A~ 59950 tllliil r,..T.M,.'. ' > a.. fi z D.<.U..g \gSS ~g-g..ffir _II,D XW ~li W 41D '21..SS'r 2112> 24S...1 x.>. l','r-'I f 4D '. rr2..14. ' '.2.x2i 2>' D.X ' 22 21.1S.. ' R g1 E.22 tg. i.1S. 22 E..,>S'H..X 4-42j4 R2.4L>*x2L yy. 1>3SS 211S22 -n; i.D r "S. 4~S.. r 2 z 1 aSDI2-. Dl 1.I.421Di21 XEC4 22E|v5;X22S r1 ~s '~r 2 r41 i10lrl.2 XMr'2D 11;I,2Eg 2g||!! I;@ 1||l l l i Y 44 i2 i iiiiii;252.I i i Yli / i2il~ii' i ~ 2.i 4 442.iiX i~ i i3 i i i41j 2,i4 2i Yi ii4 il2 D Xi I N D2,z2r 22M1g1> z 2YEXc vI.4.<..2Sr1iE. 4rr4i.11 lcr2g....10 2cU.1Il.1E 2ru2 111 12 1l2M1 I 11 ti ~~~ * l l0 0 0 illll ll l.................. | 11 1 1 1 11 111 lllll 111 11 l i | W DD.gr1I li *0i 4. 4 r i i;: I: ii: X I; i.l:i I: t. 41i 1 '3X~i f ~~i 4. Si.E NS............................................... 4 cs S2raN.......... D X.S 4 4 D Xl Esi->>Er l 0 | l |||||iS 1 S ||||||i000000|00000l||30D4 -|n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'r:~~ls~lllig~ I 0 i- ~ll~iiililli ll illlllllllllillllllllliriiXi'e }''esented as soo(n as ptracticablle (11nd the imnolrtanc ofel its I;assae(, at, this session of Congress, for thlie reasons stated,!e imnl:sstd( u'on tlat o (tly. Aery res;-ectfullvy, (. I}. LotPWARlS. 1]!i(/(ffI -(r<( t 1tO!,. iS. -. Ar'lto, ( u'h 1 of Ihra1 (u. The SFIECRETAl'Y OF WAR. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW OF 1909, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. AN A.' To revise alnd amlend the tariff flaws,f lie Ihitiie Ishlaids,.nd: for other 1pu rposes. Be i' ecnacteld h,! the S (na tt l ld l oI.,,it" ( hIo ' )c setuct," witelrevel used(C in this act, shall bl1e 11cld t, iticlulde all it(iceines or1 p)'paia:'ltions, riecognized il tle I'litiled Stat S If;arlI:llaclepia or Nationall F(1ornular1 for internal l' exten('lal us(e, zlld any stlstnl(Oc, ()' llixtIure of substalnces, used for tile cure, lml itgigtilt o1 0 r1ievelti0n1 of hiimirian or a.niilal dliseases, lpovi(itedI tlhe.sa11me 411'(e lot otlherwlise provi(led for in this act. T'le ter l> proprieta ry," as app}li(ed t,(o ) edicinal remedies, wherever itsetl ill tlls act, s1:tall 1(e }Hl tio I('tleaIn a "preparlt tion tile lnanufactulrl oal sale> of w{iic(l is l'-estl'icte((, t)hr ough paient of the drug or combi)altil ftn (of I'irs, (oplriglllt of the label (r Iname, or in anv other manne:: o1'r a pre)'patation conceirlinig wlhiclh tlie producer or m:anufacturer c(lltiilS a private: lt i f)l' la." W\\llherev(ler inl thisu act tl(e \\ Orls ' l t saltll" l)ppe(all a ta ie first words (o' a Il'ragra p)}h, t l(he s1all })e hll t(' refer to lal( to mean the same its t(le captlion oi (tlie }wpreceding p)laragi'tapli. Should( suchl wordls appear as tlhe first3 words of 1a claulse, tihey s}hall be held to refer to and to mean tile saue as tlie clause w \\ill(l ilmlllediately pr'ece(es thlle one in which t lev are i sedl. I'AYM VN'T OF i)ITLES. ScT'.!. T'Illat t}i rates of duty est ablislhed in this act are stated in 1monev of (1'e Utl it(l S-tate St s of Ainerica, but that payment thereof slall:)e 11'1ade i Philippi)ll (c1rrel(,ncv oi- its equ(ivalent in monev of the Unitedt St teis of Amll(lerica. xi'1 t T(r SYsTEJ. S1:c. 10. T'ltat tle iI(etIri system of weights and mneasures, as authorized )by sections tlhirty-fiv;e hundred and sixty-nine and thirtyfive 1hundred, andl seve nty (f) the Revised Statutes of the United States, and at )present in use in the Philippine Islands, shall be continuied. 'The Imeter is e(tlual to thirty-ninei, and thirty-seven one hundredths inches. The liter is equal to one and live hundred and sixty-seven tenthoustadths quarts, wine measure. lThe kilogram is equal to two and two thousand and forty-six tenthousandt hs )pounds, avoird(l )iS. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHIIL1PPINE INSLANI)iS. 13 RATES OF DUTIES. SEC. 11. That the rates of duties to be collected on articles, goods, wares, or merchandise imported into the Philippine Islands shall be as follows: Provided, That no article bearing evident signs of being for sanitary construction shall pay a higher rate of duty than twenty per centulm ad valorem: And provided further, That n article shall pay a higher rate of duty than one hundred per centum ad valorem, except and unless the same shall be classified under paragraphs ninety-two, two hundred and sixty-two, two hundred and sixty-three, two hundred and sixty-four, or two hunldred and sixty-five, in which event the rate of duty thereby resulting shall be collected, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding: And provided further, That articles of foreign growth, produce, or manufacture, shall be dutiable upon each importation, even thoughr previously exported from the Philippine Islands, except as otherwise specifically provided in this act. (LASS I. -STONES, EARTIS, GLASS, ANI) CERAMIC P)RO1'DUCTS. GROUP I. —Stones and earths. 1. Marble, onyx, jasper, alabaster, and similar fine stones: (a) In block, rough, or squared only; marble dust, tNwenty per centum ad valorem. (b) In slabs, plates, or steps, sawed or chiseled, polished or not, but without ornamentation, thirty per centum ad valorem. (c) Any of these stones, lettered, further manufactured or decorated, not otherwise provided for, forty per centurn ad valorem. 2. Stones, other, natural or artificial, gross weight: (a) In block, rough or squared only, one hundred kilos, twentyfive cents. (b) Crushed, sawn, hewnN, or dressed, polished or not; in slabs, plates, or steps; one hundred kilos, fifty cents. (c) Manufactured into articles not otherwise provided for, one hundred kilos, one dollar. 3. Millstones, grindstones, whetstones, oilstones, and hones of all kinds; emery, carborundum and similar wheels for sharpening, dressing, or polishing; including frames and mountings therefor imported therewith, ten per centurn ad valorem. 4. Asbestos, and manufactures thereof, not otherwise provided for, fifteen per centumn ad valorem. 5. Mica and lava, and manufactures thereof; Welsbacll and other similar mantles for lamps; gas-burner tips, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 6. Earths, gross weight: (a) Pire clay; lime; Roman, Portland, and otller hydraulic cement; one hundred kilos, six cents. (b) Gypsum, pumice, emery, chalk, kaolin (China clay), unmanufactured; other crude earths and clays not otherwise provided for; one hundred kilos, forty cents. (c) The same, advanced in value or condition, but not manufactured, one hundred kilos, one dollar. 14 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 7. Manufactures of gypsunl, gross weight, one hundred kilos, five dollars. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. S. Manufactures of chalk, including billiard chalk, red chalk, and French and tailors' chalk, including weight of immediate containers, one hundred kilos, four dollars. 9. Common clay; cement; in bricks, squares, tiles, and pipes, not otherwise provided for, ten per centum ad valorem. 10. Ceramic tiles, gross weight: (a) Varnished, vitrified or not. undecorated, one hundred kilos, fortay-five cents. (b) (lazed, ornamentcd or decorated, one hundred kilos, one dollar and twenlty cents. 11. Porcelain, bisque, faience, earthenware, stoneware, and other ceramic wares not otherwise provided for: (a) In filters and articles bearing evident signs of being for sanitary construction, and parts therefor identifiable as such, ten per centurm ad valorem. (h) In common bottles, jars, crucibles, cupels, kitchen utensils, and flowerpots, neither gilt, painted, glazed, decorated, nor ornamented, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) In articles not otherwise provided for, neither gilt, painted, glazed, decorated, nor ornamented, twenty per centum ad valorenm. (d) In dishes, tableware, or articles not otherwise provided for, glazed or plain-tinted, but neither gilt, painted, decorated, nor ornamented, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (e) In dishes, tableware, or articles not otherwise provided for, painted, gilt, decorated, or ornamented, forty per centurn ad valorem. (f) Fine decorated wares, in jardinieres, flower stands, vases, and articles for decorative purposes; statuettes, high and bas-relief; Satsuma, Sevres, and similar fine porcelains, decorated or not, fifty per centum ad valorem. 12. Manufactures of earths and clays not otherwise provided for: (a) Plain, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (b) Ornamented or decorated, forty per centum ad valorem. (tGOtTuP 2. -Preciousl stones, pearls and imitations thereof. 13. Pearls; precious an(l semiprecious stones, including jade, tigereye, chalcedony, opal and similar stones, not otherwise provided for: cut or uncut, but unmounted nd unset, and not further manufactured; diamond dust aind bort, fifteen per centumn ad valorem. 14. 1)oublets, and other ilitations of precious and of semiprecious stones; imitation pearls, thirty per centum ad valorem. (;RO 1 3. —(lass and mnanufactures thereof. NOTE. —Articles ground or cut only for the purpose of truing thenl or fitting stoppers, sllll not be held to be cut glass. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 15 15. Common hollow glassware: (a) In demijohns, carboys, jars, bottles, flasks, and similar receptacles, whether empty, or in use as containers of merchandise dutiable by weight or measure (except in those cases in which the classification of such containers is otherwise specifically provided for), ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Siphon bottles, thirty per centum ad valorem. 16. Glass, crystal, and glass imitating crystal: (a) In decanters, glasses, tumblers, cups, goblets, saucers, plates, dishes, pitchers, bowls, candlesticks, pillar-lanmps, bracket-lamps, and other articles of table service or for lighting; washbowls, wash basins, soap dishes, toothbrush holders and washstand pitchers; neither cut, engraved, painted, enameled, nor gilt, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (b) The same, cut, engraved, painted, enameled, or gilt, fifty per centum ad valorem. 17. Lamp chimneys: (a) Neither engraved nor ornamented (except as to such fluting and finishing as may be made in the process of manufacture), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, fifty per centum ad valorem. 18. Glass or crystal in plates, slabs, and similar forms: (a) Slabs, cones, or prisms, for paving or roofing, gross weight one hundred kilos, one dollar and sixty-five cents. (b) Common window glass, neither polished, beveled, engraved, nor annealed, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) The same, set in lead, or frosted plain or in design; plate glass, polished, beveled or not, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. (d) The same, engraved or enameled, fifty per centum ad valorem. 19. Mirrors of all kinds, framed or mounted (with whatever material) or not, including the value of the frames and mountings, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 20. Other manufactures of glass: (a) In spectacles, eyeglasses, and goggles, also lenses for same, mounted or unmounted, including the value of the mountings, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (b) In flower stands, vases, urns, and similar articles for toilet and decorative purposes, neither cut, painted, enameled, nor gilt, forty per centum ad valorem. (c) The same, cut, painted, enameled, or gilt, sixty per centum ad valorem. (d) Powdered or crushed glass, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (e) Manufactures not otherwise provided for, in which glass is the component material of chief value, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 16 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. CLASS!II -— COAl, SCRISJT, BITI`UME-NrS, ANI) DEIVFIATIYrES THEREOF. 21. Coal an(d (ok, gloss weight. onie thousaicl kilos, twentty-five (cents. GROU P 21. > —Chi4tN, 1,in tiheaCs, ai Od detO'(/tiVe8 there of. in case of dobta as to thle (classification. of crude Petroleum-, thie followin rules shall lbe observedl I1. A. sat-ple of two hundred cubic, ceutiucters shall be taken front each fiftvy cases, or less of the samne kind of goods III thle importation. If thle oil is imiported in bulk, or in t~anks, stamiples of equal quantities shall be taken froln each recel~tacle inl which the oil is cofltauwnl, sufficient to make imore than) two liters in aill after mnixing. rTlie contents of thre o,~riginal containers shall be thoroughly mixed before saln}ling. 2. Th-ese samnples shall l)C thoroughly iu. ixedl inl a large receptatcle and when the (lischarge of th himnti tr Iniatelt two liters shall be t-aken therefrom. and put into separate bottles', which shall be sealed and identified bylabels signe(I by the customs examiner andl interested parJty,Y a(,ti attachIedt thereto. These bottles shall be forWvardled to thie customs chemical expert for analysis of their con tents. 3. IlnIinei(~iaiitelv after this ol)eration the goods shall be clearedt aild tile c'orresponiling (luty assesse([, but the clearanice shall not be (leeinedl deihnite" until the, result of the an1-alvsis is known. 4. Thie sanmples must h~e analyzed within On ionth.,an thle interested p~arty 8htall1 have 'the right to be p~resent when the. stame are opened'( and analyzed, providled he has made a written request to that effect at the time of identifying the Isan~illes 1w affix ing his signature. to the labels, lie-may als8()o appeal to thle insula r collector of customs froml the repo(-rt of thie ex perts. 5. Shouild the' interested partyv in 1his appeal request a. niew anal vsis, this sh'all be madle at his expense If the original anialysis be confirmi'ed. ln contrary caete xe be l;)orne 1byA the Government. sthexnse shall 6. T1he followinig sh~all lbe (consideredl — (a) As (Tudle and. natural petroleum: That im1ported in the state in which found whene extracted from, thle well,~ and which ha-s unlerone no operation whatever, whereby, the ntatural ceia 'lpsto is altered or modified. When, gra(Iualh-, and continuously (listilled up to a temiperature of three lunindred degrees Centigrade, this petroleum must leave a residlutun exceedling twenty per centuln or its priinitive wveig(-ht. Crude oil obtainedI fromt the first distillaotio of slates or schists shall be classifie(l under this head.. (b) As cruide oil: That imported in thle condition of crude -e~siduumi, resulting from the first distillation of crude or natural petroleum from which the more volatile constituents have b)een removed. Such oils must not contain appreciable PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 17 portions of volatile products which can be removed by distillation at three hundred degrees Centigrade, and they must show by their physical and chemical properties that they have not undergone subsequent rectification. 22. Tars and pitches not otherwise provided for; unrefined tar oils from whatever source; asphaltums; asphalt; asphalt paving blocks; crude petroleum; crude oils of mineral origin; axle grease of all kinds; track oil; carbolineum and similar compounds; gross weight, one hundred kilos, twenty cents. NOTE.-Though imported under a name referable to this paragraph, impure paraffin, or other similar products, shall be classified under paragraph eighty-five of this act. 23. Mineral oils, refined: (a) For illumination, gross weight, one hundred kilos, seventyfive cents. (b) For lubrication or solvents, not otherwise provided for; vaseline in bulk; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) Vaseline in retail packages, whether proprietary or not (except when compounded with other substances), thirty per centum ad valorem. (d) Naphtha, gasoline, benzine, and similar oils for fuel, gross weight, one hundred kilos, seventy-five cents. NOTE.-Oils classified under this clause shall have a specific gravity between 0.635 and 0.747, and a boiling point between seventy and one hundred and thirty degrees Centigrade. 24. Mineral oils; their derivatives, compounds, and products; not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. CLASS III.-METALS AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF. GROUP 1.-Gold, silver, and platinum; alloys thereof; gold and silver plated articles. 25. Gold; platinum; alloys thereof: (a) In jewelry; plate and goldsmiths' wares not otherwise provided for, hectog., twelve dollars and fifty cents. (b) The same, set with pearls or with precious or semiprecious stones, hectog., twenty-five dollars. (c) The same, set with doublets, or with imitations of pearls, or of precious or semiprecious stones, hectog., seventeen dollars and fifty cents. (d) Articles or manufactures of gold or platinum (except jewelry), composed in part of other materials, in which the component material of chief value is gold or platinum, not otherwise provided for; pellets for use in dentistry; solder and foil; hectog., three dollars. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 26. Silver; alloys thereof: (a) In jewelry; plate and silversmiths' wares not otherwise provided for; hectog., one dollar. 80972-H. Doc. 14, 61-1- 2 18 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHTIPPINE ISLANDS. (b) The same, set with pearls or with precious or semiprecious stones, hectob., five dollars. (c) The same, set with doublets, or with imitations of pearls, or of precious or semiprecious stones, hiectog., five dollars. (d) Articles or manufactures of silver (except jewelry), composed in part of other materials, in which the component material of chief value is silver, not otherwise provided for; solder and foil; hectog., forty cents. Provinded, TI'hailt no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valo rem. 27. Gold,and(], silver plated wares: (a) i1n jewelry, kilo., two (lollars and forty cents. (b) In lamps not otherwise provitletl for; picture frames; knives, forks, (lni spoons; carriage and. coffin -fitting's; saddlery hiardware; foil; kilo., sixty cents. (c) Not otherwise provided. for, kilo., two dollars. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less iate of (uty thnan twenty-five per centum ad valorein. (4aitoul], 2.-Cast iron. NO(YrTE.-KM alleable cast iron and manufactures thereof shdall be dutialble as wrought iron. 28. Articles of catst iron, painted or not, but not otherwise coated or oranlenltedl, neithfier polislied nor turned, gross weight: (a) 1B3ars, beam"Ills, pltates, r grcates for furntaces, columns and pipes, one hundlred kilos, thirty-five cents. (b) Othier, one hImtudred kilos, seventy-five cents. 29. Othier articles of cast iron (except those covered or coated with goldl or silver), fifteeln per ceintumi ad valorem. JGao I 1 3. --- Wought iron wand steel. 30. WI.-rouglht iron and steel: (a) in rails, straight or benit, wejighing tell kilos or less per lineal iiieter: crossings and simiilar track sections switch rails, aind poortab)le traniways, co(mposed of rails weighing ten kilos or less per lineal mneter; metal cross-ties switel-les, tonigues, frogYs, fis!,,h-plates and chairs therefor thirty per cetrtuin ad valoreni (b) JIn rails weighiing mnore thian ten kilos per lineal meter, gross wAeight, o c(ne hunaidred kilos thirty-five cents. No0TE. — -,Bent rails, crossinms and( simgilar track sections switch rails, and 1Portable tiamways, composed of rails weighing imiore thlan ten kilos per lineal meter; metal cross-ties, swNitclles, toiw2ies, fi ogs, fidih phtes and chairs therefor shall h~e classified under clause (B) of this paragraph, with a surtax of thirty pecr centuim. (c) InI bars or b)ePlams (except of crucible steel), neither cut to mieatsure, p~erforatedl, nor riveted or otherwise fastened together; rods, tires andl hoops; gross weight, one hundred ]kilos, forty cents. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 19 Provided, That bars or rods not exceeding fifteen millimeters in diameter and steel known as "bamboo steel," classified under clause (C) of this paragraph, shall not pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem. (d) The same, of crucible steel, gross weight one hundred kilos, two dollars and sixty-five cents. Provided, That no article classified under clause (D) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centum ad valorem. 31. Wrought iron or steel in sheets, gross weight: (a) Plain and unpolished, one hundred kilos, fifty cents. (b) Polished, corrugated, perforated or cold rolled, galvanized or not; hoop iron; one hundred kilos, one dollar. Provided, That any of the articles or materials classified under this clause, made up in hoops, ridgings, eaves, drain pipes, gutters, ceilings, shingles, ceiling centers, borders, friezes, dados, and similar articles, shall be dutiable at the rate herein provided, with a surtax of one hundred per centum. (c) Tinned; terne-plate; tin-plate; one hundred kilos, one dollar and twenty cents. 32. Wrought iron or steel, in pieces, in the rough, gross weight: (a) Neither polished, turned nor adjusted, one hundred kilos, sixty-five cents. (b) Rough-turned or lathed, but neither polished nor adjusted, one hundred kilos, one dollar. 33. Wrought iron or steel, in pieces, finished, gross weight: (a) Wheels weighing each more than one hundred kilos; axles, springs, brake-shoes, drawbars, brake-beams, bumpers, couplings, lubricating boxes, and similar articles for railways and tramways; one hundred kilos, forty-five cents. (b) Wheels weighing each one hundred kilos or less; axles and springs for vehicles, not otherwise provided for; one hundred kilos, one dollar and five cents. 34. Wrought iron or steel in large pieces, composed of bars, beams, or sheets, for structural purposes, perforated or cut to measure, fastened together or not, gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar and twenty-five cents. 35. Wrought iron or steel pipes, gross weight: (a) Plain, painted, tarred, or galvanized, one hundred kilos, one dollar and ten cents. (b) Other (except those coated or covered with gold or silver), one hundred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. 36. Wrought iron or steel wire: (a) More than one millimeter in diameter, plain, galvanized, or coppered; wire cables and ropes; barbed wire; ten per centum ad valorem. (b) One millimeter or less in diameter, plain, galvanized, or coppered; wire netting; fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) Other, including those covered with textiles, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (d) Gauze, cloths and screenings, in the piece, twenty per centum ad valorem. 20 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (e) In other manufactures (except those covered or coated with gold or silver), not otherwise provided for, twentyfive per centum ad valorem. 37. Wrought iron or steel chains, in the piece or otherwise (except in trinkets or jewelry): (a) Exceeding five millimeters in diameter, ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, plain, painted, or galvanized, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) The same, covered or coated with other metals (except gold or silver), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 38. Anvils, ten per centum ad valorem. 39. Nuts, bolts, rivets, and washers, one hundred kilos, two dollars. 40. Nails, clasp nails, and staples, ten per centum ad valorem. 41. Screws, tacks, and brads, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 42. Saddlery hardware (except chains and buckles), plain, or covered or coated with other metals or materials (except gold or silver), fifteen per centum ad valorem. 43. Buckles (except trinkets or ornaments, or covered or coated with gold or silver), fifteen per centum ad valorem. 44. Cutlery: (a) Butchers', shoemakers', saddlers', plumbers', painters', pruning, lbudding, kitchen, bread, and cheese knives; table knives and forks, with handles of common wood, or of iron, japanned or not, not covered or coated with other metals; common scissors or shears, plain, glazed, or jap)anned; grass, garden, hedge, pruning, and sheep shears; fislhhooks; twenty per centum ad valorem. (b) Pocket cutlery; hunting and sheath knives; side arms (not fire) an(l parts therefor; razors; other cutlery, including scissors and shears not otherwise provided for (exceplt those covered or coated with gold or silver), thirty per centum ad valoremn. (c) Swor(l canIes and similar articles and weapons with concealed blades, eighty per centum ad valorem. 45. Firearms of all kin(ds and detached parts therefor, forty per centumn a(l valorten. 46. Manufactures of terne-plate or tin-plate: (a) In articles not otherwise provided for, plain, painted, varnished, or japanled, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) The same, including vehicle lamps, covered, coated or combined witl other metals or materials (except gold or silver), twenty per centum ad valorem. (c) Vehicle lamps, covered or coated to any extent with gold or silver, in which the component material of chief value is tin-llate, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 47. Manufactures not otherwise provided for, in which wrought iron or steel is the component material of chief value: (a) Plain, painted, varnished, or japanned, or covered or coated with lead, tin, or zinc, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Other (except those covered or coated with gold or silver), twenty per centum ad valorern. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 21 GROUP 4.-Copper and alloys thereof. 48. Copper; alloys thereof; in bars, pipes, and sheets; alloys of copper in lumps and ingots (except Muntz metal); ten per centum ad valorem. 49. Copper; alloys thereof; in wire: (a) Plain, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Blanched, gilt or nickeled, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) Covered with textiles, not otherwise provided for, or with insulating materials; cables for conducting electricity; trolley wire; ten per centum ad valorem. (d) Covered with silk, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (e) Gauze, cloths and screenings, in the piece, twenty per centum ad valorem. (f) Manufactures not otherwise provided for, in which wire of copper or its alloys is the component material of chief value (except when covered or coated with gold or silver), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 50. Manufactures not otherwise provided for, in which copper or alloys thereof is the component material of chief value: (a) Plain, polished, varnished, painted, tinned, or japanned, twenty per centum ad valorem. (b) Other (except those covered or coated with gold or silver), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. GROUP 5.-Other metals and alloys thereof. 51. Mercury, gross weight, kilo, ten cents. 52. Nickel, aluminum, and alloys thereof: (a) In bars, sheets, pipes, and wire, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) In articles not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 53. Tin and alloys thereof: (a) In bars, sheets, pipes, and wire; in thin leaves (tin foil) alloys in lumps or ingots; ten per centurn ad valorem. (b) In articles not otherwise provided for (except those covered or coated with gold or silver), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 54. Zinc, lead, and metals not otherwise provided for; alloys thereof: (a) In bars, sheets, pipes, wire, and type; sanitary traps, and other plain articles bearing evident signs of being for sanitary construction; alloys in lumps or ingots; ten per centum ad valorem. (b) In plain articles not otherwise provided for, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) In articles gilt, nickeled or otherwise embellished (except those covered or coated with gold or silver), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 22 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHlILIPPINE ISLANDS. ACLASS IV.-SUBSTANNCES EMPLOYED IN PHARMACY, AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES; DRUGS, CHIEMICALS5, PIGMENTS, AND VARNISHES. Gitoup 1I. ---Simpie, dragjs. 55. 0le,,agino0US Seeds, enopra, and cocoanuts, gross weight: (a) Crude, 011e hundred kilos, eighty cents. (b) In meal, flour or cakes, not otherwise provided for, one bundred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. 56. Resins and gurues: (a) Colophony (commonm or navy resin); Burgundy and similar pitch; Stockhiolm tar; te'n per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, when not in tile Iform of a pharmaceutical product or pi)eparationl, twenty per contain ad valorem. 57. 1)rugys stuch as barks, beans, berries, us ubblosros fruits, flowers, (dred fibers, grains, herbs, leaves, lichens, Riosses, stemns, seedls aromatic andl seeds of morbid growth, weeds, woods, and similar veg~etable products, crude, neither edible noi ini the forin of a pharmiacleutical. product orp reparationi not otherwise providc(l for, including weight of itimlie Irate (containers, one hundred kilos, three dollars. IProvided, That no article classified Under this paragraph shill pay at 1 ss r-ate-. of duty than twenty-five per centum adl vii 01i( In 58. Giiei oot, kilo, five dollars. Provided, Trhit flo artic.le classified under this paragraph sh~all )aY at less tlate of duty than twen~ty-five per centum adl valoreiin..59. Animiall produicts eiunloyed in mi~edicine,, crtule, neither edible nor ini th(e form of at lplariuacetutieatl product or preparation, not otj he iw ise pr-ov~ided for, inceluding weioyht of immediate contairters, one hu~nd-edl kilcs, four. dollai s. Pro cided, 'I'iiat 110 article, classificel under this paragraph salpya less rate of duty thanr twenty-five per centum adl v.1 orerm. GnOuP 2. Tq'i paints, dyes, avd varnishes. 60. Mineral p igets of comi-on, natural occurrence, such as ochers, haem -itites, baryte an mnanese; substances prepared for calcinnuiies aind whitewvash; dry; ten per centum ad valorem. NOTF. ---— Any sulbstanee otherwise, s~i~iject to classification mider this p~aragraph shatll, whe imported in tile form of a liquid or paste, be (lutiable under clause (d) of paragraph sixty-onle. 61. Pimns anid paints not otherwise provided for: (a) White or red lead, (dry, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) The samie, in ~liqluid or lpaste; putty of all kinds; bitu1uninuious p~aints made fromt mineral pitch or coal tar (not amiine (dyes), twenty per centum ad valorem. (e) Pigmientts hot otherwise provided for, dry, twenty per centuin ad valorenii (d) The same,, in liquid or lpaste, twenty-five per centum ad vatlorein. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 23 62. Varnishes and wood fillers of all kinds, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 63. Spirits of turpentine, ten per centum ad valorem. 64. Inks: (a) Printing and lithographic, in any form, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, in any form, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 65. Pencils of paper or wood, filled with lead or other materials; pencils of lead; charcoal and other crayons not otherwise provided for, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 66. Dyes and dyestuffs; tan bark and tanning extracts; not otherwise provided for: (a) Woods, barks, roots, and similar natural products, for dyeing or tanning, ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Extracts from the same. for dyeing or tanning; cutch in any form; fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) Cochineal; indigo (natural or synthetic); colors derived from coal; chemical dye colors not otherwise provided for; thirty per centurn ad valorem. 67. Graphite and manufactures of the same (except axle grease); polishing, dressing, cleansing, and preserving preparations for shoes and leather; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. GROUP 3.-Chemical and pharmaceutical products. 68. Sulphur, gross weight, one hundred kilos, fifty cents. 69. Bromine, boron, iodine, andl phosphorus, twenty per centum ad valorem. 70. Inorganic acids: (a) Hydrochloric, boric, nitric, and sulphuric; mixtures of two or more of the same; gross weight, one hundred kilos, thirty-five cents. (b) Carbon dioxide (liquid carbonic acid); sulphur dioxide; twenty per centum ad valorem. (c) Not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 71. Organic acids, not otherwise provided for: (a) Carbolic, ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Other, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 72. Oxides and hydroxides of potassium, sodium, barium, and other caustic alkalies, not otherwise provided for; soda ash; gross weight, one hundred kilos, fifty cents. 73. Aqua ammonia; anhydrous ammonia; fifteen per centum ad valorem. 74. Inorganic salts: (a) Sulphates of ammonium and potassium; chloride of potassium; phosphates and superphosphates of lime; nitrates of potassium and sodium; other chemical and artificial fertilizers; five per centum ad valorem. (b) Calcium hypochlorite (chloride of lime), ten per centum ad valorem. (c) Not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 24 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 75. Organic salts not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. NOTE.-No acids or double salts shall be dutiable under this paragraph. 76. Mixtures of denaturants; formalin; potassium bi-tartrate (cream of tartar, argols, wine lees); ten per centum ad valorem. 77. Chemical products, compounds, and elements, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 78. Alkaloids and their salts (except those of opium or of cinchona bark); salts of gold, silver, and platinum; thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 79. Opium in any form, and preparations thereof, for medicinal purposes, not otherwise provided for, subject to the provisions of section six of this act, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 80. Proprietary and( patent medicinal fixtures and compounds; Chinese and similar medicines: (a) Without alcohol, or containing not to exceed fourteen per centum of alcohol, fifty per centum ad valorem. (b) Containing more than fourteen per centum of alcohol, seventy-five per centurn ad valorem. 81. Pharmaceutical' prodllcts; medicinal prel)arations; plasters and poultices; capsules, empty; not otherwise provided for; thirty per centunl ad valorem. 82. Aseptic aind antiseptic surgical dressings, including absorbent cotton, Imedicated or not; catgut, silk, and similar ligatures for use in surgery or dentistry; fifteen per centum ad valorem. GloUP 4.-Oils, fats, waxes, and derivatives thereof. 83. Fixed vwegetable oils, solid or liquid: (a) In receptacles weighing each (contents included) more than two kilos, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) Inl other receptacles, proprietary or not (except when compoundledl with other substances, or in capsules), twentyfive per centuni ad valorem. 84. Animal oils and fats, not otherwise provided for: (a) (Crude, ten lper centumn ad valorem. (b) Refined, in receptacles weighing each (contents included) more than two kilos, fifteen per centum ad valorem. (c) The same, in othler receptacles, proprietary or not (except when compounded with other substances, or in capsules), twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 85. Mineral, vegetable, and animal wax; paraffin and stearin: (a) Crude, ten per centum ad valorem. (b) In candles, twenty per centumn ad valorem. (c) In manufactures not otherwise provided for, thirty per centuml adt valorem. 86. Soaps; soap powders; similar cleansing and scouring preparations or compositions; nt otherwise provided for; fifteen per centumn ad valorem. 87. Essential oils; perfumery, and products used in the manufacture thereof; toilet preparations: (a) Essential oils, natural or artificial, fifty per centum ad valorem. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 25 (b) Perfumery; products used in the manufacture thereof; toilet preparations, including powders, oils, cosmetics, hair dyes, tooth soaps and tooth powders, grease paints, and similar articles for toilet purposes; not otherwise provided for; incense; joss sticks; forty per centum ad valorem. GROUP 5.- Various. 88. Bone char, suitable for use in decolorizing sugar, ten per centum ad valorem. 89. Starch; fecula; dextrin; for industrial purposes; gross weight, one hundred kilos, two dollars. 90. Glues; albumens; gelatins; isinglass; manufactures thereof; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 91. Explosives: (a) Dynamite, giant and blasting powder, and similar explosives; miners' fuses and caps; explosive signals; ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Other; fire works; cartridges, fixed ammunition, primers and percussion caps, for firearms; thirty per centum ad valorem. (c) Fire crackers and toy torpedoes, including weight of immediate containers, kilo, twenty cents. 92. Matches of all kinds, including weight of immediate containers, kilo, twenty cents. CLASS V.-COTTON AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF. GROUP 1.-Cotton waste. 93. Cotton waste, ten per centum ad valorem. GROUP 2.- Yarns, threads, and cordage. 94. Yarns, not otherwise provided for, in hanks, cops, or bobbins, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 95. Yarns or threads for sewing, crocheting, darning, or embroidering; mercerized yarns or threads; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 96. Threads or twines for sewing sails and sacks; rope and cordage; fishing nets; wicks for making candles and matches; twenty per centum ad valorem. 97. Hammocks; tennis nets; manufactures of netting not otherwise provided for; forty per centum ad valorem. 98. Felts; batting; mops and swabs of cotton yarns; fifteen per centum ad valorem. GROUP 3.- Textiles. NOTE.-When textiles, included in this group, contain an admixture of materials, are broched, embroidered, trimmed, or made-up, they shall be subject to the corresponding surtaxes prescribed in general rules two to eleven, inclusive. Textiles woven with a colored yarn on the selvage, or with 26 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. a colored selvage stripe not exceeding ten millimeters in width, shall not be considered as manufactured with dyed yarns. 99. Textiles, plain and without figures, napped or not, weighing eight kilos or more per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to eighteen threads, kilo, ten cents. (b) From nineteen to thirty-one threads, kilo, fourteen cents. (c) From thirty-two to thirty-eight threads, kilo, twenty cents. (d) From thirty-nine to forty-four threads, kilo, twenty-six cents. (e) Forty-five threads or more, kilo, thirty-two cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum; and Provided further, That no embroidered textile classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem, and any embroidered textile so classified shall be subject to all of the surtaxes applicable thereto under this act, computed upon the ascertained amount of duty, whether the rate found applicable shall be specific or ad valorem. 100. The same, weighing less than eight kilos per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to eighteen threads, kilo, eighteen cents. (b) From nineteen to thirty-one threads, kilo, twenty-seven cents. (c) From thirty-two to thirty-eight threads, kilo, thirty-four cents. (d) From thirty-nine to forty-four threads, kilo, forty cents. (e) Forty-five threads or more, kilo, fifty cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of forty per centum; and Provided further, That no embroidered textile classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem, and any embroidered textile so classified shall be subject to all of the surtaxes applicable thereto under this act, computed upon the ascertained amount of duty, whether the rate found applicable shall be specific or ad valorem. 101. Textiles, twilled or figured in the loom, napped or not, weighing ten kilos or more per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to eighteen threads, kilo, fourteen cents. (b) From nineteen to thirty-one threads, kilo, eighteen cents. (c) From thirty-two to thirty-eight threads, kilo, twenty-four cents. (d) Thirty-nine to forty-four threads, kilo, thirty cents. (e) Forty-five threads or more, kilo, thirty-four cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum; and Provided further, That no embroidered textile classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem, and any embroidered PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 27 textile so classified shall be subject to all of the surtaxes applicable thereto under this act, coimputed upon the ascertained amount of duty, whether the rate found applicable shall be specific or ad valorem. 102. The same, weighing less than ten kilos per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to eighteen threads, kilo, twenty-four cents. (b) From nineteen to thirty-one threads, kilo, thirty-two cents. (c) From thirty-two to thirty-eight threads, kilo, forty-two cents. (d) From thirty-nine to forty-four threat(ls, kilo, fifty-two cents. (e) Forty-five threads or more, kilo, sixty cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of forty per centumn; and Provided further, That no embroidered, textile classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centunl ad valorem, and any embroidered textile so classified shall be subject to all ot the surtaxes applicable thereto under this act, computed upon the ascertained amount of duty, whether the rate found applicable shall be specific or ad valorem. 103. Piques of all kinds, kilo, thirty-eight cents. Provided, That any article classified under this paragraph shall not pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centurn ad valorem. 104. Cotton blankets: (a) In the piece, single or double, but neither hemlned nor bound, kilo, ten cents. (b) Stamped, printed, or manufactured with dyed yarns, kilo, thirteen cents. Provided, That any blanket classified under this paragraph, hemmed or bound, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum. 105. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, and other pile fabrics (except in towels and bath robes) (see rule six), kilo, fifty cents. 106. Bath robes and towels manufactured with pile warp, twenty-five per centurn ad valorem. 107. Knitted goods (see rule six): (a) In the piece, twenty per centum ad valoren. (b) In jerseys, undershirts, drawers, stockings, or socks, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) In other articles, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Provided, That any article classified under this paragraph, embroidered, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum, computed upon the ascertained amount of duty under the corresponding clause thereof. 108. Tulles (see rule six): (a) Plain, kilo, fifty-six cents. (b) Figured or embroidered on the loom, kilo, one dollar and three cents. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem; and 28 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Providedfurther, That any of the same embroidered or figured after weaving, out of the loom, shall be dutiable according to the respective clause, with a surtax of sixty per centum; and Provided further, That if the embroidery consists of metal threads, the surtax shall be eighty per centum; and Provided further, That these surtaxes shall be computed upon the ascertained amount of duty, whether the rate found applicable be specific or ad valorem. 109. Laces and blondes (see rule six): (a) Lace curtains, bedspreads, pillow shams, and bed sets, unhemmed, hemmed, or bound, made on the Nottingham lace-curtain or warp machines, kilo, fifty cents. (b) Other, sixty per centur ad valorem. 110. Carpeting, thirty per centum ad valorem. 111. Textiles called tapestries: (a) In the piece, kilo, twenty cents. (b) In made up articles, kilo, thirty cents. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than forty per centum ad valorem. 112. Wicks for lamps, including weight of immediate containers, kilo, fifteen cents. 113. Trimmings, ribbons, braids, tape, and galloons, including weight of immediate containers (see rule seven): (a) Tape: boot straps; kilo, twenty cents. (b) Other, kilo, fifty cents. Provided, That no article classified under clause (b) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty per centum ad valorem. 114. Shoe and corset laces, including weight of immediate containers, kilo, thirty-five cents. 115. Cinches, saddle girths, reins, halters, and bridles, twenty-five per centumn ad valorem. 116. Ribbons or bands for the manufacture of any of the articles enumerated in paragraph one hundred and fifteen, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 117. Waterproof or caoutchouc stuffs in combination with cotton textiles; cotton elastic textiles manufactured with threads or gum elastic; manufactures thereof; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 118. Manufactures of cotton, not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. CLASS VI.-MANUFACTURES OF HEMP, FLAX, ALOE, JUTE, AND VEGETABLE FIBERS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR. GROUP 1.- Tarns, threads, and cordage. 119. Yarns, not otherwise provided for, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 120. Threads, twines, ropes, cordage, and manufactures thereof: (a) Twines, rope-yarns, ropes, and cordage, exceeding fifteen grams in weight per each ten meters; fishing nets; twenty per centum ad valorem. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 29 (b) Threads, twines, cords, and yarns twisted, weighing more than five and not exceeding fifteen grams per each ten meters, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) The same, weighing five or less grams per each ten meters, thirty per centuin ad valorem. (d) Hammocks; tennis nets; manufactures of netting not otherwise provided for; forty per centum ad valorem. 121. Gunny sacks, each, two cents. GltouP 2.-Textiles. NOTE.-When textiles, included in this group, contain an admixture of materials, are embroidered, trimmnel, or made up, they shall be subject to the corresponding surtax prescribed in general rule two to eleven, inclusive. Textiles woven with a colored yarn on the selvage, or with a colored selvage stripe not exceeding ten millimeters in width, shall not be considered as manufactured with dyed yarns. 122. Textiles of hemp, flax, aloe, jute, and vegetable fibers, not otherwise provided for, plain, twilled, or damasked, weighing thirty-five kilos or more per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to ten threads, used for bagging and baling, weighing forty-five kilos or more per one hundred square meters, kilo, one cent. (b) The same, weighing from thirty-five to forty-five kilos per one hundred square meters, kilo, two cents. (c) Up to ten threads, for other purposes, kilo, seven cents. (d) From eleven to eighteen threads, kilo, ten cents. (e) Nineteen threads or more, kilo, fifteen cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, bleached, half bleached, stamped, or printed, shall be (lutiable as such, with a surtax of fifteen per centuni; and Provided further, That any textile classified under this paragraph manufactured with dyed yarns shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of twenty-five per centum. 123. The same, weighing from twenty to thirty-five kilos per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to ten threads, used for bagging and baling, kilo, two cents. (b) Up to ten threads, for other purposes, kilo, nine cents. (c) From eleven to eighteen threads, kilo, fourteen cents. (d) From nineteen to twenty-four threads, kilo, eighteen cents. (e) From twenty-five to thirty threads, kilo, twenty-two cents. (f) From thirty-one to thirty-eight threads, kilo, thirty cents. (g) Thirty-nine threads or more, kilo, forty cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, bleached, half bleached, stamped, or printed, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of twenty-five per centum; and Provided further, That any textile classified under this paragraph, manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of forty per centum. 124. The same, weighing from ten to twenty kilos per one hundred square meters, having: 30 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (a) Up to eighteen threads, kilo, twelve cents. (b) From nineteen to twenty-four threads, kilo, twenty cents. (c) From twenty-five to thirty threads, kilo, twenty-eight cents. (d) From thirty-one to thirty-eight threads, kilo, thirty-six cents. (e) Thirty-nine threads or more, kilo, fifty-six cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, bleached, half bleached, stamped, or printed, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum; and Provided further, That any textile classified under this paragraph, manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of fifty per centum; and Provided further, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorem. 125. The same, weighing less than ten kilos per one hundred square meters, having: (a) Up to twelve threads, kilo, eighteen cents. (b) From thirteen to twenty-two threads, kilo, thirty-two cents. (c) From twenty-three to thirty threads, kilo, forty-five cents. (d) From thirty-one to thirty-eight threads, kilo, fifty-six cents. (e) Thirty-nine threads or more, kilo, ninety cents. Provided, That any textile classified under this paragraph, bleached, half bleached, stamped, or printed, shall be dutiaable as such, with a surtax of thirty per centum; and Provided further, That any textile classified under this paragraph, manufactured with dyed yarns, shall be dutiable as such, with a surtax of fifty per centum; and Provided further, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty per centum ad valorern. 126. Plushes, velvets, velveteens, and other pile fabrics (see Rule six), thirty per centurn ad valorem. 127. Knitted goods (see Rule six): (a) In the piece, made up into jerseys, undershirts, drawers, stockings, or socks, thirty per centum ad valorem. (b) In other articles, forty per centurn ad valorem. 128. Tulles and laces (see Rule six), sixty per centum ad valorem. 129. Carpeting, thirty-five per centumn ad valorem. 130. Tapestries, kilo, forty cents. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than fifty per centum ad valorem. 131. Trimmings, ribbons, braid, tape, and galloons, including weight of immediate containers (see rule seven): (a) Tape; boot straps; kilo, thirty cents. (b) Other, kilo, sixty cents. Provided, That no article classified under clause (b) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than thirty-five per centum ad valorem. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 31 132. Shoe and corset laces, including weight of ilmmediate containers, kilo, forty cents. 133. Cinches, saddle girths, reins, halters, and bridles, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 134. Ribbons or bands for the manufacture of any of the articles enumerated in paragraph one hundred and thirty-three, twenty per centum ad valorem. 135. Waterproof or caoutchouc stuffs in colmbination with textiles of vegetable fibers (other than cotton); elastic textiles of any of the same manufactured witl tlhreads of guln elastic; manufactures thereof; thirty per centurn ad valorem. 136. Manufacturers of vegetable fibers, not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. CLASS VII.-WOOL, BRISTLES, HAIR, AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF. GRouP 1.- Unmantufactured. 137. Wool, not otherwise provided for: (a) Combed, prepared for yarns; wool waste; ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Combed, and carded or dyed, fifteen per centun ad valorem. GROUP 2.- Yarns. 138. Yarns, thirty per centun ad valoremr GnoUP 3.- Manufactures. 139. Bristles; animal hair; manufactures thereof; not otherwise provided for; thirty per centuni ad valorem. 140. Human hair, made up into articles or not, fifty per centum ad valorem. 141. Knitted goods (see Rule six): (a) In the piece, thirty per centurn a(l valorelm. (b) In jerseys, undershirits, drawers, stockings, or socks, thirtyfive per centum ad valorem. (c) In other articles, forty per centum ad valorem. 142. Textiles of wool, in the piece, thirty-five per centulrl ad valorem. 143. Manufactures of wool, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. CLASS VIII.-SILK AND MANUFACTUREt S THEREOF. GROUP 1. —Raw a(ndd spun. 144. Silk waste, twenty-five per centurn ad valorenl. 145. Spun silks, not twisted, including weighlt of immlediate containers, kilo, one dollar and fifty cents. 146. Floss and twisted silks, thirty-five per centun ad valorem. GRouP 2.- Textiles. 147. Silk, in the piece, forty per centum ad valorem. 148. Manufactures in which silk, artificial silk, or imitation silk, isthe component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, fifty per centum ad valorem. 32 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. CLASS IX. ---PAPER AND MANUFACTURES THEREOF. 149. Printing paper, white or colored, suitable for books or newspapers, not printed or otherwise elaborated; sand, glass, emery, carborundum, and similar papers; sheathing and roofing paper; ten per centum ad valorem. 150. Paper, pasteboard, cardboard, bristolboard, strawboard, and pulpboard, white or colored, not otherwise provided for: (a) Not printed or otherwise elaborated; writing paper, plain, ruled or padded, but not printed; fifteen per centum ad valorem. (b) The same manufactured into articles, including confetti and serpentine; envelopes of all kinds, without printing; twenty per centum ad valorem. 151. Paper of all kinds, pasteboard, cardboard, bristolboard, strawboard, and pulpboard: (a) Ruled, printed, engraved, lithographed, surface coated, etche(, embossed, or otherwise elaborated; printed or lithographed music, bound or in sheets, with or without words, not otherwise provided for; twenty per centum ad valoremn. (b) The same, manufactured into articles, not otherwise providlel for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 152. Cigarette paper, printed or not, fifteen per centum ad valorem. 153. Blank books, ruled or unruled, with printing or not; copying books; twenty per centum ad valorem. 154. Printed books, bound or not, not otherwise provided for, ten per centulm ad valorem. 155. Books and albums of lithographs, engravings, etchings, photographs, maps, or charts, not otherwise provided for; painted designs, pastels, and ink (Irawings, made by hand, for use in manufacturing and in the industrial arts and sciences; thirty per centum ad valoremn. NOTE. ---This paragraph shall not apply to works of art introduced for use as such, even when imported for sale, which shall be classified under paragraph three hundred and twenty-six. 156. Papier mache; carton pierre; indurated pulp or fiber: (a) Not further manufactured than in sheets or blocks, ten per centuml ad valoremn. (b) Further manufactured, twenty per centurn ad valorem. CLASS X.-WOOD AND OTHER MATERIALS, AND MANUFACTURES TIHEREOF. GROUP 1.- Wood. 157. Common wood, including cedar of all kinds: (a) In logs or poles, or not further advanced in manufacture than hewn or sawn into rough boards or timber, cubic meter, one dollar. (b) Plain, dovetailed, or cut to size, including shingles, laths and fencing, fifteen per centum ad valorem. PROPOSED TARTFF REVISION LAW FOR PHI LIPPINE ISLANDS. 33 158. Fine wood: (a) In logs or poles, or not further a(lvanced ill nmaiufacture than hewn oor sawn into rough boa rds or tilmber, twenty per centurn ad valorem. (b) Planed, dovetailed, or cut to size, twenty-live per centum adl valorem. 159. Wood shavings; sawdust; excelsior; (except those of dye and scented woods); ten per centuin al vahorem. 160. Shooks; staves; headings; hoops; bungs; ten per centunl ad valorem. 161. Tuns, pipes, casks, and similar receptacles, whether empty or in use as containers of merchandise dutiable by weight or measure (except in those cases in which the classification of such containers is otherwise specifically provided for): (a) Suitable for use as containers of liquids, twenty per centulm ad valorem. (b) Other, ten per centumn ad valorem. GROUP 2.- ianufactures of 'wood. 162. Manufactures of commlon wood, not otherwise provided for, whether finished, turned, painted, varnished, or not, but neither inlaid, veneered, carved, nor upholstered, nor covered nor lined with stuffs or leather; Vienna or bent-wood furniture; twenty-five per centum adi valorem. 163. Manufactures of fine wood, not otherwise provided for, whether turned, painted, varnished, or polished, or upholstered, covered, or lined with stuffs (except silk or leather), or not; manufactures of common wood, not otherwise provided for, veneered with fine wood, or upholstered, covered, or lined with stuffs (except silk or leather); thirty per centuin ad valorem. 164. Manufactures of common or fine wood, not otherwise provided for, gilt, inlaid, veneered with metal, or ornamented with metal or carving, or upholstered, covered, or lined with silk or leather, thirty-five per centum lad valorem. 165. Barbers' and dentists' chairs, of whatever material, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 166. Bowling alleys; billiard, pool, bagatelle, and similar tables; parts and appurtenances therefor, including balls of whatever material (except chalk and cloth); forty per centum ad valorem. GROUP 3. --- Various. 167. Charcoal; firewood; other vegetable fuels; grloss wei(ghrt;l on hundred kilos, five cents. 168. Cork: (a) Rough or in boards, five per centlunl al(I valorel'lll. (b) In stoppers for receptacles, fifteen per celntun ad v:lomell. (c) In other articles, twenty-five per centulnl a(l valorem. 169. Straw for manufacturing purposes; rushes; vegetable hair; genista; osiers; bamboo; broomcorn: rattanl: reeds; piths; not otherwise provided for: 80972-H. Doc. 14, 61-1 —3 84 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (a) Crude, or, not further a(Ivanced, in mianufacture than cut into straight lengthS suitable for sticks for umbrellas, J)ararsols, sun shiades, whips, fishing rods, or walking elCd 1 iWIs, te( -n per centunmi ad vtaloremf. (b) Mlanuifacturiied into fuirniture, t wenty-five per centuLm ad vkalorenil. (c) Mfanuifactuired into articles not othierwise provided for, thiurty-five petr ceutumr ad( valorem. (dl) Rtattan, split or- strippe(d, bleachied or- not, twenty per centurne ad Vialorelm. CL ASS XI.-ANIMIALS5, AND ANUIMAL PROIWCT5., AND WASTES. Gnoup I.-Live animnals, not otherwise peovidedjfor. 170. Stallions; celdlings; atries; ninles; ase;each; ten dollars. Pro vided, Thlat suicking foals, following their d~ams, shall tbe free of duty. 171. Bovine aninials: (a) Bulls; cows; oxen; each; tw W() ollar-s. (b) Sucking calves, eachl, one (Jolla!-. 172. Swine, per head, one (lollar. 173. Suckingr pigs, each, twenty-live cents. 174. Animfafs'; fish; reptiles; inlsects; not othlerwise provided for; fifteen p~er centuini ad valdoreni. 175. Birds, mcltndiiig 1)01!it ry, e~acl teii. ceits. 010uTP 2.-Jfides, ski toe, leat/oer wares~, iutestiaes, ard 'wastes~. 176. 11ides and skins, ra,11N greet, or (try," hbti not. tianned, ten per centuni ael valorem. M7. Hides and skins, tanneol-d, with thie wool or htair on; fur skins with the furll onI tainiedl or, not; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 178. Hides and skins, t-anned, without thie wool or hairte, curriedl, dyed, or not: (a) Cow, aend hides not othierwise, providled for, split or not, of the classes known a"s com1mon sole, skirting, harness, or, h ydltaulic letathier; sheep skins (basils); boot and. shoe fuidm"1gs of aiiy of thtesam111e; ten per centunm ad valorem. (b) The same, of other (lasses; calf, go)at kid, lamb, and slinilar skitis; sheep skins finished' in imitation of any of these; riot hiavinlg the artificial finishies enumerated undcr clautse (c) of thius paragraph; cow hide embossed in imnitation of pigskin; boo't and shoe findings of any of the samle; fifteen per centunm ad valorein. (c) Hfides and skins, not Otherwise providlel for; hides and skins enamieled, gilt, bronzed, bleached, figured, engr1aved, or em-bosse'd (except as provided in clanse (b) of this paragraph); chamois, velluin arid parchment leathers; boot and shoe findings of anyothsaetwnfive per centurn ad valoremn. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 35 179. Gloves: (a) Of kid skin, forty per centuml ad valorem. (b) Other, twenty-five per centun a(1 valorenm. 180. Boots and shoes: (a) Of cow hide, horse hide, shleep skin, and canvas, fifteen per centurn ad valoremn. (b) (ther; slippers; sandals; alpalrgatas; of wthatever lmaterial (except silk); twenty-five per centum l ad valorem. (c) The same, of silk, fifty per centum ad valorem. 181. Saddlery and harness; parts therefor; not oftherwise provided for: (a) Draft harness and( parts therefor, twenty )per centurl ad valorem. (b) Other harness, saddlery, and harness makers' wares; parts therefor; manufactures of raw hide, not otherwise provided for; whips of whatever material; twenty-five per centurn ad valorem. 182. Manufactures of leather, not otherwise provie(ld for, thirty-five per centuni ad valorem. 183. Bladders; integuments and intestines of a(nilmals; fish sounds; not otherwise providled for: (a) Not further advanced in manufacture than (lried, thirty per centum ad valorem. (b) Further advanced, fifty per centum ad valolrein. 184. Animal wastes and by-products not otherwise provi(led( for: (a) Unmanufactured, including any of the same ground( or prepared as fertilizers or as food for alnimals, ten per centumn ad valorem. (b) Manufactured, or otherwise advance(d in value or condition, twenty per centuln a( valorem. CLASS XI. —INSTRUMENTS, APPARATUS, MACHINERY, VEHI(CLES, AND BOATS. GROUP 1.- Musical instrumerents, watches, and clocks. 185. Musical instruments; parts, appurtenances, and accessories therefor, including strings and wires; automatic devices for the production of music only; piano stools, metronomes, tuning hammers, tuning forks, pitch pipes, and similar articles for use in connection therewith; not otherwise provided for; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 186. Instruments and machines combining other mechanical operations with the production of music, such as slot machines of that character; phonographs, gralnophones, graphophones, and similar apparatus; kinetoscopes, biographs, cinematographs, magic lanterns, and similar picture-projecting devices, not otherwise provided for; parts, appurtenances, and accessories therefor; thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 187. Clocks, chronometers, watches, cyclometers, pedometers, odometers, and similar devices; cases, crystals, movements, parts, and accessories therefor; not otherwise providled for; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 36 P.RO)OSEI) TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. ( It(OP 2. ---Alpparatus acnd mtachinery. 188. Typewriters, llilleogrtaphs, Roneos, and other writing, duplicating, tand Inanlifolding machines and (evices; adding machines, comlltographs, and other collll)ting apparatus; fare registers; dletached patrts therefor, including ribbons, pads, stencil shleets, mimeographl silks, and similar accessories therefor; stamll)p pa(ds; fifteen per centuim ad valorem. 189. Cash registers: (le tached( parts tlherefor; twentv-five per centum ad valortel. 190. Sewing nllachines; (letaclhed parts tllerefor (except needles); fifteen per cenrtutmr ad valorem. 191. Autolmatic slot mllachines, not otherwise provided for; detached parts tlherefor; subject to the provisions of Sec. six of this act; thlirty-five per centumr ad valorern. 192. Machinery and a)lpparatus for weighing; (letached parts therefor; not othlerwise provided for; twenty per centurn ad valorem. 193. Electric aon( electro-technical machinery, apparatus, and appliances: (a) Dynalnl ( ros, g(enerators, generating sets, alternators, motors, mand( sinilalr liliachliery, not otherwise provided for; transfornllers landi storage batteries; switch boards and swNitclles; arc lamps, telephone and telegraph instrulments; fans, buzzers, and annunciators; ainneters, voltmeters, -wattneters, and similar measuring apparatius; (lry r(nd wet batteries; detached parts therefor; and articles used exchlsively in the installation thereof; insulators, andl insulating compounds and materials used exclusively for electrical purposes; carbon: incandescent bulbs tand tubes; ten per centum ad valoren. (b) (Cookinlg a:ndl hcating al)paratus andl utensils; chandeliers; desk and table laillps; flatirons; soldering and curling irons; t lerm(o-clautteries anl(d cauterizing instruments; surgical, (dental, and threrapeutic appliances, including so-calle(I electric belts; X-ray nlachlines; vibratory apparratus; electro-plating outfits: cigar lighters; other instrtuients, inlpllemeints, utensils, and articles used in connection wtiil, for, or by tile a)pplication or production of electro-tec I inical, therllio-elec(tric, galvanic, or galvanollagnetic force; detacthed parts therefor; not otherwise provided for; twenty per centuml a(l valorem. 194. Machinery and aptparatus: (a) Of iron, steel, or wood, for use in the crushing, lhandling, or conveying of sugar cane or its products in or around sugar Ilills; (let:ached parts therefor; thirty per centum ta valorein. (b) Engines, tenlers, motors, steamn b)oilers, pumps, and maachinery; (living suits; comlIon, tools, implements, and app)laratus; (letlache(l parts therefor; nolt otherwise provdled for; slhafting land gearing; of iron, steel, or wood; fifteen per centumn aId valoreln. (c) The satle, (f oftler l)materials: emterv clot; twtllenty per ceIntuli11n a(l valorelll. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHIILlPPINE ISLANDS. 37 195. Machine belting of whlltever material; ten per centum ad valorem. 196. Fine tools, implements, and instruments, of whatever material, used in the arts, trades, anl professions, such as measuring instruments, lmicrolnetric gauges, mathematical and dcrawing instruments, manicure instruments (not pocket cutlery), watchmakers', jewelers', surgeons', dentists', engravers', carvers', glass cutting, and similar tools, instruments, and implements; detached parts therefor; not othlerwise provided for, twenty per centum ad valorem. (GROUP 3. —lVehicles. 197. Wagons and carts for transporting mlerchaln(lise; warellhouse trucks; hand carts and wheelbarrows; (etachll l parts therefor, not otherwise plrovi(le(l for; fifteenl l)w' (eentuin a(d valorem. 198. Automobiles. (a) For the transportationl of llerchan(lis e, fifteenl p)er (celltlmll ad valorem. (b) ()ther, twenty per centuIrn ad valorelli. (c) Detached parts and accessories for autollt)lnoiles, including tires, lamls, and hiorns, twelnty-five per cen(tumn a(I valorem. 199. Bicycles, velocipedes, and motor cycles; (letac(le(l I)arts and accessories therefor, inclulinlg tires an(1 lanll: twenty )er centum a(d valorem. 200. Vehicles for use on railways an(l tramLways, and d(tlc(lledl lparts thereof: (a) For I)pu)lic or (,(o)rmonl carriers, te pll r ) ('en11t 11 al( valorem. (b) Other, thirty per centurn ad valorenl. 201. (ther wheeled vehicles, inclu(lding el)eraIl)ullltors; aerial machines; balloons; detachel lparts tlierefor, nlot otherlwise provide(d for; twenty per centull ad( valoreii. 202. D)etached wooden p)arts for any of thle articles classifiedl lulcr paragraph one huntdred an(l ninety-se\vel o-r pl0ar'gratI)l two hundred and one. (a) Unfinished, fifteen per ce(lltllll a(1d valore(1n. (b) Finished, twenty per centuml a( valorel. (GRToutP 4. Boats a( d other 'ttcr ('raft. 203. lBoats, launches, liglters, and otlelr water (rlt, set ul) or knocke(l (own, imnporte(l into tll Plhililppine Islands; cost of repairs mtade in foreign c(oul)tri(s to vesssels, or to parts thereof, documnente(d for tl-le Pllili)ppine (oastw is tradle or plving exclusively in I'liilippine xwters, n(l for which repairs adequate facilities are affor(ldel in tlie lPhililpine Islands, fifty per centumn ad valorem. Provided, That upon proof, satisfalctor t( tllt collector of customs, that a(dequate facilities are Inot aflor(le(l in the Philippine Islands for such rel)airs, tlhe same shall be subject to the provisions of p)arapgralj thiree hundre( and fifty-one of this act; an(l 38 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPIN~E ISLAN~DS. Provided further, That if the, owner or master of such vessel shall f-urnish evNidence, satisfactory to the collector of customs, that such vessel, while in the regular course of her voyage, was compelled by stress of weather or other casualty to put into a foreign lport or place and make such repairs to secure the safety of the vessel or to enable her to return to the Philippine llslands, such (duty shall not be imposed; and Provided futrth er, Thlat furnishings, stores, and supplies not otherwise provided. for, purchased abroad and imported in such vessels, shall be dutiable uinder the corresponding paragraphs of this act. NOTE —The expression "imported iflto the Philippine IslandIs ' shall be held. to mean " brought into the jurisdictional. waters of the Philippine Islands in or on another vessel, or towe d therein 'by another vessel (except when becalmed or disabled at sea), as (listinguished from coming into said] islands uinder the craft's own steami, sail, or other mnotive power.'' (4LASS XiII — ALIMi1ENT7ARY s t-UBsTrANCES. (GROUP I1 -— P'oultri,!, ~ea~ts, soups, avnd fish. 204. Poultry;- game; not otherwise provided for; dresse(I or not; gros~s Weigh,(,)l one hundred kilos, foui dollars. 205. Meat, fresh, not, Otherwise p1,rovided for, gross weight,, one hundredl kilos, One dollari. 206. Meat; sausage catsings; salted or in brinle: "ross Weight, one hunildredl kilos,, two (lollars anid fifty cenits. 207. Hams; bao;other meats andl sausags (ty" ir~,o mkd not pri-.5(1rV(d in canls; including w-eight of immediate containers one, hun11dred kilos, four dlollars and fifty cents. Provided IThat sauisages classified under this paragraph may l)e iflpoitedt ini iany kind of pacekage exceeding in wih ten kiloS acult an1wegh Provided, fzuther, That salt used for the packing of any ar-ticle d'assified, uinder- this ptaragr-aphi shall lbe dutiable under clause (c) of par agrap~h seventy-fouir. 208. JL.ari(l; imiitations thereof; gross weight, one hundred kilos. two (lollar-s and. fifty cents. 20.9. Canned or pottedl mieats, suich as beef, veal, mnutton, lamb, lpork, ham, n( Ind ume'on, Idainly prep~ared. an( Isims dly preserved, not otherwise~ Iroviol~ed for 1;commonn l)1ep arations t hereof, with or1 without~ vegret alfles Ior other simple ingredientsP such as Irish stew, corned beef hash, Chili-con-carne, hog and hominiuv dry chnipped beef, and thle jlk,fifeenprcnu ad valorem.' 21.0. Internal par-ts of aniimals, suich as tonguie, liver, and tripe; rabb)its; lmoultry; ordinary preparations thlereof; canned or l)otted; sautsages, not otheirvise. pio1vided for, twenty per centumn ad valorem. 21 1. ('fanmed. or potted grame: J)at6 (de foie gras; dleviledl haml meats orgraine, anr(l pi'eparationis thereof: minicle-meat: meat pat6s; jellied lamibs' a(1d l seep)sI tonigues; boneless pigs' feet.; sweet PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 39 breads; brains; similar products of delicatessen class; not otherwise provided for, twenty-live per centum ad valorem. 21.2. Canned or potted soups and broths; claim chowder fifteen per centum, adl valorein. 213. Meat extracts in any form; meat juice and soup tablets; condensed or concentrated soup prepairations, dIrv or in paste, twenty-five per centumn ad va loremn. 214. Salted or dried codfish, gross weighit, one hundreld kilos, one dollar and sixty cents. 215. Fish, in cans, glass, or jars: (a) Cod., herring, mullet, haddock, salmlonl, andl mackerel plainly prepared and simply preserved; sardlines in oil or tomlato sauce, fifteen perl centumi adl valorem. otherwise provided for, twenty per centumi ad valorem. (c) Fish, shell fish, sea 100(1, and prepa rationls thereof, such as andchovies, inerhiza, angrulaIs, awabl ), said ines not otWierwise, provided for, lamnpreys, whiiting', turtle, fish. roe, eels ini j ely sharks' fins in anliy form, shrimp, bloater, and fishi pastes andi butters; simiflar products of (lelicatessen class, twenlty-five pci' centuin adI valorein. 216. Fish, iiot otherwise provided for: (a) Fresh, with only the salt indispensible for pr'eser'vation, gross weighlt, one Inumdred kilos, two dollairs atnd ninety cents. (b) iDried, salted, smloked, Or picklied, ill huk ross weigrht, one lhund1 red. kilos twvo (lolla's (an-d twenty-fi've cents. 217. ()ystei's, clains, and shell fi~sh, in bulk, not oltherwise p-rovided'. for; fresh oysters in can-s; g~ross weightAf one( hiundred kilos, five dollars. GRoup 2.- (;'r(li'ns, s1eeds, fiorage, cere(4115, (laed prcpr~ja1tioti,8 thereqi. 218. Rice, gross weigh1t (unti ayfrt ieenI e n 1en (a) Unhusked, oneo hundred kilos, si'xty cents. (b) Husked, one hundred kilos, one d(1011a'. (c) Flour, one hundred kilos, two dolh~ars. Onl and] after May first, nineteen hundred anld tea) (a) LUnhusked, one, hundred kialos, eigh1ty- cents. (b) Busked, one hundred kilos, one- dollalr and twentyN (cents. (c) Flouir, one hundred kilos, two doll1ai's. b,ldwt h Prov,.ided, That the Governor-General, yadwtlh atdvice aend conseut, of the 'Philippinle Comi'"ssion, maIn his (liscretion, contintue in force the mnates of duity first prescried n tis pai'agraph until, ina hi's judgmentc lion in the Philippine Islands mnay warranIt the jiu1posit in f h higher rates herein prescribed; and Provided farther, That, the. Governor-Genlerafl, by and with the advice and consent of the Philippine CommiT"ssion, may, suspend all (duties upon rice, oi- t lie, (lilt icsuorc o consumiption in par-ticularll locialities, olc(eilaelb him, whenlever -andl for such periodl as, In i uget oa conditioiis require; lin which event, i'ice admfilittedl free by virtue of his ordler shall lbe d~istribi-utedlin i governnieintal supervision, orl in taccordlancc with qsJeli regullations as he, may prescribe. 410 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 219. Wheat, rye, and barley, gross weight: (a) In grain, one hundred kilos, twenty-five cents. (b) In flour, one hundred kilos, forty-seven cents. 220. Corn (maize), oats, and millet; cereals and grains not otherwise provided for; gross weight: (a) In grain, one hundred kilos, seventeen cents. (b) In meal or flour, not otherwise provided for, one hundred kilos, eighty-three cents. 221. Cereals prepared for table use, such as oatmeal, cornmeal, cracked wheat, cornstarch, and similar preparations, not otherwise provided for, ten per centum ad valorem. 222. Malted milk, infants' foods; similar preparations; fifteen per centun ad valorem. 223. Bread, biscuits, crackers and wafers, of flour of cereals or pulse; including weight of immediate containers: (a) Unsweetened, one hundred kilos, three dollars. (b) Sweetened, one hundred kilos, five dollars. 224. Cakes and puddings, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 225. Vermicelli; macaroni: pastes for soup, not otherwise provided for; including weight of immediate containers; one hundred kilos, two dollars and fifty cents. 226. Birds' nests, edible, thirty per centum ad valorem. 227. Seeds, not otherwise provided for, gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar. 228. flay; bran; forage; straw, not otherwise provided for; seeds and unhusked grains, cracked, or otherwise prepared for animal food; oil cake; five per centurn ad valorem. GRouP 3. — Pulse, vegetables, fruaits, (and neuts. 229. l)ried beans, pease, and other pulse: (a) In bulk, gross weight, one hundlred kilos, eig'lty cents. (b) In small or retail packages, including weight of immediate containerls, one hundred kilos, two dollars and sixty-five cents. (c) In flour, gross weight, one hlundred kilos, (,ne dollar and fifty cents. 230. Vegetables fresh (except onions and Irish potatoes), gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar. 231. Vegetables, dried or dessicated, not otherwise provided for: (a) In bulk, gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar and thirty cents. (b) In small or retail packages, including weight of immediate containers, one hundred kilos, two( dollars and twentyfive cents. 232. Vegetables, preserved, not otherwise provided for: (a) In bulk, gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar. (b) In small or retail packages, including weight of immediate containers; one lhndred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. Provaided, That no article classified under clause (b) of this paragraph, shall pay a less rate of duty than fifteen per centur ad valoren. 233. Vegetables, pickled: (a) In bulk, gross weiglht, one lund(red kilos, one (ollar and fifty c(ents. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR P1-H11PPIlNEl ISLAN)S. 41 (b) In small or retail packages, inclu(ling lweight of imllmmeiate containers, kilo, three cents. Provided, That no article classified udler clause (b) of this pa ragrapll shall pay a less rate of ldllt thall fift('eell per centum ad( valorem. )34. Fruits, fresh, gross weight, one lunlldred kilos, one (tdollar and twenty-five cents. 235. Fruits, drled: (a) In bulk, gross weight, onle lthundrled kilos, loe d(lllar andll fifty cents. (b) In small or retail packages, including weigLht of immediate containers, one hlundred kilos, two (olltlars an(l fifty cents. Provided, That no( article classifie( unldert claluse (h)) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of (lutyt tllall fifteen per centurn a(l valorem. 236. Fruits, preservedl, not otherwise provi(ledl for: (a) In bulk, gross weight, one hundlred kilos, loe hdollar and fifty cents. (b) In small or retail packages, inclu(linlg weight of immnediate containers, one hllulred kilos, two (olllars. Provided, That no article classifiedl undelr (clause (1)) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of (tlty- t!han fifteenl per centum a(l valorem. 237. Fruits, in jellies, jams, marmalatdes, butters, alnd sitlil ar pl)repaations; fruit pulp; twenty per centum ad valorenm. 238. Fruits, brandied, or similarly preserved; fruits ('coservet( or (cIrstallized; twenty-five per centunm ad valoremn. 239. Nuts; nut products; not otherwise plrovideld f(lr twent\y-five per centum ad valorelm. G(ROUP 4.-Sugar, Uqola.sss,.!olucosc, (t 1c o (t corfi ct'onr!/. 240. Sugar: (a) Raw, gross xweiglht, o01l Iicuit(nrel kilos, t lhree (dollars and seventy cents. (b) Refined, including weighlt of i11111(leiate c(ontainersl(, (one hundred kilos, four dollars an(l twenty cents. 241. Molasses and( sirups, not othlerwise pro)vidled( f'or: hoIlner: (a) In bulk, gross weigllt, one hunidrced kilos, tw-o otl l llrs. (b) In small or retail packages, iclliding weight of immie(dialte containers, one lhundlred kilos, it lee (d\ llairs. 242. Glucose, gross weight, one 1I11I(unded kilos, One(' ldoll.r a(l sixty cents. 243. Saccharine, inchldilmo weigt of immeiiid'liate c(molttillt'1 s, kilo, two dollars. 244. Candies; confectionery: s\wee((tietst (tche\wing gr Im not ot(lerwise provided( for; tw enty-five perl ce(ntlllll \di val('rem. GROUP 5. —(ofi(ee, tea, ca, cacoli, sn'c uc.s' cS ndm,. l)lit. d i f ol'i'n extracts. 245 Coffee: (a) Unroasted, gr'oss wveigllt,,ne Itnld(rel i kilos, ti\re doldlars and thirty cents. 42 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (b) Roasted, ground or not, gross weight, one hundred kilos, seven dollars. (c) In packages weighing each less than three kilos, including weight of immediate containers, one hundred kilos, nine (.ollars. 246. Chicory, gross weight, one hundred kilos, four dollars and twenty cents. 247. Tea, including weight of ilmmediate containers, kilo, fifteen cents. 248. Cacao: (a) IlUnground, gross weight, one hundred kilos, seven dollars and twenty cents. (b) Other; cacao butter; including weight of immediate containers; one hundred kilos, twelve dollars and fifty cents. Provided, That no article classified under clause (b) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five 'er centum ad valorem. 249. Chocolate, including weight of imnmediate containers: (a) In forms or lumps for manufacturing purposes, one hundred kilos, ten dollars. (})) In cakes or p[owdler, kilo, fifteen cents. Provided, That no article classified under clause (b) of this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty tllan twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 250. Cinnamon, cloves, allspice, an(d mace, including weight of immIediate containers: (a) Underground, one hundred kilos, eight dollars. (b) Ground, one hundred kilos, ten dollars. 251. Nutmegs, including weight of immediate containers: (a) Unhusked, kilo, three cents. (b) Husked, kilo, five cents. (c) Ground, kilo, eight cents. 252. Pepper, white or black; pod peppers, dried; including weight of imme(liate containers: (a) Whole, one hundred kilos, two dollars and( twenty cents. (b) Ground, kilo, eight cents. 253. Mustard; horse-radish; including weight of immediate containers: (a) Unground, kilo, two cents. (b) Ground, kilo, six cents. (c) In paste, kilo, ten cents. 254. Saffron, incldinig w eight of immnediate containers, kilo, four dollars. 255. Spices, not otlerwise provided for, including weight of immediate containers: (a) IUngroun(l, one hundred kilos, eight dollars. (b) Grolund: curry powder; one hundred kilos, ten dollars. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum a(d valorein. 256. Sauces for table use, not otherwise provi(ded for, such as tomato, caper, tobasco, Worcestershire, catsup, and like preparations, twentv-five per centurn ad( valorem. 257. Vinegar: (a) In receptacles containing each more than two liters, liter, two cents. (b) In other receptacles, liter, three cents. PROPOSED TARIFF REVTISION LAW F(OR PHILI:PPINE ISLANDS. 43 258. Flavoring extracts, compounds. and sirups; including weight, of immediate containers: (a) Without alcohol or containing not to exceed fourteen per centum of alcohol, kilo, twenty-five cents. (b) Containing more than fourteen per centum of alcohol, kilo, thirty-five cents. Provided, That any article, otherwise subject to classification under this clause, containing imore thanll twenty-four per centum of alcohol shall be classified under paragraph two hundred and sixty-four. 259. Vanilla beans, including weight of imllle(liate containers, two dollars and fifty cents. GROU:P 6.-Spirits, w'nIS malt, M (lt la otf/,l:n r )eees. NOTE. ---For the purpose of assessment utidcer tllose ]aragraphs in which the proof liter is the tbasis, ea(chl and every gauge or wine liter of measurement shall be counted as at least one proof liter. All imitations of whlisky, fil, gin, brandy, spirits, or wines, imlporte(d by or un(ler anly names whatsoever shall be sub:jected to tlhe iglhest rafte of duty provided for the genuine articles respectively inltended( to be represented, with a. surtax of fifty per (cetntn. 260. Alcohol, liter, twenty-five cents. 261. Whlisky; rum; gin; brandy; otlier spirits; not ot chellris isrvided for; proof liter, fifty cents. 262. Blackberry and ringer brandy, proof liter, th lirty cents. 263. Cocktails, liqueurs, cordials, and (otlher compo)nll(le(lt s}piritous beverages and bitters, not ottherwise proxvided(t for, proof liter, sixty-five cents. 264. Wines, sparkling, liter, one dollar. 265. Still wines; sake, containing fourteen pe)r (;eictlum ll I' less of alcohol: (a) In receptacles containing each m1ore thlan tVo liters, liter, two cents. (l) In receptacles containing each t w,() liters:or less, liter. seven and one-half cents. Provid d, That no article classified nlder this paragraphl shall pay t less rate of d uty than forty pe:r (cnt 111 (1 valorem. 266. Still wines; sake; containiing nmore thain foulrrte(eI per ce((.'lt:ull of alcohol: (a) In receptacles conitailing).each ( no,(,' thar n t w(o lite'rs, liter, fifteen cents. (th) In receptacles con(taining each to liters or less, liter, twenty-five cents. Provided, lThat no article classifie'l lunder( thlis para;graphr shall pay a less rate( of (ldt t lhanj iftvy per c(.entill a: valorem; and Provided furtlaer, Tlhat any ' of suh arti(cl(s conlt aining more than twentv-four ]pe'r centuin ot alcollol shall he( classified under paragri:apl two l hundred a(ld sixt v-l'ulr. 267. Malt beverages; ciclers: (a) In receptacles containii g ealS more1ll l t all two lit ers. l(ectol.. two dollars an( twentlv-live cents. (b) In other recept acles, lhectol.. four (lldlars 111(1 ninety cents. 44 VROPOSEI) TA.RIfF REV11( )0_N, L.A1W FOR Pit ILIPPI NE ISLANDS. 268. Sweetened, flavored, or aerated waters; natural mineral waters, aerated or not; giniger ale;-root be~er; unfermiented fruit juice; nion-alcohiolic beverages, not otherwise provided. for; hectol., one (lollar and fifty cents. 26.9. -Fruit juice, pure or with sufficient sugar to preserve it, without alcohol or containing not m~ore than four per cen-t um of alcohol, liter, five cents. GROUP 7. lurions. 270. Milks and creams, pure, or with suflicient sug~ar to preserve them, ten per centum ad valoreini. 271. Milks and cream~s, comnpounded. with other substances; milk powders and tablets; not otherwise provided for; twenty per centumi ad valorem.. 2.72. Eggs, not otherwise provided for: (a) Fresh or preserved, in natural form, gross weight, one hundred kilos, one (dollar. (b) Egg powders; other lpreparat ions of eggs; not otherwise providled for; twenty-five per centum. ad valoremn. 273. (Cheese of all kinds andl substitutes therefor, fifteen per centum adl valorem. 274. Butter, including weight of ilnmedtiate cnaerkilo, six cents. 275. Oleomargrarine; hutterine; gitee; imitations of butter; including weiwhYt of ilnlu~edliate, containers, kilo, eight cents.' 276. Articles and 1)rodlllcts edible by mankind., not otherwise, provided for: (a) Crude and] ini natural state, teni per centunm ad valoremn. (b) Prepared, lpreserved, or adlvarlced in -value or conidition by any process or manuifactuire, twentyN per (entum- ad. valore in. (LA,;ss XIX MISCE LLAN EO US. 277. Fanis, of all. kiwiis, thirty-five per cenituin ad valorem. 278. Pens, not otherwise p~rovidledt for; nee({les (except surgical iieedlles); commion- and safety pains; hooks and- eyes; button rings an-d fasteners; crochiet hiooks; hairpins; of common metals (except those coveredl or (loat ed with gold or silver); twNent~y-livel per cet dn va~loVrel.m 2 79. rrIikts and( ornamenits of all kinds (except those of gold or silver, or of gold or silver plate, or iii whinch the component m~at-eriial of c(ii ef value (i miber, jet, jadle, tortoise shell, coral, ivory, ineerschaiamiin or mother-of-pearl), in cludIing weight of.imininediate coiirtaiiiers, kilo, onie dollar andl twenity-five cents: I"I'lid Tat, no article (lassdfied under this aarp shall pay a less ratte o)f (lt'th~an thirt p~crtm ad. valorem,. 280. Amber; jet; tortoise shell; (oral; ivory; meerschianm; mother-ofpearl: (a) Unwro.ugrht; (lit for settingi~s ori plierce(1 for b~eads; fifteen )er centumi(lad vailorem. (b) X11rouglit, imot otherwise pr ivided foa, tlhirtyv-fiv prcn tuern ad vmiloreim. ev cn PROPOSED TARIiFF REVISIO(N LAW\ FO() 1I'11 Ij-'P N El ISLAN,)S. 45 281. Horn; bone; whalebone; celluloid; imitations thereof, or of any of the substances enumleratled in paragraph two hulldred and eighty-one; including weight of ilnnediate containers: (a) TUnwrought, kilo, thirty cents. (b) Wrought, not otherwise provide(l for, kilo, olne (dollar land twenty-five cents. Provided, That no article classified unlld(er clatse (b) of this paragraph shall pay a, less rzate of (dulty t hllal tlirty per centurn atd valorem. 282. Artificial teeth, with plates or not,; artificial eyes; art1ificial lilnbs and members; similar articles for the allevilation of the inconveniences resultingl froml physi cal (tlefets: tell per centum ad valorem. 283. Buttons, including weig}ht, of illlme(liate cont ainers: (a) Of mother-of-pearl, kilo, one dollar and thlirty cents. (b) Of bone, porcelain, composition, wood, steel, irto, on r similar materials, kilo, thirty cents. (c) )f other materials (except goltd, silver or 1)platinlllll, or gold or silver plate), kilo, fifty c(elnts. Provided, That no article classifie(d under tllis paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty thl;anl twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 284. Shells, not otherwise p)rovidedl for: (a) Not further advanced in condition tlhan 1 olisiedt( toen per centurn ad valorem. (b)) Further advanced; manufactures in whicl slells, not ollerwise provided for, are the complonent, 1material of chlief value; twenty-five per centumn adt valorem. 285. Sponges, natural, including hexactinellida ain loofahl: (a) Not further advance(S in condition than waslhed or bleacheld, twenty-five per centum ad valorerm. (b) Further advanced; manufactures in wlichll spolnge or loofah, is the component material of chief value; forty per centuni ad valorem. 286. Felt or textiles prepared or coated withl tar, pit(chl, or similar substances; rubberoid; similar materials; for roof int sheathing, and structural purI)oses; gross weight, One lilllreti kilos, ninety cents. 287. Oilcloth (except of silk); linoleumll c(ortic(ine,: (a) In the piece, fifteen per centuml adt valoreili. (b) Made up into articles, twenty-five per (centun11 adt valoremln. 288. Tool bags, chests, and cases; trunks; valises; sulit cases; traveling bags; telescopes: hat boxes: and simillar re(eptac(les for l)ersonal effects; shawl stralps; of' w\latever ll aterial: t wentyfive per centun ad( valorelm. 289. Stuffed or mountel birdls or aniimals, not othlerwiste 1lrovi(led f{or, twenty per centumn ad, valorem. 290. Feathers for ornaments; stuffed birds or alimalsl or la. )rts t lercof for use on wearing apparell or for toilet 1lurI)Os(Sel, natural, finished, or manufactured, sixty per cent, umn ad valorell. 291. Feathers and d(owns, not otherwise provi( tlc(l,for (a) Not further alvanced in (cndlition thlan (cleaned, twenty per (centum a1( valorein. 46 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. (b) Further advanced; manufactures in which feathers or downs are the component material of chief value; forty per centum ad valorem. 292. Artificial flowers, buds, pistils, leaves, fruits, seeds, and moss: other parts of artificial fruits and flowers; of whatever material; fifty per centurn ad valorem. 293. Caoutchouc and gutta-percha: (a) Crude; rubber, in sheets, sheeting, or packing, even with cloth or wire insertions; gaskets and washers; ten per centum ad valorem. (b) Rubber, soft, in articles not otherwise provided for, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. (c) Rubber, hard, in articles not otherwise provided for, thirty per centum ad valorem. 294. Hose and flexible tubing, of whatever dimensions or materials, fifteen per centurm ad valorem. 295. Reservoir pens; parts and points therefor; of whatever material; twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 296. Games and toys, including face masks, paper hats and canes, artificial Christmas trees, Christmas-tree decorations, toy carts and other small vehicles for children's use not otherwise provided for; diminutive articles for use as toys, not adapted for practical purposes; including weight of immediate containers, kilo, ten cents. Provided, That no article of gold, silver, or platinum, or of gold or silver plate, or of tortoise shell, coral, ivory, or motherof-pearl, shall be classified under this paragraph; and Provided farther, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 297. Golf sticks; polo mallets; tennis rackets; baseball and cricket bats; balls of all kinds for use in the sports (except bowling, billiard, pool, and bagatelle balls); fencing masks and foils; gymnlasiuml apparatus; croquet sets, and parts therefor; twenty-five per centumn ad valorem. 298. Umbrellas and parasols: (a) Covered with paper, each, eight cents. (b) Covered with silk, each, fifty cents. (c) Covered with other stuffs, each, twenty cents. (d) Umbrella frames, uncovered, mounted on sticks, forty per centum ad valorem. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. 299. Hats; bonnets; crowns therefor; of straw, chip, palm leaf, grass, rattan, osiers, and analogous materials: (a) Complete, not trimmed, each, thirteen cents. (b) The same, trimmed, each, twenty-two cents. (c) Crowns for, each, eleven cents. Provided, That no article classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than twenty-five per centum ad valorem. PROPOSED T'ARIFF RlEVISION LAW F10( PY }I IPPII N ' ISIAN DS. 47 300. The same, of other materials: (a) Complete, not trimmed, eaclh, t welve cents. (b) The same, trimmed, each, twenty cents. (c) Crowns for, each, eleven cents. Provided, That no article classified ulnder tilis )allalraa)h shall pay a less rate of duty tlhan twelnty-li\ve per cenltllum ad valorem. 301. Caps; fezzes; turbans; headgead r notl o(tllhrwise pirovidedt for; thirty per centum ad valoreml. 302. Cameras and parts therefor; photog(raph)li(c eqiplil)lelnt and articles for use in photographly, not otherwise plrovided for, such as lenses, tripods, phlotogcra)lphic plates anid lilmls, film packs and kits, plate holders and fralmes, (leveloping lights, baths, and trays; twenty per centunl ad valoremn. 303. Appliances and apparatus, parts and cases therefor anld accessories thereto, not otherwise provided for, for matlhema tical, optical, astronomical, surgical, geodetical, and other scientific purposes, such as thermometers, barometers, s, lcollolometers, salmnometers, hydrometers, va cuooleters, radiometers, appliances for sight testing, n:icrotolmes, telescopes, microscopes and their slide glasses, stethoscopes, tlhodollites, transits, sextants, quadrants, comp()asses, anlld tlhe like, twenty-five per centuml ad valorenl. 304. Tobacco: (a) WrapperI tobacco; filler toba'cco{, when tllixe( l or' l)acked with more than fifteen per c(entutli of lwr.aper tobacco; leaf tobacco, the product of two or more coul:nt rics or dependencies, mixedol or packedl togethelcr; ilste lie(ll, Ikilo, four dollars and eighty cents. (b) The same, stenlmnel, kilo, five (lollars and fifty c(ents. (c) Filler tobacco, not otherwise lprovi(le(d for, Ilnstellllle((l, kilo, seventy-seven cents. (d) The same, stenmmed, kilo, one dollatr andt two (, cnts. (e) Cigars, cigarettes, cheroolts; paper cigars Ian cigarettes, including wrappers; kilo, nine (doll ars and ninety cents and twenty-five per centull adl valo(re.. (f) Other tobacco, nanufacture( (lor 1lunllalllfactured, not otherwise provided for, kilo, one dollar and twenty cents. NOTE.-The term "'wrapper tob)acco,'( as use(d i this act, shall be taken to mean tlhat quality of leaf tol)bacco wlhictl is suitable for cigar wrappers, and the terim "filler toba)'cco" shall be taken to mean all other leaf tobacco. 305. Wastes, not otherwise provided for, ten per centult a( valoren. 306. Materials, substances, amn articles, not otler wise prlovilded for: (a) Not adlvanced in value or condition bY y a I ro()ccss or Imanufacture, ten per centurn ad valorenm. (b) Further advanced, but not Inan facture( i nt o articles, ifteen per centumn ad valorem. (c) Manufactured into articles, twenty-five )er celttmt ad valoremn. 307. Cost of repairs upon articles of easy i(lentilicatiol (exlept those provided for in paragraph two hundrec l an lldee), exported trom the Philippine Islands and reinlporte(l tllrein, twentyfive per centumn ad valorem. 48 PRIMPOSFAh TARIFF REIVISION LJAW FOR PF11iIAPPfNE IS'LAINDS. IPro'Vided, T hat any such article, exclusive of the repairs thereon, shall l)e free of duty when reimported, upon the comlpliance, with the regulations of the Insular collector of custourns governing such exporta tions and reimportations; otherwise-, the, terms of section twelve shall. apply. FIIFE LIST. SEc-'. 12. Ihkat the folloxx'ing articles shall be free of duty upon importation thereof into the 'Philippine Islands: $308. Trees; shoots; plants; mioss; live. $309. Ores, andI sco)riae resulting from the smnelting thereof; filings, cuttings, and1( other wastes, of common metals, resulting from intanufacture, andl fit, only for resmelting; scrap iron, copper, brass, tin, zinc, alnd lead, and co~nlbinations thereof; bell m~etal; copper regilus,; copper miatte; cast or malleable iron in pigs-;1 soft or wrought iron in inot;steel. in inot;tin, lead, zin1c, nickel,~ and- aluminmim in pigs, lumps, or ingots; $31-0. Articles, such as atichiors, bin nacles, propellers, and the like, the chaIracter of which, as iinporterl prevents their use for other thian th~e vonstructioni, equipmient, or repair of vessels; life preserver~s a 11(1 life buoys. $311. Oakuini. $312. ~Rawv cottori. $313. Vegetable filbers, ratw or hackle(l, not oth~erwise providled for. $314. Bristles; anjimal hair aind wool; not, further adlvancedI in (ondlition than washled. $315. Paper pulp ano-l paper- stock. $316. Samiples of thle kind, in such qu.,antity, land of such (liIIensionis or C'olfnstructon as to rendler them unsalable or of no appreciable commecialvalue; models riot adapted forl practical use. $3 17. Onions; Irish potatoes; in natural state. $318(. G'old; silVer; platinuml; in bars, sheets, pieces, (lust, scrap, or in brokeni-up jewelry or tab~le service. $319 1bops anrd, mtalt. $320. (Joins and cuirrency of national issue; execlltedl checks, drafts., h)ills of exchange and simillar (ollum-ercial (locuninents.:321L N atuiral nianures. $322. Cinchona h)ark; sullphate and l)istulphate of quinline; alkaloids an d sI'tlts of ciinlhoina b~aik; in whatever form.:3 23. lelecgiaph ctables, of the, (lass known as sublimarinle. $324. Vaccinies anj(l serinms.:325. Ice. $326. hland paintings inoil, water color-, or)i pastel; pea and ink (IrawJugs: for- use as works of ar-t, aind not as a decoration of merchan(idise, nor for- use in -manufacture or the industrial arts ani(I Sciences; photo)graphls, paintings, crayons, and(- other Pictorial] representations of actual persons, either living or (lecease~d. $327. ILItlhographs, post ers, calend ars, and signs, framled (when the framle h~ears smil icieit, advertisiiig matter to render it of no conunerciald value) or not;: pamiphlets.,, booklets, and folders; PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 49 for advertising purposes only, and having no comime,,rcial value. NOTE.-Store, office, and business signs, i. e., those for advertising local business houses, firm-is, offices, aIssociations, corporations, trades or professions, shall iot be classified under this paragraph. 328. Magazines, reviews, newspapers, and like pnblished periodlicals; bibles and extracts therefroln; hymnalnl s and hynins for religions uses; books aind intnsic in ralsedt print, used exclusively by the blind; text-books prescril.)ed, for -use in any school in the Philippine islands: -Pro t.Itd(Id, That complete books published in parts in periodical form shall not be classified under this paragraph. 329. Public documents issued by foreign governuients; corresponience, manuscripts and typewritten documenits; not prohibited by section six of this act; collections of stnamlips of national issue, used or unused. 330. Medals, badges, cups, and other small articles actually bestowed as trophies or prizes, or those received or accepted. as hlonorary distinctions. 331. Pipe organs imported for the bona fide use of aLndl by thle, order of any society incorporatedl or established for relerious or educational purposes, or expressly for pres u1itationi thlitereto; Provided, That the terms of this pararcrralp shall he, retroactive and of full force andi effect firohl, mlad t1fte Janutiary 1, 1909, anlything in this aJct to the contrnrv Inot xvitlhstanding; and provided farther, That any (lluty ptaid 11)( 1 upon any pipe organ so imported, since, saidl dlate, sIII be Subject to refund. FREE SUBJECT TO EXPRESS CONDHTIONS SEc. 13. That the following articles shall be free of (hity 11po11 the importation thereof into the Philippine Islands upon comj;"lianc'e with the formalities prescribed in each paragraph: 332. Eggs and cocoons of the silk worm; sbject to1 excluision if diseasecl or for other cause. 333. Breeding animals of a recognized breed, duly reg(iiStedctl in the book of record established for that breed: J'rovYtde, That certificate of such record, and pediglree of suchll am111iflidl, (lily authenticated by the proper cuistodian of suc4h 1)0k or record, shall be produced and su biitted to tile collector of customs, together with affidavit of the owner or impol)~rter, tha~t suich animal is the identical animal described iii smmid ceirtilicate of record and pedigree. 334. Carabao, and other bovine work animahls; mules until such time as the governor-general shall certify that coIcllitions in the Philippine Islands warratnt the imposiii of dty tvli ete()' in accordance with the rates prescribed( ie grToup o11ne of (IJ-:ss XI of this act. 335. Commercial samples, the value of anyVV sird iiiijmitadioi of which does not exceed five thousand doll Urs, upon the hung of a bond in an amount equal to doulble time ascerttine~l duties thereon, with sureties satisfactory to thle, collector of customs, 80972-I. Doe. 14. 0G1-1 ---4 50 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. conditioned for the exportation of said samples within six months from the date of their importation, or in default thereof, the payment of the corresponding duties thereon. If the value of any single consignment of such commercial samples exceeds five thousand dollars, the importer thereof may select any portion of same not exceeding in value five thousand dollars, for entry under the provisions of this paragraph, and the remainder of the consignment may be entered in bond, or for consumption as the importer shall elect. 336. Regalia; gems; statuary; specimens or casts of sculptures; imported for the bona fide use of and by the order of any society incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use of and by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning, or of any public library; not for barter, sale, or hire: Provided, That the term "regalia" shall be held to include only such insignia of rank or office, or emblems, as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or institution, and shall not include articles of furniture, fixtures, or ordinary wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals. 337. Works of art, including Pictorial paintings on glass (except stained windows or window glass), imported expressly for presentation to a governmental institution, or to any municirtal or provincial coororation, or to any incorporated or established religious society, college, or other public institution. 338. Supplies and materials inrlorted Iby, or for the use of, the United States Government, or the government of the Phili)ppine Islands, or any of their subordinate branches: Provided, That title shall have passe(c to one of said governments before such supplies are released from customs custody, and Provided further, That any article (except those enumerate( in paragraph two hundred and eighteen), which would otherwise be classified under this piaraIgra)h, shall, if imported for sale to )private or cori)orate )persons, be dutiable under the corresponding paragrap:)h of this act. 339. Wearing a)pparel, articles of personal adornment, toilet articles, books, (or'table tools and instruments, theatrical costumes, and similar personal eflects, acconimanying travelers or tourists, in their baggage, or atrriving within a reasonable time, in the discretion of the collector of customs, before or after the owners, in use of, and necessary andl a:)iropriate for the wear o1 use of such persons accorlding to their profession or position, for the inmediate -purp:oses of their journey and their piresent comfort and convenience: Provided, That this exemption shall not be held to aptLly to merchandise or articles intended for other persons or for barter or sale; and Provided further, That the collector ot customs may, in his discretion, require a bIond for the exportation of, or the payment of duties upon, articles classified under this paragraph, within the time and in the manner prescribed by paragraph three hundred and forty. PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 51 340. Vehicles, horses, harness, bed and table linen, tal)e service furnliture, musical instruments, and personal effiects of like lcharacter, owned and imported by travelers or tourists for their convenience and comfort; upon idlentification and(l the (ivillg of a bond with sureties satisfactory to the collector of 'custonms in an amount equal to double the estitmtedl (luti(es thereon, conditioned for the exportation thereof, or playment of tlhe corresponding duties tlhereon, within four Illontlls fro(l the (late of entry: )Provided, That the collector of custolils may extend the time for exportation or )paynmlnt of (luties for a term not exceeilng tlhree months from tlIm expil iation of the original period. 341. Professional instruments and implements: tools of trla de, occupation, or employment; wearing apparel; (lollestic animals; personal and household eflects, inclutlin(i tloso of tle, kind and class provided for under para(graLplls three l.undl(lred( and thirty-nine and three lmundred and forty, lbelongilng to persons coming to settle in the Phillppine Islandlls, ill (11uanlttics and of the class suitable to the professions, rankll, or J)osition of the person importing them, for ttlheir own use and( no)t for barter or sale, accompanying such p)ersolls, or a rriviln w itllin a reasonable time, in tlhe discretion of tlle collector of ciistoms, before or after the arrival of their olwlers; u)pon tlhe production of evidence satisfactory to the collector of cuistoms that such persons are actually comining to settle in tlie Philippine Islands, that tile articles are l)roul'lht from their former place of abode, that cltange of residencle is honlLa i(le, and that the privilege of free entry und(ler this 'paragrat jlll has never been previously granted t to tem: Provided, That neither merchandise of any kindl, nor machinery or other articles for use in manulfaclti.urel shall be classified under this paragraph; and Provided furth er, That officers andl eml)loyees of thle lrnlit;ed States Government or of tlhe gove rnmlent of thle hl'lilippine Islands, or religious missionaries takling st atiol inl tlie islalls, shall be considered as "coiing to settle I for lt (e p)ll rposes of this paragraph. 342. Vehicles; animals, birds, insects,:and fish; p)ortablle tlheaters; circus and theatrical equipment, inclludliin sceneries, lroIperties, and apparel; devices for )roj ecti g plic(tu lres:la(1 I)alrt and appurtenances therefor; pan(ornamas, wax ligrlres, and similar objects; for pulblic entertainmellnlt;: 111)0 i(ltetification and the giving of a bo(nd witl slureties slatisfactor y to the collector of customs in an anllmout eC(llil to (douleq tle estimated duties thereon, conditione(lt for tlie exlort lation thereof, or payment of the correslponling l lllties thereon within the time and in the Imanner prescriedl by tparatgraphl three hundred and forty. 343. Personal effects, not merclandise, of residents of thle I'llhilI)ine Islands dying in foreign countries; upon i(lentificati.ion as such, satisfactory to the collector of customls. 344. Works of fine art for public museums and( galleries, or for art schools; models, archaeological an(1 numismatic objects, specimens and collections of mineralogy, 1botany, zoology, 52 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION' LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. and ethnology, including skeletons, fossils, and other anatomical specimens for schools, academies, pblic museums, anti corporations and societies organized for scientific or artistic purposes; on proof, satisfactory to the collector of customls, of their (lestination. 345. Official consular supplies, consigned by a foreign government of which the consignee, is the consular representative in the Phiflippine Islands, to him as such official, in an amount and of tie kind and class llowxedl free entry by said forelign gloveminent whien consiomed by the Government of the United States of America to itconsular representative within the jllrsis(litionl of' Such foreign Government. 346. Pumps for the stilvag(,, of ve ssels; upon identification and 'the giving of a bond with sureties satisfactory to the collector of customs, in an a1, mount equal to (louble the estimated duties thereon, con.Mditionied for thie exportation thereof or pauilen t, of tOlie corresp)on 1in.g (Itltes thereon within the timel( and inl thte manner prescribed by jparagraph three hundred a11( forty. FREE U.7PON COMPMiAN cE WITH CORRESPONDING REGUILATIONS. SEC. 14. Tlhiat the following articles shall be free of duty upon the importation thereof. iiit() thte Pb-lipl'ITne Islands Upon compliance with regulations whichl shlall. be 1)iescri. bed in accord with the provisions of eachi laragi-aphl 347. Weatringa alq)1arel andl houselioldl effects, including those articles lprovi(le(l for under paragraphis three hundred and thirty-nine and thtrele hiuiilredh anul forty, lelon0ging, to residents of the Philippinle Islands, returningy from abroad, which were exI)orte(d( fromi thev saidt isla811(s by such retun ring residlents up Jon thieir (lepal'tuire therefrom, or (luring their absence a hroadI upon the idlentity of suchl articles being established to the satisfac-tion of the collector of customs, under such regulationis as thie insular collector of ctistomns shall prescribe.; articles of the same kind and class purchased in foreig contries by nlatives of tile Phi'lippine Islands during thleii ab1sen ce a1broad, andl accompjanying them upon their retnuni to said( islanids, or arriving within a reasonable time, in the discretion of the collector of customs, before or after their return, upomi 1roof satisf~actory to the, collector of custoiiis thiat thie sanle have beeni in their use abroad for more thian 011' yeari. 348. For~egig articles, goods, wares, or inerchanclise destined for display in pu)Ilblic ex position's inl the, Phiflippine islanids; animals for eX~liilitioii, or co il-tition for prizes, together with the harn'-less, vehIicl(es and ta ckle necessary for theproe (le'sigiaf I.i~(, o ul ue, reulations, and conditionis as sball be p~rescribed l)y thie insular collector of customs, with respect to bondIin-g for exportation thereof or paymnient of duity thereon. 349. Philoso~phical, historical, economic, and scientific books;apa ratus, utensils, and instruments, specially inmported 'for the bona, fidle uase of and by the orde.(,r of any society or institu PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 53 tion incorporated or established solely for philosophical, educational, scientific, charitable, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the bona fide use of and by the order of any college, academy, school, or seminary of learning in the Philippine Islnds, or of any public library, and not for barter, sale, or hire; subject to such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Insular collector of customs. The provisions of this paragraph in respect to books shall apply to any individual importinrg not excceeding two copies of any one work for his own use an(l not for barter, sale, or hire. 350. Articles of the growth, prod uce, or manufacture of tihe Philippine Islands; paintings which are works of art; )boks; exported to a foreign country and returned wx-itlhout liavillg been advanced in value or improved in c(ondIitio(l }y any )process of manufacture or other means, and upon wl Ich no lrawback or bounty has been allowedl; articles returnedl from foreign expositions; subject to i(lentific ation iun(ler such rules and regulations as the Insular collect or of c:utstoms shall prescribe. 351. Repairs to vessels documenrted in the Phiillppinei Islalnds or regularly plying in Philippine waters, made in foreign (coluntries, upon proof, satisfactory to the collector of custolms, that adequate facilities for such repairs tare not af ordled in the Philippine Islands. 352. Articles and materials actually used in the constrlluctiol, equipment, or repair, within the Philippille slan(s, of vessels, their machinery, tackle, or apl)arel; subjicct to sullch restrictions, conditions, and regulations as the Insllalr collector of customs shall prescribe. 353. Articles brought into the Philippine Islands for tlhe purp)ose of having repairs mlade thereto, upon tlhe filing, of 1a )ondll with sureties satisfactory to the colle(tolr of culstoIns, il anl aInollt equal to double the estimated duties tlhereonll, (condlitioned for the exportation thereof or payment of the corresponding duties thereon within a perio(l of not to ex(ce(l six lllnlthls from the date of importation thereof, in tle (lis(retio of the collector of customs; subject to such rules and regulations as the Insular collector of customs shall prescribe. 354. Coverings and holdings of articles, goods, walres, al(l ercliandise (usual), except as expressly provi(dl. (S.ee ule thirteen.) EXPORT DUTIES. SEC. 15. That upon the exportation from the Philipp)ie Islands of the following articles, there shall be levie(d andl (ollected(l tllreonl the following export duties: 355. Abaca (hemp), gross weight, one hund(red( kilos, seventy-five cents. 356. Sugar, gross weight, one hundred kilos, five cents. 357. Copra, gross weight, one hundred kilos, ten cents. 358. Tobacco, manufactured, gross weight, one hun(rel kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. 54 PROPOSlED TARI]FF REVISION LAW FOR PHIlLIPPINE ISLANDS. 359. Stemls, cliplpings, and other wastes of tobacco, gross weight, one lhun1 redt kil)os, fifty cents. 360. Toibacco, raw, grown in the provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya (island of Luzon), gross weight, one hundred kilos, one dollar and fifty cents. 361. Tobacco, raw, grown in other provinces of the Philippine Islands, gross wc\ight, onell hundred kilos, one dollar. NOTE.- Certificates of origin of raw tobacco may be requilred by- the collector of customs at the port of exportation when proof of the place of production is necessary. 362. Shells, gross weight: (a) Tortoise; Inother-of-pearl; one hundred kilos, one dollar. (b) Other, one hundred kilos, fifty cents. WIIARFAGE, SEc. 16. That there shall be levied and collected upon all articles, good(s, wares, or lmerchadl(ise, exported through ports of entry of the Phililpine 1slands, a (tlty of one dollar pe:r gross ton of one thousand kilos, as a charge for wharfage, whatever be the port of destination or nationality of thle exl)orting vessel; Provided, Tihat articles, goods, wares, or lme(rha(ndise: il)mpoted, ex)ported, or shipped in transit for the use of thle (loverulnment of the United States, or of that of the Philippine Islands, shall be exempt froni the charges prescribed in this sectioll. SEc. 17. T'lalt all articles, goo(ls, wares, or merchandise, imported into the lPhiliplline Isladl(ls shall, for the purpose of this act, be deemed and llel t(o to L e t)ro pertv of thie p}erson to wlhomn the same may be (consigilled; )lit thlle hold:r of any bill of lading, drawn to order and in(dorscd b tv (e colosignlor, slhall be d(leellled thle (mosignee thereof; and irl case of tire abandllolinelllit of any article, goods, wares, or nerchandise to thle utldel'rwriters, the latter m-lay be recognized as the consignee. INVOICES. SEC. IS. rrTi, t aIll Voi('ces of inilorted articles oods, ds wares, or nier(ltar(ldise, shall state tlle true value tilereof in the currency of the place or c(oultry fro(l wllence il)mportel, or, if purchased, in the currency 1ct'tallly tlaid therefo0r, slhall contain a correct d(escription of such a'ticles, goo(ls, wares, or elllrchalndise, with true nulmbers, weights and qualtities, il tile tariff terms of tills act, antl shall be made in quadrullli(cate, atl(d signeld I) tle (wner or shilpper, if the merchandise has been act1allylll r I)lll'(llasedl, (or by thlie llanlUfacturer or owner thereof, if tile salle1 ialhs iee1l I)roc((ired otlherwise tlltn by )purchase, or by the duly aut lorizced agent, of such l)tre'llaser, Inanufactlurer or owner. SEC. 19!. h'llat excpt in case of personal effects accompanying a passengerr a1s baggagre, or arriiving withinl a reasonable time before or after thle owncr, 1no irlll))1'tatiol of any artic(les, goods, wares, or mer('chtllise, ex'('tceeing one h(1 un1l red (dollars in dutiable value, shall be a(lIllitted to eltry witl(olt thle l)roductionl of a du(ly certified invoice of the ki(nds hlereinafter described, or the filing of an affidavit made by the owner, implorter, or consignee, before the collector of customs, showing why it is imll)ractlicablle to lproduce such invoice, together with a bond in an almoulnt to be prescribed by, and with sureties satisfactory PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW F(iOR PHILtIPPINE ISLANDS. 55 to, the collector of customs, for the production of such invoice within a reasonable time to be prescribed by said official. In the absence of such invoice, no entry shall be made upon the aforesaid affidavit unless the same be accompanied by a statement in the form of an invoice, or otherwise, showing the actual cost of such ine-chandise if same was purchased, or if obtained otherwise than by purchase, the actual market value or wholesale price thereof at the time of exportation to the Philippine Islands in the principal markets of the country from whence imported. This statement shall be verified by the oath of the owner, importer, consignee, or agent desiring to make the entry, taken before the collector of customs, and it shall be lawful for that official to examine the deponent under oath regarding the source of his knowledge, information or belief, concerning any matter contained in his affidavit, and to require him to produce any correspondence, document, or statement of account in his possession, or under his control, which may assist the customs authorities in ascertaining the actual value of the importation or of any part thereof, and in default of such production when so required, such owner, importer, consignee, or agent shall be thereafter debarred from producing any such correspondence, document, or statement for the purpose of avoiding the imposition of aldditional duty, penalty, or forfeiture incurred under this or any other act in force in the Philippine Islands, unless he shall show to the satisfaction of the court or the collector of customs, as the case may be, that it was not in his power to pro(duce the same when so demanded; but no articles, goods, wtares, or merchandise shall be admitted to entry under the provisions of this section unless the collector of customs shall be satisfied that the failure to produce the required invoice is due to causes beyond the control of the owner, importer, consignee or agent. SEC. 20. That invoices required by the preceding section shall, at or before the shipment of the merchandise, be produced to the consul, vice-consul, or commercial a'gent of the United States of the consular district in which the merchandise was manufactured or purchased, as the case may be, when importation into the Philippine Islends is from a country other than the United States of America, or any territory or place under the jurisdiction and control of the Government thereof: Provided, That the insular collector of customs may, in his discretion, dispense with the requirement for the consular invoices prescribed in this section in case the merchandise for which entry is sought is free of duty under this act, in which event a commercial invoice certified by the purchaser, manufacturer, seller, owner, or agent shall be filed; and Provided further, That when the importation is from the United States of America, or any territory or place under the jurisdiction and control of the Government thereof, production shall be to a collector of customs, deputy collector of customs, or United States commissioner. Invoices shall have endorsed thereon when produce(1 as above prescribed, a declaration signed by the purchaser, manufacturer, seller, owner, or agent, setting forth that the invoice is in all respects correct and true, and was made at the place from whence tlhe merchandise is exported to the Philippine Islands; that it contains, if the merchandis& was obtained by purchase, a true and full statement of the time when, the place where, the person from whoni the same was purchased, and the actual cost thereof, and of all charges thereon; and that no dis 56 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. counts, bounties, or drawbacks are contained in the invoice except such as have been actually allowed thereon; and when obtained in any other manner than by purchase, the actual market value or wholesale price thereof, at the time of exportation to the Philippine Islands, in the principal mnarkets of the country from whence exported; that such actual market value is the price at which the merchandise described in the insvoice is freely offered( for sale to all purchasers in said markets, and that it is the price which tile manufacturer, seller, owner, or agent making the d(ecllaration wouldl haeve rceiv and was willing to receive, for such mellrclandlise soldl in tle or(inarv course of tra(le in the usual wholesale quantities, and tiat it included all charges thereon; that the numnbers, weigllt, or quantity stated is correct, and that no invoice of the erltrciand(ise (desscrilbed, differing from the invoice so produced has been or will be fiurnished( to anIyone. If thle merchandise was actually purchlased, the declaration sl:hall also contain a statement that the anmou)nt shown and the clurrency stat(d( in such invoice is that which was,actually plai(l for tlhe m-erchlan(lise by the purchaser. Said declaration shall be (luly sworn to by the purchaser, manufacturer, owner, or agent, before the officer to wlhom produced. SEC. 21. Tlat c('(sus, vice-consuls, commiercial agents, collectors, of ctistolls, d(lp)ulty co(llectors of customs, anid comn missioners of the Unite(l States of At merica,, havig ai r ny k1noleW(ge or information of any case or I)tacic ice by wthich any person ohbta ninlg verification of any inxvoice, (defratll(s or l:4V (tma deftuid thle!evente of the Philippine Island(s, shall repott tIhe facts the t insular collector of customs. SEC. 22. T'lht U Tited States (Gover ent, vessels, whether transports of the Ariy o, naval vessels, wlhen coing from the United,tates or a fotreign port to the potts of the Philippine Islands, shall be subject to tlhe s:,,1ie itinsection by Customs Officers of the Philippine Gove'ntient, fior thle pt)uipose of (leterliniing whether they have on board articles (ot ltercha(:l ise d(litiable under the lawvs of the Philippine Island(s, as sucli Utiite(d States Govettnment vessels are subject to by Custotls Officers of tlhe Unlite( States Government when such vessels eniteir ports of tile tnited( States fromn foreign countries for the purpose of (letertiniinlg whetllher such vessels have on board articles or rmerchan(lise (Iutiable utll(er t)he laws of the lJnited States. )DRAWBACKS. SEC. 23. That on all ft'el i )po0rte'd into the Philippine Islands which is afterwarld used for thle prolpulsion of vessels engaged in trade with foreign countries or between ports of the United States and the Philippine Islands, or ii the Philippine coastwise trade, a refund shall be allowed equal to t te duty imnposed by law upon such fuel, less one pel centilll thereof, whticih shall be paid( under such rules and regulationls as ay vte )prescribed by the insular collector of customs. SEC. 24. Thlat upon importedt materials, tused in the manufacture or production of articles in the Philippine Islands, or in the packing, covering, putting up, markingr, ori labelin,( of articles grown, produced or manufactured therein, and upon which the required amount of duty has been paid, there shall be allowed a drawback of the corresponding prol)ortion of the amount so paid, less one per centum thereof, upon proof satisfactory to the collector of customs of the exportation of the whole or part of any importation upon which duty has PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 57 been paid as aforesaid, used in any of the ways above set forth: Provided, That when the articles exported, or the coverings thereof, are in part of materials grown or produced in the Philippine Islands, the imported materials or the parts made from such materials shall so appear in the completed articles or packages that the quantity or measure thereof may be ascertained: And provided further, That the imported materials for which drawback is claimed under this section shall be identified, and the quantity of such materials used and the amount of duties paid thereon ascertained, if necessary; the facts of their use in manufacture, production, or packing in the Philippine Islands, and their exportation therefrom, determined, and the refund, if made, shall be paid to the manufacturer, producer, or exporter, to the agent of any of them, or to the person to whom such manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent shall, in writing, order such refund paid, under and in accordance with such rules and regulations as the insular collector of customs may prescribe: Provided, however, That no drawback shall be paid under this section on account of any articles, goods, wares, or merchandise exported to the United States of America, or to any territory or place under the jurisdiction or control of the Government thereof, wherein such articles, goods, wares, or merchandise are admitted free of duty or at any rate of duty lower than the minimum rate of duty applicable to articles, goods, wares, or merchandise imported therein from foreign countries. SEC. 25. That containers, such as casks, large metal, glass, or other receptacles, which are, in the opinion of the collector of customs, of such a character as to be readily identifiable, may be delivered to the importer thereof, upon identification and the giving of a bond with sureties satisfactory to the collector of customs in an amount equal to double the estimated duties thereon, conditioned for the exportation thereof, or payment of the corresponding duties thereon, within one year from the date of importation, under such rules and regulations as the insular collector of customs shall prescribe. SEC. 26. That the index and repertory hereto attached are not an integral part of this act, and shall not be construed to alter or change the same in any manner. SEC. 27. That the insular collector of customs shall, subject to the approval of the secretary of the department having jurisdiction over the customs service, make all rules and regulations necessary to enforce the provisions of this act. SEC. 28. That all existing decrees, laws, regulations, orders, or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, except as provided in section one of this act, are to that extent repealed. SEC. 29. That this act shall be known and referred to as the Philippine tariff revision law of nineteen hundred and nine. SEC. 30. That this act shall take effect upon its passage. COMPARATIVE INDEX AND REPERTORY TO THE TARIFFREVISION LAW OF 1905 AS AMENDED BY THE ACT OF 1906, AND THE PROPOSED TARIFF-REVISION LAW OF 1909. PHlLIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Abaca (see Hemp): Par. Par. Export duties on........................... 398 355 Import duties..,................ Class 5, Sec. II Class VI W aste for export................................... 355 Abacus, Chinese, of wood.......................... 195, 196, 197 188 Abandonment of imported merchandise.................. Sec. 17 Abbreviations used in tariff............................. Sec. 7 Abrastol-.......,-................................... 99 80, 81 Absinthe, liqueur —....................... 308 (c) 263 Herb (wormwood).,,,-.-..............-..... 81 57 Oil of......................- -,.............,... 99 87 (a) Absorbent cotton, not medicated-...................... 99 (a) 82 Abutment crane...-.....-....-... 247 194 Acacia gum...................................... 78 56 (b) Accordions......................................... 195 to 197 185 Accumulators, electrical........................... 250 193 (a) Acetate: Lead..................................... 95 (a) 75 Methyl...-.......................... 97 77 Uranium-................................ 99 81 Zinc ------------------— 95 --- —---— ' --- (a) 875 Zinc............................................... 95 (a) 75 Acetates (see Note).....-.................... 95 (a) 75 Acetic acid -.........................................-. 92 (c) 71 (b) Acetic ether, for anesthetics -.....-....-.............- 99 81 Acetic ether, comnmercial (not prepared for anesthetics).. 97 77 Acetic anhydride, commercial -........,.... 97 77 Aceton....................................... 97 77 Acetone-....................................... 97 77 Acid: Acetic................................ 92 (c) 71 (b) Anhydride sulphuric............................... 97 77 Benzoic.-..,,,................................. 92 (d) 71 (b) Boric............................. 91 (a) 70 (a) Camphoric.....-..-............-......-...... 92 (d) 71 (b) Carbolic-.. — 92 (a 71 (a) Carbonic (liquid)................................. 91 (b) 70 (b) Chromic. —........................ 91 (c 70 (c) Citric....................................... 92 (a 71 (b) Fluoric...-............... ---................-. 91 (c) 70 (c) Gallic........... —..-...... ----.. --- — ----—...... —....- 92 (d)71 (b) Gallic —.......,,,,,, 92 (d) 71 (b) Hydrobromic....-....-......-..... ----........ 91 (c) 70 (c) Hydrochloric...................................... 91 (a) Hydrocyanic.. —.......-........... --.. 92 (d) 71 (b HIydrofluoric.....-... —..... -.......... ---.. 91 (c) 70 (c Lactic......-........-.......... 92 (d) 71 (b Muriatic...............-....-... --- —-....- 91 (a) 70 (a Nitric.......................................... 91 (a) 70 a 58 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 59 Acid —C nued. Oleic............................................. O xalic............................................ Palm itic.................................... Phosphate.......................... Phosphoric............................... Pyrogallic............................ Pyroligneous (crude acetic acid)............. Stearic........................................... Salicylic..........-................. Sulphuric..................................... Sulphurous............................ Tannic............................................ Tartaric............................. Trichloracetic.......-...-.................-...... Acids (see Acid): Inorganic, other...................... Organic, other..................................... Aconitine............................................. Aconitum (drug)...................................... Acoumeter, surgical instrument................ Acus, same as surgical needles........................... Adapters, electrical................................ Adding machines........................... Adhesive plasters, surgeons'............... Admixtures: In pile fabrics, knitted and netted stuffs.......... Of two materials (textiles).......-...... ----.Of more than two materials (textiles)................ Pile fabrics, knitted and netted stuffs...... Ribbons, galloons, braids, tape, and trimmings...... Silk threads (textiles)..............-.. Adornments of (for personal use): Amber, coral, ivory, jet, meerschaum, mother-ofpearl, and tortoise shell..-......-...... --- ——. Glass, in beads strung in necklaces, or other articles for................-... -... --- —-- Gold.................... --- —-------------- Gold or silver plate..-............. —. ---. --- —-—. Horn, bone, celluloid, and whalebone..-.....-.Silver........................................... Steel, watch chains of................. --------- Tin, medals or lockets.... —..... --- ---------- Wood, beads in necklaces or other trinkets-....... Of materials other than gold or silver, or gold or silver plate and of other materials than those mentioned under paragraph 341............... Adulterated articles prohibited......-........-.. --- —Advertising lithographs, posters, calendars, and folders, when free.-.........- -..... -. --- —------------ -- Advertising glasses.,..........- - - - - - - - --------- Books, memorandum.............. --- —---------- A dzes -........ —..........-.... — ------- ------- ------ Aerated waters... --- —---—....- --—. — --------------- Aerated-water machinery....... --- —------ --------- Aerial machines, and parts for...-..... --- —----------- Aerom eters...................... --- —-- ---- --- ------ Ether: Acetic, prepared for anesthetical purposes.......... Commercial —.................. --- —-------- -- Nitrous.....-.. ---. ----.. --- —------------------- Sulphuric, prepared for anesthetics........... --- —----- Sulphuric, commercial -. --—.. --- —------ Agar-agar, (Chinese and Japanese isinglass)........-..... Agate beads —...... ---------------- ------------ Agricultural apparatus and machinery..... --- - ----- - 1905. Par. 92 (b) 92 (a) 92 (b) 99 91 (c) 92 (d) 92 (c) 92 (b) 92 (d) 91. (a) 91 (c) 92 (d) 92 (a) 92 (d) 91 (c) 92 (d) 96 81 54 (e) 54 (e) 248 255 99 341 (1)) 340 27 29 (a) 342 (6)) 28 340 340 340 340 381 13 181 46 312 (c) 257 365 99 97 99 99 97 109 24 245 1909. Par. 71 (1,) 71 (b) 71 (b) 81 70 (c) 71 (b) 71 (b) 71 (b) 70 (a) 70 (c) 71 (b) 71 (b) 71 (b) 70 (c) 71 (i) 78 57 196, 303 196 193 (a) 188 81 Rule 6, Sec. 5 Rule 3, Sec. 5 Rtul(e 4, S ec. 5 Rul(e l;, Sec. 5 Rule 7, Sec. 5 ltle( 5, Sec. 5,28o (b) 279 25 27 (a) 279 26 279 279 279 279 Sec. 6 (e) 327 16 153 194 268 194 201 303 81 77 81 81 77 90 13 194 60 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Agricultural tools and implements (not machinery): Axes.......................................... Cane knives....................................... Grafters.......................................... M achetes.......................................... M attocks.......................................... Pruning knives and shears.................. Rakes......................................... Scythes............................................ Sickles................................... Spades............................................. W eeding hooks..................................... Agua insalus --... — -...-........................... Agua salles (hair dye).................................. Air m otors............................................ Pumps............. Airol................................... Alabaster: In the rough....................................... In sculptures................................. 1905. Par. 46 46 46 46 46 54 (e) 46 46 46 46 46 312 (c) 97 243 257 99 1 (a) In slabs or plates........-........................ 1 (b) In other articles.................................... 1 (d) Alarm clocks.......................................... 239 Albumen capsules, empty, for use in pharmacy.......... 99 Albumen paper...................................... 187 (a) Album ens............................................ 109 Albumenizing paper............................ 187 Albums: Photo.......................................... -- Of lithographs, etc............................... Of paper................. 190 (d) Of leather........................................ 229 Aleanna root......................................... 81 Alcohol............................................... 306 Amylic.................................... 97 Methyl......................................... 307 W ood............................................. 307 Alcoholmeters............................... Ale (malt).......................................... 312 Ginger.................................. 312 (c) Aleuritis oil.................................... 100 (b Aleuritis tribola oil.................................... 100 (b Alimentary pastes for soups........................... 284 Alimentary substances..................... Alkalies; caustic, barilla, potash.................... 93 Alkaloids.............................................. 96 Of cinchona bark......................... 3384 In pills, except those of quinine and cinchona alkaloidal salts................................... 98 Salts (except of cinchona alkaloids)..-............ 96 Almighty oil (Chinese)................................. 99 Alloys of metals. (See corresponding metals.) Alloys of metals not mentioned (see also Zinc; etc)....... 73 Allspice: Unground......................................... 297 (a) Ground........................................ 297 (b) Oil of....................................... 99 Almond: Essential oil of bitter............................. 105 (a) So-called artificial oil of bitter (oil of mirbane)....... 97 Almond oil, expressed................................., 100 (b) Almonds: Dried, in natural state, not shelled................. 329 Oil of sweet, commercial............................ 100 (b) Oil, expressed, refined.............................99 1909. Par. 194 194 194 194 194 44 (a) 194 194 194 194 194 268 87 (b) 194 194 80-81 1 (a) 1 (c) 336, 337 1 (b) 1 (c) 187 81 151 90 151 151,155 155 151, (b), 155 182 57 260 77,260 260 260 303 267 268 83 83 225 Class XIII 72 78 322 80, 81 78 80 54 250 (a) 250 (b) 87 (a) 87 (a) 87 (a) 83 239 83 83 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 61 1905. 1909. Almonds-Continued. Par. 1909 Essence of bitter, for perfumery...................105 (a) 87 (a) Extract of, for flavoring food..................... 37 258263 Shelled................-........... --- —-----— 328 3 Shelled —365 239 Aloe (fiber): Manufactures of....................................Class V Raw --- —------------------------------------------ 8Class V Raw......................................... 138313 Yarn of.............................142 143 Textiles of. (See Textiles.) Thread, twine or cord.-...-........................ 144 120 Rope or cordage... —........................... 146 120 Ropemakers' wares................................ 14120 Aloes: Pharmaceutical extract of.......................... 9981 Gum (bitter aloes)....-........................-78 56 (b) Aloin.. --- —---- ------ ---- -- --—............................... 99 Alpaca (wool): Wool...........................................2137 Wool -------------------------------------------— 162 (1) 137 Yarns.............................. --- —--------------- --.............. --- —-----— 163138 Textiles...........................................142 Alpargatas, sandals.................................... 277 (c) 180 ( Alum.................................................. 94 (c) 74 (c) Ammonium ferric.................................. 94 (h) 74 (c Chromic...-................................. 94 (h) 74 (c Aluminum: Chloride of.........................................-94 (h) 74 (c Cooking utensils.................................... 71 (d) 52 (b) Lumps or ingots................................ 71 (a) 7 309 Paint, aluminum powder in oil..8 (........6...... 84) (dd) Pipes........................................... 71 (b) 52 (a In powder......................-......... 71 (e) 52 (b Sheets, bars, or wires....-.-................ 71 (b) 52 (a) Other articles..........-................... 71 (e) 52 (b) Alumnol —.............................................. 99 81 Amarog sulfuroso-...-....-................... 99 80 Amber: W rought........................................... 341 (b) 280 (b) Unwrought...-................................... 341 (a) 280 (a) Imitation of —........................................ 342 281 Oil of —.............................................. 99 87 (a) Amethyst: Cut................................. —..............24 13 In rough.......................................... 379 13 Amidol -...........-...-...-............... 97 77 Amidopyrine.......................................... 99 81 Ammeters......................................... 248 193 (a) Ammonia aqua- ---—........................ 9373 Anhydrous, liquefied.......... —.....-....... 97 73 Borated bath, containing soap............ —.......... 104 86 Spirits of —......................................... 99 81 Water —............................................. 93 73 Ammonium: Bromide of —........................................ 97 77 Carbonate -........................................ 94 (e) 74 (c) Chloride....-9................... ----—.... 94 (e) 74 (c) Iodide..........................................- 9981 Sulphate of....................................... 94 (d) 74 (a) Nitrate.-.................................. 94 (h) 74 (c) Sulphocyanide.......................... --- —---- 97 77 Valerianate......................................99 81 Ammunition........................................ -- 91 \Amorphous phosphorus-........................-.. 90 (b) 69 Amperemeters................................ —...... 248 193 (a) Amylic alcohol.-...................................... 97 77, 260 Arnyl nitrate —.............. 99 81 Amygdalae amarae, essential oil of...-........-...... ---- 105 (a) 87 (a) 62 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Par. 1909. Par. Analgesine..........................................Anchor plugs and receptacles, electrical................. Anchors............................................... Anchovies: Canned...................-....................... Salted or pickled............................ Sauce of....................................... Anemonina...................................... Anethi, oil....................................... Anethol............................................ Angelica root -.....-.................-....... ------ Angora goat, hair..-........................ Textiles of........................................ Angulas (canned).................................. Anhydride sulphuric................ —..-... -.. --- — Anhydride santonine, acid............................. Anhydrous ammonia.................................. Aniline colors (dyes)............................. Aniline oil........................................... Animal: Carbon (bone-char).......................... Fats............................................. Oils.............................................. Product employed in medicine................ WastesUnmanufactured.............................. Manufactured............. —............WaxCrude..................................... In candles..................................... In other articles..................-........... Animals: Asses........................................ Bovine, work................................ Breeding.................................. Bulls and cows................................... Calves, sucking................................. Mules.................................. Other, live....................................... Oxen.................................. Poultry, live................... Sheep and goats.................................. SiningI birds and parrots................. Swilne............................................ Suckling pigs............................. Specimens of, prepared for museums, etc........... Stallions and mares............................... Stuffed or mounted................................ Trained, for public entertainment................. Trained, for exhibition........................... Anise, essence of................................. Anise seed............................................ O il, essential...................................... Anisette....................................... Anklets, knit: Of cotton......................................... Of other vegetable fiber............................ Of wool........................................... O f silk........................................... Annunciators, electric................................ Annatto...................................... 99 81 248 193 42 310 318 215 (c) 274 (b) 215 (c) 216 (b) 328 215 (c) 99 81 105 (a) 87 (a) 105 (a) 87 (a) 81 57 161 314 164 139 318 215 (c) 97 77 99 81 97 73 87 (b) 66 (c) 97 77 89 88 101 84 101 84 82 59 234 184 (a) 184 (b) 102 85 (a) 103 85 (b) 103 85 (c) 207 170, 333 342, 348 334 171 (a) 333,348 208 (b) 333, 342 171 (a), 348 208 (c) 171 (b), 341 206 170,334 211 174 208 (a) 171 (a), 334 268 175 211 174 212 175 209,210 172 173 389 344 205 170, 333 232 289.290 392 342 348 105 (a) 87 (a) 81 57 105 (a) 87 (a) 308 (c)263 125 (c) 107 (c) 152 (c) 127 (b) 165 (b 141 (c) 173 (b 148 248 193(a 85 66(b) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 63 Anodyne..................................... Anthemidis oil....................................... Antiseptic surgical dressings........................... Antifebrine............................................ Antifriction bushings. (According to material.) Antimony: Black sulphate of................................. Crocus............................................ Sulphide.................................. Oxide, prepared for pharmaceutical use.............. Metallic powder.......................... Metal. (See Lead; Zinc; etc.) Antipyrine.................................. Anvils, wrought iron.................................. A piol................................................ Apioline pills and capsules................... Apocodeine.......................................... Aphomorphine.......-.......................... Apparatus...........................-.... Agricultural................................. Electrical............................... Gymnasium................................. For dredging....................................... For hoisting..................................... For making and repairing roads.............. For making sugar................................ For photography........................ For pile driving................................ For preparing rice, hemp, or other insular vegetable products for the market.................. For refrigerating and ice making................... For weighing..................... Philosophical and scientific, when free........ Scientific, such as aerometers, barometers, compasses, quadrants, microscopes, theodolites, telescopes, thermometers, and the like.............. Apparel, finished, cut, basted, or partially finished, making up, surtax for................................... Apparel, used, wearing, imported by passengers in their baggage............................ Apple butter......................................... Appliances for sight testing......................... Apricot oil.......-..-... —........-........ - --- Aqua ammonia................................ --- Aqua regia..... —.... -—. --- —-. ----. --- —. --- —---- Arabic gum...... --- —-. — —.. ------ ----- -- Arachis oil.-.... —...-.-.. --- —. --- —--—. ---- ----- Arc lamps, and fittings for........... -------- -. --- — Archaelogical objects for public museums, etc........ Arexina, tannate of....... ------------ ------- --- Argentum nitricum........ —..... --- —------------- Argirol. -......... — -.... ---........-..... -------- --- A rgols.............................................. Argonin.........-...-................ --- —------ - ---- Argyrol.. -....-...-.. ----.. ---..-... --- —--- ------ A ristol- -.. ----.- - ---- -. —.. ---- -. —.- -. --- —. ----- --- - Arlstol.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Armor plate... --- —------—......... ----.. --- —---------- Arms. (See Sec. 6.) Fire, of all kinds, and detached parts therefor....... Side arms, not fire, and detached parts therefor...... Cartridges for; also caps and primers (see Sec. 6).... Aromatic seeds....... —.... --- —--------------- Arresters, electric, lightning... --- ——... --------- Arrowroot........................................... 1905. Par. 99 99 99 99 94 (h) 97 94 (h) 99 73 (f) 99 43 99 98 96 96 245 248 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 242 390 365 386 322 (b) 105 (a) 93 91 (a) 78 100 (b) 248 388 99 94 (h) 99 99 99 99 42 55, 56 54 (b) 346 81 248 282 1909. Par. 79,81 87 (a) 82 80, 81 74 (c) 77 74 (c) 81 54 (b) 81 38 81 81 78 79 Class XII 194 193 297 194 194 194 194 302 194 194 194 192 349 303 Rule 1, Sec. 5 339, 340, 341, 347 237 303 87 (a) 73 70 (a) 56 (b) 83 193 (a) 344 81 74 (c) 80, 81 76 80, 81 80, 81 80, 81 31 (a) 46 44 (b) 91 57 193 221 64 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Arrowroot flour...................................... Arsenic: Fowler's solution of............................... Iodide of......................................... Pure, in lumps or powder..................Arsycodile............................. Art, fine, works of: Destined for public museums, galleries, or art schools. Drawings, not for use in manufactures or industrial arts...-.................................. Drawing for use in manufactures of industrial arts... Paintings...............-. —......... Articles: Falsely stamped or marked, of gold or silver or their alloys, prohibited.......................... Not otherwise provided for -............... — Artificial: Buds.................................-........ Christmas trees --—... -... -............ Colors............. --- —----- -—.. --- —---------- Dyes...............-......... --- —.. — Eyes and limbs.................... Fertilizers. —..... --- —----------—... ----..... — Flowers. --- —-------—............ —. — Fruits-.. —..-........ --- ---- —... —.. Leaves... --- —.-.-.. —.... --—..-... Limbs and eyes.......................-..... Moss............ --- —... —........... Pistils............................................. Parts of fruits and flowers of whatever material-..... Seeds........ --- —----------—. —......... Stone.....-....................... Teeth, with plates or not...................... Artists' colors.. ----...-....... —............ ---. Asafoetida gum............................ Oil of..................................... 4sarum oil.. —.......... —..-..-...................... Asbestos, in any form.................................. Aseptic surgical dressings.................. Ash,soda.. ---- - —........... - Asperin.............................................. Asphalt, also paving blocks of......................... Asphalt paints...................................... Aspirators...........-..................... Aspirin..... —....................... Asses..........-.-... —.....-.......... —...-.. --- —Asthm a cigarettes.................................... Astrakhali- (according to material)..................... Astronomical appliances and apparatus not otherwise provided for........................................ Atropine..................................... Atropine sulphate.................................... Attachment plugs, electric............................. Augers............................................... Ships................................. Bits............................................ Aurantii corticis, essential oil of...................... Aurantii florum, oil of................................ Automatic slot machines.............................. Automatic brakes, vacuum............................ Automobiles and detached parts therefor............. Avena........................................... A w ls.................................................. Axes........................ - -...................... Axle grease of all kinds............................... 1905. Par. 282 99 99 97 99 387 380 182 350 84,85 87 106 350 350 2 342 (b) 85 78 99 99 2,3 99 99 7 85 (a) 54 (e) 99 207 99 166 96 96 248 46 46 46 105 (a) 105 (a) 256 257 (b) 261,352 282 46 46 8.9 1909. Par. 221 80,81 81 77 81 336,337, 344 326 155 326 Sec. 6 (d) 306 292 296 61 66 (c) 282 74 (a) 292 292 292 282 292 292 292 292 2 282 61 56 (b) 87 (a) 87 (a) 4 82 72 81 22 61 (b) 196. 303 80,81 170 81 303 78 78 193 194 194 194 87 (a 87 (a) Sec. 6, 186, 191 194 198 221 194 194 22 PROP)SED TARIFF REVISIOI LAW FOB: P-l1I:IP }: ISiLA\N0DS. (5 1905. 1909. Par.:;\i Axles of wrought iron............................... 38:":3 Wood, for wagons (see note)..................... 26fi6:.'72 Babbits lye —9............................... 9... 2 Babbit metal. (See Tin alloy.) Baby carriages (perambulators)....................... 2i61 201 Baby rattles: Silver... —..... —........ — --....... —............... 28 d 26 (d) As toys. ---.. ---..... ---.................-...... 353 296 Bacon: C(anned -....-... —...-.... ---.............. 315. 1 ( 209 In bulk........................................... 7 207 Badges, when free..............................................:30 Bagatelle balls.................................................. 166 Bagatelle, pool, and billiard tables, parts and appurtenances for -..-............. --- -......-.....-... —..- 166 Baggage (travelers'), when free-......................... 386 3., 341. 47 Bags: Gunnvy-11......-.-.......................... 145 121 Of paper.......................................... 17I 150.151 Straw, fine20................. 2 4 (a) 169 (c) Tool, of whatever material....................... 288 Traveling, of whatever material.................... 22S 28 8!Baked beans in cans -.................................. 32 2:33 Baking powder —.......-....-.. —. —.- — _ -........- 97 77 Balm oil........................ ---- ---.... ----..... ---........ 105 (a 87 (a) Balances of all kinds for weighing-..................... 242 192 Baling presses-ses....................-.-.. ---.-...- 245 194 Balloons and parts for —..............................-... 201 Of rubber, for children - -........................... 353 296 Balls: B3agatelle...................................66... 1 Billiard-...-...............-.... —. —..... ---...-.- 341, 312 166 Bowling............................ ---.... —.- -- 1)66 Pool-...............-................ --- —-- 341, 342 166 Of all kinds, for use in sports (except bagatelle, billard, bowling, and pool balls)................... 229 97 Por children, toys.......................... 296 Balsam of: Copaiba.. —....... —........... --—..... -....... 99 Fir, (Canada..-..........8.....1..... -......... 785 Peru-.......... -........ -.. -.-.......- ---- 99 81 78 56 (1) tolu....-... —..-. -.... -............ — - - ------ ---- Balsams: In a natural state -.-.........-........... ---- —.- 78 ri(). ) Prepared in c apsules-................-....-. --- F Otherwise prepared... —........... --- —-- -----— ) 81 Bamboo brooms.....-.2.04-a-16..9. —...... —. --- ( 69 (c) Bamboo: In straighi, lengths for parasols and uMlbrellias........ 1 ) -2()4 C) 1 ) Manfatredinto.......ans....... - -................... ---...... Lea( ves - -. — -- ---- ------- ------ ---- -— * ------ I 3 / 6 Manufacitured into combs-........-. --- —--- 4 (a.) 1 9 () Manufactured into fans......-... ---- ---- 2 Manufactured into other articles..2....4 (,I) 19. (c) Shoots, edible-...... —... --- —-----—. — --- --- 2.8 21212 Unwrom lit.- - - ------- ---- - -- --...... 2(C 9 Baanana flo)wers: Dried or in cans2...23, 2....32............ in7 87 (a) Oil, artificial.8........-.......-....- —. — - 9?7 (. Bandages, surgical, sterilizedl......-.... --- Band saws -— '.... ---.. ---'. 5....... — ----- 1925 IBands: Laat hr 229 182 Lealthler. ---....-. ----...-..... --- ---......... 1. ()f 1a per.... ----. —d -—. --- — ( s2 ---I1-T. IDoe. 14, 61-1 —5 - 66 P1t()POSED) TARIFi REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Bands —Continued. Par. Par. Of oilcloth........................................ 349 (d) 287 (b) Rubber (soft).................................... 352 (d) 293 (b) Cotton, for cinches and saddle girths.............. 134 (d) 116 Jute, for cinches and saddle girths....... 159 (a) 134 Lithographed paper for tobacco, etc............. 183 151 (b) Barbed wire, wrought iron................... 45 36 (a) Barbers' chairs, of whatever material................... 199, 59 165 Bar fixtures, wood..................................... 199 162,163,164 Barilla alkalies....................................... 93 72 Barium: Chlorate. -................... ---.......9......-.- 94 (h) 74 (c) (Cihloride.......................................... 94 (h) 70 (c) Nitrate........................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Sulphate, natural, as color........................ 83 60 Bark: For dyeing and tanning........................ 86 (a) 66 (a) Used in medicine. —.............................. 81 57 Soap bark................................. 57 Barley: In grain......................................... 277 (a) 219 (a) In flour........................................... 277 (b) 219 (a) Pearl............................................. 282 221 Barometers....... ----................................. 365 303 Barrels, casks, tuns, and pipes, water-tight............... 363 161 (a) Staves, hoops and headings for....1.............. 194 (b) 160 Not water tight..................-.. ---.......-. 194 (a) 161 (b) For firearms.55 (b) 45 Barrows, wheel; of whatever material, and detached parts therefor.................26 197 Bars of: Aluminum..........-................-... --- 71 (b) 52 (a) Cast-iron —...........-... ---..-................ —. 31 (a) 28 (a) Copper.................... --- ——........... --- — 62 48 Gold................. ---.. —. —....-...........- 372 318 Lead......-......7-.........-.-.............-.- 73 (b) 54 (a) Nickel...............-..-......... —..... --- 71 (b) 52 (a) Platinum...-....-...-.......... —........ — -. 372 318 Silver......... --- ——.... --- —----—.. --- —----—.. --- —.... --- 372 318 Steel, ordinary.................................... 35 (b) 30 (b) Crucible.............................. ---.. 35 (c) 30 (c) Cut to measure.......................... 41 34 Tin-............................. ---.-...-.-.... — 72 (b) 53 (a) Zinc.................................... 73 (b) 54 (a) Other metals..-............-... --- —-........ --- —. 73 (b) 54 (a) Barytes -................-................. 60 Baseball: Bats..........................-.-..... —. 195 297 Gloves............................................. 220 179 (b) Baseballs. - -—........................................ 229 297 Basic photographic paper.............................. 187 151 Basils, curried...... —..-.....-..............-.... 217 (a) 178 (a) Basins. (According to material.) Bas-reliefs: Of gypsum........-....................... 4 (a) 7 Of marble, jasper, alabaster, or similar fine stone.... I (c) c) Of clay, faience, stoneware, porcelain, or bisque.... 23 11 (f) Bathing suits. (According to material.) Bathing trunks, knit: Cotton......................................... 125 (c) -107 (a) Linen.....1..................................... 152 (c) 127 (b) Wool...... -...................................... 165 (b) 141 (c} Silk.......-.......-.... —...... —... ---.. — 173 (b) 148 Bath robes, pile fabrics: Of cotton....................................... 124 (a) 106 Of linen..........................5..1........... 5 1526 PROP(SE]) TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHI:LIPPINE: ISIAND)S. 6)7 Bath towels, pile fabricts: Cotton..-.-.....-......................... Linen...... —.......................... Bath tubs; according to material................ Baths, developing................................... Bats, baseball, or cricket-....... — --............ Batteries: Galvani ----..-..- -..-.. --- —---.-.... -...D ry...................... Medical induction-.......................... Storage............ —...... —.....Wet............................................ Battery zincs ------—.. ---.......... Batting, of cotton.......-...-...... -.............. Baydean laffecteur.....................-. Bay: O il of.- --—.. ---------—.... --- — Rumn..-......... ----. ----. --- —. Bead curtains, gzlass.................................. Beads: Glass................... — ------- In necklaces... --- —---—......-..... ---- ---—. Imitating amber.........-................ Wooden -1 - 9-5, Wooden....... —.............. --- —--------—... --- In necklaces..-.......... -.... --- —--- Beam scales.......-............. --- —---- Beams: (ast iron....- ----------............. --- —--- Steel — Ordinary.................... -- ---- Crucible -..... —..-... --- -------- Structural.......-......... --- —---. For weighing....-.................... ----. --- — Wooden, ordinary...-.................. Bean curd -........... --- -----. ----- ---------- ------- Beans: Canned -.............................. ---- ------ Castor........-... —. —.-. --- —------ Cacao..-..... --- —--------------------------- Dried — In bulk -......-...-.. — -------------- In small packages..-...... ------------------ Flour of. ---......- -------- ----------- ---- - - - For dru's............... -.- -. --- —-------- - - Fresh......-. --.. ---. ----.- ---—. -- --- St. Ignatius.-..........- —. ---. --- —------------- St. John's (Johannis Brod).......-. --- —--- Tonka..........- —. ---. --- —--------- --- Vanilla... —.-. -- -—.. --- —. --- —-------- lBearings, brass or copper......-...- -- -------- -------- Reberine...... ---.. --- -—.. —. - ---- -—. ---Bed linen, used, imported by passengers in their luggage....... --- —------------ ------ Bedspreads. (According to material.) Bedsteads. (According to material.) Beef: Canned or potted.......-.......... ----. --- —------- - Extract of... —..-..... --- —--—. --- —---------- -- Fresh —. ---..-. —. —.. ---- ----------- In brine or salt............ ---- -. --- - ------- Iron and wine (medicine).....-.. --- —---- -- --- Jerked...............- ------------------- 190o. 1909. I!,t '. I (1 I; ) 12 - i!("i 15 1i 126 Sec. 12 302 19 T! t12 97 24,s' {193 (b) 21-S 193 (a) )5 (Ce 193 ()b 249 193 (ai 2IS 193 (aI 2-41 193 l(a 112 98 t.99 8 0, 81 99 S7 (a! 1(9: (lb S7 (b; I; t20 (e) 12; 21) (c0:3- 40279 342 (b) 28 1, 282 19), 197 1 i2, 1:3. 164 3411 281 242 192 31 (a i28 (a) 35 (h }30t ()> 35 ( 30() (c' 34 242 192 192 (a 157 321 23:1 320.232 157 290) (a 24S (a,) 287 (a! 229 (a, 2S7 () '229 (b 287 (' '229 (c) S 157 Sl:57 Sl 57 295 259 ({iT7191 (I)',!}i; 7X 96 7K:38(; '33, H4 0. 3-1 1,3 14 15 )r-31(; 365 2(19 99! 269 21 3' 205 8() 207 26(7 268 lBeer: ^ MRalt --- —-:112 (cl R oot................. --- —------ R oot.....- -. - -------- - -------- - - - * 1 68 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Beets: Fresh............................ Canned or potted........................ Pickled............................................ Bees, live.................................. Beeswax............................................ Bell metal (free)................................... Belladona: Herb............................................. Pharmaceutical preparations of........... Bellows: Blacksmith..-.................. Other. (According to material.) Belting, machine (of whatever material)............. Other. (According to material.) Belts: E lectric.......................................... Others. (According to material.) Bench lathes.............-..................... --- — Bench stops............................... Benedictine......... —..-.................... Ben oil-.......................................... Bensol, chemically pure...........................Bent wood, furniture of.................. Benzaldehyde...-........... ....-.......... --- --- B enzine............................................... Benzoate of soda.............-.............-....... — Benzoic acid........................................ Benzoin gum....................................... Benzol.............-.... Benzolnaphto l........................................... Berberine......................................... Bergamot oil. —........ —..........................Bergoin oil......................... Berlin blue, in powder........................ Berries: For alimentary purposesFresh... ---------------—.-. --- —-—. --- —-. Dried or desiccated........................... Canned or potted............................ Pickled...................................... For dyeing.............................. For drugs - -. -...................... ---...... — Juniper.................................. Betol................................. Betula oil, volatile.................... ---. —.. Beverages: Fruit juices or sirulps for...................... M alt...... -........................ Nonalcoholic............................ Spiritous, compounded........................ Bibles and extracts therefrom.......................... Bibulous paper.......................... —. --- Bicarbonate of potassium........................ ---Bicarbonate of sodiuml-..-......................-.. — Bichloride of mercury........................ In tabloids............. —...-...- -—. --- ——.. Bichromlate of potash................................. Bicycles and detached parts for........................ Cement....-. —...-.... ---........... --- — ------- Bigota, liquid extract of -—........ -........... ----- 13i-iodide of nercury........................ Billheads of pal)er.....................-.... Billiard, pool, and bagatelle tables..................... Balls............................................. Chalk................................... Cloth................................... Parts and appurtenances for........................ 1905. ia r. 375 320 321 365 102, 103 81 99 257 (b) 1909. 1 1r'. 230 232 233 1.74 85 309 57 81 194 195 '365 193 (b) 257 (b) 194 46 194 308 (c) 263 99, 100 (b) 83 97 77 198 162 97 77 10 23 (b) 99 81 92 (d) 71 (b) 78 56 (b) 97 77 99 81 96 78 105 (a) 87 (a) 105 (a) 87 (a) 84 (c) 61 (c), (d) 374 286 322 321 86 (a) 81 81 99 1)05 (a) 312 312 (c) 308 382 (b) 187 94 (h) 94 (g) 94 (h) 98 94 (h) 252 109 99 99 179 200 5 166 200 234 235 236 238 66 (a) 57 57 81 87 (a) 258, 269 267,268 268, 269 263,264 328 150, 151 74 (c) 74 (c) 74 (c) 81 74 (c) 199 90 80, 81 81 151 16( 166 8 142 166 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR 1'IITLPPINXE ISTANDS. 69 1905. 1909. B1ills: Pa r ar. Of exchange, executed............................ 32( Of lading.1..................................... Sec. 17 Binnacles....-......-..-....... —.......... 310 Biographies..........-..... --- —-..-................. 54 186 Birch oil.............l....................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Birds: EggsFresh, salted, or preserved in natural form... 77 373; 272 Preparations of........-.....-.....2........ 272 (b) Live, including poultry..... —.....2........... 12 175 Nests, edible........................3.6..2.. 3f-i 3226 Specimens for museums... —..-. ---........ 389 3:14 Stuffed or mounted-....-.........2...........8.. 232 289. 290 Biscuit: Unsweetened...........-...........-...- 283 (a) 223 (a) Sweetened.................................. 283 (1) 223 (I Shredded wheat....................-......-..-. 221 Bismae -.-................. — —........... --- — 99 81 Bismuth: Metallic (metal not mentioned)..................... 7 54 Salts of......................................... 99 81 Bisque........................ 23.11 Bisulphate of quinine -....-............... — 381 322 Bisulphate of sodium....................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Bitartrate of potassium....-....-..... —....... -...-!97 76 Bit braces................ ---..-.... —. --- 4( 1'94 Bits, wrought iron, for horses................ 9 42 Bit stork drills.................. 46 194 Bitter almond oil: Essential............................... ---- ---- 105 (a) 87 (a) So-called artificial (oil of mirbane)......-......- 97 (a) Bitters of all kinds for use with beverages................ 308 (c) 263 Bitumens -... --- —- -------—...... --- —----------- 22 Bituminous paints................... --- ------ - 85 (a) (b) Blackberry brandy................-.....-.. --- —-- - 308 (b) 262 Blackboards of hyloplate................................. 1 151 Blacking, shoe............. ---....-. --- —---------- 8} Blacksmith's bellows....... - -..... ---... — ----—. --- - 257 (b) 194 Bladders......... --- —. — --- ----------- 183 Blades, concealed, weapons with.............. ----... ---- 4 (( "Blanco," for shoes................- - - ----------- - S. (,-7 Blank books............... ---........ ---.... ---.... ---- 153 Blankets, according to material. Blasting gelatine............... --------- ---- (a) - -a Blasting powder.....................-........... - - - Blind, books and music in raised print for.......... — --- Blocks: Pulley, differential............... --- —-------- ------ Snatch, steel................ --- -----------------..... Others. (According to material.) Blondes. (According to material.), 1.) Blotting paper............. --- —-------------------------- Boards of: 1 ) Cork. 22' (- 8..- ------------------- -- ( 1a) Common wood....... ---.. - --—. ------------------ ---................................ F'ine wood............. --- -—. --- —....... ---.. —... --- —......- () Boas, feather..........-.-..-. — ---- ------- ---- ------ - 203 Iloats............... -- -----------------— ( --- 2a3XII 203 Importation of, defined (see note) -..... --- —------, 221 Bjoiled rice................... — ---------- - -. --- —-- -:13 2 7 Boiled cider........ --------------- --------- ----------- 4 Boiler coverings of asbestos............ --- —-- -- ------ Boilers: Cooking utensils. (According to material.) 244 194 Steam..-..-..-...... —....... -- -------------. 70 PROPOSE)i 'IARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Bologna sausages, not canned.......................... Bolts, expanding (tools).......................... Bolts of: Wrought iron or steel............................ Copper or brass.............................. ---. Bond paper.............................. Bone: Black................................... Buttons.............................. (har.............................................. (Cuttle fish..................................... Meal for fertilizing................................ Shaved, for (Chinese medicinen............... Wrought.................................. Unwrought.......................... Bones, animal wastes................-. ---Bonnets of: Straw, chip, palm, grass, rattan, osiers........... Other materials.......................... ---. Books: Blank.................................. Bound or unbound, printed.d.............. ---. Letterpress, copying-.............. —. --- Of lithographic prints...,............ Novels................................. Printed and written matter. objects obscene, indecent, or subversive of public order, prohibited... Philosophical, historical, scientific............. Raised print, for the blind......................... Reimported.....-...............-... --- —--- School, text................................... Scientific, imlported for established institutions...... Used, imported by passengers in baggage.......-.. Boot laces, according to material. Boot and shoe findings......... —...... —............. Boots and shoes of whatever material........... Bootstraps: (f cottonr..........-.......-.. Of linen -.....-.......................... —...... Borax -............-. —. —.-...-.... — ------- ---- Boric acid...-..... ----. —..-......... ---- Borers, tap -........-...... —.......... ---.... --- Boring machines..-........................... Boron.............. ----.-.-.. --- —-—. —...... — Bort.......................... Botany, specimens of, for public museums............... Bottles: Glass('Common. —..-...-.... —..........-.-. ---Fine, for toilet purposes.................... Other......................... (Clay — Plain............................ Painted....-... —.-.. —............ For household ornaments or in vases........... Bovine animals.............................. — Bowling: Alleys, parts and appurtenances for............ Balls......................................Bowls for opium pipes............................... Box cars................... -... —.- ------—..Boxes (see Rule 13): Of cardboardCommon, plain.............................. Fancy..................................... 1905. IPar. 270 46 1909. I a r. 207 194 47 39 68 50 (a) 179 150,151 89 61 345 (a) 283 (b) 88 36(6 ]84 184 (a) 99 80 342 (b) 281 (b) 342 (a) 281 (a) 234 184:355 299 356 300 181 153 180 154 187 153 180 155 180 154 Sec. 6 Sec. 6 390 (a) 349 390 (b) 328 350 382 (b) 328 390 (a) 349 386 339,340, 341,347 178 221-225 180 113 131 94 (e) 74 (c) 91 (a) 70 (a) 46 194 257 (b) 194 90 (b) 69 13 389 344 12-.5 (a) 13 16 16 20 19 (c) 11 (b) 19 (d) 11 (e) 23 11 (f) 208 171 (a), 333, 334,342,348 166 166 23 Sec. 6 262 (b) 200 (a);~ 190 (c) 150 (b) 190 (d) 151 (b) P'R()PSEIDD) TARIFF REVISfO() LA\V FR f PHItLIPPI'l NE ISLANDS ). 71 Boxes —Continled. 1 Of cardboard -— Continued. Not, fancy, covered with surface-coated paper.. (edar wood boards for cigar................. Hat, of whatever material.........-......-.. lubricating, for railway trucks, and carriages --- Of cast iron.... -... —................... Of wrought iron or steel................. Of wood --- In which imported merchandise is regularly packed...............-........... Retail.-.. —...... —...9...-....-..... 1,5. Wooden boards (common) planed for............ Boxing gloves....-.......-.....-........ Braces and bits -....- -...-............. --- —. Brads........................-...... --- —. Braid, according to material. Braids, admixtures of materials in --—.. --- ——... ----. Brake beams (railroad)........................... Brake shoes (railroad)....................... Brakes, vacuum, automatic................ —......... Bran..-...-... --- —--------—. --- —--------------- Brandied fruits....-....-.. —... ---. --- —-----—. Brandies.....-...... — -... — ---- —. --- -.-..- -. —. --- Blackberry and ginger..............-.....Fruits preserved in (brandied fruit)............. Brass. (See Copper.) Brass bushings, bearings................ --- — Brass screws.........-... --- --------- - - - - - ------- Brass, old..........-................. --- —-. --- —Brazing compound, chemical.-.............. — -. --- Bread: Sweetened - ------ ----------------- - Unsweetened.- -..-........ --- —-. --- —------- Bread knives -......-..... --- ------------------- Breeding animals, when free....-....... --- — - ------- Bricks: Asphalt, for paving......... ----....... --- —------ (Common clay, of all kinds......-......... ---.. — Bridges, iron and steel bars for.............- - - ---- Bridles of leather...................- - ------ -- ------ Brine, meat in -... —.-......- - - - - - - - - ------- Brimstone (sulphur) -... —.. ----...... --- —- ---- - Bristles.... -.................-.. --- —.... --- ----------- Brushes, textiles, and other manufactures of....... Bristol board in sheets-... -...... —. --- —------ ---- Britannia metal (see Tin, alloys of) -.-..... — ----- - - - Broche, or brocaded textiles.....-.... --- — -------- -- Broches: Definition of ----... --- —-------------------- Cotton, with silk, surtax on...-...-... --- —--- Of vegetable fibers other than cotton; with silk-.. Bromnhydrate of hyoscyamine..-...... --- —-. — - - - - Bromide of: Ammonium......- ----—... --- —-- ------------ Potassium -.......-.. —. ---.. --- —--------------- Sodium.-......... —....-. -- -- -------- ----- ------- Brom ine -..-......-.. --- —-----. — ----------------- -- Bromoform..-..-.....-. ---.- ----. --- ------------------ Bromo seltzer-.-.............- - - -. --- — - - ------- Bromo soda.. --- —--—.. —. ---- -------------------- - Bronze powder.... —.... --- —----------- -------- - -- Bronze vases....... --- —-—.... --- —------- --------- Bronzed hides and skins................ — - ------- --- Bronzing liquid (methyl acetate) -. —. ---. --- —------- BIroom corn....... ---.. --- - - ----------------- ''-' 1-905. 190 (bt 192 (b) 228 (c) 31 (h 3S (aI I92 (c) 196, 197 192 (1b fi 257 (t1 32:1) 68 97 2S:; (t>) 283 (a 54 (a) 17 4.1 228 269 90 (a)!fi; I (i I 1614 Ile 9 96 97 97 97 9!) (bI 99 99 99 69 (a) 69 219 97 I 901). t15 (b) 157 (b) 288 28 (b);33 (a,) Rt Iub X i I 1, 355 16I ', 16 3, 164 157 (b) 1,79 (b) 1 94 41 flil ut 7, Se('. 5:':3 (a) 3:1 (a) 194 I!) 228 238 2(62 238 50, 194 50:1309 77 223 (1)) 22: (a) 14 (a):"33:2132 -) 9:34 i11 (I)) 206 68 139,:3,14 139 150, 151 53 liIIel 8, Sec. 5 I11le -, Sec. 5 Rult 8, Sec-. 5 i1ll-e S, Sec. 5 78 77 77 77 19 81 81 81 50 (a) 50 178 (c) 77 169 72 PROPOSED TARIFF REVSION LAW FOR PHILIPPIYNE ISLAANDS. Brooms: Bamboo, palmn, fine straw, and similar materials.... Basswood, street..................... --- —In whiclh bristles (or hair) are chief value......-..Brushes: Bristle..... —...-..... ---.. —..... —. --- —------ Camel's hair......-.........-...... — -------- (arbon......... -.............. --- —----- -- - - -- Rabbit's feet mounted, as for toilet purposes..-....Rotary steel wire....................Steel foundry -.................... Fine straw, bamboo, panl, or similar materials...... Other. (According to material.) Brussels carpet.........- - --- - - - -- - - Buchu leaves --...................... ---. --- —-... Buckets, according to material. Buckles, as trinkets or ornaments............. --- —--- Other. (According to material.) Bucksaws................................... Buckthorn sirup............................. --- —-- Buckwheat: In flour................. -... --- —-- In grain......................... --- — Budding knives.................................... Buds, artific ial.................. —... --- —-- Buds for drugs. Buds for drugs............................. Bulbous roots for drugs.... —............ --- —--—.. --- Bulbs for drugs.................................. Bullets, lead, for firearm s............................. Bulls, live cattle.... —....................... — Bulrushes........-............ —..Bumpers (railroad)................................. Bungs, hools, hoeadings, shooks, and staves............ Buoys, life.-.............................. ---Burglar alarms, electric................................. Burgundy, pitch.................................. Burgundy, sparkling wine......................... Burnishers, tools of steel........................... Burnt uml)er (ocher) -..........................Bushings, antifriction. (According to material.) Bushings, brass bearilngs.............................. Bushings, electric................................... Butcher's: (leavers-.................... Knt i ves............................. T ools............................................. B u tter............................................... Fruit..............................-..... (aca o -....(.................. ---..... ---........ Ghee............................................ Imitation of,............................. Butterine.............................. Button cards: Cut out, l)unched, or perforated.................. The same further manufactured or elaborated....... Button fasteners.............................. B utton ri gs...................................... B~uttons....... B-uzzers, electri.......m....................... BIy-productrs, animal................................. Cabinetmakers, fine wood for....................... Cabinet organs...................................... Cables: Copper, for (onducting electricity............ Wrolt ht iron or steel........................ Submlarine telegraphic............................. lawsers of hem p.................................. 1905. Par. 204 (a) 204 16i4 164 164 248 365 257 (b) 46 204 (a) 166 81 46 99 278 (b) 278 (a) 54 (c) 350 81 8-1 8_1 73 (b) 208 (b) 203, 204 248 77 (a) 309 46 83 67 248 46 54 (a) 46 3:35 32'2 (b) 290 (b) 336 336 336 1909. 16(9 (c) 1169 (c) 139 139 139 193 290 194 1.94 169 (c) 142 57 279 194 81 218 (b) 218 (a) 44 (a) 292 57 57 57 54 (b) 171 (a), 333, 334, 342, 348 169 33 (a) 160 310 193 56 (a) 264 194 60 50, 194 193 194 44 (a) 194 274 237 248 (b) 275 275 275 190 (a) 150 (b) 196 (d) 151 (b) 278 278 345 283 248 19 3 (a) 184 193 158 23f6 185 65 4t5 395 146 (b) 49 (c) 36 (a) 323 120 (a) PI)ROPOSEI) TARIFIF REVISION LAW FOR PItLIPPINE ISLANDS. 73 1905. '1901). Cacao: lar. 'ar. Bean...................-.................. 290 (a) 218 (a i Butter -............................................ 290 (b!) 248 (b) Ground, in paste or powder......................... 290 (1i 248 (b) Cade collodion. ---. ----9......-...... -—......... 99 81 Clade oil —.... --- —-..... ---... —.........-.......... 99 87 (a) Cadiumn oil............9.............................997 a) Caffeine -...... --- -....- -....-....... —.................-96 78 Cajuput oil.. ---.....-....-........ —............... 99 87 (a) Cakes, canned..-............ -........................ 325224 Calamus oil -. -- --—.-..-....-......-..........- 105 (a) 87 (a) Calcaria glycerophosphorica........................... 99 81 Calcimines, substances prepared for...................... 60 Calciium: Carbide --- —.... —.................................. 94- (e) 74 (c) Carbonate, precipitate (chalk)...................... 3 (a) (), (c) Glycerophosphate -..................81......... 99 81 Hypochlorite.....-.......... —........ ---...... ---74 (b) Hlypophosphite -.. —.............................. -— 99 1 Iodide....- -..... ----........ — --........... 99 81 Lactophosphate................................... 99 81 Lactate.. --- —..-................... --- —-..99 81 Phosphate, precipitated.... ---.....-.......-.. 4 (d) 74 (c) Sulphide-...-............... --- ---..... ----. --- 94 (h )74 (c) C alendars: Advertising, when free........ —........ ---.. --- — 381 327 Printed. —............ —............. --- 190 (d) 151 Lithographic -......-.......-....-. —...-.... ---- 1.[90 (d):151 (Calfskin: Curried-............-......-............ --- —.. —. 217 (b) 178 (b) Shoes of —..-.................. --- —-.....-.-. — - 223 180 (b) Calipers, steel --—. ---........-..............- -..... --- 46 194 Calisaya: Elixir of. —..........-....-.-........ -------— 99 80, 81 Bark -..... —.....................-...... —..... ---., 157 Call bells, electric-..-........................... —..13 (a) Calomel..9..-.-........... -...-.... -------— 99 81 Caltrop nuts...-....-.....................-...... -- -29 —9 Calves, suckling.... —......................... --- —---- ----- 08 ) 171 (b) Calves' foot jelly. - -...........-...................... --- — 3 Camel's hair-.1...1 ---.... ---.........-. --- —--- ---- 1 314 Brushes, textiles and other manufactures of -------- (Cam eos -.-..... ---..... —...... ---........... —. — ------------— 41., 80 Cameos --- 91 13,028 Cameras and parts thereof................0........ ----— 58-59 302 Camphor....... —......................... --- —------- Ice.......... ---.......-.....-.... —. --- —- ----—... 81 Oil of.....-.................-... --- —-----—. ---- 87 (a (Camphoric acid -...................-......... ------------- 92 (I () Canada fleabane oil -........... ----..-.... —. --- —--- — a-. Candies ---::2 24-1, 2,t1 Canldies wax --- —---—.. -... --- —.- ------ - ---------— (- () (iandles, wax-.................. -.-.. —. --- —-.. --- —-.. Cotton wicks for................... --- —------ ------ Candlesticks: Glass ---—.....-.......-.... ---.... --- —--------- I Other. (According to material.) 1 Cane packing.. —.................... --- —------ -------- )4 (,'a). 3 Clane: K nives8 --- —-- -------------------------------— 6 194 Furniture.-...-.... —............ --- - --------------- '... (. Cut in straight lengths.....-.... --- —------------—.-. (a) nwog-201 169 (a) Unwrought -............. --- —--------------------- Other manufactures1....(c.......... --- — - --------— ) ( c) 109 (d) Split or stripped ---- -----------------—.... --- -—.....( 'aimed: naamed: 3-31:S 215 (c) Angulas.................. —..-.... --- —------—. —. 209 Bacon —...................... --- —----------- 2 223 Breads..... -.... --- —-..-. --- —----- ------------. 74 PRPOlSED TARIFF REVISION LAVW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Cain ned- -C 'ont inued..ar (akes....-.........-.. -..........................- 325 224 Codfish..............-.............-...........-.. 317 215 (a) (lain broth —............................... — -.- - 319 212 (ream-..-.........................320 (a) 270 Fish(omm..........-................ --- —-----—. 317 215 (b) Delicatessen......... —1 2...................- 318 215 (c) Fr it............................................. 322 236 Branded or pickled.......................... 321, 322, 323 238 erring- ---------.. --- —----------—.. ---. --- —--- 317 215 (a) Mea ts.................. 315, 316 209, 210, 211 Milk —...........................-..-...... - 320 270,Mleluza Guisada-................................... 318 215 (c) ()ysters.......................................... 317 (b) 215 (b) Frozen...................2...........7........5 217 Puddings...... —..-...-........-...-....... ----. 325 224 Salmon-..3............. 2..................... 317 (a)215 (a) Sardines......................................... 317 215 (a), (c) Soup-.......................-............-... --- 319 212 Sweetmeats....................................... 325 244 Vegetall es..-...........................-.......-.:320 232 anoes-....................................-2.7.... —. 267 203 (Can openers-.................. ---...... —..... -- 46 194 ( antharides: Whole or powdered.... --- —---— 8.................. S2 59 Tincture of..........................-..-. — 99 81 Canvas shoes-.............................. 221 180 (a) Lacquered, in imitation of patent leather-........... 222 180 (b) Caoutchouc (rubber): Belting, for machinery.....-..................... 352 (e) 195 Boots and shoes -.....-............. -...-......... 352 (c) 180 (b) Giaskets........................................... 352 (a) 293 (a) H lard rubber articles-......................... 352 (b) 293 (c) Ilose........-......-.............................. 352 (e) 294 ()ther articles of soft rubber...................... 352 (d) 293 (b) Packinia for machinery -..........-......... - -........ 352 (a) 293 (a) aw......... —....... —............................ 77 (c) 293 (a) Sheets..................-...................... 352 (d) 293 (a) }On textiles of ---Cotton.......-..........-................. 7135 (a) 117 linen.......................................... 160 135 Wool....-....................-................ 166 142 Silk........................................... 175 148 Washers...... —..-.............................-. 352 (a) 293 (a) Capers: Fresh......................................... 375230 Pickled -........ -................... -321 233 Sauce-............................................:328 256 Caps: For wearing apparel........................... 357 301 For miners, explosive-........-.........-......... 91 (a) Percussion -................................... 91 (b) (Cap.sules: Albumen, for medicinhe, empty -...-. -............... 99 81 Apioline-........................................ 98 81 Gelatin, fo) medicine, em ptvy -....-. -....-......... 99 81 For bottles of --- Aluminum.....................7........... 71 (e) 52 (b) Lead.................-....................... 73 (f) 54 Tin........................................... 72 (e) 53 (b) Nickel......................................... 71 (c) 52 (b) Zinc........................................... 54 Medicinal..................................... 98 81 Carabana water..-................................... 312 (c) 268 Carabao............................................... 171 (a) W hen free......................................... 334 PROPOSEI) TARIFF REVISION LAMW FOR PHITPPINE ISLANDS. 75 Caraway oil -.................... Caraway seeds.................................. Ground for culinary purposes........................ Carbide of calcium............................ Carbolic acid.. --- —--................ Carbolineum -........................ Carbonate of: Amnioinia —.....................-............ Iron, saccharated......................... Magnesia. -... —.............................. Nickel...-. —.... —..- -.. ---..........-.-.Potassium...................................... Sodilum................................ Zinc. -... — —.. —.-....... ---.....-.. --- —-- - -- --- (Carbonated waters..................................... Carbonating machinery.................... (Carbon brushes for electricity....-.................. — Carbon dioxide....... Carbonic acid, liquid -................ --- —------ ------ (Carbon paper..........................- --- Carbons.......- -.... -........... ----. Carboys, glass............. —.................. ---. — Cardboard: Manufactures of........... —..........Sheets.. —...................-........... ---. Traveling bags....-........................ M atches............................., --- —Card mounts for p1hotos-................... --- —--- (Cards: Index..-...-..-.......... ---..... --- —- ------ Marked..............-............ --- —- -. Playing...........................-... — Visiting... —. --- —-----------.. --- —--.. --- —--- For buttons......-...... --- —. --- —-. — ------- Carlsbad, salt of, natural..............-.... --------- Carlsbad sprudel water.................. —. --- —-- Carm ine. -... -—.... ---... — -.... --- — - -- ----------- Carob: Balsam.............-.... --- —. ------- —. — Beans. -----—.... -..-........ -------------- ----- Essential oil of...-.-............ -------—.. ---(Carpets. (According to material.) (Carriage: Apron studs or knobs of steel......... --- —------- H arness, of leather...........-................. Lamps. (According to material.) Carriage tires of rubber........................... — --- - Carriages, of kinds, including perambulators....-... - Cars: Freight.....-.................... — ---- -. --- — Other............................ Carton-pierre (papier mache).......-........ -- -- --- Cartridges, loaded or not, for firearms............-.. ---Carts and wagons.........-... ----. —. --- —------—.. Toy, and other small vehicles for children' use.... Carved wood....-.. —..-.. ----. --- —-- - ---------- Carylopsis: Oil of.- -...-.. — -... —.... ---- --—..... ---------- Toilet perfumery of............. ---- - - - - - -- Cascara sagrada.....-............ -. —. - ---- - - - - - Cascarets....... — -.. ---. --- —---- --- - -- ----- - ---- Cases: For apparatus and instruments..................... For clocks.. —..-.. ---...... --- —- -------------- - Common wood, for the packing of imported goods... Suit, of whatever material.................. - --- - - 1905. Par. 99 81 296 (1) 94 (eo 9[2 (a) 7 9-1 ( 99 94 (() 94 (h) 94 (h) 94 (e) 94 (1h 312 (c) 248 12 Hit) 189 22S (( ):2 r) 1 351 190 (:) 353 190 (a ) 312 (.') 85 302 99) I 9() 3 15( 190)9. ar. S7 (a) 57 255 (b) 74 (ci 71 (a~) (,)o 74 (e) 193 74 (1) 7. (b) 71 (c) 74 (c) 268 193 7) (I)) 151 1.5 (a') 150) (t), 151 (b) 1 (),- 1 51 288 92 150, 1,51 150)), 151 150l) 151 81 268 61 ((c), 61(d) 81 )57 S7 (a) 58 or )59 7 228 (b1 181 (b) 352 (d 293 (b) 258- 263 201 262, 263 200 (a) 262, 263 2N1() (b) 191 156 34; 91 (b) 265, 266 197 296 1)7 164 105 (a) 87 (a) 105 (b) 87 (b) 99 81 98 80 3(3 239 187 192 (c) lRule 13, 355 288 76 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PIILIPPINE ISLANDS. Cases-Continued. Telescope............................ Tool, of whatever material...................... Cashmere: H air of.......................................... Textiles..................................... Cash registers..................... Casks, barrels, tuns, and pipes.................. Cassia oil..,,..,...............-................. Cassim eres............................................ Castings of steel or malleable iron...................... Cast iron, malleable, articles of, are dutiable as wrought iron. Castile soap......................................... Castoreum............................ Castor oil............................................. Catch-all.................................... Catgut: Ligatures, aseptic........................... — Strings for musical instruments................... Catheters, surgical instruments..................... Catnip leaves................................ Cats, live............................................ Catsup....................................... Cattle, live................................. Caustic alkalies.......................... Caustic pencils............................. Cauteries, thermo.............................. Caviar, canned............................ Cayenne po)pper...................... Cedar woods: In boards for cigar boxes.................. Logs.......................................... W hite, oil of................................... Y ellow, oil of............................. Celery: (Canned.......................................... F resh............................................ Pickled.......................................... Salt.................................... Sauce........................................... O il............................................ Seed (groun(l for culinary purposes................. Celloidina..................................... Celluloid, or imitations of: [nwroulght,................................... XWrought..................................... Films for cameras................................. Films for cinematographs and similar machines.... Cement: Bricks, squares, tiles, and pipes................. 3 Blicycle (glue).................................... D entists'........................................ In(ldstrial.......................... Portland................................ Stain.......................................... Ceintirifugal macihines.......................... Cerae oil................................ Ceramlic products................................... Ceramic tiles: P lain....................................... (lazed or decorated.............................. Ceramyl (a sizing compound)................... Cereals: Prepared for table use........................ Not elsewhere provided for........................ 1905. Par. 204 (c) 161 166 255 363 105 (a) 166 37, 38 104 99 100 (b) 99 233 54 (e) 81 211 328 (a) 208 93 99 54 (e) 318 299 192 (b) 192 (a) 105 (a) 99 320 375 328 328 328 99 296 (b) 97 342 (a) 342 (b) 362 254 (a) 17,18 109 97 3 (a) 3 (a) 89 257 99 1909. Par. 288 288 139, 314 139 189 161 87 (a) 142 32, 33 86 81 83 306 82 185 196 57 174 256 348,171,333,334 72 81 193 (b) 215 (c) 252 157 (b) 157 (a) 87 (a) 87 (a) 232 230 233 256 256 87 (a) 255 77 281 (a) 281 (b) 302 186 9 96 77 6 (a) 6 (a) 61 194 84 Class I 10 (a) 10 (b) 77 18 (a) 18 (b) 97 282 221 278 219 IPROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 77 1905. Cerium:n Par. Valeriani(.............-............... 9 Salicylate of...................................!9 -Ceylon cinnamn on oil............................. Chaff cutters -........................... 2. i5 Chain hoists..2................................. 2145 Chains; as trinkets or ornaments...................... Others. (According to material.) Chairs: Barbers' or dentists' -.3.........2........ -.5. 59, 1!99 ()f cast iron, railway..........................31 ()) (f wrought iron, railway......................... 38 (;) Of bent wood... --- —-.. —...................... Of common wood.....-.......-1........... 195 (f fine wood.1......................... (f fine wood................................... 196 Of wood, gilt, carved, etc....19.................... 7 Chafing dishes. (According to material.) Chalcedony (semiprecious)........... Chalk: Crude.............................. 3 (a) Billiard, French, red, or tailors'.......-.......... Precipitated....................................... Chamois leather....................................... 219 Chamomile oil..........9........................... 99 Cham pagne............................................ 309 Chandeliers, electric.................................... Other. (According to material.) Char, bone............... --- —---—........................ Charcoal: Animal (bone char)................................. 89 In fuel........................................... 201 In powder or tablets (pharmaceutically prepared).. 99 Willow, for medicine............................... 99 Chartreuse............................................ 308 (c) Charts.............................................. 182 Chatterton compound, electric insulating material...... 248 Checks and drafts: E xecuted.......................................... Other (blank forms).............................. 179,181,183 Cheese................................................ 334 -Substitutes for...........-............... Chemical: D ye colors......................................... 87 (b) Fire engine. (According to material.) Fertilizers................................ ----......... 06 Products (not otherwise provided for)................ 97 Chenopodium oil...................................... 97 Cheroots, tobacco.................... —.. --- —----- 364 (b) Cherry juice.............. --- —-----—. —. ----. --- —- --:3 W ild.............................................. 327 Chemical industries; substances employed in............. Cherries: Fresh............................................. 37 Preserved......................... --- 322 (b) Maraschino, brandied............................ --- —--- ---- 322, 323 Chessmen. (According to material.) Chest protectors. (According to material.) Chests, tool, of whatever material..-........ --- ——. 3 Chewing gum................... --- —--------..... 3 Chicken, canned or potted...6.................... 31,. Chickens..................... --- —------ 2 Chicory, in any form............................ --- — ----- - - 292 Chimneys for lamps: I 3 Of glass.............. (.... Of porcelain. —... —.... —. —. --- —-------- -----.1 Of m ica....................... ----.- - ------------- 2 (e) 191)9. Pa; r. - 81 81 87 (a) 194 194 -79 165 28 (b) 33 (a) 162 162 163 1 (64 164 13 6 (b) 8 6 (c) 178 (c) 87 (a) 264 193 (b) 88 88 167 81 81 263 155 19:3 (a) Free, 320 151 273 273 66 (c) 77 (a) 77 87 (a) 304 (e) 269 258 Class IV 234 236 238 288 244 210,211 175, 204 246, 247 17 11 5 78 PROPOSED ITARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. (China: Par.ar. Clay (kaolin)....................................... 3 ( ) 6 ( `W ares,,.,, _,............................................... 2: i 'h inchona: Oil........................................ 9987 (a) Bark............................... 81 322 Alkaloid-s.......................................... 3:84 322 Chinese: Almighnty oil..-...................................99 80 Bird's est, edible................................ 366 226 Joss ImonCeyx -..............................-... --- 190 (d) 150, 151 Joss sticks.-...................................... -105 (b) 87 (b) Lanterns (paper)..1............................190 (d) 151 Lily nuts...........-...3...6.-.................. 366i 239 Lucky paper..................................... 187 150, 151 Medicinal pills.................................. 98 80 Medical preparations and materials....-............ 99 80 Marking iink- - - - - - -........................................ 8564 (b) Mulberry paper -................................... 187 150, 151 Pillows, (overed with leather....................... 229 (b) 182 (b) Plasters........................................ 99 81 Rock sugar................................... 298 (b) 240 (c) Shoes and boots................................... 225, 227 180 Wines(ontaininug 14 per cent or less of alcohol........ 310, 3[1 265 More than 14 per cent, not more than 24 per cent of alcohol................................ 310, 311 266 More than 24 per cent........................... 308 (c) 263 Chin, solution of-.................................. 99 81 Chinolin or (luinoline...................-............. 384 322 Chirurigal plaster.........-........................... 99 81 Chisels -........................................... 46194 Chloralhvd rate................................99 81 Chlorate of: Barium..................................... 94 (h) 74 (c). Iron.................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Potassiuni................................. 94 (f) 74 (c) Sodiulli...-........................................ 94 (f) 74 (c) Chloride of: Ammonium.................................... 974 (74 (c) Calcium.......................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) G old............................................... 9 78 Lime (bleaching powder)........................... 94 (e) 74 (b) Magnesium...................................... 94 (h) 74 (a) M ercury........................................... 9981 Platinum-n.......................................... 9678 Potassium........................................ 94 (c) 74 (a) Silver......................................... 96 78 Sodi um........................................... 94 74 (c) Uranium.-........................ 99 81 Zinc........................................ 94 (h) 74 (c) Chloridine......-...................................... 99 80, 81 Chlorinated lime................................ 94 (e) 74 (c) Chlorofor..............................................9981 Chlorhydrate of herion............................ 96 78 Chlorhydrate of quinine-................. 384 322 Chlorplatinate of potassium............................. 97 77 Chocolate: For nimanufacturing purposes........................ 330 (a) 249 (a) For table use....................................... 330 (b) 249 (b) In candies, sweetmeats, etc........................ 332 244 Choke coils for use with cat- motors..................... 250 193 (a) Christmas-tree ornaments.............................. 353 296 Christmas trees, artificial........................... 296 Chrome alum......................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Chrom ic acid.......................................... 1 (c)70 (c) PROP()OSED TARIFF REVISION LAW etFR P11lLIPPINE: ISLANIS. 79 ClhroIlnol ith ograp lhs.......................... Chronometers and parts of................... Chrysarobin -. —................... Ch.cks............................................... Church re(galia, gems and statuary..................... Churns........-.-.-. —..... ---.- --.... —....-...... Chutney sauce.................................... --- (Cicutine - -................. Cider...-.......... --- —--... --- —--......... Cigarette holders. (According to material.) Machines......... ----... —........ Paper.......... —......................Cigarettes................-..... —....- -....... Cigarettes, cubeb.............................Cigar: Box labels........ —.................Boxes, cedar wood, boards planed for............. Lighters, electric -..... --............... Cigars.-..................... --- —-........... --- — Cinches: (f cotton......-...-..-..........-.. — Of hemp. -...................... — Cinchona: Bark-........................ — Alkaloids or salts of.. ---..........-...... --- —-—. Ferruginous sirup of.-.................... --- Oil of....-................. — ------ Cinchonidine, and salts thereof................... Cinchonine sulphate......-.................. --- —Cinematographs, records and parts for.................. Cinnamon.-...... ---.... ----... --- — Oil of.-...... --...... —... --- - - ---------- Circus equipments, imported temporarily, bond taken for re-exportation....................... --- —------- Ciridinia -.................... --- ----- --- Citrate: Of ammonium..........-.. --- —------------- Of magnesia.-.................. --- —------------- Of sodium, not pharmaceutically prepared......... Of iron, not pharmaceutically prepared...-........ Citrates-......................-.. --- —------- Citric acid..-....-..-.. — - - --------- -—. -------- -- -- Citron, conserved or crystallized.... --- —---- -------- Citronilla oil................... ------. --- —------- Citrophen -......................... --- —------- Civette: Essential preparation for manufacturing perfumel... In toilet perfumery and handkerchief extracts....... Clam: Broth and chowder....-...-....... — - - ---------- Shells....- -............ --- —. --- —------- Clams: Canned or in glass................................. O ther..-..-............. —. —.. --- —------------ Claret wines-. -..........- -.- -------- - - -------- Clasp nails. (See Nails.) ('lassification: Advance, opinion concerning, how to obtain...... - Advance, opinion concerning, not to be given in advance except as provided.........- -- --- Rlay: Com mon.................. --- —--- --------------- China (kaolin).................. --- — -- ------ - Bricks................... --- —Bottles............. --- —. -—. --- —-------- 1905. Par. I S3 241 99 4. 393 ()J:32S 91; 312. I: lss 347 (1)) 364 (b) 181 3284:131 105 99 99 293, 294 105 (a) 99 95 (b) 95 (b) 95 (b) 92 (a) 331 105 (a) 99 105 (a) 105 (b) 319! 3(:(; 317 (b) 275 311 3 (bh 3 (1b) 17 19 (c) 190I9. 151. 155 1S7 8l 194 194 256 7S 267 19-4 15 2 304- (e) SI 151 i l i)7 (b) 193 (^e) 30}4 (1) ) 115 133 322 322 399 Xl 1(8 250 75 75 75 71 (b 238 S7 (a) 81 S7 (b) S7 (bi 212 284 215 (b) 216 (b) 26(5, 2(66 1ul1t 12, Sec. 5 Rule 12, Sec. 5 6 (b) 6 (b) 9 1l (b) 80 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Clay-Continued. Par. Dishes. 1.......................................... 19 (b), (d) Flower pots, common_.....1..................9 (c) Flower stands, statuettes, vases.................... 23 Household and kitchen utensils..................... 19 (a) Tubes or pipes -.........-.... —......... ---.... --- 17 (c), (d) Pigeons-................................... 19 Tiles.............................................. 18 Cleats, porcelain, for electrical wiring................... 248 Cleavers, butchers' -...................... 46 Clippers, hair......-............................... 54 (d) Clocks, and parts therefor........................... 239, 246, 241 Cloisonne wares..-..................................... 23 Cloth, emery...-......... —............-.......-.. 46 Clorhidro fosfato........................................ 99 Clothing: Finished, cut, basted, or partially finished, making up, surtax for................................... Ready-made, ascertainment of threads.............. Clover (forage)-..............:....-..... --- —-..... —. 303 Seed -.. -..............-.................-....... 302 Cloves -................................................ 296 Oil of.......-................................... 105 (a) Coaches.............................................. 258 Coal................................................. 6 Drawback on-..-.....-... ---....-...........-.....Coal tar-.........................-...... — —..... ----. 7 Colors, derived from -....-..-....-.....-.....-... — 87 (b) Creosote, crude........ —..... —.-............. --- —- 7 Cobalt colors......-...... ----....... —....... 84 Cocaine-.-..... --- —----.. —....-... 96 Cochineal -.-................ —................... ----.. 86 (e) Cocktails -..........-....... —............. —.-.... 308 (b) Cocoanut: Oil.-0............................ 100 (a) Shredded............................ 332,365 Cocoanuts-.....-.... — -. --- —-... ----..-.. —..-. --- —-- 76 Export duties on..-.. —...................... — 402 Fiber-............................................ Cocodylate of iron....-.................................. 99 Cocoons, silk -168.......................... --- —- 168 Codein ------—..... —........... — -----—.......... —.... 96 Codfish: Canned or potted -.......-........-.............. 317 Salted or dried-...- - -.......-........-.-..-.. ---. 273 Intestines, part of.... —.......... —.-.... ---- 273 Cod-liver oil: Emulsion, and other pharmaceutical preparations of. 99 Other-.............- —..................-... - 101 Coffee —.................................- -- -- 291 (a), (b) Coffins. (According to material.) Cognac: Oil of............................................ — 05 (a) Brandy...-......... —...... ---.. —........ 308 (a) Coins of national issues (free)......................Coir ---..... — ------—......... — ---. ---........ —. 138 Hawsers, rope, and fenders....-................. 146 Mats anld carpeting. ----—............. — --... --- —- 155 Waterproofs-............................ 204 (a) Coke ---.............-...-.......... ----. ---- 6 Colchiflor....-..................-......... --- —- 99 Colcothar - -................. — —............. —. —..- 97 Cold cream —....................... ---...... —.. ----. 105 (b) Collargol blister....................................... 99 Collars. (According to material.) Collections of botany, mineralogy, and zoology, when free. 389 1909. Pa[ir. 11 II (b) 11 (f) 11 9 11. (c) 9 193 (a) 194 44 (b) 187 11 (f) 194 (b) 81 Rule 1I, Sec. 5 Rule 1, Sec. 5 228 227 250 87 (a) 201 21 Sec. 25 22 (66 (c) 22 61 (c), (d) 78 66 (c) 263 83 239 55 358 Class VI 81 332 78 215 (a) 214 183 81 84 245 87 (a) 263 320 Class VI 120 135 169 (c) 21 81 77 87 (b) 81 34 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 81 "Colliers royer"...................................... Collodion............................................. Cantharidal..................................... Cologne, perfumery prepared for toilet purposes........ Colophony................................... Colts.................................................. Coloring for wine and liquors..................... Colors: Aniline............................. A rtists'........................................... Artificial.......................................... Berlin blue...................................... Bituminous.................................. Boneblack.................................. Cochineal.................................... Derived from coal tar (aniline)................... Coal tar paint, not aniline dyes..................... Carmine......................................... Lithographic (ink)......................... Litmus --.................................... Logwood dyeing extracts................. Litharge.......................................... Lampblack and ivory black....................... LeadRed or white, dry............................. In liquid or paste........................ Natural colorsD ry........................................ In liquid or paste............................. Noncorrodible graphite..-.......... -- -..-... OcherD ry......................................... In liquid or paste............................. Prussian blue.................................... Sugar (burnt)..................................... SiennaDry................................... In liquid or paste........... —... —. —... Ultramarine blue................ -.-. --- —-----—. UmberDry......... —......-...................... In liquid or paste -......-. —.. ---. --- —Venetian red.............-.......... 83, Vermilion......................................... W ater............................................. White zinc -............ ---. --- —. --- ——. --- —-- Columns: Of cast iron........-..........-..-..- -.-. — --- Of wrought iron or steel (structural)................Combed silk floss-............... -------—. --- —----- Combs, curry.................................... Combs. (According to material.) Commercial documents, executed (free).. ---............. Commercial samples................. ----. ---—. --- —Common woods: Acacia, alder, ash, beech, birch, black poplar, California redwood, cedar, cypress, elder, evergreen oak, maple oak, pear, pine, plantain, poplar, spruce, yew-leaved fig.............. --- —-- ( ompasses for measuring..........-..... ---- - -- ---- - - inopasses, magnetic..-... ---.-.-.... — ------------- (omponent material of chief value defined. ---. --- ——.... r)mposition buttons.... —....... ---...... --- ---------- 1ojmpound lard...................... —. -.... --- —-- 80972-Il. Doc. 14, 61-1 ----6 1905. Par. 341 (b) 97 99 105 (b) 77 (a) 85 87 (b) 87 (b,) 85 84, 85 84 (c) 85 (a) 89 86 (c) 87 (b)) 85 (a) 85 85 (a) 58 (a) 87 (a) 84 (c) 89 84 (a) 84 (b) 83 84 (d) 89 83 84 (d) 84 (c) 85 83 84 (d) 84 (c) 83 84 (d) 84 (c), (l) 84 (c) 85 84 (e), ((i) 31 (ai 41. 171 (b) 58, 59 370 46 36;5 345 (a) 272 1909. I'a r. 286 (b) 77 81 87 (b) 56 (a) 170 6 (c), (d) 66 (c) 66 (c) 61 (c), (d) 61 (e), (d) 61. (), (d) 61 (b) 61 (c), (d) 66 (c) 66 (c) 61 (b) 61 (c), (d) 64 (a) il (c), (d) (i6 (b) (i1 (c), (d) 61 (c), (() (;1 (a) (; (b) 60 61 (d) 67 60 61 (() 61 (c), (d) 61 (c), (d) 60 61 (4) 61 (c), )d) 60 61 (d) 61 (c), (() (61 (c), ((1);61 (c), (d) 61 (c), (d) 28 (a) 34 146 47 320 335 157 194 303 Rule 12, sec. 5 283 (b) 208 82 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Compounds: Par. Par. Explosive................................... 111 (a), (b) 91 Flavoring..................................... 258 Insulating, used exclusively for electricity...... 248 193 (a) Milk........................................... 271 Compressed air: Engines...................................... 243 194 Pumps........................................... 257 194 Comptographs, and detached parts for................ 188 Computing apparatus, and parts for......................188 Concentrated milk..................................... 270 Condensed milks and creams........................... 320 270 Condiments for table use............................... 328 256 Cones of glass for paving or roofing....................... 18 (a) Confectionery....................................... 331, 332 244 Confetti paper................................. 190 (d) 150 Coniine............................................... 96 78 Conserved or crystallized fruits.............331 238 Consignees............................................ Sec. 17 Construction and enforcement.......................... Sec. 5 Consular invoices....................................... Sec. 22 Sec. 20, 21 Consular supplies, official, when free.................... 345 Containers and receptacles: Immediate, of imported merchandise............... Rule 13 (d), sec.5 Reexportation of.................................. Sec. 25 Controllers, electrical............................... 250 193 (a) Cooked rice........................................... 282 221 Cooking soda........................ 94 (g) 74 (c) Coopers' wares suitable for use as containers of liquids. 194 161 (a) Other............................................. 194 161 (b) In shooks, hoops, headings, staves, and bungs...... 194 (b) 160 Copaiba: Balsam............................................ 99 81 Oil of.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Copal varnish................................. 88 62 Copper, and alloys of, in: Bars.............................................. 62 48 Bearings......................................... 67 50 Bolts............................................ 68 (a), (b) 50 Buttons........................................... 345 (b) 283 (c) Bronze powder............................ 69 (a) 50 (a) Coins of national issues................ Sec. 19 (c), 69 (a) 320 Cables, electric.........................65 49 (c) Foil....................... 69 (a) 50 Ingots (alloys)................................... 61 48 Ingots (pure)........................61 309 Laminre (scales).................................... 60 309 M atte........................................ 309 Muntz metal..................................... 309 NailsNickeled.................................. 68 (a) 50 (b) Other........................................ 68 (b) 50 (a) Old....................................... 60 309 Ores............................................. 369 309 Pens.......................................... 68 (c) 278 Pins.................................. 68 (c) 278 Pipes................................... 67 48 Plates for fireplaces....6...................... 67 50 Regulus...................................... 30~ Rivets............................................ 68 50 Sheets......................................... 63 4S Scales (laminIe)................................... 60 30! Screws...................... -68 (a), (b50 Wind instruments (musical)...................... 69 (a), (bi 18( W ashers...................................... 68 (a, (b 50 Tacks.......................................... 68 (a), (b 50 Wire...................................... 64,65,66 49 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 83 Copper, and alloys of, in-Continued. 1905. 1909. Other manufactures of- Par. Par. Plain................................. 69 (a) 50 (a) Nickeled................................. 69 (b) 50 (b) Strings for musical instruments..................... 69 (a), (h) 185 Oxide of....................................... 94 (e), 99 7-4 (c) Nitrate of......................................... 94 (e) 74 (c) Sulphate of....................................... 94 (e) 74 (c) In pencils for cauterization..................... 99 81 Copra............................................... 76 55 Export duties on.................................. 402 357 Copying books, letterpress.................187 153 Copying paper...................................... 187 150 Coral: Unwrought....................................... 341 (a) 280 (a) Wrought......................................... 341 (b) 280 (b) Compositions imitating.......................... 342 281 Cord. (According to material.) Cordage. (According to material.) Cordials............................................. 308 (c) 263 Coriander seeds... ----.............................. 81 57 Ground for culinary purposes.................... 296 (b) 255 Coriander oil..................................... 99 87 (a) Corduroy (cotton).................................... 124 103 Cork: Rough or in boards......................... 202 (a) 168 (a) Manufactured in stoppers.......................... 202 (b) 168 (b) Manufactured in other articles...................... 168 (c) Corkscrews........................ ---... --- — 46 194 Corn: Broom........................................... 169 Canned......................................320 232 In grain....................-......2.... ---...- - 278 (a) 220 (a) In meal or flour.................................... 278 (b) 220 (b) Shellers.......9-......... -.... --- — —. 24 194 Cornstarch, prepared for table use....................... 82 21 Correspondence (free)...........4........................9 Corrugated rubber matting.............-.....-..-.... --- 352 (d) 293 (b) Corrugated sheets of wrought iron or steel, galvanized or not.., —.....-....-................ -- 3 ) (c) 31)) Corrosive sublimate.................-............. -. — - 7 77 Corset laces. (According to material.) Corset stays. (According to material.) Corsets. (According to material.) 7 Corticine...............................- Corundum or carborundum wheels...................... 4 Cosmetics............................... 105 (b) 87 (b) Cosmos starch..................................-. --- 107 8' Cot beds. (According to material.) 08 Cottolene........-.................. ----. --- —------ 27. Cotton, and manufactures thereof.............-....- 82 Absorbent, medicated or not..................... Bath robes, pile fabrics4 (................. 24 (a)6 Bathing suits, knitted....... -1.... --- —-- 125 (c) Batting.............-......... —. --- ----------- Bedspreads of lace..............-{ a)... 10 4 123 104 Blanket 8........ — -......... --- —-... ----------- 127 109 127 109 Blondes..1-3 Blondes......................................... 113 Boot straps.................... ---- -............ — -- 1 11 Craid r............................ -.................. 1 Cinches -. --- —------- 96 Cord, wrapping.............................. 1 33 96 Cinches.................................. 96 Cordage...................... --- —----- - -.. 124 103 1C4 1y1 Corduroy..................................... 132 114 Corset laces.................. -................ 84 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Cotton, and manufactures thereof-Continued. 1905. Curtains- Par. Of tapestry.................................. 129 Of lace........................................ 127 Other. (According to material.) Drawers, knitted............................. 125 (b) Elastic textiles..................................... 135 (b) Embroidery...................... Rule 10 Felt.............................................. Galloons.......................................... 131 Gloves, knit................................ 125 (c) Gins............................................... 245 Hammocks....................................... Jerseys, knit...................................... 125 (b) Knitted goodsIn the piece......................... 125 (a) Corset covers.............................. 125 (c) Fishing nets.................................. 144 Gloves..................................... 125 (c) Hammocks.................................... 144 Shawls....................................... 125 (c) Stockings and socks................ 125 (c) Sweaters..................................... 125 (b) Tennis nets............................ 144 Undershirts and drawers........................ 125 (b) Vests, ladies'.................................. 125 (b) Laces.............................'................ 127 Lace bedspreads, curtains, and pillow shams......... 127 (a) Mackintoshes..................................... 135 (a) Medicated........................................ 99 Mops.............................................. Paper stock....................................... Pile fabric......................................... 124 In towels..................................... 124 (a) In bath robes.................................. 124 (a) Pillow shams of lace............................... 127 (a) Piques............................................ 122 Plush............................................. 124 R aw............................................. 112 Ribbon............................................ 131 R ope............................................. 133 Rugs............................................. 128 Saddle girths..................................... 134 Seed oil........................................ 100 (b), 305 Seed............................................ 76 Seed meal or cakes................................ Shoe laces......................................... 132 Socks, knitted.................................... 125 (c) Stockings, knitted................................. 125 (c) Swabs........................................... Table covers of tapestry............................ 129 Tape............................................. 131 (a) Tapestry......................................... 129 Tassels........................................... 131 Tennis nets...................................... ThreadFor sewing, crocheting, embroidering, or darning..................................... 116 For sewing sails or sacks...................... 116 (a) Textiles......................................... Velvets and velveteens............................ 124 Vests, ladies' knit................................ 125 (b) W aste........................................... 112 W aterproof....................................... 135 (a) WicksFor lamps..................................... 130 For making candles or matches................ 116 (b) Yarn................................ 113,114,115,116 Mercerized................................ 113 (b), 116 1909. Par. 111 109 107 (b) 117 Rule 9 98 113 107 (c) 194 97 107 (c) 107 (a) 107 (c) 96 107 (c) 97 107 (c) 107 (b) 107 (b) 97 107 (b) 107 (b) 109 109 (a) 117 82 98 315 105 106 106 109 103 105 312 113 96 110 115 83 55 (a) 55 (b) 114 107 (b) 107 (b) 98 111 (b) 113 (a) 111 113 97 95 96 Class V, Group 3 105 107 (b) 93 117 112 96 94 95 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 85 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Cough drops.......................................... 99 81 Counterpanes. (According to material.) Making up defined, surtax for..................... Rule 11, Sec. 5 Couplings.......................................... 33 (a) Coverings, unusual, for imported merchandise, pay duty at the same rate as would be charged if imported separately. (Sec. 177, Act No. 355)..................... Rule 13 (h) Coverings (packing), when free......................... Rule 13 355 Cow hair...................................... 161 139,315 Cowhide shoes................................... 221 180 (a) Cowhides: Raw, green, or dried.............................. 214 176 Tanned with hair on............................. 215 177 Tanned and curried................................ 217 (d) 178 (a Varnished, grained, or embossed.................. 218 178 (c Cows............................................. 208 (b) 171 (a), 333, 334,342, 348 Crackers: Edible............................................ 283 223 Fire............................................ 111 91 (c) Cranes, power, hand, or hydraulic....................... 247 194 Cranks, wrought iron........................... 38 (b) 32, 33,194 Cravenettes........................................... 166 142 Crayon pictures of actual persons........................ 380 326 Other......................................... 182 155, 326 Crayons: Chalk............................................ 5 8 Charcoal, for drawing.............................. 85 (c) 65 In wood as pencils............................. 85 (c) 65 Cream of tartar........................................ 97 76 Cream, toilet......................................... 105 (b) 87 (b) Cream ware. (See Stoneware.) Creams and milks..................................... 320 270 Creme de menthe..................................... 308 (c) 263 Cremor bismuth........................................ 99 81 Creolin............................................... 97 77 Creoline (unrefined creosote)....................... 7 22 Creosote: Refined (wood).................................... 99 81 Unrefined....................................... 7 22 Crepe paper....................................... 187 150, 151 Crezol................... 99 81 Cricket bats......................................... 297 Crochet hooks.......................................... 53, 68 (c) 278 Crochet lace: Cotton........................................ 127 109 Linen....................... 154 128 Silk............................................ 174 148 Croquet sets and parts of...................... --- — 297 Croton oil......................................... 99 83 Crowbars............................................. 46 194 Crucibles of clay or stoneware.................... -- 19 ()) 11 (b) Crucible steel: Bars.............................................. 36 (c) 30 (c) T ools............................................. 46 Tools 46 194, 196 Crude: Animal oils and fats............................. 84 Oils, m ineral.................................22 Materials not otherwise provided for............... 366 306 Petroleum........................................ Petroleum 8 22 Rules for classification of......................-lass II, Group 2 Crushers rock.............................. 245 194 13-16 16, 20 (rystal, and glass imitating crystal................... 1316 162 Artificial eyes...........-...-...-.. -... —...... (c) Chandeliers or bracket lamps..................... 13 (a), (b) 86 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Crystal, and glass imitating crystal-Continued. Cut, engraved, painted, enameled, or gilt........... 1905. Par. 13 (a) Chimneys, for lamps....1....................... 13 (c) Globes, for lanterns............................... 13 (b) Electric incandescent lamps........................ 250 (a) Field glasses................................. 16 (c) In statuettes, flower stands, vases, and similar articles, for toilet purposes or house decoration............. 13 (a), (b) M irrors............................................ 15 Plates, for roofing or paving...................... 14 Spectacle glasses............................. 16 (a) Tinned, silvered, or coated with other metals (mirrors)..................................... 15 Window......................... 14 (b), (c) Crystallized fruits..................................... 331 Crystals, for watches.................................... 238 (a) Cubebs................................................ 81 Cigarettes of...................................... 99 Oil of............................................ 99 Cucurbitine........................................... 96 Cuffs, celluloid........................................ 342 (b) Cultivators........................................... 245 Cum arin............................................... 99 Cups, as trophies or prizes, when free.................... Curacao, liquor....................................... 308 (c) Currants: Canned............................................ 322 (b) Dried............................................. 286 Currency, receivable for duties......................... Sec. 8 Of invoice........................................ Of national issue................................... Currycombs, wrought iron.............................. 58, 59 Curry powder.......................................... 296 (b) Curtains. (According to material.) Cut glass, articles of................................. 13 (a), 16 (c) Cuticura ointment..................................... 99 Cutlery of steel....................................... 54 Cutter circuit breakers................................. 248 Cutters, forage........................................ 245 Cutters, glass......................................... 46 Cuttings of common metals, fit only for re-smelting...... Cuttlefish bone........................................ 365, 366 Cyanide of potassium.................................. 97 Cyanide of mercury................................... 97 Cyclometers, and parts therefor......................... Dana: Indian coriander seed.............................. 81 Ground for culinary purposes........................ 296 (b) Darning cotton......................................... 116 Dates: DriedIn bulk..................................... 286 In small packages............................... 285 Fresh.............................................. 374 Canned............................................ 322 (b) D avits................................................ 245 Deals: Ordinary wood.................................... 192 (a) Fine wood......................................... 193 (a) Decanters, glass........................................ 13 (a), (b) Decorations, house: Of bisque, clay, faience, porcelain, and stoneware... 23 For Christmas trees................................ Definitions of terms used in the tariff................... Deleterious articles prohibited.......................... 1909. Par. 16 (b) 20 (c) 17 16 193 (a) 20 (e) 20 (b), (c) 19 18 20 (a) 19 18 (b), (c) 238 187 57 81 87 (a) 78 281 (b) 194 81 330 263 236 235 Sec. 9 Sec. 18 320 47 255 (b) 16 (b) 20 (c), (e) 81 44 193 (a) 194 196 309 184 77 77 187 57 255 (b) 95 235 (a) 235 (b) 234 236 310 157 158 16 (a), (b) 11 (f) 296 Sec. 8 Sec. 6 (e) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 87 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Delphina, pure.................................. 96 78 Demijohns: Of clay....................................... 19 (b), (d) 11 (b) Of common glass................................ 12 15 (a) Denaturants, mixtures of............................... 76 Dental: Instruments................................ 54 (e) 196 Rubber in sheets................................. 352 (d) 293 Dentists: Chairs............................................. 59, 199 165 Cement............................... 97 77 Gold solder.................................... 27 (() 25 (d) Silver for........................................ 28 (d) 26 (d) Moss fiber gold.....2.............................. 27 (d) 25 (d) Dentifrices............................... 105 (b) 87 (b) Desk: Fans, electric................................... 25 193 (a Telephones................................ 248 193 (a Developing: Baths............................................. 302 Lights.............................. 302 Trays..a....................... 302 Deviled ham, canned................................ 315. 316 210 Dextrine.............................................. 108 89 Dials for watches...................................... 238 187 Diamond-pointed tools of steel........................ 46 196 Diamond dust.......................................... 365 13 Diamonds............................................ 24, 379 13 Diastase.............................................. 99 81 Dice. (According to material.) Loaded (prohibited)............................. Sec. 6 c. (c) Dies and stocks................................ 46 194 Differential pulleys.......................... 245 194 Diggers, post hole..-...........4....,................. 46 194 Digitalin................................. 96 78 Digitalis (herb)..................8............... 81 57 Dill, oil of..................................... 15 (a) 87 (a) Diminutive articles for use as toys..................... 296 Dingies........................-................. 267 203 Dionine........................................ 96 78 Dioxide of manganese................................. 9 77 Dishes. (According to material.) Disk harrows......................-.................. 245 194 Distributing boards, electric........................ 248 193 (a) Diuretina.......................................... 99 81 Diving suits and appurtenances..................-..-. 257 194 Documents: Commercial, executed.......................... 320 Public,,............................. 320 Typewritten..........-..... —..... —.........-. - 20 Dog biscuits..................................... 2x3 (a) 223 Dogs.211 174 D~ 8-:................................................... 211 174 Doilies. (According to material.) Domestic animals, when free................... --- —- - 341 Dominos of: Wood or bone....................-........ -.. --- 342 (b), 353 296 Ivory............................................ 341 (b) 280 Donkey engines................ —. --- —---—. --- 243 194 Doorknobs. (According to material.) Doublets: Unset........................................ --- — ----- 24 14 In gold jewelry................... 27 (c 25 (c In silver jewelry.............-.......... ------ (c c j2 (c) 26 Dover's powder...............-............ -- - - - - - 1 Downs and feathers.................... -- --------- - 88 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Draft harness.............. Drafts (blank forms)............................... Executed......................................... Dragees, medicinal............................ Dragon's blood........................................ Drain pipes. (According to material.) Drawbacks on imported materials........... Drawbars (railroad)...................-...... Drawers. (According to material.) Drawing inks............................... Drawing paper........................................ Drawings in ink, water colors, or oil.......... —.,... Dredging machinery and apparatus-............ Dressing: H arness........................................... HIoof.................................... Dressing for shoes..............-... --- —-. Dressings, surgical (aseptic and antiseptic).. Dress patterns of paper.............. Dress shields. (According to material.) Drill grinder, twisted................................... Drills.................................................. Drivers, screw...................... Drop black........................................... Drugs............................................. Adulterated prohibited.....................- -.. Fruits, flowers, and vegetable products for.......... Dried insects and animal products for.............. Drum hoists, friction................................. Dryers, tobacco.......................-..-....... Dues, wharfage....................................... Duplicating machines and parts for................... Dusters, feather..................................... Dust, gold, silver, and platinum................... Dutiable: Value defined................................ W eight....................................... Duties: Payment of................................... Rates of, established........................... To be assessed when two or more rates are applicable. Duty, maximum rates of, on importations.......... Dye, hair.............................. Dyeing extracts................................. D yes............................................. Dye woods, barks, roots.............. -...-.... Extracts of................... Dynamite.......................................... When prohibited..................... D ynam os........................................... Earthenware. (See Clay.) Earth in kaolin -............................... Earths.,............................. Earth color, such as sienna, ocher..................... Eau de cologne....................... Eau de quinine.......... —............. — Eave troughs, galvanized sheet iron.................. Eaxine pink dye.................... Edam cheese......................................... Edible bird's nest...................................... Edible products not otherwise provided for: Crude............................................ Other............................................. Egg powders............................... 1905. Par. 228 (a) 98 87 (a) Sec. 23 85 (b) 187 182 245 89 99 89 99 190 (d) 257 (b) 46 46 89 81 82 245 257 Sec. 14 231 372 1909. Par. 181 (a) 151 (b) 320 81 66 (c) Sec. 23, 24 33 (a) 64 (b) 150, 151 155,326 194 67 81 67 82 151 194 194 194 61 (c) Class IV Sec. 6 (e) 57 59 194 194 Sec. 16 188 291 (b) 318 Rule 13, (a), (b), Sec. 5 Rule 13 (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) Sec. 9 Sec. 11 Rule 12, Sec. 5 Sec. 11 87 (b) 66 (b), (c) 66 66 (a) 66 (b), (c) 91 (a) Sec. 6 193 (a) 6 (b), (c) Class I, Par. 6 60 87 (b 87 (b 31 (b 66 (c 273 226 276 (a) 276 (b) 272 97, 105 (b) 87 (a) 87 86 111 (a) Sec. 6 250 3 (b) 3 83 105 (b) 105 (b) 36 (c) 87 (b) 334 (b) 366 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 89 Eggs: Fresh, salted, or preserved in natural form....... Preparations of................................. Or silkworm...................................... Eggshell ware. (See Porcelain.) Eider down................................ Manufactures of.................................... Elastic textiles. (According to material.) Electric: Amperemeters.......................... Annunciators................-..-............ Arc lamps and fittings....................... BatteriesDry and wet.................... Storage....................................... Bells........................................ B elts............................................. Buttons.................................... Carbon brushes................................... Chandeliers............................... Cigar lighters-....................... Conducting cables of copper....................... Cooking and heating apparatus and utensils........ Curling irons.......................... Dental appliances................ Desk and table lamps.......................... Dynamos................................. Exciters......................................... Fans............................................. Fire-alarm apparatus............................ Ferraris meters............. Flatirons................................... Galvanometers........................ Generators -....... --- —-................... Incandescent bulbs and tubes -................ —.. Installations............................. Insulating compounds...................... Insulators of glass and porcelain............ Lamps, incandescent......-................. Lighting, carbons for.......................... Motors..... —......-.....-...-........Plating outfits. -......................... Power, machinery for.....................Snap switches......................... —....... Sockets............................. Soldering irons............-........... ---Surgical appliances...................... Switchboards............... Switches................................. Stoves............... ---.............. --- —---- - Tapes, insulating................... --- —. Telephones................................... Therapeutic appliances................... Thermostats.........................- --- Transformers......................... ----.... Vibratory apparatus-................-..... ----.. Voltmeters...........................-.-.. ---Wattmeters........-.................. --- —-- X-ray machines...................... Other instruments, implements, utensils, and articles used for, by, or with.......................... Electricity: Apparatus and appliances................... ----- Machinery for generation of............. ----- - - - Electro-plating outfits.....-....................... Electro silicon, metal polish........................ Embossed hides, skins, and leathers................. 1905. Par. 333,337 167 231 (a) 230 1909. Par. 272 (a) 272 (b) 332 291 (a) 291 (b) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 249 193 (a 248 193 (a) 365 193 (b) 248 193 248 193 (a) 193 (b) 193 (b) qr)5 49 (c 193 (b 193 (b) 193 (b) 193 (b) 250 193 (a) 250 193 (a) 250 193 (a) 248 193 (a 248 193 (a 193 (b 248 193 (a) 250 193 (a 250 (a) 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 250 (a) 193 (a) 110 193 (a) 250 193 (a) 193 (b) 250 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 248 193 193 (b) 193 (b) 248 193 (a 248 193 (a 248 193 (b) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 193 (b) 248 193 (b) 250 193 (a 193 (b) 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a 193 (b) 193 (b) 248 193 250 193 (a) 193 (b) 97 77 218 178 (c) 90 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Embroidery: Par. Definition of..................................... Containing common metal or silver threads or spangles, surtax for....................................... Gold thread or spangles in......................... Emery: Cloth.................................. 46 Paper............................................ 185 Powder.............................. 3 (b) Wheels and stones............................. 2,46 Emeralds.............................................. 24 Emetic, tartar.......................................... 97 Em etin................................................ 96 Em ulsion............................................ 99 Enacting clause.................................... Enamel (colors).............................. 84 (d) Enforcement and construction.......................... Engines and detached parts for........................ 243, 245, 246 Engraved hides, skins, and leathers...................... 218 Engravings........................................... 182 Envelopes of paper.................................... 179 Epaulets. (According to material.) Equipment, photographic........................... Ergot: O f rye............................................ 81 Oil of............................ 99 Ergotin................................................ 99 Erigorontis............................................. 99 Erysimun: Fluid, extract of.................................. 99 Leaves........................................... 81 Escutcheon pins. (See Nails.) Eserine................................................ 96 Esparto............................................... 203,204 Essence: Artificial orange............................. 105 (a) Of almonds........................................ 105 (a) Of beef....................................... 327, 365 Of gin............................................. 105 (a) M aravilosa........................................ 99 Of whisky......................................... 105 (a) Essential oils. (See also Oils.) Of anise........................................... 105 (a) Of carob.......................................... 99 Of geranium....................................... 105 (a) Of juniper........................................ 99 Etchings............................................... 182 Ether, acetic (commercial), not prepared for anesthetics.. 97 Petroleum........................................ 97 SulphuricComm ercial.................................... 97 For anesthetics................................ 99 Ethnology specimens for public museums, schools, and academies and scientific corporations................. 389 Ethyl chloride........................................ 99 Eucalyptus oil........................................ 99 Eucalyptol............................................ 99 Euchinin (quinine salt)................................ 384 Eugatel................................................ 97 Euphorbia oil........................................... 99 Euquinine............................................. 384 Euquinone............................................ 97 Evaporated milk and cream.............................. 320 Exalgine.............................................. 96 Exchange, bills of, executed, free...................... Exciters, electric....................................... 250 Exemptions from duties................'............... 1909. Par. Rule 9, Sec. 5 Rule 9, Sec. 5 Rule 9, Sec. 5 194 (b) 149 6 (b) 3 13 77 78 81 Sec. 1 61 (d) Sec. 5 194 178 (c) 151 (b), 155 150 (b) 302 81 83 81 81 81 57 78 169 87 (a) 87 (a) 213 87 (a) 81 87 (a) 87 (a 87 (a 87 (a 87 (a 151 (b), 155 77 77 77 81 344 81 87 (a) 81 322 77 87 (a) 322 77 270 78 320 193 (a) Sec. 2 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 91 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Exhaust fans.................................... 257 194 Exhibitions: Domestic, foreign articles for..................... 394 348 Foreign, domestic exhibits returned from........... Sec. 19 (d) 350 Expanders, tube....................................... 46 194 Expanding bolts...................................... 46 194 Explosive signals...................................... 91 (a) Explosives prohibited, except as provided............... Sec. 6 (a) Explosives.......................................... Sec. 6 For miners, miners' fuses, and caps................. 111 (a) 91 (a) Other, including fireworks.......................... ll (a) 91 (b) Exportations, free, except as specially provided......... Sec. 4 Export duties......................................... Sec. 13 Sec. 15 Export articles returned from foreign countries........... Sec. 19 350 Exports, wharf charges on............................. Sec. 16 Sec. 16 Expositions, articles for, when free..................... 348 Extinguishers, fire (chemical)........................... 97 77 Extract of: Alm onds........................................... 327 258 B eef............................................... 365 213 Bigota, liq........................................ 99 81 Carylopsis........................................ 105 87 (a) Guayacum......................................... 99 81 Licorice...7........................................ 78 81 Logwood........................................... 87 (a) 66 (b) M alt.............................................. 312 (a), (b) 81,267 M illefleurs........................................ 105 87 (a) Extracts: For dyeing and tanning........................... 87 (a) 66 (b) For flavoring...................................... 327 258 Eyeglasses and lenses for same.......................... 16 (a) 20 (a) Eyes, artificial........................................ 16 (c) 282 Eyes and hooks of common metal........................ 52 278 Eyelet rings, of brass......................... 69 (a), (b) 50 Face masks.....29....................... 296 Faience: A rticles of......................................... 20 11 In flower stands, statuettes, vases, high and basreliefs, toilet articles, house decorations........... 23 11 (f) Fairs, articles for, when free................... 348 Falsely stamped or marked articles of gold or silver, or their alloys, prohibited........................... Sec. 6 (d) False teeth............................................ 342 (b) 282 Family crayons, paintings, photographs, and other pictures of actual persons..................... 380 326 Fanning mills for cleaning cereals.................... 245 194 Fan forges..................................... 257 (b) 194 Fans..................................... 338 277 Electric.................................... 250 193 (a) Wall, decorative. (According to material.) Fare registers and parts for............................ 275 (b) 188 Fasteners, button............................... 278 Fat, wool..........................................-... 101 (a), (b) 84 Fats: Anim al........................................... 101 84 Lard; imitations; also vegetable lard........... 271,272 208 Glycerine, olein, stearin, and spermaceti............ 101 (c) 84 Vegetable......................................... 100 (a), (b) 83 Faucets. (According to material.) Feather: Boas.................................... 2.30 290 Bone dress and corset stays......................... 342 (b) 281 (b) Dusters........................................ 231 291 (b) Fans.............................................. 33 277 92 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Feathers: Par. For ornaments............................... 230 Plumes of............................... 230 Others, and manufactures of...................... 231 (a) Feculae for industrial purposes........................ 107 Felt: Caps of..................................... 357 Cotton........................................... Covered with tar or pitch for roofs and structural purposes..-..................................... 348 H ats of........................................... 356 W ool............................................. 166 Fenalgina.............................-. 99 Fencing: Foils............................................. Iron or steel wire.................................. 45 W ooden.......................................... 194 (d) Other. (According to material.) Fennen oil...................................... 105 (a) Fern oil............................................... 99 Ferraris meters......................................... 248 Ferricodile............................................. 99 Ferro cyanide: O f iron............................................ 97 Of potassium.................................. 97 Ferroline, aluminum powder in oil..................... 84 (d) Ferrum arsenate..................-........ 99 Ferrum redact, pure iron for medicinal use............... 99 Fertilizers: Artificial or chemical............................... 106 Natural (manures)................................. 383 Fezzes................................................. Fiber or pulp indurated................................ 365 Fibers, dried for drugs................................. 81 Fibers, vegetable, raw or hackled........................ Fichus, making up defined, surtax for........... Field glasses.......................................... 16 (c) Figs: DriedIn bulk........................................ 286 In small packages........................ 285 Fresh.............................................. 374 Figured hides, skins and leathers....................... 218 Figures: Offensive to morality............................... Sec. 6 (2) Wax — For public entertainment (imported temporarily)..................................... 392 Other......................................... 103 Files: Letter, of cardboard............................... 190 (d) Tools............................................. 46 Filings of steel and other common metals fit only for resm elting........................................... 74 Fillers, wood.......................................... Film packs, and kits-............... — Films: For cameras........................................ 362 For cinematographs, biographs, and similar machines.......................................... 254 Filter paper............................................ 187 Findings of leather for boots and shoes...... 218 Fine art, works of, imported for public museums, galleries, or art schools........................ ---.... 387 1909. Par. 290 290 291 89 301 98 286 300 142 81 297 36 157 (b) 87 (a) 87 (a) 193 (a) 81 77 77 61 (d) 81 81 74 (a) 321 301 156 57 313 Rule 11, Sec. 5 20 (e) 235 (a) 235 (b) 234 178 (c) Sec. 6 342 85 (c) 150 (b), 151 (b) 194 309 62 302 302 186 150, 151 178 (a), (b), (c) 336, 337, 344 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 93 Fine woods: Amaranth, apple, bird's-eye maple, boxwood, camphor, cherry, chestnut, ebony, hazel, holly, ironwood, jasmine, juniper, laurel, lemon, lignumvitae, linden, mahogany, medlar, plum, pomegran- 1905. ate, orange, olive, rosewood, sandalwood, snakewood, Par. teak, walnut, and yew................... Fine stones............................................ 1 Finishings, harness, of iron............... 49 Firearms, prohibited except as provided (see Sec. 6 (a)). 55, 56 Cartridges for and detached parts for............. 346 Fire: Alarm apparatus, electric.......................... 248 Bricks of clay..................................... 17 (a), (b) Clay, articles of............... 17-19 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) Crackers-........................................ 111 (b) Engines............................. 257 Extinguishers, chemical............................ 97 W ood.............................................. 201 Works.. o r1..(.......................... 111 (b) Fire pans. (According to material.) Firm er chisels................................... 46 Fish: Anchovies, canned............................ 318 Angulas, canned.................................. 318 Canned or potted.................................. 317, 318 Caviar, canned..................................... 318 ClamsCanned.............-.....-........ 317 (b) Not canned....................... 275 CodfishCanned........................................ Salted or dried................................ 273 Fresh......................................... 274 (a) Herring, canned.................................. 317 Hooks, steel....................................... 54 (d) Live.... -.-...................................... Merluza guisada, canned.......................... 318 NetsOf cotton..................................... Of other vegetable fibers...................... 144 Not otherwise provided for......................... 274 O il............................................. 101 OystersIn bulk, or in cans, fresh..................... 275 Preserved in cans............................. 317 (b) Pickled, in bulk.................................. 274 (b) Roe 1909. Par. 158 1 42 45 91 (b) 193 (a) 9 9, 11 91 (c) 194 77 167 91 (b) 194 215 (c) 215 (c 215 215 (c) 215 (b) 217 215 (a) 214 216 (a) 215 (a) 44 (a) 174 215 (c) 96 120 (a) 215 (b), 216 84 217 215 (b) 216 (b) Canned..-.................. In bulk, dried................................ Salmom, in cans.......................... Sardines, in cans................................... Salted, not canned............................. Shell, not canned or potted....................... Smoked, not canned............................ Sounds........................................... Stockfish........................................ Fishing: B oats.............................................. Nets, of cotton................................... Of hemp and other vegetable fibers............. Fishplates........................................ Fittings for arc lamps.....................Fittings of gold or silver plated wares for carriages and coffins............................................. Flags. (According to material.) Flanges, malleable cast-iron.......................... Flaps for tobacco, etc., lithographed..................... 274 317 274 274 318 215 (c) (b) 216 (b) (a) 215 (a 317 215 (a), (c (b) 216 (b 275 217 (b) 216 (b) 183 ' 273 214 267 203 96 144 120 (a) 33 (a) 248 193 (a) 27 (b) 58 47 183 151 (b) 94 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Flash light: Powder or sheets........................ Cartridges of magnesium......................... Flasks. (According to material.) Flatirons, of cast iron............................... Flavoring extracts, compounds, and sirups............. Flax: Cords and cordage......................... H ackled.......................................... Manufactures of.................................... Plushes................................. Raw............................... Rope............................................ Rope makers' wares................................ Seed............................................. Ground, in meal............................... O il of....................................... Textiles, and manufactures of....................... Thread............................ T w ine............................................ Velvets and velveteens........................... Yarns......................... Fleabane oil, Canada............................. Fleges (hoop iron)..................................... Flint glass. (See Crystal.) Flock (wool waste).............................. Flooring: Common wood planed or dovetailed for............. Fine wood planed or dovetailed for................. Florida water....................................... Floss silks.................................. Flour: Arrowroot......................... Barley............................... Beans............. Buckwheat........................................ Cereals prepared for table use....................... Corn (m aize).................................... Graham.......................................... Lily root....................................... M illet............................................. O ats............................................. Other cereals................................. Pease........................... Pulse............................................. Rice.............................................. Rye............................................ Sacks. (According to material.) W heat............................ Flowerpots: Clay and earthenware, common................... Other, ornamental, of bisque, faience, porcelain, and stoneware..................................... Flower seeds.......................................... Flower stands, decorative. (According to material.) Flowers: Artificial and parts of............................. Drugs.............................. Lily, dried..................................... Linden, dried.................................... R ose............................................. Fluoric acid........................................... Fly paper, sticky or impregnated..................... Fodder............................................ Foeniculi, oil of....................................... 1905. 1909. Par. Par. 73 (f)54 (b) 73 (f) 54 (b 32, 33 29 327 258 144, 146 120 137 313 (lass VI 151 126 137 313 146 (a) 120 146 120 76 55 (a) 81 55 (b) 100 (b) 83 Class VI, Group 2 144 120 144, 146 120 151 126 139, 141 119, 120 99 87 (a) 36 (a), (c) 31 (b) 162 137 (a) 192 (b) 157 (b) 193 (b) 158 (b) 105 (b) 87 (b) 171, 172 146 282 221 277 (b) 219 (b 287 (c) 229 (c 278 (b) 219 (b) 282 221 278 (b) 220 (b) 277 (a) 219 (b) 282 221 279 (b) 220 (b) 278 (b) 220 (b) 278 (b) 220 (b) 287 (c) 229 (c) 287 (c) 229 (c) 276 (c) 218 (c) 277 (b) 219 (b) 277 (b) 219 (b) 19 (c) 11 (b) 23 11 (f) 302 227 350 292 81 57 288 231 81 57 81 57 91 (c) 70 (c) 97 77 303 228 105 (a) 87 (a) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 95 1 Foil: Copper......................... Gold.............................................. Gold or silver plated.............................. Silver............................................. Tin............................................... Foils, fencing......................................... Folders, for advertising only, having no commercial value............................................... Footballs............................................ 229, Forage.. -.............................................. Cutters........................................... Forceps, surgical and dental instruments........ Other............................................. Forking spades....................................... Forks. (According to material.) Form aldehyde.......................................... Formalin........................................ Form odine............................................ Form ula, private...................................... Formulary, national or pharmacoepia.................. Fortoin............................................... Fountain pens....................................... Fowls (see Poultry)................................. Frames for buildings of iron or steel.................... Frames, umbrella, steel............................... Fram es, plate....................................... Frankfort drop back.............................. Frauds or intended frauds in invoices to be reported by consuls, vice-consuls, commercial agents, collectors, and deputy collectors of customs, and commissioners of the United States to the insular collector of customs....... Free (subject to express conditions).................... Free (upon compliance with corresponding regulations). Free list (unconditional)............................... "Freeze-emr," a meat preservative...................... Freezers, ice cream................................... French chalk......................................... Friction drum hoists.................................. Frog, steel railway switch............................. Fruit: Artificial and parts of............................. B randied......................................... B utter............................................ Canned........................................... Conserved or crystallized......................... Currants, dried................................... D ried............................................. Fresh............................................ Jam s............................................ Jellies........................................... Juice, unfermented............................ O ther......................................... Nonedible, dried (drugs)........................... Oil, artificial................................... 30 Pickled.......................................... Brandied, in cordials or spirits..................... Preserved in wood, tin, or glass.................... Pulp................................. Sirups for beverages.............................. Fuel, vegetable.................................... Furnaces: Clay............................................. Grates for, of cast iron............................ Funeral wreaths of artificial flowers..................... 905 Par 69 27 28 72 352 54 >* 1909. Par. (a) 50 (d) 25 (d) 27 (b) (d) 26 (d) (c) 53 (a) 59 297 381 327 (d) 297 303 228 245 194 (e) 196 46 194 46 194 97 77 97 76 99 81 Sec. 8 Sec. 8 99 81 295 268 175, 204 41 34 59 47, 298 (d) 302 89 61 (c), (d) Sec. 12 97 257 (b) 5 245 42 350 323 322 331 286 285,286 374 322 (b) 332 313 81 8 (c), 97 321 323 321, 322 313 313 201 19 (b) 31 (a) 350 Sec. 21 Sec. 13 Sec. 14 Sec. 12 77 194 8 194 33 (a) 292 238 237 236 238 235 235 234 237 237 268 269 57 77,263 238 238 236 237 269 167 11 (b) 28 (a) 292 96 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Fuses: For fireworks............................ For miners.......................................... Furniture of: Bamboo, rattan, wicker, cane, rushes, grass, or analogous materials.... —.................. Bent wood................................-.... Other. (According to material and elaboration.) Furniture springs of wrought iron.................... Furs and fur skins...................................... Gabanum, varnish.................................... Galange root..................................... Gallic acid.........-........ ---................ — Gallnuts............................................. Galloons. (According to material)...................... Galvanic batteries...................................... Galvanized iron or steel for roofing....................... Galvanometers -..... —..........-......-......... — Gambling outfits, prohibited......................... Game..-... --- —--------—.. -...............-. Games (toys), except those of gold, silver, etc........... Gang plows....................................... Garden seeds.......................................... Garnets in the rough or cut, unset..............Garters, elastic. (According to material.) Gaskets, rubber.................................. Gas motors................................... Gasoline...... — --... ----.............. Engines.-....-.....-...........-........... Motors........................... Gauge liter, for tariff purposes, defined................... Gauges, steam pressure.. -.......................... Gauze: Bandages...... _................................. Copper or brass.................................. Iron wire-................................... Other. (According to material.) Geese..-............. ----................... Gelatin.............................................. Capsules, empty, for medicine............... Other manufactures of........................ Geldings.............................................. Gelgaum walnut oil.....-........................ General Rules......................................... Generators, electric................................... Genista: Manufactures of................................... Unmanufactured................................... Gentian root.......................................... Geodetical appliances and apparatus, not otherwise provided for.................................... Geranium, essence, oil........................... German silver, usually copper alloy. (See Copper.) Germatol.................................... Germea............................................... Ghee................. -........................... Gim lets.......................................... Gin..................................... Sloe...................................... Essence of, concentrated.......................... Gins, cotton.......................................... Ginger: Ale................................................ Brandy........................................... Grass, oil of............................ Ground...................................... Unground................................ 1905. Par. 1ll (b) 111 (a) 1909. Par. 91 (b) 91 (a) 204 169 (b) 198 162 66 44 45 47 177 88 * 62 81 57 92 (d) 71 (b) 81 57 Rule 7, Sec. 5 248 193 36 (c) 31 (b) 248 193 (a) Sec. 6 Sec. 6 (c) 268 204 353 296 245 194 302 227 24, 379 13 352 (a) 293 (a) 243 194 10 (a) 23 (d) 243 194 243 194 Class XIII, Group 6 257 194 99 82 (a), (b) 49 (e (a), (b) 36 (d 268 175, 204 109 90 81 90 170,342,348 100 (b) 83 Sec. 5 250 193 (a) 204 169 (c) 203 169 (a) 81 57 303 105 (a) 87 (a) 99 81 282 221 336 275 46 194 308 (a) 263 308 (c) 263 105 (a) 87 (a) 245 194 312 (c) 268 308 (b) 262 105 (a) 87 (a) 296 (b) 255 (b) 296 (a) 255 (a) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDIS. 9 Girths, saddle: Cotton............................................ Linen, and other vegetable fibers.................... Ginseng root -............................ Glass.................... -...... --- —...... ArticlesNot cut, enameled, engraved, gilt, or painted.. 1905. Par. 134 159 81 (a) 1.3 (b) Painted, enameled, engraved, gilt, or cut........ 13 (a) BeadsCurtains of............................... 16 Imitating amber........ -................... 342 (b) Loose, or in strings -...-..-..........-...... -.. 16 In necklaces or other ornaments................ 340 BottlesCommon hollow glassware.-....... ----.... 12 Cigarette holders imitating amber.............. 342 (b) Cutters.-............................ --- ——....- 46 Dry plates, enameled photographic.........-..- - 362 Graduates, engraved.....-.........-.........-.. 13 (a) Goblets............................. —. 13 (a), (b) Hollow ware, ordinary.........-. -------.- -.. 12 House decorations.....-....... --- —------. 13 (a), (b) Imitations of precious stones...-.... -.....-. 26 Incandescent electric lamps -........... --- ——... 250 (a) Insulators...-.-.... ---....... --- —-—.... 248 Lamp: Chimneys.-.............. --- —- ------ -- 13 (c) Globes............-.....-..-. — --------- 13 (b) M irrors.......-..........-...... ---- --------- 15 Paper.....-............ ------—... 185 Paving slabs, cones, or prisms.......-........... 14 (a) Photographic dry plates...-..... —................- 362 Plate -..-.........-.................... ----. 14 Enameled or engraved.......-.....-.- - - - - - 14 (d) Powdered or crushed...-....... --- ——. —.. ---- 16 (b) Roofing slabs, cones, or prisms............. ---. 14 (a) Spectacles......................... -- -—.. --- —-- 16 (a) Sheets for windows (common)..........-.... 14 (b) Siphons for aerated water.......-...........-... 12 (a) Slides for magic lanterns........-........-... ----- 254 Statuettes, flower stands, etc........... - 13 (a), (b) Stirring rods......-............. --- —--- 16 (b) Table service..........-.. ----. --- ——. ----.. --- 13 (a), (b) Test tubes..........-. --- - - - - - - - - - - - --- 16 (b) Tinned (mirrors)....... —.....-.. --- —----------- 15 Toilet articles, urns.......-... ----. 13 (a), (b) W atch crystals........... -... ---- -. --------- ----- 228 (a) Wash basins.....- - ----------—. 16 (b), (c) Glasses: For clocks..-..... ---.. --- —---------- 239 Looking.....-... --- —---------------- 15 (a), (b), (c) For spectacles.....-.. --- —----------------------- 16 (a) Reading........-..-.... --- ——. --- — -------- 16 (c) Glauber's salt.......... ----. --- —-. --- —--------------- 94 (c) Glazed cardboard: In sheets........... —............ 189 (a) Manufactures of...... 190 (b), (d) Globe valves, not machinery. (According to material.) Gloves: Baseball and boxing.....-.....- -. —.-220 Cotton, knit...-........ --- —-- ------------------ 125 (c) Kid skin..... --- —----- --------------------------- Leather, other.......... --- ---------------------- 220 Linen, knit........... ----.. --- —. --- —-----------.52 (c) sLinlken, knit-...1.52 (c) Silk...-... --- —------------- 173 (b) ~~~~~~~Wool-._ ~~165 (b) Other. (According to material.) 80972-H. Doc. 14, 61-1 — 7 1909. Par. 115 133 58 Class 1 16 (a), 20 (b), (e) 16(b), 20 (c) 20 (e) 281 20 (e) 279 15 (a) 281 (b) 196 302 20 (e) 16 (a), (b) 15 (a) 20 (b), (c) 14 193 (a) 193 (a) 17 16 19 149 18 (a) 302 18 (c) 18 (d) 20 (d) 18 (a) 20 (a) 18 (b) 15 (b) 186 20 (b), (c) 20 (e) 16 (a), (b) 20 (e) 19 20 (b), (c), (c) 187 16 (a), (b) 187 19 20 (a) 20 (e) 74 (c) 150 151 (a)1 () 150 (b) 151 (b) 179 (b) 107 (c) 179 (a) 179 (b) 127 (b) 148 143 98 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Par. G lucose................................................ 289 (a) G lues.................................................. 109 Glycerine-............................................ 101, (b), (c) For toilet purposes......-.................. 105 (b) Glycerophosphate, calcium, iron, or sodium............. 99 Goats, live............................................. 211 Goat skins: Curried.....-...................................... 217 (b) Shoes of........................................... 223 Goblets, glass......................................... 13 (a), (b) Goggles................................................ 16 (a) Gold: Articles other than jewelry or plate................. 27 (d) Broken-up jewelry or table services, bars, sheets, pieces dust, and scraps........................... 372 Chloride or muriate of.............................. 96 Coins of national issues............................ 372 D ust-....-....................................... 372 Foil or leaf........................................ 27 (d) Jewelry-plate and goldsmiths' wares: Not otherwise provided for...................... 27 (a) Set with precious stones or pearls................ 27 (b) Set with doublets, imitation precious stones or pearls...................................... 27 (c) Medals, badges, and cups as trophies or prizes...... 27 'Moss-fiber "' (for dentists)........-................ 27 (d) Ore............................................... 369 Pellets, for dentists' use...................... Plated: Articles other than jewelry..................... 29 (b) Carriage and coffin fittings -—........... --- Foil........................................... Jewelry......-..............-............. —.. 29 (a) Knives, forks, and spoons.................... Lamps.................... Picture frames............................... Saddlery hardware............................ hi sheets......................................... 372 Solder, thread, and wire............-..2..... 27 (d) Threads or spangles, contained in embroidery....... W atches........................................... 238 Unfinished parts for rings, earrings, and unfinished portions of jewelry............................... 27 (d) t'olf balls..................-.......................... 352 (b) G olf sticks............................................. Gombault metal. (See Copper.) Gomenol................................................ 99 Goose grease...................-................ 101 (d), (e) Gossypii oil........................................... 100 (d), (e) Gouges............................................... 46 Government supplies.....-.............. 385 Graduates, engraved glass in........................... 13 (a) Grafters................................. 46 Graham flour......................................... 277 (b) Grain separators..................................... 245 Granite, common stone-.... —..-. ---..-..-.........- 2 Grape nuts............................................. 282 Graphite, and manufactures of......................... 89 Graphophones, phonographs, records, and parts for..... 254 Gross weig'ht defined............................. ----.. Gum, chewing......................................... Gunpowder, prohibited except as provided............. Grass: Ginger, oil of....................................... 105 (a) Shears............................'.......... 54 (c) Seeds.............................................. 302 1909. Par. 242 90 84 87 (b) 81 174 178 (b) 180 (b) 16 (a), (b) 20 (a) 25 (d) 318 78 320 318 25 (d) 25 (a) 25 (b) 25 (c) 330 25 (d) 309 25 (d) 27 (b), (c) 27 (b) 27 (b) 27 (a) 27 (b) 27 (b) 27 (b) 27 (b) 318 25 (d) Rule 9, Sec. 5 187 25 (d) 297 297 81 84 84 194 338 20 (e) 194 219 (b) 194 2 221 67 186 Rule 13 244 Sec. 6 (a) 87 (a) 44 (a) 227 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 99 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Grates, for furnaces, cast iron........................ 31 (a) 28 (a) Grease: Axle............................................. 8 22 Goose........................................ 101 (d). (e) 84 Graphite........................................... 89 67 Green soap, sapo viridis................................. 104 86 Grindstones............................................ 2 (d) 3 Gross weight defined.............................. Rule 17 Rule 13 (d) Ground salt............................ 94 (b) 74 (c) Ground nut oil....................................... 100 (b) 83 Guajacol............................................ 99 81 Gualtheria oil......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Guano................................................. 383 321 Guaracol............................................... 99 81 Guarana............................................... 81 57 Guayacum, extract of................................... 99 81 Gulaman............................................. 109 90 Gum: Acacia, aloes, arabic, asafetida, benzoin, kino, sandarac, senegal, shellac, tragacanth, and other vegetable........................................... 78 56 (b) Chewing........................................... 332 244 Colophony.................................... 77 (a) 56 (a) Paper........................................ 187 150,151 Gumabault metal. (See Copper.) Gumdrops............................................ 332 244 Gun: Cotton (pyroxylin, explosive).1..................... 11 (a) 91 (a) Covers of leather................................... 229 182 Powder. (See Sec. 6.) Explosive compounds, miners' fuses and caps... 111 (a) 91 (a) Other.................................... 91 (b) Guns. (See Arms.) Gunny sacks.............................. 145 121 Gut, dried...................................... 233 183 Gutta-percha: Crude............................... 77 (c) 293 (a) Manufactures of.................................... 352 293 Gutters, iron........................................ 36 31 (b) Gymnasium apparatus................................. 297 Gypsum: Unwrought..................................... 3 (a) 6 (b), (c) Wrought........................................ 4 7 Hacksaws............................................. 46 194 Haddock: Canned................................ 317 (b) 215 (a) Dried, in bulk............................. 274 (b) 216 (b) Fresh......................................... 274 (a) 216 (a) Pickled or smoked, in bulk......................... 274 (b) 216(b) Haematites......................................... 60 Hair: Animal, not further advanced than washed.......... 161 314 Other, and manufactures of......................... 164 139 Braids............................................ 164.139 Brushes. (According to material.) Clippers.................................... 54 (d) 44 (b) Dyes...................................... 97, 99, 105 (b) 87 (b) For violin bows, prepared.......................... 164 185. Human, manufactured or not....................... 344 140 Manufactures of............................... Class VII M attresses.................................. 164 139 Pins, of common metals............................. 52, 68 278 Other. (According to material.) Spun........................................ 163 169 Textiles.................... —.-..... 164. 169 Tonic, perfumed................................... 105 (b) 87 (b) 100 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Hair —Continued. VegetableManufactured................................. Unmanufactured.......................... Halter bits, saddlery hardware.......................... Halters of leather...................................... Hammers................................. Steam............................ Sledge.................................. Hammocks: Of cotton........................................ Of other vegetable fibers.......................... Other. (According to material.) Hams: Canned or potted -.. e d........................... Deviled.............................. Smoked or cured, in bulk....................... Handkerchiefs. (According to material.) Making up defined, surtax for..................... Handles: For tools and implements........... For umbrellas. (According to material.) Hardware, saddlery, of wrought iron or steel........... Hard rubber manufactured in articles................... Harika wares......................................... Harmoniums......................................... Harness: Draft, and parts of........................... Dressing........ - -.................. Finishings (see also Saddlery hardware)........... Makers' wares, other.............................. Other, and parts of........-................. Harpoons......................................... Harrows.............................................. Harvesting machinery................................. Hat: Bands, of sheepskin, finished...................... Boxes, of whatever material.................... Hatchets............................................. Hats, and crowns for: Of paper.......................................... Of straw, chip, palm, grass, rattan, etc............. Of other materials................................. Hat strings, manufactured of silk........................ Hay (forage).......-............................. Hayforks............................................ Hazel, essence................................. Hazeline.............................................. Headings, hoops, bungs, staves, and shooks (coopers' wares).............................................. Headwear, not specially mentioned..................... Hectogram, abbreviation for............................ Hectoliter, abbreviation for......................... Hedeoma, oil.......... --- —----------- --—... --- — Hedoral, carbolic disinfectant........................... Hedge shears......................... — Heelball, shoemakers'...................-..... Helenin............................ --- —-- Hellebori, extract......................-............. Hemlock oil..........................-............. Hemp: Carpeting.......................... ---. Cinches... --- ——..-....... —..... ----. Cords, cordage, and rope makers' wares............ Corset laces........................ — Export duties on. -.............. —....... Fisi ng nets............................... CGialloons......-.. ----. —.. —.............. 1905. Par. 204 203 49 228 (c) 46 257 46 1909. Par. 169 (c) 169 (a) 42 181 (b) 194 194 194 97 120 (d) 315, 316 315, 316 270 194 (e) 49 (a), (b) 352 (b) 191 (b) 236 228 (a) 89 49 228 (c) 46 245 245 229 228 (c) 46 355 356 174 303 46 105 (a) 99 194 (b) 99 97 54 (c) 103 99 99 99 155 159 144,146 158 144 157 209 211 207 Rule 11, Sec. 5 194 42 293 (c) 156 185 181 (a) 67 42 181 (b) 181 (b) 194 194 194 182 288 194 296 299 300 148 228 194 87 (a) 81 160 301 Sec. 7 Sec. 7 87 (a) 77 44 (a) 85 (c) 81 81 87 (a) 129 133 120 132 355 120 (a) 131 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 101 1905. Hemp-Continued. Par. H ackled........................................ 136 Hammocks...................................... 144 Jerseys, undershirts, drawers, stockings, and socks... 152 (b) Knitted goods, other.............................. 152 Machinery and apparatus for preparing........... 245 Manufactures of............................... 136,160 Plushes....................................... 151 Raw............................................ 136 Raw, for export.......................... 398 Ribbons....................... 157 Rope........................................ 146 R ugs........................................... Saddle girths............................... 159 Shoe laces....................................... 158 Skin........................................... 136 Tape........................................ 157 Tapestry........................................ 156 Textiles........................... 147, 148, 149, 150( Thread........................................... 144 Trimmings...................................... 157 Tulles........................................... 153 Twines, rope yarn, and cord...................... 144,146 Velvet, velveteens, and plushes................... 151 Y arn............................................. 139,141 Herba centauri...................................... 81 Herbs which are drugs................................ 81 Herbs, mixed or ground, for culinary purposes.......... 296 (b) Herion, and salt thereof............................... 96 Herring: Canned or potted................................ 317 Fresh............................................ 274 (a) In paste.......................................... 317 Pickled, salted, or smoked, in bulk................ 274 (b) Hexactinellida (sponge).............................. Hides, skins, and leathers............................ 214-219 Hinges: Cast iron....................................... 31 (c), 32, 33 Wrought iron or steel.............................. 58, 59 Copper or brass................................... 69 (a), (b) Historical books, imported in good faith for use and by order of any society established solely for philosophical or educational or literary purposes.................... 390 (a) H oes................................................ 46 Hogs, live...................................... 209 Hogsheads, tuns, pipes, casks, and similar receptacles.... 363 Wooden parts of.................................. 194 (b), (c) When reexported, when free..................... 391 Hoisting apparatus and machinery....................... 245 Cranes, hand or power.............................. 247 Holders: Of imported merchandise.......................... Plate (photographic).............................. Holdings (packing), when free.......................... Hollow ware: Ceramic........................................ 19 to 21 Crystal, or glass imitating crystal................... 13, 16 Enameled wrought iron............................. 59 Glass, common.................................... 12 Other. (According to material.) Homatropin, sulphate................................. 96 Hydrobron.............. 96 Hones and whetstones, of all kinds..................... 1 (d) Honey................................................. 337 Hooks: Crochet, of common metals.......................... 53, 68 (c) W eeding.......................................... 46 Steel, fish.......................................... 54 (d) 1909. Par. 313 120 (d) 127 (a) 127 (b) 194 Class VI 126 313 356 131 120 129 133 132 169 (a) 131 (a 130 Mlass VI, Group 2 120 131 128 120 126 119, 120 57 57 255 (b) 78 215 (a) 216 (a 215 (c 216 (b) 285 176-178 28,29 47 50 349 194 172 161 (a) 160 Sec. 25 194 194 Rule 13, Sec. 5 302 356 11 16, 20 47 15 78 78 3 241 278 194 44 (a) 102 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1 Hooks and eyes, of common metals...................... Hoop iron.....-........................... 36 Hoops: Of wood, for casks, etc.............................. Of wrought iron or steel...................... Bungs, headings, shooks, and staves................. H ops............................................... Horn: Animal waste........... ---....... --- -.-. --- Combs..........................-....... Unwrought.............................. W rought....................................... Horse brushes. (According to material.) Horse clippers......................................... Horsehair, not further advanced than washed.......... Brushes........................................... Strings, prepared for violin bows.............. Textiles, and other manufactures of............... Horseradish: D ried............................................. O il of.............................................. Prepared for table use.............................. H orses................................................ Horseshoes, iron or steel............................... Hose, of whatever material............................ Carts............................................. Hosiery. (According to material.) Hot-air engines and motors........................... House decorations: Of bisque, porcelain, clay, stoneware, and faience... Of glass................................ Other. (According to material.) Household furniture of immigrants.................... Huller, rice......................................... Human hair, manufactured or not..................... Hunting knives....................................... Hurbo, Indian spice............................ Hydraulic: Cranes and columns............................ Engines and motors............................ Hydrastine, and salt thereof......................... Hydrochinone or hydroquinone.................. Hydrochloric acid..................................... Hydrogen dioxide, or peroxide........................ Hydrometers........................................ Hydrous, wool fat................................. 101 Hydroxide of potassium and of sodium.............. Hyloplate blackboards............................... Hymnals and hymns.................................. Hyoscine or Hyoscyamine.......................... H ypnone............................................. Hypodermic syringes, surgical instruments.............. Hypophosphate of iron, lime, lime sirup, and potassium.. Hyposulphate of lead................................. Ice......................................... Ice-cream freezers.................................... Ice-making machinery.............................. Ichthyol............................................ Illumination, mineral oils for.......................... Imitations: Of butter......................................... Of celluloid, amber, coral, bone, meerschaum, horn, mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell, jet, and whalebone...................................... Of lard......................................... Of patent leather shoes............................ 905. Par. 52, 69 (a), (c) 194 (b) 35 (b) 281 234 339 (a) 342 (a) 342 (b) 54 (d) 164 164 164 328 99 328 205 (a) 58 265 (a) 243 23 13 393 245 344 296 247 243 96 97 91 (a) 97 (a), (b) 93 190 96 99 54 (e) 99 94 (h) 376 257 (b) 245 99 9 336 1909. Par. 278 31 (b) 160 (b) 31 (b) 160 319 184 (a) 281 (b) 281 (a) 281 (b) 44 (b) 314 139 185 139 253 (a) 87 (a) 253 (b), (c) 170, 333,342, 348 47 294 197, 201 194 11 (f) 20 (b), (c) 341 194 140 44 (b) 255 (b) 194 194 78 77 70 (a) 77 303 84 72 150,151 328 78 81 196 81 74 (c) 325 194 194 81 23 (a) 275 342 281 272 208 222 180 (b) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDIS..1013 1905. 1909. Imitations- Continued. Par. Par. Of precious or semiprecious stones or pearls....... 26 14 Red lead, dry......-....,....................... 84 (a) 61 (a) Immigrants, household furniture, etc., of, when free.... 393 341 Implements of wrought iron or steel.... —....-.....-... 46 194,196 Importations: Defined........................................ Sec. 2 Prohibited....................... —............... Sec. 6 Imported materials, drawback on.................... Sec. 23 Sec. 24 Incandescent lamps, electric.......................... 250 (a) 193 (a) Incense............................................. 87 (b) Incubators. (According to material.) Indecent, obscene, or subversive of public order; books, printed or written matter, and objects, prohibited..... Sec. 6 (b) Indelible pencils...................................... 85 ((c) 65 Indelible marking ink..-......................... --- — 85 64 (b) Index cards ----......-......... —......-....-.-..-... — 190 (a) 150, 151 Index and repertory......................... Sec. 21 Sec. 26 Indian: Anise oil..................1............- -... — 105 (a) 87 (a) Corn, oil of....................................... 100 (b) 83 Ghee.......... —... —.............. --- —----- 336 275 India-rubber combs................................... 339 (a) 293 (c) Indigo, natural or artificial....-................ ----. 86 (c) 66 (c) Induction batteries, medical........................... 54 (e) 193 (b) Inductors....................-....... ---.... ---- 248 193 (a) Indurated pulp or fiber - —... —.................... - 365 156 Infants' foods........................................ 222 Ingots: Aluminum, nickel... ----........-.-....... --- —. 71 (a):309 Copper, alloys of....................... —...... - 61 48 Copper, pure................ —......... --- ------ 309 Iron, cast or wrought.............................. 30, 34 309 Lead, zinc, and other metals not specially mentioned, alloys of..................................... --- 73 (a) 54 (a) Lead, zinc, and other metals not specifically mentioned, pure................................ 73 (a) 309 Tin, alloys of...................................... 72 (a) 53 (a) Pure........................................... 309 Ink: Eradicator..-............... —........... —. --- — 97 77 Indelible, and other marking...................... 85 64 (bi Mimeograph...................................... 85 64 (b Pads............................................. 85 188 Printing and lithographing........................ 85 (a) 64 (a) Stands. (According to material.) Writing and drawing.............................. 85 (b) 64 (b) Inorganic: Acids..................... -............. —. — - 91 70 Salts........................................ 94 74 Insalus water.................................... 3:12 (c) 268 Insect powder: Chemical......................................... 97 77 Vegetable (Dalmatian).................. ---. --- — 81 57 Insects, dried, for use in medicine..-........ —. ---. --- 82 59 Insects, live........................ —. --- —--- 174 Insignia, corps devices. (According to material.) Instruments: cla XII Dental and surgical, of all kinds........-.......... 54 (e) 196 Musical.... ---...... —.............................. 237 185 Scientific, when free.........................-. --- 390 341, 349 Other....................-........-....-.. ----.. 196,303 Insular products: Reimported...................-...-. --- ——.- Sec. 19 350 For export -................... --- —-—... —.. ---... Sec. 13 Sec. 15 Insulated copper wire......................... --- —--------—. 65 49 (c) 104 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLTANI)S. Insulating materials, tapes, and compounds used ex clusively for electrical purposes............-..... Insulators, glass and porcelain.................. — Integuments of animals.................... --- Intestines: Dried.. - -.......... ----.......... —....- -. ---. — In strings for musical instruments...............Salted or in brine.......... —..- -. —.-.... ---Invoice, currency of................-............ Invoice forms, printed paper............ Invoices: Consular.......................... --- —----- Frauds or intended frauds in, to be reported by American consular and customs officers to the insular collector of customs... --- —.... --- —-—. Requirements for......-... —....-..... ---. iodide of: Ammonia, arsenic, iron, strontium, and zinc -.... Potassium —......... -......-..... --- —--- Iodine..................................... Iodoform............-............. --- —--- Ipecacuanha root................... ---.... — Iris root...................... — ----..-.. — --- ---- Iridin.. —....-........ —.... —.. ---...-.. —.-. - -- Iron: Carbonate of.........-..-.. --- —. --- —-.. — ------ Lactated...... —....... —.... --- —--—. ---Citrate of...............-.. --- — --—... ------ Iron and ammonium..............-..-.. --- Cocodylate hypophosphite, hypo and glycerophosphate, iodide, lactate, phosphate, potassic tartrate, and other pharmaceutical salts of..... --- Oxide of (colors).........................Perchloride, solid, or solution of.............. —.-.. Pure metallic, so-called reduced iron..........Sulphate of........................ —.. --- —. Iron, cast (if malleable, see Wrought iron)........... 190 Par 5. 1909. Par. 248 193 (a) 248 193 (a) 183 233 183 233 185 269 206 Sec. 18 179 151 (b) c. 22 Sec. 20 Se( 99 97 90 (b) 99 81 81 97 94 (h) 99 95 (b) 99 99 84 (c) 97 99 94 (c) Articles not coated or ornamented with another metal or porcelain, neither polished nor turned...-...............-........-. 31 (a), (b), (c) Articles of all kinds, either polished or turned, enameled, bronze gilt, tinned, or coated; or with ornaments, borders, or parts of other metals (gold or silver excepted), or combined with glass or ceramic ware..................-....... 32, 33 LBars and beams..........-....-......... 31 (a) Boxes, lubricating, for railway trucks and carriages. 31 (b) Chairs, for railways -..................... 31 (b) Colum ns......................................... 31 (a) Cuttings and filings, fit only for resmelting.......... 74 Grates for furnaces............................ 31 (a) Lamps of........................ 32, 33 Plates................................... 31 (a) Pipes...........................-. 31 (a) Fittings for.............................. 31, 32, 33 Pigs................................. 30 Wastes and shavings, fit only for resmelting.......... 74 Iron or steel, wrought................................... Sec. 21 Sees. 18, 19, 20 81 77 69 81 57 57 77 74 (c) 81 75 81 81 60, 61 (d) 77 81 74 (c) Class III, Group 3 28 (a), (b) 29 28 (a) 28 (b) 28 (b) 28 (a) 309 28 (a) 29 28 (a) 28 (a) 28 (b), 29 309 309 Class III, Group 3 310 38 47 33 (a) 33 (b) Anchors...............-......... —......-....... Anvils............................................ Articles not specially mentioned................... Axles — For railways and tramways.................... For vehicles.................................. 42 42 58, 59 38 (a) 38 (b) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 105 1905. 1909. Iron or steel, wrought-Continued. Par. Par. Bamboo steel in bars-3......................... 35 (b) 30 (c) Barbed wire (fencing)..-....-.......-..-......-.. 45 36 (a) Barrels for firearms........................... 55 (a), (b) 45 Bars ofCrucible steel.....-........................ 35 (c) 30 (d) Wrought iron or steel..-...-.. —....-..... -.... 35 (b) 30 (c) Beams, wrought iron or steel..-..-.............-. 35 (b) 30, 34 Bolts... —.......-..... —.............-........- 47 39 Brads....................................... 50 a),(43 Brads --------------------------------------------- 50 (a), b) 43 Buckles....-............................. 50 (a), b) 43 Buttons...............................345 (a) 283 (b) Cables........................................... 45 36 (a) Cast, in pieces in the rough-............. 37 (a), (b) 32 Chairs of, polished....-............ 59 47 Railway —....-...-............. —........-... ---30 (a), (b) Chains - -----------—........................................... 42 37 Clasp nails -........................................ 48 40 Cold rolled, corrugated, or galvanized sheets......... 36 (c) 31 (b) Crochet hooks...................................... 53 278 Cranks...-.......................-....-. 38 (b) 32, 33, 194 Cutlery —....-.........-.................. --— 54 44 Dental instruments........54 (e) 196 Fencing (barbed wire)..-.. —....................-. 45 36 (a) Firearms and detached parts for......-............ 55, 56 45 Fish plates......................................... 38 (a);10 (a), (b) Fishhooks -............................ 54 (d) 44 (a) Furniture springs......................... 45 47 Gauze, wire.-...................................... 44 (a), (b) 36 (d) Hairpins..-................................ 53 278 Hooks and eyes.................................... 52- 278 Hoops -............................................ 35 (b) 31 (b) Hoop iron and fledges-........-....-........ —.. —.:36 (a) 31 (b) Horseshoes.....-........ ---..-.....-............. — 58 47 Ingots, or " tochos..........'.......... 34 309 Instruments, surgical or dental......5........... 54 (e) 196 Lubricating boxes -...........-............... ----- 8 (a) 33 (a) Mooring buoys. —.......-..............-...... 42 47 (a) N ails.............................................. 48 40 Needles (except surgical)...................... 51 278 Surgical... —...-.. -.............-...-.-.... - 196 Netting. -........................................45 36 (b) N uts............................................. 47 39 P ens............................................. 5278 Perforated sheets.. --- —-3 ----.................... 36 (c) 31 (b) Pieces, large, composed of bars, or bars and sheets fastened together or not (structural iron)......... 41 34 Pins, common and safety.......-............ 52 278 Pipes...............................(............. 39 (a), (b) 35 Fittings for..-................................ 58, 59 47 Pistols............................................ 55 (c) 45 Plates........................................... 42 31 (a) Pocket cutlery 5................................... 54 (b) 44 (b) Polished sheets-............... -........... 36 (c) 31 (b) Rails............................................. 35 (a) 30 (a), (b) Revolvers, and detached parts for-.............. 55 (c) 45 Razors............................................ 54 (b). 44 (b) R ivets............................................ 47 39 Rods............................................. 35 (b), (c) 30 (c), (d) Saddler's hardware.....................-........... 49 (a), (b) 42 Safes............................................. 58, 59 47 Scissors............................. 54 (a), (b), (d) 44 (a), (b) Screws............................................ 47 41 Sheets, rolled................................ 36 (a), (b), (c) 31 (a), (b) Side arms (not fire), and parts for................... 54 (U)44 (b) Sleepers.........3............................... 38 (a) 30 (a), (b) Spirit levels...................................... 46 194 106 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Iron or steel, wrought- Continued. 1905. 1909. Springs- Par. Par. For railways and tramways................... 38 (a) 33 (a For vehicles................................. 38 (b) 33 (b) Furniture..................................... 45 47 Structural steel, cut to measure.................... 41 34 Surgeons' operating tables......................... 59 47 Instrum ents....................................... 196 Switches, rails, and tongues (see note)............... 42, 35 (a) 30 (a), (b) Tacks............................................ 48 41 Tires............................ 35 (b) 30 (c) Tinned sheets, terne and tin plate.................. 36 (b) 31 (c) Manufactures of................................ 57 46 Tools and implements............................. 46 194, 196 Trunks.................................... 58, 59 288 Umbrella frames......................... 59 47, 298 (d) W ashers........................................... 47 39 Watch chains, adornments......................... 340 279 Wheels.......................................... 38 (a), (b) 33 (a), (b) WireGalvanized or not........................ 40, (a), (b), (c) 36 Gauze............................... 44 (a), (b) 36 (d) Netting....................................... 45 36 (b) Irrigation pumps............................... 257 194 Isinglass, gulaman, gelatin, and manufactures thereof... 109 90 Ivory: Black........................................... 89 61 (c), (d) Combs............................................ 339 (b) 280 (b) Compositions imitating............................ 342 281 Fans............................................. 338 277 Unwrought....................................... 341 (a) 280 (a) W rought............................................. 341 (b) 280 (b) Jack screws, lifting jacks, hoisting apparatus............ 245 194 Jade................................................... 13 Jams, fruit........................................... 322 (b) 237 Japalac (varnish)..................................... 88 62 Japanese: Lanterns, paper.................................... 190 (d) 151 (b) Napkins, paper.................................... 190 (d) 150, 151 Saki (wine)........................................ 310 265, 266 Soy.............................................. 328 256 Toyo............................................ 328 256 Jardinieres: Of ceramic wares.................................. 11 (f) Other. (According to material.) Jasmine oil.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Jasper.............................................. 1 1 Jelly, fruit......................... 332 237 Jerked beef............................................ 269 207 Jerseys. (According to material.) Jet: Compositions imitating.............................. 342 281 Unwrought...................................... 341 (a) 280 (a) W rought........................................... 341 (b) 280 (b) Jewelry: Broken up, of gold, silver, and platinum............ 372 318 Gold platinum, or alloys thereof, not otherwise provided for.............................. 27 (a) 25 (a) Set with pearls or precious stones................ 27 (b) 25 (b) Set with doublets or imitation precious stones or pearls..................................... 27 (c) 25 (c) Gold plated................... 29 (a) 27 (a) SilverNot set with pearls or precious stones or imitation precious stones or imitation pearls......... 28 (a) 26 (a) Set with pearls or precious stones............... 28 (b) 26 (b Set with imitation pearls or imitation precious stones......................................... 28 (c) 26 (c Plated........................................ 29 (a) 27 (a) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 107 Jewelery-Continued. Unfinished parts for rings and earrings, and similar 1905. 1909. nufinished portions of- Par. Par. Gold.................................. 27 (d) 25 (d) Silver.................................. 28 (d) 26 (d) Gold or silver plated.......................... 29 (b) 27 (c) Jewels (see Precious stones)............................. 24 13 Used, imported by passengers in their baggage...... 386:339, 341 Jinrikshas............................................. 261 201 Jiri, Indian spices................................ 296 255 (b) Jodelite (unrefined coal tar).................. 7 22 Jonquil oil........................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Joss: Money..................................... 190 (d) 151 Sticks............................................ 105 (b) 87 (b) Juice of fruit, unfermented.............................. 313 268 O ther............................................. 269 Juniper: Oil, essential.................................... 99 87 (a) Tar.......................................... 99 81 Jute..........................................C...... Class VI Carpeting......................................... 155 129 Cinches............................................ 159 133 Cordage and rope-makers' wares.................... 146 (a), (b) 120 Corset laces........................................ 158 132 Fibers, raw........................... 138 313 Galloons.......................................... 157 131 Gunny bags....................................... 145 121 Knitted goods................................... 152 127 Laces and tulles.................................. 154 128 Laces for corsets and shoes......................... 158 132 Manufactures of................................... 136 to 160 (lass VI Plushes, velvets, velveteens, and pile fabrics........ 151 126 Raw............................................... 138 313 Ribbons.......................................... 157 1]31 Ribbons or bands for the manufacture of cinches and saddle girths................................ 159 (a) 134 R ope........................................... 146 120 Saddle girths....................................... 159 133 Shoe laces......................................... 158 132 Tape......................................... 157 131 (a) Textiles................................ 147,148,149,150 Class VI, Group 2 Textiles called tapestry............................ 156 130 Threads, twines, cords, and yarns, netted hammocks, fishing nets, and similar manufactured articles.... 144 120 Trimmings................................ 157 131 Tulles............................................. 153 128 Waterproof or caoutchouc stuffs on textiles of........ 160 135 Yarns........................................ 140, 141 119,120 Kakamonos of straw................................... 204 (a) 196 (c) Kal, carbonic, puris................................... 97 77 Kalium, ferric tartaric............................... 99 81 Kananga face powder, and water........................ 105 (b) 87 (b) Kangaroo tendons: D ried............................................ 82 183 Aseptic, for surgical use................99 82 Kangaroos............................................ 211 174 Kaolin........................................... 3 (b) 6 (b), (c) Karlsbad salts................................. 99 81 Kekume oil......................................... 100 (b) 83 Kettles, cast-iron.............................. 31 (a), 31 (c) 28 (b), 29 Khaki blanco for shoes.................... -....-.. 89 67 K ids................................................ 211 174 Kid skin: Curried............................................ 217 (c) 178 (b), (c) Gloves...........................-.... —..- 220 179 (a) Shoes of......................... ----... 223 180 (b) 108 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Kieselguhr (earth)............................ Kilogram equals 2.2046 pounds avoirdupois.............. Abbreviation for................................. Kinetoscope and parts, appurtenances, and accessories for. Kino gum.......... --..-.....-............. Kitchen: K nives.......................................... Utensils of stoneware.............................. K its, film................................. Knife switches, electrical............................. Knitted goods. (According to material.) Admixtures of materials in....................... Knives: Bread, kitchen, plumbers', painters', saddlers', butchers', shoemakers', and cheese................. Corn and hemp.................................... H unting..................................... Pocket........................................... Pruning and budding.................. Sheath..................... TableWood or iron handles................ Other handles, common.................... Of silver................................. Of silver plate........................... Other cutlery................................. Kola: Astier............................................. Extract........ -............................ N ut.... -.................................... Kom el............................-................... Kukui oil........................................ Kukum (Indian vegetable product)..................... Kummel.................................... — Labels: Plain.............................................. Printed e......................... Lithographed..................................... Lace paper......................................... Laces. (According to material.) Admixtures of materials in.......................... Shoe. (According to material.) Lactate: Iron............................................... Of calcium......................................... Lactopeptin.................................. Lactophenin........................................... Lactophosphate calcii................................ Lactocarium.......................................... Ladano, gum resin......................... Lag bolts.........-.................................Lambs........................................ - - Lambskin: Curried........................................ Shoes............................. Lamp: aBlack............................................. Chimneys, glass................................. Globes, glass.................................. WicksCotton........................................ Vegetable pith (timsim)....................... Lamps: A rc............................................... Bicycle.................................. Of brass.................................. 1905. Par. 3 (b) Sec. 9 78 54 (a) 19 (a) 248 54 (a) 46 54 (b) 54 (c) 54 (a) 54 (d) 28 (a), (d) 29 (b) 54 (d) 99 99 81 312 (c) 100 (b) 81 308 (c) 179 183 190 (d) 99 99 99 99 99 99 78 47 211 217 (c) 223 89 13 (c) 13 (b) 130 366 248 252 69 (a), (b) 1909. Par. 6 (b), (c) Sec. 10 Sec. 7 186 56 (b) 44 (a) 11 (b), (c) 302 193 (a) Rule 6, Sec. 5 44 (a) 194 44 (b) 44 (b) 44 (a) 44 (b) 44 (a) 44 (b) 26 (a), (d) 27 (b) 44 (b) 81 81 57 268 83 57 263 150 (b) 151 (b) 151 (b) 151 (b) Rule 6, Sec. 5 81 81 81 81 81 81 56 (b) 39 174 178 (b), (c) 180 (b) 61 (c), (d) 17 16 (a), (b) 112 169 (a) 193 (a) 199 50 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 109 1905. Lamps-Continued. Par. Of glass........................................... 13 Glass chimneys for................................ 13 (c) Incandescent.......................... 250 (a) Wicks, cotton for.................................. 130 Other. (According to material.) Lanolin (wool fat)............................. 101 (a), (b) Lanoline, perfumed for toilet use..................... 105 (b) Lanterns, magic, parts and accessories for.............. Lanterns, paper...................................... 190 (d) Other. (According to material.) Lap robes. (According to material.) Lacquered canvas shoes, imitating patent leather........ 222 Lard, and imitations of....................... 271, 272 Lard oil..1.............................. 101 (d), (e) Lasts, common wood...........................- 195 Lathes.....................-............ 257 (b) Laths, common wood....................... 192 (a) Latticework, wood —...............-..-...... 194 (d) Laughing gas....................... -........- ----. 97 Launches..................................... 267 Laurel: Essence (oil of)............................... —.. 99 Leaves —....... --- —.... —........ 81 Lava, and manufactures of......................... Lavandula spica, oil of............................... —. 99 Lavender flowers, oil of.......................-... —. 105 (a) Lawn mowers........-.....-............-. 257 (b) Lead: Acetate of (sugar of lead)......................-. 95 (a) Carbonate and oxide of —.. —.... ---. 84 Lead, and alloys of: Bars.............................. --- —-........ 73 (b) Bullets...-.................. --- —---—... —. --- In lumps or ingots, pure.................-..... 73 (a) Alloys of................................... In nickeled or bronze gilt articles.............. 73 (c) In articles not nickeled or bronze gilt.............. 73 (f Pipes............................................. 73 (b Pipes. --- —---------------------------- 73 (b) Sheets.................................. 73 (b) Shot and bullets............................... ---- 73 (b) Solder, in bars................................. —. 73 (b) Traps, plain, for sanitary construction. Type.-.............. --- —-.....................-. 73 (f) Wire................................... 73 (b) Lead, red and white............... ----. 84 (a), (b) Lead pencils....................... ---...-.. ---.. 85 (c) Leaf, gold.....- -—........ --- —--------—......-. --- ——. 27 (d) Leather: Belting for machinery........................ ----. 229 (a) Boots and shoe findings............................ Calfskin, curried........................-..... — --. 217 (b) Chamois................-..... --- —... --- ——.. 219 Gloves... --.... ---.. --- —. 220 Hat boxes.................... ---......... 228 (c) Hides and skins..............-....-..... —.-.. 214, 215, 216 Pillows, covered with............................. 229 Saddlery and harness makers' wares............-. 228 Shawl straps............................... —..... 229 Sheepskins, curried (basils)........................ 217 (a) Shoes of — Calfskin..................................... 223 Canvas lacquered, imitating patent leather...... 222 Cow and horsehide............................. 221 Goatskin............................ ---------— 223 Kid...............-.......... —. 223 Lam bskin................ --- —--- -- ------- 223 Sheepskin.......... ----..... --- —-- —.. 221,223 1909. Par. 16 17 ]93 (a) 112 84 87 (b) 186 151 (b) 180 (b) 208 84 162 194 157 (b) 162, 163, 164 77 203 87 (a) 57 5 87 (a) 87 (a) 194 75 61 (a) 54 (a) 54 (b) 309 54 (a) 54 (c 54 (b 54 (a) 54 (a) 54 (b) 54 (a 54 (a) 54 (a) 54 (a) 61 (a), (b) 65 25 (d) 195 178 (a), (b), (c) 178 (b), (c) 178 (c) 179 288 176, 177,178 182 (b) 181 288 178 (a) 180 (b) 180 (b) 180 (a) 180 (b) 180 (b) 180 (b) 180 (a) 110 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Leather-Continued. Par. Par. Other manufactures of.............................. 229 182 Trunks, valises, traveling bags, and similar receptacles for personal effects.......................... 228 (c) 288 Leaves, as drugs, such as buchu, erysimum, laurel, sage, thyme, rosemary, and senna...................... 81 57 Sage or thyme, ground for culinary purposes......... 296 255 (b) Leaves, artificial, and parts of.......................... 292 Lecithine.............................................. 99 81 Tabloids........................................... 98 81 Ledger paper........................................ 179 150, 151 Leeches.............................................. 365 174 Lees, wine..................................... 76 Lemon: Oil.............................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Salts, effervescent................................. 99 81 Lemon grass oil....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Lenses: For cameras...................................... 361, 362 302 For. spectacles or eyeglasses........................ 16 (a) 20 (a) Other............................................. 16 (c) 20 (e Leopards............................................. 211 174 Letter: Balance scales..................................... 242 192 Balance scales..................................... 242 192, 151 (b) Paper............................................ 179 150, 151 Press copy book.................................... 187 153 Library paste.......................................... 109 90 Lichees: Canned........................................... 322 (b) 236 Dried............................................. 286 235 Fresh.............................................. 374 234 Lichens............................................... 81 57 Licopodium or lycopodium............................. 81 57 Licorice: Extract of........................................ 78 81 Root............................................. 81 57 Lifeboats.............................................. 267 203 Life buoys.......................................... 310 Life preservers........................................ 310 Lifting jacks........................................... 245 194 Ligatures, catgut, silk, and the like, for surgical use, aseptic............................................. 99 82 Lighters, cigars, electric............................... 193 (b Lighters, paper............................. 190 (d) 150 (d) Lighters (boat).................................... 267 203 Lightning arresters..................................... 248. 193 (a) Lights, developing................................ 302 Lilac oil.................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Lily: Flowers, dried (Chinese).......................... 288 231 Root flour......................................... 282 221 Nuts................................ 366 239 Limbs and members, artificial.................. 282 Limburger cheese...................................... 334 (b) 273 Lime: Chloride of (calcium hypochlorite)................... 94 (e) 74 (b) Hydraulic......................................... 3 (a 6 (a) Phosphate and superphosphates of................... 94 (d) 74 (a) Stone.............................................. 2 2 Linden flowers......................................... 81 57 Linen................................................. Class VI Cinches............................................ 159 133 Gloves............................................. 152 (c) 127 (b) Knitted goods.................................... 152 127 Plushes, velvets, pile fabrics....................... 151 126 Saddle girths................................ 159 133 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLIANDS. 111 1905. 1909. Linen-Continued. Par. Par. Shoe and corset laces.............................. 158 132 Socks and stockings............................... 152 (ce 127 (a) Textiles.......................................... Class VI, Group 2 Trim mings........................................ 157 131 Tulles and laces-................................... 153 128 Liniments............................................ 99 81 Lini oil.................................... 100 (b) 83 Linoleum-.............................................. 349 (d) 287 Linseed: Crushed, in meal or in cake........................ 81 55 (b) W hole............................................ 76 55 (a) Oil............................................... 100 (b) 83 Lions-...... —........................................ 211 174 Liquors..................-............................ 308 (c) 263 Liquors, adulterated, prohibited....................... Sec. 6 (e) Alcoholic.................................... 308 261, 262, 263 Malt........................................ 312 (a), (b) 267 Vinous........................................... 309, 311 264,265, 266 Listerine.............................................. 99 81 Liter (equivalent to 1.0567 quarts, wine measure)....... Sec. 9 Sec. 10 Liter, gauge and proof, for tariff purposes, defined (...... lass XIII, Group 6 Litharge, color........................................ 84 (c) 61 (c), (d) Lithium, carbonic -.....-. - -..............-....-.. - 97 77 Lithographic: Inks......................................... 85 (a) 64 (a) Presses................................... 257 (b) 194 Stones........................................... 1 Lithopgraphs.......................................... 183 151 For advertising, when free......................... 381 327 Litmus, color........................................ 85 61 (c), (d) Litm us, paper........................................ 187 151 Live animals.......................................... 205, 211 170-175 Loaded dice (prohibited)............................. Sec. 6 Sec. 6 (c) Locomotives and tenders....-.......................... 246 194 Logs: Fine wood........................................ - 193 (a) 158 (a) Ordinary wood............................ 192 (a) 157 (a) Logs, ships' (instruments)-.............................. 257 (a) 303 Logwood extract............-.................. 87 (a) 66 (b) Loofah sponges..................... 365 285 Looking glasses.............. -1...........- 15 19 Lottery tickets; advertisements of, or lists of drawings, prohibited............................. Sec. 6 (f) Lubricating: Boxes — Of cast iron.................................... 31 (b) 28 (b) Of wrought iron or steel........................ 38 (a) 33 (a) OilsMixed, crude..-......-.................... 8 22 Refined...................................... 9 23 (b) Axle greases of all kinds...-...................-.... 8 22 Lucca oil..............................................304 83 Lucky paper......................................... 187 150, 151 Lum ber.............................................. 192,193 157,158 Lupulin............................................. 81 57 Lychees: D ried............................................. 286 235 Fresh.................................... —...- 374 234 Canned..................................-... —.. 320 236 Lycopodium................................... 81 57 Lye, caustic..-.......... —.....-....-.....-.......... 93 72 Lysol................................................. 97 77 Lysolum-.......................97 77 M acaroni.......................................... 284 225 112 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Maccasar, oil of................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Mace: Ground....... -.............. ----.-.... —..-.. 297 (b) 250 (b) Unground.-......-..-............-..... 297 (a) 250 (a) Oil of................................-....... 105 (a) 87 (a) Machetes.. —... ---..-.. --- —---------------. 46 194 Machine needles, sewing................................ 51 278 Machinery and apparatus................... Class XII, Group 2 Agricultural............................. -— 245 194 Boilers....................................... 244 194 Compressed-air engines and motors............... 243 194 Cranes, hand or power.......................... 247 194 Derricks. -.....................................-. 245 194 Detached parts of machines are dutiable under the corresponding paragraphs under which the complete machine is assessed. Drill grinder, twisted.....-............. ---....- 257 (b) 194 Electric, of all kinds,............................. 193 Engines, of all kinds......... 243 194 For dredging, hoisting, or pile driving.............. 245 194 For extracting oil from cocoanuts.................. 245 194 Gasoline motors................................. 243 194 Hand pumps.......... —............. —.....-.. 257 194 Hemp stripping......................-... 245 194 Hot-air motors.. --- —.......... ---.-. —. —. --- 243 194 Hullers, cleaners, threshers, rice.................... 245 194 Hydraulic cranes....-.................... —.. 247 194 Ice-making -..-........... —...... ----. 245 194 Jackscrews, hoisting..-........-........-. 245 194 Locomotives............. --- ——.. --- —- 246 194 Meters — Electrical, of all kinds.............. 248 193 (a) Other....1......................-L... -187, 194 MotorsHydraulic, steam, petroleum, gasoline, and hot or compressed air............... ---..- 243 194 Electrical, all kinds............... —... 250 193 (a) Pile-driving.. ----.......-...... -245 194 Pumps, hand or power................... 257 194 Refrigerating.........-....-....... ---. ---. 245 194 Rice-hulling.........-...-..-...... --- 245 194 Road-making.................. ----.-... 245 194 Sawmill.......... —. --- —---- -------- 245 194 Stamp mills..................... --- —-----..-. 257 (b) 194 Steam boilers of all kinds................ —.. 244 194 Steam plows.................. —.......-....- 245 194 Steam pumps..........-...-.....-...-.... — 257 194 Sugar mills.......-........ —........... — 245 194 (a) Tenders to locomotives...................... -. - 246 194 (b) Turbine engines.......................... --- —--. 243 194 Turntables.................. ---- —.... —. 247 194 Typewriters..-................. -. 253 188 Weighing..-.................. --- —----- 242 192 Windlasses...... -.........-........-.. 245 194 Windmills......... ---................ ---.. — - 257 (b) 194 Wood working................ 257 194 Wood working --- —------- -----------------— 257194 Machines. (See also Machinery.) Adding........-...-.............-.. — - 255 188 Aerial and parts for -..-. 201 Automatic slot, if not prohibited........ ...... - 256 186,191 For gambling, prohibited......... Sec. 6 Sec. 6 Boring............. -..- - 257 (b) 194 Cash registers..-.. —.- -............ -. ----. 255 189 Cigarette making --....... — -.. --- - 257 (b) 194 Corking.................... ---. 257 (b) 194 PI'OPO()SEI') 'I'AI.IFF IRlEVISION,A\V FOR P.IIIIIPPINEI ISLANDS. 1113 1905. Machines-Continued. Ia r Cotton gin.................................. 245 Duplicating.............................. For drying tobacco -.............-............... 257 (b) Hammers, steam...........-................... 257 (b) Ice-cream freezers.............................. 57 (b) Kinetoscopes-................ 254 Manifolding.......................... Phonographs...........-.................. 254 Planing —............-........... -........- 257 (b) Sewing.................. 251 Shears...-...........-........ ---.....-..... 257 (b) Washing -.................................. 257 (b) \\ater meters................................. 257 (a), (b) Writing-..........-........... —... Mackerel: Canned or potted..................-.......... 317 (b) IFresh.................................... 274 (a) Salted, smoked, or pickled, in bulk-......-...-..- 74 (b) Mackintoshes. (According to material.) Madder...................-............... 86 (b) Magazines...-.................-............... 382 (b) Magic lanterns and parts therefor............... 254 Magnesium, metallic, in ribbons................-... 73 (f) Magnesium: Calcined oxide -..-.....-........-........-. --- 99 Carbonate... —......... -4..-.................. 4 (c) Chloride -..................................... 94 (h) C(itrate --- Effervescent --............... --- —- 99 Other..-.......................-......... 95 (b) (Glycerophosphate -........................ --- —-- 99 Metallic, in powder or ribbons -...-....... —... — 73 (f) Nitrate -........................................ 94 (h) Phosphate -.....................-.......... 94 (h) Salicylate....................' —.............. 99 Sulphate.............-....... ---..-.....- 94 (c) Magnets, horseshoe.....-......-..........-...- - 46 Magnifying glasses.....-.... —....... -.-... -—..- 16 (c) M aize............................................... 278 Oil of..........-.-............... —........... - 0() (b) MNaking up defined, surtax for......................... Malleable cast iron. (Dutiable as wrought iron.) M allets............................................. 5, 196 Polo........................................... Malt...................... 280 lBe veraoges.................-................... 312 Extracts, pharmaceutical..........-...-... -.-. --- 99 Whisky................................... 30S (a) Roasted (a coffee substitute)..................... 282 Malted M ilk........................................ 282 Manganese: Black oxide............-..........-. —.. --- 83 Borate -...-..-................... ---..- ------—.. 99 (Glycerophosphate -.................... —....... 99 Peptonized —.................-........-........... Pepotonized -..-......-.-...-..-.-... ---..-.. ---- 99 Nlanganesit (putty).................... 84 (b) Mangan putty...........-....... ---... ---.... --- —..- - 84 (b) Manifolding machines and parts for......-.........-... Manila paper....-...............-........-.... 178 Manna.........-.. —..-..........-.. 78 Mannit -......- ----—.................- —..... —. - 99 NMantillas. (According to material.) Mantels, W elsbach --—....... --.... —.....-.-... - -- 365 Manufactures of the Philippine Islands, reimported......,S0972-H. Doc. 14, 61-1 — 8 1909. Pa r. 194 188 194 194 194 186 188 186 194 190 194 194 194 188 215 (a) 216 (a) 216 (b) 66 (a), (b) 328 186 54 (b) 77 74 (c) 74 (c) 81 75 81 54 (b) 74 (c) 74 (c) 81 74 (c) 194 20 (e) 220 83 Rule 11, Sec. 5 194 297 319 267 81 263 221 222 60 81 81 81 81 61 (b) i61 (b) 188 150,151 56 (b) 81 5 350! ~: 114 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Manures, natural................................... Manuscripts, free.................................... M aple sirup............................................ M aps................................................. Maraschino cherries......................... Maravilosa essence.................................... Marble....................................... D ust............................................. In rough......................................... Other articles of.................................. Plates............................................ Sculptures........................................ Slabs............................................. Steps......................................... Marbles (toys)........................................ Mares................................................. Marine engines...................................... Marjoram oil......................................... Marked playing cards (prohibited)...................... Market value, defined..................... Marking ink................... Marmalade............................................ Masks for baseball or fencing of whatever material....... M asks, face........................................ Massey oil........................................... Mastic................................................. Matches of all kinds................................... Materials: Component, defined.............................. Insulating....................................... Not otherwise provided for........................ Mathematical appliances and apparatus not otherwise provided for........................................ Matricaria chamomilla (German chamomile)............. Mats. (According to material.) Matte, copper, free.................... M attocks.............................................. M attolein............................................. Mattresses, for beds. (According to material.) Maypole soap.......................................... Maximum rate of duty on importations................. Measuring tapes: Steel............................................ Other. (According to material.) Meat: Canned............................................ Extracts........................................ Fresh.............................................. Juices............................................ Salted or in brine................................. Smoked or cured................................... Soup tablets...................................... Mechanical music boxes................................ Medals, as trinkets or ornaments....................... As trophies or prizes................ Other. (According to material.) Medical induction batteries........................... Medicated: Cotton.......................................... Soap............................................. Medicines, adulterated or deleterious, prohibited........ Medicines, patent or proprietary......................... Other.................................. Meerschaum: Unwrought...................................... Wrought........................................ 1905. Par. 383 337 182 323 99 1. 3 (b) 1 (a) 1 (d) (b) 1 (c) 1(b) 1(b) 353 205 (b) 243 99 Sec. 6 85 322 (b) 105 (a) 78 351 1909. Par. 321 329 241 155 238 81 1 1 (a) 1 (a) 1 (c) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (b) 1 (b) 296 170, 333, 348 194 87 (a) Sec. 6 (c) Rule 13 (a), Sec. 5 54 (b) 237 297 296 87 (a) 56 (b) 92 Rule 12, Sec. 5 248 193 (a) 366 306 303 81 57 309 46 194 97 77 87 (b) 66 (c) Sec. 11 46 194 315, 27, 28, 27, 28, 54 316 209,210,211 213 376 205 213 269 206 270 207 213 237 185, 186 340 25, 26, 27, 279 340 330 t (e) 193 (b) 99 82 104 86 Sec. 6 (e) 99 80 81 L (a) 280 (a L (b) 280 (b: 341 341 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 115 1905. Par. Melaleuca flaviflora oil................................. 99 M ellisa oil....................................... 105 (a) Mellots metal. (See Zinc.) Menthse piperitae oil................................... 105 (a) Menthae viridis oil (oil of spearmint).................... 99 M enthol.............................................. 99 Menthol cones......................................... 99 Merchandise, not otherwise provided for................. 365 Mercerized cotton yarns................................ 116 M ercury............................................... 70 Ammoniacal (white precipitate).................... 97 Bijodido (bi-iodide)................................ 99 Chloride.......................................... 94 (h) Cyanide.......................................... 94 (h) Ointm ent.......................................... 99 O xide............................................ 97 O xinate.......................................... 97 Pills (blue m ass)................................. 98 Powdered mass.................................... 99 Merluza guisada, in cans............................... 318 Metal: Bell, free......................................... M untz............................................. Threads, in textiles................................. Rule 11 Or spangles, contained in embroidery........... Wastes, common, fit only for resmelting.............. 74 Metallic threads, textiles of............................. Metals, not otherwise provided for, and alloys thereof.... 73 Meter, equivalent in inches (39.37 inches)................ Sec. 9 Meters: Electric, of all kinds................................ 248 W ater............................................. 257 Methyl: A cetate........................................... 97 Alcohol........................................... 307 Salicylas, oil...................................... 105 (a) M ethylal............................................. 99 M ethylene blue....................................... 87 (b) Methylene violet (medicinal), or pyoktanin.............. 99 M etilal................................................ 97 M etol.................................................. e 97 M etrical system....................................... Sec. 9 M etronomes........................................ -- Mexican lignaloes oil................................... 105 (a) M iaouli oil............................................. 99 Mica and manufactures thereof......................... 2 Microscopes and slides for.............................. 365 M icrotom es............................................ M igranin.............................................. 99 Milks and creams: Compounded with other substances (except sugar).. Condensed, concentrated, or evaporated............ 320 Fresh.............................................. 378 M alted........................................... 282 Powder............................................ Sugar of........................................... 99 Tablets........................................... Millboards of asbestos.................................. 2 (e) Millefileurs, extract for making perfumes................ 105 (a) Millet: Flour............................................. 279 (b) In grain........................................... 279 (a) M ills of all kinds.................................... 245, 257 (b) M illstones............................................. 2 (d) M imeograph ink................................... 85 1909. Par. 87 (a 87 (a) 87 (a) 87 (a) 81 81 306 95 51 77 81 74 (c) 74 (c) 81 77 77 81 81 215 (c) 309 309 Rule 10 Rule 9, Sec. 5 309 Rule 10, Sec.5 54 Sec. 10 193 (a) 194 77 260 87 (a) 81 66 (c), 81 81 77 77 Sec. 10 185 87 (a) 87 (a) 5 303 303 81 271 270 270 222 271 81 271 4 87 (a) 220 (b) 220 (a) 194 3 64 (b) 116 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Mimeographs, parts and accessories..................... Mince-meat............. Mineral oils: Crude............................................ Refined, for illumination........................... For lubrication or solvents.................. Other refined................................... Mineral: Ores.............................................. Pitch.......................................... Tar.............................................. Waters.................... Wax, in candles....... Wrought in other articles................ Unwrought................................ Mineralogy specimens for public museums, schools, academies, and scientific corporations................ M iners' fuses and caps............................... Mint: Unground.....................-............. Mirrors of all kinds.................................... Misbranded articles, prohibited....................... Mixture of materials in articles not enumerated......... Models, small, for public museums, schools, academies, and scientific corporations........................... O ther............................................. M olasses............................................ Moldings of wood, gilt.......................... Money: Joss, so called..................................... Of national issues.................................. Mongolian pheasants.......................... Mongos (dried beans)....................... M onkeys............................................ Moorings (buoys)................................ Mops, of cotton....................................... M orphine........................................ Mortars. (According to material.) Mortisers................................... Mortising machinery.......................... Moss: Artificial.......................................... Live, in natural state........................ Dried, in natural state......................... Used for drugs.................................... Moss fiber gold, for dentistry..................... Moth balls................................. Mother-of-pearl: Buttons...................................... Compositions imitating............................ Shell, export duties............................... Ulnwrought......................... W rought................................. Motor cycles and detached parts for..................... Motors: Electric.......................................... Other............................................ Mounted birds or animals............................... M outh organs, toy..................................... Mowing machines....................... Mucilage........................................... Mulberry paper..................................... M ules.......................................... Muntz metal.............................. 1905. Par. 315, 316 8 9 10 11, 369 7 7 312 (c) 103 102 389 111 (a) 296 (b) 81 15, 28 389 337 197 190 (d) 372 268 287 211 42 96 257 (b) 257 (b) 368 81 27 (d) 97 345 (c) 342 341 (a) 341 (b) 1909. Par. 188 211 22 23 (a) 23 (b) 23 (d) 309 22 22 268 85 (b) 85 (c) 85 (a) 344 91 (a) 255 (b) 57 19 Sec. 6 (e) Rule 12, Sec. 5 344 316 241 164 151 320 175, 204 229 174 47 98 79 194 194 292 308 169 (a) 57 25 (d) 77 283 (a) 281 363 (a) 280 (a) 280 (b) 199 250 193 (a) 243 194 232 289,290 353 296 245 194 109 90 187 150,151 206 170,334 309 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 117 Muria puama: Extract.................................... Wood.......................................... Muriate of: Gold, silver, and platinum....................... Tin............................................. M uriatic acid......................................... Music: Boxes......................................... In raised print, used exclusively by the blind...... Printed or lithographed sheet...................... Musical instruments.................. 195,197, 233, 235, 236, Parts of, appurtenances and accessories for........ M usk................................................. Mustard: Dressing................................... Ground............................................ In paste..................................... OilB lack........................................ Volatile............................. Plaster.-.................................. Seed............................................. Mutton (see Meats, canned)...................... Myrbane oil.................................... Myrciae oil.................................... Myristicae oil, essential............................ M yrrh................................................. O il of................................ Myrtle oil......................................... Nails: Of copper........................................ 6 Of iron........................................... Of zinc..................................... N aphtha............................................. Naphthalin................................. Naphthaline balls.......................... Naphthol........................................ Naphthol benzoin.......................... Napkins. (According to material.) Making up, defined, surtax for.................... Nasturtium oil.................................... National issue coins and currency, free.....-...... — Natrium. (See Sodium.) Neatsfoot oil.......................................... 101 Neckties. (According to material.) Needles: Of bone............................ Of common metals.............................. Of ivory....,................................. Phonograph............................ Sewing........................................... Sewing machine................................. Surgical.......................................... Neroli oil.............................................. Nets. (According to material.) Netted and knitted stuffs, admixtures of materials in.... Netting, iron wire.................................... Net weight defined.................................... Newspapers, when free.............................. Old, imported for wrapping paper............... Nickel: Ammonium sulphate......................... Carbonate of...................................... Sulphate of............................ 1905. Par. 99 81 96 94 (h) 91 (a) 237 390 (b) 180 (a) 237, 353 105 (a) 328 300 (c) 300 (c) 99 99 99 300 (a) 315, 316 97 99 105 (a) 81 99 105 (a) i (a), (b) 48 73 (e) 10 97 97 99 99 1909. Par. 81 57 78 74 (c) 70 (a) 185, 186 328 151 185, 186 185 87 (b) 256 253 (c) 253 (c) 83 87 (a) 81 253 (a) 209 77, 263 87 (a) 87 (a) 57 87 (a) 87 (a) 50 40 54 (b) 23 (d) 77 77 81 81 Rule 11, Sec. 5 105 (a) 87 (a) 320 -(d), (e) 84 342 (b),3, 68 (c) 341 (b) 254 51 51 54 (e) 105 (a) 45 Rule 18 382 (b) 178 94 (h) 94 (h) 94 (h) 281 (b) 278 280 (b) 186 278 278 196 87 (a) Rule 6, Sec. 5 36 (b) Rule 13 328 151 (a) 74 (c) 74 c) 118 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Nickel and alloys of: In bars, sheets, pipes, and wires.................. In lumps and ingots, alloys...................... Pure......................................... In other articles.................................. Nigrosine........................................... Nippers (pliers)....................................... Nipples, rubber..................................... Nitrate of: Copper................................. Potassium....................................... Silver........................................... Silver in pencils for cauterizing.................. Sodium........................................... Strontium........................................ Uranium................................. Nitric acid............................................ Nitroglycerin................................ Note paper........................................ Novels................................................ Number of threads in textiles........................... Nursing bottles, glass................................. N ut galls........................................ Nutmeg oil, essential.................................. Nutmegs: Ground............................................ H usked.......................................... Unhusked......................................... Nuts, edible....................................... Cocoanuts......................................... Conserved or crystallized........................ For drugs...................... Of copper............................... Of iron.................................. Products......................................... Nux vomica......................................... Tincture and medical preparations of.............. Okum.................................. Oars of wood..................................... Oatmeal, prepared for table use........................ Oats in: Grain..................................... Meal or flour....................................... Obscene, indecent, or subversive of public order, books, printed, or written matter, objects, prohibited......... Ochers, natural colors................................. Odometers and parts therefor........................... Officers and employees of the United States and insular governments to be considered as "settlers".......... Oils: Aleuritis tribola (Kekume oil, Gelgaum walnut, Kukui oil....................................... Allspice (O1. pimentae).................. Almond, expressed........................... Amber (01. Succine)............................. American wormseed (01. Chenepodii)............... Anim al.......................................... Anise (01. Anisi).................................. Apricots......................................... Arachidis.................................... Arachis (ground nut oil)............................ Asafetida......................................... Asarum......................................... Balm.............................................. Banana, artificial.................................. Bay (01. Myrcias).................................. Betula (see Birch)............................ 1905. Par. 71 ( 71 ( 71( 87 ( 352 ( 94 ( 94 ( 94 ( 94 ( 94 ( 91 ( 111 ( 1 1 Rul 105( 296 ( 298 ( 298 ( 329, 3 3 68 (a), ( 1 278 278( 1909. Par. b) 52 (a) a) 52 (a) 309 c) 52 (b) b) 66 (c) 46 194 d) 293 (b) h) 74 (c) d) 74 (a) h) 74 (c) 99 81 d) 74 (a) h) 74 (c) 99 81 a) 70(a) (a) 91 (a) L79 150, 151 80 154 e 1 Rule 1, Sec. 5 16 15 (a), 20 (e) 81 57 (a) 87 (a) 'b) 251 (c) b) 251 (b) (a) 251 (a 165 239 76 55 (a) 331 238 81 57 'b) 50 47 39 239 81 57 99 81 165 311 L95 162 282 221 (a) 219 (a) (b) 219 (b) Sec. 6 (b) 83 60, 61 (d) 187 341 100 (b) 99 99 99 99 101 105 (a) 105 (a 100 (b 100 (b 99 99 105 (a) 97 105 (a) 105 (a) 83 87 (a) 83 87 a 87 (a) 84 87 (a) 87 (a) 83 83 87 (a) 87 (a) 87 (a) 87 (a), 263 87 (a) 87 (a PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 119 1905. 1909. Oils-Continued. Par. Par. Ben............................................. 99, 100 (b) 83 Bengoin.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Bergamot (01. Bergamotte)........................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Birch............................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Bitter almond (01. Amygdale amarae)............. 105 (a) 87 (a) Black mustard.................................... 99 83 Volatile...................... 87 (a) Black pepper......................................9 83 Volatile............................. 87 (a) Blesemi........................................100 (b) 83 Cade (01. Cadinum)........................ 99 87 (a) Cajuput (01. Cajuputi)................... 100 (b) 87 (a) Calamus (sweet flag).............................. 105 (a) 87 (a Camphor...............................99 87 (a Canada fleabane (Erigontis)...................... 99 87 (a Caraway (01. Carn)...........................9987 (a) Carob................................. 99 87 (a) Cassia (see Cinnamon)......................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Castor.................................... o100 (b) 83 Cedar Wood (yellow)............................... 9987 (a) Celery.........9.................. 87 (a) Ceylon cinnamon (01. Cinn. Zeylanci).............. 105 (a) 87 (a Chamomile (01. Anthemidis........................ 99 87 (a Chenopodium.................................... 99 87 (a Cinnamon (01. Cinnamoni)........................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Citronella......................................... 05 (a) 87 (a Cloves (01. Caryophyli)....................... 105 (a) 87 (a Cocoanut........................................ 100 (a) 83 Cod liver.......................................... 99, 101 84 Prepared as pharmaceutical products............99 81 Cognac............................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Copaiba (01. Copaibae)..........................99 87 (a) Coriander (01. Coriandri)........................99 87 (a) Cotton seed (Gossypii seminis)..................... 100 (b) 83 Croton (01. Tiglii)................................ 99 83 Cubeb (01. Cubebae)............................... 99 87 (a) Cumin......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Dill (01. Anethi)................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Ergot.......................................... 99 83 Erigeron (see Fleabane)...........99.... 87 (a) Essential....................105 (a) 87 (a Eucalyptus (01. Eucalypti)....................... 99 87 (a Euphorbia.......................................9987 (a Fennel (01. Foeniculi).......................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Flaxseed........................................ 100 (b) 83 Fleabane (01. Erigerontis).......................... 99 87 (a) Foeniculi............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Fruit, artificial................................... 308 (c), 97 77, 263 Gaultheria................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Gelgaum...................................... 100 (b) 83 Geranium........................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Gin......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Ginger........................................... 87 a) Ginger grass...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Gossipii (cotton seed)......................... 105 (a) 83 Hazel.................................. 05 (a) 83 Hedeoma (01. Hedeomae)......................... 9987 (a) Hemlock (spruce oil)......................... 99 87 (a Horseradish.................................99 87 (a Illicum religiosum (Shikimi: same as Indian anise).. 105 (a) 87 (a Indian corn........................................ 100 (b) 83 Jasm ine.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Jonquil............................................ 105 (a) 87 a Juniper oil (01. Juniperi).................99 87 a Juniper tar.................................. 99 81 120 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Oils-Continued. Par.Par. Lard oil......................................... 101 (d), (e) 84 Laurel..................................... 99 87 (a) ITavender flowero.w e........................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Lemon (01. Lemonis)............................. 105 (a) 87 (a Lemon grass (01. Andropogon citrati)-............... 105 (a) 87 (a) Linseed (01. Lini).............................. 100 (b) 83 Lilac................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Lillies....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Lucca............................................ 304 83 Mace.............................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Maccasar.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Maize..................................... 100 (b) 83 Marjoram..................................... 99 87 (a) Massey (see Cinnamon).......................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Matricaria Chamomilla.................... 99 87 (a) Melaleuca flaviflore (Miaouli)..................... 99 87 (a) Mellisa..................105 (a) 87 (a) Mexican lignaloes........................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Mignonette.................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Mineral................................... 9, 10 22, 23 Mirbane.......................... 97 77,263 Mustard, volatile (01. Sinapis volatile).............99 87 (a) Myrcia (see Oil of bay)..................105 (a) 87 (a) Myrrh......................................... 99 87 (a) Myrtle.................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Nasturtium....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Neat's-foot......................................... 101 (d), (e) 84 Neroli................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Nutmeg................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Olive............................................. 304 83 Orange.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Orange berry..................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Orange flowers (01. Aurantii florum)............... 105 (a) 87 (a) Orange leaf........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Orange peel (01. Aurantii corticis).................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Origanum (oil of thyme)..................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Orris root..................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Palm.......................................... 100 (a) 83 Palmna rosa........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Partridge berry (see Wintergreen)................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Patchouli................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Peach kernels............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Pennyroyal............................... 99 87 (a) Peppermint (01. Menthae piperitae)............. 105 (a) 87 (a) Petit grain citronnier............1...05 (a) 87 (a) Phosphorus (01. Phosphoratum).................... 99 81 Pimenta (see Allspice)............................ 99 87 (a) Pine (01. Pini).................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Recini............................................. 100 (b) 83 Red cedar................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Rhodium.............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Rose (01. Rosae; attar of roses)................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Rose geranium..................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Rosemary (01. Rosmarini).......................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Rue.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Sanitas.......................................... 97 77 Santal, or sandalwood.................... 99 87 (a) Sassafras....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a Savine............................................ 99 87 (a) Sesam e............................................100 (b) 83 Sesamum.....0..............0............ 100 (b) 83 Shikima....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Solvent................. 22 Spearmint....................................105 (a) 87 (a) Sperm.................................... 101 (d), (e) 84 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 121 1905. 1909. Oils-Continued. Par. Par. Spike............................................. 99 87 (a) Spruce.......................................... 99 87 (a) Star aniseed.............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Succini........................................... 99 87 (a) Sweet birch...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Sweet flag....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Sweet hay........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Tansy............................................ 99 87 (a Tar (01. Picis liquidae)............................ 99 87 (a) Tar, unrefined............................. 7 22 Teaberry.................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Teeloil (see Sesamum oil).......................... 100 (b) 83 Terebinthinae.................................... 77 (b) 63 Theobroma....................................... 290 (b) 248 (b Thym e........................................... 105 (a) 87 (a Tiglii....................................... 99. 83 Track............................................ 9 22 Tungtree......................................... 100 (b) 83 Turpentine................................. 77 (b) 63 Valerian.......................................... 99 87 (a) Vegetable, fixed........................... 100 83 Verbena........................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Vetiver essential............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Violet...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Volatile (see Essential).............................87 (a) Volatile sinapis.............................. 99 87 (a) W alnut.......................................... 100 (b) 83 Wax (01. Cerae)................................... 99 84 Whisky...................................... 1.05 (a) 87 (a) White cedar..................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) White mustard.................................... 99 87 (a) Wine.................................... 1.05 (a) 87 (a) Wintergreen...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) W ood............................................99 83 Wormwood (01. Absinthi)......................... 99 87 (a) Oilcloth: In the piece...................................... 349 287 (a) Made up into articles............................... 349 (d) 287 (b) Oil-extracting machinery.......................... 245 194 Oiled silk............................................. 174 147 Oilstones, whetstones, and hones of all kinds............ 1 3 Ointments............................................. 99 81 Oleaginous seeds.................................... 76 55 (a) Oleic acid.......................................... 92 (b) 71 (b) Olein............................................... 101 (c), (e) 84 Oleographs................................ 183 151 Oleomargarine........................... 336 275 Olive oil.............................................. 304 83 Olives: Fresh............................................ 374 234 PickledIn bulk...................................... 236 (a) In retail packages........................ 236 (b) Amnius gatherum................................. 306 Onions: Canned................................. 320 232 Fresh............................................ 375 317 Pickled......................................... 321 233 Onion-skin paper...................................... 179 1.30, 151 Onyx: In the rough....................................... 1 (a) I(a In slabs, plates, or steps........................... (b) I (b) Beads, on strings in ornaments..................... 340 279 Sculptures........................................ 1 (c) 1 (c) Other articles............................ 1 (d) 1 (c) 122 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Opals (see Precious stones).............................. 24 13 Openers, can...................................... 46 194 Opera glasses. (According to material.) Opium, in whatever form............................... 79 Prohibited, except as provided.................... Sec. 6 (g) Opium pipes, prohibited............................... Sec. 6 (h) Optical appliances and apparatus, not otherwise provided for.......................................... 303 Orange: Berry, oil of....................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Essence, artificial......................... 105 (a) 87 (a Flowers, oil of.................................... 105 (a) 87 (a FruitConserved or crystallized...................... 238 Dried........................................ 286 235 Fresh........................................ 374 234 Preserved.................................... 322 236 Leaf, oil of........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Peel (dried)..................................... 81 57 Oil of........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Water (not perfumery)............................. 99 81 Orchilla extract..................... 87 (a) 66 (b) Ores.................................................. 11,369 309 Scoriae, from smelting of.......................... 75 309 Orexina, tannate................................... 99 81 Organic: A cids.............................................. 92 71 Salts............................................. 95 75 Salts, acid or double.............................. 97 77 Organs: Cabinet........................................ 236 185 Household effects of settlers coming to the Philippine Islands and returning residents thereof, free....... 393 341, 347 Pipe, for churches and societies.................... 331 Toy mouth......................................... 353 296 Other............................................. 185 Origanum oil...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Ornaments of common materials....... 340 279 Orphol............................................... 99 81 Orris-root oil................................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Orthoform............................................ 99 81 Osiers: Manufactured..................................... 204 169 (b), (c) Unmanufactured................................... 203 169 (a) Ostrich feathers....................................... 230 290 Ostriches.............................................. 212 175 Ownership of imported merchandise..................... Sec. 17 Oxalate of: Iron..................................... 95 (a) 75 Potassium........................................ 95 (a) 75 Oxalates............................................... 95 (a) 75 Oxalic acid.......................................... 92 (a) 71 (b) Oxen.................................................. 208 (a) 171 (a), 333, 334,342, 348 Ox gall, powdered..................................... 99 81 Oxide of: Antim ony........................................ 99 81 Caustic and barilla alkalies.......................... 93 72 Cobalt................................... 97 77 Copper....................................... 94 (e) 74 (c) Iron............................................... 84 (c) 60 (c) Lead............................................. 84 (a) 61 (a) Manganese......................................... 83 60 M ercury........................................... 97 77 Nickel............................................. 97 77 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 123 Oxide of-Continued. Potassium...................................... Sodium........................................... Strontia.......................................... Tin............................................... Uranium.......................................... Zinc (color)....................................... Oxinate of mercury.................................... Oxyhydrates (see Caustic alkalies)..................... Oxygen gas............................................. Oxylithe.......................... Oysters: Preserved............................. Fresh, in tins..................................... Salted, dried, or pickled, in bulk................. Shells of.......................................... Package, retail, defined................................ Packages and packing of imported merchandise........ Packages: Containing merchandise according to different weight or weight and ad valorem, how treated....... Of uniform or similar character, weight, or quantity, and of the contents to be ascertained and rules for estimating purposes..............-............. 1905. Par. 93 83 97 97 99 84 (c) 97 93 97 97 1909. Par. 72 72 77 77 81 61 (c) 77 72 77 77 317 (b 27' ) Rule Ru Rule Packing of imported merchandise..................... Rule 16, 20 Rul Asbestos......................................... 1 (d) Cost of, should be included in dutiable value...... For free-entry goods........................... Rule 19 Paper............................................ 178 Rubber, for machinery or pistons............... 352 (a) Salt for packing hams (see note par. 207)............ 94 (a). (b) Unusual,,,.................................. Rule U sual............................................ Ru] Immediate...................................... Ru Packfong metal. (See Copper alloys.) Packs, film........................................... Pack thread of hemp.............................. 144, 146 Pads, ink or stamp.................................... 85 Paeonia seeds..................................... 81 Pain killer................................ 99 Paint brushes, hair................................. 164 Painted designs................................ 182 Painters' knives............................... 54 (a) Paintings: Domestic, reimported, when free.................. Sec. 19 (a) Of actual persons................................... 380 Offensive to morality, prohibited..................... Sec. 6 W hen free........................................... 380 W orks of art....................................... 380 Other.............................................. 182 Paints (see colors): Bituminous...................................... 85 (a) Common, natural (dry)............................. 83 Other................................ 84,85 White or red lead.......................... 84 Palm: Leaf fans.....................,... 338 Manufactured.............................. 204 Unmanufactured....................... 203 Oil of.............................................. 100 (a) Palma rosa oil......................................... 105 (a) Palmitic acid.......................................... 92 (b) Palm oil...................................... 100 (a) 215 (b) 217 217 284 13 (e), Sec. 5 lie 13, Sec. 5 13 (j), Sec. 5 Rule 13 (k), Sec. 5 le 13, Sec. 5 4 Rule 13 (a) Rule 13 (g) 150, 151 293 (a) 74 (c) 13 (h), (i), Sec. 5 le 13 (f), (g), (h), Sec. 5 le 13, Sec. 5 302 120 188 57 81 139 155, 326 44 (a) 350 326 Sec. 6 326, 337,344 326, 337,344 155 61 (b) 60 61 (c), (d) 61 (a), (d) 277 169 (c) 169 (a) 83 87 (a) 71 (b) 83 124 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Pamphlets: For advertising, when free....................... Obscene or indecent, prohibited.................... Other............................ Pancreatin...................................... Panoramas for public entertainment, imported temporarily (bond taken for reexportation)................. Pantanberge...................................... Papain (payotin)............................. Papeles azoados................................. Paper: Album en........................................ Bags.......................................... Baryta coated..................................... Basic, photographic, for albumenizing............... Bibulous.......................................... Blotting.................................... Bond............................................. BooksBlank, printed or not........................ 181, Letterpress copying.......................... Printed....................................... Boxes................................... Canes......................................... Carbon..... --- —-......... Carborundum..................................... Cardboard......................................... Cigarette.......................................... Cigarette........ Coated with tar for roofing......................... Confetti and serpentines.......................... Copying........................................ Cover............................................. Drawing............................... Embossed-.......... —................... --- — Emery............ —........................ Engraved..............-.................. Envelopes............................ Etched.................................... Filter........................................ Fly, sticky or chemical................. Gelatin coated..................................... G ilt.............................................. Glass -... -..... —............... Gum -........................................ Hats........................................... Lace.............................................. Lanterns....................................... Leaves for artificial flowers.......................... Ledger...-.................................... Letter.................................... Letterpress copying books.......................... Lithographed..................................... Lucky........................................ Manila..................................... Manufactures of................................. Napkins................................... Note.................................. Old newspapers used for wrapping................... Onion skin......................................... Otherwise elaborated.............................. Parchment......................................... Patternsc -.......................................... PhotographicPlain basic................................ Sensitized................................... Pottery.................................. 905. Par. 381 Sec. 6 180 99 392 99 99 99 187 (a) 178 187 187 187 186 179 181 (a) 187 180 190 187 (c) 189 188 348 190 (d) 187 187 187 185 179 187 97 187 187 185 187 190 (d) 190 (d) 350 179 179 187 187 178 L78,198 190 (d) 179 178 179 187 190 (d) 187 (b) 187 (b) 187 1909. Par. 327 Sec. 6 151, 154 81 342 81 81 81 151 150 (b), 151 (b) 151 150,151 150, 151 150, 151 150,151 153 153 154 150 (b), 151 (b) 296 151 149 150,151 152 149 150 (b) 150 150,151 150,151 151 149 151 150 (b) 151 150 77 151 151 149 151 296 151 151 (b) 292 150,151 150 153 151 150,151 150,151 Class IX 150 (b), 151 (b) 150 151 150,151 151 150, 151 150 (b), 151 (b) 151 151 150,151 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 125 1905. Paper-Continued Par. Prepared or coated with tar for roofs................ 348 Printed........................................... Printing........................................... 177 Pulp for.......................................... 176 Punk............................................. 187 Record........................................... 179 Roofing................................ Ruled............................................. Sand............................................. 185 Sensitized................................... 187 (b) Serpentine and confetti............................. 187 Sheathing...................................... Singhalese........................................ 187 Stereotype........................................ 187 Stock, free................................. Straw............................................. 178 Straws, manufactured in............................. 190 (d) Surface coated..................................... 187 Tissue............................................ 187 Toilet............................................. 178 Tracing........................................... 187 Typewriting....................................... 179 Wall................................................ 184 Wrapping......................................... 178 W riting........................................... 179 Papier-mache.......................................... 191 Paracotoin............................................ 99 Paraffin: In candles......................................... 103 Unwrought....................................... 102 Wrought in other articles........................... 103 Paraldehyde........................................... 97 Parasols.............................................. 354 Sticks for.......................................... 343 Fram es for........................................ 59 Parchm ent............................................. 219 Paper............................................ 187 Paris green............................................ 84 (c) Parrots................................................ 212 Partridge-berry oil..................................... 105 (a) Partridges............................................ 268 Passengers' baggage, when free.................. 386 Pasta pectoral......................................... 99 Paste: For sharpening cutlery............................. 97 For soup.......................................... 284 Tooth............................................ 104 Library.......................................... 109 Pasteboard, strawboard, cardboard, or pulp board: Boxes............................................. 190 Card mounts for photographs...................... 190 In sheets......................................... 189 Manufactures of.................................... 190 Pastels............................................... 182 Pastilles............................................... 99 I'atadeones, making up defined, surtax for............... P'atchouli oil........................................... 105 (a) Pate de foi gras........................................ 315,316 Patent leather......................................... 218 Boots and shoes of................................ 222,225,226 Shoes, canvas, imitation of.......................... 222 Patent medicines and drugs............................. 99 D efined........................................... P'atterns, paper........................................ 190 (d) 1909. Par. 149 151 149 315 150 150,151 149 151 149 151 150 (b) 149 151 150, 151 315 150 151 (b) 151 150,151 150 150,151 150,151 151 150,151 150 156 81 85 (b) 85 (a) 85 (c) 77 298 t69 (a), 298 (d) 47, 298 (d) 178 (c) 150, 151 61 (c) 175 87 (a) 175,204 339 81 77 225 87 (b) 60 150 (b), 151 (b) 150 (b), 151 (b) 150,151 150 (b), 151 (b) 155,326, 344 81 Rule 11, Sec. 5 87 (a) 211 178 (c) 180 (b) 180 (b) 80 Sec. 8 150 (b), 151 (b) 126 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Paving: Par. Par. Blocks of asphalt................................. 7 22 Of stone (rough)........................... 2 (a) 2 (a) Slabs, cones, and prisms of glass for................. 14 (a) 18 (a) Of stone for.................................... 2 (c) 2 (b) Crushed stone for.................................. 2 (b) 2 (b) Payment of duties..................................... Sec. 9 Peaches: Dried............................................. 286 235 Fresh.............................................. 374 234 Preserved.......................................... 322 (b) 236 In cordials or spirits............................ 323 238 Peach-kernel oil...................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Pea flour............................................. 287 (c) 229 (c) Peanut oil............................................ 100 (b) 83 Peanuts.............................................. 329 239 Conserved or crystallized.......................... 331 238 Pearl barley.......................................... 282 221 Pearl, mother of...................................... 341 280 In buttons........................................ 345 (c) 283 (a) Unwrought........................... 341 (a) 280 (a) Wrought.......-.................................. 341 (b) 280 (b) Pearl oyster shells, crude............................. 366 284 Pearls and seed pearls........................... 25 13 Imitations of....................................... 26 14 Pears: Fresh............................... 374 234 Preserved.......................................... 322 (b) 236 In cordials or spirits............................... 323 238 Peas: Canned............................................ 320 232 DriedIn bulk....................... 287 (a) 229 (a) In small packages......................... 287 (b) 229 (b) Fresh............................................. 375 230 Pedometers and parts thereof...................... 187 Pelletierine.............................. 96 78 Pelts (fur skins)....................................... 213 177 Pencils: Camel's hair....................................... 164 139 Copper sulphate in, for cauterizing................ 99 81 Lead, colored, charcoal, and indelible.............. 85 (c 65 Slate.......................................... 2 (e 2 (c) Silver nitrate in, for cauterizing................... 99 81 Pen drawings..................................... 182 155,326 Penholders. (According to material.) Penny royal oil..................................... 99 87 (a) Pens: Fountain and parts and points for.............. 295 Of common metals................................ 51, 68 (c) 278 Other. (According to material.) Reservoir and parts and points for................. 295 Pepper: Ground............................................ 299 (b) 252 (b) W hole........................................... 299 (a) 252 (a) Peppermint oil........................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Pepper, oil, black...................................... 99 83 Volatile............. -8.......................... 87 (a) Peppers: Fresh.............................................. 375 230 Pickled....................................... 321 (a), (b) 233 Preserved.................................. 2 2 Peppers, pod, dried: Ground................................ 252 (b) Whole................................ 252 (a) Pepsin............................................... 99 81 Pepsine, elixir...................................... 99 81 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 127 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Peptone............................................. 99 81 Perambulators................................. 261 201 Perchloride of iron, solid or solution of.................. 97 77 Perfumery............................................ 105 87 Periodicals, public..................................... 382 (b) 328 Permanganate of potassium............................ 97 77 Perouin.............................................. 96 78 Peroxide of: Hydrogen.......................................... 9777 Manganese (so-called English iron black)............ S3 60 Sodium.......................................... 97 77 Personal effects, when free............................ 386, 393 339,341,347 Of settlers........................................ 341 Of tourists................................... 339,340 Of travelers.......................................339, 340 Persulphate of sodium.................................. 94 (h) 74 (c) Peru, balsam......... 99 81 Petit grain citronnier oil................................ 105 (a) 87 (a) Petrolatum (vaseline).................................. 23 (c) Petroleum: Crude....................................... 8 22 Rules for classification, of................. Class II, Group 2 Refined................................. 9 23 Engines.......................................... 243 194 Ether, chemically pure............................ 97 77 M otors............................................ 243 194 Pewter. (See Zinc and alloys.) Pharmaceutical products not otherwise provided for.... 99 81 Defined.................................... Sec. 8 Pharmaccepia or national formulary......._........ Sec. 8 Pharmacy, substances employed in..................... Class IV Philippine products, reimported......................... 350 Philosophical and scientific apparatus, when free....... 390 349 Phonodoscope................................... 365 303 Phonographs and graphophones, and detached parts for.. 254 186 Phosphate of: Iron (scales)...................................... 99 81 Lim e............................................. 94 (d) 74 (a) Sodium, granulated........................... 97 77 Phosphide of zinc..................................... 99 81 Phosphoratum: O il............................................... 99 81 Zinc............................................... 99 81 Phosphoric acid....................................... 91 (c) 70 (c) Phosphorus........................................... 90 (b) 69 Phosphorous oil....................................... 99 81 Photo-engravings.................................... 182 151,155, 326 Photographic: Albums, of paper................................ 190 (d) 151, 155 Apparatus and equipment......................... 302 Cameras........................................ 358, 359,360 302 Card mounts................................... 190 150, 151 Chemicals — Bromide of potassium......................... 97 77 Chloride ofGold........................... 96 78 Silver................................... 96 78 Euquinone............................ 97 77 Hydroquinone.................-..... — 97 77 Hyposulphate of soda.. —................. 94 (e) 74 (c) Iodide of potassium.......................... 97 77 M etol..........................:........... 97 77 Nitrate of silver.............................. 94 (h) 74 (c) Potassium chlorplatinite..................... 97 77 Protargol..................................... 97 77 Sulphite of soda.............................. 94 (h) 74 (c) 128 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Photographic-Continued. Par. Dry plates....................................... 362 Films.......................................... 362 Flashlight powders, magnesium.................... 73 (f) Lenses........................................... 361,362 Negatives................................. 362 Papers...................................... 187 Pictures.......................................... 182 Plate holders................................... 362 Tripods.........................................:362 Photographs of actual persons......................... 380 Other........................................... 182 Pianolas -......................-................ --- Pianos and stools for...............-.................. 235 IHousehold effects, when free.................. 393 Pickaxes...-.-...... --- -—.................. 46 Picks......................................... —. 46 Picrotoxin........................................... 99 Picture-projecting devices, parts, appurtenances, and accessories for..................................... Pictures: When free........-..................-........ --- 393 Obscene or indecent (prohibited).... —....-......- Sec. 6 Of actual persons.........-................ ---.- 380 Works of art..................................... 380 Other..........1........................ 182 Pigeons..................................21... 212, 268 Clay, for targets.................. ---......... —... 19 Pig iron..........-......'-.......-........-......-.- 30 Pigm ents............................................. Pigs, sucking.......................................... 210 Pile fabrics. (According to material.) Admixture of materials in........................... Pillow shams. (According to material.) Pills: Chinese............. 98 Medicinal (except quinine)..-...............-..... 98 Q uinine........................................... 384 Pilocarpine........................................... 96 Pimental oil........................................... 99 Pini oil.............................. —.... --- — --....... 105 (a) Pins: Of comnmon metals............5......... 52, 68 (c) Other. (According to material.) Pipe organs for churches and societies.................. 195, 196, 197 Other —........................................... Piperin.......................-....... —...- -- 99 Pipes: Aluminum....................-...-............ — 71 (b) Bowls for opium (prohibited)....................... 23 Cast-iron...................................... 31 (a) Cl(ay................. 17 (c), (d) Copper....................-.... --- —... 67 Fittings forOf cast iron................................ 31 (c), 32, 33 Of copper.................................. 69 (a), (b), (c) Of wrought iron.................................. 58, 59 Lead............................................. 73 (b) Nickel...-....................-...-....-..-.-. 71 (b) Stove.............................................. 36 (c) Tin........................ 72 (b) Wooden receptacles for liquors..................... 363 Wrought iron and steel............. *.............. 39 (a), (b) Zinc............................................... 73 (b) Pipes, opium, prohibited.......................... Piques................................................ 122, 166 Pistils, artificial flowers................................ 350 Pistols, and parts for................................... 55 (c) 1909. Par. 302 302 54 (b) 302 302 150, 151 151, 155, 326 302 302 302 151,155 1.85 185 341.347 194 194 81 186 326, 337, 344 Sec. 6 326 326,337,344 155 175, 204 1 (c) 309 Class IV 173 Ruile 6, Sec. 5 80 8(0, 81 322 78 81 87 (a) 278 331 185 81 52 (a) Sec. 6 28 (a) 9 48 28 (b), 29 50 47 54 (a) 52 (a) 31 (b) 53 (a) 161 (a) 35 54 (a) Sec. 6 (h) 103 292 45 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 129 Pitch: Burgundy...........-..................... Felt, covered with, for roofing....................... M ineral.......................................... Paper, covered with, for roofing.................... Vegetable.................................. Pitchers, glass..................................... Pith, vegetable........................... Planes......... Planing machinery..................................... Planters, corn................................. Plants, live........................... Plaster of Paris............................. Plasters, medicated............................... Plate glass................................. Plate holders and frames for cameras.................... Plates: Cast iron......................................... Photographic, dry................................. Steel, fish........................................ Wrought iron................................ Platinum: In broken-up jewelry or table services, bars, sheets, dust, and scraps................................ Chloride.............................. Jewelry...................................... Other manufactures of........................... Playing cards, marked (prohibited).................... Other............................................ Pliers.... Plows................................ Plumbagow s................................................ Plumbago.... — -......-..................... Plumbers' knives..................................... Plum pudding....................................... Plushes. (According to material.) Admixtures of materials in........................ Pneumatic: Pum ps........................................... Tires forAutomobiles........................ Bicycles..................................... Pocketbooks. (According to material.) Pocket cutlery............................. Podophyllom....................................... Pod peppers, dried: Ground.......................................... W hole.......................................... Poker chips. (According to material.) Police, messenger, and fire-alarm apparatus, electric..... Polish, shoe...................-.................... Poligalae........................................ Polo mallets.......................................... Pom ades............................................. Pongee silk........................................... Pool: Balls............................................. Tables, parts, and appurtenances for............... Poppy heads, dried................................... Porcelain wares...................................... Buttons........................................... Insulators............................... Pork: Canned or potted......................... Fresh........................................... Salted or in brine................................. Smoked or cured................................. 80972-H. Doc. 14, 61-1 — -9 1905. Par. 77 (a) 348 348 77 (a) 13 366 46 257 (b) 245 367 3 (a) 99 14 362 31 (a) 362 38 (a) 42 372 96 27 27 Sec. 6 353 46 245 89 54 (a) 325 257 352 (d) 252 54 (b) 99 248 89 99 105 (b) 174 81 21,22, 23 345 (a) 248 315,316 376 269 270 1909. Par. 56 (a) 286 22 149 56 (a) 16 169 (a) 194 194 194 308 6 (b), (c) 81 18 (c) 302 28 (a) 302 33 (a) 31 (a) 318 78 25 (a 25 (d) Sec. 6 296 194 194 67 44 (a) 224 Rule 6, Sec. 5 194 198 199 44 (b) 81 252 (b) 252 (a) 193 (a) 67 81 297 87 (b) 147 166 166 57 11 283 (b) 193 (a 209 205 206 207 130 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Porous plaster................................... 99 81 Portable engines...................................... 245, 246 194 Portieres. (According to material.) Portland cement....................................... 3 a)6 (a) Postage stamps........................................ 183 a)329 Postal cards, pictorial..................... 179 151 (b), 155 Posters, advertising, when.free....................... 381 327 Potash (caustic alkalies)......................... 93 75 Salts of. (See Potassium.) Potassium: Acetate................................... 95 (b) 72 Bicarbonate of.............................. 94 (h 74 (c) Bichromate of..................................... 94 (h 74 (c) Bitartrate cream of tartar).......................... 97 76 Bromide of............................... 97 77 Carbonate of.................................... 9(h) 74 (c) Chlorate of................................... 94 (f) 74 c) Chloride of -............... 94 (c) 74 a) Chlorplatinite.................................... 97 77 Citrate of............................... 95 (b) 75 Cyanide of............................... 97 77 Ferrocyanide............................ 97 77 Glycerophosphate of.......................... 99 81 Hydroxide of................................ 93 72 Hypophosphate of............................... 99 81 Iodide of......................................... 97 77 Nitrate of...................................... 94 (d 74 (a) Nitrite of......................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Oxalate of............................... 95 (a 75 Oxides of........................................ 93 72 Permanganate of.............................. 97 77 Prussiate......................................... 97 77 Sulphate of................................94 (e) 74 (a Sulphite of h..................................... 94(h) 74 (c Sulphuret............................. 94 h) 74 c) Tartrate........................................... 95 (b) 75 Potatoes, Irish, free........................ 317 Pots, flower: Of common clay and earthenware, plain........... 19 (c) 11 (b) Ornamental, of faience, fine clay, porcelain, stoneware, or bisque....................... 23 11 (f) Other. (According to material.) Pottery (see Clay), faience, porcelain............. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 11 Pottery paper........................................ 187 150,151 Poultices........................................... 81 Poultry, live. —............................. 212 175 Other............................................. 268 204 Powder: Bronze.......................................... 69 (a) 50 Egg.......................272 Emery........................................... 3 (b) 6 (b), (c Flashlight........................................ 73 (f) 54 (b Gun and miners' (explosives)..................... 111 91 Prohibited.............................. Sec. 6 (a) Insect, vegetable (dalmatian)..................... 81 57 Insect, chemical................................. 97 77 M ilk............................................. 271 PuffsOf feathers............................... 231 (a) 291 (b) Of wool....................................... 166 143 Sachet......................................... 105 (b) 87 (b) Sienna in..................................... 83 60 Talcum, natural................................... 3 6 (b)6 (c For toilet purposes............................ 105 (b) 87 (b Thoriae in............. -............ 9981 For toilet use..............1 (-............ 105 (b87(b Tooth............................................ 105 (b 87 (b) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 131 Powders: Baking......................................... ExplosiveFor m ining........................... Other......................................... Seidlitz.......................................... Soap............................................ Pozzuolano earth..................................... Precious stones: Cut, or uncut, unset.............................. Imitations of.................................. Precipitated chalk..................................... Preservers, life, free................................... Presses, printing, all kinds...................... Primers for firearms.................................... Printed: Blank books.................................... Matter for advertising, when free.................. Music, or lithographed sheet..................... Other printed matter............................. Printing: Ink............................................. Paper.......................................... Presses........-....................... Prisms, of glass, for paving........................ Prizes, when free.................................. Products, domestic, imported........................ Products, edible, not otherwise provided for: Crude....................................... Other...................................... Prohibited importations.......................... Projecting devices, parts and appurtenances therefor, for enlarging pictures........................... Proof liter for tariff purposes, defined................ Propellers for vessels....................... Propylamine.................................... Proprietary defined................................ Proprietary medicines............................ Protalgol...................................... Pruning knives and shears.......................... Prussiate of potassium............................... Publications, magazines, and periodicals: Free............................................. Offensive to morality.......................... O ther............................................ Public documents, issued by foreign governments, free.. Puddings........................................... Pulleys: Differential.......................................Fine wood......................................... Ordinary wood.................................... Steel, plain....................................... Pulp: Fruit............................................. Paper.....................................-.... Pulp board, strawboard, pasteboard, and cardboard..... 'l! Manufactures of...................... -.......... Pulp or fiber, indurated......................-....... Pulse: DriedIn bulk...................................... In retail packages........................... Flour.......................................... Pulsometers (a kind of pump).......................... Pumice........................................ Pumpkin fiber (loofah sponges)......................... Pumpkins. (See Vegetables.) 1905. Par. 97 111 (a) 111(b) 99 104 3 (b) 24, 379 26 3 (a) 257 (b) 346 181 (a) 381 180 (a) 180 85 (a) 177 257 (b) Sec. 18 Sec. 6 254 257 99 99 97 54 (c) 97 382 Sec. 6 (2) 325 245 196 195 58 313 176 287 (a 287 (b 287 (c 257 (b) 3 b) 365 1909. Par. 77 91 (a) 91 (b) 81 86 6 (b), (c) 13 14 6 (c) 310 194 91 (b) 153 327 151.154 64 (a) 149 194 18 (a) 330 350 276 (a) 276 (b) Sec. 6 186 Class XIII, Group 6 310 81 Sec 8. 80 77 44 (a) 77 328 Sec. 6 151, 154 329 224 194 163 162 47 237 315 150, 151 150 (b), 151 (b) 156 229 (a) 229 (b 229 (c 194 6 (b), (c) 285 132 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Pumps.............................................. Intended for salvage of vessels, imported temporarily. Punk paper.......................................... Pure Food Law, articles violating the provisions of, prohibited............................................. Push buttons, electric.................................. Putty...... -....................................... Putz pomade............................................ Pyram idon............................................. Pyridin........................................ Quadrants....................................... Quarterolas....................................... Queensware (see Stoneware)............................ Quill toothpicks....................... Quina ferruginated.................................... Quinidine sulphate.................................. Quinine bark, sulphate and bisulphate of............. Rabbits' feet, mounted in brushes..................... Rackets, tennis.................................... Radiometers........................................ Rahi (Indian spice)........................... Rails, wrought iron................................... Bent or bolted in crossings, etc. (see note)........ Railway: Axles, wrought iron or steel...................... Carriers, public or common......................... Other.............................. Chairs, wrought iron or steel................. Fish plates, wrought iron or steel.................... Frog switches (see note)....................... Locomotives..................................... Lubricating boxes, cast iron....................... Wrought iron or steel..................... Rails, wrought iron or steel......................... Sleepers, wrought iron or steel...................... Springs........................................ Switches (see note)....................... Tenders, for locomotives................... Turntables........................................ Wheels, wrought iron or steelWeighing more than 100 kilos................ Weighing 100 kilos or less................. Raisins, dried: In bulk......................................... In retail packages............................. Rakes................................................ Ramie............................................. Raw or hackled................................... Rope or cordage..................... Textiles........................................... — Thread, twine, cord, and yarn.............. R asps................................................ Rat poison........................................... Ratchet braces........................................ Rates of duty: Establishment of....................... Two or more applicable, how assessed............. Rattan.......................................... Rattles, baby (toys)........................... Rawhide, manufactures of............................ Razor: Hones........................................... Strops of leather.............................. Razors.................................. Safety........................................ Reading glasses....................................... 1905. Par. 257 396 187 248 84 (b) 97 99 99 365 363 342 (b) 99 384 384 365 296 35 (a) 35 (a) 38 (a) 262 38 (a) 38 (a) 42 246 31 (b) 38 (a) 35 (a) 38 (a) 38 (a) 42 246 247 38 (a) 38 (b) 286 285 46 138 146 Class 144 46 97 46 1909. Par. 194 346 150 Sec. 6 (e) 193 (a) 61 (b) 77 81 81 303 161 (a) 11 281 (b) 81 322 322 290 297 303 255 (b) 30 (a), (b) 30 (a), (b) 33 (a) 200 (a) 200 (b) 30 (a),)b) 30 (a), (b) 30 (a) 194 28 (b) 33 (a) 30 (a) 30 (a), (b) 33 (a) 30 (a) 194 194 33 (a) 33 (b) 235 (a) 235 (b) 194 Class VI 313 120 VI, Group 2 119,120 194 77 194 Sec. 11 Rule 12, Sec. 5 169 353 278 181 (b) 1 (d) 229 54 (b) 54 (b) 16 (c) 3 182 44 (b) 44 (b) 20 (e) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 133 1905. Par. 16 (c) 245 Reading-glass lenses............................ Reapers, agricultural machinery........................ Receptacles. (Rule 13.) Bottles, glass.......................-....... - Stone or earthenware........................ Barrels and casks.................................. Flour sacks. (According to material.) Gunny sacks..................................... Reexportation of............................ Of imported merchandise........................ Of whatever material, for personal effects........... Suitable for use as containers of liquids............. Other............................................. Trunks, satchels, hand bags, valises, traveling boxes, and similar receptacles in use as containers of personal effects of travelers.......................... The same, as merchandise.................... Recini oil (castor)........................................ Record paper................................... Records, for phonographs.....................-.... Red cedar, oil of.................................. Red lead: D ry............................................ In liquid or paste............................... Red rice (rice saturated with aniline dye)............... Red sandalwood, for dyeing............. Reeds: Fans, with mountings of......................... In natural state......................... Walking sticks, cut in straight lengths for....-...... Manufactured into articles.......................... Reexportation of receptacles and containers............. Refrigerating machinery........-................. Registers and detached parts for........................ Cash..................................... Fare..................... ----............ --- - Regulating sockets, electrical.......................... Regulations ahd rules.................................. Regulus, copper..................................... Reimportation of domestic products............... Of foreign articles dutiable......-......... Renaline.... —............ — -—. --- --. —. --- —.- -.. — Repairs: Articles imported for, when free.................... Cost of, on articles of easy identification.............. To Philippine vessels made abroad.................. To Philippine vessels, made abroad, when free.. -. Repeal of acts, orders, and regulations inconsistent with this act................. --—...... —.-... ----.... Repertory and index. This repertory is not a part of the tariff law and should not be construed to alter or change the same in any way..............................Reptiles, dried, for medicine.........-............... — Live......... --..-.-..-.. --- —---------—. --- —-- Residents of the Philippine Islands: Dying abroad, personal effects of, when free..... Returning from abroad, personal effects of, when free. Resin (colophony)......... ----......... ---... --- ——.. Resin, saponified........ —........... --- —----..... — Resins.............................................. Resonators, electrical......... —... ---- -—..... ----- Resorcin.........-.-....... ---- -. --- —----- —. --- -—. Retail packages, defined...................... --- — --- Reviews, public......... -... --- —.. —. —..-... --- —Revolvers and parts for............................... 1909. Par. 20 (e) 194 15 (a) 11 (b) 161 121, 355 Sec. 25 Rule 13, Sec. 5 288 161 (a) 161 (b) 386 100 (b) 179 254 105 (a) 84 (b) 87 (b) 86 (a) 338 203 343 204 245 255 255 257 (b) 248 Sec. 18 99 Sec. 21 82 77 (a) 104 77 248 99 339, 340, 341 288 83 150, 151 183 87 (a) 61 (a) 61 (b) 276 (b 66 (a) 277 169 (a) 169 (a) 169 (c) Sec. 25 194 189 189 188 193 Sec. 27 309 350 Sec. 11 81 354 307 203 351 Sec. 28 Sec. 26 59 174 343 347 56 (a) 86 56 193 81 Rule 13 (c), Sec. 5 328 45 328 (b) 55 (c) 134 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Par. Rhoestats........................................... 250 Rhodium oil......................................... 105 (a) Rhubarb root.......................................... 81 Ribbons: Admixtures of materials in........................ Of cotton...................................... 131 For cinches or saddle girths.................... 134 (a) Of linen, hemp, flax-........ 157 For cinches or saddle girths.................... 159 (a) Of mixed materials................................ Rule 6 Of silk................................. 174 For typewriters.......................... 253 O wool........................................... 166 Rice: Cooked.......................................... 282 H ullers........................................... 245 Flour........................................ 275 (c) Husked.......................... 276 (b) Unhusked................................. 276 (a) Machinery for preparing.................. 245 Papers for cigarettes.................... 188 Powder for toilet use............................... 105 (b) Red............................................. 87 (b) Threshers......................................... 245 Ridgings, iron........................................ 36 Riding boots.......................................... 226 Rifles and parts for................................... 55, 56 R ings, button........................................ Rivets: Copper......................................... 68 (a), (b) Iron and steel.................................... 47 Road-making machinery.............................. 245 Rochelle salts......................................... 97 Rock crushers......................................... 245 Rock sugar............................................ 289 (b) Rodinal.............................. 97 Roe, fish, canned..................................... 318 In bulk.......................................... Roller composition (composed of glue and gelatine, for printing press)....................................... 365 Roneos, parts of and accessories for...................... Roofing: Felt, tarred or covered with pitch, for......... Glass slabs, cones and prisms, for.................... 14 (a) Paints, bituminous................................. 85 (a) Paper, tarred or covered with pitch, for............. 348 Rubberoid and similar materials, for................. 348 Root beer............................................. 312 (c) Extract for making................................. 327 Root of: Angelica, alcanna, galangae, gentian, ipecacunha, iris, licorice, rhubarb, squilla, etc................. 81 Ginseng.......................................... 81 (a) Roots for dyeing or tanning............................. 86 Rope: Cotton............................................ 133 Flax, hemp, jute; and other vegetable fibers......... 146 Ropemakers' wares or vegetable fibers other than cotton.. 146 Rose flowers, dried.................................... 81 Rose geranium oil..................................... 105 (a) Rosmarina oil........................................ 105 (a) Rosemary: Leaves........................................... 81 Oil................-......... 105 (a) Rose oil.............................................. 105 (a) Rosettes, electrical.................................... 248 1909. Par. 193 (a) 87 (a) 57 Rule 7, Sec. 5 113 116 131 134 Rule 7 148 188 143 221 194 218 (c) 218 (b) 218 (a) 194 152 87 (b) 276 (b) 194 31 (b) 180 45 278 50 39 194 77 194 240 (b), (c) 77 215 (c) 216 (b) 90 188 286 18 (a) 61 (b) 149 286 268 258 57 58 66 (a) 96 120 120 57 87 (a) 87 (a) 57 87 (a' 87 (a, 19' PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 135 1905. Par. Rotary pumps................................... 257 Rotten stone....................................... 3 (b Rouge, toilet preparation.............................. 105 (b Jewelers'........................................ 97 Roulette wheels (prohibited).................... Sec. 6 Rubber: Balls, for children (toys)........................ 253 Bands............................................. 352 (d) Belting for machinery......................... 352 (e) Boots and shoes................................. 352 (c) Buttons........................................... 345 (b) Combs........................................ 339 (a) Gaskets........................................... 352 (a) H ose.............................................. 352 (e) Hard rubber articles........................ 352 (b) Matting, corrugated................................ 352 (d) Packing for machinery....................... 352 (a) Raw or in lumps.......................... 77 (c) Sponges.......................................... Tires forAutomobiles.................................. 352 (d) Bicycles...................................... 252 Other vehicles..................................... Toys............................................. 353 W ashers........................................... 352 (a) Other manufactures of.............................. 352 (d) "Rubberoid," and similar materials for roofing and structural purposes...................................... 348 Rubian.............................................. 86 (b) Rue oil...................................... 105 (a) Rugs. (According to material.) Rules and regulations.............................. Rules, general......................................... Rum............................................... 308 (a) Rum and quinine hair tonic................. --- —.. 105 (b) Rushes: Manufactured..................................... 204 Unmanufactured................................... 203 Russet shoe polish:.................................... 89 Russian caviare..............-...-................ —.. 318 Rye: In flour........................................... 277 (b) In grain........................................... 277 (a) W hisky.......................................... 308 (a) Saccharine............................................ 326 Saccharum lactis....................................... 99 Sachet powder........................................ 105 (b) Sacks: Common (except gunny sacks), making up, surtax for. Containers of imported merchandise................. 391 Gunny...........1.......-...-.........-..-. 145 Other. (According to material.) Saddle: Blankets of wool................... ---...... —.... 166 GirthsOf cotton..................................... 134 Of linen, hemp, and other vegetable fibers...-... 159 Of wool....................................... 166 Saddlery.............................................. 228 Hardware (wrought iron or steel).................... 49 Saddlers' knives....................................... 54 (a) Saddles........................... —................... 228 (c) Safes: Of cast iron........................................ 32, 33 Of wrought iron or steel....................... 58, 59 Of wood..................-......... 195,196,197 1909. Par. 194 6 (b), (c 87 77 Sec. 6 (c) 296 293 (b) 196 180 (b) 283 (c 293 (c 293 (a) 294 293 (c) 293 (b 293 (a 293 (a 293 (b 198 199 293 (b) 297 293 (a) 293 (b), (c) 286 66 87 (a) Sec. 27 Sec. 5 263 87 (b) 169 (c) 169 (a) 67 215 (c) 219 (b) 219 (a) 263 243 81 87 (b) Rule 11, sec. 5 355 121 143 115 133 143 181 (b) 27 (b), 4b 44 (a) 181 (b) 29 47 162,163, 164 136 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Safety: I Pins — Of common metals............................. 5' Other. (According to material.) Razors......................... Saffron................................................ Sage: G round.............................................. Leaves...................-................... Sago.......................................... Sake, Japanese wine............................. Salacetol.............................................. Salad oil.......................................... Salamander (asbestos).......................... Saleratus............................................ Salicin..................... --- —---- —.-.... Salicylate: Of cerium........................................ Of bismuth.......-........ —........... ---.Of soda, sirup of.............................. Saline effervescent..................................... Sallis water, hair dye........................ Salm om eters.......................................... Salmon: Fresh................................... Salted, smoked or pickled, in bulk.............. Canned or potted......................-.... — Salofeno............................................. Salol....................-.............. --- —Salophen................................... --- —.Sal soda....... --- —.....-........ ----.. —.. --- —....Salt: Carlsbad. —... --- —-----—.... ---..... Common, ground, "sodium chloride"........ Fruit-.... --- —-..... --- —. ----... ----.... -. --- Glaubers'.......-.. ---..... --- —... --- —-.. --- —Sorrel.............. --- —---------—.... --- —Used for packing hams........................ 94 Water soap........-.......................... Wiesbaden.......-.............................. Salted: Eggs, in natural form.....-....................... FishCodfish.. -..... ---................ Sea blubber..............-............-..... Stockfish —..............................-.. ---Other.......-..-.. —..... ---..... — Meats -....-..-...... —.... —.. —.. —..... —. — --- Saltpeter...................... Salts: Of alkaloids, except opium -................ Of opium, alkaloids....................... Of cinchona............................ Inorganic.....-............... —.. ----. ----. Alum....................... --- —----- Bicarbonate of sodium........................ Borax..........-... ---.. —...... ----....-.. Carbonate of ammonium and magnesium....... Chloride of ammonium.m.................. Calcium carbide..................... Calcium hypochlorite.......................... Chlorate of potassium.......................... Chlorate of sodium............................ Chloride of lime............................. Chloride of potassium......................... Chloride of sodium...... —. —. —..... 94 Epsom salt (sulphate of magnesium)............. 1905. Par. 2, 68 (c) 54 (b) 296 (c) 1909. Par. 278 44 (b) 254 286 (b) 255 (b) 81 57 284 225 263, 264, 265, 266 99 81 304,305 83 3 (b) 4 97 77 99 81 99 81 99 81 99 81 99 81 97 87 (b) 303 274 (a) 216 (a) 274 (b) 216 (b) 317 (a) 215 (a) 99 81 99 81 99 81 94 (e) 74 (c) 99 81 94 (b) 74 (c) 99 81 94 (c) 74 (c) 95 (a) 75 (a), (b) 74 (c) 104 86 99 81 333 272 (a) 273 214 274 (b) 216 (b) 273 214 274 (b) 216 (b) 269 206 94 (d) 74 (c) 96 78 79 384 321 94 74 94 (c) 74 (c) 94 (g) 74 (c) 94 (e) 74 (c) 94 (e) 74 (c) 94 (e) 74 (c) 94 (e) 74 (c) 74 (b 94 (f) 74 (c 94 (f) 74 (C 94 (e) 74 (b) 94 (c) 74 (a) (a), (b) 74 (c 94 (c) 74 (c PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 137 Salts-Continued. Inorganic-Continued. Glauber salt................................... Hyposulphite of sodium..................... Nitrate of copper............................. Nitrate of potassium......................... Nitrate of sodium............................. Other, not specially provided for............... Oxide of copper............................... Phosphates of lime............................ Sal soda....................................... Sulphate of ammonium......................... Sulphate of copper.......................... Sulphate of potassium.......................... Sulphate of iron......................... Sulphate of magnesium........................ Sulphate of sodium..................... OrganicAcetates.................................... Citrates....................................... Oxalates....................................... Tartrates...................................... Rochelle.................................... Smelling (perfumed).......................... Salvage of vessels, pumps for............................ From vessels built in foreign countries........... Salve........................................... Samples: Commercial, in bond, free-......................... Of no appreciable value............................ Usual commercial................................. Sand................................................. Paper...................................... Sandal-wood oil..................................... Sandals............................................. Sandalwood.......................................... Chips............................................. Oil............................................... In capsules, for medical use.................... Sandarac, gum................................. Sanitary construction articles: Rates of duty on.................................. Of plain lead for.................................. Sanitas oil, disinfectant................................. Sanm etto........................................... Santal: Oil of,.................................. In capsules for medicinal use........................ W ood, red, for dyeing............................ Sapolio................................................ Saponified resin.............................. Sapo viridis.......-........................... --- —---- Sarongs, making up defined, surtax for............... Sarsaparilla: Beverage.................................... Drug........................................... R oot............................................ Sassafras............................................... Oil of................ Sardines............................ Satsuma ware................................ Buttons of....................................... Sauces, for table use................... -............... Sauerkraut: In retail packages.................... In bulk............................................ Saucers. (According to material.) 1905. Par. 94 (c) 94 (e) 94 (e) 94 (d) 94 (d) 94 (h) 94 (e) 94 (d) 94 (e) 94 (d) 94 (e) 94 (e) 94 (c) 94 (c) 94 (c) 95 (a) 95 (b) 95 (a) 95 (b) 97 105 (b) 396 99 370 (a) 370 3 (b) 185 99 227 81 99 78 97 99 99 86 (a) 104 104 104 312 (c) 99 81 81 105 (a) 317 23 345 (a) 328 320 321 (b) 1909. Par. 74 (c 74 74 ( 74 (a 74 (a 74 (c) 77 74 a) 74 (a 74 ( 74 (c 74 (a 74 (c 74 (c) 74 ( 75 75 75 75 77 87 (b) 346 Rule 12, sec. 5 81 335 317 335 6 (b), (c) 149 87 (a) 180 57, 158 57 87 (a) 81 56 (b) Sec. 11 54 (a) 77 81 87 (a) 81 66 (a) 86 86 86 Rule 1l, sec. 5 268 81 57 57 87 (a) 215 (a), (c) 11 (f) 283 (b) 256 232 (b) 232 (a) 138 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Par. Sausage casings................................ Sausages............................................. 270, 315, 316 Savon................................................ 104 Sawdust (common)................................ 366 Sawmill machinery and detached parts for.............. 245 Saws.............................................. 46, 245, 257 (b) Scales: Copper (laminae).................................. 60 For weighing, and detached parts for............... 242 Schists............................................... 7 Crude oils derived from............................ 8 Refined illuminating oils derived from............. 9 Refined oils, other, derived from.................... 10 School: Books (text)....................................... 382 (b) Slates............................ 2 (e) Scientific: Books, apparatus, utensils, and instruments specially imported in good faith, for use and by the order of any society established solely for scientific purposes............................................ 390 (a) Apparatus and appliances not otherwise provided for............................................. Scissors: Plain, glazed, or japanned........... 54 (a) Pocket........................................... 54 (b) Surgical........................................... 54 (e) Other............................................. 54 (d) Scopolamine.......................................... 96 Scorioe, resulting from smelting of ores.................. 75 Scouring compositions................................. 104 Scraps: Brass, copper, iron, lead, tin, and zinc............... Gold, silver, and platinum......................... 372 Of other metals.................................... 74 Screens. (According to material.) Screw drivers......................................... 46 Screws: Bench............................................. 46 Copper and brass................................: 68 (a), (b) Hand.............................................. 46 Jack, hoisting apparatus............................ 245 Wrought iron or steel.............................. 47 Sculptures, when free................................. Of marble, jasper, onyx, etc......................... 1 (c) Of artificial or common stone....................... 2 (e) Of clay, faience, porcelain.......................... 23 Of gypsum........................................ 4 (a) Scythes.......................................... 46 Sea blubber, salted.............................. 274 (b) Seaweed, dried, edible................................. 288 Crude............................................ Advanced in condition............................ Sealing wax........................................... 97 Seal presses of cast iron................................. 33 Sedlitz: Granules and powders.............................. 99 Mixture.......................................... 99 Seed pearls.................................. 25 Seeds: Anise................................. 81 Aromatic and also of morbid growth................ 81 Artificial.......................................... 350 Canary............................................ 302 Celery............................................. 296 (a) 1909. Par. 206 207,210 86 159 194 194 309 192 ClassII,Group2 22 23 (a) 23 (b), (c), (d 328 2 (c) 349 303 44 (a) 44 (b) 196 44 (b) 78 309 86 309 318 309 194 194 50 194 194 41 336,337,344 1 (c) 2 (c) 11 (f) 7 194 216 (b) 276 276 (a) 276 (b) 77 29 81 81 13 57 57 292 227 255 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 139 Seeds-Continued. Coriander and caraway.......................... Cotton................................... Ground, for culinary purposes (spices).............. Flaxseed.......................................... Flower....-............................... Garden and grass.................................. Linseed........................................... Medicinal......................................... Mustard........................................... Not otherwise provided for..................... Oleaginous....................................... Paeonia........................................... Sesam e............................................ Strophantus............... Seines. (See Nets.) Semi-precious stones................... Senar blacking.................................... Senegal gum.......................................... Senna leaves......................................... Sensen: Breath perfumery.............................. Chewing gum..................................... Sensitized paper..................................... Separators, grain....................................... Serpentine paper and confetti.......................... Serums and vaccines................................. Sesame seed....................................... Oil of.............................. Sets, croquet......................................... Settlers, personal and household effects of, when free.... Sevres wares, not otherwise provided for.............. Sewing: Machine needles................................. Machines and detached parts (except needles)....... Needles.......................................... ThreadCotton............................. Hemp, jute, and other vegetable fibers........ Silk........................................... Sextants..........-.................... --- ——. ------ Shafts, wooden, for vehicles........................... Sharks' fins........................................... Shaving soap......................................Shavings of iron and common metals................... Shawl straps of whatever material....................... Shawls. (According to material.) Shawls (mantones and panolones), making-up defined, surtax for........................................... Shears: Garden, grass, hedge, and pruning.................. Plain, glazed, or japanned.......................... Sheep.....................-.............. Other............................................. Sheath knives..................... --- —-............ Sheep......................................... Shears............................................. Skins(Basils) curried................................ Known to the trade as chamois skin........... Skin shoes......................................... Shell, tortoise, and mother-of-pearl: Unwrought.................................... Wrought............................ ---.Other, export duties on......................... Shellac................................................ 1905. Par. 81 76 296 (b) 76 302 302 75 81 300 302 76 81 76 81 26 89 78 81 105 (b) 332 187 (b) 245 187 76 100 (b) 51 251 51 116 144 170, 172 365 266 274 (b) 104 74 229 54 (c) 54 a) 54 (c) 54 (d) 211 54 (c) 217 (a) 219 221 341 339 (b) 78 1909. Par. 57 255 (b 55 (a) 227 227 55 (a) 57 253 (a) 227 55 (a) 57 55 (a) 57 13 67 56 (b) 57 87 (b) 244 151 194 150 (b) 324 55 (a) 83 297 341 11 (f) 278 190 278 95 120 146 303 202 215 (c) 86 309 288 Rule 11, Sec. 5 44 (a) 44 (a) 44 (a) 44 (b), 194 44 (b) 174 44 (a) 178 (a) 178 (c) 180 (a) 280 (a) 280(b) 363 56 (b) 140 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Shellfish: Par. Par. Canned or potted.................................. 317,318 215 (b) Fresh oysters, in cans.......................... 275 217 Other............................................. 275 217 Shells, oyster, crude............................... 366 284 (a) Crude, polished or not.............................. 284 (a) Export duties on................................... 363 Further advanced in condition...................... 284 (b) Further advanced in condition.................... 285 (b) Shikimi oil.......................................... 105 (a) 87 (a) Shingles, laths, and fencing, common wood.............. 192 (a) 157 (b) Ship augers................. 46 194 Shipping tags....................................... 190 (a), (d) 150, 151 Ships' logs (instruments)......................... 257 (a) 303 Shirts. (According to material.) Shoe:: Dressing...................... 89 67 eyelets of brass for.................. 69 (b) 50 Findings................................. 178 Laces. (According to material.) Polish............................................ 89 67 Shoemakers': Heelball............................... 103 85 (c) Knives.......... -............................... 54 (a) 44 (a) Shoes: Blanco for -......-........................... 89 67 Eyelets, or eyelet rings for, of brass................. 69 (a), (b) 50 Of calfskin................................... 223 180 (b) Of canvas................................ 221 180 (a) Of cowhide.........-........................ 221 180 (a) Of goatskin, and lambskin........................ 223 180 (b) Of kidskin....................................... 223 180 (b) Of patent leather or imitation patent leather....... 222 180 (b) Of rubber.................................. 352 (c) 180 (b) Of sheepskin....................................... 221 180 (a) Of varnished canvas, imitating patent leather....... 222 180 (b) Other, not otherwise provided for.................... 225 (a) 180 (b) Polish or dressings for............................ 89 67 Riding boots................................ 226 180 Silk................................... 180 (c) Whiting for (blanco)............... 89 67 W ooden.................................. 227 (b) 180 (b) Shooks, staves, headings, hoops, and bungs, wood....... 194 (b) 160 Shoots, plants, trees, and moss, live..................... 367 308 Shot and bullets of lead................................. 54 (b) Shotguns and parts for........................ 56 45 Cartridges for....-............................ 346 91 (b) Shovels................................................ 46 194 Wooden handles for.............................. 194 (e) 194 Show cases. (According to material.) Shredded: Cocoanut.................................... 331,365 239 W heat............................................ 282 221 Side arms: (Not fire) and detached parts for.................... 54 (b) 44 (b) Pistols and revolvers, and detached parts for........ 55 (c) 45 Sienna, earth: D ry........................................... 83 60 In liquid or paste......................... 84 (d) 61 (d Sieves. (According to material.) Signals, explosive..................................... 91 (a) Signs: Advertising, when free........................... 327 Other. (According to material.) Sight-testing, appliances for...................... 303 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 141 1905. Silk: Par. Cocoons and eggs of silkworm... —................ 167,168 Floss.............................. 171 K nitted.......................................... 173 Ligatures for surgical use....................... 99 Manufactures of.................................... 196-175 Oiled (in the piece)....................... 174 Spun, not twisted................................ 169 Strings for musical instruments................. 174 Textiles (in the piece)..-..-.........-......- 174 Trimmings and lace...............-................ 174 Thread, twisted................................. 170 W aste............................................. Worm eggs.......... 167 Yarns...................................... 169-172 Silver: Baby rattles......... -..................... 28 (d) Chloride of......................................... 96 Coins of national issues........................... Combs...-........................... 28 (a), (d) Cups, as prizes or trophies.....-..-............. 28 (a) Foil and pellets for dentists........................ 28 (d) German (usually copper alloy). (See Copper.) Hair brushes..........-................. 28 (d) Ingots, broken-up jewelry, or table service, bars, pieces, dust, and scraps-.................... 372 Inkstands......................................... 28 (d) Jewelry, plate and toilet articles, not otherwise provided for -.... ---.............................. 28 (a) Set with pearls or precious stones............... 28 (b) Set with imitation pearls or precious stones..... 28 (c) Leaf......................-..-.............. 28 (d) Letter cases......-............................... 28 (d) Medals............................-............ 28 Mirrors....................-.................. 28 (d) Nitrate, crystals.................................. 97 For cauterizing................................ 99 Ore.......................... 369 Pellets and foil, for dentists....................... Plate............................................ 28 (a) PlatedJewelry......................... 29 (a) Lamps, picture frames, knives, forks, and spoons, carriage, and coffin fittings, saddlery hardwareOther wares.................................. Strings for musical instruments.................. Solder................................... 28 d) Thread........................................... 28 d) W ire............................................. 28 (d) Other articles.................................... 28 d) Sinapis oil, volatile................................... 99 Singing birds.................................. 212 Siphons, ordinary glass, for aerated waters.............. 12 (b) Sirup: Flavoring........................................ M aple....................................... M edicinal...................................... 99 Of fruits -......................................... 313 Sugar............................................ 337 Skiffs................................................ 267 Skins, hides, and leathers: Bronzed or gilt.................................... 219 Chamois leather, parchment, and vellum-........... 219 Curried........................................... 217 Sheepskins (basils)........................... 217 (a Calf, goat, kid or lamb.......................... 217 (b Cow........................................ 217 (d 1909. Per. 332 146,!48: 82; 148, (Ila~^, VIII X47 145, 185, 147 148; 146; 144: 332: 146; 26 (d> 78 320 26 (a), (d) 330! 26 (d) 26 (d) 318 26 (d) 26 (a) 26 (b) 26 (c) 26 (d) 26 (d) 26, 330 19. 77 81 309 26 (d) 26 (a) 27 (a) 27 (b) 27 (c) 185 26 (d 26 d) 26 d) 26 d 87 (a) 175 15 (b) 258 241 81 258 241 203 178 (c) 178 (c) 178 178 (a) 178 (b) 178 (a) 142 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Skins, hides, and leathers-Continued. 1905. 1909. Enameled, gilt, bronzed, bleached, figured, engraved Par. Par. or embossed (fur skins).......................... 178 (c) Green, raw or dry.................................. 214 176 Pelts (fur skins)..................................... 213 177 Tanned, with the hair on........................... 215 177 Tanned without the hair............................ 216 178 Slate: Pencils.......................................... 2 (e) 2 (c) In slabs, plates, or steps........................... 2 (c) 2 (b) Wrought into other articles....................2 (e)2 Unwrought.................................... 2 (a) a) Slates, imitation (roofing)........................2 c(b) Slates, school........................................ e)2 (c) Sledge hammers....................................... 46 194 Sleepers or ties: Of cast iron........................................ 31 (a) 28 (a) Of ordinary wood...........192 a) 157 (a Of wrought iron or steel.................. -.... 38 (a) 30 (a),(b) Slides, glass, for magic lanterns......................... 254 186 Slippers: Of silk........................................... 225 180 (c) Other..................................... 227 180 (a), (b) Sloe gin............................................. 308 (c) 263 Slot machines: Automatic, for weighing and other purposes not prohibited, and detached parts for.................... 256 186,191 Gambling, prohibited............................. Sec. 6 Sec. 6 Small arms (fire), and detached parts for................. 55 45 Smoked: Fish.............................................. 174 (b) 216 (b) Meats............................................. 270 207 Smoothing irons of cast iron............................ 32, 33 29 Electric..........................................193 (b) Snap switches, electric....................248 193 (a) Snatch blocks, steel, plain..................... 58 47 Snuff (tobacco)....................................... 364 (b) 304 (b) Medicinal........................................81 Soap...................................... 104 86 Bark.............................................. 81 57 For dyeing (Maypole).............................. 87 (b) 66 (c) Powders........................................... 104 86 Salt water........................................ 104 86 Shaving..................................... 104 86 Soft.............................................. 104 86 Tooth............................................ 104 87 (b) Viridis............................................ 104 86 Sockets, electrical..................................... 248 193 Socks. (According to material.) Soda: Ash............................................. 94 (e)72 Biscuit...............................3...(...... 283223 Cooking.....(....................... 94 4 74(c) Sal soda......................................... 94 (e74 (c) Sirup salicylate................................. 99 81 W ashing.......................................... 94 (e) 74 (c) Sodium: Acetate........................................ 95 (a) 75 Arseniate.......................................... 99 81 Bicarbonate................................ 94 (g) 74 (c) Bisulphite...............................94 (h) 74 (c) Bromide........................................... 97 77 Carbonate (sal soda)............................... 94 (e) 74 c) Chlorate........................................... 94 (f) 74 c Chloride (common salt)............................ 94 74 c Citrate............................................ 95 (b)75 Glycerophosphate of......................99 81 Hyposulphite...................................... 94 (e) 74 (c) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 143 1905. 1909. Sodium-Continued. Par. Par. Nitrate..................................... 94 (d) 74 (a) Oxide and hydroxides............................. 93 72 Peroxide.......................................... 97 77 Persulphate.................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Phosphate........................ 94 (h) 74 (c) Salicylate................................. 99' 81 Sulphate...................................... 94 (c) 74 c) Sulphite................................... 94 (b) 74 c) Soft soap...................................... 104 86 Solanine............................................... 96 78 Solder: Gold, for dentists' use............................ 27 (d) 25 (d) Lead, in bars, etc................................. 73 (b) 54 (a Silver............................................. 28 (d) 26 (d Tin, in bars....................................... 72 (a) 53 (a) Zinc, etc., in bars............................... 73 (b) 54 (a) Solvent oils............................... 23 (b Somatose.............................................. 99 81 Soot............................................... 89 61 Sorrel salt (potassium oxalate).......................... 95 (a) 75 Sounds, fish..................................... 183 Soup: Canned......................................... 319 212 Condensed or concentrated, preparations of........... 213 Pastes for........................................... 284 225 Soy............................................ 328 256 Spades............................................ 46 194 Wooden handles for................................ 194 (e) 194 Sparkling wine................................. 309 264 Sparteine............................................ 96 78 Spearmint oil........................................... 99 87 (a) Specimens of mineralogy, botany, zoology, and ethnology, and small models for public museums, public schools, academies, and scientific and artistic societies.. 389 344 Spectacles of all kinds and glasses for the same.......... 16 (a) 20 (a) Speculums, surgical.................................... 54 (e 303 Spelter (solder), (copper brazing compound)............. 69 (a) 50 (a) Sperm oil............................................ 101(d), (e 84 Spermaceti.......................................... 101 (c), (e 84 Spices: Allspice and maceGround.................................. 297 (b) 250 (b Unground....................................... 297 (a) 250 (a Cinnamon and clovesGround.................................. 293 (b), 294 (b) 250 (b) Unground............................... 293 (a), 294 (a) 250 (a Indian Jiri, Hurbo, and Rahi...................... 296 255 NutmegsHusked...................................... 298(b) 251 (b Unhusked............................ 298 (a) 251 (a Ground..-.......2.........9........... 296(b) 251 (c Not otherwise provided forGround. ().......................................255 (b) Unground..................................... 296 (a 255 (a) Saffron............................................ 296 (c 254 Spigle Yohimbina..................................... 96 78 Spigots, copper..................................... 69 50 Spike oil............................................ 99 87 (a) Spirit levels.......................................... 46 194 Spirits: Compound......................................... 308 ( 263 Of turpentine...................................... 77 (b63 Splice bars, steel, fish plate............................ 38 (a) 33 (a) Sponges................................... 365 285 Rubber........................................ 352 (d) 294 (b) Hexactinellida... i..................... 285 Loofahs (pumpkin or vegetable fiber).............. 365 285 144 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Spools. (According to material.) Spoons. (According to material.) 1905. Springs: Par. For carriages and wagons, of wrought iron or steel.... 38 (b) For furniture, of wrought iron or steel..........45 For railways or tramways, or wrought iron or steel.. 38 (a) Spruce oil........................................... 99 Spun silk....................................... 169 Spuriously stamped or marked articles of gold or silver, or their alloys, prohibited.................. Spurs: Of copper................................. 69 (a), (b) Of wrought iron or steel........................... 49 (a), (b) Others. (According to material.) Squares: Carpenters'............................ 46 Of clay....................................... 17 (a), (b) Spuilla root.................................... 81 Stallions............................................. 1909. Par. 33 (b) 47 33 (a) 87 a) 145 Sec. 6 (d) 50 42 Stamp: M ills.............................................. Pads.................................... Stamped falsely, articles of gold or silver, prohibited -... Stamps, postage or revenue, canceled or not, of national issues.................................... Stands: For clocks......................................... Ink. (According to material.) Flower, of ceramic materials....................... Others. (According to material.) Staples: For fastening paper. (According to material.) Star aniseed oil........................................ Starch: Corn, for table use............................. For industrial purposes........................... Stationary engines............................. Statuetts: Of bisque, clay, faience, porcelain, stoneware, etc... Of crystal and glass imitating crystal............... Of gypsum................................... Other. (According to material.) Staves, headings, hoops, bungs, and shooks............ Stearic acid......................................... Stearin: In candles......................................... Unwrought................................... Wrought in other articles............................ Steel and wrought iron: Bolts............................................ Butchers' tools.................................... Buttons.......................................... Crucible, in bars, beams, and rods............ Cutlery.......................................... Frogs, railway switch..................... Ingots.................................... Mooring buoys..................................... Nuts............................................ R ivets............................................ Screws........................................... Sheets, rolled.......................... SpringsFor wagons and carriages........................ For railways and tramways.................. Other......................... Structural.................................... Tapes for measuring............................... 257 (b) 85 183 239 23 194 9 57 170, 333, 342, 348 194 188 Sec. 6 (d) 329 187 11 (f) 105 (a) 282 107 243 23 13 (a), (b) 4 (a) 194 (b) 92 (b) 101 (c) 103 47 46 345 (a) 35 (c) 54 42 34 42 47 47 47 36 (a)-(c) 38 (b) 38 (a) 45 41 46 87 (a) 221 89 194 11 (f) 20 (b), (c) 7 160 (b) 71 (b) 85 (b) 85 (a) 85 (c) 39 194 283 (b) 30 (d 44 30 (a), (b) 309 47 39 39 41 31 (a), (b) 33 (b) 33 (a) 47 34 194 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 145 1905. 199. Steel and wrought iron-Continued. Par. lar. Tools and implements.......................... 46 194, 196 W ashers............................... 47 39 Watch chains............................ 340 279 W indmills................................ 257 (b) 194 Wire: Strings for musical instruments................ 59.85 Brushes, rotary..................... 257 (b) 194 Y ards........................................... 242 192 Steingut (faience)................................ 20 (a), (b) 11 Steinzeug (stoneware)............................ 19 (a)-(d) 11 Stems of flowers in use as drugs..................... 81 57 Stencil ink....................................... 85 64 (b) Sheets...................................... 188 Stereotype paper................................ 187 150,151 Stethoscopes....................................... 54 (e) 303 Sticks: Golf............................................. 297 Joss............. —.................................. 105 (b) 87 (b) Sword....................................... 343 44 (c) For umbrellas and parasols..... 343 169 (a) 298 (d) Walking. (According to material.) of rattan or bamboo, cut into lengths for manufacturing purposes...................... Stock, paper, free..................................... Stockfish............................................. Stockholm tar........................................ Stockings, hose, and half hose. (According to material.) Stocks and dies.............................. Stones................................................. Artificial.......................................... Common, natural, or artificial...................... In the rough, unwrought...................... Crushed....................................... In millstones, grindstones, whetstones, oilstones, and hones................................... Slabs, plates, or steps................. Wrought into all other articles.............. Fine, such as marble, onyx, jasper, alabaster, and similar fine stonesIn the rough or squared only................... Slab, plates, or steps, polished or not......... Sculptures, high and bas-reliefs, vases, urns, and similar articles for house decoration.......... Wrought into other articles..................... O il........................................ Precious................. —................ Im itations of................................... Semi-precious.........-...... ---..... Stoneware, earthenware, faience, porcelain, and ceramic wares.......................................... Stools, piano............. —..... ----—.... --- — Stops, bench.............................. Storage batteries.................. ----. --- —-... ---Stovepipe............................................ Stoves: Of copper...................................... 69 Of cast iron.................................... Electric..................................... Of tin plate........................... — Of wrought iron or steel..................... Straps, shawl, or whatever material................... Straw: Caps of............ —..-................ —. ---..For forage.................................. S0972-H. Doe. 14, 61-1 ---10 273 77 (a) 46 2 2 2 (a) 2 (b) 2 (d 2 c 2 e) 1 69 (a) 315 214 )6 (a) 194 ('lass 1 2 2 (a) 2 (b) 3 2 (b) 2 (c) 1 (a) 1 (a) 1 (b) 1 (b) 1 (c) 1 (c) 1 (d) 1 (c) 1 3 24 13 26 14 13 Class I, (rollup 1 185 46 194 249 193 (a) 36 (c):1 (l) (a), (b) 50 32, 33 29 248 193 (b) 57 4(i(a.),(b) 59, 58 47 229 288 357 301 228 146 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Straw-Continued. 1905. Other — Par. Manufactured................................. 204 Unmanufactured.............................. 203 Hats, bonnets, and crowns of....................... 355 LPaper......................................... 178 Sandals.......................................... 227 (b) Not otherwise provided for...................... Strawboard........................................... Manufactures of.................................... Stra ws (so-called) of paper........................... 190 (d) Strings: For musical instruments............ 29 (b), 59, 69 (b), 174, 233 For violin bows, of horsehair, prepared............ 164 tlat, manufactured of silk.......................... 174 Strontium: Lactate............................................ 99 Iodide................................ 99 N itrate........................................... 94 (h) Strophantus seeds..............8.............. 81 Struct ural wrolught iron or steel........................ 41 Strychninne, and its salts............................... 96 Stuc(owork of gypsum............... 4 (a) Stuffed birds and animals.............................. 232 Styl'raphic pens.............. 352 (b) Styptic pencils............................ 99 Styptici n............................... — - - - - 96 Styrax, a vegetable juice -.-. —... -...-... ---.-... —.. 78 Submarine telegraph cables................. 395 Substances not otherwise provided for............... Succory root ((Chicory)............................... 292 Succini oil -.... ---....... — --------. —... -..... -99 Sugar: Burnt for coloring. 8......................... 85 Export duties on....................... 401 (f lead......-.... -..................... 95 (a) Machinery for making.............................. 245 ()f milk.............. ---..... --- - - -..... --- -. 99 Mlills........................................... 245 Raw..................-..................... 289 (a) Refined -..............-..-..-.......... 289 (b) Sirups............ —.. —..-...........-. Sulphates: Of alkaloids....................................... 96 Of ammonium.............................. 94 (d) Of copper........................ 94 (e) Of copper, for cauterizing.......................... 99 (f iron............................... 94 (c) Of magnesium........................... 94 (c) ()f potassium.................................... 94 (e) Of quinine.................................... 384 Of sodium................................ 94 (c) Sulphide: Of antimony....................................... 94 (h) (f potassium.......................... 94 (h) Sulphite: (f sodium................................ 94 (h) Of zinc -......................................... 94 (h) Sulphocyanide of ammonium...................... 97 Sulphonal.......................9.................. 99 Sulphur..................................... 90 (a) Sulphur dioxide.......................... Sulphuret of potash............................... 97 Sulphuric: Acid..................................... 91 (a) Anhydride................................. 97 EtherCommercial................................. 97 Anesthetic.................... 99 1909. Par. 169 (c) 169 (a) 299 150, 151 180 (b) 228 150, 151 150 (b), 151 (b) 151 (b) 185 185 148 81 81 73 (c) 57 34 78 7 289, 290, 344 295 81 78 56 (b) 323 306 246 87 (a) 61 (c), (d) 357 75 194 (a) 81 194 240 (a) 240 (b) 241 78 74 (a) 74 (c) 81 74 (c) 74 (c) 74 (a) 322 74 (c) 74 (c) 74 (c) 74 (c) 74 (c) 77 81 68 70 (b) 77 70 (a) 77 77 81 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 147 1905. 1909. Par.ar. Par. Sulphurous acid..................................... 91 (c) 70 (c) Superphosphate of lime......................... 94 (d) 74 (a) Supplies for the United States Government and insular government....-................. -.. 385 338 Supplies, consular................................... 345 Surface-coated paper...-................-.....-.. 187 151 Surgical: Dressings, aseptic and antiseptic................... 99 82 Instruments, when free.......-.............. 341, 347 Of all materials................. -.....-...... 54 (e) 196 Appliances and apparatus not otherwise provided for. 303 Surtaxes -.......-... —....-.... ---............. ---.. Rules 8-12 Rules 2-11 For admixture of materials-............. Rules 3-11 For bleaching, corresponding provisions of -....... Class VI For broch(ing...................... Rule 8 For dyed yarns, corresponding provisions. ---...- Classes V, VI For embroidering -................. Rule 9 For making up...-......-...- -... -—...- Rule 11 For metallic threads......-.................- Rule 10 For printing, corresponding provisions (.......... Classes V, VI For stamping, correspondinCa provisions......-.....( Classes V, VI lFor trimminnig -..... —.......r...p........ r. ---. Rule 9 Surveying instruments.....................-........ —.- 365 303 Suspenders. (According to material.) Swabs, of cotton...-....-....... --- —-... 98 Sweaters. (According to material.) Sweetmeats: Cakes and puddings........ —............ 224 Confectionery, candy, and chewing gum.......... 332 244 Conserved or crystalized fruit-.......... 331 238 Jellies, jams, and marmalades......-.... 332 237 Swine-.................... --- — --------- 209 172, 333, 342, 348 Switch: Boards, electric................ ---.....- ----- 248 193 (a) Tongues, rails, and sections -.....-... —...-..... 30 (a) Sword canes................... —...... ---- -.. 343 44 (c) Swords.-.................... --- —-—. 54 (b) 44 (b) Syringes: Hypodermic, and all kinds which are surgical instruments.................... —..... 54 (e) 196 Other. (According to material.) System, metric............................ --- —----- Sec. 10 Table: Covers. (According to material.) Making up, defined, surtax for.....-.....R........ Rule 11, Sec. 5 Linen, used, imported by passengers in their baggage. 386 340, 341 Service, broken up, gold, silver, and platinum...... 372 318 Tables: Billiard, pool and bagatelle, parts and appurtenances for................-......................-.. 200 166 Other. (According to material.) Tablets: Medicinal-................... ---—. —. —. 98 81 Milk..-...............-......... —.... 271 Paper, writing..................179 150 Tacks, iron...... --- -----—. ---. ----.. —. 41 Other. (According to material.) Tailors': Chalk...................................... 5 8 Shears.................-....... --- — ------- 54 (a), (d) 44 (a), (b) Talcum: Natural............................ ---—.. 3 (b) 6 (b), (c) Prepared for toilet pulrposes.............. --- —.- 105 (b) 87 (b) Tallow 1............................. --- —-- ------. — 01 84 Tanabline.......................-....... --- ——. 99 81 148 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Tan bark........................................ Tanigeno...................................... Tannalbin............................................ Tannic acid....................................... Tannigen................................... Tannicol..................................... Tanniform..................................... Tansan mineral water................................. Tansy oil...................... Tape: Admixture of materials in......................... Cotton............................................ Insulating, electric.......................... Linen, hemp, jute, and other vegetable fibers...... Measures of steel............................... Silk............................................. W ool............................................. Tapestry. (According to material.) Tapioca............-................... Tar: Juniper.......................... M ineral......................................... Oil of, pharmaceutically prepared............... Oils, unrefined........................ Stockholm and similar -......-......... --- —-..Tarcolin.......................................... Tarpaulins. (According to material.) Tartar: Cream of...................................... Emetic......... -............................. Tartaric acid......................... Tartrate of antimony and potassium.........-..... Tartrates.......... -............. Tassels (trimmings). (According to material.) Tea........................................ Teaberry oil...................................... Teak: Timber....................... Wood furniture....... —... --- —-—.. ---... --- Teeloil............................. Teeth, artificial, with plates or not...................... Telegraph cables, submarine..................... — Apparatus..........-................... O ther............................... Telephones, and apparatus pertaining to same-........ Telescope cases, receptacles for personal effects.......... Telescopes, instruments............................... Tenders, for locomotives............................ Tendons: Aseptic as surgical ligatures................. For medicinal purposes............. -..... Tennis: Balls................-.......-..... —......... NetsOf cotton.................... Of other vegetable fibers....................... Other. (According to material). Rackets................-............Tenoners and tenoning machinery..................... Terebenthinae........................................ Terne plate...................................... Manufactures of............................. Testing sets, electrical............................ Test tubes, glass...................................... 1905. Par. 79 99 99 92 (d) 99 99 99 312 (c) 99 131 (a) 248 157 46 174 166 284 99 7 99 77 (a) 97 97 99 92 (a) 99 95 (b) 301 105 (a) 192 (a) 196, 197 100 (b) 342 (b) 395 248 65 248 204 365 246 99 352 (d) 144 144 257 (b) 77 (b) 248 16 (b) 1909. Par. 66 (a) 81 81 71 (b) 81 81 81 268 87 (a) Rule 7, Sec. 5 113 (a) 193 (a) 131 (a) 194 148 143 225 81 22 81 22 56 (a) 77 76 81 71 (b) 81 75 247 87 (a) 157 163, 164 83 282 323 193 (a) 49 (c) 193 (a) 288 303 194 82 59 297 97 120 (d) 297 194 63 31 46 193 20 (e) PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 149 Textiles: Of cotton....................................... Of metallic threads, exclusively.................... Of other vegetable fibers........................... Of silk........................................... Of wool........................................... Treatment of...................................... Surtaxes onFor admixtures of materials.................... For bleaching, corresponding provisions of...... For brocheing................................. For dyed yarns, corresponding provisions....... For embroidering........................... For making up................................ For metallic threads........................... For printing, corresponding provisions......... For stamping, corresponding provisions........ For trimming........................... Uneven, ascertainment of thread count.............. Theatrical costumes and equipment, used, imported with theatrical troupe, temporarily......................... Theine............................................. Theobroma (cacao butter).............................. Theobromine......................................... Theodolites (surveying instruments).................... Therapion............................................ Theriac in powder............................. Thermocauteries...................................... Thermometers....................................... Thermostat, electrical................................ Thiocolum........................................... Thread count, how ascertained........................ Thread counter, use of..-................ --- —.. Thread for sewing: Cotton....-.....-...................Linen and other vegetable fibers......... Silk............................... 170, 170 (a), 171 Thread, silver.............................. Three-in-one oil...........-............... Threshing machines........................ 1905 Par. 38( 91 290 (1 91 36f 9! 9i 54 (e 36i 24i 9' 11( 14' (c), 17 28 (d 9' 24' ( 6 6 5 9 9 3 5 2 7 5 1909. Par. Class V, Group 3 Rule 10 Class VI, Group 2 3lass VIII, Group 2 Dlass VII, Group 3 Rules 1-11 Rules 3-11 Class VI Rule 8 Classes V, VI Rule 9 Rule 11 Rule 10 Classes V, VI Classes V, VI Rule 9 Rule 1, sec. 5 342 78 248 (b) 78 303 81 81 193 (b) 303 193 81 Rule 1, sec. 5 Rule 1, sec. 5 95 120 146 26 (d) 77 194 255 (b) 57 87 (a) 81 Sec. 6 (f) 13 10 157, 158 169 (a) 53 (b) 53 (a) 53 (a) 309 53 (a) 53 (a) 279 53 (b) 74 (c) 31 (c) 46 199 198 Thyme: Ground......................................... 296 (b) Unground.....-..........-.......... 81 Oil of............................... 105 (a) Thymol...-...-............ -—.. — ---—. 99 Tickets, lottery, advertisement of, and list of drawings in, K prohibited............-... —................ Tiger-eye (stone)..... ---............. --- —........ --- Tiles, ceramic............................. 18 (a), (b) Timber............................................. 192 Timsim (vegetable pith)........................... 366 Tin and alloys thereof: Capsules for bottles..................... 72 (c) In, bars, sheets, pipes, and wire............... 72 (b) In foil.................. 72 (c) In ingots or lumps, pure.......................... 72 (a) Alloys.................................. Solder, in bars........................... 72 (b) Trinkets of....................................... 340 In other articles -........................... 72 (d) Tin, muriate of....................................... 94 (h) Tin plate or terne plate, in sheets................- 36 (b) M anufactures of................................. 57 Tires: For bicycles and velocipedes.................... 252 For automobiles........................... 352 (d) 150 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Tires-Continued. Of wrought iron or steel......................... Of rubber, for other vehicles..................... Tissue paper........................................ Title of this act................................... Tobacco: Dryer, machine.......................... Export duties onRaw, grown in the Provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya (Island of Luzon)......Raw, grown in other provinces of the Philippine Islands -......... -.. --- —------- - -..... —.Manufactured.......................... Stems, clippings, and other wastes of....... Import duties onIn the leaf, unmanufactured............ Manufactured................................. Sprayers............................. Tobasco sauce................-........ --- —. --- ——.. Tochos of soft iron................................ Toilet articles, used, imported by passengers in their baggage..-..-............... —......... --- —-.. —. — Other. (According to material.) Paper......................-......... ---Powders and preparations.................... Soaps........................... W aters............................................ Tomatoes, canned.......................-...-.. — Tomato sauce -..................... --- —-------------- Tonic, hair.......................... Tool: Bags, of whatever material............ Cases, of whatever material....-.......... --- Chests, of whatever material....-........... Tool handles................... — - ------.. — Tools: Portable, used, imported by passengers in their baggage............................................. Of whatever materials...............-... — -. --- Tooth: Brushes. (According to material.) Paste.................. --- —. Picks. (According to material.) Powder........................ ----... — Soap.................................... Torpedoes (toy)...................................... Tortoise shell and mother-of-pearl: Imitations of.................................. Export duties on.......................... Unwrought...................................... W rought................................ Tourists, personal effects of, when free................. Towels and bath robes of cotton pile fabrics............ Making up defined, surtax for..................... Other. (According to material.) Tower clocks.......................................... Toys: Except those of gold, silver, platinum, gold or silver plate, or coral, ivory, mother-of-pearl, and tortoise shell............................................ Diminutive articles not adapted for practical purposes........................................... Tracing paper........................... Traction engines............................ Tragacanth gum..................................... Tragosol.............................................. 1905. Par. 35 (b) 187 257 (b) 404 106 403 364 (a) 364 (b) 245 328 34 386 178 -105 (b) 104 105 (b) 320 328 (a) 105 (h)) 194 (e') 1909. Par. 30 (b) 293 (b) 150, 151 Sec. 29 194 3 61 362 359 360 304 (a) 304 (b) 194 256 309:339, 340, '34 1 150 87 (i)) 87 (b) 232 256 87 (t>) 288 28S 288 194 38X6 '339, 34 0,341 46 194, 196 104 105 (b) 104 342 341 (a) 341 (b) 124 (a) 87 (b) 87 (b) 87 (b) 91 (c) 182 362 181 (a) 181 (b) 339, 340 106 Rule 11, sec. 5 187 240 341 (b) 187 245, 246 78 97 296 296 150, 151 194 56 (b) 77 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPIN E ISLANDS. 151 1905. 1909. Tramway: Par. Par. Cars for freight.................................. 263 200 (a) Other...... 200 ((b) Other............................................. 200 (b) Transformers, electrical.............................. 250 193 (a) Choke coils..................................... 250 193 (a) Transit, merchandise in, how treated when act becomes effective....................................... Sec. 3 Transits.................................... 303 Traps, lead, sanitary.......-.................. 54 (a) Trass.......... - -....... ---.............- ------ - 3 (b) 6 (b), (c) Traveling bags, of whatever material................... 228 (c) 288 Traveling rugs, making up defined, surtax for......... le 11, sec. 5 Travelers, personal effects of, when free............... 339, 340 Trays, developing (photographic)....................... 302 Trebenum...................................99 81 Trees: Christmas, artificial............................... 296 Live.......... --- —----------—.................. 367 308 Trimmings. (According to material.) Admixtures of materials in........... i........ tule 7, sec. 5 Or embroidery, applied to textiles, surtax for...... Rule 9, sec. 5 Trinkets and ornaments, except those of gold, silver, platinum, gold or silver plate, or of amber, coral, ivory, jet, meerschaum, mother-of-pearl, and tortoise shell.. 341 (b) '279 Triocol............................................. 99 81 Trional............................................. 99 81 Tripoli (earth)............3...................... 3 (b) (b), (c) Tripods for cameras......................... 362 302 Trophies, when free.................................. 330 Trowels............................................. 46 194 Trucks, handcarts, and wheelbarrows.........6.... 265 (a) 197 Trunks, of whatever material.......................... 288 Tube expanders............................... 46 -194 Tubes and pipes: Of clay........................................ 17 (d), (c) 9 Glass, test........................................ 16 (b) 20 (e) For insulation.................................... 193 (a) Other. (According to material.) Tubs. (According to material.) Tulles. (According to material.) (See Rule 6.) Admixtures of materials in.................... Rule 6, sec. 5 Tumblers, glass....................................... 13 (a), (b) 16 Tungtree oil.......................................... 100 (b) 83 Tuns, pipes, casks, and barrels......................... 363 161 Turbans.............................................. 356 301 Turbine engines....................................... 243 194 Turkeys.............................................. 268 175,204 Canned, or potted................................ 315, 316 210, 211 Turkish towels and bath robes: Of cotton pile fabrics.............................. 124 (a) 106 Other. (According to material.) Turntables............................................ 247 194 Turpentine, oil or spirits of............................ 77 (b) 63 Turpentine, Venetian.................................. 78 56 (b) Twine: Of cotton, for wrapping and for sewing sails.... 116 (a) 96 Of hemp and other vegetable fibers................ 144,146 120 Other. (According to material.) Twisted silk..................................... 170 146 Type: Of lead...................................... 73 (f) 54 (a) Metal. (See Lead.) Typewriters and parts, including ribbons............. 253 188 Typewriting paper................................ 179 150,151 Typewritten documents, free............................ 329 152 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Ultramarine blue: D ry............................................ I i liquid or paste................................. Umber: D ry.............................................. 1 n liquid or paste................................. Umbrellas and parasols: Covered with paper................................ Covered with silk................................. Covered with other stuffs.......................... Sticks for...................................... Fram es for........................................ Handles. (According to material.) Underwear, knit.................................. O)f cotton......................................... Of linen and other vegetable fibers........... Of wool.......................................... Of silk.......................................... Underwriters, when recognized as consignees............ United States: Government supplies.......................... Unusual coverings, containers, or packing............... Unwxrshed wool........................................ Uranium, acetate, chloride, nitrate, oxide.............. Urns: Decorative, of bisque, clay, faience, porcelain, stonew are............................................ )f glass.....................1............. 13 Of marble, onyx, jasper, alabaster, and similar fine stones........................................... Other. (According to material.) ITrotropin......................................... IJUsal coverings, containers, or packing.............. Vaccines and serums......................... Vacuometers.................................... Vaciuum automatic brakes.............................. Valerianate of zinc..................................... Valerian oil........................................... V alidol............................................... Valises of whatever material........................... Value, dutiable, definition of..................... Market, defined................................. Valves: Essential parts of machines......................... Other (not machinery). (According to material.) Vaniline, or vanillin................................... Vanilla: Beans............................................. Flavoring extracts................................ V arnishes.............................................. Varnished hides, skins, and leathers.................. Vaseline: Plain............................................ Preparations of, for toilet purposes................. Preparations of, for medicinal purposes........ Vases. (According to material.) Vasogena.......................................... Vegetable: Fibers, cotton...................................... Other......................................... Flavoring extracts............................. Fuel.................................. Gums and resins................................... 1905. Par. 84 (c) 1909. Par. 61 (c) 61 (d) 83 84 (d) 354 (a) 354 (b) 354 (c) 343 59 298 (a) 298 (b) 298 (c) 169 (a), 298 (d) 47, 298 (d) Rule 6 125 107 152 127 165 141 173 148 Sec. 17 38Q 162 (a 91 2 -(a), (b' 1 (c 9t 9' 257 (b 91 9( 9' 228 (c 5 338 Rule 13, (h), (i), Sec. 5 ) 314 9 81 3 11 (f) ) 20 (b), (c) 1 (c) 9 81 Rule 13, Sec. 5 (f), (g), (h) 9 324 303 ) 194 9 81 9 87 (a) 9 81 ~) ~ 288 Rule 13 (a),Sec. 5 Rule 13 (a), (b), Sec. 5 194 77 97 295 259 327 258 88 62 218 178 (c) 10 105 (b) 99 99 23 (b), (c) 87 (b) 81 81 327 201 Class V Class VI 258 167 56 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 153 Vegetable-Continued. 1905. Hair- Par. Manufactured................................ 204 Unmanufactured............................... 203 Lard............................................. 272 OilsFixed......................................... 100 Volatile or essential............................ Pitch................................... 77 (a) Pith, for lamp wicks.............................. 366 ProductsSimple, used as drugs, such as dried leaves, roots, and bark.-....-................... 81 Machinery for the preparation of......... 245 Raw or hackled.............................:Sponges (pumpkin fibers)......................... 365 WaxUnwrought..........-..................... 102 Wrought, in candles........................ 103 In other articles.................. --- -.......Vegetables: Canned or potted........................ 320 D ried........................................... 288 Drugs, nonedible................8....1....... 81 Fresh, except onions and Irish potatoes.............. 375 Onions and Irish potatoes.............-....... -. Pickled......................................... 320, 321 Vegetal, brea............ -.-......-.-...-..-.-.... — 77 (a) V ehicles......................-.........-....... Small, for children's use...........-.......... — Veils, making up defined, surtax for........ Vellum and parchment.-........................Velocipedes and detached parts for................... 252 Velveteens. (See Velvets.) Velvets: Admixtures of materials in.............. Cotton --- —--..-..-.. --- —-... ---..... — 124 Linen and other vegetable fibers.................... Silk....-......... -....................... 174 Wool..... ---.....-.. ---. --- —--—.. ---..... 166 Venetian red, natural color, dry.............. 83 Artificial, dryv....................4............. 84 (c) Liquid or paste........... —.-........... —. 84 (d) Venetian turpentine...........-.............. 78 Ventilators, machine.........-......-........- 257 (b) Verbena oil..........-........1.-..... ]05 (a) Verdigris......................... —..... —..... --- 95 (a) Vermicelli.2 —.-.....-.. --- —. —.. --- —---------—.- 284 Vermilion..................................... 84 (c), (d) Vermouth..........................-... 310 Vessels: Articles and materials for the construction and repair of................. —........ — ------ Anchors, binnacles, propellers, etc., for............. 42 Foreign, parts of machinery for...................... 397 Salvage from, how dutiable....................... Importation of, defined................ Machinery for repair of............................ 3997 Philippine, repairs to, made abroad, when free...... Pumps for salvage of, imported temporarily........ 396 Of all kinds when imported into the Philippines, either set up or knocked down.............. 267 Vests, ladies' knit. (See Underwear.) Vetiver, essential oil....................1............ 105 (a) Vichy: Mineral water................................. 312 (c) Pastilles........................................... 99 1909. Par. 169 (c) 169 (a) 208 83 87 (a) 56 (a 169 (a 57 194 313 285 85 (a 85 (a) 85 (c) 232 231 57 230 317 233 56 Class XII 296 Rule 11, Sec. 5 178 (c) 199 Rule 6, Sec. 5 105 126 147 142 60 61l (c) 61 (d) 56 (b) 194 87 (a) 75 225 61 (c), (d) 265, 266 352 310 352 Rule 12. Sec. 5 203 352 351 346 203 87 (a) 268 81 154 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. Par. Vinegar -........................................ 314 Vinolia powder and cream.......................... 105 (b) Violet oil............................................. 105 (a) Violin strings................................... 59,174, 233 Violins.............................................. 195,196,197 Viridis soap........................................ 104 Vises..................................... —......... 46 Visiting cards-.... ad........................... 179, 190 (a) Vitriol..................................... 91 (a) Volatile or essential oil. (See Oils.) Voltmeters............................................ 248 Vulcanized oil......................................... 99 Wads for shotguns: Cardboard.................................... 190 (a) Felt............................................. 166 Wafers: Unsweetened.......................-........... 283 (a) Sweetened........................................ 283 (b) Wagons and carts for transporting merchandise.......... 264 O ther............................................. 259 Wagon wheels of wood................................. 266 Walking sticks. (According to material.) W all paper............................................. 184 Wall telephones and parts thereof....................... 248 W alnut oil............................................ 100 (b) W alnuts.............................................. Ware, hollow: Ceramic........................................... 19-21 Enameled wrought iron..................a......... 59 W edgewood........................................ 19 Other. (According to material.) Warehouse, and hand trucks, wheelbarrows............. 265 (a) W arp, definition of................................. W ashed wool.......................................... 162 (b) Washers: Copper.......................-.................... 68 (a), (b) Rubber.......................................... 352 (a) Wrought iron or steel.............................. 47 Other. (According to material.) Washing machines...................................... 257 W ashing soda.......................................... 94 (e) Waste: Copper, iron, steel, and other common metals....... 74 Cotton............................................ 112 Of other vegetable fibers........................... 365 Silk............................................... 168 W ool............................................ 162 (c) Wastes: Animal, and by-products.......................... 234 Common metals, fit only for resmelting............. 74 Not otherwise provided for.......................... Watches, clocks, parts of and accessories for............. 238 Watchmen's clocks..................................... 239 Water: Aerated, artificial, or natural mineral............... 312 (c) Ammonia.......................................... 93 Caltrops, nuts........................... 329 Colors............................................. 85 M eters.......................................... 257 (a), (b) Mineral, natural, aerated, carbonated, or not......... ' 312 (c) Perfumed toilet................................... 105 (b) Sweetened, flavored, or aerated..................... 312 (c) Waterproof and caoutchouc stuffs: On cotton textiles.................................. 135 Linen and other vegetable fibers.................... 160 1909. Par. 257 87 (b) 87 (a) 185 185 86 194 150, 151 70 (a) 193 (a) 81 150, 151 139, 143 223 (a) 223 (b) 197 201 202 151 193 (a) 83 239 11 47 (b) 11 197 Rule 1, sec. 5 314 50 293 (a) 39 194 74 (c) 309 93 305 144 137 (a) 184 309 305 187 187 268 73 239 61 (c), (d) 194 268 87 (b) 268 117 135 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 155 1905. Waterproof and caoutchouc stuffs-Continued. Par. Rubber boots and shoes........................... 352 (c) Silk............................................... 175 W ool............................................. 166 W attmeters........................................... 248 Wax, animal, mineral, or vegetable...................... 102,103 Artificial flowers, fruit, parts of...................... 350 Candles............................................ 103 Figures -—................................ 103 Imported temporarily, for exhibition........... 392 In toys.............................. 353 M atches......................................... 351 Sealing......................................... 97 Shoemakers' so-called "Heelball".................. 103 Unwrought...................................... 102 Wrought in other articles............-.....-........ 103 Weapons, with concealed blades................... Wearing apparel, used, imported by passengers in their baggage...-...........-............. --- — 386 Wedgwood ware.....................-........... 19 Weeding hoes and hooks.........4...6........ 4( Weeds for drugs...-... —.........-... --...-. —..- 81 Weft, definition of.............. —.... --- —--- Weighing machines and apparatus................. 242 Automatic slot -........-...-......-........- 256 Weights, gross and net, defined...... --- ——.-....... Rules 17, 18 Dutiable................. 1909. Par. 180 (b) 147,148 142, 143 193 (a) 85 292 85 (b) 85 (c) 342 296 92 97 85 (c) 85 (a) 85 (c) 44 (c) 339,340, 341 ll. 194 57 Rule I, Sec. 5 192 191 ItRule 13 (e), Sec. 5 Rule 13, (c)-(h), Sec. 5 Sec. 10 5 19 3 (a) 281 (a) 281 (b) 281 Sec. 17 219 (a) 219 (b) 221 197 Weights and measures.................. Welsbach mantles....-.......-...-....... —. --- —-—.. Wet batteries......................................... Whalebone: Unwrought................. --- —-... W rought -.................-..... Compositions imitating................ Wharfage dues, on exports.. Wheat: In grain...... —.................. --- —---—. In flour....-..-.. ----... --- —---------- --—. —.. — Prepared for table use...-................. ---Wheelbarrows and parts for........................ Wheels: Emery, carborundum and similar.................. Roulette, prohibited.......................... Wood, for wagons........................... Wrought iron or steelWeighing over 100 kilos....................... Weighing 100 kilos or less.................Whetstones, grindstones, oilstones, and hones.......... 1 Whips, of whatever material..................... W hisky............................-........... Essence of....................................... Whitewashes, substances prepared for.................. Whiting for shoes (blanco)......................... Wickerwork articles.............-...................... Wicks: Cotton, for candles and matches................... Cotton, for lamps...................... Vegetable pith (timsim).................... W iesbaden salt........................ —... —.......... Wild cherry juice.................................. Willow (osiers): Unmanufactured.................................. M anufactured..................................... Sec. 9 365 248 342 (a) 342 (b) 342 Sec. 16 277 (a) 277 (b) 282 266 46 3 Sec. 6 (c) 266 202 38 (a) 33 (a) 38 (b) 33 (b) (d), 2 (e) 3 365 181 (b) 308 (a) 263 105 (a) 87 (a) 60 89 67 204 169 (c) 116 (b) 130 366 99 327 96 112 169 81 258 203 169 (a) 204 169 (b), (c) 156 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Par. Par. Windlasses, steam....-................................. 245 194 Windmills, steel-.............................. —.. 257 (b) 194 Window glass, common................................ 14 (b), (c) 18 (b) Plate............................................. 18 (c) Wines: Chinese....................................... 308,310,311 265,266,263 Heavy oil of.............................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Lees........... ----.... —............... 76 M edicated....................................... 99 80, 81 Sparkling............................... 309 264 Vermouth......................................... 310 265, 266 W ines, still............................................ 310, 311 265, 266 Wintergreen, oil of, natural and artificial................. 105 (a) 87 (a) Wire: Copper, brass, bronze, etc., blanched, gilt, or nickeled 49 (b) Cables for electricity....-....................... 65 49 (c) Covered with textiles other than silk. -.......... 65 49 (c) Covered with silk............................ 65 (a) 49 (d) Gauze..-..................................... 66 (a), (b) 49 (e) Manufactures of.-.......-..-.-..... —... 49 (f) Plain....... —..................... —........ 49 (a) Strings for musical instruments.................. 69 (a), (b) 185 Gold....-............................-........... 27 (d) 25 (d) Nickel, aluminum, and their alloys............... 71 (b) 52 (a) Platinum. ---....................................... 27 (d) 25 (d) Silver............................................. 28 (d) 26 (d) Tin and alloys thereof-............................. 72 (b) 53 (a) Wrought iron or steelBarbed.. ----................................... 36 (a) Cables and ropes............................... 36 (a) Covered with textiles........................... 40 (c) 36 (c) Galvanized................................ 40 (a), (b), (c) 36 (a), (b) Gauze, cloth or screenings...................... 44 (a), (b) 36 (d) Manufactures of................................ 36 (e) Nails.......................................... 48 40 Netting........................ —............. 45 36 (b) Nickeled or bronzed...3.................... 36 (c) Plain...-...-..............-............ 36 (a), (b) String for musical instruments................... — 59 185 Zinc, lead, and other metals-...................... 73 (b) 54 (a), Class X Wood: Alcohol....................... —................... 307 260 In barbers' and dentists' chairs..................... 199 165 In bar fixtures —.........-.......................... 199 162, 163, 164 Beads of, in necklaces or other trinkets.......-... 340 279 Loose..-..................................... 195, 196, 197 162 to 164 Bent, furniture of.................................. — 198 162 In billiard, pool, or bagatelle tables.................. 200 166 In buttons..-...........-................ —.......... 345 (a) 283 (b) Carved............................................ 197 164 Cedar..-......................-........... 192 (a) 157 Common (acacia, alder, ash, Australian jarra, beech, birch, black poplar, California redwood, cedar, cypress, elder, evergreen oak, maple, oak, pear, pine, plantain, poplar, spruce, and yew-leaved fig)..... 192 157 Unmanufactured, shingles, laths, and fencing.. 157 Manufactured..................................... — -162, 163, 161 Coopers' wares, in shooks, staves, coops, headings, and buns.-........ —......-.............-.....- 194160 Dominos of, toys....-.............................. 353 2i96 Excelsior...................-.............. 159 Fencing........................................... 157 (b) For dyeing......................................... 86 (a) 66 (a) Fillers........................................ 62 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 157 Wood-Continued Fine (amaranth, apple, bird's-eye maple, boxwood, camphor, cherry, chestnut, ebony, hazel, holly, ironwood, jasmine, juniper, laurel, lemon, lignumvitae, linden, mahogany, medlar, olive, orange, 1905. 19)09. plum, pomegranate, rosewood, sandalwood, snake- Par. 1'r. wood, teak, walnut, and yew....-............... 193 158 Unmanufactured............................ 158 Manufactured............................ 196, 197 163, 164 Fire.......................................... 201 16 7 Handles for tools......................... 194 (e) 194 In fuel............................ 201 167 In matches....................................... 351 92 In laths...................................... 194 (d) 157 (a) Manufactures of........................... 195, 196,197, 198 162l-164, Class X Moldings, gilt................................. 197 164 Oars of.....-.....-.-........... —...-. ---. —. 195 162 Oil...........-......-..-........-.....-....- 100 (b) 83 Planed, dovetailed, or cut to size.................... 192 (b) 157 (b), 158 (b) Red santal, for dyeing........................... 86 (a) 66 (a) Sawdust and shavings (common)................... 159 Shingles........................................... 157 (b) Shoes of.......-...................... ----.. 227 (b) 180 (b) In walking sticks -................................ 343 162, 163, 164 Working machinery............................... 257 194 Wooden axles for wagons.....-..................-.. 266 202 Wool: Caps of........-.................. --- —-----.-.. 357 301 Combed, carded, and dyed. -162 (d) 137 (b) Com bed........................................... 162 (c) 137 (a) Fat.............................................. 101 (a), (b) 84 Knitted goodsDrawers, undershirts, jerseys, stockings, and socks...................................... 165 (a), (b) 141 (b) In the piece.-............................... 141 (a) In other articles....................... 165 (a) 141 (c) Manufactures of, other............................. 166 143, Class VII R aw.- ------------------------------ -—............................ 162 314 Saddle blankets.................................. 166 243 Textiles in the piece............................... 166 142 M ade up................-......... —. ----. --- 143.Unwashed, or not further advanced than washed... 162 (a), (b) 314 W aste............................................. 1(2 (c) 137 (a) Y arns............................................ 163 138 Other manufactures of............................ 143 Worcestershire sauce.. —... —... — -—....-. —..- —.-. 328 256 Works: For watches and clocks, and parts of............... 238, 239, 240 187 Of fine art......................................... 387 26, 337,344 W ormwood oil............................ —....... - 99 87 (a) Worms, silk......... --- —------------------------—.................................. 174 Eggs and cocoons of...........-.......... 167 332 Wrapping, straw and Manila paper....-........... —. 178 15(, 151 Wrapping twine: Of cotton..........-......................-. 1 16 (a) 96 Of other vegetable fibers........................... 144,146 120 Wreaths of artificial flowers............................. 350 292 W renches.............................................. 46 194 Writing: Inks............................................... 85 (b) 64 (b) Machines and parts for............................ 188 Paper............................................ 179 150,151 Wrought iron or steel. (See Iron.) X eroform.............................................. 99 81 Yards, weighing....................................... 242 192 Yarmouth bloaters................................... 317 215 (a) 158 PROPOSED TARIFF REVISION LAW FOR PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 1905. 1909. Yarn: Par. Par. Of cotton........................................ 94, 95 Of other vegetable fibers..........................119,120 Of silk............................................. 146 Yeastoh a........................................... 97 77 Yellow ocher-........................................... 83 60 Yohimbina........................................... 96 78 Zim ine.............................................. 99 81 Zinc, and alloys thereof: Articles which are bronze gilt or nickeled.....-..... 73 (c), (d) 54 (c) Bars, bar solder, pipes, sheets, traps, and type -..... 73 (b) 54 (a) Ingots or lumps, pure.............................. 73 (a) 309 Alloys................................ 54 (a) In plain articles..-.................. —............. 73 (f) 54 (b) Wire....................................... 73 (b) 54 (a) Zinc: Carbonate............................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Chloride.-........................... —...... 94 (h) 74 (c) Iodide............. --- —--................. 99 81 Oxide..........-............................. 84 (c), (d) 61 (c), (d) Phosphate................................... 99 81 Sulphate................................... 94 (h) 74 (c) Valerianate- -..................................... 99 81 Zincs for batteries, dry or wet.......................... 248 193 (a) Zoology specimens for public museums, schools, academies, and scientific corporations.................. 389 344 0 I - M.. ;i; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 0504878 4147 B~~~~~~~~ll~~~~~~~~~~rl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.1 I MEN H~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H ]%i MEB~ ~~~~~~~A~ ~ ~~E.0 NON ~ ~ ~ ~ "~~l;~i"~ V-W ~ ~ ~ ~ i~lsImiS1E"1l, (R gR ME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:~~ill.!l!i;;l:'l;;IIII1! 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