IA m a' 4 I mm IB ~ t~~ ~~j5 0 %., l 181 CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF PLAYING CARDS BEQUEATHED TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM BY THIE LATE jLA-])Y C(LHAIRLOTTE SCHREIBER. COMPILED BY FREEMAN M. O'DONOGHUE, F.S.A., ASSISTANT-KEEPER OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. Printed by Order of the Trustees. LONDON: ~LONGMANS & CO., PATERNOSTER Row; B. QUARITCH, 15, PIOCADILLY; ASHER & CO., 13, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., PATERNOSTER HOuOE, CHARING CROSS ROAD; AND HENRY FROWDE, OXFORD UNIVmESITY PRESS, AMnI CORNER. 1901, IN I)()ON PRINTED BY WILLIAM CIOWES AN ) SONS, LMrEID, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. PREFACE. THE late Lady Charlotte Schreiber formed during her lifetime an extensive collection of the Playing-Cards of various countries, and, dying in 1895, bequeathed the collection to the Trustees of the British Museum. In accordance with the terms of the legacy, all those items were retained which were not strictly duplicates of others already in the Museum, the remainder being returned to the executors. The portion retained constitutes a very important addition to the collection which previously belonged to the department.* The present separate catalogue of the addition to the national collection thus made by Lady C. Schreiber's bequest, has been prepared by Mr. F. M. O'Donoghue, Assistant-Keeper of Prints and Drawings in the Museum, and is published by the Trustees in accordance with an undertaking made on their behalf to the executors of the testatrix when her bequest was accepted. Among the most important items in the collection are, in the Italian section, Mitelli's tarocchino and "Il Passa Tempo" packs; Freschot's cards of Venetian Heraldry, 1707; and two interesting Ombre packs, probably executed in Venice, one hand-painted on plates of silver and enclosed in a silver case, the other engraved on brass plates and contained in a case of the same material. The French section includes a proof sheet of early 16th century court cards, bearing the name of the maker, Andre Perrocet; a series of the educational packs, devised by Jean Desmarest and executed by Della Bella in the middle of the 17th century; several editions of the heraldic pack issued by Oronce Fin6 (Brianville) at the same period; and several Republican and * See W. H. Willshire, M.D. A descriptive Catalogue of Playing and other Cards in the British Museum; printed by the order of the Trustees, 1876. iv PREFA CE Empire packs; also examples of the fortune-telling cards of Eteilla, and the humorous cards of Atthalin. The German division, which is the most numerous in the collection, contains the well-known " Stukeley " pack; the scarce artistic cards produced by Jobst Amman and Virgil Solis; and several rare early sheets, including a curious and (so far as is known) unique plate of eight of the Italian suit of cups, fancifully treated, engraved by an unknown master of the 15th century. The most interesting feature of the English section is the series of engraved historical packs of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, illustrating the Popish Plots, the Rump Parliament, Monmouth's Rebellion, the lReigns of James II and Queen Anne, the Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell, and the Bubble companies of 1720; in these the Museum collection was previously very deficient, some of them being extremely scarce. The Spanish, Dutch and Flemish and Swiss packs and sheets, though fairly numerous and representative, do not include any specially noteworthy items. The Oriental examples are neither numerous nor important, all being modern; the largest group is the Chinese, which was brought together by Mr. W. H. Wilkinson, of H.M. Consular Service. A number of the most interesting specimens, selected from Lady Charlotte Schreiber's collection while it was still in her hands, have been figured in three large illustrated volumes, compiled by the collector with the assistance of the late Sir A. W. Franks, under the title, 'Playing Cards of various ages and countries' (London: Murray, 1892, 1893, 1895). References to this work are given in the following catalogue in brackets following the descriptions, thus: [S., Vol. II. pl. 125], etc. SIDNEY COLVIN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PACKS. ITALIAN:Tarot packs:For Tarocchi. For Tarocchino. For Minchiate. Ombre packs.. Packs of 52.,, 48..,, 36.. 32.. Composite cards. Fragmentary packs and odd cards Cards without suits. SPANISH:Ombre packs.. Packs of 48., 52.. PORTUGUESE.... FRENCH:Jeux de Tarots.. Piquet packs... Packs of 52. Breton Alluettes.. Fragmentary packs and odd cards Cards without suits.. GERMAN:With national suits:Packs of 48.,, 36..,, 32..,, 20.. 52.. Fragmentary packs and odd cards PAGE 5 11 13 16 20 25 25 26 26 26 28 32 34 41 42 43 47 54 66 66 69 75 76 86 93 93 93 Vi CONTENTS. PAGE GERMAN (continued): With fancy suits........ 94 With French suits: Tarok packs of 78.. 95, 54....... 105 Packs of 56........ 107 36........ 108,, 32. 109,, 52........ 113,, 40.. 122 24........ 123 Fragmentary packs and odd cards.... 123 With Italian suits:Tarot packs of 78... 125 54....... 127 Trappola packs....... 127 With emblematic suits... 130 Cards without suits........ 131 SWISS: Tarot packs. 141 Packs of 36 and 32...... 143,, 52........ 144 DUTCH:Piquet packs........ 146 Instructive and fanciful....... 146 FLEMISH:Tarot packs......... 150 Piquet packs........ 152 Packs of 52......... 152 RUSSIAN......... 153 POLISH........... 154 SWEDISH........ 154 DANISH......... 155 ENGLISH:Packs of 52......... 155 Piquet packs......... 170 Cards without suits........ 171 AMERICAN......... 182 INDIAN........... 183 CONTENTS. vii JAVANESE JAPANESE CHINESE PAGE.... 184. 184. 184 SHEETS. ITALIAN SPANISH FRENCH GERMAN:With national suits With fancy suits With Italian suits With French suits Without suits. Swiss. DUTCH. DANISH ENGLISH UNCERTAIN 195 196 197. 200. 206. 206. 207. 209. 210. 210. 211. 211 211 CARD WRAPPERS. WOOD BLOCKS MISCELLANEA. BOOKS RELATING TO CARDS. 212. 213. 213. 214 I CATALOGUE OF CARDS. INTRODUCTION. PLAYING cards may be broadly divided into two classes, viz.:-the foursuit numeral pack and the tarot * pack. These have both been, and to some extent still are, popular in Italy and the southern parts of France and Germany; but in Spain, the north of France and Germany, and all other European countries, the four-suit numeral pack alone has found favour. In its complete form this always consisted of 52 pieces (though the number has been reduced for Trappola, Ombre, Piquet and other p games), each of the four suits being composed of three court (or coat) and ten pip cards. In Italy and Spain the suits used are Cups, Swords, Coins and Clubs, the court cards being King, Knight and Knave; in Germany the suits are Hearts, Bells, Leaves and Acorns, and the court cards King and two Knaves (styled Obermann and Untermann); while in France the suits are Hearts, Spades, Diamonds and Clubs, the court cards being King, Queen and Knave. In England and the Netherlands the French characteristics have been adopted, and they are now coming into general use in all countries. The tarot sequence, which is of Italian origin, and is used for the Italian game of Tarocchi, (as also, with modifications, for the cognate games Tarocchino and Minchiate), has the same four suits as the ordinary pack combined with a set of 22 emblematical designs called tarocchi or J tarots, which constitute a fifth suit; these are also termed in Italy atutti or trionfi, and in France atouts (= trumps), from the fact that they are superior to all others. Also each of the ordinary suits has four court cards, King, Queen, Knight and Knave, the total number of cards in the pack being thus raised to 78. The usual subjects of the atouts are:I. Il Bagatto (Le Bateleur); II. La Papessa (La Papesse); III. L'Imperatrice (L'Imperatrice); IV. L'Imperatore (L'Empereur); V. Il Papa (Le Pape); VI. Gli Amanti (L'Amoureux); VII. La Carossa (Le Chariot); VIII. La Giustitia (La Justice); IX. L'Eremita (L'Eremite); X. Ruota di Fortuna (Roue de Fortune); XI. La Forza (La Force); XII. L'Appeso (Le Pendu); XIII. (no title) Death; XIV. La Temperanza (La Temper. * Fr, tarot = Ital. tarocco (plur. tarocchi). B 2 Ll..TALOG"UE OF CIARDS. ance); XV. I1 Diavolo (Le Diable); XVI. La Torre (La Maison Dieu); XVII. Le Stelle (L'Etoilc); XVIII. La Luna (La Lune); XIX. I1 Sole (Le Soleil); XX. II Giudizio (Le Jugement); XXI. II Mondo (Le Monde); and, unnumbered, I1 Matto (Le Fou).* The old French and German tarot packs have Italian suitmarks, and in every way resemble the Italian tarocchi sequence; but in modern German packs French suitmarks are used, and the traditional subjects of the tarots are replaced by fanciful and meaningless designs, frequently subjects of natural history. The tarocchi game is of a complicated character and played in a variety of ways, but in every case the tarots constitute a permanent suit of trumps and take all cards of the ordinary suits. They also vary in value amongst themselves, the higher numbers taking the lower. Three of them, Il Mondo, II Bagatto, and Matto, which in the modern game are called Matadors, have special powers, and with the four Kings of the other suits constitute the seven " honours " of the pack. The question of the country and period which gave birth to Playing Cards, though it has been the subject of much discussion and research during the last two centuries, remains as yet undetermined. But that, as far as Europe is concerned, they first appeared in Italy, and probably at Venice, in the middle of the 14th century is now the accepted opinion. It has also been generally assumed, but with less justification, that their earliest form was the tarot pack (i.e., the combined series of emblematical and numeral cards as above described), and that the use of the purely numeral set was a later modification. Merlin t adopted this view, and formulated the theory that (1) at the time mentioned there was current in Italy a set of emblematical designs, then termed " Naibis," and later "Tarocchi," which were used for the instruction and entertainment of youth, and have probably been transmitted to us in the so-called " Tarocchi di Mantegna"; (2) that a mode of gaming with these was first devised; (3) that subsequently, by the combination of a portion of these and others of a moral character with four suits of numerals, the tarot pack, as we know it, was evolved; and finally (4) that the combined game thus devised being found too complicated, it was simplified by the rejection, in all but the southern countries above named, of the Tarot sequence and the adoption of games playable with the four numeral sequences exclusively. This idea was based mainly on conjecture, having little real evidence to support it, and, in the face of documents which have come to light since Merlin wrote, can no longer be maintained. Of these the most important is a MS. in the British Museum (Eg. 2419), of which Mr. E. A. Bond printed an account in the AtheneTum of 19th January, 1878. It was written in 1377 by one Johannes, a German monk, with the title " De Moribus et Disciplina Humane Con* For a full description and explanation of these symbols, see Willshire, p. 138, and supp. p. 49. t "Origine des cartes A jouer;" Paris, 1869. INTR OD UCTIOLN. 3 versationis," and contains a description of the " ludus cartarum" which, the author states, had been introduced into his country in that same year 1377. From this it appears that, although the exact composition of the pack was not then definitely settled, it consisted of 52 cards only, with Italian suitmarks, and was practically identical with the modern whist sequence. This, it is to be noted, is the earliest authentic reference to playing cards that has yet been found. A repetition of the MS., preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna, is mentioned in Echard's "Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum," 1721, but without any description of its contents; its importance, consequently, was not recognised by Singer, who (p. 219) only alludes incidentally to Echard's statement. Another interesting discovery is a volume of sermons of c. 1450-70, now in the possession of Mr. Robert Steele, F.S.A., who read a paper upon it at a meeting of the Society of Antiquaries on 31st May, 1900 (printed in Archeologia). In one of these sermons, which is directed against gambling, the three favourite implements for the pastime then in use are stated to be dice, cards and triumphs, and of these the second is described as consisting only of the four suits Cups, Swords, Coins and Clubs, while the third is formed of the 22 emblems which we now associate with the tarot pack, without any numerals. These documents, together with other facts and arguments which are set forth in Mr. Steele's paper, seem to prove almost conclusively that the earliest cards were of the purely numeral kind; that for many years a game of " triumphs " or " tarots" existed in Italy side by side with the numeral card game, but quite distinct from it; and that the fusion of the two games into one, and consequent introduction of the combined tarot pack used for the Tarocchi and Minchiate games, belong to the 15th century. B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 'k./.,C ITALIAN. The suits used in Italian cards are Coppe (cups), Spade (swords), Danari (coins), and Bastoni (clubs), and these have a traditional type which has seldom been departed from. The cups are ecclesiastical chalices; the coins are decorated with rosettes; the swords are long curved blades arranged in two sheaves which interlace at top and bottom; and the clubs straight thin staves similarly arranged but interlacing in the centre. The court cards are Be (king), Cavallo (knight), Fante (knave), and (in the Tarot pack) Regina (queen). The Tarot sequence has been used in Italy for three classes of games, the Tarocchi of Venice, the Tarocchino of Bologna, and the Minchiate of Florence. For the first a pack of 78 cards is used, composed of 22 atutti and the 56 numeral cards. The atutti and court cards have their names in the lower margin, either in Italian or (as is frequently the case) in French, and the former are numbered with Roman figures. Tarocchino, which is traditionally stated to have been invented by Prince Fibbia at Bologna early in the 15th century, but is probably much more modern, is a modification of Tarocchi, its distinctive features being the reduction of the pack to 62 pieces by the omission from the numeral suits of all the twos, threes, fours and fives, and the substitution of Moors or " satraps " for the figures on the four papal and imperial atutti. The atutti and court cards are without titles, and of the former only twelve (5-16) are numbered. The Florentine game of Minchiate, which is played with a pack of 97 cards, bears a general resemblance to the Tarocchi of Venice, but the subjects and arrangements of the atutti are slightly varied and their number increased to 41 by the addition of the three Theological Virtues, one of the Cardinal Virtues (Prudence), the 4 Elements, and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The subjects of the last 8 are relieved on a red ground. In the numeral suits the Cavalli are monsters with human heads, and of the four Fanti two are warriors and two servants. Also the Spade and Bastoni suitmarks differ in form from those of the Tarocchi pack, the former being weapons of the conventional military pattern, crossed diagonally; and the latter short batons. [For a description of the rules of these tarot games see Singer p. 236.] ITALIAN CADDS. 5 Cards of true Italian manufacture usually have a fanciful decoration on the backs, the paper forming which is folded over to the front to form a border. I.-TAROT PACKS. (a.) Packs of 78 for Taroachi. 1. "Tarocchi di Mantegna." Five of the second and inferior set of the well-known fifteenth century emblematical plates usually referred to by this title, although they are not tarocchi and are executed in a manner wholly different from that of Mantegna. These five pieces, which complete the series already in the Museum, are:-No. II. "Famiro," No. VIII. "Re," No. IX. "Imperatore," No. XLV. " Marte," and No. XLVI. "Jupiter." [For a full description of the whole sequence see Willshire's Catalogue, p. 65.] 2. Bologna. A. de Maria, "al Mondo"; c. 1810. Complete pack. On the 2 of cups is " Ant. de Maria al Mondo," and on the 2 of coins "Tarochi Fini." In the centre of the 4 of coins is an imperial orb. Nos. XII and XIII of the atutti bear the duty stamp of the kingdom of Italy, which existed 1805-1814. Names of the court cards and atutti in French. Backs decorated with a red pattern of lozenges and stars, and inscribed "al Mondo." 44 x 24 in. 3. Bologna. A. Marisi, "alla Columba," 1750. Complete pack. On the 2 of cups is "Fabrica di Angelo Marisi," and on the 2 of coins "Giuseppe Smit fecit in Bologna l'anno 1750." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. Backs decorated with a formal diagonal pattern in black, and inscribed "alla Columba." 44 x 21 in. 4. Genoa. F. F. Solesio; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 76, printed in blue ink and colours. On the 2 of cups is "F. F. Solesio, Genova." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. The missing cards are the knave of cups and the ace of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy blue lines and dots. 4l x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 56-58.] 5. Gorizia [G6rz], Illyria; 18th century. Complete pack. On the 2 of cups is " Fabrica in Gorizia." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. Backs decorated with a blue diagonal pattern, having two vases in a panel in the centre. 44 x 2i in. 6 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 6. Milan. E. Dotti; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 54. On the ace of coins is "Edoardo Dotti, Milano," and on the 2 of cups "Fabbrica di Milano." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. The missing cards are the knight and 4 of swords, the knave of coins, the 8 of clubs, and all the atutti except No. XVIII and Matto. Backs decorated with a blue panel of ornament. 4i x 2i in. 7. Milan. Gumppenberg; modern. Imperfect pack of 76. On the 2 of cups is "Fabbricatore Gumppenberg," and on No. III of the atutti "F. in Milano." The king of clubs bears a duty stamp. Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. The missing cards are the 2 of swords and the 10 of coins. Backs decorated with a blue panel of ornament, and inscribed "Milano." 44 x 2- in. 8. Milan. Gumppenberg; c. 1820. Complete pack, well engraved by C. della Rocca from artistic versions of the conventional designs, and coloured. The king of clubs bears the inscriptions " Faba. di Gumppenberg, Milano," and "C. Dellarocca inc.," with a duty stamp. Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. 4* x 2- in. 9. Milan. Gumppenberg; 19th century. Imperfect double-ended pack of 38, consisting of the court cards and atutti only, engraved and coloured, with French suitmarks. The court cards are without inscriptions, the atutti are natural history subjects (as in modern German packs), with Italian titles. No. II of the atutti has the arms of Milan and Venice, with a boy pointing to a tablet inscribed " Ferdinando Gumppenberg Fabbe. di Carte di giuoco in Milano, Corsia del Giardino." Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 4 x 2i in. 10. Milan. Gumppenberg; modern. Complete pack, artistically engraved from modern designs, the suitmarks being of the Spanish type, All the cards have a narrow ornamental border. On the ace of cups is "Fabbricatore Gumppenberg." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. 4i x 2 in. 11. Milan; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 42. On No. III of the atutti is the word " Milano." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. The missing cards are-the ace, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, queen I TIL A N CARID S. 7 and king of cups; the ace, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, and knave of swords; the 2, 3, 5, 10, knave and queen of coins; the 2, 3, 7, 10, knight, queen, and king of clubs; and atutti Nos. VI, VII, XII, XIV, XVI and XVIII. Backs decorated with a geometrical pattern in red and yellow, and inscribed "Milano." In old leather-covered case. 44 x 24 ia. 12. Milan; 19th century. Complete pack. On the 2 of cups is "G.Z. E.P.G. F. in Milano," and on the 2 of coins. " Tarocchi Fini." The knave of clubs bears a duty stamp, " R.C. Soldi 6." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in pink, and inscribed "F. di Milano." 44 x 24 in. 13. Modena. Manbrini; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 61. On the 2 of cups is " Tarochi Fini F. Manbrini," and on the 2 of coins "Tarochi Fini." Names of the court cards and atutti in French, The missing cards are-the knight of cups, all the clubs except the king and queen, and atutti Nos. I, II, IV and VII. Backs decorated with the arms of the Duke of Modena, neatly engraved on wood. 4- x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, p1. 61.] 14. Oneglia. N. Novaro; 19th century. Complete pack. On the 2 of cups is "Fabrica di Oneglia," on the 2 of coins " Nicola Novaro," and on the ace of coins " Novaro Nicola." No. VII of the atutti bears the initials of the engraver, V. R. Names of the court cards and atutti in French. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in blue. 4- x 24 in. [S. Vol. 1Il, pi. 59.] 15. Padua; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 44. The 2 of cups and 2 of coins are inscribed " Fabricate in Padova." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. The missing cards are the ace, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and king of cups; the ace, 2, 4, 5, 8, and knave of swords; the ace, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10 of coins; the ace, 2, 4-7, and queen of clubs; and atutti Nos. I, III, IV, X, XII, XV, XIX and XX. Backs decorated with a blue panel. 44 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 61.] 16. Serravalle. Avondo; 19th century. Complete pack, executed in chromolithography; the court cards and atutti of florid and fanciful design, with names in Italian. On the ace of coins is " Stabt~. Fratli. Avondo, Serravalle-Sesia," with the Italian duty stamp. Backs decorated with a formal pattern in brown. 4i x 24 in. 8 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 17. Serravalle. G. Chastelano, 1744. Imperfect pack of 74. On the 2 of cups is " Giachomo Chastelano B- fecit 1744," and on the 2 of coins " Scultori Torelli di Seravle fecit le Stanpe." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. The missing cards are the 6 of swords and the 2, 3, and 8 of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. Ill, pi. 60.] 18. Serravalle. P. Cheminade, 1742. Complete pack. On the 2 of coinE is "Faites par Pierre Cheminade in Seravale 1742." The 4 of coins has the arms of Savoy on an eagle, and the same coat occurs on the 2 of cups. Names of the court cards and atutti in French. The ace of coins bears several duty stamps. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in black. 4i x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 60.] 19. Turin. Beltramo, 18th century. Imperfect pack of 77. On the ace and 2 of cups is " Beltramo Torino," and on the other three aces " Beltramo Via Rosa Rossa No. 3." Names of the court cards and atutti in French. The missing card is No. XIX of the atutti. Backs decorated with an interlaced pattern in blue and white. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 59.] 20. Turin. Beltramo, 18th century. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, many of the pieces being apparently printed from the same blocks. On the ace of cups is " Beltramo Torino," on the three others "Beltramo via S. Maurizio No. 14 Torino," and on the 2 of cups "Fabbrica di Carte e Tarocchi di Beltramo in Torino." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue. 41 x 21 in. 21. Turin. Rossi, 18th century. Complete pack. On the ace of cups is "Rossi Torino," on the 2 " Fabrica di Rossi in Torino," on the aces of swords and clubs " Rossi Gioni. conda. dei Peliciai Porta No. 8 Torino," and on that of coins " Rossi." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. Backs decorated with a check pattern in blue and white. In old black case. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 60.] 22. Turin. S. Vergnano. Complete pack. The ace of coins is inscribed " Vergnano, Dora Grossa No. 9 Torino," the 2 of cups " Fabrica di Vergnano a Torino," and the ace of swords " Yergnano a Torino." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in blue. 4I x 21 in. ITALIAN CARDS. 9 23. Turin. S. Vergnano. Complete pack similar to the last, the designs being only slightly varied. On the ace of cups is " Vergnano contra di Dora Grossa P. No. 9 Torino," on the 2 of cups " Fabbrica di Vergnano in Torino," on the ace of coins "Stefano Vergnano Incise," on the 2 of coins "Vergnano," and on the aces of swords and clubs "Vergnano a Torino." Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy blue and brown lines. 44 x 21 in. 24. Turin. A. Viassone; modern. Complete pack, with the original wrapper, which is inscribed "Viassone Fabbricante di Carte e Tarocchi non trasparenti contrada di S. Tommaso Porta No. 16 Torino." On all the aces is " Viassone a Torino," and on the 2 of cups " Fabbrica di Viassone in Torino." Names of the court cards and atutti in Italian. Backs decorated with a network pattern in blue and white. 41 x 29 in, 25. Turin. A. Viassone, 1888. Complete double-ended pack, with the original wrapper. The ace of coins is inscribed "V'iassone Alessandro Torino, Fabbrica Via Nizza 104, Deposito Via Arsenale 4," and bears two duty stamps, one dated "13 Giu. 88." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in black. 44 x 22 in. [The pack is accompanied by a small volume entitled "The Tarot," by S. L. McGregor Mathers, 1888.] 26. Place of issue uncertain. Modern. Imperfect double-ended pack of 76. The 2 of cups is inscribed " Tarochi Fini." The court cards and atutti are without titles. The two missing cards are the king and ace of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots, in blue. 44- x 2- in. 27. Geography of Europe. [? Naples, c. 1780]. Complete engraved and coloured pack, with an extra card giving the title "Gioco Geografico dell' Europa," and an explanation which shows that it was to be used like a tarocchi pack. The four suits are represented by the four parts (Nord, Sud, Centro and Isole) of Europe, the first ten cards of each suit giving the divisions and subdivisions of the principal countries, and the four court cards their arms and other information. Maps of the same countries and of the quarters of the globe, occupy all the atutti except the first and 10 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. last, which have allegorical figures of the rivers of Europe. Backs decorated with a human figure on a globe, executed in calligraphic flourishes, and inscribed "Gioco Geografico dell' Europa." In original white parchment case lettered " Giuoco Geografico." 43 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 81-86.] 28. Geography of Europe. Pack of 40, identical with the preceding, all the court cards and atutti being absent. The first three cards of each suit are numbered in the centre. Coloured. Backs plain. In old gilt leather case. 29. Geography of Europe. Imperfect pack of 77, copied from No. 27, but altogether inferior to it. With the exception of the atutti, the cards are type printed and without embellishment. The missing card is No. 19 of the atutti (map of Africa), and its place is supplied by a second impression of No. 21 (map of Europe). Uncoloured. Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 42 x 23 in. 30. Geography of Europe; Parma, 1790. Imperfect pack of 77, each being a map of some part of Europe. It is arranged to be used for the tarocchi game, but the five divisions, cups, swords, coins, clubs, and atutti, are indicated only by borders of five different colours, brown, red, green, yellow, and blue. The first is devoted to Italy, the second to Germany, Switzerland, and the Low Countries, the third to France, the fourth to Spain and Portugal, and the fifth to the rest of Europe. The "Explication du Jeu," which takes the place of Matto, bears the engraver's name, " Gr. par Marco di Pietro a Rome," and No. XXI of the atutti, which is a "Mappe-monde," is inscribed "Pour le Royal College des Nobles de Parme." Inscriptions all in French. Backs decorated with the arms of Parma. In old pasteboard case. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 80.] 31 Geography of Europe. A later edition of the preceding pack, with some slight corrections. In this case the inscription on No. XXI of the atutti and the engraver's name on the last card have been removed. A MS. title accompanies the pack, "Chartes LXXVIII. Ou La Geographie en Jeu de Taroques, Par Mr. L'Abbe Desprotti de la Compagnie de Jesus; Parme, 1790, Par Carmignani." Backs plain. In old pasteboard case lettered in gold " Atlan." 32. Fortune-telling; early 19th century. Complete pack, somewhat resembling that of " Eteilla." The cards are numbered throughout, ITALIAN CARDS. 1 1-78, and each has its value stated in words, with a fortune-telling word or sentence at top and bottom. No. 1 is "Bagatto, L'uomo che consulta." Backs decorated with a small formal pattern in blue. 41 x 21 in. (b.) Packs of 62 for Tarocchino. 33. Bologna; G. Natali, " al Cigno," early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 56, double-ended. The knave of swords holds a shield inscribed with the initials G. N., and on the 10 of coins is " Alla Insegna del Cigno." The missing cards are:-the 6 of cups, the ace of swords, the 8 of coins, the 10 of clubs, and Nos. IX, X and XIV of the atutti; but for the ace of swords has been substituted an ace of coins, which takes the form of a duty stamp bearing the words, "Asso di Denari, Baj. 5, R. C. A." Backs decorated with a double-ended uncoloured design of a man and woman seated back to back. 41 x 21 in. 34. Bologna; G. M. Complete pack, from the same designs as the last. The shield held by the knave of swords bears the initials G. M. The ace of coins is a duty card identical with that substituted for the ace of swords in the preceding pack. Backs decorated with a figure of Fortune in blue. 41 x 21 in. 35. Bologna. Imperfect pack of 61, from the same designs as the preceding, with the exception of the ace of coins, which is a medallion head, with a running hare above. The shield held by the knave of swords is blank. The missing card is the queen of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of circles and diamonds, in black. 48 x 21 in. 36. Bologna. Fifteen cards of precisely similar character to No. 35, but drawn from four different packs, as is shown by the decoration of the backs. They are:-the 8, 9, 10 and knave of cups; the knight of swords; the queen of coins; the knave and 6 of clubs; and atutti, Nos. II, III, VI, XIII, XV, XXI and XXII. The backs of eleven of the cards have a double-ended decoration, a woman playing the triangle. 41 x 21 in. 37. Bologna; "al Mondo"; 18th century. Complete pack. The queens of coins and clubs bear the arms of Bentivoglio and Tibbia respectively; and the knaves of clubs and swords hold shields 12 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. inscribed "Bononia docet" and "Libertas." On the 10 of coins is "Carte fine al Mondo." Backs decorated with an armorial cartouche, Pepoli impaling Colonna, and inscribed " al Mondo." 48 x 2- in. 38. Bologna; Mitelli's Tarocchini; 17th century. Complete and carefully coloured pack of the well known cards designed and etched by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli for the Bentivoglio family. The subjects are all fancifully and artistically treated. Backs decorated with figure of a horseman who holds a shield charged with the arms of (probably) a gonfaloniere of the Pamfili family, with the word "Trombetta" at bottom. 48 x 23 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 35-40.] 39. Bologna; Mitelli's Tarccchini, 1803. Complete pack of coloured woodcuts, copied from the preceding. On the king of coins is "Incise d'Ordine Espresa del C. Luigi Leonar Bentiv. l'anno 1803;" on the ace of coins, "Joseph M. Mitelli in. Franciscus Barattini sc.;" on the ace of cups, "Li Trop Vizi Manden In Precipizi; " on the ace of swords, "Custodiae Custos;" on the ace of clubs, "Virtus Ardua;" and on the 6 of swords," Desiderium L. Peribit." Backs decorated with a blue panel. In black cardboard case. 4 x 24 in. 40. Ferrara; P. Cassini; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 40, doubleended; very rudely executed. On the ace of coins is " P. Cassini, Ferrara." The missing cards are the 7, 8 and 9 of cups; 7-10, knave and king of swords; 6, 9 and 10 of coins; 6, 8, 9, 10 and king of clubs; and atutti Nos. II, III, IV, IX and XXII. Backs decorated with a blue panel having the word " Ferrara " on a scroll. 44 x 2 in. 41. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Complete pack, doubleended; effectively engraved cn wood and coloured. Backs decorated with a woodcut of a naked boy, who is in some cases turned to the right, in others to the left. In old pasteboard case. 44 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 40-43.] 42. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Six cards (from which the backs have been removed and mounted separately), belonging to a double-ended pack similar to Nos. 33-37, viz. the 9, knight and queen of swords, the 9 and queen of clubs and one of the Moors belonging to the atutti. The backs are decorative panels in red and blue. 44 x 2 in. ITALIAN CARDS. 13 43. Geography and Heraldry. Bologna, 1725. Complete set, uncoloured and mounted in a bound volume, with an engraved frontispiece, printed title-page and 12 pages of text. The title is: "L'Utile col Diletto o sia Geografia intrecciata nel Giuoco de Tarocchi, con le Insegne degl' Illustrissimi ed Eccelsi Signori Gonfalonieri, ed Anziani di Bologna dal 1670, sine al 1725," with dedication to the Marchese G. P. Pepoli. The atutti are geographical tables and the numerals armorial shields, the former printed from metal plates, the latter from wood blocks. Every card has its symbol or suitmark at the top. A second set of the atutti, with slight variations, is placed at the end. This work was suppressed by order of the Pope. [For a full account of it see Lady C. Schreiber's "Playing Cards," vol. iii, p. 13.] 54 x 24 in. (c.) Packs of 97 for Minchiate. 44. Bologna; "al Soldato," 18th century. Complete pack. The 3 of cups is inscribed " Carte Fine in Bologna," and the 4 of coins "Carte Fine al Soldato." The 6 of coins bears the duty stamp of Romagna. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of fleurs-de-lis in black. 4- x 29 in. 'S. Vol. III, pi. 90.] 45. Bologna; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 84, identical with the last but unmounted. The 13 missing pieces are: —the 3 and 10 of cups; the ace of swords; the 4 and 7 of coins; the 6 of clubs, and atutti Nos. VIII, XX, XXI, XXX, XXXIII, XXXVIII and XXXIX. 41 x 21 in. 46. Bologna; "alla Fortuna," 18th century. Complete pack. The 3 of cups is inscribed " Carte Fine in Bologna," and the 4 of coins "Carte Fine all' Imperador." Backs decorated with the Medici arms and inscribed " alla Fortuna." 4A x 24 in. 47. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 95 (the two missing cards, the 5 of cups and 5 of coins, being supplied from other packs), artistically designed and engraved on copper in modern style; the atutti very fancifully treated. In the atutto Fame the figure floats over the city of Florence, and from one of the trumpets depends a banner bearing the Medici arms. No inscriptions. Uncoloured. Backs decorated with the Medici arms. 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 51-55.] 14 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 48. Florence; 18th century. Eighteen pieces belonging to another pack of the same cards; unmounted and uncoloured. They are:the 3, knave, knight and queen of cups; the knave, knight, queen and king of swords; the 4, knight, queen and king of coins; the knave, knight, queen and king of clubs, and Nos. XXVI and XXVII of the atutti. 49. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of the same cards, coloured. Nineteen are missing, viz., the 3-9 of cups; the 5 and knight of coins; the 6 and 8-king of clubs; and the last two atutti. Backs decorated with a design of two nymphs disarming Cupid, with the word " Dido." 50. Florence; 18th century. Thirty-five of the atutti belonging to another pack of the same cards; coloured. Backs decorated with an imperial eagle holding the arms of Lorraine and Medici. 51. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 51, rudely executed and coloured. The missing cards are the 2, 4, 6-10, queen and king of cups; the 3, 6, 8, 10 and knight of swords; the 4-8, knight and queen of coins; the 6, 7, 8, 10 and knight of clubs; and atutti Nos. II, III, VIII, IX, XII-XV, XVII, XVIII, XXII, XXIV-XXVI, XXIX, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVII, XXXVIII, and XL. Backs decorated with the Medici arms, and inscribed " Firenze." 4 x 21 in. 52. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 96, very rudely executed and coloured. The missing card is No. XXVII of the atutti. Backs decorated with a figure of Andromeda, and inscribed "Etruria." 34 x 24 in. 53. Florence; 18th century. Complete pack, rudely executed and coloured. Backs decorated with the arms of Austria between Lorraine and Medici, and inscribed "Poverino." 3T x 21 in. 54. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 31, differing from the last only in the decoration of the backs, which is a group of a woman, children and a cow, with the word " Poverino." The missing cards are:-the 2, 6-9, knave and knight of cups; the ace, 4-6, 9, knight and king of swords; the 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, knave and king of coins; the ace, 4, 8, 10, knight and king of clubs; and all the atutti except Nos. II and III. ITALIAN CARDS. 15 55. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 34, similar to the last; backs decorated with a standing female figure, and inscribed "Firenze." The missing cards are:-the 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, queen and king of cups; the 3-5, 9, and king of swords; the ace-3, 5, 7-10 of cups; the ace, 5, 7-9, knight and king of clubs; and atutti Nos. I, III-VII, IX-XV, XVII, XX-XXVI and XXVIII-XLI. 3i x 21 in. 56. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 96. On the 3 of cups is a scroll inscribed " Carte Fine" and No. XXX of the atutti bears the word " Giglio." The missing card is No. XVI of the atutti. Backs decorated with the arms of Spain, which have an inescutcheon of France impaling Medici, with the word " Etruria." 33 x 21 in. 57. Florence; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 48, made up from three different packs (as appears by the decoration of the backs), all illuminated with body colour and gold, the borders richly gilt. In No. III of the atutti the Empress holds a shield charged with the arms of France and Medici, and a similar shield appears on the ace of coins. The missing cards are:-the 9, 10 and queen of cups; the 10, knave, knight and king of swords; the 2-10, knight and king of coins; the ace, 5, 8, 10 and knight of clubs; and atutti Nos. II, V, IX, XI, XII, XV-XVIII, XXI-XXV, XXVII, XXVIII, XXX-XXXVII, XL, XLI. The backs of 23 are decorated with the arms of Austria between Lorraine and Medici, and the word "Etruria"; those of 14 with the arms of France and Medici, and the word " Etruria;" and 11 with the arms of Medici, and the word "Columba." 3~ x 21 in. 58. Rome; 1823. Complete pack. The 3 of cups is inscribed "Carte Fine," and in the centre of a cartouche on the 4 of coins is " Carte Fine di Roma." On the 2 of coins is a duty stamp " 1823 Appalto," and on the ace of clubs another with the words "Per Case." Backs decorated with an ornamental panel in purple. 37 x 21 in. 59. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 66, very coarsely executed and coloured. The missing cards are the 4 and 10 of cups, and atutti Nos. I-IX and XVI-XXXV. Backs decorated with a figure of Orpheus. 38 x 21 in. 60. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 37, coarsely executed and coloured. On the 4 of coins is a woman 16 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. riding on an elephant. The missing cards are:-the 3, 4, 6 and 10 of cups; the 3 and 6 of swords; the ace, 2, 3, 5, 8, knave, queen and king of coins; the 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, and knave of clubs; and all the atutti except the last. This is assumed to be part of a Minchiate pack, the coin suitmarks having human heads, and the sword cards being decorated with figures of animals; but the knights are men on horseback as in the tarocchi packs, instead of monsters with human bodies. Backs decorated with a figure of "Orfeo," uncoloured. 4 x 21 in. 61. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Two cards from an ordinary pack, viz., the king of swords and No. VI of the atutti. Backs decorated with a formal pattern. 4 x 21 in. 62. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 57, all unmounted, viz., the 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 of cups; the 2-10 of swords; the 5, 9, 10 and queen of coins; the ace-10 of clubs; and atutti, Nos. I-V, VII, VIII, XI-XIII, XV, XVI, XVIII-XX, XXII-XXIV, XXVI-XXX, XXXII-XXXIV, XXXVII, XXXVIII and Matto. With these are included eight old cards (a 2 and a 9 of swords, two aces of clubs, a No. XXIV. of atutti, and two knaves with French suitmarks), which appear to have been taken from the cover of a book. 63. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 92, engraved on wood and coloured, with the five missing cards (the king of cups, the 3 of swords, the 10 of clubs and atutti Nos. VIII and XXXIV) supplied from other packs. All have a border formed of small dots. Backs decorated with a pattern of small flowers in blue. 3X x 21 in. II.-PACKS OF 40 FOR OMBRE. An Ombre pack consists of ace-7, knave, knight, and king of the four suits-cups, swords, coins, and clubs. Ombre being a Spanish game, Italian Ombre packs are usually of the Spanish type, for a description of which see p. 31. 64. Bologna; A. Marisi, "alla Columba"; modern. Imperfect pack of 30, very rudely executed and much worn; uncoloured. On the 5 of swords is " Angelo Marisi." The missing cards are:-the ITALIAN CARDS. 17 king of cups; the 2 and 6 of swords; the ace, 2, 3, 6, and 7 of coins; and the 2 and knight of clubs. Backs decorated with a floral pattern, and inscribed " Alla Columba." 3- x 21 in. 65. Bologna; G. Natali, "al Cigno"; modern. Imperfect pack of 39, The 4 of cups is inscribed "Germano Natali Fabbricatore in Bologna, al Cigno," and the ace of coins is a duty stamp " Asso di Denari, Baj. 5, R. C. A." The missing card is the 5 of cups. Backs decorated with a figure of a youth playing the guitar, and inscribed " Al Cigno." 33 x 2 in. 66. Bologna; "al Mondo"; modern. Three cards, viz., the 2 and 3 of cups and the 5 of clubs. Backs decorated with a coat-of-arms, Albergati (?) impaling Bentivoglio, and inscribed "Al Mondo." 3- x 21 in. 67. Bologna; "al Soldato"; modern. Complete pack of the common Italian type. The knave of clubs holds a shield inscribed "Bologna"; the kings of clubs and swords also hold shields; and the 4 of cups is inscribed "Carte Fine al Soldato." Backs decorated with the arms of Venieri of Venice (?), and inscribed "Al Soldato." 41 x 17 in. 68. Bologna; 1859. Complete pack; very rudely executed and coloured. On the 4 of cups is the word "Bologna," and on the ace of clubs the date 1859. The backs have a decoration in form of a vase with the word "Bologna," printed in red. 33 x 2 in. 69. Bologna; 1859. Imperfect pack of 37, precisely similar to the last except that the decoration of the backs is slightly varied. The missing cards are the 3 of cups and the knave and 6 of clubs, the place of the last mentioned being taken by a second 5. 70. Florence; Adami, 1888. Complete pack. The ace of coins bears three duty stamps, one having the date "29 Apr. 88," with "Fabbrica Adami, Firenze." Backs marbled in blue. 31 x 2- in. 71. Genoa; 1862. Imperfect pack of 39, wanting the knave of cups. The ace of coins is a double-headed eagle on which is the excise stamp of "21 Sett. 1862," with, below, "Vico S, Giovanni a Mare a Ginova." Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and crescents in blue. 3} x 2 in. o 18 L/ ATALOGUEJ OFF CALRD& 72. Naples; P. Muntuori, 1862. Complete pack. The 4 of coins bears the arms of Savoy and on the ace of the same is a duty stamp of "24 Sett. 1862," with below "Pasquale Muntuori, Sopportico Tollacchio al Mercanti 7." Backs decorated with a view of the church of San Francesco di Paola, Naples. 34 x 2 in. 73. Naples. Imperfect pack of 38, similar to the last, and with same decoration on the backs. On the 4 of cups is "All' Unione delle Fabbriche." The missing cards are the ace and 4 of coins. [This pack is said to have been found in a brigand's cave near Pozzuoli.] 74. Naples. L. Pignalosa, 1884. Complete pack. The ace of coins is a double-headed eagle with two duty stamps of "24 Mar. 84 " and the address "Luigi Pignalosa, Str. Mercanti al Cerriglio Napoli," and on the 4 of coins the arms of Savoy. Backs decorated with a double view of a building. 24 x 2 in. 75. Naples; "Fabbrica Fortuna," 19th century. Imperfect pack of 39. The ace of coins is a double-headed eagle holding a coin on which is a figure of Fortune, with I"Fabbc^. Fortuna" below. The missing card is the 4 of coins. Backs decorated with a figure of a lion couchant. 34 x 2 in. 76. Naples; 19th century. Complete pack, similar to the last. The ace of coins is without the suitmark and the maker's name has been erased from it. Backs decorated with a figure of a lion passant. 31 x 2 in. 77. Naples. L. Violante; modern. Complete pack, coarsely executed and uncoloured. On the 4 of coins is " Carte giocattole," and on that of cups "Lit. Violante S. Giov. Magg. 17 Napoli." Backs plain. It x 1i in. 78. Rome; 19th century. Complete pack, poorly executed. The 4 of cups is inscribed "Roma, Deposito Via De Baullari Numo. 1," and the ace of coins is a duty stamp with the words "Asso di Danari C. 30, Carta Reservata " (?). Backs decorated with a well designed panel in black, and inscribed "Roma." 31 x 2 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 61.] 79. Urbino; 17th century. Complete pack, artistically engraved, with ornamental borders, the subjects treated in a fanciful manner. ITALIAN CARDS. 19 The knights are riderless horses and the knaves soldiers. The arms of Albani are represented on all the coin suitmarks, also on the shield held by the knave of clubs. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with the arms of Albani and inscribed " Urbino." 3| x 2 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 63 and 6-.] 80. Urbino; 17th century. Complete pack, identical with the last in every respect except the arms on the back, which are Albani impaling Ondedei. [These cards were probably engraved for Orazio Albani, brother of Pope Clement XI., and his wife Bernardina Ondedei.] 81. Venice. G. Facchina (?). Complete pack, of the ordinary Venetian type, rudely painted on thick plates of silver. The four aces bear Italian mottoes and the 4 of coins is inscribed " Alla bella Venezia Fabrica di Carte da Gioco di Giuseppe Facchina (?), al Ponte di San Lio, No. 6047 Venezia." The cards are enclosed in a silver case, the whole weighing 29 ounces troy. 4 x 1 in. 82. Venice. (?) F. Zavoli. Complete pack, of the Spanish type, rudely engraved on thin plates of brass. On the 5 of swords is the name of the maker " Francco. Zauoli," and on the 2 of swords his sign "Al Ottonaro." The suitmark of the ace of coins is inscribed "Francesco Zauoli fecit Rex," and on the 4 of coins is a device of two interlaced triangles with the letters C. F. A. O. (probably Carte Fine al Ottonaro). Backs decorated with a flowing pattern and inscribed S. F. The cards are enclosed in a brass case which bears on each side the arms of the Nave family. 3~ x 2 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 62.] 83. Viterbo. S. Moscatelli, 1885. Complete pack. The ace of coins bears two duty stamps of "24 Mar. 85," and is inscribed "Fabrica Perfezionata, Scipione Moscatelli, Viterbo." Backs decorated with a design of a youth holding papers, one of which is inscribed " Carte di Giuoco"; at bottom " Se. Moscatelli Viterbo." 3 x 2 in. 84. Place of issue uncertain. P. de Santi; "al Moro"; modern. Complete pack, with French suitmarks. On the knaves of spades, diamonds and clubs are scrolls inscribed respectively, "Carte Fine," "Pietro de Santi," and "Del Moro." The knaves of hearts and clubs bear an excise mark. Backs decorated with a medallion of Julius Caesar, and inscribed "Al Moro." 33 x 2k in. c2 20 CAITALOGUE OF CARDS. 85. Place of issue uncertain; P. de Santi; "al Moro." Complete pack, identical in all respects with the last, except the decoration of the backs, which is a figure of Aurora, with the words " Al Moro." 86. Place of issue uncertain; "Alla Follia"; modern. Complete pack. The ace of coins, which is a medallion portrait, has a stamp with the words " Alla Follia," and the duty mark " Italia Libera 186-." Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 3t x 2 in. 87. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack, very coarsely executed. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a figure of Harlequin, in blue. 38 x 2 in. 88. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 31, identical with the last in every respect except that the backs are decorated with a figure of Fortune. The missing cards are:-the knave, 3 and 2 of cups; the knave and 6 of swords; the knave and 4 of coins; and the king and knave of clubs. 89. Place of issue uncertain. Complete double-ended pack, of the Venetian type, very coarsely executed and coloured. The aces of cups, swords and clubs bear Italian mottoes. On the ace of coins is the excise stamp " Regno d'Italia centesimi 30." Backs decorated with a blue panel. 4A x 17 in. 90 Miniature cards, modern. Complete double-ended pack, with French suitmarks. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in brown. 11 x 14 in. III.-PACKS OF 52. These consist of ace-10, knave, knight, and king of each of the four suits, cups, swords, coins, and clubs. In some instances the French suitmarks hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs are used. 91. Bologna; " al Mondo." Complete pack of the Venetian type, with Italian mottoes on the aces. On the 2 of swords is "Carte fine al Mondo." Backs decorated with a figure of a man carrying poultry on a pole, with "al Mondo " below 4 x 21 in. ITALIAN CARDS. 21 92. Genoa; Armanino, 1888. Complete double-ended pack, of the Venetian type, with Italian mottoes on the aces. The ace of coins is inscribed " Fabrica di Carte da Giuoco, Fratelli Armanino Genova," and bears the excise stamps of 1888. Backs marbled. With original wrapper. 38 x 1 in. 93. Lucca; V. G. Imperfect pack of 34, of the French type, and with French suitmarks; rudely executed and coloured. The badge held by the knave of clubs is inscribed "V. G. Lucca." The missing cards are:-the 2, 8, 9, 10 and knave of hearts; the ace, 5, 8, 9, 10 and queen of spades; the ace, 9, 10 and queen of diamonds; and the 2, 6 and 8 of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of small blue stars. 31 x 21 in. 94. Milan. Perego e Spin-(?); modern. Miniature double-ended pack complete (with a duplicate 2 of clubs), of the Venetian type, with Italian mottoes on the aces. The ace of coins is inscribed " Perego e Spin-Editori, Milano." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in orange colour. 12 x 4 in. 95. Padua. D. Compostella e L. Pinzon; 19th century. Complete double-ended pack, with artistic versions of the old types, well executed and printed in colour. The coin suitmarks are charged with classical heads. The aces retain the Italian mottoes of the popular Venetian packs; that of coins bears the name of the engraver " G. Seiffert fe," and that of swords the initials of the makers. The king of clubs has the Austrian excise stamp with "Fabb. di D~. Compostella e L~. Pinzon, Padova, Via Patriarcato No. 837." Backs decorated with a view of the famous Casino Pedrocchi at Padua, for which the cards are said to have been designed by the painter Gazzotto. 4 x 1I in. [8S. Vol. III, pl. 91.] 96. Padua; " al Aquila Coronata." Complete pack, of the Venetian type, with Italian mottoes on the aces; very roughly executed, On the 2 of swords is "Al Aquila Coronata in Padoa pr Venezia." Backs decorated with a panel of stars and fleurs-de-lis in blue. 4 x 2 in. 97. Turin. Vergnano; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 39, with French suitmarks. The court cards are full-length figures of modern design, and all bear the name Vergnano; also the Sardinian excise stamp. The knave of spades stands by a 22 (71.11TALOGUE OFli CARDLS. pedestal inscribed " Fabrica di Carte e Tarocchi. Vergnano contrada di dora grossa Porta No. 9 Torino." The missing cards are the 2, 3 and 6 of hearts; the 2-5 of spades; the 2 and 3 of diamonds; and the ace, 6, 9 and 10 of clubs. Backs plain yellow. 31 x 2 in. 98. Venice. G. B. Codognato. Imperfect pack of 48, of the Venetian type, with Italian mottoes on all the aces; very coarsely executed. On the 2 of swords is " Fabrica di Gio. Batta Codognato, S. Lio, Venezia." The missing cards are the 6 of cups; the 5, 9 and 10 of swords; and the 4 and 7 of coins. 4 x 2j in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 46.] 99. Venice; A. Moro, 1847. Complete pack of the Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces. The court cards double-ended. On the 2 of swords is "Antonio Moro Venezia," and on the king of clubs "Venezia Cap. Antonio Moro," with the duty stamp of 1847. Backs decorated with a double design of a winged figure holding a banderole inscribed "Casino de Buoni Amici." 3i x 1 in. 100. Verona. C. Finetto, 19th century. Imperfect double-ended pack of 29, of the Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces. On the king of clubs is " Carlo Finetto in Chiavica 1687 Verona," with the Austrian excise stamp. The Austrian arms also appear on the 4 of coins. The missing cards are the 2-5, 7, 9, 10 and knave of cups; ace, 2, 5 and 9-king of swords; 3, 9, knave and knight of coins; and 9, 10 and knight of clubs. Backs decorated with a panel containing two snakes entwined, in blue. 4 x 2 in. 101. Vicenza. C. Salvotti, 19th century. Imperfect double-ended pack of 51, of the Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces. On the 2 of swords is " F. di Cae. Salvotti in C. Pescarie Vecchie al No. 2137 Vicenza," and the same appears, with the Austrian excise stamp, on the king of clubs. The Austrian arms are found on the 4 of coins. The missing card is the 2 of coins. Backs marbled. 4 x 2 in. 102. Place of issue uncertain. C. Liparachi. Complete doubleended pack, of the Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces; coarsely executed. On the king of clubs is the not very intelligible inscription "Cat. Liparachi F. S. Severo, N. 425," with, in the centre, " Carte per l'Estero." Backs decorated with a blue panel. 4 x l in. [S., Vol. III, pl. 61.] ITALIA'N CARD~S. 23 103. Place of issue uncertain. Reschi. Imperfect pack of 51, of the Venetian type, but without the mottoes. The knight of coins is inscribed " Reschi incise," and on the king of clubs is an excise stamp which has been rendered illegible. The missing card is the 6 of clubs. Backs decorated with a blue panel, the design of which varies, showing that the set has been made up from several packs. 38 x 1i in. 104. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Imperfect pack of 49, of the Venetian type, but without mottoes on the aces; coarsely executed. No inscriptions or numbers. The missing cards are the 4 and 8 of coins and the 3 of clubs. Backs decorated with an ornamental panel in black. 35 x 11 in. 105. Geography. G. B. Albrizzi, Venice, c. 1770. "I1 Giuoco Geografico, in cui si contengono tutti i Paesi, Regni, Provincie, Repubbliche, Citta,... del Mondo scoperto," etc. "Si vendono in Venezia da Giambattista Albrizzi a S. Benedetto al prezzo di lire tre." Complete pack, with 8 preliminary cards containing the title, rules of the game, and a " Ristretto Istorico." Each suit gives the divisions of one of the continents, and the suits are indicated by miniature representations of the usual Italian cards in the upper right corners. The pieces are numbered 1-52. In this pack the words " al prezzo di lire tre " have been erased from the title card. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of black stars. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 87.] 106. Geography. G. B. Albrizzi, Venice. " I Giuoco Geografico." A later issue of the preceding pack. The 8 preliminary cards are numbered I-VIII. 107. Geography; c. 1670. Imperfect pack of 50, with French suitmarks, similar in all respects to No. 123 of the French packs, except that the direction of the heads is reversed and knights take the place of queens. The missing cards are the knave and knight of hearts. Uncoloured. Backs plain. 31 x 11 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 80.] 108. Geography. Imperfect pack of 31, being a later and corrected edition of the preceding. The missing cards are the ace, 2, 5, 9, 10 and knight of hearts; the 2, 3, 6, 8, knight and king of spades; the ace, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and king of diamonds; and the 5 and knave of clubs. Backs decorated with a conventional pattern in black. 33 x 2j in. 24 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 109. Chronology of the Popes. G. B. Albrizzi, Venice, c. 1770. "II Giuoco Cronologico Storico, in cui si contengono le geste principali dei Romani Pontefici.... si vende in Venezia da Giambattista Albrizzi al prezzo di lire tre." Companion pack to No. 105, complete, with 6 preliminary cards containing the title and rules of the game. The account of the Popes commences on the first card with St. Peter, and ends on the last with the election of Clement XIV in 1769. The cards are numbered throughout 1-52, the order of the suits being cups, coins, clubs, swords. Backs decorated with a check pattern in black and white. In original pasteboard case lettered " Giuoco Cronologico per uso de Giovanetti Studenti." 38 x 21 in. 110. Brianville's Heraldry; c. 1680. Complete pack, with French suitmarks, showing the armorial bearings of the various European states. An Italian edition of the cards first issued by Oronce Fine, called De Brianville, at Lyons in 1659. [See French PACKS, Nos. 129-135]. The papal arms are those of Innocent XI (Odeschalchi) 1676-1689. All the cards bear numbers beside the suitmark, ranging from 1 to 355, which presumably refer to the pages of the volume in which they were originally published. Backs plain. In cloth-covered case. 31 x 21 in. 111. Brianville's Heraldry; 1681. Same pack as the last, in the form of a book with text and following title:-" Giuoco d'arme dei Sovrani e de gli Stati d'Europa... di C. Oronce Fine, detto di Brianville; tradotto dal Francese in Italiano da Bernardo Giustiniani," Napoli, 1681. Instead of the numbers near the suitmark others, corresponding to the pages of the book, are inserted in the upper right corners. 112. Brianville's Heraldry; c. 1695. Same pack; a later edition, the papal arms being those of Innocent XII (Pignatelli), 1691-1700. Backs plain. In pasteboard case lettered "Carte da Tre Sette." 113. Venetian Heraldry; 1707. "Preggi della Nobilita Veneta abbozzati in un giuoco d'Armi di tutte le Famiglie. Di D. Casimiro Freschot," 1707. A duodecimo volume giving historical accounts of the noble families of Venice, illustrated with 52 plates of armorial bearings in the form of playing cards, the suitmarks of which are violets, roses, lilies and tulips. Of the first edition of this work, which appeared in 1682, a copy is in the King's Library, British Museum. This, the second edition, extends to 448 pages, with a supplement consisting of 31 pages of text and ITALIAN CARDS. 25 six plates of arms of the new families ennobled between 1682 and 1707; also 12 engravings of Venetian costume, and finally, one plate of yet newer families created between 1707 and 1719. [The device on page 136 was done from a marble slab at one time fixed into a wall of the Doge's palace, and supposed by the author to be a symbol of the Republic. It was, in fact, a memorial of Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, who died at Venice in 1399, and probably came from his tomb in St. Mark's. Another engraving of it, on a separate card, accompanies this copy of the work.] 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 60-73.] 114. Astronomy; early 19th century. Pack of 64, entirely typeprinted. On each card are 27 lines of elementary questions and answers on astronomy and cognate subjects, the value and suit being stated in words in a compartment in the upper left corner, which is coloured red, yellow, blue or green, according to the suit. Edges gilt. Backs marbled. In original leather-covered case. 33 x 2 in. IV.-PACK OF 48. Similar to those of 52 with the 4 tens suppressed as in Spanish packs. 115. Bologna; "al Soldato"; 18th century. Complete pack of the ordinary type. On the 4 of coins are the arms of Mirandola, and the ace of clubs has a scroll inscribed "Al Soldato." Backs decorated with a figure of a crouching man holding a bag, the sun shining above, and inscribed "Al Soldato." 38 x l1 in. V.-PACKS OF 36. Similar to those of 52, but with the 3-6 of all the four suits suppressed. 116. Place of issue uncertain, 1808. Imperfect pack of 33, of the ordinary type but of large size; coarsely executed and coloured. All the pip cards bear Roman numerals. One of the suitmarks of the 2 of swords is inscribed "AN. 1608" (the second figure altered). The missing cards are the 8 and 9 of coins and the 10 of clubs. Backs decorated with a check pattern in black and white. 51 x 21 in. 117. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 29, similar in size and character to the last, but older; coloured with stencils. 26 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. On the ace of cups is a large spread eagle. The missing cards are the knight of cups; the 2 and king of swords; the 8, knight and king of coins; and the 9 of clubs. Backs decorated with a formal diagonal pattern in black and white. 58 x 23 in. VI.-PACK OF 32. 118. Place of issue uncertain. A peculiarly composed, but apparently complete, pack, consisting of the ace, knight, queen and king of the suits cups and coins, and the ace-9 with same court cards of swords and clubs. The subjects are somewhat fancifully treated, the swords being modern sabres and the clubs plain cudgels. On all the aces the suitmark is held by a dragon. Without inscriptions and uncoloured. 3 x 1 in. VII.-COMPOSITE CARDS. 119. Place of issue uncertain. "A. S. Marco." Pack of 30, of the ordinary type, of which 12 are whole cards and the remaining 18 composite; that is, each is formed of the halves of two different cards which have been divided diagonally, none being repeated. The 4 of coins bears the arms of Mirandola. Backs decorated with a view of a castle seen through an archway, and inscribed "A. S. Marco." 34 x 13 in. 120. Place of issue uncertain. " A. S. Marco." Pack of 30, similar to the preceding in all except the decoration of the backs, which is a fountain with a female figure on a dolphin. VIII.-FRAGMENTARY PACKS AND ODD CARDS. 121. Bologna; "al Soldato." Two cards; the ace of cups and the knight of clubs. Backs decorated with the arms of Guidotti (?) supported by an amorino, and inscribed " Al Soldato." 44 x 2 in. 122. Bologna; "al Soldato." Two cards; the knave and king of clubs. The former holds a shield inscribed " Libertas," and the latter a shield charged with a figure of a mounted knight. Backs decorated with a design of Hercules killing the hydra, and inscribed " Al Soldato." 41 x 14 in. ITALIAN CARDS. 27 123. Trieste. G. B. Marcovicii, 1855. Eighteen cards, all of the common Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces, but belonging to four different packs, as appears by the decoration of the backs. Court cards double-ended and bearing their titles. On an ace of coins is "Giovanni Battista Marcovicii, Trieste, 1855." Fourteen have on the backs a design of two men and a lobster on the sea-shore, in blue. 4 x 2 in. 124. Trieste; " La Fiducia"; modern. Fourteen cards from a pack of the common Venetian type, with mottoes on the aces. Court cards double-ended and bearing their titles. On the 2 of clubs is a view of a harbour, with a large column, and the ace of coins is inscribed "Nuova Fabbrica La Fiducia in Trieste." Backs decorated with a group of three women on the Corso, and inscribed " Violette d'Ogni Mese." 33 x 2 in. 125. Turin. Oletti; modern. An ace of coins, which has the Italian excise stamp in the centre, and along the left margin " Oletti Torino." Back decorated with a pattern of ermine spots in blue. 41 x 21 in. 126. Venice. Eight cards belonging to various packs, all bearing on their backs the names of Venetian coffee-houses for which they were made. They are:-a 9 of cups, "Costante al Giardinetto;" a knight of cups, "Caff6 L'Aurora"; a knight of cups, "Caff6 Vicentini "; a king of cups, " Caff Martini"; a king of swords, "Caff6 Commercio"; a 3 and a 5 of clubs, " Nuova Societa Appolinea Venezia "; and a 9 of clubs, " Caff alle Nazione." 127. Viterbo. A 7 of coins. Back decorated with figure of a troubadour holding bottle and glass, and inscribed "Viterbo." 31 x 17 in. 128. Place of issue uncertain. A knave of cups. Back decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 34 x 21 in. 129. Place of issue uncertain. A knave of cups; coarsely executed and coloured. The figure moves to the right, carrying a large cup. Back decorated with a diagonal pattern, in red. 4i x 21 in. 130. A knight of cups; coarsely executed and coloured. The figure rides to the right, holding a cup. Back decorated with a small geometrical pattern, in black. 31 x 1I in. 28 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 28 CATALOGUE OF UABDS. IX.-PACKS WITHOUT SUITS. (a.) For the game of Cucu. A Cucu pack consists of a double series of 19 cards (38 in all) of which 15 are numbered with large Roman figures, and the other 4 have the titles " Nulla," " Mascherone," '" Secchia," and "Matto." No. XV is "Cucu," a bird with a human head. This game is the original of the German " Vogelspiel," the Swedish " Cambio," and the Danish " Gniao." [For a description of the rules see Merlin, p. 131.] 131. Bologna. A. Dallacasa, " all' Aquila." Complete pack, with the printed title-card " Nvovo e diletevole Givoco del Chvchv o Givocco del Matto. In Bologna all Insegna dell' Aqvila." No. 1 has a label inscribed "Angelo Dallacasa all' Aquila." Backs decorated with a draped standing figure, and inscribed "All' Aquila." 37 x 2 in. 132. Bologna; "Al Cigno." Complete pack, similar to the last, with title-card " Nuouo diletevole Giuoco del Cuch o Giuoco del Matto. In Bologna all' Insegna del Cigno." Backs decorated with a landscape, and inscribed " Al Cigno." 33 x 2 in. [S. Vol. III, p1. 88 and 91.] 133. Bologna; "Al Cigno." Similar pack, wanting the printed titlecard. Backs decorated with a figure of Harlequin, and inscribed "Al Cigno." 33 x 2 in. 134. Bologna; "Al Cigno." Similar pack, imperfect, wanting the title and sixteen of the cards. Backs decorated with a floral pattern and inscribed " Al Cigno." 33 x 2 in. 135. Milan. A. de Maria. Similar pack, imperfect, wanting one " Secchia;" with title-card (in duplicate):-" Diletevole Givoco del Chvchv Fabbrica di Antonio de Maria in Milano." Backs decorated with a fanciful pattern in blue, and inscribed " F. di Milano." 33 x 2i in. ITALIAN GARDS. 29 (b.) Fanciful. 136. Mitelli's "Giuoco del Passa Tempo," 1690. A set of 40 cards, with emblematical figures symbolising the Virtues, Vices, Temperaments, etc., designed and etched by G. M. Mitelli. Nos. 1-20 are "triomfi " and Nos. 21-40 " cartaccie "; No. 20 contains the rules of the game, with the artist's name and the date, and No. 40 (" I1 Tempo Passa ") is inscribed "Gioco del Passa Tempo. Giuseppe M. Mitelli I. e F." Uncoloured. Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. (See Italian SHEETS, No. 4.) 5] x 2i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 31-34.] 137. Mitelli's " Giuoco del Passa Tempo." Another pack of the same cards; coloured. 138. Virtues and Vices; c. 1700. Pack of 50, drawn and etched somewhat in the manner of Mitelli; composed of 42 emblematical figures of the Virtues, Vices and Indifferent Qualities, and 8 trionfi. Each has its name and number above, and some have also a statement of their value below. Two of the cards are taken from another pack. Uncoloured. Backs plain. In old leather-covered case. (See Italian SHEETS, No. 5.) 34 x 23 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 29, 30.] 139. Diagonal. [Venice, c. 1700.] A series of 60 engraved cards, 24 of which are full length single figures of men, women, animals, etc., and the remainder halves of these joined diagonally in various combinations. Uncoloured and without inscriptions. Backs plain 4 x 24 in. 140. Social Subjects. [Venice, c. 1790.] A series of 42 engraved and coloured cards, tied up with pink ribbons in seven packets of six each. On every card is either a single figure or a group of persons walking or conversing, with dice-marks below. Backs plain green. 34 x 1 in. 141. Domino Cards. Pack of 118, for use as dominoes, the numbers expressed by the French suitmarks, hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs. Backs decorated with a flower pattern. 24 x 11 in. 142. Domino Cards. Pack of 21, for use as dominoes; the numbers expressed by forget-me-nots. Backs plain red. In original pasteboard case. 34 x 1 in. 30 CATALOGUE OF CAIRDS. (c.) Instructive. 143. Old Testament History; by A. Visentini, 1748. Complete pack of 52, giving the history of the Bible from the creation to the birth of Christ, in a series of spiritedly executed engravings, which have Latin and Italian inscriptions above and below. The pack is in four divisions which are printed in as many different colours and have also distinguishing marks, circles, diamonds, hearts and vases, which enclose appropriate emblems. On the 47th card the castle on the elephant's back is inscribed " F.Z.I. 1748. ATisentini Sculp." Backs marbled. Edges gilt. In original leather case. (See Italian SHEETS, No. 6.) 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 65-68.] 144. Old Testament History. 47 of a pack of 48, on each of which is a small circular woodcut medallion containing a head or figure of some biblical character, with a letterpress account of himl The cards are numbered throughout I-XLVIII, the missing one being No. XLIII. The pack is accompanied by a title-card belonging to another pack:-" Giuoco di Carte Storiche contenente un compendio dell' Istoria Romana... Venezia, per F. Andreola." Backs plain. 4i x 27 in. 145. New Testament History. Pack of 48, each containing a small oval woodcut medallion illustrating an incident in the New Testament, with accompanying text. In pasteboard case, which bears the title "Giuoco di Carte Storiche continente in compendio la Storia del Nuovo Testamento," etc. P. & G. Vallardi, Milan. 4i x 23 in. 146. New Testament History. Pack of 48, on each of which is a coarse woodcut illustrating an incident in the life of Christ, with accompanying text. In pasteboard case which bears the title " Compendio della Storia del Nuovo Testamento... Milano, di G. Pirotta, 1815." 44 x 2} in. 147. Grecian History. Pack of 48, on each of which is a woodcut medallion head of some character in Grecian history, with a letterpress account of him. Printed rules of the game accompany the pack. In pasteboard case bearing the title " Giuoco di Carte Storiche continente un Compendio dell' Istoria Greca.. Milano, P. & G. Yallardi." 4i x 2] in. SPANISH CARDS. 31 148. Roman History. Companion pack to the last, illustrating characters in Roman History. Five cards, Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6 and 24, are missing. In pasteboard case, of which the upper half with the title has been lost. 149. Ancient History. 35 of a pack of 40, engraved somewhat in the manner of Della Bella. Each has a vignette of a subject in ancient history, with Italian description below. The pack is numbered I-XXXX with Roman numerals on ribbons. The missing cards are Nos. VI, XI, XII, XXXVI and XXXVIII. The last six are printed in red ink. Backs decorated with a figure of History seated amidst ruins and inscribed "Testis Temporum." 3i x 21 in. 150. Geography. Pack of 47, giving printed accounts of the various countries of the world, with woodcut medallions of the costumes. The pack is accompanied by a list of the countries and a folding engraved map. In original pasteboard case which bears the title "Giuoco di Carte Geografiche, adornato di Figure,... Milano, P. & G. Vallardi, 1826." 44 x 24 in. 151. Proverbs. Pack of 36 vellum cards, each containing six MS. Italian proverbs or aphorisms. In pasteboard case. 34 x 2f in. 152. Costumes. Six of a set of well-executed sixteenth century woodcuts of ancient military costumes. They bear the titles "Alfieri," "Frombolatore," "Huomo d'Arme," "Soldato Privilegiato," and " Armato Antico." 4i x 24 in. SPANISH. Spanish cards have the Italian suits, cups, swords, coins and clubs (termed copas, espadas, oros and bastos), but in the form and arrangement of the suitmarks and the designs of the court cards they differ greatly from Italian cards. The espadas are short straight swords, placed apart from one another, either vertically or horizontally, the ace being usually a sword with belt supported by a boy; and the bastos are knotted cudgels. The ace of oros bears the arms of Spain, and the central coin in the 5 of that suit is sometimes a medal with two royal heads facing one another, derived probably from the coins of Ferdinand and Isabella. The court 32 CAlTALOGUE OF CARnDS. cards are king, knight and knave, and the kings stand erect, instead of being seated as in the Italian cards. As the tarocchi game has never been played in Spain, tarots are not found in Spanish packs, which usually consist of 48 numeral cards, i.e., 12 of each suit, the tens being suppressed. In Ombre packs the eights and nines are also suppressed, the total being thus reduced to 40. In modern packs the suits are numbered through 1-12. A peculiarity to be observed in Spanish cards is that the suits of cups, swords and clubs have respectively one, two, and three gaps or intervals in the upper and lower marginal lines of every card. I.-PACKS OF 40 FOR OMBRE. 1. Barcelona. A. Llombart, 1815. Complete pack. All the coins have on the suitmarks the arms of Aragon, except the ace, which has those of Leon and Castile, and is inscribed "Fca. D'Anton Llombart Barcen", 1815." Backs decorated with pattern of small stars and dots, in red. 33 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 99.] [For another pack published by Llonmbart, 1822, see Spanish SHEETS, No. 1.] 2. Barcelona. Torras and San Martino, 1829. Imperfect pack of 25. The ace of coins has a laurel-crowned head, and is inscribed " Por Torras y S". Marti Barcelona," and the 4 of cups bears a device of a horse between two towers, with the words "De una Oja" above, and a scroll below inscribed "Por Torras y Sn. Marti Bar"n., 1829." The missing cards are the ace, 3, 6, knave and king of cups; the 3-5 of swords; the 5, 6 and knave of coins; and the 2, 3, 5 and knave of clubs. facks decorated with a small pattern, in blue. 31 x 23 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 3. Igualada. Garcia and Boyer; modern. Complete pack. On the ace of coins is a lion with a globe and "Fabrica de Ygualada," and the 4 of cups has a vignette introducing the same lion, with the inscriptions " De una hoja," " FP". de Garcia yBoyer,'Ygualada." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern, in red and black. 3- x 23 in. 4. Leipsic; modern. Complete pack, made in Germany for use in Mexico. The ace of coins has the device of an eagle devouring a snake, and is inscribed "Hechos en Leipsique." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and dots, in brown. 3 x 2i in. SPANISH CARDS. 33 5. Madrid. J. Humanes, 1879. Complete pack. On the ace of coins is "Fabrica de Madrid, 1879," and on the 4 of the same suit, "J. Humanes y Ca." Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 34 x 24 in. 6. Madrid. P. Maldonado; modern. "Nueva Baraja Taurina." Complete pack (unused), fancifully treated, all the court cards and suitmarks being portraits of favourite bull-fighters. On the 4 of each suit is a bull-fighting incident. Backs decorated with a pattern of cross lines, in blue. With original wrapper. 33 x 24 in. 7. Madrid. F. Ocejo; early 19th century. Complete pack, engraved by J. Fonseca from designs by J. Ruiz. The figures on the court cards are in fancy costumes, those of cups and coins being Spanish, those of swords antique, and those of clubs oriental. On the 4 of each suit, and also on the ace of coins, is a vignette of an historical or other subject. The 2 of coins is inscribed "Fcl. de D. Felipe Ocejo," and the 4 of clubs bears the artists' names, "J. Ruiz inb~. J. Altarriba del". J. Fonseca las go." Uncoloured. Backs decorated with a neat formal pattern, in green. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 105 and 106.] 8. Mele and Genoa. P. Buscaglia; modern. Imperfect pack of 37, made in Italy for the Spanish market. On the ace of coins are the arms of Leon and Castile, with " P. Buscaglia, Mele e Genova " and Italian duty stamps "per l'Estero." The missing cards are the 3 and 4 of cups and the 3 of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in black. 3- x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 100.] 9. Paris. B. P. Grimaud; modern. Complete pack (unused), made in France for the Algerian market; with original wrapper, which is inscribed "40 Naypes Refinos," and has a vignette of an Arab horseman galloping with drawn sword. On each of the four aces is "B. P. Grimaud, Paris." Backs decorated with a small pattern, in pink. 31 x 24 in. 10. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 39. On the ace of coins are the arms of Spain displayed on the Austrian eagle, and on the 2 of coins one of the suitmarks contains the arms of Leon and Castile, the other those of Aragon. The 4 of coins has an armorial shield (or, a cross D 34 tl-'ITALOGUE OF CARD&. gules), and the central suitmark of the 5 has the two royal heads, with a blundered inscription:-" GROSSVSV. NONYS. INPERXTOPIS RDMANORVM 1577." Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing suns. 32 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 11. Place of issue uncertain; modern. "Baraja Mistica." Complete pack (unused), with designs satirising the Spanish clergy. The ace of cups is inscribed "Baraja Mistica. Precio 2 Pesetas," and the wrapper "Baraja Mistica. Yenta en todas las Librerias." Backs decorated with a small blue pattern formed of mitres and birettas. 34 x 24 in. 12. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Imperfect pack of 37, apparently made in Italy; very coarsely executed and coloured. The 2 of swords is inscribed "con licencio del Rey." Backs decorated with a figure of "La Fortuna," the paper which forms them being folded over to the front to form a border in the Italian fashion. 34 x 1 in. II.-PACKS OF 48. 13. Barcelona. S. Comas; modern. Complete pack. On the 4 of cups is the device of a stag between two trees, with a shining sun, the motto " De una hoja" above, and "Sebastian Comas Barna" below. The ace of coins is a trophy with a medallion portrait. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in black. 38 x 21 in. 14. Barcelona. Demacia; 19th century. Complete pack. On the ace of coins are the arms of Spain, which rest on a pedestal inscribed "Fa. Demacia Barcelona," and the 4 has a device of a caduceus and anchor. The coin suitmarks have profile heads. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 34 x 21 in. 15. Barcelona. Sarbat and Sole, 1847. Imperfect pack of 42. On the 4 of cups is the device of the stag and sun, with " De una hoja" above, and "Por Sarbat y Sole Baria 1847" below. The missing cards are the king of cups, the 5 and knave of swords, and the ace, 5 and knight of clubs; there is a duplicate knight of cups. Backs mottled red. 31 x 2k in. SPANISH CARDS. 35 16. Bayonne. M. V.; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 33, closely resembling that issued by Jean Volay (see No. 56 below). On the ace of coins are the arms of Spain with inscription, " Hispanive Rex Carolus Dei Gratia," referring to Charles II, who died in 1700, and the letters M. V., the initials of the maker, possibly a member of the Volay family. On the 4 of coins is a double triangle, with an armorial shield (gules, a cross argent), and the central suitmark of the 5 has the two royal heads. The letters M. V. appear also on the knave and 4 of cups and the knave of clubs. The 2 of swords is inscribed "fechas en Baionne." The missing cards are the 3, 7 and 8 of cups; the 4, 5, 6, knight and king of spades; the 2, 3 and 6 of coins; and the 4, 6, 8 and 9 of clubs. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 94.] 17. Bordeaux. Imperfect pack of 46, made in France for the Spanish market. It is similar in character to the preceding, the 4 and 5 of coins having the same features; on the 2 of coins are the arms of Leon and Castile, and also those of Aragon, and the 2 of swords is inscribed " fechas en Bordeaux." The missing cards are the aces of coins and clubs. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 95.] 18. Burdoes [? Bordeaux]. Louis, 1828. Imperfect pack of 44, made in France for the Spanish market. The ace of coins is inscribed " Fc. de Naypes ano de 1828. De la Fabrica de Louis en Burdoes." The 4 of cups bears as a device an eclipse of the sun, and the 4 of coins a figure of a marine unicorn. The missing cards are the 7 of cups, the 7 of swords, the knave of coins and the 3 of clubs. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern, in blue. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 99.] 19. Cadiz. I. B. David, 1864. Imperfect pack of 46. On the 2 of cups is " Naipes de Unahoja, Primer Florete," and on the 4 of cups " David, Cadiz," and on the 5 of clubs is " Aino de 1864." The ace of coins has the arms of Spain, and the 4 of coins bears the name " I. B. David." The missing cards are the 4 and 5 of swords. Backs decorated with a pattern of diagonal lines, in red. 31 x 21 in. 20. Cadiz. M. H. Maffeis; modern. Complete pack. On the ace of coins is a lion with the words "De Fabrica," on the 2 of coins "Premio al Merito," on the 4 of coins " Fc^. de Naipes Finos del Leon de M. H. Maffeis, Cadiz," and on the 4 of cups " Leon premiado en Filadelfia." Eight other cards bear various inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of diagonal lines, in purple. 38 x 21 in. D 2 36 CIALTALOGUEI OF CAYLRD~S. 21. Cadiz. Olea Brothers, 1860. Complete pack (unused), with original wrapper. The ace of coins bears the arms of Spain; the 4 of coins is inscribed "Fabrica de Barajas unica con Premios. De Olea H8s' Calle la Aduana Vieja junto al Consulado N. 3. Cadiz," and the 4 of cups " Per Olea Hs8 Cadiz." On the 5 of clubs is " Ano de 1860." Backs decorated with a pattern of diagonal lines, in blue. 34 x 24 in. 22. Genoa. P. Bosio; 18th century. Complete pack, made in Italy for the Spanish market. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain, with cartouches inscribed " Po Bosio. Sstanovero in Gnenov "; on the 2 is " Naipes Finos," and on the 4 a double triangle with the initials P. B. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots, in black. 3 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 99.] 23. Machara Vieja. F. Solesio, 1801. Imperfect pack of 46. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain, with two scrolls inscribed "Naipes Finisimos de la R. Fabrica de Machara Viaja por D. Felix Solesio"; on the 4 of coins is "Real Fabrica de Machara Vieya 1801 "; and on the 2 of cups " Para las Yndias " (showing that the pack was intended for Spain's West Indian colonies). The missing cards are the 8 and 9 of swords. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. lII, pl. 99.] 24. Madrid. J. de Brugada, 1821. Complete pack (unused), with the original wrapper. The ace of coins is inscribed "Real Fabrica de Madrid. Por Don Ivan de Brugada de 1821 "; and the 4 of cups " Naypes Refinos." On the wrapper are the arms of Spain with " Naypes Finisimos fabricados para la diversion de Sus Macesdadis y Real Famills. Real Fabrica de Madrid. Por Don Ivan de Brugada e hijo ano de 1821." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 25. Madrid. J. Martinez de Castro, 1810. Complete engraved pack, in which the usual types are prettily and artistically treated. The 4 of each suit has a fanciful vignette in the centre. The ace of coins is a trophy of military and commercial emblems, with a medallion in which are two female figures typifying commerce and navigation, and a tablet inscribed " Grabada en Madrid por D. Jose Martinez de Castro aio de 1810." The suits are printed in inks of four different colours. Backs decorated with a small pattern, in blue. 31 x 2i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 107-110.] SPANISH CARDS. 37 26. Madrid. J. Martinez de Castro, 1810. Another pack of the same cards, imperfect, wanting the knave of coins and the 6 of clubs. Printed in black ink and coloured. Backs similar to the last. 27. Madrid. F. Ocejo; 19th century. Complete pack, identical with No. 7, but with the eights and nines added, and all coloured. The maker's name has been removed from the 2 of coins. Backs decorated with a small leaf pattern, in green. 28. Madrid. C. Roxas; modern. Complete pack, artistically engraved and highly coloured, the court cards illustrating the costumes of the different provinces of Spain. The ace of coins has a profile head in a medallion, with tablets inscribed "Fabrica de D. Clemented Roxas." Backs decorated with a small leaf pattern. 34 x 24 in. 29. Madrid. F. Solesio & Sons, 1792. Complete pack. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain with two scrolls inscribed " Fabrica Nacionel de Madrid, por D. Felix Solesio e Hijos," and on the 4 of coins is " Naypes finisimos fabricados en Madrid de 1792." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 38 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 30. Madrid. Solesio Brothers; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 41. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain with two scrolls inscribed " Hermanos Solesio;" on the deuce is a scroll inscribed " Naipes Finos," on the 4 the device of a caduceus and anchor, and on the 5 a medallion with profile head. The missing cards are the 6 of cups, the 8 and 9 of swords, and the 3, 6, 7, and 8 of coins. Backs decorated with a small pattern of lozenges. [With this pack are three cards, the 8 of cups, the 8 of coins, and the 9 of clubs, which belong to another.] 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 99.] 31. Madrid. C. R.; modern. Complete miniature pack, with modern designs, the court cards fancifully treated. On the ace of coins are the arms of Spain, with "Dn, C. R. Md. " ( Clemented Roxas), and each of the fours has a vignette. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern, in red. In modern morocco case. 1- x 7 in. 32. Madrid. Royal Manufactory, 1818. Imperfect pack of 44. The ace of coins is inscribed "Rl1 Fa. de Md' ano de 1818," and the 4 of cups " Naypes Refinos." On the 4 of coins is a marine unicorn. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 3, x 21 in. [S. Vol. I1fT, PI. 99.] 38 CA.TALOGUE OF CARDS. 33. Madrid. Royal Manufactory, 1808. The sixteen court cards and aces belonging to a pack similar to the last; apparently modern reprints. The ace of coins is inscribed '"R' Fa de Md ano de 1808." 3* x 28 in. 34. Madrid; 1821. Complete pack. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain without any inscription. On the 4 of coins is "Naypes Finos fabricados en Madrid," and on the 4 of cups "Ano de 1821," but the pack appears to be of more recent date. Backs decorated with a pattern of small stars, in pink. 3- x 2* in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 98.] 35. Naples; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 46, having all the Spanish characteristics, but of coarse Italian manufacture, and doubtless produced in Naples during the Spanish regime. The ace of coins has the arms of Naples with the Bourbon inescutcheon. On the large coin of the 5 of coins is a cupid on a dolphin, and in the centre of the 4 an ornamental frame enclosing a blank shield. The missing cards are the 7 of swords and the 3 of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges and circles, in blue. 33 x 24 in. 36. Naples; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 39, similar in character and make to the last. The suitmark of the ace of coins has a shield charged with the Bourbon fleurs-de-lis, and is displayed on the Austrian eagle; below is " Por el Rey." On the 5 of swords is " Se has por el Rey." The coin suitmarks all have a fleur-de-lis in the centre. Backs decorated with a double-ended device of the arms of Naples with "Viva il Re." 3-1 x 24 in. 37. Pampeluna. J. Serrano; modern. Complete pack. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain with "Fabrica de Pamplona," and on the 4 of coins is a lion with "Jose Serrano Pamplona." Backs decorated with a small pattern, in pink. 38 x 24 in. 38. Paris. B. P. Grimaud; modern. Complete pack, made in France for the Spanish market. On the 4 of cups is " B. P. Grimaud, Paris." Backs marbled in red. 3j x 2i in. 39. Paris. B. P. Grimaud; modern. Complete pack, made in France for the Spanish market. The ace of coins has in the centre an armorial shield (a ship at sea), and bears the maker's name, which also appears on all the court cards. Backs decorated with a small pattern, in pink. 3 x 21 in. SPA NISH CARDS. 39 40. Perpignan. Dessoris; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 47, made in France for the Spanish market. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain with scrolls inscribed " Dessoris a Perpignan," and on every court card is printed " Dessoris, France." The missing card is the knight of swords. Backs decorated with a pattern of spots, in blue. 3- x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 41. Perpignan. Dessoris. Imperfect pack of 46, more recent than the last, but inscribed in the same way. The missing cards are the 3 and 6 of swords. Backs plain. 38 x 21 in. 42. Valencia. J. Bau; modern. Complete pack (unused), with original wrapper. The ace of coins has a laurelled head and is inscribed "Fabrica de Jose Bau." The wrapper is lettered "Jose Bau, Calle de Murillo 38, Valencia." Backs marbled in green. 34 x 24 in. 43. Valencia. S. Dura; modern. Complete pack (unused), with original wrapper. The ace of coins has a laurelled head and is inscribed "Simeon Dura, Valencia." The wrapper is lettered "Fabrica de Naipes. Simeon Dura. Guillem de Castro 130, Valencia, numero 1." Backs marbled in black. 34 x 2 in. 44. Place of issue uncertain. J. Barbot; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 47. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain displayed on an eagle, with the name J. Barbot below, and on the 2 are the shields of Aragon and Castile. The large coin in the 5 of coins has the head of a king. The maker's monogram appears on the 2 of swords and the ace of clubs. The missing card is the 3 of clubs. On every card the English equivalent has been added in pen and ink. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 3X x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 99.] 45. Place of issue uncertain. J. Bernard; 18th century. Complete pack, probably made in France for the Spanish market. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain on an eagle, and is inscribed "Jean Bernard," which name (or its initials) appears also on seven other cards. The large coin in the 5 of coins has the two profile heads. The backs, which are plain, have titles of books written on them, showing that the cards have been used for a library catalogue. 38 x 2i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 96.] 40 C AXALOGTUE OFii CARD&. 46. Place of issue uncertain. J. R. Miniature pack, complete. The ace of coins is inscribed "Fabrica de D. J. R.," and the cipher J. R. also appears on the 4 of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots, in blue. In modern morocco case. 14 x 8 in. 47. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 23, artistically engraved from fanciful modern designs, and highly coloured. The figures on the court cards are in modern military costumes, and on the 4 fours are vignettes, representing respectively two bacchanalian figures dancing before a statue, a Roman warrior seated, a Peruvian worshipping the rising sun, and Hercules slaying the Nemsean lion. No inscriptions. The ace of coins is a circular frame containing two portrait heads, supported by a child. The missing cards are the 5-9 of cups; the 2, 3 and 5-9 of swords; the 2, 3 and 5-9 of coins; and the 3 and 5-9 of clubs. Backs decorated with a small pattern in green. 38 x 21 in. 48. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 46. On the suitmark of the ace of coins is a sun displayed on an eagle, and the card is inscribed "Per Pere Rotxotxo"; the 4 of coins has a frame enclosing a sun, and on the large coin in the 5 is a head of a king. (The presence of a sun on two of the cards suggests that the pack may have been made in or for Peru.) The missing cards are the 4 of cups and the 5 of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots, in blue. 39 x 2- in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 99.] 49. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 40, similar to No. 45, but more recent. The ace of coins has the arms of Spain with the legend "Carolus Dei Gratia Hispania Rex" (probably Charles III, 1759-1788); and on the large coin of the 5 of coins are the traditional royal profiles. The missing cards are the knight of cups; the ace, 8 and knave of swords; the 6 and knight of coins; and the 2 and knight of clubs. Backs plain. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 97.] 50. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. One unmounted card, the ace of coins, of Italian manufacture. The suitmark, which is displayed on an eagle, is charged with the arms of Spain, with the legend " Carolus Dei Gratia Hispaniarum Rex." At the top is "Apalto Romagnia." 3 x 2* in. 51. Place of issue uncertain. Modern satirical. Complete' pack, with the usual suits fancifully treated. The court cards are cari SPANISH CARDS. 41 cature portraits of Spanish political characters of the present day, and the aces have satirical designs. The coin suitmarks are old Spanish coins. Backs marbled. 3k x 2k in. 52. Place of issue uncertain. Set of 19 modern impressions from an old block, unmounted and uncoloured. They are: the ace, knave, knight, and king of cups; the ace, 6-9, knave, knight, and king of swords; the knave, knight, and king of coins; and the ace, knave, knight, and king of clubs. 33 x 21 in. 53. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack, beautifully executed in water-colours. The subjects are all fancifully treated, with a figure of an amorino introduced in each. No inscriptions. Backs marbled and edges gilt. In red gilt-edged pasteboard case. 31 x 21 in. III.-PACKS OF 52. 54. Cadiz. Olea; modern. Complete double-ended pack (unused), with French suitmarks. The wrapper is inscribed "Fabrica de Barajas de Olea, Calle de la Flores No. 1, Cadiz." Backs decorated with a small pattern in black. 35 x 21 in. 55. Madrid. F. Solesio & Sons, 1802. Complete pack. On the ace of coins are scrolls inscribed "Real Fabrica de Madrid " and " Por D. Felix Solesio e Hijos," and on the 4 of coins " Naypes Finisinos fabricados fn Madrid H. 1802." The 2 of cups bears the words "Para Cracas," showing that the pack was made for Caracas in Venezuela. Backs decorated with a small formal pattern in blue. 31 x 2k in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 98.] 56. Thiers. Jean Volay; 18th century. Complete pack, faintly printed and coarsely coloured, made for the Spanish market by the well-known French maker Jean Volay, whose name or initials are found on six of the cards. The ace of coins has the arins of Spain, and on the imperfect 2 is the shield of Leon and Castile; the large coin of the 5 has the traditional royal heads, with the legend " Grossvsvs Nonvs Imperatoris Romanorvm." The 2 of swords bears the words " fechas a tiarts." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 31 x 2k in. [S. Vol. III, pi. 94.] [This pack bears a general resemblance to the 17th century set in the old Museum collection (Willshire, S. 15), but is later and altogether inferior.] 42 2CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 57. Brianville's Heraldry; c. 1735. Imperfect pack of 50, illustrating the heraldry of the various European states; a Spanish version of the pack invented by Oronce Fine (de Brianville) in 1659 (see French PACKS, Nos. 129-135). The principal changes are:the Spanish suits replace the French; the Spanish coats are found upon the swords, the German and northern coats on the cups; the Italian on the coins; and the French on the clubs. The papal arms (on the king of coins) are those of Clement XII (Corsini), 1730-40. The missing cards are the prince of cups and the king of clubs; they must have been the kings of Hungary and France. Backs plain. 38 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 101-4.] 58. Machara Vieja. F. Solesio and Sons. An odd card, the ace of coins, having the arms of Spain on the suitmark, above and below which are scrolls bearing ignorantly spelt inscriptions. "Real Fasnisa Machana Viaja ror D. Felix Sdlesio e hijos." Back decorated with pattern of dots, in blue. 31 x 2A in. PORTUGUESE. I. Rio de Janeiro; modern. Complete pack of 48 (the tens omitted as in Spanish packs), with Spanish suitmarks. The court cards are king, queen and knight. The coin suitmarks have the form of rosettes, and the swords and clubs are arranged as trophies with shields. On the aces the suitmark is held by a dragon. The 6 of cups bears a cipher F.B. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. In original wrapper lettered " Cartas Portuguezas, Da R. F. do R~ de Janr~." 3i x 1i in. FRENCH. Card-playing was at an early but uncertain date introduced from Italy into France. So far as concerns the ordinary numeral sequence of 52 cards the French pack differs from the Italian in that the suits Coeurs (Hearts), Piques (Spades), Carreaux (Diamonds), and Trefles (Clubs) are substituted for the Cups, Swords, Money, and Clubs, while among the court cards Queen takes the place of Knight. Besides the various games played FRENCH CARDS. 43 with the four-suit numeral pack, the game of Tarot was also brought from Italy into France, and took root in the southern and some of the eastern provinces, but never in the north or centre. Tarot packs have been extensively manufactured in France, chiefly in places near the eastern frontier, for the use of the peasantry of that district and for exportation. A "jeu de Tarots" consists of 78 cards with Italian suitmarks and in every other respect resembles the Italian tarocchi packs, the same conventional designs being used throughout, but the inscriptions are in French. Piquet, the national game of France, is believed to have been invented about the time of Henri IV, and until the beginning of the eighteenth century was played with a pack of 36 cards, the 2-5 of each suit being suppressed; since then the 6 has also been dispensed with, and a complete piquet pack now consists of 32 cards only. At an early period the French card-makers introduced the practice of giving the names of historical and legendary personages to the court cards, and in the seventeenth century a definite set of names became stereotyped and has continued in use, more or less, until the present time: these are David, Alexander, Caesar and Charlemagne for the kings; Rachel, Argine, Pallas and Judith for the queens; and Hector, Lancelot, Lahire and Hogier for the knaves. At the time of the Revolution and the first Empire, packs were published, artistically designed by David, Gatteaux and others, which harmonised with the new ideas; but these enjoyed only a fleeting popularity, and the old type soon reappeared. I.-" JEUX DE TAROTS." 1. Belfort. J. P. Laurent, 18th century. Imperfect pack of 45. On the ace of cups is "P. Voisin," and on the 2 " Jean Pierre Lavrent a Belfort." The missing cards are the 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, knave and king of cups; the 2, knight and queen of swords; the 2, 3, 9, knave and queen of coins; the ace, 5, 10 and queen of clubs; and Nos. I, II, IV, VI, VII, IX and XII-XIX of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 44 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 11.] 2. Besangon. J.Jerger; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 77. The 2 of cups is inscribed "Tarots Fins faites par J. Jerger Fabriquant Carts a Besancon," and on every court card and atout is " France J. Jerger." On Nos. III and IV of the atouts is a shield charged with an eagle, and on No. VII are the initials J. I. A. B. on a small shield. The missing card is the 7 of coins. Backs mottled green. 41 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 11.] 44 CATA4LOGUE~ OF~ CARD~S. 3. Chambery. Cardajat; modern. A single card, the ace of clubs, bearing a stamp "Cardajat, Chamberi." Back decorated with a diagonal pattern, in blue. 4 x 21 in. 4. Dijon. P. Madenie, 1709. Imperfect pack of 56, wanting the whole of the atouts. The 2 of coins is inscribed " Pierre Madenie Cartier du Prince 1709," and on the ace of cups is " Pater Graveur a Dijon." The 4 of coins has in the centre the arms of France differenced with a baton. Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing crosses. 48 x 21 in. 5. Lyons. J. Dodali, 18th century. Complete pack. The 2 of coins. is inscribed " Faict a Lyon par Jean Dodali," and on the 2 of cups is "Jean Dodal" in large characters. The words "F. P. Le Trange " (fait pour l'etranger) appear on all the four knights, and also on the knave of clubs, and Nos. XI and XXI of the atouts. The names of the atouts are very ignorantly spelt. Backs decorated with a pattern of ermine spots. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 4.] 6. Lyons. G. Dubesset, 18th century. Complete pack. The 2 of coins is inscribed "Gvilavmhe Dvbesset a Lyon." Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing crosses. 41 x 21 in. 7. Strasburg. J. B. Benois, 18th century. Imperfect pack of 76. On the 2 of cups is " Taros Fin de J. B. Benois a Strasburg." The missing cards are the knave of cups and the 9 of swords. Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 4| x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 12.] 8. Strasburg. L. Carey, 18th century. Revolutionary. Imperfect pack of 38, of the ordinary type, but with the titles of the knaves, queens and kings altered to "Egalite," " Liberte " and "Genie," and those of Nos. III and IIII of the atouts to " La Grande Mere " and " Le Grand Pere." The 2 of cups is inscribed " Taros Fin de L. Carey, a Strasbourg," and the engraver's initials F. I. appear on " Le Chariot." The missing cards are the 3, 4, 5, 7-10, knave, knight and king of cups; the ace, 2, 4, knave, knight and king of swords; the 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, knave and knight of coins; the 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, queen and king of clubs; and Nos. I, II, VI, VIII, VIIII, XIII, XIIII, XVI, XVIII, and XXII, of the atouts. Backs mottled red. 4, x 21 in. FRENCIt CARDS. 45 9. Strasburg. L. de Laboisse, 18th century. Imperfect pack of 69. On the 2 of cups is "Louis de Laboisse a la Perle Orientale a Strasbourg," and on the 2 of coins " Faict a Strasbourg par Louis de Laboisse." The engraver's initials J. N. are on " Le Chariot." The subject of No. II of the atouts is "Le Printemps." The missing cards are the ace and knight of cups, the king of swords, the knight of coins; and Nos. III-VI and VIIII of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 4- x 2A in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 12.] 10. Strasburg. N. F. Laudier, 1746. Imperfect pack of 76. The 2 of coins is inscribed "Faictes a Strasbourg de N. Francois Laudier," and the 2 of cups "Taros Fins de Francois Kechler Marchand Cartier a Kehl." On " Le Chariot" appears the engraver's name, " Pierre Hsnard Graveur 1746." The missing cards are the aces of swords and clubs. Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 48 x 2j in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 12.] 11. Strasburg; 18th century. Complete pack, identical with No. 8, except that the titles of the court cards and the third and fourth atouts have not been revolutionised, and the maker's name is omitted from the inscription on the 2 of cups. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue. 12. Place of issue uncertain. F. Bouvard; 18th century. Fragmentary pack of two cards only, the 2 of cups, and the 2 of coins. The former is inscribed "Taros Fin de Francois Bouvard," and the latter "Francois Bouvard." Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing suns, in blue. 4 x 2] in. 13. Place of issue uncertain. C. Burdel; 1751. Complete pack. The 2 of coins is inscribed "Claude Burdel Cartier et Graveur 1751." Burdel's initials also appear on the 2 of cups and Le Chariot. All the coin suitmarks have the French fleur-de-lis in the centre. The ace of coins and No. VI of the atouts have been taken from another pack. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars. 4k x 2- in. [S. Vol. II, pi. 5-10.] 14. Place of issue uncertain. H. B. 1752. Imperfect pack of 27. The 2 of coins is inscribed "Cartier Anno 1752," with a blank space for the maker's name, and on Le Chariot is the monogram IB. The missing cards are the 2-4, and 7-king of cups; the 2, 3, 5, 7-10 and queen of swords; the 5, 7-10 and knight of coins; the 2, 4-9, queen and king of clubs; and Nos. I-IV, VI, VIII, IX, XI-XIV, XVI-XX and XXII of the atouts. Backs mottled red. 43 x 21 in. 46 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 15. Place of issue uncertain. N. Conver; 1760. Imperfect pack of 77. The 2 of coins is inscribed " Nal. Conver 1760," and on the 2 of cups are the arms of France with the engraver's initials G.M. The same arms appear also on the 4 of coins. All the four knaves bear the words "Conver, France," and on Le Chariot are the initials V.T. The missing card is the knight of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in blue. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 11.] 16. Place of issue uncertain. A. Jar; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 35. On the 2 of coins is "Antoine Jar." The missing cards are the 2-10 of cups; the ace-5, 9, 10 and king of swords; the ace, 4, knave and queen of coins; the ace, 2, 4-10 and knight of clubs; and Nos. I, II, IV-VI, IX, X, XII, XVI, XVII, XIX, and XX of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 48 x 23 in. 17. Place of issue uncertain. J. F. Tourcaty, fils; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 58; very coarsely executed. The 2 of coins is inscribed "J. Francois Tourcaty Fils Anno," and on the 6 of swords are the initials E. S. Le Chariot bears the initials F. T., and on all the numeral cards of the suit of clubs are the letters B. A. The missing cards are the 3, 7, 8, 9, and knave of cups; the 2, 8 and 9 of swords; the 5, 7, and knave of coins; the 2, 4, 5, 6, and king of clubs; and Nos. III, VIII, IX, and XXII of the atouts. There is a duplicate king of cups. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue. 4I x 21 in. 18. Place of issue uncertain. F. W.; 18th century. Twenty-four court cards and atouts from an uncoloured pack, viz., the knave, knight, queen, and king of cups and swords; the queen and king of coins; the knave and knight of clubs; and Nos. I-XII of the atouts. On Le Chariot are the initials F. W. L'Imperatrice holds a shield charged with an eagle. Backs decorated with a highly coloured diagonal pattern of flowers and leaves. 43 x 2| in. For Cartomancy. 19. Etteilla; 19th century. Complete pack, artistically designed and printed in colours. The suits are those of the ordinary tarot packs but fancifully treated, the clubs being sceptres or official maces, and the coins ancient specimens. The atouts are emblematical figures differing almost wholly from the conventional subjects. FRENCH CARDS. 47 Every card has numbers in the corners and words used in fortunetelling in the borders. No. I of the atouts (Le Chaos) is inscribed "Etteilla " and " Le Questionnant," and No. 8 (Repos) " Etteilla" and " La Questionnante." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in purple. 51 x 2k in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 61, 62.] (For an account of Etteilla (Alliette) and his resuscitation of cartomancy in France, see Willshire's Catalogue, p. 144.) 20. Etteilla; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 71, with the ordinary suits fancifully treated. The clubs are short sticks and the coins discs bearing cabalistic characters; the subjects of the atouts are identical with those in the preceding pack. The cards are numbered through 1-78, and each has two words used in fortunetelling; on No. 8 is "Etteilla Questionnante." The missing cards are Nos. 1, 2, 3, 27, 29, 53, and 64. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern in brown and purple. 48 x 28 in. 21. Etteilla; modern. Complete pack, identical in subjects with the last, but of more recent design; the fortune-telling titles differ. Engraved on wood and printed on yellow paper. Backs plain. In cardboard case. 4 x 2- in. 22. Anonymous. Complete pack for fortune-telling; badly drawn in water-colours on green paper. 3` x 2k in. II.-PIQUET PACKS OF 36 AND 32. 23. Beziers. Maudet, 18th century. Complete pack of 36. The king, queen, and knave of each suit are numbered I, II, and III respectively, both in upper left and lower right corners. The knave of spades is inscribed "Maudet a Beziers." Backs plain. 3 x 2k in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 4.] 24. Paris. Gaillard, c. 1870. Imperfect pack of 31. The kings are replaced by portraits of Garibaldi, Trochu, Jules Favre and Gambetta; the queens by figures of " France," " Liberte," " tgalite," and "Fraternit6"; and the knaves by figures of "La Gloire," "Mobile," "Garde Nationale," and "Franc-Tireur." The name Gaillard appears upon several of the court cards. The missing piece is the ace of spades. Backs decorated with a small cheek pattern in black and white. 3i x 2P in. 48 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 25. Paris. Gatteaux, 1816. Complete pack of 32, with the later designs of Gatteaux, which are modernised versions of the old established types. The knave of clubs holds a badge on which is the duty mark of 1816 with Gatteaux's name in the centre. In original wrapper inscribed " Cartes Roses Velin de la Fabrique de Renault." Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots. 34 x 2- in. 26. Paris. Gatteaux, 1816. Complete pack, similar to the last, but with a pattern of wavy dotted lines on the backs and a different wrapper, which is lettered "Cartes tres fines Faites par Testu succr de M. Minot.... au Grand Gustave a Paris." 27. Paris. Gatteaux, 1816. Complete pack, similar to the last and with the same wrapper but with a pattern of blue dots on the backs. The wrapper is printed in blue ink. 28. Paris. Gatteaux, 1816. Complete pack, similar to the preceding. On the knave of diamonds is stamped "Chassonneris a Paris." Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing suns. 29. Paris. Gatteaux; modern. Imperfect pack of 31. The court cards have the same designs as in the preceding packs, but the badge held by the knave of clubs is without inscription. The missing card is the 7 of hearts. Backs plain. In blue and gold cardboard case. 31 x 24 in. 30. Paris. B. P. Grimaud, 1840. Complete pack of 32, in which the court cards, which are double-ended, illustrate the four then recent changes of government in France, " Republique," "Empire," "Monarchie Legitime," and "Monarchie Constitutionnelle." The kings and queens are portraits of Henri IV and Marguerite of Valois, Napoleon and Josephine, Louis Philippe and Amelie. The suitmarks of hearts, spades, and diamonds are charged with plummets, fleurs-de-lis, and eagles respectively. On several of the court cards is " B. P. Grimaud, Paris, France." Backs plain red. 34 x 2i in. 31. Paris. Houbigant's " Cartes Royales." Complete pack of 32. The court cards, which are engraved and tinted, are variations of those issued by A. G. Houbigant in 1818. (See Frenchb SHEETS, No. 5.) Backs plain pink. In a modern morocco case lettered "Picquet Cards 1716 " (sic). 3j x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 64.] FRENCH CARDS. 49 32. Paris. Houbigant's "Cartes Royales, 1818. The 12 court cards belonging to a pack similar to the preceding, executed on wood. The shield held by Roland is inscribed " Houbigant inv. Hersent et Bergeret del. Septembre 1818." Hand coloured. (See French SHEETS, No. 6.) 31 x 2- in. 33. Paris. Houbigant's "Cartes Royales." Miniature pack, complete, copied from No. 31. Edges gilt. Backs plain. In cardboard case. 1 x Is in. 34. Paris. U. Jaume and J. D. Dugourc, 1795. Republican. Complete pack of 32, with original wrapper. The emblematical designs introduced during the revolutionary period, take the place of the ordinary court cards. On all the aces the suitmark is enclosed in a frame formed of lictors' fasces and accompanied by the words "La Loi. Rep. Fra." The title on the wrapper is "Cartes Nouvelles de la Republique Frangaise fabriquees par U. Jaume et J. D. Dugourc. Plus de Rois, de Dames, de Valets; La Genie, La Liberte, L'Egalite les remplacent: La Loi au-dessus d'Eux. Rus S. Nicaise No~ 11." Backs plain. 31 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 63.] (A pamphlet, " Constitution de la Republique proposee au Peuple Frangais par la Convention Nationale. Chambery, Fructidor, an III," accompanies the pack.) 35. Paris. Republican. Ten modern impressions from old blocks, with same designs as the last, uncoloured and unmounted; viz., Liberte des Professions, Liberte du Mariage, Liberte de la Presse, Liberte des Cultes, Egalite de Droits, Egalite de Rang, Genie des Arts, Genie de Commerce, Genie de la Paix, and Genie de la Guerre. 3i x 2A in. 36. Paris. Republican. Imperfect pack of 19, in which the emblematical cards are copies, in pen and ink and water-colours, from those in No. 34. The missing pieces are the ace and 10 of hearts, the ace and 8 of spades, the ace-10 of diamonds, and the ace, 7, 8, and 10 of clubs. Backs plain. 31 x 2i in. 37. Paris. Lenoir. Modern republican. Complete double-ended pack of 32, with fancy emblematical suitmarks, viz., stars (for liberty), phrygian caps (for socialism), clasped hands (for fraternity), and rule and compass (for equality). The kings are portraits of C. Desmoulins, Brutus, William Tell and Washington, and have the word "Fondateur"; the queens are female heads with the E 50 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. word "Socialite; the knaves are trophies of agricultural implements with the word " Soutien." On the aces is the word " Embleme." The much injured wrapper is inscribed " Cartes Republicain, Lenoir 27 Rue Richemont." Backs decorated with a check pattern in brown. 31 x 24 in. 38. Thiers. P. L. Reneaud, 18th century. Complete pack of 32. The court cards all without names. On the knave of clubs is "Thiers. P. L. Reneaud." The queen of clubs appears to have been taken from another pack. Backs plain. 34 x 2 in. 39. Thiers. 18th century. Complete pack of 32. Between the feet of the knave of clubs is the word " Thier." Backs plain. 34 x 24 in. 40. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack of 32, coarsely executed. The court cards are without names and each of the aces has a wreath enclosing the suitmark. Backs plain. 2 x 12 in. 41. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Imperfect pack of 31, double-ended. No inscriptions. The missing card is the knave of diamonds. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy lines and dots in blue. 34 x 23 in. 42. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack of 32, double-ended. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a small spot pattern, in red. 34 x 24 in. 43. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Twelve cards from a doubleended pack of 32, viz.-the ace and knave of hearts; the 9 of spades; the ace, 7, queen and king of diamonds; and the ace, 7, 9, knave and queen of clubs. The knave of clubs holds a shield charged with an eagle. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of dotted lines, in blue. 33 x 21 in. 44. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack of 32, very fancifully treated and executed in chromolithography. Each card is a panel of rich decoration, figures and groups being introduced, with a miniature card at the top to indicate the value. The pack is numbered throughout with Arabic numerals which occupy. Fain-EIVCHl CARDS. 51 the centre of the card, but in three instances a note of music is substituted for the number. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. 45. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Miniature. Complete pack of 32. Backs plain. In round wooden box. a x 1 in. Historical. 46. Revolution of 1830. E. F. V. Maniez. Complete pack of 32, engraved and coloured. On the pip cards are represented incidents which occurred in Paris during the revolution of 1830, and the kings and queens are portraits of Louis Philippe and his queen, the Duc d'Orleans and Mlle- d'Orleans, Lafayette and Mile Laurent, Lafitte and Jine. Mercier. The value of each piece is indicated by a miniature card in the upper left corner. On the ace of clubs is " E. F. V. Maniez Editr. Imp. de Fosset." Backs plain. Edges gilt. 31 x 21 in. 47. The Napoleonic dynasty; 1857. Complete pack of 32, with an additional card bearing the title " Cartes de l'Ere Imperiale dites Caites-Chor. Elles se divisent en 4 classes, Vert, Bleu, Blanc, Rouge, au lieu de Coeur, Carreau, Treffle, Pique." The cards all contain representations of incidents in the reign of Napoleon III down to 1857, the court cards being portraits of members of his family, generals, etc., and are elaborately decorated. Each subject is enclosed in a frame formed of ribbons bearing the titles. Backs plain blue. 31 x 21 in. Humorous. 48. Paris. Lequart and Mignot; modern. Complete pack of 32, with burlesque characters. Each piece has a miniature card in the upper left corner. The ace of hearts is "Don Quichotte;" the ace of spades, "Juge;" the ace of diamonds, "Le Diable Boiteux;" and the ace of clubs, "Gendarme." The last also bears the publishers' names. Backs plain. 38 x 21 in. 49. Early 19th Century. Imperfect pack of 22, with etched comic figures of street characters and others, each having a representation of a card on the front of the dress; the court cards are burlesque representations of heathen divinities. The ace of hearts is E 2 52" 2CATALOGUE OF AURDS. " Mr Botte, Mtre d'Armes," that of diamonds "Le Pere Lantimeche," and that of clubs "Jocrisse." The ten missing cards are the 7, 10, and knave of hearts; the ace, 9, queen and king of spades; the knave and king of diamonds; and the 10 of clubs. Backs plain. 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 119, 120.] 50. Complete pack of 32, similar to the last, but smaller, and coarsely executed on zinc. 3~ x 2 in. Fanciful. 51. "Jeu de Bataille"; c. 1855. A. Legrand, Paris. Imperfect pack of 27, in which the usual suits are replaced by the four European countries engaged in the Crimean War, viz.France, England, Russia and Turkey. The kings are represented by generals, the queens by lieut.-generals, and the knaves by commanders, and the numerals are groups of soldiers corresponding in number to the value of the cards. There are two extra cards, one bearing the title "Jeu de Bataille tres Veritable et tres Recreatif. A Paris chez Augustin Legrand," etc., and the other the " Regle du Jeu de Bataille." The five missing cards are the general of France, the ace and commander of England, the 7 of Russia, and the ace of Turkey. Backs plain. 3k x 2in. 52. "Jeu d'Enigmes"; late 18th century. Lebeuf, Paris. Complete pack of 32, of the ordinary suits, each having a question or answer at the top and bottom. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. In original red cardboard case, on one side of which is a label lettered " Lebeuf, Md. Papetier... a Paris," and on the other a vignette of Cupid turning a grindstone, with the title " Nouveau Jeu d' Enigmes." 2j x 1 in. 53. "Jeu Fran9ais et Espagnol et Hollandais"; late 18th century. Complete pack of 32, of the ordinary suits, each card having sentences and questions in French, Spanish and Dutch. The title is on the ace of diamonds. Backs plain. In original cardboard case, on which is pasted a knave of clubs. 2} x 1i in. For Cartomancy. 54. Etteilla; late 18th century. Complete engraved pack of 36, numbered throughout, consisting of 32 of the ordinary suits FRENCH CARDS. 5o with four others entitled "consultant Eteila" and "consultant pour la reussite Eteila" (2). The cards are all emblematical or fanciful figures, " L'Amour," " Protecteur," etc., the value of each being indicated by a miniature card in the lower right corner. Uncoloured. Backs marbled. 27 x 2 in. 55. Etteilla. Imperfect pack of 31, engraved and highly coloured. The four aces have emblematical figures of "La Victoire," "L'Amour," " La Justice " and " La Fortune," and on all the others are costumes of different East and West Indian nationalities. Each piece has its value indicated by a miniature card in lower right corner and bears various questions and numbers. The 8 and 9 of hearts, the knave of diamonds, and the 7 of clubs, have been taken from another pack; the missing one is the king of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in blue. In original cardboard case on which is represented "L'Amour consultant Eteilla sur le passe, le present et l'avenir." 3U x 2k in. 56. Etteilla. Mine. Gueffier, 1806. Complete pack of 32, each having in the centre a representation of a smaller card, surrounded by various words and numbers; with three extra ones, two of which are inscribed "No. 1. Etteilla ou le Questionant," and the third represents Etteilla as a magician in his study. The first of the three also bears the address, "A Paris chez Mme. Ye' Gueffier Relieuse, rue Galande No~ 61. Croisey Md Papetier rue de la Huchette No 19." Backs plain. 31 x 2i in. [The pack is accompanied by a book of instructions entitled, " Le Nouvel Etteilla ou Moyen Infaillible de tirer les Cartes et de lire dans l'Avenir... Imprime a Andrinople et se trouve A Paris chez la Veuve Gueffier," etc., 1806.] 57. Etteilla. Mme. Gueffier. Complete pack, similar to the last, with seven extra cards, five of which contain " Instruction pour la maniere de tirer les cartes;" another is an advertisement of Mme. Gueffier's publications, and the seventh is " No. 1. Etteilla ou le Questionant." Backs plain. In pasteboard case. 34 x 2* in. 58. Etteilla. Imperfect pack of 26, similar in character to the last, with one extra card " No. 1. Eteilla ou le Questionant." The six missing pieces are the 8, 10, knave, queen and king of spades, and the 7 of diamonds. Backs plain. 3 x 2 in. 54 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 59. Etteilla. St. Sauveur, Paris. Imperfect pack of 31, similar in character to the last, with an additional card, " No. 1. Etteilla ou le Questionant," which bears the address, " Chez le Cen. St. Sauveur, Rue Nicaise... a Paris." The missing card is the ace of diamonds. Backs plain. 31 x 2A in. 60. Mlle. Lenormand; modern. Complete pack of 36, numbered throughout. Each piece has an emblematical vignette with explanation, the value being shown by a miniature card in the upper left corner. On an extra card are directions entitled "Maniere de placer les cartes," and on the wrapper is a figure of Mile. Lenormand standing by a table vaticinating. Backs decorated with a blue pattern. 3j x 21 in. [For an account of the celebrated Mlle. Lenormand, see "Willshire," p. 162.] 61. Marriage. H. Pussey, Paris; c. 1820. Complete pack of 32, numbered throughout, and with the values indicated by miniature cards in the upper left corners. The subjects all relate to a marriage and its attendant circumstances. All the court cards are signed " H. Pussey Paris." Backs decorated with a plaid pattern in green and red. 43 x 2- in. 62. Anonymous. Fragmentary pack of 8, viz., the 8 and queen of hearts, the 8 and knave of spades, and the 7, 10, knave and queen of diamonds. Each card has four spaces at the side containing letters, numbers, emblems, etc., and another at the bottom in which is a question or answer. Backs plain. 3i x 2 in. 63. "Maniere de diviner les 32 cartes du Piquet et les 12 mois de l'annee "; set of 7 printed cards. 31 x 21 in. III.-PACKS OF 52. 64. Avignon. J. Payen. Imperfect pack of 51, very coarsely executed and coloured with stencils. Without names on the court cards. On the knave of clubs is " J. Payen, Avignon," and on the knave of diamonds " J. Payen." The missing card is the queen of hearts. Backs plain. 3 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 4.] FRENCH CARDS. 55 65. Bordeaux. H. Badu. Complete pack, coarsely executed. Without names on the court cards. On the knave of spades is "H. Badu," and on that of clubs, "Bordeaux." Backs plain. 34 x 2- in. 66. Montpellier. Lionet. Complete pack, coarsely executed. Without names on the court cards. On the king of diamonds is stamped " Lionet," and on the knave of clubs " Montpellier." Backs plain. 3 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 4.] 67. Paris. Avril; modern. Complete pack, with whole length figures of English historical characters on the court cards, " Countess of Argyll," " Countess of Marlborough," " Buckingham," etc. On the knave of hearts is " Avril Fabt a Paris." Backs plain blue. 34 x 21 in. 68. Paris. Delatre; early 19th century. Complete pack, with an extra king of hearts. Several of the knaves and queens have the conventional names "Lahire," "Judic," etc. On the knaves and queens of hearts and spades is the word " Delatre," and on the kings of spades and clubs " Delatre, Rue Helvetius No. 568." The knave of clubs is inscribed " G. D. Paris, Delatre." Backs plain and inscribed with MS. titles of books. 31 x 21 in. 69. Paris. Gatteaux, 1811. Complete pack of the Empire cards designed by the elder Gatteaux. The court cards are figures of Ogier, Hildegarde, Charles, Azael, Abigail, David, Curion, Calpurnia, Caesar, Parmenion, Statira and Alexander, and are marked with one, two or three black spots to indicate their relative values. Parmenion rests his hand on a shield in the centre of which is "Gatteaux 1811." Backs plain. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 118.] 70. Paris. Gatteaux, 1811. Six of the court cards of a pack identical with the preceding, but without the black spots indicating their value. The cards are Hildegarde, David, Abigail, Caesar, Curion and Alexander. Backs plain. 71. Paris. Gatteaux, 1811. Set of uncoloured proofs of the twelve court cards of the above pack. The suitmarks have not been inserted. 72. Paris. Gatteaux, 1816. Complete pack, identical with No. 25 but with the twenty additional cards. Backs plain blue. With original blue wrapper lettered " Cartes Bleues Velin de la Fabrique de Renault a Paris." 34 x 24 in. 56 CA TALOG UE OF CARDS. 73. Paris. Gatteaux, 1827. Imperfect pack of 47, similar to the last, but double-ended, and with the date, 1827, on the badge. The missing cards are the 5, 6 and knave of spades, and the 9 and king of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy dotted lines, in red. 3i x 2k in. 74. Paris. Gatteaux, 1853. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but with the date, 1853, on the badge. Backs decorated with a small pink pattern. With wrapper inscribed "Articles de Paris. Chatillon & Chenenaillie, St. Calais." 31 x 2i in. 75. Paris..Gibert, c. 1855. Complete pack, with the kings and queens represented by historical personages, viz.-Bussy d'Amboise, Dame de Monsoreau, Comte de Brissac, Diane de Poitiers, Chevalier D'Eon, Comtesse de Rochefort, Cinq Mars, and Marion Delorme. The knaves are unnamed. On the knave of diamonds is "Gibert a Paris," and on that of spades, "France." Suitmarks gilded throughout. Backs plain blue. In cardboard case lettered " Cartes Parisiennes. Paris, Rue Neuve St. Augustin. Saison d 185." 83 x 21 in. 76. Paris. Gibert, c. 1855. Complete pack, identical with the last, except that the suitmarks are not gilded, but coloured in the ordinary manner. 77. Paris. B. P. Grimaud; modern. Imperfect pack of 50, identical with the piquet pack No. 30, but with the twenty cards added. The missing cards are the king of hearts and the 8 of diamonds Backs plain lavender. 78. Paris. B. P. Grimaud; modern. Complete Patience pack, doubleended. The court cards are without names, but on each of them is printed "B. P. Grimaud, France." The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp of the German empire. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 21 x 1 in. 79. Paris, 1848. Set of twelve engraved and coloured court cards, in which the ordinary subjects are replaced by costume figures of gentlemen, ladies and servants of modern society. The knave of clubs is inscribed " 1848, Paris, Rue Richelieu 102." 31 x 2t in. FRENCH CARDS. 57 80. Romans. J. Coissieux. Republican. The twelve court cards of a pack of the conventional type, in which the crowns have been removed, and the usual names replaced by the Republican titles "Egalite," "Liberte," and "Genie." The maker's name is, on every card, and the knave of clubs has also the word "Romans." Backs plain, and inscribed in MS. with titles of books. 38 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 118.] 81. St. Maixent. Assignats, 1791. Twenty-two of a pack of the ordinary kind, having on the backs printed assignats of the town of St. Maixent, dated 1791 and 1792. 34 x 24 in. 82. Toulouse. Maudet. Sixteen court cards and aces of the ordinary type, apparently all belonging to one pack, though three of them are repetitions. They are the ace, knave and king of hearts; the ace, knave and queen of spades; the ace, two knaves, queen and king of diamonds; and the ace, two knaves and two queens of clubs. On the knave of spades is the word " Maudet," and on that of clubs, "Toulouse." Backs decorated with a small green pattern. In black cloth cover. 3 x 2 in. 83. Place of issue uncertain; 17th century. Fancy devices. Fragmentary pack of 15, engraved on wood and coarsely coloured, viz., the ace, 3, 6 and 8 of hearts; the ace, 4 and 10 of spades; the 6 and queen of diamonds, and the ace, 5, 6, 8, queen and king of clubs. The value of each card is indicated by a suitmark and numeral, but the numbers are represented on the hearts by birds, on the spades by military objects, on the diamonds by quadrupeds, and on the clubs by flowers. The kings and queens are seated in chariots. On the aces are inscriptions forming together the lines "Vive le Roy et la Cour [Vive la Reyne] jeme l'Amour." (All the four inscriptions appear on a pack of the same period published by the fociete des Bibliophiles Frangais.) Backs plain. 34 x 24 in. [C. S. Vol. II, pl. 14.] 84. Place of issue uncertain. J. Burdel; 19th century. Complete pack. The knaves of spades and clubs bear the name of the maker, " Jaques Burdel." The aces have oval spandrel frames enclosing the suitmark. Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 31 x 21 in. 58 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 85. Place of issue uncertain. V. Minot. Ten court cards from a pack of the ordinary type, viz., the knave and king of hearts; the knave and king of spades; the queen and king of diamonds; the knave, queen and king of clubs, and another king of clubs, which is without the crown and the name Alexandre. All the cards bear Minot's name, and the knave of clubs (which belongs to another pack) is inscribed " V. Minot, G. D. Paris" (Generalite de Paris). Backs plain, and inscribed in MS. with titles of books. 31 x 21 in. 86. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack of the ordinary type. The knave of clubs (Lancelot) holds a badge on which is a lion rampant. Backs plain pink. 31 x 21 in. 87. Place of issue uncertain. L. Leveau; c. 1850. Set of twelve engraved and coloured court cards, having whole length figures of Napoleon, Josephine, Ney, Charlemagne, Hildegarde, Marshal Lannes, Charles V, Isabelle, Berthier, Augustus, Julie, and Duroc. Each card is inscribed " L. Leveau-France." 31 x 21 in. 88. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 24, of the ordinary type, double-ended. Court cards without names. The missing cards are the ace and 10-king of hearts; the ace, 2, 4-7 and 10-king of spades; the 2, 4, 7, 8, knave, queen and king of diamonds; and the ace, 7-10 and king of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of dotted lines, in pink. 31 x 21 in. 89. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Complete pack, of the ordinary type, double-ended. The knaves are without names. Backs decorated with a blue diagonal pattern. 31 x 21 in. 90. Place of issue uncertain. Two imperfect double-ended packs, identical in every respect, except that in one case the backs are pink, and in the other blue. The court cards are without names, and every card has a key-pattern border. The missing pieces in the pink pack are the 8 and knave of hearts and the ace and 6 of diamonds; those in the blue pack are the ace and queen of spades, the ace and 8 of diamonds, and the 8 of clubs. There is an extra knave of clubs. The two packs are enclosed in an original cardboard case decorated with the signs of the zodiac. 21 x 1 in. FRENCE CARDS. 59 91. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Theatrical portraits. Complete pack, double-ended. The court cards are portraits of favourite French actors and actresses: Potier, Mile. Grassari, Nourit, etc. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and stars in pink. 34 x 24 in. 92. Place of issue uncertain; c. 1850. Complete pack, engraved and coloured. The court cards are of the same character as No. 79, the figures being varied. No inscriptions. Backs plain blue. 34 x 2i in. 93. Place of issue uncertain; c. 1850. Complete pack. The court cards are whole length comic figures. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots in blue. 3i x 21 in. 94. Place of issue uncertain. Eight cards from an ordinary pack, viz., the 4 and king of hearts, the 3 and queen of spades, the 2 and 5 of diamonds, and the 4 and knave of clubs. The 4 of hearts has been altered to a 10, the 5 of diamonds to a 9, and the 4 of clubs to a 10; the suitmark of the queen of spades has been changed to a heart. Backs decorated with a pink pattern. 38 x 22 in. Humorous. 95. Atthalin's Cards. Complete pack of the cards designed by Baron Louis Atthalin, in which the suitmarks form an integral part of the compositions. These are of a burlesque and fanciful character, the court cards being the usual subjects found on French cards, but treated in a quite original manner. The knave of clubs is a figure of Jacquemin Gringonneur sitting at work near his easel, on which is an ordinary knave of clubs holding a medallion inscribed " Louis Atthalin." Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern in gold on pink. 3g x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 71-74.] 96. Atthalin's Cards. A proof set of the preceding, uncoloured and before the inscriptions. Backs plain. 97. "Cartes a Rire;" c. 1819, (attributed to Atthalin). Complete pack, designed on the same plan as the preceding, but differing altogether in the subjects, which are mainly political. The kings and queens are caricatures of the reactionary newspapers of the time, " Constitutionnel," Quotidienne," etc., and the knaves satirise Chateaubriand, Talleyrand and others. [See Chatto, p. 264.] Backs plain. In cardboard case bearing the title. 31 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 67-70.] 60 C.AITALOGUE7 OFi CARDS21S 98. " Cartes a Rire." Imperfect pack of 48, similar to the preceding, except that the figures on the court cards represent the different Paris theatres instead of newspapers and politicians. The missing cards are the 4 and 10 of hearts and the ace and 2 of diamonds. Backs plain. In cardboard case. 99. Five cards from a burlesque etched pack of c. 1820, in which the suitmarks form part of the design, viz.-the 9 of hearts, "Accademie"; the 8 of spades, "Malade"; the 9 of spades, "Capucinade"; the ace of clubs, "Scene de Figaro "; and 7 of clubs, "Joueurs." With eight duplicates. Backs plain. 34 x 2J in. 100. Imperfect pack of 49, of c. 1850, having various burlesque and fanciful subjects, with which the suitmarks are incorporated. A cupid crowned represents the king of hearts and a ballet girl the queen. The court cards are executed in chromo-lithography, the rest uncoloured. No inscriptions. The missing cards are the ace of spades, and the 2 and 8 of diamonds. Backs decorated with a small lace pattern in blue and white. 34 x 24 in. For Cartomancy. 101. Paris. J. Gaudais; c. 1820. Astrological. Complete pack, with two extra cards. Each piece has at the top a horoscope, with a miniature playing-card on the left and a letter of the alphabet on the right, in the centre a mythological or fanciful subject, and at the bottom various groups and devices. On the extra cards are figures of the fortune-tellers, one a lady, the other a gentleman in fancy dress; the latter has a tablet inscribed " Paris J. Gaudais." The pack is executed in lithography and coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of winged insects, in blue. 44 x 31 in. 102. Paris. Astrological. Small edition of the preceding pack. Without publisher's name. Backs plain. 34 x 2i in. 103. Paris. J. Gaudais; c. 1830. Complete pack, drawn on stone by Mansion. Each piece has a fancy figure or group of figures, and its value is indicated by a miniature card in the upper left corner. The cards are numbered throughout 1-52, without reference to the suits. No. 1 (the 6 of hearts) is " L'Amour," and No. 52 (the 5 of clubs) " Victoire." Mansion's name is on every card, and Gaudais's on some of them. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 44 x 3 in. FRENCH CARDS. 61 104. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack of 42, numbered throughout. Each has either one or two emblematical subjects with titles, with a miniature card in one corner, the double subjects making the four suits complete. No. 1 is " VoyageTerre," and No. 52 " Etranger, Nouvelle-Homme de Campagne." Backs marbled green. 3- x 21 in. 105. Lottery. A pack of 60 of the ordinary French type, having questions and answers printed on the backs. The questions are in purple ink and the answers in red. Many cards are missing, whilst of others there are one or more duplicates. 31 x 24 in. Instructive. 106-122. Desmarest's educational packs, designed and engraved by Stefano Della Bella. (For an account of these and the circumstances of their publication see Willshire's Catalogue, p. 127, and Jombert's Catalogue of Della Bella's Works, p. 27.) 106. "Jeu des Fables" (Jombert 116). Complete pack of 52, with title; in second state, with the heart and diamond suitmarks only in outline. 83 x 21 in. rS. Vol. II, pl. 15-18.] 107. "Jeu des Fables "; same pack. Imperfect unmounted set of 30, in the third state, with the heart and diamond suitmarks filled in and with letters and numbers in lower right corners. The missing cards are the 2-5 and 8-king of hearts; the 1-3 and 8-knave of spades; and the 9-king of clubs. 108. "Jeu des Fables." Complete set of German copies of the preceding, with the title "Die Poetische oder Mythologische Spielkarten." Mounted in a small volume with engraved frontispiece and 127 pages of preliminary text; published at Nuremberg. 109. "Jeu des Rois de France" (Jombert 119). Fifteen cards belonging to this set (which consists of 40 only), all in the third state, with the suitmarks added at the top and letters in lower right corners. The cards are Pharamond, Merouee, Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Robert, Philippe Auguste, Saint Louis, Charles huit, Henry le grand, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, " ni bons ni mauvais," "fayneants" and " sans foy." 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 19 and 20.] 62 U111TLOGUE7 OFi CABD&S 110. "Jeu des Rois de France." Complete pack, copied fiom the preceding; with the same French inscriptions. The number of cards is extended from 40 to 52, and some of the kings who are grouped together in the original pack are here given separate cards. The king of hearts is a whole length seated portrait of Louis XIV when a boy. The engraved title, bearing a bust of Louis XIV and the address of P. Mortier, Amsterdam, is mounted on a wrapper. The pack is accompanied by a small book containing the rules of the game and accounts of the kings. 111. "Jeu des Reynes Renommees" (Jombert 118). Complete unmounted set of 52, with engraved title, which bears the address of Henri Le Gras. 32 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 21-24.] 112. "Jeu des Reynes Renommees." Complete pack, copied from the preceding, with engraved title; published by P. Mortier, Amsterdam. The inscriptions are all placed on suspended drapery. The title, which has been clipped, is mounted on a wrapper. A tract giving accounts of the personages accompanies the pack. 33 x 2 in. 113. "Jeu des Reynes Renommees." Imperfect pack of 49, duplicate of the last, but with unclipped title. The three missing cards, " Octavie," " Isabelle de Castille," and " Isabeau de Baviere," have been replaced by duplicates of "Mariame," "Cleopatre," and " Roxelane." Mounted in a small album. 114. "Jeu des Reynes Renommees." Seven cards belonging to a pack copied from No. 111, with Italian inscriptions. The cards are: Roxana, Mary Stuart, Queen Elizabeth, Joanna of Naples, Pentheselea, Agrippina and Medea. Backs plain. 34 x 2 in. 115. "Jeu de Geographie" (Jombert 117). Complete set, unmounted, with engraved title bearing a planisphere and the address of Henri Le Gras. Second state, before the letters and numbers were added. 38 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 25-28.] 116. "Jeu de Geographie." Imperfect set of the same cards, unmounted; in the third state, with letters and numbers added in lower left corners. Twenty-four are missing, viz.-the entire suit of hearts, the 2 and 6-king of diamonds, and the 2 and 3 of clubs. FRENCH CARDS. 63 117. "Jeu de Geographie." Imperfect pack, copied from the preceding and published by Mortier of Amsterdam. The inscriptions are placed on suspended drapery. The title, the 4 of hearts and the queen of clubs are wanting. Backs plain. 34 x 24 in. 118. "Jeu de Geographie." Another imperfect set of the same copies, coloured. Twenty-five are missing, viz.-the 5 and knave of hearts; the ace, 3, 10, queen and king of spades; the ace, 4, and 7-king of diamonds; and the ace-7, knave and king of clubs. 119. "Jeu de Geographie." Imperfect pack, copied from No. 115; with German suitmarks and inscriptions. The subjects vary in several instances from the originals. Seventeen are missing, viz. -the 3-5 of hearts; the 5 of bells; the ace, 4, 5, upper knave and king of acorns; and the 2-4 and 9-king of leaves. Backs mottled red. 4 x 2 in. 120. "Jeu de Geographie." Another set copied from No. 115, with German suitmarks and inscriptions. The plates are printed three on a page and sewn in a cover to form a book. The engraved title has an emblematical group of the four quarters of the world, with drapery below inscribed " Schau-Platz der Welt," etc. The inscriptions vary from those in the preceding pack. 41 x 21 in. 121. "Jeu de Geographie." Another pack copied from No. 115, with German suitmarks and inscriptions. The suitmarks are roughly coloured and the inscriptions printed with type. Fifteen cards are missing, viz.-the 7, 9, and king of hearts; the 4, 6 and 7 of bells; the 2, 10, lower knave and king of acorns; and the 2, 3, 10, upper knave and king of leaves. Backs decorated with a black diagonal pattern. 44 x 24 in. 122. "Jeux Historiques des Rois de France, Reines Renommees, Geographie et Metamorphose; par feu Mr. J. Desmarests... et gravez par Do la Bella; a Paris, chez Nicolas le Clerc et chez Florent le Comte, 1698." A reprint in book form of the packs Nos. 109, 111, 115 and 106 above. Bound in blue morocco. 123. Geography; c. 1670. Complete pack of 52. Each suit is appropriated to one of the quarters of the globe, and each card to one country, concerning which it gives information. The court cards 64 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. are distinguished by medallion heads, representing the countries on which they occur; that on Russia is "Le Roux," that on France "Pharamond," that on England "Elizabeth." Backs plain. 31 x 13 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 41-44.] (For similar packs, see Italian, No. 107, German SHEETS, NO. 49, and English, No. 44.) 124. Geography. French Provinces; c. 1750. Thirty-seven of a pack of 52, in which the four suits are represented by the provinces of Orleannois, Poitou, Bretagne and Touraine (with Maine and Anjou), with four extra cards giving maps of those provinces. The value of each card is indicated by the number of towns on it, and its suit by the colour. The three court cards of each suit, on which are heads of a knave, queen and king, give statistical details and the aces contain the arms of the provinces and other information. The missing cards are the ace and 2 of Poitou, the 2 of Bretagne, and the 2-king of Touraine. Backs plain. 33 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 45-47.] 125. Geography. French Provinces, c. 1750. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but dealing with the provinces of Provence, Dauphine, Lyonnais and Bourgogne. 126. Geography; c. 1750. Complete pack, similar to the preceding, but having for the four suits Austria, Bohemia, Silesia and Bavaria. Backs plain. 127. Geography; c. 1750. Twenty-seven cards, selected from various packs, all designed and executed in the same manner as the three preceding. The countries illustrated are:-Hongrie (1 card), Lithuanie (2), Russie (2), Transilvanie (1), Cercle du bas Rhin (1), Petite Pologne (3), Grande Pologne (1), Sardaigne (1), Toscane (1), Genes (2), Etat de l'Eglise (1), Andalousie (1), Valence (1), Alsace (1), Champagne (3), Angleterre (2), Irlande (1), Ecosse (1), and Pais-Bas (1). Backs plain. 128. Botany. "Boston de Flore, ou Botanique Elementaire," 1820. Complete pack of 52, for instructing children in botany. The values are shown by miniature cards which form part of the designs, the suits being of four different colours, red, green, blue and yellow. The pack is accompanied by a small book and enclosed in a pasteboard case. Edges gilt. Backs plain. 31 x 24 in. F1,RENCH CARDS. 65 129. Heraldry. Brianville, 1665. Complete pack (52) of the wellknown cards produced by Claude Oronce Fine, called De Brianville, and first published at Lyons in 1659. [See Willshire, p. 88.] Edition of 1665, with the arms of Pope Alexander VII (Chigi) on the king of clubs. Uncoloured. Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 31 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 29-32.] 130. Heraldry. Brianville, 1665. The same pack, mounted in form of a small volume, with explanatory text, engraved frontispiece, dedication to the Duke of Savoy, and the following title:-" Jeu d'Armoiries des Sovverains et Estats d'Europe... Par C. Oronce Fine, dit de Brianville, Conseiller & Aumonier du Roi," 3eme. edition, Lyon, 1665. The heraldry is blazoned in the correct colours throughout. 131. Heraldry. Brianville, c. 1668. Complete pack, identical with the last, but a later edition, the papal arms on the king of clubs being those of Clement IX (Rospigliosi), 1667-70. Backs plain. 132. Heraldry. Brianville. Complete pack, copied from the preceding, with the same papal arms. Backs plain. 133. Heraldry. Brianville, c. 1680. Complete pack, similar to No. 131, but a later edition, with the arms of Pope Innocent XI (Odescalchi), 1670-1689. Backs plain. 134. Heraldry. Brianville. "Jeu d'Armoiries des Souverains & Etats d'Europe," etc. Huitieme edition. P. Mortier, Amsterdam. Vol. of text only, with a folding plate. 135. Heraldry. Brianville. Same work; smaller edition, with 2 folding plates. P. Mortier, Amsterdam. 136. Heraldry. A single card, the 8 of clubs, with the arms of the Duchess of Montferrat. The "VIII" is inserted with a pen. Back plain. 31 x 2 in. 137. Heraldry. Amaulry's "Jeu de Cartes du Blason," 1692. Set of 52 finely engraved plates, giving the armorial bearings of the chief royal and noble families of Europe; in book form, with title, preface and explanatory text; published at Lyons by Thomas Amaulry, 1692. The suitmarks are fleurs-de-lis, eagles, roses and lions, and the court cards whole length figures of Louis XIV and other royal personages. Bound in calf, with red edges. 4 x 22 in. [S. Vol. II, pi. 33-36.] F 66 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 138. Military Science. G. de la Boissiere's "Jeu de la Guerre," c. 1710. Complete engraved pack of 52, each card having a representation of some incident in a military campaign, with an explanation below. The cards are numbered 1-52, the value of each being indicated by a single suitmark enclosing a numeral. Backs plain. In old morocco case. 33 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 52-55.] [For the same pack in sheet form, with title and artists' names, see French SHEETS, No. 17.] IV.- BRETON ALLUETTES. These packs, which are peculiar to the province of Brittany, have Spanish suitmarks and are altogether Spanish in character and design, except that ladies on horseback are substituted for knights. Like Spanish packs, also, they consist of 48 cards, the four tens being suppressed. 139. La Rochelle. Reumeteau. Complete pack, roughly stencilled and coloured. On the 2 of swords is "Faites par Reumeteau a La Rochelle," and on several others the word "France." Backs mottled in brown. 33 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 13.] 140. Nantes. Imperfect pack of 33. On the queens of cups and swords is the word "France," and on the ace and knave of swords, and the knave of clubs the word " Nantes." The missing cards are the 5, 9 and king of cups; the 2 and king of swords; the 4, 5, 8, knave and queen of coins; and the 2, 3, 7, 8 and queen of clubs. Backs marbled. 3k x 2* in. 141. Paris. A. Darodes. Imperfect pack of 47. On the 2 of swords is "A. Darodes a Paris," and the same appears on all the court cards. The missing card is the knave of cups. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. Edges gilt. 3~ x 2i in. V.-FRAGMENTARY PACKS AND ODD CARDS. 142. All the court cards, with the exception of the king of clubs, of a small 18th century pack of the ordinary type. They are without names, and have on the backs engravings of toy figures. 2i x 1 in. FRENCHI CARDS. 67 143. The twelve court cards of a double-ended pack. The queens are ladies in the costume of c. 1820, the knaves military men with halberds. No inscriptions. 34 x 21 in. 144. Thirteen court cards from different packs and of various ages, viz. -a " Liberte "; three queens and two kings of hearts; a queen of spades; two queens and two kings of diamonds; and two kings of clubs. One of the last is inscribed " G. D. Thiers Ni." Backs plain and mostly inscribed with MS. titles of books. [S. Vol. II, pl. 2.] 145. Thirteen court cards of the old type, very coarsely executed, viz.two knaves and two queens of hearts; a knave, queen and king of spades; a knave, two queens and a king of diamonds; and a knave and king of clubs. On the knaves of spades and clubs is the name " Etienne Philippe," and on the kings of spades, clubs, and diamonds the word "Grenoble." All mounted on wall-paper of large pattern. 38 x 2 in. 146. Seventeen knaves from different packs and of various ages. They bear the following names of makers:-Rosnet, G. de la Fon, I. Chamborn, I. Clave, G. Riviere, P. Dufaud, J. Latasche of Angouleme, Jehan Person, and two merchant marks of the Volay family. Backs plain and mostly inscribed with MS. titles of books. [S. Vol. II, pl. 3.] 147. Twelve court cards from various packs, viz.-one king of hearts; two kings of spades; four queens and one king of diamonds; and four queens of clubs; all without names. Backs plain and inscribed with MS. titles of books. 148. Forty-five court cards from various packs, viz.-five knaves, seven queens, three kings and one " Egalite" of hearts; five knaves, five queens and two kings of spades; one knave, six queens, and two kings of diamonds; and five knaves, one queen and two kings of clubs. Three of the queens and one of the knaves bear the word " Manus "; on another queen and another knave is the name " Passeron." All have plain backs inscribed with MS. titles of books. 149. Thirty-eight court cards from various packs, viz.-five knaves, three queens and four kings of hearts; four knaves, five queens and one king of spades; one knave, four queens and three kings of diamonds; and four knaves, one queen and two kings of clubs. On some are found the names of makers, Thiboult, Mandrou, Manus, Madenie, V. Minot, Ybert, Bonnardin, B. Mazet, Mayer and Autreux fils. F 2 68 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 150. Twelve court cards from republican packs, viz.-the "Brave," "Vertu" and " Sage " of each of the four suits. The figures are characters in ancient history, Hannibal, Solon, M. Scavola, etc. On the sage of spades is the name "I. Pinaut," and on that of diamonds "J. Minot." 151. Sixteen court cards from various packs, viz.-two knaves, three queens and two kings of hearts; one queen and two kings of spades; one knave, one queen and one king of diamonds; and two knaves, and one queen of clubs. The king of diamonds, one of the queens of hearts, and the queen of clubs bear the name "Trioullier," on the queen of spades is the name " Mandrou," and on a knave of clubs " Versailles." Backs plain. 152. Seven court cards from various packs, viz.-three knaves and one queen of clubs, one knave of diamonds, one " Genie des Arts " of spades, and one knave without suitmark. The knave of diamonds is signed "Jehan Janin." One knave of clubs holds a medallion inscribed "Autreux Freres " and has the word " Tours " below; another is signed "G. [Gueret] Grenoble." [S. Vol. III, pl. 117.] 153. Five cards from an:ordinary modern pack, viz.-the 8 and knave of hearts, the 6 of diamonds, and the 2 and 6 of clubs; on the backs are comic designs for diagonal cards, drawn in water-colours. 34 x 21 in. 154. Set of twenty cards printed from the wood-block which was discovered in a farm, forming a portion of an old coffer, by M. VitalBerthin, of Beaurepaire, Isere, and has been facsimiled in Merlin's " Origine des cartes a jouer," 1869. 155. Set of twenty-four modern impressions from a 17th century block, being the twelve court cards repeated. Some bear the name Pierre Garet, others Jean Garet. 31 x 2 in. 156. Set of twenty modern impressions from a 16th century block, viz.-8 kings, 8 queens, and 4 knaves. 33 x 21 in. 157. Six small court cards, engraved on ivory and coloured, viz.-a queen of hearts; a knave, queen and king of spades; and two queens of clubs, all represented by heathen divinities. 1I x 03 in. iFRENOCIH CARDS. 69 158. Ten old cards, on the backs of which are paintings of Dutch heads well executed in oils. They include a knave of diamonds signed " Nicolas Dody," a knave of hearts signed "Guillaume Selon," a knave of spades bearing N. Dody's initials and inscribed "Fren pour le Trange," and a king of hearts inscribed "F. P. Le Trenge." 34 x 24 in. [S. Yol. III, pl. 117.] 159. Six old cards (two kings, two queens and two knaves), unmounted, uncoloured and lacking the suitmarks; all bearing the name " Mousse." 3a x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 117.] 160. Three old cards (two kings and a knave); without the suitmarks. The knave bears an illegible signature. 161. One diagonal card, composed of a 5 of hearts and a jester. Uncoloured and unmounted. 3 x 24 in. VI.-CARDS WITHOUT SUITS. (a.) Instructive. 162. Old Testament. Pack of 25 engraved cards, each having four subjects from the Old Testament and Apocrypha, with explanation below. No. 1 is an emblematical representation of the Trinity, with the title "Dieu Trinite tout Esprit." Numbered throughout 1-25. Backs plain. 44 x 24 in. 163. Bible History. " Cinquieme Jeu de Cartes Historiques, contenant un abrege de l'Histoire Sainte, depuis la Creation du Monde jusqu'a la Naissance du Messie, etc. Par E. J." Published by Vanackere at Lille, and Merigot at Paris. Complete pack of 48, type-printed, each having a small woodcut medallion at the top. With two extra cards containing "Avis." In pasteboard case. 4i x 24 in. 164. New Testament. "Septicme Jeu de Cartes Historiques, contenant un abrege de l'Histoire du Nouveau Testament," etc. Complete pack of 48, with extra card of "Regles du Jeu," forming a continuation of the last, and quite similar in character. Published by Vanackere at Lille, and Nicolle at Paris. In pasteboard case. 41 x 24 in. 70 CCATAL OGUE OF CARDS. 165. Mythology. "Jeu de Cartes Mythologiques, contenant un Abreg6 Elementaire de la Fable." Complete pack of 48, with " Regles du Jeu," belonging to the same series as the two preceding. Published by Vanackere at Lille, and Nicolle at Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 23 in. 166. Ancient History. Imperfect pack of 49, similar in character to the preceding, giving historical information respecting the different nations of the ancient world, with medallion portraits. Nos. 1, 39 and 52 are missing, and of No. 4 there is a duplicate. In pasteboard case. 51 x 3 in. 167. Ancient Greek History. "Troisieme Jeu de Cartes Historiques contenant un Abrege de l'Histoire Grecque." Complete pack of 48, with " Regles du Jeu," belonging to the same series as Nos. 163-165. Published by Vanackere at Lille and Merigot at Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 24 in. 168. Ancient Roman History. "Jeu de Cartes Historiques, contenant un Abrege de 1'Histoire Romaine. Par E. J." Complete pack of 48, with sheet of "RRegles du Jeu," belonging to the same series as the last. Published by Vanackere at Lille, and Nicolle at Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 24 in. 169. Roman Emperors. " Dixieme Jeu de Cartes Instructives, contenant un Abrege de 1'Histoire des Empereurs... chez A. A. Renouard, Paris." Complete pack of 47, with sheet of "Regles du Jeu," belonging to the same series as the last. Published by A. Renouard and Nicolle, Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 28 in. 170. English History. "Huitieme Jeu de Cartes Historiques, contenant un Abreg6 de l'Histoire d'Angleterre... Par. M. E. J." Complete pack of 46, with sheet of "Avis au Peres," belonging to the same series as the last, with medallion portraits of the sovereigns. Published by A. Renouard and Nicolle, Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 2 in. 171. French History. "Second Jeu de Cartes Historiques, contenant un Abrege de l'Histoire de la Monarchie Frangaise... Par M. E. J." Complete pack of 48, with sheet of "Regles du Jeu," belonging to the same series as the last. Published by Yanackere at Lille, and Nicolle at Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 2- in. F'RENCHQ CARDS. 71 172. French History; c. 1840. " Jeu de Cartes de 1'Histoire de France, par un Professeur d'Histoire." Complete pack of 30, giving portraits of the kings, queens and heroes of France from Pharamond to Louis Philippe. Twelve of the cards (representing the court cards of the ordinary pack) are whole length figures of Charlemagne, Henri IV, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Blanche de Castille, Catherine de Medicis, Anne of Austria, Richelieu, Jeanne d'Arc, Duguesclin, Bayard and Bonaparte. Each of the remaining cards contains four bust portraits in colours, on a gold ground. On the backs are printed accounts of the personages. On an extra card is the "Regle du Jeu." In decorated pasteboard case, on one Iside of which is the above title, and on the other an advertisement of other educational packs of the same character. 33 x 21 in. 173. Geography. "Jeu de Captes Geographique, orne de figures gravees avec soin et representant les differens peuples de la terre... Par E. Jouy. Sixieme Jeu." Complete pack of 48, with sheet of "Avis" and map, belonging to the same series as No. 171. Published by Vanackere at Lille, and Nicolle at Paris. In pasteboard case. 4- x 21 in. 174. Geography. Departments of France; early 19th century. Imperfect pack, numbered 1-86 (9, 13 and 20 missing) with one unnumbered. The principal part of each piece is occupied by a map of one of the departments of France, placed on a trophy of emblems representing its chief industries, with some lines of description below. Coloured. Backs plain. 54 x 34 in. 175. Natural History, 1808. Imperfect pack of 45 (wanting No. 13), belonging to the same series as No. 173. An extra card contains the "Regle du Jeu," and the address of the publisher, A. A. Renouard, Paris, 1808. In red pasteboard case. 41 x 21 in. 176. Music. " Douzieme Jeu de Cartes Instructives. Musique." Complete pack of 48, belonging to the same series as the last. Published by A. Renouard and Nicolle, Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 21 in. 177. Reading. "Premier Jeu de Cartes Instructives. Lecture." Imperfect pack of 46 (wanting Nos. 7 and 47), belonging to the same series as the preceding. Published by A. Renouard and Nicolle, Paris. In pasteboard case. 4 x 21 in. 72 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 178. Alphabet. Pack of 42, each having a letter of the French alphabet (capital and lower case) within a broad rectangular ornamental border. Of most of the cards there are duplicates, but three letters (K, X and Y) are wanting. Backs decorated with diagonal rows of square black dots. 33 x 21 in. 179. Alphabet with costumes; modern. A double pack (all the cards being in duplicate) of 64, coarsely executed and coloured, each having a whole length figure in some national costume, with a capital letter in the upper left corner. On some is the name "David a Paris," and on the T card is "Typ. Vert Freres, 8 rue Franqois-Mirou." Coloured. Unmounted. 31 x 2 in. 180. "Alphabet Militaire"; c. 1840. Complete pack of 25, each having a subject of military life, with a capital letter above, as:-"A. Ambulance," "B. Bivouac," etc. Coloured. Backs plain. In pasteboard case, on which is the title with a vignette of a soldier teaching a boy. 31 x 21 in. 181. Theatrical characters; 18th century. Sixteen cards, each divided diagonally, and having two demi-figures of characters in Moliere's "Malade Imaginaire" and other plays. On one (" L'Amour en capuchon-Pierrot Charlatant') is "a Paris chez Mondbave et Jea-", and on another (" Le Pere Clus —Dragons ") is " rue St. Jean de Beauvais." Backs decorated with a coloured pattern of rosettes, etc. 31 x 24 in. 182. Theatrical characters. Another set of the same cards, with a different pattern on the backs. 183. "Jeu des Chevaliers"; c. 1820. A pack of 10 large and 50 small cards; on the former are whole length figures of men in the costumes of different European orders of knighthood, and to each of these belong 5 of the small cards, all bearing the arms of the knight's country displayed on a banner. Coloured. Backs plain. In pasteboard case which bears the title, with figures of a mediaeval and a modern knight, and the address " Paris, Gide fils, Rue St. Marc-Feydeau No. 20." 54 x 3 in.; 31 x 24 in. FRENCH CARDS. 73 (b.) For Cartomancy. 184. Marriage; c. 1820. Complete pack of 48, with subjects illustrating a marriage and its attendant circumstances. With numbers and titles:- "No. 1. La Pretendue," "No. 2. Le Pretendu," etc. Coloured. Backs decorated with a blue check pattern. 3- x 2l in. 185. Cagliostro's "L'Avenir Devoile," c. 1790. Modern reproduction of the pack of 40 fortune-telling cards invented by Joseph Balsamo, known as Cagliostro. With small sheet of explanatory text. Backs mottled in dark blue. In pasteboard case, which has on the outside a repetition of No. 37, " Pertes depouillement Voleurs." 3k x 2 in. 186. Mile. Lenormand's " Cartes de Bonne Aventure;" recent. Complete pack of 36, each having a fanciful subject, in chromolithography, with a statement of its signification on a tablet above. Backs decorated with a panel, in centre of which are the initials B. D. In cardboard case; with small book of explanations. 3 x 21 in. 187. "Maniere de deviner le nom et l1age d'une Dame." Set of seven cards on which are printed lists of female christian names; with an extra card of "Explication " signed Frenal. Backs plain. 3 x 2 in. 188. Names of Men. Set of seven cards similar to the preceding, but with male instead of female names. The card of "Explication" is wanting. 3 x 2i in. 189. Questions and Answers; c. 1850. Pack of 24, consisting of 12 questions and 12 answers, which are written in French, German and English, and humorously illustrated, e.g. "1. Aimez vous la chasse 1 " " 1. Lorsque le temps est bon." Question No. 3 is taken from another pack. Coloured. Backs plain. 4k x 2i in. 190. "Les Grecs et les Tarcs; Jeu-Probleme "; modern. Twenty-nine of a pack of 30, with figures in Greek and Turkish costumes, 15 of each. No. 5 of the Greeks is wanting. Coloured. Backs plain. In cardboard case on which is a representation of a ship with a man being thrown into the sea. 3 x 1i in. 74 7CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 191. "Gil Bias"; c. 1800. Set of 25 engraved cards illustrating Le Sage's " Gil Bias." Each card has one subject with explanation below. Coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and crosses, in blue. In pasteboard case. 41 x 2- in. 192. "Le Jeu des Calembourgs "; c. 1820. Thirty-one of a pack of 32 cards, each bearing a subject which is a conundrum or play upon words, the explanations being given on three additional cards. No. 30 (" Le Siege de Troie ") is missing, but a repetition of it is given on the pasteboard case, with the title and the address of the publisher, "Alph. Giroux, Rue du Coq St. Honore No. 17, ia Paris." 34 x 24 in. 193. Set of 10 small cards, six of which are numbered 1-6 with spots, as in dominoes; the remaining four have figures of ladies and gentlemen in fancy costumes. In cardboard cover. 14 x 11 in. GERMAN. Shortly after the introduction of cards from Italy, Germany adopted as the national suitmarks Hearts (Herzen), Bells (Schellen), Leaves (Laub), and Acorns (Eicheln), and although in recent times these have been very generally superseded by the French suits, hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs, they are still used to some extent. The oldest German games, Landsknecht (Lansquenet), and Karniffel, were played with packs of 52, similar to those now used for Whist, Pharaoh, Boston, etc.; but this number was at an early period reduced to 36, and later to 32, to form the Piketspiel, which resembles in its composition the French piquet pack. Solo, Casco, Skat, and other popular games, are played with packs of this kind. In true German packs a second knave is substituted for the queen, the two knaves being called Obermann and Untermann (abbreviated into Ober and Unter), and the 2 (Daus) takes the place of the ace. The pip cards are usually decorated with vignettes of domestic groups, animals, etc. Tarot packs have been and are still largely used in the southern parts of Germany. Previous to the present century these had Italian suitmarks and atouts of the traditional Italian type, but in modern packs the French suitmarks are substituted, and the atouts have fanciful and meaningless designs, frequently subjects of natural history. GERMAN1~4 CARDS.: 75 I.-WITH NATIONAL SUITS. (a.) Packs of 48. 1. Stukeley's Cards. The well-known set, of which no other example is known, discovered in the binding of a fifteenth century book, and given by Dr. Thomas Rawlinson to Dr. Stukeley, who exhibited it to the Society of Antiquaries in 1763. It is a 52 card pack minus the aces. Mounted in a volume having the bookplates of Mark Cephas Tutet and W. H. Crawford, of Lakelands, the former of whom purchased the cards at the Stukeley sale in 1766 (see Chatto, p. 205). 27 x 13 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 75-78.] 2. Stukeley's Cards. A set of water-colour copies of the preceding pack; bound in a similar volume, at the end of which are ten of the twelve court cards of an early French pack. 3. Nuremberg; early 16th century. F. C. Z. A modern fraudulent imitation of the extremely rare pack described by Chatto (p. 236) and Willshire (p. 199), which is now accepted as the work of Peter Flotner (see Lange's " Peter Flotner," 1897, p. 27). The cards are all drawn with pen and ink on artificially discoloured paper, and carefully coloured and gilded. The set is complete, but the subjects on the four aces are replaced by the arms of the Duke of Modena, elaborately blazoned. Backs plain. 33 x 23 in. [For reproductions of the imperfect sets of the original woodcuts preserved at Paris and Berlin, see the volume published by the Societe des Bibliophiles Frangais, 1844, and Hirth's "Grands Illustrateurs," etc., II, 756.] 4. Place of issue uncertain. Johann Gottrichter; 18th century(?) Complete pack, coarsely coloured with stencils. Each suit consists of two knaves, queen, king, and numerals 2-9. The court cards are figures in sixteenth century costumes, the kings on horseback. The deuce of hearts bears the imperial eagle and a German duty stamp. On the deuce of acorns is the name " Joh. Gottrichter," and on that of bells " Hans Casper Feitzinger Formschneiter." Backs decorated with a pattern of black and white squares. 38 x 1 in. 5. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist; modern. Gargel cards. Complete double-ended pack consisting of 24 cards in duplicate. Each suit ?76 rtf CATALOGUE OF CARDS. is composed of deuce, 7, 10, two knaves and king. On the deuce of hearts is "C. L. Wist, Frankfort a/M.", with the German imperial excise stamp. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 38 x 2~ in. 6. Augsburg (?); modern. Gargel cards. Complete pack, similar in composition to the last, but not double-ended. On the 7 of hearts is the excise stamp of the province of Schwaben-undNeuberg. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue and white. 38 x 2 in. 7. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Gargel cards. Imperfect pack (wanting one of the kings of hearts), similar in composition to the last, but with different designs. On the deuce of hearts is a public statue, and on that of bells a female placing fruit on an altar. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a zig-zag pattern of blue dots. 37 x 21 in. (b.) Packs of 36. 8. Augsburg. J. G. Rollwagen; early 19th century. Complete pack, engraved and coloured; illustrated throughout with views and costumes of Augsburg. On the 7 of hearts is " J. G. Rollwagen biirgerl-Kartenfabrikant in Augsburg," and on the 8 "Sehr feine Spielkarten mit Ansichten der merkwiirdigsten Gebaude, Brunen und Umgebungen von Augsburg." The 7 of hearts bears the excise stamp of the province of Schwaben-und-Neuberg. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. In original wrapper lettered " Sehr feine Deutsche Kupfer Karten." 37 x 2- in. 9. Bavaria; modern. Complete double-ended pack of the ordinary type. On the deuce of acorns is the Bavarian lion, and on that of leaves the electoral eagle. The deuce of hearts bears the Bavarian excise stamp. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 33 x 21 in. 10. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf; recent. Complete pack, executed in chromolithography. The court cards have figures in historical costumes, and on the deuces are an eagle, a lion, a wild boar and a stag. The deuce of hearts is lettered " B. Dondorf, Frankfort a. M." Backs decorated with a geometrical pattern, in blue. In cardboard case. 3 x 2 in. GERMAN CARDS. 77 11. Frankfort a/M. J. A. Steinberger; modern. Complete pack, with figures in historical costumes on the court cards, and emblems of the four seasons on the deuces. The 7 of hearts is inscribed "Fabricirt von J. A. Steinberger in Frankfort a/M." Backs decorated with a dotted pattern of crosses and circles, in brown. 3- x 24 in. 12. Leipsic. M. Henze; modern. Complete pack, illustrated throughout with subjects from Weber's opera "Der Freischutz." On the 8 of hearts is "Leipsig, M. Henze sonst Industrie Comptoir." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars. 3{ x 2k in. 13. Leipsic. M. Henze; modern. "Schwerter Karte." Complete pack, engraved and coloured. The court cards have figures in historical costumes, and the deuces of acorns and leaves bear the arms of Saxony. The former is inscribed " Extra feine Schwerter Karte," and the 8 of hearts has a shield lettered "M. Henze in Leipzig." Backs mottled blue. 44 x 2- in. 14. Leipsic. G. Thieme; c. 1875. "Deutsche Reichs Karte." Complete pack, having full-length portraits of living German sovereigns and statesmen on the court cards, and views of German cities on the pip cards. The deuce of acorns has the arms of the German empire with ribbon inscribed "Deutsche Reichs Karte," and the 8 of hearts is inscribed "G. Thieme in Leipzig." The deuce of hearts bears the imperial excise stamp. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. In cardboard case. 4 x 2 in. 15. Leipsic. C. H. Zoetcke. Battle of Leipsic, 1813. Complete pack, having portraits of generals on the court cards, and incidents connected with the battle on the pip cards. The deuce of hearts bears the inscription "La Belle Alliance. Erinnerung an die grosse Yolkerschlacht bei Leipzig d. 16, 17, 18 u. 19 Octob. 1813;" on the 8 of hearts is "Carl Heinrich Zbtcke in Leipzig," and on the deuce of acorns "C. H. Zoetcke in Leipzig." Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots. Edges gilt. In cardboard case. 3- x 2k in. 16. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. "Bergmanns-Karte." Complete pack illustrating the silver and cobalt mining industry of Saxony. The court cards are figures of various officials and workmen connected with the mines, and on the pip cards are vignettes showing the details of the work. On the deuces are the 78 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. devices and arms of the towns of Freiberg, Annaberg, Schneeberg and Marienberg. The 6 of acorns has a tablet inscribed "Feine Bergmanns-Karte," and on the 7 of hearts are the words " Industrie Comptoir Leipzig." Backs decorated with a pattern of cross lines formed of dots in black. In original wrapper. 4 x 21 in. 17. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. "Jagd-Karte." Complete pack illustrating the sports of hunting and shooting. The knaves are figures of sportsmen, the deuces bear heads of animals, and the vignettes on the pip cards represent various birds and beasts. On the 6 of acorns is "Industrie-Comptoir in Leipzig." The deuce of hearts bears an excise stamp. Backs decorated with the same pattern as the preceding. In original wrapper lettered "Feine Deutsche Jagd-Karte." 3A x 2 in. 18. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. War of 1810-15. Imperfect engraved pack of 34, illustrating the war against Napoleon which terminated at Waterloo. The kings are portraits of contemporary sovereigns; the upper knaves portraits of generals, including Wellington and Bliicher; and the lower knaves figures of common soldiers. The vignettes on the pip cards commemorate the leading incidents of the war. A tablet on the 7 of hearts is inscribed "Industrie Comptoir." Uncoloured and unmounted. The missing cards are the deuces of acorns and leaves. 3] x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 151-2.] 19. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. Complete engraved pack, with fancy and emblematical figures on both the court and pip cards. Those on the deuces are " Freude," " Glick," "Ungluck " and " Hoffnung." Every card has at the bottom a title in German and (?) Czeck. On a tablet on the 7 of hearts is "Industrie Comptoir in Leipzig." The 7 of bells bears an excise stamp. Backs decorated with a small pattern in black. 31 x 21 in. 20. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. "Schwerdter Karte." Complete pack, of the ordinary type. The deuces of hearts, acorns and leaves bear the arms of Saxony, and that of bells has a group of two lovers surprised by a man. On the deuce of acorns is a ribbon inscribed "Feine Schwerdter Karte," and on the 8 of hearts is " Industrie Comptoir in Leipzig." Backs mottled brown. In original wrapper lettered "Feine Deutsche Schwerter-Karte von Industrie Comtoir in Leipzig." 31 x 24 in. GERMAN CARDS. 79 21. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. " Schwerdter Karte." Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but printed from different blocks. The inscription on the deuce of acorns is " Neue Schwerdter-Karte." Backs mottled blue. In original wrapper. 22. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. Complete child's pack, with figures of children playing with various toys and games on the pip cards. The 8 of hearts is inscribed "Industrie Comptoir in Leipzig." Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots. In pasteboard box. 2 x l1 in. 23. Munich. J. Fetscher; early 19th century. Complete engraved pack, with historical characters on the court cards, "Ritter Bayard," " Kuno von Kyberg," " Herzog Burgund," etc. The deuce of hearts has the arms of Munich arranged as a trophy, and on the 8 is "Joseph Fetscher Kartenfabricant in Miinchen." Backs decorated with a pattern of red circles and stars. 38 x 21 in. 24. Munich. J. Fetscher; 19th century. Complete pack of the Bavarian type. The king of bells supports a cartouche charged with the arms of Bavaria, and that of hearts a similar cartouche bearing the maker's mark and initials. On the 8 of hearts is "Joseph Fetsch b. Karten-fabricant in Munchen." The 7 of hearts bears a duty stamp. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue spots. 37 x 2 in. 25. Munich. J. Frey; early 19th century. Complete pack, coarsely executed; similar to the last, the court cards and many of the vignettes being identical. On the 8 of hearts is "J. Frey, Sendlengerst. No. 5 Miinchen." Backs decorated with a pattern of blue spots. 4 x 2 in. 26. Munich. A. B. Gobl; late 18th century. Complete engraved pack of the Bavarian type. The deuce of leaves has the device of a phoenix, and that of hearts a sacrificial altar. On the 7 of leaves is " Andre Benedict Gobl," and on the 8 " Kurbairische fein deische Ciichel Karden gesigelt den." Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 38 x 2i in. 27. Munich. C. Gobl; early 19th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type; very coarsely executed and coloured. On the 8 of hearts is " Caj. Gobl in der Sendlenger Strasse N. 5 in Miinchen. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in red and blue. i4 x 2 in. 80 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 28. Munich. I. IH.; 19th century. Complete pack, similar in all respects to No. 24, except that the initials on the king of hearts are I. H., and the 8 of hearts bears the arms of Munich with the same initials. On the latter card is also the Bavarian excise stamp. Backs decorated with an acorn pattern 3i x 2k in. 29. Neuburg. J. Arnold. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. On the 8 of hearts is a monument decorated with a sphinx and inscribed "Joseph Arnold in Neuberg." Backs mottled red. 38 x 2k in. 30. Neuburg. V. Arnold, 1819. Freiherr v. Aretin's historical cards. Imperfect pack (wanting the 4 sixes, on which the subjects of all the pieces are noted) of the usual type, etched on stone, with vignettes on the numerals representing incidents in the history of Bavaria. The knaves are in national costumes and the king of acorns represents the dying Elector Maximilian III, who expired on 30 Dec., 1777. On the deuce of hearts is a military trophy with " Bei Victoria Arnold Kartenfabricantin zu Neuburg an der Donau. In comfission bei I. Lorenz Rugendas zu Augsburg." The suitmarks only are coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. [For another set of these cards, which includes three of the sixes, see German SHEETS, NO. 15.] 3k x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 135-8.] *** The pack should be accompanied by a book entitled: " Vaterlandsche Erinnerungen bey Gelegenheit der neu herausgegeben teutschen Spielkarten fiir das bayrische Yolk. l'on Christoph Freyh. v. Aretin," 1819. 31. Neustadt. E. Doll; early 19th century. Complete pack, of the ordinary type, without any vignettes on the pip cards. On the 6 of hearts are the arms of Bavaria and Nuremberg, with "Emil Doll in Neustadt"; on the deuce of acorns the Bavarian lion supporting the arms of Nuremberg; and on the deuce of leaves the arms of Bavaria, with a man writing on a tablet " Der 18 Oct. 1813 " (the date of the battle of Leipsic). Backs decorated with a pattern of black crosses. 3k x 2i in. 32. Nuremberg. J. E. Backofen; early 19th century. Complete pack, identical in subjects and designs with No. 19, but printed from different plates and having the titles in German and French. The tablet on the 7 of hearts is inscribed " Joh. Ernst Backofen in Niirnberg S. No. 760." The drapery on the 6 of acorns bears the engraver's name "J. Wolf sc." Backs decorated with a blue diagonal pattern. 3] x 2 in. GERMAN CARDS. 81 33. Nuremberg. J. M. Backofen; late 18th century. Complete pack, in which queens take the place of upper knaves. At the bottom of each card is a question or answer in German. On the 7 of leaves is a scroll inscribed " Karten nach der Mode," and on the 8 is one inscribed " Verfertiget von Joh. Matth. Backoffen Niirnberg." The deuce of hearts has an altar (or sun-dial) bearing the maker's trade-mark. On the deuce of leaves is a balloon ascent, and on that of bells are the arms of Nuremberg. Backs mottled red. With original wrapper. 34 x 24 in. 34. Nuremberg. I. L. Dietz; modern. Complete pack, with humorous and fanciful figures, in the style of the early Nuremberg artists, on the court cards. The deuce of acorns has a view of Nuremberg with a scroll inscribed " Niirnberger Tand geht durch's ganze Land"; that of leaves the arms of Bavaria; that of bells a wild boar; and that of hearts demi-figures of two lovers. The 6 of hearts is inscribed, "I. L. Dietz in Niirnberg." Backs decorated with a black and red pattern. 38 x 24 in. 35. Nuremberg. E. Jegel; modern. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The deuce of hearts has a lady adorning a monument; that of bells a temple with altar; that of acorns a lady standing by an altar; and that of leaves a double-headed eagle on a military trophy. The 8 of leaves is inscribed " Ernst Jegel in Niirnberg." The deuce of hearts bears an excise stamp. Backs decorated with a red pattern. 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] 36. Nuremberg. G. Pommer, 1830. German history. Complete pack having historical characters on the court cards, emblematical figures of rivers,, etc., on the deuces, and uncoloured engraved vignettes of incidents in the history of Germany on the other pip cards. The upper knave of leaves holds a paper inscribed " Niirnberg... G. Pommer rad. d. 3 April 1830," and a similar inscription is on a paper held by two figures in the vignette on the 8 of bells. Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots. 4 x 28 in. 37. Nuremberg. C. H. Reuter; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 28, similar in all respects to No. 31, except that the inscription on the 6 of hearts is " C. H. Reuter in Niirnberg." The deuce of hearts bears an excise stamp. The missing cards are the 8 and lower knave of hearts, the 6-9 and lower knave of bells, and the 8 of acorns. Backs mottled red. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] G 82 CAT'ALOGU E OF (CARDS. 38. Nuremberg. C. H. Reuter; recent. Complete pack of the common kind, the knaves being figures in modern dress. The king of hearts has a shield inscribed " Christ. Heiner. Reuter," and the king of leaves another inscribed "in Niirnberg No. 981." On the 7 of hearts a figure of Plenty supports an oval tablet inscribed "Karten Fabricant." Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern of red dots. 33 x 24 in. 39. Nuremberg. C. H. [Reuter]; 19th century. "Schwerter Karte." Imperfect pack of 26, of the common kind; coarsely executed and coloured. On the deuce of leaves are the arms of Saxony, and those of acorns and hearts have also coats of arms. Within a wreath on the 8 of hearts is " Chr. Heinr. Niirnberg." The ace of acorns bears the title "Feine Schwerter Karte." The missing cards are the 6 and 7 of hearts andleaves, and the 6, 7 and 8 of b1lls and acorns. Backs mottled red. 4i x 2i in. 40. Strasburg. Yander Heyden, 1640 (?). Complete engraved pack, uncoloured, said to have been issued at Strasburg by Yander Heyden about 1640. The court cards represent the twelve months and the deuces the four seasons, and on the remainder of the pip cards are various domestic and humorous incidents. Each card has at the top a facetious German verse of four lines referring to the subject. Backs decorated with a star pattern in brown. 34 x 23 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 103-4.] 41. Vienna. J. Glanz; modern. Complete pack of the common kind, double-ended and without any subjects on the pip cards. The 2 of acorns bears the Austrian arms, and that of bells a lion with "Joseph Glanz " on a scroll. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in red and blue. 4 x 21 in. 42. Vienna. J. Glanz; modern. Same pack as the last; a later edition. Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in red and brown. In original wrapper. 43. Vienna. J. Glanz, 1865. Complete pack, double-ended, the court cards having figures of historical characters, Attila, Scanderbeg, Corvinus, etc. On the deuce of hearts is the Austrian crown, on that of bells a river-god; on that of acorns the Austrian eagle; and on that of leaves the arms of Hungary. The upper knave of acorns is inscribed "Josef Glanz in Wien. Niederlage in Wien GERMAN CARDS. 83 Kohlmarkt No. 279." The 7 of hearts bears an excise stamp and also that of the maker with the date. Backs decorated with a pattern of small stars in brown. 3- X 24 in. 44. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack of the ordinary type. On the deuce of acorns is "Feine deutsche Karten. Jos. Glanz in Wien, Niederlage Kohlmarkt No. 279." Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in brown and red. In original wrapper lettered "Patent Karte," etc., with the maker's address. 3X x 21 in. 45. Vienna. J. G. Uffenheimer; 1827. Complete pack of the ordinary type, with military figures on the knaves. On the 6 of leaves is an altar inscribed "J. G. Uffenheimer in Guntramsdorf. Niederlage in Wien am Peter No. 562." The 7 of hearts bears the maker's stamp with date 1827. Backs decorated with a small brown pattern. 3f x 2-1 in. 46. Place of issue uncertain. G. P.; 19th century. Complete pack of the common kind, with emblematical trophies on the deuces. That of hearts has the arms of Bavaria; that of acorns the arms of Austria with the initials G. P.; and that of bells a figure of Fame with the G. P. on an obelisk. The king of leaves also has the same initials. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in brown. 3k x 21 in. 47. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Complete engraved pack of the usual type, with trophies of military and other implements on the deuces. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue dots. 31 x 2k in. 48. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Another pack of the same cards as the last; later edition, more highly coloured. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 34 x 24 in. 49. Place of issue uncertain; 1846. Complete pack of the common kind. On the deuce of leaves is the imperial eagle, and on that of acorns the Bavarian lion supporting a shield charged with a merchant's mark. The throne of the king of leaves bears the date 1846. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 3X x 2* in. G 2 84 C ATALOGUE OF CARDS. 50. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 82, of the usual type, but without subjects on the pip cards; coarsely executed. The deuce of leaves has the arms of Bavaria, with a man seated writing on a tablet which bears the letter I. The missing cards are the deuce and 6 of hearts, the upper knave of bells, and the deuce of acorns. Backs decorated with a blue and white pattern. 3i x 2- in. 51. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Imperfect engraved pack of 24, of the usual type, uncoloured. On the deuce of hearts is a cartouche charged with an eagle, and on that of bells a peasant driving a pig. No inscriptions. The missing cards are the 8, 9, and two knaves of hearts; the 7-10 of bells; the 7 and 8 of acorns; and the two knaves of leaves. Backs plain. 33 x 21 in. 52. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Complete miniature pack, without subjects on the pip cards or inscriptions. The deuce of acorns has the arms of Bavaria. Backs pink, with a flower pattern. 11 x in. 53. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect miniature pack of 33 (apparently made up from three different packs), of the usual type, with borders; coarsely executed. On the deuce of acorns is the Bavarian lion with a blank scroll. No inscriptions. The 6 of hearts, upper knave of acorns, and deuce of leaves are missing, and there is a second 6 of leaves. Backs marbled. 1I x 1I in. 54. Place of issue uncertain; late 18th century. Twelve uncoloured pieces from a pack of (probably) 36, of the usual type, viz.,-the 6-10 of hearts, the 9 and 10 of bells, and the 6-10 of acorns. On the 6 of hearts is a man with a basket, resting, and on the 8 a raree showman. Backs plain. 33 x 2 in. 55. Place of issue uncertain; late 17th century. Complete engraved pack with emblematical and social figures on the court cards and deuces, and domestic subjects on the other pip cards. The kings are figures of Love, Folly, Bacchus and Spring. Every card has its name or number at the top and a German quatrain at the bottom. The deuce of hearts bears the engraver's name, " Azelt sc." Coloured. Backs marbled in blue and brown. 4 x 2t in. GERMAN CARDS. 85 56. Place of issue uncertain; late 17th century. Fourteen cards belonging to an engraved pack of (probably) 36, viz.,-the 8 and upper knave of hearts; the deuce, 8 and king of bells; the 6, 7, 8 and 10 of acorns; and the deuce, 8, 10, lower knave and king of leaves. The suitmarks are arranged in a row at the top of each card, the field of which is occupied by a well engraved fancy composition, with a German verse of four lines below. The kings represent the four quarters of the globe, the deuces the four seasons, the knaves and tens the twelve months. The suitmarks only are coloured. Backs plain. 4 x 23 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 105.] 57. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Four cards from an engraved pack of (probably) 36, the fields of which are occupied by figures of itinerant traders, with the titles in German and French below, and the suitmarks arranged in rows above. The cards are the 6 of hearts (Kramerbeer), the lower knave of bells (Kohla, Kohla), the 8 of leaves (Holder, Holder), and the king of leaves (Kramabeer Seltz). Coloured. Backs plain. 38 x 2- in. 58. Place of issue uncertain; early 18th century. Defeat of the Turks by the Germans. Engraved pack, complete, with satirical designs referring to the wars between Turkey and Germany. The ace of hearts represents the Sultan in the clutches of the German eagle; that of bells, Time and Death playing at cards; that of acorns, the coffin of Mahomet; that of leaves, Death seizing the Sultan. On the 10 of hearts is represented the siege of Belgrade (? that by Prince Eugene in 1717). At the bottom of each card is a German couplet, and at the top a single suitmark with a numeral or name to indicate its value. Coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of sprigs of red flowers. 3 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 129, 130.] 59. Place of issue uncertain; early 18th century. Another pack of the same cards, uncoloured and imperfect, wanting the king of hearts, the 6 of acorns, and the 7 of leaves. 60. Geography of Bavaria; early 19th century. Complete pack of printed instructive cards, giving geographical and historical details of the kingdom of Bavaria. The value of each card is indicated by a single suitmark with a numeral or initial letter. The suitmarks are coloured. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 4 x 2- in. 86 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 61. Proverbs; 18th century. Complete pack published by Johann Conrad Stapff, Augsburg. Each card has in the centre a proverb or motto in Latin and German, with a well engraved illustration to it; at the top is a suitmark with its value, and at the bottom a German verse of four lines. On the ace of leaves is the publisher's name. The suitmarks only are coloured. Backs plain. 4 x 21 in. (c.) Packs of 32. 62. Berlin. Baumgartner; early 19th century. Complete pack, with fanciful trophies on the deuces. That of hearts has a basket of flowers in the centre, that of bells a ship at sea, and that of leaves a dog's head. On the 8 of hearts is "bei Baumgartner in Berlin," and on the deuce of acorns the initial B. The deuce of hearts bears the excise stamp. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy lines of blue dots. In modern morocco case, lettered "Picquet Cards -Berlin." 4 x 23 in. 63. Berlin. C. A. Miiller; 19th century. Complete pack. The deuces of hearts and acorns have trophies of agricultural and hunting implements. The 8 of hearts is inscribed " C. A. Miiller, Berlin." Excise stamp on the deuce of hearts. Backs decorated with a geometrical pattern in red. 4 x 23 in. 64. Berlin. C. A. Miller; c. 1840. Complete pack, with views of monuments and public buildings in Berlin on the pip cards. The knaves are figures of itinerant traders, etc. The deuce of hearts is inscribed " C. A. Miiller in Berlin." Backs decorated withia pattern of blue stars. 38 x 21 in. 65. Dresden. A. Bohme; 18th century. Complete pack, with oriental figures on the court cards. The deuce of hearts has an armorial shield charged with flowers; that of bells a figure of Fortune; that of acorns a dolphin; and that of leaves a bird. The name "August Bohme in Dresden" appears on the 8 of bells, and the arms of Saxony are on the 9. Backs decorated with a small red pattern. 4 x 21 in. 66. Dresden. F. Hemmerichs; late 18th century. Complete pack with subjects referring to Cupid on the deuces. On the 8 of hearts is " F. Hefferichs Kartenfabrik in Dresden auf der Breitengasse GERMAN CARDS. 87 No. 65," and the maker's trade-mark also appears on the king of hearts. All the cards have a black and white border. The aces of hearts, bells, and acorns bear the Saxon excise stamp. Backs decorated with a flower pattern in blue. 33 x 21 in. 67. Dresden. Sommer and Seupke; 19th century. "SchwerdterKarte." Complete pack. On the deuce of acorns is a lion supporting the arms of Saxony, with "Neue Schwerdter Karte" on a scroll, and "S. & S." on a tablet. The deuce of leaves bears the arms of Saxony. A tablet on the 8 of hearts is inscribed "Fabrik von Sommer and Seupke in Dresden." Backs marbled. 4 x 24 in. 68. Frankfort a/M. Lennhoff and Heuser; recent. "Schwerter Karten." Complete pack. On the deuce of acorns is a lion supporting two armorial shields and a tablet inscribed "L. & H." with "Extra feine Schwerterkarten" on a scroll above. The deuce of leaves has also a coat of arms. A scroll on the 8 of hearts is inscribed " Lennhoff & Heuser Frankfurt." Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 4- x 22 in. 69. Goslar. F. A. Lattmann; 19th century. "Schwerter Karte." Complete pack, with views in Saxony on the pip cards, which have numbers in the lower corners. On the deuce of acorns is a lion supporting two tablets inscribed "F. A. Lattmann, Goslar am Harz," with a scroll above lettered "Extra feine Schwerter Karte." The deuces of hearts, acorns and leaves bear the arms of Saxony. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 44 x 24 in. 70. Innsbruck. J. Schoepf; 19th century. Complete pack of the common kind. On the deuce of hearts are two excise stamps and that of the maker "Jos. Schoepf Innsbruck." Backs decorated with a green pattern. 3 x 24 in. 71. Kempten. F. J. Leipert; 18th century. Complete pack, very rudely executed. The deuce of hearts bears the inscription "Privilegirte ordinare Karten im Stifft Kempten" and an excise stamp; and on the 10 of hearts is "Franz Jacob Leipert." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue and yellow. 4 x 2 in. [S. Vol. 11, pl. 92, 93.] 88 CATALOGUT OF CARDS. 72. Leipsic. F. Leipnitz; recent. "Zwanglose Karte." Complete pack, with satirical etchings referring to German politics and newspapers. On the deuce of acorns is a burlesque figure of the German empire with a scroll inscribed " Extra zwanglose Karte," and on the 8 of hearts " Die Zwanglosen." The deuce of leaves is inscribed " Schnellpressendruck v. Fr. Leipnitz Leipzig." Backs plain. 4j x 21 in. 73. Leipsic. J. G. Schulze; early 19th century. "Schwerdter Karte." Imperfect engraved pack of 35. On the deuce of acorns is a bear supporting the arms of Saxony, with a scroll inscribed "Feine Schwerdter Karte," and the same arms appear on the deuce of leaves. The 8 of hearts is inscribed "J. G. Schulze in Leipzig." The under knave of acorns bears an excise stamp. Backs mottled blue. 41 x 24 in. 74. Leipsic. Leipziger Karten Fabrik; 18th century. Complete pack, with figures of gentlemen of the period on the knaves. The deuce of hearts has a merchant's mark with the initials L. K. and a scroll inscribed "Quod Capitatot Sensils(?); and on the 7 of hearts is a cartouche with the words "Nnim dich selbst bey der Nas" (take thyself by the nose). On the deuce of acorns is a lion supporting the arms of Saxony, with scroll inscribed "Leipziger Karten Fabrick"; on that of bells the arms of Saxony; and on that of leaves the cipher L. K. F. All the cards have a narrow black and white border. Backs decorated with a check pattern in red and white. 34 x 21 in. 75. Munich. J. Fetscher; late 18th century. Complete pack, similar in every respect to No. 66, but printed from different plates. The inscription on the 8 of hearts is " Joseph fetscher b: Kartenfabricant in Mtinchen in der Burggassen," and the initials on the king of hearts are J. F. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] 76. Munich. J. Fetscher; early 19th century. Complete pack, with heathen divinities in their cars on the deuces. The 7 of hearts has a figure of Fame supporting a tablet on which is the excise stamp, and the king of bells is inscribed "Joseph Fetscher Kartenfabricant." Backs decorated with a pattern of circles and dots in red. 4 x 2k in. GERMANBI CARDS. 89 77. Munich. A. B. Gibl; late 18th century. Complete pack, with oriental figures on the court cards. The 8 of bells has a cartouche inscribed "Andreas Benedict Gobl kartnfabricant in Miinchen," and the 9 of bells a lion supporting the arms of Bavaria. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 3 x 21 in. 78. Munich. C. Gobl; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 29, with figures of mediaeval knights on the knaves, river-gods on the deuces, and incidents in Bavarian history on the remaining cards. The deuce of acorns bears the name " Cajetan Gobl in Miinchen." The missing cards are the 7 and king of hearts and the 7 of bells. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 34 x 2- in. 79. Munich; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 30, in which the design occupies only a portion of the surface of each card, the remainder being blank. The king of hearts has the arms of Munich on his breast, and on the deuce of hearts is a boar's head in a dish. A cartouche on the 7 of hearts is inscribed "Nim dich selbst bey der Nas." The missing cards are the upper knaves of bells and acorns. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue. 38 x 24 in. 80. Naumburg. C. T. Sutor; 19th century. Complete pack. On the deuce of hearts two naked men support a shield inscribed "Fabrik in Naumburg von C. T. Sutor"; the maker's initials appear on the 8 of hearts. The ace of bells has a seated female holding a scroll inscribed " Sie wollen ihn nicht haben," and that of acorns a figure of Bacchus seated on a wine barrel inscribed "Naumburg." Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots in circles. 4 x 24 in. 81. Nuremberg. I. S.; late 18th century. Imperfect miniature pack coarsely executed. The 10 of hearts has the initials I. S. on a scroll, and the 8 of bells is inscribed "Nurnberg." The arms of Nuremberg appear on the ace of bells and on that of acorns is the Bavarian lion with the letters I. S. on a scroll. The missing cards are the ace of hearts and the 9 and under knave of bells. Backs mottled red. 1i x 1 in. 82. Prague. M. Ballek; recent. Complete pack of the common kind. The deuce of bells has the imperial arms, and on that of acorns is a heraldic beast supporting shields of Austria and Prague, with 90 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. "M. Ballek" on a scroll. The deuce of hearts has the word "Prag " on a scroll. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in brown. In original wrapper. 33 x 24 in. 83. Prague. J. Wokaun; 19th century. Complete pack, similar to the last and with the same armorial shields. The deuce of acorns is inscribed "Jacob Wokaun in Prag." Backs mottled brown. 38 x 28 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] 84. Ratisbon. F. D. Mihler; late 18th century. Complete miniature pack. The deuce of hearts has the arms of Bavaria, with the words "Franciscus Dominicus" on a scroll, and on that of acorns is another scroll inscribed "Mihler." Backs decorated with an interlaced pattern in blue. 14 x 14 in. 85. Ratisbon. C. F. Schenck, 1764. Imperfect pack of 30. On the deuce of hearts is " Christian Friedrich Schenk: zu finten in Regensburg," and on the 9 of hearts " Diese Kartten findet man bey mir Christian Friedrich Schenck in Regensburg 1764." The missing cards are the under knaves of acorns and leaves. Backs decorated with an interlaced pattern of red, blue and yellow. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 130.] 86. Stralsund. L. Heideborn; modern. Complete pack, doubleended; the knaves in modern costumes. On the deuce of hearts is "Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkarten," with the excise stamp; on that of bells "Deutsche Karte, Doppel Figur"; and on the under knave of bells "friiher L. v. d. Osten, L. Heidborn. T. Weyener." The under knave of hearts holds a bottle inscribed " Stralsunder 8 s. g." Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. [See German SHEETS, NO. 27.] 4 x 2i in. 87. Ulm. I. Bacher; early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 24, with knaves in historical costumes. On the ace of leaves is a nymph resting a lyre on a pedestal which is inscribed " Irenseus Bacher Karten fabricant in Ulm." The missing cards are the 4 eights and 4 nines. Backs decorated with an angular pattern of blue dots. 38 x 2in. [S. Vol. II, pi. 130.] 88. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, with same designs and shields as No. 82. On the deuce of acorns is " Jos. Glanz in GERMAN CARDS. 91 Wien." The 8 of hearts bears the excise stamp and also that of the maker. Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern. In original wrapper lettered "Joseph Glanz. F. BShmisch Deutsche No. 52." 4 x 24 in. 89. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last. On the ace of acorns is "Josef Glanz," and on that of hearts "Wien." The 8 of hearts bears the excise stamp and also that of the maker. Backs decorated with a pattern of acorns. In original wrapper lettered " Mittelfeine Bohmsche No. 54," etc. 34 x 21 in. 90. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack of the common kind. The 7 of bells bears a tablet inscribed " Joseph Glanz in Wien." Backs mottled purple. 38 x 24 in. 91. Vienna. Gebriider Siegl; modern. Complete pack of the common kind. On the 7 of hearts is, in a frame formed of a serpent, " Gbd. Siegl, in Wien," and on a cartouche on the 8 of hearts " Spiel Karten Fabrik der Gbd. Siegl." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of fleurs-de-lis. 3 x 21 in. 92. Place of issue uncertain. A. L. S.; late 18th century. Complete pack, very coarsely executed. The suitmark of the deuces of hearts and bells is enclosed in a wreath, and on the deuce of acorns is the Bavarian lion supporting a shield, on which are the initials A. L. S., with a blank scroll above. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of spread-eagles. 3- x 2' in. 93. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 20, of the same dimensions as the last, and with similar, but better executed, designs. No inscriptions. The missing cards are the sevens and eights of all the four suits, the deuces of hearts, acorns and leaves, and the under knave of bells. Backs mottled. 94. Place of issue uncertain; 1577. Imperfect set of 22, apparently taken from an old binding; resembling in general design the Stukeley cards (see ante, No. 1). The deuces of hearts and bells have large scrolls, the former inscribed "Das Karte spil bleibt vngewert wo man zu rechter zeit avfhoert," and the latter " Das ist im Spil ei grose Kvnst werdo aufhore kan mit Gvnst." On the deuce of bells is also a shield charged with a hammer and pickaxe in saltire, like that in the Stukeley pack. The date appears 92 2CIATALOGUE OF CARDS. on the 10 of bells. Of several cards only fragments have been preserved. The missing cards are the 8, upper knave and king of hearts; the 7 of bells; the ace, 9, under knave and king of acorns, and the deuce and 8 of leaves. 3 x 13 in. 95. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack of the common kind. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of acorns. 35 x 2 in. 96. Fortune-telling; 1793. Complete engraved pack, numbered throughout 1-32; every card having at each end a German word or sentence indicating good or bad fortune. The ace of bells has an impaled coat of arms; that of hearts an emblem of Love; that of leaves a figure of Fortune; and that of acorns a bear supporting a shield, with a scroll inscribed " Duremouri 1793," probably the artist's name. Backs decorated with a pattern of red crosses. 21 x 13 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 118.] 97. Fortune-telling; early 19th century. Complete pack in which the designs, which are of the ordinary kind, occupy only the upper portions of the cards, the remainder being filled with type-printed German sentences, indicating good or bad fortune. In green cardboard case lettered " Glickskarte." 3 x 1i in. 98. Fortune-telling. Imperfect pack of 31, without suitmarks; numbered throughout 1-32. Each card is filled with type-printed German sentences, the suit and value being expressed in words. In cardboard case lettered "Neue Zieh und Wahrsagerkarte No. 64." The missing card is No. 5. 31 x 2j in. 99. Fortune-telling. Complete pack, without suitmarks. Each card bears three type-printed German sentences and has the suit expressed in words at the top, as " Herz-Ass," " Herz VII," etc. Backs plain. In pasteboard case. 3i x 2 in. 100. Fortune-telling. Imperfect pack of 24, similar to the last, with the same sentences printed in a different type. The pack is accompanied by another of 45, on each of which is a German love sentiment in prose or verse. In old pasteboard case. 23 x 1 in. GERMAN CARDS. 93 101. Bachelor cards. Imperfect pack of 31, in the same style as the preceding, having type-printed German verses with the suits and values expressed in words. At the top of each card is the title of the game, "Junggesellen-Spiel." The missing card is the 7 of bells. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of square spots and dots, in black. 42 x 22 in. (d.) Pack of 20. 102. "Das Richterspiel oder Wer list der Dieb." Complete engraved and coloured pack for playing this game. Each suit consists of ace, 10, two knaves and king, and the cards are numbered 1-20. Each has a fancy figure or subject, with a miniature playing card, showing its value, above. With sheet of printed directions in French and German. Backs plain. 27 x 1U in. (e.) Pack of 52. 103. Astronomical. J. P. Andreae, Nuremberg, 1719. Complete engraved and coloured pack, with title and frontispiece cards, for teaching astronomy. Each card has in the centre a constellation, with description below and the suitmarks placed in a row above. The frontispiece represents two boys standing by a celestial globe, one looking up at the zodiac through a telescope. The title is: "Neu Inventirtes Belehrendes untergotzendes Astronomisches Karten Spiel... durch, Johann Philipp Andreae.. Niirnberg in verlegung des Authoris Anno 1719." Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 48 x 3 in. (f.) Fragmentary packs and odd cards. 104. Seven fragments of cards, all belonging to the suit of leaves, taken from an old binding; similar to No. 94. 105. H. D.; 1703. Five cards (all badly injured), belonging to two packs of the conventional type, viz.-the deuce of hearts, the upper knave of acorns, and the knaves and king of leaves. On the deuce of hearts are the imperial arms, with the initials H. D., and the king of leaves bears the date. Backs decorated with two different diagonal patterns in black. 33 x 21 in. 94 CATALOG UE OF CARDS. 106. A king of leaves belonging to a pack quite similar to the last but bearing the date 1710. 107. An ace of leaves, with a fool playing on the bagpipes. 16th century. 3 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 128.] 108. An under knave of bells. A fool dancing and throwing up a bell. 16th century woodcut. 34 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 102.] 109. Fragment of a king of acorns; early. 110. An early ace of bells, with a man riding on a boar and holding up a cup and whip. Back decorated with a diagonal pattern. 34 x 21 in. II.-WITH FANCY SUITS. 111. Nuremberg (?). Virgil Solis; c. 1540. Ten pieces belonging to the well-known pack described by Bartsch (Vol. ix, p. 282) and Willshire (p. 217); viz.-the ace, knave, queen and king of parrots; the 2, 10 and knave of lions; the ace of monkeys; and the knave and king of peacocks. 33 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 95-97.] 112. Nuremberg. Jobst Amman, 1588. A set of the very rare cards executed on wood by J. Amman, having as suitmarks printer's ink balls, books, metal beakers and glass goblets, and published in book form at Nuremberg in 1588. The present set is mounted as a pack, the Latin and German inscriptions, which in the book are printed below the subjects, being cut off and pasted on the backs. The ace of books is missing. (For full description see Willshire, p. 221.) 4 2 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 98-101.] 113. Nuremberg (?). Erhard Schoen: c. 1540. Four cards belonging to a pack executed on wood, probably from designs by E. Schoen; viz.-the deuce and 9 of roses, the 7 of leaves, and the 10 of pomegranates. On the deuce of roses are the arms of Nuremberg, on the 7 of leaves a group of foxes and geese, and on the 10 of pomegranates a female warrior. 3j x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 102.] GERMAN CARDS. 95 114. A knave of shields; 16th century. Figure of a peasant holding a military flail, engraved somewhat in the style of Beham; beside him is a shield charged with the device of three acorns springing from a mountain and the letters "1. z." 48 x 31 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 102.] 115. Three engraved pieces, having the suits fishes and acorns; perhaps not intended for use as playing cards, but as illustrations to some work on logic. They are the 2 of fishes (a knight in full armour), the 3 of fishes (a woman riding on an elephant), and the 4 of acorns (men working a windlass). 3- x 2~ in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 102.] III.-WITH FRENCH SUITS. (a.) Tarok packs of 78. 116. Botzen. F. Krapf; modern. Proofs of six court cards and the 22nd atout belonging to a double-ended pack, of the Bavarian type. All are printed in red ink and are without the suitmarks. The court cards comprise four queens, one king and one knight. On a tablet in upper left corner of the atout is " F. Krapf, Botzen." Backs plain. 43 x 23 in. 117. Cassel. J. F. Ludwig; modern. Complete pack, with natural history subjects on the atouts. On the knave of spades is " Fabri: in Cassel," and that of hearts holds a banner which bears the letter C. Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. In original wrapper bearing the words "Feine-Tarok Karten Fabrick Joh. Fri. Ludwig in Cassell." 43 x 21 in. 118. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf, 1887. Complete pack, doubleended, with two different subjects on each atout. On the aces are views of celebrated buildings in France, England, Russia and Germany; the court cards are portraits of historical personages belonging to those countries; and the atouts represent their arts and industries. On all the aces is " B. Dondorf Franefort," and that of hearts bears two Italian duty stamps, one dated 18 Nov. 87. Backs decorated with a panel of classical ornament. In cardboard case. 4i x 21 in. 96 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 119. Frankfort a/M. J. G. Eberhart; modern. Imperfect pack of 67, of the Bavarian type, with natural history subjects on the atouts. Several of the court cards bear the arms of Bavaria. The first atout is inscribed "Verfertiget uon Johann Georg Eberhart a Francfort am Meyn," the king of clubs "J. G. Eberhart," and the king of diamonds " a Francfurt." The halberd held by the knave of spades bears the letter E, and that held by the knave of diamonds the letters J. K. H. The knave of clubs holds the arms of Munich in his right hand. The missing cards are the knave of hearts, the knight of spades, the king and queen of clubs, and Nos. VII, XIII, XV, XVII, XVIII, XX and XXI, of the atouts. Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue and white. 44 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] 120. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Waist; modern. Complete pack, doubleended, with two different subjects on each atout. The figures on the court cards are in fanciful costumes, and the atouts have various scenes of domestic life of about 1860. On the knave of clubs is "C. L. Wiist in Frankfort a/M." The ace of hearts bears the Prussian duty stamp. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. With original wrapper, on which is a view of Frankfort. 41 x 23 in. 121. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist; modern. A later issue of the preceding pack, complete. The court cards are more coarsely coloured, and the atouts are uncoloured. The inscription on the knave of clubs is replaced by the initials C. L. W. The ace of hearts bears two duty stamps. 122. Hanau; modern. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. On the king of hearts is a cipher (G.L.), and on the knave of clubs "Tarocs de la Fabrique a Hanau." Backs decorated with a diagonal blue and white pattern. 44 x 23 in. 123. Innsbruck. J. Allbrecht; modern. Complete pack, doubleended, of the Bavarian type. The subjects on the atouts chiefly represent men hunting and killing wild animals and birds. The knave of clubs has at each end the name "Johann Allbrecht," and on the king of hearts is "zu finden in Innspruck." A monogram formed of the letters J. A. B. appears on the knave of hearts. Backs decorated with a small check pattern in red. 41 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] 124. Leipsic. C. E. Koppen; modern. Complete pack, double-ended. The court cards are historical characters, and the atouts humorous groups and animals. On the knave of diamonds are shields GEBMANBL CABRDAS. 97 inscribed "bey C. E. Koppen in Leipzig; sonst M. Stoeckel in Leipzig." The ace of hearts bears the Saxon duty stamp. Backs decorated with a small pattern of red dots. 4i x 24 in. 125. Leipsic. H. A. Kochly; 1819. "Miichler's Taschenbuch fiir Karten Spieler." The court cards and atouts of the preceding pack, issued as a volume, with illustrative German verses and the title " Karl Miichler's Taschenbuch fir Kartenspieler, mit xxxviii illuminirten Kupfern nach Zeichnungen von den Gebriidern Henschel," Leipzig 1819. The cards are without suitmarks, and on the shields of the knave of diamonds is "bey H. A. Kochly in Leipzig." 126. Leipsic. L. K.; modern. Imperfect pack of 76, of the Bavarian type. On the knave of clubs is "De la Fabrique de Leipzig," and on the queen of spades a merchant's mark with the initials L. K. The same letters, in form of a cipher, are on a shield on the knave of diamonds. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of blue stars. The missing cards are the ace of spades and the king of clubs. 4X x 23 in. 127. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. Complete pack, having figures in 18th century costumes on the court cards, and subjects from "Don Quixote" on the atouts. The king of hearts has a shield inscribed " Comtoir d'Industrie a Leipsic," and that of diamonds a cartouche charged with the arms of Saxony. The Saxon duty stamp appears on the ace of hearts. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars in brown. 44 x 2i in. 128. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. Complete pack, having characters in the story of William Tell on the atouts, and theatrical costume figures on the court cards. The knave of diamonds bears the words " Leipzig im Industrie Comptoir." Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red and white. In green pasteboard case lettered "Extra feine Tarok-Karte mit Theater Trachten vorziiglich aus Wilhelm Tell." 4i x 24 in. 129. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; modern. Imperfect pack of 76, double-ended. The atouts have each a single subject illustrating a German proverb, the first being " Weit davon ist gut fir den Schuss." The knight of spades wears a sash inscribed "Industrie Comptoir in Leipzig." Backs decorated with a small red pattern. The missing cards are the 8 of diamonds and No. XVI of the atouts. 4i x 2 in. H 98 CA~TALOGUE OFF CARDIS. 130. Luxemburg. V. Quarante and P. Bruck; modern. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. On each of the aces the suitmark is enclosed in a wreath of flowers. The four knights have on their halberds the initials of the makers, and on the first atout is "V. Quarante Pet. Bruck Luxemburg." Backs decorated with a small red pattern. 4k x 21 in. 131. Mannheim. P. W.; modern. Imperfect pack of 53, of the Bavarian type. On the knave of diamonds is a merchant's mark with the initials P. W., and on the king of diamonds " a Mannheim." Backs decorated with a small red pattern. The missing cards are the 1-8 of hearts, the 2-king of clubs, and the first four atouts. 4i x 2i in. 132. Munich. J. Fetscher; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 65, double-ended, with two different designs on each atout, chiefly natural history subjects; on the second atout are the arms of Bavaria and Munich, with tablets inscribed "Joseph Fetscher Kartenfabricant in Miinchen in der Burggassen." Backs decorated with a small red pattern. The missing cards are the 1-4 and 6-10 of spades and the 5-8 of clubs. 41 x 21 in. 133. Munich. J. Fetscher; early 19th century. Complete pack, double-ended, with two different subjects on each atout. The court cards have figures in modern costumes, and on the atouts are views and incidents connected with a war in (?) South America, e.g. a naval battle, ships shelling a town, a balloon ascent, etc. On the last atout is an American Indian drawing a bow, and the second has the arms of Bavaria and Munich resting against a palm tree, and a large stone inscribed "Joseph Fetscher biirgl. Karten fabricant Miinchen in der Burggasen." Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 4k x 21 in. 134. Munich. J. Fetscher; 19th century. Complete pack, doubleended, with two different designs, chiefly natural history subjects, on each atout. The court cards bear a general resemblance to those in the preceding pack. On the second atout are the arms of Bavaria and Munich resting against a pyramid, and a stone on which a negro is chiselling the inscription "Joseph Fetscher biirgl.-Karten fabricant Miinchen in der Burggasen." Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. 4i x 21 in. GERMAN CARDS. 99 135. Munich. J. Fetscher; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with two different designs on each atout, chiefly natural history subjects. No. 2 of the atouts has the arms of Bavaria and a figure of Fame with the inscription " Joseph Fetscher B. Karten Fabricant in Munchen in der Burggasse." Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 4* x 21 in. 136. Munich. P. P. Fetscher; early 19th century. Complete pack, double-ended, with two different designs of mythological and emblematical subjects on each atout. On the second atout are tablets inscribed "Peter Paul Fetscher junior Kurfurst Privil: Karten-Fabricant, Miinchen in der Sendlinger Gasse NrO' 39." Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. In pasteboard case. 43 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] 137. Munich. A. B. G6bl; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, very crudely executed and coloured. The atouts are natural history subjects, some fancifully treated. On the knave of clubs is " Andreas Benedictus G6bl," and on the king of diamonds " Minchen " and the initials B. H. Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of red stars. 43 x 24 in. 138. Munich. A. B. Gobl; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. On the knave of clubs is "Andreas Benedictus Gobl," and on the king of diamonds " Minchen." Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 4- x 21 in. 139. Munich. A. B. Gobl; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The knaves of hearts and diamonds hold frames, one inscribed "Andreas Benedict Gibl," the other " Karten Fabricant." Backs decorated with a pattern of squares enclosing suns, in blue. 41 x 2i in. 140. Munich. A. B. Gibl; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 32, of the Bavarian type, double-ended. The subjects of the atouts are identical with those of No. 123. On the knave of clubs is "Andreas Benedic Gebl," on that of hearts the initials A. B. G., and on the king of hearts "Bayrische Karten Fabric." The missing cards are the entire suit of diamonds, all the pip cards of hearts, spades and clubs, and Nos. III and XX of the atouits. Backs decorated with the same pattern as the last. ' 44 x 21 in. H 2 150o CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 141. Munich. A. B. Gobl; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 73, of the Bavarian type. The knaves of hearts and diamonds hold each a frame, one inscribed " Andreas Benedict," the other " Gobl in Miinchen." The missing cards are the 5 of hearts, the 5, 6 and 7 of spades, and the 4 of diamonds. Backs decorated with the same pattern as the last, in red. 4 x 2i in. 142. Neuburg. M. F. Key; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 61, of the Bavarian type, with natural history subjects on the atouts. The knave of clubs is inscribed " Melchior F. Key zu Neiburg an der Donau." The missing cards are the ace of spades, the ace, 2 and 3 of diamonds, ace-10 of clubs, and Nos. IX, X and XXII of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of suns and stars, in blue. 44 x 24 in. 143. Neuwied. P. Roeder; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 77, of the Bavarian type. On the knave of hearts is "Bey Philipp Roeder in Neuwied." The missing card is the 4 of hearts. Backs mottled purple. 41 x 2f in. 144. Nuremberg. J. F. Backofen; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The knave of hearts holds a framed tablet inscribed " Joh Friedrich Backofen," and on that of spades is a scroll lettered " Karten Fabricant in Niirnberg." Backs mottled purple. 44 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] 145. Nuremberg. J. G. Backofen; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, double-ended. The knave of clubs holds a shield charged with the letter B, and on the second atout is a slab of stone inscribed " Verfertigt von Johann Gottfried Backofen in Gostenhof bey Niirnberg." Backs mottled red. 41 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.J 146. Nuremberg. J. G. Backofen; 18th century. The whole of the atouts, except the last, belonging to an uncoloured edition of the preceding pack. Backs mottled red. 147. Nuremberg. J. M. Backofen; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 76, closely resembling No. 144. The tablet held by the knave of hearts is inscribed " Johafi Matheus Bakofen," and the scroll on that of spades " Karten Fabrikant in Niirnberg." The queen of hearts bears the monogram M3 and on the king is "in N." The missing cards are the 3 of hearts and 7 of clubs. Backs decorated with a red flowery pattern. 4 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] GERMAN CARDS. 101 148. Nuremberg. J. Backofen; 18th century. Complete pack, similar in all respects to No. 145, except that on the second atout the arms of Bavaria are introduced beside the slab, which is inscribed " Verfertigt von Joh Backofen in Niirnberg," and the cipher M. B. is on the shield held by the knave of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. 4i x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] 149. Nuremberg. J. Backofen; 18th century. Another edition of the preceding pack, complete. The inscriptions on the slabs on the second atout have been erased. Backs mottled purple. 150. Nuremberg. F. J. Eberhardt; modern. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The knave of clubs holds the arms of Nuremberg, and at the bottom of the card is "Fried. Jac. Eberhart;;" on the king of diamonds is "in Niirnberg." Backs marbled. 44 X 24 in. 151. Nuremberg. J. Eberhardt; 18th century. Complete pack, similar in all respects to No. 145. The shield held by the knave of clubs bears the letter E., and the slab on the second atout is inscribed " Fabr. Johan Eberhardt in Niirnberg." The king of spades is signed " I. Kellner sc." Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. 4 x 2 in. 152. Nuremberg. J. Eberhardt; 18th century. Fragmentary pack of 18, similar in all respects to No. 147. The cards are:-the 3, 5, 8, knave, queen and king of hearts; the ace, 2, queen and king of diamonds; the king of spades; the knave, queen and king of clubs; and Nos. I, VI, VII and XXI of the atouts; with duplicate knave and queen of hearts. The knave of hearts is inscribed "Johann Eberhard," and the king of hearts "in N." The initials J. E. appear on the king of spades and the queen of hearts. Backs mottled red. 4 x 21 in. 153. Nuremberg. J. J. Forster; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The knave of clubs bears the name "Joh. Jobst Forster." Backs marbled. Edges gilt. With original wrapper lettered " Feine Franzcesishe Tarock Karten in Verlag bey Johann Jobst Forster in Ntirnberg." In brown leather case. 44 x 24 in. 154. Nuremberg. C. H. Reuter; 18th century. Complete pack, double-ended. The knave of clubs holds a shield charged with 102 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. the letter R, and on the second atout is a slab inscribed " Verfertigt von Christ. Heinr. Reuter in Niirnberg." The ace of hearts bears a duty stamp. Backs decorated with a pattern of red dots. 4i x 21 in. 155. Ratisbon. F. D. Mihler; 18th century. Complete pack. On the knave of clubs, the knave of spades, and the queen of hearts are scrolls inscribed respectively "F. Dominicus," " Mihler," and " in Regenspurg." The knave of hearts has a cartouche charged with the four suitmarks, and on the king of hearts also is another bearing the arms of Spain. Backs decorated with a small pattern in brown. 45 x 24 in. 156. Ratisbon. F. D. Mihler; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 44, of the Bavarian type. The knave of clubs holds the arms of Munich, and at the bottom of the card is "Franz Dominicus Mihler." The missing cards are:-the ace, 3, 7, 9, 10, knave, queen and king of hearts; the ace, 7-10, knight, queen and king of spades; and the ace, 2, 7-10, knave, queen and king of diamonds and clubs. Backs decorated with a leaf pattern in blue. 44 x 24 in. 157. Ravensburg. T. Riedle; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 26, double-ended, with mythological and fancy subjects on the atouts. The cards are:-the knave and king of hearts; the ace-5, knight and king of diamonds; and Nos. I-VIII, X, XI, XIII-XV, XVII, XVIII, XX and XXI of the atouts. On the second atout is a tablet inscribed "Tobia Riedle Karten Fabricant In Ravens-Burg." Backs mottled red. 41 x 24 in. 158. Ravensburg. Twenty-two cards belonging to three different packs, but all of the same character, double-ended and uncoloured; viz.-one 8, one knight, two queens and one king of spades; one 7, two knaves, one knight, two queens and one king of clubs; two knaves, two knights, three queens and one king without suitmarks; a 2nd and a 22nd atout. On the second atout are tablets inscribed " Karten Fabrik in Ravensburg." Backs plain. 44 x 21 in. 159. Strasburg. L. Carey; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 62, of the Bavarian type, and probably made for the Bavarian market. The knave of clubs holds the arms of Munich and at the bottom of the card is "L. Carey"; on the king of diamonds is "a GERMAN CARDS. 103 Strasbourg." The missing cards are:-the 2, knave, knight, and king of hearts, the knave of diamonds, and Nos. I-IV, VI, VII, XI, XII and XVIII-XX of the atouts. Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 12.] 160. Vienna (P). Modern. Complete double-ended pack, having Chinese figures and monsters on all the atouts except the first and last, on which are the figures usually found in Viennese packs (see No. 176). No inscriptions. Backs mottled blue. 4 x 2* in. 161. Place of issue uncertain. B.; early 19th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, having on the atouts Iscenes from Gil Blas, various plays, etc., each with title in either French or German. The 9th atout is a figure of Garrick in the character of Macbeth. The knave of hearts holds a shield charged with the letter B. (?Backofen of Nuremberg.) Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in pink. In pasteboard case. 4 x 2i in. 162. Place of issue uncertain. I. F. C.; early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 75, of the Bavarian type. The knave of hearts holds in his right hand a cartouche charged with a stork, and in his left a banner bearing the cipher $. The knave of spades holds a roundel on which is the cipher I. F. C. The missing cards are the ace and king of hearts and the ace of diamonds. Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars and dots. 43 x 21 in. 163. Place of issue uncertain. J. G. Hegewalt; early 19th century. Complete pack. On the knave of spades in a scroll inscribed " J. G. Hegewalt," and that of hearts holds a banner bearing the initials J. G. Backs decorated with a pattern of squares enclosing suns. 4 x 21 in. 164. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Complete pack, double-ended, with views of villages, churches, chateaux, mills, bridges, etc., on the atouts. On No. II of these are two slabs, one bearing an armorial shield; and No. XXII is a man with a birdcage on his back, playing a pan-pipe. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and circles. 4i x 21 in. 165. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century, Complete pack, double-ended. Some of the court cards have figures in early 104 CA TALOGUE OF CARDS. 19th century costumes, and the atouts represent various trades and occupations. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in blue. The 5 of spades has been taken from another pack. 41 x 21 in. 166. Place of issue uncertain; recent. Complete pack, doubleended, with biblical, historical, domestic and fancy subjects on the atouts, which are well engraved and (with the exception of the last) uncoloured. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy purple lines. 41 x 21 in. 167. Place of issue uncertain; recent. Complete pack, doubleended, with mythological and fanciful subjects on the atouts. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and stars, in blue. With original wrapper, on which is a figure of a soldier supporting a tablet, with "Feine Tarok " above. 41 x 23 in. 168. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Fragmentary pack, consisting of the knight of clubs and Nos. II-XXI of the atouts. The latter are fanciful and grotesque subjects, mostly introducing animals. No inscriptions. Coarsely coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of small stars, in red. 41 x 21 in. 169. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Complete pack, with the usual natural history subjects on all the atouts, except the first and last, which represent a harlequin holding up a mirror and a man playing the guitar. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 38 x 2i in. 170. * Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Fragmentary pack of 20, double-ended, consisting of the knave of spades and Nos. I, II, IV-VII, IX-XVI, and XVIII-XXII of the atouts, on which are views of buildings in some city. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in red. 4i x 21 in. 171. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Seven atouts, Nos. X-XVI, belonging to a double-ended pack. The subjects are identical with those in No. 123. Uncoloured. Backs plain. 4| x 21 in. 172. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Fragmentary pack of 39, double-ended. The subjects of the atouts are identical with those in No. 123, and are without inscriptions. The missing GERMAN CARDS. 105 cards are the ace-6 and 8-10 of hearts, and ace-10 of spades, diamonds and clubs. Nos. X and XVII of the atouts belong to another pack. The cards are made in the Italian manner, the paper of the backs being brought over to the front to form a border. Backs decorated with a panel of ornament, in blue. 44 x 24 in. 173. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Imperfect double-ended pack of 36, etched and coloured. The atouts are all birds with human portrait heads, the name of the bird species being inserted near one of the heads in each. The missing cards are the ace-10 of hearts, spades, and clubs; ace-3 and 5-10 of diamonds, queen of clubs, and atouts Nos. IX and XI. Backs mottled red. 4i x 21 in. (b.) Tarok packs of 54. In these the number of pip cards is reduced from 40 to 16 by the omission of the first six in the suits of spades and clubs, and the last six in those of hearts and diamonds. 174. Dresden. F. A. Bohme; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with a single burlesque or fanciful subject on each atout. The knave of diamonds holds a shield inscribed "bey F. A. Bohme in Dresden." The ace of hearts bears the Saxon duty stamp. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 44 x 24 in. 175. Passau. M. Schatzberger; early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 49, double-ended; with mythological and fanciful subjects on the atouts. On the second are the arms of Bavaria and a tablet supported by a nymph and a cupid and inscribed " Von Michael Schatzberger birgl. Karten Fabric. in Passau." Backs mottled. The missing cards are the 2, 3 and 4 of hearts, and the 3 and 4 of diamonds. 4 x 2 in. 176. Vienna. J. Estel; 19th century. Complete pack, double-ended, with subjects of the usual miscellaneous character on the atouts. On the first are figures of a harlequin and columbine playing a harp and a tambourine; on the second is the imperial eagle with the motto "Industrie und Gliick," and on the last a harlequin holding up a miniature figure of himself. The shields on the knave of clubs are inscribed "Von Joseph Estel birgl. Spiel karten Fabrikanten. Fabricirt in Wien." Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and circles in red. 4- x 2i in. 106 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 177. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. "Militar-Tarock." Complete pack, double-ended, but with single subjects on the atouts. The court cards are portraits of historical characters and the atouts military subjects and portraits of generals. On the knave of hearts is "Joseph Glanz, Kohlmarkt No. 20 in Wien," and the ace of hearts bear the duty stamp and that of the maker. Backs decorated with a small pattern in brown. With original wrapper lettered " Patent Spiel-Karten S. F. Militar-Tarock aus der... Karten Fabrik des Joseph Glanz, No. 38." 4 x 2i in. 178. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, double-ended. The atouts are of a fanciful character, the first, second and last being the same as those in No. 176. The shields on the knave of clubs are inscribed "KK. land: privil: Spielkartenfabrik des Joseph Glanz," and those on the knave of diamonds "Joseph Glanz, Wien." The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp and that of the maker. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and circles, in black. 41 x 23 in. 179. Vienna. J. N. Hofmann; 19th century. Imperfect pack, doubleended. The atouts are mostly oriental subjects, but the first and last are the same as in No. 176. The shields on the knave of clubs are inscribed " Von Johan Norbert Hofmann, KK. Hof und Landes Fabricant," and those on the knave of diamonds "Johan Norbert Hofman in Wien, Untere Breuner Stras. N. 1199." The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp of Lombardy. Backs decorated with the same pattern as the last, in red. The missing cards are the queen of hearts, the 10 of clubs, and Nos. II, V, VI and XXI of the atouts. 4* x 2i in. 180. Vienna. F. Piatnik; modern. Complete pack, double-ended. The atouts are of the usual fanciful character, the first, second and last being the same as in No. 176. The shields on the knave of clubs are inscribed " Von Ferd. Piatnik vormals Ant. Moser Spielkarten Fabrikant in Wien. Fabrik am Schottenfelde in der Herrngasse No. 407," and those on the knave of diamonds " Ferd. Piatnik vormals A. Moser, Schottenfeld Herrngasse No. 407." Backs decorated with the same pattern as the last, in black. 4* x 2; in. 181. Vienna. F. Piatnik; modern. Imperfect pack of 32, similar in all respects to the preceding. The shields on the knave of clubs bear the same inscription, but those on the knave of diamonds are lettered " F. Piatnik in Wien." The missing cards are the ace of hearts and all the atouts except the last. GERMAN CARDS. 107 182. Vienna. J. G. Steiger, 1827. Imperfect pack of 53, double ended. The subjects on the atouts are of a miscellaneous character, the first, second and third being identical with those in No. 176. The shields on the knave of clubs are inscribed " Von Joh. Georg Steiger vormals Joh. Norbert Hofmann, KK. Hof u. Landers Fabrikant in Wien," and those on the knave of diamonds " Joh. Georg Steiger vormals Hofmann, In der untern Breuner Strasse No. 1132." Backs decorated with the same pattern as the four preceding. The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp and also that of the maker, with the date 1827. The missing card is No. VII of the atouts. 4 x 2i in. 183. Vienna. Set of the 22 atouts belonging to a double-ended pack similar in character to No. 176, the subjects on the first, second and last being the same. Backs decorated with the same pattern. 4i x 21 in. 184. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, double-ended. The atouts have natural history subjects. The knave of clubs bears the letters HIS. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue dots. 42 x 2 in. (c.) Packs of 56. Identical in composition with the numeral portion of the Tarok packs of 78. 185. Munich. L. Ammer; late 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, double-ended. On the knave of spades are two tablets inscribed "feine Kupferstich Kinesser Darock," and on that of clubs are two lettered "Fabricirt in Miinchen von Lorenz Ammer." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of stars, in blue. 4- x 2i in. 186. Munich. A. B. Gobl: late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 55, of the Bavarian type. The knave of hearts holds a shield inscribed " Andreas Benedict Gobl," and that of diamonds another inscribed "Karten Fabricant." The aces of spades and clubs bear the duty stamp of Lauchstidt in Prussia. The missing card is the queen of diamonds. Backs marbled. 48 x 21 in. 108 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 187. Munich. A. Jar; late 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type, the knaves being in 18th century costumes. Those of hearts and diamonds hold the arms of Bavaria, and that of clubs the arms of Munich. At the bottom of the last is " Antone lar." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in blue. 42 x 28 in. (d.) Packs of 36. 188. Aschaffenberg; modern. Imperfect pack of 27, double-ended. No inscriptions. Duty stamp of Aschaffenberg on the ace of hearts. The missing cards are the 7 of hearts; the ace, 7 and 10 of spades; the 7, 8, 9 and king of diamonds; and the king of clubs. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 34 x 21 in. 189. Brocade cards; 17th century. Complete pack, in which the portions intended to represent the dresses of the figures, and the suitmarks are cut out and filled up with coloured silks, etc., the faces and other details on the court cards being hand-painted. The costumes are of about the date 1690, and the king of hearts somewhat resembles Louis XIV. The suitmarks on the pip cards, though French, are represented, in the German style, as growing from a central stem. Edges gilt. Backs marbled. Enclosed in white vellum cover with two clasps, like a book. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 135.] 190. Brocade cards; 17th century. Complete pack, similar to the preceding, but with the court cards varied. Enclosed in a rich cover of white vellum, with a single clasp. 32 x 22 in. 191. Brocade cards; 17th century. Complete pack, similar to the two last, but somewhat coarser. Edges gilt. Backs plain. Enclosed in brown leather cover with clasp. 34 x 24 in. 192. "Das Spiel der Hofnung-Le jeu de l'Esperance." Complete pack, in which the lower part of each card is occupied by a fancy vignette, and the upper by a running number and two miniature cards, one showing the value in French suitmarks, the other giving the German equivalent. Backs plain. Enclosed in a cardboard case which bears the title of the game, with the address " Niirnberg, zu finden bei G. P. J. Bieling," and contains also a sheet of printed instructions in German. 2- x 17 in. GE JRMAN CARDS. 1,09 193. "Das Spiel der Hofnung-Le jeu de l'Esperance." Imperfect pack of 35, similar in all respects to the preceding, but slightly longer. The missing card is the 8 of diamonds. The cover and sheet of directions are also wanting. Backs decorated with a pattern of roundels enclosing leaves, on a dark ground. 3 x 1l in. 194. Mlle. Lenormand's fortune-telling cards. Imperfect pack, of 32, unmounted. The cards are numbered 1-36, and each has a vignette in the lower part, with a miniature card above to indicate its value. No. 1 represents the sun, and No. 36 a processional cross. The missing cards are Nos. 11, 17, 20 and 22. In a red cloth case, lettered "Die achten Wahrsagekarten der weltberihhmten Kartenschligerin Le Normand. Reutlingen, Verlag von Ensslin & Laiblin." 31 x 2k in. 195. Mlle. Lenormand's fortune-telling cards. Complete pack, similar in general design to the last; uncoloured and unmounted. The subjects of the vignettes are the same, but differently distributed. No. 1 is a gentleman riding. No inscriptions. 3- x 28 in. 196. Mile. Lenormand's fortune-telling cards. B. Dondorf, Frankfort. Complete pack, executed in chromolithography. The subjects are identical with those in the preceding pack, and appear on the same pieces. Each card has at the top two small roundels, one containing the running number, the other the maker's name. Backs decorated with a pattern of colours and gold, into which the maker's name is introduced. 3- x 2k in. (e.) Packs of 32. 197. Augsburg. A. Rauchmiiller, 1808. Complete pack. The figures on some of the court cards are in modern costumes, the king of hearts representing Napoleon Bonaparte in his imperial robes. On the king of spades is " Fabricirt u. in Holz gestochen," and on that of clubs "von Anton Rauchmiiller den jiingern in Augsburg 1808." Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. In original wrapper which bears an advertisement of the maker in red. 31 x 21 in. 198. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist. Rifle meeting at Frankfort 1862. Complete pack commemorating this event. The kings are riflemen and the queens emblematical figures of Germany, Frankfort, etc. 110 C.CTALOGU~E OFIi CARD& On the aces are subjects illustrating the celebration, "Gaben tempel," "Ueberreichung der Bundesfahne, Rossmarkt," "Festhalle " and " Bornheimer Haide." Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. In original wrapper, lettered " Erinnerung an das deutsche Schiitzenfest, 13-21 Juli 1862. Frankfurter Schutzenkarten v. C. L. Wiist." 3- x 2 in. 199. Frankfort a/M. Rifle meeting at Frankfort 1862. Complete pack illustrating the same event as the last, but with different subjects. The king of hearts holds a banner inscribed " Ueb Aug & Hand fur's Vaterland." On the aces are views of " Gabentempel," " Fest-Halle," "Eingangs Pforte" and "Vogelperspective des Schiitzen-Festes in Frankfurt a/M. Juli 1862." Backs mottled blue. 31 x 21 In. 200. [Frankfort a/M.] Modern. Imperfect pack of 31, double-ended; one of the large class (to which the two preceding numbers belong) issued at Frankfort by Dondorf, Wiist, and other makers, in which the whole field of each ace (with the exception of a circular space in the centre reserved for the suitmark) is occupied by two historical or topographical subjects. In this instance they are rustic and marine views. The missing card is the ace of hearts, and its place is taken by a 5 of the same suit. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 3f x 21 in. 201. [Frankfort a/M.] Modern. Complete pack, of the same character as the preceding, with hunting subjects on the aces. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy dotted lines, in red. Edges gilt. In green cardboard case on which is a representation of a huntsman with his hounds resting. 3} x 21 in. 202. [Frankfort a/M.] Modern. Views of Lisbon. Complete pack of the same kind, with views of Lisbon on the aces, all having titles in Portuguese. Probably made for the Portuguese market. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 31 x 2i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 111.] 203. [Frankfort a/M.] Modern. Battles in Mexico. Complete pack of the same kind, with incidents in the Mexican war of 1847 on the aces, all having English titles. The ace of hearts bears the German imperial duty stamp. Probably made for the American market. Backs mottled blue. In original wrapper. 34 x 21 in. [For other packs of the same class see Nos. 222-232.] GERMAN CARDS. Ill 204. Hanau. L. Jassoy; 19th century. Sixteen cards belonging to a double-ended pack, viz. the 8, knave, queen and king of hearts; the 8, knave, queen and king of spades; the 9, knave and king of diamonds; and the ace, 8, knave, queen and king of clubs. On the knave of clubs is " Louis Jassoy, Hanau." Backs decorated with a small pattern of stars and dots, in blue. 35 x 23 in. 205. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; 19th century. Complete pack, with characters in various historical plays on the court cards, Charles V, Jeanne D'Arc, Dunois, etc. On the knave of spades (Due d'Alba) is " Industrie Comptoir, Leipzig." Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 31 x 2k in. 206. Munich. J. Fetscher; early 19th century. Complete pack. The knave of hearts supports a frame within which is "Joseph Fetscher in der Burggasse No. 184," and on the king is a merchant's mark with the initials J. F. The king of clubs has a lion supporting the arms of Bavaria. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and crescents, in red. 3- x 21 in. 207. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, double-ended. The king of spades is inscribed " Josef Glanz," and the knave of hearts " in Wien." The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp and that of the maker. Backs mottled purple. In original wrapper lettered "Patent Karten, Fein Piquet... No. 6 Josef Glanz." 34 x 2* in. 208. Vienna. J. Glanz, 1857. Imperfect pack of 20, double-ended, with characters in historical plays on the court cards, Fridolin, Maria Stuart, Jugurd, etc. The ace of hearts bears the duty stamp and also that of the maker. The missing cards are the 7-10 of hearts, the 7 and 9 of spades, the 7 and 10 of diamonds and the 7-10 of clubs. Backs decorated with a small pattern in grey. 31 x 21 in. 209. Vienna. F. Piatnik; modern. Complete pack, of the French type, double-ended. On the king of spades is " Ferdin. Piatnik," and on the knave of hearts "in Wien"; on the girdle of the queen of spades are the letters G and S. The ace of hearts bears the Austrian duty stamp. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and circles, in red. In blue marbled cardboard case. 3 x 21 in. 112 CATCATiL OGUE OF CARDS. 210. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack, in which the lower part of every card is occupied by a bar of music, with German words "Liebliche Lied," etc. The figures on the court cards are only half-length, the kings being sixteenth century soldiers and the queens and knaves modern domestic characters. Backs plain. 31 x 2 in. 211. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Complete pack, double-ended. The knave of hearts holds a shield charged with the arms of Hesse (?) No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. 31 x 21 in. 212. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Complete pack, of small size, with court cards of the Bavarian type. No inscriptions. Backs plain. 21 x 11 in. 213. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of strokes and dots, in blue. 34 x 21 in. 214. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Imperfect miniature pack of 31, with full length figures on the court cards. The knave of hearts holds a shield charged with the Prussian eagle, and the knave of clubs has one inscribed "St." The missing card is the ace of hearts. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of dots, in red. 1 x 4 in. 215. Humorous fortune-telling; c. 1820. "Blicke in die Zukunft." Complete pack, having a burlesque subject in the lower part of each card, with a miniature card and four German lines above. The subject of the ace of hearts is Cupid shooting with bow and arrow; that of the king of clubs, a man seated drinking wine. Backs plain. In cardboard case lettered "Blicke in die Zukunft humouristische Warnungen und Scherze. Allen Schonen gewidmet," etc. 21 x 1l in. 216. Humorous fortune-telling; c. 1820. Complete pack, having on the pip cards designs in outline, with which the suitmarks are more or less incorporated, and on the court cards coloured figures of heathen divinities. Every card has a German title, "Wohnhaus," "Liebes-Gedanken," etc. Backs, decorated with a plain GERMAN CARDS. 113 diagonal pattern in green. In cardboard case, on which is a coloured print of an old woman telling the fortune of a young couple, with 6 lines:-Der Zukunft Schleier aufzuheben," etc. 24 x 1| in. (f.) Packs of 52. 217. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf; modern. "Vues et Caracteres Suisses." Complete pack, of the same class as No. 200, having views of Swiss towns on the aces and figures in national costumes on the court cards, all executed in chromolithography. Each of the court cards has at the corners the arms of two of the Swiss cantons. The knave of clubs is inscribed "B. Dondorf, Frankfort a/M." Backs decorated with an emblematical figure of Switzerland. In cardboard case lettered "Vues et Caracteres Suisses, Entieres No. 228, B. Dondorf." 31 x 21 in. 218. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf; modern. Complete pack, doubleended, with fancy figures on the court cards, executed in chromolithography. The knave of clubs bears the words "B. Dondorf Frankfort a/M." Backs decorated with a floral pattern in colours. With wrapper inscribed " Whist playing cards 52 (made abroad)," and in pull-off cloth cases lettered " The Unique Playing cards published by E. Hamilton, 22 Paternoster Row, London, E.C." 3i x 21 in. 219. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf; modern. Quarters of the World. Complete pack, double-ended, in which the four suits illustrate respectively Asia, Africa, Europe and America. The subjects on the aces and court cards are executed in colours, those on the pip-cards "en camaieu." Every card has a narrow gold border in which is the maker's name frequently repeated. Backs decorated with a figure of Fortune, above which is " B. Dondorf a Frankfort s/Mein." With printed list of the subjects in French and German. In cardboard case lettered "Cartes Illustrees Entieres 207." 3- x 21 in. 220. Frankfort a/M. B. Dondorf, c. 1860. "Cartes Comiques." Complete pack, illustrated throughout with burlesque subjects. The aces and courts cards are executed in colours, the rest " en camaieu." The ace of hearts, of which the title is " A toi pour la vie," bears the Prussian duty stamp. The knave of clubs is lettered "B. Dondorf, Frankfort a/M " Backs decorated with a I 114 C ATALOGUE OF CARDS. representation of a man and a girl at a casement, their faces forming aces of hearts and diamonds. In cardboard case lettered "Cartes Comiques, Tarote Rouge et Noir. Entieres No. 361." 31 x 21 in. 221. Frankfort a/M. J. A. Steinberger; modern. Imperfect small pack of 31, with whole length figures on the court cards. On the knave of diamonds (an official carrying the royal crown on a cushion) is a tablet inscribed " Fabricirt von Joh. Anton Steinberger in Frankfurth am Main." Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and circles. The missing card is the 9 of diamonds. 2i x 1 in. 222. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wrist; modern. South American views and costumes. Complete pack of the same class as No. 200. The court cards are figures of natives of Brazil, Peru and Mexico, and on the aces are views of Rio de Janeiro, with Portuguese titles. Without name of the publisher, whose initials are found on a set of proofs of this pack in the collection; see German SHEETS, No. 44 (9). Backs mottled blue. 31 x 23 in. 223. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist; modern. Miniature pack, complete, of the same class as No. 200; with figures in historical costumes on the court cards and historical subjects on the aces. The 4 of spades is inscribed "C. L. Wiist, Frankfort a/M." Backs plain green. 11 x 1 in. 224. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist; modern. Miniature pack, complete, of the same class as No. 200; with fancy subjects on the aces. All the cards have gold borders. On the ace of hearts is " C. L. Wiist Frankfurt a/M." Backs plain pink. In fancy paper case. I x I in. 225. Frankfort a/M. C. L. Wiist; modern. Miniature pack, complete, similar in all respects to the last and same size. Backs plain green. In fancy paper case. 226. [Frankfort a/M.]; modern. Views of Frankfort. Complete pack, of the same class as No. 200, with views of Frankfort on the aces and portraits of German actors, in character, on the court cards. Backs decorated with a pattern of circles and stars, in blue. 31 x 2X in. GERMAN CARDS. 115 EMA CAD. 1 227. [Frankfort a/M.] modern. Victories of Napoleon. Complete pack, of the same class, with views on the aces of the victorious battles fought by Napoleon I. Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a small pattern of stars and flourishes in blue. In green cardboard case lettered " Victoires Napoleon." 31 x 21 in. 228. [Frankfort a/M.] modern. Crimean War. Complete pack of the same class, with views of battles in the Crimea, 1854-6, on the aces, and portraits of royal personages and generals associated with the war on the court cards. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 31 x 21 in. 229. [Frankfort a/M.] modern. Establishment of the Kingdom of Italy in 1860. Complete pack of the same class, having on the aces views of places, and on the court cards portraits of persons associated with this event. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 31 x 21 in. 230. [Frankfort a/M.]; modern. Views of Lisbon. Complete pack, of the same class, with the same views of Lisbon on the aces as in pack No. 202. The titles are in Portuguese. Backs mottled red. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pI. 111.] 231. [Frankfort a/M.]; modern. Views of Nuremberg. Complete pack, of the same class, with views of Nuremberg on the aces. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and stars, in blue. 31 X 23 in. 232. [Frankfort a/M.]; modern. Views on the Rhine. Complete pack (with 14 duplicates), having on the aces engraved views of places on the Rhine; Stolzenfels, Bacharach, etc. Backs decorated with a small pattern in red. 31 x 23 in. 233. Halle. Kobitzsch & Kiuper; 19th century. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. The makers' names appear on the knave of clubs, and the ace of hearts bears the Halle duty stamp. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in blue. 31 x 21 in. 234. Halle. Ludwig & Schmidt; 19th century. Fifteen cards from a double-ended pack of the common kind, viz.-the 9, 10, knave and king of hearts; the knave, queen and king of spades; i 2 116 CAsTALOGUE OF CARDS. the 8, knave, queen and king of diamonds; and the ace, knave, queen and king of clubs. On the knave of clubs is "Ludwig & Schmidt in Halle a. d. S." Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in blue. 33 x 21 in. 235. Leipsic. Industrie Comptoir; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 51, in which the court cards bear the names used in French packs. Lahire, Rahel, Charles, etc. Every court card is inscribed "Ind. Comp. a Leipsic." Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern, in red. The missing card is the ace of hearts. 31 x 2i in. 236. Leipsic. A. Twietmeyer; recent. Oval cards. Complete pack, of oval form, double-ended, with fanciful figures on the court cards. These, and also the aces, have borders formed of small suitmarks. Backs decorated with a small pattern, in blue. In oval cardboard box lettered "Ovale Salon Spielkarten, Verleger A. Twietmeyer Leipzig," etc. 4 x 2 in. 237. Munich. L. Ammer; late 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. On the king of clubs is a tablet inscribed "Chur-baierische Francesis' Piquet Karten v. siglt," and on the knave of spades another inscribed " Verfertiget von Lauretz Ammer in Miinchen." The 8 of clubs has been taken from another pack. Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern, in pink. 34 x 21 in. 238. Munich. J. Fetscher; late 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The king of spades and the knaves of clubs, diamonds and hearts have tablets inscribed respectively " Joseph Fetscher," "Fabrikant," "In," and "Miinchen." On the king of diamonds are the arms of Munich, on that of clubs the arms of Bavaria, and on that of hearts the maker's mark. Backs decorated with a pattern of small stars, in pink. 34 x 21 in. 239. Munich. J. Fetscher; late 18th century. Complete pack, of the Bavarian type. The knave of hearts supports a tablet inscribed " Joseph Fetscher in der Burggasse No. 184." On the kings of clubs and diamonds are the arms of Bavaria and Munich. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in blue. 31 x 2i in. GERMAN~81 CARDS. 117 240. Munich. A. B. Gobl; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 51, of the Bavarian type. On the knave of spades is a shield inscribed "Verfertiget von Andr. Benedict Gobl in Miinchen," and on other court cards are the arms of Bavaria, etc. The king of hearts bears the maker's stamp. The missing card is the ace of spades. Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. In blue pasteboard case stamped in gold. 34 x 24 in. 241. Munich. A. B. Gobl; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 51, similar to the last. On the knave of spades is a scroll inscribed " Verfertiget von Andre [Ben]edict Gobl in Miinchen "; and a tablet on the king of spades is lettered " Chur-Baierische Franzosische Karten, gesigl. den." The missing card is the ace of hearts. Backs plain. 3X x 2i in. 242. Munich. A. B. Gobl; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 50, similar to the last but with a coloured border on every card. The kings of diamonds, spades and clubs, and the knaves of hearts, diamonds and clubs, all hold shields bearing inscriptions, which together form the legend " Allerhand Kartten seynd zu finde in Munche bey Andreas Benedictus Gobl." The 2 and king of hearts are missing and the 6 of hearts and knave of clubs are in duplicate. 34 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 130.] 243. Nuremberg. J. E. Backofen; modern. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. The knave of diamonds holds a shield charged with the arms of Bavaria. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in red. In original wrapper lettered "Joh. Ernst Backofen in Nurnberg." 34 x 24 in. 244. Rostock. J. G. Tiedemann; modern. Complete pack, doubleended. The knave of diamonds wears a sash inscribed "J. G. Tiedemann, Rostock." The duty stamp of the German empire appears on the ace of hearts. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in red. In original wrapper lettered " Feinste Whist-SpielKarten. J. G. Tiedemann, Spielkartenfabrik." 44 x 24 in. 245. Tubingen. Cotta's " Karten Almanach," 1805. Imperfect pack of 51, of the first issue of these well-known cards, designed by the Countess Jennison Vallvort, in which the suitmarks on all the pip cards form part of a fanciful design. In this pack the figures 118 ICAITLOGUE7 OFt CARDS. on the court cards are characters in Schiller's "Jeanne d'Arc." The ace of clubs is inscribed "A Tubinge chez J. G. Cotta, Libraire." The missing card is the 4 of clubs. Backs plain. In original pasteboard case. 3X x 2F in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 143-6.] 246. Tubingen. Cotta's " Karten Almanach," 1808. Complete pack of the fourth issue. The figures on the court cards are in Arabian costumes. An explanatory tract accompanies the set. In original pasteboard case. 247. Tubingen. Cotta's " Karten Almanach," 1811. Complete pack of the sixth issue. The figures on the court cards are in the robes of various orders of knighthood. With explanatory tract. In original pasteboard case. 248. Tubingen. Osiander's "Karten Almanach," 1815. Complete pack, similar in character to the preceding, of which it is a continuation. The four kings are portraits of Wellington, Blicher, Schwartzenburg and Kutusoff, the generals of the allied armies of England, Prussia, Austria and Russia; the queens are emblematical figures of those countries, and the knaves soldiers of the same nations. The 4 of clubs is signed "L. Osiander fecit." The pack is accompanied by a double sheet of letterpress entitled "Karten Almanach fur die gegenwartige Zeit; gezeichnet und gestochen von C. F. Osiander." In original pasteboard case. 4 x 23 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 147-150.] 249. Vienna. H. F. Miiller; early 19th century. Complete pack, engraved throughout in stipple, similar in character to those of Cotta and Osiander described above. The court cards are classical figures without titles, and on all the pip cards are fanciful and amusing designs, with which the suitmarks are incorporated. The court cards only are coloured. On the knave of hearts is " Zu finden in Wien bey H. F. Miller Kunsthiindler." Edges gilt. Backs mottled red. 3- x 2l in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 131-4.] 250. Vienna. H. F. Miiller; early 19th century. Complete pack, similar in character to the last, but of inferior execution. The figures on the court cards are apparently theatrical characters, and the others have burlesque designs. On the 3 of clubs is "Wien bey H. F. Miller." Backs mottled red. 3t x 2* in. GERMAN CARDS. 119 251. Place of issue uncertain. I G H.; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 30, having whole length figures in modern costume on the court cards, which all bear their names, " Val," " Dame " and " Roi." The knave of clubs carries a tablet inscribed " I G H." The missing cards are the 7-10, queen and king of hearts; the ace and 6-10 of spades the ace and 7-10 of diamonds; and the 7-10 and king of clubs. Backs mottled red. 34 x 24 in. 252. Place of issue uncertain. L. H.; 1767. Small pack, complete. A scroll on the knave of diamonds bears the initials L. H., and another on the knave of clubs has the date 1767. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in black. 14 x 11 in. 253. Place of issue uncertain, N. Meyer. Small pack, complete, printed in blue ink. On the knave of spades is a scroll inscribed "Nicolaes Meyer." Backs decorated with a pattern of lozenges enclosing suns, in blue. 21 x 11 in. 254. Place of issue uncertain. H. T. Penningh; late 18th century. Complete pack, printed in red ink, with theatrical characters on the court cards. Each of these has a tablet containing the names of the character and play, with a quotation below it. The aces have emblematical representations of various qualities, "Gutes und B6sses," "Macht und Ansehn," "Ruhe und Pracht," and "Ehre und Leiden." On the ace of spades is " H. T. Penningh inv. del. et sculpsit." Backs decorated with a small red pattern. 3 x 23 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 134.] 255. Place of issue uncertain. I. I. Rolffsen; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 50, having on the court cards prettily engraved oval medallions containing Shakspearean characters, Hamlet, Polonius, Macbeth, etc. The king and queen of diamonds (Lear and Cordelia) are signed "I. I. Rolffsen sc." Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. The missing cards are the 9 and queen of hearts. 34 x 21 in. 256. Place of issue uncertain. L. W.; 19th century. Small pack, complete. The knaves are courtiers carrying the crown and other insignia of royalty, and that of diamonds has also a shield inscribed " L. W." All the court cards have a narrow ornamental border. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and dots, in red. 21 x 1 in. 120 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 257. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Complete engraved pack, in which the suitmarks occupy only the upper half of each card, the lower being filled with music. The court cards are of the French type, and have the French names Hogier, David, etc. Fancy vignettes on the aces. Uncoloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in red. 4 x 2~ in. 258. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and dots, in blue. 34 x 24 in. 259. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Small imperfect pack of 48, of the common kind, double-ended. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a blue key pattern. The missing cards are the 9 of spades, the 4 and king of diamonds, and the 6 of clubs. 34 x 14 in. 260. Place of issue uncertain; recent. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a pattern of small circles. In original wrapper lettered "extra feine Karten." 34 x 21 in. 261. Place of issue uncertain; recent. "Comic-Karte." Complete pack, having humorous designs, with which the suitmarks are incorporated, on all the numerals. The court cards are historical and fancy figures, executed in chromolithography; the king of spades is an American Indian, the queen Jeanne d'Arc, and the knave a man mowing. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a small network pattern in red. In cardboard case lettered "Comic-Karte." 31 x 24 in. This pack is copied, with variations, from one already in the Museum collection (Willshire, 92). 262. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Imperfect pack of 51, of the common kind, double-ended. No inscriptions. The missing card is the 5 of clubs. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of stars, in red. 33 x 24 in. 263. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Complete pack, of the common kind, double-ended. The suitmark of each ace is enclosed in a fanciful frame. No inscriptions. 3 x 24 in. GERMAN CARDS. 121 264. Place of issue uncertain; 19th century. Complete pack, with characters in the opera "Der Freischutz" on the court cards. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in red. 3k x 2 in. 265. "Quadruple Marriage." Complete pack of small cards, on which the value is stated in words at the bottom, as "As de Cceurs," "Deux de Coeurs," etc.; with a plan and sheet of instructions. In cardboard case lettered "Die Quadrupel Mariage.... Le Quadruple Mariage, Nouveau Jeu de Commerce." 2; x 1 in. 266. Fortune-telling. Mlle. Lenormand's cards; c. 1855. Complete pack, with three extra pieces, on two of which are figures of a male and a female cartomancist, while the third bears the title " Wahrsage Karten der Beriihmten Mlle. Le Normand. Coblenz. Verlag von J. Aug. Reiff," with a vignette representing an interview between Mlle. Lenormand and Napoleon. Each piece has a variety of subjects, with a miniature card and a letter of the alphabet in the upper corners. Backs plain. In pasteboard case. 38 x 21 in. Instructive. 267. Geography. J. Hoffmann, 1678. "Typus Orbis Terrarum"; a series of maps of the countries of Europe, drawn by J. H. Seyfried and engraved by W. Pfann. Imperfect pack of 50, identical with that in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 159), but carefully coloured throughout. The missing cards are the 5 of spades and 10 of clubs. Backs marbled. Edges gilt. In old leather case. 43 x 2~ in. 268. Military Science. " Das Festung Baues Spiel"; late 17th century. Complete engraved pack, for teaching the science of fortification; copied from that designed by G. de la Boissiere (see French SHEETS, NO. 17), with German inscriptions. Backs decorated with a floral pattern. In pasteboard case inscribed "Ingenieur-Kunst Karten Spiel." 31 x 21 in. 269. Military Science. " Das Festung Baues Spiel." Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but on a smaller scale. In ornamental pasteboard case. 3U x 2 in. 122 CATALOGUE OF GARDS. 270. Military Science. "Das Festung Baues Spiel." Complete pack, similar to No. 268. A cut-up sheet, with titles, rules, &c., which form eight extra pieces. " Das Festung Baues Spiel. In Verlag und zufinden bey Johann Ulrich Stapf dem Aeltern in Augspurg." 271. Heraldry. Brianville. Complete pack, copied from that of Oronce Fine, called De Brianville (see French PACKS, No. 130). The papal arms are those of Clement IX (1667-1670). Inscriptions in German. Engraved by J. L. Honnig, whose name is found on the kings of hearts and spades. Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 4 x 21 in. 272. Heraldry; c. 1700. Complete pack (with the extra card, No. 53); copied from that issued in Paris, first by Silvestre and later by Daumont (see French SHEETS, NO. 15). The designs are all reversed and the inscriptions in German. Backs decorated with a pattern of coloured rosettes on a yellow ground. 31 x 21 in. 273. Heraldry; 17th century. Ten cards belonging to an engraved and coloured pack designed to display the armorial bearings of the ruling princes of Europe. A coat of arms occupies the centre of each card, having the title above and the description below, all in German. The value is indicated by a numbered suitmark in upper left corner. The pieces are:-the 2 of hearts (Prince of Waldeck), 3 of hearts (Duke of Mantua), 7 of hearts (Duke of Mecklenburg), 4 of spades (Grand Duke of Florence), 3 of diamonds (Elector of Brandenburg), 4 of diamonds (Duke of Lorraine), 8 of diamonds (the free Italian republics), ace of diamonds (King of Poland), 3 of clubs (Duke of Modena), and 5 of clubs (Princes of East Friesland). Backs marbled. 5 x 3 in. (g.) Packs of 40. These are used for playing Solo, and are similar in composition to Ombre packs, each suit consisting of ace-7, knave, queen and king. 274. Berlin. J. P. Perrin; late 18th century. Two complete packs (duplicates), hand-coloured. The court cards have the French names Lahire, Hogier, etc. The knave of clubs holds a tablet charged with the Prussian eagle, and in the lower part of the card is "De Jean Pierre Perrin a Berlin." The ace of hearts GERMAN CARDS. 123 bears the Prussian duty stamp. Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern, one pack in blue, the other in brown. Edges gilt. In old pasteboard case. 31 x 21 in. 275. Munich. A. B. Gobl; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 38 of the Bavarian type. On the knaves of clubs are the arms of Munich and the name " Andreas Benedictus Gobl." The missing cards are the 2 and 6 of hearts. Edges gilt. Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern, in pink. In original pasteboard case. 31 x 21 in. 276. Nuremberg. J. G. Backofen; modern. Complete pack of the common kind, double-ended. A shield held by the knave of clubs bears the initial B. Backs decorated with a leaf pattern of black dots. In wrapper lettered "Feine Karten werden Fabricirt bey Johann Gotfrid Bakofen, Karten Fabriquant in Gostenhof bey Niirnberg." 31 x 21 in. 277. Wittenberg. G. H. W.; 18th century. Brocade cards. Complete pack of somewhat similar workmanship to No. 189, but from designs of an ordinary French character. The knave of clubs is inscribed " G. H. W. Wittenberg," and the knave of spades " W. B. D. S. A. Z. F." Backs mottled red. 31 x 21 in. (h.) Pack of 24. 278. Frankfort on the Oder. C. L. Wiirth; modern. An apparently complete pack, of the modern English type; each suit consisting of 9, 10, knave, queen, king and ace. The ace of spades is treated decoratively and inscribed " Fabrique de C. L. Wuirth. Frankfort s/O." Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. (i.) Fragmentary packs and odd cards. 279. [Frankfort a/M.] Eleven cards belonging to a pack of the same class as No. 200; having views of Frankfort on the aces. The cards are:-the ace of hearts; the ace, knave, queen and king of spades; the ace, knave, queen and king of diamonds; and the ace and 10 of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in blue. 31 x 2| in. 124 UnATALOGUUE OF CARD&~ 280. [Frankfort a/M.] Thirteen cards belonging to a pack of the same kind as the last, having on the aces views of Wiesbaden, Ems, Schwalbach, etc. The cards are:-the ace, 9, 10, knave, queen and king of hearts; the 7 and 10 of spades; the ace of diamonds; and the ace, knave, queen and king of clubs. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots, in red. 34 x 21 in. 281. [Frankfort a/M.] Six cards belonging to a pack of the same kind as the last, having uncoloured views of Wiesbaden and Biebrich. on the aces. The cards are:-the knave of diamonds; the queen of clubs and the four aces. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. 31 x 21 in. 282. Nuremberg. A. Haupold; late 18th century. Four court cards belonging to a pack of the Bavarian type, viz., the knave and king of spades and the knave and king of clubs. On the king of spades is a shield inscribed " Yerfertigt von Andreas Haupold in Niirnberg." Backs decorated with an orange coloured pattern of stars. 34 x 24 in. 283. Ratisbon. F. D. Mihler; late 18th century. Twelvecards belonging to two packs of the old French type, viz., the knave and queen of hearts; the knave, queen and king of spades; ace, two knaves, queen and king of diamonds; and knave and queen of clubs. On the knave of spades is "Franz Dominicus," on that of clubs "Miller," and on the queen of hearts "in Regenspurg." Backs of nine of the pieces decorated with a small red pattern; those of the remaining three with a pattern of stars, in blue. 31 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 130.] 284. Ratisbon. Four court cards belonging to a pack of the old French type, viz., the knaves of hearts, spades and diamonds, and the queen of diamonds. The knave of spades has a scroll inscribed "zu finden in Regensburg." Backs decorated with a small diagonal pattern, in red. 3i x 2 in. 285. Eight odd cards of various kinds and sizes, viz.-an ace of hearts; a 3 and a knave of spades; a 3, 8 and two kings of diamonds; and a knave of clubs. 286. Twenty-five cards belonging to a modern burlesque pack, some treated diagonally. No inscriptions. Of uncertain nationality. Backs decorated with a pattern of purple balls. 31 x 21 in. GLERMANAL CARDS. 125 IV.-WITH ITALIAN SUITS. (a.) Tarot packs of 78. 287. Augsburg. J. C. Hes; 18th century. Complete pack, with French titles. On the 2 of cups is "Johann Christoph Hes," on the 2 of coins "Johann Christoph Hes in Augspurg," and on the 4 of coins the initials I. C. H. Backs decorated with a black diagonal pattern. 48 x 22 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 122.] 288. Mannheim. J. Neumur; 18th century. Complete pack, with French titles. The 2 of cups and 2 of coins bear the words "Taros Fin de Johanes Neumur in Manheim." Backs mottled. 41 x 23 in. [S. Vol. II, pi. 124.] 289. Munich. A. B. G6bl; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 37. On the 4 of coins is a shield bearing the initials A. B. G. Names of the court cards and atouts in French. The missing cards are: the ace-10 and knight of cups; the ace-10 of swords; ace-3 and knight of coins; ace, 3 and 10 of clubs; and Nos. I-IV, VI and XV-XXII of the atouts. Back decorated with a pink diagonal pattern. 44 x 24 in. 290. Neuhaus. F. Schober, 1750. Complete pack, with French titles. On the 2 of coins is " Feine Taros bey Ferdinand Schober in Neuhaus 1750," and on the 2 of swords "Aufrichtig gespielt und wohlgemein erhalt dass geldt unargutte freunt 1751." Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 51 x 21 in. 291. Salzburg. I. R. M.; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 77, with French titles. The initials I. R. M. appear on the 4 of coins and No. VII of the atouts, and on the 2 of cups is "In Salzburg," with the arms of that city. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars, in blue. The missing card is the 7 of coins. 44 x 21 in. 292. Stuttgart. C. G. Siiss. Fragmentary pack of 26, viz.-the 2 and 7 of cups; the ace, 3-6 and 8-10 of swords; the 3-10 of coins; the 2-5 and 7-9 of clubs and No. XVIII of the atouts. This last is of the modern German kind, with a natural history subject. On the 2 of cups is "Zu finden bey Carl Gottlieb Suss in Stuttgardt," and the 4 of money bears the initials C. G. S. Backs mottled blue. 44 x 21 in. 126 CA TALOGUE OF CABDS. 293. Trieste. A. Valla; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 74, with French titles; made in the Italian manner, the paper forming the backs being folded over the front to make a border. On the 2 of cups is " Fabrica di Angelo Valla in Trieste." Backs decorated with two different designs, one a figure of Ceres, the other a floral pattern with the words " In Trieste." The missing cards are the 9 of swords, the 3 and king of money, and Matto. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 123.] 294. Wels (Austria); 18th century. Imperfect pack of 76, with French titles. On the 2 of coins is the word Wels. The missing cards are the 2 of cups and No. VIII of the atouts. Backs mottled. 41 x 21 in. 295. Place of issue uncertain. G. M.; early 19th century. Complete pack. The pip cards are of the usual Italian type, but the court cards are double-ended, with costume figures of modern design. The atouts are of the modern German kind with natural history subjects. The initials G. M. appear on the 4 and 2 of money. Backs mottled blue and yellow. 41 x 21 in. 296. Place of issue uncertain. M. J. A. Schniepher, 1754. Fragmentary pack of 21, with French titles, viz.-the 6, 7, 9 and 10 of cups; the 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of swords; the ace, 2, 4, 6, 7 and queen of coins; the ace, 3, 4, 8 and 9 of clubs, and No. XIV of the atouts. The 2 of coins is inscribed "M. Joseph Andoni Schniepher 1754," and on the 4 of coins are the initials F. X. B. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern in black. 43 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 124.] 297. Place of issue uncertain. One atout (No. XI), belonging to a double-ended pack of the modern German type, and representing a sportsman in 18th century costume killing a stag. The card is made in the Italian fashion, the paper of the back being folded over the front to form a border, and the back decorated with a design of a ruined building with a statue in front, in blue. 41 x 21 in. 298. Fortune-telling. Etteilla. Imperfect pack of 75, neatly engraved but coarsely coloured. The subjects are identical with those in No. 19 of the French packs, but quite differently and much less artistically treated. The pieces are numbered throughout and have a German title at each end; No. 1 is inscribed GERMAN CARDS. 127 "Etteilla" and "Der Forschende." Nos. 8, 52 and 53 are missing, but the places of the last two have been supplied by hand-drawn copies. Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of stars, in red. In pasteboard case. 44 x 21 in. (b.) Tarocchi pack of 54. Similar in composition to Nos. 174-184. 299. Fribourg. J. Krebs; 18th century. Complete pack, with French titles. On the 2 of cups is "Tarots Fin fait par Joseph Krebs de Fribourg en Brisgau." The 2 of coins is without inscription, which is unusual. Backs decorated with a check pattern, brown and white. 41 x 22 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 124.] 300. Kempten. F. J. Leipert; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 41, double-ended, with figures on the court cards in 18th century costumes. On the 2 of cups are the arms of the Abbey of Kempten and a tablet inscribed " Franz Jacob Leipert Privilegirter Kartenmacher im Stift Kempten." Court cards and atouts are without titles. The 13 missing cards are: the queen and king of cups; the 7, knave and king of swords; the knave and queen of coins; the 8 of clubs; and atouts V, VIII, XII, XIII and XV. Backs mottled. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 125.] 301. X. Kurz, 1801. Imperfect pack of 48, with French titles. On No. VII of the atouts is " X. Kurz Graveur 1801." The missing cards are the 2 of coins (which probably contained the maker's name), the 7 and 9 of swords; the 2 of cups; the 7 of clubs and No. XIV of the atouts. Backs mottled red. 41 x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 124.] (c.) Trappola packs of 36. In these the 3, 4, 5 and 6 of each suit are suppressed, and knights are substituted for queens. 302. Breslau (Wratislaw). F. Buchhold, 1784. Complete pack, of the usual Italian type, but with the suitmarks of money represented as flowers; coarsely executed and coloured. On the ace 128 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. of clubs is "Franz Buchhold 1784," and on that of swords "Wratislavie." The 2 of swords bears the following lines:Vieles eitle kan man lieben In der Welt und wird getrieben Und wer liebt mein Kartenspiel Halte nur recht maas und ziel. Backs decorated with a small black pattern. 53 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 122.] 303. Gratz. J. Fetscher, 1739. Imperfect pack of 28. The ace of clubs is inscribed " In Graz bey Joseph Fetscher Burger," the 2 of swords " 1739 Joseph Fetscher Burger in Graz," the king of cups "In Stat Gratz," and the king of swords "I. S. T. F. 1741." The missing cards are: the ace and 7 of cups; the ace, knave and kings of coins; and the 2, knave and king of clubs. Backs decorated with a black diaper. In pasteboard case. 5- x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 122.] 304. Gratz. A. Herlblerg; modern. Complete pack, double-ended. The 2 of swords is inscribed " Diese feine Trapulier Karten sind zu finden bei Anton Herlblerg Karten Mahler in Graz." Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in black and brown. 51 x 21 in. 305. Gratz. L. Milchram, 1782. Complete pack, double-ended. The figures on the court cards are apparently representative of the four quarters of the globe. The coin suitmarks are given the form of roses. The 2 of swords bears the inscription " Dise Feine Karten seind zu haben bey Leopold Milchram Burgerlicher Karten Maler in Gritz 1782"; and on a scroll on the ace of clubs is "Auch von allerhand gatungen der Karten seind zu haben Leopold Milchram in Kleinfarber gast." On the 7 of coins are two stamps, one that of the maker, dated 1814. Backs mottled brown. 51 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 119-121.] 306. Nuremberg. N. Eckel; 18th century. Complete pack, coarsely executed and coloured. The name of the maker, Nicol Eckel, appears on the ace of cups and also on that of clubs, where it is accompanied by the arms of Nuremberg. Backs decorated with a diagonal black pattern. 38 x 23 in. 307. Prague. E. Klogner; 18th century. Complete pack, doubleended. On the ace of clubs is "Em-Klogner-in Prag. N347." Backs decorated with a pattern of squares enclosing suns. 51 x 21 in. GERMAN CARDS. 129 308. Prague. W. Sewera. Imperfect pack of 32, double-ended. The coin suitmarks are flowers. On the ace of clubs is " W. Sewera in Prag." Backs decorated with a blue and yellow pattern. The missing cards are the 2 of cups, the ace of swords; and the 8 and knight of clubs. 41 x 21 in. 309. Prague. A. Schnekch; 17th century. Complete pack, well engraved and heavily coloured. The figures on the court cards are in 17th century costumes. The king of coins is inscribed at the top " Stadt khardten zu finden pey Augustin Schnekch," and at the bottom " In der Altstadt Prag." The knave of clubs supports a shield which is charged with two batons in saltire, and that of cups a shield on which is a bunch of grapes. Backs decorated with a black pattern of lozenges enclosing suns. Edges gilt. In old brown pasteboard case. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 126.] 310. Vienna. L. Arnold, 1839. Complete pack, double-ended. On the ace of clubs is "Fabricirt von Leonhard Arnold," and on the 2 of swords "Logird in der Leobold Stadt in der Dandelmargt Gasse No. 265." The 10 of coins bears the duty stamp and also that of the maker, both dated 1839. Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in black and brown. 44 x 24 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 122.] 311. Vienna. J. Glanz; modern. Complete pack, double-ended. On the 2 of swords is " Joseph Glanz in Wien Niederlage am Kohlmarkt No. 279." Backs mottled purple. 44 x 24 in. 312. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, double-ended. The coin suitmarks have the form of roses. On the ace of clubs is "Jos. Glanz in Wien." Backs decorated with a zigzag pattern in black and brown. In original wrapper lettered " Joseph Glanz, Patent-Karten S. Prager-Trapulier F.", etc. 44 x 21 in. 313. Vienna. J. Glanz; recent. Complete pack, similar to the last, but larger; same inscription on the ace of clubs. Same pattern on the backs. In original wrapper lettered " Patent-Karten Feine Trapulier aus der k. k. privil. Spielkarten-Fabrik Joseph Glanz," etc. 5 x 24 in. K 130 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 314. Trento. L. V. Zeni. Complete pack of 36, of Italian style and make, different in composition from the trappola packs above described, each suit consisting of ace-6, knave, cavalier and king. The 2 of swords bears a stamp " Fabb. L. V. Zeni, Trento," and on the ace of coins are the duty stamp and that of the maker. Backs decorated with a panel of leaf ornament in blue. With a duplicate 5 of swords. 31 x 1i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 123-4.] (d.) Pack of 52. 315. Trento. Bendelli, 1829. Complete pack, similar in style and make to No. 314; with Italian mottoes on the aces of cups and clubs. Knights take the place of queens. The 2 of swords bears the name "Bendelli in Trento" and a duty stamp dated 1829. Backs decorated with a panel of ornament in blue. 33 x 14 in. V.-WITH EMBLEMATIC AND SCRIPTURE SUITS. 316. Dr. T. Schroeter's emblematical cards; recent. Pack of 32, with the suitmarks turnips, sunflowers, acorns and ivy leaves. In original wrapper, lettered " Dr. T. Schroeter's neue deutsche Spielkarte, 32 Blatt, Nr. 1. Mathilde." 4k x 21 in. 317. Dr. Schroeter's emblematical cards. Pack of 36, similar to the last. In original wrapper, lettered "Dr. T. Schroeter's neue deutsche Spielkarte, 36 Blatt, No. 3. Toni." 318. Dr. Schroeter's emblematical cards. Another edition. Pack of 36, double-ended, with the suitmarks hearts, spades, bolts and acorns. In original wrapper lettered " Dr. T. Schroeter's neue Spielkarte, No. 4 Elsa," etc. 31 x 21 in. 319. Dr. Schroeter's emblematical cards. Pack of 52, similar to the last. In original wrapper lettered " Dr. T. Schroeter's neue Whistkarte, No. 6 Emma," etc. 320. Old Testament History; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 34, with flowers (yellow, red, blue and brown) as suitmarks. Each card has an engraved representation of some subject in the Old Testament, with four German lines below, and the value JGEJRMAN CARDS. 131 stated in a space at the top, as " Gelbe Daus," " Gelbe V," etc. The cards are:-deuce, 5-9, queen and king of yellow; deuce, 5-king of red; deuce, 5-8, 10-king of blue; and 5-9, knave and queen of brown. Coarsely coloured. Backs plain. 4 x 24 in. VI.-WITHOUT SUITS. (a.) For the Vogelspiel. This is similar to the Italian game of Cucu (see ante, p. 28), but the number of cards is reduced to 32. 321. Linz. J. G. Pichler; 18th century. Complete pack. Two of the cards (the houses) bear inscriptions which together read " Dise Karden seind zu finden bey Johan Georg Pichler in Linz." Backs decorated with a leaf pattern in red. With MS. sheet of rules. In soft leather case. 3 x 21 in. 322. Munich. A. B. Gobl; modern. Complete pack. On the two cards of houses is "A. B. Gobl, Miinchen." Backs decorated with a small pattern in purple. 32 x 2i in. 323. Munich. J. Fetscher; late 18th century. Complete pack. On one of the cards of houses is "Joseph Fetscher," and on the other " Kartenfabrikant in Miinchen." Backs decorated with a pattern of circles and stars in blue. 38 x 24 in. 324. Nuremberg. J. H. Schenck; modern. Complete pack, very coarsely executed. The two cards of houses bear inscriptions which together read " Diese- karte ist zu finde bey Joh. Heinr. Schenck in Niirnberg." Backs decorated with a small pattern in terra-cotta. In original wrapper lettered " Pfeiff 41." 34 x 24 in. 325. Passau. M. Schatzberger; 18th century. Complete pack, with printed sheet of instructions. On one of the cards of houses is " Von Michael Schatzberger bur. Kart: Fabricant in Passau." Backs decorated with a floral pattern in blue. (See German SHEETS, NO. 52.) 38 x 24 in. K 2 132 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 326. Place of issue uncertain. A. Fescher; 18th century. Comnplete pack, with printed sheet of instructions. On one of the cards of houses is "Dise Karten ist," and on the other "Zu Finden Bey Antoni Fescher Kar. Ma." Backs decorated with a pattern of squares enclosing crescents in blue. In cardboard case lettered "16 Gemeinkarten und 6 Spielmarken um Thiergartenspiel." 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 153 and 154.] (b.) Fortune-telling. 327. Berlin. Beuckert & Radetzki. Mile. Lenormand's cards; modern. Complete pack of 36, uncoloured; with printed sheet of instructions. Each piece has two emblematical subjects and a border containing cabalistic signs. Backs plain. In pasteboard case, on which is a kneeling figure of Mlle. Lenormand with the title " Mile. Lenormand's untriigliche Wahrsagekarten.. Vorrathig bei Beuckert & Radetzki, Berlin, alte Jacobstrasse 86." 31 x 24 in. 328. Frankfort a/M.; modern. Complete pack of 32, with the same designs as the preceding, the titles being given in German, French, English and Dutch. Backs decorated with a blue diaper. In original wrapper. [Said to be published by J. A. Steinberger at Frankfort.] 33 x 2i in. 329. Munich. Baumgartner, 1813. Complete pack of 36, similar in character to the preceding, with the titles in German only. At the top of the first card is " von Kartenmacher Baumgartner in Miinchen"; and another, entitled "Ein Haus," is the front of a house over the door of which is the date 1813. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and stars in blue. 34 x 24 in. 330. [Munich P] 1813. Imperfect pack of 34, having the same designs and titles as the last, and the same date, but without the publisher's name. Backs decorated with a smaller pattern of stars and dots. Soiled and injured. 34 x 24 in. 331. [Munich P]; early 19th century. Complete pack of 32, similar in character to the preceding. Coarsely coloured. Backs decorated with a pattern of dots and crescents in black. 34 x 21 in. GERMAN CARDS. 133 332. Vienna. H. F. Miller; early 19th century. "Bilder Aufschlagspiel." Complete pack of 52, each having a coloured engraving of an emblematical or fanciful subject, with the title below in German, French and Italian. Backs plain. A printed sheet of explanation in the three languages accompanies the pack. In cardboard case lettered " Bilder Aufschlagspiel zur geselligen und muntern Unterhaltung. Wien bey H. F. Miiller Kohlmarkt No. 1218." 37 x 21 in. 333. [Vienna?] Modern. Imperfect pack of 25, with similar subjects to the last; the titles in German, Hungarian and Czech. Backs plain. Soiled and injured. 3 x 2k in. 334. Questions and Answers; 18th century. Pack of 89 printed cards, each containing either a question or an answer. The question cards have plain borders, and the answer cards, which are somewhat larger, have ornamental ones. Backs marbled. In old pasteboard case. 335. Love and Friendship; 18th century. " Weissagungen im Gebiete der Liebe und Freundschaft; ein neues Frag und Antwortspiel." The game consists of 20 cards decorated with small coloured vignettes, and 20 others, larger, each containing 12 sentences, questions, answers, etc. A sheet of directions with the above title accompanies the pack. Backs mottled. In original pink cardboard case on which is the title. (c.) Lottery. 336. Augsburg. J. Heichele; 18th century. A game consisting of 50 engraved picture cards, 50 cards with printed sentences of a fortune-telling character, and 50 lottery cards of which 30 are prizes and 20 blanks. One of the prize cards is missing. A printed sheet of instructions, entitled " Das angenehme LotterieSpiel," and signed " Augspurg bey Johann Heichele," accompanies the game, which is in a pasteboard case. 337. Frankfort & Leipsic; 18th century. Similar game to the last, the designs on the picture cards being the same, but without any blanks amongst the 50 lottery cards. With printed sheet of instructions. In pasteboard case lettered "Angenehmes Lotterey Spiel bestehend in 50 auserlesenen Sinnbildern nebst 50 Devisen. Vertheilt in drey Classen. Frankfurt und Leipzig." 134 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 338. Nuremberg. J. M. Schmidt; early 19th century. Similar game to the above, but consisting of 180 instead of 150 pieces. The picture cards are coloured and the lottery cards are in six classes, without blanks. An engraved "Plan" of the game, bearing the address of Schmidt, accompanies the pack. In pasteboard case. 339. Vienna. H. F. Muller; early 19th century. "Redoute Lotterie -Lotterie en Masque." A game of 28 small and 10 large cards, the latter bearing figures of "Dame," " Ritter," " Courrier," etc. With three printed explanatory sheets in French and German. In pasteboard case lettered " Redoute Lotterie, ein Spiel fuir gr6ssere und kleinere Gesellschaften,... Wien bey H. F. Miiller," etc. 340. Place of issue uncertain; early 19th century. Game similar to No. 336; complete. In the picture cards, which are coloured, the subjects are inclosed in ovals and have dice above, and the sentences on the motto cards are in German, French and Dutch. With sheet of explanatory text in the same languages, with the title "Neue Klassen-Lotterie deutsch und franzosisch." Backs mottled red. In pasteboard case, which is lettered with the title in German and French. 341. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 46 of the 60 picture cards belonging to a game similar to No. 336; neatly engraved and in some instances coarsely coloured. The missing cards are Nos. 2, 9, 13, 18, 24, 31-34, 43, 51, 55, 57 and 59. 27 x 11 in. 342. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 50 engraved picture cards belonging to a game similar to the last. The numbers are placed in small cartouches at the tops of the cards. The missing numbers are Nos. 20 and 26. 21 x 13 in. 343. Place of issue uncertain; 18th century. The first 25 of a pack of the engraved picture cards belonging to a similar game to the last. The numbers are in plain spaces at the bottom of the cards. Coarsely coloured. In pasteboard case. 28 x 11 in. 344. Place of issue uncertain; c. 1775. Imperfect pack of the 60 picture cards belonging to a similar game to the last, all being bust portraits of ladies wearing various kinds of head-dresses. Coarsely coloured. The twenty-one missing cards are the 4, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26-28, 30, 32, 34, 39, 40, 46, 49, 51, 55, 56 and 59. GERMA.N CARDS. 135 345. Place of issue uncertain; early 18th century. "Egyptischen Lotterie." A set of six cards, each divided into seventy squares containing numerals and coloured hieroglyphics, with a circular " Tabelle " which is divided into 12 compartments containing various Egyptian figures, coloured. 5 x 4 in. 346. Sorcery cards; 17th century. Sixteen of a pack of 20, of which the first has the figure of a Jew, the second that of a servant, and the rest various animals, a mouse, cat, dog, owl, etc. All bear German mottoes, e.g. " die Maus wurd von die Katz gefresen," " die Katz frist die Maus," etc., and are numbered at the top 1-20. Executed on wood and coloured. The missing cards are Nos. 5, 9, 11 and 15. Backs mottled red. 34 x 21 in. 347. Sorcery cards. Complete pack of 20. Modern facsimile of an old set similar in character and subjects to the last, but from other designs. [Said to be published by J. A. Steinberger at Frankfort.] Backs decorated with a plaid pattern. In original wrapper. 38 x 23 in. (d.) Instructive. 348. Roman and German Emperors; 17th century. Sixty-two engraved portraits of emperors of Rome and Germany, down to Ferdinand III; each enclosed in an oval spandrel, with Latin title and motto and a German distich below. Though mounted as cards they are illustrations to a book, a reference to which appears at the top of each. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. 44 x 24- in. 349. German Emperors; late 18th century. Pack of 54, each containing a small woodcut medallion portrait of an emperor, with a letterpress account of him below. The series begins with Charlemagne and ends with Joseph II, who succeeded in 1765. With printed instructions entitled "Nachricht die deutsche Kaiserkarte betreffend." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of blue stars. In leather-covered case resembling a book, lettered " Deutsche Keiserkarte." 51 x 33 in. 350. Rulers of Saxony; 17th century. Thirty-five of a set of engraved half-length portraits of Saxon kings and princes from 136 CAuTALOGUE OF CARDS. Harderich (B.C. 70) to Frederick the Pious (A.D. 1541.) Each has a German inscription and Latin motto in the lower part, and all are numbered, the first being 57 and the last 513. Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 51 x 3 in. 351. Sovereigns and Cities; c. 1780. Pack of 52, on 30 of which are small whole length figures of the reigning sovereigns, electors, etc., of Europe, the remaining 22 containing views of their chief cities. All have titles in German in the upper part, as " K6nig von Grossbrittanien," "London, R. des K. v. England." Coarsely engraved and uncoloured. Backs mottled. 31 x 2 in. 352. French Revolution; c. 1790. "Le Jeu de la Revolution, ou nouveau Jeu mathematique 'a triangles." Pack of 32 triangular cards which, when placed together, form a view of the Bastille and the Porte St. Antoine at Paris; engraved by I. F. Yolckart, of Nuremberg. One card is missing. The pack is accompanied by a complete impression of the engraving, which serves as a key to the game. Backs mottled purple. In pasteboard case lettered with the above title in German and French. 353. Geography; 18th century. Pack of 40, each of which is a map of some portion of the world, ignorantly engraved and coarsely coloured. Backs plain green. In pasteboard case lettered " Geographisches Spiel." 22 x 2 in. 354. Voyage round the World. Nuremberg; J. G. Klinger, 1814. A game consisting of 32 coloured prints of the costumes of various nations, in five divisions, Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia, each accompanied by a map of that portion of the globe. With sheet of letterpress entitled " Reisen in die fiinf Welttheile oder Nazionen Spiel," etc., dated 1808, and a book giving descriptions of the various nations, by J. W. Muller and J. G. Klinger, 1813. In pasteboard case, on which is a group of representatives of the five continents, with the title "' Reisen in die Fiinf Weltthiele mit 32 Nationen und VI Land Carten 1814." 31 x 4 in. 355. "Der reisende Vetter-Le Cousin Voyageur;" early 19th century. Pack of 27, on nine of which are coloured representations of the pastimes of various nations, which are described in German and French letterpress on the other eighteen. Eight smaller cards, on which are heraldic shields with fancy charges GERMAN CARDS. 137 and numbers 5-12, accompany the pack; also eight wooden dice and a sheet of instructions in German and French. In original pasteboard case, on which is a coloured engraving of a group of three men and a woman in a landscape, with the title. 356. Costumes of Augsburg; early 18th century. Pack of 33, giving engraved figures of men and women in costumes of different classes. At the bottom of each card is engraved the title in German and French, and most of them bear the address "Joh. Fried. Probst exc. Aug. Vind." Coloured. Backs plain. 33 x 2- in. 357. Costumes of Augsburg; early 18th century. Pack of 33, similar in character to the last, but varying in the subjects and designs. Without publisher's name. Coloured. Backs plain. In pasteboard case. 3- x 2k in. 358. Oriental Costumes; early 18th century. Pack of 27, similar in character to the last, but illustrating the costumes of Asiatic peoples. Every card has its title in German and French. Backs plain. 33 x 2k in. 359. Costumes of eastern Europe; c. 1820. Sixteen cards, each having either one or two figures showing the costumes of Turkish and Austrian provinces; with emblematical devices in the upper corners. On one, entitled " Herz-Coeur," is a young lady holding up a heart. Coloured. Backs plain. Perhaps part of a lottery game. 4i x 31 in. 360. Trades. "Kunst und Gewerkschule." A game consisting of 24 small coloured prints representing various trades and 24 printed cards giving descriptions. With printed sheet of directions. In green pasteboard case, lettered " Die Kunst und Gewerk-Schule. Ein unterhaltendes und belehrendes Spiel," etc. 361. Alphabet. Pack of 25 cards for teaching children the alphabet. Each gives the various written and printed forms of a letter, with a coloured vignette in the centre. With printed tract entitled " Neues lateinisch und deutsches A B C Spiel fur Kinder, mit Vorstellungen aus der Naturgeschichte... Nirnberg, bei G. P. I. Bieling." In pasteboard case, on which the above title is repeated. Backs mottled purple. 44 x 2k in. 138 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 362. Alphabet; early 19th century. Pack of 72, each having a letter of the Gothic alphabet decorated with some fanciful subject. The second half of the pack is a repetition of the first, the subjects in one set being executed in white outlines on a black ground, and those in the other coloured. In lithography. In green pasteboard case lettered " 72 Bildertafeln zu J. I. Wich's Handbuch. Niirnberg bei G. N. Renner & Comp." 4 x 4i in. 363. "Tempel der Tugend und Gluckseligkeit-Le Temple de la Vertu et de la Felicite; Jeu allegorique instructif." The game consists of 16 cards, numbered 25-40, each having a printed aphorism in German and French; with a cardboard plan on which it is played. With eight pages of printed directions, and a packet of six counters. In green pasteboard case which bears the above title. (e.) Fanciful. 364. "Combinations oder mathematisches Desseinspiel-Le Jeu du Combination ou du Parquet." A game of triangles, consisting of 16 pasteboard parti-coloured triangles, which form 8 squares (one of the triangles is missing). With sheet of 4 diagrams and printed directions. In pasteboard box which bears the above title. 365. " Pfand und Comando Spiel." Fifteen of a set of 16 engraved and coloured cards, each having some domestic subject, with a sentence in German and French above and two German lines below. With engraved sheet of directions. In pasteboard case inscribed " Pfand und Comando Spiel, zu finden bey Georg Vogel Kupfersticher in Wohrd, bey Niirnberg." 29 x 2* in. 366. "Das Spiel der Liebenden und Verliebten"; 18th century. A pack of 20, with figures of different classes of lovers, each having a German title and a representation of a throw of three dice; with a title card, engraved directions, signed "Job. Trautner excudit Nor," and six ivory dice enclosed in a wooden cylindrical box. In original pasteboard case. 3* x i in. 367. "Die Luftreise, ein unterhalten des Gesellschaftsspiel." A game consisting of six cards containing fancy figures, engraved and coloured, and six others on each of which is engraved the name of a city, viz.,-Leipzig, Niirnberg, Wien, Prag, Regensburg and Petersburg. With engraved sheet of directions. In pasteboard case which bears the above title. GERMAN CARDS. 139 368. "Tugend und Laster." (Virtues and Vices.) A pack of 50 engraved and coloured cards illustrating these qualities. Numbered throughout in pairs, " No. 1. a," " No. 1. aa," etc. In pasteboard case which is lettered " Tugend u. Laster, ein Gessellschaftsspiel mit 50 illum. Kupfern. Leipzig Industrie Comptoir." 3i x 2i in. 369. Chinese puzzle. "Das grosse chinesische Rathselspiel fiir die gebildete Welt in 50 bildlichen Darstellungen." A pack of 50 engraved land coloured cards, on which are a variety of subjects, in which the chief object is formed entirely of squares and triangles. A wooden frame, with 14 triangles of wood and cardboard, accompanies the pack, also a card of directions. In pasteboard case bearing the above inscription with I"Frankfurt a/M. bey C. B. Wiist." 34 x 21 in. 370. Chinese puzzle. " Hieroglyphen oder Bilderschrift." A pack of 22 engraved and coloured cards, on each of which is a grotesque figure formed entirely of triangles and squares. In pasteboard case, on the lid of which is a representation of a lady with two children in a garden, with the above title in German, French and English. 34 x 28 in. 371. Questions and Answers; 18th century. Pack of 50 engraved cards (one missing), forming two series of 25, each having a social or fanciful subject with a question or answer in the lower margin. The backs of one series are mottled, those of the other are plain. Four of the cards have been taken from another pack. In original pasteboard case. 2 x 14 m. 372. Questions and Answers; modern. Pack of 60 yellow cards, on each of which is either the upper or the lower half of some burlesque figure. On each upper portion is a question and on each lower portion an answer. German letterpress on the backs. In pasteboard case. 14 x 2 in. 373. Questions and Answers. A series of 183 long narrow cards, 28 of which have in the centre small playing cards of the French type; 28 others are domino cards, 12 are blanks, and the remainder bear manuscript questions and answers in Latin, Italian, German and French. In old leather-covered case. 5i x 1 in. 140 CATALOGUEE OF~i CARDS. 374. "Gluck zu! oder der Weg zum Gliick-La Fortune vous rit." A set of six engraved and coloured cards, representing respectively a traveller, a prince, a merchant, a peasant, an artist and a soldier, each with four German lines. They are accompanied by an engraved plan and printed directions in German and French. In green pasteboard case which bears the above title. 3 x 21 in. 375. Twelve engraved and coloured cards, forming part of a game; each representing a knight on horseback, with title below in German and French, as "Der Gold-Ritter," "Der Ungliicksritter," etc. In the upper corners are symbolical devices, a cross, a sword, a ring, etc. Backs mottled red. 41 x 3 in. 376. A single card, with figure of a fool in cap and bells. Uncoloured. Back plain. 31 x 21 in. 377. Counter cards; 18th century. Pack of 30, each having in the upper part a number in red ink (100-12000), and in the lower a row of five minute playing cards, which are in every instance the same, viz., the king, queen, ace, 4 and 5 of clubs. In leathercovered case. 1- x 28 in. 378. Counters. A leather-covered pasteboard case, enclosing four pasteboard boxes which contain bone counters, some fish-shaped. 379. Nine plates of fashionable headdresses for ladies; engraved by D. Chodowiecki, E. Riepenhausen, etc., as illustrations to calendars. SWISS. The old national cards of Switzerland bear a general resemblance to those of Germany, from which they are derived; but two of the suits are altered, shields and flowers being substituted for hearts and leaves. The packs made at and near Schaffhausen usually consist of 36 cards, each suit being composed of ace, 6-9, two knaves and king; those made in the neighbourhood of Soleure of 48, the threes, fours and fives being added. Except in some modern instances, Swiss tarot packs have Italian suitmarks and French titles, and are identical in subject and general design with those of northern Italy and eastern France, but the figures on the court cards are frequently given native costumes. SWISS CARDS. 141 I.-TAROT PACKS OF 78. 1. Diessenhofen. J. G. R.; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 64, engraved and coloured. On the 2 of cups is " Fabrique de Cartes a Diessenhofen," and on the two of coins " Fabrique de Kartes a Diessenhofen "; on a shield in centre of the 4 of coins are the initials "J. G. R." On the second atout "Junon" takes the place of "La Papesse." The missing cards are the 3 and knight of cups; the 6, 8 and knight of coins; the 2 and 8 of clubs; and Nos. V, XIII-XV, XVII, XX and XXI of the atouts. Backs mottled purple. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 4.] 2. Fribourg. J. Coly; c. 1750. Imperfect pack of 75. The coin suitmarks have three fleurs-de-lis in the centre, and on the 3 of that suit is the name of the designer " Charles Jacquard." The 2 of cups is inscribed "Taros Fin de Jacquot Coly Mettre Cartier a Fribourg en Suis." The missing cards are the ace of cups and Nos. VIII and IX of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 41 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 4.] 3. Geneva; modern. Complete pack, with modernized designs, executed in lithography and coloured. The king of clubs holds a shield charged with the arms of Geneva. Backs plain pink. 41 x 24 in. 4. Mumlisweil. J. Jaggi; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 49, which when complete consisted of only 54 (see German PACKS, Nos. 174 -184). On the 2 of cups is "Joseph Jagi Fabrikant d Carte a Mumliswil C. Soleu," and on the 2 of coins "Joseph Jaggi. M. Cartier a Mumlisw." A shield in the centre of the 4 of coins bears three fleurs-de-lis. The missing cards are the knight of clubs and Nos. II, VIII, XIII and XIX of the atouts. Backs decorated with a pattern of wavy lines in blue. 44 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 6.] 5. Mumlisweil. B. Schaer, 1783. Imperfect pack of 60. On the 2 of cups is " Taros Fines Schser in Mumliswil," and on the 2 of coins " Sheer M. Cartier a Mumliswil 1783 "; the 4 of coins has a shield bearing two fleurs-de-lis and a partially defaced inscription " J. H. Rseder graveur." The initials R. S. appear on " Le Chariot." The missing cards are the 5, 6 and 10 of cups; the 2, 5 and 6 of swords; the 5-10 of coins; and the ace-6 of clubs. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 44 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 6.] 142 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 6. Mumlisweil. B. Schaer; 18th century. Complete pack bearing a general similarity to the last. The atouts "Le -Pape " and "La Papesse" are replaced by "Jupiter" and "Junon." On the 2 of coins is "Bey Bernard Schaer in Mumliswil im Cant. Solothurn." "Le Chariot" has the initials B. S. R. Backs decorated with a pattern of pink stars. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 6.] 7. Neuchatel. J. Rochias, fils; late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 41. On the 2 of coins is "Fait par Jacque Rochias Fils a Neuchatel," and on the ace of cups " Grave par J. P. Pe." (? Jean Petit Pierre). On the 2 of cups and 4 of coins are the arms of the principality of Neuchatel. The missing cards are the knave, knight and king of cups; the knave, knight, queen and king of swords and coins; the ace, knave, queen and king of clubs; and the whole of the atouts. Backs plain. 41 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 5.] 8. Neuchatel. J. H. Rochias, 1816. Complete pack. On the 2 of coins is "Joseph Henri Rochias Fabricant a Neuchatel 1816," and the 2 of cups bears the initials J. R. On the 4 of coins are the arms of France. Backs decorated with a pattern of black dots. 43 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 5.] 9. Neuchatel. J. H. Rochias; early 19th century. Imperfect pack of 74, without the maker's name, which is only indicated by the monogram JX on the 4 of coins. The 3 of cups, the 2 and 8 of coins and No. XVII of the atouts are missing, and there are duplicates of the 6 of swords and the 10 of clubs. The seventh atout is erroneously numbered VIII. Backs decorated with a plaid pattern in black and brown. 41 x 21 in. 10. Schaffhausen. J. Miiller; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with French suits. The court cards are fancifully treated and the atouts views of places in Switzerland. Backs plain. With original wrapper which is lettered "Jean Muller, Taroc, Fabrique de Cartes, Schaffhouse, Suisse." 41 x 21 in. 11. Unterwalden. F. A. Buolman; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 76. On the 2 of cups is "Taros Fines, Frantz Antoni Buolman in Vnderwalden," and on the 2 of coins "Frantz Antony Buolman in Vnderwalden." The 4 of coins has a shield bearing the monogram IB. The missing cards are the 9 and knave of coins. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue spots. 41 x 21 in. SWISS CARDS. 143 12. Place of issue uncertain. C. T.; 18th century. Fragmentary pack of 15, viz., the 2, 6, and knight of cups; the 6 and knight of coins; the 2, 5, 6 and knight of swords; the 2, 5 and knight of clubs; and Nos. II, XI and XIII of the atouts. The initials C. T. are on the 2 of cups. Backs decorated with pattern of black dots. 41 x 2k in. 13. Place of issue uncertain. I. J.; 18th century. Imperfect pack of 38. The ace of coins bears the initials i j. The missing cards are the ace, 2 and knave, knight, queen and king of cups; the ace, knave, knight and king of swords; the knave, knight, queen and king of coins and clubs; and the whole of the atouts. Backs mottled pink. 41 x 2i in. II.-PACKS OF 36 AND 32. (a.) With national suits. 14. Basle; 16th century. Set of 32, apparently taken in sheet form from an old binding and subsequently cut up and mounted. They are the 2-9 of each of the four suits. On the deuce of shields is a figure of a boar, and on the 7 and 9 the arms of Basle. 2t x 1t in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 1.] 15. Buttisholz. A. Biihlmann; 19th century. Imperfect pack of 35, wanting the 7 of flowers. On the 2 of shields is " A. Biihlmann " and on the 2 of bells " Buttisholz Kt. Luzern." Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 3] x 2* in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 7 and 8.] 16. Diessenhofen. J. Miller; 19th century. Complete pack of 36. On the 2 of shields is "J. Mfiller," and on the 2 of bells " Diessenhofen." Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 31 x 2i in. 17. Diessenhofen. J. Miller. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but more recent and with the number increased to 48 by the addition of the threes, fours and fives. 18. Schaffhausen. J. Miller; 19th century. Complete pack of 36. On the 2 of shields is " J. Miller," and on the 2 of bells " Schaffhausen." Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 31 x 2i in. 144 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 19. Hasle bei Burgdorf; modern. Complete pack of 36. On the 2 of shields is " Spielkartenfabrik," and on the 2 of bells "Hasle b. Burgdorf." Backs decorated with a black diagonal pattern on a blue ground. 3X x 2k in. (b.) With French suits. 20. Geneva. Gassmann; 19th century. Complete pack of 32. On the knave of spades is " Gassmann," and on that of clubs " a Geneve." All the aces bear the excise stamp of Geneva. Backs plain. 31 x 24 in. 21. Place of issue uncertain. Story of William Tell; modern. Complete pack of 32, in the style of those published by Wiist at Frankfort (see German PACKS, No. 200). The court cards are figures of characters in the story of William Tell, the chief incidents of which are depicted on the aces. Backs decorated with a small pink pattern. 32 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 12.] III.-PACKS OF 52, WITH FRENCH SUITS. 22. Schaffhausen. J. Miiller; modern. Swiss views and costumes. Complete pack, similar in character to No. 21 but double-ended. The court cards are figures in national costumes, and on the aces are views of " Chute-du-Rhin," "Rigi Koulm," "Montreux," and "Glacier de Rosenlaui." Backs decorated with views of Swiss scenery. In cardboard case which has on one side an Alpine view and on the other the arms of the Confederation, and is inscribed "Vues et Costumes Suisses. Jean Miiller, Schaffhouse." 34 x 2i in. 23. Schaffhausen. J. Miiller; modern: Swiss views and costumes. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last, but with the figures on the court cards varied. In similar cardboard case. 24. Schaffhausen. J. Miiller; modern. Swiss views and costumes. Complete pack, similar to the last, with the same designs on the court cards and views of the same places on the aces. Backs decorated with a small red pattern. In original wrapper lettered "Costumes Suisses. Vues des Alpes Suisses. Views of Switzerland." DUTCH CARDS. 145 25. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Story of William Tell. Complete pack, similar in character to the three preceding, doubleended. The court cards are figures in Swiss historical costumes, and on the aces are incidents in the story of William Tell. Backs decorated with a pattern of blue stars. Edges gilt. In green cardboard case. 32 x 28 in. 26. J. R. Hauser's "Nouveau Jeu d'Officiers," 1744. Complete pack, well engraved and uncoloured, representing soldiers of various countries, Germans, Poles, Highlanders, Pandars, etc. Each card has the title in French, Italian and German, and its value is indicated by a single suitmark with numeral in upper left corner. The pack is accompanied by two title cards, which have the titles in French, Italian, Spanish and German, " Nouveau Jeu d'Officiers en LII Figures en Habit de Guere... a Geneve chez J. Rodolphe Hauser 1744," etc. Backs mottled red. 41 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 9-12.] 27. House of Savoy; modern. Set of 40 cards, executed on stone, in imitation of 16th century engravings, by Krauer and Hiss of Geneva. They contain a series of medallion portraits, in ornamental frames, of the counts of Savoy and kings of Sardinia, from Humbert I "aux blanches mains" to Victor Emmanuel first king of Italy. Without suitmarks and uncoloured. Backs decorated with a pink pattern and the arms of Italy. 3 x 24 in. DUTCH. Dutch cards resemble French in suitmarks and other characteristics. I.-PIQUET PACKS OF 32. 1. Amsterdam. J. Fouquet; 18th century. Complete pack, copied from old French cards. The court cards have unusual names; the knave of hearts is "Sipri Roman," the queen of spades "Barbera," and the queen of clubs " Pentrame." On the knave of spades is "Gemaakt by de Weduwe Jonas Fouquet & zoon & Comp. tot Amsterdam." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. Edges gilt. Enclosed in an old leatherbound volume which has been transformed into a case. 31 x 11 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 131.] L 146 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 2. An old king of spades, with the title " Duneur au roy." Back plain. 34 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 139.] 3. An old knave of clubs, with the title "Capitaine Millault." Back plain. 34 x 2i in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 139.] 4. Seven small unmounted court cards, artistically engraved on copper with standing figures in early 16th century costumes, viz.:the knaves of hearts and clubs, the king, queen and knave of diamonds, and the king and queen of spades. They are accompanied by two other cards, one representing a female cartomancer, the other a wizard taking a rat from a bag. 24 x 1 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 139.] *** The nationality of this and the two preceding items is quite uncertain. II.-INSTRUCTIVE AND FANCIFUL PACKS. 5. Mythology. Mortier's " Jeu des Metamorphoses d'Ovide." Complete set (52) of the cards published at Amsterdam by Mortier, in imitation of those issued by Desmarest in Paris (see French PACKS, Nos. 106-122). Each has a prettily engraved representation of a story in the Metamorphoses, with explanation in French below, the value being indicated by a suitmark inclosing a numeral in the upper part of the composition. With original wrapper, which has an engraving of an assemblage of the gods, with the full title above and below, and "Jeu d'Ovide" at each end. Mounted in an album. 3i x 2i in. 6. Ancient History. Mortier's "Jeu des Hommes et Femmes Illustres." Complete pack of 52, belonging to the same series as the last. Each card has an engraving of an antique bust of a Greek or Roman celebrity, with an account in French below. The values are indicated in the same way as in the preceding. With a wrapper which has an engraving of a wounded warrior being carried into the presence of a general, with the title " Jeu des HIommes Illustres" above and below, and " Hommes Illustres" at each end. The pack is accompanied by a small book giving the rules of the game and accounts of the personages. Backs plain. 31 x 2i in. 7. Kings of France; c. 1700. Imperfect pack of 28 well-engraved cards, probably copied from French originals, consisting of the DUTCH CARDS. 147 complete suits of spades and clubs, with the 9 and 10 of diamonds. Each numeral card has either one or two medallion heads of French kings, with an account of them in French, its value being indicated by a miniature card on the right hand side. The court cards are whole length figures of Scaramouche, Cornelia, Julius Caesar, Pollichinelle, Livia, and Augustus. The diamonds are printed in red ink. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 31 x 2i in. 8. The Papacy; c. 1715. "Nieuwe Constitutie Kaart van's Paussen gewaande onfeilbaarheid gestigt op dolheid en blindheid." Complete pack (52), with two titles, of well-engraved cards forming a series of satires on the history of the Papacy, each with two Dutch lines below. The value is indicated by a suitmark with a number or name beside it. The 3 of hearts represents Pope Joan, and the suit of spades is chiefly devoted to Pasquier Quesnel and the Jansenist controversy, the papal bull " Unigenitus" of 1713 being mentioned. The first title card contains the above title which is inscribed on a sheet held by figures of Folly and Blindness; on the second is the satirical statement " Deze Nieuwe Constitutie Kaart feilbaar voor de Verliezers Onfeilbaar voor de Winners, worden gemaakt; en zyn te koop te Romen in de Vissers ring by Pieter Waanregt, in de gekroonde Constitutie Non." Backs plain. 34 x 1[ in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 113-116.] 9. Bubble Companies of 1720. "April-Kaart of Kaart Spel van Momus naar de Nieuwste Mode." Complete pack of 52 engraved cards, with two title-pieces, forming a series of satires on the South Sea, Mississippi, and other bubble schemes. (For description of the pack, as issued in sheet form, see Willshire, D. 114, and Stephens's Catalogue of Satirical Prints in the British Museum, No. 1642.) Backs decorated with a flower pattern, coloured. 31 x 2 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 111-114.] 10. Bubble Companies of 1720; " Pasquin's Windkaart of de Windnegotie van 't Jaar 1720." Complete pack of 52 engraved cards, from the same designs as the last, but with different inscriptions. In original cardboard case, to which the title card is attached. (For description of the pack, as issued in sheet form, see Stephens's Catalogue of Satirical Prints in the British Museum, No. 1643.) Backs plain. 34 x 2 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 115-118.] L2 148 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 11. Geography. " Jeu de Geographie, ou sont les quatres Parties du Monde." Complete pack of 52, belonging to the same series as No. 5. The cards are all engraved maps of various countries, each having the name of the country at the top, with a suitmark enclosing a numeral or letter. The pack is accompanied by a small book, giving the rules of the game and information respecting the countries, and has the original wrapper, on which is a map of the world with the title and address of J. Covens and P. Mortier, Amsterdam. Backs plain. 34 x 2i in. 12. Geography. Duplicate of the last (wanting the 3 of hearts) with all the maps and the cover of the book coloured. Backs plain yellow. In old leather case. 13. Geography. Same pack, complete and coloured throughout. Without the book. Backs plain. In original pasteboard case, to which the title-map of the world is attached. 14. Latin Grammar; c. 1670. A complete pack of 52, well engraved, intended to teach the Latin language. The suitmarks are given at the base of the cards, but the number is indicated by the repetition in the design of various devices. On the hearts they are escutcheons, on the spades bunches of grapes, on the diamonds quatrefoils, and on the clubs marigolds. The court cards are fanciful figures in the costume of c. 1670. On the ace of hearts is a coat-of-arms, azure, a chevron between three mullets or; crest, a greyhound's head collared. Backs plain. 33 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 119-122.] 15. The Four Quarters; c. 1700. Complete pack of 52, very artistically engraved, forming a series of allegorical figures of the four quarters of the world, of the year, and of the day, the twelve months, the elements, the senses and various arts and sciences. The court cards are portraits in ovals, the king and queen of hearts being Leopold and Eleanor, Emperor and Empress of Germany. The suits of hearts and diamonds are printed in red, the others in black. The figures are French in character and have French titles. On the ace of hearts is " J. Gole exc. cum Privil. ord: Holl: et West Frisise." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 3 x 1i in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 123-124.] 16. Buffoon cards; c. 1690. Fifty-four of a pack of 56, in which each suit has four court cards. On every pip card is a bust of a DUTCH CARDS. 149 comic character in a circle, with suitmark below; and on the court cards are whole length figures of sovereigns, etc. The king and queen of hearts are William and Mary of England, those of spades the Emperor and Empress of Germany, and those of diamonds Louis XIV and Mde. de Maintenon. The suits of hearts and diamonds are printed in red. On the aces of hearts and spades is "J. Gole exc. cum Privilegio Ordin. Hollan. et West Frisiae." The missing cards are the two knaves of clubs. Backs plain. 3- x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 125-128.] 17. Buffoon cards; c. 1690. Complete pack of 52, of the same designs as the last, but smaller. The fourth court card of each suit is omitted. The queen of diamonds is " La Reine de France," instead of Madame de Maintenon. The whole pack is printed in red. Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. 24 x 1I in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 129-130.] 18. Burlesque cards; c. 1700. Complete pack of 52, well-engraved, somewhat in the manner of the preceding, and consisting entirely of single whole-length figures of a fanciful or humorous character, many of them from French designs, without any inscriptions. The value of each is indicated by a suitmark enclosing a numeral in one of the upper corners. The king and queen of hearts hold up terrestrial globes marked "Europe" and "America," and on one of the money bags in the queen of spades is the monogram c.* Backs plain. In modern cardboard case. 31 x 2- in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 131-133.] 19. Lottery cards; c. 1750. Fifty-four of a set of 60 cards embellished with a variety of engraved subjects. Of these 46 have on them the suitmarks of hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs, which are accompanied by numbers or names. The missing cards are the 6 and 9 of hearts, the 10 of spades, the king of diamonds, and the ace and 6 of clubs. In addition there are 60 numbered cards, bearing printed mottoes in Dutch, and 32 printed cards of classes; the whole forming a lottery game. Backs plain. 2 x 2 in. 20. Lottery cards; c. 1750. Fifty-eight of a set of 60 (wanting Nos. 29 and 56), similar in character to the preceding, but without suitmarks; each card having in the lower part a small cartouche containing the number. They are accompanied by 60 other cards containing printed mottoes in Dutch. Backs plain. 24 x 2 in. 150 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 21. Lottery cards; c. 1750. Fifty of a set of 60 (wanting Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 17, 25, 31, 51 and 57), similar in character to the preceding, but better engraved, the subjects being enclosed in fancifully designed frames. The printed cards required for playing the game are absent. 23 x 2 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 132 and 133.] 22. Lottery cards; c. 1750. Fifty-six of a set of 60 printed cards with Dutch mottoes, forming part of a pack similar to the preceding. 3 x 2 in. 23. Lottery cards; c. 1750. Set of 56 printed cards of classes, forming part of a pack similar to No. 19. 24. Lottery cards; c. 1820. "De Loterij van Don Quichot en Sanche Pance." A pack of 92, comprising 30 motto cards printed in red, 30 similar ones printed in black, and 32 coloured picture cards, two of which represent Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Backs decorated with a pattern of stars and dots in blue. In pasteboard case which bears the above title. 24 x 17 in. 25. Fancy diagonal cards; c. 1693. Imperfect set of 26, of a singular character. They are in triplets, in which two have entire designs, while the third has these combined and divided by a diagonal line. On one card is a French coin with the date 1693, on another a skull, and a third has these two combined. No inscriptions or suitmarks. 4 x 2R in. FLEMISH. I.-TAROT PACKS OF 78. 1. Bruges. Daveluy; modern. Complete pack, with French suits. The court cards are of German type and the atouts, as in many German packs, are all natural history subjects except the first and last, which represent a zany and a man playing a flageolet. The knaves of hearts and spades support coats-of-arms, and the former has a scroll inscribed " Cartes de Tarot Fabrique Daveluy Bruges." Backs decorated with a pattern of dots in blue. 4 x 2J in. .L,.,UImISH CA R D S. 151 2. Brussels. L. Biot; modern. Complete pack, similar to the last. The knave of spades bears the name " Louis Biot." With wrapper on which is printed in red from an old block a figure of a general on horseback, with below, " Cartes de Tarau de la Fabrique de Meuran dans la... a Bruxelles." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns, in red. 4 x 21 in. 3. Brussels. J. Galler; 18th century. Complete pack, similar in every respect to the last except that the name on the knave of spades is "Jean Galler." Backs decorated with a somewhat similar pattern in blue. 4. Brussels. J. Galler; 18th century. Complete pack, of the traditional type, with Italian suitmarks. The atouts are the usual subjects except No. II which represents "L'Espagnol, Capitano Eracasse," and No. V, which is "Bacus," seated on a barrel. On the ace of coins is " Cartes de Taravt faites par Jean Galler dans la Rve a Bruxelles "; on the 2 " Jean Galler "; and on the 4 the initials J. G. The 2 of cups has a tablet inscribed "Povr conoistre qve la plvs basse de deniez et de covpes enporte les plvs havtes qvand a fait dv Jev." Backs decorated with a small black pattern. 45 x 23 in. 5. Brussels. M. Dupont. Complete pack, identical with the preceding, but with the name on the ace of coins altered to " Martin Dupont, dans la Rue de l'Eveque a Bruxelles." [S. Vol. I, pl. 137.] 6. Dinant. J. Gisaine; 18th century. Complete pack, similar in all respects to the last except that the inscription on the ace of coins is "Cartes de Taravt faites par Jean Gisaine dans la Rye de Meuret, Rue St. Jacque a Dinant sur Meuse," and the 2 of coins bears the name "Jean Gisaine." Backs decorated with a small pattern. 41 x 31 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 137.] 7. Liege. J. B. Dubois; 18th century. Complete pack, similar in character to Nos. 1-3, the court cards being of the Bavarian type. The first atout is inscribed "Cartes Finnes faites par J. B. Dubois demeurant derrier la Maison de Ville a Liege," and on the knave of clubs is " J. B. Dubois." Backs decorated with a check pattern in red and white. 44 x 2i in. 152 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 8. Li6ge. J. T. Dubois. Complete pack. A more recent issue of the preceding, with the address on the first atout altered to "Fabrique de J. T. Dubois, Rue Souverain Pont No.'j14." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns. In original wrapper which bears a coat-of-arms and has the initials J. D. 9. Liege. G. Larmoyer, 1753. Imperfect pack of 76, with French suitmarks. The atouts are similar to those in Nos. 1-3. On the knave of spades is "G. Larmoyer," on that of hearts "G. L.," and on the queen of hearts " a Liege 1753." The missing cards are the 5 of hearts and the 4 of diamonds. Backs decorated with a pattern of black dots. In old leather-covered case. 44 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 137.] II.-PIQUET PACKS OF 32. 10. Brussels. H. Vanhoeter. Complete pack, of the modern type, double-ended. On the queen of hearts is "Hemeleers Vanhoeter," and on the king of clubs "Bruxelles." Backs mottled brown. 3 x 21 in. 11. Liege. J. J. Dubois; modern. Complete pack, roughly executed. The king of hearts holds a shield charged with an eagle; and that held by the king of clubs is charged with the fleurs-de-lis of France. The king of spades holds a harp. On the knave of spades is " J. J, Dubois." Backs decorated with a small black pattern. 38 x 17 in. III.-PACKS OF 52. 12. Bruges. Daveluy; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with fanciful figures in historical costumes on the court cards. Each ace has the suitmark enclosed in a rich frame; that of spades is inscribed " Cartes Brevetees," and that of clubs " Daveluy Bruges." Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. In original cardboard case which bears a full length knave of spades. 34 x 24 in. 13. Liege. J. T. Dubois, 1811. Gatteaux's Empire cards. Imperfect pack of 49, similar to No. 70 of the French section. The knave of hearts bears the address " Fabque de J. T. Dubois Rue SouverainPont No. 314, a Liege." The missing cards are the 2 of hearts, the 2 of diamonds, and the ace of clubs. Backs plain. 31 x 2A in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 138.] 1USSIA4N CARDS. 153 Rl'USSIAN CARDS.15 14. Libge. J. D.; 18th century. Complete pack. On each of the aces the suitmark is enclosed in a fanciful frame. The knave of hearts holds a flag inscribed J. D., and on the queen of hearts is " a Liege." Backs decorated with a pattern of hexagons enclosing suns, in red. 41 x 21 in. 15. Set of 18 small plates containing 36 subjects of Bible history and saints, engraved by C. and T. van Merlen, c. 1660; printed on vellum and coloured. (Not in any sense cards.) 31 x 2' in. RUSSIAN. 1. Moscow; c. 1820. Thirty-three of a pack of 36, composed like German packs of that number, and with German suitmarks. The court cards are oriental figures and the pip cards have fancy vignettes. On the deuces of hearts and leaves is the imperial eagle, and on those of bells and acorns a pelican in her piety, with Russian inscriptions signifying " For the benefit of the Foundling Hospital." The eagle on the ace of leaves bears the monogram of the Emperor Alexander I, who died in 1825. Oni the 10 of hearts is a figure of Mercury with bales of goods inscribed " T. E. M." The missing cards are the king of acorns, the 8 of leaves, and the 9 of bells. Backs decorated with a small blue pattern. 33 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 14.] 2. Moscow; modern. Complete pack of 36, with German suitmarks and designs; prettily engraved and coloured. The court cards are figures in historical costumes and the pip cards have vignettes of equestrian performers, animals, etc. On the deuce of hearts is a cupid holding drapery, and on that of bells an elephant; the later has also the duty stamp of the Imperial Foundling Hospital. No inscriptions. Backs decorated with a geometrical pattern in pink. 31 x 21 in. 3. Moscow. Geographical; 19th century. Imperfect pack, consisting originally of 52, with French suitmarks and six extra cards without suitmarks; all prettily engraved and coloured. The face of each card is divided into four compartments, the first having the arms of a Russian province, the second the suitmarks, the third a list 154 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. of the principal towns and villages, and the fourth a costume of the province; on the back is a map of the province. The six extra cards are devoted to outlying states. On the ace of diamonds is the stamp of the Foundling Hospital. The missing cards are the 8 of hearts and 9 of clubs. Edges gilt. 37 x 2l in. 4. Moscow. Travelling cards; modern. Two small unused packs of 52, with French suitmarks, double-ended; enclosed in a cardboard case inscribed in Russian "Travelling cards of the Imperial Foundling Hospital. First quality. Price for two packs, 1 rub. 20 cop." Backs decorated with pattern of gold stars. 23 x 1i in. *** The duty on playing cards in Russia is devoted to the maintenance of the Foundling Hospital at Moscow, established by the Empress Catherine II. POLISH. 1. Warsaw. J. G. Du Port; 18th century. Complete pack of 36, composed like a German pack of that number, but with Italian suitmarks. On the ace of coins are two Polish inscriptions " Fabrika Kart Kraiowa" (manufacture of playing cards of the country) and "J. G. Du Port Warsawie." The ace of clubs bears two duty stamps, one Russian, the other Polish. Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. 51 x 21 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 15.] SWEDISH. CAMBIO PACKS OF 42. The Swedish game of Cambio is derived from the Italian Cucu, but varies from it in several particulars. The pack consists of 42 instead of 38 cards, 11 and 12 being added to the numerals in each series. The large numerals of the Cucu packs are replaced by a corresponding number of fleurs-de-lis; Bragon is turned into a Hussar, the horse into a knight, and the cat into a pig; the Nulla becomes a wreath, the Secchia a vase of flowers, the Mascherone a fool or blaren, and the Matto a harlequin. DANlSH CARDS. 155 1. Place of issue uncertain. I. B. N. Imperfect pack of 37, engraved and uncoloured. On the " Husar " are the initials I. B. N. The missing cards are Nos. 3, 5, and 12 of one set, and the harlequins of both. Backs decorated with a pattern of pink dots. 3a x 21 in. 2. Place of issue uncertain. Imperfect pack of 40, similar to the last. The missing cards are a 1 of fleurs-de-lis and a harlequin. Backs decorated with the same pattern as the last. 93 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 13.] 3. Place of issue uncertain. Complete pack, similar to the preceding but more recent. No. 1 bears two duty stamps. Backs decorated with a diagonal key pattern in blue dots. 34 x 24 in. 4. Place of issue uncertain. A harlequin belonging to a pack similar to the last. Backs plain. 34 x 21 in. DANISH. 1. Copenhagen. L. P. Holmblads; modern. Complete pack of 52, double-ended; with French suitmarks. On the knave of clubs is " L. P. Holmblads Fabrik i Kjobenhavn." Backs decorated with a pattern of blue dots and curves. 34 x 24 in. ENGLISH. I.-PACKS OF 52. 1. Thomas Creswick; c. 1825. Imperfect pack of 51, single-ended. The duty card bears the maker's name with " G. IV. Rex " and the number 12. Backs decorated with a pattern of red stars. The missing card is the 8 of hearts. 34 x 24 in. 156 16CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 2. Thomas Creswick; c. 1825. Complete pack, single-ended. The diamond court cards are oriental characters, and those of hearts, spades and clubs historical personages of the Tudor period. Dutycard similar to the last, with the number 8. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. 3. Thomas Creswick; c. 1830. Same pack as the last; a later issue, with the shilling duty card, which bears the maker's name only. Backs decorated with a pattern of black stars. Much soiled. 4. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the shilling duty card, on which is the maker's name. Backs decorated with a bunch of flowers on a green ground. Much soiled. 33 x 21 in. 5. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Imperfect pack (wanting the 3 of clubs), double-ended, with the shilling duty card, on which is the maker's name. Backs decorated with the arms of the Queen and Prince Albert, on a green ground. 3 x 221 in. 6. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the shilling duty card, on which is the maker's name. Backs decorated with a geometrical pattern in red and yellow. 33 x 21 in. 7. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the present duty card. Backs decorated with the arms of the Prince of Wales on a ground of roses. In original wrapper. 33 x 21 in. 8. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, similar to the last. Backs decorated with the arms of the Princess of Wales, on a ground of lilies. 34 x 22 in. 9. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the present duty card. The ace of diamonds bears two Italian duty stamps. Backs decorated with a panel of red and blue ornament. 3 x 221 in. 10. De la Rue & Co.; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the present duty card. Backs decorated with a floral pattern on a green ground. 3 x 221 in. ENGLISH CARDS. 157 11. De la Rue & Co.; 1887. Complete pack, double-ended. Backs decorated with a design commemorating the Queen's Jubilee, 1887. With original wrapper. In pull-off pasteboard case. 31 x 21 in. 12. De la Rue & Co. A collection of backs of cards, 65 in number. In cardboard case lettered " De la Rue & Co.'s Japanese Lacquer Playing Cards." 13. Gibson & Gisborne; early 19th century. Complete pack, singleended, with the " Sixpence Addl. Duty" card, which bears the makers' names and G. III Rex"; also the number 8. Backs plain white. 31 x 21 in. 14. Goodall; modern. Complete pack, single-ended, with the shilling duty card, on which is the maker's name. Backs plain white. 3- x 21 in. 15. C. Goodall & Son, 1887. Complete pack, double-ended, issued by the Card Makers' Company on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee. Backs decorated with a commemorative design. With printed directions entitled " Whist in a Nutshell "; also the duty wrapper and the maker's. In cloth case stamped with the arms of the Company. 3 x 221 in 16. C. Goodall & Son; recent. "Scientific Whist Cards." Complete pack, double-ended, having instructions for play printed on the face of every card. Backs decorated with a red pattern. With original wrapper. In cardboard case. 38 x 21 in. 17. C. Goodall & Son; recent. "Historic Playing Cards." Complete pack, the court cards representing the royal costumes of the Plantagenet, Tudor, Stuart and Hanoverian periods. Green backs decorated with a panel of leaf ornament. In original wrapper and cardboard case. 31 x 21 in. 18. C. Goodall & Son; recent. "Tom Thumb Playing Cards." Complete pack, double-ended. Backs plain pink. In cardboard case bearing the above title and maker's address. 11 x 1I in. 19. C. Goodall & Son; recent. Collection of backs of cards, of various designs, 50 in number. 158 CATALOGUE OF C.ARDS. 20. C. Goodall & Son; recent. A similar collection, numbering 35. 21. Hall; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with the "Sixpence addl. duty" card, on which is the maker's name, with "G. III Rex " and the number 18. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. 22. Hall & Son; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with the " one shilling and sixpence " duty card which bears the maker's name with " G. III Rex" and the No. 117. Backs plain. 3| x 21 in. 23. Hall & Bancks; early 19th century. Complete pack, singleended, with the shilling duty card, which bears the makers' names. Backs plain pink. In an 18th century pasteboard case decorated with figures of Peace and Plenty. 32 x 21 in. 24. Hall & Bancks; early 19th century. Complete pack, similar to the last, but with the " Exportation " duty card. Backs decorated with a pattern of Prince of Wales's feathers in blue. With original " Great Mogul" wrapper. 25. J. Hardy; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with the "sixpence addl. duty" card, which bears the maker's name with " G. III Rex" and the number 19. Backs plain. 33 x 21 in. 26. Hunt & Sons; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with the " one shilling and sixpence " duty card, which bears the maker's name with " G. III Rex" and the number 59. Backs plain. 3f x 21 in. 27. Ludlow & Co.; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with design on the ace of spades formed of the badge of the Order of the Thistle surmounting the royal arms, under which is a tablet inscribed " Ludlow & Co. Patent Knight's cards." Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. 28. Reynolds & Sons; modern. Complete pack, single-ended, with the " one shilling duty card, which bears the maker's name. Backs plain. 31 x 21 in. ENGLISH CARDS. U159 ENGLISHI CARDS.15 29. C. B. Reynolds, Liverpool; c. 1863. Complete pack, having humorous heads, etc., on all the suitmarks of the pip cards and fancy costume figures on the court cards. On the ace of hearts are portraits of the Prince and Princess of Wales at the time of their marriage, and on that of spades views of Liverpool with the address "C. B. Reynolds, 22 Seel Street, Liverpool." Backs decorated with a figure of Cupid on a yellow ground. Worn and soiled. 3 x 21 in. 30. Willis & Co., 1886. "Deakin's Political Playing Cards." Complete pack, double-ended. The court cards are portraits of prominent politicians, the four kings being Gladstone, Chamberlain, Salisbury and Parnell. The ace of spades has a fanciful design, with the title and maker's name. With original wrapper and cardboard case. 31 x 21 in. 31. Woolley & Co., 1888. Complete pack, double-ended, executed for the Company of Makers of Playing Cards; with extra card containing a portrait of the Master, Charles Horsley, C.E. Backs decorated with the arms of the Company. 31 x 21 in. 32. Anonymous; modern. Complete pack, double-ended, with the present duty-card. Backs decorated with the arms of Oriel College, Oxford. 31 x 21 in. 33. Anonymous; early 19th century. Complete pack, single-ended, with " G. III Rex " and " No. 54 " on the duty card, from which the maker's name has been erased. Backs plain. 33 x 21 in. 34. Anonymous; modern. Small pack, complete, double-ended. Backs decorated with a diagonal blue pattern. In cardboard case which bears a figure of a Highland soldier and is lettered " Highlander Playing Cards. Improved children." 11 x 1i in. 35. Anonymous; modern. Small pack, complete, identical with the last, but with the backs decorated with a floral pattern in gold. In cardboard case bearing a figure of Punch, and lettered "Punch's own Playing Cards." 160 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 36. Anonymous; modern. Small pack, complete, double-ended. The ace of spades is a vignette portrait of a woman. No inscription. Backs decorated with a diagonal blue pattern. 14 X 1I in. 37. Anonymous; modern. Miniature pack, complete, double-ended; coarsely executed. On the ace of spades is " March, London E.G." Backs plain. 13 x 1 in. 38. Anonymous; modern. Fragmentary pack of 27, extremely small, double-ended. Backs plain. X x 2 in. 39. Anonymous; early 19th century. Complete pack executed throughout in water-colours. The court cards represent heathen divinities, and on the ace of spades is an assemblage of these encircling the suitmark. Backs plain. 34 x 21 in. 40. Whist-markers. A small gold locket containing four discs of gold on which are enamelled a heart, a spade, a diamond and a club. Instructive. 41. Alphabet; early 18th century. Imperfect pack of 49, designed to teach the alphabet. Each card has in the centre an oval containing either a letter of the alphabet in its gothic, Roman and italic forms, or a distich embodying some moral axiom; its value is indicated by a single suitmark with Roman numeral at the top. Engraved on wood and coarsely coloured. Backs plain. The missing cards are the 5 of hearts, 2 of diamonds, and 10 of clubs. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 68-71.] *** A complete set, in sheet form and uncoloured, is in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 182). 42. Astronomy; late 17th century. Imperfect unmounted pack of 24, on each of which is represented one of the constellations, the value being indicated by a suitmark with Roman numeral or portrait in upper left corner. The cards are, the ace, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, knave, queen and king of hearts; the 4, 5, 7 and 8 of spades; the ace, 3, 7, 8, and king of diamonds; and the ace, 2, 4, 7, 8 and 10 of clubs. Stained and injured. 31 x 2k in. [S. Vol. T, pl. 72.] ENGLISH CA4RDS. 161 43. Astronomy. Spofforth & Son; c. 1830. Complete pack, engraved and coloured, having representations of the constellations on the pip cards and the planets on the court cards. The suitmarks are arranged in the usual way and mingled with the designs. The makers' names appear on the duty card. Backs plain. Edges gilt. An explanatory tract accompanies the pack. 34 x 22 in. 44. Geography; c. 1661. Complete engraved pack, unmounted and uncoloured, forming an atlas of the world. Each suit is devoted to one continent, the ace giving a general map and the rest the different countries which compose it. Four extra cards contain lists of these countries. The court cards have medallion portraits; that of Charles II appears on the map of Great Britain, and that of Queen Mary (Henrietta Maria) on that of the " English Empire" (North America). 4 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 48-51.] 45. Geography; c. 1675. English Counties. Imperfect pack of 51. On each card is engraved a map of one of the counties of England and Wales, with statistical information respecting it. The value is indicated by a suitmark and Roman numeral at the top. The court cards have medallion portraits; those on the kings and queens being Charles II and Catherine of Braganza. The suitmarks have been added with stencils. Two extra cards, one giving an "Explanation of these cards," the other a general map of England and Wales, accompany the pack. The missing card is the 5 of hearts. Backs plain. 35 x 24 in. [S. Vol. 1, pl. 52-55.] 46. Geography; c. 1675. English Counties. Imperfect pack of 50, of the same cards as the last; a later edition with the names of the adjacent counties added on every piece. The missing cards are the 4 of hearts and the queen of diamonds. Backs plain. 47. Geography; c. 1675. English Counties. Nine cards belonging, apparently, to two or three distinct packs, but all of the same character. The maps occupy only a small space in the centre of the cards, which are otherwise filled with information respecting the counties. The value of each is indicated by a suitmark and numeral engraved on the map itself. The cards are:-the 3 of hearts (Derbyshire), 9 of hearts (Suffolk), knave of hearts (Bucks), ace of spades (Sussex), 2 of spades, (Staffordshire), 5 of clubs (Bucks), 7 of clubs (Devonshire), 9 of clubs (Hants), and king of clubs (Oxfordshire). Backs plain. 83 x 2i in. M 162 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 48. Geography; c. 1720. Imperfect engraved pack of 50. The four suits are devoted to the four quarters of the globe, the aces containing lists of the chief countries, and the remainder giving information respecting them. The only pictorial illustrations are medallion portraits on the court cards; the king of hearts is George I, the.queen of diamonds Statira, the queen of clubs Queen Elizabeth, and the king of clubs John IV of Portugal. Backs plain. The missing cards are the ace and knave of clubs. 34 x 2x in. 49. Geography; c. 1828. Maps of the World. Complete engraved and coloured pack, with extra "one shilling " duty card, which bears the name of Spofforth and Son. The aces have maps of the four continents, and on the other pip cards are maps of the countries which compose them. The court cards are portraits and fancy figures, those of the suit of hearts representing George IV, Catherine II and Robespierre. Edges gilt. Backs plain. With explanatory tract bound in watered silk. In pasteboard case lettered "New Royal Playing Cards, Patronised by IIis Majesty. Published by Charles Hodges, 27 Portman Street, Portman Sq. London." 33 x 21 in. 50. Geography; modern. Mrs. Farwell's Geographical Whist; Bournemouth. Complete pack, in which the aces are occupied by outline maps of the four continents and the other numerals (which are double-ended) by views of places therein. The court cards are portraits of representative celebrities, Garibaldi, Napoleon, Queen Victoria, etc. The suits are only distinguished by being printed in four different colours. Backs plain pink. With two sheets of directions for playing the game. In original cardboard case. 33 x 21 in. 51. Geography; modern. Mrs. Farwell's Geographical Whist; Bournemouth. Complete pack, similar to the last, but printed in other colours. Backs plain blue. With original wrapper and sheet of directions. 52. Heraldry; c. 1675. R. Blome's Armorial Cards. Complete engraved pack, uncoloured and unmounted, forming a manual of Heraldry. On the 3-10, queen and king of hearts are given the armorial bearings of the Duke of Albemarle, the Marquess of Dorchester, the Earl of Bridgewater, Viscount Kilmorey, Lord Berkeley, Sir Philip Mathews, Sir John Berkenhead, Thomas Barrington, Esq., Catherine Sedley, and King Charles II. The ENGLISH CARDS. 163 ENLS,ADS 14 remainder of the cards represent and explain the various charges used in blazon. On the 3 of hearts is a dedication to the Duke of Albemarle by Blome. The value of the card is indicated by a suitmark with numeral or portrait in upper r. corner. 31 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 60-63.] 53. Heraldry; c. 1675. R. Blome's Armorial Cards. Photolithographic reproduction of the set of the above cards exhibited at a meeting of the Card Makers' Company in 1888. 6 54. Heraldry, 1686. Arms of English Peers. Imperfect engraved pack of 51, each of which gives the armorial shields of two, three or four of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, surmounted by a large coronet or a mitre. The shields are numbered throughout. The value is indicated by a suitmark with a numeral or letter in the upper left corner. The 4 of clubs is missing. Backs plain. 3- x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 64-67.] (This and the following pack are described in detail in the 'Herald and Genealogist,' vol. iii, p. 359.) 55. Heraldry, 1688. Arms of English Peers. The same pack, a later issue with variations. It has an extra card of Barons, on which are the arms of Waldegrave. The arms of the Earl of Macclesfield have been removed from the 8 of clubs, those of Lady Stafford transferred from the 3 of clubs to the 4 of spades, etc. The 10 of spades, the 3 and knave of diamonds, and the 4 of clubs are missing, and a duplicate 8 of spades is present. [S. Vol. I, pI. 9.] 56. History, 1679. All the Popish Plots, 1588-1678. Complete engraved pack (one of the only two examples known to exist), illustrating the four plots devised against England in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, James I, and Charles II. Twenty-seven of the pieces relate to the Spanish Armada; three to Dr. Parry's plot; fourteen to the Gunpowder Plot; and eight to the fictitious " Popish Plot" of 1678. The value of each card is indicated by a suitmark and numeral or letter in a ruled-off space at the top. Backs plain. In modern leather-coloured case. 31 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pI. 5-8.] 57. History, 1679. The pretended " Popish Plot "of 1678. Imperfect pack (wanting the 3 of hearts) of the well-known engraved pack, the execution of which has been groundlessly attributed to Faithhomrne. This is a late and retouched issue of the first set in which M 2 164 14CATALOGUE OF CARDS. each card has at the top a ruled-off space, containing on the left a suitmark and on the right a numeral or title. Backs plain. In modern leather-covered case. 31 x 2 in. [S. Vol. I, pI. 10-13.] An early impression of this set is in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 188.) 58. History, 1679. The pretended " Popish Plot "of 1678. Complete pack, similar to the last, but printed from different plates. In this set the court cards have medallion portraits of royal personages, the knaves being Popes. The set is highly coloured and enclosed in its original case of embroidered silk. Backs decorated with a black geometrical pattern. [S. Vol. I, pl. 14.] 59. History, 1679. The pretended " Popish Plot " of 1678. Imperfect pack of 41, copied in reverse from No. 57. In this set the value of each card is indicated by a suitmark and numeral or title on a tablet in upper left corner. The missing cards are:-the knave of hearts; the 6, 7, 9 and queen of diamonds; the 3, 4, 10, knave and king of spades; and the 8 of clubs. Backs plain. 38 x 2 in. [S. Vol. 1, pI. 14.] 60. History. The Rump Parliament. Complete pack, engraved in the same style as No. 57, satirising the rule of Oliver Cromwell during the period of the Rump Parliament 1648-53. Each card has a title at the bottom and a ruled-off space at the top containing a suitmark and numeral or title. Backs plain. This set was formerly in the possession of Earl Nelson. (For a detailed description see Journal of the Archieological Association, ix, 129, 308.) 3 x 2k in. [S. Vol. I, pI. 15-18.] *** Only two other sets of these cards are known to exist, one being in America; the other, which has been recently discovered and acquired by Mr. J. Eliot Hodgkin, F.S.A., possesses an engraved title-card, a cartouche supported by satirical figures and inscribed "The Knavery of the Rump, Liuely represented in a Pack of Cards. To be sold by R. T. near Stationers Hall and at the black Bull in Cornhill." 61. History. The Rump Parliament. Reproduction in photolithography of the above pack, published by the Aungervyle Society. In cardboard case lettered "A Pack of Cavalier Playing Cards, temp. Charles II, forming a complete Political Satire of the Commonwealth. E. & G. Goldsmid, Edinburgh." * At the time this set of facsimiles was executed the ace and three of hearts in the original pack had been mislaid; their places were therefore filled fromnt other source3. ENGLISH CARDS. 165 62. History. Monmouth's Rebellion, 1685. Complete pack, similar in style to No. 57, illustrating the leading incidents in that event. Each card has the title of the subject at the bottom, and at the top a ruled-off space containing a suitmark and numeral or title. Backs plain. 31 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 19-22.] 63. History. Reign of James II. Imperfect pack (wanting the 7 of clubs), similar in character to No. 57, illustrating the events which led up to the Revolution of 1688. The earliest subject is that on the ace of spades, " 500 thousand pounds sent from France yearly to Charles the 2 to keep the sitting of the Parlement of;;" and the latest that on the 7 of hearts, " The Prince of Orange coming to St. Jameses is received with great Joy." Each card has a title at the bottom, and at the top a ruled-off space containing a suitmark with numeral or title. Backs plain. 3o x 24 in. 64. History. Reign of Queen Anne. Complete pack, engraved by R. Spofforth, similar in character to No. 57, illustrating the events of the years 1702-4. Each card has a title at the bottom, and at the top a ruled-off space containing a suitmark and numeral or name. The cards are also numbered throughout to show the chronological order. The earliest incident is found on the ace of hearts, "Her Mty Proclaim'd Q. of Eng. Scot. Fra. & Ireland &c. March 8, 170;" and the latest on the 4 of clubs, " Mareshl Tallard & other French Gen"s brot Prisonrs to England." Backs plain. In old pasteboard case. 32 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 31-34.] 65. History. Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell, 1710. Imperfect pack (wanting the 5 of spades and the 10 of clubs), with engravings illustrating, from the point of view of the Doctor's partisans, the events which led to the trial of Sacheverell. Each card has a distich at the bottom, and in the upper right corner a miniature card to indicate its value. The ace of hearts represents Sacheverell walking towards a pulpit and the lines are:"From hence the Church's Restoration rose, And made Discovery of her secret Foes." Backs plain. 31 x 28 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 39-42.] [An uncut impression from the plate, containing the suits of hearts and diamonds of this pack, is in the Museum collection of Satirical Prints (Stephens, No. 1546.)] 166 CCr4TALOGUEI OFii CARDS.lS 66. History. Bubble Companies, 1720. Complete pack satirising the various commercial projects started in England in 1720. Each card has an engraving with the title above, four satirical lines below, and a miniature card in the upper left corner. The ace of hearts is " Hemp and Flax," the king of clubs " Irish Sail Cloath." Backs plain. In modern leather-covered case. [For a full description see Notes and Queries, Ser. III, vol. v, p. 217.] 33 x 24 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 43-46.] *** Two letters from Lord Macaulay and J. G. Nichols, addressed to its then owner, S. Lysons, accompany the pack. 67. Mathematical Instruments. T. Tuttell, c. 1700. Complete pack, elaborately engraved, forming an instrument maker's trade catalogue. Each card has an illustration of the use of one of the various instruments used in surveying, navigation, mining, engineering, astronomy, etc., with description below. Above is the title within a fancy cartouche, with a miniature playing card in right corner. The ace of hearts is " Mathematick" and the king of clubs " Building." On the 4 of diamonds is an almanack for 1701. Backs plain. 38 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 77-80.] An imperfect set of these cards, with a title card inscribed, " These cards, globes... by Tho. Tuttell, Mathematical Instrument Maker to the King's most excellent Majesty," etc., is in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 177.) Fanciful. 68. Proverbs; c. 1700. Complete engraved pack, with humorous engravings illustrating proverbs. In every case the proverb itself is engraved in a marginal space at the bottom, and the value is indicated by a suitmark and numeral in the upper corners. The subject of the ace of hearts is " Look before you Leap," that of the king of clubs "There is no Companion like the Penny." Backs plain. 3 2 x 2- in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 89-92.] 69. Anecdotes, aphorisms, etc.; c. 1700. Imperfect pack (wanting the 4 and 8 of spades and knave of clubs), similar in general character to the last. The subjects illustrated are of a very miscellaneous character, chiefly amusing stories, fables and aphorisms. The subject of the ace of hearts is "Education and Learning," that of the king of clubs " The Master and his Servant." Backs plain. 31 x 2i in. [S. Vol. T, pl. 81-84.] ENGLISH CARDS. 167 70. Love Mottoes; c. 1700. Imperfect pack (wanting the 5 and king of diamonds and the knave of clubs), engraved throughout. Each card has a sentimental or fancy subject relating to love, with a suitable distich below. The value is indicated by a miniature card in one of the upper corners. The subject of the ace of hearts is "Lucina roves from sprightly joys above," etc., and that of the king of clubs " Yee beautious pair forsake this gloomy way," etc. Backs plain. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 85-88.] 71. Love Mottoes; c. 1700. Another set of the same cards, very imperfect, but with the number of pieces brought up to 49 by the addition of 15 from another pack of a quite similar character. The same three cards as in the preceding pack are missing. In three instances the suitmarks have been tampered with to alter the value. One of the added cards (the knave of hearts) is a caricature of Sir John Hewson the regicide, with inscription "Like will to like Elce why should Hewson be, Still amongst knaves, Knaves love his company." Backs plain. 72. Transformations, 1811. Complete unmounted pack having a variety of burlesque designs, etched and coloured by hand, with which the suitmarks are incorporated, after the manner of those published by Cotta of Tubingen [see German PACKS, No. 245]. The subject of the ace of hearts is " Dish'd at Derby; done up; not a sous left, Damme," and that of the king of clubs " Prime Bang up." The court cards are whole length figures, some intended to represent notable persons of the time; the queen of spades is apparently the Empress Marie Louise, and the king of spades Joseph Bonaparte, king of Spain. In original cardboard case, on the front of which is the title "1 Metastasis, Transformation of Cards," and on the back a medley of cards. (The original wrapper, an impression of which is in the old Museum collection, bears the address " Published September 1, 1811, by S. and T. Fuller, at the Temple of Fancy, Rathbone Place, London.") 31 x 2- in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 103-106.] 73. Transformations, 1828. Complete pack, similar in treatment to the last. The court cards are Homeric characters, Ulysses, Penelope, etc.; the subjects of the pip cards are without titles. The suitmarks only are coloured. The ace of clubs bears the address "London, E. Olivatte, 6 Leigh Strt., Burton Crescent, 1st Jan. 1828." 38 x 22 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 107-110.] 168 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 74. Transformations, 1828. Another set (wanting the ace of spades) of the same cards; later issue with the titles "king," "queen" and "knave" added to the court cards, which are coloured. Backs plain. 75. Transformations; c. 1820. Two unmounted cards, the 4 of spades and the 5 of diamonds, belonging to an etched and coloured pack similar in treatment to the two preceding. The 4 of spades is a figure of " the celebrated Signi6r Pietro Francisco Josepha Andrea Balanca first Equilibrist to His Catholic Majesty," and the 5 of diamonds a schoolmistress whipping a child. [See English SHEETS, No. 4.] 31 x 21 in. 76. Transformations; c. 1820. A single card, the 6 of spades, drawn in water-colours, with a burlesque representation of a cat's funeral. 3- x 2- in. 77. Landseer's cards. The king of clubs and knave (?) of spades belonging to a humorous pack etched by Sir E. Landseer. The first represents a monkey in the character of a king, wearing the insignia of the Garter; the second a wild boar in a cloak wearing a mask of a woman's face. 33 x 21 in. 78. Dance Music; c. 1775. Imperfect pack (wanting the 2 of diamonds), each card containing the music of a contredanse, with the value indicated by a miniature card in upper left corner. The pack is accompanied by 24 larger quadrille cards and a direction card giving the rules of " Quadrille without Pooling, as played at Bath," etc. In original pasteboard case. 33 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 97.] 4- x 3 in. 79. Songs; c. 1730. Four engraved cards, selected from an imperfect pack to complete that already in the Museum collection (Willshire, 206). The cards are:-the 10 of spades, the ace and 8 of diamonds, and the 4 of clubs. 4 x 2A in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 93-96.] 80. Fanciful; 18th century. Complete pack, drawn in water-colours by an amateur artist, with representations of a great variety of subjects, chiefly natural history and botany. The value of each card is indicated by a miniature card in upper right corner. 3i x 21 in. ENGLISH CARDS. 169 81. Domino cards. Complete set in the form of dominoes; ebony inlaid with brass suitmarks and pips. 21 x 7 in. Fortune-telling. 82. Lenthall's cards; c. 1670. Complete engraved pack designed for divination. Every alternate numeral card has an astrological sphere, and the others are filled with fortune-telling answers. The court cards are whole length figures, the kings and queens being the same in all four suits, though with different inscriptions. Every card has a ruled off space at the top, containing the name of some astrologer, sibyl, etc., with a numeral and suitmark to indicate the value. On the ace of hearts is "Hermes Trismagistus," on the king of hearts " Pharoh," on the knave of spades '(Wat Tyler" and on that of clubs " Hewson, the regicide." Two cards, on which is engraved "The Use of the Cards," accompany the pack, and the second bears the address " Sold by John Lenthall, Stationer, at the Talbot against St. Dunstan Church, Fleetstreet, London." 38 x 21 in. [S. Vol. I, pl. 73-76.] 83. Lenthall's cards; c. 1670. Contemporary repetition of the preceding pack; imperfect, wanting the 2 of hearts and the two cards of instruction. 38 x 21 in. 84. Anonymous; c. 1820. Complete engraved pack, each card containing an illustration of a fortune-telling prophecy, which is given in the form of a distich at the bottom. The value is indicated by a miniature card in the upper left corner. The ace of hearts is " A merry feast you shortly will attend, About the marriage of a worthy friend," and the king of clubs "A humane, generous, upright; happy man, Now Lady strive! and win him if you can." The hearts and diamonds are printed in red ink, the other suits in black. Backs plain. 31 x 2- in. 85. Anonymous; c. 1860. Complete pack, giving burlesque illustrations of fortune-telling prophecies. The suitmarks are in their usual positions and mingled with the designs. On the ace of hearts is "A Declaration," and on the king of clubs "You will be remembered for all that you have done." The hearts and diamonds are printed in red, the other suits in black. Backs plain pink. 3~ x 24 in. 170 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. II.-PIQUET PACKS OF 32. 86. T. Creswick; c. 1830. Complete pack of the common type, singleended, with the shilling duty card, which bears the maker's name. The designs occupy only the central portion of the cards. Backs terra-cotta, with a pattern of small black stars. 34 x 2i in. 87. T. De la Rue and Co.; 19th century. Complete pack, doubleended, of the French type, with fanciful court cards. The suitmark on the ace of spades is enclosed in an oval frame inscribed "Thomas de la Rue and Co. London and Paris." With 9 extra pip cards belonging to another pack of the same type. Backs plain pink. 34 x 24 in. 88. Gibson, Hunt and Son; early 19th century. Complete pack, of the common type, single-ended, with the " Sixpence additional duty" card, which is inscribed with the makers' names, also "G. III Rex " and "No. 14." Backs plain. 34 x 21 in. 89. Hunt and Sons; c. 1830. Complete pack of the common type, single-ended, with the shilling duty card which bears the maker's name. Backs decorated with a pattern of black dots. 31 x 24 in. 90. Anonymous; early 19th century. Complete pack, having humorous and fanciful designs, etched and coloured. The value of each card is indicated by a suitmark at the top, fancifully treated and enclosing a numeral. The ace of hearts is a view of a cottage, with the word "Lewes," in place of the suitmark; that of diamonds a finger-ring; that of clubs a letter. Backs plain. 32 x 22 in. 91. G. Martin's Magic Cards; early 19th century. Set of nine cards for conjuring, viz. the 7 and 9 of hearts and diamonds and 5 and 7 of spades and clubs, with a title card on which is a burlesque figure of "Jonathan Hocus Pocus." The left side of each card is occupied by a comic figure, etched and coloured. With original wrapper inscribed " Magic Cards, Price 6d." Backs plain. 3i x 24 in. ENGLISH CARDS. 171 92. Set of 8 unusually large double-ended cards, viz. the kings and queens of the four suits. The kings are all alike, the suitmarks only being varied, and so also with the queens. They are apparently executed in photolithography from pen and ink drawings. Backs decorated with a small diagonal pink pattern. 9 x 43 in. III.-CARDS WITHOUT SUITS. (a.) For fancy games. 93. "Animal Quorum." Pack of 48, with heads of various animals placed on human bodies. The cards are numbered throughout 1-48, four being assigned to each animal; Nos. 1-4 are "Mr. Lion," Nos. 45-48 "Mr. Seal." Coloured. Backs plain red. With cards of instructions. 11 x 23 in. 94. "Auction Game." Pack of 48, with representations of various domestic articles classed as "Animal," "Vegetable" and "Mineral," each design extending over two cards. The first pair of cards are " Animal. Good to eat. Basket of eggs," and the last " Vegetable. Very pretty. Shock of corn." Backs decorated with a floral pattern in blue. With card of instructions. 3k x 2k in. 95. "Billiards." Pack of 45, with burlesque punning illustrations of the terms used in the game of billiards, in nine numbered sets of five each, and as many different colours. With printed sheet of directions bearing the address of Mullord Brothers. In cardboard case lettered " The Game of Billiards, also containing directions for Pool and Pyramids." 3- x 2- in. 96. " Cabinet Council." Pack of 68, sixteen of which are portraits of the Queen and the members of the Gladstone administration of 1868; the remainder bear burlesque titles of members of parliament, as " The Honorable Member for Rottenburgh " " for Woollenshire," etc. Backs plain pink. With card of instructions. In cardboard case. 38 x 22 in. 97. "Characters from Charles Dickens." Pack of 52, divided into thirteen quartettes of characters in the works of Dickens. Each card has a quotation descriptive of the character. The first card contains directions. 38 x 28 in. 172 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 98. Characters from Shakspeare. Pack of 60, with burlesque figures of characters in Shakspeare's plays; there are fifteen subjects, each appearing on four cards. Uncoloured. Without title. 3- x 21 in. 99. "Sentimental Conversation Cards;" c. 1770. Pack of 51 engraved cards, representing a variety of domestic and emblematical subjects, each having its title at the top. On the first, which is entitled "Industry," is inscribed "Sentimental Conversation Cards." With explanatory tract " Sentimental Conversation Cards, with complete directions for playing with them... Liverpool, Printed for W. Robinson," etc. 31 x 21 in. 100. Mrs. Alliston's "Poets' Conversation Cards." Pack of 48 printed cards, 24 of which contain questions and 24 answers, the latter being all quotations from the poets. The questions are printed in red, the answers in black. Backs plain red. With card of instructions. In cardboard case lettered "The Poets Conversation Cards, by Mrs. Alliston," etc. 33 x 2l in. 101. "The Dockyard." Pack of 24 coloured cards which, when put together, make up two pictures, one representing a frigate, the other a brig. With card of directions. 31 x 23 in. 102. "Forty Thieves." Pack of 48, 24 of which are pictures of famous thieves, and 24 of constables. With double card of directions. In cardboard case lettered " 40 Thieves and how to catch them; a newly invented game... Henry Reason's copyright.' 31 x 21 in. 103. "Happy Couples." Pack of 71, executed in chromolithography; they are numbered in pairs and each has a humorous verse under the subject. Backs plain yellow. With a sheet of instructions. In cardboard case. 4k x 21 in. 104. "Happy Families." Pack of 44, with humorous coloured figures of members of eleven families, "Mr. Block the Barber," "Mr. Bones the Butcher," etc. Backs plain pink. 31 x 21 in. ENGLISH CARDS. 173 105. "In and Out of Luck." Pack of 45, probably imperfect, with humorous figures of boys and girls, 30 of whom are " in Luck " and 15 " out of Luck"; with four forfeit cards. 3 x 24 in. 106. "Judge and Jury." Pack of 47, divided into 31 "accusation" and 16 "sentence" cards; on the former are represented various social crimes charged against gentlemen by ladies and against ladies by gentlemen, and on the latter the punishments awarded by the judge. With sheet of directions. 34 x 24 in. 38 X 8n 107. "Laughing made easy." Pack of 54 formed of four sets, each numbered 1-12 by means of harps, roses, fleurs-de-lis and eagles respectively, and six prize cards. On each of the numeral cards are printed a variety of amusing stories and witty sayings. With card of directions. In pasteboard case lettered " Ogilvy's Games." 34 x 21 in. 108. "Lend me Five Shillings." Pack of 56, consisting of 24 picture and 32 money cards. The former are humorous portraits of the Queen, Prince of Wales, Keeper of the Privy Purse, etc. With sheet of instructions bearing the address of D. Ogilvy, 17 Christ Church Road, Hampstead. In same case with the preceding. 34 x 24 in. 109. "Parliament." Pack of 45 (? imperfect), with satirical portraits of 23 Liberal and 22 Conservative politicians, which bear burlesque titles, "Mr. Charles Badlaw," "Mr. Partyknell," etc. With two printed cards, " The Liberal Programme " and " The Conservative Programme." In pasteboard case on which are printed the directions. 34 x 24 in. 110. "Plucking the Goose." Pack of 51 (? imperfect), consisting of 15 "Pluck" and 36 "feather" cards. With card of instructions. 34 x 24 in. 111. Proverbs. Fragmentary pack of 14, illustrating proverbs, each word of which occupies a card; "the nearer the bone the sweeter the meat," etc. 34 x 24 in. 112. "Pyramids." Pack of 25, of pyramidal form, with burlesque illustrations of the story of Semiramis and Thoth. With card of directions bearing the address of Mullord Bros., London, N. 5 x 3 in. 174 CATALOGUE OF CAR1DS. 113. "Royal Court." An odd card with figure of an infant " Prince," belonging to a pack of 48 published by Goodall. 3 x 21 in. 114. "Shop," by Mrs. Alliston. Pack of 48, with representations of articles sold by "Green the Chemist," "Jones the Grocer," "Brown the Greengrocer," and "Smith the Draper." With paper of directions. 38 x 28 in. 115. "Streets of London." Pack of 47, with illustrations of the various ' cries" of the London streets; " Baked potatoes all hot," etc. With card of rules. 34 x 2~ in. 116. "Victoria, or the Rose, Shamrock and Thistle." Pack of 43, having popular ballads printed below and at the sides of miniature cards which are charged with emblems, the Rose, Harp, Thistle and Prince of Wales's crest. The first card has the national anthem with a portrait of Queen Victoria. With card of directions, 34 x 24 in. 117. "Victoria Cross." Pack of 45, with circular medallions representing persons and places connected with the Crimean war of 1854-6. The first card is a portrait of Queen Victoria, the last a view of Fort Nicholas. Uncoloured. With printed sheet of directions. 38 x 22 in. 118. Wants." Pack of 35, illustrating the wants of various classes of persons. "A Lady going to a Ball wants Bouquet, Gloves, Fan, and Ball dress," etc. 34 x 2| in. 119. Wedding Party. Pack of 47, twenty-two of which represent the various characters associated with a wedding, the remainder being forfeit cards. 44 x 3 in. 120. "Who Buys P" Pack of 42, comprising 6 "tradesman" cards and 36 smaller ones which illustrate the articles in which they deal. The former are "Mr. Hatter," "Mr. Poulterer," "Mr. Sailor," " Mr. Soldier," " Mr. Publican " and " Mr. Artist." With card of directions. 31 x 24 in. 1 x 2~ in. ENGLISH CARDS. 175 121. "Wishing and Guessing." Pack of 20 printed cards, each bearing a list of ten objects to be wished for. Half are printed in black and half in red. With sheet of directions and original wrapper lettered " Dean's New Wishing Cards or the Secret Told." 24 x 41 in. 122. Pack of 32, in four sets of 8 each, which bear respectively the royal arms and crown, the arms and crest of the Prince of Wales, the badge and star of the Order of the Garter, and the arms and mitre of the Archbishop of Canterbury. With two duplicates. Backs decorated with a gold pattern on a green ground. 34 x 24 in. 123. Pack of 46, on the first of which is represented the royal crown and on the rest the coronets of the English peerage and helmets of baronets, knight and esquires. On each is printed the number of " votes " it is worth. 34 x 24 in. 124. Pack of 51, bearing representations of various English coins from sixpence to half-a-guinea, with their values printed below and the royal crown above. A card of the " Rules of the new Game of Patch " accompanies the pack, but has no connection with it. 3a x 22 in. 125. Eighteen cards, repetitions of five engraved and coloured fancy subjects, viz. a mausoleum, an altar, a lamp, a serpent and a crescent moon. Without inscriptions. 34 x 24 in. 126. Comic. Pack of 56, with a variety of domestic and other subjects humorously treated. There are fourteen designs, each of which appears on four cards. The first is a man playing a flute, with the title " Away with Melancholy." Without title. 34 x 23 in. (b.) For Cartomancy. 127. "The Gipsey's Last Legacy, or new Pack of FortuneTelling Cards." Pack of 26 printed cards, 13 for telling the fortunes of ladies, and 13 of gentlemen. The former have a large letter L in the centre, the latter a G. In pasteboard case bearing the above title, with a vignette of Sir Joshua Reynolds's "Fortune Teller," and the address of J. Wallis and J. Wallis, jun. 5 x 3 in. 176 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 128. "Grand Charm." Pack of 29, printed in blue, with burlesque Chinese figures and fortune-telling sentences on 22 of them; the first card has the title with a comic figure of a Chinaman, and the last six are forfeit cards. 3- x 21 in. 129. Dreams; c. 1840. Pack of 38 small etched cards, with humorous interpretations of dreams; "If you dream of sitting down to dinner and can get nothing to serve it denotes a scarcity," etc. 21 x 1i in. 130. "The Dreamer." Etched direction card belonging to a pack apparently resembling the preceding; published by Rock Brothers and Payne. 21 x 31 in. 131. A single card (No. 18) belonging to a printed pack containing fortune-telling sentences. 3I x 2- in. (c.) For Conjuring. 132. "Arithmeticus," 1809. Pack of six engraved cards, each containing 32 numerals in four columns. With printed card of explanation, bearing the address of R. and E. Williamson. 33 x 21 in. 133. "Magic Swans." Set of six cards, on each of which is a figure of a swan holding a long banderole inscribed with 32 numerals. With original wrapper which bears on the inside "Directions to Play," and on the outside the title "The Magic Swans or Feather'd Conjurers, who will discover any secret Number or Age of any Person in Company," with the address of G. Martin. 21 x 3U in. 134. "Jonathan Hocus Pocus." Set of six etched and coloured cards, of which the first is a figure of a magician, and the rest have each two burlesque figures arranged diagonally. Without inscriptions. In original wrapper, on which is a figure of "Jonathan Hocus Pocus, Prince of Conjurers," with address of G. Martin. ENGLJISH CARDS. 177 ENGJ~LSII CADS 177 (d.) For Instructive Games. 135. History of England. " Historical Pope Joan," 1822. Pack of 33 printed cards, with medallion woodcuts of English sovereigns, from William the Conqueror to George III, attributed to Bewick. In original pasteboard case, lettered "The Cards for Playing Wallis's New Game of Historical Pope Joan," etc. 41 x 24 in. 136. History of England; recent. "Royal Old Maid." Pack of 69, with woodcut portraits of the kings and queens, from William I to the present Prince and Princess of Wales. With card of instructions which bears the address of C. Robinson, 8 Baker Street, London. In original pasteboard case, on which is a portrait of Queen Elizabeth and the title "Reichardt's Historical Game Royal Old Maid." 38 x 21 in. 137. History of England. "The Royal Cards"; recent. Pack of 40, one representing the Commonwealth, four the dynasties of the Normans, Plantagenets, Tudors and Stuarts, and thirty-five the sovereigns of England from William I to Victoria; at the bottom of each card is a statement of the leading events of the reign, with an illustration of one of them. Executed in chromolithography. With sheet of instructions in English and French, and original wrapper. 38 X 2 in. 138. History of France; 1830. Pack of 78, of which seventy-two give facts relating to the kings of France from Pharamond to Louis Philippe, and the remaining six their portraits. Each of the former has a square frame containing one or more fleurs-de-lis, and they are in six series, printed in as many different colours. With six metal pools and a book of directions bearing the address of E. Wallis. In original pasteboard case. 3- x 2- in. 139. Geography. Counties of England; 1799. Pack of 52 printed cards, giving the extent, chief towns, products, etc., of the counties of England and Wales. With sheet of directions. In original pasteboard case lettered " The Geography of England and Wales, accurately delineated on 52 Cards," etc., with the address of J. Wallis. 443 x 3 in. N 178 CA TALOGVE OF CARDS. 140. Geography. Counties of England; c. 1830. Pack of 103 printed cards, giving information respecting the counties of England and Wales. Each county has two cards, one containing an account of it, the other a list of its chief towns. One of the Northumberland cards is missing. In original pasteboard case, on one side of which are the rules of the game, and on the other the title " A New Game of British Geography, interspersed with Historical Anecdotes... by C. A. S. Printed and sold by S. Low, 42 Lamb's Conduit Street." 141. Geography. "Counties of England"; modern. Pack of 61, comprising fourteen county cards and forty-seven picture cards illustrating their towns. With two extra cards, one giving the rules of the game, the other the key. 31 x 21 in. 142. Geography and Astronomy. "Astrophilogeon"; 1828. Pack of 60 engraved cards, consisting of thirty terrestrial and thirty celestial maps. Edges gilt. In original pasteboard case lettered " Astrophilogeon, a Game of Science and Amusement. Published by C. Hodges, 27 Portman Street, Portman Square, 1828." 37 x 21 in. 143. Music. "Pope Joan," by E. E. Thomas; c. 1830. Pack of 59, giving the musical notes and their respective rests in all their characters from the semibreve to the demisemiquaver. On the first card is an engraved trophy, formed of a harp suspended by a ribbon, with other instruments and a musit book. In original pasteboard case bearing the address of Chappell & Co. 3i x 21 in. 144. Music. "Cassino and Commerce," by E. E. Thomas; 1830. Pack of 70, belonging to the same series and of the same character as the preceding. The first card is " A new Table of Musical Characters," and the second an engraved trophy of musical instruments. With book of instructions. In original pasteboard case bearing the address of Chappell & Co. 145. Religion and Science; late 18th century. Pack of 60 printed cards, each containing a question or an answer on some religious or scientific subject. With sheet of Rules of the Game, bearing the address of W. Calvert, Great Shire Lane, Lincoln's Inn. 31 x 21 in. 146. Riddles; 1796. Forty-three oards from a set of over 100, rudely painted in water-colours with a variety of subjects which profess ENGLISH CARDS. 179 to be riddles to be guessed. One represents a franked letter, dated January 1796 and addressed to Miss Howard, Ashtead Park, Epsom. All are numbered at the back, and two cards containing lists of those found out and not found out accompany them. 31 x 21 in. (e.) For Instruction only. 147. Bible. "The Sabbath a Delight, or Bible Pictures and Stories for the Family; by M. M. Gordon." 46 cards printed in colours, with 26 smaller ones bearing letters of the alphabet. With sheet of directions. 3 X 43 in. 1I x 21 in. 148. Bible. Mrs. Carus Wilson's Scripture Questioning Cards, No. 1. 51 printed cards, with key. 149. Bible. Mrs. Carus Wilson's Scripture Questioning Cards, No. 2. 50 printed cards, with key. 150. Bible. Mrs. Carus Wilson's Scripture Questioning Cards, No. 3. 51 printed cards, with key. 151. Bible. "Sunday Evening Recreation for Young People." 60 printed cards containing scripture questions. With title card and " key " card. In original pasteboard case, bearing address of John F. Shaw. 152. Religion. "Conversations from Paley on Natural Theology." 41 printed cards, with title and book of directions. In original pasteboard case, bearing address of W. & H. Rock. 153. Religion and Poesy. "The Sacred Oracle, a moral and instructive Pastime." 52 printed cards, each containing a text of scripture and some verses. With card of directions. In original pasteboard case which bears the address of W. & H. Rock. 154. Mythology. "Pantheon or Heathen Mythology"; 18th century. 46 engraved cards, illustrating the fables of antiquity. The first is "Adonis," the last "Vulcan." With title-card. On the back of each card is a MS. account of the subject in French. In original pasteboard case on which is a group of the heathen divinities with the title " Mythology." 33 x 23 in. N 2 180 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 155. History. Sovereigns of England; early 18th century. Set of 30, with whole-length woodcut portraits of kings of England from William I to George I. Each card has a verse of four lines at the bottom, that on the first commencing, "William a spurious branch of Rollo's race," etc. 34 x 24 in. 156. History. Sovereigns of England. John Harris's " Liliputian History of England;" late 18th century. Imperfect set of 32 with woodcut medallion portraits of the kings of England from William I to George III, each accompanied by ten or twelve lines of verses and explanatory notes (the Queen Anne card is missing). With two extra printed cards, one giving the " order of succession," the other a list of Harris's publications. 44 x 24 in. 157. History. Sovereigns of England. "Historical cards exhibiting the History of England;" published by J. Wallis, late 18th century. Imperfect pack of 30, with small I coloured woodcut medallions of the kings and queens of England, accompanied by letterpress accounts of them (the Charles I and James II cards are missing). In much injured original pasteboard case, which bears the above title. 37 x 24 in. 158. History. Sovereigns of England. Complete pack of 32, closely resembling the last, the letterpress being the same but the medallions different. In original pasteboard case bearing the same title. 3X x 22 in. 159. History. Sovereigns of England. "Historical cards exhibiting the History of England"; published by John Wallis, late 18th century. Pack of 36, engraved land coloured, with whole-length figures of kings and queens of England, and the same verses as in No. 155. The first card is "Ancient Britons," and the last " George Prince of Wales " (afterwards George IV). In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. 34 x 2i in. 160. History of England. " Historical cards printed for the use of Miss Bradley's School, Priory, Lincoln;" early 19th century. Set of 15 printed cards containing an epitome of the history of England. In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. EKAGLISH CARDS. 181 161. History of France. "Historical cards composed for the use of Miss Bradley's Pupils, Priory, Lincoln"; early 19th century. Set of 14 printed cards containing an epitome of the history of France. In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. 162. E. Harding's " Chronological Abridgement of the History of France," printed at Frogmore Lodge, 1811; on 66 cards. In original pasteboard case. 163. E. Harding's " Chronological Abridgement of the History of Germany," printed at Frogmore Lodge, 1810; on 71 cards. In original pasteboard case. 164. E. Harding's " Chronological Abridgement of the History of Spain," printed at Frogmore Lodge, 1809; on 32 cards. In original pasteboard case. 165. E. Harding's " Chronological Abridgment of the History of Portugal," printed at Frogmore Lodge, 1817; on 50 cards. (No. 45 is missing and a duplicate of 46 has been substituted.) In original pasteboard case. 166. E. Harding's " Chronological Abridgment of the History of Ancient Rome," printed at Frogmore Lodge, 1817; on 46 cards. In original pasteboard case. 167. History. Ancient Rome. " Historical cards exhibiting the Roman History;" published by John Wallis, late 18th century. Pack of 28 with coloured medallions; belonging to the same series as No. 157. In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. 168. History. Ancient Greece. "Historical Cards exhibiting the Grecian History," published by John Wallis; late 18th century. Pack of 32 belonging to the same series as the last. In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. 169. Geography. " A Geographical Description of the World on 32 cards, Embellished with the Dresses of the various Nations"; late 18th century. Set of 32, with engraved and coloured roundels containing costume figures. In original pasteboard case bearing the above title. 170. Alphabet. G. Tytler's " The Pictorial A. B. C. "; 1822. Set of 28, engraved with a variety of subjects, each of which takes the form of a letter. With a printed card containing a list of the subjects and also a sheet of description. Letter A (a peasant training a vine) bears the address " London Published by G. Tytler No. 46 Essex St., Strand July 1, 1822." In original pasteboard case. 182 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 171. Alphabet; late 18th century. Set of 24 square cards, each having a small coarse woodcut in the centre with letter and sentence above, printed in red; "A was an Admiral over the Main," etc. 172. Phrenology. Vol. 1 of Mrs. L. Miles's " Casket of Knowledge," dedicated to the Duchess of Kent and Princess Victoria; published by Ackermann & Co. 1835. Set of 40 printed cards, with title card and embossed head. Enclosed in small box made to resemble a book. 173. Dancing. " Paine of Almack's Quadrilles." A set of 16 printed cards containing French descriptions of fashionable dances; published at H. Falkner's opera music warehouse, 3 Old Bond St. In red cardboard case. 174. Costumes. Set of 40 engraved plates of costumes of men and women, ancient, mediaeval and modern, down to the period of publication, the end of the 17th century. Each contains a single figure, without inscription. Numbered throughout I-XL. 31 x 17 in. AMERICAN. 1. Boston. Waterproof Playing Card Co. Imperfect pack of 50 circular cards, with Joker. The missing cards are the 9 and 10 of spades. In cardboard case. 3 in. diameter. 2. Chicago. "World's Fair Souvenir Playing Cards." Complete pack of 52, with Joker and title card. On every card is a view of some portion of the Chicago Exhibition, 1893. In cardboard case lettered "Designed and Lithographed by Winter's Art Lithograph Co. Finished by the John T. Story Co. Chicago." 3A x 21 in. 3. Chicago. "Columbian Souvenir Playing Cards." Complete pack of 52, with Joker. On every card is a view of some part of the Chicago Exhibition, 1893. In cardboard case inscribed " Columbian Souvenir Playing Card Co. Chicago, Illinois." 31 x 22 in. AMERICAN CARDS. 183 AMUERICAN CARDS.13 4. New York. A. H. Caffee, 1888. " Political Comic Playing Cards." Complete pack of 52 with Joker and "key" cards. The court cards are portraits of American politicians and the Joker represents " Harrison knocking Cleveland out." Backs decorated with a view of the Capitol at Washington and portraits. In original cardboard case. 31- x 2- in. 5. New York. A. Dougherty; modern. "Foster's Self-Playing Whist Cards," 1st series. Complete pack of 52, with two extra cards of explanation, and a sheet of illustrations. In original cardboard case. 3- x 2- in. 6. New York. A. Dougherty; modern. " Polo Playing Cards, No. 80." In original wrapper and cardboard case. 7. New York. A. Dougherty; modern. " Dougherty's Indicators," No. 50. In original wrapper and cardboard case. 8. New York. The Joker belonging to a pack made by the New York Consolidated Card Co. 9. Anonymous; modern. Complete Euchre pack of 32, with burlesque figures of Chinamen on the court cards. The suitmarks are cats, frogs, sparrows and dragons. Printed in gold on a black ground. In original black and gold cardboard case lettered " Euchre," "Bijou Stationery," and " Registered and entered at Stationers' Hall." 4- x 25 in. INDIAN. 1. Hindoo pack of 96 circular lacquered cards, divided into eight suits. In wooden box decorated with flowers and gilt. Modern. 17 in. diameter. 2. Set of 12 circular red cards, all of one suit and apparently forming part of a set similar to the last. 1 in. diameter. 184 CfATALOGUEI OF CA RDS. JAVANESE. 1. An Ombre pack of the Spanish type, executed in water colours by a native artist. The suitmarks are Spanish, and the court cards modern European characters. The 5 of bastos is missing. 3i x 1I in. JAPANESE. 1. Pack of 48, lacquered in colours, the subjects chiefly flowers and birds, which form 12 suits emblematical of the months. In deal box with glass top. Modern. 2. Two packs of 48 each, similar to the preceding. In card-board box, on the lid of which is a view of a manufactory, with Japanese inscriptions: " Officially sanctioned by the authorities superintending farmers and merchants. The trade mark registered," etc. Modern. 3.:. Two packs of 48 each, of similar make to the preceding, but with entirely different designs. In deal box. 2 x 11 in. 4. Two packs of 100 each, all having studies of plants, etc., executed in gold on a green ground, with gold backs. Across the face of every card is an inscription in Japanese handwriting. In paper wrappers and a black lacquered deal box. Modern. 31 x 21 in. CHINESE. 31 x 1 in. Collection of modern packs acquired by the testator from Mr'. W. H. Wilkinson of H. M. China Consular Service, who has kindly furnished the following notes and descriptions. The packs contained in this collection were procured during the year 1889-90 from Canton, Swatow, and Foochow in South China, from Ningho and Shanghai on the central sea-board, from Peking in the north, from Kiukiang and Ichang in mid-China, and from Chungking in the far west. Thus they may be taken as fair representatives of this curious CIINESE CARDS. 185 class of playing cards, a class concerning which nothing but baseless conjecture has hitherto been published in Europe. The first point to be noticed in respect to them is that no distinction is made in China between cards proper and what we should regard as dominoes. The term for both is p'ai (pronounced 'pie' as in Tipperary), and pasteboard cards are simply "paper p'ai " in contradistinction to bamboo, wooden, bone, or ivory p'ai. The same game can be had at any seat of luxury, such as Canton or Shanghai, either in the form of coarsely printed slips of pasteboard or as ivory and ebony tablets half an inch thick, neatly fitted into a sandalwood box. [See Hwahaw Nos. 2 and 3.] For some games, as the universally popular one of T'ienkiu (Tenquew) or " Heaven and Nines," tablets seem preferred to paper slips; for others, such as Chiimap'ao (Keemapow)-" Rook, Knight and Cannon" — pasteboard is generally used. [See Nos. 9-14.] In England, as practically throughout Europe, one kind of playing card has swallowed up all others; but in China packs of very different style and origin contrive to exist side by side. Some of these, indeed, are local [See Nos. 30-33], if a pack used throughout a district as broad as Spain can be described as local, while others are found all over the Empire. An examination of the specimens in the present collection will show that Chinese cards derive their designs or their use from at least four distinct sources, namely (1) dice, (2) chessmen, (3) coins, and (4) a set form of words. 1. If any one sufficiently interested in the matter will take a pair of dice and throw them sufficiently often, he will find that 21 different results can thus be obtained. These combinations the Chinese, with affectionate solicitude, have christened as follows:1. Double sixes, "heaven." a. Four and five nis. 2.,, aces I, 'earth." b. Three and six J " e 3., fours 4, "man." c. Two and six \ 4. Ace and three ~, "harmony" or d. Three and five-J ' "the geese." e. Three and four 3,, 5. Double fives 5, "plums." f. Two and five sevens C.,, threes 3, "long threes" or g. One and four "fiv "door chain." h. Two and threeJ e 7. Double twos ], "the bench." i. Two and four 2, "bighead six." 8. Five and six -, "tiger's head" or j. One and two 2, "three chickens." " the chopper." 9. Four and six -4, "the screen." 10. Ace and six, "the water bucket." 11. Ace and five ~, "the hammer." The first eleven of these are known as "civilians," the last ten (Nos. a-j) as the military, and the order in which they are here given is the order of their value, which it is of great importance to remember. It is, in fact, one of the earliest pieces of useful information acquired by the young idea, of either sex, in China. 186 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. This order (except that 2 sometimes counts before 4) is the same for both dice and dominoes: indeed it seems open to considerable doubt whether we should not, from the peculiar standpoint of the Chinese, regard dice, equally with dominoes, as playing cards. As this seems to verge on paradox it shall not be pressed, but it may be conveniently noted here that Chinese dice are sold not in pairs but in sets of six, and that the ace and four spot are coloured red, the other spots black. Both peculiarities are copied into the dominoes or cards derived from them. [See Nos. 1-8.] 2. Chinese chess requires a commander-in-chief (chiang or shway), two aides (shih), two elephants (hsiang), two chariots (chii), two horses (ma), two cannons (p'ao), and five soldiers (tsu or ping). The first five correspond, some imperfectly, some exactly, to our king, queen, bishop, rook, and knight respectively, the last to our pawns; the cannon has no counterpart in the European game. The various pieces are not distinguished, as with us, by carved conventional figures, but are merely so many draughtsmen, as it were, labelled each with its name in a single word or " character." These characters are borrowed by the cardmakers as marks for their cards, so that in a game like Keemapow [Nos. 10, 11] we have 4 packs of 28 cards, being the king, queen, bishop: rook, knight, cannon: and pawn, in 4 colours. The name Keemapow, properly Chiimap'ao, is simply " rook, knight, and cannon." 3. Until this present year (1890) no Chinese Government has succeeded in passing into currency any coin except the base compound of copper, lead, and sand known to foreigners as the cash. This coin, worth in the provinces about I-th of a penny, is some three-fourths of an inch in diameter, with a square hole in the centre, above and below and on either side of which is a character or word. The hole is for convenience in stringing the cash together, a thousand of the cash so strung being called a tiao or " string." Cards would originally, in China at all events, have been so many tokens representing sums of money, for which, and with which, the gamblers were playing. Each then would be labelled as representing one, two, or more cash, or so many tens, hundreds, thousands, or even myriads, of cash. From this to the use of cash, and their decimal multiples tens, hundreds, strings, and myriads, as mere marks of suits, resembling our diamonds or the German bells, would be but a step. Hence in games like Khanhoo, which we should be inclined to regard (from their general diffusion) as indigenous to China and of some antiquity, cash, myriads and strings appear, in one form or another, as simple suit-marks [See Nos. 15-25]. We say, in one form or another, because while the suits of cash and strings are represented pictorially, by a conventional arrangement corresponding to, for instance, our,% for the five of diamonds, the suit of myriads is indicated by its character 3 (wan) preceded by a numeral, much as H.9 stands with us for the nine of hearts. 4. The " set form of words," which is a favourite device of West of China cardmakers, varies with the pack. It will be found more fully explained below, in the description of packs 30-33. CHINESE CADS. 187 The backs of pasteboard cards of the better kind are a plain black, white, orange, maroon, or other colour [See Nos. 8, 13, 16, 18, 22, 27, 28; 12; 10, 29; 11, 17, 23]; those with patterns appear to be of inferior manufacture [See Nos. 4-7, 9, 21]. This, however, may be merely a question of local taste. In Western China larger and longer cards are used, smeared on both sides with a somewhat sickly oil [Nos. 4-7, 25, 30-33]. To guard against the possibility of marked backs, cautious players employ a small card-holder of pewter or other material so shaped that the top card only can be seen; then they draw from the bottom [See specimen accompanying No. 14]. " Squeezers "-cards with marginal marks to show suit and value-are largely used in China, where they are called for by the wiliness of the players and the fact that constantly fifteen, and often twenty, cards have to be held in the hand, not merely at the beginning but throughout the game. We are speaking here of pasteboard cards; cards of bamboo or bone, being used in play in the same manner as our dominoes, would not require such marks, or have room for them. In pasteboard backs based on dice, such as Hwahaw [Nos. 3, 4] there is not much necessity for a squeezer mark, as the domino is given at the head and foot of each card. Nevertheless, in a pack procured from Ichang [No. 4], this is done by giving " doubles " a red margin, " illuminated " a black, and " singles" no margin at all. In the same way packs founded on chess should not require the mark, since the value of the card is expressed by a single "character" at either end [Nos. 10-13]. Yet in one pack bought in Foochow [No. 14] marks are found similar to those used for Khanhoo cards, thus King (no mark) Queen Bishop Rook -' -- '-X -- Knight Cannon Pawn The squeezer marks for Khanhoo cards vary, both as regards suits and pips, in different packs. Thus we findPeking Foochow Canton Kiukiang Chungking [19]. [20]. [22]. [24]. [26]. Strings OE U Myriads Cash 188 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [No. 24]. Suitmark W Suitmark.~ - Peking [19]. doubled. trebled. i [ Canton [22]. AU-W M - Foochow [20]. - L i 1 W X'SZ U I 'lT N W Singapore. -L m 1. a b e Chullgking [26]. One Khanhoo pack from Peking [No. 18] varies for both pips and suits. It will be noticed that the above examples show through their apparent diversity a certain uniformity, from which it may be fairly inferred that the squeezer marks for pip numbers had a common origin. This is most noticeable in the mark for the 7 spot, a kind of saw edge, which we have found to also mark the pawn, No. 7 in the chess series. But other numeral marks are almost equally constant: the end acute angle for 3, the central double semicircle for 4, the double full circle for 5, the double end line for 6, and the central upward semicircle for 8. The ace is denoted by a clip in one corner, the 9 by a single end line. The 2 shows the greatest diversity, but usually varies with the 5, of which it gives one-half. The maker'sfirm name, or shop sign, is not confined to one card in the pack. In a Khanhoo set [No. 20] it appears on each of the aces (these include the coat cards " Whiteflower," "Redflower," and "Old Thousand "), and on the two Jokers-the term will be explained presently. Old Thousand in this pack is a very elaborate affair. Besides the maker's sign Ta Li, it contains the legend, " Pray spare printed paper," and the very oriental warning to imitators, "Who counterfeits Ta Li, may his sons be thieves and his daughters —." In a similar pack [No. 22] the maker's family name Yeh ("a leaf"-the surname of the celebrated Commissioner Yeh) appears on every card except the five Jokers. On Whiteflower is the inscription " at the old sign Yeh, faithfully and tastefully executed." On the ace of cash is printed "Yeh family," on the other, "c senior branch." In another pack [No. 29] the style and address are distributed over three cards; the address, Chianglan Street, Canton, on the 6 of cash, the style Lu Ki (" stags ") on the 9 of myriads, and the sign Tung Hwa Chai (" the Eastern Nest of Culture ") on one of the aces. In a chess pack [No. 12] the style Yuan Hing appears in full on the kings of the four colours, while all the other red and yellow cards have Yuan and all green and white, fling. In a domino pack [No. 5] the address is or CHINESE CARDS. 189 given on the I, I, - 2 and 4. In a Chungking pack [No. 7] the style (Ch'ing Ch'en Chai, —" Nest of Pure Officials ") is on the bordered X. Certain cards bear besides inscriptions of two or three characters, as on Old Thousand [No. 22], "to all under heaven, peace in the highest." Others [Nos. 17 and 23] carry a couplet on the Old Thousand. The suit of myriads is almost invariably marked by grotesquely drawn heads, which are said to be those of celebrated gamblers. The names for some of them [see Nos. 16, 20, 29] seem fairly constant (the 7 is Ch'in Ming, the 9 Lei or Lei Weng, the 4 Tza Chin), others, like the 3 (Ta Li or Kwan Sheng) are variously given. One pack [No. 29] is marked in this way throughout. Behind these uncouth names must be hidden a sheaf of old-time stories, some forgotten, others recoverable by wide and patient inquiry. There is always difficulty, however, in ferreting out information concerning Chinese playing cards, as the literary class affect to despise them —while freely using thelm-and there is, it would seem, no native memoir on the subject. The last peculiarity to be noted here is the employment in most Chinese games of certain additional cards, which have no suit or value of their own, but can be used to take the place of any one card required, much as in Primero the knave of hearts " might be made any card or suit" (Cavendish, Card Essays). These are known to the Chinese as " golds," being originally two extra suit cards distinguished by a blot of gold, or by the word gold impressed upon them [see No. 13]. They will be described here as atouts or jokers. In one Khanhoo pack from Foochow [No. 20] there are only the original two of these; another similar pack from Peking [No. 19] contains six. Two chess packs (from Canton and Swatow, Nos. 10, 11) and one fine Khanhoo pack [No. 22] have five each: in this case the Five Blessings, Posterity, Promotion, Long Life, Happiness, and Wealth, a curious parallel to the naibis or emblematic cards of mediaeval Italian packs. A domino pack (bone tablets, No. 2) from Ningpo has six blanks, serving much the same purpose; another from Shanghai (pasteboard, No. 3) has three. To take now the several packs [Nos. 1-33] in order: 1. Cards derived from Dice. i. T'ienkiu (Tenquew): " Heavens and Nines [No. 1]. Pack No. 1. In a tin box, containing 32 dominoes (cards), namely two each of the eleven " civilians" (page 2, supra), and one each of the ten "military." The name is derived from the highest obtainable quartette, viz., a, e-, 4, - (e.g., "heavens," 6, and "nines," or ). [Note.-The method of play in this and the following games, though highly interesting, is omitted in this paper, which is confined to a description of the cards themselves.] 190 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. ii. Huaho (Hwahaw): " Flower Harmony " [Nos. 2-4]. No. 2. In a wooden box (from Ningpo), containing 126 bone and blackwood tablets (cards) and six similar blanks. The game consists of the 21 Tenquew cards (page 2) (1) plain (2) illuminated (3) doubled, three of the first, two of the second, and one only of the third. There are thus 3 X 21, or 63, plain, 42 illuminated, and 21 doubled, together with the six blanks, which serve the purpose of Jokers. These 21 suits (for such they almost are) are divided into three classes: (a). Small cards: "fives" (1, 2-); "sevens" (I, 2); "eights" (-, ]); and "shorts" (a, a;, 4). (b). Middle cards: " long twos " (); "long threes " (); " plums" (a). (c). Great cards: 5,, 4,; -, 1 2 4 The rationale of this division will be at once clear on reference back to the order of the Tenquew cards. The " great " cards are the first four civilians and the first two and last two military (the last two forming the highest pair in the pack), the middle cards are the three other doubles, and the " small" cards are the remainder. No. 3. Pasteboard pack (Shanghai) blue-figured backs; the 126 Hwahaw cards and three jokers (cards bearing a portrait only). The "illuminated " cards bear a portrait, not, as in the case of Nos. 2 and 4, a coarse spray of flowers. No. 4. Pasteboard pack (Ichang), oiled paper, figured backs; the 126 cards only, no jokers. The "doubled" cards bear a portrait instead of being, as in Nos. 2 and 3, actually doubled. iii. Variations of Hwahaw [Nos. 5-7]. No. 5. From Ichang, oiled paper, figured backs similar to No. 4. There are only five cards of each of the 21 Tenquew kinds, instead of six; there is no distinction of "flowered" and "doubled," but the "great" cards-which are the first four civilians and the last three military(2, ~, -) -bear a portrait. Total = 105. No. 6. From Chungking, oiled paper, dotted backs; 111 cards, viz., five each of the 21 kinds (four plain cards and one bordered), and six jokers (four of one kind and one each of two other kinds). No. 7. From Chungking, oiled paper, maroon plain backs. Seven each of the 21 kinds (four of the seven illuminated, three plain). Total = 147. [Note.-Of the - illuminated there are only three, while of the - illuminated there are five-clearly a mistake in putting up the pack. iv. Canton domino pack [No. 8]. No. 8. This contains the 21 Tenquew cards simply quadrupled, without further marks of difference. The game is played on a different principle to Hwahaw. CHIVESE CARDS. 191 CHNS CADS 191 2. Cards derived from Chessmen. v. Chilmapow (Keemapow) -"Rook, Knight, and Cannon" [Nos. 9-14]. No. 9. Swatow pack, narrow cards curved in middle, faint pattern on back. Comprises eight each of the first six cards (king, queen, bishop: rook, knight, cannon) in both white and black, and ten each of the pawns. No jokers. Total =116. No. 10. Canton pack of 112 cards and 5 "golds" or jokers, plain maroon backs (Total =117). In a small box: 4 each of the 7 chessmen in 4 colours, red and yellow and green and white. (The red and yellow bear the marks of the black chessmen-shway for king and ping for pawn, besides slightly altered characters for the other pieces; the green and white reproduce the names of the white-or red-men, as chiang and tsu for king and pawn respectively. It may be noted in passing that Chinese writers on chess, and Chinese makers of chessmen, continually reverse this arrangement, their only constant object being to keep the pieces of one side, whether black or white, distinct from those of the other). The jokers (the Five Blessings) are coloured red. No. 11. Swatow pack precisely similar to the foregoing, but with 5 white jokers. (Note.-Canton and Swatow are in the same province, and both are noted for their playing cards. It is often difficult to tell whether a pack purchased at the one place was not manufactured at the other.) No. 12. Foochow pack of 112 cards, similar to Nos. 10 and 11, but without jokers. Short and thick, white backs. No. 13. From Swatow. Done up in two half packs, black and red. Contains 70 cards, viz., 4 each of the king, queen, bishop: rook, knight, cannon, in red; the same number in black, and 10 each of the red and of the black pawns; and two jokers. These last are marked kin, or gold." No. 14. Foochow pack of 56 cards, viz. 4 each of the 7 red, and as many of the 7 black, men; no jokers. It is for this pack that the cardholder already spoken of [shown with No. 14] was used, a vexatious contrivance designed to do away with all the advantages marked cards afford. This pack, too, is the only one of its kind (so far collected) that shows "squeezer " signs. [Note.-In order to guard against misconception it may be as well to mention here that the object of all Keemapow games is to obtain by exchange a hand which shall consist entirely of certain simple combinations, viz., quartettes, triplets, or pairs (all of the same sign and colour): King, Queen, Bishop or Rook, Knight, Cannon (always of the same colour), and four Pawns (of four different colours). Only in this very rudimentary sense can there be said to be suits in these games, viz., the two, or four, colours.] 192 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 3. Cards derived from Coins. vi. K'anhu ("Khanhoo "). No. 15. A specimen of a pack as purchased at a shop, in its box with the wrappings unopened. No. 16. The game in its simplest form. (A Canton pack, plain black backs). There are three suits, Cash, Strings, and Myriads, each of 9 cards, from the ace to the nine spot; and three additional cards, "Redflower," "Whiteflower," and "Old Thousand." These last three which, under some name or other, are found in every Khanhoo pack, fairly correspond to our " coat" or court cards (king, queen and knave) except that they belong to no suit and are equal among themselves. The total of this pack is 3 X 9 + 3, or 30. No. 17. The more usual form of the game, namely the set of 30 cards (as in No. 16) quadrupled, with certain jokers (in this case the Five Blessings). Plain maroon backs; from Canton. No. 18. A curious pack from Peking; dull black backs. The 30 cards simply quadrupled, without jokers. The peculiarity consists in the squeezer marks which differ for pips as well as for suits. No. 19. Also from Peking; large cards, with green figured backs. The 30 cards quadrupled, with six jokers. No. 20. From Foochow. Short square cards, black pattern on back. The same number of cards as Nos. 17-19, but with only two jokers. No. 21. A Swatow pack, narrow grey curved cards with figured backs. The suit names are strings, cakes and rouleaux, and ace of rouleaux is represented by the card "myriad rouleaux." " Whiteflower" and " redflower" are as usual, but " old thousand " is replaced by a card bearing the character shih, "reality." There are some irregularities in the pack. Thus, though there are 4 each of all other cards, there are only three aces of cakes, and three 6's of rouleaux, while on the other hand there are six 7's of rouleaux. Chinese carelessness is probably to blame. No. 22. A very superior pack, from Canton. Black backs, rounded edges. The usual 120 cards (4 times 30), together with 5 jokers (the Blessings, in colours). No. 23. Precisely similar to No. 17, only far narrower. Also from Canton. No. 24. From Kiukiang. Large cards, with honeycomb pattern on back. The 5 jokers (the Blessings) are marked at top and bottom in red, by way of squeezer sign. " Redflower " is replaced by " Prince of Mao." No. 25. From Chungking. Similar to No. 24; oiled cards, plain red backs. No jokers. " Redflower " is replaced here by " Wang Ying." Note that one 9 of myriads has been supplied from another pack. [Note.-The suits here are similar to those of Europe, except that (1) there is no 10 spot; (2) there are no court cards; (3) the cards do not take one another.] CHIINESE CARDS. 193 vii. Chungfa. " Hit and Go." No. 26. Box from Ningpo. In tablet (domino) form, bone and blackwood. The game consists, like Khanhoo, of the ace to the 9 in three suits, cakes (= cash), strings, and myriads, all quadrupled. The places of Redflower, Whiteflower, and Old Thousand, however, are taken by four each of the following cards, North, South, East, West [or, as the Chinese have it, East, South, West, North], Chung ["a hit"] and Fa [" go "]. There are, in addition, eight blanks, four only of which are as a rule used in play. Thus the total number of cards in a Chungfa pack is 4 (3 X 9 + 8) or 140, 136 of which are to be used. viii. Liehchih (Learchur). No. 27. A pack of 38 cards, black backs. There are 4 suits, tens, rouleaux, strings, and cash. The cards (in the four hand game) are arranged and rank as follows: tens: " hundred sons," 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. rouleaux: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. strings: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. cash: "prince of Mao," "stagflower," " ace of cash," 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The figures are conventional. No. 28. Similar to the above. No. 29. Orange backs. "Prince of Mao" and "Stagflower" are replaced by Lin Ch'ung and Wang Ying, and "Hundred Sons" by "Hundred Myriads." These three packs are from the Hakka districts above Swatow and Canton. The peculiarity of the game (so unlike the general rule in China as to suggest a foreign origin) is that (1) there are four suits, not three; (2) the cards take one another. 4. Cards derived from some set form of Words. No. 30. Most, if not all, Chinese small boys commence their writing lesson with the following twenty-five characters:~ k A?t E: {;.t f -tL + ~ $5 W IS A k )FL ^ t *k A T L 6 E - t. 1, % ift AA T ft ft A vague meaning may be twisted out of this: "Of old the great man Confucius converted three thousand and seventy [two] disciples; if you youths, eight or nine students, will becomingly practice humanity you will learn ceremonial." This meaning, however, such as it is, has nothing to do with the application of the rigmarole to playing cards in the Upper Valley of the Yangtse. For all practical purposes the twentyfive letters of the French alphabet would do equally well. No. 30 comes from Ichang. It consists of cards marked with one of the first twentyo 194 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. one of these characters, six of each (except one, the "becomingly," of which there are seven), together with three additional cards, marked respectively "happiness," " promotion," and "old age" (three of the Five Blessings). The first and every third card after it is printed in red, the rest are in black. The forms of the characters are conventional in the extreme-legible in many cases only to the initiated. In fact it was only prolonged search and the offer of a quite disproportionate reward that succeeded in deciphering them in Southern China. The cards, like all from the West, are made of oiled paper. No. 31, Similar to No. 30. There are five each of the first eighteen characters, of the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, of the three characters for "two," "four" and "six," and of one other character, the "two" in a common variation of our writing lesson, "seventy-two disciples." Like No. 30, this pack has one suit (if such they may be called, " card " would be better) longer than the rest. In this case it is the character for "ten," of which there are six. Three red cards show two portraits and three plain of each [see Hwahaw], and the same is the case with two black cards. No. 32. From Chungking. Oiled cards, red backs. Consists of eight each of the eight characters contained in a familiar prayer:That is, May you have " Long life like the southern hills, happiness as (the broad) east sea." There are in addition eight blanks, bringing the total number of cards in the pack up to 72. No. 33. From Chungking, similar in style to No. 32. The pack is made up of four each of the first ten natural numbers: (1) in their simple form; (2) in their complex-much as if we were to form a pack, of which the cards should be respectively marked:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X The 2, 7, 10, II, VII, X, are printed in red, the rest in black. [Note.-The above four games, Nos. 30-33, are played on much the same principle as Keemapow-the cards do not take one another, but are used to form certain combinations. Consequently they cannot, strictly speaking, be said to belong to any suit.] W. H. WILKINSON, H. M. China Consular Service. Nov. 10, 1890. 34. Pack of 119, of the domino class. Modern. 3* x 1 in. SHEETS: ITALIAN. 195 - SHEETS. These consist mainly of impressions on paper, as printed from the original plates or woodblocks, previous to being cut up and mounted to form packs. In a few instances, in which the cards were to be used chiefly for purposes of instruction, they were published in sheet form. ITALIAN. 1. Cards of 1613. One entire sheet and fragment of another, taken from the binding of an old book; worm-eaten and otherwise injured. The two sheets contained 24 pieces, viz.-the four aces, knaves and kings of each suit and eight pip cards of the suit of swords, the value of each being indicated by letters and numerals placed at either end, as R. D. (Re Danari), F. D. (Fante Danari), S. 5, etc. On each ace the suitmark is held by a gryphon. The 2 of swords bears the date 1613. 34 x 1i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 44.] 2. Roman Tarots. Portions of two sheets, similar in design to the preceding, and having the values indicated in the same way. One contains the knaves of swords and clubs, the knights of coins and clubs, and the 2 and 3 of swords; the other has Nos. 5, 6, 10 and 11 of the atutti, with portions of Nos. 20 and 21. The knave of swords holds a shield charged with the arms of Colonna, and the 2 of swords is inscribed "Alla Colona in Piazza Nicosia," [Rome]. 33 x 24 in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 45.] 3. Minchiate. Florence, 18th century. [Italian PACKS, Nos. 47 -50.] A complete unmounted set of these cards, arranged on two large sheets, each of which has an engraved border. 4. Mitelli's "Giuoco del Passa Tempo." [Italian PACKS, No. 136.] Complete set, printed on four sheets. Stained and injured. 5. Virtues and Vices; c. 1700. [Italian PACKS, No. 138.] Sheet containing the first 25 cards of this game. [S. Vol. III, pl. 29.] 6. Old Testament History; by A. Visentini, 1748. [Italian PACKS, No. 143.] Complete set on two sheets, as originally published, with the title "Pel Trattenimento sopra la Storia Cronologica Sagra e Profana." Each sheet has in the upper corners two ornamental cartouches, each containing an Italian distich. The sheets are numbered "Foglio Quarto," and "Foglio Quinto," showing that they form part of a series. o2 196 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. Backs of Cards. 7. Sheet of four repetitions of one design, a group of Venus, Adonis and Cupid; attached to part of an old book-cover and much injured and defaced. 8. Eight woodcuts of the 16th century, coarsely but artistically executed, and supposed to be decorations for card backs. Four of them have figures of characters in Ariosto's " Orlando Furioso," two represent a lady and a knight on horseback, and the remaining two are panels of ornament. 5 x 31 in. [S. Vol. III, pI. 89.] 9. Sheet of twenty various designs, coarsely executed on wood. Ten of them bear the word " Roma," and six others the Bolognese sign "Al Cigno." 31 x 1I in. 10. Sheet of twenty-three various modern designs, chiefly humorous and fanciful figures. Coarsely executed and coloured. No inscriptions. 4 x 22 in. SPANISH. 1. Cards of 1587. Fragmentary sheet of 24, viz.-the 2-9 of the suits clubs, cups, and coins; faintly printed and coarsely coloured with stencils. On the 3 of clubs and 4 of cups are the initials F. To, and the date 1587 appears on the 2 of cups. The 4 of coins bears a merchant's mark, the 2 has the arms of Leon and Castile, and on the 5 is the usual coin with two heads. 34 x 14 in. [S. Vol. III, pI. 93.] 2. Cards of 1587 (?). Fragmentary sheet of 25, of the same period and style as the preceding. The outlines are invisible, only the coarse stencilled colours remaining. Ten of the subjects are court cards, and the remainder belong to the suits of clubs and swords. 3. Barcelona. A. Llombart, 1822. Twenty-four of a set of Ombre cards, printed on one sheet and coloured, viz.-the twelve court cards, the four aces, the 2-7 of cups, the 4 of coins, and the 3 of clubs. The ace of coins is inscribed " Fca D Anton Llombart Barcena, 1822." Back decorated with small dotted pattern in red. Pi x 2 in. SHEETS: FRENCH. 197 4. Malta. G. Galdes e Co. Complete set of ombre cards, and twelve wrappers, all printed on one sheet, uncoloured. The coin suitmarks are charged with comic heads. The wrappers bear the address of G. Galdes e Co., Valletta, Strada Vescovo No. 120." 34 x 13 in. 5. Eight working proofs of cards for various packs executed at Frankfort for the Spanish market. FRENCH. 1. A. Perrocet; early 16th century. An injured sheet of twenty court cards, viz.-four kings, four queens and two knaves, all repeated once. The knaves have a scroll inscribed " Andre Perrocet," and in one of them are also his initials with a covered cup. The sheet is uncoloured and on each card is a black spot intended as a guide for the insertion of the suitmark with a stencil. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 1.] 2. Fragmentary 16th century sheet, containing twenty cards or portions of cards, all of which are repetitions of two knaves entitled respectively Hector and Lahire. 34 x 2 in. 3. Caen, G. D. Fragmentary sheet of four knaves, each repeated once. Every card has at the bottom "G. -). Caen" and a roundel charged with three fleurs-de-lis. 31 x 2 in. 4. F. P. Sheet of thirty coloured cards for a piquet pack of 36, viz.the whole of the court cards and all the pip cards except those of clubs. The court cards are from the later designs of Gatteaux, coarsely executed. The initials F. P. occur on the shield held by the king of clubs, and the knave bears on his breast a P. 31 x 2 in. 5. Houbigant's "Cartes Royales." Sheet of the twelve court cards representing celebrated characters in French history, viz.Crillon, Jeanne D'Albret, Henri IV, Roland, Hildegarde, Charlemagne, Sire de Joinville, Blanche de Castille, Saint Louis, Bayard, Marguerite de Valois and Fran9ois I. Engraved in aquatint and coloured. Proof signed " A. G. Houbigant Del. et Sculps. 1815." [See French PACKS, Nos. 31-33.] 3 x 2 in. [These cards are fully described by Chatto (p. 257) and Merlin (p. 115).] 198 CA TALOG UE OF CA RDS. 6. Houbigant's "Cartes Royales." [French PACKS, No. 32.] A double set of the court cards of this pack, printed on one sheet. Uncoloured. 7. Fanciful; c. 1840. The suit of spades of a piquet pack, printed on one sheet. The court cards are figures of Satan, a masked lady, and Mephistopheles, and the relative value of the pip cards is indicated by fancy portrait heads of a satanic character. It lithography. Two copies, one coloured. 31 x 2 in. 8. Gatteaux's Empire cards, 1811. [French PACKS, No. 69.] Double set of the court cards, printed on one sheet. Uncoloured impression, without the suitmarks. 9. Gatteaux's later cards, 1813. [French PACKS, No. 25.] Double set of the court cards, printed on one sheet. The badge held by Lancelot bears the date 1813. India proof, without the suitmarks. 10. Gatteaux's cards, 1853. [French PACKS, No. 74.] Double set of the court cards, printed on one sheet. Two uncoloured impressions, one of them a signed proof. 11. Atthalin's cards. [French PACKS, No. 95.] Sheet of twenty; carefully coloured. 12. Duval's "Jeu des Princes de l'Empire d'Alemagne," 1677. Engraved sheet containing complete piquet set of 36. At the top are two cartouches containing the title and author's address, and explanations of the four suits. On each card is given the name of the ruler with a list of the chief towns of one of the principalities of the German Empire. The value is indicated by a suitmark enclosing a numeral and surmounted by a crown, coronet, or hat. The suitmarks are coloured. 31 x 2 in. 13. "Jeu Geographique et Mythologique"; early 19th century. Engraved sheet, divided into four, containing complete piquet set of 32. Each card gives a succinct account of one of the chief countries of the world, the upper part being occupied by a miniature card of the ordinary type, flanked by mythological and emblematical figures on pedestals. Uncoloured. 34 x 24 in. 14. N. de Fer's "Jeu des Illustres Capitaines. Philosophes, Orateurs, et Poetes," Paris, 1672. Engraved sheet of 52, with the title and rules of the game at the top. Each card has a head of some celebrated personage of antiquity, with an account of him. 3i x 11 in. SIEETS: FIENXCIt 199 15. Silvestre's Heraldry; c. 1700. Engraved sheet of 52, with an extra card numbered 53, and a dedication by Silvestre to the Duke of Burgundy. At the top are the rules of the game and the title " Carte Methodique pour apprendre aisement le Blason," etc., and at the bottom "a Paris chez J. Mariette rue St. Jacques aux Colonnes d'Hercule avec privilege du Roy." 34 x 24 in. 16. Daumont's Heraldry. Re-issue of the preceding plate, dedicated by Daumont to the Count D'Artois. The address altered to " chez Daumont rue St. Martin." [S. Vol. II, pl. 37-40.] 17. Military Science. G. de la Boissiere's " Jeu de la Guerre" [French PACKS, No. 158]. Engraved sheet containing the whole of the 52 cards with dedication by Daumont to the young Duke of Berri, and an extra double card, numbered 53, reproducing Antoine Dieu's picture of the Duke of Burgundy before Louis XIV. At the top of the sheet are the title and rules of the game, on the left side a " table alphabetique," and at the bottom "Invente et Dessine par Gilles de la Boissiere Ingenieur ordinaire du Roy et Grave par Pierre le Pautre. A Paris chez Daumont," etc. 32 x 21 in. An earlier state of this plate, as issued by J. Mariette, and dedicated by him to the Duke of Burgundy, is in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 77). 18. Military Science. G. de la Boissiere's " Jeu des Fortifications"; companion sheet to the preceding, containing 52 cards, in which are represented and explained the details of military fortification; with an extra double card giving the ground plan of a " Place complete," and a dedication by Daumont "A l'Illustre Jeunesse elevee dans ]'Ecolle Militaire." At the top of the sheets are the title and rules of the game, at the left side a "table alphabetique," and at the bottom " Invente et dessine par Gilles de la Boissiere Ingenieur du Roy. A Paris chez Dumont," etc. The value of each piece is indicated by a miniature card in upper right corner. [S. Vol. II, pl. 48-51.] An earlier state of this plate, as issued by J. Mariette, with dedication " A l'Illustre Jeunesse eleves dans le College de Louis le Grand," is in the old Museum collection (Willshire, 76). 19. Portraits of Charles of Anjou and the Emperor Frederick II, both kings of Naples. Two engravings elaborately coloured and gilt, and with a club suitmark inserted in upper right corner of each. 41 x 31 in. 200 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 20. "La Barbe Bleue." Engraved sheet of sixteen cards, without suitmarks, illustrating the story of " Blue Beard." Uncoloured. 32 x 2k in. 21. "Le Chat Botte." Engraved sheet of sixteen cards, without suitmarks, illustrating the story of " Puss in Boots." Uncoloured. 3i x 2k in. 22. "Les Grands Diables des Villes et des Champs." Engraved sheet of twelve cards, containing fanciful subjects; no suitmarks. Uncoloured. 31 x 2 in. GERMAN. (a.) With National Suits. 1. Augsburg. Christian Heinrich Ioia; 18th century. Fragmentary sheet containing five perfect and thirteen imperfect cards; the former are the deuce, 8, 9 and 10 of leaves. Down the centre of the sheet is the imperfect inscription in capitals "tian Heinrich Ioia zu Avg." 33 x 21 in. 2. Augsburg. Andreas Romisch;.16th century. "Manner und Weiber Vexier Karten." Two imperfect sheets, printed from the same block, and both containing twenty cards, but each supplying deficiencies in the other. The court cards are figures in the costume of the period, and the pip cards have fancy figures, those on the hearts and bells being male, and those on the leaves and acorns female. All the cards have German inscriptions at the bottom, and across the centre of the sheet is a band of letterpress comprising the title and verses. Coarsely coloured. 3 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 85.] 3. Dresden. Gottfried Timmerman; early 19th century. Engraved sheet containing a complete set of 36 small cards. The kings represent the four quarters of the globe and the aces the four elements. On the 8 of hearts is " Gottfr. Timmerman in Dresden" with a wreath. Uncoloured., 2 x 1 in. 4. Frankfort a/M. H. Hauck; early. Two fragmentary sheets containing pip cards of the suits of bells and leaves. On the 9 of bells is the name " Heinrich Hauck zv Franckfort." 3 x 1 in. [CS_ Vol. If, PI. 81.3 SHEETS: GERMAN. 201 5. Neuburg. V. Arnold, 1819. Bavarian History. [German PACKS, No. 30.] Three sheets containing each nine cards of this pack, viz., the complete suits of hearts, acorns and leaves. Explanations of the subjects are given on the sixes. 33 x 1i in. [S. Vol. IT, pl. 135-8.] 6. Nuremberg. Hans Rumpolt; 16th century. Three fragmentary sheets (with a duplicate) each containing four cards or portions of cards identical in design with Pack No. 3: the perfect pieces being the deuce of hearts, the 3 and upper knave of bells, and the deuce, 3 and under knave of acorns. The deuce of hearts has the arms of Nuremberg with the distich "Wer solche Karten haben wolf, Der find sie bey Hans Rumpolt," and each of the perfect cards has also a German distich. On the deuce of acorns is a lion supporting a shield charged with a merchant's mark, with a scroll above bearing the letters C. D. B. 34 x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 84.] 7. Nuremberg. Hans Rumpolt; 16th century. Fragmentary sheet, similar in style to the preceding, containing portions of four cards, one of which (the ace of hearts) has the arms of Nuremberg, with the name " Hans Rumpolt." [S. Vol. II, pl. 84.] 8. [Nuremberg.] Hans Rumpolt (?); 16th century. Fragmentary sheet, similar to the preceding and probably by the same maker, but without the verses. It contains the 5 of hearts and 7 of bells and portions of the 4 of hearts and 6 of bells. On the 5 of hearts is a group of men fighting. [S. Vol. II, pl. 84.] 9. [Nuremberg]; 16th century. Fragmentary sheet, similar in character to No. 2. It contains six cards, viz., the 4, 6 and 8 of bells, and the 3, 6 and 8 of hearts, each piece having a military figure in lower part with four lines of German text below. Those under the 8 of bells begin " Du bist ein fauler Eselskopff," etc. 34 x 24 in. 10. Nuremberg. Conrad Jegel; late 18th century. Engraved sheet containing 18 cards identical in design with Pack No. 35, viz.the twelve court cards, the four deuces and the tens of acorns and leaves. The shield held by the king of hearts bears Jegel's trade mark, and the altar in the deuce of acorns is inscribed " Fabrique in Nurnberg." Uncoloured. 31 x 2 in. 202 CA T.TALOGUE OF GARDS. 11. Nuremberg. Conrad Jegel; late 18th century. Engraved sheet, very crudely executed, containing 12 cards, viz., the 6, 8 and 9 of acorns and leaves, and the 7, 8 and 10 of bells and hearts. On the 8 of leaves is a tablet inscribed " Conrad Jegel." Uncoloured. 31 x 2 in. 12. Passau. F. Hofmann; 1770. Two sheets containing a complete set of 48, one having on the central dividing line the words " Zv finden bey Franz Hofman pvrger in Passav 1770." The deuce of acorns has a lion supporting a shield and on that of hearts is a cartouche inscribed "Zv finden in der stat Passav." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of roses, in black. 21 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, p]. 90 and 91.] 13. Passau. M. Schatzberger; late 18th century. Two engraved sheets containing a complete set of 36 of the Bavarian type. On the 7 of leaves is a cartouche inscribed " Fabricirt in Passau," and on the 8 a tablet lettered " Feine deutsche Karten von Michael Schatzberger." The king of acorns has a shield bearing the maker's mark. Coloured. 31 x 2 in. 14. Passau. M. Schatzberger. Two engraved sheets (in duplicate) containing a complete set of 36, similar in style to the preceding, but with different designs. A tablet on the 10 of bells is inscribed "Feine deutsche Kupferkarten von Michael Schatzberger biirgl. Kartenmahler in Passau," and the kings of hearts and acorns support shields, one charged with the maker's mark, the other with the Bavarian lion. Coloured. Backs of one pair mottled purple. 38 x 24 in. 15. Passau. M. Schatzberger. Two sheets (one coloured), containing a complete set of 36, similar in style to the preceding. On the 7 of leaves is a cartouche inscribed "In Passau," and on the 8 a tablet lettered " Fabricirt von Michael Schatzberger." The king of acorns has a shield charged with the maker's mark. The coloured sheet has the back decorated with pattern of diagonal red and blue lines. 31 x 2 in. 16. Passau. M. Schatzberger. A sheet containing half of a set of 36, similar in style to the preceding, viz.-the twelve court cards, the four deuces, the 10 of leaves and the 7 of hearts. The throne of the king of hearts bears the maker's mark. Uncoloured. Backs decorated with diagonal pattern of fleurs-de-lis. 31 x 2 in. SREETS: GERMAN.~BN 203 17. Stralsund. L. v. d. Osten; early 19th century. Sheet containing half of a set of 36, viz.-the suits of hearts and bells: the designs identical with those in Pack No. 86, but not double-ended. On the ace of hearts is an oval tablet inscribed "v. d. O. Stralsund." Uncoloured. 3- x 2 in. 18. Ulm. Carl Briiderle; 19th century. Sheet of 12 cards for a pack of 36, viz. —the 6, 8 and 9 of each of the four suits. The 8 of hearts has a figure of a warrior holding a shield inscribed " Carl Briiderle Neu-Ulm. M. E." Coarsely executed on wood. Uncoloured. 32 x 17 in. 19. Vienna. Hans Forster, 1565. Fragmentary and much defaced sheet containing 32 cards or portions of cards belonging to all the four suits, with the maker's name down the centre " Hans Forster Kartenmaller zu..... " The deuces and some of the other cards have natural history subjects. On the 4 of hearts are the arms of Vienna and on the 3 of bells is the date 1565. Uncoloured. 3 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 83.] 20. Vienna. Hans Bock, 1583. Fragmentary sheet of 18 court cards and aces (some of which are repeated) with the maker's name down the centre ".... ck zu Wien 1583." The kings and upper knaves are on horseback; in the aces the suitmark is charged upon a banner. Uncoloured. (See Bierdimpfl, p. 71.) 3 x 1I in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 86.] 21. Vienna; 16th century. Two fragments of a sheet similar in the designs to the preceding, much worm-eaten; found in the old cover of the lectern Bible in Exeter Cathedral. They contain 32 court cards and aces and a central inscription which is much mutilated, " Christof..... acher zu Wien." Backs decorated with a diagonal pattern of roses. Uncoloured. 3 x 1 in. 22. Vienna; late 16th century. Sheet containing nine cards, the three uppermost of which are imperfect. All belong to the suits of hearts and bells, the perfect ones being the deuce of bells and the 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of hearts. On the deuce of bells is represented an animal flogging a man, and on the 4 of hearts a cupid holding two shields charged with the arms of Vienna. Uncoloured. 3- x 2t in. 23. Vienna (?). W. F. Hus, 1634. Fragmentary sheet of 20, coarsely executed and coloured, viz.-the 7, two knaves and king of hearts; the deuce, one knave and king of bells; the 5, two 204 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. knaves and king of leaves; and the deuce, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, one knave, and king of acorns. The deuce of bells has a shield charged with the imperial eagle, and that of acorns a lion supporting a shield bearing the maker's mark, with a scroll inscribed "Willem Felix Hus" (?). On the 7 of hearts is the date. 2.x 13 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 89.] 24. Weinsheim. J. Kieling; modern. "Vexirkarten." Two sheets containing the court cards, aces and tens of a diagonal pack with humorous designs. On all the aces is a tablet inscribed "Feine Vexirkarten Jean Kieling in Weinsheim b/Worms a/Rhein." 3k x 2* in. 25. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Fourteen fragments of a sheet of artistically designed cards, chiefly kings on horseback and knaves. Uncoloured. [S. Vol. II, pi. 82.] 26. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Fragmentary sheet of eight cards similar in style to the preceding, and perhaps part of the same set. They are the 3, 4, 5 and 6 of leaves, and the 4, 5, 8 and 9 of acorns. Birds and quadrupeds occupy the lower part of most of the cards. 3 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 82.]. 27. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Five fragments of a sheet including a 9 of hearts, a 9 of leaves and an ace of leaves; the last is a banner charged with a suitmark. 28. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Fragment of a sheet containing a king and a knave of acorns and two other knaves. [S. Vol. II, pl. 8L.] 29. Place of issue uncertain; 17th century. Fragment of a sheet consisting of a king of bells and a portion of a knave. [S. Vol. II, pl. 81.] 30. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Two much defaced fragments, consisting chiefly of the suits of hearts and leaves, with four court cards amongst them. 31. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century (?). Two fragmentary sheets containing twenty-four cards, viz.-the 2-10, two knaves and king of hearts; two knaves and king of bells, leaves and acorns, and 3, 6 and 10 of acorns. The kings are seated on thrones, and on the 4 of hearts is a coat-of-arms which is perhaps intended for that of Strasburg. Uncoloured. 3| x 2i in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 87.] SHEETS: GERMAN. 205 32. Place of issue uncertain; 17th century. Coarsely executed sheet of nine court cards and aces, viz.-the king of hearts, the ace and one knave of bells and acorns, and the deuce, two knaves and king of leaves. The aces of bells and acorns are flags charged with the suitmark, and the deuce of leaves has a blank shield. 31 x 2 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 88.] 33. Place of issue uncertain; 16th century. Fragmentary sheet containing nine cards or portions of cards, coarsely executed and coloured. The perfect cards are the 6 and 10 of hearts, the 7 of leaves and the 7 of acorns. All have fancy subjects in the lower part, a stag drawing a sledge, a monkey riding a dog, etc. 31 x 21 in. 34. Place of issue uncertain; early. Portion of a sheet, coarsely executed, containing four cards, the 4, 5, 7 and 8 of bells. 3 x 2 in. 35. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Two sheets, executed on wood, one containing the suit of acorns, the other that of leaves of a pack of 36. The knaves are figures in national costumes and on the pip cards are humorous and fancy subjects. The deuce of acorns has a coat-of-arms and that of leaves a man fighting with a lion. Uncoloured. 4 x 2 in. 36. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Two sheets containing a complete set of 36, with repetitions of the sixes, eights and nines. The deuces have cartouches charged with emblematical trophies, and the other pip cards have humorous and fancy subjects. Uncoloured. 31- x 2 in. 37. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Sheet containing the sixes, eights and nines (with repetitions) of a pack of 36, somewhat similar to the last. Uncoloured. 3f x 1U in. 38. Place of issue uncertain; modern. Theatrical. Sheet containing the court cards and deuces, with a 7 and 10 of hearts, of a pack in which the figures on the court cards are theatrical characters, William Tell, Wallenstein, etc. Coloured. 31 x 2 in. 206 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. (b.) With fancy German Suits. 39. Frankfort. H. Hauck, 1585. Two fragmentary sheets containing each fifteen cards or portions of cards of the suits bells, acorns, birds and flowers. The 3 of flowers has the initials H. H. and a shield charged with two hooks in saltire over a heart: the deuce has the name Heinrich Hauck, and the ace has the date. Uncoloured. [S. Vol. II, pl. 81.] 40. Eleven early sheets or portions of sheets, executed on wood, containing 71 cards which belong to as many as sixteen different suits, including thistles, grapes, bagpipes, fishes, crowns, shields, roses, helmets, frogs and strawberries. [For detailed description see Lady C. Schreiber's" C Playing Cards," vol. ii, p. 11.] 41. Two fragmentary 16th century sheets (one in duplicate) well engraved on wood in the manner of Beham, each containing two perfect and two imperfect cards of the suits roses, birds and bells, viz.-the 5, 6 and 7 of roses, the 2, 7, 10 and knave of birds, and knave of bells. The knave of bells is playing guitar, and that of birds wears a fool's cap and carries a harp. 3& x 21 in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 83.] (c.) With Italian Suits. 42. A curious and (so far as is known) unique plate, containing eight cards (2-9) of the suit of cups, engraved on copper by an unknown master of the fifteenth century. The suitmarks, which are all covered chalices remarkable for their variety and richness of design, no two being alike, are accompanied by children, who disport themselves in a variety of ways, several being engaged in boring holes in the chalices to let out the liquid. Acquired at a sale at Stuttgart, 11 April 1893. In the opinion of Dr. Max Lehrs, the chief living authority on Early German Prints, this plate is probably the work of the Master of the Banderoles, an artist who is supposed to have worked on the Lower Rhine about 1470. The general character of the designs suggests Italian inspiration, and this may account for the use of Italian suitmarks. 4 x 2t in. [S. Vol. II, 1-p. 94.] SHEETS: GERMAN. 207 (d.) With French Suits. 43. Frankfort a/M. F. J. Eberhardt; c. 1780. Engraved sheet, of crude execution, containing twelve court cards. The queens are ladies in the costume of the period and the knaves agricultural labourers. On one of the latter is the word "bei," on another " Friedrich Jacob Eberhardt," and on a third "in Franckfurt am Mayn zu haben;" the fourth supports a shield charged with an eagle. Uncoloured and without the suitmarks. 44. [Frankfort a/M]; modern. A collection of working proofs of cards of the class issued at Frankfort, in which the aces are occupied by topographical or historical subjects (see German PACKS, Nos. 198-203 and 222-232), viz.(1.) Views of Hamburg; the four aces, with address of H. Riibcke; uncoloured. (2.) Views on the Rhine (Bingen, Lurlei, etc.); the four aces; coloured. (3.) Views on the Rhine (Frankfort, Wiesbaden, etc.); the four aces; coloured. (4.) Views of Italian cities (Verona, Mantua, etc.); the four aces and twelve court cards; coloured. (5.) Views of Italian cities (Naples, Turin, etc.); the four aces and twelve court cards; coloured. (6.) Battles in Italy, 1859; the four aces and twelve court cards; coloured. (7.) Battles in Mexico, 1847; the four aces and twelve court cards, the kings being portraits of American generals; coloured (see German PACKS, No. 203). (8.) Views of Rio de Janeiro; the four aces and twelve court cards; coloured. With another proof of the aces, in which the suitmarks are varied. (9.) Views in the vicinity of Rio de Janeiro; the four aces and twelve court cards, the latter illustrating the costumes of South America; coloured. With an uncoloured proof of the aces (see German PACKS, No. 222). (10.) Views on the River Hudson, U.S.A.; the four aces; coloured. (11.) War in South America, 1866; the four aces and twelve court cards, the latter being portraits of the Portuguese and Brazilian royal family and generals; coloured. 208 CA TALOGUE OF CARDS. (12.) Views of Switzerland (St. Bernhard, Lausanne, etc.); the four aces; coloured. (13.) Views of Switzerland (Neuchatel, Rigi Staffel, etc.); the four aces and twelve court cards; the latter illustrating the costumes of the different cantons; coloured. (14.) Victories of Napoleon I; the four aces; coloured (see German PACKS, No. 227). (15.) Schiller the poet. Views of places associated with him; the four aces; uncoloured. 45. Graz. A. Grosheim; modern. Engraved sheet containing the court cards, aces and fool of a double-ended tarok pack. The shields held by one of the knaves are inscribed "Fabricirt in Graz bie Alexander Grosheim." Uncoloured and without the suitmarks. 4 x 2 in. 46. Nuremberg. J. J. Forster. Sheet of twelve court cards of the conventional type. Two of the knaves have scrolls inscribed respectively "Joh Jobst" and "Forster." Printed in blue ink. Uncoloured and without the suitmarks. 47. Passau. F. Hofmann; 18th century. Sheet containing a complete set of 52 small double-ended cards of the Bavarian type. One of the flags held by the knave of hearts bears the initials F. H., the other the words " In Pasau." Coloured. 11 x 1 in. 48. Passau. M. Schatzberger; early 19th century. Complete set of 52, of the Bavarian type, double-ended; on three sheets, the court cards being printed from a copper plate, the rest executed with stencils. The knave of hearts holds a shield inscribed "Von Michael Schatzberger, Karten Fabric in Passau." Backs decorated with a small pattern in blue. 31 x 2 in. 49. Views of Hamburg. Two engraved sheets containing the 2-9 of each of the four suits, all decorated with vignettes of buildings in Hamburg. 50. Collection of.twenty working proofs of court cards for modern packs of various styles and sizes; without inscriptions. 51. Geography; c. 1670. Complete set of copies from the pack of 52, first published in France (see French PACKS, No. 123), printed on five sheets. On the first sheet are eight additional cards of which SHEETS: GERMAN. 209 four are occupied by maps of the 4 continents, and 2 by a " Vorbericht"; the remaining two form the frontispiece and title: —" Tabulse Geographice. Die Geographia oder Erd Beschreibung in ein Carten Spiel von LII Blaetter.... ins Teutsche vorgestellet. Augspurg. Bey Joh. Stridbeck Jr." 31 x 1I in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 8.] 52. Heraldry; c. 1700. Engraved sheet, copied exactly from that published by Silvestre in Paris (see French SHEETS, No. 15). The inscriptions in the upper part are the same but given in German as well as French, and the dedication is addressed " au Lecteur" in both languages. The plate is signed " Philipp Ernst Kieni fee. Augspurg." 3i x 2k in. 53. Calligraphy; 1769. Complete set of 52, with two title cards, engraved on seven plates. All have military figures executed in calligraphic flourishes, and on the first 25 are also letters of the alphabet written in various styles, while the second 25 have words written in the same way. One of the titles runs "Dieses Franz6sisches Charten-Spiel oder Vorschrifft ist zu haben u. zu finden beij Johan Christoph Albrecht, Sch6n- und Kunstschreiber in Niirnberg 1769." 4 x 2t in. [S. Vol. II, pl. 114-116.] (e.) Without Suits. 54. For the Vogelspiel. M. Schatzberger, Passau. [German PACKS, No. 325.] Sheet containing the twenty picture cards of this pack. Uncoloured. Backs decorated with a floral pattern in blue. 55. Emperors of Germany; modern. Sheet of 52 portraits of Emperors of Germany from Charlemagne to Francis II; executed on wood. (f.) Backs of Cards. 56. Sheet of six, all alike, with group of Apollo and two muses, and the name " Hanns Wisinger." [S. Vol. II, pi. 88.] 57. Sheet of sixteen, all alike, having a standing figure of a king; very coarsely executed. Uncoloured. 58. Fragmentary sheet of nine, all alike, having a standing figure of an oriental monarch. Coloured. 59. Thirteen sheets and fragments of sheets of floral decoration; 16th to 18th centuries. p 210 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. SWISS. 1. Early Basle Cards. Two sheets and a fragment of a third, taken from the binding of an old book; all printed from the same block, but each giving portions wanting in the others. The suitmarks are shields, bells, acorns and flowers, and the cards form a pack of 48, the tens being omitted. 2t x 1i in. [S. Vol. III, pl. 213.] DUTCH. 1. Heraldry; c. 1675. Set of 52, neatly engraved on 26 plates, giving the arms of the various states of Europe; copied from the pack published by De Brianville in France (see French PACKS, Nos. 129-133), the heraldic descriptions being omitted. The papal arms are those of Clement X, and the arms of Poland and Brunswick are altered. The plates are stitched into a cover with engraved title: " Seer aardig en net Wapen Boeck, Waar in te vinden zyn de Wapenen van alle de Koningen, Hertogen, Princen, Vorsten, en Landen van Europa; samen gesteld tot gebruyk van een Kaart-spiel. Tot Amsterdam by Gerard Valk." 38 x 2in. 2. Military;Science. "Das Kriegs-Spiel." Engraved sheet, copied from G. de la Boissiere's "Jeu de la Guerre " (see French SHEETS, No. 17), with German inscriptions. The publisher's address takes the place of the dedication, " Im Verlag und zu finden bey Peter Schencken in Amsterdam." 31 x 2 in. 3. Military Science. "Das Festung Baues Spiel." Engraved sheet, copied from G. de la Boissiere's "Jeu des Fortifications "(see French SHEETS, No. 18). Companion sheet to the preceding, with same address. Printed in red ink. 4. Dutch costumes; modern. The twelve court cards of a doubleended pack, the kings being portraits of the early Princes of Orange, and the rest men and women in national costumes. The king of clubs bears the artist's name " Gustav Lenssen." Made in Germany for the Dutch market. 31 x 2 in. SHEETS: UNCERTAIN. 211 SHEETS: UNC'E.R TAIN. 211 DANISH. 1. Copenhagen. R. Beber; modern. Sheet containing twenty, for a diagonal pack having humorous designs of animals acting as men and women. The ace of diamonds bears the name " Richard Beber, Kjobenhavn." 31 x 2-1 in. ENGLISH. 1. Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverell. [English PACKS, No. 65.] Sheet containing the 26 cards of the suits of hearts and diamonds. 2. Cowell's Transformation Cards. Five etched sheets containing a complete set of 52 humorous cards similar in treatment to Pack No. 72; many of the designs are identically the same, but others quite different, and most of the latter are signed I. L. S. Cowell. The sheets are accompanied by an etched wrapper bearing the royal arms, with the title " Metastasis. Transformation of Playing Cards," and " Designed and Etched by I. L. S. Cowell." 31 x 21 in. 3. Transformations. Two etched sheets containing 32 cards, similar in character to the preceding. The king of hearts is George IV, to whom a cupid offers a basket full of hearts. 33 x 21 in. 4. Transformations. Two etched sheets containing 20 cards, similar in characters to Nos. 2 and 3. - The 6 of spades is " The Celebrated Signior Pietro Francesco Josepho Andrea Balanca," etc. Pub. 1808 by " S. W. Fores, No. 50 Piccadilly." 5. Miniature Cards. Set of 100, with architectural, natural history and other subjects, on one plate, printed on satin. With another impression in red ink, printed also on satin. l x I in. UNCERTAIN. 1. H. H., 16th century. Fragmentary sheet (in two portions) containing ten cards, all repetitions of the knave of hearts and knave of diamonds. These bear the names " Capitaine Felix " and " Siprich Romam" (? Scipio), and are signed with the monogram HI in a shield. Coloured. 3|,< 21 in. [8. Vol. I, pl. 139.] P 2 212 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 2. Fragmentary and much injured sheet containing six court cards, with repetitions, coarsely executed on wood; without suitmarks and uncoloured. They bear the names Helene, Cecar, Siprinrom, Lucrece, Carl and Capit. Melv. 3 x 11 in. 3. Domino Cards. Sheet of 21, double-ended; the pips being circles with human faces in landscapes, executed on wood. Uncoloured. 3 x 1I in. CARD WRAPPERS. 1. London. J. Bennet; c. 1720. A prettily engraved wrapper, having a portrait of Queen Anne, with the address "John Bennet at the Knave of Clubs in Great Brook Street near Hannover Square, London;" it bears also the cipher of King George and the words " If sold unlabelled X Pounds penalty." Proof, printed in brown ink. [S. Vol. III, pi. 148.] 2. London. Hall and Bancks; c. 1820. Large wrapper made to contain, probably, three packs of the Great Mogul cards. It has an engraved portrait of the Great Mogul and the address "Hall & Bancks, Card Makers to their Majesties, their R.H. the Princesses, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester and Prince Leopold, No. 15 Piccadilly, London." [S. Vol. III, pl. 148.] 3. Engraved portrait of Henry VIII within a laurel frame, with clipped address below "Principall Super Fine Cards made by..." [S. Vol. III, pl. 148.] 4. Paris. B. P. Grimaud & Chartier; 19th century. Wrapper for "Cartes a Jouer, Extra Superfines, Unies Glacees;" with band bearing the duty stamp " Contribons Indirectes." 5. Paris; c. 1810. Wrapper bearing the device "Au trois Pigeons" and the mutilated address "Fabrique de J. J. D.... Rue de Stokis No. 188;" with band on which is the duty stamp of the First Empire. 6. Paris; 1773. Two models of " bandes de controle " printed in black and red on the back of an official " avis au Public," dated 1773. [S. Vol. III, pi. 149.] MISCELLANEA. 213 7. Rouen. E. De l'Epine; 18th century. Wrapper coarsely executed on wood, having the maker's device supported by figures of "Jeunese" and "Richese," with the address "Cartes tres fines de Edme Delepine demt. au bas de le Rue des Belles Femmes a Rouen." [S. Vol. III, pl. 149.] 8. Brussels; modern. "Cartes Royales." Wrapper bearing the royal arms of Belgium, printed in blue, with band on which is the duty stamp. 9. Strasburg. G. Pfliiger; modern. "Cartes demi-fines de la Fabrique de G. Pfliiger a Strasbourg." Green paper. 10. Madrid. Humanes y Ca; modern. "Fabrica de Naipes de Humanes y Cohpania, Calle de Santo Tomas No. 4, Madrid." WOOI) BLOCKS. 1. Twenty-seven original blocks, 18 of them for printing cards belonging to German, French, Italian, Spanish and Swiss packs, and 9 for Italian card-backs. 2. Thirty-two impressions recently taken from the above blocks. 3. Eighty-seven impressions from blocks in other collections; 76 being for cards, 4 for card-backs, and 7 for wrappers. The last mentioned belong to packs published at Anecy and Chambery. MISCELLANEA. 1. A collection of ninety-two modern copies and reproductions of old cards, mainly book illustrations, and including plates to Breitkopf's "Ursprung der Spielkarten," Lacroix's "Le Moyen Age et la Renaissance," Merlin's " Origine des Cartes a Jouer," Gentleman's Magazine, 1849; Ackermann's Repository of Arts, etc. 2. Medleys in which playing cards are introduced. Seven English examples engraved by Sturt, Bickham, etc., and twenty German and Dutch, executed in water colours. 214 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. 3. Miscellaneous collection of 47 prints.illustrating the subject of cardplaying. 4. Ten Christmas cards and menus in which cards and card-playing are introduced. 5. Advertisements and newspaper cuttings. BOOKS RELATING TO CARDS AND CARD PLAYING. "Academie Universelle des Jeux"; nouvelle edition. Lyon, 1805, 3 vols. Amman, Jost. "Kartenspielbuch. Charta Lusoria." Vol. 2 of "Liebhaber-Bibliothek Alter Illustratoren in Facsimile-reproduction; Miinchen, 1880. "Aphorismen fiber den Kuss"; Leipzig, 1808. Aquarius. "Italian Games at Cards"; London, 1890. Aquarius. "Spanish Games at Cards "; London, 1890. Bleich, Georg Heinrich. "Abdriicke eines vollstiindigen Kartenspieles auf Silberplatten gestochen von G. H. B. Herausgegeben von Rath Dr. Carl F6rster," Miinchen, 1881. Set of 36 plates in a portfolio. Bettinelli, Saverio. "I1 Giuoco delle Carte, Poemetto dell' Abate S. B."; Cremona, 1774. Bierdimpfl, K. A. "Die Sammlung der Spielkarten des baierischen Nationalmuseums," Miinchen, 1884. Bierdimpfl, K. A. The Collection of Playing Cards in the Bavarian National Museum. MS. translation of part of the preceding work. B1oiteau d'Ambly, P. "Les Cartes a Jcuer et la Cartomancie"; Paris, 1854. Brunet y Bellet, Joseph. "Lo Joch de Naibs, Naips o Cartas"; Barcelona, 1886. Brunetti, Francesco Saverio. " Giuochi delle Minchiate, Ombre, Scacchi, ed altri d' ingegno "; Roma, 1747. Bullet, Jean Baptiste. " Recherches Historiques sur les Cartes a Jouer," Lyon, 1757. BOOKS RELATING TO CARDS AND CARD PLAYING. 215 "Card Playing and Tricks with Cards"; pub. by E. Smith & Co., London. Cartaginese (I1). See Galasso. Cavendish. "Card Essays, Clay's Decisions, and Card-Table Talk"; London, 1879. Chatto, William Andrew. "Facts and Speculations on the Origin and History of Playing Cards"; London, 1848. Cicognara, Leopoldo. " Memorie spettanti alla Storia della Calcografia"; Prato, 1831. Clulow, George. "The Origin and Manufacture of Playing Cards"; a paper read before the Society of Arts on May 8, 1889. Correr Museum, Venice. " Guida del Museo Civico e Raccolta Correr di Venezia"; Yenezia, 1885. Culin, Stewart. "Chinese Games with Dice "; Philadelphia, 1889. Diiben, C. G. F. von. "Talisman des Gliicks oder der Selbstlehrer fiir alle Karten- Schach- Billard-Ball und Kegel-Spiele "; Berlin, 1816. Edinburgh. Heraldic Exhibition, 1891; Memorial Catalogue, Edinburgh, 1892. Fine, C. Oronce (Brianville). "Wapen-Karten oder Herolds-Spiel," etc.; Hamburg, 1695. Foubert, Thomas. "The Litterary Cards, being a new Invention to learn to Read," etc.; London, 1758. Franks, A. W., C.B. Account of two packs of cards in the British Museum, illustrating the Meal Tub Plot and the South Sea Bubble. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Feb. 25, 1892.] Frazer, William. "Description of a series of Playing Cards relating to the political history of Rev. Dr. Sacheverell," and " Description of a Shale Chark." Two papers read before the Royal Irish Academy, Dec. 8, 1884, and Feb. 15, 1885. Galasso, Orazio. " Giuochi di Carte bellissimi di Regola e di Memoria e con secreti particolari. Composti e dati in luce per il Cartaginese, 1597." Ghisi, Andrea. "II Laberinto "; Venice, 1607. Ghisi, Andrea. The same work; later edition; 1616. Gibbs, Henry H. "The Game of Ombre." Privately printed, 1878. 216 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. "Giuocatore in Conversazione, che da' Precetti sul Tarocco, all' Ombre, al Tressette," etc.; Milano. "Trattato Teorico-Pratico dei Giuochi Tressette, ltcarte, Mercante in Fiera e Giacchetto"; Macerata, 1832. Goldsmid, Edmund, F.R.H.S. "Explanatory Notes of a pack of Cavalier Playing Cards temp. Charles II, forming a complete political satire of the Commonwealth"; Edinburgh, 1886. Grasse, J. G. T. "Notice Bibliographique sur les Cartes a Jouer"; translated from the German; Paris, 1842. Gutekunst, H. G. Catalogue of sale of prints at Stuttgart on 11 April, 1893. Hofmeister, Adolf. "Eyn loszbuch ausz der karten gemacht. Photolithographische Reproduction des einzigen bekannten Exemplars," etc.; Rostock, 1890. "Le Jeu de l'Hombre, augment6 des Decisions nouvelles sur les Difficultez et Incidens de ce Jeu "; Paris, 1709. Horr, Norton T. "A Bibliography of Card-Games and of the History of Playing Cards; " Cleveland, O., 1892. Horvitz, A. S. " Das konigliche l'Hombre oder griindliche Anleitung, das l'Hombre-Spiel," etc.; Hamburg, 1851. "Jeu de Cartes de 1'Estat, oder Staats-Karten-Spiel im Jahr 1689 "; a political satire, 8 pages, 4to. Joseph, van de H. Barbara, Carmelite. " Het Geestelyck Kaert-Spel met Herten Troef," etc.; Antwerp, 1666. "Nieuwe Beschrijving des meest gebruikelijke Kaartspelen," etc.; Amsterdam, 2 vols., the first belonging to the edition of 1836, the second to that of 1828. Koebel, Jacob. " Eyn Neiiwe Gedicht wie die Lantbescheisser Zwyccker, Orenberssers Bleer, Meinster, Heyligman und Storck," etc.; with woodcuts of cards and card-playing; c. 1520. Koebel, Jacob. The same work; set of tracings, mounted in a volume. Larson, Valentinus. "Hoher Adlers-Flug nach dem Marck des Cederbaums," etc.; Vienna, 1707. Leber, C. "Catalogue des Livres Imprimes, Manuscrits, Estampes, Dessins et Cartes a Jouer, composant la Bibliotheque de M. C. L."; Paris, 1839-52; 4 vols. Leber, C. "Testament Litteraire de M. C. L., suivi d'un description sommaire des Livres et Objets d'Art les plus remarquables de son Cabinet; "k Paris, 1860. BOOKS RELATING TO CARDS AND CARD PLAYING. 217 Lehrs, Max. "Die Aeltesten Deutschen Spielkarten des Koniglichen Kupferstichkabinet zu Dresden," with 28 plates; Dresden. Leipzig. "Zwangloser Fiihrer durch Leipzig. Nebst einer Karte. Carneval 1874." Lemcke, Ernst Eduard. "An illustrated Grammar of Skat the German Game of Cards," etc., 2nd ed., London, 1887. "Das Zeit-kurzende Lust und Spiel Hauss, in welchen der Curiose Kiinstler in etlichen Zifmern allerhand rare Kiinste und Spiele vorstellt.... Auff Befehl einer Hohen Person gedrucket. Zu Kunstburg in diesem Jahr." Maignen, Edmond. "Recherches sur les Cartiers et les Cartes a Jouer a Grenoble"; Grenoble, 1887. Marcolini, Francesco. "Le Ingeniose Sorti composte per Francesco Marcolini da Forli intitulate Giardino di Pensieri"; Venice, 1550. Marcolini, Francesco. "Giardino dei Pensieri"; reprint of the preceding, 1784. Mery. "L'Arbitre des Jeux, accompagne de Poimes Historiques"; Paris, 1847. Murner, Thomas. "Logica Memorativa. Chartiludium Logicse," etc.; Strasburg, 1509. [S. Vol. III, pls. 121-127.] Murner, Thomas. Same work; ed. of 1629, with woodcuts designed by C. de Passe. Murr, C. G. von. "Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litteratur," part 2; Niirnberg, 1776. "Musee Neuchatelois; Recueil d'Histoire Nationale et d'Arch6ologie"; parts for July and August, 1890, containing articles by A. Godet. Nuremberg; Germanic Museum. "Katalog der im germanischen Museum befindlichen Kartenspiele und Spielkarten"; Niirnberg, 1886. Pagani, Gentile. "Alcune Notizie sulle Carte da Giuoco a Milano nel Secoli scorsi "; Milano, 1881. Papus. "The Tarot of the Bohemians"; London, 1892 -Pettigrew, T. J., F.R.S. " On the Origin and Antiquity of Playing Cards, and Description of a Pack of the time of the Commonwealth," etc. [Reprinted from "Journal of the British Archaeological Association," 1854.] 218 CATALOGUE OF CARDS. Pottier, Andre. "Sur une ancienne Forme a imprimer des Cartes a Jouer donn6e a la Bibliotheque de Rouen par M. Alfred Darcel." [Reprinted from "Revue de Rouen et de la Normandie," June, 1846.] "Recueil d'Edits, Declarations, Arrets et autres Pieces concernant la Regie du Droit sur les Cartes"; Paris, 1771. A collection similar to the preceding, dating from 1687 to 1731; unbound. Rive, Jean Joseph (Abbe). "Eclaircissements historiques et critiques sur l'Invention des Cartes a Jouer"; Paris, 1780. Riimpler, Susanna. "Vier Farben, oder die deutschen Spielkarten. Herausgegeben von Carl Herlossohn "; Leipzig, 1828. Riimpler, Susanna. The same work; 2nd edition, 1829. Scharf, George, C.B. "Observations on an Elizabethan Picture of four Persons of distinction playing cards." Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, 1889. Schroeter, Timon. "Spielkarte und Kartenspiel. Neue deutsche Spielkarten, erfunden und mit Versen begleitet von Dr. T. S."; Leipzig, 1883. Seymour, Richard. "The Court Gamester"; London, 1722. Scott (General). "A Compendium of easy Rules of Whist"; London, 1814. Societe des Bibliophiles Frangais. "Jeu de Cartes Tarots et de Cartes Numerales"; Paris, 1844. Societe Royale des Antiquaires de France. " Memoires et Dissertations"; Paris, 1842. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge. Sale catalogue, 16 Nov. 1894. "Strand Magazine" for Jan. and Feb. 1893; containing two articles by G. Clulow on " Peculiar Playing Cards." Strobl, Andreas. "Geistliche Deutsche Karten-Spil," etc.; Salzbach, 1691. Tarocchini. "Instruzione necessarie per chi volesse imparare il Giuoco dilettevole delli Tarocchini di Bologna"; Bologna, 1754. "Taroc-Spiel, sowol in drey Personen zum Konig als in vier wirklichen Personen," etc.; Nurnberg, 1763. "Tarocco, ossia Giuco della Partita "; Bologna, 1872. BOOKS RELATING TO CARDS AND CARD PLAYING. 219 "Taschenbuch fiir 1801 "; with 8 plates to Hudibras, designed by D. Soltau and engraved by D. Berger. In leather case. Taylor, Rev. E. S. " The History of Playing Cards"; London, 1865. Tremeau de Rochebrune, Alphonse. "Notice sur un Jeu de Cartes attribu6 aux premieres Annees du Regne de Frangois er, et sur un Jeu de 1760 "; Niort, 1867. Van Rensselaer, M. K. "The Devil's Picture Books; a History of Playing Cards"; London, 1892. Weigel. "Die Spielkarten der Weigel'schen Sammlung"; Leipzig, 1866. Collection of cuttings, etc., mounted in a volume lettered " Extracts on Cards." INDEX. ADAMI, 17 Albrizzi, G. B., 23, 24 Allbrecht, J., 96 Alliston's "Poets Conversation Cards," 172 Alphabet, 72, 137, 138, 160, 181, 182 Amaulry, T., 65 America, South, views and characters of, 114, 207 Amman, Jobst, 94 Ammer, L., 107, 116 Amsterdam, 145 Andrese, J. P., 93 Anecdotes, 166 "Animal Quorum," 171 Anne, Reign of, 165 Aquila, al, 28 Aquila Coronata, al, 21 Aretin, C. von, 80 " Arithmeticus," 176 Armanino fratelli, 21 Arnold, L., 129 Arnold, V., 80, 201 Aschaffenberg, 108 Assignats, 57 Astronomical cards, 25, 93, 161, 178 Atthalin, L., 59, 198 Auction Game, 171 Augsburg, 76, 86, 109, 125, 133, 200, 209 Augsburg, costumes of, 137 Autreux fils, 67 Autreux freres, 68 Avignon, 54 Avondo fratelli, 7 Avril 55 Azelt, 84 BACHER, I., 90 Backofen, J., 101 Backofen, J. E., 80, 117 Backofen, J. G., 100, 123 Backofen, J. M., 81, 100 Badu, H., 55 Ballek, M., 89 " Baraja Mistica," 34 Barattini, F., 12 "Barbe Bleue," 200 Barbot, J., 39 Barcelona, 32, 34 Basle, 143, 210 Bau, J., 39 Baumgartner, 86, 132 Bavaria, history of, 80, 85, 89 Bayonne, 35 Beber, R., 211 Belfort, 43 Beltramo, 8 Bendelli, 130 Bennet, J., 212 Benois, J. B., 44 Bergmanns-Karte, 77 Berlin, 86, 122, 132 Berlin, views in, 86 Bernard, J., 39 Besangon, 43 Beuckert and Radetzki, 132 Beziers, 47 Bible History, 30, 69, 130, 179 "Billiards," 171 Biot, L. 151 Blome's Armorial Cards, 163 Bock, H., 203 Bohme, A., 86 Bohme, F. A., 105 Boissiere, G. de la, 66, 121, 199, 210 Bologna, 5, 11-13, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 28 Bonnardin, 67 Bordeaux, 35, 55 Boston, 182 222 Botany, 64 Botzen, 95 Bouvard, 45 Breslau, 127 Brianville, 24, 42, 65, 122 Brocade cards, 108 Bruck, P., 98 Brugada, I. de, 36 Bruges, 150 Brussels, 151, 152, 213 Bubble Companies, 147, 166 Buchhold, F., 127 Buffoon cards, 148, 149 Biihlmann, A., 143 Bull-fighters, portraits of, 33 Buolman, F. A., 142 Burdel, C., 45 Burdel, J., 57. Burdoes, 35 Burlesque cards, 149 Buscaglia, P., 33 Buttisholz, 143 " CABINET COUNCIL," 171 Cadiz, 35, 36, 41 Caen, 197 Calvert, W., 178 Cambio, 154 Cardajat, 44 Carey, L., 44, 102 " Cartes a Rire," 59, 60 Cassel, 95 Cassini, P., 12 Chambery, 44 Chamborn, I., 67 Chassonneris, 48 Chastelano, G., 8 "Chat Butt6," 200 Cheminade, P., 8 Chicago, 182 Cigno, al, 11, 17, 28 Clave, I., 67 Codognato, G. B., 22 Coffee, A. H., 183 Coissieux, J., 57 Columba, alla, 5, 15, 16 Columbian Souvenir Cards, 182 Coly, J., 141 Comas, S., 34 Comic cards, 113, 120, 175 Compostella, D., 21 Conjuring cords, 176 INDEX. Conver, N., 46 Copenhagen, 155, 211 Costumes, 31, 137, 182, 210 Cotta's Karten Almanach, 117, 11 Counter cards, 140 Cowell, I. L. S., 211 Creswick, T., 155, 156, 170 Crimean War, 115 Cucu, 28 DALLACASA, A, 28 Dance music, 168 Darodes, A., 66 Daumont, 122, 199 Daveluy, 150, 152 David, I. B., 35 De la Rue & Co., 156, 157, 170 Delatre, 55 De l'Epine, E., 213 Della Bella, S., 61-63 Demacia, 34 Desmarest, J., 61 Desprotti, Abbe, 10 Dessoris, 39 Deutsche Reichs Karte, 77 Diagonal cards, 29 Dickens, Characters from, 171 Diessenhofen, 141, 143 Dietz, I. L., 81 Dijon, 44 Dinant, 151 " Dockyard," 172 Dodali, J., 44 Dody, N., 69 Doll, E., 80 Domino cards, 29, 169, 212 Dondorf, B., 76, 95, 109, 113 Don Quixote, 97 Dotti, 6 Dougherty, A., 183 "Dreams," 176 Dresden, 86. 87, 105, 200 Dubesset, G., 44 Dubois, J. B., 151 Dubois, J. J., 152 Dubois, J. T., 152 Dufaud, P., 67 Dupont, M., 151 Du Port, J. G., 154 Dura, S., 39 Duremouri, 92 Duval, 198 I INDEX. 223 iNDEX. 223 EBERHARDT, F. J., 101, 207 Eberhardt, J., 101 Eberhart, J. G., 96 Eckel, N., 128 Emperors, Roman and Germnu, 135 Empire cards, 55 Ensslin & Laiblin, 109 Estel, J., 105 Eteilla, 10, 46, 47, 52-54, 126 Etruria, 14, 15 FACCHINA, G., 19 Farwell's Geographical Whist, 162 Feitzinger, H. C., 75 Fer, N. de, 193 Ferrara, 12 Fescher, A., 132 Festung Baues Spiel, 121, 122 Fetscher, J., 79, 88, 98, 99, 111, 116, 128, 131 Fetscher, P. P., 99 Finetto, C., 22 Florence, 13-15, 17 Fl1tner, P., 75 Follia, alla, 20 Fon, G. de la, 67 Fonseca, J., 33 Forster, J. J., 101, 208 Fortuna, alla, 13 Fortune-telling cards, 10, 46, 47, 52-54, 60, 61, 73, 92, 109, 112, 121, 126, 132, 175, 176 "Forty Thieves," 172 Fouquet, J., 145 France, Kings of, 146 Frankfort a/M., 75-77, 87, 95, 96, 109, 110, 113-115, 123, 124, 132, 133, 200, 206, 207 Frankfort, Rifle-meeting at, 109, 110 Frankfort, views of, 114 Frankfort a/O., 123 Freschot's Venetian Heraldry, 24 Frey, J., 79 Fribourg, 127, 141 Fuller, S. and T., 167 GAILLARD, 47 Galdes, G. & Co., 197 Galler, J., 151 Garcia & Boyer, 32 Garet, J., 68 Garet, P., 68 Gargel cards, 75, 76 Gatteaux, 48, 55, 56, 198 Gaudais, J., 60 Geneva, 141, 144 Genoa, 5, 17, 21, 33, 36 Geographical cards, 9, 10, 13, 23, 31, 62-64, 71, 121, 136, 148, 153, 161, 162, 177, 178, 181, 198, 209 Germany, history of, 81 Gibert, 56 Gibson & Gisborne, 157 Gibson, Hunt & S'n, 170 Gide fils, 72 Gil Bias, 74 Gipsey's Last Legacy, 175 Giroux, 74 Gisaine, 151 Glanz, J., 82, 83, 90, 91, 106, 111, 129 " Gliick zu! " 140 Gobl, A. B., 79, 89, 99, 100, 107, 117, 123, 125, 131 Gobl, C., 79, 89 Goodall & Son, 157, 158 Gorizia (Gorz), 5 Goslar, 87 Gottrichter, J., 75 " Grand Charm," 176 Grands Diables des Villes, 200 Gritz, 128, 208 Grecs et les Turcs, 73 Grenoble, 68 Grimaud, B. P., 33, 38, 48, 56, 212 Grosheim, A., 208 Gueret, 68 Gumppenberg, F., 6 HALL, 158 Hall & Bancks, 158, 212 Halle, 115 Hamburg, views of, 207, 208 Hamilton, E., 113 Hanau, 96, 111 "Happy Couples," 172 " Happy Families," 172 Harding's historical cards, 181 Hardy, J., 158 Hasle bei Burgdorf, 144 Hauck, H., 200), 206 Haupold, A., 124 Hauser, J. R., 145 Hegewalt, J. G., 103 Heichele: J., 133 224 INDEX. 224~~ iEX Heideborn, L., 90 Hemmerichs, F., 86 Henze, M., 77 Heraldic cards, 13, 24, 42, 65, 122, 162, 163, 209, 210 Herlblerg, A., 128 Hersent & Bergeret, 49 Hes, J. C., 125 Heyden, vander, 82 Historical cards 30, 31, 70, 71, 78, 80, 81, 85, 135, 136, 146, 163-166, 177, 180 Hoffmann, J., 121 Hofmann, F., 202, 208 Hofmann, J. N., 106, 107 Holmblads, L. P., 155 Honnig, J. L., 122 Houbigant's Cartes Royales, 48, 49, 197, 198 Hudson river, views on, 207 Humanes, J., 33, 213 Hunt & Sons, 158, 170 Hus, W. F., 203 IGUALADA, 32 " In and out of Luck," 173 Industrie Comptoir, 77-79, 97, 111, 116 Initials found on cards: A. L. S., 91 B., 103 B. A., 46 B. H., 99 C. R., 37 C. T., 143 E. S., 46 F. C. Z., 75 F. P., 197 F. W., 46 G. D., 197 G. H. W., 123 G. M., 11, 16, 126 G. P., 83 H. B. 1752, 45 H. D. 1703, 93 H. H., 211 I., 84 I. B. N., 155 I. F. C., 103 I. G. H., 119 I. H., 80 I. J., 143 I. R. M., 125 I. S., 89 J. D., 153 J. G. R., 141 J. I. A. B., 43 J. K. H., 96 J. R., 40 L. H., 119 ' L. K., 97 L. W., 119 M. V., 35 P. W., 98 V. G., 21 V. T., 46 Innsbruck, 87, 96 Ioia, C. H., 200 Italy, Kingdom of, 115 JAGD-KARTE, 78 Jaggi, J., 141 James II, Reign of, 165 Janin, J., 68 Jar, A. 46, 108 Jassoy, L., 111 Jaume, U., & J. D. Dugourc, 49 Jegel, C., 201, 202 Jegel, E., 81 Jerger, J., 43 Jeu de Bataille, 52 Jeu des Calembourgs, 74 Jeu des Cartes du Blason, 65 Jeu des Chevaliers, 72 Jeu du Combination, 138 Jeu d'Enigmes, 52 Jeu de l'Esperance, 108 Jeu des Fables, 61 Jeu Frangais et Espagnol et Hollandais, 52 Jeu de Geographie, 62, 63 Jeu des Illustres Capitaines, etc., 198 Jeu des Metamorphoses, 146 Jeu d'Officiers, 145 Jeu des Princes d'Alemagne, 198 Jeu de la Revolution, 136 Jeu des Reynes Renomm6es, 62 Jeu des Rois de France, 61, 62 " Jonathan Hocus Pocus," 176 Jouy, E., 71 "Judge and Jury," 173 Junggesellen-Spiel, 93 KEMPTEN, 87, 127 Key, M. F., 100 INDEX.2 225 Kieni, P. E., 209 Klogner, E., 128 Kobitzsch & Kiiper, 115 Kochly, H. A., 97 Kippen, C. E., 96 Krapf, F., 95 Krebs, J., 127 Kurz, X., 127 LABOISSE, L. DE, 45 Landseer's cards, 168 Larmoyer, G., 152 La Rochelle, 66 Latasche, J., 67 Lattmann, F. A., 87 Laudier, N. F., 45 " Laughing made easy," 173 Laurent, J. P., 43 Lebeuf, 52 Legrand, A., 52 Leipert, F. J., 87, 127 Leipnitz, F., 88 Leipsic, 32, 77-79, 88, 96, 97, 111, 116, 133 Leipsic, Battle of, 77 "Lend me five Shillings," 173 Lennhoff & Heuser, 87 Lenoir, 49 Lenormand, Mile., 54, 73, 109, 121, 132 Lenthall's cards, 169 Lequart & Mignot, 51 Liebenden und Verliebten, Spiel der, 138 Liege, 151, 152, 153 Lille, 69-71 Linz, 131 Lionet, 55 Liperachi, C., 22 Lisbon, views of, 110, 115 Llombart, A., 32, 196 Lottery cards, 61, 133-135, 149, 150 Louis, 35 Love and Friendship, 133 Love Mottoes, 167 Lucca, 21 Ludlow & Co., 158 Ludwig, J. F., 95 Ludwig & Schmidt, 115 Luftreise, 138 Luxemburg, 98 Lyons, 44 MACHARA VIEJA, 36, 42 Madenie, P., 44, 67 Madrid, 33, 36-38, 41, 213 Madrid Royal Manufactory, 37, 38 Maffeis, M. H., 35 Maldonado, P., 33 Malta, 197 Manbriui, F., 7 Mandrou, 67, 68 Maniez, E. F. V., 51 Mannheim, 98, 125 Mantegna, Taroccbi di, 5 Manus, 67 Marcovicii, G. B., 27 Maria, A. de, 5, 28 Marisi, A., 5, 16 Marriage, 54, 73 Martin's magic cards, 170 Martin's magic swans, 176 Martinez de Castro, J., 36, 37 Mathematical instruments, 166 Mathers, S. L. McGregor, 9 Maudet, 47, 57 Mayer, 67 Mazet, B., 67 Mele, 33 Merigot, 69, 70 Metastasis, 167, 211 Mexico, Battles in, 110, 207 Meyer, N., 119 Mihler, F. D., 90, 102, 124 Milan, 6, 7, 21 Milchram, L., 128 "Militar-Tarock," 106 Military science, 66, 121, 122, 199, 210 Minot, J., 68 Minot, V., 58, 67 Mitelli, G. M., 12,29, 195 Modena, 7 Mondo, al, 5, 11, 17, 20 Monmouth's Rebellion, 165 Montpellier, 55 Moro, A., 22 Moro, al, 19, 20 Moscatelli, S., 19 Moscow, 153, 154 Moser, A., 106 Mousse, 69 Miichler's Taschenbuch fur Karten Spieler, 97 Miller, C. A., 86 Miiller, H. F., 118, 133, 134 Miiller, J., 142, 143 Q 226 1NDEX. 22.ND X Mullord Brothers, 173 Mumlisweil, 141 Munich, 79, 80,88, 89, 98-100, 107, 108, 116, 117, 123, 125, 131, 132 Muntuori, P., 18 Music, 71 Mythological cards, 61, 70, 146, 179, 198 NANTES, 66, Naples, 9, 18, 38 Napoleon, Victories of, 115, 208 Napoleonic dynasty, 51 Natali, G., 11, 17 Natural History, 71 Naumburg, 89 Neuburg, 80, 100, 201 NeuchAtel, 142 Neuhaus, 125 Neumur, J., 125 Neustadt, 80 Neuwied, 100 New York, 183 Nicolle, 69-71 Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray, Duke of, 25 Novaro, N., 7 Nuremberg, 75, 80-82, 89, 93, 94, 1i0, 101, 117, 123, 124, 128, 131, 134, 201, 202, 208 Nuremberg, views of, 115 OCEJo, F., 33, 37 Ogilvy's games, 173 Olea, 36, 41 Oletti, 27 Olivatte, E., 167 Oneglia, 7 Osiander's Karten Almanach, 118 Osten, L. vander, 90, 203 PADUA, 7, 21 Paine of Almack's Quadrilles, 182 Pampeluna, 38 Papacy, 147 Paris, 33, 38, 47-49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 66, 69-72, 212 "Parliament," 173 Parma, 10 Passa Tempo, 29, 195 Passau, 105, 131, 202, 208, 209 I'asseron, 67 Payen, J., 54 Penningh, H. T., 119 Perego, 21 Perpignan, 39 Perrin, J. P., 122 Perrocet, A., 197 Person, J., 67 Pfand und Commando Spiel, 138 Pfann, W., 121 Pfluiger, G., 213 Phrenology, 182 Piatnik, F., 106, 111 Pichler, J. G., 131 Pietro, Marco di, 10 Pignalosa, L., 18 Pinaut, I., 68 Pinzon, L., 21 "Plucking the Goose," 173 Pommer, G., 81 Popish Plots, 163, 164 "Poverino," 14 Prague, 89, 90, 128, 129 Proverbs, 31, 86, 166, 173 Pussey, H., 54 Puzzle, Chinese, 139 "Pyramids," 173 QUADRUPLE MARRIAGE, 121 Quarante, V., 98 Questions and Answers, 133, 139 RATISBON, 90, 102, 124 Rauchmiiller, A., 109 Ravensburg, 102 Reading, 71 Regensburg. See Ratisbou Reiff, J. A., 121 Renault, 48, 55 Reneaud, P. L., 50 Renouard, A., 70-71 Republican cards, 44, 49, 57 Reschi, 23 Reumeteau, 66 Reuter, C. H., 81, 82, 101 Reutlingen, 109 Revolution of 1830, 51 Reynolds, 158, 159 Rhine, views on the, 115, 207 " Richterspiel oder Wer ist der Dieb," 93 Riedle, T., 102 Rio de Janeiro, 42, 207 Riviere, G., 67 Rocca, C. della, 6 Rochias, J. H., 142 Rochias, J., fils, 142 Rock, W. & H., 179 Roeder, P., 100 Rolffsen, I. I., 119 Rollwagen, J. G., 76 Romans, 57 Rome, 18 Romisch, A., 200 Rosnet, 67 Rossi, G., 8 Rostock, 117 Rotxotxo, 40 Rouen, 213 Roxas, C., 37 "Royal Court," 174 Rugendas, I. L., 80 Ruiz, J., 33 Rump Parliament, 164 Rumpolt, H., 201 SACHEVERELL, Dr., 165, 211 St. Maixent, 57 Salvotti, C., 22 Salzburg, 125 Santi, P. de, 19, 20 Sarbat & Sole, 34 Savoy, House of, 145 Saxony, Rulers of, 135 Saxony, views in, 87 Schaer, B., 141, 142 Schaffhausen, 142, 143 Schatzberger, M., 105, 131, 20 Schenck, C. F., 90 Schenck, J. H., 131 Schiller the poet, 208 Schmidt, J. M., 134 Schnekchl, A., 129 Schniepher, M. J. A., 126 Schiber, F. 125 Schoen, Erhard, 94 Schoepf, J., 87 Schroeter's cards, 130 Schulze, J. G., 88 Selon, G., 69 Sentimental conversation card Serrano, J., 38 Serravalle, 7, 8 Sewera, W., 129 Seyfried, J. H., 121 Shakspeare, Characters from, " Shop," 174 Siegl Gebrider, 91 INDEX. 227 Silvestre, I., 122, 199 Smit, G., 5 Soldato, al, 13, 17, 25, 26 Solesio, F., 5, 36, 37, 41, 42 Solesio Brothers, 37 Solis, Virgil, 94 Sommer & Seupke, 87 Songs, 168 Sorcery cards, 135 Spofforth & Son, 161 Stapf, J. U., 122 Stapff, J. C., 86 Steiger, J. G., 107 Steinberger, J. A., 77, 114, 132 Stralsund, 90, 203 Strasburg, 44, 45, 82, 102, 213 " Streets of London," 174 Stridbeck, J., 209 Stukeley, W., 75 Stuttgart, 125 Suss, C. G., 125 Sutor, C. T., 89 Swiss views and characters, 113, 144, 208 TELL, WILLIAM, story of, 97, 144 "Tempel der Tugend," 138 Theatrical characters, 72, 119 Theatrical portraits, 59 Thiboult, 67 Thieme, G., 77 2, 208, 209 Thiers, 41, 50 Thomas, E. E., 178 Tiedemann, J. G., 117 Timmerman, G., 200 Torelli, 8 Torras & San Martino, 32 Toulouse, 57 Tourcaty, J. F., 46 Tours, 68 Trades, 137 Transformations, 167, 168, 211 Trento, 130 Trieste, 27, 126 s, 172 Trioullier, 68 Tiubingen, 117, 118 Tugend und Laster, 139 Turin, 8, 9, 21, 27 Turks, Defeat of the, 85 172 Tuttell, T., 166 Twietmeyer, A., 116 Tytler's Pictorial A. B. 0., 181 IN]:= mr mSB r: - UFFl tsIMER, J. G., 83 tUnterwalden, 142 Urbino, 18, 19 " Utile col Diletto," 13 VALENCIA, 39 Valla, A., 126 Vanackere, 69-71 Vanhoeter, H., 152 Venetian coffee houses, 27 Venice, 19, 22, 23, 27 Vergnano, S., 8, 9, 21 Veroa, 22 Versailles, 68 Viassone, A., 9 Vicenza, 22 " Victoria Cross," 174 "Victoria or the Rose, Shamrock and Thistle," 174 Vienna, 82, 83, 90, 91, 103, 105-7, 111, 118, 129, 133, 134, 203 Violante, L., 18 Virtues and Vices, 29, 139, 195 Visentini, A., 30, 195 Vital-Berthin, 68 Viterbo, 19, 27 Vogelspiel, 131, 209 )EX. Volay, 35, 41, 67 "Voyage round the World," 136 WALLIS, J. 175 "Wants," 174 War of 1810-15, 78 Warsaw, 154 "Wedding Party," 174 Weinsheim, 204 Wels, 126 "Who Buys," 174 Willis & Co., 159 "Wishing and Guessing," 174 Wittenberg, 123 Wokaun, J., 90 World, Quarters of the, 113 World's Fair Souvenir cards, 182 Wratislaw. See Breslau Wiirth, C. L., 123 Wiist, C. L., 75, 96, 109, 114 YBERT, 67 ZAVOLI, F., 19 Zoetcke, C. H., 77 Zeni, L. V., 130 Zwanglose Karte, 88 JUN;2 I- 1913 c- -- LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY 2004 SEP 39015 02221 2727 3 DO4 HOT0 JEOV ATh MUTLAT CAR m I 0 1 0 I I