1 k II,\ I\ ll t, ll-\ & V -f- I I ADDITIONAL GENERAL REGULATIONS UNDER THE REVENUE AND COLLECTION LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, INCLUDING THE TARIFF ACT OF MARCH 3, 1857. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON: A. O. P. NICHOLSON, PUBLIC PRINTER. 1857. TO COLLECTORS AND OTHER OFFICERS OF THE CUSTOMS. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, April 15, 1857. In performance of the duty imposed by law on this Department, of' superintending the collection of the public revenue, the attention of' collectors and other officers of the customs is called to the provisions of the several acts of Congress levying duties on imports, which will be in force on and after the first day of July next. The tariff act of 30th July, 1846, having been modified by the act of the 3d March, 1857, "reducing the duties on imports, and for other purposes," the provisions of the last mentioned act are hereto, subjoined, to which is added a tariff of duties as amended, arranged in schedules, under the provisions of the act of the 3d March, 1857, applied to the act of 30th July, 1846; and for more convenient reference, there is also subjoined a comprehensive list, alphabetically arranged, of all the designated articles expressly made liable to duty, or ex — empted therefrom, with their respective schedules and rates of duty, when dutiable, indicated thereon. As the change in the law regulating the rates of duty by the act of the 3d of March last, disturbs but to a slight extent the classification of imports made by the tariff act of the 30th July, 1846, and is confined principally to a change in the rates of duty, the construction heretofore given by this Department to that act is still in force, and applicable, except where that law has been modified by the act of 3d of' March last. Collectors of the customs will find the decisions of the. Department, in various cases presented under the act of 1846, embodied in General Regulations issued by the Department on the 1st February last. It will be borne in mind that the provisions of the 20th section of' the tariff act of the 30th August, 1842, a copy of which is subjoined, are still in force, and furnish a rule of construction to be applied to, articles not specially designated in the several schedules of the act of 3d March, 1857. These provisions, properly applied, will aid the 4 officers of the customs in assigning articles of import, not designated in terms in the tariff, to the schedule to which they are to be regarded as belonging, in reference to their liability to duty. All other unenumerated articles, not so susceptible of classification, will be liable to the duty of fifteen per centum, as prescribed in the first section of the act of 3d March, 1857. By the fourth section of the said act it is provided, that all goods, wares, and merchandise which shall be in the public stores on the first day of July next, shall be subject, on entry thereof for consumption, to no other duty than if the same had been imported, respective. ly, after that day. Merchandise, therefore, in public store on the first day of July next, or in bond under the warehousing laws, whether deposited in any warehouse authorized by law or passing in transitu, under bond, from one part of the United States to another, will, irrespective of the date of their original importation or bonding, be subject, on withdrawal for consumption, to the rates of duty prescribed by the act of 3d March, 1857. It has been represented to the Department that, under the designation of" galvanized tin plates or sheets," there have been attempts to introduce sheet iron, covered with a thin coating of tin, the purpose being to pass the iron through the custom-house at a lower rate of duty as a galvanized tin. The attention of collectors and appraisers is specially directed to this subject, and they will, on the entry of all articles purporting to be tin plates or sheets, galvanized or not, carefully inspect the articles, and admit nothing as tin plates or sheets that were not clearly known as such in commercial parlance at the passage of the tariff act of 1846. Where plates or sheets of iron or other metal are attempted to be introduced in evasion of the law, under a false designation, the proper proceedings will at once be instituted to enforce the forfeitures and penalties provided by law; and in all cases where no fraudulent attempt is manifested, the duty to which the articles, according to their true character, are liable under existing laws, must be levied and collected. A question has recently been presented to the Department in regard to the exemption from duty of certain articles claimed to be " paintings," and as such falling within schedule I of the tariff. It is decided by the Department, that the'" painting" referred to in that schedule, as entitled to free entry, must be an object of taste recog 5 nised as a painting in the usual acceptation of the term; and that paintings on glass specially provided for in schedule C, on porcelains, alabaster, china, marble, plaster, or similar materials; on plates, goblets, vases, or any other utensil; or paintings capable of being converted into breastpins, eardrops, or other ornaments to be worn on the person, are n.- entitled to free entry under the law. In schedule I, it will be seen, there is a provision for the admission free of duty of sheeps' wool, unmanufactured, of the value of twenty cents per pound or less at the port of exportation. The question has been submitted, whether, in estimating the value in such cases at the port of exportation, the expenses of packing, commissions, and other charges incident to the shipment of articles for exportation, are to be included. The value referred to in this provision of the law, is the current market value or price at which the article in question could be generally purchased, per pound, and does not include the charges and expenses mentioned, or other charges incurred in the mere shipment, or preparation for shipment, after purchase. Commissions and shipping charges are, however, under the laws levying duties on imports, to be added to the foreign market value of imports, as a part of the value on which duties are to be assessed on entry in ports of the United States; but'they constitute no part of the value in the foreign market as referred to. In regard to the fifth section of the act of the 3d March, 1857, providing for an appeal to this Department from the decision of the collector as to the rates of duty to which imports are to be subjected, collectors are instructed, that whenever such appeals are taken they are to forward at once to the Department a report of their decision, and the grounds upon which it was based, together with a report in full on the subject from the appraisers, if any, at the port, accompanied by samples, if deemed necessary, to afford a clear understanding of the matter in controversy between the importer and the customs authorities. As connected with the operation of the tariff laws now in force, the attention of collectors and other officers of the customs is called to the subjoined acts of Congress, approved the 2d and 3d ultimo, amendatory of the 28th section of the tariff act of 30th August, 1842, and the 8th section of the tariff act of 30th July, 1846, and which went into effect at the several dates of their approval. In the act first mentioned, it will be perceived that the prohibition ~of the importation of certain articles is made so comprehensive as to,embrace descriptions of imports not affected by the law as it originally.stood, but whose importation, nevertheless, was believed to be within the principle of that enactment. The amended act is precise and ~definite in its terms, and obviates all doubt as to its scope and intent. The act amending the 8th section of the tariff act of 30th July, 1846, it will be seen, makes no change in existing laws, as construed by the Department, except to place dutiable imports, however procured, by purchase or otherwise, on the same footing as to the privilege of adding in the entry to the costs or value given in the invoice, and their liability to additional duty for undervaluation. HOWELL COBB, Secretary of the Treasury. AN ACT REDUCING THE DUTY ON IMPORTS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni_ ted States of America in Congress assembled, That on and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ad valorem duties shall be imposed, in lieu of those now imposed upon goods, wares and merchandise, imported from abroad into the United States, as follows, viz: Upon the articles enumerated in schedules A and B of the tariff act of eighteen hundred and forty-six, a duty of thirty per centum, and upon those enumerated in schedules C, D, E, F, G, and H, of said act, the duties of twenty-four per centum, nineteen per centum, fifteen per centum, twelve per centum, eight per centum, and four per centum, respectively, with such exceptions as are hereinafter made; and all articles so imported as aforesaid and not enumerated in the said schedules, nor in schedule I, shall pay a duty of fifteen per centum. SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That all manufactures composed wholly of cotton which are bleached, printed, painted or dyed, and de laines, shall be transferred to schedule C. Japanned leather or skins of all kinds shall be transferred to schedule D. Ginger, green, ripe, dried, preserved or pickled; ochres, and ochrey earths; medicinal roots, leaves, gums, and resins, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for; wares, chemical, earthern or pottery, of a capacity exceeding ten gallons, shall be transferred To schedule E. Borate of lime and codilla, or tow of hemp or flax, shall be transferred to schedule F. Antimony, crude or regulus of; barks of all kinds not otherwise provided for; camphor, crude; cantharides; carbonate of soda; emery, in lump or pulverized; fruits, green, ripe, or dried; gums, Arabic, Barbary, copal, East India, Jeddo, Senegal, substitute, tragacanth, and all other gums and resins, in a crude state; machinery exclusively designed and expressly imported for the manufacture of flax and linen goods; sponges; tin in plates or sheets, galvanized or ungalvanized; woods, namely, cedar, lignumvitca, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rose wood, satin wood, and all cabinet woods, shall be transferred to schedule G. Acids, acetic, benzoic, boracic, 8 citric, muriatic, white and yellow, oxalic, pyroligenous and tartaric, and all other acids of every description used for chemical or manufacturing purposes not otherwise provided for; aloes; amber; ambergris; anniseed; annato, roucon or orleans; arsenic; articles not in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for; assaftedita; asphaltum; barilla; bleaching powder, or'chloride of lime; borax, crude; boucho leaves; brimstone crude in bulk; cameos, mosaics, diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, (not set;) chalk; clay; Cochineal; cocoa, cocoa nuts, and cocoa shells; cork tree bark; cream of tartar; extract of indigo, extracts and decoctions of logwood and other dyewoods not otherwise provided for; extract of madder; flint, ground; grindstones; gutta percha, unmanufactured; India rubber, in bottles, slabs, or sheets, unmanufactured; India rubber, milk of; indigo; lac spirits; lac sulphur; lastings cut in strips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters or buttons exclusively, not combined with India rubber; manufactures of mohair cloth, silk twist, or other manufactures of cloth, suitable for the manufacture of shoes, cut in slips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters or buttons exclusively, not combined with India rubber; music printed with lines, bound or unbound; oils, palm, teal and cocoa nut; Prussian blue; soda ash; spices of all kinds; watch materials and unfinished parts of watches; and woad, or pastel, shall be transferred to schedule H. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That on and after the 1st day of July, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, the goods, wares, and merdise mentioned in schedule I, made part hereof, shall be exempt from duty; and entitled to free entry: SCHEDULE I. All books, maps, charts, mathematical nauticle instruments, philosophical apparatus, and all other articles whatever imported for the use of the United States; all philosophical apparatus, instruments, books, maps and charts, statues, statuary, busts and casts of marble, bronze, alabaster or plaster of Paris, paintings and drawings, etchings, specimens of sculpture, cabinets of coins, medals, gems and all collections of antiquities; provided, the same be specially imported in, good faith for the use of any society incorporated or established for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine 9 arts, or for the use or by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the United States; animal carbon, (bone black;) animals living of all kinds; argol, or crude tartar; articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for; bark, Peruvian; bells, old, and bell metal; berries, nuts, flowers, plants and vegetables used exclusively in dyeing or in composing dyes, but no article shall be classed as such that has undergone any manufacture; bismuth; bitter apples; bolting cloths; bones, burnt, and bone dust; books, maps and charts imported by authority of the joint library committee of Congress, for the use of the library of Congress; provided, that if, in any case, a contract shall have been made with any bookseller, importer, or other person, for books, maps or charts, in which contract the bookseller, importer, or other person aforesaid, shall have paid the duty, or included the duty in said contract, in such case the duty shall not be remittted; brass, in bars and pigs, or when old and fit only to be remanufactured; Brazil wood, braziletto, and all other dye woods in stuffs; bullion, gold and silver; burr stones, wrought or unwrought, but unmanufactured; cabinets of coins, medals, and all other collections of antiquities; coffee and tea when imported direct from the place of their growth or production in American vessels, or in foreign vessels entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discriminating duties, tonnage and other charges; coffee the growth or production of the possessions of the Netherlands, imported from the Netherlands in the same manner; coins, gold, silver and copper; copper ore; copper when imported for the United States mint; copper in pigs or bars, or when old and fit only to be remanufactured; cotton; cutch; dragons blood; felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels; flax unmanufactured; garden seeds and all other seeds for agricultural, horticultural, medicinal and manufacturering purposes not otherwise provided for; glass, when old and fit only to be remanufactured; goods, wares and merchandise the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States, exported to a foreign country and brought back to the United States in the same condition as when exported upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed: Provided, That all regulations to ascertain the identity thereof, prescribed by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury shall be complied with; guano; household effects, old, and in use, of persons or families from foreign countries, if used abroad by them and 10 not intended for any other person or persons, or for sale; ioe; ivory unmanufactured; junk, old; linseed-but not embracing flax seed; madder root; madder, ground or prepared; maps and charts; models of inventions and other improvements in the arts; provided, that no other article or articles shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use; oakum; oil spermaceti, whale and other fish of American fisheries and all other articles the produce of such fisheries; paintings and statuary; palm leaf, unmanufactured; personal and household effects, (not merchandise,) of citizens of the United States dying abroad; plaster of Paris or sulphate of lime unground; platina unmanufactured; rags of whatever material except wool; rattans and reads, unmanufactured; sheathing copper, but no copper to be considered such, and admitted free, except in sheets of forty-eight inches long and fourteen inches wide, and weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces the square foot; sheathing metal, not wholly, or in part of iron ungalvanized; shingle bolts and stave bolts silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted, or advanced in -manufacture in any way; specimens of natural history, mineralogy, or botany; substances expressly used for manures; tin in pigs, bars or blocks; trees, shrubs, bulbs, plants, and roots not otherwise provided for; wearing apparel in actual use and other personal effects, (not merchandise;) professional books, implements, instruments, and tools,of trade, occupation or employment of persons arriving in the United;:States; Provided, That this exemption shall not be construed to in-,clude machinery, or other articles imported for use in any manufactur-.ing establishment, or for sale; sheep's wool, unmanufactured of the -valuaeof twenty cents per pound or less at the port of exportation, and hair of the alpacca, the goat, and other like animals, unmanufactured; Provided, That any wool of the sheep, or hair of the alpacca, the goat, and other like animals, which shall be imported, in any other than the ordinary condition, as now and heretofore practised, or which shall be changed in its character, for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the intentional admixture of dirt or any foreign substance to twenty cents per pound or less, shall be subject to pay a duty of twenty-four per centum ad valorem, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 4. And be itfurther enacted, That all goods, wares, and merchandise which shall be in the public stores on the first day of July 11 aforesaid, shall be subject, on entry thereof for consumption, to no other duty than if the same had been imported, respectively, after that day. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That on the entry of any goods, wares, and merchandise imported on and after the first day of July aforesaid, the decision of the collector of the customs at the port of importation and entry, as to their liability to duty or exemption therefrom, shall be final and conclusive against the owner, importer, consignee, or agent of any such goods, wares, and merchandise, unless the owner, importer, consignee, or agent shall, within ten days after such entry, give notice to the collector, in writing, of his dissatisfaction with such decision, setting forth therein distinctly and specifically his ground of objection thereto, and shall, within thirty days after the date of such decision,. appeal therefrom to the Secretary of the Treasury, whose decision on such appeal shall be final and con-,clusive; and the said goods, wares, and merchandise shall be liable to duty or exempted therefrom accordingly; any act of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding, unless suit shall be brought within thirty days after such decision for any duties that may have been paid, or may thereafter be paid, on said goods, or within thirty days after the duties shall have been paid in cases where such goods shall be in bond. Approved March 3, 1857. SECTION 20 of the act approved 30th August, 1842, entitled "An act to provide revenue from imports, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes." That there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on each and every non-enumerated article which bears a similitude, either in material, quality, texture, or the use to which it may be applied, to any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same rate of duty which is levied and charged on the enumerated article which it most resembles in any of the particulars before mentioned; and if any non-enumerated article equally resembles two or more enumerated articles, on which different rates of duty are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on such non-enumerated article, the same rate of duty as is chargeable on the article which it resembles paying the 12 highest duty; and on all articles manufactured from two or more materials, the duty shall be assessed at the highest rates at which any of its component parts may be chargeable. AN ACT to amend the twenty-eighth section of the act of Congress, approved the thirtieth of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, entitled " An act to provide revenue from imports, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes," prohibiting the importation of obscene and indecent articles, so as more effectually to accomplish the purposes for which that provision was enacted Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the twenty-eighth section of the act of Congress, approved the thirtieth of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and entitled " An act to provide revenue from imports, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes," be amended as follows: The importation of all indecent or obscene articles, prints, paintings, lithographs, engravings, images, figures, daguerreotypes, photographs, and transparencies, is hereby prohibited, and no invoice or package whatever, or any part thereof, in which any such articles are contained, shall be admitted to entry; and all invoices and packages whereof any such articles shall compose a part, are hereby declared to be liable to be proceeded against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law, and the said articles shall be forthwi;4h destroyed. Approved March 2, 1857. AN ACT to amend the act reducing the duty on imports, and for other purposes, passed~ July 30, 1846. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the 8th section of the act approved July 30, 1846, and entitled "' An act reducing the duty on imports, and for other purposes," be amended as follows: SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the owner, consignee, or agent of imports which have been actually purchased, or procured otherwise than by purchase, on entry of the same, to make such addition in the entry to the cost or value given in the 13 invoice as, in his opinion, may raise the same to the true. market value of such imports in the principal markets of the country whence -the importations shall have been made; and to add thereto all costs.and charges which, under existing laws, would form part of the true -value at the port where the same may be entered, upon which the duties should be assessed. And it shall be the duty of the collector within whose district the same may be imported or entered, to cause the dutiable value of such imports to be appraised, estimated, and ascertained, in accordance with the provisions of existing laws; and if the appraised value thereof shall exceed, by ten per centum or more, the value so declared on the entry, then, in addition to the duties imposed by law on the same, there shall be levied, collected, and paid -a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem on such appraised value: Provided, nevertheless, That under no circumstances shall the duty be assessed upon an amount less than the invoice or entered value,.any law of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved March 3, 1857. TARIFF OF THIRD MARCH, 1857, ARRANGED IN SCHEDULES. SCHEDULE A.-(Thirty per centum ad valorem.) Brandy and other spirits distilled from grain, or other materials. -Cordials, absynthe, arrack, curacoa, kirschenwasser, liqueurs, maraschino, ratafia, and all other spirituous beverages of a similar character. SCHEDULE B.-(Thirty per centurn ad valorem.) Alabaster and spar ornaments. Almonds. Anchovies, sardin6s, and all other fish preserved in oil. Camphor, refined.,Composition tops for tables or other articles of furniture. -Comfits, sweetmeats, or fruit preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses.,Glass, cut. 14 Manufactures of cedar-wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose-wood,. and satin-wood. Prepared vegetables, meats, poultry, and game, sealed or enclosed in cans or otherwise. Scagliola tops for tables or other articles of furniture. Segars, snuff, paper segars, and all other manufactures of tobacco. Wines-Burgundy, Champaigne, claret, Madeira, Port, sherry, and all other wines and imitations of wines. SCHEDULE C.-(Tzoenty-four per centurn ad valorem.) Ale, beer, and porter, in casks or bottles. Argentine, Alabatta, or German silver, manufactured or unmanu — factured. Articles embroidered with gold, silver, or other metal. Articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever material composed, made up, or made wholly or in part by hand. Asses' skins. Balsams, cosmetics, essences, extracts, pastes, perfumes, and tinctures, used either for the toilet or for medicinal purposes. Baskets, and all other articles composed of grass, osier, palmleaf, straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provided for. Bay rum. Beads, of amber, composition, or wax, and all other beads. Benzoates. Bologna sausages. Bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or of which hair is a component part. Braces, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for. Brooms and brushes of all kinds. Cameos, real and imitation, and mosaics, real and imitation, when set in gold, silver, or other metal. Canes and sticks for walking, finished or unfinished. Capers, pickles, and sauces of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or 3f which fur shall be a component material. Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made on frames, worn by men, women, or, children, and not otherwise provided for. 15 Card cases, pocket books, shell boxes, souvenirs, and all similar articles, of whatever material composed. Carpets, carpeting, hearth rugs, bedsides, and other portions of carpeting, being either Aubusson, Brussels, ingrain, Saxony, Turkey, Venitian, Wilton, or any other similar fabric. Carriages and parts of carriages. Cheese. Clocks and parts of clocks. Clothing, ready made, and wearing apparel of every description, of whatever material composed, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, semptress, or manufacturer. Coach and harness furniture of all kinds. Coal. Coke and culm of coal. Combs of all kinds. Compositions of glass or paste, when set. Confectionary of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Coral, cut or manufactured. Corks. Cotton cords, gimps, and galloons. Court-plaster. Crayons of all kinds. Cutlery of all kinds. Delaines. Diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, and imitations of precious stones, when set in gold, silver, or other metal. Dolls, and toys of all kinds. Earthen, China, and stone ware, and all other wares composed of earthy and mineral substances, not otherwise provided for. Epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, and wings of gold, silver, or other metal. Fans and fire-screens of every description, of whatever material composed. Feathers and flowers, artificial or ornamental, and parts thereof, of whatever material composed. Fire-crackers. Flats, braids, plaits, sparterre, and willow squares, used for making hats or bonnets. 16 Frames and sticks for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, finished or unfinished. Furniture, cabinet and household. Ginger, ground. Glass, colored, stained, or painted. Glass crystals for watches. Glasses or pebbles for spectacles. Glass tumblers, plain, moulded, or pressed, not cut or punted. Glass, paintings on. Glass, Porcelain. Gum benzoin or Benjamin. Hair pencils. Hat bodies of cotton. Hats and bonnets, for men, women, and children, composed of straw, satin straw, chip, grass, palmleaf, willow, or any other vegetable substance, or of hair, whalebone, or other material, not otherwise provided for. Hemp, unmanufactured. Honey. Human hair, cleansed or prepared for use. Ink and ink powder. Iron, in bars, blooms, bolts, loops, pigs, rods, slabs, or other form, not otherwise provided for. Iron, castings of. Iron, old or scrap. Iron, cast, vessels of. Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Jewelry, real or imitation. Jet and manufactures of jet, and imitations thereof. Lead pencils. Maccaroni, vermicelli, gelatine, jellies, and all similar preparations. X3Ianufactures of the bark of the cork tree, except corks. Manufactures of bone, shell, horn, pearl, ivory, or vegetable ivory. /Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares, not otherwise provided for, of brass, copper, gold, iron, lead, pewter, platina, silver, tin, or other metal, or of which either of those metals or any other metal shall be the component material of chief value. 17 Manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, wool, or worsted, if embroidered or tamboured in the loom or otherwise, by machinery, or with the needle or other process. All manufactures composed wholly of cotton, which are bleached, printed, painted, or dyed. Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares, of glass, or of which glass shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures and articles of marble, marble paving tiles, and all other marble more advanced in manufacture than in slabs or blocks in the rough. Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is a component material, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures, articles, and wares of papier mache. Manufactures of wood, or of which wood is a component part, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for. Medicinal preparations, not otherwise pvovided for. Metallic pens. Mineral waters. Molasses. Muskets, rifles, and other fire-arms. Nuts, not otherwise provided for. Oil-cloth of every description, o:f whatever material composed. Oils, volatile, essential, or expressed, and not otherwise provided for. Olives. Olive oil, in casks, other than salad oil. Olive salad oil, and all other olive oil not otherwise provided for. Paper, antiquarian, demy, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter, and all other paper not otherwise provided for. Paper boxes and all other fancy boxes. Paper envelopes. Parasols and sunshades. Parchment. 2 18 Plated and gilt ware of all kinds. Playing cards. Potatoes. Red chalk pencils. Saddlery of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Salmon, preserved. Sealing wax. Sewing silks, in the gum or purified. Shoes composed wholly of India rubber. Side-arms of every description. Silk twist and twist composed of silk and mohair. Silver-plated metal, in sheets or other form. Soap, Castile, perfumed, Windsor, and all other kinds. Sugar of all kinds. Syrup of sugar. Tobacco, unmanufactured. Twines and pack-thread, of whatever material composed. Umbrellas. Vellum. Vinegar. Wafers. Water colors. Wood, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for, and fire-wood. Wool, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. SCHEDULE D.-(Nineteen per centum ad valorem.) Burgundy pitch. Buttons and button moulds, of all kinds. Baizes, bockings, flannels, and floor-cloths, of whatever material composed, not otherwise provided for. Cables and cordage, tarred or untarred. Calomel, and all other mercurial preparations. Cotton laces, cotton insertings, cotton trimming laces, cotton laces and braids. Floss silks, feather beds, feathers for beds, and downs of all kinds. Grass-cloth. Hair-cloth, hair-seating, and all other manufactures of hair, not otherwise provided for. 19 Japanned leather or skins of all kinds. Jute, sisal grass, coir, and other vegetable substances, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures composed wholly of cotton, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures of goats' hair or mohair, or of which goats' hair or mohair shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures of silk, or of which silk shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures of worsted, or of which worsted shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for. Matting, China, and other floor matting and mats, made of flags, jute, or grass. Roofing slates and slates other than roofing slates. Woolen and worsted yarn. SCHEDULE E.-(Fifteen per centum ad valorem.) Acids-acetous, chromic, nitric, and all other acids of every description, used for medicinal purposes, or in the fine arts, not otherwise. provided for. Alum. Angora, Thibet, and other goats' hair or mohair, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. Arrow root. Bacon. Barley. Beef. Bees' wax. Berries, vegetables, and flowers, not otherwise provided for,. Blankets of. all kinds. Blank books, bound or unbound.-See Periodicals. Blue or roman vitriol, or sulphate of copper. Boards, planks, staves, laths, scantling, spars, hewn and sawed timber, and timber to be used in building wharves. Breccia. Bronze liquor. Bronze powder. Butter. Cadmium. 20 Calamine. Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, made on frames, composed wholly of cotton, worn by men, women, and children. Castor oil. Castorum. Chocolate. Chromate of lead. Chromate, bichromate, hydriodate, and prussiate of potash. Cobalt. Coculus indicus. Copperas or green vitriol, or sulphate of iron. Copper rods, bolts, nails, and spikes. Copper bottoms..Copper in sheets or plates, called braziers' copper, and other sheets of copper, not otherwise provided for. Cubebs. Dried pulp. Drugs, medicinal, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for. Ether. Felspar. Fig blue. Fish, foreign, whether fresh, smoked, salted, dried, or pickled, not otherwise provided for. Fish glue or isinglass. Fish skins. Flaxseed. Flour of sulphur. Frankfort black. Fulminates, or fulminating powders. Furs dressed on the skin. Gamboge. Ginger, green, ripe, dried, preserved or pickled. Glue. Green turtle. Gunny cloth. 21 Gunpowder. Hair, curled, moss, sea-weed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds or mattresses. Hair of the Angora, Thibet, or other goat.-See Angora. Hams. Hats of wool. Hat bodies, made of wool, or of which wool shall be a component material of chief value. Hatters' plush, composed of silk and cotton, but of which cotton is the component material of chief value. Hemp seed or linseed, and rape-seed oil, and all other oils used in painting. Indian corn and corn meal. Ipecacuanha. Iridium. Iris or orris root. Iron liquor. Ivory black. Jalap. Juniper berries. Lampblack. Lard. Leather, tanned, bend or sole. Leather, upper, of all kinds. Lead, in pigs, bars, or sheets. Leaden pipes. Leaden shot. Leeches. Linens of all kinds. Liquorice, paste, juice, or root. Litharge. Malt. Manganese. Manna. Manufactures of flax, not otherwise provided for. Manufactures of hemp, not otherwise provided for. Marble, in the rough, slab, or block, unmanufactured. Marine coral, unmanufactured. 22 Medicinal drugs, roots, and leaves, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for. Metals, Dutch and bronze, in leaf. Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. Mineral and bituminous substances, in a crude state, not otherwise provided for. Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical instruments of whipgut or catgut, and all other strings of the same material. Needles, of all kinds, for sewing, darning, or knitting. Nitrate of lead. Oats and oatmeal. Ochres, and ochrey earths. Oils, neatsfoot, and other animal oil; spermaceti, whale, and other fish oil, the produce of foreign fisheries. Opium. Orange and lemon peal. Osier or willow, prepared for basket-maker's use. Patent mordant. Paints, dry or ground in oil, not otherwise provided for. Paper hangings and paper for screens or fireboards. Paving stones. Paving and roofing tiles and bricks. Pearl or hulled barley. Periodicals and other works in course of printing and republication in the United States. Pitch. Plaster of Paris, when ground. Plumbago. Pork. Potassium. Putty. Quicksilver. Quills. Rhubarb. Rice, or paddy. Roll brimstone. Roman cement.'Rye and rye flour. 23 Saddlery, common, tinned, or japanned. Saffron and saffron cake. Sago. Salts, epsom, glauber, Rochelle, and all other salts and preparations of salts, not otherwise provided for. Sarsaparilla. Seppia. Sheathing paper. Skins, tanned and dressed, of all kinds. Skins, of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Slate pencils. Smalts. Spermaceti candles and tapers. Spirits of turpentine. Spunk. Squills. Starch. Stearine candles and tapers. Steel, not otherwise provided for. Stereotype plates. Still bottoms. Sulphate of barytes, crude or refined. Sulphate of quinine. Tallow candles. Tapioca. Tar. Thread laces and insertings. Type metal. Types, new or old. Vanilla beans. Verdegris. Velvet, in the piece, composed wholly of cotton. Velvet, in the piece, composed of cotton and silk, but of which cotton is the component material of chief value. Vermillion. Wares, chemical, earthen, or pottery, of a capacity exceeding ten gallons. 24 Wax candles and tapers. Whalebone, the produce of foreign fisheries. Wheat and wheat flour. White and red lead. Whiting, or Paris white. White vitriol, or sulphate of zinc. Window glass, broad, crown, or cylinder. Woolen listings. Yams. SCHEDULE F. —(Twelve per centum ad valorem.) Bark, quilla. Borate of lime. Brazil paste. Codilla, or tow of hemp or flax. Diamonds, glaziers', set or not set. Gold and silver leaf. Mineral kermes. Silk, raw, not more advanced in manufacture than singles, tram and thrown, or organzine. Steel, in bars, cast, sheer, or German. Tin foil. Zinc, spelter, or teutenegue, in sheets. SCHEDULE G. —(Eight per centum ad valorem.) Ammonia. Antimony, crude, or regulus of. Bananas. Barks of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. Books, printed, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and illustrated newspapers, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided for. Building stones. Cameos and mosaics, imitations thereof, not set. Camphor, crude. Cantharides. Carbonate of soda. Chronometers, box or ships', and.parts thereof. Compositions of glass or paste, not set. 25 Cork tree bark, unmanufactured. Cudbear. Currants. Dates. Diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, imitations, thereof, when not set. Emery, in lump or pulverized. Engravings or plates, bound or unbound. Figs. Fruits, green, ripe, or dried. Fuller's earth. Furs, hatters', dressed or undressed, not on the skin. Furs, undressed, when on the skin. Goldbeaters' skins. Grapes. Gums, Arabic, Barbary, copal, East India, Jeddo, Senegal, substitute,. tragacanth, and all other gums and resins, in a crude state. Hair of all kinds, uncleaned and unmanufactured. Hemp seed and rape seed. Kelp. Lemons and limes. Lemon and lime juice. Lime. Machinery, exclusively designed and expressly imported for the manufacture of t1ax and linen goods. Natron. Nux vomica. Oranges Orpiment. Pine apples. Plantains. Plums. Polishing stones. Prunes. Pumice and pumice stones. Pumpkins. Raisins. 26 Rotten stone. Sal ammonia. Sal soda, and all carbonates of soda, by whatever names designated, not otherwise provided for. Saltpetre, (or nitrate of soda, or pot ash,) refined or partially refined. Shaddocks. Sponges. Tallow, marrow, and all other grease, and soap stock and soap stuffs, not otherwise provided for. Terne tin plates. Tin, in plates or sheets, galvanized or ungalvanized. Watches and parts of watches. Woods, namely, cedar, lignumvitm, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rose wood, satin wood, and all cabinet woods. SCHEDULE H. —(Four per centum ad valorem.) Acids-acetic, benzoic, boracic, citric, muriatic, white and yellow, oxalic, pyroligneous, and tartaric, and all other acids of every de-. scription, used for chemical or manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for. Alcornoque. Aloes. Amber. Ambergris. Annato, roucou, or orleans. Anniseed. Arsenic. Articles, not in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for. Assafcetida. Asphaltum. Barilla. Bleaching powder, or chloride of lime. Borax, crude. Boucho leaves. Brimstone, crude, in bulk. Bristles. 4Cameos and mosaics, diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, not set. 27 Cassia. Cassia buds. Cayenne pepper. Chalk. Cinnamon. Clay, unwrought., Clay. Cloves Cochineal. Cocoa. Cocoa nuts. Cocoa, shells. Cork tree bark. Cream of tartar. Extract of indigo. Extracts and decoctions of logwood and other dye woods, not otherwise provided for. Extract of madder. Flints. Flint, ground. French chalk. Grindstones. Gutta percha, unmanufactured. Horn, horn tips, bones, bone tips, and teeth, unmanufactured. India rubber in bottles, slabs, or sheets, unmanufactured. India rubber, milk of. Indigo. Ivory nuts, or vegetable ivory. Kermes. Lac dye. Lac spirits. Lac sulphur. Lastings, cut in strips, or patterns, of the size and shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters, or buttons, exclusively, not combined with India rubber. Mace. 28 Manufactures of mohair cloth, silk twist, or other manufactures of cloth, suitable for the manufacture of shoes, cut in slips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters, or buttons, exclusively, not combined with India rubber. Music, printed with lines, bound or unbound. Nickel. Nutmegs. Oils, palm, seal, and cocoa-nut. Pearl, mother of. Pewter, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured. Pepper. Pimento. Prussian blue. Raw hides and skins of all kinds, whether dried, salted, or pickled, not otherwise provided for. Red chalk. Saltpetre, or nitrate of soda, or pot ash, when crude. Seed lac. Shellac. Soda ash. Spices of all kinds. Sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol. Sumac. Tortoise, and other shells, unmanufactured. Turmeric. Waste or shoddy. Watch materials, and unfinished parts of watches. Woad or pastel. Zinc, spelter, or teutenegue, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for. SCHEDULE I. —(Exempt from duty.) All books, maps, charts, mathematical, nautical instruments, philosophical apparatus, and all other articles whatever imported for the use of the United States. All philosophical apparatus, instruments, books, maps, and charts; statues, statuary, busts, and casts, of marble, bronze, alabaster or plaster of Paris; paintings, and drawings, etchings; specimens of 29 sculpture; cabinets of coins, medals, gems, and all collections of antiquities-provided, the same be specially imported in goodt faith for the use of any society incorporated or established for philosophical or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts; or for the use or by the order of any college, academy, school or seminary of learning in the United States. Animal carbon, (bone black.) Animals, living, of all kinds. Argol, or crude tartar. Articles, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for. Bark, Peruvian. Bells,old, and bell metal. Berries, nuts, flowers, plants, and vegetables, used exclusively in dyeing or in composing dyes, but no article shall be classed as such that has undergone any manufacture. Bismuth. Bitter apples. Bolting cloths. Bone black. Bone dust. Bones, burnt. Books, maps, and charts, imported by authority of the joint library committee of Congress, for the use of the Library of Congress; provided, that, if in any case a contract shall have been made with any bookseller, importer, or other person, for books, maps, or charts, in which contract the bookseller, importer, or other person aforesaid shall have paid the duty or included the duty in said contract, in such case the duty shall not be remitted. Brass, in bars and pigs. Brass, old, and fit only to be remanufactured. Brazil wood, brazilletto, and all other dye woods, in sticks. Bullion, gold and silver. Burr stones, wrought or unwrought, but unmanufactured. Cabinets of coins, medals, and all other collections of antiquities. Coffee and tea, when imported direct from the place of their growth or production, in American vessels, or in foreign vessels entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discriminating duties, tonnage, and other charges. 30 Coffee, the growth orTproduction of the possessions of the Netherlands imported from the Netherlands in the same manner. Coins, gold, silver, and copper. Copper ore. Copper, when imported for the United States mint. Copper, in pigs or bars. Copper, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured. Cotton. Cutch. Dragon's blood. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels. Flax, unmanufactured. Garden seeds, and all other seeds, for agricultural, horticultural, medicinal, and manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for. Glass, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured. Goods, wares, and merchandise, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, exported to a foreign country, and brought back to the United States in the same condition as when exported, upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed: provided, that all regulations to ascertain the identity thereof, prescribed by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be complied with. Guano. Hair of the alpaca, goat, or other like animals. (See Wool.) Household effects, old and in use, of persons or families from foreign countries, if used abroad by them, and not intended for any other person or persons, or for sale. Ice. Ivory, unmanufactured. Junk, old. Linseed, but not embracing flaxseed. Madder root. Madder, ground or prepared. Maps and charts. Models of inventions and other improvements in the arts: provided, that no article or articles shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use. Nut-galls. 31 Oakum. Oil, spermaceti, whale, and other fish, of American fisheries, and all other articles the produce of such fisheries. Paintings and statuary. Palm-leaf, unmanufactured. Personal and household effects (not merchandise) of citizens of the United States dying abroad. Plaster of Paris, or sulphate of lime, unground. Platina, unmanufactured. Rags, of whatever material, except wool. Ratans and reeds, unmanufactured. Safflower. Sheathing copper, but no copper to be considered such, and admitted free, except in sheets of forty-eight inches long, and fourteen inches wide, and weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces the square' foot. Sheathing metal, not wholly or in part of iron, ungalvanized. Sheep's wool, entitled, conditionally, to free entry. (See Wool.) Shingle bolts and stave bolts. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way. Specimens of natural history, mineralogy, or botany. Substances expressly used for manures. Sulphate of lime, unground. (See Plaster of Paris.) Tin, in pigs, bars, or blocks. Trees, shrubs, bulbs, plants, and roots, not otherwise provided for. Wearing apparel in actual use, and other personal effects not merchandise; professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, of persons arriving in the United States: provided, that this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery or other articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for sale. Weld. Wool, sheep's, unmanufactured, of the value of twenty cents per pound, or less, at the port of exportation, and hair of the alpaca, the goat, and other like animals, unmanufactured: provided, that any wool of the sheep, or hair of the alpaca, the goat, and other like animals, which shall be imported in any other than the ordinary 32,condition, as now and heretofore practised, or which shall be changed in its character for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the intentional admixture of dirt or any foreign substance to twenty cents per pound, or less, shall be subject to pay a duty of twenty-four per centum ad valorem, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. TARIFF OF Duties payable on importations of merchandise under the tariff act of 3d March, 1857, alphabetically arranged. Sched. Pr. cent. Absynthe-see Cordials.......................... A 30 Acetic acid-see Acids, acetic, &c.................. H 4 Acetous acid-see Acid, acetous, &c................ E 15 Acids, acetic, benzoic, boracic, citric, muriatic, white and yellow, oxalic, pyroligneous, and tartaric, and all other acids of every description, used for chemical or for manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for........ H 4 Acids, acetous, chromic, nitric, and all other acids of every description, used for medicinal purposes, or in the fine arts, not otherwise provided for.. E 15 Acid, sulphuric-see Sulphuric acid.-.. H 4 Adhesive felt, &c.-see Felt, adhesive............... I Free. Alabaster statuary, &c., for use of colleges, &c.-see Philosophical apparatus, &c..................... I Free. Alabaster and spar ornaments...B 30 Alabata —see Argentine. ——..... C 24 Alcornoque......-.-............. H 4 Ale, beer, and porter, in casks or bottles.... C 24 Almonds.-................... B 30 Aloes......-................................... H 4 Alum..-_................ E 15 Amber beads-see Beads......................... C 24 Amber...................... H 4 Ambergris -... — I H 4 Ammonia........................ G 8 Ammonia, sal —see Sal ammonia. -. —------------ G 8 Anatto, roucou, or orleans.... H 4 Anchovies, sardines, and all other fish preserved in oil. B 30 3 34 Sched. Pr. cent.. Angora, Thibet, and other goats' hair or mohair, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for................ E 15 Animal carbon-see Bone black... I Free. Animal oils —see Oils, neatsfoot, &c................ E 15 Animals, living, of all kinds........................ I Free. Anniseed............... H 4 Antimony, crude or regulus of............... G 8 Antiquarian paper-see Paper.................... C 24 Antiquities, collections of-see Philosophical apparatus, &c.-...................... I Free. Antiquities, collections of —see Cabinets of coins, &c. I Free. Apparatus for use of United States-see Books, maps, &c. I Free. Apparatus for use of colleges, &c.-see Philosophical apparatus, &c................................. I Free. Apparel-see Clothing, ready-made................. C 24 Apples, bitter-see Bitter apples................... I Free. Arabic, gum-see Gum Arabic...G 8 Argentine, alabata, or German silver, manufactured or unmanufactured....-..... C 24 Argol, or crude tartar -......................... I Free. Arms, fire-see Muskets.......................... C 24 Arms, side-see Side arms...........- -............ C 24 Arrack-see Cordials —....................... A 30 Arrow-root..................................... E 15 Arsenic........................................ H 4 Articles embroidered with gold, silver, or other metal. C 24 Articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever material composed, made up, or made wholly or in part by hand.................................. C 24 Articles of metal-see Manufactures..-... C 24 Articles of leather-see Manufactures............... C 24 Articles of marble-see Manufactures....... —----- C 24 Articles of glass —see Manufactures-. C 24 Articles of papier-mach6-see Manufactures.......... C 24 Articles, all, imported for the use of the United Statessee Books, maps, &c................. I Free. 35 Sched. Pr. cent. Articles not in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for.-I. I.-... H 4 Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for.......................... I Free. Artificial flowers or feathers-see Feathers and flowers C 24 Ash, soda-see Soda ash.... H 4 Asphaltuln H 4 Assafoetida- ----------- ---. - - --—. — H 4 Asses' skins -... -. —- C 24 Aubuson carpeting-see Carpets........ C 24 Bacon -------. —----------............ E 15 Baizes, bockings, flannels, and floorcloths, of whatever material compcsed, not otherwise provided for..... D 19 Balsams, cosmetics, essences, extracts, pastes, perfumes, and tinctures, used either for the toilet or for medicinal purposes.................. C 24 Bananas -... --- ----------------------- G 8Barbary gum-see Gum Arabic.................... G 8 Barilla.4............................... H 4, Bark of the cork tree, manufactures of-see Manufactures.... -C 24Bark of the cork tree, unmanufactured-see Cork tree bark. -G 8' Barks of all kinds not otherwise provided for......... G 8 Bark, Peruvian. I Free. Bark, quilla- --—..... —----—..-.... —- F 12 Barley.. —...-....-................. E 15 Barley, pearl or hulled-see Pearl or hulled barley.... E 15 Bars, iron-see Iron in bars-..C 24 Bars, steel, in-see Steel in bars. F 12 Bars, brass-see Brass in bars, &c ------------------ I Free. Bars, copper-see Copper in pigs, &c.............. I Free. Bar, tin —see Tin in pigs, &c...I Free. Barytes, sulphate of-see Sulphate of barytes........ E 15 Baskets, and all other articles composed of grass, osier, palm-leaf, straw, whalebone, or willow, not otherwise provided for................................... C 24 36 Sched. Pr. cent. Bay rum......................................C 24 Beads, of amber, composition, or wax, and all other beads...................... C 24 Beans, Vanilla-see Vanilla beans.................. E 15 Bed-sides-see Carpets........................... C 24 Beds, feather-see Floss silks, &c-. D 19 Beef.......................................... E 15 Beer, in casks or bottles-see Ale, beer, &c.......... C 24 Beeswax..................-................... E 15 Bells, old, and bell metal. I Free. Bend leather-see Leather, tanned, &c-. E 15 BJenzoates...................................... C 24 3BSenzoin, or Benjamin gum-see Gum benzoin, &c..... C 24?Benzoic acid-see Acids, acetic, &c............- -. H 4 Berries, vegetables, and flowers, not otherwise provided for.....................-....... E 15 -Berries, juniper-see Juniper berries................ E 15 Berries, nuts, flowers, plants, and vegetables, used exclusively in dyeing, or in composing dyes; but no arti-.cle shall be classed as such that has undergone any mnanufacture................................... I Free..Bichromate of pot ash-see Chromate..-....... E 15 Bismuth ---—..... ------------ I Free.:Bitrter apples.................. I Free. IBituminous substances in a crude state-see Mineral maud bituminous substances. E 15 -Black, Frankfort-see Frankfort black......... E 15 Black, ivory-see Ivory black.-...... —.....- - -. - E 15 Blank books, bound or unbound......... E 15 Blankets of all kinds.............................. E 1.5 Bleaching powder, or chloride of lime................ H 4 Blocks, tin —see Tin in pigs, &c...... --.. —- -...... I Free. Blooms-see Iron in bars, &c....................... C 24 Blue or Roman vitrol, or sulphate of copper.......... E 15 Blue, fig-see Fig blue.................. —--—........ E 15 Blue, Prussian-see Prussian blue.................. H 4 Bone black-see Animal carbon..................... I Free. 37 Sched. Pr. cent. Boards, planks, staves, laths, scantling, spars, hewn and sawed timber, and timber to be used in building wharves...................................... E 15 Bockings-see Baizes............................. D 19 Bodies, hat, of wool-see Hat bodies ---- -.. —-.. E 15 Bologna sausages...... C 24 Bolts-see Iron in bars...... - C 24 Bolts, shingle and stave........................... I Free. Bolts, copper-see Copper rods, &c................. E 15 Bolting cloths.................................... I Free.. Bone, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone... C 24 Bone black............................ I Free.. Bone dust.. —- -- I Free, Bones and bone-tips, unmanufactured-see Horn and horn-tips.- - —....... —.- -..-.. —. H 4 Bones, burnt....... ---------- I Free. Bonnets, flats, braids, &c., used for making-see Flats, &c... —--... —. --—. —-- C 24 Bonnets composed of certain materials-see Hats and bonnets................ C 24 Books, maps, and charts, imported by authority of the joint library committee of Congress for the use of the Library of Congress; provided, that if in any case a contract shall have been made with any bookseller, importer or other person, for books, maps, or charts, in which contract the bookseller, importer, or other person aforesaid shall have paid the duty or included the duty in said contract, in such case the duty shall not be remitted.... —-...-. I Free.. All books, maps, charts, mathematical and nautical instruments, philosophical apparatus,and all other articles whatever, imported for the use of the United States. I Free, Books as personal effects of persons arriving in the United States-see Wearing apparel....................... I Free.. Books specially imported for societies-see Philosophical apparatus................................. I Free. Botany, specimens of-see Specimens of natural history I Free_ 38 Sched. Pr. cent. Books, blank-see Blank books..................... E 15 Books, printed, magazines, pamphlets, periodicals, and illustrated newspapers, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided for.......... —........... G 8 Books in course of printing and republication-see Periodicals.......-.-..................... E 15 Boracic acid-see Acids, acetic, &c..... H 4 Borate of lime...F 12 Borax, crude or tincal...... H 4 Bottles, India rubber-see India rubber in bottles...... H 4 Bottoms, copper-see Copper bottoms..... E 15 Bottoms, still-see Still bottoms... E 15 Boucho leaves..H 4 Boxes, paper-see Paper boxes. —----- —.. C 24 Boxes, fancy-see Paper boxes —....... C 24 Box-wood, unmanufacturedG.................-. G 8 Bracelets, braids, chains, curls, or ringlets, composed of hair, or of which hair is a component part.... C 24 BracQs, suspenders, webbing, or other fabrics, composed wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for —.....-............-... C 24 Braids, of hair-see Bracelets..................... C 24 Braids, for making hats or bonnets-see Flats, braids, &c..... —- ---—.. — ----- —.................. C 24 Braids, cotton-see Cotton laces, &c................ D 19 Brandy, and other spirits distilled from grain or other materials.-A............. 30 Brass, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass... C 24 Brass, in bars or pigs.. —................... I Free. Brass, old, and fit only to be remanufactured......... I Free. Braziers' copper-see Copper in sheets, &c. E 15 Brazil paste..-.. —-----------—.... F 12 Brazil-wood, Brazilletto, and all dye-woods in sticks... I Free. Breccia-...............-.... E 15 Bricks-see Paving and roofing tiles, &c. -E..... E 15 Brimstone, roll-see Roll brimstone......... E 15 39 Sched. Pr. cent. Brimstone, crude, in bulk.......................... H 4 Bristles......................................... - 4 Broad window-glass-see Window-glass..-..... E 15 Bronze liquor......... E 15 Bronze powder.................................. E 15 Bronze, casts of-see Philosophical apparatus, &c..... I Free. Bronze metal, in leaf-see Metals, Dutch, &c.......... E 15 Brooms and brushes of all kinds.................. C 24 Brushes........................................ C 24 Brussels carpeting-see Carpets.................... C 24 Buds, cassia-see Cassia buds ---------------- -- H 4 Building stones.-..........-............. G 8 Bulbs-see Trees, shrubs, &c....I Free. Bullion, gold and silver-....................... I Free. Burgundy-see Wines..................... B 30 Burgundy pitch......... D 19 Burnt starch-see Gum substitute.-. G 8 Burr stones, wrought or unwrought, but unmanufactured I Free Busts-see Philosophical apparatus, &c..I Free Butter ---.......... —--—.-E 15 Buttons and button-moulds of all kinds.............. D 19 Cabinet and household furniture...... C 24 Cabinets of coins, medals, gems, and all collections of antiquities...................................... I Free Cables and cordage, tarred or untarred....D.. 19 Cadmium....................................... E 15 Cake, saffron-see Saffron and saffiron cake.......... E 15 Calamine............. E 15 Calomel and all other mercurial preparations. D 19 Cameos, real and imitation, and mosaics, real and imitation, when set in gold, silver, or other metal....... C 24 Cameos and mosaics not set H 4 Cameos and mosaics, imitations thereof, inot set....... G 8 Camphor, refined......... B 30 Camphor, crude.......................... G 8 Candles, spermaceti-see Spermaceti candles........ E 15 40 Sched. Pr. centCastor oil........ —........... --— E 15 Candles, stearine-see Stearine candles.... E 15 Candles, tallow —see Tallow candles.. E 15 Candles, wax-see Wax candles................... - E 15 Canes and sticks, for walking, finished or unfinished. C 24 Cantharides -......................... G 8 Capers, pickles, and sauces of all kinds, not otherwise provided for -......... C 24 Caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, and all other manufactures of fur, or of which fur shall be a component material.....................................-. C 24 Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made on frames, worn by men, women, or children, and not otherwise provided for.......-........-........ C 24 Caps, gloves, leggins, mits, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, made on frames, composed wholly of cotton, worn by men, women, and children E 15 Carbonate of soda-see Sal soda, &c...... G 8 Carbon, animal —see Animal carbon................. I Free. Card cases, pocket books, shell boxes, souvenirs, and all similar articles, of whatever material composed...... C 24 Cards, playing-see Playing cards.................. C 24 Carpets, carpeting, hearth rugs, bed-sides, and other portions of carpeting, being either Aubusson, Brussels, ingrain, Saxony, Turkey, Venitian, Wilton, or any other similar fabric............................. C 24 Carriages and parts of carriages...... C 24 Cassia.H................... H 4 Cassia buds..-.............................. H 4 Castings of iron......................-. C 24 Cast iron vessels-see Iron, cast, vessels of.......... C 24 Cast steel-see Steel in bars....................... F 12 Casts of marble, bronze, alabaster, or plaster of Parissee Philosophical apparatus, &c............ ——...... I Free. Castile soap-see Soap, Castile, &c.......... C 24 41 Sched. Pr. cent,. Castorum....................................... E 15 Cayenne pepper..... H 4 Cedar-wood, manufactures of-see Manufactures of cedar-wood...- —...................-...... - B 30 Cedar-wood, box-wood, ebony, granadilla, lignumvitae, mahogany, rose-wood, and satin-wood, and all cabinet woods, unmanufactured-see Woods-.-. - G 8 Cement, Roman-see Roman cement............... E 1-5 Chains of hair —see Bracelets, braids, &c............ C 24Chalk, red, pencils-see Red chalk pencils.......... C 24 Chalk........................... H 4 Chalk, French-see French chalk -.................. H 4 Chalk, red-see Red chalk....... —-. —-.... H 4 Charts —see Maps and charts..................... I Free. Cheese......................................... C 24 Cbina ware-see Earthen, China, and stone ware. - -. C 24 China matting-see Matting, China, &c. —----—. D 19 Chip hats and bonnets-see Hats and bonnets - C 24 Chocolate......-....-.-..... E 15 Chloride of lime —see Bleaching powder............ H 4 Chromate of lead.E 1& Chromate, bichromate, hydriodate, and prussiate of pot ash.......................... E 15 Chromic acid —see Acids, acetous, &c. E 15 Chronometers, box or ships', and parts thereof -.. — G 8 Cinnamon. —. —......................H... Citric acid-see Acids, acetic, &c.. H 4Claret-see Wines............................... B 30 Clay........................ H 4 Clay, unwrought.............. 4. Clocks and parts of clocks......-............. C 24 Clothing, ready-made, and wearing apparel of every description, of whatever material composed, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, sempstress, or manufacturer............... - C 24 42 Sched. Pr. cent. Cloth, suitable for the manufacture of shoes, buttons, &c., exclusively-see Manufactures of mohair cloth, &c. H 4 Cloths,. bolting-see Bolting cloths................. I Free.,Cloves.. H 4 Coach and harness furniture of all kinds............. — C 24 Coal........................................... C 24 Cobalt...................................... E 15 Cochineal-.. —................... ----------—.. H 4 Cocoa nuts........ H 4 Cocoa-. ——.. —. —- -.... - ------- H 4,Cocoa shells.....- H 4 Cocoa nut oil —see Oils, palm, &c..- —.. H 4 Coculus Indicus-..........-. i....-.....-. E 15 Codilla, or tow of hemp or flax............ F 12 Coffee and tea, when imported direct from the place of their growth or production, in American vessels, or in foreign vessels entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discriminating duties, tonnage, and other charges. —.......-.. I Free. Coffee, the growth or production of the possessions of the Netherlands, imported from the Netherlands in the same manner.................................. I Free. Coins, gold, silver, and copper...................... I Free. Coins-see Cabinets of coins...................... I Free. Coir —see Jute, &c................................ D 19 Coke and culin of coal.-. C 24 Collections of antiquities-see Philosophical apparatus, &c-................ I Free.,Collections of' antiquities-see Cabinets of coins, &c. I Free. Colored glass-see Glass, colored...................- - - C 24 Colors, water-see Water colors. C 24 Combs of all kinds ------------------- - -- C 24 Comfits, sweetmeats or fruit, preserved in sugar, brandy or molasses..B 30 Common saddlery —see Saddlery................... E 15 Composition tops for tables, or other articles of furniture B 30 43 Sched. Pr. cent. Composition beads-see Beads -...-.-.:........... C 24 Compositions of glass or paste, when set............. C 24 Compositions of glass or paste, not set............. G 8'Confectionary of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. C 24 Copal, gum —see Gums................. G 8 Copper articles, vessels, and wares-see Manufactures. C 24 Copper bottoms.. —-----—.. - -....... E 15 Copper rods, bolts, nails, and spikes..................E 15 Copper in sheets or plates, called braziers' copper, and other sheets of copper not otherwise provided for.. E 15 Copperas, or green vitriol, or sulphate of iron. E 15 Copper, in pigs or bars. I Free. Copper, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured -. I Free. Copper, when imported for the United States mint..... I Free. Copper ore.............................. I Free. Copper, sheathing-see Sheathing copper.- -........... I Free. Copper coins-see Coins...I......... I Free. Coral, cut or manufactured....................... C 24 Coral, marine-see Marine coral, unmanufactured...... E 15 Cordage-see Cables and cordage —. D 19 Cordials, absynthe, arrack, Curracoa, kirschenwasser, liqueurs, maraschino, ratafia, and all other spirituous beverages of a similar character................... A 30 Cords, cotton-see Cotton cords. -.................... C 24 Corks.. —--... - -- -. ------ C 24 Cork tree bark-see Manufactures of the bark of the cork tree. —. --- —.. — - -- C 24 Cork tree bark................- - H 4 Corn, Indian —see Indian corn-..............- -. E 15 Corn meal, Indian-see Indian corn and meal......... E 15 Cosmetics —see Balsams, cosmetics, &c............. C 24 Cotton........ I Free. Cotton cords, gimps and galloons................... C 24 Cotton, hat bodies of —see Hat bodies of cotton....... C 24 Cotton, embroidered —see Manufactures of cotton, &c., embroidered-........................ C 24 44 Sched. Pr. cent. Cotton, all manufactures of, bleached, printed, painted or dyed-see Manufactures of cotton.............. C 24 Cotton laces, cotton insertings, cotton trimming laces, cotton laces and braids... _............... D 19 Cotton, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for —see Manufactures of cotton not otherwise provided for... D 19 Cotton, articles of, made on frames —see Caps, gloves, &c.... E 15 Cotton and silk, hatters' plush —see Hatters' plush E 15 Cotton velvet in the piece, composed wholly of cottonsee Velvet in the piece, &c.......... E 15 Cotton and silk velvet in the piece, cotton of chief valuesee Velvet in the piece, composed of cotton and silk, &c ^................... E 15 Court plaster..C 24 Crackers, fire-see Fire-crackers.. C 24 Crayons of all kinds.. C 24 Cream of tartar.... H 4 Crown window-glass —see Window-glass. E 15 Crude tartar-see Argol......................... I Free. Crude articles for dyeing, &c.-see Articles in a crude state, &c..................................... I Free. Crystals for watches —see Glass crystals.. C 24 Cubebs................ E 15 Cudbear... G 8 Culm of coal —see Qoke.................. C 24 Curacoa —see Cordials..A 30 Curls of hair-see Bracelets..............:...... C 24 Curled hair for beds —see Hair, curled, &c........... E 15 Currants........................................ G 8 Cutlery of all kinds.............. C 24 Cutch.................... I Free. Cylinder window-glass-see Window-glass........... E 15 Darning- needles-see Needles of all kinds..... E 15 Dates.......................................... G 8 Demy paper-see Paper, demy, &c................. C 24 45 Sched. Pr. cent. Decoctions of log-wood, &c.-see Extracts and decoctions... -.......... H 4 De laines..-.................................... C 24 Diamonds, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious *stones, and imitations of precious stones, when set in gold, silver, or other metal....................... C 24 Diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, when not set................ H 4 Diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, imitations thereof, not set..- G 8 Diamonds, glaziers', set or not set........ F 12 Dolls, and toys of all kinds..-.-. —---- -. —----- -. C 24 Downs of all kinds-see Floss silk, &c.............. D 19 Dragons blood.................................. I Free. Drawers, wove on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c...... C 24 Drawers, wove on frames, wholly of cotton-see Caps, gloves, &c.. E 15 Drawing paper-see Paper, demy, &c -..... C 24 Drawings-see Philosophical apparatus, &c.-.-.- - --- I Free. Dressed and tanned skins-see Skins, tanned, &c...... E 15 Dried pulp.........-.......... E 15 Dried fish-see Fish, foreign, &c.................... E 15 Drugs, medicinal-see Medicinal drugs.............. E 15 Dutch metal, in leaf-see Metal, Dutch, &c.......... E 15 Dye-woods, extracts and decoctions of- see Extracts and decoctions. H 4 Dye-woods in sticks-see Brazil-wood, &c........... I Free. Dye, lac-see Lac dye-. H 4 Dyeing, articles used for, not in a crude state-see Articles not in a crude state, &c........ — - -I- H 4 Dyeing —see Articles in a crude state used for dyeing. I Free. Dyeing-see Berries, nuts, &c., in a crude state...... I Free. Earthen, China, and stone ware, and all other wares composed of earthy and mineral substances, not otherwise provided for --..... — --....... - -. C 24 46 Sched. Pr. cent.. E arths, ochrey, crude or ground-see Ochres and ochrey earths........................................ E 15 Earth, ochrey-see Ochres and ochrey earths......... E 15 Earth, fullers'-see Fullers' earth. G 8 East India gum-see Gum Arabic, &c.. G 8 Ebony-wood, manufactures of-see Manufactures of cedar-wood, &c-.-........................ -- -. B 30 Ebony-wood, unmanufactured-see Cedar-wood....... G 8 Effects, househould-see Household effects........... I Free.. Effects, personal and household-see Personal and household effects —-....... I Free. Effects, not merchandise, of persons arriving in the United States-see Wearing apparel in actual use. - - I Free. Elephant paper-see Paper, demy, &c.............. C 24 Embroideries of gold, silver, &c.-see Articles embroidered, &c. C 24 Embroidered manufactures, of cotton, silk, wool, worsted-see Manufactures of cotton, &c., embroidered- -G.... ^..... C 24 Emery, in lu mp or pulverized-.-... G 8 Engravings or plates, bound or unbound............. G 8 Envelopes, paper-see Paper envelopes.............. C 24 Epaulets, galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, tresses, and wings of gold, silver, or other metal-....... C 24 Epsom salts-see Salts, epsom, &c.. E 15 Essential oils-see Oils, volatile, &c................. -C 24 Etchings-see Philosophical apparatus, &c........... I Free. Ether........................................ E 15 Expressed oils-see Oils, volatile, &c C.. C 24 Extracts-see Balsams......................-. C 24 Extract of indigo.. -..........-. H 4 Extracts and decoctions of log-wood and other dyewoods, not otherwise provided... H 4 Extract of madder H 4 Fabrics wholly or in part of India rubber-see Braces, &c. C 24 Fancy boxes-see Paper boxes C 24 47 Sched. Pr. cent, Fans and fire-screens of every description, of whatever material composed............................. C 24 Feathers and flowers, artificial or ornamental, and parts thereof, of whatever material composed........... C 24 Feather beds-see Floss silk, &c................... D 19 Feathers for beds —see Floss silk, &c. D 19 Felspar..-. ---------- E 15 Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels................. I Free. Fig-blue....-.-.-..... -—..................... E 15 Fire-arms-see Muskets, &c....................... C 24 Fire-crackers................................... C 24 Fire-screens-see Fans and fire-screens......-.. C 24 Fire-wood-see Wood, unmanufactured.............. C 24 Fish, preserved in oil-see Anchovies.. B 30 Fish, foreign, whether fresh, smoked, salted, dried or pickled, not otherwise provided for................ E 15 Fish glue, or isinglass..................-....... E 15 Fish skins. ——. —-- -- - E 15 Fish oils-see Oils, neatsfoot, &c..E 15 Flags, matting, or mats of-see Matting, China, &c-.. D 19 Flannels-see Baizes, &c.. - -.......................... D 1.9 Flats, braids, plaits, sparterre and willow squares, used for making hats or bonnets-...... C 24 Flax, manufactures of-see Manufactures of flax, &c. E 15 Flax, unmanufactured. — I Free. Flax, tow of-see Codilla................-......... F 12 Flaxseed....................................... E 15 Flints..................................... H 4 Flint, ground-................................... H 4 Floor cloths-see Baizes &c.,.....-.. D 19 Floor matting-see Matting, China, &c.............. D 19 Floss silks, feather beds, feathers for beds, and downs of all kinds..................... D 19 Flour, wheat-see Wheat and wheat flour....... E 15 Flour, rye-see Rye and rye flour. E 15 Flour of sulphur............................... E 15 48 Sched. Pr. cent. Flowers see Feathersa nd flowers..C 24 Flowers, used exclusively in dyeing, &c.-see Berries, nuts, &c..- —............-.. —. —.... —-—... I Free. Flowers not otherwise provided for-see Berries, vegetables, &c....................... —-------------- E a15 Foolscap paper-see Paper, demy, &c....... C 24 Frames and sticks for umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, finished or unfinished..................... C 24 Frankfort black................................. E 15 French chalk..........I.. H 4 Fresh fish-see Fish, foreign, &c...... E 15 Fruit preserved in sugar, brandy, or molasses-see Comfits.... B 30 Fruit, green, ripe, or dried. —.. --... G 8 Fullers' earth............................... G 8 Fulminates, or fulminating powders.................. E 15 Furniture, cabinet and household................... - C 24 Furniture-see Composition table-tops......a......... B 30 Fur manufactures-see Caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur............... C 24 Fur caps-see Caps, &c., of fur.................... C 24 Furs, dressed, on the skin...E 15 Furs, hatters', dressed or undressed, not on the skin... G 8 Furs, undressed, when on the skin................... G 8 Galloons, gold, silver, &c.-see Epaulets............ C 24 Galloons, cotton-see Cotton cords, &c.............. C 24 Galvanized tin plates-see Tin plates, galvanized...... G 8 Gamboge....................................... E 15 Game, prepared-see Prepared vegetables, meats, &c.. B 30 Garden seeds, and all other seeds for agricultural, horticultural, medicinal, and manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for....I Free. Gelatine-see Macaroni, &c..C...................... 24 Gems, set-see Diamonds, &c., set................. C 24 Gems-see Philosophical apparatus, &c.............. I Free. Gems, not set-see Cameos, &c., not set............. H 4 49 Sched. Pr. cent. Gems, imitations of, not set-see Diamonds, &c. - G 8'German silver —see Argentine.......................C 24 German steel-see Steel in bars, &c.... —---------- F 12'Gilt ware-see Plated and gilt ware................ C 24 Gimps, cotton-see Cotton cords, &c- ---—... C 24 Ginger, ground.................-... C 24 Ginger, dried, green, ripe, preserved or pickled.... E 15 Glass, cut.. - -........................ B 30 Glass, colored, stained, or painted.- C 24 Glass crystals for watches. -........ —--—. —------ C 24 Glasses or pebbles for spectacles.-. C 24 Glass tuamblers, plain, moulded, or pressed, not cut or punted. -. C 24 Glass, paintings on-see Paintings on glass........... C 24 Glass, porcelain-see Porcelain glass................ C 24 Glass, compositions of, set-see Compositions of glass or paste, when set......... C 24 Glass, compositions of, not set-see Compositions of glass or paste, not set..............-....... G 8 Glass, window-see Window-glass.. E 15 Glass, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured..... I Free. Glaziers' diamonds, set or not set-see Diamonds, glaziers'..F 12 Glauber salts-see Salts, epsom, &c.. E 15 Gloves, made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c., made on frames.- -- —. C 24 Gloves, wholly of cotton, made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c., made on frames..................... E 15 Glue -------- - E 15 Glue, fish --- --. E. 15 Goats' hair, manufactures of —see Manufactures of goats' hair, &c.......... D 19 Goats' hair, unmanufactured —see Angora, Thibet, and other goats' hair.- -...........-.-... E 15 Gold embroideries-see Articles embroidered with gold.. C 24 4 50 Sched. Pr. cent. Gold, manufactures of —see Manufactures of brass, &c.. C 24 Gold coin-see Coin. I Free. Gold and silver leaf. - *.._._... F 12 Gold-beaters' skin... G 8 Goods, wares, and merchandise, the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, exported to a foreign country, and brought back to the United States in the same condition as when exported, upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed: provided, that all regulations to ascertain the identity thereof prescribed by existing laws, or which may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be complied with. —-- -—. —..-.- I Free. Granadilla-wood, manufactures of-see Manufactures of cedar-wood, &c.. --- ----------- B 30 Granadilla-wood, unmanufactured-see Woods, &c.... G 8 Grapes.. G 8 Grass bonnets-see Hats and bonnets composed of straw, &c... C 24 Grass baskets-see Baskets, &c., composed of grass, &c. C 24 Grass cloth...... -................ D 19 Grass, Sisal-see Jute, &c., unmanufactured..-. D 19 Grass mats and matting-see Matting, China, &c...... D 19 Grease-see Tallow, &c... G 8 Green vitriol-see Copperas....................... E 15 Green turtle................................. E 15 Grindstones..................................... H 4 Ground plaster of Paris-see Plaster of Paris........... E 15 Gum benzoin, or Benjamin.. —--------- --—.... C 24 Gums' —Arabic, Barbary, copal, East India, Senegal, substitute, tragacanth, and all other gums and resins in a crude state...........-........ G 8 Guano....................................... I Free. Gunny cloth........................ E 15 Gun powder............................. E 15 Gutta percha, unmanufactured........... H 4 51 Sched. Pr. cent. Hair, human, cleansed or prepared fbr use............ C 24 Hair of all kinds, uncleaned and unmanufactured...... G 8 Hair, goats', unmanufactured-see Angora, Thibet, and other gcats' hair........................ E 15 Hair of the alpaca, the goat, and other like animals, in certain conditions-see Wool... I Free. Hair, curled, moss, sea-weed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds or mattresses. - E 15 Hair cloth, hair seating, and all other manufactures of hair not otherwise provided for. D 19 Hair, hats, &c., of-see Hats and bonnets of straw, hair, &c.............. -.-..... C 24 Hair pencils.............................. C 24 Hair seating-see Hair cloth, &c.................... D 19 Hams.-.....,-............. —---- E 15 Harness furniture-see Coach furniture.. C 24 Hats-see Hats and bonnets, &c. C 24Hats, flats, braids for making-see Flats, &c -... — -. - C 24 Hat bodies of cotton.................. C 24 Hats and bonnets, for men, women, and children, composed of straw, satin-straw, chip, grass, palm-leaf, willow, or any other vegetable substance, or of hair, whalebone, or other material, not otherwise provided for.. C 24 Hats of wool........................ E 15 Hat bodies, made of wool, or of which wool shall be a component material of chief value - E 15 Hatters' plush, composed of silk and cotton, but of which cotton is the component material of chief value E 15 Hearth rugs-see Carpets.. —------------- -....... C 24 Hemp, unmanufactured. —....................... C 24 JIemp, manufactured-see Manufactures of hemp...... E 15 Hemp, tow of-see Codilla. —--------------- --—. F 12 Hemp seed, and rape seed. G 8 Hemp seed or linseed, and rape seed oil, and all other oils used in painting........................... E 15 Hides, raw, of all kinds —see Raw hides and skins.... H 4 52 Sched. Pr. cent. Honey......................................... C 24 Horn, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone, &c. C 24 Horns, horn-tips, bones, bone-tips, and teeth, unmanufactured -......-.. H 4 Household furniture-see Furniture.C 24 Household effects, old and in use, of persons or families from foreign countries, if used abroad by them, and not intended for any other person or persons, or for sale. I Free. Hulled barley-see Pearl or hulled barley.- - E 15 Human hair, cleansed or prepared for use............ C 24 Hydriodate of pot ash —see Chromate, bichromate, &c. E 15 Ice. —-...-..............-....... I Free. Illustrated newspapers-see Books, &c. G 8 Imitations of wines-see Wines... —-............. B 30 Imitations of cameos or mosaics, set-see Cameos, &c., set........................... C 24 Imitations of precious stones, set-see Diamonds, &c., set —.-...-....-........-.....-. C 24 Imitations of jewelry-see Jewelry.... C 24 Imitations of cameos and mosaics, not set-see Cameos and mosaics, imitations of, not set. ------- --------- G 8 Imitations of diamonds, gems, &c., not set-see Diamonds, imitations of, &c., not set.. - G 8 Imitations of jet'-see Jet and manufactures of C 24 Imperial paper-see Paper, antiquarian, &c... C 24 India rubber, fabrics of-see Braces, &c.............. C 24 India rubber shoes-see Shoes wholly of India rubber. C 24 India rubber, in bottles, slabs, or sheets, unmanufactured H 4 India rubber, milk of.-.-. —----—............ H 4 Indian corn and corn meal. E 15 Indigo, extract of-see Extract of indigo.. — -------- H 4 Indigo. ---—.. ——. —-. —----------... H 4 Ingrain carpeting —see Carpets. —-. ——...... —. C 24 Ink and ink-powder ----------...-.. — C 24 Insertings, cotton-see Cotton insertings. D 19 Insertings, thread-see Thread laces, &c... E 15 53 Sched. Pr. cent. Instruments, musical-see Musical instruments --—. E 15 Ipecacuanha..... E 15 Iridium................... E 15 Iris, or orris-root.-.-. —------------------..... E 1.5 Iron in bars, bloom, bolts, loops, pigs, rods, slabs, or other form, not otherwise provided for. C 24 Iron castings-see Castings of iron....... C 24 Iron, old or scrap-see Old or scrap iron... C 21 Iron, vessels of, cast-see Vessels of cast iron --—. — C 24 Iron, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass, &c.- C 24 Iron, sulphate of-see Copperas, &c................. E 15 Iron, liquor.................-..-.. E 15 Isinglass —see Fish glue.E........... 15 Ivory, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone, &c. C 24 Ivory, vegetable, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone, &c. --.-. —-----—.. —----- --- C 24 Ivory black.. —............ E 15 Ivory, unmanufactured-........................... I Free. Ivory nuts, or vegetable ivory.. H 4 Jalap..... —...... ——. E 15 Japanned ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for. C 24 Japanned saddlery-see Saddlery, common, &c. E 15 Jeddo gum-see Gum Arabic...................... G 8 Jellies-see Maccaroni............. 24 Jet, and manufactures of jet, and imitations thereof. C 24 Jewelry, real or imitation.................. C 24 Juice, liquorice-see Liquorice paste, &c............. E 15 Juice, lemon or lime-see Lemon and lime juice. —-- G S Juniper berries................................. E 15 Junk, old......................-.. -........... I Free. Jute, Sisal grass, coir, and other vegetable substances, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for.-..... D 19 Jute, mats or matting-see Matting, China, &c.... D 19 Kelp.......................................... G 8 Kirschenwasser-see Cordials............... A 30 Kermes, mineral-see Mineral kermes................ F 12 54 Sched. Pr. cent. Kermes......................... H 4 Knitting-needles-see Needles of all kinds for sewing, darning, or knitting............... E 15 Knots, of gold, silver, or other metal-see Epaulets, &c. C 24 Lac spirits............ H 4 Lac sulphur.. -............ H 4 Lac dye...H 4 Laces of gold, silver, or other metal-see Epaulets.... C 24 Laces, cotton-see Cotton laces, &c.. —. —----—. D 19 Laces, thread-see Thread laces.................. E 15 Lampblack..... E 15 Lard.-.................................. E 15 Lastings, cut in strips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, boots, bootees, slippers, gaiters, or buttons, exclusively, not combined with India rubber-.. H 4 Laths-see Boards, plank, &c................ E 15 Lead pencils. C 24 Lead, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass, &c. C 24 Lead, chromate of —see Chromate..................- - E 15 Lead, in pigs, bars, or sheets. —------—. -......... E 15 Lead, nitrate of-see Nitrate of lead....... E 15 Lead, white and red-see White and red lead........ E 15 Leaden pipes........ E 15 Leaden shot................... E 15 Leaf, gold and silver-see Gold and silver leaf.. F 12 Leather, manufactures of-see Manufactures of leather. C 24 Leather, tanned, bend, or sole..E 15 Leather, upper, of all kinds............ E 15 Leather, Japanned ---------—... —... -.. - D 19 Leaves, medicinal-see Medicinal drugs, &c. --- E 15 Leeches --------- - ------ - E 15 Leggins-see Caps, &c., made on frames............ C 24 Leggins, wholly of cotton-see Caps, &c., wholly of' cotton, made on frames.. E 15 Lemons and limes............-..-... —- -. —-. G 8 Lemon peel-see Orange and lemon peel............ E 15 55 Sched. Pr. cent. Lemon and lime juice............................ G 8 Letter paper-see Paper, antiquarian, &c............ C 21 Limes-see Lemons and limes..................... G 8 Lime juice-see Lemon and lime juice, ---------—. G 8 Lime --—,,,, G 8 Lime, sulphate of, unground-see Plaster of Paris. I Free. Lime, chloride of-see Bleaching powder............ H 4 Linen, manufactures of, embroidered-see Manufactures of cotton, linen, &c.............. C 24 Linens of all kinds... — -.,,,.- E 15 Linseed, but not embracing flaxseed --—.. I Free. Linseed oils-see Hempseed or linseed oil, &c. -. E 15 Liqueurs-see Cordials-.-....... A 30 Liquor, iron-see Iron liquor -. -.., E 15 Liquorice, paste, juice, or root..................... E 15 Listings, woolen-see Woolen listings............... E 15 Litharge.-........................... E 15 Logwood, extract or decoction of-see Extracts and decoctions-.............................. H 4 iLoops, iron-see Iron in bars, &c. -.-. C 24 Maccaroni, vermicelli, gelatine, jellies, and all other similar preparations............... C 24 Mace.,H 4 Machinery, exclusively designed, and expressly imported for the manufacture of flax and linen goods........ G 8.Madder, extract of-see Extract of madder.-........ H 4 Madder, ground or prepared ----...-..-. I Free. Madder root-,.......................... I Free. Maderia-see Wines....- B 30 Magazines —see Books................ G 8 Mahogany-wood, manufactures of-see Manufactures of cedar-wood, &c. B 30 Mahogany-wood, unmanufactured-see Woods, &c. -,. G 8 -Malt........-............... E 15 Manganese-........-................. E 15 Manna-....-...-.......,....................... E 15 56 Sched. Pr. cento. Manufactures of cedar-wood, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose-wood, and satin-wood................. B 30 Manufactures ofjet-see Jet. -C 24 Manufactures of the bark of the cork tree, except corks. C 24 Manufactures of bone, shell, horn, pearl, ivory, or vegetable ivory —................... — C 24 Manuf:ctures, articles, vessels, and wares, not otherwise provided for, of brass, copper, gold, iron, lead, pewter, platina, silver, tin, or other metal, or of which either of those metals or any other metal shall be the component material of chief value................... C 24Manufactures composed wholly of cotton, bleached, printed, painted or dyed.............. C 24 Manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, wool, or worsted, if embroidered or tamboured in the loom or otherwise, by machinery, or with the needle or other process. - C 24 Manufactures, articles, vessels, and wares, of glass, or of which glass shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for..C 24, Manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise providedfor. C 24 Manufactures and articles of marble, marble paving tiles, and all other marble more advanced in manufacture than in slabs or blocks in the rough...... C 24 Manufactures of paper, or of which paper is a component material, not otherwise provided for............... C 24 Manufactures, articles, and wares of papier-mache.. C 24Manufactures of wood, or of which wood is a component part, not otherwise provided for... C 24 Manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for..-...-... -............. C 24 Manufactures of hair-see Hair cloth, hair seating, &c.. D 19 Manufactures of fur-see Caps, hats, muffs, and tippets of fur, &c.................................... C 24 57 Sched. Pr. cents Manufactures composed wholly of cotton, not otherwise provided for.........-........... D 1,9' Manufactures of goats' hair or mohair, or of which goats' hair or mohair shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for. D 19, Manufactures of silk, or of which silk shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for....... D 19 Manufactures of worsted, or of which worsted shall be a component material, not otherwise provided for... D 19' Manufactures of flax, not otherwise provided for....... E 15Manufactures of hemp, not otherwise provided for. E 15 Manufactures of mohair cloth, silk twist, or other manufacture of cloth suitable for the manufacture of shoes, cut in slips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, slippers, boots, bootees, gaiters, or buttons, exclusively, not combined with India rubber.. H 4 Manufactures of lastings suitable for shoes, boots, bootees, or buttons, exclusively-see Lastings... — -- HI. 4 Manures or substances expressly used for........... I Frees Maps and charts-................. I FreeMaraschino-see Cordials.... A 30 Marble, manufactures of-see Manufactures of marble. C 24 Marble paving tile-see Manufactures of marble....... C 24 Marble in the rough slab or block, unmanufactured.... E 15. Marine coral, unmanufactured...................... E 15. Marrow —see Tallow, marrow, &c... G 8. Matting, China, and other floor matting and mats, made of flags, jute, or grass.................. D 19 Meal, Indian corn-see Indian corn-... E 15 Meats, prepared-see Prepared vegetables, meats, &c.. B 30 Medals-see Cabinets of coins, &c.................. I Free. Medicinal preparations, not otherwise provided for..-.. C 30 Medicinal drugs, roots, and leaves in a crude state, not otherwise provided for...............-...-... E 15, Mercurial preparations —see Calomel- -.........- D 19' 58 Sched. Pr. cent. Metal embroideries-see Articles embroidered.. C 24 Metals, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass, &c. C 24 Metals, silver plated-see Silver plated metals........ C 24 Metal, Dutch and bronze, in leaf..................... E 15 Metals, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for... E 15 Metal, type-see Type metal.................... E 15 Metallic pens......... —-.............-.......... C 24 Mineral waters.- -.-.. —- -—. — - - C 24 Mineral and bituminous substances in a crude state, not otherwise provided for.......................... E 15 Mineral kermes ---. —-—................... —.. —- F 12 Minerals —see Specimens of natural history............ I Free. Mits, made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c.......... C 24 Mits made on frames, when wholly of cotton-see Caps, gloves, &c.................... E 15 Models of inventions and other improvements in the arts: provided, that no article or articles shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use. I Free. Mohair and silk twist-see Silk twist, &c ----------- C 24 Mohair, manufactures of-see Manufactures of goats' hair, &c...... D 19 Molasses...... —-- --------—..... —------- C 24 Mordant, patent-see Patent mordant............... E 15 Mosaics, real, and imitations, when set-see Cameos, &c. C 24 Mosaics, not set-see Cameos, &c., not set -..-... IH 4 Mosaics, imitations of, not set-see Diamonds, &c., not set G 8 Moss, for beds or mattresses-see Hair, curled, &c.... E 15 Moulds, button-see Button and button moulds.. D 19 Muffs-see Caps, hats, muffs, &c......... C 24 Muriatic acid-see Acids, acetic, &c...... H 4 Musical instruments of all kinds, and strings for musical instruments, of whip-gut, cat-gut, and all other strings of the same material-.............. -E 15 Music, printed with lines, bound or unbound.......... H 4 Muskets, rifles, and other fire-arms....-............. C 24 59 Sched. Pr. cent. Nails, copper-see Copper rods, &c................ E 15 Natron -. —-------------- G 8 Natural history, specimens of —see Specimens, &c. I Free. Neatsfoot oil-see Oils, neatsfoot, &c.-.............. E 15 Needles of all kinds, for sewing, darning, or knitting. E 1]5 Newspapers, illustrated-see Books, &c —--. G 8 Nickel. H 4 Nitrate of lead-. -E 15 Nitrate of' soda, refined, &c.-see Saltpetre, refined, &c. G 8 Nitrate of soda, when crude-see Saltpetre, when crude H 4 Nitric acid-see Acids, acetous, &c................. -E 15 Nutmegs........ -H 4 Nuts, not otherwise provided for.. C 24 Nuts, cocoa —see Cocoa nuts.... H -I 4 Nuts, used exclusively in dyeing, &c.-see Berries, nuts, &c. I Free. Nuts, ivory-see Ivory nuts.. H 4 Nut galls....I Free. Nux vomica................................. G 8 Oakum -.-..... —------ I Free. Oats and oat meal.- -....... — -. E 15 Ochres and ochrey earths......-...-.... E 15 Oil cloth of every description, of whatever material composed............... C 24 Oils, volatile, essential, or expressed, and not otherwise provided for...C 24 Oil, castor-see Castor oil.- -----—.. —- E 15 Oil, spermaceti, whale,. and other fish, of American fisheries, and all other articles the produce of such fisheries. —--- --—..................- —........ I Free. Oils, hempseed, linseed, rapeseed, and all other oils used in painting-see Hempseed oil, &c.... —. — E 15 Oils, neatsfoot and other animal oil, sperniaceti, whale, and other fish oil, the produce of foreign fisheries..- E 15 Oils, palm, seal, and cocoa nut...-... —-—..... H 4 Oil of vitriol —see Sulphuric acid...-...-....... H 4 60 Sched. Pr. cent. Old or scrap iron-see Iron, old, &c................. C 24 Old pewter-see Pewter, when old, &c.............. H 4 Olive oil in casks, other than salad oil... C 24 Olive salad oil, and all other olive oil, not otherwise provided for...............-...... C 24 Olives. C 24 Opium —.. -....... E 15 Oranges, lemons, and limes. ------- G 8 Orange and lemon peel... E 15 Orleans-see Anatto..H 4 Ornamental feathers or flowers-see Feathers... C 24 Orpiment. —...............-..-......... G 8 Orris, or iris root-see Iris or orris root.............. E 15 Osier baskets-see Baskets, composed of grass, osier, &c. —-—.. —-—. — ----—. —-—... C 24 Osier or willow, prepared for basket-maker's use. —-- E 15 Oxalic acid-see Acids, acetic, &c... H 4 Packthread-see Twines and packthread.-. C 24 Paddy-see Rice or paddy..-...................... E 15 Paintings and statuary... ——. —-------- I Free. Paintings on glass..- -... C 24 Painted glass-see Glass, painted......................... C 24 Paints, dry, or ground in oil, not otherwise provided for F 15 Palm-leaf, unmanufactured. -............... I Free. Palm-leaf baskets-see Baskets.................... C 24 Palm-leaf hats-see Hats and bonnets. -............. C 24 Palm oils-see Oils, palm, &c.-.......... H 4 Pamphlets-see Books, printed, &c.-....... G 8 Paper segars-see Segars, sxuff, &c.................. B 30 Paper, manufactures of —see Manufactures of paper, &c. C 24 Paper, antiquarian, demy, drawing, elephant, foolscap, imperial, letter, and all other paper, not otherwise provided for............................... C 24 Paper boxes, and all other fancy boxes.............. C 24 Paper envelopes................................. C 24 Paper hangings.....-.......................... - E 15 61 Sched. Pr. cent. Paper for screens or fire-boards.................E 15 Paper, sheathing-see Sheathing paper.............. E 15 Paper, music, bound or unbound-see Music paper... H 4 Papier-mache-see Manufactures of papier-mache.. C 24 Parchment-.............-.... C 24 Parasols, frames or sticks for-see Frames or sticks.. C 24 Parasols and sunshades -.... —- C 24 Paris white-see Whiting or Paris white.. E 15 Paste-see Balsams. - -.. C 24 Paste composition-see Compositions of glass or paste, when set C 24 Paste, liquorice-see Liquorice paste -.. E 15 Paste, Brazil-see Brazil paste................... E 12 Paste compositions, if not set —see Compositions of glass or paste, not set................................ G S Pastel —see Woad or pastel........................ H 4 Patent mordant.......-..,,-..-..-..... E 15 Paving tiles, marble-see Manufactures of marble.... C 24 Paving stones. -... —--..-.. E 15 Paving and roofing tiles, and bricks..... ——. E 15 Pearls, when set-see Diamonds, &c., set.. C 24 Pearl, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone, shell, pearl, &c -........ —.. C 24 Pearl or hulled barley. E 15 Pearls, not set-see Cameos, mosaics, diamonds, gems, pearls, &c., not set.................... H 4 Pearls, imitations thereof, not set-see Diamonds, pearls, &c., imitations thereof, not set -— G 8 Pearl, mother of............. H 4 Pebbles for spectacles-see Glasses or pebbles for spectacles.... C 24 Pencils, hair-see Hair pencils..................... C 24 Pencils, lead —see Lead pencils - C 24 Pencils, red chalk-see Red chalk pencils............ C 24 Pens, metallic-see Metallic pens......... C 24 Pepper.,. H 4 62 Sched. Pr. cent. Perfumes —see Balsams, &c......................... C 24 Perfumed soap-see Soap perfumed -.. -.. C 24 Periodicals, and other works, in course of printing and republication in the United States -----—. ——. --- E 15 Periodicals-see Books printed, &c —..; 8 Personal and household effects (not merchandise) of citizens of the United States dying abroad............ I Free. Peruvian bark-see Bark, Peruvian I Free. Pewter, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass, &c. C 24 Pewter, when old, and fit only to be remanufactured. - H 4 Pickles, capers, &c.-see Capers, &c. - C 24 Pickled fish-see Fish, foreign, whether fresh, &c —. E 15 Pigs, iron-see Iron, in bars, &c................. C 24 Pigs, lead-see Lead, in pigs, &c................. E 15 Pigs, brass-see Brass, in bars and pigs -.... —— I Free. Pigs, copper-see Copper, in pigs, &c- I Free. Pigs, tin-see Tin, in pigs, &c.-....... I Free. Pimento........ — -...-...-...... H 4 Pine apples.-............. G 8 Pipes, lead-see Leaden pipes, &c.-....... E 15 Pitch.-.... E 15 Pitch, Burgundy-see Burgundy pitch.... —-----—. D 19 Plaits for bonnets, &c.-see Flats, braids, plaits, &c.. C 24 Planks-see Boards, planks, &c.- —.- -- E 15 Plants, not otherwise provided for —see Trees, shrubs, &c. I Free. Plants, used exclusively in dyeing-see Berries, nuts, &c. I Free. Plantains - -- G. 8 Plaster of Paris, when ground..- -. E 15 Plaster of Paris, or sulphate of lime, unground. I Free. Plated metal, silver —see Silver plated metal, &c. —.. C 24 Plates, copper-see Copper in sheets, &c............ E 15 Plates, stereotype-see Stereotype plates. E 15 Plates, Terne tin-see Terne tin plates.............. G 8 Plates, tin, galvanized, or ungalvanized-see Tin plates, galvanized or ungalvanized...... G 8 Plates, bound or unbound-see Engravings or plates... G S 63 Sched. Pr. cent. Plated and gilt ware, of all kinds -... —------—. C 24 Platina, manufactures of-see Manufactures, &c.-. -. C 24 Platina, unmanufactured... I Free. Playing cards... - -C 24 Plumbago............................ E 15 Plums.......................................... G 8 Plush, hatters'-see Hatters' plush......... E 15 Pocket-books-see Card-cases, &c.-. C 24 Polishing stones............... G 8 Porcelain glass-see Glass, porcelain -....-.. C 24 Pork.......-.......-........ E 15 Porter, in casks or bottles-see Ale, beer, and porter.. C 24 Port wine-see Wines. B 30 Pot ash, nitrate of-see Saltpetre, refined or partially refined...G 8 Pot ash, nitrate of, when crude-see Saltpetre or nitrate of soda, &c., when crude -......-.. H 4 Potassiumn. ---------------- - --... —------— E 15& Pot ash, chromate, bichromate, and prussiate of-see'Chromate.. —-----—. —- E 15 Potatoes. C 24 Poultry, prepared-see Prepared vegetables, meats, &c. B 30 Powder, gun-see Gun powder.................... E 15 Powders, fulminating-see Fulminates............... E 156 Powders, bleaching-see Bleaching powder, &c.-.... H 4 Powder, ink-see Ink and ink powder ----—. —. C 24 Precious stones, and imitations thereof-see Diamonds, &c., when set.................................. C 24 Precious stones, not set-see Cameos, &c., when not set H 4Precious stones, imitations of, not set-see Diamonds, &c., imitations of, not set....................... G 8 Prepared vegetables, meats, poultry, and game, sealed or enclosed in cans, or otherwise........ B 30 Preparations, medicinal —see Medicinal preparations.. C 24 Preparations, mercurial-see Calomel, &c.- D 19 Preparations of salts-see Salts, epsom, &c......... E 15 64 Sched. Pr. cent. Preserved salmon-see Salmon, preserved............ C 24 Printed books, magazines, &c-see Books, printed..... G 8 Prunes............................... G 8 Prussian blue.............. H 4 Prussiate of pot ash-see Chromate, &c............. E 15 Pulp, dried-see Dried pulp. —.......-...... — —. E 15 Pumice........-.-.-.-...... —-. G 8 Pumice stone........................ G 8 Pumpkins....................... G 8 Putty. E 15 Pyroligneous acid-see Acids, acetic, &c............- -I 4 Quicksilver.....- --—....- ----- E 15 Quilla bark-see Bark, quilla.... -.... - F 12 Quills..-................ E 15 Quinine, sulphate of-see Sulphate................. E 15 Rags, of whatever material, except wool... —-- -. —. I Free. Raisins...-..-......i..-......... G 8 Rapeseed-see Hempseed.- -—.... —---—. G 8 Rapeseed oil-see Hempseed, &c., oil. -- -..-..-.- E 15 Ratafia-see Cordials....... A 30 Ratans and reeds unmanufactured. - -....... - --......... I Free. Raw silk-see Silks raw, not more advanced, &c - -...... F 12 Raw silk-see Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, &c.. -......I Free. Raw hides and skins of all kinds. H 4 Red chalk pencils.......C 24 Red chalk.........................- H 4 Red lead-see White and red lead-. E 15 Reeds unmanufactured-see Ratans, &c - I Free. Regulus of antimony-see Antimony, &c. -- - - G 8 Rhubarb.. —.. —---- ------—............ ----- E 15 Rice or paddy. — —..I.... E 15 Rifles-see Muskets --. C 24 Ringlets of hair-see Bracelets..-...- C 24 Rods, iron-see Iron in bars, &c. C 24 Rods, copper-see Copper rods, &c................. E 15 65 Sched. Pr. cent. Roll brimstone................................... E 15 Roman vitriol —see Blue or Roman vitriol............ E 15 Roman cement................................... E 15 Roofing slates, &c-. --------..... D 19 Roofing tiles-see Paving and roofing, &c.., E 15 Root, iris or orris-see Iris or orris root.............. E 15 Root, liquorice-see Liquorice paste, &c., E 15 Roots, medicinal-see Medicinal drugs, &c........... E 15 Root, madder-see Madder root.................... I Free. Roots, used exclusively in dyeing-see Berries, nuts, &c. I Free. Rose-wood, manufactures of —see Manufactures of cedar wood, &c........................... B 30 Rose-wood, unmanufactured-see Woods.- -. G 8 RouAtt.en stone,,-,,G 8 Roucou-see Anatto -............I.I........... H 4 Rough marble-see Marble in the rough............. E 15 Rubies and imitations, when set-see Diamonds, &c... C 24 Rubies, not set-see Cameos, &c., not set-..,, H 4 Rubies, imitations thereof, not set-see Diamonds, &c., imitations of, not set............................ G 8 Rugs —see Carpets..-.-.-.. C 24 Rye, and rye flour............................... E 15 Saddlery of all kinds, not otherwise provided for...... C 24 Saddlery, common tinned or japanned....... E 15 Safflower-........,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, I Free. Saffron and saffron cake-.................... E 15 Sago........................................... E 15 Salad oil-see Olive salad oil...................... C 24 Sal ammonia............................... G 8 Salmon, preserved.....,,.,,,,,,,, C 24 Sal soda, and all carbonates of soda by whatever names designated, not otherwise provided for........... G 8 Salted fish-see Fish, foreign, &c................... E 15 Saltpetre, or nitrate of soda or pot ash, when refined or partially refined............................ G 8 66 Sched. Pr. cent. Saltpetre or nitrate of soda or pot ash, when crude.... H 4 Salts, epsom, glauber, Rochelle, and all other salts and preparations of salts, not otherwise provided for..... E 15 Sardines-see Anchovies.......................... B 30 Sarsaparilla.................... E 15 Satin-wood, manufactures of see Manufactures of cedarwood, &c......................B 30 Satin-wood, unmanufactured-see Woods............ G 8 Satin-straw hats, bonnets, &c-see Hats, bonnets, &c.. C 24 Sauces-see Capers.............................. C 24 Saxony carpeting-see Carpets..................... C 24 Scagliola tops for tables, or other articles of furniture.. B 30 Scantling-see Boards, &c................ E 15 Scrap iron-see Iron, old or scrap............ C.24 Sculpture, specimens of-see Philosophical apparatus, &c........................................... I Free. Sealing wax.. C 24 Seating, hair-see Hair cloth................ D 19 Sea-weed, for beds, mattresses, &c-see Hair, curled, &c.......................................... E 15 Seeds-see Garden seeds, &c....... I Free. Seeds, hempseed, rapeseed —see Hempseed......... G 8 Seedlac..... O, H 4 Segars, snuff, paper segars, and all other manufactures of tobacco................. B 30 Senegal gum see Gum Arabic, &c................ G 8 Seppia.......... E 15 Sewing silk, in the gum or purified.................. 24 Sewing needles-see Needles of all kinds............ E 15 Shaddocks...................................... G 8 Shear steel-see Steel in bars................... F 12 Sheathing paper..................... E 15 Sheathing copper; but no copper to be considered such, and admitted free, except in sheets of forty-eight inches long and fourteen inches wide, and weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces the square foot... I Free. 67 Schel. Pr. cent. Sheathing metal, not wholly or in part of iron, ungalvanized....................... I Free. Sheathing felt-see Felt, adhesive, &c -.............. I Free. Sheeps' wool, on certain conditions-see Wool....... I Free. Sheets, silver plated metal-see Silver plated metal. C 24 Sheets, copper-see Copper in sheets. -- E 15 Sheets, lead-see Lead in pigs, &c................. E 15 Sheets, tin-see Tin in plates or sheets... —- G 8 Sheets, zinc, spelter or teutenegue-see Zinc, &c..... F 12 Sheets, India rubber-see India rubber, &c.......... H 4 Shell, manufactures of-see Manufactures of bone, &c. C 24 Shells of cocoa-see Cocoa shells..................- H 4 Shell boxes-see Card cases, &c... C 24 Shells, unman'ufactured-see Tortoise and other shells H 4 Shellac..-..................................... H 4 Sherry-see Wines.............................. B 30 Shingle bolts, and stave bolts.... —-................. —---- I Free. Shirts, made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c...-.-.. C 24 Shirts, made on frames, if wholly of cotton —see Caps, gloves, &c.................................... E 15 Shoes, composed wholly of India rubber.- -......... C 24 Shoddy-see Waste or shoddy. —....... H............. 4 Shot, leaden-see Leaden shot..................... E 15 Shrubs-see Trees, shrubs, &c..................... I Free. Side-arms of every description.... —................. C 24 Singles, silk-see Silk, raw, not more advanced, &c. - F 12 Silk, manufactures of, if embroidered-see Manufactures of cotton, linen, silk, &c.......................... C 24 Silk twist, and twist composed of mohair and silk..... C 21 Silk, sewing, purified-see Sewing silk.............. C 24 Silk, sewing, in the gum-see Sewing silk...... C 24 Silks, floss-see Floss silks................... -.. D 19 Silk, manufactures of-see Manufactures of silk...... — D 19 Silk and cotton hatters' plush-see Hatters' plush- -.. E 15 Silk and cotton velvet in the piece, cotton chief valuesee Velvet composed of cotton and silk............ -E 15 68 Sched. Pr. cent. Silk, raw, not more advanced in manufacture than singles, tram, and thrown, or organzine............ F 12 Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, not being doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture in any way.... I Free. Silk twist, suitable for the manufacture exclusively of shoes, cut in slips or patterns of the size and shape for shoes, boots, bootees, or buttons, slippers and gaiters, not combined with India rubber-see Manufactures of mohair cloth, &c... H 4 Silver embroideries-see Articles embroidered, &c..... C 24 Silver, manufactures of see Manufactures of brass, &c. C 24 Silver-plated metal, in sheets or other form........... C 24 Silver leaf-see Gold and silver leaf...... F 12 Silver coin-see Coins.......................... I Free. Sisal grass-see Jute, &c......................... D 19 Skins, fish-see Fish skins......................... E 15 Skins, furs dressed on-see Furs dressed on the skin... E 15 Skins, goldbeaters'-see Goldbeater's skins............ G 8 Skins of all kinds, japanned................... D 19 Skins, tanned and dressed of all kinds............... E 15 Skins, raw, of all kinds-see Raw hides and skins., &c. H 4 Skins of all kinds, not otherwise provided for.......... E 15 Slabs, iron-see Iron in bars, &c- C 24 Slabs, marble —see Marble in the rough.............. E 15 Slabs of India rubber, unmanufactured.............. H 4 Slates, roofing-see Roofing slates.................. D 19 Slates, other than roofing-see Roofing slates, &c..... D 19 Slate pencils.................................... E 15 Smalts...-..... E 15 Smoked fish-see Fish, foreign, &c......- --—..-.. E 15 Snuff-see Segars, snuff, &c....................B 30 Soap, Castile, perfumed, Windsor, and all other kinds.. C 24 Soap stocks and stuffs-see Tallow. ----—..... G 8 Socks, made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c.....- C 21 Socks, made on frames, wholly of cotton-see Caps, gloves, &c., made on frames, wholly of cotton...... E 16 Soda, sal —see Sal soda........................... G 8 69 Sched. Pr. cent. Soda, carbonates of-see Sal soda................... G 8 Soda, nitrate of, refined, &c.-see Saltpetre, refined... G 8 Soda, nitrate of, when crude-see Saltpetre, crude.... H 4 Soda ash.... -.....-..... II 4 Sole leather-see. Leather, tanned, &c................ E 15 Souvenirs-see Card-cases......................... C 24 Spar ornaments-see Alabaster and spar ornaments... B 30 Spars-see Boards, plank, &c.............. E 15 Sparterre for hats, bonnets, &c.-see Flats, braids, sparterre, &c. -...- -.......-.................. C 24 Spectacles, glasses for-see Glasses or pebbles for spectacles...............a.-.-............ C 24 Specimens of sculpture-see Philosophical apparatus, &c................. I Free. Specimens of natural history, mineralogy or botany... I Free. Spelter in sheets-see Zinc, spelter, &c -.. —-----—. F 12 Spelter, unmanufactured-see Zinc, spelter, &c., unmanufactured...... — I................. H 4 Spermaceti oil —see Spermaceti, whale and other oils, of American fishery............................ I Free. Spermaceti oil, foreign-see Neatsfoot, &c. E 15 Spermaceti candles and tapers..................... E 15 Spices of all kinds..................... —H....... - H 4 Spikes, copper-see Copper rods, &c.............. E 15 Spirits distilled from grain-see Brandy............ A 30 Spirituous beveragessee Cordials.................. A 30 Spirits, lac-see Lac spirits. H 4 Spirits of turpentine............................. E 15 Sponges-....... G 8 Spunk... —-........ -------- ---- -- ----- - E 15 Squills..-.................-............-...... E 15 Stained glass-see Glass, colbred, stained, or painted. C 24 Starch......................... E 15 Stars, of gold or silver-see Epaulets................ C 24 Statuary-see Paintings and statuary.. -....... I Free. Staves-see Boards, plank, &c. —------- ---------. E 15 Stave bolts-see Shingle and stave bolts....... I Free. 70 Sched. Pr. cent. Stearine candles and tapers........................ E 15 Steel, not otherwise provided for................... E 15 Steel, in bars, cast, shear; or German............... F 12 Stereotype plates............................... E 15 Sticks for walking-see Canes, &c.................. C 2t Sticks for umbrellas —see Frames and sticks for umbrellas, &c....................................... C 24 Still bottoms.................................... E 15 Stockings made on frames-see Caps, gloves, &c., made on frames.................. C 24 Stockings, wholly of cotton, made on frames-see Caps, bonnets, &c., wholly of cotton, made on frames.... E 15 Stones, precious, when set —see Diamonds, &c., when set........................................... C 24 Stones, precious, when not set-see Cameos, &c., not set H 4 Stones, precious, imitations thereof, not set-see Diamonds, &c., imitations of, not set. G 8 Stones, paving-see Paving stones.................. E 15 Stones, building —see Building stones................ G 8 Stones, burr, unmanufactured-see Burr stones....... I Free. Stone ware-see Earthen, China, and stone ware.. C 24 Stones, polishing-see Polishing stones............ G 8 Stone, pumice-see Pumice stone.................. G 8 Stone, rotten-see Rotten stone.... G 8 Straw baskets-see Baskets composed of grass, straw, &c........................................... C 24 Straw hats and bonnets-see Hats nd bonnets composed of straw, &c..................... C 24 Strings of whip-gut or cat-gut, for musical instrumentssee Musical instruments......................... E 15 Strings, all other of the same material-see Musical instruments. G 8 Substances expressly used for manures.............. I Free. Substitute gums or burnt starch-see Gum Arabic.. G 8 Sugar of all kinds................... C 24 Sugar, syrup of —see Syrup of sugar............... C 24 71 Sched. Pr. cent. Sulphate of lime, unground —see Plaster of Paris..... I Free. Sulphate of copper-see Blue or Roman vitriol........ E 15 Sulphate of iron-see Copperas..... E 15 Sulphate of barytes, crude or refined................ E 15 Sulphate of quinine.-............................ E 15 Sulphate of zinc-see White vitriol................ E 15 Sulphuric acil, or oil of vitriol......... H 4 Sulphur, flour of-see Flour of sulphur............. E 15 Sulphur, lac-see Lac sulphur..................... H 4 Sumac......................................... H 4 Sunshades-see Parasols and sunshades.............. C 24 Sunshades, frames and sticks for-see Frames and sticks for parasols...C................ C 24 Suspenders, wholly or in part of India rubber-see Braces........................ C 24 Sweetmeats-see Comfits.......................... B 30 Syrup of sugar.......................... C 24 Tragacanth, gum-see Gum Arabic, &c......G. 8 Tallow candles................ E 15 Tallow, marrow, and all other grease and soap stocks and soap stuffs not otherwise provided for......... G 8 Tanned leather-see Leather, tanned................ E 15 Tanned and dressed skins-see Skins tanned and dressed E L5 Tanning, articles used in, not in a crude state, not otherwise provided for —see Articles used in dyeing or tanning....................................... I Free. Tapers, spermaceti-see Spermaceti candles and tapers E 15 Tapers, stearine-see Stearine candles and tapers... E 15 Tapers, wax-see Wax candles and tapers. E 15 Tapioca.......................... E 15 Tar............................................ E 15 Tartaric acid-see Acids, acetic... —................. —-- H 4 Tartar, cream of-see Cream of tartar............... H 4 Tartar, crude-see Argols...I.............. Free. Tassels of gold, silver, or other metal-see Epaulets... C 24 Tea, from place of production-see Coffee and tea.... I Free. 72 Sched. Pr. cent. Teeth, unmanufactured-see Horns, &c. H 4 Terne tin, in plates or sheets....................... G 8 Terra japonica, catechu, or cutch.-.................. I Free. Teutenegue, in sheets-see Zinc, spelter, and teutenegue, in sheets................................... F 12 Teutenegue, unmanufactured-see Zinc, &c., unmanufactured....II............. H 4 Thibet, goats' hair, unmanufactured-see Angora, Thibet, &c............ E 15 Thread lacings and insertings. ---—...................... —- E 15 Thrown silk-see Silk, raw, not more advanced, &c... F 12 Tiles, marble paving-see Manufactures of marble... C 24 Tiles, roofing or paving —see Paving and roofing tiles. E 15 Timber, hewn and sawed-see Boards, planks, &c.... E 15 Timber to be used in building wharves-see Boards, planks, &c................................... E 15 Tin, manufactures of-see Manufactures of brass, &c.. C 24 Tin, in plates or sheets, galvanized or ungalvanized.- G 8 Tin, in pigs, bars, or blocks.................. I Free. Tinned saddlery-see Saddlery, common, &c........ E 15 Tincal —see Borax, crude.......H.............. H 4 Tinctures-see Balsams........................... C 24 Tippets of fur-see Caps, &c., of fur............. C 24 Tobacco, manufactures of-see Segars........... B 30 Tobacco, unmanufactered......C 24 Tortoise and other shells, unmanufactured............ I H 4 Tow of hemp or flax-see Codilla........ F 12 Toys-see Dolls....................... C 24 Tram, silk-see Silks, raw, not more advanced, &c... F 12 Trees, shrubs, bulbs, plants and roots, not otherwise provided for I Free. Tresses gold, silver, or other metal-see Epaulets.. C 24 Trimmings, cotton —see Cotton laces............... D 19 Tumblers, glass-see Glass tumblers.. C 24 Turkey carpeting-see Carpets.................... C 24 Turmeric....................................... H 4 Sched. Pr. cent. Turpentine, spirits of-see Spirits of turpentine........ E 15 Turtle, green-see Green turtle..................... E 15 Twines and packthread, of whatever materials composed C 24 Twist, silk, or silk and mohair-see Silk twist —. C 24 Type metal............-..........,,,. E 15 Types, new or old................................ E 15 Umbrellas........................,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, C 24 Umbrella frames and sticks-see Frames,............. C 24 Upper leather.. -....-........,,..-...... E 15 Vanilla beans.................................... E 15 Vegetable ivory, manufactured-see Manufactures of bone, &c,..................,,.,.,,,.,,,. C 24 Vegetable ivory, or ivory nuts —see Ivory nuts........ H 4 Vegetables, prepared-see Prepared vegetables....... B 30 Vegetable substances used in making hats and bonnetssee Hats and bonnets.,. C 24 Vegetable substances, unmanufactured-see Jute..-. D 19 Vegetables not otherwise provided for-see Berries, vegetables.,,................................. E 15 Vegetable substances used for beds and mattresses —see Hair, curled................................ E 15 Vegetables used exclusively in dyeing-see Berries, nuts.................................... I Free. Vellum.. —----- -----....... —-----—....... C 24 Velvet in the piece, composed wholly of cotton........ E 15 Velvet in the piece, composed of cotton and silk, but of which cotton is the component material of' chief value. E 15 Venetian carpeting-see Carpets................... C 24 Verdegris..........,,,.............. E 15 Vermicelli-see Macaroni.................. —-------—. C 24 Vermillion..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............. E 15 Vessels of cast iron —see Iron, cast, &c.............. C 24 Vessels of metal —see Manufactures of brass, &c...... C 24 Vessels of glass —see Manufactures of glass... -. C 24 Vinegar.,..,.......................... C 24 6 74 Sched. Pr. cent. Vitriol, green —see Cepperas....................... E 15 Vitriol, white-see White vitriol, or sulphate ot zinc.. E 15 Vitriol, oil of-see Sulphuric acid................... H 4 Volatile oil-see Oils, volatile, &c.. C 21 Wafers................. C 24 Wares composed of earthy and mineral substances, not otherwise provided for —see Earthen, &c......... C 24 Wares, japanned-see Japanned wares. C 24 WVares of metal-see Manufactures of brass, &c..... C 24 Wares of glass-see Manufactures of glass........... C 24 Wares of papier-mache —see NManufactures of papiermache......................................, C 24 Wares, plated and gilt-see Plated and gilt wares..... C 24 Waste, or shoddy..... H 4 Watches, crystals for- -see Glass crystals for watches, C 24 Watches, and parts of watches.......... G 8 Watch materials and unfinished parts of watches..... H 4 Waters, mineral-see Mineral waters.........., C 24 Water colors.................................... C 24 Wax beads-see Beads....,.................. C 24 Wax, sealing-see Sealing wax..........., C 24 Wax, bees'-see Beesi wax.................,.... E 15 Wax candles and tapers................. E 15 Wearing apparel-see Clothing, ready-made...... C 21 Wearing apparel in actual use, and other personal effects not merchandise, professional books, implements, instruments, and tools of trade, occupation, or employment, of persons arriving in the United States: provided, that this exemption shall not be construed to include machinery, or other articles imported for use in any manufacturing establishment, or for sale.. -. I Free. Webbing, composed wholly or in part of India rubbersee Braces.............................. C 24 Weld.................................... I Free. Whalebone baskets-see Baskets................... C 24 Whalebone hats and bonnets-see Hats and bonnets.. C 24 Sched. Pr. cent. Whale oil, foreign-see Oils, neatsfoot, &c........... E 15 Whale oil of American fisheries-see Oils, spermaceti, &c.......................................... I Free. Whalebone, the produce of foreign fisheries........... E 15 Wheat and wheat flour...................... E 15 White acid-see Acids, acetic, &c................. H 4 White and red lead.....-.-................... E 15 White, Paris —see Whiting, or Paris white... E 15 White vitriol, or sulphate of zinc.................. E 15 Whiting, or Paris white........................... E 15 Willow baskets-see Baskets. -..................... C 24 Willow hats and bonnets —see Hats and bonnets of straw, &c.............-......-...........-.. C 24 Willow squares, for hats and bonnets-see Flats...... C 24 Willow prepared for basket-makers' use-see Osier and willow............................... E 15 Wilton carpeting-see Carpets.................... C 24 Window-glass, broad, crown, or cylinder. E 15 Windsor soap-see Soap.......................... C 24 Wines, Burgundy, Champagne, claret, Madeira, port, sherry, and all other wines, and imitations of wines.. B 30 Wings of gold, silver, metal-see Epaulets........... C 24 Woad or pastel.................................. H 4 Wood, manufactures of-see Manufactures of wood.... C 24 Wood, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for.... C 24 Wood, fire-see Fire-wood........................ C 24 Woods, cedar, granadilla, ebony, mnahogany, rose-wood, and satin-wood, when manufactured.............. B 30 Woods, namely, cedar, box, ebony, lignumvitat, granadilla, mahogany, rose-wood, s atin-wood, and all other cabinet woods, unmanufactured-................. G S Woods, dye, extracts or decoctions of-see Extracts and decoctions..............-. —----—........ H. 4 Wood, dye-see Brazil-wood and all other dye-woods in sticks....... I Free. Wool, manufactures of-see Manufactures of wool, &c.. C 24 76 Wool, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for.... C 24 Wool costing 20 cents or less per pound...... I Free. Woolen and worsted yarn....... D 19 Wool hats-see Hats of wool.... 1 15 Wool hat bodies-see Hat bodies of wool E 15 Woolen listings................................ E 1b Worsted manufactures-see Manufactures of worsted.. D 19 Works (foreign) in course of republication-see Periodi- cals-........................................ E 15 Ya ms -........................................ E t1 Yarn, woolen and worsted-see Woolen and worsted yarn D 19 Yellow acid-see Acids, acetic, &c................. H 4 Zinc, sulphate of-see White vitriol................ E 15 Zinc, spelter or teutenegue, in sheets..F 12 Zinc, spelter or teutenegue, unmanufactured.......... H 4