in line of duty........... Transferred from Co. D May 26. 1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.87, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 7 and 8.1858; sent to Division hospital. Camp Thomas, Ga., June 9 to June 27, 1898, in line of duty; reported for duty June 28,1898....................... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6 87, total value of articles issued him by the State....................... In settlement of iclothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Transferred from Co. D, May 25. 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State; on detached service at headquarters 1st Brig., let Div., 1st Army Corps. as Veterinary, per G. 0. No. 3, dated June 7, 1898.... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.59. total value of articles issued him by the State; sick at division hospital. Lexington, Ky.. Sept. 1 to 8, 1898; sick at home Sept. 8,1898, in line of duty; furlough granted from Sept. 6.1898. to Oct. 6,1898, G.. No. 114. A.. O.. C. S.: extended to Oct. 11,1898, 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S....... Springfield... I Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... H'mb'ldt. Net Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. 54 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Steele, Jules L........ Private...................June 17,1898 Springfleld....... June 17,1898 Fonn, Rudolph M..... Prisler, James........ Utt, John P........... Whitney, John W..... Withrow, Oliver L.... Wochner, Frederick.. Wolf, James A........ Woodruff, John....... Private................... Private................ Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. May June May Apr. June May Apr. 25,1898 9,1898 17,1898 9,1898 25.1898 17,1898 9,1898 25,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... May May June May May June May May 4, 1898 9,1898 17,1898 9,1898 4, 1898 17,1898 9,1898 4,1898 May 9,1898 Wright, William G.... Private.............. May 9.1898 Springfield....... Young, James D...... Private.................. May 9,1898Springfield......May 9,18 Young, Robert 0...... Discharged by order Haynes, J. Harry..... Lorch, Theodore O.... Shipp, Clark B........ Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private................... May 9,189b Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... May May May May 9.1898 4,1898 4,1898 4, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 55 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprilnfield...Maj Cabanls..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Chapin...... Springfield... Maj. Cabans..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield.. Springfield... IMaj. Cabanis..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Rochester... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued; sick at 1st Div. hospital, Camp Thomas. Ga., July 8, 1898; sent to Ft. Thomas. Ky., July 6, 1898, in line of duty: on sick furlough July 16,1898. to Aug. 4, 1898; on sick furlough from Aug. 12 to Sept. 9. 1898; reported for duty Sept. 10. 1898....................... [n settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; accidentally shot in hand Sept. 11,1898, not in line of duty...... Transferred from Co. D, May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1. dated May 25, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued; sick in quarters July 6-21, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty....................................... Transferred from Co. D, May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, dated May 25, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State................................. [n settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no State clothing issued.......... Transferred from Co. D. May 25,1898. per R. O No. 1, dated May 25, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State....................................... [n settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; pay due for July. 1898; sick in quarters Aug. 12-14, 1898; sick in general hospital. Fort Monroe. Va., Aug. 16 to Sept. 9. 1898, inclusive, in line of duty; on sick furlough from Sept. 9 to Oct. 8, 1898.,.O.No. 114..A.G.O., C.S............. Transferred from Co. D, May 25. 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital, May 31-June 2, Camp Thomas, Ga., and sick in quarters Aug. 16-16, inclusive, in line of duty.......................................... Transferred from Co. D. May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, dated May 25,1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87. total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in 1st Div. hospital. Camp Thomas, Ga., July 25 to Aug. 15.1898, in line of duty; on sick furlough from Aug. 16 to Sept. 16, 1898; reported for duty Sept. 11,1898....... Transferred from Co. K, May 26,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.87, total value of articles issued him by the State.. Discharged S. 0. No. 151, June 28, 1898. Par. 1386, A. R.; did not receive final statement. Discharged S. 0. No. 156. A. G. O., July 5, 1898. under Par. 1386, A. R.; did not receive final statement............................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal May 8, 1898, Co. O. No. 1, dated May 8,1898; reduced to ranks, R. O. No. 1, dated Aug. 26,1898; discharged by telegraphic order Assistant Secretary War, Aug. 29. 1898; final statement furnished. S. 0. No. 211, A. G. O., dated Sept. 7.1898................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Milton........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... pringfield... ringfleld... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... 56 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLtD. Name. Rank. When. Were. When. Transferred. Goff, Fred W......... Goet z, Joseph......... Hancock, Harvey.... Hendryx, Lewis....... Jorgenson, Alex....... Judd, J.O............. Kleine, Phillip L..... Kuntz, Louis J........ McCoy. Wilbur N..... McDaniel, Hugh C.... MeKinnie, Mortimer J. McReynolds, John S.. MeWilllims, Chas. A. Miller, Henry Z....... Myera. William L..... Nutt. Minzea........... Nutt, Hurley.......... Palmer, Edward...... Pennock, William H.. Prince, William H.... Prince,Worthington H Reynolds, Clarence H. Riser. John A........ Ritchie, Walter........ Rounds, Clarence L... Schmidt, Walter...... Scermer, Clyde........ Schwerm, Fred W..... Scringor, Schuyler.... Soverns, Oscar L..... Pratt, Frank........... Unger, John A........ Cabanis, Rainey C... Peel, Charles R....... Private................... Private......... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private........... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Privrate.... May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1899 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7, 1898 May 7.1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,189B May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1899 May 7,1898 May 7,189 May 7,1898 May 71898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1891 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 9,1898 May 8.1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 9,1898 Springfield...... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Spri gfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield..... Springfield.... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield...... Springfield....... May May May May May May May May May May May May MaI May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May MaY 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 12,1898 12,1898 21,1898 9,1898 Quaintance, Charles S Private................... June 17,1898 Springfield....... Jane 17,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 57 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington, Lexington.... Bloomington' Bloomington. Shirley....... Bloomington, Bloomingtonl Bloomington1 Bloomington, Normal....... Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Lexington,... Lexington.... Normal....... Bloomington. Normal...... Normal...... Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Bloomington. Delavan...... Manltoe...... Kinmundy... Springfield... Petersburg... Transferred to Co. D May 26,1898, per R. 0. No. 1. May 25,1898......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 26,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898........................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898....................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898. per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25. 1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898...................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898.....,................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................ Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................ Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898..................... Transferred to Co. D Ma 25, 1898. per R. 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898............................ Transferred to Co. D May 25.1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25.1898............................ Transferred to Co. D May 25.1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25, 1898........................ Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898........................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No.., May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25.1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898...................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898............................ Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898....................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 188.......................... Transferred to Co. D Mas 25,1899, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898...................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25. 1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898.......................... Transferred to Co. D Ma 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898..................... Transferred to Co. K May 25,1898, per R. O. No. 1. May 25.1898........................... Transferred to Co. K May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25.1898............................ Transferred from Co. F July 8,1898, per R. O. No. 31, May 25. 1898........................ Transferred from Co. D to Co. C May 25,1898, R. O. No. 1: transferred to band Aug. 8. 1898, R. O. No. 53, Aug. 8, 1898............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: transferred to band Aug. 8, 1898, R. O. No. 52, Aug. 8, 1898....................... Capt. Roberts.... 58 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. _When. Where. When. Died. Bohnert, Ludwig..... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 York, JesseJ.......... Private.................. May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Cotton, Charles R... Privatel................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 George W. Gomes..... Corporal............A... Apr. 26,1898 Springfield....... May, 1898 COMPANY DENROLLED. Name. Rank. _ When. Where. When. Edward Y. Miller..... Captain............... Apr. 25,1898 Bloomington..... May 9,1898 Harvey A. Walts...... st Lieutenant........... Apr. 25.1898 Bloomington..... May 7,1898 Roy E. Bowman....... 2d Lieutenant............ Apr. 25,18981 Bloomington.....May 9,1898 Fred W. Loehr........ 1st Sergeant.............. Apr. 25.18981 Hllsboro......... May 7.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 59 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Amsbery, Mo. Transferred from Co. D May 25. 1898. R. 0. No. 1. dated May 25. 1898; sick, regimental hospital May 23 to 25; sick in quarters May 26-27, in line of duty; died May 28, 1898, Division hospital. Camp Thomas, Ga., of ptomaine poisoning; buried at Chattanooga National cemetery................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stewardson.. Transferred from Co. D May 25. 1898, R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898; sick in quarters May 28 to June 2, 1898; sick at Division hospital June 3 to June 8; sick at Letter hospital. Chickamauga, Ga. June 9 and 10. 1898, in line of duty; died June 10, 1898, at Letter general hospital, Chickamanga, Ga., of acute sobar pneumonia: buried at National cemetery, Chattanooga Tenn......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Cliton.....Transferred from Co. K May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1. dated May 26, 1898; sick at Division hospital, Camp Thomas. Ga., July 25 to Aug. 19,1898, in line of duty: died Aug. 19, 1898, at Division hospital, Camp Thomas. Ga., of typhoid fever; buried at National cemetery. Chattanooga. Tenn.............. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8. 1898. per Co. 0. No. 1. dated May 8, 1898: sick in quarters Aug. 12 to 15,1898; sent to general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 15.1898. in line of duty; died Aug. 21, 1898. at Ft. Monroe, Va., of typhoid fever; buried at Oak Ridge cemetery. Springfield, Ill........................................... FIFTH INFANTRY. MUSTERED IN. __- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Bloomington.. Bloomington.. Springfield...iCapt. Roberts.... Present with company from time of enrollment; commissioned Captain May 7,1898... Absent on account of sickness, in line of duty, with leave, for 10 days, from Aug. 21, 1898, by verbal order of Regimental Commander; returned to duty Aug. 31,1898; given leave of absence for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0, No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.: commissioned 1st Lieutenant May 9, 1898............................................ Sick in line of duty in hospital July 21 to 81. 1898; went home on 15 days' sick leave July 31, 1898, verbal order Regimental Commander: returned to company Aug. 12,1898; commissioned 2d Lieutenant May 9,1898; absent with leave for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 180. C. S., A. G. 0............ May 25,1898. transferred from Co. E to Co. D, as per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed 1st Sergeant May 26. 1898. C. R. O. No. 8, same date: sick in quarters Aug. 24, inclusive; duty Aug. 25. 1898; in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0.; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.01, total value of articles issued by the State...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. 60 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLID. Name. Rank. --- - --- ------ When. Where. When. Charles A. Myers..... Q. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 25.18988 H lisboro......... May 7,1898 Jesse W. Hamline.....Sergeant'.................Apr. 25.1898Hillsboro......... May 7.1898 Wm. P. Witty......... Sergeant................. Apr. 25,1898 Hlllsboro......... May 7.1898 Harvey C. Myers...... Sergeant................ Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro........ May 7,1898 Henry B. Ebner...... Sergeant.................. ay 6,1898 Springfleld....... May 7,1898 Oscar J. Dekins...... Corporal.................. Apr. 2561898 Hillsboro........ May 7,1898 GordonB. Hutchinson Corporal..................Apr. 251898Hillsboro.........May 7.18 J. Park Cutting........ Corporal.................. May 5,189S May 5,1898 Sprinefleld....... May 7,1898 Fred W. Bailey........ Corporal.................. Springfield....... May 7,18 l8 FIFTH INFANTRY 61 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Capt. Roberts... Bloomington.. Tonics........ Springfield1c. Ro...t. Roberts.... May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1. same date; appointed Sergeant [May 26, 1898, C. R. O. No. 3, same date: absent, sick with typhoid fever in U. S. general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 13, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. May 15, 1898. transferred from Co. E to Co. D, as per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Sergeant May 26.1898, C. R. O. No. 3. same date; furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D, as per R. O. No. 1, same date; appointed Sergeant May 26.1898. C. R. O. No. 3, same date; sick in regimental hospital in line ef duty May 27. 1898: sent to division hospital May 28: furloughed for 80 days; Leiter general hospitallfrom Aug. 8, 1898, to Sept. 7,1898; reported and furloughed Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State....... May 25,1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D, as per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Sergeant May 26,1898. C. R. O. No. 3. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. A. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by the State......................................... May 25,1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D, as per R. O. No. 1, same date: appointed Sergeant May 26,1898, C. R. 0. No. 8. same date; sick in quarters Aug. 16 in line of duty; taken to U. S. general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 17, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days per G... o. 180. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... May 256 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D. per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898. C. R. 0. No..8 same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date; appointed Corporal May 26 1898, C. R. O., No.,. same date; furloughed Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days per G.0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. tke total value of articles issued him by the State........................ May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898, C. R. 0. No. 3, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A...; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... May 28. 1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. 1), per R. 0. No. 1, same date; appointed Corporal May 26.1898, C. R. O. No. 3. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Normal....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington., Springfield... Capt, Roberts.... lBloomington, 62 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When...,.... _ _ _-. - Schuyler C. Scrlmger.lCorporal................... May 7.1898Springfield....... May 7,1898 May John O. Judd.......... Corporal............... May 7.1898 Springfield....... 7.1898 Harry M. Akers....... Corporal............... May 7.1898Springfield....... May 71898 7,189E Hugh C. McDanlels... Corporal.................. May Springfield....... May 7,1898 William L. Myers.... Corporal................... May 7.1898 Springfeld.......May 7.1898 Robert D. Blaine...... Corporal.................. May 7.1898 Ipringfield....... May 7,1898 William Penn ock rporal..............................May 7.1898 Albert Nels........... Musician................. Apr. 25.1898lIHllsboro.........May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 63 MUSTBRED IN. i Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Sprin field... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Transferred from Co. C to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898, C. R. 0, No. 3, same date; absent on recruiting service from June 10 to June 17, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 56.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... May 26, 1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898, C. R. 0. No. 8, same date; sick in quarters May 31 to June 6 in line of duty; sick in quarters Aug. 4 in line of duty; taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Lexington, Ky.. sick, typhoid fever; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, G. 0. No. 180. C,. S. A. O.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.94, the totalvalue of articles issued him by the State.............................. Furloughed Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; transferred from Co. F to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26. 1898, C. R. O., No. 8, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; sick in quarters June 9 to 15, 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles him by the State.................... May 25,1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898, C. R. O. No. 8, same date: sick in quarters May 25, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, b. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G(. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... May 25. 1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26, 1898, C. R. O. No. 3. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, as per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04 total value of articles issued him by the State................................... May 25. 1898. transferred from Co. F to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26.1898, C. R. 0. No. 3, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State..... May 25,1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D. perR. O. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26. 1898. C. R. O. No. 3, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G, O. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State......................................May 25,1898, transferred from Co. E to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1. same date: appointed musician May 25,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for B0 days, per G. O. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. O.; sick in quarters Sept. 2 in line of duty; in division hospital Sept. 3; returned to duty Sept. 4; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... |Bloomington' Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield....apt. Roberts.... Bloomington 61 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When, H. Borden Calhoun... Msician............... June 15.1898,Bloomlminton....June 16,1898 Oscar F. Soverns...... Wa goner................ May 7,1891 Springfield....... May 7.1889 John J. McReynolds.. Artificer.................. May 71898Springfied........... ay 7,189 Abbott, Eddie.........Private................... May 7,1898 Springfield...... May 7,1898 Anderson, Adolph.... Benjamin, Chas. A.... Private.................. Private................... May May 7,1898 9,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... May May 7,1898 9,1898 Bennett, Amos 0...... Private................... May 7,1898 8pringefeld....... May 7,1898 Blake, Erman........ Broughton, Herbert J. Broughton, Warren S. Bruce, Benjamin...... Private................ Private................. Private.................. Private................... May May 7.1898 7,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Bloomington.... Springfield....... May May 7, 1898 7.1898 June 15,189E May 7,1891 June 15,1898 May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 65 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Bloomington.Lieut. C. H. Ball. Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Bloomington. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; appointed musician June 19; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per (. 0, No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued to him by the State........................ May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D. per R. O. No. 1, same date; appointed wagoner May 26, 1898, per verbal order Regimental Commander; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per 0. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............. May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. C to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1. same date; appointed artificer May 25, 18Y8, verbal order Regimental Commander: furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,1 the total value of articles issued him by the State............. May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. F to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1; absent from Aug. 23, to Aug. 31, on furlough, by verbal order regimental commander; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.01, total value of articles issued him from the State................. May 25,1898. transferred from Co. F to Co. D., per R. 0. No. 1. same date; detailed for camp guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898: in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Sick in quarters, in line of duty, Aug. 27, 1898, to Sept. 56 1898, with typhoid fever; taken to Protestant Infirmary, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 5, 1898; in the settlement for clothing the sum of $6.04 is included, the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... May 25, 1898 transferred from Co. F to Co. D. per R. ). No. 1, same date: furloughed Sept. 12.1898, for 30 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State......................................... May 25, 1898. transferred from Co. F to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the-total value of articles issued him from the State.... May 25. 1898. transferred from Co. F to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A...; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State...... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State............. May 25. 1898. transferred from Co. F to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept, 12 for 30 days. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... CGapt. Roberts.... Bloomington Roberts.... Springfield....Capt. Bloomington. Bloomington Lleut. Ball...... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Vol. 3-5 66 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ---- When. Where. When. Butler. Daniel B..... Canfeld, Wm.......... Carroll, Paul.......... Carroll, Wm. R....... Clark, Harry W....... Clements, Joseph..... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private............ Apr. June June Apr. 25.1898 16,1898 15,1898 26,1898 Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomington..... May 7,1898 June 15.1898 June 16.1898 May 7, 1898 May 7, 1898 May 7,1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Collins, Frank L......I Private................Apr. 25,1898 Bloominrton..... May 7,1898 Conrow, Jesse......... Davis, Samuel E..... Deklns, William N.... Private............... Private................... Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 25,1898 25,1898 Bloomington..... Bloomington..... Bloomingtn..... May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 67 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Bloomington.JLeut. Ball...... IBloomington. Bloomington. Lieut. Ball.......Normal...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. May 25. 1898, transferred from Co. A to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same.date; furlourhed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C.S., A. 0. 0.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State...... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G0.. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State...... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. C. 3. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State........ May 25, 1898, transferred from Co, A to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1. same date- furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per. 4. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... May 25. 1898, transferred from Co, A to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for S30days, per G.O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him from the State...... May 26, 1898, transferred from Co. A to Co. D. per R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in quarters in line of duty June A; duty June 7, 1898; taken to division hospital June 26. in line of duty; returned to company June 29; sick in quarters Aug. 24,1898, in line of duty4 with typhoid fever; taken to Third Division hospital Aug. 26,1898; sent home on 30 days furlough Sept. 5, as per G. 0. No. 114. C. S.. A.. O.; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing the sum $6.04 is included for the total value of articles issued him from the State............. May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. A to Co. D per R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. a. 6.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State................................... May 26, 1898. transferred from Co. A to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State......... May 25, 1898, transferred, Co. A to Co. D, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. 0. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him from the State......... May 25,1898, transferred. Co. A to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State......... Springfield... apt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lexington.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt." Roberts.....Normal....... 68 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When.............~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dean. John H.........Private...................May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Dhubla, Thomas J.... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Bloomlngton..... May 7,1898 Downs, Fred L........Private................... Apr. 25.1898Hillsboro......... May 7.1898 East. Herbert.......... Private.................. June 16,1898 Bloomington..... June 16,1898 Fritz. Carl........... Private................. Apr. 25,18981Bloominton..... May 7.1888 Frost. John W........ Gelsthorpe. Eugene A. Gerth, William A..... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 15,1891 June 16,189F April 25,189E Bloomington..... Bloomington.... Bloomington...... June 15,1898 June 16,1898 MaY 7,1898 Gill. Elmer.......... (Private................... April 25.1898 Bloomington...... May 7, 1898 Goddard, Wililam..... Private...................April 25189 Bloomington....... May 7.1898 GoetB, Joseph........Private................... May 7,1898 Springfield....... May 7,1898 Golf, Fred W.......... Private................... Ma 7.1898 Sprintfield....... May 7.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 69 MUSTERED IN. -- - ~ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball Springfield... Capt. Roberts..., Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball.. I,I I I I I Eeyworth... Normal...... Bloomington Bloomington Downs....... Normal....... I I. I I I Furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... May 25, 1898. transferred from Co. A to Co. D, per R. O. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters Aug. 13. in line of duty; taken to U. S. General Hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 16. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; furloughed Sept. 10, 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 114, C. S.. A, G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................... May 25, 1898, transferred, Co. E to Co. D, per B. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him from the State......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters in line of duty Aug. 12; taken to U. S. General Hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va., Aug. 16. 1898; no clothing was issued to him from the State.............. May 2, 1898. transferred, Co. A to Co. D per R. 0. No. 1. same date: furloughed Sept. 13 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him from the State; detailed as regimental carpenter Sept. 3, 1898, per R. 0. No. 102, same date........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued to him from the State.......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per G. O. No. 130, C, S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued to him from the State......... May 25,1898, transferred from Co. A to Co. D, R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S. A.G.O.; in the settlement for clothlne is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. May 25,1898, transferred Co. A to Co. D. per R. O. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... Detailed as camp guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; May 25, 1898. transferred Co. A to Co. D. per R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,1 the total value of articles issued him from the State........... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D, by R. O. No. 1, same date; detailed as camp guard Sept. 12 Oct. 11. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State............................... May 25,1898. transferred Co. A to Co. D, by R. O. No. 1, same date: appointed Corporal May 26,1898, C. R. O. No. 3, same date; reduced to the ranks Sept. 1, 1898, R. O. No. 96, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. O. No. 130, C... A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him from the State.......................... Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball. Waynesville. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lewington... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sexington..... Springfield...iCapt. Roberts.... jexington..... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... 3loomington., 70 ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Hancock, Harvey..... Hanks, Charles....... Private................... Private................... May 7?89I rln ld, 71898 Spri eld Ma 7189 May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Hartenbower, Chas. F. Private................M.. ay 6,1898 Springfield...... May 7,1898 Heafer, Edgar N...... Hendryx, Lewis R.... H1lls. Osia E......... illis. Russell P...... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................ June 15,1898 May 7,1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 May 7.1898 June 15,1898 May 7,1898 Bloomington...... Springfield....... Bloomington...... Bloomington...... Springfield....... Bloomington...... Springfield....... June 15.1898 May 7,1898 June 15,1898 June 16,1898 May 7,1898 June 16.1898 May 7.1898 Jorgenson, Alex....... Private.................. Kearfott. Louis...... Kline. Phillip.......... Private.................. Private................... Kuntz, Louis, Jr....... Private................... May 7,1898 Sprl ngfeld....... May 7,1898 Lee, Arthur T........ McCoy, Wilbur H..... Private................... Private................... June 16,189E Ma 7, 189E Bloomington..... Sprinefield....... June 16,1898 May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 71 MUSTILRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Bloomington. Springfield.. Bloomington. Bloomington.. 1.1 ( ( I C. - - Lieut. C. H. Ball. Bloomington.. Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Capt. toDerts.... sloomtleton.. Capt. Roberts.... Tonics........ ient. C. H. Ball. Waynesavlle. Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Lleut. C. H. Ball. Waynesville., Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Shirley....... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D.,, RO. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State.................. Sick in quarters Aug. 23 to 26.1898. in line of duty; taken to 8d Division, let Army Corps hospital, Lexington, Ky,; sick with typhoid fever Aug. 26; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State. May 26, 1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D. by R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in quarters, in line of duty, Aug. 28 to Sept. 6, 1898: furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. 0. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State............... May 26,1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D, by R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A..O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing issued to him from the State............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued to him from the State.......... May 26, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D.,R. 0. No. 1. same date: detailed as camp guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State............................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A... 0.; no clothing was issued him from the State............ May 25, 1898. transferred Co, C to Co. D., R. O. No. 1, same date: sick in quarters May 27 to 81 in line ot duty furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. O. io. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State.... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to. Co. D., R. 0. No. 1, same date; absent on furlough July 17 to 22. verbal erders regimental commander; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany: furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per 6. O. No. 130. C. S., A. (I. O.; no clothing was issued him from the State............ May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D.,. O. No. 1, same date; sick in hospital in line of duty, Aug. 22 with typhoid fever; taken to Protestant Infirmary, Lexington. Ky.. Sept. 5, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $.0,. the total value of articles issued him from the State.................................... Bloomington.. Sprinefield... jAeut. C. H. Ball. Flannagan... ^apt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Bloominton. Bloomington. Aient. C. H. Ball. Waynesville. Springfield... 3apt. Roberts.... Bloomington. 72 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. MoKinney. Mortimer J McWilliams. Chas. A. Private................... Private................... May May 7,1898 7,1898 Miller. Frank.......... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Miller, Henry Z........ Nutt, Ernest L......... Nutt, Harley........... Nutt, Mingo............ Palmer, Edward....... Powell, Andrew J..... Price, Albert L........ Price, Charles G...... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... May June May May May 7,1898 15,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Pekin............. Springfield...... Bloomington..... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Bloomington..... Bloomington.... May May May, 1898 May June May May May May June June 7.1898 15.1898 7, 1898 7,1898 7,1898 9,1898 16,1898 16.1898 7,1898 7,1898 May 7,1898 June 16.1898 June 16,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 73 MUSTERED IN. Wh B — w --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... (Bloomington. Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... |Bloomlngton. Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball. Lexington... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lexington.... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D. R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 86.01, the total value of articles issued him from the State....... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters May 81 to June 2,1898, in line of duty; returned to duty June 2, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him from the State.................. Sept. 4.1898, transferred Co. G to Co. D, R. O. No. 1. same date; sick in quarters June 17 to 20 in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State........ May 26,1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D, R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per (. 0. No. 180, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him from the State.......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing issued him from the State................ May 25, 1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D, R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days per (. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State........... May 25,1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D. R. O. No. 1, same date: furloughed Sept. 12 for t0 days per G. 0. No. 130 a.... A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State......... May 26, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D. R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters May 81 to June 9 in line of duty; sick in hospital June 9 to June 13 in line of duty: furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Absent on detached service as orderly for Gen. Fred Grant July 18, 1898, per R. 0. No. 37. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per.. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him from the State........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; sick in quarters Aug. 21 to Aug. 26-9 in line of duty; taken to division hospital Aug. 26; returned to company Sept. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. O. 180, C. S.. A. G................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lexington.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Belle Flower. Bloomington.Lieut. C. H. Ball. Normal....... Normal....... Bloomington.Lieut. C. H. Ball. 74 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Prince. William H.... Private......I.. May 7.1898.Sringfield....... May 7.1898 7.1898 Prince, Worthington.. Private................... May Springfield....... May 7.1898 Pyatt, Jesse........... Reynolds, Clarence... Ritchie, Walter....... Riser, John A......... Rounds, Clarence..... Sage, Eugene T...... Schermer, Clyde H... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... June 15.1898 May 7.1898 May May May June May 7,1888 7.1898 7.1898 15,1898 7.1898 Bloomington..... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Sprlngfield....... Springfield...... Springfield...... June 15.1898 May 7, 1898 May 'May MKay June May 7.18Q8 7.1898 7.1898 16.1898 7.1898 Schmidt. Walter...... Private................... May 7.1898 Springfield....... May 7.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 75 MUSTERED IN..... - - --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Whr.. Sprinfileld... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Normal....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington Lient. C. H. Ball. Hudson....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. May 25, 1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D., R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in hospital May 31 to June 8 in line of duty: taken to division hospital June 80. 1898. in line of duty; returned to company July 6; taken to U. S. general hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va., Aug. 9.1898; sick with rupture caused in line of duty; sent home on 30 days sick leave AuL. 16; returned to company Sept. 7, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per G. O. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.: in settlement for clething is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... May 25, 1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D., R. 0. No. 1, same date: furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State; fined $3.00 by Field Officers' Court Aug. 23. 1898; paid on August pay-roll................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. 8.. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State.............. May 25, 1898, transferred from Co. C to Co.D.. R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in hospital May 28 to June 3 in line of duty: furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him from the State........................................ May 25. 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D., R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him from the State........... May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D.. R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept, 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State........... May 25. 1898. transferred Co. C to Co. D., R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. 8., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State......... Joined and enrolled after mustsr-in of comPany; sick in hospital Sept. 2 to Sept. 4 in ine of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; no State clothing was issued him by the State.................................. May 25. 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D.. R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days. per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.; sick in quarters May 31 to June 4 In line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State..................................... May 25. 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D., R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Bloomington.Lieut. C. H. Ball. Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... CaDt. Roberts.... Bloomington. "76 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank.When. Where. When. Schwerm. Fred W.... Private.................. May 7.1898Sringfield.......ay 7,1898 Shields. Edward J.... Short, Albert R........ Smith, George R...... Spaur. Press.......... Steere. Robert G...... Strimple, Frank E.... Taylor. George C...... Taylor, Harry E...... Taylor, John B........ Taylor, James N...... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private *..* Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... June 16.1891 June 15.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16,189E Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Bloomlngton..... Bloomington..... Hillsboro........ Bloomington..... Hlllsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hilleboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... June 15.1898 June 16,1898 May 7.1898 June 15,1898 May 7.1898 May 7.189 May 7.1898 May 7, 1898 May 7.1898 May 7.1898 Apr. Apr. Apr. June 25,1898 25,1898 26.1898 Trow, Walter......... Private................. 16.1898 Bloomington...... June 16,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 7T MUSTERED IN. ------- _ ---, wo Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Bloomington.Lieut. C. H. Ball. Normal....... Normal....... Bloomington. Lient. C. H. Ball. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lexington.... Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball. Lexington.... Springfield...Capt.IRoberts... Bloomington, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. May 25, 1898, transferred Co. C to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in quarters Aug. 23 to Aug. 26 in line of duty; taken to division hospital Aug. 26 sick with typhoid fever: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlonghed Sept. 12 for 30 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.: no clothing was issued him from the State............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G.. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing issued him from the State: sick in division hospital June 27 to July 1, in line of duty.. May 25,1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. O. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State.................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days. per0. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him from the State............. May 25. 1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. O., C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... May 25,1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept, 12 for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180. C. S,, A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. tbe total value of articles issued him from the State........ May 25, 1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in hospital June 8 to 15 in line f duty; taken to St. Joseph's hospital, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 21, sick. with typhoid fever; given 30 days sick leave from Sept. 7. per G. O. No. 114, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State; furloughed Sept. 12. 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O................... May 25,1898. transferred Co. E to Co. D. R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. a, O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State........ May 25.1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by the State........... May 25,1898, transferred Co. E to Co. D, R. 0. No. 1. same date: sick in quarters Sept. a to Sept. 7, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him from the State.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Bloomington. Lieut. C. H. Ball. Bloomington'. 78 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Wllber. Orton E......jPrivate...................June 15,1898Bloominton.....une 15,1898 Wlllgard, Ulysses.... Private......,............. May 9,1898pringfield........ May 9.1898 Woodford, Walter H.. Private................ Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro......... May 7, 1998 Wren, Fred............ Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Hillsboro......... May 7,1898 Wren, William........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898Hillsboro......... May 7,1898 Transferred. Hufty, John T......... Twohlg, Joseph....... Laing, William........ Tomlin, Benjamin... Albers, Harry......... Armstrong, Warren... Baker. Louis....... Barkley, Newton F.... Baughman, Simeon... Baeley. John M...... Bernstein, Harry..... Bohnert, Ludwig...... Bookwater, Claude R. Boyd, Charles......... Buren, Frank.......... Colburn. William H... Cowart, James H...... Cratz, Bertle......... Crlst, William......... Curry. Landy.......... Dahman, Otto P....... Darnell, Newton B.... 1st Sergeant.............. Sergeant.................. Sergeant................. Sergeant................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.... Private................... Private................... Private................... May 9,1898 May 8,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9, 1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 7,1898 May 9,1898 May 9 1898 May 9,1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 6 5.1898 May 9,1898 MaY 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9 1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 79 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Bloomington leiut. C. H. Ball. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... West Unity. O [Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan..... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Sprinzfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Splingfield... Springfield... Springelald.... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfffeld...~ Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Delaan...... Delavan...... Delavan...... Petersburg... Clinton....... Decatur...... Hagerstown.. Broadwell.... Decatur...... Springfield... Amsberg, Mo. Melvin........ Pittsfield..... Dwight....... Petersburg... Chapin...... Chapin....... Decatur...... Stewardson.. Chapin...... Iola........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sck in Quarters Aug. 28 to Sept. 1, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S. A. A. O.; no clothing was issued him from the State... Furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A....; sick in line of duty June 17 to June 23; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him from the State.......................................... May 25, 1898. transferred Co. E to Co. D, R.O. No. 1, same date- furloughed Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per 6. O. No. 130, C. S. A.,O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him from the State............... May 25 1888, transferred Co. E to Co. C, R.O. No. 1 same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him from the State.................. May 25, 1898, transferred Co. E to Co. C,R.O. No. 1. same date; furloughed Sept. 12 for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 180, C. S., A. a. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him from the State.................. Transferred to Co. K. per I. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898..................... Transferred to Co. K.per R. 0. No. 1, May 2, 1998.............................. Transferred to Co. K, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. K, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898................................. Transferred to Co. E. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898.............................. Transferred to Co. C, per R. O. No. 1, May 25. 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. H. per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898........................ Transferred to Co. E,per R. 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898................................ Transferred to Co. C.per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898........................................... Transferred to Co. B. per R. 0. No 1. IMay 25, Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898........................... Transferred to Co. C.per R. 0. No., May 25, 1898........................................ Transferred to Co. E, per R. 0. No. 1. May 26. 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. A, per R. 0O No. 1. May 25, 1898................................. Transferred to Co.,. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898................................... Transferred to Co. E, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898.............................. Transferred to Co. F.I, per R. O. No. 1, May 25., 1898.................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. 0. No. 1, May 256, 1898..................................... Transferred to Co. I,per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. O. No. 1. May 26, 1898............................... 80 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Denuhr, William...... Dhoeran, Allen L.... Edwards, David D.... Goldsby. Thomas E... Goodspeed, John B... Gregory, William..... Harris. William B..... Hart. William C....... Hawkins. Solomon.... Henze. Charles F..... Heiser, Frank......... Horine, Jesse J........ Hodson, Leslie........ Hurst, Frank......... James, John H........ Kindred, Louis G..... bester. Louis......... Loffland, Wm. B...... Long, John D.......... McKinney. John H.... McNabb, John K...... Maddox, Clinton D.... Mehan, Wm. W....... Merric.k Wm. J....... Miller, John R......... Moorehead, James C.. Morrison, Jas A...... Match, Jas. A.......... Nixon, Bert A......... Orr, Abner........... Osborne, Harry W.... Ostrom, George T..... Patton, Harvey D..... Peel, Chas. R......... Perry, Lee M.......... Reed, Taylor......... Reynolds, Luke....... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................ Private............... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................ Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private..... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private. Private. Private. I May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May IMay May May May 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 7, 1898 7.1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 7.1898 7,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9.1898 9.1896 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1896 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfeld....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... I May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9, 1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9, 2898 9.1898 9,1898 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9.1898 I I FIFTH INFANTRY. 81 MUSTERED IN Where. Sprinafield... Springfield... Springfield... Sprlngfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... pringfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Sprinfield... Springfield... Sprlngfield... Sprinfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... -------- Residence. By whom. Capt. Roberts.... Dwight....... Capt. Roberts.... Pekin........ Capt. Roberts.... Powers, Ky... Capt. Roberts.... Petersburg.. Capt. Roberts.... Dwight...... Capt. Roberts.... Dwight....... Capt. Roberts..... Naples........ Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Capt. Roberts.... Chapin....... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington.. Capt. Roberts... Hopedale..... Capt. Roberts.... Eldorado.... Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln....... Capt. Roberts.... Grlggsville... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Capt. Roberts.... Dawon...... Capt. Roberts.... Franklin...... Capt. Roberts.... Griggsville... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Capt. Roberts.... 6lason City... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Meltille...... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Perry........ Capt. Roberts.... Murrayville.. Capt. Roberts... Clinton....... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Capt. Roberts.... Petersburg... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Capt. Roberts.... Delavan.... Capt. Roberts.... Springield.. Capt. Roberts..... Broadwell.... Capt. Roberts.... Jacksonville. Capt. Roberts.... Chapin...... Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898....................................... Transferred te Co. G.per R. O. No, 1, May 25, 189............................................ Transferred to Co. A, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898................................ Transferred to Co. E.per R. N. No1, May 25, 1898.......................................... Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1. May 25, 1898................................ Transferred to Co. A. per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. C,per R. O. No. 1. May 25. 1898....................... Transferred to Co. H, per R. 0. No., May 25, 1898......................................... Transferred to Co. F. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898........................................... Transferred to Co. C.per R. O. No., May 26, 1898....................................... Transferred to CoF., per R. O. No. 1, May 26, 1898............................................ Transferred to Co. K. per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898.......................................... Transferred to Co. A, per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898......................................... Transferred to Co.,. per R. O. Ne. 1, May 28, 18Y8.......................................... Transferred to Ce. A. per R. 0. No. 1. May 25 21898.o...e..o.......................e.......... Transferred to Co. C, per R. O. No. 1, May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. F. per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898......................................... Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1, May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. A. per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898..................................... Transferred to Co. E. per R. 0. No. 1, May 251898............ Transferred to Co. B, per R. O. No. i, May 25,1898....... Trausferred to Co. K, per R. O. No. m, May 25,1898.................................. Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1. May 25,1898......................................... Transferred to Co. E. per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 189.......................................... Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898...................................... Transferred to Co. A, per R. 0. No. 1, May 251898......................................... Transferred to Co, I. per R. 0. No. 1. May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. 0. No. 1. May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. B, per R. O. No. 1, May 251898........................................ Transferred to Co. E, per R. O. No. 1, May 25.1898...................................... Transferred to Co. F, per R. O. No. 1. May 6, 1898...................... Transferred to Co. K., per RI.. No. 1. May 25,1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. O. No. 1, May 15.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. O. No. 1. May 15,1898............. Transferred to Co. I, per R. O. No. 1, May 25,1898 *.................................. Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25,1898..,.................................. Remarks. Vol. 3-6 82 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank, -- - - When. Where. When. Sohuler, Conrad....... Smith. George W...... Smith. Oscar C........ Snerden, Charles...... Soule, Wm. W........ Sunderland, Warren.. Staunton, Cool........ Trisler, James........ Wetterville, Joseph... Whitney. John W..... Wise, Gus............. Wolf. James A........ Worthington. Robt. R. Wright, Wm. A........ Wrnegar. Chas........ York. Jesse J......... Young, James D....... Died. Dixon, Robert......... Private.............. Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private....................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May Apr. 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 25,1898 Snringfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Sprilgfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Bloomington.... May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 9,1898 9,1898 9.1898 9.1898 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9.1898 9.1898 9.1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 7.1898 Cannon, Clarence.....I Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Bloomington...... Ma 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ----- When. Where. When. Arthur E. Harding.....Captain........... Ar2..... Apr. 6.189S Hillsboro..,....... May 5,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 83 MUSTERED IN. " Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Sprtngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Chapin....... West York... Detroit....... Harristown... Delavan...... Pittsfield..... Chapin....... Dwight....... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Jacksonville. Springfield... Decatur..... Stewardson.. Milton....... Bloomington. Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25,1898............................. Transferred to Co. A. per R. 0. No. 1. May 26,1898............................. Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 265,1898......................................... Transferred to Co. A. per R. 0. No. 1. May 26,1898....................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. 0. No. 1. May 25,1898........................................ Transferred to Co. K. per R. 0. No. 1. May 261898...................................... Transferred to Co. A, per R. 0. No. 1, May 24,1898........................................ Transferred to Co. C, per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898........................................ Transferred to Co. E, per R. 0. No. 1. May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 25,1898........................................ Transferred to Co. C. per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898....................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1. May 251898......................................... Transferred to Co. 1, per R. O. No. 1, May 25.1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C, per R. 0. No. 1, May 25.1898....................................... Transferred to Co. E. per R. 0. No. 1. May 2651898......................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. 0. No. 1, May 26,1898......................................... Transferred to Co. C. per R. O. No. 1. May 25,1898..................................... May 25. 1898 transferred from Co. A to Co. D. per R.., No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital June 9,1898; taken to division hospital June 16, from there to Leiter general hospital, Chickamauga. Ga.; sickness incurred in line of duty; sent home Aug. 8 on 80 days sick furlough; died at Bloomington, 111., Aug. 18, 1898................. May 25. 1898, transferred from Co. A to Co, D., R. O. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the total value of articles issued him from the State; sick in quarters Aug. 8 to Aug. 17, in line of duty; taken to U. S. general hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va., Aug. 17, 1898; died at general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va.. Sept. 8,1898.............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. COMPANY E. MUSTRnED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Quincy........ Mustered in as Captain; pay due from date of enrollment to date of muster-in, G. 0. No. 149, C. S.. A G.O.; pay due from April 26 to May A. inclusive; certificate attached, per Circular 36.. A.. O., Sept. 1........... 84 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENBOLLUD. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Joseph C. Grimes..... st Lieutenant..... Apr. 25.198Hillsboro.......... ay 5,1898 Edward C. Chacy..... d Lieutenant............ Apr. 25,1898 Hillaboro........ May 6.1898 Percy A. Casserleigh. Ist Sergeant.............. May 6,1898 Springfield....... Eillsboro......... May 6,1898 May 6.1898 George A. Schwartz... Q. M. Sergeant......... IApr. 25,1898 Hal C, MeLoud........ Serreant.................May 65,1898 Springfield....... M ay 6.1898 Harry S. White....... 8ereant................. Apr. 25. 18981Hllaboro.......... May 5.1898 Joseph B. Helston.... Sergeant.............. Apr.. 2.1898IHillboro......... May 5,1898 Rainey C. Cabanis.... Sergeant................. Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... May 21,1898 Stuart Young......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26, 1898Hillsboro......... may 6. I FIFTH INFANTRY, 85 MUSTERXD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Chicago...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. wift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Hillsboro.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... pringfield... Mustered in as let Lieutenant; detailed as Acting Ordnance Officer 5tb Illinois Infantry, May 11,1898, R. 0. No. 6, same date; pay due from date of enrollment, April 25, to date of muster-in. May 6,1898, G. 0. No. 149, A.. O., Circular No. 36, A. 0. O., Sept. 14....................................... Mustered in as 2d Lieutenant; leave of absence from June 24, on account of sickness in line of duty. Special Order No. 18. Maj. Gen. Brooke, same date; reported for duty Aug. 9, 1898. at Newport News, Va.; on leave from Sept. 12,1898, awaiting orders, per G. 0. No, 130, C. S., A. 0............. Mustered in as a private; appointed 1st Sergeant May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick in regimental hospital July 23 to Aug. 10,1898, in line of duty; transferred to U. S. general hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 10,1898; furlough for 80 days from Aug. 23,1898, granted by Major and Surgeon Calvin DeWitt. U. 8. Hospital, Ft. Monroe, 0. 0. No. 114; reported for duty Sept. 21, 1898; furlough extended for 21 days from Sept. 21. G. 0. No. 139, A. G. O.; in settlement for clothing is included $5.41, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... Mastered in as Corporal; appointed Q. M. Sergeant May 8, 1898. R. O. No. 1, same date; sick in quarters Aug. 12, Aug. 22, Sept. 2,1898, in line of duty; furlonghed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; in settlement for clothing is included $5.41, the total value of articles issued him by the State................. Mustered in as a private; appointed Sergeant May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; Regimental Color Sergeant May 8. per verbal order of Regimental Commanding Officer, same date; from Aug. 8. Acting let Sergeant of company; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days, from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. No. 180, C.. S.. 0.......... Mustered in as a Corporal- appointed Sergeant May 8,1898, R. O. Ro. 1, same date; in settlement of clothlng is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days, from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S,, A........................................ Mustered in as Corporal; appointed Sergeant May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty and taken to United States hospital at Ft. Monroe, Aug. 10,1898; returned for duty Oct. 11.1898....................................... Joined company July 20, 1898, by transfer from Co. C, 5th Ill. Vol. Inf., R. 0. No. 40, same date: appointed Sergeant same date; in settlement for clothing is included $1.86.. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, G. 0. No. 180, C S.. S... A....... Mustered in as a Corporal: sick in quarters June 21-22,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 186, C. S., A. G. O... Springfield,... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..... Einmundy... Springfield... Capt, wift....... HIillsboro..... 86 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. George C. Wood....... Corporal.................. May 5.1898 Sringfield....... May 5.1898 Henry A. Keeley...... Corporal............... May 5,1898 Springfield....... May 5. 1898 Otto H. Winneborg... Ralph J. Clotfelter.... Corporal................ Corporal.................. May 65189E Apr. 25.189E Springfield....... Hillsboro........ May 5.1898 May 5.1898 Homer Clotfelter...... Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro......... May.1898 Harry Albers..........Corporal.................. May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Newton T. Barkley..... Corporal.................. Ma 9.1898 Springfield....... IM 9.1898 Jesse W. Barry........ Corporal..................Apr. 25.1898Hilleboro......... May 5,1898 Jesse O. Brown....... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro......... May 5.6,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 87 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... lCapt. Swift....... Murphysboro. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Hllsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Petersburg... Mustered in as a private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.77, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G.O...................................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: granted furlough for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.G. 0.................................... Enrolled as a private: appointed Corporal May 8, 1898. R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 130, C. S.. G. O.. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, O. G. No. 130, C. S., A. A.0........-.;............................ Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 1Z, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. 0.0.......................................... Joined company at Chickamauga May 25. 1898. by transfer from Co. D. 5th 11. Inf.. R. 0. No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26.1898. R. O. C. No. 8. same date; sick in line of duty Aug. 2, 1898, and transferred to division hospital, 2d Division, 1st Army Corps, same date; furlough granted from Aug. 11 to Sept. 11.1898, by Major and Surgeon R. S. Sutton; reported for duty at Springfield Sept. 11, 1898; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough for 30 days granted Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G.............. Joined company May 25, 1898, at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. D, 5th 111. Inf., R. O., No. 1. same date; appointed Corporal May 26,1698, R. O. C. No. 3, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130,. S., A............................. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8. 1898, R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. 0. o...................................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.. Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Hagerstown.. Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... 88 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENRtOLLBD. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. John C. Flynn......... Corporal.................. ay 8,1898Springflld....... My 8.1898 Carl Wagner........... William C. Sharp..... John B. Lon.......... Joseph Oppenheimer.. Joseph L. Kimball.... Bookwalter, Claude R. Browne, Lynne S...... Burns, Edward........ Corporal.................. Musician................. Musician................ Artificer.................. Wagoner................. Private................ Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,189 Apr. 25,189E May 9.1891 Apr. 25,1891 Apr. 25,1898 May 9,1898 Juno 18,1898 May 561898 Hilleboro......... Hillsboro......... Sprinfield.... Hillsboro......... Springfield...... Hillrboro........ Springfield.... Hlllsboro......... Sprinfeelld...... Ma 6.1898 May 5.1898 Mar 9.1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 June 18,1898 May 10,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 89 MUSTIID IN. -------- { -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield...I.4I I'4 Capt. Swift....... E. St. Louis.. Capt. Swift...... Hillsboro..... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Capt. Swift....... Franklin...... Joined company May 25. 1898, at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. K, 5th 111. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; appointed Corporal May 25, 1898, R. 0. C. No. 8, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for three days from Sept. 12,1898; returned to duty Sept. 10, 1898; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G........................ Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. G. 0. No. 130, C. S... A. 0......... Enrolled as a private; appointed Musician May 8, 1898, C. 0. No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, C 8. S. A.......... Joined company May 25. 1898, at Checkamauga by transfer from Co. D, 5th Ill. Inf.,. O. No. 1, same date; appointed Musician May 26, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; tried at Field Court Aug. 81, 1898, and found guilty of missing rollcalls; fined 33.00 (collected) and five days' hard labor; returned for duty Sept. 6, 1898, in settlement for clothing is included $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. 0. No. 130, C. S. A..................................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Artificer May 8.1898, C. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898,.0.. No. 130, C. S. A. G. 0........ Enrolled as a private; appointed Wagoner May 8, 1898, C. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. 8.,A.. 0.... Joined company May 25, 1898. at Chickamauga. by transfer from Co. D, 6th Ill. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; absent without leave from July 28 to Aug. 3,1898; placed in arrest Aug. 3, 1898; found guilty of said absence and sentenced to a forfeit of $2.01 (collected) and ten days hard labor by Field Court Aug. 23,1898; returned to duty Sept. 3. 1898: in settlement for clothing is included $6.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. 0............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comgany; no clothing issued to him by the 9tate; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898.,.. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included $6.76. the total value of articles Issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 13. 1898, G. 0. No. 130,.., A.......................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Japt. Swift...... Hillaboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Melvin........ Hillsboro... MaJ. Cabanis.....IHillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I Hillsboro..... 90 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Claston. William B.... Private................... ay 9,1898 Springfield....... Clotfelter. Leonard A. Colburn, William H... Colombo. Charles.... Compton, Clay C...... Couahlin, Dennis.... Crabtree, Criss W..... Crabtree. Johu Q..... Private................ Private................ Private............... Private................ Private.............. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 25,1898 May 9,1898 Apr. June May 25,1898 18,1898 8,1898 Hillsboro......... Springfield.... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield....... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... ay 9,1898 May 6, 1898 May 9,1898 May 56,1898 June 18,1898 ay 8, 1898 June 18.1898 June 18.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Davis, Robert E.......Private................... May 6,1898 Springfield....... May 5.1898 Dennehe, William.... Private............ Ma 9,188 Sprinfield....... May 9,1898 Douglas, Oeorre R.... Private................. ay 5.1898 Springfield....... Ma 10,1898 Dunkerly, Court...... Private........ June 18,1898 Hillsboro........ June 18,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 91 MUSTERED IN........-. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springgeld... Capt. Swift....... Melvin........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hilleboro..... Springfield... |Capt. Swift....... Petersburg... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... HUllsboro.... Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis..... Donnellson... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Joined company May 25, 1898. at Chickamaua by transfer from Co. K, 6th 111. Iuf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; fined $1.00 (collected) and sentenced to five days hard labor for missing roll calls, by Field Court Aug. 23, 1898; returned to duty Aug. 28, 1898; detailed for ambulance duty regimental hospital R O. No. 80. Aug. 28; detailed as nurse in regimental hospital Sept. 10, 1898, R. O. No. 106, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. 0. 10, C. S.. A.. 0. G....... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by - the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.. Joined company at Chickamauga May 6 1898, by transfer from Co. D, 5th 111. Inf., R. O. No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G............... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued to him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept, 12,1898, G. 0. No. 130. C,...A.G. 0........ Joined company at Chickamauga May 26, 1898 by transfer from Co. K. 6th 111. Inf.. R. O. No. 1. same date: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty and taken to U. S. hospital, Ft. Monroe, Aug. 10, 1898; returned for duty Oct. 11 1898...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued to him by the State; sick in line of duty; taken to Protestant Infirmary. Lexington. Kv.. Aug. 28, 1898; returned to duty Sept. 11, 1898; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. O. No 180, C. S.. A. A. 0............ Detailed Regimental Hospital Corps. May 6. 1898. verbal order commanding officer. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12. 1898. G. O. No. 130, C... A................................. Joined company at Chickamauga May 25. 1898. by transfer from Co. D, 5th 111. Inf., R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing Is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. (. O. No. 180, C. S. A. 0....................... Joined after muster-in of company; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. No. 130, C S.. A. G. 0......... Joined after muster-in of company; no cloth ing issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. No. 180, C. S. AG. 0........................... Hillsboro..... Ma. Cabanls..... Hillsboro..... Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis.....Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Dwight....... Springfield... (Capt. Swift....... (Dwight....... Springfield... Hillsboro..... Capt. Roberts.... Hillsboro..... MaJ. Cabanis..... I Higginsville.. 92 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLID. Name. Hank. -E- When. Where. When. Dunn, Frank........ Private................... IJune 18.188 HIlluboro......... June 18,1888 Field, Frank H........ IPrivate....................ay 3,1898 Springfield.......IMay 10,1898 Fischer, Geo. W....... Private.................. May 8.18988Springfield...... May 8,1898 Frey. George......... Private.................. May 6, 1898!Springfield....... May 10,1898 Golbsbr, Thomas E... Private.................. May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9.1898 Goodspeed. John B... Private................... May 91898 pringflold.......May 9,1898 Gregory, William..... IPrivate...... Ma.......... May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 Hammond. Lyman T.. Harkey, Frank....... Hefley, Robert B...... Hilo, Louis............ Hofaker, Henry....... Holverson, Jacob P... Private.-................. Private................... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................. June 18,1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 6.1898 June 18,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Ma 9, 1898 Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield....... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield....... June May May Juno May May 18,1898 5,1898 10,1898 18.1898, 1898 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 93 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......1I.1I I I, II I II, I I 1 3 Hillsboro.... Petersburg... ff lillsboro.... I Billsboro..... Petersburg... Dwight....... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed from Aug. 28 to Sept. 13; last rationed Aug. 27,1898; furloughed for 20 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 180 C.., A. 0. 0......... Joined after muster-in of company; in settlement for clothing is included $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. No. 130. C. 8.. A. O........ Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898 by transfer from Co. K, 5th 111. Inf., R. O. No. 1, same date: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. No. 180, C. S..A. G. 0.................... Joined after muster-in of company; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters Aug. 26-27,1898, in line of duty; transferred to 8d Div.. 1st A. C. Hospital, Aug. 20,1898; returned to duty Sept. 12,1898; furlough granted for 20 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0...................................... Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898. by transter from Co. D, 5th 11. Inf., R. O, No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed for special camp guard duty from Sept, 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per verbal order of commanding officer of regiment........... Joined company at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. D, 5th 11. Inf,. May 25,1898, R. O. No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 180, C S. A.. O............................ Joined company at Chickamauga May 26, 1898, by transfer from Co. D, 5th Ill. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him!by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, (. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.................. Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued to him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12.1899, 0. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O..................... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G... 130. C. S., A. G. O... Joined after muster-in of company; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898,. 0..180. C. S.. A. G. 0............. Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furlohrbed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. No. 120, C........................ In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.. Joined company May 26, 1898. at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. K, 5th Ill. Inf., R. O. No. 1, same date: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 1, 0. No. 180, C. S.. A..0................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Franklin..... Hillsboro..... lMa. Cabanls..... Irdrn l sboro...... Kitllsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... lillsboro..... Hillsboro..... Maj, Cabanis..... Raymond..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... illsboro.... I Springfield... Capt. Swift....... lelvin........ 94 ADJUTANT GDNERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Jones, Aaron.......... Jones, Jacob M....... Jones, Thomas F...... Leach, William J...... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private................ June 18,1898 June 18,1898 June 18.1898 May 5.1898 Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ Springfield....... June 18.1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 May, 1898 Lewis. Edward()...... Private...................June 18.1898 Hillsboro.........June 18.1898 Lippard, Charles H... Lozenby, John G...... Lyerly, Laten W...... McOarter, Daniel...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 18.1898 June 18.1898 June 18.1898 May 5, 1898 Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ Hillsboro......... Springfield....... June June June May 18.1898 18,1898 18.1898 5.1898 McOarter, Frank...... Private....M.............. May 5,1898 Springfield....... May 6,1898 McCarter, James...... Private................... May 6,1898 Springfield....... May 5,1898 McLain, Harry........Private.. 8l988rnf........ May S 8.1898 McNabb. John...... Private....................ay 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 95 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Hllsboro..... Maj. Cabanis..... Coffeen....... Hillsboro.....Maj. Cabanis..... Coffeen...... Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis..... Coffeen....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Dwiht....... Hillsboro...... Miaj. Cabanls..... Springfield.. Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis..... Hillsboro..... Hillsboro..... IMa. Cabanis..... Donnellson... Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanls..... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight...... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 180, C. S., A.. 0......,............... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, G. O. No. 130, C.S.. A. 0........................................ Joined after muster-in of tompany no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12. 1898, G. O. No. 130, C.S., A.G.O....................................... Detailed regimental hospital corps May 6, 1898. verbal order commanding officer; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.. Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; sick in quarters Aug. 28, 1898. Sept. 1, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G, O. No. 130, C. S.. A. A.... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G..................... Joined after muster-in of company; no cloth. ing issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898. G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0................................. Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 180, C. S.,A.............................. Detailed to regimental hospital corps May 6, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; returned to company June 23,1898; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O................. Detailed to regimental hospital corps May 6, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; returned to company June 23, 1898; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept.12, 1898, S. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G............. Detailed to regimental hospital corps May 6, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12. 1898, S. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0.. Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898. by transfer from Co, K. 6th Ill. Inf., R. 0. No. 1. same date; sick in line of duty Aug. 2, 1898; transferred to 2d Division hospital; furlough granted from Aug. 11 to Sept. 12.1898, G. 0. No. 114. C. S. A. A. 0. and extended to Oct. 12,1898, per (. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0.; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............. Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898, by transfer from Co. D, 5th Ill. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A.. 0................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... I II 96 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. _ Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Manning. Robert E... Mansfield, Horace F.. Masur, Raymond...... Miller, John R........ Private................... Private................... Private................ Private................ May 6,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 9,1898 8pringfeld....... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield...... May May May May 10,1898 5,1898 6,1898 9,1898 Millikin, Ots O....... Private...................June.s11898 Chiekamauga, Ga June 1.1898 Morphew, Frank E.... Private................... May 8.1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Morrell, Oliver 0..... Moorhead, Jas. C...... Morris, Isaac N....... Private.................. Private................... Private................... May 6,1898 May 9, 1898 June 23,1898 Springfield....... Springfield...... Chiekamauga, Oa May 6, 1898 May 9,1898 June: 28,1898 Netterville, Joseph... IPrivate.................. May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9, 1898 Norris, Leon........... Osborne, Harry W.... Private................... Private................... May May 6,1898 9.1898 Springfield...... Springfield....... May May 6,1898 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 97 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Nokomis...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Hlllsboro... Springfield... Cat. Swift....... Hilsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift......Melvin........ Chickamauga, Ga.. Capt. Brown...... Tower Hill... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Petersburg... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Joined after muster in of company; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898. per (:.. No. 130,C.S., A.G.O...... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C.S., A.G.0........................................ In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. 0. 0.................................. Joined company at Chickamauga, May 25, 1898, by transfer from Co. D, 6th 111. Inf.. R. 0. No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.... Joined after muster in of company: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, er G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. O. o...:...................................... Joined company at Chlckamauga. May 25, 1898. by transfer from Co. K, 6th III. Inf.. R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0 0.... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed for special guard from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898.................. Joined company at Chickamauga. May 25. 1898, by transfer from Co. D. 6th 111. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement of clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. A. 0.... Joined company after muster in; detailed clerk at regimental headquarters June 28 to Aug. 20, 1898, per verbal oider commanding officer regiment; detailed clerk brigade headquarters, Aug. 21 to Sept. 5. 1898, verbal order commanding officer regiment; no clothing issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. 0. 0. Joined company at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. D, 6th 111. Inf., May 25.1898. R. 0. No. 1. same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per L. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A....................................... Joined company at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. D. 5th Ill. Inf.. R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per. 0. No. 10, C. S., A.. 0................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... ChickamaugaGa.. Capt. Fenton..... Washington, D. C......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Carlisle....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Petersburg... Vol. 3-7. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. - _ Phillips, Thomas...... Potter, Gilbert........ Private................ Private.................. Apr. 26.18S8 Apr. 25,1898 Hlllsboro........ Hillsboro......... May May 5,1898 6,180 Powell, Clinton B..... Private...I.............. May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Redfeld, Walter H.. Schwartz, Frank W... aSott, Delbert I....... Simmons. Walter A... Steege, Adolph........ Swanson, Martin...... Sybert, John H........ Taulbee, Norman L... Taulbee, James....... Teter, Ivan............ Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 18,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 May 8,1898 June 18,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Hllsboro........ Hlllsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield..... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ June 18.1898 May 6.1898 May 56,1898 June 18.1898 June 18.1898 May 8,1898 June 18,1898 May 6,1898 May 6, 1898 May 6,1898 l FIFTH INFANTRY. 99 MUSTEEID 1N. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield....Capt. Swift...... Hillsboro Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight...... Hillsboro.....j lIa. Cabanis..... Donnellson... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Donnellson... Hillsboro..... aj. Cabanis.. mithboro.... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed for special guard duty at camp from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, verbal order commanding officer regiment. On detached recruiting service from June 9 to June 20 1898, verbal order commanding officer regiment; detailed for clerk at regimental headquarters July 4,1898, R. O. No. 22, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., &A....... Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898 by transfer from Co. K. 5th 111. Inf.. R. 6. No. 1, same date: on detached duty as orderly brigade headquarters July 8 to July 20.1898. R. 0. No. 23. July 4: in settlement for clothing is Included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 180 C. S.. A.. 0.................. In settlement for clothing is included $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 180, C. S., A. 0.0.................................... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; sick In line of duty and taken to U. S. hospital, Ft. Monroe, Aug. 19. 1898............................................ Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; detailed for special camp guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, verbal order commanding officer regiment..................................... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furlough granted for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. O............ Joined company at Chickamauga May 25. 1898. by transfer from Co. K.5 th 111. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlongh granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0....... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A G. 0...... in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A........................................ In settlement for clothing is included $6 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. U....................................... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, C. S., '.. - " 2,r ~,. Hillsboro..... Maj. Cabanis..... Raymond..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Hllsboro......Maj. Cabanls.....Donnellson... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hllsboro.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro..... Hillsboro.... 100 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- -- When. Where. When. Tobias, Roy E......... Ward, Fred........... Welch, Clarence E.... Westbrook. George W Discharaed for disability. Jesse S. Barnes....... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. June May 25.1898 18,1898 8,1898 Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield...... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ hay 5,1898 June 18.1898 May 8,1898 June 18,1898 Ma 6, 1898 June 18,1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 5,1898 May 9,1898 Francis J. Card....... Private............... Springfield.......May 10,1898 Daniel P. Cain........ Private................. Springfield.......May 9,1898 Transferred. Chad B. Bell......... Private.................. May 5,1898Springfield....... May 5.1898 Frank T. Buren...... Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield........ May 9,1898 Oliver W. Crandall... Private................... May 5,1898 Springfield....... May 6, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 101 MUSTERD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Hillsboro.... Hillsboro..... Ma. Cabanls.....IDonnellson... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dwight....... Hillsboro.....1 Ma. Cabanis....... Raymond..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Butler........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hillsboro..... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 189. per i. O. No. 130, C. S., A..0O............................... Joined after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State: sick in line of duty and taken to U. S. hospital Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 10, 1898; reported for duty Oct. 11, 1898......................... Joined company at Chickamauga May 25. 1898 by transfer from Co. K. 5th 111. Inf., R. 6. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G.. No. 130, C. S., A. G.................. Joined after muster-in of company: no clothing issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 180 C. S., A. G 0....... Sick in line of duty, taken to 1st Division hospital July 80, 1898: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: discharged on account of physical disability at 1st Division hospital Aug. 12.1898, as per letter received from regimental headquarters Aug. 81, 1898; service honest and faithful....................................... Sick in line of duty; taken to 1st Division hospital July 30. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; discharged on account of physical disability, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps hospital, Aug. 10, 1898. as per letter received from Regimental Headquarters Aug. 31, 1898; service honest and faithful................ Joined company at Chickamauga May 25, 1898, by transfer from Co. K. 6th 111 Inf R. 0. No. 1. same date: sick in line of duty; transferred to 1st Division hospital July 5. 1898; discharged at general hospital, Ft. Thomas, Ky., Aug. 10, 1898. as per letter Major and Surgeon W. R. Hall, commanding, general hospital, Ft. Thomas, Ky. Aug. 10. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value articles issued him by the State; character excellent................................ In settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles furnished by the State; detailed on regimental hospital corps May 6, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; transferred to Reserve Ambulance Corps July 11, 1898,. 0. No. 110, Major General Brooke, June 29.1898....... In settlement for clothing is included $5.75, the total value of articles issued him by State; joined company May 25. 1898, at Chickamauga by transfer from Co. D. 6th 11. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, same date; transferred to regimental band Aug. 8,1898, R. 0. No. 53, same date........................ In settlement for clothing is included $576, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed to Regimental Hospital Corps May 6. 1893. verbal order commanding officer; transferred to Reserve Ambulance Corps, 1st Army Corps. July 11. 1898, S. 0. No. 10, Major General Brooke, June 29, 1898............................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Rldgely.... Springfield... Capt. Swift......I................ Springfield.. Capt. Swift................ Springfield... Capt. Swift..................... 102 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. — -- When. Where. When. Sydney R. Davis...... Private................... June 1,1898 Hllsboro......... June 18.1898 Edward R. Flagler.... Private................... May 5,1898Springfield....... May 5,1898 Zaehariah W. Moss... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Springfeld....... May 5,1898 William N. Senn...... Private...................May, 1898 Springfield....... May 5.1898 Ernest D. Seymour... Private................... Mary 61898 Springfield....... May 5,1898 Fred W. Bailey........ Xylpho 0. Christman. Jonathan P. Cutting.. John McD. Davidson.. Oscar J. Dekins....... Frederick U. Downs... Henry B. Ebner....... Edward L. Frabe...... Jesse W. Hemline.... Chas. T. Hartenbower Gordon B. Hutchinson Fred W. Loehr........ Harvey C. Myers...... Charles A. Myers..... Albert Neis........... George Pawson........ George R. Smith...... Robert G. Steere...... Frank E. Strimple.... George C. Taylor..... Harry E. Taylor...... John B. Taylor........ Private............. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................ Private.. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private.... Private. May 6.188E May 6 189E May 5,1891 Apr. 25.189E Apr. 25,189E Apr. 26,189E May 6,189E May 5,1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 6,189E Apr. 25,1891 Apr. 25,1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... Sprigfield....... Springfield....... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Hillsboro........ Springfield...... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ Hlllsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro......... Hillsboro........ May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 7, 1899 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898?7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7.1898 7, 1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898! FIFTH INFANTRY. 103 MbUSTRBED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Hillsboro.... Springfield.. Springfield.. Maj. Cabants.... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift......, I.................I.........i... I Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... I~.............. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield'... Springfieldl... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... I Capt. Swift..........m....i.....t Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... l! m!......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... No clothing issued him by the State; transferred to regimental band Aug. 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 63, same date......................... In settlement for clothing is included $56 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed to Regimental Hospital Corps May 6, 1898. verbal order commanding officer; transferred to Reserve Ambulance Corps, 1st Army Corps, July 11, 1898. S. 0. No. 10, Major General Brooke, June 29. 1898........................................ Joined company May 25. 1898, at Chtckamauga by transfer from Co. B, 5th 111. Inf., R. 3. No. 1, same date; detailed to Regimental Hospital Corps June 23, 1898. verbal order commanding officer; transferred to Reserve Ambulance Corps, 1st Army Corps. July 11, 1898, S. 0. No. 10, Major General Brooke. June 29, 1898; In settlement for clothing is Included $5.76., the total value of articles issued him by by the State.................................. In settlement for clothing is included $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; appointed Hospital Steward June 1. 1898. R. 0. No. 5, May 31.1898......... In settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed to Regimental Hospital Corps May 6, 1898, verbal order commanding officer; appointed Hospital Steward June 1, 1898. R. 0. No. 5, May 81, 1898... Transferred to Co. D. 5th Ill. Inf., May 25, 1898. R. O. No. 1. same date.................. Transferred to Co. K, 5th 111. Inf., May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date.................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date................. Transferred to Co. K May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date.......................... Transferred to Co. D May 25. 1898, R. 0. No. 1. same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1. same date.............................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. O. No. 1. same date................................. Transferred to Co. L May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1. same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date..................... Transferred to Co. D, May 25.1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,.1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date................................. Transferred to Co. K, May 25, 1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D. May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date........................ Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25. 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D. May 25,1898, R. 0, No. 1, same date.................................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898, R. O. No. 1. same date.................................. I I 10! ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. James N. Taylor Priv........................ Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro........ May 7,1898 Fred Wein............. Private.....A............ pr. 25,1898 Hillsboro........ May 7.1898 William Weln........ Private................... Apr 25,1898 Hlllsboro......... May 7,1898 William F. Witty...... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Hillsboro......... May 7,1898 Walter H. Woodford.. Private..A....... Apr. 25.1898 Hillsboro.........May 7,1898 Harry B. Young....... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Hillsboro..........Ma 7,1898 Willie P. inrser....... Private...... Apr. 25,1898 Hillsbor.. May 7,1898 Died. William S. Campbell.. Sergeant............... May 5,1898 Springfield....... May 5,1898 Deserted. Charles Wynegar..... Private.................. May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRYENROLLED, Name. Rank. -- --- When. Where. When. Harry D. Blasland.... Captain................... Apr. 25. 1898Quincy............ May 5,1898 Henry L. Whipple.... 1st Lieutenant............ Apr. 25.1898 Quincy............ May 5,1898 John R. MoLellan..... 2d Lieutenant..... A..... Apr. 25,1898 Quincy............May 5,1898 Henry R. Hill......... lst Serceant..... A..... |Apr. 26,1898 Quincy............May 6,1898 Oliver P. White...... Quartermaster Serireant Apr. 25.1898 Quin........... May 5,1898 Brie T. Crawford..... Sereant.................. Apr. 25,1898 Quiney......... May 5.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 105 MUSTIBEED IN. MUSTERE _ _ -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift.................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date................................. Springfleld... Capt. Swift........... Transferred to Co. D, May 25, 1898. R. O. No. 1, same date.................................. Springfield... Capt, Swift... Transferred to Co. D, May 26,1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.................................. Springfield... Capt. Swift................. Transferred to Co. D, May 25,1898, R. O. No. 1,. same date.............. Springfield... Capt. Swift........... Transferred to Co. D, May 25, 1898. R. 0. No. 1, same date............................ Springfield... Capt. Swift................ Transferred to Co. K. May 25,1898. R. O. No. 1, same date.......................... Springfield... Capt. Swift...................... Transferred to Co. K, May 25.1898, R. 0. No. 1, same date.............................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Enrolled and mustered in as private; appointed Sergeant May 8, 1898, R. O. No. 1, same date: in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital June 9, 1898. in line of duty; transferred to division hospital June 10,1898; died at St. Vincent hospital, Chattanooga, July 16,1898. of typhoid pneumonia........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur......Joined company at Chickamauga, May 26, 1898. by transfer from Co. D, 6th llI. Inf., R. O. No. 1, same date; in settlement for clothing is included $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: deserted July 28,1898, at Chickamauga, Ga... COMPANY F. MUSTEBRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... rin e.., r'. vift...... Quincy........ SP " -: i v l 1,.. Swift....... Quincy. Commissioned May 5, 1898; on duty with company since muster-in; leave of absence granted Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. O. 0................... Commissioned May 5, 1898; Acting Regimental Quartermaster from June 4, 1898, to June 10, per verbal order commanding officer: appointed Regimental Commissary of Subsistance. per R. 0. No. 94, Aug. 1, 1898; leave of absence granted Sept. 12, 1898, to Oct. 11. per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.... Commissioned May 5. 1898; on duty with company since muster-in; leave of absence granted Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G, O.......................... Enrolled as Sergeant; appointed 1st Sergeant Aug. 1, 1898. per R. O. No. 64: in settlement for clothing is included the sum 16 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G0. No. 130. C. S., A. 0. O............. Enrolled as Corporal; appointed Q. M. Sergeant May 8. 1898, per Co. O. No. 5; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O. in the settlement for clothing is includea the sum $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Enrolled as a Sergeant; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. 8.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............. Sprinr feld,.. Cat. Swift.......Quincy........ Springfield... Capt. Swift........Quincy...... 106 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ----- When. Where. When. DeLaskle M. Veatch.. Sergeant..................Apr. 25.1898 Quincy.........M...Ma 5.1898 Leslie B. Follansbee.. Sergeant..............Apr. 25.,898Quincy............ IMay 6.1898 Thomas P. Carter..... Sergeant................. Apr. 25.1898 Quincy........... May 5.1898 \ Walter P. Martlndale. Emmet Head.......... Charles H. Higgins... Ewell L. Head........ Frederick Knoblock.. Frank M. Blggs...... Byron E. Line......... Corporal................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal................ Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Quincy............ Quincy............ Quincy............ Quincy........... Quincy............ Qalncy........... May May May May May May. 1898 5.1898 5.1898 5, 1898 6,1898 5,1898 Quincy........... May 5,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 107 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield.. Capt. Swift...... Sprin fileld... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... i.4I. I.4I. I.4 Quincy....... Quincy....... Quincy....... Quincy....... Quincy........ I I Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Enrolled as Sergeant: sick in regimental hospital Aug. 25 to Sept. 5, 1898. in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Enrolled as Corporal: appointed Sergeant May 8,1898, per Co. O. No. 5. same date; on duty since May 26. 1898, as Battalion Sergeant Major; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per d. 0. No. 130, C. 8.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Enrolled as 1st Sergeant; absent without leave July 28,1898; tried and found guilty by F. O. U. and fined $1.00; collected July pay-roll and reduced to Sergeant, per R.O. No. 64, July 80; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A, G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State................. Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......... Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. 3. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Enrolled as Corporal; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per (. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....... Enrolled as Corporal; left sick at U. S. A. general hospital Aug. 16, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. Enrolled as musician; transferred to private May 8. 1898, and appointed Corporal same date, per G. 0. No. 5, same date; sick in 1st Div., 1st Army Corps hospital, June a to June 12,1898. in line of duty; sick in 1st Div., 1st Army Corps hospital, Aug. 2 to Aug. 11, in line of duty; granted 80 days furlough from Aug. 11, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. O. No. 130, U. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 8,1895, per company order No. 5, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of afticles issued him by the State.................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... auincy........ Springfield...Capt. Swift...... Quincy........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy Springfield.. t. it...Capt... Quincy....... 108 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- -- When. Where. When. Thomas A. Scherer... Corporal.................. p 25,1898 Quincy........... May 5,1898 Luzerne B. CheesmanCorporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Quincy...........May 6,1898 Samuel H. Mcintyre.. Harry G. Henderson.. Corporal.................. Corporal.............. Apr. 26,1898 May 81,1898 Quincy.......... Camp George H. Thomas, Ga.... May 5,1898 May 81,1898 Morton K. Fleming... Crororal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Q incy........... May 6,1898 George A. Cramp..... Artificer.................. Apr. 26,1898 Quincy........... May 6,1898 Samuel Camp......... Wagoner................. Apr. 25.1898j Qincy...........May 6,1898 Anderson, Otto L..... Private............ Apr. S, 1898 Quincy........... May 5,1898 June 20,1898 Babb, Alonzo J........ Private................. a 0 Quincy........... June 20,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 109 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift..........inc...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quina....... Camp Geo. H. Thomas,Ga. Capt. Brown......Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Enrolled as private: appointed Corporal May 8.1898. per company order No. 5, same date; on detached service with recruiting officer. Lieut. Barber. June 9 to June 22, 1898. per S. 0. No. 21, Dept. Gulf; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal June 9, 1898, per company order No. 9, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal Aug. 1.1898, per R. 6. No. 64. dated Aug. 8; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State......................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; enrolled as private; appointed Corporal Aug. 8, 1898. per R. 0. No. 64, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks June 8, 1898, for disorderly conduct, per verbal order Lleut. Col. Wells; appointed Corporal Sept 1, 1898, per R. 0. No. 103. dated Sept. 4; furloughod Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130 C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as artificer; granted 7 days furlough from Aug. 20, 1898, per R. O. No. 65. same date; extended 7 days by telegraph order Lieut. Col. Wells; reported for duty Sept. 6. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as wagoner; ruptured June 9,1898, in line of duty; hospital June 9 to June 15; quarters June 15 to July 7; 1st Div., 1st Army Corps hospital. July 7 to July 9; quarters July 9 to Aug. 2; 2d Div., 1st Army Corps hospital. Aug. 2; granted 30 days furlough from hospital; reported to company Sept. 6, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.16, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Absent without leave Aug. 22,1898; tried and found guilty by Field Officers' Court and fined 81 00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 6 days hard labor Aug. 28, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct 11.1898. per 0. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................ Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; detailed as wagoner Aug. 3 to Sept. 6, 1898. by verbal order Col. Culver: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct 11. 1898. per G. 0. No 130, C. S. &. 0. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State................. Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Quincy........ Lieut. Barber.... Clayton....... 110 ADJUTANT GENABAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank, When. Where. When. Baird, Claude F....... Baker, Walter T...... Private.................. Private................... June 20,189E Apr. 25,1891 Quiny............ Quincy........... June 20,1898 May 6,1898 Baker, Ernest G...... Private.................. June 20.1898Quine...........June 20.1898 Benthop, Henry........ Privat................... Ar. 25.1898 Quincy........... May 6, 1898 Berger. Samuel....... Private................. Apr. 25,1898 Quiney..........a. ay 6.189 I Breckenridge, Alvin B Brothers, James LI.... Brown, Harry A....... Private.................. June 10.1898 Quinc y........... June 20.1898 Private.................. Private................... Apr. 25,1898 May 81,189e 'Quincy........... Camp Geo. H. Thomas, Ga.... Quincy.......... May 6,1898 May 81,1898 May 651898 Buckley, Thomas M... Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 111 MUSTERED IN. Residence Remarks. Where. By whom. Quincy...... Lieut. Barber.... Quincy.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Quincy....... Lieut. Barber.... Quincy....... Quincy....... Capt. Swift....... Quincy I Quiney....... Capt. Swift....... Quinc y....... Quincy....... Lieut. Barber.... Quincy...... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S,, A. G. O.; joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State...... Sick in hospital, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, June 4 to June 12. 1898 in line of duty: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76. the total value of articles issued to him by the State.................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; detailed as camp guard, Camp Lincoln, Ill., Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State................. Tried for being drunk Aug. 18, 1898, and guilty by F. O. C. and fined 56.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 23,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothlng is the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. Absent without leave July 31,1898; tried and found guilty by F. 0. C. and fined $1.00 (collected July pay-roll) and sentenced to two days' hard labor Aug. 8, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in hospital, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, July 12 to July 18, 1898, in line of duty; tried for being drunk Aug. 20 and found guilty by F. O. C. and fined $3.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 23. 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State..................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. t, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 31, 1898, per C. O. No 8. same date; on duty as orderly at Headquarters 3d Brigade, 1st Division. 1st Army Corps, from July 6 to July 13, 1898, per C. 0. No. 21, July 6; relieved per G. 0. No. 33. July 13; absent without leave Aug. 22.1898. and found guilty by F. 0. C. and fined $1.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to be reduced to ranks per R. 0. No. 79, Aug. 23; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S. A. G0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.76. the total value of articles issued bim by the State....................... Sick in U. S. A. general hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 10 to 16,1898, in line of duty; furloughed, sick, Aug. 16 for 30 days; reported for duty Sept. 7; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.76, the total value of articles issued to him by the State........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy Camp Gseo. H. Thomas, Ga. Capt. Brown...... Alton......... Quincy....... Springfield...jCapt. Swift....... 112 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Buehreg, Henry J..... Private................... June 20.1898 Quncy........... June 20,1898 6, 1898 Quincy........... Byrnes, Matthew..... Private.................. Apr. May [5,1898 Burton. Amos H....... Private................... May 81.188 Cmp Geo.. Thomas, Ga.... IMayr 81,188 June 20,1898 Cassell, Alonzo H..... Private................... Quincy....o...... June 20.1898 1 Clark. Ralph H........ Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Quincy........... May 5,1898 Gonyers. John H...... Cook, Charles K....... Oress, Stanley B...... Davidson, Wiett B.... Private................ Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 May 9,189k Quincy........... Quiney.......... Sprinfield....... ay 6,1898 ay 5.1898 MaY 5, 1888 Ma 9.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 113 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Quincy....... Llent. Barber.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Switt...... Quincy....... Camp Geo. H. Thomas, Ga. Capt. Brown...... Decatur....... Qunncy....... Lient. Barber.... Clayton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Quincy....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in hospital, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, July a to July 15, in line of duty; tried for being drunk Aug. 18 and found guilty by F. O. C, and fined $5.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 23, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 1s0, C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State..................... Absent without leave Aug. 18, 1898; tried and found guilty by F. O. J. and fined $1.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to five days' hard labor Aug. 23; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G..; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.60. the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick In hospital 2d Div., 1st A. C., July 23 to Aug. 2,1898, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 180,. s.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State..................... Absent without leave July 18,1898; tried and found guilty by F. O. C.. and fined $1.00 (collected July pay-roll), and sentenced to one day hard labor; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................... Enrolled as Corporal; absent without leave July 27 to 29; tried and found guilty by F. O. C and fined $1.00 (collected July pay-roll), and reduced to ranks per R. 0. No. 54, Aug. 9; absent without leave Aug. 23, 1898; tried and found guilty by F. 0. C., and fined $3.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to ten days hard labor; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 188. per G. O. No. 180. C. S.. A. G..; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................... Transferred from Co. K to Co, F. 5th Ill. Inf., May 25,1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him oy the State.......................................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Patoka........ Vol. 3-8 114 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -------- --- When. Where. When. - _I.-.~.. _ Dix. Albert H......... Dudley. Edward T.... Fields, Thomas....... Fink. William........ Fox. Henry L......... Private................. Private................... Private............... Private................... Private............. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 20,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Quincy.......... Quincy........... Quincy........... Quincy.......... Quincy........... May May 5.1898 5.1898 May 5.1898 June 20,1898 May 5.1898 Fryer, Luther T....... Private................ Apr. 2,1898Quincy........... May 5,18 Garmer. Benjamin.... Private.....J... a......June 20.1898 Quincy.......... June 20,1698 I Glover, Robert B..... Private............. Apr. 25,1898Quincy...........May 5.1898 Graham. Roy Prvate.................... Apr. 25,1898IQuncy........ May 5.1898 Grussemeyer, John C. Private................... June 20.,898Quincy........... June 20.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 115 MUSTERED IN. -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Quinc....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Quincy....... leut. Barber.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................... Sick in quarters May 8 to 17, in line of duty; absent without leave Aug. 2,1898; tried and found guilty by F. O. C.. and fined $1.00 (collected Aug. pay-roll), and sentenced to five days hard labor; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per (. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5 76. the total value of articles issued him by the State........ Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, perG.O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................ Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G.O. No. 130, C... A. G. 0.; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State................ Sick hospital Protestant Infirmary, Lexington. Ky., Aug. 23 to Sept. 2, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898. per (. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....................................... Absent without leave Aug. 18,1898: tried and found guilty by.F. O. C., and fined $1.00 (collected Aug. pay-roll), and sentenced to five days hard labor. Aug. 26, 1898; furlougbed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. 85.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Sick in United States Army general hospital at Ft. Monroe. Va., Aug. 7 to Aug. 26. in line of duty; joined and enrolled after muster.in of company: granted 30 days' sick furlough Aug. 25; furloughed to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S,. A. 0. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Tried by F. O. C. and found guilty of being absent from drill and parade Aug. 2,1898 and fined $5.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 10 days hard labor Aug. 23. 1898: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Absent without leave July 27 to July 29; tried and found guilty by F. O. C. and fined $300 (collected July pay-roll) and sentenced to 6 days hard labor Aug. 8 1898; absent without leave Aug. 23; tried and found guilty by F. O. C. and fined $10.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 20 days hard labor Aug. 23, l98; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. O. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State................ Quincy....... Lieut. Barber.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Quincy....... Lient. Barber.... Quincy....... 116 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -------- When. Where. When. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hanson, Henry...... Havens, George W.... Private................. Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Quincy........... Quincy.......... May 5,1898 May 6,1898 Helman, Frank B.....Private................... Apr. 25.1898Qul ncy........... May 5,1898 Henze, Charles P...... Private................... y 9.1898 Springfield....... Ma 9,1898 Horine, Jesse J..... I Private................... May 9.1898 Springfield........ 9 1898 Houser, Paul W....... Private................... ay 81898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Howell. James H...... Private................. pr. 26.189 Quinc y........... May 6. 1898 Ingraham, James H... Private................... Apr. 25,1898Quncy 5....1898 Jansen, Edward...... Jean, Melvin C........ Private................... Private.................. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26.1898 Quincy........... Quincy........... May 5, lo May 6.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 117 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. dpringfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. t. ift....... Qunc....... Sprinfield.... Capt. Swift...... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bloomington Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln....... Detailed as camo guard Camp Lincoln Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A...; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Absent without leave Aug. 21 to Sept. 7; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Sick in hospital 2d Division. let Army Corps. Aug. 2 to Aug. 11 in line of duty; Kranted 80 days sick furlough from hospital Aug. 11; reported for duty with company Sept. 9; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. O., No. 130. C. S., A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Transferred from Co. D to Co F, 5th ll. Inf.. May 26, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1, same date: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued to him by the State........................ Transferred from Co. D to Co. F. 5th Il. lnf., May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; sick in regimental hospital July 3 to 11 in line of duty; sick in U. S. A. general hospital. Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 7 to Oct. 12; furloughed sick Oct. 12 to Oct. 16; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Transferred from Co. K to Co. F May 25, 1898, per R. O. No. 1, same date; sick in hospital 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, June 28 to July 1 in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. B., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Tried and found guilty of being drunk Aug. 18 by P. 0. C. and fined $3.00 (collected August pay-roll) and sentenced to 10 days hard labor Aug. 26; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............. Sick in regimental hospital May 19 to 24 in line of duty: sick in regimental hospital June 19 to 20 in line of duty- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per 4. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State................................ Sick in quarters May 18 to 24 in line of duty; sick in quarters June 6 to July 24, not in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Springfield... Capt it. w ift...... Quiney...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quine y....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy 120 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - --- When. Were. When. Mealey. Charles I.... Private............... Melvin. William....... Mickle, Fred........... Morgan, Charles H... Newcomb. John E.... Noyes, Charles E..... Oakford, Charles H... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 20,189 June 20,1888 June 20,1898 Apr. 2, 1898 Quincy........... Quincy..o...... Quincy............ Quincy............ Quincy............ gnlbPI~I~~~~*~ I Bnln~l~.~~~~ ~ I June 20.1898 June 20,1898 June 20,1898 May 6.1898 June 20,1898 May 5.1898 June 20,1898 25.1898 Private................... Apr. Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Quincy............ May May 5,1898 5.1898 O'Hara. Thomas V.... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Quiny............ Osgood, William......Private.................... Apr. 25.1898 Quiney............ May 6,1898 Ostrum, George T.... Private................... May 9.1898 Ipringfield....... May 9,188 Overton, Nathan C..... Private................... June 20,1898 Quincy.......... June 20,1898 Reidy, Thomas A..... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Quincy............ May 65.1898 I FIFTH INFANTRY. 121 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom..... - __ ~ Quincy...... Quincy....... Quincy....... Springfield.. Quiny....... Springfield... I ( I( I C Lieut. Barber... Capt. Swift...... Lient. Barber... Lleut. Barber... Lient. Barber... apt. Swift....... I C Augusta..... Quincy...... Augusta..... Camden.... Quincy....... Quincy....... I Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; tried and found guilty of being drunk Aug. 18. by F. 0. C. and fined $5.00 (August pay-roll, collected) and sentenced to ten days hard labor Aug. 28 furloaghed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. O. No. 130 C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State......................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G, 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State... Detailed wagoner from June 8 to Aug. 27, per verbal order Col. Culver; sick in regimental hospital Aug. 27 to Sept. 8, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State... Sick in hospital 1st Division. slt Army Corps, July 13 to 19, 1898, in line of duty; absent without leave from drill Aug. 17; tried and found guilty by F. O. C. and fined $1.00, collected August pay-roll, and sentenced to five days' hard labor Aug. 23, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G, O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G.O. No. 130, C. S.. A. O.. in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State....................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct, 11, 1898, per G.O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G.O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Transferred from Co. D to Co. F. 5th Ill. Inf.,per R. 0. No. 1.same date; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A...; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 18 to 26; in regimental hospital Aug. 26 to 28, not in line of duty: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State...... Sick in regimental hospital Aug. 11 to Aug. 18, in line of duty; absent without leave Aug. 28; tried and' found guilty by F. 0. C. and fined $3.00, collected August pay-roll, and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 23; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................... I Springfield... Capt.'Swift...... Quincy....... Springfield.. Japt. Swift...... Qtlncy....... Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Aapt. Roberts.... Bloomington. Quincy........ dlent. Barber.... uincy........ Springfield... apt. Swift....... uincy........ I 122 ADJUTANT GENERAL ' REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Ribble, Burton C...... Private............. r. 25,18981Quiney............May 5.1898 Sarratt. Ralph........ Private................... Apr. 2,1898 Quincy........... May 5.1898 Sarratt, Oscar........ Slade, Milton........ Smith, William B..... Splcer, William H.... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 20,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Quincy........... Quincy........... Quincy........... Quinoy.......... May May 5,1898 5.1898 June 20,1898 May 6.1898 Thompson, Clifford T. Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Quincy........... MaY 6.1898 Unashler. Charles H.. Vasen, David.......... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Quincy........... Quincy.......... May May 6,1898 5,1898 Wagner, Herman..... Private.................. Quincy...........May 6,1898 Wall. Thomas H...... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Quincy........... May 5,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 123 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. SpringLtild... Capt. Swift....... Quincy........ Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Quincy........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy..... Quincy....... Lieut. Barber....Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Quincy....... Furlourhed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G.O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. o.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Sick In hospital, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps. Aug. 2 to 16, in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. O. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Detailed as camp guard, Camp Lincoln, I11.. Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Absent without leave Aug. 21; tried and found guilty by F. 0. C., and fined $3.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 23; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. O. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.16, the total value of articles issued him by the State......... Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G.O0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. o.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State............ Sick in hospital. Protestant Infirmary, Lexington. Ky.. Aug. 23 to Sept. 22. in line of duty; furloughed to Oct. 11. per G. 0. 130, C. S., A, 0. 0; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Absent without leave Aug. 23; tried and found guilty by F.. C., and fined $5.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor Aug. 26; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898. per G.0. No. 130. C. S., A. G..; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Absent without leave Aug. 28; tried and found guilty by F. 0. U.. and fined $1.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to five days' hard labor Aug. 26; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Absent without leave Aug. 25; tried and found guilty by F, 0. C., and fined $1.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to five days' hard labor: furloughed Sept. 12 to Ocr. 11, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State......... Absent from drill without leave Aug. 16; tried and found guilty by F. 0. C. and fined $1.00 (collected August pay-roll), and sentenced to five days' hard labor Aug. 23; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O, No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Quincy....... 124 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - --- - When. Where. When..; _.,. ~ ~ Whn. ^ \ White, John F......... Private.................. June 20.18981Quincy...........June 20.1898 Wilkins, Frank..... rivate............... pr. 25,1898 'Qincy........... May 6.1898 k \ Wilkins, John A...... Private................... Apr. 2. 1898 uinc... Ma y 5.1898 Woodruff, William D. Private.................. r. 251898lQuincy...........a 6.1898 Yarbrough, William E Transferred. Abbott. Eddie........ Akers. arry.......... Anderson, Adolph..... Bennett, Amos O...... Blaine, Robert D...... Blake, Erman.......... Broughton, Hubert J.. Bruce. Benjamin...... Cabanis. Rainer C.... Coddington, Wm. W.. Dietrich, Adam........ Fitschen, John........ McCabe, John H....... Neal, Charles N....... Simpson. Otto W...... Tomline, William E... Wilkin, Hubert C...... Private.................. Apr, 2, 1898lQuIncy............ May 5,189 N Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................ Private................... Private.............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Musician................. May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7.189f May 7.189f May 7,18% May 7,1891 May 7,1891 May 7,189I Apr. 26,189E May 7 189E June 18,189E May 7. 18 May 7.189 May 5. 189 May 7.1891 May 7. 189 May 80,1891 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Sprinfield...... Springfield....... Eillsboro......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Camp Thomas,Ga May May May May May May May May May May June M5ay May May May May May 7.1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 7,1898 7.1898 21,1898 7.1898 18.1898 7, 1898 7,1898 80,1898 12,1898 O,010 FIFTH INFANTRY. 129 MUaTBiRBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Springfield..t. E....Capt. E. Swift..ringfield... Springfield... CaDt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pekin......... Capt. Sprii gfield.. Swift....... Pekin......... Enrolled as Corporal; promoted from Corporal to Sergeant May 8. 1898. per Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters June 2, 1898, to June 12, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G...: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State. -............................ Transferred from Company F June 2,1898; promoted to Sergeant June 2. 1898, by Circular Order No. 10; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, by Circular Order No. 1: sick in quarters June 23, 1898, to June 24. 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Transferred from Company D May 25, 1898, per Circular Order No. 1; promoted to Corporal May 26, 1898, by Circular Order No. 3: sick in quarters June 22. 1898. in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as Corporal- reduced to ranks May 8, 1898, by Circular Order No. 1: appointed Corporal July 29,1898, by R. 0. No. 48; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, by Circular Order No. 1; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898. for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........ -.............. Enrolled as Corporal: furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8.1898, by Circular Order No. 1; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. 8., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued by the State............................. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, by Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters June 26.1898. in line of duty: sick in quarters July 14, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters Aug. 9, 1898. in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12. 1898, for 80 days. per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Springfield... -Capt. Swift...... Pekin '....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift......Pekin......... Vol. 3.-9 130 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Thomas 0. Kitchen... Corporal.................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. MY 4,1898 Edward A. Knoll...... Corporal...o........r,..A. 2 Ar. 15,1898 Pekin............. May 4,189 Louis Weiburg........ Corporal................Apr. 25,1898l Pekin............. May 4,189 Oscar VanBoeninm.... Corporal.................. June 16.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. June 15.1898 James C. Boling...... Jack St. Ceruer, Jr.... Musician................ Musician.................. Pekin............. Pekin............ May 4. 189 May., 189 George Jerger......... rtifcr............. Apr. 251898 Pekin............. May 4,1898 Enoch E. Thompson.. Wagoner.............. April 25,1898 April 25, 1898 Pekin............. lMay 4. 1898 Abrahams Ulrlh..... Private............... Pekin............. May 4.1898 Albee, William........ Private..................June 15,1898 Pekin.............June 15,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY 131 MUST:BRID IN. _us -_n _ I.Residence. Remarks. Whore. By whom. Springfield... |Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Sprinffield..ICapt. Swift....... Pekin....... Pekin......... IMaj. Cabanis..... Pekin......... Springfleld... Capt. Swift....... Pekn........ Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8. 1898, by Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters May 21, 1898, to May 22.1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters June 16,1898, to June 20, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per 0.. No. 180, C. S.. A. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State................... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, by Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters Aug. 24, 1898, to Aug. 30, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days per G. 0. Ne. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothlng is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, by Circular Order No. 1; furlough granted Sept. 12 1898, for 80 days. per U. O., No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Enrolled as private after muster-in of company; appointed Corporal July 29,1898. by R. 0. No. 48; sick in hospital June 26,1898. to June 28, 1898. In line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per 0. G. No. 180, C. 8.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 87 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Detailed at 3d Brigade, 1st Corps Hdqrs., July 18, 1898, as brigade trumpeter, per 8. 0. No. 6, 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps; absent sick with 3d Brigade, lst Corps, in Porto Rico....................... Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks May 8.1898, per Circular Order No. 1; appointed bugler May 8, 1898, by Co. 0. No. 2: sick in hospital Aug. 23,1898, to Sept. 7, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters Sept. 7, 1898, to Sept. 12, 1898: furlough granted Sept. 12. 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Enrolled as private; appointed artificer May 4, 1898. per Co. O. No. 1; furloughed granted Sept. 12. 1898. for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Enrolled as private; appointed wagoner May 4. 1898, per C. 0. No. 1; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days. per 0.O. No. 130. C.S., A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Slck in quarters May 25,1898, to May 28,1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters June 25 1898. in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per G.O. No. 130, C. S., A.G.O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles Issued him by the State.. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898, for 80 days, per 0.0. No. 130.C.S.,A.G.O.; no clothing was issued him by the State...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin........ Springfield...IC. t.wift.......Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin........ Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin........ Pekin......... Maj. Cabanls..... Pekin........ 132 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - - --- When. Where. When. Alexander. Sabin..... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin........... May 4 1898 Ayers, Curtis......... Albertsen, Oscar...... Bleeker, Herman...... Bivans, Thomas....... Brady, John........... Brink, Haven.......... Breidleham, Charles.. Castleman, Walter.... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Private.............. Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................. Private............ Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 15,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............ Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin..... Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............. May, 1898 4,1898 / '{ May 4,1898 May 4.1898 May June May 4,1898 16,1898, 1898 May 4, 198 May 4 1898 Cooper, Charles....... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. May 4,1898 Clarke John........... Private....j&.r......... Apr. 26,1898 Pekin.............a,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 133 MUST!BRD IN. 7 --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Pekin........ Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Spritagfield...jCapt. E. Swift... Yates City.... Pekin........ Pekin......... Cabanis..... Springfield... Capt. B. Swift... Pekin......... Sick in quarters Aug. 9,1898. in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898. for 80 days, per 0. O. No. 180, C. B., A. A. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0&, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. GO.; sick in quarters May 21, 1898. to May 22, 1898; sick in quarters J uly 14, 1898, all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G..; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $604, the total value of articles issued him by the State................... Promoted to Corporal May 8,1898, per Circular Order No. 1; reduced to ranks at his own request July 8, 1898, per t. O. No. 80: furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days, per G.O. No. 180.C.S.,A.G.O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............................. Sick in quarters Aug. 14,1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furlough granted Sept. 12 for 30 days, per. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G........................ Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks May 8,1898. per Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters June 25,1898. in line of duty: furlough granted for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180. C. S.. A.. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State......................................... Detailed as guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, at Springfield, Camp Lincoln; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Sick in quarters June 17.1898. to June 20,1898; sick in quarters Aug. 26. 1898. all in line of duty; furlough granted for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A, G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks July 29, 1898, per I. 0. No. 48; absent without leave from Aug. 21, 1898, to Aug. 27. 1898, placed in confinement Aug. 27, 1898, tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 81, 1898, and fined $5.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days' hard labor; furlough granted Sept 12,1898. for 80 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. a. 0. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Sick in quarters Aug. 24. 1898, to Aug. 25. 1898, in line of duty: absent, sick, in 8d Division, 1st Corps hospital, Lexington, Ky.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Springfield... Springfield... Capt, E. Swift.,. Rok, Pa....... Capt E. Swift... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... ICapt.. Swift... New Y'rk City 184 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - E When. Where. When. Cowell. William F.... Duffin, Alexander..... Duley, Fred........... Eldredge, Jay....... Edwards, Thomas.... Freiday, William...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.......... Private.................. Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 15,1898 Apr. 25,1898, Pekin............. Pekin............ Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............. I June 16.188 May 4, 189 June May 16.1898,s1898 Apr. June 26,189 15, 1891 8 May 4,1898 June 16,1898 i Fuller. Philip, Jr.. ater.. Iekin...... P... May 26,1898 1 Feldman, Joseph...... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. Mar.1898 I 1 Fullgraff, Adolph..... Private.............. Apr. 126.1898 Pekin............. May. 1898 Gebhardt. Andrew.... Hartley, Arthur....... Private.................. Private............... 1 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 I Pekin............. Pekin............., May 4, 189 May 4. 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 135 MUISTEUID IN. Whe B m Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Pekin......... Baj. Cabanis..... Pekin Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Pekin......... M.al Cabans..... Hopedale..... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift...in....... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Pekin......... Ma. Cabanis..... Pekin........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State................................... Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks May 8, 1898, per Circular Order No. 1; sick in quarters July 4 1898, to July 6.1898; sick in quarters July 13, 1898. both in line of duty; absent without leave Aug. 21,1898, to Aug. 27, 1898; placed in confinement Aug. 27,1898; tried by Officers' Field Court Martial Aug. 81, 1898, (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days' hard labor; furloueh granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A. Gi. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O, No. 180, C. S.. A. 0..; no clothing was issued to him by the tate.......................................... Sick in quarters July 18,1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.... O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days, per (. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters July 15,1898, to July 17, 1898; sick in quarters Sept. 7,1898. both in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued to him by the State..................................... Sick in quarters May 21 1898, to May 22,1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Sick in quarters May 25, 1898. to May 26, 1898; sick in quarters Aug. 21.1898, both in line of duty; absent, sick, in St. Joseph's Catholic hospital, Lexington, Ky.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Sick in quarters from June 6,1898. to June 7, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days, per G, O. No. 180 C.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Sick in quarters June 25, 1898; sick in quarters Aug. 16, 1898. to Aug. 16, 1898, both in line of duty; taken to Fortress Monroe hospital, Old Point, Va. Aug. 17.1898; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per.O. No. 130, C. S., A.. O.;' in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State....................... Springfield...ICapt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt E. Swift... Pekin......... Indianapolis, Ind.......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.. Springfield... lapt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... 136 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ---- When. Where. When. Huebuer, Henry...... Hyers, Frank.......... Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Petin............. Pekin............. June 16.1898 May 4, 18 9 K Heck. Edwin........... Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. May 4.1898 Hcker, Arthur........ Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. aly 4 1898 Heffner. Thomas...... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............ May 4, 1898 Hofferbert, Adam..... Herren, Herman....... Heberer. Charles...... Hardt, Huigo........... Jacobs, Otto........... Johns, Henry.......... Private................... Private................... Private............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 15,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 15,1898 Pekin............. Pekin........... Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............ Pekin............ May May May June May June 1,1898 4,1898 4,1898 15,1898 4,1898 15,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 137 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Pekin........ Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Sprinlfield... I I( I! Capt. E. Swift.... I Pekin.... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Capt. E. Swift..... Pekin...... Maj. Cabanls..... Pekin......... Capt. B. Swift... Pekin........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. 0..; no clothing issued him by the State....... Sick in quarters from May 21. 1898, to May 22, 1898. in line of duty; absent without leaVe from Aug. 21 1898, to Aug. 22. 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 28, 1898, and fined $5.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and ten days hard labor; furlough granted Sept, 12, 1898, for 30 days per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Absent without leave Aug. 21, 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 23, 1898, and fined $1.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days hard labor; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days per G. O. No. 130, C. 8.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... Sick in quarters Aug. 12, 1898. to Aug. 16, 1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in Fortress Monroe hospital. Old Point, Va., since Aug. 17.1898; this soldier was paid twice for July by Maj. -; should be held out of September pay; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted Sept. 28 to Oct. 22,1898. per U. 0. No. 114. C. S.. A. G. 0.... Absent without leave Aug. 21. 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 23, 1898, and fined $1.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G...; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. O.. in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Absent without leave Aug. 21, 1898: tried by Field Officers' Court Martial; fined $1.00 (collected on August pay-roll), and five days labor; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. 8.. A. G. Furlough granted Sept. 12 for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 22. 1898, to Sept. 6. 1898, In line of duty; absent, sick in Protestant hospital. Lexington, Ky., Sept. 5,1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State................................. Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... IPekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift...I Peoria........ Pekir......... aij. Cabanis.....Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Pekin........ iaj. Cabanis..... Pekin......... 138 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Kriegsman. Louis..... Private.................. June 15.189 Pekin............ June 16,1898 i Kaufman, Martin...... Private............... I Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. May 1.1898 Kraft, Fred............ Prvate................ e 15.189 kin..... I.... June 15,1888 Kittner, Alfred........ Lindsay. Andrew..... Lindsay, John......... McCleese, James...... Miller, Smith.......... Mattheessey, John.... Private........... Private................... Private................. Private.... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. Apr. July June Apr. Apr. 25,1898 25.1898 20.1898 15.1898 2651898 26.1898 Pekn............ Pekin............ Chickamauga, Ga. Pekin............. Pekin........... Pekin............. May. 1898 May 4.1898 July 22,1898 June 15.1898 May, 1898 Ma 4. 1898 May, Charles.......... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............ May 4 1898 Pekin............. neon, George...... Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 May 4. 898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 139 Mustered In. -- __- __-_ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Pekin........ C s.... Springfield...Capt. E. Swift... Pekln......... IIa. Cabanis.... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Chlckamaulga, Ga..........Capt. Fenton.... I. I I E York City, Pa Pekin....... Pekin........ Pekin........ Pekin........ Pekin..... 6s I I I Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 18 1898. in line of duty; sick in hospital Sept. 1, 1898, to Sept. 12, 1898; furlough granted Sept, 12, 1898. for 80 days. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State.....................................Sick in quarters May 21.1898. to May 22,1898; sick in quarters May 25. 1898, to May 28, 1898; sick in quarters June 18, 1898. to July 18,1898; sick in quarters Aug. 27. 1898. all in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898 for 80 days, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters Sept, 2, 1898, to Sept. 7.1898, not in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. i. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State.................... Furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; n the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Sick in quarters May 6.1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State................,..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days. per G. 0. No. 138, C. S.. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A...; no clothing was issued him by the State.. Sick in quarters June 16, 1898, to June 17, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 1 1898, for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 114. C. S.. A. G. 0.; extension granted to Oct. 11,1898, per O. G. 180,. S, A. G. 0......... Sick in quarters July 28,1898, in line of duty; furlough granted from Sept. 12. 1898, for 38 days, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. O. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Detailed as guard Sept. 12, 1898. to Oct. 11, 1898, at Springfield, Camp Lincoln; enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks May 8, 1898, per C. 0. No. 1; absent without leave Aug. 21, 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 23. 1898; fined $1.00 and five days' labor; absent without leave from roll-call; tried by Field Officers Court Martial Aug. 23; fined $8.00 and five days' labor; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Sick in quarters Aug. 12, 1898; sick in quarters Aug. 22. 1898, to Aug. 25,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in 8d Division, Ist Corps hospital, since Aug. 26,1898; furlough granted Sept. 17, 1898. to Oct. 11. 1898, per G.. No. 114. C, S.. A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Pekiln......... Ia. Cabanis..... Pekin........ Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin...... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Oapt. E. Swift.... Cincinnati, 0. Splringfield...jCapt. E. Swift.... 'ekin....... 140 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. __R When. Where. When. McCoy. Joseph... Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 Pekin.............May 4,1888 McWhorter, Percy.... Nedderman, John..... Neef. Franklin....... Neef, Richard........ Orr, Clarence H....... Presley, David A..... Presley. John W...... Price, Fred M........ Pardy. Bert W....... Roblson. Earl......... Remmers, Minard.... Private................... June 16, iggs Pekin............. June 15, 1898 Private................... Apr. 26. 1898 Pekin............. May 4, 1898 Private................... Apr. 25. 189g Pekin............. May 4, IM Private................... June 16, Isgs Pekin............. June 16. Im Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. May d, 1898 Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. May 4. 1898 Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. May A. 1M Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. Id ay A, IM Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. May 4. 1898 Private................... June 15. 189s Pekin............. June 15. IM Private................... Apr. 25.189sPekin............. May d. 1898 I Private................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 16,1891 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 16.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 15.1898 apr. 26.1898 iPekin............ Pekin............. Pekin........... Pekin............. PekIn............. Pekin............. Pekin........... Pekn............. Pekin............. Pekin............. Pekin............ June May May 165,1898 4,1898 4,1898 June 16.1898 May 4. 1898 May 4.1898 May 4.1898 May 4,1898 May 4.1898 June 15.1898 lay 4, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 141 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Pekin......... MaJ. Cabanis..... Kilbourne.... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin......... Springfield.. Capt. E. Swift.... Pekin........ Pekin........Ma. Cabanis..... Pekin......... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Philadelphia, Pa........... Absent without leave Aug. 21. 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 2, 1898. and fined $1.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days' labor; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State........ Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in quarters June 21, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12. 1898. for 30 days, per t(. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State....................................... Sick in quarters May 21, 1898, to May 23, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Absent without leave Aug. 21. 1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 23. 1898, and fined $1.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State,.. Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.,. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................................ Sick in hospital Sept. 5.1898, to Sept, 12.1898; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. U.S.. A.. 0.; inthe settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Sick in quarters July 15,1898, in line of duty: furloughed granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days. per G. O. No. 130. C. 8.. A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Sick in quarters July 1, 1898, to July 5, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... Detailed as guard Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. at Springfield. Camp Lincoln; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898. for 30 days, per G.. o. 180. C..,. A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Sick in quarters June 4, 1898, in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 01, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................ Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift,.. Millersburg.O Pekin......... IMa. Cabanis..... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin........ 142 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. — --- When. Where. When. Rcos, Edward P....... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. ay. 41898 '1 May Schember, William J. Private................... Apr. 25.1898Pekin............. 4.1898 Smith, Justian........Prvate................... Jne 1,898 Pekln............. June 16.1898 Schaefer. Charles..... Private................... JApr. 26.1898 Pekin........... May 4.1898 Spafford, Michael..... Strope, William E.... Private.................. Private................ &pr. S2.1808 Pekin............ May 1898 Apr. 25.1898Pekin............. Ma 4.1898 Spencer, Frank....... Private................ Apr. 25,1898 Pekin.......... May 4, 1898 1.I Struble, Louis......... Schunneman, Charles. Sackenrenther, Christ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. June Apr. 251,898 15.1898 25,1898 Pekin............. Pekin............ Pekin............. May 4,1898 June 16,1898 May 1898 4,11898 c( FIFTH INFANTRY. 143 MUSTUBRED IN. M —s - —. -_ -Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. * W.... ~~~~~~~~~ Springfield.. Capt, E. Swift... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekn......... Pekin......... Ma. Cabans.......... Springfield...Cat. E. Swift..Pein......... Springfield... Capt. E. Swift... Pekin......... Pekin......... Sick in quarters Aug: 15, 1898, to Aug. 21, 1898, both in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per U. 0. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the totalvalue of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Absent without leave Aug. 21,1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial Aug. 23,1898, and fined\ $1.00 (fined collected on August pay-roll) and five days labor; furloughed granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com- pany; sick in quarters Aug. 15, 1898; sick in quarters Sept. 9, 1898; sick in quarters Sept. 11, 1898, all in line of duty; furlough granted Sept. 12, 1898, for 30 days, per 0. 0., No. 138, 0. S., &.. O..; no clothing was issued bim by the Slate..................... Absent sick in Fortress Monroe hospital. Old Point. Va. from Aug. 10, 1898, to Aug 28, 1898, in line of duty; furlough ranted Aug. 23 1898, for 80 days. per (. O. No. 114..., A. o...; extension granted to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. U. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Sick in hospital June 14, 1898; sick July 15, 1898, to July 21, 1898, in hospital; sick in quarters Sept. 3, 1898; absent sick in Springfield City hospital since Sept. 7, 1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Sick in hospital June 26. 1898; absent sick in Leiter general hospital, Chickamauga, Ga.. from June 27, 1898, to Aug. 27, 1898; paid on the hospital roll and company roll for July by mistake; furlough granted Aug. 27, 1898. for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 114, C. S., A. U. 0.; extension granted to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0. in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of clothing issued him by the State..................... Sick in line of duty Sept. 1,1898, in quarters; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per O. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Absent, sick in 1st Division, lat Corps, hospital. Chickamauga Park, Ga., since July 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12.1898. for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130. C. S... G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Sick in quarters Aug. 14,1898; sick in hospital Aug. 21,1898, to Sept. 10,1898, both in line of duty; furlough granted Sept, 12, 1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Sprlngfield... Capt. E. Swift Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Pekin....... Pekin......... Springfield... Maj. Cabanls..... Capt. Swift....... Melvin....... Pekin......... 144 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Seelye, Geore........ Private IJune 15,189E II Pekin.............June 15,1898 \1 Smith, Edward H..... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. May 4,1898 Standinger, William.. Shilling. George...... Slates. James.......... VanDyke. Charles.... Vogelsane George.... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... June 15,189E Apr. 25,189E June 15,1898 June 15,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Pekin............ Pekin............. Pekin............ Pekin............ Pekin............. June 15,1898 May 4, 1898 i June 15.1898 June 15.1898 Mar 4.1898 Weber. Frank.........Private............. Apr. 25,1898 Pekin.............May 4.1898 Weyrich, Otto......... Weinheimer, William. Private.................. Private.................. June 15,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............. Pekin............. June 15.1898 May 4, 1898 Washburn, Edward... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. May, 41898 Zeigler, James J...... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Pekn............. May 4,1899 Discharged (by order) Hatch, Frank......... Private................. JMay 1,1898 8pringfield....... May 11.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 145 MUSTBRED IN. — I ---- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Pekin......... Maj. Cabanis..... Pekin......... Springfield... JCapt. Swift..... Peoria........ Petin....... M Cabanis.....Pekin......... Springfield... Pekin......... Capt. Swift....... Maj. Cabanis..... Pekin......... Pekin......... Pekin.......... Ma. Cabanis.... ekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; absent without leave Aug. 21,1898; tried by Field Officers' Court Martial, Aug. 23,1898, and fined $1.00 (fine collected on August pay-roll) and five days' labor: furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 80 days, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. 0. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State............ Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days, per. 0. No. 130. C. 8., A. G. 0.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-In of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per 0.. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12. 1898, for 30 days, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 39 days, per G O. No. 130, C. S.. A.. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................................. Sick in quarters June 24,1898, to June 26,1898, in line of duty: absent, sick in Leiter hospital from June 26,1898, to Aug. 12.1898; furlough granted Aug. 12,1868. for 30 days, per 0. O. dated Aug. 1. A. O.; in the settlement for clothing is inoluded the sum $6.04, the total value of articles granted him by the State; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898, for 30 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. 0...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 80 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued him by the State... Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 80 days, per G. O. No. 130. C..8. A. G. 0,; sick in quarters June 8, 1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Furlough granted Sept. 12,1898. for 30 days, per 0. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................ Sick in quarters Aug. 21,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in St. Joseph's Catholic hospital. Lexington, Ky., since Aug. 24,1895; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; discharged May 23. 1898, per S. 0. No. 120, A. G. O.; this soldier is not entitled to travel pay, per S. O. No. 120, A. G. 0.; no clothing was issued him by the State..................................... Pekin......... MaI. Cabanls.....Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin........ 8prinfifeld... Capt. Swift....... Pekn........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Vol. 3-10 146 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ENOWhen. When. Where. Transferred. Aldridge, Harry....... Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Pekin............. Ma 4,1898 Miller, Frank... PrivateA I Prvt............Pv a.... Apr.' 25.1898 Pekin............. May 4,1898 Franks. Joseph........ McMullen. John....... Died. Bosley, Frank........ Deserted. Frazser. George C..... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. May 80,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Lytle. Ga......... Pekin............. Pekin............ May June May 0.,1898 15.1898 4,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Pekin............ May 4,188 Dropped Johnson Grant....... Private................................. O'Connell. Wm........ Private................... FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. John F. Cassell........Captain.................... 25.1898 Decatur........... May 7,1898 Louis G. Chandler.... James E. Reaves..... 1st Lieutenant.......... 2d Lieutenant.......... Apr. 25.189E Apr. 26 1898 Decatur.......... Decatur........... May May 7.1898 7,1898 William H. Hener.... 1st Sergeant.............. Apr. 25.1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 147 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...I Capt. Swift....... Farmount.... Springafeld... Capt. Swift.......Bloomington. Lyttle, G(.... Capt. Brown...... Decatur...... Pekin........Ma. Cabans.......... Hvana....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Pekin........ Sick in quarters June 3, 1898, to June 5, 1898, in line of duty; detailed on special duty as Provost Sergeant. May 22. 1898, per R. 0. No. 6; sick in quarters Aug. 26. 1898, in line of duty: transferred to Co. H Aug. 80, 1298. per R. O. No. 88..................... Enrolled as a musician; changed to private May 4,1898. per C. O. No. 1; sick in quarters June 17, 1898, to June 20,1898 in line of duty; transferred to Co. D, Sept., 1898, per R. 0. No. 104............................. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; transferred to 6th Ill. Band Aug. 8, 1898, per R. 0. No. 63....................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of eompany; transferred to 6th 111 Band Aug. 8, 1898. per R. O. No. 53........................ Sick in hospital May 20, 1898, to May 22,1898, in line of duty; taken to 1st Div., 1st Army Corps hospital; died at 6:00 p. m. May 29, 1898, at 1st Div., 1st Army Corps hospital, Chickamauca Park, Ga.. of pneumonia, contracted in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 86.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Sick in quarters June 13, 1898 in line of duty; furlough granted from July 11,1898, to July 18, 1898; extension granted to July 28, 1898; dropped from report Aug. 8. 1898: recognized as a deserter from the U S. V. Army Attached July 23, 1898, from Co. A, 16th Pa. Inf., for the purpose of supplying him with subsistence until he could rejoin his regiment; detached Aug. 9,1898............ Attached Aug. 3, 1898, from Co M. 3d Ky. Inf., for the purpose of supplying him with subsistence; detached Aug 65.1898.... Sprinrfield... Capt. Swift...... Peoria............................................ COMPANY H. MusltB1RD IN. _ ------- _ - Residence. Remarks. Where, By whom. Springfleld... ICapt.' Swft....... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Orlginally mustered in with Co. H as Captain and assumed command same date, May 7, 1898; sick from May 16 to May 26 and from Aug. 19 to 24, inclusive, in line of duty; on detached service as Inspector of Rifle Practice, 6th 111. Inf, by verbal order regimental commander; absent with leave from Sept. 12 to 1., 1898...................... Originally mustered in as 1st Lieutenant May 7,1898; on leave of absence for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180. C. S.. A. G.0. Originally mustered in as 2d Lieutenant May 7,1898; on leave of absence for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 130, C. S., A. 3. 0.; detailed as Acting Battalion Adjutant from July 12 to Sept. 7, 1898, inclusive: detailed by Acting Major Couch, of the 8d Battalion, verbally............................. Enrolled as 1st Sergeant May 7,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 130, C. S.. A. G. O. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... 148 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. George L. Young...... Arthur B. Davis....... William Layton....... George T. Barney..... Q. M. Sergeant........... Sergeant.................. Sergeant.................. Sergeant.................. Apr. 25, 18 Apr. 25,189E Apr. 25.189E Apr. 25,1898 Decatur........... Decatur........... Decatur........... Decatur........... May May May May 7,1898 7.1899 7.1898 7,1898 Harry Aldridge....... Sergeant.................. Apr. 251898 Pekin.............May 7.1898 Charles Davis......... Samuel May........... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25, 189 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur........... Decatur........... May 7,1898 May 7.1898 Clarence Selwers.....Corporal.................. Decatur........... Ma 71898 Jerry W. Nicholson... Corporal................. Apr. 25.1898Decatur........... May 7,1898 Elmer J. Smick....... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... Decatur........... May 7.1898 May 7,1898 Charles Rowdybush.. Corporal.................. Apr. 251898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 149 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks, Where. By whom. -- -- -. Springfleld... Capt.' Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur....... Springfield...Capt. Swift........Decatur...... Sprinrfield,...Capt, 8wift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Enrolled as Q. M. Sergeant May 7,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12,1898. G. 6. No. 180, C. S.... O.. Enrolled as Sergeant May 7. 1898; absent, sick, lst Division, 1st Army Corps hospital at Chickamauga. Ga., from Aug. 2 to Aug. 11, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12.1898, G. 6. No. 130. C. S.. A.............................. Enrolled as Sergeant May 7,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, tho total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, Z. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. t. O.. Enrolled as Sergeant May 7.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; sick in Division hospital from June 10 to 19, 1898, inclusive, in line of duty............. Transferred from Co. G to Co. H as Corporal Aug. 0,.1898, R. 0. No. 88; appointed Sergeant Aug. 80, 1898, to rank from Aug. 23, 1898. Order No. 89; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, d. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A G. 0................. Enrolled as a Corporal May 7, 1898; in the settlement for clothing i isncluded the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlougbed for 30 days Sept. 12.1898. G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0.. Enrolled as a Corporal May 7,1898; sick from June 21 to June 26 in regimental hospital, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898, 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0. 0..................... Enrolled as a private May 7. 1898; appointed Corporal June 1, 1898, R. 0. No. 4. same date; sick from Aug. 12 to 16,1898, in regimental hospital, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A G. O........ Enrolled as a private May 7, 1898: appointed Corporal June 1, 1898. R. 0. No. 4. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G.O.................................... Enrolled as private May 7.1898; appointed Corporal June 1, 1898. R. C. O. 4. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days. Sept. 12, 1898,. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. 0..................................... Enrolled as private May 7,1898; appointed Corporal June 21. 1898; absent, sick in general hospital. Ft. Monroe. since Aug. 10, 1898. in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value issued him by the State....... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Decatur....... Springfield... pt. C Swift.......Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... oSrlnaleld... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatar...... 150 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Sanford S. Clapper.... Corporal................ Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 A George E. Cope....... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 W. Scott Wilson....... Corpo ral................. Apr. 25,1898 Decatur........... May 7.1898 George Mackordes.... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,18981Decatur.......... May 7,1898 Chas. M. Richardson.. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 Allen. John W..........Prvate.................. Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... May 7.1898 Appley, Charles H.... Private................... Apr 26.1898Decatur.......... a 188 Bachstein, William... Beardsley. James E... Blair. William M...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Decatur........... Decatur.......... Decatur......... May May May 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 i Bliss, Charles E....... Private................... pr. 2.1898 Decatur.......... May 7.1898 Buehler, Earl......... Bell. Arthur T......... Private................ Private................... Apr. 25.1898 June 14,1898 Decatur.......... May Decatur.... June 7,1898 14,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 151 MUSTBRED IN. Where. By whom. Residence. Remarks. Springfield.....C a. SCap t.wift...... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift......Decatr...... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... ecatur..... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Deeatur.. Springfield... Capt, Swift....... Decatur. Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur...... Enrolled as a private May 7,1898; appointed Corporal Aug. 1,1898, R. C. O. No. 66, Aug. 9,1898; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days. Sept. 12. 1898, L. 0. 10, C. S.. A. G. Enrolled as a private May 7,1899; appointed Corporal Sept. 1.1898, R. 0 100, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76. the total value issued him by tho State; furloughed for 30 days. 6ept. 12,1898, G. 0. 0, C. 8.. A.. 0............. Enrolled as private May 7, 1898; appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1898. R. 0. 100, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 130. C. S., A. IG. Enrolled as a private May 7,1898; appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1898, R. 0. 100, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12.1898, 'G. 0.180, C.....,............. Enrolled as a private May 7,1898; appointed Corporal Sept. 1, 1898, R. O. 100. Sept. 1. 1898; taken sick at Lexington, Ky., in line of duty, Aug. 29,1898; removed to Springfield, Ill.. and taken to general hospital Sept. 6,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 20 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. No. 130. C. d.. A.G...................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted furlough for tt_ lays from July 13 to 23. 1898, inclusive, order Gen. Brooke, same date; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 130, C. S,A G............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12.1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. A. O..0...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. O................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12,1898. G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. oG.o......................................... Taken sick June 2, 1898, in line of duty; left in 1st Division hospital Aug. 2.1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.87, the total value issued him by the State...................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12.1898, for 80 days, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0......... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, 0. S.. A. G. O........ Springfield... Cat. Swift....... ecatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Decatur. Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatr.... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur... Decatur....... MaJ. Cabanis..... Decatur....... 152 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. 'Where. When. Beta, Charles S....... Boone, Frank......... Birchfield, Jese...... Baker, Louis.......... Colerick, Charles B... Clitner, Wm. O....... Cunniff. Pete.......... Davis, Colonel E...... Dimmiek, Ralph A.... De.lart, Berte........ Durban. Henry........ Drake, Clarence....... Ewing. Percy 8........ Private................... Private.......,,........ Private................... Private................... Private.........Private................. Private.................. June 14,1898 May 9.1898 June 14,1898 May 9. 1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25.1898 'Decatur.......... Decatur Springfield....... Decatur........... Decatur........... Decatur........ Decatur.......... Decatur........... June 14,1896 May 9,1898 I June 14,1898 May 9.1898 May 7,1898 June 14,1898 June 14, 1898 M ay 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1898 Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur........... Private................ June 14, 1898 35,1898 Decatur........ Decatur........... May May May 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 Private................... Apr. Eckels, Ed. H......... Private....A............... A. 2.1898 Osecatur........... May 7,1898 Eckels, Robert........ Private....A............. Apr. 25.1898 Decatur........... May 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 153 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Decatur....... lia. Cabanis..... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... Decatur....... lMaJ. Cabanls..... Decatur....... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... Sprinfileld,.. Capt. Swift...... Decatur....... Deatur....... Cabss..... Decatur...... Decatur....... iMal. Cabanis..... IDecatur....... Springfield...capt. Swift......Decatur....... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898.* l.*.....*....* *.... *.. Left sick in St. Vincent's hospital. Chattanooga. Tenn.. from May 16 to July 2.1898,.in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.78, the total value issued him by the State; joined company May 25,1898. from Co. K, 6th Ill. Inf., by transfer: furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. O. 0...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898............................................ Joined company May 25, 1898, from Co. D, by transfer; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12. 1898, 0. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A.. 0.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12. 1898. G. O. No. 130. C. S.,. A. 0. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G....... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing issued by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12. 1898, G. 0. No. 130 C. S., A. G............... Sick from June 16 to Aug. 9, 1898. n in ie of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.: left in 1st Div. hospital sick July 2. 1898, in line of duty...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. O. No. 130, 0. S.. A. G0................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12. 189,8.. O. No. 130, C. S.. Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the itate; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.............. Sick in regimental hospital from June 3 to 9,1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. No. 130. C. S. A...... iGranted a furlough from Aug. 19 to 26, 1898, inclusive; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 6$.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898. O. No. 130, C. S.. &........................ la the settlement for clothingis included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130,C. S,,A. G. 0. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Decatur...... Decatur....... MaI. Cabanis..... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur...... 154 Name. ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Rank. — Wr - When. Where. When. Eller, Isaac E......... Private..............I.. Apr. 26.1898Decatur..........May Fleming, J. H......... Frew, William C...... Fribourg, David A.... Fullmer, Lewis B..... Fullmer, Arthur L.... Gardner, Frank 0..... Garrison, Grayson.... Gring, Louis A........ Grimes, Stanley T.... Hanthorn, Howard P. Heiner, Leo. J......... Hamilton, William A.. Hatfield, Rollin W.... Hedrlck. Earl E....... Private................ Private................. Private................ Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private............. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 2561898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur......... Decatur.......... Decatur......... Decatur........ Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... May May May May June May May May June May May May May May 7,1898 7,1898 7,1898 7.1898 7.1898 14, 1898 7, 19B 7,1898 7,1898 14.1898 7.1898 7.1898 7.1898 7. 1898 7,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 155 MUSTERED IN..... — - Residence. Remarks. WVhere. By whom. Sprlingfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Decatur..... Springfield.. Sprinegfeld... I. I.4I.1I. I ( ( ( I It I ( ( ( Capt. Swift...... Decatur...... Capt. Swift.......Decatur...... Capt. Swift....... Decatur..... MaJ. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Capt. Swift....... Decatur..... Capt. wlft....... Decatur...... Capt. Swift....... Decatnr...... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for B0 days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180. C. S., A. G. 0....................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him bythe State; furloughed for 30 days. Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. A. o0.......................................... Detailed for guard for one day at Camp Lincoln; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum 85576, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days, Sept. 12,1898, G. Q. 180, C. S.. &. G. 0............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.......................................... In the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. 0.................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; furloughed for 30 days, Sept. 12,1898. G. 0. 130 C. S.,. G. 0............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough granted for 30 days, Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S..A................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days, Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0...................................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 30. days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A.......................... Sick in line of duty in general hospital at Ft. Monroe since Aug. 10. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.87, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................. Enrolled as a Sergeant May 7. 1898; sick from June 3 to 9, 1898. in line of duty; reduced to ranks Aug. 22,1898, R. 0. No. 67: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12. 1898.. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0. Taken sick Aug. 22, 1898, in line of duty; left in general hospital at Ft. Monroe Aug. 8. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State........... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days, Sept. 12 1898, G.. 180. C. S., A. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G. O...................................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... ecatur...... Decatur...... IUaj. Cabanis.....Decatur..... Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Decatur..... Springfield... gapt. Swift.......Decatur Springfield... lapt. Swif....... Decatur...... Springfield... 3apt, Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... Decatur..... 156 ADJUTANT GENERAL)S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. _. _~.- _-~ _~ _~ _-. _- _-~ _- _~~ i,.. Hopping, Charles C... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 Huffman, Grayville M. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Decatur.......... Hoffhein, Curtis H.... Hawkins, Solomon.... Harranff, Oscar B..... Private................. Private................... Private................... June 11,1898 May 9, 1898 June 29,1898 Decatur......... Decatur......... Camp Thomas, Ga............... May 7.1898 June 14,1898 May 9,1898 June 29.1898 Johnson, Oscar........ Private.....A........... Apr. 26,1898 Decatur.......... May 7,1898 Lanahan, M. C........ McDonald, Mark A.... Private................... Wagoner................. June 14,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Deeatur......... Decatur.......... June 14,1898 May 7,1898 Martin, Charles.......Private................... Ar. 251898 Decatur..........May 7,1898 Murphy, Alphonso.... Private................... pr. 26.1898 Decatur....... Ma 7,1898 Mikesell, Abraham L. Monroe. Charles H.... Magee, John E........ Marshall, Emery F.... Myers, Benson A...... Myers, William....... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1899 June 14,1898 Decatur......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur........ May 7, 1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 June 14.1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 157 MUSTERED IN. ---------— Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... ecatur..... Sprinafield... Capt. Swift....... Decatr..... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanls..... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Canmp Thomas. Ga. Capt. Penton..... Deeatur...... Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Decatur...... MaJ. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Sprngfield....Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5 76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the amount. $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued to him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898.. 0. 130, C.., A. G,................ Joined by transfer May 25, 1898. from Company D; in settlement for clothing is Included the amount, $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for two days Sept. 12,1898. 0. O. 180. C. S., A.. 0............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-In of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 80,1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G. O............... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12. 1898, 0. O. 180, C. S.. A......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, 0. 0. 130.C.S............................. Detailed in mule corral as wagoner from May 16 to Sept. 5, 1898; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum. $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180, C. 8., A. 0(. 0.; detailed in Q. M. department at Camp Lincoln from bept. 13 to 22, verbal order quartermaster of regiment.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. 180. C. S., A. 0.0....o.................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898, O. 0. 130, C. S., A. 0. O...................................~...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days. 0. 0. 130, C0.S., A. '. O......... No clothing issued him by the State: joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; furloughed Sept. 12, 1898, for 80 days. (. 0. Is0, C. S., A. O. 0....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 130. C. S.. A............... Joined and enrolled after muster.in of company; no clothing issued him by the State- furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 180, C. S., A. G. 0............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 180, C. S., A. 0.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G. O............. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanls..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... 158 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank.- ------ -__. When, Where. When. Newell. Francis....... Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 Pegram, Samuel M.... Rundell, H. L......... Rude. L. H............ Regner. John.......... Reeme. Josiah E...... Private................... Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Mar 7, 1898 May 7.1898, / May 7,1898 \ May 7, 1898 June 14.1898 May 7,1898 Steichen, George...... Private.............. jApr. 25,1898 Springfield........ May 7.1898 Smith, John........... Private................. Apr. 25,1898 Sprine field....... Scruiggs, R. Reeves... Shutter. John F....... Shaffer, Joseph H.... Seiberling, Earl F.... Stoggsdill, Albert M.. Stickle, Fred S........ Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 25,1898 25.1898 25, 1898 25.1898 Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur......... Decatur.......... Decatur.......... Decatur....... May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7 1898 May 7,1898 May 7, 1898 May 7.1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 14,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 159 MUSTERED IN. --— _ --- —- _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swat.ft......ecatur...... Springfield... Springfield... Spring:field.., Decatur..... Springfirld... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Maj. Cabanis..... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A..O........................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898, G.0. 130, C. S., A.G.O.. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76,the total value of articles Issued him by the State: detailed to hospital corps Aug. 22, 1898, R. 0. No. 71......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, (. 0. 130, C. S. A.G.O.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for two days Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 130 C. S,. G............ Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal June 21, 1898; reduced to ranks Aug. 22. 1898, R. 0. No. 67; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the totPl value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, G. 0.130.S.,A...................... Detailed to hospital corps May 7, 1898, verbal order regimental commander, same date; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in St. Vincent's hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn., from July 18 to 27 1898, in line of duty; sick in hospital at Springfield, Ill., from Sept. 8 to 12. 1898; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 180. C. S., A. G. 0.............. Detailed to hospital corps May 7, 1898, verbal order regimental commander, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898. G. O. 130, C. S., A. G. 0. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 daeys G. 0.130, U. S., A. G................ In the settlement for clothing i.s included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, G. O. 130. C S A. G. 0. Sick in hospital at Chickamaura, Ga., from July 2,1898, to Aug. 16. 1898, in line of duty; granted furlough from Aug. 21 to Sept 4. 1898. brigade commander Aug. 21, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. 0..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 89 days Sept. 12,1898. G. 0.130, C. S., A. G 0. Joined and eneolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; sick in Division hospital at Lexington, Ky., since Aug. 25,1898, in line of duty.... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur...... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Decatur.... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur...... Decatur..... 160 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When, Selp. Thomas.......... Private................... June 14.189 Decatur.......... June 14,1898 x Sheneman, Alonzo.... Travis. Edward....... Towne, Ralph......... Virgils, Charles...... Vance. Charles E..... Private.................. June 14,1898 2. 1828 Decatur......... Decatur.......... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private............... Apr. Apr. June May May ( 14, 1898 )! 7,1898 7.1893 14. 1898 25.1881 Decatur........... June 14,1898 June 14,189 Decatur.......... Decatur........... June June 14,1898 Wagy. John A.........Privte.............. pr. 25,1898 Decatur........... May 7.1898 Weakley. Israel J..... Webster. Eugene K... Private............... Apr. 26,1898 265,1898 Dscatur........... Decatur........... May May 7,1898 7,1898 Private.................. Apr. Wilson, Arthur D..... Private................... Ar. 251898 Decatur........... May 7,1898 Wise. Frank A........ Private................... Apr. Decatur........... May 7.1898 25,1898 Wekaman. John....... Zeiss. William J...... Deserted. Scott. William F...... Quain, William........ Died. Chiles, Harry....... Transferred. Brown. James T....... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. June 14,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Decatur.......... Decatur..... Decatur........... Decatur........... Decatur........... June 14.1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 May 7,1898 May 7.1898 Private................... June 1.1898 Decatur........... June.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 161 MUITEREBD IN. -Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Decatur...... I a. Cabanis..... Decatur..... Decatur....a. M;j. CbansiS..... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt Swift....... Decatur..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Deatur....... Decatur....... Maj. Cabani..... Decatur...... Decatur....... IM1a. Cabanis..... Decatur....... Springield... Capt. Swift.......Decatur....... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Decatur...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; sick in general hospital at Fortress Monroe since Aug. 7, 1898, In line of duty; furloughed from Sept, 16 to Oct. 16.1898, G. 0. 114, A.... same date..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothinr issued him by the State; furlougned for 80 days Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180, C. S., A. 0.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the tetal value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days Sept. 1, 1898, G. 0. 10, C. S., A.G. 0. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; taken sick at Lexington, Ky., Sept. 1,1898; removed to hospital at Springfield, Ill., Sept. 6,1898; taken to his home at Deoatur. Ill., Sept. 13, 1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12,188, G. 0. 180, C. S.,'A. G.O. Joinedd nd enrolled after muster-in of comny; no clothine was issued him by the tate; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12,1898. G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no elothing was issued him by the State: furlourhed for 80 days. Sept. 12,1898.. 10. S.. ~.. 0....................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, ths total value of articles Issued him by the State; sick in general hospital at Ft. Monroe from Aug. 10 to Aug. 19, inclusive. in line of duty; granted furlough from Aug. 19 to Sept. 17,1898, 0. 0.189. CS., A. 0.,......................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for a0 days. Sept. 12,1898. 0. 0. 10, C. 8.. A.G.O.. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898 G. 0. 10. C... A. G........................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum 65.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. 130, C. S., A. Q. 0......................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days, Sept. 13, 1898,. 0. 10, C. S.. A.. o ao................................. o.. o.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of compamy; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days. Sept. 12,1898, GO(. 180. 1 S, C. S. A. G. 0................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days, Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, a..S. A. G. 0.......................................... Deserted July 6,1898, at Camp Thomas. Ga.; not apprehended............................. Deserted July 28,1898, at Camp Thomas, Ga.; not apprehended...................... Died July 17,1898, of diffuse peritonitis, at Camp Thomas; has pay due from July 1 to July 17,1898; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State............ Transferred to Co. C. 5th Regiment. Regimental Order No. 13......................... Springfield.. Capt. Swit....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... IDeatur....... Decatur....... |Ma. Cabanls.....jDecatur....... SlPringfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... pringfield... Capt. Swift....... aPlace...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Decatur....... laj. Cabanis..... Decatur....... Vol. 3-11 162 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. Housum, William H..j Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Decatur........ May 7,198 Cassell, Louis B....... Shawl, Alfred D....... Duncan, George W.... Woodruff, Gilbert..... McQueen, James L.. Chenoweth, Bruce.... Private...........I. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 June 14.1891 May 8.1898 May 9.189F May 9.189E Apr. 25,189E Decatur........... Decatur.......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Decatur........ May 7.1898 June 14,1898 May 12.1898 May 12,1898 1 Private................... Bert Myreck........... Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898 Decatur........... May 12.1898 May 7.1898 May 7,1898 i FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- - -- -- When. Where. When. _.,... Edwin C. Vickery Ca ln........................ Apr. 25.1898Jaksonville.....Ma 5.1898 John H. McDonnell... lst Lieutenant............ Apr. 25.1898 Jacksonville..... May 5.1898 Samuel Hunt..........3d Lieutenant............r.Apr. 251898Jacksonville.....May 5.1898 Wesley R. James...... ll t Sergeant............. Apr. 25,189 Jackaonvillo,. May 6, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 163 MUITERED IN. -...... --...._ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Enrolled as private May 7,1898; transferred to Hospital Cerps and appointed Hospital Steward, Regimental Order No. 5, May 81, 1898............................................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur.... Transferred to Regimental Band, Order No. 53........................................ Decatur...... Maj. Cabanis..... Decatur...... Transferred to Regimental Band, Order No. 63........................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatr....... Transferred to Co. K. 5th Regiment, May 25. 1898............................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... Transferred to Co. K. 5th Regiment. May 25, 1898............................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Transferred to Co. K, 5th Regiment, May 25, 1898........................................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur....... Transferred to Hospital Corps May 81. 1898. Regimental Order No. 10; now in Porto Rico........................................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Decatur..... Enrolled as a private May 7.1898; appointed Corporal June 1,1898, R. C. O. 4, same date; detailed as Orderly to General Wilson, 1st Div., lst A. C.. and detached June 1.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; now In Porto Rico.......................................... COMPANY I. MU8STa:ED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... pt. Swift........Jacksonville.. Springfield... 0apt. Swift.......J acksonville. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Originally organized the company at Jacksonville. I1., April 25,1898; elected Captain April 25, 1898; mustered into United States service and commissioned May 5, 1898; present for duty with company since date of muster; absent with leave from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, inclusive, per G. 0,, A. G. 0. 1I0, S. 1898..................... Mustered in with the company and commission as 1st Lieutenant accepted May 6. 1898; absent without leave Aug.?4, 1898, to Aug. 28, 1898. (four days); in arrest Aug. 28,1898. to Sept. 9. inclusive; tried by general court martial Aug. 80, 1898; sentenced by court martial Aug. 0, 1898, to one week close confinement and forfeiture of all pay for same period; order approved by Gen. Sanger, G. O. 77 3d Div., 1st Army Corps, Sept. 8, 1898................................... Mustered in with the company as 2d Lieutenant and commission accepted May 5, 1898; under arrest Aug. 25, 1898, to Sept. 1, 1898, inclusive, (8 days); released and returned to duty Sept. 2, 1898: absent with leave 30 days from Sept. 12.1898. per G. O. A. G. O.. 180. S. 1898.......................... Sick in line of duty Aug. 12 to 16 1898, regimental hospital; absent, siek in general hospital. Ft. Monroe. Aug. 17 to 28, 1898, in line of duty: absent on furlough Aug. 23 to Sept. 11,1898, provision G. O. 114, C. S.. A. G. O. and furloughed from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O., A. G. O.. 130, S. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.06, total value of articles issued him by State; enrolled as lst Sergeant April 26, 1898.*e *. *........... Springileld... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville., 164 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ------ When. Where. When. Frank Finney........Q.. Sergeant........... Apr. 2,5.18S Jacksonvi........ Ma 5,1898 Edward E. Hlnrlchsen Sergeant.......o,.........Apr. 251898 Jckonvillo... May 5.1898 Clarence H. Mitchell.. Sergeant.................. Apr..618981Jackonville....May 6,1898 5,1898 Edward G. Schaub.... Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Jaksonville..... ay Percy G. Capps........ Sergeant................. Apr. 2.1898 Jacksonvlle..... May 5.1898 Bert A, Vanwinkle.... John S. Dobyns....... Clarence H. Wood.... Corporal.................. CorPoral................. Corporal.o.............. Apr. 26,1891 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.189S Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.. May May Jacksonville..... May 5.1898 5,1898 6,1898 6,1898 I 5 Charles F. Ehnic...... Corporal............. Apr. 25.1898 Jacksonville..... May JackBonville....* May Thomas E. Wakely... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 165 MUSThBED IN. - -- - c~Residence. Remarks. Wheire. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield...4.4I. I I( ( ( ( Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Capt. Swift........ Jacksonville.. Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Present with the company for duty from enlistment; enrolled as private; appointed Q. M. Sergeant April 26,1898, R. 0. No. 7, verbal order; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Detailed to accompany Private Sibert to Washington, D. C., June 13, 1898; returned June 18, 1898, S. 0. 188, Washington. D. C., June 13 1898; in the jettlement for clothina is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 81 days from Sept. 12 1898 per G. O. A. A. 0. No. 130, S. 1898; enrolled as Sergeant................................... Absent. sick in line of duty at 1st Division hospital July 16 to Aug.., 1898; furloughed Auf. 4 1898, to Sept. 4, 1898, inclusive, per 0.....'0., Aug. 1. 1898, G. 0. 114. S., A. G. O.. and 30 days from Sept. 1. 1898. per G. O., A. G. 0.. 130, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum $6.91, the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Serreant........ Sick in quarters June 29 to July 2.1898, in line of duty; enrolled as Sergeant; detailed as Provost Sergeant Aug. 28, 1898. to Sept. 2,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $$.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept, 12, 1898, 6. O.. A. G.1.. 0...1898........................ Sick in quarters June 4 to 7, 1898. and Aug. 21 to Sept. 15, in line of duty; furlourbed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898. per G. O. A. G. O., 180. S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 36.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Sergeant........................... Present with company for duty since enlistment; enrolled as Corporal; in settlement for clothinr is included the sum $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0., A. G. 0., 180. S. 188........ Present with company for duty since enlistment; furloughed for W0 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0... G.. 0., 1. S. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him by State; enrolled as Corporal......... Present with company from enlistment for duty; furloughed for 10 days following.Sept. 12, 1898, Q. 0., A. G. 0., 118. S; 1898. in the settlement for clothlng is included the sum of 6.04, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; enrolled as Corporal.......................................... Sick in quarters Aug. 30 to Sept. 4. 1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. A. G0. O.. 180, S. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6,08. total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Cororal......................................... Present with the company for duty since enlistment; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. per G. O.. A. G. O.. 180, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Corporal................................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jaksonville.. Spritgfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. 166 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- - - _ When. Where. When. Earl W.'Vikery...... Corporal.................. Apr. 25.1898Jacksonville.....May 6.1898 Pearl W. Campbell... Corporal.................Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... May.1898 26.1898 William E. Doane..... Corporal.................. Apr. Jacksonville.....]May 6,1898 John C. Patterson.... Harry Hussey......... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... May May 5.1898 5.1898 Charles E. Cole....... Corporal.................. Aprl 256.1898 Jacksonville..... May 65,1888 Percy M. Dodge...... Corporal................. April 25,1898 Jacksonville.... May 5,1898 Herbert S. Galley..... Mulsician................. April 25,1898 Jacksonville..... Ma 6,1808 Julian W. Hall....... Musician................. April 26,1898 Jacksonville.....May 5,1898 Angus Mutch.......... Artificer.....e.......... Apr. 26,1898 Jacksonville..... May 6.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 167 MUSTINBD IN..... — 1Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Sprincfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt, Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Present with the company for duty since enlistment; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O., A. G. 0.. 130, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.0&, the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Corporal................................. Present with the company for duty since enlistment; furloushed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per..,..,.... 130, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Corporal................................. Present with the company for duty since enlistment: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O.. A. G. O.. 130, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as Corporal............................... Present with the company for duty from enlistment; enrolled as Corporal; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O., A. G. 0., 180, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $604, the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal Aug. 1. 1898. per R. 0. No. 47. July 31, 1898; present with the company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. A. G... 180, S. 1898..................... Present with the company for duty from enlistment; enrolled a private; appointed Corporal Aug. 15. 1898, per R. O. No. 64, Aug. 15,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G..,. G, O., 8. 1898............... Present with company for duty since enlistment; enrolled a private; appointed Corporal Aug. 29,1898, per. R. 0. No. 92, Aug. 80,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O.. A. G. 0O., 130, S. 1898................... Sick in lst Div. hospital from June 4 to 5. 1898 in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per a. 0.. A. G. O., S. 1898; enrolled as musician........................... Transferred from Co. K. 5th 111. Vol. Inf., May 26,1898, per R. 0. No. 1; present with company from enlistment for duty; enrolled a private; appointed musician July 1, 1898, verbal R. O.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G. O., A. G. 0., 180, S. 1898.. Present with company for duty since enlistment: in settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O., A. (. O., S. 1898; enrolled as Artificer............ Springfield... 6apt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield....Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... ICapt. Swift...... [Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville. 168 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENIOLLID. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Chnas R. E. Hopkins., Wagoner................. Apr. 25, 18 Anderson, Arthur K.. Ancelo, George E..... Anton, Henry......... Barcroft, Lee W....... Barnes, Chancy S..... I Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Apr. Apr. June June Apr. 25,189E 26,1898 17,1898 16,1888 25,1898 Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville... Jacksonvllle..... 4 I J May 5.1898 May 5,1898 May 5,1898 June 17,1898 June 16 1898 Mayr,1898 Black, Robert K....... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... May 6,1898 I Christison, Robert B.. Cohenour. Ira S....... Cohenour, Vincent J.. Cox, Charles H........ I Private................... Private.......... Private................ Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. June 25,189 25. 1892 65,1898 17,1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... May May June 5,1898 5,1898 5.1898 17,1898 I FIFTH INFANTRY. 169 MUSTZRID IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Jacksonville Jacksonville Springfteld... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.... Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Lleut. Barber.... Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Llent. Barber.... Jacksonvile. Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Jacksonville. Absent, sick, in general hospital, Ft. Monroe. Aug. 9 to 26,1898. in line of duty; furloughed Aug. 26 to Sept. 2t. 1898, per 0. 0. 111, War Department, Aug. 9,1895; reported to company for duty Sept. 10, 1898; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, per G. O., A. G. O. 130, 8. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by State; appointed Wagoner July 1,1898, per R. O.......................... Present for duty with company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0.. A.. 0. 30, S. 1898................... Absent, sick, at St. Mary's hospital. East St. Louis, May 14, 1898, to June 8, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $.0& total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0, O.. A. G. 0. i0s. C. S., 1818................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick at 1st Division hospital July 9 to 17 1898, in line of duty: no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12. 198, G. 0., A. 0. 0. 180, C.. 18.................................... Absent, sick, in Ft. Monroe hospital since Aug. 14, 1898, In line of duty; joined and enrolled after mustqr-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the State...... Absent on furlough June 17 to 23.1898. authority Gen. Brooke, verbal regular order; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, G. O., A. G. O. C. S., 1898............................... Absent, sick, in Ft. Monroe general hospital since Aug. 8 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Aug. 27,1898, to Sept. 25, 0. 0. 114 A.. 0.. C. S.. 1898; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, 0. 0. 110, A. 0. 0.. C. S.. 1898...................... Present with company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; fur loughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. 0., A. G. O. 130, C. 8.. 1898....................... Present with company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.08, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. O.. A.. 0. 130, C. S., 1898................ Detailed Au. 22, 1898, for duty at regimental hespital, per R. 6. No. 71; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.51, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick to quarters Aug. 21.1898, and to Sd Division hospital Aug. 27, 1898. in line of duty; returned to duty Aug. 28, 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.. A. Q, 0.l0. C.. 189.................. prilngfoild...Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville. Springfield ICt. Sft...... ift Jacksonville. Springfield... Capt. Swift..... IJacksonville. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville. Jacksonville. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville. 170 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Dahman, Otto P.......Private...................IMay 9,1898Springfield.......May 9,1898 Dalrymple, Charles... Dewell, Ross R...... Duckles, Perry M..... Duer,John S.......... Elliott, Charles E..... Embree. Charles M... Gibbons. Wallace A... Private.................. Private.................. Private.............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville.... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... June 16.1898 May 6.1898 June May May June May 16,1898 6,1898 5.1898 17,1898 6, 1898 Gilmore, Alfred.......Private...................May 9.1898Springfield....... I May 9,1898 May 5,1898 I \ Gilpin, Hiram......... Private.............. Apr. 2. 25,1898Jacksonville.... FIFTH INFANTRY.. 171 MC'STERED IN. __-Where _ ByResidence. Remarks. Where. Bv whom. Sprinlfield... Capt. Switt....... Jacksonville. l.: I Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. I Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville. 6 Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville. Springfield. pt....Capt. Swift....Jacksonville. I Transferred from Co. D, 5th 111. Vol. Inf.. May 25, 1898, per R. 0. No. 1; sick in hospital June 14 to 18,1898. in line of duty: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $6.0s, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O.. A. G. 0., 180. C. S., 1898................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present for duty with company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept.. 12, 1898.,..., A.. 0, C. S., 1898........................................ Absent, sick to 1st Division hospital from June 28,1898. to July 10,1898; grantedlfurlough July 11,1898, to Sept. 10, 1898, Inclusive, per authority of E. C. Carter, Major and Surgeon, U.S.... G. O. 114, A. G. O., C, 5., 1898; reported for duty to company Sept. 10,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on duty as guard Sept. 11 to Oct. 11........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com pany; present for duty with company since enlistment- no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O.. A. G. 0., 180, C. S., 1898............................ Absent on detached service at Gen. Brook's headquarters since June 18. 1898. R. O.. verbal; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.17, total value of articles issued him by the State; descriptive list furnished.................. Present with the company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, G. O., A. G. O.. 180, C. 8., 1898..................... Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; present with company since enlistment for duty; no clothes were issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898,.. O. G.. 130. C. S., 1898....................................... Absent, sick in line of duty at Ft. Monroe hospital Aug. 11. 1898; furloughed Aug. 80, 1898, to Sept. 28, 1898, per G0. O. 114, C. S., A. 0G. O.; furlough extended to Oct. 11,1898, G. 0.. A. G. O.. 180, C. S., 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Transferred from Co. K, 6th III. Vol. Inf.; absent, sick to (per R. 0. 1, May 25,1898) 1st Division hospital July 18. 1898. to Aug. 18, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed from Ft. McPherson hospital Aug. 18 to Sept. 12,1898, per G. O. 114, C. S.. A.... 1898; returned to company for duty Sept. 8.1898. in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on guard at camp....... Absent, sick in 1st Division hospital June 28, 1898, to July 2, 1898, In line of duty; In settlement for clothing is included sum of $6.04. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O., A. G. O.. 130, S. 1898.......... Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. I Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. I Springfield... Oapt. Swift....... IJackonville.. I. I Springfield..!Capt. Swift....... Jackonville.. 172 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENRZOLLID. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Gilworth, Charles..... Green, James F........ Groves, Alvin H....... Hagel, George D...... Helliwell, Verner...... Henderson, Ellis E.... Henry, Lansng I...... Hill, Louis A........... Hntchinson, Fred M.. Private................. Private................... Private............... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 17.1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 17.1899 Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... June May June June May 15.1898 6,188 17,1898 17,1898 6.1898 May 5.1898 May 6. 1898 June 17,1898 May 6, 1898 James, Lloyd N.......Prvate.... A.........Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... May 6.186 James, Otho F......... Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville......May 6.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 173 MUSTBBED IN. --- IDResidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... IJacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber....[Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.....Jacksonville.. Springfeld... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 6. 0., A. G. O. 180, S. 1898........... Present with company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O.. A. Q. O., 130, S. 1898........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with company for duty from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O.. A. G. O., 130. C. 8., 1898........... -..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with company for duty from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O., A. G. O. 180, C. 3.. 1898...................................... Sick to quarters Sept. 2 to 8,1898. in line of duty; granted furlough Sept. 9 to Oct. 8, 1898, per G. 0. No. 114, C. S., A. G. 0.. 1898. and furlough extended to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. a. O., 1898- in the settlement for clothing is ineludeed the sum $6.04, the total value of clothing issued him by the State........................ Present for duty with company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept, 12,1898, per G. O.., A.. 0., 130, 0. 0S. 1898......................... Present for duty with company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04; the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. O.. A.. O., 180. C. S., 1898.................. Present for duty with company from enlistment; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept, 12,1898. per a..., A. G. O.. S. 1898.... Enrolled as a Corporal; absent without leave July 4. 1898. one day, and Aug. 20, 1898, one day; tried by Field Court Martial and sentenced to be reduced to the ranks and fined $1.00 for being absent without leave (fine paid August pay-roll); approved Aug. 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O., A. (. 0., 130, S. 1898........................ Enlisted as a private; appointed wagoner May 1.1898, verbal order: returned to company June 80 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. A. G. 0.. 130, S. 1898............:..... Present with the company from enlistment: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles iisued him by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, per G. O.. A. 0... 130. S. 1898. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift..... IJacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. 174 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Keemer. Harry W..... Private................... May 7,1898 Springfield....... MaY 7,1898 i Kirk, Charles F....... Kirby, Clement R..... Marshall, Albert E.... Martin, John L........ Miller, Allen T........ Milligan, Lawrence E. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.......... Apr. Apr. June June June July 25 1898 26,1898 17,1898 17,1898 16,1898 8,1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville...... Jacksonville...... Jacksonville...... Chlekamauga Park, Ga........ Springfield...... Ma 5, 1898 May,1898 June 17,1898 June 17.1898 June 16,1898 July 8,1898 May 7,1899 Mitchell, Alex L....... Private................... May 7,1898 Mitchell. Clinton E... Privat................... May 8.1898 Springfield..... Ma 8.1898 Montgomery, Fred M. Moore, Thomas E.... Private................... Private.................. June 17,1898 Apr, 25.1898 Jacksonville...... Jacksonville...... June 17,1898 Ma 65.1898 FI1VTH INFANTRY. 175 MUSTEBBZD IN. _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... lapt. Swift.......Jacksonville.. Springfleld... Capt. Swift.......Jacksonville.. Springfield... Iapt. Swift....... IJacksonville. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber....Jacksonville.. Jackrsonville.. Lleut. Barber.... IJacksonville.. Transferred from Co. K, 5th 1ll. Vol. lnf., per R. O, No. 1, May 25, 1898; sick to 1st Division hospital July 1 to 10,1898; furloughed from general hospital, Ft. Mcpherson. Ga., July 29,1898. to Sept. 25, 1898, G. O. 114, C. S.. A. G. O.: furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O., A. G. 0., 180, S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, total value of articles issued him by State.................. Present with company for duty from enlistment: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, per G. O., A. G. O., 130. S. 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State................................. Enlisted as Corporal; reduced to ranks per R. 0. No. 65, Aug. 9,1898: detailed to Gen. Grant's headquarters July 29,1898, R.V. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. total value of articles issued him by State.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0.. A. G. 0. 180, S. 1898......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present for duty with company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0, A. G. 0. 180, C. s. 1898.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with the company from enlistment; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O., A. G. 0.130, S. 1898......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with the company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0., A. G. 0. 180, S. 1898...... Transferred from Co. K, 5th Ill. Vol. Inf., R. 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898; present with compauy for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0., A. G. 0. 180, S. 1898........................................ Transferred from Co. K. 5th 111. Vol. Int. R. 0. No. 1, May 26.1898; absent without leave one day from Aug. 22.1898; tried by Field Court and fined $1.00 (fine paid August pay-roll) and five days labor, Aug. 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04 the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0., A. G. 0. 180, S. 1898................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present with the company for duty from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O., A. G. O. 180, S. 1898............................................ Present for duty with company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0., A. G. 0. 180, S. 1898................................. Chickamauga Park, Ga.... Capt. Fenton..... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... IJacksouville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Cat. Swift....... Jacksonville.. 176 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLID. Nam6. Rank. ------ --- When. Where. When. Moore. William W... Murgatroid, Richard.. Private................... Private.................. Juno 16,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Jacksolnvlle...... Jaekuonville...... June May 16.1898 5.1898 Mutch, James......... Private................... May 9,18981Springfield...... May 9, 1898 O'Connor, Edward.... Olroyd, John W....... Owen, Leroy P........ Perrings, Ge(ore A... Platt, Harry.......... Ray, John A........... Reed, Taylor.......... Private....*............. Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 25,1898 May 9, 1898 Jacksonvlle...... Jacksonville...... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Springfield....... May May May June May May May 6,1898 5,1898 5,189 16,1898 5,1898 5.1898 9,1898 Reid. John H......... Private................... June 17,1898 Jacksonville..... June 17,1898 I FIFTH INFANTRY. 177 MUSItERD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Jackfonville.. ILieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Sprinifield...lCapt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Sprlinfleld... Clapt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield.. Japt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the state; present with company from enlistment for duty: furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0.. A. Q. 9. 130. C. S. 1898................................ Absent sick in 8d Division hospital, 3d Division, slt Army Corps. Aug. 1. 1898, to Sept. 11, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12. 1898, per G. O.. A. G. 0. 180. S. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. total value of articles issued him by the State............ Transferred from Co. D, 5th 111. Vol. Inf., R, O. No. 1. Mlay 25 1898; absent sick in hospital 3d Division, 1st Army Corps, Ang. 3 to Sept. 11. 1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O., A. G. 0. 130, C. S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. total value of articles issued him by State..................................... Present with the company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.06 the total value of articles issued hif by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per. O., A. G.. 180 S. 1898................................ Present with company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothirn is included the sum 66.06. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0., A. G. 0. 130. C. S. 1898................................ Present with the company since enlistment for duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.. A. G. O., 130. S. 1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; present with the company for duty since enlistment: no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 13, 1898, 3. O.. A. G. O.. 130, C. S., 1898....................................... Present for duty with the company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of S5.79, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. O., A. G. O.. 130, C. S.. 1898................ Present for duty with the company since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, G. O.,.. 0. 180., C. S., 1898............... Transferred from Co. D. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; present with the company from enlistment for duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O., A. 0. O.. 130, 8. 1898.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sicf to general hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va.. Aug. 10, 1898, to Aua. 22, 1898. in line of duty; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Aug. 23, 1898, to Sept. 21. 1898, per G. 0. 114, C. S. A.. A..; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, G. 0. 180, C. S.. A. 0........................... Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Springfield'... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfleld... ICapt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Vol. 3-12 178 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. When. Where. When, Roberts, Samuel L.... Rogerson, Wm, L..... Private............... Private,............... Apr. 25,189t May 8, 189e Jacksonville..... Springfield....... May 6,1898 May 8,1898 K Rule, Wm. H.......... Private................... Apr. 25.15981Jacksonville..... May 5.1898 Sanford, Cloyd P...... Schafer. Albert J..... Schafer, Frank........ Seeger, Arthur L...... Seymour, Austin R... Seymour, Walter E.... Sibert, Walter V...... Spelman, Harley E.... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonvllle..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... May May May 6,1898 6,1898 6.1898 May 5,1898 May 6.1893 June 17,1898 May 6.1898 May 6,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 179 MUS'TEBRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield....Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... iJacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Present with the company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. O., A....... S.. 1898.................. Transferred from Co. K, 5th 111. Vol. Inf., per R. O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; absent, sick in field hospital, 3d Div., 1st Army Corps, since Aug. 27. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed from Sept. 5 to Oct. 4, 1898. per G. 0. lit. C. S., A. G. 0.; extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per 0. 0. 180, C. S., A. O. 0. Absent, sick in 1st Div. hospital July 16 to to 17,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 80 days from Sept., 1898, per S. O. No. 102, dated Lexington. Ky., Sept. 4,1898: sick in field hospital. 3d Div., 1st Army Corps, Aug. 81 to Sept. 4. 1898. In line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough extended to Oct. 11. 1898. 0. 130.,. G. O.. C. S., 1898............................................ Present with the company for duty from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on guard in camp.............................. Present with the company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 86.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept 12. 1898, G. O., A. 0. O., 130, S. 1898.................... Furloughed for four days from Sept. 8, 1898, inclusive, G. O.. 11t, C. S., A. G. 0.. 1898, and 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per 0. 0., A, G. 0.. 130. S. 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6,04, the total value of articles issued him by the State................................. Present for duty with company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0.. A. G. O.. 130, C. S.. 1898......................... Present for duty with company since enlist. ment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O.. A. G. 0., 180. S. 1898............................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present for duty with company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per G. O.. A. (. 0., 130. S. 1893...... Absent, sick at National Hospital for Insane, Washington. D. C., since June 12. 1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. total value of articles issued him by the State; descriptive list furnished................ Present with the company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O., A. G. O.. 130. S. 1898................................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield...I Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. ILieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield.... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. 180 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT, ENBOLLID. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Stevens, John W...... Stewart, Jchn H....... Stout, Harry M........ Thole, George R....... Tarbert. William S.... Watters, William J.... Ward, Clifford E...... Westrope, William A. Wilner, Theodore E... Wood, Charles....... Wood, Wilbur C....... Private....... aune 1i, l89lJacksonville.....June 16.1898 Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 16.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1895 Apr. 25.1898 Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... Jackrjt ville..... Jackeonville..... Jacksonville.... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville..... Jacksonville.... June 16,1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 June 17.1898 May 5,1898 June 17,1898 May 5.1898 May 5,1818 May 5,1898 May 5,1898 Woolen, Orran........ Private.................. A. r. 25,1898Jacksonville..... FIFTH INFANTRY. 181 MUSTERlD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Jacksonville.. L ieut. Barber.... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber... IJacksonville.. Sprinefield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift........Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift...... IJacksonville.. Jacksonville.. tleut. Barber... Jacksonville,. Joined and enrolled since muster-in of company; present with company for duty from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by the State' furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898,. 0. A. G.. 0., 130 S. 1898.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present for duty with company from enlistment; no clothing was Issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. G. 0., A. 0. 0., 130, S. 1898.... Enrolled as wagoner; returned to company June 10, 1898. V. R. O.; in settlement for clothing is included sum of $6.0,. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O.. A G. 00.. ISO. S. 1898..................... Present for duty with company since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included sum $6.01, total value of articles ssued him by State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per. 0., A. G. 0., S. 1898............................................ Present with company from enlistment for duty; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 30 days following Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0..,A. G. 0.. 180, S. 1898......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comr pany; absent without leave one day from Aug. 22,1898; tried bW field Court and fined 1S.00 and five days labor, Aug. 26, 1S8; no clothing was issued him by State; furnoughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. per G.O., A.. 130, S. 10, 898; fine paid on August pay-roll.............................. Present for duty with the company from enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O., A. G. O., 180, S. 1898....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; present for duty with company from enlistment; no clothing was issued him by State, furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 4. O.. A. G. O., 18. S. 1898............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O.. A. G. O. 180, S. 1898............................................ Present with company for duty since enlistment; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.u. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, per (. O., A. G. O. 130, S. 1898....................... Present for duty with company since enlistment; in settlement for clothing is included sum of $6 01, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 13,1898. per G. O.. A,. O. 130, S. 1898.................................... Absent, sick in Ft. Monroe general hospital since Aug. 18,1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included sum of $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State.......................................... Springfield...Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Lieut. Barber....Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swif...... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Springfield... S]ringfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Capt Swift....... Jacksonville.. 182 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where, When. I I Worthington, Robert. Private................... May 9,189 Springfield......... May 9,1898 Discharged. Claud Unger.......... Corporal.................. I. Apr. 26,1891 8 Jacksonville..... May 6,1898 Kreider, Edmund C... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... ay,1898 I I Sibert, Walter......... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... May 5.1898 Transferred. Disbron, Frank W.... Drews, Charles........ Horn, Charles E....... Lynch, John S........ Reynolds, John B..... Sandereon, Charles R. Saffer, Fred L......... Shirler, Vide.......... Trenkle, Jacob W..... Wood, Frank P........ Mlchelea Julian T.... Cratz, Bertle A....... Private................ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private.................. Private................... l. May 6,1898 May 5,189% May 5,1888 May 5. 1898 May 5.1898 May 11,1898 May 6,1898 May 6,1898 May 11,1898 May 561898 May 6.1898 May 9.1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... May 56,1898 May 5,1898 May 6,1898 May 6.1898 May 6.1898 May 11,1898 ay 6, 1898 May 5,1898 May 11.1898 May 5,1898 May 5,1898 May 9,1898 Morrison. James 0.... Private........A...........pr. 25,1898 Jacksonville..... May 5,1898 Carrlel. Howard T.... Private.................. Apr. 26,198 Jacksonville..... May 6.1898. -. FIFTH INFANTRY. 183 MUSTEEBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinrfield... [Capt. Swift.......Jacksonville.. Sprinlfield....Capt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Jacksonville.. Sprinagfeld... ICapt. Swift...... Jacksonville.. Springfield... Springfield,.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift....... Delavan...... Newatraddle.. Mason Co..... Mason Co..... Mason Co..... Delavan...... Mason City... Logan Co..... Menard Co.... Hopedale...... Christian Co.. Chapin........ Jacksonville.. Transferred from Co. D. 5th 111 Vol. Inf., Reg. Order No. 1. May 25, 1898; absent, sick in 3d Division hospital, 3d Division, lst Army Corps, Aug. 27 to Sept. 5, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed five days from Sept. 6, G. O. 114. C. S.,. G. O., and 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0., A. G. 0. 180. S. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value articles issued him by State............. Discharged July 17, 1898, on authority of Major General Brooke, third wrapper, third endorsement of certificate of disability, dated Camp Thomas, Ga.. July 17. 1898; discharge and final statements given; cause of disability, chronic intestinal indigestion; in settlement for clothing is included sum ot $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State; his clothing allowance was not paid on final settlement.. Discharged by telograph favor. A. 0. H. C. Corbln, July 25, 1898, Special Order No. 178, July 26, 1898............................ Discharged at Washington, D. C., Oct. 1, 1898. on Surgeon's certificate of disability on account of insanity, by A. G. 0.; service honest and faithful................... Transferred to Co. K. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., May 25,1898, per Reg. Order No. 1,............... Transferred to Co. K, 6th 111. Vol. Inf., May 25. 1898. per Reg. Order No. 1................ Transferred to Co. K, 5th Ill. Vol. Inf., May 25,1898, per Reg. Order No. 1............. Transferred to Co. K. 6th ill. Vol. Inf., May 25.1898. per Reg. Order No. 1................ Transferred to Co. K, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., May 26,1898, per Reg. Order No. 1................ Transferred to Co. K, 5th 111. Vol. Inf., May 265 1898, per Reg. Order No. 1............... Transferred to Co. K, 5th Ill. Vol. Inf., May 26,1898, per Reg. Order No. 1............... Transferred to Co. K. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf, May 25, 1898, per Reg. Order No. 1............ 'Transferred to Co. K, 5th 111. Vol. Inf., May 265.1898. per Reg. Order No. 1................ Transferred to Co. K. 5th 111. Vol. Inf. May 25, 1898, per Reg. Order No. 1.............. Transferred to Co. B, 6th 11. Vol. Inf., May 26, 1898 per Reg. Order No. 1............. Transferred from Co. D. 5th Ill. Vol. Inf., per Reg. Order No. 1. May 26,1898; transferred to band Aug. 1., 1898, R. O. 53. order Colonel Culver, same date; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State...... Absent, sick in Ft. Monroe hospital since Aug. 14, 1898, In line of duty; transferred to band same date, B. 0. 63. by order of Colonel Culver; In settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.0&. total value of articles issued him by State; descriptive list furnished................................ Absent with leave June 10 to 19,1898, inclusive, to go home for recruits; transferred to band Aug. 14,1898, R. 0. 63, order of Colonel Culver; in settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, total value of articles issued him by State.................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Jacksonville.. 184 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED, Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. James E. Watkins.... Clarence H. Ball...... William T. Dickson... Captain................... let Lieutonant............ 3d Lieutenant............ Apr. Apr. Apr. 2, 1898J 25,1898 25.1898 Dolavn.......... Delavan......... Dolavan.......... May May Maf 9,1898 9.1898 8,1898 8.1898 \ John T. Hufty.......... lt Serreant.............. pr. 25,1898 Delavan.,......... Ma George Pawson....... 1Q, M. Seraeant........... Apr. 256,1898 Delaran.........May 8.1898 Joseph Twohig........ jSergeant................. Apr. 26,1898 Delavan.......... ay 8.1898 Benjamin Tomlln.....Sergeant................. Apr. 25.1898 Delavan.......... May 8.189 William H. Laing..... Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 Charles Drewe...... ergeant.................. Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 Harry M. Jennings.... Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 William E. Mlekle..... Corporal.................. Apr. 26, 1BSB Delavan.......... May 8.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 185 OI1PANY K. MUSTERED IN. 1-...Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Sprinflield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... ( Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Delavan..... Delavan...... Delavan...... Capt. Roberts....IDelavan...... I Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... I Capt. Roberts.... lelavan..... Commissioned as Captain of Co. K, 6th 1. V. 1.. May 9.1898................ Commissioned let Lieutenant of Co. K 65th Reg.. 1. V. I.. May 9.1898..................... Commissioned 3d Lieutenant of Co. K, 6th Reg., 1. V. I., May 9,1898; absent with leave from July 80 to Aug. 7,1898.................. Appointed let Sergeant of Co. K, 6th I. V. I., C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. 6th Inf.. May 26. 1898; transferred from Co. D, 6th I. V. 1.. per Order No. 1, May 25.18S8; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum 86,01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, (.. 1.. 130,. S.. A......... Appointed Co. Q. M. Sergeant of Co, K, 6th 1. V. I., C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. 6th I. V. I., May 26,1898; transferred from Co. E. 6th I.V. I, per Order No. 1, May 25.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 10, C. 8., A. O............ Appointed Sergeant of Co. K. 6th I. V. I., C. R. 0., Hdqrs. 6th I. V. I., May 26,1898; transferred from Co. D, 6th I V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25,1898; sick in field hospital, Camp Thomas, Ga.. from Aug. 13 to Aur. 18,1898. in line of duty; sent to hosital at Fort Monroe, Va., Aug. 18,1898, in line of duty; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State........ Appointed Sergeant of Co. K, 6th I. V. I., C. R. O. 3, Hdqrs. 6th I. V, I., May 26. 1898; transferred from Co. D, 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G................. Appointed Sergeant of Co. K. 6th I. V. I.. C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. 6th I. V. 1., May 26. 1898; transferred from Co. D, 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1. May 25,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.130, C. S., A.. 0................ Appointed Sergeant of Co. K, 5th I. V. I., C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. th I. V. I., May 26. 1898; transferred from Co. I, 6th I. V. I., per Order No. 1. May 25,1898; in line of duty sent to the division hospital at Camp Hamilton, Ky. Aug. 30.1898; In the settlement of clothing is included sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State.. Enrolled as Corporal of Co. K. 6th I. V. I.. May 8.1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlourhed 80 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. O. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.......................... Enrolled as Corporal of Co. K, 5th I. V. I., May 8,1898; sent to refimental hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga.. June 1,1898; transferred to division hospital June. 1898; returned to duty June 19.1898; sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 17, 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement forclothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Springfield.. Capt. Roberts....IDelavan...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Green Valley. Springfield... Capt. Roberts....I elavan...... l Sprlngfield... Japt. Roberts.....Emden....... 186 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. When. Were. When. Warner Sunderland... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 Harvey D. Patton..... Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... May 8,1898 William M. Mehan.... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Delavan.......... May Frank W. Disbrow.... Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... lay Nide Shivlar..........Corporal.............. Apr. 251898 Delavan..........May 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8.1898 Albert Mayer.......... Corporal.................. Apr. 25,18981 Delavan May Franklin C. Munger.. Corporal................Apr. 25,1898Delavan.......... May Charles R. Sanderson. Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Delayan.......... May 8,1898 Wm. W. Coddington.. Corporal.................Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... a 8.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 187 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield....Capt. Roberts... Springfleld... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I1 l I 1 I I Mason City.. Delavan.... Delavan..... Delavan..... Miason City.., I I Transferred from Co. D, 6th I. V. I., per Order No. 1. May 25, 1898; appointed Corporal of Co.K, 6th I. V. I.. R. O. 3. Hdqrs, 6th I. V. I.. May 26.1898; sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga.. June 4,1898, in line of duty: returned to duty June 15, 1898; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days, from Sept. 13,1898, G. 0. 130, C. B., A. GA. O..,..e................ Transferred from Co. D, 5th 1. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898; appointed Corporal of Co. K. 5th I. V. I., C. R. O. 3, Hdqra. 6th 1. V. I., May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. 0 1, C. S..1 C. S. A.................. Transferred from Co. D, 5th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 26.1898; appointed Corporal Co. K, 6th I. V. I. C. I. O. 3, Hdqrs. May 26. 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlounhed 30 days ftom Sert. 12,1898, G. 0. 130. C.S., A.. o........................... Transferred from Co. 1, 6th i. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898; appointed Corporal Co. K, 6th I. V. I., C. R. O 3, Hdqrs. 6th I.V.I., May 26,1898; in the settlement for clothlrg is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A............................. Transferred from Co. I, 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 26, 1898; appointed Corporal Co. K, 6th 1. V. I., C. R. 0. 3, Hdqrs. 6th LV.L., May 26, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days front Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S., A. G. O........................... Appointed Corporal Co. K. 5th 1. V. I., C. R. 0. 3. Hdqrs. 5th I. V. I, May 26, 1898; sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 17.1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; G. O. 180. C. S., A.. O.................... Transferred from Co. B, 5th I. V. I.. per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898; appointed Corporal Co. K, Sth I. V. I. C. R. 0. 3, Hdqrs. May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlou hed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S., A.......................... Transferred from Co. I, 5th I. V. I., per 0. No. I. May 26,1898; appointed Corporal Co. K. 5th I. V. I., C.. 0. 3, Hdqrs. May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothlrg is Ineluded the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. O........................ Transferred from Co. F. 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898; appointed Corporal Co. K, 6th I. V.., C. R. 0. 3, Hdqrs. 6th IV.I., May 26, 1898; sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., Aue. 16, 1898, in line of duty; returned to duty.......... 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furlouclhed 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. 0. 130, C..., A. G. 0..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... New Holland. Springfield...jCapt. Roberts.... )elavan..... S1ringfield... Capt. Roberts.... )elavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... )elavan...... 188 ADJUTANT GENERALS REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Charles M. Nolder.... Corporal................. Apr. 2l 1898 Delavan.......... May 8,1898 May 8.1898 John P. Mangold...... Musician................Apr. p251898 Delavan......... Charles Hoover.......Musician............... Apr. 256.1898Delavan.......... May 8,1898 Millard F. Quigley.... Artificer.................. Apr. 25,1898l Delavan...........May 8.1898 William P. Kinser....Waoner............... r. 26,1898Delavan..........ay 8,1898 Ballard. William L... Private................... May 8.1898prinfield....... May 8.1898 Beal, William......... Butler, Edgar......... Buchanan, Wade E... Bryan, James H...... Bowlos. Lee M........ Private............. Private................... Private................... Private............... Private............ June &pr. June June Apr. 14,1898 2651898 17,1896 17,189 25,1898 Springfield....... Delavan.......... Springfeld....... Delavan......... June 14, 189 May 6.1888 June 17.1898 June 17,1898 May 8,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 189 MUStTXIlD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... ( I I Capt. Roberts.... New Holland. Delavan...... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberta... IDelavan..... Capt. Roberts.... jDelavan...... Springgld... Capt. Roberts.... Knoblick, Ky. Joined and enrolled after muster-In of company; appointed Corporal Co. K,6th I.V.I., C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. 6th I. V. I.. May 26.1898; from duty to sick in hospital July 5, 1898, In line of duty; returned to duty Aug. 27, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is 'neluded the sum 6.04, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept, 12, 1898, G. O. 130, C. S. A. G o..................................... Appointed Musician of Co. K, 5th I. V. I., C. R. 0. 8, Hdqrs. 5th 1. V. I., May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 89 days from Sept 12,1898, 0. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0...... Transferred from Co. B. 6th I. V. I. per 0, No. 1. May 25. 1898; appointed Musician of Co. K. 5th I. V. I., C. R, 0. 3, Hdqrs. 5th 1. V. 1., May 26. 1898; sick in quarters June 6 to June 19, 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 1, 1898. G. 0.180. C. S.. A. G...... Transferred from Co. B, 5th I. V. I. per O. No. 1. May 25, 1898; appointed artifier Co. K, I. V. I.. C. R. O., 3d Hdqrs., 6th I. V. I., May 26, 1898; sick in quarters from June 24 to July 4,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0&, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 180, C. S.. A. 0......................................... Transferred from Co. E. 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898; appointed wagoner Co. K. 5th I. V. I., C. R. O., 8d Hdqrs., May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed camp guard.............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. 130. C. S., A. O. 0.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 4. 0. 130. C. S.* A. 0. O............... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. O....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was Issued to him by the State; furlouehed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S... O................ Transfereed from Co. D, 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898; sent to Protestant Infirmary, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 21, 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... jGreenview... Delavan...... Aleut. Ball....... Hopedale..... Springfeeld... Japt. Roberts.... Mason City... Delavan.....,leut. Ball..... Lincoln...... Delavan...... Aieut. Ball....... Blood......... Springfield... I Capt. Roberts..., Emden........ 190 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ENLWhen. Where. When. Campbell. Lous E.... Private................... Apr. 25.19 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 Coleman. Sherman.... Private.............M..... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8.1898 Conroy, Harry......... Chaplin, Isaac......... Christmann, Xylpho O Private................... Private.................. Private................... June 14,1891 June 17.189 Apr. 25.1898 Springfield...... Sprinrfleld....... Oelavan.......... June 14.1898 June 17,1898 May 8, 1898 Davidson. John....... Private...................Apr. 25.1898 Delavan.......... May 8,1898 Duncan, George....... Duncan. Jas. R........ Private................... Private.................. May Apr. I 8,1891 25.1898 S-prlngfeld...... Delavan.......... May 8,1898 May 8, 1898 Ewers John T......... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Delavan.......... May 8,1898 Francis, George....... Flenniken, John M.... Private................... Private................... May 8.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Springfield....... Delavan........ Delavan.......... May 8, 1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 Fitschen, John........ Private................. Apr. 25.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 191 MUSTERIED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... EdmuntonKy Delavan...... Lleut. Ball....... Mason City... Delavan...... Lieut. Ball...... Pearl......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mt. Pulaski... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I Delavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Gibson....... Transferred from Co. B. 5th I. V. I., per O. No. 1. May 25,1898; on furlough from Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, 1898, at Stoutsville. Mo.; tried by Field Court Aug. 26,1898, absent without leave and sentenced to five days' hard labor and to forfeit $1.00 of his paid; paid; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G O. 130. C. S., A. a. o.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed as camp guard at Camp Lincoln Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-In of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0.180, C. S., A. G. 0............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State: furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G, 0. 130, C... A. G. 0............. Transferred from Co. E. 6th 1. V. I., 0. No. 1. May 25. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $604, the total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 130, C. S., A. G. O................ Transferred from Co. E, 6th I. V. l., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. O. 130, C. S., A. 0. 0................ in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 130. C. S., A..,..................................... Transferred from Co. B. 5th 111. Vol. Inf.. per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898: sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga.. June 18,1898, in line of duty; returned to duty July 9, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of —, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180. C. b.. A. 0. 0................... Detailed to regimental nand, Aug. 8,1898, R. O. No. 63; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, 0. O. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0.................... Sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 8, 1898, not in line of duty; overpaid $16.69, July 18,1898.......................... Transferred from Co. B. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga., June 15, 1898. in line of duty; returned to duty July 9,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. O. 180, C. 3.. A. G. 0.................. Transferred from Co. P. 6th 111. Vol. Inf., May 26, 1898. per O. No. 1; sent to field hospital Sept. 8, 1898; transferred to City hospital at Springfield. Ill., Sept. 10, 11898, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monroe City. Mo.......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Hartsburg.... 192 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. EXROLLID. Name. Rank. hn Wh. When. Where. When. Floyd. Brace 0........ Hamilton, Harry H... Hardy. Troy E........ Hendersoa, Robert E. Howard. Samuel L.... Hodeon, Leslie........ Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... June 14.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 11.1898 May 7.1868 May 7.1898 Apr. 36.1898 Springfield....... Delavan.......... Springfield...... Springfeld....... Springfield...... Delavan.......... June May June May May May 14,1898 8,1898 14,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 Horn, Charles E....... Private................... Apr. 25. l898DeIavan.......... May 81898 Hoffman. Isaac T..... Hurst, Frank.......... Hubbard, Lewis A.... Jenike, Fred A....... Kunce, Laurel R....... Kilby, Frank L....... LaBee, Frank R....... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................... Apr. 25,1898 May 7,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Delavan........ Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Delavan.......... Delavan Delavan.......... Delavan.......... May 8.1898 May 8,1898 June 14,1898 June 14.1898 May 8,1898 May 8, 1898 May 8, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 193 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Delavan.....Lieut. Ball....... Emden........ Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Delavan...... Lient. Ball....... Delavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... New Holland. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Rockbrldge.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A......... Transferred from Co. B, 6th. 111. Vol. Inf., per 0. No. 1, May 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. O.... Sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 8, 1898, in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of company........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12.1898, ). 0. No. 130, C. S., A..................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 86.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A........................................... Sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga., June 8, 1898, in line of duty; returned to duty June 16,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; transferred from Co. D, 6th 11l. Vol. Inf.. at Springfield. 11.. per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898.. Transferred from Co. I, 6th 111. Vol. lnf., er O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; sick in quarters from June 6 to June 16. 1898. in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlougbed for 80 days. from Sept. 12,1898. G. 0.130. C. S.. A........................... Transferred from Co. B, 6th 11i. Vol. Inf., per 0. No. 1, May 25 1898; in the settlement for clothing 1 included the sum of 56.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furlonghed for 30 days from Sept. 12.1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. 0. 0...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. o........................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-In of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898............................................ Detailed as camp guard at Camp Lincoln Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898; no clothing issued him by the State............................ Transferred from Co. B. 5th 111. Vol. Inf., order No. 1, May 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898, 0. 0 130. C. S., A. A................. On detached service as clerk with 5th Brig.. 1st Div., let Army Corps, July 4, 1898. at Camp Thomas. Ga......................... Transferred from Co. B. 6th 111. Vol. Inf., per order No. 1. May 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. 180. C. S. A. 0. 0............ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield,.. Capt. Roberts.... Middletown.. Delavant...... Lieut. Ball...... Lincoln...... Delavan...... ILieut. Ball....... Batavia. O.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Delavan...... Vol. 3-13 194 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. LaBee, Walter 8...... LaBee, Victor......... Leader, Otto........... Lowe. Joseph.......... Lynch, John 8......... Mahan, Virgil......... Montgomery, Walter.. Montgomery, Joseph.. Morris, Francis F..... McCabe, John H....... McDannold,MaIcolmR McQaeen, James L... McLemore, Robert J.. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................ Private................. Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... June Apr. May 14,1898 25.1898 8,1898 May 7,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 8.1898 June 14,1898 May 8.1895 Apr. 26,189E Apr. 25,1895 Apr. 25,189E May 8,189I June 16.1898 Springfield....... Delavan.......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Delavan.......... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Delavan......... Delavan......... Delavan.......... Springfield....... Springfield....... June 1,.1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 June 14,1898 May 8,1898 May 8.1898 May 8.1898 May 8.1898 May 8.1898 June 14,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 195 MUSTSRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Delavan...... Leut. Ball....... Delavan...... Sprlngfleld... Capt. Roberts.... IDelavan...... Sprlngfleld.. ICapt. Roberts.... &Armlngton... Springfield... [Capt. Roberts.... [Greenview.... Spriagfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Corton, Ky... Delavan......I Leut. Ball....... [Greenview.... No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.130, C,............................. Transferred from Co. B. 6th 111. Vol. Inf., per order No. 1, May 25, 1898; sent to hosital at Ft. Monroe. Va.., Aug. 17. 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Sent to field hospital at Camp Thomas. Ga., July 12.1898; transferred to division hospital July 16,1898, in line of duty; returned to sick in quarters July 22; sent to hospital Ft. Monroe. Va., Aug. 8,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Transferred from Co. B, 6th 1. V. I. per O. No. 1, May 25,1898: absent on detached service as teamster with 3d Brig., 1st Div., 1st Army Corps, since July 4,1898, per verbal order, CamP Thomas Ga................... Transferred from Co. 1, 5th I. V. I.. per O. No. I May 25. 1898; in the settlement for clothlni is included the sum $604. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G.. 130, C. S., A. 0............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S.. A.. O....................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 130. C.A... A............... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 0.4 the total value of articles Issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898. G. 0. 130, C. S., A. t. 0................................... Transferred from Co. B. 6th 1. V. I.. per 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $604, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12. 1898. G..130, C. S.. A. G. O................ Transferred from Co.F, Sth I.V.I., per 0. No. 1. May 25,1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A.. O................ Transferred from Co. B. 6th 1. V. I.. May 25. 1898. per O. No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlnouhed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. O................ Detailed to regimental band Aug. 6,1898. R. O. No. 63; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlonghed' 30 days from tept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A.. 0............................ Transferred from Co. H, 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. O. 130, C. S., A.. 0....................................... Sprinvgfield... Capt. Roberts.... Greenview.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... San Jose...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Springrfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Chicago...... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Delavan...... leut. Ball........ Mason City... 196 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------ ----- When. Where. When. Peet. Harry C......... Propst, Cassius....... Pratt, Frank.......... Quigley, Hayes........ Reynolds. John B..... Reid, Robert B........ Private................... Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 May 7.1898 May 8.1898 Delavan......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Sorinflield....... Delavan........ I May May May June May May 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 14,1898 8,1898 8,1898 June May Apr. 1, 1898 8,1898 25, 1898 Robinson, Felix...... Private................. May 8,1898 Sprinflield....... May 8.1898 SanderBon, Roy....... Saffer, Fred L......... Sikes. Reason A....... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. June 14,1898 Apr, 25,1898 Apr. 25,189S SDrngfieldd....... Delavan......... Delavan.......... June May May 14,1888 8,1898 8.1898 8ilvey, Luke C........ Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Delavan.......... May 8,1898 Simpson, Charles H.. Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Delavan.......... May 81898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 197 MUSTBEBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Sprnlgfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Glreenview... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Delavan...... Lieut. Ball.......Delavan...... Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur..... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Whitewood. Ky.......... Transferred from Co. B. 6th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1, May 26, 1898; sent to hospital at Ft, Monroe, Va., Aug. 8,1898. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum S6.0t. the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from dept. 12, 1898, Q. 0. 180, C.., A........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898,. 0. 1. 0, C. S., A. 0. O.; transferred from Co. C. 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, l. per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State' furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898,.0.. 1300,C. S., A. G.0.............. In arrest at Springfield, Ill., by civil authorities for bigamy since Sept. 7, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; transferred from Co. I, 5th I. V. 1.. per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898...... Transferred from Co. B. Sth I. V.., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 26, 1898; sent to Division hospital Camp Thomas. Ga., June 7, 1898, In line of duty; returned to duty June 16, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898. G. 0. 10. C. S.. A. G. 0............... Transferred from Co. B. 6th I. V. I.. per 0. No. 1, May 26. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from.Sept. 12,1898, G.O. 130. CS..A........................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 13, 1898. (l. O. 13O, C. 8.. A.. 0................ Transferred from Co. 1, 5th I. V. I., per 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898; sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., Aug. 7. 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State................ Transferred from Co. B. 6th I. V. I. per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898; tried by F... Aug. 23.1898. for drunk and disorderly conduct' found guilty and sentenced to 10 days' hard labor and $1.00 fine; paid; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept, 12.1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A.. 0...... Transferred from Co. B, 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.0, the total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, C. S., A.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 130, U. S.. A, G.O..................................... Delavan...... leut. Ball......Delavan..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... -Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Emden........ 198 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Smith Guy R.......... Private.................. May 8.1898 Delavan.......... May 8.1898 Sherwood, William... Sherwood. Thadeus... Schenck. Fred......... Snyder, Edgar....... Sebastian, Bluford.... Storms, Joseph........ Swau, Waltetr......... Tear, James C......... Tomlin, William E.... Frenkle, Jacob W..... Unger, John.......... VanLandineham, C... Willson, Omar........ Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.,.............. Private................... Private............. Private................... Private............ Private.................. June I,.1898 June 14.1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,1898 June 14,189S Apr. 25.1898 Apr. Apr. May May May May 25.1898 25,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 8,1898 Springfield....... Springfield..... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield..... Delavan......... Delavan.......... Delavan.......... Springfield...... Springfield...... Springfield...... Springfield....... May 8,1898 May 28,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 June June June June June June May 14,1898 14.1898 14,1898 14.1898 14,1898 14,1898 8.1898 May May 8,1898 8,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 199 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hopedale..... Delavan...... Lieut. Ball....... Hartsburg... Lieut. Ball....... Delavan...... Hartsburg.... Delavan...... Lieut. Ball....... Lincoln...... Delavan...... Lieut. Ball....... Emden........ Delavan...... Lieut. Ball Tatersole, Ky, Delavan......Lieut. Ball....... St. Louis. Mo. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... I Augusta, Ind. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....Delavan..... Sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga., June 7. 1898. in line of duty; returned to duty June 26, 1898; sent to hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 7, 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Transferred from Co. B. 5th I. V. I.. per Order No. 1 May 25, 1898; no clothing was issued by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, 0. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0. No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. O. 130, C. 8.. A. G. O........................ Sent to division hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga., July 29,1898. in line of duty; returned to duty Aug. 2. 1898: no clothing was issued to him by the St te; furloughed 30 days from Sept.112, 1898, G. 0. 130. C. S.. A. 0. 0.o.................................. No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898, G. 0. 30. C. S., A.. 0......................... No clothing was issued to him by the State. No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.130,C.S., A.G.O........................ Transferred from Co. 1, 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25,1898; sick in field hospital at Camp Thomas, ia.. June 9. 1893. in line of duty; returned to duty June 13, 1898; in the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum. $6 04. the total value of articles Issued to him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, (. 0. 130, C. S.. A (. 0........................... Transferred from Co. B, 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898,. 0. 130. C. S.. A 0................ Transferred from Co. H. 5th I. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 25,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. O. 130,. S., A. G. 0................ Transferred from Co. I, 5th 1. V. I., per Order No. 1, May 26.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6 04, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, 0. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. 0............... Sick In field hospital at Camp Lincoln Sept. 6, 1898, in line of duty: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 9.1898. G. 0. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; transferred from Co. C, 5th 1. V. I.. at Springfield. Ill., per Order No. 1. May 25, 1898.................... Absent on detached service as teamster with 3d Brigade, Hdqrs. 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, per Order No. 1, Camp Thomas, Ga............................ Sick in quarters from June 10 to June 21. 1898, in line of duty; tried by F. 0.. Aug. 31, 1898, for absence without leave; guilty; sentenced to five days' hard labor and to forfeit $2.00 of his pay; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.130, C. S.. A..O............... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Delavan...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... New Holland. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Manito........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bethany, Ky.. 200 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Wilson, George W.... 1Private n.... e 1,88pringfield....... June 14.1898 Williams, Edward.... Private.................., I 26,1898 Apr. Delavan.......... May Wleeman, Vance E... rivat................... Apr. 25,1898 Delavan May i 8,1898 8.1889 8.1886 Watkins. Oliver P.... Private................... Apr. 25.188 Delavan.......... May I Wood. James T........ Private................... June 14.1898 Springfield...... June I Wood, Prank R........ Private............. Apr. 26,1898 Delavan.......... May 14.1899 8,1898 8,1898 8. 1898 Woodruff, Gilbert J... Private................... May 8,1898 Springfeld....... May Yardley. Joseph...... Private.................. Ma 8.1898 Springfield....... May -` — I YouD, Harry B....... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Delavan......... Mar 8,1898 Transferred. Wettlg, Paul R........ r *^ ',w Pannon, Stephen...... Bogardus, Henry O... Bair, Charles H....... Boone. Frank.......... 'Bringman. Louis..... Claywell, Joseph H... Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 I Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................ Private................. Private.............. I I I I May 9,189f May 9.189E May 9,1898 May 8,1898 May 8,1898 May 8.189f Springfield....... Sprinufield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... May May May May May May 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 8,1898 8.1898 I FIFTH INFANTRY. 201 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Delavan.... Sprinfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Delavan..... Springfield....4I.1I.4I.4I. I ~I. ( ( Capt. Roberts.... Heyworth.... Capt. Roberts.:.. Delavan...... Lieut. Ball....... Armington... Lleut. Ball....... Natrona...... Capt. Roberts..... Delavan...... Col. Roberts..... Hopedale..... Transferred from Co. A. 5th I. V. I., per O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State: furloughed 80days from Sept. 12, 1898, L. 0. 180. C. S., A. G. 0..................................... Transferred from Co. B. 5th I. V. I.. per O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; sick in quarters June 22 to June 27 1898, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.0,. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12,1898. G. 0. 180. C. S.. A, O....... Transferred from Co. B, 6th I. V. I., per O. No. I. May 26.1898: sent to division hosital at Camp Thomas, Ga., June 6, 1898.in line of duty: returned to duty June 16, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12,1898, for 80 days,. O. 130, C. S., A. G. 0. Transferred from Co. B, 6th I. V. I., per O. No. 1, May 25. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12, 1898,. O.. S... 10. S. A................ No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, Gl.. 130 C. S., A....................... Transferred from Co.'I, 6th 1. V. I., per O. No. 1, May 25,1898; sent to field hospital at Lexington. Ky., Aug. 20, 1898, in line of duty; returned to duty Aug. 80. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, E. 6. 130, C. S.. A.. O...... Sick in quarters June 19 to June 28,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed 30 days from Sept. 12. 1898. per G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; transferred from Co. H. 6th 1. V. I., per O. No. 1, May 25, 1898............................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0. 180. C. S.. A. G........................................... Transferred from Co. E. 6th I. V. I., O. No. 1, May 25, 1898; sick in field hospital at Camp Thomas, Ga., May 18, 1898. in line of duty, to June 7, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum s-, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 80 days from Sept. 12, 1898, i. 0. 180, C. S., A. 0................. Transferred to division hospital corps, 1st division, 1st Army Corps, per 0. No. 1, Camp Thomas, Ga.......................... Transferred to Co. C, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898..... Transferred to Co. C, 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield. I1,, per 0. No. I May 25.1898........ Transferred to Co. B, 5th 1. V. I., at Sprinefield. Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25. 1898....... Transferred to Co. H, 6th 1. V. I.. at Springfield. ll., per 0. No. 1. May 26.1898........ Transferred to Co. A, 6th 1. V. I., at Springfield. Ill.. per 0. No. 1. May 25. 1898; (on muster-in roll of Co. A and Co. K)......... Transferred to Co. B. 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield, I11., per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898........ Springfield.., Dapt. Roberts.... New Holland. Springfield..,.apt. Roberts.... Mason City... Sprinefleld... Capt. Roberts.... Mason City... Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Milwaukee, Wis......... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... apt. Roberts... Lincoln....... Dapt. Roberts.... Clinton....... I Capt. Roberts..... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts..... Decatur...... Decatur...... Pittsfield..... Sb&rpsburg. Ky.......... 202 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Coward, George C.... Cain. Daniel P........ Courhlin, Dennis...... Cotton, Charles R..... Cole, Charles......... Caplinger, Henry.... Clayton, William..... Crawder, George E... Donihieu, Frank..... Davidson, Wiett B.... Dempsey, James W... Denlinger, Phares B.. Daigh, Joseph......... Casley, Claude........ Elliott, William P..... Fischer, George W.... Foreman, Edwin..... Flock, Thomas V...... Flynn, John C........ Green, John J......... Gilmore, Alfred....... Grafton, Robert L..... Holverson, Jacob P.. Hall. Julian........... Houser, Paul W....... Jones, James A....... Knight, William C..... Keemier, Harry W.... Watkins, George W... McDonald, Fred J.... Mitchell, Clinton E... Miller, Everett........ Mitchell, Alexander... McLain, Harry........ Morphew, Frank E.... Neer, George 8S........ Norrd, Irvin........... Oddy, George......... Powell, Clinton B..... Private................ Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private............... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Priv,,te................... Private................... May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 9,1898 8,1898 8,1898 7.1898 8,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1896 8.1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1886 9,1898 8,1898 8,1898 9,1898 8,1898 7, 1898 8,1898 7,1898 8,1898 7, 1898 9,189E 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield....... May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 8.1898 8.1898 9,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 9,1898 9,1898 9,1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 9.1898 8,1898 8,1898 9,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8.1898 8,1898 8.1898 8.1898 8.1898 9,1838 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 8,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 203 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfeld... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... 'Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt, Roberts.... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Edinburg..... Ridgely....... Dwight....... Clinton....... Decatur...... Pittsfield... Sibley........ Springfield... Marion, Ind... Patoka........ Thompson.Mc Lancaster, Pa. Grove City... Edinburg..... Edinburg..... Petersburg... Detroit....... Grove City.. St. Cloud, Min Springfield... Concord...... Griggaville... Melvin........ Jacksonville.. Lincoln....... Lincoln....... Marion........ Jacksonville.. Edinburg..... Decatur...... Jacksonville.. Martinsburg.. Jacksonville.. Melvin........ Petersburg... Springfield... Edinburg..... Taylorville.. Dwight....... Trans. to Co. B. 6th I. V. I., at Springfield. 1ll., per 0. No. 1. May 25, 1898............ Trans. to Co. E, 51h 1. V. I.. at Springfield, 111., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898............. Trans. to Co. E, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25, 1898........ Trans. to Co. C, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No., May 25,1898......... Trans. to Co. B, 6th I. V. I., at Sprlngfield, 111., per 0. No. 1. May 25,1898.............. Trans. to Co. A, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898............. Trans. to Co. E. 5th 1. V. I., at Springfield, Il., per 0. No. 1, May 26,1898............. Trans. to Co C, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, 111., per 0. No. 1. May 26.1898.............. Trans. to Co. t:, 5th I. V. I.. at Springfield, Ill,, per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. F, 6th I. V. I, at Springfield, 111., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. B, 5th I. V.., at Springfield, Ill., per Co. 0. 1, May 25.1898........ Trans. to Co. B, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. B. 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield. Ill. per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. B. 5th 1. V.., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898............. Trans. to Co. B, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1, May 25,1898............... Trans. to Co. E. 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, ll., per 0. No. 1, ay 21898........ Trans. to Co. A. 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25,1898............. Trans. to Co. B, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 26.1898....... Trans. to Co. E, 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield, lll., per 0. No. 1. May 26,1898............. Trans. to Co. B, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898........ Trans. to Co. A, 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield. 111., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898....... Trans. to Co. A, 5th I. V. I.. at Springfield, 11l.. per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898.............. Trans. to Co. E, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, 111., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898............ Trans. to Co. I. 6th 1. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 26.1898............ Trans. to Co. P, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, I11.. per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898............ Trans. to Co. C. 6th I. V. I.. at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. B, 5th I. V. I. at Springfield, ll., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898 Trans. to Co. 1, 6th I V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25,1898............. Trans. to Co. B, 5th I. V. I.. at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. F, 6th I V. I.. at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 26.1898.............. Trans. to Co. I, 5th 1. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25.1898......... Trans. to Co. A, 6tb 1. V. I.at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898............. Trans. to Co. 1, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, I11., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. E, 5th I V. I., at Springfield. 1ll., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898............. Trans. to Co. E. 5th I. V. I. at Springfield, Ill. per 0. No. 1, May 26.1898............. Trans. to Co. B, 6th I. V. I, at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 26,1898....... Trans. to Co. B, 6th l. V. L, at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1. May 25,1898.............. Trans. to Co. B, 5th 1. V. I. at Springfield, 1ll.. per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898.............. Trans. to Co. E, 5th l. V. I., at Springfield. 1ll., per 0, No. 1, May 25,1898.............. 204 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Payne, William........ Private................. May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Roof, Howard J....... Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Rodgerson. William L Private.................. May 8,1898 Springfield....... Ma 8,1898 Slater, Robert.........Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 St. Clair, JohnW...... Private.................. May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8.1898 Swick. John W........ Private.................. May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Swanson, Martin...... Private................... May 8,1898 Springfield....... May 8,1898 Story. John C.......... Private................... May 7,1898 Springfleld....... May 8,1898 Shannahan, John...... Private.................. May 9,1898 Spriagfield....... May 9,1898 Seaman. Morris....... Private...... May 8.1898 Springfield...... May 8,1898 Ward, Orville.......... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield...... May 9.1898 Welch, Clarence B.... Private.................. Ma 8,1898 Sprngfield.......May 8,1898 Wones. Legh A....... Private............... May 8.1898 Springfield....... May 8.1898 Young, Robert 0...... Private...................May 9.1898 Springfield....... May 9,1898 FIFTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name. Rank. -------- When. Where. When. &. Edward H. D. Couch.. Captain...................Avr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4. 898 Frank R. Pacey....... lt Lieutenant.......... Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............May 4.1898 4. 1898 4,1898 Robert L. Mitchell.... 2d Lieutenant........... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May Edward E. Wise......lst Sergeant............ Apr. 26,1898 Peoria........... Peoria............ May Wm. R. Brennenkin.. 1Q..1. Sergeant....l.. I Apr. 26,1898 May 4. 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 205 MUSBTRED IN. Residence. Remarks, Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfleld..... Trans. to Co. A, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, 'May 25.1898........... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Taylorville... Trans, to Co. B. 6th I. V. I., at Springfield. Ill., per O. No. I. May 25.1898.......... Springfieldl... Capt. Roberts.... Jacksonville.. Trans. to Co. 1. 6th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1, May 25.1898...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Chicago......Trans. to Co. B. 5th 1. V. I.. at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1. May 25.1898........... Springfleldl... Capt. Roberts.... Owaneco.....Trans. to Co. B. 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill. per O. No. 1. May 25.1898............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Edinburg.... Trans. to Co. B, 5th I. V. I. at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1. May 25.1898......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Dwight...... Trans. to Co. E, 5th I. V. I. at Springfield, Ill.. per O. No. 1, May 25.898.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... Trans. to Clo. B, 5th 1, V. I, at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1. May 25,1898............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Eldora........ Trans. to Co. H, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25.1898.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Pittsfield.....Trans. to Co. A, 5th 1. V. I.. at Springfield. Ill., per O. No. 1. May 25.1898.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Owaneco..... Trans. to Co. B. 5th I. V. I., at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1. May 26,1898....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Dwight....... Trans. to Co. E, 5th I. V. I., at Springfield Ill., per O, No. 1. May 25.1898............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Edinburg.....Trans. to Co. B, 5th V. I.. at Springfield, Ill., per O. No. 1, May 25,1898............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln....... Trans. to Co. C, 6th I. V. I., at Springfield. Ill., per 0. No. 1, May 25,1898............. COMPANY L. MUSTERlD IN. Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Springfield...ICat. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift........ Peoria........ Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Commissioned Captain of Co. L, 6th Ill.. May 4, 1898; detailed as commander of 1st Batt. from June 4 to 18. 1898, R. O.. verbal order; resumed command of company June 18.1898; detailed as commander of 8d Batt.. July 14.1898, R. O..No. 6, same date; on leave awaiting orders Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. G... 1...89................... Commissioned let Lieutenant Co. L, 6th 11.. May 4. 1898; commanded company June 4 to 18, detailed as Brigade Range Officer 1st Brig., 1st Div., lst Army Corps, June 24 to July 26,1898, per S. O. No. 43; commanded company from July 14, 1898, vice Couch, detailed........................ Commissioned 2d Lieutenant Co. L, 5th Ill., May 4,1898; on leave awaiting orders Sept. 12,1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898....... Originally mustered in as Sergeant; appointed 1st Sergeant July 24.1898. C.O. No. 8. same date; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per L. 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.41. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Originally mustered in af Sergeant; sick in regimental hospital Sept. 6 to 8, In line of duty; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898; in the settlement for clothingt is included the sum of $6.41, the total value of articles issued him by the State..................... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... I 206 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where, When. William H. Thomas... James S. Carter....... John H. Heppner..... Henry M. Lincoln..... Thomas W. Gardiner. Paul H. Tuttle....... George A. Ward....... Jacob Hertz, Jr........ Sergeant................. Sergeant................. Sergeant.................. Sergeant.................. Corporal................ Corporal........... *. Corporal............... Corporal..................... Apr. 2....898 Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ May May 4. 198 4,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............,^;ay 4.189d Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26, 189 Apr. 26,189S Apr. 26,189E Peoria............ Peoria.......... Peoria........... Peoria............ May May May May 4,1898 4,1898 4.1898 4,1898 Fred Klump...........Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4, 8. 8 Fred P. Bye.......... Corporal.................. Apr. 2, 1898jPeoria............ May 4,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY, 207 o MUSTEBRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Sprinlnfeld... Capt. Swift........ Peoria........ Originally mustered in as Sergeant: granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 36.41, the total value of articles issued to him by the State............................ Originally mustered in as Sergeant; sick in quarters from Aug. 21 to 26, in line of duty; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.41. the total value of articles issued to him by the State................. Originally mustered in as Sergeant: sick in quarters from Aug. 15 to 30, not in line of duty; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. 8. 1898: In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.41, the total value of articles Issued to him by the State................. Originally mustered in as 1st Sergeant; reduced to 6th Sergeant for using profane language towards the men, C. 0. No. 6, July 24.1898; detailed as recruiting officer June4 to 18. 1898, S. 0. No. 21; returned to company June 18, 1.98; sick at regimental hospital May 16 to 80, and at division hospital July 20 to Aug. 2 1898, in line of duty; granted '0 days' furlough Sept. 12.1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.43. the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Enrolled as Corporal; sick in quarters Aug. 16. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.32. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. 8. 1898.......... Enrolled as Corporal; absent, sick, at Fortress Monroe hospital, since Aug. 13. 1898. in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.32, the total value of articles Issued him by the State: descriptive list furnished........ Originally mustered in as Corporal: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.32, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898............................ Enrolled as Corporal; sick; in quarters May 31, June 2-16, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 32. the total value of articles issued him by the State: granted i10 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0, 130, A. G. 0.. S. 1898................................. Enrolled as Corporal; sick in quarters May 20. July 17, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.32. total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12,1898. per G. 0. 130, A. A. O.. S. 1898............................................ Enrolled as Corporal; sick in quarters May 30 to June 2 in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.18. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O. 130, A, (. O. S. 1898................................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield...;apt. Swift....... Peoria........ 208 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. Clarence L. Marshall.. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,189Peoria............ May. 1898 Edward J. Parmenter. Corporal................. Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May, 1898 Edward L. Frabe...... Corporal............... Apr. 26,1898Peoria............ May,1898 Chas. D. McGoogan... Corporal.................. pr. 26,1898 Peoria............May *,1898 Calvin M. Roberts8.... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Peoria.......M.... May 4,1898 Fred J. Metger....... Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 Winfield L. Palmer... Thomas F. Sheehan... Musican................. Musician................ Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ May May 4,1898 4,18"8 FIFTH INFANTRY. 209 MUSTERED IN. Where By who- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. ( C C C Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift...... 3apt. Swift.......1 I I Peoria....... Peoria....... Peoria...... Peoria....... I Enrolled as Corporal: sick in quarters May 20 to 27, June 2, July 27, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.18. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough bept. 12,1898. per G. 0.130, A. U. 0., S. 188..................................... Enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks, R. 0. No. 9, May 27, 1898, for being absent without leave; appointed Corporal June 16. 1898, R. 0. No. 26. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0., the total value of articles Issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12,1898, per 0. 0. 130. A...., 8. 18998...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company, by transfer from Co. E, 8th 111., per S. O. No. 19, May 26. 1898; appointed Corporal same date and order; reduced to ranks and fined $1.00 by field court Aug. 8, 1898. (fine deducted from pay of August) for being absent without leave; reinstated as Corporal Sept. 1. 1898, 8. O. No. 96; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furloueh Sent. 12,1898. per 1E. 0. 130. A. 0. 0., S. 1898; sick in quarters from May 14 to 29. In line of duty............................ Enrolled as private: appointed Corporal May 8, R. 0. No. 2. same date: reduced to ranks and fined $1.00, Aug. 8 (pay deducted from pay of August), for being absent without leave- reinstated as Corporal Sept. 1. 1898, i. 0. 97, same date; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. U. 0., 8. 1898..................................... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8, 1898. R. O. No. 2, same date: sick at hospital June 26-27, An u. 12 to 16; in quarters Aug. 1 to 6. all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 dayi furlough Sept, 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., 8. 1898........,..................... Enrolled as private: appointed Corporal Aug. 8, 1898 R. O. No. 82. same date; detailed with Commissary Department April 27. 1898, Reg. Order No. 3. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. O. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898................................. Enrolled as musician; sick in quarters June 10. In line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State: granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. 0... S1898......... Enrolled as musician: detached and appointed Chief Trumpeter May 19. R O, No. 3. same date; reduced to rank and returned to company July 13. R O No 3. same late: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $632. the total value of articles issued to him by the State: granted 30 days furlough Sept. 1:, 1898 per 0 0. 130, A. 0. O.. S. 1898; sick in quarters July 23 to 25, in line of duty...................... I Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Peoria...... Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... 'eoria........ Springfleld... Capt. Swift.......?eoria...... Springfield..;apt. Swift.......?eoria........ Vol. 3.-14 210 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLI Name. Rank. When. ID. Where. Louis B. Harmston... Edward S. Eaves..... Wagoner................. Artificer.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ Peoria...... When. May 4. 1898 ay 4, 1898 A May 4.1898 Anderson. Frank M... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ Adams, John Q........ Private................... June! 16,188 Peoria............ June 16.1898 Averell, Clarence W.. Barnes, Stephen T.... Private.................. Private.................. June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ June May 16,1898 4.1898 Barr William......... Private................... Apr. 261898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 Barrer, Edwin H..... Private................... June 16,1898 Peoria............ June 16,1898 Brown, Phillips B..... Private.............. June 16,1898 Peoria............ June 16.1898 Boxwell. James H... Bnrdette, John H..... Cryer, Joseph F....... Cook, John........... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... June 16.1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Peoria........... Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ June June May May 16.1898 16,1898 4,1898 4,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 211 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Peoria....... Peoria.... Springfield.. Springfield..,.4. I. I I Lient. Ball....... Peoria........ Peoria....... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ leut. Ball....... Capt. Swift....... Peora....... Japt. Swift....... Peoria........ Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Capt. Swift...... Peoria........ Enrolled as wagoner; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of aiticles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., 5. 1898......... Enrolled as private; appointed artificer. Co. O. No. 96, July 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the Jum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' fullough Sept. 12, 1898, per (. 0. 130, A. A. (O, S. 1898......... Sick in quarters May 31, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per d. O. 130, A. G. O.. 8. 1898.................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; absent, sick, at Division hospital, Chickamauga. Ga.. July 21 to...........; granted 30 days' furlough............; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898. per. 0. 130, A. O. O., S. 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 17 to 19. in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. i. O., S. 1898...... Sick in quarters June 6 and Aug. 15. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.0,4 the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Aug. 23, G. 0. 114. A..O. S. lh98; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. O. 0., S. 1898........... Absent, sick, at Leiter general hospital from June 9 to July 16, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the eum $6 04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 60 days' fur'lough July 16; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per O. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; ilck in quarters Aug. 4. Aug. 17 to 18, in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 1 and Aue. 80 to Sept. 10, in line of duty; no clothing wats issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12.1898, per G. 0. 130. A......198...... Jolied and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was Issued to him by the State: granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. (. 0.. S. 1898...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total. value of articles issued, to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12.1898, per G.. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898.............................. Sick in quarters May 26 to 28. in line of duty: In, the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G, 0., S. 1898.............................. Peoria........ LAeut. Ball........ Peoria........ Peoria........ Lieut. Ball........ Peoria....... Peoria........ lieut. Ball........ Peoria........ Peoria........ 'leut. Ball........ Peoria........ Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... 3apt. Swift.......Peoria........ 212 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Cornelius, Dallas E...IPrivate................... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May.15,98 Cain, Harry R......... Private.............. ne 16..... JujJune 16. 1898 Cole, John A........... Close, Abe F........... Private................ Private................... June 16,189f Apr. 26.189f Peoria............ Peoria............ June 16,1898 May 4.1898 Davidson, Orrin F.... Private................... Apr. 2.1898 Peoria........... May 4,1898 Edwards, Charles H.. Private................... Apr. 26.189I Peoria............May 4, 1898 Flanders, John B..... Fash, John D......... Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ June May 16,1898 4,1898 Fleig, John P.......... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 Finch, Silas Elliott.... Gruby, Ernest H...... Greenman, Arthur C.. Gregory, Edward W.. Private................ Private................ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria.......... May 4. 1893 June 16,1898 Mray 4,1898 May 4,1898 Joy, Thomas........... Private................... Apr. 26.1898IPeoria............ May 4,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 213 MUSTERED IN.... - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. SDrlngfield... Capt. Swift.......Peori........ Peoria........ Lieut. Ball....... Peoria........ Peoria........ Lieut. Ball........ Peoria....... Peoria........ Capt. Swift...... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Peora........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria........ Lieut. Ball......I Peoria.... Sick in quarters Aug. 24, in llne of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per U. O. 130. A. 0. O.,. 1898........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; absent, sick at 2d ULvision hospital, Chickamauga, da., July 30 to Aug. 12.1898. in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' fnrloueh Sept. 12, 1898, per i. 0. 130, A.. O., S. 1898....................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by toe State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. S... 898...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted one day furlough Aug. 24, 1898, R. 0. 91, Aug. 24; furlough extended to Sept. 7. 1898; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. 130. A. 0.. S. 1898............... Sick in quarters May 20 to '2. in line of dutyin the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of clothing issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12 1898. per 0. 0. 130, A. G. O.. 8. 1898............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per 0. 0. 130, A. G. O.,., 1898............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued to him by State; granted three days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898...... Sick in quarters Aug. 13, Aug. 22 to 25, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept 13, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., 0. 1898............... Sick May 31 to June 2. Aug. 24 to 28. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898................. Sick in quarters May 3-Aug. 6; absent. sick at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 8. 1898, all in line of duty; descriptive list Ifurnished.............................;Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the Staie; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898. per 0. 0. 130, A. G. 0,. S. 1898.. Sick in quarters July 18; absent, sick since Aug. 24,1898, in 3d Division hospital. Lexington, K., in line of duty; descriptive list furnished........................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. 3. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. S. 1898................................. Sick in regimental hospital Aug. 23 to 28, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per 0. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898............ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria........ ieut. Ball........ Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Springfield... ICapt, Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt Swift...... Peoria........ 214 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Gunther, Louis M..... Hotchkiss, Charles.... Hardy. Freeman M.... Hugill. Charles R.... Heath, Edward........ Hart, Ulysses G....... Hoppert, Frank J..... Howard Silas J....... Private............... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 Peoria. Peoria............ Peoria........... Peoria........... Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ May May May May May June June June 4,1898 4.1898 4,1898 4,1898 4.1898 16, 898 16,1898 16,1898 Jones, Raymond W... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May. 1898 Justice, Samuel Reed. O'Kennedy, John A.. Klelgel, William..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Peoria........... Peoria............ Peoria............ Private.................. Private............... Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Ma 4, 1898 May 4,1898 June 16,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 216 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...lCapt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Sprlnefield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield....Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Peoria........ Leut. Ball........ Peoria........ Peoria........ Lient. Ball........ Peoria...... Sick in quarters May 29 to June I and Aug. 14. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $60t. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., 8. 1898.......... Sick at regimental hospital, Chlckamauga, Ga.. May 17 to 80. June 27 to 28; division hospital, Lexington, Ky...since Aug. 27. in line of duty; reported for duty Sept. 21; granted furlough to Oct. 11, 1898, G. O. 130, A. U. O.. S.. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State................................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898; enlisted as Frank M. Hardin............................ Sick in quarters Sept. 9-10. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the totIal value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept, 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. (. O., S 1898............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 180, A.. O., S. 1898........................... Absent, sick at Fortress Monroe hospital. since Aug. 12, 1898, in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; descriptive list furnished......... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company: no clothing was issued to him by the State: granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898..... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; sick in quarters Aug. 13 to 15, in fine of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; detailed with band Aug. 25,1898, R. O. No. 87; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12 1898, per G. O. 130, A.. O., S. 1898.................................. Tried by Field Court Au. 31, 1898 (fine deducted from last pay) and fined $1 00 for being absent without leave; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.01, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furioueh Sept. 12, 1898. per 0. 0. 1.0, A. G. O., S. 1898: sick July 9. Aug. 27 to 28, Sept. 2 to 10, 1898. all in line of duty.................. Sick in quarters May 28 to 30; In first Div. hospital from June 11 to 28. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G.O.. 1898............................ Sick in quarters May 18 to 22. in line of duty; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6 0., the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per U. 0. 130. A. G. 0. S. 1898............................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of comany; sick in quarters June 22, in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per 0,. 130, A,. O. 0... 1898.......... Peoria........ Lieut. Ball........ Peoria........ Springfield.. Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfirld... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria........ Lieut. Ball........ Peoria........ 216 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Name. Rank. ENROLLED. When. Where. Keppler. John....... Leslie, Joseph L...... Layton, Edward E.... Lambert, Heman C... Lick, Frank F......... Lindig, William L.... McVicker. John W.... Private...................June 16.1898 Peoria............ Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................ Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. June Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 26.1898 16,1898 26,1898 Peoria............ Peoria........... Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ When. lune 16,1898 May. 1898 May 4,1898 May 4,1898 May 4,1898 June 16,1898 May 4, 1898 Milton, Leonard F.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria......... May 4,1898 Margerum, Charles... Miller, Jacob J........ Miller, Sherman T.... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ Peora............ May May 4,1898, 1898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 217 Mustered In. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Peoria....... Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Peoria..... I. I ( C Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift...... Lieut. Ball....... Capt. Swift...... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria........ Peoria....... Peoria....... Peoria....... L[eut. Ball....... Peoria Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; absent, sick at let Div. hospital. Chickamauga, Ga., July 6 to Aug. 2, 1898; at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 8, 1898, in line of duty; granted 30 days' furlough Aug. 23, 1898, per G. 0. 114, A. G. O.; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per (. 0. 180. A. G. 0.. S. 1898................... Sick in quarters May 24 to June 1, 1898, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 1', 1898, per G. O. 130. A, G. O.. S. 1898................... Sick in'quarters May 2, Aug. 24 to 28, in line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6,04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898. per G, 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898.................. Sick in quarters May 30. June 2. July 31, all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $8 0. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898.......... Sick in quarters July 9, Sept. 9 to 10 In line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State:granted 80 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. 0. O., S. 1898........................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters June 25, in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 13, 1898, per 0. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898.......... Siek in quarters May 27 to 30. absent, sick at Division hospital. Lexington, Ky., Aug. 21 to Sept. 4. 1898. in line of duty; granted 0O days furlough Sept. 4, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898: furlough extended to Oct. 11,1898, per G O. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the Stsate.................. Sick in quarters May 18 to 29, June 2, Aug. 13 and Sept. 5. all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. (G O.,. 189...................................... Sick in quarters May 20 to, 22, Sept. 1. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted 80 days furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. S. 1898......................... Sick in regimental hospital, Chlckamauga, Ga., May 21 to 80, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 80 days furlough Sept. 12,1898; per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898.........*............................... In the settlement for clothing 1s included the sum $6.04, the total. value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898...................................... Springfield....apt. Swift...... Peoria........ Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... 3apt. Swift... Peoria........ Springfield.. lapt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... lapt. Swift....... Peoria.... 218 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -W When. Where. When. Miller. Alfred.......... Private................. Apr. 26.1898 Peoria.......... May 4, 1898 Montgomery. Wm. S.. Moffitt, Thomas W.... Manuel, William E.... Morrow, James W..... Merchant, WaJter L... Marshall. Oliver P.... Orvis, Albert F....... Orvis. Hudson W..... Parmenter.Wm. Rollie Roper, Thomas Wm.. Rownquist, Per Olof.. Rauch, Andrew J..... Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private....... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. June 26,1898 26,1898 2861898 26,1898 26,1898 26.1898 26.1898 26.1898 26.1898 26,1898 16,1898 Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria........... Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ Peoria............ May May May MIay May May May 4,1898, 1898 4,1898 4,1898 4,1898 4.1898 4.1898 May 4, 1898 May 4.1898 May 4,1898 June 16.1898 June 16,1898 Peoria............ June 16,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 219 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peora........ Springefeld...Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield...I Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Peoria........ Peoria Peoria........ Peoria........ Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Springfield... [Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Sick at 2d Division hospital. Chickamauga, Ca., July 27 to 31; in quarters Sept. 1 to 3, all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the bum $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 davs furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G(.. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898......... Sick in quarters Aug 23,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per A. 0. 130, A. G 0., S. 1898........................... Absent. sick at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 4, 1898. in line of duty: died Sept. 25.1898, of typhoid fever at U. S. general hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va.; descriptive list furnished............................. Sick in quarters May 18 to 30, June 2. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued to hint by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per U. 0. 130, A. C. 0., S. 188.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total, value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. CG. 0.. S. 1898............................. Sick in quarters June 18 to 23. in line of duty; In the settlement for clothing ig ineluded the sum $601. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per (. 0. 130. A. (i. 0, S. 198.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted 30 days furlough Sept, 12,1898, per (. 0. 130, A. UG. 0... 1898...................................... Sck in quarters May 216 to 28-30, June 2, July 6 to 8, Sept. 1, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per (. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898..................................... Sick in quarters Aug. 13 to 17, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12. 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0, S. 1l98............................... Sick in quarters July 6 to 8, Aug. 1. in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per Q. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898....................... Sick in quarters July 6 to 8, Aug. 1. in line of duty; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State: granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per C. 0. 130. A. (. O., S. 1898.................... Absent sick at division hospital. Chickamauga, Ga., June 21 to Aug. 1; absent sick at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 8. 1898. in line of duty; granted sick furlough Aug. -; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per GC. 0. 130, A. G.. 0,. 1898...... Springfield.. ICapt. Swift.......I Peoria....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Peoria....... Springfield... Capt, Swift....... Peoria...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria....... Lieut. Ball...... Peoria.... Peoria...-.... Lent. Ball....... Peoria....... 220 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. Sonpr, Clifton W...... Private.................. June 161898Peora........... June 16.1898 Schlucher, Charles.... Smith. John W....... Smith, Clarence V.... Schaune. Otto........ Private................... Apr. Private................ Private............ Private................... Private................... Apr. June Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26.1898 16.1898 26.1898 Peoria........... Peoria.......... Peoria............ Peoria............ May 4, 1898 May 4. 1898 June 16.1898 May 4. 1898 cSherrer, Joseph...... Private.................. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4.1098 Schroeder. Henry G.. Strayer. Milton E..... Private................... Private.................. 26 1898 26,1898 Peoria........... Peoria............ May 4,1898 May 4.1898 Sheppard. William....J Private.......... Apr. 26.1898 Peoria............ May 4. 1898 Seavers. John L....... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Peoria........... ay. 1898 Tammen, Herman S.. Ward, Guy N.......... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 16,1898 Peoria........... Peoria............ May May 4,1898 4.1898 West. Forest E........ Private................... Peoria...M.........a 4, 1898 Walker. Charles...... Private.................. Peoria............June 16, 189 FIFTH INFANTRY 221 MUSTERED IN. R esidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Peoria....... Lieut. Ball....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Peoria....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Peoria........ Llent. Ball....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Peoria........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State: granted 30 days' furlough Yept. 12.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1t98...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01, the total value of articles issued him to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, G. 0.130, A. G. 0., S. 1898............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6 04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted;0 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per 0. 0. 130. A. 0. 0., S. 1S98.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued to him by the State: granted.0 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O. S. 198...... Absent sick at Leiter general hospital July 3 to Aug. 7. 1898, In line of duty; granted furlough of 30 days Aug. 8,1898, 0. 0. 114, A. G. 0., S. 1898: furlough Sept. 12 to Oct. 1t, 1898 per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.06, the total value of articles issued to him by the State..................... Detailed as clerk Q. M. D., R. O. No. 12; returned to company Aug. 6; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 22 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. (. O.. S. 1898......................................... Sick in quarters June 1, 1898; absent sick at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 13,in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; descriptive list furnished.................................. Sick in quarters July 10 to 11, Aug. 23 to 28, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per (G. 0. 130, A.. O.S. 1898......... Sick in quarters July 22.1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.04. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. 4. O.. S. 198.............................. Slek in quarters May 19, July 7, Aug. 9, all in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $S 04, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12, 18S8, per 0. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898................... Absent, sick. at Division hospital. Chickamauga, Ga., since Aug. 1, 1898, in line of duty; granted sick furlough Aug.......; furlough extended to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. 130. A. 0.. S. 1898........................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $604, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898. per G. O 130, A G. O.. S. 1898.............................. Absent, sick, at Fortress Monroe hospital since Aug. 16, 1898, in line of duty: descriptive list furnished.................... Absent, sick, at Lexington, Kv, Protestant infirmary since Aug. 20, 1893. in line of duty; reported for duty Sept. 22; furloughed to Oct. 11............................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Springfield... Capt. Swift......Peoria........ Springfield... Peoria....... Capt. Swift....... Peoria....... Lieut. Ball....... Peoria........ 222 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- ----- When. Where. When. Walker, John.......... Private................... June 16,1898 Peoria............ June 16.1898 Walker, Edward L.... Private................... June 16,1898 Peoria.............June 16,1898 Discharqed for dsabltity. John F. Klump........ Musician............... Apr. 26,1898 PeoriaM............ May 41898 Charles D. Wade...... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Peoria........... May 4.1898 Transferred. William B. Ward...... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 PeoriaM..M......... ay 4,1898 Henry L. Roberts..... Private....M........ May 80,1898 Lytle, a....... May 80,1898 Died. Roscoe C. Gibbons.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May 4,1898 Deserted. Fred L. Parker........ Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Peoria............ May 4.1898 Walter E. Tuttle...... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Peoria.......... May 4.1898 FIFTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank.Whe When. Where. Bernard H. Taylor.... Captain................... Apr. 25,1898 Canton............ May 5,1898 Frank D. Tanquary...s. t Lieutenant........... Apr. 25.1898 Canton........... May 5,1898 Robert J. Slater....... Herbert G. Martinis... 2d Lieutenant............ 1st Sergeant.............. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Chicago......... Canton............ May 7,1898 May 6, 1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 228 MUSTERED IN. - RResidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Peoria........ Lieut. Ball....... Peoria........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters July 18 to 21, Sept. 1 to 3, in line of auty: no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 80 days' furlough Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., S. 1898...................................... Peoria........ Lient. Ball....... Peoria........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of compauy; sick In quarters Aug. 16. in line of duty; no clothing was issued to him by the State; granted 30 days' turlough Sept. 12, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. O... S. 1898.......... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Discharged Aug. 10, 1898, on surgeon's certificate of disability at Chickamauga, Ga.; discharge and final statements furnished; charadter good............................... Springfield... Capt.'Swift....... Peoria....... Discharged Aug. 10, 1893. on surgeon's certificate of disability at Chlckamauga, Ga.; discharge and final statements furnished; character good.............................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Transferred to 5th 111. band Aug. 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 63. same date; reduced to ranks, same date and order; descriptive list furnished; reduced to ranks by his own request........................ Lytle, Ga...... Capt Brown..... Peoria........ Transferred to 6th 111. band Aug. 8,1698. R. 0. No. 53, same date; descriptive list furnished..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria........ Died May 26, 1898, of auto intoxication of brain. at Chickamauga. USa............. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Peoria.Deerted May 12 1898, at Springfield, Ill... Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Peoria....... Deserted July 10 1898, at Chlckamauga, Ga.. COMPANY M. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton....... Enrolled as 1st Lieutenant; mustered as Captain; commission dated and accepted May 7, 1898; sick from July 15 to 26, inclusive, in line of duty, at St. Vincent's hospital, Chattanooga, Tenn.; leave of absence Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1889, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.,A. G. 0............................ Enrolled as 2d Lieutenant and mustered as 1st Lieutenant; commission dated and accepted May 7. 1898; detailed on provost guard at Lexington, Ky.. Aug. 20 to 25, 1898; leave of absence Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1893. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0..... Appointed 2d Lieutenant Sept. 8, 1898, vice Andrew M. Motsinger, resigned; leave of absence granted Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. per. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.......... Appointed Sergeant May 8. 1898. by Reg. Order No. 1; appointed 1st Sergeant May 8, 1898. by Company Order No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per S, O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; enrolled as private............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Chicago...... Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Canton........ 224 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Charles H. Elliott..... Frank L. Enery....... Frank S. Myers...... Roscoe A. Hall........ John A. Fillingham... Tyler B. Shaw......... Ernest C. Ronk....... Q. Mi Sergeant........... Apr. I 25,1898 Canton........... Serafeant................. Sergeant................. Sereeant............... Sereeant................ Corporal.................. Corporal................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 256,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton........... Canton............ Canton............ I.I i I' May 6.1898 May May May May May May 6.1898 6,1898 6,1898 5.1898 5.1898 5. I89 Thomas T. Smith..... Corporal.........A....... pr. Preston A. Gibson.... Henry A, Heald....... Fred Preston.......... Corporal................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. Apr. Apr. 25.1898 25,1898 25.1898 25.1898 Canton............ Canton........ Canton............ Canton............ May 5.1898 I May 56,189 May 5.1898 say 5. 1898 FIITH INFANTRY. 225 MUSTIBED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Sprinfleld... Capt. Swift...... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield...Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Enrolled and mustered as Corporal; appointed Sergeant May 8,1898, by R. 0. No. 1; appointed Q. M. Sergeant May 8,1898, by Co. 0. No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept 12 to Oct. 11.1898,per G O.No.130, C. S.,AA..O. Enrolled and mustered as Sergeant; sick in hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va.. since Aug. 14, 1898, in line of duty; pay due for the month of July, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State............ Enrolled and mustered as Sergeant; sick in quarters Sept. 1 to 10, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per b. O. No. 130. C. S., A. By 0o....................... Enrolled as private; appointed Sergeant by Reg. Order No. 1, May 8,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per 6. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G...... Enrolled as private; appointed Sergeant by Reg. Order No. 1, May 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal by Reg. Order No. 1, May 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898. per 4. O. No. 130, C. S., A. 0. O.... Enrolled and mustered as Corporal; sick in field hospital, 8d Division, Camp Hamilton. Lexington, Ky., in line of duty, from Aug. 21, 1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal by Reg. Order No. 1. May 8,1898: sick in quarters in line of duty May 31 to June 7. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 11 to Oct. 11, 1898, 0. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.......................................... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal by Reg. Order No. 1. May 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per 4. 0. No. 130, U. S., A. G. O... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal by Reg. Order No. 1, May 8,1898: in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per.0. No. 180, C. S.. A,....... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal by Reg. Order No. 1. May 8,1898; sick in Protestant hospital at LexiDgton, Ky., in line of duty, Aug. 21,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A.. 0................... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton...... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield....Capt. Swift......Canton....... Springfield... ICapt. Swift....... Canton........ Vol. 3-15 226 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- -- When. Where. When. Wm. G. Thornborrow. Corporal.................. Apr. 25,1898 Canton........... May 5,1898 Henry Sparger........ William Gregg........ John Rafferty......... Phillips, Walter L..... Harshman, Thurman. Rogers, William D.... Duffleld, John D....... Anderson, Bernard... Budd, George M....... Boyer. Norris C....... Brown, Thomas A..... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal................ Musician................. Musician................ Artificer.................. Wagoner................. Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................. Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Canton........... Canton....e Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton........... Canton........ Canton........... Canton............ Canton............ Cacnton'........... May May May May May May May May May May May 651898 5,1898 6,1898 5,1898 6,1898 6,1898 6,1898 6.1898 6,1898. 1898 6,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 227 MUSTERED IN. -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Enrolled as private: appointed Corporal May 8. 1898. by Reg. Order No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A.. 0....... Enrolled as private: appointed Corporal May 8.1898. by Reg. Order No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.76 total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept, 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A. G. 0....... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8. 1898. by Reg. Order No 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C, S.. A. G. O........ Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 8,1898, by Reg. Order No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. No. 180, C. S A. G. O........ Appointed Musician by Co. Order No.l May 8.1898; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $5.76. total value of articles furnished him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.. 0...................................... Appointed Musician by Co. Order No. 1. May 8,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A................................. Appointed Artificer by Co. Order No. 1. May 8.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, totol value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; detailed as camp guard July 27, 1898..................................... Appointed Wagoner by Co. Order No. 1, May 8.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G.O....................................... Sick in Protestant hospital at Lexington, Ky., in line of duty, since Auf. 21,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Detailed as Orderly at Brigade Headquarters. 3d Brig.. 1st Div.. 1st A. C., July 18, 18S8, per Reg. Order No. 87; accompanied Gen. Grant to Porto Rico; no order detailing him from company received; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A............................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per a. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0...................................... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Canton........ Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ 228 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Bredwell, Edear..... Private.............. Apr. 25. 1898 Canton.......... May 5,1898 Bohanan, David....... Budden, George M.... Private A............ Apr. 25.1898 25,1898 Canton........ Canton............ May 5.1898 May 6, 188 Private................... Apr. Burtis. William....... Private....................Apr. 25.1898 Canton........... May 5.1898 Burgard. Jacob........ Privater. 2................... Ar 8 Canton. M.....a.. 5.1898 Barron. George....... Private..A.............. Apr. 25.1898 Canton............ May 5,1898 Barrett. Marion A..... Briley. Norman P..... Barrett, Lawrence E.. Burke, James......... Cadwalader, Lewis A. Claar. Jacob........... Carpenter. William L. Private............. Private.................. Private................ Private........... Private...................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 June 22,1898 June 23.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Canton........... Canton............ Canton........... Camp Thomas.Ga Canton............ Canton............ May May June June May May 5,1899 5.1898 22,1893 23.1898 5.1898 5,1898 Apr. 25,189Cato.......... ay 9 FIFTH INFANTRY, 229 MUSTERED IN. Residence Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Cnton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift..... Canton....... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Canton....... Detailed as regimental mail carrier May 20, 1898, verbal order Colonel Culver; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, by G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G o.......................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0......................................... Sick in regimental hospital in line of duty June 13 to 19,1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G..................... Sick in line of duty June 22 to July 26, 1898, inclusive, Leiter hospital; furloughed July 26 30 days; furlough extended to Sept. 11, 1898, by Assistant Surgeon of War: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. by G. 0. No. 130. C. S.,. G. O.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State...................................... Sick in line of duty at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Aug. 16 to 28; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130 C. S.. A............... Sick in line of duty July 15 to Aug. 26, division hospital. Camp Thomas. Ga.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0...................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.76, total value of articles issued by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per No. 180. C. S., A. G. O.; detailed as camp guard Sept. 27,1898................ Sick in line of duty Aug. 9 to Sept. 4, 1898, Ft. Monroe, Va.: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0................ No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G.................. Fined $1.00 by F. 0. C., absent without leave July 28, 1898 (collected); approved July 80. 1898, by General Roe; no clothing was issued to him by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G 0. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued by State; furloughed Sept 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.... Detailed as driver for Q. M. June 26, 1898, by Co. O. No. 2; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O....................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed Sept 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. 0....................................... Springfield.. jCapt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift...... anton........ Canton........ ILeut. Barber.... Canton........ C.Thomas.Ga. Capt. Fenton..... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... anton Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton....... 230 ADJUTANT GENARAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Bank, When. Where. When. Carpenter, George W. Creek. John W........ Danielson, Charles S. Garrison, Lewis C..... Graham, Andrew..... Grewall. Fred.......... Grimm. Clifford E..... Heald, Merrill J....... Harrison, Thomas.... Hays, Ernest......... Hays, James F........ Harvey, Edgar 1;..... Hufford, Gilbert I..... Harris, Laforest L.... Hummell, Wm. B.... Haywoodl, George..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Canton............ Hay 5. 1898 Private................... &pr. 25.1898 Canton............ Id ay S. ism Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Canton............ may 5. to" Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Canton............ May 5. 18% Private................... A vr. 25, 1898 Canton........... May 5. 1898 Private................... June 22,1898 Canton........... June 22.189.8 Private................... June 22,1898 Canton June 22. 1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Can6n. May S. IM Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Canton........... May 5. 1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Canton........... M BY 5, 1M Private................... July 22.1898 Canton........... June 22,1898 Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Canton........... May 5. 18% Private Apr. 25.1898 Canton May 5, 1898 Private................... June 22,1698 Canton June 22,1890 Private................... June 22,1898 Canton........... June 22,18M Privute................... June 22.1898 Canton........... June 22,18M Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... q 4 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,18SS June 22,1898 June 22,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 July 22.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Canton............ Canton............ Canton........... Canton............ Canton........... Canton........... Canton.......... Canton......... Canton........... Canton........... Canton........... Canton........... Canton......... Canton........... Canton.......... Canton.......... May 5.1898 May 5.1898 May 6, 198 May 5.1898 May 5,1898 June 22.1898 June 22,1898 May 5.189 May 5.1898 May June May May 5,1898 22,1898 5.1898 5,1898 June June June 22,1898 22,1898 22.1898 June 22,1898 June 22,1898 June 22,1898 I FIFTH INFANTRY. 231 MUSTERED IN. --- ------- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield.... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton...... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton....... Canton........ Lieut. Barber....Canton...... Canton....... Lieut. Barber.... Canton...... Springfield... Capt. Swift;...... Canton....... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.oo..............o....................... In the settlement for clothing it included the sum of 55.76. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G.O......................................... Appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, R. 0. No. 1; reduced to ranks and fined $1.00 by F. O. C. Aug. 22, 1898 (collected); absent without leave; approved Sept. 1. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. ii, 1898. by G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. 0.0....................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C... A. G. O0............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O..................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per A. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0................. No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. 0. 0.; detailed to band Aug. 24, 1888. by R. 0. No. 78................ Sick in line of duty in hospital, Ft. Monroe. Va., since July 9. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, the total value of articles issued by State. Sick in division hospital, Camp Hamilton, Lexington. Ky.,Aug. 29 to Sent. 6, '98. in line of duty:in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898. per G. O. No.10. C.S. A.G.O. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898 per G. 0. 180, C. S., A. G. 0O..,.....o......oo.................*...**.... No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G.O................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. 8.,:A. G. 0,; fined $1.00 and five days hard labor by Field Officers Court, absent without leave Aug. 23.1898: approved Sept. 1, 1898; collected.................................... No clothing was issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898., per 0. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. 0. 0................. No clothing was issued him by the State; sick in line of duty in hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 7,1898; pay due for July, 1898............................................ No clothing was issued him by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G...................... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Ca nton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton Canton....... Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... Canton....... Springfield...Capt. Swift....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton Canton....... Lieut. Barber....Canton...... Canton..e.... Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... Canton....... Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... 232 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - -- - - - When. Where. When. Huff. Orville......... Isham, Arthur E...... Kolley, Orrle J....... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 22,1898 June 22.1898 June 22,1998 Canton........... Canton........... Canton........... June June June 22,1898 22,1898 22, 198 Lisenby, Stanley...... Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Canton........... May 5, 1898 Logan,Jay A......... Private................... Apr. 25, 1898 Canton........... May 6,1898 Linaenfelter.Josiah R Private...................Apr. 25.1898 Canton.......... May 6.1898 Littleton. Stanley..... Private.................. Apr. 2.1898 Canton............ Ma 56,1898 Martinis. Ernest L.... Private..........r. 98...........r.. Ar.,1898 Canton......... May 88 Maloon, James F...... Private................... Apr. 265,1898Canton............ May 6,1898 Murphy, Arthur W.... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Canton............(May.1898 McClelland, Charles..Private.................. Apr. 25,1898 Canton...........May 6,1898 Moore, Charles W..... Private................... Apr. 25.1898iCanton............May,.1 98 Moore, Oscar S........ Private...................June 221 898 Canton............ June 22,1898 Myers, Peter........ Private................... June 22,1898 McOraw, Harry...... Private(................... June 22.1898 Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ June 22,1898 June 22.1898 June 22,1898 Minett, James C...... Private.................. June 22,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 233 MUSTERED IN. — I --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. * e.... Canton...... Canton..... Canton...... Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield..d Springfield....I.4 C L Capt. Swift..... Lieut. Barber... Capt. Swift..... Capt. Swift...... Lleut. Barber... Capt. Swift...... Lieut. Barber... Capt. Swift...... Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... C C C C Farmington. lpava........ Canton...... Bryant....... Canton..... Canton....... Canton...... Canton...... Bryant........No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G..................... No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180 C.. A.G 0..................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, per G. O. No.130 0. S.A. G.0.................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum U.76, total value of articles issued' him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. (t. 0..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6.76, total value of articles furnished him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. O. No. 189. C. S.. A. G. 0.....O.................. In the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G.O........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles isssued him by the State: detailed at regimental hospital June 23. 1898; ordered to join reserve hospital corps and with it go to Porto Rico. verbal order; no order detachlng him from the company was received................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty, division hospital, Camp Hamilton, Lexington, Ky., Aug. 24 to Sept. 12,1898..... Sick in division hospital, 1st Division, lst Army Corps, May 80. 1898, to July 18,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5 76, total value of articles issued him by the State, furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A. 0. O................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; absent without leave Aug. 29 to Sept. 12.1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G.................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of aaticles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G. O.; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor; absent without leave Aug. 28,1898; approved Sept. 1,1898; collected......... No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per 0. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. G.; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor for absence without leave Aug. 22,1898; approved Sept. 1898; collected..................................... No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898, per t. O. No. 130. C. S.. A..................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. 0........ No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0................. Springfield... 3apt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... 3apt. Swift..... kstoria....... Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Lstoria...... Canton........ ieut. Barber.... lanton......... Canton........ Lieut. Barber.... Canton........ Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... Lleut. Barber.... 'anton........!anton........ anton........ 234 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Norman William..... Private............ Apr. 21898Canton............ May, 1898 May 6,1898 Porter, George D...... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Cnton............ Palmer. Charles C.... Pope. Frank........... Priest, Wesley........ Pittman, John......... Petersen. Charles..... Private.................. Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 2651898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 22,1898 Canton........... Canton........... Canton............ Canton............ Canton..,...... May May May May June 6.1898, 1898 5,1898 6,1898 22.1898 Roberts. Henry....... Private.....r.............. pr. 5,189Canton...........Ma 5,1898 Rollo. William E...... Sanford. George 8.... Steele, William F..... Steele, John N........ Smith, Clyde.......... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 22,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Canton............ Canton............ Canton........... Canton............ June 22,1898 May 6, 198 May 5.1898 May 5,1898 May 5.1898 1dp 6,r9 Apr. 26.1898 Canton.......... FIFTH INFANTRY. 235 MUSTEIED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield...4.1 ( (I ( II Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Capt. Swift........ Canton........ Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Capt. Swift....... Cuba.......... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ CaptlSwift....... Cuba.......... Canton....... Lieat. Barber.... Canton........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0.; detailed camp guard Sept. 27. 1898........................................... Appointed Corporal May 8, 1898, by Reg. Order No. 1; reduced to ranks by F. O. 0. June 13. 1898, for absence without leave; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. 8,. A. G. o........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum-of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per 0. 0. No. 180,. CS. A........................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. 3., A. 0.................................. Sick in line of duty in hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 9, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.76 total value of articles issued him by the State..................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A..0.................................... Appointed Corporal Aug. 6, 1898. by I. 0. No. 61; reduced to ranks and fined 8100 by F. O. C. (collected) Aug. 22, 1898; approved Sept. 1,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct.11, 1898 per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; no clothing was issued to him by the State... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; fined $1.00 and five days' hard labor (collected) by F. O. C. Aug. 22. 1898; approved Sept. 1,1898; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898. per 0. 0. No. 180. C. S. A. G........................ No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty at Ft. Monroe. Va., since Aug. 14.1898; reported for duty Sept. 27.1898; furloughed Sept. 27 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. 0............................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles furnished him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A.G..................................... Sick in line of duty Aug. 2 to Sept. 13,1898, in Division hospital, Camp Thomas, Ga., in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898,. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. 0.0...................................... Sick in line of duty, hospital. Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 9. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; pay due for July, 1898................ Springfield... Japt. Swift....... Canton........ Canton....... Springfield... Aleut. Barber.... Canton'........ dapt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... )apt. Swift....... Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... I Capt. Swift....... Cuba.......... 236 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Slater. Adolphas J.... Shields. Richard 0.... Snively.ClarenceE., Jr Swanson, John S...... Shaw, William H., Jr. Smith. Thrush P...... Todd. George H....... Tozer, Benjamin A.... Weaver, Harry S... Wrifht, Frank........ Wright. Walter M.... Walker, Frank........ Walker, Jesse A....... Wallace, William..... Wilbert. Harvey...... Resigned. Andrew Pl. Motslnger. Discharged. Betts, William H...... Furrey. David J...... Kennedy, Winfield S.. Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................. 2d Lieutenant............ Private.................. Private................. Private.................. Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 2651898 Apr. 2561898 June 22.1898 Apr. 25.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 Apr. 25,1898 June 22,1898 June 22,1898 June 22.1898 June 22,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 22,1898 June 22.1898 Apr. 25,1898 Canton............ l Canton.......... Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton........... Canton........... Canton......... Canton........... Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton......... Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton............ Canton.... Canton............ I I I I 4 May 6,1898 May 5.1898 May 6.1898 May 6.1898 May 6,189" June 22,1898 May 6,1898 Ma 65.1898 May 6,1898 Ma 6,1898 May 6.1898 June 22,1898 June 22,1898 June 22.1898 June 22,1898 May 6, 1898 June 22,1898 Ma 5. 1898 May, 1898 I I FIFTH INFANTRY. 237 MUSTERED IN. -_ ___ --- — - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton..... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Sprlngfield... Capt. Swift....... Cuba.......... Springfield... Capt. Swift. C....... anton...... Canton........ Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Cnton........C Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total valup of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; detailed as camp guard Sept. 27.1898. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued by State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, per 4. O. No. 130 C. S..A.G.O. Sick in line of duty at hospital, Ft. Monroe, Va., since Aug. 9, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles furnished by the State.......................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued by State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per 0. O. No. 180, C. S., A.0G.O. Sick in line of duty in hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va. since Aug. 14.1898; no clothing was issued him by the State............... Fined $100 and five days' hard labor by F. 0. C. for absence without leave Aug. 22, 1898; (collected); approved Sept. 11898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11. 1898. per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 65.76, total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11.1898, per 4. O. No. 180. C. S., A. G. 0....................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. 0. O..................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76, total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per 4. O. No. 180, C. S.. A........................................ Mustered in as private of Co. B and transferred to Co. M, May 25,1898, by Reg Order No. 1; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.76. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G. 0................................ No clothing was is.sued him by the State: furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G.O. No. 180, O.S.,. G. O...................... No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O........................ No clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11 1898, per G. 0. No. 130 C.., A.................... No clothing was issued him by the State; furlouahed Sept. 12 to Oct. 11,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. 3. 0...................... Resignation accepted to date Sept. 5. 1898, per S.O. No. 209. A. 0., O................ Discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability; discharge and final statements furnished Aug. 10, 1898, and paid............... Discharged per S. 0. No. 144, June 20.1898, without pay or final statement.............. Discharged without honor, per S. 0. No. 171, A. G. O., July 22,1898........................ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Springfield... Capt. Swift...... Canton........ Canton........ Lieut. Barber....Canton........ Canton........ Lieut. Barber.... Canton........ Canton....... Lieut. Barber.... Canton........ Canton...... Springfield... Canton........ Sprinfifeld... Springfield... Lieut. Barber.... Canton........ Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Lieut. Barber.... Canton....... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Capt. Swift....... Canton........ 238 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Transferred. Murphy, Charles R... Private................... Apr. 25.1898 Canton........... May 6,1898 Williams, Leonard.... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Canton............ May 61898 Died. Ally C. Post.......... Private............... Apr. 25,1898 Canton............ ay,1898 Hiram A. Smith........ Private..............&.... Apr. 25,1898 Canton............ May 898 James Mitchell........ Private................... Apr. 25,1898 Canton. ay..,..... ay 5,1898 FIFTH INFANTRY. 239 MUBTITRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Cuba..........Transferred to band Aug. 8, 1898, by Reg. Order No. 63....................... Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Transferred to band Aug. 8, 1898, by Reg. Order No. 3.................................. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Canton........ Died May 81.1898. in 1st Div. hospital, lst A. C., of pneumonia............................ Springfield... Capt. Swift.......Canton........ Died Aug. 19,1898, in general hospital at Ft. Monroe, Va.. of malarial fever............. Springfield... Capt. Swift....... Dunfermline. Died Sept. 9,1898, in 3d Div. hospital at Camp Hamilton, Lexington, Ky., of typhoid fever.............................. 240 ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. I ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS IN THE SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --------- - When. Where, When. D. Jack Foster........ Colonel................... Apr. 26,1898 Chlcago.......... May 11.1898 Edward Kittilsen..... Will T. Channon...... Lieutenant Colonel...... Major................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Moline............ Rock Island...... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 David E. Clarke...... Major........... IApr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,898 Frank Anthony....... Major and Surgeon...... Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 241 SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR-1898-1899. FIELD, STAFF AND BAND. MUSTERED IN. Where. By whom. I Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Springfield...Col. Roberts.....,I1 I Residence. Moline....... Chicago..... Rock Island. I I I Remarks. Springfield... ICol. Roberts...... honmouth... Originally mustered in with regiment; appointed Acting Brigadier General, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, May 21, 1898, G, O. No. 2, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, same date; relieved from command of 2d brigade June 8, 0. O. No. 16, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, same date; present, sick from July 20 to Aug. 6,1898, in line of duty; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., Aug. 29,1898 Mustered in with regiment; was in command of regiment from May 24 to June 8, 1898, and from July 29 to Aug. 6,1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G.O. No. 180, A..G... Aug. 29,1898... Mustered in with regiment; appointed Acting Provost Marshal at Camp Alger, Va., June 11, 1898, G. 0. No. 19, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, same date; relieved from said duty June 24, 1898, G. 0. 31. Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, same date: on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1888,. 0. No. 130. A. G... Aug. 29,1898................. Mustered in with regiment; on detached service from July 28 to 30 at Yonco. P. R., in command of Companies H, 6th 11. Vol. Inf., and M, 6th Mass. Vol. lnf.; order received from brigade headquarters but lost; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898; G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O., Aug. 29, 1898............................................ Mustered in with regiment; in action July 26 four miles from Guanica, P. R.. when he accompanied six companies of the 6th Mass. Vol. Inf: he dressed two Captains and two Privates who were wounded: after attending to them he was called to attend four Spaniards in a sugar house who were badly wounded; he dressed their wounds, then returned to the regiment 6th Mass.; on waiting orders from Sept 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 130, Aug. 29, 1898; on duty at Springfield and Chicago, Ill., making physical examinations of the 5th. 7tu and lst Ill. Vol. Inf. Regiments, respectively, during October and November, 1898, by order of Chief Mustering Officer for Illinois............................ Springfield...Col. Roberts...... Sterling...... Vol. 3-16 242 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S8 REPORT. ENROLL=D Name. Rank. When, Where. When. i JohnJ. Cairns........j1aptain and Rew. Adit..jApr. 26,18981.................. May 11.1898 Frank W. Barber...... ICaptain aAd R. Q. 1. jApr. 26.18981Chieato..........IMay 11,1898 John W. Ferris........ IChaplain..... Apr. 26,189E Charles A. Robbins...llst Lieut. & Asst. Surg..jApr. 26,1891 June 27,189E Abingdon. Dixon........... Springfield.... May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 June 27,1898 Charles E. Whiteside. Ilst Lieut. and Asst. Sure. SIXTH INFANTRY, 243 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Chicago...... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Chicago.... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Abingdon... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Dixon......... Mustered in with regiment; appointed Acting Assistant Adjutant General, 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, May 24, 1898, G. 0. No. 2, Hdqrs. 2d Brigade, same date; relieved ftom said duty June 2, 1898, verbal orders from Brigade Commander June 1, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., Aug. 29,1898; overpaid by Major Bigelow on Voucher No. 166 roll for July and August, $33.84........................... Mustered in with regiment as Regimental Quartermaster; on duty as Regimental Quartermaster from date of muster-in to present date; on waiting orders from Sept. 2 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., Aug. 29; overpaid by Major Bigelow on Voucher No. 156 roll for July and August, 1898. 33.84................................... Enrolled as private in Co. D; appointed Chaplain by John R. Tanner. Governor of Illinois. June 27,1898; discharged as a private July 5 and mustered in as Chaplain same date by Capt. L. G. Berry. Assistant Adjutant General, 2d Brigade; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. Aug. 29, 1898; due the United States $8.34 overpaid by Major Bigelow on Voucher 166 rolls for. July and August, being one day's pay at rate of $2.000,00 per year and difference in pay of let Lieutenant and Captain, mounted, for two days................................... Mustered in with regiment; detailed as Medical Officer, let Division hospital, Camp Russell A. Alger, Va., June 11, 1898. S. 0. No. 6, Hdqrs. lst Division, same date; relieved from duty at 1st Division hospital July A when regiment was ordered to Santiago. Cuba. verbal orders: sick from July 28 in line of duty; embarked on board hospital ship Lampasas, at Guanica, P. R., July 80. 1898; taken to St. Peter's hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y; there to Sept. 16, 1898; rejoined regiment at Camp Lincoln, 111.. Sept, 19.1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Oct. 5, and from Oct. 8 to Nov 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898; absent sick since Nov. 20. 1898; on duty at Ft. Sheridan, Ill., making physical examinations of lst Ill. Vol. Cav.. during October, prior to muster out of regiment by order Chief Mustering Officer for Illinois................................ Joined July 1, 1898. after muster-in of regiment at Camp Russell A. Alger, Va.; appointed by John R. Tanner, Governor of Illinois, June 27. 1898: sick from Aug. 29. in line of duty; embarked on board Hospital Ship Relief iept. 1 at Ponce, Porto Rico, which sailed to Philadelphia, Pa.; there he was taken to Orthopedia hospital; dismissed from hospital Sept. 2,1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., Aug. 29 1898; on duty at Chicago. 1ll., making physical examinations of ist. I11. Vol. Inf. during November, 1898. by order of Chief Mustering Officer for Illinois.................... Springfield... 1st Lieut. Ballon. Moline........ 244 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. L. R. Gaylord......... Ist Lieut. and Batt. Adj. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Moline............ May 1.1898 James W. Clendenin.. 1st Lieut. and Batt, Adj. Monmouth....... May 11,1808 Joseph H. Showaller.. lst Lieut. and Batt. AdJ.jApr. 26.1898 LaMoille.......... MaY 11,188 Edwin S. Johnson.... Sergeant Major..........Apr..26.1898 terling.......... May 11.1898 R. Rees Dillow........ IQ M. Sergeant......... Apr. 26,1898Sterling.......... May 11,1898 John 0. Preatln...... Fred W. Forbes....... Thomas H. Flynn..... Chief Musician.......... Principal Musician..... Principal Musician...... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling......... Sterllng........ Rock Island...... May May May 11.1898 11,1899 it. 18!05 SIXTH INFANTRY. 245 MUSTEBED IN. -Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... Col, Roberts...... Monmouth... Springfield... Col. Roberts......LaMoille...... Originally mustered in with regiment as Battalion Adjutant: appointed Acting Brigade Adjutant May 24, 1898, by regimental commander, verbal orders, and filled said position until June 2.1898; relieved by verbal orders from acting regimental commander; sick from July 25, 1898, in line of duty: embarked on board hospital ship at Guanica. Porto Rico, which sailed for United States; taken to St. Peter's hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y.; granted a leave of absence for one month on account of sickness Sept. 6, 1898. S. 0. No. 210, A. 0. O.. same date: on waiting orders from Oct. 5 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O., Aug. 29.1898............... Mustered in with regiment as Battalion Adjutant; absent on leave May 18,1898, to accompany Assistant Surgeon, who was taken sick enroute to Camp Alger, Va., R. 0. No. 1, same date; sick May 26 to June 27,1898, In line of duty; on detached service from July 5 to July 27, 1898, in charge of regimental horses from Camp Alger, Va.. to Porto Rico. 8. O. No. 49, dated July 5, 1898; sick from Aug. 22, in line of duty; embarked on board Hospital Ship Relief at Ponce. Porto Rico, Sept. 1, 1898, which sailed to United States; was taken to Orthopedia hospital at Philadelphia, Pa.; dismissed from hospital Oct. 14, 1898; on waiting orders from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898........................................ Mustered in with regiment as Battalion Adjutant; sick from Aug. 9, 1898, in line of duty; embarked on Hospital Ship Relief at Ponce. Porto Rico, Aug. 10, which sailed to New York; there he was taken to St. Peter's hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y.: rejoined regiment at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, 111., Sept. 18, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G... No. 130, A. O., Aug. 29,1898................. Enrolled as Sergeant Major and was on duty as Sergeant Major from date of muster-in to present date; on furlough from Sept. 21 to 29 and from Oct. 6 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29, 1898; no clothing was issued to him -by the State.......................................... Enrolled as a private in Co. E; promoted Corporal June 25, 1898, R. O. No. 45, same date; promoted Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Sept. 1. 1898. R. 0. No. 107, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to 26, and from Oct. 3 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A..., Aug. 29,1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State............. Enrolled and joined as Chief Musician; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. Aug. 29, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................... Enrolled and mustered in as Principal Musician; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $2 75, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898............... Enrolled and mustered in as Principal Musician; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.75, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898............... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Sterling...... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Sterling...... Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Sterling...... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Sterling Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Rock Island.. 246 ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. * _. _ _.... n. _a.. John L. Kline.........Io tal Steward... 26.1898 Sterling.......... May 1,1898 Howard Geyer......... Fred E. Brown........ Amell, Ivar A......... Boughton, Bert T..... Baird, John W......... Hospital Steward........ Hospital Steward........ Musician................ Musician................ Musician.......o......... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 &pr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Sterling.......... LaMoille......... Rook Island...... Morrison......... May 11.1898 May 11,188 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 Corbin, John......... I.Musician.................. Apr. 26,1898 Morrison.......... May 11,1898 Chandler, Edward S..( Msician................. May 11,1898 Springfield....... ay 11,1898 Fehlman, Geo. W...... Musician............... May 11,1898 Springfield...... May 11,1898 Geigley, Warren S.... Mu ian................Ma 17.1898pringieldMa..........May 17,1898 Henney, Frank B...... Musician.............. I~~~~~ June 17,1898 Monmouth...... June 17.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 247 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinffleld... Col. Roberts...... Sterling..... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... (RockFalls.... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Sterling...... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Princeton... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Rock Island.. Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Morrison..... Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Delhi, Ia...... Enrolled and mustered in as Hospital Steward: in the settlement for clothing Is Included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29, 1898............... Enrolled and mustered in Hospital Steward; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $0.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to 29, and from Oct. 7 to Nov. 20. 1898, 0. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. Aug. 29, 1898... Enrolled and mustered in as Hospital Steward; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.83, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G.O., Aug. 29,1898........... Enrolled as a private in Co. K; transferred to regimental band July 31,1898. R. O. No. 48, same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to- Nov. 20. 1898, 0. 0. No. 180, A.. G.. Aug. 29.1898; no clothing was issued him by the State....................... Enrolled as a private in Co. A; transferred to regimental band July 31.1898, R. O. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. A. O., Aug, 29. 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State.................................. Enrolled as a private in Co. I; transferred to regimental band July 31,1898, R.. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. G.. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29, 1898; in settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $3.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as a private in Co. J: transferred to regimental band July 3t, 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State............. Enrolled as a private in Co. G: transferred to regimental band July 81,1898, R. O. No. 48, same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O.,Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $0.76, the total value of articles Issued him by the State.......... Enrolled as a private in Co. B; transferred to regimental band July 8. 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date; sick at Ft. Meyer hospital from June 23 to Sept. 23,1898; granted furlough from Sept. 23 to Oct, 22,1898, under provisions of 0. 0. No. 114, A. 0. O., C. S. furlough extended 30 days on account of sickness, S. 0. No. 115. headquarters Department of Lakes, Oct. 24, 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State; rationed to include Sept, 25,1898............... Enrolled as a private in Co. L: transferred to regimental band July 81, 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date: on furlough from Sept 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 180, A, G. O., Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $0.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as a private in Co. H, after muster in of regiment: transferred to reglmental band July 31,1898, R. O. No. 62. same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898; 0. O. No. 130. A. 0. O., Aug. 29, 1898: no clothing was issued him by the State...... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Montfort. Wis Col. Roberts..... Springfield... Qeneseo..... Springfield... Col. Roberts.....Canton..... Monmouth.,.. Lieut. McIntosh.. Springfield... 248 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. Heintz, Fred........... Haines, Fred E........ Johnson, Harry A..... Hock, Christian....... Lindahl, Charles..... McCosker, A. B...... Morrison, John..... Musician................. jJune 21,1898 Laboille......... June 21.1898 Musician........ Musician................. Musician................ Musician................. Musician................. Musician................. Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 LaMoille......... Springfield....... Rock Island..... Moline............ Monmouth...... Morrison......... May 11,1598 May 11.1898 May 11.1898 May 11.1898 June 17.1898 May 11,1898 June Apr. 17,189 26,1898 Nichols, Herbert N..I.Musclian........... June 1. 18981Camp Alger, Va.. June 15,1898 Speakman, Herbert G. Muslcian............... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth.......May 11.1898 Thomson. Thomas W. Musician................. May 14.1898 Galesbur........ May 17.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 249 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. LaMoille.... Lieut. Frisby.... Springfield... Col. Roberts..... Ilrineteld... Col. Roberts..... Sringfleld... Col. Roberts...... 8ringfield... Col. Roberts..... Momouth... Lieut. McIntosh...1I II I C Mendota.... Rock Island. Princeton... Moline....... Galesburg... Springfield... i I 1 Enrolled and joined after muster-in of company as a private in Co. K: transferred to regimental band July 31, 1898, R. 0. No. &8, same date; sick from Sept. 6, 1898, in line of duty at division hospital, at Ponce, P. R.; no clothing was issued him by the State; left hospital at Ponce Sept. 27,1898, and rationed to include Oct. 17 1898; on furlough Oct. 18 to Nov. 20,1898, 4. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. Aug. 29. 1898................... Bnrolled as a private in Co. K; transferred to regimental band July 81,1898, R. O. No. 48. same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G.0..No. 130, A. G. O. Aug. 29,1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State..................................... Enrolled as a private in Co. D; transferred to regimental band July 31, R. 0. No. 48. same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum S4.69, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as a private In Co. A: transferred to regimental band July 81. 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O.. Aug. 29. 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State............................. Enrolled as a private in Co. F; transferred to regimental band July 3, 1898, R. O. No. 48, same dete; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. O. No. 130, A..., &ug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of regiment; transferred to regimental band July 81 from Co. H, R. O. No. 62,'same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 180, A. G. 0., Aug. 29, 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State............ Enrolled as a private in Co. I; transferred to regimental band July 31. 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of regiment; transferred from Co. M to regimental band July 81, 1898, R. O. No. 48. same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., Aug. 29, 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State.......................................... Enrolled as a private in Co. H; transferred to regimental band July 81. 1898, R. 0. No. 62, same date: sick from Sept. 6 in hospital at Ponce. P. R.. in line of duty; embarked on board hospital ship Missouri Sept. 28 at Ponce.P.R.: in Josiah Simpson hospital.Ft. Monroe, Va., Oct. 6 to Nov. 1, 1898; on furlough Nov. 4 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 180, A. 0. O., Aug. 29, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 54.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State........................................ Enrolled as a private in Co. C; transferred to regimental band July 81, 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. &ug. 29. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.26. the total value of articles issued him by the State........... Spnrgfeld... Col. Roberts...... kiorrison.... C'p krer.Va.jCapt. Berry...... alpariso, Ind Sprinleld... Col. Roberts...... Ionmouth... Springfid... Coi. Roberts...... Ialesburg.... 250 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. 4b ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. I I I Ogle, Frank L......... M sician................. May 14,1898 Owens, Charles L..... Weinhold, Henry..... Potter, Mark J....... Williams. Luther F... Discharged. Alanson R. Morgan... Died, Lorenzo S. Cole....... William E. Baldwin.. Musician................ Musician................ Musician................. Musician................ Chaplain................. 1st Lt. and Asst. Surg... Major................... May June Apr. 11.1891 17.1899 26,1898 Springfield'.... 8prlngfield....... Monmouth....... Galesburg....... Springfield....... Cuba.............. Monmouth....... Dion............. May 17,1891 May 11.188 June 17.198 May 11. 98 May 111898 May L1898 May:, 1898 May 1, 1898 May 11,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rodolphus Hicks..... Quartermaster Sereeant Apr. 26.1898 Moline............ Ma 11898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 251 MUSTZRBD IN. -- - -- _ _,Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Col. Roberts......Polo......... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Springfield... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Springfield... Springfield... Col. Roberts......Milwaukee, I Wis......... Springfield,.. Col.-Roberts...... Dixon........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of regiment; transferred from Co. ( to regimental band July 31, 1898, R. O. No, 48, same date: on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G, O. No. 180, A. G. O., Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $0.75, the total value of articles issued him by the State.................... Enrolled as a private in Co. M; transferred to regimental band July 81, 1898, R. 0. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., Aug. 29, 1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of regiment: transferred from Co. H to regimental band July 81, 1898. R. 0. No, 52, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. Aug. 29,1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State.......................................... Enrolled as a private in Co. C; transferred to regimental band July 31 1898, R. O. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. (. 0., Aug. 29, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.26, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled as a private in Co. M; transferred to regimental band July 81, 1898. R. O. No. 48, same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., Aug. 29,1898; no clothing was issued to him by the State..................................... Mustered in with the regiment as Chaplain; resigned June 15, 1898; resignation accepted, S. 0. No. 143, A, G. 0.. June 18. 1898................................... Mustered in with regiment as Assistant Surgeon; sick from May 14, 1898, in line of duty; was taken to hospital at Ft. Wayne, Ind., May 18, while the regiment was enroute to Camp Alger, Va.; died in hospital May 23 1898; cause of death, pneumonia... Mustered in with regiment; sick from Aug. 28, 1898, in line of duty; embarked on board hospital ship Relief at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 1, 1898, which sailed to Philadelphia, Pa.; there he was taken to Orthopedic hospital, where he died Sept. 15,1898; cause of death, brain affliction........................... Enrolled and mustered in with regiment as Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant; sick from Aug. 20, 1898, in line of duty; taken to Division hospital at Mivado. P. R.. Aug. 22, 1898; transferred to Transfer hospital at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 26,1898; died in hospital at Ponce, P. t., Aug. 80. 1898; final statements forwarded to Acting General,. U.S.A................................ Springfield... Col. Roberts......Cuba.......... Springfield... Col. Roberts.......Monmouth... Springfield...Col. Roberts......Dixon......... Springfield... Col. Roberts...... Mollne........ 252 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. SIXTH INFANTRY. DETACHMENT EI NROLLED. Name. Rank....- - - ---------- When. Where. When...~~~~~~~,1- ~~~~. i.. S...... --- —~ Booth, Roy G.......... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 LaMollle......... May 11, 189 II I ');Davis, David E........ Private................ Apr. 26,1898Abingdon........ May 11.1898 Goodman. Harry C.... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Sterlingr.......... May 11,898 May 11.1898:McGInnis. Oliver..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............ SIXTH INFANTRY. 253: U. S. A. HOSPITAL CORPS. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Abinedon.... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. K, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps by S. 0. No.-, A. G. 0. (no date given); on duty at Division hospital, Camp Alger,Va., June 22.1898, to July 5,1898; with 6th Ill. July 6,1898, to July 25, 1898; on duty at Division hospital, Guanica, P. R.. Ponce, P. R., Utuado, P. R., July 25, 1898, to Sept. 1,1898; with 6th 111. Sept. 1, 1898, to Sept. 21,1898; furloughed Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20.1898. Q. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; due the* United States. 26 cents, overpaid by Maj. Bieelow on Voucher No. 167. roll for July and August. army asylum dues............ Enrolled and mustered in as private in Co. D, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf.; transfered to U. S. A. Hospital Corps by S. 0. No. —, A. G. 0. (no date given); on duty at Division hospital. Camp Alger, Va., June 22. 1898. to July 6.1898; with 6th Ill. July 5,1898, to July 26,1898; on duty at Division hospital. Guanica, PF.R., Ponce. P. R., Utuado, P. R.,July 2651898. to Sept. 1,18P8: with 6th I1l. Sept. 1, 1898, to Sept. 17,1898; at hospital at Springfield, 111., Sept. 17.1898. to Sept. 30,1898: furloughed Oct. 1,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180. A. G.., C. S.; no clothing issued him by the State: due the United States. 26 cents, overpaid by Maj. Bigelow on. Voucher No. 157, roll for July and August, army asylum dues................... Enrolled and mustered in as private in Co. E, 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; transferred-to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 80. 1898, by S. 0. No. 86, June 28,1898. A.. O.; Surgeon's Orderly from June 30,1898. to Sept. 80,1898; on duty at general hospital at Springfield, Ill. Sept,. 30,1898, to Oct. 7,1898; furloughed from Oct. 8,1898. to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; due the United States, 26c, overpaid by Maj. Bigelow on Voucher No, 167, roll for July and August, army asylum dues............ Enrolled and mustered in as private in Co. G, 6th Ill. Vol. lnf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps, June 28,1898, by S. 0. No. 56, A. G. O.; Acting Orderly for Assistant Surgeon Robbins June 28,1898, to July 18, 1898; sick July 18,1898, to Aug. 16.1898. at Ft. Monroe, Va.; furloughed from Old Pt. Comfort, Va.. Aug. 16,1898, to Sept. 14, 1898; reported at Ft. Sheridan Sept. 14, 1898; joined regiment at Springfield, Ill.. Sept. 21.1898; furloughed Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A,..., C. S.: no cloth — ing issued him by the State............... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... terling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Dixon........ 254 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank, ----- i When. Where. I _ _. MeGllifgan. Chas. E.. Johnson, Howard W.. Private................... Private.................. ~ Apr. 26,1898 Freeport......... Apr. 26,189i Apr. 26, 1898 Rock Island...... Mollne........... Moline............ When. May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 Kepple, Andrew R.... Private.................. Lofgreen, Eml........ Private................... Ar. 26,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 255 MUSTERED IN. s -— _ _-_ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinefield...IMaj. Roberts..... Freeport...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Enrolled and mustered in as private in Co. L, 6th 11. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 22,1898, S. O. No.(no date given), A. G. O.; on duty at Division hospital, Camp Alger, Va.. June 22, 1898, to July 5,1898; with 6th 111. July 5.1898, to July 25.1898; on duty at Division hospital, Guanica, P. R.. Ponce. P. R.. Utuado, P. R., July 25 to Sept. 1. 1898; with 6th I11. Sept. 1,1898, to Sept. 17,1898; on duty at general hospital at Springfield, Ill., Sept. 17,1898, to Oct. 4, 1898; furloughed from Oct. 5,1898, to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.02, total value of articles issued him by the State; due the United States, 26 cents, overpaid by Maj. Bigelow on Voucher No. 167, roll for July and August, army asylum dues........... Enrolled and mustered in as private in Co. A, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps. June 22,1898, 8. 0. No.(no date given), A. G. O.; on duty at Division hospital, Camp Alger, Va.. June 22, 1898, to July 6,1898; with 6th I11. July 5,1898, to July 26,1898; on duty at Division hospital, Guanica, P. R., Ponce, P. R.. July 25, 1898, to Aug. 8, 1898; sick Aug. 8, 1898, to Sept. 18,1898, to Sept. 21,1898: furloughed Sept. 22, 1898, to Sept. 80. 1898; on duty at general hospital at Springfield, ll., Oct. 1, 1898. to Oct. 7,1898; furloughed Oct. 7,1898, to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C.S.; no clothing issued by the State; due the United States, $4.49, overpaid by Maj. Bigelow on Voucher No. 157, roll for July and August, difference in pay between private of the line and private of Hospital Corps, 21 days; transferred to Hospital Corps June 22, 1898; $4.20; army asylum dues, 29 cents................................ Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. F, 6th 111, Vol. lnf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 22,1898, by S. O. No.(no date given), A. 0. O.; on duty at Division hospital. Camp Alger, Va., from June 22 to July 5.1898; with 6th 111. July 5.1898, to July 26,1898; on duty at Division hospital, Guanica, P. R.. Ponce. P. R., Utuada. P. R., July 25,1898. to Sept. 1,1898: with 6th 11l. Sept. 1,1898, to Sept. 21,1898: furlonghed Sept. 22.1898. to Nov. 20.1898, G. O. No. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.; no clothing was issued him by the State: due the United States. 25 cta., overpaid by Maj. Btielow on Voucher No. 167, roll for July and August, army asylum dues............................... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. F, 6th Il1. Vol. Inf.: transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 28, 1898, by S. 0. No. 86, A. G. 0., June 22d, 1898; on duty division hospital, Camp Alger, Va.. June 28, 1898. to July 561898: with 6th Ill. July 6th, 1898. to July 26, 1898; on duty division hospital, Guanica, P. R., Ponce. P. B., Adjuntas, P. R., July 25, 1898, to Sept. 1,1898; with 6th 11l. Sept. 1, 1898, to Sept. 20, 1898; on duty general hospital. Springfield. I11., Sept. 20, 1898, to Sept. 29, 1898; furloughed Sept. 80 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, 4. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; no clothing issued by the State: due the United States 25 cents, overpaid by Major Bigelow on voucher No. 167, rolls for July and August, Army Asylum dues................................. Springfield... Mai. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield...jCapt. Roberts.....Rockford..... 256 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Rasenfleld. Louis..... Private............. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... MI 11,1898 Rodgers, Guy A....... Private..............A.... pr. 26.1898 Sprinfiteld....... May 11,1898 June 16,1898 Stultz. Granville A.... Private.................. Jun9 16.189s8Dixon............ Schaber, Eugene...... Private..................Apr.. 26,1898 Galen a............ a y 11. 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 257 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED -. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinfield... Capt. Roberts.... Rock Island.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Chicago..... Dixon........ Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon......... Enrolled and mustered in as private, Co. A. 6th 111. Vol. lnf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps by S. 0. No. -. A. G. 0.. (no date given); on duty at division hospital. Camp Alger. Va., from June 22,1898. to July 6, 1898; with 6th 111. July 6. 1898, to July 256 1898; duty, division hospital, Guanica, P. R., Ponce. P. R., Utuado, P. R., July 25. 1898, to Sept. 1, 1898; with 6th Ill. Sept. 1.1898, to Sept. 20, 1898; duty, general hospital, Springfield, Ill.. Sept. 20, 1898, to Sept. 27,1898, to Sept. 80,1898; duty, general hospital. Springfield, Ill., Sept. 30. 1898. to Oct. 7,1898; furloughed Oct. 8 1898 to Nov. 20. 1898. G.'0. No. 130, A. G. O. C. S.; no clothing issued by State.................... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. E. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 22,1898, by S. 0. No. -. (no date given), A. G. O.; on duty division hospital. Camp Alger, Va., June 22, 1898, to July 6,1898; with 6th 111. July 5. 1898, to July 26, 1898; duty, division hospital. Guanica. P. R., Ponce, P. R., Adjuntas, P. R., July 25,1898, to Sept. 1.1898: with 6th 111. Sept. 1,1898. to Sept. 21,1898; furloughed from Sept. 22 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898,. 0. 180, A. A. O., C. S.; no clothing issued by the State: due the United States 26 cents. overpaid by Major Bigelow on voucher No. 157, roll for July and August, Army Asylum dues..................................... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co.,G 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. 8. A. Hospital Corps by S. O. No. 66, A. G.. (no date given); duty, division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., June 28, 1898, to July 5, 1898; with 6th Ill. July 5. 1898. to July 26, 1898; duty, division hospital, Guanica, P. R., Ponce, P. R., July 26, 1898, to Sept. 1, 1898; with 6th Ill. Sept. 1 1898. to Sept. 17. 1898; duty, hospital, Springfield, Ill., Sept. 17,1898, to Sept. 21, 1898; furloughed Sept. 22 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, (. O. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; no clothing issued by the State; due the United States 26 cents, overpaid by Major Bigelow on voucher No. 167. roll for July and August, Army Asylum dues...... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. M, 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; transferred to U. S. A. Hospital Corps June 28,1898, S. 0. No. 58. (no date given); duty, division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., June 28.1898. to July 5, 1898; with 6th Ill. July 5, 1898. to July 25, 1898; duty, division hospital. Guanica, P. R.. Ponce, P. R.. Adjuntas. P. R.. July 26. 1898. to Sept. 1 1898; with 6th III. Sept. 1. 1898, to Sept. 21,1898; duty, general hospital, Springfield. Ill., Sept. 21. 1898, to Oct. 4, 1898; furloughed Oct. 5 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, G.. 1 0. &. G. O., 0. 8.; no clothing issued by the State; due the United States 26 cents, overpaid by Major Bigelow on voucher No. 157. roll for July and August, Army Asylum dues......................... Galena...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Vol. 3-17 258 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. Smith, Frank W....... Private................ Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. William McConochie.. Luke E. Hemenway... George W. Flood...... Alfred Bear........... Frank H. Anthony.... Edward H. Donavin.. Captain................... 1st Lieutenant........... 2d Lieutenant............ 1st Sergeant............ Q. M. Sergeant........... Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rook Island...... Rock Island...... Rook Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rook Island...... May May May May May May 11,1898 11,1898 11,1898 11.1898 11.1898 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 259 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Maj. Roberts..... Sterling...... Enrolled and mustered in as private Co. E, 6th I11. Inf.; transferred to U.. A. Hospital Corps June 80, 1898, by S. 0. No. 36, A. 0. 0., June 28, 1898; duty, division hospital. Camp Alger, Va.. June 80. 1898. to July 6, 1898; with 6th 111. July 6, 1898. to July 25, 1898; duty, division hospital, Guanica, P. R., Ponce, P. R.. Utuado. P. R., July 27, 1898, to Sept. 1. 1898; with 6th 11l. Sept. 1, 1898, to Sept. 7, 1898; duty, general hospital, Springfield, III., Sept. 17, 1898, to Sept. 21, 1898; furloughed Sept. 22, 1898, to Oct. 1,1898; duty, general hospital, Springfield. Ill.. Sept. 30. 1898, to Oct. 7, 1898; furloughed Oct. 8 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. 0. O. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61. total value of articles issued by the State; due the United States 25 cents, overpaid by Major Bigelow on voucher No. 167, roll for July and August. Army Asylum dues.................................. COMPANY A. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. RCoberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield... (Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... lMa. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as Captain; sick in hospital at Ponce from Aug. 28 to Sept. 6, sickness contracted in line of duty; on waiting orders from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Ill., Nov. 25, 1898............. Joined and enrolled as 1st Lieutenant; sick in hospital at Ponce from Aug. 28 to Sept. 6, sickness in line of duty; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. 180. A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Il., Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as 2d Lieutenant; on waiting orders from Sept.21,1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. 0.., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, I11,, Nov. 25, 1898......................................... Joined and enrolled as 1st Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. O. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.. mustered out at Springfield, Ill., Nov. 25,1898......... Joined and enrolled as Q. M. Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov, 20,1898. G. O. 180. A. 0. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Ill., Nov. 25,1898........ Joined and enrolled as Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included 2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180. A. G. O. C...; mustered out at Springfield. Ill, Nov. 25,1898......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.....Rock Island.. 260 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. e --- J We. When. Where. When. Robert F. McConoehle Sergeant..................Apr. 26,1898 Rook Island...... Ma 11,1898 John W. Larson....... Charles McKinstry.... Harold Jensen......... William F. Frey....... Sergeant.................. Sergeant................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Rock Island..... May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 Rock Island..... lMay 11,1898 11. 1898 Rock Island......May Thomas Lafferty......Corporal.................. May 10.1898 prinrfleld....... Ma 11,1898 William T. Ransen.... Corporal..................Apr. 26,1898 Rock sland...... Ma 11,1898 John Bohmid..........Corpora.................. Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island...... May 11.1898 May 11,1898 Otis Cronk............ Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island...... Earl Cameron......... Corporal.................Ar. 26.1898Rock Island...... May 11,1898 Albert Diedrlch....... Corporal................. Apr. 26,898M Rock Island...... May 11,1898 N SIXTH INFANTRY. 261 MUSTBIrED IN. ---- -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfeld... Ma. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Sprinhfield... Maj. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield...Ma. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... MJ. Roberts.... Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles Issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180. A. G. 0.,. S.; sick at home with typhoid fever contracted in line of duty from Sept. 25 to present time; absent, sick since Nov. 20,1898.,.............. Joined and enrolled as Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield. ll.. Nov. 25,18q98............... Joined and enrolled as Corporal; promoted Sergeant May 12.1898, S. O.. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Ill.. Nov. 25. 1898........ Joined and enrolled as Corporal; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,. 0. 180, A.. O. C. S.; absent, sick since Nov. 20, 1898................. Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal May 12,1898. S. 0. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180. A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898....... Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal May 12,1898, S. O. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G.. 130, A.. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898........... Joined and. enrolled as private; promoted Corporal May 12.1898. S. 0., same date; in settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. 130, A. G. O.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898................... Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal May 12, 1898, S. 0., same date; In the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G.. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; absent sick since Nov. 20, 1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal June 29.1898. S. 0. No. 44. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898.................................... Joined and enrolled as private: promoted Corporal June 29, 1898, S. 0. No. 44, same date; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. 0. 180. A. G...; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1698... Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal June 29, 1898, S. O. No. 44. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180 A. G.O.. C. S.. mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... IMa. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.....jRock Island.. 262 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Robt C. Fitzsimmons. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Ma 11.1898 Peter H. Kessler...... al...... Cor........pa Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11.19 Edward Murphy......Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Ma 11,1898 Ben A. Koch..........Artificer................ Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11.1898 Marshall L. Lucas.... Wagoner................. Apr. 26,1898lRock Island...... May 11,1898 Frank E. Morgart..... Musician............... Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Ma 11, 498 11,1898 William R. Campbell. Musician................. Apr. 26,1898Rok Island...... Ma John C. Bromley...... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898jRock Island..... May 11,1898 Alfred W. Bowen..... William Boney........ Este E. Buffum....... Private................... Private................... Private................. June 21,1898 June 21.1898 June 21,1898 Rook Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 263 MUSTERED IN. -------------- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...l MaJ. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Springfield.,. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... Rock Island., Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal June 29,1898, S. O. No. 44, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.; C. S.; sick at home with typhoid fever from Sept. 26 to present time; sick in line of duty; absent sick since Nov. 20,1898.... Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Corporal June 29. 1898, S. 0. No. &4, same date; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded $2.75, value of articles issued by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898... Joined and enrolled as private: promoted Corporal June 29. 1898, S. 0. No. 44, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,. 0. 130, A. G O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26.1898... Joined and enrolled as private; promoted Artificer June 29, 1898. S. 0., same date; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. G. 0. 130. A. 0. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 2 1898....... Joined and enrolled as private: promoted Wagoner June 29,1898, S. 0. No. 44, same date; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded $2.76, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0 180. A. G. 0., C. S.; absent sick since Nov. 20,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as Musician; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. 130. 0... C. S.: mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898.............. Joined and enrolled as Musician; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898 G. O. 130.. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26.1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.756 value of articles issued him by State; fined $8.00 June 12 for being absent from 9 p. m. June 11 to 8 a. m. June 12; fine paid June roll; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898 G. 0. 120. A. G. O., 0. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company: had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company: he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G, 0. 10,. A. G. O., C. s.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Sprlntfleld... Ma3. Roberts.....IRockIsland.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Rock Island..ILieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Lieut. Dlilon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Leut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. 264 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Nathan B. Bert field.. Richard Bodinson.... Frank 0. Brown....... James 8. Baker....... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private.................. June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21.1898 June 21,1898 Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Harry Coyne.......... Private.................Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island...... May 11.1898 John W. Carse........ Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11,1898 Fred Cox............... Private.............. Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island...... May 11 1898 Rock Island...... Clayton R. Case...... Private.......... A...... Apr. 26,189 May 11,1898 Walter Cox............Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Rook Island...... May 11.188 Jack Cassin............ Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11,1898 Leon D. Conover...... Private..................Ar. 2p. 1898 Rock Island...... May 1.1881 G~eorge Clapper....... Pri~vate................... Apr. 26, 1898 Rock Island...... May 11.189 SIXTH INFANTRY. 265 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Rock Island.. Lieut. Dlllon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon.....[Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Lleut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. ILeut. Dlllon..... Rock Island.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Springfield...MNJ. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 28 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov 20,1898, G. O. 180, A. G. O., C. 8; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898........... Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. G. 130. A. G. O.. C. S; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898............. Joined and enrolled as Corporal; reduced to ranks July 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is Included $2.75. value of articles issued by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. 0. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; left sick in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6. 1898, with typhoid fever contracted in line of duty; granted furlough of 36 days Oct. 16 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A. 0. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. O. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov, 25.1898............. Joined and enrolled as private: in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued by State; granted 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. G. 0. 130, A. A.., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included 02.75. value of articles issued by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. G. 0.130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,, 0. 130. A. G,., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; left sick in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6 with typhoid fever contracted in line of duty; granted furlough Oct. 19 (to report at Rock Island arsenal at expiration) to Nov. 20,1898, G.O. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; absent, sick, since Nov. 20,1898.....,..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898................... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... MaI. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Mai. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield;.. MaJ. Roberts.....Rock Island.. 266 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Were. When. Jesse G. Cook......... Peter J. Cosgrove.... William David........ Oscar L. Daliee...... Frank C. Downs...... William Durling...... Thomas C. Enrlght... Alex. L. Erickson..... Walter Fitzsimmons.. Ervin Foster......... Holmes Fry............ Milton Fider.......... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private'.................. Private................ Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private...............*..o Apr. 26.1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 10.1898 Rock Island.... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island.... Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Springfield....... May June May May May May June June May May May May 11,1898 21,1898 11,1898 11.1898 11,1898 11,1888 21,1898 21,1898 11,1898 11.1898 11,1898 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 267 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Rock Island. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield....I -. I I I Lieut. Dillon.... li lial. Roberts.... Maj. Roberts.... Mal, Roberts.... Maj. Roberts.... Miaj. Roberts.....1I I I I I I I Rook Island. Rock Island. Rock Island. Rock Island. Rock Island. Rock Island I i.1 I I. I I q Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75; value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898, G. 0.180, A.. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; absent, sick, since Nov. 20,1898................................ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. 0. 180, A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 20,1898................... Joined and enrolled as private; in settlement for clothing is included $2.76. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furiough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 52, 1898................ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; fined $3.00 for being absent from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.. June 19, 1898; fine paid on June roll: left sick with fever in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6. 1898; fever contracted in line of duty; granted furlough Oct. 16 to Nov. 12, 1898,. G. 114, A. G. 0.; granted furlough Nov. 13 to Nov. 20 G. O. 180, A. G. O.,C.S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898.. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing Is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. 0. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26, 1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898 0. 0. 180, A. G. 0. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company: he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. 0. 130... G. 0., C. S. mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G0.O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private- in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. O. 180, A. G. O., C. 8.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.............. I Rock Island.. [ieut. Dillon..... Rock Island., Rock Island.. lAeut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island., taj. Roberts.... Rock Island.. Sorinefield... iaJ. Roberts..... lock Island.. Springfield... laj. Roberts..... lock Island.. Springfield... laj. Roberts..... lock Island.. 268 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- - We When. Where. When. Sylvan Fleener.;.......Private.................. June 21.1898 Rock Island...... June 21,1898 Frank Furbos'........ Arthur A. Graham.... Jack H. Glass!......... William B. Gardner... Frank L. Haynes...... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. June 'June Apr. June Apr. 21.1899 21,1898 26,1898 21,1898 26.1898 Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 May 11,1898 June 21 1898 May 11.1898 Fred Hebeler.......... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11,1898 Fred Hamilton........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... May 11,1898 Leonard E. Huffman..IPrivate.................. IJune 21.1898 Rock Island...... June 21,1898 Clarence H. Huff...... Charles A. Johnson.,. Russel P. Hampton... Private................ Private................... Private................... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 May 111898 May 11,1898 Oscar E. Jensen....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... SIXTH INFANTRY. 269 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Rock Island. Rock Island. Rock Island. Springfield.. Rock Island. Springfield.. Springfield....I.I.1I.1 1 Lieut. Dillon..... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. bieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. ald. Roberts.....Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. f0aj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as private after muster tin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. O. 130,. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898........... Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 130, A. G,. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield May 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private: in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. 0. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898............ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G 0 130. A. G. 0.. C. 8.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State: granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0 130, A. G. 0 C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 180. A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. 0. 130, A.. O.. C. S.: mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0.180, A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; detailed as color bearer May 12,1898: granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 180, A, G. 0.. C. S.,; mustered out at Sprlngfield Nov. 25,1898.................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.675 value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. G. 0. 130. A. L. 0.,'C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898................. Springfield... M1a. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. [Aeut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. iAeut. Dillon.,... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Aenut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Iai. Roberts..... Roek Island.. Sprinfield... I Maj. Roberts.... Rock Island.. I 270 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Arthur G. Jacobs...... Private.................. pr. 26898 ock Island...... Ma 11,1898 Ralph Kepford........ Louis Kennedy........ Private................... Private.................. n._. Apr. 26,1898 June 21.1898 Rock Island...... Rock Island...... May 11.1898 June 21,1898 ____ r_ i.... 4. m.....a... lienry bamp.......... rlivate... Y................m 1 18t9w iprngneld....... May. 11, ii John J. Lowe......... James Moffltt.......... Stephen Moore........ Robert Maisah........ Win. E. Montgomery.. Charles Morgart...... Wm. F. McElherne... Private................... Private............. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 21,189S Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,189E Apr, 26.189S Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... June 21,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Roy G. Marshall....... Private............ June 21,898 Rock Island...... June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 271 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. -- - - -- - -_ --- —- -----,- -- ---— Sprinfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Epringfield... Rook Island.. Springfield... Rock Island.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Rock Island.. Mij. Roberts..... Lient, Dillon..... Maj. Roberts..... Lieut, Dillon..... Maj. Roberts.... MaJ, Roberts..... MaJ. Roberts..... Mal. Roberts..... Maj. Roberts..... Maj. Roberts..... Lieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles him by State; fined S3.00 for being absent from 8 p. m. June 12. to 9 p. m. June 1., 1898; fine collected; time not deducted on any previous roll; deducted two days' pay on this roll; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. 180. A..., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded $2.76, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough from SeDt. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G.' 0. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no clothing from State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough from Sept, 32 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. 8.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898............. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no clothing from the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, 0. 0. 180, A.. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25. 1898.. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.: mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898................ Joined and enrolled as private: in the settlement for clot ing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0.130, A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0.130. A. G. O. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898................ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C..,; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. 0. 130., A. G. 0.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898........ 272 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- ---- When. Where. When. John Mueller.......... Albert McKinstry..... Oliver C. Manly....... Gudmond Olson....... Allen N. Pratt........ John H. Page......... Charles Rure......... Joe Remer........... Otto Rosche........... Jerome Rowley........ Joe Stauber........... Harry R. Smythe.... Christian Schmid..... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 April 26,1898 April 26.1898 April 26,1898 April 26,1898 April 26,1898 April 26,1898 April 26.1898 April 26,1898 April 26.189 April 26.1898 Rock island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island.... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island..... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... I June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 273 MUSTERBD IN. Where. By, Rock Island.. Lieut. I Rock Island.. Lieut. I Rock Island.. Lieut. I Springfield... MaJ. Rc Springfield... Maj. Ro Springfield... Maj. Ro Sprinufield... Maj. Ro Springfield... Itaj. Ro Springfield... Maj. Rol Springfield... Mai. Rol Springfield... laj. Rol Springfield... Maj. Rol Springfield... aaj. Rol Vol. 3-18 Residence. Remarks. whom. Dillon.... )Dllon..... )ilon..... aborts..... )berts..... berts.... berts.... berts..... berts..... berts..... berts..... berts..... berts..... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rook Island.. Rock Island., Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough Sept 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A, G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 26,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private after musterin of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 10, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days' furlough. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A... O., C. S,; mustered out at Sprlngfield, Nov. 25,1898................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.756 value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G.. 180, A, G.... C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. 0. 180, A. G..,. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A. A. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898.............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0.130, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898................ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.76. value of articles issued him bythe State; granted 60 days' furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov, 25,1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued himby the State; granted 60 days' furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 180. A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State: granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898..................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2 75. value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G.. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 26,1898.................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G..10. 1. A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25, 1898................. 274 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLZD. Name. Rank. When. Where. When., ----------, -- -------------- -----— _ --- —---— ____ ' Charles E. Simmons.. Charles Sluis......... Charles Schmacht..... Edward C. Schaffner.. Charles H. Spickler... Jack C. Soders....... Arthur E. Swansen... Elwyn Towneand..... Leon'd M.Titterlngton Emil Van Lurberg.... Judsen E. Wagner.... Ernest Wolfrum...... r fTransferred. Howard Johnston..... Louis Rosenfield...... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 10.1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... Rock Island..... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Springfield....... Roek Island...... Springfield....... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... Rock Island...... May May May June June June May May May May May May May May 11,1898 11.1898 11,1898 21.1898 21,1898 21,1898 11,1898 11,1898 11.1898 11,1898 11.1898 11,1898 11.189S 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 275 MUSTERIED IN. Where. Springfield.,. Springfield... Springfield... Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Rock Island.. Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield,.. Springfield.. Residence. By whom. Maj.'Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Ltent. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Mai. Roberts..... Rock Island.. MaJ. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts.....Rozk Island.. Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Miaj. Roberts... Rock Island.. Remarks. _,I,=_. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by the State granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A, G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield. Nov. 25. 1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898; G. 0. 130, & G0, O, C. S.; absent, sick since Nov. 20, 1898........................ Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. 180, A. G. 6.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private, after muster in of company; he had no State clothing; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. 8.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25,1898............. Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company; he had no clothing from the State; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130, A. G.., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield Nov. 25.1898... Joined and enrolled as private after muster in of company; he had no clothing from the State; granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898 G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 26, 1898. Joined and enrolled as private; inthe settlement for clothing is included $.75, value of articles issued him by the State: granted 60 days furlough. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 26, 1898................... Jolued and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of articles issued him by the State;granted 60 drys furlough. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.: mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25, 1898................... Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75. value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days furlough. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898 G. O. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898............ Joined and enrolled as private; In the settlement for clothing is included $2.75, value of arricles issued him by the State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898.................. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included 2 75, value of articles issued him by the State; granted 60 days furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G..130, A. G. O.. C. S., mustered out at pringfield, Nov. 25, 1898............. Joined and enrolled as private; in the settlement for clothing is included $2.75,value of articles issued him by the State: granted 60 days furlough, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. 20,A. G. O., C. S.; mustered out at Springfield, Nov. 25,1898.............. Transferred to Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, June 22 1898, 0. 0. 58, 5. O. (no number) Gen. Graham; descriptive list furnished. Transfarred to Hospital Corps. U. S. Army, June 22,1898, G... 68, S. O. (no number) Gen. Graham; descriptive list furnished. 276 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. BenSears.......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Rock Island...... Hay 11.1898 Chauncey B. Sears.... Private..................f May 10.1898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 Bert T. Boughton..... Private.........,... r..... Apr. 16,1898 Rook Island...... May 11,1898 Christian Koch........ Private................... Apr. 6.1898 R ock Iland...... May 11,1898 Died. Louts Bledsoe......... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Rock Iland...... May 11.1898 John Barney......... Private................... Apr. 2,1898 Rock island...... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. John W. Rei.......... Captain................... Apr. 26,1898 Genes.).......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 William A. Wanner... lat Lieutenant........... Apr. 26,1898 leneseo.......... James Hill.............2d Lieutenant............ Apr. 26,18981Geneseo..........May 11,1898 Emil Anderson........ list Sergeant.............. Apr. 26.l898Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 Albert J. Levine....... 2d Sergeant.............. Apr. 26.1898 Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 William C. Goss........,,;,, 0 Sergeant................. Apr. 26.18981Geneseo.......... Ma 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 277 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Transferred to Hospital Corps. U. S. Army, June 22,1898,. 0. 58, 8. 0. 36. Gen. Graham- descriptive list furnished........... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Transferred to the U. S. Engineer Corps June 24,1398, S. O. 14, same date, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps; dezcriptive list furnished... Springfield... Maj. Roberts...,. Rock Island.. Transferred to regimental band July 81,1898, S. 0. 48, R. 0.. same date; descriptive list furnished..................................... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Transferred to regimental band July 31.1898, S. 0. 48, R. O., same date; descriptive list furnished............................. Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Rock Island.. Died May 21 of typhoid fever at Camp Alger; final statements and descriptive list furnished....................................... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Died Sept. 12,1898. in hospital at Ponce, P. R.; descriptive list furnished; final statements furnished........................ COMPANY B. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... IsGneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... (eGneseo..... Originally enrolled as Captain and mustered into the U. S. service on May 11 1898, by Capt. Roberts; absent on recruiting services from May 8 to May 10; sick in quarters at Camp Alger, Va., June 6 to June 9, 1898, in line of duty; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22, to Nov. 20, G. 0. No. 130, A.... C........................ Originally enrolled as 1st Lieutenant and mustered into the U. S. service May 11, 1898; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22, to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130. A.... 0. C.................................... Originally enrolled as 2d Lieutenant: mustered into the U. S. service May 11 1898; on detached service with wagon train at Adjuntas. Porto Rico, from Aug. 17 to Aug. 30,1898, on verbal orders regimental commander; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A.G. O. C.................................. Enrolled as 1st Sergeant; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G.. No. 130, A. a. O., C. S.; sick in hospital at Camp Alger, Va., May 22 to May 28. in line of duty.............. Enrolled as Sergeant; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles Issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept, 22 to Nov.20, 1898, 0. O. No 130, A. G. O., C...: sick at Geneseo, I11., in line of duty from Sept. 26 to Oct. 25.1898................................. Enrolled as Sergeant; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.28. total value of articles issued him by State; on detaehed service from July 6 to July 29.1898, on transport S. S. Grand Duchess, on verbal orders from headquarters 6th 1ll. Vol. Inf.; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O.. C. S.; sick at Geneseo. Ill.. in line of duty from Sept. 25 to Oct. 80,1898........... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Gneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... o)eneseo..... 278 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Herbert W. Ferry..... Sergeant................. Apr. 26. 18981Geneseo.......... May 11.1898 Fred RistaSereant........... 26.. SergApr. 1898 eneseo.......... May 11.18 Freeman G. Reig....... Q M. Sergeant.......... Apr. 26,1898 teneseo.......... May 11,1898 Charles Levlne....... Charles G. Davis...... Harry Stone........... A. Nathan Cederlof... Lawrence D. Prescott Corporal.................. Corporal.......... Corporal.................. Corporal................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr, 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Geneseo.......... Geneseo......... Geneseo.......... Geneseo......... May May May May 11.1898 11.1898 11.1898 11,1898 Sprinafleld....... May 11,188 SIXTH INFANTRY. 279 MUSTERED IN. -. --- —- — _- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... iI I I ( ( Geneseo..... 3eneseo...... Qeneseo...... eneleo...... Enrolled as private; promoted Sergeant May 11, 1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of S1.82, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in hospital at Guanico, P. R., July 30.1898, in line of duty; returned to duty at Ponce. Aug. 7, 1898; siek in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 5,1898; sailed for the U. S., arrived in N.Y. Oct. 14; rationed to include Oct. 16; reported to company commander for duty Oct. 17; on furlough from Oct. 17 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C,......... Enrolled as Q. M. Sergeant; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick on transport Rita July 26,1898; transferred te hospital ship Lampasas and sent to the U. S.: sick in line of duty; reported to company for duty at New York, eoat. 14.1898; reduced to rank of duty sergeant Sept. 0. 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S........................ Enrolled as private; appointed Q. M. Sergeant Sept. 10.1898, S. 0, No. 115, headquarters 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; on 49 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Sept. 28,1898; on duty from Sept. 29 to Oct. 9, 1898; on furlough from Oct. 10 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. O. No. 180. A..O.. C. S........... Enrolled as Corporal; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 28,1898,..0, No. 130.... 0., C. S....... Enrolled as Corporal; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. i. 0., C. S... Enrolled as corporal; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,'G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 1, 1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued Ihim by the State: sick in quarters at Uttiado, P. R., Aug. 18 to Aug. 26,1898; in quarters in camp near Ponce Aug. 28 and 29,1898: taken to hospital Aug. 80.1898, sick in line of duty; left in hospital in Porto Rico; on detached recruiting service from June 9 to June 21,1898. on orders Colonel commanding 7th 11. Vol. Inf.; sent from hospital at Ponce to U. S.; sick in Josiah Simpson hospital from Oct. 5 to Oct. 14; on furlough from Oct. 16 to Nov. 14,1898. granted by Lieut. Col. Woodhull, U. S. A.: on furlough from Nov. 15 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 18.A,, AG. O.. S. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 11,1898: in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.28 total value of articles issued him by the State: siek in hospital at Camp Alger May 21 to May 27, 1898. in line of duty; on detached mail service at Adjuntas Aug. 15 to mug. 28; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898,. 0. No. 130, A.. 0.. C. S.......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... i1eneseo...... Springfield....Capt. Roberts.... 4eneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Mendota...... Springfield... -Caut. Roberts.... 280 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank,. -- When. Where. When. John B. Ebert......... Corporal................... p 26.1898 Geneseo.......... May 11.1888 T. Henderson Frew... Corporal.................June 11898 onmoth........ (June 17.1898 Thomas M. Goodman. Corporal................ Apr. 26.1898Geneeeo......... May 11.1898 JohnS. Sleeper... C orao l..........................Apr 26,1898 Goneseo.......... May 11.1898 Ira D. Cardiff.......... Corporal.................. June 17,1898 Monmouth........ June 17,18s8 Fred G. Fehlman...... Corporal................. (May 14.1898 Springfield....... May 17,1898 Leander C. Hunter.... Crorral.................. Apr. 26,1898 Qeneseo..........May 11,1898 Walter G. Taylor...... Artificer.................. 6Apr. 26,189f May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Lieut. Monmoutb.... McIntosh. I tkinson..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Atkinon..... Springfield... Capt, Roberts....Geneseo...... Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal May 11,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32 total value of articles issued him by State: sick on transport Rita July 26,1898; transferred to U.S. S. Lampasas and sent to U. S.; sick in line of duty; reported for duty at Springfield, I111.. Sept. 26,1898; on duty from Sept. 29,1898, to Oct. 16, 1898; absent on 35 days' furlough from Oct. 17 to Nov. 20,1898, (. O. No. 10, A G. O. O., C. S....... Joined and enrolled after muster in of com. pany; no clothing was issued him by the State; appointed Corporal to rank as such from July 1.1898. R. S. O. No. 115, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; slek in hospital at Ponce. Porto Rico, Aug. 8, in line of duty; reported to company for duty at Uttiado Aug. 18: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O 0. C S................................ Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal July 1, 1898, R. S.. No. 116; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.21, total value of articles issued him by State: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 120. A. G. 0.. C. S.......... **...........*...*.............. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal July 1,1898, R. S. 0. No. 115; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 51 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Sept. 28; on duty from Sept. 29 to Oct. 7,1898; on furlough from Oct. 8 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 10, A.. 0., C.. S... Enrolled and joined after muster in of company as a private; appointed Corporal July 1,1898. R, S. 0. No. 115, Oct. 2 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in quarters at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, Ill., Sept. 17 and 18; sent home on Sept. 19 upon order of Surgeon Major Anthony; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, C. G. No. 18, A. G. O., C. S...................................... Enrolled after muster in of company as private; appointed (orporal July 1,1898. R. S. 0. No. 115. Oct. 8. 98; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $3.23 total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. G. O. No. 10,. A. G.., C. S. Enrolled as private; appointed Corporal July 1, 1898, R. S. 0. No. 115, Oct. 3,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State: absent on 66 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Sept. 28; on duty from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2.1898; on furlough from Oct. 4 to Nov. 29,1898, 0.. No, 10. A.. GA. O., C. S.................................. Enrolled as private; appointed Artificer July 1,1898, R. S. O. No. 115. Oct. 3 1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,.. O. No. 180, A. G. O.,. S................................ Monmouth.... Lieut. Mcintosh. Galva......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneso...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... eneseo...... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Geonseo...... 282 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank.- --- When. Where. When. John W. Ftzkee......Waoner.................W e Apr. 2,.1898 May 10,l189 Goneeo.......... May 11,189 William A. Kiefee.... Company Cook.......... Springfield........ IMay 11,188 Searley I. Story...... Musician................ Apr. 26,189 eneso.............. May 11,188 Howard Wanner. Mu an...... sician........... Apr. 2.1898 eneeo.......... May 11.1898 Allon, Alva............ (Private......... (Apr. 268189 enesoo........... May 11,1808 Barnes. William..... Brown, Fred C........ Brunk. Elhannan..... Bryan, John C......... Boyd, Clinton........ Private................... Private................. Private............. Private................... Private................... June Apr. Apr. 17,1898 26.1898 26,1898 Monnouth....... Geneseo......... Geneoao e........ Geneso......... Springfield....... June 17.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1896 SIXTH INFANTRY, 283 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Atkinson..... Amboy....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield...Capt. Caines..... Cambridge... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo.... Enrolled as private; appointed Wagoner July 1, 1898, R. S. 0. No. 115, Oct. 3.1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; tried by Field Officers' Court June 12. 1898, for violation of 32d Article of War; found guilty and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay, S. O. No. 4, Case No. 2; absent from evening of June 10 to morning of June 12; fine of $3.00 collected, but days absent not deducted on June pay-roll; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180. A. G. O.CS..; deduct on this roll two days' pay, A. W. L. Originally enrolled as private; appointed Company Cook July 1, R. S. O. No. 115, Oct. 3,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov, 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S.................... In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by the State; tried by Summary Court Aug. 23 for violation of 62d Article of War: sentenced to 10 days in guard house: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. A. O.. C. S.; $3.00 charged for trumpet Q. M. store...... In the settlement of clothing account Is the sum of $4.82, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in hospital at Utuado Aug. 21 to Aug. 25, in line of duty; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S.; $3.00 charged for trumpet Q. M. stores......... Originally enrolled as private; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by State: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898,. O No. 130,. G. O..C.S.; sick at Reswick, Ia.. Sept. 24; sickness contracted in line of duty................Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued by State: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130 A. A. O., C.S. Originally enrolled as private; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32. total value of clothing issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180 A. A. O.. C. S. Originally enrolled as private; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of S2.28, total value of articles issued him by State; sick quarters at Utuado in line of duty Aug. 16 to Aug. 25,1868; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.................... Originally enrolled; In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898..0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S........... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in hospital at Utuado Aug. 17 to Aug. 22.1898. in line of duty; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. 0.. S........................ Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... (eneseo..... Monmouth... ILieut. Mcintosh.. Kewanee... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... jeneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneso..... Springfield...lCapt. Roberts....lpha....... 284 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Beckstein, Theodore.. Private................... June 17,1898 Monmouth....... 'June 17,1898 Boland, Joseph........ Private................. June 16.1898Monmouth....... Jun 17.1898 Clough, Leslie V...... Private................... Ap r. 26,1898 eGeneeo.......... May 11,1898 Craln, Albert.......... Private................... Apr..28,1898 enoseo.......... Iay 11 i898 Cherry. Frank A...... Cronan, Julius........ Chamberlain, Allan D Private................. Private................. Private.................. May 9.1898 June 17,1898 Geneseo.......... Monmouth....... May Jane 11,1898 17,1893 17,1898 June 17.1898 Monmouth....... June Dalton, George J. B... Private................... May 9.1898 Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 Dalbey, Charles N.... Davis, James B....... Elston, Samuel J.3.... Private.................. Private................... Private................... May 10,198 June 17,1898 May 10,1898 Springfield....... Monmouth....... Springfield....... May 11,1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 285 MUSTERED IN. MUS —T --— ERE Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Monmouth... leut. McIntosh. eneseo...... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Kewanee.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Ilenesoo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Gensse...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 1Cambride... Monmouth... rLsut. McIntosh. Kewanee..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in quarters at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 29 to Sept. 7; in quarters on transport Manitoba Sept. 7 to Sept. 14; sick in quarters at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, Ill,. Sept. 17 to Sept. 21: sick at Geneseo, Ill., Sept. 22 to Oct. 20, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 130. A. G.... C.S. Joined and enrolled atter muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; absent on furlough Sept. 16 to Sept. 20, 1898, S. 0. No. 108. Hdqrs. 6th 11l. Vol.; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, &.0.O., C.S. Originally enrolled: In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. o.. C. s.................................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; absent, sick in general hospital in Fort Meyer. Va., from June 1,1898; sick in line of duty; reported to company for duty at Ponce, P. B., Aug. 2, 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130 A,, O.,C........................ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued to him by State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Sept, 5, in line of duty; sent to U. S. on hospital boat........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by tate; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 180, A. G.., C....................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in quarters at Utuado. in line of duty, from Aug. 18 to Aug. 26, 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, E. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S. Originally enrolled; in settlement for clothing account is the sum of $4.32. total value of articles issued him by the State; tried by Field Court Martial for violation of 32d Article of War; found guilty and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay, S. O. No. 4, case No. 21; absent from morning of June 15 to noon of Juna 16; fine of $3,00 collected but days absent not deducted on June payroll absent on 60 days' furlough from 8ept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, (. 0. No. 130, A.G. O. U. S.; deduct two days' pay on this roll, A. W. L................................. Originally enrolled: in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G.., C.S. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C.S. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. 0. 0.. C. S............ Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Geneseo...... Atkinson.... Springfield... Oapt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Monmouth... Lieut, McIntosh. Kewanee..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Cambridge... 286 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- -- When. Where. When. F.tzkee. Archie M.....j Private..................May 9.1898 rrln efeld....... May 11.1898 Ford, A. Barrie........ Fowler, Frank......... Private.................. Private................... June 17,1898 mnay 10.1898 Monmouth....... Springfield....... June 17,1898 May 11,1898 Frew, William 8...... Private........... Apr. 26,1898 s eneseo.......... May 11.198 Gardner, Will J...'..Prate.........Ma 91898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 Goldsworthy, Thos. E Goembel. Louis....... Gray, Frederic O...... Private................... Private................... Private................... May June June 10, 1898 17,1898 17.1898 Springfield....... Monmouth........ Monmouth........ May 11, 1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Hamilton, Harry...... Private................... Ar. 26.1896 Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 Haswell, Albert....... Private..n.............. June 17,1898 Monmouth........ June 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 287 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Atkinson..... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Kewanee.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Ormo, Wis... Capt. Springfleld... Roberts.... Geneseo...... Springfield...Capt. Roberts....LaSalle....... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $Z.23, total value of articles issued him by State; sick In hospital at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 8, 1898; returned to duty at Utuado, Aug. 18, 1898; left sick in hospital at Logansport, Ind., Sept. 16 to Sept. 23, 1898; reported to company commander at Geneseo Sept, 24,1898: absent on 57 days' furlough from Sept. 25 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S.; all sickness contracted in line of duty. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, Q.. 180, A. G. O., C. S.... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued by State; sick in hospital at Camp Alger in June, sick in line of duty; absent on 60' days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. G... c. s................................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; sick In line of duty in hospital at Camp Alger, Va., June 14 to June 22,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.......... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State: on detached service from Aug. 16 to Aug. 27, 1898, at Adjuntas. with wagon train on verbal orders of Col. Foster; absent on 29 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Oct. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130,.. 0.. C. S.; on duty at Springfield, l11., from Oct. 21,1898....... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued by State: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898,. 0. No. 130. A. A.. G 0. C............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60' days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. a. o., c. s.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in quarters in line of duty at Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 17 to Aug. 26, 1898: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O.. C............................................ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; detailed as cook at regimental headquarters July 27, 1898; reported to company for duty Sept. 4. 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0.130, A. G. O., C..................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.................................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....Elizabeth..... Monmouth.... Lieut. MeIntosh.. -Geneseo.... Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. leneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Monmouth.... Lient. McIntosh..ewanee..... 288 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Henderson, William..Private................... Apr. 26,18980Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 Hielbert. Richard T... Holt, Harry............ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 May 10.1898 Gloneseo.......... Springfeld....... May 11, 1898 May 11.1898 Hodgson. George F... Private................... June 17,1898 Monmouth........June 17,1898 Hodre, John.......... Private.................. June 17.1891 Hodge, William....... Hatfield, Obadiah..... Holl, Henry............ Lloyd, Lyle L......... Lawrence, Lester..... Malcom, Charles..... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................. Private............... Private................ June May Apr. 17,1898 17,1898 26.1898 Monmouth........ Monmouth....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Monmouth........ Geneseo.......... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 May 17,1898 May 11.1898 May 9.1898 June 17.1898 Apr. 26,1898 May June May 11,1898 17.1898 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 289 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Sprinagfeld.. Capt. Roberts.... Orion......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Genesoo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... LioeCenter... Monmouth.... Lieut. MeIntosh.. IKewane..... Monmouth....I ileut. McIntosh.. Kewanee...... Originally enrolled; in settlement of cloth' ing account is the sum of $4.12, total value of articles issued him by State; detailed as cook at regimental headquarters July 23 to Sept. 17, 1898; tried by General Court Martial Aug. 17, 1898. for violation of 62d Article of War; fined $3.09. 8. 0. No. 77; fine collected on pay-roll of July and August; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. a. o.,. 8......................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothinr account is the sum of $4.12. total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0. C............. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Camp Alger, Va.. in June; sick in hospital at Yanco Aug. 1 to Aug. 17, 1898; sick in hospital at Springfield. Ill., Sept. 18 to Sept. 21.1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898 G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; all sickness in line of duty...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce Aug. 7. 1898: reported for duty at Ponce Aug. 28, 1898; left in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6, 1898. to be sent to United States on hospital ship; absent sick at muster out Nov. 25,1898................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, a. 0. No. 189, A. G. O., C. S.; absent sick at muster-out Nov. 251898......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 adys' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. s...................................... In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $3.21. total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 130. A. G.O., C. S................................ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of 32.23, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce, Aug. 9 to Aug. 13; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sent. 22 to Nov. 20.1818, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S................................ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $3.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept 22 to Oct. 20. 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. C............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov, 2, 1898, G. O. No. 130, A.G. 0., C...................................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $1.82, total value of articles issued him by State; siox in line of duty in division hospital at damp Alger, Va.. June 26 to July 651898; absent on 60 days' furlough. from Sopt. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., CS........... Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. I Kewanee...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Edinburg..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Moline........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Atkinson..... Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. Kewanse...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Cambridge Vol. 3.-19 290 ADJUTANT GENERALIS REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ---- - When. Where. When. Masters, Joseph...... Marsh, Edward B..... Private................... Private................... Apr. May 28,189a 9,1898 McLead, James W.... Private............. May 9.1898 Neiswender, Charles.. Neuman. Oscar........ Nobiling, Henry...... O'Counell, Matthew... Patten, Geo. W........ Page. William R...... Peek, Ell D.......... Peet, William......... Mason. George........ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26.189E June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1869 Apr. 26,1891 June 17,189f May 17,1891 May 9,189f June 17.189E Geneseo.......... Springfield....... LaSalle.......... Geneseo......... Monmouth........ Monmouth....... Geneseo......... Geneseo.......... Monmouth.... Springfield...... Springfield...... Monmouth..... May 11,1898 May 1,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 17,1898 June 17.1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 June 17,1898 May 17.1898 May 11.1898 June 17.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 291 Mustered In. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Cambridge... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... LaSalle....... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts Monmouth... L ctosh.Keae.... Mcntos ewanee.. Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. Kewanee...... SDringfield...Capt. Roberts.... IGeneso...... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32. total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, G. 0. No. 130. A,. O., C. S........... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.28. total value of articles issued him by State; on detached service from Aug. 28 to Aug. 30, 1898, on wagon train at Ponce, P. R.. on verbal orders from headquarters 6th 111. Vol. Inf.; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. G. 0. No. 10. A. a.. C. s............ S.................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of 32.23, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Lallaboa, Aug. 1 to Aug. 7,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. 8....................... Oririnally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov.20. 1898, G. 0. No, 130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough. from Sept. 22 to Oct. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. o. s....................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G, O., C. 8.................................. Originally enrolled; In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by State: sick in line of duty at Geneseo, P. R., July 28: returned to duty at Ponce, Aug. 7. 1898; sick in hospital at Ponce, Aug. 9; reported for duty at Utuado. Aug. 18, 1898: absent on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O.. C............. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued by State; absent on 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., C............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. O. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.................. In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.28, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce Aug. 9,1898; reported to company for duty at Ponce Aug. 28, 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C............. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothIng account is the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130. A.. O.. C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued by State; sick in line of duty in quarters at Utuado Aug. 17 to Aug. 28. 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. O. No. 130, A. G0.,., C. S................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....lGeneseo..... Monmouth... Lieut. Mclntesh. Kewanee..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Edlnburg..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....INunda........ Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Kewanee..... 292 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLBD. I Name. Rank. -- -- When. Where. When. Porter, A, Dean...... Polson. August........ Reece, Frank......... Reeser. Edgar....... Robinson, Harold A... Rowley. Frank........ Rummell, Harry..... Private................... Private................... Private.....,............ Private.................. Private................ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 May 11,198 June 17,189E June 17,189 Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Apr. 26,1896 Geneseo.......... BOrintfield....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Geneseo......... Springfield..... Geneseo.......... Genesoo......... Monmouth....... Geneseo.......... May 11.1898 May 11.188 June 17,1898 June 17.188 May 11,1898 May 11,18 8 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 June 17,1898 Mar 11,1898 May 11,1898 Rummell, Alfred S.... Private................... May 9189 Scranton, Charles..... Semken, Charles...... Private.................. Private................... June 17,1898 Apr. 26.1898 e May 10, 1898 Selbert. Walter S.....Private................... Sprin field....... SIXTH INFANTRY. 293 MUSTIEED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Genesso...... Sprinlfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo..... Monmouth... ILeut. McIntosh., Kewanee..... Mendota...... Lient. McIntosh.. Monmouth... Springfield.Ct. obrt.... obrts....eneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Elisabeth..... Sprinagfeld. aobert...Capt. Robert..enseo...... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, a. 0. No. 180 A. O. C. 8............ Transferred from Co. I to Co. B Aug. 4. 1898 R. S. 0. No. 66, same date; in osttlement of clothing account is the sum of $1.88, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22, G. O. No. 180, A.. O.,. S....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 23 to Nov. 20, 1898, (. O. No. 130, A. Go... C.................................. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $1.82, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty in quarters at Camp Alger Va., June 18 to June 28; absent on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O., C. S.; absent, sick since Nov. 20, 1898...................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. O., C. 8............ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.81. total value of articles issued by State; tried by Field Court Martial for violation of 32d Article of War: found guilty and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay, S. 0. No. 4, Case No. 3; absent from evening of June 10 to morning of June 12; fine of $3.00 collected but days absent not deducted on June payroll; sick in line of duty in hospital at Guanico, P. R., July 26 to Aug. 6. 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. a. 0. No. 180, A. G. O. C. 8.deduct two days' pay on this roll for absent without leave..................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued to him by State; detailed to regimental hospital at Camp Alger, Va., May 20, 1898: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 29, 1898, G. O. No. 10, A. G. 0.. C. S.; sick at Geneseo, 111. since Sept. 26 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No. 130. A. G. 0.. C S................................... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; on detached service on wagon train at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 29 and 80: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180.. A... C. S.................... Originally enrolled; in settlement *f clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No. 180, A.. C. S.......... Genesso...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Leut. McIntosh.. Kewanee.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneao...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Polo.......... 294 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- Wh When. When. Where. Shaklee Albert O..... Private...................J e 17,188Monmouth.......June 17,1898 Stickley, Carl......... Private................... ay 101898 Sprinfiejd....... IMay 11,1898 Stoneberf, Henry..... Stoneberg, Olaf..... Private........... Private................ Apr. 26,189E Apr. 2,.189E Geneseo.......... Geneeo.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Talbot, Henry E...... Private........... AP..... Apr. 26,s1898 eneseo........... ay 11,1898 Taylor, Elwood........ Tietz, Frank........... Private................... Private................... June 17,189E June 17,189f Monmouth....... Monmouth....... June 17,1898 June 17.1898 Thomas. Harr........ Private.................. Wenner, Alva......... Wahlert, Ernest....... Private................... Private................... May May Apr. 11, 18988pringfield....... May 1,1898 10,1898 26,189S Springfield....... Geneseo.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 295 MUSTIEBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. s.. Monmouth... Lient. Mcintosh.. Kewanee..... Sprinrfield... Capt. Roberts.... Elisabeth.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... iGeneseo...... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Cambridge... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by tate; absent on furlough from Sept. 16 to Sept. 21,1898, R. 0.O No. 108, Sept. 15,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 130,. A. O., C. S. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.28, total value of articles Issued him by State; absent sick in line of duty at Ft. MSer, Va., from June 25, 1898; reported to company for duty at Springfield. Ill., Sept. 18, 1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, 0. O. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S.. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, 0. O. No. 130, A. 0, C. C. S............ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in quarters at Springfield. Ill.. from Sept. 17,1898 to Sept. 21.1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C.......... Originally enrolled: in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty on transport Rite: transferred to U. S. S. Lampasas July 25 at Guanica. P. R.; sent to U. S.; reported to company for duty at Springfield, Sept. 18.1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. G. 0. No. 180, A G. O., C. S......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State: absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180. A. G. 0.. C........................................ Joined and enrolled after mukter-in of company; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 6,1898; reported to company for duty at Ponce Aug. 30; in hospital on board ship Manitoba Sept. 10,1898; left in hospital at New York Sept 14. 1898; all sickness in line of duty; absent sick at muster out Nov. 25.1898...................... Transferred to Co. B from Co. I Aug. 4, 189g S. O. No. 65 same date; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $1.88. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in quarters at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 18 to Aug. 26,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898,. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S........ Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.283 total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., G. S......... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Guanica, P. R.. July 27,1898; sent to hospital at Ponce Aug. 8,1898; reported for duty at Utuado Aug. 18,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 139, A. G. O.,C. S................................. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Kewanee..... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. lKewanee.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... G0eneseo... 296 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -----— N ----- When. Where. When. Walters, Jeee L...... Whipple, Harry....... Wilson. Evert W...... Private................... Private................ Private................. May 11.1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 17,1898 Springfield....... Geneso.......... Springfield....... May 11.1898 May 11.1898 May 17,1898 I Williams, Gusa........ Private................... May 9.1898 Genese..........May 898 Zigler, Evert......... Discharged. Harek. Gnstav........ Transferred. Frazee. Thomas....... Higler. Clarence..... Fehlman, George W.. Ivey, Frank............ Bachus, Eugene....... Sharren, John......... I Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................... I May 10,1898 May 10.1898 May 10.1888 May 10, 18i May 11,1898 Sprinfield....... Springfield....... Sprlngfinld....... Springfield....... Springfeld....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... 8pringfeld *.... I I May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May May May 10 1898 10,1898 10,1898 May May May 11.1898 11,1898 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 297 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. - - - -- I - - _ - Springfield... Capt. Robert.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy....... Cambridge... Springfield., Springgeld.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. (.(.C C C Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberti... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts... 4apt. Roberts....1. I I( E C G C Cambridge.. Lee Center.. Springfield.. Flora......... Galena........ I iI I Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 23 to Nov. 20,1898, G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S....... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. G. 0. No. 130, A.. 0., C,............ In settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.82, total value of articles issued him by State: sick in line of duty in hospital at Yanco, P. R., Aug. 1.1898; duty at Ponee, Aug. 7.1898; sick in hospital at Adjuntaa, Aug. 12,1898; reported for duty at Ponce, Aug. 29,1898; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nev. 20,1898, G. O. No. 180, A. 0. O. c.S............................. Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $3.28, total value of articles issued him by State; on detached service in commissary department, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf, from May 17,1898; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce. Ant., 1898; sent to United States in hospital ship; reported to company for duty at Springfield, Sept. 28, 1898; en duty as guard at Springfield from Sept. 29 to Nov. 20.1898... Originally enrolled; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; absent on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. O. No 80. 10.., C. A. G........... Discharged by order of Secretary of War. June 10, 1898, S. 0. No. 135, Paragraph 28, same date; discharge and final statements furnished; in settlement of clothing is the sum of 71 cta., total value of articles issued him by State................................ Transferred to Co. M. 6th Ill. Vol. Isf. S. 0. No. 48. June 8,1898; no clothing was issued him by State; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished.............. Transferred to Co. 0. 6th I11. Vol. Inf., S. 0. No. 50, July 4,1898: in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished................. Transferred to ith Reg. Band, 8. 0. No. 48, July 31, 1898; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in hospital at Fort Meyer, Va.. from June 26,1898; sickness in line of duty; sick in hospital when transferred; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished.................................. Transferred to Co. M, 6th 111. Vel. Inf., S. ). No. 64. Aug. 7,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $223. total value of articles issued him by State; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished.............................. Transferred to Co. M 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., S. O. No. 64, Aug. 7,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $4.32, total value of articles issued him by State; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished......................... Transferred to Co. M, 6th 11. Vol. Inf., S. 0. No. 64. Aug. 7,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $2.23, total value of clothing issued him by State; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished............................. Springfield.. Oapt. Roberts.... 3ixon........ Springield.. )apt. Cairns..... oeneseo...... Springfield,.. 'apt. Roberts.... lalena........ Springfield...!apt. Roberts.... lalena........ Springfield... apt. Roberts.... [alena........ 298 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Deaths. Dearth, Edgar P...... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Spr1lnfield....... May 11,1898 Brown, Leslie R...... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Geneeo.......... May 11,1898 Wanner, Frank P..... Sereant................ Apr. 26,1898 eneseo.........Ma 11189 SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. E When. Where. When. Thomas Leslie McGirr Captain................... Apr. 2. 189 Conrad A. Byloff...... Daniel K. Smyth...... let Lieutenant............ 3d Lieutenant........... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,189E Galesburg........ Galesburg........ Galesburg........ May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 299 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Moline....... Drowned in Potomac River June 28,1898; in settlement of clothing account is the sum of $1.19, total value of articles issued him by State; drowned while regiment was bathing In Potomac River; final statements furnished..................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo..... Died on hospital ship Relief Sept. 8,1898: no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in quarters in line of duty at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 1 to Aug. 6,1898; sick in hospital at Ponce, Aug. 6 to Aug. -- taken to hospital ship Relief and sent to United States" died while on ship at sea, Aug. 18,1898; all sickness in line of duty; no ofioial information of death received................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Died in hospital at Philadelphia Sept.10, 1898; no clothing was issued him by State; sick in quarters at Utuado Aug. 21 to Aug. 26; sent to hospital at Ponce Aug, 28 sent to United States on hospital ship and died in hospital at Philadelphia Sept. 10.1898; all sickness in line of duty; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing furnished; no official information of death received........................................ OOMPANY C. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as Captain May 18, 1898; en route to Camp Russell A. Alger. Va., in line of duty, was inijred by right inguinal hernia resulting from a severe cough contracted at Camp Tanner, Springfield. Ill., which necessitated his wearing a truss during the remainder of service; sick with malaria at Camp Alger, Va., and at Utuado. P. R.. and with diarrhoea and with rheumatism in Puerto Rico. all in line of duty; absent with leave Sept. 18 to 19,1858,to attend the funeral of MiJ. W. E. Baldwin; on waiting orders from Bept. 22, to Nov. 20.1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A........................................ Enrolled and mustered as 1st Lieutenant; at Camp Alger on verbal orders Acting Battalion Adjutant 2d Battalion during sickness of Lieut. Clendinin; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898,. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G................. Enrolled and mustered as 2d Lieutenant; detailed Acting Regimental Commissary July 8,1898, per R. S. 0. No. 49. July 8,1898; sick from Sept. 19 to Oct. 21, 1898, in line of duty; in Cottage hospital, Galesburg. Il., from Sept. 22 to Oct. 21, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A.. 0............. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... (alesburg.... 300 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORBT ENBOLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Frank E. Johnson.....st Sergeant..............Apr. 26.1898IGalesburg........ May 11,1898 Carl J. L. Borne...... Q. M. Sergeant........ Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ Ma 11,1898 Edwin C. Reed........ Walter P. Coolidge.... Sergeant................. Sergeant.................. Galesburg........ Galesburg........ May 11.1898 May 11 1898 Ludwic Nelson........ Sergeant................. Apr. 2,1898 Oalmburr........ May 11,1898 Charles J. Rome....... Sergeant................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11, lt8 SIXTH INFANTRY, 301 MUBSTEBED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Sprinefleld.. Capt. Roberts... IGalesburg.... Sprlngfield...o apt. Roberts... Galesburg.... Galesburg.... Springfield... CaDt. Roberts.... Enrolled and mustered as 1st Sergeant; absent, sick, in hospital at Yonco, P. R.. from Aug. 1 to Aug. 8. 1898, in line of duty; on duty at Sprinfield. 111.. from Oct. 4 to Oct. 8,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on duty at Springfield, Il1., from Nov. 10 to Nov. 20, 1898; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Oct. S, and from Oct. 9 to Nov. 9, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C S., A..................... Enrolled and mustered as a Sergeant; promoted to Q. M. Sergeant May 11, 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 81, May 21, 1898; on detached duty at Galesburg. Ill.. on recruiting service from June 9 to June 21, 1898; on Reg. verbal order June 9,1898: sick in hospital at Camp Alter from June 22 to June 27.1898. in line of duty, and in hospital at Utuado. P. R., from Aug. 20 to Sept 1, 1898, in line of duty; on duty at Springfield I,,, from Sept. 27 to Oct. 8. 1898; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Sept. 26 and from Oct. 9 to Nov. 12,1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0.; on duty at Springfield, 111., from Nov. 13 to Nov. 20,1898...... Enrolled and mustered as a Sergeant; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. O. No. 180, C. S. A............................. Enrolled and mustered in as a Corporal; Iromoted Sergeant May 11, 1898. per R. S.. No. 31, May 21,1898; sick at home since Sept. 20, 1898, in line of duty; prevented by his sickness from attending the musterout of his company; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; left camp sick with leave in care of his father Sept. 20,1898, as above.......... Enrolled and mustered in as private; promoted Sergeant May 11. 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 31, May 21. 1898; absent, sick, in hospital at Ponce, P. R., and J. Simpson general hospital, Ft. Monroe Va., from Sept, 6 to Oct. 24, 1898, in line of duty: sick furlough given him from Oct. 23 to Nov. 22. 1898, by M. J. Woodwell. Lieutenant Colonel. S. G. dated J. Simpson general hospital, Fort Monroe, Va.. Oct. 23,1898, per G. 0. No.114. A. 0. O.. C. S.; in settlement of clothing account is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 25 to Nov. 20, 1898, per. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; cemmutation of rations paid for Oct. 23 and 24 1898,$3.00; reported to company commander Oct. 2, 1898................................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Sergeant May 11, 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 81.1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. A. O....... Springfield.;. Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 302 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. William A. Johnson... Corporal.............. Apr. 26.1898 Galesburg........ May 11 1898 Osear S. Wilson....... Corporal...............Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 Galesburg........May 11, 1898 Benjamin F. Holcomb Corporal.................. Apr. Galesburg........ IMay 11,1898 Eds'n P. PeckenpaughlCorporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1893 Alvin P. Burkhatter.. Corporal.A........... Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26.1898 GalesburM........May 11, 1898 Charles 0. Johnson... Corporal......A........... A Galesburg........ May 11, 198 Warren Williamson... ICororal................. Apr. Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Mart J. Neylon........Cororal.................. Apr. 26, 1898 alesburg......... May 11,6198 SIXTH INFANTRY. 303 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Sprlnfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Capt. Roberts.... Galesbure.... Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....a Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered in as a private; pro. moted Corporal May 11, 1899, per R. S. O. No. 81, May 21,1898; overcome by heat first day's march from Ponce. P. R., Aug. 9.1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C... A. G. 0...... Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal May 11, 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 81, May 21,1898; in settlement of clothins is included the sum of $2.34. total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C.S.. A. G. 0...... Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal May 11, 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 81, May 21. 1898; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0 e.......................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private- promoted Corporal May 11, 1898. per R. ~. 0. No. 81, May 21. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.38, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private: promoted Corporal May 11. 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 81, May 21. 1898; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to Aug. s8. 1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0O..........,......... s..................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal July 1. 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 113. Oct. 8. 1898: in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.31, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0................................ Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898. per R. S. 0. No. 113. Oct. 8. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.; sick at home while on furlough........... Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898. per R. 8. 0. No. 113, Oct. 21, 1898; absent, sick in hospital at Juanica, P. R.. from July 29 to Aug. 2. 1898, in line of duty, and in hospital. Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 10 to Aug. 27.1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of 32.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. 0....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Galesburg.... Springfield... (apt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 804 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. Frank N. Steele....... Corporal........... Apr. 26. 1898 Galesbur........ IMay 11,189 James W. Swilter.... Corporal.................Ap. r.6,1898 Galeoburg........ LMay 11,1898 Apr. Andrew P. Tannlng... Corporal................. 26.1898 Galesburg........ May 11, 1898 Robert J. Samuelson.. Corporal.................. I """" Apr. 26,18981Galesburg........ May.,1898 Galelburg....... Apr. 2, 1898 William K. Steele..... Artificer................ May 1, 1898 Ira E. Benson......... Wagoner............. Apr. 26,l188 Galesburt........ May 11,1898 f SIXTH INFANTRY. 305 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898, per I. S. 0. No. 113, Oct. 8. 1898; absent, sick in hospital, at Ponce and Adjuntas, P. R., from Aug. 17 to Aug. 27, 1898, in line of duty. and in hospital at New York from Sept. 14 to Oct. 81,1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 81 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G, 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.: sent home Sept. 29; commutation of rations paid for Oct. 29 and 80, 1898......... Enrolled and mustered as a private; appointed bugler May 11, 1898. per S. 0. No. 31. May 21. 1898; promoted Corporal July 1,, 1898, per R. S. 6. No. 113, Oct. 3, 1898; absent, sick in hospital at Springfield, ll.,.. from Sept. 19 to Oct. 3, 1898, and sick at home since Oct. 4.1898, in line of duty; prevented by his sickness from attendingmuster-out of his company; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of 82.31,. the total value of clothing issued him by, the State; on furlough from Oct. 4 to Nov. 20.1898. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.... Enrolled and mustered in as a private; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898, per R. S. 0. 118. Oct. 8,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. 8., A. G 0....... Enrolled and mustered in as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Guanica, P. R., from July 29 to Aug. 8,1898; on detached duty guard wagon train Aug. 14 to Aug. 27, 1898; promoted Corporal Aug. 31,1898, per R. S. 0. No. 94. Aug. 31,1898; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Oct. 3, and from Oct. 9 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; on duty at Spring. field. 11., from Oct. 4 to Oet. 8, 1898. as clerk.............................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; appointed Artificer May 11, 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 31, May 21 1898- absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 1 to Aug. 80, 1898, in line of duty: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A.. 0....................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; appointed Wagoner May 11, 1898, per R. S. O. No. 31, May 21,1898; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18,1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 120, C. S., A. G. o..0........I............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts...[Galesburg.... Vol. 3-20 306 ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Anderson, Benjamin.. Private................... Apr. 26,1898|Galesburg.........May 11.1898 Bowman, Alfred B.... Benedict, Jacob C.... Bird, Jacob D...... Brown, William P..... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Campbell. William.... Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. June Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. June 26.1898 26,1898 26.1898 16,1898 Galesburi........ Galesbure........ Galesburg....... Monmouth....... 26.1898 alesburg........ May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 16.1898 Calkins. Willis E...... Copp, William H...... Cochran. Victor N... Cummings. Lewis L.. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... 26.1898 26,1898 26.1898 16.1898 Galsebur........ Galesburg........ Galesburg........ Monmouth...... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 16.1898 Detrlck. Willard...... Private................. Apr. 26.1898 Galesburg......... IMay 11, 898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 307 MUSTEBED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts.;.. Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Liet. McIntosh..Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as private; on verbal order detailed as clerk in the regiment Qnartermaster's department May 11.1898; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. and New York from Sept. 6 to Oct. 19.1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.33. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O., from Oct. 19 to Nov. 20,1898; commutation of rations paid for Oct. 17 and 18, $3.00...... Enrolled and mustered as a private: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. 0..................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; sick in quarters from Sept. 7 to Sept. 21,1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. 0. 130, C. S.. A. G............. Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C.S, A.. o..A................'.............. Joined and enrolled as a private after the muster-in of the company; absent, sick in hospital at Utuado. P. R.. from Aug. 21 to Sept. 1. 1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued to him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, from Aug. 11 to Aug. 18, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept 22 to to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. 0................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.. 0................................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; sick in quarters from Sept. 1 to Sept. 20,1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2 34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 28, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0...... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, 82.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130, U. 8., A. G.0.............................. Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; sick in regimental hospital at Ponce, P. R.. from Aun. 29 to Sept. 6. 1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued to him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included sum. $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O..................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Williamsfield. Springfield... Capt. Roberts....G0alesburg.... 305 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. DeFord, Frank E...... Corbin. Edwin J..... Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ Galesburt........ May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Dunn, Joseph H., Jr.. Private............. Apr. 26.1898 ulesburg........ Mayll 1898 Private................. Diefenderfer, Jacob C. Apr. 26,1988 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Dunlap, William H... Private.................. June 16,1898 Monmouth....... June 16,1898 Elder, George L........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galesbur........ May 11,1898 Franden, Oscar....... I Private................... Ar. 26, 1898 Galesburg........ May 11,189 SIXTH INFANTRY. 309 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... lGalesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private- in settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G............................... Enrolled and mustered as a private: absent, sick in hospital at Charleston, S. C., from July 10 to Aug. 26, 1898, in line of duty; reported for duty Sept. 18. 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2 31 the value of articles issued him by the State: appointed Trumpeter May 11, 1898, per Rev. S. O. No. 81, Mav 21, 1898; private June 8. 1898; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; sick furlough given him from Aug. 26 to Sept. 26,1898, by John D. Thomas. Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., dated Charleston. S. C.. Aug. 26,1898, by order of Aug. 9. 1898, from Chief Surgeon, Department of Gulf; detailed, S. 0, No. 16, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, to telegraph service; returned to company June 26, 1898................................ Enrolled and mustered as a private; orderly to Colonel Foster at Camp Alger, Va.; left sick in line of duty on Ship Rita at Guanica, P. R.. July 26,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum. $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; was paid for the month of August by Major Baird; pay due for the months of July, September. October and November, 1898; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; sick furlough given him from Sept. 17 to Oct. 16, 1898. by Calvin DeWltt, Major and Surgeon, U. S. A., dated Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 17, 1898; reported Sept. 22, 1898, at home station of company, Galesburg Ill.; soldier has been sick at the home ol his parents most or all the time since his return; furlough granted under G. 0. 114, W. D., A. G. O., Aug. 9,1898; commutation paid for rations for KSept. 18 and 19, 1898, inclusive, three dollars ($3.00) currency... Enrolled and mustered as a private; on detached duty. guard wagon train from Aug. 14 to Aug. 27, 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum, 32.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, rer G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G, 0... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; sick in field hospital from Aug. 10 to Ang. 14. 1898. near Ponce, P. R.. in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C, A. S. A...................... Enrolled and mustered as a private: promoted Corporal May.11 1898. per Reg. S. 0. No. 31, May 21. 1898; reduced to ranks Aug. 31,1898, per Reg. S. 0. No. 94, Aug. 31, 1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum. $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0....... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Aledo........ Springfield.. ICapt. Roberts.... Galesburg... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 310 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ----- -.. When. Where. When. Farrow, John.......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898Galesburg........ M.ay 11,1899 I I Follery George W..... Freer, Morton C....... Private................... Private.................. June June 16,1898 17.1898 Monmouth...... Monmouth.....,. I June 16.1898 June 17.1898 i Gentry. James S...... Private............... June 17,1898 Monmouth....... June 17.1898 Gottrick, FrederlckW. Private................... Apr. 26 1898 Galesburr........ May 11,1898 I II Hopkins. Harry B.... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesbur..... 1May 11,1898 i Hopkins, Rolla C...... Private.................. Apr. 261898 Gals............. May 11,1898 Harms. Fred C........ Heflin, JameaB....... Hoofraugh, Grant G.. Private.................. Private................... Private................., I I June 16,189E June 16,189E June 16,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... I I I June 16,1898 June 16.1898 June 16,1898 I Hosler, Herbert S.... PrivateAp 261 8 alebr............ Apr. 26,1 898alesb........ ay 1898 I I SIXTH INFANTRY, 311 MUSTERED IN. _ — _- Residence. Remarks. Wliere, By whom. Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lient. McIntosh...Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. IGalesburg.... Monmouth... Lleut. McIntosh.. Galesburg.... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Ialesburg.... Springfield... luapt. Roberts....lGalesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent sick in hospital at Guanica. P. R., from July 29 to Aug. 3.1898, in li, e of duty and in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0....o..................................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130 C A. C, 0A........................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; on detached duty as clerk on board S. S. Manitoba from Sept. 3 to Sept. 8. 1898; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A, IO.......................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; sick at home from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, C. 5., A. G. 0.; prevented by his sickness from attending the muster out of his company................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, G. 0. No, 180, C. S., A.. G................................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A G. 0............................ Enrolled and mustered as a private; sick in hospital at Springfield, Ill., from Oct. 12 to Oct. 15.1898, in line of duty; on guard duty at Camp Lincoln from Oct. 5 to Oct. 11,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.31. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on furlough per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O., from Sept. 22 to Oct. 4. 1898, and from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20,1898.......................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. per G. 0. No, 130, C. S., A. G. O............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; sick at home from Sept. 22 to Oct. 15, 1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0....... Enrolled and mustered as a private; sick in quarters from Aug. 18 to Sept. 21, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.3., the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. [Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. IGalesburg.... Monmouth... Lient. McIntosh.. Maquon....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 312 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. _._ When. Where. When. Hulse, Richard D..... Private................... Ar. 26,1898Gaalesburg........ May 11,1898 Huey. Charles V......Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Galesburg...... May 11,1898 Jackson, William A...(Private.................. Apr. 26.1898Galesburg........ May 11.1898 Jones, RoyE.......... Private................... Apr. 26,18981Galesbiur........ May 11,1898 Knutson, Joseph M... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Knock, Frederick A... Private................... June 16,1898Mnmouth...... June 16,1.898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 313 MUSTERED IN. ---- T Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Calesburg.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... 3alesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent sick in hospital. Yanco Ponce, P. R., and in New York. N. Y., from Aug. I to Sept. 28. 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing Is included the sum $2 34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O., from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898; sent to his home by General commanding the Department of the East; convalescent; paid commutation of rations for Sept. 26 and 27. 1898. $3.00...................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in arrest by civil authorities at Alexandria, Va.. from July 3 to July 6,1898, for disturbing the peace; tried and fined $10.00 by civil court; on guard duty at Springfield, Ill., from Oct. 5 t Oct. 19,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22 to Oct. 4, and from Oct. 20 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 150, C. S., A. G. O.; deduct on this roll four days' pay, for days absent without leave.......................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to Aug. 27.1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A.. 0...................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 10 to Aug. 26.1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A.. o.................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent without leave from June 12 to June 14, 1898; tried by F. 0. C.; found guilty by said court and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay. per F. 0. C. S. O. No. 42, 2d Brigade 1st Division. 2d Army Corps, approved June 20,1898, by Gen. Garretson, Brigadier General United States Volunteers; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per 1. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; the above fine was deducted on pay-roll for the month of June, 1898 deduct on this roll for 8 days absent without leave........................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 180. C. S... A.. O.......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... GIlesburg... Monmouth... Lient, McIntosh.. Rushville.... 314 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Lindatrom. Claude W. Private................... June 17,1898Mionmouth....... June 17,1898 Longbrake, George R. Matteson, Ralph...... Martin, George R.... McKinty. William H.. McLaughlin. George.. Moses, David E....... Mullen, Hugh H.. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Galesburg........ Monmouth....... Galesburg........ Galeeburg....... Galesburg........ Monmouth........ Galesburi....... May 11,1898 June 16,1898 May 11, 1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 June 16,1898 May 11,1898 June Apr. 16,1898 26,1898 Murphy, Harry S...... Private................... June 16.1898 Monmouth........June 16,1898 Murphy, David....... Private................. JJune 16.1898 Monmouth........ June 16,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 315 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Springfleld... Capt. Roberts... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.....4 ( A 3(alesburg... Galesburg... Galesburg... lalesburg.... )alesburgr... 1 Springfield'...JCapt. Roberts.... lalesburg.... I Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; absent, sick in hospital, at Guanica, P. R., from July 29 to Aug. 8,1898, in line of duty, and in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to Sept. 6,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., and New York, from Sept. 6 to Oct. 16,1898, in line of duty; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20,1898. per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O.; sent home by Commanding General of the Department of the East, Oct. 14; commutation of rations paid for Oct. 14 and 15,1898; $3.00 paid in cash.......................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2,34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per 0. 0. No. 180, C. s., A. 0...... Joined and enrolled as a private, after muster-in of the company; no clothing Issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per A. 0. No. 130, C. 8., A. G. 0........................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C.....A............................. Enrolled and mustered as a private: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept, 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G.................................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Guanica. P. R.. from July 29 to Aug. 8. 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles Issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G. O.......................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company: no clothing was issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Charleston, S. C.. from July 10 to Aug. 2, 1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G O. No. 130, C. S.. A.. o......................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company: absent, sick in hospital at New York, from Sept. 14 to Oct. 12,1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 13 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; commutation oi rations paid for Oct. 11 and 12,1898............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.,A. G. O............................ Monmouth... lleut. McIntosh.. Douglas...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... *alesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. Mcintosh.. ialesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Lledo......... 316 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Metcalf, Arthur A..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11.1898 Nelson, John A........Private................... Ar. 28,18918 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Neeley, Dick W...... Palmer. JacobiS...... Palmer,'Arthur C'..... Peterson, Albert..... Philblad, Cbarles:R... Phflblad George V... Pettett, Howard L.... Pierce. Frank M....... Pendarvis. Charles R. Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... June Apr. June Apr. 16,1898 26,1898 16,1898 26.1898 Monmouth........ Galeebure........ Monmouth........ Galesburg........ June 16,1898 May 11.1898 June 16,1898 May 11,1898 Private........188 al........ 2 1898 lesbrg........ May 11,1898 Private................... Private................... Private................ Private................... June Apr. 16.1898 26.1898 Monmouth........ Galesbur g........ June May 16,1898 11,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Galeabure........ May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 317 MUSTERED IN. -_. ------------ Residence Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg... Monmouth... Lient. McIntosh.. Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesbrrg.... Monmouth... ILieut. McIntosh.. Galesburg.... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private; was company cook during campaign; in settlement for clothing was included the sum $2.81, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. o............................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Guanlca, P. R., from July 29 to Aug. 8, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O........................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C... A. G........................... Enrolled and mustered as & private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.38, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. 0. No. 180, C. S., A.. 0............................ Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent. sick in hospital at Utuado, P. R.. and J. Simpson general hospital near Fort Monroe, Va.. from Aug. 23 to Nov. 10, 1898, in line of duty; commutation of rations paid for Nov. 9 and 10,1898, $3,00 currency; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0. O., from Nov. 11,1898. to Nov. 20,1898; clothing amounting to $13.09, drawn at hospital included In accounting...................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. A. 0............................. Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, c. s., A. G. O3........................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent. sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18, 1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G............................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in field hospital near Ponce, P. R.. from Aug. 10 to Aug. 12, 1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G..... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G............................ Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Knoxville.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg..... Galesburg.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 318 1 ADJUTANT GENARAL'S REPOBT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank, - -'- ----- When. Where. When. Potter, Herman H.... Private...................June 17.1898Monmouth........ June 17,1898 Raker. Henry W..... Ryan. LaFayette...... Schneider, Carl H..... Smith, Henry C....... Spilman, Homer...... Spratt, Robert........ Spence, Emerson...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 June 16.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16.1898 June 16.1898 Galesbur........ Monmouth....... Qalesburg........ Qalesburg........ Galesburf........ Monmouth........ Monmouth........ May June 11,1898 16.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 June 16.1898 June 16.1898 Sharpless, Phillip D.. Private................Apr. Ap 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Sequist. Con.......... Sandburg, Charles A. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26.189E Apr. 26.189f Galesburg........ Galesbur........ May 11,1698 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 319 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Monmouth.... Springfield.., Monmouth.... Springfield... Springfield.. Springfield.. I. 4.4.4 I Japt Roberta.... Galesburg.... Japt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... A[eut. McIntosh. Galesburg.... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... [leut, MoIntosh.. Galesburg.... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of company; absent, sick in hospital, Ponce, P. R., and New York, from Sept. 6 to Oct. 14, 1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; computation of rations paid for Oct. 18 and 14. 1898, $3.00 in currency.... Enrolled and mustered as a private: in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130 C. S.. A. G. 0............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company: absent, sick in hospital at Utuado. P. R., from Aug. 23 to Aug. 1, 1898. in line of duty; no clothing issued him, by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C.' S. A. G. O............................ Enrolled and mustered as a private- In settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0....0....................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G............................ Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 1 to Aug. 18,1898, in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick at home since Sept, 22, 1898, in line of duty; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G 0............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. GO0............................ Joined and enrolled as a private after muster in of the company; detailed to the regimental quartermaster's department, from June 28,1898; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O......................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. and New York, from Sept. 6 to Oct. 17,1898. in line of duty: in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Oct. 18 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G.; $3.00 paid on rations for two days......................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is Included the sum $2,34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C~. A.................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G.................................. Monmouth... Lleut. McIntosh.. Woodhull..... Monmouth... Lieut. Mclntosh.. Galesbur... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 320 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - -- When. Where. When. Scott. John............ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 balesburg........ May 11,1898 Thomas, John W...... Tracy. Edwin F....... Private................... Private................ June Apr. 16,1898 26,1898 Monmouth....... Galesburg....... Underwood, BenJ. F.. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galeaburg........ Wade. Charles F...... Private................. Apr. 26.1898 Galesburg........ June 16,1898 May 11. 189 Ma 11, 1898 May 11,1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 May 1, 1898 Wells, James A....... West, Thomas M...... Wiley, JesseF........ Private.............. Private............... Private.................. June 16,1898 June 16.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Galesburg....... Westfall, Clyde R..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Galosbure........ May 11,1898 Winders, Charles H.. Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesbrg a........ May 11, 898 Woodard, Harry C.... Private..................Apr. 268,1898 Galesburg........ IMay 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 321 MUSTEERD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sringrfield.. Monmouth.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... ( Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Lieut. McIntoEh.. Kewanee..... Capt. Roberts.... |Galesburg.... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth.. clieut. Mcintosh.. Aledo......... Enrolled and mustered as a private: in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2 84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1698. per G. O. No. 130, 0. S., A.G. 0............................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130.. S.A.............................. Enrolled and mustered as a private; on detached duty guarding wagon train from Aug. 14 to Aug. 27, 1898; in settlement for clothing Is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A. G. O...................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private- in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No, 180. C.. S.A....................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; Assistant Cook during campaign; absent without leave from July 10 to Aug. 3.1898; due U. S. $11.44. overpaid by MaJ. Bigelow on voucher 146. roll for July and August; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $234, the total value of of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. 0.................... Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130,. S., A. G. 0................... Joined and dnrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. per G. 0. No. 180, C. S.. A. G...................... Enrolled and mustered as a private- in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C.S.,A...0........................... Enrolled and mustered as a private, absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18. 1898. in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S..A....... A......... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180,. S.. A. G............................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; sick in hospital at Galesburg. 11.. from Sept. 24 to Nov. 13, 1898, in line of duty; prevented by his sickness from attending the muster-out of his company; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.3, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. S G. 0.... Monmouth... Ltieut. McIntosh.. Galesburg.... Springfield.., Capt. Roberts..... Galesburg.... Springfield.. Japt. Roberts.... Galeabnrg... Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... |Galesburg.... Springfield... I Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Vol. 3.-21 322 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where, When. Wolf. Bert............. Discharged. Bowman, Svan........ Private................. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Glalesburg....... Glalesbur........ May 11,186 May 11,1899 lPransferred.... Hansel, Oscar L....... Private................... Apr. 26.1898|Galesburge........ May I. 1898 Gialesbur........ Wager. Leonard S....Private..................Apr. 26, 189 May 11,1898 Potts, Noble P......... Private................... Ar. 26.1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Porter, Mark J........ usician................. Apr. 261898 Galesburg...... Ma 11,1898 Thomson, Thomas W. Musician................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Died. Kay, Lewis W......... Private................... I Apr. 26,1898 Gialesburf........ May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 323 MUSTEnBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I alesburg.... 8pringfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield...lCapt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Sprinefleld... ICapt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Enrolled and mustered as a private; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.3 the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C.. S.. A. G. O.............................. Enrolled and mustered as a private: absent, sick in hospital for insane soldiers at Washington, D. C., from June 6 to Sent. 23, 1898, in line of duty; discharged on account of disability Sept. 28,1898: Oct. 11,1898,paid in full this day $133.24. and statements given including property issued by the State; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Enrolled and mustered as a private; transferred to hospital corps of U. S. army per S. 0. from headquarters 2d Army Corps, June, 1898, (no number or date given), at Camp Russell A. Alger, Va.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; descriptive list and statements given......................................... Enrolled and mustered as a private; transferred to hospital corps of U. S. army, per S. 0. from headquarters 2d Army Corps, June, 1898, (no number or date given) at Camp Russell A. Alger. Va.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.34. the total value of articles issued by the State; descriptive list and statements given...... Enrolled and mustered as a private; on special duty from June 19 to June 26,1898, signal corps: transferred to signal corps, U. S. V.. per S. 0. from headquarters 2d Army Corps June 26.1898, at Camp Russell A. Alger, Va.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; descriptive list and statements iven.......... Enrolled and mustered as musician; absent, sick in hossital at Guanica, P. R., from July 29 to Aug. 8,1898, in line of duty; detailed to regimental band from May 11 to July 81, 1898; transferred to regimental band, per R. S. O. No. 57, July 31, 1898. in the field; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; descriptive list and statements given............. Enrolled and mustered as a musician; detailed to regimental band from May 11 to July 81, 1898; transferred to regimental band per R. S. 0. No. 57, July 81, 1898, in the field: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; deseriptive list and statements given............. Enrolled and mustered as a private; died Oct. 12,1898, at Douglas, Ill.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.84, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. under provisions of G. 0. No. 180. C. 8.. A. G. 0.: taken sick at home about Oct. 5. 1898; died of disease Oct. 12. 1898, at 8:40 p. m., at the home of his parents near Douglas, Ill., and was buried in Yates City. Ill., cemetery. Oct. 14. 1898....................... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts....IGalesburg.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 324 ADJUTANT GENERALIS REPORT. SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. Frank W. Latimer.... Captain................... Apr. 25.1898 Ablngdon......... May 11 1898 Frank., Trevor...... 1st Lieutenant.......... r 25,1898 Abingdon...... May 11,1898 Leonidas T. Reagor... Zd Lieutenant........... Apr. 28, 1898Ablngdon......... May 11,1898 J. Arthur Whitmans.. lst Sergeant..............Apr. 26,1898 Ablngdon......... May 11,11898 James 8. Barton...... Sereant................. Apr. 26. 8981Abidon.........Ma 11,1898 James Bacon......... errant................ lApr. 26 1898 Abingdon......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 325 COMPANY D. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abindon.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Originally mustered with company May 11, 1898, as Captain; on waiting orders per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. 60 days; Aug. 9.1898, taken sick in line of duty on march from Ponce to Adjuntas. P. R.; although sick kept up with the regiment and resumed command of company on march from Adjuntas to Utuado. P. R.. Aug. 14, 1898; three days' leave of absence granted by command of Brig. Gen. Garritson, Utuado. P. R., Aug. 25; resumed command of company Aug. 27,1898, at Adj antas; named as member of G. C. M.. Utuado, P. R., Aug. 17, 1898, by command of Brig. Gen. Garretson......... Originally mustered with company May 11, 1898, as 1st Lieutenant; on waiting orders per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O, C. S., from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. 60 days: assumed command Aug. 9,1898, about 2:30 o'clock p. m.; on account of sickness of Capt. Latimer unable to continue march and relinquished command to Lieut. Reager; resumed command of company Aug. 10, 1898; in command of company Aug. 26 and 27, 1898....................................... Originally mustered with company May 11, 1898, as 2d Lieutenant; on waiting orders perG. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, 60 days; received command of Lieut. Trevor on march Aug. 9, 1898; unable to continue with company; relinquished command to non-commissioned officers about.... o'clock p. m.; appointed regimental commissary by verbal R. 0. Aug. 26.1898, Utuado, P. R.; relieved of duty and joined company Aug. 29, 1898, Camp Ponce. P. R....................... Mustered-in with company as Sergeant May 11, 1898,. O. company commander at Port Ponce, P. R.; appointed 1st Sergeant vice Sergt. Barton reduced Aug. 9, 1898; sick in quarters in line of duty May 22 to May 25, 1898, June A to June 6, June 7 to June 21 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $P.65, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Il., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898......................... Mustered with company as 1st Sergeant May 11,1898. by V. 0. company commander; reduced to Sergeant Aug. 5, 1898, Port Ponce, P. R.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $1.60, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., 60 days under G. O. No. 180. A. G. 0.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898........................... Mustered with company as Corporal: promoted April 26, 1898. Sergeant; sick in quarters in line of duty June 8 to June i, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C.,.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... &bingdon..... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... 326 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLBD. Name. Rank. - ---- When. Where. When. William H. Birdsall... Sergeant................. Apr. 26.1898 bingdon.........May 11,1898 Albert R. McGinnis... Sergeant.................. Ar. 2,1898Abingdon.......May 111898 William T. Johnson.. Q. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 26,198 Abingdon......... May 11,1898 Fred J. Fisher......... Daniel H. Kinnedy.... William L. Robinson.. Max Stromlow......... Joe Shipplett.......... Co orporal................ Corporal.................. Corporal................. Apr. 28,1898 Apr. 28,1898 May 10,1898 Abingdon......... 'Abingdon......... Sprinegfeld....... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon......... May 11.1898 Corporal................. A 26, 898 Abingdon......... May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 327 MUSTERED IN. -_ - - ---- _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Ablngdon..... Mustered with company as Corporal; promoted Sergeant April 26,1898; In command of company on going into camp Aug. 9, 1898, on first days march from Ponce, 1. R.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum 4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. 0.,. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........................ Mustered with company Sergeant May 11, 1898; D. S. Aug. 9, 1898, with wagon train Adjuntas, P. R.; returned to company from D. S. Aug. 80,1898, all by V. 0. regimental commander; sick in line of duty and left at hospital Logansport, Ind Sept. 16, 1898; discharged from hospital and reported to home station Sept. 23, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at home station for 59 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. A. 0., C. S.. Sept. 23 to Nov. 20. 1898................................. Mustered Q. M. Sergeant with company May 11. 1898: sick in line of duty first camp out of Ponce. P. R.. Aug. 10, 1898; returned to hospital Ponce, P. R., Aug. 11, 1898; discharged from hospital rejoined company Camp Ponce Aug. 30,1898I in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.95, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill.. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898............ Mustered with company May 11. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. O. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898..... Mustered with company May 11, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.... Mustered with company May 11, 1998, by V. 0. company commander; appointed Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 10, 1898, vice Sergt. Johnson, sick in hospital; relieved Aug. 30. Camp Ponce, on return to duty of Sergt. Johnson; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed at Springfield, Ill.. for 60 days, under GQ. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898........................ Mustered with company May 11, 1898: sick in line of duty in quarters June 8,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. O0. O.. C.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898..... Mustered with company as private May 11. 1898. promoted Corporal July 1, 1898. per R. 6. of same date; sick in line of duty in quarters May 13. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill.. for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. A. O.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield...Cpt. Roberts.... Lincoln...... Springfield.. ICapt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... 328 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLXD. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Nile E. Stewart....... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 11,1898 Sargent Scanlan...... Corporal.........A....... Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon......... Ma 11,1898 John H. Smith........ Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon........ May 11.1898 Walter H. Ward...... Corporal................ Ma 11,1898 Springfield....... May 111898 Abingdon......... Frank L. Heller....... Wagoner.......... Ar.. Apr. 26,1898 May 11,1898 Charles A. Peabody.... Artificer.................. Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon......... May 11,1M98 IMay 11.,1898 Frank Purdy.....Musican............... pr. 261898 Abingdon......... M98 SIXTH INFANTRY. 329 MUSTERED IN. _- ----— _ - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... I Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Capt. Roberts.... Abinrgdon..... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Capt. Roberts.... Table Grove.. Enrolled with Co. C April 26, 1898, V. O. Regt. Commander;transferred to Co.D and mustered May 11. 1898; sick in line of.duty in quarters May 20; promoted to Corporal July 1 by R. O. of same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.5., the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. I11., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................. Mustered with company as private May 11, 1898; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898. per R. 0. of same date; sick in line of duty in quarters June 6,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.96, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A.. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898...................... Mustered with company May 11, 1898. lance Corporal; promoted Corporal July 1. 1898, per R. 0. tof same date; sick in line of duty in quarters May 28 1899- in the settlement for clothing i8 included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, IIl., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............ Mustered with company as private May 11, 1888; promoted Corporal July 1, 1898. per R. 0. of same date; sick in line of duty Sept. 10,1898, aboard Transport 23; able to walk to train Sept. 14 at Weehawken. N. J.; returned to hospital Sept. 16, Springfield, Ill., by verbal order regimental commander; Sept. 19, sent home in charge of his father; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................ Mustered with company as private; promoted to wagoner April 26,1898, per R. O.; forfeited 53.00 pay by sentence of R. F, C., at Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 18. 1898, for absence without leave for less than one dayin the settlement for clothing is included the sum $1.6. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. II.,, for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. S.. S. ept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898: fine paid on last pay-roll............ Mustered with company as private May 11. 1898; promoted Artificer April 26,1898, per R. O.; forfeited $3.00 pay by sentence R. F. C., at Camp Alger, Va.; approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson June 9, 1898. for absence one day without leave; D. S. on boat Manitoba Sept. 2, 1898; rejoined company aboard boat Sept. 7. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.25, the total value of articles issued him by the ftate; furloughed at Springfield, for 60 days' under G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 29, 1898; fine paid on June pay-roll; deduct one day's pay on this roll................... Mustered with company May 11; in the settlement for clothing is ncluded the sum $4.51, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............ Springfield.. Dapt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield'... Japt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... 330 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- I When. Where. When. Lewis A. HarshbargerlMusician..................Apr. 26.1898 Abingd on......... May 11,1898 Wm. A. Adams........ Private................... June 17.1898 Monmouth...... June 17,1898 May 11.1886 George E. Allen...... Private................. Apr. 26. 189l Abingdon......... Fred D. Armstrong... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Ablngdon......... Ma 11,1889 Glen C. Arken........ Private.................. Apr. 2, 1898Ablngdon......... May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 331 MUSTERED IN. _ _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Monmouth.. Springfield.. Springfield.. C Liert. Mcintosh.. Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Abingdon..... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Mustered with company May 11,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111. for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130, A. (. 0.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................ Enrolled after muster-in of company- sick In line of duty in hospital at Ponce, P. R. Aug. 7.1898; moved to hospital boat Relief Aug. 29,1898, to Sept. 28,1898. and landed in St. John's hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y.; commutation of rations paid for two days traveling home. $8.00 currency. G.. No. 114 A. A. O.. C. S.; rejoined company at home station Sept. 24,1898; 25 days' furlough; 57 days to Nov. 20,1898. under 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; no clothing was issued him by the State................... Sick in quarters in line of duty May 24, June 4 to June 21,1898; sick in line of duty in hospital at Ponce. P. R.. Aug. 9; returned from hospital Aug. 30,1898, to Camp Ponce. P. R.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.91, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. IS0, A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898............................................ Mustered with company May 11, 1898; forfeited $5.00 pay by sentence of Regimental Field Officers' Court Martial, approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson, June 19,1898, for absence from morning of June 11 to evening of June 12.1898; sick in line of duty June 80,1898; sent to Division hospital at Camp Alger. July 1,1898; sent to hospital at Fort Meyers, Va., July 4,1898; rejoined company at Springfield, Ill. Sept. 17.1898, and paid for time to 31st of August, 1898; under date of sept. 29,1898. the Major commanding the hospital at Fort Meyers, Va., reported Armstrong a deserter from the hospital July 14. and dropped on the rolls July 24; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; due soldier for clothing not drawn at time of desertion the sum of $8.01; deduct on muster-out and pay-rolls the pay of soldier for 64 days-absence without leave; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898; special report made to the Adjutant General of U. S. A.. Nov. 12,1898........................ Forfeited $3.00 pay and $2.00 pay by sentence of Regimental Field Officers' Court Martial, approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson, June 19 and June 20,1898; first sentence for absence without leave June 9 to June 10, 1898; second sentence. fighting and disorderly in language at Camp Alger; sick in line of duty n quarters May 20, 1898; on detached service with wagon train Aug, 19. 1898. at Adjunta, P. R.; rejoined company at Adjuntas Aug. 29,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill. for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. (. O., 0.S. Sept. 22 to Nov. 30,1898; fine paid on June pay-roll; deduct one day's pay on this roll. Springfield... Aapt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... 332 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. AtkIns, Ashe A Private........ Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Abingadon......... May 1101898 Atkins. Charles C.... Angler, Frank......... Bacom. Frank......... Bomgardnier. Chas. L Babcock. d S........ Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 'Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Ablnudon......... LaMoille.......... Abingdon....... Abingdon......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 189 Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon......... SIXTH INFANTRY, 333 MUSTRBED IN. -Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...C. CatRoberts.... Ablngdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Streator...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..... Abinedon..... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 6-7.1898; on detached service with wagon train at Adjuntas, P. R., Aug. 19, 1898; returned to company at Adjuntas, Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Sprlnefied, Ill. for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................................... Enrolled with Co. K April 26, 1898; transferred and mustered, verbal order regimental commander, May 11. 1898, into Co. D; sick in line of duty, quarters, May 22 to 24, 1898; sick in line of duty, hospital, Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 25. 1898; rejoined company from hospital, Camp Ponce, Aug. 81, 18S8; sick in line of duty in quarters until furloughed Sept. 22,1898; assigned orderly. Div. Hdqrs., Camp Alger, June, 1898; rejoined company July 5.1898; Brig. Hdqrs. orderly, Charleston, S. C. July 17 to 19, inclusive, by order Gen. Wilson; general C. M. orderly, Utuado, P. R., Aug. 20, 1898, by command Brig. Gen. Garritson; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.51, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111., for 60 days. under G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S.. Sept, 22to Nov. 20,1898..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill.; for 60 days. under G. 0. No. 130, A.. O.. C... Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898......................................... Sick in line of duty, Camp Alger, Va., May 20 to 28,1898; sick in line of duty June 26, aboard transport, 21; sent to hospital, Ponce, P. R., July 28.1898; returned by boat Relief to the States; landed in St. Joseph's hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.; furloughed home Sept. 7 to Oct. 6.1898; commutation of rations paid, two days traveling home $3.00, currency, G. 0. No. 114, A. G. O., C. S.; reported to company, Springfield. Ill., Sept. 18, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $4.99, the total value of articles issued him by the State: forfeited $3.00 by sentence Reg. F. 0. C. M.; approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson, June 19, 1898; absent without leave from morning June 11 to evening June 12. 1898; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A.. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898; fine paid on June pay-roll; deduct two days' pay on this roll........................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters May 15; sick in line of duty in hospital, Camp Alger, June 14 to 25,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.67. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Sprlngfield, Ill.. for 60 days, 0. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Abingdon..... Sprinlfield'... Capt. Roberts.... 334 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -.. ---- When. Where When. Briggs Seymour S... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon........ May 11,1898 I Burton, Geo. B........ Bandy. Wm............ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Ablngdon........ G{alesburg........ May 11 1898 May 11,1898 Beard, Almedlas B.... Private.................. (Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon......... May 11.1898 Bowman, Philip 0.... Private................... June 171898 Monmouth....... June 17.1898 I Boynton, Frank W.... Private................... June 17.1898Monmouth....... June 17,1898. Brant. Edward H..... Private..........June 17.1898 Monmouth...... June 17,1898 I SIXTH INFANTRY. 835 MUBTBRED IN. 1- -- - -IResidence. Remarks. Where. j By whom. Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... A. I Ibingdon..... Llpha......... Knoxville..... I I I Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... bingdon..... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 14, to 17 and July 2, 1898, Camp Alger, Va.; sick in line of duty, hospital, Ponce. P. R., Aug. 7. 1898, returned to U. S. by boat Relief and landed St. Joseph's hospital, Brooklyn. N. Y.; furloughed home Sept. 5 to Oct. 4. 1898; paid commutation rations two days traveling home, $3.00, currency, 0. 0. No. 114,A. A. G., O. S.; reported to company commander, home station, Sept. 28,1898; furloughed for 98 days to Nov. 20, 1898. under G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum of $5.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlough Sept. 6 to Sept. 23,17 days........................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.78, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, ll., for 60 days, under G. O. No. 180, A. I. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898....................................... Enrolled with Co. C April 26, 1898. transferred and mustered by regimental verbal order to Co. D May 11. 1898- in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.87, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill, for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898; absent, sick, at muster-out Nov. 25. 1898, at Knoxville, Ill.,.................................. Mustered as private; promoted Capt. Apr. 26,1898, per regimental order: reduced to the ranks by sentence Regtl F,.. I. M.; approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson, June 20. 1898. Camp Alger; was found drunk at formation of company for drill; D. S. July 65 1898, regimental verbal orderr to care of brigade horses, in shipment C5amp Alger, Va.. to Port Ponce, P. tK.; returned to company, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.98. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 11l., for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130. A..., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in line of duty Aug. 22, 1898, and taken to division hospital Utuado, P. R.; returned to U. S. by boat Relief and landed at Newport News. Va., Oct. 8,1898; Nov. 1, dismissed from hospital; Nov. 4, 1898, reported to company commander, home station. and furloughed for 17 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S., Nov. L to Nov. 20, 1898....................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State: sick in line of duty Sept. 8, hospital, Ponce, P. R.; Sept. 6, 1898, returned to U. S. by boat Missouri and landed at Ft. Monroe, Va.. Oct. 6,1898; furloughed home Oct. 15 to Nov. 4., 1898, under (G. O. No. 11., A. G... C. S.. 1 days; absent without leave at muster out Nov. 25, 1898. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Avon.......... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Prairie City.. 1 Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Ellerville..... 336 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. - _ i.._ Cross, Arthur........ Cramer, Frank........ Cox, John W........... Clark. Charles H...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Privaste................. Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1888 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Abinedon........ Abingdon........ Abingdon........ Galesburg........ May 11.1898 May 1, 1898 May 11.1898 May 1, 1898 Clark, Clarence..... Private................... June 17,898 Monmouth......June 17,1898 Carter, William S..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 (alesburg........May 11, 1898 Catr. Maurice L....... Private.................June 17,1898 Monmouth....... June 17,1898 Dally, John W......... Private.................. June 17,1898 Monmouth........ June 17,1898 Edwards, Robert B.. Private.A.................Apr. 26,189E Abingdon........ May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 337 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abinidon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lleut. Mclntosh.Kewanee..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, I11., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. 8., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898..................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters May 14 to 20, 1898; sick in line of duty, hospital, Camp Alger. Va., June 6 to June 21, 1898; sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Ponce. P. R., Sept. 1 to Sept. 6, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01 the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, ill. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 189......................................... Enrolled with Co. C. April 26, 1898; transferred and mustered with Co. D by R. V. O.. May 11. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill.. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A.. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in line of duty, hospital. Ft. Myers. Va.. July 5.1898; furloughed from Sept. 7 to Oct. 6, 1898; rejoined company at Springfield, 111., Sept. 9,1898: no commutation of rations paid days (13) furloughed: furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State....................... Enrolled with Co. C, April 26,1898; transferred and mustered with Co. D by R. V. 0. May 11, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under i. 0. No. 180. A. G. 0.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898...................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in line of duty. division hospital, Utuado, P. R., Aug. 26, 1898; returned to company at Camp Ponce, Sept. 1. 1898; furloughed at Springfield, 1ll., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; performed the duties of cook July 8 to Sept. 21, 1898; furloughed at Springfield. 1ll. for 60 days. under G.O. No. 180, A,. G. 0., C... Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum 4.98. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at SpringfieldIll., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898............................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. Mcntosh. Avon.......... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Prairie City.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Vol. 3-22 338 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Earl. Clarence V......Private................... Apr. 26.18981 binedon........ May 11,1898, F Earll, Lsmuel T....... Private................ Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon........ May 11,1898 II I I ] Flake, Edwin.......... Private................ Apr. 26,189 Abingdon........ May 11,1898 I Fletcher, Mert......... Private.................. May 9, 1898pringfield....... May 11,1898 Fickle, John J........ [Private......... M....... May 2,1898 Sprlngfield.......1. May 11,1898 Goforth, James R..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon....... May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 339 MUSTERED IN. ------------ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. ICapt. Roberts.... &lbingdon..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Avon......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Mustered a private; promoted Corporal April 26,1898.byR. 0.; reduced to ranks by R. S. O. No. 6, May 28,1898; sick in line of duty in quarters, May 19 to May 25, 1898; sick in line of duty aboard transport 23, Sept. 18,1898. left at New York city hospital Sept. 13.1898, with descriptive list: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed home from hospital Oct. 21.1898; commutation of rations paid two days, $3.00 currency; reported to home station and furloughed to Nov. 20,1898. under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Oct. 24 to Nov. 20, 26 days............ Forfeited $2.00 pay by sentence of R. F; O. C. M. for fighting; approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson, Camp Alger. Va., June 20,1898; bick in line of duty in quarters. July 19, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfleld, Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180. A. G0... C., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898; fine paid on June pay roll.......................................... Detached service on muster service per R. O., (amp Alger, Va., June 4. 1898. by report Monmouth, Ill.; returned with 25 recruits, June 20,1898; sick in line of duty in quarters. May 13 to May 23, 1898; sick in line of duty, division hospital, Camp Alger, June 27 to July 4.1898; sick in line of duty, city hospital, Charleston, 8. C., July 18,1898; furloughed Aug. 14,1898, to Sept. 141898. by order Aug. 29, from Chief Surgeon, Department of the Gulf, Sept. 6, 1898; furlough extended by order Brig. Gen. Brooks Department of the Lakes, until arrival of regiment at Springfield. Ill.; reported to company, Springfield, Ill., Sept 20,1898; length of furlough, Aug. 14 to Sept. 9,1898. 38 days; detailed service as camp guard. Sept. 21 to Oct. 18. 1898; furloughed at Springfield Ill. for 88 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S., Oct. 19 to Nov. 20, 1898; no commutation as rations have been paid; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.61, the total value of ar ticles issued him by the State........... Sick in line of duty in quarters. May 13 to Aug. 23.1898; sick in line of duty, in division hospital, Camp Alger, Va., June 8, to June 15,1898; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State......................... Sick in line of duty, in quarters May 14 to 20 and June 80. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.54. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State, furloughed at Springfield, 111., for 60 days. under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Barry......... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... 340 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLID. Name. Rank. --- - --- When. Where. When. George, Wilbur........ Private..................... pr. 26,898 Abingdon.......I ay 11,1898 Gotch, Geo. E......... Private................... May.1898 Springfield...... May 11.1898 Huddleston, Charles..I Private.................Apr. 26,1898jAbingdon........ May l, 1898 Handwright. James... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Ablngdon........ May 11,1898 Holllster, Lester...... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Ablngdon........ May 11.1898 Harmon. Oro........Private...................une 118 onmouth June 17,1898 Hittle. Lester D....... Hoy, Leander M....... Jungstrom, Carl..... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Abingdon....... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 341 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprincgfeld...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Humbolt...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Liberty....... (RandolphCo) Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Virden........ Sick in ling of duty, hospital, Utuado, P. R., Aug. 23,1898; returned from hospital. Camp Ponce. P. R., Aug. 21, 1898; continued sick in quarters in line of duty up to and including date of furlough; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $8 51, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill.. for 60 days. under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............. Sick in line of duty in quarters May 24,1898; sick in line of duty, Division hospital, Camp Alger, Va.. June 6 to June 12,1898; sick in line of duty, hospital, Ponce, P. R.. Aug. 7, 1898; returned to U. S. on boat Relief and landed at St. Joseph's hospital. Brooklyn, N. Y.: furloughed home from hospital Sept. 16 to Oct. 18; reported to company commander Oct. 9, 1898; on furlough to Nov. 20, 1898, 42 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. G... C. S.; Sept. 19 to Nov. 20. 1898, 63 days; commutation of rations paid for three days traveling home, currency, $4.60, under G. O. No. 114, A. G. O.. C. S.; in settlement for clothing is included sum $2.80 total value of articles issued him by the State.......................... In the settlement for elothing is included the sum $2.89, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days. under G. 0. No. 180,... C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................. Sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Tanner, Ill., May 14 to 16, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111., for 60 days, under 0. 0. No. 130, A. G.. C. S., Sept. 23 to Nov. 20,1898........... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 15,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. 111., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 18989........................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; sick in line of duty. Division hospital, Utuado, P. R., Aug. 28,1898; returned to company, Camp Ponce, P. R.. Aug. 81. 1898; furloughed at Springfield. 111., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S., Sept, 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was Issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, I11., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............... Sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Alger, Va.. May 15. 16, 23 to 35, and June 2, 1898: in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. I1., for 60 days, under G.\ 0. No. 130, A. G.. O. S., Sept. 22 to Nov, 20, 1898............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Avon.......... Monmouth...I ient. McIntosh.. Kewanee..... Monmouth... ieut. Mclntosh.. Prairie City.. Monmouth... I ient. McIntosh.. Avon......... Sprinfileld...ICapt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... 342 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Jones. James H....... (Private................... Apr. 26,1898sAbingdon........May 11,1898 Judson, George D..... Private................... June Apr. 17,1898 Monmouth.......June 17,1898 Kennedy, Edwin...... Private................... 16,1898Abinrdon Ma 11,1898 Kennedy, Albert...... Kreig, John......... Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Abingdon......... Springfield....... May May 11,1898 1L.1898 Klock. Earl............ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon........ May 11,1898 King, Bert C........... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon........ May 11,1898 Lewis, Adelbert....... Private................... May 10,1898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 343 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield...|Capt. Roberts....IN. Henderson Monmouth... ILeut. Mcintosh.. Avon.......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Lincoln...... Sick in line of duty in quarters May 20 and June 15; sick in line of duty, hospital, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 9,1898; returned to company, Camp Ponce. P. R., Aug. 80.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.91, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111., for 60 days, under (. O. No. 130, A. o. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; D. S, by V. 0. company commander, Charleston S..., and assigned Lieutenant Clendening in charge of brigade horses July 15, 1898. aboard ship Duchesse; returned company, Ponce, P. R., Aug.... 1898. assigned daily duty Regimental Veterinarian; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days. under G.. No. 180, A. 4. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.e,.................................. D. S. by Regt. V. O. Sept. 5. 1898, aboard transport No. 23 Port Ponce, P. R.; rejoined company Sept. 7 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under 0. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.04, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. 111., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................ Sick in line of duty in hospital, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 9, 1898: rejoined company, Adjuntas. P. R., Aug. 6, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $1.06, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898........... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 28 and 19. 1898; sick in line of duty in hospital, Ponce. P. R., Aug. 9.1898; returned to company. Adjuntas. P. R.. Aug. 26. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180, A. 4. O. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.......................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters May 25.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.08, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield 111., for 60 days under 0. 0. No. 180, A. G..,. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898......................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters. Camp Alger, Va., June 1 to June 9,1898; sick in line of duty in division hospital, Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 25, 1898; landed at Newport News, Va., from boat Relief Oct. 8, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; Nov. 1. 1898. dismissed from hospital; Nov. 4, 1898, reported to company commander, home station, and furloughed for 17 days under G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S., Nov. 4 to Nov. 20,1898....... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... 344 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - ----- When. Where. When. Leigh, John...........Private.................. Ar. 26,1898 Ablngdon........ 5ay 11,1898 Linstrum, Albert..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May, 11898 Litchfield. Norman... Melvin, Harry E...... Private............. Private................... June 17,1891 Apr. 26,189E Monmouth....... Ablngdon........ June 17.1898 May 11,1898 Merritt. Byron........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Ablngdon......... l ay 1,1898 Moore, Grant F...... Private.................. May 11,1898 Springfield. M...... May 11,1898 Moore. Charles B...... Miller, Clarence L.... Newklrk, John L...... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 June 17.1898 June 18.1898 Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... June 17.1898 June 17,1898 June 18,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 345 MUITERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... West Jersey.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Eewanee..... I II Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Sick in line of duty in quarters March 17 to 25,1898; D. S. aboard transport No. 29, by Reg. V. O. Sept. 5,1898; rejoined company aboard boat Sept. 7, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. 82.10. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898..................... Enrolled in Co. C Apr. 26, 1898; transferred and mustered in Co. D by Reg. V. O, May II, 1898; sick in line of duty in quarters Ma 16, 1898; sick in line of duty n quarJune 25 and July 4; sent to hospital, Ft. Meyers, Va.; furloughed home; reported at Ft. Sheridan, 111.; commutation of rations and transportation to Springfield. Ill., furnished Sept. 16, 1898; reported to company, Springfield. I11., Sept. 17. 1898; furloughed at Springfield. 11l., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $2.27, the total value of articles issued him by the State.......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. 4. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.............. Sick in line of duty in hospital, Camp Alger Va., June 4 to June 12.1898; sick in line of duty in hospital, Adjuntas, P. R., Aug. 18, 1898; returned to company, Adjuntas, P. R., Aug. 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $4.98. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill., for 60 days under (. O. No. 180. A. G. 0), C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.75, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180. A. 0.. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Alger, May 20. June ~ to Jane 11. and June 18 to June 21, 1898............................ Forfeited $5.00 pay by sentence R. F. 0. C. M.. Camp Alger, Va.; approved by Brig. Gen. Garritson on June 20, 1898, for use of profane and disrespectful language toward Lieut. Burson 8th Inf. Ohio Vol.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.80, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. b., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; fine paid on June pay-roll................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill.. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. (. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. 11., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130. A, G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Liberty...... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Gibson........ Monmouth...;Lieut. Mclntosh.. Avon......... Monmouth...ILleut. McIntosh.. Prairie City.. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Monmouth... 346 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -------- When. Were. When. I Nordwall, David J.... Private................. Avr. 26.1898 Abingdon......... May 11,1898 I I Onan, James W....... Private................... Apr. 26.189;1, Abingdon......... May 11,1898 Peacoek, Arthur D.... Private.................. Apr. Ap 26, 1898 Abinadon........ May 11,1898 Pierce, William H..... Private.................. o Philbrook, Frank C... Paul, Charles D....... Peterson, Frank W... Powell, Isaac P....... Rankin, John M....... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. I tr Apr. 26,189I s June June June 18, 198 17, 189 17,1898 17,189 26,1898 I I Abingdon......... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Abingdon....... May 11, 1898 June 18,1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Private................... Juno June May 17,1898 11 1898 Private.................. Apr. Robinson, Edward R. Private.................. May 10,1898 Springfleld....... May 11,1898 I SIXTH INFANTRY. 347 MUBTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... (Abingdon.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..... Abingdon..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Monmouth... ILleut. Mcintosh.. Kewanee...... Monmouth... Lient. McIntosh.. Avon........ Sick in line of duty in hospital Camp Alger. Va., June 3 to June 4, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 68 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 201898......... Sick in line of duty Camp Alger, Vaa, In quarters May 20 to May 23. June 11 to July 1, 1898; D. S. wagon train Adjuntas. P. R., Aug. 19, 1898; returned to company Camp Ponce. P. R.. Aug. 81, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.22; the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, II., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898.......... Sick in line of duty in quarters June 24,1898: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.04. the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.02, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at SDringfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130. A. 0. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furlonghed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. t. 0, C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S., Sept, 22 to Nov. 20,1898............... Sick in line of duty hospital Utuado, P. R., Aug. 22, 1898; returned to company Camp Ponce, P. R., Au, 31, 1898; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State: furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days under G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............... Sick in line of duty Camp Tanner, Ill.. May 18, 1898, in quarters; sick in line of duty in quarters Camp Alger, Va.. June 11,1898; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.22, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111.. for 60 days under G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898..... Sick in line of duty in quarters in Camp Alger, Va., June 6, 1898; sick in line of duty in quarters Charleston, S. C., July 18. 1898; taken to city hospital July 20, 1898; furloughed home Sept. 8. 1898, by order Chief Surgeon, Dept. of Gulf dated Aug. 9,1898; no commutation of rations paid; reported to company Springfield. 111., Sept. 17,1898, days furloughed ten; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.02, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; first furlough Sept. 8 to Nov. 8............. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Avon...... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. St. Augustine Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Bushnell...... Springfield... Cat,. Roberts.... Lincoln....... 348 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Robertson, uy....... Private................... May 11.1898 8pringfield......Mayl 1.898 Ross. Fred E........ Spencer. Roy V....... Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Swarts, Ira C.......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Ablngdon........ May 11,1898 Scanlan, Frank........ Private..................June 17,1898 Monmouth.......June 17,1898 Stevenson. John...... Private................... May 9.18981prinrfleld....... May 11.1898 Tyner, Harry.......... rivate....... Apr. 26,1898Ablngdon....... ay 11.1898 Taylor, Judson S...... Temple, Geo. E....... Private................. Private................... June 17,189f June 17,1899 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... June 17,1898 June 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. M49 MUSTERED IN. MUSTERED I.. -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Aurora........ Monmouth... Lleut. Mclntosh.. Astoria....... Monmouth... Lieut. Mclntosh.. Avon.......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abngdon... Monmouth... ILieut. Mclntosh.. aalesburg... Sick in line of duty in quarters at Camp Tanner, Ill.. May 16.1898; sick in line of duty in quarters at Camp Alger, Va., June 11 and 12.1898; on daily duty at Division headquarters, Camp Alger. Va.. June 1 to June 21,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $1.87, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. I. 0.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, 111, for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; sick in line of duty in hospital at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 20,1898; returned to United States by boat Relief, and landed at hospital at Newport News. Va., Oct. 8, 1898: Nov. 1,1898, dismissed from hospital; Nov. 4, 1898, reported to company commander at home station and furloughed for 17 days under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Nov. to Nov.20,1898.................. On detached service on transport No. 28, Reg. V. O.. Sept. 2,1898; rejoined company aboard transport Sept. 7,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.68, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under i. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; injured in foot in line of duty at Charleston, S. C., July 8: sent to city hospital July 10, 1898; rejoined company at Charleston, S. C.., July 29,1898; assigned to assist in company mess; duty contlned to date of furlough; frloloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 92 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. I. for 60 days. under G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.; C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................ Sick in line of duty in quarters at Camp Alger. Va., May 22,1898; sick in line of duty in quarters at Charleston, S. C., July 18, 1898; on detached service with wagon train at Adjuntas. P. R., by Reg. V. O., Aug. 19. 1898; returned to company at Camp Ponce, Aug. 29,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield. Ill., for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill.. for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........... Joined and enrolled after muster-ln of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under G. O. No. 130, A. A. O., C. 8., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Nebraska City. Neb... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prairie City.. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Manley....... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. alesburg.... i 350 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Wright. Arthur B..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon........ May 11.1898 Woolley. Dale A...... Private................... Apr. 26.1898lAbindon........ May 11, 1898 Woods, Walter W..... Private...A...............Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon......... May 11.1898 Weston. Harry....... Private................. Apr. 26.1898 Abingdon......... IMay 11,1898 Wallis, Roy............ Private.................. Apr. 26,1898ILa Moille......... May 11. 1898 Discharged. DeHass, Louis E......Private................. June 17.1899 Monmouth....... June 171,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 351 MUSTERED IN. I Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. *~~ ~ ~~~ ~ R e s i e n,e Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Bushnell Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Avon......... Springfield..ICapt. Roberts.... Abingdon.... Walnut....... On detached service with wagon train at Adjuntas, P. R.. by Reg. V. O.. Aug. 19,1898; returned to Company at Camp Ponce, Aug. 31.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.54. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, I11. for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................................... Sick in line of duty in quarters May 1, 1898; sick in line of duty in Division hospital at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 21,1898; rejoined company at Camp Ponce. P. R., Sept. 1,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 83.98. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Ill., for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 130, A. G..,. C. S., Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898...... Sick in line of duty in quarters, Charleston, S. C.. July 18, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.98, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield Ill. for 60 days, under G. O. No. 180, A. G. 6b.. S.. Sept. 23 to Nov. 20,1898...................... Sick in line of duty May 15 and sent to division hospital May 16, Camp Tanner, Ill.; rejoined company Camp Alger, Va.. May 26.1898; commutations of rations paid for two days. $3.00, currency; sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Alger. Va., June 11 to June 26,1898; sick in line of duty, hospital, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 9,1898; rejoined company Camp Ponce, P. R., Aug. 80, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 54.51, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, I11, for 60 days, under G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.,... Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898............................................ Enrolled in Co. K April 26,1898; mustered in Co. D by regimental verbal order May 11, 1898; sick in line of duty in quarters, Camp Alger. Va., May 25, 1898; sick in line of duty, hospital, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 11, 1898; returned to company at Camp Ponce, Aug. 80,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 92 cents, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; furloughed at Springfield, Il.. for 60 days. under G. 0. No. 130, A. GE.0.. C.S.. Sept.22 to Nov 20,1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; sick inline of duty in quarters, Camp Alger, Va., June 25, 1898; sentenced by general court martial to dishonorable discharge and 13 months' confinement at labor, S. F. 0. No. -; approved by Maj. Wilson, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 6,1898; order received Adjuntas, P. R.. Aug. 15, 1898; soldier arrested and turned over to provost guards; dishonorable discharge and final statements given Aug. 31, 1898, Camp Ponce, P. R.; by command of Maj. Gen. Brooke, Rio Pledras. P. R., Oct. I, 1898, S. O. No. 19, the unexpired portion of the sentence remitted and prisoner returned to the U. S.................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.... Uleut. Mcintosh.. Avon......... 352 ADJUTANT GENEBAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Ferris. Jack W........Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon......... MBay 11, 898 Transferred. Johnson, Harry A..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galesburg........ May 1,898 Davis, David Edward. Private................ Apr. 26,1898 Abingdon......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- When. Where. When. William F. Lawrie... Goodal, B. Dillon..... Frank Wahl........... Samuel H. Feigley.... Captain................... 1st Lieutenant........... 2d Lieutenant........... 1st Sergeant............ Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 Edward A. Nellen.... Q. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... May 11.1898 John W. Cushman... jSereeant........... Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 053 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Sick in line of duty in quarters. Camp Alger, Va.,June 6 and 7, 1898: appointed and commissioned Chaplain 6th Inf., Ill. Vol.. by Governor Tanner of Illinois, June 27,1898; discharged and final statements given July 4,1898......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg.... Enrolled in Co. C April 26. 1898; mustered in Co. D by regimental verbal order, May 11, 1898; D. S. with the band aboard the Rita from Charleston, S. C., by regimental verbal order, July 10, 1698; transferred to band and descriptive list furnished Aug. 1, 1898. by R. S. 0. No. 48, dated July 31. 1898.................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Abingdon..... Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. Army, by command of lMnj. Gen. Graham, pursuant to Par. 1, G. 0. No. 68, A.. O., June 22. 1898, Camp Alger, Va.; descriptive list furnished.................................... COMPANY E. MUSTERED IN. * —1- - * _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled and joined as Captain; Acting Major 1st Battalion from June 16, 1898, to June 24, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A.. 0., C................................ Enrolled and joined as 1st Lieutenant; absent on detached service from June 7,1898, to June 26.1898, as recruiting officer, per S. 0. No. 144, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps at Sterling, 111.; on waiting orders from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. O. No. 130. A.o. O......................... Enrolled and joined as 2d Lieutenant; in command of company from June 15, 1898, to June 24, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C.......................... Enrolled and joined as 1st Sergeant; no clothing was issued him by the State; at Springfield as Captain's clerk Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, 1898, and Oct. 6 and 7, 1898, total seven days; on furlough from Sept. 22 to 27, 1898, and Oct. 8 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O.No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.................. Enrolled and joined as Q. M. Sergeant; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on 60 days' furlough from Sept. 22.1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O. C. S........... Enrolled and joined as Sergeant; appointed regimental armorer July 1, 1898, per R. O. No. 46; lost first joint of third finger of left hand July 10, 1898. while on transport Rita by a sky light falling upon it: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; lost finger in line of duty......................... Springfield... -Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Sterling...... Vol. 3 —23 354 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Joshua H. Wildasen... Fred E. Wagley....... Leslie C. Sheldon..... Charles F. Hoobler... Romeo W. Boker.... Hubert A. Grimes.... Sergeant............ Sergeant.................. Sergeant.................. Corporal................. Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1896 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 SterllXin.......... Sterling......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling. Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 1. 1898 May 11. 1898 May 11.1898 Martin L. Allpress.... Corporal............... Apr. 26,1898 Steiling.......... May 11,1898 Harry L. Hankenson.. Robert B. McNeil..... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling......... Sterling......... May May 11.1898 11,1898 Devl!lo B. Deyoe.... Corporal................ Apr, 26,1898 terling.......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 855 MUSTERED IN.. — _ _ _Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..... Sterling..... Roberts.... 9pringfield.. Ca t. Sterling.. Sprinfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled and joined as Sergeant; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. A. G... C......................... Enrolled and joined as Sergeant; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.41. the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C.......................... Enrolled as a Corporal; promoted a Sergeant May 12, per R. O. No. 108, same date; detailed as Sergeant baggage guard Aug. 15, 1898; returned to company for duty Aug. 31,1898; in the settlement for clothIng is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.... Enrolled as a Corporal; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 21, 1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O..C. S.................................... Enrolled as a Corporal; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 21, 1898 to Nov. 20. 1898, per S. O. No, 10, A. o.. C.................................. Enrolled as a Corporal; fined $8.00 by Field Officers' Court at Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 18, 1898, for violation 82 Article of War; time of absence three hours; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on 60 days furlough from Sept. 21.1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C............................. Enrolled as a Corporal; sent sick to transfer hospital at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 27; rejoined company Sept. 25,1898, at Sterling, Ill.; furloughed from Sept. 21 to Nov. 22, 1898, per G. O. 114, A. G. O., dated Aug. 9, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State........... Enrolled as a Corporal; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 days furlough from Sept. 21 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.....* *.*., *.*.,................ Enrolled as a private: promoted a Corporal May 12.1898. per S. 0. No. 108, same dateIn the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 21,1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O. C. S................. Enrolled as a private; promoted a Corporal June 25, 1898. S. 0. No. 109, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 21,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G, O.. C. S............ Springfield.. Capt Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Sterling...... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield,..Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... 356 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name, Rank. - - When. Where. When. Alpheus W. Trigls.... Corporal................. Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... ay 111898 Will L. Burkhart...... Corporal......A......... Apr, 26,1898 Springfield.......May 17,1898 Bert Johnson.........Corporal..............Apr. 26,1898 Sterling....... May 11.1898 John Lineberry....... Corporal................. Apr. 26.1898 Sterling......... May 11,1898 Arthur E. Deem....... Corporal................... pr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11, 1898 Fred R. Hess......... Artificer................. Apr. 26,18s Sterling.......... May 11,1898 Enos Book............ Wagoner................ Apr. 26,1898 Sterlin n.......... May 11,1898 Lyman P. Clark......Musican................. Apr. 26.189S Sterling.......... May 11 1898 Lee D. Myers.......... Musician................. Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 357 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Sterling Sprlngfield.. Capt. Roberts.... IChicago..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; promoted a Corporal June 25, 1898, per S. 0. No. 109, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 61, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on a 60 days furlough from Sept. 21.1898, to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C.............. Enrolled as a private; promoted to Corporal June 26,1898, S.. No. 109, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 180. A. G. O., C. 8............. Enrolled as a private; promoted a Corporal June 26,1898, per S. 0. No. 109, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough Sept. 22.1898, to Nov. 20.1898, per 0, 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.... Enrolled as a private; promoted a Corporal June 25,1898, per S. 0. No. 109. same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 82.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G, O., C............. Enrolled as a private; promoted a Corporal Sept.l, 1898. per S.O. No.110, same date, vice Corp. J.Rees Dillon, transferred;in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G.. C........................... Enrolled as a private: appointed Artificer June 1,1898, per S. 0. No. 109, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per G.13.. A. G., C.................. Enrolled as a private; appointed Wagoner May 11.1898. per S. O. No. 108. same date, in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; sentenced to two days' hard labor at Utuado. P. R., Aug. 18,1898. by F. 0. C. for violation 32d Article of War; time of absence 3 hours... Enrolled as a private; appointed Musician by company commander, same date; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State: sentenced to two days hard labor at Utuado. P. R., Aug. 18,1898, by F. 0. C., for violation of the 82d Article of War: time of absence three hours....... Enrolled as a private; appointed Musician by company commander same date; sent sick to transfer hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 7,1698; returned to company for duty Aug. 26, 1898; inthe settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 21 1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per S. O. No. 130, A. O., C. S..... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Capt. Roberts... Sterling...... 358 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - __ When. Where. When. Anderson. Carl........ Aument. Frank H..... Alderfer, Philip....... Apple. Frank J....... Armstrong, Howard.. Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private.............. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 18,1898 June 18,1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May June June 11,1898 18, 1898 18,1898 Byera. Wilson......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... May 11.1898 Bailey, Frank C....... Bassett, Ed............ Bassett. Bert.......... Bassett, Marcus P.... Bassett, Milton B..... Private........... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... Sterling....... Sterling........ Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 359 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....Sterling...... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterlin...... Sterling......Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon.... Sterling...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is inelurad the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C................................. Enrolled as private; sent sick on board U. S. hospital ship at Guanica Bay, P. R., July 27; taken to U. S. A. general hospital, Fort Monroe, Va.; has drawn no pay since roll of June 30, 1898. by Major Baird; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sick in line of duty; descriptive list not furnished; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25,1898, at Sterling, ll......... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per l. 0. No. 190. A. G. O., C. S....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.C,. 8......................C........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sentenced to two days' hard labor at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 18, 1898, by Field Officers' Court for violation 32d Article of War; time of absence, three hours; on 60 day furlough from Sept, 22, 1898, to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.... Enrolled as a private; sentenced to two days' hard labor at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 18. 1898, by Field Officers' Court for violation 32d Article of War, time of absence, three hours; in the settlement of clothing is ineluded the sum of S2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. O. C. S.... Enrolled as a private: in the settlement of alothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1698, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C 8........................................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A. G.O., 8.O.S........................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sent. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A, a. O.. C. S................................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O, C..................................... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield....Capt. Roberts... Sterling...... 360 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Bensinger. John E.... Private...................Ar. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11,1898 Burr, Jamef S........ Berlin, Clark.......... BugJley, Bernard..... dlair, Frank........... Bushnell, Leo H...... Brittenham, Ford..... Brumbly, Clair V..... Cary, Elroy R......... Cary, John G.......... Coryell. Frank H...... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................ Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,189 Apr. 26,1891 Apr. 26. 188 Apr. 26,189f Apr. 26,1891 June 17.1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,18 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 361 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Cpt. Roberts... Springfield...Capt, Roberts... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... i. II II,.11 E Sterling..... Sterling.... Sterling..... Sterling..... Sterling.... I I Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Sterling.... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on detached service as clerk for recruiting party, Sterling. Ill., under 1st Lieut. U. B. Dillon from June 7, 1898. to June 26. 1898. S. 0. No. is, dated June 6, 1898, Rdqrs. 2d Army Corps; detailed as baggage guard Aug. 10, 1898; returned to company for duty Aug. 81, 1898; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. 8.... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, A. G, 0.. C. S........0.................* Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total valueof articles issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.C................................... Enrolled as a private; detailed as baggage guard Aug. 15. 1898, R. V. O.; returned to company for duty Aug. 1, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A.'O..,. C.............C...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. O. o., (. s................*.................. Enrolled as a private; sentenced to two days' hard labor at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 18 by Field Officers' Court for violation of 82d Article of War, absent three hours; sent sick in line of duty to convalescent camp at Ponce, P. R.. Sept. 6, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick, at muster-out, Nov. 25,1898, at Sterling, 11................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, t898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O., C. 8.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. A. G. o.. S.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. A -,................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total valve of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A..0. C.. C 8................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G.., C................................... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon.... Sterling...... Sterling..... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Iterling...... 362 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When, Cunningham, Claire.. Private................... Apr, 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11,1898 Compton, Clare...... Private............... Apr. 26,1898 Sterling........... Ma 11,1898 Connell, William..... Drew. John H......... Dillon, Moses L....... Daris, Isaac C........ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 June 20,1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Sterling.......... Sterling........... Sterling.....;.... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 June 20.1898 June 17.1898 June 17,1898 Eager, Wallace L..... Private..................Apr. 26,1898 Sterling........... May 11,1898 Elsele. Edward J......Private................ Eastabrooks, Ernest V Eberle, Charles E.... Eberle, Harry C....... Flock, William F...... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 June 20.1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 28. 1898 Sterling......... May 11,1898 Sterling........... Sterling........... Sterling........... Sterling......... June 20,1898 June 17.1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 Hlgby. Leonard 0.... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Sterling........... May 11,.198 SIXTH INFANTRY, 363 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Sprinffield...Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Steriing...... LLeut. Dillon..... Dixon......... Sterling...... Lieut. Dlllon..... Sterling....... Sterling....... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberta.... Sterling....... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 120. A. G. O.. C. S.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A..., C. S.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G.O.C...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com~any; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough, from Sept.22. 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G..,..................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G.o C. S.................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G..,. C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 25,1898, at Sterling, Ill., at Rock Falls, I11............................................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 6.C. S.................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G.., C. S.................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130 A. G. O..C. S.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 188, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G.o0. C..........'........................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State: on a 60 day furlough, from Sept. 22. 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C..................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling....... Sterling....... Lleut. Dillon..... Milledgerill. I ~~~~Iileeil, Sterling....... Lleut. Dllon.....Sterlng....... Sterling..... Lieut. Dillon.....terlin....... Springfield... -Capt. Roberts.... Sterling....... Springfield.. -Capt. Roberts.... Sterling....... 364 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---------- When. Where. When. Heathcoat, William... Hansen, Gus.......... Hall, Guy G........... RHvens, Georee P..... Heath. Frank W....... Hayes, Louis E........ Hoberle. Edward E... Johnson, Charles S... Private............... Private................. Private. Private................... Private.................. Private................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 10,1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterlng........... Sterlinff.......... Sterling.......... Sterling........... Sterling.......... Sterling......... Sterling.......... Sterllng.......... May 11,1898 May 11.1888 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 20,1898 June 17,1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 365 Mustered In. ----— _ —_-Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...lCapt. Roberts.... Sterling....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....Sterling....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling....... Sterling...... Leut. Dillon..... Milledgeville. Sterling...... lent. Dillon..... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2361, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per 3. 0. No. 130, A.. O., C. S.................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20.1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. 0. C. 8................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; left sick at transfer hospital at Guayagos. P. R., Aug. 9. 1898: returned to company for duty, Aug. 29,1898; sick from line of duty: on a t0-day furlough, from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S......................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 0-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. 8.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comgany; no clothing was Issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., C............................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; no clothing was issued him by the state; sent sick to regimental hospital at Ponce. P. R.. Sept. 561898; descriptive list furnished; sick in line of duty; rejoined company at Sterling. Ill., Nov. 4. 1898; received commutation of rations, two days, Nov. 1 and 2, 1898, 83.00; on 18 days' furlough from Nov. 3 to 20, 1898, per G, 0. No. 130, A.. O,.., C................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25, 1898, at Sterling, 11........... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.61. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sent sick to U. S. Hospital Ship Neuces at Guanlca, P. R.. July 26, from line of duty; returned to company Aug. 6, 1898; sent sick from line of duty to hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 7 1898; sent to U. S. Hospital Ship Panama Sept. 2, 1898; in hospital at Old Point Comfort until Sept. 19; sent to Sterling, Ill., on sick furlough for 30 days. per 0. 0. 1, War Department, A. 0. 0., Washington, Aug. 9. 1898; rationed for Sept. 21 and 22; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898; reported to company Sept. 22,1898.... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... 366 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ENR E When. Where. When. Johnson, Charles A...Private...................Apr. 26,1898 Sterling..........( May 11,1698 Johnson, Fred A...... Jones, Richard O..... Jackson, Arthur E.... Jockson, William D... Jackson, Merton B.... Kahl, Ernest.......... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 June 18,1898 June 20,1898 June 20.1898 June 17,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterline.......... Sterling.......... Sterling......... June 17,1898 June 18,1898 June 20,1898 June 20,1898 June 17,1898 May 11, 1898 Luigel, William J..... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 S terling.......... May 11, 883 Lund, William C...... Private................... Apr. 126,1898terlin..........May 111898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 367 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... ISterllng...... Sterling...... Lient. Dillon.... Sterling..... Sterling......Lient. Dillon....Sterling... Sterling...... Lieut. Dlllon..... Sterling...... Sterling...... Lient. Dillon..... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; detailed as an orderly on board U. S. Hospital Ship Lampasus July 28, 1898. and sent to U. S. on same; furloughed for 30 days by Calvin DeWitt, Major and Surgeon, U. S. A.. from Aug. 13, 1898, to Sept. 11, 1898; while on furlough taken sick with typhoid fever; furlough extended 30 days by Assistant Secretary of War: order for extension telegraphed to Sterling. Ill., by Ward, Assistant Adjutant General; on guard at Springfield from Oct. 6. 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898; furloughed for 65 days Aug. 13 to Oct. 6. 1898, per U. 0. 130. A. G. O.,............................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per G(. O. No. 130 A. G. O..C. S.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. o.. C. s................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept, 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-ln of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22 1898, to Nov. 20 1b98, per U. 0. No. 180, A. o., C.......................... iJoined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sent to regimental hospital, Ponce, P. R.; sick from line of duty Sept. 6. 1898; rejoined company at Sterling. Ill., Oct. 16, 1898, per instructions from commanding General. Department of the East; commutation of rations paid for two days, Oct. 15 and 16, 1898, per G. 0. 114, A. A. O. C. S. $3 00; on 37 day furlough trom Oct. 15, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. i. 0.. C........................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898 to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. O. No. 130, A. G. o., C. S.; taken sick of typhoid fever Sept. 21, 1898, immediately upon arriving home: absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25. 1898, at Sterling, ll.......................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A..,.......................... Sterling...... Leut. Dillon..... Sterling..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... 368 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. When. Where. Little, Harry.......... Private.................. Lindsley, Calvin...... Latherow, Walter E.. Moore, Lonis E....... Morrison, Alfred G... Macke, Fred W........ Merricks, Edward..... Private.................. Private............. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 2.,1898 June 20,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterling......... Sterling.......... Sterling.-.... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... S terling.......... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 20,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May11, 1898 Matlack, Harold E.... Private................. June 18,1898 Sterling.......... June 18,1898 McKelvey, Georre A.. Private.................. June 17.1898 Sterling.......... June 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 369 MUSTERID 1N. _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Sterling...... Lleut. Dillon..... Sterling..... Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him bylthe State; detailed as Brig. Hdqrs. Baggage Guard Aug. 9, 1898; while on this detail was taken sick and sent to hospital at Ponce, P. R.; sickness not resulting from line of duty. sent to general hospital at Ft. Monroe. Va.. by U. S. H. S. Panama Sept. 21. 1898; sent to Sterling. ll., on sick furlough from Sept. 19. 1898, to Oct. 18, 1898. 80 days, per G. 0. No. 114. War Dept. A. 0. 0., Washington, Aug. 9,1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20 1898, per S. 0. No. 130, A. G..0. C. S.; rationed for Sept. 20 and 21: reported Sept. 22...................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A, G. 0., C S.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clcthing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per Q. 0. No. 130, A.. O., C. S.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed as Brig. Hdqrs. Baggage Guard Aug. 9,1898: returned to company for duty Aug. 26,1898; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per. O. No. 130, A. G. O..C. S.................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per U. O. No. 180, A. G. 0. C. S.................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per (U. 0. No. 130, A. i. O.. C. S................................ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per O 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; detailed as Brigade Hdqrs. Baggage Guard Aug. 9,1898; rejoined company Aug. 26, 1898....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 aay furlough from Sept. 22, 1818. to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No. 180, A. (i. O., C. S.; sent sick from line of duty to regimental hospital at Guayogos, P. R., Aug. 9, 1898; rejoined company Aug. 29, 1898........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. O 0, C. S.; sick with typhoid fever at Centre Point, Iowa, since Oct. 25, 1898...... Springfield... Capt, Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterlin...... Vol. 3-24 370 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Overholser. Arthur R.IPrlvate...................June 18.1898Sterling.......... June 18,1898 Plgg Frank........... Rodemyer, Herman... Private................ Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterllng.......... Sterling.......... May 11, 1898 May 11,1898 Round. George....... Private................. Apr. Z6,1898 Sterling.......... May 11.1898 Relfsnyder, William.. Ranger, Charles E.... Sheldon, John......... Stronk. John F....... Street, Albert L....... Private................... Private.................. Private................ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Sterling......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 371 MUSTERED IN. T --- —-- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterln..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Enrolled and joined after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 32, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; detailed permanently as Col. Foster's Orderly, verbal order July 1, 1898.......................................... Enrolled as private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. 0O, C 8.................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement ot clothing is included the sum of 12.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sent sick to hospital from line of duty at Yonco, P. R., Aug. 1. 1898; rejoined company Aug., 1898; sent sick from line of duty to Ponce, P. R., Aug. 8; rejoined company Aug. 18, 1898; on a 60-day furlough from Sent. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; overcome by heat Aug. 9,1898, while on the march from Ponce, P. R., to Quayoges, P. R., and left at regimental hospital at Guayoges; rejoined company Aug. 29. 1898; sent to convalescent camp at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 6,1898, rejoined company at Sterling, Ill., Oct. 28,1898; commutation of rations furnished for two days, Oct. 22 to 23,1898; on 28-day furlough from Oct. 24 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. 130. A..., C. S.; absent, sick, at muster-out, Nov. 25.1898, at Sterling, Ill................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 6.. C. S.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the setttlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. OC..................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O. C. S.; taken sick while at Springfield, 111.. Sept. 16, being taken to hospital from train as we arrived in city; went to his home with company Sept. 22, 1898; remained at his home sick with typhoid fever to Nov. 1. 1898; sickness all in line of duty........................... Enrolled as a private: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per (. 0. No. 130, A. G O., C.S.......*.................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G.O,C.S.................................... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Sterling.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... 372 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Struckman,William C. Sneed, Fred W........ Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterling....... Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11, 1898 Mayill 1898 May' 11, 1898 Sneed,Bert J.......... Private................... June 18.189 Slode. George......... Private................... Apr. 26,1898ISterling.......... May 11,1898 Wright. Fred F....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... May 11.1898 Winters. Carl......... Wahl. Albert A....... Private................... Private................... Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... May 11,1898 4.1 s r ' r. i - -j May 11, 1898 Wilkinson. Lee D.... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Sterling......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 373 MUSBTERED IN. Residence. Remarks, Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Sprngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60-day furlough from Sept 22, 188, to Nov. 20,1898, per (. 0. No. 180. A.. O., C. S.................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sent sick from line of duty to regimental hospital at Ponce. P. R., Sept. 6, 1898; taken to New York City. U. S. H. S. Obdam- sent from New York City to Sterling, 111., under instructions from Commanding General, Department of the East; On a 34-day furlough from.Oct. 16, 1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per -. 0. No. 130, A... O., C. S.; rationed for Oct. 16 and 17 1898...... Joined and enrolled after master-in of company; no clothing was issued to him by the State; detailed as an orderly on board the U. H. H. 8. Lampasus July 28. 1898; went to U. S. on same; furloughed for 80 days by Calvin DeWitt, Major and Surgeon. U. S. A.. from Aug. 13, 1898. to Sept. 11. 1898; while on furlough was taken sick with typhoid fever; furlough extended 30 days by Assistant Secretary of War; order granting same was telegraphed toTSterling, ill., by War, Assistant Adjutant General; furlough for 34 days from Oct. 18,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; on guard at Springfield from Oct. 6 to 17. 1898........................................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sent sick from line of duty to hospital at Yanca, P. f., Aug. 1, 1898; rejoined company Aug. 8, 1898; on a 60-day furlough from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per (. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sentenced to two days' hard labor at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 18, 1898, by Field Officers' Court. for violation of the 82d Article of War; on a 60 day furlough, from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O., C. S.; time of absence, three hours......................... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough, from Sept. 22. 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A...0................................. Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; sent sick from line of duty to hospital at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 7. 1898; rejoined company Aug. 26, 189;: on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.... Enrolled as a private; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 61, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sent. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per (. 0. No. 130, A. G. o.. C. S.... Springfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....ISterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling.... 374 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ----- ' When. Where. When. Walck, Jeremiah D... Private.................. June 17,1893 Sterllng.......... June 17,1898 Discharged (for Disability). F. Ray Eshloeman..... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Sterling........... Ma 11,1898 Transferred. Harry C. Goodman... Private................. Apr. 261898 Sterling.......M.. ay 17,1898 Guy Alden Rogers... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Sterling.......... May 17.1898 Frank W. Smith...... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Sterlin.......... May 11.1898 J. Rees Dillon........Corporal.....1898 Sterling.......... May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY iENROLLID. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Frank J. Clendenin... George M. Gould..... Marvin H. Lyon....... Captain................... 1st Lieutenant.......... 3d Lieutenant........... Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Moline............ Molne........... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Meline............ May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 375 \ MUSiTlRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon.... Sterling...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on a 60 day furlough from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898. per 0. 0. No. 130,.. O., C. S.......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Discharged June 5, 1898. S. O. No. 130, by order H. C. Miles, Asst. Surg. War; descriptive list furnished..................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling... Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. Army, June 23. 1898. per S. 0. No. 36, A. G. 0.. dated June 23, 1898; descriptive list furnished.......................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Chicago.... Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. Army, June 23. 1898. per S. 0. dated June 22, 1898, S. 0. not numbered; descriptive list furnished................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling.... Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. Army, June 23, 1898, per S. 0. No, 86, A. 0. O., dated June 23, 1898; descriptive list furnished........................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Transferred to non-commissioned staff 6th Reg. Vol.. per R. S. O. No. 107, dated Sept. 1.1898. to accept position of Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant; descriptive list furnished.................................... COMPANY F. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... M.. oline........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Ioline....... Mustered into the service as Captain May 11,1898; sick enroute from Porto Rico from Sept. 7 to Sept. 11, in line of duty; waiting orders per G. 0. 180, A. G..,. 5. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898..................... Mustered into service as 1st Lieutenant May 11, 1898; acting ordnance officer of 1st Battalion earoute from Charleston, S. C.. to Porto Rico; left Guanica on the evening of July 27 in charge of a detachment of 30 men as a scouting party to Yanto, Porto Rico; August 15 served with notice to appear for Court Martial trial on Aug. 20, under Article 83 Army Regulations; Aug. 20 Court Martial convened but adjourned until 22 owing to defect in papers; Aug. 22 tried by Court Martial and found guilty and sentenced to suspension of rank and pay for fifteen days. per S. 0. No. 10, Hdqrs. Proviional Division. Porto Rico, Sept. 6; restored to rank sept. 20; waitine orders. rer G. O. No. 130, A. O. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898; deduct from roll 10 days' pay, S. 0. No. 10, Provisional Division, Sept. 5.1898............. Mustered into service as 2d Lieutenant May 11, 1898; May 12 granted a two days' leave of absence; May 14 rejoined company; was sick in quarters from May 26 to 29. in line of duty; Aug. 28 was conveyed in ambulance wagon from Adjuntas to city hospital at Ponce. P. R.; Sept. 1 left Ponce aboard hospital ship Relief for United States; sick in line of duty; was sent to hospital at Philadelphia: arrived in Moline, Ill.. Oct. 7; waiting orders per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Oct. 8 to Nov. 20 1898.............................. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ 376 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. George Crowder..... Wallace W. Adams... 1st Sergeant........... Q. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,1891 Apr. 26,1891 Moline............ Moline............ Moline.......... May 11,1898 M5ay 11,1898 May 11,1898 Walter 0. Shadle..... Sergeant................. Albert Swanson....... Sereant.................. Apr. 26898 Mollne............ May 11.1898 George Gibbs.......... ergeant................Ar. 26.1898 Mol ine........... May 11,1898 Fred!McIntosh........ Sergent...............Ar. 26, 1898Mollne........ Ma 11,1898 Apr. Robert F. Reid........ Corporal................. 2,18.981Moline............ May 11,1898 John H. Fsher,........ Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 oline............ May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 377 MUSTERED IN. - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.... Springfleld... Maj. Roberts..... Sprinileld... MaJ. Roberts..... I I I I Moline........ Moline....... Moline....... Moline...... Moline........ I I I I Mustered into service as 1st Sergeant May 11, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum 84.64, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.... Originally mustered In as a private Mlay 11 1898: appointed Corporal July 1, 1898, R. 0. 47: appointed Quartermaster Sergeant 2d, R. 0. 97; sick in quarters May 23, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $8.27, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. O. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................... Originally mustered in as a Corporal May 11. 1898; appointed Sergeant May 12, 1898, R. O. 86; sick in quarters May 16; sick in regimental hospital at Utuado, Porto Rico. Aug. 23 to 28, both in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.76, the total value of articles issued him by he State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............... Originally mustered in as a Corporal May 11, 1898; appointed Sergeant May 12.1898, R. 0. 31: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898....... Originally mustered in as a Corporal May 11, 1898; appointed Sergeant May 12, per R. O. No. 31: sick with stomach trouble from Aug. 20 on: no better when furloughed: sick in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum $2.70, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per 0. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; absent sick at muster out Nov. 25,1898.................................. Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Sergeant May 12, 1898, per R. O. No. 31, same date: detached from company Aug. 10 to 12 in charge of section of wagon train; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.14, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G; O. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................ Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12, per R. 0. No. 31, same date; detached from company on baggage detail from July 28 to 30; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued him by the State- furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. 130, A. G, O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898........................ Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12,1898, R. O0 No. 31, same date; sick in quarters from May 21 to 23, in line of duty; returned to duty May 25; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued him by the State: fur. loughed for 60 days per G. 0. 130, A..G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... foline........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Holine........ Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.... doline........ 378 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- --- When. Where, When. Charles Schomp...... Corporal.................. r. 26.1898 Moline............ May 11.1898 Samuel Burrows..... Corporal........ Apr. 26.1898 MoHne. May 11.1898 Bernhard Bolin....... Corporal.................. r 26...... May i 11,1898 George Norton........ Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Moline............ May 11,189S Fred E. Netser........ Corporal............. Apr. 26,1898 Moline............Ma 11,1898 Oscar Anderberg...... Corporal.................. pr 26,1898 Mollne..........Ma 11,1898 Chas. R. Holmes...... Corporil................. Apr. 26,1898 Mollne..........May 11,1898 Martin Weaver........ Corporal..............., Moline............ |May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 379 MUSTEBED IN. T.-__ __ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinefield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield...1I. I I Maj. Roberts.... Rock Island.. Maj. Roberts.... Moline........ MaJ. Roberts.... Moline........ Mai. Roberts.... Moline........ Springfield.. MaJ. Roberts.... Osborn....... Originally mustered in as a prlvate May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12, R. O. No. 81, same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., 8, 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898................ Originally mustered in as a private Mav 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12,1898. R. 0. No. 81, same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.27, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 20 to Nov.?2, 1898............................................ Originally mustered in as private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12, R. 0. No. 81. same date; in the settlement of clothis included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. O. 130, A, G. 0., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898....... Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal May 12, R. 0. No. 81, same date: sick on light duty May 22 to 24, in line of duty: July 30, left at Guanica, in charge of regimental baggage detail; Joined command Sept. 7 on board transport Manitoba: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.76. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. Originally mustered into the service as a private May 11,1898; appointed Corporal July t, R. 0. No. 47; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.70, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days per (. 0. 180, A. G. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.... Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal July 1. R. 0. No. 47; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. 0 130, A. 4. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898.................... Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898: appointed Corporal July 1, R. O. No. 47; sick in quarters at Utuado, P. B., Aug. 21 to 24, in line of duty; accompanied scouting party from Guayanica to Yanco, July 27; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.76, the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. 180, A. 0. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal July let, per R.O. No. 47; sick in quarters at Utuado. Porto Rico, Aug. 19 to 22, in line of duty; accompanied scoutine party from Guanica to Yanco. July 27; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2 67. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. O. No. 130, S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........ Springfield... sfaJ. Roberts.... Moline,....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Bloomington. Springfield... daj, Roberts.....JMolne........ I# 380 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. f T W hen. Where. When. Aaron Veley............................. 26.1898 Mollne............ laay 11.1898 Clarence E, Eraft..... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898IMoline........... May 1,1898 August F. Mielke..... Musician................. Apr. 26.1898 Moline..... May 11898 Wm. McCullough..... Musician................Apr. 26.1898Molne............IMa 11, 1898 Adolph Altlg Artificer................... Apr 26,1898 Moline............ May 11, 1898 John H. Kneberg...... Wagoner................. Apr. 26,1898 Moline........... May 11,1898 Carl Anderson........ Private.......p.......... Apr. 26,1898 Moline............May i 1896 SIXTH INFANTRY, 381 MUISTBIED IN. MUSTERED _ I.. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj, Roberts.....lWaterloo..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts,.... Rock Island., Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... |Rock Island.. Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal July 1st, per R.O, No. 47; after a day's march to Ponce, Porto Rico, on Aug, stt, he was arrested for missing roll call and returning drunk; placed in confinement Aug. slt; tried by Fled Officers' Court, found guilty and sentenced to be reduced to rank, and forfeiture of $9.00 of his pay; deducted on last pay-roll; on wagon train detachment Aug. 15 to Aug. 29: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.24, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0, No. 180. A. G. O. S, 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. Originally mustered in as a private May 11, 1898; appointed Corporal Aug. 2d, per R. 0. No. 97; accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco, July 27th; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.23, the total value of articles lasued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G.O. No 130, A.. A... S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.................................. Mustered in as a musician May 11. 1898; detached to Co. H July 5th. per verbal order; returned to Co. F, Aug. 23d; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per R.O. No. 130.. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov, 20,1898.................................. Mustered in as a musician May 11,1898; sick in quarters at Utuado, Porto Rico, Aug. 18 to 24, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per A. 0. No. 130, A... S, 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.......................................... Mustered in as a private May 11, 1898- appointed artificer per verbal orders from Colonel May 12th; sick on the United States steamer Columbia. July 27th. in line of duty; put aboard hospital boat Lampassas July 29th; reported to company July 29th; went to Division hospital July 31st; joined baggage detail at Guanica, Porto Rico, Sept. 2d: went to hospital at Ponce, sick, all in line of duty; joined company Sept. 7th. when company boarded boat; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.70, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. O.. S. 1898, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............................... Mustered in as a private May 11,1898; made wagoner per verbal order from Colonel May 12th; sick in quarters from Aug. 12th, until we arrived home, but made the marches by taking his own time; sick in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.30, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. No. 130. A. 0. O.. S. 1898, from Sept 22 to Nov. 20,1898........... Accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco. July 27th: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3 18. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per (. O. No. 130, A.G. O., S, 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898.... Springfield... MaJ, Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... Moline....... Springfield... Msj. Roberts..... Moline........ 382 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Charles Anderson.... Private.. 9,1 ISP fi.......la............ al....... ay 11,1898 June 21,1898 Foster H. Anderson... Private................... June 21,1898Moline............ George Baldwin....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Moline.;......... May 11,1898 Harry S. Blackman... OEcar Bethel.......... Emil Brodin........... Tom Brown........... Theodore Bratt....... Charles Brooks........ Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.............. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 28.1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 Moline..I Moline............ Mollne............ Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... Springfield....... May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 May 11, 1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 383 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline....... Moline....... Lieut. Dillon..... Moline........ Springfield... | laj. Roberts..... Cable......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Davenport. Is Aug. 20th, was absent from retreat reveille roll call and returned drunk; was tried by a summary court and found guilty: sentenced for ten days in guard house at hard labor; in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum $1.31, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. No. 180. A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; June 23, sick in quarters; sick at Utuado Aut. 18 to 22. both in line of duty; accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco, July 27; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A.. O.,. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898..................... Sick with company Sept. 7 until we reached Moline, 111., on the 21st of September, 1898; in Springfield hospital from Sept. 16 until 21; sick in line of duty: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.89.the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov 20,1898.... Sick in\quarters at Adjuntas. Aug. 11 to l1. In line of duty: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.23. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0.. S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.... Sick in quarters May 21 to 22, and on June 9; sent to division hospital; returned to quarters June 11; on light duty June 18; sent to hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 1, all in line of duty; returned to company Aug. 6; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.28. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898.................... Sick at Utuado, P. R., Aug, 21 to 26, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.70, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. 8. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............... Sick with company Aug. 9 to 12; sick in quarters Aug. 23 to 25, all in line of dutyin the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.16. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0.130, A.. G.. 0 S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898...................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.b2. the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per,G 0. 110, A. G, O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898...................... Left at Ponce, in hospital of 19th Regulars, awaiting transportation by hospital ship, Sept. 6: sick in line of duty; left Ponce Sept. 27 on Obdam; arrived in New York Oct. 12: arrived in Moline. 111.. Oct. 16; In the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $2.81, the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 85 days. per G. O. 130 A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Oct. 17 to Nov. 20, 1898....................... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Il oline........ Springfield... JaI. Roberts..... Mollne....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield...Maj. Roberts.....Mollne........ 384 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. E When. Where. When. John W. Byers........ Private................... June 21.1898 Moline............ June 21,1898 Fred Burglund........ rivate...................lMay 9, 1898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 Albert Campbell.. Private................... Apr. Z6.1898 Moline............ May 11.1898 B. Howard Church.... Charles A. Carlson.. Frederick T. Carlson. Private................... Private................... Private................... June 21, 189E May 9. 189 June 21,1898 Emil Chindlund...... Private................... Apr. 21,1898 Moline........... Springfield....... Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... June: 21,1898 May, 11, 1898 June 21,1898 May 11, 1898 M[ay- 11, 1898 John Carver........ Private............... May 9, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 385 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Moline........ Leut. Dillon.... Libertyv'leja Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Mollne....... Springfield... Ms3. Roberts..... Moline........ Molne........ [Lieut. Dillon..... Cambridge... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick on board U. 8. Steamer Columbia, July 12 to 25. in line of duty; July 26 was put aboard the hospital ship Lampassas and taken to Fortress Monroe. arriving Aug. 16; sick furloughed to Sept. 14, 1898; rejoined company Sept. 17. at Springfield Ill.; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, Der G. 0. 180, A. G.... 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; sick furlough issued by MaJ. Adnis. Surgeon U. S. A............... Sick in quarters May 16; sick in division hospital four days, about June 15, from poison ivy; sick on board U. S. Steamer Columbia from July 22 to 25; July 27 went onboard hospital ship Lampassas; went to Fortress Monroe; was given sick furlough from Aug. 14 to Sept. 13: rejoined company at New York Sept. 18, all in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.28. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. 130, A. 0. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898: sick furlough issued by Maj. Adnis. Surgeon U. S. A.................................... Detailed as a drummer at time of muster-in; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.56, the total value of articles Issued by the State- furloughed for 60 days, per 0. 0. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per GV. 0. 180, A G. 0. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.87. the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. (. 0.,. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick from Sept. 9 until Sept. 21, when we arrived at Moline, 111.; sick in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A.. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898................................. Sick in quarters at Utuado, Porto Rico. Aug. 23 to 26. in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.12, the the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O,. S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898................................ Aug 7 drunk while on duty; tried by a Summary Court, found guilty, sentenced to ten days' bard labor; July 8 got left at Charleston. S. C., when command boarded U. S. S. Columbia: rejoined company 16th of July; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 180, A. G. 0., from Sept 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.................... Springfield... Ma. Roberts..... Moline........ Mollne........ Lieut. Dillon..... N. Henderson Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Vol. 3-25 386 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. Frank W. Care....... Private............ pr..26.1898 Moline............ May 11, 189 Oscar Dahlber.......I Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Moline............ Ma 11,1898 Oscar F. Edwards.... Victor Engdale........ Private................... Private................... May 9,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21.1898 Springfield...... Mollne............ May 11.1898 May 11,1898 J. Jay Enderton....... Private................... Mollne............. une 21,1898 Charles M. Fisher..... Private................... Apr.ll 26,1998 Moline............ May 11,1898 Albert S. Gould....... Private................... June 21,1898 Moline............ June 21,1898 Paul Hamann......... Private................ May 9,1898 Springfield....... May 11. 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 387 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Lynn. Mass... Springfield... IMaj. Roberts... IMoline........ Bpringfield... IMa. Roberts..... Moline....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Moline........ Lieut, Dillon..... Davenport, la. Sick in quarters May 16 to 21; sick in hospital May 22 to 24; July 15 left in division hospital, then sent to Ft. Myers; given sick furlough Aug. 25 to Sept. 26; reported at bpringfield Sept. 30, compliance S. O. -, to Warren Mack, April 27,1898, and detailed as guard; sick in line of duty; in the settlement of clothingis included the sum $2.75 the total value of articles issued by the State; sick furlough issued by MaJ. Davis, Surgeon U. 8. A................ Sick in quarters May 22; Aug. 1 sent to field hospital at Yanco; rejoined command Aug. 5; sick at Utuado Aug. 18 to 26, all in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.82. the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days. per G 0. 130, A. G. O. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.40, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per 0. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.................................. July 30 detailed on board hospital ship Lamassas as assistant to the nurses; went to States and returned; rejoined company Aug. 29; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.76, the total value of articles issued by the State. furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick at Utuado Aug. 19 to 26; Sept. 2 sent to Ponce city hospital; sick in line of duty; arrived at Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 8; sent to St. Peter's hospital, where he remained until Oct. 27, when he left for his home; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 23 days. per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Oct. 29 to Nov. 20, 1898....................................... Sick in quarters May 14 to 16, in line of duty; after a day's march on Aug. 1 he was arrested for missing roll call and returning drunk: placed in confinement Aug. 1; tried by Field Officers' Court. found guilty and sentenced to loss of $9.00 of his pay; paid at last pay-roll; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $387, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per 0. 0. 130. A. 0. 0. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick in hospital at Adjuntas Aug. 23 to 28. in line of duty: Aug. 16 was detailed with wagon train after rations; rejoined company Aug. 30: sick with company up to Sept. 20; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.61. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. 0. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.... Sick in quarters June 18 to 20, in line of duty; July 30, detailed on board hospital ship Lampassas as assistant to the nurses; was taken sick in line of duty and given a sick furlough at Fortress Monroe Sept. 8 to 29: rejoined the company for duty Sept. 16 at Springfield, Ill; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.18, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; sick furlough issued by J. H. 1'homas, U. S. A........................................... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline....... Moline........ Liet. Dillon... |Moline....... Springfield.. - Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ 388 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Arthur Haves......... Melvin S. Harrington. George Hodge......... Private............... Private................... Private................ June 21.1898 June 21.1868 May 9. 1898 Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... June 21.1898 June 21,1898 May 11,1898 Joseph P. all........ Private................... Apr. 26.189 Moline............ May 11898 Carl 0. Hill............ Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Moline............ May 11.1898 11.1898 Charles Ingersoll..... Private................. Apr. 261898 Mol ine..........Ma Joseph Ingersoll...... Private..A................ Apr 26,1898 Mollne............ May 11,1898 Theodore Johnson.... Horace L. Judd........ Private................ Private................... May 9,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Springfield....... Moline............ May 11,1898 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 389 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Mollne........ Lieut. Dillon..... Chicago..... Moline....... Lieut. Dillon..... Princeton.... Sprilnfield... Maj. Roberts..... Coal Valley.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... oline........ Springfield...JMaJ. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: sick at Utuado. P. R. Aug. 17 to 20 in line of duty. no clothing was issued him by the State- furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0.130, A. 6. O., 8. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.09, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.............. Sick on board U. S. steamer Columbia with a sore leg July 20 to July 26, in line of duty; July 28, detached to guard baggage at Guanica. P. R.; rejoined company Sept. 7 -in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.18, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 130, A. 0. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898..................... Sick at Utuado Aug. 13 to 26, in line of duty; fractured a rib on board Manitoba Sept. 11; left at hospital at Cleveland. O.. Sept. 15; was too worn out to travel; left Cleveland Sept. 26. coming direct to Moline, Ill.; in the settlement of-clothing is included the sum $5.24, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 55 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 27 to Nov. 20. 1898.................................. Sick in quarters June 21 to 22; sick at Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 17 to 21. in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $5.26. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per 0.O. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.................................. Sick in quarters May 21 to 22. in line of duty; left sick with typhoid fever at Utuado, P. R., hospital Aug. 22; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.07. the total value of articles issued by the State: absent, sick, at muster out, Nov. 26,1898......................................... Sick on board Manitoba, in line of duty,Sept. 7 to 14; sick on train home; had to be left in hospital at Cleveland, 6.; left hospital Oct. 18; in the settlement of clothing is ineluded the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 34 days, per G. 0. 180, A..... 1898, from Oct. 18 to Nov. 2, 1898................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.98, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per 0. O. No. 180. A. G. O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898........................ Went to regimental hospital at Ponce. Sept. &: sent to 19tb Regulars' hospital, sick in line of duty, to await transportation home on hospital ship; left Ponce, P. R.; Sept. 27, on Obdam: arrived in New York Oct. 12; arrived in Moline, Ill., Oct. ]6; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $1.79. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 86 days per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20.1898...................................... Springfield... Ms. Roberts..... Waterloo. Ind Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Waterloo, Ind Springfield... MaJ. Roberts.... Mollne........ Springfield.... Ma. Roberts..... Mollne........ 390 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Charles F. Jenkinson. lPrlvate................... May 9.189Springfield.... May 11.1898 James E. Jefries..... Myron Jordon....... James G. Kain......... Owen L. Kerr........ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1895 Apr. 26,1895 Harry L. Kerr......... Private..................Apr. 26,189f Moline............ Mollne............ Molne........... Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... Moline............ Moline............ May May May 11, 1898 May 11, 189 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 11,1898 11,1898 Charles Laurin........ Stephen Lovejoy...... Charles B. Maxwell... Private............. Private...,........... Private.................. May 9.189f June 21,1898 June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 391 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield.... I 'I I I I I I: MaJ. Roberts..... Weston,W.Va Maj. Roberts..... Chicago..... MaU. Roberts.... IMoline........ Iaj. Roberts..... Troy. Ohio.... Maj. Roberts..... Moline....... faj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Sick at Yanco, P. R., Aug. 5 to 7, in line of duty; went to division hospital at Ponce, Aug. 8; rejoined command Aug. 18; accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco, July 27; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $5.23. the total value of articles issued by the State; furlouehed for 60 days per G. 0. 130. A. 4. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898....... Left at Camp Linccln on guard. Sept. 21, 1898: in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum $5.74. the total value of articles issued by the State.................. Detailed on June 7 on special recruiting duty to Moline, ll., and vicinity for 25 men; rejoined the company June 26; July 27 detailed as Regimental clerk; Aug. 8, detailed as clerk at brigade headquarters; did not rejoin the company until after it reached Moline, Ill.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $1.91, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 56 days per O. 0. 130. A. Q. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 26 to Nov. 20,1898........ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.79, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days Der Q. 0. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.189.............................. Sick in quarters. May 24, in line of duty; July 28. detailed to guard baggage at Quanica; rejoined command Sept. 7; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.63, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. 0. 130. A. G..0, S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................................ Originally mustered-in as Quarter-Master Sergeant; reduced to a private Aug. 2, by S. 0. No. 97, on account of being away from command: cut his fingers and became sick on board U. S. 8. Columbia; sent on board hospital ship Lampassas, July 27. in line of duty; went to Fortress Monroe-given sick furlough from Aug. 23 to Sept. 21: returned to command at New York. Sept. 13, for duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.67, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. O. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898. from Sept, 22 to Nov. 20, 1898; sick furlough issued by Major DeWitt, Surgeon, U. S.A........................................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $4.18, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. 0.180,... O.. S. 1898, from Sept; 22 to Nov. 20.1898............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company: sick at Utuado, Aug. 21 to 26; sick at Springfield, Ill.. Sept. 17 to 21. in line of duty; accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco. July 27; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; accompanied scouting party from Guanica to Yanco, July 27; detallcd the 8th of August as Regimental Orderly; continued in this position until the 21st of September; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G.O. 130. A. 0. 0. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898......................... Springfield... daj. Roberts..... Moline........ Moline........ ileut. Dillon...... Moline........ Moline........ jieut. Dillon.... Port Byron... 392 ADJUTANT GENERALS BREPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - E R When. Where. When. David D. Madden.....Private................... Apr. 261898 olne..........May 11,1898 Franklin T. Miller.... Pri Pvate..A.............. JApr. 2, 1898 Moline.. (....... May 11,1898 Fred Murray.......... George McCloskey.... Fay McClinton........ Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. June Apr. 26,1898 21.1898 26,1898 Moline............ Moline............ Moline............ May 11,1898 June 21,1898 May 11,1898 Samuel McCarrison... (Private................... May 4,1898pringfield....... May 11,1898 Malcom McKinnon. Jr) Private...................Apr. 26,1898 Moline........... May 11,1898 Cyrus D. McLaughlin. George P. Nlssen..... Fred Nelson.......... Gust Nelson.......... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private................... June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 9, 1898 Moline............ Moline............ Molineld....... Springfield....... June May 21, 1898 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 393 MUSTERSD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. pringfield... Maj. Roberts.... Springfield... Ma, Roberts.... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Moline........ Leut. Dillon.... 8pringfield...[Maj. Roberts..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... - I.4I.11.11 - IE II II I Moline........ Moline........ Philadel., Pa Orion........,. Mfontrose.... toline........ I Sick in quarters May 22; sick at Ponce Aug. 29to Sept. 6, in line of duty; sent to 19th Regulars' hospital to await transportation on hospital ship, Sept. 6; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.79, the total value of articles issued him by the State; left Ponce Sept. 26 on the Missouri; arrived at Fortress Monroe Oct. 5; left Fortress Monroe Nov. A; arrived at Moline, Ill.. Nov. 6; furloughed for 14 days, per G. O. 130. A. G. 0., S. 1898, from Nov. 6 to Nov. 20,1898; siekness in line of duty............ July 28, detailed to guard baggagee at Guanica; rejoined command Sept. 7: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $6.19. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per 0O. 130, A. G. O., 8.1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $1,21, the total value of articles issued him by the Sate; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 130, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898...................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G.O. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898......................................... Sick in quarters May 21. in line of duty; July 5. detailed to Regimental quarters as cook; July 26, returned to company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.09, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............................... Absent from roll-call July 4; tried by summary court, found guilty, and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay; deducted on last pay-roll; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $1.21, total value of articles issued him by the Sate- furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180. A.. O, 8. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1.............. Detailed to take clarge of t mental mail at Camp Alger, May 21 to, ' 65 in the settlement of slothing is included the sum $5.71. total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G, 0. 130. A. (. 0., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Oct. 2, and Oct. 9 to Nov. 20,1898........................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the Sate; furloughed for 60 days. per Q. O. 130... O., S, 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................................... Sick at Utuado Aug. 23 to 26, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.70; total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180... 0.,. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.......................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $8.21. the total value of articles issued him by the Sate- furloughed for 60 days, per G.. 130.. 8 0...S. 1898 from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898...................... Sick in quarters at Utuado, Aug. 18 to 22, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $3.87. the total value of articles issued by the State' furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 180. A. 6. O., 8. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............... Springfield.. Maj. Roberts..... 1oline........ Moline........ Lieut. Dillon..... illan......... Springfield... jhaj. Roberts..... lock Island.. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... dollne....... Springfield...Maj. Roberts..... loline........ 394 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Joseph Norton......... Private................... June 21,188 olne............ June 21,1898 George D. Olin........ Private.................. June 21,1898Moline............ June 21,1898 Ed. O'Brien........... Nele Peterson........ Victor Peterson...... Theodore Peterson... Frank Platz, Jr........ Fred L. Quick......... Charles B. Ream...... Charles A. Rydquist.. Fred C. Swain........ Private................ Private................. Private................. Private................... Private.................. Private............ Private................... Private................... Private................... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 9,1898 June 21,1898 May 9,1898 June 21,1898 May 9,1898 June 21,1898 Moline............ Moline............ Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... Moline.......... Springfield....... Moline.......... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 21,1898 May 11, 898 June 21,1898?Iay 11,1898 June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 395 MUSTERED IN. 1 --- ~ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Mollne....... Lieut. Dillon..... Milan........ Moline........ Lieut. Dillon..... Port Byron... Mollne........ Lieut. Dillon..... Port Byron... Mollne........ Llet. Dillon..... Davenport, la. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Moline........ Joined and enrolled after mupter-in of the company; after a day's march to Ponce on August 1 he was arrested for missing rollcall and returning drunk; placed in confinement-August 1; tried by Field Officers' Court, found guilty and sentenced to loss $900 of his pay; deducted last pay-roll; August 15, detailed with wagon train to get rations; rejoined company August 29; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum. $2 09, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sent to field hospital at Yanco August 1 in line of duty: rejoined company August 4; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum. $2.09, the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per (. 0. No. 130, A. 0t. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; in the settlement of clothing is the sum, $2.09. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by State: furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 201898.................................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum, $1.81. the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per a. 0. 180, A. G. O. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............................ One finger became festered and had to be lanced at Utuado August 19; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum, $3.40, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. 8. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick in quarters at Utuado Aug. 19 to 22, in line of duty; no clothing issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. No. 130. A. 0. O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................ Sick in quarters June 22 and 23, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum. $4.21, the total value of articles issued by the State- furloughed for 60 days. per G, 0. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; went to division hospital at Utuado Aug. 20, in line of duty; rejoined company at Ponce Aug. 30: no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.79. the total value of articles issued by the State: furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. 0. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued to him by State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. 130, A, G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898................................... Springfield...Maj. Roberts..... Lyna.......... Moline........ ient. Dillon..... Racine. Wis.. Bpringfield...Maj. Roberts..... IMoline........ Moline........ Leut. Dillon..... Hampshire Springfield.. Moline........ Maj. Roberts.....Moline........ Lieut. Dillon.... Liconic, Ia.... 396 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank, - When. Where. When. William Schell........ George Schaerges.... John F. Sherrill...... Kenneth Smith...... Wint C. Smith........ Arthur Sundblad...... Oscar J. Stromberg... John T. Thorp........ George Turner....... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,189S June 21,189E June 21,189E Ma 9, 1898 May 9.1898 May 9,1898 May 9,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21,1898 Moline......... Moline............ Mollne............ Sprinfileld....... Springfield....... Springfield....... Springfield...... Moline............ Mollne........... May 11,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Ma 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 21,1898 Axel Westlln.......... Private.................... May 91898Springfield.....May 11,1898 Frank W. White........ Private................... June 21,1898 Moline............ June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 397 MUSTERED IN..... --. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom., s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Lockport.... Moline....... Leut. Dillon.....iElmwood Place, Ohio. Moline........ Lieut. Dillon..... Colona........ IlaJ. Roberts..... Springfield... New Windsoi Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... New Windsor Sprinefield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline,...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ I Sick in quarters at Utuado Aug. 18 to 24: sick at SDringileld, Ill., Sept. 17 to 20, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum. $1.31, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days per G. O. No. A. 4. 0., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick at Utuado Aug. 20 to 26, in line of duty; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick at Utuado Aug. 17 to 22. in the line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180. A. G. 0., S. 1899, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 201898................................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.78, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. No. 130. A. 0. O.. 5. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898................ Marched from Ponce to Utuado and back without any shoes; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.78, the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.27. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0.180, A. G. O.S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 898............. Sick in hospital at Camp Alger, May 17 to 265 in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.14. the total value of articles issued by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898.... Sick with company Aug. 10 to 26. in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.76, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 130. A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; Aug 22 sent to division hospital at Utuado. P. R.. in line of duty; rejoined company Aug. 81; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898............ Aug. 20 was absent from roll-call and returned drunk; was tried and found guilty by Summary Court; sentenced for ten days in guard house at hard labor; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.31, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per Gl. 1. 1B0 A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898...................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; went aboard hospital ship Lampassas, July 27; sick in line of duty; Aug. 7 rejoined company; in the settlempnt of clothing is included the sum of $209, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898........................... Springfield...Maj. Roberts.....lMolne........ Mollne........Lilent. Dillon..... Sheffield...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Moline........Lenit. illon.. Moline...... :398 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- ---- When. Where, When. John H. Wood.........Private................... June 21.1898 Mollne............ Jun 21,1898 Howard Wright....... Private................... June 21.1898 Moline............ June 21,1898 Oscar F. Zincler. Pivte............u....... June 21,1898 Moline............ June 21,1898 (See list of Corporals) Discharped (fordisa. bility.) Henry Langbehn...... Transferred. Andrew R. Kepple.... Emil Liofgren.......... Charles A. Lindahl....Died. Alfred Oberi.......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 1ollne........... IMay 11,189 Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May, 1898 Moline............ Moline............ Springfield....... S May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1998 May 11,1898 - - NOTE-The rank of Mojor Roberts, the mustering-in officer, was Captain at the time of muster-in of company and should be throughout this roll. SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. PhilHp McGrath.......Captain................. Apr. 26.1898 Dixon............ May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 399 MUSTBRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Moline........ Lieut. Dillon..... Lafayette..... Moline........Lieut. Dllon...... Port Byron... Moline........ Lieut. Dillon..... Chadwick..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Molne........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 09. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. O. 180. A. G. O., 8. 198, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company: Aug. 18 went to division hospital at Utuado- sick in line of duty: Aug. 23 returned from same; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.09, the total value of articles issued by the State; furlouehed for 60 days, per 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., S. 1898, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898..................................... May 13 went to Moline on furlough; rejoined company on May 16; left Camp Alger on July 4 without leave; was discharged by order Secretary of War July 16 on Surgeon's certificate of disability; discharge signed by Marcus Kavanaugh, Colonel 7th Ill. Inf., U. 8. V.. at Camp Alger; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.07, the total value of articles issued by the State: final statement furnished....... Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. A. June 22,1898, per S. 0. No.... 2d Army Corps; descriptive list furnished.................. Transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. A. June 26,1898, per S. 0. No. 86. 2d Army Corps; descriptive list furnished.................. Transferred to 6th Regiment band July 1, 1898, per S. O. No. 48; descriptive list furnished............................ Taken sick aboard U- S. S. Columbia about July 19 in line of duty; very poor accommodations for sick person aboard; July 25 when company landed he was put aboard Hospital Ship Lampsass; July 28 died with typhoid fever and body put ashore and taken charge of and buried by company in cemetery at Guanica, P. R., at 9:00 o'clock at night on the same day; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum $2.31. the total value of articles issued by the State; final statement furnished....... Springfield,. IMaj. Roberts..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Mla. Roberts..... Rockford..... Springfield... IMaJ. Roberts..... Thomas..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Moline....... COMPANY G. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Maj. Roberts..... Ioosung.... Originally mustered in with company as Captain May 11, 1898; absent with leave for six days from Sept. 13, 1898, per S. 0. No. 81, of same date, Hdqrs. 3d Brigade, Provisional Division; returned Sept. 19. 1898; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S......................................... 400 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. T When. Where. When. Charles E. Frisby..... st Lieutenant............ Apr. 26,1898Dxon............. May 11,1898 Henry B. Trowbridge. Sherman Frisby....... Mathew J. Docter..... 2d Lieutenant............ let Sergeant,........... Sergeant........... Sergeant.................. Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 Dixon............. Dixon............. Dixon............. Ma 11, 898 May 11,1898 May 11, 189 Herman T. Rohrbeck.. Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. May 11. 1898 Charles H. Nye, Jr.... Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon......... IMay 11.1898 Samuel W. Cushing... Sergeant.....18 D........ Ap. 1898 Don......... May 111898 Frederick W. Paine... Q. M. Sergeant........... Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. May 11, 189 Oscar E. Metsler...... Corporal...............Ar. 26,1898 Dlxon........ Mary 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 401 MUBTEEED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springileld.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... I I Maj. Roberts..... Maj. Roberts.... Dixon......... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Dixon....... MaJ. Roberts.... Dixon.......... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon........ I 1Ma. Roberts.....j Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Originally mustered in with company as 1st Lieutenant May 11, 1898; on detached service as recruiting officer at Dixon, 111., from June 7 to June 29, 1898. per S. 0. No. 14, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, of June 6, 1898: sick in quarters Sept. 4, 1898, in line of duty; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................................ Originally mustered in company as 2d Lieutenant May 11, 1898; sick in quarters Sept. 4, 1898, in line of duty: on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept, 22, 1898, per G. O, No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................. Enrolled as 1st Sergeant April 26, 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 62 days from Sept. 30,1898,per'. O. 10, A. G. O., C. S................... Enrolled as Sergeant April 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the. sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 7 to 11. 1898, in line of duty; absent, sick, in division hospital from Aug. 9 to 17. 1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. 9 o. s.................................... Enrolled as Sergeant April 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.25. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters May 21, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters from Aug. 25 to Sept. 16. 1898, In line of duty; sick in hospital, Springfield. 11., from Sept. 16 to 21, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A.. G. 8., C. S................ Enrolled as Sergeant April 26. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 18. 1898. in line of duty; detailed as Battalion Sergeant Major from July 2 to Aug. 6,1893, by verbal orders of battalion commander; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................ Enrolled as Sergeant April 26.1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $i.25, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent on recruiting duty at Dixon, Ill., from June 7 to 29, 1898 per S. 0. No. 14 of June 6,1898, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps; on furlough for 54 days from Sept. 28. 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.. Enrolled as Corporal April 26, 1898; promoted Q. M. Sergeant June 1, 1898, per S. O. No. 64, Hdqrs 6th ill. Vol. Inf.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick, in division hospital from Aug. 23 to Sept. 4. 1898, in line of duty; sent to U. S. on hospital boat Sept. 5, 1898, to Oct 8. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough from Oct. 3 to Nov. 4. 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0. C. S.; rationed to include Oct. 4. 1898......................... Enrolled as a private April 26, 1898: promoted Corporal June 1, 1898. per S. O. No. 64. Hdqrs. 6th ll. Vol., June 13 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.45, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed at brigade headquarters Aug. 4 to Aug. 26. 1898, per verbal orders of regimental commander; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, perG 0. 130 A. G. O.,................ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon........ Springfield... hiaJ. Roberts..... Dixon......... l Vol. 3.-26 402 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - When. Where. When. William Stucke...... Corporal..............Apr. 28.18981Dixon............. May 11,1698 Harry Hosutt.......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon.............Ma 11, 1898 May 11,1898 Maximilian Grossman Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. WilburJ. Barryman..jCorporal.................. Apr 26,1898Dixon......... May 111898 Apr. 26,1898 IEdward M. May....... Corporal.................. Dixon............. Ma 11.1898 Harry S. Fritz......... Corporal................ Apr. 261898 Dixon............ May 11,1898 Corpo~s.ral.~~ ~rr William F. Burke..... June 16,18981 Dixon............. June 16,198 Alonzo Boyer.......... Corporal.................. June 16,1898 Dixon............. June 16,1898 Fred S. Forsythe...... Corporal............ Apr. 26.1898 Dixon............ May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 403 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Ms. Roberts.... Dixon......... Springfield...Maj. Roberts.....LaSalle....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts....Dixon......... Sprlngfield...Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Sprinfln eld... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Enrolled as a private April 26, 1898: promoted Corporal June 1, 1898, per S. 0. No. 54, Hdqrs. 6th I11. Vol., June 18, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.16, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S............................. Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal June 1.1898, per S. 0. No. 54, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol., June 13,1898; in the settlement for clothing Is included the sum $3 69. the total value of articles issued by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G, 0. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.. Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal June 1, 1898, per S. 0. 64. Hdqrs. 6th Il1. Vol., June 13, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital from June 6 to 9, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0.130, A. G. O.. S............... Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal June 1,189,8 per S. 0. 64, Hdqrs. 6th 11l. Vol.. June 13, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $6.00, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Aug. 15 to 16, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. (. 0.,. S................. Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal July 23, 1898, to rank from July 1,1898, per S. 0. No. 62, Hdqrs. 6th I11, Vol.. July 23, 1898; In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in division hospital from Sept. 16 to 21,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180. A. G... s.................................. Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; romoted Corporal July 28, to rank from July 1,1898, per S. 6. 62, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol.. July 23,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 4.654, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130,. (. O., C. S................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal, July 23. 1898, to rank from July 1, 1898, per 8. O. No. 62, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol. July 23. 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.,C. S....................................... Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 23.1898. to rank from July 1, 1898, per S. 0. No. 52, Hdqrs. 6th 11l. Vol.. July 23, 1898: joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, 'per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. o.. C. S...................................... Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal July 23.1898. to rank from July 1.1898, per S. 0. No. 62, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol., July 23. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is Included the sumi $.54, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S............ Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... Dixon.'........ Dixon......... Dixon......... Lieut. Frlsby..... Dixon......... Springfield... Lieut. Frlsby... Dixon......... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon........ 404 ADJUTANT GENARAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Charles I. Eyman.....Corporal............p... r. 26, 1e9 DJxon............ May 11.1898 __I ~__ ___ Austin A. Weed....... Artificer................ IApr. 26,18981 Dixon............. IMay 11,1898 Frank F. Welch.......a Wagoner................. Apr. 26,18981 Dixon............May 11,1898 Loren A. Allen........ Musician................. Apr. 26,1898Dixon............. May 11,1898 Ira Meredith........... Musician.............. May 10,1898 Springfeld....... May 11,189 Anderson. Charles H:. Private...................... June 17.189 Dixon.............June 16.1898 Boden. John........... Private................... Apr. 26,l898 Dixon............. Ma 11.1898 Bymaster, George P.. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 405 MUSTERED IN. Residence Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... LaPrairle..... Springfleld..; fMaj. Roberts.... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... IEaston........ Springfield... Dixon......... MaJ. Roberts.... Franklin G've Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted Corporal Sept. 1, 1898, per S. 0. No. 92, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol., of same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.562 the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 12 to 13, 1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,.1898, per G. 0.130, A.G..., C...................... Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted artificer. June 13, 1898, per S. 0. No. 65; Hdqrs. 6th ll1. Vol., June 13, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.15, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed to bria. hdqrs. from Aug. 10 to 25, 1898, by verbal order of Regt. Commander; on furlough for 60 days from Sept, 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A.... C. S......e........................*.....e.e.. Enrolled as a private, April 26, 1898; promoted wagoner. June 13.1898, per 8. N. No. 54, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol., of same date; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 19, 1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G, O. 130. A. G. O., C. S.. Enrolled as a private April 26, 1898: promoted Musician May 21, 1898, per S. 0. No. 4. tidqrs. 6th 111. Vol.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per. 0. 130, A. G.., C. S........ Enrolled as a private May 10. 1898, promoted Musician May 21,1898, per S. U. No. 4, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.44, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0.130, A.. G.O.. C. S........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State, absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. i.. from Aug. 10 to Aug. 28, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 18 days from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9,1898. per 0. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; detailed for guard at Springfield, 111., Oct. 10 to 16,1898; on furlough for 85 days from Oct. 17 to Nov. 20, 1898, per (. 0. 180. A.... C. S............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64. the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 19, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. 130. A. O. O., C. s................................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 23, 1898. to rank from July 1, 1898. per 8. 0. 62, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol., July 28, 1898; absent without leave from Aug. 26 to 28, 1898; reduced to ranks Sept. 1, 1898, per S. O. No. 92, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.85, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 6 to 9, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 180, A. G. 0., C. S.; deduct from this roll three days' pay for A. W. L.; absent, sick at muster-out Nov. 26, 1898................ Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon......... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Grand deTour 406 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Bostwick, Frank...... Bott, Charles.......... Ballou. James W...... Brown, Charles C..... Coleman, Albert J..... Private................... Private...... Private................... Private................... May 10,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Springfield....... Dixon............. Dixon............. Dixon............. LMay 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June t7,1898 Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. Ma 11, 1898 Crabtree, Harry H.... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon........... May 11,1898 Coleman. Silas 8...... Christy, Porter H..... Private................... Private................... May 10,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Springfield....... Dixon............. May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Clark. Lewis A........ Private................... Apr. 26.1698 Dixon............. May 11,1898 Cropsey, Carlton..... Private.................. June 16. 898 Dixon............. June 16, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 407 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaI. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... 15f a. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... lMaj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Dixon........ Lient. Frisby..... Franklin G've Springfield...Iaj. Roberts.....Dixon........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dxon......... In the settlement for clothing is Included the sum $4.64, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O. C.S.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Aug. 14 to Aug. 30. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 18 days from Sept. 22 to Oct. 9,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. 8.; detailed for guard at Springfield, 1ll.. Oct. 11 to 16, 1898; on furlough for 36 days from Oct. 17 to Nov. 20, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S....................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A. 0. O.,C.................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Springfield, Ill,, from Sept. 16 to 21, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G.. 0130, A. G. O., C. S............... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.40, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 19, 1888, in line of duty; sick in quarters from Aug. 19 to Sept. 7.1898, in line of duty; left sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 7, 1898, in line of duty; sent to U. S. on hospital boat; landed at New York Oct. 14, 1898; on furlough from Oct. 15. 1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; rationed to include Oct. 16.1898............. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital from June 5 to 9,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 28, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S............... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.69. the total value of srticles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept, 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.,C. S.................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.32, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in Division hospital from June 19 to July 1,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in Fort Meyer hospital from July 6 to Aug. 1,1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C, S........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.60, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 8 to 11,1898, in line of duty: on. furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7,1898, in line of duty; left in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. Sept. 8.1898: sent to United States on hospital boat; sick in hospital at Fort Monroe, Va., to Nov. 10,1898. in line of duty: on furlough for eight days, from Nov. 13 to 20,1898. per G. 0. 130. A.. O.. C. S.: rations to include Nov. 12.1898; absent, sick at muster-out Nov. 25,1898............ Springfield... Maj. Roberts ixon.....Dxon Springfield.,. MaJ. Roberts..... Cuba.......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon........ Dixon......... Leut. Frisby.... Dixon......... 408 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Cummings. John A... Dornblaser, Thos. F.. Private................... Private.................. June 16,1898 June 16,1898 Dixon............. Dixon............. June 16,1898 June 16,1898 Dornblaser, John S... Private................... June 18,1898 Dixon............. June 18,1898 DeBoer, Herman...... Private................. June 17,1898 Dixon............. June 17,1898 June 16.1898 Dick, George......... Private............ June 16,1898- Dixon............ Drew, Frank M............ Priat........... e 17,189 Dixon............. June 117.1898 Drew, James......... Drew, Thomas........ Decker, Adelbert...... Eichenberg, William. l Eichenberg, Paul..... Private................... Private.............. Private.,............ Private................... 'rivate................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26B 1898 Dixon.............. Dixon............. Dixon............ Dixon............ Dixon.... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 Apr. Apr. 26,189E 26,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 409 MUSTERED IN. -- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Dixon......... Lieut. Frisby.... Dixon......... Dixon.........Lieut. Frsby Dixn......... Dixon......... Leut Frlsby.... Dixon......... Dixon......... Lieut. Frlsby.... Dixon......... Dixon......... Lleut. Frisby.... Dixon......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60days, from Sept. 22,1898, per 0. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C.,.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State: sick in quarters from Sept. A to 8,1898. in line of duty; left in hospital at Ponce, P., R.. Sept. 8.1898: sent to United States on hospital boat; sick in hospital at Fort Monroe to Oct. 22,1898, in line of duty; on furlough from Oct. 23 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0 130, A. G. O.. C. S.: rationed to include Oct. 24.1898: (incomplete, more clothing to be entered)..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce P. R., from Aug. 2 to Sept. 4.1898, in line of duty; sent to United States on hospital boat Sept. A. 1898; sick in United States general hospital at Fort Monroe, Va., Sept. 12 to 19,1898, in line of duty; on furlough from Sept. 19 to Oct. 18,1898, per G. 0. 126. A G..., of Aug, 25,1898; on furlough from Oct. 19 to Nov, 20,1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O.; just rations to include Sept. 2,1898..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company: no clothing was issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., from Aug. 10 to 19.1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22.1898, per 0. O. 130. A. G. 0., C. S........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Aug. 14 to 16,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters from Aug. 31 to Sept. 5,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0.130. A. G.O.. 0C. S................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce P. R., from Aug. 10 to 26.1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G.. 130, A. G... C. S......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.15. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A...,.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.47, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O.. C. s.................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in division hospital from May 21 to 28, 1898, in line of duty; absent sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., from Aug. 9 to 29. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O, C. S............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $1.87, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.59. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A.G.O..C................................ Dixon......... Liet. Frisby....Dixon......... Springfield.. Maj. Roberts..... Dixon........ Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts...., Dixon......... Springfleld...IMaj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... Dixon......... 410 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- -- When. Where. When. Glass, George D...... Goodman, Addison A. Gannon, Charlea...... Hansen. Al........... Hardesty, Ray....... Hoffman, William P.. Private...,............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Apr. 26.1898 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 10,1898 26,1898 Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon............. Dixon............. Springfield...... Dixon............. May 11,1898 May 11,1898 MaY 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 1,1898 Howard, Frank E..... Private................... pr 6,1898 Dixon............. Ma 11,1898 Hein, Frank.......... Hess, Henry H........ Hennig, Fred......... Hyde, William W..... Higley, Clarence...... Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................... Private............. Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 May 10,1898 Dixon......... Springfield....... Dixon........... Dixon............. Springfield....... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 16,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 411 MUSTnRED IN. ----- --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom.,.......~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.., Springfield... 'I II Maj. Roberts..... Prairieville.. Maj. Roberts..... Violott, 0. T.. MaJ, Roberts..... Dixon........ Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... laJ. Roberts.... Dixon........ Maj. Roberts.....Ashton....... laj. Roberts..... Dixon......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.59, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G.., C. S................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.15, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital from Sept. 16 to 21. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. O. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 16 to 17, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O., 180, A. G. O., C. S............. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.94, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O..C. S................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.45, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from May 14 to 15,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per. 0. 130, A.. 0, C. S.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 18, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept, 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; absent sick at muster out Nov. 25.1898............................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed for duty regimental headquarters from June 3 to 17, 1898, by verbal orders from Regimental Commander; sick in quarters from Aug. 80 to Sept. 2.1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 180,. G. O. S................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Aug. 31 to Sept. 5, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum S2.59. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A4.. O............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.; sick in quarters from Aug. 31 to Sept. 5, in line of duty.....:.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. O. No. 130, A. A. O.. C............................................. Transferred from Co. B, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf, July 4, 1898, per Special Order No. 50, of same date; on jfurloueh for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement for clothing is ineluded the sum of $2.23. the total value of articles issued him by the State............ Springfield.., MfaJ. Roberts..... Nusho,Wls... Springfield... tai. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Hlaj. Roberts.,... Wittenberg. Wis......... Dixon......... iAeut. Frisby....lDlxon......... Springfield... HaJ. Roberts.... Dixon......... 412 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- --- - When. Where. When. Keller, William....... Private...................p. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon......... May 11,1898 Kostenbauder, Mark.. Private...y 1,9 prin el.........Mlay 11,1898 Knuth, Lewis C....... Ivan, Walter, Jr....... Lawrence, John T..... Ling, Lennie R........ Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon............ May 11,1898 June 16,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Lannon, Thomas E... Private................... Apr. 21898Dixon............. May 11,1898 Lennox, Samuel....... Miller, Joseph F...... May. James........... McGOnnle, William... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. June 17,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............ Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon............. June 17.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 413 MoISSTKaD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom....~~~~ SPringfield... Misj. Roberts..... Eldina........ Sprinfield... I j. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Mai. Roberts..... East Grove... Dixon........Lieut. Frisby. Dio.......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Palmra...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Franklin Gr.. Amboy........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $4.51. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from May 23 to 24, 1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters from June 14 to 16, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. 8........................................ In settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.59. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Sept. 9 to 11, 1898, in line of duty; left sick in New York general hospital Sept. 14 to Oct. 23 1898. in line of duty; on furlough from Oct. 25 to Nov. 20.1898, per G 0. 180. A. G. O., C. S.; absent, sick. at muster out Nov. 25, 1898................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. 8.......................... Joined and enrolled after mustex-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlouah for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $4.75,the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from. May 27 to 29, 1898, in line of duty; on furlourh for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G, O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S....... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $2.45, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in division hospital from June 9 to 16 1898, in line of duty: absent, sick in hospital at Charleston, S. C.. from July 11 to Sept. 9,1898. in line of duty; on furlough from Sept. 8 to Oct. 22. 1898; on furloueh from Oct. 28 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.... C. S....................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, 4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 15 to 18 1898. in line of duty; on furlough from June 18. noon, to noon June 21. 1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., from Aug. 9 to 28, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 davs from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum.$5.0l,the total value of articles Issued him by the State: sick in hospital from June 14 to 18, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 130.. G. O. C.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.92. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from May 21 to 24,1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. U. O.. C................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum.$2.45.the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from May 14 to 17,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................ Sprinfrfeld... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Lleut. Frisby..... Palmyra...... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Dixon......... /~~~~ Springfield... I sai. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon....... 414 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- - When. Where. When. McGregor, Frank..... Private................... May 10,1898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 Middleton, George L.. Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Dixon............ May 11,1898 Maloney. William T... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............. May 11,1898 Myers. William........ Private................... Apr. 28.1898 Dixon............. May 11.1898 Morris, Calvin W...... Private................... Apr. 26, 1898Dixon. M.......... May U, 18898 Miller, Harvey........ I Private.................. Mead, Frederick A.... Private................... Myers, Daniel A...... McAfoos, Oliver M.... North, Delmar........ Owen, George N....... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... June June June June June Apr. 16,1898 16.1898 16 1898 16,1898 16,1898 26,1898 Dixon............ Dixon............ Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon............ Springfield...... June 16,1898 June 16,1898 'June June June May 16,1898 16,1898 16,1898 17,1898 Penny. William G..... Private............ Ar.. 26,1898 Dixon............ May 11,1898 Rubright, John H....Private................ Apr. 26,188 Dixon............May 111898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 415 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj, Roberts..... Springfleld...iMaj. Roberts.... Springfield... lMaj. Roberts.... Springfield... ai. Roberts.... Springfield... IMaj. Roberts.... Dixon.......Lieut. Frisby..... Franklin Gr.. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. $3.96, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters May 21 to 23,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters from Aug. 29 to Sept. 8, 1898, in line of duty; left sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 7,1898, in line of duty; sent to JU, S. on hospital boat; landed at New York Oct. 14. 1898; on furlough from Oct. 16 to Nov. 20.1898, per G, 0. 130, A. 0. 0.. C. 8.; rationed to include Oct. 16, 1898..... Dixon.........In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.06, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 29,1898, in line of duty; absent, sick at hospital, Ponce, P. R.. from Aug. 9 to 19. 1898. in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130,.. O., C.S................................. Morrison....In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.54, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. O. C.................................. Easton........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $3.06. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C............................. LeRoy........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.45, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed as orderly to Brigade Commander from June 1 to Sept. 14,1898, by verbal order of Regimental Commander; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. o., c..................,..... Dixon.........Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O. C. S.. Dixon.........Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick in hospital from Aug. 29 to Sept. 8,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; no clothing was issued him by the State........................ Dixon........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.. Snowflake.... Joned and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S... Dixon.........Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. 0., C. S... Chicago...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.45. the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in quarters Aug. 16, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0.180, A. G. o.,c. s........................... Dixon.........In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per a. 0. 130, A. O.. C..s................................... Eldena....... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum, $2.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed at brigade headquarters from Aug. 14 to 25.1898, by verbal orders of Regimental Commander: sick in quarters June 18,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per (. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.. Dixon........ Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon'......... Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon....... Lent. Frisby..... Dixon'......... Lieut. Frisby..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... 416 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------ When. here. When. Roe. Charles S......... Private.............. jApr. 26,1898 Dixon..............May 11,1898 Roop, John............ Rossiter. Frank 0.... Private................... Private................... May 10,1898 Apr. 26,189E Springfield....... Dixon............ May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Robinson, Lee....... Private................... May 10,1898 Srinufield....... IMay 11, 1898 Reilly. Joseph P..... Robinson, Dolphus... Shaw, Curtis C........ Smith, Edgar B...... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............I May 11,1898 Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 Dixon............. Springfield....... Dixon............ Dixon............. Springfield....... Dixon............. May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 1i,1898 June 16,1898 Smith. James W......Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Swalm, John C........ Stearkweather, Nels'n Private................... Private................... Hay June 10,1898 16,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 417 MUSTaBRD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom.._, _ Springfield... Ma. Roberts..... Franklin Gr'v Springfield... IMaj. Roberts.:... Dixon......... Springfield... IMa, Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... I Ma. Roberts..... Lee Center... Springfield... IMaJ. Roberts..... Dixon........ Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... Dixon........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5 01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Sept. 4 to 12,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per O. 0.180. A. G. O., C. S...................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum. S4.54, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180, A. 0. O. C. S................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed at brigade headquarters from Aug. 4 to 25, 1898. by verbal order of regimental commander; sick in quarters May 14, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1998, per. O. 130. A. a. 0., C. S......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.69, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R,, from Aug. 9 to 19, 1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.16, the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in quarters May 21. 1898, in line of duty; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R.. from Aug. 9 to 19, 1898, In line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. G., C...................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.45, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 23, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.15, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130. A.. O, C. S........................ In the settlement for clothing isncluded the sum of $S.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Sept. 10 to 16, 1898. in line of duty; left sick in Springfield hospital from Sept. 17 to Nov. 1, 1898, in line of duty: left hospital Nov. 1, 1898; on furlough for 19 days from Nov. 2, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; absent, sick, at muster out, Nov. 25, 1898................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $.454, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital, Camp Alger, Va., from May 21 to 24, 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. G. O., C. S................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.92. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. 130 A. G. O., C. 8.......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C...... Springfield...Maj. Roberts..... Moline........ Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... Dixon......... MaJ. Roberts.... Lient. Frisby..... Dixon......... Dixon......... Vol. 3-27 418 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. _ When. Where. When. Stoner, Charles A..... Spencer. Clyde........ Thompson. Marius... Thomas, Charles A... Wolford, Samuel E... Weed, Eric M......... Wisman, Harry G..... Zug, Llewellyn M..... Died. May. Earl M........... Private................... Private................. Private.................. Private. Private.................. Private................. Private.................. Private.................. Corporal.................. June June June Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 16,1898 16,1898 16,1898 26.1898 26,1898 26,1898 26,1891 26.1898 26,1898 Dixon............. Dixon............. Dixon............ Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon........... Dixon............ Dixon............. Dixon........... June 16,1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 1B May 11,1898 BMa 11, 1898 May 1,1898 May 11, 1898 Discharged. Long, John W......... Private...................Apr. 26,189 Dixon............. IMay 1,1 898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 419 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Dixon........ Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon......... Dixon......... Lieut. Frisby..... Dixon......... Dixon...... Lieut. Frisby..... AshlandWis. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Dixon......... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... ixon......... Springfield... IMj. Roberts..... Dixon........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Sept. 4 to 21. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A. O. o., C. S............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comany; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9 to 19, 1898, in line of duty; on furloush for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, AA.G. O., C. S........ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital from June 28 to July 2. 1898, Camp Alger, in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S........ in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $3.06. the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed to 2d Army Corps Hdqrs. from June 1 to 80. 1898. by verbal order of regimental commander; sick in hospital from July 17 to 26. 1898. in line of duty; sent to U. S. on hospital boat July 26, 1898; sick in hospital at Fort Monroe, Va., from Aug. 2 to Sept. 23. 1898, in line of duty; on furlough from Sept. 24 to Oct. 23, 1898, per G. 0. 126, A G. O.; on furlough from Oct. 24 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. (. O., C. S.; rationed to include Sept. 25, 1898..... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.54. the total value of articles essued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A.. O., C. S................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.54. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. a. s., C................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from May t1 to 16,1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per. O., 130, A. O. O., C. S................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $4.64, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O., 180, A. G.O.C. S.................................. Enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal June 1, 1898, per S. 0. 64, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf. June 13,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from Aug. 16 to 26, 1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180. A. 0. O.. C. S.; died Oct. 11, 1898. of typhoid fever at Dixon,Ill.; final statement sent to A. 0.. Oct. 21,1898- sickness resulting in death contracted in line of duty......... [n the settlement for clothing is included the sum $5.01, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters from June 7 to 9.1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters from 21 to 22, 1898, in line of duty; absent sick at Ft. Meyer hospital from July 6 to Aug. 2,1898, in line of duty; discharged from the service for disability Aug. 2, 1898, by endorsement of surgeon's certificate of disability; discharge and final statements sent him............... Springfield...I Maj. Roberts..... &shton....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Franklin G've Springfield...I RaJ. Roberts.... Dixon......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts......Dixon........ 4 420 ADJUTANT GENERALS BREPORT. ENROLILED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Transferred. McGinnis, Oliver...... Private.............. Apr. 26,1898 Dixon............ ay 1898 Ogle, Frank L......... Private................... May 1, 1898 Springfield....... May 17,1898 Chandler, Edward S.. Private................... May 11898 Springfield....... Ma,1898 Stultz, Granville A.... Private.......J.......... June 16,1898 Dixon.......... June 16.1898 Deserted. Williams, Lee W...... Private..........J...... June 16,1898 Dixon............. June 16,1898 NOTES(1) Major Roberts. who is on this roll as mustering officer, signed on muster-in iroll as Capt. C. S. Roberts. (2) Major Blglow'o name as last paymaster on this roll should be spelled Bigelow. SIXTH INFANTIRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. Wheu. William W. Shields... Clarence A. Mcintosh. Captain.............. 1st Lieutenant........... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... May 11,1898 May, 11898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 421 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Dixon......... No clothing was issued him by the State; transferred to 1st Division Hospital Corps June 29,1898. per S8 O. 86. Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps, same date; descriptive list and clothing amount given..................... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Genoa....J.....Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 75 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; transferred to 6th Regt. Band, per S. 0. 48, July 81, 1898. Hdqrs. 6th 11l. Vol. Inf.; descriptive list and clothing amount given....... Springfield... MaJ. Robert..... Dixon......... Joined and enrolled on day of muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum 76 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; transferred to 6th Regt. Band, per S. 0. 8, July 31. 1898, Hdqrs. 6th I11. Vo. Inf.; descriptive list and clothing amount given Dixon......... Lieut. Frisby....Dixon......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com~any: no clothing was issued him by the tate; transferred to 1st Division Hospital Corps June 29,1898, per S. O. 86. Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps of same date; descriptive list and clothing amount given............ Dixon........ Lieut. Frisby..... Sheldon, a... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; deserted at Camp Ilger, Va.. July 4,1898....................................... COMPANY H. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Enrolled as Captain of company April 26, 1898; mustered into service of United States May 11. 1898; on waiting orders from Sept 22, 1898. until Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No., A. G. O. C......................... Enrolled as 1st Lieutenant of company April 26, 1898; mustered into service of United States May 11. 1898; absent on detached service from June 7. 1898, until Jane 27, 1898. as recruiting officer at Monmouth, Ill., S. O. No. 14, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps; on waiting orders from Sept. 22. 1898, until Nov. 20.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. (. 0.o C,........................................... 422 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENBOLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Ralph L. Sherman....z2d Lieutenant........... A r. A. 26,18981Monmouth....... May 11,1898 Benjamin b. Mapes.o. Randall R. Murdock.. George O. Jones...... Fred W. Lusk......... Axel Sanderholm.... Anthon Olson......r Fred Barnes......... George E. Cox......... 1st Sergeant............ Q. M. Sergeant.......... Sergeant.................. Sergeant................. Sergeant........,...... Sergeant................. Corporal................ Corporal................. Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26, 19N Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth...... Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Mfonmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... May 11.1898 May H1, i98 May 11. 839 May 1.1818 May 11e 898 May 11.18s8 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 423 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Ionmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....1Monmouth... 8pringfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Enrolled as 2d Lieutenant of company April 26, 1898; mustered into service of United States May 11, 1898; absent on detached service from July 26, 1898, until Aug. 12, 1898, G. F. O. No. 2, of Gen. Henry, commanding Provisional Division in Porto Rico; sick in hospital at Ponce from Aug. 8. 1898, until Aug. 12, 1898; sent to St. Peter's hospital, BrooklyneN. Y.; sickness contracted in line of duty; directed Aug. 23, 1898, by Secretary of War to proceed to his home at Mt. Pleasant, sa.; rejoined regiment for duty at Springfield. 11l., Sept. 17.1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22. 1898, until Nov. 20 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O., C.S................................. Enrolled as let Sergeant April 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, until Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 139 A...C. 8................. Enrolled as Q. M. Sergeant April 26. 1898; sick in hospital, Ponce, Sept. 4, 1898, to Sept. 28,1898; sent to New York on transport Obdam; under instructions of commanding general of Department of the East, reported to his company Oct. 19,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed 32 days from Oct. 19 until Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. 130, A. a..,C S.................................... Enrolled as Sergeant April 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.568 the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept, 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A.. O.. 8......l..................... Enrolled as Sergeant April 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per Q. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. s............................ Enrolled as Sergeant April 26, 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. 0.., C..8................... Enrolled as a Corporal; appointed Sergeant May 80, 1898, S. 0. No. 8, R. H. Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O..,........................... Enrolled as Corporal April 26,1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. S.............................. Enrolled as Corporal April 26, 1898; detailed on detached service from June 7,1898,until June 27. 1898, as a member of recruiting party at Monmouth, ll., S.O. No. 14, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.58. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. S............ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Monmouth... 424 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------- - When. Were. When. Charles J. Johnson... Corporal...................Apr. 26,1898Monmouth....... May 11,1899 A. Holt Bradford..... Corporal.................. A. 26,1888Monmouth....... My 11, 11898 Charles D Sprague.. Corporal................. Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth.......,, M 17, 898 Robert C. Morrison.. Corporal.................. Cria G. Guleher..... Harold W. Mitchell... George W. Hamilton. Daniel A. McDonald.. Corporal-............... Corporal.................. Corporal................. Corporal............... IApr. Apr. Apr. Apr. aune Avr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 26.1898 26.1898 16,1898 26, 898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth...... May May June may 2a, 19" 11, 28sa IG. 2539 11.198 Frank L. Watson...... Artificer............... Apr. 26,1898(Monmouth.O...... M ay 11,. 118 Prank M. Talbott...... Wagoner............... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 1i, 19 SIXTH INFANTRY. 425 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Sprigfileld...(. I C Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts....1I.1I 'II I Monmouth.. Monmouth.. Monmouth.. Monmouth o. Monmouth.. I Enrolled as Corporal Apr. 26,1898; fined $2 00 for leaving the ranks Aug. 16,1898, by Field Officers' Court; fine deducted on last payroll; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; absent at muster-out Nov. 20,1898........................ Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 30,1898, S.O.No. 8, R.H.Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. Q. O.. C. S..................................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 30,1898, S.0. No. 8, R.H. Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.22, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 16 days from Sept. 22,1898,to Oct. 6,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A.G.O.. C.S.; detailed as guard at Camp Lincoln from Oct. 7 to Oct. 16, 1898; on furlough for 35 days from Oct. 17, 1898. per. G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. 8............ Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal July 1.1898, G.O.No, 53, R..Q.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.06. the totasl value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 2, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. (. 0, C....................................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal July 1, 1898, S.O. No. 63, R.H.Q.; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.97, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898 per G.O.No.130,A.G.O., C.S. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal July 1,1898,.O.No.63, R.H.Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G.O.No.130, A.. O., C.S. Joined and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company; appointed Corporal July 1,1898, S.0. No. 53,R.H.Q.; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180. A,. 0. O, C. S............. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal July 1,1898,S.O.No.63,R.H.Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. AG. 0. c. S........................................ Enrolled as a private; appointed artificer May 30,1898, S.O.No, 7.R.H.Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S................................. Enrolled as a private; appointed'wagoner May 30,1898,. O. No. 8, R..Q.; detailed with regimental horses from Camp Alger, Va.. to Porto Rico, from July 28,1898; sick in the hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 6,1898, to Aug. 26,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.20, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S. I Springfield.., Capt. Roberts... Monmouth.. Monmouth... [ieut. McIntosh. Monmouth.. Springfield...! Capt. Roberts... Monmouth... Springfield... Japt. Roberts.,.. Honmouth... Springfield.., {apt. Roberts.... donmouth... 426 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. E NROiLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Eldred A. Garrison... Musician................. Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 1 898 Edward 0. Andrews.. William 0. Bond...... William Bowers....... Joseph P. Bohon...... John C. Boydston..... Charles L. Brooks.... William H. Branch... William A. Bryan..... Asa W. Butler......... Charles E. Canum.... Frank L. Campbell... Albert Carriran...... Archie Cobb........... Lewis E. Coons....... Private................ Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private................... Private................... June 17.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 17.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 16.1898 June 16.1891 June 16,1898 June 16, a9O Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1o88 June 17.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth........ Monmouth........ Monmouth........ Monmouth........ 'Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth........ Monmouth........ Monmouth....... Monmouth..... Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Juno 17, 898 May 11,1898 May 11,1893 Juno 17.1898 May 11,1898 June 17.1898 Junaa 17,1893 Juno 17,1098 June 17,I893 'Uy 11o,1698 May 11,1898 June 17.1898 May 11, 1838 May 11. 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 427 MUSTERED IN. _- -— _ _ _ Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... (Capt. Roberts..... Monmouth Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth... Lieut. Mclntosh. Roseville..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.. Monmouth... Lieut. Mcintosh.. Oquawka..... Enrolled as musician Apr. 26. 1898; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from June 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A.G.O., C. S.; charge $3 00 for trumpet and mouthpiece................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; there was no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. i. O.. S.................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A.. O.0,................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A.,.. C................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. 6. O.. C. S.... Sick in hospital at Ponce, Porto Rico, from Aug. 9.1898. to Sept. 2,1898; sickness contracted in line of line of duty: in the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $1.40, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 180 A. G. 0. C. S...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O. C. C S... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the tate; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.26. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. 0.,C. S................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22.1898, per G0. 0. No. 130, A.. C................................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, per G. 0. No. 130. A.... C. S........................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per (. O. No. 180, A... O.. C............................... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. White Hall... Monmouth... Lieut. hMcntosh.. Monmouth... Darlington... Monmouth... lieut. McIntosh. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. White Hall... Springfield... ( Springfield... ( Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... 428 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - -_ When. Where. When. Miles Costello......... Chas, T. Cunningham. John Erickson...... Scott B. Evans........ Private................... Private................... Private............... Private................... Apr. Apr. Apr. June 26,1898 26,1898 16.1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth..... Monmouth....... May May 11. 189 1L, 18 May 11, 108s June 17,1883 Raymond E. Fair...... Privato................... Ar. 26.189l8Monmouth....... May 11, 188 Charles Foster........ William E. Fowler.... Harry B. Frymera.... Goorge I. Frosig...... James Gettemy....... Earl Graham......... Jesse D. Gunter....... Private............ Privat.................. Private................... Private.................. Private o................ Private................. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 April 26,1898 Aprill26,1898 April 26,1898 April 26.1898 April 26,1898 April 26,1898 Monmouth...... Monmouth o...... Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... lMay 11, 83S May 11, l898 May 11, 18S8 May 11,1838 May 11.183? May 11. 181 Kay 11, 189 SIXTH INFANTRY. 429 MUSTERED IN. -.-. — Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Nilwood...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth....jLieut. McIntosh.. White Hall... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.... Springfield....Capt. R. nhart. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.20, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. e. O.. C. S............................... Sick in Division hospital at Camp Alger. Va,. from June 21, 1898, to June 80, 1898; mumps, contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 92 cents. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. a............................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $.149, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S............................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in hospital at Utuado, P. R. from Aug. 20 to Sept. 1,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O,........................... Sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 5.1898, to Aug. 26,1898, with piles contracted in line of duty; in settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. U. O. C.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. OG.. O C.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. O. O.. C............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.42, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept, 22.1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25, 1898........................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 92 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O., C. S......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.92, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C S............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $0.71, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 71 cents the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed on detached service on hospital ship Lampassas. July 28, 1898. verbal order Col. Foster; later, taken sick while on return trip to Porto Rico: taken to hospital in Ponce, and sent from there to the Presbyterian hospital in Philadelphia; furloughed from there Oct. 8,1898, for 60 days per (. 0. No. 114, A. G. O.. Aug. 9.1898; sickness contracted in line of duty.................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... jCapt. Roberts.... I Monmouth... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Monmouth... 430 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Ralph Hagle........... Private.................May 17.1898 p ringfleld....... May 17,1893 Charles H. Harkless.. Jesse Harrison........ Frank L. Hilli......... Gallard A. Holliday... Frank C. Holliday.... William M. Hutchison Sherman T. Hock..... James Hodgen........ Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... April 26,1898 June 17,1898 April 26,1898 April 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... May 11,1893 June 17,189S May 11.1898 May 11.1898 May i,1S898 April 26,1898 Monmouth........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1893 Private................... Private.............. June 16,1898 June 16,1898 Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Juno 17,1893 June 17,1398 Charles Z. Irvine...... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,16$3 Charles L. Johnston.. Joseph R. Johnson.... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 June 16,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Hay 11,1698 June 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 431 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. _ _. _ _ Springfield.. Springfield.. Monmouth... Sprinefleld.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield..,.4.1! ( ( Lient. Capt. Roberts....Louisville Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Capt. Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.. Roberts.... Mcintosh.. Capt.URoberts.... I Monmouth... Monmouth... White Hall... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $.71. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per. O. No. 180, A. G. O. C. S............... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180. A. G. O., C. S......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G.. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.11, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A, G. o.. C......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.87, the total value of articles Issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per a. 0. No. 130. A. G. O. C............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58 the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed as color uard May 26,1898, S. 0. No. 8, regimental headquarters; relieved July 5, 1898; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. No. 180. A. G. O., C.S................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 4.41, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters Sept. 16,1898. to Sept. 20.1898. sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the state; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. 0. 0., C..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Utuado, Porto Rico, from Aug. 19, 1898. to Aug. 28,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898 per G. O. No. 180, A. a. O, C. S..: In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $5.06, the total value of articles issued him by the State: left sick in hospital at Camp Alger. Va., July 5. 1898; joined the company for duty at Ponce, Porto Rico. Aug. 8, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.,C. S................. [n the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.91. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. O............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital Ponce, Porto Rico Aug. 10, 1898; taken to St. Peter's hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed Sept. 18, 1898, for 80 days, per G. O. No. 114, A. G. O., Aug. 9, 1898; furloughed from Oct. 15,1898. to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. 180. A. G. O.. C. S.: commutations of rations paid to include Sept. 13 and 14, 1898................................. Monmouth... blent. McIntosh.. Ellisvlle...... Monmouth... [iAeut. McIntosh.. Oquawka.... Springfield... JCapt. Roberts.... Monmouth.. Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth... dleut. McIntosh.. White Hall... 432 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -------- ---- - When. Where. Whon.,,... u ~~ T. Reed Ktnton....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth.......May 11,1898 John A. Liby.......... Private................ Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 Byron C. Lorton...... Private...................Mayr 14,.1898 Springfield....... May 171898 Harry L. Mcloskey.. Private...................Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11.1898 Wm. J. McQuillan.... Private................. Apr. 2,.1898 Monmouth....... ljaI 1, 1198 Charles E. McSlarrow Charles W. L. Morgan C. Frederick Morey... Charles W. Morrill.... Private s.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................. June 16,1898 Apr. 26.1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... June 17,1898 May 11, 1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 Ury J. Odell...........Private...................Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11.B98 Harry C. Overfelt..... Joseph S. Palmer..... Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth...... June May 17, 18S8 11,1898 436 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - Wen Wheren When. Charles E. Sehrimp... Private................... Apr. 21898Monmouth....... May 11,1898 John B. Seng.......... Private.................. ay 1, 1898 Springfield....... May 17.1898 Robert A. Schusler.... Private.................. June 18,1898 Monmouth....... June 17,1898 Jerome D. Smith...... Harry B. Smith........ George W. Simpson... John W. Stromberg... Private................ Private................... Private............. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 11,1898 Monmouth........ Monmouth........ Monmouth....... Springfield....... May 11,1898 May.1,1898 Mayr 11, 1898 May 11.1898 Adolph Sullivan....... Private................... May 17,1898 Springfield....... May 17,1898 Oliver Suthern........ Private...................Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth... lMayt:1, 1898 May 11, 1898 Charles E. Todd....... Private........ (A....... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... SIXTH INFANTRY. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Elberon...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... [Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Sprinfield... ICapt. Roberts.... Mlonmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Inthe settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.80, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital on the Rita, July 20,1898: taken to hospital ship Lampassas, July 28, 1898 taken to hospital in Fortress Monroe; furloughed from there for 30 days. from Aug. 18,1898, per G. 0. No. 114. A. G.O, C. S., Aug. 9, 1898; returned to company Sept. 17, 1898; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S........... In the settlement for clothingt I included the sum of $4.58. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Camp Alger. Va., June 10 and 11, 1898; sick In hospital at Adjuntas, P. R., from Anug. 16, 1898, to Aug. 26,1898; all sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. &. 0.,. S........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 6G days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. 0..,.............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 71 cents. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25,1898.................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4 20 the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A..O.,.C. 8............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of S4 68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A..O.... S............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G0.. 180, A.. O.. CS......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sent to the hospital at Ponce, P. R.. Aug. 1, 1898; sent to hospital at Philadelphia; furloughed from there Sept. 9,1898, for 80 days. per G. 0. 114. A. G. 0., and telegram, A. G. O.. Aug. 80,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; reported to company Oct. 8,1898; furloughed from Oct. 11, 1898 to Nov, 20.1898, per 0. 0. 130, A. d. O.. C........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.19. the total value of articles issued him by the State; fined $3.00 by F. O. C. June 12, 1898, for absence without leave; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; fine deducted on last pay-roll; absent less than 24 hours............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth... ideut. Mcintosh. White Hall... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Roseville..... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Kewanee...... Monmouth.... L.leut. McIntosh.. Little York... Monmouth.... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... l 434 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------- When. Where. When. Harry C. Parsons.....Private...................IMay 14.1898 Springfeld....... May 17.1898 Samuel T. Plckard.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 Garland O. Ray........ Private................... Apr.' 26,1898Monmouth....... May 11,1898 George H. Raymond.. Private...................Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 William L. Regmer... Private...................Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11.1898 Andy M. Roberts...... Private.................. pr. 26,1898 Monmouth.......Ma 11.,1898 George W. Robison... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... May 11.1898 Philip Rolfe.......... Norman W. Rayburn. Albert C. Remick...... Samuel E. Reed....... Bernard M. Ryan...... Private.................. Private..................; Private................... Private................... Private.................. June 17,1898 June 16.1898 June 16,1898 June 16,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth........ Monmouth........ June June June 18.1898 17,1898 17,1898 June 17,1898 May 11,1898 S][XTH INFANTRY. 433 MUSTERBD IN. Residence. Residence. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... I Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... White Hall... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Gladstone.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4 36. the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Yanco. Porto Rico, from Aug. 1, 1898, to Aug. 4, 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G.O.,C. S............................... Joined and enrolled after muster in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4 71. the total valu of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Adjuntas, Porto Rico. from Aug. 16. 1898, to Aug. 20.1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. GO.. C S.................. In the settlement fir clothing is included the sum of $1.74, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O..C S................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.70, the total value of articles issued him hy the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept 22, 1889, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. G. O.. C................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G, 0., C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.74, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G.O.,C S................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O. C. S... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $6 09, the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Camp Alger. Va., from June 21,1898. to July 2, 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G O. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of S4.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Ponce. P.R.. with injured knee received in line of duty. Aug 13,1898, to Sept. 2,1898; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, perG. O No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Joined and enrolled alter muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. No 130. A. (. O., C. S... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4 68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed on detached service on hospital ship Lampassas July 28,1898. verbal order Col. Foster; later taken sick while on return trip to Porto Rico. and left at hospital in Charleston. S. C.; furloughed from there Sept. 21, 1898,to Oct. 21.1898. order of Chief Surgeon Dept. of Gulf. dated Aug 9,1898; reported to company Oct. 21. 1898; furloughed from Oct 22 to Nov. 20.1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.. sickness contracted in line of duty...................................... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. IMonmouth.. SpringfieldCapt. Rb...Capt. Roberts... Momouth... Capt. Springfield... Roberts.... I Monmouth... Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh.. Ionmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Moanouth... Vol. 3-28 SIXTH INFANTRY. 437 MUSTERED IN. --------- ' Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom, Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Murryvllle.... Monmouth.... Lieut. McIntosh.. Monmouth.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... onmouth.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... IMonmouth.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.41. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 21,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G0. 0180, A. G. O., C. S......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 71 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130. A.G.O,. S..................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 9,1898, to 19,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G.O. C. S.................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.82. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. 3........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.11, the total value of articles issued him by the State; fined $3.00by Field Officers Court June 12,1898, for absence without leave; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. I.. from Aug. 9, 1898, to Aug. 19, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 49 days from Sept. 22,1898 per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.;.fine deducted on last pay-roll; absent less than 24 hours; on duty at Springfield, Ill., from Nov. 10 to 20, 1898........................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.80, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per 0. O. 180, A. G. O...................................... Enrolled in Co. C, 6th I!1. Vol. Inf. April 26, 1898; transferred to Co. H May 11, 1898, before muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.74, the total value of articles issued him by the State; left in camp as guard Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. at Springfield...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 71 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Camp Alger, Va..June 13 and 14,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sent. 22 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C, S........ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.41. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in the hospital at Utuado. P. R., from Aug. 20, 1898. to Aug. 25,1898: sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. 130, A. O.. C. S..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in the hospital at Sprin'field. Ill., from Sept. 16.1898, to Sept 28. 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 53 days from Sept. 29,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O. C. S.. Springfield... [Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galesburg....' Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Louisville.l.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.... 438 ADJUTANT.GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. Where. When. Charles H. Wallace... Private................... Apr. 2.1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 Reynhold 0. Walters. Private...................Ar. 26.1898 Monmoth.......Ma 11,1898 Edgar A. Warner.... Mont R. Winters...... Frank E. Wilson...... William A. Yerion.... Harry H. Zimmerman Discharged (for disabfliet). Charles A. Young..... Private...............,... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 June 17.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Monmouth....... Monmouth...... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... Monmouth....... May June 11.1898 17.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Transferred.. Georce E. McKelvey.. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 IMonmouth....... May 11.1898 Hubert G. Speakman. Musician............... Apr. 26.189s Monmouth....... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 439 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Monmouth... ILeut. McIntosh (White Hall... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 45 cents, the total value of articles issued him by the State; left sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R.: sent to the Josiah Simpson hospital, Virginia; sent from there Nov. 1,1898, per G.. 114, A. G. O., C. 8., to report to his company; reported to company Nov. 4,1898; furloughed for 17 days from Nov. 4,1898, per 0. 0. 130, A.. 0., C..S; sickness contracted in line of duty..................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 6, 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. o. 10., A. G. O.. C.................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.76. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per 9. 0. 130, A.. O..C. S............................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of comgany; no clothing was issued him by the State; left sick in hospital at Ponce, P.R.. Sept. 7,1898; taken to St. Peter's hospital in Brooklyn, N. Y.; sent from there Oct. 28, 1898, under instructions from the Commanding General, Department of the East, to report to his company; reported to company Oct. 31, 1898; furloughed for 28 days, from Oct. 81, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; sickness contracted in line of duty.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 180, A................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.32, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furlougbed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.,.S................................. [n the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.49, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S........................... Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal May 30, 1898, S. 0. No. 8. R. H. Q.; sick in quarters from July 1,1898. to July 6. 1898; left sick in division hospital at Camp Alger, Va., July 6.1898: discharged Aug. 4, 1898, at Camp Alger, Va., by reason of endorsement of surgeon's certificate of disability, Hdqrs, 2d Army Corps, Aug. 2. 1898; in the clothing account was the sum of $2.32, the total value of articles issued him by the State............................. Transferred to U. 8. Hospital Corps June 22,1898, G. 0. 58, A. G. O., May 31. 1898; descriptive list and clothing account furnished; in clothing account is the sum of $4.54, the value of articles issued by the State.......................................... Transferred to regimental band July 31, 1898, S. O. No. 52, R. H. Q., July 31. 1898; descriptive list and clothing account furnished; in clothing account is the sum of $4.58. the value of articles issued him by the State................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Monmouth... 440 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. A. B. McCosker....... Private.................. 1 98 Monmuth....... June 17,1898 Frank B. Henney..... Private................... June 17.1898 Monmouth....... June 17,1898 Henry Wienold........ Private.............. June 16.1898 Monmouth....June 17,1898 Died. Albert L Overfelt.... Private........... Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 11,1898 Roy H. Cornell........ Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Monmouth....... May 1. 1898 SIXTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- When. Where. When. William F. Colebaugh Edward C. Lawton.... Benjamin Eick........ David E. Crouch...... Henry A. Weaver..... Captain................... 1st Lieutenant........... 2d Lieutenant............ 1st Sergeant............. Sergeant................ Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Morrison......... Morrison......... Sterling.......... Morrison......... Morrison...... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 17,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 441 MUSTERED IN. ------- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Springfield... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to regimental band July 81. 1898. S. 0. No. 62, R. H. Q., July 31.1898; descriptive list and clothing account furnished; no clothing was issued him by the State................................. Monmouth... Lieut. McIntosh. Springfield... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to regimental band July 31,1898, S. O. No. 52.. H Q., July 31, 1898; descriptive list and clothing account furnished; no clothing was issued him by the State..................................... Monmouth... Liext, McIntosh.. Springfield... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to regimental band July 31, 1898. S. 0. No. 52, R. H. Q., July 31,. 1898; no clothing was issued him by the State.......................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.58, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital at Springfield, 111., Sept. 16,1898, of typhoid fever; died in hospital at Springfield, Il11. Oct. 1, 1898; final statements furnished A. G. O............................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Monmouth.. Enrolled as a private; appointed Corporal July 1, 1898, S. O. No. 53, R. H. Q.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $4.68. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O.. C. S.; taken sick Sept. 23,1898, of typhoid fever contracted in line of duty; died at his home in Monmonth. Ill., Oct. 18. 1898; final statements furnished A.. O...................................... COMPANY I, MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Sterling...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..... Prairieville... Originally mustered into company as Captain; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898............................ Originally nmustered into company as set Lieutenant; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898.......................... Appointed 2d Lieutenant and assigned to Co. I May 14, 1898. vice Ernest J. Weaver, resigned. S. 0. No. 92, A. O.. State of Illinois, May 14, 1898; detailed Ordnance Officer 5th Inf., S. O (regimental) No. 1, May 17, 1898; on special duty from date of order to muster-out; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22 1898................. Originally mustered in with company as tst Sergeant: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O.. C. S........... Originally mustered in with company as Sergeant; taken to division hospital June 24.1898; returned to company July 5,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S............................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison 442 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLiD. Name. Rank. E-RO — - When. Where. When. Andrew F. Mathews..IQ. M. Sergeant........... Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 Morrison......... Ma 11,1898 Jacob L. Rockey..... Harry H. Rockey...... Sergeant................. Sergeant................. Morrison......... Morrison......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Andrew J. Oeborne,JrlSergeant................ Apr. 26.1898 Morrlson......... May 11.1898 May 11,1898 Evan Black............ Cororal......... Apr. 32,1898 Morrison......... Scott Leatherwood.... Corporal.................. Apr. 6.1898 Morrison......... May. 1,898 Clayton E. Pense.... Corporoal.................. Apr. 2.s189 Morrison......... May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 443 Mustered In. Mustered.n - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... I Morrison.... rpringfield...lCapt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.....1I I I Morrison..,. Morrison.... Mforrison.... I Originally mustered in with company as Sergeant; left in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6, 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 13 days. beginning Nov. 8. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A; 0. O., 0. S.; sent to hospital June 3, 1898; returned to company uly 1, 1898; sickness contracted in ine of duty; returned to company Nov. 8, 1898................................. Originally mustered in with company as Sergeant; in the settlem'ent of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. 130, A. O., C. S...... Originally mustered in with company as Corporal; promoted to Sergeant May 14. 1898. R.S.O. 16, May 31,1898; sent to hospital at Ponce, Aug 29,1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State sent to Josiah Simpson general hospital Oct. 8. 1898; furloughed from there from Oct, 16 to Nov. 15.1898. O. O. 1,. A. G0.. C. S.; furloughed for five days from Nov. 16 to Nov. 20, 0. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S.... Originally mustered in with the company as a Corporal: promoted to Sergeant May 14, 1898, R. S. 0. 15. May 31,1898; absent on detailed service, recruiting at Morrison, Ill., from June 8 to June 26,1898; sent to hospital at Ponce Aug. 31, 1898, to be sent home on hospital bo-t; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 35 days, beginning Oct. 17,1898 per G. 0. 130, A. 0. O., C. S.; discharged from hospital Oct. 15.1898................. Originally mustered in with comprny as a private: promoted to Corporal May 14,1898, R. S. 0. 16, May 31,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 49 days. beginning Oct. 3,1898. per G. 0. 130,. A.., C. S. left on guard at Springfield, Ill., from Sept. 22,1898, to Oct. 2,1898......... Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal May 14,1898,. S. 0. 15, May 31,1898: In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; granted pass from June 15 to June 18,1898, four days, command of Gen. Butler; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G.O.. C. S... Originally mustered in with the company as a private; promoted to Corporal May 14, 1898, Reg. S. O. No. 15, May 31. 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C.................................... 1 Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... lorrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 'rophetstown 444 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPOBT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where. When. Harrison L. Berry.... Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Morrson.........I. ay 11.1898 Henry W. Adams..... Corporal............,...... pr. 26.1898 Morrison......... May 1, 1,8 E. Lyle Seaton........ Corporal............ Apr. 26.1898Morrison......... May 11,1898 Amos A. Burr......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Morrlson......... May 11,1898 Charles E. Hyatt...... Corporal.................Apr. 21898 Morrlson......... May 11,1E98 Charles Berry......... Corporal..................Apr. 26,18981Morrlson......... M ay 11.1898 George Everbart..... [Corporal........... Apr... 26,1898 Morrlson......... May 11,1898 Asa Sherwood........ Corporal.................. Apr. 2,18981Morrison....... [May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 445 MUSTERED IN.._ - -- KResidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...|Capt. Roberts.... Morrson..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophetstown Springfield... lapt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison.... Morrison..... Morrison..... Morrison..... Morrison..... Originally mustered in with the company as a private; promoted to Corporal May 14, 1898, Reg. S. 0. No. 16, May 31, 1898; sent to hospital at Ponce Aug. 29, 1898. to be sent home on hospital boat; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; Sent to Josiah Simpson general hospital Oct. 8, 1898; furloughed from there from Oct. 16 to 17, 1898.. 0. 114, A. G. O., C. S.: furloughed for five days from Nov. 16 to Nov. 26, G. 0.130,. G. 0., C. 8. Originally mustered in with the company as a private; promoted to Corporal May 14, 1898, Reg. S. 0. 75. May 31,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O. C. S....................................... Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal May 14, 1898, Reg. S. 0. 15, May 31, 1898; sent to hospital June 6; returned to company June 12, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0.130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal July 1,1898, Reg. S. 0. 45. July 1, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beLinning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. 0. O..,........................................ Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal July 1,1898, Reg. S.. 46. July 1. 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 180, A. G. 0., C. S................................. Originally mustered in as a private; promoted to Corporal July 1, 1898, Reg. S. 0. No. 45. July 1, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 4. 1898; returned to duty June 12 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130 A... C. S............................ Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal July 1,1898, Reg. S.0. 45 July 1. 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180. A. G. O.. C. S -.................. Originally mustered in with company as a private; promoted to Corporal July 1.1898. Reg. S 0. 46. July 1, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. o. C S.................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... 446 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --------- - When. Where. When. Ernest A. Snyder.....Corporal..................June 16.1898 Sterling.......... June 161898 Colebough, Ora....... Davis, Robert E....... Andrews, James..... Anstett, Albert E..... Boyer. William C..... Bugler.................... Bugler................ Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 22,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... Morrison......... Morrison......... Sterling.......... Morrison......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 June 22,1898 May 11,1898 Brearton. Fred W..... Private............. Apr. 26.1898 Morrison......... May 11,1898 Birley. Charles........ Private.......A....... Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... May 11,1898 Bunzey, Rufus S...... Baker, John........... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 May 11.1898 Morrison......... Springfield...... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 447 MUSTERED IN..... - Residence. Remarks. Where, By whom. Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield.. brt...Ca Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Erie......... Lieut. Dillon..... Sterling...... Albany....... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; originally mustered into the company as a private; promoted Corporal July 1. 1898, Reg. S. 0. 45. July 1. 1898; no clothing issued him by the State; furlourhed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O.. C. S........... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $188. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C......................................... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C........................................ Mustered in with the company; left in hospital at Ponce, Aug. 7, 1898; returned to duty Aug. 18,1898; sick in quarters, Sept. 5,1898, contracted in line of duty: left in hospital at Ponce. Sept. 6,1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 34 days, beginning Oct. 18.1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A.G.O., C.............~......... f '..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S........ Mustered in with company; taken to military hospital, Springfield, 11l., Sept.16,1898; taken home Sept, 21,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty: in the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O.. C. 8.. Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 35 days beginning Oct. 17 1898, per G. 0. 180, A.G.O., C. S.; sent to hospital in Ponce, Sept. 6. 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; contracted in line of duty....................... Mustered in with the company; sick in quarters June 4, 1898; returned to duty June 6,1898; left in hospital at Ponce, Aug. 8,1898; returned to duty Aug. 9,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beinning Sept. 22,1898, per G.. 180. A. G. 0.. C...............'......... *........ Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88; the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22,1898, per. O. 130. A. G. 0., 0. S...................................... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 188, A. 0. G., C. S.................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Sringfield.JC. obrt... Ca Roberts.. Lyndon....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison.... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... 448 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. Wh When. WhereWhee. When. Where. Bent. Harry A......... Private................... June 22,1898 Sterllne...........June 22,1898 Bollshouse, William.. Colp, George W....... Private................ Private................... June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Rock Island...... MIorrison......... June 21.1898 May 11.1898 Carlton. Frank...... Private................ &pr. 268,198 Morrlson.........May 11,1898 Cullum. Paul......... Private................... May 11.1898 Sprinfield....... May 11,1898 Cargay, Olin.......... Dahlstrom, William... Private................... Private................... June 15,1891 Apr. 26.1891 Morrison...... Morrison......... June 15,1898 May 11,1898 Donovan, David A.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 orrison.......... May 11, 898 Drennen, Marcus L... Drury, Walter 0...... Fenton, William...... Freek. George W...... Private................. Private............... Private.................. June 16,189E June 17,1895 Apr. 26,1898 Sterling.......... Sterling.......... Morrison......... Sterling.......... June 16,1898 June 17.1898 May 11,1898 June 17,1898 Private................... June 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 449 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Morrison..... Rock Island.. Lieut. Dillon.... Rock Island.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophetstown Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophetstown Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... INeoga........ Morrlson..... Lieut. Dillon..... Prophetstown Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 180. A.. O.. C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130. A.. O., C. S......... Mustered in with company; taken to military hospital, Springfield, Ill., Sept. 16, 1898: reported to company for duty Sept. 19, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88; the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22. 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Mustered in with the company; sick in quarters June 1, 1898; returned to duty June 12, 1898; sick in quarters July 1. 1898; returned to duty July 2,1898, contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22. 1898, per (. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.......... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. O.,C. S.... -.. -............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S............ Mustered in with the company; sick in quarters May 16. 1898: reported to duty May 16. 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.45. the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. 180, A. G. O.,C. S................................. Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 110, A. G. O.,. s................ -....................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept, 22,1898. per G. 0. 130, A.. O., C. S.. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued'him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22 1898, per. 10. 0.. A., C. S.. Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, berinning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C........................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0., C. S.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophetstowr Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy........ Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Albany....... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Albany...... Springfield. Cat obrt...Cat Rorie........... Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Albany....... Vol. 3-29 450 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------- When. Where. When. Freek, Charles W........................ e 17.1898 Sterling.......... June 17,1898 Humphrey, Byron P.. Humphrey, Rollin E.. Private................... Private................... June 15,1898 June 15.1898 Morrison........ Morrlson......... June 15.189& June 16,1898 Heath, Lafayette S... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Morrion......... May 11. 1898 Hawes, George B...... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... May 11,1898 Hartless, Ernest T.... Private................... May 11,1898 Springfield.......May 1, 16.98 Hunt. George C....... Humphrey. Guy C.... Johnson, Fred 0...... Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. June June Apr. 16,1896 20,1898 26,1898 Morrison......... Sterling........... Morrison......... June 16,1898 June 20.1898 May 11,1898 Judd, Charles......... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Morrison. M....... May 11, 89 Jencks, Edwin......... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Morrison......... May 11. 898 Koopke, Bernhard.... Private................... May 11,189 SS pringfield.......l May 11.1893 SIXTH INFANTRY. 451 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sterling...... Lieut. Dillon..... Albany....... Morrison..... jieut. Dillon..... Morrison..... Morrison..... Leut. Dillon..... Morrison..... Springfield.. Cant. Roberts.... Prophetstown Springfieldt. Rbert...Ca Roberts... Morrison..... Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts.... Aurora.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; sent to hospital at Ponce. to be sent home on hospital boat; furloughed for 18 days, beginning Nov. 8. 1898, per G. 0. 10, A. G. O, C. S.; returned from hospital Nov. 1, 1898.............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing Issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. G. O. C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. O0., C............ Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.,. S..................... Mustered in with company; taken to hospital Aug. 26, 1898; returned to duty Sept. 21, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement- of the clothing is Included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0.130, A.. 0.. C. S........... Mustered-in with the company: sent to hospital May 21, 1898; returned to duty June 8. 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A.... S............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0.130, A. G. O.. C. S........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. 0 O C. S........... Mustered-in with company; left in hospital Aug. 8.1898, at Ponce: returned to duty Aug. 29. 1898; contracted in line of dutyin the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G.. C......................... Mustered-in with the company: in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130. A G. O.. 0. S.......................... Mustered-in with the company; attached to Troop C, New York Squadron, for rations from June 11.1898, S. O. No. 18, Hdqrs. 2d Army Corps June 10,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C...................................... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beinning dept. 22,1898, per G. 0.130. A. G. 0.. C. S...-..................... e.... Morrison..... Leut. Dillon...... Morrisen.. Sterling...... Lient. Dilllon...... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison.... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Albany........ Springfield... ICapt. Roberts.... lAmboy........ 452 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENBOLLED. Name. Rank. -- -- When. Where. When. Kingery. Frank Q Prvate................... Apr. 21898 Morrison......... May 31,1898 Kellett, Charles T..... Private................... Apr. 26,1898lMorrison......... MaY.,1898 Kirk, Alonzo L........ Private................... 11.1898Springield....... May 11,1898 Litell. John C......... Lay, Roy............... Lueck. William H...., Lee. Edward Sixon.... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26.189f Apr. 26,189E May 11.189E May 11,1891 Morrison......... Morrison......... Springfield...... Springfield....... May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11. 1898 May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 453 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfleld... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... apt. Roberts... I1 I I C Mendota...... Decatur...... Prophetstown 'rophetstown Mustered-in with company; appointed Farrier 6th 11l. Inf., R S. S.., July 6. 1898; left with horses at Camp Alger, Va.. July 5, 1898; went to Charleston, S. C., there taken sick and sent to hospital; furloughed from hospital Aug. 26. 1898, with permission to go to Mendota. 111., at close of furlough to report to company at Porto Rico. wherever it might then be, by an order of Aug. 9, 1898, of Chief Surgeon, Department of Gulf; reported for duty Sept. 19, 1898; in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.. Mustered-in with the company; sent to hospital May 26, 1898; returned for duty same day; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. o.. C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out Nov. 25.1898................................. Mustered-in with the company; on hospital ship Lampassas from July 26, 1898, to Aug. 1. 1898; sent to hospital Aug. 8,1898; returned to duty Aug. 29.1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898, per Q. 0. 130 A. G. 0.. 0. s........*................................. Mustered-in with company; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130. A. 0. 0., c. S....*................... *...... Mustered-in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C...*................................... Mustered in with the company; sent to hospital at Ponce Sept. 6. 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is. included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State........ Mustered in with the company; left in hospital at Ponce. Aug. 8, 1898; returned to duty Aug. 29, 1898; contracted in line of duty; absent without leave from 6:00 p. m., June 11, to 8:00 p. m., June 12.1898, violatinr Article of War No. 32; tried by Field Officers' Court, found guilty of said absence, and sentenced to forfeit $3.00 of his pay, per S. 0. No. 4 headquarters 2d lrig., 1st Division, 2d Army Corps, June 19,1898; fine paid on June pay-roll; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; deduct from this roll two days' pay on account of absence without leave.,............................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison.... Springileld... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy....... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Iuincy....... 454 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Lepper, Edward....... Private................... Ma 11,1898 Springfield.......May 1, 1898 Lewis, Charles L...... Lewis, Arthur L...... Leslie, William S..... Private................... Private................... Private.................. June 16,1898 June 16,1898 June 16.1898 Sterling......... Sterling......... Morrison......... June June June 16,1898 16,1898 16,1898 I Middleton, Edward C. Private...................Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... May 111898 I McKenzie, Richmond. Private...................Apr. 26,1898 Morrison........ May llt898 Miller, Frank.......... May. Chester N....... Marold, Charles....... Phileo, Arthur........ Peters. George........ Patterson, Henry.... Palmer, Bert.......... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 11,1898 June 16,1898 Morrison......... Springfield....... Springfield....... Morrison......... Morrison......... Springfield....... Morrison......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11,198 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May June 11,1 98 1.1 tS8 i SIXTH INFANTRY. 456 MUSBTRED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quincy...... Sterlin...... Lleut. Dillon..... Albany....... Sterling...... Leut. Dillon..... Albany...... Morrison..... Leut. Dillon..... Port Byron... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Propbetstowr Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophet8town Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Prophetstown Mustered in with the company; left In hospital at AdJuntas Aug. 16,1898; returned to duty Aug. 27,1898; left in hospital at Ponce Sept. 6,1898. to be sent home on hospital boat: in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 85 days beginning Oct. 17,1898 per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; returned from hospital Oct. 15,1898................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. a. O. C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furioughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898 per G. 0. 180.. 0. G,............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S........... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0., C. 8s...................................... Mustered in with the company: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88. the total value of artidles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898, per 0. 0. 180, A. 0. 0., C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out Nov. 26 1898......................................... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S................................ Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898 G.. 0. 10 A. G. O.. C..........................................* Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued nim by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. 180, A. G... C.s.........S.......................... Mastered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beOlnning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. 130, A. G... C................... *..................... Mustered in with the company; sent to hospital June 4, 1898: returned to duty June 13, 1898; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days beginning Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................................... Mustered in with the company; sent to hospital at Ponce Sept. -, 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of s1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. 130, A. 0(. O. C. 8... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Decatur....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quiney....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Erie........... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Erie......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Fowler....... Morrison..... Leut. Dillon..... Morrison.... 456 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Reynolds. John........ Private................. Apr. 26.1898Morrison......... May 11.198 Rodrich. John.......... Private.M................ IM Iy 1,898 S ipringfield....... May 11,1898 Reafsnider, Chas. E.. Scanlan, Oliver....... Stanley, Neal......... Shear, Thomas R.... Savage, Orrin J....... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... June 17,1898 Apr. 26,1898 ipr. 26.1898 1pr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Sterlin.......... Morrison........ Morrison........ Morrison......... Morrison....... June May May May May 17,1898 11. 8sC8 11, W858 11,1898 n. 182 Smith. Verne M.......Private.........,. Apr. Stackelbeek. Otto..... Schanz. William...... Schachtsiek. Fred.... Private................ Private................... Private................... May May Nay 26, 1898 11 1898 11,189Z 11,1898 Morrison......... May Z1,I Sgringfield....... Springfield...... Springfield....... May 11, IC3 May 11. 198 SIXTH INFANTRY. 457 MUBTERED IN. M-s-n — _ —. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Sterling..... Sprinfifeld.. Springfield.. Springfield.. I.4.4I.4I. 4 ( ( Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Lieut. Dillon.... Capt. Roberts...,II rll I ( Albany....... Lyndon....... Prophetstown Aurora.... Fenton....... Morrison.... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 81.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G.., C. M.; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 26, 1898............................................ Mustered in with the company; sent to hospital June 8, 1898; returned same date; sickness contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G; 0. 130, A. G. O. C. S...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing was issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0.180, A. G. 0.. C. S......,..............,.,... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. O., C. S................................... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81 88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 180, A. G. 0., C....e....................o.o.oo..o.......o... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 25, 1898........................................... Mustered in with the company; sent to hospital June 8.1898; returned to duty June 12. 1898; sent to hospital June 24.1898: returned to duty July 3,1898; sent to hospital Aug. 10,1898; returned to duty Aug. 28,1898; sent to hospital Sept. 6.1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 25,1898.... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C...................... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: furloughed for 60 days, beginnine Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S...................-.................Muatered-in with the company; in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A.... C. S............................ Spring-field.. Capt. Roberts... Lyndon....... Springfield... 3apt. Roberts.... Albany....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Quiney........ Sprinffield... Japt. Roberts... uincy,,........ 8pringfield... 3apt. Roberts.... juincy 45;8 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Sweeney, Schuyler C. Private...................June 15, 898 Morrison......... June 15,1898 Searer. Clarence A.... Stowell, John E....... Private................... Private................... June 16,1898 June 15,1898 Morrison......... Morrison......... June 1561898 June 16,1898 Stumbaugh, Irvin....I Private...................June 20,1898 Sterling.......... June 20.1898 Thompson, Robert.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... May 1, I698 Turer, Lewis Cass... Private................. May 11,1898 Sprln gfeld......Maya 11.1898 Whitemore, William.. Private.................. Apr. -2, 1898 Morrison.......... May 11,1898 Wlloox, Albert........ Private................... Apr.: 26 1898 Morrison......... May 11,189 Wiilcox, Hilton........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Morrison......... May 11,198 Wilkins, Ross....... Private................... Apr. 26, 1898 Morrison......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 459 MUSTERED IN. - __.. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Morrison....1.. Leut. Dillon.... Morrison....Lleeut. Dillon.... Morrleon..... Lient. Dillon.... Sterling..... Lieut. Dillon.... 8pringfield...Capt. Roberts....1 I I1 Prophetstowi Wak'rusa, Ins Morrison.... Neola Is.... Morrison.... I I I Soringfield... Capt. Roberts.... Neoga....... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sent to hospital at Ponce Sept. 6, 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; sickness contracted in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; understand the man is dead, but have had no official communication; absent sick at muster out Nov. 28,1898.................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sent to hospital at Ponce to be sent home on hospital boat; sickness contracted in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State............................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sent to hospital, Springfield, 111., Sept. 18.1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 18 days. beginning Nov. 8. 1898, per G. O. 130, A. G. 0. C. S.; sent hospital Nov. 8, 1898; reported to company Nov. 9.1898; absent sick at muster out Nov. 25.1898........................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sent to hospital Aug. 8, 1898, returned to duty Aug. 29, 1898; contracted in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A. Q. O.. C. S............ i.....** e......**.. Mustered-in with company; sent to hospital June 9. 1898; returned to duty June 11, 1898; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130. A. 0. O.. C.. C. S............................... Mustered-in with the company; sent to hospital June 6. 1838; returned to duty June 7, 1898; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per 0G O. 130, A. G.., C........................................ Mustered-in with the company; sent to hospital June 6, 1898: returned to duty June 8. 1898; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles Issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 180, A.. O., C....................................... Mustered-in with company; sent to hospital May 22, 1898; returned to duty May 24, 1898; contracted In line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 81.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 10,. A. G. 0.. C. S....................................... Mustered-in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88. the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. 0. 130, A. G.., C. S....................................... Mustered-in with the company; sent to hospital May 22.1898; returned to duty May 26. 1898; sent to hospital Aug. 8, 1898, to be sent home on hospital boat; contracted in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent sick at muster-out Nov. 25, 1898............ Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Fenton....... Springfield... Capt Roberts.... Erie........... Springfleld.. Capt. Roberts.... Srie........... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Jyndon....... 460 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------ When. Where. When. Wood, Mark............ Weaver. Frank........ Private;.................. Private.................. May 11,1898 June 16,1898 Springfeld....... Morrison......... Morrison......... Sterllng........... Sterling........... May 11, 198 June 15,1898 June 16,1 98 June 18,1898 June 22.1892 Wells, Olin P.......... Private................... June 15,1898 Wells. Frank.......... White. Frederick E.. Yopst. Birt 0......... Besigned. ErnestJ. Weaver..... Discharged. Langdon, Edmond S.. Transferred. Brbaker. John S..... Baird, John W........ Corbin, John......... Humphrey. Ralph D.. Morrison. John........ Polson. August....... Private.................. Private................... June 18.1898 June 22.1898 Private.................. Apr. [26,1898 Morrison......... MI 11 I. 1,838 3d Lieutenant............ Private................... Prvate................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............... Private................ Apr. 26,1898 June 15,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 11,1898 Morrison......... Morrison......... Morrison......... Morrison......... Morrison....... Morrison......... Morrison......... Springfield....... May June May May May May May May 11, 3338 11, 389 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 461 MUSTERED IN, Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... IMoline....... Morrison..... Lieut. Dillon..... Morrison..... Morrison..... Lieut.Dillon..... Port Byron... Sterling....... Lieut. Dillon..... Malvern..... Sterling....... Lleut. Dillon..... Rock Island.. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Albany....... Mustered-in with the company; In the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State: guard at Springfield, 111., from Sept. 22 1898, to -.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sent to hospital Aug. 7, 1898; furlough granted him under (i. O. 4, A. G. 0. C. S.; sent home, reporting to company at Morrison, ill., Sept. 21, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty: no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. 130.A. G. O., C. S......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; taken to military hospital, Springfield, Ill.. Sept. 7. 1898; discharged from hospital Oct. 10, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 42 days. beginning Oct. 10 1898, per G. 0.130, A. G. 0.. C. S..............................'.......... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com. pany; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per a. 0. 130. A. (. 0.. C. S........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of corn. pany; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 11 days, beginning Sept. 21. 1898, to Oct. 2, 1898. per G. 0. 180, A.. 0.. C. 5.; on guard at Springfield from Oct. 8. 1898, to-...................................... Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of the clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beginning Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. 130, A. G0.4C....S............................... Resignation accepted to date May 14, 1898, A. G. 0. 111. N. Q., State of Illinois...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; discharged June 80, 1898, S. 0. No. 164. A. a. O., July 1, 1898; discharge and final statements furnished................. Mustered in with company; transferred to Signal Corps, U. S.V. Army, June 28,1898,.. O. No. 151, same date; descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list................................. Mustered in with company; transferred to Regimental Band 6th 111. Vol. Inf., July 31, 1898, per S. 0. No. 48. same date: descriptive list furnished; settlement of clothing on descriptive list........................... Mustered in with the company; transferred to Regimental Band 6th Il.Vol. Inf., July 1, 1898,per S.O. 48, same date; descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list........................... Mustered in with the company; transferred to Hospital Corps U. S. A., in pursuance to par. 1. S.O.No. 68,A.G.O., June 22.1898: descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list.............. Mustered in with the company; transferred to Regimental Band 6th 11l. Vol. Inf.. July 81, 1898, S.0. No. 48, same date; descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list... Mustered in with company; transferred to Co. B. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., Aug. 4, 1898, S. 0. No. 65. same date; descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list................................. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Morrison....lLieut. Dillon..... Prophetstown Springfield t oberts...Ca. Roberts.... Morrison.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Morrison... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Morrison..... Springfield....Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... 462 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - When. Where, When. Thomas. Harry........ Private.................. May 11,1898 Springfield...... May 11,1898 Died. Phillips, Thomas...... Private................... May 11,1898 Springfield...... Ma 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. --- - -- When. Where. When. Albert Tourtillott.....Captain................... Apr. 261898aMolle.......... ay 11.1898 Frank E. Dayton...... tst Lieutenant......... Apr. 26,1898 Laollle.......... May 11.1899 Elmer Giesey......... Lorrin Graves....... Joseph Knight........ Louis Smith........... John Scott............. Ed. Johnson........... 2d Lieutenant........... 1st Sergeant............. Q. M. Sergeant........... Sergeant.................. Sergeant................ Sergeant................. Apr. 26,1898 &Ar. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille.......... LaMoille......... LaMolle......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11.188 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 463 M3UBTERBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinfield... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Capt. Roberts.... Geneseo...... Buda......... Mustered in with company; transferred to Co. B. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., Aug. 4. 1898. S. 0. No. 55, same date; descriptive list furnished and settlement of clothing on descriptive list................................. Mustered in with the company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.88, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, beeinning Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. 130, A. G. O. 0. S.: died at Morrison. Ill.. Oct. 19, 1898, of typhoid fever; final statement furnished..................................... COMPANY K. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts...... LaMoille...... Springfield,... Ma. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Enrolled as Captain Apr. 26, 1898: mustered into U. S. V. Army May 11, 1898, by Major Roberts; in command 3d Battalion from Aug. 31, 1898, to present date, by order of regimental commander- on waiting orders from Sept. 22.1898. per b. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S...................................... Enrolled as 1st Lieutenant Apr. 26. 1898; mustered into U. S. V. Army May 11, 1898. by Major Roberts; sick in hospital, Charleston. S. C.. from July 9,1898; joined company at Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 3,1898; absent, sick. with leave since Aug. 9,1898; reported to company commander Sept. 22, 1898; on waiting orders from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G.., C. S.......... Enrolled as 2d Lieutenant Apr. 26. 1898; mustered into U. S. V. Army May 11, 1898, by Major Roberts; in command of company from Aug, 31, 1898, to present date: on waiting orders from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O. C. S............... No clothing was issued to him by the State; furloughed for 52 days from Sept. 29, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O. C. S............. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.80. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. 0. O. C, S0......................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; absent, sick in Ponce, Porto Rico. since Sept. 7, 1898, contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 35 days from Oct. 17, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out Nov. 25, 1898................. No clothing was issued to him by the State; sick in division hospital. Utuado, Porto Rico, from Aug. 18-24, 1898. sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 62 days from Sept. 29,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S................................. Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... La oille...... Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... LaMoille..... Springfield... |MaJ. Roberts...,. Ohio.......... 464 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S BEPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------ - --- When. Where. When. Thomas Trimble...... Sergeant................. ADr. 26.1898 LaMo ille........ May Il. 1898 Roy Kingery.......... John Goniran......... John L. Stevenson.... William Dillon........ Frank Olson.......... James Anderson...... George Jennings...... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal................. Corporal................. Corporal.................. Corporal............ Corporal............... Apr. 26.1891 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1891 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1891 May 14,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... Lalioille......... LaMoille......... LaMolle.......... Springeld....... LaMoille........ Ma 11, 1898 May 11.1898 May 11. 1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 188 May 17.1898 May 11.2898 Charles Flscher....... Corporal.............. George Zraring...... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille.......... May 11.1898 Melvin Brewer........Corporal................ Apr. 26,1898 LaMolle...........May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 465 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. - Springfield... MIaj. Roberts..... Princeton..... l Springfeld... Maj. Roberts..... Mendota...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts... Walnut....... Springfield... IMaj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Tampico.. Sprinfield... l Ma. Roberts..... Ohio.......... Sprinfleld... MaJ. Roberts.....Tonica....... $ in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in in hospital, Ponce, Porto Rico, since Sept. 7. 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 86 days from Oct. 17, 1898, per a. 0. No. 130, A.... C....... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 2,. 1898. per G(. O. No. 180. A.., O., 0. C.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital, Ponce, Porto Rico, from Aug. 1 to 26, 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per i.. N. 130, A. N. O1. C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per U. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0.. C. 8........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in division hospital, Utuado, Porto Rico, since Aug. 24. 1898. sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 26 days from Oct. 2d. 1898, per C. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S..~.... o................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 53. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. U. No. 130, A.. O.. C............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. 8........................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 4.1898. per R. S. 0. No. 6. of same date; on furlough from Sept. 22 1898, for 60 days, per i. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C.S. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 4. 1898, per R-S. O. No. 46. of same date: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. No 130. A. G...,C....................... In the settlement for clothing.s Included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 4, 1898. per R. S. 0. No. 46. same date; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G.. O. C. S.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 4. per R. S. 0. No. 46. same date: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. 0. O.. C. S................................. Springfield...MaJ. Roberts..... Mendota...... Springfield... M&. Roberts..... Princeton... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... Walnut..... Vol. 3-30 466 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. Name. Rank. ENROLLED. When. Where. When. Gcorge Berkley....... Corporal.................. June 21,18981LaMoille.......... June 21.1898 William Scott......... Corporal.......r................ A2.1898 LaMollle.......... May 1.1898 Anderson, Walter..... Archer, Bert........... Archer. William...... Bonnell, Albert....... Barber. Roy........... Brown. George........ Breckenridge, John... Babcock, John........ Bowers, Adolph...... Brennan, Michael..... Private................... Private.............. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 May 14.1898 Apr. Apr, Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26.1898 26.1898 26,1898 LaMoille.......... [JaMolle.......... Springfield....... LaMollle.......... LaMollle......... LaMoille.......... LaMotlle.......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle.......... May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 17,1898 May 11,1398 May 21,1898 May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 June 21, 198 June 21.1g98 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 467 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. IaaMollle...... Lieut. Frisby..... &mboy........ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.....Ohio.......... MaJ. Roberts.....Princeton.... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... McLean....... Springfield....aJ. Roberts..... LaMoille...... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July.4 1898, per R. S. 0. No. 416 same date; absent, sick in hospital, Adjuutas, P. R.. from Aug. 17 to 26,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. U. 0.. C....................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 53. the total value of articles issued him by the State; enrolled as a private; promoted Corporal July 4. 1898, per R. S. O. No. 46. same date; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. No. 130. A U. O., O.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per U. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22, 1898, for 60 days, per G. O. No. 130, A. UG.,.... S................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; absent, sick in hospital, Ponce, P. H.. since Sept. 7. 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 36 days from Oct. 17. 1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S....... No clothing issued him by the State; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 2. b1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per UG. No. 130. A. (. O., C S................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 13C. A. G O., C. S...................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on turlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State: absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, Porto Rico, Aug. 7 to 25, 1898. and since Sept. 7,1898, in line of duty; forfeiture of $10.00 of his pay and confinement at hard labor for 20 days, for disobedience of an order of a non-commissioned officer Aug. 21,1898; on furlough for 35 days, from Oct. 17.1898, per U. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.; deduct $10.00 from this roll........................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S........ o..... o.......,o,.......oo No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C. 8........................................ Springfield... laj. Roberts.....Troy Grove... Springfield... iaj. Roberts..... Tampico...... Springfield.... Ma. Roberts..... Tampico...... Springfield... IMaj. Roberts.....I LaMoille...... LaMoille...... Lient. Frisby.....lTroy Grove... LaMoille...... Lient. Frisby..... -Mendota...... 468 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED Name. Rank. -E D When. Where, When. Baughman. Charles... Burk. Eben......... Bristline, Charles W.. Benson, Swan......... Chambers, William... Carpenter, Charles.... Clarkson. George..... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private............. Private................... Private................... Private.................. June June June June 21,1898 21,1898 21,1898 21,1898 Apr. 28,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMolle......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle......... LaMollle.......... CaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille......... LaMoille.......... June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 June 21.1898 May 11. M89 May 11,189 May 12, 898 May 11,1898 May 11, 18 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Davison. Howard..... Private............ A.... Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 Douglass, Ralph......Private................... Apr. Dunton, Clarence..... Eberly, Jacob.......... Enright, John......... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 469 MUSTERED IN. - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. LaMoille...... Leut. Frlsby..... Monon, Ind... LaMoille..... I Lieut. Frisby..... Walnut....... LaMoille...... L Eieut. Frisby..... Buda......... LaMoille...... LLeut. Frisby.....I LaMoille...... Springfield..a. Ma. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Tiskilwa..... Springfield...jMaJ. Roberts.... Springfield.. Maj. Roberta..... Mendota...... Springfield... lMai. Roberts..... Princeton.... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. 0., C...................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furloagh for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. A. O.. C. S.......................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlongh for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. 8........................................' No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, Porto Rico, since Sept. 7,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 35 days. from Oct. 17.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. C. S.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furloueh for 60 days, from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G.O..C. S................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. A. O.. O. S................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, Porto Rico, Sept. 7,1898; sickness contracted in lina of duty; on furlough for 35 days, from Oct. 17,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.............. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.63, total value of articles issued him by the State; absent. sick in eeneral hospital at Fort Meyer, Va., since May 22, 1898; granted a furlough Aug. 11,1898, for 85 days. to go to Princeton, Ill., and at the expiration thereof has been ordered to report to the commanding officer of Ft. Sheridan, Ill.. for transportation to his regiment; reported to company commander Sept. 22,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; he was paid for the month of July only, by special order. per 2d Endorsement of Paymaster General's Office, dated July 28,1898; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State: absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, Porto Rico, since Sept, 7,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 35 days. from Oct. 17, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. 8............. In the settlement for clothing is Included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A G.. C................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of 82.53. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furloueh for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898,per G O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $:.02. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. U. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S........................... Sprlnfleld... MaJ. Roberts..... LaMollle...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Paw Paw Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield....Maj. Roberts..... reen Oak.... 470 ADJUTANT GENERALIS REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ------ --- When. Where. When. Ewing, Paul 0........ Edwards, Charles W.. Finn, Forest.......... Francis, John.......... Gllchrist, Charles..... Gaystetter, Charles... Gerard, Jay........... Gerard. Roy........... Hanover, Charles..... Huck, Clarence........ Hubbard. Enos...... Hopkins, William..... Huelbert, Marcus..... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................ Private................... Private................... Private.............. Private.................. Private................. Private.................. Private........ June 21,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21,1898 June 21,1898 May 17,189K Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMollle......... LaMollle........ LaMoille.......... Ladfoille......... LJaMollle......... LaMolle.......... LaMoile......... LaMoille....... LaMollle......... LaMolle.......... LaMoille.......... June 21,1898 June 21.198 May U11,198 May 11, 1J9tl May 11,1898 May 11,1898 June 21,1 88 June May 21, 1t8 11.198 lMay 11.1898 May 11.1898 May 11.1898 May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 471 MUSTERED IN. Where. LaMollle..... LaMoele..... Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. LaMoille.... I Maj. Roberts..... Princeton.... Residence. Maj. Roberts..... Freeport...... Bv whom. Lieut. Frisby..... StateCent'r,Ia MaJ. Roberts..... Malden....... Maj. Roberts..... Lieut. Frisby..... Troy Grove... Mendota..... bient. Frisby..... Mendots..... Remarks. LaMoille...... Lieut. Frlsby..... Mendota...... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C.............................................. No clothing was issued to him by the State: joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O, C. S....*..............,...o o -........... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per Q. 0. No. 130C... A O...................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63 the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G O.. C........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles Issued him bythe State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per L. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C............................. No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster.in of the company; absent, sick in hospital in Ponce, P. R.,, since Sept. 7,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 31 days from Oct. 21, 1898, per...130, A. G. O.. C................................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled afrer muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 198, per G. O. No. 130 A. G. O. C. S....................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; sick in hospital, Ponce. P. t., Aug. 9-26. 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; to forfeit $3 00 of his pay per G. 0. No. 6, S. O. No. 4, June 20,1898, A. O. W. W. No. 82; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.; fine paid on pay-roll for the month of July; absent without leave less than 24 hours.... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. C............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53. the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A G. O.. C.8............................ in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A.. O................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in hospital, Ponce, P. R., since Sept. 7.1898; sickness contracted in line of. duty; on furlough for 35 days from Oct. 17.1898. per G. O. No. 130, A...., C. S.; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 26,1898................. Springfield.., Ifaj. Roberts..... LaMolle...... Springfield... HaJ. Roberts..... Mendota...... Springfield.. Kaj. Roberts.....LaMoille...... Springfield... da. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Springfield... iaj. Roberts..... Mendota...... 472 Name. Hoffman, Colamon L.. Johnson, Clarence.... ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Rank. --- When. Wh Private............. June 21,1898 LaMoilll Private................... Apr. 26,1898 LaMollE When. lere..**......... ).......... June May 21, a98 In,I m Kin. Ralph........... Private................ pr. 26,1898 LaMoille.......... 1Mly 11,l Kelly, Arthur......... Kershour. William.... Kurtz, Melvln......... Private.................. Private........... Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille.......... LaMoille......... LaMoille........ Ma t11,183 May 11.1838 May 11, 38 Kuhl. Henry, Jr.......Private................... June 21.1898 LaMoille.......... Jne 11,1858 King, George M....... Levy, Fred (Alfred).. Livingston, Joseph... Long, James.......... Larson, Edward....... Private.................. Private.................. Private................. Private.. -............... Private................... June 21,189e Apr. 26,1891 Apr. 26, 189E Apr, 26.189 Apr. 26,189E LaMolile........ LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... June May 21,1893 11, 893 May 11, ]3 May 11,1893 May 11. t8 Lehman, Earnest..... Private.......... Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille........... Ma 11,188 SIXTH INFANTRY. 473 MUSTERED IN. Where, LaMolllle..... Springield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. LatMotle.......1I. i I P Maj.ZRoberts.... By whom. Lieut. Frisby.... Mlaj. Roberts.... Maj. Roberts.... t4aj. Roberts.... Mai. Roberts.... I I.1 I I - Ii LaMollle..... LaMoille...... Princeton.... Residence. Arlington.... Princeton.... Troy Grove... Liieut. Frisby.... Mendota..... Remarks. No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0 No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.; absent, sick at muster out Nov. 25,1898. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick In hospital Ponce. P. R., since Sept. 7, sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 85 days from Oct. 17,1838, per 0. O. No. 130, A. G. 0.. U. S.................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital from Aug. 18 to 22; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough tor 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles Issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S........................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63; the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 13I0 A. G. 0.. C............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in division hospital. Utuado, P. R., since Aug. 18, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 16 days from Nov. 4. 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O. C. S..... No clothing issued him by the State: Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick in hospital from Aug. 7 to 26; absent, sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., since Sept. 7,1898; sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 22 days from Oct. 80, 1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O... s.......................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S......................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State: absent, sick in hospital, Ponce. P. R., since Sept. 7.1898; sickness contracted in line of duty: on furlough for 85 days from Oct. 17,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G.. O. C. S................. Lu the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O. C.................................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.60. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0..C. S................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in division hospital, Utuado, P. R.. since Aug. 22, 1898; sickness contracted in line of duty. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days since Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G, 0., C. S............................ LaMLollle..,,. [ieut. Frisby..... Van Crin..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoille...... Sprinrfield... daj. Roberts..... Neponset..... 8pringfield... daj. Roberts..... ialnut....... Springfield... iaj. Roberts.... valnut....... Springfield... Iaj. Roberts..... aMoille...... 474 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name, Rank. - When. Where. When. Landers. Edward H...Private................... June 2118980LaMoille..........June 21,1898 Mays. Georgre........ Musician................Apr. 26.1898 LaMotlle.......... May 11.1898 Mills, Fred............. MarriattChester...... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 LaMoille......... LaMoille.......... May 11.98 May 11. 189 McCabe, August...... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 LaMoille.......... May 11,1898 Myers, George E...... Nelan, William........ Nagle. John........... Nicholson. Charles... O'Connor. William.... Chinan. Frederic W... Peterson, Nelson...... Palmatier, Charles.... Palnatier, William... Private................. Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private............... Private................... Private............. Private................... June 21,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr, 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMoille......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille........ LaMolle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle.......... LaMollle.......... June May May June May Muy May May May 21.1898 11.1398 1,11398 211898 11,1898 11,1899 1, 898 11.1898 11.188 SIXTH INFANTRY. 475 MUSTERED IN......- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. LaMolIIe...... Lieut. Frisby..... Walnut....... Springfield... Ml j. Roberts..... Mendota...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Tiskilwa...... Springfield... MaJ. Roberts..... LaMoille... Springfield..i. Ij. Roberta..... Mendota...... LaMoille..... Lieut. Frisby.......Mendota... Springfield... laj. Roberts..... Arlington.... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept, 22. 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S.........,o............oo,......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63. the total value of clothing issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. AG.O. O.,............................. Inthe settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per Q. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital, Ponce, P. R., since Sept. 7, 1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 36 days from Oct. 17, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A.G.O.,C. 38................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.563 the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in regimental hospital May 24 to June 5,1898, sickness contracted in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per Li. ONo. 130, A.. O.,C.8..................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G.0 No.130.A.G 0., C0S. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per Q.O.N1o.130, A..O. C............................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898.per 0. 0. No.130, A.O. C0................................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. 5.S.,........... o..**.................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, a. G.O. 0............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G.. O., C......................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A.., C............................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A...., S.............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in hospital Aug. 7-26 and since sept. 7. Ponce. P. R.; sickness contracted In line of duty; on furlough for 85 days from Oct. 17. 1898, per G.O. No. 130.,.A.O.,C................ Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Princeton.... LaMoille..... Lieut. Frisby..... Princeton.... Springfield...lMaj. Roberts.....!Arllngton..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Princeton.... Springfield...lMaJ. Roberts..... Princeton.... 8pringfield.. IMaj. Roberts..... LaMollle.... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... ILaMolle.... 476 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Pollard. Charles....... Press, Charles........ Powell, Harvey....... PerMsns, Glenn J...... Ravson. Hugh B...... Robinson, Joseph L... Rietel, Edward....... Reed, Harry L......... Richard, Charles A... Strawn, Harry L...... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 LaMollle.......... May 11,1893 Private................. Private.................. Private................. Private.................. Private............... Private................ Private................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 June June Apr. Apr. June June Apr. 21.1898 21.1898 26.1898 26.1898 21.1898 21,1898 26,1898 LaMollle......... Laotille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... May 11, 1898 June 211893 June 21,1 May 11,198 May 1, 1898 June 21,1898 June 21.188 May 11.188 Stacy, Paul............ Private...................Apr. 261898 LaMollle........... ay 11,1838 Stanke, August.......Private...................Apr. 26.1898 LaMollle..........May 11,1 98 SIXTH INFANTRY. 477 MUSTeRED IN. W-h —r B who. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Maj. Roberts.....LaMoille..... Springfield... Maj, Roberts..... Mendota..... / Springfeld... MaJ. Roberts.... Mendota...... LaMoille..... Leut. Frisby..... Van Orin..... LaMoille......Let. Frisby..... Princeton..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.... Walnut....... Springfield..I. Ma.lRoberts..... Mendota...... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in line of duty at Ponce, P. R., since Sept. 3,1898; on furlough for 11 days from Nov. 10.1898, per O. O.No. 130,A................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on turloueh for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A.G.O.,C.............................. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; pick in line of duty in hospital, Utuado, P. R.. since Sept. 18.1898; on furlough for seven days from Nov. 14,1898, per G.O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S.: absent, sick, at muster-out, Nov. 26, 1898........................................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., I J........................................ No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per (. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S......................................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53. the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., since Sept. 7,1898, in line of duty; on furlough for 86 days, from Oct. 17,1898, per (. O. No. 130, A. G. 0,. C. In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, perG. 0. No. 130. A. G.. C. S......................... No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; sick in hospital from Aug. 9-26, 1898. in line of duty: on furlough for60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per (. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. U. 8.............................. No clothing was issued him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 dass, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. 0.. C. S..,oe................................... In the settlement for clothingl s included the sum of $2.63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in division hospital, Utuado, P. R., from Aug 1822. 1898, in line of duty: on furlough for 35 days, from Oct. 17.1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. 9. O., C. S.; deduct $5 from this payroll............................................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 53, the total value of articles issued by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., since Sept. 7. in line of duty; to forfeit three dollars ($3.00) of his pay Field Officer's Court S. O. No. 4, Aug. 29. 1898, A. 0. W. V. No. 62; on furlough for 36 days, from Oct. 17, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A..O.. C. S.; absent, sick at muster-out, Nov. 25, 1898.......... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital 'at Ponce, P. R.. since Aug. 3,1898. in line of duty; on furlough for 35 days. from Oct. 17,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. O... C. S.... LaMoIlle...... Lient. Frisby..... Troy Grove... LaMo e....... Lieut. Frisby......... Sublette...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Walnut....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Mendota...... Ohio.......... 478 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. -- - ER.LED. When. Where. When. Stipp, Richard C..... Taylor. Marcus V..... W olson, Roy........ Wbitver, James....... Walters, Joseph....... Wilcox. Elmer C...... Transferred. Amell, Ivar............ Haines. Fred.......... Heintz, Frederick..... Boosh, Roy.......... Died. Eddy. Irvlng B....... Private................... Private................... Privatel................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private.................. Private................... June 21,189E June 21,189E Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26.189E Apr. 26.189E Apr. 26.189S Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 21,1898 Apr. 26,1898 LaMollle.......... ELaMoille......... LaMolle......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle.......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle.......... LaMoille.......... LaMoille.......... LaMollle.......... 'LaMoille.......... LaMoille......... June 21,1898 June 21.188 May 11, 189 Mfay 11, 1895 May 11, 1898 May 1,1.898 June 21. 189 May 11.1893 June 21.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1828 May 11,1893 Private.................. June 21.189f Morris. David......... Private................... Apr. 26,189E Luee, Otis............ Kimmel, William B... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 479 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. __._.__ __. ______________ LaMoille u......it. Prib... nceton.... LaMoille.. e... Lieut. Frlsby..... Diver......... Springfleld... bieut. Frisby..... Vernon....... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Walnut...... Sprinefield... Maj. Roberts..... Ohio.......... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... LaMoillel...... Springfield... Maj. Roberts..... Princeton.... Springfield... Maj. Roberts.8.... Mendot...... Princeton.... LaMoiIle...... ILeut. Frisby..... No clothing issued him by the State: joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. S.... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster in of the company; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O, C. S........o.........................*..... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.53, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C. 8........................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per (. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. C......................... in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O., C. 8............................ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2.63. the total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22.1898, per., O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. 8........................... No clothing was issued him by the State; transferred to regimental band July 0, 1898. per R. S. 0. No. 48, same date; descriptive.list furnished...................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; transferred to regimental band July 30, 1898, per H. S. 0. No. 18, same date; descriptive list furnished................... No clothing was issued to him by the State; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; transferred to the regimental band July 30, 1899, per R. S. O. No. 48, same date; descriptive list furnished............ In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $2 63, the total value of articles issued him by the State; transferred to Hospital Corps, U. S. A.. June 3, 1898. hy. O0. No. 568, Hdqrs. of the Army A. (. 0., Washington. D... May 31, 1898; descriptive list furnished......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company; no clothing issued him bv the State: died Aug. 25, 1898, in hospital Utuado, P. R., of typhoid fever and dysentery contracted in line of duty; final statement furnished.................................... No clothing was issued him by the State; died in division hospital Utuado. P. R., Aug. 27. 1898; suicide by the use of a 30 -caliber rifle that he placed against his forehead and blew the top of his head off at 8:00 a. m. in the division hospital office; final statement furnished................... No clothing was issued him by the State; died in division hospital Utuado. P. R., Aug. 29,1898, of typhoid fever and dysentery contracted in line of duty; final statement furnished.............................. Notice of death received after entering name on muster-out roll; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum $2.53. the total value of articles issued him by the State; absent, sick in U. S. general hospital. Ponce. P. R., since Sept. 7. 1898, in line of duty; died suddenly Sept. 12, 1898, at U. S. general hospital, Ponce, P. R.; descriptive list and final statement furnished; service honest and faithful.... Springfield... lMa. Roberts..... LaMoille...... LaMoille...... Frlsby... LaMolle...... Springfield... IMa. Roberts..... Malden........ Springfield... Springfield... [;'~~ Maj. Roberts..... Arlington.... Maj. Roberts..... Walnut....... 480 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. SIXTH INFANTRY ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Charles B. Kllng....... 26Cat.................r..... 6,1898Freeport.......... May 11.1898 Simon H.Ottenhausen lst Lieutenant...........Apr. 26.1898lFreeport.......... May 11.1898 Harry H. Yount....... 2d Lieutenant............ Apr. 26.1898sFreeDort.......... May 11.1898 William W. Young.... Thomas D. Sankey.. John E. Steffen....... George A. Held....... 1st Sergeant............ Q. M. Sergeant........... Sergeant.................. Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 1,l1898 May 11,1898 Ma 11, 1898 May 11.1898 William C. Shouer.... Sereeant................. r. '26. 1898 Freeport.......... May 11.1898 Charles F. Erwin.Sergeant............... Apr. 26,1898 Freeport........... May 11.1898 Robert Opel........... Edward M. Boyer..... Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Apr. 26,189S Apr. 26 189 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 11,1898 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 481 OOMFANY Ij. MUSTERED IN. I ~~~Residence. Remarks. Where. 1 Br whom, Springfield.. 1Capt.C. S. Roberti Sporingfield.. 1.j ipt.C. S. Roberti Sprinfirteld...I CaPt.C.S1. Roberti Sp~ringfield..J-ICapt.C.S. Roberti Springfield...jICapt.C.S. Roberti Springfield... ICapt.C. S. RobertF 5 I I SII I I I I ' I F F Freeport... rreeport.... F'reeport... Freeport.... Preeport.....-!r e eport.... I Originally enrolled In Co. L. 6th Ill. Vol. lot., as Captain April 26. 1898; mustered In United,States service by, Capt. C. S. Roberts May 1t. 1898; sick in quarters Aug. 15. 1898, at Adjuntas and Utuado. P. R; sickness In line of duty; on waiting orders for 60 days, Sept 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. 130.0C. S.. A.G.0.............. Originally enrolled In Co. L, 6th III. Vol. Int.. as let Lieutenant April 26. 1898: mustered into United States service by Capt. C. S. Roberts Mar 11. 1898; on waiting orders for 60 days. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. Der G.0.l130 C. S.. A,.G.O0......... Originally enrolled In Co. L, 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., as 2d Lieutenant April 26. 1898; mustered In the United States service by Capt. C.. 8. Roberts Mar ii. 1898;. on waiting orders tor 60 days. Sel~t 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. 'Der G.O 130. C. S., A.G.0.......... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 55. 10. the total value of articles Issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per 0. 0. 130. C. 5.. A.u(.0.............. In the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of 52.45. total value of articles Issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per (3. 0. 180.0C. S. A. (3. 0.; appointed Q. M. Sergeant Mar 12. 1898. per S. 0.; originally enrolled as Sergeant.............. In the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of 54.54, total value of articles issued to him hy the State; on furlougch for 60 days. Sept 22 to Nov. 20i, 1898. per 0. 0. 130.0C. S.. A. 0.O0............. In the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of ES.14. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on detached service at Freeport. Ill - recruiting from June 12 to June 29. 1898. V.0 battalion commoander; detailed on wagon tralin at AdJuntas, P. R., f rom Augr. 16 to Aug. 24.1898; on furlourh for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per 0. 0. 130. C. 5,. A. 0. 0 -- In the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of 54.90. total value of articles issued him by the State: sick in hospital at Guanica. P. It.. July 26. 1898; reported to company for duty at Springfield. Ill, Sept. 30. 1898; on f urlough for 52 days, from Sept. 30 to Nov. 20. 1898, per 0. 0. 130. C. S.. A. 0.0. In the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of 54 64. total value of articles Issued him by the State; promoted to Sergeant from Corporal. S. 0. 41. June 23. 1898; on furl ough for 60 days. from SepIt 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. 0. 0. 180. C S., A. 0. 0.; originally, enrolled as CorporalIn the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of 52 45. total value of articles issuedl to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per 0. o. 130,C. S.. A.G,0........-..... lint the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of $2.45. total value of articles issuoid to him by the State; on furloug-h for five days. from Sept. 22 to Sept. 26. 1898: on duty from Sept. 27, 1898. to Oct '217.1898; on furlough for d4 days, from Oct. 8 to Nov. 20, 1898. per 0. 0. 1809 C. S., A. 0. 0. Springfield... ICapt.C. S. Roberte rreeport.... Springfield...IlCapt.C.S.Roberts Preer'Ort...~.... Sprinfffield...ICa~t.C. S. Roberts rreeport.... Springfield... ICapt-.C..Roberts Preeport.... Springfield...ICapt.C.S. Roberts ~'reepot.... Vol. 3-31 482 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. John S. Becker........ Otto 0. Flemina...... Rank. When. Where. Corporal................. Corporal.................. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 Freeport......... Preeport.......... When. May 11,1898 Iay li, 1898 Harry R. Wallace.....Corporal.................. 2B,1898joreeport.......... jay 11, 1893 Fred C. Autenhausen. Cororal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.........I May 1s,2898 Charles D. Adsit...... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... May 11,1898 Archie MeCall......... Corporal.................. May 14,1898 Springfield....... Freeport.......... May 17,1898 June 23,1898 Henry Roth........... Corporal.................. June 23,189E Charles A. Brewer.... Corporal................ June 28,1898 Freeport.......... June 2831898 Lewis V. Wallace..... Corporal................. Apr, 26,1898 Freeport.......... May 111898 William G. Weger.... Corporal.................. May 14.1898 Springfield....... May 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 483 MUSTERED IN. - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield...Capt.C.8. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C. S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt..S. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Robertsl Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S. Roberts Galt. Ontario. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.87, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furloueh for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, b198, per G..0. 130, C. S..A. A.. O........................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.64, total value of articles issued to him by the State; promoted to Corporal from private May 12. 1898, 8. 0.; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; origin- ally enrolled as a private.................. In the settlement of clothing is Included the sum ot $3.96, total value of articles issued to him by the State; promoted to Corporal from private May 12. 1898, per S. O. No. -; sick in hospital, Ponce. P. R., Aug. 1, 1899, to Aug. 30.1898, sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; originally enrolled as a private..... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $9.43, total value of articles issued him by State; promoted to Corporal from private June 23.1898, S. 0. 41, June 23.1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; originally mustered in as a private........ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4 64, total value of articles issued him by the State; promoted to Corporal from private June 23. 1898. per S. 0. 41, June 23, 1898; on turlough for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898. to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. 0. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; originally mustered in as a private..................................... in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 78. total value of articles issued to him by State; promoted to Corporal from private. S. O. No. 41, June 23.1898; sick in hospital at Guanica. P. t.. July 29, 1898; sick in line of duty; originally mustered in as private after muster-in of company..................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $0 7l, total value of articles issued him by State; promoted to Corporal from private. S. O. No. 42. June 28.1898; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22-Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; joLied and enrolled as a private after muster-in of the company....................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $0.71. total value of articles issued to him by State; promoted to Corporal from private, S. O. No. 42, June 25,1898; on furlough for five days' from Sept. 22 to 26, 1898; on duty Sept. 27 to Oct. 8. 1898; on furlough for 43 days from Oct. 9 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. O.; joined and enrolled as a private after musterin of company....................... In settlement of clothing is included sum of $2.92, total value of articles issued to him by State; promoted to Corooral from private. S. O. No. 41, June 23, 1898: on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22, 1898-Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; originally enrolled as a private.......... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.92. total value of articles issued to him by State; promoted to Corporal from private, S. O. No 41, June 23. 1898: on furlough for 60 days, Sept, 22-Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A. 0. O.; originally enrolled as a private................... Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Frisby.. Freeport...... Freeport..... Lt. C. E. Frisby.. Freeport...... Springfield... Capt C.S. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... jCapt.C.S.Roberts Chicago...... 484 ADJUTANT GENARAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When, Peter E. Bonn......... Musician................ Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... Iay 11. 1898 Charles R. Blngman.. Musician................. lApr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... May 11.189 Ascher, Charles W.... Angle. Harvey J...... Bellows. Alono C.... Buckley. Edward...... Brownlee, Roy A...... Blosser, Roy A...... Bohlsen. Menno D.... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... June.28,1898 June 23,1898 Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport........ June June Apr. 23,189S 23.1898 26,1898 June 23,1898 June 28,1898 June 23,189s June 23,1898 May 11,198 May 11,189 May 11,1898 Private.................. pr. a 26,1898 Freeport......... I Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport......... Bneneh, Harry E...... Private................... l Freeport.......... May 11,189& SIXTH INFANTRY, 485 MUSTEBBED IN. Residence Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... ICapt.C.S.Robertsl Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts(Preeport...... Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Prisby.. Freeport..... Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Frisby.. Dakota....... ieunt C.E.Frisby Davis........ Freeport...... Freeport...... Llent. C.E.Frisby Pearl City.... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of s4.57. total value of articles issued to him by State; left at Charleston. S. C., with Co. M, 6th III. Vol. Inf., July 10. 1898, to Aug. 2. 1898; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 188. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. (. 0.; charged $3.00 for purchase of trumpet........................ In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $S.44, total value of articles issued to him by State; appointed Musician May 21, 1898. S. 0. No. 4; left in Charleston. S. C., with Co. M, 6th 1ll. Vol. Ltf., from July 10. 1898, to Aug. 2. 1898; on furlough for 60 days. Sept. 22,1898-Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. 0. 8.. A. G. O.; charged $3.00 for purchase of trumpet; originally enrolled as a private.............................. No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O. joined and enrolled after muster-in of company..................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $0 71, total value of clothing issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Guanico, P. R., July 29, 1898. to Aug. 80, 1898; sick in line of duty: sick in line of duty in hospital at New York City Sept. 14, 1898. to Oct. 13. 1898; on furlough for 88 days, from Oct. 14 to Nov. 20, 1b98, per S. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. 0............. No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days per 0. O. No. 180. C. 8., A. G. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company....................... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.: joined and enrolled after muster-in of company................................. In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.93. total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed on wagon train Aug. 16,1898, to Aug. 80, 1898, at Adjuntas, P. R.; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. G.O....................................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.93, total value of arnclles issued him by the State; fined $3 00 June 19,1898, by MsJ 1). E. Clark. F. O. C.; approved June 19 by Brig. Gen. Oarretson; fined 510.00 Aug. 4. 1898. by Maj. D. E. Clark F. O. C.; approved by Brig. Gen. G. A. Garretson, Aug 4,1898; absent without leave June 10 to 12,1898; absent without leave 24 hours, July 30 and'31: fines all paid; sick in hospital at Utuado, P. R., Aug. 26 to 30,1898; sick in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.: deduct on this roll four days' pay for ab-ence without leave............. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 53 15. total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed as Assistant Cook April 27 to Sept. 21, 1898; on furlough for 60 days, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O........................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.64. total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, per G.0. No. 130, C.S.. A. G. 0.......*................................ Springfield... Capt. 0.S.Roberts Freeport..... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Sprinfield... ICapt. C.S.Roberts Freeport...... 8pringfeld... Capt. C.S.Roberts Elroy......... 486, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- -- When. Wb lere. Barth, Edward G...... Barth, John H........ Becker, Alvin....... Buonini, Ubaldo....... Bunting, Joseph D.... Cross, Emmerson A... Cronemiller Guy...... Canzlor, Charles W... Clingman, Robert 2... Card, Thomas E....... DeBoer, Elbert........ Dltzler, Edward H.... Dow, Howard H....... Private.................. Private................ Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private....... Private.. Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 23,18S8 June 23,1898 June 23,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 28,1893 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... When. May il,189 May 11,189S May 11.1898 May 11 2898 May 1l. P8 May 11. 898 May %n1. 89S May I1,1898 June 28.189 June 23,188 Pay 11,188 June 23, 898 May 1,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 487 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt. C.S.Roberts Freeport..... Springfield... Capt. C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt. C,S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... jCavt.C.S.Roberts Davis........ Davis......... Springfield... Capt.C.S.RobertE In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4 87. total value of articles issued him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from 8ept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. O. No. 130.C... A. G. O........................ in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.44 total value of articles issued him by the State; detailed as cook June 28 to Sept. 21,1898; an furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. 130, C. S.. 0........................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum $1.87. the total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 1o0. C. S.. A.. O................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.96. total value of articles issued him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A.. 0.......................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.93. total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed as assistant cook May 9 to Aug. 10, 1898;sick in hospital. Ponce, P. R.. Aug. 10 to Aug. 80. 1898: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, er G. O. No. 130. C. S.. A.. O.; sickness in line of duty................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.93, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. 0,. C..................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.96, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R.. from Aug. 8 to Oct. 11,1898; on furlough from hospital for 27 days from Oct. 14 to Nov. 9. 1898; sickness in line of duty; commutations of rations paid for Oct. 12 and 13,1898. $3.00; on furlough for 11 days from Nov. 9 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O...................... In the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $3.96. total value of articles issued to himby the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C.., A. G. 0......... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1 93. per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O. joined and enrolled after muster-in ok company..................................... No clothing issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. 0. 130. C, S.. A. l. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company.. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.54, total value of clothing issued him by the State; slck in hospital at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 8 to 26, 1898; sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S. A. G.................................. No clothing issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. O. No. 180, C. S., A. G.O.; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company.................................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5 02. total value of articles issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. C. S.. A. G. 0.................. Sprlngfield... Capt. 0.S. Roberts reeport...... Freeport...... Lieut.C. E.Frisby Dakota....... Freeport...... I Lieut.C. E.Frlsby Freeport...... Springfield....Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Freeport..... [Lieut.C. E.Frisby Pearl City.... Springfield....Capt.C.S.Roberts Plum River... 488 ADJUTANT Name. Rank. I... GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. When. Where. When. Eberle, John G........ Frank, William A..... Fischer, Benjamin F.. Fox. Wesley G........ Good, Ephriam H..... Groshaus, George..... Gebhardt, Richard F.. Homan, Joseph J..... Hollister, Bert........ Hineline, HuEh B..... I I Private................. Apr. 26,1898 Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private......... Private................... Private................... Apr. June June June' Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 20,1898 28.1893 23.1898 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 11,1898 May 11.1898 June 2.1898 June 2. 1898 June 42 1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 1898 May 11. 198 May 11,1898 Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,189K Hoffman, John Jacob. Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... May 11, J I John, Fred H.......... rivate................... Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... May 11,1898 I I SIXTH INFANTRY. 489 MUSTERE3D IN. Where. Springfield Springfield.. Preeport... freeport... Freeport... SPringfield. Sprtingfield.... '.1I.1I.C ' C C By whom. Eaieut.C.E. Frish] Oapt.C.S.Robert: LIeut.C.L. Frisb3 Oap~t.C.S. Robert J'apt-.O,.Roberti LUieut.C.E. Frisbi a 5 1 'II I F p Residence. Freeport.... Freeport... Freeport. Davis..... Shannon.... I Remarks. F'reeport.... Japt.CB.SRoberti F'reeport.... In the settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of $4.54. total value of articles Issued to him by the State; fell from box car enroute to Charleston. S C.. July 7.1898; sick In hospital from July 7 to July 9. 1898; sic-kness In line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. per 0. 0. No. 110, C. S.. A. 0. 0.;,detailed for wagon train at Ponce, P...Aug. 31to Sept. 1. 1898. In the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of 3245. total value of articles issumed to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days f rom Sept. 22.1898. to Nov. 20, 1898. Per G.0O. No. 130. C. S., A.0G. 0......... No clothing Issued to him by the State;, sick In hospital at Spiringfield, Ill.. from Oct. 7.1898. to ~-; sickness in line of dutyJoined and enrolled after muster-in of Company.................... No clothing issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. C. S., A.0GO0 Joined and enrolled after muster-In 0 company.................... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 dave from Sept. 22 1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per 0. (1 No. 130. 0. K. A. 0. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-In. of the company................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 84.54. total value of articles issued by the State; on furlough for 60 dsysi from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per 0. 0. No. 130, A. G.0O.. C.................. in the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $0 92. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22.189810o Nov. 20. 1898.per 0. 0. No. 139 C. S.. A. (4.0 In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.96. total value of clothing issued to him by the State; sick in hospi~tal on board ship Rita. July 22, 1898, to Sept. 29, date on -which he reported to company for duty: sickness in line of duty: on furlourh for 60 days. from Sept. 30 to Nov. 20. 1898 per G. 0. No. 130.0C. S.. A. 0. 0....... in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $2.45, total value of clothiur issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per0G.O No.l130, C. S.. A.G.0. -...... In settlement of clothing Is Included the sum of $2.46. total value of clothing Issued to him by the State; sentenced to 24 hours in guard house at hard labor by Msj. D.E. Clark, F. 0. C.. Aug. 18.1898, at Utuado. P. 8,, absent two hours without leave; approved by Col. Foster Au g. 18. 1898; sentence served; on furlough for 60 days. froma Sept. 23,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. 0. 130, C. S.. A.GO0....-................... In the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of 34 54, total value of articles Issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at S'pringefield.- Ill., f rom Sept. 16. 1898, to Se-pt. 20, 1898. sickness In line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from t4ept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 2'.. 1898. per 0. 0. No. 130.0C. S., &G0.O In settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $1.88. total value of articles issued to him by the State; absent without leave two days, Sept. 15 and 16,1898; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22.1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per G.0..No. 130, C. S., A.QG.O.; deduct two days pay for absence without leave...... Sterling Javt.C.S.Robertk Preeport.... Sterling. Apt.C.S.Roberts 3elvldere.... Sterfling Ilapt.C.5.RobertLQ Freeport.... Sterling....!apt.C.S.Roberts 'reeport.... Sterling.... aptCO.S Roberts 'reeport.... 490 Name. Keefe, John M........ Klein, John............ ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Rank. Private................. Private.................. When. When. Apr. 26.1898 June 23.1189 Where. Freeport.......... Preeport......... May June 11,189S 23,1898 Krelder, Eugene J....Private..............June 23.1898 Freeport.......... June 2a,898 Lentz, Charles............ Prvate...... Apr. 26.189811 Freeport......... May 11.188 Lizton. Maurice....... Linder, John i....... Lamb, William B..... Mogl.e Clayton J...... Miller. Lewis P....... Private................... Private.................. Private................ Private................ Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26. 1898 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport....,..... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 1, 1898 May 1, 1898 May 11, 189 May 11.1898 May 1, 1898 Meyers, John A....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... IMay 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 491 MUSTERED IN. Where ----. --- BhResidence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sterling...... Capt.C.S.Robert Freeport...... Lt. C. E, Frisby. Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Frisby. Springfield..Capt.C.S.Robert! Springfield... Capt.CS. Robert, Springfield...Capt.C.S.Roberts a 3 1 3 1 I I 3 I I 1 Wllsman..... Freeport..... Rockford.... Freeport..... Breeport...... Davis........ I In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.02, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22,1898. to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C.8. A.O................... No clothing issued to him by the State: detailed as regimental butcher, S. 0. No. 8&, Aug. 24,1898, at Utuado, P. R.; returned to company for duty Sept. 7.1898, at Ponce, P. R.; on furlough for 60 days, Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per 0. 0. No. 130. C..., A. G. 0.; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of com pany...................................... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of comn pany; absent, sick, at muster-out, Nov. 25.1898..................................... In the settlemeni of clothing is included the sum of $2.88. total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 8 to Aug. 18,1898; sick in line of duty; siek in hospital; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R, Sept. 4. 1898; returned to company for duty at Freeport, Ill.. Oct. 28, 1898: on furlough for 24 dvs., from Oct. 28 t Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C... A. G.....0.................... In the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $5.02, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on guard duty at Springfield, Ill., from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898............................................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of.4 67, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 2.,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, perG. O.No. 130.0 S., A.G. 0........... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.42, total value of articles issued to him by the State; absent without leave two days. Sept. 16 and 16, 1898; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.; deduct on this roll two days pay for absence without leave......................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.46, the total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. O. No. 130 C. S.. A. 0.............. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3 15. total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital Aug. 2 to Aug. 7, 1898; sick in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No 130, C.., A. G............... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.54, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital Aug. 8 to 30,1898, at Ponce. P. R.; sickness in line of duty: fined $300 by Maj. D. E. Clark, F. 0. C., Aug. 4, 1898, at Ponce, P. R.; approved by Brig Gen. Garretson, Aug. 4. 1898; fine paid; fined $3 00 by J. G. Leefe. Captain 19th Inf.. for absence without leave, Aug. 18-20, G. C; approved Aug. 21,1898. by Chas. C Hood, Lieutenant Colonel 19th Inf.; this fine not paid; absent without leave Sept. 15 and 16, 1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per L. 0. No. 130. C. S A. d. O.; deduct on this roll four days' pay for absence without leave.............................. Springfield... CaptC.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt. C.S.Roberts twin Grove, Wi&......... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts?reeport...... 492 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - W When. Where. When. Mellchor, James H.... Private...... Ar. 218ree........ ort McCarthy. William H. Meyers, Robert C..... Nessler, Henry W..... Powers, Michael...... Perrin, Ira........... Private................. Private................... Private........... Private................... Private................... June 28,1898 June 23.1898 June 23,1898 June 28,1898 June 25,188 Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport,......... May 11, t89 June 2 1898 June 281898 June 23.198 June 2t1898 June 25,198 Portner. Franklin..... Private..................Ju ne.251898IFreeport........... June 26,198 Russ. Fred F......... Private.... r.......... Apr. 26.1898 Freeport........May 11.1898 tynn. Robert M....... Roomer. Edward...... Private................... Private.................. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26 1898 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 11,1898 May 11, S8 Robertson, Alex. H... Private............. Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... May 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 493 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. ~... _ Springfield... Capt.c.S.Roberts Cedar Rapids. Iowa....... Preeport..... Lleeut. C.E.Frisby Freeport...... Freeport...... Leut. C.E.Friaby Freeport...... Freeport......Lieut. C.E.Frisby Freeport..... Freeport..... Lieut. C.E.Frisby Freeport...... Freeport...... Lient, C.EFrisby Freeport..... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.5,. total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Adjuntas, it.., Aug. 11, 1898; sickness in line of duty; transferred to general U. S. hospital at Ponce, P. I.: transferred to Philadelphia hospital Sept. 4, 1898; sent home on furlough Sept. 29, 1898; commutation of rations paid Sept. 29 and 80. 1898, $3.00; on furlough for 61 days from Oct. 1 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180.. A. 0.; reported to company for duty Oct. 1,1898.. No clothine was issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. U. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company.............................. No clothing issued to him by the state: on furlough for 60 days per G. 0. No. 180. C. S., A. G. 0. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company.................................... No clothing issued to him by the State; sick in line of duty at Sprineield, lll., from Sept. 16 to Sept. 21, 1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. 0.: joined and enrolled after muster-in of the coman........................ No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough from Sept. 22. 1898. to Nov. 20, 1898. per G 0. No. 130.. S.. A. G. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the comoany..................................... No clothing issued to him by the State: transferred from Co. M,6th 11l Vol Inf.. S. 0. No. 43. June 29. 1b98; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per 0. 0. No. 130, C. M,. A. 0 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the comany................... No clothing issued to him by the State; transferred from Co. M, 6th lII. Vol. tnf., S. 0. No. 43. June 29.1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A. G O.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company.. In the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $2.70. total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed on ship Manitoba Sept. 2 to 8, 1898, per verbal order from regimental commander; on furlough for 60 davs from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898. per G O. No. 180. C. 8., A............... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of SL 90. total value of clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days from, Sept. 221898, to N v. 20. 1898, per G O. No. 130, C. S., A. O............... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.02. total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed on wagon train at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 31, 1898, to Sept. 1. 1898, verbal order company commander; sick at Freeport, 111., Sept. 29 to Oct. 22, 1898; on furlough for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20. 1898, per O. 0. No. 130, C S.. A 4. 0.; sickness in line of duty... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 55 02, total value of clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898. per G. O No. 130, C. S., A. G. 0.; absent, sick, at muster-out Nov. 25,1898............ Freeport...... Lieut. C.E.Frliby Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt..S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... jCapt.C.S. Roberts Freeport...... 494 ADUJTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ---- When. WI Lere. Rosman, Ralph E..... Reinhardt. Joseph D.. Rodemeyer, John H,.. Shrove, Arthur........ Schmidt. August E... Serf, Martin H....... Seifert, Simon F...... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898IFreeport......... When. iay 11,18$8 June 2-, 1893 June 25,1898 Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................ Private.................. June 28,1898 June 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May May May May 1i, L8~ 11,1838 11.1898 19,a S8 Sweeney. Charles L...1 Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Freeport......., May 11,1898 Sello. Alfred C........ Selb, William......... Snyder, Albert H... Sellke, Fred........... Private................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr, 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Freeport........ Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... iMay 11,1898 May 1i, 1898 May 11.188 May 11.1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 495 MUSTERED IN....Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Frisby.. Kangley...... Freeport...... Lt. C. E. Frisby.. Freeport..... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport.... Springfield... CaptC.S.Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Sprinefeld... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport..... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.82, total value of articles issued to him by State; sick in hospital. New York City, Sept. 14, 1898; sick in line of duty; descriptive list and account of pay and clo hing given; character very good.. No-clothing issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.. joined and enrolled after muster-in of company..................................... No clothing issued to him by the State; transferred from Co. M. 6th Ill. Vol. Inf., June 29,1898, per S. 0. No. 43; sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 2 to Aug. 30, 1898; sick in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per 0G. O. No. 130. C. S., A. G.; joined and enrolled after muser-in of company.. in the settlement of clothine is included the sum of $4.24, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A. G.......... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of St.54. total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital in line of duty at Ponce. P. I., Aug. 8 to Aug. 16, 1898; sick in hospital in line of duty at Ponce, P. R., Sept. 6 to Oct. 17. 1898; on furlough for 35 days, from Oct. 17,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. 4., A.. o.........e...........................s..... In settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $4.54. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20 1898. per G. 0. No. 130, C. S., A. (. O................... In settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $1.40, total value of articles issued to him by the State: s:ck in hospital, Charleston, S. C., July 9, 1898, to Aug. 2, 1898; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A.. 0................................ In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.45, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R, Aug. 8 to 30,1898; sick in line of duty: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A.. 0.................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.54, total value of articles issued tro him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept, 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No 130. C. S.. A.G..................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.92. total value of articles issued to him by the State: sick in hospital in line of duty at Ponce. P. R.. Aug. 8 to Oct. 11, 1898; on furlough for A1 days, from Oct. 11 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A.O................................. In the settlement of clothine is included the sum of $4.44. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A.............. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 45, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital (sick in line of duty) at Ponce. P. R., Aug. 8,1898, to Aug. 19,1898: sick in hospital at Poncee P. R. (sick in line of duty), Sept. 2.1898: descriptive list and account of pay given; character very good.................... Springfield.. Capt.U.S. Robertej Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Robertsl Freeport...... Springfield... Springfield... Capt,C.S.Roberts CaCt..S. Roberts Freeport...... Freeport...... 496 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. ENROLLED. — When. Where. When. Snyder. Charles M.... Skinner, Mack C...... Slefferman, Henry.... Sleffert. George J..... Schwartz, Georee..... Scott, Thomas W...... Scott. George E....... Thomau, Rudolph L.. Vail, Richard.......... Private.................. Private............. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 28,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 11,1898 May 11,1898 May 11, 898 May 11,1898 June 28,1898 June 23.1898 June 23.1898 May 11,1898 May. 11,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY, 497 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom.. _ _. _..~~~~~~~ Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield... I I I C Capt.C.S.Robert Capt.C.S. Robertl Capt.C.S.Robert Capt. C.S.Roberts 5 5 8 J. I II I I I Freeport..... Freeport..... Freeport..... Freeport..,... I I In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.82. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898. per G. O. No. 10, C.. A................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.13, total value of clothing issued to him by the State: fined $8.00 by Maj. C. E. Clark, F.O.C., June 19.1898; approved by Brig.Gen. G.A.Garretson, June 19,1898; fine paid; absent without leave three days, June 10 to 12.1898, inclusive; charges preferred Aug. 2,1898, for violation of 32d Art. of War; not tried on account of being sick in hospital; absent without leave 24 hours, July 30 and 81, 1898; sick in hospital at Ponce P R., Aug. 1.1898, to Sept. 25,1898; on furlough for 27 days, Sept. 26 to Oct. 22, 1898, per U. 0. No. 114, War Department. A. G. O., Aug. 9,1898; on furlough for 29 days, from Oct. 23,1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G. O.; deduct four days' pay from this roll, for absence without leave................................. In the settlemeut of clothing is included the sum of $1.87. total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S. A... 0.................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $5.25 total value of articles issued issued to him by the State; sick in St. John's hospital at Springfield. Ill., May 18 to June 19,1898; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug, 8 to 18,1898; sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20.1898. per G. O. No. 130, C. S., A....................................... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. C. S., A. G. O.; joined and enrolled aftermuster-in of company............................. No clothing Issued to him by the State: sick in hospital: sick in line of duty at Springfield, 111.. Sept. 16 to Sept. 18,1898; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, C. S., A...; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company........................ No clothing issued to him by the State: on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, 0. S.. A. G. 0.; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company...................................... in the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $1.87, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 180, C. S,. A. G. O................... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.92, total value of clothing issued to him by the State; fined $5.00 by MaJ. D. E. Clark, F. O. C., June 19,1898; approved by Brig. Gen. G. A. Garretson, June 19, 1898; fine paid: absent without leave four days. June 9 to 12,1898. inclusive; sick in hospital at Guanica, P. R., July 26, 1898: sickness in line of duty: reported to company for duty Sept. 17,1898, at Springfield, Ill.,on furlough for60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; deduct four days' pay on this roll for absence without leave...................... I Freeport..... At. C. E. Frisby.. Freeport...... Freeport...... jt. C. E. Frisby..?earl City.... Freeport...... jt. C. E. Frisby.. Pearl City.... Springfield... Aapt.C.S. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Capt. C.S.Roberts Freeport...... Vol. 3.-32 498 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - -- - When. Where. When. Wheelock. Wim. E..... Walz. William H...... Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,189E Apr. 26,1891 Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... Freeport......... May 11.1898 May 11.1898 Wheeler, Paul A...... Private.................. Freeport..........May 11,1898 Wohlford, Alfred E...j Private................... June 23,18981Freeport............ June 23,1898 Woodrow. Jesse A.... Wilson, Joseph Y..... McCoy, Owen......... Discharged. Burrell, Paul J........ Culvey, John C........ Transferred. McGllligan, Chas. E.. Geigley, Warren 8.... b Private................... Private.................. Wagoner.................. Private................... Sergeant.................. Private................... Private................. June 23,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr. 26,189E May 17,1891 Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport......... Springfield....... June 23,a898 May 11, 18 Mar 11.1898 May 11. 1898 May 11, 1898 May 17,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 499 MUSTEEExD 1N......-_-_ __Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Freeport...... Freeport...... Springfield.., o ( Capt. C.S.Roberts Capt.C.S. Roberts Freeport...... Lieut.C. E.Frisby Pearl City.... Capt.C.S.Roberts Plum River... Lieut,C. E.Frisby Tamaroa...... Freeport...... Capt.C.8.Roberts Rock Grove.. Springfield.. Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport...... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.92, total value of articles issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G...................... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.87. total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 8 to 20, 1898; sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898. to Nov. 20.1898. per G. O. No. 130, 0. S.. A. 0............................ In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.92, total value of articles issued to him by the State; sick in hospital at Springfield. Ill., from May 12 to 17, 1898; sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days. from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20,1898. per G. 0. No. 130. C. S.. A. G 0............ No clothing issued to him by the State: sick in hospital at Freeport, Ill., from Sept, 21 to Sept. 28.1898; sickness in line of duty; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov, 20,1898, per... No. 130. C. S., A. G. 0.; joined and enrolled after muster-in of company....................... No clothing issued to him by the State; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, C. S.. A. G. O.; Joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company................................. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $0.92, total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed on wagon train from Aug. 81 to Sept. 1 1898; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. O. 10, C..... O.. In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.54. total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed as wagoner May 20,1898; appointed wagoner, S. O. No. 91, Aug. 80, 1898; on furlough for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, C. S.. A. 0.................... Discharged and final statements given June 9,1898, S. 0. No. 135, Headquarters of Army, A. G. O., June 9, 1898. Washington, D. C.; in the settlement of clothing was included the sum of $0.68, total value of articles issued to him by the State.................. In the settlement of clothing was included the sum of $2.45. total value of articles issued to him by the State: promoted to Sergeant from Corporal, S, 0. No..., May 12. 1898; honorably discharged at Camp Alger, Va., by order of Mai. Gen. Graham cause, physical disability; sickness of long standing; did not originate in line of duty; diagnosis, probable affection of right lung at apex. possibly tuberculosis and nutral murmer of heart; character given, very good; discharged and final statements given......................................... Transferred to hospital corps June 21,1898, pursuant to Par. 1, 0. 0. No. 68, Hdqrs. Army, Washington, D. C. May 31. 1898, by command Maj. Gen. Graham; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing given; character very good...................... Detailed for band May 21, 1898; transferred to regimental band, per S. 5. 5 dated Tallabos, P. R., July 81. 1898; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing given; character very good................. Springfield.., Capt.C.S. Roberts Freeport...... Springfield... Japt. C.S. Roberts Freeport..... Springfield... Japt.C.S.Roberts............... Springfield... Japt.C S.Roberts................ 500 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Died. Schmldt, Albert C.... Private.................. June 28,1898 Freeport.......... June 28,1898 Seller. Gustav......... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Freeport.......... Ma 11,1898 Smith, Carl 1......... Private........... Apr. 26.1898 Freeport..........May 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRYENROLLED. Name.. Rank. --- When. Where. When. Henry G. Geiger...... William James........ George H. RoddewfL.. Captain................... 1st Lieutenant........... 2d Lieutenant............ Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Galena........... Galena............ Galena............ Galena............ May 11. 1898 May 11,1898 May 11 1898 May 1, 1898 George Palmer....... st Sergeant........... Apr. 26,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 501 MUSTEnED IN. - - - Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Freeport...... Lieut.C. E.Frisby Freeport...*.. No clothing issued to him by the State: sick in hospital at Ponce. P. R., Sept. 6.1898; sickness in line of duty; died at United States general hospital, Ponce, P. R.. Sept. 21,1898, at 8:20 p. m.; cause of death, typhoid fever; descriptive list and account of pay and clothing given; character very good; joined and enrolled after muster-in of the company............................ 8pringfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Woodstock... In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.96. total value of articles issued to him by the State: sick in hospital at Springfield, Ill., Sept. 16. 1898, to Sept. 21. 1898; sick in hospital at Freeport, 1ll.. Sept. 21.1898, to Oct. 2 1898; sickness in line of of duty; died Oct. 2, 1898, at St. Francis hospital, Freeport, I1.: cause of death, perforation of stomach and abscess....... Springfield... Capt.C.S.Roberts Freeport..... In settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.29, total value of articles issued to him by the State; detailed as cook April 27 to June 28. 1898, verbal order commanding officer of company; sick in hospital at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 8 to 28, 1898; sickness in line of duty; sick in hospital at Freeport, 11., from Sept. 28 to Oct. 10, 1898; sickness in line of duty: sick in hospital at Freeport, Ill., from Oct. 15 to Nov. 3,1898; sickness in line of duty; died at 12:55 p. m. in St. Francis hospital, Freeport, Ill., Nov. 3 1898; cause of death, inflammation of bowels due to strangulated hernia and suppression of urine..................... COMPANY M. MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinllfeld... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena..... Enrolled and joined as Captain, April 26, 1898; mustered into U. S. service May 11, 1898; on waiting orders for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., 0. S....................... Enrolled and joined as 1st Lieutenant. April 26. 1898; mustered into U. S. service May 11, 1898; on waiting orders for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C............................................ Enrolled and. joined as 2d Lieutenant, April 26, 1898; mustered into U. S. service May 11,1898; sick in U. S. hospital, at Ponce, P. R., from Aug. 10 to 30, 1898, in line of duty; on waiting orders for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O. C. 6.... Enrolled as let Sergeant, April 26.1898: sick in quarters July 15.1898, in line of duty; on detached duty June 7,1898, to June 29,1898; recruiting company in Galena, ll., per S. 0. No. 14, Hdqrs. 2d A. C.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $8.16, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1698. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C.,.............................. Sprinreld... Capt. Roberts.... Normal....... 602 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name.: Rank. — --- When. Where. When. John Dubols........... Sergeant................. Apr. 26,1898j alena....... May 11.1898 Henry Hess........... Fred Baur............. Josse Burton.......... Sergeant............... Sergeant................. Sergeant.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr.' 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galena........... Galena............ Galena............ May 11.1898 May 11,1898 May 11,1898 Thomas Frazer.......... M. Sergeant............ May 10,1895 Sprlugfield...... May 11,1898 Dick Dwyer.......... George Wilhelmi...... Walter Wilson......... Charles Jordon........ Corporal.................. Corporal.................. Corporal................. Apr. Apr. Apr. 26,1898 26,1898 26,1898 Galena........... Galena............ Galena............ Galena............ May 11.1698 May 11,1898 May 11,188 May 11,1898 Cororal.................. Apr. 26,199E SIXTH INFANTRY. 503 MUSTERED IN. ----------—. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Spriabfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Sprin field... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... f I.I.4 I( I( Galena....... Galena....... Galena....... Galena....... Salena....... I I Enrolled as Sergeant, April 26,1898: acting 1st Sergeant, June 7.1898, to June 29.1898; sick in quarters May 14, 1898, In line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, the total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G.. No. 130, A. G, O.C. 8....... Enrolled as Sergeant, April 26,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62 total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept, 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C....................... —......................... Enrolled as Sergeant, April 26,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Segt. 22, 1898, per (. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. 9........................................... Enrolled as Sergeant, April 26,1898; sick in quarters. May 21,1898, to May 80,1898, in line of duty: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued to him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G..., C. S.............. Joined by transfer from Co. B, June 8,1898, S. O. No. 48, Hdqrs. 6th 11. Vol., same date; promoted to be Sergeant, June 8, 1898, per S, 0. No. 114d Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol., same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 42 days, from Oct. 10,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. S.; on duty as clerk, Sept. 22 to Oct. 9,1898.............. Enrolled as Corporal April 26,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22.1898. per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.......................................... Enrolled as Corporal, April 26,1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. 0. O., 0. S*.*...*..............*.*..,.............. Enrolled as private, April 26,1898; promoted to be Corporal. July 1,1898, per G. 0. No. 24, Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol., same date; took sick in line of duty, Sept. 6,1898. and was left in U. S. hospital, Ponce. P. R.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; discharged from hospital, Oct. 22, 1898, and reported to company commander: was furloughed Oct. 24 to Nov. 20,1898, G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.,. S.; rationed to Oct. 23,1898....................... Enrolled as Corporal April 26, 1898; sick in quarters May 12 to May 18, 1898, in line of duty; sick In quarters May 17,1898, in line of duty; took sick, line of duty, Aug. 8.1898, and left in U. S. hospital, Ponce, P. R.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.01, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed from hospital Oct. 21 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., 1898; rationed to Oct. 20........... Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galena....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts..., Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts... lalena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ 504 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPOBT. E NROLLXD. Name. Rank. - ----- When. Where. When. Frank LaPert......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898IGalena............ May 11, 1898 May 11,1898 Emil Maeder.......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ Victor Maeder......... Corporal................. Apr.' 26.1898 Galena............ May 11,1898 Charles Kurth......... Corporal.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galena.......... l May 11, 189 Kenrick Leekley......Corporal.............. Apr. 26.1898 Galena........... Ma 11,898 Orley Lee Arnold..... Corporal.................. lay 17. 1898 pringfield....... IMlay 17, 2893 H'rm'n OuggenhelmerlCorporal................ Apr. 26,1898SGalena........... May 1, 189 Joeeph Bauer......... Cook................., s1898 Galena.......... May 112 898 Ell Woodard........... Wagoner............... M 10,1898 Springfeld....... May 1l1898 SIXTH INFANTBY. 505 MUSTERE1D IN. Whore. B h Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield...lCapt. Roberts.... lalena....... Enrolled as Corporal April 26, 1898; sick in quarters May 20, 1898. to May 24. 1898, and June 1,1898, in line of duty; sick in Francis Xavier hospital, S. C., July 15, in line of duty; transferred to Fortress Monroe hospital and given furlough from Aug. 26 1898, to Sept. 24 1898, per G. O. No 114, A. G. O.. 1898; at expiration of furlough was ordered to report to company commander and was furloughed to Nov. 20,1898, as per Li. 0. No. 180, A. G. O.. C. S.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $3.90 total value of articles issued him by the State; rationed to Aug. 291 898.................... Enrolled as private April 26. 1898; promoted to be Corporal July 1. 1898, per G. 0. No. 24, Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol., same date: in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898, per G. 0. No, 180, A. G(. 0., C., S........................................... Enrolled as private April 26. 1898, promoted to be Corporal July 1,1898. per G. 0. No. 24. Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol.; sick Sept. 16, 1898. line of duty, and left at Springfield; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles Issued him by State; due soldier Nov. 26, 1898, for clothing not drawn. $28.96; entered on duty list............................................ Enrolled as private; promoted to Corporal July 1, 1898. per G. O. No. 24, Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol. same date; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62 total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S............ Enrolled as private: promoted to Corporal July 1. 1898, per S. 0. No. 24. Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol., same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. 0. O., C..... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company, as private; promoted to be Corporal July 1, 1898, per G. 0. No. 24, Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol.. same date; sick in quarters June 11,1898, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.62, total value of articles Issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C..... Enrolled as private; promoted to be Corporal July 1,1898, per G. O. No. 24, Hdqrs, 16th Penn. Vol., same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G.O.No. 130.A.G.O.C.S.............. Enrolled as private; appointed company cook by company commander, Aug. 2.1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per GE. 0. No. 180, A.G...C.S........................ Enrolled as private; was appointed company wagoner July 1, 1898, per G. 0. No. 24, Hdqrs. 16th Penn. Vol., same date; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles Issued by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A, G. O.. C. S........................................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Troy Grove... Sprtlnfield...Capt, Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... ICapt.:Roberts.... Galena....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Elizabeth.... 5C6 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED., Name. Rank. -- - When. Were. Whe.L John F. Scheerer......Artificer................. Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ May 11,1898 Guy Wheelock......... Musician................. May 10.1898lSpringfreld....... May 1,1898 Aker. Alfred........... Belk, Otto............. Belk. Frank............ Biasmann, Louis...... Private............... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Apr. '26,1898jSpringfield....... May 11,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Apr.1; 26,1898 Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ Galena............ Galena............ May 1, 1898 May 11. 1898 May I1.1898 Bergman, Louls....... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galena........... Ma 11. 8M a Beck. Charles......... Private................... Apr. 26.189 Galena............ May 11.1898 Bailey. Fred......... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ May 11189 Bunyer, John.......... Private.................... pr. a26,1898 Galena............ May 11,18 Barton, William....... Private................... June 24,189S G)81QX18............ June 24,1898 I SIXTH INFANTRY. 507 MUBTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Sprinfield.. Springfield.. Springfield.. Springfield... Springfield....4. I ( C C ~ Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Capt. Roberts... Japt. Roberts....1I. II. I I I Streator..... Galena...... Stockton..... Stockton.... Stockton..... 3alena........ Enrolled as private; was appointed company artificer July 1,1898. per G. 0. No. 24, headquarters 16th Penn. Vols., same date; sick In quarters May 17, 1898. to May 21, 1898. in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furlouehed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A.. O., C.............. Enrolled as private; appointed company bugler May 21,1898, per S.O. No. 24, headquarters 6th 1ll. Vols.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S........ Mustered in with company; absent without leave July 4.1898, to July 10, 1898; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in regimental hospital at Utuado. P. R., Aug. 17 and 18,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A.. 0.. C. S,; deduct from this roll seven days' pay. absent without leave..................... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0... S.... Mustered in with company; sick in quarters Aug. 21;1898, in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180, A, G. 0.. C. S.... Mustered in with company; sick in quarters May 17, 1898, to May 30, 1898. in line of duty; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G4. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C................................. Mustered in with company; In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82 62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 46 days from Oct. 6, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0., C. S.; on duty as clerk Sept. 20,1898, to Oct. 6. 1898...................................... Mustered in with company; detailed Aug. 5, 1898. to Sept. 20.1898, for hospital work per verbal order of company commander; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furlougbed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G4. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. Mustered in with company: sick In quarters May 11,1898, to June 7.1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters June 25,1898, and July 3, 1898. in line of duty: in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 2,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S............. Mustered in with company; sick in quarters June 6,1898. to June 8 1898, in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. 0., C...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-ln of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. 0., C. S............ I Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... ialena........ Springfield... Japt. Roberts.... E. Dubuque.. Springfield... 3apt. Roberts.... E. Dubuque.. Springfield..:apt. Roberts.... Ialena........ Galena....... ileut. Prisby..... Elizabeth..... 508 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED, Name. Rank. - —..___ - When. her Where. When. Backus, Eugene... P t.................. Apr. 26,1898 pringfield....... May 11.1893 Bolt, Isaac............. Prvate...................June 24.1898Galena............ June 24,1B98 Brodrecht, John...... Bird, Frank............ Buohenan, August.... Private................... Private................... Private................... June 24,1898 June 24,1898 June 26,1898 Galena........... G(alena........... Freeport.......... June 24,1398 June 24,1898 June 25.1898 Calderwood, John 0.. Private...................Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ May 11 1898 Daniels. Charles...... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Springfield....... May 11,1893 Debord. John.......... PrivateApr................... r. 26.89 Galena............ May 11.1898 Diero, Christian....... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ Iay 11. 1858 SIXTH INFANTRY. 509 MUTZBRZD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Galena........ Lieut. Frisby.... Galena........ Lleut. Frisby.... Galena........ ILieut. Frisby...... Stockton...... 3alena........ Galena...;... Galena........ A Freeport...... Lieut. Frisby..... Freeport...... Joined by transfer from Co. B, 6th ll. Vols., Aug. 8,1898. per S. O. No. 51, headquarters 6th 111. Vols.: fell and broke his ankle on march from Ponce, P. R., to Adjuntas, P. R. Aug'9 1898, in line of duty, and was left in U. S. hospital. Ponce, P. R.; in the settlement for clothing is included the sum of $1.32, total value of articles issued him by State; on furlough per G. O. No. 114, A. G.. 1898. from Sept. 8.18S8, to Oct. 7, 1898; on verbal furlough from Oct. 8 1898 to Nov. 20,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A...0. C....... S.................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; sick in quarters July 10,1898 to July 20,1898. in line of duty; sick in regimental hospital near Ponce. P. R., Sept. 1 1898, to Sept. 6,1898, in line of duty: from there taken to U. 8. hospital near Ponce, P. R.. Sept. 7.1898; no property issued by State: discharged from hospital Oct. 16,1898, and reported to company commander and was furloughed Oct. 19,1898 to Nov. 20,1898, as per G. O. No. 180, A. G. O., C. S.; rationed to Oct. 18, 1898................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; sick in quarters June 25,1898 to June 30, 1898, in line of duty; sick in Francis Xavier hospital. Charleston,. C.. July 18 to 20, 1898, in line of duty; sick Sept. 5,1898. in line of duty and was left, in U. S. hospital Ponce, P. R.; discharged from hospital Oct. 15,1898, and reported to commander and was furlouehed Oct. 18, 1898, to Nov. 20.1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. t. O., C. S.; rationed to Oct. 17, 1898................. Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in U. S. hospital. Ponce, P. R.. Aug. 1, 1898. in line of duty; furloughed from hospital Sept. 18, 1898, to Nov. 18,1898, per G. O. No. 114, A. 0. O.. C. S.; rationed to Sept. 20,1898; furloughed from Nov. 19 to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O., C. 8......o...............................-. Mustered-in with company; in the clothing account is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 20 to May 29.1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. 8..... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. C............................. Mustered-in with company; in the settlementof clothing is included the sumof $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept, 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180,. A. O.. C. S.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... qaperville.... Springfield..Capt. Roberts...C. alena........ I Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena....... 510 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. " Rank. When. Where. When. Doolin. Frank......... Private................... pr. 26,1898|Galena............ May 11. 183 DOls9, Wallace....... Privats...................,Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ May 11, 193 Dwyer, Matthew...... Ferguson, George.... Private.................. Private................... Privabte.~............~.... June 24,1891 Apr. 26,1689 Galena............ Galena........... June 2, 1G9 May 11. 3 Ferguson, William.... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfield...... May 11.,i Gaffney. William B... Gorden, Benjamin F.. Private................... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26, 189 Galena............ 'Galena........... May 11, 133 May 12. 160 Apr. Wlynn, James.......... Private................... 26,1898 Galena.......... I Say 11, t Hubacher, Nicholas... Hartfi, Henry......... Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galena........... Galena............ May 11, S1 May 11 1893 SIXTH INFANTRY. 511 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. --- -- _-.-.- Springfield...jCapt. Roberts..... alena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts....IStockton.... Galena........ Lieut. Frisby...... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton..... Alustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 4 to June 7, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. O..C. S...................................... Mustered-in with company; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; left sick in U. S. hospital, Ponce, P. R., Aug. 1, 1898. in line of duty; furloughed from hospital for 30 days Sept. 21 to Oct. 20,1898, per G. 0. No. 114, A. G. 0. 98; reported to company commander Oct. 20 and was furloughed Sept. 22 to Nov. 25,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A.. O.. C. S.; rationed to Sept. 221898......................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: sick in quarters June 30 to July 1, 1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 180, A. G. 0., C. S........................................ Mustered-in with company; sick in U. F. hospital Aug. 10 to 28.1898, Ponce, P. R., in line of duty; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sert. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. 0.. C. S........................ Mustered-ln with company; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 20 to May 30, 1898; in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G. 0.. C. S........................................... Mustered-in with company; in settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued by State; sick in quarters May 16 and 16.1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A.,. O.. C. S.... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 12 to May 16, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., CS................................ 5Mustered-ln with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 27 and 28, 1898, Inline of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O. C. S.................................... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. 0. 0.. C. S.... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 14 to 11, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters May 20 to 26, 1898. in line of duty; sick July 18.1898, in Charleston hospital, in line of duty; sick in U. S. hospital Ponce. P. R.. Aug. 1 to 4.1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A.., C. S....................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena;....... Springfield... Capt.Roberts.... Stockton...... Springfield.. Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield...Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ 512 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank.... When. Where. When. Herbsteb, Henry..... Heckelsmiller, Adam. Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 3alena........... Galena.......... Heckelsmiller, Geo. C. Private................... Ar. r.26.18981 alena............ I May 11,1898 May 11.1898 May 11.1898 Henning, Louis........ Hilt, Wilbur........... Private.................. Private................... Apr. 26,1898 May 10,1898 Galena........... Springfield...... May 11.1898 May 11. 198 Hiller, Charles........ Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ May 12, 1898 i Hurdley. Georee...... Justus, Bert.......... Private................... Private................... June 24,1898 Apr. 26,189E Galena............ Galena............ June 2d,1898 May 1, 1898 Jones, Albert......... Prvate............ May 101898 Sprinfeld........ May 11.1898 Ivey, Frank.......... IPrivate................... Ap)r. 26,1898 Springfield....... Mlay 1. 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 513 MUSTERED IN...... Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield.. Springfield...4 Capt. Roberts.... Galena....... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfleld.. Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... alena........ Springfield.. IP Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloushed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O.. U. S.... Mustered-in with company; in the settle. ment of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 16 to May 22, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters June 22 to June 26,1898, in line of duty; sick in U. S. hospital Ponce, P. R., Aug. 1 to Aug. 28, 1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A.. O..C. s.S.......................... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 32.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick regimental hospital May 13 and 14, 1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters May 16 to 17.1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters May 20 and 21, 1898, in line of duty sick June 3 to June 7.1898, in quarters in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per U. 0. No. 130, A. G..................................... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. (. O. (.. S.... Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by the State; sick in quarters June 6 to June 7,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters June 20 and July 1, 1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. U. O., C. S............ Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 14. 1698. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A. A. O.. C. S......................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furlouihed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 188. per U. O. No. 180. A. G. O. C. S............ Mustered-in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 20 to May 26, 1898. in line of duty: left sick Aug. 1, 1898, in U. S hospital Ponce, P. R.. in line of duty; joined his company Sept. 20. 1898: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. G O.. C............ Mustered in with company: in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 12 to May 14. 1898. In line of duty: sick in quarters May 17 to 22. 1898. in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A G. O. C..S................... Joined by transfer from Co. B, per S. O. No. 64. Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vols., Aug. 7. 198; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.23. total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O. C..................................... Springfeld... CapRobe...I oberts....IE. Dubuque.. Galena.......L. I eut. Frisby.....Warren....... I Springfield....Capt.ERoberts.... Stockton...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Madiso'vlle, O Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Elizabeth..... Vol. 3-33 514 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. - - - -- When. Where. When. Kurbel, John.......... Private................. Apr. 26. 198 Galena............ May 11,1898 Kronskof, Harry...... Private.................. Apr. 26,1898Galena............ May 111.1898 Kelly, Michael J....... Private..................p. A 26,1898IGalena.. M.......... ay 111898 Link, William A....... Lower, Charles....... Leonard. Enoch....... Michaelson, Morris... Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private.................. May Apr. 9,1898 26,1898 Springfield...... Galena.......... Freeport......... Galena............ May 11,1898 May 11.1898 June 25,1898 May 1,11898 June 25,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Miscally, Arthur G.... Private................... Aug. 22.1898Utuado, P. R..... Aug. 22,1898 Mertz. Albert.......... Private......... A....... Apr. 26,1898 Glalena............ May 11.1898 Mertz. Calvin.......... Private................... May 9,1898 Springfleld....... May 11,1898 Myers. John........... Private................... June 25,1898 Freeport.......... June 25,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 515 MUSTICBD IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprlngfield... Capt. Roberts....Galena....... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Webster City. la........... Springfield,.. Capt. Roberts..... LaCrosse, Wis Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Freeport...... Leut. Frisby.....- Galena........ Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 62. total value of articles issued him by State; on detached duty with wagon train Aug. 10 to 24, 1898, per verbal orders from company commander, 6th Ill. Vols.; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A.. O., C. S.... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 1 to 8, 1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C......................................... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 17 days. from Sept. 22,1898, per 0. 0. No. 180, A. O. 0., C. S.; on duty at Springfield, 111.. Oct. 9,1898, to Nov. 20. 1898.................................. Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2 62, total value of articles issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22,1898. per U. 0. No. 1S0, A. 0. O.. C. S.... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 19 to 23,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O.. C...................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. L O., C. 8............. Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 10 to 15, 1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters May 24 to 28, 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters May 81 to June 4, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days. from Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no State property issued; detailed for guard duty, Camp Lincoln. Sept. 20, 1898; relieved Oct. 6.1898, and furloughed for 46 days. from Oct. 6. 1898, to Nov. 20, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A G. G.. C. S....... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 2 to June 6, 1898. in line of duty: sick in Francis Xavier hospital, Charleston, S. C., July 16. 1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O.. No. 130,. C.......................... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 12, 1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0; No. 130, A. G. O., C.............. Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Utuado, P. R. Capt. Berry....... Charleston. S.C......... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Freeport...... Lieut. Frisby.... Freeport...... 516 Name. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLL Rank. When. iED. Where. When. MoNeil, Kingsley..... Marley, Edd........... Private................... Private.................. Apr. 26,18981Galena............t ay 11,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ May 11,1898 Maloy, James........ Private................... Paul, William......... Palmer. John.......... Parker, Chester C..... Powell, William....... Peters, William....... Peterson, Carl......... Reber, Walter......... Ruble, John........... Rodgers, Edward..... Rynn. Miles.......... Private................... Private.................. Private................... Private.................. Private.................. Private................... Private................... Private................... Private................. Private................... June 24,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 24,1898 Apr. 26,1898 June 25,1898 June 25,1898 June 24,1898 June 35,1898 June 24,1898 June 25,1898 June 25,1898 Galena............ Galena............ Galena............ Galena............ Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Freeport.......... Galena............ Freeport.......... Freeport.......... May 11,1898 June 24,1898 May 1,1898 June 24,1828 June 25,1898 June 25,1898 June 26,1898 June 24,1898 June 26,1898 June 26,1898 Galena........ June 24,1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 517 MUSTERED IN. Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Sprinfileld...Capt. Roberts.... Ialena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts....I..... Galena....... ileut. Frisby.... alena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts....Galena........ Galena. e...... Lieut. Frisby... Owatonna, Minn..... Springfield... CaDt. Roberts....Galena...... lustered in with company; in the settle ment of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 23 to 80. 1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters June 7, 1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No, 180, A. G. O.. C. S................................ Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $1.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in regimental hospital.Utuado, P. R.. Aug. 18 to 27. 1898. in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company- no clothing issued him by State; detailed for duty with wagon train Aug. 10 to 24,1898. by verbal order of regimental commander; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. A. 0.. C............................................ Mlstered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters June 16,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130, A. G. O., U. S.... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing Issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............ Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 12 to 14, 1898. in line of duty; sick in regimental hospital Aug. 29 to Sept. 1,1898, in line of duty: furloughed for 60 days from Sept, 22. 1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company: no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C. S............ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22. 1898. per G. O. No. 130, A. G. O., C.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; on detached duty at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, Ill., trom Sept. 22,1898, by verbal order of regimental commander........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; sick in United States hospital, Ponce. P. R., Aug. 10 to 28.1898. In line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22 1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G. 0. C. S............... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State: sick in quarters Aug. 21, 1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G3., No. 180,.,. O., C. S...... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days. per G. O. No. 180, A. G. O.,C................................ Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S............ Galena........ Lieut. Frisby..... pple River.. Freeport...... Lieut. Frisby. (Galena........ Preeport..L.... Lieut. Frisby.... Galen....... Preeport...... ient. Frisby.... Galena....... Galena....... Lieut, ris........ Armstrong, Ia Freeport...... Lieut. Frisby.... Warren....... Freeport...... leut. Frisby.... Freeport...... 518 Name. Townsend, Chester.. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, ENROLLED. Rank. When. Where. When. Private...................May 9,1898 10.1898 Springfield....... May 11,1898 Thomas, William E... Private................... Ma Springfield....... May 11 U 98 Tuoker. Leo E......... Private.................. Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ May 11,188 Tyler. Charles......... Whippo. Harry........ Private................... Private.................. Apr.: 26,1898 Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ Galena............ May 11 1898 May 1tt 198 Whippo, Fred......... Private......rin ie.......... May.8 Spreld.......Ma 1 98 Wheedlln, Charles.... Private................... June 24.1898 alena............ June 21.1898 Wheedlin. Phil........Private...................Apr. 2,1898 Galena............ May 11,188 Wensleberger, Wm... Winters. William,..... Private............. Private................... June 25.1898 Apr. 26.1898 Freeport.......... Galena............ June 25.1898 May 11.189 SIXTH INFANTRY. 519 MUSTRRED IN. Residence. I Bemarks. Where. By whom. Sprinafield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Stockton...... Springfield...ICapt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfleld... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts....alena...... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is Included the sum of 82.62, total value of articles issued him by State: sick in quarters Aug. 21,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 2, 1898, per G. O. No. 180, A.. O., C. S.... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 26,1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters May 31.1898, to June 7,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. O. No. 180 A G. O............................ Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 19 to 21,1898, in line of duty: furlouehed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per U. 0. No. 180. A. G. O.. C. S............................. Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1893, per G. 0. No. 180. A. O. 0.. C. 8.... Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 18 to 16,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters May 19 to 23,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters July 1 to 8,1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. 0. No. 180. A G. 0.. C. 8........................ Mustered in with company; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles Issued him by State; sick in quarters June 10.1898. to June 11.1898, in line of duty; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per t. 0.. A. o. O.. C.S.................. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing Issued him by State; absent without leave Aug. 18,1898; fined by Field Officer's Court $1.00 for same; left sick n U. S. hospital. Ponce, P. R., Aug. 28.1898. in line of duty: deduct on this roll fine $S.00. and one day's pay; furloughed for 59 days from Sept. 21, 1898, to Nov. 20. 1898, per G. O. No. 114, A. G. O., 1898; rationed to Sept. 22.1898..................... Mustered in with company: in the settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $2.62. total value of articles issued him by State; sick In quarters May 18,1898. to May 22. 1898. in line of duty; sick in quarters July 16 to 19.1898. in line of duty: furlougbed for 60 days from Sept. 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A., O0., C. S.............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by the State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 180, A. G. O., C0.............. Mustered in with company; In the settlement of clothing is included the sum of 82.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick In quarters May 28 and 24,1898. in line of duty; left sick in U. S. hospital, Ponce. P. R.. Sept. 6,1898 in line of duty; discharged from hospital Oct. 15. 1898, and reported to company commander; furloughed Oct. 18 to Nov. 20, 1898. per G. 0. No. 1i0, A. G. O., C. S.; rationed to Oct. 17. 1898.......................................... Galena.......Lieut. Frsby..... Galena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Freeport....... Lient. Frisby..... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Freeport..... Galena........ 520 ADJUTANT GENERAL9S REPOBT. E NROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. When. Winters. Henry....... White, Andrew E..... Temperle, Henry...... Young, Charles J..... Private................... Private............... Private................... Private................... June 24,1898 Aug. 23,1898 June 24,189b Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ Utuado, P. R..... Galena............ Galena............ June 24, 1898 Aug. 22,1898 June 24,1898 May 11,1898 Shanen, John.......... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Springfield....... May tl.1s98 Discharged. Gross. John........... Apr. 26,1898 Private................... Galena............ May 11,18s 9 Duncan, Ira L......... Private................... May May 17.1898 Springfield...... May 17.1898 Townsend, Joseph.... Private................ 9,1898JSpringfeld....... May 11,1898 Stephens, Percie...... Corporal.................. Apr. 26.1898 Gklena.......... May 11,1898 Bergman, Geore..... Private................... Apr. 26.1898 Galena............ May 11, 1398 Transferred. Schwaber. Eugene.... Private................... Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ May 11.1898 Williams, Luther..... Private.................. May 11.1898 Springfield....... Mlay 11, 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 521 MUSTBERRD IN. ------------ t — Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Galena........ Lieut. Frisby.... Utuado.P. R.. Capt. Berry..... Galena........ Lieut. Prisby.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts... Springfield... fCapt. Roberts... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt.- Roberts.... 'I I ( I4: Galena....... Galena...... Galena....... Elizabeth.... Richmond. Vi Galena........ a Hibson........ 8tookton..... I.Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothine issued him by State; furloughed for 60 days from Sept. 22, 1898, per G. 0. No. 130. A. (. O., C. S........... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughea for 60 days from Sept. 22,1898, per G. O. No. 130, A. G..0.0............. Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; no clothing issued him by State; furloughedfor 60days from Sept. 22,1898. per G. 0. No. 130,A.. 0. S............. Mustered in with company; in settlement of clothing Is included the sum of $2.62, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 10 to 16.1898. in line of duty; on detached duty with wagon train Aug. 10 to 21. 1898, per verbal order from regimental commander; furloughed 60 days from Sept. 22.1898. per G. 0. No. 130, A., O., C. S............................ Joined by transfer from Co. B. per S. O. No. 51, Headquarters 6th ill. Vol.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $2.23, total value of articles issued him by State: furloughed for 60 days, from Sept. 2,2.1898, per G. O. No. 130. A. G. O.. C. S.... Discharged on surgeon's certificate of disabllity, June 26.1898; was mustered in with company: sick in quarters June2.1898, to June 25.1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by State; discharge and final statements furnished..................... Discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability. June 26,1898; was mustered in with company; sick in quarters June 4,1898, to June 25,1898, in line of duty; no clothing issued him by State; discharge and final statements furnished....................... Mustered in with company; discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability. June 25, 1898; sick in quarters May 14,1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters May 16 to 19,1898, in line of duty: sick in quarters June 1 to 26,1898. in line of duty; no clothing issued him by State; discharge and final statements furnished............................. Mustered in as Corporal; discharged for disability June 24,1898, per S. 0. No. 118, A. G. O., Washington, D. C., June 24, 1898; sick in regimental hospital May 18,1898, to to May 25.1898, and in Fort Meyer hospital May 25.1898. to June 16,1898. in line of duty; no clothing was issued him by State; furlourhed from July 5. 1898. to Sept. 8, 1898; discharge and final statements furnished........................................ Mustered in with company: furloughed from July 6.1898. to Sept. 8,1898; discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability Sept. 8.1898, at Camp AlgerVa.; in the settlement of clothing is included the sum of $4.43. total value of articles issued him by State; final statements furnished.......... Transferred from Co. M to Division hospital June 22.1898, per G. 0. No. 61, Par. 1, A.. O, Washington, D. C., dated May 81. 1898; no clothing issued him by State; descriptive list furnished..................... Enlisted as private; transferred to Regimental Band July 81,1898, per S. O. No. 48, Headquarters 6th 111. Vol.; no State clothing issued to him; descriptive list furnished........................................ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Galena........ Sprinfield...Capt. Roberts.... alena........ Springfield... Capt. Roberts.........,......... Springfield... Capt. Cairns.....,....-........ 522 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ENROLLED. Name. Rank. When. Where. Owens, Charles....... Nichols, Herbert...... Portner. Frank....... Rodemyer, John...... Perrine, Ira........... Died. Dignan, Mike......... Private............... Private................... Private................... Private................... Private.................. Private................... May 11. 1898 June 15,1898 June 25,1898 June 25.1898 June 26,]898 June 26.1898 May 9,1898 Springfield...... Camp Alger, Va.. Freeport........ Freeport.......... Freeport......... Springfield....... When. May 11,1898 June 15,1898 June 25.18S8 June 12, 18E June 26,18t8 May 11,iS88 Calvert, Charles....... Private...........A........ Apr. 26,1898 Galena............ IMay 11. 8S Way. Frank............ Private................... Ma 9.1898 Springflel d....... May, lt 1898 SIXTH INFANTRY. 523 MUSTIIED IN. -. --- Residence. Remarks. Where. By whom. Springfield... Capt. Cairns... C'DpAlger, Va.Capt. Berry..................... Freeport......Lieut. Frisby................... Freeport..... Lleut. Frisby..... Freeport...... Lient. Frisby................... Capt. Roberts.... Springfield... Galena........ Enlisted as private; transferred to Regimental Band July 81, 1898. per S. 0. No. 48, Headquarters 6th 111. Vol.; no State clothing issued to him; descriptive list furnished................................... Enlisted as private: transferred to Regimental Band July 31, 1898, per f. O. No. 48, Headquarters 6th 11l. Vol.; no State clothing issued to him; descriptive list furnished.................................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to Co. L, 6th 1l1. Vol., per S. 0. No. 43, Hdqrs. 6th 111. Vol.. June 25, 1898; no clothing issued him by State; descriptive list furnished................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to Co. L, 6th ll. Vol., June 25, 1898, per S. 0. No. 43, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol.: no clothing issued him by State; descriptive list furnished................... Joined and enrolled after muster-in of company; transferred to Co. L, 6th 111. Vol., June 26,1898. per S. 0. No. 43, Hdqrs. 6th Ill. Vol.; no clothing issued him by State; descriptive list furnished.................. Mustered in with company; in clothing account on final statements is included the sum of $4.43, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in quarters May 20 to 29. 1898, in line of duty; sick in quarters June 80 to July 2,1898, in line of duty; sick in United States hospital at Adjuntas, P. R., in line of duty, Aug. 16,1898, to Aug. 26, 1898; died in hospital Aug. 26,1898, of malarial fever; final statements sent to A. G. 0......................................... Mustered in with company; in clothing account on final statements is included the sum of $4.43, total value of articles issued him by State; sick in United States hospital. in line of duty. at Ponce, P. R., Aug. 6,1898. to Aug. 28.1898; died Aug. 28,1898, in hospital, of typhoid fever; final statements sent to A. 0. 0.............................. Mustered in with the company; no clothing issued him by State; absent without leave June 20,1898; fined for same, $3.00, by Field Officers' Court, to be deducted from final statement; sick in Regimental hospital, Sept. 4.1898, to Sept. 6, 1893. in line of duty; taken Sept. 6,1898, to United States hospital at Ponce, P. R.; died there Sept. 9, 1898, of malarial fever; final statements sent to A. G. O.......0................... Springfield... Capt. Roberts.... Hanover..... prinlrfield... Capt Roberts.... Stockton..... i I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i,! 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