OF T1il GS'ST ITUTI TAl GONVE 10T1O W]ICl (OIN\VIENEI) AT ALE ]3 X AST D at uitI ON THiE 13TH D Y- OF, FE )P, U-A TY, 1864,ALEXANDRIA, D), TURNEPI PRINTERI TO TIIE STATE. 1864, W) I3iJV3112';t~'':i.:I}i; 60!'S'i"';' lT1(3 A8li IIXV00T'SI()l W.......1 i'... O, I-I ". i, ALE XAT DRIA, Tii, IUiRTNEIn, PrIx -TEIR TO THEJ STiAi.v t i8s34. J'0 U I N. A I OF THE CONSTITUTI ON L CON T 1ENO ALEXANDRIA, VA., Feb. 13th, 1864. The members of the'Convention elected to alter and amend the Co'nstitution of the State of Virginia, assemhbled inr the United States District Courtb Rloom, and were called to order by W.o W. WINxo at 12 o'clock, M. On motion of IV. W. WING, Dr. L. IW. WVE3we of Norfolk, wva.; elected temporary Chairman, and'J J%. 9. Cowiu~ iof Alexandria temporary Sereta'l;y. Mr. WING moveCI thal a Committee on Credcntials, consisting of fiv-. members be aplpointed. The motion being pt iut twas adopt ed and the Presiden t Eappointed the follo1w inr a n~am membno ers: Messrs. G. R2. olousl, B t. E l. over, John W. Stone, John Hawxhurst and Dr. A. Watson. Mr. VxNTG then moved the appointment of a Comml'tte co nsisting of three members, to report permanent officers for the ConvenThe motion was adopted, and the President appointedt the fillowin- na-ed members: Messrs.. W. Wincg, S. F. Beach and LeRoy G. Edw.ards. On motion of Mr.'Wr'i, a the Convention then adjourned until 12 o'clockl,., on Tulesday next. -0ALXANDIA Tsd, Tuesday, Feb. 16thl, 864. Conrivntion met at 12 o'clock, M. Mr. Bousi, from the Committee on Credentials, mnade the following report: "C Your committee have examined and found correct the commissions of the Ifolowinag namei gentlemen: JOHN \V. STONE, of Princess Anne Countyv GEORGE R. BousII, and PHLIP G. TlHOMAS, of Norf6,lk County. WVARREN \W. WING, of Norfolk Senatorial District. JoIiN J. HENSHAW, JAMES M. DO0wE' and E. R. GOVEk, of Loudoun County. LERoY G. EDWARDS, of' tihe Senatorial District of the Counties of Princess Anne and Norfolk and City of' Portsmouth. WVILLIAS{ H. Dix, of Accomac County. ARTIM W. VAT.%:4; _) Acf tSMcIa and Ntortlhamipton (X,uliltlov;. l J,'\rs W. V!. In, ~' Nx i'orfolk Uityo I1OiOl3RT B.. WYOOw, of }BlizabCth Cliy, T. S. TE1,NNis, of Elizabethl City, York, W' arwiP,k Charleas C ity and( Ne\v Kent Counties, James City and the City of Will aelsibtrg.. WILLrTAM P TMOORE of Nort'hamipto n County. JOIIN Alxa'XIItMsT, of PFairl x County. $. FrtSucso N BEACI, Of Alexandria andt Fairfax Counties. VAYw:rEn L. PENN, of Alexandria County. G. R. BOUS0H, Cthairman.'' The report of thle committee? was accepted. 3r. V INC, from the committee on permlanent orgainization and Iules for th;e government of theo Convention, made e foRet llowing report: "6The committece on organizattion an. n Rules rCsp)ectfiully Tepor't that they recommllend as officers of. tlei Convention the followi ing A IPresident, A Secretary. A Reading Clerk. A Sergecan. t-ai-.Arml s. A. Doorkeeper. To be elected by ballot. Tohe Rules of the House of Dclegatbcs, so ftLr ai itcey are l,,)ptfl Ilti: are recommenlded as the Rules of' the Convention, suisject lat smelt Ilmodifications as the Convention may from time to time fitnd 110CCeBssary'f. /V. WITNG Ch airmanH" iMr. HA-,tXIbIURST 1moved to camenind by st;rik' n out e2Atl inr Clierk" and substituting therefir n' Stenographic tReporpt er " MiVr.'ViNGth tl]ough1t fte exp)ense would be ltloo gareat'^ the ~timnlteo mcnans in the Treasury. Mfr. DOWNEY favored thle amendrment) but ias it was not seconded, Mr. B3ousI. moved to amemnd by adding io tloe B]2epor ~ of thgi Cm3Inittee " And also a Stenogcramphic Reporter." T"il'amnpdlrent w 1adopted. The report of the Committee was theo concurr'd -in a an se.nded. Mir. WING offered the followinrg resolution: Resolved, That the pay of the President be the salme as a mebinner. iir. DowNEY offered an amendment fixing th ie salary of the President at eight dollars per dieim, whichl ws iost, The resolution was thlen adopted. fr. ToIIomsAOffered the following resolution, whAicah was adopted: Resolved,'iThat the Pay of the Clerks and RIeporterl of this Convention shall be six dollars a1,)'r dilem c ('.h l. dni nlotloln thle election of perlmanent officers was thten golle intt, r. WINOt n ominated LeRoy {"a. dE(wrnsdo, oW 7'orflr, ofor Presideunt and MiJr. GoVER nominatcd )r. A. Wat.so,,,n, o[' Accomac,countty.. The first ballot resulted as follows:-Letlo ~1. Evdwards 10; Dr. -A. Ratson 5; W. "W. WinTg 1. M.,~r. EDWAnRDs ws declared duly elec:ted and was conducted to the clhair by Dr. Wrebb. IHe accepted th-e honor contfred on1)011 O linm boy a few appropriate remarks. Mr Wi O nominirated W. J. Cowin o-f A lexandria,,r,lccretI'. There being no other nominationes iet was declared ullianiimouly eloected. Mr. iW.ING nom0nimted Win. F.o eorcier, of'ololdlunl'Colni;y, for Readlng Cler.k0 Thliere being no oaller nom ination, li e was (declared u1aniimonusly elected. Iffro W, Jn noiuinated Mr. G. P. Kneller, of Nor'bolk C0u'ityi, i'01> Sergeant-t-a -Arms. MAIr. BI EACI nominated Mfr. Brook-s of' Fairfax (County. Tl11e first ba11 ot resulted as follows':. ]3rooj s 2. MWr. Kneller Ihbaving recei vesd a m a ejority of' tl y)otees cs,;t was declares dluly elected. Tlthe foi.o —ing na-ned gentlemen vwere )i; in naomination for IDoorkeeiper~ Edward Sullivan, of Alexand iri a' in. l ouiil, (o'f Lououo un CoLunty; Johln H -anna, o Fairfax Couinty Joseph Coeio,, of Alexandria County. On the third ballot Mr. Colton received nine 11 oti, e elr iI. Lio-)fR'l*I five and dirl HMannca two. Mr. Colton havingo receivedt a majority o.' the votes east was declared duly elcwted. Ir. It n; ~'szRT offered the follo0wing- resolution, which ra adop ted JICseolved, Tlhat the President boe authorized to employ a cleporter. Dr. aWsEBB offered the following resolutlion, wvlich was also adop ted Resolved, That thlie Sergeant-at-A rs is hereby instructed to procure additional desks or tables lor the use of Illie Collveltnion. Mi'. WViNGu; offered the following resolution, which w as also aI o) ttR )e d adopted 7 Resolved, That the Serpgeant-at-Alinms be directed to purchas e a stove fI' rthe more (emfortable wvarmingc of' the rdtbim, and also to prOCure stationery for the use of' tlhe Convention. M7r. W i ON also offered the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to confer with the President of tle UnTited States on the question of emanciipation. MJr. WATSON moved to amenci by adding " anid compensation" after the word' emancipation." Messrs, Bqusri[ nl HIAXIIunRST ot'jected to the resollUtion, and though t it uTnwise and iuntiinely. Dr. WATSON calso thloulit t11e resolutioin'Prtetm.,tTICre. M.Ar. IAwXn URST moved to lay on tlIe ttable which mnotionl was rmot ng report, whiclh was adopt ed Your Comnmitteoe fintd the m;embers of' this, Convention entitled: J. 1i n1ames )o mnileag e',or the distauces set fbrth opposite their names LeRoy C-...dw.rds,.....i.... Di** * * ***........................ 54 M iles. G. R. Boush,.......................................................................254 Philip G. Thoms,...............................................................254 James Si. Dovrowney,..........................................................134 1 r. -.... H.......................I....1:134 L' Dr.. J. I l. w.,....13 E It. G over..........................................................134 1D:r.A. A:Ltsot................................ 289.... 289 " WVin. P. Dix.......................................................28.............289 Wg. P M oore,................................................................. 270 " T T e. Tli.................... t - - - -............................... 242 Rolbert B.'Woudi.......................................2.... 242 V'. W, Wi "..~. 252'.' iL W. Webb:........................................................252 J. W W el ) 1st,.............-...... t *........ i................................, 12 2 e5. Fer'guson SBeach.........................................I............... \Walter L. Penn-,................................................................. john Ml, Sone. l2...2.. JAMES,M. DO ViNEY, Chairman." i1r. HAWXHi.URSTS' stated that though he might')be entitled to:xmiieaon-e he shotld c net claim it. aos he wv-as in the city on official b1usiness not con)neocted with the Convention. Mro 3ousIm oi.red the. following resol-ution I esol';cd, ThI' i a conmittee be appointed, whose duty it shall be t[o ascertain aid report to this Cor)vention, wliether the detestable practic6 of'whipping human beings at the whipnlg p est i s st i in I fo'Pe nany portion of the restored Goveelnment of Virginmia. f:ter sono)me debate the resolutioln was laid on? the table. Air. BAEtc oflf(red -te 0fblowing reso]lutioln, whichi was ad6pted:.Re7solved hat the Ser o"eai nt-at-Arms be direct-ed to hfive printed, for tho use of the members of the oonrlve 1ion, l one hundred interleaved copies of the present Constitution and Bi'l[ of Rights of V'rginiaOn Lmotion the Convention adjour ed until Tuesday next, the 23rd inst. at 12 o'clock,: 1M. W --'- ---- TUJESDAY, Feb 23rd, 1864, Con'Venution meot at 12 o'cloqk, AIM. TFhe proceedings of the previous meeting were read and approved, D r. WAaTSO fELona the Committee on the Bill of Rights and Quial.iiOcatioa of vot;ers, reported that said Committee h1ad had under consideration the Bill of R Fights and begged leave to report ithe Bill of Righ.ts oS f iLnl nia as passed Jnune 12th, I776, easamended by t he Convel.ntion o''t13 ala 185,a witlhout al.teration. The report N7was laid on the table a-nd ordared to be printed. Mfr. Dow Er, fiorn the C, ompmitte,~e on thle Le.islative Department, offered the foIlo-wi-g soitto i ns, whih were (de1,ted an(t rtferrdr back to the Con-mittee: Iv Reso)lved, That the Legislative power of this Commonwealth shall be vested in s Gfet:al Assembly, which shall coilsist in a Senate and House of Pepreseniatives. The style of all process shall be "The Commonwealthll of Virginia.' 2 The House of Representatives shall not consist of less than ninety nor Tmore than one hundred imembers. The Selnate shall not be greater than One-third the number of Eepiresentatives. 3. That the same be referred to the Committee on the Legislati've Department. Dr. WEBB introduced an ordinance relative to the qualificatin of voters, which was refoirred to the Committee on the B ill of' Righ ts and Elective Franchise; and ordered to be printed for the use of the Convention. Mr. NVING offered the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, That tUe Committee on Emanci2ation and Education be insltructed to inquire into the expediency.of reporting the following as substitutes for the nineteenth, twentietl and tvwenty-first Sections of Article IV of the present Constitutioon of Virginia: 19th. —Slavery and involuntary servitude, (except for crime), is hereby abolished and prohibited in the State forever. 20th.-Courtis of competent jurisdiction may apprentice minors of African ddcent on like conditions provrided by law, for apprenticing white children. 21st.-The General Assembly shall make no law contravening the nineteenth Section of' this Constitutiou. Mr. PENN offered an Ordinance fixing the number and coinpensation of of cers of the Convention. Laid on the table. On motion the Convention adjourned until 12 o'clock to-imorrow. --- 0 — W:EDNESDAY: Feb. 24th 1 864'. Convention met at 12 o'clockl, BI. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bousii submitted the following resolutlion: Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide fbor tand sustain a systenm of public schbols adequate to the -ants of the citizens, and that no child shall be prohibl ted therefrom on account of race or color. On motion of O iMr WATSON the resolution was referred to tohe Coimittee on Education. iMr. VWATSON submitted the following amencrient to'the first Se-c tion of the Third Article of the Constitution: Every white male citizen of the Coemmornwealth of t.le age of twenty —Qne years, who has been a resident of th.e "Stl~te for oe year-4 and of the county, city or tow-n, where he offers to vote ior six i~opj'ths next pronCedin' an election, shali be qualified to vote for memlber of the General Assemibly and all officers elective by the peo pie; but no peoson shall vote hereaCter at any electieu who lhas held a militlary commission under the so-called Confbderal;e Gover~nment. above tie e'rade of Lieutenant Colonel, or who has held civil office under the so-cailed Confederate Government, or under the State Gove.rnmerlts in rebellion against the Government of' the United Stnates with the followrlur exceptions, viz: Justices of the Peace, Constaobles Suxrey;ors of the Public eoads, Overseers of the Pocr, Notaries pi-ibie, i anid C omrni ssioun.rs in. Chtancerv. i1 All persons whio have held military commissions undler the 8ocalled Confederate States of America below the grade of Colonel, s Ihall not be qualified to vote for the space of five years after the date of th e formation of this Constitution, Nor shall any person'be qualified to vote. until after the expiration of the time afbresaid who has at any time favored the secession of Virgirnia froma the United States'by advocatineg secession or voting #br secession candidates for seats in the convention which assembled aft _Riienmond on th e thirteenth day of Feblruiary, eighteen hundred aand sixty-one, exceptsuch Is mas hay e ater wards. voted against the rati,.cation of- the ordinance of secession. No person 5i tfhLe military., naval or marine service of the United States shall be deemed a resident of this State by reason of being stationed therein~ And. no person shall hiave thLe right to vote who is of um'o-nd mni3nd or a pauper, or comm-nissioned officer, soldier5 seamanD or marinoe i-n the se rvice of tl-e TrUn.ied States, or who has ber) conTvictedl of briberyy i an election, or of any infamous offence..Resolvcl7, That theu aflnnexed proposition be referred to tlhe Committee on the Bill of Rigihts and Qualification of Voters. A. W7ATSON. Adopted and referred to t'he Committee in conformRity Vith the resolu.-ttion annexed. 2lr,'zxe:c siubmritted the following resollution, which was adopted: Resolued,'lThat the Comnlmittle on'the. Execlntive and J ldiciary, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so pro viding in the Constitution that Judges shall hereafter be chosen by the Gceeral Asseoinv.y on the nomination of the Executive. On mnotion t)h e- (onven tion adj oulrnecd until 12 o'clock to-morrow, -0 —THrURsDAY, Feb. 25th, 1864, Convention inet at 12 o'clock, a{1 The minutes of the previous meeting wore rzad and approved. l1:r.'WFiun. subnmiitt.ed an Ordinance entitled'" An Ordinaance to pro'videfor the relief of persons holding State or other securities within'the Rebel lines fr,'om which no interest has been received." MIr. WVrioG m3oved that the.-Ordinancee be laid on the table and printed, The,subject was debated by Messrs.'Wing and'Webb in the affi.rmative, antid ] esstis, Beoach, Downey and Hawxhurst in the negative. inr. Bi:.tIr askled for a division of 1io question, as he wvi4shed to vote to lay on the table and against the proposition to print, The xeq uest being granted the question was tihen put on the first clause to lay on the table —tand (adopted. Tie (jiustion thlen c dlid oil t.~i'he sucall clallS —- tsc 1l.illtit was adopted, ayes S; nays 7. On motion the Convention adjo-urnied u ntil Tucesdlly, }M&tarch 1st, 1864. — 0 — TuEs S\v, AMarclhi -1 I1s, 186 4. Convention mibetat 12 o'cloclk, M. The minutes of the previous meeting were rea(l atldapproved. Mr. WfATSON, Chairman of the Coinmmittee on the Bill of RiglhtsH,and Qualification of' Voters, submitted the followi'noY' report, whichl was laid on the table and ordered to be printed: The Committee on the Bill of Rights and Qualificatilon of Voters have had under consideration the subject of the Eleci;ive 1i'ranchise, andl beg leave to report to the Convention the following as an amendnment to the Firs-t Section of the Third Article of the Constitution of Virginia: Every white male citizen of the Commonwealth of the aTe of' twenty-one years, lwho has been a resident of the State for oe year and of the county, city or town, wherele he offers to vote for six months next pireceding an election, and who has paid his prevwious year's tax, shall be qualified to voto for imembers of lthe General Assembly and all o icers elective by the people; but no person shall hold office or vote hereafter at any election who voted for or s-i,,ned the ordidance of secession of Virginia, in the Convention -wl-1 i.ch assembl"edl at Richmondt on the thirteenth ciay of Feb. iary, eighilteen hundred and sixty-one, or has held a military commnission urnderr the so-called Confederate government above tlle grodeo of Liutenant Colonel, or who 1has held civil office under the so-called.Confedecrate government, or under the Sta'te governmenlts in aebeliion against the Government of the Utiited States, with tfle following' exceptions, viz: Justices of the Peace, Constables, Surveyors o' tlie tP blic Roads, Overseers of the Poor, Notaries Public,.anl Comms11111ion 1.0ers in Chancery. All persons who have held military commissions under the socalled Confederate States of America below the grade of Colonel, shall not be qualified to hold office or vote for the space of five years atfter the termination of this rebellion. Nor shall any person be qualified to hold office or vote until after the expiration of the time aibresaid, who lhas at any time favored the secession of Virginia from the United States, by advocatiLg,session, or votinr for secession candidates for seats in the Convention which assembled at Richmond on the t.hir-te!cnth. day of FebmCuary, eighteen hunldred and sixty-one, except s-ch as may have;aftew-wartds voted agai.ns the rati ficatin of the or din'anc of secessionY A'o person in the military, naval or marine serv-ce of the tUnite. Sttates, shall be deemed a resident of this Stat e b recasonl of' )be0inIg ,t; tI w a t tr!, ie2 1]. II, t I, 1shll hliav ttlo r lt L N',.i is O' uiisoua nd ii iitl, 011' a (Itii per.,,r CotlllllS"ix liio officerl, s, oitlil', s alirli", 0l1 o narine iPn tle Si'ervice o' tlie Unlited tiatesl, t1 who i'as l"erln c(otnvic'ed of brilbry in L,'yr eleetioli, o(r ( at if noullll; offenc c A. W'ATSON, C eIIir ilnt_. Mirt B}x cn askedl leave| of )absence 0for to-mo0rro, i Y I0w cl), 01 meo2l1t ei(n or 1M'. iI OOMAS, wis grantY01ed. O.l motion thle COci entiorn al,rmcld tti il I l —lfloo:o -— 0 —-- WzEN'DEziz'.r, fal'cre1 02,1d, iSCe14, Co,nventionl mllet it, 1'2 o'ilck,, I;. The minutes of thte previous ineting were read and approveId. {Mr. ItioonE, from the Committee on the Bill of, Ti; hts and Qualification of Votel:s, submitted the foilolrinc m i ority repor't, a:-;:r l Lamendll entU to'the Fmist Se ctior of thie Thiid 3A fcle'f thfe Co n — stitution of V irgirnia' Every whit@e rnale citizen of this Comrn iTonrie weanlth, of the ag of twenty-one years, v ho has been a esicident of tthe 5ita>e ltbr onIe ear, arid of tlhe county, city, y -mti'own wrefe l.ie o-feles to v one tio' siN1 r,,iontlis next preceding an electni: i n,'l wio has ai all taxe CtasSessed -to hi;- under Li1 Wv olf t Jo C11nmoirweI.itl hall'be qua'lified to vote for membeors of tile Geneoial Asstl, and c all. f iOic elective by the -people, ]i oovidae, he sh,..ll ta,l-e tibe oathe to su,pprt thile Constitution of tle United Sat.es and the "estoi.., o'ove' t 11(1i, of Vir inia. But all persons.o o1, din conr isiol- i bny arl ned I'ncet o:,posi' the ove e orf thel UnitoL J ftates,, e.th.er' civil. or milit'ay, aill me-umbers of tLe Leg islature, aril 9iI p ersoui; holdnog offic e under the usur gover nientr t a it:,.e, a, sll., ii iei-, chisod unless tlhey shall return to tti:eir 1 a( w'etii t wye Mnonths friobn the 13th'P day vot' eronrtuey 153s,9, dlal tao te i o enh tFo support the Constitution of the United Sttes a-I1C the restored o0-. eminPent of Virginia;. bait no iier so n iti tVo -m(il.itariy, nava V or ar'inc service. of tote United States 8lall be deemned a resident; of,this tai;e,,)y reason of being stationedr therein, ard.no person shla'.l itl alve {] righIt to -vote -wh.o is of unsotnd nil m d, or a pauper, or a nO —coninsiissoned oflcer', soldier, seaman or rna rine ill the service of the'United States, or who has been convicted of bribery in an e0ection, or of any infa'umous offence.'Mr. WING submitted the following resolution Resofved, That a Committee of five be appointed to confer with thlo PreCitlent of the United States on the subject of Eo mancipation and Comnpensation. A division being cal.led on the resolution it was adopted b)y the -followinr!g vote:-Ayes 9; nays 4, (r.Q.0n niotion of M{r. P ENN, the Presildent wa.s thlin instructedt to appoint said coli mm ittce. 14 ir.. rr esubmxnitto.d theo bllowing proea m bl and resi3Prao tio WiUiE/R,AS The Piresident of the United States has rece'tly isell a prtllochdlauml o of A -nesty to eitizens ot tehe nited States enfraged in the rebi hllon, o erinog u1.Udon to all hi-. low tile Crr.adcl of o onc in the armies of tihe s.0cvilled Conoedef are. St ates pon1)0 t'eh viet xu - ing lo tleir allegiance; o nd, W1in:TREAS, NYe ba!ive va ine'ciless conscriptlon is vorw going on by order of the'o earid C(onnfederate Coi re,~r's which i,.di:ates the ulte'r i t etlrtl of'the petople riesist ai d P onscription, or e'bl the'ti t avai tiheiaiselves of h;e prof rared pardon and aminest t; an.':}u.ust icWe be3Ai~,;e th t a axn. Woia oof arnesty ateld parrtoitl to al ahtuba.hppotroJbrnat.'hile hiJ supericr, ho ii. pois'Sefl oe r eo i eb1aUt, anat despotic power over.tn, is xteludo,i A'ill be of nn-efet al,:d no avail n producing a; retiO'n to thei - aolfCgiant' of the pivaltes ind ab\alte;n oftfiers of ith e teel a rmies.'hee t'fo Resole, Th- t Ca MnCmJ -we of fi'. be, appointed to -ionfer with tI. e ede t of t: VJt U j,vitant wIth a view.7 to regio t'he tpropr,'iey of etending e ril'.lesty to all git:ekR!,'1Xes. s o'f t'3 xebelt atrmiens uponr tehe same:-.I trms oeairn d tm so ldisers and fiicr s of a E hwr grapde g u1 wool).. t, sR.Gifrt -"v;Yan Nva t8Ka b ek H n o c l on'- as Mr. ftA'inr ii the svhno'doti A.\ a;S t;1)t som. &(0t;h i3 $rad "2V-; P U wucyg ti e affi- -r Yaat' a o Yha't Lhe ge-"'dlernma to rni Plre aem Q11C.t(i...c.)?ii ed: 1 tn'''fk'on o llay o.n th t Ie.a..:,a a['er It a A>hO sltnjoo{ rEnr.rw h(i)e;e (L.'be efli it-e jTr i to I setfd;ot at 011ce. The o0r1'j f'> ithriawl nd the questie wat the1'.it onn hw' adro'pn in +te- roeambl e Jnd re ols tionl, ahnd th.ey- ivrere e"r'o DiOn, motion Ti tto CtORnv'cir-nat,1so iohen ev iourned un tll tore~c' orov THURSDAY VWfarlO" rdlS n., I. i,1 The )sjmita; e of t21o Prlvliouis. boeeLi 7 w.ere retade. d ao pproevecl 11T'. P, n ot."d up ithea o dinance fu.Cng tiohe i -bem anid. u~C ot n&s tu1 Ol f r t j-.f rso t"Pe An; v C'l.V-ent.icon, and moved 4o aonionidb sItl'by rout adli, othat'portiC. am of tohe se.d section at'er te woTsi'i t und i41se-t;t i N I J`) o C; 1 1 A wioj'E do lla's. AffrT sOile dee'bste, on rotaoR 0,i 7 lj. r., AAW IRARST R -,T. the or' v-ote WtLS la1id on the: tar-be, whereupon Mr. Afna eoor,,ed the fo'llowing tesoleton as a, tibst1ltUte Resolved, Thlt ihe Sereltary of the Conmeention is hereby atuthorized to euploy aln asaistIl; ta a sala4 icy of neot ioto tlihan foor dollaris per day. After sonme deS8ate Ith. -eso"ution was ars dopted, W:, WmrB offered t1he follow1 ing esolution, hich w shi' als Lo adopled r IResoled, Thit the pay of t1he Se geaant-' I-Arms and the Door-keeper of this Conventioa Mlhall be tie same' a.iow.-i d by t he HOu3e of Delegates. On lnoLetiol'. th''a Coaeni. Dnv then adjourned until to-nmorrow.. FRIDAY, March 4th) 1864, Conventiot -m^et ait 1.. oelse,. The Preside.nt beii-,ng detaoined at his rooms from indisposition, thse Convention Y. Cascl.ed to order by the Secretary, who noz;.'fied tho fmnl)cbors t'lat it weuld be necessary to elect a President pro mpeo's r C, whereutlxon, On motion of iL. PE^NN Mr. MrWE' was called. to the chair. The ominutes of the pre0vious MeetA.lng were then read and'approved. Mr. BEACIn, Chairman of the CJommittee on the. Executive Department and Judiciary, ssubmitted the report of the Coiimitlee of which lhe is Chairman, which was aidP on the table and ordered to be printed. The President then annokunced the following special Committee of five to confer with the President of the United States on the subject of Emancipation and Compensation, in conformity with a resolution previously passed, viz: OIessrs. Wing, Watson, Beach, Gover and Webb. Mir. BEACH desired to be excused from acting as a mnember of said committee, and stated his objections to its fbrmation, VIr. PENN stated that he had voted for the resolution creating the Committee, but would not nove for a re-consideration in the absence of its author. Mr. DOWNEY then moved a re-consideration of the resolution, which motion was adopted. Mr!. BEACHd moved to lay the whole subject on the table until a full house was presenwt. Adopted. On motion the Convention then adjourned until Monday, March 7th, 1864. 1i10NDAY, ~ march 7th, 1864. Convention met at 12 o'clock, M. The minutes of t-he previous rmeet[ing were read and approved. Mr. WATSON, on behalf of the Chairman of the Committee on Emancipation and Education (lMr. rVINGo) submitted an Ordinance abolishing aand forever prohibiting slavery within the limits of the sbtate. It was read, and on motion of tMr. TEBB was laid on the table and ordered'to be printed, and made the special order of Thursday next. The President presented a petition from James W. Brownley, of Portsmouth, contesting the seat of George R. Boush, whereupon Mr. TiaomAS submitted the following resolutions, which were adopted:.Resolved, That a Committee of five be appointed to examine into the claims of James W. Brownley to a seat in this Convention, and that they be requested to report on the same at txs early a day as practicable. 2. That the private letters of George R. Boush to J. H. Burroughs, of Portsmouth, Va., and the afftdavits of J. W. Tucker, which hare been sent to the Presd'ent of this Conven l[ ill. to! t,. ir-. (coO!'esting tfl setat Wi' Geor)lgCe t. IotiS, f,e i.;L('d Cl'in -.e.h:lld.s' of sat. Colnlii it tLcc fin its exatlilna' ion. T'he Presiden.t antnotliteed tlhe fbtllow iu:'ainiiled( gentlewmeTn. tfhe lpecial co.ll illtt&iteW: —tMss's. W bb, Mo'e, XV'Uood.P JBe1-.h hd. 1)ow ney. O)il lntiionl of Mr \VWA'soxt tile ill of Rights previoutsly replortee d was tak(e'n t, an,1 - d readt, and aftetrw l-lx.r s ala(ae the sp, ciel o(?tI r ribo Mtontday.next. Mr. Bs1xAci nmoved t}liat tllhe rep1ort of tlhe Cormniittce onl tle Executive D)epaitr-xntc anid Jau lciLiy be n;medo tlto i8C9citl order fot(r Friday ncxt. The'lrti}u)tio wirIs concurt1ed illn. On nmoti;ona the Conve:ltioton adjolurrlned until to-nIorrow. TUEzSDAY, Mairch 8th, 1864. Colive ~ tion mnet 12 o'clock, AM. TheL muiniutes ofi thll provioUs nmeetirng were read and a approved, 311t. WrTON s tacd that as the Report of the Comimittee on Emanj Cil)ati).on was nIlOf tlhou t to be as perfect as it night be made, hle _oxred.l to recomAmist to he Coummittee. rThe'motion t vwas concurred in. On motion of,Mr. ItHIAwxtURST t1he Cor1mittee w tas then instrutteil to.report' by Thurlsdai next. Mir. DOWNzEY submitted (iant Ordlinance defining t4reason, and for the itunihmslent of the same, wvhichl wals laid. oa tlhe tablje and o rdered tou be prin'oted. On mnotion the Conven:tion andjourned uttil 10 o'clock, A. MB., toso}'row. WEDzsE.suAry, }Mlarch 9th, 1864. Convrention met at 10 o'cloclck A. M. The minutes of the, previous meeting. were read and approvedl. iTLr. WATsO.n, in behalf of the Chauirmn an of the Coalmmittee on Emaneipation.und Education, submitted t;he followin. g report' Yot Committee on Emancipation beg leavre to introduce the following as a part of the Constittiotr t o Virgjriina, to be fwuerted in the same under the caption of "L&AnVEmiY Ol, FRE.TD'WM m" I. Slavery and involuntary servitude (exeept for crime) is hereby abolished and prolibited in'tie State forever. 2. Courts of competent jnrisdiction pmoy,pprentice minors of African decent on like cunditions provided by law, for al)ptPenticing Nwhite c~ildren. s 3. The General Assembly shall manke no law establishing slavery or recognizing property in humnl beings. W W. WING, CZlairman,) B B AWOOD, PHIllIP G. THOMAS. Connlmittee..A. WATSON,: FEIOUSON BlJEAC cTr J 17 Laid on the t;tble, and,on otion of' IMr. Wi was mtade tlhe vpecial order fbr to-morrow. Bi. DowNNEY submitted the follovinVg eso0;tion8, which were laid,on the table and ordered to be printed: PasolUtd, That t:he money or mosales obtained from the s;ldes of confiscated property, shalt be applied first, to the payment of loyal pers ins sfor all the losses they have sustainted by andthrough this rebellion; secontd, to he applied to fLrce sch!ool purposes; thirld, if a surplus, it.hall be applied to the pa yment of the State debt, or on internal improvemennts. 2nd.-The Legislatur' shall provifle by lw for the same at the first session after th6 ado)ption of this Constitation. 31ir DOWNrE also offered the following' resolutions, which were reforre to the ComNmitttee on EduC ation Resolved, That the Legislature shall as soon as convien!!y may be, pr.ovide by law, for a general system of education thr ughout the State, in such a manner that the poor may be u~lm1ght gratis. 2and. —-Tat the arts atd sciences shall be promoted in one or more seminares or collges go learning. IV r. WErEB, Chairman -of the Special Comreiittee oiu the contested Sesat of iAMr. George I. Boush, mode the following report, which was.nsn Dou s!y adopted: 6 The$ t~onimnirte to whom was refe erred the clahlm of Jam es W.;Browle-y, Esq., of Portsmouith,;to a t sea,t hs jonvenon in plac. of Geor e Rt. Bo~oush, bteg leave to reort at they have exa Tine e carefully' the papers filed, and are of the opinion that Mr. J. W. Brownley;is not enfitled to a seat in this Conventio.n. L. W. ViEBB, Chsaii'rmin.'7 R. Bo IWOOD, I WM. P. MOORE,: Committee. JAMiES M. D)OW iT Y, S. FR UG-USON BE1ACI, j) iMr. Dow';X l subnlitted an Ordifnance providing for amendmen sS to the Constitlution by the Legislature alfter thel year one thousand eicg;t lhundred and sevenrty. Laid on the table and ordered to be printled by the following vote: ayes v7; nays 5. 3'tr. tHAWxaURST then moved to take up the ordinance previously introduced by the gentleman from Loucdoun (SMr. DOWN.EY), defining and punishing treason, and submitted a substitute for the same. — The subject was debated at some lengt'h by Messrs. Hawxhurst, Penn, Downey and Webb, after which it was laid on the table, ordered to be printed and made the special order of' Tuesday nest. On motion the Convention adjourned until 10 o'clock, A, M., t;o morrow. TEaUnSDXA, larch 10th, 1864. Co tonvenin me at b10 o'clock, A..1o The mina tes of the prlvious meeting wsere readt anid aca?proved. the report of the Conmmlittee on Eman.cipat-lon being tfle special. ordcer of the day, the same was ttis:li up and read. 18 sT]'- l su'jt(cc was then diebated ilt consicdei blo lel'tl by 1g'essRg l)ovwny, 3 oush, Hbawxhurst and Watson in favor of' its imtediatetctdop tion.'Mr. BEACI- desfred t o make an e.xplanation. H-is naUme did not. atppear oan the' report of the Colummittee on Eman cipation fronm theficth.that. lie wa, s'bjse.'t when the committee mt u.kd.e itts, report..As hA endorSed thel report and should vote for its adoption, he asked that hzis nalmie mig ht be recorded wit t ane a oa f the Committeeo — The request was granted and his narne so recorded. llr.:PENNi saiI as tihere seeJed to be nro opposition, he would rnow move the unanimnous adoption of Ith re port;. Mr. YInBr desired tl he.ayes and ia ys tas3en. alnd ihey weree re corded as follows Ayes —Messrs. LeRoy G- Edwards (President), BP.aeh,'Boushl Downey, Dix, Gjover, Jien shaw, -awxvhurst, Penn, Thomas, enis, TennVs'ebb, Wood Watston, Wing[-15. fNay s- Mr. Moore. So the reps'ort was adopted. Ir. iW1' O.sn offered t ite followhng r1esolution, which was adopted..Oe8ob.", 1,e,t e coranamitte of thlree be aepoin..ltd to wai, upon Cer.. S;r,,1'ccrn and reqsest th-,t a s-lIte be fire1d iln honrt Gf thee passae of' thna e hact of iem iancipasiont _ihe Pd A1iT fTa)n-po ntoc'Oa ~_oC as, a.,A.i. as idt comnmutteet:.rVesIs.,' aLson-uO.Penua a.A GovaIr. a{r.'rDowt::Ef'v s,)milttd',I... fol.lowin. Ie sowir tion whitch vas al so 6.optAed Resolved, That a spI)ecI,1:al coMmittee of five members be appointed to prepare a schedule of the Constitution, On motion the Conviention then adjourned aA uft, tl o'clocki, A, A.I.S to-myorrow. P:RIDA-tM','iarch 1t;hl. i.8i4.. Convention met' at, 11 o'CIOCl k A. The minutes of vi;.e prev'io'us moeetint', were read anC aoprovwed, The Report of tLhe Comnittee oa the Ex;ecutaivs, Depar;tziten't and i Judiciary beina, the -special order of the da-y, the samre was t'aken up for considerati,.ol:. As imanay mie-embers were Iunavoidlably abs ent Ja.:'. WEBI B moved to po stp-onse tlhe consi-dera, tinv o f the Report un tit1,'Ve dnesday next. The m-lotion was concurired in. On motion the Conventition then adjourn.et undtil.11on/ay n.ext at 10 o'clock, A. MI. MONDAY, /fAarchh 14Nt,'. a30 Conventionr met, at 10 o'clock~ &. A,. Th.e minutes of the p:revious nreeting were read.f app ap r oved. The 1l. eport of th'i,e Co1mmittee on the Bill of.t3Righ,.ts being thct'-Qeiea o.-der o f the day, the sa me was called up anl read, after 'il4iTh, Oil motion of Mi r. WV.TSONI, the s.a-me wa unmnan'im.oni sy dmlopted.:r'. WATSON t'le. called up thOe!eport of tbe Cornnlittee on the Qualification of oters, after the read ing of V bhich he Isubmitted the lollowing amended Replort The Commit;tee on the Bill of Rights and Qualificat;ion o-f Voters have had un der conrsideratioa the subject of the Elective Franchise, and beoe lea ve to report to the Convention thhe iollowsing as an amendneriti to the First'SeEtion of Lthe Third Agrticle of the Constituttion of Virginima Every wh'it;e male ctiZenof the CorUM01ni i'iflith of the o of e of tweniy —one o years, who hlas been ea residerat of the Stato e for one year, ande of he, e ou cty, ei:y or town, where he offers to vote fbo Six m01ontLhs next preceding an e le tion, ad wrho has paid his t'a xes for-the precedingrg year,~ shall be qusa al.fied to vote for rmembers of the rGien/eral.tssemnbl'y and all ofie rs elective by he peopl2s; b'u.t no per-.son shall roAd oui'ce or vote hereafter at Can electlon who voted for or srigned n be ordiinac of secession of Virginia, in 1;he Convention wivhich assemb1le:ld a Ricmroond. on the th'riteenth d1 y of Feb rary, eighteet. hunnlred. and.: sixty-o'ne. or has held a milrr c nission un.lder the so tcol'ed Confedera'te government above the grade of Li e utenant Coloneld or who has ahel civil office unliec the n; -called CoGnfede ate gmorern'ment, or unLer the Snate goevermr unts i rebellion agaainst; t-e'T;overnment.e of the Un.i-ted;Stac-es or w'ho has held. a seat in ei.thcr uontse of the so-called Confderate Congres s or in eit'her H orse of t-;e iGeneral As ose-ly of y irg'inia, or ofi anry other State in r'er e gas..rt.n ost the Gcoverr aeort of the United $States since ~ - t, - eay of eighliheO I On husndt(ied( and s.ixty-. one, with the fTlowinge exceptionsa, Vi: - Justices of th;e t Pea(ce, colsfabtes, Surveyoros of the Publid itoads, Overseers of the Poor, N o'tarieLs Fu'biciC, aCn1d Onnmmissioulers in Cl.n.aceey. All person- wo lhav8 hheld mioitary con.missions undler the socalled Confederate States of America bevlo? thle griade of Colonel, shall not be quariitled' to hold. office or vote for thle space of five years after gthe term!ination of this rebelion. Nor shall any person 1)e qualified;o hold office or vote until after tle expiration of the time afbresaid who has.givxen aid and comifort to the rebels in arlms, or favored the secession of Virgini fromi the United States by advocating secession or who has - voluntarily borne arms against the United States, and not then until they shall take the oath of' alletiance to the Government of' the'United States, and an oath to support the Constituti6n and Laws of' Virginia, which. oath or oaths shall be recorded in some Court of record,' ThIe rebellion shall be deeme(d to have termlinated in three nonths after all. the counties in ti.e State shall have been recognized by the election and appointment of officers recogin:zing the Constituitioi of the'United States as t1he supreime law of the land.' 20 No person in thec miiitary, nav or ma lnrine scivice of the United States, shzal be deemed a resident of this State by reason of being,,statio.ned therein, And no person shal1 have the riglht to vote wlo /is of unsound mind or a pauper, or nonocommissioned officer soldier, seaman, or marine in the service of the United States, or who has been convicted of bribery in any election, or of any inifhaous offence, provided, however, that officers and,soldiers in the volunteer service of the United States, not disfranchised by the fobregoing provisions, may vote at such places, and under such restrictionsD, a may be provided by law. To ensure the execution of the above provisions lhabe Legislature shall prepare an oath to be administered to those w.ho offer to vote, but whose right to vote is doubtfal. A. WATSON, Chairman. Laid on the table and ordred to be printed.anrd made the special order foB Th urslday next. Mr. PENN informed tbae Jonvenilon thab' he vrould, on Thursday het, when the Report should coie up.as the special order of the day,r move to strilke out so much of the samne as reads " or non-commnissioned orcer, soldier, seaman or marine in the service of the United States." lYJr,. D0WvTEY then sublnitted the following amendment to the. teport of the Committee on the Qualification of Y'oters: After the end of the third line stri' out the word "six" and insert 6" one month.;" in the next lze after the word e].election" inMsert " butt a citizen of the United States who had previously been a q'uaified voter of this State, and reinoved therefrom and re'turned, and whIo shalI have resided in the election district3 an4 paid his taxes as aforesaid, shall'be entitled'to vote after residing in the State six months.," Again the wo.rds d five yeais" to be made,"ten years." Atber. the words 6"voting for (origintl) secession C'andidates" to read after the words'" officer and soldier"" except in time of a rebellion or invasion." L fid on the table and ordered to boe rinted, and made the special order of Thursday next. On motion the Convention adjourned until I o'clock A..M, tom orrow. T.U sDAY, _iMarch 15th-. 1864. Convention met at 11 o'clockl, A. gM. The minutes of the previous meeting w-ere read and approved. Mir. D]owvTY,a Chairman of the Conittee on tht e on Legisaive DeatOmen%, submitted the repor1 t f the said Comminittee, whiclh was d.,.i2 Mr. [-IAWxU SIIurST 1mo10'ed t, lay on th}e tlle anld lave tile:arne ]trinted, and make it the special order of Fridlay next. Mr. AWEBB obiectcd to the printing of th1e twenty-ninth Section of' the Report, and mnoved to amener by strikLingr out that portion of it, The motion wvas lost by at vote of'ayes 4, nays 8. The question th en recurri g; on tlhe motionr of Ote gentlerman frnom Fairffx. (Mr. HAWXU Iwsn:sT) t}hc iAne w-as concuirred in. Jr. \TA'SON calfled tip thle ordiinance defining treason, introduice l by the gentlemian f'ton Loud(( n, (Mr. DoWNrE,) and the substitute thereto-r subSnittted by the gentlcenit n from11 F ailrtfr, (]ir. HIAWXSItr ST'.) The subject was debarted at son,,e length by Mlessrs. Downey, and ~.awxhurskt in the a.nirntlRtive and UIMessrs. Webb, Blouh and Penn in the neog'sti ve Pending tThe consirderation of thle silubrject, the Convention adjourynd until 11 o'clock, Ao. i., to-nlorrow. iWEDNES:DAYI larch t16 8"4. Convention met at i! o'clockl, A. M. The mLixutes of tho previous meen T/c'ero read and approved On motion of }J'!. TWATSON the unfinished businless of yesterday wias, surspended and the special order of' tle, dlay-the Beport of the Colnamite on the Executive Department a-d Judiciary —wxas takenl up anrd considered. ir. BE.ACH. submitted the following resolution, w.hich was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That every'eport made by a standing Committee shel1l be considered anid be open to amnerKdSent, Section by Section, but the vote on,he 1ir-essag, of any Seelion or clause shall not be final.'he question shall recur on the passage or adoption of the whole as. amended, and molions to strike out and insert shall be in order. The first ec ton of the Report was then taken up and adopte d without amendment. The second Section was then taken up. Mr. HIAawxIr~Us'r moved to amend. by addingc after the word m nmajority " in tle fourteenth line the words " of members elected vsr B1E.A&c offered an ameendment to the amendneent, viz: Af er the words "' presence of" in the tburteeunth line strike out the words - majority of'" The question reecurring on the amendment to the amendment; the same was adopted-ayes 9; nays 2. Mr. DOWJ;EY offec8dC the followr1ing ameun3dme l nt which Was lost: In the eleventh line of the second Section strike,out tLe wo-bds " on the frst day" and add' "as soon as a Speaker shall be elected at the next session." 22 Thie secon Seetion oft' tlie plortf as amended was then adolptt ed The thlird Section of the rleport was then taken up). Mr. BousIn moved to amend by striking out the word CC five" after the word f''b' "' in the twelnty-iburth line and.substitute tberelibr tile wetord':four." The amecndcment was, lost, and the Section then adopted. The fourth, fiftll, sixth, seventhl eghltll and ninth Secticn.s were tllen a(idoitedl without (amendment. The tenth Section bein( un(der consideiration, IMr. DowNET mnoved to amnend by adding after the word vote'' in the seventy-fifth line thle word,,-'" 6except'wNhen the Senate is a tic." rLThe amendmentl was lost and thie Section as originally reported was theln adopted. The eleventh Secction was then taken up. Pendinrg the consideration of the eleventh Section ca mootion to ad-. journ was made and. lost, o Mr. BW-EAcn then offered the following amend: entt, wlich was lost 6' The salary of the Secretary slhall not be less than $1800 per annnu m; thle salary of the Treasurer shall not be less than a$1800 per tannum;. and the salary of the Auditor shall11,ot be less thrtan $2400 pelr annullll'" the same to be, nserted at the end of the eleventh Section. -Ir. PEINN moved to amend by striking out thle word'1 two" after the word'6of'" in the eightieth lihe of' the eleventh' Sectioen, and insert the wotO d' fobu r. The amendment -was lost by a vote of nayes 5; nays 8. The eleventh, twelfth and thlirteenth Sections were then, adopted. The Convention then adjourned until 10 o'cloclk, A. M., to-morrow, --— 0 —TiIJnsmxD, Miarch 17t, 1864. Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. On1 motion of Ir. WaE3 the 0 special order of the day-the Report, o7f the Comnmittee on the E'lective, Franchise-was suspended, alnd imade the special order of' MIonday next. On motion of M-r. WVAT^soN the Ordinance defining and punishing treason was niade the special order of' to-morrow. Mr. \'VWTSaoX subiiiitted ian ordiance relative to the proceeds of confiscated property, wlhich was laid on the table and ordered to lbe )'ill tetll. 6).: \Ifr. BSAClI cal led upl the leport of' tlhe Co)llittee, o(. te L Cgislative l)Dpartlnent and Judiciary, and tle ftirteenthl, fifteentill, six. teentlh, seveClteentill igl teenth and nineteenth sections were tdop)tetl without alenldmenit. JUDIICIARY DEPARTME.NT. —Tho first section of the Report of thle' Coimnittee in regard( to th)e tppointmont of Judg(es was o)bjecte( ti, 1,y Messrs. Haw hI11-st, DowTisney and XNVatson. T-. subjec was de~bated at some lergthl,after wr xlich it was adopted by the followviul, vote: Ayes-Messr.s. LeRoy G Edwards, (Presidenlt), Be13ch, Bous1, Goer, Ilenslhaw, Moore, P'ennr, Wbb-5...aylgs-15essrs. Downney, Dix, Ilawxhurst, Thomas, Tennis, Wood, Watson -7. Th1e second section of the RPeport was then t-aken up and adopte'l, Mir.'WVEBB being, excused from votingl, on the samle. 0 The third: fourth anld slftir sections were adopted without amiendment. T'he sixth section being uinder considerationl, Mr. W 0 EBB ooffered tlhe following amendment: In.the 71st line of the sixth section strik-e out th;e wordls " eight ye ars' a nd substi;It;ue, 6 e fo ur years." In tthe 73rd line of the same section, after the word "(ager' insert thie fllowing, " and has beet a citizen ofr the Stpate for five years Inex-t ipreceding his election.' 1W. Wa'soiN called for a divisio'n of the question, which was gr6;anted. The question then heing, taken on the amendmllent to the seventyfirst line, it was rejected. ifr. HAWXIIuRST moved to amend the amn-len iment by striking' out the word "five"' and inserting the word "6 two.'" The amendment to'the ame mdment was lost. The oCestion ltheC recurring on t-he anendmenlt it was rejectcd by the folowing vote —-- ayes 7; nays S. The. sixth section was then adopted. By general consent the sevelnth section was not talken lip. The eighth and ninth sections were then taken up anid adoptced. The tenth section being under consideraltion M\r. l/VEA1n; mrloved to amend by adding after -the word:age,'' in the ninety-fifth line, the words 6" and and a citizen of the State for twelve Ionths." Mr. WATSON moved to amend the amendment by adding' n(Td shall have resided in the State one year next preceding his electionr," The ayes and nays being demanded oiT the amendment to tlhc amendment, they were recorded as follows: Ayes-Messrs. LeRoy (G. Edwards (President), I>ix, Gov-cr, Illnlhaw Ilawxhuirst; Mooe ornn, Tennis, WVebb, Wood, W\atsoln. —1!. aVlbfys-31cssr,. elachi, Bllotsl,'Downey, Thom5as., —-4. So thle armeecuId-nt to the.am1ndllt111lent, wtas a lo[t,ed. The tenth section, as am1elned, wlas then ad)opted. A notion to reconseider the sixth section ba'ing sustainedl, 1 r. WE lr moved to amend the stame by',lding after the worcd''a,"' in the seventy-third line, tlhe wvot..Irs " and shaltl hav resided[ i the i3tate one year next priceding hii election,'' Tho Iledlmendicnt as adl.optod, and the section as.; amended reALdoptied Ou irotion the Conrtentton took a, recess uatil 3 o'clock, P. M. i3 O'CLOCc, P. M.-Convention rmet and resumed the conSitdraftiOnl of the c Report of the Committee on the Judiciary Department. Sections twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteenl, ixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteena alund twenty were adopted. it. HIAWWXHaUIIST movedO to amend the twenty-first section by incertnig after the word "g, overnlor'" in the one hundred and eightyfirst line the words.' and receive two thousand dollars for each yearsI Service.," and in the one hundred and eighty-second line stritke out the words;; and receiveY such compensation." The amendment vas rejectel, and the section adopted as orluginally reportued. Sections twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight were then adopted without ameud ent, MI'r. VWEBB molvr(ed to amend1 t;he tCtwo hundred and tvwenty-fourth line of the twenity-n-inth section by striking out the word two" af-fte;r tln word.d 6'ibr' and insert the word "' four." The ayes and nays being demanded they were recorded as follows: Ays~-messrs. LeRoy G. Edwards (President), Henshaw, Moore, Penn, Tennis, Wood, We.bb. —7. ira1is-,-ecssrs. Beach, eBoush, Downey, Dix, Gover, Hiawxhurst, Thomas. —7. The amendment being lost the section was then adopted as originally reported. Sections thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two were adopted without amendmcent. By general consent the consideration of section thirty-three was I)ostponled. Section thirty-four was then adopted. On motion of Mr. B3EACHI the whole RIeport was then laid on the table. On motion the Convention adjourned until 10 o'clock, A. M., tol.or role 25 P.IDA, 3tarch 18th, 1864. Couveltiofnl. mnet a't 10 oclock, A. 1.. The minutes of the previous rmeeting were read and approved..INTr. W\VEBB submiitted the following preamble aand resolutions which were laid. o'n the table aad ordered to be printed.: WHEneAS, It is of. gznat importalnc-e to thle people of Virginia, that they should' be sus-.tained by the Goveramuent of the Tnited Stat;s, and'sWHn7rss, The cons'ant interference with the civil authority of the Restored Gosrernment of Virginiai by uthe ImDiteary authorities, causes great dissatisfaction on the part of our loyal'itir;ens; thercfor~e ewesobted, That a Conmilnttee or this Coanvention, in conjunction with the Governor, be apl pointcd to wait nspon the President, and ask hii,.. to fix a period hlien an interview can be harl with 1him and his Constitutionalt advisers; to ascertain whether it is the interest of the C-eneral Gov\-ernent to sustain the civil al'thiority or whether the civil is to beceme, as it is now, subordinate to the military, wvith a view that the Coaveatioa may take sucll action as they may deem expedient. On motion of Mrt DowNEY the Report of the Coumittee on the Legisiative Dep artment was pos-poned and made the special ord-er ibfr Wednesday nex t The special order of the day, he ordinance defining and purnish-;mlg treason, and the srlbstitute therefobr was then taken up. Mir. DOWNVnrz aecepted the substitute for the originsal ordinance sutbminib-ed by hMim. The substitute then being under considersaion, M11r. DowNs-~ moved to amennd'by adding after'the word " Sta[te', tit the scot. ( line, the words (comumittCec int this ComnIonwealth." The whaole sutlject was deeated at con.siderable length l)y Messrs. 13each, Wein)h, ing and Penn in the negative, and Messrs. HawxIlhurst, Downey and Watson in the afi.rmative. Mrt. WEBT B 11moved an indefinie,postponement of the whole subject, but afterwards withdrewr it. 31r. HAwsxUasT mloved. to adjourn. Lost by a vote of ayes 6; nays 9. TllMr. DOWNEY5T withdrew his a-mendi metnt. 3fr. WEBis then imoved the previols questi(tn, b.lutd withdlrew it in.,rder to have a filrther expression of' opinion on the subject. M3r. WATSON imoved to amend by strikig out after tlle word "' ComImonwealth, inL tlhe second line, the words, "or against tlhe United States,' andt in the same litne to change the word "theirl to "its." The amiendncent was lost by the foliowing votc: —ayes 7; nays 8. The (tuestion thein recurring on the adoption or rejection of the substitute, the ayes and nays being demnarnded, they were recorded as tbllolvs:,.y!lr, —-.l{(ssr.:. ij\, lO:'.W icix. (loat'I; TItent\ha Hn'!b ltxlIustl Wato; n ~ —(. ,'-M —,[c:.'srs. LeRoy G. IErdrs. (P1'esidcnit), MBlci, B3ushl,.ltoore, Petn,'Thlomas TerLnis, Wcbb,'Wing, Wood.l — O. So the substitute wvas rejected.. rhe President announecd the appointinoent of' LYSAND)Er HiILLt as Reporter for the Convention-. Ol Motion th Convention dljoiurnd' t until 0 o'clock, A. {L., to-. morrow. SATunRDAY, iMarch 19th,'1864. Convention met at 10 o'clOCk, A. ief The minutes of the previous meeting weroe'read and approved. On moeion of IXr. WATSON the ordilnanet rT, lAtive tof the npppliciation of fuands receigved from the stle of' coinfiscated. proipeery,, was atiken up and consid ered. i.. [r. HAWXTHUinST move to- amven d by adding afte'i the wFord 1" St;ate in the eighteenth line the words, "p 9oviidcd such ownr1ewS have given act;ive proof of t-heir loyalty to the Governmc-ent' of the Unilmed Stateso' Tihe amendment was acceptoed. ri.0 5, WooeD moved to amiend by inserting afte-; the worid;StatCe' the words, K and the loss of timne by- inprisoni.tnint.' The amendiment was adopted. r.'I W'33 offered Lhe following as a subs-titluto for lthe fi rst sectionI ist.-To the payrnent; of all loyal citizens or no.a-combltantsi,, for etoses sustai,.ned cit.her oy imprisonmnrl::A 10osas of prtpertyr bo0th rea.l and prersonal, togneeher with the loss ot saveOs and. who sh~, 1 gilve atisi'ctory evidence of their loyalty -to tae G-overan1euint'of tkhe3 United States, or evidence of their n Luralilty. The substi.tute was withdrawnv whereupon r. VWEBB mOrE3 veOd that the Ceonvention resoive itself into a Comlmittee of the W3hole on the consi deration of the or0d inance, The motion wasa suseainred and. Mr,, GOvEvn called to the h "sia'r. i[Mr. \ WATSON. roveOr to araend by striking. out the arnendrmnt of the gentleman frorm Fairfax (I r. HA XrsInu Es': ) andll:insjerft the followitg aft;er the word " i mprisonmen t:" 9 Provrid ed such claimaniits have' not been disloyal to the -State or tI he Government of the United States; but if minowrs under- twelve years of age no evidence of disloyalty sha l. delbar theml froin the benefits of this ordinance.'r The amendment was debated at some lengtb., rbut no concluPsio.. being arrived at the Commnittee, arose and rep orted,. 3r. Dol vxOvI Y tt' i tl l fferIed tle 1011W t 11n eI tesolOi, 4whiCll wa:.'dopecd c Resolsd, T'hat a special Committee bf five be al1ppotnied to whom thlis ordinance shall be referred, with accompanying papers. Mr. Wood) offered the followino resolutio n; l l ch was aldopted(l Resolved, That this Convention will, on Monday next, anc daily thereafter, hold afternoon sessions, comimencing at 3 ocelock. Br. Ti.:oMA5s'noved a re-considderation.t of' tle question, whiclh nrotion was adopted, whereupon W.'.ro ATSO.sO offered the folow in gr as a substitul e for tihe isame6W i/esoidd, That this Conl-ent,)on do Pnow a2djourn'to meet at 9 1-2 o'clock, A. I.., onh MJon'd.t1y Rext, FThe s -ubttitlute was ndoit>ed ani tlhe Coanvention'her atdjosar icd. ON'ms A Y ~1X arch 2!st 1'8, (184.-. Convention net t't 10 o Ciock: A.. h,{.,he Presiden'a being' absenit fromn i:,te city,'fAr. o IIAwxIiIX ST.' 0f' F — t' ft o'' ot reslei, PMNN, vv~ ele~ed Pident ero tcmp)o? c.:F.1aI0rk'x7. on o1t2ioln of /i. Pr"NS5. cwas cl;elected11C'':ho. mrinates of the previo'ns nemeeetitog erve rad and cl approved..,r. Wi:Tm submrit;ted a communicaiJon rel'tiv-e to the (disposition of' indns'receiv - iror.- the sae of land's for school and religions pulrposS n, utd arsIiced that i t'c r e ferred to 1t C onim ittce on E duc eation.I. it was so ref'r-red,:iM-r.'A.TSO ~S 0 sub: nl t4 a n. a ended ordK. NiO re relative to th e tap. pl.cation of' the prroceds deriNvel fr o ttn't.e Jso o confiscated priope-rtLy' -whichl, wsa la.d on the titble andll ordereti -o ie printed. N'3~.r gcousii submncitted V"h, ll.oing' esol.4 ution wnt..icth was adoptedl ResoZved, T.hat. ile Prcsident be authori!ecd to ad1rjourn this Conivention sine die on tli 29th day of the prescn;'month, at 12 o'clock', 1 On m.-not~!ion of 1/,'ru. PENIN tl,0 iseCr.a o-rder of th1e tday —thoe Report of the Comm1.1ittee on the Qu,.i3.fitcat'ionr. of -gotevrs was takenu p,atit: con si. dered.. Mr. Woouo, lbmit''ed a, suastitut e forl tine iE'porti'Mr 3owuR ][E Y nouved to ranend the "t'stitute by str iknpg ouet tlle wornd'six" in the ihfrd litne and firle t a7, i the lk word'tlire e."' CThe almendm.ent was lost ~. Mi{r, AT. soN then sub.mitted the follo1wign anaenndmrennt 6 No one shall hold office or vote who has favored the rebellionl by.act or word since the first day of Jan-uiary, 1862, or who voted fo or signed the ordinance of secession of Virginia in the Convontion which assembled in.Richrnond on the 13th clay of':February, 1861, or who has voluntarily borne arms since the comm neneement-of the rebellion.'' Also to. strike oiut the words allowinrg the ExSecutfive to pa rdon. 31r. Em3iIu movedl to lay both the alinendanert -tl(l L4] thle s.stlfifte on the tab)le, and have them printed. The mnotion was concurred iiY. Ar. WATSON moved nto iZake tihe substitute dand the amendmllent the special order for to-morrotrw, whieh motion was also concurred ill. Mr. tWATSON moved to re-consider the vo'e making the Report c(f the Committee on the Legislative Department the special oder tor Wednesday next, in order that it mighlt be taken lip now. The motion w'as lost. On motion the Convention adijourned until 10 o'clock, A. if., tnomorrow. ---— O - TU ESDAY, March 22, s1864 Convention met at 10 o'clock, A. M. The minutes of the previous meeting i/ere read and approved, On motion of Mr. W7VING the special order of the day —-the Report of the Committee on the Qualification' of Voters and the substitnte therefor-was taken up, The substitute being under consideration Mr. WmuEB moved to amend the fifteenth line by inserting after thle word "'vote" the words " or hold office." The PRESIDENT declared the amendment out of order, as the'amenO. ment by the gentleman from Accomac (Mr. WATsoN,)) was pendingl Mr. Do0NEYs movecd to go into Comlmittee of tlhle Whole on the consideration of the REeport and the substitute, but tile motion wasnot sustained. The amendment of the gentleman friom Accomac (Mrl. WATSON,) was then taken up and considered, and rejected by a vote of ayes 4.; nays 10. The question then recurring on the adoption of the amendment of the gentleman fronm Norfoiblk (M3r. AVEIB), viz: To insert after the word " vote " in the fifteenth line the words "or liold'office," tlle same was adopted. Mr. Dow nsEY moved to amend the eighteen'h., line by inserting' after the word "'State," the words "or who vote(l f'or avowed secessi i. candidates to the Convention of 1861." The amendment -was lost by a vote of ayes 4; nays 9;' MIr. WVING moved to amend the fifteenth line by strikinig out thle words " has held " and-inserting the words " nonw holds."' The ayes and nay s being delmanded on the ameneldment they were recordedc as follows. A,/s —Yessrs. LeRPoy- G. Edwtarls, (ITresident,) Dix, MIoore, Penn, Webb, Wing-:-. alys —Messrs. Pe:-.h, Blonusl Doi'niey. (over, lienslhal'. Ilawxhinrst, Thomas, Tennis. W'oodo. VWatson —10. ,O ihe almendmi ent mat.s lost. Mr. HIJENSIAW moved to aimeni.l t1e fit,f'fleent'Iline })lv i lsertt.li t c alt. the word offie. " the v 1rd.I I' i whlo s11all have g'ive(n aiid o.r Cillfort, to rebel)e iln ar1sll;, by word, (l(ed or ac:t since the 4t f li vilr of July, 1862." The ayes an(l nays being demanded tlhey were recrid'ed a, filflows": Ayes —Messrs. Dowiney, 1)ix, C(ov6r, ITenshlw, Tl\wilrst, \\'od, \V'alson —7,:ayfs —essrs. LeRoy.G. Ed\\ard, (Pr(esident.,) Beachl 1ouS1h loore, PenIn, Tlhoinap, T'ennis, Webb, Wing- - So the amendimernt was lost. IMr. BousII moved to amend the first liIe )by striktin, oul; the wortds "'tid who has paid all taxes assessed to lhinim llder tile lawxs' of thun Commnonwealtlh after tle le-olganlization of thle cointy, eity or townv where lie offers to vote." The amendment was lost. Mr. I-IAWxAURST moved a re-consideration of the vote reiectingr tll(h amendmenti of the gentlemnin friom Accolmac, (Mr. WATSON,) in ori(lec that the ayes and nays might be recorded. The motion was suistained. As the amen(minent contained two distinct pIropositions, 3Mi1 DOWNEY called for a division, whiclh was gran11ted. The ayes and nays then being called on the first clause or proplosition, it was rejectetl by the followingi vote: Aye —.lessrs. Downey, Dix, Gover, Ilenshaw, llawxllrst, Wnod, Wn atson —-7. Nays —Messrs. LeRoy G. Edwards, (President), Beach, Blonsh,, Moore, PI'nn, Thomna;, Tennis, \ebb, \ilng-9. The ayes and nays being then called on the second clause or Proposition tley.were recorded as lollows: Ayes —M3essrs. Beach, Downey, Dix, Gover, ITenshaw-, llawxhurst, Tennis, Wood, Watsonll Nq1/s —-Messrs. LeRoy G. Edwards, (President,) Bolush, Moore, Pennl Thomals Weblb Wing —-7.. So the amiendment was adopted. Mr. BEACIH moved to adjourn, but tlhe motion wa's not sustainedl. Mr. WATsoN then moved to amend by striking out thle Iobu'th Section, which motion was lost by a vote of ayces 3; nays 7. M3r. DOW\NE:Y moved to amend thle eightcIltll line by insertingr after the word " State " t'he words. "' or any l)eison now in anis or giving aid and comfort to the enemiies of the. United States." Mr. WATSON moved to amend the amendment b1y inscitrin(, tlle word " voluntarily" after the word I" now." The amendlnent to the' amendment was. accepte(d. On motion the Convention then adjoiirne(d. W~DVED,ED.SDA, Y a~l 11 231P, Nl'43,: Conlveti.on mett at 10 oIclock, A. M. T Lle linautes of the previolas i ieeting were retal alI a) approved. Mir. BI3ACII rnoved to postpone the consideration of the Report t'l the Conmnittee on the Legislative )epa-rtument, in order that ith ReportIi o the Commnittee on the Judiciary night be ttaen uIp adtl completed..Th[l0m motion as C3oncurred iin. The seve nth sectiou of' the Report was then take,t up and adolpted, Mir. BIr molived to sYrie ou; the entire: ttir'.y -tt hiriad secion,,. — c mo ilon was8 concurred in r vot e of a y Vo 9; nug'y' 7l a On. motion of Mar. BEAcI. hhe nfth Beceion of- e AL. I pr., s re,considered, after w'hich he nmoved to aenid'he sx t- g'n J1 ht " lY,0 )by strilj. ng o t h e weords'inceased o''r atIr 4 niO wodi r di e The tmrnendmtren was adov pted; and -he oectiono as amutendaed re. adopted. Ml'r HrAWXU,:'URST subhiitted the fo.lowlr, as a, a dditional,;o to the ][}epo'rtt: EC: 3.io No te:stimony,shall b1e eclddude fiol nvtri Cc.lurd; in th.is Comminon-wea-lt orn accoun - Ot 0o 0;te color f t h.e witnesas lhe ayes and nays hbIziDg demiadfe t-1, hey wei-e oro'deI4 a follows ~ Ayt.-;-Messrs. Bea.ch, Boush, HfawtUxh11st -—. ysa —"-Messrs. TLeRoy G. Edwardo, (PresidLe-ot) Downe, Cer, lDz ov s Hensh-aw, Moote Pecnn, Thomaus, Tennis, Webb2, Wig, W ood, W'agts;,,-..3. So 0the proposition wais rejecceed.~ On mbtion of ]Dr. B.EACH tMi e.,,eport as anmedAeCF thd wvas1 then a4JnoxLSoptAe~. 0n noiontio of Mir. W'ATS the or ditace prov;,dlt i h ce applJ ica8tion of ftudis'eceive d. xro` (i te tsale of egal elat, by toe (-enert Govern'imeint under the dlr(ir1ect ia:x l tki';, tIaezv.,wp and considefredc Mir. iVTrsoN moved to a-m-end tle fo sven ie by insertii lc aSer'ihe word'' Comm i ss i oner" tihe W 1 iT:r.. J shall be J 8.ap i "'t oxf uany mon ey received fiom tie Governi nme. t u onder: any act c6< l Coiegress appropriating mouney to the use of i ir io:iS Or acc Caing to i;)l,, State from COnfiscation or per purposes Mr. BEACT offered the foltowing subxtitutne folr'te aItmn udvren:t which was accepted In the nft-seventh. lIni s.;i.te out; t.e wors, ny ro ne.0t otherwise appropriated. by the State" and. in sert, ~'the fnd hereby, inended to be a p propriated," Mr. WEBB then i.oved, to arend t he s.bstitut',e by insrer tin, the followio ng ——. Provided, fuirther, that no Comnmissioner shalll be ap-, pointed. or receive any compensation until. afier the money sbhall cone into the Treasurv of the StAte."9 Mri. AT'ATso, N moved to amend'the a.endm.en to to the substitut,; by striking out the words " be appointed or." I}.1'hTe Eanendment a lto the enItcrdlchlent was lo(ist. 1Mr1. WATrSON tlhen moved to amend othe a mendrncelt by strilkilfig ot)lt'that p,- ortion fbrbidding the appointment of Comnnissioners 1uuti the saidl funds coitna into the pooasession of the Stat,, The amenl dmewnt to the amendment was lost. The questiou then recurring on the amnendmlent to the substitute it was adoptecd. iMr. IoogE moved to amend by iunsrting at the end of the orditance the ftbA1owii g " To m ember of this Convention slhall be a Commissioner." T'io ama endment was adopted. Mr~ Bous i mov ed an indefinite postponement of the ordinance, ].~, Vt~:c mbvred the previous question, which -was sustained: Mr. Bousv~ with;drew h.is rmotioa for an indefinite postponement., irn ord:r ttlat tfhe main. quest io, n might be voted upon. The question tlhen recurring on th]e adoption or rejectio' of the ordinance, the -,ias and nays being demanded, they were recorded -as ifollows ar fessE c; oy G. Edwards, (Presildent), Downcy, Gover, Henshaw, ItaIwxhurst, Penn, Wood, Wiatson.-=8. Nays —aMessrs. Beac h,Boush Dix, lMoore, Thomas, Tennis, Webb, Wing.-~-8. So the ordinance was rejected. On mnotioe, he Convention nd rourned until 10 o'clock, A M.'., toMnorrow, TmituRSDAlY:, farch 24tll, 1 1864. ~Com tien oTi hn met at 1- o'clock,- A. M. The minutes of the previous m1eetieng' wvere r1'ad and approved. MV r. WsIJN, Chairman of tl- e Comumittee on Education, s ubmitted,a Report, whlich was laid on the table and ordered to be printed, 3/iro. V7IV - suobn1itted an ordinan e fixing the per demn of memnbers and officers of the General Assemnbly, which vwas also laid on the tahie a4ud ordered t'o be printed. Mr. ]iXooE submitted the folTowing resolution, which was laidl over a. nder the rules and[ ordered to be printed, Resolved, hat the Constititson which =;lay be adopted by this Conv ention, shall be submitted lo a vote of t.he people on the 4th Thursd-y of May next, fbr their adoption or rejeVtien, and it shall be t duty of thie Corrnmmissioners holding the Election 1o li.rououlid to ( ach voiler the question s' Do you vote for or against the adoption of' thL Conlstillutin A record of vp d':ole shall be taken tndl t eurtaed to the Secretary of' the Commonwealth at Alexandria immediately. I1 o 1WnaT caileT ulp the resolution pltrovitlln ofn tli" tIlj)(,r)inltlleit tt (,i' a C0imnilittee tao wait pupon'thle Presidelt wpt.h at Vicew to at bcui~ite utndcl'atading between the ufliitary an4 civil auLtolr'tic' ofj his t) tat. lMtr.,'VINc submitted the following resoluti.on~ Re.solved, That;a Commnittee 6f' five be appointed to prepar.e an ddress to t e Presi t at of the UnJited State' upon the suhj.ctr of Elinmncipation and Compnensationr to loyal owe rs. The resolutica-i'laid over undet r the raules, and ordered to'be par ined Ot m-otion of.I-.r. DowvNEY the Report of thi'Ctmm.an ttee on th.ne ogislative Deps, rtin etll \was v;takren uP,..7.r. VWoE3, on beihalf of' Myr. ST-'o'SE, sibm'lnitd. L ninority t Depo.tr Oln notion of Mllr. YWI'NG t.c. (_Coiventi.il agreed ~t tak"e uop anid considelo boti Repotts,, section y setion; T it oti 1on at's tn-' e(ttrred in., Th-le first an(d secoind sections of l.}i, Reeport twere then tatkLen u', arid adopted. The thirdt secioun being ndler consideratiotn, 1M4r N.3vxnuas'iroved to aiend by striking out the word 1' citizens" in t1e seco nd. tite and'i'nsertimcp the word' vote rs.'" T'-he m audm net was concurrned in1, anmd the section as amned.4 wvas then adopted~ The llburth atnd fifth,l sections of the Repcort were then adop6ted. The sixth section being runder considerat)ion L'r. Wi,( i.-ove,4 to anmend by striking out the word "w!hit;e in the fifth line. The ayes and aays being demanalde4 on the amendjient, they were recolrdeid as followsV X'At5 —-Messrs. ellRoy G. Edwards, (President,) Bousli, Dix, Moor Penn, Thomas, Termi.' Webb, Wing —9 Nays —-lMessrs. Beachl, Downey, Cover, Ienshaw, Ifawxhurst, Wood, W11atson-7.'The amendment was concurred ii, and -the section as as amendet was then adopted. Thle seventh section was the1n adopted. The eighth section being unnder considerat'ion Mr. \VAvAso n.m-ove1r to amend. the first linte by' striking ou, the word 4annually " anrid inserting the word "' biennially." The ayes and nays being demanded on the anendment they were recorded as follows Ayes- -Messrs. Dix, Gover, llenshaw, Moore, Webb, Watson-G. Nuys, —- Messrs. LeRoy G. Etdwards, (Presidelin), Bleach', Boslbt, TUowne'y tlawxhurtst, Penn, Thomas, Tennis, Wing, Wood.-.-10, So tihe almendment was lost.'3MI. WATSON thenC11 oved to aentned by insertingr after the word iannually" in the firAt line the wolids,'during thce present rebelJiti,). The aynes and nays.be-ing demanded on the amendl ent'they weets recorded as follows~: AXe -', essrs. Dix, Henshaw, Msoore, Thomas,,Webb,- Watson-6. 2ys-Mkessrs. LeRoy G. Edwards, (President,) Be1ach, Boush, Downey, Gover, Iawxhurst, Penn, TenisL Aling iro Wod-10. So the ameidittent was lost, and the eighh section then adopted as original]y reported, On mdtion the Convention then took a recess until 3 o'clock, P. M. AFTERNxOO SEasreo. —The Convention convened at 3 o'clock and resumsed the cunsiLderation of the'Report on the Legislative DepartAnent. The NPmrs~I;DTx announced the following special Committee to prepure a ses Cdule fbr the Censtitution, viz: X-essrs. Dowrney, Beach,'Webb, Wing and Penn. The ninth, tenth ana eleventh sections of the Eteport were then considered. and aopted. Mr. IAT.-3% mnoved the adoption of the thirteenth section of the''Ltnoriy report in place of thre twelfth. section of the rmaiority re, t6. neThe - motion was concurred in, and the th:irteenth section adopted The fourteent1h seefion of the majority rep6rt was then ladopted. M'. 7iv EBS moved to amnend the second line of the si xteentr secdion of the mlinsor-iy report by inserting thke words " except in' ases of rebellion or invasion " after the iord "- su.spenLded." The ammendnment w7atIs Ios t. ~M r. tV h ithien m o ved t he adoption of the si xteenth sectio n of the minor'ity report. The ayes and nays being demanded they were recorded as ollows ~.Ayes.-MTesrsrs. LeRoy G. Ed. wards, (President,) Beach, Boush, Dix, Moore, Thomas, Tennis, Webb, Wing, Wood-10 Xaoys —Mcsurs. Downey, Gover, Hl-enshaw, Hawx xhut st, enn, Watson —C. So the sixteenth section of the minority report was adopted. The seventh section of' the minority report was then adopted by a a vote of ayes 9; nays 7 The eighteenth and nineteenth, sections of the majority repoit were then adopted. On motion of Mr. WV.ING the twenty-first section of tlie mninolity relort was then adopted as the twentieth section of the majority report. The twenty-first section of the majority report being under considerationD, M.r. \WING moved to strike out all after the word "issue in the fiftih line of the samne. The ameniadment was concurred in, and the section then aedopted as ameuded. The th wnty-second section of the majori'ty re port was tel1et adotIutd. The twenty-sevenfth section of the old Constitution was theft adopted as the twenty-third section of the rmajority report; The twenty-fourth section of the majority relport was then adopted. Pending the consideration of the twenty-fifth. section the Convenltion adjouined until 11 o'clock, A. M>., to-morrow. FPr-IDAY, larch 25, 1864. Convention met at 11 o'clock, A. IM.. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, Mir. BEACI submitted the.a following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the pay of the Janitor be increased so as to be equal to that of the DoorKeeper, to date from the commencement of the session. Mr. IBousnS called up the report previously subimitted by the gentlreman front Norfolk, (Mr. WING%) relative to funds arising from the sale of lands and other property granted or entrusted to the State for educational and religious purposes, and moved the printing of the same. The motion was concurred in. {Mr. WING asked leave to have his name recorded in the affirmative on the adoption of tle emnancipation provision of the Consttultion. The request was granted, and his nanme so recaordedOn motion of rMr. WEBB, the consideration of the twentvyfiltl section of the Report of the Committee on the Legislativp Department was resumed. Mr. DOWNEY moved to amend the first line by striking out the words 1" are hereby made a commission/" and inserting —-' It shall be the cuty of the Governor to appoint th-ec Ceommnissioneers." Also; to strike out in the fifth and sixth lines the words, "C the Governor shall have power to fill any vaca ncies that may occur'. The ayes a'nd nays being demranded on the amendment they wver r.ecorded as follows: Ayes —Iessrs. Beach, Downey, Gover, Henshawr, Ilawxharst, Watson-6. Nays —-Messrs. LeRoy G. Edwardsi (President), Boush, Dix, Moore, Penn, Thomas, Tennis, Wbb, Wing, Wood-10..So the amendment was rejected. 1Mlr. WING moved to striLke out the t-wventiy-fifth section; iMr. Bousu moved the previous question. The ayes and nays being demacndcled on the previous question they were recorded as follows~ Alyes-Messrs. LeRoy G. Edvwards, (President,) Boush, Dix, Gover, Henshay` Moore, Tennis, Webb, Wing, Wood —-l0. Xfaiys —-Messrs. Beach, Downey, Iawlxhurst, Penn, Thomas, Watson -— G. So the prevtiOus question was sustained. The( oTest ori tien cti;iag (f-ln thle lainl (JIC-i{-n,'to Strike out tw1o t filcnye-tIth section, the ayes t.and nays being demande, tilley wcro record d as b.ollow ~?Ayis-x?',ssi r (. Ely. ET dw.iails, (Prcsildent,) Beach,'Bouih, Dix, Gover), Ileshw,\ I'w0m., PePn1, Thozrvn' Tca xni% Wehb, Win.7, Wood-13.. t MrEcfs —esrs. 1Downey, Hawxlhurst, Watson —3. So tri tuwn:7t-fift, h' section was-s ricken olut. The t w:ty' —~; ix';h twventy-se.venth, twenty-eighth, -twenty-ni"H','and thirthith sectit ons were then adopted. lVIr, Wia-s mIoved to strike out the thirty'ffi rst section, but witlhdr-cew to:l,:,<;o;1Aon., anlid the section was adopted. The thfr'yson.; Lsec:ation was then adop'ted. iY.....N.. v.la.ed to().ike out th ae thirty-thlir section, which. motioD3n wa3s concu.rrifed in, The t'hirty- fouirtfh sc4tinn being 1Tnder considerlation:, Mr. Wi.cN moveL o amend the forth l by i ine after tle';. wcord el c-'tin. s i L',: wVordis "' by thle G snefial Assembly'' T'he -amendmen4; sas co, CJrred in ~n(l the section as amendel'adopted as the t!nirtyhijrid sectton of' thiee oorto EL._ tb' BenS offi Ore( d the folleowing as the tw enty-fifth section (f thle R3po: w-lic' wIas aid on th table anad ordered to be printedL:-'s 25. (Gix &n.nalu Asse-ibly sha.l pr ovide by aw I or amste ng wIt' th t RSttJe of' sA -.t i/jrglni he prh oportion of the publi3c debt of' micvr.':i'io,) proper tiioo bt one by thaw Sttite of Virginia an(d of c /1 ~est r espectively; and auth-otize, in conjunction witht the State (f'?{est i i'riniv,, tlce sale of'all Stocks and other interests Iheld bay thele Is at e 0of Vr ginia in Bank s, work s of Internal Improvement and ot- itr Coana'ie s at the timme of' the fbormtina tion of the State oG m s; v/u Xl'ii: It shaxl not p'rovidefir o tP payment of laly cldebt or obligation;re.mated in the niame of the State of Virginia i)y thlle Izusurped and( prete nded State aauthorities at Richmond. And it shall not allow any county, city or corporation to levy or collect any tax for the payment of any debt cr'eated for thpe parose of aiding ray rebelliou against the State or the'United States. M{r. DOWNEY mloved a;, reconsideration of the eighth section. The motion being conc-ired in, lhe moved to amend the fifth line by strikl ing( out the word' ninety'' ant inserting the word'6 sixty." The amendment was concurred in, and the section as auended r(adopted. Mr. B FIAcHi moved a reconsideration of the first section. The motion being concurred in, he moved to amend by striking out all. after the word "D IDelegates' in the third line. Tihe amendment. was co ncur,rel in, and the section as amendled rche-arieottcd. (On mlotion the C. nvention took a recess until thtee o'cl.O;-, AFTERNOON SESSION.- The Convention re-assembled at 3 o'csock.~ M3r. WErB m1oved a reconasideration of the ffth Section uof the leporti of the Committee on the Legislative Department. TheJ m oton beinr concurred in he moved to amend the eighth, line by striking out the word "6 fiv",'and inserting the word "Wter.4" The amendment was concurred in, and the Section as amended re-adopted., ir. WING called'up the resolution of the gentleman from oirfolk (Mr. WEBB,) providing for the appointment of a Special Com-nittee of five to wait upon the President of the United States, with & vi5ew to a better understanding between the military and civil authorities of the State, and imoved their adoption. The resolutions were debated at some length by Messos. Wing, Webb, Bonslh and Thomas it the affirmative, and lessrs. Watson, Downey, H-awxhurst and Beach in the negative, Mr. WATSON moved to adjourn, but the motion was lost. The question then recurring on the adoption or rejection of the resolutions, they were lost by a vote of ayes 5; nays 11. On motion the Convention adjourned until 1r o'clock, A. M.~ tomrorrow. — 0 —SATURDAY, g Larch 2~th, 18$4. COonventioni met at ii o'clock, Ao. E. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Bousni moved to take up the substitute for the Report of the Caommittee on Education. The maotion was concurred in. The subject being under consideration, Mr, BousI moved to strike out the sixth Section and insert the following: SEC. 5.-And it is hereby provided that the salary of such Superintendent so appointed or elected, shlall be paid out of monies arising frioml donations to the State for educational purposes. The amendment was adopted. Mr. l[oonE moved to amend the eighth line by inserting the word c white" before the word "youth." The ayes and nays being demanded on the amendment, they were recorded as follow s: Ayes —Messrs. LeRoy G. Edwards, (President,) Dix, Govcr, Moore,' Penlln, Thom Tenns, Wood, Wttson —9. YVays —lfessrs. Beach, Boush, DoWney, Henshtaw I awxhurst," Web'-6. So the amendiment was adopted.: It'. MoouRE moved d t dthe sixteent linu'hby strikingl olIt t1he weords "' absolu tely hf'ee." The aamendmineatl; withdrawn, wher1reupon r.: 0ou imo e5 moV a ndc'a;,r i t postpon nn ent of' t e wNho.ie qtues tio, T hemotion ws susta ined by a vote of eyes 10; nays 4.:M- DowvN,~ then moved to take up the resolautions previously. offered by him on the sfiuject of education, and offered them s as a substitutoe for the t1 eLpoil of tble Cornnaittee on Education. On nmot;on of IfMr. Ve rns thse lfrtiler consideration of the subject vwas po8tponed unte i i,. {otday next, and.c is. de thc special ord1er for that day.'r. HEn'iS-:AW submtted. an a' menOment to thle s4bstitute for the Report of the Commr tee on the Quaiication of Voters, wlich Nwas. laid on the tabie and ordered to be printed.e and'.lmade the special order of Tuegs&ay next. On m ot'on the Conventlioln adjourned until Mlonday next, at 10 o'clociko, A. TO... VLONDAY 9'i 28 1864.,COnveention met at 10 o'cloclk. AL.. The P.ESIDENT beineg' detained at his room by in(Jisposition, Mi'r. IA{wXHUT.ST Was elected President pro. tercvcore. The rinutes of them previous meet ing wert-e read and capproved. Nir. DGaw7.Y called up the ibueort of t fhe Conmmittee on stducation, and submitued the iolloowing substitlute flr the same' $Sco L. —That tihe Legislature sball, as soon as conviently may be, provide by law,'for a general systerm Of juCc'1ion throughout the State, in suich a manner that the poor nmay be taught gi'ratis. S 2e. 2. —-That the arts and 1ciences shall be prom1oted in one' or more se ainaries or colleges of learning. o14r. DowvEY moved to amend by striking out all after the word " State" in the third line of the first section. The amendmont was concurrerd in. Mlr. MloonV moved io amendc the second line of' the Sfrst section by inserting the words':for white persons" after thle word " education.' The amendment was concu reod in by a vote of ayes 8; nays 6. Mr. GovFm moved to amend the third line of the first section byinserting after -the word 6' Statoe" the words, "so that -the youth of the State may be taug:ht gratis." The Syes and nays being demanded they were r1cord'd as foll1Ows Ayes —Mess r. Downey, Gover, Henshaw, HawxhIurst, Penn, Webb. —-G..Nays —Messrs. Beach, Boush, Dix, Moore, Thomas, Wing, Wood, Watsoi, —-8.. S) thle amtondl entll was I"ost. The question recurring on the adloption or rejection of' the,iblm -stitlite, thie ayes and nays being demanded, they were recordod aws fbllows:. Ayesa-Messrs. Downey, tI nshawt, Penn —3. a.ls —Messrs. Beach, Boush, Dix, Gover, Iiawxburst, Moore, Thomas, Webb, Wing, Wood, Watsa —-l. So the suabstitate was rejected. The qatedion then recturrin on fh1e adoption or rejection of the Reporth of tile Coi-nm on Education, e ay4es a a n ays being detqepor o'i' t1he Commltd.ce on E:luca~to n1 tb1 a~e@ ttd rls~s3 beinr leannadedl, they werie recorded as follo;ws At.les, 4tlesrs. Beach, Dix,,foore; Thomas, Webb, Wini,; -Wood,Wa.son. —8..3tays-*-Mess. Bs- ttsh, Eowney CGover, ]-iensh:w, Hn1a. xhnrst, Penn. —6. So thee tleport was adopted. Mr. Ti;x cnledie uip the ordi nance fixing'lte per ierm of melmbrs:a1d officers of the General 1 Assembly. M ~r. DoW;iEr' moved to amend by adding the followin, as -an adtditionai section of the ordinanc "The President of the Senrate and t;he Speak er oQf the Hunse of DelegOaBtes shall each'receive the suen of ei1 ht dol(,rs per day.".Fhe aRendxmeRnt was accep;ed, and the ordinance then -adopted., On'motion of Mre WTrn, the R epor-t of' the Comumittee on the -Iegislttive De,S-rntmxen.t was taken up, and the twe. nty-fifth section. cote nsid ered. The sulCX7ject- Was debated- at soime length by ideessrs. BEACIHI anCT. WtVI c ia t1he affir mative, and a l?essrs. HAW XfTrIIRST anld DO)NEr in the:a eatite. Mr. IAw rxInsTs moved the appointment of a special committee of:thrloe2 to WaonI the section shlould be referred'. T.ile motion Was lost. Mi1r. eWATSO.N then moved to amend the section by inserting after ~the -words West Vi rginia"; at th1e end of the first paragraph, the i'ollowing: "And no ordinance passed by the Convehtion which assembled. at W~heeling onthe 11th day- of June, 1861, adjusting the!, public debt between Virgihia and WVest Virgi.nia shall be binding apon this,State," The ainendment was'acepted, 3Mr.'I3RACu then mnoved to.amend by ihisertin'g after the words " sarle of" in the fifth line, the words, "all lands and property of every.description mincladding; and after the wordl interests" in the sixth line, the words I6 owned- and,"'Phe amendments were adopted-. 3i1. I)OWNEY mnIoved to amendr by inselrting thle fo,1lwitlg: "The Legislature shall not provide for the payN imenat of' any bornds now held by rebels in arms against the State or United States." The ayes and nays being demlanded, thley were recorded as follows A yes. —Iessrs. Beach, Downey, Dix, Govcr, Iellshaw, Hawxhurst, ~Wood, Watson - 8 p y? —l3Iessrs. Boush, Aloore, Fenn, Stone, Thomas, Webb, Wing-7.,So the. amwendment was' adopted.'ie question thlen recurring v on the adoption or rejection of thle section as amnended, the ayes and nays being'emanded, they were recorded as oillows: 41/yes-MJessrs. Beach, Boust, Downey,.Pix,. Gover, IJenthaw, IIay.xhlirs.t, Pinn, Stonler Th'lons, Webb, Wing, Wood, Watson —]4. NVayt-T;r. oc re. So the section was adopted. The question then reclurring on the adoption or rejection of tlhe Report as amended, it was adopted. On motion the Convention took a recess until 3 o'clock. — 0 — AFTERNoo N SESSION.-Convention met at 3 o'locdk. 3Mr. VWATSON called up the original ordinance introduc, d by hilni relative to the application of fulids derived from the sale of lands under the direct tax law. Mir. MOORE objected o the further considerationt of the ord in nce, as it hacd once been decided. The PRESIDENT stated that. a substitute for thle ordinance had been considered and lost, and that the ordinance itself wtasnow.in ordel'. ~Ar. MiOORE appealed from the decision of the PlzESIDENaT, and the appeal vwas sustained by the Convention. MIr. WATSOiN then submitted the ordinance as san original proposition, and desired the ayes and nays taken upon it withoiat discussion. i/r. WiTNG submitted the folloiwing as an additional section: SEC. 4.-The General Assembly shall take no steps towards settlinr clains dute to loyal men for the loss of slaves or other property' until the whole State shall have beel recovered frion thie insurgentls tand the amount ase rtained which shall be due to them for such losses, The amendment was accepted. Mr. Wxa Gmoved to strike out in the ninth line the words''at its first session," and in the tenth line the word " tiereafter.'" The amem ament was concurre(l in. WBE1. WBII moved to laytt cl thie thtable and print, but the ilotio1n was not suststained. 40 Irt. \I.V o itlovedl to st l;ike n:ult the' (,w' tl wo (. w ei I(,e I}avue,vc.l acttive proof' of' thleir lo)yalty to t'le ('overli)ent of t he l~tJnite/, States." TI e oinLtion wT as;; concurrCed inl y vote of' ve'es 0 o Mr. i?:'Eni lilWo'Cl tO strik'e out thli twvcily-scon(d, tw.cnt1vi — -ii1'd n ud twcni-tv -iurt ie lines. hc y.s'd nnays ig dema ded tey we;e recordcd,s1 lCrIOWC Ayes —lessrs. iBeain.Bolsh, Moore, Tennis, W,'ebb., Wood —;.:q/ys:lesss'. 1Downley, ix, (Dix -oC' lcnshlt, W itawxhulrst 1'nlu, Stone, Tho;nas, Wing, Wo a 1 tso;- 0. to thte m otion to str'ikoe out vavs 1ost. Th'ie qluest:ona t-hen reeurring oan ttue a6doptioin or rI'jCetion Of t11o ordinance the ayes gild nays 1ei kld ctIeatided, tiley rwerte reclrcded ~:s foli.ow0s A/-1es —-cssrs. Downey, o ix,.' ovcr, I JlnsE aw,' wlawxhurst, Penn, Siol)e, Thomuas: WI:,g,'\\ ooi, WViattsonll -1 1..,~/,ts-l —Ic ss a.chl, Ic th, 3ui\sh ~Moo(re, Tolnis-.-4. ho) the ordinance was tadop.tied. ()1. inotion thle Convenation then a'djour.ned unaitil 10 o'clock, A.'., to.-1101' I'0Wo. — 0 —" TU'E8DAY, Ca [rh I 29thl, 18c,4... (Coinvention lt at. 0 o'clock, A. M. Ti h 1 i te. s o.' dt1ihe previous T neeting were reat an. ap prroyld. M:r.:TTN:- sul ibtlited. the following riesolustio n, which wvai adS op`6ed: IPSoe,'ivcd)'lTiht tie eresolution passed on the twenty-first instant, directeing the President to:t,joluril this Conventinona ole die on thl ttwlen3y-tinith instant, is hereby recinded. li4r. AT'\-\ r subhl-mitled the Report of the Committee a,)pointad toi,orm a schedule for the Constitution, which was laid oun the t,-ablo and orderdd -to'be printed. M1r,.'i:.oo called p tlle resolutionl providing for submitting the C,onlstitution to a vote of the people for their ratification or rejection, and moved its reference to the Committee on the Schedule. The e otiolln was concurtred in. iMr. BE;,cuI moved a re-consideration of the vote ordering tlhe printing of thLe RIeport of the Schedule Cominmlittee. The motion beingr sustainedl, he then moved the recolmmitll lelnt of the Report. Thie motion was concurred in, and the Report re-committed. Tlhe am endmnen t to tle substitute for the iReport of the Comlimkittee on the Qualific ation of Voters being the special order'of the cay, the smec wans taken lup anil considered at great len'th,1. The amelinluent was tempora-rily withdrawnvl by thle gentlellmall ifrom Loudoun (TIr. HI.-NsrAWY), wlhCI)ereuponI 41 rit. 1.~c(n submlllitted tlhe followiug inelndment to the substituteo After tile word' people," in the beginning of the ninth line, Al'tike 1out calt downl to tile word'" pardon" inclusive, in the nineteenth line, and in lieu tl:ereof insert t'lie following IP.rov.ide.td, ltoweue', thliat no one shalll be allowed to vote, wvo, AVwien lhC offers to vote, it' hiJS rI'llIt be challenoged f[or al]ege.d s-.'!y-1 tyt, shall not thercuIon takc, or slhall not beto', e have ta)l oln, thel iwiin[r~oath: Oath I do solemnly s\we'ar (or a fiirint) that' will supplort the Constit.u; tion otf the Tniec Stictes a d. the lavs made int puris.'anoe thlerTof; as tile supreme la oC the nd d nytolhi rl tIhe Ce.onstit.tion,and LI-v, of tihe Stiatn of i ln ot e oh neinances ,Y Alpril S;ti-, 186;4. 0jnveoitlun noil'lt at 10 o' clck: A. iM. T!e mine it's o[ the previous llmeeting weie rt 1(iad iandt aiplroved.,_he'prevu is (uestion!havin) b)eei am,'d ald sustained at the irevious meeti;a on the'ord1 nance providin g ) fthr tlhe submission of' t-'he Consltit'ttion 1to a vote of ti:he pleople, tlbe saluon was taken up as tl]e firsit' business in or(el-. MIdr. lOUSi rinovedl a IoeCt)oisidl tit~ dtl t'hl ll'vtiOllS (itlestiOl, wh-ichl tmo l VtionLs a lstrtinre by a Vote i(t (es 8; nays 5. Thel- ordinance then beinc under con, lsi!elratiion, it was d iselsJed by iM3essrs. Beach, Hw-vxl1lrst and Boush in the affihr mative, antd 5Messrs, aing, Penn and Edw4'ards in the negati ve. Mfr. BEACIll sulbniittced the following' C1unctUd nt, tO., be insert'el at tie endc of' th]e second sectioni "The ComoniLisu,1 iers and ( cOlductilg voficel s 1` hall be duly authorized to acdinister to each otherl and to voteils all oaths andl affir'iationts made necessary at the taking of the 1)oll hereby provided fora which micght be administered lby Justices of the Peace, atnd also to certify the sanme." The amendmenent was adopted, Th'e question then eeurring on the adoption ll irejection of the ordinance, the ayes and nays being demanded, they were recorded as follows" Ayes —cessrs. Beacl, Boush~, Eowney, Gover, HIawxhurst-5. Aivjs-Iessrs. LeRoy G. Edwards, (President) Henshaw, Penn, Stone, Tlhomas, Tennis Vebb, WVinf, Wood —h.9 So the ordinance xwas lost. Ir. HElsTAIHw called up the resolution previously sibmitted by him, viz Receolved, That the Constitution adopttd by ithis Convention shall talke effect and remalt in full forc,, from andi after the adjournment of this Convention. Mr. DOWNEY moveCl to amend -the second line by strlking out the wordcl remain" andi substituting the worcl d be." The amendment was accepted, and the resolution as amended, tthen adot. ed. 0 On motion the Constitution was then signed. Mr. DOWNEY submitted the dIbllowing resolution, which was, adopted: Resolved, Thatthe sumn ot' one hundre(d dollars be, and hlie same is ihereb}y applropriatetd te President of this Convention as extra compensati(.n. Mr. DOWNEY also submitte(d the fbllowing resolution, which was atdopted: ResolLed, That th, sum of twenty dolltars is htreby appropriated to pay for the engrossment of the Constitution on pa;t'lclrelt,:trid the Auditor of Public Accounts is directed to pay the stme on the certificate of the Secretary of the Convention. Mr. HIAwx. IUsRST called up the ordirnanbe previously submitted by him, providing for the remission of taxes in certain cases. Mr. HAVWXIHURST;ubmitted( theo.ollowino amendment to the twenty-third line:'Which shall be given to the S1heriff in lieu of the taxes relkased, and shall be his voucher to the State officers." The amendment was adopted. The question then recurring on the adoption or rejection of' the ordinance, the ayes and nays being demanded. they were recoirde as, follows: Ayes —-Messrs. LeRoy (G. EI';iwarls, ( Presi(ltlt), Beac:h Boulh, Downe.y, (Govr, lr hlnsaw, Iavwxhurst, Penn, Win 9. _eys- MIesrs. Stone, Th(,Inas, TenlliS, \WebbV WeC,( —-. So the ordinance was adopte 1. IMr.'WEBB submitte(l the following resolution' ReCsolced(, That no county not fully organizeld, with all the colnty otiiers, so th.il taxes aln be collected and paid into tile Trtaslnr?, shal; e entitll to re,'resentation in the Ge(ner! A;sembly of Virginia.'r1. BEACIIu movel tlhe inlefilite po.stltponement of the resolution. The motion was concIrred in. Mir'. WVEBB subMitteOd theI followin 1esoll tion, whic1 was unanirtoously adopted' Kcsolced, That the thlanks of this Convetion llare hereby terdered to Juldge John C. U1nderwood, United States Districft.fldcrpe, for generously:lowiin. s:aid Convention the use of 117is On motion tlhe (2Convention;rdijourned until 10 o'clock, A. )M., r t MIonday next. IMONDAY. April 11th, 186I4. Cbnvention set, at Ito o'clock, A. -3. The minutes of the previous imeeting were read and approved. Mr. WEBB submitted the following resolution, which was adopted Resolved, That the ordinances passed1 b this Convention be printed with the Constit:tion. ir. WING submitted tlhe thllow0 ing. resolution, which wa.s also adoited 51 Rsoived, That this Convention believt a Homesncead E xemption to the amount of not less'than one thousand dollars is dcesirable, and would serve to protect the unfortunate against the undue influence of.capitai. We, therefore, urge upon the General Assembly the passage of an act to securp to the people this boon. I r. WING also.subrmitted the following resolutions: Resolved, That, in the opinion of the membbrs of this Convention, ABnIAtAM LNC(O,N is the unanimous choice of. the loyal voters of' Virginia tUr the next Presidency. Resolved, That we have profound confidence in the patriotismn, ability and great financial talents of 6ecreiary Chase, anld believe his. withdraiwal fromn his present position would be oa national calamity. The resolutions were unanimously adopted.,Mr. BousH submnitted the f;llowing resolutions, which were put by tile Secretary, and unanimously adopted by a rising vote:..Ilesolved That the thllanks of this Conventio.l are due, an( are hereby tendlered, to Honu. ILsRoY G. IEDWARlDS for tlle;tle and imparltial manner in wlhich he has' discharged the duties of' President of thlis CoJlventionl. Ilis slifl'll kindness and courtes! wvill long endear ),inr to -,s all. Resolved, That we also tender our thanks to the other officers of this bo(ly for their faithful performance of the.various duties assigned them. The PRESIDENT responded to the above resolutions as bfollpw: (7ENTLEThEN OF THE CONVENTION: I retcurn you my grateful ackntowledgement for the confidence and support which you have given 1ie? during my whole occupancy of this chair. Ycu placecd me lhere eontrary to, myli ewxpectation, and hIave sustained me, by yourl continltedl respl.ect and ready acquiescence, in all my decisions adt rule, anld -tlle kind words cinb.lcied in your resoluitio,l just arlot)ted( are to ine, I assure yout, " i oars rof great 1pricc." I came to tl is Convention witlh very hluml ble aspirations, but w:ithlt a si'icere delsire to do somethino' toward(s irestorinog to ouIr (listreesse l adcl ruine I people a civil govern anent utnder which they lmiflght be free from t-oppression ndrl wrong. My days oil political ambit;ion are ~passed, if I ever knew su;ch; bt t h-iLhaveo',rieved to see devastatiot, and wretchedness taround' me, andl wept to w\itness the want anid lu — 1niliation which our once free and happly peot)le have been compelled to bear. If all tlhese could. lave fallen on1 the guilty only I would -not coimplain, altlhough mly. sympathies imight hIave been pained; blut the innocent alnd helpless st1ffer, as must always be the case in a war like the present, and hIow to relieve their distress, )or at lea.st to arneliorate their condition, is the oreat desider(atum with me, as I believe it is witli every one of you. I was bor'n and reared in the Xlorthern Neck )t' Virgillia all(IImong thlose wvhlio hlad nl ):C1 the immetliat associates oi' W aIshing ton, and helpcet to raise the milghty fabric of' government which has gi-vel) 1efuge and p)rotectioti to so many of the otl)ressed of the earthl. I p)assed througlh vhat was called our secondl war of independlencc;tts at lad with a cockade in my hat, brllningt antd desiring above all things to be a soldier, and contri0bute to that glory wlich our runited countrymllen were then achieving( in almost every battle on land and water, and I entered on the dluties of manhood at the p)eriodl vwlti, otr Colluntry ivwas most, prosperous lland olr grovernlnut1. most ptllro' 5 2 Cian it be wondered, then, that I am strotrlolv attatched to thle Uni0on' as it was, and as I hoe it may again be? Yes siris. a hope lingers that we shall yet lhave that Union restored, and that we may bt able to leave *to our children what our fathers left us as a legacy-the best government on this earth. Let us believe and fieel that we are passing through an ordeal as did they, whic-h, althoulgh severe, will yet bring out this nation as refined gold, and that we shall he again the wonder and admiration.. of ali other nations o' thle world. G-entlermen, I hope you will not believe it flattery when I tell yott that, if we may judge from the uninterrupted hanuony which has characterised -vour whole session, a better bodx of men of' the same. number never lbefore sat in political council; and i anm, satisfied that n(, Convention. ever befbre assembled in Virginia wn aer e so nuch important matter has been discussed and duly considered in so short a time..You seemed. to have but one heart and lone mind in the work befoie you, and that was to do the best you couild possibly under the existing circumstances for the relief of our sufferinc people. Time alone can determine the wisdowm or folly of your acts, and', if. I cormplain at all, it is that you mav have acted too hastily. These areC uncommon and difficult times, and require great deliberation in all we do. I met nearly all of you here as strangers, bu~t we are strangers no longer. There is not a sin'gle individual among you whom I do not now cherish as a friend. In retiring to mny beloved horne, I shall carry with ame the pleasing relnemberance of this hall, with you all around ime, members and officers, including our, little page. No-t one unpleasant recollection connected with any of you. not. an inkind word or look directed to me at any time, but all the respect and deference which a father mir-ght expect from his children, have you continually'shown me. This will be a green spot in my memory —-an oasis in the desert of troubles through which I am plodding wearily, and at times almost hopelessly of getting safely through. ~I'any of us, perhaps, will never meet again, but let us pledge ourselves here to-day to continue in the good cause which has brought us together as long as -we can have hlope of suecess. ]Farew-ell, and may each of you be alway-s mlost prosperous and happy. At the close of the President's remarks, the work of the Co ven-, tion having been completed, on motion of Mr. WrING, the Conventionr ad(journed sine die.